Panama Canal Organizational Directories

Material Information

Panama Canal Organizational Directories
Panama Canal Commission
Panzer, Pat
16 x 22 inches


federal government publication ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Panama -- Panama Canal Zone


This set of organizational directories covers the years from 1975-1998 and lists names and phone numbers of various employees in administrative departments.
General Note:
52 pages
General Note:
This gift was made in memory of Bob Panzer.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
Panama Canal Museum Collection at the University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not protected by copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.

Aggregation Information

Panama and the Canal
University of Florida
Documents of the Panama Canal
Panama Canal Museum Inventory


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Full Text

January 1980




Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights

D. P. McAULIFFE, Administrator (AD)-- -------------------.................................
Secretary........... ...............-----------------------------................

FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA)-----------....................---................
Mrs. Josephine E. Hilty, Secretary....---------------------------------------WILLIAM L. DE LA MATER, Director of Protocol/Aide to the Administrator Residents Advisory Program Staff Officer, Room 227, (ADPA)-..............................
Mrs. Barbara Scott, Protocol Assistant ----------------....................---------................

OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Entrance Rooms 205-207, Administration Building
J. PATRICK CONLEY, Executive Secretary (AE) -------------- ....................................
M rs. Eileen S. da Pena, Secretary........... .................. ..................

JOSEPH J. WOOD, Deputy Executive Secretary...... ............... .......
Mrs. Dorothy F. Cogswell, Secretary ----------------- ................... ..............

CLARENCE C. PAYNE, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator/ Assistant Executive Secretary (AA) --.......-.. .-------............

JAMES E. FERRARA, Assistant Executive Secretary............................... ............
Mrs. Maria Luisa Charles, Secretary ------------ ..................... -----..............

Suite 312, Penn. Bldg., 425 13th St. NW.
Washington, D.C. 20004

THOMAS M. CONSTANT, Secretary, Panama Canal Commission (WO).............................. 202-628-6411
Mrs. Hazel M. Murdock, Asst. to the Secretary.. 202-628-6411

Room 305, Admimnistration Building
G. G. BOUCHE, Acting Ombudsman ............................... 7474

Rooms 230-233, Administration Building
GERARD J. WELCH, Director/US. Representative to Coordinating Committee (EP) ................................. 3588
Mrs. Thelma L Conover, Secy ...................................... 3561
Gary P. Dunsmoor, Deputy Director ....................... 3588
W illiam S. Hinkle, Asst. to Director................................ 3412
Rooms 324-332
Donald G. Schmidt, Chief, Program Development
Div. (EPP D) ................................................................ 7961
Enrique Mirquez, Act. Capital Program Coord............ 3340
Mrs. Gladys Dominguez, Admin. Officer........................ 3108
Frank Morris, Environ./Energy Coord ............................. 7830
David C. Baerg, Environ./Energy Analysis ............ 7806
Richard A. Wainio, Economist ....... ............ ............ 3370
Room 206
Richard D. Morgan, Asst. Director ........ ............... 7666
Chief, Treaty Affairs Division (EPTA) .................................. 7666
John B. Morton, Management Analyst ...................... 7666
Robert H. Emerick, Management Analyst ...................... 7666
Donald D. Haught, U.S. Embassy Liaison Officer ........ 7666
District Court Bldg., Ancon
Room 35
Charles A. McArthur, Act. Chief, Management Div. (EPMD) 3586
Carlos L. Linares, Management Analysis .................. 7742
Richard B. Horne, Industrial Engineering . ................. 3463
Guillermo Van Hoorde, Jr., Program Appraisal ................ 7925

Room 338, Administration Building
DWIGHT A. McKABNEY, General Counsel (GC)............ 7511
Secretary ................................................................... 7511
John L. Haines, Deputy Gen. Counsel ..................... 7511
Asst. Gen. Counsel ........... .................... 7511
Attorneys .......... . .. ..... ..... ........... 7511

Room 204, Administration Building

PAUL A. SIMONEAU, Industrial Relations Officer (IR) 3109
Mrs. Elsa Ramirez, Secretary ............ ............ 3109
William R. Bell, Labor-Management Relations
Specialist ............................ ........................ 3109
Edsel A. Wong, Chief, Adverse Actions, Room 11, Bldg. 0610, Ancon (Former Civil Affairs Bldg.) . 3224

Room 103, Administration Building
VICTOR G. CANEL, Information Officer (10) ............. 3165
Ms. Diane M. Morris, Secy ........ . .. . .......... 3165
Willie K. Friar, Asst. Information Officer .. ..................... 3369
Ms. Vicki M. Boatwright, Spillway Editor........ 3202 Rafael E. Vasquez, Admin. Officer..... ............. ........ 3521

Administration Building
K. E. GOLDSBERRY, Chief, Room 254 (AM)...................
Mrs. Bertha Brown, Administrative Officer.................
T. C. Duty, Asst. Division Chief/Chief, Staff and Admin.
Support Branch, Room 254 (AMSA) ..........................
O fficial Translator ........................................................
Customs Assist. Unit-Pac., Bldg. 5140, Diablo .............
Customs Assist. Unit-Atl., Bldg. 1105, Cris.............
Employee Assist. Unit-Pac., Bldg. 5140, Diablo .........
Employee Assist. Unit-Atl., Bldg. 8040, Marg...........
James E. Pattison, Chief, Graphic Br. (AMGF) Pandora G. Aleman, Chief, Records Management
Br., Rm. 14 (AM RM ) .......................... ..................
Records Mgt. Staff (Forms Control)...........................
Records Mgt. Staff (Files and Publications Mgt.)
42 -D, Diablo .. ............ .................. .......
FOIA/Privacy Act Staff ..................................................
Current Records Section (AMRS) ..................................
Mail Section/Short Trip Service .......... .... 768
Official Cable/Telecopier Service ...............
Agency Records Center, 42-D, Diablo (AMRC) .....
Postal Assist. Unit, Bldg. 446, Albrook......... 86-625
Vital Statistics Unit, Bldg. 5140, Diablo.........................
W. Richard Shapiro, Chief, Transportation Br., Bldg. 5140, Diablo (AMTR)..................... ...
H. W. Dempsey, Jr., Supt., Agency Press and Duplicating Center, La Boca (AMPR)................................
Mrs. Teonilda L. Peia, Requisitions, etc.........................

Judge John Baker, Balboa: Bldg. 803, La Boca Road,
Balboa (AEMB ) ..................... ........................
Sandra. S. Reyes, Clerk of the Court.................................
Judge Ray J. McQuary, Cristobal: Room 211,
Adm. Bldg., Cristobal (AEMC) .............................
Juan V squez Torres, Constable .................................. 4

Room 33, District Court Building, Ancon
Edward M. Chism, Chief (AEPR) ....................................

Bldg. 0610 Ancon
(Former Civil Affairs Building)
BRUCE A. QUINN, Director (EO)...............
M s. Alcira Aralz, Secy. . . ............. ... ......... ....
Mrs. Anne Hernindez, Deputy Dir./Chief, Investigative U nit ... ............. ........ ......... ....... .
Dr. Ana Mora Wakeland, Fed. Women's Program Mgr. Mrs. Greta N. Hummer, Hispanic Employment
Program Manager ............ ............... ....

Room 300, Bldg. 0610, Ancon (Former Civil Affairs Building)
RICHARD M. CONOVER, Executive Director (PB).. Mrs. Barbara Kelly, Personnel Mgt. Spec..........
Mrs. Amelia 1. Greene, Personnel Assistant...

Bldg. 363, Ancon
Richard L. Cahill, Manager (PBCE) Internal Operations ....



;1 51



3103 7914

7870 3536

3519 3519

3305 3305


7601 7601

3178 7995
3488 3359 3-2138
3217 7767 7642 3482
7520 3118
7429 3575 /6253 7854 3325 3237 7579

3451 3552 3-1514 1-1527


3101 3101 3638
3233 7415


Rooms 235-240, Admimistration Buildi

WALTER D. BJORSETH, Chief Financial Officer (FM
Richard 0. Burgoon, Dep. Chief Financial Officer .... Duane A. Rigby, Asst. Chief Financal Officer ..........
Jolie A. Seeley, Admin. Officer (FMXA) ...................

William J. Joyce,
Staff ......


Building 6529, Corozal Chief (FMSS) ....................

Building 38, Balboa
Donald M. Luke, Chief Accountant (FMAC) ................
Josa E. Corc, Assistant Chief Accountant- ....... B. H. Selvey, Reports and Analysis Staff (FMAD) ..... J. F. Hern, Jr, Gen. Led. & Proc. Br. (FMAD) ..............
R. L. Dossett, Plant Accounting Branch (FMAD).............
J. W. Dunn, Agents Accts. Br., 365 Ancon (FMAA) F. E. Derrer, Payroll Branch, 365 Ancon (FMAP) ..........
T. E. Spencer, Claims Br., 6529 Corozal (FMAK)..........
E. J. Lucas, Actg. Officer, New Orleans .............. 50

Rooms 102-106, Administration Building

Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP)............................
Robert J. Boatwright, Budget Branch ..................
Rolland C. Burdge, Rates and Analysis Branch/
Cost Control Officer ...................... .......................
Tolls and Special Studies .............................. ....

Building 6530, Corozal
James A. Mathis, General Auditor (FMGA).................
Peter A. Liehr, Assistant General Auditor......................
S ta ff ............................ ................ ...........

Building 287, Ancon
Robert Q. Won, Trearurer (FMTR)........................
Edward J. McAleer, Assistant Treasurer......................
Atlantic Treasury Branch Building 7031,
M t. Hope (FM TA)............... ..... ..............

Room 145, Administration Building
Duane M. Perkins, Chief, Management Information
System s (FM IS)........ - - --...................

Room 146, Administration Building C. J. Goodwin, Jr., Chief (FMDP)........................
J. A. Brewer, Systems Development Branch ... ..... R. W. Engle, Systems Support Branch.... ..........

COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION Room 146, Administration Building
E. R. McArthur, Chief (FMCO)..............................
W. J. Brannon, Jr., Central Computer Operations
Branch, Room 146 .......-A. C. Arosemena, Data Entry and Controls Branch,
Room 16

3194 7906
. 3580
.. 7636

3650 3501

7823 3405
7919 ...... 3170
3256 3453
.. 3505 4-947-0889

... 3137 . 3334


-- 7776

S 3167


. 3460

3550 3220 3220





Room 243, Administration Building
RONALD L. SEELEY, Director (PR) ...........................
Miss Camille L. Rhyne, Secy..................... ............
William D. Young, Deputy Director ...........
Mrs. Marcia Barcelli, Budget Officer (PRXB)......

Carlos A. Williams, Personnel Policies and Programs
Staff (PRST ).................. ....... .... .......
Building 0602, Corozo Street
George A. Mercier, Training and Management
Development Staff, (PRTM) ........... .................
C. Garcia de Paredes, Language Program .............
Placement Assistance Office ...................................
R. R. Varela, Industrial Training Staff (PRTI)...............
Admin. Svcs. Assistant, Ms. Virginia M. Shea .........
Apprentice School (Bldg. 2A-3, Balboa).................

3277 3277 3351 3558


7872 3538 3538 3310 3259 3152

Building 366, Ancon
John Y. Wagner, Chief, Personnel Operations Div.
(PR O P) ............................ .... : .....................................
Receptionist and General Information ......................
J. P. Rodriguez, Employment and Placement Branch (PROE)
Mrs. H. Varela, Local Employment................................
Mrs. E. Rodriguez, Marine and E&C Bureaus............
Mrs. C. McSween, General Services and Staff UnitsT. C. Peterson, U.S. Recruitment, Bldg. 363, Ancon ......
Mrs. Y. Sadowski, Special Placement ............................
D. J. Niedzialek, Wage and Classification Branch (PROW)..
Classification Section
J. M. McTaggart, Marine and E&C Bureaus............
Mrs. M Vidaurri, General Services and Staff Units ....
R. T. Russell, Pay Analysis......... ... . .............
F. A. Filds-Remotti, Personnel Records and Admin.
Branch (PROR) .................................
Mrs. M. Quijano, Employee Induction/Job Letters ..
Mrs. J. Stanford, Personnel Actions... ..........
Mrs. G. Roberts, Personnel Files..........................
Miss M. Bourne, Service Tracing, Bldg. 449-X, Ancon

Building 5553, Diablo Heights
W. A. Sullivan, Employee Services Branch (PROS)......
S. A. Henriquez, Retirement Processing ..........
M. J. Harrington, Retirement Counselor..........
Mrs. E. Chandler, Insurance ................. ..........
Mrs. A. Machado, Disability Relief.........................
Mrs. Y. Canfield, Incentive Awards, Room 300, Bldg.
0610, Ancon (Former Civil Affairs Bldg.)...............

Building 1105, Cnristobal
D. A. Hope, Cristobal Personnel Office (PROC)...........
Receptionist and General Information.....................
Mrs. A. Leon, Local Employment..............................
Mrs. J. Mathurin, Wage and Classification...........
Mrs. E. Yearwood, Retirement..................................

Rooms 274-280, Administration Building
COL. IGNACIO HERNANDEZ F., Director (HL)...........
Mrs. Margarita Preciado, Secretary .........................
J. R. Givens, Assistant Director/Admin........................
John T. Bowman, Administrative Officer (HLXA).......
Room 276, Administration Building
Willard S. Sweeney, Chief (HLSN) .-............
D. Laracuente, Southern Branch ..................................
J. Corrigan, Northern Branch ... .........................
Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa
Dr. Ernst K. W. Kredel, Chief (HLIH) ........................
Dr. Richard A. Cheville, Industrial Health Officer (Pacific) ............. . . ... . ........................ ......
Dr. Henry De La Garza, Industrial Health Officer (A tlantic) .................................... .............
Industrial Hygienists. .... .. ... ........
Industrial Aid Stations ................ .....
Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa
J. R. Maravilla, Chief (HLSF) ................
Frank Guite, Assistant Chief.... ........... ........
Mrs. Irma V. Pasco, Safety Specialist ......................
Dr. Paul H. Dowell, Chief (HLVT), Bldg. 5116,
M t. H ope .... ........................................
Dr. Robert D. Wallace, Veterinarian, Bldg. 428,
A ncon . .............. .........................

Rooms 308-311 Administration Building
CAPTAIN JOHN D. THURBER, USN, Director (MR) M rs. Doris Burns, Secy............................ .... ...
Capt. R. A. Dickins, USN (Ret.), Deputy Director ..........
William 0. Cofer, Asst. to Director..................
Capt. Richard J. Clements, USCG, Liaison.............
Douglas C. Schmidt, Admin. Officer (MRXA) ............
Mrs. Joan Ohman, Budget Officer (MRXB) ------Staff Engineer .................................................
M. N. Stephenson, Employee Relations Specialist ........ W G. Cleveland, Safety Officer, So. Dist.............
Mrs. Roberta F. Egolf, Safety Officer, No. Dist........

Capt. John H. Stone, Jr., Chairman (MRBL) ...........
Capt. Edmund P. Gabriel, Asst. Chairman ...................
Gilbert T. Gonsalves, Floating Equipment Inspector,
B alboa.................... ................. .........
John W. Davis, Floating Equipment Inspector,
C ristobal ............ ........... .. ................

Second Floor, Bldg. 28, Balboa
Capt. W. C. Calkins, Chief (MRCS)i ..............
Capt. J. J. Bonanno, Acting Asst. Chief Canal Support Captains . .................. . .
Alba D. Hutchings, Jr., Admin. Officer............. ........
B udget O fficer ..............................................................
Capt. James W. Morris, Vessel Manager ......................
Eugene C. Vollmert, Port Engineer ..................
William E. Welch, Vessel Support Gen. Foreman..........
Northern District
Second Floor, Bldg. 1105, Cristobal
Capt. R. L. Currie, Supervisory Canal Support Captain ......... .
Canal Support Captains...............
Carlos Smith, Clerical Assistant ..............................
Capt. Norman Dixon, Vessel Manager ..................
R. J. Robertson, Port Engineer ...................................
Ralph D. Harris, Vessel Support Gen. Foreman ............

Building 5140, Diablo
R. E. Angermullnr, Director (MRPA).. ..............
J. L Ransom, Chief Admeasurer, Balboa ..................
R. J. Borneby, Supervisory Admeasurer, Bldg. 1105,
C ristobal ......................................

7831 3160 3229 7831 7828


43-1339 43-1229
43-1288 43-2462 43 1287

3274 3114 3406



43- 1723
7713 3529

3289 7883 7883



7917 7917 3308 7562 3185
7809 7562 7529 .. 7809
52-8217 43-5486

3403 . 7512



7976 . 3185 3185 3190
7856 3141 7625 .. 3572

43-1639 43-1037 43-2143 43-2474 43-3311 43-1686

.. 7413 7947


Building 910, MTC Center, La Boca
Capt. Robert W. Haff, Jr., Chief (MRTO)................. 3503
Capt. Louis M. Pascavage, Deputy Chief ............. 7786
Capt. Richard Beizer, Operations Officer............ 3631
Capt. Louis H. Hixon, Pilot Training Coordinator ..............3632
Pilot Liaison Unit, Second Floor, Administration
Bldg., Cristobal . ........................ 43-2718/432719
Ashby S. Smith, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling
U nit (M RPR) ............................................. 3327
Bruce G. Sanders, Chief, Marine Traffic Control (MRTC) . 3645 Marine Traffic Control General Information ............. 3611
James C. Foster, MTCS Project Engineer.. 3621 MTCS Analysts..... . .................... 3680
MTCS Maintenance .... ........... . 3661
James R. Mahoney, Chief, Ship Data Bank,
Second Floor, Building 28, Balboa (MRSD) ... .. 7525

Building 6, Pedro Miguel
Lawrence Barca, Jr., Chief (MRLC).........................
R, Vaughan, Chief, Eng. and Ping. Sec. (MRLE)...... Mrs. Anna M. Bolt, Budget Officer... .................
Mrs. N. G. De Paredes, Admin. Svcs. Off...............
C. A. Alvarado, Plant Engineer..................................
T. J. Hannigan, Overhaul Engineer ...................
Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel Locks
V. Higgins, Supt. (M RLP) .........................................
G. A. McArthur, Asst. Supt.............................
Lourdes A. Boseman, Admin. Svcs. Asst....................
Atlantic Branch, Gatun Locks
D. F. Bullinger, Supt., (MRLA)................. -......
R. A. Alvarez, Asst. Supt ........... .. ..... ...........
Adm in. Svcs. Asst ......................................................

3509 3509 3509 3509 3509

52-8215 52-8214 52-8213

43-5700 43-5703 43-5704

Room 318 Administration Building
Col J. J. PLUNKETT, Director (EC) .................................... 7684
Atlantic Area Office, Gatun Community Center ........... 43-1791
Mrs. Ella Gerchow, Secy............. .................................... 7684
M. Bierman, Deputy Director ...................................... 3627
K. L. Manthorne, Admin. Officer (ECXA) ............................ 3375
R. E. O'Connor, Asst. to Dir. for Labor-Mgmt. Relations
(ECXL) ............................................................ ... 7987
LTC Charles D. Shaul, Asst. to Dir./Exec. Off., U.S. Army
Elem ................................................................ 7863
N. C. Farnsworth, Asst. to Dir. for Prog. and Budget
(ECXB ) ........................................................................ 3485
R. C. Dahn, Safety Off., Rm. 307 (ECXS) ............................ 7575
R. N. Shaw, Contracting Off., Bldg. 29X, Balboa................ 7927
Building 29X, Balboa

R. N. Shaw, Chief (ECCN)............................
Mrs. B. D. Peterson, Admin. Officer................
R. J. Hauser, Chief Contract Insp. Br............
Southern District ............................................
N orthern District ............................................
P. L. Whitlock, Chief (ECDR) ......................
As st. Chief .. ...........................................
H. V. Archibold, Admin. Officer......................
R. Bringas, Budget Off./Control Br... ..............
Chief, Engr. Plans and Prog. Sec ..... .....
A. E. Diaz, Chief, Operations Branch L. M. Hall, Chief, Support Branch.................
C. E. Sykes, Chief, Repair Branch.................
Building 66A, Balboa

F. A. Lee, Chief (ECLE)...........................................
Mrs. J. G. Holder, Admin. Officer............................
G. E. McFadden, Chief, Elec. Work Br. (ECLW) ............
E. R. Malin, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP)............................
C. H. Harrill, Chief, Com. Br. (ECLC) ............................
Room 343, Administration Building
R. J. Risberg, Chief (ECEG)........................
R. D. Donaldson, Asst. Chief .............. ..................
G. B. Gordon, Admin. Officer.......................................
D. W. Date, Chief, Architectural Br. (ECEA).............
L. G Archuleta, Chief, Str.-Geotech. Br. (ECES)............
M. Quintero, Chief, Civil Br. (ECEC) .......................
Chief, Electrical Br. (ECEE) ..........................................
C. E. Phelps, Chief, Mech, Br. (ECEM) .............
N. H. Vsquez, Chief, Specif. & Est. Br. (ECEX)............
E. B. Goodrich, Chief, Projects Br. (ECEP)....................
W. B. Shaw, Chief, Met. and Hyd. Br. (ECEH)..............
R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Br., Bldg. 12, Pedro
M iguel (ECEV ) .. .....................................

Bldg. 5082, Mt. Hope
E. M. Kennedy, Chief, (ECIN) .......................
F. Foster 111, Asst. Chief ...... .........
0. S. M iller, Chief, Admin. Br ....................................
P. H. Zimmermann, Chief, Prod./Plan. Br ...............
Ricardo Chen, Chief, Eng. Br . ............
F. R. Alberga, Admin. Officer ...................................
Mrs. J. M. Eckel, Budget Officer .........................
Junior T. Robson, Production Controller. ..........
K. H. Willis, Gen. Foreman, Salvage Depot .................
W. E. Jobusch, Chief (ECME)................
Mrs. B. B. Ledezma, Admin. Officer............ .........
F. Martinez, Chief, Pac. Maint. Br. (ECMP) ..........
H. A. Tooke, Chief, Water and Lab. Br. (ECMW) ...........
R Toledano, Chief, Ref. and Air Cond. Br. (ECMR) W. H. M. Brunner, Chief, Atlantic Maint. Branch
(ECM A) .................. .
R. C. Jones, Chief, Planning, Budget and Engineering
Section .. ............ ............
H. A. Erhart, Project Engineer ...................................
Marvin Goebel, Safety Specialist ................

Rooms 264-273 Admimistration Building
F. A. COTTON, Director (GS) .....................
Mrs. Margaret B. Zeimetz, Secy..............................
R. P. Laverty, Deputy Director......................................
G. H. Halsall, Asst. to Director......................................
G. E. McElroy, Admin. Officer (GSXA) ...............
A. C Payne, Budget Officer (GSXB)...........
B. P. Broussard, Safety Officer ..........................

Room 205, Bldg. 0610, Ancon (Former Civil Affairs Building)
M. P. Gordon, Director (GSPS).. ........
Mrs. Barbara A. Rios, Secy.... R. J. Saarinen, Asst. Dir... ...........
Mrs. Cheryl Russell, Admin. Officer........ ............

.................. 7927
................... 7927
................... 7927
................... 3517
............. 43-3321

............. 56-6681
............. 56-6681
............. 56-6681
.............- 56-6681
56-6681 ............. 56-6681
............. 56-6691
............. 56-6612

3421 3421 3421 3204

7585 3180 ... 7982
3556 3278 3619 3419 7895 7949
3134 ... 7716


43-2392 43-2392 43-1934 43-3156 43-2306
43-1472 43-1810 43-2182 43-5289

3498 3498 3266


7611 3498 3498

Room 212
Charles Morris, Chief (GSCP) ..........................3694
B. C. Poland, Asst. Chief ................................................... 3695
Louis R. Reyes, Security Program Officer...................... 3696
Mrs. Naomi Figueroa, Budget Analyst................................ 3696
R. J. Rios, Inspector............................ ............. 3696
J. H. Harris, Pacific Area Commander ............................... 3669
W. C. Crews, Atlantic Area Commander ........................ 43-1776

Room 105
F. Berry, Chief (GSFI)-----------............. ...........
Ms. G. C. Russell, Budget Analyst..................................
G. 0. Flores, Asst. Chief, Southern District ...............
Assistant Chief, Northern District ............... ....
Room 208
William F. Kessler, Chief (GSPL) ...............................
Capt. V. E Voyles, Police Inspector ............... ...........
Mrs. M. P. Frensley, Budget Analyst ............................
Maj. F. E. Flud, Commander, Balboa District, Bal.
Police Station .......................................................
Maj. Ralph C. Stone Commander, Cristobal District, Crist. Police Station ...........................................
W. E. Trout, Warden, C.Z. Penitentiary, Gam ............

Room 201
Mrs. Beverly C. Williams, Lib-Curator (GSLM)...........
Mrs. Catherine M. Brown, Chief, Technical Services Mrs. Naomi A. Wolf, Chief, Readers Services............

3138 7641 3286

.. 7708 .. 3206 ... 3151

.. 3324

432111 56-6628

... 7884
3123 7761

Room 112 Administration Building, Balboa Heights
Ernest W. Oliver, Chief (GSIS) ................... .................. 7900
W illiam Roger, Deputy Chief ............................................. 7629

Bldg. 5140, Diablo
C. H. Raybourn, Chief, (GSRS)................... ............. 7967
Mrs. K. E. Melanson, Admin. Asst....................................... 7967

Bldg. 11-Y, Roosevelt Ave., Balboa
Thos. P. Strider, Chief (GSEP) .................. ....... ......... 7502

Bldg. 28, Industrial Area, Balboa
J. P. Corrigan, Director (GSSL)........................................ 3383
Secretary......................................................................... 3383
J. M. Ruoff, Asst. Dir. (Terminals Loaned Labor) . 43-1665 Mrs. A. M. Azcirraga, Admin. Officer ................-- 3635

Building 635, Balboa Heights
R. M. Murphy, Chief (GSCS) ---- -............ 3577
C. M. Newbury, Assistant Chief............................... 3577
P. A. Arenas, Management Analyst .......... 3133
Mrs. A. E. Burns, Budget Officer ....................................... 3288
T. W. Carteret, Safety Specialist .... . ............... 7455
J. L DesLondes, Supt., Housing Mgmt. Br. (GSCH) ... 3133 R. McNatt, Housing Manager, So. District................... 3436
C. Roth-Roffy, Housing Manager, No. District.............. 43-2148
J. R. Haner, Supt., Building Mgmt. Br. (GSCB) ... .............. 3133
E. A. Letendre, Building Mgr., Southern District ................ 3685
J. A. Zambrano, Building Mgr., Northern District _ 43-3505 E. Cordovez D., Supt., Grounds Mgmt. Br.(GSCG) ............. 3133
L. P~rez B., Supervisor, Grounds, Balboa ................... 3319
R. G. May, Supervisor, Grounds, Cristobal .................... 43-2373

DIVISION OF STOREHOUSES Third Floor, Building 28, Balboa
Chief (GSST) ............... ......................... 3130
J. A. Hunt, Acting Asst, to Chief ................................... 7978
Mrs. Evelyn K. Oster, Admin. Svcs. Officer .............. 7475
M. S. Klipper, Chief, Inventory Mgt. Br. (GSSI) .................. 3596
E. L. Reinhardt, Chief, Purchasing and Contracts
Branch (GSSP) ............................................................ 3216
G. P. Lavecchia, Acting Chief, Warehousing Branch,
Bldg. 5, Balboa (GSSW )......... ................. ......... 7785
S. L. Catlett, Mgr., Excess Disposal Unit, Bldg. 42,
Diablo Road.............................................................. 7683
R. L. Jemmot, Actg. Storekeeper, No. Dist. ....... 43-1256
M. A. Pezzotti, Mgr., Furn, and Equip. Pool ...................... 7882

Building 0625A, Gallard Highway, Ancon
Billy M. Lohr, Chief (GSMT) .................... ......... 3563
Ernest B. Hickman, Assistant Chief .................................. 3420
Mrs. Mary H. Engelke, Admin. Officer ........................ 7731
William D. Ritchie, Chief, Southern Dist ........................... 7990
Fay M. Brown, Chief, Nothern Dist., Mt. Hope.............. 43-1746

Room 200-205, Administration Bldg., Cristobal
E. H. Bensen, Chief (GSWT) . ............... ........... 43-1241
SS Cristobal in Port ......................... ................ 43-2110
Ship's Office ... ............. .... ........... 43-2420
Cargo Services ................................ ................. 43-3391
Passenger Information, Transportation Br., Admin.
Svcs. Div., Bldg. 5140, Diablo ........... ................ 3325

4400 Dauphine St., New Orleans, La. 70146
Joseph C. Quintas, General Agent .. ..... 504-947-4417

4400 Dauphine St., New Orleans, La. 70146
R. L. Austin, Chief (GSPR) ........................... 504-948-5299

Full Text


January 1980 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BSUdi 5553, Dabho Heights LOCKS DIVISION CANAL PROTECTION DIVISION Rooms 235-240, Ad n o,, BIlng W. A. Sullivan, Employee Services Branch (PROS) 7831 Buidi 6, Pado Miguel Room 212 WALTER D. BOORSETH, Chief Fooin cal Office A (M) 3194 S. A. Henriquez, Rti 3160 LOwTred. Bara, JI, Chief (MRLC) OLL3509 Charles Morris, Chief GSCP .3694 M .Harringtan 0eT CTOU sOr 3229 R.Vaugh, Chief, Eng. nd FL So o. MRALE) 3509 B. C Poland, at Chief .3695 PANA A CA NAL .ISS 906 Mrs E. Chandler Insurance 7831 M. Am M Olt Budget Officer LOOT LOff 0. Rs Krity Pongram Officer 3696 O h .Burgoon, Dp Financial O icer 3580 Mrs. A. Machado Disabity R r 7828 s D Mrs Naomi Figueroa, Budget 6yst PATNAMAS CA A COMM SSIO OTTdf 79 Ar 0 TGI, DoT~ Parde 0000n SvcK ".EOK 35 , "Is I'll 05 Dun. A. Rigby, Asst Chief Financial Officer 7906 Mrs. Y.C ield, Incentive Awards, Room 300, Badg C, A. Alvarado, Plant Engineer 3. .J RI I nspe.tor 3696 Jolio A. Soddy, Admn Officer (FMXA) 7636 0" D, Ancon (Former Ci vil Affairs Bldg) 7965 T JT Hannigan, OverhaOl Engineer 3 H Harri, Pacific Area CmmandLer 3609 W. C. Crews, Atlantic Area Commander 43-1776 CRISTOBAL OFFICES Paifc Branch, PdT M90 Looks SYSTEMS DIVISION 2id it 1105, Cristobal V. Higgins, Supt. MRLP) .2-2. FIRE DIVISION CTO N D I E OGZAT O A I R uidig 52,Croza D. A. Hope, Cristobal Personnel Office (PROC) 43-1339 G.ATcrhuAs.St 281 Rod,, 105 OttO~~~~~~~~~ 029 Muti lasTO TDSTO 305 O~~oOt 2O 0040 ReceptiOnist and Deral Information 43 1229 tourdas A. Bos omar Ad i n. S s Asst 52-8013 O R G A N IZA T IO N D IR EC TO R Y Wiio e iFMS 3650 Mrs A. Len, Local Employment 431288 F. Ferry, Chief (GSFI) 313 staff ....3501 M s. J. Mathurin, Wage and Classificat on 43-2462 Atlantic Branch, Gaten Locks Ms G.F C. Russell, Budget Analyst. 7F1 Mrs. E .Y er d tir 43 1287 G. 0s Asst Ch f, South ,, Distri ct 36 D. F. Ba singer, Supt, A L) 4500 As Chief, North rn DistCo t .3 432126 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR OFFICE OF HEALTH AND SAFETY Ar Svcr Asst 4upt POLICE DIVISION O A Sding 38, Balboa ar.0 274-280 Adminston Buildng Room 208 Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights Dold M Lake Chief Ac OT20 COO IGNACO HENNANDEZ F, Do H00 32 ENOINEEWING ANT CONSTRUCTION WOK.t FF MACKI, Du23 TO 0 0 .T Jose E. Coro, Assistan t Chief Accountant. .o. .3 T T d T 24 ET0 D. P. MCAULIFFE, Administrator (AD) .3169 B. H. Selvy, Reports and Anlyss Staff MAD .J s sista Director/Admn. 3114 BUREAU C .E ToA OT T InTO 30 Secretary 3100 J. Her, Jr, Go. Led. & ProF So FMAD) .3170 Jo T. Bowman, Admistrative Of-i (IT A 3406 31 nsAraKO BuIlding Mrs. M P Fresly Budget Analyst 315S y. ...............---. -. ..-..------------------R. L D ss.tH. Plant Acdcuning Branch (FM AD) .3256 --M ai. F. E. Find, Com m ander, Balboa D s ri ,Ba --J.W.nJr., Ags AdmAnistrator (sA) B.0.o 3o Tno o A .4 SANITATION DIVISION Ct J. J. PLUNKETT, Director (EC) ..7684 pole Sta in 3324 3103 ED J .D 03058.000080r (A 3064 0, 2 365 0. 84. I. T. ..DITTOION .E Derr0r, Payroll Br3 365 Ancn AFMAP) ...1 2760 Ad00i0r0 B Atlantic Area Office, Gabon C om ity Canter 4 a gp C son, Commander, stob 1 Mrs. Josephine E. Hilty, Secretary 7914 T. E Spencer, Claims Br, 6529 Cora (FMAK). 3505 Mrs. Ell Gerchw, STOy 768 4 0t. Po cc Station 43-2111 E. Lomas, A0g. Office, Ne Orleans .504947 0889 Willard S. SwOeeny, Chief 0H0LSN) 7. M Brmo Dpty Direc"or 3627 W. E To t, Worden, CZ Penitentiary, G 566628 WILLIAM L. DE LA MATER, Director of Protocol/Aide to the Administrator C oT 8001800 ench 43 ,ED aoirne Admir O f TOcerA rAnOR 3375 Residents Advisory Program Staff Officer, Room 227, (ADPA). 7870 FINANCIAL LANNING DIVISION ECXL 7987 LIBRARYUSEUM Mos. Barba-a Scoff, Profocol Assistant 102 106, Adiminisoran BuO0dong INDUSTRIAL HEALTH DIVISION LTC Charles D. Shaul, Asst. to Dor/Exe o U ". Amoo 201 0on Pl a002 720, Boo ETO. 7003 MsBvryCWlim i.D U 78 Myron A. SOKo oder, Chief (FMFP). .30 Or Ernst K. .Kredl, Chief HLIH) 7968 N. C. FarnTworth, sst to On.Iro K KuTge 4s T r OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 0Rot J oowt, B0uSdge BooroaTntchtoHKSIo 1 KIIOI0 307,O 05F 7000 Tos Catarin M. 0r ChiefT facto TO 7000312 OF IC O T E EX C TI E EC ET RYRoet .oawrgh, uge Banh 33 Or. Richard A, Chieville, Industrial Health Offcer R.CDahn Safety Off mu,307 (ECXS) .7575 Mrs, Naomi A. Welf, Chie, Readers Services 7761 Entanc Roms 05-07,AdmnisratonHallin R ld C. ourdge, Rates and Analysis Branch/ Paii)3529 R. N. Shaw, Contracting Off., Bldg. 29X Balboa 7927 Cost Control Offincer3287 Dr. HenryDe La Garza, Industrial Health Offcer Eotooooo~351 Soom 2020 1723o~aho CONSTRUdTIO DIVoI0SI30OND ~SO KO o o H00 Ot INDUSTRIAL SECURITY OFFICE J. PATRICK CONLEY, Executive Secretary (AE) .-. -. -. -------------.--. .3519 Tlls and S0e-al S .di.s 7434 Sbdu yti l s 40 0 7 CONSTRUCTION DIALSION Room 11 Nd Luau,, Bu g B boa H h Mrs. Eileen S. da Pena, Secretary 3519 nd4ustroal Aid StationN T A3 L GENRALAUDT DVISON 529 R. N. Shaw, Chief ECCN) 7927 Ernest W. Oliver, Chief (GSIS) 7900 JOSEPH J. WOOD, Deputy Executive Secretary .3305 GENERAL AUDIT OIVISION SAFETY DIVISION Mrs B. D. Plon Amin Off e 7927 Wiam Roger, Deputy Chie 7629 Buiading 6530, Cor-al Sacond Floor Lanldng 722, Bgo R. J. Her, Chief Contract losp. B, 7927 Mrs. Dorothy F. Cogswell, Secretary --------------.-. ---------. 3305 James A. Mathis, Ge.ral Audior (FMGA0 12 J other District 437 RECREATION SERVICES OFFICE PterIA petAsitn KKGeneral Adtoo 770 00000rvla CifUL )38 Nrhr Ditat.I. 43 3321 0,o CLARENCE C. PAYNE, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator/ 77 Frank Guit Assstant Chief 7883 BOdN. 5140, Diablo Staff .7801 Mrs. Jrme V. Pas, Safety Specialist 7883 DREDGING DIVISION C .R yb po he,(S S Assistant Executive Secretary (AA) ----------------.-. .------. 3305 d 33 boA C. 0. EOayO r. CSIT) AGSt0 7967 VTERINARY 01V01N0s.K Melans0 n, Admn Ass .7967 JAMES E. FERRARA, Assistant Executive Secretary 7601 TREASURY BRANCH P. I Whitlock Chief (R) 56-6681 .ildin 281, A0 co, Dr. Paul H. Dowell, C Ier (HLVT), Bldg. 5116 Asst. Chief 56-6681 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS M rs. Maria Luisa Charles, Secretary .---.--.-..-----------. 7601 M Hope 43-3559 H. V A rchibld, Admin. Officer 560680 Robert Q. Won, TrearOurr (FMTR) .338 Dr. obet C ,Vri ,Bdg 420a 0.rin K Tgt Uotor 081 Bdg. IY, R0 .ot Avm, Aabo Edwatrd J. MAleer Assistant Tresre 3,B7 Anu ,R B l ugtOf/oto i 66 Ed 4 0 otoK IO 303479 Chie, 00g Pln Kn Frog. Se 56 66A1 Tho F. Stride,, lhiot osep) .7502 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Atlantic Treasury Branch Buldng 7031 So 347 7009 Chief gr. pato, n rach 566681 s Smte 312, Peo. Was, 425 13th S. NW. Ad0nistratio Bouts Mt. Hope FMTAA) 43-2539 MARINE BUREAU L M. Har Chief, Support Branch 56-6691 Washing, D. 20004 K. E. GOLDSBERRY, chief, Room 254 (AM) 7757 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS R 2ms 308-311 Ad stton Bud C. E. Sykes COt, Repair Branch 566612 SUPPLY AND LOGISTICS SERVICES THOMAS M. CONSTANT. Secretary, Panama Mrs. Srtha Brown, Admiistraive Officer .3178 Room 145, Administration Building CAPTAIN JOHN D. THURBER, USN, Director (MR 7917 ELECTRICAL DIVISION bdg. 28 l ustraloAre, Banber C lom s oWO) .20206280641 T. C. Duty, Asst Division ChoO/Chief, Staff and Admin Mrs. Dois Burns, Dory. 7917 Buddie 66A Paded J. I Corrigan Director (GSS.l) 33 Mrs. HzOT l. Murdock, Asst to the Secretary 202-628-6411 0, S ans r Room 254 (AMSA) 995 D. M. Pirkins, Chief, Management Information Cp t R t A. Dekins, USN (Rt), Deputy Drector 3308 F. A. b .Chief Ety 3303 Csom 0 348 Systems FMIS) 3460 W iam 0. Cofer, Ast. to Director 756 Mrs J G Holdero Adoi Officer 3421 J. M Ruc, Asst Dir. (Trn Lo ned Labor) 43-1665 FFeC nFO B D M NCsoms Asss Unit-Atlr, Bldg 10, Drisbl 4321S, Capt. Richard J. Clements, USCG, Liaison 3185 G. E. McFadden, Chief, El-c Work Br. (ECLW) 3421 Mrs. A. M. Azcarraga, Admin. Officer 3635 OFFICE OFOMBUDSMAN aC 8 10,0U i 400 05 OlDO, 43.2008pOto T OA OS PoooIP OO 0 2 o88 OTT t O33 oEm 30py Assisto p U8iot 0 BJ0 5140 Diablo 7854 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION Douglas C hIdO Admn. Officer (MXA) 7809 E. R. Mln, Chief, POwe Br. (ECLP) 3421 npy Ass Uni8-Al3 3 ldg. 80 arg 43-3213 Room 146, Admi oration Building TS Jota OmBg O icr 08 002 C.Hor tO Co PC 3200 G G. BOUCHE, Acting Opbdon .7474 JamderE Patti soa Ch et oh D (AMGF) 3217 Er, Rm .14 TAMRM) Tb7767 J, A. Brwer, Sysems Development Branch 3220 W. G. Cleveland, Safety Officer, So. Dust. 52 8217 Room 343, AdIN I staO n B Building 635, B bAs Heights OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING Records Mgt. Staff (Foms Con e) 7642 R W. Engol, Systems Support Brano 3220 Mrs. Roberta F. Egalf Safety Office, No Dist 43-5486 R. J. Risberg, Chief (ECEG) 7585 Murphy Chief (GSCS .b577 Rooms 230-233, Ad istrat on ding Reords Mg. Staff (Files and Publications Mg ) R. .Donaldson, Asst. Chief 3180 C. M Newbury, Assistant Chief 3577 GERARD. WELCH. DOT Stor/U.r. tOT 3482 COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION BOARD OF LOCAL INSPECTORS G. .Gordon, Admin. Officer 7982 P. A arenas, Management Afayt 3133 OCoOrdnWTComiitteepro (EP 3 FOIA/Pvacy At tf 7520 Room 146, AdomIsron Amidin BuIdong 5140 Doble D W, Dart, Chief, Architectural Br. (ECEA 3556 Mrs. A E. Hours, Budget Officer 3288 Tr TheoTm L Coover, Sedy 3500 Creno t Records Section (AMRS) 31t8 L G. ArIhuldo o, Chief, Sp Getech Bf. (ECES) 3278 T W C teret Safety Specialist 7455 10000 .u OrDptiretor 3088 00 01TMal Section/Sh7rt trip Service 7681/3429 E. R. M ChidT (FMCO) /468 Capt.tohn H0 Stone, Jr0 O Chairman 3MRBL) 340K pt 0 0 0 10 3033 WC am S, HiO, Asst. to Director 3412 Offical Cable/Telecpier Service 7429 W J. D nod, Jr, Central C puter Operations Capt. Edmund P. Gacel, Ast. Chairman 7R tt HO AA O Dot 34 Agency Records Center, 2-D, Diablo (AMRC) 3 Braoh, Room 146 3424 Gilbert T. Gonsalves, floating Equipment InspecTr C E. phedps, Chief, M oth, r. (ECEM) 7895 C Rotho Tffy Housing Manager, No. District 432148 Booms 324-332 P00 AsI Unit, Bldg. 446r AlbroVk 86 6251/6253 A. C. ArsmenO, Data Entry and Controls BranchS Ba 7943 N. H. Vasquez, Chief, Spm & Est. Br ECEX) 7949 J R HaKr Su0 Boding igmt Br. (GSCB 3133 Vital tast Unif, Bldg. 5140, Dable 7854 Room 16 3162 Jhn W. Davis Floating Equipment Inspector E. B Goodrich, Chief Projects Bro ECEP) 3134 E A Letenre Building Mar Southern District 3685 D onldG S hdr Chief program Dveopment W. Richan d Shoproo, OiOf, Transporfaif n Sr Cristobal 43-3311 W 8 Sha, Chief, Met and Hyd. Br (ECEH) 7716 J. A. Zamar Buildin, Mgr Northern District 43-3505 Dio. (EPPD) 7961 Bldg 5 40, probe AMTR) 3325 R. S Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Br, Bldg. 12 Pedro E CSrdglvez D, S00 0t G rounds M0m0t Br.(GSG) 3133 Enr"tu Marcue, Act. Capia Program Coord 3340 H. W. Demsy, Jr. Shp.,o Agency P and Drpi CANAL SUPPORT DIVISION Migel (ECEV) 3163 L Perez B Supervisor, Grounds, Balboa 3319 To Gladys Dominguez, Admin. Officer K 3 08 in Center, o B ca AMPR) 3237 S 0th00n Dbtrit R G. May, Supervisor, Grounds, Cristobal. 43 2373 Frank M rr, Envircn./ Energy Coord. 730 Mrs. Teonildo L Pecha, Requisitions, etc. 7579 Second Floor Bldg. 28 o INDUSTRIAL DIVISION David C. Baerg,, Envi ran. / Analysis_ -7_8,_ 6 Bldg 5082, ME Hope Richard A. Wainit, Economist 337 Capt. W. C. CakiDs Chief IORCS) 7Ty DIVISION OF STOREHOUSES MAGISTRATES' COURTS OFFICE OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION CAt o t 1 Kennedy, Chief, ECIN 433 Co, 20 Cat o. J. Sar Atin Ast oif T 30 0.te 11. K ,tTT8 ITO 0 430392 TidOA OFl SOnTHO28 BLbsE Room 243, Admincistation Ceding Caal Support Capt 300 .s As C 43-232 udge 41000Kb 666 LOhnLTTTkKTrBboBdg. 8AD Rd A8b00D. OHIngs, Jr0D Ad O 390 Mile, Chief, Ad 43934 Chief (GSST) 3130 ChiefrTde.ty Ao Di eoPP r 006 Soa (AM ) 3451 RONALD .SEELEY, Director 0R) 3277 Budget Officer 7806 PH C Fo P 43366 J. A Hunt, Acing sst to C if 7978 00 AolSndr To ReyesO~O 606r do theO Coo urt3 3052 0 OOOeOT O 2 pt oae W, orrs VTse anagTer 3040 Rioard STmn CIT o 43236 00000 0000 1407 Chef TetyAfaisDiison(PT) 66 anra S eysClr o te ort352 Miss Camille L Rhyne, Racy. 3277 Cmp, Ja e orsVes aae341 Rcro e, heEg r 320 r.Eelyn K. Oster, Admin. S,,,s Oliceu 7475 JoOIhn OV00oKIO 66 Morton.MOKO8 ofaemn 0nls 335, 0 0000 IODOTOOO AKirn CV KfOf00)ic08e,4 r00K 430472 0'M p, OOKIOTO 9 Joh B M rtn, ange en Anlyt ""6 Judge Ray J. McQuary, Cristebai: Room 211, William D. Yining, Deputy Director 358 Eugene C. Vollmlert, Port Engineer A62 F. R. AlegAmn fie 317 .S lp h ief ventary Mgt Br. (GSS) 3596 Robert H. Emerik, Managemient Analyst 766 d .BlgCitHa AMC 311 Mrs. Marcia BArcelli Budget Officer (PRXB) 3I5 WilaF.W lh eslS potGn oean 372 Mrs .M. Edke, Budget OffIcer 43-1810 E. L Relnardt hePrhsigadCnrc DooodD. 000 USoaslonO 766 J Vas Torres Constable 431527 Ju 0r T. Robson Production Contro ler 432082 Brah 0G0eP) 3206 Distrt C'tBldgr Aco, STAFF 30Northern Dstrict K, H Wis, Gon Foreman Salvage Depot 4328 G P Lavechia Acting Ciie, Warehousing Branch Room 35 Carlos A Wiiams, Personnel Poicies and Programs c Floor, Bnk, 1105 Cr0s40b MAINTENANCE DIVISION Bdg BalboK (GSSW) 7785 PROBATION AND PAROLE UNIT Staff 0RST) 3466 CS N 0 C p o C1na0 o p ofiCd0n 8 Co COtE, Exces Disposal Unit Bdg 42 Charles A. McArthur, Act. Chief, Management Div. EPMD) 3I'llm 3,DstitCur ulin no Capt i .I urrie, Supervisory Caa upport 4-1639 Dilur ,able.D'di Road. .7683 Carlo ciars Manaemen A33yi 7742,, Buidin Bmi2 CAoz .e -4--W. E. Jobusch, Chief (ECME) 3498 R. L Jaremt, Artg. Storekeeper, No. Dish 43-1256 Coo too Liaoogoo00 74 Management AnttOi 114S Coo 0602, Ko. ottCmlSp1,t com,43.30 00 od7 Richrd 3Hon indt Eng ig 463 Edward M Chism Chief AEPR)3 2 1 .tog.Coo p Cpt 030.037 3EMrs. a o B t Lezm, Adm0nOficer 3498 M. A, Pezztti, Mgr, Turn and Equip Pool 7882 Gu ir Van Hoorde, Jr, Program Appraisal 7925 G4 1 F Martinez Chief, Pa. MaI Br 3498 Deveort Star[, (RTIM) 7872 Sol Norman TIOOK, As. Manager 43274 -0 3400 C. Garcia de, Paredes, Language Program 3538 R. J .Robertson, Port Engineer .4 -3 1 H.ATok, Chill, Water and Lab. Br. (ECMWV) 36 .TRTAN P RAT. .VSO OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Placement Assistance tOod 353 Ralph D. Harris, Vessel Support Gen FOman 43-1686 R0 TnOu AT ef At 0a 000 3003 Fir Bd1n 062M 4 TO HIw DVAoN o 8 Ad tt o g 0610 A.o R. R. Va Industrial Training Staff PRT)0 8ECMA) 43 2151 BlyM t T ) 3563 7G1E(Former CbTl AfO7ais BlCdig) Admin. Ss. Asso nt M0 VI8gIi M Shaf Lt 0 T 3259 ADMEASUREMENT R C Jones Chief Planio Budget an BgnOolS 0 ohr, h T 34 WIGT A. MKABNEY, Gll Comost (GC A Aportice Scon (Bldg283 o .302 Cd 540 o TO n 76 Ernest B Hickman Assistant ChieTo .3420 TcreO ary 75 BRUCE A. QUINN, Director E0 310o --Mrs M y H. Engelke, Adm3n. Officer 7731 J 0 L Haines Dputy Gl Cousel 0 Ms. Alur Aruz, S0y 3101 OREAETAIngermllor Director TRPA) 7413 Ta A ojly Toot 3490 AB 00 tI CI O DI Tb7O9TA 9OOT st Coo 7511 Mrs. Anne H Krde, Deputy Dir/Chief Investgo OPERATIONS 349 ay M Br Chief, N Ot r s, Mt Hope 43 1746 Attorneys 7511 t 3638 0 idoor 366, Arcon R J Co reby, Supervisory A TmOasurer, dg 1105 Dr An Mor W0kland Fed. W mTO Program Mar 3233 John Y. Wagner, Chief, Personnel Operations Div Cristobal 43 1092 WATER TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS As Grta N Hum ,T Hispanic Employment p)(PROP .3335 S204, Aiitto B g 4 Receptionist and General information 7595 TRANSIT OPERATIONS DIVISION GENERAL SERICES REA 0 205 d C J P Rodrigotz, Employmentand Placement Branch (PROE) 0171 Bn0g 910 oTC C0ne L, Beca Ads 264-273 Adnrto BIodt n E. H. Bensen, Chief (GSWT 431241 PAUL A. SIMONEAU, Industrial Relations Officer (IR) 3109 r. H. Varela, Local Employment 3583 SS CrFsOT Nal D Pfrt 432110 oMs E TO r rT y 3009 T E Rodriguez, Ma e an E&C Breauo 7501 Capt. Robert W. Hoff, r. Chief (MTO) 3503 F. aTTo Nret r S 3T4o i' 4 0ion R. Bell. Labor Management Relations PANAMA AREA PERSONNEL BOARD M. C. MSwee Gensera Seorvi, and Staff Units 7996 Cat 00i M. P 0scavage, Deputy Chief 7786 t Cargo oris 4 Rpooiamis .3. B g 0 A .uC Peterson, U.S. Reuitment, Bldg t 363, Anc0 3254 Capt. Richard Belzer, Uperations Officer 3630 ..y, 0 .Passenger 4fatn Transportation Br Admin Eds o A ong, Chief, Adverse Action, Room 11, A o Sadoski, Specal loement 7570 Cap. Louis H Hon, Plot Traning Cora 02 G A As o Dretor 7723 Svcs Div, Bldg 5140 Diablo 3325 Bldg. 0610, A n.O (Former Civil Affairs Bldg. 3224 (Fri. r Civi Affairs o DId i0 D0 0 NieDdzolek, age and Classification Branch (PROW)o 3376 Pilot 2iais n Second floor, AdminstratinG E, McElroy Admon. Officer (GSXA 7723 EdgO~l~to Fotlo~booBO 4 PCooats oodoTOn bS 00A.t C.O 0 0 Po~ S dl 8 Payntdge OCSX) 3089 RICHARDM CONOVER, Execut ve Director (PB) 3292 f section Bdg ., ioSal 43-2718/43 2719 B P o Bou d ofbety Officer.HORE TAFF, NW ORLEANS OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Mrs rbara elly, Prs.nne Mgt. Spec. 3292 J M. McTaggart, MaroAe and E&C umBrau 3176 Ashby S. Smith, Chie, Pilot Rotation and Schedon rai 103, Adarn traturn Buhome Mrs. Amelia 1, Greene, Personnel Assistant 3292 R Mrs.M. V Idaurri, General Services and Staff Units 3176 Unit (MRPR) _ 1 3327 PROTECTION AND SUPPORT SERVICES 4400 Daphine St. New Orleans La 70146 R. R 1, Pay Anooysos 7971 Bruce G. Sanders, Ch oef Marine Traffic Centeol MRTC 3645 Room 205, B dg 0610 An on Joseph C. Quintas, General Agent 50 494784417 VICTOR CANEL foration Officer (10) 3 CENTRAL EXAMINING OFFICE F A Floos Remoti Personnel Records and AFmin 3 ameTra 0710Ct Pra nt n at to 3 1 (Forme CI Alirs Buildng) WTOlie K, Frir Asst Information 003r 3369 Bldg 363, Anc. Mrs M Qmra, EompTyoe 0ndu0ti0n/J0b Letters 3522 MTCS A07 lysts 3680 M, P, Gordon, Director 0GSPS 3422 PROCUREMENT DIVISION Ms. VickiM Bo w r SplOwa E. 32n2 Mrs. J. Stanford, Personnel Actions 3279 MTCS MainteOK 3661 Mrs Barbara A. Rios CsKy 3422 4400 Dauphine St Nw Orleans L, 70046 M V asqki oyE 302 RBoatdwLrChit, M r PBC 7682 rs G Roberts, Personnel Files. 3376 J e R. Maloney, Chief Ship Data Ba0k, R. J. Sarien, Asst. Dir 3401 Ro l Ad O operations 339/ Miss M Bourne, Service Tracing Bldg. 449 Anon 7432 Second Floor, Building 28 aloa (MRSD 7525 Mrs Cheryl Russe.O Adm3 .Officer 3262 R. L Amstio Chief LGSER) 504-948-5299

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