Charlotte sun herald

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Charlotte sun herald
Uniform Title:
Charlotte sun herald (Charlotte Harbor, Fla. : 1995)
Running title:
Sun herald
Place of Publication:
Charlotte Harbor, FL
Sun Coast Media Group- Robert E. Lee - Publisher - Jim Gouvellis - Executive Editor
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Newspapers -- Charlotte Harbor (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Charlotte County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
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United States -- Florida -- Charlotte -- Port Charlotte
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Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 103, no. 225 (Aug. 13, 1995)-
General Note:
"An edition of The Sun Herald."

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University of Florida
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Sun herald (Charlotte Harbor, Fla. : Charlotte ed.)


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What Jeanne Proffer thought was a challenge in the past falls short of this. We had a stillborn baby, and I thought nothing would compare,Ž said Proffer, 83. Proffers husband of almost 65 years, Don, has Alzheimers disease. She said he has not gone over the edgeŽ yet in his mind. I think of it every day I go to see him. I think Oh my, gosh and I see the others (with Alzheimers) and I think this is going to be so tough,Ž she said. The couple shared a one-bedroom apartment at South Port Square Retirement Living Community in Port Charlotte until December. Now, Don lives across the street after he turned violent and doctors said it was time for him to transition to a memory care facility. He woke me up in the middle of the night choking me,Ž said Proffer. I was sound asleep „ his explanation was that a man was coming in and was going to rape me.Ž Proffer said she has never been angry over any of the iterations Alzheimers has taken so far in their lives. He didnt know what he was doing,Ž Proffer said. That was part of the disease. He had never shown anything in our whole marriage like that.Ž Proffer was able to get to the bathroom and pull a safety cord. As the couple waited on their lanai for security to come, they talked, she said. It was a shock more than anything,Ž she said. And it was like OK, what do I do now? A bond tested by Alzheimers By ANDREA PRAEGITZERSUN CORRESPONDENTWatching loved ones go over the edge is difficult SUN PHOTOS BY TOM ONEILL Above: Don Proer hugs his wife Jeanne while taking an afternoon walk in their South Port Square residence. Jeanne is Dons caregiver. Jeanne said this is how they always greet each other when they meet or depart, and frequently hold hands when they are together. Jeanne has become Dons caregiver since he was diagnosed with Alzheimers disease. BOTTOM LINEAlzheimers disease, the most common form of dementia, can be devastating to family members who become caregivers to loved ones who suffer from it. INSIDE How to help Alzheimers patients enjoy life, not just fade away. New book tells of mans struggle to care for his wife with Alzheimers. BOND | 4 Eventually you get through it, the sad times, the grieving „ and your spouse gets through it, except theyre never going to be whole again. And you have to accept it.Ž SARASOTA „ After a little more than a month, Chief Judge Charles Williams of the 12th Judicial Circuit has “nally responded to his ongoing legal dispute with Sheriff Tom Knight. In March, Knight “led a petition for a writ of certiorari with the Second District Court of Appeal in Lakeland seeking to quash sections of a revised administrative order issued by Williams. That order directed Knight to resume providing security in all buildings considered court facilities by 5 p.m. on March 6. Knight declined to do so. A writ of certiorari is an order from a higher court to review the proceedings and decision of a lower court to determine if there were any irregularities. In his petition to the court, Knight argued that Williams order violated the separation of powers clause in the Florida Constitution, and that providing security was a discretionary executive function the judicial branch could not interfere with or direct. In his 37-page response to Knight, Williams, through his attorney, argued that the order upholds the judges duty to protect the public using court-related services,Ž and that the Sheriff is obligated by the State Constitution and state law to follow administrative orders issued by the court.Judge responds to Sheriffs petitionBy WARREN RICHARDSONSUN CORRESPONDENTPETITION | 8My snowbird neighbors to my right took ”ight about two weeks ago and by the time you read this my snowbird neighbors across the street will likely have shoved off too. I look forward to their landing every year. They are good neighbors, and I have more people to talk to when theyre here. The rule of thumb is that most of our winter visitors leave by May „ although I sense they stay longer every year. If thats true, I am sure restaurant and hotel owners and anyone who works in the service industry have felt the impact. While I thought about my departing neighbors and the shorter lines at restaurants, I had some questions pop into my head. So, if youll pardon me for asking: € Did you know the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce is giving away free, lavishly colorful 2017 calendars featuring Charlotte County? The photos are by award-winning photographer David Sussman. Get one while they last. The photos are awesome! € I wonder if Mike Riley would ever invite someone who once sang live on stage with the Beach Boys to sing with his BoogieMen? Of course it would have to be a song with easy lyrics. Preferably from the 60s. € Who wrote these headlines, sent to me in an email (hint, they did not appear in the Sun newspapers)? Teen pregnancies drop signi“cantly after age 25Ž Feds raid gun shop, “nd weaponsŽ Diana was alive hours before she diedŽ Homicide victims rarely talk to policeŽ € Did you hear they plan to start an art show/sale, like the one in Placida, at the Charlotte County Pardon me for asking about headlines, art show JohnHACKWORTHCOMMENTARY EDITORJOHN | 8 Pulitzer Prize winner2016 AN EDITION OF THE SUNVOL. 125 | NO. 121AMERICAS BEST COMMUNITY DAILY 40 percent chance of rainHigh 90 Low 71$1.50 www.yoursun.comTodays weather:www.yoursun.comFIND US ONLINE THE SUN: Calendar ................5 Crosswords ............8 Local Sports ........10 Obituaries .............5 Police Beat ............8 Viewpoint .........6-7 SPORTS: Lotto .....................2 USA TODAY: Money ................5 Nation ................8 State ..................7 Weather ............9 CLASSIFIED: Comics ........7-10 Dear Abby .....10 TV Listings ......11 CHARLIE SAYS ...Hooray its May Day! INSIDE 705252000258Daily Edition $1.50 GOOD MORNING Monday, May 1, 2017 Death toll rises from storms in Midwest, SouthAt least 10 people have been killed by tornadoes or ooding in the South and Midwest by a storm that also dumped a rare late-season blizzard in western Kansas on Sunday. See USA TodayCALL US AT941-206-1000CHARLOTTE SUN


Our Town Page 2 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSThe SUN (USPS 743170) is published daily at Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2100. Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the SUN, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100. SUBSCRIPTIONS Home Delivery Rates: Newspaper designated market: City ZoneCarrier home delivered 7 days. Rates as follows plus 7% Florida Sales Tax: Monthly Bank/ Credit Card .........................$40.50 3 Months ..........................$121.50 6 Months ..........................$243.00 1 Year ...............................$485.99Does not include Waterline and TV Times. Above rates do not include sales tax.Subscribers residing in outlying areas may incur additional delivery charge. Mail subscription rates: Rates as follows (advance payment required): 7 Days 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $154.07 $276.35 $492.11 Sunday Only 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $71.89 $144.61 $243.54Above rates do not include sales tax.Single Copy rates Daily $1.50 Sunday $3.00 Unclaimed account balances under $10, inactive for 15 months, will be used to purchase newspapers for classroom use. Sun Newspapers CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY Delivery should be expected prior to 6:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. Sunday. Redelivery hours: 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Customer Service hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Friday; Saturday 7a.m. to 10 a.m.; and Sunday 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Call Customer Service for our current specials. To subscribe or to report any problems with your service, please call or visit your local office. Charlotte: 941-206-1300 23170 Harborview Road, Port Charlotte Englewood: 941-681-3000 120 W. Dearborn St., Englewood North Port: 941-429-3000 13487 Tamiami Trail, North Port DeSoto: 863-494-0300 or toll-free at 877-818-6204 108 S. Polk Avenue, Arcadia SARASOTA „ After a year of divisiveness, commissioners from the county and the city of Sarasota are “nally on the same page on a strategy to combat homelessness. Following their city colleagues, on Tuesday, county commissioners adopted a new approach recommended in a report prepared for the city by the Florida Housing Coalition and directed staff to work with the city to begin implementation. In essence, the recommendations of the report, prepared by Susan Pourciau, adopted parts of the approaches toward homelessness that divided city and county leaders. Discussing the plan with commissioners, Pourciau outlined a community-based approach „ rather than a government-led approach „ that relies primarily on more coordination, more housing, and more reliance on shelter beds at existing agencies. The county had been advocating the creation of an emergency triage center where law enforcement of“cers could take the homeless, but the city balked at that approach, insisting instead that more housing was needed. Addressing emergency housing, Pourciau said The Salvation Army should reserve 50 shelter beds at its facility on 10th Street in Sarasota for emergency shelter purposes, an increase of 30 beds over the 20 beds now reserved by the city. Those beds are used by city police who pick up the homeless and take them to the facility instead of jail. She suggested the two governments or local nonpro“ts could fund the purchase of those additional beds. When asked what would happen when those additional beds were full, Pourciau said that would only rarely occur, and when it did, word would go out to law enforcement agencies to cease arresting people for homelessness. Those 30 beds, thats a starting point, thats a piece thats been missing,Ž Commissioner Charles Hines said. Both he and Commissioner Alan Maio noted that the county still had work to do in updating many of its ordinances, particularly involving security at parks. If 30 additional beds arent enough, we need to know what is,Ž Hines said. Its the people who just wont engage. This isnt going to work until we know whats going on in their lives.Ž Pourciau did offer some reassurance during her presentation. This report is based on years of national research, data and studies,Ž she said. The report itself is based on research that extensive reductions in homelessness can be achieved with a complete system.Ž Later, she added, Those communities that have a system like this have seen a drastic decline in homelessness.Ž While the report was aimed at North County and the city in particular since thats where the bulk of the homeless population are located, it didnt ignore South County. Pourciau said the system she was recommending could be used in South County as well, but more research and data collection was necessary to understand the extent of homelessness in that area. Email: jondaltonwr@gmail.comCounty, city agree on homeless planBy WARREN RICHARDSONSUN CORRESPONDENT SUN PHOTO BY ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICHPeggy Walz checks out the bookmarks made by two of the elementary school students she works with through the YMCA Reads program. The Y recently celebrated its volunteers with a luncheon.YMCA Reads program thanks volunteersThe YMCA celebrated 50 volunteers from the Englewood, Myakka River and Garden elementary schools Y-Reads! volunteer literacy tutoring program. Volunteers help students catch up to grade levelŽ by working through a two-student to one-volunteer ratio. Relationships and trust builds from the mentoring and literacy program offered by the YMCA and a state grant. adno=50514219


The Sun /Monday, May 1, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 3 855-HEAR-RITE(855-432-7748) ReadersChoice2017MANATEE 2017 Awarded to Best LocalBest Hearing/Audiologist FIRST PLACE SUN CITY 1509A Sun City Center Plaza 813-634-2781 BRADENTON 7216 Manatee Ave. West (Publix Beachway Plaza) 941-254-7476 SARASOTA NORTH 2807 University Parkway (University Walk Publix Plaza) 941-822-8919 SARASOTA SOUTH 6529 S. Tamiami Trail (Stickney Point Publix Plaza) 941-925-0022 VENICE/NORTH PORT 4250 S. Tamiami Trail (Between Bob Evans & Wal-Mart) 941-496-7600 PORT CHARLOTTE 19451 Cochran Blvd. Ste 200 (Quesada Common Plaza) 941-235-2480 PUNTA GORDA 2310 Tamiami Trl. Ste 3109 (In Publix Plaza Across from Palm Auto Mall) 941-575-5611 Thank You!For Voting Us Best in Florida!SF-1774260 South Sarasota/ North Venice/Siesta Key Publix Plaza Stickney, Point Entrance 6529 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231 941-925-0022 (on the side of Stein Mart building) Venice/North Port/ Englewood 4250 South Tamiami Trail Venice, FL 34293 941-496-7600 North Ft Myers/ Cape Coral Publix Plaza (C orner of Del Prado & US 41) 239-997-0588 Ft. Myers/ Cape Coral Publix Plaza at Colonial Crossing (Corner of Summerlin & Colonial) 239-703-7546 Port Charlotte Publix Plaza 19451 Cochran Blvd, Suite 200 Port Charlotte 33948 941-235-2480 Punta Gorda Publix Plaza at The Crossings 2310 Tamiami Trail, Suite 3109 Punta Gorda, FL33950 (Across from Palm Auto) 941-575-5611 Sun City Sun City Center 1509A Sun City Center Plaza Sun City, FL 813-634-2781 Bradenton Publix Beachway Plaza 7216 Mantee Ave,. W Bradenton, FL 941-254-7476 adno=50514199


Our Town Page 4 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 OK, this is a new one here, and I attributed it right away to Alzheimers.Ž The couple was always frugal and, after retirement, decided to sell their home and move to the apartment in 2004. The move offered different living situations for various health stages they could encounter as they aged. They said long-term health insurance plans they reviewed were more expensive and the apartment and all it offered was no more money than their house payment and taxes. Also, Proffer said they didnt want to burden their only adult daughter. Before the disease, Proffers husband also suffered at times from depression and anxiety, and she said the Alzheimers doesnt make that any easier. His mother also suffered from the disease. He knows he is not what he calls normal „ that has to be the worst thing to go through as a person,Ž she said. Seeing him go through it is so painful.Ž Right now anyway, Don, 87, still remembers who his wife is and he can engage in conversation. He cannot remember friends from the community or things that happened just minutes before, though, she said. He knows me,Ž she said. He still knows when weve had family visits and he knows them (family).Ž But when a Sun photographer visited to take their picture recently, Don tried to hide his situation, according to his wife. He reacted by saying well for goodness sakes; he thought he was supposed to know (the photographer),Ž said Proffer. Its amazing how hard he works at being normal, or what he considers should be normal.Ž The experts tell them that Don is on the edge „ but “ghting hard not to go over. To me, he is still living and I still have hope of joyful days,Ž said Proffer, who “nds peace in her journal, going out to eat at restaurants, helping others in Dons ward and most importantly her faith. My tears are a lot less now,Ž Proffer said. Eventually you get through it, the sad times, the grieving „ and your spouse gets through it, except theyre never going to be whole again. And you have to accept it.ŽBONDFROM PAGE 1 SUN PHOTO BY TOM ONEILL Don Proer walks toward the door to the patio with his wife Jeanne at their South Port Square residence. Alzheimers disease has an unusual distinction: Its the illness that Americans fear most „ more than cancer, stroke or heart disease. The rhetoric surrounding Alzheimers re”ects this. People fade awayŽ and are tragically robbed of their identitiesŽ as this incurable condition progresses, were told time and again. Yet, a sizable body of research suggests this Alzheimers narrative is mistaken. It “nds that people with Alzheimers and other types of dementia retain a sense of self and have a positive quality of life, overall, until the illness “nal stages. They appreciate relationships. Theyre energized by meaningful activities and value opportunities to express themselves. And they enjoy feeling at home in their surroundings. Do our abilities change? Yes. But inside were the same people,Ž said John Sandblom, 57, of Ankeny, Iowa, who was diagnosed with Alzheimers seven years ago. Dr. Peter Rabins, a psychiatrist and co-author of The 36-Hour Day,Ž a guide for Alzheimer patients families, summarized research “ndings this way: Overall, about one-quarter of people with dementia report a negative quality of life, although that number is higher in people with severe disease.Ž Ive learned something from this,Ž admitted Rabins, a professor at the University of Maryland. Im among the people who would have thought, If anything happens to my memory, my ability to think, I cant imagine anything worse. But Ive seen that you can be a wonderful grandparent and not remember the name of the grandchild you ado re. You can be with people you love and enjoy them, even if youre not following the whole conversation.Ž The implication: Promoting well-being is both possible and desirable in people with dementia, even as people struggle with memory loss, slower cognitive processing, distractibility and other symptoms. There are many things that caregivers, families and friends can do „ right now „ to improve peoples lives,Ž said Dr. Allen Power, author of Dementia Beyond Disease: Enhancing WellBeingŽ and chair for aging and dementia innovation at the Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging in Canada. Of course, the final stages of Alzheimers disease and other types of dementia are enormously difficult, and resources to help caregivers are scarce „ problems that shouldnt be underestimated. Still, up to 80 percent of people with dementia are in the mild and moderate stages. Here are some elements of their quality of life that should be attended to:Focus on healthOne notable study analyzed lengthy discussions between people with dementia, caregivers and professionals at six meetings of Alzheimers Disease International, an association of Alzheimers societies across the world. Those discussions emphasized the importance of physical health: being free from pain, well-fed, physically active and well-groomed, having continence needs met, being equipped with glasses and hearing aids and not being overmedicated. Cognitive health was also a priority. People wanted cognitive rehabilitationŽ to help them learn practical techniques for promoting memory or compensating for memory loss. Up to 40 percent of people with Alzheimers disease suffer from signi“cant depression, and research by Rabins and colleagues underscores the importance of evaluating and offering treatment to someone who appears sad, apathetic and altogether disinterested in life.Foster social connectionsBeing connected with and involved with other people is a high priority for people with dementia. Based on research conducted over several decades, Rabins listed social interaction as one of the “ve essential elements of a positive quality of life. But fear, discomfort and misunderstanding routinely disrupt relationships once a diagnosis is revealed. The saddest thing that I hear, almost without exception, from people all over the world is that family, friends and acquaintances desert them,Ž said Sandblom, who runs a weekly online support group for Dementia Alliance International, an organization for people with dementia that he co-founded in January 2014.Adapt communicationNot knowing how to communicate with someone with dementia is a common problem. Laura Gitlin, a dementia researcher and director of The Center for Innovative Care in Aging at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, offered these suggestions in an article in the International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation: Speak slowly, simply and calmly, make one or two points at a time, allow someone suf“cient time to respond, avoid the use of negative words, dont argue, eliminate noise and distraction, make eye contact but dont stare, and express affection by smiling, holding hands or giving a hug. Also, understand that people with dementia perceive things differently. You have to understand that when you have dementia you lose a lot of your natural perceptions of what others are doing,Ž Sandblom said. So, a lot of us get a little nervous or suspicious. I think thats a natural human reaction to knowing that youre not picking up on things very well.ŽAddress unmet needsNeeds that arent recognized or addressed can cause signi“cant distress and a lower quality of life. Rather than treat the distress, Power suggested, try to understand the underlying cause and do something about it. Which needs are commonly unmet? In a study published in 2013, Rabins and colleagues identi“ed several: managing patients risk of falling (unmet almost 75 percent of the time); addressing health and medical concerns (unmet, 63 percent); engaging people in meaningful activities (53 percent); and evaluating homes so that theyre safe and made easier to navigate (45 percent).Respect autonomy and individualityRabins called this awareness of selfŽ and listed it among the essential components of a positive quality of life. Sandblom called this being seen as a whole person, not as my disease.Ž At the Alzheimers Disease International meetings, people spoke of being listened to, valued and given choices that allowed them to express themselves. They said they wanted to be respected and have their spirituality recognized, not patronized, demeaned or infantilized. In a review of 11 studies that asked people with dementia what was important to them, they said they wanted to experience autonomy and independence, feel accepted and understood, and not be overly identi“ed with their illness. None of this is easy. But strategies for understanding what people with dementia experience and addressing their needs can be taught. This should become a priority, Rabins said, adding that improved quality of life should be a primary outcome of all dementia treatments.ŽHow to help Alzheimers patients enjoy life, not just fade awayBy JUDITH GRAHAMKAISER HEALTH NEWS Over a decade of caring for a spouse with Alzheimers disease, Martin J. Schreiber looked at many books on the subject, without “nding one that described his situation. I didnt bene“t much from the bookish science stuff or the bullet-point howtos,Ž he wrote in My Two Elaines.Ž Now, with the aid of veteran journalist Cathy Breitenbucher, Schreiber has written a book for guys like him, guys who unexpectedly “nd themselves caring for partners who often took care of them for years „ and who experience a painfully lonely journey. Schreiber, a former Wisconsin governor, opened many eyes when he shared his caregiving story with Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporter Mark Johnson in December 2015. My Two ElainesŽ expands on the primary theme of that article: the corrosive effect of loneliness on the caregiver, which can lead to poorer health and quality of life for both spouses. Figuratively speaking, his book reminds other caregivers to put their own oxygen masks on “rst, so they can truly be present for their spouses. In writing about their earlier years together, Schreiber consistently describes Elaine as the smarter, organized, together one. As her Alzheimers progressed, he stopped exercising and neglected other friendships, gaining weight as his life narrowed to attending his spouse. When your caregiving burden means you give up a healthy lifestyle, youre stacking the odds against yourself, leaving you with the sickening possibility that your partner with Alzheimers will outlive you,Ž he wrote. Stubbornly, Schreiber believed that loving Elaine as deeply as he did, he could handle her progressing condition on his own. Belatedly, he discovered otherwise. On a winter vacation in Florida, he searched, frantic and furious,Ž for $1,000 in “fties and hundreds he realized Elaine had stashed somewhere. Four days later, he found the money, stuffed in a sock in a dresser drawer. His message: Ask for help. Getting respites and taking care of yourself will make you a better partner and caregiver. Schreiber threads the book with Post-it-size notes on What I wish Id known,Ž such as this: I should have started earlier to search out adult daycare so that I could reclaim part of the day for myself, including time for exercise.Ž Some of these may seem obvious to people reading them in tranquility, but they werent so obvious to Schreiber in the moment and in crisis. He and Breitenbucher take nothing for granted and assume a potential reader knows nothing about Alzheimers.My Two Elaines tells of mans struggle to care for wife with AlzheimersBy JIM HIGGINSMILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL PHOTO PROVIDEDMy Two Elaines: Learning, Coping, and Surviving as an Alzheimers CaregiverŽ by Martin J. Schreiber with Cathy Breitenbucher. FROM PAGE ONE Alzheimers Association helpline: 1-800-272-3900 Online caregiver support programs:


The Sun /Monday, May 1, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 5 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSThere were no deaths reported Sunday. OBITUARIES Memorials in the Sun Honor your passed loved ones anytime with a personalized memorial tribute. Call (941) 206-1028 for rates. Veteran recalls serving on the USS AchillesVenice resident Sandy Dunn served as a radioman aboard the shipA couple of days before Radioman 1/C Sandy Dunn, now of Chestnut Creek Subdivision in Venice, joined the crew of the USS Achilles (ARL-41) repair ship during the Philippine Invasion on Nov. 12, 1944, while anchored in San Pedro Bay, the ”eet was attacked by Japanese kamikazes. Three Zakes surged out of the clouds into the open. The word to the forward guns to commence “ring was given at once. The “rst plane passed by, the second plane dove straight at the Achilles,Ž Dunn noted in his Short History of USS Achilles.Ž The forward guns were “ring as rapidly as possible and hits were visible, but still he kept on the dive. The men stayed at their guns and followed the plane down all the way. It was only a matter of seconds since the action began when the plane dived into the ship with terri“c speed. The explosion was deafening and the burning orange-red ”ame seemed to sweep across the whole weather deck of the ship. The plane was blown to bits and bodies were thrown in every direction ƒ Nineteen men were killed and 14 were missing. An additional 28 were wounded in the attack. They were transferred to other ships for medical attention,Ž Dunn wrote in his report on the Achilles. Moments after the shock of the explosion was over, the “re“ghting parties went to work. The main deck at the point of the hit was torn open and what was left of the (planes) engine had penetrated below deck. There were “res in all the areas of the hit on the main deck and below deck. Several hours later, the “res were under control. By sunset all “res had been put out.Ž Two days later, Dunn came aboard the badly damaged Achilles repair ship still anchored off the beach near Samar in San Pedro Bay. After the “nal repairs on their damaged ship were completed at New Guinea, he and his shipmates were involved in one of the last invasions of the war when Australian troops came ashore on the island of Borneo with Gen. Douglas MacArthur in command. We took the Australians onto the beach and they did the invasion,Ž Dunn recalled. I was in the radio shack when a Japanese plane ”ew over and dropped two bombs that missed us by 60 feet. When they exploded you could feel our ship going up and down and smell the burned powder from the exploding bombs. We stayed down there off the coast of Borneo for a couple of months repairing landing craft. The war wasnt quite over. Then we went back to Leyte in the Philippines to prepare for the invasion of the Japanese home islands. Our ”eet was comprised of hundreds of ships. The picture was very grim because we all knew the next stop was Japan,Ž he said. Then we dropped a couple of atomic bombs and after that the Japanese said they were going to surrender. Our ships “red all the tracer bullets they had in the air that night celebrating the pending surrender. I heard rumors eight of our guys were killed aboard ship celebrating the surrender.Ž After the of“cial surrender aboard the battleship USS Missouri on Sept. 2, 1945, in Tokyo Bay, Dunn and his crew sailed the Achilles back to the United States and decommissioned her in New Orleans. The ship was eventually transferred to the Republic of China in 1947 and commissioned as the Hsing An. Fleeing the oncoming Red Chinese Navy, the ship ran aground; its crew tried to set it on “re before the communists salvaged it. The communists renamed it Taku San, but nothing is known about it after that. For Dunn, his Navy days ended when he took a slow train three days to get him back home to Williamsburg, Pennsylvania. I got home Sunday night and Monday morning I went to Altoona, Pennsylvania and put my application in for a job at Bell Telephone,Ž he said. Twenty years later, I retired from Bell as a project engineer.Ž After that he went back to work for seven more years as a private employee of the phone company. Dunn has four children from a “rst marriage, Victoria, Jeffrey, Edward and Steve. A few years ago Dunn married Peggy. For 20 years, after his retirement from Bell, he worked as a tour guide for Tracks RV Tours. The couple moved to Venice and retired in 1996. I think every day while I was in the service was a new adventure,Ž he said. For an 18-year-old coming out of a small town of 1,200 people, World War II was something else.Ž War StoriesDon Moore WANT TO READ MORE?More than 900 of Don Moores veteran stories are online at https:// KNOW A VETERAN?Don Moores stories are a part of the Veterans History Project through the Library of Congress. If you, or someone you know, is a veteran, have them contact Don Moore at 941-426-2120 or email PHOTO PROVIDEDSandy Dunn, right, is on liberty after World War II, walking down the main drag in Honolulu with JohnnyŽ and Wisp,Ž two of his best buddies. They were returning home from Leyte in the Philippines at the end of the war. SUN PHOTO BY DON MOORESandy Dunn is a Venice resident. TODAY Easy Does It Club, The East Does It Club is offering daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please Call 941-624-0110 Beginners TaiChi, Beginner TaiChi Yang13.Slow easy moves for balance,health,fun.Open class $10PGICA Mon.10AM instr.Mary Curtis 9416610557 Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2pm dinner 5-8 Trustee Meet 6PM Aerie 7PM Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki;4-7 Music/Michael Hirst;4:30-7:30 ChickenNite;7-10:30Karaoke/ BillyG@25538ShorePG6372606;mbrs&gsts Singer Jim Daniels, Singer Jim Daniels performs 12 Noon-3 pm in center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Port Charlotte Elks, Monday Discount Day, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Bar Bingo…Am Leg 110, Bar Bingo … Specials, Hot Ball … Open to Public … Starts at 6:00 TUESDAY Easy Does It Club, The Easy Does It Club is offering daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please call 941-624-0110 Audubon Walkabout, Everyone Welcome! Nature hike at Tippicanoe, Environmental Park. 8:00-10:00AM Call Jim Knoy at 303-868-8337. Mens Fellowship, Gulf Cove Methodist Men meet 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 8am, Bay Pointe Grill, 3502 N Access Rd, Englewood. 697-1747 Charlotte Carvers, Charlotte Carvers,all kinds of Wood carving 8-12noon Punta Gorda Boat Club, W Retta Espl.. All welcome to visit & enjoy Blood Press Check, 9a-11a Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Licensed RN is available for free Blood Pressure Check 625-4175. Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2pm dinner 5-8 come Jam with Ambush Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch;2-6 Tiki;2-5 WingsRingsOTs;Music/TaT2;6pm l.b.o.d.mtg;7pmLodgeMtg@25538ShorePG637-2606;mbrs&gsts Chess Club, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 12p-4p $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Singer Jim Daniels, Singer Jim Daniels performs 12 Noon-3 pm in center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 TODAY New Meditation Class, New For Beginners! Mindful Meditation Techniques & Relaxation Methods, May1st, 9:00 AM, Suncoast Aud. RSVP 941-473-3919 Forty Carrots, Forty Carrots 10:15 or 11:15 Mondays Age 0-5 Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 Suncoast BINGO, May1st at 1:00 PM in Suncoast Aud. Bring friends for bingo, popcorn & refreshments, $1/card. RSVP at 941-473-3919 Ballroom Classes, April3 thru May1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. Wings & More, Wings, wet and dry, burgers,salads 5-7pm. Music: The Flashbacks 6-9pm. Members & guests Rotonda Elks 697-2710 AYCE SPAGHETTI, AYCE Spaghetti/Salad Bar $10, 5-7pm. MUSIC-RENDEZVOUS 6:30PM. Am. Legion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Rotonda Open Rehearsal, Invited to come to Venetian Harmony rehearsal on May1 at 6:30 Christ Lutheran Church, Englewood. Call 9414801480 Yoga For Strength, Intermediate Yoga Class, 7:00 pm every Monday at Englewoods Suncoast Aud. RSVP to 941-473-3919. $5 for H2U Members. Open Play Pickleball, Englewood Sports Complex, 1-3p, 941-861-1980. Cost $2 TUESDAY Audubon Walkabout, Everyone Welcome! Nature hike at Tippicanoe, Environmental Park. 8:00-10:00AM Call Jim Knoy at 303-868-8337. Mens Fellowship, Gulf Cove Methodist Men meet 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 8am, Bay Pointe Grill, 3502 N Access Rd, Englewood. 697-1747 TOPS 167 Suncoast, Take off pounds sensibly, keep them off. 5/2 at 8:00 AM, Suncoast Aud. RSVP: 473-3919 Info: 475-0449. H2U members $4/mo. Badminton, Englewood Sports Complex, 9-12p, 941-8611980. Cost $2 Beginners welcome! Shrine Club Lunch, Shriners Join us on the 1st Tues of ea month lunch $14 @ the Elks 401 N Indiana Ave Call Irv Hopkins Pres 941 661 0212 Open Play Pickleball, Englewood Sports Complex,1-3p, 941-861-1980. Cost $2 STEAM Ahead, STEAM Ahead Tuesdays Age 5-11 3:30-4:30 pm Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 WEDNESDAY Line Dancing, 9-30 to 11-30 American Legion Post 113 3436 Indiana Road Rotonda West. Phone Eve at 941 697 8733 TODAY Basic Exercise, $3/class 9-10 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Join Brenda for a good workout and feel better. Dinner Theatre, NPCUCC, 3450 S. Biscayne, Ribs OR Chicken BBQ, w/ŽGive Em Hell, Harry!Ž, May13, 5pm,, Tickets $20, 426-5580 Mahjong, 9AM-12:30PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Learn something new & have a good time. VFW Post 8203, VFW Loyalty Day Woodcavers 12-3 pm, lunch 11 2pm wings night 5 7 pm Duplicate Bridge, $3/ person 12:30-4:30 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Ella 429-8958 If youre a bridge buff join this group Port Charlotte Elks, Monday Discount Day, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiam Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Rummikub, 1-4 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Like cards but not holding them? This is played with tiles. AMVETS 2000 LAUX, Reg. Monthly meeting @ 2:30pm Elections of Officers 2017-2018 401 Ortiz Blvd NP 941-429-1999 AMVETS 312 Dinner, Lunch 11:30-2:00 Dinner 5-7 Mexican Monday, $2 Margaritas members&guests 7050 Chancellor Blvd NP 941-429-5403 TUESDAY Shriners Breakfast, 7:30am. Olde World Restaurant NP. North Port Shrine Club. Every Tuesday. Shriners, Masons & spouses invited. 423-2476. Audubon Walkabout, Everyone Welcome! Nature hike at Tippicanoe, Environmental Park. 8:00-10:00AM Call Jim Knoy at 303-868-8337. Mens Fellowship, Gulf Cove Methodist Men meet 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 8am, Bay Pointe Grill, 3502 N Access Rd, Englewood. 697-1747 TOPS 123, TOPS 123 meeting starts 8:00 am to 9:30 am at 4285 Wesley Lane ( Methodist Church). Positive weight loss! 423-8676 Dinner Theatre, NPCUCC, 3450 S. Biscayne, Ribs OR Chicken BBQ, w/ŽGive Em Hell, Harry!Ž, May13, 5pm,, Tickets $20, 426-5580 Tai Chi Balance, 9-10 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Classes are free thanks to Sarasota County. Scrabble, 9:30-11:30AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 All level of scrabble players are welcome CHARLOTTE EVENTS ENGLEWOOD EVENTS NORTH PORT EVENTS Venice Seafood & Music Festival, Join us in Centennial Park in downtown Venice May 6-7, 2017 for the Venice Seafood & Music Festival. Sat and Sun from 11a.m.-8p.m. Free admission. Fresh-cooked foods prepared by the Venice restaurant community. Live musical performances by many of Floridas top musical talents. 941-484-6722 Featured EventPAID ADVERTISEMENT The Community Calendar items are entered by the event organizers and are run as submitted.Ž To submit an item, go to www.yoursun. com, select an edition and click on the Community CalendarŽ link on the left. Click Submit Event,Ž and fill out the appropriate information. SUN PHOTO BY DEBRA GOUVELLISLiberty Elementary School second-graders learn to swim at the Port Charlotte YMCA for one week. We typically go from 10 a.m. until noon,Ž said Bridget Bloom-Scherber the aquatics director. According to Scherber the program is supported by the Gulf Coast Community Foundation. All second-graders within Charlotte and Sarasota counties receive free swimming lessons for one week. Its such a great program. The goal is to be sure kids understand how to be safe around bodies of water and to reduce the number of drownings that happen in Florida,Ž said Scherber. For more information call 941-629-9622.Learning to swim TAYLOR FUNERAL and Cremation Services L a r r y € Now Available to you 24 hrs A Day At Your Convenience Old Fashioned Service at a Price You Can Afford adno=50513446 Nobody likes unexpected surprises. A sk Larry: What is the real cost of cremation? Have you ever asked for a price, and they start giving you quotes, but say there will be extras? We believe in giving straight answers to your questions. 1515 Tamiami Trl, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (941) 833-0600 2002-2016


Our Town Page 6 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name „ not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Sun Letters to the Editor, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. Readers may email Letters to the Editor at Further questions or information, call 941-681-3003. HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOREmail letters to letters@sun-herald.comPublisher „ Robert E. Lee Executive editor „ Jim Gouvellis Editorial page editor „ Stephen Baumann Commentary Editor „ John Hackworth V IEWPOINTHuman nature to hate a winner? Battle plan is working From beards to shing Wonder what, who to believe Thanks for treat at Easter dinnerEditor: Isnt it curious that we want less taxes, easier reporting, more jobs and economic stimulation? We are all in favor of the average person getting a break, but God forbid that the company building the cars, developing the drugs, searching for fuel sources, developing property so that people have a place to live, should make a pro“t. We all want our taxes to go down, but well be darned if we are on board with anybody related to, or Donald Trump himself making one penny more. So, how will that work? Well embrace the new tax proposal if it has a clause saying it applies to everybody except those listed? Who else will be on the list? Where is the cutoff? I know it is human nature to hate a winner, but, jeez, if a proposal is good for the country, it is good for all. Dont people realize that if they have a few more dollars to spend at the mall, some bigwig somewhere might make a little more money? And if he or she makes a little more money, they might build a new store or hire some more people. But we wouldnt want that, would we?Malcolm Williams EnglewoodEditor: If it isnt broke, dont “x it. And the strategy of charging conservatives with sexual harassment is working. No need for proof, no need for a mans day in court, no need for waiting to see the process played out. These are textbook Saul Alinsky tactics who said, Pick Editor: Why do we see, and worldwide, so many males sporting facial hair these days? Does this represent laziness to avoid the morning shave, association with these Islamic terrorists should they be captured or even a subliminal response to do something the female cannot as she moves steadily into areas previously all male? The current regulation permitting equal access for bicycles on public highways is misguided and is resulting in deaths and injuries. Bicycle paths are one solution, but funding should be from the users and not the general public. Publishing minimum Editor: Am I the only one in the world who didnt understand or really even know about bots until recently? And, Im not sure I fully grasp the concept now. What I do comprehend is that one thing they do is manipulate data to get a desired result. A survey can be blasted by bots to skew the results. So surveys asking our impression of everything from new products to political opinion can, and are, in“ltrated by robotic results to produce a speci“c response. Anything that you hear about public opinion on presidential performance to whether Americans prefer oranges or apples should be suspect in your mind. It is very likely the results are not based on actual human beings. Which should leave you wondering what and who to believe.Andy Bishop EnglewoodEditor: On Easter Sunday, my wife and I went to Outback for dinner. When I asked for the bill, the waiter told me it was paid for by a couple seated near us. I thanked the couple and told them that I was wearing my World War II hat because they do not teach anything about World War II in schools. Young people do not know that 60 million people lost their lives in World War II and America lost 400,000 military. They dont know the enemy was Japan, Germany and Italy. Thanks again to that couple.John Arnott Port Charlotte OUR VIEW LETTERS TO THE EDITORMore horrifying insights into PG shootingOUR POSITION: Institutionalized incompetence. No checks. No double-checks. No responsibility.Anyone who thought the case of the August 2016 shooting death of Mary Knowlton could not become more disturbing got a jolt recently with the release of Punta Gorda Police Department interviews conducted by state investigators. The transcripts showed an alarming carelessness toward gun safety at this public event. The apparent reality of responsibilities assumed but not actually designated. Routine safety procedures „ familiar to anyone with a modicum of “rearms training „ were ignored. The apparent reality that actual, formal protocols did not exist. This was unimaginable. Horrifying. Inexcusable. A story printed in the Sun on April 21 and written by WGCU News reporters Michael Hirsh and Amy Tardiff revealed details of the investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement into Knowltons shooting death during a Chamber of Commerce shoot/ dont shootŽ demonstration on the evening of Aug. 9. The story is also available on the WGCU website. Also at that website ( are long clips of the police interviews. Knowlton was the citizenparticipant at the educational demonstration. She was shot by Punta Gorda police of“cer Lee Coel as more than 40 citizens and police department of“cers looked on. Coel has been charged with felony manslaughter. Among revelations from the interviews: € Police Lt. Christopher Salsman, the director of employee development and training, said he didnt insert himself into a safety check routine because he arrived late to the scene of the demonstration and assumed it had been done already by others. FDLE investigator: Did anybody ƒ did they check the gun beforehand?Ž Salsman: I dont know which of“cer was checking the weapon with him when it was loaded.Ž Asked if that typically would have been his responsibility, or that of Capt. Jeffrey Woodard, Salsman said, In this particular case ƒ it would have been incumbent on both of us.Ž Arriving late, Salsman said, My presumption was that „ that because everything was in place, that these safety checks had already been completed.Ž An assumption when, in fact, none had. € Woodard, who oversees much of the daily operation of the department, told the FDLE agent that he knew Coel had a .38-caliber revolver in his waistband. But he also did not conduct a safety check. When asked who was in control of the scenario,Ž Woodard said, Im not.Ž The state investigator asked who, in fact, was. FDLE: Somebody owned that scenario. Who „ who owned it?Ž Woodard: I dont think that was ever discussed.Ž An astounding admission. And precisely the problem. Despite the presence of four senior law enforcement of“cers, it seemed no one had clearly delineated responsibility for public safety. No one had been speci“cally assigned to double-check Coels weapon. No one did. € Woodard subsequently told state investigators he knew of no written protocols for this type of demonstration. They were, essentially, winging it. € Further, he told the FDLE, the department devised its operating procedures from internet videos. They were YouTube scenarios that some other agency did,Ž Woodard said. And, according to Woodard, the YouTube-based video scenario was supplied by Chief Tom Lewis (before he became chief). Among other disturbing revelations: € No one thought to question why Coel was using his personal revolver. € This wasnt the “rst time this happened. According to Woodard, this demonstration was conducted previously „ at least once and perhaps as many as three times „ with Coel in the shooter role, using his .38-caliber revolver, with ammunition Coel believed were blanks. In Woodards words, immediately after the shooting, Coel said, I just dont understand what happened. These are the same rounds that I use all the time.Ž € According to Woodards statement to the FDLE, there was no designated safety of“cer at the demonstration. Everybody acted as safety officer,Ž he said. Or, in this case, everybody believing someone else was responsible. No one assigned specific responsibility. In sum, no one imagined this was possible, so no formal protocols were in place. Which is mind-boggling. The use of a working “rearm, a personal handgun, at that. Blanks or not. The assumption by Coel, and his supervisors, that the gun wasnt loaded with live ammunition. Assumptions without accountability. A slipshod system; death resulting. The city is conducting an internal affairs investigation, and city of“cials have said they will wait until criminal charges are resolved before taking further action. How long will that be? Until that happens, the city of Punta Gorda cannot begin to restore public faith in the operation. Until that happens, four of“cers involved with the scenario remain at the highest levels of the departments command structure. One, Capt. Jason Ciaschini, is acting police chief. Meanwhile, Lewis has been charged by the State Attorney Steve Russell with misdemeanor culpable negligence, and he has been placed on paid leave by City Manager Howard Kunik. At this point, it is impossible to imagine he might return to the department. In light of these revelations „ and who knows what else to come „ it seems “tting that strong disciplinary action will be taken against the other ranking of“cers who might have stepped in, conducted a simple safety check and prevented the shooting. It is also inconceivable that anyone from within the department will be promoted to chief permanently. Someone from outside, untainted by this horri“c incident, will have to be brought in to begin to restore credibility to a police department that has lost public trust. the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it.Ž Why would they change their battle plan? Its working, folks, recently two big names have been brought down. Whether or not the messenger is ”awless, the message is still important. With the help of Newt Gingrich, Bill Clinton was a pretty good president but a very ”awed human being. The problems in this country are too monumental to be focused on rumors and allegations. Lets “x problems and let the tabloid stories play out as they will.Wayne A. White Englewoodspeed limits on our public roads would also be a method to control who uses these roads. Adult emotional display for loving a pet including face-kissing, taking walks in public with the dog in a baby stroller, dogs in public places, dogs fouling the public walkways, etc., all seem to display humans incapable of relating to their own specie. If those topics do not excite perhaps this killing for entertainment, called hunting and “shing, could pro“t from some reporters writing skills? Adults getting their jollies from killing some poor dumb “sh is one thing, but making a party from this activity and teaching children to continue the practice seems odd. Fishing seems the prime motivation for these millions of dollars spent to dredge Stump Pass, another strange human activity. Nature will win.John P. Derr Port Charlotte


The Sun /Monday, May 1, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 7 VIEWPOINTFloridas Everglades is an American iconic national park known and revered throughout the world for its biodiversity. Floridians, regardless of where they live, must join together to protect and restore this treasure before the Everglades reaches a point of no return. The Everglades is home to thousands of plant and animal species and draws millions of visitors to Florida. Unfortunately, decades of massive changes to the habitats water ”ow have resulted in unintended consequences that threaten Floridas environment, residents and economy. The situation requires immediate action. During the wet season, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers discharges large volumes of freshwater from Lake Okeechobee west into the Caloosahatchee River and east into the St. Lucie River to prevent ”ooding in the urbanized areas south of the lake. These discharges of lake water cause a number of problems to the east, west and south. To the east and west, the introduction of large quantities of freshwater to the fragile estuaries where the rivers meet the coast harm or destroy wildlife, which rely on a delicate balance of freshand saltwater. Similarly, the lack of freshwater ”owing to the south results in too much salinity in Florida Bay and Biscayne Bay, and harms or destroys the ecosystem there. Furthermore, nutrients in these discharges have resulted in harmful algae blooms along the affected rivers and coasts, which you may remember from numerous news stories last summer. But in addition to the environmental effects, this situation impacts many Florida industries and small businesses. Unhealthy and unsightly estuaries discourage tourists from visiting Florida. Unhealthy waterways negatively affect commercial “shers, which affects other businesses in their supply chain. All of these reduced economic actives result in less tax revenue. Yet, these are just a small glimpse of the people and industries affected; when viewed as whole, from an economic and “scal standpoint, it truly affects all of us in Florida. It is rare in public policy when any solution would be a signi“cant improvement over the status quo, but this is one such situation. We are at a tipping point where we dont have the luxury of time to wait for the perfect solution. These effects will cascade into economic and “scal costs borne by all Floridians. There is too much at risk for us, as a state, to do nothing. Recent proposals in the House and Senate have seen spirited debate. Gov. Rick Scott recently came out in support of Senate President Joe Negrons reservoir plan to send Lake Okeechobee water south into the Everglades and the House agreed to fund the reservoir as part of a budget compromise deal to ensure session ends on time. A recent Florida TaxWatch report examines these issues and explores the costs of inaction. The report “nds that each day Florida waits to solve the problem, the solution becomes more expensive. While the price tag to address the issues may be a shock to the system, the cost of inaction could be far more devastating to the state of Florida and its hardworking taxpayers.Ž The report is available at www.FloridaTaxWatch. org. It is clear that our states leaders are aware of and understand the importance of this issue. The questions now being debated are how to solve it and can we afford to “x it, but the real issue is not what we can afford, but the true and widespread cost of failure to act. Floridas livelihood is dependent on the strength of the Everglades. The cost of the solution will never be less than what it is today and any action is better than no action. Failure to act will send Florida down a terrible path. Soon, the damage will be beyond the point of no return and taxpayers across the state, and the state itself, will suffer irreparable harm. These effects will cascade into economic and “scal costs borne by all Floridians. There is too much at risk for us, as a state, to do nothing. Luckily, it seems that the Legislature is paying attention. Bob Martinez, 40th governor of Florida and former mayor of Tampa, is a senior policy adviser with Holland & Knights Public Policy & Regulation Practice Group and is cochair of the “rms Florida Government Advocacy Team. Dominic M. Calabro is the president and CEO of Florida TaxWatch, an independent, nonpartisan, nonpro“t taxpayer research institute and government watchdog.The time is now to address Everglades crisis Guest ColumnistsBob Martinez andDominicCalabro The resurgent conservative movement, fueled primarily by the tea party, has dramatically changed the political map in America. Outside of major metropolitan areas, liberals and Democrats have retreated to the two coasts, while heartland America has seen historic growth among conservatives. It will continue under President Donald Trump. Since 2009, Democrats have lost more than 1,000 seats in state legislatures, governors mansions and Congress. Voters rejected the agenda and rhetoric of the Democratic Party, while “nding inspiration in a Republican Party revitalized by the conservative movement. Because Trump has had his own transition from a New York Democrat to a Make America Great Republican, many pundits falsely assumed that the modern conservative movement is doomed. As we have watched nationalist movements ascend around the globe, many observers believe that conservatism under Trump will be marginalized by his nationalistic rhetoric. But if you look to the pillars of Ronald Reagans presidency as the lodestar for modern conservatism, Trump is a worthy successor in three areas. € Strong national defense: Between the missile attack on Syria, the Mother of All Bombs drop in Afghanistan and the aircraft carrier group being sent to the Korean Peninsula, does anyone have any lingering doubts that Trump is following Reagans prescription of peace through strength? € Strong economic growth: Growth will also de“ne the role of conservatism under President Trump. Americans have suffered dramatically under an economy that has yet to recover. Instead of 5 percent and 6 percent growth after the recession, Barack Obama presided over an anemic 2 percent growth, hampering the ability of all Americans to get ahead. President Trumps campaign proposed bold tax reform that simpli“es the tax code and ”attens rates as the only way to provide the “nancial spark our economy needs. He has argued for the repeal of more than a trillion dollars of Affordable Care Act taxes to boot. Unheralded in much of the media has been the dramatic elimination of regulations by the Obama administration, with Trump already signing a dozen rollbacks of intrusive government regulations. He knows the regulatory burden is almost worse than the tax burden in curtailing economic growth. € Instilling con“dence in America: You dont have to go any further than his campaign slogan of Make America Great Again.Ž Polls show a boost in economic con“dence, and his success in tax and regulatory reform will make his re-election campaign like Reagans Its morning in America again.Ž Trump has never claimed to be a conservative ideologue in the mold of Barry Goldwater. He will never articulate the conservative intellectual arguments that Reagan often advanced, but the core of his policies fall squarely within conservative action. Conservatism is alive and well under Trumps administration, and the immediate goal of conservatives should be to extend the political pendulum swing. Thats why conservatives of every stripe should work with President Trump in advancing conservative policies and not get hung up on nuance and legislative minutia. Then, as policy victories begin to mount, Tea Party Express and organizations like ours can continue recruiting and electing more conservatives who are willing and able to push the envelope even further. Taylor Budowich is the executive director of Tea Party Express. He wrote this for The Dallas Morning News. Readers may email him at tbudowichteapartyexpress. orgConservatism is flourishing under Trump Tea Party ExpressTaylor Budowich Charlotte Harbor Center is a school especially for students with special needs. Separate programs are designed to meet the diverse needs of students. Our West Campus includes students with moderate to severe disabilities who need comprehensive supports in order to successfully participate in a classroom setting. Students may receive a variety of services and therapies to access the school environment or progress in learning. A modi“ed curriculum is provided, with the focus on access to the Florida Standards by grade level. Lessons are presented with illustrated vocabulary and graphics, hands-on activities with Real World applications, and interactive web-based activities, allowing students to access information and concepts in the format best suited to their individual learning needs. High school students complete courses to earn credits toward a standard high school diploma through the access points. Students also learn, practice and develop skills in daily living, employment and independent living. Community-based instruction is an important aspect of education for our students as they prepare to be successful and contributing members of the community. Our East Campus program, known as SANDS „ Students Acquiring New Direction School „ is focused on the needs of students with an emotional behavioral disability. These students may struggle with self-management and impulse control, and have a need for positive behavior supports in order to successfully participate in a school environment. The majority of these students are working at grade level and many plan to attend college or technical training schools upon graduation. On-the-job training is offered for many of our high school students. They are able to practice employability skills on campus and in various businesses within the community. Students learn a wide range of job skills to prepare for employment opportunities in the future. Charlotte Harbor students have an opportunity each year to participate in many educational activities. The school hosts an Adapted Science Fair each year. Initially funded by a grant from the Suncoast Credit Union Foundation, with continued support of Florida Power and Light, the Science Fair has become a large focus of the school year. Students may work individually or in small groups to complete a research project or experiment project following the scienti“c method. Teachers provide instruction and guide students through the process as needed for full participation. Projects are scored on an adapted rubric and judged by local educators with both science and exceptional student education backgrounds. Students exhibit their projects and receive awards for their score on the rubric. It has been amazing over the past several years to see projects of a very high level of complexity. Formal and informal test scores in science also re”ect the advancement of knowledge and application of the scienti“c method. A variety of assemblies are held each year, bringing the student body together to celebrate success, learn about career and community opportunities, explore curriculum content and just have fun. School dances, a visit from Santa, and a Spring Fair are special events our students anticipate each year. Our annual school prom is held each year in May. All students and their families are invited to attend. Each year the students choose a theme for the prom, and this years theme is Luau.Ž Everyone enjoys dressing up in their best attire and dancing the night away. End-of-the-year events include an awards day for all students to celebrate success in learning, and graduation, when our students receive the “nal reward for their years of hard work. Herb Bennett is the principal of the Charlotte Harbor Center.Charlotte Harbor Center is a special school School NotesHerb Bennett Thomas Quigley, M.D. Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Offer does not apply to Freedom and Optimum health plan participants. Coupon Expires 6/17/2017 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance plans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 20600 VETERANS BLVD., SUITE A PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 2529 TAMIAMI TRAIL PUNTA GORDA 941-639-2020 adno=50514294 formerly Eye Health 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT), ARCADIA 863-993-2020 301 W. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda € 575-2273 Former faculty member of Marquette University School of Dentistry G eneral & Implant Dentistry adno=50514174 adno=50514568 Monday Friday 10 a.m. 6 p.m.; Saturday 10:30 4 p.m. Not affiliated with Rolex W ESTCHESTER G OLD & D IAMONDS 4200-F TAMIAMI TRAIL, PORT CHARLOTTE (BEHIND ABC LIQUORS) 625-0666 Rolex Watches Buy, Sell & Repair Large Selection of Diamond Bezels & Dials € Diabetic Care € Foot Pain € Foot Surgery € Heel Pain New Patients Welcome 941-613-1919 3191 Harbor Blvd. Unit D Port Charlotte, FL 33952 adno=50514310 COMPLETE FOOT CARE Dr. Michael Metyk Podiatric Surgery


Our Town Page 8 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. FROM PAGE ONEThe Sheriffs legal analysis overlooks the rich and cooperative history shared by sheriffs and judges,Ž the response notes. Under the Florida Constitution, the Florida Statutes, case law, and the common law, the Sheriff is obligated to perform any duties that the court is authorized to request.Ž Finally, the response also argues that complying with the order does not expose the Sheriff or his deputies to personal liability as argued by Knight, citing a Florida statute. Possibly undermining Knights arguments, however, is a bill currently under consideration by the Florida Senate. Originally offered by Sen. Greg Steube, whose actions started the dispute between Williams and Knight, the bill was amended during the committee process. In essence, the bill provides that a license to carry a weapon in Florida does not allow a person to enter a courthouse with a weapon unless he noti“es security about the weapon and follows ensuing instructions, or surrenders it for security upon arrival at the courthouse. As mentioned, the dispute started when Steube attempted to enter the clerk of courts of“ce at 2000 W. Main St., in Sarasota, on Feb. 14, carrying a concealed weapon. Contained within the premises at the location is the historic Sarasota courthouse, which is seldom used for court functions. Although he has a concealed weapons permit, Steube was denied entry by a deputy and a private security guard. He “red off an email to Knight, arguing that the clerks of“ce should not be considered a gun-free zone under the Florida statutes, and therefore, he should have been allowed to enter the building with his weapon. In the month since Knight “led his petition, Circuit Court Clerk Karen Rushing, the Florida Association of Court Clerks, and the Florida Sheriffs Association have all intervened in the case as well. Their legal arguments are not available since the District Court of Appeal does not provide online access to legal “lings, unlike the circuit courts of the state. Email: PETITIONFROM PAGE 1 Fairgrounds? First event is scheduled for May 13, I am told. € Were you glad to hear the sale of the Placida properties where the Fishery restaurant sits may have fallen through? Probably not everyone is happy about that and there is no guarantee the deal might not still go through. But, if they ever sell the Fishery restaurant, where am I going to “nd good hushpuppies? Wallys Southern Style BBQ, Hurricane Charleys and Myakka River Oyster Bar? Or, maybe the best around, the monthly “sh fry at Christ Community United Methodist Church every third Friday? € With the unveiling of renderings showing some really nice apartments and the announcement of a traf“c study for the area, has the concern about the housing development on Veterans Boulevard and Peachland calmed down? I sure hope so, because we badly need those accommodations. € Did you hear Charlotte County is being credited with ending homelessness for all veterans? I am not sure how they “gured that out, but I hope it is true. € Does Warm Mineral Springs get warmer in the summer? € I wonder if someone might revisit the idea of using Charlotte Sports Park for summer concerts? Im sure talent-magnet Cord Cosler could offer up an act or two. € I wonder when the new Mosaic rodeo arena in Arcadia will be completed? € What song contains these lyrics: She didnt bat an eye, as I packed my bags to leave, I thought she would start to cry, and sit around my room and weep...Ž? € And, “nally, where is the Union Gap? John Hackworth is commentary editor of the Sun newspapers. You may contact him at jhackworth@sun-herald.JOHNFROM PAGE 1Southwest Floridians will feel more humid weather this week after a hot and dry weekend brought elevated risk of fire danger. The National Weather Service lifted the fire weather hazard with humidity level being higher than it was over the weekend. The afternoon humidities are a little higher now, so when theyre above 35 percent that reduces the threat of fire,Ž NWS Meteorologist Dan Noah said. Even though the fire weather parameters are not as bad as they have been, its still very dry,Ž he added. Its still very easy to start a fire. Dont park in tall grass with the car running. Dont throw cigarettes out the window.Ž Noah said that since Oct. 1, for Punta Gorda, the observed rainfall was 8.74 inches, which is 8.19 inches below normal. In Sarasota, observed rainfall was 7.14 inches „ 11.76 inches below normal. Noah said the best chance of rain this week will be on Tuesday and Friday when cold fronts come through the area. But were not looking for a ton of rain,Ž he said. Its going to be under a quarter of an inch all week.Ž He said with the first front the cold air pushes off into the Atlantic, off into the east coast, so we dont really get any cold air.Ž Still, today, there is expected to be an advisory for small craft operators with wind speeds of 15 to 20 knots ahead of Tuesdays front. The next front on Friday will bring cooler and drier weather,Ž Noah said, which should be more comfortable. The forecast shows highs in the upper 80s with overnight lows in the lower 70s through Thursday. On Friday, the high only reaches near 83 with an overnight low around 69. The chance of isolated showers and thunderstorms is 40 percent on Tuesday and Friday. Email: sbrokaw@sun-herald.comHot and humid weather expected this weekBy SOMMER BROKAWSTAFF WRITER The Charlotte County Sheriffs Office reported the following arrests: € Robert John Saar, 29, 28400 block of Sable Palm Drive, Punta Gorda. Charge: nonsupport of dependents. Bond: $315. € Michael George Moore, 34, 2100 block of Gerard Court, Port Charlotte. Charges: DUI and two counts of off bond. Bond: none. € Gary Donald Godreau, 34, 17800 block of Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte. Charge: trespass in structure or conveyance. Bond: none. € Chad Michael Varney, 22, 5400 block of Prime Terrace, North Port. Charges: fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement officer and DUI. Bond: $15,000. € Michael Alan Gillet, 23, 4400 block of Duncan Road, Punta Gorda. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Paul Henri Ricard, 66, 27100 block of Fairway Drive, Punta Gorda. Charge: DUI. Bond: $2,500. € Julia Anna Mazzucco, 30, homeless in Port Charlotte. Charge: operate motor vehicle without valid license. Bond: none. € Jeffrey Paul Rogers, 43, 14900 block of San Domingo Blvd., Port Charlotte. Charge: battery. Bond: $3,500. € Gregory Dane Shaw, 38, 15100 block of Amsterdam Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: grand theft and contributing to delinquency by causing child to commit delinquent act. Bond: $40,000. € Roland Leonardis Snipes Jr., 45, 2000 block of Spear St., Port Charlotte. Charge: battery. Bond: $5,000. The Punta Gorda Police Department reported the following arrests: € Andrew Robert Bennett, 18, 23100 block of Rye Ave., Punta Gorda. Charges: possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana and possession or use of drug paraphernalia. Bond: none. € Katherine Marie Pendleton, 49, 2500 block of Carmen St., Punta Gorda. Charges: petty theft and possession or use of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $5,000. „ Compiled by Sommer Brokaw POLICE BEATThe information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriffs office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.


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Our Town Page 10 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 LOCAL SPORTS Contact usJordan Kroeger € Staff writer or 941-206-1185 Bryan Levine € Staff writer or 941-206-1122 Rick Nolte € Sports editor or 941-206-1175 EMAIL: FAX: 941-629-2085 SunCoast Sports NowWhen news breaks, we blog it at www.suncoast Like us and share our photos on Facebook: SunCoastSports Follow us on Twitter for live updates and breaking news: @SunCoastSports How to ƒSubmit a story idea: Email or call Rick Nolte at 941-206-1175. Must contain name, address and number. Report a high school result: Call 877-818-6204 or 941-206-1175. To report an error: Call the sports department at 941-206-1175 or email PORT CHARLOTTE „ Theres been a lot of turnover and turmoil for Port Charlottes baseball program in the past year. The Pirates have gone through four coaches since last April, almost unheard of on any level in sports. It hit the program hard, with some players even transferring to another school to escape the madness. I think everybody had gotten to the point where we just wanted it to be done,Ž Port Charlotte pitcher Matt LePoint said. I think a lot of kids werent even sure if they wanted to play baseball at that point.Ž But for the players who stayed in the Pirates dugout, their patience has been rewarded this season under a new coach who has his team riding high heading into this weeks District 6A-11 Tournament. Rodney Taylor was hired as the teams baseball coach on Dec. 15, replacing Johnnie Kirkland after he stepped down just six months into the job. Kirkland was the third coach to leave in a sixmonth span after he replaced interim coach Zach Floyd, who took over for Bryan Beisner near the end of the 2016 season when Beisner resigned due to personal reasons. But after all those changes, the Pirates “nally feel they have the right man leading them on the baseball “eld. Thats been evident by their play this season as they earned the No. 2 seed in the district and will entertain North Fort Myers in the district quarter“nals at 7 p.m. today. (Taylor) came out and he really put a plug in it, if you know what I mean,Ž said LePoint, a senior pitcher/shortstop. Id rather it not have happened at all, but I think Coach Taylor is a good match for us. He keeps everyone together, keeps everybody kind of levelheaded, so I think it was a good stop here. Not that I dont think that the other coaches couldnt have done well, but hes just a great match for us right now.Ž There was de“nitely a learning curve for both the players and Taylor at “rst, with the Pirates getting off to an average 6-5 start to the season. The players were familiar with Taylor when he took over the coaching duties, considering hes also the boys golf coach, and Taylor was familiar with the players from being around the school for years. But theyll both admit theres a difference between familiarity and building a relationship, something that took some time to develop. We came out here two weeks before the season started and we didnt know what to expect,Ž Taylor said. We came in open-minded „ a new book with nothing written in it yet and all three of us (assistant coaches Mike Fullington and Brett Water) worked together and we just said lets go in open-minded and start a new story with them, see what happens and see if we can get them to respond. In their own way theyve responded.Ž You couldnt blame the players if they didnt believe his message at “rst. When Taylor “rst introduced himself to his team, the Pirates expectations werent exactly high, considering they “nished “fth in the district a year ago and featured a team of 12 seniors that had to adjust again to a new regimen. He told us he believed we were a very good team, and if we mold as a family and we dont do what happened with the previous coaches, then wed be very good and wed win a district championship,Ž LePoint said. There was a lot of whatever because everybody was tired of the coaches and everything that had happened, but now that weve seen his vision well, its really helping us.Ž LePoint isnt kidding. Since the 6-5 start, the Pirates have won nine of their last 12 and seven of their last nine. Two of those wins came against top-seeded Ida Baker, wins that called for late-inning rallies. Those wins helped Port Charlotte leapfrog Cape Coral from third place to second in the district standings. Theyve become the red-hot Pirates, or you could say, the cardiac Pirates. As for how far this team can go, nobody is certain. Taylor says he cant even put his “nger on what exactly has this team playing so well in the second half of the season, only that it now stays on an even keel, win or lose. But he is certain of one thing „ he now has a family away from home. Weve built a rapport over these last two, three months that weve been together. I feel like Ive been out here with them for four years,Ž Taylor said. His players couldnt agree more.Contact Kroeger at 941-206-1175 or email surge has Pirates tourney-readyBy JORDAN KROEGERSPORTS WRITER PREP BASEBALL: DISTRICT TOURNAMENTS RECREATIONStaugler earns another invite to Boston MarathonBetty Staugler has completed her “rst Boston Marathon. The Punta Gorda resident quali“ed for Boston at the 2016 Eugene (Ore.) Marathon, her “fth marathon, when she “nished in 3 hours, 56 minutes, 11 seconds. She was eighth among 53 in the womens 50-54 age group. Staugler, 51, has been running competitively for “ve years. She completed the 2012 Rock n Roll St. Pete Half Marathon and decided that a marathon would be her next goal. Her “rst marathon was the 2013 Walt Disney World Marathon, which she completed in 5:04, just missing her goal of “nishing under “ve hours. She trained four months for the Boston Marathon. She ran six days a week and averaged six to 18 miles on her runs. Her weekly mileage peaked at 60. During her training she completed three half marathons just to kind of see how I was as far as my speed is going,Ž she said. She also did shorter runs, including the Boston 5K the Saturday morning before the marathon. Her training called for a 4-mile run that day anyway, so she opted for the 5K. The last mile is the last mile of the Boston Marathon,Ž said Staugler, who completed a 2015 marathon in Switzerland while celebrating her 50th birthday there. It was an opportunity for me to see the last mile of it.Ž Staugler “nished the Boston Marathon in 3:55:48. I was happy,Ž she said. I requali“ed, so I can go back next year.Ž She was in corral eight of wave three. It took six minutes to get to the start line,Ž she said, adding that the temperature already was in the 70s by the time of her 10:50 a.m. start. She didnt expect the warmer weather. Its the bright sun,Ž she said. Its that time of day. There was very little cloud cover. There were a lot of people that were passing out and receiving medical attention. The course is very hard,Ž Staugler said. For a Florida ”atlander, the whole course is hills. Its rolling. Its a challenging course. Its just packed with people. The “rst 3 miles you are packed in like sardines.Ž She said she felt good managing the hills, but she developed a hot spot on her right foot. My foot was slipping (in my shoe),Ž she said. She ran at least 12 miles with the hot spot and started compensating in her stride. Her hip began to hurt as a result. Its what you do to “nish a race,Ž she said. A member of the Zoomers running club, Staugler returned April 18 from Boston. She is taking two weeks off from running and competes next in the Memorial Day 10K. Her schedule includes a February half marathon, and then she plans to run the Boston Marathon again.Share an accomplishment with Barbara Boxleitner at BARBARA BOXLEITNERSUN CORRESPONDENTNorth Ports track & “eld team took 10 girls to Saturdays Region 4A-2 meet at George Jenkins High School, but only three are moving on to state. Carly Lovett (high jump), Alexis Francavilla (long jump) and Morgan Gloster (pole vault) all quali“ed for the Class 4A state meet, which takes place May 5-6 at IMG Academy in Bradenton. Gloster placed second in the pole vault with a height of 3.20 meters while Francavilla and Lovett both placed fourth in their respective events. Lovett soared 1.52 meters in the high jump. Francavilla leapt 5.37 meters in the long jump. North Port also took “ve boys to regionals but all failed to qualify for state.North Port qualifies 3 to 4A state PREP TRACKSTAFF REPORT(All games at 7 p.m. unless noted) TODAY Baseball District North Fort Myers at Port Charlotte TUESDAY Baseball District Dunbar at Lemon Bay Fort Myers at Charlotte North Port at Venice WEDNESDAY Softball Lemon Bay at Bayshore FRIDAY Track & Field State championship (Charlotte, Lemon Bay, North Port, Port Charlotte), Bradenton, 9 a.m. PREP SCHEDULEDISTRICT TOURNAMENTS(all games at 7 p.m.) 7A-11 Participating teams: Venice, Charlotte, Fort Myers, North Port Schedule: Tuesday -Game 1: 3. Fort Myers at 2. Charlotte; Game 2: 4. North Port at 1. Venice; Thursday Game 3: Championship, Game 1 winner vs. Game 2 winner. 6A-11 Participating teams: Ida Baker, Port Charlotte, Cape Coral, Cypress Lake, Mariner, Island Coast, North Fort Myers Schedule: Today -Game 1: 7. North Fort Myers at 2. Port Charlotte; Game 2: 6. Island Coast at 3. Cape Coral; Game 3: 5. Mariner at 4. Cypress Lake; Wednesday -Game 4: winner of Game 1 vs. winner of Game 2; Game 5: Game 3 winner at 1. Ida Baker; Thursday -Game 6: Championship, Game 4 winner vs. Game 5 winner. 5A-12 Participating teams: Lemon Bay, DeSoto County, Lake Placid, Dunbar Schedule: Tuesday -Game 1: 4. Dunbar at Lemon Bay; Game 2: Lake Placid at DeSoto County; Thursday Game 3: Championship, Game 1 winner vs. Game 2 winner. SUN PHOTOS BY JENNIFER BRUNOPort Charlottes Matt LePoint leads the area with a 1.88 ERA and 72 strikeouts. Port Charlottes Matt Intihar tops the area with a .444 batting average while also knocking in a dozen runs.


The Sun /Monday, May 1, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 11 Venice 4238 S. Tamiami Trail € Behind Outback near Books-A-Million (941)451-5070 Port Charlotte 1655 Tamiami Trail € Murdock Medical Park across from Taco Bell (941)623-4918 adno=50513914 5-1-17


Our Town Page 12 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS WEEKLYA SUN PUBLICATION In a retirement community where quilting is a popular hobby, John and Kathy Lanzner found a way to turn their hobby into a successful business. Their home in Gran Paradiso, where they have been living for two years, is also the base to their quilting business, Cape Haze Quilting. During the day, the sounds of stitching can be heard as the Lanzners are busy working. Their main quilting machine, a Gammill Optimum Longarm, is programmed by a Statler Stitcher computerized digital program, and can produce quilts as big as 45x60 feet. The machine stitches together three layers of quilt; the top, the “lling and the backing. They also have another smaller machine for smaller detailed work. Cape Haze Quilting was formed in 2009. Both are retired „ John from the car sales industry and Kathy was a land surveyor. They began looking for something with which to keep busy when they stumbled on quilting. John immediately started doing research. Its like a $4 billion dollar industry in the United States,Ž he said. Besides the fact that it is a growing industry, it is also a favorite pastime for many. Quilt enthusiasts of all levels exist everywhere. A lot of women as they retire have more leisure time to sew,Ž said Kathy, who explains that the need to provide a quilting service also exists. And women across this country buy them,Ž added John. Its part of history of the United States.Ž So for those reasons, the couple purchased the long-arm quilting machine, took courses and began their business. When they decided to move to Venice in 2015, they searched for property to accommodate their business needs, and thats when they found Gran Paradiso. This machine was partly in the closet of our old house,Ž Kathy said, referring to the long-arm machine. We had to take the bi-fold doors off and youd have to go into the closet to walk around the edge. And the other end of the machine was up against the wall.Ž Cape Haze Quilting provides quilting services and designs custom work for clients all over the United States and even had requests from Australia and Germany. They get inquiries from edging and binding quilts to more complex orders that require intricate stitching. Quilts may take a few weeks or up to a month to complete, depending on the work. Requests include anything from baby quilts, graduation quilts, T-shirt quilts and memory quilts „ which are the most requested. Those are the most popular,Ž John said. Memory quilts are made from scraps of clothing from a deceased person that are sewn together.Ž John and Kathy pulled out a sample of a quilt from a client who started quilting in 1970 and asked the couple to “nish it for her. Another came from a woman in Germany who wanted a quilt to give as a wedding gift. Multitudes of patterns are stocked neatly on shelves and lined spools of colored threads are tucked away in drawers; nearby is a table with sample orders and patterns, orders draped in plastic, hung on hangers, waiting to be completed. And in an adjacent room, Kathys sister, Grace Bomarito, who is a partner in the business, is sorting out patterns. Bomarito also works full time and helps out as much as she can. In addition to managing their business, Kathy also runs the quilting club at Gran Paradiso, which meets at 10 a.m. Wednesdays. She supplies the patterns and the group members produce quilts which are then donated to various charities including Hopes and Dreams for ALS. They have also sent quilts to hurricane victims in Haiti and donated to Quilts for Kids, which is an organization that provides quilts for hospitalized children. Theyve even donated sewing machines to orphanages at which they teach women to sew. The couple has found their niche in quilting. John enjoys working on the machine. He likes that he is able to craft something „ and he is good at it. John has a really good eye for color, for thread selection,Ž Kathy said, opening a drawer of colored spools. Kathy organizes the orders, sews, selects patterns and is in charge of the quilting group. I just like everything about it,Ž Kathy said. I dont feel like Im working.Ž For more information, contact Kathy Lanzner at 941-244-4541 or email her at Kathy@ stitches business togetherBy ALISON POSNERSUN WEST VILLAGES CORRESPONDENT SUN PHOTOS BY ALISON POSNERRequests come in all forms from baby blankets and memory blankets to graduation and wedding gifts. Pictured is a quilt John is currently working on for a client. Kathy Lanzner shows o one of the quilts she and her husband made. Cape Haze Quilting oers services from edging or binding quilts, to more intricate work such as the one pictured. Where Shopping Makes Cents adno=50514545 adno=50514544 on balances of $25,000 or more2.30%APY*60-MONTH CDVisit us at or call 1-800-753-6870 to get started.Enjoy award-winning CD rates consistently above the national average.* Our great rates are a thing of beauty. adno=50514231 The Law Firm of Glenn N. Siegel P.A. BUSINESS, CORPORATE & CONSTRUCTION LAW € Probate Litigation € Construction Disputes € Business Disputes € Probate/Trust/Guardianship Disputes Port Charlotte 941-255-1235 Murdock Professional Center 17825 Murdock Cir, Ste A Port Charlotte, FL 33948 adno=50514578 FREE 30-minute Consultation adno=5051457 0 (941) 380-0973 Lic.# CAC1815497 Free Estimates $ 68 S ERVICE C ALLS N EW S YSTEMS $ 3388 Ž FROM We Have Rebates! Call Today! No monthly interest if paid in full within 24 monthsŽ


LARRY W. SMITH, EPAResidents pick through the wreckage of trailer homes Sunday near Canton, Texas, after a tornado struck.STORMS LEAVE DEADLY TRAILWild weather and waves of tornadoes were heading east after raging through the Midwest and South on Sunday, leaving neighborhoods and lives in ruin. At least eight people were killed over the weekend. 05.01.17 US A SN A PSHO T S Sent back at borderSOURCE Canada Border Services Agency & U.S. Customs and Border Protection via La PresseŽ MICHAEL B. SMITH AND JANET LOEHRKE, USA TODAY 30,233A me ri c an s w e r e d e ni e d e n t ry to C anada in 2016, up 31% fr om 2015. DENIED JOEL CARRETT, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCYApple e arn i n gs d ue out Tues da y I N MO N EY Kevi n  r eu n ites with Remi n i i n se a so n fi na leJEFF NEUMANN, CBS I N LIFE President Trump shifted the blame for inaction on key issues such as health care to Democrats in a wide-ranging CBS interview that aired Sunday. Trump told Face the Nation anchor John Dickerson that the job is something that I really love, and I think Ive done a very good job at it.Ž Trump maintained there is yet another version of the American Health Care Act, House Republicans plan to replace Obamacare, and blamed obstruction by Democrats for Congress failure to pass the legislation before his 100th day in Congress. Trump also said that pre-existing conditions are in the bill. I mandated it.Ž Coverage with people with existing medical conditions has to be included, he continued, because Obamacare is dead,Ž an apparent reference to the struggles the Aordable Care Act has had in states, including Oklahoma and Tennessee, that have had mass exoduses from the plans health exchanges. To Dickersons suggestion that Trumps supporters would be hurt by the GOP plan, Trump noted: Its much dierent than it was a little while ago. This has evolved over a period of days.Ž Beyond his comments to Dickerson, Trump tweeted Sunday that Democrats wanted to bail out insurance companies and large donors. A new Trump plan, he tweeted, also would feature lower premiums and deductibles. Also in the CBS interview: u North Korea. Trump continued to say he doesnt intend to telegraph his thinking on militaryforce. Hours after North Korea had another missile test fail, Trump told Dickerson I will not be happyŽ if the country tests a nuclear weapon. He also said that I really have no commentŽ about North Koreas leader, Kim Jong Un, then proceeded to make a series of comments, including that obviously, hes a pretty smart cookie.Žu Politics. Trump said the biggest lesson learned in his presidency is what he calls the dishonesty of the media. Pressed further, he said he learned about Democrats obstructionism and unbelievably archaic and slowmovingŽ congressional rules. On Day 101, Trump “nds plenty to talk and tweet aboutHe loves the job, has big health-care plans Jayne ODonnell@jayneodonnell USA TODAY ALEX WONG, GETTY IMAGESPresident Trump marks his “rst 100 days in oce with a campaign-style rally Saturday in Harrisburg, Pa. Its that job interview question youd love to dodge:Whats your current, or most recent, salary? Alow “gure could limit your starting pay. A high number might make you seem expensive. Now, several states and cities are banning the question as part of eorts to ensure pay equity for women, but some companies say the new laws represent yet another intrusion into their businesses. This week, the city of Philadelphia said it would hold o on enforcing the legislation until a federal judge rules on a petition to block it from the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia. A federal court already had temporarily stayed the law, which was to take eect May 23. And Connecticut recently dropped the salary historyŽ prohibition from its bill to ensure gender pay equity. Philadelphia joins New York City and Massachusetts, where legislation was passed last month and last year, respectively, in barring employers from asking job candidates about their salary history or bene“ts. The laws are scheduled to take eect in New York this year and in Massachusetts in July 2018. At least eight other states are considering similar measures „ Illinois, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont, according to law “rm Fisher & Phillips. The bills are aimed at closing a long-standing genderbased pay gap that, according to the Census Bureau, has women earning about 80 cents for every dollar earned by men. (Studies that compare men and women in similar occupations and con-NEW LAWS BAN THE SALARY QUESTIONStates and cities say measures needed to close the pay gap between men and women, but somecompaniescomplain it hinders hiring and hurts business Paul Davidson@Pdavidsonusat USA TODAY JOE RAEDLE, GETTY IMAGESClarissa Horsfall joins the A Day Without AWoman rally March8 in Miami to draw attention to pay disparities that data show have women earning as little as 80 cents for every dollar earned by men. v STORY CO N TI NU ES O N 2BNAKASONGOLA, UGANDAIts been a year since Cynthia Misanya found the dismembered body of her 10-year-old daughter, Jane, in a pit under an outhouse. The girl had gone to fetch water in a nearby swamp when she was abducted, strangled and dismembered. Body parts were recovered miles away. I was shocked when I saw the mutilated body of my daughter,Ž Misanya, 30, wept as she recalled the horror. I really couldnt believe if she was really my daughter. She was missing almost every part of her body. She died a very painful death.Ž Police later arrested a wealthy neighbor, businessman Gilbert Odima, who authorities alleged used Jane as a human sacri“ce in a witchcraft ritual designed to bring him good fortune. He confessed to me that he carried out the ritual to boost his dwindling business,Ž Tonny OnyuloSpecial for USA TODAY TONNY ONYULO FOR USA TODAYCynthia Misanya, 30, breaks down as she talks about how her 10-yearold daughter was found dismembered as a sacri“ce. v STORY CO N TI NU ES O N 2BIn Uganda, child sacri“ces frighteningly too common This is an edition of USA TODAY provided for your local newspaper. An expanded version of USA TODAY is available at newsstands or by subscription, and at m For the latest national sports coverage, go to m Orca attacks on gray whales rise THE WIRE


Page 2 The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 PRESIDENTAND PUBLISHERJohn ZidichEDITOR IN CHIEFJoanne LipmanCHIEF REVENUE OFFICERKevin Gentzel 7950 Jones Branch Dr., McLean, Va. 22108, 703-854-3400 Published by Gannett The local edition of USA TODAYis published daily in partnership with Gannett Newspapers Advertising: All advertising published in USA TODAYis subject to the current rate card; copies available from the advertising department. USA TODAYmay in its sole discretion edit, classify, reject or cancel at any time any advertising submitted. National, Regional: 703-854-3400 Reprint permission, copies of articles, glossy reprints: or call 212-221-9595 USA TODAYis a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to other news services. USA TODAY, its logo and associated graphics are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. USA TODAYis committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones at 800-8727073 or e-mail Please indicate whether youre responding to content online or in the newspaper. Corrections & Clarifications trol for other factors, such as experience, “nd much narrower disparities.) By basing future salaries on previous wages, employers can perpetuate the earnings divide, advocates for women say. We know that when employers see some past salary, theyre likely to take that into accountŽ in setting the employees starting pay, says Emily Martin, general counsel for the National Womens Law Center. As a result, too often, when women are paid less than men, that pay disparity can follow them from job to job.Ž In fact, she says, the gender pay gap widens as women age, supporting the theory that employers are relying too heavily on salary history. The new measures generally are part of, or addenda to, broader laws that prevent employers from underpaying women. The legislation in Massachusetts and some other areas also prohibit employers from instructing employees not to discuss their wages. Such conversation is often needed so a female worker can “le a challenge. Generally, the laws allow “rms to rely on salary information if the job candidate volunteers it.More broadly, compensation experts say, the measures address the fundamental unfairness of shackling a new employee to a prior salary. Our advice to organizations is that they should price the position, not price the person,Ž says Lydia Frank, vice president of PayScale, a compensation data and software “rm. Youre trying to “ll a certain role. What you should be doing is understanding the market rate for that role.Ž But Cheryl Behymer, a labor lawyer for Fisher & Phillips who represents employers, says many companies use salary history to set pay and manage their costs. Its hard to “gure out how to pay somebody a fair amount,Ž she says. Youre looking at getting the best employee you can, but ƒ theres nothing wrong with trying to save the company money.Ž The prohibition against asking candidates for their prior salaries follows the passage of ban the boxŽ laws in nearly half the states barring employers from requiring job seekers to acknowledge on applications whether they have a criminal record. Heres another point where the government is dictating to an employer how to conduct its business,Ž Behymer says. Although both the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphiaand Comcast, which is headquartered in the city, oppose the new law, neither would comment. But in a statement in January, chamber president Rob Wonderling said, Tragically we are “nding that when global enterprises are looking to locate their business in America, Philadelphia is quickly falling o the list.Ž He said various new restraints are having a negative impact on job growth.Ž The chamber also argues the salary-history law violates companies free speech rights, and theres no evidence it promotes wage equity Michael Aitken, vice president of government aairs for the Society for Human Resource Management, says a current or previous salary can indicate whether a job candidates pay is above the employers range, avoiding wasted time and resources. But he says companies can address that by including a salary range in a job posting. And while a salary history provides some companies a better understanding of pay for comparable positions, Aitken says, many companies conduct their own market surveys anyway. But for small businesses that cant aord such surveys, the new laws pose a more formidable hurdle, he says. Aitken acknowledges that some employers use a salary history as a baseline to determine future pay, but he says thats typically within the salary range it already has established for the position. Businesses that underpay employees are at risk of losing them to competitors, he says. Meanwhile, as long as the salary history question is still fair game, job candidates inclined to distort their pay should beware: Current or former employers arent required to reveal your former salary if asked by a recruiter, though they can if they wish. SpenDierence, which provides procurement and other services to restaurant chains, asked job candidates for their salary history to help set starting pay until it brought on PayScale as a consultant a year ago, says Carla Williams, vice president of human resources. Now, it has access to a trove of market data. Getting an employee at a bargain (didnt) feel great for us,Ž she says, adding pay disparities can hurt morale, prod employees to leave and open the company to charges of gender discrimination. Now, Williams says, the company annually provides its 40 employees market-based salaries for jobs similar to their own, noting that many mistakenly believe theyre underpaid, so the information is no longer that elephant in the room.Ž Some companies call laws intrusivev CONTINUED FROM 1BToo often, when women are paid less than men, that pay disparity can follow them from job to job.Ž Emily Martin ,National Womens Law Centerla alone. Thousands of children go missing in Uganda annually, and dozens are likely victims of sacri“ce, said Peter Sewakiryanga, a pastor and the aid groups director. There are several cases of child sacri“ce which are neither reported to us nor police,Ž said Sewakiryanga. But we act in time to help those people who report to us. We provide “nancial and medical care for survivors of child sacri“ce.Ž Fueling the practice are witch doctors and believers willing to kill and oer body parts to dark spirits to get rich, heal diseases, mitigate misfortunes, forestall impending events or even help their favorite candidates win elections. Child body parts are especially prized in rituals because people believe mixing their blood with herbs makes a strong concoction that can cure diseases and appease local spirits. Genitalia are especially prized. The witch doctors will tell people who want to become rich to sacri“ce human blood and some private parts of the body,Ž Misanya recounted about Odima, who is now in prison awaiting trial. He said he knew the act would bring him good luck and success in life.Ž Misanyas gruesome experience is only too common in Uganda, where human sacri“ce „ especially of children „ occurs despite the governments eorts to stop it. Ugandan “gures show seven child and six adult sacri“ces in 2015, the most recent numbers available. In 2014, police recorded nine child and four adult sacri“ces. Five years before, they counted 29 cases in total, the most in recent years. The actual number of human sacri“ces likely is higher, says Kyampisi Childcare Ministries, which rehabilitates children lucky enough to escape the ritual. The organization tallied six cases this year in the capital of Kampasaid Moses Binoga, a police commissioner who coordinates the “ght against child tracking and sacri“ce. Binoga said many Ugandans believe such superstitions. Sometimes spirits may demand acertain body part of the child,Ž he said. If you can be able to get it, then this becomes currency to exchange with the evil spirits so that they grant you success.Ž In 2009, the Uganda government imposed the death penalty for anyone who removed a childs body part for human sacri“ce or other witchcraft, or tracked children for that purpose. Yet child rights activists said the death penalty is rarely imposed on those convicted. Last year, for example, a Ugandan court sentenced an 82-year-old woman, Hanifa Namuyanja, to 15 years in jail for participating in the 2012 sacri“ce of her granddaughter. In another sensational case in Kampala last October, four people were arrested for the sacri“ce of Milly Namutebi, 7, and Victor Lugonvu, 4. Police said the alleged killers seduced the children with promises of soda and cookies, then diverted them to a swamp, where they murdered the pair, cutting out their hearts and parts of the girls genitalia. The four accused are now facing trial. But Binonga said justice in the case could be dicult because Ugandan courts can take as long as “ve years to rule in such cases, and key witnesses and parents pressing for convictions often move away before verdicts are rendered. The failure to halt these horrible crimes leaves children living in fear. I dont walk alone,Ž said Georey Buyasi,12, who lives in Luweero in central Uganda. He said his mother accompanies him to school. I fear being kidnapped and murdered by witch doctors. ... Irun anytime I see a stranger.ŽHere in Nakasongola, about 70 miles north of Kampala, Misanya says she still is hoping her daughters murderer gets the death penalty. The government should curb this practice. I still feel the pain of losing a child in such a manner,Ž she said. I want him also mutilated like he did to my daughter.ŽRitual killings persist despite efforts to curtailv CONTINUED FROM 1B TONNY ONYULO FOR USA TODAYChildren such as these playing in Nakasongola, Uganda, live in constant fear of being kidnapped and ritually sacri“ced. I fear being kidnapped and murdered by witch doctors. ... I run anytime I see a stranger.ŽGeorey Buyasi ,12, of Luweero in central Uganda An April 21 story about problems with household waste recycling misdenti“ed the city of Boulder City, Nev.MEXICOCITYIn 2012, Javier Duarte was lauded as the standard-bearer of a new generation of governors who would modernize Mexico and put a fresh face on atired, old party associated with corruption. Five years later, the former governor of the Gulf Coast state of Veracruz stands accused of siphoning o nearly $3 billion of public money, some of it into shell companies. His wife is accused of going on a $500,000 spending spree, according to investigators, who found a warehouse loaded with goods presumably pilfered from the state government. I deserve abundance,Ž she wrote in a diary authorities seized. Mexicans are long accustomed to politicians living the high life o the public till while nearly half the population wallows in poverty. But Duartes alleged thievery and his wifes ability to ”y to London and escape criminal charges was over the top even for them. The case against Duarte, 43, who was detained in Guatemala over Easter weekend following a six-month international manhunt, has become a symbol of Mexicos long struggle with political corruption. A politician who is poor is a poor politicianŽ and Not living o the public purse is to live in sinŽ are common refrains here. Duarte, who awaits extradition to Mexico, also represents the growing power of governors, who once served at the pleasure of the president, but gained more autonomy and ever bigger budgets as the country cast aside one-party rule in 2000. Political analysts liken them to corrupt warlords operating without oversight from state legislatures, auditors and courts. These people have bankrupted their states, it appears, for personal gain. Thats hard to do,Ž said Jerey Weldon, a political science professor at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM). Astudy by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness, a think tank, found 41 governors accused of corruption between 2000 and 2013; 16 were investigated and only four were punished. All nine U.S. governors accused of corruption during the same period were detained and prosecuted, according to the study.Duarte became notorious for poor security during his tenure, as his state experienced widespread violence. Mass graves were unearthed, including one containing more than 250 skulls. At least 17 journalists were murdered while he was governor from 2010 to 2016, prompting press freedom groups to call Veracruz the most dangerous place in the hemisphereŽ to practice journalism. Duarte resigned in October and ”ed in a government helicopter.He isnt the only ex-governor in recent trouble. Toms Yarrington, former governor of the violence-ridden state of Tampaulipas on the Texas border, was arrested in Italy on April 9. Yarrington, governor from 1999 to 2005, is accused in Mexico and the United States of racketeering and money laundering, allegedly taking bribes from two criminal syndicates: the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas. His successor, Eugenio Hernndez, was indicted in Texas in 2015 on federal money laundering charges. Both Yarrington and Hernndez had state government bodyguards while on the lam, raising questions about the Mexican governments commitment to capturing fugitive governors Mexico ranks No. 123 in Transparency Internationals 2016 Corruption Perception Index, 25 spots lower than the year before. Analysts say its unclear whether corruption has gotten worse or has merely become more visible because of transparency laws, journalists increasingly uncovering graft and social media exposing politicians excesses. What Duarte did was very much in public view,Ž said Fernanda Gmez Abn, a researcher with Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity. As the country moved from a one-party monopoly to competitive elections, political parties needed to put more money into maintaining their patronage groups and to ply poor voters with cash and goodies. Governors use public resources and public sector personnel to rig election outcomes against their enemies,Ž said Federico Estvez, a political science professor at ITAM. As power was decentralized from the federal government in Mexico City, state capitals became destinationsŽ for ambitious politicians, Estvez said. Half the federal budget ”ows through their (governors) hands.Ž Watchdogs say politicians at all levels used to justify the theft of government money, saying they shared it with poor communities and provided proper public services, but now they often just sink the money into their own pockets.Politician accused of $3B theft MOISES CASTILLOMOISES CASTILLO, APFormer governor Javier Duarte of Mexicos Veracruz state boards a police van after a hearing April 19 in Guatemala City. Ex-governor among several charged with corruption in Mexico David AgrenSpecial for USA TODAY


The Sun /Monday, May 1, 2017 Page 3 Awave of tornadoes and wild storms continued its angry march across the Midwest and South on Sunday, raising the death toll to at least eight and leaving homes and neighborhoods in ruin. At least four people were killed and 49 injured Saturday after multiple tornadoes and wild storms swept through Van Zandt County, about 50 miles east of Dallas, Canton Mayor Lou Ann Everett said Sunday. She said crews were still working to assess the situation and the death toll could rise. The storms tore through an area 35 miles long and 15 miles wide, she said. Homes were destroyed, trees and power lines downed. Thousands were without power. The damage was extensive in aected areas,Ž Everett said. I have just driven through some of it, and it is heartbreaking.Ž Canton resident Ernestine Cook said she rushed to a storm shelter just in time. It hit so hard, so fast. It just kept moving,Ž she said. Ive never seen anything like it after 22 years of living here.Ž Storms were blamed for one death in Missouri, two in Mississippi and another in Arkansas. Flash ”ood warnings were issued in multiple states, and there were forecasts for an ongoing major ”ood eventŽ in parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. The governors of Missouri and Oklahomadeclared states of emergency. Five to 9 inches of rain fell in some areas Saturday, the weather service said. The threat of additional ”ooding and other storm issues moved Sunday into the South and the Tennessee Valley. The good news for Texas, Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma is that things are shifting o to the east,Ž AccuWeather senior meteorologist Dan Pydynowski told USA TODAY. That is bad news for Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama.Ž He said multiple tornadoes and heavy rains were reported Sunday in Mississippi. In Warren County, local emergency management Director John Elfer said rescuers pulled a truck carrying a man and a 3year-old child from high waters. This is all associated with the same system that caused all the problems in Texas,Ž weather service Meteorologist Ed Tarver said. Its our turn.Ž In southwest Missouri, a woman was swept away by ”oodwaters Saturday near Clever. Contributing: Emily Brown, USA TODAY; WFAA-TV, Dallas; Therese Apel, The (Jackson, Miss.) Clarion-Ledger TOM FOX, THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS VIA APCars and trucks are damaged when walls collapse at the I-20 Dodge dealership near Canton, Texas, on Saturday. At least four people were killed and 49 injured after multiple tornadoes swept through Van Zandt County.Deadly rampage of storms, tornadoes heads to South John Bacon@jmbacon USA TODAY System running from Texas to Missouri moves eastward after at least 8 killed over weekendLegendary Swiss mountaineer Ueli Steck, who built a global reputation for unrelenting speed scaling the worlds highest peaks, died Sunday in an apparent fall in Nepal, his family said. Ueli Steck was killed while trying to climb Mount Everest and the Lhotse,Ž the family said on his Facebook page, adding that the exact circumstances of his death were not yet known. Steck, 40, held several records for solo and speed climbing. He twice won the Piolet dOr „ Golden Ice Axe „ a prestigious international mountaineering award. His accomplishments won him the moniker Swiss Machine.Ž Steck and Tenzing Sherpa were preparing to climb Mount Everest by the dicult and dangerous West Ridge/Hornbein Couloir route, The Himalayan Times reported. The duo also hoped to climb Lhotse, the worlds fourth tallest mountain. The website said Steck was preparing his body to high altitude climbing when he apparently fell. Agroup of six rescuers found his body, saying he could have slipped and fell on an ice-covered slope. Fellow mountaineers had seen him climbing Mount Nuptse alone a short time earlier, the Times said. His death was the “rst of the spring mountaineering season. It cut short what could have been an epic climb. He said he felt great, that his body felt stronger than ever before. But he acknowledged that his climbing plan was a dicult one, that success was not assured. I will not make a de“nition of success,Ž he said. I think that is wrong. ... The only de“nition (for not) being successful is if you have an accident and you are going to die.ŽSwiss Machine climber dies near Mount Everest John Bacon@jmbacon USA TODAY Ueli Steck was preparing to tackle dicult route to summit AFP/GETTY IMAGESSwiss climber Ueli Steck, 40, held several records for solo and speed climbing. Maybe youve had multiple tests, only to nd out no one has any idea what you have. Maybe youve even been put on a drug with heavy side eects. My name is Dr. Laura Korman D.C., D.A.C.B.N. owner of Korman Relief & Wellness Center. Ive been helping people with neuropathy and nerve problems for years. More than 20 million Americans suer from peripheral neuropathy, a problem caused by damage to the nerves that supply your arms and legs. This painful condition interferes with your bodys ability to transmit messages to your muscles, skin, joints, or internal organs. If ignored or mistreated, neuropathy can lead to irreversible health conditions.Why not get help by those trained to correct the major cause of peripheral neuropathy?Data from the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Job Analysis of Chiropractic lists arm and leg neuropathy as the second most common nerve problem treated by chiropractors. Often neuropathy is caused by a degenerating spine pressing on the nerve roots. This can happen in any of the vertebral joints, from the neck all the way down to the tail bone.It Promotes Rapid Healing Deep Tissue Laser Therapy is an outpatient, non-surgical procedure, often used in physical therapy and sports medicine to accelerate the healing process. It oers non-invasive treatment to promote healing for those who suer from pain in muscles, nerves, and joints, like that associated with chronic pain. Similar lasers are used by professional sports teams including the New York Yankees and Cincinnati Bengals. This pain-free, non-surgical approach works by stimulating the bodys natural healing processes, providing pain relief and reducing injury damage. This leading edge technology has an impressive success rate of returning patients to work, sports, and competitive activities, as well as everyday life. Patients treated with Deep Tissue Laser Therapy often show a higher level of function, both during and after the treatment period. The therapeutic laser provides a tremendous alternative for those facing surgery.How To Find Out If This Will Work For You Its time for you to nd out if this treatment will be your neuropathy solution. For the rst 25 callers only, $60 will get you all the services we normally charge new patients $390 for. What does this oer include? Take a look at what you will receive: where I will listenƒreally listenƒto the details of your case. can start mapping out your plan to being pain-free. Youll get to see everything rst hand, and nd out if this amazing treatment will be your pain solution, like it has been for so many other patients. The appointment will not take long at all, and you wont be sitting in a waiting room all day either.Heres What To Do Now This oer is only good for the rst 25 callers. Call today, 941629-6700, and we can get you scheduled for your consultation and exam as soon as theres an opening. Our oce is located at 16954 Toledo Blade Blvd. in Port Charlotte, FL. When you call, tell the receptionist youd like to come in for the Neuropathy Evaluation so we can get you on the schedule and make sure you receive proper credit for this special oer.Sincerely, Dr. Laura Korman D.C., D.A.C.B.N. P.S. At our oce, we have specialized treatment programs for patients who suer from neuropathy. Why suer with years of misery? Thats no way to live, not when there could be an easy solution to your problem. Dont live in pain when we may have the solution youve been looking for all along. Neuropathy aects every part of your life; walking, sitting, and even sleeping.Do You Have Any of the Following Symptoms? If so, you may have a condition called peripheral neuropathy.SUFFER FROM?Neuropathy If you suer from a Single one of these Torturous Symptoms Numbness, Tingling or Sharp Nerve Pain en the Facts Below may be the Most Important You have ever read in YOUR LIFECall TODAY For Special Oer, First 25 Callers! 941-629-6700 Reduced Blood FlowDamaged NerveWHICH OF THESE SYMPTOMS DO YOU Call 941-629-6700 AVAILABLE TO THE FIRST 25 CALLERS AVAILABLETOTHEFIRS Heres what our patients have to say:Prior to seeing Dr. Korman I could not walk. I was in pain from my waist down to my ankle. My wife had to help me dress. I needed crutches to get around. I suered for about three months. I had to stop golng, playing bocce. I stopped doing anything, even driving. en I heard about Dr. Korman from a neighbor and a friend. I am now back to normal, doing everything I always did, even washed my two cars.Ž -Salvatore T. My best friend, Amanda, recommended I see Dr. Korman. I have been able to reduce my pain medicines by over 75% since I started seeing her. I feel as though there is hope again, and knowing I wont be in pain the rest of my life is amazing.Ž -Michelle S. $60 CONSULT, EXAM, NECESSARY X-RAYS AND ONE DEEP TISSUE LASER TREATMENT($390 VALUE)Dr. Laura Korman D.C., D.A.C.B.N. Korman Relief & Wellness Center 16954 Toledo Blade Blvd. in Port Charlotte, FL Cell body Basement membrane Myelin sheath Axon Normal Compressed Sheath loss Disconnection Degeneration adno=50514331


Page 4 The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 CINCINNATIAs they waited for their adoptions to be “nalized Thursday, the six siblings sat on acourtroom bench. All six were smiling. When Hamilton County (Ohio) Probate Judge Ralph TedŽ Winkler oered them a chance to speak, several of the oldest did. Im happy that Im here because everything is wonderful,Ž said 12-year-old Cayley, one of the two girls. This is just what Iwanted.Ž Her brother Caleb, 13, said: I would not know where Id be right now if it wasnt for the Sanders. We (were) having a rough life, before.Ž The Sanders are Christina and Christopher Sanders „ a Forest Park, Ohio, couple who in 2014 took in the four boys and two girls as foster parents. All six adoptions were “nalized in a courtroom packed with family members, Hamilton County Job and Family Services workers as well as teachers and ocials from the schools the children attend. The children were the Sanders “rst placements as foster parents. We just made the agreement „ whoever we get, we will keep em,Ž said Christina Sanders, 41, a nurse for TriHealth. It was rough but we did it. And we are happy we did.Ž The logistics are dicult. Although they live in a six-bedroom home, the Sanders have “ve children of their own. The oldest, 19, is now a student at the University of Cincinnati. Still, the children have welcomed Cayley and Caleb, as well as Coby, 16, Christan, 14, Carson, 10, and the youngest, 9year-old Chloe. When Christan thanked the couple for changing my life,Ž several people in the courtroom began wiping tears from their eyes. Christina Sanders has wanted to take care of children since she was a young girl, she told the judge. Its just part of her personality, she said. Christopher Sanders agreed: I can say this „ my wifes been doing this way before this.Ž Her heart is huge,Ž he said, and its starting to rub o on me.ŽWinkler said he hoped the familys story will inspire others.They serve as an example ... to how people can change the community one child at a time,Ž he said, pausing brie”y. Or, six children at a time.Ž Six siblings adopted into one family Kevin GrashaThe Cincinnati Enquirer MEG VOGEL, THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRERChristina and Christopher Sanders pose with their family at the Hamilton County Probate Court, before their adoption of six children Thursday.HIGHLIGHT: OHIOSTATE-BY-STATE ALABAMAMontgomery: Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey has appointed Lyn Stuart to lead the Alabama Supreme Court as chief justice. Stuart, an associated justice, replaces Roy Moore, who resigned to run for the U.S. Senate. ALASKAJuneau: An Alaska marijuana retailers tax payment was sent back to the business by the U.S. Postal Service, which refused to ship the money, The Juneau Empire reports. Rainforest Farms tried to send a box of cash to pay its taxes, but the post oce says the cash is considered drug proceeds. ARIZONABisbee: Rescuers who descended a cli to save a dog near Bisbee last week were prepared to deal with aggression or panic. Instead, they were greeted with a wagging tail and face licks. The Cochise County Sheris Oce says a canine harness and rope system lowered the dog to safe ground. ARKANSASFort Smith: An Exide Technologies battery plant in Arkansas has locked out employees following a deadlock in union contract talks. The Southwest Times Record reports that the union rejected the companys “nal oer. CALIFORNIASan Francisco: A second San Francisco cable car conductor is accused of stealing cash collected from riders, The San Francisco Chronicle reports. David Reyes, 55, was arrested last week on embezzlement and theft charges. A week earlier, Albert Williams, 61, was charged in a similar case. A one-way cable car ride costs $7. COLORADODenver: The owner of a Colorado wild animal sanctuary is defending the decision to euthanize 11 animals after Elbert County ocials denied a request to relocate. The animals at the Lions Gate sanctuary included bears and African lions, KMGHTV reports. CONNECTICUTHartford: Connecticut lawmakers are seeking to reduce the scope of the cable TV and online public aairs network that covers the legislature. Lawmakers want to ensure that limited resources are spent on legislative coverage and not original programs. DELAWAREPort Mahon: Federal ocials say humpback whales are dying in unusually large numbers along the Atlantic Coast. The News Journal reports that a decomposing whale washed into shallow water in the Delaware Bay recently, but weather is hampering eorts to study it. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:The White House says a retired Marine major general is the new director of the Secret Service. Randolph Alles is replacing Joseph Clancy, who retired in March. FLORIDATallahassee: Floridas liquor wall has been around since Prohibition ended. But it could be torn down if Gov. Rick Scott signs a bill to eliminate the requirement of aside store for selling alcohol apart from other products. The measure passed last week by one vote.GEORGIAAugusta: For now, Augusta ocials are rejecting a ban on saggy pants. The Augusta Chronicle reports that a motion to have a lawyer draft an ordinance for the ban failed last week. HAWAIIHonolulu: Residents along Oahus north shore are calling for a ban on commercial tour buses. Critics say the buses drop o large crowds of tourists at public parks and beaches, limiting access by residents, Hawaii News Now reports. Complaints also include blocked roads and illegal parking. IDAHOBoise: Arevamped commission overseeing Idahos natural gas and oil industry and a beefed up state agency to aid that eort emerged from this years legislative session. ILLINOISChampaign: University of Illinois ocials say a team of outside experts has issued suggestions for improving diversity and inclusion on campus. INDIANAFort Branch: Residents of Fort Branch lost their only grocery store to a 2014 “re. Now, theyre pressing ocials to do something to bring a new store to the Indiana town, the Princeton Daily Clarion reports. IOWANevada: Aformer Iowa “re academy administrator pleaded guilty to falsifying test scores that were used to improperly certify “re“ghters. Authorities say John McPhee assigned passing scores to exams without checking or correcting them. KANSASTopeka: Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback is proposing to spend $24 million over two years on security measures to keep concealed guns out of state hospitals. A 2013 law will require hospitals to let people bring in concealed guns starting July 1 unless the buildings have measures such as metal detectors and guards. KENTUCKYLouisville: The Coalition for the Homeless says recent counts indicate the Louisville homeless population has declined by more than 5%. But a census of the homeless also shows an increase in the number of people living on the streets, pointing to a need for more shelters. LOUISIANANew Orleans: Visitors who ooh and ah at the Audubon Zoos newest baby will be saying the colobus monkeys name: Ua. Thats ”owerŽ in Swahili. Ua was born March 17. MAINEBrewer: A Maine woman accused of attacking her ex-boyfriend with a sword has been banned from town. A judge says Christina McCarthy, whos described as a transient, has to leave Brewer but may return once to get her belongings „ if accompanied by police, WABI-TV reports.MARYLANDBaltimore: The Maryland Medical Examiners Oce is searching for additional examiners to help handle a surge in opioid overdose deaths, The Baltimore Sun reports. MASSACHUSETTSSalem: A Massachusetts city known for celebrating the occult is drawing attention after its mayor snapped aphoto that appears to show a scowling face trapped in a streetlamp. Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll shared the photo on Twitter last week, calling the face eerie.ŽMICHIGANEast Lansing: Michigan State University is curbing moped parking following an increase in use of the vehicles to get around campus, The Lansing State Journal reports. MINNESOTAMinneapolis: Mayor Betsy Hodges has blocked the police chiefs choice for leading a precinct that includes some of Minneapolis most violent neighborhoods. Chief Janee Harteau chose Lt. John Demonico for the job, citing his leadership and work in developing community partnerships. MISSISSIPPIClinton: Mississippis tax collector wants to make sure people renting rooms or vacation properties online pay sales and lodging taxes. The Revenue Department has “led a rules change to clarify that any property advertising itself for rent must pay the states 7% sales tax. MISSOURIKansas City: Afederal appeals court has rejected arguments by a man sentenced to prison on drug charges that he had a religious duty to sell heroin. Timothy Anderson says heprovides the narcotic to the sick, lost, blind, lame, deaf and dead members of Gods Kingdom.Ž MONTANABillings: Aman who was injured after being struck by asport utility vehicle in Billings was cited for jaywalking. Police say Harold Bohrer, 81, was crossing the street outside of the crosswalk one day last week when he was hit by a vehicle pulling out of aparking lot, The Billings Gazette reports. NEBRASKANorfolk: Amemorial dedicated to Vietnam veterans was unveiled Sunday at the Norfolk Veterans Home. It includes an engraved stone and engraved benches surrounding it. NEVADAReno: Some recreation activities in Hungry Valley have been scaled back since 13,000 acres were given last October to the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, KTVN-TV reports. But colony ocials say peaceful things like riding horsesand backpacking are still allowed. NEW HAMPSHIREManchester: The city has lifted voluntary water restrictions put in place last fall during a drought. Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas tells WMUR-TV that water levels in Lake Massabesic are back to normal. NEW JERSEYAtlantic City: Atlantic City police have con“scated 62 toy guns from a store on the Boardwalk. Police say the toys at Bags and Accessories appeared real except for orange tips at the end of the barrels, but the tips are easily removed. NEW MEXICOSanta Fe: Unions representing state government workers in New Mexico oppose Gov. Susana Martinezs plan to save money through furloughs, The Santa Fe New Mexican reports.NEW YORKNew York: Its a salamander with a few more comical names. The Wildlife Conservation Societys Bronx Zoo is displaying two Eastern hellbenders „ also known as devil dogs,Ž snot ottersŽ or old lasagna sides.Ž NORTH CAROLINAOcracoke: A woman who led police on a highspeed chase on a North Carolina coastal island found out its hard to elude the law when the only road leads to a ferry dock. Tara Cranmer ran after she was stopped near the dock but was caught an hour later. NORTH DAKOTADes Lacs: Voters in the Des Lacs-Burlington school district last week rejected a $15 million bond issue to improve school buildings, The Minot Daily News reports. OHIONorth Lima: Police in Ohio are looking for Bigfoot. A gift shop owner reports that statues of the hairy creature vanished from outside her store last week, WFMJ-TV reports. OKLAHOMAOklahoma City: Oklahoma has hit a record „ more than 62,000 oenders in the states prisons. The state Department of Corrections asked for nearly $849 million to build two new prisons, but lawmakers cut that to about $485 million. OREGONGrants Pass: Ocials at a Grants Pass youth shelter apologized for turning down proceeds from a concert that featured the Portland Gay Mens Chorus. The faith-based Hearts With A Mission was to get nearly $3,000 from the sold-out event, The Grants Pass Daily Courier reports. PENNSYLVANIAHarrisburg: Pennsylvania is cracking down on illegal gambling machines. State Police say inspections last week at 48 bars and clubs in four counties resulted in the seizure of 215 illegal gambling devices and over $177,000 cash. RHODE ISLANDProvidence: Rhode Islands second-largest hospital system is laying o workers to cut costs. Most of the Care New England layos will be at Women and Infants Hospital. SOUTH CAROLINAMyrtle Beach: Two sharks are being tracked close to South Carolinas Myrtle Beach, The State reports. The sharks were originally tagged near Hilton Head Island. SOUTH DAKOTAPine Ridge: Amid a wave of drug crimes, a law enforcement shakeup has hit the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The Oglala Sioux Tribal Council declared a state of emergency last week and withdrew its support of Police Chief Harry Martinez, who later resigned, KOTA reports. TENNESSEENashville: More than two acres of state-owned property in downtown Nashville near the state Capitol will be auctioned June 21, The Tennessean reports. The facilities were once used by the Tennessee Regulatory Authority. TEXASLaredo: The FBI and Texas Department of Public Safety have raided Laredo municipal oces, the Webb County Courthouse and other oces. Agents seized materials and sent employees home during the raids last week. The FBI declined to reveal what prompted the action.UTAHOgden: Investigators say a candle started a “re that caused $10,000 in damage to a Catholic church in Ogden, The StandardExaminer reports. The “rst ”oor of the building sustained most of the damage. No one was injured. VERMONTCraftsbury: Vermont police are searching for the people responsible for tearing up afarmers “eld with a vehicle. Police say it appears a vehicle did several doughnutsŽ in a hay“eld belonging to the Demeritt Farm, Fox 44 reports. VIRGINIASpring“eld: Awoman says she was asked to leave a Virginia church for breastfeeding her 1-year-old daughter. A state law passed in 2015 allows women to breastfeed anywhere they have alegal right to be. Ocials at Summit Church in Spring“eld did not respond to requests for comment. WASHINGTONSpokane: Methamphetamine is contributing to more drug overdose deaths than any other drug in Spokane County, according to a report issued by the county Medical Examiners oce. Fatal meth overdoses climbed from 29 in 2015 to 49 last year, a 69% increase, The Spokesman-Review reports. WEST VIRGINIASouth Charleston: West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice has stopped a pilot project that would have charged entrance fees at seven state parks and forests. Justice calls the decision to charge a $2 daily fee starting Memorial Day weekend an error made without his approval. WISCONSINMilwaukee: Three women went to court last week to seek the right to sell homemade baked goods to the public. Wisconsin bans such sales of cookies, muns and other homemade bakery. Sellers need a license, which means renting or building acommercial kitchen, getting inspected and paying fees.WYOMINGCasper: Authorities say a woman stole nearly $40,000 worth of brass vases from a Wyoming cemetery and recycling the metal for cash. A Casper cemetery worker reported at least 250 ”ower vases missing from headstones. Compiled from sta and wire reports. News from across the USA


The Sun /Monday, May 1, 2017 Page 5 U S A SN A PSHO T S Counting starsSOURCE Podium survey of 2,005 U.S. consumersJ A E YAN G AN D VERO N IC A BR A VO, US A TOD AY out of 5 stars, on average, is the minimum online star rating of a business that a customer would want to engage with.3.3 stars MONE Y INDEXCLOSECHGDow Jones industrials20940.51 y 40.82 Dow for the week392.75 x 1.91% Nasdaq composite6047.61 y 1.33 S&P 5002384.2 y 4.57 T-bond, 30-year yield2.96% y 0.01 T-note, 10-year yield2.29% y 0.01 Gold, oz. Comex$1269.50 x 4.20 Oil, light sweet crude$49.18 y 0.05 Euro (dollars per euro)$1.0899 x 0.0017 Yen per dollar111.39 x 0.16SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM FRIDAY M ARKETS Going where some rivals and fast-food chains have already gone, one of the nations largest poultry producers, Tyson Foods, is announcing Monday that it will go antibiotic-free by the end of the year. In making its move, Tyson Foods joins competitors like Perdue and Pilgrims Pride. Also, it mirrors what has been happening among fast-food and quick-service restaurant chains. KFC announced last month it will rid its chicken of antibiotics by the end of 2018. Also going without antibiotics are McDonalds, Burger King, Panera, Chipotle, Taco Bell and Wendys. Tyson said its antibiotic-free pledge will apply to poultry it sells in supermarkets under its own Tyson label. For Tyson and the others, the move is being driven by consumer demand for food free of anything deemed unnatural, whether its antibiotics, preservatives or something else. Consumer Reports magazine found in a 2015 survey that one of four shoppers was buying meat and poultry without antibiotics more often than they had in the prior year. Chickens are treated with antibiotics to keep them healthy as they grow. They live in relatively tight quarters, so a single sick bird can infect the ”ock. Tyson Foods, based in Springdale, Ark., states that in its 2016 “scal year, it processed 35 million chickens a week. When antibiotics are out of the mix, companies must look to other strategies to maintain chicken production „ and some are costly. Tysons, for example, says it has better ventilation to prevent illnesses and that its birds are fed a special probiotic diet. Its a time to be cleaner, cleaner, cleaner, so you dont introduce bacteria in the hatchery,Ž said Bruce Stewart-Brown, senior vice president for food safety at Perdue. Some of the moves add expense, but most chicken producers interviewed said they are absorbing the costs rather than passing them on to consumers. Switching to antibiotic-free poultry translates into about a 10% increase in production costs, according to C. Stephen Roneyof the University of Georgias Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center. We give them more room. We try to do a better job of management, paying more attention to things that in the past we were able to let slide a little bit. We need more manpower, more litter, more bedding, more feed,Ž he said. The pro“t margin is parts of a cent. Theyll have to pass it along to the consumer. Its a profitable business, but its a very narrow margin.Ž The costs even out as companies learn to reduce ”ock mortality and “ne-tune their processes, he added. We will bare the brunt of some of these costs,Ž Tyson Foods president of poultry operations Doug Ramsey said. We believe well be able to reduce those costs over time through continued improvement.Ž An exception was Chipotle, which said it raised its prices 25 to 35 cents but found customers didnt ”inch. When weve had to increase prices to support this philosophy, food with integrity, to these better ingredients that command premium prices, customers have been willing to pay that dierence,Ž said spokesman Chris Arnold. You need to have that kind of price elasticity to do this. A big part of that is the educational piece and teaching consumers about changes youve made and the reasons why.Ž Consumer pressure and size play a role, too. We decided this is the right thing for us to do as a business,Ž said Marion Gross, McDonalds senior vice president and chief supply chain ocer, North America. Were listening more and more to customers. Wouldnt it be great to use our scale and size for good?Ž But the Hartman Groups research found that customers who care about animal welfare make their stance known with their possibly-non-leather wallets. While in the past they may have opted for vegetarian or vegan food, theyre now opting for animal proteins again. As more people demand antibiotics-free chicken, the market grows, and that ultimately makes prices more aordable. Theyre going ”exitarian; theyre being a lot more deliberate about the meat theyre looking to eat, and theyre not necessarily spending more, but more and more are choosing to spend more money on higher quality,Ž said Hartman Group consultant RoberstonAllen. Theres lot of money to be made, because theres a lot of consumer demand for that change to be made. The more companies that do it, the more pressure is placed on other companies.Ž SCOTT OLSON, GETTY IMAGESTyson says its pledge to go antibiotic-free will apply to poultry it sells in supermarkets under its own label. The move is bei ng driven by consumer demand. Ch i cke n comp ani es, f a st food d u mp an t i b i ot i cs Tyson Foods is latest to join eort for cleaner, healthier poultry supply „but the switch could mean big changes to its operations Zlati MeyerUSA TODAY 2011 PHOTO BY PAUL SAKUMA,APLast month, KFC said it would go antibioticfree by the end of next year.Sw i tch ing a w a y f r om an t i b i ot i cs t ran sl a tes in to a bo u t a 10% in c r e a se in p r od u ct i o n costs, o n e expe r t s a ys. SANFRANCISCOApple is synonymous with hardware, and certainly its fortunes can rise and fall with sales of its bestselling device, the iPhone. Yet all those dollars and cents consumers pay for iTunes, Apple Music and Cloud storage are adding up to big numbers. When Apple announces its “scal second-quarter results late Tuesday, Apple Services will once again be a major story line. It is turning into a $7 billion sales machine for Apple and in three years could account for nearly one-third of the companys sales. This should spice up what is typically Apples quietest quarter „ the proverbial intermission between its blockbuster holiday season and the latest, greatest iPhone announcement in the fall. Financial analysts predict a bump in revenue and sales primarily because of growth in Apple Services. Its part of an evolving strategy at Apple that started 16 years ago with then-CEO Steve Jobs, who determined enhanced services integrated into hardware not only improved sales but was crucial in keeping customers within Apples ecosystem, says Tim Bajarin, an analyst at Creative Strategies who covers Apple. (Apples) investment in services will only increase and will drive how they design future hardware to maximize these new services and more closely tie them to their hardware designs,Ž Bajarin says. For people with an Apple device in their pocket or on their desk, this means more reason to spend time, and money, on their device „ viewing content, listening to music, using apps, making online purchases. Angelo Zino, a senior equity analyst at CFRA Research who has a strong buyŽ on Apple shares, forecasts an 18% jump in Service-related revenue to $7.07 billion. For the quarter ending in March, analysts polled by S&P Global Market Intelligence estimate earnings of $2.02 per share on revenue of $53 billion, compared with $1.90 and $50.6 billion, respectively, in the same quarter a year ago. Zino forecasts iPhone shipments will rise slightly to 51.5 million, accounting for about 67% of all quarterly revenue. The real growth will come from Services, which will contribute 13% to sales, continuing a recent surge. Company CEO Tim Cook has compared the division to a Fortune 100-like company. We feel great about this momentum, and our goal is to double the size of the Services business in the next four years,Ž Cook said in a conference call announcing Apples “rst-quarter earnings in January. Apple reported $7.17 billion in Services sales for that quarter, up 18%. Indeed, the Services juggernaut „ which includes the App Store, Apple Music, iTunes, AppleCare and iCloud „ could reach $52 billion annually from $26 billion today, estimates Kulbinder Garcha, an analyst at investment bank Credit Suisse. Whats next? Maybe money transfer. Apple is in talks to launch a service that would rival Venmo, popular with Millennials, and the more established PayPal, reports Recode, and could be exploring enhanced video services. Video oers another tantalizing possibility for the ”edgling division, Garcha and other analysts contend. Apples Services division a cash juggernaut Technology giant making good on Steve Jobs vision Jon Swartz@jswartz USA TODAY APPLE


Page 6 The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 From 2009 to 2016, a cybercrime network called Avalanche grew into one of the worlds most sophisticated criminal syndicates. It resembled an international conglomerate, staffed by corporate executives, advertising salespeople and customer service representatives. Its business, though, was not standard international trade. Avalanche provided a hackers delight of a one-stop shop for all kinds of cybercrime to criminals without their own technical expertise but with the motivation and ingenuity to perpetrate a scam. At the height of its activity, the Avalanche group had hijacked hundreds of thousands of computer systems in homes and businesses around the world, using them to send more than a million criminally motivated emails per week. Our study of Avalanche, and of the groundbreaking law enforcement effort that ultimately took it down in December 2016, gives us a look at how the cybercriminal underground will operate in the future, and how police around the world must cooperate to “ght back.Cybercrime at scaleSuccessful cybercriminal enterprises need strong and reliable technology, but what increasingly separates the big players from the smaller nuisances is business acumen. Underground markets, forums and message systems, often hosted on the deep web, have created a service-based economy of cybercrime. Just as regular businesses can hire online services „ buying Google products to handle their email, spreadsheets and document sharing, and hosting websites on Amazon with payments handled by PayPal „ cybercriminals can do the same. Sometimes these criminals use legitimate service platforms like PayPal in addition to others speci“cally designed for illicit marketplaces. And just as the legal cloud-computing giants aim to ef“ciently offer products of broad use to a wide customer base, criminal computing services do the same. They pursue technological capabilities that a wide range of customers want to use more easily. Today, with an internet connection and some currency (bitcoin preferred), almost anyone can buy and sell narcotics online, purchase hacking services or rent botnets to cripple competitors and spread money-making malware. The Avalanche network excelled at this, selling technically advanced products to its customers while using sophisticated techniques to evade detection and identi“cation as the source by law enforcement. Avalanche offered, in business terms, cybercrime as a service,Ž supporting a broad digital underground economy. By leaving to others the design and execution of innovative ways to use them, Avalanche and its criminal customers ef“ciently split the work of planning, executing and developing the technology for advanced cybercrime scams. With Avalanche, renters „ or the networks operators themselves „ could communicate with, and take control of, some or all of the hijacked computers to conduct a wide range of cyberattacks. The criminals could then, for example, knock websites of”ine for hours or longer. That in turn could let them extract ransom payments, disrupt online transactions to hurt a business bottom line or distract victims while accomplices employed stealthier methods to steal customer data or “nancial information. The Avalanche group also sold access to 20 unique types of malicious software. Criminal operations facilitated by Avalanche cost businesses, governments and individuals around the world hundreds of millions of dollars.Low risk, high rewardTo date, cybercrime has offered high pro“ts „ like the $1 billion annual ransomware market „ with low risk. Cybercriminals often use technical means to obscure their identiti es and locations, making it challenging for law enforcement to effectively pursue them. That makes cybercrime very attractive to traditional criminals. With a lower technological bar, huge amounts of money, manpower and real-world connections have come ”ooding into the cybercrime ecosystem. For instance, in 2014, cybercriminals hacked into major “nancial “rms to get information about speci“c companies stocks and to steal investors personal information. They “rst bought stock in certain companies, then sent false email advertisements to speci“c investors, with the goal of arti“cially in”ating those companies stock prices. It worked: Stock prices went up, and the criminals sold their holdings, raking in pro“ts they could use for their next scam. In addition, the internet allows criminal operations to function across geographic boundaries and legal jurisdictions in ways that are simply impractical in the physical world. Criminals in the real world must be at a crimes actual site and may leave physical evidence behind „ like “ngerprints on a bank vault or records of traveling to and from the place the crime occurred. In cyberspace, a criminal in Belarus can hack into a vulnerable server in Hungary to remotely direct distributed operations against victims in South America without ever setting foot below the Equator.A path forwardAll these factors present signi“cant challenges for police, who must also contend with limited budgets and manpower with which to conduct complex investigations, the technical challenges of following sophisticated hackers through the internet and the need to work with of“cials in other countries. The multinational cooperation involved in successfully taking down the Avalanche network can be a model for future efforts in “ghting digital crime. Coordinated by Europol, the European Unions police agency, the plan takes inspiration from the sharing economy. Uber owns very few cars and Airbnb has no property; they help connect drivers and homeowners with customers who need transportation or lodging. Similarly, while Europol has no direct policing powers or unique intelligence, it can connect law enforcement agencies across the continent. This uberizationŽ of law enforcement was crucial to synchronizing the coordinated action that seized, blocked and redirected traf“c for more than 800,000 domains across 30 countries. Through those partnerships, various national police agencies were able to collect pieces of information from their own jurisdictions and send it, through Europol, to German authorities, who took the lead on the investigation. Analyzing all of that collected data revealed the identity of the suspects and untangled its complex network of servers and software. The nonpro“t Shadowserver Foundation and others assisted with the actual takedown of the server infrastructure, while anti-virus companies helped victims clean up their computers.Using the network against the criminalsPolice are increasingly learning „ often from private sector experts „ how to detect and stop criminals online activities. Avalanches complex technological setup lent itself to a technique called sinkholing,Ž in which malicious internet traf“c is sent into the electronic equivalent of a bottomless pit. When a hijacked computer tried to contact its controller, the police-run sinkhole captured that message and prevented it from reaching the actual central controller. Without control, the infected computer couldnt do anything nefarious. However, interrupting the technological systems isnt enough, unless police are able to stop the criminals too. Three times since 2010, police tried to take down the Kelihos botnet. But each time the person behind it escaped and was able to resume criminal activities using more resilient infrastructure. In early April, however, the FBI was able to arrest Peter Levashov, allegedly its longtime operator, while on a family vacation in Spain. The effort to take down Avalanche also resulted in the arrests of “ve people who allegedly ran the organization. Their removal from action likely led to a temporary disruption in the broader global cybercrime environment. It forced the criminals who were Avalanches customers to stop and regroup, and may offer police additional intelligence, depending on what investigators can convince the people arrested to reveal. The Avalanche network was just the beginning of the challenges law enforcement will face when it comes to combating international cybercrime. To keep their enterprises alive, the criminals will share their experiences and learn from the past. Police agencies around the world must do the same to keep up.By FRANK J. CILLUFFODIRECTOR, CENTER FOR CYBER AND HOMELAND SECURITY, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, ALEC NADEAUPRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATIVE FELLOW, CENTER FOR CYBER AND HOMELAND SECURITY, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY and ROB WAINWRIGHTDIRECTOR OF EUROPOL; HONORARY FELLOW, STRATEGY AND SECURITY INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF EXETER SHUTTERSTOCK IMAGES Police around the world learn to fight global-scale cybercrime


The Sun /Monday, May 1, 2017 Page 7 Focus on FloridaTHE WIRE ALMANACToday is Monday, May 1 the 121st day of 2017. There are 244 days left in the year. Today in historyOn May 1, 1967 Elvis Presley married Priscilla Beaulieu at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas. (They divorced in 1973.) Anastasio Somoza Debayle became president of Nicaragua. On this dateIn 1707 the Kingdom of Great Britain was created as a treaty merging England and Scotland took eect. In 1866 three days of race-related rioting erupted in Memphis, Tennessee, as white mobs targeted blacks, 46 of whom were killed, along with two whites. (The violence spurred passage of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution dening American citizenship and equal protection under the law.) In 1915 during World War I, a German submarine torpedoed and severely damaged the SS Gulight, an American tanker near Britains Scilly Isles, even though the United States was still neutral in the conict. In 1931 New Yorks 102-story Empire State Building was dedicated. Singer Kate Smith made her debut on CBS Radio on her 24th birthday. In 1987 during a visit to West Germany, Pope John Paul II beatied Edith Stein, a Jewish-born Carmelite nun who was gassed in the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz. (She was canonized in 1998.) In 1992 on the third day of the Los Angeles riots, a visibly shaken Rodney King appeared in public to appeal for calm, pleading, Can we all get along?Ž In 2011 President Barack Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden during a U.S. commando operation (because of the time dierence, it was early May 2 in Pakistan, where the al-Qaida leader met his end). Todays birthdaysSinger Judy Collins is 78. Actor Stephen Macht is 75. Singer Rita Coolidge is 72. Pop singer Nick Fortuna (The Buckinghams) is 71. Actor-director Douglas Barr is 68. Actor Dann Florek is 66. Singersongwriter Ray Parker Jr is 63. Actor Byron Stewart is 61. Hall of Fame jockey Steve Cauthen is 57. Actress Maia Morgenstern is 55. Actor Scott Coey is 53. Country singer Wayne Hancock is 52. Actor Charlie Schlatter is 51. Country singer Tim McGraw is 50. Rock musician Johnny Colt is 49. Rock musician DArcy is 49. Movie director Wes Anderson is 48. Actress Julie Benz is 45. Actor Bailey Chase is 45. Country singer Cory Morrow is 45. Gospel/ rhythm-and-blues singer Tina Campbell (Mary Mary) is 43. TAMPA, Fla. (AP) „ Two-dozen volunteer divers “shed nearly 100 pounds of party beads out of a channel in the waters of Tampa Bay. The Tampa Bay Times reports the beads likely ended up in the water during Gasparilla celebrations. Gasparilla is the citys signature pirate-themed party thats similar to Mardi Gras, during which participants on boats throw strings of beads to those watching. Trouble is, many of the beads dont make their way ashore. To the tosser and would-be catcher, beads that sink amount to a ”eeting moment of disappointment amid the revelry. But experts say the beads, which became a popular Gasparilla tradition around the 1980s, are as bad for the bay as “shing line or six-pack rings. Fish and birds become entangled in the water.ODD NEWS Divers capture 100 pounds of party beads in waters off TampaMIAMI (AP) „ Marla Dixon was in the “nal stage of labor and ready to deliver a baby boy when the obstetrician arrived at her bedside at North Shore Medical Center in Miami. It was not a high-risk pregnancy. But over the next 90 minutes, the doctor made a series of missteps that led to a tragic outcome for Dixon and her baby „ and a $33.8 million malpractice judgment, according to a federal lawsuit. The Miami Herald reports the verdict ruled the doctor ordered nurses to restart a drug to strengthen contractions, failed to perform a cesarean section „ and walked away from Dixons room for long periods, once for an eight-minute phonecall from his stockbroker. The verdict was handed down by U.S. District Judge Robert Scola in late April. By the time the baby was delivered on Dec. 2, 2013, he was blue in the face and his limbs were limp, according to the verdict handed down by U.S. District Judge Robert Scola. It took a medical team to revive the infant, named Earl Jr., and by then he had severe brain damage from lack of oxygen, according to the lawsuit “led by Dixon and the boys father, Earl Reese-Thornton Sr. The doctor, Dixon said later, blamed her for not pushing hard enough. He also tried to cover his tracks by falsifying the 19-year-old mothers medical record with a note that made it appear she had refused a C-section, according to the testimony of the nurse in charge of delivery. Not one time did he apologize,Ž Dixon said of the doctor, whose name is Ata Atogho. He didnt care. He kept going on with his lies. He blamed me.Ž Atogho did not respond to repeated phone calls and emails because hes on vacation, according to an assistant at MetroMiami Obstetrics and Gynecology in North Miami Beach, where he works. Lawyers for the U.S. Attorneys Of“ce, which represented Atogho in the Dixon case because he worked for the federally funded Jessie Trice Community Health Center at the time, refused to comment. But as Dixon would later “nd out, she was not the “rst parent to sue Atogho for seriously injuring a newborn he delivered in 2013. Atogho delivered two babies that year who were permanently brain damaged, and a third who was disabled for life, according to lawsuits “led by the injured infants mothers „ all of whom were teen age moms receiving care at Jessie Trice, which serves many of Miamis low-income and uninsured residents. Despite the verdict in Dixons case, Atogho has not received a reprimand and no other disciplinary action has been taken against his Florida medical license for the incident. Hes not personally liable for the $33.8 million judgment, either. The U.S. government is on the hook for the money. Dixon and ReeseThornton were able to sue the federal government because Atogho worked for a federally funded health clinic.Judge hands down $33M malpractice judgment VENICE (AP) „ There are times when Christine Higbee and Zack Pacyna “nish each others sentences „ usually punctuated by a laugh or side joke „ and almost always when they explain how the 45-year-old mother of seven decided to give her 26-year-old co-worker one of her kidneys. Higbee and Pacyna, who both work at the Lowes just south of Venice, have known each other for about seven years. She got to know Zack because he works for her boyfriend, Rich LaVance, on the overnight shift, 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. When Pacyna switched to days, she naturally wanted to know why. She learned it was because his kidneys were failing and he was spending his nights, from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m., hooked up to a dialysis machine. He has Alport syndrome, a genetic kidney disease. Pacyna, who lives in North Port, was diagnosed with the disease by doctors at All Childrens Hospital when he was 8 and always knew it would lead to dialysis. But his condition didnt get really bad until May 2015, when he “nally switched to days. It was kind of hard to sleep,Ž Pacyna said. You could only sleep on one side; if you rolled over, it would crimp the line and the alarm would go off.Ž Higbee quickly added: And he came to work and never complained.Ž Quietly, even before Pacyna inquired about being placed on a transplant list, Higbee started the process to become a donor. I said, heck, he can have one of mine,Ž Higbee said, with a laugh. I have seven kids „ if I need one, I can borrow one of theirs. That was a real legitimate reason why I would be a good candidate,Ž she continued, with a slightly more serious tone. Thats always the biggest thing, if you give one of yours away, what if something happens to yours? I have seven kids; one of them would be a match. My odds are pretty good.Ž And yes, many people and new co-workers joke that Higbee has eight kids, now that Pacyna has her kidney. Seven-and-a-half, she typically responds.Not a big dealHigbee donated her kidney to Zack last Dec. 7, at Tampa General Hospital. Theyre talking about it now to raise awareness that April is National Donate Life Month. People need to know that its not a big deal,Ž she said. For Lowes, it has been a fairly big deal. The two were featured in an internal publication that highlighted how Pacnya is barely older than the eldest of Higbees children and showcased another story about a Seattle, Washington, store employee who donated a kidney to a co-worker. Higbee was quick to praise co-workers who helped take her youngest children to school, or made sure she was OK while she recovered from surgery at her home in Port Charlotte. Then again, Higbee was back to work “ve weeks after surgery. Pacyna only stayed at home four weeks befor e returning. Doctors had told them to expect a three-month recovery. I didnt come back for an extra week „ I was like, Youre seriously going to go back to work? Youre going to make me look terrible, stop it,Ž Higbee said, barely controlling her laughter. Im going to look like such a baby.Ž Since then, Pacyna is still on light duty but both are just moving on with life. Higbee said people should not be afraid to donate an organ, if theyre able. Think about it, everybodys bucket list has, They want to be a hero, or They want to save somebodys life, Ž she said. Pacyna interjected, And its a chance to change somebodys life right there.Ž Its just a surgery,Ž Higbee continued. The truth is, why wouldnt you?ŽMother of 7 donates kidney to co-workerBy EARLE KIMELTHE SARASOTA HERALD-TRIBUNE Eight people struck by car on PanhandlePERDIDO KEY (AP) „ Florida authorities say eight people were injured when they were struck by a car while walking. The Florida Highway Patrol said the incident happened on Perdido Key, on the Florida Panhandle near Pensacola, on Saturday night. In a news release Sunday, Lieutenant Eddie Elmore said of“cers are still investigating. Local news outlets report that the eight people were all friends and walking back to an apartment complex when they were struck from behind by a car. At least two people were critically injured, while others were treated and released from a local hospital.The next firefighting and rescue tool: DronesORLANDO (AP) „ In the future, the buzzing sounds of drones could be synonymous with the emergency sirens of “re trucks in one Florida county if the “re chief gets his way. The Orlando Sentinel reports Orange County Fire Rescue took its “rst step toward using unmanned aircraft in its work. County commissioners approved the local “re departments request to apply for authorization from the Federal Aviation Administration to use drones. Fire of“cials say the drones can attach to a variety of tools including cameras, infrared cameras and portable de“brillators. The drones they would use weigh less than 55 pounds and have a range of about 4 miles. They can ”y at speeds between 40 and 60 mph and have a battery life of about 25 to 30 minutes.Florida resident stranded in Haiti in immigration quagmireORLANDO (AP) „ A 24-year-old native of Haiti „ who has lived in the U.S. since he was a baby „ says he is in immigration limbo after returning to the island. The Orlando Sentinel reports Henry Dorvil needed to brie”y return to Haiti to straighten out his immigration status after unwittingly failing to renew his temporary protected status, which allowed him to stay in the U.S. But Dorvil has been stranded in Haiti since December. This month, Dorvils friends started a Help HenryŽ campaign to urge U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to speed up his immigration process. They launched a Facebook page and posted Help HenryŽ posters downtown. Also, more than 75 Sanford business owners and residents have sent letters to the federal government pleading for Dorvils case to be expedited.Officers: Woman agreed to swap sex for $25, fast foodBRADENTON (AP) „ Florida authorities have charged a woman with prostitution after she agreed to perform a sex act on an undercover detective for $25 and chicken McNuggets. The Miami Herald reports 22-year-old Alex Direeno was being held Sunday without bond at the Manatee County Jail on charges of prostitution, possession of drug paraphernalia and on outstanding warrants. Records show that the incident happened last week. An undercover detective told the woman he wanted oral sex and she agreed to do it for $25. As they brie”y went back and forth on the price, she “nally agreed to perform the act for $25 and chicken McNuggets. Its unclear whether Direeno has retained an attorney.Cruise ship to sail from Tampa to Havana for the first timeTAMPA (AP) „ Royal Caribbeans Empress of the Seas ship will leave on its maiden voyage to Cuba from the Port of Tampa to Havana. The ship will launch Sunday for its sevennight cruise to Cozumel, Mexico, Belize City, Belize and Havana, Cuba. The Empress is one of several cruise ships with a route from Tampa to Cuba. Carnivals Paradise ship will also begin trips to Havana starting June 29. Over the next two years, about 40,000 cruise passengers are expected to travel to Cuba on 22 cruises from Tampa. Cruises to Cuba are subject to U.S. rules that ban pure tourism by American travelers to Cuba. Instead the cruises must be people to peopleŽ trips themed on permitted categories of travel such as cultural exchanges. HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE STATE AP PHOTOIn this Saturday photo provided by the Florida Keys News Bureau, a female impersonator hangs on to a makeshift shopping cart while being pushed down Duval Street during the Great Conch Republic Drag Race in Key West, Florida. The obeat event was part of the 35th Conch Republic Independence Celebration commemorating the Florida Keys 1982 secessionŽ from the United States, after the U.S. Border Patrol erected a checkpoint at the head of the Florida Keys Overseas Highway. The celebration continued through Sunday. Conch Republic


Page 8 The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 NATIONAL NEWS WEST CHESTER, Pa. (AP) „ A suburban Philadelphia pastor accused of sexually assaulting and impregnating a teenager has pleaded guilty and been sentenced to three to six years in prison after a judge rejected an earlier plea agreement as too lenient. Thirty-“ve-year-old Jacob Malone, of Exton, was sentenced Friday after entering guilty pleas to institutional sex assault, corruption of minors and child endangerment. He also must register as a sex offender for 15 years. Malone and prosecutors had reached an earlier plea deal that called for a two-year minimum jail term, but Judge Jacqueline Cody rejected that deal a month ago. Malone was working at Calvary Fellowship, a nondenominational church in Downingtown, when authorities say he began sexually assaulting the girl in fall 2014, when she was in her late teens. She gave birth a year ago to their daughter. She maintained he took advantage of her mentally, physically, spiritually.Ž In court, Malone admitted he gave the girl alcohol but said the sexual encounters were consensual. He apologized, saying his failures and weaknessesŽ had hurt her, her family and his family. She admired me and trusted me, and I betrayed that,Ž he said. Cody called the case one of the times when the court system failsŽ and said even with the stiffer sentence in the new plea agreement Malone would be serving a sentence much lighter than the crime deserves.Ž The original charges against Malone included rape. His defense attorney Evan Kelly said in a statement that Malone has always been adamantŽ he did not rape the teenager but has admitted to other crimes. And for that he is embarrassed, ashamed and truly remorseful,Ž Kelly said. District Attorney Emily Provencher said the woman is pleased an additional year was added to Malones minimum jail term. Malone will get credit for the more than one year he has served since his arrest in January 2016. MONTEREY, Calif. (AP) „ Killer whales are on an unprecedented killing spree in Californias Monterey Bay, attacking and feeding on gray whale calves, a marine biologist said. Since April 20, orcas have killed four gray whale calves in eight days, Nancy Black said Friday. Black, who co-owns Monterey Bay Whale Watch, says a family of nine killer whales has taken part in all of the attacks, but the “rst killing involved 33 orcas. Its not uncommon for orcas to prey on gray whale calves, says Shawn Johnson, director of veterinary science at Californias Marine Mammal Center. He hadnt heard about the latest killings. Black called their frequency unprecedented. Usually the killer whales come in and out. They arent here every single day,Ž she told the Monterey Herald. We see them more often in April than May by far, but they just seem to be hanging around and waiting for more gray whales to come through.Ž The calves and their mothers are migrating up the California coast from Mexico. The arrival in Northern California was a few weeks later than usual this year, so a lot of hungry killer whales were waiting, Black said. Adults in the orca family pod also might be teaching the youngsters how to hunt. They (killer whales) learn different methods of hunting from different areas so its passed on through the generations,Ž she said. And this particular group ... is very good at it.Ž The nine-member pod, dubbed Emmas group, includes a matriarch, her daughter Emma and a granddaughter, along with some juveniles, including one dubbed Little B who is less than 6 months old. They learn early because its pretty dangerous for the killer whales to hunt a gray whale because the mother gray whale can slam them with their ”uke,Ž Black said. Orcas share their prey with the rest of the group, including members that didnt take part in the hunt, Black said. She noted the orcas in the latest attacks also killed with unusual speed. A Wednesday attack took just 20 minutes, compared with the several hours it usually takes a pod of orcas to separate a calf from its mother and drown it.Pastor admits impregnating teen, gets 3-6 year prison termOrca attacks on gray whales rise Dear Dave, My wife and I are debt-free, and were ready to start building our “rst home. Were a little short on cash to make the 20 percent down payment you recommend, but we do have a fully funded emergency fund in place. Would it be okay to take a little out of our emergency fund to make up the difference? „ Chris Dear Chris, Well, you didnt give me exact numbers here. I dont know how short a little short is, and I dont know how big your emergency fund is. If you use a little of your emergency fund to round off the 20 percent and then you have an emergency, where are you going to be? I recommend always having three to six months of expenses set aside for emergencies. If youve got $50,000 in your emergency fund and you use $10,000 of it, youll be “ne. But anything that leaves you with less than three or four months of expenses stashed away would worry me. Thats the way youve got to look at it. Just use a little common sense with the numbers. Id love for you to put down 20 percent because youd avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI), which runs about $75 a month per $100,000 borrowed. It costs you a lot of money if you dont put down 20 percent. You should try to do that if possible, but dont be irresponsible with your emergency fund in the process. Your emergency fund, when its there, tends to keep emergencies away. When its not there, you have a tendency to attract emergencies and your life starts to sound like a sad country song! „ Dave Dear Dave, Ill be getting out of the military soon, and I want to open a coffee roastery in civilian life. I had planned to work at an established place like Starbucks for a while so I can learn the business. Recently, Ive become concerned with this idea from an ethical point of view. Can you give me some guidance? „ Wayne Dear Wayne, First, thank you for your service. The fact that you have enough integrity to even think about this means youre a conscientious, honest person. I think youre going to be okay. Making and serving coffee is not a proprietary set of information. Its done all over the world by lots of people, so youre not violating any ethics by doing that. Now there would de“nitely be something wrong with you stealing another companys exact recipes or logo, but I think you already knew that. Theres nothing wrong with learning how to make different coffee drinks that are made all over the world. Starbucks doesnt have a corner on that. There are coffeehouses all across America these days, so theres no ethics breach. Just understand whats proprietary about a company or a brand, and dont duplicate that. Best of luck to you, sir! „ Dave Follow Dave on the web at and on Twitter at @DaveRamsey.Dont compromise emergency fund NATIONAL NEWS BRIEFSGeorgia deputy shoots, kills police dog after it attacks himPERRY, Ga. (AP) „ A Georgia sheriff says a deputy had to shoot and kill the police dog he handled after the K-9 attacked him. Houston County Sheriff Cullen Talton says Sgt. Slate Simons was attacked by the dog named Kyro on Tuesday while helping the Dooly County Sheriffs Of“ce on a manhunt. Talton tells The Telegraph the 4 -year-old Belgian Malinois grabbed onto Simons leg and tore up his calf. He says the only way Simons could get Kyro loose was to shoot the dog. Simons was treated and released from an area hospital and is recuperating at home. Simons told the newspaper that he and Kyro were in thick woods when he thinks Kyro mistook him for the suspect. He called the circumstances unfortunate, saying the dog was just doing his job.Child killed, 3 adults injured when truck hits car in NYCNEW YORK (AP) „ Police say a 3-year-old girl was killed and three adults were injured when a garbage truck hit another vehicle in a New York City neighborhood. The crash happened at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Bronx. Police say a driver in a Chevrolet Malibu swerved to avoid a pothole and was rear-ended by the garbage truck. Three-year-old So“a Aguirre was pronounced dead at Lincoln Hospital. The Daily News reports that the child was riding in the Chevrolet with her mother and grandparents. They were treated for minor injuries. The truck driver remained at the scene and was not charged with a crime. He was driving for Avid Waste Systems. The company did not return a phone call. Commercial trash in New York City is picked up by private trash haulers, not the citys sanitation department.12 hazing complaints since 2014 confirmed at Marine baseBEAUFORT, S.C. (AP) „ Of“cials at the Marine Corps training base in South Carolina say half of 24 hazing complaints investigated since 2014 have been con“rmed. The Island Packet and The Beaufort Gazette reported Saturday that documents obtained through a public records request show the complaints involve all four of Parris Islands training battalions. The newspapers have so far received heavily redacted documents from 15 investigations. Depot of“cials did not specify which 12 of them were substantiated. One investigation found a staggering level of misconductŽ and recommended three Marines for courts-martial after trainees reported being choked, hit in the face, kicked in the stomach and slammed into walls by their drill instructors in February 2015.Second of 2 missing Arkansas children dead, suspect heldMENA, Ark. (AP) „ The second of two missing children has been found dead in western Arkansas. The Polk County Sheriffs Of“ce says the body of 10-year -old Reilly Scarbrough was found Saturday in a wooded area near Hat“eld in far western Arkansas. The discovery comes after the boys 2-year-old sister, Acelynn Wester, was found Friday near Cove and near where the body of the childrens 43-year-old mother, Bethany Jo Wester, was found Tuesday. The womans uncle, 66-year-old Steven Payne, was found dead Thursday in his home in Hat“eld, about 4 miles north of Cove. Suspected causes of the deaths of the four have not been released, but Sheriff Scott Sawyer told reporters that they are considered homicides and a suspect is in custody.Swimmer injured in shark attack at Southern California beachCAMP PENDLETON, Calif. (AP) „ Authorities say a woman has been bitten by a shark in the waters off a popular Southern California beach. State park aide Travis Lara told the Orange County Register the victim was wading in the water when she was bitten along her upper thigh. The attack happened Saturday near San Onofre State Beach along the Camp Pendleton Marine base in San Diego County. Camp Sgt. Asia Sorenson told the San Diego Union-Tribune the civilian victim was airlifted to a hospital in unknown condition. Nearly a year ago, a swimmer was bitten by a shark off Corona del Mar, about 25 miles to the north of the Saturday attack.Girlfriends on-air killing drives anchorman into politicsBLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) „ A former anchorman whose reporter girlfriend was fatally shot on live TV says hes seeking a Virginia state House seat to give back to the community that helped him through his darkest days. Chris Hurst was living with fellow journalist Alison Parker when she and cameraman Adam Ward were killed by a former co-worker while reporting for WDBJ-TV in August 2015. Now, the 29-year-old Hurst is challenging a National Ri”e Association-backed candidate for a competitive House seat in a “rearm-friendly part of the state. Republicans stress their candidates deep roots in the district and paint Hurst as an outsider seeking political advancement. Incumbent Del. Joseph Yost has earned a reputation in Richmond as a humble hard worker and champion for bolstering mental health services.Wolf nearing extinction gives birth to six pups at museumDURHAM, N.C. (AP) „ A wolf nearing extinction in the wild has given birth to six pups at a North Carolina museum. The News & Observer reports a 6-year-old red wolf at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham gave birth Friday to three male and three female pups. It marks the “rst births of the critically endangered animal at the museum since 2002. A critically endangered species is at very high risk of extinction. Red wolves were once a top predator throughout the southeastern United States. Their numbers now total less than 300. The museums red wolves are part of a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services red wolf recovery program. The mother was born at a nature center in Tennessee and transferred to Durham last November.Horseman rides across US to bring attention to Agent OrangeSANTA CLARITA, California (AP) „ A 32-year-old Iraq war veteran who inherited a love of horses and a dedication to military service from his late father is saddling up for a ride from California to the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial in Washington, D.C. Colt Rombergers trip aboard his horse Gus begins Monday from Santa Monica. He expects it to take six months. It will be a tribute to his father, Cliff, and an effort to raise public awareness of the plight of Vietnam War veterans whose bodies were ravaged by Agent Orange. Cliff Romberger was one of those veterans. The wrangler on Hollywood “lm sets was exposed to the toxic chemical defoliant during his service in Vietnam in the early 1970s. Agent Orange was used to wipe out ground cover where enemy forces hid. DANIEL BIANCHETTA/MONTEREY BAY WHALE WATCH VIA APThis Monday, April 24, photo shows a pod of orcas in Monterey Bay oshore of Monterey, California. Killer whales are on an unprecedented killing spree in the bay, attacking and feeding on gray whale calves, a marine biologist said. Dave Ramsey


The Sun /Monday, May 1, 2017 Page 9 TODAY / TONIGHTA thunderstorm around Partly cloudyHIGH 90 LOW 7140% chance of rain 15% chance of rainCouple of thunderstorms87 / 6960% chance of rain TUESDAY GULF WATER TEMPERATUREPartly sunny with a thunderstorm or two88 / 6960% chance of rain WEDNESDAYMostly sunny and beautiful89 / 7115% chance of rain THURSDAYMostly sunny and beautiful84 / 5825% chance of rain SATURDAYA morning t-storm in spots, then a shower83 / 6250% chance of rain FRIDAY 0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource : 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.The higher the UV Index’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Temperatures Temperatures TemperaturesSource : National Allergy Bureau CONDITIONS TODAY AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEX WEATHER HISTORY WEATHER TRIVIA’ PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRING VENICE788894939487Air Quality Index readings as of SundayMain pollutant: ParticulatesPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Sunday Sebring through 2 p.m. Sunday Venice through 2 p.m. Sunday24 hours through 2 p.m. Sun. 0.00Ž Month to date 1.59Ž Normal month to date 2.03Ž Year to date 4.21Ž Normal year to date 9.54Ž Record 1.57Ž (1996) 24 hours through 2 p.m. Sun. 0.00Ž 24 hours through 2 p.m. Sun. 0.00Ž Month to date 0.71Ž Normal month to date 2.48Ž Year to date 4.29Ž Normal year to date 10.97Ž Record 1.57Ž (1957) High/Low 93/72 Normal High/Low 87/63 Record High 93 (2017) Record Low 49 (1967) High/Low 90/70 High/Low 87/75 Normal High/Low 83/64 Record High 91 (2011) Record Low 49 (1928)Pollen Index readings as of Sunday MONTHLY RAINFALLMonth 2017 2016 Avg. Record/Year J an. 0.88 9.93 1.80 9.93/2016 Feb. 0.94 4.09 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.80 1.85 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 1.59 0.99 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.46 2.50 9.45/1991 J un. 14.19 8.92 23.99/1974 J ul. 7.68 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.81 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 7.77 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 4.04 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 0.05 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.44 1.78 6.83/2002 Y ear 4.21 62.30 50.65 (since 1931) T otals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES Today Tue.Apalachicola 78 61 t 83 62 s Bradenton 88 75 pc 86 73 t Clearwater 87 75 pc 84 72 t Coral Springs 88 78 sh 88 74 pc Daytona Beach 88 68 pc 80 64 t Fort Lauderdale 86 77 sh 86 76 pc Fort Myers 91 74 t 88 73 t Gainesville 90 63 pc 84 56 pc Jacksonville 90 61 pc 82 55 s Key Largo 84 78 pc 84 77 pc Key West 85 79 s 85 78 pc Lakeland 89 70 t 86 68 t Melbourne 88 74 pc 85 73 t Miami 86 77 sh 87 75 pc Naples 89 74 pc 87 72 t Ocala 90 66 pc 82 59 pc Okeechobee 88 71 sh 87 67 t Orlando 92 71 pc 85 69 t Panama City 77 60 t 84 63 s Pensacola 79 61 r 84 64 s Pompano Beach 86 77 sh 86 75 pc St. Augustine 87 68 pc 78 64 t St. Petersburg 89 73 pc 87 71 t Sarasota 88 73 t 85 70 t Tallahassee 79 55 t 87 55 s Tampa 89 76 pc 87 74 t Vero Beach 86 72 sh 85 70 t West Palm Beach 85 75 sh 86 74 t Punta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop TIDES MARINEPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORTToday 6:45p 2:35a ----Tue. 7:56p 3:44a ----Today 5:22p 12:51a ----Tue. 6:33p 2:00a ----Today 3:58p ------Tue. 5:30p 12:46a ----Today 7:17p 3:04a ----Tue. 8:28p 4:13a ----Today 3:37p ------Tue. 4:48p 12:39a ----SE 7-14 1-3 Light S 10-20 2-4 ModerateFt. Myers 91/74 storms all day Punta Gorda 91/69 storms afternoon Sarasota 88/73 storms afternoon The Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise Set Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLEForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017First May 2 Full May 10 Last May 18 New May 25 Today 11:48 a.m. 12:41 a.m. Tuesday 12:49 p.m. 1:34 a.m. Today 6:50 a.m. 8:01 p.m. Tuesday 6:49 a.m. 8:02 p.m. Today 11:23a 5:09a 11:52p 5:38p Tue. 12:23p 6:09a ---6:37p Wed. 12:51a 7:04a 1:17p 7:30p WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow flurries, sn -snow, i -ice. THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow IceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesPublication date: 05/1/17 Today Tue. Today Tue. Today Tue. Today Tue.Albuquerque 72 45 pc 74 45 s Anchorage 49 36 c 53 39 c Atlanta 73 54 t 77 56 s Baltimore 82 59 pc 75 52 s Billings 57 40 pc 54 38 r Birmingham 76 53 pc 81 57 s Boise 62 45 pc 67 43 pc Boston 59 53 sh 71 51 pc Buffalo 74 47 t 51 42 sh Burlington, VT 69 55 pc 62 47 sh Charleston, WV 78 51 t 72 46 s Charlotte 78 54 t 77 54 s Chicago 57 41 sh 54 35 c Cincinnati 64 48 c 68 43 s Cleveland 73 49 r 60 45 c Columbia, SC 84 57 t 82 56 s Columbus, OH 70 49 r 68 42 pc Concord, NH 57 48 c 71 45 pc Dallas 81 58 s 85 67 s Denver 60 34 c 61 33 sh Des Moines 49 38 c 65 43 s Detroit 68 45 r 54 39 c Duluth 38 33 sn 53 33 c Fairbanks 60 38 pc 61 42 pc Fargo 56 35 r 64 38 pc Hartford 72 59 c 73 47 pc Helena 57 39 c 58 35 c Honolulu 80 71 t 84 73 sh Houston 85 61 s 87 69 s Indianapolis 58 46 pc 65 41 s Jackson, MS 76 53 s 83 57 s Kansas City 60 46 c 67 48 s Knoxville 74 51 r 74 52 s Las Vegas 88 67 s 90 69 s Los Angeles 81 58 s 81 58 s Louisville 65 52 c 73 48 s Memphis 68 51 s 79 59 s Milwaukee 55 41 r 54 37 c Minneapolis 42 38 sn 57 39 c Montgomery 80 54 pc 84 58 s Nashville 70 50 pc 78 52 s New Orleans 80 60 s 84 65 s New York City 76 62 pc 74 54 s Norfolk, VA 88 67 pc 81 63 s Oklahoma City 73 47 s 75 53 pc Omaha 55 40 r 64 43 s Philadelphia 83 63 pc 75 53 s Phoenix 94 67 s 96 69 s Pittsburgh 75 50 t 64 44 pc Portland, ME 48 45 r 65 46 pc Portland, OR 55 47 sh 64 52 c Providence 67 59 c 73 51 pc Raleigh 83 58 pc 79 55 s Salt Lake City 61 46 pc 63 44 pc St. Louis 56 49 c 70 51 s San Antonio 87 61 s 88 69 pc San Diego 73 59 pc 72 59 pc San Francisco 75 55 pc 76 56 pc Seattle 56 45 sh 63 51 c Washington, DC 83 63 pc 77 56 s Amsterdam 55 45 r 54 45 r Baghdad 96 72 pc 96 67 pc Beijing 83 53 c 85 58 s Berlin 61 45 c 55 43 t Buenos Aires 78 54 s 75 54 s Cairo 85 65 pc 84 64 s Calgary 53 36 pc 54 34 pc Cancun 88 76 pc 88 76 s Dublin 56 43 c 55 43 pc Edmonton 55 34 pc 56 31 pc Halifax 44 38 r 54 46 r Kiev 69 46 pc 69 46 s London 57 45 t 62 45 t Madrid 65 41 s 74 47 s Mexico City 84 57 pc 82 55 pc Montreal 59 52 r 59 43 sh Ottawa 58 50 r 57 39 r Paris 59 44 t 59 45 t Regina 54 33 r 59 36 r Rio de Janeiro 79 64 pc 77 66 c Rome 67 46 pc 69 48 pc St. Johns 37 25 s 39 28 pc San Juan 86 76 sh 84 76 sh Sydney 77 59 c 76 60 c Tokyo 75 56 t 71 57 s Toronto 66 47 t 53 41 r Vancouver 55 42 sh 59 48 pc Winnipeg 61 38 c 60 39 cHigh ............... 93 at Punta Gorda, FLLow ........... 2 at Hohnholz Ranch, CO(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday)79On May 1, 1883, a storm tide swept over Cape Lookout, drowning sheep and cattle. Q: What animal is usually mounted on a weather vane?A: A rooster Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Hull Arcadia Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is todays weather. Temperatures are todays highs and tonights lows. North Port 90/71 90/70 90/71 89/71 90/71 91/70 90/70 90/70 90/70 89/76 88/75 87/76 87/73 91/74 91/72 91/69 90/71 91/70 91/71 90/70 90/71 92/71 93/72 89/73 90/70 87/76 86/73 88/74 91/70 90/75 87/74 89/69 88/73 87/75 85/75 90/73 90/73 89/72 adno=50514557 941-777-4589 Expiration 5/31/2017 $ 99 OFF ANY DRAIN LINE REPAIR


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The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 SP Page 1Monday, May 1, 2017 SPORTS € @SunCoastSportsINDEX | Lottery 2 | NBA 2 | NHL 2 | Golf 3 | Pro Baseball 4 | Scoreboard 5 | Sports Ticker 6Kisner-Brown, Blixt-Smith head to playoffKevin Kisner and Scott Brown will face off against Jonas Blixt and Cameron Smith in a playoff today to determine the victor of the PGAs “ rst team event in 36 years. Page 3By RICK STROUDTampa Bay TimesTAMPA „ The goal still is written on a grease board in Jason Lichts office. The Bucs general manager left it there after a meeting several months ago as a constant reminder that his team had a need for speed. Nowhere is this more important or obvious than on offense, where the Bucs quickly got quicker through free agency and the NFL draft to help quarterback Jameis Winston. The Bucs started in March by signing Redskins free agent receiver DeSean Jackson, who despite being 30 was clocked as the secondfastest man in the league last season. During the three-day NFL draft that ended Saturday, Tampa Bay added 6-foot-6 Alabama tight end O.J. Howard, who runs a 4.5 40-yard dash, in the first round; Penn State receiver Chris Godwin (4.42) in the third; and Boise State running back Jeremy McNichols (4.49) in the fifth. Outside of receiver Mike Evans, who is fast but a strider needing a little runway to get up to maximum speed, the Bucs were pretty slow last season. Winston could finish a crossword before most of his guys could get downfield. Starting in 2017, the Bucs will no longer run like cold honey. You know, you cant have enough speed,Ž Licht said. During this year, I know I mentioned this before, that speed was one thing we thought we needed to add I should say to this team. (Coach Dirk Koetter) and I talked about it numerous times. In fact, in my office I have it written on my grease board. Its been there for several months now. Not that I need the reminder, but I just kind of left it up there after a meeting. We did just that with the tight end ƒ were just looking for players, good players at that. But we thought we added some team speed.Ž All last season, Koetter lamented the lack of explosive plays in the Bucs offense. Koetter defines explosives as runs of 12 yards or more and passes of 16 yards of more. Jackson averages NFL: OffseasonBucs quicken their step in draftNewest BucsPick/Player Pos. College 1 (19) O.J. Howard TE Alabama 2 (50) Justin Evans S Texas A&M 3 (84) Chris Godwin WR Penn State 3 (107) Kendell Beckwith LB LSU 5 (162) Jeremy McNichols RB Boise State 7 (223) Stevie Tulkolovatu DT Southern Cal FRED THORNHILL/THE CANADIAN PRESS VIA APToronto Blue Jays Jose Bautista (19) hits a double, driving in the tying run, against the Tampa Bay Rays in the eighth inning of a baseball game in Toronto, Sunday, April 30, 2017. Toronto wins two in row for “ rst time this yearBy IAN HARRISONAssociated PressTORONTO „ An abbreviated outing by Aaron Sanchez left the Blue Jays bullpen with plenty of work to do. Torontos relievers handled the task in style. Russell Martin hit a go-ahead single during a three-run rally in the eighth inning and the Blue Jays posted back-to-back wins for the first time this season, beating the Tampa Bay Rays 3-1 Sunday. The Blue Jays started the day with a 7-17 record, the worst in the majors. A loss wouldve left them with the poorest winning percentage in March/April in team history. Its pretty amazing you go through a whole month without winning two in a row until the very end,Ž manager John Gibbons said. In a lot of ways, thats hard to do.Ž Toronto lost Sanchez, the AL ERA leader last year, after just one inning because of a split fingernail. He was activated off the 10-day disabled list before the game when a blister on his middle finger healed. While on the DL, Sanchez underwent a procedure to remove part of the troublesome fingernail. I looked down at it very early and there was blood everywhere,Ž Sanchez said. It was just get through the inning and hopefully I can push through and make sure its not worse.Ž Six Toronto relievers combined to limit the Rays to one run in eight innings. Ryan Tepera pitched a career-high 3 innings, Aaron Loup worked two innings, Dominic Leone and Smith each got two outs and J.P. Howell (1-1) got one out. Roberto Osuna finished for his third save. If you ask anybody, youd rather face the arms we faced today than facing Sanchez for seven or eight innings,Ž Rays first baseman Logan Morrison said. Tepera, I thought, threw really well for them. That was Blue Jays top RaysMLB: Tampa Bay By BETH HARRISAssociated PressBob Baffert is sitting out the Kentucky Derby, and not by choice. Having the four-time Derby-winning trainer without at least one horse in the race for just the second time in 11 years indicates what an unpredictable winter its been leading to the start of the Triple Crown. Bafferts best horse, Mastery, got hurt after crossing the finish line first in the San Felipe Stakes. None of his other 3-year-olds developed into Derby material. Instead, hell aim for the $1 million Kentucky Oaks for fillies on Derby eve. This years road to the 143rd Derby derailed other contenders because of injuries, including now-retired Not This Time, Klimt and Syndergaard. The amazing thing of getting a horse to the Derby is keeping him injury free,Ž said Doug ONeill, who trained last years winner Nyquist. For the first time in HORSE RACING: Kentucky DerbyPick a horse, any horse: Derby is wide openASSOCIATED PRESSExercise rider Juan Vargas guides Kentucky Derby 143 hopeful Untrapped during a morning gallop at Churchill Downs on Sunday in Louisville, Ky. By HANK KURZ JR.Associated PressRICHMOND, Va. „ NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France says the challenge of connecting with a new, younger generation of fans is something that all sports are trying to figure out, and one that NASCAR will take some time to figure out. Speaking at Richmond International Raceway before Sundays Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race, France compared the challenge sports are facing to the one retailers are facing because of the popularity of online shopping. NASCAR has seen crowds shrink at virtually every track, many of which have removed seats, and its television ratings have plummeted. At Richmond, which once routinely seated NASCARCEO says sport not isolated in “ ghting to attract new fansBy HANK KURZ JR.Associated PressRICHMOND, Va. „ Joey Logano pulled away after a restart with about 20 laps to go to win the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race at Richmond International Raceway on Sunday. Logano, who qualified fifth but had to start 37th after making a transmission change, grabbed the lead from Penske Racing teammate Brad Keselowski on an earlier restart when Keselowski had to make a defensive move to keep Kyle Busch from passing him on the inside. I was driving my guts out out there,Ž Logano said. Thats all I had. We won with a car that may not have been a winning car, so thats something to be very proud of as a team. That means the execution was there and we were able to NASCAR: Monster Energy Cup SeriesLogano pulls away to win at RichmondJoey Logano celebrates in Victory Lane after winning the NASCAR Cup Series race Sunday at Richmond International Raceway in Richmond, Va. [STEVE HELBER/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] Top 10 “ nishers(Start position in parentheses) 1. (5) Joey Logano, Ford, 400 laps, 42 points. 2. (15) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 400, 50. 3. (16) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 400, 47. 4. (4) Ricky Stenhouse Jr, Ford, 400, 33. 5. (6) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 400, 47. 6. (10) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 400, 38. 7. (13) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 400, 39. 8. (9) Kurt Busch, Ford, 400, 29. 9. (25) Aric Almirola, Ford, 400, 28. 10. (3) Martin Truex Jr, Toyota, 400, 35. SEE BUCS, 3 SEE LOGANO, 3 SEE NASCAR, 3 SEE DERBY, 3 SEE RAYS, 2


Page 2 SP Monday, May 1, 2017 / The SunBy BRYAN LEVINESports WriterPORT CHARLOTTE „ Manager Michael Johns picked up the phone in the Charlotte Stone Crabs dugout during the second inning of Sundays 4-2 loss to the Bradenton Marauders. At the other end of Johns call was Stone Crabs reliever Bryan Bonnell in the bullpen. Get (Taylor) Hawkins up,Ž Johns instructed Bonnell. At the time, starting pitcher Michael Velasquez was in the middle of a four-hit, three-run inning. Velasquez was a heavy 41 pitches into his outing, and appeared to be headed for a short day. If you eliminate just a couple of innings for him this season, hes thrown the ball really well,Ž Johns said of Velasquez. Hes got to be able to control the inning and get out of there with just one run. It seems like one big inning every outing is his Achilles heel.Ž As it turned out, Hawkins wouldnt be needed until the seventh inning, as Velasquez buckled down after the rough second, allowing just one more run, and two more hits. I minimized my pitches (after the second inning),Ž Velasquez said. I left a couple of balls up, and I told myself I have to slow the game down. If you leave them up, they get hit.Ž Velasquez (0-3) and the Stone Crabs were overmatched by Bradenton pitcher Mitch Keller. The Pittsburgh Pirates No. 3 overall prospect had a career-high nine strikeouts over seven innings, allowing no runs on five hits and a walk. Keller was perfect through three innings until a leadoff single in the fourth for Jake Cronenworth broke up the no-hit bid. The hit extended his hitting streak to 24 games, which ties Cronenworth with Francisco Leandro of the 2005 Visalia Oaks (former Advanced-A affiliate) for the third-best hit streak in the history of the Tampa Bay Rays organization. Cronenworth, who served as the designated hitter … according to him … for just the second time in his career, had to figure a way to stay loose between at-bats. Its definitely different,Ž Cronenworth said of being a DH. I just grab a bat, and take phantom (at-bats) off our own pitcher. Its just about keeping a good mindset and staying loose.Ž Charlotte wasnt able to scratch any runs until the eighth inning against Bradenton reliever Bret Helton. The Stone Crabs got to Helton Helton for both their runs when Cronenworth and Moreno led off the eighth with a pair of singles. With Moreno on third after Cronenworth already had scored, Ryan Boldt blasted a pitch that appeared headed for the seats, but winds clocked at 17 mph from right to left killed the balls momentum and it fell for a sacrifice fly. Sunday was the final game of a four-loss, six-game homestand. Charlotte hits the road today for 10 games before returning to Charlotte Sports Park on May 11 for a three-game series with Fort Myers. The lengthy road trip is something Johns says he enjoys. I dont like the threegame road trips and then coming back for three,Ž Johns said. If were going on the road, lets go on the road. I think it brings the club together. Its going to be good for us. You get to the field later. You get to sleep later. Theres a lot more rest involved. Theres a lot less work. It builds team chemistry for sure.Ž The Stone Crabs will face Lakeland for four games before heading to Tampa for three and Clearwater to close out the trip. „Contact Bryan Levine at blevine@sun-herald. com.MARAUDERS 4, STONE CRABS 2Bradenton AB R H BI BB SO Avg.Tucker SS 3 0 1 1 1 0 .230 Hayes 3B 4 0 0 0 0 1 .263 Craig DH 4 0 0 0 0 0 .282 Suiter RF 3 1 1 0 1 0 .273 Hill LF 4 0 0 0 0 1 .274 Arribas 1B 4 2 2 1 0 1 .280 Reyes CF 4 1 1 1 0 0 .303 Tolman 2B 4 0 1 1 0 0 .224 Krause C 2 0 0 0 1 0 .279Charlotte AB R H BI BB SO Avg.Cronenworth DH 4 1 2 0 0 1 .388 Moreno LF 4 1 1 0 0 0 .260 Lowe 2B 4 0 2 1 0 1 .368 Padlo 3B 3 0 1 0 1 1 .254 Boldt CF 3 0 0 1 0 1 .282 Olmedo-Barrera 1B 4 0 0 0 0 1 .257 Rodriguez C 4 0 1 0 0 3 .203 Maris SS 4 0 1 0 0 2 .282 Sanchez RF 3 0 0 0 0 2 .139 a-Kelly PH 1 0 0 0 0 0 .240Bradenton 030 100 000 … 4 6 0 Charlotte 000 000 020 … 2 8 12B: Suiter (2), Arribas (2); Lowe 2 (8). 3B: Arribas (1). RBI: Arribas (5), Reyes (9), Tucker (6), To,an (10); Lowe (8), Boldt (19). SF: Boldt. LOB: Bradenton 4; Charlotte 7. RISP: Bradenton 4-for-9, Charlotte 1-for-8. SB: Reyers (4). CS: Tucker (3). E: Rodriguez (1, pickoff).PITCHING Bradenton IP H R ER BB SO HR ERAKeller (W, 2-1) 7.0 5 0 0 1 9 0 3.62 Helton 2.0 3 2 2 0 3 0 5.94 Charlotte IP H R ER BB SO HR ERAVelasquez (L, 0-3) 6.0 6 4 4 1 2 0 5.60 Hawkins 3.0 0 0 0 2 1 0 5.14 Umpires: HP: Mike Carroll. 1B: Matt Carlyon. Time: 2:26. Att: 926.BASEBALL: Florida State LeagueMarauders strike early, edge Crabs huge. He spotted pretty much every pitch he threw. There was nothing over the middle,Ž he said. The Rays managed only four hits, all singles, against the parade of relievers. The guys they combined, they were outstanding,Ž Rays manager Kevin Cash said. They kept us off balance. They did a tremendous job.Ž The Blue Jays chased Chris Archer in the eighth and won it against Alex Colome (0-2). Archer allowed one run in 7 innings. It was good but not good enough to win,Ž Archer said. Jose Bautista glared at the mound after Archer threw behind him in the first. Plate umpire Jim Wolf warned both dugouts. I was just trying to go inside and the ball got away from me a little bit,Ž Archer said. Gibbons said he would be disappointedŽ if Archer was not disciplined, citing the four-game suspension Bostons Matt Barnes recently received for throwing behind Baltimores Manny Machado. Rays outfielder Steven Souza left Saturdays game in the seventh inning after being hit on the left hand by a pitch from reliever Joe Biagini. Souza did not play Sunday. Tampa Bay broke a scoreless tie in the eighth when Morrison scored on Daniel Robertsons bunt. Darwin Barney drew a walk from Archer in the bottom half and moved up on a groundout. Alex Colome relieved and Bautista tied it with an RBI double off the left field wall. Kendrys Morales was intentionally walked and Justin Smoak struck out before Martin hit a tiebreaking single just inside the right field foul line. Ezequiel Carrera followed with an infield single, making it 3-1.Long time comingHowell was the winning pitcher for the “ rst time since April 14, 2016, when he beat Arizona while pitching for the Los Angeles Dodgers.Rocky roadThe Rays are 3-10 on the road. Only Kansas City (2-11) had a worse mark entering play Sunday.Pitching inMarcus Stromans sister, Sabria Abdat, threw out the “ rst pitch on the same day fans received Stroman replica jerseys.Trainers roomBlue Jays: SS Troy Tulowitzki has yet to test his sore right hamstring by running and does not expect to return from the 10-day DL before May 8.Up nextRays: RHP Jake Odorizzi (1-1, 4.15) has recovered from a strained left hamstring and is expected to be activated off the 10-day DL to start at Miami on Monday. Hes 2-1 with a 4.29 ERA in four career games against the Marlins, but hasnt allowed a run in either of the past two. LHP Wei-Yin Chen (2-1, 4.71) starts for Miami. Blue Jays: RHP Marco Estrada (0-1, 2.70) starts the opener of a three-game series against the New York Yankees. Estrada was 2-0 with a 3.12 ERA in four starts against the Yankees last season. RHP Luis Severino (2-1, 3.00) starts for New York.BLUE JAYS 3, RAYS 1TAMPA BAY TORONTO AB R H BI AB R H BI Dckrson lf 2 0 0 0 Pillar cf 4 0 0 0 Krmaier cf 4 0 0 0 J.Btsta rf 4 1 2 1 Lngoria 3b 4 0 0 0 Morales dh 3 1 2 0 B.Mller 2b 4 0 2 0 Smoak 1b 4 0 1 0 Wks Jr. dh 4 0 0 0 Ru.Mrtn c 3 0 1 1 Mrrison 1b 2 1 1 0 Pearce lf 3 0 0 0 De.Nrrs c 4 0 1 0 Carrera ph-lf 1 0 1 1 S.Ptrsn rf 2 0 0 0 Travis 2b 4 0 0 0 Dan.Rbr ss 2 0 0 1 Goins ss 3 0 0 0 Barney 3b 2 1 0 0 TOTALS 28 1 4 1 TOTALS 31 3 7 3 TAMPA BAY 000 000 010 „1 TORONTO 000 000 03X „3 E„Goins (1). DP„Toronto 3. LOB„Tampa Bay 6, Toronto 7. 2B„J.Bautista (3), Morales (3). S„Dan.Robertson (1). IP H R ER BB SO TAMPA BAY Archer 7.1 4 1 1 2 5 Colome L,0-2 BS,2 .1 3 2 2 1 1 Farquhar .1 0 0 0 0 0 TORONTO Sanchez 1 0 0 0 1 1 Tepera 3.1 1 0 0 0 5 Loup 2 0 0 0 2 1 Leone .2 1 0 0 0 1 Smith .2 1 1 1 1 0 Howell W,1-1 .1 0 0 0 1 0 Osuna S,3-6 1 1 0 0 0 2 WP„Leone. Umpires„Home, Jim Wolf; First, Chad Whitson; Second, D.J. Reyburn; Third, Sam Holbrook. T„3:02. A„42,986 (49,282).SPORTS ON TV(All Times Eastern) Schedule subject to change and/or blackouts. Monday, May 1 MLB BASEBALL 7 p.m. ESPN „ Baltimore at Boston 10 p.m. MLB „ San Francisco at L.A. Dodgers NBA BASKETBALL 7 p.m. TNT „ NBA Playoffs, Eastern Conference, semi“ nal, Game 1, Toronto at Cleveland 9:30 p.m. TNT „ NBA Playoffs, Western Conference, semi“ nal, Game 1, Houston at San Antonio NHL HOCKEY 7:30 p.m. NBCSN „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, semi“ nal, Game 3, Washington at Pittsburgh SOCCER 3 p.m. NBCSN „ Premier League, Liverpool at Watford 3:25 p.m. FS1 „ FIFA Beach World Cup, Italy vs. Mexico, at Nassau, Bahamas RAYSFrom Page 1FRED THORNHILL/THE CANADIAN PRESS VIA APTampa Bay Rays starting pitcher Chris Archer th rows against the Toronto Blue Jays during the first inning in Toronto. FLORIDA LOTTOPICK 2Apr. 30N............................1-1 Apr. 30D.............................4-3 Apr. 29N............................6-9 Apr. 29D.............................3-6 Apr. 28N............................7-4 Apr. 28D.............................3-0 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Apr. 30N.........................5-3-0Apr. 30D..........................9-1-4Apr. 29N.........................8-3-6 Apr. 29D.........................0-1-0 Apr. 28N.........................8-6-8 Apr. 28D.........................9-9-8 D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Apr. 30N......................4-4-9-8 Apr. 30D......................2-1-8-0 Apr. 29N......................3-4-6-7 Apr. 29D......................4-2-1-6 Apr. 28N......................1-5-5-6 Apr. 28D......................8-6-1-5 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Apr. 30N...................9-3-0-0-0Apr. 30D...................2-1-4-7-0Apr. 29N...................4-6-0-9-8Apr. 29D...................6-8-9-6-2Apr. 28N...................9-3-2-8-8Apr. 28D...................2-4-6-5-2 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Apr. 30...........10-19-21-27-31 Apr. 29...............4-6-13-14-23 Apr. 28...............1-3-11-15-19 PAYOFF FOR APR. 302..5-digit winner...$95,624.30288..4-digit winners..$107.008,804..3-digit winners...$9.50CASH FOR LIFEApr. 27.............2-20-27-29-53 Cash Ball..............................4 Apr. 24...........19-33-35-36-48 Cash Ball..............................2 € € € PAYOFF FOR APR. 27 0......5-of-5 CB.....$1,000/Day 0......5-of-5........$1,000/Week 4......4-of-5 CB..............$2,50016....4-of-5.......................$500LUCKY MONEYApr. 28...................9-15-20-31Lucky Ball.............................1Apr. 25.................14-24-27-30Lucky Ball...........................13 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 28 0.....4-of-4 LB...........$950,0002.....4-of-4................$2,735.0029...3-of-4 LB.............$413.00842...3-of-4...................$96.50LOTTOApr. 29......26-31-32-43-44-45 Apr. 26......19-29-36-37-45-46 Apr. 22......16-20-28-33-47-48 PAYOFF FOR Apr. 29 0..6-digit winners..$7 million 16..5-digit winners..$5,847.50678...4-digit winners...$93.00POWERBALLApr. 29...........22-23-24-45-62 Powerball.............................5 April 26............1-15-18-26-51 Powerball...........................26 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 29 0.....5 of 5 + PB.....$113 million 0.......5 of 5.............$1 million 0....4 of 5 + PB...........$50,000 23.....4 of 5......................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $130 millionMEGA MILLIONSApr. 28.............6-13-18-20-31 Mega Ball...........................13 Apr. 25.............3-13-33-40-50 Mega Ball.............................2 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 28 1.....5 of 5 + MB...$61 million 0.....5 of 5..............$1,000,000 3.....4 of 5 + MB...........$5,000 22...4 of 5........................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $15 million The Associated PressGordon Hayward scored 26 points and the Utah Jazz easily eliminated the Los Angeles Clippers on Sunday with a 104-91 victory, winning the first-round playoff series 4-3. George Hill and Derrick Favors added 17 points apiece in Utahs first postseason victory since 2010. The Jazz advanced to face top-seeded Golden State in the Western Conference semifinals. The Warriors swept Portland 4-0 and have been waiting since Wednesday to find out their next opponent. Game 1 is Tuesday in Oakland. The Clippers DeAndre Jordan had 24 points and 17 rebounds for his seventh double-double of the series. Jamal Crawford added 20 points off the bench. CELTICS 123, WIZARDS 111: Isaiah Thomas had 33 points and nine assists, and the Boston Celtics made 19 3-pointers to beat the Washington Wizards and take a 1-0 lead in their Eastern Conference semi“ nal matchup. Thomas played just a day after attending the funeral for his sister, who died in a car accident last month outside of Tacoma, Washington. Al Horford added 21 points, 10 rebounds and nine assists. Jae Crowder “ nished with 24 points. The Wizards were more energetic at the outset, jumping out to a 16-0 advantage and leading by as many as 17 points. But the Celtics rallied in the second quarter with Thomas brie” y sidelined after getting one of his two front teeth knocked out. NBA PLAYOFFSJazz send Clippers homeMARK J. TERRILL/THE ASSOCIATED PRESSUtah Jazz forward Gordon Hayward, left, shoots as Los Angeles Clippers center Marreese Speights defends during the second half in Game 7 of their first-round playoff series Sunday in Los Angeles. The Jazz won 104-91. The Associated PressNASHVILLE, Tenn. „ Cody McLeod scored the game-winner early in the second period, and the Nashville Predators beat the St. Louis Blues 3-1 Sunday to grab a 2-1 lead in their Western Conference semifinal. Defensemen Ryan Ellis and Roman Josi also scored, and Colton Sissons added two assists. The Predators outshot St. Louis 34-23, and they now have won seven straight playoff games on home ice, including all three this postseason. Alexander Steen scored for the Blues, who lost for the first time on the road this postseason. Blues goalie Jake Allen kept St. Louis in this game before being pulled by coach Mike Yeo for the extra attacker with more than 4 minutes remaining and took his timeout with 1:25 left. Nashville goalie Pekka Rinne finished with 22 saves, including a flurry of stops to preserve the win. Game 3 is Tuesday night. St. Louis came in undefeated on the road this postseason after winning three in Minnesota in the first round, while the Predators won both games in Nashville while sweeping Chicago. The Blues also had won nine of their last 10 road games overall. The Predators never got the man advantage in losing Game 2 in St. Louis, and they got their first nearly midway through the first period. Just after the power play ended, Ellis gave Nashville a 1-0 lead with his slap shot from near the blue line at 10:34 off assists from Filip Forsberg and P.K. Subban. Ellis now has a point in six straight playoff games, extending his franchise record for a defenseman and also leading the Predators. DUCKS 6, OILERS 3: Jakob Silfverberg scored twice to lead the Anaheim Ducks to a victory over Edmonton, cutting the Oilers series lead to 2-1,Ryan Getzlaf had a goal and an assist, and Rickard Rakell, Chris Wagner and Ryan Kesler also scored for Anaheim, which lost the “ rst two games at home. John Gibson stopped 24 shots. Connor McDavid scored his “ rst of the series for Edmonton. Patrick Maroon and Anton Slepychev also scored and Kris Russell had two assists. Cam Talbot “ nished with 22 saves. Game 4 is Wednesday night.NHL PLAYOFFSPredators top Blues to take 2-1 series lead


The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 SP Page 3put ourselves in position to race there hard at the end. Brad was the fastest car. He was so fast.Ž Keselowski got stuck behind some slower cars on the restart, letting Logano pull away. I think what we needed was about 10 more laps,Ž Keselowski said. Logano then had to get around Kyle Larson and five others who stayed on the track when everyone else pitted with just over 20 laps remaining. He made quick work of that challenge and pulled away while Keselowski and Denny Hamlin dueled for the second position. Keselowski, who had the dominant car for the second half of the race, held on for second, followed by Hamlin, Ricky Stenhouse Jr. and Kevin Harvick. We just didnt have the speed that the other cars had,Ž Hamlin said. We finished right where we should have.Ž Ryan Newman, Jimmie Johnson and Dale Earnhardt Jr. all took a chance when the rest of the field started making greenflag stop with about 80 laps to go. The three stayed out hoping for a caution flag that would allow them to get new tires and remain up front. Johnson eventually pitted, and then he brought about the caution when he sideswiped Earnhardt into the wall in the backstretch, making the gamble pay off for Newman, who was likely to be passed shortly thereafter by the hardcharging Keselowski. Pole-sitter Matt Kenseth led the first 163 laps, winning Stage 1, and raced in the top 10 all day until a flat tire with 35 laps to go. one every time he catches the football with a 17.7-yard career mark. Howard can stretch the field and was under-utilized in Nick Sabans ground and pound offense. Godwin can fly, and McNichols rushed for 1,709 yards and scored 23 touchdowns last season. A couple of things about McNichols: With his size (5 feet 9, 214 pounds) and resume, he is Martin with better hands. McNichols coach at Boise State, Bryan Harsin, said they call him the Weapon.Ž He may have gone higher but decided to have surgery on a torn labrum in his shoulder after the scouting combine. Koetter believes he could be ready by training camp. I know him pretty well,Ž McNichols said of Martin. We got to meet each other there in the spring. Its just kind of ironic.Ž Its hard to imagine McNichols will knock Martin completely out of a job, but he could be the perfect stand-in or third-down back until October. When you think about the teams that the Bucs have to beat to win the NFC South, the difference may have been speed. The Falcons have it with Julio Jones, Tevin Coleman, Devonta Freeman and Taylor Gabriel. The Panthers added running back Christian McCaffrey and receiver Curtis Samuel. The Saints added free agent Adrian Peterson and Tennessee rookie Alvin Kamara. Everybody gets better,Ž Koetter said. It hurts you a lot when theres guys you like in the draft and youre watching who gets them. You have friends who are coaches and, Im glad Marvin Lewis got this guy and Im glad Andy Reid got that guy. And when guys in your division get guys that you like ... thats just like an extra knife. Youre going, Oh, my gosh, we like that guy a lot. The teams in our division, they drafted well.Ž If there were a singular goal to this draft, it was to continue to add weapons for Winston. You want to give a young quarterback weapons to throw to,Ž Licht said. Before Koetter headed back upstairs to begin recruiting undrafted free agents, he was asked what he would like the Bucs identity to be. A bad--football team,Ž Koetter said. Hows that?ŽLOGANOFrom Page 1BUCSFrom Page 1FREE AGENT SIGNEESOffense Antony Auclair, TE, Laval (Canada); Korren Kirven, OL, Alabama; Sefo Liufau, QB, Colorado; Thomas Sperbeck, WR, Boise State; Jesus BoboŽ Wilson, WR, Florida State. Defense Deondre Barnett, DE/OLB, S. Illinois; Richie Brown, LB, Miss. State; Riley Bullough, LB, Michigan State; Maurice Fleming, CB, West Virginia; Alex Gray, S, Appalachian State; Christian Kuntz, LB, Duquesne; Greg Mabin, CB, Iowa; Paul Magloire, LB, Arizona; Jonathan Moxey, DB, Boise State; Drew Williams, LS, South Carolina.more than 100,000 fans for races in the premier Cup series, only 60,000 seats remain and they were not close to full for Sundays 400-lap race. Were not isolated here,Ž France said. Every sport is trying to unlock the new consumption levels and fan interest by a younger demographic. Of course we love our core fan and everyone does, but every sport is thinking carefully about how to reach the millennial fan to get them excited about their sport.Ž He said NASCAR will convene a summit next month in Charlotte, North Carolina, bringing in experts from various fields, to discuss the issue. France also downplayed the difficulty that some teams are having securing sponsorship for next season. Its only April. Those kinds of decisions from corporate America typically get made in August and September, something like that,Ž he said. Well always have that. Thats not anything abnormal.Ž One advantage NASCAR gives sponsors, he said, is, They cant own a team in any other sport, but they can here.Ž France also paid tribute to Dale Earnhardt Jr., the sports most popular driver, who announced last week that he will retire at the end of the season, making him the fourth star to plan to quit racing in less than three years. Hes meant a lot to the sport in many ways, on and off the track. Not just his popularity and whatever, but carrying on the Earnhardt name in such a good way that he was always competitive on the track, always raced at a high level and always worked with NASCAR to make the sport better, just like his father did,Ž France said. With his retirement, Earnhardt will join Tony Stewart, Jeff Gordon and Carl Edwards in walking away from racing. France said an exodus like that is not all that unusual in the sport. If you look back at our history, we always tend to see drivers in waves move in one direction so its not uncommon to have three, four or five of your top drivers exit for different reasons in a short period of time, two years, whatever it is,Ž he said, noting they often can do it because they have financial stability. The good news, he said, is that the talent pool being counted on to produce future stars is deep. Kyle Larson, 24, began Sundays race leading the point standings, with 21-year-old Chase Elliott second. Both drivers have registered six top-10 finishes in the first eight races of the season. Joey Logano, 26, and 23-year-old Ryan Blaney also began the day in the top 10, with Logano in fourth place and Blaney 10th.NASCARFrom Page 1AP PHOTO/STEVE HELBERCEO and Chairman of NASCAR, Brian France, speaks to the media during a news conference prior to the NASCAR Cup Series auto race at Richmond International Raceway in Richmond, Va. four years, the winner likely wont be from California. Its as wide open as weve seen in a long time. Youre going to have some big odds on whoever the favorite is,Ž said Dale Romans, who trains Gotham Stakes winner J Boys Echo. It could be any horse this race. I dont think this really means its a bad group of horses, I think its an even group of horses.Ž Theres Classic Empire, who boasts an impressive resume as last years Breeders Cup Juvenile winner and champion 2-year-old. He won the Arkansas Derby and finished third in the Holy Bull Stakes, his only two starts this year. His path to Churchill Downs hasnt been smooth, however. He had a foot abscess and a back issue that prevented him from working out for a while. Twice in recent months, Classic Empire refused to train. Ive never once counted him out. I know a lot of people have,Ž trainer Mark Casse said. I feel that abilitywise, he is the most talented horse out there right now.Ž Casse also trains State of Honor, the Florida Derby runner-up. Todd Pletcher has three horses set to run May 6 in the 1 -mile race, with Florida Derby winner Always Dreaming as his leading contender. Of course, big numbers are nothing new for the New York-based trainer. He had five runners in 2013 and 2007. Yet for his 45 career starters, Pletcher has never had a Derby favorite. That could change this year with Always Dreaming, who had the fastest time among 35 horses going 5 furlongs at Churchill Downs on Friday. Hes got the right style to be really tough,Ž ONeill said. Pletchers lone victory came in 2010 with Super Saver. He is set to tie mentor D. Wayne Lukas (48) for most career starters. Our Derby record is not as good as wed like it to be,Ž he said. Weve had some horses overachieve on their way to getting there and in some cases, underachieve in the race itself.Ž Besides Always Dreaming, Pletchers other horses are: Patch and Tapwrit. He said Saturday that Battalion Runner and Malagacy wont run. Theres Girvin, the Louisiana Derby winner in a race against time to mend a crack in his right front hoof. His 32-yearold trainer Joe Sharp, the husband of retired jockey Rosie Napravnik, is doing everything he can to heal the colt in time to saddle his first Derby starter. Girvin had a similar crack earlier in the year and responded quickly to treatment. Im not saying that I think Im going to win the Derby, but I definitely wouldnt trade places with anybody,Ž Sharp said. Hes always consistent and hes got the kind of running style that wins big races.Ž As usual, a full field of 20 is expected. The final lineup wont be known until Wednesday, when entries are drawn and post positions assigned. Graham Motion, who trained 2011 Derby winner Animal Kingdom, is back with Irish War Cry, the Wood Memorial winner. His sire is Curlin, a two-time Horse of the Year who finished third in the 2007 Derby.DERBYFrom Page 1 The Associated PressKevin Kisner chipped in for eagle on the 18th hole as darkness fell Sunday night at the Zurich Classic, lifting himself and teammate Scott Brown into a Monday playoff with Jonas Blixt and Cameron Smith. Kisners chip-in „ which skipped on a wet green, hit the pin and dropped in from nearly 95 feet „ forced the 23-year-old Smith to make a 1 -foot birdie putt. Kisner and Brown shot a 12-under 60 in bestball play, and Blixt and Smith had a 64 to finish at 27 under at the TPC Louisiana in the PGA Tours first team event in 36 years. Blixt, a Swede, and Smith, an Australian, havent bogeyed a hole yet, and appeared to have the victory wrapped up before Kisners chip-in, which whipped the diehard crowd around the final green into a frenzy while Kisner waved both arms in celebration. The round finished in barely playable darkness because of a more than six-hour delay cause by thunderstorms. Each player on the winning team will take home $1.02 million and earn 400 FedExCup points. Kelly Kraft and Kevin Tway finished third at 23 under, and Jordan Spieth and Ryan Palmer were another stroke back.LPGA Tour: Hara Nomura outlasted Cristie Kerr with a two-putt birdie on the sixth playoff hole to win the windy Volunteers of America Texas Shootout for her third LPGA Tour victory. Nomura, the 24-year-old from Japan who lives in Hawaii, also birdied the par-5 18th hole at the end of regulation to force the playoff after giving up the lead for the “ rst time with a double bogey at No. 17. Kerr and Nomura “ nished regulation at 3-under 281 at Las Colinas Country Club, then played the 518-yard 18th six more times. Kerr was trying to win consecutive tournaments. The 39-year-old American won in Hawaii two weeks ago, her 19th career victory coming nearly “ ve months after knee surgery. Nomura shot a 5-over 76. Kerr made the only birdie all day at the par-3 17th, and was leading by a stroke when she tapped in a par putt on 18 for a 74. Jessica Korda (73) was third at 1 under. CHINA OPEN: Frances Alexander Levy of France beat Dylan Frittelli in a playoff in the China Open after overcoming a seven-shot de“ cit to the South African in the “ nal round. Levy won with a 15-foot birdie putt on the “ rst extra hole at Topwin Golf and Country Club. Also the 2014 champion. Levy birdied the par-5 18th for a 5-under 67 to match Frittelli (74) at 17-under 271 and send the pair back down the closing hole. Levy won for the fourth time on the European Tour.Kisner-Brown, Blixt-Smith head to Zurich Classic playo SCOTT THRELKELD/THE ASSOCIATED PRESSTeammates Kevin Kisner, left, and Scott Brown await their turns to putt on the second hole Sunday during the final round of the PGA Zurich Classic golf tournaments new two-man team format at TPC Louisiana in Avondale, La. GOLF ROUNDUP


Page 4 SP Monday, May 1, 2017 / The SunAMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUEEAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Baltimore 15 8 .652 „ „ 6-4 W-1 8-3 7-5 New York 15 8 .652 „ „ 6-4 L-1 10-2 5-6 Boston 12 11 .522 3 1 4-6 L-1 8-5 4-6 Tampa Bay 12 14 .462 4 2 4-6 L-2 9-4 3-10 Toronto 8 17 .320 8 6 5-5 W-2 4-8 4-9 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Cleveland 14 10 .583 „ „ 7-3 W-2 6-6 8-4 Chicago 13 10 .565 „ 6-4 L-1 6-5 7-5 Minnesota 12 11 .522 1 1 5-5 W-2 5-7 7-4 Detroit 12 12 .500 2 1 4-6 W-1 7-6 5-6 Kansas City 7 16 .304 6 6 1-9 L-9 5-5 2-11 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Houston 16 9 .640 „ „ 6-4 W-1 9-5 7-4 Los Angeles 14 13 .519 3 1 7-3 W-1 9-4 5-9 Oakland 11 14 .440 5 3 4-6 L-1 7-6 4-8 Texas 11 14 .440 5 3 6-4 L-1 8-8 3-6 Seattle 11 15 .423 5 3 4-6 L-2 6-3 5-12ORIOLES 7, YANKEES 4, 11 INNINGS: Mark Trumbo hit a go-ahead single in a three-run 11th off Bryan Mitchell, and the Baltimore Orioles rebounded from another blown late lead to beat the New York Yankees. MARLINS 10, PIRATES 3: Justin Bour drove in six runs with four hits, both career highs, and the Miami Marlins rallied from a three-run de“ cit NATIONALS 23, METS 5: Anthony Rendon had 10 RBIs, three home runs and six hits as the Washington Nationals took advantage of Noah Syndergaards injury and mauled the New York Mets to set a franchise scoring record. BREWERS 4, BRAVES 3: Domingo Santana homered twice and drove in all four Milwaukee runs ASTROS 7, ATHLETICS 2: Dallas Keuchel threw 7 2/3 solid innings, Marwin Gonzalez hit a three-run home run and the Houston Astros beat the Oakland Athletics. REDS 5, CARDINALS 4: Joey Votto hit a tiebreaking single in the eighth inning and Adam Duvall doubled three times and singled, helping the Cincinnati Reds beat the St. Louis Cardinals. TWINS 7, ROYALS 5: Miguel Sano homered and drove in “ ve runs, helping the Minnesota Twins beat slumping Kansas City for the Royals ninth straight loss. Sano posted his fourth consecutive multihit game. ANGELS 5, RANGERS 2: JC Ramirez got his “ rst win as a starter on his fourth try after 111 career relief appearances, and Jefry Marte homered and hit a tiebreaking, two-run single to help the Los Angeles Angels beat the Texas Rangers. DODGERS 5, PHILLIES 3: Andrew Toles hit a three-run homer, Hyun-Jin Ryu pitched 5 1/3 solid innings and the Los Angeles Dodgers beat the Philadelphia Phillies. INDIANS 12, MARINERS 4: Michael Brantley homered and Francisco Lindor had a two-run double as the Cleveland Indians scored eight times in the third inning of their win over the weary Seattle Mariners. TIGERS 7, WHITE SOX 3: Jose Iglesias doubled and drove in three runs, and the Detroit Tigers ended a fourgame losing streak with a win over the Chicago White Sox. PADRES 5, GIANTS 2, 12 INNINGS: Wil Myers hit a threerun homer in the top of the 12th inning to send the San Diego Padres past the San Francisco Giants. DIAMONDBACKS 2, ROCKIES 0, 13 INNINGS: Daniel Descalso hit a two-run homer into the Chase Field swimming pool in the 13th inning, lifting the Arizona Diamondbacks over the Colorado Rockies.The Associated Press EAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Washington 17 8 .680 „ „ 7-3 W-1 7-5 10-3 Philadelphia 11 12 .478 5 1 6-4 L-3 7-4 4-8 Miami 11 12 .478 5 1 4-6 W-1 5-4 6-8 Atlanta 10 13 .435 6 2 4-6 L-1 4-3 6-10 New York 10 14 .417 6 3 3-7 L-1 4-10 6-4 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Chicago 13 10 .565 „ „ 7-3 W-1 4-5 9-5 Milwaukee 13 13 .500 1 1 5-5 W-1 7-10 6-3 St. Louis 12 12 .500 1 1 7-3 L-1 8-6 4-6 Cincinnati 11 13 .458 2 2 2-8 W-1 5-8 6-5 Pittsburgh 11 13 .458 2 2 5-5 L-1 6-6 5-7 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Colorado 16 10 .615 „ „ 6-4 L-1 7-6 9-4 Arizona 16 11 .593 „ 6-4 W-1 12-5 4-6 Los Angeles 14 12 .538 2 „ 6-4 W-4 9-4 5-8 San Diego 11 16 .407 5 3 4-6 W-2 5-4 6-12 San Francisco 9 17 .346 7 5 3-7 L-2 6-8 3-9 AMERICAN LEAGUE Toronto (Estrada 0-1) at N.Y. Yankees (Severino 2-1), 7:05 p.m. Baltimore (Bundy 3-1) at Boston (Porcello 1-3), 7:10 p.m. Cleveland (Bauer 2-2) at Detroit (Norris 1-2), 7:10 p.m. Texas (Cashner 0-2) at Houston (McCullers 2-1), 8:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Covey 0-1) at Kansas City (Vargas 3-1), 8:15 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh (Cole 1-3) at Cincinnati (Garrett 2-2), 7:10 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Gsellman 0-2) at Atlanta (Teheran 2-1), 7:35 p.m. Philadelphia (Velasquez 1-2) at Chicago Cubs (Anderson 2-0), 8:05 p.m. Milwaukee (Davies 2-2) at St. Louis (Wacha 2-1), 8:15 p.m. San Francisco (Cueto 3-1) at L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw 4-1), 10:10 p.m. INTERLEAGUE Tampa Bay (Odorizzi 1-1) at Miami (Chen 2-1), 7:10 p.m. SUNDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Baltimore 7, N.Y. Yankees 4, 11 innings Toronto 3, Tampa Bay 1 Detroit 7, Chicago White Sox 3 Cleveland 12, Seattle 4 Houston 7, Oakland 2 Minnesota 7, Kansas City 5 L.A. Angels 5, Texas 2 NATIONAL LEAGUE Miami 10, Pittsburgh 3 Washington 23, N.Y. Mets 5 Milwaukee 4, Atlanta 3 Cincinnati 5, St. Louis 4 San Diego 5, San Francisco 2, 12 innings Arizona 2, Colorado 0, 13 innings L.A. Dodgers 5, Philadelphia 3 INTERLEAGUE Chicago Cubs at Boston, late SATURDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE N.Y. Yankees 12, Baltimore 4 Toronto 4, Tampa Bay 1 Chicago White Sox 6, Detroit 4, 10 inn. Cleveland 4, Seattle 3 Oakland 2, Houston 1 Texas 6, L.A. Angels 3 Minnesota at Kansas City, ppd. NATIONAL LEAGUE N.Y. Mets 5, Washington 3 Cincinnati at St. Louis, ppd. Atlanta 11, Milwaukee 3 Pittsburgh 4, Miami 0 Colorado 7, Arizona 6 San Diego 12, San Francisco 4 L.A. Dodgers 6, Philadelphia 5 INTERLEAGUE Chicago Cubs 7, Boston 4ROUNDUP SCHEDULES TODAYS GAMES (All times Eastern) INDIANS 12, MARINERS 4SEATTLE CLEVELAND AB R H BI AB R H BI Segura ss 4 1 1 0 C.Sntna 1b 4 1 1 0 Gamel rf 4 1 1 0 Lindor ss 5 2 2 3 Cano 2b 4 1 1 1 M.Mrtin ss 0 0 0 0 Vlencia 1b 0 0 0 0 Brntley lf 4 2 2 2 Cruz dh 3 1 2 2 Guyer lf 1 0 1 0 J.Dyson pr-dh 0 0 0 0 Encrnco dh 4 0 0 0 K.Sager 3b 4 0 1 1 Jose.Rm 3b 4 1 1 0 Heredia cf 4 0 3 0 Kipnis 2b 4 2 1 1 Vglbach 1b 1 0 0 0 Chsnhll cf 3 1 1 1 Mttr ph-1b-2b 2 0 0 0 A.Almnt rf 4 2 3 2 C.Ruiz c 4 0 1 0 R.Perez c 4 1 3 3 Powell lf 3 0 0 0 TOTALS 33 4 10 4 TOTALS 37 12 15 12 SEATTLE 010 003 000 „ 4 CLEVELAND 108 000 30X „12 E„Motter (1). DP„Seattle 1, Cleveland 4. LOB„Seattle 4, Cleveland 5. 2B„Segura (3), Heredia (2), C.Santana (8), Lindor (8), R.Perez (1). 3B„A.Almonte (1). HR„Cruz (7), Lindor (7), Brantley (5). SB„Kipnis (1). CS„A.Almonte (1). SF„Chisenhall (1). IP H R ER BB SO SEATTLE De Jong L,0-2 2.2 9 6 6 2 1 Fien .1 2 3 3 1 1 Overton 5 4 3 2 0 2 CLEVELAND Tomlin W,2-3 5 8 4 4 1 3 Logan 0 2 0 0 0 0 Goody H,1 2 0 0 0 0 2 Shaw 1 0 0 0 1 0 McAllister 1 0 0 0 0 1 Tomlin pitched to 4 batters in the 6th Logan pitched to 2 batters in the 6th Umpires„Home, Ron Kulpa; First, Ed Hickox; Second, Chris Conroy; Third, Jerry Meals. T„2:58. A„21,824 (35,051).TIGERS 7, WHITE SOX 3CHICAGO DETROIT AB R H BI AB R H BI Sladino 2b 5 0 0 0 Kinsler 2b 5 0 0 0 Ti.Andr ss 3 0 0 0 Collins cf 4 0 1 0 Me.Cbrr lf 4 1 2 1 Cstllns 3b 4 0 3 1 Abreu 1b 4 0 2 1 V.Mrtin dh 4 0 0 0 T.Frzer 3b 3 1 1 1 Upton lf 3 2 2 1 A.Grcia rf 2 0 0 0 Avila c 4 1 3 0 May rf 2 0 0 0 Adduci rf 3 2 1 1 Asche dh 4 0 1 0 J.Hicks 1b 4 2 2 1 Soto c 3 1 0 0 J.Iglss ss 4 0 2 3 L.Grcia cf 4 0 2 0 TOTALS 34 3 8 3 TOTALS 35 7 14 7 CHICAGO 100 011 000 „3 DETROIT 010 420 00X „7 E„Ti.Anderson (6). DP„Chicago 1, Detroit 1. LOB„Chicago 7, Detroit 8. 2B„ Castellanos (6), Adduci (3), J.Iglesias (6). 3B„Abreu (1). HR„T.Frazier (3), Upton (5). CS„Collins (2). IP H R ER BB SO CHICAGO Gonzalez L,3-1 6 14 7 6 1 1 Beck 2 0 0 0 3 1 DETROIT Zimmermnn W,3-1 5 7 3 3 2 5 Hardy 1 1 0 0 0 1 Greene 1 0 0 0 1 2 Wilson 1 0 0 0 0 1 Rodriguez 1 0 0 0 0 2 Zimmermann pitched to 1 batter in the 6th B.Hardy pitched to 1 batter in the 7th Umpires„Home, Cory Blaser; First, Jeff Nelson; Second, Laz Diaz; Third, Doug Eddings. T„3:24. A„26,045 (41,681).BREWERS 4, BRAVES 3ATLANTA MILWAUKEE AB R H BI AB R H BI Incarte cf 4 1 1 0 Villar 2b 4 0 0 0 A.Grcia 3b 4 0 0 0 Thames 1b-lf 4 0 1 0 F.Frman 1b 3 1 1 1 Braun lf 3 1 0 0 M.Kemp lf 4 0 1 1 Aguilar 1b 1 0 0 0 Mrkakis rf 3 0 1 0 H.Perez 3b 4 1 0 0 K.Szuki c 4 0 0 0 Do.Sntn rf 3 2 2 4 J.Ptrsn 2b 4 1 1 0 Bandy c 3 0 0 0 Swanson ss 3 0 1 0 Knebel p 0 0 0 0 Fltynwc p 2 0 0 0 N.Feliz p 0 0 0 0 Bra.Phl ph 1 0 1 1 K.Brxtn cf 3 0 1 0 Cllmntr p 0 0 0 0 Arcia ss 3 0 1 0 Garza p 2 0 0 0 Pina c 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 32 3 7 3 TOTALS 31 4 5 4 ATLANTA 100 001 100 „3 MILWAUKEE 000 013 00X „4 E„K.Broxton (1), A.Garcia (3), Swanson (4). DP„Milwaukee 2. LOB„Atlanta 4, Milwaukee 3. HR„F.Freeman (9), Do.Santana 2 (5). SB„Inciarte 2 (7), K.Broxton (6). CS„F.Freeman (2). IP H R ER BB SO ATLANTA Foltynewicz L,0-3 6 4 4 1 0 6 Collmenter 2 1 0 0 0 4 MILWAUKEE Garza W,1-0 6.2 6 3 3 0 7 Knebel H,7 1.1 1 0 0 0 1 Feliz S,6-7 1 0 0 0 1 0 HBP„by Knebel (Freeman). Umpires„Home, Scott Barry; First, Brian ONora; Second, Tom Hallion; Third, Quinn Wolcott. T„2:35. A„24,395 (41,900).MARLINS 10, PIRATES 3PITTSBURGH MIAMI AB R H BI AB R H BI Hrrison 3b 4 1 1 0 D.Grdon 2b 4 2 3 0 Bormann ph 1 0 0 0 Prado 3b 5 0 1 1 J.Bell 1b 4 1 2 2 Yelich cf 5 0 1 1 McCtchn cf 3 0 0 0 Stanton rf 3 2 0 0 G.Plnco lf 3 1 1 0 Ozuna lf 4 2 3 0 Barbato p 0 0 0 0 Bour 1b 5 1 4 6 Jaso rf 3 0 1 1 Ellis c 4 1 1 0 Mercer ss 4 0 0 0 Rojas ss 4 1 1 0 Hanson 2b 4 0 1 0 Koehler p 1 0 0 0 C.Stwrt c 3 0 1 0 Detrich ph 1 0 0 0 Kuhl p 2 0 0 0 McGowan p 0 0 0 0 Tr.Wllm p 0 0 0 0 Phelps p 0 0 0 0 Nicasio p 0 0 0 0 I.Szuki ph 0 0 0 0 Gsselin ph 1 0 0 0 Brrclgh p 0 0 0 0 F.Rvero p 0 0 0 0 Hchvrra ph 1 1 1 1 Hudson p 0 0 0 0 Ziegler p 0 0 0 0 J.Osuna lf 1 0 1 0 J.Grcia p 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 33 3 8 3 TOTALS 37 10 15 9 PITTSBURGH 300 000 000 „ 3 MIAMI 010 120 60X „10 E„Harrison (3), J.Bell (1). DP„Pittsburgh 3, Miami 2. LOB„Pittsburgh 8, Miami 9. 2B„Harrison (2), G.Polanco (7), J.Osuna (2), Ozuna (3), Bour (3), Rojas (3). HR„J. Bell (4), Bour (4). SB„J.Bell (1), McCutchen (2), Yelich (3). IP H R ER BB SO PITTSBURGH Kuhl 4 7 3 2 1 4 Williams L,1-1 .2 1 1 1 2 0 Nicasio .1 0 0 0 0 1 Rivero 1 1 0 0 1 1 Hudson .1 4 5 5 0 0 Barbato 1.2 2 1 1 1 1 MIAMI Koehler 4 6 3 3 1 3 McGowan W,1-0 1 1 0 0 2 1 Phelps H,2 1 0 0 0 1 0 Barraclough H,4 1 0 0 0 1 0 Ziegler 1 0 0 0 0 1 Garcia 1 1 0 0 0 2 Kuhl pitched to 1 batter in the 5th HBP„by Hudson (Ellis). Umpires„Home, James Hoye; First, Will Little; Second, Jeff Kellogg; Third, Tim Timmons. T„3:36. A„26,245 (36,742).NATIONALS 23, METS 5NEW YORK WASHINGTON AB R H BI AB R H BI Cnforto lf 5 0 1 1 T.Trner ss 6 1 1 0 J.Reyes ss 5 1 1 0 Werth lf 4 2 2 0 Bruce rf 4 1 3 2 Difo ph-2b 1 0 0 0 N.Wlker 2b 4 0 0 0 Harper rf 4 4 2 1 Grndrsn cf 3 0 0 0 Zmmrman 1b 5 3 3 2 Salas p 0 0 0 0 Treinen p 0 0 0 0 Smoker p 0 0 0 0 D.Mrphy 2b 4 3 2 1 Plwecki p 1 0 0 0 Blanton p 0 0 0 0 T.Rvera 1b 4 0 0 0 Lind ph-1b 1 1 1 2 R.Rvera c 4 1 2 1 Rendon 3b 6 5 6 10 Mat.Ryn 3b 4 1 1 0 M.Tylor cf 6 2 2 2 Syndrgr p 0 0 0 0 Wieters c 4 2 3 4 Glmrtin p 1 1 1 1 J.Ross p 2 0 1 1 Lagares cf 1 0 0 0 Albers p 0 0 0 0 Heisey ph 1 0 0 0 O.Perez p 0 0 0 0 Btsta ph-lf 2 0 0 0 TOTALS 36 5 9 5 TOTALS 46 23 23 23 NEW YORK 111 200 000 „ 5 WASHINGTON 501 431 54X „23 E„J.Reyes (5), Granderson (1). LOB„New York 6, Washington 7. 2B„Bruce (5), Gilmartin (1), T.Turner (7), Zimmerman (8), D.Murphy (9), Rendon (3). 3B„J.Reyes (1). HR„Bruce (7), R.Rivera (1), Harper (9), Lind (2), Rendon 3 (3), Wieters 2 (4). SF„ Zimmerman (1). S„J.Ross (1). IP H R ER BB SO NEW YORK Syndergaard L,1-2 1.1 5 5 5 2 2 Gilmartin 2.2 7 5 5 1 3 Salas 1 2 3 3 2 1 Smoker 1 5 6 5 1 0 Plawecki 2 4 4 4 0 0 WASHINGTON Ross 4 7 5 5 1 5 Albers W,1-0 2 1 0 0 0 3 Perez 1 1 0 0 0 1 Blanton 1 0 0 0 0 2 Treinen 1 0 0 0 1 1 Smoker pitched to 5 batters in the 7th WP„Syndergaard, Gilmartin, Salas. Umpires„Home, Ted Barrett; First, Angel Hernandez; Second, Lance Barksdale; Third, John Tumpane. T„3:37. A„36,806 (41,418).ASTROS 7, ATHLETICS 2OAKLAND HOUSTON AB R H BI AB R H BI Rosales ss 4 1 1 0 Sprnger cf 4 2 2 0 Plouffe 3b 3 0 1 0 Reddick rf 3 1 0 0 Alonso ph-1b 1 0 0 0 Altuve 2b 4 0 2 0 Healy 1b-3b 4 0 1 1 Correa ss 4 1 2 1 K.Davis lf 2 0 0 0 B.McCnn c 3 1 2 2 Lowrie dh 4 0 0 0 Y.Grrel 1b 3 1 0 0 Phegley c 4 1 1 0 Gattis dh 4 0 1 1 Pinder 2b 4 0 1 1 Ma.Gnza 3b 4 1 1 3 Joyce rf 4 0 1 0 Aoki lf 4 0 0 0 LaMarre cf 3 0 0 0 Decker ph 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 33 2 6 2 TOTALS 33 7 10 7 OAKLAND 000 000 011 „2 HOUSTON 100 120 03X „7 E„Phegley (1). DP„Oakland 1. LOB„ Oakland 9, Houston 5. 2B„Plouffe (1), Phegley (4), Correa (4), Gattis (5). HR„ Ma.Gonzalez (5). SB„Rosales (1). IP H R ER BB SO OAKLAND Hahn L,1-2 6 8 4 2 0 6 Hendriks 1 0 0 0 0 1 Montas 1 2 3 3 1 1 HOUSTON Keuchel W,5-0 7.2 3 1 1 2 9 Gregerson .1 1 0 0 1 0 Peacock .2 2 1 1 2 1 Giles S,6-6 .1 0 0 0 0 0 HBP„by Hahn (Gurriel). WP„Hahn, Gregerson, Montas, Peacock. Umpires„Home, Hunter Wendelstedt; First, Andy Fletcher; Second, Ramon De Jesus; Third, Joe West. T„2:58. A„34,880 (42,060).TWINS 7, ROYALS 5MINNESOTA KANSAS CITY AB R H BI AB R H BI Dozier 2b 5 1 2 0 Mrrfeld 2b 5 1 1 1 Kepler rf 3 1 1 1 Mstakas 3b 5 0 1 0 Sano 3b 5 1 3 5 L.Cain cf 5 1 1 1 Mauer 1b 4 0 0 0 Hosmer 1b 4 1 1 0 K.Vrgas dh 5 0 2 0 S.Perez c 4 2 3 1 Da.Sntn pr-dh 0 1 0 0 A.Grdon lf 4 0 1 0 J.Cstro c 5 0 1 0 J.Bnfco rf 4 0 1 0 J.Plnco ss 5 0 2 1 Moss dh 4 0 2 1 E.Rsrio lf 5 1 1 0 A.Escbr ss 4 0 1 1 Buxton cf 3 2 1 0 TOTALS 40 7 13 7 TOTALS 39 5 12 5 MINNESOTA 003 201 001 „7 KANSAS CITY 020 011 001 „5 E„Moustakas (3). DP„Kansas City 1. LOB„ Minnesota 10, Kansas City 7. 2B„Dozier (5), S.Perez 2 (4). HR„Sano (7), Merri“ eld (2), L.Cain (1). SB„Kepler (1), Da.Santana (1), Buxton (3). IP H R ER BB SO MINNESOTA Hughes W,4-1 5.2 10 4 4 0 4 Pressly H,3 .1 0 0 0 0 0 Rogers H,6 1 0 0 0 0 0 Belisle H,5 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kintzler S,7-7 1 2 1 1 0 1 KANSAS CITY Hammel L,0-3 3 6 5 5 3 5 Minor 2.2 3 1 1 0 1 Moylan 0 1 0 0 0 0 Strahm 1.1 0 0 0 0 2 Alexander 1 1 0 0 1 1 Herrera 1 2 1 1 0 1 Hammel pitched to 3 batters in the 4th Moylan pitched to 1 batter in the 6th WP„Hammel. Umpires„Home, Manny Gonzalez; First, Fieldin Cubreth; Second, Mark Carlson; Third, Clint Fagan. T„3:11. A„32,685 (37,903).ORIOLES 7, YANKEES 4, 11 INNINGSBALTIMORE NEW YORK AB R H BI AB R H BI Rickard lf 6 1 2 0 Gardner lf 5 0 1 0 A.Jones cf 6 0 3 1 A.Hicks cf 5 0 1 0 M.Mchdo 3b 3 2 0 0 Hlliday dh 4 1 2 1 Trumbo dh 5 2 1 1 Chapman p 0 0 0 0 W.Cstll c 6 0 3 1 Bird ph-1b 0 0 0 0 Mancini 1b 6 1 0 1 S.Cstro 2b 4 2 1 0 C.Davis 1b 0 0 0 0 Judge rf 3 1 1 0 Schoop 2b 5 0 1 1 Headley 3b 5 0 1 1 Gentry rf 4 1 1 1 Grgrius ss 6 0 3 2 J.Hardy ss 3 0 0 0 Carter 1b 5 0 2 0 Trreyes ph 1 0 0 0 Hgshoka c 3 0 0 0 Ellsbry ph 1 0 0 0 Au.Rmne c 1 0 1 0 TOTALS 44 7 11 6 TOTALS 43 4 13 4 BALTIMORE 001 003 000 03„7 NEW YORK 101 000 002 00„4 E„Mitchell (1), Headley (4). DP„Baltimore 2, New York 1. LOB„Baltimore 11, New York 16. 2B„Schoop (5), Carter (1). HR„Holliday (4). SB„Rickard (1), Gentry 2 (3). S„ Gardner (1), A.Hicks (1). IP H R ER BB SO BALTIMORE Miley 5 8 2 2 5 6 Givens H,5 2 1 0 0 0 2 Brach H,6 1 1 0 0 0 1 ODay H,4 .2 1 2 2 2 0 Hart BS,1 .1 1 0 0 0 1 Verrett W,1-0 2 1 0 0 0 2 NEW YORK Montgomery 5 3 3 3 4 7 Holder BS,1 1 2 1 1 1 0 Clippard 1 1 0 0 0 1 Betances 1 0 0 0 1 3 Mitchell L,1-1 2 4 3 3 1 1 Chapman 1 1 0 0 0 2 J.Montgomery pitched to 2 batters in the 6th HBP„by Verrett (Bird). WP„Montgomery. Umpires„Home, Stu Scheuwater; First, Jim Reynolds; Second, Brian Knight; Third, Lance Barrett. T„4:37. A„41,022 (49,642).REDS 5, CARDINALS 4CINCINNATI ST. LOUIS AB R H BI AB R H BI Hmilton cf 4 1 1 0 Fowler cf 5 1 1 0 Cozart ss 5 0 0 0 A.Diaz ss 4 1 0 0 Votto 1b 5 0 2 1 Crpnter 1b 3 1 2 3 Duvall lf 5 2 4 1 Gyorko 3b 4 0 2 0 R.Iglss p 0 0 0 0 Pscotty rf 2 0 0 0 Suarez 3b 4 1 1 1 Y.Mlina c 4 0 0 0 Schbler rf 5 0 3 2 Grichuk lf 3 0 0 0 Peraza 2b 5 0 1 0 Wong 2b 4 0 1 0 Brnhart c 3 0 2 0 Leake p 2 1 1 0 Alcantr pr-lf 1 1 1 0 M.Adams ph 1 0 1 0 B.Arryo p 2 0 0 0 Bowman p 0 0 0 0 Lrenzen p 0 0 0 0 Cecil p 0 0 0 0 Gennett ph 1 0 0 0 Rsnthal p 0 0 0 0 Storen p 0 0 0 0 J.Brxtn p 0 0 0 0 Wa.Prlt p 0 0 0 0 G.Grcia ph 1 0 0 0 Msoraco ph-c 2 0 1 0 TOTALS 42 5 16 5 TOTALS 33 4 8 3 CINCINNATI 000 001 310 „5 ST. LOUIS 100 030 000 „4 E„Y.Molina (2). DP„Cincinnati 2. LOB„ Cincinnati 13, St. Louis 7. 2B„Duvall 3 (6), Schebler 2 (5), Barnhart (4), Carpenter 2 (3), Gyorko (5). SB„Peraza (7). CS„Peraza (1), Piscotty (4). IP H R ER BB SO CINCINNATI Arroyo 4 5 4 4 4 2 Lorenzen 1 1 0 0 0 0 Storen 1 1 0 0 0 1 Peralta W,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 2 Iglesias S,4-4 2 1 0 0 1 2 ST. LOUIS Leake 6 8 1 1 1 5 Bowman H,7 .2 3 3 3 0 1 Cecil BS,2 .1 1 0 0 0 0 Rosenthal L,0-1 1 2 1 1 2 2 Broxton 1 2 0 0 0 1 B.Arroyo pitched to 4 batters in the 5th WP„Arroyo. Umpires„Home, Alfonso Marquez; First, Chad Fairchild; Second, Dave Rackley; Third, Larry Vanover. T„3:20. A„45,682 (43,975).ANGELS 5, RANGERS 2LOS ANGELES TEXAS AB R H BI AB R H BI Y.Escbr 3b 5 1 2 1 DShelds lf 3 1 1 0 Calhoun rf 5 2 2 1 Mazara rf 4 0 0 0 Trout cf 3 0 1 0 C.Gomez cf 2 0 1 0 Pujols dh 4 0 0 0 Odor 2b 4 0 1 0 J.Marte 1b 5 1 2 3 Andrus ss 3 0 0 0 A.Smmns ss 4 0 1 0 Gallo 3b 4 0 1 0 Espnosa 2b 4 0 0 0 Choo dh 4 1 1 1 Maybin lf 4 0 0 0 Rua 1b 3 0 0 0 Mldnado c 2 1 2 0 Napoli ph 1 0 0 0 Chrinos c 3 0 0 0 TOTALS 36 5 10 5 TOTALS 31 2 5 1 LOS ANGELES 001 021 001 „5 TEXAS 100 010 000 „2 E„Rua (1), Maybin (2). DP„Texas 2. LOB„ Los Angeles 10, Texas 6. 2B„Y.Escobar (5), Maldonado (3). HR„Calhoun (2), J.Marte (2), Choo (3). SB„DeShields (5), Mazara (2), C.Gomez (3), Gallo (4). IP H R ER BB SO LOS ANGELES Ramirez W,3-2 5.1 4 2 2 2 9 Alvarez H,4 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 Parker H,4 1 1 0 0 1 2 Norris S,5-6 1.1 0 0 0 1 4 TEXAS Perez L,1-4 5.2 8 4 4 4 1 Jeffress 1.1 1 0 0 1 1 Dyson 2 1 1 1 1 0 Umpires„Home, Bill Miller; First, Kerwin Danley; Second, Todd Tichenor; Third, Adam Hamari. T„3:23. A„39,804 (48,114).DODGERS 5, PHILLIES 3PHILADELPHIA LOS ANGELES AB R H BI AB R H BI C.Hrnan 2b 4 1 1 0 Toles cf 4 2 2 3 Galvis ss 3 0 1 1 Bllnger lf 4 0 1 0 Nava lf 1 0 0 0 Ju.Trnr 3b 4 0 3 1 Franco 3b 4 0 0 0 A.Gnzal 1b 4 0 1 0 Altherr cf 3 0 0 0 Puig rf 4 0 0 0 J.Gomez p 0 0 0 0 Grandal c 4 1 3 0 Blanco ph 1 0 0 0 C.Tylor 2b 4 1 1 1 E.Ramos p 0 0 0 0 K.Hrnan ss 4 0 1 0 Sunders rf 4 0 0 0 Ryu p 1 0 1 0 T.Jseph 1b 4 0 0 0 Romo p 0 0 0 0 Rupp c 4 1 3 0 Utley ph 0 1 0 0 Pivetta p 2 0 0 0 Avilan p 0 0 0 0 O.Hrrra cf 2 1 1 2 P.Baez p 0 0 0 0 Vn Slyk ph 1 0 0 0 Dayton p 0 0 0 0 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 32 3 6 3 TOTALS 34 5 13 5 PHILADELPHIA 100 000 002 „3 LOS ANGELES 110 003 00X „5 E„Pivetta (1). DP„Philadelphia 3. LOB„ Philadelphia 7, Los Angeles 7. 2B„Rupp 2 (7), Toles (1), Ju.Turner (11), Grandal (4), K.Hernandez (6). 3B„C.Hernandez (2). HR„O.Herrera (3), Toles (5), C.Taylor (2). IP H R ER BB SO PHILADELPHIA Pivetta L,0-1 5 9 2 2 1 5 Gomez 2 3 3 3 1 2 Ramos 1 1 0 0 0 1 LOS ANGELES Ryu W,1-4 5.1 3 1 1 3 9 Romo H,4 .2 0 0 0 0 2 Avilan 1 1 0 0 0 0 Baez 1 0 0 0 2 0 Dayton .2 2 2 2 0 1 Jansen S,7-7 .1 0 0 0 0 1 WP„Gomez. Umpires„Home, Tom Woodring; First, Eric Cooper; Second, Adrian Johnson; Third, Gary Cederstrom. T„3:06. A„48,961 (56,000).PADRES 5, GIANTS 2, 12 INNINGSSAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO AB R H BI AB R H BI Margot cf 6 0 1 0 E.Nunez ss 5 0 1 0 Aybar ss 5 1 1 0 Belt lf-1b 5 0 0 0 Myers 1b 6 1 1 3 Pence rf 4 1 0 0 Solarte 2b 4 0 1 0 Posey c 5 0 3 0 Maurer p 0 0 0 0 Morse 1b 3 0 1 1 Torrens ph 1 0 0 0 Stubbs pr-cf 2 0 0 0 Buchter p 0 0 0 0 C.Arryo 3b 5 0 1 0 Chacin ph 1 0 0 0 Panik 2b 4 1 1 0 J.Trres p 0 0 0 0 G.Hrnan cf-lf 5 0 1 0 Hedges c 6 0 1 0 Blach p 1 0 0 1 Schimpf 3b 2 0 0 0 Tmlnson ph 1 0 0 0 Hand p 0 0 0 0 Law p 0 0 0 0 Srdinas 2b 2 1 0 0 Mlancon p 0 0 0 0 Renfroe rf 5 0 0 0 Strckln p 0 0 0 0 Blash lf 3 0 0 0 Hundley ph 1 0 0 0 H.Sanch ph 1 1 1 2 Kontos p 0 0 0 0 Cordoba lf 1 0 0 0 Gllspie ph 1 0 0 0 Richard p 2 0 2 0 Spngnbr 3b 3 1 2 0 TOTALS 48 5 10 5 TOTALS 42 2 8 2 SAN DIEGO 000 000 002 003„5 SAN FRANCISCO 000 011 000 000„2 E„E.Nunez (3), C.Arroyo (1), Panik (2). DP„San Diego 1, San Francisco 1. LOB„San Diego 9, San Francisco 7. 2B„Hedges (3), E.Nunez (4), Morse (1), G.Hernandez (2). HR„Myers (7), H.Sanchez (1). SB„Margot (4). SF„Blach (1). IP H R ER BB SO SAN DIEGO Richard 5.1 6 2 2 1 3 Hand 2 0 0 0 0 2 Maurer 1.2 1 0 0 0 1 Buchter W,2-1 2 1 0 0 0 3 Torres S,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 SAN FRANCISCO Blach 7 3 0 0 2 1 Law H,3 1 2 0 0 0 3 Melancon BS,2 1 2 2 1 0 1 Strickland 1 0 0 0 0 3 Kontos L,0-2 2 3 3 3 0 0 HBP„by Richard (Panik). Umpires„Home, Marty Foster; First, Mike Winters; Second, Mark Wegner; Third, Mike Muchlinski. T„3:23. A„41,989 (41,915).DIAMONDBACKS 2, ROCKIES 0, 13 INNINGSCOLORADO ARIZONA AB R H BI AB R H BI Blckmon cf 6 0 0 0 Hzlbker cf 3 0 0 0 LMahieu 2b 5 0 0 0 Pollock ph-cf 2 0 2 0 Arenado 3b 6 0 0 0 D.Prlta rf 5 0 1 0 C.Gnzal rf 5 0 1 0 Gldschm 1b 5 0 2 0 Mar.Ryn 1b 4 0 0 0 Lamb 3b 6 0 1 0 Desmond lf 5 0 1 0 Drury 2b 6 1 2 0 Story ss 3 0 0 0 Dscalso lf 6 1 3 2 Garneau c 5 0 2 0 Innetta c 5 0 0 0 Marquez p 2 0 0 0 Ahmed ss 3 0 0 0 Oberg p 0 0 0 0 Cha“ n p 0 0 0 0 Valaika ph 1 0 0 0 Delgado p 1 0 0 0 Ottvino p 0 0 0 0 Corbin p 2 0 0 0 Parra ph 1 0 1 0 Hoover p 0 0 0 0 Rusin p 0 0 0 0 Hrrmann ph 1 0 0 0 Amrista ph 1 0 0 0 D L Rsa p 0 0 0 0 Lyles p 0 0 0 0 Bradley p 0 0 0 0 Wlhlmsn p 0 0 0 0 Owings ss 2 0 0 0 TOTALS 44 0 5 0 TOTALS 47 2 11 2 COLORADO 000 000 000 000 0„0 ARIZONA 000 000 000 000 2„2 E„Owings (6). DP„Arizona 1. LOB„ Colorado 9, Arizona 13. 2B„Garneau (5), Pollock (9), Drury (5). HR„Descalso (2). IP H R ER BB SO COLORADO Marquez 6 6 0 0 1 8 Oberg 1 0 0 0 1 0 Ottavino 2 0 0 0 0 2 Rusin 2 2 0 0 0 2 Lyles L,0-1 1 3 2 2 1 1 ARIZONA Corbin 6.1 2 0 0 2 6 Hoover .2 0 0 0 1 2 De La Rosa 1 0 0 0 0 3 Bradley 1 0 0 0 0 1 Wilhelmsen .2 1 0 0 0 1 Chafin .1 1 0 0 0 0 Delgado W,1-0 3 1 0 0 1 4 HBP„by Lyles (Goldschmidt). PB„Garneau. Umpires„Home, Jerry Layne; First, Marvin Hudson; Second, Toby Basner; Third, Mike Estabrook. T„4:02. A„23,613 (48,633).BOX SCORES LEADERS AMERICAN LEAGUEBATTING: Garcia, Chicago, .368; Trout, Los Angeles, .365; Castro, New York, .352; Haniger, Seattle, .342; Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, .330; Ramirez, Cleveland, .330; Dickerson, Tampa Bay, .330; Gurriel, Houston, .329; Altuve, Houston, .326; Benintendi, Boston, .326; 1 tied at .315. HITS: Trout, Los Angeles, 35; Castro, New York, 32; Garcia, Chicago, 32; Pillar, Toronto, 31; Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, 31; Ramirez, Cleveland, 30; Altuve, Houston, 29; Dickerson, Tampa Bay, 29; Jones, Baltimore, 29; Lindor, Cleveland, 29; 2 tied at 28. HOME RUNS: Davis, Oakland, 10; Judge, New York, 10; Cruz, Seattle, 7; Gallo, Texas, 7; Lindor, Cleveland, 7; Moustakas, Kansas City, 7; Springer, Houston, 7; Trout, Los Angeles, 7; 4 tied at 6. PITCHING: Keuchel, Houston, 5-0; ESantana, Minnesota, 4-0; Triggs, Oakland, 4-1; 12 tied at 3-1. ERA: ESantana, Minnesota, 0.77; Sale, Boston, 1.20; Keuchel, Houston, 1.21; Paxton, Seattle, 1.39; Vargas, Kansas City, 1.40; Bundy, Baltimore, 1.65; Triggs, Oakland, 1.84; Carrasco, Cleveland, 2.04; Holland, Chicago, 2.17; 2 tied at 2.25. STRIKEOUTS: Sale, Boston, 52; Salazar, Cleveland, 42; Darvish, Texas, 41; Paxton, Seattle, 39; Miley, Baltimore, 38; Archer, Tampa Bay, 37.NATIONAL LEAGUEBATTING: Zimmerman, Washington, .421; Harper, Washington, .391; Turner, Los Angeles, .388; Freeman, Atlanta, .381; Phillips, Atlanta, .355; Cozart, Cincinnati, .352; Thames, Milwaukee, .345; Murphy, Washington, .343; Realmuto, Miami, .342; DPeralta, Arizona, .333; 1 tied at .329. HITS: Zimmerman, Washington, 37; Harper, Washington, 36; Murphy, Washington, 36; Myers, San Diego, 34; Turner, Los Angeles, 33; Freeman, Atlanta, 32; Pollock, Arizona, 32; Blackmon, Colorado, 31; Hernandez, Philadelphia, 30; 4 tied at 29. HOME RUNS: Thames, Milwaukee, 11; Zimmerman, Washington, 11; Freeman, Atlanta, 9; Harper, Washington, 9; Reynolds, Colorado, 8; Schebler, Cincinnati, 8; Votto, Cincinnati, 8; 6 tied at 7. PITCHING: Hellickson, Philadelphia, 4-0; Kershaw, Los Angeles, 4-1; WPeralta, Milwaukee, 4-1; Robles, New York, 4-0; 15 tied at 3-0. ERA: Leake, St. Louis, 1.35; Nova, Pittsburgh, 1.50; Gonzalez, Washington, 1.62; Hellickson, Philadelphia, 1.80.; Taillon, Pittsburgh, 2.08; Anderson, Milwaukee, 2.10; Kershaw, Los Angeles, 2.29 STRIKEOUTS: deGrom, New York, 44; Greinke, Arizona, 40; Scherzer, Washington, 40; Kershaw, Los Angeles, 39; Martinez, St. Louis, 39; Ray, Arizona, 39; Samardzija, San Francisco, 35; Arrieta, Chicago, 34.MAY 11901: Herm McFarland and Dummy Hoy homer in the Chicago White Sox 19-9 rout of the Detroit Tigers. The Tigers committed an AL record 12 errors, 10 by the in“ eld, in the loss. 1906: John Lush of the Philadelphia Phillies pitched a no-hitter at Brooklyn, beating the Dodgers 6-0. 1912: George Sisler, a freshman at Michigan, struck out 20 in seven innings. 1920: Joe Oeschger of the Boston Braves and Leon Cadore of the Brooklyn Dodgers each pitched 26 innings in a 1-1 tie, the longest in major league history. 1920: Babe Ruth hit his “ rst home run as a Yankee as New York beat Boston 6-0 at the Polo Grounds. 1924: Chicagos Bill Barrett stole home twice, in the “ rst and ninth innings, against the Cleveland Indians. 1927: Hod Lisenbee of Washington pitched a shutout in his “ rst major league start, a 6-0 win over Boston. 1944: George Myatt of Washington went 6-for-6 as the Senators beat the Boston Braves 11-4. 1959: Early Wynn of the Chicago White Sox pitched a onehitter, struck out 14, and hit a double and home run for a 1-0 victory over the Boston Red Sox at the age of 39. 1969: Houstons Don Wilson beat the Cincinnati Reds with a 4-0 no-hitter at Crosley Field, one day after the Reds Jim Maloney no-hit the Astros and nine days after Wilson absorbed a 14-0 pounding by Cincinnati. 1973: The San Francisco Giants scored seven runs with two outs in the ninth inning to beat the Pittsburgh Pirates 8-7. THIS DATE IN BASEBALL RESULTS MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL


The Sun / Monday, May 1, 2017 SP Page 5SCOREBOARD PRO BASKETBALLNBA PLAYOFFS All Times Eastern (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) FIRST ROUND EASTERN CONFERENCE BOSTON 4, CHICAGO 2April 16: Chicago 106, Boston 102 April 18: Chicago 111, Boston 97 April 21: Boston 104, Chicago 87 April 23: Boston 104, Chicago 95 April 26: Boston 108, Chicago 97 April 28: Boston 105, Chicago 83WASHINGTON 4, ATLANTA 2April 16: Washington 114, Atlanta 107 April 19: Washington 109, Atlanta 101 April 22: Atlanta 116, Washington 98 April 24: Atlanta 111, Washington 101 April 26: Washington 103, Atlanta 99 April 28: Washington 115, Atlanta 99TORONTO 4, MILWAUKEE 2April 15: Milwaukee 97, Toronto 83 April 18: Toronto 106, Milwaukee 100 April 20: Milwaukee 104, Toronto 77 April 22: Toronto 87, Milwaukee 76 April 24 : Toronto 118, Milwaukee 93 April 27: Toronto 92, Milwaukee 89CLEVELAND 4, INDIANA 0April 15: Cleveland 109, Indiana 108 April 17: Cleveland 117, Indiana 111 April 20: Cleveland 119, Indiana 114 April 23: Cleveland 106, Indiana 102WESTERN CONFERENCE GOLDEN STATE 4, PORTLAND 0April 16: Golden State 121, Portland 109 April 19: Golden State 110, Portland 81 April 22 : Golden State 119, Portland 113 April 24: Golden State 128, Portland 103SAN ANTONIO 4, MEMPHIS 2April 15: San Antonio 111, Memphis 82 April 17: San Antonio 96, Memphis 82 April 20: Memphis 105, San Antonio 94 April 22 : Memphis 110, San Antonio 108, OT April 25: San Antonio 116, Memphis 103 April 27: San Antonio 103, Memphis 96HOUSTON 4, OKLAHOMA CITY 1April 16: Houston 118, Oklahoma City 87 April 19: Houston 115, Oklahoma City 111 April 21: Oklahoma City 115, Houston 113 April 23: Houston 113, Oklahoma City 109 April 25: Houston 105, Oklahoma City 99UTAH 4, L.A. CLIPPERS 3April 15: Utah 97, L.A. Clippers 95 April 18: L.A. Clippers 99, Utah 91 April 21: L.A. Clippers 111, Utah 106 April 23: Utah 105, L.A. Clippers 98 April 25: Utah 96, L.A. Clippers 92 April 28: L.A. Clippers 98, Utah 93 Sunday: Utah 104, L.A. Clippers 91SECOND ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE CLEVELAND VS. TORONTOToday: Toronto at Cleveland, 7 p.m. Wednesday: Toronto at Cleveland, 7 p.m. Friday: Cleveland at Toronto, 7 p.m. Sunday, May 7: Cleveland at Toronto, 3:30 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 9: Toronto at Cleveland, TBD x-Thursday, May 11: Cleveland at Toronto, TBD x-Sunday, May 14: Toronto at Cleveland, TBDBOSTON 1, WASHINGTON 0Sunday: Boston 123, Washington 111 Tuesday: Washington at Boston, 8 p.m. Thursday: Boston at Washington, 8 p.m. Sunday, May 7: Boston at Washington, 6:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 10: Washington at Boston, TBD x-Friday, May 12: Boston at Washington, TBD x-Monday, May 15: Washington at Boston, 8 p.m.WESTERN CONFERENCE SAN ANTONIO VS. HOUSTONToday: Houston at San Antonio, 9:30 p.m. Wednesday: Houston at San Antonio, 9:30 p.m. Friday: San Antonio at Houston, 9:30 p.m. Sunday, May 7 : San Antonio at Houston, 8 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 9: Houston at San Antonio, TBD x-Thursday, May 11: San Antonio at Houston, TBD x-Sunday, May 14: Houston at San Antonio, TBDGOLDEN STATE VS. UTAHTuesday: Utah at Golden State, 10:30 p.m. Thursday: Utah at Golden State, 10:30 p.m. Saturday, May 6: Golden State at Utah, 8:30 p.m. Monday, May 8: Golden State at Utah, 9 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 10: Utah at Golden State, TBD x-Friday, May 12: Golden State at Utah, TBD x-Sunday, May 14: Utah at Golden State, TBDSUNDAYS PLAYOFF BOX SCORES CELTICS 123, WIZARDS 111WASHINGTON (111) Porter 7-10 1-2 16, Morris 2-7 1-1 5, Gortat 7-13 2-5 16, Wall 9-20 1-2 20, Beal 9-19 5-7 27, Oubre 5-8 0-0 12, Smith 2-3 1-2 5, Ochefu 0-0 0-0 0, Jennings 0-2 0-0 0, Bogdanovic 3-5 2-3 10, Satoransky 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 44-87 13-22 111. BOSTON (123) Green 0-0 0-0 0, C rowder 8-14 2-2 24, Horford 10-13 0-0 21, Thomas 11-23 6-7 33, Bradley 7-20 1-1 18, Brown 2-3 0-0 5, Johnson 0-1 0-0 0, Jerebko 0-1 0-0 0, Olynyk 5-7 0-1 12, Smart 2-5 1-2 6, Rozier 1-3 2-2 4, Young 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 46-90 12-15 123. Washington 38 26 16 31 „ 111 Boston 24 35 36 28 „ 123 3-Point Goals„Washington 10-23 (Beal 4-7, Bogdanovic 2-3, Oubre 2-4, Porter 1-3, Wall 1-5, Morris 0-1), Boston 19-39 (C rowder 6-8, Thomas 5-11, Bradley 3-9, Olynyk 2-2, Brown 1-1, Smart 1-3, Horford 1-3, Rozier 0-2). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Washington 38 (Gortat 13), Boston 38 (Horford 9). Assists„Washington 27 (Wall 16), Boston 32 (Horford 10). Total Fouls„ Washington 14, Boston 25. A„18,624 (18,624).JAZZ 104, CLIPPERS 91UTAH (104) Ingles 4-6 2-2 12, Hayward 9-20 6-6 26, Diaw 4-6 2-2 10, Gobert 0-1 1-2 1, Hill 7-13 2-2 17, J.Johnson 4-13 2-4 10, Favors 8-11 1-2 17, Withey 0-0 0-0 0, Mack 0-0 0-0 0, Exum 0-2 0-0 0, Neto 0-1 0-0 0, Hood 4-6 2-3 11. Totals 40-79 18-23 104. L.A. CLIPPERS (91) Mbah a Moute 0-2 2-2 2, Jordan 9-12 6-15 24, Paul 6-19 0-1 13, Rivers 4-12 0-0 9, Redick 1-5 0-0 3, Pierce 2-4 1-1 6, Speights 2-5 3-4 8, Felton 3-5 0-0 6, Crawford 8-16 3-3 20. Totals 35-80 15-26 91. Utah 24 22 33 25 „ 104 L.A. Clippers 24 15 24 28 „ 91 3-Point Goals„Utah 6-13 (Ingles 2-3, Hayward 2-3, Hill 1-2, Hood 1-3, J.Johnson 0-1, Neto 0-1), L.A. Clippers 6-25 (Redick 1-2, Pierce 1-3, Rivers 1-4, Crawford 1-4, Speights 1-4, Paul 1-7, Mbah a Moute 0-1). Fouled Out„Favors, Gobert. Rebounds„Utah 46 (Favors 11), L.A. Clippers 38 (Jordan 17). Assists„Utah 22 (J.Johnson, Hill 5), L.A. Clippers 17 (Paul 9). Total Fouls„Utah 24, L.A. Clippers 19. A„19,060 (19,060).ODDSPREGAME.COM LINEMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL National League TodayFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINEat Chicago -170 Philadelpia +158 at Atlanta -115 New York +105 Pittsburgh -115 at Cincinnati +105 at St. Louis -145 Milwakee +135 at Los Angeles -230 San Francisco +210American Leagueat Kansas City -170 Chicago +158 at New York -153 Toronto +143 at Boston -119 Baltimore +109 Cleveland -115 at Detroit +105 at Houston -196 Texas +181Interleagueat Miami -125 Tampa Bay +115NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION Playoffs TodayFAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOG at Cleveland 6 208 Toronto at San Antonio 5 213 HoustonTuesdayat Boston 5 218 WashingtonNATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Stanley Cup Playoffs TodayFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE at Pittsburgh -130 Washington +120Tuesday at N.Y. Rangers -163 Ottawa +153 Updated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLAmerican LeagueBALTIMORE ORIOLES „ Recalled LHP Richard Bleier and RHP Logan Verrett from Norfolk (IL). Optioned LHPs Jayson Aquino and LHP Vidal Nuno to Norfolk. OAKLAND ATHLETICS „ Placed LHP Sean Manaea on the 10-day DL, retroactive to April 27 TEXAS RANGERS „ Claimed INF Pete Kozma off waivers from the New York Yankees. TORONTO BLUE JAYS „ Activated RHP Aaron Sanchez from 10-day DL. Optioned LHP Matt Dermody to Buffalo (IL).National LeagueCOLORADO ROCKIES „ Reinstated Ian Desmond from the 10-day DL. Designated INF Cristhian Adames for assignment. PITTSBURGH PIRATES „ Selected the contract of C John Bormann from Bradenton (FSL). Optioned OF Danny Ortiz to Indianapolis (IL). SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS „ Designated RHP Neil Ramirez for assignment. Purchased the contract of RHP Bryan Morris from Sacramento (PCL).FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueBUFFALO BILLS „ Fired general manager Doug Whaley, player-personnel director Jim Monos and adviser Kelvin Fisher.PRO HOCKEYNHLSTANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS SECOND ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE PITTSBURGH 2, WASHINGTON 0April 27: Pittsburgh 3, Washington 2 Saturday: Pittsburgh 6, Washington 2 Today: Washington at Pittsburgh, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Washington at Pittsburgh, 7:30 p.m. x-Saturday, May 6: Pittsburgh at Washington, TBD x-Monday, May 8: Washington at Pittsburgh, TBD x-Wednesday, May 10: Pittsburgh at Washington, TBDOTTAWA 2, N.Y. RANGERS 0April 27: Ottawa 2, N.Y. Rangers 1 Saturday: Ottawa 6, N.Y. Rangers 5, 2OT Tuesday: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m. Thursday: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, 7:30 p.m. x-Saturday, May 6: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, TBD x-Tuesday, May 9: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, TBD x-Thursday, May 11: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, TBDWESTERN CONFERENCE EDMONTON 2, ANAHEIM 1April 26: Edmonton 5, Anaheim 3 April 28: Edmonton 2, Anaheim 1 Sunday: Anaheim 6, Edmonton 3 Wednesday: Anaheim at Edmonton, 10 p.m. Friday: Edmonton at Anaheim, 10:30 p.m. x-Sunday, May 7: Anaheim at Edmonton, TBD x-Wednesday, May 10: Edmonton at Anaheim, TBDNASHVILLE 2, ST. LOUIS 1April 26: Nashville 4, St. Louis 3 April 28: St. Louis 3, Nashville 2 Sunday: Nashville 3, St. Louis 1 Tuesday: St. Louis at Nashville, 9:30 p.m. Friday: Nashville at St. Louis, 8 p.m. x-Sunday, May 7: St. Louis at Nashville, TBD x-Tuesday, May 9: Nashville at St. Louis, TBDSUNDAYS PLAYOFF SUMMARIES PREDATORS 3, BLUES 1St. Louis 0 1 0 „ 1 Nashville 1 1 1 „ 3 First Period„1, Nashville, Ellis 3 (Forsberg, Subban), 10:34. Penalties„Irwin, NSH, (tripping), 5:36; Reaves, STL, (elbowing), 8:31; Subban, NSH, (holding), 19:29; Steen, STL, (slashing), 19:29; Berglund, STL, (high sticking), 20:00. Second Period„2, Nashville, Mcleod 1 (Sissons, Ekholm), 2:29. 3, St. Louis, Steen 3 (Pietrangelo, Sobotka), 12:59. Penalties„ Stastny, STL, (tripping), 6:09. Third Period„4, Nashville, Josi 3 (Zolnierczyk, Sissons), 14:11. Penalties„Pietrangelo, STL, (slashing), 19:54; Ekholm, NSH, (slashing), 19:54; Ekholm, NSH, (roughing), 19:54; Pietrangelo, STL, (roughing), 19:54. Shots on Goal„St. Louis 10-4-9„23. Nashville 11-18-5„34. Power -play opportunities„St. Louis 0 of 1; Nashville 0 of 3. Goalies„St. Louis, Allen 5-3 (34 shots-31 saves). Nashville, Rinne 6-1 (23-22).DUCKS 6, OILERS 3Anaheim 3 1 2 „ 6 Edmonton 1 2 0 „ 3First Period„1, Anaheim, Rakell 3 (Getzlaf, Montour), 0:25. 2, Anaheim, Silfverberg 5 (Lindholm), 5:33. 3, Anaheim, Getzlaf 5, 11:51. 4, Edmonton, Maroon 3 (Draisaitl, Russell), 19:20. Penalties„Eaves, ANA, (high sticking), 6:23; Maroon, EDM, (interference), 9:11. Second Period„5, Edmonton, Slepyshev 2 (Russell, Desharnais), 1:28. 6, Edmonton, Mcdavid 3, 8:40. 7, Anaheim, Wagner 1 (Manson, Theodore), 9:28. Penalties„Perry, ANA, (interference), 5:16; Lucic, EDM, (roughing), 7:17; Lindholm, ANA, (roughing), 7:17; Eaves, ANA, (hooking), 17:27. Third Period„8, Anaheim, Silfverberg 6 (Manson, Theodore), 4:56. 9, Anaheim, Kesler 1 (Silfverberg), 10:38. Penalties„Larsson, EDM, (interference), 11:29; Pouliot, EDM, (slashing), 13:21; Maroon, EDM, (interference), 19:22. Shots on Goal„Anaheim 11-5-12„28. Edmonton 9-14-4„27. Power -play opportunities„Anaheim 0 of 4; Edmonton 0 of 3. Goalies„Anaheim, Gibson 4-2 (27 shots-24 saves). Edmonton, Talbot 6-3 (28-22). A„18,347 (18,641). T„2:41. Referees„Steve Kozari, Kelly Sutherland. Linesmen„Michel Cormier, Steve Miller.ECHL PLAYOFF GLANCEAll Times EDT DIVISIONAL SEMIFINALS EASTERN CONFERENCE North DivisionManchester 4, Adirondack 2 Friday, April 14: Manchester 3, Adirondack 1 Saturday, April 15: Manchester 4, Adirondack 2 Tuesday, April 18: Adirondack 3, Manchester 1 Thursday, April 20: Manchester 2, Adirondack 1 Saturday, April 22: Adirondack 2, Manchester 1 Tuesday, April 25: Manchester 6, Adirondack 5, OT Brampton 4, Reading 2 Thursday, April 13: Reading 2, Brampton 1 Saturday, April 15: Brampton 2, Reading 1, OT Tuesday, April 18: Brampton 2, Reading 1 Thursday, April 20: Reading 3, Brampton 2 Saturday, April 22: Brampton 2,Reading 1, 2OT Monday, April 24: Brampton 3, Reading 1South DivisionFlorida 4, Orlando 3 Wednesday, April 12: Orlando 4, Florida 2 Friday, April 14: Orlando 3, Florida 2 Thursday, April 20: Florida 5, Orlando 4, OT Saturday, April 22: Orlando 3, Florida 0 Sunday, April 23: Florida 5, Orlando 1 Tuesday, April 25: Florida 6, Orlando 4 Wednesday, April 26: Florida 7, Orlando 4 South Carolina 4, Greenville 2 Thursday, April 13: Greenville 6, South Carolina 3 Friday, April 14: Greenville 4, South Carolina 1 Monday, April 17: South Carolina 6, Greenville 0 Tuesday, April 18: South Carolina 6, Greenville 1 Friday, April 21: South Carolina 4, Greenville 2 Monday, April 24: South Carolina 4, Greenville 0WESTERN CONFERENCE Central DivisionToledo 4, Kalamazoo 3 Friday, April 14: Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 3 Saturday, April 15: Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 1 Tuesday, April 18: Kalamazoo 6, Toledo 4 Wednesday, April 19: Kalamazoo 8, Toledo 5 Friday, April 21: Toledo 3, Kalamazoo 2 Sunday, April 23: Kalamazoo 4, Toledo 3 Tuesday, April 25: Toledo 3, Kalamazoo 1 Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 1 Friday, April 14: Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 3 Saturday, April 15: Fort Wayne 3, Quad City 1 Wednesday, April 19: Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 3, OT Friday, April 21: Quad City 3, Fort Wayne 2, OT Saturday, April 22: Fort Wayne 3, Quad City 2Mountain DivisionAllen 4, Utah 1 Wednesday, April 12: Allen 4, Utah 3 Friday, April 14: Utah 4, Allen 1 Wednesday, April 19: Allen 4, Utah 2 Friday, April 21: Allen 5, Utah 1 Saturday, April 22: Allen 4, Utah 0 Colorado 4, Idaho 1 Friday, April 14: Idaho 4, Colorado 2 Saturday, April 15: Colorado 2, Idaho 1, OT Wednesday, April 19: Colorado 4, Idaho 2 Friday, April 21: Colorado 6, Idaho 5, OT Saturday, April 22: Colorado 6, Idaho 3DIVISION FINALS(Best-of-7; x-if necessary)EASTERN CONFERENCE North DivisionBrampton 1, Manchester 1 Thursday, April 27: Brampton 3, Manchester 2, OT Saturday, April 29: Manchester 3, Brampton 1 Monday, May 1: Brampton at Manchester, 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 2: Brampton at Manchester, 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 3: Brampton at Manchester, 7 p.m. x-Friday, May 5: Manchester at Brampton, 7:15 p.m. x-Sunday, May 7: Manchester at Brampton, 2 p.m.South DivisionSouth Carolina 1, Florida 1 Friday, April 28: South Carolina 3, Florida 2, 2OT Saturday, April 29: Florida 5, South Carolina 2 Monday, May 1: Florida at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. Wednesday, May 3: Florida at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. Thursday, May 4: Florida at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. x-Saturday, May 6: South Carolina at Florida, 7:05 p.m. x-Monday, May 8: South Carolina at Florida, 7:05 p.m.WESTERN CONFERENCE Central DivisionToledo 2, Fort Wayne 0 Friday, April 28: Toledo 2, Fort Wayne 1 Saturday, April 29: Toledo 4, Fort Wayne 3, OT Wednesday, May 3: Toledo at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 5: Toledo at Fort Wayne at 8 p.m. x-Saturday, May 6: Fort Wayne at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. x-Monday, May 8: Toledo at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 10: at Toledo, 7:35 p.m.Mountain DivisionColorado 2, Allen 0 Friday, April 28: Colorado 4, Allen 1 Saturday, April 29: Colorado 5, Allen 2 Wednesday, May 3: Allen at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. Thursday, May 4: Allen at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. x-Sunday, May 7: Allen at Colorado, 5:05 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 9: Colorado at Allen, 8:05 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 10: Colorado at Allen, 8:05 p.m.GOLFPGA TOURZURICH CLASSICSundays leaders at TPC Louisiana, Avondale, La. Purse: $7.1 million. Yardage: 7,425. Par: 72.Fourth RoundBlixt/Smith 67-62-68-64„261 Kisner/Brown 70-64-67-60„261 Kraft/Tway 71-63-70-61„265 Spieth/Palmer 66-66-70-64„266 Dufner/Kizzire 69-64-73-63„269 B. Koepka/C. Koepka 69-65-73-62„269 Watson/Holmes 73-64-68-64„269 Cabrera/Etulain 70-63-71-65„269 Thomas/Cauley 70-64-74-61„269 C. Hoffman/Watney 67-65-69-68„269 Schauffele/Ridings 68-64-73-65„270 Murray/Percy 70-67-71-62„270 Stuard/Stroud 68-64-71-67„270 Lingmerth/Lee 72-62-72-65„271 Stricker/Kelly 68-66-72-65„271 Reed/Cantlay 68-62-75-66„271 Harman/Wagner 71-64-72-64„271 Van Aswegen/Goosen 73-60-72-66„271 Jacobson/Wilcox 71-63-73-64„271 M. Hoffmann/Villegas 72-62-71-66„271 Thompson/Wilkinson 71-66-68-66„271 Barnes/Jones 70-67-70-65„272 Hearn/DeLaet 71-66-72-63„272 Grace/Oosthuizen 70-67-70-66„273 Henry/Hoge 69-67-71-66„273 Merritt/Streb 69-62-74-68„273 Cejka/Kjeldsen 70-62-75-66„273 Choi/Wi 67-64-76-66„273 Bryan/Blaum 71-65-71-67„274 Stanley/Ruffels 66-66-77-65„274 Reifers/Johnston 71-66-73-64„274 Ogilvy/Poulter 69-66-71-69„275 Bozzelli/Poston 70-66-73-66„275 Swafford/English 70-67-73-65„275 Matsuyama/Tanihara 69-66-75-65„275 M. Kim/Hagy 72-64-71-69„276Made Cut Did Not FinishFlores/Fdez-Castano 72-65-74„211 Martin/Crane 67-67-77„211 Schniederjans/Werenski 70-67-76„213 Reavie/Glover 69-68-76„213 Loupe/Peterson 71-64-78„213 Hubbard/Randolph 69-67-78„214 Note: Playoff between Kevin Kisner/Scott Brown and Jonas Blixt/Cameron Smith will take place today at 9 a.m. EDTLPGA TOURVOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA TEXAS SHOOTOUTSundays leaders at Las Colinas CC, Irving, Texas. Purse: $1.3 million. Yardage : 6,441. Par: 71 (36-35). (a-denotes amateur) (x-won on sixth playoff hole)Finalx-Haru Nomura, $195,000 68-65-72-76„281 Cristie Kerr, $118,382 68-69-70-74„281 Jessica Korda, $85,878 68-70-72-73„283 Sung Hyun Park, $66,433 67-72-71-74„284 Eun-Hee Ji, $41,481 68-73-74-70„285 Angel Yin, $41,481 74-67-72-72„285 Minjee Lee, $41,481 68-70-74-73„285 Mi Jung Hur, $41,481 65-72-74-74„285 Amy Yang, $25,520 68-71-78-69„286 Charley Hull, $25,520 71-66-77-72„286 So Yeon Ryu, $25,520 74-69-68-75„286 Ariya Jutanugarn, $25,520 67-67-76-76„286 Brittany Lang, $19,444 73-68-73-73„287 Jane Park, $19,444 72-71-70-74„287 Michelle Wie, $19,444 67-73-71-76„287 Inbee Park, $19,444 69-67-71-80„287 Mel Reid, $15,815 73-66-77-72„288 Lexi Thompson, $15,815 69-72-73-74„288 Jacqui Concolino, $15,815 69-69-75-75„288 Stacy Lewis, $15,815 71-71-66-80„288 Brooke M. Henderson, $13,365 74-71-71-73„289 Amelia Lewis, $13,365 68-72-75-74„289 Joanna Klatten, $13,365 72-69-73-75„289 Katherine Kirk, $13,365 67-73-74-75„289 Moriya Jutanugarn, $13,365 70-66-74-79„289 Alena Sharp, $11,472 70-74-70-76„290 Suzann Pettersen, $11,472 70-65-78-77„290 Annie Park, $11,472 72-68-72-78„290 Marina Alex, $10,176 67-69-81-74„291 Danielle Kang, $10,176 73-68-74-76„291 Gerina Piller, $10,176 69-71-75-76„291 Thidapa Suwannapura, $8,158 72-73-72-75„292 Brittany Lincicome, $8,158 75-69-73-75„292 Morgan Pressel, $8,158 75-69-73-75„292 Christina Kim, $8,158 72-72-73-75„292 Lindy Duncan, $8,158 70-70-76-76„292 Dori Carter, $8,158 76-63-77-76„292 Jenny Shin, $8,158 71-72-71-78„292 Jodi Ewart Shadoff, $8,158 71-72-71-78„292 Karine Icher, $6,482 71-69-76-77„293 Nelly Korda, $6,482 70-68-77-78„293 Chella Choi, $6,482 68-71-73-81„293 a-Eun Jeong Seong 69-69-69-86„293 Sun Young Yoo, $5,725 69-74-74-77„294 Sarah Jane Smith, $5,725 69-71-76-78„294 Pornanong Phatlum, $5,725 69-71-75-79„294 Cydney Clanton, $5,217 73-70-74-79„296 Gaby Lopez, $5,217 69-74-74-79„296 Jennifer Song, $4,731 67-76-74-80„297 P. Thanapolboonyaras, $4,731 69-71-76-81„297 Marissa L Steen, $4,731 69-71-73-84„297 Brooke Pancake, $4,408 73-68-75-82„298 Angela Stanford, $4,278 68-69-73-89„299EUROPEAN TOURVOLVO CHINA OPEN Sundays leaders at Topwin Golf & CC, Beijing Purse: $2.9 million. Yardage: 7,261. Par: 72 (36-36). (w-won on “ rst playoff hole)Finalx-Alexander Levy, France 63-70-71-67„271 Dylan Frittelli, South Africa 70-63-64-74„271 Pablo Larrazabal, Spain 64-66-70-72„272 Bernd Wiesberger, Austria 69-68-69-67„273 Chris Wood, England 72-68-65-68„273 Ross Fisher, England 73-70-64-67„274 Y.E. Yang, South Korea 69-68-71-66„274 George Coetzee, South Africa 67-69-71-68„275 Jorge Campillo, Spain 68-70-70-68„276 Lee Soomin, South Korea 69-65-73-69„276 Haotong Li, China Korea 69-71-67-70„277 Mike Lorenzo-Vera, France 73-66-71-67„277 Benjamin Herbert, France 70-72-66-70„278 Michael Hendry, New Zealand 72-67-71-68„278 Raphael Jacquelin, France 67-71-71-69„278 Kyongjun Moon, South Korea 69-71-66-72„278 Justin Walters, South Africa 71-70-68-69„278AlsoDavid Lipsky, United States 69-71-69-71„280 Paul Uihlein, United States 72-66-71-72„281 Paul Peterson, U.S. 69-69-71-74„283WEB.COM TOUREL BOSQUE MEXICO CHAMPIONSHIPSundays leaders at El Bosque CC, Guanajuato, Mexico Purse: $650,000. Yardage: 7,762; Par: 72FinalMatt Atkins, $117,000 68-69-66-68„271 Sebastian Munoz, $70,200 65-71-68-70„274 Austin Cook, $33,800 73-68-67-67„275 Ted Potter, Jr., $33,800 71-71-67-66„275 Roger Sloan, $33,800 71-70-67-67„275 Stuart Appleby, $23,400 72-68-67-69„276 Sepp Straka, $21,775 65-70-71-71„277 Armando Favela, $17,550 67-75-69-68„279 Nate Lashley, $17,550 74-69-65-71„279 Denny McCarthy, $17,550 69-67-71-72„279 Keith Mitchell, $17,550 72-68-72-67„279 Taylor Moore, $17,550 66-71-72-70„279 Abraham Ancer, $12,567 67-71-72-70„280 Michael Hebert, $12,567 69-68-74-69„280 D.H. Lee, $12,567 71-70-69-70„280 Oscar Fraustro, $10,400 70-73-66-72„281 Carlos Ortiz, $10,400 70-71-67-73„281 Nicholas Thompson, $10,400 71-70-72-68„281 Jonathan Byrd, $8,158 69-71-70-72„282 Vince India, $8,158 71-72-69-70„282 Rick Lamb, $8,158 74-70-68-70„282 Ben Silverman, $8,158 70-70-73-69„282 Matt Harmon, $5,289 68-74-72-69„283 Gerardo Ruiz, $5,289 68-75-70-70„283 Adam Svensson, $5,289 67-74-72-70„283 James Driscoll, $5,289 71-73-69-70„283 Luke Guthrie, $5,289 68-73-71-71„283 Ben Kohles, $5,289 68-72-72-71„283 Alexandre Rocha, $5,289 76-68-68-71„283 Cameron Wilson, $5,289 69-72-70-72„283 Ryan Yip, $5,289 67-74-70-72„283 Michael Putnam, $3,481 71-73-72-68„284 Mark Anguiano, $3,481 75-67-69-73„284 Jamie Arnold, $3,481 71-70-70-73„284 John Chin, $3,481 68-73-72-71„284 Derek Ernst, $3,481 76-67-70-71„284 Juan Diego Fernandez, $3,481 72-68-71-73„284 Ken Looper, $3,481 67-71-75-71„284 Tom Lovelady, $3,481 68-73-68-75„284 Josh Teater, $3,481 71-72-71-70„284 Anders Albertson, $2,600 72-71-72-70„285 Chesson Hadley, $2,600 70-71-72-72„285 Kyle Wilshire, $2,600 73-71-70-71„285 Scott Harrington, $2,113 66-76-71-73„286 Timothy Madigan, $2,113 72-68-75-71„286 Parker McLachlin, $2,113 70-73-74-69„286 Wes Roach, $2,113 68-71-75-72„286 Adam Schenk, $2,113 70-74-70-72„286 Jimmy Gunn, $1,885 71-71-71-74„287 Kyoung-Hoon Lee, $1,885 69-72-75-71„287 Rob Oppenheim, $1,885 65-76-73-73„287 A.J. McInerney, $1,801 71-70-72-75„288 Jin Park, $1,801 71-73-72-72„288 Andrew Putnam, $1,801 69-71-77-71„288 Talor Gooch, $1,752 70-74-73-72„289 Michael Johnson, $1,752 71-73-74-71„289 Roberto Diaz, $1,723 74-70-73-73„290 Curtis Thompson, $1,723 71-73-73-73„290 Paul Barjon, $1,690 70-69-76-76„291 Bryan Bigley, $1,690 72-70-74-75„291 Chris Worrell, $1,690 70-70-76-75„291 Sam Love, $1,664 70-73-73-76„292 Alex Aragon, $1,645 73-71-72-78„294 Nick Rousey, $1,645 72-72-74-76„294 Eric Axley, $1,625 73-71-78-73„295 Puma Dominguez, $1,612 67-76-73-80„296AUTO RACINGNASCAR MONSTER CUPTOYOTA O WNERS 400Sunday at Richmond International Raceway, Richmond, Va.(Start position in parentheses)1. (5) Joey Logano, Ford, 400 laps, 42 points. 2. (15) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 400, 50. 3. (16) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 400, 47. 4. (4) Ricky Stenhouse Jr, Ford, 400, 33. 5. (6) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 400, 47. 6. (10) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 400, 38. 7. (13) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 400, 39. 8. (9) Kurt Busch, Ford, 400, 29. 9. (25) Aric Almirola, Ford, 400, 28. 10. (3) Martin Truex Jr, Toyota, 400, 35. 11. (17) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 400, 26. 12. (11) Daniel Suarez, Toyota, 400, 25. 13. (29) Trevor Bayne, Ford, 400, 24. 14. (18) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 400, 38. 15. (8) Clint Bowyer, Ford, 400, 27. 16. (7) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 400, 21. 17. (23) Chris Buescher, Chevrolet, 400, 20. 18. (21) Danica Patrick, Ford, 400, 19. 19. (30) David Ragan, Ford, 400, 18. 20. (38) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 400, 17. 21. (28) Landon Cassill, Ford, 400, 16. 22. (19) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 400, 15. 23. (1) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, 400, 33. 24. (14) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 400, 13. 25. (26) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 400, 12. 26. (24) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, 400, 13. 27. (36) Cole Whitt, Chevrolet, 400, 10. 28. (32) Matt DiBenedetto, Ford, 400, 9. 29. (27) Michael McDowell, Chevrolet, 399, 8. 30. (12) Dale Earnhardt Jr, Chevrolet, 398, 7. 31. (31) Gray Gaulding, Toyota, 398, 6. 32. (34) Corey LaJoie, Toyota, 396, 5. 33. (33) Reed Sorenson, Chevrolet, 395, 4. 34. (37) Timmy Hill, Chevrolet, 393, 0. 35. (35) Jeffrey Earnhardt, Chevrolet, 392, 2. 36. (2) Ryan Blaney, Ford, accident, 378, 1. 37. (22) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 333, 1. 38. (20) Erik Jones, Toyota, accident, 4, 1.Race StatisticsAverage Speed of Race Winner: 93.685 mph. Time of Race: 3 hours, 12 minutes, 8 seconds. Margin of Victory: 0.775 seconds. Caution Flags: 9 for 53 laps. Lead Changes: 18 among 8 drivers. Lap Leaders: M.Kenseth 1-163; B.Keselowski 164-204; M.Kenseth 205; D.Hamlin 206-228; K.Harvick 229-237; B.Keselowski 238-251; K.Harvick 252; D.Hamlin 253-286; B.Keselowski 287-319; R.Newman 320-344; K.Harvick 345; B.Keselowski 346-357; Ky.Busch 358; B.Keselowski 359-360; D.Hamlin 361-362; B.Keselowski 363-370; J.Logano 371-378; K.Larson 379-383; J.Logano 384-400. Leaders Summary (Driver, Times Led, Laps Led): M.Kenseth, 2 times for 162 laps; B.Keselowski, 6 times for 104 laps; D.Hamlin, 3 times for 56 laps; R.Newman, 1 time for 24 laps; J.Logano, 2 times for 23 laps; K.Harvick, 3 times for 8 laps; K.Larson, 1 time for 4 laps; Ky.Busch, 1 time for 0 laps. Top 16 in Points: 1. K.Larson, 398; 2. M.Truex, 358; 3. C.Elliott, 346; 4. J.Logano, 333; 5. B.Keselowski, 327; 6. K.Harvick, 286; 7. J.McMurray, 282; 8. J.Johnson, 270; 9. C.Bowyer, 266; 10. Ky.Busch, 235; 11. D.Hamlin, 231; 12. R.Blaney, 229; 13. R.Newman, 225; 14. T.Bayne, 216; 15. R.Stenhouse, 201; 16. E.Jones, 193.VERIZON INDYCARPHOENIX GRAND PRIXSaturday night at Phoenix International Raceway, Avondale, Ariz. 1, Simon Pagenaud, 250, Running 2, Will Power, 250, Running 3, JR Hildebrand, 250, Running 4, Helio Castroneves, 250, Running 5, Scott Dixon, 249 Running 6, Tony Kanaan, 249, Running 7, Ed Carpenter, 248, Running 8, Charlie Kimball, 248, Running 9, Josef Newgarden, 248, Running 10, Carlos Munoz, 247, Running 11, Ed Jones, 247, Running 12, James Hinchcliffe, 246, Running 13, Ryan Hunter-Reay 220, Mechanical 14, Conor Daly, 180, Running 15, Alexander Rossi, 141, Contact 16, Takuma Sato, 135, Contact 17, Mikhail Aleshin, 0, Contact 18, Marco Andretti, 0, Contact 19, Sebastien Bourdais, 0, Contact 20, Max Chilton, 0, Contact 21, Graham Rahal, 0, ContactFORMULA ONERUSSIAN GRAND PRIXSunday at Sochi Autodrom, Sochi, Russia 1. Valtteri Bottas, Finland, Mercedes GP, 1:28:08.743. 2. Sebastian Vettel, Germany, Ferrari, 1:28:09.360. 3. Kimi Raikkonen, Finland, Ferrari, 1:28:19.743. 4. Lewis Hamilton, Britain, Mercedes GP, 1:28:45.063. 5. Max Verstappen, Netherlands, Red Bull, 1:29:09.159. 6. Sergio Perez, Mexico, Force India, 1:29:35.531. 7. Esteban Ocon, France, Force India, 1:29:43.747. 8. Nico Hulkenberg, Germany, Renault, 1:29:44.931. 9. Felipe Massa, Brazil, Williams, 1 lap behind. 10. Carlos Sainz, Spain, Scuderia Toro Rosso, 1 lap. 11. Lance Stroll, Canada, Williams, 1 lap. 12. Daniil Kvyat, Russia, Scuderia Toro Rosso, 1 lap. 13. Kevin Magnussen, Denver, Haas F1, 1 lap. 14. Stoffel Vandoorne, Belgium, McLaren, 1 lap. 15. Marcus Ericsson, Sweden, Sauber-Ferrari, 1 lap. 16. Pascal Wehrlein, Germany, Sauber-Ferrari, at 1 Lap.Not Classi“ ed17. Daniel Ricciardo, Australia, Red Bull, 5 laps. 18. Fernando Alonso, Spain, McLaren, 0 laps. 19. Jolyon Palmer, Britain, Renault, 0 laps. 20. Romain Grosjean, France, Haas F1, 0 laps.Driver Standings1. Sebastian Vettel, Germany, Ferrari, 86 points. 2. Lewis Hamilton, Britain, Mercedes GP, 73. 3. Valtteri Bottas, Finland, Mercedes GP, 63. 4. Kimi Raikkonen, Finland, Ferrari, 49. 5. Max Verstappen, Netherlands, Red Bull, 35. 6. Daniel Ricciardo, Australia, Red Bull, 22. 7. Sergio Perez, Mexico, Force India, 22. 8. Felipe Massa, Brazil, Williams, 18. 9. Carlos Sainz, Spain, Scuderia Toro Rosso, 11. 10. Esteban Ocon, France, Force India, 9. 11. Nico Hulkenberg, Germany, Renault, 6. 12. Romain Grosjean, France, Haas F1, 4. 13. Kevin Magnussen, Denver, Haas F1, 4. 14. Daniil Kvyat, Russia, Scuderia Toro Rosso, 2.Manufacturers Standings1. Mercedes GP, 136. 2. Ferrari, 135. 3. Red Bull, 57. 4. Force India, 31. 5. Williams, 18. 6. Scuderia Toro Rosso, 13. 7. Haas F1, 8. 8. Renault, 6.NHRA QUALIFYINGSunday at zMax Dragway, Concord, N.C.Final Finish Order TOP FUEL1, Steve Torrence. 2, Tony Schumacher. 3, Leah Pritchett. 4, Terry McMillen. 5, Dom Lagana. 6, Doug Kalitta. 7, Clay Millican. 8, Antron Brown. 9, Scott Palmer. 10, Terry Haddock. 11, Ike Maier. 12, Shawn Langdon. 13, Troy Coughlin Jr.. 14, Pat Dakin. 15, Chris Karamesines.FUNNY CAR1, Ron Capps. 2, Jack Beckman. 3, J.R. Todd. 4, Matt Hagan. 5, Robert Hight. 6, Jonnie Lindberg. 7, John Force. 8, Tim Wilkerson. 9, Tommy Johnson Jr.. 10, Chad Head. 11, Bob Bode. 12, Bob Tasca III. 13, Del Worsham. 14, Jim Campbell. 15, Cruz Pedregon. 16, Courtney Force.PRO STOCK1, Chris McGaha. 2, Greg Anderson. 3, Shane Gray. 4, Drew Skillman. 5, Vincent Nobile. 6, Alex Laughlin. 7, Jason Line. 8, Tanner Gray. 9, Jeg Coughlin. 10, Allen Johnson. 11, Bo Butner. 12, Shane Tucker. 13, Deric Kramer. 14, Alan Prusiensky. 15, Erica Enders. 16, John Gaydosh Jr.PRO STOCK MOTORCYCLE1, LE Tonglet. 2, Eddie Krawiec. 3, Andrew Hines. 4, Scotty Pollacheck. 5, Joey Gladstone. 6, Angelle Sampey. 7, Matt Smith. 8, Karen Stoffer. 9, Jerry Savoie. 10, Angie Smith. 11, Shawn Gann. 12, Hector Arana. 13, Chip Ellis. 14, Steve Johnson. 15, Hector Arana Jr. 16, Cory Reed.Point Standings (Through 6 of 24 events) Top Fuel1, Leah Pritchett, 569. 2, Tony Schumacher, 535. 3, Antron Brown, 501. 4, Steve Torrence, 470. 5, Doug Kalitta, 417. 6, Clay Millican, 330. 7, Brittany Force, 316. 8, Terry McMillen, 267. 9, Troy Coughlin Jr., 264. 10, Scott Palmer, 212.Funny Car1, Ron Capps, 518. 2, Matt Hagan, 475. 3, John Force, 433. 4, Tommy Johnson Jr., 390. 5, Jack Beckman, 375. 6, Robert Hight, 365. 7, Courtney Force, 343. 8, J.R. Todd, 295. 9, Jonnie Lindberg, 286. 10, Jim Campbell, 242.Pro Stock1, Greg Anderson, 554. 2, Bo Butner, 464. 3, Jason Line, 457. 4, Tanner Gray, 423. 5, Jeg Coughlin, 419. 6, Chris McGaha, 365. 7, Shane Gray, 350. 8, Drew Skillman, 300. 9, Erica Enders, 295. 10, Vincent Nobile, 288.Pro Stock Motorcycle1, Eddie Krawiec, 225. 2, Andrew Hines, 177. 3, LE Tonglet, 172. 4, Joey Gladstone, 135. 5, Scotty Pollacheck, 124. 6, Jerry Savoie, 108. 7, Steve Johnson, 105. 8, Matt Smith, 104. 9, Karen Stoffer, 83. 10, Angelle Sampey, 82.TENNISATP TOURGAZPROM HUNGARIAN OPENSunday at Margitsziget, Budapest, Hungary Purse: $517,000 (WT250) Surface: Clay-OutdoorMens Singles ChampionshipLucas Pouille (1), France, def. Aljaz Bedene, Britain, 6-3, 6-1.Mens Doubles ChampionshipBrian Baker, United States, and Nikola Mektic (4), Croatia, def. Juan Sebastian Cabal and Robert Farah (3), Colombia, 7-6 (2), 6-4.BARCELONA OPEN BANC SABADELLSunday at Real Club de Tenis Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Purse: $2.49 million (WT500). Surface: Clay-OutdoorMens Singles ChampionshipRafael Nadal (3), Spain, def. Dominic Thiem (4), Austria, 6-4, 6-1.Mens Doubles ChampionshipFlorin Mergea, Romania, and Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi, Pakistan, def. Philipp Petzschner, Germany, and Alexander Peya, Austria, 6-4, 6-3.WTA TOURPORSCHE GRAND PRIXSunday at Porsche-Arena, Stuttgart, Germany Purse: $710,900 (Premier). Surface: Clay-IndoorWomens Singles ChampionshipLaura Siegemund, Germany, def. Kristina Mladenovic, France, 6-1, 2-6, 7-6 (5).Womens Doubles ChampionshipRaquel Atawo, United States, and Jelena Ostapenko (3), Latvia, def. Abigail Spears, United States, and Katarina Srebotnik (1), Slovenia, 6-4, 6-4.BNP PARIBAS ISTANBUL CUPSunday at Garanti Koza Arena, Istanbul Purse: $226,750 (Intl.). Surface: Hard-OutdoorWomens Singles ChampionshipElina Svitolina (1), Ukraine, def. Elise Mertens (6), Belgium, 6-2, 6-4.Womens Doubles ChampionshipDalila Jakupovic, Slovenia, and Nadiia Kichenok, Ukraine, def. Nicole Melichar, United States, and Elise Mertens (4), Belgium, 7-6 (6), 6-2.SOCCERMAJOR LEAGUE SOCCEREASTERN CONF. W L T PTS GF GA Orlando City 6 1 0 18 10 5 New York Red Bulls 5 3 1 16 11 10 New York City FC 4 3 1 13 14 9 Columbus 4 4 1 13 13 13 Toronto FC 3 1 4 13 12 7 Atlanta United FC 3 3 2 11 18 11 Chicago 3 3 2 11 11 12 D.C. United 3 3 2 11 9 13 New England 2 3 4 10 14 14 Montreal 1 3 4 7 11 14 Philadelphia 0 4 4 4 8 14 WESTERN CONF. W L T PTS GF GA Portland 5 2 2 17 20 12 Sporting Kansas City 4 1 3 15 9 3 FC Dallas 4 0 3 15 10 5 Houston 4 3 1 13 15 13 San Jose 3 3 3 12 9 10 Vancouver 3 4 1 10 11 14 Seattle 2 2 4 10 14 11 Real Salt Lake 2 5 2 8 9 15 Minnesota United 2 5 2 8 13 25 Los Angeles 2 5 1 7 8 13 Colorado 1 5 1 4 5 11 3 points for victory, 1 point for tieApril 28Toronto FC 2, Houston 0Saturdays GamesVancouver 2, Montreal 1 Orlando City 2, Colorado 0 New York Red Bulls 2, Chicago 1 New York City FC 3, Columbus 2 Portland 2, FC Dallas 2, tie San Jose 1, Minnesota United 0 Sporting Kansas City 3, Real Salt Lake 0 New England 3, Seattle 3, tie Philadelphia 0, Los Angeles 0, tieSundays GameD.C. United 3, Atlanta United FC 1Wednesday, May 3Orlando City at Toronto FC, 7:30 p.m. New York at Sporting Kansas City, 8:30 p.m.Friday, May 5Vancouver at Colorado, 10 p.m.Saturday, May 6Toronto FC at Seattle, 3 p.m. Montreal at D.C. United, 6 p.m. New York at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. New England at Columbus, 7:30 p.m. Orlando City at Houston, 8:30 p.m. FC Dallas at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 p.m. Chicago at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m. Portland at San Jose, 10:30 p.m.Sunday, May 7Sporting Kansas City at Minnesota United, 1:30 p.m. Atlanta United FC at New York City FC, 4 p.m.NATIONAL WOMENS SOCCER LEAGUE W L T PTS GF GA North Carolina 3 0 0 9 5 1 Boston 2 1 0 6 4 2 Portland 2 1 0 6 3 1 Houston 2 1 0 6 4 5 Seattle 1 1 1 4 6 5 Sky Blue FC 1 1 1 3 2 2 Chicago 1 2 0 3 1 3 Kansas City 1 2 0 3 2 2 Washington 0 2 1 1 1 3 Orlando 0 2 1 1 2 6 3 points for victory, 1 point for tieSaturdays GamesPortland 1, Chicago 0 North Carolina 3, Orlando 1 Boston 3, Seattle 0 Houston 1, Washington 0Sundays GameSky Blue FC 1, Kansas City 0Saturday, May 6Chicago at Houston, 4 p.m. Washington at Sky Blue FC, 7 p.m. Portland at Seattle, 10 p.m.Sunday, May 7North Carolina at Boston, 8 p.m. Orlando at Kansas City, 8 p.m.COLLEGE BASEBALLCOLLEGIATE BASEBALL POLLThe Collegiate Baseball poll with records through April 23. Voting is done by coaches, sports writers and sports information directors: TEAM RECORD PTS PRV 1. Oregon State 32-3 497 1 2. TCU 30-8 494 3 3. Louisville 33-6 492 2 4. North Carolina 31-9 490 4 5. Clemson 33-8 488 5 6. Texas Tech 33-10 485 6 7. Mississippi State 28-14 484 14 8. Auburn 30-12 483 10 9. Kentucky 28-13 481 11 10. Arkansas 32-10 477 9 11. St. Johns 29-5 473 13 12. Virginia 33-10 470 15 13. Florida 27-13 468 16 14. LSU 27-14 465 12 15. Maryland 28-11 463 18 16. Long Beach State 25-13 460 24 17. Arizona 26-12 458 7 18. Cal State Fullerton 24-14 455 8 19. Gonzaga 24-14 453 „ 20. Louisiana-Lafayette 26-14-1 450 „ 21. South Carolina 24-15 449 21 22. Vanderbilt 25-16 447 27 23. Wake Forest 29-13 445 17 24. San Diego 27-11 443 19 25. Michigan 31-9 441 20 26. West Virginia 23-15 438 25 27. McNeese State 28-11 432 23 28. Missouri State 27-13 428 „ 29. Stanford 23-12 425 „ 30. Southern Miss. 30-12 423 22BASEBALL AMERICA TOP 25 The top 25 teams in the Baseball America poll through April 23 (selected by Baseball America): TEAM RECORD PRV 1. Oregon State 32-3 1 2. Louisville 33-6 2 3. North Carolina 31-9 3 4. TCU 30-8 7 5. Auburn 30-12 10 6. Clemson 33-8 5 7. Texas Tech 33-10 4 8. Mississippi State 28-14 11 9. Long Beach State 25-13 12 10. Kentucky 28-13 14 11. Florida 27-13 15 12. Virginia 33-10 13 13. Arizona 26-12 6 14. Cal State Fullerton 24-14 8 15. LSU 27-14 9 16. Arkansas 32-10 16 17. Wake Forest 29-13 17 18. Stanford 23-12 „ 19. Texas A&M 28-13 23 20. Houston 27-12 24 21. Maryland 28-11 „ 22. St. Johns 29-5 22 23. Michigan 31-9 18 24. Mercer 35-7 „ 25. West Virginia 23-15 21CALENDARMLBMay 16-18 „ Owners meetings, New York. June 12 „ Amateur draft starts. July 11 „ All-Star Game, Miami. July 7 „ Last day to sign for amateur draft picks subject to deadline. July 30 „ Hall of Fame inductions, Cooperstown, N.Y. July 31 „ Last day to trade a player without securing waivers. Sept. 1 „ Active rosters expand to 40 players. November TBA „ Deadline for teams to make qualifying offers to their eligible former players who became free agents, “ fth day after World Series. November TBA „ Deadline for free agents to accept qualifying offers, 15th day after World Series. Dec. 10-14 „ Winter meetings, Lake Buena Vista, Fla.NBAMay 1 „ Conference semi“ nals begin. May 9-14 „ Draft combine, Chicago. May 16 „ Draft lottery. June 1 „ NBA Finals begin. June 12 „ NBA draft early entry withdrawal deadline. June 18 „ NBA Finals latest possible date. June 22 „ NBA draft.NFLApril 27-29 „ NFL draft, Philadelphia. May 22-24 „ Spring owners meetings, Chicago. Aug. 3 „ Hall of Fame game. Aug. 5 „ Pro Football Hall of Fame inductions.NHLMay 28-June 3 „ Draft combine, Buffalo, N.Y. June 14 „ Last possible day for Stanley Cup “ nals


Page 6 SP Monday, May 1, 2017 / The SunIN BRIEFCOLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. Air Force football players headed to White House The Air Force football team will visit to the White House this week to be honored as winners of the Commander-in-Chiefs Trophy. The Gazette reports that the Falcons are scheduled to fly to Washington, D.C., today, and meet President Donald Trump at the White House on Tuesday. Air Force beat Army and Navy this season to win the trophy for the second time in three seasons. Air Force, which finished the season 10-3, has won the trophy 20 times. GENEVAFIFA of“ cial resigning amid bribery claims Under pressure from allegations in an American federal court that he bribed FIFA voters, Asian Olympic leader Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Sabah of Kuwait resigned from his soccer roles on Sunday. Sheikh Ahmads move ended his candidacy to retain a seat on FIFAs ruling council before eight days of voting by Asian soccer officials in Bahrain. I do not want these allegations to create divisions or distract attention from the upcoming AFC (Asian Football Confederation) and FIFA Congresses,Ž said the Kuwaiti royal, who denies any wrongdoing. Therefore, after careful consideration, I have decided it is in the best interests of FIFA and the AFC, for me to withdraw my candidacy for the FIFA Council and resign from my current football positions,Ž he said. BARCELONA, SPAINNadal rolls, claims 10th title in BarcelonaRafael Nadal defeated Dominic Thiem 6-4, 6-1 to win his 10th Barcelona Open title on Sunday. It was the second consecutive week that Nadal had won a tournament for the 10th time. He had become the first mens tennis player in the Open era to win the same title 10 times at the Monte Carlo Masters last Sunday. It means a lot to me to win 10 titles here in Barcelona as well,Ž Nadal said. It was Nadals second title of the season and 71st of his career. Next month he will try to win a 10th French Open title. SOCHI, RUSSIABottas beats Vettel in Russian GP for 1st F1 win Valtteri Bottas fended off hard-charging Sebastian Vettel and outshone Lewis Hamilton to claim his first Formula One win on Sunday in the Russian Grand Prix. As Mercedes responded to Ferraris strong earlyseason pace, it was Bottas, often viewed as the No. 2 driver of the team, who delivered a calm, precise win when his more illustrious teammate Hamilton struggled in the Sochi heat. Bottas started third but beat second-placed Kimi Raikkonen off the start and slipstreamed past Vettels Ferrari to lead at the end of the first straight. „The Associated Press BY BARRY WILNERThe Associated PressPHILADELPHIA „ With 253 selections over three days, and a couple hundred thousand people on hand, the NFL draft seems as complex an operation as exists. Dont believe it, at least not for the teams. All the hard work had been done in the previous months. This weekend, the objective was very simple: improve. Filling holes while building a foundation is essential. Heres how some teams attempted to do that, along with some that had folks scratching their heads.CLEVELAND: So much of the attention has been on Clevelands recent drafting failures, particularly at quarterback. What the Browns set out to do with a slew of picks was bring in fresh talent that, down the road, can carry them back to respectability. We wont know for years if they did so, but with Texas A&M edge rusher Myles Garrett to kick it off, followed by Michigan safety Jabrill Peppers and Miami tight end David Njoku in the opening round alone, that talent base has increased. CINCINNATI: The Browns in-state rival took a familiar route when they took Joe Mixon. The skill level of the Oklahoma running back isnt questioned. But his off-“ eld issues caused an immediate and nasty backlash in Cincinnati. Not that Bengals owner Mike Brown ever cares, given the history his team has with reclamation projects. Cincy desperately needed wideouts who can stretch the defense, and it got two in Washingtons John Ross „ he of the 4.2 40 at the scouting combine „ and Tennessees Josh Malone. CAROLINA: To get back to Super Bowl contention after their 2016 ” op, the Panthers had to “ nd a way to take the hefty burden off Cam Newton. With do-everything weapons Christian McCaffrey of Stanford and Curtis Samuel of Ohio State, they probably got him some help. NEW ORLEANS: Sure, they had lots of needs, but consider that they added perhaps the best cornerback and offensive lineman in this crop with Marshon Lattimore of Ohio State and Ryan Ramczyk of Wisconsin. CHICAGO: As for the head scratchers, the Bears take the prize. They so coveted North Carolina QB Mitchell Trubisky „ he of the 13 career starts, although impressive ones „ that they spent lavishly to move up one spot from third to second overall for him. That move came in part because GM Ryan Pace felt other teams were desperate to get up to the second spot. Some say he panicked. San Francisco took in that haul, then got the guy it wanted anyway at No. 3, Stanford DE Solomon Thomas. Chicago also took Adam Sheehan, a 6-foot-6, 278-pound tight end from Division II Ashland in the second round. He certainly is a physical specimen, but what a challenge moving up in class he faces. The Bears also took two other small college guys in the “ rst “ ve rounds.NFL: Draft AnalysisHow some teams handled NFL draft NICK POTTS/PA VIA APBritish boxer Anthony Joshua, center, celebrates with London Mayor Sadiq Khan after his win against Wladimir Klitschko following their fight Saturday at Wembley Stadium, in London. BY TIM DAHLBERGThe Associated PressAnthony Joshua remained in the ring long after 90,000 of his supporters had filed out of Wembley Stadium, posing happily for pictures with his team and hugging just about everyone he knew. No reason to leave early when being the heavyweight champion is so much fun. I just want to fight everyone, man,Ž Joshua said. Im really loving this right now.Ž There was a lot to love Saturday night in front of a packed crowd at Englands national stadium, where Joshua got off the canvas to stop longtime champion Wladimir Klitschko in a coming out party of sorts that electrified the boxing world. The biggest heavyweight fight in British history was also the best. There was an epic fifth round where Joshua knocked Klitschko down and then held on himself to survive, along with a knockdown a round later by Klitschko. And when Joshua had finished almost taking Klitschkos head off in the 11th round, a heavyweight division moribund for years was suddenly very much alive once again. Just five years removed from winning an Olympic gold medal in London, Joshua stopped a fighter who dominated the heavyweight division for nearly a decade. Though the win came with some anxious moments for the hometown fans, it also established Joshua as a superstar in the making who just might be the fighter who can make boxing must-see TV once again. Anthony was better today than I,Ž Klitschko said. Its really sad that I didnt make it tonight. I was planning to do it. It didnt work. But all the respect to Anthony, congratulations.Ž A heavyweight title fight unlike any seen in the country that invented boxing didnt just end with the hometown favorites hand aloft in victory. It ended in such spectacular fashion that Joshua can now write his own ticket in a heavyweight division long starved for star power. That will at some point likely include a megafight with American Deontay Wilder, who owns a piece of the title and is a huge puncher himself. It could include a rematch with Klitschko, who had it written into his contract that he would have that right should he lose. And then theres Tyson Fury, the British nomad who upset Klitschko in 2015 before being waylaid by mental and other issues. Tyson Fury, where youre at, baby? Is that what you want to see?Ž Joshua asked. Come on, were here, man. I enjoy fighting. I love fighting. I want to give 90,000 people another chance to witness a lovely night of boxing.Ž The possibilities are tantalizing indeed, and so are the prospects for stardom for Joshua. Largely unknown outside Britain except by ardent boxing fans, he announced himself as the future of the division with a spectacular right hand that made Klitschko look like a very large bobblehead in the 11th round of a fight that until then was either mans to win. His knockout power is unquestioned, and after Saturday night so is his heart. In only his 19th fight, he gained invaluable experience and even more confidence in his ability to dominate any heavyweight in the ring. The crowd at Wembley was drawn by all of that, and more. Joshua has the kind of charisma that fight promoters swoon over, and is so popular at home that the Sunday Times devoted the first full three pages of its sports section to his big win. You can hear Im a little bit emotional because I know Ive got doubters that think I cant do this and that, but I dig deep,Ž Joshua said. As I said, if you dont take part, youre going to fail. Just give it a go and you never know the outcome.Ž Wilder was at ringside to watch his new rival, as were former champions Evander Holyfield and Lennox Lewis. Wilder is also undefeated and a big puncher with a piece of the heavyweight title himself, and the two would do huge box-office business if they got together in a megafight. First, though, Joshua must come to the U.S. and expose himself to American boxing fans in at least one fight, possibly two. The Fury fight would likely be in England, though a rematch with Klitschko could take place in the U.S. Im only going to improve,Ž said Joshua, whose quick path to success had been questioned by some outside his camp. As I said, Im not perfect, but Im trying.Ž That was good enough on a chilly night at Wembley, where Klitschko won over fans who ignored him over the years, and Joshua won the respect of the 41-year-old he knocked out. The best man won tonight,Ž Klitschko said, and it was an amazing night for boxing.Ž On that, all at Wembley would agree.KNOCKOUT KING SPORTS TICKERMATT DUNHAM/THE ASSOCIATED PRESSJoshua, right, lands a punch on Klitschko during Saturdays match for Joshuas IBF and the vacant WBA Super World and IBO heavyweight titles. Joshua won with an 11th-round stoppage. I just want to “ ght everyone, man. Im really loving this right now. ... You can hear Im a little bit emotional because I know Ive got doubters that think I cant do this and that, but I dig deep. As I said, if you dont take part, youre going to fail. Just give it a go and you never know the outcome.Ž„Anthony Joshua, who became the uni“ ed heavyweight champion on Saturday with an 11th-round TKO of former champion Wladimir KlitschkoJoshua, with heavyweight title, may make boxing must-see TVBOXING: Joshua vs. Klitschko


Monday, May 1, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 1 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE I BUY HOUSES.COM FAST CASH! 941-270-3840 NORTH PORT 5348 CHAPLIN TER YOU'LL NEVER STEAL A NICER HOUSE! Rock-bottom priced at just $249,900! Custom 2100 SF 3/2.5/2 with top-of-the-line EVERYTHING, on lushly landscaped lot, mere minutes to all amenities, yet with a private "country" setting. Owners doubled the storage, electric & lighting, doubled the RO on drinking water! High impact windows throughout! Gutters all around! Pool-planned, with pool bath and outside shower already in place. Large lanai with porcelain tile overlooking serene backyard setting! NOTHING COMPARABLE AT THIS PRICE! PATTY GILLESPIERemax Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 2183 Hopwood Rd. A Small Price You'll pay for this light, bright, open '05-built 1300 SF 3/2/2 with gorgeous tile & laminate floors throughout in great family neighborhood close to schools, shopping, amenities. A REAL GEM FOR ONLY $160K. Patty Gillespie, REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 3172 Bellefonte Ave., QUALITYWALKER-BUILT1500 SF 3/2/2/ WITHSOLAR-HEATEDSALT-WATERPOOLONFULLYFENCEDLOT INAGREATFAMILYNEIGHBORHOOD. SECURITYSYSTEM. FRENCHDOORS. NEW $14K SAFE-STEPTUB/SHOWERINMASTERBATH. NEW APPLIANCES, HOTWATER HEATER& WATERSOFTENER. NODEEDRESTRICTIONS! NOTINFLOODZONE! $207,000Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 CLASSIFIED WORKS! NORTH PORT 3513 Cuthbert, Spectacular custom-built, energy-saving executive residence with 2400 SF under air, 3bd/2ba + den/office, on lushly landscaped lot in upscale neighborhood close to all amenities. Granite! Walk-in pantry! Central vac! Whole house solar and solar hot water heater. NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! $279,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $169,900.New Custom Homes From $169,900. on Your Lot or Ours. Custom 3/2/2, 1600+ sf., Classic Series. Prompt Delivery. Reliance Project Mgm`t Call Today For Plans & Your Tour! CGC#1512533 941-468-8300 4.5 % COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home + You Get 2 Full Time Agents!Jeff Runyan941-979-2843NO Hidden Fees! Re/Max Palm DEEP CREEK3/2/2 All updated, 2279sq., Pool & Landscape, Travertine floors, Waterfall garden, and much much MORE! Kim McIntyre Remax Anchor 941-661-3153 DEEP CREEK Golf Course Only available new home on Deep Creek golf course. Gorgeous view, beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 car garage, 2,000 sq.ft. Completion date 5/15/17. $329k, 941-626-7682 ENGLEWOOD For Sale by Owner 2/2/2 w/Pool, 1747 SF, Furnished, Riding Mower incl. $160,000 Sale Pending F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s NOKOMISCALUSA LAKES PRIVATE3 BEDROOM, 3 FULL& 2 PARTIALBATHS, 2 CARGARAGE, POOL HOMEONGOLFCOURSE! 4100 SF. NEWFLATTILEROOFIN2015! OFFICE& MORE!! $695,000. DOUGPARKS, MICHAELSAUNDERS& CO. 941-400-9087 1010 OPEN HOUSE 05/01/17 Lakewood 55+ Community Punta Gorda FL For Sale by Owner 1400 sq ft Fully Furnished Manufactured home Move-In ready and all community amenities. $85,900 Showings by apt. only call: 941-637-0903 Open House: Sat & Sun from 1-3pm. 5601 Duncan Road, Punta Gorda, FL 33982, LOT 1 ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! OPEN MON.-FRI. 11AM-5PM, SAT. 1PM-5PM 195 HARBOR BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 Oversized Garage, Driveway, Designer Ceiling, Travertine, Solid Wood Cabinetry, Granite, Vessel Sinks, Impact Glass, Spray Foam Insulation & Upgraded Fixtures! MODEL HOME $235,000 Call Janice 941-258-3739 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $150,000.$450,000 ON YOUR LOT OR OURS! Over 30 Sites to Choose From! New Home Builders. C.W. Haber, Inc. 4055 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte (941)-505-2441Lic#CBC125207 0/CCC1327060CCC057703/CRC 057413 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 1010 OPEN HOUSE SALE PENDING! 2239 BALTIMORE ST. NORTH PORT Beautiful 3-4BR/2.5BA POOL Home with large 3 car garage on TWO WATERFRONT LOTS. $296,900. MAXIM Residential & Commercial Realtors Carol Wade 941-585-9599 UNDER CONTRACT 4 CLUBHOUSE ROAD ROTONDA WEST 33947 OPEN SAT & SUN FROM 12PM-3PM2006 BUILT 3 BED 2 BATH 2 CG TURNKEY FURNISHED ROTONDA POOL HOME W/ "X" ZONE ELEVATION. MOVE IN READY @ $269,000 $1500 BUYERS REBATE IF PURCHASED THROUGH FLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! 742-H AVENIDA ESTANCIA #112 VENICE *TURNKEY* OPEN HOUSE BY APPT ESTANCIASOFCAPRIISLESVERYDESIRABLE2BR/2BA ENDUNITWITHLOTSOFSUNLIGHTANDGREATGOLF COURSEVIEWS. REDUCED $172,000 TURNKEYDebra Villari 609-458-4627Berkshire Hathaway Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 And BAY LAKE ESTATES 1200 COLONIA LN. EAST Nokomis, FL 34275 941-485-2555TWO55+ RESORTSOFFERING AWIDEVARIETYOFHOMES. BOTHLOCATIONSARE2 MILES FROMTHEBEAUTIFULBEACHESBAYLAKEORBAYINDIES,YOUCHOOSEWHICHLIFESTYLEISRIGHTFORYOU!!! 1010 OPEN HOUSE ROTONDA WEST 10 CADDY RD3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 CG Turnkey furnished golf course beauty. Total updating of this home includes NEW FLOORS, DOORS, IMPACT WINDOWS,A/C, KITCHEN AND BATHS. Located on the 8th hole of the Rotonda Hills Golf Course. Reduced to $197,500 Shown by appointment. $1500 BUYER REBATE if purchased thoughFLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 137 ISLAND POINT RD. NORTH PORT, 34287 OPEN BY APPT. LAZY RIVER 55+ COMMUNITYis waiting for you! This home has all the bells and whistles you have been looking for! A waterfront community w/boating access adjacent to unit. 3br/2ba offered at $179,900 Cindy Esselburn 941-786-4731 Remax Palm Realty T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.Ž REAL E S T A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra!


Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, May 1, 2017 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESUN1-4 PM ORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLYNOW JUST $169,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. DEEP CREEK 2/2/1 Turn-Key Furn. Condo. Breakfast Area, Large Pantry, Great Room, Large Screened Private Lanai. Home is Located Behind Gated Entrance to Heritage Lakes. Pool, Clubhouse & Community Amentities Galore! $117,900. Diana Hayes, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-740-4899 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES PORT CHARLOTTELOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Beautiful Remodeled 3/2/2 Heated POOL Home on 3 Cul-de-Sac Lots w/ Panoramic View of the Myakka River & Paar Waterway! Open Kitchen, Family Room w/ Fireplace, Walk-in Closet in Master Suite. Seawall, Dock & Lift. $570,000 Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY North Port 5394 White Ibis (Heron Creek), 1638 SF Villa 3/2/2 with screened lanai overlooking wonderfully private view of the lake in gated golf community. Heron Creek just completed a make-over of the 27 hole championship golf course. NOT in flood zone. No CDD fees. YOUR TICKET TO PARADISE! $238,500 Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 PUNTA GORDA FSBO 10493 Princess Ct. Beautiful Seminole Lakes Country Club, low HOA Fees that provide lawn maintenance and 24 hour gate guards. 2 LARGE Bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, 2 car garage w/attic storage, open, spacious kitchen/living/dining. Newer appliances, heat/ac systems, water filtration w/softener, on cul-de-sac for privacy, fruit trees, sprinkler system, gated, golf course, tennis, heated pool, fitness, approx 1747SF Living area. $239,500 941-916-9866 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE LAKE SARASOTA 4/2 New Roof, Carpet, W/D, A/C 1 Yr Old. Dead End Street. $192,500. 941-374-2562 VENICE 4/4/2. 19267 Kirella St. Expansive water view w/huge lanai in Maintenancefree IslandWalk. Stunning home. Price reduced $439,000. West Villages Realty. (941)460-3179 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES PLACIDA4/2/2+Pool ICW, Big Views,Dock,2 Lifts RV garage,2 Suites,kitchens Granite, Tile, $1,100,000 Sue and Jim RESKE PARSLEY-BALDWIN REALTY 941-276-4219 PORT CHARLOTTESPECTACULAR2/2/2 WATERFRONTPOOL HOMEON THEPELLAMWATERWAY! WELLMAINTAINED! FORMALLIVING& DININGROOMS. UPDATES! NEAT, CLEAN& WELLLANDSCAPED! $315,000. DEBSESTILIO941-391-1873 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARFISHERMEN`SVILLAGEOFFICE PORT CHARLOTTE SPECTACULAR4/3/2 W/ MAGNIFICENTPOOL& SAILBOATHARBORWATERVIEWS!! PRIVATEDOCK, BOATLIFT& SMALLBEACH! 2 MASTERS(POSSIBLEIN-LAWSUITE). $975,000. Polly Green, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-875-3773 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE Gardens of Gulf Cove w/ 2 Community Pools. 6355 Facet Lane. 3/2/1 Completly Remodeled! $169,900. 941-769-5003 PORT CHARLOTTE HUGE 4+CAR GARAGE w/14' rollup door included w/this move-in ready home w/new central A/C & oversize lot. $139,900 HOPESAGESUNREALTY941-875-4150 PUNTA GORDA BURNT STORE MEADOWS 7505 CORALTREE. NEW HOME. 3/2/2 POOL, GRANITEANDTILE. $279,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 PUNTAGORDA, BURNTSTOREMEADOWS. BRANDNEW3/2.5/3 POOLHOME. LOTSOFUPGRADES! REDUCED$339,900BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY SALE PENDING EmployClassified! SOUTH VENICE2 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT! 3/2/2 SPLITPLAN. NEARBEACHYETQUIETAREA! CLOSE TOAMENITIES! STILLTIMETOPICKYOURCOLORS& OPTIONS! $280KSARASOTAREMODELINGINC.941-893-7326 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE INVESTORS Port Charlotte 3/2/2 Pool, Contractor remodeled, $15,000 Income. 2nd property Sailboat lot 10,000 lb boat lift(possible $3000 income) Price on both properties $389,000 Owner 941-347-7020 PORT CHARLOTTE 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATH, 1 CARGARAGE. ALLTILEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHENHASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1839 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! PORT CHARLOTTE COMPETELYREMODELED2/2/2+CG, LANAI. NODISAPPOINTMENTS. FSBO $149,900 PHIL941-457-6811 PORT CHARLOTTE FL LIFESTYLE IS EPITOMIZED IN THIS 1700 SF 2/2/2 CANAL-FRONT POOL HOME ON LUSHLY LANDSCAPED LOT IN MUCH SOUGHTAFTER SECTION OF PORT CHARLOTTE! WHOLE-HOUSE ACCORDIAN HURRICANE SHUTTERS! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! Solar-Heated Screened /Caged Pool Overlooking Tranquil Freshwater Canal. Quiet neighborhood featuring beautiful homes with easy access to shopping, restaurants, world-class fishing and golf. $189,900 Patty Gillespie RE/MAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NORTH PORT 2509 Cartright LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 1500 SF 3/2/2 WITH ENCLOSED LANAI on FENCED CORNER LOT. Minutes to all amenities, schools, I-75. PAMPERED BEAUTY! ROOMY COMFORT! This house is devoted to everyday enjoyment in a choice neighborhood! $173,000 Patty Gillespie REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED! PORT CHARLOTTE 1105 Bristol St., HONEYMOON COTTAGE OR RETIREMENT HAVEN! 1200 SF 2BD/2BA/1CG screened lanai nestled on large shady lot in quiet neighborhood (close to all amenities). NEWer roof, brand new AC, recently replaced septic system ($5K),, NEWer appliances!. NOT IN FLOOD ZONE. NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! NOTHING COMPARABLE IN COMFORT, APPEARANCE AND LOCATION AT THIS PRICE! $135,000 Patty Gillespie, ReMax Anchor 941-875-2755 PORT CHARLOTTE 12588 Chamberlain Blvd, Light, bright, airy open floor plan in this 2006, 1600 SF 3/2/2 on oversized lot Screened garage and front entry! Hurricane shutters! Extended granite counter tops, and breakfast bar! SS appl!All tile thruout, except bedrooms! Walk-in closets in all bdrms! NEW AC! $199,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 P a r k L i k e S e t t i n g C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s


Monday, May 1, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 3 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS LEMON BAY LOTVERYLARGE, BUILDUPTO5RESIDENCES, GREATVIEWS&DEEPWATER. NOTHINGLIKE THISOUTTHERE! PLANS&ZONINGINPLACEFOR5-UNIT WATERFRONTTOWNHOMES. $549,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOOWNERFINANCINGPOSS. 941-769-0200 NORTH PORTTWO LOTS Water Front Property 10,889 FT. Access To Gulf Duck Key Premier Comm. Utilities, City Water, Sewer. Cleared & Ready to Go! Quinn Court, $79,900 Debra Villari 609-458-4627 Berkshire Hathaway SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FOR ECON. BUILDS& NOFLOOD INSURANCEREQUIRED,FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 GreatDealsin theClassifieds! WATER FRONT LOT … DEEP WATER! LEMONBAY, BIGBOAT DEEPWATER. NEWSEAWALL. BUILDYOURWATERFRONTHOME ONTHIS1/4+ AC LOT. ONLY3.75 MINUTESTOSTUMPPASS,LOWESTPRICEONTHEBAY! WOW! NOWLOWESTPRICED DIRECTBAYACCESSLOTINALL OFCHARLOTTE, SARASOTAORLEECOUNTIES. ONLY $249,900. 941-769-0200 1620 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 1340 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT NORTH PORT 55+ HOLIDAYPARKNICELYFURN., CLEAN1/1 NOPETS! $850/MO. + UTILITIESANNUALRENTAL941-676-0929 1350 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT HARBOUR HEIGHTS close to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, SunnybrookMotel 941-625-6400 NEEDCASH? 1360 ROOMS FOR RENT VENICE Furnished Bedroom House Privlidges. Male, NonSmoker. $525 Plus $300 Security. Call 941-716-0418 For Apt 1370 RENTALS TO SHARE NORTH PORT CHARLOTTE, 55+. Avail May 1st, Lovely room with own bath in private home. If Interested. 941-625-0692 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS HACIENDA DEL MARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT VACATION CONDO CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLE LIVINGJUSTINCHESTOTHEBAY& ICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW,VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ.FT., 2 BED/2.5 BATHS, MINUTES TOBOCAGRANDE/GULF BEACHES. NEWERCONSTRUC-TION, DESIGNERTURN-KEY FURNISHED. FULLLAUNDRY,GARAGE, HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS,FITNESS& MORE. CALLFOR FREEBROCHURE. PETPOSS. A VAIL : M AY N OVEMBER 2017 CALL813-293-2392 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! CLEARED 80X200 Building Site on Woodmere Rd. In S. Venice. Requires Well & Septic. Room For Your Home & A Home For Your Toys. $49,900 941-650-3741 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1500...3/2/2 Pool Serv incl........PC $1400...3/2/2 Gated Comm........NP $1300..3/2/2 Screened Lanai......PC $1300....3/2/2 1727 Sq Ft...........NP $1000...2/2/CP Condo................PC941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends ENGLEWOOD 3/2/1 Cath. c eilings, AC, Granite, lanai, W /D, central location, Quiet $1400/mo 717-799-4777 ENGLEWOOD 3/2/2 WPOOLTILEFLOORS, SS APPLS, GRANITE, $1700/MO2/2/1 W/ BONUSRM, GRANITE COUNTERS, LAWNSCV$975/MOWEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Avail 6/1/17 3/2/1, fenced yard. and 2br/1ba, Scr lanai. By apt only 941-391-2650 lv msg. PUNTA GORDA ISLES3/2/2 sailboat waterfront. $1800 incl. yard care and prompt pmt discount. Call Realty Mgt 941-625-3131 view at RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 13370 SW Pembroke Cir N, Lake Suzy Gorgeous 3/2 with Gran, SS,Tile,CM,Fla Shutters. Cori, Employment, Credit. No Animals or Smoking. Annual. $1,200 508-974-5084 PORT CHARLOTTE Spacious 2/2 remodel near Harborview Rd. Pool, Water Incl. $950 1st, Last, Sec 941-268-4365 or text PUNTA GORDA ISLES3/2 at Windjammer Pt. Waterfront $1300 inc. discount for prompt pmt. Call Realty Mgt 941-6253131 view at VENICE Luxury condo for rent 1551 sqft 2 bed, 2 bath, detach garage, pool & club house with fitness room, view over lake, 2nd floor end unit screen lanai, washer -dryer. $1500.00 per month, Brant Jones -678-571-7230 1340 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT PUNTA GORDA Mobile Home 1/1 Large Lanai. Move-in Ready. $975 w/ Lease, $1,100 Monthto-Month 865-599-9550 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE $59,900! OWNERSAYSSELLIT! MOVEINTODAY! WELLCAREDFOR2/2, COMPLETELYUPDATED. FURNISHED, ALLAPPLIANCESONACORNERLOTINBEAUTIFULRIVERSIDEOAKS941-6266821 NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,795. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 1110 OUT OF AREA HOMES MINONG, WI WATERFRONT handyman Special $300k, log cabin on 6+ wooded acres on Lake gilmore. Subdivideable. Call Andrea 941-713-5776 1210 HOMES FOR RENT NORTH PORT 2/2/1 w/Lanai, 55+ Community $1,100 PORT CHARLOTTE 2/2/2 Split Floor Plan. Available 5/14 $1,250 3/2/1 City Water, Open Kitchen/Dining $950. 2/2 Maria Manor Condo 55+ Comm. $850. LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Den, Lawn Care incl $1,400 Avail May 2017W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2 WATERFRONTINC. DOCK&LIFTQUICKACCESSTOHARBOR! $184,900 BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY PUNTA GORDA ISLES Unique 3/3.5/2 3168 sf. Waterfront Condo. 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Spa Tubs, Bamboo Floors, Granite/ Marble Baths. Private Elevator! 3rd Floor Patio! $459,000. 941-505-1492 PUNTA GORDA ISLES. Waterfront 2/2 w/ Private 2 Car Garage. 2022 Sq. Ft. Quick Sailboat Access! Deeded Dock w/ Lift. Pool, Hot Tub, Clubhouse, Gym & MORE!! $399,000. (913)-269-1007 PUNTA GORDAEmerald Point, Top Floor w/ Outstanding Views! 2/1 Condo w/ Boat Slip. Access to the Gulf! Totally Remodeled! New A/C, SS Appliances Incl. Washer & Dryer. $139,900. 813-480-7561 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE ARCADIA DESOTO VILLAGE 55+ Park, 2005 2br/2ba DBL wide, Over 1100sf, Open floor plan w/ Car port. $40,000. Lot rent only $370/mo 863494-2900 or 863-244-9003 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! PORT CHARLOTTE Mary Lu 55+ Park, Totally renovated, Beautifully furnished 2br/2ba home, SS appliances, French Doors and more. $114,900 Share included. Call 301-351-6386 VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE DEEP CREEK In Heritage Park 3/3/2 2nd Floor Condo/Villa w/ Phenomenal Lake View. Elevator, Den, Eat-In Kitchen w/ Breakfast Bar, Sizable Master Suites w/ Twin Walk-In Closets. Brand New Carpet! Heated Pool, Stunning Clubhouse, Fitness Ctr., Tennis & MORE! $229,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty REDUCED!! FOR SALE BY OWNER 2/2 Condo w/ Covered Parking. Punta Gorda, Next To Civic Center Between The Bridges, Along Riverwalk. In 55+ Community. $167,000 941-626-5984 FOR SALE BY OWNER Circle Woods of Venice 2br/2ba furnished detached condo. FL room & many upgrades. Many activities including 2 pools and Jacuzzi. 4 Miles to Manasota Beach. Close to shopping. Show By appointment. Asking $169,900. Call 941-4930156 or Cell 941-525-6293 PUNTA GORDA 2/2 55+. Furnished, A/C, Elev., Laundry In Unit, Lanai, Pool, Covered Parking. $164,900 516-742-8837 or 516-314-2598 For Sale By Owner LAKE SUZY This 3/2.5/3 Spectacular Home is Located in Kingsway Country Club on a Premium Lakefront, Golf Course Lot w/ Over $132K in Upgrades! WOW! Incredible Great Room, Wrap Around Wet Bar Lanai w/ Hot Tub. Quartz Counter Kitchen, Master Suite w/ Jetted Massage & Rain Shower. Pristine Insided & Out! Air Conditioned Workshop w/ Golf Cart Entrance. Lots of Storage! $349,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty REDUCED! NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PENDING PUNTA GORDA ISLES Beautiful 2/2 Waterfront Condo w/ Deeded Dock in the Desirable Gateway Complex! Stunning Split Bedroom Interior w/ Remodeled Kitchen, Lots of Closet Space & Lanai Balcony. Quick Access to Charlotte Harbor & the Peace River! $179,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty REDUCED!


Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, May 1, 2017 2050 SKILLED TRADES LEAD ELECTRICIAN, Experienced with Residential and Commercial, MUST have CLEAN Driving Record. F/T with 401K, Medical, Paid Vacation and Holidays. Apply in person 7am-4pm M-F. 7293 Gasparilla Rd. P.C. DFWP & No Phone Calls Please LEAD REMODELER for busy remodeling business knowledgable in drywall, framing, electric,plumbing. Competitive Pay Plus Vehicle. Valid FL DL a must. Please Call 941-625-5620 MECHANIC, 2 CYCLE Wanted for Chenango Supply in PG. DFWP. 941-637-1165 MECHANIC, 4 CYCLE Wanted w/ disel exp. for Chenango Supply in PG. DFWP. 941-637-1165 ADVERTISE! SARASOTA COUNTY UTILITIES Skilled Trades Workers Needed! Must have HSD/GED, 2 yrs. exp. and CDL Class A. Apply Online: 2060 MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION LEADResponsibilities include overseeing operations when Farm Manager is away, planning daily production, assisting with safety initiatives, maintaining accurate records, troubleshooting issues that may hinder production and keeping equipment in good running condition. Must have strong leadership skills, excellent interpersonal skills, mechanical aptitude with ability to make minor repairs to equipment, an understanding of computers, be adaptable in high pressure situations, and be a great multi-tasker. Full-time, weekdays. Benefits include: health insurance, PTO, 401k, flex spending. EOE. Apply SE Highway 70 Arcadia, FL 34266 2050 SKILLED TRADES ELECTRICAL ESTIMATOR, Top Pay for experienced person. Can train Journeyman or knowledgable apprentice. Must have computer and internet. Email: ELECTRICIANS, JOURNEYMEN. RESIDENTIAL& REMODELEXPERIENCE. HELPERS, EXPE-RIENCEA MUST! CLEANFLORIDADLNECESSARY. CALL941-627-6887 Classified=Sales Leasing ConsultantGallina Management, a residential property management firm, is searching for a dynamic Leasing Consultant to join our team in Englewood/ Venice. This position will show/ lease apartments, provide excellent customer service, & perform other duties as assigned. The ideal candidate will have: HS diploma or GED One year min. property mgt/sales experience, OR Associate Degree in sales, marketing, or related field with 6 months property mgt experience. Familiarity w/housing laws and leasing agreements. One year providing exemplary related customer service. Ability to work as an integral part of the team & communicate professionally with internal & external customers. Proficiency using Microsoft Office product and familiarity with YARDI software desired Hours (M-F) 40 per week including rotating days/ hours with shortened Saturday hours. Competitive wages, bonus potential, and comprehensive benefits available. Check us out at! Submit a Cover Letter & Resume to :17 FLLC-01 Gallina Management, Inc. Woodmere/Lemon Bay Apts 3900 Woodmere Park Blvd, Venice, FL 34293 2030 MEDICAL CNAS NEEDED FOR180 BED REHAB FACILITY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS APPLY ONLINE @ NEW: $1,000 Signon Bonus for CNAs LICENSED PHARMACY TECHNICIAN, Experienced. No Nights or Weekends. FullTime/Part-Time. Now Accepting Applications at Medicine Shoppe 615 Cross St. Unit 1112 Punta Gorda 33950. PHARMACY CLERK, No Nights or Weekends. FullTime/Part-Time. Now Accepting Applications at Medicine Shoppe 615 Cross St. Unit 1112 Punta Gorda 33950. www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREERŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 05/01 LPNCNA-05/01 Med. Asst. 05/01/17 2050 SKILLED TRADES CARPENTERS AND CARPENTER HELPERS for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. Call 941-964-2231. CARPENTRY SUPERVISOR for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. CALL 941-964-2231 2030 MEDICAL CLERICAL ASSOCIATE EXCELLENTOPPORTUNITY FORTEAMPLAYER! STRONGCOMPUTERSKILLS WITHBILLINGBACKGROUND. UPTO$16/HR. CONTACTPERSONELLDEPT. 800-414-9804 General Maintenance Tech FT Days Must live within a 30 minute commute window. Exp with Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and Structural Repair work. Full Benefits after 60 Days. 900 N Robert Ave Arcadia, FL 34266 Fax: 863-494-8400 Email: SIGN ON BONUS RNS $1500.00 ALSOTRANSISIONCARENEWMANAGEMENTPOSITIONAVAIL LPNS $750.00 Weekends 7-3 & 3-11 ****************************** cnas Full time 3 11 & 11-7 PLease apply QUALITY HEALTH CARE 6940 Outreach Way North Port (941)426-8411 or FAX Resume to 941-423-1572 or Email qhccnp5 EOE Drug free work place 2010 PROFESSIONAL HAIRDRESSERS, WANTED booth rentals available now @ Sues styling salon 941-474-3800 150 N. Indiana Ave Englewood STYLISTS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY [2 Locations] Great Clips is the #1 hair care brand in the country and we are looking for stylists for 2 BUSY LOCATIONS in North Port and Pt. Charlotte. NO CLIENTELE NEEDED! Hourly pay, productivity, product bonus and more! Stay busy year round and have plenty of hours. F/T and P/T positions available. Set up an interview and see if Great Clips is a fit for you. For questions or to set up an interview, please call Mike @ 239.218.6153 between 9am and 9pm daily. 2030 MEDICAL CAREGIVER PART TIMEASSISTWITHPERSONALCAREMORNINGS6AM-8AMEVENINGS5PM-7PM4 DAYSPERWEEK$14/HOURTOSTARTINGLENOOK941-474-5563 BAY BREEZEHEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER CNAsNEW INCREASED WAGE SCALE++++ SIGN ON BONUS!We invite you to use your unique experience, talent and passionate dedication in a career with us!! Apply in person or email:michelle.s.ramdass@ 1026 Albee Farm Rd. Venice, FL 34285 ph. EOE/SF/DF NOW HIRING! All Shifts. 1640 WAREHOUSE & STORAGE ENGLEWOOD 2 CARGARAGEFORRENT, STORAGEONLY. EMPTY, PRI-VATE$195/MO305-797-6498 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment 2010 PROFESSIONAL 220 LICENSED AGENTS MONDAY-FRIDAY FAXRESUMETO941-206-0036OREMAILRESUME:SUNCLASSIFIEDS 1@ GMAIL COM CERTIFIED ASSOCIATION MGR, for 55+ HOA & Manufactured home Park. FT Salary position. Generous benefit pkg for FT employees. Experienced only. R.E lic. desirable but not necessary. For confidential interview Call 317-513-1038 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s


Monday, May 1, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 5 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES GATEWAY WORSHIP PRAYER & HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to you every Thursday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek Bible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and Sundays @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 3090 LOST & FOUND LOST DIAMOND: Approx. 2 Weeks Ago Between Nokomis & on Intercoastal Waterway Trail Very Sentimental. 941-735-4149 LOST DOG: Shih-tzu Female, Dark Gray and White, Name is Misty. Near Glendale and Aaron Streets in Port Charlotte. Senior Owner is HEARTBROKEN! 941-979-0274 REWARD LOST EYE GLASSES IN CASE: In Port Charlotte. 941-628-1124 3095 EXERCISE CLASSES G ULF CO A S T A C UPUN C TURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 3096 RELIGION CLASSES BE G INY O URDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUDY Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 START YOUR DAY RIGHT Bible Study Thursdays 10:00-11:30 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 3097 OTHER CLASSES KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday. FREE; Open to the public. 941-276-0124 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 3020 PERSONALS FEMALE SEEKING SINGLE MALE 45-65for dinner, movies, possible relationship. 941-201-9853 FOR ALL YOUR Relaxing Needs Call Paige. (941)-237-1927 RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. Charlotte Trade Center N of 776 941-625-0141 THE GIRL NEXT DOOR941-483-0701 North Port WIDOW 72 in Deep Creek Would Like To Meet Male 70-78 In Same Area. Independent, Religious, Sports-minded & Outgoing. Call & Leave Name & Number. 941-979-8723 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES C AL VAR Y BIBLE C HUR C H 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call (941)-979-8239 for Info. Charlotte County House of Prayer Merging Worship, Word, and Prayer Friday Night Watch 8pm 992 Tamiami Trail Unit I Port Charlotte 941 249-8946 CO MMUNITY C ENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte 2100 GENERAL LAWN MAINTENANCE, FullTime in Englewood Area. Good Pay!! Call Adam 941-467-2636 Several Full Time & Part Time Positions Available for RESIDENTIAL& COMMUNITYSUPPORTAt Group Home For Developmentally Disabled Adults. Must Have Valid DL & HS Diploma/GED Call 941-426-6591 SUN COAST PRESSis currently hiring for the following positions in our Venice Print Center.P/T MAILROOM HELP-night shift F/T STACK DOWN PERSONSend Resume 2110 PART TIME/ TEMPORARY "AMBASSADORS" NEEDEDTOSOLICITSUBSCRIPTIONS FORTHEAWARDWINNING LOCALNEWSPAPERS, THESUN, ATSTOREFRONTSINTHEVENICE, NORTHPORTANDENGLEWOODAREAS. CONTACTJIMDEFALLEAT941-786-7676FORMOREINFORMATION. PART TIME DRIVERS Needed, For Seniors Rides; Flexible; iTNSunCoast 364-7530 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at (941)220-9418 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2100 GENERAL $200. HIRING BONUS MERRY MAIDS IS HIRING PART-TIME HOME CLEANERS! Flexible hours, No Nights or Weekends, Good Pay, Must have valid Drivers Lic Experience a plus but Will Train. Call for Details (941)-255-5656 The Venice Gondolier Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. Apply in person: 200 E. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 No Phone Calls Please. CARRIERS NEEDED DAYS INN Looking for Experienced Maintenance Person & Housekeepers Apply in Person to: 1941TamiamiTrl. Port Charlotte DRIVER NEEDEDNIGHTS Part time Must have CDL with Medical Certificate 20-30 hours a weekTo fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required Seizethesales withClassified! FISH CUTTER, neededfor Local Seafood Company. EXC Pay!!! 941-380-9212 PIZZA COOK DELI PERSON DUNKIN CREWReliable w/transportation.941-883-4790 LANDSCAPING LABORER HELP NEEDED. 941-456-1008 MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours, able to work days or evenings. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required 2070 SALES CAREERNIGHTEVERYTUESDAY. CALLFORDETAILS. 941-426-0621 2100 GENERAL ASSISTANT DISTRICT MANAGERSSUN NEWSPAPERSThe Sun is currently seeking part-time Assistant District Managers in our Circulation Department. Our Assistant District Managers work directly with an independent contractor network to manage home delivery and customer relations. Responsibilities include contractor recruitment and orienting, meeting established service goals, resolving service errors, managing contractor draw and insuring customer satisfaction. Must be able to work early mornings hours, weekends and holidays in an office/warehouse environment and outdoors in various temperatures and weather conditions. Requires valid Florida drivers license and insurance. Reliable transportation to perform daily job responsibilities. Part-time 25-28 hours per week. Starting pay $11$13/hr. Phone allowance, mileage reimbursement. Drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug/ nicotine testing required. Apply to Mark Yero DISTRICT MANAGERSSUN NEWSPAPERSWe are seeking aggressive, customer service driven leaders to join the Circulation team of Americas Best Community Daily. Our District Managers are responsible for home delivery of the Sun Newspaper in a geographical area. Responsibilities include contractor recruitment and orienting, meeting established service goals, resolving service errors, managing contractor draw and insuring customer satisfaction. District Managers must be able to work early mornings hours, weekends and holidays in an office/warehouse environment and outdoors in various temperatures and weather conditions. Successful candidates will be detail oriented, familiar with all Microsoft office applications, possess good organizational skills and have prior management or supervisory experience. Applicants must have a valid drivers license and proof of valid insurance. Drug and tobacco free workplace. Pre-employment drug/ nicotine testing required. The Sun offers a competitive compensation package including salary plus incentive, a comprehensive benefit package and opportunity for advancement. Compensation range 30K to 50K E-mail resume to 2070 SALES $2500 S IGNING BONUS !!Need a New Career Challenge? Car Sales are Booming at DeSoto DCFJ. Come Join SW Floridas Premier Sales Team! Aggressive Internet Program Cross Selling Encouraged SW Floridas Largest Used Inventory Full Benefit Package Paid Vacation 401k and Profit Sharing Training Assistance and Relocation Allowance Contact Ken Williams, GSM 863.494.4848 Drug Free Workplace / EOE Where lifes better in the countryŽ Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. PART TIME HELPThe Smart Shopper Group has openings for individuals to deliver the Venice Community Shopper to Businesses in Venice. WHEN: Every Tuesday from 8:00 to 3:00 WHERE: Local business drops in Venice AVG INCOME: $75.00 Call Steve 815-531-9816 Findthe perfect companion inthe Classifieds!


Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, May 1, 2017 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE AMERICAN IRRIGATIONCall 941-587-2027 FREE ESTIMATES!!! Licensed & Insured Charlotte Co. lic#AAA-1100010. Serving Charlotte and Sarasota Counties BLACKFORDS TOTAL LAWN & LANDSCAPING SVCS Trim Hedges, Multching, Etc. $75 Spring Special! 1/4 Acre or Less. Serving Nokomis, Osprey, North Port, Port Charlotte, Venice & Englewood 941-302-2244 Lic/Ins DP`s ABILITY TREE SERVICE Removals, Stump Grinding, Palm Trimming, Shaping, Oaks Thinned & Raised Up. 19 Yrs. Exp. Free Estimates! 941-889-8147 Lic#00000192 & Insured. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPER Specializing in Weeding, Pruning & Transplanting 941-876-3097 FL O RIDA TREE IN C .Tree Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Lawn Service Bucket Service 941-613-3613 pcftree.comLic./Ins. FRESH CUT LAWN N MOREDependable, Reliable Residential/Commercial LAWNS STARTING AT $25! NO CONTRACTS 941-661-1850Free Estimates Call Frank GENERAL LAWN & Landscape services. (941)-426-7844 Wright & Son Landscaping Inc J RIZ TREESERVICESComplete Tree & Palm Service. SPECIALIZING IN DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL.Servicing all Charlotte & Sarasota Counties FREE ESTIMATES 941-306-7532 Lic & Ins LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota NOW ACCEPTINGNEW LAWNACCOUNTS!941-468-4372ISA Certified Arborist John Cannon FL-6444A South Sarasota & Charlotte Co. CLASSIFIED ADSSELL RAINSCAPE INC,Irrigation, Maintenance, Repair, Installation. Monthly Maintenance starts at $40. FREE ESTIMATES 941-888-2988 S ANDEFUR S -H O ME & TREE Maintenance Tree trimming, removal. We do it all!License/Insured941-484-6042 SPM TREE TRIMMIMG & LANDSCAPING Specializing inTREE REMOVAL. Call Today for your FREE Estimate.(941)-412-5273 Lic/Insured STEVES TREE & HAULING Tree Removal & Trimming 30 Years Exp. Lic/Insd Free Estimates 941-866-6979 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT GULF COAST REFINISHING YOURBATHTUB, COUNTERTOP& TILEREFINISHINGEXPERTS. VETERAN& SENIORDISCOUNTS! FAST TURNAROUND! 941-380-6199LIC./INS. GULFCOASTREFINISHING@YAHOO.COM GUTTERS, 6Ž Seamless. Ken Violette, Inc. (941) 240-6699Lic.CGC#060662/Ins. HAMMER FIREPROOFING & INSULATION, Inc. for all your insulation needs. 941-268-5615 or Office 941-423-7478 HANDYMANHome repairs. 30+ yrs Exp. Call 941539-1694 J&JHANDYMAN941-525-7967, 941-493-6736Painting, Pressure Washing & Much More! Over 30Years Experience & Satisified CustomersServing Venice & Sarasota AreasNOJOBTOOSMALLORODD CALLFORFREEESTIMATE LICENSED& FULLYINSURED Johns Rescreening & Handyman Service Pressure Washing: Pool Decks, Driveways! No Job To Small, Free EstimatesLic9341./Ins.941-883-1381 SAFE RACKS 4x8 Overhead Garage storage Installed $250.00. 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2011 by King Features Syndicate Yesterdays Challenger Answers Monday, May 1, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 7


Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, May 1, 2017 !" #$!%& "!"())$*DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 73-year-old woman. I have had migraine headaches with aura since my late 30s. I havent suffered migraine pain in years, but I still experience the aura from time to time. The aura has increased in size and intensity in recent years; even without the horrible pain anymore, it is rather disturbing, as it blocks my vision while it expands and then dissipates. It usually begins and disappears inside of 20 minutes. What is happening? It is a bit frightening. I now take Premarin, but I did not when the migraines began. „ L.C.S. ANSWER: Acephalgic migraine „ which refers to any migraine symptoms without headache „ is seen more often in women than in men. Migraine is thought to be a neurological condition (it was previously thought to be vascular, caused by dilation of blood vessels). The electrical activity of the brain cells produces the aura, and activation of the pain “bers in the “fth cranial nerve causes the pain sensation. If that nerve is not affected, then you can have the other symptoms of a migraine without experiencing pain. It can be confused with a transient ischemic attack, which is why it can be frightening. Migraines can be triggered in women when estrogen levels drop. Thats why some women get migraines around the time of the period (called catamenial migraineŽ), and some women have worsening of migraine or an increase in frequency around the onset of menopause. The use of estrogen in women with aura is controversial. Certainly, highdose estrogen, such as the doses used in some oral contraceptives (birth-control pills), increases stroke risk up to eight times, so high-dose estrogen is not recommended in women with any history of migraine with aura at any time. Some studies also show an increase in stroke risk even with lower levels of estrogen. If your doctor is giving you estrogen to reduce headaches (which is not unreasonable in some cases of women with perimenopausal migraine), you may already have discussed this. Otherwise, taking estrogen (like your Premarin) may have more risks than bene“ts. I would be sure you have had a comprehensive discussion with your estrogen prescriber about continuing it. DEAR DR. ROACH: My partner has had Raynauds disease for years, and takes nifedipine extended release for it during the colder months. She routinely sits and reads or watches TV for a few hours in the evening and comes to bed freezing and layered up. If she were to get up and move vigorously for “ve minutes every 30 minutes, I think that would alleviate the symptoms, but I know it would disturb her habit and create animosity. „ M.M.ANSWER: Disturbing habits and creating animosity are not recommended for domestic tranquility. Have her try an electric blanket (and maybe an extension cord). DEAR DR. ROACH: My 12-year-old granddaughter lives in the Northeast under fairly dry winter conditions. She usually develops multiple “ne bumps all over her cheeks. Is there something you can recommend that we can do to correct this condition? „ M.B. ANSWER: Dry skin can cause many different appearances. She should use a mild soap (such as Dove or Olay) only once daily, and use a moisturizer speci“c for the face every day. A humidi“er at night may be helpful. If these dont help, she should see a dermatologist, since an experienced eye looking at a rash is key to proper diagnosis and treatment. READERS: Heart disease remains the No. 1 killer. The booklet on clogged heart arteries explains why they happen and what can be done to prevent clogging. Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Roach Book No. 101 628 Virginia Dr. Orlando, FL 32803 Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Can. with the recipients printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery.The role of estrogen in women with migraineDr. Roach BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY adno=8602826


Monday, May 1, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 9 !"#$#" !%%&"#" !'% (%%() Dear Readers: Todays sound off is about makeup names. „ Heloise Dear Heloise: Why do makeup and hair-dye companies try to be trendy with the names they give to colors? I was looking for eyeliner in a dark-purple shade, but had no idea what shade Mystic Night or Tahitian Seas was. Whats wrong with just saying purple or dark purple on the packaging? The tiny square on the package, which was supposed to be a representation of the color, looked identical to three other eyeliners by the same manufacturer. Its the same with lipsticks. Its impossible to tell the difference between French Rose, Honeysuckle Pink and Hawaiian Sunset. Turns out, theyre actually red. Women just want to know what they are buying with names that represent the actual color, because the color charts are never correct.Ž „ Caroline B., W alla Walla, Wash.Fast factsDear Readers: If you enjoy frozen dinners in which food is steamed in a slotted tray set inside another tray for the liquid, here are some things you can do to reuse the plastic trays: € Take a slotted tray to the beach and let kids sift sand with it. € Use to wash shells and rocks in when your kids bring home their little treasures. € Both the top and bottom trays are great as seed starters once theyre “lled with soil. „ HeloiseSqueaking shoesDear Heloise: We read your column in the Orange County (Calif.) Register. Please give me an idea of what to do with squeaky shoes. They are not old. „ Victoria Q., Irvine, Calif. Victoria, sprinkle some talcum powder, cornstarch or a baby powder under the shoe liner, if it is removable. If you dont have any powder, then try a dryer sheet under the insole, if its removable. You also can try wearing socks with the shoes that squeak. The moisture from your feet perspiring may be the cause of the squeaking. Leather shoes might make noises if the leather has dried out. Try using a leather conditioner, left on the shoes overnight to soak into the shoes. As a last resort, you can take them to a shoe-repair shop for help. „ HeloiseWhats in a makeups name?Hints from Heloise BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Make your business a part of it! Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602827


Page 10 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, May 1, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). Though necessity is the mother of invention, many inventions are not directly linked to the exploration of a necessity. For example, light bulbs were not the result of a study of candles. Think broadly across many subjects and disciplines. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Shakespeare said the best safety lies in fear, yet that kind of safety leads to cowering and hiding, whereas the safety found in preparation and a good defense will lead to far more adventurous ex p eriences. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). To set the rules of the environment will be in no way an inconvenience or aront to others; rather, it will have a most favorable eect. The limits you establish will help all to relax and dwell within the boundary of the place and moment. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Though the proceedings are friendly in tone, the interaction today is more about an exchange of practical knowledge than it is about relationship building. It goes best when you stay focused and stick to business. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You've something very sincere and heartfelt to g et o y our chest. For this you're better o avoiding the kind of conversational partner who thinks that the opposite of talking is waiting. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). There's no time to be self-conscious because you're so focused on experiencing all you can. You may even dare to spontaneously and publicly sing and dance. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You'll be inspired by a very self-made and highly motivated person. You'd like to direct yourself similarly, and in many ways you already do. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You may fret over what to wear what to p ics of conversation to kee p at the ready and what to eat. These are the worries of a classy person who cares about smooth interactions and winning impressions. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). In the same way that it's silly to saddle the horse if you're not going to ride it, it's a waste of energy to make grand resolutions that are too hard to keep. You'll thrive setting small goals; you'll conquer them quickly. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Home is an emotional state. It exists as much in your imagination as it does in physical space. If you are at home but you do not feel at home, don't let the dynamics drag on. The y can and should be xed toda y AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The situation you create and re-create is nothing more than a habit. It may feel like more of a knee-jerk reaction than a choice, but that's only because the pattern is so ingrained. You can keep or change any part of it you want. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There are certain memories, keepsakes and traditions you draw on for sustenance. You'll do well to make the ritual more deliberate, perhaps by adding something to it or j ust b y reco g nizin g its im p ortance. DEAR ABBY: Im acquainted with a woman who has been experiencing seizures for several years and, because of the seizures, has been restricted from driving. She drove her son to school a couple of years ago (he had missed the bus) and ran into a brick mailbox, totaling her car. She now wants to be able to drive and has said she will not tell her doctor about recent seizures. Isnt this potentially dangerous? „ RESTRICTED DRIVING IN KENTUCKY DEAR RESTRICTED DRIVING: Of course its dangerous! It is also irresponsible and indefensible. Periodically, we hear in the media about tragedies that happened because someone had a seizure and drove into a restaurant, a shop window, etc. For someone with an illness that could endanger the lives of passengers, pedestrians and other innocent people to get behind the wheel of a vehicle is sel“sh and unconscionable. Encourage her to talk to her doctor about adjusting or changing her medication. And remind her that if she were to cause another accident, and it was discovered that she was driving in spite of being restricted, that she could not only kill people, she could also be prosecuted criminally and civilly. DEAR ABBY: Whenever I give my longtime friend a gift, her immediate reaction is to tell me, Oh, no.Ž Then she immediately offers to give me money for the gift. When I give someone a gift, it is because I like that person and am excited to give them something I think they would like. When she tells me I shouldnt have done it and keeps asking how much money she owes me, I feel very hurt. Now her daughter, whom I consider like my family, has learned it from her mom and does the same thing when I give her a gift. Abby, why do they react that way? I always give from my heart. „ GIFT GIVER IN TEXAS DEAR GIFT GIVER: I suspect your friend learned this behavior the way her daughter has „ from her mother. You might ask your friend to explain why she does this when you give her a gift, because her reaction is peculiar. (Could it be she feels unworthy?) Because you know that receiving gifts makes her uncomfortable, my advice is to quit giving her things. DEAR ABBY: I have a girlfriend. We have been dating for almost two months. We both love each other so much and think we are the perfect match. But she is going to high school and Im a year younger, which puts me in eighth grade. We live close to each other, so we see each other on the weekends. She has been accepted to an amazingly good school, but its in downtown. What should we do? Should we keep our relationship or leave it if we wont be able to see each other as often? „ TEENS IN LOVE DEAR TEENS: If I told you to break up because in a few months you and this girl wont be able to see each other as often, would you do it? I dont think so! What I do suggest is that the two of you let this play out. Enjoy each other for now, and in the fall, if your feelings „ or hers „ change, discuss it then. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the seashore.Ž „ 1 Kings 4:29. W hat our world needs is not more facts and “gures but wisdom and most of all largeness of heart. Dont be sel“sh. Open up your heart to a world that needs love. BIBLEFriend suffering seizures plans to elude driving restrictionsVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby


Monday, May 1, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 11 Monday TelevisionVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDA MAY 1PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC7 News @ 6pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News at 7 Florida Suncoasts news, weather & more. (N)Dancing with the Stars A pair is eliminated from the dance competition after the seventh week of performances. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Quantico: GLOBALREACH Alex realizes shes become a pawn.(N)ABC7 News @ 11pm (N) (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) ABC E F 26---7117-ABC7 News @ 6:00pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)The 7 OClock News (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Dancing with the Stars A pair is eliminated from the dance competition after the seventh week of performances. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Quantico: GLOBALREACH Alex realizes shes become a pawn.(N)ABC7 News @ 11:00pm(N) (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) CBS E F 11213213-555-WINK News at 6pm (N) (HD)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)WINK News at 7pm (N) (HD)Inside Edition(TVPG) (N) (HD)Kevin Wait Out of retirement. Man with a Plan: Dirty Money Superior Francos father. (N)Great Indoors Love life news. Scorpion: Something Burrowed, Something Blew Getting married. (N)WINK News at 11pm (N) (HD)Late Show Comedic talk show. CBS E F 10101010---1010 News This Evening (N)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)Wheel of Fortune: Hawaii (N)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)Kevin Wait Out of retirement. Man with a Plan: Dirty Money Superior Francos father. (N)Great Indoors Love life news. Scorpion: Something Burrowed, Something Blew Getting married. (N)10 News Nightside (N)Late Show Comedic talk show. NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel of Fortune: Hawaii (N)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)The Voice: Live Top 11 Performances The top 11 musicians perform to remain in the competition. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Taken: I Surrender Bryan and John lead a rogue mission.(TV1 4) (N)NBC2 News @ 11pm (N) (HD)Tonight Show Goldie Hawn.(N) NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChannel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)NewsChannel 8 at 7:00 (N)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)The Voice: Live Top 11 Performances The top 11 musicians perform to remain in the competition. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Taken: I Surrender Bryan and John lead a rogue mission.(TV14) (N)NewsChannel 8 at 11:00 (N)Tonight Show Goldie Hawn.(N) FOX E F 36---444-FOX 4 News at Six Community news; weather; traffic; more. (N)Family Feud(TVPG) (N)Family Feud(TVPG) (N)Gotham Another plan. (TV14) (N) (HD)Lucifer: Candy Morningstar Lucifer distances himself from others. (N)FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)FOX 4 News at Eleven (N)TMZ (TVPG) (R) FOX E F 13131313-13-13FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)Access Hollywood(TVPG) (N)TMZ (TVPG) (N)Gotham Another plan. (TV14) (N) (HD)Lucifer: Candy Morningstar Lucifer distances himself from others. (N)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News News, sports, weather and traffic.(N) PBS E F 30-3-333-BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Antiques Roadshow: Virginia Beach (TVG) (N) (HD)Antiques Roadshow: Corpus Christi Paintings; bronze. (TVG) (R) (HD)Wild Weather Scientists reveal how weather is made. (TVG) (R) (HD)Charlie Rose (N) (HD) PBS E F #3173---3BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Antiques Roadshow: Virginia Beach (TVG) (N) (HD)Antiques Roadshow: Corpus Christi Paintings; bronze. (TVG) (R) (HD)Independent Lens: National Bird (TVPG) (N) (HD)Foreveryone. Net (TVG) (N) CW E F 46---6216-Mike & Molly Stray puppy.(HD)WINK News at 6:30pm (N) (HD)Big Bang Theory Moving out. Big Bang Fleeing to Texas. Supergirl: Alex Threat to kill; interesting proposal. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Jane the Virgin: Chapter Sixty-One Making amends; political stance. WINK News @10pm (N) (HD)Mike & Molly Molly writes.(HD)2 Broke Girls New intern hired. CW E F 44999---4Mike & Molly Stray puppy.(HD)Mike & Molly Molly writes.(HD)2 Broke Girls New intern hired. 2 Broke Girls Tennis bets.(HD)Supergirl: Alex Threat to kill; interesting proposal. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Jane the Virgin: Chapter Sixty-One Making amends; political stance. Two & Half Chelseas parents. Two & Half Alan goes to jai l. Friends Museum hijinks. (HD)Friends Joeys big night. (HD) MYN E F 38111111---14Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (N)Family Feud(TVPG) (N)News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Hammered No memory.(TV14)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Hardwired Boys assault.(TV14)Seinfeld Kramers lawsuit. Seinfeld Pakistani eatery. IND E F 32121212-38-12Mod Family Alexs graduation. Modern Family: Summer Lovin Big Bang Theory Moving out. Big Bang Fleeing to Texas. Anger Charlies anger. (TV14)Anger A battle of wills. (TV14)Man Stand. Mandys campaign. Man Stand. Traveling for work. Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Zoonotic Corrupt cops murder.(TV14)Family Guy Stewie, Brian fight. Family Guy Joe can walk. ION E F 662221326-17Criminal Minds: The Black Queen Garcia delves into hacker past. (HD)Criminal Minds: The Road Home Vigilante killer in Cleveland. (TV14)Criminal Minds: 200 The team is in crisis as JJ is abducted. (TV14)Criminal Minds: Persuasion Drowning deaths in Las Vegas desert. Criminal Minds: The Edge of Winter More questions in stabbing cases. Criminal Minds: X Unidentified victims; new team member.(TV14) (HD) E L B A CA&E26262626395018148 Witness helps case. 48 Daylight murder. (R)The L.A. Riots: 25 Years Later Racial injustices.(:01) L.A. Burning: The Riots (TV14) (N) (HD) AMC565656563053231King Kong (05) (:28) Twister (96, Drama) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton. A storm chaser teams up with his ex-wife in purs uit of killer tornadoes. Better Call Saul Jimmys new client. (TV14) (R)Better Call Saul: Sabrosito A favor from Mike. Better Call Saul: Sabrosito A favor from Mike. APL444444443668130Alaskan (TVPG) (R)Alaskan Browntown. (N)Alaskan: Bear Watch Alaska Predatory bear. Alaska: Last Bear hunt. North Wood: Manhunt BBCAM114114114114114114189Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Voyager Voyager Time rifts. BET353535354022270(:55) Beyond the Lights (14) Young musician faces newfound stardom. Think Like a Man (12, Comedy) Four couples manipulate each other. BRAVO6868686825451185Sthn Charm (TV14) (R)Sthn Charm (TV14) (R)Sthn Charm (TV14) (R)Sthn Charm (TV14) (N)Sweet HomeSweet HomeWatch WhatSweet Home COM666666661527190Futurama(TV14)South Park: Ginger Cow World peace. (TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park: W.T.F. Tosh.0 (TV14) (R)Tosh.0 Bold fashion. Tosh.0 Escalators. Tosh.0 (TV14) (R)Daily Show(TV14)midnight DISC404040402543120St Outlaws (TV14) (R)St Outlaws (TV14) (R)St Outlaws (TV14) (N)Street Outlaws (TV14)Vegas Rat: Water Rat Street Outlaws (TV14) E!464646462726196Sex and the City (08) News (N)Red Carpet: 2017 Met Gala (TVPG)Maid in Manhattan (02, Romance) Unlikely love. News (N)2017 Met FOOD3737373718376164Kids BBQ (TVG) (R)Kids BBQ Final three. Kids BBQ (TVG) (N)Diners Big-flavor BBQ. Help YelpDiners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R) FREE555555551046199(5:00) Harry Potter and the D eathly Hallows: Part 2 (11) Finding the three remaining Horcruxes. Yng Hungry(TV14)Baby Daddy(TV14)Twins: Happily Ever After Red-carpet hosts. (N)Yng Hungry(TV14)Baby Daddy(TV14)The 700 Club (TVG) (R) (HD) FX51515151584953(5:00) The Wolverine (13) Wolverine encounters an enemy from his past in modern-day Japan. X-Men: Days of Future Past (14, Action) Hugh Jackman. X-Men fight to prevent event that will result in doom for humans and mutants. (PG-13)X-Men: Days of Future Past Changing history. GSN17917917917934179184Fam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. Feud Fam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudCash CabCash Cab HALL5551713773240Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.The MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleGold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165Love It Family of nine. Love It Older house. (R)Tiny HouseTiny HouseTiny HouseTiny HouseHuntersHuntersTiny HouseTiny House HIST818181813365128Am. Picker Mega-pick. Superheroes Decoded Evolution of heroes. (R)Superheroes Decoded Heroes revolt. (TVPG) (N)Superhero (TVPG) (R) LIFE363636365241140Wives Cheating wife. Wives: Vanishing Acts Wives Wife suspected. Wives Husband killed.(:02) Wives (TVPG)(:02) Wives (TVPG) NICK252525252444252Henry (R)Henry (R)ThundermanThundermanNicky (R)ShakersFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFriendsFriends OWN585858584767145Dateline Crushed. (R)Dateline Love affair. (R)Dateline Missing sister. Dateline Sons killer. (R)Dateline (TV14) (R) (HD)Dateline Missing sister. QVC14141491413150SkechersInspired: Skechers LOGO by Lori (TVG)Isaac Mizrahi Live!PM Style with Shawn Killinger: Skechers SPIKE57575757296354Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Adam (TV14) (N) (HD) SYFY6767676725364180Skyfall (12) James Bond comes to Ms rescue. Troy When a prince steals a mans wife a war of epic pr oportions begins. Prince Caspian (08) TBS59595959326252Family GuyFamily GuyFamily GuyFamily GuyFamily GuyF amily GuyFamily GuyFamily GuyAm. DadA. TribecaConan Dennis Quaid. TCM656565656574230(:15) Blackboard Jungle (55) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. Teacher tries saving inner-city school. The Rage of Paris (38, Comedy) A French model seeks a rich husband. La Ronde (50, Drama) A series of affairs in Vienna, 1900. (NR)The Earrings of Madame de... A ladys affairs. TLC454545455772139Say YesSay YesSay Yes (TVPG) (R)7 Little Johnstons Johnstons review their year on tv. (TVPG) (N) (HD) (:03) 7 Little (TVPG) (R) TNT61616161285551Bad Boys II (03) Tough narcotics cops head up a task force to stop a dangerous drug kingpin. (R) 2017 NBA Playoffs: Teams TBA (Live) (HD) 2017 NBA Playoffs: Teams TBA(Live) (HD) TOON808080804620257Titans Go!Titans Go!We BareWe BareKing HillAm. DadCleve. ShwAm. DadBobs BrgrBobs BrgrFamily GuyFamily Guy TRAV6969696926066170Bizarre: Montreal (R)Bizarre Bronx borough. Bizarre (R)Bizarre (R)Bizarre Philly pride. (R)Best BarsBest BarsBizarre (R)Bizarre (R) TRUTV636363635030183Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Adam RuinsAdam RuinsAdam RuinsFull Court TVL626262623154241M*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HLoves Ray. (TVPG)Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.QueensQueens USA34343434225250Mod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod Family WWE Monday Night Raw (Live) (HD) (:05) Friday (TVPG) (N) WE117117117117117117149CSI: Miami: 10-7 (HD)CSI Miami (TV14) (HD)CSI Miami (TV14) (HD)CSI: Miami: Killer Date CSI: Miami: Recoil (HD)CSI Miami: Vengeance WGN16161619411168Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Person of Interest: Foe Persn Int.: Get Carter Persn Int. (TV14) (HD)Undergr. (TVMA) (R)How I MetHow I Met S W E NCNBC393939395937102Mad Money (N) (HD)Shark Tank (TVPG)Shark Tank (TVPG)Shark Tank (TVPG)Greed Medicare fraud. Greed (R) (HD) CNN323232321838100Situation Room (N)Erin Burnett (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)CNN Tonight (N)CNN Tonight (N) CSPAN181818183712109(12:00) U.S. HouseU.S. House of Representatives Sp ecial OrdersPolitics & Public Policy Today Major political activity around the U.S. (R) FNC646464644871118Special Report (N) (HD)M MacCallum (N) (HD)Tucker Carlson (N)The Five (N) (HD)Hannity (N) (HD)Tucker Carlson (R) MSNBC8383838318540103For the Record (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)Chris Hayes (N) (HD)Rachel Maddow (N)Last Word (N) (HD)The 11th Hour (N) (HD) SNN66611---SNN EveEve @ 6:30ES.TV (N)CelebrityNewsNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late ESNN Late ECelebrity S T R O P SESPN29292929125870SportsCenter (HD) MLB Baseball: Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox (Live) (HD)Baseball Tonight (HD)SportsCenter (HD) ESPN23030303065974Horn (HD)InterruptnNFL Live (HD)SportsCenter Special: Draft Grades (HD)30 for 30 (HD)30 for 30: Spy Ball (HD) FS148484848426983NASCAR (HD)NASCAR Cup Series: Toyota Owners 400 (Replay) (HD)Arenacross: Denver MLB Whip Around (HD) FSN72727272725677FocusedMarlins MLB Baseball: Tampa Bay Rays at Miami Marlins (Live) (HD)MarlinsMarlinsWrld Poker (Replay) FSSUN38383838455776Lacrosse (Replay)FishingShip ShapeSportsmanReel TimeFish FlatsFishingFishingFloridaReel FishWaves GOLF49494949556093Golf Central (HD)The Golf Fix (HD)Feherty (HD)Feherty: Nancy Lopez Feherty: Nancy Lopez Golf Central (HD) NBCSN71717171546190NASCAR NHL Live (Live) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Washington vs Pittsburgh (Live) NHL Overtime (Live)Men InPremier M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250BUNKD Announcement. (TVG)Bizaardvark Fake feud. (TVG)Undercover Another chance. Good Luck(TVG) (HD)Stuck in Middle Slumber party. Good Luck Hotel residence. Undercover K.C.s boyfriend. Undercover K.C.s boyfriend. Liv Maddie New sister Ruby. BUNKD Camp Kikiwaka. (R)Jessie Teenage movie star. Jessie Firm discipline. (TVG) ENC150150150150150150350(5:22) Chasing Amy (97, Romance) A man falls in love with a lesbian.(:19) Northmen: A Viking Saga (14, Action) Ed Skrein, Charlie Murphy. A group of sh ipwrecked Vikings kidnap the daughter of a powerful king. The Fifth Element (97, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis. A cab driver becomes involved with a woman who is destined to save the world. (PG-13) (:08) Pandorum (09) Space crew discovers terrifying secrets. (R) HBO302302302302302302400(5:20) Live Free or Die Hard (07) A detective tries to foil a terrorist bent on destroying the U.S. economy. VICE News Tonight: 5-01-2017 The Big Lebowski (98, Comedy) Jeff Bridges, John Goodman. A loser is mistaken for a wealthy man and becomes involved in a kidnapping plot. Warning: This Drug May Kill You Opioid addiction. (TV14) (N) (HD)The Leftovers: Crazy Whitefella Thinking Outback visionary. (TVMA) HBO2303303303303303303402(:10) Central Intelligence (16, Comedy) Kevin Hart. Geek-turned-CIA agent recruits an old classmate to help save satellite system. (PG-13) (HD)Veep: Georgia Selina abroad. VICE Cuba health care.(TVMA) (:15) Be Kind Rewind (08, Comedy) Jack Black, Mos Def. A man erases a stor es videotapes and proposes that they recreate all the films. (HD)Ride Along 2 (16, Comedy) James and Ben Barber go to Miami. HBO3304304304304304304404(:05) Midnight Special (16, Science Fiction) Michael Shannon. Father and son must go on run after its discovered that boy has powers. (HD)Wishful Drinking Carrie Fisher portrays her life onstage. (TVMA) (HD)The Making of ... Action film. A Serious Man (09, Comedy) A passive, Jewish college professor finds his life slowly falling apart. (R)Silicon Valley Dineshs new job.(:50) Unbreakable (00, Drama) MAX320320320320320320420(:20) Solaris (02, Science Fiction) George Clooney, Natascha McElhone. A psychiat rist investigates strange events on a distant space station. By the Sea (15, Drama) Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie. American couple finds time in small seaside town in France strengthens marriage. (R) (HD) (:05) Swept Away (02, Comedy) An apathetic aristocrat becomes marooned on a Mediterranean island. (R) (:35) Shoot Em Up (07, Action) MAX2321321321321321321422(5:00) Bird on a Wire (90) A man and his ex flee drug runners. (HD) (:55) The Intern (15, Comedy) Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway. A 70-year-old widowe r takes position as senior intern at online fashion site. Bride Wars (09, Comedy) Friends become bridezillas when their wedding plans conflict due to an error. Kindergarten Cop (90) A detective poses as a kindergarten teacher in order to find a possible witness. SHO340340340340340340365(5:15) The Hurt Locker (09) An Army bomb squad in Ir aq tries to survive a reckless new team leader. Circus: Inside Days in office. Guerrilla The gang moves to a secret location. (TVMA) (R) (HD)Billions: Golden Frog Time Chuck learns that he has a lot at stake. (R)Guerrilla The gang moves to a secret location. (TVMA) (R) (HD)Billions: Golden Frog Time Chuck learns that he has a lot at stake. (R) TMC350350350350350350385(4:30) Cinderella Man (05, Drama) Boxer regains prizefighting status. Bridge of Spies (15, Drama) Tom Hanks. During the Cold War, a New York lawyer is recruited by the CIA to negotiate the release of a downed American pilot in the Soviet Union. Spy Game (01, Action) Robert Redford, Brad Pitt. A retiring CIA agent tries to save his protg, who faces execution in China. (R) (:40) A Perfect Day (15) (R) 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 6 a.m. FSN MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at Miami Marlins. (R) 6:30 a.m. FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Owners 400. (R) 9 a.m. FSN German Bundesliga Soccer Eintracht Frankfurt at Hoffenheim. (T) 10 a.m. FSSUN MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Toronto Blue Jays. (R) 11 a.m. GOLF European Tour Golf Volvo China Open: Final Round from Topwin Golf & CC in Beijing. (R) 12 p.m. FSN MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at Miami Marlins. (R) FSSUN MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Toronto Blue Jays. (R) 1:30 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour Golf Zurich Classic of New Orleans: Final Round from TPC Louisiana in Avondale, La. (R) 3:25 p.m. FS1 2017 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup Mexico at Italy. (L) 5 p.m. FSSUN Womens College Lacrosse ACC Tournament: Championship. (R) 7 p.m. ESPN MLB Baseball Baltimore Orioles at Boston Red Sox. (L) FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Toyota Owners 400 from Richmond International Raceway in Richmond, Va. (R) FSN MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Miami Marlins. (L) 8 p.m. TNT 2017 NBA Playoffs Teams TBA. (L) USA WWE Monday Night Raw (L) 10 p.m. FS1 AMA Arenacross Series Denver. (R) 10:30 p.m. TNT 2017 NBA Playoffs Teams TBA. (L)Todays Sports Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV 9:00 a.m. CBS LIVE with Kelly Chris Pratt; P.J. Ball. (N) 9:00 a.m. IND The Steve Wilkos Show The story of a couple that may end on a sour note. 10:00 a.m. FOX Maury Man denies paternity due to complexion; family turns against girlfriend. (N) 11:00 a.m. FOX The Steve Wilkos Show Man learns girlfriend is cheating on him; sister reveals boyfriends in“delity. (N) 1:00 p.m. CW The Robert Irvine Show Mother gets frustrated with son and tells him to move out and “nd his own home. (N) 1:00 p.m. IND Jerry Springer A woman is trying to convince another woman to be with her. 2:00 p.m. CW T.D. Jakes The bishop and a sex expert discuss the topic of sex addiction. (N) 2:00 p.m. IND The Steve Wilkos Show Man learns girlfriend is cheating on him; sister reveals boyfriends in“delity. (N) 3:00 p.m. FOX Lauren Lakes Paternity Court A man denies being intimate with a woman who claims he fathered her child. 3:00 p.m. IND Jerry Springer A woman is trying to convince another woman to be with her. 4:00 p.m. MYN Maury Alishas best friend claims that her husband touched her breasts, 5:00 p.m. MYN Maury Man denies paternity due to complexion; family turns against girlfriend. (N) 11:00 p.m. TBS Conan Actor Dennis Quaid; actress Morena Baccarin; country music singer Nikki Lane. (N) 11:35 p.m. NBC The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Actress Goldie Hawn; actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau; actor Brian Reed. Todays Talk Shows


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Some book shelves incl. $1,500 941-380-4793 6075 FRUITS & VEGETABLES BLUEBERRIES U-Pick Ready for Picking at Ft Ogden. Call For Directions 863-990-6164 6090 MUSICAL PIANO LIKE new, includes bench. $499 941-256-6659 6095 MEDICAL HOSPITAL BED Drive electric hospital bed with remote,side rails and 2 new mattresses $360, OBO 810-513-0209 POWER LIFT For Wheel Chair For Pick Up Truck or Van. $350 obo 941-626-9251 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372 LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A VIBURNUM GREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE, PALMS, MANYOTHERPLANTS ATREASONABLE PRICES! SUISNURSURY941-232-6835 Tremendous Tree, Inc. 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LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 6035 FURNITURE BEDMATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BEDROOM SET Girls, Twin, All Metal, Exc Cond. $300 941-380-9212 BEDROOM SET SOLID Cherry, Night stand, chest of draws, sm. chest w/ mirror, Seagrass headboard pictures on request $450/obo 941-412-4111 CHAIRS, DINET (4) Ex cond. Swivel, by Chrome Craft $100 941-914-0097 Punta Gorda COUCHES Leather, Matching Pair. Taupe/Brown. $499 954501-9554 (Port Charlotte) DRESSER CHEST-ON-CHEST Mint cond.; LG Sheraton Chest, $275 both 941-380-7224 I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 KITCHEN TABLE, Oak 4 Chairs, Leaf. Exc. Cond. $350 941-623-5724 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 8-12 & SAT 8-10 1105 Via Formia P.G.I. ESTATE SALE Assisted by the Girls and Guys. (Dir. From Aqu Esta make a right at Magdalina Dr., Left at Via Tripoli, right at Mineo to Via Formia then make a Left and go all the way to the end.) Cabinet; statues; Queen bed; dresser and mirror; 2 night tables; Chest; bookcases; TV stand; pictures; lamps; rocker; nutcrackers; bears; Clothes; sofa table; entertainment unit; oil lamps; DR table and chairs; China cabinet; kitchen items; table and 5 chairs; Queen bed; 2 night tables; Dresser and mirror; 2 double beds; dresser and mirror; 1 night table; TV stand; Lanai table and 6 chairs, small table and 4 chairs; grill, garage items; 2006 Lincoln Town Car.See for more information relative to this sale. Buyers are responsible for the removal of their purchased items. Our cashier has Information regarding independent movers. PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! 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Page 14 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, May 1, 2017 7040 CHEVROLET 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO-1500 $28,987 LT, 56K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7050 CHRYSLER 2003 CHRYSLER PTCRUISER 76KMI Gold MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7070 FORD 1997 FORD MUSTANG $5,000GT Convert. 60,500 miles, 4.6l V-8, Excellent cond. 941-681-6661 2004 FORD MUSTANG $6,300OBO, Convrt 40th anniv yellow 67K Mil 941-764-1105 2016 FORD MUSTANG $31,497 GT-PREM. RED, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2008 FORD FOCUS 4Dr SE. 78K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7075 GMC 2012 GMC TERRAIN $17,911 GOLD 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7080 JEEP 2014 JEEP WRANGLER $27,950 WILLYS WHEELER 47K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 JEEP GRAND-CHEROKEE $29,990 GRAY, 18K MI 855-280-4707 DLR PRO POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd. Port Charlotte 1996 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,000 1998 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,199 2000 Cherokee 4X4,auto, air $3,895 2001 Wrangler Sport $7,500 2001 Wrangler Sport, Lifted $10,999 2011 Wrangler Sport, $16,899 941-627-8822 7090 LINCOLN 2010 LINCOLN MKS $13,911 RED, 43K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7100 MERCURY 2005 MERCURY MARQUIS $3,700Garaged, Leather. Runs great.Extra clean 586-243-0717 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 FLORIDA SNOW SHOVEL For Sand Fleas, Shells & Shark`s Teeth. $15. 941-564-6096 RE CO RD CO LLE C TI O N includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 7000TRANSPORTATION 7020 BUICK 1998 BUICK PARK-AVENUE $14,900 Runs Great! 607-295-9805 7030 CADILLAC 2003 CADILLAC DTS $4,595 Loaded, Great in/out 88kmi white, 941-661-8984 2013 CADILLAC SRX $25,990 GOLD, 17K MI 855-280-4707 DLR PUTCLASSFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU! FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! 2005 CADILLAC DEVILLE 81K MI. EXTRA CLEAN! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7040 CHEVROLET 2006 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER $8,300 OBO,LT fullyloaded 84kmi exc cond 941-764-1105 2015 CHEVROLET CAMARO $19,990 RED, 39K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 CHEVROLET COLORADO $23,500 V6, Auto, 8Ž Touch Screen Power Seat, Tinted Windows, Tow Package, 9,000 Miles. 941-204-1366 6170 BUILDING SUPPLIES HURRICANE SHUTTERS w/base etc,90Ž, 88Ž, 70Ž,58Ž & 48Ž $5 a foot 920-246-1111 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY CHAIN SAW Remington, Electric, 14Ž limb and trim. Like New! $35 941-257-5500 LADDER, Aluminum. Extension 24 $120 231-313-8730 6231 BIRDS FWCAS Exotic Bird Extravaganza Sun, May 7th, 10AM4PM. Sarasota Fairgrounds Potter Building. Adm $4. Pat 941-475-7103 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. ADOPT SPOOKŽ KITTEN FOR KID Very handsome white male, 2 pretty declawed femalesDivas. We only have Cool Cats! Call 941-270-2430. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 DISHWASHER G.E. PROFILE 9000 Series, White. Works Great! $50 941-787-0350 ELECTRIC RANGE KitchenAid electric range, architect series II, White, Drop in, excellent condition $250 616-460-9025 Classified=Sales REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 Now $895 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low prices 6130 SPORTING GOODS 2 GUYS GUN SHOWS MAY 13TH & 14TH Robards Arena 3000 Ringling Blvd Sarasota, FL (4 miles west of I75, Exit 210 Fruitville Rd) MAY 27TH & 28TH Charlotte County Fairgrounds 2333 El Jobean Rd (776) Port Charlotte, FL Buy-Sell-Trade New-Used FREEParking CWP Classes Avail. Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-4 727-776-3442 FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 6131FIREARMS NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. 6132FIREARMS ACCESSORIES 308 BALL Ammo 50 Round Boxes. 941-875-4339 6138 TOYS/GAMES CALL DUTY Legacy Edition for PS4 New, Never Opened! $30 941-257-5500 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES **SPAS & MORE** We take Trade ins We Move Hot Tubs & Buy Used Hot Tubs! 941-625-6600 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 6160 LAWN & GARDEN C uddle up by the fire! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 TOP SOILFor Sale! Please call: 941-468-4372 6161OUTDOOR LIVING GRILL BRINKMAN Gas Grill with side burner $50 941-4746917 GRILL Char Broil SS, 4 burner, with side burner. Works great, Very good cond. $85 941416-1270 Venice PATIO SETS with table 4 chairs 4 ornate chairs cushions. Exc. Cond. Orig $900, asking $100 941-380-7224 6165 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS WEATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Set Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 6126 GOLF CARTS 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ButterscotchŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2011 CLUBCARPRECEDENT4 Passenger Custom "Pearl" Spartan Body Brand New Batteries {C7} Deluxe Lights {Head,Tail, Signal, Brake and Horn} Flip Rear Seat Excellent Tires, Brakes, Mirror, Windshield, Top, Chrome SS Caps and Charger $3,995 941-830-4723 DELIVERYINCLUDED{25MI.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Midnight BlackŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … DEMO SALEŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Custom Yellow PaintŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … RED RACERŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New Custom PaintedŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6128 EXERCISE / FITNESS TREADMILL, 55Žx20 Digital Folding. WESLO G30 Like New $125. 941-697-0673 6110 TREES & PLANTS FREE MILKWEED Seeds. Help Save the Monarchs! 941-6618984 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES GOLF CART CHARGERS CLUB CAR, EZGO, YAMAHA Scratch and Dent Starting at $99 WARRANTY 941-769-1431VISIT TITLEIST 915D2 DRIVER Regular Flex $200. 941-235-1624 TITLEIST VOKEY WEDGES Like New. $65 ea. 941-2351624 6126 GOLF CARTS 06 EZGO 4 Passenger Golf Cart PASSION PINK BRAND NEW BATTERIES High Speed New Flip Down Rear Seat New Tires Sunbrella Enclosure New Chrome Wheel Caps New Upholstery 36 Volt Charger Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow JacketŽ Cables New Bushings Brakes, Top & Mirror Smooth and FAST! STK#174A $3,325. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2000 Club Car DS Plumb Crazy PurpleŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2003 CLUB CAR DS IQ System 4 Passenger 48 Volt "Gold" Golf Cart Speed Setting 4 {+-19/20 mph}. New Flip Rear Seat 6-8 Volt 2016 Batteries {E6} Headlights & taillights New Chrome SS Wheel Caps Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top, Windshield, Mirror and Charger. $3,275 941-830-4723 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only PLEASE NO TEXT 2008 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 10" Rims w/215x50x10 Tires 6 8 Volt 2014 Batteries New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger. $3,795. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE


Monday, May 1, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 15 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS Huge Selection Top Brands Forest River Coachmen Heartland Dutchmen Palomino PumaTab CrossroadsGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,000. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. 2009 Smart Car, Ready to Tow!! $5,349 THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. WANTED All Motor Homes, TTs, 5th whls,Vans conversion & passenger, cars & Diesel trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 954-789-7530 TURN YOUR RV INTO CASHSell it! Consign it! Trade it!NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM MOTORHOMESHUGESELECTION TOPBRANDSFORESTRIVERCOACHMENTHOR& WINNEBAGONOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 CLASS B HEADQUARTERS LARGEST SELECTIONINUSA!ROADTREK MIDWESTPLEASUREWAYWINNEBAGO/COACHMENLEISURETRAVELREGENCYANDMORE! NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 7382 RV/CAMPER PARTS RV SERVICE PARTS ANDBODY From tire to accessories call us for all your needs!GERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977US 41 Nokomis GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 7331 SAILBOATS 25 TANZER Shoal draft, 4 cycle, 10HP Motor, New main, 150% Genoa, Chart plotter, depth finder & auto Piolt. Good cond. See in water. $7,500 941-474-2705 7336 BOAT STORAGE/ DOCKING BOAT & TRAILER STORAGEBoat Storage WET/DRY FREE Boat Ramp! Gulf Access! Great Fishing!NAV-A-GATOR Bar & Grill on property!DESOTO MARINAOn the Peace River941-627-3474 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES TRAILERSNewPre-Owned CargoUtility Trailers Parts Repairs-Tires Welding. We BUY Trailers! Trades Welcome. Roys Trailer Country 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Rd P.G. TRAILER, 6X10 Enclosed Cargo w/ Rear Ramp. Single Axle. $1,500 941-625-5962 NEW SHIPMENT! 2017 LARK ENCLOSED TRAILERS MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR AXEL 82Ž, hubs, springs tires and wheels $75 269-214-8220 Seizethesales withClassified! 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLE HELMET Black, New! $40 941-257-5500 HARBOR SCOOTERS for all your scooter needs... 3315 Tamiami Trl. PG We Repair Scooters too! 941-347-8705 SALES SERVICE PARTS H-D 1986 SPORTSTER XLH 883CC ALL CHROME ONLY 19492 $2,000, OBO 941-5054693 250CC SCOOTER You put together. You buy scooter I will give u free original Island Hooper 1. $500 941-536-7080 2011GOR ILLA MOTORWORKS SCOOTER 49cc. Great Cond! $550 941-564-6678 1998 INDIAN CHIEF Many Custom Features, The BEST! $10,500 941-473-7770 1986 HONDA SCOOTER Great cond. Low miles. $600 708-935-3050 Pt. Charl. 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2015 TOYOTA TUNDRA $36,977 SR5 UPGRADE PKG 18K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2009 TOYOTA RAV4 $14,990 NAV, LTD, 76K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 FORD EXPLORER $25,877 LMTD, 57K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 TOYOTA SEQUOIA $30,877 black, 37k mi 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 FORD EXPLORER $41,987 PLATINUM, 8,760 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7330 BOATS-POWERED 31 2006 LOA CRUISERS 280 CX1 Twin Volvos (Low Hours), A/C, 2 Staterooms, Dinette, Galley, Shower, Microwave, TV-VCR, Stereo, GPS, VHS+++ A Must See! $49,500 obo 941-979-8203 28 LARSON 280 CABRIO 94: NEW Fuel Tank, Pumps, Starters, Batts, New SB Engine, PT Refurb, Carbs Rebuilt & MUCH More! Can Fax/Email List 2 U. $8,000/obo 941-697-3335 REALLY REDUCED! 28 1983OUTTER REEF Lady Fisher is an Extremely Sturdy, Capable Trawler with a Single Diesel. She Does Extremely Well in Weather and Heavy Seas. It is aDowneaster Design. Her Fuel Consumption is Less than 2 Gallons Per Hour. Many Upgrades! $18,900. 860-729-0630 22.52001 AQUASPORT Explorer, 225 HP Evinrude. Color GPS/fish finder, full canvas, Extended bimini. Fishbox and livewell. All cushions and bolsters, chemical toilet, transom shower. Dual batteries. $9,950. 941-268-4532 22 HURRICANE 22.6 DECK BOAT 2004 Hurricane 22.6 Deck Boat 150 Yamaha 4 Stroke Hydraulic Steering 470 Hrs. Original Owner Stored on Lift w/Cover No Trailer $14,000, OBO 941-276-3710 18.5 2008MAVERICK MASTER angler, 150 Yamaha 4 stroke 400 hours. With all aluminum trailer with fold away tongue. Jack plate, Trim Tabs, Power Pole, 24 volt 80lb Minkota riptide trolling motor. Hydraulic steering, On Board dual trickle charger with plug. Bait well and Live well AFT. And a Garmin chartplotter. Asking $25,500 O.B.O Call or Text 941-276-2370 17 2005 CAPE CRAFT Center Console. 90HP Yamaha 2 Stroke. T-Top & Trailer. Fresh Water Only Boat. $9,495 941-916-9222 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES NAVIAGATION DVD of North America. $20. 941-257-5500 TIRES (2) Goodyear, 185/65/R15 $40 for both. 941-257-5500 TRUCK BED top fits 6 Bed, good cond. Grey $200 941-624-0539 TIRES (4) Michelin Energy Saver A/S. P225/50R17 $60 941-223-1808 7280 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR ALL PRO WINDOW TINTING Serving the tri-county area for 25 years! Residential & Auto Tinting 2820 Worth Ave, Englewood 941-232-6967 7290 VANS 1994 MERCURY VILLAGER $1,000obo, 137K MIles. 9 41-697-0760 2004 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUETTE VAN. $2,000 Clean, White. 941-764-8152 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $11,990 GOLD, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $25,497 EX-L, CERT, 40K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $26,497 EX-L, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $27,950EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23 K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,990 NAV, DVD, 30K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $37,950 TOURING WHITE 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,950 TOURING ELITE, 5,738 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ODYSSEY $39,987 TOURING, CERT, 10K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY SILVER,48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan WHEELCHAIR Van, 10Ž lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 2005 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY STOW& GO SEATING. 68K MI. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2004 FORD EXPLORER $10,500 Sport Trac XLT, 33k miles, 941-639-6922 2014 TOYOTA TACOMA $26,497 GRAY, 31K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 FORD F-150 $27,897 XLT, BLUE, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 TOYOTA TUNDRA $32,990 SR5 4X4 BLUE, 29K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $33,897 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 1995 FORD RANGER $2,295 /obo, 150K Miles, 3.0 L, Manual Trans, Cold A/C, New Tires & Brakes! 941-270-1245 7178 LEXUS 2014 LEXUS CT-200H $22,990 CERT, NAV, SILVER, 36K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS RX-350 $25,990 CERT, NAV, 37K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 LEXUS GX-460 $25,990 NAV, BLACK, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS IS-250 $30,990 CERT, NAV, WHITE, 16K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS GS-350 $31,911 CERT, NAV, 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS RX-450H $38,990 CERT, NAV, 41K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 LEXUS GX-460 $47,477 PREM. PKG, BLACK, 11K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7180 MAZDA 2012 MAZDA 3 $10,500 Silver Hatchback, 33K MI. Top Shape, Clean. Auto, CD, A/C 1 Owner. 941-786-3313 7190 MERCEDES 1991 MERCEDES $2,995 Classic 190E 2.6, Exc. Cond! Beautiful Car! 412-855-6807 2017 MERCEDES-BENZ C300 $41,990 NAV, BLUE, 2,863 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7195 MITSUBISHI 2008 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 2DR COUPE GS 73K MI LIKE NEW! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7200 NISSAN 2012 NISSAN SENTRA $8,990 BLACK, 62K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7206 SAAB 2010 SAAB 9-3 $9,990 SILVER, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7210 TOYOTA 2012 TOYOTA PRIUS $11,990 BLACK, 88K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7230 VOLVO 2015 VOLVO XC60 $30,797 T5 DRIVE-E PLAT. 43K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7250 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1971 MGB ROADSTER $1,900/OBO Needs work but runs & drives. 941-276-6365 7260 AUTOS WANTED BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 CASHFOR ALL TRUCKS & CARS ANY COND RUNNING OR NOT. (352)-342-7037 WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928 7135 SATURN PRO P OWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 96 SC2 Coupe$1,199 00 SW2 Wagon$1,950 97 SW2 Wagon $2,158 98 SW2 Wagon $2,195 RV Tow Ready 01 SL2 Sedan$2,395 05 Vue V6 $3,299 05 Vue 6cyl $3,750 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,400 07 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 09 Vue XE $7,188 08 Vue XE $7,800 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $7,995Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 2008 SATURN VUE $8,995 XE 85K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7145 ACURA 2014 ACURA MDX $26,911 MAROON, NAV, 49K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7147 AUDI 2011 AUDI Q532PP $22,911 SILVER, 31K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7148 BMW 2014 BMW 320I $17,990 BLUE, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 BMW 135ICV $17,990 GRAY, 47K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7160 HONDA 2008 HONDA ACCORD $5,700 2dr, Red, black leather. 114,800 miles, 217-621-7781 2009 HONDA ACCORD $9,990 NAV, WHITE, 124K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,897 EX-L CERT, WHITE, 4,649 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,977 EX-L, CERT, BLUE, 16K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA PILOT $27,597 EX, BLUE, 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT $27,877 EX-L, WHITE, 29K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT $27,897 EX-L, WHITE, 31K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $29,897 TOURING, CERT, 5,987 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7163 HYUNDAI 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRAGT $7,911 91K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI GENESIS $19,990 WHITE, 50K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA WAGON. 45K Mi. 1-Owner. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2005 HYUNDAI XG350 LEATHER & MOONROOF. NICE CAR! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7165 INFINITI 2016 INFINITI QX50 $31,877 BLUE, 6,112 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7178 LEXUS 2008 LEXUS ES-350 $14,911 SILVER, NAV, 38K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2008 LEXUS RX-400H $15,990 NAV, RED, 89K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2004 LEXUS SC-430 $16,990 NAV, BLACK, 93K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS RX-350 $20,990 NAV, WHITE, 76K MI 855-280-4707 DLR


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Monday, May 1, 2017 Page 1 To view todays legal notices and more visit, 3000 NOTICES 3112 FICTITIOUS NAME 0 5/ 0 1/ 20 17 3114 INVITATION TO BID C HARL O TTE CO UNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY PUNTA GORDA AIRPORT AIR CARRIER RAMP EXPANSION PROJECT ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals for the Air Carrier Ramp Expansion Project will be received, from qualified bidders, by the Charlotte Count y Airport Authority, until 10:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, June 1, 2017 at which time all b ids received will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Air port Administrative Offices, lo cated at the address 8079 Gol f Course Blvd., Punta Gorda, FL 33982 Sealed proposals are to be mailed to the address of 2800 0 A irport Road, Suite A-1, Punta Gorda, FL 33982 prior to the bid opening date and time. Sealed proposals can be hand de livered to the address of 8079 Golf Course Blvd., Punta Gorda, FL 33982 the day of the opening prior to 10:00 a.m. local time. Bidders must submit Proposals for this work on the Proposal Forms provided. Other proposal forms will not be accepted. Bid ders must be licensed in accor dance with Florida laws. BID TITLE: AIR CARRIER RAMP EXPANSION PROJECT The project consists of providing all labor, materials, and equipmen t at the Punta Gorda Airport to con struct a new aircraft apron con sisting of approximately 12,000 SY of concrete and 3,700 SY o f asphalt. In addition, the project in cludes 450 LF of an aluminum walkway canopy, possibly 500 LF of an aircraft blast fence, excavation, grading, drainage, pavement marking, pavement demolition, signage, taxiway lighting, fencing and mast pole lighting, and a gravity waste dump station. A pre-bid conference is sched uled for Wednesday, May 17, 2 017 at 10:00 a.m. in the Char lotte County Airport Authority Board (CCAA) meeting room Building 313, 7375 Utilities Road, Punta Gorda, FL, 33982. The CCAA Board meeting r oom is behind the Sheriffs Office Attendance at the pre-bid confer ence is highly encouraged but is not mandatory. The complete examination and understanding of the bidding and contract documents, and all ad denda or other revisions, and site of the proposed work is necessar y to properly submit a Proposal. The bidding documents are avail able beginning Monday, May 1, 2017 by contacting Cindy Powers, Phone 941-567-1622, Ext ension 4 or E-mail A Bid Bond in the form as bound in the bidding documents or Certified Check in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount bid must accompany each Bid. Successful Bidder shall be re quired to execute and to provide a Payment Bond and Performance Bond each in an Amount of no t less than one hundred percen t (100%) of the total value of the Contract awarded to him with a satisfactory surety or sureties for the full and faithful performance of t he work. No bid may be withdrawn after closing time for the receipt of Proposals for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days. The Charlotte County Airport Authority reserves the right to waive any informalities or irregularities in or reject any or all bids and to award or refrain from awarding the Contract for the Work. By: Paul Andrews, Chair Publish: May 1, 2017 107763 3448624 3116 NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT O F THE ___________ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.:17-430DR Division: Imer Navarro Rogel Petitioner, Reynaldo Flores Respondent, NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGES (NO CHILD OR FINANCIIAL SUPPORT) TO: {name of Respondent} Reynaldo Flores ( 3116 NOTICE OF ACTION (R espon d ent s l ast k nown a d dress)UNKOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your wrotten defenses, if any, to it on {name of Petitioner} Imer Navarro Rogel whose address is 21464 Holdern Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33950 on or before {date) 05/11/2017 and file the original with the clerk of this Court at {clerk's address) 350 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33950 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. I f you fail to do so, a default ma y be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court t o decide how the following real or personal property should be di vided: {insert "none" or, if applica ble, the legal description of real property, a specific description o f personal property, and the name of the county in Florida where the property is located) Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's off ice. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of t he Circuit Court's office notif ied of your current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Add ress, Florida Supreme Cour t Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or emailed to the address(es) on record at the clerk's office. W ARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure t o comply can result in sanct ions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated: 04/06/2017 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: J Kern Deputy Clerk Publish: April 17, 24, May 1, 8, 2017 395956 3444062 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File No.: 17000296CP Division IN RE: ESTATE OF Joyce G. Zuck, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The administration of the estate of JOYCE G. ZUCK, deceased, whose date of death was April 10, 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion Ave, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands agains t decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICA TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) Y EARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is May 1 2017. Attorney for Personal Representa tive: Bryan K. Tippen, Attorney Florida Bar Number: 113421 TIPPEN LAW FIRM, PLLC Telephone: (941) 888-4260 Fax: (239) 214-6080 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: Personal Representative: Jonathan V. Zuck 1701 Kalorama Road NW, Apt. #201 W ashington, DC 20009 Publish: May 1, 8, 2017 386613 3448704 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF FLORA M. BUNGER, Deceased. File No.17000307CP Division Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate f 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS o f Fl ora M B unger, d ecease d whose date of death was October 6 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion St., Punta Gorda, FL 33950. The names and addresses of the per sonal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and o ther persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS N OTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claim s with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN T HE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 24, 2017 A ttorney for Personal Representative: Guy S. Emerich, Esq. Florida Bar number: 126991 Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett, Carr &Holmes,P.A. 99 Nesbit Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-1158 Fax: (941) 639-0028 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: j and Donald M. Bunger 1522 Kenmore Street Port Charlotte, Florida 33952 Publish: April 24, May 1, 2017 114849 3446118 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF BETTY JANE POJEN, Probate Division a/k/a/ BETTY TOTH POJEN, Deceased. File No.: 17-240-CP NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of BETTY JANE POJEN, deceased, whose date of death was Decemb er 19, 2016, and whose social security number is private, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 350 East Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set f orth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICA TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE W ILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIM E PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is May 1 2017. A ttorney for Personal Representative Arlene C. Chase, Esq. Florida Bar No. 0033591 Arlene C. Chase, P.A. 210 Wood Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 575-5142 Personal Representative THOMAS A. PAPPONE 23268 Altman Avenue Port Charlotte, FL 33980 Publish: May 1, 8, 2017 311828 3448761 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF FREDRICK G. TITUS, Deceased. File No. 17-000256-CP Division Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Fredrick G. Titus, deceased, whose date of death was February 15, 2017, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion Ave, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. The names and addresses of the per s onal representative and the per sonal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent an d other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS N OTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST P UBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of t his notice is April 24, 2017 Attorney for Personal Representatives: Guy S. Emerich, Esq. Florida Bar Number: 126991 Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett, Carr & Holmes, P.A. 99 Nesbit Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-1158 Fax: (941) 639-0028 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: and Co-Personal Representatives: Raymond T. Rowley 1000 Kings Highway #469 Port Charlotte, FL 33980 Frances E. Rowley 1000 Kings Highway #469 Port Charlotte, FL 33980 Publish: April 24, May 1, 2017 114849 3446089 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF IRENE A. SMITH, Deceased. File No.: 17-249-CP Probate Division NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of IRENE A. SMITH, deceased, whose date of death was Novem ber 25, 2016, and whose social security number is private, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 350 East Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set f orth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICA TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is May 1 2017. Attorney for Personal Representative Arlene C. Chase, Esq. Florida Bar No. 0033591 Arlene C. Chase, P.A. 210 Wood Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 575-5142 Personal Representative JOHN E. WING 1867 College Greens Drive Los Banos, CA 93635 Publish: May 1, 8, 2017 311828 3448766 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF MARY PINHEIRO, Deceased. File No. 17-000300-CP Division: PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Mary Pinheiro, deceased, whose date of death was February 22, 2017, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. The names and addresses of the p ersonal representative and the personal representative's attorne y are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS N OTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against deced ent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHI N THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 24, 2017 Cheyenne R. Young Attorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar Number: 0515299 Wotitzky, Wotitzky, Ross & McKinley, P.A. A ttorneys at Law 1107 W. Marion Avenue, Unit #111 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-2171 Fax: (941) 639-8617 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: j Personal Representative: Charlotte State Bank & Trust c/o Laurel Cronin, Trust Officer 1100 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, FL 333953 Publish: April 24, May 1, 2017 100738 3446371 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDAPROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF JOSEPH BALLARO File No. 17-260-CP Division Probate Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of JOSEPH BALLARO, deceased, whose date of death was July 8, 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 East Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 24, 2017 Attorney for Personal Representive: CARRIE M. LEONTITSIS A ttorney Florida Bar Number: 48055 Olmsted & Willson, P.A. 17801 Murdock Circle, Suite A Port Charlotte, Florida 33948 Telephone: (941)624-2700 Fax: (941) 624-5151 E-Mail: Personal Representative: JOSEPH L. BALLARO 26 Ballaro Drive Shelton, Connecticut 06484 Publish: April 24, May 1, 2017 125062 3446395 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF JEAN B. MARTENS, Deceased. File No.: 17-285-CP Probate Division NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of JEAN B. MARTENS, deceased, whose date of death was November 9, 2016, and whose social security number is private, is pending in the Circuit -Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 350 East Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set f orth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICA TION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is May 1 2017. Attorney for Personal Representative Arlene C. Chase, Esq. Florida Bar No. 0033591 Arlene C. Chase, P.A. 2010 Wood Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 575-5142 Personal Representative JAMES CUDZILO 6420 Austrian Blvd. Punta Gorda, FL 33982 Publish: May 1, 8, 2017 311828 3448807 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF JOANNE R. MINERVINI, Deceased. File No.: 2017-CP-001641-SC Division: Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of Joanne R. Minervini, deceased, whose date of death was October 12, 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for Sarasota County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is Post Office Bo x 3079, Sarasota, Florida 34230 3079. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is May 1, 2017 Attorney for Personal Representative: Brett H. Sifrit Florida Bar Number: 105564 Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett, Carr & Holmes, P.A. 99 Nesbit Street, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941639-1158 Fax: (941) 639-0028 E-Mail: Secondary Email: Personal Representative: Raymond James Trust, N.A. c/o Kathyrn R. Young Associate Trust Officer 880 Carilon Parkway St. Petersburg, Florida 33761 Post Office Box 23559 St. Petersburg, Florida 33742 Publish: May 1, 8, 2017 114849 3449206


Page 2 Monday, May 1, 2017 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF JULIA MARIE SHAW, Deceased. File No. 17-000206-CP Division: PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate o f Julia Marie Shaw, deceased, whose date of death was August 21, 2016, is pending in the Circuit C ourt for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad d ress of which is 350 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. T he names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorne y a re set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and o ther persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is r equired to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR B EFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS N OTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF T HIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the deced ent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims w ith this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHI N THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN F LORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER B ARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y C LAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S D ATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this n otice is April 24, 2017 Cheyene R. Young Attorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar Number: 0515299 Wotitzky, Wotitzky, Ross & Mckinley, P.A. Attorneys at Law 1107 W. Marion Avenue, Unit #111 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-2171 Fax: (941) 639-8617 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: jackie@wotizky Personal Representative: Nancy C. Jarrett 120 Hamilton Lake Lane #283 Hamilton Lake Hamilton, Indiana 46742 Publish: April 24, May 1, 2017 100738 3446449 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF ROY JASON WILLAFORD A/K/A ROY J. WILLAFORD, Deceased. File No. 17000322CP NOTICE TO CREDITORS (summary administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: You are hereby notified that an Order of Summary Administration has been entered in the estate of ROY JASON WILLAFORD A/K/A ROY J. WILLAFORD, deceased, File Number 17000322CP; by the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 East Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33950; that the decedents date of death was January 31, 2017; that the total value of the estate is $1,700.00 and that the names and addresses of those to whom it has been assigned by such order are: Name A ddress Creditors: None Beneficiaries: A NN MARIE DAWSON 27815 Quail View Lane W esley Chapel, FL 33544 JASON S. WILLAFORD 2277 Monitor St. Dallas, TX 75207 A LL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the est ate of the decedent other than t hose for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must file t heir claims with this court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER A PPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is May 1, 2017 Attorney for Persons Giving Notice: CHRISTOPHER H. NORMAN Florida Bar No. 821462 A ttorney for Petitioners Hines Norman Hines, P.L. 315 S. Hyde Park Ave. Tampa, FL 33606 Telephone: 813.251.8659 Email: 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS P ersons Gi v i ng N ot i ce: A NN MARIE DAWSON 27815 Quail View Lane W esely Chapel, FL 33544 JASON S. WILLAFORD 2277 Monitor St. Dallas TX 75207 Publish: May 1, 8, 2017 396236 3448821 3128 NOTICE OF PERMIT STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice of its in t ent to issue a permit to Department of Corrections, An dres Kraul, 501 South Calhoun S treet, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, to increase the capacity o f the reuse system that uses re claimed water for toilet flushing a nd laundry. The facility is located at latitude 26o 47' 45" N, longitude 81o 54' 05" W on 33123 Oil W ell Rd., Punta Gorda, in Charlotte County. The Department has as s igned permit file number FLA014130-010-DW2P to the proposed project. The permit application file and supporting documentation is available electronically at the following link: epNexus/public/electronic-docu ments/FLA014130/facility!searc h These records are also available f or public inspection during normal business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p .m., Monday through Friday, ex cept legal holidays, at the Depart ment's South District Office, 2295 Victoria Ave., Suite 364, Ft. Myers, Florida 33901, at phone number (239) 344-5600. The Department will issue the permit with the attached condi tions unless a timely petition for an administrative hearing is filed under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes, within fourteen days of receipt of notice. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below. A person whose substantial in terests are affected by the Depart ment's proposed permitting decision may petition for an ad ministrative proceeding (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received by the Clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Dep artment at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Under Rule 62-110.106(4), Florida Administrative Code, a pers on may request an extension of t he time for filing a petition for an administrative hearing. The request must be filed (received by the Clerk) in the Office of General Counsel before the end of the time period for filing a petition for an administrative hearing. Petitions filed by any persons other than those entitled to written notice under Section 120.60(3), Florida Statutes, must be filed within fourteen days of publication of the notice or within fourteen days of receipt of the written no tice, whichever occurs first. Sec tion 120.60(3), Florida Statutes however, also allows that any person who has asked the Department in writing for notice of agency action may file a petition within fourteen days of receipt o f such notice, regardless of the date of publication. The petitioner shall mail a cop y of the petition to the applicant a t the address indicated above at the time of filing. The failure of an y person to file a petition or request for an extension of time within fourteen days of receipt of notice shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determination (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Any subsequent intervention (in a proceeding initiated by another party) w ill be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with Rule 28-106.205, Florida Administrative Code. A petition that disputes the material facts on which the Department's action is based must contain the following information, as indicated in Rule 28-106.201, Florida Administrative Code: (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (b) The name, address, any email address, any facsimile number, and telephone number of the petitioner, if the petitioner is not represented by an attorney or a qualified representative; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, i f any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be af fected by the determination; (c)A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Department's decision; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indi cate; (e) A concise statement of the 3128 NOTICE OF PERMIT u l t i mate f acts a ll ege d i nc l u di ng the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Department's prop osed action; (f) A statement of the specific r ules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Department's prop osed action, including an explanation of how the alleged facts relate to the specific rules or s tatutes; and (g) A statement of the relief s ought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner w ishes the Department to take with respect to the Department's proposed action. Because the administrative hear ing process is designed to formu l ate final agency action, the filin g o f a petition means that the Department's final action may be diff erent from the position taken by it in this notice. Persons whose s ubstantial interests will be aff ected by any such final decision of the Department have the right t o petition to become a party to t he proceeding, in accordance w ith the requirements set forth above. Mediation under Section 120.573, F lorida Statutes, is not available for this proceeding. Publish: May 1, 2017 396264 3449464 3130 NOTICE OF SALE N O TI C E O F PUBLI C S ALE: S TERN & BRUNS GARAGE gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 0 5/15/2017, 10:00 am at 1590 3 MCCALL RD ENGLEWOOD, FL 3 4223-4899, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. STERN & BRUNS GARAGE reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. KMHDU46D07UO34929 2007 HYUNDAI Publish: May 1, 2017 108475 3446469 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1187 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2386-2012 Year of Issuance: May-31-2012 Tax ID: 402116180006 Description of Property: PCH 059 2951 0036 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 59 BLK 2951 LT 36 Name in which assessed: GORDON, CHRISTINA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or t hereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,888.63 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,894.88 P.O. NO.: 1601187 208144 3441156 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1188 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 3747-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402133379004 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 52 BLK 1688 LT 16 Name in which assessed: BONNEY, LEONARD; BONNEY, LAURA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,716.58 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,722.83 P.O.NO.: 1601188 208144 3441161 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1189 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that C B INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed t he said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which i t was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5905-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402218333014 Description of Property: PCH 021 1669 0010 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 21 BLK 1669 LT 1 0 Name in which assessed: ENGMAN, JOHAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,277.06 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,283.31 P.O. NO.: 1601189 208144 3441268 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1190 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 3919-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402202256007 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3101 LT 3 Name in which assessed: ORLANDO, ANDREW; SAPUTO, ANTHONY; SAPUTO, A All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,242.21 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,248.46 P.O. NO.: 1601190 208144 3441269 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1191 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 3985-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402202379015 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3119 LT 4 Name in which assessed: GOMEZ, JOSE; NALAVANY, CYNTHIA A.; CAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,943.76 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,950.01 P.O. NO.: 1601191 208144 3441275 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1192 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the 3132 TAX DEEDS property, an d t h e names i n w hi c h it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5284-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402211479012 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3 184 LT 1 Name in which assessed: ATALLA, AHMED SHAABAN All of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 0 5/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,788.04 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,794.29 P.O. NO.: 1601192 208144 3441279 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1194 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that C B INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of t he following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the p roperty, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6634-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402221401012 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 10 BLK 1 03 LT 5 Name in which assessed: KOWALL, ED; KOWALL, FREDA L. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,070.93 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,077.18 P.O. NO.: 1601194 208144 3441281 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1195 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JOHN T. SAKEVICH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2454-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402116205008 Description of Property: PCH 059 2942 0022 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 59 BLK 2942 LT 22 Name in which assessed: FEISER, ROBERT D.; FEISER, BETTY J. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,927.92 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,934.17 P.O. NO.: 1601195 208144 3441291 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1197 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JOHN A. GALBRAITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12458-2012 Year of Issuance: May-31-2012 Tax ID: 412116352003 Description of Property: PCH 058 4242 0006 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4242 LT 6 Name in which assessed: SUGAR KIDS HUI, LLC; BENHAM, CLAYTON W.; BENHAM, ROY L.; BENHAM, HOWARD K.; PAVICH, ELOISE L.; SUGAR KIDS HUI LLC 3132 TAX DEEDS ET AL All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,544.33 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,550.58 P.O. NO.: 1601197 208144 3441293 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1198 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SKW PREP LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the s aid certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate n umber and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 14573-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 412130253019 Description of Property: ROTONDA SANDS UN 1 BLK 2 LT 100 Name in which assessed: FERRIS, THEODORE JR. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,101.69 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,107.94 P.O. NO.: 1601198 208144 3441295 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1199 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that THOMAS SMITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6533-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402223102002 Description of Property: PCH 011 1333 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 11 BLK 1333 LT 21 Name in which assessed: AMENDOLIA, PLACIDO All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,622.44 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,628.69 P.O.NO.: 1601199 208144 3441301 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1200 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that THOMAS SMITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 15135-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412307230003 Description of Property: PUG 000 0093 0005 PUNTA GORDA BLK 93 LT 5 & W 1/2 LT 6 Name in which assessed: IMPERI, ROBERT S. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton


Monday, May 1, 2017 Page 3 3132 TAX DEEDS C lerk o f the C ircuit C ourt B y: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,998.55 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,004.80 P.O. NO.: 1601200 208144 3441331 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1203 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that THOMAS SMITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 8953-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412002227004 Description of Property: PCH 062 3600 0037 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3600 LT 37 Name in which assessed: JOHN-NICHOLSON, LOIDA AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF EBENEZER F. JOHN; JOHN EBENEZER F ESTATE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold t o the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2 017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,939.53 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,945.78 P.O. NO.: 1601203 208144 3441338 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1204 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HOUSING HELPERS, INC. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2835-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402128261001 Description of Property: ELJ 001 R0000 0020 EL JOBEAN WARD 1 RESUB RESV LTS 20 & 21 Name in which assessed: MAIER, KATHY All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,682.88 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,689.13 P.O. NO.: 1601204 208144 3441347 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1208 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11540-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412022378002 Description of Property: ROH 000 0000 1060 ROTOND A WEST OAKLAND HILLS LT 1060 Name in which assessed: SANTINI, IVELYN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,955.30 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,961.55 P.O. NO.: 1601208 208144 3441388 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1205 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HOUSING HELPERS, INC. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of i ssuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6152-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402223304018 Description of Property: PCH 007 0534 0009 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 7 BLK 534 LT 9 Name in which assessed: THE ESTATE OF HENRY E. GEEVE, DECEASED; GEEVE HENRY E ESTATE; THE ESTATE OF HENR Y 0. GEEVE, DECEASED; GEEVE HENRY 0 ESTATE All of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold t o the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 0 4/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,612.82 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,619.07 P.O. NO.: 1601205 208144 3441351 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1206 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HOUSING HELPERS, INC. the holder of the following certificate h as filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 9401-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412011127010 Description of Property: PCH 064 3569 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 64 BLK 3569 LT 12 PCH 064 3569 0018 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 64 BLK 3569 LT 18 Name in which assessed: ZIMMERMAN, RICHARD E.; ZIMMERMAN, RICHARD T.; ZIMMERMAN, RT A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold t o the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 12,201.89 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $12,208.14 P.O. NO.: 1601206 208144 3441374 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1209 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A NITA VARSHNEY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5223-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402211129002 Description of Property: PCH 051 3224 0003 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3224 LT 3 Name in which assessed: CORMIER, ROGER W. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,005.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,011.66 P.O. NO.: 1601209 208144 3441392 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1210 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BETTY ANTOINE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate n umber and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 632-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402104129026 Description of Property: PCH 024 2004 0015 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 24 BLK 2004 LT 15 Name in which assessed: LUTZ, CONRAD; LUTZ, PILAR A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,113.53 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,119.78 P.O. NO.: 1601210 208144 3441396 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1211 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A NITA VARSHNEY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5237-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402211180006 Description of Property: PCH 051 3211 0001 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3211 LT 1 Name in which assessed: PATTERSON, ALBERT E. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,592.44 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,598.69 P.O. NO.: 1601211 208144 3441398 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1207 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JOAN E. BRASSEUR, TRUSTEE FRANCIS T. BRASSEUR AND JOAN E. BRASSEUR LIVING TRUST the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year o f issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 4473-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402209378021 Description of Property: PCH 026 0768 0007 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 26 BLK 768 LT 7 N ame in which assessed: EMERY, ROBERT W.; EMERY, MARY All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,215.88 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,222.13 P.O. NO.: 1601207 208144 3441382 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0001 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was 3132 TAX DEEDS assessed are as f ollows: Certificate No.: 6607-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402223376014 Description of Property: PCH 009 0489 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 9 BLK 489 LT 12 Name in which assessed: KALEEMUDDIN, MOHAMMED; MANSOOR, SABIH; MANSOOR S All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according t o the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,116.34 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,122.59 P.O. NO.: 1700001 208144 3442098 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0002 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to b e issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6636-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402223453001 Description of Property: PCH 009 0496 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 9 BLK 496 LT 2 Name in which assessed: RAMSEY BUILDING CORPORATION, A FLORIDA CORPORATION; RAMSEY BUILDING CORPORATION A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at w in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,188.26 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,194.51 P.O. NO.: 1700002 208144 3442107 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0023 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17237-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422303454006 Description of Property: TROP G A UN 4 BLK 52 LT 12 Name in which assessed: CASKEY, ROBERT L.; CASKEY, MARILYN E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,367.59 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,373.84 P.O. NO.: 1700023 208144 3443446 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0003 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6759-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402224305006 Description of Property: PCH 013 1299 0010 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 13 BLK 1299 LT 10 Name in which assessed: W ALFALL, AMY V., AS TRUSTEE OF THE WALFALL FAMILY TRUST 3132 TAX DEEDS DATED S EPTEMBER 1 3 1 992 AND RESTATED SEPTEMBER 16, 2008; WALFALL AMY V TR A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,297.01 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,303.26 P.O. NO.: 1700003 208144 3442119 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0004 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6770-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402224326005 Description of Property: PCH 013 1299 0011 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 13 BLK 1299 LT 11 Name in which assessed: WALFALL, AMY V., AS TRUSTEE OF THE WALFALL FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 13, 1992 AND RESTATED SEPTEMBER 16, 2008; WALFALL AMY V TR All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,297.01 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,303.26 P.O. NO.: 1700004 208144 3442128 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0005 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate n umber and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 7136-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402230203008 Description of Property: PCH 037 2202 0008 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 37 BLK 2202 LT 8 Name in which assessed: BACHMANN, MARIE; BACHMANN, FREDERICK; BACHMANN, F All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,083.01 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,089.26 P.O. NO.: 1700005 208144 3442148 .N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0006 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 3979-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402205201008 Description of Property: PCH 017 0920 0008 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 17 BLK 920 LT 8 Name in which assessed: GORDON, TREVOR All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to 3132 TAX DEEDS the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2 017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01 /2017 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,334.39 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,340.64 P.O. NO.: 1700006 208144 3443321 NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0008 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 15067-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422104404012 Description of Property: RVL 000 0032 0013 ROTONDA VILLAS BLK 32 LT 13 Name in which assessed: INGRAM, EDWIN B. JR.; INGRAM, SALLY E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,332.16 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,338.41 P.O. NO.: 1700008 208144 3443328 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0009 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 15162-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422105184002 Description of Property: RVL 000 0015 0082 ROTONDA VILLAS BLK 15 LT 82 Name in which assessed: ROCHFORD, ELFREIDA L. A/K/A ELFREIDA R. ROCHFORD A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,560.74 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,566.99 P.O. NO.: 1700009 208144 3443332 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0010 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17239-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422311152008 Description of Property: TROP G A UN 10 BLK 170 LT 42 Name in which assessed: NADZIEJA, MARK All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton


Page 4 Monday, May 1, 2017 3132 TAX DEEDS C lerk o f the C ircuit C ourt By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,571.05 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 3,577.30 P.O. NO.: 1700010 208144 3443335 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0024 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JAMES AMENDOLA the holder of t he following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the p roperty, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 8926-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402322101002 Description of Property: HARB HTS SEC 5 BLK 113 LTS 5 6 Name in which assessed: EMAD, SALAMEH A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at w in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., o r thereafter on 11th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 0 4/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,764.86 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,771.11 P.O. NO.: 1700024 208144 3443452 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0011 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS H OLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to b e issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the d escription of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17148-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402101305003 Description of Property: PCH 022 1106 0011 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 22 BLK 1106 LT 1 1 Name in which assessed: PITCHER, GEORGE W. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 0 4/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 7,023.88 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $7,030.13 P.O. NO.: 1700011 208144 3443342 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0012 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS H OLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the s aid certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the d escription of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17201-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402210329023 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 27 BLK 1430 LT 17 Name in which assessed: MCLAFFERTY, WILLIAM; MCLAFFERTY, MARYANNE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at m in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 0 4/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,966.93 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,973.18 P.O. NO.: 1700012 208144 3443349 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0013 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS H OLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the s aid certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate n umber and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17146-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402335128025 Description of Property: LDU 000 0000 0042 LINDUE LOT 42 Name in which assessed: BRICK, LONNIE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 0 5/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,996.07 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,002.32 P.O. NO.: 1700013 208144 3443351 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0014 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS H OLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to b e issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the d escription of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17482-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412126311008 Description of Property: PCH 094 5031 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 94 1ST REP B LK 5031 LT 21 Name in which assessed: A NDERSON, DONALD SR.; A NDERSON, VERONICA M.; A NDERSON, VERONICA A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 0 5/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,104.10 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $8,110.35 P.O. NO.: 1700014 208144 3443353 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0015 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS H OLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to b e issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the d escription of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17483-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412126376004 Description of Property: PCH 094 5032 0011 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 94 1ST REP B LK 5032 LT 11 Name in which assessed: DYER, ERIK; DYER, SUSAN M. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at m in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 0 5/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,059.47 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $8,065.72 P.O. NO.: 1700015 208144 3443360 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds!


Monday, May 1, 2017 Page 5 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0016 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS H OLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to b e issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the d escription of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17238-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422303476001 Description of Property: TROP G ACRES UN 2 BLK 30 LT 15 Name in which assessed: C ASKEY, MARILYN All of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 0 5/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,929.56 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 3,935.81 P.O. NO.: 1700016 208144 3443380 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0017 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that J SM HOLDING CORP PENSION PLAN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11753-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412116103007 Description of Property: PCH 058 4207 0036 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4207 LT 36 Name in which assessed: SUBRATIE, NADIA A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,894.90 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,901.15 P.O. NO.: 1700017 208144 3443388 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0018 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JSM HOLDING CORP PENSION PLAN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2523-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402120402001 Description of Property: ELJ 003 0000 0053 EL JOBEAN W ARD 3 PLAN 1 LT 53 Name in which assessed: HELK, ROSEL M., TRUSTEE OF THE ROSEL MARIE HELK REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JANUARY 28, 1999; HELK ROSEL TRUSTEE A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 945.92 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $952.17 P.O. NO.: 1700018 208144 3443406 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0019 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JSM HOLDING CORP PENSION PLAN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the 3132 TAX DEEDS d escr i pt i on o f t h e property, an d the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 13782-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412132460005 Description of Property: RMD 000 0053 0005 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 53 LT 5 Name in which assessed: H ARPER, LUCILLE A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificat e s hall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 0 5/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,590.85 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 2,597.10 P.O. NO.: 1700019 208144 3443417 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0020 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JSM HOLDING CORP PENSION PLAN the holder of the following c ertificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate n umber and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 14426-2012 Y ear of Issuance: May-31-2012 Tax ID: 412132182010 Description of Property: RMD 000 0023 0005 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 23 LT 5 Name in which assessed: PABST, KARL; PABST, LESLIE A.; PABST, RITA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at m i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,936.93 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 2,943.18 P.O. NO.: 1700020 208144 3443423 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0021 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JSM HOLDING CORP PENSION PLAN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12731-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412132278004 Description of Property: RMD 000 0069 0007 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 69 LT 7 Name in which assessed: MERCHAN, CONSUELO; SCHIBLI, VICTORIA PEREZ DE; VELANDIA, NELSON A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,773.22 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,779.47 P.O. NO.: 1700021 208144 3443438 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0022 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that KASPERS ENTERPRISE LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 9584-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402419108002 Description of Property: RIH 005 0000 0716 RIDGE HARBOR 5TH ADD LT 716 Name in which assessed: RIVERSIDE HOMES OF S.W. FLORIDA, INC., A FLORIDA 3132 TAX DEEDS CO RP O RATI O N; RIVER S IDE HOMES OF SW FL INC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 0 4/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,128.76 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,135.01 P.O. NO.: 1700022 208144 3443439 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0025 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TWO STEP PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT, INC. PROFIT S HARING PLAN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to b e issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12567-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412107431011 Description of Property: PCH 095 5175 0015 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5175 LT 15 Name in which assessed: CORFU HOMES, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION; CORFU HOMES INC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold t o the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 0 5/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,976.56 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,982.81 P.O. NO.: 1700025 208144 3443454 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0026 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that CB PALM BEACH LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 8442-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402310155005 Description of Property: HBH 011 236A 0013 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 3 REP BLK 236-A LT 13 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; KB HOME FORT MYERS LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,643.77 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $1,650.02 P.O. NO.: 1700026 208144 3445389 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0027 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ANITA VARSHNEY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5471-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402212426018 Description of Property: PCH 012 1606 0005 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 12 BLK 1606 LT 5 Name in which assessed: USREY, BILLIE KAY; USREY, ELLEN JEAN; USREY, JIMMY MICHAEL All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate 3132 TAX DEEDS shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,886.45 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,892.70 P.O. NO.: 1700027 208144 3445399 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0028 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that A NITA VARSHNEY the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate n umber and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5348-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402211480001 Description of Property: PCH 051 3183 0014 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3183 LT 14 Name in which assessed: S PENCER, DIANE L. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or t hereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,537.70 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 6,543.95 P.O. NO.: 1700028 208144 3445415 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0029 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GEORGE STOECKERT the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2837-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402128282003 Description of Property: ELJ 001 0000 0175 EL JOBEAN WARD 1 LT 175 & W 1/2 LT 176 Name in which assessed: JOHNSON, ANN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,849.09 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,855.34 P.O. NO.: 1700029 208144 3445431 Classified=Sales N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0030 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that KASPERS ENTERPRISE LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 14697-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412129354003 Description of Property: RSC 001 0014 0008 ROTONDA SANDS UN l BLK 14 COMM LT 8 Name in which assessed: COMOLETTI, DONALD FRANCIS A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton 3132 TAX DEEDS C lerk o f the C ircuit C ourt By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 13,783.28 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $13,789.53 P.O. NO.: 1700030 208144 3445438 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0031 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that BEVERLEY TOWNSEND the holder of the following certificate has f iled the said certificate for a tax d eed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 8962-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402322153011 Description of Property: HRBR HTS SEC 4 PT 1 BLK 82 LTS 13 14 Name in which assessed: RIGLEY, JUNE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT:.4,637.17 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,643.42 P.O. NO.: 1700031 208144 3445447 CLASSIFIED WORKS! N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0032 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DIANA ROSETT the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 13145-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412117231007 Description of Property: PCH 058 4201 0007 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4201 LTS 7 & 8 Name in which assessed: TARPON IV, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 11,448.75 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $11,455.00 P.O. NO.: 1700032 208144 3445455 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0033 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DIANA ROSETT the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 13282-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412117485012 Description of Property: PCH 058 4254 0023 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4254 LTS 23 24 Name in which assessed: GREENFILED, YZAK GABRIEL A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 11,542.18 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $11,548.43 P.O. NO.: 1700033 208144 3445466 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0034 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that D IANA ROSETT the holder of the following certificate has filed the s aid certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the d escription of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 19923-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 422302277004 Description of Property: TGA 007 0124 0043 TROP G A UN 7 BLK 124 LTS 43 44 Name in which assessed: KLEINTANK, CHARLES A ll of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2 017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 0 5/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,281.83 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 6,288.08 P.O. NO.: 1700034 208144 3445481 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0035 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GREEN TAX FUNDING 2 the holder of the following certificate has f iled the said certificate for a ta x deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 9227-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 411902627003 Description of Property: KOC 000 0002 0008 KO-KO-KAI BLDG 2 UN 8 Name in which assessed: ROCHE, STEVE A ll of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., o r thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 15,604.26 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $15,610.51 P.O. NO.: 1700035 208144 3445490 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0036 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS H OLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17204-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402230129007 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 37 BLK 2207 LT 12 Name in which assessed: SONDHEIMER, JOYCE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,821.01 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,827.26 P.O. NO.: 1700036 208144 3445495 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0037 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17202-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402211129008


Page 6 Monday, May 1, 2017 3132 TAX DEEDS Description o f Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3 224 LT 9 Name in which assessed: MATEO, ALEXANDER; GOMEZ, C LARISA T. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at m in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 0 5/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,166.50 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,172.75 P.O. NO.: 1700037 208144 3445512 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0038 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS H OLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to b e issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the d escription of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17189-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402202352007 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3153 LT 20 Name in which assessed: RYAN, ROBERT G.; RYAN, STEPHANIE All of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 0 5/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,320.53 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,326.78 P.O. NO.: 1700038 208144 3445524 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0039 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17188-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402130483003 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 56 BLK 1863 LT 8 Name in which assessed: RUBIO, NELDY DUARTE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,226.65 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,232.90 P.O. NO.: 1700039 208144 3445529 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0040 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17184-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402116477012 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 59 BLK 2973 LTS 1 & 2 Name in which assessed: MCKEE-JOY, JUDITH A. F/K/A JUDITH A. MCKEE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to 3132 TAX DEEDS the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 7,268.11 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $7,274.36 P.O. 1.10.: 1700040 208144 3445544 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0041 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that C B PALM BEACH LLC the holder of the following certificate has f iled the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 8441-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402310155004 Description of Property: HBH 011 236A 0014 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 3 REP BLK 236-A LT 1 4 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC, A D ELAWARE LIMITED LIABILIT Y COMPANY; KB HOME FORT MYERS LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2 017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,139.15 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,145.40 P.O. NO.: 1700041 208144 3445558 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0042 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GORDON D. SPLETE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10167-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002161008 Description of Property: PCH 062 3590 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3590 LT 21 Name in which assessed: KENNEDY, MAUREEN A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,279.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,286.21 P.O. NO.: 1700042 208144 3445561 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0043 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GORDON D. SPLETE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10166-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002161007 Description of Property: PCH 062 3590 0020 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3590 LT 20 Name in which assessed: KENNEDY, MAUREEN A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton 3132 TAX DEEDS C lerk o f the C ircuit C ourt By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 0 5/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,279.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,286.21 P.O. NO.: 1700043 208144 3445569 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0044 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GORDON D. SPLETE the holder of t he following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which i t was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10162-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002156010 Description of Property: PCH 062 3582 0024 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3582 LT 24 Name in which assessed: RUFUS CORPORATION N.V., A NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION; RUFUS CORP N V A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate s hall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,967.60 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,973.85 P.O. NO.: 1700044 208144 3445579 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0045 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GORDON D. SPLETE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the p roperty, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10161-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002156009 Description of Property: PCH 062 3582 0023 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3582 LT 23 Name in which assessed: RUFUS CORPORATION N.V., A NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION; RUFUS CORP N V All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,984.70 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,990.95 P.O. NO.: 1700045 208144 3445585 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0047 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GORDON D. SPLETE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10149-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002129004 Description of Property: PCH 086 4836 0004 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 86 BLK 4836 LT 4 Name in which assessed: BESEDA, LUDMILLA A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,887.62 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,893.87 P.O. NO.: 1700047 208144 3445592 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0046 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that G ORDON D. SPLETE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed t o be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10130-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412001452003 Description of Property: PCH 063 3734 0015 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 63 BLK 3734 LT 15 Name in which assessed: LOISEL, DAVID S.; LOISEL, T AMMY A/K/A TAMMY LOISEL-PROCTOR All of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at m i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 0 5/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,960.80 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 4,967.05 P.O. NO.: 1700046 208144 3445591 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0048 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 7970-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402303379016 Description of Property: PUNTA GORDA ISLES SEC 20 BLK 523 LT 5 Name in which assessed: THE 496 ENCARNACION TRUST, A LAND TRUST; 496 ENCARNACION TRUST A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at m in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,760.98 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,404.11 P.O. NO.: 1700048 208144 3445596 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0049 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JOHN A. GALBRAITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12590-2012 Year of Issuance: May-31-2012 Tax ID: 412117231004 Description of Property: PCH 058 4201 0004 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4201 LT 4 Name in which assessed: CALVERT, GREGORY R. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,722.83 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,729.08 P.O. NO.: 1700049 208144 3445605 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0050 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JOHN A. GALBRAITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the 3132 TAX DEEDS property, an d t h e names i n w hi c h it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11093-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412116179021 Description of Property: PCH 058 4216 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4216 LT 21 Name in which assessed: VLANTIS, GEORGE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,897.65 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,903.90 P.O. NO.: 1700050 208144 3445610 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0051 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JOHN A. GALBRAITH the holder of the following certificate has filed t he said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which i t was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11892-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412123305011 Description of Property: PCH 094 4997 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 94 1ST REP BLK 4997 LT 12 Name in which assessed: DIAZ, SECUNDO; DIAZ, CRISTINA A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate s hall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,268.60 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,274.85 P.O. NO.: 1700051 208144 3445626 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0053 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that THOMAS SMITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 14849-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422016478008 Description of Property: SBD 000 000A 0021 SEABOARD BLK A BEG AT SE COR LOT 21 TH W /LY ON S B DRY 300 FT TO POB TH CONT W/LY 75 FT TH N 50 FT TH E 75 FT TH S 50 FT TO POB AKA P 11 Name in which assessed: WEBER, VERONICA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 11,206.17 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $11,212.42 P.O. NO.: 1700053 208144 3445630 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0054 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10223-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002307024 Description of Property: PCH 062 3577 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3577 LT 21 Name in which assessed: 3132 TAX DEEDS JA S IVK O VI C H, ALEXANDER; J ASIVKOVICH, ALLA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., o r thereafter on 18th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 0 5/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,579.12 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 4,585.37 P.O. NO.: 1700054 208144 3445635 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0055 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 15747-2012 Year of Issuance: May-31-2012 Tax ID: 412305302007 Description of Property: LVS 000 000E 0009 LA VILLA BLK E LTS 9 & 10 Name in which assessed: TARPON IV, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 9,852.31 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $9,858.56 P.O. NO.: 1700055 208144 3445638 Turn Your Trash Into Cash! Advertise any Item Under $500. for FREE by Going to: www.sun-classieds. com *Limit 5 Ads Per Week Excluding Pets & Firearms T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e!