Panama Canal Organizational Directories

Material Information

Panama Canal Organizational Directories
Panama Canal Commission
Panzer, Pat
16 x 22 inches


federal government publication ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Panama -- Panama Canal Zone


This set of organizational directories covers the years from 1975-1998 and lists names and phone numbers of various employees in administrative departments.
General Note:
52 pages
General Note:
This gift was made in memory of Bob Panzer.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
Panama Canal Museum Collection at the University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not protected by copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.

Aggregation Information

Panama and the Canal
University of Florida
Documents of the Panama Canal
Panama Canal Museum Inventory


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June 1980




Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights

D. P. McAULIFFE, Administrator (AD)...................................... 3169
Mrs. Ella C. Gerchow, Secretary .................................... 3100

FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA) ........................ 3103
Mrs. Josephine E. Hilty, Secretary................................... 7914

WILLIAM L. DE LA MATER, Aide to the Administrator/Director
of Protocol/Residents' Advisory Program Staff Officer, Room 227, (ADPA) ......... 7870
Mrs. Barbara Scott, Protocol Assistant................................ 3536
Gilbert Sollas, Assistant RAPSO-Atlantic Area ............................ 43-5430

OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION Entrance Rooms 205-207, Administration Building
JOSEPH J. WOOD, Director (AE)...........................................
Mrs. Eileen S. Boyd, Secretary .....................................

Deputy Director............... ........................................
Mrs. Dorothy F. Cogswell, Secretary .................................

3519 3305 3305

CLARENCE C. PAYNE, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator (AA) ........... 3305

Chief, Policy and Staff Coordination .......................................
Mrs. Maria Luisa Charles, Secretary .................................

MICHAEL RHODE, Jr., Acting Secretary,
Panama Canal Commission (WO) ........ Mrs. Hazel M. Murdock, Asst to the Secretary .

202-628-6411 202-628-6411

Room 305, Administration Building
G. G. BOUCHE, Ombudsman (ADOM) ............... 7474
Mrs. Barbara E. Shaw, Secy..................... 7474
Dr. Lilia Sibauste, Assoc. Ombudsman................ 7563
Administrator's Information Center ............... 3412

Rooms 230-233, Administration Building
GERARD J. WELCH, Director/U.S. Representative
to Coordinating Committee (EP) ................. 3588
Mrs. Thelma L. Conover, Secy .................... 3588
Gary P. Dunsmoor, Deputy Director ................ 3571
William S. Hinke, Asst. to Director ................ 3561
Rooms 324 332
Donald G. Schmidt, Chief, Program Development
Div. (EPPD) ............................... 7961
Enrique MArquez, Act. Capital Program Coord........3340 Mrs. Gladys Dominguez, Admin. Officer...... ..... 3108
Frank Morris, Environ./Energy Coord...... ....... 7830
David C. Baerg, Environ./Energy Analysis...........7806
Richard A. Wainio, Economist ................... 3370
Room 206
Richard D. Morgan, Asst. Director/Chief, Treaty
Affairs Division (EPTA)....................... 7666
John B. Morton, Treaty Affairs Specialist............ 7666
Robert H. Emerick, Treaty Affairs Specialist ......... 7666 Donald D. Haught, Treaty Affairs Specialist.......... 7666

District Court Bldg., Ancon
Room 35
Charles A. McArthur, Act. Chief, Management Div. (EPMD) 3586
Carlos L. Linares, Management Analysis............. 7742
Richard B. Horne, Industrial Engineering............ 3463
Guillermo Van Hoorde, Jr., Program Appraisal........ 7925

Room 338, Administration Building
DWIGHT A. McKABNEY, General Counsel (GC) ......... 7511
Mrs. Pat Salterio, Secretary ...................... 7511
John L. Haines, Deputy Gen. Counsel ................7511
Asst. Gen. Counsel.............................. 7511
Attorneys ...................................... 7511

Room 204, Administration Building

PAUL A. SIMONEAU, Industrial Relations Officer (IR) ... 3109
Mrs. Elsa Ramirez, Secretary... ..............3109
William R. Bell, Labor-Management Relations
Specialist.................................. 3109
Edsel A. Wong, Chief, Adverse Actions, Room 11,
Bldg. 0610, Ancon (Former Civil Affairs Bldg.) ..... 3224

Room 103, Administration Building
VICTOR G. CANEL, Informafion Officer (10) ..........3165
Ms. Diane M. Morris, Secy.......................3165
Willie K. Friar, Asst. Information Officer............... 3369
Vicki M. Boatwright, Spillway Editor ................ 3202
Mrs. Flor D. de Aguilar, Admin. Officer ............... 3521

7601 7601

Administration Building
K. E. GOLDSBERRY, Chief, Room 254 (AM) .......... 7757
Administrative Officer (AMXA) .................... 7991
Mrs. P. Picard-Ami, Budget Officer (AMXB) .......... 3178
T. C. Duty, Asst. Division Chief/Chief, Staff and Admin.
Support Branch, Room 254 (AMSA)..............7995
Official Translator, Rm. 14....................... 3488
Vital Statistics Unit, Bldg. 5140, Diablo............. 7854
Customs Assist. Unit-Pac., Bldg. 5140, Diablo....... 3238
Customs Assist. Unit-At., Bldg. 1105, Cris....... 43-7638
Employee Assist Unit-Pac., Bldg. 5140, Diablo ..... 7573 Employee Assist. Unit-Atl., Bldg. 8040, Marg ..... 43-7213 James E. Pattison, Chief, Graphic Branch (AMGF) ...... 3217 Pandora G. Aleman, Chief, Records Management Branch, Room. 14 (AMRM) ...................... 7767
Records Mgt. Staff (Forms Control) ................ 7642
Records Mgt Staff (Files and Publications Mgt)
42-D, Diablo ............................... 3482
FOIlA/Privacy Act Staff ........... ........... 7520
Current Records Section (AMRS) ..................3118
Agency Records Center, 42-D, Diablo (AMRC).........3575 Microfilm Section, 42-D, Diablo ................... 7796
Mail Section, Rm.143 ........................... 7681
Official Cable/Telecopier Service ..................7429
Postal Assistance Unit, Bldg. 446, Albrook
AFS .............................. 86-6251/6253
Atlantic Mail and Postal Asistance Unit,
S Bldg. 8040, Margarita ............... 43-7208/7209
W. Richard Shapiro, Chief, Transportation Branch,
Bldg. 5140, Diablo (AMTR)..................... 3325
Travel Section ............................... 3325
Recruitment and Repatriation Section .............. 7845
H. W. Dempsey, Jr., Superintendent Agency Press
and Duplicating Center, La Boca (AMPR) ..........3237
Mrs. Teonilda L. Pefia, Requisitions, etc .............. 7579

Judge John Baker, Balboa; Bldg. 803, La Boca Road,
Balboa (AEMB) ............................ 3451
Sandra. S. Reyes, Clerk of the Court .................3552
Judge Ray J. McQuary, Cristobal; Room 211,
Admin. Bldg., Cristobal (AEMC) ............. 43-7414
Miss Georgina Chen, Clerk...................43-7417

PROBATION AND PAROLE UNIT Room 33, District Court Building, Ancon
Edward M. Chism, Chief (AEPR) ................. 3182

(Former Civil Affairs Building)
BRUCE A. QUINN, Director (EO) ...................3101
Ms. Alcira Aradz, Secy .......................... 3101
Dr. Ana Mora Wakeland, Fed. Women's Program Mgr... 3233 William Gonzalez, Hispanic Employment
Program Manager ......................... 7415

Room 300, Bldg. 0610, Ancon (Former Civil Affairs Building)
RICHARD M. CONOVER, Executive Director (PB) .......3292
Robert Rupp, Personnel Mgt. Spec ..............3292
Mrs. Amelia I. Greene, Personnel Assistant ..........3292


Richard L. Cahill, Manager (PBCE).................. 7682
Internal Operations .............................. 3397
Federal Job Information Center..................... 3584

Rooms 235-240, Administration Building
WALTER D. BJORSETH, Chief Financial Officer (FM)..... 3194 Mrs. Emperatriz Lavecchia, Secretary ............. 7906
Richard 0. Burgoon, Dep. Chief Financial Officer ....... 3580 Duane A. Rigby, Asst. Chief Financial Officer........... 7906
Jolie A. Seeley, Admin. Officer (FMXA) .............. 7636

Building 6529, Corozal
William J. Joyce, Chief (FMSS) .................... 3650
Staff .................. .................... 3501

Building 38, Balboa
Donald M. Luke, Chief Accountant (FMAC) ............. 7823
Josd E. Corc6, Assistant Chief Accountant............. 3405
Barbara H. Selvey, Reports and Analysis Staff (FMAD) ... 7919 J. F. Hern, Jr., Gen. Led. & Proc. Br. (FMAD) .......... 3170
R. L. Dossett, Plant Accounting Branch (FMAD) ......... 3256
J. W. Dunn, Agents Accts. Br., 365 Ancon (FMAA) ...... 3453 D. L. Altemus, Payroll Branch, 365 Ancon (FMAP) ...... 3164 Shirley H. Barca, Claims Br., 6529 Corozal (FMAK)...... 3505 E. J. Lucas, Actg. Officer, New Orleans ....... 504-947-0889

Rooms 102-106, Administration Building
Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP) .................. 3137
Robert J. Boatwright,. Budget Branch ............... 3334
Rolland C. Burdge, Rates and Analysis Branch/
Cost Control Officer ........................... 3287
Tolls and Special Studies ........................ 7434

Building 6530, Corozal
James A. Mathis, General Auditor (FMGA) ............ 3142
Peter A. Liehr, Assistant General Auditor.............. 7776
Staff ...................................... 7801

Building 287, Ancon
Robert Q. Won, Treasurer (FMTR) ................... 3388
Edward J. McAleer, Assistant Treasurer ...............3167
Atlantic Treasury Branch, Building 7031,
Mt. Hope (FMTA)........................ 43-7399

Room 145, Administration Building
C. J. Goodwin, Jr., Chief, Management Information
Systems (FMIS) ............................. 3460

Room 146, Administration Building
Raymond W. Engle, Chief (FMDP)................ 3550
James A. Brewer, Assistant Chief.................... 3220

COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION Room 146, Administration Building
E. R. McArthur, Chief (FMCO)..................... 7468
W. J. Brannon, Jr., Central Computer Operations
Branch ........ ........................... 3424
Albert G. Mootoo, Data Entry and Controls Branch,
Room 16 .................................. 3162

Room 243, Administration Building
RONALD L. SEELEY, Director (PR) ................. 3277
Miss Camille L. Rhyne, Secy...................... 3277
William D. Young, Deputy Director.................. 3351
Mrs. Marcia Barcelli, Budget Officer, Room 247 (PRXB) .. 3558

Carlos A. Williams, Personnel Policies and Programs
Staff (PRST)............................... 3466

Building 0602, Corozo Street
R. R. Varela, Associate Director (PRHR)....... ..... 3310
George A. Mercier, Employee and Management
Development (PRHM) ........................ 7872
C. Garcia de Paredes, Language Training ........... 3538
Merick Banks, Industrial Training (PRHI) ............. 3310
Ms. Virginia M. Shea, Admin. Svcs. Assistant ........ 3259
Apprentice School (Bldg. 2A-3, Balboa)............. 3214
William R. Dunning, Jr., Asst. Chief,
Industrial Training.......................... 3152

Building 366, Ancon
John Y. Wagner, Chief, Personnel Operations Div.
(PROP).................................... 3335
Receptionist and General Information ..............7595
Miss E. Arias, Staff Asst. to Chief-.................3335
J. P. Rodriguez, Employment and Placement Branch (PROE) 3171
Mrs. H. Varela, Local Employment.. ............3583
Mrs. E. Rodriguez, Marine and E&C Bureaus .... 7501 Mrs. C. McSween, General Services and Staff Units . 7996
T. C. Peterson, U.S. Recruitment, Bldg. 363, Ancon ... 3254 Mrs. Y. Sadowski, Special Placement ............. 7570
D. J. Niedzialek, Wage and Classification Branch (PROW) . 3336
Classification Section
J. M. McTaggart, Marine and E&C Bureaus........ 3176 Mrs. M. Vidaurri, General Services and Staff Units.. 3176
R. T. Russell, Pay Analysis...................... 7971
F. A. Fils-Remotti, Personnel Records and Admin.
Branch (PROR)-...............................3311
Mrs. M. Quijano, Employee induction/Job Letters..... 3522 Mrs. J. Stanford, Personnel Actions................ 3279
L. A. Wickham, Personnel Files ................... 3376
Mrs. L. Echevers, Service Tracing, Bldg. 449-X, Ancon. 7432

Building 5553, Diablo Heights
W. A. Sullivan, Employee Services Branch (PROS) ...... 7831 S. A. Henriquez, Retirement Processing ............ 3160
M. J. Harrington, Retirement Counselor............. 3229
Mrs. E. Chandler, Insurance ..................... 7831
Mrs. A. Machado, Disability Relief ................. 7828
Mrs. Y. Canfield, incentive Awards, Room 300, Bldg.
0610, Ancon (Former Civil Affairs Bldg.) .......... 7965
Building 1105, Cristobal
D. A. Hope, Cristobal Personnel Office (PROC)-....... 43-7439
Receptionist and General Information...........43-7329
Mrs. A. Le6n, Local Employment............... 43-7218
Mrs. J. Mathurin, Wage and Classification........ 43-7482
Mrs. E. Yearwood, Retirement................. 43-7217

Rooms 274-280, Administration Building
COL. IGNACIO HERNANDEZ F., Director (HL).......... 3274
Mrs. Margarita Preciado, Secretary................3274
J. R. Givens, Assistant Director/Admin ................ 3114
John T. Bowman, Asst. to Director ................... 3406
Virginia Lee, Admin. Asst. ......................... 7721
Room 276, Administration Building
Willard S. Sweeney, Chief (HLSN) .................. 7605
D. Laracuente, Southern Branch.................... 3464
J. Corrigan, Northern Branch ................... 43-7466
Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa
Dr. Ernst K. W. Kredel, Chief (HLIH) ................ 7968
Dr. Richard A. Cheville, Industrial Health Officer (Pacific)................................... 3529
Dr. Henry De La Garza, Industrial Health Officer (Atlantic) ............................... 43-7465
Industrial Hygienists ............................. 7713
Industrial Aid Stations............................ 3529
Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa
J. R. Maravilla, Chief (HLSF) ...................... 3289
Frank Guite, Assistant Chief ........................ 7883
Mrs. Irma V. Pasco, Safety Specialist ................ 7883
Dr. Paul H. Dowell, Chief (HLVT), Bldg. 5116,
Mt. Hope ............................... 43-7301
Dr. Robert D. Wallace, Veterinarian, Bldg. 428,
Ancon .................................... 3479

Rooms 308-311 Administration Building
CAPTAIN JOHN D. THURBER, USN, Director (MR) ...... 7917
Mrs. Doris Burns, Secy .......................... 7917
Capt. R. A. Dickins, USN (Ret.), Deputy Director ........ 3308
William 0. Cofer, Asst. to Director .................. 7562
Douglas C. Schmidt, Staff Assistant................. 7809
Mrs. Beverly B. Wood, Admin. Off. (MRXA) ............ 7529
Mrs. E. S. Coleman, Budget Officer (MRXB) ........... 7529
James R. Freeman, Staff Engineer.................. 7529
M. N. Stephenson, Employee Relations Specialist....... 7809 W. G. Cleveland, Safety Officer, So. Dist............ 52-8217
Mrs. Roberta F. Egolf, Safety Officer, No. Dist ...... ,43-5486

Building 5140, Diablo
Capt. John H. Stone, Jr., Chairman (MRBL) .......... 3403
Capt. Edmund P. Gabriel, Asst. Chairman.............7512
Gilbert T. Gonsalves, Floating Equipment Inspector,
Balboa----...... .....*-----.....---... 7943
John W. Davis, Floating Equipment Inspector,
Cristobal ............................... 43-7611

Southern District
Second Floor, Bldg. 28, Balboa
Capt. W. C. Calkins, Chief (MRCS) .................. 7976
Capt. J. J. Bonanno, Acting Asst. Chief ............... 3185
Capt Bruce S. Little, USCG, Liaison ................. 3144
CanaPort Captains.-............. ......... 3185
Alba D. Hutchings, Jr., Admin. Officer ....... .... 3190
Budget Officer .................................. 7856
Vessel Manager ............................... 3141
Eugene C. Vollmert, Port Engineer ................... 7625
James A. Fraser, Jr., Vessel Support Gen. Foreman...... 3572
Northern District
Second Floor, Bldg 1105, Cristobal
Capt. R. L. Currie, Supervisory Canal Port Captain ... 43-7637 Canal Port Captain............................ 43-7639
Carlos Smith, Clerical Assistant .................. 43-7243
Capt. Norman Dixon, Vessel Manager ............. 43-7474
R. J. Robertson, Port Engineer................... 43-7611
Ralph D. Harris, Vessel Support Gen. Foreman ...... 43-7486

First Floor, Bldg. 28, Balboa
R. E. Angermuller, Director (MRPA) ................. 7413
J. L. Ransom, Chief Admeasurer, Balboa....... ..... 7947
R. J. Bjorneby, Supervisory Admeasurer, Bldg. 1105,
Cristobal .......................... 43-7293/7492

Building 910, MTC Center, La Boca
Capt. Robert W. Haff, Jr., Chief (MRTO) ............. 3503
Capt. Louis M. Pascavage, Deputy Chief .............. 7786
Capt. Richard Belzer, Operations Officer .............. 3631
Ms. Arden L. Cooke, Admin./Budget Officer ...........3678
Capt. Louis H. Hixon, Pilot Training Coordinator ........ 3632 Ms. Jeanette S. Fryer, Pilot Liaison Unit, Second Floor,
Administration Bldg., Cristobal.......... 43-7418/7419
Ashby S. Smith, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling
Unit (MRPR) ............................... 3327
Bruce G. Sanders, Chief, Marine Traffic Control (MRTC) .. 3645 Marine Traffic Control General Information ............3611
James C. Foster, MTCS Project Engineer..............3621
MTCS Analysts.................................. 3680
MTCS Maintenance .............................. 3661
James R. Mahoney, Chief, Ship Data Bank,
Second Floor, Building 28, Balboa (MRSD) ........ 7525

Building 6, Pedro Miguel
Lawrence Barca, Jr., Chief (MRLC) ................. 3509
R. Vaughan, Chief, Eng. and Ping. Sec. (MRLE)......... 3509
Mrs. Anna M. Bolt, Budget Officer.................. 3509
Mrs. Silvia M. Glasscock, Admin. Svcs. Off............ 3509
C. A. Alvarado, Plant Engineer..................... 3509
T. J. Hannigan, Overhaul Engineer ................. 3509
Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel Locks
V. Higgins, Supt. (MRLP) ...................... 52-8215
G. A. McArthur, Asst. Supt ...................... 52-8214
Lourdes A. Boseman, Admin. Svcs. Asst ............ 52-8213
Atlantic Branch, Gatun Locks
D. F. Bullinger, Supt., (MRLA) ..................43-5700
R. A. Alvarez, Asst. Supt....................... 43-5703
Mrs. Alicia W. Chen, Admin. Svcs. Asst ............ 43-5704

Room 318 Administration Building
Col J. J. PLUNKETT, Director (EC) ................


Secretary................................... 7684
Atlantic Area Office, Gatun Community Center (ECAA). 43-5650
Mrs. Muriel D. Mizrachi, Secy ...............43-5447
M. Bierman, Deputy Director ....................... 3527
Administrative Officer (ECXA) ...................... 3375
R. E. O'Connor, Asst to Dir. for Labor-Mgmt. Relations
(ECXL) ................................... 7987
Maj. J. A. Ball, Acting Asst. to Dir./Exec. Off., U.S. Army
Element ................................... 7863
N. C. Farnsworth, Asst. to Dir. for Prog. and Budgets
(ECXB)................................... 3485
R. C. Dahn, Safety Off., Rm. 307 (ECXS) ............. 7575
Contracting Off., Bldg. 29X, Balboa ................. 7927
Building 29X, Balboa
Chief (ECCN) ................................... 7927
Mrs. B. D. Peterson, Admin. Officer ...............7927
R. J. Hauser, Chief Contract Insp. Br ..............7927
Southern District ............................ 3517
Northern District............................. 43-7321
Bldg. 33, Gamboa

P. L. Whitlock, Chief (ECDR) ..................
Asst. Chief ..................................
H. V. Archibold, Admin. Officer ..................
R. Bringas, Budget Off./Cuntrol Br ... ........
Chief, Engr. Plans and Prog. Sec .............
A. E. Diaz, Chief, Operations Branch ..............
L. M. Hall, Chief, Support Branch................
C. E. Sykes, Chief, Repair Branch ................
Building 66A, Balboa

566681 56-6681 56-6681 56-6681 56-6681 56-6681 56-6691 56-6612

F. A. Lee, Chief (ECLE) .......................... 3421
Mrs. J. G. Holder, Admin. Officer................... 3421
G. E. McFadden, Chief, Elec. Work Br. (ECLW) ......... 3421
E. R. Malin, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP) ................. 3421
C. H. Harrill, Chief, Com. Br. (ECLC) .................. 204
Room 343, Administration Building
R. J. Risberg, Chief (ECEG)...... .................. 7585
R. D. Donaldson, Asst. Chief ....................... 3180
G. B. Gordon, Admin. Officer..................... 7982
D. W. Date, Chief, Architectural Br. (ECEA) ............ 3556
L. G. Archuleta, Chief, Str.-Geotech. Br. (ECES)..........3278
M. Quintero, Chief, Civil Br. (ECEC)3.................. 3619
J. T. Aleman, Electrical Br. (ECEE)................... 3419
Chief, Mech, Br. (ECEM) ......................... 7895
N. H. Vasquez, Chief, Specif. & Est. Br. (ECEX)......... 7949
R. D. Donaldson, Chief, Projects Br. (ECEP)............ 3180
W. B. Shaw, Chief, Met. and Hyd. Br. (ECEH) .......... 7716
R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Br., Bldg. 12, Pedro
Miguel (ECEV) .............................. 3163
Bldg. 5082, Mt. Hope
E. M. Kennedy, Chief, (ECIN) ................... 43-7392
F. Foster Ill, Asst. Chief ....................... 43-7392
D. S. Miller, Chief, Admin, Br ................... 43-7234
P. H. Zimmermann, Chief, Prod./Plan. Br........... 43-7256
Ricardo Chen, Chief, Eng. Br ................... 43-7606
F. R. Alberga, Admin. Officer................... 43-7472
Mrs. J. M. Eckel, Budget Officer ................ 43-7210
Junior T. Robson, Production Controller ........... 43-7382
K. H. Willis, Gen. Foreman, Salvage Depot ......... 43-5289
Building 8, Balboa
W. E. Jobusch, Chief (ECME) ..................... 3498
Mrs. B. B. Ledezma, Admin. Officer................. 3498
F. Martinez, Chief, Pac. Maint. Br. (ECMP) ............ 3498
H. A. Tooke, Chief, Water and Lab. Br. (ECMW).........3266
R. Toledano, Chief, Ref. and Air Cond. Br. (ECMR) .... 3513 W. H. M Brunner, Chief, Atlantic Maint Branch
(ECMA) ............................ 43-7351
R. C. Jones, Chief, Planning, Budget and Engineering
Section ....... ............................ 7611
H. A. Erhart, Project Engineer ..................... 3498
Marvin Goebel, Safety Specialist ................... 3498

Rooms 264-273 Administration Building
F. A. COTTON, Director (GS)....................... 3445
Mrs. Margaret B. Zeimetz, Secy .................. 3445
R. P. Laverty, Deputy Director...................... 7723
G. H. Halsall, Asst. to Director...................... 7723
G. E. McEIroy, Admin. Officer (GSXA) ................ 7723
A. C. Payne, Budget Officer (GSXB)......-........... 3189
B. P. Broussard, Safety Officer ..................... 7970
Room 205, Bldg. 0610, Ancon (Former Civil Affairs Building)
M. P. Gordon, Director (GSPS) ..................... 3422
Mrs. Barbara A. Rios, Secy....................... 3422
R. J. Saarinen, Asst. Dir. .......................... 3401
Mrs. Cheryl Russell, Admin. Officer.................. 3262

Room 212
Charles Morris, Chief (GSCP) ..................... 3694
B. C. Poland, Asst. Chief ......................... 3695
Louis R. Reyes, Security Program Officer ............. 3696
Mrs. Naomi Figueroa, Budget Analyst ............... 3696
R. J. Rios, Inspector ............................ 3696
Winfield S. Robison, Pacific Area Commander.......... 3669
W. C. Crews, Atlantic Area Commander. ........... 43-7476

Room 105
G. O. Flores, Chief (GSFI)......................... 3138
K. L. Manthorne, Admin. Officer ................... 3138
J. D. Deitz, Asst. Chief, Southern District .............. 3286
R. M. Guilliams, Asst. Chief, Northern District ...... 43-7282
Room 208
William F. Kessler, Chief (GSPL) .................. 7708
Lt. R. F. Brayton, Police Inspector................3206
Mrs. M. P. Frensley, Budget Analyst ................. 3151
Maj. F. E. Flud, Commander, Balboa District, Bal.
Police Station ............................. 3324
Maj. E. V. Amason, Commander, Cristobal District, Crist. Police Station ...................... 43-7341
Capt. V. E. Voyles, Acting Warden, Gamboa Penitentiary ............................. 56-6628

Room 201
Mrs. Beverly C. Williams, Lib.-Curator (GSLM) .........7884
Mrs. Naomi A. Wolf, Chief, Resources and Services ..... 7761 Mrs. Nan S. Chong, Panama Collection Librarian ....... 3154 Mrs. Victoria W. Cooper, Chief Cataloger ............. 3123

Room 112 Administration Building, Balboa Heights
Ernest W. Oliver, Chief (GSIS) .................... 7900
William Roger, Deputy Chief ...................... 7629

Bldg. 5140, Diablo
C. H. Raybourn, Chief, (GSRS) ..................... 7967
Mrs. K. E. Melanson, Admin. Asst ...................7967

Bldg. 11-Y, Roosevelt Ave., Balboa
Thos. P. Strider, Chief (GSEP) ..................... 7502

J. P. Corrigan, Director (GSSL)..................... 3383
Secretary................................... 3383
J. M. Ruoff, Asst. Dir ............................ 3157
W. W. Nowotny, Management Analyst ............... 7594
Mrs. A. M. Azcdrraga, Admin. Officer................ 3635

Building 635, Balboa Heights
R. M. Murphy, Chief (GSCS) ....................... 3577
C. M. Newbury, Assistant Chief .................... 3577
P. A. Arenas, Management Analyst ................. 3133
Mrs. A. Rodriguez-V., Admin. Svcs. Asst.............. 7921
Mrs. A. E. Burns, Budget Officer ................... 3288
T. W. Carteret, Safety Specialist ....................7455
J. L. DesLondes, Supt., Housing Mgmt. Br. (GSCH) ...... 3133
R. McNatt, Housing Manager, So. District ............. 3436
E. A. Letendre, Housing Manager, No. District ....... 43-7248
J. R. Haner, Supt., Building Mgmt. Br. (GSCB) ......... 3133
Building Mgr., Southern District ................. 3685
J. A. Zambrano, Building Mgr., Northern District..... 43-7605 E. Cordovez D., Supt., Grounds Mgmt. Br.(GSCG) ....... 3133
L. Pdrez B., Supervisor, Grounds, So. District .......... 3319
R. G. May, Supervisor, Grounds, No. District........ 43-7373

Third Floor, Building 28, Balboa
M. S. Klipper, Acting Chief (GSST) .................. 3130
E. Ho, Asst. to Chief ............................. 7978
Mrs. E. K. Oster, Admin. Svcs. Officer ...............7475
G. P. Lavecchia, Actg. Chief, Inventory Mgt. Br. (GSSI)... 3596 E. L. Reinhardt, Chief, Purchasing and Contracts
Branch (GSSP)............................. 3216
A. J. Kerr, Acting Chief, Warehousing Branch,
Bldg. 5, Balboa (GSSW)....................... 7785
S. L. Catlett, Chief, Excess Disposal Branch, Bldg. 42,
Diablo Road (GSSE) .......................... 7683
R. L. Jemmot, Actg. Storekeeper, No. Dist......... 43-7456
M. A. Pezzotti, Mgr., Furn. and Equip. Pool........... 7882

Building 0625A, Gaillard Highway, Ancon
Billy M. Lohr, Chief (GSMT) ....................... 3563
Ernest B. Hickman, Assistant Chief ................. 3420
Administrative Officer ............................ 7731
Mrs. K. P. Risberg, Budget Analyst .................. 7731
R. R. Bermidez, Supt., Southern Dist ................ 7990
R. G. Laatz, Supt., Northern Dist ................ 43-7246
Short Trip Service...................... 3429/43-7358

Room 200-205, Administration Bldg., Cristobal
E. H. Bensen, Chief (GSWT) .................... 43-7281
W. B. Huff, Asst. Chief........................ 43-7204
Accounting Section .......................... ; 43-7291
SS Cristobal in Port.......................... 43-7430
Ship's Office ............................... 43-7630
Cargo Section .............................. 43-7441
Passenger Information, Transportation Br., Admin.
Svcs. Div., Bldg. 5140, Diablo................. 3325

4400 Dauphine St., New Orleans, La. 70146
Joseph C. Quintas, General Agent .......... 504-947-4417

4400 Dauphine St., New Orleans, La. 70146
R. L. Austin, Chief (GSPR) ................ 504-948-5299

Suite 312, Penn. Bldg., 425 13th St NW.
Washington, D.C. 20004

Full Text


June 1980 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT B0iding 5553, Diablo Heights LOCKS DIVISION CANAL PROTECTION DIVISION Rooms 235-240, Adnistation Buddiog W. A Suivon, Employee Services Branch (PROS) .7831 Buodng 6, Pedr Miguel Ron. 212 WALTER 0. BJORSETEU Chief Fin ofia Officer IFM). 3190 0 AOoooooooe, Fotfofoot Processin 310 MrA AEAr D.hJ R s chis e cretorS F .l of .70. 4 H rrigtoo Retirement roue ..3229 Lawrence Barra, Jr., Chief (MRLC) ....3509 Charles Morris, Chief (GSCP) ..3694 A C, C A lA 0 .s E r Chlihe E dtn. ..90 H o 3 V g C P g Sec (MRLE). 3509 B. Poland, Ast. Cheof ...3695 P N M C A A C O M S I NRichard 0, Burgeon, Dep. Chief Financial Officer, .3 r11 .CZdlr nsrne. ..7831 Mrs VAnn M.B er ugot Officer. .........3509 Louis R. Reyes, Security Program Cosfier ...39 Dean A Rgby Ast Chif FInlti cal OfficrMA. 1 .900 Mr. A a 7828 Mr. Sva M. Gle as Admin. Svcs. Off .3509 Mrs. Naomi Figer Budg1 Analyst ...3696 Johh A0Soo do090 00) 73 Mrs Cooidd, Incenltiveooda e3000,70 Bldg. CO 35o9dR Roitoaofr. .3.0.0.l.p. ..3690 J SeaAt",eA mi. Admin MA. ....7 3 OMsfYficer, n e tveA ars (F 0 Mg. C .laad ,Pan ngn e ....3e. R.I J., Ris, (Fspemer .ii .far .Blg. ...96 ..l c .ln En in e ...3 9 000 Aon (Forr Cvol Af 0 Bdg)I. 7965 .Hannigan Overhaul Engineer ..3509 itld S. Robson, Par, Are Commander .3669 SYSTEMS DIVISION CRISTOBAL OFFICES P hc Branch, Pedro Mil Lacks W. C Crows, Atlantic Area Commander .43-7476 80dio 659Otoq Bidfn 10,Crsoaloigs Sept. (000) .920315. FlOE DIVISION O R G A N IZA T IO N D IR EC TO RY 0 ,W,. Chi (0099) 0 Hope Crit obalPers nne 110ficr FRC). .437439 A 00Arthur As(R Ft p. ..FR21re 310 Staff ........-...S o Receptionist and General reformsto .....437 2 Lo r sA.B sm n Ad i. vs. ss .....52 2 3 ...Mrs. A. Leon, Local Employment .....437181 L pl ism e d iS sr. ....28 1 G. 0. Flores, Chief (G i) ...........3138 Mrs. J Mathoun, Wage and Classification. 4307482 Aflant, B ch, Got, rocks K. L. Mant he Admin. Officer ..3138 ACCOUNTING DIVISION Ms. .Yearwood, Retirement ..43-7217 ..Bollner, opt 0 0 .037 .Dat if Asl. Ci Souther District .3286 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Buili 38, Balboa R. A. lin, Spt.MR.A) R. M. Gallams, Asst. hief, Northern District 43-7282 Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights Donald M. Luke, Chief Accountant FMAC) .7823 OFFICE OF HEALTH AND SAFETY Mrs Alicia W. Chen Admin. S Asst. .43-5704 POLICE DIVISION Joso E. Coope, Assistant Chief Accountant .3405 Rooms 274-280, Adomstration Buildng Roo 208 0. P. McAULIFFE, Adminllrdlor 00). ........316 Bobooo H. Soloay, Reports an3 Anaoysi Stoff (0000) 7909 COL. IGNACIO 08R000000 F., Direclt (NC) .3070401000 0 O00CI0WltoF ooo hoSP) .00 D. P. MCAULIFFE, A d administrator (AD) ...............0.0.o.0.0.0.C.o. 3169 BTrbar. He, Jr. y epn Led. A Poo. At. (FOOD) M 9 0 7, ecretr ..3274 ENGIN0EERING AND CONST UCTION Wllam F. o s, Ch0 (P C ...70 Mrs. Ella C. Goochow, Secretary .3100 R. C 0 09ft Polan Acountingo Bronch (FOOD) 39 R 0 0,000U u R loot RotoAoo .00M .on. to ph00 o pt ..19 JMrs DEooa at Gpicr B, r365r .mi) .FMA 0 .o 00 o .stan .300yR.o.o .114 .rt. do .ooOP Fod Co ....DosAt) Csl 5 FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA) ......................L.o3 Ate3 3s PayrollBrnc, (F 2 a 4Aad to Director. Room 318 Administration Building Maj. F F Td, Co24mander, Balboa str Bl Mrs. Josephine E. Hilty, Secretary. 7914 E. J. Lca, Actg. Officer, New Orleans ..504-947 0889 SANITATION DIVISION S .P0ery .7000 Mo E V. Am so n Comoandot, Cristobal District, Cot09toooooo 900 9OOM, AdIrIOln AntiAo fG mmntyCntr.(E.AA) 0 Clt Poice Station .43-7341 WILLIAM L. DE LA MATER, Aide to the Administrator/Director .oom 276, AdmonistrtoD Buldiog 000ff Arab 010i,0, Got Comm ty CMnteh ooe o 43-550 Capt V E. Voyles, Acting Warden, Gamboa FINANCIAL PLANNING DIVISION Willard S. Sweeney, Chief (HLSN) ..7695 Pitntar Man6-6628nSy .4 54 of ProtocoI/Residents' Advisory Program Staff Officer, Room 227, (ADPA) .7870 Ro 102-106, Adottoo Building D. Laroente, Southern Branch .3464 0 A aD y pu .2 Pnttio o .i ....506628 JCorrigan, Nohn 0rnc00.0. 3060 Adoi oo 000 o Officor P00A) ..31 379 Mrs. Barbara Scott, Protocol Assistant. 3536 Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP) ...33737466 R. E. O'Cannor, Asst. to D0F. fo ab rt 00 Rolatoo LIBRARY-MUSEUM Gilbert Sollas, Assistant RAPSO-Atlantic Area .43-5430 Robert J. Boatwright, Budget Branch .3334 INDUSTRIAL HEALTH DIVISION (ECXL). ..7987 Room 201 Rolland C. Aodge, Rates and Analysis Branch/ Second Fluor, Bol3dng 721, Balboa Maj. J. A. Ball, Acting As D. to Dir/Exe. Off US Army OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION Cost Control Officer ..3207 Do Eos K rdl, Chit E).7968 .C. ort s ...7863 Mrs. omely CA. Wiei, Cour a (SCl ..780 Fod 00000 ofC 01,000020 Mos. Naomi 0. Wolf, Chiet, Reources and0 Servoco 7700 Entrance Rooms 205 207, Administration Building 7o as Specal Stede .7430 Do RnhordA Chooel, Cdistof HoolH 011.e, (CXB ..3005 Mrs. N ChoNg PEnm. Colloo Lbr Cn ..P3150 (Po~~~tool. ....~~ 3929 R, C 00,, Sofoty 001, pr, 307 (ECASI .~ Ot ooo0Coo tCtlo 32 JOSEPH ). WOOD, Director (AE). 35100 01 AUDIA D N Dom o7 E .7575 Mrs. Victoria W. Cooper, Chief CDt0lger .3123 JOSEP J. W OD, D recto (A E .........................o. ..G.z.a3 1InGE ERAtrUDaT 'HealNthr.HfnryDerLaG.r. .nduCrontHractingfiOrfCtr Bldng .Of.,XB g. 29 Balo .....7722 Mrs. Eileen S. Boyd, Secretary .3510 Building 6530, Coo (Atootic). 43-7465 INDUSTRIAL SECURITY OFFICE (030tid nstsAt os ...77 3 CONTRCTION DIVISION Room 112Administration Building, Balboa Heights Deputy Director. 3305 PO o A i G or,oAssistant Genera A dito .7776 Ernest W.Oiver, Chief SIS). 7900 Mrs. Dorothy F. Cogswell, Secretary .3305 Staff .7801 SAFEon 7000 90,00 OF 2ECCN) .nS.C.ot.(C.O. ....7927 William Roger, Deputy Chief .7629 lop, f Buil~dog 721, Balboa Mos 6, 000 oati e Admin Ofc ..7927 CLARENCE C. PAYNE, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator (AA) .3305 TREASURY BRANCH J. R. Maravila, Chief (HLSF) .3289 R J Hoer Chief Contract 0,sp. r ..7 RECREATION SERVICES Buildrng 287, Am -o Fr k Guite, Assistant Chief. .7883 Norther, District ..._ ..4 3 721Bd .5 4 ,D b Chiether Policyc .a .o.CAoto~oo. ..03 N~h0. ...043.7320 Bldg 5140, Dioblo Chief, Policy and Staff Coordination .7601 Mrs. tro V. P sc, Safety Spocalst .7883 760 b00r0 0.00o,70 Otrsue ((F)R) .3300 ooooREoDGINGo00000 DIViOION C. 0. Oayboorn, Chiot 1C(G ...7967 Mrs. Maria Luisa Charles, Secretary .....7601 Edward J. MAr As, st t Treaot rer. .3167 VETERINARY DIVISION Bldg. 33, G boa Mrs K E. Melo, Admin. Asst. 7967 Atlantic To 0as y Branch, Buld 7031, Dr. Paul H. Dowell, Chief (HLVT), Bldg 5116 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Mt. Hope (FMTA) ..43-7399 Mt. Hope ....43 7301 P. L Whitlock, Clea o ECDR) .56-6681 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Suite 312, Pam Bldg., 425 13th St, N.W. Ad0in0istrti0 Building Dor Robert D. Wall-, Vteronar, Bldg. 42802 As ChOf .A. .56601 Bldg. I0-Y, Roosevelt Ave., Balboa K.~ 8. V.OORO hotAo 9 (0 00 Archibald, Adm Oftie .o .o_. 566001 We shingto, D.C. 20004 K. E. GOLDSBERRYM Chief, Room 254 (AM) .7757 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS .on ..3479 R Brgas, Budget Off /Cof t ......56-6681 Thos. P. Strider, Chief (GSEP) .7502 MICHAEL RHODE, Jr. Acting Secretary, Adm istrtive Officer (AMXA) ..7991 Room 145, Administratio, Rgolding MARINE BUREAU00000 Da C e poao t d o go. 5p 8o 096-6600 A D 00 o Mos aa .Cal Co n -(0o0 .h.So .2ty .202 0 .I iad A I, Budgier hA C.o af .n. 3178 C. J. Goodwin, Jr. Chief, Management InformationC4C Rooms 308-311 Admstrat Buding L C.Hakos Chif, Suptrtt ranch .10PHot Ahdo. o ppGoCorV0 Support Branch, Room 254 (AMSA) .St (FMS) .3060 CAPTAIN JOHN D. THURBER, USN, Director (MR)). 7917 0 Soko Chol 00000 hP.566612 (M9r, 0.'a P. Copiso Otopst too (0990) ...33038BJ T C uyAs iiio hafCipSaf n A Official Transtater, Rm. 14. .411 Mrs. Darns Bars, Sec. ...7917 ELECTRICAL DIVISION J. P. Corrigan, Director (GSSL) ....3383 AdottoOBo2, To RtS0ecr000aMy0 0.791.ofot ....3303 OFFICE OF OMBUDSMAN Vital Statistics Unit, Bldg. 5140, Diablo. .7890 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION Copt. R A. Dc USN (R) Deputy Director .3300 Buhhig 66A, Balboa ..Rf, .0 ....3097 Room 305, Administration Boulding m Assist. Unit-Fo Bldg. 5140, Diablo. 323B Ro .046, Administration Building William 0. Cootr, Asst to Director ...102J. M. Rof assm Dir. ..757 C t A t t-Ati Bldg. 1105, Cris. 438 0 Douglas C Schmidt, Staff Assistant ..7809 F. A Les, Chief (ECLE) ...342 W .A. Now zny, aagA min. Anfi yst .5794 G. G. BOUCHE, Ombudsman (ADOM) ..7474 Employee ist l ot-P Bldg. 5140, Diablo .7573 Raymond W. Engle, Chief (FMDP). 3550 Mrs. Beverly B. Wood Admin, Off. (MRXA) ..7529 Mrs. .G. Holder, Admin. Officer ...421 Mrs Barbara E. Show, S cy ...7474 Employee Assist. Uni l Bldg. 8040, Marg .43-7213 James A, Brower, Assistant Chief. 3220 Mrs. E. S Coleman, B dget Officer (MRXB) .7529 G. E McFadden, Chief, Eps Work r (ECLW) .3421 0r. i9a Sibaste, Ass0p. Ombudsman. 7563 James E. P a ,son, Chief, Graphic Branch (AMGF) .3217 Jmes R. Forom n, Staff Engineer .7529 E R. Maln, Chief, Power Br (ECLP) ...3421 COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION Adminstrator's Information Center .3412 Pandora G. Alemted Chief, Records Management COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION M. N. Sepheson, Employee Rel ns Specialist. 7809 C. H Harril, Chi, Cum. Br. (ECLC) .8204 Building 635, Balboa Heights Branch, Re.m. 14 (AMRM) .7767 W G. Cleveland, Safety Officer So Dist. .528217 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING Reords Mgt. Stoff ( Cntrl) .7642 roo. 146, Admonostreo Oilding Mrs. Roberts F. Eg f, Safety Officer, No Dist .435486 EGIEERING DIVISION R. M. Murphy, Chief (GSCS) ...3577 Rcard, Mgt Sta (0.0 and Pubications Mgt.) ou 343, Admoost op Building C M. Nowbry, Asisat Chief ...3577 Ras, 230-233, Administr0tion Buildto 42-0, Diab ...3002 E. R. McArthur, Chief (FMCO ..7060 P 0. ArensManagement A)ys. .3133 F00000iaby A.t .72 W J. Brannon, Jr., Central Computer Operations 00BOARD OF LOCAL INSPECTORS R. J. Risbrg, Chief (ECEG). 7585 Moo A. Rodrgo, -Va Admn So al t ...7921 GERAR J.l WECe .i.o/US Re rsn1,eCurn od Section (AMR ) ..Branch .3424 gadlding 5140, Diablo R. D. Donaldson, Asst. Chief ...3" 0 Mrs. A. E .Burns, Budget rfiper ..328 to Coordinotiog 00000) 30 Committe R(oP)d .o.o. (0009). ..3100 lpetG Mooto. ...02 BDatdao 9040y 0,0n( Rotrl Brnh 0a0e03 000 Co. ..00 M APO 000100lot .30 o CoTodlma Comottee 9 .398 o Agency Records Center, 42-D, D l AMR .). 3575 bRGoo 00 Pntty 003 ..ntr .s 3r.nch, G. .Gard Admin. foioer ...7982 T 0 W S Carteret, 9y 0 s ....7099 101. Dtoma L Coor ecty. ..7357 Micofilm Section, 42D Diablo .7796 000m 06. 31M2 C5pt. D. W Date, Chief, Archectural B. ECEA) ..3556 J. L DesLondes, Su9t,0Ho0sing3 Mgmt. B0. (GSCH) .3133 G ay S. Hnmle, Dptyo Director. 37C MalPSotion P.o Capt. EdmCnd P. G bIL,. Ast. Chairman .0. S L G. Archuleta, Chief, Sr.,GeHtch. Br. (ECES .D.3 WlomS. 0,000 A taoor .360 o _t 00 .p. r 7600 GlberT. Gonsalves, Floating Equipment Inspector, 00 000 Chf,.n Housing Manage, o District ..N4367208 000324322 Olbotot 00000 ceoo.o.o.o.o. 7029 Balboa .________.tho. ...7903 07 AtM, Ch.0f Citto Br. (0000). 3009 FA Noo, osin Maag, 300 Moot ic .(10)31334 Rooms 324-332 Postal Assistance Unit, Bldg. 446, Albrook 6254 J. T. Alm n, ElCctiotl BMo 9E0EE) ...3419 J R. Hare,, S oopt, Boding Mgmt. Br. GSCB .3133 AF .*. 86-2 / 2 3 John W, Davis, Floating Equipment Inspector, Chidf, Mech, Br. (ECEM) .7895 Building Mgr., Southern District ...3685 009 ...c66251/23Citbl .4-611 Donald G. Schmidt, Chief, Program Development Aant and Postal Asstance Unit,. N. H, Vasquez, Chief S i .& Est0 0r (ECEX) .01 7P9 J A Zambrano, Building Mg. Northern District. 43-7605 Div. (EPPD) ...7961 Bldg. 8040, Margarita .43-7208/7209 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION R0 D0 D0na0dsP, Ch n POs B. (ECEP) .BoO E. Cordvez D Sup t Grounds Mgmt Br,(GSCG) .3133 Enrique M rq Act. Capital Program Cood .3340 W. Richard Shapiro, Chief, Transportation Branch, oo 243 Ad tto Bld g CANAL SUPPORT DIVISION W Sh ChI Met and y r, (ECEH) .776 L Perez B, Supervisor, Grounds, So. District ..3319 Mrs. Glodys Do mnguez, Admin. Officer. ..3108 Bldg. 5140, Diablo (AMTR). ...3325 Southern District R. S Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Br., Bdg. 12, Pedro R. G, May, Supervisor, Grounds No District. .437373 F nk Morts, Environ./Energy ra.Cood ..7830 Travel Section .3325 RONALD .SEELEY, Director (PR) .3277 Second Floor, Bldg. 28, Balboa Miguel (ECEV) ...3163 David C. Ba rg, Eooto./Energy Analys. 7806 Recruitment and Repatriation Section .7845 Miss Call L Rhyne, Secy. 32CR STOREHOUSE DIVISION Richard A. Wanio, E0.o ....3370 H. W. Dempsey, Jr., Superintendent, Agency Press William D. Young, Deputy Director. ..35 Capt W. C. Coalknso C hit (EROS) .7976 IoDUStoIFr DIVISION 3and Dupicating Center, La Boca (AMPR) .3237 Mrs. Marcia a i Budget Officer, Room 247 (PRXB) .3558 Capt Brc 0, SG, Ac i af 00 i ..318 BKdg, 02 00 Hop Tod oineh BWhig 2, Bolo Boo20Mo rTtd C, oo ooo~o Copt. Bruce S 1110e USC00 iaion. 3000 0.0S. Kiippoo. Actn Chie Ott T 0999, .13 rs oId L. Pena, Requisitions, etc. .7579 Ca Po rt Captains .289 E ) .037392 0)000,3 0 ogoAIOt o 90.boySAR bDNthg t t tot ..FA. Fofol, 0ii IN 000 .0437392 E.3HP Aoot to Chiof ...7978 Richard D. Morgan, Asst. Direc/Chief, Treaty STAFF Alba D. Hutchings, Jr., Admin. Officer .....3 9 F. F bsar ,l Asst. Chief .437392 Mrs E K Nter Admin Svcs. Officer .._. ...7475 010 ai 00i, gyTA 0010) .7666 MAGISTRATES' 000000 0u2g01 Offcet. 7896 0D5 MS o hootr lm Ado,, p ho.032304 o o d o bot77 fa ir Diis' (E TA .7 6 A IT A ES O R SB de Manager, .........8 6. 3 4 B. Miler f,,m n r ...Mg 43B3 ae c i he n e t r (GSS .3596 h B. Morton Treaty Affairs Specaist .7666 Cal0s A, W iams, Prso nel Polgs and Programs V-sslMa ger.3.40 F H.Zioo nEo Chot Po n 43-7256 .C o ,ch 001009 yM (099)). 9990 Robert H. Emerick, Trety Affairs Specaist .7666 Judge John Baker, Balb; Bldg 803, L Ba Road, Stofl (PRC.3066 Pogooo C. Bom02 Porp Pnginer. 762 dohen Chief, Eng. P C Rotnhord, Chot Pot6hoso Ad CootoaI Donald D. H ght, Treaty Affois Specilist .7666 Balboa (AEMB) .3451 James A Fraser, Jr., Vessel Shp port Gen. Forman. 3972 R. Alb ga, Admin. Off r ...43-0472 A J, K3rr2 Acting Chief, areh i an. .. Sadra 5. Reyes, Clork o tho Cor .3552 Mrs M. Ekel, Budget Offito ...0.1. .43-110 0 ., 01 ob sing 0B Dstt Court Bldg., Anco 0 y ,0m HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Northern District J0ir0 T Robs0,0 Prodctin Controller .037382 Bdg .Balboa (SSW) ...7785 Rooo AS Ad Mdg. C risto bal (0 ) m. 0 37 Building 0602, C ro tet Second Floor, Bldg. 1105, Cristobal K. H Wells, Gen. Foreman, Salvage Depot .43 5289 SC Ct ", Chief, Excess Disp0al Broh Bldg 42, Rooomo 05 Admin. Ottg. Crisota Motgooo .o (0000). 350041 0000 Food GSE .P .7683 Charles A. McArthur, Act. Chief, Management Div. (EPMD) 3586 Miss Georgina Chen, Clerk ........43-7417 R. R. Varl Associate Director (PRHR) ......3310 Capt. R. L. Currie, Supervisory Canal Poll Captain .43-7637 MAINTENANCE DIVISION R, L m rof A tg GS Erkeper, N .Dst ..437456 Cros L Lina s Management Analysis. ..7742 George A. Mercer, Employee and Management Canal Port Captain ..43-7639 Building 8, Balboa M A. Peoo tti, Mgr Furn. and Equip. Pool. 7882 Richad B. 00n, Industral Engineering .3463 PROBATION AND PAROLE UNIT Deoo pment (PRHM) ....7872 Carl Smith, Clerical Assistant .43-7243 Go i meo Van Hanrds, Jr, program Apprsal. 7925 Room 33, District court Building, Ancon C Garta d Par des, Language Training .3538 Capt. Norman Dixon, Vessel Manager ..43-7474 W. E. Jobusch, Chief (ECME) ...390 MOTOR TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Merick Banks Industrial Training (PRHI) .3310 R. J. Robertson, Port Engineer ..43-7611 Mrs B B. Ledoem Ado, Officer. 3490 Edward M. Chism, Chief (AEPR) .0. 3182 Ms. Virgi a M Shea, Admin. Svs Assistant ....32 09 Ralph D Harris, Vessel Support Gen. Fo rman .43-7486 F. Martinez, Ch e, Pac. Mont .r ECMP .3498 B d g 2a l d yA o AFFICE OF THE tENERAL 0000501 Apprentice Sol0 l (Bldg, 2A-3 Balboa) .0214 H A. Too, Che, War and L b. Br. (ECMW). 3266 Billy M. loh, Chief (GSMT) .3563 RF om 338, Adomiisration Building W iam R. Buning, Jr, Ast .Chief' A R. Toed o Chief, Per and Air Co d. Br. (EMR) .3513 Ernest B. Hickman, Assistant Chief ..3420 OFFICE OF 00001 OPPORTUNITY lodosa foot 0.0 .._3152 ODMEMOOREMENO N H. M Bootyn, toot, Afoonti 0n ofranoch Adinstatv 001 fi0er .Ot.t. ..7731 DWIGHT A. M 0KABNEY, Gnot Connn O( .7511 Bldg. 0610 Ao d g First Floor, Bldg. 28, Balboa (0 00r .HMr.C.,.M.Br .437351 Mro K firudet Al 7731 Mrs. Pot (Sa p Seetary.oy ....7 (Form.o Civil Affas Building) OPERATIONS R. E. Angermuller, Director (MRPA) .7413 R. C J. Chip Phlo Budget 0 0nd E 0gineeing R. R. Bermudez, Sopt., Southern Dist ...7990 Joh1 1 0000 .00000. Otto Cours .PD). ..3000. 7o51do 366io Apt,. 0R ,CotAooooBbo .97 00 ...7611 B. 0, a0z oept, Northert, .0. 3 7206 Asst0 G01 .Co .7511 BRUCE A. QUINN, Director (E1) .03101 Building 366, Aon J. L Ransom, Chief Admeaor, Balboa .03 ..t7947 ....Sd G, to p. ..43 Attorneys .77511 Ms. Aira Arl Secy .3 200 0.0. 310 R. J. Brneby, Supervsy AdmDepaDr, Bldg. 1105, H. A Erhart, Project Engineer ..3498 Short Trip Service ..3429/43-7358 .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S .r n PaWaead I n Prga r 33 o N Y agner, Chief, Personnel Operatins Div. Cristobal ..43-?293/7492 Maryin Gebel, Safety Specialist .349 0r Ba Mora Hsanod Fepod menPog MPRP.g. 33 .-. ........3335 WATER TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Wei too loo HUIt Employment RptoP). ..eea Ifrato. ..33395 RoFF 20F, dNDUistRIAL REilAi N Program Manager .7415 RosEptorist f d G ssr, ormhief ....5 TRANSIT OPERATIONS DIVISION GENERAL SERVICES B0000 Room 200205, Adm0isratioo Bldg, Cristobal B 00 204, A doptnsttop Boildng 00s E.OA o, Staffst. to Chiof. ..3235UREA J. P. Rodriguez, Employment and Placement Branch (PROE 3171 Building 910, 070 Center, La Boca Rooms 264-273 Administration Building E. H. 000 C00. .9.0.0. .43-7281 PAUL A. SIMONEAU, Industrial Relations Offic R) .3109 Mr. H rela, Local Employment .3583 Capt. Robert W. Haff, Jr., Chief (MRTOl .303 W. B. Hoff, Ast Chief. ......43-7204 0Mr Elo Ramrez, Secretary. 3109 PANAMA AREA PERSONNEL BOARD Mrs. E. odg z Mooi 0n d 0& Bo s. 500 Cpt. Los M. s p F. A. COTTON, Director 0 0) .3445 Accounting Section .3 5 ....43-7291 Wiam R BelC, LborMoranaglement Rela ,G lS t t 7996 C pt Bl p toO3631 Mrs Margaret B. Zeimetz, Secy .3445 SS Cristoba in Port ...437430 Speciaist .3109 Room 300, Bldg. 0610, Anson 79 C Potr, .Otti 0 0 ..2 Mo .Cooko, A d g t o .3678 R P. l ty, Deputy Director .7723 Ship's Office ......43-7630 Edsel A. Wang, Chief, Adverse Actioos Room 11, (Former Civil Affairs Building) Mrs. Y Sadowski, Special Placement .7570 Capt. Louis H. Hixon, Pilot Training Coordinaor ..3632 G H Halsall, Asst to Director .7723 Cargo Sectioo .43-7441 002g. 0610, Ancon (Former Civil Affairs Bldg.) .3224 RICHARD M CONOVER Executive Director (PB) 3292 D. .Noedotlk, Wage and Classifio tion Branch (PROW) .3336 Ms. Jeanette S Fryer, Pilot Liaison Unit Second Floor G. E. McElroy, Admin, Officer GSXA) .7723 Passenger Information Transportation r., Admin R e,rt Rapp, Prs l Mgt. Spooo .o. .3292 C assiicatoo Section Am0 0iso0 ratin Bldg, Cristobal .00 .43 7418/7419 A. C. Payne, Budget Office, (GSXB) ..3189 Sos Dv, Bldg 5140, Diablo .3325 OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Mrs. Amelia 1. Greene, Personnel Assistant .3292 J M McTaggart, Maoit and &C Bureaus. .3176 Ashby Smith, Chief, Pilot Rotation and che lng B. P. Broussard, Safety Officer ...7970 0 F, N oo 03 Adoptrto p B dng Mrs M. V darr, Genera Services d Star[ Units ..3176 unit (MRPR) ..3 3327 PROTECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES 4 R T9 NW o l Ret 0,Ad iitaio uligR. T. Ruer, Pay A nalysis. ............7971 Bruce G. Sanders, Chief, Marine T raffic Control (MRTC) ._ 3645 4400 Dauphine St., Nomw Ornens La, 70146 VICTOR G. CANEL, Infinoermaion Officer (10) .3165 CENTRAL EXAMINING OFFICE F. A 0s0Remai, Personnel Records and Admin. Marine Traffic Control Genera Information .3611 Porp 205, d 1B d Joseph C, Quints, General Agent .504 947-4417 Ms. Diane M Morris, Sory ..3165 Bldg. 363, Anc n Branch (PROR) ..3311 James C. Foster MTCS Poe ct Engineer .3621 W00, .Fritr, As t oofor t Off r. ..3269 Mr .M. 0 an, Employee Induction/Job Letters. 3522 MTCS Aalysts. 3680 M. P. Gordon, Director lGSPS) .3422 PROCUREMENT DIVISION k .Spillway Edi .S 0 tor ..3202 Richard L. Cahill, Manager (PBCE). 7682 Ms J 0 Pr n.3279 0 Main enne ..3661 Mrs Barbara A. Rios S y. ..3422 4402 o 00 o Orloo La 70046 or Interal Operations. ..397 L0 .0i0kh. Perotnne Fi .0.0.3316 00 0. Mo 0, SO3p Solo 0000 R J Sootin00 Ass0 Dot. ..300440 hi NwrnsL.4 0D3.,.)Federal Job Information Center ..3984 Mrs .L E Serv o rtt g, Bldg, 449-X, An n .7432 Second Floor, Balding 28, BAolbo (MRSD) .7525 Mrs. Cheryl R ssell, Ado .Off r, ..3262 R. L Austin, Chief 0GSPR) .504 948-5299

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