Laker (Wesley Chapel Edition)

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Laker (Wesley Chapel Edition)
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Wesley Chapel, FL
Community News Publications, Inc., Diane Kortus - Publisher
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CORNERSTONEPROS.COM813-990-0561 Service the Way it Oughta Be! $20 OFF SERVICE REPAIRA/C, Plumbing or Electrical FREE Water quality testPlus uP to $400 off comPlete Water treatment system LK/LZ LK/LZ Same-Day Service Free 2nd Opinion* Free Estimates** 24/7 Emergency**Free estimates for new A/C, water heater, water treatment and electrical panel upgrade. *Free second opinion with written diagnosis from another company.CAC1816647 CFC1428982 EC0001103 Must present coupon. cannot be per visit. exp. 4/30/17 Must present coupon. cannot be per visit. exp. 4/30/17 Auto Accident? Slip and Fall? FREE CONSULTATIONNo Fees Or Costs Unless You Win Walk-Ins WelcomeHelpingInjuredPeople.comCall AttorneyJIM HOLLIDAY813-868-1887 18920 N. Dale Mabry Hwy Ste 101 Lutz, FL (Corner of Sunlake & Dale Mabry)I Will Aggressively Fight To Protect Your Legal RightsŽ HOLLIDAY KARATINOSLAW FIRM, P.L. LAKERLUTZNEWS.COMThe LAKER WESLEY CHAPEL/NEW TAMPA EDITION The LAKERFreeAPRIL 12, 2017 80% u p t o VE V SA SEEOURA 80% AG E 3 PA SEE OUR A ON P AD % 3 A AD Nominations needed for 2017 Industry AwardsBy Kathy Steeleksteele@lakerlutznews.comNominations are being accepted for the 2017 Pasco Economic Development Council Industry of the Year Awards. The deadline for submitting nominations is close of business on April 28. The awards recognize top companies in Pasco County that excel in technology, innovation job creation, growth, capital investment and community involvement. Finalists will be interviewed prior to the awards ceremony on a range of topics related to their businesses and the community. Nominees should be “for profit” business to business service, manufacturing or technology companies operating in Pasco County. Municipalities or affiliates, as well as previous winners in the past five years, are not eligible. The awards will be separated into divisions based on the number of employees. Evaluations are based on job creation, increased capital investment and contributions to the community through civic involvement between January 2016 and June 2017. Industry awards are given in the followSeeking input on road connectionsBy Kathy Steeleksteele@lakerlutznews.comPasco County will host an open house to find out if area residents in Wesley Chapel want to open up roads between Pasco and Hillsborough County. The public is invited to Pasco-Hernando State College on April 18 to make comments and get answers on three potential road projects from members of the county’s Metropolitan Planning Organization. The Wesley Chapel Roadways Connections Study wants to hear from the public regarding possible connections between:  Kinnan Street and Mansfield Boulevard  Meadow Pointe Boulevard to K-Bar Ranch Boulevard  Wyndfields Boulevard into K-Bar Ranch “We are unbiased. We want to hear from residents, looking at the negatives and positives,” said Ali Atefi, transportation engineer for the county’s Metropolitan Planning Organization. “We’re getting information from both sides, connecting or not connecting,” he said. A second meeting would be scheduled in the future to review feedback from the public. An online survey also is being considered to gather additional views on whether to take on these projects, Atefi said. The study could take up to a year to complete, he added. Any decisions on moving forward on road projects would be made by the Pasco County Commission. Currently, Mansfield Boulevard in the Meadow Pointe subdivision dead-ends at the Pasco County line. A barricade separates the boulevard from Kinnan Street, which deadends inside Tampa’s K-Bar Ranch in Hillsborough. In 2016, Mike Moore, then a Pasco County commissioner, and Lisa Montelione, FILEA year-long study will look at connecting roadways between Pasco and Hillsborough counties in the Wesley Chapel area of southern Pasco. This barricade separates Kinnan Street in New Tampa’s K-Bar Ranch and Mansfield Boulevard in Pasco County’s Meadow Pointe subdivision. See ROAD, page15A B INSIDE, PAGE 1B See AWARDS, page15A By B.C. Manionbcmanion@lakerlutznews.comFlorida Hospital Wesley Chapel is again expanding its services, this time setting up a freestanding emergency department in Land O’ Lakes. The facility, which is expected to be completed by January of 2018, will bring emergency medical assistance closer to residents of Central Pasco County. The new 18,000-square-foot center will be near the entrance to Bexley, a new community being built off of State Road 54, just east of the Suncoast Parkway in Pasco County. The facility will offer full-service emergency care, 24 hours a day, and will be staffed by board-certified emergency medicine physicians and nurses that are highly trained in emergency care. The 24-bed facility also will have state-ofthe-art on-site imaging services such as X-ray, ultrasound, CT scans and laboratory services. Dignitaries gathered at the site for an April 6 formal groundbreaking ceremony. Speakers included Denyse Bales-Chubb, president and CEO of Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, Pasco County Commission Chairman Mike Moore and Pasco County Fire Chief Timothy Reardon. “Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel is committed to our mission of extending the healing ministry of Christ,” Bales-Chubb said. “With that mission, we need to make sure that we have emergency services that are convenient to where our community lives and works. “This facility will provide the same quality care that our patients receive at our main campus,” she said. Pasco County Commission Chairman Mike Moore enthusiastically welcomed the addition of the new facility to Central Pasco. “It seems like yesterday that we were just breaking ground at the expansion of the Wesley Chapel Florida Hospital facility,” By B.C. Manionbcmanion@lakerlutznews.comThe Pasco County School Board has approved school bell times for the 2017-2018, and those times include some changes for schools within The Laker/Lutz News coverage area. Here’s a look at which schools are getting new starting times, along with an explanation that was provided in a news release from Pasco County Schools.  Bexley Elementary, 4380 Ballantrae Blvd., a new school, will begin its school day at 9:40 a.m. and finish the day at 3:50 p.m.  Cypress Creek Middle/High School, 8701 Old Pasco Road, also a new school, will begin its school day at 7:25 a.m. and finish it at 1:50 p.m.  Land O’ Lakes High School, 20325 Gator Lane, will begin its day at 7:25 a.m. and end it at 1:55 p.m. The school’s starting time is five minutes earlier to provide additional time for passing between classes. The additional time is needed because the school will be undergoing a large construction project.  Charles S. Rushe Middle School, 18654 Mentmore Blvd., will begin its school day at 7:25 a.m. and finish it at 1:40 p.m. Rushe’s school day previously started atNew start times for some schoolsSee START, page15A COURTESY OF FLORIDA HOSPITAL WESLEY CHAPELDignitaries prepare to throw a shovel of dirt to signify the beginning of construction for a new freestanding emergency room fo r Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, expected to open in Land O’ Lakes in January 2018.Emergency medical help coming to Central Pasco This is what Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel’s new emergency facility, being built off State Road 54 in Land O’ Lakes, will look like. See MEDICAL, page15A


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ADDITIONAL COPIES: A listing of boxes and business locations is on our home page at EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS: Suggestions for stories and news coverage are welcome. Please send ideas to, or call our newsroom at 813-909-2800. ADVERTISING ERRORS: Publisher is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the space cost for the first insertion, or for the validity of claims made by advertisers. MEMBER: Central Pasco Chamber, Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber, Greater Zephyrhills Chamber, Greater Dade City Chamber, Florida Press Association, Free Community Papers of Florida, Southeast Advertising Publishers Association, Association of Free Community Newspapers, Independent Free Newspapers of America.Advertising and editorial content by Manatee Media Inc. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without prior written permission from the publisher. The LAKER/ Lutz NEWS ADVERTISINGTERRI WILLIAMSONSenior Account Managertwilliamson@lakerlutznews.comCHERYL MICHELAccount Managercmichel@lakerlutznews.comRACHEL THOMPSONClassified & Directory Salesrthompson@lakerlutznews.comDESIGN ACCOUNTINGMATTHEW MISTRETTAArt Directormmistretta@lakerlutznews.comSTEFANIE BURLINGAMEGraphic Designersburlingame@lakerlutznews.comMARY EBERHARDmeberhard@lakerlutznews.comLOCATION: 3632 Land O' Lakes Blvd. Suite 102 Land O Lakes, FL 34639 MAIL: P O. Box 479 Lutz, FL 33548 PHONE/FAX: ph: 813.909.2800 fax: 813.909.2802 IT SUPPORT: STEVE MISTRETTA WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: EMAIL: sales@lakerlutznews.comPUBLISHER & OWNER: DIANE KORTUS, LUTZ, ODESSA, LAND O LAKES, WESLEY CHAPEL, NEW TAMPA, ZEPHYRHILLS, DADE CITY Serving Pasco since 1981 / Serving Lutz since 1964 KATHY STEELEStaff Writer ksteele@lakerlutznews.comB.C. MANIONEditor bcmanion@lakerlutznews.comKEVIN WEISSStaff Writer kweiss@lakerlutznews.comMARY RATHMANEditorial Assistantmrathman@lakerlutznews.comEDITORIALDISTRIBUTION: Florida Circ, LLC ANNE KIBBEAccount Managerakibbe@lakerlutznews.comCUSTOMER SERVICE CAROLYN $5 OFF YOUR FIRS T Call for your quote toda y TION AT .... 100mg/20tabs o Sp e Qual iVIAGRA OVER 2000 MEDICA HELP WE COU LD T ORDER!* eceive... y and r AILABLE VA AV NS A $96 n your Medi c e nding a Sm a ve trusted i ty thousands ha .......... 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and Plumbin g Ex p ert A ir Condition i rusted r o Y our T W e J i n g Ju m p (813) 444 p Wh e a F 947 4 e n Y o mily O wned & O p e ou Ca e rated by Ron a ll € 22 years experie € No surprises … a c € i f we make a mi s nce c curate quotes up fr o s take, we correct it t o AC: CA C o nt o your satisfaction C 1818869 Plbg:CFC1429720 il s A A or F ll C A our Next o $50 OFF Y det € e xclusive written guarantee € Always clean up and never leave a m e ~ Ow n e r R on w hen y ou p lace y our t r e take our responsib e W t Repa ir e ss r ust in us.Ž b ility very seriously 4A April 12, 2017 Your Community Calendar  Submit 2 weeks in advance to:  All listings free of charge Whats Happening What  s Happening SUPPORT FOSTER CHILDRENDuring Child Abuse Prevention Month, all Florida Community Bank centers will participate in the Sneaker Drive during the month of April. All sneakers will be donated to local children in foster care. Donations can be dropped off at the FCB Tampa Village Banking Center, 13128 N. Dale Mabry Highway in Tampa. Those wishing to donate also can call (813) 5092200 for pickup. COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONSThe Pasco Alliance of Community Associations will meet April 13 at 7 p.m., at the Land O’ Lakes Community Center, 5401 Land O’ Lakes Blvd. Representatives from the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, Pasco County Code Compliance and Pasco County Fire Rescue will be available for a question-and-answer participation program. For information, visit DAY CELEBRATIONPasco-Hernando State College will host an Earth Day Celebration April 13 from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m., at the East Campus, 36727 Blanton Road in Dade City. There will be a live gardening demonstration called “Compost Happens” by Whitney C. Elmore. Vendors will include the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Florida Forest Service Pasco, and a Florida State Park Service representative. For information, visit SERVICESLake Magdalene United Methodist Church, 2902 W. Fletcher Ave., in Tampa, will host a Maundy Thursday service April 13 at 7 p.m., and three Easter Sunday services April 16 with traditional services at 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., in the sanctuary; and, a contemporary service at 11 a.m., in Heritage Hall. For information, call (813) 961-1254, or visit FRIDAY SERVICEThe North East Pasco Ministerial Association will host Good Friday services April 14 at noon, at the First United Methodist Church, 37628 Church Ave., in Dade City. A light lunch will follow the service. Donations will be accepted. For information, call Valerie Desautel at (352) 677-7908.SHOPPING EXTRAVAGANZAAmerican House, 38130 Pretty Pond Road in Zephyrhills, will host a shopping extravaganza April 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be more than 20 vendors, including handmade jewelry, pottery, accessories and more. Guests can meet the staff and residents, and visit the apartments and amenities. For information, call (813) 400-2263.MUSIC AND WORSHIPChristian Ministries Association of East Pasco will host a Good Friday service at Agnes Lamb Park in Dade City April 14 at 6 p.m., with music and worship. For information, call (352) 521-3126.SENIOR TEA PARTYThe Lutz Senior Center, 112 First Ave., N.W., will host a tea party April 14 at 1 p.m., with tea and cookies. For information, call (813) 264-3804.SONS OF AMERICAN REVOLUTIONThe Tampa Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution will meet April 15 at the Lewis Hill III Boy Scouts of America Center, 13228 N. Central Ave., in Tampa. Socializing begins at 11:30 a.m., followed by a business meeting at noon. There will be a short time for lunch after the meeting. For information, email William Floyd at SERVICESHeritage Church, 1854 Oak Grove Blvd., in Lutz, will host Easter weekend services April 15 at 6 p.m., and April 16 at 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. There also will be an egg hunt for kids after each service. Kids should bring a basket. For information, call (813) 909-4080, or visit A BUNNY BAGThe Land O’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway, will offer Sewing Basics 101: Bunny Bag April 15 from 10 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., for ages 9 and older. Guests can learn how a sewing machine is used, practice on the machine, and stitch a small craft. A signed liability waiver is required. For information and to register, call (813) 929-1214.KIDS CRAFTThe Land O’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway, will offer Kids Crafts: Chicks, Lambs, Bunnies…Oh My! April 15 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., for kindergarten through fifth grade. For information, call (813) 9291214.SPRING EGG HUNTThe Hugh Embry Library, 14215 Fourth St., in Dade City, will host a Spring Egg Hunt April 15 at 10 a.m. There will be a candy egg hunt, face painting, crafts and more. For information, call (352) 567-3576.GRILLED CHEESE FESTIVALThe Brooksville Brewing Company will present the Springtime Grilled Cheese Festival April 15 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Ferg’s Sports Bar, 1320 Central Ave., in St. Petersburg. There will be food and dessert trucks; tents, tables and chairs; and live music. The event is pet-friendly. Admission is free. For information, call (941) 5878365.POETRY, PAINTING CONTESTSThe 2017 Jacaranda Poetry Festival is looking for entries for its poetry contest, and its poetry and painting contest. Poetry entries must be postmarked by April 15. Paintings must represent the artists’rendition of a poem they have written, or a poem of their choosing. Painting and poetry entries must be submitted April 25 or April 26 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. For details and information, visit and click on the Art Happenings link.CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANGThe Tampa Theatre, 711 N. Franklin St., in Tampa, will show the movie “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” April 16 at 3 p.m., as part of its Family Favorite Films series. Adult tickets are $10, and $8 for kids ages 12 and younger. For information, visit SERVICEFlorida Hospital Zephyrhills, 7050 Gall Blvd., will host an Easter sunrise service April 16 at 6:45 a.m., on the hospital lawn. There will be live Christian music, a live dove release and free refreshments. Guests should bring lawn chairs, as seating is limited. BROMELIAD GUILDThe Bromeliad Guild of Tampa Bay will meet April 17 at Christ the King Catholic Church, 821 S. Dale Mabry Highway in Tampa. The guest speaker will be Jay Thurrott, and there will be a PowerPoint presentation on the World Bromeliad Conference in Houston, Texas. There also will be a workshop, Show & Tell, plant sales, door prizes, a raffle and refreshments. Doors open at 7 p.m., and the program starts at 7:30 p.m. For information, call Tom Wolfe at (813) 3911542.BUG SEMINARThe New River Library, 34043 State Road 54 in Zephyrhills, will present “Good Bugs/Bad Bugs” April 18 at 2 p.m. For information, call (813) 788-6375.SAFE DRIVER CLASSThe Land O’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway, will offer the AARP Safe Driver Class April 18 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information and to register, call Eugene Pool at (813) 949-8585.AUTHOR VISITThe Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St., will host author Penny Musco on the topic of “Life Lessons from the National Parks” April 19 at 1:30 p.m. The program will be a four-season tour of places in America’s National Park Service. There will be a book signing, and books available for purchase. For information, call (813) 780-0064.CARROLLWOOD TOASTMASTERSThe Carrollwood Toastmasters will meet April 19, and every Wednesday, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library, 2902 W. Bearss Ave., in Tampa. For information, visit AD LITEMThe Hugh Embry Library, 14215 Fourth St., in Dade City, will offer a Guardian Ad Litem volunteer information session April 19 at 1:30 p.m., for adults. For information, call (352) 567-3576.MOBILE ONE STOPCareerSource Mobile One will make a stop at the New River Library, 34043 State Road 54 in Zephyrhills, April 20 from 9:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. The unit has 12 computer stations; satellite internet and telecommunications; and printing/copying capabilities. For information, call (813) 788-6375.GARDEN MEETINGThe New River Library, 34043 State Road 54 in Zephyrhills, will host a community garden meeting April 20 at 6:30 p.m., for anyone interested in learning about gardening. For information, call (813) 788-6375.GENEALOGY 101The Hugh Embry Library, 14215 Fourth St., in Dade City, will present Genealogy 101 on April 20 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. The program is a beginner’s guide to the genealogy process. For information and to register, call (352) 567-3576.FAIR HOUSING SYMPOSIUMHillsborough County Affordable Housing, along with the Tampa Bay Fair Housing Consortium, will present a symposium for housing providers, real estate agents, property managers, homeowners, renters, government officials and anyone interested in learning about a wide variety of practical issues related to affordable housing. The program will be April 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Tampa Convention Center, 333 S. Franklin St. The cost is $35 in advance, and $40 at the door, by check or cash. The cost includes lunch. For information, call Sabine von Aulock at (813) 274-6649.CONVERSATIONAL SPANISHThe Zephyrhills Public Library, 5347 Eighth St., will offer conversational Spanish for beginners April 22 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Topics will include greeting people, chatting with neighbors, ordering food, and useful phrases. For information or to preregister, call (813) 780-0064.FAMILY MOVIEThe Hugh Embry Library, 14215 Fourth St., in Dade City, will host a free family movie and popcorn April 22 at 2 p.m. Kids ages 12 and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Juice also will be provided. For information, call (352) 567-3576.VOTE FOR PARK MAKEOVERThe National Recreation and Park Association is sponsoring a contest, “Meet Me at the Park,” to give away a $20,000 grant for a park makeover. Guests can vote for the City of Zephyrhill’s Zephyr Park, or nominate your own city. Go to to cast a vote. The city with the most nominations will win the grant. The deadline to vote is April 30. Tech petting zooThe New Tampa Regional Library, 10001 Cross Creek Blvd., will host a HIVE Tech Petting Zoo April 15 during regular library hours. In celebration of National Library Week, guests can experience the cool and emerging technology that the New Tampa HIVE has to offer. For information, call (813) 273-3652, or visit printingThe Land O’ Lakes Library, 2818 Collier Parkway, will offer a seminar on 3D printing April 19 from 10 a.m. to noon, for ages 9 and older. Participants can learn about the open source 3D design software, Tinkercad. A liability waiver and proper dress code are required. For information and to register, call (813) 929-1214.Drop-in tech helpThe New River Library, 34043 State Road 54 in Zephyrhills, will offer drop-in tech help April 21 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Guests can get help with computers, tablets or smartphones. Assistance will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. For information, call (813) 788-6375.




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daraP me t o aboutourcom e mor invite you to tour ou r lAtlantic Homes i s aCC April 1st Homes beginning e of xperience. ourhomesandoure munities, a n ae mpa Bay ar a Ta ughout the o r model homes thr Hom de of ara the 2017 P of t oud to be par s pr T t our our model homes during the arn n d le eW es. Be Be l designs in f er two c o ff lAtlantic a C of Mode xley! xley! e t e di is new h T xley Be h ome f oud to Homes is pr ollections of ls Open a 1038741 Q FloridaC f e n ar t tor suggestions tha a other items shown may be decor t publica te of fectiveontheda ff plans and terms ar ices, rl A a visit C tion, informaer moroF S R Ne w zt Lu Lithia se Land O Lak anch ewood R Lak Holiday Gibsonton Englewood Ellenton adentonBr ach Apollo Bempa a Ta oughout the ro upper $100s to over $1 million in Villas and Singl e xury u L wnhomes, o To our homes and about our communities, e mor T thr P eef of T inity r Tr arpon Springs Ta apm Ta arrish P Odessa Richey t rt o w P.aeBay ar 40+ neighborhoods om the mily Homes fr a Fa xperience. d our e e F r T T school is ju s e new o h T s. dog park a co m ails, tr amenities perience x e is designe d -p l a n master 6 38 v e x ley s t a 1/2 mile away o n-site elementary m munity pool and s, including park life outdoors with d to allow you to cic a d P andar t S 2 68118. landscape and scape, d a r n ne d commun i ty 813-445-7705 Florida 34 6 s, e Land OLak eeze Dri v 3909 Balcony Br x lAtlantic Homes in Be a 2 Q tion C a rpor o alty C e Florida R mes of land Ho y R chase price and availability may vary ot included in the pur H a tist conceptions. e ar es ar ur t a ther fe homesoro f A Chapel eW ocirl Va sota a S ar t ion and subject to change without notice. Depictions of R iverview C 1038741 Q Florida C f of ALS LAWN CAREProducts & Service, Inc. 18905 N. Dale Mabry Lutz, FL 33548(813) 949-1384 or (813) 949-3963Hours: Monday Friday 8am 5:00pm All prices are DSRP. Available at participating dealers while supplies last.The actual listed guide bar length may vary from the effective cutting length based on which powerhead it is installed on. 2017 STIHL MS 170 CHAIN SAWIm glad I went with the 170--the price and reliability are outstanding. user prutsmanbros93Check out this review and others on the product pages at $129.95NEW! BGA 56 BATTERY-POWERED HANDHELD BLOWERIncludes AK 20 battery and AL 101 charger.Lightweight handheld blower just 7.3 lbs. with AK 20 battery16 bar STIHL OFFERS A FULL RANGE OF FUEL AND BATTERY-POWERED SOLUTIONS FS 38 GAS TRIMMER FSA 45 BATTERY TRIMMER $179.95 $199.95


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LU S o un d the is right a r h oo d u r nei g h b o r o o Y & & AREA AREA TRINITY TRINITY AREA AREA LUTZ COG A FA r DavidMarler MDF oMD er LUTZ e n o u need it most and ar o en y h w e compassionate car ,ev hensi e r compr ef p hysicians of om minor coughs and cold r u. F o er from y n e is one right around the cor e ther ances ar h physicians and O e y car primar Our network of y. e nearb ar y the w ood to kno g s s ician, it y rr y corner y s i c i a n y d ph LAND O LAKES & L LANDO LAKES&L our p e car ev entati ve pr h and c unity our comm u need a phy s o en y h AilisMar W nts w patie pting ne w acce o ease t r ronic dis h to major c ,s meet t ing to wor DeborahReneO B/GYNs is g P HYSICIAN h Blvd, Suite 103 n ecology l and, DO d Medicineeatment and re lus, MD, CAQSM t he needs of Lutz 18923 Sta t Family M e Elisa Th o Land O L a 7040 Land Family M eAilis Mar PH inity r Tr i r Tr Family & 11103T T ge Geor t e Road 54 e dicine o mpson, MD P inity r Tr 2160 Du c Obstetri c T David Ma kes O Lakes Blvd, Suite 103 & 104 e dicine o MD errr NEW LUTZ P inity r Tr 2160 Duck Sloug h Obstetrics & Gy n T nde l e Ve Lisa L. V nity Blvd Sports Medicine Rankin, MD, CAQSM W. W P inity r Tr inity Blv d r Tr Family & Sports 11103 T T Deborah Renec k Slough Blvd, Suite 103 c s & Gynecology COG A FA r, Marler MD, F (813) 333-9322 AILABLE VA AV Schedule your appointment today! ONLINE SCHEDULING A V FHPG-10233 Dr. Judith L. Reese, THE Hearing Aid Expert. She Loves Ears! Huh? Call her before your hearing is gone! JC Audiology & Hearing Aids 813.949.1331 www.jc-audiology.com1519 Dale Mabry Hwy. Suite 105, Lutz (Across from Walmart in the North Fork Professional Center) April 12, 2017 Send health news to F T BRAN FOR O WO ND NEW LIKE US ON FA C 813-948-ELSA ( 18450 North US 4 BadJ WET O F Every TC EBOOK FOR SPECIAL OFF E( 3572) 4 1, Lutzuan.comBURRITOS O NE FOR T uesday Night E RS & PROMOTIONS 21501 Village Lakes Center Land O Lakes, FL 34639(813) Baked Chicken, Stuffed Pepper & Tomato, Gyro, Briam, Mousaka, Dolmades, Spanakopita, Souvlaki, Large Greek Salad w/Potato Salad $2 OFF* ANY GREEKENTREE *Cannot be combined with other offers. One coupon per ticket/table. Expires 4/30/17. TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SUNDAYWEDNESDAY AND SUNDAYSATURDAY ONLY $5.99$10.95 $10.95 SPAGHETTI OR PENNEWITH ONE TOPPINGGREEK STYLE CHICKENLARGE ONE ITEM PIZZA


We d o a ll we can for y our h do so m u H AND S Be c au s e trigger finge r & wr i s t, h an d, wrist pain w t enn i s e lbo eSpecialistofW HandCar re We esleyChapel providescomprehensiv h an d s u ch for y ou, e r & f orearm f rac t ures ve e Specialist of W Hand Car re We esley Chapel provides comprehensiv evaluation and customized treatment plans for acute or chronic conditions and injuries of the arm, elbow, hand and wrist. 2050 Ashley Oaks Circle, Suite 101 Wesley Chapel813-895-5581Luis A. Laurentin-Perez,MD PhDHand and Upper Extremity Surgeon e ve CheeseCakeCakeBatter Come enjoy premium frozen yogurt with fla v r ChocolateIrishMint At the corner of Collier Parkway and State Roa d / 30/17 Fv ors such as NSA Strawberry, Cotton n go, Tart, Pistachio, a dd an assortment e s, and candies. d 54 near LA Fitness chase. Expires 4/ ogurt Pur Frozen Y10% OF F Candy, Cookies and Cream, Peanut Butter Cheese Cake, Cake Batter r, Chocolate, Irish Mint, r, Man and Sweet Coconut. Also get the chance to a of toppings including various fruits, chocolat e 813-591-140223028 State Road 54, Lutz, FL 3 3 3 549 $5 OFFExpires May 31, 2017Not valid on sale items or with other coupons. Expires May 31, 201 7 N ot valid on sale items or with other cou p ons. ThriftShoppe Dade City 37925 Sky Ridge Circle(US 301 just south of Downtown Dade City)813-782-7200Zephyrhills 36524 State Road 54(at State Rd 54 & Dean Dairy by Save-A-Lot)813-788-5461Zephyrhills Furniture Shoppe 36524 State Road 54(at State Rd 54 & Dean Dairy by Save-A-Lot)813-788-5461 when you spend $25 or more.EL0417 Join us on April 15 for an EGG -straordinary Sale! Choose a prize-filled egg at the cash register and get up to 50% off your purchase! Gulfside Hospice V V V V V a nd get up to 50% off your purchase East Pasco Locations: eMedicine SpecializinginConcierg e stin g NutrientT Food Se n siti v ities otocols NutritionalPr mones Bio IdenticalHor HCG eig ht Los s MedicalW mone Th e r & Ho r eight M ed i ca l W r ap y Loss fices located i n La n d O Of otalBala o 8 1 3 5 2 8 -4 064 tified in Obesit y d C e r B oa r e M e Specializing in Concierg ala EvolutionT Consulta FREE t Ri c h e y Lakes & Ne w Por e men t e e and Medicine W Ba l a n ce otal o to T eight Manag ation ained60lbs a fatigued, w libid o y l o Ihadaver eatment tr s t ca m e t o Erin a n d D s estimonials: e RecentT Wh e n I f i r andIhadg when you mention t ning Injec t Bur Fat FREE OR Consulta FREE sthatIjust y asver a o, e n o for M or . Dr Iw t his ad t ion ation A g e om L an d OL a k es, D av id fr M . eat! f eel g r e p t 40 lbs off for the last four y k eased l i incr O n top o f m wi t h i t. T or the s y m p w verlo ferfromse ecommend Evolution! I I highly r A g om Land OLakes Krist y f r v er a n d Iv e n e , o e pt them lostthose60lbsandk After a y ear of t r couldn tlose ained 60 lbs fatigued, and I had g is back with vig or y Thanks Erin and Dr e 52 e n o !! Mor andI s, s v e I h a i bido o o e r su fe g e 36 r fe lt b e tt e r! libido m off, I ve eatment r s that I just y no long ptoms that g year NEW BOYS CLUB FORMS CHAMBER SCHOLARSHIPS ROTARY CLUB SCHOLARSHIPS GOLF SCRAMBLE FUNDRAISER CONGRESSIONAL ART COMPETITION PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISER USF STUDENT WINS COMPOSER COMPETITION 813-996-1211 4005 Land O Lakes Blvdon U.S. 41 in Land O Lakes Monday Night BUFFET$7.995pm-8:30pm


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Your Neighborhood Sports Source Community Sports Community Sports By Kevin Weisskweiss@lakerlutznews.comThe Wesley Chapel High varsity softball program has never experienced a winning season — until now. Years of futility were dotted by coaching instability and a dearth of talent, since the program began in 2007. In the program’s first five years, the Wildcats went 1-15, 2-20, 2-21, 1-22 and 221. Ensuing years were likewise taxing, as the team went 5-14, 0-24, 2-22 and 7-17. This season, however, is unlike any other. The Wildcats — 13-5 overall, 7-3 district — are in the midst of a complete 180, under new head coach Steve Mumaw, and an influx of young standouts. Besides one senior, the varsity squad consists entirely of freshman and sophomores. While chockfull of underclassman, the newfound group has proven it can compete — and defeat — any opponent in District 76A. That includes Land O’ Lakes (19-3) and River Ridge (13-5), two of the toughest teams in the Tampa Bay area. Now enjoying a four-game winning streak, the Wildcats are arguably playing their best softball yet. “It’s all the girls. When you have talent, it’s tough to mess that up,” said Mumaw, a former baseball coach and athletic director at the school. And, the roster — top to bottom — is loaded with it. Seven hitters in the regular lineup are batting .333 or better. That includes sophomore catcher Neely Peterson, who’s pacing the team with a .459 average and .630 on-base percentage. “I think we’re looking pretty good right now,” said Peterson, a verbal commit to Colorado State. “It’s very different than what it was in the past.” The pitching staff, led by freshman ace Jordan Almasy (2.62 ERA, 90 strikeouts in 77.1 innings), has also proven vital to the program’s budding success. “We’re just going to keep making progress,” said Almasy, a verbal commit to the University of Central Florida. “We all pick each other up — it’s a team effort,” added sophomore third baseman Ashley Nickisher. The team’s lone senior is Dana Mumaw, the daughter of Steve Mumaw. She’s witnessed firsthand the program’s struggles in prior years. “It was tough,” she said, bluntly. Yet seeing the team “come together” this season has been a memorable experience, in what has otherwise been a turbulent softball career at Wesley Chapel. “I think from the first day on, we’ve developed and gotten better, especially with a bunch of new players,” Dana Mumaw explained. “I knew we were going to be pretty good, but I didn’t know if we were going to be this good.” Being coached by her father has proven rewarding, too. “I love having my dad as the coach,” she said. “It’s really great...and I learn so much from him.” With four regular season games remaining, the attention soon will focus squarely on the district tournament, beginning the week of April 24. Should the Wildcats win or finish runner-up, they’d be making their first-ever appearance at regionals. It would be a significant feat, considering the program had never even won a district tournament game until 2016, when they upset Pasco High.“Our goal is to advance out of districts,” Steve Mumaw said, “and see what happens.”“We’ve got something pretty special going on here,” he added. COURTESY OF GIGANTE PRODUCTIONSThe Wesley Chapel varsity softball team is experiencing its first winning season in program history. WINTER SPORTS (BOYS)2016-2017 SAC EAST ALL-CONFERENCE BOYS’ BASKETBALL Coach of the Year: Dave Puhalski, Land O’ Lakes HighPlayer of the Year: Devin Wilson, Wiregrass Ranch HighFIRST-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE Devin Wilson,Wiregrass Ranch High, seniorSam Schneidmiller, Wesley Chapel High, seniorTrivone Hill,Land O’ Lakes High, seniorDre’ wan Clarke, Zephyrhills High, seniorAlizea Quiles,Zephyrhills High, seniorSECOND-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE Elijah Howell, Wiregrass Ranch High, sophomoreIsaiah Ramsey, Wesley Chapel High, freshmanRoney Webster, Pasco High, juniorMekhi Perry, Land O’ Lakes High, freshmanConner Lloyd, Sunlake High, junior2016-2017 SAC EAST ALL-CONFERENCE BOYS’ SOCCER Coach of the Year: David Wilson, Wiregrass Ranch HighPlayer of the Year:Sabi Restrepo, Sunlake HighFIRST-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE Jackson Trudell, Wiregrass Ranch High, juniorMichael Tarig, Sunlake High, seniorJake Baker, Pasco High, seniorRoyce Ludde, Wiregrass Ranch High, juniorIan Flores, Wiregrass Ranch High, juniorPerez Estaban, Pasco High, seniorJohn Pase, Wiregrass Ranch High, seniorSECOND-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE Jake Nolting, Wiregrass Ranch High, juniorJason Nicolette,Pasco High, sophomoreGrant Presson, Sunlake High, juniorEdwardo Ordaz, Pasco High, seniorParker Ludwick,Land O’ Lakes High, seniorWill Lovelace, Wiregrass Ranch High, seniorAlex Nyguen, Sunlake High, juniorDavid Hillner,Pasco High, seniorJP Torres, Wiregrass Ranch High, juniorCory Mills, Pasco High, seniorPayton Wilson,Wiregrass Ranch High, seniorHONORABLE MENTIONS Marco Suolinsky, Wesley Chapel High, freshmanArmando Hernandez,Zephyrhills High, senior2016-2017 SAC EAST ALL-CONFERENCE WRESTLING Coach of the Year:Jeff Beson, Wesley Chapel HighPlayer of the Year: Jacob Conrad, Land O’ Lakes HighFIRST-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE 106-pound: Chase Ayers, Pasco High, sophomore113-pound: Jeremiah Beck, Pasco High, sophomore120-pound: Jarrett Kinney, Land O’ Lakes High, sophomore126-pound: John DeAugustino, Pasco High, junior132-pound: Troy Nation, Land O’ Lakes High, junior138-pound: Jacob Conrad, Land O’ Lakes High, sophomore145-pound: Emmanuel Torres, Wesley Chapel High, senior152-pound: Josh Spears, Land O’ Lakes High, senior160-pound: Angel Hernando, Pasco High, sophomore170-pound: Marcus Gillott, Wesley Chapel High, senior182-pound: Jack Faysash, Wesley Chapel High, senior195-pound: Jack Ward, Wesley Chapel High, senior220-pound: Donovan Willingham, Wesley Chapel High, seniorHeavyweight: James Perez, Sunlake High, seniorSECOND-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE 106-pound: David Cifuentes, Wesley Chapel High, senior113-pound: Krystian Maldonado, Sunlake High, sophomore120-pound: Alex Alvarez, Wiregrass Ranch High, sophomore126-pound: Connor O’ Malley, Wiregrass Ranch High, sophomore132-pound: Skot Dakin, Wesley Chapel High, senior138-pound: Rudy Hajaistron, Wesley Chapel High, senior145-pound: Torben Moses, Land O’ Lakes High, senior152-pound: Jared Ladd, Pasco High, senior160-pound: Devin Praesel, Wiregrass Ranch High, senior170-pound:Cameron Lee, Pasco High, junior182-pound: Tyler Estep, Sunlake High, junior195-pound: Elijah Capshaw, Land O’ Lakes High, junior220-pound: Zach Masci, Zephyrhills High, juniorHeavyweight: James Perez, Sunlake High, seniorWINTER SPORTS (GIRLS)2016-2017 SAC EAST ALL-CONFERENCE GIRLS’ SOCCER Coach of the Year: Michelle Clark, Wesley Chapel HighPlayers of the Year: Samantha Epifanio, Land O’ Lakes High and Haley Eckel, Land O’ Lakes HighFIRST-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE Rachel Hillner,Pasco High, juniorHaley Eckel,Land O’ Lakes High, seniorCarissa Dixon,Land O’ Lakes High, seniorJennifer Luna, Pasco High, juniorMorgan Craven, Land O’ Lakes High, juniorSamantha Epifanio,Land O’ Lakes High, seniorBailey Hern, Wesley Chapel HighSydny Nasello, Land O’ Lakes High, juniorJordyn Kadlub, Pasco High, sophomoreHannah Young, Land O’ Lakes High, seniorYsa Novak, Wiregrass Ranch, sophomoreSECOND-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE Emma Hanyok, Sunlake High, seniorAbigail Murphy, Wesley Chapel High, freshmanSydney Chase, Wiregrass Ranch High, seniorRiley Morrison, Sunlake High, seniorKelly Vester, Wesley Chapel High, seniorLauren Campoe, Wesley Chapel High, seniorJeanine Sullivan, Sunlake High, sophomoreVictoria Mitchell, Wesley Chapel High, juniorLandon Carter, Sunlake High, seniorBrooke Blommel, Pasco High, seniorAvery Wild, Zephyrhills High, sophomoreHONORABLE MENTION Sara Madagan, Zephyrhills High, sophomore2016-2017 SAC EAST ALL-CONFERENCE GIRLS BASKETBALL Coach of the Year: Reesa Hendrix Pledge, Sunlake HighPlayer of the Year: Stephanie B rower, Wiregrass Ranch HighFIRST-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE Stephanie Brower, Wiregrass Ranch High, seniorAndrea Wallace, Sunlake High, juniorChar Niya Darby, Land O’ Lakes High, juniorDana Mumaw, Wesley Chapel High, seniorMary Moran, Sunlake High, juniorSECOND-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE Melissa Gordon, Wiregrass Ranch High, seniorNicole Carey, Wiregrass Ranch High, seniorKiara Broner, Pasco High, juniorMicaiah Young, Pasco High, seniorKayla Grant, Wesley Chapel High, freshman HighHONORABLE MENTION Chelsea Junes, Zephyrhills High, sophomore2016-2017 SAC EAST ALL-CONFERENCE COMPETITIVE CHEERLEADING Coach of the Year: Pennye Garcia, Sunlake HighCheerleader of the Year: Mallory Mock, Sunlake HighFIRST-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE Meghan Edkins, Sunlake High, sophomoreLauren Gobea, Sunlake High, juniorBrooke Hodge, Sunlake High, sophomoreMallory Mock, Sunlake High, seniorCaitlin Bobo, Land O’ Lakes High, seniorAlexis Watts, Land O’ Lakes High, seniorSophie Davidson, Wiregrass Ranch High, sophomoreSierra Perez, Wiregrass Ranch High, seniorAlyssa Loo, Wiregrass Ranch High, juniorSamantha Flannery, Pasco High, seniorSECOND-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE Jillian Seaton, Sunlake High, sophomoreTaylor Broderick, Sunlake High, juniorClaire Goltermann, Land O’ Lakes High, juniorAbby Runkel, Land O’ Lakes High, sophomoreMackenzie Heinzman, Sunlake High, freshmanSavannah Bobik, Sunlake High, juniorNatalie McFadden,Land O’ Lakes High, juniorAmber Kennison, Land O’ Lakes High, sophomoreAbbi Laferriere, Wiregrass Ranch High, seniorAlyssa Moore, Wiregrass Ranch High, seniorHONORABLE MENTION Madison Wertovich, Wesley Chapel High, senior2016-2017 SAC EAST ALL-CONFERENCE GIRLS’ WEIGHTLIFTING Coach of the Year: Denise Garcia, Sunlake HighAthlete of the Year: Jessica Guadarrama, Zephyrhills High, juniorFIRST-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE 101-pound: Shelby Lewis, Sunlake High, senior110-pound: Savannah Sutton, Zephyrhills High, sophomore119-pound: Lizbeth Estrada, Zephyrhills High, senior129-pound: Loah Castro, Sunlake High, sophomore139-pound: Caroline Winstead, Sunlake High, sophomore154-pound: Tricia Clifton, Wiregrass Ranch High, senior169-pound: Alysa Kremer, Land O’ Lakes High, freshman183-pound: Jessica Guadarrama, Zephyrhills High, junior199-pound: Yarixa Casasnovas, Sunlake High, juniorUnlimited: Micaiah Long, Sunlake High, seniorSECOND-TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE 101-pound: Sara First, Zephyrhills High, senior110-pound: Maria Espinal, Sunlake High, sophomore119-pound: Caitlyn Elling, Pasco High, sophomore129-pound: Mariah Melendez, Sunlake High, sophomore139-pound: Isabella Garcia, Sunlake High, freshman154-pound: Katelyn Ortiz, Sunlake High, senior169-pound: Veronica Salazar, Land O’ Lakes High, sophomore183-pound: Hailey Parks, Sunlake High, senior199-pound: Tatyana Cole, Zephyrhills High, juniorUnlimited: Abby Shaffer, Zephyrhills High School, sophomoreHONORABLE MENTIONAbigail Monticco, Wesley Chapel, juniorSunshine Athletic Conference East awards announced Wesley Chapel softball on the rise On March 6, high school coaches from the Pasco County School District announced SAC (Sunshine Athletic Conference) All-Conference Teams, Athletes of the Year, and Coaches of the Year, for the 2016-2017 winter sports season. Selections were made for both the East and West Division. The following high schools from our coverage area were represented in the East: Land O’ Lakes, Pasco, Sunlake, Wesley Chapel, Wiregrass Ranch and Zephyrhills. 16A April 12, 2017


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MapleBourbonmasterpieceA PUBLIX PREMIUM MAPLE BOURBON SPIRAL SLICED HAM April 12, 2017 If you would like to adopt either Molly or Precious, be sure to visit Pasco County Animal Services at 19640 Dogpatch Lane in Land O Lakes. The adoption center is open Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 6:30 p.m. All adoption fees include spay/neuter, microchip and vaccines. For more information, email Molly is a happy-go-lucky gal, and enjoys playing with a toy, working on a chew bone or following staff around asking to be petted.She is the perfect workday distraction when she is hanging right next to you and waiting for your attention.Molly is heartworm positive, but it is treatable and preventable, once treated.The staff at Pasco County Animal Services can discuss treatment options. PET of the WEEK My name is Shimmer, but I am also known as Shimmer Shu Shu. My canine brother Trooper is a golden retriever.I am lucky because I have real built-in Easter Bunny ears!They especially perk up when I am ready to get a treat. My proud human parents are Gloria Baronak, and Vic and Janet Martinez of Lutz. Write a short paragraph about why your pet is special along with a photo and mail to: Pet of the Week, c/o The Laker, P.O. Box 479, Lutz, FL 33548 or email to, ATTN: Pet of the WeekPLEASE NOTE: OWNERS NAME AND ADDRESS MUST BE INCLUDED FOR YOUR PET TO BE CONSIDERED FOR PUBLICATION. Precious is a young kitty who is quite playful.She doesnt mind being held and petted either.This sweet girl would be a great addition to your family. Pet Hospital SPAY & NEUTER CLINIC: Call for appointment: Subject to $3 medical, infectious & records fee.(Includes pre-anesthetic exam, anesthesia, pain & antibiotic pre-medication) Cat Neuter: $40 Cat Spay: $50 Dog Neuter: Dog Spay: up to 11 lbs $50 up to 11 lbs $60 12 33 lbs $55 12 22 lbs $65 34 66 lbs $65 23 44 lbs $70 67 88 lbs $80 45 66 lbs $80 89 132 lbs $95 67 88 lbs $100 89 132 lbs $120(813)949-441621515 VILLAGE LAKES SHOPPING CENTERLAND OLAKES(next to Beef O Bradys in old Wal-Mart Plaza) MONDAY-FRIDAY 8 AM 6 PM SATURDAY 8 AM 12 PMPETS SHOULD BE HEALTHY & NOT PREGNANT. MUST BE CURRENT ON RABIES & DHPP/FVRCP VACCINES. VACCINES CLINIC: Monday-Friday 1 2 pmWalk-Ins Welcome. Subject to $3 medical, infectious & records fee. Includes exam & economy vaccines. Consult is addl $30 on request. Rabies 1 yr $15.00 Feline Leukemia 2 yr $25.00 Feline Distemper Combo 3 yr $30.00 Rabies 3 yr $30.00 Canine Distemper Combo 3 yr $30.00 Bordetella/Kennel Cough $18.00 SELL YOUR PROPERTY FOR IN AS LITTLE AS 5 DAYSCA $ HCALL NOW! (904) 638-5791Email: Does your property need extensive repairs? Are y ou behind on mortgage payments? Do you have pending property tax? Are you a tired land lord? We purchase real estate and take over all payments! www.bernierdental.comPLEASE CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!813-601-1122Evening and weekend appointments available.MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for a payment for any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for free, discounted fee, or the reduced fee, service, examination or treatment. 5420 Land O Lakes Blvd, Suite 103 813-601-1122 Let us give you something toSmileaboutCleaning, exam, consultation and all necessary x-raysADA D1110, D0210, D0150NEW PATIENT EXPERIENCE$9900 *New patients only. Not valid with any other offers or insurance. Does not include periodontal therapy. Limited time only. *EXPIRES 4/30/17


*NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY. 12 WEEK AGREEMENT REQUIRED CALL RACHEL TODAY! THIS OFFER IS FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY!OVER 60,000 READERS WEEKLY!Reserve your spot today and get a Ultimate Summer Camp Directory is back! FREE UP-SIZE on any size ad!*(813) 909-2800 The LAKER/ Lutz NEWS SUMMER CAMPTHE GO-TO GUIDE FOR YOUR KIDS SUMMER ACTIVITIES!813-909-2800 Fax 813-909-2802/ The LAKER Lutz NEWS / ULTIMATE You Do the Dishes Call 813-975-1700 to reserve your spot 15357 AMBERLY DRIVE, TAMPA is offering SUMMER WORKSHOPS Workshops will include experienced expert instruction. Students will be offered projects to include: watercolor, acrylics, pastel, drawing, print-making, sculpture and advanced pottery painting. Children: 7-13 years old Times: 10am-4pm, Monday-FridaySessions June through August:JUNE 5-9, 19-23 JULY 10-14, 17-21 AUGUST 7-11Cost: $260.00 per session(includes all materials) *children should bring their own lunches Must sign up in ad vance! Space is limited.If your child loves art, this is the camp for them. S UMME R TIA MAR y wr Lo ri p s to MOSI Tield Excitin g F an d Movies, Games, Learn Self Defense & Stran ons of Fun with To T R C AM P T S AL AR & More! the Ice Rink ark Zoo Pw! ale nt Sho Ta d a echniques! Te ger Danger riends! h New F T T A A 4 1 *SP 19 AC E I S LIMITED OLD 4-14 YEARS 8139481067 FL Lutz, ,y Dale Mabr 9247N. Lutz Lake Crossing www Call us or visit our websiteSIGN UP NOW! ,y p, g 813-948 1067 NEW! Academic classes for stude n Go on an adv e n t ur e L e Have a grea t n ts in Kindergarten to Grade 12 earn something ne w t summer! e e me me 7 1 01 LOO H CH S R ER ME MM UM SU & P MP AM C Y AY D A A M S U M M E 20 2 om.c es ke a .summer www TION AT ONLINE BROCHURE AND REGISTR A NEW! For-credit classes for high school students PLUS more than 60 day camps to choose from including arts, recreation, sports, STEM, and Camp InventionAcademy at the Lakes Summer Camp & Summer School 2331 Collier Parkway, Land OLakes813-948-7600 tthelak C 0 Su S Su Su um um mm mm m m er er r a a a a t t th th h h La La La La Lak ak k k er a th Lak April 12, 2017 The LAKER/ Lutz NEWSWORD SEARCH & SUDOKU April Asked Basis Beach Boards Chapel Clues Considerable Content Cough Demands Doubt Enjoy Entertainment Exits Fears Flesh Fried Goose Greeks Horse House Ideas Layers Luxury Nests Newly Olive Phone Postmen Preserved Punish Raced Rides Scales Shark Signs Slope Slowly Sports Sticking Sticky Stuns Tense Tested Tissues Valves Venus Views Easter Week:Thursday, April 13th 7pm . . .Maundy Thursday Service Friday, April 14th 7pm . . . . . . .Good Friday Service Sat, April 15th 10am noon . .Community Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 16th 7am . . . . . . . .Sunrise Service Sunday, April 16th 9am . . . . . . .Traditional Service Sunday, April 16th 11am . . . . .Contemporary Service HARVESTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2432 COLLIER PARKWAY LAND O LAKES, FL 34639 813-948-2311 HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 20735 Leonard rd. Land o Lakes/Lutz, FL (south of St Rd 54 west of US 41)813-949-7173 Wednesday Lenten Worship March 8 April 5 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday April 13 7:00 pm (with communion) Good Friday April 14 12:00 pm & 7:00 pm Easter Sunday (April 16) 7:00 am Sunrise Service 10:00 am Worship ServiceYou Are Invited To Holy Week Services Family Outreach MinistrySUNDAYS @ 11:00AM APRIL 9TH 23RD 2017 Come Out, And Be BlessedFor More Information, call Min. Marion Smith @ 585-267-6740Pastor Oce Jones @ 813-803-3930 Holiday Inn Express 2775 Cypress Ridge Blvd. Wesley Chapel, Fl 33544 2017easter Services and Activities faith &Wors h ip SEE SOLUTIONS, PAGE 6B


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CALL (s) Internet. Plans from $39/mo. Blazing Fast Broadband in areas cable cant reach. Great for business or home. We Install Fast. (s) unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TESTSTRIPS! 1 DAYPAYMENT& PREPAID shipping. HIGHEST PRICES! Call www (n) your home & family from what if scenarios. Fire, flood, burglary or carbon monoxide, ADTprovides 24/7 security. Dont wait! Call Now! (s) $29.99/month each. We are your local installers for ALLBrands! Comcast, Charter, Time Warner, DirecTV, Dish, Cox, xfinity, Verizon fios and MORE! Call NOW for super deals. (s) Ticket (FREE!) w/Choice All-Included Package. $60/mo for 24 months. No upfront costs or equipment to buy. Ask about next day installation! (s) NEW FLEX PACK Select the Channels You Want. FREE Installation. FREE Streaming. $39.99/24 months. ADD Internet for $14.95 a month. Call (z) Make/Models 2000-2015! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! Were Nationwide! Call Now: (n) Dollar Offer! 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Call Now Toll-Free TO $5000.00 -SAME DAYAPPROVALNEXTDAYCASH -NO CREDIT CHECKS -EMPLOYMENTREQUIRED -APPLYONLINE 24/7 (u) TRAINING! Online training gets you job ready! Train at home! Job placement when completed! GED/HS Diploma needed. (n) NURSE (RN)! No Waiting List! ATTEND accredited Nursing School, Classes online in our blended program. Weekend clinical schedules. Financial Aid Available for those who qualify. Call Admissions www (s) -Get FAAcertification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance (n) Dispatchers -Grads work with airlines, airports, and others -Get certified in just 12 weeks with FAAapproved training. Call AIM (x) -Get FAATechnician certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance (v) NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDLTRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! (n) 3632 Land O'Lakes, Blvd, Suite 108, LAND O'LAKES, FL 34639 813-406-4965 PREGNANT? NEED HELP?Free & Confidential Free Pregnancy Tests Free limited ultrasounds* Pregnancy options Material assistance Pregnancy & parenting education Community resource referrals* By appointment Fictitious Name NoticeNotice is hereby given that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the nameCJs Longarm Quilting,intend to register the name with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pasco County, Florida.Cindi W iLLis 100% OWnER31027 Creekri dge dr., Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Writer Course. Orlando, FL, February 13-18, 2017. For Details go to www http://www Online course available. Improve your resume. (z) the sweet spot of real estate investing models. Get this Amazon best-selling book FREE. Call 24 hr recorded message! 1/1 cottage, fenced built in 2008, north of Pensacola, Florida, 5220 Highway 164, $95,000. 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Family Owned & Operated Since 1961 Shells Feed & Garden Supply, Inc. Store Hours: Mon Fri 8am -5:30pm Sat 8am 3:30pm Closed Sundays 9513 Nebraska Ave. Tampa, FL 33612813.932.9775 or 813.932.4333(4 blocks north of Busch Boulevard) DEALER 10LB $9.95 20LB $16.95 40LB $24.95 ON SALE! SHELLS ORGANIC GARDEN FERTILIZER All Purpose 6-6-6 Fertilizer 50LB $13.95 Citrus Fertilizer 50LB $11.95 Lawn Fertilizer 16-0-8 50% Slow Rel 50LB $18.95 25 PLANTSNow taking orders for sweet potato plantsuntil April 1stCALL TO ORDER 55thAnniversary Customer Appreciation Sale THRU APRIL 15TH Bulk & Organic Vegetable Seeds Vegetable Starter Plants Organic Fertilizers & Insecticides 20% Off Fox Farm Products All Poultry Feeders & Waterers 20% OFF All Diamond Pet Foods 10% OFF$8.59 Baby Chicks AVAILABLE(+ everything they need!) April 12, 2017 Retirem e Healthcare d e ntingur Y Yo ou and a gue are invited to join u educational se m s tanding of c are provisions e ars. 0 a.m. inity T r y, FL. 34655 w ide Financial Services minar us f e st fo or an r. .com. s advisor ea@wf 727-815-3026 or karen.rely ea at RSVP to Karen Rely T ING IS LIMITED AT YLoseV ed/NOBankGuarantee/MA Investment and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC-Insur AY Va alue Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. WllFCliSiLLCAllihtdCAR041701492 SE A David Cravatta,Associate Vice President InvestmentsDirect: 727-815-3032, Toll Free: 800-759-3599 david.cravatta@wfadvisors.comThis seminar provides a basic understanding of how to plan for and implement healthcare pr throughout your retirement year DISCUSSION WILL INCLUDE: or y ight f ch o i ces th a t are r er and mak med decision-mak or Be an inf Medicare/Medicaid availability Supplemental Insurance options Future Health Care Expenses Long Term Care coverage. fo rm ke ke e ri fo yo o u April 26, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. A SEMINAR WILL BE HELD AT T :Wells Fargo Advisors 11300 SR 54,TGUEST SPEAKER:Robert E. Lee, MBA, Regional Vice President Nationwide Financial SerThis event is educational in nature and no company-specific products will be discussed. W e ll s F argo Cl ear i ng S erv i ces, LLC All r i g ht s reserve d CAR 0417 01492 LEARN MORE TODAY! or call 813-929-5407.Restore Your Body. Recover Your Spirit. Reclaim Your Life.Experiencing neck and back pain? Florida Hospital Wesley Chapels pain No need to buy or use The Only Certified McKenzie Physical Therapy Center in Tampa Bay

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