Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00028428/00015
Material Information
- Title:
- Panama Canal Organizational Directories
- Creator:
- Panama Canal Commission
- Donor:
- Panzer, Pat
- Language:
- English
- Measurements:
- 16 x 22 inches
- Genre:
- federal government publication ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- Panama -- Panama Canal Zone
- Abstract:
- This set of organizational directories covers the years from 1975-1998 and lists names and phone numbers of various employees in administrative departments.
- General Note:
- 52 pages
- General Note:
- This gift was made in memory of Bob Panzer.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- Panama Canal Museum Collection at the University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not protected by copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.
Aggregation Information
- PCM:
- Panama and the Canal
- IUF:
- University of Florida
- Documents of the Panama Canal
- Panama Canal Museum Inventory
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February 1981
Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights
D. P. McAULIFFE, Administrator (AD)......................................
Mrs. Ella C. Gerchow, Secretary ....................................
FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA) .......................
Mrs. Maria Luisa L. Charles, Secretary ...............................
3169 3100
3103 7914
WILLIAM L. DE LA MATER, Director of Protocol/Aide to the Administrator/
Residents' Advisory Program Staff Officer, Room 227, (ADPA) ..................7870
Mrs. Barbara Scott, Protocol Assistant ...................3536
Gilbert Sollas, Assistant RAPSO-Atlantic Area, Building 206, Gatun ............ 43-5430
OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION Rooms 205-207, Administration Building
JOSEPH J. WOOD, Director (AE)...........................................
Mrs. Eileen S. Boyd, Secretary .....................................
3519 3519
JAMES E. FERRARA, Deputy Director/Chief, Policy and Staff Coordination .......... 7601
Secretary ...................................................... 7601
CLARENCE C. PAYNE, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator/
Assistant Director, Staff Coordination (AA).................................
Assistant Director, Policy and Board Coordination ............................. 3305
Secretary ...................................................... 3305
Suite 312, Penn. Bldg., 425 13th St. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
MICHAEL RHODE, Jr., Secretary, Panama Canal Commission (WO) ........ 202-628-6411 Mrs. Hazel M Murdock, Asst. to the Secretary . 202-628-6411
Room 305, Administration Building
G. G. BOUCHE, Ombudsman (OM) ................. 7474
Mrs. E. Patricia Benny, Secretary ................ 7474
Dr. Lilia Sibauste, Associate Ombudsman ............ 7563
Atlantic Area Offices (1st and 3rd Thurs. of each month)
Mornings ............................... 43-5447
Afternoons.............................. 46-7374
Administrator's Information Center ............... 3412
OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING Rooms 230-233, Administration Building
R. P. LAVERTY, Director/U.S. Representative
to Coordinating Committee (EP).................. 3588
Mrs. Thelma L. Conover, Secretary ................. 3588
Gary P. Dunsmoor, Deputy Director................. 3561
William S. Hinkle, Asst. to Director ................. 3571
Rooms 324-332
Donald G. Schmidt, Chief, Program Development Div. (EPPD) .... ........................7961
Enrique Mirquez, Capital Program Coord..............3340
Mrs. Gladys Dominguez, Admin. Officer....... ...... 3108
David C. Baerg, Environ./Energy Control Officer........ 7806 Richard A. Wainio, Economist ..................... 3370
Room 208
Charles A. McArthur, Chief, Treaty Affairs Div. (EPTA) .... 7666 John B. Morton, Treaty Affairs Specialist.............. 7666
Robert H. Emerick, Treaty Affairs Specialist............ 7666
Donald D. Haught, Treaty Affairs Specialist ........... 7666
District Court Building, Ancon
Room 35
George H. Urban, Chief, Management Div. (EPMD) ...... 3586 Richard B. Home, Chief, Industrial Engineering Br ........3463 Carlos L. Linares, Chief, Management Analysis Br ........ 7742 Building 6531, Corozal
Guillermo Van Hoorde, Jr., Chief, Canal Improvements
Div. (EPCI)................................ 7897
Gustavo De La Guardia, Senior industrial Engineer ...... 7508 Staff........................ .... ............. 7508
Room 338, Administration Building
DWIGHT A. McKABNEY, General Counsel (GC) ......... 7511
Mrs. Patricia Salterio, Secretary ................. 7511
John L. Haines, Deputy Gen. Counsel ............... 7511
Asst. Gen. Counsel.............................. 7511
Attorneys..................................... 7511
District Court Building, Ancon
Room 331
Attorneys.............. .............7480/7494
Room 204, Administration Building
PAUL A. SIMONEAU, Industrial Relations Officer (IR) ... 3109
Mrs. Elsa Ramirez, Secretary ..................... 3109
William R. Bell, Labor-Management Relations Specialist.... 3109 Edsel A. Wong, Chief, Adverse Actions, Room 11,
Bldg. 0610, Ancon (Former Civil Affairs Bldg.) ..... 3224
Room 103, Administration Building
VICTOR G. CANEL, Information Officer (10) .......... 3165
Mrs. Diane M. Morris, Secretary ................. 3165
Willie K. Friar, Asst. Information Officer............... 3369
Vicki M. Boatwright, Spillway Editor ................. 3202
Mrs. Flor D. de Aguilar, Admin. Officer ............... 3521
Administration Building
K. E. GOLDSBERRY, Chief, Room 254 (AM) .......... 7757
Mrs. Margarita Preciado, Administrative
Officer (AMXA)........ ..... ..... ..... .. 7991
Mrs. Eleanor L. Gale, Budget Officer (AMXB)........... 3178
T. C. Duty, Asst. Division Chief/Chief, Staff and Admin.
Support Branch, Room 254 (AMSA) .............7995
Official Translator, Rm. 14-A (AMST) ................. 3488
Employee and Cargo Documentation Section
Bldg. 5140, Diablo (AMSE) ...................... 3238
Employee Documentation Unit, Pac., Bldg. 5140, Diablo.. 7573 Employee Documentation Unit, Atl., Bldg. 8040, Marg. . 46-7213 Cargo Documentation Unit, Pac., Bldg. 5140, Diablo ..... 3111 Cargo Documentation Unit, AtI., Bldg. 1105, Cristobal .. 46-7638 Vital Statistics Unit, Bldg. 5140, Diablo ............... 7854
Cleveland G. Soper, Chief, Graphic Branch (AMGF) ..... 3217 Pandora G. Aleman, Chief, Records Management
Branch, Room. 14-B (AMRM)..................... 7767
Records Mgt. Staff.............................. 7642
Records Mgt. Staff (Files and Publications Mgt.)
42-D, Diablo.................................. 3482
FOIA/Privacy Act Staff............................ 7520
Historian, Room 15A (AMRH)....................... 7676
Current Records Section (AMRS) .................... 3118
Agency Records Center, 42-D, Diablo (AMRC) .......... 3575
Microfilm Unit, 42-D, Diablo ....................... 7796
Mail Section, Rm.143 ............................. 7681
Official Cable/Telecopier Service.................... 7429
Postal Assistance Unit, Bldg. 446, Albrook..... 86-6251/6253 Atlantic Mail and Postal Assistance Unit,
Bldg. 8040, Margarita ................. 46-7208/7209
Frank R. Turman, Chief, Transportation Branch,
Bldg. 5140, Diablo (AMTR) ..................... 3325
Official Travel Section ............................ 3325
Recruitment and Repatriation Section ................ 7845
Judge John Baker, Balboa; Bldg. 803, La Boca Road,
Balboa (AEMB) ............................. 3451
Sandra. S. Reyes, Clerk of the Court................. 3552
Judge Ray J. McQuary, Cristobal; Room 211,
Admin. Bldg., Cristobal (AEMC).............. 46-7414
Miss Georgina Chen, Clerk ...................... 46-7417
PROBATION AND PAROLE UNIT Room 33, District Court Building, Ancon
Edward M. Chism, Chief (AEPR)................... 3182
Room 110, Administration Building
BRUCE A. QUINN, Director (EO) ................... 3101
Ms. Alcira Araiz, Secretary ..................... 3101
Building 0610, Ancon
(Former Civil Affairs Building)
Mrs. Tilcia McTaggart, Deputy Director/Chief,
investigative Unit .......................... 3638
Dr. Ana Mora Wakeland, Fed. Women's Program Mgr ... 3233 Raymond A. George, Hispanic Employment
Program Manager ...... ..................... 7415
RICHARD L. CAHILL, Executive Director (PB) .........3292
Robert Rupp, Personnel Mgt. Spec ................. 3292
Mrs. C. E. Horne, Personnel Assistant ....... ..... 3292
Building 363, Ancon
Elvira 1. Arias, Manager (PBCE) .................... 7682
Internal Operations .............................. 3397
Federal Job information Center.................... 3584
Rooms 235-240, Administration Building
WALTER D. BJORSETH, Chief Financial Officer (FM) .....3194
Mrs. Emperatriz Lavecchia, Secretary .............. 7906
Richard 0. Burgoon, Dep. Chief Financial Officer ....... 3580 Duane A. Rigby, Asst. Chief Financial Officer................. 7906
Jolie A. Seeley, Admin. Officer (FMXA).............. 7636
Building 6529, Corozal
William J. Joyce, Chief (FMSS) .................... 3650
Staff ....................................... 3501
Building 38, Balboa
Donald M. Luke, Chief Accountant (FMAC)............ 7823
Jose E. Corc6, Assistant Chief Accountant............. 3405
Barbara H. Selvey, Reports and Analysis Staff (FMAD) .. 7919 J. F. Hern, Jr., Gen. Led. & Proc. Br. (FMAD) .......... 3170
R. L. Dossett, Plant Accounting Branch (FMAD)........ 3256 J. W. Dunn, Agents Accts. Br., 365 Ancon (FMAA) ......3453 D. L. Altemus, Payroll Branch, 365 Ancon (FMAP) ..... 3164 Shirley H. Barca, Claims Br., 6529 Corozal (FMAK)..... 3505 D. A. Meissner, Typing Unit....................... 7712
C. L. Twohy, Microfilm Unit ........................ 3313
E. J. Lucas, Actg. Officer, New Orleans....... 504-947-0889
Rooms 102-106, Administration Building
Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP) .................. 3137
Robert J. Boatwright, Budget Branch ............... 3334
Rolland C. Burdge, Rates and Analysis Branch/
Cost Control Officer ............................ 3287
Tolls and Special Studies ........................ 7434
Building 6530, Corozal
James A. Mathis, General Auditor (FMGA) ............ 3142
Peter A. Liehr, Assistant General Auditor.............. 7776
Staff ...................................... 7801
Building 287, Ancon
Robert Q. Won, Treasurer (FMTR)................3388
Assistant Treasurer .............................. 3167
Treasury Branch, Atlantic, Building 7031,
Mount Hope (FMTA) ..................... 46-7399
Room 145, Administration Building
C. J. Goodwin, Jr., Chief, Management Information
Systems (FMIS) ....... ...................... 3460
Room 146, Administration Building
Raymond W. Engle, Chief (FMDP)................3550
James A. Brewer, Assistant Chief................... 3220
COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION Room 146, Administration Building
E. R. McArthur, Chief (FMCO)...................... 7468
W. J. Brannon, Jr., Central Computer Operations
Branch .................................. 3424
Albert G. Mootoo, Data Entry and Controls Branch,
Room 16 .................................. 3162
Room 243, Administration Building
RONALD L. SEELEY, Director (PR) ................. 3277
Myra N. Perscky, Secretary..................... 3277
William D. Young, Deputy Director.................. 3351
Camille L. Rhyne, Admin. Svcs. Assistant (PRXA) ....... 3544 Marcia Barcelli, Budget Officer, Room 247 (PRXB) ...... 3558 Carlos A. Williams, Personnel Policies Staff (PRST) ...... 3466
Building 0602, Corozo Street
Ricardo R. Varela, Associate Director, (PRHR) ......... 7583 George A. Mercier, Employee and Management
Development Branch (PRHM) ............. 7872/3538
Carlos Garcia de Paredes, Language Training ........ 7589 William R. Dunning, Jr., Industrial Training
Branch (PRHI).... ......................3310
Edilberto A. Yee, Asst. Chief .................. 3533
Virginia M. Shea, Admin. Svcs. Assistant............ 3310
Apprentice School (Bldg. 2A-3, Balboa)............. 3214
Judith A. Baerg, Training Evaluation Br. (PRHE) ........ 7549
Building 366, Ancon
John Y. Wagner, Chief (PROP) .................... 3335
Receptionist and General Information.............. 7595
Julian P. Rodriguez, Employment and Placement Br. (PROE) 3171
Heliana F. Varela, Local Employment ............. 3583
Edilma Rodriguez, Gen. Svcs. and E&C Bureaus .... 7501 Carmen McSween, Marine Bureau and Staff Units . 7996
Thomas C. Peterson, U.S. Recruitment, Bldg. 363, Ancon . 3254 David J. Niedzialek, Position Classification Br. (PROW)..... 3336
John M McTaggart, Gen. Svcs. and E&C Bureaus.....3176 Mary K. Vidaurri, Marine Bureau and Staff Units ..... 3176 Robert T. Russell, Pay Analysis .................. 7971
Fdlix A. Filds-Remotti, Personnel Records and Admin.
Branch (PROR) .............................. 3311
Margarita D. Krapfl, Employee Induction/Job Letters ... 3522 Janet P. Stanford, Personnel Actions............... 3279
Gerald A. Small, Personnel Files ................. 3376
Graciela E. Roberts, Service Tracing, Bldg. 449-X,
Ancon .............. ..................... 7432
Building 5553, Oiablo Heights
W. A. Sullivan, Employee Services Branch (PROS) ...... 7831
Retirement Processing .......................... 3160
Retirement Counselors:
Samuel A. Henriquez................. 3160/3229
Juan Guerrero ............................ 3229
Ellen Chandler, Insurance ....................... 7831
Amelia Machado, Disability Relief ................. 7828
Yolanda Canfield, Incentive Awards............... 7965
Building 1105, Cristobal
David A. Hope, Atlantic Personnel Office (PROA)..... 46-7439
Receptionist and General Information .......... 46-7329
Augusta Le6n, Local Employment ............. 46-7218
Jean Mathurin, Position Classification ...........46-7482
Ethel Yearwood, Retirement .................. 46-7217
OFFICE OF HEALTH AND SAFETY Rooms 274-280, Administration Building
COL. IGNACIO HERNANDEZ F., Director (HL).......... 3274
Mrs. Livia D. Strider, Secretary ................3274
J. R. Givens, Assistant Director/Admin............... 3114
John T. Bowman, Asst. to Director.................. 3406
Virginia Lee, Admin. Asst ......................... 7721
Room 276, Administration Building
Willard S. Sweeney, Chief (HLSN) ..................7605
D. Laracuente, Southern Branch .................3464
J. Corrigan, Northern Branch ................... 46-7466
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa
Dr. Ernst K. W. Kredel, Chief (HLIH) ................ 7968
Dr. Richard A. Cheville, Industrial Health Officer
(Pacific)........ ........................... 3529
Dr. Henry De La Garza, Industrial Health Officer
(Atlantic) .............................. 43-5237
Industrial Hygienists ............................. 7713
Occupational Health Centers ....................... 3529
Physical Exam. Center, Pacific .................. 7108
Physical Exam. Center, Atlantic................ 46-2680
Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa
J. R. Maravilla, Chief (HLSF) ...................... 3289
Frank Guite, Assistant Chief ....................... 7883
Mrs. Irma V. Pasco, Safety Specialist ............... 7883
Dr. Paul H. Dowell, Chief (HLVT), Bldg. 5116,
Mt. Hope... .......................46-7301
Dr. Robert D. Wallace, Veterinarian, Bldg. 428,
Ancon ................................... 3479
Rooms 308-311 Administration Building
CAPTAIN JOHN D. THURBER, USN, Director (MR)...... 7917
Mrs. Doris Burns, Secretary .................... 7917
Capt. R. A. Dickins, USN (Ret.), Deputy Director ........ 3308
William 0. Cofer, Asst. to Director .................. 7562
Douglas C. Schmidt, Staff Assistant ................ 7809
Mrs. Beverly B. Wood, Admin. Off. (MRXA).............7529
Mrs. E. S. Coleman, Budget Officer (MRXB) ...........7529
James R. Freeman, Staff Engineer.................. 7529
M. N. Stephenson, Employee Relations Specialist ...... 7809 W. G. Cleveland, Safety Officer, So. Dist ............ 52-8217
Mrs. Roberta F. Egolf, Safety Officer, No. Dist....... 43-5486
Chairman (MRBL) ............................... 3403
Capt. Edmund P. Gabriel, Asst. Chairman ............ 7512
Southern District
Second Floor, Building 28, Balboa
Capt. W. C. Calkins, Chief (MRCS).................. 7976
Capt. J. J. Bonanno, Acting Asst. Chief .............. 7976
Capt. Bruce S. Little, USCG, Liaison ................ 3144
Canal Port Captains............................. 3185
Gilbert T. Gonsalves, Floating Equipment Inspector,
Balboa .................................... 7943
Ms. Arden L. Cooke, Admin. Officer................. 3190
Mrs. June A. Stevenson, Supervisory Budget Analyst .... 7856 Billing Information.............................. 3184
Capt. Allen R. Briem, Manager, Towboat Operations ..... 3141 Eugene C. Vollmert, Port Engineer.................. 7625
James A. Fraser, Jr., Vessel Support Gen. Foreman...... 3572 Northern District
Second Floor, Building 1105, Cristobal
Capt. R. L. Currie, Senior Canal Port Capt. (MRCN) . 46-7637 Canal Port Captains ........................... 46-7639
John W. Davis, Floating Equipment Inspector,
Cristobal ............................... 46-7611
Ms. Cecilia Lee, Clerical Assistant ................ 46- 7243
Capt. Norman Dixon, Manager, Towboat Operations .. 46-7474 Canute Cockburn, Actg. Port Engineer............. 46-7611
Ralph D. Harris, Vessel Support Gen. Foreman ...... 46-7486 Mr. William J. Gilbert, Asst. Gen. Foreman,
Linehandling Opns. (Gatun) .................. 43-5348
First Floor, Building 28, Balboa
R. E. Angermuller, Director (MRPA) ................. 7413
J. L. Ransom, Chief Admeasurer, Balboa.............. 7947
Supervisory Admeasurer, Bldg. 1105, Cristobal. 46-7293/7492
Chief (MRTO)................................... 3503
Deputy Chief .................................. 7786
Operations Officer ...............................3631
Alba D. Hutchings, Jr., Admin./Budget Officer ........ 3678
Pilot Training Coordinator ......................... 3632
Pilot Liaison Unit, Second Floor,
Administration Bldg., Cristobal .......... 46-7418/7419
Ashby S. Smith, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling
Unit (MRPR) ............................... 3327
Bruce G. Sanders, Chief, Marine Traffic Control (MRTC) .. 3645 Marine Traffic Control General Information............3611
James C. Foster, MTCS Project Engineer ............. 3621
MTCS Analysts.. .......................... 3680
MTCS Maintenance ............................. 3661
James R. Mahoney, Chief, Ship Data Bank,
Second Floor, Building 28, Balboa (MRSD) ........ 7525
Building 6, Pedro Miguel
Lawrence Barca, Jr., Chief (MRLC) ..................3509
C. A. Alvarado, Chief, Eng. and Ping. Sec. (MRLE)........ 3509
Miss Betsy I. Aquin, Budget Officer .................. 3509
Mrs. Silvia M. Glasscock, Admin. Svcs. Off ............. 3509
Hernn Acevedo, Plant Engineer .................... 3509
T. J. Hannigan, Overhaul Engineer ................... 3509
Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel Locks
V. Higgins, Supt (MRLP) .......................
G. A. McArthur, Asst. Supt .....................
Lourdes A. Boseman, Admin. Svcs. Asst ...........
Atlantic Branch, Gatun Locks
D. F. Bullinger, Supt. (MRLA) ...................
Acting Asst. Supt.............................
Admin. Svcs. Asst .............................
52-8215 52-8214 52-8213
43-5700 43-5703 43-5704
Room 318, Administration Building
Col J. J. PLUNKETT, Director (EC) ................. 7684
Miss J. Arosemena, Secretary ................... 7684
Atlantic Area Office, Gatun Community Center (ECAA). 43-5650
Mrs. Muriel D. Mizrachi, Secy ...............43-5447
M. Bierman, Deputy Director.......................3527
R. E. O'Connor, Asst. to the Dir. for
Administration (ECXA) ........................ 3375
Col. T. A. Rhen, Asst. to Dir./Exec. Off. U.S. Army
Element/Contracting Officer .................. 7863
N. C. Farnsworth, Asst. to Dir. for Prog. and Budgets
(ECXB).. ........................... 3485
R. M. Brunson, Safety Off., Rm. 307 (ECXS) .......... 7575
R. J. Hauser, Chief (ECCN) ........................ 7927
Admin. Officer ........ .......................... 7927
Southern District............................... 3517
Northern District ............................ 43-7321
Building 33, Gamboa
P. L. Whitlock, Chief (ECDR) .................. 56-6681
A. E. Diaz, Asst. Chief ........................ 56-6681
H. V. Archibold, Admin. Officer ................. 56-6681
R. Bringas, Budget Off./Control Br................ 56-6681
. Broce, Chief, Engr. Plans and Prog. Sec. ........ 56-6681
Chief, Operations Branch ....................... 56-6681
L. M. Hall, Chief, Support Branch ............... 56-6691
Chief, Repair Branch......................... 56-6612
Building 66A, Balboa
N. H. Visqu z, Chief (ECLE).... ................3421
Mrs. J. G. Holder, Admin. Officer .................... 3421
G. E. McFadden, Chief, Elec. Work Br. (ECLW) ......... 3421
Chief, Power Br. (ECLP)........................... 3421
C. H. Harrill, Chief, Comm. Br. (ECLC) ............... 3204
Room 343, Administration Building
R. D. Donaldson, Chief (ECEG)... ..............7585
Asst. Chief ........ ............................. 3180
Mrs. G. F. Love, Admin. Officer ..................... 7982
D. W. Date, Chief, Architectural Br. (ECEA) ............ 3556
L. G. Archuleta, Chief, Str.-Geotech. Br. (ECES).........3278
M. Quintero, Chief, Civil Br. (ECEC) .......... ..... 3619
J. T. Alemin, Electrical Br. (ECEE)................ 3419
D. J. McKeon, Chief, Mech, Br. (ECEM)............... 7895
C. A. Kiamco, Chief, Specif. & Est. Br. (ECEX)..........7949
Chief, Projects Br. (ECEP) ...... ................... 3180
W. B. Shaw, Chief, Met. and Hyd. Br. (ECEH) ......... 7716
R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Br., Bldg. 12, Pedro
Miguel (ECEV) .............................. 3163
Building 5082, Mt. Hope
E. M. Kennedy, Chief, (ECIN) .................. 46-7392
F. Foster, Ill, Asst. Chief....................... 46-7392
D. S. Miller, Chief, Admin. Br ................... 46-7234
P. H. Zimmermann, Chief, Prod./Plan. Br........... 46-7256
Ricardo Chen, Chief, Eng. Br ................... 46-7606
F. R. Alberga, Admin. Officer................... 46-7472
Mrs. J. M. Eckel, Budget Officer ................ 46-7210
J. T. Robson, Production Controller .............. 46-7382
K. H. Willis, Gen. Foreman, Salvage Depot ......... 46-5289
Building 8, Balboa
F. A. Lee, Chief (ECME) ......................... 3498
Miss V. Diaz, Admin. Officer ...................... 3498
F. Martinez, Chief, Pac. Maint. Br. (ECMP) ........... 3498
H. A. Tooke, Chief, Water and Lab. Br. (ECMW)......... 3266
R. Toledano, Chief, Ref. and Air Cond. Br. (ECMR) ...... 3513 W. H. M. Brunner, Chief, Atlantic Maint. Branch
(ECMA) ................................ 46-7351
R. C. Jones, Chief, Planning, Budget and Engineering
Section .... .........................7611
H. A. Erhart, Project Engineer ..................... 3498
R. S. Zornes, Safety Specialist..................... 3498
Rooms 264-273, Administration Building
F. A. COTTON, Director (GS)...................... 3445
Mrs. B. McDonald, Secretary ................... 3445
R. D. Morgan, Deputy Director .................... 7723
J. M. Ruoff, Assistant Director,
Bldg. 6531, Corozal ............................ 7723
Assistant to Director ............................. 7723
G. E. McElroy, Admin. Officer (GSXA) ................ 7723
A. C. Payne, Budget Officer (GSXB) .................. 3189
Safety Officer...................................7970
Room 205, Building 0610, Ancon
(Former Civil Affairs Building)
M. P. Gordon, Director (GSPS) ..................... 3422
Mrs. Cheryl Russell, Admin. Officer................ 3401
Admin. Asst .................................... 3262
Room 212
Charles Morris, Chief (GSCP) ......................3694
B. C. Poland, Asst. Chief .......................... 3695
Louis R. Reyes, Security Program Officer ............. 3696
Roger J. Rios, Inspector ........................... 3696
Mrs. Naomi Figueroa, Budget Analyst ................ 3696
Paul M. Darcy, Training Instructor ................... 3696
Winfield S. Robison, Pacific Area Commander.......... 3669
William C. Crews, Atlantic Area Commander ........ 43-5296 FIRE DIVISION
Room 105
Ronald M. Guilliams, Chief (GSFI)..................3138
K. L. Manthorne, Admin. Officer ..................... 3138
J. D. Deitz, Asst. Chief, Southern District ............ 3286
H. Wallace Teal, Asst. Chief, Northern District ........ 43-7282
Room 208
William F. Kessler, Chief (GSPL) ................... 7708
Capt. V. E. Voyles, Police Inspector................. 3206
Lt. R. F. Brayton, Police Inspector.................. 3206
Mrs. M. P. Frensley, Budget Analyst................ 3151
Maj. F. E. Flud, Commander, Balboa District, Bal.
Police Station ............................. 3324
Maj. E. V. Amason, Commander, Cristobal District,
Crist. Police Station...................... 46-7341
Room 201
Mrs. Beverly C. Williams, Librarian.-Curator (GSLM) .... 7884 Mrs. Naomi A. Wolf, Chief, Resources and Services.....3502 Miss Mania Nita, Reference Librarian ................ 3502
Mrs. Nan S. Chong, Panama Collection Librarian ....... 3154 Information Desk................................ 7761
Room 112 Administration Building, Balboa Heights
Ernest W. Oliver, Chief (GSIS) ..................... 7900
William Roger, Deputy Chief ...................... 7629
C. H. Raybourn, Chief, (GSRS) ..................... 7967
Mrs. K. E. Melanson, Admin. Asst................... 7967
Building 11-Y, Roosevelt Ave., Balboa
Thos. P. Strider, Chief (GSEP) .................... 7502
J. P. Corrigan, Director (GSSL)..................... 3383
Mrs. M. A. Williford, Secretary ................... 3383
Mrs. A. M. Azcirraga, Employee Relations
Specialist .................................. 3635
Building 635, Balboa Heights
R. J. Saarinen, Chief (GSCS) ...................... 3577
J. R. Haner, Assistant Chief ...................... 3577
P. A. Arenas, Management Analyst ................. 3133
Mrs. A. Rodriguez-V., Admin. Svcs. Asst..............7921
Mrs. A. E. Burns, Budget Officer .................... 3288
T. W. Carteret, Safety Specialist ................... 7455
J. L. DesLondes, Supt., Housing Mgmt. Br. (GSCH) ...... 3133
Miss Lyda Lobo, Housing Manager, So. District......... 3436 E. A. Letendre, Housing Manager, No. District....... 46-7248
R. McNatt, Supt., Building Mgmt. Br. (GSCB) .......... 3133
1. A. Zambrano, Building Mgr., So. District ............ 3685
R. C. Bailey, Building Mgr., No. District............ 46-7605
E. Cordovez D., Supt., Grounds Mgmt. Br.(GSCG) ....... 3133
L Prez B., Supervisor, Grounds, So. District .......... 3319
R. G. May, Supervisor, Grounds, No. District........ 46-7373
Third Floor, Building 28, Balboa
M. S. Klipper, Chief (GSST) ....................... 3130
E. Ho, Asst. to Chief ............................ 7978
G. M. Anderson, Admin./Budget Off................. 7475
G. P. Lavecchia, Chief, Inventory Mgt. Br. (GSSI) ....... 3596
E. L. Reinhardt, Chief, Purchasing and Contracts
Branch (GSSP) .............................. 3216
D. E. White, Chief, Warehousing Branch,
Bldg. 5, Balboa (GSSW) ....................... 7785
S. L. Catlett, Chief, Excess Disposal Branch, Bldg. 42,
Diablo Road (GSSE) .......................... 7683
R. L. Jemmot, Actg. Storekeeper, No. Dist ......... 46-7456
M. A. Pezzotti, Mgr., Furn. and Equip. Pool........... 7882
Building 0625A, Gaillard Highway, Ancon
Ernest B. Hickman, Chief (GSMT)................... 3563
W. W. Nowotny, Assistant Chief .................... 3420
Mrs. K. P. Risberg, Administrative Officer ............ 7731
Miss Benita Ordas, Budget Analyst .................. 7731
R. R. Bermidez, Supt., Southern Dist................. 7990
R. G. Laatz, Supt., Northern Dist ................ 46-7246
H. L. Clark, License Examiner ..................... 7822
Short Trip Service...................... 3429/46-7358
Building 911, La Boca
H. W. Dempsey, Jr., Chief (GSPO) .................. 3237
James J. Reid, General Foreman ................... 7579
Mrs. Teonilda L. Pefia, Requisitions .................. 7579
Rooms 200-205, Administration Building, Cristobal
James T. Bird, Acting Chief (GSWT) ..............46-7281
W. B. Huff, Asst. Chief ......................... 46-7204
Accounting Section ........................... 46-7291
SS Cristobal in Port ........................... 46-7430
Ship's Office ................................ 46-7630
Cargo Section .............................. 46-7441
Passenger Information, Transportation Br., Admin.
Svcs. Div., Bldg. 5140, Diablo .................. 3325
4400 Dauphine St., New Orleans, La. 70146
Joseph C. Quintas, General Agent .......... 504-947-4417
4400 Dauphine St, New Orleans, La. 70146
R. L. Austin, Chief (GSPR) ................ 504-948-5299
Full Text |
February 1981 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Building 5553, Diabl Heights LOCKS DIVISION CANAL PROItCTION DIVISION Roo s 235240, Adom I o nol, u ildog W A. SolrLoan, Employee Services Branch (PROS) .7831 BuIding 6, Pedro Miguel Room 212 Ret:irm n Prc sI ng ........3160 Lawrence Barra, Jr. Chief (M RLC) .......3509 Charles Morris, Chief (GSCP) ...........3694 WALTER 0. ALONSTH, 10ie Financia Ottce (FS.3100 ,N aot Fc o ..30 L o t. du IC Ptlli). .359 C onO, A t L t SLIP. ..3690 PANAMA CANAL COMMISSION ArsEtItptho, F000 ho o Sert 70a0r 0 tto .1.3100120 A. Lvo SCh Ct.i0 ELg and ig San. (MRLE) .dss t .3 .6 F odO ott 0107 to~I 1of. 3500da ...30209 Mt I o, A irs dtt I107 30 'Iot~t lopoto ....309 Sootr 0 O utgesyO DiI Cido Fieuc011 de o .70 0.10. 3580 Iuge Office783 H.0Fotlgoo ...3009. SoB oo R g ReeScty PogrOfficer. 500069 O 0 o o eF A nI .3 A ..3229 Mrs. S via M Glass ck, Admin. SvA Off, 3 9 RAogert. Rid, Inset or ..3696 D an A. igby, Assr. Chief Financial Officer ...7906 .Ellen Chandler, Insurance ........7 3 Herman Aeveds, Plant Ergi e 3S 09 Mrs. Nromi Fu er a B gt Ainalyst ..3 1 Yoitnd C sfeld, Incentive Awards. 7965 Winfield S Robtso, Pacific Ar Commtabder. ..3669 SYSTEMS DIVISION Building 1105, Cristobal Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel 1ocks William C. Crows, Alnti Area Commander .030296 Buollg 6529, Corozal David A. Hope, Atlantic Personnel Office (PROA) .0.0.0. .4 3 .HBiggins, Spt. (MRLP). .....52 1 5 FIRE DIVISION WRlls .oytins I Geeral intrm(ation 3000 .p4 .-7329 G. A. MA hnr, Asst. Spt ..1 ....52-:2S Room 105 Stamf J. .J y ,Chi (FM .3 .A gstoA Leon, Local Employment 0 .46-7218 Lo d s A. Bosmn, Admre St o .Asst ..52-8213 St .......3501osition Clssifica .o.o. 467482 Atlantic Branch, Got,, folks Ronalmh Adri o fF ....l o .......tiO .o(l ...13 OFFICE OF THE ADM INISTRATOR ACCOUNTING DIVISION Ethel Ye0ar d, Retirement .46S7217 D. F. B.Ilinger, Shpt. (MRLA). .4t .3. S aol A Chet, Souternt District. 3280 OFFICE OF HEA0TH AND SAFETY 01i0 A 001 .....030.703 Ml To too 001100 Norto St .A3 7282 Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa HeightS Building 38, Balboa Rooos 274 280, Ado.,tItoNDo L TdAing A03 Su01 t ...3. 0 50 POLICE LAISION Donald M. Luke, Chief Accountant .0. 23 COO IGNACIL AENAND F., S.r.143 (HI). 3270 DIV D. P. MCAULIFFE, Administrator AD) .......................................3169 JMsC E. CrF6, Assist, t Chief A1ountt ..100 5 v 5 1 ortry .3270 WIltm F. Kr, C t HSO ) .H. .....770 Mrs. Ella C. Gerchow, Secretary .....3100 Barbara H. Selv Reports and Aalysi .tol (MM) ...7919 J iv ia tirectr .4 E EER.G A to F, Sord 1r. 0 0a Ftd. 0& I O .c 3170 FM 0 1010en, 0010 Osia tt letoi/i,t .10 ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION boot. V E. 00yle Folc, Inpet 00 to .3250 t .peet ln -nigBac DonT. Bowman, Lss toDrtort ..35 BOES It F rto Foic Intspector. .35 FER N A N DO M A N FR EDO Jr.H Dr .y A dGistdato. (&A) 3 3. ........320 0 1 0 ..........Lot ...77 ..oo' 3406 BUREAU Lt .R. F Brayton 0 0i 01 nsp t. .310 FERNANDO~J MA F EWJ .Dp t Administrato AsA .AA). 3453 "28r"S igin Lee, Adumn Ass ..I. 7721 P.-m 318, Admnistration Building M .EFdrm ndsab ti l. 311 Mrs. Maria Luisa L3 Charles, Secretary L o 0 3 o A ).t00 3: Nr P. san B. ... Mo.MOA [IA L7914 01 Fytl 0,0n 300 Sot o FMAFI._ 3100 SANITATION DIVISION SotM FE. Haod Commanoder, Bo~q 00sic 5 1, 0 Ch5ls SoCto LIt Cot I. J. PLUNKETT, Sietol tEll. ..700 Polc ~to ..o.o. 3300 Sty H. Bar Caims Br,629Cool (FMAK). 3505 Roo 271, Amntratn Bodg Miss J. Aroseme Sootry ..7080 So 00 L on, Com odtrCtobol st WILLIAM L. DE LA MATER, Director of Protocol/Aide to the Administrator/ .0 Ss, T lt. ..7712A GAr n. 787 1 Micrfiy Lii ....313 .bot.010 ...7005 010 110 0/1 AraOfcGbon t ooooty Centeor /010/ 0100550 CIt IPoioo Statonl .o_. .._. 46 7341 Residents' Advisory Program Staff Officer, Room 227, (ADPA) .0 1 T.11y 011. .Nt .oo. ..0 l Soth Branch .S4t4 Mo 0 M i Sey .43-5 7 LIBAR MS M MS. Barbara Scott, Protocol Assistant. 3536 E Corrg Northtn 01 ....00700 M Bin fp tor .....527R Gilbert SoIlas, Assistant RAPSO-Atlantic Area, Buiding 206, Gatun .43-5430 FINANCIAL PLANNING DIASION OCCUPATIONAL H 10B10 C 30 1m1s s (FIL) ....3370 Mrs B ly C. W iDVm, ibrrin.-Cortor (G.M)1. 7550 FNNILPANN DIIINSeonod Floot, Lot/ding 721, Balboa Mr.s~t0 t t Eo Ot tt Beoero 0. W iams, oooot CurorttO v 0010100 .305 Rod.s 102-106, Administration Building Dr Ernt K. W. Krdal Chief HILIHI o.T A96 Elem n/C .ont r Off ....783 Mrs. Naomi A. Wolf, Chief, Resources and Services .3502 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION 1r0s 0 oard A. ole Id ial Halth officerr .C F A .d g .d B .dg .s Miss Memo Niue, Reference L/b/7rian .9.0.8. .../.0.0.7. 3502 Loomo 205-207. Adminotration Butldig Myron A. Schroeder, Chotf /S .3137 Ot00,0Io (~ ,/001 leot I Fanorth, .10 L t(010 lEodo o Sto Otto 000101 1,,0,0 .3002g s 2 1r 1 A. Boatort Chdet 003 F1 ....3330 (Pacifio ......3529 (ECXB). ..3485 Ms. Nt 1n S Chong Panama Collection Librarian .3154 JOSEPH ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rbr J. WOODrht Birdgto BrAE) ................333tai Rae n nlyi rnh Dr. Henry Be Le Garza, Industrial Health Officer R, M. Brunson, Safety Off, Rm. 307 (ECXS) .7575 1, ra,. on Desk ...I .I. .7761 JOSEPH J. WOOD, Director (AE). .....................3519 0 000C oIEO 00100 0es Lband LooS AnootyisSoanc1/.b32oot(tlaot10 011. 03-23 ON0SoltyUC1 FN 3A0GEE7 /000 .770NCHol D STRAL. .CURT770F1C Moo ./o S. Bod Secretary. 35 19 dio I .0.,. ..328117 (Atloontic I. ...0 3 5237 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT BRANCH INDLSTRIAL SECURITY OFFICE MM rs. iEilne.nBS. dBoyd eta ye.r .t.r ...................3.9.To.s.an.S.ec. .St.i.s .....4434 Industrial Hygienis2tXBs b.2 Ain.sr.il.ng,.B.b. e77ht 0 lopaltio0/ Heolth 1ote01001 ....3021 Botdto 29X1 Loto, Fooo 112 Adorn-maelt uldn g,t aloa0/ Heights JAM ES E. FERRARA, Deputy Director/Chief, Policy and Staff Coordination ...........7601 P e ...7100 R. J. Haase,, Chief ECCN) .7927 Ernest W. Olver, Chie/ SSIS) .7900 7601 GENERAL AUDIT DIVISION Phy sv Ex. C r 0 ...002080 Admin. Officer .....7927 Wiam Roger, Deputy Chief ...7629 Secretary .............................................7601in 6530 crza SAFET P IISO So tenDsrit. ..............5 7RE R A IN S RVC S DVS Butldiog 0530 ,otooot ooooro DIVISION Sooth1,, t io 0I.I. ....3517 RECREATION SERVICES DIVISIDN CLARENCE C. PAYNE, AdmiristratLe Assistant to the Admorstrator/ Looooo S N 100.0/001,101/ISIS) .3102Sece Fl Building 721, Bollbo Nor1r, Drit t ....43-7321 Ig 5140, CLARE CE C.PAYNE Admiistraive A sista t to he Ad inistator/James A. Mathis, General Auditor (FMGA) ..3142Bulig54,ejn Assistant Director, Staff Coordination (AA). 3305 Peter A. Li0hr Assistant General Auditor. 7776 J. R. Maralla, Chief (HLSFI ..32 DREDGING DIVISION C Ao Ch ...79 Sto .....7801 E Gto, Asitt Chief. ...7883 L dng 33, GI 5 .K. E M nood 0nl, A 0 0. 7907 Assistant Director, Policy and Board Coordination ..3305 Mrs. Irma V Pasco, Solety Specialist .7883 P 3 Gamble M E K6-m6. Secretary. ....3305 TREASURER'S OFFICE VETERINARY DIVISION A. Diz A C11901. ...6-68 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS OFFICE OF THE SECRETAR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Dr. Paul H. Dowell, Chief (HVT), Bldg. 5116, H. V. Archibold, Ad mi cer ..56-6681 Lunding I1-, Roosevelt Ave, Bot/0. Mt. 0oe.0 ....0067301 0. Fr/10es, BudeO 011Coottol 01t,.000001 .ho F. _to~y C161t (I ) .7002 S te 312, Pono Bldg, 425 13th St. N. Admibni t/o Building Robert Q. Won, Treasurer FMTR) .3388 Dr. Robert D. Wo lace, Veterinarian, Bldg. 428, B rC h e sBn hans and Prog. S. .0,0 0,10 P S UPP ANie 0G0F .E. Washington, .C. 20004 K. E. GOLDSBERRY, Chief, Room 254 (AM) .7757 A3s10tant Treasurer B. dr. .3,67 Ancon .3479 Chl. M .pr Ct po ch .....56661SPPL AND LOGISTICS SER VICES MICHA L RHODE, Jr. Secretary, Mrs, Margarita Pread, Administrative 0001 Age 7991 Moont 0 ip n 1FTA ....00 47391 MARINE BUREHi l, ie S Branch ...56-6612 J .C i n ( ) ...33-3 Mrs Ha. S Murdomr, to t e Setetary 202 8 Mr Ear L als, Budget Office( 00 1 0 (AMXB). 3178 308-311 A m nstrat on Building ELECTRICAL DIVISION Mrs. M. A. W ford, Secretary ..3.3. 3 T C. Duty, Asst. Division Chief/Ch ef, Staff and Admin MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS CAPTAIN JOHN D. THURBER, USN, Director (MR). 7917 Building 66A, Balboa Mrs. A M A0rag Employee R ol ns 303 OFFICE SF OMBUDSMAN 00pport 0rn,0 0oo 250 O (AA) .70 Specaisttotog~d~ SoS ooSttt .97 00 to(b0 .81 30,. ._ ...35 oom a305 o A nstoo Soddog OfficilTrt nlatir Rom AMS ) Rod.145,AdminstrabsnBuilding Clrso Aoi.0Burns/ Se/r30ar80. .0p ..7r17 IN rsHV Hs deChHef 0 CE0 .p CiM. SE .DIVISION Eort 00 0 bo S ot d o Cal fit. b At DB0,k/b SNB(Al opotyir r Otto .o. Y So0 Ms.) I. Holotr Adin 00 f0i/e01. ..302. 111COMNT SEV ESD IIN G. G. BOUCHE, Ombds o .oT ..7474 A d 000 r cm I Section .C. J. Goodwin, Jr., Chief, Management Information Wllam 0 Cofer, Ass t to Chip, or ./ 7562 G. E M 3Fadden, Chief, 0l0. Work O.ECL 3421 Building 635, Balboa Heights St F. E. to Booty, ort 1 y. ...7 0 7474 Epoy o c menoto 0ni.1 B0. OSLO 0,D0b0l. 7073 Systems (FMIS). 3460 ougl Schmidt, Staf Asstant. ..7809 1eFoor0.(ElF). ...3021 0.J.S rn COi GSCS). ..3077 r E I ,a S buste S c et m u an ..756, Ep, ye,' um natCnUhaiAr, d.PoweMrr 4 -7 1 M E.JrC.ma u ge Ofce ( R B)7 29 .H.Hrr .,.h .m. .r.(C.). ...2.J. AsstntC ie .........32 Ar. A o Tg. .s .)3007 bro 0 ouetotion Ot Po Bldg 0100,0ab0. 11 DM05 PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION J1mes .FEimo, 5111 0. ..7020 ENGINEERING DIVISION I0 A. Aore, Mogmet As. ..3133 Alt o nso4. .7370 Cargo Docomentaon nt,o lo t 0/ Bg. 1100, Cstoba ..00-7038 0000 040, altosbooboo Bg.Itdog S. N. 010p000sn, 000p00000 R tioos 00cals ..1 ..7809 0o 0 303, ado tr t o n o LI 0S A.0 00d1g00 V. 0 dm00001001s0.0 ...3. 728 .' ...o.t. Coot .3002 ito Sti i, 30,1 BDdg. 0100, L .7800 .1 ClBvldnd, Soty Oo40r So. D6s7. 020217 A nt Ar s r. Cl lAd 0.0 10ef Gphi 010010 /001F).3217 Ryond S Engb, Chie (FMDP). ..3000 Mo Roberto F Ego/I, Sooty O.I.r, No u.43-0080 K. 0. Doooldo n, Cef/FOCG). ..8 .1 t y Spat ...7 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNONG PorG. Almno, 19,e7 01.0 Motogmnt 1me A Brew, Bostoot Ch ....3220 Ass, Chd. tt ........3180 J. So 100ds Soot, H sgo t.SCH) .3133 B 33ant0/Bot 0 100 (AMOS). ...7767 BOARO OF LOCAL. INSECTORS Ms G F. Ad .0 e ......7982 Mss Slod 100, H00si0 g M02 JE So. 0. .3430 1s s.d M Stof. ...7602 BD. oo / 0 W. Solo, Chif, 01101 r r./ 0 (FlEA) .300 E. A. ltendo Manage r, No. ..43-7248 R. P.LAVERTY, Dretor/. Re Fpresentotiv teoords0 Mg tol tEf oF 10es o), oulctios Mgt) COMPITER OPERATIONS DIVISION Iuig540 iboL I. Artoll C1hi0.ef, S-Gotoch. Br. (EEFS). 3278 F. M30001, opt., oBupn Mgmt. 0r1 GSB /10. .3133 to odan 1 g001 Comtumtnt (F). ..30 020 i 0 .....0005 COB oo-7382 Room 146, Administration So. 31430 10Ito, C 0B. (01). .3019 J A. ombrn Bo/d.n0 Ago. So. Dstrit. 308 Mr. Th0 a oovr, Soort oy .4388 ESA/ boic A01 Stld. ..7520 bot. Edm nd F obrio Ass t tom .0 12 /. 0T.0n A 00ma, 1to B. ( E). ..3019 R C Boiy ng S .No st. 70 Gboy F. Ds m o, Depoty 000 D too. ...3001 0istc, 00m 1. /000/. ..7. 07 R0 MourN E Chief FM ) .L .74 Dit. J. MiaeIn, Chief (ECE M) p o. ..7895 E, Coroteo S, Sopt. GSoop Sgt. B.(SC). 3133 Wi FIC 0 .0n E sto E ...371 O XtEoC E PoLS). ...3110 WJB o no JrCtroComptro prtons CANALSUPPORTDIVISION IL A oeher SpA&Eot Bo. ECEX) .7909 L PeeB., S hp o, ouindo, So. Drt .l3319 om s0 324332 0A en Rr1 n,0 4 Diabl) (AMRC .0. .1007 LOS 0 / L370 01 .010. .........3424 SOffhoro 0/boot 10ef Pr t (EF). ..Y 782 R. G. M FoSui 0g0r0, No. District ..47373 Microfmntt DDalo ..F.0.0 .,0./. .7796 A/boot G. Sotoo, Solo Eotty 000 boobroos Brooth/ Seonloo r, 0 Boldtng 20, 00/00 W. B. Shooa ,01e, Sob. ond Hyd. At ECH /1 /. .7716 STOR EHOLS E 010/010N 0Rec/0 0. SMhidt, Chiot Frogrom Developmen So S So t 0103. ...7601 m2. s Chief, rh cur Br., Edg .2, 10dr7 /059 E A. (0100/ .....3163 Sodi(FF10). ...1 07 / .0. 7 8 4 lobe. op. t So ..7029 3102. 0. k0/0. ..9M 10. ...3t o /dog20 bo Enroom Aqoz C01t 0000 100. 3300 Fst/ Asi6, 0 d 440, ALrook .80-02./23 CA. 1 J 4. oon. ASning 0 ss0 Chl O. .7970 M. S. RIppor, 01 7g S o .....3130 Mrso blady Doominguz, 0000n Oficet. B3 Algol.cSoi101d P0s/0 Assitn Unt, boot. Brooo .LItol, U0CG, tiOn .0. ..I. OL4 INDUSTRIAL DIVISION E. 00,0 As0110C100 .1 ...797Y Fool. 1Ba00 boot, t ero. egy Cotto l 007,01 .7800 ..800 g ...7208/209 10na Fool Copt is to. ..3100 BIdog 5002, Ml .H G. .A0er0 0 Adin .B dgot trt. .705 RFhrdA Woaio, Eonoooit. ...3370 Frank R. Toorma,b 10ef Trnporotaon rnh FIEO ESN E D IITAN Glt 00010 o sl veso Foating Etoipment Inpo rG .LvcciCif lvnoyMt.B.(S .39 P ooo 2so BDdgt D/40, oDAblo (AMR 0. 3325BabC. ...7043 E. 0. Kenedy, bh E N) ..7392 E F RIn.hrd., Chob. Purhsn Nd Conlcs 3 Ott Trave)Sot .325 Boom23Adoostion Buiding s LookoOAdmin. r. 3190 FFootoo,/bA A ob .0.7392 0om-Bo 0,letGound ogoOnot 31 bhorles A. MoAltr, bho) to y A S /0. 10E0. ) .7000 Rect dt 0nd Rpt i Section AL. 4 Moo Jon StChisef Soporvoso B.d.t.Anlyst. 7006 O. SMlo Ceo, Adminl At. ..03 2 .,e C r ng A loOn B Motton, Trooty Abbot Dp ..1 .760 RONALD L SEELEY, Oteotoo (pR) ...3277 B0l/tog fortion. .......3180 F H. Smmotmo 1 0Chief oo At.0 7206 00 0 W bo ( S) ...77Y SH 0 T eoty Al Spot .706 MAGISTRATES' COURTS Myr N. ky, Sr try ...3277 bt 0 Sogter Toboot Cphtio .3101 B ro 1 CE .B. .4 G7600 e s sB nct B Upneld G. Hauatio, T Cat A roramr p e l t ...Section, W. .7681 / oom oo 00. 1. o r .3301 Eagr n I om t, Foot Eat.i ne o BRot .R12 F0bg0, inf Sure ...I. .....4oed47 G S p0 0 0. stot Coorb Btldtngat Ano 10000 JohN EBAr, 00/boo; B0dg 003,1 0 0a B 0 R00d 10ml 0. R hyt, Alton 0 vs 000 s00 t00t (1000). 3000 Jamo A.bo011 0 Fr )erJr. V tse lpot EForemn. ...3072 MWs. J. 0.00k0, Bodgot 001ce 0. .6. 4-7210 0 11 F olEg Stgorokoo ro t No4.0007000 o Bboo (BES ........3000 Moo o Oo. Budge. Ofioo., 7o9 027 (PXB). 3 0 0. FRobso, Prodootiop Soortro .00 7382 5 0 10cur0 Mio, 2oo 3 00 bo Itnd 50. 00. R ye 0 ~lr O t .3 2 Clo A. W lootm brro no Po ....Stf PS T) .3006 Ngoh n t t K .H. W.s.Ge.o r m n, v g .Ep. o. p. .3. .6 3 00r 00 .Lobmn Chebb Man mO fiet .(EPMD) .31080 Jt Ra y. M a ry, Crst 0 Bista;oo, 211, 'apt. B 0l Bo dong 0005, Crostobl MOTOR TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Daihd Corneg, Chviroef odtrol nginer B. ..7846 Am.BdgrstblAE).4-44 Cope. RLCrrSnirCnlPrCptMC).4-37INUTNANC DIVISION E.HBstuoCief .2.A .G.r H79w78Ac Rcard L1 rs .0 MA o 0 1 A lys A .72 Ms Borg g o, orok. ..4 6-70 17 HUMAN RESOLRCES DEVELOPMENT STAFF Cool P p 4.-. 39 Building K08L, Mo.bope S o 1. Foot boot (SF10). 073 MAINTE E D arbot ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LI/t 0002. .loop SFraok 000 Tumn heTasotto rnhOFC FPRO N LA MNSRTOi bot osle o tn Equip00703 Inspectog, Lol o. L t/dog Chief, lotntoolMt HO B~ .oooo 359 BuIdInIg 0531, Cotozl 00000002 oooSretJh .ai lairgEuren rsetr 'Ens .HikAoto bOib (GSMT). ..3063 P B lo 0A .Ro.E.g. R F A.25 B0f/,, 0100.b.oboo,./.0. ...W .Ny, 0s, C0 .....Mo OF in t 00 P b o 0 0 ,30 G tmo (aE ...r9e7, r t h ofans ivm s ogom ., 7s66 CffiiR ro Mo tertio, Assoom it D4pA omingstr,(PRH ....7a83 Ms. ro L Cookerao Ass ot.ri720 Fs oo blot Officero Soot At (01 ..34o Mrs. Kaster II, R ,o dminisctyat f .....7731 1 So ..oo ..0d .00.01.ti .787 Ge.rg. M.M.t ,r.lm(0010) ...3 o t lO /0 )d M03Jgpmne o -t-Fso S pio r nBdMbmet Apot-t..78-F Mri0e0, Chief, A mint. Br. 0 At(EC ...46734 M s E nite o prde B gt Ah o st ..0. 7990 to .M n a ty A i Sbeoial i ..7oo EdoArd .CL D E ELm E B rcto 0 (PRM) ...272 Bpin. Inform ed D .x M .g Tos .4 6-74 H Too Z oet, Chief, rd Br. .020 r o pt ot I ...4 720 SR o taf ...........................lis. ............M y C rlo a d l e re t ,L gagy ..r. .n. ing .......72 87 C a ut A e n .kb r MAc g To n ng in per ..........4 6 1 R .d T he n C h ief, R E n. B ,d A i d. B .( C R ...3 1 .G a t ,S p .o t e D s. ..............46-d B~ a 17 2 45 OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF EOUAL OPPORTUNITS 0ia 000 D ing Jr. t, bodostriob toann oRa. opO H5 00 s 0Vess0000. bpoer e Foremn .0.7080 W0 H. M. Brunner, bhot A01000i Moitt. Brotth H. L C10rk, oes Exoote yo. ...22 0 o o t 010, adotrton B/ding Brono 100/ .....3310 MA 0/ ..t. ..0.47301 Sot trip Servnch 0 ....342946-7300 3, AEdbrtoA 10 Loot 10, ...3033 Inhondaing ps. (Goto) ...L .4 3 F. C. ob F n Bodgoto ndEgnTog OS/ONTOA MoRABNEY,100 Ieea C00s 0GC /11/ ..7001 BRUCE 0. 00000, DirectoorE(). .3101 V 0gii M. ottAdin Sos Assistat.3300 ADMEASUREMENT oton,. .......1PRINTING OFFIbE 5s tt ic.Slto,. Srotory .......7011 .A. r. ....3101 .A. ehro t O icee .3090 B lg 911. lo Bo I isl Hois D0 idipty Gn. bot ..7011 bog FoEn BFl 3 c Judith A. Ity e 00r0 too 0 A10 t nt 0 RHE) .7549 Porsl Floor tupp/n.0 20 Btalboa .s. 0 Z e, ety pfoes .3. 4 S. D0 IR., bEt / ). ..3237 AssB .G .b oo ...........7511 EO FIELD .OFFICE .R. E. Angormtloer, Sure Oo (SOFA) ...7013 J8mR J e0, Gopa Fra n ..7079 A010ney 0 ....................7011 01/1,0n 00, A30o J. Loo R sm Chf or 0000urr, Bo 0.OILO .....4 Mrs Toni t g01b 00. 10 ....R7079 OtoIa o t 00/dog Atoo (ohipr Io Aa BEIlnng) PERSONNEL OPE ATIOS DIVISION Crperos0 r Adm0 s O r r B dg. 0/. 46-7010 MbIoTEboN. 0-213/7092 GENERAL SERBRCES BUREAUs oorlos Moo. 0,00/a Ma Cggort, 00p010 OtrB.to /h It o, TRANSIT OPERATIONS DIVISION 0001 201-273, AaoalisrraCaoo Bulodot4 WATER TRANSPORTATION DIVISION A00srny480/ 4 7 0 n stgtvU i .330 2638 0 .WogN RE, ,07 /1001/. ...O ..3330 00oos 200-205, Ad stat ot t BIIn.g, Crsotbl Buldng6y. .......0r1 A to 0irn W /ld 1010 Wo brog Mgr ...3233 0lop0ins pund 000 boo ..7000 BIt/d.g 910,47 bC obo Boo 0.8A. 100300, Drttor /15/ ...300 OFFICE OF IN USTRIAL RELATIONS yond OBA A. G .toorn Fplo t 0.dgz EmpNoymPARO I/ PUNITme B/.1(0 3071 bh.o /MRT ..33 Mo A Mopd, S.t. ...3. 24 .t. Boyd, A ta Chief .4-721 oo2o, amn3srton Bitdig 1,urt ulngg ....7 ia .Varelo 10 ym0 .3003 0 0 10.o. ....786 0. .M orgo Dopoy O.to ..7. 7723 0 W O i 1. .. FOUL A. SIMONEAU, ntrito Rotots Otltoor (IF) .3009 Ed0 m0 RodrIgEz, boo Sols 0nd E&C Bure s. 7001 Sporotions 000e .0. ...3031 0FofI ss stoot Otretor too23. .Crostoba So toot .....0067291 5r. E oaForet, Sr ...309 PANAMA AREA FERSONNEL BOORS lrmen Sween, Arme Bo n tO00 Ot. 090 0 o. HobOn. J r.,0 A /dg Officer .3078 00 oroza. ...0. 3 SS oooo ...4773 Div, BEPCI ..7897Tom s A .M eers, Umploye rutn t, Ban g .63 n ..i s r i z C lerintlo p 6232 AsF tn oDi ..atn z .hef .ar Ma ..r ...........I n eO l K dc7723. .......7 3 Bila R.O Beo),Io Saor-Mangemet Reaonso Speciobbst. .300 BIb/dIng 0521 0.r00/ Davod 01 Poeilek, PoinCasfcto r PO). .33 iotLisnUnt, OSeonoloortG. E.3M1c00r0yAdm20. 1fficetoo(GoXA)o.l. ....Lo73bCorg toctiont. .....8063044 Ed l 06000 00d /1000 Ator sAbbot Bdg. 3220 RIbOARD 1 CAHILL Executive Otretor (10 .3292 Marny 5 5~g rai 7001 bo Solo o S 0G Loeoos. .As370 by0 01rit101o Bldg Crostool.0.d ui~6-7010/7019 0 y 1 f ioy r. 0.d0e Officet (GSXB) ...101 seg000 blorm on o boosporttoB r. Admi.0.,32 OFFICE OF PLBLIC INFRMATION M. C. Hope bo toAss .3292 000obe 0. 0 .PU) .....t. ....3327 SHORE STAFF, NEW ORLEANS Gustavo BeLe0, Fi 0nstra0l, Prontne .o rds nd. Alto Bro. G Sondrs, Shoot Mortto 0,100 booboo) (M01/ .3600 PROTECTION 000 SRPPORT SERVICES 44 pSou.0 h rn MO 01)00s 1. 70000 Staff 00123.a.o.o. .CENTRAL EXAMINING OFFICE Boop 0r0R) .........3310 Marn Tr Cotro nr ort no mtin .360/ 0 020 Bolg 00, Aton o G .0 t, o n 0 1 .00 9 VICTOR FG. CARES lolomtioo 0) 0iER ( C0). .310 BO FF 3C3O AEM gorto 0. Krpi 0Em0ry, Indulti n/Job a10 rs .Fasrir, MTCSprt en ir .....b. 3620 Fotrer tl aotoirs Boo/og) Js C .Li ene ral Agen. ...784 2 MS io 00MSo. ooYorr SeCretory ..3100 J01e0 o .Slonford, Ponoe. ts.3271 5015 Bootysto. ..300 PROCUREMENT DIVISION 0 R/b o F o st. bomto Ot/ ..3309 El33r, A.iArissraMnigo(B ...7682 10,010 A. o 10000101 P Fi. ..3376 M o Mlont ...3601 .P.GO rt r 0 1). 4a pnSt N75Or s 10 A294 0 .oatwri g Spicwy Setor. ..3202 .l.Oprtons .S ..3397 Grboo. I o Fob ldbs, 2Ar3o o tat g 00000009 .otto F. Mahoney, Chif bHShip DotoAoBnk, MS Chry/o se 0000 010.3. 340 .lot 0e Ago Adm0i. 070 .3521 Fobdtonob tOfomtin onr .b. ..3L Aon ......7032 Saod llogo o g 20, Bobero (RS) .72 AIt ......3202 .L Aoto, lt (G. ..08-0299
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