Charlotte sun herald

Material Information

Charlotte sun herald
Uniform Title:
Charlotte sun herald (Charlotte Harbor, Fla. : 1995)
Running title:
Sun herald
Place of Publication:
Charlotte Harbor, FL
Sun Coast Media Group- Robert E. Lee - Publisher - Jim Gouvellis - Executive Editor
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Newspapers -- Charlotte Harbor (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Charlotte County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
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Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Charlotte -- Port Charlotte
26.966141 x -82.068026


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Also issued on microfilm from Crest Technologies.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 103, no. 225 (Aug. 13, 1995)-
General Note:
"An edition of The Sun Herald."

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
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Copyright Sun Coast Media Group. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
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36852667 ( OCLC )
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DeSoto sun herald
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Englewood sun herald
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North Port sun herald
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Sun herald (Charlotte Harbor, Fla. : Charlotte ed.)


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PUNTA GORDA „ Punta Gorda Police Chief Tom Lewis trial is set for late June, pending the outcome of two motions to be heard next week. Lewis has been charged with culpable negligence in the shooting death of Mary Knowlton, 73, during a community demonstration in August, for his failure to implement necessary safety procedures. His defense attorney, Stephen Romine, of Clearwater, “led a motion to dismiss the case on the grounds the charge is vague and misleading. Romine said Friday after a case management conference that culpable negligence is a very speci“c crime, which only applies to criminal actions that show indifference to human life and knowledge that someone is likely to be killed. The charge states Lewis exposed Knowlton to personal injury by failing to implement and utilize suf“cient safety protocols.Ž Romine said the fact that safety protocols were implemented at all shows that Lewis was not indifferent to human life. Essentially, the state itself is saying that Lewis did something to try and make the community demonstration safe, just not enough, he said. Well, thats not a crime,Ž Romine said. If the states claims are true, the defense believes the charge would only count as simple Chief headed for June trialBy ANNE EASKERSTAFF WRITER TRIAL| 5 Pulitzer Prize winner2016 AN EDITION OF THE SUNVOL. 125 | NO. 119AMERICAS BEST COMMUNITY DAILY 25 percent chance of rainHigh 93 Low 70$1.50 www.yoursun.comTodays weather:www.yoursun.comFIND US ONLINE THE SUN: Calendar ..............14 Crosswords ............5 Local Sports ........22 Obituaries ...........20 Police Beat ..........10 Viewpoint .....18-19 SPORTS: Lotto .....................2 USA TODAY: Money ................5 News ...............1-4 State ..................7 Weather ............9 CLASSIFIED: Comics ......13-16 Dear Abby .....16 TV Listings ......17 CHARLIE SAYS ...Its going to be a good day for sunbathing! INSIDE 705252000258Daily Edition $1.50 GOOD MORNING Saturday, April 29, 2017 Trumps five biggest wins and losses in Congress in his first 100 daysThe rst 100 days of President Trumps relationship with Congress have been a bit rocky as he has struggled to learn how to dea l with a legislative branch that doesnt always share his priorities. So far, his biggest legislative victories have been scrapping regu lations created by the Obama administration. See USA TODAY, page 1 CHARLOTTE SUNCALL US AT941-206-1000 ENGLEWOOD „ Lejla Allison hugged Deputy Russ Epeards tight and cried. Tears rolled down the 11-year Charlotte County Sheriffs Office veterans face. Epeards lifesaving efforts helped save 23-month-old Alexis Allison, who her mother found ”oating facedown and unresponsive in the family pool. With rawness and emotion, Lejla Allison tearfully told a group of Rotary members how Alexis was out of her sight for less than two minutes when the incident happened in March in their Englewood home. The toddler had fallen into the shallow end of the pool. She pulled her out and did CPR while screaming for help. Epeards was “rst on scene. He tried to calm Allison down and took over CPR. I did what my training tells me what to do,Ž he said. The baby was trying to gasp for air but was lifeless. I knew I couldnt wait for the paramedics to come around to the back of the house, so I carried the baby out to the front yard as the ambulance arrived.Ž Allison said Epeards carried By ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICH COMMUNITY NEWS EDITORKeeping toddlers safe around water by teaching them lifesaving techniquesFLOAT | 4 Dennis Guzik, president of the Lemon Bay Sunrise Rotary, mugs for the camera with Josh the Otter, who visited his club in January. HOW MUCH OF A PROBLEM IS IT?€ Florida loses more children under age 5 to drowning than any other state. Annually in Florida, enough children to fill three to four preschool classrooms drown and do not live to see their fifth birthday. € Drowning is the second-leading cause of death in children ages 1-14 in the United States. € For each drowning death, it is estimated that at least 1 to 4 children suffer a serious nonfatal submersion event, many of which leave children with permanent disabilities. € 1 in 5 parents mistakenly think air-filled water wings can protect their child from drowning. € Young children can drown in as little as 1 inch of water. That means drowning can happen where youd least expect it „ the sink, the toilet bowl, fountains, buckets, pet bowls, birdbaths, wading pools, or small bodies of standing water ar ound your home, such as dit ches filled with r ainwater. Source : New Hampshire Bureau of Water Safety, PHOTOS PROVIDEDAbove: The Josh the Baby OtterŽ storybook, by Blake Collingsworth. Top: Infant Swimming Resource instructor Andrea Brooker teaches 2-year-old Zachary Phillips how to oat in a pool during a recent lesson in Venice.My father-in-law tried to convince me to buy a gate or fence for the pool. I said I didnt need one. Im a good mother. I watch my daughter. She follows me everywhere and doesnt leave my side. Now I wish I could go back in time and listen to him. I cant swim. If she would have been in the deep end of the pool, we both would have been found ”oating.Ž „ Lejla Allison, Englewood mom who nearly lost her daughter in a pool recentlyAshley Maher, the Charlotte Community Foundations new director of marketing and development, had an af“nity for philanthropy work since infancy. She was adopted in Michigan and credits that to her compassionate heart and generous spirit. At a young age Ashley and her sister were introduced to giving back to their community. For birthday parties, Mom would send us on a scavenger hunt for food and nonperishables,Ž Maher recalled. Shed give us clues on where to go for certain items „ having arranged it in advance „ and everything we collected went to the Active Faith.Ž Drawn to community service, Maher spent “ve years with the Charlotte County Homeless Coalition, working under CEO Angela Hogan. Angela was a real mentor to me,Ž Maher said. She not only taught me the ins and outs of nonpro“ts, but how they apply to life.Ž Maher said she learned about humility as well at the Homeless Coalition. I thought I knew a lot about poverty,Ž she said, but I realized I knew nothing at all. Poverty is something that does not discriminate nor have empathy for its victims. Seeing this regularly made me extremely grateful and humble for all my blessings and everything (and one) around me.Ž Maher, now 28, has found another mentor in Tami Sender, who became chief executive of“cer of the Charlotte Community Foundation in October of last year and recently brought Maher on board. Like Angela, Tami is intelligent and committed,Ž Maher said. Its exciting to know Im going to start a new phase with a CEO whose goal is to demonstrate strong female leadership and direction.Ž Maher previously served as director of marketing for the Unity Medical. She also took the lead in the companys support of nonpro“ts, including O.C.E.A.N., Talking about commitment and communityDAN | 5 DanMEARNSCOLUMNIST


Our Town Page 2 C The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSThe SUN (USPS 743170) is published daily at Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2100. Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the SUN, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100.Publisher .................................................Robert E. Lee .................941-206-1006 Executive Editor ......................................Jim Gouvellis .................941-206-1134 Advertising Manager ..............................Mike Ruiz ......................941-205-6402 Circulation Director .................................Mark Yero ......................941-206-1300 Arcadian Editor .......................................Steve Bauer ...................863-494-0300 Arcadian Publisher ..................................Joe Gallimore ................863-494-0300 Charlotte Sun Editor ................................Garry Overbey ...............941-206-1127 North Port Sun Editor ..............................Scott Lawson ................941-429-3002 Englewood/North Port Sun Publisher .....Carol Y. Moore ...............941-681-3031 Englewood Sun Editor ...............................Chris Porter ...................941-681-3022 Editorial Page Editor ..................................Steve Baumann .............941-681-3003 SUN NEWSPAPERSMember of Alliance for Audited Media For vacation holds, please call Customer Service at 941-206-1300. SUBSCRIPTIONS Home Delivery Rates: Newspaper designated market: City ZoneCarrier home delivered 7 days. Rates as follows plus 7% Florida Sales Tax: Monthly Bank/ Credit Card .........................$40.50 3 Months ..........................$121.50 6 Months ..........................$243.00 1 Year ...............................$485.99Does not include Waterline and TV Times. Above rates do not include sales tax.Mail subscription rates: Rates as follows (advance payment required): 7 Days 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $154.07 $276.35 $492.11 Sunday Only 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $71.89 $144.61 $243.54 Single Copy rates Daily $1.50 Sunday $3.00 Unclaimed account balances under $10, inactive for 15 months, will be used to purchase newspapers for classroom use. Sun Newspapers CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY Delivery should be expected prior to 6:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. Sunday. Redelivery hours: 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Customer Service hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Friday; Saturday 7a.m. to 10 a.m.; and Sunday 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. To subscribe or to report any problems with your service, please call 941-206-1300 or toll-free at 877-818-6204. You may visit our office at: 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. The Charlotte County area has a wide range of volunteer opportunities. Contact one of the following organizations to see how you can get involved and give back to the community. € Animal Welfare League: Volunteers needed as dog walkers, cat cuddlers, kennel (dog/ cat) cleaners, laundry help, gardening, clerical, assisting at adoption and fundraising events, outreach program, pet therapy and fostering an animal until they are ready to return to the shelter for adoption. All volunteer opportunities and requirements are listed at For more information, call 941-625-6720. € Boys & Girls Clubs: Volunteers to assist staff in all programming areas both in Port Charlotte and Englewood. Specific areas of opportunity are homework, academic tutoring, cooking, mentoring, arts, computer technology and fitness. For more information, contact Jessica Anderson at 941-2352472 or € Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies: Volunteers are an essential part of C.A.R.E., assisting victims of crimes, answering hotline calls, conducting hospital responses and in fundraising endeavors. If interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact 941-6395499 for more information. Upcoming training will be 8:30a.m.-5p.m. on June27-29. € Charlotte County Habitat for Humanity: Volunteers needed in a variety of areas. For more information on any volunteer opportunities, call Brenda at 941-639-3162. € Charlotte County Historical Center and Society: Volunteers to help bring history to lifeŽ in the community. Discover local and state history; living history presentations; educational programs for all ages; archive assistants; research; office administration and historical geocaching and questing. For more information, call 941-629-7278 or email € Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center: Volunteers to perform tasks such as office desk coverage, narrating boat trips, guiding exhibits (example: Clyde Butcher photography), representation at local events and festivals, youth education, wading trip assistance and many other exciting duties. Contact the volunteer coordinator Louise Carpenter and Carol Iddings are good buddies. The 97-year-old retired insurance claims adjuster and the 71-year-old retired Charlotte County Human Services employee have been palling around for close to two years now. We understand each other,Ž Carpenter said of their relationship. We mesh. Its remarkable.Ž They “rst met when Iddings started taking out and bringing in the trash at Carpenters Port Charlotte home. She also took her to the hairdresser and to some doctor appointments. She did so as a volunteer for Tidewell Hospice, a nonpro“t that offers palliative care and other services in Charlotte, Sarasota, Manatee and DeSoto counties. When Carpenter gave up her home and went into assisted living at South Port Square a few weeks ago, Iddings continued to visit her. She is amazing,Ž Iddings said of her friend. Id go to her house on Wednesdays and put her (trash) barrels out, and wed chat. Id come to bring them in on Thursdays and wed chat some more.Ž And now, Carpenter, who has no immediate family, calls Iddings her social benefactor. Shes caring, compassionate and loving. She cares.Ž We have a good time together,Ž Iddings said. Iddings is one of about 200 Tidewell volunteers in Charlotte County. Overall, the hospice lists 1,200 who provide services throughout our four-county service area that help us offer quality care regardless of a patients ability to pay,Ž said Timothy Wolfrum, Tidewells communications director. Iddings spends at least two days a week and a hard-to-calculate number of hours visiting “ve patients, for whom she provides a variety of services, including companionship. She visits patients in the Port Charlotte Hospice House and nursing facilities, mentors new volunteers and takes part in vigils when someone is dying and has no family. She logged 500 volunteer hours last year, and is well on her way to that “gure this year. Shes been doing it for 11 years. She decided to start volunteering for Tidewell when she saw an ad in the paper. It told the story of a young woman from her native Boston who was dying, but managing to cope through the Tidewell program. It stuck with me,Ž Iddings said. Iddings usually spends Wednesday mornings with George Marks. He is 82, and according to his wife, Sherrie, has vascular dementia. Iddings and George go for a walk, read the paper and watch TV while Sherrie, his caregiver, gets a break. After lunch, Iddings leaves. My goal is to keep him at home,Ž Sherrie said. I did not want him going into any kind of home. I asked Tidewell if it could do anything for me.Ž George is in Tidewells transitions program, which provides volunteer support for those with a terminal illness,Ž said Stacy Groff, Tidewells director of volunteer services. Sherrie praises Tidewell and calls Iddings a godsend. I have to tell you, this (caregiving) is a 24/7 calling. To have the time to do things for me when I dont have to worry about him is the best thing ever.Ž Carpenter, who was preparing to go shopping for a new cellphone, offered a second to Sherries motion. I cant say enough about Tidewell,Ž Carpenter said. Tidewell Hospice could not function without volunteers,Ž Groff said. One of the things that make our programs unique is the ability to have a pool of dedicated volunteers to provide simple presence, errands or support to caregivers and patients throughout our area.Ž To Iddings, the services she provides are more acts of friendship than requirements of volunteerism. My patients, the people I see, they make my life so much better.ŽWhen someone caring comes knockingBy RUSTY PRAYSUN CORRESPONDENT SUN PHOTOS BY RUSTY PRAYSherrie Marks, left, and her husband, George, join Tidewell volunteer Carol Iddings. Marks is her husbands caregiver. Iddings is a godsend,Ž she said. Tidewell volunteer Carol Iddings, left, and Louise Carpenter are the best of friends. We understand each other,Ž Carpenter said. | VOLUNTEER LISTINGVOLUNTEERS | 10 adno=50512844 SAVOR THE FLAVOR OF A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE AT BABCOCK RANCHS TABLE & TAP Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Babcock Ranch, Fla. … Everywhere you go at Babcock Ranch, youll meet people who are passionate about their role in creating a whole new way of living. Youll see the vision for this solar-powered, eco-centric hometown becoming a reality right before your eyes. At Founders Square, youll find a place where the full flavor of Babcock Ranch is being served up daily. And its delicious. Table & Tap, the farm-to-table restaurant located on Founders Square at the edge of Lake Babcock, opened in early March and has quickly developed a brisk lunch and dinner business. Among the daily flow of 300-500 guests, youll find a growing group of regulars who stop by three or four times a week. And from your very first bite … youll understand why. Food is what sets us apart … not just sourcing the best possible local ingredients that I can get, but every employee is passionate about what they are doing here and it is a difference you can taste,Ž Chef David Rashty explained. As the first restaurant at Babcock Ranch our menu needs to appeal to all different tastes. We put a lot of time, thought and effort into every component and we are constantly on the lookout for new, local ingredients to keep it fresh and relevant, and keep people coming back.Ž Rashty already had a strong local following when he joined the Babcock Ranch team in February. As the leader of both the local chefs collaborative and the areas slow food movement, his passion for sustainable, humanely-raised products made him a perfect fit. Food is an incredibly important part of a healthy lifestyle,Ž added Matt Seiler, Director of Food and Beverage at Babcock Ranch. The thing we want customers to walk away with is a realization that locally-sourced, organic foods are not only good for their health, they are good for palate. They taste better.Ž No matter what you order off the menu, Rashty can tell you exactly where it comes from, and whats gone into it. Its a commitment that goes far beyond record keeping. He makes regular visits to local growers and livestock operations and builds relationships with those who share his passion for getting it right. Like Circle C Farm in Felda. Ive spent time there and seen for myself how well the animals are treated. No GMOs, steroids, antibiotics … its 100% organic,Ž Rashty said. Its all about the chef-farmer relationship.Ž David is very conscientious about using local products everywhere he can … and has a genuine commitment to introducing consumers to the health benefits of organic, sustainable foods,Ž said Nicole Cruz, owner of Circle C. Food is a medicine … those who eat holistically save a lot on doctors bills and co-pays. They feel better and live longer with a higher quality of life.Ž With such a strong focus on whats locally available, some menu items dont last long. For example, the peach harvest season in Florida is limited to 18 weeks. So, during the time peaches were available locally from Florida Sweet Peaches in Arcadia, Rashty took full advantage … incorporating them into peach cobbler, barbecue peach hot sauce for the chicken wings, a peach bourbon glaze served with the lamb for Easter, and a grilled peach salad. Canned peaches and peach chutney will extend their life on the menu for a few more weeks. The flavors you experience at Table & Tap tell the story of a chef who does not take any shortcuts. From chicken stock to marmalades … the only way for Rafty to know exactly what goes into the food he puts on the plate is to make everything from scratch. If you arent convinced that the added effort and fresh ingredients make a difference … wait until you bite into the brisket sandwich with friend green tomato and topped with creamy coleslaw. Seriously. Any lingering doubts vanish instantly as the succulent meat smoked for a couple of hours, then braised for 15-16 hours in Babcock Brew and cider, literally melts in your mouth. The menu is locally-inspired. Comfort food classics are prepared to gourmet standards. Sorry mom, but youve been bested here. Early favorites include bacon-wrapped meatloaf and beer can chicken. Salad selections reflect the harvest season, featuring nutrient-rich produce from Urban Gardens in North Fort Myers. Refined sugar has been eradicated from all recipes but Chef Rafty substitutes a healthier alternative to delight your sweet tooth locally produced Babcock Honey. The farm-to-table menu is just one of Table & Taps attractions. Its got a relaxed vibe that makes people want to come stay a while. Couples linger a bit longer over good food and spirits as they enjoy live music out on the patio every Tuesday and Saturday evening. On weekends families come out … and parents find time for conversation while keeping an eye on kids playing yard games, cooling off in the splash pad out in Founders Square, or fishing off the boardwalk. Every day of the week, Table & Tap has the best seats in the house to witness what few have experienced before … the birth of a new town. Every morning Im like a kid at Christmas … I cant wait to get out here and see whats going to be different by the end of the day,Ž Rafty said. All of the energy and activity around Table & Tap is a microcosm of what is yet to come and Im thrilled to be a part of it.Ž To learn more about living at the eco-centric, solar powered town being created by Kitson & Partners at Babcock Ranch, visit It hasnt taken long for Table & Tap to become the neighborhood gathering spot. Live music on Tuesday and Saturday evenings add to the festive feeling out on the patio. The rustic dcor inside Table & Tap provides a relaxed atmosphere to sample the chefs gourmet interpretations of comfort food that will keep you coming back for more. Chef David Rashty already had a strong local following when he joined the Babcock Ranch team in February. As the leader of both the local chefs collaborative and the areas slow food movement, his passion for sustainable, humanely-used products made him a perfect fit.


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 C Our Town Page 3 Quality Furniture & Interior Design adno=50513158


Our Town Page 4 C The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 SUN PHOTO BY ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICHRotary Club of Englewood President Alfred Current, left, hands out Josh the Baby OtterŽ books and fans to Charlotte County Sheris Cpl. David Steanni, Deputy Russ Epeards and Lt. Christopher Williams and Lejla Allison at a recent Rotary meeting in Englewood. TEACHING INFANTS AND TODDLERS TO SWIMThe most essential survival swimming skill for a child to learn is to roll from a face-down position in the water to a face-up independent back float Since 1966, Infant Swimming Resource has offered survival swimming lessons for infants and young children. Today there are about 450 ISR trained instructors including Andrea Brooker in Venice. She teaches children to roll onto their back to float, rest and breathe, and to maintain this position until help arrives. Depending on the childs age (lessons are offered from 6 months to 6 years old) and developmental readiness, determines the level of skills taught. However in all cases the child does learn to roll over and float. Infants and toddlers cannot raise their heads to take a breath. If a child falls face-down in the water, knowing how to roll onto a face-up back float can save a life. If a baby is walking, then he/she can also learn to swim to the pool edge or steps, rolling over to breathe whenever air is needed. Roll over breathing is a technique that many schools and learnto-swim teachers dont even attempt because it takes time, skill and patience. But once children learn to roll over to float, relax and breathe whenever air is needed, they can truly swim, stay afloat, conquer fear and experience the joy of swimming. For children ages 1 to 6, they are taught rotating onto the back to float, then rolling back over to continue swimming. ISR students are taught to repeat this sequence until they reach the safety of the steps, side of the pool or the shoreline. Andrea Brooker explains to parents theres nothing about ISR that is dangerous or cause to worry. Lessons are controlled at only 10 minutes per day. If the child is showing signs of fatigue or being cold, the lesson is over sooner, the instructors are highly trained to detect any potential strain. It never gets old watching one of my babies roll over to float for the first time,Ž Brooker said. I get chills. It is by far the most rewarding thing I have ever done. Both of my girls went through ISR and its the reason I became an instructor. I just think survival swim lessons is so important and both of my girls are phenomenal swimmers because of ISR. For more information on infant, toddler, child swim lessons call 941-445-1851 or visit „ Elaine Allen-Emrich her Alexis like she was his own daughter. He stepped in place of her father with such kindness and caring to try to save her,Ž Allison said. I knew she was dead for at least 15 minutes. Im from Bosnia,Ž Allison said. Ive seen people burned. Ive seen people raped. Ive seen people killed. None of that could prepare me for losing my daughter.Ž As Allison continued her story about her daughters three-day journey to recovery, Rotary members „ both men and women „ cried. While in the hospital, Alexis de“ed every doctors odds for survival. Not only did she wake up and the swelling on her brain slowly faded, but she was able to walk and talk again. Alexis left All Childrens Hospital in St. Petersburg with nothing more than Tylenol. On Easter Sunday, Alexis and her family walked through the doors of the Englewood Sheriffs Of“ce substation. The toddler gave snacks and hugs to the deputies who saved her life. Allison pledged to tell her daughters story to help save other childrens lives. My father-in-law tried to convince me to buy a gate or fence for the pool,Ž she said. I said I didnt need one. Im a good mother. I watch my daughter. She follows me everywhere and doesnt leave my side. Now I wish I could go back in time and listen to him. I cant swim. If she would have been in the deep end of the pool, we both would have been found ”oating. We could have been there hours before my husband came home from work or my kids (14 and 15) home from school.Ž € € € Allisons story resonated with Rotary members, who a year ago kicked off the Josh the Otter program in Englewood. Through the Josh the Baby OtterŽ book, story CD and smartphone app, children and their caregivers learn water safety education and awareness. Alfred Current III, Rotary Club of Englewood president, knew if his club members heard from the mother of a near-drowning victim, each would retell the story and promote the Josh the Otter program. After learning about the success of the program in other states, Current returned from a Rotary training session last year, ready to inspire his club. They wrote a grant to Rotary International to help pay for half of the $5,000 to buy the adultsize otter costume, plus books, otter fans and water tags. We give water tags to people who go to pools with children,Ž he said. The person who has the water tag is the adult who is responsible for watching the kids in the pool. They make sure a child isnt under the water struggling. When they are done, they hand off the tag to another responsible adult at the pool.Ž In just a month, Current called schools in Englewood and Port Charlotte, asking if he could introduce Josh the Otter to kindergarten through second-graders. Hes also made inroads at the Family Service Center in Port Charlotte as a guest speaker telling grandparents and others raising children about water safety and infant swimming lessons. The program focuses on teaching very young children „ as young as six months, and up to 6 years old. Some people dont even know there are lessons for babies,Ž he said. They are taught to roll over and ”oat. While it looks frightening for some parents to watch during the lessons, it sure beats having to rescue a child who fell in the pool and isnt breathing.Ž Current said the clubs initial goal is to have all children through second grade embraced by Josh the Otter. Ongoing efforts include introducing new students coming into local schools. The Rotary in North Port is also on board,Ž he said. In Sarasota County, all second-grade students are given free swimming lessons through a grant with the Gulf Coast Community Foundation and a Sarasota donor. Its great because we can introduce students to Josh the Otter as part of this and other child safety programs. We want other Rotary clubs to invest in the costume and materials and go out to schools in their community. The otter mascot can walk parade routes and give away information and books. He could be at childrens expos and other family events. It will quickly help spread the word as Josh becomes more recognizable.Ž To help buy new items for the program, the Rotary club is sponsoring the Joshua Collingsworth Memorial Bene“t dinner and auction at 6 p.m. tonight. The fundraiser is named after a 2 -year old who slipped away from his parents and fell into the pool and died three days later. It was his father, Blake Collingsworth, who wrote the childrens picture book, Josh the Baby Otter,Ž which is central to the campaign. For the “rst time, the local Rotary will participate in a simulcast with Rotary members in Alaska and Nebraska, which are having simultaneous Joshua Collingsworth Memorial fundraisers. It should be pretty cool,Ž Current said. We will be able to communicate and enjoy each others festivities. The money raised from the events will stay in each community to continue the Josh the Otter program.ŽEmail: FLOATFROM PAGE 1 PHOTO PROVIDEDTo say thank you for helping save Alexis Allisons life after nearly drowning, her family visited the Charlotte County Sheris Oce substation on Easter, giving them snacks and hugs. MORE THINGS TO DO€ The most important component of preventing drownings is constant supervision. € Adults can offer non-swimming water activities. € Empty buckets, pails and bathtubs completely after each use. € Never leave children alone around any water. € Cover and lock the hot tub, spa, whirlpool or fence it in like a pool. € Adults supervising children in the water need to be able to scan the supervised area within 10 seconds and reach a person in distress within 20 seconds. € Think through an emergency action plan before it is needed. € Preschool children can be enrolled in swim classes, but no amount of instruction makes a child drown-proof.Ž € Never leave a baby in the tub even for a second. Children drown with the seats and rings quickly and silently. Most siblings are not old enough to properly supervise a young child in this situation. € Keep the toilet seat cover down. Consider putting a latch on the bathroom door high enough to be out of reach of an interested infant and toddler. € Do not leave containers in the yard where they may collect water and attract a child. € Learn CPR. € Plan ahead. Before waterplay, think about what might call you away „ The phone, needing a towel, front door bell, getting a Band-Aid. € Turn on the answering machine or bring a cordless phone. € Bring all needed items, sunscreen, towels, first-aid kit. € Tape a sign to the front door letting parents know you are out back with the children. € Even good planning cant account for every situation. If you need to leave the water play area, even for a few seconds, take the children with you. € If you choose to use a pool with children, remind children of the rules each time you use the area: „ I need you to walk inside the pool area. Running isnt safe in there.Ž „ Diving needs extra adults. I need you to jump or walk into the pool unless an adult is ready to watch you dive.Ž „ Even though there is lots of water in the pool, using it like a toilet can make people very sick. If you need to use the bathroom, tell me right away.Ž € Remember, diving into shallow water causes spinal injuries. Never allow diving in above-ground pools, shallow water, or unknown areas. Source: New Hampshire Bureau of Water Safety WHAT TO DO WHEN SEEING A CHILD IN TROUBLE1. Get the child out of the water. If you are unable to safely pull the child from the water, throw a floating object, life jacket, kick board, even an empty jug. If the child is unreachable, use a pole, ring buoy or even a tree branch. If you have to enter the water, take something that floats. Keep it between you and the child. Many victims have drowned their rescuer. 2. Start checking the A,B,Cs (airway, breathing, circulation). 3. Have someone call 911. Source: New Hampshire Bureau of Water Safety SUPERVISING CHILDREN IN THE WATER1. Dont talk to others. It is too easy to be distracted. 2. Constantly scan the water. 3. Check every face every 10 seconds. 4. Be able to reach every child within 20 seconds. 5. Call for backup if you are unable to devote 100% of your attention on the children. 6. Tell swimmers to let you know immediately if someone might need help. 7. Have throwing devices, reaching devices, a first aid kit and signaling devices close at hand. 8. Think ahead. 9. Be mindful of double drownings. Source: New Hampshire Bureau of Water Safety FROM PAGE ONE On Thursday, Paul DeMello, the father of 13-month-old twins Joshua and Christian DeMello, who tragically drowned in Charlotte County in 2010, was installing fencing around a pool of a grieving mother. Im working at a home of a family in Fort Myers who lost a child in a pool,Ž said DeMello in an interview with the Sun Our foundation Just Against Children Drowning Save a Life program provides free pool fencing to families of a fatal or near fatal drowning.Ž The woman now has a 6-month-old and moved into another home with a pool and no fence. After talking to her I could hear the pain and loss in her voice, along with the fears of having another child in a home without a fence,Ž DeMello said. This is what its all really just been about for me and thanks to Life Saver Pool Fencing and all that have help support JACD.Ž JACD works with the Department of Children and Families and other organizations to install the fencing as well as educating parents on drowning prevention and paying for infant, toddler and young child swim lessons through the Infant Swimming Resource in Venice. JACD also sponsors Twins Tot Walk Vigils in Charlotte and Lee counties to help with drowning prevention and to raise money for the fencing. Also through a Payit-forward program, JACD also installs pool safety barriers at very competitive prices. All proceeds are donated to JACD. For five years, JACD held a bike run to pay for infant, toddler swim lessons. This years event is at 11 a.m. on May 20 beginning at the Wal-Mart at Kings Hwy. The bike route travels to Restlawn Memorial Garden on Forrest Nelson in Port Charlotte and to Old Englewood Beach (the scenic route) and ends at Sharks Restaurant in Venice. The cost is $15 per biker and $5. We pay for lessons from Infant Swim Resource in Venice, they do a really wonderful job at teaching children to roll over if they fall into the water,Ž he said. We pay for lessons for children in North Port, Englewood and Port Charlotte. We also work with the YMCA for swim lessons for older kids. I am very happy to learn the Englewood Rotary reached out to the family of the woman who nearly lost her daughter. We like the Josh the Otter program. We support it.Ž DeMello said the fun ride is a bit different than typical poker runs because this one is more family-orientated. We see families who have lost a child to a drowning,Ž he said. Some fly in from out of state to support the ride. My son Christians organs were donated (in 2010) to a woman who is there all of the time. She had a child a couple of years ago so we get to reunite with her. Its about unity and fellowship. Last year, we received a police escort to Restlawn Memorial Garden-in Port Charlotte. Then we enjoy the ride through the Englewood beach scenic route and then have dinner at Sharkys. Its a great day.Ž For more information on the foundation visit www.justagainst To register for the fundraiser motorcycle ride call 941-626-7106 or email jacdinc@gamil. com.Email: Pool fencing, tot swim lessons paid for by foundationBy ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICH COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 C Our Town Page 5 Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. negligence, not criminal negligence. If the court fails to dismiss the case, Romine has “led a second motion asking for a statement of particulars as to just what is meant by the failure to implement suf“cient safety protocols.Ž Since Of“cer Lee Coel has been charged with negligent manslaughter as the one who “red the shots that killed Knowlton, Romine says it makes little sense to charge Lewis with culpable negligence, as he could not have anticipated Coels criminal actions. What safety protocol prevents people from committing crimes?Ž he asked. Both motions are set to be heard at 1:30 p.m. Friday at the Charlotte County Justice Center. Pending the outcome, both sides expect the trial „ that would begin June 26 „ to last approximately one week. Jury selection may be especially lengthy for the misdemeanor trial, due to the high pro“le of the case. A six-person jury is required for misdemeanors, typically with a few alternates. Romine said if an impartial jury cant be chosen in Charlotte County, there is a possibility of moving the trial to a different venue.Email: TRIALFROM PAGE 1 Fred Lang Foundation, United Way and others. She served on the United Ways executive board. The United Way taught me a lot about Charlotte County,Ž she said, which is what inspired me to accept the position with the foundation.Ž With two dynamic women at the forefront, the foundations philanthropic efforts within Charlotte County no doubt will be expanding in the coming months. The foundation has distributed more than $6 million in grants and scholarships since opening its doors in 1995, but Sender believes it can play an even greater role as the center for philanthropy in our area.Ž Sender has said there are many misconceptions regarding the foundation, I believe that we are one of the best kept secrets in Charlotte County. It is important that we change that.Ž Maher said one of the misconceptions is that the foundation and United Way are similar organizations. What we both do is important, yet different,Ž she said. The United Way is focused on the immediate needs and how people can live today. They do an excellent job providing for the immediate needs of residents who are living in poverty by working tirelessly to eliminate poverty in Charlotte County. Our role as a foundation is to provide longterm funding resources and opportunities to community nonpro“ts and students, mostly through investments in perpetuity, which provide much-needed funding to a wide range of community needs, including education, the arts, animal welfare, the environment, youth, elderly, healthcare, etc.,Ž she explained. Maher cited the foundations scholarship program as an example of how the foundation is bolstering the local economy by expanding the areas skilled work force. Fields of study supported by scholarships include medicine, engineering, biological and geographical studies, the environment and the newest area, avionics. Our overall goal is to enhance the quality of life for Charlotte County residents by nurturing a community of givers and connecting them to the causes that matter,Ž she added. The Charlotte Community Foundation serves a great purpose, and Im thrilled to begin to tell our story.Ž For more information, call 941-637-0077, email or visit Comments and suggestions are welcome. Call Dan Mearns at 941-893-9692 or email PAGE 1 At 2:30 p.m. this afternoon Englewoods Masonic Lodge 360 is having a birthday party at their 265 Pine St., building, and you all are invited. Masons arent at all embarrassed about hitting the big one. Theyre proud to admit their age, 50 years old. Thats 50 years of them doing good stuff for the town of Englewood. The local Masonic Lodge received its charter April 26, 1967 starting with 75 members. Their membership now is about 250. They built a building at 1101 S. McCall Road which today is located next to the Englewood Bank and houses Short Stop Printing. However, membership soon increased and it became necessary to think about a new location. Ground breaking for the second Lodge building, on Pine Street, was in 1989. Gary Schroeder served with the Detroit Police Department before moving to Englewood with his wife Pam. In October 1970, he joined the Charlotte County Sheriffs Of“ce as a deputy sheriff. At the same time he became involved with many different forms of community service such as joining the newly formed Masonic Lodge. We thought Englewood was just great, we still do. I had worked on the force in Detroit, had seen a lot of bad things, I can tell you that „ got injured, was shot at. Coming to Englewood „ working here „ well, it was like a holiday in paradise compared to Detroit. Thats why it was so ironic Englewood is where I got seriously injured in the line of duty.Ž Gary has always been thought of as an unsung Englewood hero. Since his injury in the late 1970s, he has been con“ned to a wheelchair. But I have always felt it is the right thing to do „ you give back to you community, no matter what,Žsaid Gary. Nowadays, I do publicity for the Masonic Lodge.Ž Englewood has so many outstanding service groups and organizations that are attuned to community service. The Masonic Lodge is at the top of the list. Gary describes a few of the projects the Masons are involved in. One of the many ongoing projects the Masons are involved in is the Child ID Program. We are extremely proud to have recently joined into a partnership with the Charlotte County Sheriffs department with this meaningful program. This is so worthy! We have been doing this for 10 years. Its all through the state, all lodges do it. Heres how it works. We go to schools, day care centers, Home Depot or other businesses that invite us to present it. We take a photo of the child, a “nger-print, a swab of DNA from their mouth, a sample of their voice. We talk to the kids, ask them things like, Where would you go if you were scared about something? A friends house maybe, a relatives? That information at least gives the police a place to start looking if that child goes missing. A DVD with all this information is given to the parents or guardians, and if something should happen it can be given to the police. All of this is at no cost to the childs parents.Ž The Masonic Lodge encourages any group to contact them if they would like to sponsor such an event by calling 941-4759211 or 941-258-3947. Another project we have is our Scholarship Fund. We have built up the fund and we use the interest, and some donations, for the scholarship money. We give two scholarships each year to Lemon Bay graduating seniors, this year about $1,400 each. We also do our chicken barbecues; chicken, potato salad, beans, dessert, coffee or tea for $10. The dinners are really good, all freshly made. If we have anything left over we donate it to Helping Hands or Meals on Wheels. Nothing is wasted, another way we feel we are helping the community.Ž Gary told me, Recently we had a charity clay shoot „ shooting clay pigeons „ it was very successful.Ž This was a project near and dear to his heart knowing how extremely important mobility is to everyone, but especially someone with an injury. We raised $13,000 to buy a powered wheelchair for a vet, Sammy Lugo, who was badly injured in Afghanistan. Someone came forward and donated their time and ability and designed it just for his needs. We plan on maintaining this project to assist a vet each year.Ž Interestingly enough, Gary tells me when they left the “rst building they took the buildings cornerstone with them so the newer building is unique in that it has two cornerstones. In 1989, Gary was the Worshipful Master of the Masonic Lodge. When the newer cornerstone was put in place, he said, he inserted into it a time capsule. That cornerstone will be cut open today at the celebration. Gary will not tell me what will be pulled out, but he did say it should be very interesting.Ž Knowing Garys wonderful sense of humor, it may be more than interesting.Ž Diana Harris is a Sun columnist. She can be reached at diharris@s Masonic Lodge celebrates 50th anniversary Diana Harris FROM PAGE ONE


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Our Town Page 8 C The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS To view todays legal notices and more visit, To view todays legal notices and more visit, 3000 NOTICES 3112 FICTITIOUS NAME 04/29/2017 3130 NOTICE OF SALE N O TI C E O F PUBLI C S ALE: STEVE'S TOWING gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 05/11/2017, 9:00 am at 27145 Washington Street Punta Gorda, FL 33983, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. STEVE'S TOWING reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 4T1BG22K1YU983270 2000 TOYOTA Publish: April 29, 2017 396215 3448611 Turn Your Trash Into Cash! Advertise any Item Under $500. for FREE by Going to: www.sun-classieds. com *Limit 5 Ads Per Week Excluding Pets & Firearms T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! King Fisher Fleet, headquartered at Fishermens Village in Punta Gorda, is celebrating May as Military Appreciation Month by thanking all active duty service members, members of the reserve components, and all veterans. All military personnel with a valid military ID, and veterans with proof of service (DD214, American Legion or VFW membership card, VA ID card, drivers license with VŽ) receive half-price admission on any sightseeing cruise offered at King Fisher Fleet during the month of May. Advance reservations are recommended. Subject to availability. Discount also applies to spouses and dependents. Offer good for individual tickets only and cannot be applied toward group ticket sales. Discount cruise reservations cannot be made online and must be made by calling our ticket of“ce at 941-639-0969. € € € Sonos Links Imaging is happy to announce that they are serving the older population within the comfort of their own homes. They are presently bringing ultrasound services to assisted living facilities (small or large) and to private homes as well. If you are connected with any type of medical facility that has patients who are bedridden and cannot get out to receive the needed care, give Sonos Links Imaging a call at 1-800-968-2919 or 941-876-8264. € € € Busey Bank will host a free lunch and learn event for businesses at 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday at its Port Charlotte Branch, 1490 Tamiami Trail. Lunch will be provided. Following time for networking, Port Charlotte SCORE Mentors will give a presentation of Staf“ng.Ž The Lunch and Learn is organized by Busey Bank and Port Charlotte SCORE. Reservations are required. Reserve a seat at registration. € € € The Florida Small Business Development Center at Florida Gulf Coast University will host Evolutionary Women Entrepreneurs: Womens Knowledge CircleŽ at the FGCU Sugden Welcome Center, 9900 FGCU South Court, Fort Myers, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on May 16. Cost is $10. Topic discussions will focus on employment law, professional speaking, internet marketing, social media and philanthropy. Register online at Attendees will learn how to overcome challenges for female entrepreneurs regardless if they are in the beginning stage and later stage of their business.Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce Golf TournamentA four-person scramble, to bene“t the Junior Leadership Charlotte program, is set for June 3 at Kingsway Country Club, 13625 SW Kingsway Circle, Lake Suzy. Cost for individual golfers is $75 per person, or for more recognition, sponsor a team or a hole sign. Don Gasgarths Charlotte County Ford is sponsoring the hole-in-one car, and Integrity Employee Leasing is sponsoring the $1,000 putting contest. For more information, call 941-627-2222. To share business news, send emails to Business NewsSherri Dennis May is Military Appreciation Month at King Fisher Fleet Authors note: This column was originally published May 5, 2014. It addresses a topic that continues to cause widespread confusion.Question: My husband and I are relocating to your area. We want to buy a home that was built to hurricane codes. When were these implemented? Answer: To get to the bottom of this, I contacted Julia Galofre, a Building Codes & Sustainability Specialist with Charlotte County. Ill give you her exact response, and then paraphrase it with additional information gathered from conversations with her. Heres her response: The 2004-Residential Florida Building Code (effective Oct 1, 2005) required the use of shutters (windborne debris protection) for windows in buildings located in a wind-borne debris region with the exception of building designed as partially enclosed. With the 2007 supplement to the 2004-Residential Florida Building Code (effective July 1, 2007) the exception for partially enclosed buildings was removed, mandating all the buildings to have the glazed openings protected, with a couple of exceptions for small sheds and some sunrooms.Ž Galofre added, The 2001 Florida Building Code had basically the same requirements of the 2004 regarding shutters, but since you were asking me when the change to all glazing (with no exceptions) to be protected happened, I wanted to give you the precise information.Ž Galofre clari“ed the above in a subsequent conversation. She reports that the impetus for establishing a uniform building code throughout Florida was Hurricane Andrew. When Andrew struck, each jurisdiction had its own codes. Engineers studied the aftermath of Andrew to establish a new set of building codes that would fortify homes against hurricane damage. As a result, the 2001 Florida Building Code was implemented in March 2002, providing a uniform set of standards throughout Florida. This required either impact-resistant glass, shutters or a partially enclosed design. A partially enclosed design is a design that uses extra strong connectors and has breakaway windows. Breakaway windows shatter in high winds so that wind ”ows in and out of the windows, rather than building up internal pressure that lifts the roof off. So Florida homes permitted in March 2002 were the “rst to be protected by a uniform set of codes. There were some changes made in 2004 (effective Oct. 1, 2005), but as Galofre reported above, the 2001 and 2004 codes were basically the same. Engineers later decided breakaway windows did not provide suf“cient protection because allowing wind and rain intrusion into the home damaged the contents, drywall, etc. Effective July 1, 2007, the codes were modi“ed to disallow breakaway windows as an option. In summary, homes permitted under the 2001 Florida Building Code or later will have some measure of protection from hurricanes by virtual of new building codes designed for that purpose. Some changes were made under the 2004 supplements. Homes permitted on or after July 1, 2007 will provide even more protection because they will have either impact glass or shutters, but not breakaway windows. Thank you to Julia Galofre of Charlotte County for her research and quick response to our request for information. Brett Slattery is broker/ owner of Brett Slattery Realty in Rotonda West. Reach him via 941-468-1430, Brett@, or were hurricane codes implemented? Brett Slattery Find it in the CLASSIFIEDS! LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? SeminarFREE Joint PainJoin Us for a Free Seminar Listen in as local orthopaedic surgeon Nicholas J. Connors, MD answers your questions and discusses: Arthritis of the Hip and Knee Minimally Invasive Hip Surgery Minimally Invasive Knee Surgery New Technologies in Hip and Knee Replacement Surgical & Non-Surgical Joint Pain Treatment Options MakoTM Robotic-Arm Assisted Technology Tuesday | May 2, 2017 | 5:00 pm Tuesday | September 5, 2017 | 5:00 pm Bayfront Health Port Charlotte | Conference Center 2500 Harbor Blvd. | Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Light refreshments provided. Wednesday | July 19, 2017 | 5:00 PM Wednesday | November 15, 2017 | 5:00 PM M edical Office Building Punta Gord 713 E. Marion Ave. | 4th Floor Conference Room Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Light refreshments provided. Space is Limited! So, Register Today!To register call 1-888-STRYKER (1-888-787-9537) or visit results vary. Not all patients will have the same post-operative recovery and activity level. See your orthopaedic surgeon to discuss your potential benets and risks. MKOHMT-PE-1 adno=50514082


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 C Our Town Page 9 adno=54512588


Our Town Page 10 C The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSat 941-575-5435. € Charlotte Local Education Foundation (CLEF): Volunteers are needed a few afternoons each week at the Teacher Supply Depot storeŽ and office assistance for light clerical work. All work is light duty, flexible hours. Background check required. If interested, contact Sara Wierhake, executive director, at 941-255-7500, ext. 294, or email sara.wierhake@ € Civil Air Patrol: The auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization needs volunteers. No prior experience is needed, and everyone is welcome. For more information, call 941-639-1711. € Coast Guard Auxiliary: The auxiliary is the volunteer arm of the U.S. Coast Guard, and is a member of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The operational unit of the auxiliary is the Flotilla,Ž where Coast Guard policies and programs are transformed into action. For more information, visit www., call Rich Markwitz at 941-266-0002 or attend a monthly meeting held on the second Tuesday of each month at 1949 Englewood Road. € Community Cats of Charlotte: An all-volunteer nonprofit that operates a trap, neuter and return program once a month for all the stray, abandoned, feral cats in Charlotte County. Volunteers are needed once a month from noon to 1p.m. on Saturday to set up the MASH Unit and from 7:30a.m. to 12:30p.m. the following day for the feral clinic. Some experience with animals is encouraged. For more information, call Michelle at 941-875-3293. € Crossroads Hope Academy: Volunteers needed for young men ages 13 to 17years old with great potential to become their mentor or tutor. Many of these youths have experienced life in its worst form and missed a lot of school. They need role models who can help them with their studies and self-esteem and get them on the right track to becoming successful adults with someone to care about them outside the staff of Crossroads Hope Academy. Call 941-627-9352. € F.I.S.H. (Friends In Service Here): Volunteers to provide free transportation for residents in Englewood and Rotonda West. Volunteers provide transportation to doctors appointments, dialysis, oncology treatments, physical therapy, stores, banks and other locations in Englewood, North Port and South Venice. For more information, call 941-475-2533 or 941-475-4494. € The Florida Guardian ad Litem Program: Volunteers are needed who, after training, are appointed by the court to advocate for the neglected, abused and abandoned children in our community. When you volunteer with the Guardian ad Litem Program you become the voice for a child in court and out of court. Volunteers are needed to represent these children and ensure that decisions made are in the childs best interest. If you are interested in being a champion for the children in our community, email or call 941-613-3233. Go to www. to learn more about the program. € Homeless Coalition: Drivers are needed for our Veteran Program. Vehicle provided. Administrative Assistants are needed at the front desk and the shelter office. Fabulous Finds Re-Sale shop is open and looking to fill all positions in the store. Days and times are flexible. Tours are available Tuesday through Friday. Call for an appointment. For more information and other opportunities, call or email Robin Clark, Volunteer Coordinator, at 941-627-4313, ext. 109, Robin. € Jesus Loves You Ministry: Mobile outreach program for the homeless; volunteers needed in various areas: shower ministry, mobile lunch ministry, thrift store, vehicle maintenance, office work and many others. For more information, call 941-661-8117 or email € Learn to Sail, Inc.: Learn to Sail is a nonprofit group teaching youths and adults to sail on Charlotte Harbor. Volunteer vacancies to fill, in summer andyear-round, include instructors, teaching aides, boat repairs, social networking, boat donations, sales and marketing. For more information, visit, email or call 941-999-1102. € Meals on Wheels: Volunteers in the following areas: kitchen, to assist in preparing and packaging meals and drivers to deliver meals to clients. For more information, call 941-625-4343 between 9a.m.-1p.m., Monday through Friday. € New Operation Cooper Street 650 Mary St., Punta Gorda: volunteers to tutor kindergarten through eighth-grade students. The volunteers will help the students with their daily school assignments including math, spelling, reading and sentence writing. These volunteers are needed Monday through Thursday from 3:30p.m. to 4:30p.m. Volunteers are also needed daily from 2:30p.m. to 3:30p.m. to drive 10-passenger vans to pick up the students at their schools. Drivers must watch two hours of driving safety videos to be certified by the county to drive the vans. For more information or to complete an application, contact Margaret Forde at 941-639-3034. € Parrot Outreach Society: Volunteers of all ages to donate three hours a week to change paper and clean birdcages, sweep or mop up, and fix breakfast for the flock. For more information, call 941-3478876 or stop by at 1205 Elizabeth St., UnitI (in the Sunstate Commerce Center), Punta Gorda. € Peace River Botanical and Sculpture Gardens: Volunteers are needed for garden planting and maintenance, plant parenting, community outreach, social media, fundraising and more. All volunteer opportunities and forms can be found at For more information, email or call 941-286-0333. € Peace River Wildlife Center: The Peace River Wildlife Center, 3400 Ponce de Leon Parkway, (at the end of West Marion Avenue) Punta Gorda, is in need of volunteers to help with daily morning cleaning and general maintenance of habitats. Also in need of grapes, kale, shelled walnuts (for baby squirrels). Seasonal volunteers will be leaving soon. For more information, call 941-637-3830 or visit www. € Project Linus: volunteers to crochet, knit and quilt blankets to give to Charlotte County kids who are in need of comfort and security. Meetings are held from 9a.m. to 11a.m. on Wednesdays at New Day Church, 20212 Peachland Blvd., Port Charlotte, and from 9a.m. to 11a.m. on Fridays at Florida Gulf Coast Building, Herald Court, Punta Gorda. For more information, call 941-627-4364. € Punta Gorda Police Department: Volunteers for the records department, reception window and to assist with special projects such as Do the Right Thing. For more information, call Denny Christman at 941-639-4111 or stop by at 1410 Tamiami Trail. € The SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) Program: Recruiting volunteers to help Medicare beneficiaries in Charlotte County. SHINE is a free, unbiased Medicare and health insurance information, counseling and assistance program. The specially trained volunteers assist seniors in making informed health care decisions. For more information, call the Elder Helpline at 1-866-4135337 or 1-800-963-5337, or visit € Special Olympics seeks volunteers: Looking for coaches for swimming, golf, powerlifting, softball and bowling. This does not have to be full time; any time you can volunteer would be greatly appreciated. Call 941-391-6906 or email info@ € St. Vincent de Pauls: The Food Pantry is in need of interviewers, filing, computer entry, answering the telephone, stocking shelves, making up grocery bags and helping clients to their cars. Hours are 10a.m. to 1p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Volunteers needed in the Resale Shop, summer hours are 11a.m. to 4p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Other areas: drivers for picking up furniture, bookkeeping, cutting of the lawn, and assistance in picking up furniture. For more information, call Richard Peters at 941-786-5951 or Judy Foster at 973-652-4569. € Suncoast Humane Society: Volunteers needed including visitor assistant, cat cuddlers, dog walkers, laundry assistant, foster parent, thrift store and pet therapy. All volunteer opportunities and requirements can be found at www.humane. org, or for more information, call 941-474-7884. € Punta Gorda: Volunteers needed for leadership positions, administrative support, project focused committees and special events. Leadership positions: Volunteer coordinator, communications and marketing coordinator. Explore the possibilities online at or call at 941-637-8326. € Tidewell Hospice: welcomes volunteers to visit with patients in the patients own home, assisted living facilities, nursing homes or actual Hospice House; assist in the office; help at community events and provide pet therapy with approved cat or dog. Application process, background checks and training required. For more information, call 941-979-4304 or 941-979-4324 for details. The Charlotte County Commission is seeking volunteers for the following appointments. Unless otherwise specified, call Nina Stamoulis at 941-743-1300 or email: Janina., for an application. € Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: One volunteer, who must be a resident of Charlotte County, to represent the residential home builder industryŽ to serve on the committee. Term is for three years and will take effect immediately and will expire June 30, 2020. The committee meets quarterly. € Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: One volunteer, who must be a resident of Charlotte County, to represent the for-profitŽ provider to serve on the committee. Term is for three years and will take effect immediately and will expire June 30, 2020. The committee meets quarterly. € Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: one volunteer, who must be a resident of Charlotte County, to represent the not-forprofitŽ provider to fill an expired position. Term is for three years and will take effect immediately and this position will expire Sept. 30, 2019. The committee meets quarterly. € Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: one volunteer, who must be a resident of Charlotte County, to represent the home building industryŽ to serve on the committee. Term is for three years and will take effect immediately. Term will expire June 30, 2020. The committee meets quarterly. € Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: one volunteer, who must be a resident of Charlotte County, to represent as a low income advocateŽ to serve on the committee. Term is for three years and will take effect immediately. Term will expire June 30, 2020. The committee meets each quarter. € Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: one volunteer, who must be a resident of Charlotte County, to represent the banking/ mortgage banking industryŽ to fill an expired position. Term is for three years and will take effect immediately. This position will expire Sept. 30, 2019. The committee meets quarterly. € Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: one volunteer, who must be a resident of Charlotte County, currently serving on the Planning & Zoning BoardŽ to fill an expired position. Term is for three years and will take effect immediately. This position will expire March 31, 2020. The committee meets quarterly. € Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: a Charlotte County resident as a volunteer to serve on the committee to fill an expired position. Term is for three years and will take effect immediately. This position will expire Dec. 31, 2018. € Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: one volunteer, who must be a resident of Charlotte County & who is a part of the Charlotte County Essential Services PersonnelŽ to serve on the committee to fill an expired position. Term is for three years and will take effect immediately. This position will expire Sept. 30, 2019. The committee meets quarterly. € Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: one volunteer, who must be a resident of, and is an employer in, Charlotte County to serve on the committee to fill an expired position. Term is for three years and will take effect immediately. This position will expire March 31, 2020. The committee meets quarterly. € Board of Zoning Appeals and Planning and Zoning Board: one volunteer who must be a resident of Charlotte County, reside within District 1 and serve on both boards. Term will expire November 2020. To obtain an application, contact Lisa Eby at 941-743-1300 or via email at VOLUNTEERSFROM PAGE 2The Charlotte County Sheriffs Office reported the following arrests: € Michael Shawn Erickson, 51, 4700 block of South Fairway Drive, Punta Gorda. Charges: three counts of violation of probation. Bond: none. € Justin Lawrence Boyle, 28, 100 block of Barre Drive Northwest, Port Charlotte. Charge: battery. Bond: $5,000. € Charles Howard Johnson, 60, 2200 block of Cannolot Blvd., Port Charlotte. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Tyler Edward Nelson, 27, 23000 block of Peru Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: six counts of violation of probation, 12 underlying charges, and six counts of failure of defendant on bail to appear on felony. Bond: none. € Paul Ryan Churchill, 29, 20400 block of Midway Blvd., Port Charlotte. Charge: knowingly driving while license suspended or revoked. Bond: $2,500. € Andrea Dawn Yearwood, 25, 5100 block of Melbourne St., Port Charlotte. Charges: violation of probation, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. Bond: none. € Jennifer Lynn Doyle, 45, 2100 block of Haskell St., Port Charlotte. Charge: battery. Bond: $500. € Robert Edward Doyle, 48, 2100 block of Haskell St., Port Charlotte. Charge: battery. Bond: $5,000. € Daniel Patrick McGrail, 32, 100 block of Martin Drive, Port Charlotte. Charge: nonsupport of dependents. Bond: $370. € Christina Marie Polewski, 43, of Cape Coral. Charge: nonsupport of dependents. Bond: $480. € Sean Francis English, 35, 2100 block of Rio de Janeiro Ave., Port Charlotte. Charge: municipal ordinance violations. Bond: $500. € Dylon Charles Parisi, 18, 100 block of McCabe St., Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $10,000. „ Compiled by Anne Easker POLICE BEATThe information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriffs office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. adno=50509533 Where Shopping Makes Cents adno=50509534 adno=715189 NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Charlotte County, Florida, in regular session assembled on the 25th day of April, 2017, adopted a Resolution closing, vacating and abandoning the following described properties: SV-17-01-01 Myakka Shorelands Preservation Association, Inc. and Riverside Drive Uplands, Inc. are requesting to vacate an undeveloped portion of River Beach Drive (platted as Riverside Drive), a total of 1.82 acres, more or less, a remainder of the vacated portion of El Jobean Plan 1 Ward 2 Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 39, of the Public Records of Charlotte County, Florida. The targeted segment is located south of Grosse Pointe Drive, north and east of the Myakka River, and west of Royal Pointe Drive, in Sections 28 and 29, Township 40 South, Range 21 East, in Commission District IV. DESCRIPTION FOR RIVER BEACH DRIVE STREET VACATION: A PORTION OF THE REMAINING RIGHT-OF-WAY OF RIVERSIDE DRIVE LYING IN SECTIONS 28 AND 29, TOWNSHIP 40 SOUTH, RANGE 21 EAST, CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE POINT COMMON TO LOTS 22 AND 23 AND TRACT L-2, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF MYAKKA POINTE AT RIVERWOOD, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 18, PAGES 36A THROUGH 36I OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE, ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 22, S.460606ŽW., A DISTANCE OF 189.00 FEET TO THE CORNER OF LOT 22; THENCE CONTINUE ALONG A PROLONGATION OF SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 22, S.460606ŽW., A DISTANCE OF 5.00 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF RIVERSIDE DRIVE PER THE PLAT OF PLAN NO. 1, WARD THREE EL JOBEAN AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 42 OF THE AFOREMENTIONED PUBLIC RECORDS; THENCE S.435354ŽE. ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF RIVERSIDE DRIVE, A DISTANCE OF 47.30 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE S.435354ŽE. ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE AND ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF RIVERSIDE DRIVE PER THE PLAT OF PLAN NO. 1, WARD TWO EL JOBE-AN AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 39 OF THE AFOREMENTIONED PUBLIC RECORDS, A DISTANCE OF 794.30 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF THE PLAT OF MYAKKA RIVER MOTORCOACH RESORT AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 21, PAGE 19A OF THE AFOREMENTIONED PUBLIC RECORDS; THENCE S.460606ŽW. ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY, A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED RIVERSIDE DRIVE PER THE AFOREMENTIONED PLAT OF PLAN NO. 1, WARD TWO EL JOBE-AN; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF RIVERSIDE DRIVE AND THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF RIVERSIDE DRIVE PER THE AFOREMENTIONED PLAT OF PLAN NO.1, WARD THREE EL JOBE-AN FOR THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) CALLS: (1) THENCE N.435354W., A DISTANCE OF 514.18 FEET; (2) THENCE N.435354ŽW., A DISTANCE OF 280.12 FEET TO THE MEAN HIGH WATER OF THE MYAKKA RIVER; THENCE N.460606ŽE., 100.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 79,430 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. Dated at Murdock, Charlotte County, Florida, the 25th day of April, 2017. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA /s/ William G. Truex, Chairman Publish: April 29, 2017 1946 & Newer Convertible Top Installation and Seat Upholstery Hydraulics sales, service, & installation 5530 Independence Court Punta Gorda, FL 33982 941-639-0437 adno=50513418 SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORES Open: Mon. Sat. 9am 5pm 1048 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda Call To Schedule A Pickup For Large Furniture & Appliances (941) 637-1981 DONATIONS NEEDED! Your donation makes a big differenceŽ Please Donate Clean, Usable Items. Now accepting pick up in Arcadia. All money received from donations in Arcadia will be utilized to assist DeSoto County residents in need. Charlotte County to assist people in need in Charlotte County. adno=50513250 3095 Tamiami Trail, Unit B Port Charlotte, FL (between Olean & Elkcam Blvds) Call 627-0464 Dr. Robert Hooper Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Since 1975 € Affordable $19 69 a month per aid € Free batteries € 5 year loss & damage coverage € 5 year warranty € Replaced every 5 years € Purchase at any time HEARING HEALTH CARE CENTERS LEASE YOUR HEARING AID LEASE YOUR HEARING AID adno=50513286 14 Day Risk Free Trial


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 C Our Town Page 11 COME TO ARCADIAJEEP CLEARANCE EVENT Lowest Prices & Best Service Prices Are Cheaper In The Country! NEW 2017 JEEP PATRIOTNEW 2017 JEEP COMPASSNEW 2017 JEEP CHEROKEE NEW 2017 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE NEW 2017 JEEP RENEGADE NEW 2017 JEEP WRANGLERSALE PRICE $17,888*SALE PRICE $18,888*SALE PRICE $19,988*Go to to see our Entire Inventory!SALE PRICE $31,888*SALE PRICE $18,988*SALE PRICE $30,588* STK#17JT097 STK#P7110 STK#17JT266 STK#17JT282 STK#7100 STK#17JT321Prices are CHEAPER in the CountryLARGEST USED CAR & TRUCK DEPARTMENT IN SW FLORIDA!Visit us 24/7 online at: € Highway 70 Arcadia € 1-800-880-3099All stores available at one convenient location | Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Closed SundayAll Prices Are After Applicable Rebates Have Been Applied. Not All Offers Can Be Combined. Sale Prices Are Plus Tax, Title, Lic s. And Dealer Fees. See Dealer For Complete Details. adno=715069


Our Town Page 12 C The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 €Offer applies to only single-receipt qualifying purchases. No interest will be charged on promo purchase and equal monthly pay ments are required equal to initial promo purchase amount divided equally by the number of months in promo period until promo is paid in full. The equal monthly payment will be rounded to the next highest whole dollar and may be higher than the mi nimum payment that would be required it the purchase was a non-promotional purchase. Regular account terms apply to non-promotional purchases. For new accounts: Purchase APR is 29.99%; Minimum Interest Charge is $2. Existing cardholders should see their credit card agreement for their applicable terms. Subject to credit approval. Terms of promotions Previous purchase excluded, cannot be combined with any other promotion or discount. Discount offers exclude Hot Buys, ”oor models or cl earance items, sales tax, furniture protection plans, warranty, delivery, or service charge. w w w f u r n w a r e h o u s e c o mPT CHARLOTTE1241 El Jobean Rd. S.R. 776 across from Sams Club941-764-8700Mon.-Sat. 9-9 Sun. 11-6VENICE550 S. Seaboard Ave. Just North of Venice Nissan on U.S. 41 Bypass941-485-3211Weekdays 9-6 Sat. 9-6 Sun. 11-6SARASOTA4027 N. Washington (US 301) 1 Mile South of University on US 301941-351-8600Mon.-Sat. 9-9 Sun. 11-6BRADENTON1100 West Cortez Rd. Northeast Corner of Cortez Rd & 41941-749-6069Mon.-Sat. 9-9 Sun. 11-6ELLENTON5814 18th St East Across from the Ellenton Outlet Mall941-479-7900Mon.-Sat. 9-9 Sun. 11-6 On Purchases $300 or more with Furniture Warehouse credit card made between April 29, 2017 and April 28, 2018. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the promotional purchase is not paid in full within 12 months, by April 2018. Minimum Monthly Payments req uired.SATURDAY, & SUNDAY! DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE BIG!SPEND AND SAVE!!!NO INTEREST UNTIL APRIL 2018.* SAME DAY PICK UP OR NEXT DAY DELIVERY! www f u r n war eh ou s e. com SPECIAL PURCHASEMerlot Bedroom At An Unbelievable Price.This bedroom features additional storage in footboard. Plus you get the matching 5 drawer chest and night stand FREE!$799BedroomBeautiful Espresso-Finish Dining SetThis 5-piece dining set has a sleek design and a rich espresso nish, so it will t perfectly with any decor in your home. SPECIAL PURCHASE FLORIDA COASTAL SOFAS YOUR CHOICE $ 499Coastal Florida-styled sofa that offers style, comfort and a price that will not break the bank. Correlated chair and sleeper available. Stunning casual tropical style will enhance any home! Comfort, style and value. Sleeper and correlated chair also available.$299 SPECIAL PURCHASE PUB SET SPECIAL PURCHASEStunning Coastal Cottage Retreat BedroomStylish detailing. Includes dresser, mirror, queen headboard, footboard & rails Night stand FREE!$799BedroomStylish Sofa & Love Seat Group Upholstered in 100% Microber fabric for years of long lasting durability. Style, comfort & unquestionable value! $599 SPECIAL PURCHASESofa & Loveseat COME BUY & SAVE BIG! $50 OFFany Purchase over $499$100 OFFany Purchase over $999$200 OFFany Purchase over $1999$300 OFFany Purchase over $2999$400 OFFany Purchase over $3999$500 OFFany Purchase over $4999 Dual Reclining Sofa Recliners at each end makes this the best seat in the house in 100% Micro Fiber fabric.$499 SPECIAL PURCHASEWhite Accent Pieces$59$69$99$199 SPECIAL PURCHASEHandle activated rocker recliner in your choice of Beige, Camel or Mocha SPECIAL PURCHASEMarble Dining Table With Upholstered SeatingYour choice of 4 dining chairs or 2 dining chairs and matching bench.$499 Stunning casual tropical style will enhance any home! Comfort, style and value. Sleeper and correlated chair also available. SPECIAL PURCHASE SPECIAL PURCHASE$399$199$299Stress-Free Danish Styled ReclinersAvailable in Beige, Brown, and Red adno=54515228


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 C Our Town Page 13 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSNot that long ago, summer meant that local restaurants closed their doors a few days a week, curtailed hours, laid off staff, sometimes even shut down altogether until fall. Instead of taking a summer-long siesta, one local eatery has opted for a bold change.Burgr Bar does bfastIt was all in the interest of science, of course. Co-owner Paul Lynch and his staff sat down recently to taste-test a series of batters, to be fried up into golden-brown pancakes. Last year Lynch and his wife, Brenda also taste-tested a lot of beef before choosing the right one for their burgers. Not content to vie for best beef in town, Punta Gordas Burgr Bar has staffed up and stepped into the breakfast battles. New co-owner and longtime restaurateur Roberto Romero came up with the idea of adding a whole new meal to the menu. And he knew from experience that the right breakfast crew knows just how to brighten a groggy customers morning. Leading the upbeat new breakfast brigade is manager Robin Kontos well-known on the local scene from years working at Giorgios/Jimmys Grill (now Camila Restaurant ), Little Good Times Diner and most recently John Skis House of Breakfast & Lunch I feel just horrible about leaving there,Ž she confessed, but this was an opportunity I couldnt turn down.Ž When asked how husband Gus, owner of Port Charlottes All-Star Sports Grill feels about her new venture, Robin said, Hes excited for me. People always ask me, You own a restaurant, why dont you work there? Part of it is, I like to work breakfast, but All-Star doesnt serve it.Ž Robin knew just who to bring with her „ three service-industry sisters,Ž Tanya Lake, LuAnn Michaud and Tammy Shipuleski whove served coffee and hash browns all over town, from Giorgios/ Jimmys/Camila to Little Good Times. We all work really well together, and weve got a great following,Ž said, Robin. The competitively priced menu includes French toasts from regular to stuffed with cream cheese and strawberry sauce or toasted coconut. You can have them plain or crunched up with Frosted Flakes. Paralleling Burgr Bars famous Build-Your-Own Burgr are BYO Breakfast Sandwiches, served with hash browns, home fries, grits or tomatoes, and BYO Omelets with all that plus toast. Three eggs Benedicts, biscuits and gravy and freshmade corned beef hash also star on the menu. And prepare to salivate over a Robin Kontos special from Little Good Times: warm, honey-glaze, roasted-nut topping „ basically, baklava sauce „ for pancakes and French toast. Burgr Bar (941-6558050), 317 Tamiami Trail, serves breakfast Monday to Saturday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday brunch to 2 p.m. The full bar is open, with $2.50 Bloody Marys and mimosas. Season-ending blast is 30Its been three years since downtown Punta Gorda threw a seasonsend street gala. The last Punta Gorda Block Party was 2014. Originally launched to celebrate the 1987 centennial of the citys incorporation, the Block Party was heralded as the largest single oneday event in Southwest Florida,Ž with a history of having helped 80 nonpro“t organizations over the years. Local adman Andrew McDonald describes it as one big celebration of safe travels to our friends from the North, with a beer in my hand and my dancing shoes on!Ž Lee Richardson of Leroys Southern Kitchen & Bar still remembers it with a kids enthusiasm: It was really great!Ž Three stages for live music and one, on Sullivan Street, for childrens entertainment, will have nonstop music featuring Gary Puckett & The Union Gap, as well as popular local bands. Entry gates, opening at 11 a.m. today, ask only for a donation to bene“t local charities, school groups and other nonpro“ts.Showing their PrideToday, from noon to 7 p.m., Laishley Park will also be rocking with bands, at the fourth-annual seasonsend Charlotte County Pride Fest CHAPS Food & Hygiene Pantry, which provides food and hygiene items to those living with HIV/ AIDS, will collect food or hygiene items at the gate. Send restaurant and bar news and recommendations to columnist Sue Wade at skips summer vacation SUN PHOTO BY SUE WADENew Burgr Bar breakfast team: Tammy Shipuleski, LuAnn Michaud, manager Robin Kontos and Tanya Lake. PHOTO PROVIDEDNow you can build, not just burgers, but also your own breakfast sandwiches and omelets at Burgr Bar. PHOTO PROVIDEDCharlotte County Pride Fest is at Laishley Park today, noon to 7 p.m. PHOTO PROVIDED This years Block Party T-shirts ($12), designed by Charlotte High school student Lorena Campes. SueWADECOLUMNISTTHE SCENE More than 30 ladies attended the Women Who Care of Charlotte County inaugural event held at the Laishley Park Community Room. The group presented its mission of making an impact in a very succinct wayŽ, according to Carla Nix, one of the groups steering committee members. This alliance of busy women will make a difference by committing a small amount of time and resources four times a year to streamline fundraising for local nonpro“ts. The chosenŽ charity for the evening was Share the Blessings Ministry a 501(c)(3) nonpro“t established in 2010. Its mission is to help provide those in need with toiletries/hygiene items (such as toilet paper, female products, soap and toothpaste), and cleaning supplies. This allvolunteer ministry shares the blessings they receive to help others in Charlotte County who cannot afford the basics or who have no means to provide them for themselves. They are the “rst and only charity to provide these services exclusively in Charlotte County and 100 percent of all donations collected are given back to the community. For more information on this ministry, visit www. sharetheblessingsministry. org. For more information on Women Who Care, email WomenWhoCareCC@ or look them up on Facebook. Thank you, ladies, for providing this outlet for the busy women of Charlotte County. € € € Visit your local animal shelter for adoption, educational programs and trending animal news. At the Animal Welfare League located at 3519 Drance St., (just off Harborview Road), staff and volunteers work quietly with little or no fanfare. Nonetheless, their work is profound. There certainly are not many places that a person can enter and exit with a lifetime supply of unconditional love. They do a super job of helping adopters make decisions that are always in the best interest of a shelter pet and the new family. Hours of operation are seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Meet all the adoptable animals and inquire about the numerous volunteer opportunities or log on to Remember, the best pets are shelter pets!Lifetime Member AwardThe Computer for Education (COFE) program was formed in 1995 by Bill Stevens and two other club members. Bill taught a hardware class with the idea that the student members would become technicians and teach other members. The problem with the idea was that the room provided was taken from the group and the project was unable to continue because of the lack of a room. Another place was then provided for the club. Bill was the lone technician working for a period of time when several members volunteered to help. In 1999, another volunteer took over the job of delivering the refurbished computers to the children who quali“ed. Bill continued working the next few years providing computers for the community. For many years, longer than anyone wants to admit, Bill has worked in the back room formatting hard drives, assisting volunteers as they were refurbishing computers and has been a tremendous help with the laptops that come in. Bill was the person to go to for laptop help. Bill is one of those unsung heroes in the organization and the group is grateful to him and thank him for all his help. € € € Thank you to ERA Advantage Realty 901 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, for its donation of $760 to the Back Pack Kidz; 100 percent of all the money donated will go to buy food for the Back Pack program. Thank you for thinking of the children of Charlotte County. „ Compiled by Sherri DennisMaking an impact in Charlotte County PHOTO PROVIDED The steering committee of the Women Who Care Charlotte County. Left to right: Carla Nix, Patt Shoemaker, Sue Sifrit and Fay Luepnitz. Sarah Glover was not present. HAVE SOMETHING NOTEWORTHY?If you have some news of note youd like to share „ accomplishments, accolades, neighbors helping neighbors and other happy happenings, email it to Pictures (in .jpg format, please) are welcome, too. News ofnote


Our Town Page 14 C The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS TODAY Easy Does It Club, The Easy Does It Club offers daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please Call 941-624-0110 Deep Creek Elks, Open@10. Tagsale 12-4. Dinner 5-8. Filet, Seafood & more. Music by TAT2Ž Reservations @ 941-249-8067. Quarter Bingo, Cultural Center 10a-10:45a 2280 Aaron St. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Hook Kids on Fishing, Hook Kids on Fishing 10 am-12 Noon at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 World TaiChi Day, Join people round the world with tai chi in Gilchrist Park 10am call Richard 407.923.8310, near tennis crts Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd PC 941-6291645 dinner 5-7 Bingo 1-4 Billy G Open Mic Bingo, Cultural Center 10:45a-3:30p 2280 Aaron St Game Packs start at $13. Over 25 games with payouts up to $250 625-4175. Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6pm QnHrts; 6:30-9:30 Music by Verceal@25538 ShorePG6372606;members & guests PG Block Party, Noon till 10pm Street festival downtown Punta Gorda, food, displays, kids games, & entertainment all day. 941 249-1250 Port Charlotte Elks, Entertainment 6-9 by, Dane Dog and the Tribesmen, Members/Guests, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Singer Olivia Gruber, 15 year old singer/songwriter Olivia Gruber performs 1-3 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Singer Dan Meadows, Singer Dan Meadows performs 5-9 pm center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Stock car racing, Time, location, phone is required in this field or listing will not print. 120 char. limit. Pinochle, Cultural Center 2280Aaron St. 1p-3p $1.50. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. SUNDAY Deep Creek Elks, Lodge will be closed for the next 2 weeks for renovations. Easy Does It Club, The Easy Does It Club offers daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please Call 941-624-0110 Farmers Market, History Park Farmers Market open every Sunday 9am-2pm, 501 Shreve St., between Virginia Ave. & Henry St. 941-639-1887 Warriors Car Wash, Cheerleaders helping a friend, 10 to 2, Charlotte State Bank & Trust Punta Gorda office, 2331 Tamiami Trail. 391-7262 Chess Club, 11a-3p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd, PC 941-6291645 Funday/w Linda., NASCAR, ,Pool Table, Port Charlotte Elks, Charity Bingo Doors Open 12 Noon, Visit with Members & Guests, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Punta Gorda Elks, 12pm Bar & Tiki open; 1-4pm Picnic on the Water; Music by Black Velvet @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606; members & guests CCJS JAM, Jam with Parmelee, Mopsick, Martin, Bruce and more or just listen to jazz at Kingsway GC at 1pm. $5 for public.766-9422 Garden Tour, Guided tour of gardens at History Park, 501 Shreve St., PG, 2pm, $5 suggested donation; Q&A.. Tiki Tom & LA Live, Live Music Performance for Veterans & Guests at American Legion Post 110 with Tiki Tom $ LA Daniels. Torah Dedication, 4pm at Temple Shalom We will be dedicating 5 new Torah scrolls. FC BLAST KIDS, BLAST Middle School Youth Group meets Sun. 5-7pm@140 Rot. Blvd. W. Join us for fun, food, games & Bible Study. 475-7447 MONDAY Easy Does It Club, The East Does It Club is offering daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please Call 941-624-0110 Beginners TaiChi, Beginner TaiChi Yang13.Slow easy moves for balance,health,fun.Open class $10PGICA Mon.10AM instr.Mary Curtis 9416610557 Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2pm dinner 5-8 Trustee Meet 6PM Aerie 7PM Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki;4-7 Music/Michael Hirst;4:30-7:30 ChickenNite;7-10:30Karaoke/ BillyG@25538ShorePG6372606;mbrs&gsts Singer Jim Daniels, Singer Jim Daniels performs 12 Noon-3 pm in center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Port Charlotte Elks, Monday Discount Day, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Bar Bingo…Am Leg 110, Bar Bingo … Specials, Hot Ball … Open to Public … Starts at 6:00 TUESDAY Easy Does It Club, The Easy Does It Club is offering daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please call 941-624-0110 Audubon Walkabout, Everyone Welcome! Nature hike at Tippicanoe, Environmental Park. 8:00-10:00AM Call Jim Knoy at 303-868-8337. Mens Fellowship, Gulf Cove Methodist Men meet 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 8am, Bay Pointe Grill, 3502 N Access Rd, Englewood. 697-1747 Blood Press Check, 9a-11a Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Licensed RN is available for free Blood Pressure Check 625-4175. Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2pm dinner 5-8 come Jam with Ambush Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch;2-6 Tiki;2-5 WingsRingsOTs;Music/TaT2;6pm l.b.o.d.mtg;7pmLodgeMtg@25538ShorePG637-2606;mbrs&gsts Chess Club, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 12p-4p $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Singer Jim Daniels, Singer Jim Daniels performs 12 Noon-3 pm in center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Friend to Friend, Fellowship and fun every Tuesday from 1-3pm. Noon luncheon on 4th Tuesday. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 BARBERSHOP REHEARSAL, Barbershop Chorus rehearsal every Tues, 7-9:30pm, Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, 11330 Burnt Store Rd PG. 625-1128. Port Charlotte Elks, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 3 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 American Legion 103, PUBLIC WELCOMED! Auxiliary Bar Bingo 6-9. Big Pots & Great Fun! 2101 Taylor Rd. PG 639-6337 WEDNESDAY Easy Does It Club, The Easy Does It Club is offering daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please call 941-624-0110 Am Leg 110 Bingo, Early Birds 10:30 Hot Ball, specials. Am Legion Riders … Open to the public Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 Karaoke by Billy G, Q Hearts 7:30pm Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-10:30 Karaoke with WAM @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606;members & guests Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs 11 am-2 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 Wings & Things!, Breaded Naked Boneless@American Legion 103 Fish Bites/Sliders & More! 12-4pm Open to Public! 2101Taylor Rd. PG 639…6337 Cribbage, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 12:45pm-4p $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Port Charlotte Elks, Game Night/Queen of Hearts 7PM, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Members/ Guests, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Karaoke, 1:45p-3:45p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St., Come listen and/or share your singing talents., $1 or free if you buy lunch. Double Deck Pinochle, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 5:30-8:30p $2.25. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free., Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Square Dance, 7p-9p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Come have lots of fun dancing the night away. Everyone welcome $5 per person. THURSDAY Murdock Rotary, Club meets Thurs 7:15am weekly at Perkins, 1700 Tamiami Trl. Friendliest club in SWFL. Call 941-624-2353 for info Easy Does It Club, The easy Does It Club is offering daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please Call 941-624-0110 Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5pm PER Social; 5-8 Dinner; 6:308:30 Charity Bar Bingo@25538 Shore,PG,637-2606;mbrs&gsts Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkette Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 Singer Paul Roush, Singer Paul Roush performs 12 Noon-3 pm Center Court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Port Charlotte Elks, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 3 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Muttini Mingle, Salty Paws Muttini Mingle for pets 5:30-8 pm. Music by Danny Beach, Center Court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Free Open Cruise In, Sat. April 29, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free Open Cruise In Home Depot, 3941 Tamiami Trail/Burnt Store Road, PG by Vintage (former Veteran) Motor Car Club. Open to all collector type cars/trucks incl. modified. Door prizes, 50/50, free OJ, coffee & doughnuts to show car participants. Lee 941-626-9359 Featured EventPAID ADVERTISEMENT The Community Calendar items are entered by the event organizers and are run as submitted.Ž To submit an item, go to www.yoursun. com, select an edition and click on the Community CalendarŽ link on the left. Click Submit Event,Ž and fill out the appropriate information. PHOTO BY DEBRA GOUVELLISAnnette Phillips and her LanternierŽ doll were among the plentiful members of the Port Charlotte Cultural Center Doll Club. The group meets once a month (third Thursday of the month) except for July and August. The meeting begins at 10 a.m. and usually lasts until noon, according to Phillips. For more information, call 941-625-4175.Cultural Center Doll Club adno=54512556


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 C Our Town Page 15 Honda 16 Subaru Outback 2.5i Limited 14 Honda Accord Sport 15 Honda Civic EX 13 Honda CR-V LX 10 Dodge Challenger R/T 16 Dodge Charger SXT 14 Honda Odyssey EX-L 03 Mazda Miata Base 12 Honda Fit Sport 11 Toyota Camry LE 16 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT 14 Buick Encore Premium 08 VW Eos Turbo 15 Ford Focus SE 15 Hyundai Accent GLS 13 Chevy Equinox LS 16 Chevy Malibu LT 14 chevy Camaro 2LS 14 Honda CR-V EX-L 12 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner V6 14 Dodge Dart SXT 15 VW Jetta 2.0L S 11 Jeep Compass Base 15 Chevy Cruze 2LT 15 Nissan Altima 2.5 S 13 Honda Accord LX 14 Kia Optima EX 15 Ford Fusion SE 14 Mazda3 i Sport 15 VW Beetle 1.8T adno=715060


Our Town Page 16 C The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 Our dog got a drink of water and dribbled some of it on the tile in our kitchen. My dear wife then slipped on the wet tile and fell and broke her hip. She was taken to the hospital and had to have surgery to repair the break. After a week she was released from the hospital and sent home with a walker in order to get around. As she began to heal, she got rid of the walker and graduated to a cane. As her strength began to return, she no longer needed the cane and began to walk on her own without any help. There are times in our life when we need help in our walk with the Lord. Perhaps when we begin our spiritual journey we need support as we toddle around on our new legs. We need the sure and steady helping hands of a mentor or an older believer to help us in those “rst steps of our walk with God. In the Bible we see that Paul had Barnabas and Timothy had Paul to aid in the beginning of their walk. We also need help with walking when we have a fall. When we slip in our spiritual lives we could very well have a serious break. We need help getting back up and continuing our walk with the Lord. The help we need sometimes comes in the form of a loving rebuke „ like Nathan rebuked David regarding his sin with Bathsheba. As we get up we then need the aid of others to give us another chance. Forgiveness, patience, kindness and grace are just some of the walking aids that Gods people need to use to help a fellow believer who has fallen. Another time in our life when we need a spiritual walker is when we have had a major tragedy hit us. When death or disease stalk us, or when “nancial or family trouble invade our lives it oftentimes knocks us off our feet. We then need the comfort of Gods Word, the love of Gods people and the healing of Gods grace. Walkers, crutches and canes; lets be there to help those who need a little help in their walk with the Lord. The Rev. Jim Stultz is pastor of Peace River Baptist Church in Punta Gorda. Email him at of the Week: Relying on walkers, crutches and canesSEND US YOUR SERMONSThe Sun asks area pastors, ministers, rabbis, deacons and other spiritual leaders to submit messages fewer than 500 words in length for our Sermon of the WeekŽ feature. We can accept only electronic submissions in prose form, preferably pasted directly into the body of an email. All content must be original, with proper citation for any quoted and/or paraphrased material. Send the sermons to Sherri Dennis at Include the writers name and church name, as well as a contact phone number and/or email to be published with your sermon. For more information, call 941-206-1127. Notable Soprano Saxophonist at EUMCMasterful soprano saxophonist and recording artist Eirinn Abu will be the featured musician at the 7:45 a.m., 9:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship services on Sunday, at Englewood United Methodist Church, 700 E. Dearborn St. Abus HymnsŽ CD, just released on Easter, will be available after each worship service in the Fellowship Hall. His peers have called him the instrumental version of Josh Groban and Andrea Bocelli. This artist who shares his music ministry through the U.S. recently relocated to the Venice area. See to sample his music. For more information, go to or call 941-474-5588.National Day of Prayer gatheringThe Christian community is invited to a National Day of Prayer Gathering at 6:30 p.m. on May 4 at First Baptist Port Charlotte, 20035 Quesada Ave. Preschool care opens at 6:15 p.m. Participating churches are New Day Christian, First Alliance, Murdock Baptist, Freedom Bible and DC3. The ROTC of Port Charlotte High School will present the colors. For more information, contact Brian@fbc Challenge Foundation For Parkinsons Focus on the CaregiverThe Neuro Challenge Foundation for Parkinsons will be holding its first Distinguished SpeakersŽ education event in Charlotte County: Focus on the Caregiver at 1 p.m. on May 11 at the Murdock Baptist Church, 18375 Cochran Blvd., Port Charlotte, to help address the needs of those caring for a loved one who may be experiencing cognitive decline. Neuro Challenge Foundation for Parkinsons is a nonprofit organization. Its mission is to help improve the quality of life of people with Parkinsons and their caregivers. They achieve this through ongoing monthly support and education groups, large-scale educational symposia, and individualized Care Advising. This program is free of charge to the community and is open to all families caring for a loved one who is experiencing cognitive decline. To register, contact Carisa Campanella at 941-928-5886 or carisa@neurochallenge. org.Music Ministries program offers Music with Drama CampA weeklong music with drama camp is being offered for any rising fourththrough 12th-grader by Englewood United Methodist Church Music Ministries at 700 E. Dearborn St., from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on June 12-16. The $25 registration fee, due by May 14, includes daily lunches and a T-shirt. The weeks sessions of exciting instruction and experience will include Music in the Dark,Ž singing, playing hand chimes, a drum circle presenting drama, and designing scenery. Recreational activities will round out each day. The fun concludes with a June 16 evening performance for the public. Register at www., or with a form from the church of“ce or Director of Music Ministries Fonda Davies. For more information, call 941474-5588 during of“ce hours.Mothers Day BreakfastGulf Cove United Methodist Church, 1100 McCall Road, Port Charlotte, will host the Boy Scout Troop 776 third annual Mothers Day breakfast from 7 a.m. to noon on May 13. This is a great way to honor mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts and any other ladies in your life. The menu includes pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, juice, coffee, a variety of fruits and other sides. All proceeds will be used to help the troop attend summer camp. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased in advance from Troop 776 committee chairman Dave Reid at 941-6501987, from the church of“ce, or at the door. For more information, call 941-650-1987.The Case for ChristFor everyone who has ever pondered the existence of God, The Case For ChristŽ movie is a heartfelt and compelling journey of an awardwinning investigative journalist „ and avowed atheist „ who applies his well-honed journalistic and legal skills to disprove the newfound Christian faith of his wife ƒ with unexpected, life-altering results. Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, 11330 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda, continues to host its four-week (remaining weeks: April 30, May 21 and May 28) sermon series at all three services, (8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. traditional service and 9:40 a.m. contemporary service) using scriptures and video clips from the “lm to help people grow more established in their faith and understand why they believe what they do. For more information contact the church of“ce at 941-639-0001 or by email to of“ce@ Fling LuncheonThe United Christian Women at First United Methodist Church, 507 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, will host a spring ”ing at 11 a.m. on May 13 in the Bryant RELIGION BRIEFSRELIGION| 17RELIGION To Place Your Ad In Our Worship Directory Please Call (941) 429-3110 CATHOLIC ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1441 Spear Street Port Charlotte, FL 33948 (941) 743-6877 Email: Website: Winter Mass Schedule Mon.-Fri. 8am Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, (Spanish 6:30pm) Sunday Mass: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am Confessions on Saturday 3:00-4:15pm and by appointment BAPTIST First Baptist Church Port Charlotte 20035 Quesada Ave. Jim McCarty, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM WORSHIP 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM 12:30 Hispanic Service Call for information on weekly activities and special events. 24-HOUR INFO LINE 629-0444 CATHOLIC 24445 Rampart Blvd. Port Charlotte, FL 33980 (941) 624-3799 Weekdays 8AM Saturdays 8:30AM Saturday 9AM-10AM Confessions Saturday Vigil 3:30 & 5:15 Civil Holiday 9AM Sunday 7AM, 9AM & 11AM Holy Days 6:30PM CHURCH OF CHRIST 9600 Gulfstream Blvd Englewood, FL 34224-9256 (941) 475-4973 Adult Sunday School 10:00 am Worship Service 11:00 am Sunday School Ages 6-14 11:00 am Youth Service 11:30 am Wednesday Eve Fellowship 5:00 pm Wednesday Eve Bible Study 6:00 pm CHRISTIAN MURDOCK CHRISTIAN CHURCH 17500 Elmwood Ave., Murdock 255-1858 Minister Mark Tyree Sunday Worship 10:30am Sunday School 9:30am Email: Website: BAPTIST Pastor Mike Mowry 6220 Golf Course Blvd., Punta Gorda 639-1648 Sunday Worship 11am & 6pm Sunday School 9:45am AWANAŽ Wednesday 6:00-7:45pm Wed. Discipleship & Prayer Service 6:45 pm Nursery & Childrens program provided CATHOLIC Welcome to ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH 2500 Easy Street, Port Charlotte 941-625-4754 Mass Times: Weekdays~ 7:00am & 8:30am Sat. Vigil: 4:00 pm Signed For The DeafŽ Sun: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (French Creole) & 5:30pm (Youth Mass) adno=715224 BAPTIST 478 Berry Street, Punta Gorda Jim Stultz, Pastor 637-6768 Sunday School 9:45am Sunday Worship 8:30am,11:00am, 6:00pm Tuesday A.W.A.N.A & Youth Group 6:00pm 8:00pm Wednesday Prayer, Bible Study 6:30pm LUTHERAN FAITH LCMS Punta Gorda Welcome Home!Ž Contemporary Sat. 5:00 Tradl Sun. 8:00 & 10:30 Sunday Bible Study 9:15 941-639-6309 4005 Palm Drive 1/4 mile west of US41 on Rio Villa LUTHERAN HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN, ELCA 2565 Tamiami Trail, Pt. Charlotte 625-5262 Traditional Service 7:45, 11:00 AM Celebration Service 9:00 AM Rev. Ken & Andrea Barrios Co-Pastors Food Pantry Open Mon. & Wed. 9am-12pm Email: LUTHERAN CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH WELS 941-766-9357 23456 Olean Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL 33980 Corner of Kings Hwy. & Olean Bible Discovery Hour 9:30am Sunday Worship 10:30am Alan Gumm, Pastor BAPTIST INDEPENDENT You are Invited to Berean Baptist Church 17377 Godwin Avenue (Located off Collingswood Blvd) Port Charlotte € 941-629-7053 Bible Study 9:30 am Sun. Worship Service 10:30am & 6:00 pm Sunday School 9:30 am Wed. Evening Service 6:30 pm EPISCOPAL St. James Episcopal Church 1365 Viscaya Dr., Port Charlotte 627-4000 The Rev. Cesar Olivero Sunday Worship 8am & 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Praise and Worship/Adult Bible Study EPISCOPAL THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD 401 W. Henry St., Punta Gorda 639-2757 The Rev. Roy W. Tuff, Pastor All A re WelcomeŽ Sundays 8 & 10 am Holy Eucharist Nursery Available at 10am Svc. Email: INTER DENOMINATION 1500 Cooper St., Punta Gorda 941-235-REAL Saturday Night 5:00 Sunday Services 9:00am & 10:45am www.dc3.TV Real Love, Real People ANGLICAN CATHOLIC 1928 Book of Common Prayer Worshipping at MacDonald Hall Sunday, 10am 2230 Hariet St., Port Charlotte For Info Contact Don Kieffer 941-235-8052 BAPTIST 459 Gill St., Punta Gorda 639-3857 Rev. Bill Frank, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Services … 11:00 a.m. Team Kid Wednesday6:00 p.m. Prayer/Bible Study 6:15 p.m. Nursery Provided LUTHERAN LIVING WATERS LUTHERAN CHURCH & PRESCHOOL, ELCA The Little White Church In The CountryŽ 12475 Chancellor Blvd. (North Port Blvd. & Chancellor) North Port € 941-625-8090 Sunday Worship 10am LUTHERAN EPISCOPAL 4200 Biscayne Dr, North Port 426-2520 Priest-In-Charge Rev. Andrea R. Hayden Sundays Holy Eucharist 8:00 am Rite I 10:00 am Rite II ALL ARE WELCOME BAPTIST BIBLE Victory Baptist Church 1538 Nash Terrace Pt. Charlotte, FL 33953 (Located off Biscayne Dr.) Vincent Sawyer, Senior Pastor (941) 220-8317 Sunday 10am & 6pm Wednesday 7pm Expository Bible Preaching & Teaching


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 C Our Town Page 17 RELIGIONCenter. Tickets are $15. Entertainment will be provided by Christina Konis Ballet Studio „ New Beginnings.Ž Door prizes and Christian fellowship. For more information, call Anne Simpson at 941-6394333. Temple Shalom servicesTemple Shalom, a Reform Jewish Congregation, 23190 Utica Ave., Port Charlotte, will hold Shabbat Services at 7:30 p.m. on Friday nights. Rabbi Solomon Agin, D.D., will officiate. Please take a can of food for those who are in need. For more information, call 941-625-2116 or go to Passover Service will conclude at 11 a.m. on Monday at the Temple. The final Lunch and LearnŽ will be held from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. on April 25, and seating is limited. For more information or to register, call 941-625-2116.Temple Beth El servicesTemple Beth El, a conservative temple, 12711 Tamiami Trail, North Port (Warm Mineral Springs…Ortiz Boulevard), cordially invites the public to worship. Sabbath services are held every Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. For more information, call 941-423-0300 or visit: www.templebethelnp. org.Closet of HopeGulf Cove United Methodist Church, 1100 McCall Road (State Road 776), Port Charlotte, offers free clothing 9:30 a.m. to noon the “rst and third Saturdays of every month. Recipients must show a photo ID card (such as a drivers license) upon entering the closet. The ID card should re”ect residency in Charlotte County, or in Englewood, North Port or Venice in South Sarasota County. For more information, call 941-697-1747.Food Pantries:€ Community Life Center, 19048 Edgewater Drive, Port Charlotte, 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. every two weeks on Thursdays. For more information, call 941-629-0999. € Discipleship Driven Ministries, 4040 Tamiami Trail (at the end of the U.S. 41 Access Road at Gardner Drive), Port Charlotte, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. For more information, call 941-764-8458. € First Baptist Church, 459 Gill St., Punta Gorda, 9 a.m. to noon Tuesdays. The ministry includes free nonperishable food items and incidentals. For more information, call 941-639-3857. € Harry Chapin Mobile Food Pantry, Sacred Heart Church parking lot, 211 W. Charlotte Ave., Punta Gorda, 10 a.m. to noon on the fourth Thursday of each month through June. Fresh produce and other healthy food; take a bag or box to carry food. € Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 2565 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, 9 a.m. to noon on Monday and Wednesday. For more information, call 941-625-5262. € Lutheran Church of the Living Waters, 12475 Chancellor Blvd., Port Charlotte. Free dinner from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. the “rst and third Thursdays of each month. For more information, call 941-625-8090. € Pilgrim United Church of Christ, 24515 Rampart Blvd., Port Charlotte, 10 a.m. to noon on the second and fourth Mondays. For more information, call 941-6292633 or 941-764-9471. € Praise Tabernacle, 18350 Edgewater Drive, Port Charlotte, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays. Baked goods such as breads, cookies, cakes. Other items by appointment only. For more information, call 941-766-9995. € Salvation Army, 2120 Loveland Blvd., Port Charlotte. 10:30 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., every Wednesday until further notice. For more information, call 941-629-5950, ext. 402. The food pantry is currently critically low. Help is needed from the community to restock the shelves. Food is accepted Monday through Friday. Items needed are: canned goods, boxed goods, peanut butter and jellies and toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, soaps, shampoos and deodorants. € St. James Episcopal Church, 1365 Viscaya Drive, Port Charlotte. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Friday. Charlotte County residents only. For more information, call 941-627-4000. € The First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St., Port Charlotte, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month. For more information, call 941-625-0736. € Trinity United Methodist Church, 23084 Seneca Ave., (corner of Parmely Street and Seneca Avenue, behind KFC) Charlotte Harbor, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Wednesday. The programs serve those in need and those qualified for the USDA food distribution program. For more information, call 941-625-3372.Thrift Stores:€ Bargain Boutique, First United Methodist Church, 507 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. For more information, call 941-505-0794. € Christ Community United Methodist Church, 27000 Sunnybrook Road, Harbour Heights, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays through May, hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free community soup and sandwich supper from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. each Monday. For more information, call 941-629-1593. € Edgewater Methodist Shoppe, 19190 Cochran Blvd., Port Charlotte, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Donations accepted and tax receipts given. For more information, call 941-625-3039. € Gods Precious Gifts Inc., 418 East Virginia Ave., Punta Gorda. 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays and 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the “rst Friday of the month. For more information, call 941-661-7332. € Heaven Cent Boutique, Cleveland United Methodist Church, 28038 Cleveland Ave., Punta Gorda, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursdays and Saturdays, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Fridays. For more information, call 941-380-1242. € Jesus Loves You Ministry Inc., 1734 Cedarwood St., Port Charlotte, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. For more information or to arrange pickup of large donations, call 941-661-8117. € Port Charlotte Seventh-day Adventist, 2036 Loveland Blvd., 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. For more information, call 941-629-0398.Spiritual quote:Hate: it has caused a lot of problems in the world but has not solved one yet. „ Maya Angelou Sherri Dennis is handling religion news for the Charlotte Sun. You can contact her by phone: 941206-1127; fax (to her attention): 941-629-2085; email:; or write (to her attention): c/o the Charlotte Sun, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. TYPE or PRINT submissions, each of which MUST include the churchs NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE and the name of a contact person. Dont forget the TIME, DATE and LOCATION of the event. Email is the preferred method for communicating this information. Email photos, in .jpg format, as “le attachments. Submissions will be edited for length. Information must be received NO LATER than NOON WEDNESDAY for inclusion in the upcoming Saturdays column; announcements will run on a space-available basis. If you would like to purchase an ad to guarantee a spot in the paper for your event, call 941-206-1000 and ask for Display Advertising.RELIGIONFROM PAGE 16 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIS T Open and Affirming Rev. Michael Ford 1201 Aqui Esta Drive, Punta Gorda 637-8443 Worship at 10:00am METHODIST CHRIST COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH IN HARBOUR HEIGHTS 27000 Sunnybrook Road 629-1593 Pastor Duane Waters Sunday Worship at 10 am Communion first Sunday of the Month Covered Dish Dinner First Sunday of the Month at 11:30 am Membership Sunday last Sunday of the Month Hall available for Rent METHODIST EDGEWATER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19190 Cochran Blvd. (At the corner of US 41 & Cochran Blvd.) 625-3039 Pastor Dan Prine Services: Saturday Night Contemporary Worship Service 6:00pm 8:00am Traditional 9:30 & 11:00am Contemporary 11:00am Sunday Bible Study Class Sunday School: 9:30 € Nursery Provided UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST PILGRIM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 24515 Rampart Blvd. Pt. Charlotte 629-2633 Rev. Matthew L. Neumann, Sr. Pastor Sunday Traditional Service 8:00am Contemporary Service 10:00am N ursery & C hildrens C hurch Provided during all services. METHODIST 507 W. Marion Ave. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 639-3842 Rev. Michael Loomis Sunday Worship 8:00 & 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Service 9:15 a.m. Adult, Teen & Childrens Sunday School Nursery Provided adno=715225 METHODIST PORT CHARLOTTE UNITED METHODIST 21075 Quesada Ave. 625-4356 Dr. Craig Moore, Pastor Worship Services 8:00 a.m. Traditional Service 8:00 a.m. Radio Broadcast on WVIJ FM91.7 9:30 a.m. Contemporary Service 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. To Place Your Ad In Our Worship Directory Please Call (941) 429-3110 UNITY UNITY CHURCH OF PEACE Unity Leaves No One Out Rev. Donna Loflin 1250 Rutledge St. Corner of Veterans & Torrington 941-423-8171 Sunday Service 10AM NON-DENOMINATION Blessed Assurance Bible Chapel Worship Service with Meaningful Bible Message Sunday Mornings 10:00am A different speaker each week 866 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, FL 33953 941-625-3255 A ministry of the SouthWest Florida Bible Institute, Inc. Refreshments after every service METHODIST TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 23084 Seneca Ave. Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980 625-3372 Pastor Ed Horne Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship 11:30 Nursery Provided Wednesday Food Pantry & Lunch: 10:30am-12:30pm USDA is an equal opportunity employer. METHODIST CLEVELAND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 28038 Cleveland Avenue Punta Gorda, FL 33982 941-639-2775 CombinedŽ Service 10:00 am First Sunday of Every Month Followed by Potluck. All Other Sundays: Traditional Service 9:30 am Contemporary Service 11:00 am Pastor Shirley Smith PRESBYTERIAN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF PUNTA GORDA 25250 Airport Rd., Punta Gorda 639-1959 Rev. Stephen Mock Sunday Worship New Beginings Service 9 a.m. Traditional Service 10:30 a.m. Watch Services Live via Website ECO A Covenant Order Of Evangelical Presbyterians PRESBYTERIAN Living & Learning Gods Word Sun. Traditional Uplifting Worship 10:30 a.m. 10548 Kings Hwy., 4 mi. N.E. of 1-75 941-743-797 1 Presbyterian Church in America METHODIST TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4285 Wesley Lane North Port Directions: www. 941-426-1734 Pastor Danny Chronister Adult & Childrens Worship 9:00AM Adult Sunday School 10:30 AM The Spirit is Alive At Trinity!Ž UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY Rev. Amy Kindred Regular Sunday Worship 10:30 AM 1532 Forrest Nelson Boulevard Port Charlotte 941.627.4303 LUTHERAN LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS LCMS 2300 Luther Road, Port Charlotte 627-6060 Sunday Worship 7:45am & 10:15am Christian Education Hour Sunday 9:00 a.m. Rev. Kenneth Redmann, Pastor Rev. R. Brian Stolarczyk, Pastor Nursery Provided Email: LCMS PRESBYTERIAN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF PORT CHARLOTTE SUNDAY HOURS 10:00am Worship Coffee Fellowship 9:00am 9:00am Sunday School Pastor Terri Jo Crego 2230 Hariet St. Between Midway & Gibralter 625-5045 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NORTH PORT Learning to Live from Gods Word Sunday 11:15am & 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service Rev. Arnold Brevick, Pastor (941) 421-8163 5600 S. Biscayne Drive Presbyterian Church In America PCA PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN B URNT S TORE P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH 11330 Burnt Store Rd., Punta Gorda (2 miles south of US 41) 941.639.0001 Traditional 8:15am & 11:00am Contemporary Come as Y ou are 9:40 am Nursery and age specific activities for preschoolers for all Sunday morning activities. NON-DENOMINATION 370 Atwater St., Port Charlotte Rev. Dr. David Blood Coffee 9:00 € Worship 9:30 Sunday, March 12th Welcome Teen Challenge Men 866-717-3946 adno=50513932 Batten | Shaw Construction is currently seeking bids for the Fawcett Memorial Hospital Renovation Project from qualified Port Charlotte, Florida and surrounding area Subcontractors and Suppliers interested in procurement opportunities associated with the upcoming project. The project will consist of approximately 30,000 SF of renovation to be utilized as Med-Surg Rooms, Physical Therapy, Dialysis, & Human Resources, and a 5,000 SF addition to be utilized as a Cath Lab. Bid packages associated with the project include the following: Demolition€ Site Work € Utilities € Paving € Landscaping € Concrete € Masonry € Steel € Rough Carpentry € Casework € EIFS € Caulking € Waterproofing € Roofing € Doors € Glass & Glazing € Drywall & Framing € Flooring € Painting € Acoustical Ceilings € Specialties € Signage€ Fire Suppression € Access Control. Batten | Shaw Construction and HCA are strongly committed to the development and implementation of initiatives which promote the inclusion of local, minority and women-owned businesses. We believe we must work in a way that ensures that business relationships work profitably for both diversity businesses and the corporation. The bid due date is May 12, 2017 at 5:00 PM. Interested bidders should contact; Mike Ford, Project Estimator at (615) 292-2400; Email:


Our Town Page 18 C The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 Giving only ideas would avoid sunshineEditor: The April 17 editorial discussed the need to subject a school board advisory committee to the Florida Sunshine Law. Apparently, that requires that the committee meet in a venue open to the public, and that no subset of committee members have discussions outside of the formal meetings. While the Sunshine Law is a good thing overall, I think the paper is overreacting. After all, together with the minor impediments mentioned above, there is always a risk that, if the committee members are subject to the Sunshine Law, they put themselves at some legal risk, all while simply trying to perform a useful service for their community. After examining a detailed synopsis of the Sunshine Law, it appears that the gist of the matter is that government appointed committees which advance one plan of action over another fall under the Sunshine Law. Thus a committee of citizens giving advice about a new city manager, and ranking candidates, must operate in the sunshine. A committee which would provide alternative plans of action to a government official/entity without recommending one over another might well escape the Sunshine requirement. (I am not an attorney, but that appears to be case law.) So, to attract the best citizens to such a committee, structure the interface to that committee so that they provide a plethora of ideas, but not specific recommendations. Our school system can benefit greatly by more citizen input, and discouraging impediments should not be thrown into this process.John R. Doner Port CharlotteJournalists should consider the challengeEditor: Heres a thought for the publisher, editor and staff reporters of the Charlotte Sun : Democracies succeed or fail based on their journalism,Ž said Scott Pelley, (CBS, May 11, 2013). America is strong because its journalism is strong. Thats how democracies work. Theyre only as good as the quality of the information that the public possesses. And that is where we come in.Ž For Mr. Pelly and the rest of his socialistic journalists, Walter Lippmann, a renowned socialist and premier journalist, said The hardest thing for a journalist is to report a story truthfully, knowing full well it goes against every grain of your political thought.ŽBob Reichert Punta GordaSave tax money for public schoolsEditor: I hope most of your subscribers took time to read Teresa Jenkins Viewpoint article about the privatization of education in the April 20 paper. School choice is becoming very popular and seen by many as a solution for our failingŽ public schools. Jenkins clearly explains the differences between the two systems. This is the problem. Charter and private schools do not have to follow the same rules as public schools. Yet, we as citizens are asked to allow our tax money to support nonpublic schools. Florida lawmakers are attempting to change policy so public funds can support religious institutions through the use of tax credits. Separation of church and state is clearly stated in our Constitution. Elected officials with ties to alternative systems are proposing these changes. That is a blatant conflict of interest. I want my tax money to support our existing public school system.Susan J. Turner Port CharlotteGood experience at Englewood BeachEditor: Last month at Englewood Beach, I had the pleasure of meeting The Beach Guy,Ž who rents beach equipment and sells clothing promoting Englewood Beach. Unfortunately, he didnt have the shirt sizes and colors I requested, but offered to order them and ship them to me. We exchanged contact information, and surprisingly, two weeks after my return to Wisconsin, I received my shirts. At a time when the news is “lled with dishonesty and scams, I was very impressed with The Beach Guys integrity and perseverance in serving the customer.Ruth Danner Union Grove, Wisc.Fireghters saved a homeEditor: Thanks to the wellcoordinated efforts by 15 units of “re“ghters and the helicopter our houses were left intact. It was so scary when we had to evacuate. All animals, birds and rabbits were saved from smoke inhalation as well, due to the timely removal from the dense smoke. We are very grateful to you all who fought the “re with persistence and expertise.Brigitte Grassmann North Port Charlotte needs jobs, not more apartmentsEditor: Here we go again. Are the proposed apartments at Charlotte Commons workforce, as stated by the Sun, or are they lifestyle, as stated by the developer, PEG? I attended the April 17 meeting. Don Schrotenboer, president of PEG, stated that they were not workforce apartments, but rather lifestyle apartments. When I asked a member of the McCrory law “rm how much the rents were going to be, I was told they would start at $900. When asked when the latest traf“c impact study was done, nobody had an answer. Im pretty sure it was done before 2010. A lot has gone on since then in regards to traf“c. This area is highly congested and I think further studies should be done on the impact these apartments would have on traf“c in the area. Charlotte County should be trying to attract good-paying businesses to the area. If the good jobs are here, people will come. And, please, no more threats of a gentlemans club, hookah lounge, tattoo parlor, etc., going in that property if it is not approved for residential. Lastly, lets stop with the name calling, NIMBY and vocal minority. How childish.Pegi Wilder Port CharlottePerfect storm approaching in NPFDEditor: Eleven “re“ghter/ paramedics vacancies at the city of North Port is alarming. Incoming firefighters make $12.54 an hour, while sandwich-makers at Wawa are paid $13.50 hourly. On April 7, the fire chief reported, emergency calls are up more than 14 percent over March 2016 and up 17 percent over February 2017. Ambulance transports went from 360 last March to 406 in March 2017. In March, NPFD spent 3,384 hours training each person, only to have two new hires quit for higherpaying jobs in Charlotte and Sarasota. Those departments are paying $5,000 to $11,000 more than North Port. Others are vocal about leaving by the summer. NPFD has become a training ground paid for by taxpayers. It also takes many months to hire and train new first responders. How can we open a new fire station on Biscayne Boulevard with no employees? Furthermore, the city froze “re“ghter/EMTs step plans with no room for advancement or better pay. The 2018 contract must be reopened and changes made to keep our “re“ghters. Its condition critical as more than 17 “re“ghters with 10-30 years experience are in the DROP program and scheduled to end their careers in North Port in the next two years. When these firefighters all leave, the newer inexperienced ones are left fighting house and complicated brush fires and treating critical medical patients longer without a local hospital here. It could become the perfect storm for North Port.Pete Emrich North PortNobody owes anybody anythingEditor: Pat Buchanan says the United States has become an empire and is unlikely to ever again be a nation uni“ed under one discrete de“ning culture. Hes probably correct. The ancient Romans, and more recently the British, French and others, controlled their empires militarily and exploited their people and resources. Not a pretty picture. But today things are different. Empires are organized under global “nancial ties which, ironically, allow the satellites to counter exploit the controlling nation(s), usually at the expense „ “nancially, morally and culturally „ of its waning dominant demographic. Also not good. Were all in this together. Nobody owes anybody anything. Regardless of history or ethnicity, no able-bodied person has an exclusive claim to victim-hood or the moral rightŽ to demand never-ending tolerance, aid and succor at the expense of anyone else. Bill Hart Punta Gorda OUR VIEW LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name „ not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Sun Letters to the Editor, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. Readers may email Letters to the Editor at Further questions or information, call 941-681-3003. HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOREmail letters to letters@sun-herald.comPublisher „ Robert E. Lee Executive editor „ Jim Gouvellis Editorial page editor „ Stephen Baumann Commentary Editor „ John Hackworth V IEWPOINTGreat spirit, neverthelessAll communities bene“t from added value created by volunteer-based efforts. We know about the entrenched groups „ the Girl Scouts, arts societies and sports leagues, Meals on Wheels, food pantries and myriad church outreach missions. But there are smaller and quirkier groups that take on speci“c projects they believe will make their communities better places. One of those was the Spirit of Englewood, a solar-powered ferry initiative begun by a handful of residents three years ago. The idea was to form a nonpro“t that would buy a pontoon ferry that would make regular runs across Lemon Bay from the Dearborn Street Community Redevelopment Area to Manasota Key near Blind Pass Park beach. It might bring more people to the CRAs shops and restaurants. More visitors might go to the beach, or just take a boat ride. Solar power would add to the attraction. The nonpro“t was established. Volunteers met regularly to plan. They got some “nancial pledges. They worked the idea as best they could. And then, last month, they “nally abandoned ship. Neighbors nearest the docks objected. Environmental permitting issues emerged. Demand projections were iffy. And even though group members believed they could make a go of it, the projected annual $96,000 costs seemed a real stretch. Too bad. That shouldnt diminish the effort, though. Their goal was to bring something unusual to their community. Kudos for volunteer spirit. Let’s make ends meetIts easy to be against poverty. Its like being against hatred or war or one of those concepts that become a reality only when you are in it. Until the bullets are ”ying past your head, you have no clue what war is. Until you cant feed yourself „ or your kids „ you have no clue what poverty is. Michelle Saunders, the Charlotte County Homeless Coalitions Bridges Out of Poverty coordinator, wants us to have a clue. In a recent workshop, she invited the three economic classes here „ wealthy, middle and poor „ to sit down and talk to one another. The idea is that discourse will lead to a better understanding of the unwritten rules that govern each class, and the language and customs that make each distinct. The concept is an excellent opportunity for organizations to approach the problem from a different perspective. By understanding the barriers the poor face on a daily basis, members of the other two classes can better help. By understanding the cultural hurdles the other two classes must clear, the poor can more readily accept aid. Saunders talked about generational and situational poverty, but the immediate target is the 40 percent of Charlotte Countys population who live with a “nancial fuse that can be lit at any moment by the strike of one “nancial matchhead. This is not the homeless. This is not the vacant-eyed wandering with their hands out. This is people who live paycheck to paycheck, one big bill away from going down big time. Case in point. A single mom with four kids is making $9.50 an hour. Her rent is raised from $650 a month to $1,000 a month. No matter how artfully she works her bills, she is going to fall $350 a month short. Her option? Homelessness. If you think that is not a real case that exists in Charlotte County right now, youre not paying attention. So, by all means, lets talk among the three economic classes „ ourselves „ and come to a better understanding. Lets make ends meet.


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 C Our Town Page 19 High-tech cars, low-tech driversEditor: Autonomous vehicles are coming. When? They are already being tested with promising results. Most reports say the only incidents are from people running into them. No surprise there. We are seeing some of the new technology in the cars being produced today. Self-braking, self-parking, lane wandering and blind-spot alarms, are all showing up in newer cars. This should cut down on the number of accidents, or will it? Most good, attentive drivers dont need this new technology, and the ones that do will probably disable them. Why would they do that? The “rst safety devices, seat belts, began appearing more than 50 years ago. Along with the belts came bells, buzzers, dashboard lights and even female voices reminding us to, buckle up.Ž I read almost every day about a wreck where the passengers were seriously injured or killed because they were thrown from the vehicle, no seat belt. How could they drive around with the warnings going off? They disabled them, a simple task even for the simple-minded. Now comes the high tech stuff. Those people who insist on riding your bumper will be thwarted by the self-braking system. The folks who talk and text on their cell phones will have the lane wandering alarm to deal with. Will they change their driving habits? You cant cure stupid. I predict that soon, little shops will begin to appear between the tattoo parlors where you can have your new safety systems disconnected. Hmmmmm.Rick Garms EnglewoodAnother view of global warmingEditor: Media bias comes in many forms. Sundays front page article on the marches for science demonstrated one form. The opening paragraph started: Hundreds of thousands of scientists and their advocates turned out ƒ in Washington as part of a worldwide protest.Ž The intended impression is that scientists overwhelmingly support the man-made global warming theory. Another opening paragraph might start: A scientist and thousands of her big government socialist advocates turned out in Washington.Ž Using a quote from Michael Mann, whose infamous and often debunked hockey stick is another example of bias. An unbiased writing would have included that the hockey stick has been debunked by numerous scientists for its faulty methodology which cannot be replicated and in which he erroneously removed the medieval warming period. At least the authors didnt bring up the 97 percent of scientistsŽ support the man-made global warming canard. With a little digging you will “nd out that the truth is 97 percent of 79 scientists not the thousands usually inferred by former President Obama and other man-made warming extremists.Ron Chapman Punta GordaGrassroots organizations have unique characteristics and needs. This is especially true in the area of leadership. Many corporations operate on a hierarchal basis, but at the grassroots level, decisions where everyone participates are much more likely to be implemented successfully. Each member of the group brings their unique talents to the table and each volunteer needs to feel ownership of the decisionmaking process. This requires a much ”atter organizational hierarchy. Each year, some 300 volunteers bring their talents to TEAM Punta Gordas 20 committees. Weve had a great year with many accomplishments. Volunteers painted houses, organized community events and tackled complex issues, such as examining workforce housing needs. In order to sustain the leadership needed to oversee our growth, the Team Punta Gorda Board is rolling out a new plan for sharing leadership. The key positions in Team Punta Gorda (CEO, COO and CFO) will operate with a three-year leadership ladder. Each of these of“cers will have an assistant to share the workload and to succeed them. This will provide two people in each position to back each other up. We are also adding an of“ce administrator for support. This year, we plan to reduce our activity over the summer months. When many of our volunteers head north, we will take a break. Wed like to encourage new and old volunteers to serve in leadership roles. Why do this, you might ask? There is an enormous sense of satisfaction in making a difference in the town where you live. Its one way to have a voice in the community. There is the opportunity to be part of a high-spirited group of very talented people. It is also a great deal of fun. All of the processes and procedures needed for day-to-day operations are already in place. There is excellent support from the strongest board Team has ever had. Many of our experienced committee chairs are already in place to manage current and future projects. If this sounds interesting to you, let us know. Co-chairing a committee is a great place to start. We will be glad to “nd a place for you. The most creative ideas for community projects come from our volunteers. The community garden project at the Punta Gorda History Park is a “ne example of shared leadership. Team Punta Gorda volunteers built the garden with funding from Mosaic, and Team is responsible for the project for two years. The management team that is emerging is composed of the gardeners who have plots. This group of local gardeners is showing they have the right stuff to manage the community garden activities. They share the leadership of this project under the watchful eye of the Punta Gorda Historical Society and the city of Punta Gorda. We are very proud of the work they are doing and have con“dence in their emerging leadership. We see this as a great example of how complex projects can be managed by a group of people, thus spreading both the burdens and bene“ts. TEAM Punta Gorda really does have the best volunteers. Team Punta Gorda is a 501(c)(3) nonpro“t organization. Nancy Johnson is the CEO of TEAM Punta Gorda. Ideas or questions can be addressed to her at team@teampuntagorda. org. Or, call 941-637-TEAM (8326). Find a complete schedule of all upcoming activities, as well as more information about TEAM Punta Gorda, membership, or to volunteer, visit our website, Team Punta Gorda rolls out new leadership plan Team Punta GordaNancy Johnson VIEWPOINT LETTERS TO THE EDITORCharlotte Harbor is a boaters dream. Filled with peaceful coves, bays, mangrove lagoons and uncrowded beaches, the harbor is perfect for sailors, anglers, recreational boats, jet skis, kayaks and canoes. According to the 2015 Boating Accidents Statistical Report by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Boating Statistics Report, there were 21,662 registered vessels in Charlotte County in 2015, for a ratio of approximately one vessel per eight county residents. This is in addition to the estimated thousands of non registered vessels actively using our waterways, which can become congested as more residents and visitors utilize our water resources and enjoy Floridas boating lifestyle. Recreational boaters are required to comply with both the COLREGS and U.S. Inland nautical rules of the road. Thus, boating education is critical. Although Floridas mandatory boating safety education law only applies to boaters born after Jan. 1, 1988, everyone is encouraged to take the Americas Boating Course (www. americasboatingcourse. com). Yet, it is estimated that only 5 percent of all boaters on Charlotte County waters have obtained this certi“cation. Coast Guard statistics show that 80 percent of boaters who died in boating accidents were on boats whose operators had not received any formal boating safety instruction. FWC concluded, Statistics show us that the boat operator most likely to be involved in a boating accident is a middle-age or older male who has boating experience yet has never learned the most important safety considerations by having taken a boating safety course.Ž While some boaters may have years of boating experience elsewhere, operating a boat on our waters is a different matter, given our shallow waters, stormy summers, and the lateral marker system, among other things. In 2015, there were 737 reportable boating accidents in Florida resulting in 438 injuries and 55 fatalities. Of those who drowned, 85 percent were not wearing life jackets. Charlotte County reported three boating fatalities. According to the FWC and the Coast Guard, operator inattention and inexperience, improper lookout, excessive speed and navigation rules violations rank as the top contributing factors in accidents. Hazardous waters and weather are also major environmental factors. Alcohol was involved in one-third of all recreational boating accidents and 17 percent of boating fatalities. Boating safety and seamanship courses are offered by many organizations, including the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary ( and the U.S. Power Squadron (usps. org). Classes are typically free, aside from the cost of materials, and may help reduce boat insurance costs. Nationally, boat operators who had taken a boating safety course from these two organizations had the lowest rate (2 percent) of involvement in fatal accidents. The Coast Guards boating safety efforts involve public education programs, regulation of boat design and construction, approval of boating safety equipment, and vessel safety checks for compliance with federal and state safety requirements. Their mobile app provides services and information most commonly requested by boaters. The United States Power Squadrons (USPS) is Americas largest nonpro“t, boating educational and social organization dedicated to making boating safer and more enjoyable. With nearly 35,000 members, it is organized into over 450 squadrons across the country. The Peace River Sail and Power Squadron, with over 300 members, is the local chapter in Charlotte County. Its mission is three-fold: education, fellowship and civic service. The only requirements for membership are an interest in boating-related activities and an eagerness to meet like-minded people. You dont need a boat to join. They offer a variety of educational experiences for both novice and experienced boaters. Comprehensive courses and short seminars are designed to advance boaters know-how of seamanship and boat handling, piloting and navigation, boat systems maintenance, weather, sailing, cruise planning and other topics speci“cally created to meet the needs of todays boater. Squadron members enjoy fellowship through on-the-water activities, including cruises and rendezvous raft-ups. Activities ashore include dinner meetings with marine programs, picnics and “eld trips. The third component of their mission is civic-oriented. They offer the 12-hour Americas Boating Course for both members and non-members. To date, over 3 million people nationally and 5,000 locally have taken this course with the Power Squadron. Squadron members conduct courtesy vessel safety checks at the request of boat owners, and can obtain a Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number for their marine radio. You do not need to be a USPS member to access these services. Members also help the National Ocean Service keep our nautical charts accurate by reporting chart corrections. The local Power Squadron participates in several community improvement projects, such as periodic cleanups of Bayshore Park in Charlotte Harbor, and maintaining the Sea Tow sponsored life vest trees located throughout the county. Safety Demonstration Days are another community service performed by the Power Squadron. These sessions offer opportunities for boaters to get free instruction and practice using emergency devices such as ”ares, aerial rockets and “re extinguishers, and to learn about hurricane preparedness for their boat. The next one is scheduled for Saturday, May 20, at the Punta Gorda Boat Club on West Retta Esplanade starting at 10 a.m. For more information about the Peace River Sail and Power Squadron, visit or call 941-676-2347. Bill Abbatematteo is a member of the Charlotte County Curmudgeon Club. Readers may reach him via cccurclub@embarqmail. com. The Curmudgeon Club website is www. is key to boating safety, enjoyment Curmudgeon ClubBill Abbatematteo OVER 175 STYLES AND FINISHES CHOOSE YOUR MOTOR OVER 290 STYLES AND FINISHES OVER 35 STYLES AND FINISHES OF ARBOR BLADESCHOOSE YOUR BLADES OVER 1150 STYLES AND FINISHES CHOOSE YOUR LIGHTING DAN'S FAN CITY QUALITY FANS, EXPERT ADVICE FOR OVER 36 YEARS!PARTS, SERVICE & INSTALLATION AVAILABLE BRING IN THIS AD FOR FANTASTIC SUMMER SAVINGS WHEN YOU THINK FANS, THINK DAN'S! LIC#EC13004528 DANSFANCITY.COMVENICE1965C S. Tamiami497-3267 PT. CHARLOTTE2586 N. Tamiami627-6933SARASOTA6728 U.S. 41924-9611 adno=50513015 SECOND OPINIONS WELCOMED Call Today for a Complimentary Consultation: 941.249.4503 Maple Leaf Plaza € 2200 Kings Hwy., Port Charlotte € We Service and repair: Starkey, MicroTech, Siemens, Rexton, Oticon, Phonak and many more. If your hearing aids are not working properly, schedule a complimentary analysis. Bedroom drawers dont need to hear! 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Our Town Page 20 C The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS OBITUARIESCHARLOTTE Phyllis Gwen McKnightPhyllis Gwen McKnight, 77, of Cordesville, South Carolina, formerly of Port Charlotte, Florida, and a retired assistant principal at Neil Armstrong Elementary School, died Sunday, April 23, 2017, in a Charleston hospital. Miss McKnight was born July 16, 1939, in Kingstree, South Carolina, to Philip N. McKnight and Olive Bishop McKnight. She was a member of the Edgewater United Methodist Church in Port Charlotte and Phi Delta Kappa. Miss McKnight was a graduate of Berkeley High School, Winthrop College and the University of South Florida. Her greatest accomplishment was being awarded Teacher of the Year by the state of Florida. She is survived by two brothers, H. Eddie McKnight and his wife Dianne, and Jerry B. McKnight and his wife Tina, both of Cordesville; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by two sisters, Frances M. Wilder and Alva M. Williams; and a brother, P. Wayne McKnight. All services will be private, according to Dial-Murray Funeral Home, Moncks Corner. In lieu of ”owers, memorials may be sent to the American Cancer Society, 5900 Core Road, Suite 504, North Charleston, SC 29406, in memory of Alva McKnight Williams and P. Wayne McKnight. Online condolences may be sent to the family via www.dial-murray Marie NohlAngela Marie Nohl, 32, of Punta Gorda, Florida, passed away Wednesday, April 26, 2017. She was born April 12, 1985, in Canton, Ohio, to Thomas and Lynn Nohl. Angela moved to North Port in 2002. She graduated from Venice High School in 2003, and earned a bachelors degree from Florida Southern College in 2007. She is survived by her parents, Thomas and Lynn Nohl of North Port; and brother, Thomas L. T.L.Ž Nohl, also of North Port. A memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 3, 2017, at Edgewater United Methodist Church in Port Charlotte. To send a condolence or share a memory visit www. Arrangements are by Farley Funeral Home, North Port Chapel.ENGLEWOOD Chas GorrillChas Gorrill died Saturday, April 15, 2017, and I have lost the love of my life. He was born on Aug. 26, 1950, in Englewood, New Jersey. Chas always wanted to write his own obituary, but he never did. So it is up to me, Charlene Gorrill, his loving wife, to try to put this into his words. He loved to be the center of attention, but not with sadness. He had a beautiful big smile, ”ashed it often and would say, If you cant have fun, dont go!Ž The Lord blessed him with a gift for life and now he has given it back. As a veteran of the Air Force, he was very patriotic, always thinking of the troops.Ž He loved to talk about anything! Politics, his opinion, veterans, golfing, boating, music, ladies. Enjoying his memories and all his stories, are his sons, Jack, John and Adam; and granddaughters, Jessica and Julie. He loved our family and the wide motley bunch of yahoos he called friends! A celebration of Chas will be held at 2 p.m., Friday, May 5, 2017, at South Biscayne Baptist Church. Please, instead of flowers, do an unexpected act of kindness for some unfortunate soul in the name of God. He would love that. Spend time with family, take a walk with a loved one and toast enduring friendships. Chas, Dad, Grandpa, leaves us with an echo of laughing, happy times and bright sunny days. That is his legacy.NORTH PORTThere were no deaths reported in North Port Friday. DESOTOThere were no deaths reported in DeSoto Friday. Ann GordonRemembering Ann GordonOn the morning of Friday, April 29, 2016, Ann Gordon awoke full of hopes, dreams, aspirations, faith and energy. In many areas of her life she had achieved or was on her way to attaining the things that mattered most to her. Already an established entrepreneur, motivational speaker, mentor to youth and respected high school teacher, Ann continued to stretch herself wanting to gain more knowledge and credentials in her quests to empower individuals and improve her community. To this end, Ann had begun her doctoral program with ambitions of obtaining her Ph.D. within 2 to 3 years. Yes, Ann was internally driven, propelled by her passion to help others maximize their potential. On that fateful day, Ann would go on about the business of living. As she did every morning, Ann began her day praying with her precious son and ensured he was prepared for a good day at school; anyone who knew Ann will attest that she was a devoted mother who was dedicated to her child. Keeping with her routine, she arrived at North Port High School well before her scheduled time so that she could be available to students who needed extra time and attention, or simply needed a caring adult to listen and guide them through whatever issues they faced. She would always close her conversations with students with encouraging words, a warm hug, a gentle pat, a high-“ve or a ”ash of her broad beautiful smile that emanated from deep within her heart and sparkled through her eyes. Her lunch hour would be spent interacting with students and making plans for the upcoming week. As the work day ended Ann and a friend con“rmed their plans to meet later that evening. In the hours between, she and her son spent time together reading, singing, laughing and packing for his weekend as he would be visiting his father. At 7 p.m., Ann and her son arrived at the designated location; she anticipated that this would be an ordinary parent-to-parent exchange, and she would continue with her plans. But it was not so. In the spur of a moment her life on earth ended; her physical body would be no more. However, her spirit, her legacy, her commitment to improving educational outcomes for at-risk youth, and her focus on promoting autism awareness lives on. We, Anns parents, sibling, friends, colleagues, students, neighbors and business partners are inspired by her life to continue the work that she began. The community joined us in celebrating Anns life at a candlelight vigil in her honor on Friday, April 28, 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the McDonalds parking lot at the Promenades Mall in Port Charlotte (north side of US 41 & Harbor Blvd). I Loving Memoy The family would like to extend a special thank you to Deborah Murphy for her care of Phyllis in her time of need. CHARLOTTE COUNTY COMMISSION „ HOW THEY VOTED BILL TRUEX District 3 KEN DOHERTY District 1 CHRIS CONSTANCE District 2 JOE TISEO District 5 STEPHEN R. DEUTSCH District 4Approved a contract amendment adding $757,373 to the contract with Florida Transportation Engineers, of Punta Gorda, for designing the Olean Boulevard project. There is no timetable yet on when Olean Boulevard will be widened from a three-lane road to ve lanes, from U.S. 41 to Easy Street. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $10.3 million, most of which will be funded by 1 percent sales tax revenue. YES ABSTAIN YES YES YES Tabled a resolution that called for fee increases for using of facilities and services of the county Community Services Department. Commissioners said further discussion is needed on the comprehensive proposal, which would boost user fees for recreational programs and facility rentals, along with a setting new library ne policies. YES YES YES YES YES Approved lower speed limits for a number of roadways across the county. Commissioner Stephen R. Deutsch objected to lowering the speed limits on Gasparilla Road and Winchester Boulevard. He said Gasparilla Road, in particular, should not have the maximum speed dropped from 55 mph to 50 mph because it was just widened and is safer than ever. Commissioners said the lower speed limit on Gasparilla Road was needed to comply with state statutes and meet Florida Department of Transportation rules, but may be increased following a new trac speed study. YES YES YES NO YES Approved a burn ban on certain outdoor res and on the private use of reworks and sparklers. The ban was ordered due to the existing dry conditions and increased threat of wildres that continue to plague the area. The temporary emergency action will remain in eect until the chance of wildre is reduced. YES YES YES YES YES Approved a work order of $196,384 for Kisinger Campo & Associates Corporation, of Fort Myers, to design Sandhill Boulevard improvements. Plans call for adding turn lanes on Sandhill Boulevard at the intersections of Capricorn and Deep Creek boulevards, reconguring the roads approach to Kings Highway and softening the 90-degree curve on Sandhill Boulevard. The estimated project cost is $5 million. YES YES YES YES YES COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFSDaughters of the American Revolution to meet Hickory Bluff Chapter NSDAR will hold its next dinner meeting, with a 5:45 p.m. social and 6:15 p.m. meeting, on May 11 at Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club, 4400 Lister St., Port Charlotte. Cost is $25 per person. Reservations are requested in advance. For more information, or to make a reservation, call 941-628-6428.Punta Gorda road work scheduledBeginning the week of May 1 through May 5, (weather and equipment operations permitting) milling and pavement resurfacing is scheduled on the following roadways: € Zafra Court; € Port Bendres Drive cul-de-sac to cul-de-sac; € Paola Drive from Port Bendres Drive to cul-de-sac. Each road will be open to local traf“c only. Detours and impact to traf“c are to be anticipated. Hours of operation will be between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. When driving in the area, motorists are encouraged to drive with extreme caution and be alert for workers in the right of ways. For more information on this project, call 941-575-5060.Qualifying time announcedAt noon on June 19 is the “rst day candidates can qualify for the Nov. 7 City Election for the purpose of electing two council members, one each from District 3 and District 5. Qualifying ends at noon on June 23. Council members serve a two-year term. Candidate packets are now available through the City Clerks Of“ce, City Hall, 326 W. Marion Ave., and at For information or questions regarding city candidate qualifying, contact Karen Smith, City Clerk, at 941-575-3369 or email County Retired Educators to meetThe Charlotte County Retired Educators will meet at 10: 45 a.m. on Wednesday at the Port Charlottes Womans Club, 20271 Tappan Zee Drive. This will be the scholarship luncheon and members need to take a covered dish to share and a $5 fee for meat. Also, take an item valued at $10 for the silent auction. This will be the last meeting for the summer. Fall meetings start in October. Anyone retired from any school board in any position and from any state is invited to join us. For more information call 941-25-7312.Notice of public meetingThe Florida Local Government Finance Commission announces a public meeting to which all interested persons are invited. The meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday at 2502 Rocky Point Drive, Suite 1060, Tampa. The meeting of the commission will be for purposes of reviewing the statewide pooled commercial paper loan program for Florida governmental entities. The commission is an unincorporated, nonpro“t association. Its members are comprised of Brevard, Charlotte, Collier, Lee, Osceola and Sarasota counties of Florida.Lecture scheduledSpecies are more alike than they are different and most species survive by cooperating. Kate Borduas, CHEC Master Naturalist, will hold a lecture at 10 a.m. on Thursday at Bayshore Live Oak Park, 23157 Bayshore Road, Charlotte Harbor, to explore and discuss the amazing diversity of life on Earth through the evolution of cooperation. This free program is made available in cooperation with Charlotte County Parks & Natural Resources, and is coordinated by the Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center (CHEC). For more information or to register, call 941-475-0769. Seating is limited.New art exhibit plannedThe Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Charlotte County, 1532 Forrest Nelson Blvd., in Port Charlotte, will host a new art exhibit from May 2 through June 29, featuring the paintings of two talented Punta Gorda artists. Judy Rehill paints in various mediums and will also display her stained glass, jewelry and fiber pieces. Jane Dickinsons acrylic paintings often focus on nature and wildlife. She will also display her pottery. The public is invited to the free opening reception from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on May 5. Come meet these versatile artists and view their work. For more information, call 941-627-4303. adno=50513444 TAYLOR FUNERAL and Cremation Services L arr y € Now Available to you 24 hrs A Day At Your Convenience Old Fashioned Service at a Price You Can Afford A sk Larry: Im a veteran, but can we still use a National Cemetery if my wife dies first? Yes, you can, and the cost is still free for the cemetery lot, marker, vault, and opening/ closing. We believe in giving straight answers to your questions. Nobody likes unexpected surprises. 1515 Tamiami Trl, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (941) 833-0600 2002-2016


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 C Our Town Page 21 Life is better when you get out of the car and walk. Or bike. Or kayak. So we designed not just a town, but an entirely new kind of town. One that enables you to do just that. Walk to school and to work. Bike to the store or to wilderness. Engage with your neighbors, your environment and yourself. Enjoy luxurious amenities at an unluxurious price. Youve always known a better life was out there. Now you know exactly where to “nd it. A better lifeBABCOCKRANCH.COM 888-651-4019 Broker participation is welcome. Prices, plans, speci“cations and community design are subject to change. Oral representations cannot be relied upon as correctly stating the representations of the developer. For correct information regarding Babcock Ranch, interested par ties should refer to written materials provided by the developer, legislative acts related to Babcock Ranch and the covenants and restrictions of the Babcock Ranch Residential Association, Inc. The information provided above is no t intended to be an oering and should be considered as infor mational only.LIFE WASNT MEANT TO BE EXPERIENCED THROUGH YOUR DRIVERS SIDE WINDOW. adno=50512839


Our Town Page 22 C The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 ARCADIA „ DeSoto County continues to have Lemon Bays softball number. For the third time this season, and sixth in a row, DeSoto County defeated Lemon Bay, this time with a 5-3 win in the District 5A-12 championship game. Its also the second straight season the Bulldogs have bested the Manta Rays for the district title. The Bulldogs broke a 3-3 tie with a two-run “fth inning and delivered clutch hits throughout the night to earn a home date with Booker in Wednesdays region quarter“nals. The loss will put Lemon Bay on the road against District 5A-11 champion Bayshore, which defeated the Manta Rays 11-0 in last seasons region quarter“nals. Were de“nitely disappointed. It was a well-played game. It was a difference of them having a couple of clutch hits and us not,Ž Lemon Bay coach Kim Pinkham said. We had six hits from four different people and we needed more than that and we didnt have it. But it was still a good game. The nice thing is we still get to play next week.Ž Hannah England ultimately delivered the game-winning run on a ground out that scored Chelsea Whitmore in the “fth after Whitemore led off with a single. Malyssa Jeters RBI single then followed to bring DeKoda Johnson home after she had reached on a bunt single. It was the insurance England needed to shut the door on the pitchers mound. Whitemore and Jeter each went 2-for-3 against Lemon Bay starter Logan Johnson, who pitched a complete game and gave up all “ve runs earned on seven hits and four walks while striking out one. Weve out-hit them before and lost. I mean, we played good defense tonight but it always comes down to a few clutch hits against them,Ž Pinkham said. All the way around that was a good game to watch. That was a wellplayed game. There was a lot of good softball in that game. Yes, were disappointed to lose, but were thankful we get to keep playing.Ž Kasi Shaffer had three of Lemon Bays six hits and accounted for all three of its runs, which included a tworun home run to center“eld to tie the game 3-3 in the top of the “fth. She also hit a double and scored on an error in the second to put Lemon Bay up 1-0 early on. The senior was afraid she wouldnt even be able to play as she showed up in the wrong jersey after rushing to the game from Tampa, where she competed in the discus throw for the Lemon Bay track & “eld team in regionals. But the umpires let her play, or otherwise, the game may not have been as close, considering the rest of the lineup went 1-for-6 with runners in scoring position. I was such an idiot. Who does that?Ž Shaffer said of her jersey mishap. But were not hitting the ball when we need to. We need to hit the ball with clutch hits. We had six hits but I had three of them. That doesnt work. Everyone needs to hit, not just a few people.Ž England kept Lemon Bays lineup off balance just enough to earn the win, striking out “ve and retiring the “nal seven batters she faced in a complete game effort. She also had one of the biggest hits of the night, a three-run home run to left “eld that put the Bulldogs ahead 3-1 in the third.Contact Kroeger at 941-206-1175 or email jkroeger@sun-herald,comDESOTO COUNTY 5, LEMON BAY 3Lemon Bay 010 020 0 „ 3 6 0 DeSoto County 003 020 x „ 5 7 2 WP: Hannah England. LP: Logan Johnson. Leading hitters: (LB) Kasi Shaer 3-3, HR, 2B, 2 RBI, 2 R; (DC) Hannah England 1-3, HR, 4 RBI, R; Malyssa Jeter 2-3, RBI; DeKoda Johnson 2-3, BB, 2 R. Records: DeSoto County 15-12, Lemon Bay 12-12.DeSoto does another number on Lemon BayBy JORDAN KROEGERSPORTS WRITER PREP SOFTBALL: DeSoto County 5, Lemon Bay 3Bulldogs win sixth straight in series SUN PHOTOS BY STEVE KNAPPKasi Shaer is greeted by her Lemon Bay teammates after a two-run home run that tied DeSoto County in the fth inning. Shaer also had two doubles and scored another run in the Manta Rays 5-3 loss in Thursdays district championship. Lemon Bays Karlie Sweiderk heads to rst base after dropping down a bunt in the rst inning. PREP BASEBALL: North Port 3, Palmetto 2NORTH PORT „ Brandin Munizs single with two outs in the bottom of the seventh inning Thursday night scored Dominic LeFever from third base as North Port closed its regular season with a 3-2 win over Palmetto in a non-district baseball game. The Bobcats and Tigers were tied 2-2 entering the bottom of the seventh when LeFever led off by getting hit by a pitch from reliever Byron Bickford. Logan Polston laid down a sacri“ce bunt, and when Tigers “rst baseman Kyle Quiles threw to second base to try to get LeFever overrunning the bag, the wild throw rolled into left “eld, allowing LeFever to go to third. It was Palmettos sixth error of the night. Kennedy Stephens struck out looking, but with two strikes, Muniz punched a ground ball in between “rst and second base for the walk-off hit. I really wasnt trying to do anything much,Ž Muniz said. Obviously youre thinking in the back of your head that you want to get the game-winning hit, but he got ahead of me in the count and at that point I was swinging at anything that was close. I was not trying to go down looking, so I happened to get a dribbler through the right side and it ended up working out, instead of trying to pull everything like I normally do. It actually worked out going opposite side one time.Ž Added North Port coach Dan Pavlue: It was great to see and a big con“dencebooster for (Muniz). It was a good swing with two strikes, shortening up and letting the baseball get to the zone and hitting the baseball the other way. It didnt have to be pretty, but it got the job done. So Im very happy for him and happy for the team.Ž The game was scoreless until the bottom of the third when North Port took a 1-0 lead. Charlie Davidson reached on an error by Tiger shortstop Harrison Thiel, stole second, and scored on Nathan Vetters double to left. The Bobcats loaded the bases with one out thanks to two more Palmetto errors, but couldnt add any more runs. Defensive lapses by North Port let Palmetto tie the score in the top of the fourth. With two outs, Bobcat starter Ben Krizen struck out Colton Vincent and should have been out of the inning, but Vincent reached “rst on a passed ball. Austin Hart reached on an error and Gunner Womers single drove home Vincent. Palmetto (14-11) took a 2-1 lead in the “fth when DH Jacob Joseys ”y ball down the right-“eld line fell in for a triple and starting pitcher Logan Frasier followed with an RBI single. The Bobcats (11-14) got the equalizer in the bottom of the sixth as Dillon Garrett led off with a base hit, was sacri“ced to second by Tyler OBoyle, and went to third on Brandon Crosss bunt single. Garrett came home on Davidsons single to right. Reliever Charlie Topp held Palmetto hitless over the “nal two innings, setting the stage for Munizs seventh-inning heroics. The kids played hard tonight,Ž Pavlue said. It was good to see going into the post-season to be able to get a victory. We got a lot of different guys in the game and they all stepped up and played hard. They had the right attitude tonight and they did enough to get a win.Ž Added Muniz: It de“nitely feels good always to win a ball game. Especially that bunt put down that Dom got to third on with aggressive base running, so a routine single wins the game.ŽNORTH PORT 3, PALMETTO 2Palmetto 000 110 0 „ 2 4 6 North Port 001 001 1 „ 3 8 3 WP: Charlie Topp; LP: Byron Bickford. Leading hitters: (NP) Dillon Garrett 2-3, run; Charlie Davidson 1-4, run, RBI; Nathan Better 1-3, 2B, RBI; Brandin Muniz 1-4, RBI; (P) Jacob Josey 2-4, 3B, run. Records: Palmetto 14-11; North Port 11-14.Bobcats finish with win on rally in 7thBy BRUCE ROBINSSUN CORRESPONDENT SUN PHOTOS BY TOM ONEILLNorth Ports Dillon Garrett has the tag waiting for Palmettos Brock Blaney on his attempted steal of second base. North Port scored a run in the bottom of the seventh inning Thursday night to close its regular season with a 3-2 victory. North Ports Dominic LeFever slides safely into third base with a triple in the rst inning. LeFever scored the winning run for the Bobcats in the seventh. PREP ROUNDUPLemon Bay qualifies five for stateFive individuals and one relay team from the Lemon Bay track and “eld teams are headed to next weeks Class 2A state meet in Bradenton thanks to their performances at Thursdays Region 2A-3 meet in Tampa. Kelsi Ogilvie was at it again, winning a regional title in the 3200 meters while also taking home “rst place on Lemon Bays girls 4x800 relay team with Chloe Mitchell, Kristen Robinson and Maddison Welch. That quartet scorched the “eld by nearly seven seconds. Ogilvie also “nished second in 1600 meters to qualify for state in three events. Individually, Robinson quali“ed for state in the 3200 meters with a third-place “nish while Welch will compete in the 800 meters after “nishing third on Thursday. Two Manta Rays from the boys team also quali“ed for the state meet. Dylan Brady won a regional championship in the high jump while Brayden Curry took home a regional crown in the shot put.NORTH PORT REGIONALNorth Ports track and field team will be at George Jenkins High School in Lakeland today for the Region 4A-2 meet. The Bobcats qualified 10 girls and five boys for the event at last weeks District 4A-8 meet. Alexis Francavilla leads the North Port contingent after qualifying in three individual events as well as a relay as a member of the 4 x 400 team with Emani Jefferson, Armani Seale and Daham-shel Jean that placed second. STAFF REPORT LOCAL SPORTS Contact usJordan Kroeger € Staff writer jkr or 941-206-1185 Bryan Levine € Staff writer or 941-206-1122 Rick Nolte € Sports editor or 941-206-1175 EMAIL: FAX: 941-629-2085 SunCoast Sports NowWhen news breaks, we blog it at www.suncoast Like us and share our photos on Facebook: SunCoastSports Follow us on Twitter for live updates and breaking news: @SunCoastSports How to ƒSubmit a story idea: Email or call Rick Nolte at 941-206-1175. Must contain name, address and number. Report a high school result: Call 877-818-6204 or 941-206-1175. To report an error: Call the sports department at 941-206-1175 or email


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 C Our Town Page 23 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFSHot air balloon to appearThe RE/MAX hot air balloon is scheduled to appear from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. today at the Relay for Life Race at Port Charlotte High School, 18200 Cochran Blvd. The balloon participation at this event was organized by RE/MAX Palm Realty to help raise money and awareness for American Cancer Societys Relay for Life in Port Charlotte. The legendary RE/MAX balloon will give four hours of nonstop and unforgettable tethered rides, with 100 percent of the donations go to Relay for Life. For more information, call 941-275-1082.Benefit for March of DimesBayfront Health and Painting with a Twist, an art and social studio in Port Charlotte, will host a Painting with a Purpose charity event from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday at 8700 Veterans Blvd., to bene“t the 2017 March for Babies. Proceeds from this evenings event will be donated to the March of Dimes. To date, Painting with a Twist studios have raised over $1 million for local charities. To join in the fun, for a good cause, visit Paint4Babies and reserve your seat.Germanic Genealogy Society meeting scheduledThe Southwest Florida Germanic Genealogy Society will hold its annual German luncheon meeting at 11:30 a.m. May 6 at Sandras Restaurant, 111 W. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda. This is for members and guests. Reservations required. For more information or to make reservations, contact 239-243-9414 or kenneth.n.weaver@gmail. For Advertising Opportunities On Our Sun Coast Home & Garden Page Call: 941-205-6406 adno=50514277 H OME G ARDEN Advertisement Advertisement S UN C OAST Protect Your Biggest Investment With Happy Home Services One of the most efficient and effective ways to boost your homes curb appeal and dcor is to apply a fresh coat of paint. Newly applied paint can make a home look cleaner, newer, and more elegant both inside and out. Paint on a home in Florida is not only about dcor but it is imperative to your homes longevity. If you have excessive cracks and areas where stucco has become compromised, you have a good possibility of water intrusion, mold growth or much more expensive repairs. Stucco being maintained, cracks being filled and a good chalk sealer will assure you years of protection. Happy Home Services in Port Charlotte has several painting teams that provide interior and exterior painting services to their customers year-round. Theres no better time to paint your home than right now, before the start of rainy season. The Happy Home teams are more than just experts in painting; theyre also experts in cleaning and treating the surfaces to be painted. Outside, our teams pressure wash the surface and check for cracks and damage that needs to be repaired before painting,Ž said Tammy Lockhart who is the showroom manager at Happy Homes Services. We show the homeowner any problem areas, make repairs and seal the surface to make it waterproof.Ž The team will dig down four to six inches around the perimeter of the home and clean the exposed area with a wire brush, then a basement seal and chalk sealer will be applied before painting. Inside, Happy Home Services will handle any paint job, whether its one small room or the entire home. As experts in mold remediation, the team is trained to be alert to the signs of growth. Where some painters might just paint over mold, Happy Home Services will find whats causing it and fix the problem before painting. Oftentimes, painting can be a necessary step after other problems occur. So why not contact a company that can take care of it all? Happy Home Services is known for its expertise in water, fire and storm damage repairs. When disaster strikes after hours, which it often does, call the companys main phone number and someone will return your call immediately. Happy Homes will handle the problem from start to finish and even coordinate with your insurance company. For a free estimate on painting, flooring, design, cleaning, repair or any other service or emergency, contact Happy Home Services by calling 941-766-0115 or visit them at 2144 El Jobean Road in Port Charlotte. Log on to the companys website at The Company That Does It AllŽ Licensed € Bonded € Insured Lic.#CGC1519246 941.766.0115 2144 EL JOBEAN ROAD PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33948 € Serving Charlotte County & Surrounding Areas Since 1986 € 24 Hour Emergency Service € State Certified Mold Remediation € Over 30+ Years Experience Design & Flooring Center 2006-2016 Specializing in Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling adno=50512979 Weve got your carpet covered.Youre on your own with the kid! FLOORS R2X, Shaws Stain & Soil Resistance System, allows you the freedom to live fearlessly on your oor. Spills stay on the surface of the carpet so you have time to clean them up before they soak into the ber. OURS SALE PRICE starting at $1.49/SF 4 colors in stock 261 W. Marion Ave. Punta Gorda, FL (941) 639-2610 Other Store Locations in Ft. Myers & Naples M-F 8am to 6pm € Sat. 9am to 5pm € Sun. 1pm to 5pm Family Owned & Operated Since 1951 adno=50513326 OPEN SUNDAYS 1PM TO 5PM Dare to Experience The Friendly Floors Difference! Thankful to be Consistently Voted #1 Flooring Store! adno=50512993 adno=50513439


Our Town Page 24 C The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSCHARLOTTE COUNTY „ Robert BuckyŽ McQueen strolls into Copper“sh Books in downtown Punta Gorda, greeting store co-owner Serena Wyckoff with a question: Is the book in yet? The encounter is friendly, familiar and says a lot about both individuals. McQueens request is not surprising in that he has ordered more than 100 books since the store opened “ve years ago. And it is predictable that the books topic is Charlotte County history, covering subjects such as cow hunters, archeology or trailblazing pioneers. After all, the McQueen family is ingrained in county history. His grandfather moved to Punta Gorda around 1902, while his father was involved in agriculture and cattle, eventually becoming Charlottes “rst extension agent. McQueen himself made his mark as a local entrepreneur, who for decades organized the Florida International Air Show. And through it all, he has worked tirelessly to breathe new life into Charlottes past, mining these books for interesting nuggets, then turning them over to various historical repositories. His quest could not be achieved without Copper“sh, a key community resource for those with an inquisitive nature. They have a good selection and are very accommodating about ordering books,Ž he explained. Wyckoff is more than happy to oblige McQueen and his like-minded cohorts, and willing to reciprocate. If we see something that we think theyll like, well call them and let them know,Ž she said. For them, its all about preserving local history.Ž For Wyckoff, its all about preserving literary culture and the simple pleasure of reading. As an independent bookstore owner, she has made it her lifes work to guide others through the world of literature. Today is the third annual Independent Bookstore Day, celebrating the diversity of knowledge found on bookshelves across the country. And it is a tribute to the individually owned book nooks that also serve as community centers for the exchange of books and ideas. Places like Copper“sh Books in downtown Punta Gorda, Sandman Book Company in the Turtle Crossing Plaza and Port Charlottes Book Trader offer new and used books. They also provide a quiet sanctuary from the plugged-in, constantly updated world in which we live. At Sandman, which opened in 2009, readers enjoy a wide selection of material. Currently, many are particularly interested in page-to-screen gems such as Hidden Figures,Ž The CircleŽ and The Zookeepers Wife,Ž all now playing in theaters, said owner Heidi Lange. People tend to want to read the book “rst,Ž she said. At Saturdays special event, the Sandman store will welcome costumed characters for storytime, including Beauty, Jack the Pirate, Esmeralda, Hawaiian Princess, Rebel Princess, Tinkerbell, Cinderella and the Queen of Hearts. The story begins at 11:30 a.m., followed by a photo opportunity with childrens favorite heroes and princesses. Every guest will have a chance to talk to his or her favorite character,Ž Lange said. Likewise, Copper“sh Books in Punta Gorda will be observing the occasion with refreshments, bookmark coloring for kids and adults, and a chance to win a bag of books. Meanwhile, Book Trader in the Charlotte Square shopping center also will be celebrating its 30th anniversary with discounts on clearance items. Marian Zanot has been proprietor for the last dozen years and willingly reveals her secret to success. We take books in from customers to give them trade value,Ž she said. That way, everybody makes out. There are more books for the store and more money for customers to buy more books.Ž Zanot said her clientele is comprised of both young and old. There are still kids who actually like to read, even though may have been raised on e-books. Bless their little hearts,Ž she said. They like the feel of a book in their hands.ŽEmail: groberts@sun-herald.comBookstores declare independenceBy GARY ROBERTSSTAFF WRITER LOCAL INDEPENDENT BOOKSTORESBook Trader Paperback Exchange, Charlotte Square Mall, 2150 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte Sandman Book Company, Turtle Crossing Plaza, 16480 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda Copperfish Books, 103 W. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda SUN PHOTOS BY GARY ROBERTSCo-owner Serena Wycko and Coppersh Books relocated to downtown Punta Gorda a year ago, generating more foot trac into the store. Marian Zanot is the proprietor of Book Trader in Charlotte Square, commemorating its 30th year of buying, selling and trading books. Local writers, readers and bookstore owner Heidi Lange, top right, join together at the famous Bridge of Knowledge, a permanent art installation built from recycled books at the Sandman Book Company on Burnt Store Road. CHARLOTTE COUNTY „ Local schools recently earned recognition in U.S. News and World Reports list of 2017 Best High Schools.Ž It is our pleasure to announce that Lemon Bay High School, Port Charlotte High School and FSW Collegiate High School earned the prestigious recognition of 2017 Best High Schools by US News & World Report!Ž a Charlotte County Public Schools press release stated. The Best High School rankings identify the countrys top-performing public high schools ƒ U.S. News started out reviewing 28,496 public high schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. That number was reduced to 20,487 schools that were eligible to be ranked.Ž The list ranks schools based on their performance on state tests and college preparation. The press release states that data from the 201415 school year was used for these schools to earn the following awards: € Port Charlotte High School: Silver € Lemon Bay High School: Silver € Florida SouthWestern Collegiate High School: Bronze Only 2.4 percent of schools on the list get the Gold award, which goes to the Top 500 schools college readiness, according to U.S. News and World Report. The Silver award goes to 10.3 percent of schools that have less college readiness than Gold, but are high performing. The Bronze award goes to 16.8 percent of schools that have high performance on exams, while 70.5 percent receive no medal.SWAT demonstrated dangers of tobacco The Port Charlotte Middle School after school club, Students Working Against Tobacco, recently used in”atable pig lungs to demonstrate the dangers of using tobacco, according to a release. The demonstration took place in the schools media center. Michelle Stanley serves as the SWAT coordinator and Lisa Chapin as the after-school club sponsor. The healthy lung simulates the lungs of a person who has been exposed to normal amounts of air pollutants, and the unhealthy lung simulates one who has smoked a pack of cigarettes per day for 20 years,Ž the release stated. To submit more local school news, please email sbrokaw@sun-herald. com.CCPS earn national recognition PHOTOS PROVIDED BY SALLY LUTZA Port Charlotte Middle School after school club, Students Working Against Tobacco, demonstrated the dangers of using tobacco with inatable pig lungs on April 20 in the schools media center. Olivia Chapin views a healthy lung compared to one contaminated by smoking and chemicals. Students Working Against Tobacco members are pictured at Port Charlotte Middle School with advisor Lisa Chapin. adno=715188 NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Charlotte County, Florida, in regular session assembled on the 25th day of April, 2017, adopted a Resolution closing, vacating and abandoning the following described properties: SV-16-11-05 P.G.B.K. Properties, L.C. is requesting to vacate a portion of Tribune Boulevard, a total of 0.76 acres, more or less, part of Tropical Gulf Acres Unit 7 Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 99C, of the Public Records of Charlotte County, Florida. The targeted segment is located south of Tuckers Grade, north of Lamontier Drive, west of Estrella Boulevard, and east of Tamiami Trail, in Section 02, Township 42, Range 23, in Commission District II. DESCRIPTION FOR TRIBUNE BOULEVARD STREET VACATION: A portion of Tribune Boulevard, illustrated as East Tropical Boulevard on the map of Tropical Gulf Acres Unit 7, Section 2 Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Pages 99A through 99I of the public records of Charlotte County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the intersection of the Northeasterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 41 Tamiami Trail and the Northwesterly right-of-way line of Tribune Boulevard, thence bear N.600710ŽE., along the Northwesterly rightof-way line of Tribune Boulevard, a distance of 292.23 feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 407.90 feet; thence Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve and Northwesterly right-of-way line, a chord bearing and distance of N.521135ŽE., 112.50 feet, through a central angle of 155110Ž, a distance of 112.86 feet to the Southwesterly right-of-way line of the Atlantic Coastline Railroad; thence S.454400ŽE., along said Southwesterly line, radial to last curve, a distance of 80.00 feet to the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Tribune Boulevard, on the arc of a circular curve symmetrical with last curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 487.90 feet; thence Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve and Southeasterly right-of-way line, a chord bearing and distance of S.521135ŽW., 134.56 feet, through a central angle of 155110Ž, a distance of 134.99 feet to the Point of Tangency; thence S.600710ŽW., along said Southeasterly right-of-way line, a distance of 292.23 feet to the Northeasterly right-of-way line of State Road 45, U.S. Highway 41 Tamiami Trail; thence N.295250ŽW., along said Northeasterly line, a distance of 80.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Dated at Murdock, Charlotte County, Florida, the 25th day of April, 2017. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA /s/ William G. Truex, Chairman Publish: April 29, 2017


04.29.17 USA S N APSHO T S Extreme measures to stay connected2 1 %of those traveling abroad would pirate a strangers Wi-Fi or eat at a restaurant they didnt like just to use Wi-Fi.SOURCE T-Mobile via GfKs KnowledgePanel survey of 1,005 adultsMICHAEL B. SMITH AND PAUL TRAP, USA TODAY ROBYN BECK, A F P/GETTY IMAGESEco n o my slows to 0.7 % i n Q1 IN MONEY J a cob L a ti m o r e is a s u pe r he r o with s mar tsALEX HYNER IN LIFEATLANTAPresident Trump spent the eve of his 100th day in oce with some of his most fervent supporters, talking about two of his favorite topics: Gun rights and his surprise win of the November election. The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end,Ž Trump told the annual National Ri”e Association convention, part of a drumbeat of events designed to herald his 100th day in oce on Saturday. You have a true friend and champion in the White House.Ž The thousands of NRA members who gathered in a concrete convention hall in downtown Atlanta are the kinds of people who remain committed to Trump, despite the political travails and low national approval ratings of his early months in oce „ and they in no way regret their choice of a president they helped elect. So far, I think hes done better than hes been given credit for in the media,Ž said Kathleen Mahn, 45, a stay-at-home mom and “tness instructor in Peachtree City, Ga., after cheering Trumps remarks. Playing to the political interests of the NRA crowd, Trump outlined a series of actions he has taken that he said were designed to protect gun rights, such as nominating Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and Attorney General Je Sessions. Only the second president to address the NRA convention „ the “rst was Ronald Reagan in 1983 „ Trump barely mentioned the impending 100-day mark, a traditional yardstick to measure the accomplishments of presidents early days in of“ce. But he made sure to defend his record during his “rst 31‡2months, from taking action to improve the Department of Veterans Aairs to cracking down on illegal immigration. Thanking gun owners for their support and get-out-thevote eorts, Trump also spoke warmly of Election Day „ wasnt that a great evening?Ž he said at one point „ and hit frequent campaign themes, JIM W ATSON, A F P/GETTY IMAGESPresident Trump tells National Ri”e Association members Friday they have a championŽ in the White House.  A ss au lt o n g un r ights ove r T rum p tells NR Av STORY CONTIN U ES ON 2BPresident thanks gun owners, who give the love back to him David Jackson@djusatoday USA TODAY To the NR A I c an p r o ud l y s ay I will n eve r eve r let y o u d ow n .ŽPresident TrumpSecretary of State Rex Tillerson urged the United Nations Security Council on Friday to impose new sanctions against North Korea to stop its nuclear threat, warning that failure to act would be catastrophic.Ž Tillerson said the world community needs to increase North Koreas “nancial isolation and tighten sanctions already in place. He said the U.S. would not hesitate to sanction other countries that support North Koreas illegal eorts to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, adding that he looked forward to further action by China, North Koreas patron. President Trump told Reuters on Thursday a major, major con”ictŽ with North Korea is a possibility for the U.S., but the White House is trying to come up with diplomatic solutions. Some of those solutions:ENFORCE C U RRENT S A NCTIONSTighten enforcement of existing U.N. Security Council sanctions. The latest sanctions resolution passed by world powers in November was touted as the strongest ever, but the State Department and analysts say those measures have yet to be fully enforced. The sanctions limit North Koreas sale of conventional weapons, coal and iron ore, especially if revenue would bene“t its nuclear or ballistic missile programs. China and other countries in Africa and Southeast Asia are plainly not implementing all these sanctions,Ž said Anthony Ruggiero, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a think tank in Washington. Some of those countries need U.S. TRIES TO PUT SQUEEZE ON N. KOREATillerson goes to U.N. seeking tougher sanctions as president warns of major, major con”ict Oren Dorell@orendorell USA TODAY v STORY CONTIN U ES ON 2B North Korea shows o its “repower in a photo released this week by the Korean Central News Agency.A F P/GETTY IMAGES T hi s i s an e di t i o n o f USA TODAY pr o vid e d f o r y o ur l oc al n e w s pap e r A n ex pand e d v e r s i o n o f USA TODAY i s availabl e a t n e w sst and s o r by s ub sc rip t i o n and a t u s a to day .com. F o r t h e la test na t i o nal s p o r ts co v e rag e, g o to s p o r ts. u s a to day .com How the US military is using violent, chaotic, beautiful video games to train soldiers THE WIRE adno=50509538 941-777-4589 $ 99 OFF ANY DRAIN LINE REPAIR Expires 4/30/17


Page 2 The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 2BUSA TODAY SATURDAY,APRIL29,2017 PRESIDENTAND PUBLISHERJohn ZidichEDITOR IN CHIEFJoanne LipmanCHIEF REVENUE OFFICERKevin Gentzel 7950 Jones Branch Dr., McLean, Va. 22108, 703-854-3400 Published by Gannett The local edition of USA TODAYis published daily in partnership with Gannett Newspapers Advertising: All advertising published in USA TODAYis subject to the current rate card; copies available from the advertising department. USA TODAYmay in its sole discretion edit, classify, reject or cancel at any time any advertising submitted. National, Regional: 703-854-3400 Reprint permission, copies of articles, glossy reprints: or call 212-221-9595 USA TODAYis a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to other news services. USA TODAY, its logo and associated graphics are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. USA TODAYis committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones at 800-8727073 or e-mail Please indicate whether youre responding to content online or in the newspaper. Corrections & Clarifications touting his America FirstŽ trade policy and the slogan Make America Great AgainŽ that adorned the hats of many supporters. Trump also mocked the large group of Democrats who are already exploring possible presidential runs in three years, taking aspecial shot at the Native American heritage of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. It may be Pocahontas, remember that,Ž Trump said of his potential reelection opponent. And she is not big for the NRA.Ž While a series of national polls give Trump record-low approval ratings for a new president, they also reveal strong and continuing support among Republicans. Arecent ABC News/ Washington Post survey gave Trump an overall approval rating of only 42%, but also said that 96% of the people who voted for him last November still back him. The poll also said Trump would win a hypothetical re-match with Democrat Hillary Clinton, 43% to 40%. That support among conservatives was evident as volunteers and vendors set up booths „ 15 Acres of Guns & Gear,Ž the signs say „ throughout the Georgia World Congress Center ahead of Fridays NRA meeting. The gun owners are middle America,Ž said Ron Sasaki, 49, a police ocer from western Washington state and member of a group called We relate to him more, and he relates to us more, than regular politicians.Ž NRA members who watched Trump praised him not only on gun rights, but for other eorts such as his tax cut plan and his promise to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. They also dismissed critics of these and other Trump plans. The minute anything comes out of his mouth, theyre going to oppose it,Ž said Don Spruill, 75, a retired marketer for Coca-Cola who lives in Marietta, Ga., of Trumps opponents. Wife Judy Spruill echoed other NRA members in her disdain for Washin g ton politicians and the fact that Trump doesnt resemble them. He is so politically incorrect,Ž she said. We love that; at least I do.Ž NRA ocials also defended Trumps 100-day progress and denounced his critics. Chris Cox, executive director of the NRAs lobbying arm, told members ahead of Trumps speech that they were the ones who helped get him elected, telling them we didnt just swing an election, we altered the course of history.Ž Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA, said gun owners must beat back leftist zealotsŽ who are determined to destroy President Trump.Ž Meanwhile, lawmakers threw cold water on the idea that Trumps early days have been successful, denouncing failed efforts to replace President Obamas health care law and executive orders to deregulate Wall Street “nancial “rms and coal and mining companies. They also insist that Trumps pro-NRA agenda, including his opposition to expanding background checks, leads to the proliferation of guns and violence in the U.S. President Trump in his “rst 100 days has had more false starts, failed policies and bad ideas than most presidents have in an entire term,Ž said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. After the NRA speech, Trump attended a fundraiser for Republican congressional candidate Karen Handel, who is seeking the suburban Atlanta U.S. House seat vacated by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Press. The race will be an early test of the Trump eectŽ ahead of next years congressional elections nationwide.NRA warned of leftist zealots v CONTINUED FROM 1BThe minute anything comes out of his mouth, theyre going to oppose it.ŽDon Spruill ,an NRA member from Marietta, Ga., on Trumps opponentshelp from the West to screen for complicated “nancial arrangements designed to hide North Korean involvement, and others are simply not interested in implementing the sanctions because they bene“t from cut-rate North Korean pricing, Ruggiero said.STOP CHINESE CARRIERSThe U.S. could start publicly calling out companies involved in North Koreas weapons programs, such as two Chinese trucking companies that provided or helped build large vehicles North Korea uses to transport, erect and launch its missiles, said Richard Fisher, a China and Korea analyst at the International Assessment and Strategy Center. The China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation and the China National Heavy Duty Truck Group, or Sinotruk, have provided trucks or large missile carriers that North Korea uses to transport missiles aimed at U.S. forces in Asia, Fisher said. The vehicles were displayed in an April 15 military parade, where North Korean leader Kim Jong Uns forces showed o their capabilities and intentions to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles able to reach U.S. cities.EXPOSE BEIJINGS SUPPORTU.S. intelligence ocials could expose companies involved in helping North Korea obtain the capacity to produce lithium-6, a substance crucial for the development of thermo-nuclear weapons „hydrogen bombs and boosted atomic bombs „ that produce a far more powerful blast than mere atomic bombs, Fisher said. According to a March 17 report by the Institute for Science and International Security, citing government sources, North Korea arranged in 2012 to purchase industrial equipment and materials in China, including mercury and lithium hydroxide. Those substances have civilian as well as military uses but together indicate an eort to produce lithium 6, the ISIS report said. That means the Chinese government approved the transfer of technology to manufacture thermonuclear weapons to North Korea, Fisher said. Only when these leaders are identi“ed and given the international opprobrium they deserve will they even bother to consider changing their policies,Ž he said.TOUGHER U.N. SANCTIONSThe November Security Council sanctions resolution calls uponŽ the international community to exercise vigilanceŽ over North Korean activities that produce revenue for the regime and its weapons program. Among these are workers sent by North Korea abroad to earn hard currency used for its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, according to the Security Council. This slave labor,Ž Ruggiero said, has been used to build World Cup facilities in Qatar and St. Petersburg, Russia, in the Russian logging industry, and in Kuwait and generates $500 million annually for North Korea. Tillerson should seek a new resolution that cuts o North Koreas access to revenue streams from laborers and to counter illicit activities such as cyber bank heists and drug tracking, Ruggiero said.U.S.-COALITION SANCTIONSThe U.S. could bypass the Security Council and impose its own sanctions. The Trump administration could develop a multinational coalition to cut o revenue to the North Korean government, like the Obama administration did to counter Irans nuclear weapons program. The U.S. and its allies should issue arrest warrants for senior company ocers in China and other countries who participate in military assistance programs that bene“t North Korea and seize their assets, Fisher said. They could start with targeting individuals, companies and “nancial institutions who did business with the Dandong Hongxiang Industrial Development Company,a Chinese “rm named in U.S. sanctions issued in September, or citizens of China, Russia, Vietnam and Cuba who worked with North Koreans named in sanctions issued March 31. CUT ACCESS TO U.S. BANKSThe U.S. Treasury could cut o access to the U.S. “nancial system for banks, companies and individuals anywhere in the world who do business with North Korean entities. That would shut down North Koreas missile and conventional weapons sales, which represent 40% of the nations economy, said Bruce Bechtol, a political science professor at Angelo State University in Texas and an expert on North Korea.Six ways Trump administration can avoid war with North Koreav CONTINUED FROM 1BThe “rst 100 days of President Trumps relationship with Congress have been a bit rocky as he struggled to learn how to deal with a legislative branch that doesnt always share his priorities. So far, his biggest legislative victories have been scrapping regulations created by the Obama administration. Heres a look at his major wins and losses on Capitol Hill.TRUMPS BIGGEST WINS AND LOSSES Erin Kellyl USA TODAYWINSu Supreme Court justice pick:The Senate con“rmed Neil Gorsuch to become a Supreme Court j usticeafter changing its “libuster rules to prevent Democrats from blocking him.u Overturned a Planned Parenthood protection:Congress reversed an Obama administration rule that blocked states and local governments from stripping federal funds from Planned Parenthoodand other health care providers solely because they perform abortions. Vice President Pence had to break a tie vote in the Senate to send the legislation to Trumps desk.u Broadened gun rights:The House and Senate passed a bill to overturn an Obama-era rule that would have allowed the government to declare some Social Security recipients un“t to own gunsif theyd been found mentally incapable of managing their own “nancial aairs. Critics said it infringed on peoples Second Amendment right to own guns.u Removed an environmental rule:Lawmakers voted to scrap an environmental protection rule by the Obama administration to limit the dumping of mine waste in streams. Republicans said the regulation would hurt the coal industry.u Continued allowing ISPs to sell personal information:Congress narrowly overturned Obama-era regulations that would have required Internet service providers to get consent from consumers before selling their personal informationto advertisers. Republicans argued that the Federal Communications Commission had overstepped its bounds in creating the rule.LOSSESu Obamacare still stands:House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., called o a vote on a Trump-backed bill to repeal and replace Obamacare when it became clear it didnt have enough GOP support to pass. uRussian ties to election investigated:Trump failed to quash congressional investigations of his campaigns ties to Russia. The probes became headline news when House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., announced that he was going to the White House to brief Trump on sensitive material that he had not shared with Democrats on the committee. Nunes ultimately stepped aside from the investigation, but the House probe continues, as does a parallel investigation in the Senate Intelligence Committee. Meanwhile, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, announced this week that he will lead aMay 8 hearing to investigate Russias interference in the 2016 presidential election. uNo funding for U.S.-Mexico border:Abipartisan bill to fund the government through September wont include the $1.4 billion Trump sought to begin construction of a border wall. Trump pushed for the funds butbacked o when Democrats said his demand would cause a government shutdown. uLost secretary of Labor pick:The president was forced to give up on his nomination of fastfood executive Andrew Puzder to be secretary of Labor. Puzder withdrew from considerationafter GOP senators turned against him in part because of revelations he had employed an undocumented immigrant as his housekeeper. uHasnt set term limits on Congress: Trump vowed to push for a constitutional amendment to place term limits on all members of Congress as part of his promise to drain the swamp.Ž Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., quickly rejected the idea, saying the Senate wont even consider it. Ryan left it to House Judiciary Committee leaders to decide. So far, they havent. CLIFF OWEN, APLOSS: House Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the bill to repeal and replace Obamacare for lack of Republican support. ERIC THAYER, GETTY IMAGESWIN: Neil Gorsuch was con“rmed as a Supreme Court justice, “lling the late Antonin Scalias seat. T HE F IR S T 1 00 D AY S


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 Page 3 IN BRIEF2,300 JOBS COULD BE CUT AT STATE DEPARTMENTSecretary of State Rex Tillerson is proposing to eliminate 2,300 jobs as part of a plan to cut more than a quarter of the State Departments budget for the next “scal year, ocials said Friday. The plan will almost certainly meet resistance from lawmakers opposing President Trumps proposal to shrink the size of the federal government. The sta cuts would amount to about 3% of the roughly 75,000-strong workforce.2 TROOPS MAY HAVE DIED FROM FRIENDLY FIREThe Pentagon said two U.S. Army Rangers killed in a raid against an Islamic State compound in Afghanistan may have died from friendly “re.Ž Sgt. Joshua Rodgers, 22, of Bloomington, Ill., and Sgt. Cameron Thomas, 23, of Kettering, Ohio, died of injuries sustained at the start of a three-hour “re“ght late Wednesday in Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan. Both were assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment in Fort Benning, Ga. The military said in a statement it is investigating the possibility that the two Rangers were accidentally killed by friendly “reŽ and families have been noti“ed of the possibility.ONE SHOT, SIX DETAINED IN ANTI-TERROR RAIDS British police said Friday that they had disrupted a terror plot with raids in London and southeastern England. One woman was shot and seriously wounded as heavily armed counterterrorism ocers stormed a house on a residential London street. Six suspects were arrested on terrorism-related charges, police said. The injured woman, who is in her 20s, was in serious but stable condition in a hospital. She wasnt arrested because of her condition, police said. Ocers “red tear gas into the house in the Willesden area of northwest London, which had been under observation, Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said.GEORGE H.W. BUSH RELEASED FROM HOUSTON HOSPITALFormer President George H.W. Bush was released Friday from a Houston hospital where he received treatment for a mild case of pneumonia and chronic bronchitis during a two-week stay. Bush, 92, was admitted to Houston Methodist Hospital on April14 for treatment of a persistent cough. From sta and wire reportsNAVY TO CHRISTEN NEWEST ATTACK SUB ROB OSTERMAIER,THE (HAMPTON ROADS) DAILY PRESS VIA APCrew members of the Virginia-class submarine USS Indiana prepare for Saturdays christening ceremonies in Newport News, Va. Vice President Pence is expected to attend.WASHINGTONWith just hours left until a government shutdown at midnight, Congress passed a stopgap funding bill Friday that will keep the government open for another week. House members voted 382-30 to approve the legislation, which gives lawmakers until midnight on May 5 to try to reach a compromise on legislation to fund the government through the rest of “scal year 2017, which ends Sept. 30. The Senate approved the weeklong funding bill by voice vote Friday, and President Trump has said he will sign it into law. The fact that we are here again at the last minute just trying to keep the government open is sad,Ž said Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass. Once again, we have a manufactured crisis at the edge of acli.Ž Congressional leaders and the White House wanted to prevent an unpopular shutdown, which would have closed national parks and monuments, delayed tax refunds and furloughed thousands of federal workers. The shutdown would have taken eect Saturday „Trumps 100th day in oce „ unless Congress acted. Democrats decided to support the stopgap measure after it became clear that House Republicans would not force a vote this week on a new version of their bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., and other Democrats said they would vote against the weeklong bill to fund the government if GOP leaders went ahead with a health care vote. Hoyer said he feared that Republicans were trying to push the bill through to give Trump a big victor y for his “rst 100 da y s. However, Speaker Paul Ryan, RWis., said he would not bring the health care legislation to the ”oor until he is sure he has the votes to pass it. Many moderate Republicans expressed concern this week about the latest version of the bill. Federal programs would continue to be funded at existing levels under the stopgap measure approved by the House. The resolution would also extend health care bene“ts for retired union coal miners through May 5. There is bipartisan support for making those bene“ts permanent. Lawmakers will return to work Monday with just “ve days to reach a deal or face another possible shutdown. Two major stumbling blocks to a compromise were largely resolved this week. On Tuesday, Trump backed o his demand for immediate funding for a Southwest border wall, deciding to “ght for money in the 2018 budget instead. Democrats had warned that the issue would result in a shutdown because of their “erce opposition to the wall. Some border-state Republicans also oppose the barrier, calling it expensive and ineective. The Department of Homeland Security has estimated that the wall will cost nearly $22 billion, but Democrats have said the price ta g could be as high as $70 billion. On Wednesday, the White House backed o its threat to stop paying federal subsidies that help low-income Americans pay for health insurance under the Aordable Care Act. Democrats want language in the “nal bill to ensure that subsidies owed to health insurance companies under Obamacare are paid so that insurance premiums dont increase for low-income families by 15% or more. Trump had threatened to withhold the payments to force Democrats to bargain on a health care bill to replace the ACA, but White House ocials said Wednesday that those payments will continue. Other sticking points remain. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said there are still disagreements over a rule that requires “nancial advisers to act in the best interests of clients saving for retirement. Democrats want to protect the rule in the funding bill but Republicans want to scrap it, saying it is confusing and burdensome. Democrats also are seeking health care funding for Puerto Rico, which is expected to run out of Medicaid money this year, resulting in nearly 1 million residents losing their medical covera g e. Congress OKs short-term funding to avoid shutdown MANUEL BALCE CENETA, APHouse Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., says disagreements remain.Stopgap bill will keep government running at least another week Erin KellyUSA TODAY WASHINGTONPresident Trump signed an executive order Friday that could eventually open up A rctic waters and millions of coastal acres o U.S. shores to oil and gas drilling. Today were unleashing A merican energy and clearing the way for thousands and thousands of high-paying American energy jobs,Ž said Trump, ”anked by Republican lawmakers from energy-producing states during a White House signing ceremony. Our country is blessed with incredible natural resources including abundant oshore oil and natural gas resources, but the federal government has kept 94% of these oshore areas closed for exploration and production,Ž he said. This deprives our country of potentially thousands and thousands of jobs and billions in wealth.Ž The directive, known as the A merica First Oshore Energy Strategy, directs Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to review the current “ve-year development plan on the Outer Continental Shelf for oshore oil and gas exploration as well as review the regulations and permitting process for development and seismic research. The order also prevents Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross from designating any new marine monuments and sanctuaries or expanding existing ones. Ross also is directed to review all designations and expansions of marine monuments or sanctuaries designated under the Antiquities A ct within the last 10 years. The order represents one more step in the presidents aggressive attempts to dismantle Obama-era environmental protections. Trump, who campaigned on a vow to increase energy independence and reduce Washingtons regulatory footprint, has already signed an order to begin undoing climate change emission standards for power plants, directed his administration to review a broad clean water rule and approved the Keystone XL Pipeline. This week, he signed an executive order calling into question the future of more than two dozen national monuments proclaimed by the last three presidents to set aside millions of acres from development. The oshore exploration order drew immediate “re from environmental activists. No matter how much money it spends or how many lobbyists it places inside the Trump administration, Big Oil can never nor will never drown out the voices of millions of Americans across the country who spoke out against dangerous oshore drilling,Ž Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune said. Zinke said the order simply directs a review and that no specific locations are being targeted for potential development. But he also discussed the large cache of reserves available for extraction on the Outer Continental Shelf, the submerged land that exists in federal waters between three and 200 miles oshore from most states. State waters for Texas and the Gulf Coast of Florida extend nine miles. Some members of Congress, especially from states who rely heavily on coastal tourism, are already pushing back on the order. Florida lawmakers, who remember how the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill tarred Panhandle beaches and kept visitors away, may take issue with expanded drilling. This announcement by the president will be like a big present for the oil companies,Ž Florida Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson said earlier this week. I hope the president thinks twice before putting Floridas economy at such a risk. I hope he refrains from issuing this executive order, but if he doesnt, this senator and a bipartisan delegation from Florida will “ght this order.Ž On Friday, Rep. Mark Sanford, aTea Party congressman from South Carolina, responded to Trumps order by introducing a bill to suspend oshore drilling and all related activities in the waters o the East Coast for the next decade. One of every ten jobs in South Carolina comes from tourism, and this means $13 billion in impact every year to our coastal counties alone,Ž he said. Drilling would put this economic driver at risk.Ž The Interior Department oversees 1.7 billion acres on the Outer Continental Shelf, which contain an estimated 90 billion barrels of undiscovered, recoverable oil and 327 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered, recoverable natural gas. The Outer Continental Shelf accounts for about 18% of the domestically produced crude oil and 4% of domestic natural gas supply overall. In 2008, the year before Obama took oce, leasing revenues for oshore energy were about $18 billion, Zinke said. By 2016, they had dropped to about $2.8 billion, though he said some of that decline was due to falling gasoline prices. This order, Zinke said, puts us on track for American energy independence.Ž Energy experts also say the relatively low price of oil could discourage companies from the often expensive task of oshore exploration. The lifting of the ban does not necessarily make drilling in the Arctic a compelling proposition and it will probably be many years before we see any activity in the Arctic again,Ž said Jill McLeod, a former in-house lawyer with oil giant ConocoPhillips who is now a partner at the international law “rm Dorsey & Whitney. With oil prices hovering around $50 a barrel and the steep costs of doing business in the Arctic, the oil industry will be hesitant to jump back into exploration eorts there.Ž Trump order could mean more drilling JOHN LOCHER, APPresident Trump says current regulations banning oshore drilling are depriving the U.S. of potentially thousands and thousands of jobs and billions in wealth.ŽPresident wants U.S. to develop additional energy domestically Ledyard KingUSA TODAY CAROLYN KASTER, APInterior Secretary Ryan Zinke will review the current plan.The offshore exploration order represents one more step in the presidents aggressive attempts to dismantle Obama-era environmental protections, and it drew immediate “re from environmental activists.


Page 4 The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 LOSANGELESDee Young remembers April 29, 1992, the way many Americans recall Sept. 11 „ its etched in his memory as the day his world changed forever. The 27year-old tow-truck driver stopped at a popular Los Angeles fast-food joint that afternoon when he saw hordes of angry people carrying armloads of booze from a liquor store next door. He later learned he was witnessing the beginning of one of the worst race riots in American history after four white police ocers were acquitted in the beating of black motorist Rodney King, which was captured on video the previous year. The video showed ocers repeatedly striking, kicking and using a stun gun on King, even after he was on the ground. The uprising seemed to catch the rest of the nation by surprise, but longtime residents say tensions were building for years. Young quickly decided hed better get out of there. He drove to his familys auto body shop, which ironically was just a couple of storefronts from the intersection of Florence and Normandie avenues „ streets whose names would become ubiquitous as the riots ”ashpoint. He got there moments after black men dragged white truck driver Reginald Denny from his rig and beat him nearly to death as millions watched in horror on live TV. One of those watching, black truck driver Bobby Green, rushed to the intersection and rescued Denny. It was chaotic „ cars running lights, people in the middle of the street throwing stu at cars,Ž Young recalled. The uprising was a culmination of a downward spiral that started 20 years earlier. Residents of the predominantly black neighborhoods on the citys south side had come to complain that police stopped them for no reason other than being black. „The Associated Press NICK UT, APThe headquarters of the Los Angeles Police Department became a key target for rioters when four white ocers were acquitted in the beating of Rodney King. NICK UT, APWith the rioting came widespread looting. A man removes acouch from astore on the day after the rioting erupted. Some businesses were set on “re during the chaos, and police ocers responding to problems sometimes found themselves outnumbered and had to withdraw. AFP/GETTY IMAGESOn March 3, 1991, Rodney King (on the ground) is beaten by Los Angeles police ocers. King survived, but more than 50 people died as a result of rioting a little more than a year later when the ocers accused of the beating were acquitted at trial. JOHN GAPS III, APTwo men with ri”es stand on a grocery store roof to prevent looting 25 years ago. Weeks after King was beaten, a store owner fatally shot a 15-year-old black girl in a dispute over abottle of juice, stirring ethnic/racial tension. DAVID LONGSTREATH, APTwo days after the rioting started, Rodney King spoke at anews conference to plead for an end to the violence. King died in June 2012 at his home in Rialto, Calif.ACITY ERUPTS WITH ANGERL.A. RIOTS: 25 YEARS LATER


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 Page 5 U S A SN A PSHO T S Education and job advancementSOURCE Wyzant and R survey of 9 00 U .S. workersJ A E YA NG A ND J A NE T L OEH R KE, U S A T OD AY of workers have not been able to progress in their career due to a lack of skills training or certifications. half About MONE Y BLOCK OF A N T H E M /CIG N A M ERGER A PP EAL REJECTED Af e d e ral app e al s co ur t o n F rida y r ejecte d h e al t h in s uran ce gian t An t h ems l e gal bid to r e v e r se a l o w e r co ur t ruling t ha t bl oc k e d i ts t ak eo v e r o f indu st r y rival C igna T h e U.S. Di st ri ct Co ur t t ha t in Fe bruar y bl oc k e d t h e $48 billi o n me rg e r o n an t i t ru st gr o und s  did n ot abu se i ts di sc r et i o n in e n jo ining t h e me rg e r Ž ba se d o n An t h ems failur e to s h o w t ha t ext ra o rdinar y e ffi c i e n ci es w o uld com p e n s a te f o r t h e l ost com p et i t i o n a t hr eej udg e pan e l o f t h e U.S. Co ur t o f App e al s f o r t h e D i st ri ct o f Colu m bia rul e d in a 2-1 d ec i s i o n EXXO N P ROFIT DOUBLES AS OIL STABILIZES Exxo n s aid F rida y i ts “ r st-q uar te r n et in come wa s $4.1 billi o n up 122% fr om t h e s a me p e ri o d a ye ar e arli e r I n t h e “ r st q uar te r o f 2016, c rud e o il pri ces bri e”y t u m bl e d b e l o w $27, c ru s hing t h e e n e rg y secto r T h e commodi tys r eco v e r y to ar o und $50 a barr e l ha s l e d to st abili ty. Re v e nu e j u m p e d 29.9% to $63.3 billi o n M ICROSOFT GETS DI N GED BY SURFACE H ARDWARE M i c r oso f ts hardwar e st ruggl es ar e d e n t ing e arning s. P r o“ts a t t h e Re d mo nd W a s h ., com pu te r gian t j u m p e d 28% to $4.8 billi o n in i ts “sc al t hird q uar te r S al es s urg e d gaining 8% to $22 bil li o n Pe r so nal com pu t ing s al es f e ll 7% to $8.8 billi o n, d o gg e d b y a 26% dr o p in S urfa ce s al es. M O N EYLI N EINDEXCLOSECHGNasdaq composite6047.61 y 1.33 S&P 5002384.2 y 4.57 T-note, 10-year yield2.29% y 0.01 Oil, light sweet crude$49.18 y 0.05 Gold, oz. Comex$1269.50 x 4.20 Euro (dollars per euro)$1.0899 x 0.0017 Yen per dollar111.39 x 0.16SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM DO W J ONES I ND U S TRIAL A VG. -40.82 9 : 3 0 a. m .20,981 4 :00 p. m .20,94120, 8 00 20, 8 50 20, 9 00 20, 9 50 2 1 ,000 2 1 ,050FRIDAY M ARKETSFor more than a decade, the U.S. economy has tended to ring in the new year meekly. This year was no dierent. Economic growth slowed in the “rst quarter to its slowest pace in three years as sluggish consumer spending and business stockpiling oset solid business investment. Many economists write o the weak performance as a byproduct of temporary blips and expect healthy growth in 2017. The nations gross domestic product „ the value of all goods and services produced in the USA „ increased at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 0.7%, the Commerce Department said Friday, below the tepid 2.1% pace clocked in the fourth quarter and as an average throughout the nearly 8-yearold recovery. Economists expected a 1% increase, according to a Bloomberg survey. Analysts have noted the Commerce Department probably has understated growth early in the year because of challenges making adequate seasonal adjustments, particularly in categories such as business investment, exports, defense spending and state and local outlays. Growth in the “rst three months of the year has averaged just 1% since 2000, less than half the average for the other three quarters, according to Wells Fargo. Bolstering that theory is the labor market. Average monthly job growth last quarter was in line with the 180,000 average in 2016. Although gains slowed to 98,000 in March, economists largely blamed harsh winter weather. Nomura economist Lewis Alexander says Commerce largely has addressed the seasonal adjustment problems, so a poor showing at least partly points to a genuine slowdown. Still, analysts expect the economy to pick up and expand by more than 3% in the second quarter and 2.3% this year, up from 1.6% in 2016, in part because of President Trumps plans for tax cuts and increased federal spending. Since most analysts say the economys latest setback is temporary, it wont necessarily stop the (Federal Reserve) from hiking interest rates again in June,Ž economist Paul Ashworth of Capital Economics wrote in a note to clients. Though Trumps pro-growth agenda has pumped up stocks, as well as consumer and business con“dence, some economists are concerned that optimism hasnt translated into anoticeable improvement in hard economic data. On the campaign trail, Trump blasted weak economic growth under President Obama and said his economic policies would lead to a4% expansion. Treasury ocials said this week that the blueprint would yield 3% gains. Many economists say its doubtful those targets can be achieved amid an aging population and sluggish productivity. Some stumbling blocks are likely to fade. Consumer spending, for example, rose 0.3% last quarter, down from 3.5% late last year, largely because unusually warm weather prompted less spending on utilities. Retail sales accelerated in March after a slow start to the year that was largely due to delays in tax refunds, though auto purchases broadly fell. Americans generally bene“t from healthy job and income growth, cheap gas and reduced debt. Business stockpiling subtracted nearly a percentage point from growth. Firms pulled back after adding more aggressively to their inventories during the second half of last year, but that, too, is likely to reverse course in the months ahead. Government spending fell 1.7% as federal, state and local outlays all decreased and subtracted from growth. Housing construction increased 13.7% as limited home supplies have driven up prices. ROBYN BECK, A FP/GETTY IM A GESAn encouraging sign for the economy in the “rst quarter was that business investment in new equipment and structures grew 9.4%. Eco n o m y grows a f ee bl e 0.7% in Q1Par for the course, say analysts, who expect a rebound Paul Davidson@Pdavidsonusat USA TODAY P ercentage change fro m the preceding q uarter (Seasonall y ad j usted annual rates): GDP FALL S I N 1 S T Q UART E RSOURCE Bureau of Economic A nalysisJ I M SE R GEN T U S A T OD AY 5 % 4% 3% 2 % 1% 1%  13  14  1 5 16  17 0 0.7% SANFRANCISCOLess than six months ago, Mark Zuckerberg shrugged o the idea that fake news on Facebook swayed the outcome of the U.S. presidential election as pretty crazy.Ž Now Facebook is vowing to shut down information operatorsŽ after the social media giant acknowledged its platform was exploited by governments and other interests to manipulate public opinion, including during the presidential elections in the U.S. and in France. The new report from the companys security team details for the “rst time coordinated eorts to use Facebook to spread misinformation and sow distrust for political ends and outlines measures Facebook is taking to combat what it calls information operations,Ž a web of nefarious and insidious activities that extend far beyond fake news.Ž These operations, which include a range of methods including the creation of networks of fake accounts to distort public sentiment, have forced Facebooks security team to expand its focus from account hacking, malware, spam and “nancial scams. Facebook took heat after the U.S. election for not doing enough to remove fake news reports, such as a widely shared but erroneous article claiming Pope Francis endorsed Donald Trump. Some 170 million people in North America use Facebook every day. Nearly half of all adults in the U.S. say they get their news from Facebook. As a case study, Facebook reveals that during the U.S. election it detected malicious actorsŽ creating fake news articles and using fake accounts to disseminate them widely. In an eort to curb these operations, Facebook suspended 30,000 accounts in France before the presidential election. Facebook to target information operationsSocial media giant says platform was exploited in bid to sway elections Jessica Guynn@jguynn USA TODAY C A RL COURT, GETTY IM A GES The United States Postal Inspection Service has joined the Department of Justice in a federal probe of Fox News business practices and management, according to a report from CNN. Investigators from both agencies conducted interviews in recent weeks with current and former Fox sta members, the CNN report said late Thursday, citing four unnamed sources familiar with the investigation. The report potentially adds to parent company 21st Century Foxs recent legal concerns. Nine months ago, Fox News CEO Roger Ailes resigned just two weeks after being sued for sexual harassment b y former Fox & Friends host Gretchen Carlson. Since then, several additional charges of sexual harassment have arisen against Ailes. And this month, Fox News dismissed star host Bill OReilly following an internal investigation into allegations of sexual harassment. Aspokesman for 21st Century Fox declined comment. The Justice Department and USPIS did not return requests for comment. The investigation originally came to light in February after an attorney representing a plainti said federal prosecutors were investigating Fox over settlements it paid to individuals who “led sexual harassment suits against Ailes. At that time, neither Fox nor the DOJ con“rmed an investigation. However, in a statement Fox said it had been in communication with the U.S. Attorneys of“ce for monthsŽ and would continue to cooperate on all inquiries with any interested authorities.Ž Subsequently, CNN con“rmed Fox was the sub j ect of an investigation, citing a person familiar with the matter. Since then, the probe may have deepened to include possible misconduct by Fox News personnel and the work environment at the network. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service might become involved because mail fraud is often included among charges in federal cases. In February, attorney Judd Burstein said one of his clients who was suing Fox for sexual harassment had been served a subpoena as part of a criminal investigation into the allegations. Burstein had previously represented former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros, who alleged Ailes and other executives ran Fox News as a sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult.Ž At the time, Burstein said the probe could be into whether Fox might have violated federal securities law because settlement offers might not have been fully disclosed in Foxs SEC “lings. In its “rst-quarter 2017 “ling with the Securities & Exchange Commission, 21st Century Fox listed costs of about $35 million during the last six months of 2016 for settlements of pending and potential litigations followingŽ Ailes resi g nation and a public complaint of sexual harassment allegations. Tantaros “led her suit in August 2016, a month after Carlson sued Ailes for sexual harassment, claiming he opted not to renew her contract after she refused to sleep with him. Fox settled that case, agreeing to pay Carlson $20million. Ailes, who denied the allegations, left the company in July 2016 with a $40 million settlement. Fox also conducted an internal investigation. The court granted Foxs request to send Tantaros suit to arbitration. The company said she had been suspended for breach of contract by publishing a book without company approval and that Tantaros never brought up Ailes conduct in an internal probe of her claims. Additional charges have been lodged against Ailes and Fox. Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly, who left the network in January for NBC, said in her book Settle for More that Ailes had harassed her startin g in 2005. Fox pro b e exp and s to seco nd a ge n cy, report s a ysCNN says U.S. Postal Inspection Service joins investigation Mike Snider and Jon Swartz@mikesnider, @jswartz USA TODAY 2015 PHOTO BY A NDREW TOTHFormer Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, who left the company in July 2016, has denied allegations of sexual harassment.


Page 6 The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 Violent video games have become embedded within American culture over the past several decades and especially since 9/11. First-person shooters, in particular, have become increasingly popular. These games „ in which players are positioned behind a gun „ have turned a generation of kids into digital warriors who “ght terrorists and battle alien invaders. Many play “rst-person shooters for pure, innocent enjoyment. Some like achieving objectives and being a part of a team. And, for others, it simply feels good to eliminate an enemy „ especially someone whos trying to harm them. For the U.S. military, the rise of “rst-person shooters has been a welcome development. In recent years, the military has encouraged many of its soldiers to partake in the thrill of violent video games as a way to continue combat training, even when not on active duty. (In fact, using games to teach military tactics has been a longstanding practice in the U.S. military: Before video games, troops were encouraged to play military-themed board games.) The games allow soldiers to take their combat roles home with them and blur their on-duty responsibilities with their off-duty, noncombat routines and lives. But what effect have these video games had on U.S. soldiers? How accurately do they depict military life? And do they actually help recruit, train and retain troops?From battle screen to battlefieldAs part of a study, we interviewed 15 current and former members of the U.S. military who were between 24 and 35 years old to understand the role violent “rst-person shooter games played in their recruitment and training. The majority of interviewees told us it was important to stay in the mindset of a soldier even when not on duty. To them, “rst-person shooters were the perfect vehicle for doing this. Game preferences varied among the soldiers we interviewed, but popular titles included Ghost Recon Advanced War“ghter 2Ž and ARMA 2,Ž which a current member of the Army said was one of the most hardcore assault experiences in gaming.Ž Meanwhile, an Iraq War veteran described Call of Duty: Black Ops 2Ž and Call of Duty: Modern WarfareŽ as the ultimate “rst-person shooter experiences everŽ and intensive and highly realistic approaches to tactical combat. The choice of attacking with stealth or unleashing an all-out frontal assault full of mayhem is yours. Its violent, its chaotic, its beautiful.Ž In this, the Iraq War veteran seems to say that video games can re”ect real-life combat situations, an attitude that others share.Altered realitiesBut its tough to make the case that games accurately simulate what a soldiers life is really like. First, military tours of duty are not solely made up of hard-charging, chaotic battles, like those in “rst-person shooters. The majority of soldiers wont participate in any full-frontal combat operations. Second „ and, most importantly „ in the digital world there are no legal and ethical considerations. When things go wrong, when innocent people are killed, there are no rami“cations. If anything, the games warp these real-world consequences in the minds of players; in 2012, psychologists Brock Bastian, Jolanda Jetten and Helena R.M. Radke were able to use brain scans to show that playing violent video games had the potential to desensitize players to real-life violence and the suffering of others. In a 2010 article for the Brookings Institution, political scientist Peter Singer quoted a Special Forces soldier who was involved in the production of Americas Army 360,Ž a video game developed to recruit and train enlistees. You lose an avatar; just reboot the game,Ž the soldier said. In real life, you lose your guy; youve lost your guy. And then youve got to bury him, and then youve got to call his wife.Ž Indeed, journalist Evan Wright wrote in his book Generation KillŽ that solders were on intimate terms with the culture of video games, reality TV shows and internet porn.Ž Real-life combat, however, was something entirely different. What I saw was a lot of them discovered levels of innocence that they probably didnt think they had,Ž Wright wrote. When they actually shot people, especially innocent people, and were confronted with this, I saw guys break down. The violence in games hadnt prepared them for this.Ž Thus video games might suck soldiers in „ offering a tantalizing taste of the glory and excitement of battle. But they do little to prepare them for the types of threats that actually exist on the battle“eld. When I really think of the government seeing that as training, I laugh,Ž one of our interviewees told us. But I also feel a bit uneasy.ŽMilitarizing legions of gamersRegardless of their effectiveness as training tools, violent video games can certainly act as a valuable tool for connecting the military with potential recruits. In addition to in”uencing the decisions of gamers to pursue military service, they can also be used to promote the geopolitical goals of the military. Journalist Hamza Shaban, in a 2013 article for The Atlantic, described just how deep the Armys relationship had become with the commercial gaming industry, creating what he dubbed a military-entertainment complex.Ž According to Shaban, the games that emerged from this relationship „ an exciting, simpli“ed, easy-to-play version of warfare „ encouraged gamers to consider a career in the military. Meanwhile, games such as UrbanSim,Ž Tactical IraqiŽ and Frontlines: Fuel of WarŽ teach players and potential recruits about the discourse of modern-day warfare. Missions include battling Islamic militants, winning over potentially hostile populations and establishing pro-Western, pro-democratic societies. They engage with the fundamentals of insurgency and counterinsurgency, present the dangers of improvised explosive devices and highlight the military usefulness of weaponized drones. However, to some of the soldiers and ex-soldiers we spoke to, the value of playing “rst-person shooters amounted to little more than propaganda. The idea of us training using these games is a bit of a [disaster],Ž one said. What the U.S. seeks to achieve through the use of these games is not entirely within their control. It might be a cheap way of getting us involved ƒ but its hardly training.Ž Another called “rst-person shooters more like brainwashing than anything.Ž But you have to be pretty stupid to buy into all this,Ž he added. The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would bene“t from this article, and have disclosed no relevant af“liations beyond the academic appointment above. How the US military is using violent, chaotic, beautiful video games to train soldiersBy SCOTT NICHOLAS ROMANIUKPH.D. CANDIDATE, UNIVERSITY OF TRENTOand TOBIAS BURGERSDOCTORAL CANDIDATE, FREIE UNIVERSITT BERLIN SHUTTERSTOCK PHOTOSVideo games are unable to mimic what a soldiers life is really like. First-person shooter games can recruit civilians.


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 Page 7 FLORIDA REPORT ALMANACToday is Saturday, April 29 the 119th day of 2017. There are 246 days left in the year. Today in historyOn April 29, 1992 a jury in Simi Valley, California, acquitted four Los Angeles police officers of almost all state charges in the videotaped beating of motorist Rodney King; the verdicts were followed by several days of rioting in Los Angeles resulting in 55 deaths. On this dateIn 1429 Joan of Arc entered the besieged city of Orleans to lead a French victory over the English. In 1798 Joseph Haydns oratorio The CreationŽ was rehearsed in Vienna, Austria, before an invited audience. In 1817 representatives of the United States and Britain concluded the Rush-Bagot Agreement, which limited the number of naval vessels allowed in the Great Lakes. In 1861 the Maryland House of Delegates voted 53-13 against seceding from the Union. In Montgomery, Alabama, President Jefferson Davis asked the Confederate Congress for the authority to wage war. In 1945 during World WarII, American soldiers liberated the Dachau concentration camp. Adolf Hitler married Eva Braun inside his FuhrerbunkerŽ and designated Adm. Karl Doenitz president. In 1977 Pope Paul VI and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Donald Coggan, participated in a Christian unity service in the Vaticans Sistine Chapel. In 1997 a worldwide treaty to ban chemical weapons went into effect. In 2011 Britains Prince William and Kate Middleton were married in an opulent ceremony at Londons Westminster Abbey. Todays birthdaysActor Keith Baxter is 84. Bluesman Otis Rush is 82. Pop singer Bob Miranda (The Happenings) is 75. Singer Tommy James is 70. Movie director Phillip Noyce is 67. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld is 63. Actor Leslie Jordan is 62. Actress Kate Mulgrew is 62. Actor Daniel Day-Lewis is 60. Actress Michelle Pfeiffer is 59. Actress Eve Plumb is 59. Rock musician Phil King is 57. Actor Vincent Ventresca is 51. Singer Carnie Wilson (Wilson Phillips) is 49. Actor Paul Adelstein is 48. Actress Uma Thurman is 47. International Tennis Hall of Famer Andre Agassi is 47. Rapper Master P is 47. Actor Darby Stanchfield is 46. WAYNESBORO, Va. (AP) „ Why would someone go around shaving other peoples cats? The mystery has the attention of police in Waynesboro, a small city in Virginias Shenandoah Valley where someone has been taking cats and precisely shaving their underbellies or legs. Its happened to seven cats since December. Police Capt. Kelly Walker said Friday that all the cats have been returned otherwise unharmed, but some seem bothered. Walker says all the cats clearly had owners „ they were well-groomed and wearing collars. He says police arent sure what crime has been committed, but the owners would just like it to stop.Ž Walker says he learned of the feline barbering spree this week when a resident asked if he could post notices asking anyone with information to contact police.ODD NEWS Mystery in Virginia: Someone is shaving other peoples catsMIAMI (AP) „ A Florida sheriffs deputy was sleeping Thursday afternoon when his 11-year-old daughter called and asked him to pick her up at her school bus stop. Seconds later, his daughter screamed into the phone, Dad, help me, help me!Ž Polk County Sheriffs Deputy Jonathan JJŽ Quintana told reporters at a news conference Friday that he assumed the worst as he jumped out of bed and ran barefoot to the bus stop. He found his daughter safe, but immediately saw the carnage left when a suspected drunken driver hit “ve of her fellow Dundee Ridge Middle Academy students as they walked home from the stop. One student later died of his injuries. Quintana, 30, ran back home for his patrol car, yelled for his wife to toss him his keys and some shoes and drove back to the scene to assist the injured children. By then, two nurses had stopped to help the injured students. The deputy „ still limping and visibly shaken Friday „ said a witness at the scene pointed out the car that had allegedly just crashed into the children. Quintana saw the black vehicle had hit another car about 4,000 feet down the road. The driver then stumbled out of the vehicle. A woman who was four months pregnant was injured in that crash, according to authorities. They didnt release her name. Quintana arrested John Cam“eld, 48, of nearby Davenport, a former law enforcement of“cer who worked for more than 10 different agencies in Mississippi „ including Yalobusha County Sheriffs Of“ce, Tunica County Sheriffs Of“ce and the Oxford Police Department „ before moving to Florida in 2012. Of“cials said Jahiem Robertson, 13, died of his injuries Friday morning in an Orlando hospital. Another child, John Mena, also 13, remains in intensive care with orbital fractures. Three other children „ Jonte Robinson, 15; Jasmine Robertson, 14; and Rylan Pryce, 12 „ suffered minor injuries. It was unclear whether they were related. Speaking at the press conference Friday, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said Cam“eld refused to take a breath test after his arrest and was critiquingŽ the deputies who were processing his case. He was critiquing the steps they were taking and complimenting them,Ž Judd told reporters on Friday. He said, You guys know what you are doing around here. Ž In fact, Judd added, Cam“eld was being somewhat lighthearted until a lieutenant advised him that two of the children he hit were in critical condition. He said, if thats the case, put me under the jail,Ž Judd said. At that point, he agreed to take a breath test and a blood draw. Seven hours after the crash, he still read a .14,Ž nearly twice Florida legal limit. Judd said the bus had driven away just before the crash. He added that the students were not in the road when the car hit them. They werent misbehaving in any way. They were just being middle school children on their way home,Ž Judd said. This drunk man in a car drove off the road and ran through those children, scattering them like a bowling ball through bowling pins.ŽFlorida boy among 5 students hit by car has died HEADLINE NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATEEye doctor guilty on all counts of Medicare fraudWEST PALM BEACH (AP) „ A prominent Florida eye doctor accused of political corruption was convicted of Medicare fraud Friday, increasing the odds that federal prosecutors could pressure him to testify against New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez. Dr. Salomon Melgen was found guilty on all 67 counts and could spend the rest of his life in prison if he doesnt strike a deal before his sentencing, scheduled for July 14. Menendez denies any wrongdoing. The 62-year-old doctor collected more money from Medicaid than any other physician in the nation „ $21 million „ at the height of the fraud in 2012. He faces trial with Menendez this fall in New Jersey on charges the doctor bribed the senator for a variety of favors, including intervention in the fraud probe.Officials: No Zika found in mosquito samples so farTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ Florida agriculture of“cials say no mosquitoes in the state have tested positive for the Zika virus so far this year. A statement from the states Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services says nearly 90,000 individual mosquitoes have been tested for the virus linked to severe birth defects. None of the mosquitoes from more than 6,500 samples have tested positive for the presence of Zika so far. Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam has said as summer begins, its important that Florida communities have the resources they need for Zika response efforts. A Zika outbreak in Miamis Wynwood arts district last year was the “rst on the U.S. mainland. It lingered for more than a month but was limited to a small geographic area, much like previous outbreaks of mosquito-borne viruses in Florida.School bus safety bill passes HouseTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ People who drive past stopped school buses and injure or kill a student would face increased penalties under a bill passed by the Florida House. The measure was passed unanimously on Friday. Republican Rep. Dane Eagle said he sponsored the bill after a student in his district was killed by a driver passing a stopped school bus and the driver only received a $1,000 “ne and a sixmonth license suspension. The bill calls for a $1,500 “ne and a one-year license suspension. Violators would also have to serve 120 hours of community service in a trauma center and would have to attend a victim impact panel or driver improvement course.Legislature to leave conservation programs unfundedTALLHASSEE (AP) „ Florida lawmakers have tentatively agreed to pull funding from the states top land conservation programs. State Sen. Rob Bradley, chairman of the budget conference subcommittee on environmental spending, said Friday that giving no additional money in the coming year to Florida Forever Program and Florida Communities Trust was a tough decisionŽ but necessary to meet a targeted $130 million in cuts. The programs go toward purchasing land and waterways and creating parks, and last years budget gave them a combined $25 million. Bradley said the funding was still up for negotiation, but lawmakers from both the state House and Senate have tentatively agreed to zero for that allocation. The environmental group Florida Conservation Voters expressed disappointment, saying Floridians support conservation measures and have every right to be outraged.ŽWine, cider containers expanded under new billTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ Floridians who love drinking wine and cider will bene“t under a bill passed by the House of Representatives. The bill (SB 388), which was passed on Friday and heads back to the Senate, repeals the one-gallon limit on wine bottles. It also repeals a 2005 law that requires diners to order and eat a full meal of a salad or vegetable, entree, beverage and bread before they can take home an open bottle of wine. It also expands the sale of cider to 32-ounce, 64-ounce and one-gallon growlers, putting it on the same playing “eld as craft beers. The bill also includes an exception for theme parks to buy naming rights from brewers. It allows distributors to give bars and restaurants glasses if they were given to the distributor by a brewer.House passes bill to construct slavery memorialTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida House unanimously passed a bill that would construct a memorial on the Capitol grounds to remind people that slavery was once allowed. But despite Fridays vote, its unlikely the memorial will be built any time soon since the Senate never heard a similar bill. Democratic Rep. Kionne McGhee said he sponsored his bill to honor slaves who have gone unrecognized for their contributions to Florida and the nation. The bill also says the memorial would recognize the injustice, cruelty and inhumanity of slavery. Florida does not currently have any slavery memorials.House bill would make vacation rentals easier for ownersTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ A bill that would make it easier in Florida to lease property as a vacation rental is headed to the state Senate. The House of Representatives narrowly passed a bill on Friday (63-56) that blocks city and county governments from regulating short-term rental homes differently from residential properties. Lawmakers representing tourist-heavy districts were against the bill (HB 425) because of parties and disturbances. Many during debates on Thursday and Friday cited problems with Airbnb properties in beach communities. Those supporting the bill say it protects property rights. The bill also requires owners to submit a copy of the rental license, certi“cate of registration and emergency contact information to local governments for information purposes only and at no charge. It now heads to the Senate, where a similar measure made it through all three of its committee spots.Bill creates new criminal offenses for terrorismTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ Florida is taking steps to create new criminal offenses to combat terrorism. The Florida House unanimously passed a bill Friday that would create “ve new criminal offenses for people who work with terrorist groups or commit acts of terrorism. Acts of terrorism themselves would be a new “rst-degree felony offense under state law. Another new offense would make it a “rst-degree felony to use military-type trainingŽ provided by a foreign terrorist organization to harm someone or disrupt critical infrastructure. Another would make it a “rst-degree felony to provide resources to terrorist groups. It would be a second-degree felony to join a foreign terrorist group. And it would create the offense of agroterrorism, or intentionally spreading contagious diseases among crops or livestock. TALLAHASSEE (AP) „ After a “ery debate on Friday, the Republicancontrolled Florida House approved a strict ban on so-called sanctuary cities that punishes local of“cials who resist federal efforts to deport immigrants living in the country illegally. Republican lawmakers supported the proposed legislation, which passed on a 76-41 party-line vote, over the objections of Democrats who called the bill an anti-immigrantŽ effort beset by constitutional hurdles. The idea that this is an anti-immigrant effort is not in my heart or in my mind,Ž State Rep. Larry Metz, the bills primary sponsor, responded. I am very much in favor of legal immigration, but there is distinction between legal and illegal, and I believe in the rule of law.Ž Under the proposed ban (HB 697), local of“cials would be “ned up to $5,000 for each day the sanctuary cityŽ policy remains in effect. Also, any county elected of“cial, such as a sheriff, would face suspension or potential removal from of“ce for supporting such policies. The measure now goes to the Senate, which also has a Republican majority, but a companion bill stalled early on in the Legislative session. Under the bill, it would be a violation to not honor a federal immigration request, which entails local jails holding detainees past their scheduled release to give immigration authorities more time to pick them up and deport them. Opponents argue this could open the state up to litigation. We know a bill like this will lead to litigation and there will be a point in time where our mistakes will cost our state,Ž Rep. Nicholas Duran, a Democrat from MiamiDade, said. The state would not provide funding for the cost of increased detention costs, which would be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The state, however, would withhold state grants from local jurisdictions acting as sanctuary cities.Ž Local police would need probable cause to detain someone suspected of being in the country illegally, rather than a simple inquiry into their immigration status which was initially proposed. Opponents say the state would be oversteppingŽ its authority and take responsibility for a federal duty. State lawmakers pushed for a series of measures that were tough on immigration early on in the Legislative session, but most went nowhere. That included one measure that would have increased sentences for detainees based on their immigration status.House votes to punish sanctuary city officials PHOTO PROVIDEDThe Republican-controlled Florida House approved a strict ban on so-called sanctuary cities that punishes local ocials who resist federal eorts to deport immigrants living in the country illegally.


Page 8 The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 40.43 27 .61 HCP Inc 1.48 12 31.35 -1.15 +5.5 18.83 11.31 HP Inc .53f 12 18.82 +.53 +26.8 44.18 28.62 HSBC 1.50e ... 41.17 +1.23 +2.5 56.99 32.87 HainCels lf ... 18 36.99 -.65 -5.2 58.78 38.24 Hallibrtn .72 dd 45.88 -1.18 -15.2 29.39 18.91 Hanesbds s .60 13 21.81 +.12 +1.1 92.78 74.06 HanoverIns 2.00 22 88.27 +.47 -3.0 63.40 41.63 HarleyD 1.45f 17 56.81 +1.00 -2.6 6.18 2.51 Harmonic ... dd 5.80 +.15 +16.0 4.87 1.86 HarmonyG ... ... 2.18 -.20 -1.4 15.25 5.81 Harsco .20m 54 13.05 +.75 -4.0 50.26 38.92 HartfdFn .92 15 48.36 +1.08 +1.5 34.98 28.31 HawaiiEl 1.24 19 33.52 -.16 +1.4 47 .05 34.83 HlthCSvc .75f 41 45.91 +.03 +17 .2 7 .64 3.83 HeclaM .01e 29 5.45 -.02 +4.0 117 .79 89.17 Hershey 2.47 26 108.20 +.80 +4.6 53.14 14.90 HertzGl ... ... 16.49 +.85 -23.5 65.56 45.12 Hess 1.00f dd 48.83 +1.52 -21.6 18.78 11.53 HP Ent n .26 9 18.63 +.49 +7 .4 30.60 18.67 HilltopH ... 19 27 .81 +.40 -6.7 10.95 4.88 HimaxTch .13e 29 7 .01 -.48 +16.1 35.62 22.07 HollyFront 1.32 13 28.14 +.26 -14.1 156.27 119.20 HomeDp 3.56f 24 156.10 +6.10 +16.4 32.17 24.04 Honda .55e ... 29.10 +.58 -0.3 131.34 105.25 HonwllIntl 2.66 19 131.14 +4.06 +13.2 40.54 33.18 Hormel s .68 21 35.08 +.39 +0.8 32.68 24.62 HospPT 2.08f 9 31.83 -.17 +0.3 20.21 14.30 HostHotls .80a 12 17 .95 -.87 -4.7 29.67 22.85 HuanPwr 2.45e ... 27 .36 +.76 +5.1 125.93 97 .35 Hubbell 2.80f 21 113.13 -5.87 -3.1 221.97 150.00 Humana 1.60 23 221.98 +8.31 +8.8 14.74 8.05 HuntBncsh .32 20 12.86 +.26 -2.7 220.68 143.34 HuntgtnIng 2.40 19 200.89 +1.26 +9.1 26.39 12.40 Huntsmn .50 15 24.77 +.77 +29.8 5.87 3.10 IAMGld g ... 83 4.14 -.20 +7 .5 8.89 6.30 ICICI Bk .16e ... 8.57 +.32 +14.4 163.39 80.53 IdexxLab s ... 68 167 .73 +8.61 +43.0 16.51 9.26 ING .14e ... 16.28 +1.06 +15.5 13.25 10.81 iShGold ... q 12.21 -.16 +10.2 40.80 25.15 iShBrazil 1.03e q 37 .17 +1.01 +11.5 39.66 29.71 iShEMU .95e q 39.24 +1.85 +13.4 19.71 14.85 iShSilver ... q 16.30 -.72 +7 .9 93.52 80.03 iShSelDiv 2.59e q 91.50 +.33 +3.3 39.85 31.04 iShChinaLC .76e q 38.53 +.57 +11.0 40.31 31.70 iShEMkts .84e q 40.06 +.77 +14.4 143.62 116.49 iSh20 yrT 3.05 q 122.35 -1.19 +2.7 64.08 51.93 iS Eafe 1.70e q 63.80 +1.83 +10.5 88.37 82.01 iShiBxHYB 5.09 q 88.12 +.52 +1.8 303.74 240.30 iShNsdqBio .09e q 297 .64 +10.15 +12.2 141.82 107 .99 iShR2K 1.77e q 139.06 +1.85 +3.1 85.70 77 .86 iShCorHiDv 2.90e q 83.26 +.35 +1.2 40.34 36.70 iShUSPfd 2.15a q 39.01 +.08 +4.8 85.80 72.11 iShREst 2.76e q 78.93 -1.65 +2.6 86.46 69.83 Idacorp 2.20 21 84.52 -.72 +4.9 142.82 98.32 ITW 2.60 23 138.09 +3.22 +12.8 23.65 13.42 IndBkMI .40 20 22.30 +1.00 +2.8 19.76 13.42 Infosys .62e 15 14.56 +.08 -1.8 89.75 59.10 IngerRd 1.60 20 88.75 +5.72 +18.3 140.00 112.06 Ingredion 2.00f 18 123.82 +2.96 -0.9 38.45 29.50 Intel 1.09f 16 36.15 -.17 -0.3 177 .93 96.63 InterceptP ... dd 112.35 +4.46 +3.4 3.86 .80 Internap ... dd 3.10 ... +101.3 182.79 142.50 IBM 6.00f 13 160.29 -.09 -3.4 32.07 16.65 IntlGmeT n .80 ... 22.20 -.14 -13.0 58.86 39.24 IntPap 1.85f 18 53.97 +1.19 +1.7 25.34 21.67 Interpublic .72f 16 23.57 -.82 +0.7 5.15 1.70 Intersectns ... dd 4.88 +.37 +22.3 840.75 610.71 IntSurg ... 39 835.87 +22.44 +31.8 12.96 5.42 InvenSense ... dd 12.86 -.07 +0.5 57 .00 19.59 IonisPhm ... dd 48.19 +3.93 +0.8 52.38 44.60 iShJapan rs ... q 51.86 +.40 +6.1 48.95 38.86 iShCorEM 1.09e q 48.70 +.90 +14.7 13.65 7 .91 ItauUnibH .32e ... 12.30 +.44 +19.8J-K-L 35.32 19.51 ... dd 35.07 +.72 +37 .9 93.98 57 .05 JPMorgCh 1.92 14 87 .00 +2.48 +0.8 63.42 43.93 JacobsEng .15p 20 54.92 +1.38 -3.6 9.75 4.63 JkksPac ... dd 4.90 -.20 -4.9 23.15 14.76 JetBlue ... 12 21.83 +.30 -2.6 129.00 109.32 JohnJn 3.20 19 123.47 +1.71 +7 .2 46.17 34.76 JohnContl n 1.08e 28 41.57 -.47 +0.9 30.00 21.18 JnprNtwk .40 18 30.07 +2.29 +6.4 19.09 11.63 KKR 1.31e 10 18.98 +1.94 +23.3 100.69 79.05 KC Southn 1.32 19 90.07 +2.08 +6.2 25.89 14.02 KateSpade ... 17 17 .40 -.14 -6.8 87 .16 70.74 Kellogg 2.08 18 71.00 -1.42 -3.7 7 .80 4.03 KeryxBio ... dd 5.92 +.23 +1.0 19.53 10.21 Keycorp .34 18 18.24 +.09 -0.2 138.87 111.30 KimbClk 3.88 21 129.75 -.21 +13.7 32.24 20.63 Kimco 1.08f 17 20.29 -1.94 -19.4 23.36 16.63 KindMorg .50 69 20.63 +.49 -0.4 5.82 2.88 Kinross g ... 70 3.49 -.37 +12.2 97 .77 77 .13 KraftHnz n 2.40 41 90.39 -1.21 +3.5 9.19 3.75 KratosDef ... dd 7 .62 +.02 +3.0 37 .97 28.29 Kroger s .48 14 29.65 -.30 -14.1 22.77 10.62 Kulicke ... ... 22.32 +1.68 +39.9 80.20 43.04 L Brands 2.40f 14 52.81 +2.97 -19.8 179.95 132.00 L-3 Tch 2.80f 22 171.77 +3.88 +12.9 54.20 43.17 LTC Prp 2.28f 16 47 .84 -1.64 +1.8 90.80 64.18 Landstar .36 26 85.45 ... +0.2 63.38 41.45 LVSands 2.92f 27 58.99 +1.61 +10.4 31.87 21.56 LaSalleH 1.80 9 28.56 +.01 -6.3 54.63 44.02 LeggPlat 1.36 21 52.54 +.07 +7 .5 8.01 3.44 LendingClb ... dd 5.85 +.13 +11.4 61.33 44.01 Level3 ... 33 60.76 +.70 +7 .8 5.61 4.76 LbtyASE .52e q 5.50 +.14 +6.6 42.26 33.89 LibtProp 1.60m 19 40.57 -.36 +2.7 91.10 56.02 LincElec 1.40 30 89.03 +1.51 +16.1 4.42 2.47 LloydBkg .47a ... 3.66 +.34 +18.1 276.64 228.50 LockhdM 7 .28 21 269.45 -3.64 +7 .8 85.76 64.87 Lowes 1.40 21 84.88 +1.76 +19.3 58.38 44.85 Luxottica .78e ... 57 .80 +3.04 +7 .6M-N-0 173.72 108.04 M&T Bk 3.00f 19 155.41 +1.50 -0.7 11.65 6.34 MBIA ... dd 8.40 -.13 -21.5 31.93 20.51 MDC 1.00 15 31.01 -.27 +20.8 29.92 19.73 MDU Res .77 23 26.90 -.17 -6.5 11.35 5.36 MGIC Inv ... 11 10.54 -.21 +3.4 31.15 21.12 MGM Rsts .39p 27 30.71 +2.30 +6.5 9.06 7 .12 MVC Cap .54a q 9.04 +.34 +5.4 47 .21 32.76 Magna g s 1.10f 9 41.77 +1.19 -3.8 7 .57 3.65 Manitowoc .08 dd 5.97 +.37 -0.2 19.52 12.55 Manulife g .74 ... 17 .55 +.42 -1.5 19.28 11.28 MarathnO .20 dd 14.87 -.29 -14.1 54.59 32.02 MarathPt s 1.52f 10 50.94 +2.38 +1.2 96.82 60.87 MAR 1.20 26 94.42 +1.95 +14.2 25.38 15.58 MartinMid 2.00 29 19.75 +.10 +7 .6 16.72 9.05 MarvellTch .24 cc 15.02 +.12 +8.3 37 .58 29.11 Masco .40 24 37 .02 +2.68 +17 .1 117 .31 86.65 MasterCrd .88 33 116.32 +2.05 +12.7 34.24 21.55 Mattel 1.52 26 22.42 +.63 -18.6 46.22 33.38 MaximIntg 1.32 26 44.15 -.77 +14.5 107 .84 88.64 McCorm 1.72f 27 99.90 -.50 +7 .0 8.33 4.03 McDrmInt ... 20 6.54 +.23 -11.5 142.79 110.33 McDnlds 3.76 26 139.93 +6.52 +15.0 199.43 114.53 McKesson 1.12 12 138.29 +2.37 -1.5 4.92 2.09 McEwenM .01a cc 3.04 -.03 +4.5 15.92 11.54 MedProp .96f 14 13.07 -.96 +6.3 22.25 11.91 MelcoResE 1.40e 71 21.95 +1.40 +38.1 66.80 53.06 Merck 1.88 16 62.33 +.44 +5.9 64.52 49.69 MercGn 2.49 30 61.49 +1.55 +2.1 66.25 43.85 Meredith 2.08f 14 58.55 -5.65 -1.0 18.08 6.30 Meritor ... 3 17 .81 +1.01 +43.4 58.09 36.17 MetLife 1.60 11 51.81 +.54 -3.9 29.87 9.35 MicronT ... 33 27 .67 +.35 +26.2 68.38 48.04 Microsoft 1.56 30 68.46 +2.06 +10.2 2.94 .89 Microvisn ... dd 2.25 -.36 +78.6 150.87 105.98 Middleby ... 27 136.13 -1.61 +5.7 44.48 32.51 MdsxWatr .84 28 38.12 -1.13 -11.2 13.86 10.89 MHowHiInc 1.39 q 13.65 +.23 +10.2 7 .01 4.16 MitsuUF J ... ... 6.34 +.05 +2.9 46.40 40.50 Mondelez .76 32 45.03 +.09 +1.6 73.05 48.73 Moog A ... 21 68.65 -.01 +4.5 47 .33 23.11 MorgStan .80 13 43.37 +1.77 +2.7 34.36 22.77 Mosaic 1.26f cc 26.93 +.26 -8.2 87 .55 62.76 MotrlaSolu 1.88f 20 85.97 +2.25 +3.7 50.40 33.60 Mylan NV ... 8 37 .35 +.52 -2.1 49.90 25.20 NCR Corp ... 14 41.25 +.31 +1.7 5.18 3.03 NQ Mobile ... 34 3.77 +.14 +17 .1 19.07 9.84 NRG Egy .12 21 16.90 -.14 +37 .8 18.56 13.98 NRG Yld C 1.04f 46 17 .70 +.25 +12.0 28.43 21.96 NTT DOCO ... ... 24.22 +.29 +6.5 18.40 7 .61 Nabors .24 dd 10.34 -1.45 -37 .0 61.25 50.61 NatFuGas 1.62 24 55.38 +1.79 -2.2 74.97 56.50 NatGrid 3.35e ... 64.87 +.69 +11.2 82.53 65.94 NtHlthInv 3.80f 17 73.17 -2.35 -1.3 24.88 11.41 NektarTh ... dd 18.97 +.60 +54.6 69.09 46.14 Neogen ... 58 62.33 +.93 -5.6 153.52 84.50 Netflix s ... cc 152.20 +9.33 +22.9 6.04 2.39 NwGold g ... 41 2.84 -.37 -18.9 42.65 30.46 NJ Rscs s 1.02 21 40.35 -.15 +13.7 19.89 13.34 NewMedia 1.40 19 13.16 -1.11 -17 .7 68.52 37 .16 NewOriEd .40e 37 64.54 +1.73 +53.3 17 .86 11.92 NewResid 1.92f 9 16.67 +.33 +6.0 17 .68 13.05 NY CmtyB .68 13 13.29 -.52 -16.5 7 .04 4.97 NYMtgTr .80m 13 6.41 +.06 -2.9 46.07 30.19 NewmtM .20 29 33.81 -.32 -0.8 134.33 110.49 NextEraEn 3.93f 23 133.56 +.54 +11.8 26.94 21.17 NiSource s .70 22 24.25 +.24 +9.5 55.94 38.31 Nielsen plc 1.36f 23 41.13 +.13 -2.0 60.33 49.01 NikeB s .84 23 55.41 -.44 +9.0 11.35 4.45 NobleCorp .08 2 4.80 -.49 -18.9 42.03 32.33 NobleEngy .40 dd 32.33 -1.82 -15.1 5.99 4.04 NokiaCp .17e ... 5.73 +.51 +19.1 16.18 7 .57 NordicAm 1.14e 22 8.30 -.06 -1.2 A-B-C 13.32 10.49 AES Corp .48 10 11.31 +.05 -2.7 75.34 66.50 AFLAC 1.72 12 74.88 +.89 +7 .6 11.39 3.31 AK Steel ... 22 6.34 -.38 -37 .9 43.89 36.10 AT&T Inc 1.96 15 39.63 -.30 -6.8 45.84 36.76 AbbottLab 1.06 21 43.64 +.11 +13.6 68.12 55.06 AbbVie 2.56 15 65.94 +2.12 +5.3 27 .37 10.50 AberFitc .80 dd 11.99 +.31 -0.1 6.39 4.45 Accuray ... dd 4.55 -.10 -1.1 52.28 33.55 ActivsBliz .30f 43 52.25 +2.38 +44.7 76.09 39.66 Adient n .28p ... 73.56 +4.32 +25.5 75.73 31.98 AdvEnId ... 24 73.80 +5.30 +34.8 15.55 3.31 AMD ... dd 13.30 +.30 +17 .3 51.23 24.85 AdvisoryBd ... 20 51.10 +3.60 +53.7 40.72 26.46 Aecom ... 12 34.21 +.80 -5.9 32.44 22.16 AeroViron ... dd 28.57 -.16 +6.5 136.50 104.59 Aetna 2.00f 18 135.07 +3.89 +8.9 17 .75 1.30 AeviGeno ... dd 1.60 +.06 -69.1 55.51 40.39 Agilent .53 32 55.05 +1.78 +20.8 25.98 18.26 Aircastle 1.04 11 23.62 +.48 +13.3 13.94 7 .00 AkebiaTher ... dd 13.18 +4.08 +26.6 35.40 17 .61 Akorn Inc ... 19 33.45 +.54 +53.2 2.61 1.49 AlaskCom ... ... 2.35 -.16 +43.3 39.78 20.71 Alcoa Cp ... ... 33.73 +2.03 +20.1 159.93 109.12 Alexion lf ... 44 127 .78 +10.96 +4.4 115.96 73.30 Alibaba ... 37 115.50 +2.39 +31.5 23.69 10.93 AllegTch ... dd 18.35 +1.25 +15.2 261.27 184.50 Allergan ... 18 243.86 +7 .51 +16.1 72.05 54.03 Allete 2.14 27 69.91 -.47 +8.9 26.65 13.20 AllnceRes 1.75 6 21.25 -.45 -5.3 25.13 20.75 AlliBern 1.81e 11 22.90 ... -2.3 40.99 34.88 AlliantEg s 1.22 21 39.32 -.32 +3.8 83.09 64.59 Allstate 1.48f 17 81.29 +1.56 +9.7 23.62 14.84 AllyFincl .32p 9 19.80 -.05 +4.1 876.05 663.28 Alphabet C ... 28 905.96 +62.77 +17 .4 893.38 672.66 Alphabet A ... 30 924.52 +65.57 +16.7 8.57 6.97 AlpTotDiv .69 q 8.62 +.28 +13.7 13.31 11.42 AlpAlerMLP 1.35e q 12.60 +.04 ... 76.55 60.82 Altria 2.44 24 71.78 +.31 +6.2 923.72 599.20 Amazon ... cc 924.99 +26.46 +23.4 74.95 35.26 Ambarella ... 29 56.22 +2.87 +3.9 6.34 4.70 Ambev .06e 6 5.73 +.09 +16.7 1.75 .35 Amedica rs ... dd .37 -.01 -40.6 56.57 46.30 Ameren 1.76 20 54.69 -.40 +4.3 6.11 5.10 AFMulti .50 17 5.90 +.15 +9.3 50.64 24.85 AmAirlines .40 6 42.62 -2.53 -8.7 71.32 57 .89 AEP 2.36 17 67 .83 -.03 +7 .7 82.00 57 .15 AmExp 1.28 14 79.25 -.34 +7 .0 67 .47 48.41 AmIntlGrp 1.28 dd 60.91 +1.78 -6.7 46.84 37 .28 AmStsWtr .97 27 44.52 -.62 -2.3 85.24 69.41 AmWtrWks 1.66f 28 79.76 -.75 +10.2 50.11 40.81 Amerigas 3.80f 41 45.02 -.77 -6.1 135.20 84.92 Ameriprise 3.32f 13 127 .85 -.59 +15.2 94.50 68.38 AmeriBrgn 1.46 14 82.05 +.79 +4.9 57 .56 43.28 Ametek .36 25 57 .20 +2.36 +17 .7 184.21 133.64 Amgen 4.60f 15 163.32 +2.91 +11.7 73.75 54.94 Amphenol .64f ... 72.31 +1.84 +7 .6 73.33 44.81 Anadarko .20 dd 57 .02 -2.27 -18.2 22.91 9.28 AnglogldA ... ... 11.43 -1.00 +8.8 136.08 98.28 ABInBev 3.19e ... 113.24 +4.96 +7 .4 12.07 9.83 Annaly 1.20a 10 11.81 +.05 +18.5 184.45 114.85 Anthem 2.60 19 177 .89 +10.09 +23.7 5.93 4.47 Anworth .60 11 5.86 +.17 +13.3 69.00 48.05 Apache 1.00 dd 48.64 -.38 -23.4 19.92 15.43 ApolloCRE 1.84 10 19.29 +.46 +16.1 6.80 5.03 ApolloInv .60 ... 6.79 +.17 +15.9 145.46 89.47 Apple Inc 2.28 17 143.65 +1.38 +24.0 41.82 19.46 ApldMatl .40 20 40.61 +.82 +25.8 35.83 28.03 AquaAm .74 25 33.09 -.12 +10.2 33.95 14.85 ArcBest .32 39 26.45 +.80 -4.3 9.37 4.18 ArcelorMit ... 8 7 .80 +.11 +6.8 30.69 16.75 Arconic .15p ... 27 .33 +1.33 +47 .4 17 .87 13.85 AresCap 1.52 13 17 .60 +.20 +6.7 9.22 .31 ArgosTher ... dd .43 -.07 -91.2 140.32 60.51 AristaNetw ... 45 139.64 +2.98 +44.3 13.40 2.70 ArrayBio ... dd 8.67 +.42 -1.4 75.88 58.09 ArrowEl ... 10 70.50 -.37 -1.1 128.19 105.50 Ashland 1.56 19 123.50 -1.56 +13.0 35.04 25.55 AstraZen s 1.40e 9 30.25 +.49 +10.7 82.07 68.51 ATMOS 1.80f 23 81.02 +1.19 +9.3 105.68 84.36 AutoData 2.28 28 104.49 +1.80 +1.7 83.93 68.55 AveryD 1.80f 21 83.21 +1.52 +18.5 41.53 23.00 AvisBudg ... 10 30.50 +1.12 -16.8 45.22 37 .78 Avista 1.43f 19 40.34 +.01 +0.9 3.65 1.75 B2gold g ... dd 2.54 -.19 +7 .2 49.03 41.83 BCE g 2.73 ... 45.57 +.14 +5.4 11.85 8.18 BGC Ptrs .64 27 11.38 +.22 +11.2 37 .44 22.37 BHPBil plc .64m ... 30.73 -.02 -2.3 38.68 30.66 BP PLC 2.38 41 34.32 +.32 -8.2 32.95 12.68 BP Pru 2.43e 3 19.45 -.15 -18.1 201.00 155.28 Baidu ... 12 180.23 +2.15 +9.6 68.59 41.74 BakrHu .68 dd 59.37 +1.69 -8.6 89.50 56.60 Balchem .38f 46 81.16 +2.85 -3.3 82.24 67 .51 BallCorp .40 21 76.89 +3.21 +2.4 3.25 1.23 BallardPw ... dd 3.27 +.51 +98.2 8.38 5.14 BcBilVArg .42e ... 8.00 +.39 +18.2 11.25 6.10 BcoBrad s .43e ... 10.55 +.71 +21.3 6.63 3.60 BcoSantSA .23e ... 6.52 +.50 +25.9 11.75 4.73 BcoSBrasil .28e ... 8.57 +.69 -3.6 10.20 7 .31 BankMutl .22 26 9.20 -.05 -2.6 25.80 12.05 BkofAm .30f 15 23.34 +.63 +5.6 78.00 60.93 BkMont g 3.52 ... 70.85 -1.56 -1.5 49.54 35.72 BkNYMel .68 15 47 .06 +.50 -0.7 62.89 47 .29 BkNova g 2.74 10 55.63 -1.26 -0.1 12.05 6.76 Barclay .39e ... 10.81 +.25 -1.7 71.48 14.97 B iPVxST rs ... q 15.01 -2.19 -41.2 306.06 203.63 Bard 1.04 30 307 .48 +54.67 +36.9 13.63 8.45 BarnesNob .60 45 8.55 -.20 -23.3 23.47 13.81 BarrickG .12f 28 16.72 -2.51 +4.6 3.24 .30 BasicEnS ... dd .45 ... ... 56.50 42.22 Baxter s .52 29 55.68 +2.80 +25.6 15.80 6.81 BeazerHm ... cc 12.41 +.01 -6.7 186.40 157 .60 BectDck 2.92 33 186.97 +1.68 +12.9 50.57 37 .28 BedBath .60f 8 38.75 -1.05 -4.7 53.32 45.16 Bemis 1.20f 17 44.93 -4.40 -6.0 177 .86 136.65 BerkH B ... 17 165.21 +1.80 +1.4 56.54 41.61 BigLots 1.00f 15 50.49 +.80 +0.6 9.25 2.49 Biocryst ... dd 6.34 -.17 +0.2 333.65 223.02 Biogen ... 16 271.21 -1.73 -4.4 69.22 54.76 BlkHillsCp 1.78f 21 68.02 +.69 +10.9 9.33 6.23 BlackBerry ... dd 9.34 +.26 +35.6 38.54 30.82 BlkHlthSci 2.40a q 34.99 +.81 +10.2 16.09 12.96 BlkMuniast .72a q 14.85 +.25 +10.2 31.69 22.45 Blackstone 3.48f 19 30.84 +1.43 +14.1 24.95 19.18 BlockHR .88 17 24.79 +1.71 +7 .8 67 .92 35.63 BobEvans 1.36 49 66.74 +.52 +25.4 185.71 122.35 Boeing 5.68f 21 184.83 +4.45 +18.7 44.24 27 .52 BorgWarn .56 13 42.28 +2.77 +7 .2 195.35 135.10 BostBeer ... 21 144.35 +5.30 -15.0 26.41 19.67 BostonSci ... 52 26.38 +1.52 +22.0 23.05 16.77 BoydGm ... 23 22.68 +.51 +12.4 25.92 17 .90 BrigStrat .56 34 24.99 +1.49 +12.3 55.84 40.92 Brinker 1.36 14 44.19 -.47 -10.8 77 .12 46.01 BrMySq 1.56f 33 56.05 +2.57 -4.1 68.79 52.71 BritATob s ... ... 68.04 +1.27 ... 18.94 10.65 Brookdale ... dd 12.99 -.02 +4.6 40.31 27 .37 BrkfInfra s 1.74f ... 39.37 +.80 +17 .6 61.74 41.19 Brunswick .66f 17 56.75 -2.16 +4.1 75.10 61.37 Bu ckeye 4.96f 19 69.18 +1.11 +4.6 175.10 122.25 BuffaloWW ... 34 157 .55 -4.20 +2.0 14.30 8.72 CBL Asc 1.06 8 9.25 -.78 -19.6 47 .40 28.33 CIT Grp .60 45 46.31 +2.71 +8.5 46.25 38.78 CMS Eng 1.33 27 45.40 +.21 +9.1 10.90 6.26 CNH Indl .12 dd 11.10 +1.22 +27 .7 51.66 24.43 CSX .80f 28 50.84 +.07 +41.5 12.55 5.50 CVR Rfng 3.12e 39 10.05 +1.15 -3.4 106.67 69.30 CVS Health 2.00f 14 82.44 +3.16 +4.5 9.21 7 .42 CYS Invest 1.00 10 8.53 ... +10.3 26.74 20.02 CabotO&G .08 dd 23.24 -.84 -0.5 53.06 35.10 Cal-Maine 2.49e dd 37 .75 -1.80 -14.5 11.70 9.91 CalaCvHi 1.20 q 11.65 +.23 +10.4 18.49 12.13 CalAmp ... cc 17 .94 +.32 +23.7 18.80 12.70 Calgon .20 39 14.55 +.80 -14.4 39.40 27 .05 CalifWtr .72 34 35.70 -1.65 +5.3 18.53 10.02 CallonPet ... 54 11.84 +.30 -23.0 16.07 9.55 Calpine ... 22 10.20 +.03 -10.8 6.42 2.79 CalumetSp .69j dd 3.60 +.05 -10.0 90.91 75.36 CamdenPT 3.00 34 82.33 +.41 -2.1 67 .89 52.59 CampSp 1.40 20 57 .54 +.19 -4.8 76.10 55.73 CdnNR gs 1.29 ... 72.29 -2.43 +7 .3 35.28 27 .08 CdnNRs gs .82 ... 31.87 -.80 ... 96.92 58.03 CapOne 1.60 11 80.38 -2.29 -7 .9 20.73 12.65 CapSenL ... dd 13.97 -.20 -13.0 11.34 8.93 CapsteadM .84m 15 11.14 +.37 +9.3 1.97 .66 CpstnTur rs ... dd .73 -.04 +7 .4 85.52 62.70 CardnlHlth 1.80 14 72.59 +.09 +0.9 69.11 45.06 CarMax ... 18 58.50 +.19 -9.1 61.27 42.94 Carnival 1.60f 18 61.77 +2.81 +18.7 45.34 28.74 CarpTech .72 38 40.60 +4.21 +12.2 43.96 25.06 Carrizo ... dd 25.15 -.34 -32.7 105.98 69.04 Caterpillar 3.08 31 102.26 +7 .94 +10.3 71.92 56.17 CedarF 3.42f 23 71.67 +.69 +11.6 9.62 5.49 Cemex .29t ... 9.22 +.44 +14.8 3.84 1.40 Cemig pf .14e ... 2.73 -.20 +19.7 16.82 9.79 CenovusE .20 dd 9.98 -.51 -34.0 28.86 21.25 CenterPnt 1.07 22 28.53 +.41 +15.8 33.45 22.33 CntryLink 2.16 11 25.67 +.35 +7 .9 67 .50 47 .01 Cerner ... 33 64.75 +5.78 +36.7 55.55 34.82 ChemFinl 1.08 17 47 .45 -1.78 -12.4 40.77 5.82 Chemours n .12 cc 40.29 +2.76 +82.4 8.20 3.56 ChesEng ... dd 5.26 -.26 -25.1 119.00 97 .53 Chevron 4.32 cc 106.70 +1.81 -9.3 40.38 26.12 ChicB&I .28 dd 30.08 +.13 -5.3 16.85 9.86 Chicos .33 19 13.82 -.39 -4.0 497 .48 352.96 Chipotle ... cc 474.47 -4.62 +25.7 53.68 42.56 ChurchDwt s .76f ... 49.53 -.72 +12.1 159.08 115.03 Cigna .04 19 156.37 +1.29 +17 .2 79.60 63.87 CinnFin 2.00f 20 72.09 +1.91 -4.8 66.28 31.00 Cirrus ... 17 64.35 +.43 +13.8 34.53 25.81 Cisco 1.16 17 34.07 +1.25 +12.7 29.68 15.90 CgpVelLCrd ... ... 17 .49 -.44 -36.8 62.53 38.31 Citigroup .64 12 59.12 +1.56 -0.5 39.75 18.34 CitizFincl .40 19 36.71 +1.81 +3.0 87 .99 60.71 CitrixSy s ... 23 80.94 -2.15 +13.8 4.80 2.38 CleanEngy ... dd 2.44 -.05 -14.7 12.37 2.77 CliffsNRs ... 7 6.72 -.39 -20.1 140.47 111.24 Clorox 3.20 27 133.69 -.60 +11.4 46.01 39.88 CocaCola 1.48 26 43.15 +.08 +4.1 16.41 6.98 Coeur ... 28 9.06 -.30 -0.3 14.73 11.11 CohStQIR .96 q 12.91 +.09 +5.7 28.50 24.82 CohStSelPf 2.06a q 27 .10 +.34 +3.6 75.38 63.43 ColgPalm 1.60f 26 72.04 -.98 +10.1 40.62 29.81 Comcast s .63f 22 39.19 +1.03 +13.5 75.00 36.82 Comerica .92f 20 70.70 +1.99 +3.8 6.33 3.87 CmpTask .24 15 5.93 +.04 +40.9 24.93 9.52 Comtech .40 12 14.01 -.08 +18.2 41.68 33.08 ConAgra .80 20 38.78 -1.68 -1.9 59.26 45.13 ConnWtrSv 1.13 26 53.67 -1.98 -3.9 53.17 38.80 ConocoPhil 1.06f dd 47 .91 +.17 -4.4 30.23 21.85 ConsolCom 1.55 ... 23.67 -.35 -11.8 81.88 68.76 ConEd 2.76 20 79.28 +.19 +7 .6 60.30 34.43 ContlRescs ... dd 42.41 -.80 -17 .7 44.50 29.29 CooperTire .42 8 38.30 -4.70 -1.4 47 .75 30.31 CorOnDem ... dd 39.28 +2.48 -7 .2 29.08 18.21 Corning .62 18 28.85 +1.83 +18.9 34.56 24.92 CorpOffP 1.10 18 32.74 -.84 +4.9 178.71 138.57 Costco 1.80a 33 177 .52 +6.75 +10.9 31.60 16.95 Coty .50 cc 17 .85 +.25 -2.5 94.25 13.50 CSVInvN rs ... q 19.79 -1.57 ... 75.48 20.21 CSVelIVST ... q 75.09 +8.83 +60.6 54.89 13.66 CSVLgNG rs ... q 20.52 +1.22 -55.6 16.17 10.01 CredSuiss 1.21e ... 15.26 +.81 +6.6 28.30 16.15 CrestEq rs 2.40e dd 25.35 +.10 -0.8 12.54 5.96 Crocs ... dd 6.23 +.14 -9.2 57 .49 48.04 CrownHold ... 14 56.09 +1.02 +6.7 155.51 105.33 Cummins 4.10 23 150.94 +5.38 +10.4 41.18 13.28 CybrOpt ... 17 21.65 -2.15 -17 .0 14.98 8.48 CypSemi .44 27 14.01 +.02 +22.5 3.66 .36 CytRx h ... dd .51 -.10 +36.8D-E-F 51.70 40.20 DCT IndlTr 1.16 29 50.56 -.23 +5.6 19.92 10.95 DDR Corp .76 12 10.81 -1.59 -29.2 11.00 9.81 DNP Selct .78 q 10.99 +.11 +7 .4 34.56 26.69 DR Horton .40f 13 32.89 +.02 +20.3 105.81 86.81 DTE 3.30f 24 104.59 +.64 +6.2 88.01 72.32 Danaher .56f 20 83.33 +1.63 +7 .1 86.44 59.50 Darden 2.24 22 85.19 +1.03 +17 .1 38.38 15.36 DeVryEd .36 14 37 .85 +2.05 +21.3 22.31 15.69 DeanFoods .36 12 19.74 ... -9.4 114.13 76.73 Deere 2.40 23 111.61 +4.07 +8.3 52.76 32.60 DeltaAir .81 9 45.44 -.09 -7 .6 4.74 2.15 DenburyR ... dd 2.22 -.02 -39.7 20.94 11.19 DeutschBk .83e ... 18.07 +1.57 -0.2 117 .84 99.46 Diageo 3.23e ... 117 .43 +3.38 +13.0 26.72 14.13 DiamOffsh .50 10 14.42 -.42 -18.5 6.20 2.11 DianaShip ... dd 3.99 -.30 +32.1 31.85 21.05 Diebold .40 dd 28.20 +.50 +12.1 14.15 9.00 DigiIntl ... 27 12.40 +.40 -9.8 113.72 85.63 DigitalRlt 3.72f 33 114.84 +1.96 +16.9 77 .70 46.56 Dillards .28 11 55.37 +1.43 -11.7 93.35 22.80 DirDGlBr rs ... q 32.25 +4.86 -33.3 122.00 11.75 DxGlMBr rs ... q 19.93 +3.49 -43.2 45.06 16.32 DxSCBear rs ... q 17 .27 -.78 -13.0 33.29 3.77 DrGMBll s ... q 4.50 -1.11 -19.4 35.80 5.51 DxGBull s ... q 8.15 -1.72 +6.7 74.33 50.32 Discover 1.20 11 62.59 -3.64 -13.2 116.10 90.32 Disney 1.56f 21 115.60 +1.16 +10.9 96.88 66.50 DollarGen 1.00 16 72.71 +1.99 -1.8 99.93 72.55 DollarTree ... 22 82.77 +3.96 +7 .2 79.36 68.71 DomRescs 3.02f 20 77 .43 -.11 +1.1 192.01 116.91 Dominos 1.84 44 181.39 +2.09 +13.9 47 .68 31.52 Donaldson .70 29 46.28 +.73 +10.0 65.42 47 .51 DowChm 1.84 20 62.80 +.64 +9.8 9.63 8.17 DryStrt .52 q 8.73 -.04 +3.9 82.37 61.12 DuPont 1.52 24 79.75 +1.10 +8.7 9.92 9.07 DufPUC .60 q 9.27 -.06 -1.8 87 .75 72.34 DukeEngy 3.42 17 82.50 +.29 +6.3 28.99 21.94 DukeRlty .76 28 27 .73 ... +4.4 34.74 22.30 eBay s ... 5 33.41 +1.23 +12.5 109.37 77 .04 EOG Rescs .67 dd 92.50 -1.08 -8.5 77 .39 54.30 Eaton 2.40f 17 75.64 +1.79 +12.7 14.04 12.49 EV EEq2 1.05 q 14.16 +.33 +10.6 9.05 7 .88 EVTxMGlo .98 q 8.82 +.22 +10.0 129.44 110.65 Ecolab 1.48 29 129.09 +2.89 +10.1 81.34 67 .44 EdisonInt 2.17 20 79.97 -.63 +11.1 121.75 81.12 EdwLfSci s ... 38 109.67 +11.90 +17 .0 5.16 2.54 EldorGld g .02e dd 3.66 +.06 +13.7 86.72 64.18 EliLilly 2.08f 26 82.06 +.17 +11.6 112.77 74.11 EllieMae ... 70 101.76 -6.56 +21.6 22.25 18.40 ElmiraSB .92 18 21.46 -.04 +5.0 24.45 3.00 EmergeES 2.68m dd 12.80 +.05 +4.0 64.36 48.45 EmersonEl 1.92 24 60.28 +1.28 +8.1 26.37 16.95 EnbrdgEPt 1.40m 31 19.34 +.99 -24.1 45.77 38.40 Enbridge 1.66f ... 41.45 -.47 -1.6 13.85 5.89 EnCana g .06 cc 10.70 -.14 -8.9 33.25 9.70 Endo Intl ... 7 11.37 +1.08 -31.0 20.05 10.56 EgyTrEq s 1.14 20 18.66 +.40 -3.4 43.50 31.64 EngyTsfr 4.22 dd 35.93 +.81 +0.3 10.33 4.69 Enerpls g .12e 3 7 .21 -.28 -23.9 20.45 12.51 EnLinkLLC 1.02 ... 18.45 +.41 -3.1 20.40 14.40 Ennis Inc .70a 16 17 .60 +1.30 +1.4 12.04 6.50 ENSCO .04 2 7 .89 -.43 -18.8 82.09 66.71 Entergy 3.48 9 76.26 -.15 +3.8 30.25 24.01 EntProdPt 1.66f 22 27 .32 +.06 +1.0 8.31 4.83 Ericsson .11e ... 6.49 +.26 +11.3 60.50 50.56 EversrceE 1.90f 20 59.40 -.40 +7 .6 2.40 .98 EvineLive ... dd 1.40 +.07 -6.7 30.30 5.36 ExactSci h ... dd 30.01 +6.08 +124.6 37 .70 29.82 Exelon 1.31 14 34.63 -.40 -2.4 137 .00 96.58 Expedia 1.12f 58 133.72 +1.74 +18.0 80.02 57 .80 ExpScripts ... 10 61.34 -5.12 -10.8 95.55 80.30 ExxonMbl 3.08f 36 81.65 +.96 -9.5 16.43 11.69 FNBCp PA .48 17 14.24 -.10 -11.2 147 .75 106.31 Facebook ... 35 150.25 +6.57 +30.6 13.12 3.20 FairmSant ... dd 5.16 +.08 -56.2 52.74 37 .70 Fastenal 1.28f 25 44.68 -.74 -4.9 201.57 145.00 FedExCp 1.60 17 189.70 +4.42 +1.9 171.08 126.02 FedRlty 3.92f 23 130.89 -5.29 -7 .9 22.93 14.03 FedNatHld .32 dd 16.08 -.03 -14.0 9.13 5.68 FelCor .24 11 7 .75 +.43 -3.2 75.81 38.71 Ferrari n ... ... 75.20 +5.06 +29.3 20.85 5.04 Ferrellgs .40 dd 5.86 ... -13.4 11.65 5.45 FiatChrys ... ... 11.37 +1.28 +24.7 41.65 31.58 FidlNatFn 1.16f 17 40.95 +1.25 +20.6 14.50 10.55 FNFV Grp ... ... 13.70 +.60 ... 6.32 4.31 FifthStFin .20 dd 4.59 +.16 -14.5 28.97 16.14 FifthThird .56f 13 24.43 -.19 -9.4 19.15 6.62 FMajSilv g ... 33 8.13 -.64 +6.6 62.14 25.56 FstSolar ... dd 29.55 +2.75 -7 .9 36.60 29.33 FirstEngy 1.44 11 29.94 -.67 -3.3 18.39 5.31 Fitbit n ... dd 5.72 +.11 -21.9 22.89 18.41 FlrtyTotR 1.63 q 21.44 +.19 +7 .9 16.99 11.39 Flex Ltd ... 15 15.46 -.51 +7 .6 21.00 14.35 FlowrsFds .64 22 19.61 -.23 -1.8 58.37 44.05 Fluor .84 14 51.32 +.74 -2.3 79.43 50.90 FootLockr 1.24f 16 77 .34 +1.50 +9.1 14.04 11.07 FordM .60a 6 11.47 +.13 -5.4 66.01 52.05 FBHmSec .72f 23 63.74 +.92 +19.2 17 .06 9.24 FrptMcM ... dd 12.75 +.52 -3.3 5.70 1.84 FrontierCm .42 dd 1.88 -.06 -44.4G-H-I 32.10 21.95 GGP Inc .88 12 21.61 -1.70 -13.5 137 .88 74.05 GW Pharm ... ... 118.73 +3.97 +6.2 21.66 18.00 GabDvInc 1.32 q 21.48 +.38 +7 .2 8.44 6.71 GabMultT .94e q 8.47 +.15 +17 .0 7 .04 6.05 GabUtil .60 q 6.70 -.01 +6.3 35.98 29.32 Gam&Lsr n 2.48f 20 34.80 +.21 +13.7 56.19 39.24 Garmin 2.04 17 50.84 +.89 +4.8 34.17 25.80 GAInv 1.15e q 34.13 +.55 +9.5 196.97 132.68 GenDynam 3.36f 20 193.79 +4.85 +12.2 33.00 28.19 GenElec .96 20 28.99 -.56 -8.3 72.95 57 .14 GenMills 1.92 19 57 .51 -.22 -6.9 38.55 27 .34 GenMotors 1.52 6 34.64 +.89 -0.6 40.90 30.01 GenesisEn 2.88f 8 31.34 +.17 -13.0 22.12 14.66 Gentex .36 16 20.65 +.65 +4.9 4.39 1.50 Gerdau .02e ... 3.05 +.03 -2.9 103.10 65.38 GileadSci 2.08f 7 68.55 +2.62 -4.3 45.58 37 .20 GlaxoSKln 2.89e ... 40.90 +.12 +6.2 31.27 19.25 GlobusMed ... 28 30.33 -.57 +22.2 39.49 28.11 GoDaddy n ... dd 38.92 +1.30 +11.4 6.60 2.60 GoldFLtd .02e ... 3.25 -.59 +8.0 20.38 11.91 Goldcrp g .24 cc 13.96 -1.19 +2.6 255.15 138.20 GoldmanS 2.60 12 223.80 +6.94 -6.5 37 .20 24.31 Goodyear .40 11 36.23 +.98 +17 .4 17 .68 7 .15 GoPro ... dd 8.25 -.62 -5.3 80.56 63.37 vjGrace .84 28 69.72 +.70 +3.1 14.70 11.95 GraphPkg .30 19 13.58 +.04 +8.8 32.24 25.85 GtPlainEn 1.10 18 29.59 +.05 +8.2 60.55 33.03 Greif A 1.68 24 58.62 +2.19 +14.2 33.32 25.07 Griffin .30f dd 30.27 -1.86 -4.6 5.94 2.92 Groupon ... dd 3.92 +.04 +18.1 44.58 21.41 GrubHub ... 65 42.98 +8.37 +14.2 33.18 22.00 GuangRy .62e ... 27 .10 -3.30 -10.6 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg Combined StocksFrom the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. Stock Footnotes: Stock Footnotes: cld Issue has been called for redemption by company. d New 52-week low. ec Company formerly listed on the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace. g Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h Does not me et continued-listing standards. lf Late ling with SEC. n Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low gu res date only from the beginning of trading. pf Preferred stock issue. pr Preferences. pp Holder owes installments of purchase price. r t Right to buy security at a specied price. rs Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year. s Stock h as split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd When distributed. wt Warrant, all owing a purchase of a stock. u New 52-week high. un Unit,, including more than one security. vj Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. Stocks in bold are worth at least $5 and changed 5 percent or more in price. Underlining for 50 most actively traded stocks of the day. Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. PE Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months.ExtraMoney & MarketsUDow industrials1.91% (wkly)s 4-wk. 1.34%s YTD 5.96%UNasdaq2.32% (wkly)s 4-wk. 2.30%s YTD 12.34%US&P 5001.51% (wkly)s 4-wk. 0.91%s YTD 6.49%US&P mid-cap0.88% (wkly)s 4-wk. 0.76%s YTD 4.35%URussell 20001.49% (wkly)s 4-wk. 1.05%s YTD 3.19% 125.00 78.73 NorflkSo 2.44 21 117 .49 +1.12 +8.7 253.80 205.83 NorthropG 3.60 22 245.96 -.37 +5.8 19.10 13.40 NwstBcsh .64 34 16.14 -.80 -10.5 66.17 51.12 NwstNG 1.88 24 59.60 +.07 -0.3 83.58 66.93 Novartis 2.75e 16 77 .03 +3.63 +5.8 8.49 .73 Novavax ... dd .82 -.01 -35.2 57 .44 30.89 NovoNord .96e ... 38.68 +2.80 +7 .9 68.00 44.81 Nucor 1.51 27 61.33 +1.33 +3.0 15.97 13.19 NuvDivA .85a q 13.83 -.05 -0.9 19.89 16.00 Nv AMT-Fr .78a q 17 .05 +.13 +4.9 10.56 8.72 NvPfdInco .80 q 10.15 +.15 +3.2 13.95 12.08 NuvEqtP 1.00 q 13.94 +.26 +9.6 120.92 34.40 Nvidia .56 39 104.30 +2.62 -2.3 30.35 15.30 NxStageMd ... dd 29.89 +1.99 +14.0 37 .41 28.97 OGE Engy 1.21 21 34.78 -.38 +4.0 17 .08 6.56 OasisPet ... dd 11.94 +.13 -21.1 78.48 61.01 OcciPet 3.04 dd 61.54 -.32 -13.6 30.70 16.77 OceanFst .60 23 27 .65 -.42 -7 .9 11.30 4.25 Oclaro ... ... 8.01 -.84 -10.5 6.15 1.29 OcwenFn ... dd 2.29 -.13 -57 .5 18.95 11.58 OldNBcp .52 16 16.80 -.05 -7 .4 21.19 16.51 OldRepub .76f 14 20.68 +.86 +8.8 33.88 18.24 Olin .80 49 32.13 -.09 +25.5 38.09 28.11 OmegaHlt 2.52f 10 33.00 -1.35 +5.6 26.99 18.00 OmegaP .05p 10 20.15 +.85 -19.6 16.06 8.11 OnSmcnd ... 26 14.18 -.01 +11.1 1.42 .33 OncoGnx h ... dd .38 +.01 -23.6 59.47 34.56 ONEOK 3.16 32 52.61 -.30 -8.4 57 .41 33.78 OneokPtrs 3.16 23 51.46 -.20 +19.6 12.15 7 .11 OpkoHlth ... dd 7 .77 +.30 -16.5 46.99 37 .62 Oracle .60 22 44.96 +.53 +17 .4 36.86 23.55 Orbotch ... 18 32.93 +1.42 -1.4 4.35 2.26 Organovo ... dd 2.90 +.19 -14.5 48.25 32.51 Orthofix ... 81 39.55 +.60 +9.3 75.00 44.01 OshkoshCp .84 21 69.39 -1.35 +7 .4 42.55 27 .77 OtterTail 1.28f 25 39.50 +.35 -3.2P-Q-R 32.33 19.47 PBF Engy 1.20 14 22.32 +.75 -19.9 68.29 56.39 PG&E Cp 1.96 18 67 .05 -.28 +10.3 131.83 77 .40 PNC 2.20 16 119.75 +1.58 +2.4 38.30 30.95 PNM Res .97 23 37 .25 -.26 +8.6 66.63 40.80 POSCO ... ... 59.02 +.05 +12.3 113.49 89.64 PPG s 1.60 19 109.84 +3.90 +15.9 39.92 32.08 PPL Corp 1.58f 15 38.11 +.18 +11.9 70.12 48.17 Paccar 1.00f 16 66.73 +.97 +4.4 165.69 107 .31 PaloAltNet ... dd 108.41 -.14 -13.3 14.98 8.58 Pandora ... dd 10.85 -.08 -16.8 316.21 185.69 PaneraBrd ... 47 312.68 -1.59 +52.5 3.09 1.35 ParkDrl ... dd 1.65 +.05 -36.5 166.60 99.10 ParkerHan 2.64f 23 160.80 +4.49 +14.9 29.76 16.72 PattUTI .08 dd 21.65 -.85 -19.6 63.03 51.06 Paychex 1.84 27 59.28 +.14 -2.6 48.10 34.00 PayPal n ... 38 47 .72 +3.91 +20.9 33.52 27 .44 Pembina g 1.50 35 31.88 -.90 +1.8 2.08 .96 PengthE g .04 dd .99 -.01 -30.6 19.13 11.93 PnnNtGm ... 34 18.48 -.16 +34.0 2.05 .61 PennWst g ... ... 1.49 -.01 -15.8 8.68 6.01 PennantPk .72m 8 8.01 +.16 +4.6 11.30 5.40 Penney ... dd 5.38 -.20 -35.3 56.05 29.29 Penske 1.16f 13 47 .71 -.19 -8.0 66.99 53.80 Pentair 1.38f 22 64.51 +1.94 +15.1 20.13 13.80 PeopUtdF .69f 19 17 .47 +.05 -9.8 114.61 98.50 PepsiCo 3.01 24 113.28 -.15 +8.3 111.00 65.47 Perrigo .64f cc 73.94 +7 .51 -11.2 11.77 4.29 PetrbrsA ... ... 8.73 -.02 -0.9 12.56 5.45 Petrobras ... ... 9.01 ... -10.9 37 .39 29.83 Pfizer 1.28 14 33.92 +.28 +4.4 115.63 86.78 PhilipMor 4.16 23 110.84 +1.22 +21.1 34.99 23.00 PhilipsNV .88e ... 34.42 +1.77 +12.6 88.87 73.67 Phillips66 2.52 12 79.56 +3.21 -7 .9 10.38 8.73 PimIncStr2 .96 q 10.37 +.11 +9.3 86.63 70.11 PinWst 2.62 22 85.09 -.08 +9.0 199.83 146.08 PioNtrl .08 dd 172.99 -1.64 -3.9 21.16 12.31 PitnyBw .75 8 13.29 +.18 -12.5 33.95 20.53 PlainsAAP 2.20 27 29.25 -.11 -9.4 2.70 .83 PlugPowr h ... dd 2.24 +.12 +86.7 99.93 70.14 Polaris 2.32 25 85.26 +3.40 +3.5 40.88 28.77 PolyOne .54 19 39.21 +3.22 +22.4 20.27 15.21 Potash .40 16 16.88 +.73 -6.7 135.75 101.75 PwShs QQQ 1.52e q 135.99 +3.43 +14.8 125.97 106.31 Praxair 3.15 22 124.98 +5.40 +6.6 1839.56 1148.06 Priceline ... 43 1846.82 +94.81 +26.0 65.25 38.04 PrinFncl 1.84f 15 65.13 +2.32 +12.6 63.53 47 .46 ProAssur 1.24a 26 61.90 +1.10 +10.1 438.25 14.11 PUVixST rs ... q 14.18 -4.81 ... 28.32 15.36 PrUCrude rs ... q 17 .55 -.32 ... 92.00 79.41 ProctGam 2.76f 23 87 .33 -1.29 +3.9 19.82 13.03 ProUShSP ... q 13.19 -.40 -12.7 30.88 16.34 PUShtSPX ... q 16.63 -.78 -18.5 9.58 7 .07 ProspctCap 1.00 10 9.30 +.01 +11.4 114.55 66.51 Prudentl 3.00f 11 107 .03 +1.38 +2.9 47 .11 39.28 PSEG 1.72 16 44.05 -.46 +0.4 267 .34 200.65 PubStrg 6.80 26 209.38 -18.99 -6.3 24.43 17 .58 PulteGrp .36 13 22.67 -.65 +23.3 8.15 6.97 PMMI .44 q 7 .39 -.03 +4.5 21.12 10.92 QEP Res .08 dd 11.81 +.76 -35.9 71.62 50.11 Qualcom 2.28f 16 53.74 +1.24 -17 .6 106.59 74.04 QstDiag 1.80 22 105.51 +2.21 +14.8 114.00 75.62 RLauren 2.00 14 80.72 +1.80 -10.6 46.96 26.24 RangeRs .08 37 26.49 -.98 -22.9 31.60 15.01 RavenInds .52 56 31.00 +1.45 +23.0 29.86 24.37 Rayonier 1.00 50 28.22 -.62 +6.1 158.87 124.98 Raytheon 3.19f 25 155.21 +1.17 +9.3 72.30 52.72 RltyInco 2.53f 29 58.35 -3.19 +1.5 17 .38 12.40 RedwdTr 1.12 10 17 .07 +.22 +12.2 452.96 325.35 Regenrn ... 51 388.49 +18.37 +5.8 16.03 7 .80 RegionsFn .28f 15 13.75 +.28 -4.2 88.58 65.10 RelStlAl 1.80 18 78.82 +1.88 -0.9 37 .29 21.11 Replgn ... cc 36.79 +1.73 +19.4 13.73 7 .57 ResCap rs .20 dd 9.35 +.09 +12.2 23.05 18.45 RetailOpp .75 40 20.60 -1.20 -2.5 64.85 43.38 ReynAm s 2.04f 28 64.50 +.83 +15.1 29.36 16.12 RiceEngy ... cc 21.29 -1.52 -0.3 8.77 3.70 RiteAid ... 36 4.00 +.20 -51.5 165.00 107 .17 RockwlAut 3.04 25 157 .35 +3.76 +17 .1 107 .57 78.54 RockColl 1.32 19 104.09 -.61 +12.2 103.32 51.98 Rogers ... 33 102.94 +17 .48 +34.0 217 .88 159.28 Roper 1.40f 33 218.70 +8.95 +19.5 76.01 57 .01 RoyalBk g 3.48f ... 68.48 -1.52 +1.1 102.68 64.95 RylCarb 1.92 27 106.60 +9.27 +29.9 59.56 48.18 RoyDShllB 3.76 82 54.12 +.45 -6.6 56.39 46.57 RoyDShllA 3.76 79 52.19 +.78 -4.0S-T-U 39.84 23.06 S&T Bcp .80 17 35.96 +1.12 -7 .9 76.41 64.20 SCANA 2.45f 17 66.31 +.04 -9.5 43.09 20.01 SM Energy .10 dd 22.59 +1.08 -34.5 131.15 107 .00 SpdrGold ... q 120.77 -1.54 +10.2 38.31 28.60 SpdrEuro50 1.18e q 37 .83 +1.87 +13.1 240.32 198.65 S&P500ETF 4.13e q 238.08 +3.49 +6.5 37 .22 34.47 SpdrLehHY 2.30 q 37 .14 +.27 +1.9 59.68 35.29 SpdrS&P RB .74e q 54.05 +.41 -2.7 48.26 39.50 SpdrRetl s .49e q 42.91 +.02 -2.6 44.97 32.10 SpdrOGEx .73e q 34.95 -.16 -15.6 16.14 5.24 STMicro .40 47 15.99 +1.35 +40.9 40.99 32.05 SabnR 2.13e 17 37 .20 +.65 +5.8 50.80 23.27 Saia Inc ... 25 48.15 +2.85 +9.1 21.90 16.30 StJoe ... 8 17 .50 +.05 -7 .9 86.42 66.43 Salesforce ... cc 86.12 +2.33 +25.8 32.26 19.18 SallyBty ... 12 19.02 -.67 -28.0 8.00 5.19 SJuanB .41e 11 7 .08 -.12 +6.9 6.75 3.20 SandstG g ... ... 3.48 -.89 -10.8 46.92 36.81 Sanofi 1.58e ... 47 .30 +3.21 +17 .0 63.73 8.00 SareptaTh ... dd 36.26 +3.65 +32.2 87 .84 72.00 Schlmbrg 2.00 73 72.59 -2.25 -13.5 43.65 23.83 Schwab .32 28 38.85 +.52 -1.6 4.74 .65 SeadrillLtd ... 1 .69 -.03 -79.8 50.96 18.42 SeagateT 2.52 11 42.13 -6.13 +10.4 18.60 5.50 SearsHldgs ... dd 10.22 -3.17 +10.0 17 .14 6.05 Seaspan .50m 11 7 .04 +.76 -23.0 114.66 92.95 SempraEn 3.29f 24 113.02 +.50 +12.3 23.85 17 .05 SenHous 1.56 13 21.52 -.49 +13.7 336.38 239.48 Sherwin 3.40 27 334.68 +10.08 +24.5 16.28 12.07 ShipFin 1.80 8 14.05 +.15 -5.4 20.97 6.16 SibanyeG .40e ... 8.01 -.98 +13.5 31.35 16.94 SilvWhtn g .28e 25 19.97 -1.12 +3.4 229.10 163.55 SimonProp 7 .00 20 165.26 -6.72 -7 .0 5.53 3.74 SiriusXM .04 33 4.95 -.12 +11.2 105.34 57 .11 SkywksSol 1.12 19 99.74 -1.86 +33.6 157 .31 122.05 Smucker 3.00 16 126.72 +.14 -1.0 29.44 18.90 SnapInc A n ... ... 22.55 +1.62 -7 .9 181.73 145.17 SnapOn 2.84 18 167 .53 -7 .68 -2.2 55.97 13.63 SodaStrm ... 26 54.39 +.42 +37 .8 22.94 17 .40 SolarCap 1.60 10 22.81 +.26 +9.6 55.58 45.02 SonocoP 1.56f 21 52.31 -.90 -0.7 34.17 23.62 SonyCp ... ... 34.52 +.84 +23.2 38.32 35.10 SourcC 1.40a q 38.16 +.50 +6.2 38.40 26.29 SoJerInd s 1.09 32 37 .52 +.20 +11.4 54.64 46.20 SouthnCo 2.32f 18 49.80 -.18 +1.2 59.68 35.42 SwstAirl .40 15 56.22 +.59 +12.8 15.59 7 .20 SwstnEngy ... dd 7 .51 +.07 -30.6 13.97 9.77 SpiritRltC .72 11 9.42 -1.02 -13.3 9.65 3.37 Sprint ... dd 9.03 +.53 +7 .2 18.46 8.42 Square n ... dd 18.24 +.75 +33.8 53.82 44.22 SP Matls .98e q 53.07 +.87 +6.8 76.75 65.96 SP HlthC 1.01e q 75.50 +1.82 +9.5 56.02 49.98 SP CnSt 1.28e q 55.18 +.18 +6.7 90.55 74.18 SP Consum 1.12e q 90.06 +1.81 +10.6 78.45 63.50 SP Engy 2.04e q 67 .84 +.05 -9.9 25.30 17 .31 SPDR Fncl .46e q 23.53 +.37 +1.2 67 .19 52.78 SP Inds 1.12e q 66.34 +.93 +6.6 54.28 41.26 SP Tech .78e q 54.38 +1.21 +12.4 53.02 45.33 SP Util 1.55e q 51.70 -.03 +6.4 140.06 103.86 StanBlkDk 2.32 21 136.15 -1.41 +18.7 11.39 8.19 StarGas .41 11 9.37 +.15 -12.9 61.94 50.84 Starbucks s 1.00 30 60.06 -.55 +8.2 84.83 50.60 StateStr 1.52 16 83.90 +6.20 +8.0 40.17 22.62 StlDynam .62f 15 36.14 +.77 +1.6 18.00 9.02 StillwtrM ... dd 17 .98 +.05 +11.6 136.60 106.48 Stryker 1.70 27 136.37 +3.43 +13.8 37 .10 24.00 SubPpne 3.55 44 25.75 +.18 -14.3 85.98 67 .64 SunCmts 2.68f 29 83.61 -1.03 +9.1 42.00 27 .69 SunHydrl .36a 44 38.84 +3.09 -2.8 31.49 22.07 SunocoLog 2.08f 25 23.94 +.39 -0.3 61.69 37 .71 SunTrst 1.04 16 56.81 +1.96 +3.6 19.83 12.01 SupEnrgy .32 dd 12.08 -.73 -28.4 5.74 3.20 Supvalu ... 7 4.10 +.26 -12.2 27 .18 14.31 SwiftTrans ... 21 24.58 +.20 +0.9 49.94 11.15 Synchron ... 36 16.00 -8.41 -58.2 38.06 23.25 Synchrony .26 10 27 .80 -5.58 -23.4 44.09 26.90 SynovusFn .60f 20 41.80 -.09 +1.8 68.19 38.47 T-MobileUS ... 35 67 .27 +2.57 +17 .0 65.03 47 .12 TC PpLn 3.76 19 60.53 +.94 +2.9 83.64 71.50 TJX 1.25f 23 78.64 +.08 +4.7 33.53 22.75 TaiwSemi .73e ... 33.07 +.99 +15.0 80.51 52.72 Target 2.40 11 55.85 +1.07 -22.7 81.68 62.67 Taubmn 2.50f 16 62.55 -3.73 -15.4 37 .09 24.00 Technip ... 24 30.13 -1.58 -15.2 26.60 9.06 TeckRes g .20f ... 20.74 -1.05 +3.5 26.45 9.28 Teladoc n ... ... 24.80 -.95 +50.3 70.96 44.55 Tenneco .25p 11 63.03 +2.79 +0.9 33.32 24.21 Teradata ... 12 29.18 -1.88 +7 .4 36.39 18.07 Teradyn .28f 26 35.27 +2.83 +38.9 126.85 91.07 TerraNitro 7 .08e 12 91.80 -.35 -10.6 314.50 178.19 Tesla Inc ... dd 314.07 +8.47 +47 .0 56.44 30.22 TevaPhrm 1.36e 11 31.58 +.45 -12.9 82.92 56.19 TexInst 2.00 25 79.18 -.13 +8.5 50.51 37 .23 TexRdhse .84f 29 46.88 +1.60 -2.8 17 .60 6.90 Textainer .96 dd 14.95 +.15 +100.7 50.93 34.00 Textron .08 19 46.66 ... -3.9 18.51 11.59 3D Sys ... cc 15.83 +.67 +19.1 196.90 163.17 3M Co 4.70f 24 195.83 +4.33 +9.7 97 .29 56.99 Tiffany 1.80 25 91.65 -.04 +18.4 100.60 68.97 TimeWarn 1.61 17 99.27 -.57 +2.8 51.75 28.72 Timken 1.04 23 48.25 +3.35 +21.5 79.53 56.85 Torchmark .60f 17 76.71 +.38 +4.0 54.44 41.36 TorDBk gs 2.40f ... 47 .09 -1.50 -4.6 52.34 44.06 Total SA 2.71e ... 51.17 +1.23 +0.4 123.18 98.02 Toyota ... ... 108.14 +1.56 -7 .7 16.66 8.68 Transocn ... 6 11.03 -.27 -25.2 125.49 103.45 Travelers 2.88f 12 121.66 +2.56 -0.6 23.78 19.55 TriContl .82e q 23.68 +.25 +7 .4 54.39 47 .50 TriCntl pf 2.50 ... 50.25 -.17 +3.6 30.41 16.32 TriNetGrp ... 44 29.40 +.81 +14.8 30.13 16.39 Trinity .44 10 26.90 +.77 -3.1 27 .95 16.50 TrueBlue ... 13 27 .35 +.65 +11.0 9.00 6.00 TrstNY .26 18 7 .95 +.10 -9.1 74.36 50.43 Tuppwre 2.72 16 71.81 +7 .59 +36.5 32.60 23.33 21stCFoxA .36 19 30.54 -.16 +8.9 25.25 13.73 Twitter ... dd 16.48 +1.85 +1.1 45.59 26.03 2U ... dd 45.40 +2.10 +50.6 37 .81 32.79 UDR 1.24f 26 37 .34 +1.13 +2.4 50.55 39.44 UGI Corp 1.00f 11 50.16 +.91 +8.9 20.14 5.01 UltraClean ... cc 19.24 +3.13 +98.4 44.68 18.40 UndrArm s ... 37 21.49 +2.50 -26.0 42.94 17 .05 UnAr C wi ... ... 19.41 +1.88 -22.9 147 .65 104.86 UniFirst .15 24 139.20 +.80 -3.1 52.56 38.41 UnilevNV 1.43e ... 52.24 +1.24 +27 .2 115.15 80.68 UnionPac 2.42 22 111.96 +3.68 +8.0 30.63 9.95 Unit ... dd 21.49 +.25 -20.0 120.44 100.05 UPS B 3.32f 19 107 .46 +1.69 -6.3 134.28 58.83 UtdRentals ... 13 109.66 -1.80 +3.9 56.61 38.48 US Bancrp 1.12 15 51.28 +.77 -0.2 9.74 6.36 US NGas ... q 7 .57 +.17 -19.0 12.45 9.23 US OilFd ... q 10.24 -.08 -12.6 41.83 12.77 USSteel .20 dd 22.32 -8.10 -32.4 119.25 96.89 UtdTech 2.64 18 118.99 +4.00 +8.5 176.07 128.53 UtdhlthGp 2.50 20 174.88 +3.72 +9.3 32.73 22.50 UnitGrp 2.40 16 27 .46 +.22 +8.1 83.35 52.40 UnvslCp 2.12f 18 73.45 -.25 +15.2 50.27 29.79 UnumGrp .80f 12 46.33 +1.01 +5.5 1.92 .69 UraniumEn ... dd 1.24 -.17 +10.7V-W-X-Y-Z 66.31 48.05 VF Corp 1.68 18 54.63 -1.22 +2.4 11.70 3.85 Vale SA .29e ... 8.58 ... +12.6 11.10 2.99 Vale SA pf .29e ... 8.21 +.08 +19.2 38.50 8.31 ValeantPh ... 3 9.25 +.74 -36.3 71.40 46.88 ValeroE 2.80f 17 64.61 -.62 -5.4 12.82 8.49 VlyNBcp .44 19 11.76 -.12 +1.0 31.79 18.58 VanEGold .12e q 22.23 -1.38 +6.3 22.19 16.38 VnEkRus .64e q 20.88 +.74 -1.6 36.35 26.10 VEckOilSvc .86e q 27 .87 -.68 -16.4 52.50 27 .37 VanE JrGld ... q 32.23 -2.31 +2.2 92.92 76.98 VangREIT 3.08e q 82.79 -2.31 +0.3 92.00 79.06 VangDivAp 1.82e q 91.49 +1.39 +7 .4 40.63 32.25 VangEmg 1.10e q 40.34 +.64 +12.7 53.81 42.73 VangEur 1.71e q 53.58 +2.14 +11.8 40.33 33.01 VangFTSE 1.10e q 40.17 +1.00 +9.9 60.47 46.52 Vectren 1.68 23 59.42 +.34 +13.9 76.80 56.20 Ventas 3.10 24 64.01 -1.77 +2.4 11.09 7 .99 Vereit .55 11 8.37 -.45 -1.1 91.99 74.01 Verisign ... 26 88.92 +.47 +16.9 56.95 46.01 VerizonCm 2.31 11 45.91 -1.34 -14.0 46.72 33.94 ViacomB .80 12 42.56 -.54 +21.3 48.30 29.50 ViadCorp .40 44 45.20 +.65 +2.5 11.15 5.93 Viavi ... 26 10.00 +.10 +22.2 92.80 73.25 Visa s .66 32 91.22 +.07 +16.9 17 .00 11.68 VishayInt .25 19 16.35 +.35 +0.9 94.29 54.44 VMware ... 28 94.12 +3.27 +19.5 34.70 24.17 Vodafone 1.53e ... 26.19 +.36 +7 .2 138.18 105.71 VulcanM 1.00f 40 120.88 -.09 -3.4 125.00 100.56 WD 40 1.96 29 104.85 +.70 -10.3 66.10 53.66 WEC Engy 2.08 21 60.52 +.22 +3.2 72.89 55.77 WP Carey 3.98f 17 62.60 -1.85 +5.9 16.17 8.03 WPX Engy ... dd 11.93 -.15 -18.1 22.45 15.02 WaddellR 1.84 9 17 .99 +.47 -7 .8 75.77 62.72 WalMart 2.04f 17 75.18 +.24 +8.8 88.00 75.74 WalgBoots 1.50 18 86.54 +2.51 +4.6 34.61 27 .65 WREIT 1.20 34 31.67 -.93 -3.1 74.58 58.93 WsteMInc 1.70f 37 72.78 -.60 +2.6 174.68 129.69 Waters ... 26 169.89 +11.37 +26.4 8.29 3.73 WeathfIntl ... dd 5.77 +.30 +15.6 57 .50 31.29 WebsterFn 1.04f 22 50.81 +.55 -6.4 22.04 9.37 WtWatch ... 24 20.88 +2.89 +82.4 43.70 31.13 WeinRlt 1.54 15 32.77 -2.26 -8.4 59.99 43.55 WellsFargo 1.52 13 53.84 +.84 -2.3 80.19 59.39 Welltower 3.49 16 71.44 -2.24 +6.7 14.93 9.15 Wendys Co .28f 39 14.74 +.41 +9.0 57 .50 50.35 WestarEn 1.60f 21 52.03 +.60 -7 .7 11.75 11.09 WAstInfSc .38 q 11.39 +.04 -0.8 88.00 34.99 WDigital 2.00 19 89.07 +5.96 +31.1 27 .05 20.32 WestpacBk 1.52e ... 26.35 +.55 +12.2 56.32 35.77 WestRck 1.60 ... 53.56 +.54 +5.5 35.18 26.55 Weyerhsr 1.24 28 33.87 -.69 +12.6 194.10 145.91 Whrlpl 4.40f 14 185.68 +14.17 +2.2 14.44 6.38 WhitingPet ... dd 8.30 +.23 -30.9 37 .33 27 .67 WholeFood .56 25 36.37 +.66 +18.2 32.69 18.35 WmsCos 1.20f 52 30.63 +.62 -1.6 42.32 26.12 WillmsPtrs 2.40m dd 40.93 +.18 +7 .6 52.38 37 .05 WTJpHedg 2.98e q 51.07 +1.86 +3.1 72.28 53.04 Woodward .50 23 67 .67 +.61 -2.0 23.14 16.55 WldW Ent .48 50 21.43 +.36 +16.5 127 .20 82.51 Wynn 2.00 35 123.01 +7 .11 +42.2 45.44 38.00 XcelEngy 1.44f 21 45.05 +.22 +10.7 7 .69 5.72 Xerox .25m 10 7 .19 +.27 +25.0 64.90 41.53 Xilinx 1.40f 27 63.11 +5.42 +4.5 16.97 7 .91 YRC Wwde ... 89 10.66 +.15 -19.7 48.47 35.05 Yahoo ... cc 48.21 +.69 +24.7 5.99 2.46 Yamana g .02 54 2.70 -.31 -3.9 27 .51 17 .28 Yandex ... ... 27 .26 +4.18 +35.4 39.85 26.54 YorkWater .64 41 37 .50 -.35 -1.8 91.99 59.57 YumBrnds 1.20 18 65.75 +.93 +3.8 8.23 4.71 Zagg ... dd 7 .10 +.05 ... 133.21 95.63 ZimmerBio .96 15 119.65 -1.54 +15.9 56.65 45.28 Zoetis .42f 26 56.11 +1.92 +4.8 3.08 2.27 Zynga ... dd 2.89 +.10 +12.5 STOCKS LISTING CHANGE REQUESTS WELCOME!The Sun Newspaper is tweaking the way stocks are listed in the daily paper. We will continue to run a wide range of stocks, but were trying to eliminate stocks our readers dont want. If you do not see your stock in the paper, please let us know and we will put it in the listings. Email the name of the company and the symbol to, or call 941-206-1138. You can leave the stock name and symbol on voice mail.


The Sun /Saturday, April 29, 2017 Page 9 TODAY / TONIGHTPartly sunny and warm Partly cloudyHIGH 93 LOW 7025% chance of rain 10% chance of rainPartly sunny and nice90 / 7010% chance of rain SUNDAY GULF WATER TEMPERATUREPleasant with times of sun and clouds89 / 7115% chance of rain MONDAYNice with sunshine and patchy clouds88 / 6825% chance of rain TUESDAYMostly sunny, breezy and pleasant88 / 6425% chance of rain THURSDAYA thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon89 / 6940% chance of rain WEDNESDAY 0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource : 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.The higher the UV Index’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Temperatures Temperatures TemperaturesSource : National Allergy Bureau CONDITIONS TODAY AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEX WEATHER HISTORY WEATHER TRIVIA’ PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRING VENICE768797979589Air Quality Index readings as of FridayMain pollutant: ParticulatesPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Friday Sebring through 2 p.m. Friday Venice through 2 p.m. Friday24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.00Ž Month to date 1.59Ž Normal month to date 1.91Ž Year to date 4.21Ž Normal year to date 9.42Ž Record 1.35Ž (1995) 24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.00Ž 24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.00Ž Month to date 0.71Ž Normal month to date 2.37Ž Year to date 4.29Ž Normal year to date 10.86Ž Record 1.35Ž (1997) High/Low 96/65 Normal High/Low 87/63 Record High 96 (2017) Record Low 48 (1977) High/Low 94/69 High/Low 90/70 Normal High/Low 83/63 Record High 93 (1996) Record Low 51 (1978)Pollen Index readings as of Friday MONTHLY RAINFALLMonth 2017 2016 Avg. Record/Year J an. 0.88 9.93 1.80 9.93/2016 Feb. 0.94 4.09 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.80 1.85 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 1.59 0.99 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.46 2.50 9.45/1991 J un. 14.19 8.92 23.99/1974 J ul. 7.68 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.81 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 7.77 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 4.04 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 0.05 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.44 1.78 6.83/2002 Y ear 4.21 62.30 50.65 (since 1931) T otals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES Today Sun.Apalachicola 82 72 pc 82 72 pc Bradenton 91 74 pc 90 75 pc Clearwater 90 74 pc 89 75 pc Coral Springs 87 78 pc 87 78 pc Daytona Beach 86 71 pc 85 69 pc Fort Lauderdale 86 78 pc 85 78 sh Fort Myers 94 74 pc 91 74 pc Gainesville 92 64 pc 95 66 pc Jacksonville 90 66 pc 90 67 c Key Largo 84 78 pc 83 78 s Key West 84 78 pc 84 78 s Lakeland 93 70 pc 92 70 pc Melbourne 87 76 pc 87 74 pc Miami 87 78 pc 86 78 sh Naples 91 73 pc 90 73 pc Ocala 92 67 pc 94 68 pc Okeechobee 89 73 pc 86 70 sh Orlando 93 70 pc 93 70 pc Panama City 85 70 c 83 70 pc Pensacola 82 75 c 81 68 pc Pompano Beach 86 78 pc 85 78 sh St. Augustine 85 72 pc 85 71 pc St. Petersburg 93 74 pc 92 74 pc Sarasota 92 72 pc 90 72 pc Tallahassee 88 67 pc 88 67 pc Tampa 94 75 pc 92 76 pc Vero Beach 86 74 pc 86 72 pc West Palm Beach 86 77 pc 84 76 sh Punta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop TIDES MARINEPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORTToday 7:12a 12:33a 5:07p 11:10a Sun. 8:40a 1:31a 5:52p 11:35a Today 5:49a 9:26a 3:44p 11:47p Sun. 7:17a 9:51a 4:29p --Today 5:07a 8:10a 2:22p 10:37p Sun. 6:28a 8:31a 3:04p 11:39p Today 7:44a 1:02a 5:39p 11:39a Sun. 9:12a 2:00a 6:24p 12:04p Today 4:04a 8:05a 1:59p 10:26p Sun. 5:32a 8:30a 2:44p 11:30p SE 10-20 2-3 Moderate SE 10-20 2-3 ModerateFt. Myers 94/74 part cldy none Punta Gorda 95/68 part cldy none Sarasota 92/72 part cldy none The Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise Set Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLEForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017First May 2 Full May 10 Last May 18 New May 25 Today 9:49 a.m. 11:42 p.m. Sunday 10:48 a.m. none Today 6:51 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Sunday 6:51 a.m. 8:01 p.m. Today 9:12a 2:57a 9:43p 3:27p Sun. 10:19a 4:04a 10:49p 4:34p Mon. 11:23a 5:09a 11:52p 5:38p WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow flurries, sn -snow, i -ice. THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow IceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesPublication date: 04/29/17 Today Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun.Albuquerque 43 30 sn 58 36 s Anchorage 52 38 pc 51 39 c Atlanta 87 68 t 85 66 pc Baltimore 91 65 t 75 60 pc Billings 57 37 pc 61 40 c Birmingham 90 71 t 87 62 c Boise 62 45 pc 64 38 c Boston 80 47 sh 54 45 pc Buffalo 59 44 pc 61 56 c Burlington, VT 70 39 pc 54 46 pc Charleston, WV 89 66 pc 89 68 t Charlotte 87 67 t 83 66 c Chicago 48 41 r 57 50 r Cincinnati 84 67 c 86 57 c Cleveland 61 51 r 83 70 t Columbia, SC 90 69 pc 87 70 c Columbus, OH 77 63 t 88 69 c Concord, NH 76 42 sh 62 41 pc Dallas 83 52 t 66 47 c Denver 39 21 sn 53 30 pc Des Moines 48 40 r 50 43 r Detroit 54 42 r 67 60 r Duluth 50 31 c 46 32 c Fairbanks 54 35 pc 58 33 c Fargo 57 31 pc 59 35 c Hartford 78 50 sh 62 45 pc Helena 61 42 pc 59 39 sh Honolulu 80 65 sh 75 66 sh Houston 87 61 pc 75 52 s Indianapolis 76 64 t 81 57 c Jackson, MS 89 72 pc 80 52 t Kansas City 53 45 r 57 40 r Knoxville 89 68 pc 86 68 pc Las Vegas 78 57 s 83 62 s Los Angeles 89 58 s 81 57 s Louisville 89 72 c 89 60 c Memphis 88 72 c 77 51 t Milwaukee 46 40 r 49 43 r Minneapolis 55 40 c 47 39 r Montgomery 90 70 t 89 64 pc Nashville 90 70 pc 86 57 c New Orleans 86 72 pc 82 58 t New York City 82 56 pc 61 53 c Norfolk, VA 92 71 pc 88 70 pc Oklahoma City 60 43 t 52 40 c Omaha 46 38 r 47 37 r Philadelphia 87 62 pc 66 55 c Phoenix 82 59 s 87 62 s Pittsburgh 75 61 t 85 65 t Portland, ME 74 41 sh 55 41 pc Portland, OR 63 48 pc 58 40 pc Providence 76 50 pc 59 46 pc Raleigh 90 68 pc 86 67 pc Salt Lake City 56 38 pc 62 45 c St. Louis 71 63 r 75 51 r San Antonio 89 58 t 78 53 s San Diego 85 59 s 76 59 s San Francisco 74 53 s 71 54 s Seattle 56 46 sh 57 44 pc Washington, DC 93 70 pc 84 67 c Amsterdam 56 40 pc 64 46 pc Baghdad 99 71 s 98 72 pc Beijing 94 57 s 85 49 s Berlin 53 34 pc 58 41 pc Buenos Aires 76 51 s 76 51 s Cairo 89 63 s 90 69 s Calgary 53 34 pc 52 32 sh Cancun 88 79 pc 88 78 pc Dublin 54 44 sh 54 41 r Edmonton 54 33 pc 51 34 c Halifax 58 40 c 53 38 pc Kiev 76 51 c 71 50 c London 61 48 pc 61 46 r Madrid 59 44 t 60 38 t Mexico City 84 57 pc 85 54 pc Montreal 62 35 pc 51 41 r Ottawa 58 33 pc 48 37 r Paris 63 45 pc 64 44 t Regina 57 35 pc 64 39 c Rio de Janeiro 76 68 r 78 67 pc Rome 69 44 pc 67 45 pc St. Johns 54 37 c 41 24 r San Juan 84 76 sh 84 76 sh Sydney 71 59 s 70 59 pc Tokyo 71 54 s 72 60 s Toronto 60 38 c 48 44 sh Vancouver 53 45 r 57 44 pc Winnipeg 58 37 s 61 34 sHigh ..................... 98 at Edinburg, TXLow ....................... 8 at Leadville, CO(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday)76An April 29, 1874, cold snap brought 0.50 of an inch of snow to New York City, its latest measurable snowfall on record. Q: What type of cloud often resembles a big ” uffy pillow?A: A cumulus cloud. Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Hull Arcadia Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is todays weather. Temperatures are todays highs and tonights lows. North Port 93/70 92/70 92/71 92/71 93/70 93/68 92/70 91/71 92/71 94/75 91/74 89/75 89/71 94/74 95/72 95/68 93/71 94/69 93/70 93/70 93/71 96/72 97/72 93/74 93/70 88/75 88/71 90/73 94/69 93/73 90/73 93/69 92/72 90/74 86/74 92/72 93/72 92/70 ABSmCpGrA m 47.32 +1.05 +26.6AMGYacktmanFocedS d 21.46 +.37 +15.3 YacktmanI d 23.03 +.34 +13.8AberdeenIntlSmCpA m 27.88 +.52 +13.1AkreFocRetail m 27.06 +.38 +14.0AlgerSmCpGrB m 5.59 +.14 +22.9AlpinedynDivInstl x 3.86 +.07 +16.5AmanaMutGrInv b 33.58 +.90 +18.0 MutIncInv b 47.59 +.55 +10.9American CenturyCptlValInv 9.03 +.11 +15.4 HYMuniInv 9.42 -.04 +.7 HeritageInv 22.11 +.37 +14.6 IntTrmTxFrBdInv 11.25 -.04 -.3American FundsAMCpA m 29.25 +.50 +14.4 AmrcnBalA m 26.01 +.23 +10.9 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.44 +.05 +12.7 AmrcnMutA m 38.43 +.32 +13.4 BdfAmrcA m 12.88 -.02 +1.3 CptWldGrIncA m 47.79 +1.08 +14.2 CptlIncBldrA m 60.31 +.62 +7.4 EuroPacGrA m 50.84 +1.28 +14.3 FdmtlInvsA m 58.57 +.90 +18.7 GlbBalA m 31.01 +.40 +6.8 GrfAmrcA m 46.34 +.99 +20.7 IncAmrcA m 22.35 +.16 +10.2 InvCAmrcA m 38.43 +.58 +15.4 NewWldA m 58.71 +1.34 +16.5 NwPrspctvA m 39.81 +1.01 +16.3 SmCpWldA m 51.17 +.97 +18.4 TheNewEcoA m 40.79 +1.07 +19.7 WAMtInvsA m 42.89 +.48 +15.5BairdAggrgateBdInstl 10.82 -.03 +1.9 CorPlusBdInstl 11.15 -.04 +2.7BaronAsstRetail b 65.73 +1.59 +21.9 GrRetail b 68.28 +1.53 +19.7 PtnrsRetail b 44.62 +2.01 +26.4BerkshireFoc d 21.23 +.54 +30.8BlackRockAlCpEngyRsInvA m 10.31 -.03 +.3 EqDivInstl 23.32 +.41 +17.0 GlbAllcIncInstl 19.34 +.25 +8.6 GlbAllcIncInvA m 19.22 +.25 +8.3 HYBdInstl 7.78 +.04 +12.6 HYBdSvc b 7.79 +.05 +12.4 StrIncOppsIns 9.89 +.02 +5.1 TactOppsInvA m 13.37 +.07 +1.5BruceBruce 506.60 +2.25 +6.1CGMFoc 45.78 +1.40 +27.4ClipperClipper 113.40 +2.42 +20.0DFAEmMktsCorEqIns 20.08 +.34 +19.0 EmMktsValInstl 27.55 +.40 +23.2 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.98 -.01 +.9 IntlCorEqIns 12.85 +.36 +13.1 IntlSmCoInstl 19.33 +.53 +14.9 IntlSmCpValIns 21.01 +.57 +16.0 USCorEq1Instl 20.37 +.29 +17.8 USCorEqIIInstl 19.46 +.27 +18.0 USLgCpValInstl 36.41 +.56 +19.0 USSmCpInstl 34.40 +.51 +21.4 USSmCpValInstl 37.04 +.53 +21.3Delaware InvestmentsStrategicIncA m 8.32 +.02 +2.1 ValInstl 20.08 +.08 +11.6DeutscheCorEqA m 25.31 +.41 +17.6 CorEqS 25.57 +.42 +18.0 GNMAS 13.84 ... +.8Dodge & CoxBal 105.56 +1.32 +18.1 Inc 13.73 ... +3.7 IntlStk 42.70 +1.59 +20.8 Stk 190.73 +3.61 +25.2DoubleLineTtlRetBdI 10.68 -.04 +2.2 TtlRetBdN b 10.68 -.04 +1.9DreyfusMidCpIdxInvs 36.64 +.32 +18.9 MnBd 11.63 -.06 -.4 NYTxExBd 14.74 -.07 -.2 OppcSmCpInv 35.54 +.52 +25.0 ShrtTrmIncD 10.37 -.01 +1.0Eaton VanceDivBldrA m 14.04 +.19 +11.8 TxMgdSmCpB m 21.56 +.16 +19.9FMICommonStk 27.00 +.11 +15.3 LgCp 20.98 +.34 +14.8FPACptl d 36.56 +.27 +14.2 Crescent d 34.07 +.53 +13.0FederatedHiIncBdA f 7.64 +.05 +11.0 IntlSmMidCoA m 35.72 +1.11 +7.5 KaufmannA m 5.44 +.14 +20.1 MDTMidCpGrB m 29.08 +.48 +19.7Fidelity500IdxInstl 83.45 +1.26 +17.3 500IdxInstlPrm 83.45 +1.26 +17.3 500IdxPremium 83.44 +1.25 +17.3 AdvLgCpA m 31.83 +.62 +19.5 AdvLtdTrmBdA m 11.48 -.01 +1.1 AdvNewInsightsI 29.60 +.68 +17.5 Bal 23.42 +.22 +12.5 BlueChipGr 77.80 +2.15 +23.2 Canada d 49.18 -.22 +4.7 Contrafund 110.72 +2.74 +18.4 ContrafundK 110.67 +2.74 +18.5 CptlInc d 10.09 +.08 +13.3 DivGr 34.18 +.66 +14.4 DiversIntl 37.44 +1.17 +10.1 EmMkts d 26.41 +.61 +18.2 EmergAsia d 36.62 +.70 +21.1 ExtndMktIdxPr 58.02 +.73 +21.0 Fidelity 44.28 +.96 +14.4 FocedStk 20.09 +.51 +11.5 FourinOneIdx 40.65 +.64 +13.7 Frdm2020 15.91 +.19 +11.3 Frdm2030 16.99 +.28 +14.5 FrdmK2020 14.82 +.19 +11.5 FrdmK2025 15.55 +.21 +12.4 FrdmK2030 16.02 +.27 +14.5 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn Mutual Funds Interest ratesThe yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.29 percent on Friday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans. NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG AGO 4.00 3.50 3.50 .88 .38 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill .80 .80 ... .21 6-month T-bill .97 .97 ... .39 52-wk T-bill 1.07 1.06 +0.01 .55 2-year T-note 1.27 1.26 +0.01 .79 5-year T-note 1.81 1.82 -0.01 1.29 10-year T-note 2.29 2.30 -0.01 1.83 30-year T-bond 2.96 2.97 -0.01 2.68 NET 1YR BONDS YEST PVS CHG AGOAP Muni Bond Idx 2.46 2.47 -0.01 ... Barclays Glob Agg Bd 1.58 1.60 -0.02 ... Barclays USAggregate 2.54 2.56 -0.02 2.20 Barclays US Corp 3.25 3.26 -0.01 3.12 Barclays US High Yield 5.66 5.65 +0.01 7.53 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.87 3.88 -0.01 3.59 10-Yr. TIPS .36 .37 -0.01 .09Commodities Crude oil prices rose as did the price of natural gas, but wholesale gasoline was nearly unchanged. Gold and copper prices rose while silver fell.Crude Oil (bbl) 49.33 48.97 +0.74 -8.2 Ethanol (gal) 1.56 1.59 +0.13 -2.9 Heating Oil (gal) 1.50 1.51 -0.21 -11.8 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.28 3.24 +1.14 -12.0 Unleaded Gas (gal) 1.55 1.55 -0.13 -7.0 FUELS CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 1266.10 1264.70 +0.19 +10.1 Silver (oz) 17.19 17.27 -0.43 +7.9 Platinum (oz) 948.70 948.80 -0.01 +5.2 Copper (lb) 2.60 2.58 +0.64 +4.0 METALS CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD Cattle (lb) 1.38 1.36 +1.77 +16.0 Coffee (lb) 1.31 1.27 +3.11 -4.4 Corn (bu) 3.58 3.62 -1.10 +1.7 Cotton (lb) 0.80 0.79 +1.15 +13.6 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 379.80 377.70 +0.56 +20.0 Orange Juice (lb) 1.58 1.56 +1.22 -20.2 Soybeans (bu) 9.45 9.46 -0.05 -5.1 Wheat (bu) 4.18 4.14 +1.21 +2.6 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD USD per British Pound 1.2952 +.0049 +.38% 1.4607 Canadian Dollar 1.3668 +.0048 +.35% 1.2528 USD per Euro 1.0899 +.0017 +.16% 1.1351 Japanese Yen 111.39 +.16 +.14% 108.09 Mexican Peso 18.8394 -.2044 -1.08% 17.2209 1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG %CHG AGO Israeli Shekel 3.6220 -.0110 -.30% 3.7546 Norwegian Krone 8.5730 -.0017 -.02% 8.1360 South African Rand 13.3804 +.0077 +.06% 14.2755 Swedish Krona 8.8559 +.0259 +.29% 8.0641 Swiss Franc .9938 +.0002 +.02% .9663 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST Australian Dollar 1.3360 -.0027 -.20% 1.3094 Chinese Yuan 6.8974 +.0051 +.07% 6.4719 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7778 -.0033 -.04% 7.7571 Indian Rupee 64.271 +.164 +.26% 66.405 Singapore Dollar 1.3971 +.0003 +.02% 1.3450 South Korean Won 1137.00 +3.50 +.31% 1136.31 Taiwan Dollar 30.17 +.03 +.10% 32.26 ASIA/PACIFICForeign Exchange The dollar strengthened versus the yen, Swiss franc and Canadian dollar. The U.S. currency weakened versus the euro, the pound and the peso.YEST6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO FrdmK2035 16.70 +.31 +16.1 FrdmK2040 16.74 +.32 +16.2 GNMA 11.45 -.01 +.8 GrCo 154.27 +4.03 +26.8 GrCoK 154.16 +4.03 +26.9 Independence 36.34 +.76 +13.2 IntlRlEstt d 10.31 +.14 +3.1 InvmGradeBd 11.23 -.01 +2.2 InvmGradeBdF 11.23 -.02 +2.3 JapanSmlrCo d 16.01 +.12 +16.6 LatinAmerica d 22.48 +.51 +20.9 LowPricedStk 52.40 +.49 +13.7 LowPricedStkK 52.37 +.50 +13.8 LvrgdCoStk 35.90 +.64 +13.3 Magellan 98.50 +2.14 +14.4 MegaCpStk 18.26 +.35 +18.0 MidCpVal 25.85 +.11 +13.8 NYMuniInc 13.15 -.05 -.3 NewMillennium 38.16 +.75 +17.2 Nordic d 49.59 +2.45 +2.9 OTC 97.22 +2.46 +30.3 Overseas 45.12 +1.60 +12.6 Puritan 21.92 +.31 +12.2 SelBiotech 203.85 +7.95 +16.1 SelEngy 41.53 -.12 +3.2 SelGold 20.21 -1.17 -6.0 SelHC 213.80 +6.61 +11.6 SelHCSvcs d 86.08 +1.51 +10.1 SelLeisure d 152.90 +3.11 +19.6 SelMaterials 81.41 +1.21 +16.0 SelMdclEqpndSys 43.39 +1.56 +22.0 SelNatrlGas d 25.58 -.40 +5.6 SelNatrlRes d 27.69 -.12 +2.8 SelPhrmctcls 18.38 +.50 -1.7 SelSemicons d 99.54 +.52 +43.3 SelWireless d 9.42 +.15 +23.6 SmCpGr d 22.81 +.41 +26.3 TtlBd 10.65 -.01 +3.5 TtlMktIdxPrm 68.67 +1.00 +18.0 TxFrBd 11.37 -.05 ... USBdIdxInstlPrm 11.58 -.03 +.7 ValDiscv 27.08 +.41 +15.3First EagleGlbA m 57.31 +.31 +10.1First InvestorsGlbA m 8.01 +.20 +12.7 TtlRetA m 19.40 +.19 +8.8FirsthandTechOpps 7.80 +.26 +38.6Franklin TempletonCATxFrIncA m 7.41 -.03 +.4 EqIncA m 23.53 +.27 +13.1 FdrTFIncA m 12.02 -.03 ... FloridaTFIncA m 10.84 -.04 +1.0 GlbBdA m 12.37 +.02 +10.1 GlbBdAdv 12.32 +.02 +10.4 GlbBdC m 12.40 +.02 +9.7 Gr,IncA m 25.22 +.69 +13.7 GrA m 84.33 +1.38 +18.2 GrOppsA m 34.81 +.76 +16.5 IncA m 2.35 +.03 +13.7 IncAdv 2.33 +.02 +13.4 IncC m 2.37 +.02 +12.5 MutGlbDiscvA m 32.15 +.70 +17.2 RisingDivsA m 55.83 +.98 +14.2 TtlRetA m 9.75 -.02 +2.4 UtlsC m 18.67 -.02 +11.8GERSPUSEq 53.74 +1.03 +19.4GabelliAsstAAA m 57.33 +.95 +14.6 EqIncAAA m 25.12 +.26 +11.2 Val25A m 15.86 +.18 +14.8GlenmedeSmCpEqAdv 29.76 +.28 +18.6Goldman SachsShrtDurGovtA m 9.98 -.01 +.5HarborCptlApprecInstl 64.48 +1.68 +20.2 IntlInstl 65.46 +1.99 +9.0HartfordSmCoB m 13.56 +.38 +19.6HeartlandValPlusInv m 29.53 +.16 +21.8HennessyCrnrstnGrInv b 20.65 +.53 +10.3HodgesRetail m 46.03 +.84 +20.1INVESCODivIncInv b 24.18 +.19 +10.0 EngyA m 24.54 -.17 -8.1 EngyInv b 24.44 -.16 -8.1 EqandIncA m 10.82 +.16 +15.5 EuropeanGrA m 37.55 +1.42 +9.8 GlbGrB m 27.81 +.53 +9.4 GrAllcA m 14.93 +.15 +11.4 PacGrB m 25.72 +.47 +13.8 QualIncA m 12.11 -.02 +1.3 SmCpEqA m 14.84 +.12 +14.2 TechInv b 39.54 +1.18 +28.2IntechUSCorT 19.67 +.24 +16.0IvyAsstStratB m 20.77 +.23 +4.6JPMorganCoreBondI 11.59 -.05 +1.1 CoreBondR6 11.60 -.05 +1.3 InvCnsrvGrA x 12.72 +.06 +6.8 MidCapValueL 37.98 +.18 +13.9JanusBalC m 30.68 +.30 +10.9 ContrarianT 19.83 +.18 +15.0 EntprT 102.71 +1.51 +17.5 FlexBdS b 10.37 -.02 +1.7 GlbLifeSciT 51.44 +1.58 +9.2 HYT 8.55 +.04 +11.7 OverseasT 29.03 +.89 +15.9 RsrchT 42.96 -.79 +15.2 ShrtTrmBdT 3.03 ... +1.4 T 36.34 -.65 +15.6 VentureT 70.50 +1.32 +18.4John HancockMltmgrLsBal1 b 15.04 +.18 +11.3 MltmgrLsGr1 b 15.78 +.26 +13.6LazardEMEqInstl 17.94 +.31 +21.4Litman GregoryMtrsIntlInstl 16.51 +.68 +11.6Lord AbbettShrtDurIncA m 4.30 -.01 +3.0 ShrtDurIncF b 4.30 ... +3.0MFSMAInvsTrustB m 29.55 +.57 +16.4 ValI 37.97 +.53 +14.0MainStayHYCorpBdA x 5.79 +.01 +12.4Mairs & PowerGrInv 120.90 +1.90 +11.9Manning & NapierPrBlndCnsrvTrmS 13.69 +.07 +5.6 PrBlndMaxTrmS 20.10 +.40 +11.6Marsico21stCentury b 24.16 +.48 +17.0 FlexCptl b 14.83 +.14 +10.0MatthewsAsianGrIncInv 16.54 +.16 +6.9MeridianGrLegacy d 38.64 +.69 +20.0Metropolitan WestTtlRetBdI 10.63 -.01 +1.3 TtlRetBdM b 10.63 -.02 +1.1 TtlRetBdPlan 10.00 -.02 +1.4Midas FundsMidas m 1.24 -.02 ... MidasMagic m 17.04 +.27 +13.6NeedhamGrRetail m 44.41 +.37 +10.8Neuberger BermanSmCpGrInv 30.85 +.36 +27.3NicholasNicholas 66.08 +.97 +7.8Northeast InvestorsGr 16.28 +.34 +13.7NuveenNYMnBdI 10.94 -.05 +.5Oak AssociatesEmergTech 4.92 +.05 +26.1 LiveOakHlthSci 19.82 +.52 +6.6 PinOakEq 60.51 +.91 +23.4 RedOakTechSel 22.43 +.48 +37.0OakmarkEqAndIncInv 31.81 +.46 +13.4 GlbInv 31.00 +1.07 +21.3 IntlInv 25.93 +1.19 +24.8 Inv 75.96 +1.65 +21.8 SelInv 44.67 +1.18 +22.4Old WestburyLgCpStrats 13.84 +.20 +11.7OppenheimerDevelopingMktsY 36.49 +.74 +19.0 GlbStrIncA m 3.94 +.01 +6.1 IntlGrY 39.02 +1.40 +8.3PIMCOAlAstInstl 11.74 +.05 +10.7 IncD b 12.27 +.02 +8.9 IncInstl 12.27 +.02 +9.2 IncP 12.27 +.02 +9.1 TtlRetIns 10.18 -.03 +2.8PRIMECAP OdysseyGr 31.86 +.71 +25.2ParnassusCorEqInv 41.24 +.74 +14.0PaxBalIndvInv b 23.35 +.22 +8.7PerkinsGlbValT 14.06 +.24 +9.4 MidCpValL 17.55 +.03 +18.7 MidCpValT 17.20 +.03 +18.1 SmCpValL 23.22 +.18 +23.2PioneerA m 30.86 +.54 +15.7PrincipalSAMgCnsGA m 17.77 +.31 +12.0PrudentialJsnBlndA m 20.19 +.34 +18.1 JsnUtilityA m 13.82 +.07 +12.3 QMAIntlEqC m 6.73 +.16 +12.5 QMASmCpValZ 21.62 +.21 +26.7PutnamGlbUtlsB m 12.22 +.02 +.1 IntlGrB m 17.21 +.53 +9.0 SmCpValA m 17.92 +.22 +28.8RainierMidCpEqOriginal b 38.43 +.38 +11.7ReynoldsBlueChipGr b 53.58 +1.20 +12.1RoyceSmCpValSvc m 9.73 +.01 +9.8RydexElectronicsInv 109.86 +1.24 +38.9 HCH b 25.24 +.79 +7.4 NASDAQ100Inv 31.49 +.80 +27.9SchwabHC 23.79 +.54 +7.4 SP500Idx 36.88 +.56 +17.2SentinelCommonStkA m 43.42 +.62 +16.6State FarmGr 74.48 +1.02 +13.1Sterling CapitalStrtonSmCpVlIns 83.97 +.60 +23.1T. Rowe PriceBal 23.44 +.34 +11.8 BlueChipGr 83.17 +2.36 +22.9 CorpInc 9.58 -.01 +3.2 CptlAprc 27.99 +.29 +11.9 EMStk d 36.84 +.89 +22.4 EqIdx500 d 64.12 +.96 +17.1 EqInc 32.52 +.48 +16.6 FinclSvcs 25.51 +.38 +27.3 GNMA 9.31 -.01 +1.1 GlbTech 16.23 +.43 +34.1 GrStk 61.40 +1.71 +24.1 HlthSci 67.25 +2.16 +12.7 InsLgCpGr 33.64 +.98 +26.0 IntlEqIdx d 13.01 +.39 +12.4 IntlStk d 17.37 +.49 +14.6 IntlValEq d 14.10 +.40 +10.0 MdCpGr 83.03 +1.32 +16.4 MdCpVal 29.72 +.02 +15.1 MediaTeleCms 86.77 +2.71 +27.0 NJTFBd x 11.92 -.05 +.3 NewAmericaGr 46.29 +1.02 +23.6 NewAsia d 17.90 +.36 +19.7 NewHorizons 49.22 +1.06 +25.4 NewInc 9.45 -.02 +1.4 OverseasStk d 10.07 +.30 +13.6 RlEstt d 27.87 -.79 +1.3 Rtr2020 21.73 +.26 +11.4 Rtr2025 16.62 +.22 +12.7 Rtr2030 24.32 +.38 +13.9 Rtr2035 17.68 +.30 +14.9 Rtr2040 25.29 +.45 +15.7 SciandTech 43.32 +1.12 +33.8 SpectrumGr 23.08 +.50 +17.7 SpectrumInc 12.63 +.03 +6.1 SummitMnInc x 11.76 -.05 ... TFShrtInterm x 5.60 ... +.2 TxEfficientEq d 25.71 +.53 +17.3 Val 35.54 +.51 +15.5TIAA-CREFEqIdxIns 17.73 +.26 +17.9Third AvenueValIns d 53.50 +.77 +14.9ThompsonBd 11.42 +.03 +9.9 LgCp 60.67 +1.24 +21.2ThornburgInvmIncBldrA m 20.57 +.34 +10.1ThriventIncA m 9.14 -.01 +3.9TocquevilleGold m 36.46 -1.43 -4.1TransamericaAsAlGrC m 14.70 +.27 +13.8 AsAlModC m 12.13 +.12 +5.3TurnerSmCpGr 13.36 +.37 +17.2U.S. Global InvestorGlbRes m 5.34 -.02 +5.4 GoldPrcMtls m 7.14 -.31 -10.3USAACrnrstnMod 14.86 +.13 +8.7 GrInc 23.49 +.41 +20.3 GvtSec 9.82 -.02 +.2 HiInc d 8.21 ... +14.3 PrcMtlsMnral 12.91 -.66 -8.4 SciTech 24.41 +.53 +23.8 TELngTrm 13.28 -.05 +.2 TrgtRet2040 13.68 +.20 +13.8 TrgtRet2050 13.67 +.22 +14.2 WldGr 30.19 +.83 +13.4Value LinePremGr b 32.00 +.68 +15.0Vanguard500IdxAdmrl 220.29 +3.31 +17.3 500IdxInv 220.27 +3.31 +17.2 BalIdxAdmrl 32.44 +.26 +10.8 CnvrtSecInv 13.17 +.17 +10.4 CptlOppAdmrl 137.18 +3.16 +25.9 CptlOppInv 59.42 +1.37 +25.8 DevMIdxAdmrl 12.90 +.34 +12.0 DivGrInv 24.97 +.27 +10.9 EMStkIdxAdmrl 33.43 +.47 +17.9 EqIncAdmrl 71.20 +.88 +14.5 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 76.67 +.96 +21.0 ExtMktIdxIns 76.67 +.96 +21.1 ExtMktIdxInsPls 189.21 +2.38 +21.1 FAWexUSIIns 96.09 +2.39 +13.3 FAWexUSIdxInv 19.24 +.48 +13.2 GNMAAdmrl 10.54 -.03 +.7 GlbEqInv 27.40 +.69 +16.4 GrIdxAdmrl 64.06 +1.30 +19.0 GrIdxIns 64.06 +1.30 +19.0 GrandIncInv 43.89 +.59 +16.0 HCAdmrl 84.87 +1.93 +7.8 HCInv 201.23 +4.59 +7.8 HYCorpAdmrl 5.93 +.04 +9.8 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 11.41 -.02 +.7 InTrInvGrdAdmrl 9.77 -.01 +1.9 InTrTEAdmrl 14.06 -.05 +.1 InPrtScAdmrl 25.92 +.04 +1.7 InsIdxIns 217.34 +3.27 +17.3 InsIdxInsPlus 217.35 +3.26 +17.3 InsTtlSMIInPls 53.54 +.79 +18.0 IntlGrAdmrl 79.09 +2.71 +19.2 IntlValInv 35.21 +.95 +13.0 LTInvmGrdAdmrl 10.20 -.05 +2.2 LfStrGrInv 30.89 +.46 +12.9 LfStrModGrInv 25.49 +.27 +9.9 LgCpIdxInv 44.13 +.67 +17.4 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 10.95 -.01 +.5 MdCpGrIdxInv 45.33 +.72 +14.8 MdCpIdxAdmrl 174.48 +2.23 +16.7 MdCpIdxIns 38.54 +.49 +16.7 MdCpIdxInsPlus 190.09 +2.43 +16.7 PrmCpAdmrl 119.58 +2.37 +23.5 REITIdxAdmrl 117.32 -3.23 +4.8 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.47 -.01 +.7 STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.68 -.01 +1.8 STInvmGrdIns 10.68 -.01 +1.8 STTEAdmrl 15.79 ... +.8 SeledValInv 30.43 +.18 +17.2 SmCpIdxAdmrl 64.41 +.67 +19.7 SmCpIdxIns 64.41 +.67 +19.7 SmCpValIdxAdmrl 53.01 +.47 +20.4 SmCpValIdxIns 29.63 +.26 +20.4 StarInv 25.26 +.33 +11.3 StrEqInv 33.68 +.48 +21.0 TrgtRtr2015Inv 15.15 +.12 +7.7 TrgtRtr2020Inv 29.75 +.30 +9.4 TrgtRtr2025Inv 17.31 +.20 +10.7 TrgtRtr2030Inv 31.08 +.41 +11.8 TrgtRtr2035Inv 18.98 +.28 +12.9 TrgtRtr2040Inv 32.48 +.52 +14.1 TrgtRtr2045Inv 20.35 +.34 +14.5 TrgtRtr2050Inv 32.74 +.55 +14.5 TrgtRtrIncInv 13.19 +.07 +5.6 TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.74 -.02 +.8 TtBMIdxIns 10.74 -.02 +.8 TtBMIdxInsPlus 10.74 -.02 +.8 TtInBIdxAdmrl x 21.72 -.02 +1.9 TtInBIdxIns x 32.59 -.04 +1.9 TtInBIdxInv x 10.86 -.01 +1.8 TtInSIdxAdmrl 27.22 +.67 +13.2 TtInSIdxIns 108.83 +2.66 +13.2 TtInSIdxInsPlus 108.85 +2.66 +13.2 TtInSIdxInv 16.27 +.40 +13.1 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 59.68 +.87 +17.9 TtlSMIdxIns 59.69 +.87 +17.9 TtlSMIdxInv 59.66 +.87 +17.8 ValIdxAdmrl 37.19 +.39 +16.3 WlngtnAdmrl 69.88 +.77 +11.6 WlngtnInv 40.46 +.44 +11.5 WlslyIncAdmrl 63.07 +.29 +6.1 WlslyIncInv 26.04 +.12 +6.1 WndsrAdmrl 73.32 +.87 +18.1 WndsrIIAdmrl 65.58 +1.11 +15.1 WndsrIIInv 36.95 +.62 +15.0VictorySpecValA m 23.36 +.54 +9.1WasatchLgCpValInv d 9.54 +.07 +14.8Wells FargoDJTrgt2010Adm 12.64 +.01 +1.7Western AssetCorPlusBdI 11.63 -.01 +4.2 WAMngdMuniA 16.25 -.05 +.1Wintergreen FundInv m 16.68 +.26 +16.0 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn Mutual Fund Footnotes: b Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f front load (sales charges). m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA not available. p previous days net asset value. s fund split shares during the week. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Source : Morningstar and the Associated Press.(Previous and change gures reect current contract.)


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PLUS 1.9% FOR 72 MONTHS = $351 *TOTAL SAVINGS $9,243 *TOTAL SAVINGS $4,043 *TOTAL SAVINGS $10,448 *TOTAL SAVINGS $5,174 *TOTAL SAVINGS $5,544 *TOTAL SAVINGS $6,226 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,275 SUPPLIER 4 ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23,530 HOLDBACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $702 DISCOUNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000 TAG REBATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 TAG PRICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,328 PLUS 1.9% FOR 72 MONTHS = $305 0% A ND REB A TES On l y T ill 4 -30-1 7 2017 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 4WD CREW CAB LT Stk#2201449 NO RE A SON A BLE OFFER REFUSED O ver 8 00 V ehicle s Availa b le at S imilar S avi ngs *TOTAL SAVINGS $12,478.99 DRIVE INTEREST FREE FOR UP TO 6 YEARS NEW 2016S DRIVE INTEREST FREE FOR 6 YEARS 0% 0% INTEREST S A VINGS $ 8 6 78.24 Stk#2-294014 NEW 2016 CHEVY SILVERAD 1500 LT CREW CAB MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46,380 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,979 Package Discount.............. $1,000 Super Sale Price . . . $41,401 DRIVE INTEREST FREE FOR 6 YEARS $575 per/mo. 0% 0% Stk#2-330734 NEW 2016 CHEVY 12 PASSENGER VAN LT 3500 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,630 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,811 Bonus Cash . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 Super Sale Price . . . $31,819 DRIVE INTEREST FREE FOR 6 YEARS $442 per/mo. 0% 0% Stk#2-203277 NEW 2016 CHEVY SUBURBAN LTZ MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $74,490 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,164 Super Sale Price . . . $68,326 DRIVE INTEREST FREE FOR 6 YEARS $948 per/mo. 0% 0% Stk#1-274238 NEW 2016 MALIBU LS MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,135 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,170 GMF/DPA . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Super Sale Price . . . $21,965 DRIVE INTEREST FREE FOR 6 YEARS $305 per/mo. 0% 0% Stk# 3605146 2016 NISSAN PATHFINDER SV, SUV …only 12,449 miles $21,500 or $331/mo Stk# 9504014 2017 DODGE JOURNEY SE, SUV, almost no miles $17,900 or $273/mo


The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 SP Page 1Saturday, April 29, 2017 SPORTS € @SunCoastSportsINDEX | Lottery 2 | NBA 2 | NHL 2 | Golf 3 | Pro Baseball 4 | Scoreboard 5 | Sports Ticker 6 By Hank Kurz Jr.The Associated PressRICHMOND, Va. „ Matt Kenseth won the pole position for Sundays Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race at Richmond International Raceway. The 2003 series champion needed only four laps in three rounds of qualifying Friday, outrunning final-round qualifiers like Joey Logano, who was fastest in each of the first two rounds, and Dale Earnhardt Jr., who made it to the final round, but will start 12th. I dont get a lot of poles so any time I get a pole, its pretty special,Ž Kenseth said. The pole was just the 19th for Kenseth, who will make his 623rd career start this weekend, and his second at Richmond. He and teammates Denny Hamlin, Kyle Busch and rookie Daniel Suarez will be trying to give Joe Gibbs Racing its first victory of the season at a track where they have been dominant in recent years. Gibbs cars have won the last three races on the 0.75-mile oval. I was reminded last week that Ive led zero laps this year and I think I have like negative two stage points, or whatever they are,Ž said Kenseth, who arrived here 20th in the point standings after eight races. They took some away because weve been so bad early in races, so hopefully we can turn that around Sunday and stay up front and hopefully be in the mix at the end of the day.Ž Kenseth has won twice at Richmond, the last in the fall race in 2015. Hamlin, who grew up about 20 miles from the track, will start 28th while Busch will start seventh and Suarez 11th. Ryan Blaney, driving for the Wood Brothers, will start second, followed by Martin Truex Jr., Ricky Stenhouse Jr. and Logano. Its so frustrating when you win the first two rounds and the one that pays the money you are not there,Ž Logano said. For Blaney, it will mark the third time he starts on the front row this season, again leaving him one spot shy of qualifying for the Clash at Daytona, the seasonopening exhibition race before the Daytona 500. Pole winners from the previous year are guaranteed a spot, along with selected others. I really want to race in the Clash at Dayton, so these seconds are really hurting,Ž Blaney said. That race to me is like the coolest one, so I want to try to get a pole to race that.Ž His team almost got him that spot, but Kenseths speed was 121.076 mph, and Blaney came in at 120.854 after running five total laps. It was a good effort,Ž he said. I didnt think we were very good in Round 1. ... We got better for Round 2 and better for Round 3.Ž Kevin Harvick, the only driver with multiple poles this year, will start sixth.NASCAR: Monster Energy Cup SeriesKenseth wins pole for Sunday at RichmondMatt Kenseth, left, takes a sip of water as he watch qualifying results with his crew for Sundays Cup Series race at Richmond International Raceway on Friday in Richmond, Va. Kenseth took the pole. [STEVE HELBER/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] Dolphins stay with defense in second roundThe Miami Dolphins stuck with defense in the second round of the NFL Draft on Friday, selecting Ohio State linebacker Raekwon McMillan. McMillan, 6-foot-2, 240 pounds, followed Missouri defensive lineman Charles Harris for Miami. The former Buckeye had 275 tackles, six sacks and two forced fumbles in his three years with the Buckeyes. Meanwhile, Jacksonville stayed with offense on its second pick, taking Alabama tackle Cam Robinson, 6-6, 322 to help open some holes for top pick Leonard Fournette. Robinson “ lls a big need and the cost to move up (a sixth-rounder) was slight to grab a “ rst-round talent. In the third round, the Jaguars moved to defense to take Dawuane Smoot, a 6-3, 264-pound end from Illinois. For Miami, Howard is viewed as an intelligent linebacker who has heavy hands and excels at shedding tackles. Hes got enough range to become a three-down linebacker, which means Kiko Alonso and Lawrence Timmons might have competition for playing time. Harris, who had 136 tackles, 18 sacks and “ ve forced fumbles in his Tigers career, is focused on getting to the quarterback. Im going to cause pressure, without a doubt. Im going to get to the quarterback. Thats the thing about it,Ž Harris said. Pass rushing isnt like other positions ... where you have to learn shifts and other stuff. At the end of the day, its about what youve got in your heart. Thats what Ive got. Ive got heart. Ive got a drive thats nasty.Ž The Dolphins selection in the third round was not available at presstime.Staff, Wire ReportsBy BARRY WILNERThe Associated PressPHILADELPHIA „ Its Philly, so of course they booed.Roger Goodell heard it. Cin-cinnatis selection of Oklahoma running back Joe Mixon intensified it.And Drew Pearson incited the fans at the NFL draft Friday night by lauding „ and lauding and lauding „ the hated Dallas Cowboys.Not everything got jeered on the second day of the grab bag. The most popular group in the second round came from nearly 3,000 miles away from Philadelphia: the Washington Huskies secondary.Three members „ cornerbacks Kevin King and Sidney Jones, safety Budda Baker „ were taken in the first 11 picks Friday night.None of those choices drew the attention that Cincinnatis pick at No. 48 overall did: Oklahoma running back Joe Mixon, who was uninvited to the scouting combine because he was videotaped punching a woman in the face, breaking bones.He punched Amelia Molitor during an altercation at a restaurant, and was suspended from the team for a year. He came back and had two strong seasons. In 2016, he was an All-Big 12 performer who set the school record for all-purpose yardage in a season.Washington DBs popular in 2nd round, Mixon to BengalsWashingtons Kevin King, center, poses with former Green Bay Packers Jim Taylor, right, and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell after King was selected by the Packers during the second round of the NFL draft Friday in Philadelphia. [MATT ROURKE/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] BY IAN HARRISONAssociated PressTORONTO „ Logan Morrison hit a two-run homer, Evan Longoria and Corey Dickerson added solo shots and the Tampa Bay Rays connected three times in the eighth inning to beat the struggling Toronto Blue Jays 7-4 on Friday night. Derek Norris added a solo homer in the ninth. He had two hits and two RBIs. Kevin Pillar homered and reached base five times for the Blue Jays, who lost their third straight. Torontos 6-17 start is the worst in franchise history. Pillars leadoff drive off Austin Pruitt (3-0) in the seventh gave the Blue Jays a 3-1 lead. Dickerson homered off Marcus Stroman in the eighth and Longorias shot against Jason Grilli (1-3) tied the score, giving Toronto its bigleague high eighth blown save. Brad Miller walked, Steven Souza struck out and Dominic Leone came on to face Morrison, who homered into the center field party deck. Dickersons homer was his sixth, matching Longoria (2013) for the Rays record in April. Pruitt pitched three innings, and Chase Whitley got two outs for his first big league save. Tampa Bays Blake Snell allowed two runs and six hits in five innings „ he has failed to pitch into the sixth inning in four consecutive starts. Pillar scored three runs and came within a triple of the cycle. He singled in the first, walked in the third, doubled in the fifth, homered in the seventh and doubled in the ninth.TRAINERS ROOMRays: OF Colby Rasmus (hip surgery) Rays at Blue JaysWho: Tampa Bay (12-12) vs. Toronto (6-17) When: 1:05 p.m. today Where: Rogers Centre, Toronto, Ont. TV/Radio: FoxSun/1070-AMFRED THORNHILL/THE CANADIAN PRESS VIA APTampa Bay Rays Logan Morrison celebrates his two-run home run against the Toronto Blue Jays during the eighth inning on Friday in Toronto. MLB: Tampa BayRays homer to beat slumping Blue Jays 7-4 By GREG AUMANTampa Bay TimesTAMPA „ With running backs Dalvin Cook and Joe Mixon off the board, the Bucs shifted to defense for their second selection, taking Texas A&M safety Justin Evans with the No. 50 pick. Evans, 21, played two years at Texas A&M, with 87 tackles and four interceptions in 2016. Hes fast enough that he had a 90-yard kickoff return this past season, breaking out in his second season after starting his college career in junior college. He averaged 32.9 yards on kickoff returns. Evans was named the Aggies co-defensive MVP last season, sharing the award with Myles Garrett, the drafts top pick. I definitely feel like Im an all-around safety thats playmaking, tackling, instincts … whatever comes with that, I feel like Ive got all the tools for that,Ž Evans said in a media conference call shortly after his selection. The Bucs have three Bucs split picks 2-3 on defense, o ense NFL DRAFT SEE DRAFT, 2 SEE BUCS, 2 SEE RAYS, 3


Page 2 SP Saturday, April 29, 2017 / The Sun Associated PressVladimir Tarasenko scored twice, including the tiebreaking goal with 3:51 left to give the St. Louis Blues a 3-2 victory over the Nashville Predators in Game 2 on Friday night to tie the Western Conference semifinal series. Jori Lehtera also scored for the Blues, and Jake Allen stopped 22 shots „ including 14 in the third period. Ryan Ellis had a goal and an assist and James Neal also scored for the Predators, who had their franchise-high five-game postseason winning streak snapped. Pekka Rinne finished with 17 saves. Game 3 is Sunday at Nashville, Tennessee. Tarasenkos gamewinner came on lucky bounce. Jaden Schwartz led the rush and initially tried to pass it to Carl Gunnarsson, but the pass was off the mark and bounced off of Gunnarssons foot right to Tarasenkos stick. It was the first lead for St. Louis in 116:09 of the series. Ellis put the Predators ahead 2-1 at 3:07 of the third period as he took advantage of a turnover by Vladimir Sobotka and fired a slap shot past Allen. Lehtera tied it at 7:39. Colton Paraykos shot came loose in front of the net and Patrik Berglund took a whack at it before Lehtera buried it for his first goal of the postseason.NHL PLAYOFFS: Predators at BluesTarasenko scores twice as Blues beat PredatorsFLORIDA LOTTOPICK 2Apr. 28N............................7-4 Apr. 28D.............................3-0 Apr. 27N............................8-0 Apr. 27D.............................2-0 Apr. 26N............................1-2 Apr. 26D.............................7-3 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Apr. 28N.........................8-6-8Apr. 28D..........................9-9-8Apr. 27N.........................4-3-9Apr. 27D..........................5-5-6Apr. 26N.........................8-8-9Apr. 26D..........................5-2-1D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Apr. 28N......................1-5-5-6 Apr. 28D......................8-6-1-5 Apr. 27N......................7-7-8-9 Apr. 27D......................7-8-4-9 Apr. 26N......................1-8-2-3 Apr. 26D......................3-1-8-3 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Apr. 28N...................9-3-2-8-8Apr. 28D...................2-4-6-5-2Apr. 27N...................2-2-7-7-2Apr. 27D...................2-9-2-8-9Apr. 26N...................0-2-1-5-7Apr. 26D...................3-6-5-5-4 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Apr. 28...............1-3-11-15-19 Apr. 27.............6-18-30-32-36 Apr. 26...........11-12-26-29-35 PAYOFF FOR APR. 27 2..5-digit winner..$99,341.67 247..4-digit winners..$129.50 7,687..3-digit winners..$11.50CASH FOR LIFEApr. 27.............2-20-27-29-53 Cash Ball..............................4 Apr. 24...........19-33-35-36-48 Cash Ball..............................2 € € € PAYOFF FOR APR. 27 0.......5-of-5 CB....$1,000/Day 0.......5-of-5.......$1,000/Week 4.......4-of-5 CB.............$2,50016.....4-of-5......................$500LUCKY MONEYApr. 28...................9-15-20-31Lucky Ball.............................1Apr. 25.................14-24-27-30Lucky Ball...........................13 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 25 1.......4-of-4 LB.........$950,0000.......4-of-4..........................$035.....3-of-4 LB...........$486.50624...3-of-4...................$55.00LOTTOApr. 26......19-29-36-37-45-46 Apr. 22......16-20-28-33-47-48 Apr. 19........4-27-28-35-37-45 PAYOFF FOR Apr. 26 0..6-digit winners..$6 million 10..5-digit winners..$9,581.50678...4-digit winners...$93.00POWERBALLApril 26............1-15-18-26-51 Powerball...........................26 Apr. 22...........21-39-41-48-63Powerball..............................6€ € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 26 0.....5 of 5 + PB....$70 million 0.....5 of 5...............$1 million 2.....4 of 5 + PB..........$50,000 33...4 of 5........................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $113 millionMEGA MILLIONSApr. 28.............6-13-18-20-31 Mega Ball...........................13 Apr. 25.............3-13-33-40-50 Mega Ball.............................2 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 25 0....5 of 5 + MB....$15 million 0....5 of 5...............$1,000,000 0....4 of 5 + MB............$5,000 25..4 of 5.........................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $61 million The Associated PressJohn Wall scored 42 points, Bradley Beal added 31 and the Washington Wizards withstood a furious Atlanta comeback to close out the Hawks with a 115-99 victory Friday night, winning the opening-round playoff series 4-2. The Hawks fell behind by 22 early in the third quarter before making a game of it down the stretch. But the home team never led, and Wall stymied the rally with huge plays at both ends of the court. Walls block of Dennis Schroders layup kept the Hawks from closing within a single point, and Wall hit every big shot in the closing minutes. He scored 19 points in the fourth quarter, ensuring that Washington picked up the first road victory by either team in the series. The Wizards advanced to face Boston in the Eastern Conference semifinals. Paul Millsap led the Hawks with 31 points.NBA PLAYOFFSWall “ nishes with 42 points as Wizards eliminate HawksJOHN BAZEMORE/THE ASSOCIATED PRESSWashington Wizards guard John Wall drives against Atlanta Hawks guard Dennis Schroder in the first half of Game 6. Fans in the draft theater booed lustily when Ben-gals Hall of Famer Anthony Munoz announced the choice. Cincinnati has a history of bringing players with off-field problems to the roster.For some of our fans, probably (theyll) pause for a second,Ž Bengals coach Marvin Lewis said. But this things got to move forward, and hes got to move on. Hes lived with this since the day its occurred.ŽAnother running back who dropped to Round 2 was Florida State All-American Dalvin Cook. He slipped from the first round because of off-field issues and some injury concerns. Cook is a big-play guy and the Vikings, of course, let go of Adrian Peterson this year.Earlier, Kings extra-long stay at the draft turned out to be a short stint.The Washington corner-back was taken by Green Bay as the first selection in the second round. One of five players who were on hand and were not taken in the opening round, the 6-foot-3 former safety isnt particularly speedy, but has the size and aggres-siveness pro teams seek.Plus, the Packers, who acquired the spot from Cleveland in a deal Thurs-day night through which the Browns got Miami tight end David Njoku, were ravaged by injuries in the secondary last season.I am a playmaker, somebody who will go get the ball,Ž King said. I think everyone wants somebody like that in the secondary. Last night, it had noth-ing to do with me. When my name was called, thats when it had something to do with me.ŽKing was joined by secondary mate Baker on Friday night when Ari-zona took the Washington safety.(All times Eastern) Schedule subject to change and/or blackouts Saturday, April 29 AUTO RACING 8 a.m. CNBC „ Formula One, Russian Grand Prix, qualifying, at Sochi, Russia 9 a.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Toyota Owners 400, practice, at Richmond, Va. 10 a.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, ToyotaCare 250, qualifying, at Richmond, Va. 11:30 a.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Toyota Owners 400, “ nal practice, at Richmond, Va. 1 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, ToyotaCare 250, at Richmond, Va. 7:30 p.m. NBCSN „ IndyCar, Phoenix Grand Prix, qualifying, at Avondale, Ariz. (taped) 9 p.m. NBCSN „ IndyCar, Phoenix Grand Prix, at Avondale, Ariz. BOXING 4:15 p.m. SHO „ Anthony Joshua vs. Wladimir Klitschko, 12 rounds, for Joshuas IBF and vacant WBA heavyweight title, at London 8:30 p.m. FS2 „ Premier Champions, Carlos Zambrano vs. Claudio Marrero, for Zambranos WBA interim featherweight title, at Las Vegas 10 p.m. FS1 „ Premier Champions, Beibut Shumenov vs. Yunier Dorticos, for Shumenovs WBA regularŽ cruiserweight title, at Las Vegas 11 p.m. HBO „ Anthony Joshua vs. Wladimir Klitschko, 12 rounds, for Joshuas IBF and vacant WBA heavyweight title, at London (same-day tape) COLLEGE FOOTBALL 1 p.m. SEC „ Arkansas spring game, at Fayetteville, Ark. COLLEGE SOFTBALL 8 p.m. ESPN „ Missouri at LSU DRAG RACING Midnight (Sunday) FS1 „ NHRA, Four-Wide Nationals, qualifying, at Concord, N.C. (same-day tape) GOLF 6 a.m. GOLF „ European PGA Tour, Volvo China Open, third round, at Beijing (same-day tape) 1 p.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour, Zurich Classic of New Orleans, third round, at Avondale, La. 3 p.m. CBS „ PGA Tour, Zurich Classic of New Orleans, third round, at Avondale, La. GOLF „ LPGA Tour, Volunteers of America Texas Shootout, third round, at Irving, Texas HORSE RACING 4 p.m. FS2 „ Belmont Park Live, at Elmont, N.Y. KICKBOXING 3:30 p.m. ESPN2 „ Glory 40, at Copenhagen, Denmark MOTOR SPORTS 5 p.m. FOX „ AMA, Monster Energy Supercross, at East Rutherford, N.J. MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, N.Y. Mets at Washington OR Tampa Bay at Toronto 4 p.m. FS1 „ Chicago Cubs at Boston 7 p.m. FS1 „ L.A. Angels at Texas 10 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, Philadelphia at L.A. Dodgers OR San Diego at San Francisco (games joined in progress) NFL FOOTBALL Noon ESPN & NFL „ 2017 NFL Draft, fourth-seventh rounds, at Philadelphia NHL HOCKEY 3 p.m. NBC „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, semi“ nal, Game 2, N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa 8 p.m. NBC „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, semi“ nal, Game 2, Pittsburgh at Washington SOCCER 6:55 a.m. FS1 „ Scottish Premier League, Rangers vs. Celtic 9:30 a.m. FS2 „ Bundesliga, Borussia Dortmund vs. Koln 10 a.m. CNBC „ Premier League, Bournemouth at Sunderland NBCSN „ Premier League, Hull City at Southampton 12:30 p.m. FOX „ Bundesliga, Wolfsburg vs. Bayern Munich NBC „ Premier League, Burnley at Crystal Palace TRACK & FIELD 12:30 p.m. NBCSN „ Penn Relays, at Philadelphia 3 p.m. NBCSN „ Drake Relays, at Des Moines, Iowa --Sunday, April 30 AUTO RACING 7:30 a.m. NBCSN „ Formula One, Russian Grand Prix, at Sochi, Russia 1 p.m. NBC „ Red Bull Global RallyCross, at Memphis, Tenn. 2 p.m. FOX „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Toyota Owners 400, at Richmond, Va. COLLEGE BASEBALL 3 p.m. ESPN2 „ TCU at Texas Tech COLLEGE SOFTBALL 1 p.m. ESPN2 „ Florida at Tennessee 3 p.m. ESPN „ Missouri at LSU DRAG RACING 5:30 p.m. FS1 „ NHRA, Four-Wide Nationals, “ nals, at Concord, N.C. (same-day tape) GOLF 6 a.m. GOLF „ European PGA Tour, Volvo China Open, “ nal round, at Beijing (same-day tape) 1 p.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour, Zurich Classic of New Orleans, “ nal round, at Avondale, La. 3 p.m. CBS „ PGA Tour, Zurich Classic of New Orleans, “ nal round, at Avondale, La. GOLF „ LPGA Tour, Volunteers of America Texas Shootout, “ nal round, at Irving, Texas MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, Baltimore at N.Y. Yankees OR Seattle at Cleveland 8 p.m. ESPN „ Chicago Cubs at Boston NBA BASKETBALL Times TBA ABC or TNTNBA Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 7, Chicago at Boston (if necessary) ABC or TNTNBA Playoffs, Western Conference, “ rst round, Game 7, Utah at L.A. Clippers (if necessary) ABC or TNT „ NBA Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 7, Atlanta at Washington (if necessary) NHL HOCKEY 3 p.m. NBC „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Western Conference, semi“ nal, Game 3, St. Louis at Nashville 7 p.m. NBCSN „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Western Conference, semi“ nal, Game 3, Anaheim at Edmonton RUGBY 2:30 p.m. NBCSN „ Bath vs. Gloucester SOCCER 7 a.m. CNBC „ Premier League, Swansea City at Manchester United 9:05 a.m. CNBC „ Premier League, Chelsea at Everton 9:30 a.m. FS1 „ Bundesliga, Augsburg vs. Hamburg 11:30 a.m. FS2 „ Bundesliga, Hoffenheim vs. Eintracht Frankfurt 11:30 a.m. NBCSN „ Premier League, Arsenal at Tottenham 3 p.m. FS1 „ MLS, D.C. United at Atlanta United 5 p.m. FS2 „ FIFA Beach World Cup, Paraguay vs. Portugal, at Nassau, BahamasSPORTS ON TV DRAFTFrom Page 2safeties already in place and competing for starting jobs in newcomer J.J. Wilcox, Chris Conte and Keith Tandy. In the third round, the Bucs selected Penn State wide receiver Chris Godwin. The 6-foot-1, 209-pounder ran a 4.42 over yards at the Combine and gives quarterback Jamies Winston another target to make plays. Earlier Friday, the Bucs introduced firstround pick O.J. Howard, a 6-foot-6, 251-pound tight end from Alabama. Bucs coach Dirk Koetter was impressed to see that Howard wanted to play in the Senior Bowl at a time in which many first-rounders politely decline, and he was even more impressed when he and general manager Jason Licht saw what the player was able to do in the first practice in Mobile, Ala., back in January. First day of Senior Bowl practice in pads, Jason and I were sitting on the 35-yard line and O.J. is putting on a clinic out there,Ž Koetter said. After about two periods, I stood up and said to Jason, Ive seen the guy I want, and I walked down the stairs.Ž Howard, who has 4.51 speed over 40 yards, went to the Bucs with the No. 19 pick on Thursday night, much lower than most had expected him to go. Howard said he had been told he could go between No. 6 and 20 and wasnt worried about the wait until he heard from the Bucs. I just want to say thank you to the whole Tampa Bay organization, Coach Koetter, to Mr. Licht and thank everybody for the opportunity to come and be a part of this franchise,Ž he said. Im very excited to get to work, and I know we have big plans for the future.Ž Howard was introduced with his family, and Licht said the Bucs have had their eye on Howard since the 2015 season, when there was a chance he would leave early after helping Alabama to a national championship with two touchdown catches in the title game against Clemson. It took one more year, but the Bucs now have Howard as an exciting new weapon in Winstons offensive arsenal. Howard caught 45 passes for 595 yards and three touchdowns in his final year at Alabama. He could have had more passes thrown his way, but part of what makes him a great player is the unselfish way he carried himself, former Alabama offensive coordinator Lane Kiffin said Friday. Hes a phenomenal kid and a team leader. Really one of the hardest-working guys Ive ever been around,Ž said Kiffin, now the head coach at Florida Atlantic after three years coaching Howard at Alabama. I was there three years, and on offense we had guys that set the tone for how they worked. It was Amari Cooper, the next year it was Derrick Henry, and last year it was O.J. Howard. I think he learned from those guys and now hes passed that down to the next guys there.Ž Howard had only 14 receptions and a touchdown in Alabamas first seven games in 2016, all lopsided wins, as Alabama eased in a freshman quarterback, but the senior handled his role without any complaint. He had Completely unselfish,Ž Kiffin said. He couldve been a distraction this year, because everybodys in his head saying Youre not catching the ball as much as this guy or this guy, so youre not doing to get drafted. I called him in after the first couple of weeks, just told him Dont worry. Thats not going to have anything to do with your draft status. And he said Coach, I dont care. I just want to win. It could have been difficult ... he was completely unselfish. Its awesome to see hes the first tight end taken.Ž Kiffin remembers how well Howard stepped up in the 2015 national championship win against Clemson, catching five passes for 208 yards and two touchdowns. It showcased his athleticism and the mismatches he can create. Hes such an athletic freak,Ž he said. He can be a receiver or a tight end. He always played big in big games.ŽBUCSFrom Page 2


SUN PHOTO BY TOM O'NEILLCharlotte's Ryan Boldt runs down a long fly ball to make an over-the-shoulder catch in the fourth inning of Friday night's 6-3 loss to Bradenton. The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 SP Page 3 Associated PressJonas Blixt and Cameron Smith posted a 10-under 62 in Fridays four-ball format to move into the lead at the Zurich Classic, which is in its first year of a new team format.Blixt and Smith have a two-day total of 15-under 129 to lead by one over Patrick Reed and Patrick Cantlay. The K.J ChoiCharlie Wi and Troy Merritt-Robert Streb pairings are tied for third at 13-under.The four-ball format has each member of a two-man team playing his own ball throughout a round, with only the best score on each hole recorded. The same format will be used Sunday. The first and third rounds have an alternate-shot format.Jonas is playing really well at the moment,Ž Smith said. You know hes going to make a birdie or par, so Im just playing aggressive and letting it all fall into play.ŽThe change from the alternate-shot approach produced much lower scores Friday, even as heavy winds impacted the TPC Louisiana course.The Blixt-Smith, Reed-Cantlay and Merritt-Streb duos were among five teams to post a 62. Tyrone Van Aswegen and Retief Goosen teamed up for a 60 to get to 11-under for the tournament.We just blended so well today,Ž Van Aswegen said. I made birdie and then he made birdie. It was great. It was a priv-ilege out there.ŽThose extraordinary low scores caused the two first-round leaders to fall off the pace a bit.Jordan Spieth and Ryan Palmer had posted a 66 in the first round to share the lead with the Ryan Ruffels-Kyle Stanley duo. Both teams posted a 66 again Friday and fell into a six-way tie for fifth place.With strong winds expected again as the tournament returns to alternate shots, the scores likely wont be nearly as favorable.Certainly off of (Thursdays) round, we know that we can have success in that format,Ž Spieth said. We also know we need to set expectations a bit different. We had prime scoring conditions yesterday, and tomorrow it will be a bit like today or even more challenging. Anything under par in alternate-shot is a great score tomorrow.Ž The Zurich Classic was a standard individual tournament until chang-ing formats this year. Thismarks the PGA Tours first official team event since the 1981 DisneyClassic.LPGA TOUR: The stubborn winds of North Texas might frustrate some golfers. Not Haru Nomura. Nomura shot a 6-under 65 on Friday for a two-round total of 133 and a one-shot lead in the North Texas LPGA Shootout. My mind was very calm today,Ž Nomura said. I like windy and tough conditions.Ž Ariya Jutanugarn is second following a 67 with Suzann Pettersen another shot behind. Moriya Jutanugarn, Ariyas older sister, is fourth at 136 along with two-time tournament winner Inbee Park and Marina Alex. Lexi Thompson, playing in her “ rst tournament since a rules violation cost her a likely victory in the seasons “ rst major three weeks ago, shot a 72 after birdieing three of the “ rst “ ve holes. Shes nine shots behind at 142. GOLF ROUNDUPBlixt, Smith surge ahead in second round at ZurichCameron Smith, left, congratulates teammate Jonas Blixt on the ninth green during the second round of the Zurich Classics new two-man team format Friday at TPC Louisiana in Avondale, La. [GERALD HERBERT/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] By BRYAN LEVINESports WriterPORT CHARLOTTE „ The Charlotte Stone Crabs let Bradenton Marauder starting pitcher Dario Agrazal off the hook in Friday night's 6-3 loss. Agrazal was on the ropes in the first two innings, surrendering three runs on six hits, and appearing to be headed for a short night. That ended up not being the case. It's a shame we couldn't get him out of there,Ž Stone Crabs manager Michael Johns said. In the middle innings he had some quick innings. We couldn't get to him and get to their bullpen early.Ž From the end of the second, into the sixth inning, 12 straight Stone Crabs were retired, allowing Agrazal to keep his pitch count low enough to toss seven strong innings while also not walking any batters. He ended that second inning with 42 pitches, but totaled just 51 more over the next five. A no-walk night for Charlotte is a rarity, as it entered Friday's game tied for the lead league with 77 free passes on the season. While Agrazal kept the Stone Crabs at bay in the middle innings, it allowed his teammates to build up a lead, aided by a pair of home runs for Logan Hill, and Pirates organization's No. 7 prospect Will Craig. Charlotte batters, despite racking up 11 hits on the night, had trouble getting the ball out of the infield on at-bats they recorded outs. Only two outs were caught by a Bradenton outfielder, and the Stone Crabs kept second baseman Mitchell Tolman busy with eight putouts. A bright spot for Charlotte continues to be shortstop Jake Cronenworth, who extended his hit streak to 22 games with a double in the second inning. Those 22 consecutive games with a hit … dating to last season … are good enough for the fourthbest all-time streak in the Tampa Bay Rays' organization. Cronenworth sits six games shy of Aubrey Huff's 28-game streak in 1999. Blake Bivens took the loss in his five-inning outing. He surrendered four runs (two earned) on five hits with six strikeouts and three walks. Four Stone Crabs … Brett Sullivan, David Olmedo-Barrera, Angel Moreno and Manny Sanchez … each had two basehits in the loss. „Contact Bryan Levine at 6, STONE CRABS 3Bradenton;AB;R;H;BI;BB;SO;Avg.Tucker SS;5;1;1;0;1;0;.225 Reyes 3B;4;2;1;0;1;1;.306 Craig 1B;5;1;3;3;0;0;.299 Suiter RF;3;0;0;0;1;2;.267 Hill LF;5;1;1;1;0;2;.292 Tolman 2B;4;0;0;0;1;2;.228 Arribas DH;5;0;1;0;0;1;.261 Hughston CF;4;0;1;0;1;1;.315 Bormann C;3;1;1;0;2;0;.136Charlotte;AB;R;H;BI;BB;SO;Avg.Cronenworth SS;4;1;1;0;1;0;.397 Lowe 2B;4;1;3;0;0;1;.256 Sullivan C;4;1;3;3;1;0;.313 Boldt LF;5;1;1;1;0;2;.266 Olmedo-Barrera RF;4;0;1;0;0;0;.250 Moreno CF;3;0;0;1;0;0;.192 Kelly 1B;4;1;1;1;0;0;.323 Maris 3B;3;0;0;0;1;0;.300 Sanchez DH;4;2;3;0;0;0;.103Bradenton;121;000;200 … 6;9;0 Charlotte;120;000;000 … 3;11;32B: Craig (5); Cronenworth (4). 3B: Reyes (3). HR: Hill (6), Craig (1). RBI: Craig 3 (14), Hill (13); Olmedo-Barrera (5), Sanchez (1), Cronenworth (2). SB: Tucker 2 (13), Arribas (3). CS: Olmedo-Barrera (2). LOB: Bradenton 13; Charlotte 7. RISP: Bradenton 2-for-13, Charlotte 2-for-7. E: Maris 2 (6, throw, “ elding), Bivens (1, pickoff).PITCHING Bradenton;IP;H;R;ER;BB;SO;HR;ERAAgrazal (W, 2-0);7.0;9;3;3;0;4;0;2.64 McGarry (S,2);2.0;2;0;0;0;4;0;0.00 Charlotte;IP;H;R;ER;BB;SO;HR;ERABivens (L, 1-2);5.0;5;4;2;3;6;1;4.50 Serrapica;1.1;1;2;2;2;0;1;13.50 Rodriguez;1.2;2;0;0;1;3;0;0.00 Hawkins;1.0;1;0;0;1;0;0;6.55 WP: Bivens. HBP: Suiter (by Rodriguez). Umpires: HP: Mike Carroll. 1B: Matt Carlyon. Time: 2:58. Att: 3,279.Longest consecutive hitting streaksStreak Player Year Team 28 Aubrey Huff 1999 AA Orlando 27 Darnell McDonald 2006 AAA Durham 24 Francisco Leandro 2005 A Vasalia 22 Jake Cronenworth 2016-17 A Charlotte 22 Matt Diaz 2004 AAA Durham 22 Joey Gomes 2003 A Bakers“ eld 22 Marcus McCain 1996 Rookie ButteSOURCE: TAMPA BAY TIMESMarauders hold o Stone Crabs BASEBALL: Florida State League was held out of his rehab game at Double-A Montgomery because of an illness. He is expected to play Saturday and Sunday and could rejoin the Rays on Monday. Blue Jays: RHP Aaron Sanchez remains on pace to come off the DL and start Sundays series finale after throwing a side session Friday. ... 3B Josh Donaldson (right calf) and SS Troy Tulowitzki (right hamstring) will travel to Torontos spring training facility following this three-game series to continue their rehab. ... Toronto designated C Jarrod Saltalamacchia for assignment and optioned RHP Casey Lawrence to Triple-A Buffalo. The Blue Jays selected the contract of C Luke Maile and recalled LHP Matt Dermody.UP NEXTRays: RHP Matt Andriese (1-0, 3.86) is 0-0 with a 4.05 ERA in two starts at Rogers Centre. Andriese did not finish the fourth inning in either of those games. RAYS 7, BLUE JAYS 4TAMPA BAY TORONTO AB R H BI AB R H BI Dckrson dh 5 2 2 1 Pillar cf 4 3 4 1 Krmaier cf 5 0 1 0 Barney 3b 4 1 2 1 Lngoria 3b 5 1 1 1 Coghlan ph 1 0 1 0 B.Mller 2b 3 1 0 0 J.Btsta rf 4 0 1 1 Sza Jr. rf 4 0 1 0 Morales dh 5 0 0 0 Mrrison 1b 4 1 1 2 Smoak 1b 5 0 0 0 Beckham ss 3 1 1 0 Pearce lf 2 0 1 0 S.Ptrsn lf 4 0 1 0 Carrera ph-lf 2 0 1 0 Bourjos lf 0 0 0 0 Travis 2b 3 0 1 0 De.Nrrs c 4 1 2 2 Maile c 3 0 0 0 Goins ss 4 0 0 0 TOTALS 37 7 10 6 TOTALS 37 4 11 3 TAMPA BAY 010 000 042„7 TORONTO 000 020 101„4 E„Travis 2 (2), Beckham (3). DP„Tampa Bay 1, Toronto 2. LOB„Tampa Bay 6, Toronto 10. 2B„Dickerson (9), Pillar 2 (7), Travis (2). 3B„Beckham (2). HR„Dickerson (6), Longoria (4), Morrison (5), De.Norris (1), Pillar (4). SF„J.Bautista (2). IP H R ER BB SO TAMPA BAY Snell 5 6 2 2 3 3 Pruitt W,3-0 3 3 1 1 0 1 Diaz .1 2 1 1 0 0 Whitley S,1-1 .2 0 0 0 0 1 TORONTO Stroman 7.1 5 2 2 2 10 Grilli L,1-3 BS,1 .1 1 2 2 1 1 Leone .1 4 3 3 0 0 Howell 1 0 0 0 0 0 Leone pitched to 2 batters in the 9th WP„Howell. Umpires„Home, D.J. Reyburn; First, Sam Holbrook; Second, Jim Wolf; Third, Chad Whitson. T„3:16. A„36,256 (49,282).RAYSFrom Page 2 Golf Directory 1350 Bobat Trail, North Port Call For Tee Times 941-429-0500 Burnt Store Golf Club 941-637-1577 PUBLIC WELCOME Visit us @ 24315 Vincent Ave., Punta Gorda off Burnt Store Road Call for directions PORT CHARLOTTE GOLF CLUB 22400 Gleneagle Ter. Pt. Charlotte 941-625-4109 The Palms 697-8118 The Links 697-8877 The Hills 697-2414 Long Marsh 698-0918 adno=715221 To place your ad here, please call 941-429-3110 5301 HERON CREEK BLVD., NORTH PORT Between US 41 & I-75 Exit 182 423-6955 € P REMIER P RACTICE F ACILITY N EW T IFEAGLE GREENS Take a tour online at: Call 625-6911 for Tee Times & Lessons Nice People, Great GolfŽ Open To The Public 27 Holes Lifetime Golf Rates 888-663-2420 TWIN ISLES CC Championship Golf Course Under Age 60 Membership $150 Mo. Accepting Non Member Play While We Fill Our Roster Golf, Seasonal, Tennis & Social Memberships 301 Madrid Blvd., Punta Gorda 941-637-1232 ext. 2 € 1/2 mile south of Burnt Store Rd. on US 41 in Punta Gorda 941-639-5440 Best Value in S.W. Florida Seminole Lakes Country Club Open to the Public A Resident owned Community 2100 KINGS HIGHWAY PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33980 941-629-1666 € PAR 62 EXECUTIVE COURSE € A FUN GOLF EXPERIENCE € ALWAYS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION € MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE 2550 S. 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Page 4 SP Saturday, April 29, 2017 / The SunAMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUEEAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Baltimore 14 6 .700 „ „ 7-3 W-1 8-3 6-3 New York 13 7 .650 1 „ 7-3 W-2 8-1 5-6 Boston 12 10 .545 3 „ 5-5 W-1 8-4 4-6 Tampa Bay 12 12 .500 4 1 6-4 W-1 9-4 3-8 Toronto 6 17 .261 9 6 4-6 L-3 2-8 4-9 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Chicago 12 9 .571 „ „ 6-4 W-5 6-5 6-4 Cleveland 12 10 .545 „ 7-3 L-1 4-6 8-4 Detroit 11 11 .500 1 1 3-7 L-3 6-5 5-6 Minnesota 10 11 .476 2 1 3-7 L-1 5-7 5-4 Kansas City 7 14 .333 5 4 2-8 L-7 5-3 2-11 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Houston 14 8 .636 „ „ 6-4 L-2 7-4 7-4 Los Angeles 12 12 .500 3 1 6-4 W-4 9-4 3-8 Seattle 11 13 .458 4 2 5-5 W-3 6-3 5-10 Oakland 10 12 .455 4 2 5-5 L-4 7-6 3-6 Texas 10 12 .455 4 2 6-4 W-1 7-6 3-6MARINERS 3, INDIANS 1: Ariel Miranda allowed two hits and pitched into the sixth inning, Robinson Cano and Ben Gamel homered and the Seattle Mariners defeated the Cleveland Indians. Miranda (2-2) didnt give up a hit until Jose Ramirezs one-out homer in the fourth. The lefthander, making his “ rst career appearance against the Indians, struck out seven in 5 1/3 innings Cano hit a tworun homer in the fourth. Gamel added a solo shot in the sixth, a towering drive to right. Three pitchers combined to strike out 14 against the defending AL champions. Edwin Diaz recorded the “ nal four outs, three on strikeouts, for his fourth save. He struck out Edwin Encarnacion with a runner on to end the eighth and pitched a perfect ninth. Carlos Carrasco (2-2) gave up both home runs and struck out seven in eight innings. Seattle won its third straight despite the absence of Nelson Cruz, who was scratched because of a tight hamstring. The Mariners cleanup hitter leads the AL with 19 RBIs.The Associated Press EAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Washington 16 7 .696 „ „ 8-2 L-1 6-4 10-3 Philadelphia 11 9 .550 3 „ 8-2 W-6 7-4 4-5 Miami 10 11 .476 5 1 4-6 L-3 4-3 6-8 New York 9 13 .409 6 3 2-8 W-1 4-10 5-3 Atlanta 8 12 .400 6 3 4-6 W-2 4-3 4-9 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Chicago 12 10 .545 „ „ 6-4 L-2 4-5 8-5 Milwaukee 12 11 .522 5-5 W-3 6-8 6-3 St. Louis 11 11 .500 1 1 8-2 W-2 7-5 4-6 Cincinnati 10 12 .455 2 2 2-8 L-3 5-8 5-4 Pittsburgh 10 12 .455 2 2 4-6 W-2 6-6 4-6 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Arizona 15 9 .625 „ „ 6-4 W-1 11-3 4-6 Colorado 14 9 .609 „ 6-4 L-3 7-6 7-3 Los Angeles 11 12 .478 3 1 4-6 W-1 6-4 5-8 San Diego 9 15 .375 6 4 4-6 L-1 5-4 4-11 San Francisco 8 15 .348 6 4 3-7 L-1 5-6 3-9 AMERICAN LEAGUE Baltimore (Jimenez 1-0) at N.Y. Yankees (Pineda 2-1), 1:05 p.m. Tampa Bay (Andriese 1-0) at Toronto (Liriano 1-2), 1:07 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Holland 2-2) at Detroit (Fulmer 2-1), 1:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Lackey 1-3) at Boston (Wright 1-2), 4:05 p.m. Seattle (Gallardo 1-2) at Cleveland (Salazar 1-2), 4:10 p.m. Oakland (Triggs 3-1) at Houston (Musgrove 1-1), 7:10 p.m. Minnesota (Hughes 3-1) at Kansas City (Hammel 0-2), 7:15 p.m. L.A. Angels (Chavez 2-3) at Texas (Darvish 2-2), 8:05 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE N.Y. Mets (Wheeler 1-2) at Washington (Strasburg 2-0), 1:05 p.m. Cincinnati (Arroyo 2-2) at St. Louis (Leake 3-1), 2:15 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Lackey 1-3) at Boston (Wright 1-2), 4:05 p.m. Atlanta (Garcia 0-1) at Milwaukee (Nelson 1-1), 7:10 p.m. Pittsburgh (Nova 2-2) at Miami (Straily 1-1), 7:10 p.m. Colorado (Anderson 1-3) at Arizona (Greinke 2-2), 8:10 p.m. San Diego (Chacin 2-3) at San Francisco (Cain 2-0), 9:05 p.m. Philadelphia (E” in 0-0) at L.A. Dodgers (McCarthy 3-0), 9:10 p.m. INTERLEAGUE Chicago Cubs (Lackey 1-3) at Boston (Wright 1-2), 4:05 p.m. FRIDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Baltimore at N.Y. Yankees, late Tampa Bay 7, Toronto 4 Chicago White Sox 7, Detroit 3 Seattle 3, Cleveland 1 L.A. Angels at Texas, late Oakland at Houston, late Minnesota at Kansas City, late NATIONAL LEAGUE N.Y. Mets 7, Washington 5 Pittsburgh 12, Miami 2 Atlanta at Milwaukee, late Cincinnati at St. Louis, late Colorado at Arizona, late Philadelphia at L.A. Dodgers, late San Diego at San Francisco, late INTERLEAGUE Boston 5, Chicago Cubs 4 THURSDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Seattle 2, Detroit 1 Cleveland 4, Houston 3 N.Y. Yankees 3, Boston 0 St. Louis 6, Toronto 4, 2nd game L.A. Angels 2, Oakland 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia 3, Miami 2 Atlanta 7, N.Y. Mets 5 Washington 16, Colorado 5 L.A. Dodgers 5, San Francisco 1, 10 inn. St. Louis 6, Toronto 4, 2nd game Arizona 6, San Diego 2 INTERLEAGUE 1st game: St. Louis 8, Toronto 4, 11 inn. 2nd game: St. Louis 6, Toronto 4ROUNDUP SCHEDULES TODAYS GAMES (All times Eastern) MARINERS 3, INDIANS 1SEATTLE CLEVELAND AB R H BI AB R H BI Segura ss 4 0 1 0 C.Sntna 1b 4 0 0 0 Gamel rf 4 2 2 1 Lindor ss 3 0 2 0 Cano 2b 4 1 1 2 Guyer lf 4 0 0 0 Motter 1b 4 0 0 0 Encrnco dh 3 0 0 0 K.Sager 3b 3 0 0 0 Jose.Rm 3b 4 1 1 1 Heredia lf 3 0 1 0 Kipnis 2b 4 0 0 0 Vglbach dh 3 0 0 0 A.Jcksn cf 3 0 0 0 Zunino c 3 0 0 0 Chsnhll ph 1 0 0 0 J.Dyson cf 3 0 1 0 A.Almnt rf 3 0 1 0 Gomes c 3 0 0 0 TOTALS 31 3 6 3 TOTALS 32 1 4 1 SEATTLE 000 201 000 „3 CLEVELAND 000 100 000 „1 E„K.Seager (4). DP„Cleveland 1. LOB„ Seattle 1, Cleveland 6. 2B„Segura (2), Gamel (1), Lindor (7). HR„Gamel (1), Cano (4), Jose. Ramirez (6). CS„J.Dyson (2). IP H R ER BB SO SEATTLE Miranda W,2-2 5.1 2 1 1 2 7 Pazos H,1 2.1 2 0 0 0 4 Diaz S,4-5 1.1 0 0 0 0 3 Cleveland Carrasco L,2-2 8 6 3 3 0 7 Otero 1 0 0 0 0 1 WP„Miranda. Umpires„Home, Chris Conroy; First, Jerry Meals; Second, Ron Kulpa; Third, Ed Hickox. T„2:36. A„20,842 (35,051).RED SOX 5, CUBS 4CHICAGO BOSTON AB R H BI AB R H BI Schwrbr dh 5 0 1 0 Bgaerts ss 3 0 1 0 Bryant 3b 4 1 1 1 Bnntndi lf 4 1 1 1 Rizzo 1b 5 1 1 0 Betts rf 4 1 1 0 Zobrist lf-2b 4 0 2 1 H.Rmirz dh 4 1 2 1 Russell ss 5 0 2 0 Mreland 1b 3 1 1 1 Cntrras c 4 0 1 0 Pedroia 2b 3 1 2 0 Heyward rf 4 0 1 0 Brdly J cf 4 0 1 1 J.Baez 2b 3 0 0 0 Vazquez c 4 0 2 1 Jay ph-lf 1 0 1 0 M.Hrnan 3b 4 0 2 0 Almora cf 2 2 1 1 M.Mntro ph 0 0 0 0 Szczur ph-cf 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 38 4 11 3 TOTALS 33 5 13 5 CHICAGO 101 000 200 „4 BOSTON 500 000 00X „5 E„Pomeranz (1), Moreland (2). DP„Chicago 3, Boston 1. LOB„Chicago 10, Boston 7. 2B„Zobrist (3), Betts (6), Moreland (12). HR„Bryant (3), Almora (2), Benintendi (2). CS„H.Ramirez (2). IP H R ER BB SO CHICAGO Arrieta L,3-1 4.1 10 5 5 3 5 Montgomery 1.2 2 0 0 0 0 Strop 1 0 0 0 0 2 Edwards 1 1 0 0 0 3 BOSTON Pomeranz W,2-1 6 6 2 2 2 7 Scott H,3 .1 0 1 1 1 1 Kelly H,1 .2 2 1 1 0 1 Hembree H,6 .1 2 0 0 0 0 Abad H,1 .2 0 0 0 0 2 Kimbrel S,8-9 1 1 0 0 0 3 WP„Arrieta 2, Kelly. Umpires„Home, Mike Everitt; First, Bill Welke; Second, Bruce Dreckman; Third, Jordan Baker. T„3:28. A„37,054 (37,499).METS 7, NATIONALS 5NEW YORK WASHINGTON AB R H BI AB R H BI Cnforto lf 4 0 1 1 Eaton cf 5 0 2 0 A.Cbrra ss 5 0 2 0 Heisey pr 0 0 0 0 Bruce rf 5 0 1 0 T.Trner ss 5 1 2 0 N.Wlker 2b 4 0 0 0 Harper rf 5 0 1 0 Grndrsn cf 5 0 0 0 Zmmrman 1b 4 2 2 3 Familia p 0 0 0 0 D.Mrphy 2b 4 0 2 0 Edgin p 0 0 0 0 Rendon 3b 3 1 1 0 J.Reyes 3b 4 2 2 0 Werth lf 4 0 0 0 T.Rvera 1b 4 3 2 0 Wieters c 4 1 2 2 T.dArn c 3 2 2 5 J.Ross pr 0 0 0 0 deGrom p 3 0 1 0 Schrzer p 2 0 0 0 Plwecki ph 1 0 1 1 O.Perez p 0 0 0 0 Blevins p 0 0 0 0 Difo ph 1 0 0 0 Ad.Reed p 0 0 0 0 Ja.Trnr p 0 0 0 0 Lagares cf 0 0 0 0 E.Rmero p 0 0 0 0 Lind ph 1 0 1 0 M.Tylor pr 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 38 7 12 7 TOTALS 38 5 13 5 NEW YORK 020 300 020 „7 WASHINGTON 030 000 020 „5 E„Zimmerman 2 (4). DP„New York 2, Washington 2. LOB„New York 9, Washington 7. 2B„Bruce (4), J.Reyes (3), T.Rivera (1). HR„T.dArnaud 2 (4), Zimmerman 2 (10), Wieters (2). SB„A.Cabrera 2 (3), J.Reyes (3), T.Rivera (1). IP H R ER BB SO NEW YORK deGrom W,1-1 7 6 3 3 1 12 Blevins .2 1 1 1 0 1 Reed .1 3 1 1 0 1 Familia H,1 .1 3 0 0 0 1 Edgin S,1-1 .2 0 0 0 0 0 WASHINGTON Scherzer L,3-2 6 9 5 5 1 7 Perez 1 1 0 0 1 1 Turner 1 2 2 1 2 0 Romero 1 0 0 0 1 1 WP„deGrom. Umpires„Home, Lance Barksdale; First, John Tumpane; Second, Ted Barrett; Third, Angel Hernandez. T„3:24. A„34,562 (41,418).BOX SCOREBy Mark GonzalesChicago TribuneBOSTON „ Kris Bryant looks for-ward to playing finally at Fenway Park this weekend after not play-ing in the Cape Cod League All-Star game there in 2011.But for father Mike, the Cubs visit to the storied baseball shrine revives pleasant memories of the non-conforming hitting trends he learned from Red Sox legend Ted Williams 36 years ago that helped his son develop into the National League Most Valuable Player in 2016.(Kris season verified) what Ted was teaching,Ž Mike said in a tele-phone interview Tuesday. (Some baseball people) still are fighting it, which is childish and stupid. For 20 years, guys have been saying to try to get spin on top of the ball.ŽMike had read Williams 1971 book, The Science of Hitting,Ž as a teen and the slugger personally emphasized those principles to him as a spring training instructor when the elder Bryant was a strug-gling minor league outfielder in the Red Sox organization in the early 1980s. Mike passed the knowledge on to Kris, who launched 39 home runs last season using the upward swing path that Williams stressed.Ted never has gotten the credit he deserves,Ž Mike said. Look at the players reviving their careers „ Josh Donaldson, Justin Turner and Ryan Zimmerman. And Im sure Zimmerman learned from Daniel Murphy and his swing.I know what I was teaching my kid was right.ŽAnd from his youth, Kris did what kids are taught to do „ respect their elders but heed the advice of their parents.In Little League, I cant tell you how many coaches said, Hit the ball on the ground, just because its easy to get on base because its tough to make plays when youre younger,Ž Kris recalled Wednesday.But to be a better baseball player, if I wanted to play this game for a long time, you watch the big leagues and see theres more damage done in the air. Thats what I needed to do, thats what I bought into.Of course, listen to your dad, too. Im happy to have him as my coach because I listened to what he said and it always was the right stuff.ŽTheres some symmetry between Mike Bryant „ who proposed to Kris mom behind the famed Green Monster at Fenway Park „ and fellow Acton, Mass., native Isaac Davis, a gunsmith who led a company of Minutemen at the Battle of Concord during the American Revolutionary War before he was shot and killed.More than two centuries after the colonies won their indepen-dence from the British, the Red Sox released Bryant, but his persistence in delivering Williams theories to his son and other hitting students in Las Vegas has paid off.The game has changed,Ž said Mike Bryant, who will attend this weekends games while reminiscing with family members and college buddies from his days at UMass-Lowell. Im fed up with the wimps.ŽAs an example, Bryant pointed to the Red Soxs lineup in 1977 that featured No. 8 hitter Butch Hobson, who hit 30 home runs and drove in 112 runs but was criticized in part for striking out 162 times.Thats Joey Gallo right now,Ž said Bryant, referring to one of his former hitting pupils who has hit an American League-leading seven home runs to go with a .985 onbase/slugging percentage despite batting .232 this season.Ted Williams lessons passed from Mike Bryant to son Kris APRIL 291918: Center “ elder Tris Speaker executed the fourth unassisted double play of his career in the Cleveland Indians 8-4 loss to the Chicago White Sox. 1922: The New York Giants hit four inside-the-park home runs at Braves Field in Boston. George Kelly hit two and Ross Youngs and Dave Bancroft hit the others. 1931: Wes Ferrell of the Cleveland Indians pitched a 7-0 no-hitter over the St. Louis Browns, including his brother Rick. Wes also knocked in four runs with a homer and a double. 1933: In a strange play at home plate, catcher Luke Sewell of the Washington Senators tagged out two Yankees runners on the same play. Lou Gehrig had held up, thinking a ” y ball would be caught. Dixie Walker closed up on him, and both were tagged out trying to score. 1981: Steve Carlton struck out Montreals Tim Wallach in the “ rst inning of the Philadelphia Phillies 6-2 victory over the visiting Expos to become the sixth major league pitcher: and “ rst lefthander: to strike out 3,000 batters. 1986: Roger Clemens set a major league record by striking out 20 batters as the Boston Red Sox defeated the Seattle Mariners 3-1. 1987: Andre Dawson had “ ve hits and hit for the cycle to lead the Chicago Cubs to an 8-4 victory the San Francisco Giants. 1988: The Baltimore Orioles ended their 21-game losing streak by winning their “ rst game of the season, 9-0 over the Chicago White Sox on a combined four-hitter by Mark Williamson and Dave Schmidt. 1994: Kirk Rueter of Montreal became the “ rst major league pitcher since Fernando Valenzuela in 1981 to start his career with a 10-0 record as the Expos beat the Pittsburgh Pirates 3-2. 2001: Geoff Jenkins homered twice, tying a major league record with “ ve homers in two games to lead the Milwaukee Brewers to a 10-0 win over the Montreal Expos. Jenkins is the 22nd player to hit “ ve in two games and the “ rst NL player to do it in 10 years. 2005: In the “ rst matchup between 300-game winners in almost 18 years, the Cubs Greg Maddux outdueled the Astros Roger Clemens in Chicagos 3-2 win over Houston. Maddux earned his “ rst win of season and 306th of his career, allowing two runs on seven hits over six innings. 2006: Albert Pujols set a major league record with his 14th homer in April, a tiebreaking shot in the eighth inning that sent St. Louis to a 2-1 victory over Washington. Pujols broke the mark for homers in April held by Ken Griffey Jr. (1997) and Luis Gonzalez (2001). 2015: In what was believed to be the “ rst major league game played without fans in attendance, Chris Davis hit a three-run homer in a six-run “ rst inning and the Baltimore Orioles beat the Chicago White Sox 8-2. After a pair of postponements caused by rioting in Baltimore, the Orioles and Chicago White Sox played at Camden Yards. The gates at Camden Yards were locked because of concern for fan safety following recent rioting in Baltimore after a 25-year-old black man died in police custody. 2016: Marlins lefty Adam Conley threw no-hit ball for 7 2/3 innings before being pulled by manager Don Mattingly after 116 pitches, and Miamis bullpen wound up holding off the Milwaukee Brewers 6-3. Jonathan Lucroy blooped a single with one out in the ninth off reliever Jose Urena to break up the combo no-hit bid. The Brewers scored three times on four hits in the ninth. THIS DATE IN BASEBALL RESULTS MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Kris Bryant of the Chicago Cubs hits a go-ahead RBI sacrifice fly off Cincinnati Reds pitcher Robert Stephenson during the 11th inning April 21 in Cincinnati. The Cubs won 6-5. [JOHN MINCHILLO/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] LEADERS AMERICAN LEAGUEBATTING: Garcia, Chicago, .373; Castro, New York, .346; Ramirez, Cleveland, .342; Haniger, Seattle, .338; Trout, Los Angeles, .337; Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, .330; Benintendi, Boston, .329; Headley, New York, .329; Dickerson, Tampa Bay, .325; Gurriel, Houston, .324.NATIONAL LEAGUEBATTING: Harper, Washington, .418; Cozart, Cincinnati, .393; Zimmerman, Washington, .387; Freeman, Atlanta, .380; Thames, Milwaukee, .370; Turner, Los Angeles, .363; Realmuto, Miami, .362.


The Sun / Saturday, April 29, 2017 SP Page 5SCOREBOARD PRO FOOTBALLNFL DRAFT SELECTIONSFriday at Philadelphia, Second Round33. Green Bay (from Cleveland), Kenny King, db, Washington. 34. Jacksonville (from San Francisco through Seattle), Cam Robinson, ot, Alabama. 35. Seattle (from Jacksonville), Malik McDowell, dt, Michigan State. 36. Arizona (from Chicago), Budda Baker, s, Washington. 37. Buffalo (from LA Rams), Zay Jones, wr, East Carolina. 38. Los Angeles Chargers, Forrest Lamp, g, Western Kentucky. 39. New York Jets, Marcus Maye, s, Florida. 40. Carolina, Curtis Samuel, rb, Ohio State. 41. Minnesota (from Cincinnati), Dalvin Cook, rb, Florida State. 42. New Orleans, Marcus Williams, s, Utah. 43. Philadelphia, Sidney Jones, cb, Washington. 44. Los Angeles Rams (from Buffalo), Gerald Everett, te, South Alabama. 45. Chicago (from Arizona), Adam Shaheen, te, Ashland. 46. Indianapolis, Quincy Wilson, cb, Florida. 47. Baltimore, Tyus Bowser, lb, Houston. 48. Cincinnati (from Minnesota), Joe Mixon, rb, Oklahoma. 49. Washington, Ryan Anderson, lb, Alabama. 50. Tampa Bay, Justin Evans, s, Texas A&M. 51. Denver, DeMarcus Walker, de, Florida State. 52. Cleveland (from Tennessee), DeShone Kizer, qb, Notre Dame. 53. Detroit, Jalen Tabor, cb, Florida. 54. Miami, Raekwon McMillan, lb, Ohio State. 55. New York Giants, Dalvin Tomlinson, dt, Alabama. 56. Oakland, Obi Melifonwu, s, UConn. 57. Houston, Zach Cunningham, lb, Vanderbilt. 58. Seattle, Ethan Pocic, c, LSU. 59. Kansas City, Tanoh Kpassagnon, de, Villanova. 60. Dallas, Chidobe Awuzie, cb, Colorado. 61. Green Bay, Josh Jones, s, NC State. 62. Pittsburgh, JuJu Smith-Schuster, wr, Southern Cal. 63. Buffalo (from Atlanta), Dion Dawkins, g, Temple. 64. Carolina (from New England), Taylor Moton, g, Western Michigan.PRO BASKETBALLNBA PLAYOFFS All Times Eastern (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) FIRST ROUND EASTERN CONFERENCE BOSTON 4, CHICAGO 2April 16: Chicago 106, Boston 102 April 18: Chicago 111, Boston 97 April 21: Boston 104, Chicago 87 April 23: Boston 104, Chicago 95 Wednesday: Boston 108, Chicago 97 Friday: Boston 105, Chicago 83WASHINGTON 4, ATLANTA 2April 16: Washington 114, Atlanta 107 April 19: Washington 109, Atlanta 101 April 22: Atlanta 116, Washington 98 April 24: Atlanta 111, Washington 101 Wednesday: Washington 103, Atlanta 99 Friday: Washington 115, Atlanta 99TORONTO 4, MILWAUKEE 2April 15: Milwaukee 97, Toronto 83 April 18: Toronto 106, Milwaukee 100 April 20: Milwaukee 104, Toronto 77 April 22: Toronto 87, Milwaukee 76 April 24 : Toronto 118, Milwaukee 93 Thursday: Toronto 92, Milwaukee 89CLEVELAND 4, INDIANA 0April 15: Cleveland 109, Indiana 108 April 17: Cleveland 117, Indiana 111 April 20: Cleveland 119, Indiana 114 April 23: Cleveland 106, Indiana 102WESTERN CONFERENCE GOLDEN STATE 4, PORTLAND 0April 16: Golden State 121, Portland 109 April 19: Golden State 110, Portland 81 April 22 : Golden State 119, Portland 113 April 24: Golden State 128, Portland 103SAN ANTONIO 4, MEMPHIS 2April 15: San Antonio 111, Memphis 82 April 17: San Antonio 96, Memphis 82 April 20: Memphis 105, San Antonio 94 April 22 : Memphis 110, San Antonio 108, OT April 25: San Antonio 116, Memphis 103 Thursday: San Antonio 103, Memphis 96HOUSTON 4, OKLAHOMA CITY 1April 16: Houston 118, Oklahoma City 87 April 19: Houston 115, Oklahoma City 111 April 21: Oklahoma City 115, Houston 113 April 23: Houston 113, Oklahoma City 109 April 25: Houston 105, Oklahoma City 99UTAH 3, L.A. CLIPPERS 2April 15: Utah 97, L.A. Clippers 95 April 18: L.A. Clippers 99, Utah 91 April 21: L.A. Clippers 111, Utah 106 April 23: Utah 105, L.A. Clippers 98 April 25: Utah 96, L.A. Clippers 92 Friday: L.A. Clippers at Utah, late x-Sunday: Utah at L.A. Clippers, TBDSECOND ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE CLEVELAND VS. TORONTOMonday: Toronto at Cleveland, 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 3: Toronto at Cleveland, 7 p.m. Friday, May 5: Cleveland at Toronto, 7 p.m. Sunday, May 7: Cleveland at Toronto, 3:30 p.m. Rest of series TBDWESTERN CONFERENCE SAN ANTONIO VS. HOUSTONMonday: Houston at San Antonio, 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 3: Houston at San Antonio, 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 5: San Antonio at Houston, 9:30 p.m. Sunday, May 7 : San Antonio at Houston, 8 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 9: Houston at San Antonio, TBD x-Thursday, May 11: San Antonio at Houston, TBD x-Sunday, May 14: Houston at San Antonio, TBDFRIDAYS BOX SCORES WIZARDS 115, HAWKS 99WASHINGTON (115)Porter 3-5 0-0 8, Morris 7-14 1-3 17, Gortat 1-4 0-0 2, Wall 16-25 9-10 42, Beal 11-17 7-8 31, Oubre 1-4 2-2 5, Ochefu 0-0 0-0 0, Smith 0-1 0-0 0, Jennings 0-2 0-0 0, Mac 0-0 0-0 0, Bogdanovic 3-6 2-2 10, Satoransky 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 42-78 21-25 115.ATLANTA (99)Prince 2-5 0-0 4, Millsap 13-23 4-4 31, Howard 3-4 3-3 9, Schroder 8-18 7-8 26, Hardaway Jr. 5-18 1-2 13, Bazemore 4-6 0-0 9, Muscala 0-0 0-0 0, Ilyasova 0-0 1-2 1, Calderon 2-4 0-0 6, Dunleavy 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 37-78 16-19 99. Washington 30 35 24 26 „ 115 Atlanta 23 23 36 17 „ 99 3-Point Goals„Washington 10-24 (Beal 2-3, Morris 2-4, Porter 2-4, Bogdanovic 2-5, Oubre 1-2, Wall 1-4, Jennings 0-1, Smith 0-1), Atlanta 9-32 (Schroder 3-8, Calderon 2-3, Hardaway Jr. 2-11, Bazemore 1-2, Millsap 1-5, Prince 0-3). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Washington 33 (Morris, Porter 8), Atlanta 35 (Millsap 10). Assists„Washington 21 (Wall 8), Atlanta 26 (Schroder 10). Total Fouls„Washington 22, Atlanta 22. Technicals„Smith, Beal, Bazemore, Hardaway Jr.CELTICS 105, BULLS 83BOSTON (105)Crowder 4-8 1-2 12, Green 6-13 1-1 16, Horford 5-5 1-2 12, Thomas 4-11 3-4 12, Bradley 9-12 2-4 23, Brown 3-7 0-1 6, Jerebko 1-4 0-0 3, Zeller 0-1 0-0 0, Olynyk 3-8 0-0 6, Smart 2-6 0-0 6, Rozier 2-4 3-4 9, Young 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 39-80 11-18 105.CHICAGO (83)Mirotic 2-4 0-0 5, Lopez 5-9 0-0 10, Canaan 3-5 2-2 9, Butler 9-17 5-5 23, Wade 1-10 0-0 2, Zipser 3-9 0-0 7, Felicio 0-0 0-0 0, Portis 2-7 0-0 5, Lauvergne 1-4 6-6 8, Carter-Williams 3-6 2-4 8, Grant 2-3 0-0 4, Morrow 0-2 0-0 0, Valentine 1-5 0-0 2. Totals 32-81 15-17 83. Boston 30 24 34 17 „ 105 Chicago 23 18 18 24 „ 83 3-Point Goals„Boston 16-39 (Bradley 3-4, Crowder 3-6, Green 3-8, Rozier 2-2, Smart 2-3, Horford 1-1, Jerebko 1-3, Thomas 1-7, Young 0-1, Brown 0-2, Olynyk 0-2), Chicago 4-19 (Canaan 1-2, Portis 1-2, Mirotic 1-3, Zipser 1-3, Carter-Williams 0-1, Grant 0-1, Butler 0-2, Wade 0-2, Valentine 0-3). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Boston 43 (Horford, Olynyk 6), Chicago 45 (Portis 11). Assists„Boston 28 (Horford 7), Chicago 13 (Wade 3). Total Fouls„ Boston 14, Chicago 16. Technicals„Boston defensive three second, Boston team, C rowder, Mirotic.ODDSPREGAME.COM LINEMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL National League TodayFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINEat St. Louis -171 Cincinnati +159 at Washington -230 NY Mets +210 at Miami -110 Pittsburgh +100 at Milwaukee -115 Atlanta +105 at Arizona -148 Colorado +138 at San Francisco -140 San Diego +130 at LA Dodgers -215 Philadelphia +195American Leagueat NY Yankees -164 Baltimore +154 at Toronto -120 Tampa Bay +110 at Detroit -160 Chi. White Sox +150 at Texas -165 LA Angels +155 at Kansas City -113 Minnesota +103 at Houston -142 Oakland +132 at Cleveland -180 Seattle +165InterleagueChicago Cubs -113 at Boston +103 NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Stanley Cup Playoffs TodayFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE NY Rangers -110 at Ottawa +100 at Washington -141 Pittsburgh +131 Updated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLMajor League BaseballOFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER „ Suspended Seattle minor league INF Miguel Gamboa (Arizona) 56 games after testing positive for a metabolite of Nandrolone, a performanceenhancing substance in violation of the Minor League Drug Prevention and Treatment Program.American LeagueBALTIMORE ORIOLES „ Reinstated OF Joey Rickard from the 10-day DL. Optioned Sent RHP Chris Tillman to Frederick (Carolina) for a rehab assignment. BOSTON RED SOX „ Optioned LHP Robbie Ross Jr. and OF/INF Steve Selsky to Pawtucket (IL). Recalled RHP Ben Taylor from Pawtucket. MINNESOTA TWINS „ Placed LHP Hector Santiago on the bereavement list. Recalled LHP Buddy Boshers from Rochester (IL). NEW YORK YANKEES „ Designated INF Pete Kozma for assignment. Reinstated SS Didi Gregorius from the 10-day DL. TAMPA BAY RAYS „ Optioned OF Mallex Smith to Durham (IL). TEXAS RANGERS „ Optoned RHP Anthony Bass to Round Rock (PCL). Reinstated RHP Sam Dyson and C Brett Nicholas from the 10day DL and optioned Nicholas to Round Rock. Sent RHP A.J. Grif“ n to Round Rock for a rehab assignment. TORONTO BLUE JAYS „ Recalled RHP Danny Barnes from Buffalo (IL).National LeagueARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS „ Recalled LHP T.J.McFarland from Reno (PCL). Transferred RHP Shelby Miller to the 60-day DL. MIAMI MARLINS „ Claimed RHP Joe Gunkel off waives from the L.A. Dodgers. NEW YORK METS „ Placed OF Yoenis Cespedes on the 10-day DL. Recalled LHP Sean Gilmartin from Las Vegas (PCL). ST. LOUIS CARDINALS „ Recalled RHP Sam Tuivailala from Memphis (PCL). SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS „ Assigned INF Chris Marrero outright to Sacramento (PCL).American AssociationST. PAUL SAINTS „ Signed LHP Kramer Sneed.Atlantic LeagueLONG ISLAND DUCKS „ Signed RHP Tyler Levine. Placed LHP Eury De La Rosa on the inactive list.Can-Am LeagueROCKLAND BOULDERS „ Signed RHP Alex Farina. Re-signed OF Jared McDonald and INF Aaron Wilson. TROIS-RIVIERES AIGLES „ Signed OF Trevor Gretzky.FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueCLEVELAND BROWNS „ Released TE Gary Barnidge.HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueNEW YORK ISLANDERS „ Reached an af“ liation agreement with Worcester (ECHL) for next season. WASHINGTON CAPITALS „ Reassigned F Chandler Stephenson to Hershey (AHL).OLYMPIC SPORTSU.S. SKI TEAM „ Announced the retirement of nordic combined coach Dave Jarrett.COLLEGEBIG EAST CONFERENCE „ Named Michael Coyne senior director for mens basketball operations, Michael Sainte director of compliance and membership services and Ujash Patel coordinator of digital production. BYU „ Announced mens senior basketball F Jamal Aytes and freshman basketball G Steven Beo will transfer. Announced mens junior basketball G Davin Guinn is leaving basketball to focus on law school. DELAWARE „ Announced the retirement of womens basketball coach Tina Martin. STANFORD „ Named Collin Audley volunteer assistant mens soccer coach.PRO HOCKEYNHLSTANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS SECOND ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE PITTSBURGH 1, WASHINGTON 0Thursday: Pittsburgh 3, Washington 2 Today: Pittsburgh at Washington, 8 p.m. Monday: Washington at Pittsburgh, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 3: Washington at Pittsburgh, 7:30 p.m. x-Saturday, May 6: Pittsburgh at Washington, TBD x-Monday, May 8: Washington at Pittsburgh, TBD x-Wednesday, May 10: Pittsburgh at Washington, TBDOTTAWA 1, N.Y. RANGERS 0Thursday: Ottawa 2, N.Y. Rangers 1 Today: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, 3 p.m. Tuesday: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m. Thursday, May 4: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, 7:30 p.m. x-Saturday, May 6: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, TBD x-Tuesday, May 9: Ottawa at N.Y. Rangers, TBD x-Thursday, May 11: N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, TBDWESTERN CONFERENCE EDMONTON 1, ANAHEIM 0Wednesday: Edmonton 5, Anaheim 3 Friday: Edmonton at Anaheim, late Sunday: Anaheim at Edmonton, 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 3: Anaheim at Edmonton, 10 p.m. x-Friday, May 5: Edmonton at Anaheim, TBD x-Sunday, May 7: Anaheim at Edmonton, TBD x-Wednesday, May 10: Edmonton at Anaheim, TBDNASHVILLE 1, ST. LOUIS 0Wednesday: Nashville 4, St. Louis 3 Friday: Nashville at St. Louis, late Sunday: St. Louis at Nashville, 3 p.m. Tuesday: St. Louis at Nashville, 9:30 p.m. x-Friday, May 5: Nashville at St. Louis, TBD x-Sunday, May 7: St. Louis at Nashville, TBD x-Tuesday, May 9: Nashville at St. Louis, TBDECHL PLAYOFFSDIVISIONAL SEMIFINALS EASTERN CONFERENCE North DivisionManchester 4, Adirondack 2 Friday, April 14: Manchester 3, Adirondack 1 Saturday, April 15: Manchester 4, Adirondack 2 Tuesday, April 18: Adirondack 3, Manchester 1 Thursday, April 20: Manchester 2, Adirondack 1 Saturday, April 22: Adirondack 2, Manchester 1 Tuesday, April 25: Manchester 6, Adirondack 5, OT Brampton 4, Reading 2 Thursday, April 13: Reading 2, Brampton 1 Saturday, April 15: Brampton 2, Reading 1, OT Tuesday, April 18: Brampton 2, Reading 1 Thursday, April 20: Reading 3, Brampton 2 Saturday, April 22: Brampton 2,Reading 1, 2OT Monday, April 24: Brampton 3, Reading 1 South Division Florida 4, Orlando 3 Wednesday, April 12: Orlando 4, Florida 2 Friday, April 14: Orlando 3, Florida 2 Thursday, April 20: Florida 5, Orlando 4, OT Saturday, April 22: Orlando 3, Florida 0 Sunday, April 23: Florida 5, Orlando 1 Tuesday, April 25: Florida 6, Orlando 4 Wednesday, April 26: Florida 7, Orlando 4 South Carolina 4, Greenville 2 Thursday, April 13: Greenville 6, South Carolina 3 Friday, April 14: Greenville 4, South Carolina 1 Monday, April 17: South Carolina 6, Greenville 0 Tuesday, April 18: South Carolina 6, Greenville 1 Friday, April 21: South Carolina 4, Greenville 2 Monday, April 24: South Carolina 4, Greenville 0WESTERN CONFERENCECentral Division Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 3 Friday, April 14: Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 3 Saturday, April 15: Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 1 Tuesday, April 18: Kalamazoo 6, Toledo 4 Wednesday, April 19: Kalamazoo 8, Toledo 5 Friday, April 21: Toledo 3, Kalamazoo 2 Sunday, April 23: Kalamazoo 4, Toledo 3 Tuesday, April 25: Toledo 3, Kalamazoo 1 Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 1 Friday, April 14: Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 3 Saturday, April 15: Fort Wayne 3, Quad City 1 Wednesday, April 19: Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 3, OT Friday, April 21: Quad City 3, Fort Wayne 2, OT Saturday, April 22: Fort Wayne 3, Quad City 2 Mountain Division Allen 4, Utah 1 Wednesday, April 12: Allen 4, Utah 3 Friday, April 14: Utah 4, Allen 1 Wednesday, April 19: Allen 4, Utah 2 Friday, April 21: Allen 5, Utah 1 Saturday, April 22: Allen 4, Utah 0 Colorado 4, Idaho 1 Friday, April 14: Idaho 4, Colorado 2 Saturday, April 15: Colorado 2, Idaho 1, OT Wednesday, April 19: Colorado 4, Idaho 2 Friday, April 21: Colorado 6, Idaho 5, OT Saturday, April 22: Colorado 6, Idaho 3DIVISION FINALS(Best-of-7; x-if necessary)EASTERN CONFERENCENorth Division Brampton 1, Manchester 0 Thursday, April 27: Brampton 3, Manchester 2, OT Saturday, April 29: Manchester at Brampton, 7:15 p.m. Monday, May 1: Brampton at Manchester, 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 2: Brampton at Manchester, 7 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 3: Brampton at Manchester, 7 p.m. x-Friday, May 5: Manchester at Brampton, 7:15 p.m. x-Sunday, May 7: Manchester at Brampton, 2 p.m. South Division Florida vs. South Carolina Friday, April 28: South Carolina at Florida, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 29: South Carolina at Florida, 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 1: Florida at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. Wednesday, May 3: Florida at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. x-Thursday, May 4: Florida at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. x-Saturday, May 6: South Carolina at Florida, 7:05 p.m. x-Monday, May 8: South Carolina at Florida, 7:05 p.m.WESTERN CONFERENCECentral Division Toledo vs. Fort Wayne Friday, April 28: Fort Wayne at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. Saturday, April 29: Fort Wayne at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. Wednesday, May 3: Toledo at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 5: Toledo at Fort Wayne at 8 p.m. x-Saturday, May 6: Fort Wayne at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. x-Monday, May 8: Toledo at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 10: at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. Mountain Division Allen vs. Colorado Friday, April 28: Colorado at Allen, 8:05 p.m. Saturday, April 29: Colorado at Allen, 8:05 p.m. Wednesday, May 3: Allen at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. Thursday, May 4: Allen at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. x-Sunday, May 7: Allen at Colorado, 5:05 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 9: Colorado at Allen, 8:05 p.m. x-Wednesday, May 10: Colorado at Allen, 8:05 p.m.AUTO RACINGNASCAR MONSTER CUPTOYOTA O WNERS 400 Lineup based on Fridays qualifying for Sundays race at Richmond International Raceway, Richmond, Va.(Car number in parentheses)1. (20) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, 121.076 mph. 2. (21) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 120.854. 3. (78) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, 120.681. 4. (17) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 120.471. 5. (22) Joey Logano, Ford, 120.380. 6. (4) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 120.326. 7. (18) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 120.171. 8. (14) Clint Bowyer, Ford, 120.144. 9. (41) Kurt Busch, Ford, 120.027. 10. (1) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 119.691. 11. (19) Daniel Suarez, Toyota, 119.090. 12. (88) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 119.000. 13. (31) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 119.697. 14. (24) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 119.670. 15. (2) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 119.670. 16. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 119.665. 17. (48) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 119.638. 18. (42) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 119.379. 19. (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 119.226. 20. (77) Erik Jones, Toyota, 118.948. 21. (10) Danica Patrick, Ford, 118.896. 22. (47) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 118.640. 23. (37) Chris Buescher, Chevrolet, 118.437. 24. (13) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, 117.025. 25. (43) Aric Almirola, Ford, 119.079. 26. (27) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 119.011. 27. (95) Michael McDowell, Chevrolet, 118.917. 28. (34) Landon Cassill, Ford, 118.864. 29. (6) Trevor Bayne, Ford, 118.796. 30. (38) David Ragan, Ford, 118.369. 31. (23) Gray Gaulding, Toyota, 118.131. 32. (32) Matt DiBenedetto, Ford, 117.940. 33. (15) Reed Sorenson, Chevrolet, 117.386. 34. (83) Corey LaJoie, Toyota, 117.096. 35. (33) Jeffrey Earnhardt, Chevrolet, 116.995. 36. (72) Cole Whitt, Chevrolet, 116.939. 37. (51) Timmy Hill, Chevrolet, 116.189. 38. (3) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 82.792.NHRA QualifyingFriday at zMax Dragway, Concord, N.C. Qualifying will continue today for Sundays “ nal eliminations.Top Fuel1. Clay Millican, 3.716 seconds, 325.77 mph. 2. Doug Kalitta, 3.718, 322.73. 3. Antron Brown, 3.720, 328.06. 4. Steve Torrence, 3.723, 329.10. 5. Troy Coughlin Jr., 3.729, 321.73. 6. Tony Schumacher, 3.740, 324.51. 7. Brittany Force, 3.745, 324.75. 8. Shawn Langdon, 3.760, 318.84. 9. Leah Pritchett, 3.770, 322.73. 10. Terry McMillen, 3.797, 323.81. 11. Pat Dakin, 3.828, 317.12. 12. Scott Palmer, 3.841, 322.27. 13. Dom Lagana, 3.883, 311.63. 14. Ike Maier, 3.959, 301.47. 15. Chris Karamesines, 4.059, 291.57. 16. Smax Smith, 8.043, 74.68. Not Quali“ ed: 17. Luigi Novelli, 10.172, 83.65.Funny Car1. Courtney Force, Chevy Camaro, 3.851, 323.27. 2. Robert Hight, Camaro, 3.873, 333.91. 3. John Force, Camaro, 3.889, 328.54. 4. Matt Hagan, Dodge Charger, 3.898, 331.28. 5. Tim Wilkerson, Ford Mustang, 3.903, 319.07. 6. Ron Capps, Charger, 3.904, 324.12. 7. Tommy Johnson Jr., Charger, 3.922, 319.52. 8. J.R. Todd, Toyota Camry, 3.956, 321.19. 9. Bob Tasca III, Mustang, 3.962, 323.35. 10. Jack Beckman, Charger, 3.970, 323.12. 11. Del Worsham, Camry, 3.981, 320.51. 12. Bob Bode, Charger, 4.027, 294.69. 13. Chad Head, Camry, 4.030, 292.90. 14. Jim Campbell, Charger, 4.083, 309.20. 15. Jeff Diehl, Toyota Solara, 4.232, 277.09. 16. Dale Creasy Jr., Chevy Impala, 5.644, 128.81. Not Quali“ ed: 17. Dave Richards, 6.387, 99.54. 18. Cruz Pedregon, 7.771, 86.80. 19. Jonnie Lindberg, 7.936, 80.61.Pro Stock1. Jeg Coughlin, Chevy Camaro, 6.578, 210.24. 2. Erica Enders, Camaro, 6.583, 210.37. 3. Greg Anderson, Camaro, 6.587, 209.79. 4. Chris McGaha, Camaro, 6.591, 209.95. 5. Jason Line, Camaro, 6.593, 210.31. 6. Bo Butner, Camaro, 6.594, 209.98. 7. Tanner Gray, Camaro, 6.595, 209.85. 8. Drew Skillman, Camaro, 6.612, 209.59. 9. Vincent Nobile, Camaro, 6.617, 209.14. 10. Alex Laughlin, Camaro, 6.617, 208.68. 11. Shane Gray, Camaro, 6.631, 208.91. 12. Alan Prusiensky, Dodge Dart, 6.651, 208.59. 13. Allen Johnson, Dart, 6.657, 208.23. 14. Deric Kramer, Dart, 6.704, 207.91. 15. Shane Tucker, Camaro, 6.803, 202.27. 16. John Gaydosh Jr, Chevrolet Camaro, 6.853, 203.00. Not Quali“ ed: 17. Wally Stroupe, 7.185, 192.85.Pro Stock Motorcycle1. Jerry Savoie, Suzuki, 6.824, 196.24. 2. Eddie Krawiec, Harley-Davidson, 6.835, 196.93. 3. Chip Ellis, Buell, 6.852, 194.69. 4. Joey Gladstone, Suzuki, 6.869, 194.69. 5. Hector Arana Jr, Buell, 6.879, 194.52. 6. LE Tonglet, Suzuki, 6.880, 194.83. 7. Hector Arana, Buell, 6.886, 195.45. 8. Scotty Pollacheck, Suzuki, 6.899, 192.49. 9. Matt Smith, Victory, 6.913, 193.90. 10. Andrew Hines, Harley-Davidson, 6.915, 195.22. 11. Karen Stoffer, Suzuki, 6.916, 193.60. 12. Angie Smith, Buell, 6.917, 192.80. 13. Cory Reed, Victory, 6.928, 192.14. 14. Shawn Gann, Buell, 6.952, 192.44. 15. Steve Johnson, Suzuki, 6.972, 193.16. 16. Melissa Surber, Buell, 6.982, 191.62. Not Quali“ ed: 17. Joe DeSantis, 7.018, 188.83. 18. Gunner Courtney, 7.092, 183.74. 19. John Hall, 7.233, 183.34. 20. James Surber, 7.334, 181.52. 21. Angelle Sampey, 10.155, 80.88. 22. Andy Simon, 16.113, 44.73.TENNISATP TOURGAZPROM HUNGARIAN OPENFriday at Margitsziget, Budapest, Hungary Purse: $517,000 (WT250) Surface: Clay-OutdoorMens Singles Quarter“ nalsLaslo Djere, Serbia, def. Fernando Verdasco (4), Spain, 2-6, 7-6 (4), 6-2. Aljaz Bedene, Britain, def. Ivo Karlovic (2), Croatia, 6-4, 6-3. Lucas Pouille (1), France, def. Martin Klizan, Slovakia, 6-4, 6-3. Paolo Lorenzi (6), Italy, def. Andrey Kuznetsov, Russia, 6-4, 6-4.Mens Doubles Semi“ nalsBrian Baker, United States, and Nikola Mektic (4), Croatia, def. Treat Huey, Philippines, and Max Mirnyi (2), Belarus, 6-4, 6-2.BARCELONA OPEN BANC SABADELLFriday at Real Club de Tenis Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Purse: $2.49 million (WT500). Surface: Clay-OutdoorMens Singles Quarter“ nalsDominic Thiem (4), Austria, def. Yuichi Sugita, Japan, 6-1, 6-2. Andy Murray (1), Britain, def. Albert RamosVinolas (10), Spain, 2-6, 6-4, 7-6 (4). Rafael Nadal (3), Spain, def. Chung Hyeon, South Korea, 7-6 (1), 6-2. Horacio Zeballos, Argentina, def. Karen Khachanov, Russia, 6-4, 6-1.Mens Doubles Semi“ nalsPhilipp Petzschner, Germany, and Alexander Peya, Austria, def. Fabrice Martin and Edouard Roger-Vasselin, France, 6-1, 6-1.Quarter“ nalsJean-Julien Rojer, Netherlands, and Horia Tecau, Romania, def. Lukasz Kubot, Poland, and Mischa Zverev, Germany, 6-3, 6-4.WTA TOURPORSCHE GRAND PRIXFriday at Porsche-Arena, Stuttgart, Germany Purse: $710,900 (Premier). Surface: Clay-IndoorWomens Doubles Quarter“ nalsMaria Sharapova, Russia, def. Anett Kontaveit, Estonia, 6-3, 6-4. Kristina Mladenovic, France, def. Carla Suarez Navarro, Spain, 6-3, 6-2. Laura Siegemund, Germany, def. Karolina Pliskova (2), Czech Republic, 7-6 (3), 5-7, 6-3. Simona Halep (4), Romania, def. Anastasija Sevastova, Latvia, 6-3, 6-1.Womens Doubles Quarter“ nalsAnna-Lena Groenefeld, Germany, and Kveta Peschke (4), Czech Republic, def. Lyudmyla Kichenok and Lesia Tsurenko, Ukraine, walkover.BNP PARIBAS ISTANBUL CUPFriday at Garanti Koza Arena, Istanbul Purse: $226,750 (Intl.). Surface: Hard-OutdoorWomens Singles Quarter“ nalsIrina-Camelia Begu (3), Romania, def. Basak Eraydin, Turkey, 2-6, 7-6 (5), 6-1. Jana Cepelova, Slovakia, def. Dayana Yastremska, Ukraine, 2-6, 7-6 (4), 6-4. Elise Mertens (6), Belgium, def. Cagla Buyukakcay, Turkey, 6-4, 4-6, 6-2. Elina Svitolina (1), Ukraine, def. Sorana Cirstea (5), Romania, 6-4, 6-4.Womens Doubles Semi“ nalsNicole Melichar, United States, and Elise Mertens (4), Belgium, def. Timea Babos, Hungary, and Cagla Buyukakcay, Turkey, 6-3, 7-6 (1).Quarter“ nalsNao Hibino, Japan, and Danka Kovinic (3), Montenegro, def. Natela Dzalamidze and Veronika Kudermetova, Russia, 6-4, 6-2.SOCCERMAJOR LEAGUE SOCCEREASTERN W L T PTS GF GA Orlando City 5 1 0 15 8 5 Columbus 4 3 1 13 11 10 New York 4 3 1 13 9 9 Toronto FC 3 1 4 13 12 7 Atlanta United FC 3 2 2 11 17 8 Chicago 3 2 2 11 10 10 New York City FC 3 3 1 10 11 7 New England 2 3 3 9 11 11 D.C. United 2 3 2 8 6 12 Montreal 1 2 4 7 10 12 Philadelphia 0 4 3 3 8 14 WESTERN W L T PTS GF GA Portland 5 2 1 16 18 10 FC Dallas 4 0 2 14 8 3 Houston 4 3 1 13 15 13 Sporting Kansas City 3 1 3 12 6 3 Seattle 2 2 3 9 11 8 San Jose 2 3 3 9 8 10 Real Salt Lake 2 4 2 8 9 12 Minnesota United 2 4 2 8 13 24 Vancouver 2 4 1 7 9 13 Los Angeles 2 5 0 6 8 13 Colorado 1 4 1 4 5 9 3 points for victory, 1 point for tieFridays GameToronto FC 2, Houston 0Todays GamesVancouver at Montreal, 3 p.m. Colorado at Orlando City, 4 p.m. Chicago at New York, 7:30 p.m. New York City FC at Columbus, 7:30 p.m. Portland at FC Dallas, 8 p.m. San Jose at Minnesota United, 8 p.m. Real Salt Lake at Sporting K.C., 8:30 p.m. New England at Seattle, 10 p.m. Philadelphia at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m.Sundays GameD.C. United at Atlanta United FC, 3 p.m.GOLFPGA TOURZURICH CLASSICFridays leaders at TPC Louisiana, Avondale, La. Purse: $7.1 million. Yardage: 7,425. Par: 72.Second RoundBlixt and Smith 67-62„129 Reed and Cantlay 68-62„130 Choi and Wi 67-64„131 Merritt and Streb 69-62„131 Stuard and Stroud 68-64„132 Cejka and Kjeldsen 70-62„132 C. Hoffman and Watney 67-65„132 Spieth and Palmer 66-66„132 Schauffele and Ridings 68-64„132 Stanley and Ruffels 66-66„132 Cabrera and Etulain 70-63„133 Van Aswegen and Goosen 73-60„133 Dufner and Kizzire 69-64„133 M. Hoffmann and Villegas 72-62„134 Lingmerth and Lee 72-62„134 Thomas and Cauley 70-64„134 Stricker and Kelly 68-66„134 Jacobson and Wilcox 71-63„134 B. Koepka and C. Koepka 69-65„134 Kisner and Brown 70-64„134 Martin and Crane 67-67„134 Kraft and Tway 71-63„134 Harman and Wagner 71-64„135 Ogilvy and Poulter 69-66„135 Matsuyama and Tanihara 69-66„135 Loupe and Peterson 71-64„135 M. Kim and Hagy 72-64„136 Hubbard and Randolph 69-67„136 Henry and Hoge 69-67„136 Bryan and Blaum 71-65„136 Bozzelli and Poston 70-66„136 Barnes and Jones 70-67„137 Reavie and Glover 69-68„137 Hearn and DeLaet 71-66„137 Watson and Holmes 73-64„137 Swafford and English 70-67„137 Thompson and Wilkinson 71-66„137 Schniederjans and Werenski 70-67„137 Flores and Fdez-Castano 72-65„137 Grace and Oosthuizen 70-67„137 Murray and Percy 70-67„137 Reifers and Johnston 71-66„137Failed to make the cutBradley and Steele 70-68„138 Rodgers and Tringale 72-66„138 Henley and Barber 73-65„138 Rose and Stenson 72-66„138 W. Kim and Owen 70-68„138 Power and Alker 70-68„138 V. Taylor and Gonzales 71-68„139 Gomez and Vegas 70-69„139 Horschel and Every 73-66„139 Chappell and Woodland 74-65„139 Hatton and Donaldson 72-67„139 Spaun and Brehm 72-67„139 Levin and Mediate 73-66„139 Lovemark and Donald 75-64„139 Day and Fowler 71-68„139 Finau and Summerhays 71-68„139 Blair and Pan 73-66„139 Stefani and Rollins 74-66„140 Noh and An 73-67„140 Castro and Stallings 73-67„140 Marino and MacKenzie 74-66„140 Berger and Pieters 73-67„140 Gribble and Herman 73-67„140 DeChambeau and Sabbatini 74-66„140 S. Kim and Kang 74-67„141 Kaufman and Varner III 76-65„141 Duke and Collins 73-68„141 Fathauer and Saunders 75-66„141 Kirk and Todd 74-67„141 Knox and Streelman 73-68„141 Bowditch and Weekley 75-66„141 Hughes and N. Taylor 75-67„142 Carballo and Campbell 74-68„142 Pettersson and Bohn 73-70„143 McGirt and Garrigus 75-68„143 Malnati and Wilson 76-67„143 Mullinax and Wyatt 77-67„144 Ramey and Schmitt 75-72„147LPGA TOURVOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA TEXAS SHOOTOUTFridays leaders at Las Colinas CC, Irving, Texas. Purse: $1.3 million. Yardage : 6,441. Par: 71 (36-35). (a-denotes amateur)Second RoundHaru Nomura 68-65„133 Ariya Jutanugarn 67-67„134 Suzann Pettersen 70-65„135 Moriya Jutanugarn 70-66„136 Inbee Park 69-67„136 Marina Alex 67-69„136 Charley Hull 71-66„137 Cristie Kerr 68-69„137 Angela Stanford 68-69„137 Mi Jung Hur 65-72„137 Nelly Korda 70-68„138 Jacqui Concolino 69-69„138 aEun Jeong Seong 69-69„138 Jessica Korda 68-70„138 Minjee Lee 68-70„138 Dori Carter 76-63„139 Mel Reid 73-66„139 Amy Yang 68-71„139 Chella Choi 68-71„139 Sung Hyun Park 67-72„139 Annie Park 72-68„140 Karine Icher 71-69„140 Lindy Duncan 70-70„140 Amy Anderson 69-71„140 Sarah Jane Smith 69-71„140 Pornanong Phatlum 69-71„140 Pannarat Thanapolboonyaas 69-71„140 Candie Kung 69-71„140 Marissa L Steen 69-71„140 Gerina Piller 69-71„140 Amelia Lewis 68-72„140 Katherine Kirk 67-73„140 Michelle Wie 67-73„140 Ola“ a Kristinsdottir 74-67„141 Angel Yin 74-67„141 Brooke Pancake 73-68„141 Danielle Kang 73-68„141 Brittany Lang 73-68„141 Joanna Klatten 72-69„141 Wei-Ling Hsu 72-69„141 Nontaya Srisawang 70-71„141 Lexi Thompson 69-72„141 Eun-Hee Ji 68-73„141 Stacy Lewis 71-71„142 Paula Reto 71-71„142 Laura Gonzalez Escallon 71-71„142 So Yeon Ryu 74-69„143 Giulia Molinaro 73-70„143 Cydney Clanton 73-70„143 Jane Park 72-71„143 Kris Tamulis 71-72„143 Jodi Ewart Shadoff 71-72„143 Lizette Salas 71-72„143 Jenny Shin 71-72„143 Lydia Ko 70-73„143 Gaby Lopez 69-74„143 Mirim Lee 69-74„143 Sun Young Yoo 69-74„143 Sandra Changkija 67-76„143 Jennifer Song 67-76„143 Morgan Pressel 75-69„144 Brittany Lincicome 75-69„144 Caroline Masson 73-71„144 Christina Kim 72-72„144 Mika Miyazato 71-73„144 Alena Sharp 70-74„144 Demi Runas 75-70„145 Mina Harigae 74-71„145 Brooke M. Henderson 74-71„145 Becky Morgan 74-71„145 Azahara Munoz 73-72„145 Anna Nordqvist 73-72„145 Ilhee Lee 72-73„145 Laetitia Beck 72-73„145 Thidapa Suwannapura 72-73„145 Shanshan Feng 72-73„145 Ashleigh Buhai 71-74„145 Mo Martin 71-74„145 Catriona Matthew 70-75„145 Beatriz Recari 70-75„145Failed to make the cutTherese OHara 75-71„146 Dana Finkelstein 74-72„146 Kim Kaufman 73-73„146 Simin Feng 73-73„146 Madelene Sagstrom 73-73„146 Ally McDonald 72-74„146 Pavarisa Yoktuan 72-74„146 Jackie Stoelting 71-75„146 Sandra Gal 77-70„147 Mariajo Uribe 76-71„147 Lauren E Coughlin 75-72„147 Min Seo Kwak 74-73„147 Karen Chung 74-73„147 Na Yeon Choi 73-74„147 Maude-Aimee Leblanc 73-74„147 Kelly W Shon 73-74„147 Peiyun Chien 73-74„147 Pernilla Lindberg 71-76„147 Hee Young Park 71-76„147 Megan Khang 70-77„147 Mi Hyang Lee 79-69„148 Sei Young Kim 77-71„148 Julie Yang 75-73„148 Cheyenne Woods 74-74„148 aGina Kim 72-76„148 Wichanee Meechai 72-76„148 Jaye Marie Green 76-73„149 Beth Allen 75-74„149 a-Anne Chen 75-74„149 Ha Na Jang 75-74„149 Lee Lopez 75-74„149 Maria Parra 74-75„149 Perrine Delacour 73-76„149 Kelly Tan 80-70„150 In-Kyung Kim 76-74„150 Vicky Hurst 76-74„150 In Gee Chun 76-74„150 Alison Lee 75-75„150 Celine Herbin 74-76„150 Sherman Santiwiwatthanaphong 73-77„150 Regan De Guzman 80-71„151 Yani Tseng 79-72„151 P.K. Kongkraphan 79-72„151 Juli Inkster 78-73„151 Katherine Perry 78-73„151 a-Maddie McCrary 77-74„151 Austin Ernst 77-74„151 Xiyu Lin 77-74„151 Karrie Webb 75-76„151 Julieta Granada 78-74„152 Brittany Altomare 75-77„152 Tiffany Joh 74-78„152 Sadena A Parks 78-75„153 Min Lee 78-75„153 Dani Holmqvist 77-76„153 Su Oh 77-76„153 Nasa Hataoka 80-74„154 Stephanie L Meadow 79-75„154 Ssu-Chia Cheng 78-76„154 Belen Mozo 77-77„154 Jennifer Ha 75-80„155 Jing Yan 79-77„156 Ryann OToole 77-79„156 Paula Creamer 75„WDEUROPEAN TOURVOLVO CHINA OPENFridays leaders at Topwin Golf & CC, Beijing Purse: $2.9 million. Yardage: 7,261. Par: 72 (36-36).Second RoundPablo Larrazabal, Spain 64-66„130 Alexander Levy, France 63-70„133 Dylan Frittelli, South Africa 70-63„133 Lee Soomin, South Korea 69-65„134 Thomas Detry, Belgium 70-66„136 George Coetzee, South Africa 67-69„136 Bernd Wiesberger, Austria 69-68„137 Graeme Storm, England 69-68„137 Y.E. Yang, South Korea 69-68„137 Joost Luiten, Netherlands 68-69„137 Jaco van Zyl, South Africa 68-69„137 Dean Burmester, South Africa 67-70„137 Bernd Ritthammer, Germany 70-67„137 Paul Peterson, United States 69-69„138 Jorge Campillo, Spain 68-70„138 Pep Angles, Spain 68-70„138 Thorbjorn Olesen, Denmark 71-67„138 Peter Hanson, Sweden 67-71„138 Paul Uihlein, United States 72-66„138 Nicolas Colsaerts, Belgium 72-66„138 Fabrizio Zanotti, Paraguay 71-67„138 Raphael Jacquelin, France 67-71„138AlsoDavid Lipsky, United States 69-71„140 Ross Fisher, England 73-70„143Missed cutMark Baldwin, United States 77-73„150 Ryan Dillon, United States 77-73„150 Blake Snyder, United States 73-80„153WEB.COM TOUREL BOSQUE MEXICO CHAMPIONSHIPFridays leaders at El Bosque CC, Guanajuato, Mexico Purse: $650,000. Yardage: 7,762; Par: 72Second RoundSepp Straka 65-70„135 Denny McCarthy 69-67„136 Sebastian Munoz 65-71„136 Taylor Moore 66-71„137 Matt Atkins 68-69„137 Michael Hebert 69-68„137 Ken Looper 67-71„138 Abraham Ancer 67-71„138 Wes Roach 68-71„139 Paul Barjon 70-69„139 Jonathan Byrd 69-71„140 Timothy Madigan 72-68„140 Keith Mitchell 72-68„140 Ben Silverman 70-70„140 Ben Kohles 68-72„140 Juan Diego Fernandez 72-68„140 Andrew Putnam 69-71„140 Stuart Appleby 72-68„140 Chris Worrell 70-70„140 Jamie Arnold 71-70„141 Cameron Wilson 69-72„141 D.H. Lee 71-70„141 Tom Lovelady 68-73„141 Kyoung-Hoon Lee 69-72„141 Carlos Ortiz 70-71„141 Ryan Yip 67-74„141 Luke Guthrie 68-73„141 Adam Svensson 67-74„141 Austin Cook 73-68„141 Rob Oppenheim 65-76„141 Chesson Hadley 70-71„141 Roger Sloan 71-70„141 Nicholas Thompson 71-70„141 John Chin 68-73„141 A.J. McInerney 71-70„141 Ted Potter, Jr. 71-71„142 Scott Harrington 66-76„142 Jimmy Gunn 71-71„142 Bryan Bigley 72-70„142 Armando Favela 67-75„142 Matt Harmon 68-74„142 Mark Anguiano 75-67„142 Puma Dominguez 67-76„143 Nate Lashley 74-69„143 Sam Love 70-73„143 Derek Ernst 76-67„143 Oscar Fraustro 70-73„143 Vince India 71-72„143 Parker McLachlin 70-73„143 Josh Teater 71-72„143 Anders Albertson 72-71„143 Gerardo Ruiz 68-75„143 Michael Johnson 71-73„144 Jin Park 71-73„144 Michael Putnam 71-73„144 Alex Aragon 73-71„144 Eric Axley 73-71„144 Curtis Thompson 71-73„144 Roberto Diaz 74-70„144 Alexandre Rocha 76-68„144 Rick Lamb 74-70„144 Adam Schenk 70-74„144 Kyle Wilshire 73-71„144 Nick Rousey 72-72„144 Talor Gooch 70-74„144 James Driscoll 71-73„144Failed to make the cutAndrew Svoboda 68-77„145 Dawie van der Walt 75-70„145 Erik Barnes 77-68„145 Jack Maguire 71-74„145 Martin Trainer 72-73„145 Thomas Aiken 74-71„145 Brady Schnell 71-74„145 Seth Reeves 73-72„145 Peter Tomasulo 69-76„145 Guillermo Pereira 68-77„145 Daniel Miernicki 69-76„145 Tom Whitney 74-71„145 David Skinns 70-75„145 Henry Davis 70-75„145 Rhein Gibson 74-72„146 Chris Naegel 70-76„146 Jason Millard 72-74„146 Corey Conners 74-72„146 Vince Covello 72-74„146 Sam Ryder 73-73„146 Andrew Yun 73-73„146 Samuel Del Val 74-72„146 Scott Langley 75-71„146 Zecheng Dou 70-76„146 Chris Baker 72-74„146 Alex Kang 74-72„146 Sebastian Cappelen 74-72„146 Robert Allenby 76-70„146 Ben Taylor 72-74„146 Brice Garnett 72-74„146 S.J. Park 71-75„146 Sebastian Vazquez 72-74„146 Alvaro Ortiz 73-73„146 Conrad Shindler 73-74„147 Martin Piller 75-72„147 Jacques Blaauw 72-75„147 Chris Tidland 71-76„147 Alex Prugh 71-76„147 Augusto Nunez 69-78„147 Michael Letzig 74-73„147 Bhavik Patel 73-74„147 Brad Elder 73-74„147 Justin Shin 73-74„147 Max Homa 78-69„147 Omar Uresti 72-75„147 Jason Gore 74-73„147 Dan Woltman 75-73„148 Byron Smith 74-74„148 Xinjun Zhang 68-80„148 Kent Bulle 74-74„148 Len Mattiace 77-71„148 Stephan Jaeger 74-74„148 Jim Knous 75-73„148 Mark Hensby 78-71„149 Zach Wright 75-74„149 Lanto Grif“ n 74-75„149 Zack Fischer 73-76„149 Peter Lonard 74-75„149 Tyler Duncan 66-83„149 Eric Steger 72-78„150 Santiago Gavino 74-76„150 Daniel Chopra 74-76„150 D.J. Trahan 74-76„150 Brandon Harkins 78-73„151 Michael Gellerman 75-76„151 Taewoo Kim 74-77„151 Adam Long 70-81„151 Efren Serna, Jr. 76-75„151 Casey Wittenberg 76-76„152 Rodolfo Cazaubon 76-76„152 Greg Eason 73-79„152 Chase Parker 73-79„152 Shane Bertsch 76-76„152 Greg Yates 75-77„152 Jose de Jesus Rodriguez 73-79„152 Jonathan Hodge 76-77„153 Nicholas Maruri 73-81„154 Ethan Tracy 80-76„156 Rick Cochran III 79-77„156


Page 6 SP Saturday, April 29, 2017 / The Sun SPORTS TICKERSTEVE HELBER/THE ASSOCIATED PRESSDale Earnhardt Jr. gestures during a news conference Friday after practice for Sundays Cup Series race at Richmond Internation al Raceway in Richmond, Va. NASCARS most popular driver each of the past 14 seasons returns to the track for the first time since announcing that the 2017 season will be his last. BY HANK KURZ JR.The Associated PressRICHMOND, Va. „ Dale Earnhardt Jr. says the pressure is gone, not only about his future, but also his results. I certainly did feel a lot more relaxed now,Ž NASCARS most popular driver said Friday at Richmond International Raceway, where he came back to work three days after announcing that this season will be his last. I dont know whether its because I finally got to tell everybody and let everybody know what were doing, get that over with, but I certainly felt real relaxed today in the garage during practice. I felt like there was less pressure from somewhere, and a large amount,Ž he said. A lot different.Ž That doesnt mean that Earnhardt wont be trying to end a 27-race winless drought when the green flag drops Sunday. The fans are going to want you to do as best as you can, so theyre still going to have expectations, per usual,Ž he said. The team, the guys, myself, wed love to win some races. Im going to say a race, but some races would be great going out in your last season to get some victories. We just want to go to Victory Lane one more time. Just to get that experience one more time would be awesome for me and I think the guys would love it.Ž Earnhardt has struggled this season. Hes 24th in points through eight races and has finished 30th or lower four times. In the past, if his car was balky in practice, there was tension. Now, I am not going to get so spun out if something is just not perfect on the car or the car is not exactly what we need or we are a little slow. I guess I wont be as panicky about it and the frustration wont jump in there as quickly as it usually does,Ž he said. He compared his situation to that of former crew chief Steve Letarte, who knew he was retiring at the end of the 2014 season. Earnhardt and Letarte won four races that season, his first multiwin season in a decade. He was more aggressive and I think it was because he had the freedom to be that way,Ž Earnhardt said, citing strategy calls by Letarte that allowed the team to win both races at Pocono that year despite not necessarily having the best car. He was like What if it doesnt work? And a lot of times it ended up working out.Ž Having announced his retirement plan has allowed him to begin talking to others about what options he might have to keep him busy next season. Hes even hired an agency to assist in that and in finding ways to expand his Xfinity Series program, JR Motorsports. One of his drivers this year, 19-year-old rookie William Byron, is second to teammate Elliott Sadler in the points race after seven events, and has been mentioned as a possible replacement in Earnhardts No. 88 Chevrolet. But Byron said hes not thinking about that yet. Every one of us wants to race in the Cup series. Thats the ultimate goal, so Id be ready for anything, I think, but right now its just focusing on what I can do at JRM and see what we can do the rest of the year and hopefully compete for a championship,Ž he said.Earnhardt explains decision to walk awayDale Jr. says his announcement took the pressure o racing ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTOSFour-time Cup Series champion Jeff Gordon, left, retired after the 2015 season. Three-time Cup Series champion Tony Stewart followed suit a year later. BY JON KRAWCZYNSKIThe Associated PressLarry Bird started the week by driving an IndyCar down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan to stump for the NBAs All-Star weekend returning to Indiana. He ended it by stepping down as president of basketball operations for the Pacers, a stunningly abrupt decision that has become a hallmark of the NBA greats post-playing career. Bird made the call Friday and general manager Kevin Pritchard will be elevated to take his place, a person with knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the team has not announced the move, which was first reported by Yahoo! Sports. Bird leaves the Pacers ahead of a pivotal summer in which the franchise will have to decide what to do with star forward Paul George. He can become a free agent after next season and there is wide speculation he would prefer to play for the Los Angeles Lakers. The Pacers will have to decide whether to try to persuade him to stay long term or trade him. With that potentially franchise-changing scenario pending, Bird is stepping down from a major role with the Pacers for a third time. His quick exit follows a pattern for Bird. When the Hall of Famer makes up his mind, thats it. Larry is very special, tremendous integrity,Ž Pacers owner Herb Simon told The Indianapolis Star this month. His word means something.Ž Bird coached the Pacers from 1997-2000, leading them to the NBA Finals in 2000 before walking away from the job after applying a long-held theory that a coachs effectiveness is diminished after three or four years on the job. He returned as team president in 2003, helping construct a club that was among the best in the league, won 61 games and advanced to the Eastern Conference finals in 2003-04. That team fell apart the following season after the Malice at the Palace,Ž the ugly scene in Detroit in which players Ron Artest, Stephen Jackson and Jermaine ONeal fought with Pistons fans. The French Lick, Indiana, native methodically reshaped the team into a contender again, building a promising core around George and Danny Granger and helping to mold Lance Stephenson from a troublemaker into a force. He was named NBA executive of the year in 2012, then stepped down a few months later. Bird hinted at the time that health played a role in his decision then, and he stayed away for a year before returning as the Pacers top executive. With Frank Vogel as his coach, the Pacers reached the conference finals in 2013 and 2014 with a new core of George, Stephenson and Roy Hibbert. Bird did not renew Vogels contract after last season and installed Nate McMillan as his coach. The Pacers were swept out of the first round this season by the Cleveland Cavaliers, a major point of frustration for George, one of the leagues most versatile stars. George has not hesitated to make his displeasure known regarding the direction of the franchise. That sets up for what is sure to be a tense summer of talks and decisions. And the two also did not see eye to eye on the court, with George resisting Birds preference of playing him at power forward as part of a sleeker, faster lineup with Myles Turner at center. The Pacers ultimately bowed to Georges preference to stay at small forward, and he averaged 23.6 points and 6.7 rebounds for a team that finished 42-40 this season and was never a real threat in the East. Bird turned down several trade offers for George at the deadline in February, and his star rewarded him with exceptional play down the stretch to help the Pacers reach the playoffs. But their series against LeBron James and the Cavaliers, tight as it was, showed just how far they are from getting back to being a real factor in the conference. Now Pritchard will be driving that bus. Long one of the more respected executives in the league, he left the Portland Trail Blazers after disagreements with owner Paul Allen in 2010 and joined the Pacers in 2011. The transition should be seamless given Pritchards familiarity with the organization and time spent working with Bird. But he will not be able to ease into the big chair. The biggest decision this organization has had to make in years is staring them right in the face, and Bird will not be the one making it.NBABird steps down as Pacers presidentBird BEREA, OHIOBrowns cut tight end Barnidge in surprise moveGary Barnidge provided production, leadership and a community presence for some brutally bad Browns teams the past four years. On Friday, they cut him. A former Pro Bowler, Barnidge was released in a surprising move by Cleveland, which used one of its three picks in the “ rst round Thursday night to select Miami tight end David Njoku. Following the pick, Barnidge, who made 134 catches for 1,655 yards over the past two seasons, went on social media to greet his new teammate. Just 14 hours later, he wrote a thank-you note to Cleveland fans after being let go.„The Associated PressNASCAR: Junior Retires IN BRIEF adno=54511807 adno=54511758 With your Membership, receive: 1 Complimentary Twilight Round of Golf for up to 4 players, after 4pm $50 OFF Annual Membership Up to 10 Rounds of Golf, for price of Silver Member cart free, after 12:30pm, June through September


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NEW 2017 CHRYSLER 300 S #C17181 SALE $ 29,999 SALE $ 29,999 SALE $ 29,999 Se habla Espaola, Bill Wagner 941-705-9095 adno=8534658 *Vehicle Prices Listed Are Plus Tax, Tag And Title. Prices Include Rebates. Dealer Also Charges A Pr e-Delivery Service Fee Of $599 Which Represents Cost And Profit To The Dealer For Items Such As Cleaning, Inspecting And Adjusting New An d Used Vehicles And Prepa ring Documents Related To The Sale Or Lease. Dealer Not Responsible For Typographical Errors. Vehicles Ma y Not Be As Pictured And Are Subject To Prior Sale. Financing Is With Approved Credit. Residency Rules May Apply. See Dealer For Details. Uconnect Voice Command w/Bluetooth, Satellite Radio, Deep Tint Sunscreen Glass, Fog Lamps, Speed Control, Theft Deterrent System, Tilt Steering, Halogen Headlamps & much more Sunset Alf a Romeo FIAT of Sarasot a 7641 S. Tami ami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34231 ( 941)9248822 € www. f i atusaof sarasota. com 2016 SUBARU IMPREZA 2.0i 5-door Premium GFA-01 U1659 FORESTER 2016 SUBARU 2.5i € Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive € Bluetooth connectivity € SUBARU STARLINK 6.2Ž Multimedia Audio System € Back-up camera Buy For Prices are plus tax, tag, title & include rebates which are subject to change. Dealer also charges a pre-delivery service fee of $599 which represents cost & profit to the dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting & adjusting vehicles & preparing documents related to the sale or lease. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Vehicles may not be as pictured & are subject to prior sale. F inancing is with approved credit. Residency rules may apply. See dealer for details. *Prices are plus tax, tag, title & include rebates which are subject to change. Dealer also charges a pre-delivery service fe e of $599 which represents cost & profit to the dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting & adjusting vehi cles & preparing document s related to the sale or lease. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Vehicles may not be as pictur ed & are subject to prior sale. Financing is with approved credit. Residency rules may apply. See dealer for details. Offer ends on 04/30/2017. 2017 Kelley B lue Book Brand Image Awards are based on the Brand Watch’ study from Kelley Blue Book Strategic Insights. Awa rd calculated among nonluxury shoppers. 2017 model-year vehicles projected cost to own for the initial five-year ownership period is based on the a verage Kelley Blue Book 5-Year Cost to Own data which considers depreciation and costs such as fuel and ins urance. For more informat ion, visit 941-925-1234 € 7611 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231 Sales: Mon-Fri 8:30A 7P Sat. 9A-6P € Service: Mon.-Fri. 7:30A-5P € Sat. 8AM-Noon 2017 Subaru FORESTER 2.5i 2017 Subaru LEGACY 2.5 I Premium w ith moonroof 2017 Subaru CROSSTREK 5dr 2.0i Premium Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Automatic, Power Windows, Locks, Mirrors, Backup Camera, Speed Control, Bluetooth Phone Connectivity, Tilt Telescoping Steering Wheel, Remote Keyless Entry, MP3/CD, 6Speakers, & Much More! Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Back-up Camera, Bluetooth Wireless Phone Connectivity, Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Remote Keyless Entry, Heated Front Seats, Speed Control,Tilt/Telescoping Steering Wheel, MP3/CD with six speaker sound system, Fog Lamps and more. HRC-12 #U17603 HDD-11 #U17678 HFA-01 #U17617 HAD-12 #U17131 #F1731 Sale $ 14,799 Sale $ 14,799 2017 F I AT 500 2017 FIAT 500 NEW NEW Sale $ 18,999 Sale $ 18,999 2017 FIAT 500X Pop 2017 FIAT 500X Pop Sale $ 23,999 #F1773 Trade a Honda or Toyota, Save another $1,000Ž 2017 FIAT 124 Spider Classica 2017 FIAT 124 Spider Classica NEW NEW From $ 25,799 From $ 25,799 #C17221 SALE $ 24,999 3.6l V-6, Power Windows/locks/mirrors/seat, 9-speed Automatic, Stow N Go Seating, Rear A/c, Aluminum Wheels, Back-up Camera, Speed Control, Sunscreen Glass, Keyless Go, Voice Command W/ Bluetooth And More. Symmetrical AllWheel Drive, Emergency communication system, DualZone Automatic Climate Control, Power Moonroof, Keyless remote and much more. Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Automatic, Power Windows, Locks, Mirrors, Back up Camera, Speed Control, Bluetooth Phone Connectivity, Tilt Telescoping Steering Wheel, Remote Keyless Entry, Security System, CD Player, Starlink, Dual Zone Climate Control & Much More! 2017 Subaru OUTBACK 2.5i P remium Turbo Charged Rear Wheel Drive with near perfect 50/50 weight distribution, Remote Proximity Keyless Entry, Bluetooth Connectivity and Hands-Free Voice Command, Speed Control, Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Aluminum Wheels and more Sale $ 27,999 Leather, GPS Navigation, 20Ž Aluminum Wheels, BackUp Camera, Park Assist, Heated/ Ventilated Seats, Voice Command w/ Bluetooth, Remote Start System, Keyless Enter n Go, Power Windows/ Locks/Mirrors/ and Seat, Speed Control, Security Alarm with Theft Deterrent and More. #J1740 Pop Model with power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Speed Control, Aluminum Wheels, Keyless Remote Entry, Premium Audio System with Integrated Voice Command, Bluetooth, Steering Wheel Mounted Controls and More. SALE $ 27,999 SALE $ 27,999 Back-Up Camera, Park Assist, Sat Radio w/6-Speaker Sound System, Voice Command w/Bluetooth, Power Windows/Locks/ Mirrors, Remote Proximity Keyless Entry, Alloy Wheels, Security Alarm and Much More. SALE $ 25,999 2017 Dodge Charger SXT PLUS Msrp $34,380 Save $8,381 Sale $ 22,999 NEW 2017 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 3.6L V6, Automatic, Command-Trac Shift-on-the-fly 4 WD, Speed Control, 8-Speaker Sound System, Tilt Steering Wheel w/Audio Controls, Full Sunrider Soft Top, Fog Lamps, Theft Deterrent System, A/C, Sports Bar with Full Padding, Tire Pressure Monitoring and more. FINAL 3 DAYS OPEN THIS SUN 11-4 Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years of 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2017 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility. Power Windows/ Locks/mirrors, Intergrated Voice Command W/ Bluetooth, Keyless Entry W/ Panic Control, Speed Control, Tilt/ Telescoping Steering Wheel, Halogen Headlamps, Traction Control And More. Price includes $500 finance bonus, must finance with Chrysler.Ž PER MONTH LEASE / 36 MONTHS/ 12,000 MILES PER YEAR NO SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED $2,032.00 TOTAL DUE AT SIGNING 3.6l V-6 With 8-speed Automatic, Power Windows/locks & Power Heated Mirrors, Trailer Tow W/class Iv Hitch, Speed Control Theft Deterrent, Six Speaker Sound System, Tilt Steering, Halogen Headlamps And More #J1756 $ 228 Price Includes $ 500 Finance Bonus, must finance with ChryslerŽ NEW 2017 JEEP PATRIOT SPORT SALE SALE $ 15,999 SALE #D1753 NEW 2017 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB SALE $ 24,999 SALE $ 24,999 SALE $ 24,999 Price Includes $ 500 Finance Bonus, must finance with ChryslerŽ #F17101 #D17724 MSRP $41,455 SAVE $11,456 Price includes $500 finance bonus, must finance with Chrysler.Ž NEW NEW NEW 2017 JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT OWN/LEASE A NON-FCA VEHICLE SAVE ANOTHER $750 SALE $ 18,999 SALE $ 18,999 #J17264 Americas Most Capable Vehicle 2017 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT SALE $ 26,999 #J17440 Purchase for $ 24,999 OWN/LEASE A NON-FCA VEHICLE SAVE ANOTHER $750 Subaru is Kelley Blue Books 2017 Most Trusted Brand and Best Overall Brand Subaru has the 2017 lowest 5-Year Cost to Own of all brands according to Kelley Blue Books All Subaru models with Eyesight are a 2017 IHS TOP Safety Pick


Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 29, 2017 1010 OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE SAT. 10-1 427 Rotonda Circle Rotonda West $269,900 Beautiful 3/2/2 Pool Home w/ Circular Drive. Carol St.Germain RE/MAX Anchor (941) 815-3090 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 12-2 1075 REDBAYTERR. PORTCHARLOTTECOMPLETELYREMODELED. 2/2/2+ CG. $149,900. FSBO PHIL941-457-6811 OPEN SAT. 10-23314 Christopher St, Port Charlotte. Large 4/2.5 Pool Home on Sailboat Waterway. SAM RODGERS, SANDERLING REAL ESTATE 941-457-0949 OPEN SAT. 11-2 6945 BARGELLOST. ENGLEWOOD. Immaculate 3/2/2! Tiled. Huge Lanai! Corner Lot. 1 Owner. Just Reduced! $179,900. Furniture Available. BERYLBUTLER, KELLERWILLIAMSREALTYGOLD941-716-0652 OPEN SUN. 1PM-4PM 12258 DEFENDERDRIVE, PORTCHARLOTTE33953 2/1/1 GULFACCESSCANAL. MOVEINREADY. TURNKEY! $199,000. SUN REALTY 941-875-4150 HOPESAGE OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 Venice 19267 Kirella St. Expansive water view w/huge lanai in Maintenance-free IslandWalk. Stunning home. Price reduced $439,000. West Villages Realty. (941)460-3179 CLASSIFIED ADSSELL PORTCHARLOTTEOPENSAT1-4PM. 2682 LAKEVIEWBLVDWOW HOMEONTHEWATERGULFACCESS-BOATLIFT10K3BD-2BA-3 GARAGESBUILT2005 EXCEPTIONALCALLBOB239-682-2106 MICHAELSAUNDERS& CO PUNTA GORDA SAT. & SUN 1-4 FSBO 10493 Princess Ct. Beautiful Seminole Lakes Country Club, low HOA Fees that provide lawn maintenance and 24 hour gate guards. 2 LARGE Bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, 2 car garage w/attic storage, open, spacious kitchen/living/dining. Newer appliances, heat/ac systems, water filtration w/softener, on cul-de-sac for privacy, fruit trees, sprinkler system, gated, golf course, tennis, heated pool, fitness, approx 1747 SF living space. $239,500 941-916-9866 1010 OPEN HOUSE 742-H AVENIDA ESTANCIA #112 VENICE *TURNKEY* OPEN HOUSE BY APPT ESTANCIASOFCAPRIISLESVERYDESIRABLE2BR/2BA ENDUNITWITHLOTSOFSUNLIGHTANDGREATGOLF COURSEVIEWS. REDUCED $172,000 TURNKEYDebra Villari 609-458-4627Berkshire Hathaway 247 ABALONE RD, VENICE Sat 10-1 & Sun 1-3:30 3/2/2, 1520sf, Totally renovated, New Roof, AC & water system. Immaculate. $215,000 Call 941-504-8870 By Owner Drastically Reduced FIVE STAR REALTY OPEN HOUSESStop by Five Star Realty to pick up a home tour flyer with directions.ŽSaturday, April 29, 2017: 292 Wabash Terrace, Port Charlotte, FL 33954, 11:00AM-1:00PMSunday, April 30, 2017: 1344 Mediterranean Drive #113, Punta Gorda, FL 33950, 11:00AM-1:00PM 181 Beeney Road SE, Port Charlotte, FL 33952, 1:00PM-3:00PM 2852 Myakka Creek Court, Port Charlotte, FL 33953, 1:00PM-3:00PM 1655 Via Dolce Vita, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 2:00PM-4:00PMF OR MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS VISIT : WWW FIVESTARREALTY COM / BLOG / OPEN FRI.-SUN. 9-5 1566 SANDERLINGDR. ENGLEWOOD1979 2 MASTERBEDROOMS& 2 FULLBATHS, EXTRAWIDESINGLEMH LOCATEDONWATERFRONTCANAL. DOESNOTHAVEACCESSTOICW BUTISLINKEDTOOTHERVARIOUSWATERWAYS& THELAKEWHERECLUBHOUSEISLOCATED. NEWBATHROOMREMODELED, NEWPLUMBING, NEWHOTWATERHEATER, NEWELECTRICALPANAL, NEWLYSEALEDROOF& FRESHPAINTED! IRRIGATIONWHICHCOMESFROMCANAL. LARGEFLORIDAROOM. UTILITYSHEDWITHWASHER& COVEREDPARKING. LANDINCLUDED! NOLOTRENT. HOA FEES$25./YEARANDCLUBHOUSEMEMBERSHIPIS$225./YEAR. QUIET55+ GATEDCOMMUNITY, MINIMALTHRUTRAFFIC, 20 MIN, TOENGLEWOODBEACH. PRICEREDUCEDFROM$119,000. TO$105,000! MOVEINREADY! FURNISHED& CLEAN! 561-797-2360 Open House Sun, April 30th, 1PM-4PM 18099 Sicily Ave Port Charlotte, Fl 33948 Exit Compass Realty Anita Wood 941-916-8770 AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! 1010 OPEN HOUSE 4 CLUBHOUSE ROAD ROTONDA WEST 33947 OPEN SAT & SUN FROM 12PM-3PM2006 BUILT 3 BED 2 BATH 2 CG TURNKEY FURNISHED ROTONDA POOL HOME W/ "X" ZONE ELEVATION. MOVE IN READY @ $269,000 $1500 BUYERS REBATE IF PURCHASED THROUGH FLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.OPEN HOUSES TODAY11 AM 2 PM3633 Enid Lane, N.P. $254,900. 3/2/2 Home w/ Den in Park Like Setting. Comes w/ 2 Additional Lots. (41 to Toledo Blade to R on Hillsborough, L on San Mateo, L on Enid)11 AM 2 PM6669 Babbit Ave., N.P. $219,900. 3/2 Pool Home w/ a Bonus Room on an Oversized Lot. (41 to North Biscayne, R on Ponce De Leon, Cross 75, R on Babbit Ave.)941-255-5300 NEEDCASH? Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 And BAY LAKE ESTATES 1200 COLONIA LN. EAST Nokomis, FL 34275 941-485-2555TWO55+ RESORTSOFFERING AWIDEVARIETYOFHOMES. BOTHLOCATIONSARE2 MILES FROMTHEBEAUTIFULBEACHESBAYLAKEORBAYINDIES,YOUCHOOSEWHICHLIFESTYLEISRIGHTFORYOU!!! C OASTAL CAPE HAZE C ONDO OPE NHOU SESUN14 PMORBYAP PT. LR G2 B/2BA, O NLY9 Y RS O LD B UT T OTALLY REFURBISHEDALL NEW DESIGNERTROPICALFURNITURE,HD WD FL OORS& TI LE, FU LLY A CCESSORIZED T O L AST D ETAIL. EVERYTHING N EW! TR UE T URN-K EY. PO O/S PA, T ENNIS, C LUBHOUSE. LUXURYRES, VACATION HOME, WINTERRETREATOR R ENTAL W/U NBELIEVABLE RENTALHISTORY. NOW JUST $169,900. MINUTESTOBEACH/BAY. CALL941-769-0200-DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. 1010 OPEN HOUSE ROTONDA WEST 10 CADDY RD3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 CG Turnkey furnished golf course beauty. Total updating of this home includes NEW FLOORS, DOORS, IMPACT WINDOWS,A/C, KITCHEN AND BATHS. Located on the 8th hole of the Rotonda Hills Golf Course. Reduced to $197,500 Shown by appointment. $1500 BUYER REBATE if purchased thoughFLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 137 ISLAND POINT RD. NORTH PORT, 34287 OPEN BY APPT. LAZY RIVER 55+ COMMUNITYis waiting for you! This home has all the bells and whistles you have been looking for! A waterfront community w/boating access adjacent to unit. 3br/2ba offered at $179,900 Cindy Esselburn 941-786-4731 Remax Palm Realty SALE PENDING! 2239 BALTIMORE ST. NORTH PORT Beautiful 3-4BR/2.5BA POOL Home with large 3 car garage on TWO WATERFRONT LOTS. $296,900. MAXIM Residential & Commercial Realtors Carol Wade 941-585-9599 UNDER CONTRACT T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! 1010 OPEN HOUSE ENGLEWOOD SUN., 4/30, 1PM-4PM 35 Saint John Blvd. $549,000. Waterfront home, large private pool, Courtyard floor plan, country club Living in Boca Royale. Separate in-law Quarters & office in the Casita! Anne Aderman 941-504-1280 SUN., 4/30, 1PM-4PM 1305 Backspin Dr. $277,500. Boca Royale maintenance free attached Villa, private setting, open floor plan, extended lanai, steps into heated pool & spa. Built in 2016. Bill Aderman 941-504-1158 SAT., 4/29, 11AM-1PM 709 Watersedge St. $174,900. Tangerine Woods, an active 55+ Community. 2/2 with view of lake. Florida Room, great room with vaulted ceilings, inside utility room. Jennifer Garcia 941-380-6713 PORT CHARLOTTE SUN., 4/30, 12PM-3PM 3302 Yukon Dr. $315,000. Motivated seller, spectacular waterfront, pool home on Pellam Waterway. New kitchen appliances in 2016. Newly resurfaced heated pool. New septic 2015. Deb Sestilio 941-391-1873 SAT., 4/29, 12PM-3PM 24040 Canal St. $229,900. 3/2/2 lake front home in River Club Gated community. Wood cabinets, granite counters. Monthly fee includes cable, lawn, pest control, fitness center. David Schnulle 941-628-2224 SAT., 4/29, 12PM-3PM 1868 Knights Bridge Trail $229,900. Kings Gate beautiful Venetian Villa floor plan with view of golf course pond with fountains. Split 2/2.5/2 w/ den! Open kitchen with sky lights. Ann Allen 941-286-2633 SAT., 4/29, 12PM-3PM 1812 Birmingham Blvd. $209,900. 2/2/2 popular Sheffield model completely upgraded-a must see! Split floor plan, murphy bed. Large Master with 2 walk in closets. Chuck Allen 941-544-0991 SUN., 4/30, 2PM-5PM 2483 Aquilos Ct. $189,900. This home has it all, golf course view, indoor fireplace, private shuffleboard court, great sunset views. New AC in 2016, upgraded PGT windows. Steve Jones 941-456-4962 NORTH PORT SUN., 4/30, 1PM-3PM 2680 Shalimar Terrace $179,900. 3/2/2 home, with a 10X20 work shop insulated, with wall mount AC unit. Split floor plan, open concept. Screened lanai off dining area. Lena Veit 941-740-3018 LAKE SUZY SUN., 4/30 12PM-2PM 12731 Pembroke Circle S. $199,000. Very nice 3/2/3 home in Lake Suzy. Corian counters, wood cabinets, Large breakfast bar. View from Lanai is small lake and wild life! Ted Curran 941-468-8934 SUN., 4/30, 12PM-2PM 12741 Pembroke Circle S. $214,000. Lovely 4/2/3 home in Lake Suzy. Lush landscaping, views of nature & wildlife. Open floor plan. An abundance of wood cabinets, large breakfast bar, Corian counter. Linda Curran 941-496-2757 CLASSIFIED WORKS! 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.Ž REAL E S T A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! Needa newRide? Findit inthe Classifieds!


Saturday, April 29, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 3


Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 29, 2017 adno=8602828 adno=8534508 Fred Boland CRS, SRES, SRS. Realtors Cell: 941-979-6699 Office: 941-875-9060 Fax: 941-875-9099 1675 W. Marion Ave. Punta Gorda Florida, 33950 Full time REALTOR that believes in customer service. Each office independently Owned and Operated Punta Gorda and Burnt Store are my areas of expertise. Kim McIntyre Remax Anchor 941-661-3153 SELLING Florida Lifestyles! Work with Experience Let my experience and enthusiasm work for you.Ž Kim has been a licensed REALTOR since 1991 and originally from Columbus, Ohio. Kim traded the snow for sunshine in 2001. Kim is unique among other Florida REALTORS in that her excellent marketing & negotiating skills have establishe d her reputation as an ethical & diligent REALTOR in her local market area. Kim looks forward to working with you to create your Florida Lifestyle. Thinking of Buying or Selling? adno=8534513 P ATTY G ILLESPIE REALTOR, SRES, GRI, CSSS 941-875-2755 14850 Tamiami Trail € North Port Anchor Personalized Service by a Proven Professional! adno=8534511 Seniors Real Estate SpecialistŽ REALTOR Office 335 Tamiami Trl. Port Charlotte, FL 33953 (941) 740-0529 Maureen Duso Realtor adno=8534481 Let me put my experience to work for you!Ž adno=8601662 Jan Demers PA Realtor Anchor of Marina Park Mobile: 941-276-2583 150 Laishley Court Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Each office is independently owned and operated adno=8602643 Shellee & Jimmy GŽ Guinta Award Winning Multi-Million Dollar Producer 941-586-8463 19700 Cochran Blvd. Port Charlotte, FL 33948 adno=8534512 People Helping PeopleŽ People Helping PeopleŽ (941) 979-8042 (Office) (941) 875-4744 (Cell) (941) 585-0505 (Fax) 21202 Olean Boulevard, Unit C3 Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 380503, Murdock, FL 33938 Your For Southwest Florida Real Estate Donata Noone Property Manager Realtor adno=8534509 adno=8601664 adno=8602644 941-525-4319 SELLING HOMES FOR OVER 18 YEARS Century 21 Almar & Associates 941-637-7621 adno=8534480 Richard Lundgren Sr. CRRS Realtor-Broker (941) 276-0029 Call or Text (941) 296-8746 E-FAX Horizon Realty International 4220 Doblins Rd. North Port FL 34287 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES ROTONDA 3/2/2 Waterfront home with large fenced in yard. Furniture and Appliances included. By Owner $195,000 941-662-6250 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY PUNTA GORDA FSBO 10493 Princess Ct. Beautiful Seminole Lakes Country Club, low HOA Fees that provide lawn maintenance and 24 hour gate guards. 2 LARGE Bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, 2 car garage w/attic storage, open, spacious kitchen/living/dining. Newer appliances, heat/ac systems, water filtration w/softener, on cul-de-sac for privacy, fruit trees, sprinkler system, gated, golf course, tennis, heated pool, fitness, approx 1747SF Living area. $239,500 941-916-9866 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE LAKE SARASOTA 4/2 New Roof, Carpet, W/D, A/C 1 Yr Old. Dead End Street. $192,500. 941-374-2562 PORT CHARLOTTE Gardens of Gulf Cove w/ 2 Community Pools. 6355 Facet Lane. 3/2/1 Completly Remodeled! $169,900. 941-769-5003 PORT CHARLOTTE HUGE 4+CAR GARAGE w/14' rollup door included w/this move-in ready home w/new central A/C & oversize lot. $139,900 HOPESAGESUNREALTY941-875-4150 Classified=Sales 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE I BUY HOUSES.COM FAST CASH! 941-270-3840 INVESTORS Port Charlotte 3/2/2 Pool, Contractor remodeled, $15,000 Income. 2nd property Sailboat lot 10,000 lb boat lift(possible $3000 income) Price on both properties $389,000 Owner 941-347-7020 PORT CHARLOTTE 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATH, 1 CARGARAGE. ALLTILEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHENHASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1839 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE 4.5 % COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home + You Get 2 Full Time Agents!Jeff Runyan941-979-2843NO Hidden Fees! Re/Max Palm ENGLEWOOD For Sale by Owner 2/2/2 w/Pool, 1747 SF, Furnished, Riding Mower incl. $160,000 Sale Pending GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1010 OPEN HOUSE 04/29/17 SUN. 4/30/17 1-3PM 200 The Esplanade N #B16, Venice. Fully remodeled 2/2 condo. Gulf views from lanai and bedrooms and easy beach access catty-corner to Venice Beach. $249,900. Mike Saur, REALTOR 281-615-8993 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $150,000.$450,000 ON YOUR LOT OR OURS! Over 30 Sites to Choose From! New Home Builders. C.W. Haber, Inc. 4055 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte (941)-505-2441Lic#CBC125 2070/CCC1327060CCC057703/CRC 057413 NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale!


Saturday, April 29, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 5 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT PUNTA GORDA ISLES3/2 at Windjammer Pt. Waterfront $1300 inc. discount for prompt pmt. Call Realty Mgt 941-6253131 view at VENICE Luxury condo for rent 1551 sqft 2 bed, 2 bath, detach garage, pool & club house with fitness room, view over lake, 2nd floor end unit screen lanai, washer -dryer. $1500.00 per month, Brant Jones -678-571-7230 1320 APARTMENTS FOR RENT VENICE ISLAND EFFICIENCY1 & 2 br, Call for Details. No Pets, 1 Year Lease 941-416-5757or 323-6466 CLASSIFIED WORKS! 1340 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT NORTH PORT 55+ HOLIDAYPARKNICELYFURN., CLEAN1/1 NOPETS! $850/MO. + UTILITIESANNUALRENTAL941-676-0929 PUNTA GORDA Mobile Home 1/1 Large Lanai. Move-in Ready. $975 w/ Lease, $1,100 Monthto-Month 865-599-9550 1350 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT HARBOUR HEIGHTS close to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, SunnybrookMotel 941-625-6400 1360 ROOMS FOR RENT VENICE Furnished Bedroom House Privlidges. Male, NonSmoker. $525 Plus $300 Security. Call 941-716-0418 For Apt WANTED ROOM TO rent in VENICE Englewood. Responsible 70 yr old Sr. w/ car & income. 704-534-1400 1370 RENTALS TO SHARE NORTH PORT CHARLOTTE, 55+. Avail May 1st, Lovely room with own bath in private home. If Interested. 941-625-0692 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1500...3/2/2 Pool Serv incl........PC $1400...3/2/2 Gated Comm........NP $1300..3/2/2 Screened Lanai......PC $1300....3/2/2 1727 Sq Ft...........NP $1000...2/2/CP Condo................PC941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends ENGLEWOOD 3/2/1 Cath. ceilings, AC, Granite, lanai, W/D, central location, Quiet $1400/mo 717-799-4777 ENGLEWOOD 3/2/2 WPOOLTILEFLOORS, SS APPLS, GRANITE, $1700/MO2/2/1 W/ BONUSRM, GRANITE COUNTERS, LAWNSCV$975/MOWEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s PORT CHARLOTTE Avail 6/1/17 3/2/1, fenced yard. and 2br/1ba, Scr lanai. By apt only 941-391-2650 lv msg. PUNTA GORDA ISLES3/2/2 sailboat waterfront. $1800 incl. yard care and prompt pmt discount. Call Realty Mgt 941-625-3131 view at RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 13370 SW Pembroke Cir N, Lake Suzy Gorgeous 3/2 with Gran, SS,Tile,CM,Fla Shutters. Cori, Employment, Credit. No Animals or Smoking. Annual. $1,200 508-974-5084 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 1110 OUT OF AREA HOMES MINONG, WI WATERFRONT handyman Special $300k, log cabin on 6+ wooded acres on Lake gilmore. Subdivideable. Call Andrea 941-713-5776 Seizethesales withClassified! 1210 HOMES FOR RENT NORTH PORT 2/2/1 w/Lanai, 55+ Community $1,100 PORT CHARLOTTE 2/2/2 Split Floor Plan. Available 5/14 $1,250 3/2/1 City Water, Open Kitchen/Dining $950. 2/2 Maria Manor Condo 55+ Comm. $850. LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Den, Lawn Care incl $1,400 Avail May 2017W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE 2692 NE HIGHWAY 70 ARCADIA 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With Any Home Purchase! Call to Schedule An Appointment For a Tour! Ted 800-538-2590 Lakewood 55+ Community Punta Gorda FL For Sale by Owner 2br/2ba/2cg 1400 sq ft Fully Furnished Manufactured home Move-In ready and all community amenities. $85,900 Showings by apt. only call: 941-637-0903 GreatDealsin theClassifieds! NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,795. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE PUNTA GORDA 2/2 55+. Furnished, A/C, Elev., Laundry In Unit, Lanai, Pool, Covered Parking. $164,900 516-742-8837 or 516-314-2598 For Sale By Owner NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PENDING PUNTA GORDA ISLES. Waterfront 2/2 w/ Private 2 Car Garage. 2022 Sq. Ft. Quick Sailboat Access! Deeded Dock w/ Lift. Pool, Hot Tub, Clubhouse, Gym & MORE!! $399,000. (913)-269-1007 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE ARCADIA DESOTO VILLAGE 55+ Park, 2005 2br/2ba DBL wide, Over 1100sf, Open floor plan w/ Car port. $40,000. Lot rent only $370/mo 863494-2900 or 863-244-9003 PORT CHARLOTTE Mary Lu 55+ Park, Totally renovated, Beautifully furnished 2br/2ba home, SS appliances, French Doors and more. $114,900 Share included. Call 301-351-6386 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESUN1-4 PM ORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLYNOW JUST $169,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. FOR SALE BY OWNER 2/2 Condo w/ Covered Parking. Punta Gorda, Next To Civic Center Between The Bridges, Along Riverwalk. In 55+ Community. $167,000 941-626-5984 FOR SALE BY OWNER Circle Woods of Venice 2br/2ba furnished detached condo. FL room & many upgrades. Many activities including 2 pools and Jacuzzi. 4 Miles to Manasota Beach. Close to shopping. Show By appointment. Asking $169,900. Call 941-4930156 or Cell 941-525-6293 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS!


Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 29, 2017 2050 SKILLED TRADES LEAD REMODELER for busy remodeling business knowledgable in drywall, framing, electric,plumbing. Competitive Pay Plus Vehicle. Valid FL DL a must. Please Call 941-625-5620 MECHANIC, 2 CYCLE Wanted for Chenango Supply in PG. DFWP. 941-637-1165 MECHANIC, 4 CYCLE Wanted w/ disel exp. for Chenango Supply in PG. DFWP. 941-637-1165 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! ROOFINGCOMPANY SEEKING EMPLOYEES. MUSTHAVEHAND TOOLS& TRANS. 941-473-7781 NODRUGS! VETERANSWELCOME! SARASOTA COUNTY UTILITIES Skilled Trades Workers Needed! Must have HSD/GED, 2 yrs. exp. and CDL Class A. Apply Online: 2060 MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION LEADResponsibilities include overseeing operations when Farm Manager is away, planning daily production, assisting with safety initiatives, maintaining accurate records, troubleshooting issues that may hinder production and keeping equipment in good running condition. Must have strong leadership skills, excellent interpersonal skills, mechanical aptitude with ability to make minor repairs to equipment, an understanding of computers, be adaptable in high pressure situations, and be a great multi-tasker. Full-time, weekdays. Benefits include: health insurance, PTO, 401k, flex spending. EOE. Apply SE Highway 70 Arcadia, FL 34266 2070 SALES Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. 2050 SKILLED TRADES CARPENTRY SUPERVISOR for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. CALL 941-964-2231 ELECTRICAL ESTIMATOR, Top Pay for experienced person. Can train Journeyman or knowledgable apprentice. Must have computer and internet. Email: ELECTRICIANS, JOURNEYMEN. RESIDENTIAL& REMODELEXPERIENCE. HELPERS, EXPE-RIENCEA MUST! CLEANFLORIDADLNECESSARY. CA LL9 41-627-6887 JOIN OUR TEAM IMMEDIATEOPENINGSFULLTIMEBENEFITSR.V. MECHANICR.V. EXPERIENCEPREFERREDBODY SHOPEXPERIENCEDPAINTER/ PRE-PERSONPARTS COUNTER SALESRV PARTSSALES. AUTO… TRUCKORRV EXPERIENCE PREFERREDDETAILERFT POSITION. RV GETREADYDEPT. WEAREANICOTINEANDDRUGFREEWORKPLACE. 2110 US 41Nokomis Florida 34275 or Call 941-966-2182 ORFAX(941) 966-7421ORJOBS@RVWORLDINC.COM LEAD ELECTRICIAN, Experienced with Residential and Commercial, MUST have CLEAN Driving Record. F/T with 401K, Medical, Paid Vacation and Holidays. Apply in person 7am-4pm M-F. 7293 Gasparilla Rd. P.C. DFWP & No Phone Calls Please CLASSIFIED ADSSELL L easing ConsultantGallina Management, a residential property management firm, is searching for a dynamic Leasing Consultant to join our team in Englewood/ Venice. This position will show/ lease apartments, provide excellent customer service, & perform other duties as assigned. The ideal candidate will have: HS diploma or GED One year min. property mgt/sales experience, OR Associate Degree in sales, marketing, or related field with 6 months property mgt experience. Familiarity w/housing laws and leasing agreements. One year providing exemplary related customer service. Ability to work as an integral part of the team & communicate professionally with internal & external customers. Proficiency using Microsoft Office product and familiarity with YARDI software desired Hours (M-F) 40 per week including rotating days/ hours with shortened Saturday hours. Competitive wages, bonus potential, and comprehensive benefits available. Check us out at! Submit a Cover Letter & Resume to :17 FLLC-01 Gallina Management, Inc. Woodmere/Lemon Bay Apts 3900 Woodmere Park Blvd, Venice, FL 34293 2030 MEDICAL LICENSED PHARMACY TECHNICIAN, Experienced. No Nights or Weekends. FullTime/Part-Time. Now Accepting Applications at Medicine Shoppe 615 Cross St. Unit 1112 Punta Gorda 33950. BAY BREEZEHEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER CNAsNEW INCREASED WAGE SCALE++++ SIGN ON BONUS!We invite you to use your unique experience, talent and passionate dedication in a career with us!! Apply in person or email:michelle.s.ramdass@ 1026 Albee Farm Rd. Venice, FL 34285 ph. EOE/SF/DF NOW HIRING! All Shifts. PHARMACY CLERK, No Nights or Weekends. FullTime/Part-Time. Now Accepting Applications at Medicine Shoppe 615 Cross St. Unit 1112 Punta Gorda 33950. GreatDealsin theClassifieds! SIGN ON BONUS RNS $1500.00 ALSOTRANSISIONCARENEWMANAGEMENTPOSITIONAVAIL LPNS $750.00 Weekends 7-3 & 3-11 ****************************** cnas Full time 3 11 & 11-7 PLease apply QUALITY HEALTH CARE 6940 Outreach Way North Port (941)426-8411 or FAX Resume to 941-423-1572 or Email qhccnp5 EOE Drug free work place www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREERŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 05/01 LPNCNA-05/01 Med. Asst. 05/01/17 2050 SKILLED TRADES CARPENTERS AND CARPENTER HELPERS for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. Call 941-964-2231. 2010 PROFESSIONAL 220 LICENSED AGENTS MONDAY-FRIDAY FAXRESUMETO941-206-0036OREMAILRESUME:SUNCLASSIFIEDS 1@ GMAIL COM CERTIFIED ASSOCIATION MGR, for 55+ HOA & Manufactured home Park. FT Salary position. Generous benefit pkg for FT employees. Experienced only. R.E lic. would be desirable but not necessary. For confidential interview Contact @ Ron Wheeler 317-513-1038 ASKUS HOWyoucanplaceaPICTUREofyouritem forsale inyour classifiedad! 2030 MEDICAL CAREGIVER PART TIMEASSISTWITHPERSONALCAREMORNINGS6AM-8AMEVENINGS5PM-7PM4 DAYSPERWEEK$14/HOURTOSTARTINGLENOOK941-474-5563 CLERICAL ASSOCIATE EXCELLENTOPPORTUNITY FORTEAMPLAYER! STRONGCOMPUTERSKILLS WITHBILLINGBACKGROUND. UPTO$16/HR. CONTACTPERSONELLDEPT. 800-414-9804 CNAS NEEDED FOR180 BED REHAB FACILITY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS APPLY ONLINE @ NEW: $1,000 Signon Bonus for CNAs CNAs, HHAs and CaregiversFind New Clients by Advertising Your Services in the Senior Directory Every Wednesday in The Sun Newspapers. This Feature Publishes in Charlotte, Sarasota, and Desoto Counties. Market Yourself Reach 150,000 Readers! Call 941-429-3110 for more information Douglas T. Jacobson State Vets Home2016 Deficiency Free Facility is looking for you! We want caring healthcare professionals to be part of our team.RNs, LPNs, CNAs, Dietary Staff FT, PT, PRN 941-613-0919 Online: General Maintenance Tech FT Days Must live within a 30 minute commute window. Exp with Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and Structural Repair work. Full Benefits after 60 Days. 900 N Robert Ave Arcadia, FL 34266 Fax: 863-494-8400 Email: 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS NORTH PORTTWO LOTS Water Front Property 10,889 FT. Access To Gulf Duck Key Premier Comm. Utilities, City Water, Sewer. Cleared & Ready to Go! Quinn Court, $79,900 Debra Villari 609-458-4627 Berkshire Hathaway SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FOR ECON. BUILDS& NOFLOOD INSURANCEREQUIRED,FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 WATER FRONT LOT … DEEP WATER! LEMONBAY, BIGBOAT DEEPWATER. NEWSEAWALL. BUILDYOURWATERFRONTHOME ONTHIS1/4+ AC LOT. ONLY3.75 MINUTESTOSTUMPPASS,LOWESTPRICEONTHEBAY! WOW! NOWLOWESTPRICED DIRECTBAYACCESSLOTINALL OFCHARLOTTE, SARASOTAORLEECOUNTIES. ONLY $249,900. 941-769-0200 1620 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 1640 WAREHOUSE & STORAGE ENGLEWOOD 2 CARGARAGEFORRENT, STORAGEONLY. EMPTY, PRI-VATE$195/MO305-797-6498 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS HACIENDA DEL MART HE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT VACATION CONDO CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLE LIVINGJUSTINCHESTOTHEBAY& ICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW,VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ.FT., 2 BED/2.5 BATHS, MINUTES TOBOCAGRANDE/GULF BEACHES. NEWERCONSTRUC-TION, DESIGNERTURN-KEY FURNISHED. FULLLAUNDRY,GARAGE, HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS,FITNESS& MORE. CALLFOR FREEBROCHURE. PETPOSS. A VAIL : M AY N OVEMBER 2017 CALL813-293-2392 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! CLEARED 80X200 Building Site on Woodmere Rd. In S. Venice. Requires Well & Septic. Room For Your Home & A Home For Your Toys. $49,900 941-650-3741 THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS LEMON BAY LOTVERYLARGE, BUILDUPTO5RESIDENCES, GREATVIEWS&DEEPWATER. NOTHINGLIKE THISOUTTHERE! PLANS&ZONINGINPLACEFOR5-UNIT WATERFRONTTOWNHOMES. $549,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOOWNERFINANCINGPOSS. 941-769-0200


Saturday, April 29, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 7 3096 RELIGION CLASSES BE G INY O URDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUDY Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 START YOUR DAY RIGHT Bible Study Thursdays 10:00-11:30 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 3097 OTHER CLASSES KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday. FREE; Open to the public. 941-276-0124 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. 5006 ALUMINUM ALL AMERICAN RENOVATIONS LIC& INSUREDFAMILYOWNED& OPERATEDSPECIALIZINGINRESCREENING,BUILDINGANDREPAIRING. SCREWCHANGEOUTS PRESSUREWASHING& PAINT-INGPOOLCAGES, LANAIS,FRONTENTRYWAYSETC... 941-915-3381 SERVINGSARASOTACOUNTYFREEESTIMATES 5050 ADULT CARE CNA AVAIL FOR IN HOME CARE 24/7. Expd in Alzheimers, dementia. References. Good Rates.941-726-3617 Licensed 5051 CHILD CARE ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. FL O RIDA S TATE LAW requires all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law 5054 CONTRACTORS EDWARD ROSS CONSTRUCTION Services, Inc. 941-408-8500 pool cages, Scr. lanais, etc... JLS ENTERPRISES INCQuality & Dependability Remodeling Painting Additions Drywall Carpentry Repairs Odd Jobs & more. STATE CERTIFIED LIC #CRC033392941-468-9701 5057 CONCRETE RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. spraycrete & more (941)-497-4553 3020 PERSONALS RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. Charlotte Trade Center N of 776 941-625-0141 THE GIRL NEXT DOOR941-483-0701 North Port WIDOW 72 in Deep Creek Would Like To Meet Male 70-78 In Same Area. Independent, Religious, Sports-minded & Outgoing. Call & Leave Name & Number. 941-979-8723 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES C AL VAR Y BIBLE C HUR C H 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call (941)-979-8239 for Info. Charlotte County House of Prayer Merging Worship, Word, and Prayer Friday Night Watch 8pm 992 Tamiami Trail Unit I Port Charlotte 941 249-8946 CO MMUNITY C ENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte GATEWAY WORSHIP PRAYER & HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to you every Thursday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek Bible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and Sundays @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 3090 LOST & FOUND LOST DIAMOND: Approx. 2 Weeks Ago Between Nokomis & on Intercoastal Waterway Trail Very Sentimental. 941-735-4149 LOST DOG: Shih-tzu Female, Dark Gray and White, Name is Misty. Near Glendale and Aaron Streets in Port Charlotte. Senior Owner is HEARTBROKEN! 941-979-0274 REWARD LOST EYE GLASSES IN CASE: In Port Charlotte. 941-628-1124 3095 EXERCISE CLASSES G ULF CO A S T A C UPUN C TURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 2110 PART TIME/ TEMPORARY PART TIME DRIVERS Needed, For Seniors Rides; Flexible; iTNSunCoast 364-7530 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at (941)220-9418 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS Brad ZychIt is the worst news a mother has to give. Our son, Brad Zych, passed away March 28, 2017 in Ridgecrest, CA. Services were held there. We thought the people he worked with, Marcos, Jets,etc would like to know. In lieu of flowers, please donate to The Zych/Flores Family account at the Navy Federal CU, 234 Balsam St.,Ridgecrest, CA 93555 PUTCLASSFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU! FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 3020 PERSONALS FEMALE SEEKING SINGLE MALE 45-65for dinner, movies, possible relationship. 941-201-9853 FOR ALL YOUR Relaxing Needs Call Paige. (941)-237-1927 2100 GENERAL DAYS INN Looking for Experienced Maintenance Person & Housekeepers Apply in Person to: 1941TamiamiTrl. Port Charlotte FISH CUTTER, neededfor Local Seafood Company. EXC Pay!!! 941-380-9212 PIZZA COOK DELI PERSON DUNKIN CREWReliable w/transportation.941-883-4790 LANDSCAPING LABORER HELP NEEDED. 941-456-1008 LAWN MAINTENANCE, FullTime in Englewood Area. Good Pay!! Call Adam 941-467-2636 MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours, able to work days or evenings. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required Several Full Time & Part Time Positions Available for RESIDENTIAL& COMMUNITYSUPPORTAt Group Home For Developmentally Disabled Adults. Must Have Valid DL & HS Diploma/GED Call 941-426-6591 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! SUN COAST PRESSis currently hiring for the following positions in our Venice Print Center.P/T MAILROOM HELP-night shift F/T STACK DOWN PERSONSend Resume 2110 PART TIME/ TEMPORARY "AMBASSADORS" NEEDEDTOSOLICITSUBSCRIPTIONS FORTHEAWARDWINNING LOCALNEWSPAPERS, THESUN, ATSTOREFRONTSINTHEVENICE, NORTHPORTANDENGLEWOODAREAS. CONTACTJIMDEFALLEAT941-786-7676FORMOREINFORMATION. 2100 GENERAL $200. HIRING BONUS MERRY MAIDS IS HIRING PART-TIME HOME CLEANERS! Flexible hours, No Nights o r Weekends, Good Pay, Must have valid Drivers Lic Experience a plus but W ill Train. Call for Details (941)-255-5656 The Venice Gondolier Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. Apply in person: 200 E. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 No Phone Calls Please. CARRIERS NEEDED DISTRICT MANAGERSSUN NEWSPAPERSWe are seeking aggressive, customer service driven leaders to join the Circulation team of Americas Best Community Daily. Our District Managers are responsible for home delivery of the Sun Newspaper in a geographical area. Responsibilities include contractor recruitment and orienting, meeting established service goals, resolving service errors, managing contractor draw and insuring customer satisfaction. District Managers must be able to work early mornings hours, weekends and holidays in an office/warehouse environment and outdoors in various temperatures and weather conditions. Successful candidates will be detail oriented, familiar with all Microsoft office applications, possess good organizational skills and have prior management or supervisory experience. Applicants must have a valid drivers license and proof of valid insurance. Drug and tobacco free workplace. Pre-employment drug/ nicotine testing required. The Sun offers a competitive compensation package including salary plus incentive, a comprehensive benefit package and opportunity for advancement. Compensation range 30K to 50K E-mail resume to DRIVER NEEDEDNIGHTS Part time Must have CDL with Medical Certificate 20-30 hours a weekTo fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 2070 SALES $2500 S IGNING BONUS !!Need a New Career Challenge? Car Sales are Booming at DeSoto DCFJ. Come Join SW Floridas Premier Sales Team! Aggressive Internet Program Cross Selling Encouraged SW Floridas Largest Used Inventory Full Benefit Package Paid Vacation 401k and Profit Sharing Training Assistance and Relocation Allowance Contact Ken Williams, GSM 863.494.4848 Drug Free Workplace / EOE Where lifes better in the countryŽ CAREERNIGHTEVERYTUESDAY. CALLFORDETAILS. 941-426-0621 PART TIME HELPThe Smart Shopper Group has openings for individuals to deliver the Venice Community Shopper to Businesses in Venice. WHEN: Every Tuesday from 8:00 to 3:00 WHERE: Local business drops in Venice AVG INCOME: $75.00 Call Steve 815-531-9816 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 2100 GENERAL ASSISTANT DISTRICT MANAGERSSUN NEWSPAPERSThe Sun is currently seeking part-time Assistant District Managers in our Circulation Department. Our Assistant District Managers work directly with an independent contractor network to manage home delivery and customer relations. Responsibilities include contractor recruitment and orienting, meeting established service goals, resolving service errors, managing contractor draw and insuring customer satisfaction. Must be able to work early mornings hours, weekends and holidays in an office/warehouse environment and outdoors in various temperatures and weather conditions. Requires valid Florida drivers license and insurance. Reliable transportation to perform daily job responsibilities. Part-time 25-28 hours per week. Starting pay $11$13/hr. Phone allowance, mileage reimbursement. Drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug/ nicotine testing required. Apply to Mark Yero


Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 29, 2017 CHARLOTTE COUNTY/NORTH PORT COURTESY OF PUNTA GORDA, PORT CHARLOTTE, NORTH PORT ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ML# Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft. List Price Pool So ld Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP /SqFt SP/LP RatioO5493478 Sold 50 1ST AVE 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,128 38,000 None 68,000 2 1 0 1941 Single Family Home All Cash 4/24/2017 33.69 1.7894 7 C7232220 Sold 21300 BRINSON AVE #206 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 919 54,900 Community 52,000 2 2 0 1972 Condo New Conventional 4/21/20 17 59.74 0.94718 C7237579 Sold 21320 BRINSON AVE #118 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 919 54,900 Community 52,000 2 2 0 1970 Condo All Cash 4/21/2017 59.74 0.94718 A4180891 Sold 2395 HARBOR BLVD #315 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,044 59,900 Community 58,000 2 2 0 1981 Condo All Cash 4/21/2017 57.3 8 0.96828 C7234550 Sold 2300 AARON ST #112 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 919 65,000 Community 62,500 2 2 0 1979 Condo All Cash 4/21/2017 70.73 0.9 6154 C7236219 Sold 21422 KENYON AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,149 72,900 None 68,000 2 2 0 1960 Single Family Home All Cash 4/26/2017 6 3.45 0.93278 C7237118 Sold 27220 CHULA VISTA DR 33955 PUNTA GORDA 912 79,500 None 71,500 2 1 0 1981 Single Family Home All Cash 4/24/2017 87 .17 0.89937 C7235824 Sold 3106 SUNRISE TRL 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,060 79,900 None 77,000 2 2 0 1983 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 7 5.38 0.9637 C7237804 Sold 21507 GLENDALE AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 812 79,900 None 79,900 2 1 0 1961 Single Family Home All Cash 4/26/2017 9 8.4 1 C7236572 Sold 22064 BEVERLY AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,110 82,672 None 80,000 3 1 0 1960 Single Family Home New FHA 4/20/2017 7 4.48 0.96768 N5911689 Sold 25100 SANDHILL BLVD #204 33983 PUNTA GORDA 859 91,900 Community 88,000 2 2 0 1986 Condo All Cash 4/25/2017 106.98 0.95756 W7625255 Sold 4064 OAKVIEW DR #D7 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 892 94,500 Community 94,000 2 2 0 1988 Condo All Cash 4/24/2017 105.94 0 .99471 C7237138 Sold 11511 SIXTH AVE 33955 PUNTA GORDA 776 94,900 None 95,000 2 1 1 1981 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/26/2017 122.29 1.00105 C7236616 Sold 21970 HERNANDO AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,232 98,000 None 100,000 2 1 0 1961 Single Family Home New FHA 4/21/2017 79.55 1.02041 D5915871 Sold 10436 EUSTON AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 976 109,000 None 95,000 2 2 0 1989 Single Family Home New Private 4/20/2017 111. 68 0.87156 C7235994 Sold 457 CHURCH AVE NW 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,162 109,000 None 109,000 2 2 0 1973 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21/2017 93.8 1 C7233283 Sold 20216 VANGUARD TER 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,070 109,900 None 107,000 2 1 0 1981 Single Family Home New FHA 4/21/201 7 102.71 0.97361 C7236347 Sold 3332 EDGEHILL TER 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,142 109,900 None 105,000 2 2 0 1958 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/24/2017 96.23 0.95541 W7628196 Sold 175 KINGS HWY #612 33983 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,153 109,900 Community 105,000 2 2 0 1988 Condo New Conventional 4/24/20 17 95.32 0.95541 C7235180 Sold 493 BORDER ST 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,309 117,000 None 110,000 2 2 0 1982 Single Family Home New FHA 4/21/2017 89. 38 0.94017 C7237546 Sold 2020 WILLOW HAMMCK CIR #105 33983 PUNTA GORDA 924 117,500 Community 115,000 2 2 0 2005 Condo All Cash 4/25/2017 1 27.16 0.97872 C7234575 Sold 3443 ATWATER DR 34288 NORTH PORT 960 118,400 Private 118,400 2 2 0 1990 Single Family Home New FHA 4/25/2017 123. 33 1 C7237334 Sold 18168 WINDSWEPT AVE 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,312 119,900 None 115,900 2 2 0 1979 Single Family Home New Conventiona l 4/21/2017 91.39 0.96664 C7234657 Sold 8516 SAN PABLO AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 1,177 125,000 None 130,000 4 2 0 1977 Single Family Home New VA 4/20/2017 106 .2 1.04 C7236120 Sold 497 SKYLARK LN NW 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,164 125,000 None 125,000 2 2 0 1966 Single Family Home All Cash 4/24/201 7 107.39 1 C7225396 Sold 1461 AQUI ESTA DR #B5 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,049 127,500 Community 120,000 2 2 0 1980 Condo All Cash 4/21/2017 121.5 4 0.94118 C7235977 Sold 21448 BRYN MAWR AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,600 129,900 None 125,000 3 2 0 1971 Single Family Home New FHA 4/25/20 17 81.19 0.96228 A4180461 Sold 1559 N SALFORD BLVD 34286 NORTH PORT 1,260 135,000 None 138,000 2 2 0 1986 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 107.14 1.02222 C7236609 Sold 4023 MANCHESTER TER 34286 NORTH PORT 1,136 136,400 Private 130,000 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home All Cash 4/24/20 17 120.07 0.95308 C7236164 Sold 2217 AARON ST 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,221 136,700 None 134,900 3 1 0 1962 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 11 1.96 0.98683 D5917455 Sold 6800 PLACIDA RD #255 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,092 137,000 Community 132,500 2 2 0 1987 Condo All Cash 4/21/2017 125.46 0 .96715 C7224383 Sold 1457 SAN CRISTOBAL AVE #3201 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1,250 139,900 Community 133,000 2 2 0 2005 Condo All Cash 4/20/201 7 111.92 0.95068 C7235779 Sold 13348 BALLON AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,152 139,900 Community 139,000 3 2 0 1987 Single Family Home New Conventio nal 4/26/2017 121.44 0.99357 C7236433 Sold 8228 SAN JACINTO AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 1,570 139,900 None 125,000 3 2 0 1977 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 89.11 0.8935 C7237278 Sold 4216 NEMO AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 1,476 141,894 None 149,900 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home New FHA 4/21/2017 96.13 1 .05642 C7231656 Sold 21301 PEACHLAND BLVD 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,415 144,000 None 148,320 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home New FHA 4/20/2 017 101.77 1.03 C7231367 Sold 4037 ALLURE LN 34287 NORTH PORT 1,262 144,900 None 144,000 2 2 0 1985 Single Family Home New FHA 4/21/2017 114.82 0.99379 C7233425 Sold 3402 SUNRISE TRL 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 966 144,900 None 144,900 2 1 1 1979 Single Family Home New VA 4/24/2017 150 1 N5911773 Sold 5800 SABAL TRACE DR #1202 34287 NORTH PORT 1,313 144,900 Community 139,950 2 2 0 2002 Condo All Cash 4/24/2017 11 0.36 0.96584 D5917153 Sold 8335 CHESEBRO AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 1,344 149,000 Private 149,000 3 2 0 1978 Single Family Home New FHA 4/21/2017 110.86 1 D5917199 Sold 7229 MUNCEY RD 34291 NORTH PORT 1,207 149,900 None 149,900 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home New FHA 4/24/2017 124.19 1 D5917868 Sold 7447 CASTLEBERRY TER 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,173 149,900 None 145,000 2 2 0 1987 Single Family Home All Cash 4/26/2017 127.79 0.96731 C7224807 Sold 23465 HARBORVIEW RD #832 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,308 149,950 Community 145,000 2 2 0 1983 Condo All Cash 4/21/2017 114.64 0.96699 D5914522 Sold 13278 CARTER AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,542 149,999 Community 144,999 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home All Cash 4/20 /2017 97.28 0.96667 A4181418 Sold 3174 CIRCLEVILLE ST 34286 NORTH PORT 1,241 150,000 None 148,000 3 2 0 2001 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 120.87 0.98667 N5909982 Sold 5760 SABAL TRACE DR #202BD5 34287 NORTH PORT 1,168 153,900 Community 150,000 2 2 0 2006 Condo All Cash 4/24/2017 131.76 0.97466 C7233219 Sold 1242 RICHTER ST 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,578 154,900 None 157,500 3 2 0 1987 Single Family Home New VA 4/24/2017 98 .16 1.01679 C7234587 Sold 3230 WHITE IBIS CT #A2-2 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,200 158,500 Community 159,400 2 2 0 1981 Condo New Conventional 4/21 /2017 132.08 1.00568 C7231749 Sold 5744 SABAL TRACE DR #103BD5 34287 NORTH PORT 1,168 159,900 Community 156,000 2 2 0 2005 Condo New Conventional 4/ 21/2017 136.9 0.97561 D5915304 Sold 8323 GLOVER AVE 34291 NORTH PORT 1,473 159,900 None 159,900 3 2 0 2003 Single Family Home Assume FHA/VA 4/24/2017 108.55 1 C7237265 Sold 1229 HARBOR BLVD 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,060 159,900 Private 150,000 2 2 0 1988 Single Family Home All Cash 4/25/2017 150.85 0.93809 C7231624 Sold 478 ENCARNACION ST 33983 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,349 160,100 None 160,100 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home Assume FHA/VA 4/ 25/2017 118.68 1 C7235322 Sold 150 HARBORSIDE AVE #302 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,112 164,900 Community 160,000 2 2 0 1974 Condo New Conventional 4/26/ 2017 148.29 0.97029 A4177803 Sold 2856 TUSKET AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 1,224 165,000 None 165,000 3 2 0 2003 Single Family Home New VA 4/21/2017 134.8 1 C7236390 Sold 1356 NAVIGATOR RD 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1,353 165,000 None 155,000 2 2 0 1987 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/2 1/2017 121.95 0.93939 C7232451 Sold 443 PURITAN ST 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,204 169,900 None 169,900 4 2 0 2007 Single Family Home New FHA 4/21/2017 77 .09 1 C7233184 Sold 1413 MARICOPA RD 34287 NORTH PORT 1,659 169,900 None 174,000 3 2 0 2003 Single Family Home New FHA 4/20/2017 102.41 1.02413 A4175318 Sold 640 CORRIENTES CIR 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1,605 169,900 Private 175,123 4 2 0 2005 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/20 17 105.86 1.03074 C7237325 Sold 23207 GOLDCOAST AVE 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,678 174,500 None 175,900 3 2 0 1989 Single Family Home New FHA 4/24/20 17 103.99 1.00802 D5917403 Sold 4345 BOEING LN 34287 NORTH PORT 1,483 174,900 None 174,900 3 2 0 1994 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/24/20 17 117.94 1 C7235029 Sold 6006 GILLOT BLVD 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,500 174,999 Private 174,999 3 2 0 1980 Single Family Home New Conventiona l 4/26/2017 116.67 1 C7220139 Sold 17200 ACAPULCO RD #121 33955 PUNTA GORDA 1,644 175,000 Community 157,500 3 2 0 2008 Condo All Cash 4/24/2017 10 6.45 0.9 C7233767 Sold 2298 OMAR ST 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,872 175,000 None 175,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/24/ 2017 93.48 1 C7231631 Sold 488 SANTA JULIAN CT 33983 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,820 175,900 None 175,900 4 2 0 2016 Single Family Home Assume FHA/VA 4 /21/2017 96.65 1 D5916890 Sold 1337 LONGSON ST 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,632 177,500 None 172,500 3 2 0 2007 Single Family Home All Cash 4/25/2017 108.76 0.97183 C7234778 Sold 3258 N BISCAYNE DR 34291 NORTH PORT 1,611 178,800 None 178,000 3 2 0 1992 Single Family Home New VA 4/21/2017 110 .99 0.99553 C7236842 Sold 22369 LAIKA AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,518 179,000 Private 176,000 3 2 0 1980 Single Family Home New FHA 4/24/201 7 71.09 0.98324 N5907667 Sold 4395 PINE CONE TERRACE 34286 NORTH PORT 1,821 179,900 None 175,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home Other 4/24/2017 98.79 0.97276 A4165615 Sold 1160 S WAPELLO ST 34286 NORTH PORT 1,600 179,900 None 188,900 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home Assume FHA/VA 4/25/20 17 112.44 1.05003 D5914535 Sold 6610 GASP PINES BLVD #222 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,755 179,900 Community 165,000 4 2 1 1997 Condo New Conventional 4/24/ 2017 102.51 0.91718 D5915447 Sold 12392 BIRTLE AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,612 179,900 None 179,900 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home All Cash 4/20/2017 111.6 1 C7235665 Sold 312 KENSINGTON ST 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,632 179,900 Private 178,000 3 2 0 1984 Single Family Home Assume FHA/VA 4/24/2017 110.23 0.98944 D5916475 Sold 881 WEBSTER AVE NW 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,532 186,000 Private 175,000 3 2 0 1989 Single Family Home New Conventio nal 4/25/2017 121.41 0.94086 C7236968 Sold 2591 TISHMAN AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 1,437 186,900 None 186,900 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New FHA 4/24/2017 130. 06 1 C7236820 Sold 439 FLETCHER ST 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,902 188,000 Private 185,000 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home All Cash 4/24/20 17 98.84 0.98404 D5917706 Sold 1032 ULREY LN 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,634 189,000 None 189,000 3 2 0 1982 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 115.67 1 C7235750 Sold 1849 BLANTON AVE 34288 NORTH PORT 1,717 189,900 None 185,000 3 2 0 2003 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/20/ 2017 110.6 0.9742 D5918083 Sold 12766 BUFFING RD 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,612 189,900 None 189,900 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home All Cash 4/20/2017 117.8 1 D5914940 Sold 8561 AMBERJACK CIR #103 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,729 193,500 Community 170,000 3 2 0 2007 Condo All Cash 4/26/2017 111.9 1 0.87855 C7235146 Sold 1318 KOLTENBORN RD 34288 NORTH PORT 2,240 197,000 None 205,001 4 2 0 2013 Single Family Home New FHA 4/24/2017 87 .95 1.04061 C7235023 Sold 4879 EASTER TER 34286 NORTH PORT 1,914 197,900 None 194,300 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New VA 4/21/2017 103.4 0.98181 N5910238 Sold 7404 MIKASA DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,828 198,800 Community 194,000 4 2 0 2017 Single Family Home Assume Conventiona l 4/24/2017 108.75 0.97586 C7234989 Sold 429 SANTIGUAY ST 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1,286 199,000 Private 187,500 3 2 0 1996 Single Family Home New Conventional 4 /20/2017 154.74 0.94221 C7226217 Sold 27241 GUAPORE DR 33983 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,541 199,150 None 199,150 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home Assume FHA/VA 4/25 /2017 129.23 1 C7233719 Sold 518 AZALEA AVE NW 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,831 199,875 Private 187,000 3 2 1 1985 Single Family Home All Cash 4/20/ 2017 109.16 0.93558 D5915635 Sold 293 PARK FOREST BLVD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,645 199,900 Community 200,000 2 2 0 1997 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/ 2017 121.52 1.0005 C7233708 Sold 4215 MONTAGUE LN 34287 NORTH PORT 1,544 199,900 Private 193,000 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home Assume FHA/VA 4/20/ 2017 129.47 0.96548 D5913094 Sold 1500 EILEEN PL 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,820 200,000 None 192,500 4 2 0 1954 Single Family Home New FHA 4/21/2017 109.89 0.9625 C7234971 Sold 2850 TISHMAN AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 1,858 204,900 Private 200,000 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/ 21/2017 110.28 0.97609 C7235893 Sold 2779 ALESIO AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 1,490 209,900 Private 208,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New FHA 4/21/2017 14 0.87 0.99095 C7233604 Sold 28475 SILVER PALM DR 33982 PUNTA GORDA 1,360 214,000 None 211,500 2 2 0 1978 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/201 7 157.35 0.98832 D5916529 Sold 9236 SAN BERNANDINO AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,532 214,900 Private 195,000 2 2 0 1983 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21 /2017 140.27 0.9074 C7231859 Sold 25354 CADIZ DR 33955 PUNTA GORDA 2,237 219,000 None 206,000 4 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New FHA 4/21/2017 97.9 0.94064 C7235959 Sold 9210 GROVE BLVD 33982 PUNTA GORDA 1,360 225,000 None 210,000 3 2 0 1987 Single Family Home New FHA 4/20/2017 165. 44 0.93333 C7232233 Sold 27070 CURITIBA DR 33983 PUNTA GORDA 2,262 225,900 Private 220,000 4 3 0 1988 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21/2017 99.87 0.97388 C7234284 Sold 1787 SCARLETT AVE 34289 NORTH PORT 1,647 229,900 Community 222,500 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New VA 4/21/2017 139.59 0.96781 D5915516 Sold 14128 FILLMORE AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,865 234,900 Private 240,000 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home New Conventio nal 4/20/2017 125.95 1.02171 D5917231 Sold 23229 BILLINGS AVE 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,953 234,900 Private 220,000 3 2 0 1997 Single Family Home All Cash 4/24 /2017 120.28 0.93657 D5916736 Sold 11402 STARFLOWER AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,822 235,000 None 232,500 3 2 0 2007 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/ 21/2017 128.98 0.98936 C7236470 Sold 2260 MAURITANIA RD 33983 PUNTA GORDA 2,243 238,500 None 230,000 4 2 0 2001 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/ 25/2017 106.33 0.96436 C7236402 Sold 25880 AYSEN DR 33983 PUNTA GORDA 2,145 239,000 None 229,000 4 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21/2 017 111.42 0.95816N5911283 Sold 407 BLUE SPRINGS CT #200 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,588 239,700 Community 233,000 2 2 0 1992 Single Family Home All Cash 4/20/2017 150.94 0.97205 D5916321 Sold 287 PARK FOREST BLVD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,824 239,900 Community 239,900 3 2 0 1996 Single Family Home All Cash 4/24/ 2017 131.52 1 A4181874 Sold 8533 PEREGRINE WAY 34287 NORTH PORT 1,550 239,900 None 236,000 3 2 0 2014 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 1 54.77 0.98374 N5909645 Sold 3236 VILLAGE LN 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,596 243,800 Community 243,800 3 2 0 1995 Single Family Home All Cash 4/25/ 2017 152.76 1 C7236889 Sold 5266 VENUS TER 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,146 249,000 Private 229,000 2 2 0 1987 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21/2017 116.03 0.91968 C7237711 Sold 214 HALLCREST TER 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,969 249,900 Private 235,000 3 2 0 2000 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/ 2017 126.92 0.94038 T2859744 Sold 9940 SHELTERING SPRUCE ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,420 249,990 Community 252,890 2 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New Conve ntional 4/24/2017 176.05 1.0116AREA PROPERTY TRANSFERS


Saturday, April 29, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 9 AREA PROPERTY TRANSFERS CONTINUED ML# Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft. List Price Pool Sold Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP /SqFt SP/LP RatioD5916271 Sold 2101 HEASLEY RD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,594 254,000 None 245,000 2 2 0 1974 Single Family Home All Cash 4/24/2017 159.3 5 0.96457 C7237267 Sold 25698 DEEP CREEK BLVD 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1,973 254,900 Private 245,000 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21 /2017 129.19 0.96116 T2840167 Sold 2585 SHERMAN OAK DR 34289 NORTH PORT 1,972 258,345 Community 245,645 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New Convention al 4/25/2017 131.01 0.95084 N5912257 Sold 6427 TALON BAY DR 34287 NORTH PORT 1,870 259,900 Community 240,500 3 2 0 2008 Single Family Home All Cash 4/24/20 17 138.98 0.92536 D5917139 Sold 873 E 7TH ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,332 264,900 None 257,500 3 2 0 1970 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21/2017 198.87 0.97206 C7233268 Sold 178 COUSLEY DR SE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,774 269,900 Private 250,000 3 2 0 1985 Single Family Home New Convention al 4/24/2017 152.14 0.92627 C7234826 Sold 24600 BUCKINGHAM WAY 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,049 269,900 Community 250,000 3 2 0 2009 Single Family Home All Cash 4/24/2017 131.72 0.92627 D5917506 Sold 14381 BRIDGEVIEW LN 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,086 274,000 Community 260,000 2 2 0 1995 Single Family Home All Cash 4 /24/2017 131.35 0.94891 R4705906 Sold 23099 PEACHLAND BLVD 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,229 279,000 Private 270,000 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home All Cash 4/ 22/2017 125.17 0.96774 C7235469 Sold 5640 SABAL PALM LN 33982 PUNTA GORDA 1,766 279,900 Private 286,100 3 2 0 1981 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/24/2017 158.49 1.02215 C7234262 Sold 1201 NIGHT WIND TERRACE 34291 NORTH PORT 2,544 288,000 Comm, Private 296,940 3 2 2 2005 Single Family Home New FH A 4/24/2017 113.21 1.03104 A4161841 Sold 4363 OZARK AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 2,365 289,000 Private 289,000 3 2 0 2001 Single Family Home New FHA 4/20/2017 122 .2 1 C7227101 Sold 17156 SEASHORE AVE 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,674 305,000 None 300,000 3 2 0 2000 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21/2017 114.06 0.98361 D5914434 Sold 466 DOVER DR S 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,348 308,000 Private 299,000 3 2 0 1984 Single Family Home All Cash 4/26/2017 131 .18 0.97078 C7222681 Sold 17702 COURTSIDE LANDINGS CIR 33955 PUNTA GORDA 1,344 314,900 Private 301,000 2 2 0 2000 Single Family Home New Co nventional 4/24/2017 234.3 0.95586 D5912905 Sold 1344 KELP CT 34289 NORTH PORT 1,701 329,900 Community 315,000 2 2 0 2012 Single Family Home All Cash 4/20/2017 19 3.94 0.95483 N5909828 Sold 80 WINDSOR DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,076 380,000 Private 380,000 3 2 0 1983 Single Family Home All Cash 4/20/2017 183. 04 1 C7235290 Sold 3308 PURPLE MARTIN DR #121 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,905 391,000 Community 355,000 3 2 0 2006 Condo New Conventional 4/ 24/2017 205.25 0.90793 A4180036 Sold 770 YALE ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,101 399,000 None 395,000 3 3 0 2009 Single Family Home Combination 4/21/2017 189.91 0.98997 C7233179 Sold 60 COLONY POINT DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,224 399,900 None 392,130 3 2 1 1984 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/ 21/2017 179.81 0.98057 A4172620 Sold 5902 TANEYTOWN ST 34291 NORTH PORT 2,247 399,900 None 375,000 3 2 0 1994 Single Family Home Not Applicable 4/25/2 017 177.97 0.93773 C7232899 Sold 354 MONACO DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,315 410,000 Private 380,000 3 2 0 1999 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21 /2017 177.11 0.92683 C7227897 Sold 3818 SAINT KITTS CT 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,052 415,000 Private 380,000 2 2 0 1985 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2 017 202.24 0.91566 D5915341 Sold 257 BEENEY RD SE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,141 429,900 Private 385,000 4 3 0 1964 Single Family Home New Conventiona l 4/25/2017 200.79 0.89556 U7806095 Sold 17149 ANTHEM LN 33955 PUNTA GORDA 2,427 439,900 Private 420,000 3 2 1 2000 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 181.25 0.95476 C7230897 Sold 4080 LA COSTA ISLAND CT 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,148 444,900 Private 416,850 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home New Convent ional 4/24/2017 207.12 0.93695 C7231573 Sold 1350 WILLET CT 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,392 449,900 Private 449,900 4 2 1 1994 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/2 1/2017 188.09 1 C7230753 Sold 21 TROPICANA DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,128 475,000 Private 458,000 3 2 1 1988 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/ 24/2017 223.21 0.96421 C7236001 Sold 3331 TRINIDAD CT 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,594 475,000 Private 470,000 4 3 0 1990 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 183.11 0.98947 C7233848 Sold 1015 BAL HARBOR BLVD 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,704 495,000 Private 475,000 3 2 1 1998 Single Family Home New Convention al 4/24/2017 183.06 0.9596 C7235541 Sold 3239 ALBIN AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 2,592 529,000 Private 500,000 3 3 0 2006 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21 /2017 204.09 0.94518 C7232799 Sold 618 MALTESE DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,437 569,000 Private 553,000 3 2 1 1992 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/2 4/2017 233.48 0.97188 D5914085 Sold 6027 MANASOTA KEY RD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,025 629,900 Private 550,000 3 2 0 1964 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/20/2017 311.06 0.87315 C7235517 Sold 1605 ALBATROSS DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,767 635,000 Private 595,000 3 3 0 2006 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/201 7 229.49 0.93701 D5916428 Sold 9662 SHELBURNE CIR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,525 698,500 Private 675,000 3 3 0 2014 Single Family Home New Conventio nal 4/24/2017 276.63 0.96636ENGLEWOOD COURTESY OF ENGLEWOOD AREA BOARD OF REALTORSML# Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft. Community P rice BE FB HB Built Pool Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP/S qFt SP/LP Ratio C7235896 SLD 2038 MISSISSIPPI AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,036 GROVE CITY TERRACE $49,000 2 1 0 1948 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 $47.30 0.82 D5915695 SLD 78 BOUNDARY BLVD 33947 ROTONDA WEST 780 RIVERHOUSE $63,000 1 1 0 1973 Community Condo New Conventional 4/17/2017 $80.77 0.93 D5915688 SLD 23 QUAILS RUN BLVD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 647 QUAILS RUN I $7 7,000 1 2 0 1981 Community Condo All Cash 4/18/2017 $119.0 1 0.96 D5917046 SLD 7 S ESPLANADE ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 864 ALAMEDA ISLES $86,000 2 2 0 1978 Community Manuf/Mobile Home All Cash 4/17/2 017 $99.54 0.87 A4177679 SLD 3300 CATBIRD LN 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,152 GASPARILLA PINES $95,000 2 2 0 1981 None Manuf/Mobile Home All Cash 4/21/20 17 $82.47 0.95 D5915871 SLD 10436 EUSTON AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 976 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 062 $95,000 2 2 0 1989 None Single Family Home New Privat e 4/20/2017 $97.34 0.87 N5912034 SLD 3303 BLUE JAY LN 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,152 GASPARILLA PINES $114,900 2 2 0 1981 None Manuf/Mobile Home All Cash 4/20/ 2017 $99.74 0.97 D5915917 SLD 1336 SEAGULL DR 34224 ENGLEWOOD 696 HOLIDAY MOB EST 2ND ADD $112,000 2 1 0 1973 None Manuf/Mobile Home All Cash 4 /18/2017 $160.92 0.93 D5916577 SLD 10460 GULFSTREAM BLVD 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,020 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 064 $120,900 3 2 0 1984 None Single Family Home Ne w Conventional 4/18/2017 $118.53 0.96 D5917022 SLD 416 PINE HOLLOW CIR 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,112 PINE HOLLOW $127,000 2 2 0 1995 Community Condo All Cash 4/17/2017 $11 4.21 0.98 D5917455 SLD 6800 PLACIDA RD 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,092 FIDD GRN 02 PH 02 BLDG 01 $132,500 2 2 0 1987 Community Condo All Cash 4/2 1/2017 $121.34 0.97 D5917243 SLD 11113 CARNEGIE AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,094 PORT CHARLOTTE SE C 065 $136,000 2 2 0 1981 None Single Family Home New F HA 4/17/2017 $124.31 0.97 D5916967 SLD 708 WATERSEDGE ST N 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,013 TANGERINE WOODS $147,000 2 2 0 1985 Community Manuf/Mobile Home All Cas h 4/19/2017 $145.11 0.98 D5916027 SLD 21 ANNAPOLIS LN 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,349 ROTONDA W OAKLAND HILLS $145,000 2 2 0 1973 Private Single Family Home A ll Cash 4/21/2017 $107.49 0.97 D5914522 SLD 13278 CARTER AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,542 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 095 $144,999 3 2 0 1988 Community Single Family Ho me All Cash 4/20/2017 $94.03 0.97 D5916391 SLD 150 ENGLWD ISLES PKWY 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,080 MARINA I SLES $147,000 2 2 0 1980 Community Condo All Cash 4/19/2017 $136.11 0.92 N5911731 SLD 9061 PINEHAVEN WAY 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,404 PINES AT SANDALHAVEN $150,000 2 2 0 2005 Community Manuf/Mobile Home All Cash 4/22/2017 $106.84 0.94 D5917487 SLD 815 SEABROOKE DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,446 TANGERINE WOODS $158,000 2 2 0 1986 Community Manuf/Mobile Home All Cash 4 /21/2017 $109.27 0.97 D5912559 SLD 8478 KINGLET DR 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,656 LEMON BAY ISLES PH 04 $160,000 2 2 0 2004 Community Manuf/Mobile Home All C ash 4/21/2017 $96.62 0.94 D5914836 SLD 12352 BIRTLE AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,612 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 095 $179,900 3 2 0 2017 None Single Family Home Al l Cash 4/19/2017 $111.60 1 D5915447 SLD 12392 BIRTLE AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,612 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 095 $179,900 3 2 0 2017 None Single Family Home Al l Cash 4/20/2017 $111.60 1 D5917706 SLD 1032 ULREY LN 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,634 BAY VISTA BLVD $189,000 3 2 0 1982 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 $115.67 1 D5916026 SLD 163 ROTONDA CIR 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,820 ROTONDA W OAKLAND HILLS $189,900 4 2 0 1973 Private Single Family Home N ew FHA 4/17/2017 $104.34 1 D5918083 SLD 12766 BUFFING RD 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,612 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 $189,900 3 2 0 2017 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/20/2017 $117.80 1 D5915635 SLD 293 PARK FOREST BLVD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,645 PARK FOREST PH 4 $200,000 2 2 0 1997 Community Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 $121.58 1 D5913094 SLD 1500 EILEEN PL 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,820 OXFORD MANOR RESUB $192,500 4 2 0 1954 None Single Family Home New FHA 4/21/ 2017 $105.77 0.96 D5916529 SLD 9236 SAN BRNNDNO AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,532 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 084 $195,000 2 2 0 1983 Private Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 $127.28 0.91 D5914106 SLD 208 JENNIFER DR 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,598 ROTONDA LAKES $190,000 3 2 0 2012 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/ 2017 $118.90 0.88 D5916723 SLD 119 BAYTREE DR 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,653 ROTONDA LAKES $205,000 3 2 0 2005 Private Single Family Home All Cash 4/2 1/2017 $124.02 0.93 D5915516 SLD 14128 FILLMORE AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,865 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 052 $240,000 3 2 0 1990 Private Single Family Ho me New Conventional 4/20/2017 $128.69 1.02 D5916736 SLD 11402 STARFLOWER AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,822 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 065 $232,500 3 2 0 2007 None Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21/2017 $127.61 0.99 N5911283 SLD 407 BLUE SPRINGS CT 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,588 PARK FOREST $233,000 2 2 0 1992 Community Single Family Home All Cash 4/20/2017 $146.73 0.97 D5917238 SLD 9369 NEW MRTNSVL LVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,619 PORT CHARLOTTE SE C 084 $229,900 3 2 0 2006 Private Single Family Home New Conventional 4/18/2017 $142.00 0.96 D5916955 SLD 10525 GREENWAY AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,553 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 064 $243,000 3 2 0 2004 Private Single Family Home Ne w VA 4/18/2017 $156.47 0.99 C7236889 SLD 5266 VENUS TER 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,146 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 052 $229,000 2 2 0 1987 Private Single Family Home N ew Conventional 4/21/2017 $106.71 0.92 D5917139 SLD 873 E 7TH ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,332 ROCK CREEK PARK 3RD AD D $257,500 3 2 0 1970 None Single Family Home New Conven tional 4/21/2017 $193.32 0.97 D5915924 SLD 3 CASA RIO DR Unit#3 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,549 CASA RIO II $261,000 3 2 0 1980 Community Villa All Cash 4/17/2017 $16 8.50 0.95 T2860770 SLD 9400 LITTLE GASP IS 33946 PLACIDA 946 HIDEAWAY BAY BEACH CL PH 04 $270,000 2 2 0 1994 Community Condo All Cash 4 /19/2017 $285.41 0.96 D5907190 SLD 580 BARNACLE CT 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,060 PARK FOREST PHASE 6B $281,900 3 2 0 2016 Community Single Family Home New C onventional 4/18/2017 $136.84 1 D5915890 SLD 136 ALBATROSS RD 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,687 ROTONDA W ROTONDA LAKES $289,000 3 2 0 2017 Private Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 $171.31 1 D5913506 SLD 250 TALQUIN CT 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,313 PARK FOREST $292,897 3 2 0 2016 Community Single Family Home All Cash 4/18/2 017 $126.63 1 D5913327 SLD 11000 PLACIDA RD 33946 PLACIDA 1,581 PLACIDA HARBOUR $317,500 2 2 0 1987 Community Condo New Conventional 4/18/ 2017 $200.82 0.98 D5918107 SLD 5852 GASPARILLA RD 33921 BOCA GRANDE 686 MARINA VILLAGE $325,000 1 1 0 1981 Community Condo All Cash 4/18/2017 $473.76 1 N5908665 SLD 8437 GATEWAY CT 34224 ENGLEWOOD 2,579 OYSTER CREEK PH 02 $340,000 3 2 0 1998 Comm, Private Single Family Home All Cash 4/19/2017 $131.83 0.95 N5909828 SLD 80 WINDSOR DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,076 ENGLEWOOD ISLES SUB $38 0,000 3 2 0 1983 Private Single Family Home All Cash 4 /20/2017 $183.04 1 A4180036 SLD 770 YALE ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,101 ENGLEWOOD OF $395,000 3 3 0 2009 None Single Family Home Combination 4/21/2017 $188.01 0.99 D5916093 SLD 40 BONITA ST 33946 PLACIDA 2,355 CAPE HAZE EAST 1ST ADD $390,000 4 2 0 2002 Private Single Family Home New Conven tional 4/17/2017 $165.61 0.92 D5913499 SLD 6010 BOCA GRNDE CSWY 33921 BOCA GRANDE 1,247 BOCA GRANDE NORTH $410,000 2 2 0 1986 Community Condo New Conventio nal 4/20/2017 $328.79 0.96 C7229777 SLD 9407 ATHEL DR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,116 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 081 $449,000 3 2 0 2017 Private Single Family Home Al l Cash 4/19/2017 $212.19 1 D5911511 SLD 2225 N BEACH RD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,755 SUNRISE POINTE CONDO $485,000 2 2 0 2006 Community Condo All Cash 4/19/201 7 $276.35 0.98 D5917013 SLD 5000 GASPARILLA RD 33921 BOCA GRANDE 828 BEACH CHALET OF BOCA GR CL $559,000 1 2 0 1984 Community Condo All Cash 4/20/2017 $675.12 1 D5914085 SLD 6027 MANASOTA KEY RD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,025 NOT PART OF A SUBDIVISION $550,000 3 2 0 1964 Private Single Family Ho me New Conventional 4/20/2017 $271.60 0.87 T2821276 SLD 9866 LITTLE GASP IS 33946 LITTLE GASP ISL 1,312 GASPARILLA ESTATE $685,000 3 2 0 1977 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 $522.10 0.96 O5483319 SLD 325 SPANIARDS RD 33946 PLACIDA 3,024 CAPE HAZE $760,000 3 3 0 1991 Private Single Family Home Other 4/18/2017 $25 1.32 0.95 D5912687 SLD 550 N GULF BLVD 33946 PLACIDA 2,609 PALM ISLAND ESTATES UN 1 $842,500 3 2 0 1961 Private Single Family Home New C onventional 4/17/2017 $322.92 0.94 D5915500 SLD 231 SEABREEZE CT 33921 BOCA GRANDE 2,106 SEABREEZE $1,350,000 3 2 0 1991 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/20 17 $641.03 0.97 D5909600 SLD 540 GULF BLVD Unit#8 33921 BOCA GRANDE 2,280 WOODWIND BEACH #8 $1,550,000 3 2 1 1982 Community Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 $679.82 0.97SOUTH SARASOTA COUNTY COURTESY OF VENICE AREA BOARD OF REALTORSML# Status Address Subdivision Name Sq. Ft. Pool Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP/SqFt SP/LP RatioO5493078 Sold 203 PECAN LN Groveland Heights 86.04 None 79,500 2 1 0 1956 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/20/2017 1 D5913735 Sold 503 ALBEE FARM RD La Casa 96.37 Community 85,000 2 2 0 1984 Condo All Cash 4/19/2017 0.94549 A4169803 Sold 612 BIRD BAY DR S Cardinal Condo Apts 142.18 Community 90,000 1 1 0 1976 Condo All Cash 4/21/2017 0.94737 A4179647 Sold 634 BIRD BAY DR E Bird Bay 123.87 Community 110,000 2 2 0 1983 Condo All Cash 4/18/2017 1.00457 N5910438 Sold 772 BIRD BAY DR N Bird Bay Village 126.64 Community 135,500 2 2 0 1983 Condo New Private 4/17/2017 0.90394 D5917393 Sold 405 GLEN OAK RD Venice Gardens 116.05 None 141,000 3 2 0 1960 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/18/2017 1.12 8 N5911701 Sold 285 MISSION TRL W Mission Lakes 133.46 Community 142,000 2 2 0 1986 Condo All Cash 4/21/2017 0.9473 N5911086 Sold 3730 CADBURY CIR Woodmere At Jacaranda 142.86 Community 148,000 2 2 0 2000 Condo All Cash 4/18/2017 0.95484


Page 10 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 29, 2017 AREA PROPERTY TRANSFERS CONTINUEDML# Status Address Subdivision Name Sq. Ft. Pool Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP/SqFt SP/LP RatioN5912374 Sold 1317 FIR AVE East Gate 103.26 None 155,300 2 2 0 1969 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 0.94178 A4172468 Sold 240 WOODLAND DR Pine Run 128.78 Community 157,500 2 2 0 1980 Condo New Conventional 4/21/2017 0.95455 N5911087 Sold 50 LOYOLA RD South Venice 126.2 None 158,000 3 2 0 1976 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 0.90544 N5912031 Sold 1100 CAPRI ISLES BLVD Lakes Of Capri 142.6 Community 160,000 2 2 0 1988 Condo All Cash 4/21/2017 0.91481 A4174994 Sold 595 URBANA RD South Venice 140.03 Private 170,000 3 2 0 1980 Single Family Home Assume FHA/VA 4/18/2017 1.00006 A4177986 Sold 456 W SEMINOLE DR South Venice 148.95 None 185,000 3 2 0 1980 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21/2017 1 N5912723 Sold 1247 PARADISE WAY Pinebrook South 158.57 Community 199,000 2 2 0 1981 Single Family Home All Cash 4/20/2017 1 N5910308 Sold 2104 CORDES WAY Cordes Cove 161.99 None 208,000 3 1 0 1958 Single Family Home New FHA 4/22/2017 0.96744 N5911769 Sold 1008 BLUE WING CT Venice Gardens 138.85 Private 208,000 2 2 0 1978 Single Family Home All Cash 4/20/2017 0.90474 N5911799 Sold 1707 N GONDOLA CT Venice Gardens 130.78 Private 215,000 2 2 0 1976 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 0.84314 N5911878 Sold 3730 CADBURY CIR Woodmere At Jacaranda 107.47 None 220,000 2 3 0 2001 Condo New Conventional 4/21/2017 1 N5912139 Sold 3730 CADBURY CIR Woodmere At Jacaranda 129.9 None 222,000 2 2 0 2001 Condo All Cash 4/20/2017 1 W 7628151 Sold 1999 SAN SILVESTRO DR Pel Pnte Golf & Country Cl 172.81 Community 225,000 2 2 0 2002 Condo New Conventional 4/19/2017 0.95745 N5911314 Sold 12504 SHIMMG OAK CIR Grand Palm 183.27 Community 230,000 2 2 0 2014 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 0.9791 4 N5911071 Sold 5030 SEAGRASS DR Southwood 164.1 Community 245,000 3 2 0 1998 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 0.98394 A4174657 Sold 215 PAVONIA RD Bay Point 174.5 None 245,000 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/20/2017 0.90774 N5909948 Sold 23237 BANBURY WAY Banb At Sar Nat Sec 1 Ph 1 105.62 Community 250,000 3 2 0 2007 Condo All Cash 4/21/2017 0.9803 9 N5910831 Sold 5035 SEAGRASS DR Southwood 141.48 Community 265,000 3 2 0 1996 Single Family Home All Cash 4/18/2017 0.94677 A4172280 Sold 12717 SAGEWOOD Grand Palm 161.01 Community 267,765 3 2 1 2017 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/19/2017 0.99 916 N5911880 Sold 1041 POINCIANA RD South Venice 143.56 Private 274,783 2 2 0 1989 Single Family Home New FHA 4/20/2017 1.0215 A4175886 Sold 190 TREVISO CT Venetian Golf & River Club 152.98 Community 285,000 2 2 0 2003 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/20 17 0.95318 A4173599 Sold 11508 DANC RVR DR Stoneybrook At Venice 112.7 Community 300,000 4 2 1 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/ 20/2017 0.97087 N5910522 Sold 1935 INNISBROOK CT Jacaranda Country Cl W Vill 144.65 Private 300,000 3 2 0 1982 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17 /2017 0.91185 C7232061 Sold 910 BECKLEY DR Chestnut Creek Estates 161.96 Private 304,000 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21/ 2017 0.95328 C7224884 Sold 518 PURSLANE PT The Lakes Of Jacaranda 124.27 Comm, Private 305,338 3 2 0 1996 Single Family Home All Cash 4/18/2 017 0.87155 N5910900 Sold 5823 MCKINLEY RD Gulf View Estates 162.82 Private 310,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/19/201 7 0.96875 N5912672 Sold 339 CARLINO DR Villages of Milano 150.84 Community 318,262 3 3 0 2017 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/19/2017 1 A4174623 Sold 2223 TERRACINA DR Not Applicable 183.2 Community 325,000 3 2 0 2012 Single Family Home All Cash 4/19/2017 0.9615 4 N5911640 Sold 1904 BATELLO DR Venetian Falls 190.48 Community 328,000 2 2 0 2005 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 0.97648 A4177322 Sold 19350 JACINDA ST Islndwlk At The W Vill 196.18 Community 333,900 2 2 0 2013 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 1 N5911896 Sold 1984 BATELLO DR Venetian Falls 197.44 Comm, Private 340,000 2 2 0 2005 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 1.0 0029 A4178299 Sold 12252 STUART DR Grand Palm 193.37 Community 342,660 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/17/2017 0.9 7074 N5912691 Sold 11641 PARROTFISH ST Caribbean Village 143.97 Community 350,000 4 3 1 2017 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/1 8/2017 1 N5912500 Sold 311 CARLINO DR Villages of Milano 197.55 Private 357,967 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/17/2017 1 N5911662 Sold 1860 BATELLO DR Venetian Falls 166.36 Community 360,000 3 2 0 2012 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/19/2017 0.9863 N5910311 Sold 565 LAUREL CHERRY LN Lakes Of Jacaranda 180.27 Private 360,000 3 2 0 2001 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/1 7/2017 0.97561 A4172702 Sold 12095 STUART DR Grand Palm 169.1 Community 363,059 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21/2017 0.97 077 A4176300 Sold 2267 LAKEWOOD DR Sorrento East 192.6 Private 380,000 3 2 0 1986 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/19/2017 0. 95024 N5911970 Sold 1255 TARPON CNTR DR San Marco 443.94 Comm, Private 384,900 2 2 0 1969 Condo All Cash 4/17/2017 0.98718 A4174681 Sold 2192 CALUSA LKS BLVD Calusa Lakes 194.68 Private 395,000 3 2 0 1996 Single Family Home New VA 4/21/2017 0.97411 N5911425 Sold 327 RIO TERRA Bellagio At Venice Island 211.3 Community 400,000 3 3 0 2003 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 0.96502 A4184012 Sold 20635 GRANLAGO DR Gran Paradiso 179.54 Private 402,895 4 2 0 2017 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 1.10382 N5911197 Sold 418 PEBBLE CREEK CT Pelican Pnte Golf & Cntry Cl 184.2 Community 408,000 3 2 0 1995 Single Family Home All Cash 4 /21/2017 0.96 A4172921 Sold 529 MARSH CREEK RD Sawgrass 217.16 Community 415,000 3 2 0 2009 Single Family Home Not Applicable 4/18/2017 0.97 67 A4169395 Sold 746 SHADOW BAY WAY Rivendell 183.11 Private 425,000 4 3 0 2003 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/21/2017 1 A4175182 Sold 918 SCHERER WAY Rivendell The Woodlands 192.66 Private 425,000 3 2 0 2003 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 0.97701 N5912698 Sold 439 PADOVA WAY Venetian Golf & River Club 190.5 Private 428,635 3 2 1 2017 Single Family Home All Cash 4/19/2017 1 N5911521 Sold 158 TOSCAVILLA BLVD Toscana Isles 181.59 Community 430,000 4 3 0 2017 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 0.96 641 A4184410 Sold 11812 ALTAMONTE CT Grand Palm 188.97 Community 432,366 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2017 1 N5909867 Sold 225 MONTELLUNA DR Venetian Golf And River Cl 200.46 Private 440,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home All Cash 4/21/2 017 0.97887 N5910246 Sold 106 MONTELLUNA DR Venetian Golf And River Cl 196.64 Private 445,000 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2 017 0.9676 A4178701 Sold 1132 MALL MARSH DR Rivendell 185.8 Private 500,000 4 2 0 2000 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/19/2017 0.95 238 A4162626 Sold 129 BURANO CT Venetian Golf & River Club 192.57 Comm, Private 508,000 3 3 0 2013 Single Family Home All Cash 4/19 /2017 0.96762 A4181236 Sold 462 E MACEWEN DR Oaks The 195.33 Community 510,000 3 2 1 1998 Single Family Home All Cash 4/18/2017 0.90265 A4179503 Sold 820 PLACID LAKE DR Rivendell The Woodlands 157.44 Private 620,000 5 3 0 2002 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/20/2017 0.98569 N5912286 Sold 304 BAYSHORE DR Not Applicable 210.51 Private 637,000 4 3 0 2003 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 0.98 A4163514 Sold 325 OSPREY POINT DR Oaks 174.14 Community 680,000 3 4 1 1986 Single Family Home All Cash 4/19/2017 0.90679 A4175657 Sold 423 E MACEWEN DR The Oaks 207.46 Private 795,000 4 3 1 2000 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/17/2017 0.9352 9 N5910323 Sold 815 LAGUNA DR Venice Gulf View 327.64 Private 1,170,000 3 3 0 2013 Single Famil y Home All Cash 4/21/2017 0.936 5185 ROOFING PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 Re Roofs, Repairs, Pressure Cleaning, Roofing Coatings Full Carpentry Services HONEST & RELIABLE 35 Yrs Local Experience CCC1328613. 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Handyman Rotten wood, doors, soffit, facia, etc. Phil 941-626-9021lic. & ins. 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C EN SE may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licens ing bureau to verify 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT $75.00 PER PANEL SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 Call Bob 941-706-6445 Low overhead = Low prices! T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! 5057 CONCRETE POOL DECKS, Driveway Designs Garage Floors Patios and more. QUALITY Lic 941-375-1103 Insu 5060 CLEANING SERVICES CLEANING & PETSITTING, ETC RELIABLEHonest Woman w/ Refs. Call 941-204-1296 HOUSE CLEANING Licensed, Insured & 20 yr exp Punctual & trustworthy! References available 941-548-8804 Classified=Sales 5083 FLOORING PAUL SIMS FLOOR CLEANING AND MORE!**OWNER OPERATED ** PROFESSIONAL, Reasonable & ReliableWinter Specials!We Clean carpets, furniture, area rugs, grout & more! Also Interior & Exterior Painting & Pressure Washing visit us at: www. CarpetCleaning ServicesVenice.com941-539-0896


Saturday, April 29, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 11 6060 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT DESKTOP COMPUTER, HP. Works Perfect $250, OBO 941-404-1822 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES JEWELRY BOX, Oak Standing 40ŽHeight x 16ŽWide x 12ŽDeep $35, OBO 239-823-3364 LEVIS MENS #501 Shrink-toFit 40x32 NEW $25 941-6272280 LEVIS MENS #501 Shrink-toFit 42x32 5 pair for $40 941627-2280 MINK STOLE, oversize blonde $250, OBO 941-429-1573 TAG HEUER Alter Ego WP1410 NICE!! Ladies Pre-owned Wrist Watch $290 941-697-3850 WEDDING DRESS size 10 needs cleaned $50 941-4212704 WEDDING DRESS WHITE, LACE SZ8 MUST SEE $75, OBO 941-391-6377 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES 1877 CARTOON Thomas Nast Harpers Weekly woodblock engraving. $150 941-258-0512 1907 ROLLS SilverGhost 1:24 model w/display case mint COA $75, OBO 941-830-0524 1914 RECORD Nora Bayes We Take Our Hats Off To You Mr. Wilson. $150 941-258-0512 1918 SOUVENIR 2-Inch Lincoln Penny. Souvenir of Washington,D.C. $20 941-258-0512 8 MINT collectors plates orig boxes & cert. of authenticity Bargain! $25 941-639-1517 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 AVON ASSORTTRUCK CAR NEVER OPEN OLD GUN $35, OBO 941-391-6377 BAR MIRRORS Vintage Becks, Hein, Mick, Paul Masson & more $30 941-214-8188 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CEDAR CHEST from 1957, cedar good. picture available. $100 941-740-3286 CHAIR FABRIC, picture available. $75 941-740-3286 CHILDS GOLF CLUB Antique wooden driver 24Ž long. $100 941-258-0512 CIVIL WAR GETTYSBURG PICKETS CHARGE BAYONET DOCS $135 941-475-1379 COIN 1877S Seated Lib half dollar AU condition rare find $210 941-214-8188 COIN 1878 Morgan silver dollar 7 tail feathers rare $175 941-214-8188 COIN 1917S half walking Lib OBV mint mark fine collector $95 941-214-8188 COIN 1943 walking lib half dollar unc very fine collector $50 941-214-8188 COINS Proof and mint sets $7 781-956-8891 DAISY CARBINE BB Rare Model 1894 works well $125 941-575-1609 GRAND FATHER CLOCK 88 IN. CIRCA 1850 ENGLISH + SIGNED $400 941-475-1379 INSTANT BOOK SHOP 400+ boxes of books, ready to go. Hard bound, used, Antique, paper items and paperbacks. Too many to list! All boxed. Some book shelves incl. $1,500 941-380-4793 LAMP VINTAGE Cherub W/marble base made in Italy $45 941-214-8188 LEFTON CHINA 3 pcs.creamer,sugarw/plate to match. $25 941-235-2203 LLADRO SUMMER StrollŽ #7611 venice area,6 more aviable $99 941-492-2252 MONKS PRAYER CLOCK, VERY RARE EARY 1900S EXCELLENT $425 941-475-1379 6035 FURNITURE TRUNDLE/DAYBED CONVERTS to 2 twins, used 5x, pd 600 $265 763-438-9180 TV STAND with bracket 3 black glass shelves holds 60Ž TV $140 718-986-3608 TWIN BED like new firm mattress, box spring, metal frame. $75 941-613-9953 TWIN BEDS beautiful antique mahogany twin beds $485 941-474-3487 WASHED oak upholstered D.R.chairs $85, OBO 941-769-4949 WICKER 5Shelf arch top Honey 18.5Žw x 71Žh $85 941-624-0364 WICKER 5shelf arch top Walnut finish/18 5ŽW X 14D x 71ŽH $85, OBO 941-624-0364 WOOD TRUNK 3x18.beautifully restored. $65 941-235-2203 6038 ELECTRONICS IPHONE 6 Unlocked Works Perfect obo $375, OBO 941404-1822 PRINTER EPSON CX8400 rinter, copier, scanner $25 941-473-2621 SMART PHONE, JITTERBUG by GREAT CALL. $75 941-889-7592 SONY PLAY Station 3 Play Station 3controller cords no games $50 941-740-1295 TV DIGITAL Converter Box Magnavox w/manual, remote, cables $10 941-445-9069 6040 TV/STEREO/RADIO 15ŽLCD TV Magnavox 12Volt#15M400T/37 $45, OBO 941-575-0690 36Ž FLAT SCREEN TV HDMIWorks great $145 941-5804460 52Ž Sony HDTV. In great condition. $350, OBO 941-2766966 FLAT SCREEN 52 in. Samsung $300, OBO 781-956-8891 HEADPHONES MONSTER Inspiration Headphones w/Mic $95 941-554-2140 MITSUBISHI 65Ž HD ProjectionTelevision Great HD Pic North Port $250, OBO 404-806-6808 SKY HEADPHONE Stereo GE505 $15, OBO 941-575-0690 STEREO, PIONEER Speakers 35Ž & Glass Front Stereo. Four Consoles & Much More. $150 941-496-9873 TELEVISION KITCHEN TV 1yr 19in Element. $35 941-697-7036 TELEVISION PHILLIPS 22in. Little use. $35 941-697-7036 TURN-TABLE TOSHIBA SL5 wAM/FM radio & cassette decks $10 941-445-5619 TV SAMSUNG 40Ž flat. Excellent condition. Used as spare $110, OBO 941-268-7571 TV SONY 55Ž projection, excellent condition. $50 561-719-4866 TV, SONY 55Ž Widescreen TV and stand, Model KDF55WF655 excellent $175 941-626-8739 TVS, Three small screen TVs $50. each. 401-212-2020 VIEWSAE DIGITAL Satellite Receiver $25, OBO 941-575-0690 VINTAGE 8 TRACK player/recorder, receiver Lennox. $50 941-451-3958 VINTAGE CAMERA-KODAK Brownie Starflash from the 50save shape $10 941-445-5619 VINTAGE SPEAKERS Optimus Pro 7 AV $20 941-451-3958 6060 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT CABLE MODEM MOTOROLA-SB6141-DOCSIS3.0 $45 941-554-2140 COMPUTER WINDOWS XP Desktop+printer+new color cartridge $100 941-575-1609 DESK/STORAGE UNIT $20 941-227-1598 6035 FURNITURE I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHEN TABLE MAPLE WITH 6 CHAIRS & TWO LEAFS $299, OBO 941-429-1119 KITCHEN TABLE Square Wood table with 4 chairs $100 941628-9030 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 KITCHEN TABLE, Oak 4 Chairs, Leaf. Exc. Cond. $350 941-623-5724 LANAI FURNITURE Rectangular table, 4 chairs Good condit ion $50 941-698-0445 LIVING ROOM TABLES $100 941-380-9212 LOVE SEAT Very good condition. Navy/cream. $50 941258-6493 LOVE SEAT with Storage Ottoman Fabric. Converts to twin bed. $300 941-423-2974 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 RECLINER Tan La-Z-Boy fabric recliner. $75 941-423-2974 RECLINER Blue Over Size Recliner $55, OBO 404-806-6808 RECLINERELECTRIC cranberry electric lift recliner. Reclines and lifts to standing position $325, OBO 810-513-0209 RECLINER OVERSIZED Big man Recliner. Mint condition. $275, OBO 941-628-9030 RECLINER, Black Leather, 54 inch.Good condition. $150 260-228-0620 RECLINER, White leather $200 941-223-2413 RECLINERS WINGBACK PAIR dark green fabric 40X30X30 $100 941-202-3437 RECLINERS, LA-Z-BOY matching wallhugger. Beautiful. $250 ea. 941-580-4460 ROCKER/RECLINER La-Z-Boy, leather comfortable $195, OBO 941-580-4460 ROCKING CHAIR, Wooden, Brown $35, OBO 239-8233364 SLEEPER COUCH Queen microsuede coffee 74X40X30 $200, OBO 941-275-5837 SLEEPER SOFA 77X34X30 clean queen size light color plaid fabric $100 941-202-3437 SLEEPER SOFA w/storage ottoman $325, OBO 941-769-4949 SOFA 66Ž green floral $35, OBO 941-769-4949 SOFA BED Black Wicker Queen Sofa Bed. Like New. Must sell. $150 941-628-9030 SOFA BED Black Wicker Queen Sofa Bed. Like New. Must sell. $150 941-628-9030 SOFA Large microfiber, light tan. Like new. $150 810-656-6576 SOFA Like new. Micro Fiber Sofa. Must Sell $150 941-6281502 TABLE& 2 CHAIRS 42Ž w/2 chairs on casters $65 718-986-3608 TABLE & CHAIRS 6 upholster Chairs 36X60 Blk. Glass Top $300 239-849-9815 TABLE Solid wood, w/drop leaf 74Žx48Ž drop is 28Žx48Ž $150 941-625-5962 TABLE, 45Ž round rattan table, VERY Nice. $35 941-488-5595 TABLE, Allibert-Lanai White oval 37Žx64Ž $75 941-625-5962 TABLE, Charming Drop Leaf, Versatile leaves up or down,spindle legs $95 763-438-9180 TABLE OAK 42x60 4 high back chairs 2 leafs $150 810656-6576 TABLES SIDE(2) TV CARTS(2) wall art (4) starting at $10, OBO 941-202-3437 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS VACUUM 1 full size,1 smaller dirt devil $10 716-374-2950 VACUUM, ORECK HANDHELD Canister + attachments $35 941-627-2280 6031 HOLIDAYITEMS HANDPAINTED PORCELAIN beautiful 15Ž tall in orig box. Collector doll. $10 941-575-7793 6035 FURNITURE ARMOIRE, TOMMY BAHAMA Exc cond,3 shelves below,TV fits top $275 763-438-9180 BAR STOOLS, 2 Wrought Iron, Beige upholstered. Excellent OBO $50 941-769-3475 BED, QUEEN and two matching end tables. Off white, excellent $400 401-212-2020 BEDMATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BEDROOM SET Dresser mirror,end table,Q-headbd 5 drawer hutch $295 718-986-3608 BEDROOM SET Girls, Twin, All Metal, Exc Cond. $300 941-380-9212 BEDROOM SET SOLID Cherry, Night stand, chest of draws, sm. chest w/ mirror, Seagrass headboard pictures on request $450/obo 941-412-4111 BOOKCASE, OAK 36ŽWide x 10ŽDeep x 60ŽHeight $30, OBO 239-823-3364 BOOKCASE Solid Pine 40ŽWide x 12ŽDeep x 80ŽHeight $50, OBO 239-823-3364 CARD TABLE & 4 Wooden, Folding Chairs w/ Red Vinyl seats. $70 941-575-7370 CHAIR &Matching Ottoman Tan Microfiber, Comfy & Plush, good cond $95 941-697-3850 CHAIR W/CASTERS fabric,adjustable,good cond $20 941-391-0665 CHAIR, CLOTH Light green. Very clean. $35 810-656-6576 CHAIR, LEATHER & Ottoman High quality, sturdy, comfy! $295 763-438-9180 CHAIRS, DINET (4) Ex cond. Swivel, by Chrome Craft $100 941-914-0097 Punta Gorda CHINA CABINET Solid Wood 2Pc 80x49 Ashley MillenniumŽ Lt Tan $385 941-697-3850 COFFEE TABLE Authentic 1800s Wagonwheel w/glass top $150 941-575-1609 COFFEE TABLES(6) various sizes and shapes starting at $10, OBO 941-202-3437 COUCH SECTIONAL Couch Norwalk brand. Muted colors. Perfect $100 941-697-7036 COUCHES Leather, Matching Pair. Taupe/Brown. $499 954501-9554 (Port Charlotte) D.R. CHAIRS (4) Washed oak upholstered $100 OBO 941-769-4949 DESK POTTERY BARN, With stool. $250 941-412-4111 DINETTE SET like new all wood 36Ž table top & 4 handmade chairs $250 941-202-3437 DINING CHAIRS, Rattan. Set Of 6 w/arms heavy duty $450 941-356-0129 DINING ROOM SET w/2 leafs & 6chairs, light wood $150 920-915-2934 DRESSER CHEST-ON-CHEST Mint cond.; LG Sheraton Chest, $275 both 941-380-7224 DRESSER WITH Mirror 65Ž long, seven drawers, like new $75 863-494-5918 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 3pc dark wood lighted pics avail $225 941-662-5291 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Wood and Glass, North Port $200, OBO 404-806-6808 HEAD & FOOT board white wrought iron queen size bed $75 718-986-3608 HEADBOARD King Size Brass headboard like new $100 609602-1586 HIGH TOP STOOLS (6) & table Exc cond, uphol, from Bacon Furn, 1/2 price $495 763-438-9180 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS AIR PURIFIER Honeywell HEPA Air Purifier Model 50255-HD Like New $45 941-567-8857 AIR PURIFIER Honeywell HEPA Air Purifier Model 17707-HD Like New $45 941-567-8857 ASIAN TEA POT with 4 cups beautiful $12 941-356-0129 BED MATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BONE CHINA Gold Trimmed Unused 92pc Royal Gallery Serv for 12 $265 941-697-3850 CANISTER SET 3 pcs. snacks, goodies & treats. new. $20 941-235-2203 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CHAIR W/CASTERS fabric,adjustable,good cond $20 941-391-0665 CHAIRS Sport Beach Folding w/carrying case $40, OBO 941-429-1573 CHAIRS Sport Beach Folding w/carrying case $40, OBO 941-429-1573 CHANDELIER 24inch from TGIF Restaurant $50 260-2280620 CHAR-BROIL ELECTRIC Grill Almost New,Paid $160.Englewood $60 412-260-1835 CHINA MIKASA Cotillion 45pc (8) 5pc Place Setting, 5 Serving Pieces $145 941-697-3850 CHINA STEUBENVILLE Rose Point 7 plus place setting $85 941-416-1585 COOKWARE COOKS essentialsŽ.10 pcs.l/n cond. $45 941-235-2203 DECORATIVE PICTURES, A variety of framed decorative pictures $10 941-223-2413 FRAMED PICTURE Large Beach themed 44Ž x 35Ž $35 941-356-0129 LAMP GLASS filled w/ sea shells & shark teeth $25 941356-0129 MASSAGING PAD full body length heat & massage, soothing $20 941-743-2326 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MIRROR VINTAGE Dark wood frame 27.5 x 17.5Ž $15 941356-0129 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. PICTURES 4 18x 22 2 phesants 2 ducks nice frames $10 716-374-2950 SHELVING, CORNER GLASS 5 adjustable shelves $50 810656-6576 VACUUM BISSELL uprite used good cond.venice area $19, OBO 941-492-2252 VACUUM CLEANER Kenmore whisper tone w/ pet power mate used $45 941-214-8188 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade 6025 ARTS AND CRAFTS ART EASEL Jack Richeson Duluxe Lobo Wood Easel Like New $200 941-567-8857 SEA SHELLS Clean,sorted,project ready. Instructions. $150, OBO 239-947-9513 SEWING CRAFTS, zippers, vintage buttons all unopened pkgs 25cents to $3 941-639-1517 SHELL CRAFT Accessories Wires, acrylic risers, frames, vases $50 239-947-9513 TEST TESTING testing $9 941-204-4196 6026 SEWING FABRIC QUILTING books and notions $4 941-786-0170 6027 DOLLS TY BEANNIE Kids Unique collection in original outfits. Ea only $3 803-624-8039 6029 MOVING SALES MOVING! 16Ž Scroll Saw $40, 10Ž Table Saw $80, 10Ž Compound Miler Saw $50, 8Ž Disc Sander $40, 8Ž Bench Drill Press $40. Glass Top Fiberglass Wicker Table & Chairs w/ Cushions $200. 941-626-0774 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS AC UNIT, 2 Ton with handler Frigidaire GREAT condition $495, OBO 239-980-7887 AEROBED Full size & full height $75, OBO 941-429-1573


Page 12 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 29, 2017 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES TRICYCLE Adult new, still in box! $275 941-524-1025 6138 TOYS/GAMES CALL DUTY Legacy Edition for PS4 New, Never Opened! $30 941-257-5500 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES **SPAS & MORE** We take Trade ins We Move Hot Tubs & Buy Used Hot Tubs! 941-625-6600 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 6160 LAWN & GARDEN BEACH CHAIRS (2).$60 new cond.good buy. $35 941-235-2203 CHAIN SAW Poulin Pro 18Ž NEW in box $150, OBO 941-485-0681 CHAIN SAW Poulin Pro New pp5020Ž $180, OBO 941-4850681 C uddle up by the fire! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 DUMP CART 3 x 4 tow behind $100, OBO 941-764-7323 LAWN MOWER 2006 Club Cadet-V8/50in deck. Needs belt. $250 941-697-6965 LAWN MOWER B/D Elec. 36V Runs good. Very good condition $150, OBO 941-626-7402 LAWN MOWER MTD 20ŽPush Like New $75, OBO 941-485-0681 LAWN MOWER Murray, good cond Blk/silver in color $50, OBO 518-796-6383 LAWN MOWER RIDING Ariens hydro 46Ž20HP $350, OBO 941-391-6377 LAWN TABLE glass top, aluminum frame, also resin chairs avail $25 941-497-3250 LAWN TRACTOR, Scotts 42Žcut, 17.5hp, automatic, mfg Deere $495 941-429-1146 LINE TRIMMER: Troybuilt, 25cc, straight shaft, New. $110, OBO 941-485-0681 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 PLUG AERATOR tow behind, 40Ž $150, OBO 941-764-7323 PRESSURE WASHER Troybuilt 3000psi New Pump $300, OBO 941-485-0681 ROTARY SPREADER John Deere, tow behind, 130 lbs. $150 941-764-7323 TABLE TOP, PORTABLE Outdoor Grill New, use w/propane tank $75 941-421-9984 THATCHER TOW BEHIND $60, OBO 941-764-7323 TOP SOILFor Sale! Please call: 941-468-4372 `WEED WACKER TRIMMER Craftman gas 17Ž/25CC $45, OBO 941-391-6377 WOOD CHIPPER, 5 HP Craftsman. Used little $275 941-2706348 6161OUTDOOR LIVING GRILL BRINKMAN Gas Grill with side burner $50 941-4746917 GRILL Char Broil SS, 4 burner, with side burner. Works great, Very good cond. $85 941416-1270 Venice 6130 SPORTING GOODS BACK PACK, EBERLESTOCK New Military grade,Tan heavy duty $150 941-421-9984 BOAT NON skid dishes Plates, mugs, bowls, glasses $20 941-639-1517 CAPS -BASEBALL Dozens to choose from, -most new. Never used $1 941-445-5619 DIVER TANKS (3) Steel 72s Scuba pro valves,boat rack look like new $275 207-265-6571 DIVERS WATCH INVICTA Swiss movement, (NEW) $80 863494-5918 DIVERS WATCH NEW INVICTA Pro Diver,Swiss movement $99 863-494-5918 FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 FLASHLIGHT, Army Tactical 82000 Lumens rechargeable w/batt pk $20 941-421-9984 JOE DIMAGGIO SIGNED BASEBALL CERTIFIED EXCELLENT $299 941-475-1379 PAINTBALL GUN with 2 mask $30, OBO 941-661-7158 RAWLINGS TASI Back Model RBG34 Like new $70 941-474-4959 THULLL KAYAK Carrier for 1 or2 w/straps and accessories. Only $90 803-624-8039 6131FIREARMS NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. 6132FIREARMS ACCESSORIES 308 BALL Ammo 50 Round Boxes. 941-875-4339 6133 HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES 2-15 OUTRIGGERS $275, OBO 941-769-0792 BACK PACK U.S.Mil. ALICE 5 day pack W/frame & straps $75 941-268-8403 CAST NET 9. Good condition. $25 941-474-1016 FISHING RODS AND REELS VARIOUSCALL FOR DETAILS. $200, OBO 941-505-4693 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s PONTOONLOUNGE SEATS beige,fiberglass,covers $500, OBO 941-769-0792 ROD CASE, soft side Holds up to 5 rods. New never used $25 941-268-8403 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES BICYCLE CARRIER 2 bikes $25 941-426-1088 BICYCLE GIRLS MONSTER HIGH $50 941-423-9888 BICYCLE MANS Schwinn $25 941-227-1598 BICYLCES four Pick Yours! 110 speed, 1-15 speed, 2 normal $45, OBO 239-980-7887 BIKE BEACH Cruiser ladies 26Ž alum w/fenders have others $50 941-421-2704 BIKE BOYS 24Ž Easy Spirit ,15 speed Mt Series new condition $65 941-697-2420 BIKE RACK for 2 BIKES TRUNK MOUNT for Car or SUV $20 941-268-8951 BIKE RACK Saris 2Ž hitch mount 3 bike rack. Like new $50 941-416-1585 BIKE STORAGE RACK Vertical style, holds 2 bikes in 1 space, $45, OBO 301-525-7847 RALEIGH AIRLITE Aluminium 21sp mens bike 26Ž tires. Excellent cond. $200 941-244-0532 6126 GOLF CARTS 2001 CLUBCAR 4 Psgr., Flip Rear Seat, Aluminum Wheels, $2,000 941-223-1457 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Midnight BlackŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … DEMO SALEŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Custom Yellow PaintŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! RED RACERŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New Custom PaintedŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6128 EXERCISE / FITNESS EXCERSIZER BACK TOLIFE LIKE NEW AS ADVERTISED $200.00 $15 941-626-5501 EXERCISE BIKE Nice newer $99, OBO 941-423-8243 TREADMILL Like New Pro-form Performance 400i $499 941-889-7592 TREADMILL, 55Žx20 Digital Folding. WESLO G30 Like New $125. 941-697-0673 6130 SPORTING GOODS 2 GUYS GUN SHOWS APRIL 29th & 30th Charlotte County Fairgrounds 2333 El Jobean Rd (776) Port Charlotte, FL Buy-Sell-Trade New-Used FREEParking CWP Classes Avail. Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-4 727-776-3442 6126 GOLF CARTS 2000 Club Car DS Plumb Crazy PurpleŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2003 CLUB CAR DS IQ System 4 Passenger 48 Volt "Gold" Golf Cart Speed Setting 4 {+-19/20 mph}. New Flip Rear Seat 6-8 Volt 2016 Batteries {E6} Headlights & taillights New Chrome SS Wheel Caps Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top, Windshield, Mirror and Charger. $3,275 941-830-4723 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only PLEASE NO TEXT 2008 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 10" Rims w/215x50x10 Tires 6 8 Volt 2014 Batteries New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger. $3,795. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ButterscotchŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! 2011 CLUBCARPRECEDENT4 Passenger Custom "Pearl" Spartan Body Brand New Batteries {C7} Deluxe Lights {Head,Tail, Signal, Brake and Horn} Flip Rear Seat Excellent Tires, Brakes, Mirror, Windshield, Top, Chrome SS Caps and Charger $3,995 941-830-4723 DELIVERYINCLUDED{25MI.} NO TEXT PLEASE 6110 TREES & PLANTS BIRDOF PARADISE WHITE 15 ft. You dig. $50 941-6267407 FREE MILKWEED Seeds. Help Save the Monarchs! 941-6618984 GUAVA TREE 3 FEET TALL IN POTS $15 941-255-9152 LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A MANGO TREE IN POT 5 FEET TALL $25 941-255-9152 VIBURNUM GREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE, PALMS, MANYOTHERPLANTS ATREASONABLE PRICES! SUISNURSURY941-232-6835 SUGAR CANE In a container $10, OBO 941-255-9152 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 6120 BABY ITEMS BABY BARRIERS ONE IS AN ADJUSTABLE WALK THRU. $25 941-626-5501 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES GLF CLBS Lynx Blk Cat 4 wds 3-sw 10 irns & Bag $30 941475-8097 GLF CLBS LYNX SEVILLE 4 wood $10 941-475-8097 GLF CLBS Super COCORDE 3 wood 16 degree loft Shallow Face $10 941-475-8097 GOLF CART CHARGERS CLUB CAR, EZGO, YAMAHA Scratch and Dent Starting at $99 WARRANTY 941-769-1431VISIT GOLF CLUBS Ladies Pro Tradition clubs W/Bag $45 941-268-8403 GOLF CLUBS Men Pro Forse W/Bag $45 941-268-8403 GOLF CLUBS PING Zing 2 putter $15 941-475-8097 TITLEIST 915D2 DRIVER Regular Flex $200. 941-235-1624 TITLEIST VOKEY WEDGES Like New. $65 ea. 941-2351624 6126 GOLF CARTS 06 EZGO 4 Passenger Golf Cart PASSION PINK BRAND NEW BATTERIES High Speed New Flip Down Rear Seat New Tires Sunbrella Enclosure New Chrome Wheel Caps New Upholstery 36 Volt Charger Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow JacketŽ Cables New Bushings Brakes, Top & Mirror Smooth and FAST! 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Arch top, Hollow body $300, OBO 941-268-8403 ORGAN, LOWERY Good condition $400 941-223-2413 PIANO LIKE new, includes bench. $499 941-256-6659 WIRELESS MIC Radio Shack, lapel mic, orig box, like new. $20 941-575-7793 WIRELESS MIC system lapel mic, like new, orig box Radio Shack $20 941-575-7793 6095 MEDICAL BLANKET Support Adjustable. Reduce neuropathy or injury pain! $10 803-624-8039 HOSPITAL BED Drive electric hospital bed with remote,side rails and 2 new mattresses $360, OBO 810-513-0209 JAZZY MOTORIZEDCHAIRSturdy 360 turns $499 941223-2413 MASSAGE TABLE Life Gear Professional. Like new! Case. Only $125 803-624-8039 MAXI-MYST COMPRESSOR Aerosol Unit hardly used-works good $10 941-445-5619 RECLINER ELECTRIC lift chair up/down sleep orig 1100 $395, OBO 941-580-4460 WHEELCHAIR newer nice $199, OBO 941-423-8243 WHEELCHAIR RAMP, Portable, Folding. Brand new $125 401-212-2020 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372


2011 by King Features Syndicate Yesterdays Challenger Answers Saturday, April 29, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 13


Page 14 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 29, 2017 Whats the fun in that?!Ž Thats what a woman recently asked when Dr. Mike suggested one way to improve her diabetes was to give up pancakes and syrup for breakfast and instead opt for whole grains, berries and lean protein. That got us thinking We need to help her „ and many of you „ rede“ne fun.Ž Fun-damentals You may not realize it, but taking care of yourself and being proud of your ability to do more activities, defy your age, banish stress, think more clearly and get your juices ”owing ... Now, thats fun! Why you opt for unhealthy habits: Destructive indulgences can take over when your joints and muscles ache, elevated blood glucose levels sour your mood and your brain is foggy. They make it easy to put up your feet, turn on the tube and feel better right now with a cola, some sweet treats or a few stiff drinks. Then, before you know it you sink back into the same miseries you had before. No real fun there. By “nding the fun in making healthful choices, youll be rewarded with sustained improvement in your mood, better blood circulation (yes, youll feel it), improved respiration and a younger RealAge. Fun foods Foods that improve and protect your health can give you short-term salivary rewards (thats fun) if you give them a chance. Put your tongue through ”avor school. Dive into the subtle, complex ”avors of whole, unprocessed foods. Youll discover ”avors that you love in foods that love your body back! Buy salad greens such as arugula, baby beet leaves, frisee/ endive, baby kale, bib lettuce, romaine. Place in a line on a platter. Taste each one. Then sprinkle with a couple of teaspoons of extra-virgin olive oil and a squeeze of lime or lemon, and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Taste again. Let each unique ”avor bloom on your tongue. See if you can identify sweet, sour, bitter, salty and/or umami ”avors in each bite. You can repeat this Tongue Tutorial with steamed veggies (”avor with EVOO and citrus with a bit of pressed garlic). Try food games. Do a blind taste test to see if you can tell whats spinach, whats kale, whats arugula. Get your kids involved, too. Run cooking contests. Get family members to compete with one another making the best broiled “sh entree, the best steamed veggie. One night, give the kids tuna to prepare while you take kale; cook both without added sweetness, frying or whole dairy. The goal: Discover foods that love your body and also reward your pleasure centers. Then youll never feel as though youre being deprived when you banish health-damaging simple carb pancakes and syrup from your plate. Fun activity If your idea of fun is to plop down in front of the tube, great news: Physical activity is much more rewarding. It boosts mood-elevating brain chemicals, eases stress, lowers elevated blood glucose and takes pressure off your joints (really, when done right, exercise is great for sore joints). Hello body parts. You may need to get reacquainted with your body „ how it can move, what makes it feel good, how you can extend its range of motion. And the best way to do that is slowly and steadily. Join a stretch, basic yoga or water aerobics class, or check out the tutorials at sharecare. com. Get used to moving. It automatically will make you smile more. Getting in touch. Treat yourself to a massage, or two or three. That also awakens your body awareness and eases stiffness. Walk this way. Then start a walking routine with a buddy and a pedometer (good routines at Rather swim? Jog? Cycle? Go right ahead. The point is to discover whats fun for you. Rede“ne your fun so that it supports your good health, restores your control and elevates your mood. Start today one bite (and one step) at a time! Redefining fun Dr. Mehmet Oz & Dr. Michael Roizen BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY adno=8602374


Saturday, April 29, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 15 Dear Heloise: Some people (my husband is one) start the day with a cold, brisk shower to wake them up and get going. I like to wind down with a hot shower or warm bubble bath at the end of the day. It helps me relax. We laugh about our different schedules, but there is only one of us in the bathroom at a time, which is nice. Try working out a schedule so that everyone is happy. „ Married a Long Time in Portland, Ore.Pet odorsDear Heloise: I need a pet hint! Through the years, Ive had various rescued animals „ dogs and now cats. My home has pet odor. Im thinking it has absorbed into the hardwood ”oors. Ive used pine-scented cleaners, but they dont seem to help. How do I get rid of it? „ A Reader, Staten Island N.Y. Dear Staten Island: You are a very good person to take in rescued dogs and cats! You may be on the right track if the odor is coming from the wood ”oor. Its important to note that cat urine is highly concentrated (they dont drink much water), and therefore smells much stronger and lingers longer, too. Youve taken the “rst step: a good housecleaning. Also, open windows and turn on overhead fans to get fresh air circulating. If you have an air-conditioning system or unit, put some room spray on the “lter to help maskŽ the odor. Vinegar does kill some bacteria and thus odors, so you can try some of that. Use only 1 cup of apple-cider or white vinegar to a gallon of water to go over the ”oor. Do not overwet; just lightly dampen a mop and then dry the ”oor. Good luck, and give your pets a little scratch behind the ears from me. „ Heloise P.S. Go to the pet store and buy an enzyme-based pet-odor remover „ they work great!No boring bike rideDear Readers: When I saddle up on the stationary bike for a spin around the den, Im never bored. I watch the news, read the paper or a magazine, drink my morning coffee and have been known to take phone calls! Why waste time? „ On the go, HeloiseThe hour for the showerHints from Heloise BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Make your business a part of it! Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602375


Page 16 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 29, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). It's said that nothing worth having comes easily. Of course that's not true. People luck into easy, worthwhile things all the time. Wise people know to appreciate such good fortune. You'll be such a person today. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). If you're disappointed in the actions of those around you, just know that their perceptions are very dierent from yours. They are only acting on what they know. Perhaps you can educate them. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Your mojo comes and your mojo goes. You can ingratiate that special charisma to stick around with you, but you can't totally control it. Be your own best friend regardless of how popular you seem to be at the minute. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You'll enjoy working on your personal style. It could mean adding new words to your lexicon, sping up your wardrobe or getting your domestic life running in a more organized and/or elegant way. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). One of your talents is dealing deftly with people who others nd dicult. You've a way of bringing out the best in others, perhaps because you really see something to love in practi cally everyone. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Once you know that you're perfectly ne on your own, you can enjoy circumstances for what they truly are instead of using any pursuit or person as a means of escape. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It's time to break a certain pattern that once served you well and has since gotten stale. This most likely involves another person. The interruption will add energy to your day, peace to your night. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Today, people will take your lead about what to think about you. When you feel great about who you are and what's going down, they'll accept it without question. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The one who is irting with you may have ulterior motives, but those reasons are likely not the only reason for the extra attention. You are, after all, fun to irt with! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Many relationships don't start o with a lot of reciprocity. It may take a while for the mutual feelings to start owing. One-sided interest is perfectly acceptable for a while until a solid dynamic starts to take form. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). If today were a slot machine it would be coming up all sevens: only, the payout isn't in coins; it's in fortuitous connections. Seize the opportunities. This type of luck doesn't co me along very often. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). One thought leads to the next and the next. It's a mental chain that you'd do well to break. No one else is bringing up your past mistakes, so you should let them go, too. Distract yourself with adventurous fun. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (April 29). Far-fetched dreams will come true this year. What happens over the next 10 weeks turns you into the boss or another kind of powerful gure. Use your talent for sensing people's strengths, and assign tasks accordingly. You'll like the turn your personal life takes in June. August will bless your family. Capricorn and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 19, 44, 38 and 11. DEAR ABBY: When my daughter and her family come to visit, they are very messy. They have a 3and a 4-year-old and two large, long-haired dogs. I can deal with the childrens messiness „ but the dogs, no. I agreed to let them bring their dogs if they cleaned up after them, but it hasnt happened. The dogs shed terribly. The hair needs to be vacuumed daily. They dont practice it at home and dont do it here, even after being told the dog hair is everywhere in my house. We are 70 and active, but a lot of cleaning must be done when they leave. I especially dont like it around food. I told my husband I have decided to tell them they can no longer bring their dogs here. He goes around and tries to clean up after them so I wont get upset instead of letting them take responsibility. He says hes afraid they will quit coming. Abby, they dont pick up after themselves at all. In their home, clothes are thrown everywhere on the ”oor. They are in their 40s and should know better. I feel they have no respect for us or the way we choose to live. Must I keep my mouth shut to keep the peace, like my husband says? I told him to speak up, but he wont. This is physically and emotionally wearing on me. „ DRAINED IN PENNSYLVANIA DEAR DRAINED: How your daughter and son-inlaw choose to live in their own home is their business, as long as the disarray doesnt endanger the health of their children. Because you agreed to let them bring their dogs over on the condition that they vacuum up any hair their animals shed and they failed to comply, you are within your rights to tell them their pets must be left at home. Your house, your conditions. Messy grandchildren, yes. Messy dogs, no. DEAR ABBY: I recently had a baby. Two of my friends became mothers “ve and nine months ago. We are all “rst-time stay-at-home moms, which has been great except they constantly offer unwanted advice every time I see them and try to come off like theyre experts. I agree that they sometimes offer helpful advice, but its getting old because Im becoming con“dent in my parenting skills and judgment. How do I politely let them know that if I want advice, Ill ask for it? „ UNWANTED ADVICE IN TENNESSEE DEAR TENNESSEE: Do it by “rst acknowledging them for being such good friends and wanting to be helpful. Then add that, as you have told me, you are now more con“dent with your own parenting skills and would prefer they wait to be asked before offering any more unsolicited advice. DEAR ABBY: I will be having surgery soon to alleviate the embarrassing symptoms of bowel incontinence. I have a great doctor and family support. When nosy people ask why I am going to the hospital, I want to say, None of your business,Ž or Be glad you dont have this problem.Ž Neither response seems appropriate. Any suggestions? „ SHY IN THE SOUTH DEAR SHY: A certain amount of curiosity is normal. If someone asks why you are going to the hospital, all you need to say is, Im having a procedure.Ž However, if the person is insensitive and pushes you to be more speci“c, your response should be, Its personal.Ž Period. Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacri“ce of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.Ž „ Ecclesiastes 5:1. We are all probably guilty of not being more ready to hearŽ „ the Lord. Take time to listen to God by reading the Bible and meditating on its truths. BIBLEDaughter is in the doghouse after pets leave hairy messVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby


Saturday, April 29, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 17 Saturday TelevisionVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDA APR. 29PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC World News Tonight(N)News News; weather; more. (N)Paid Program Sponsored. Military Makeover(TVPG) (HD)Dreamgirls (06, Musical) Jamie Foxx, Beyonc. During the 1960s, a musical girl group struggles against the spoils of fame, prestige and shady acquisitions to become chart-topping R&B stars. (PG-13) (HD)ABC7 News @ 11pm (N)Paid Program Sponsored. ABC E F 26---7117-ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News @ 6:30pm (N)Two and a Half Men: Pilot (HD)Two & Half Parenting lesson. Dreamgirls (06, Musical) Jamie Foxx, Beyonc. During the 1960s, a musical girl group struggles against the spoils of fame, prestige and shady acquisitions to become chart-topping R&B stars. (PG-13) (HD)ABC7 News @ 11:00pm(N)Major Crimes Gang territory. CBS E F 11213213-555-News at 6pm (N) (HD)CBS Weekend News (N) (HD)Blue Bloods: With Friends Like These Mob boss alibi. (TV14) (HD)Training Day: Sunset SIS investigates Hollywood producer. (TV14) (N)48 Hours (TV14) (N)48 Hours (TV14) (N)WINK News at 11pm Saturday (N) (HD) CBS E F 10101010---1010 News Weekend (N)CBS Weekend News (N) (HD)Wheel: America the Beautiful Jeopardy!(TVG) (R) (HD)Training Day: Sunset SIS investigates Hollywood producer. (TV14) (N)48 Hours (TV14) (N)48 Hours (TV14) (N)10 News Weekend at 11:00 (N) (:35) Paid Program Sponsored. NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm Sat(N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel: America the Beautiful Jeopardy!(TVG) (R) (HD) 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Eastern Conference Semifinals, Game 2 : Pittsburgh Penguins at Washington Capitals from Verizon Center (Live) (HD)NBC2 News @ 11pm Sat (N)Saturday Night Live(TV14) (R) NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChannel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD) 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Eastern Conference Semifinals, Game 2 : Pittsburgh Penguins at Washington Capitals from Verizon Center (Live) (HD)NewsChannel 8 at 11:00 (N)Saturday Night Live(TV14) (R) FOX E F 36---444(5:00) Monster Energy Supercross: from MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. (Live) (HD)MasterChef Junior: Tag Team Draw inspiration from family for dish. (R)MasterChef Junior: An Extra Serving Noteworthy moments from show. FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)Kicking & Screaming: Fear Pong Without alliances. (TV14) (R) (HD) FOX E F 13131313-13-13 (5:00) Monster Energy Supercross: from MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. (Live) (HD)MasterChef Junior: Tag Team Draw inspiration from family for dish. (R)MasterChef Junior: An Extra Serving Noteworthy moments from show. FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News(N)Screaming Without alliances. PBS E F 30-3-333-NOVA: Building Chernobyls MegaTomb Chernobyl dome.(TVPG) (R)The Lawrence Welk Show: Show Stoppers Thats Entertainment.Ž Antiques Roadshow: Virginia Beach Mug collection; Einsteins letters. As Time Goes By (TVPG)As Time Goes By (TVPG)Keeping Appearances(TVPG)Being Served? Counter space. Masterpiece: Home Fires II Disturbing discovery; good news. (TVPG) PBS E F #3173---3PBS Newshour Weekend (N)The Week(TVG) (R) (HD)The Lawrence Welk Show: Show Stoppers Thats Entertainment.Ž Served? Rumbold is sick. Being Served? Boxing match. Keeping Appearances(TVPG)Keeping Appearances(TVPG)As Time Goes By Book photo. Fawlty Towers: Gourmet Night Globe Trekker: Art Trails of the French Riviera (TVPG) (R) CW E F 46---6216-Mike & Molly Living situation. WINK News @ 6:30pm Sat (N)Big Bang Valentines Day. (HD)Big Bang Sheldon in court. (HD)2 Broke Girls New trend craze. 2 Broke Girls New bedding set. Modern Family Cams mother. Mike & Molly Mike lured by car. WINK News @10pm (N) (HD)Modern Family Cams mother. Man Stand. Birthday present. CW E F 44999---4Mike & Molly Living situation. Mike & Molly Mike lured by car. 2 Broke Girls New trend craze. 2 Broke Girls New bedding set. Major Crimes: Hindsight Part 1 Gang territory. (TV14) (HD)Major Crimes: Hindsight Part 2 Rusty uncovers the truth. (TV14) (HD)Two and a Half Men: Pilot (HD)Two & Half Parenting lesson. Friends Ballroom dancing. (HD)Friends Joeys new girl. (TVPG) MYN E F 38111111---14Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)Elementary Sherlock Holmes helps NYPD with cases. (TV14) (HD)Seinfeld Comedic calamities. Just for Laughs Gags(TVPG)Ring of Honor Wrestling Stars compete. (TVPG) (HD) IND E F 32121212-38-12Mod Family Mannys birthday. Modern Family Cams mother. Big Bang Valentines Day. (HD)Big Bang Sheldon in court. (HD)Anger Taken hostage. (TV14)Anger Funding at risk. (TV14)Man Stand. Birthday present. Last Man Standing: Halloween Law & Order: Criminal Intent: To the Bone Logan kills cop.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Criminal Intent: The Good Bludgeoned. (TV14) (HD) ION E F 662221326-17Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Lead Pediatrician murder.(TV14)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Ballerina Strip club. (TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Hell Devil worshipper. (TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Baggage Serial killer. (TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Selfish Young mother.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Crush Text message. (TV14) (HD) E L B A CA&E262626263950181(5:00) Live PD: Live PD 04.21.17 (R) (HD)Live PD: Rewind #12 Live PD: Live PD 04.29.17 (TV14) (N) (HD) AMC565656563053231Unstoppable (10) The Taking of Pelham 123 (09, Action) A dispatcher negotiates with armed hijackers who seized a New York subway. The Son: No Prisoners The past returns. (N)The Son: No Prisoners The past returns. (R)The Shawshank Redemption A man in prison. APL444444443668130Cat Hell Instagram cat. Cat Hell Attacking cats. Cat Hell Territorial cat. Cat Hell: Scouts Honor Vet Life (TVPG) (N)Cat Hell: Scouts Honor BBCAM114114114114114114189Voyager: Cold Fire Voyager Seska returns. Voyager: Resistance Doctor Who: Thin Ice Class: Nightvisiting (N)Graham Norton (TV14) BET353535354022270(5:30) Takers (10, Action) Five bank robbers do one last job. Training Day (01, Drama) Rookie rides with a veteran cop. The Players Club (98) BRAVO6868686825451185What to Expect When Youre Expecting (12) (:20) Bridesmaids (11, Comedy) A lovelorn and broke maid of honor.(:55) Bridesmaids (11) COM666666661527190Barbershop (02) The Wedding Ringer (15, Comedy) A desperate and socially awkward groom-to-be hires a fake wedding entourage. Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain Comedy routine. (R)South Park: Black Friday: The Trilogy Boys divided. (TVMA) (R) (HD)President(TV14) (R) DISC404040402543120St Outlaws (TV14) (R)St Outlaws (TV14) (R)St Outlaws (TV14) (R)Street Outlaws: The Shakeup Earning list rank. St Outlaws New racers. E!464646462726196Safe HavenThe Best of Me Former high school sweethearts reunited. The Last Song (10, Drama) Girl and dad bond. Arrangement: Control FOOD3737373718376164Kids BBQ (TVG) (R)Kids BBQ (TVG) (R)Kids BBQ: Luau Feast Kids BBQ Fair food. (R)Kids BBQ (TVG) (R)Kids BBQ Final three. FREE555555551046199(5:30) Harry Potter and th e Goblet of Fire (05, Fantasy) A young wizard competes in a hazardous tournament between rival schools. (PG-13)Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (09, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe. A wizard finds a book that unlocks his powerful enemys mysterious past. FX51515151584953The Hangover Part III (13) Three friends take their mentally unstable comrade to get treated. Dumb and Dumber To (14, Comedy) Jim Carrey. The two buffoons drive the country to find a long lost child for a kidney. Dumb and Dumber To (14) Two buffoons need kidney for operation. GSN17917917917934179184Fam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudCash CabCash CabCash CabCash Cab HALL5551713773240Witchs Charm (12) The Good Witchs Destiny (13) Birthday party. The Good Witchs Wonder (14) New associate. Gold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165Fixer Uppr (TVG) (R)Fixer Uppr (TVG) (R)Prop Bro (TVG) (R)Lakefront (TVG) (N)Renovation (TVG) (R)MountainMountain HIST818181813365128Cnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt Cars LIFE363636365241140Secrets in Suburbia (17) A wifes revenge. (HD)Manny Dearest Male nanny has ulterior motives.(:02) Woman on the Run (17) Saving children. NICK252525252444252Thunde rman Thunde rman Henry (R)Henry (R)Henry (N)Nicky (N)Thunde rman Shaker s Full H ous eFull H ous eFriend s Friend s OWN585858584767145Iyanla Fix (TV14) (R)Iyanla Fix (TV14) (R)Iyanla Fix (TV14) (R)Iyanla Fix (TV14) (N)John Gray (TVPG) (N)Iyanla Fix (TV14) (R) QVC14141491413150Todays Top TechDenim & Co. (TVG)Todays Top TechDooney & Bourke Stylish handbags. (TVG)Todays Top Tech SPIKE57575757296354Cops (R)Campus P.DCops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R) SYFY6767676725364180(5:30) The Matrix Revolutions (03) Humans vs. machines. Jupiter Ascending (15) Woman meant for much more. The November Man (R) TBS59595959326252Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangFrontal (TVMA) (N) (HD) (:15) Frontal (TVMA) (R) TCM656565656574230(4:30) Exodus (60) Jewish immigrants fleeing the horrors of the Holocaust journey to Israel. Colorado Territory A seasoned outlaw plans one final robbery before he quits his life of crime. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (69, Western) Paul Newman. Outlaws head to Bolivia. TLC454545455772139Say Yes (TVPG) (R)Say YesSay YesSay Yes (TVPG) (N)Nate Brown home. (N) (:01) Nate (TVPG) (R)Say Yes (TVPG) (R) TNT61616161285551(4:30) Man of Steel (13, Action) Superman battles alien invaders. (HD)TBATo Be AnnouncedTo Be Announced TOON808080804620257Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (05, Fantasy) DragonBobs BrgrRick MortyRick MortyFamily GuyFamily GuySamuraiDragon TRAV6969696926066170Ghost Ghosts in prison. Ghost: Cripple Creek Ghost (TVPG) (R) (HD)Ghost (TVPG) (N) (HD)Ghost Doll trees. (R)Ghost (TVPG) (R) (HD) TRUTV636363635030183Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Talk ShowJokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Hack MyHack MyHack MyHack My TVL626262623154241Gold. GirlGold. GirlGold. GirlGold. GirlGold. GirlLoves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.QueensQueens USA34343434225250NCIS (TV14) (HD)NCIS Explosion in D.C. NCIS Missing person. NCIS Charity bombing. NCIS DiNozzo in Paris. NCIS Gibbs is shot. WE117117117117117117149Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD) WGN16161619411168Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Undergr. (TVMA) (R)How I MetHow I Met S W E NCNBC393939395937102PaidPaidUndr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss: PostNet Undr. Boss: Orkin (HD)Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss (TVPG) CNN323232321838100Situation (R) (HD)The White House (N)The White House (N)The White House (N)The White House (N)Pts Unknwn: Nashville CSPAN181818183712109Was hingto nCom mu n.Was hingto nPre sident Trump Hol dsWas hingto nPub lic Affairs Ev ent s (R)Whi te House FNC646464644871118Am.s News HQ (N)FOX Report Saturday Watters World (N) (HD)Justice (N) (HD)Greg Gutfeld (N)Watters World (R) (HD) MSNBC8383838318540103MSNBC Live: The First 100 Days Presid ent Trumps first 100 days. (N)MSNBC Live The annual dinner. (N) (HD)Lockup (TVMA) (R) (HD) SNN66611---WeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekend WeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekend S T R O P SESPN29292929125870 (12:00) 2017 NFL Draft: Rounds 4-7 (Live) (HD) College Softball: Missouri vs LSU (Live) (HD)SportsCenter (HD)SportsCenter (HD) ESPN23030303065974SportsCenter (HD)SportsCenter (HD)SportsCenter (HD)Storied: Shaq & Dale 30 for 30 (HD) FS148484848426983 MLB Baseball (Live)MLB Baseball: Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim at Texas Rangers (Live) Premier Boxing Champions (Live) (HD) FSN72727272725677MarlinsMarlins MLB Baseball: Pittsburgh Pirates at Miami Marlins (Live) (HD)MarlinsMarlinsWrld Poker (Replay) FSSUN38383838455776SacredInsideInsideFlorida Keys (R)Cycling P1 AquaX: Review Superstock: Sarasota InsideInside GOLF49494949556093Golf Central (HD)PGA Tour Golf: Zurich Classic of New Orleans: Round 3 : from TPC Louisiana in Avondale, La. (Taped) (HD)PGA Tour NBCSN71717171546190Formula One Qualifying: Russia IndyCar Qualifying: Phoenix (Taped)Pre-Race IndyCar Series: Phoenix (Live) (HD)IndyCar M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250Liv and Maddie Vocal surgery. Liv and Maddie Family reunion. Stuck Mid. Slushy business. (R)Liv Maddie New sister Ruby. K.C. Undercover Biker club. (R)Bizaardvark MMA lessons.(R)Wreck-It Ralph (12) Wreck-It Ralph is a video game character who wants to become a good guy. (PG)Tangled: Series Old habits. (R)K.C. Undercover: Family Feud Mickey: Kuu Lei Melody(TVG) ENC150150150150150150350(5:16) Reservoir Dogs (92, Crim e) A b otched heist leads to suspicion.(:58) Theres Something About Mary (98, Comedy) Came ron Diaz. A man obse ssed with a girl from high school hires a detective to find her. (R)John Tucker Must Die (06, Comedy) Thre e ex-girlfriends of a high school jock train a girl to steal his heart.(:32) Private Parts (97, Drama) A cont rov ersi al rad io p erso nali ty d et ails his ri se t o nationwide syndication. (R) HBO302302302302302302400Victor Frankenstein (15, Horror) Daniel Radcliffe, James McAvoy. Radical scientist and surgeon collaborate on groundbreaking research. (HD)2017 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Musicians such as Journey, Pearl Jam and Tupac Shakur get inducted. (TV14) (HD)World Championship Boxing: Joshua vs. Klitschko 4/29/17 (Live) (HD) HBO2303303303303303303402Ballers Surprise visit.(TVMA)Ballers Spencer moves on. Ballers Andres offer.(TVMA) (:27) Ballers What Spencer lost.(:05) Any Given Sunday (99, Drama) When his star quarterback is injured on the field, the Miami Shar ks coach is forced to send in an unproven and impetuous young hotshot. (R)My Cousin Vinny (92) An inept New York lawyer defends a cousin charged with murder in the Deep South. HBO3304304304304304304404(:10) Mystic River (03) Three Boston men who have been friends since childhood are reunited after one of their daught ers is murdered, putting them at odds against each other. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (04, Comedy) Bridgets relationship paranoia is making her romance with Mark uncomfortable. (R) (HD)Veep: Library Hughes library. Last Week John Oliver(TVMA) (:35) Keanu (16) Stolen kitten. MAX320320320320320320420(5:50) The 33 (15, Drama) Antonio Banderas, Rodrigo Santoro. Members of rescue team work to save trapped miners in mine collapse. (HD)The Terminator (84) A killer cyborg from the future is sent back in time to assassinate a woman. (R) (:50) Kindergarten Cop (90, Comedy) Arnold Schwarzenegger. A detective poses as a kindergarten teacher in order to find a possible witness. Point Break Extreme crimes. MAX2321321321321321321422(5:30) Snow White: A Tale of Terror (97, Fantasy) Girl in peril. (R) (:15) I Love You, Man (09, Comedy) Paul Rudd, Jason Segel. A fianc goes on a few man datesŽ to secure a best man for his wedding. (R)Pitch Perfect 2 (15, Comedy) Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson. The exploits of the gals who comprise an a cappella group are followed. (PG-13)Our Brand Is Crisis (15, Comedy) Strategist competes with nemesis. SHO340340340340340340365(:15) Guerrilla Dhari and Leroy pursue a mission. (TVMA) (R) (HD) (:15) The Man Who Knew Infinity (16, Drama) Dev Patel. Guided by a professor, an Indian math genius becomes a pioneer in math theories.(:05) Burn Motherf*cker, Burn! (17, Documentary) Decades of racial tension that led to the uprising in Los Angeles is explored. (NR)Best in Sex: 2017 AVN Awards Adult achievements. (TVMA) (N) TMC350350350350350350385(5:15) Dragon Warriors (15) Wizard wants to clear the land of love.(:10) The Forbidden Kingdom (08, Action) Jet Li, Jackie Chan. A teenager, a kung fu master and a quiet monk must free imprisoned Monkey King. The Day (12, Thriller) A small group battles cannibals in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by war. (R) (HD)The Descent (05, Horror) A group of hikers is trapped in a cave with bloodthirsty creatures. (R) (HD) 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES6 a.m. GOLF European Tour Golf Volvo China Open: Round 3. (T) 6:55 a.m. FS1 Scottish Premiership Soccer Celtic at Rangers. (L) 9 a.m. FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Practice Richmond. (L) 10 a.m. FS1 NASCAR X“nity Series Qualifying Richmond from Richmond International Raceway in Richmond, Va. (L) 11 a.m. FSN NHRA Drag Racing Houston from Royal Purple Raceway in Baytown, Texas. (T) 11:30 a.m. FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Final Practice Richmond. (L) 12 p.m. ESPN 2017 NFL Draft Rounds 4-7 from Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia. (L) 12:30 p.m. FOX German Bundesliga Soccer Bayern Munich at Wolfsburg. (L) FS1 NASCAR RaceDay: X“nity Richmond. (L) NBC English Premier League Soccer Burnley at Crystal Palace. (L) 1 p.m. FS1 NASCAR X“nity Series ToyotaCare 250 from Richmond International Raceway in Richmond, Va. (L) FSSUN MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Toronto Blue Jays. (L) GOLF PGA Tour Golf Zurich Classic of New Orleans: Round 3 from TPC Louisiana in Avondale, La. (L) 2 p.m. FSN German Bundesliga Soccer Schalke 04 at Bayer Leverkusen. (T) 3 p.m. CBS PGA Tour Golf Zurich Classic of New Orleans: Round 3 from TPC Louisiana in Avondale, La. (L) GOLF LPGA Tour Golf Volunteers of America Texas Shootout: Round 3 from Las Colinas Country Club in Irving, Texas. (L) NBC 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Eastern Conference Semi“nals, Game 2 New York Rangers at Ottawa Senators. (L) 3:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR X“nity Series Post Race Show Richmond from Richmond International Raceway in Richmond, Va. (L) 4 p.m. FS1 MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Boston Red Sox. (L) FSN German Bundesliga Soccer Kln at Borussia Dortmund. (T) 4:15 p.m. SHO Showtime Championship Boxing Joshua vs. Klitschko from Wembley Stadium in London. (L) 5 p.m. FOX Monster Energy Supercross from MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J. (L) 7 p.m. FS1 MLB Baseball Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim at Texas Rangers. (L) FSN MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at Miami Marlins. (L) GOLF PGA Tour Golf Zurich Classic of New Orleans: Round 3 from TPC Louisiana in Avondale, La. (T) 8 p.m. ESPN College Softball Missouri Tigers at LSU Tigers. (L) NBC 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Eastern Conference Semi“nals, Game 2 Pittsburgh Penguins at Washington Capitals. (L) 10 p.m. FS1 Premier Boxing Champions Carlos Zambrano vs Claudio Marrero from Sams Town Live in Las Vegas. (L) 11 p.m. HBO World Championship Boxing Joshua vs. Klitschko 4/29/17 from Wembley Stadium in London. (L)Todays Live Sports Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV


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Runs great.Extra clean 586-243-0717 7135 SATURN PRO POWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 96 SC2 Coupe$1,199 00 SW2 Wagon$1,950 97 SW2 Wagon $2,158 98 SW2 Wagon $2,195 RV Tow Ready 01 SL2 Sedan$2,395 05 Vue V6 $3,299 05 Vue 6cyl $3,750 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,400 07 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 09 Vue XE $7,188 08 Vue XE $7,800 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $7,995Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 2008 SATURN VUE $8,995 XE 85K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7145 ACURA 2014 ACURA MDX $26,911 MAROON, NAV, 49K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7147 AUDI 2011 AUDI Q532PP $22,911 SILVER, 31K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7148 BMW 2014 BMW 320I $17,990 BLUE, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 BMW 135ICV $17,990 GRAY, 47K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7160 HONDA 2008 HONDA ACCORD $5,700 2dr, Red, black leather. 114,800 miles, 217-621-7781 2009 HONDA ACCORD $9,990 NAV, WHITE, 124K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,897 EX-L CERT, WHITE, 4,649 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,977 EX-L, CERT, BLUE, 16K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA PILOT $27,597 EX, BLUE, 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7030 CADILLAC 2003 CADILLAC DTS $4,595 Loaded, Great in/out 88kmi white, 941-661-8984 2013 CADILLAC SRX $25,990 GOLD, 17K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2005 CADILLAC DEVILLE 81K MI. 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One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2008 FORD FOCUS 4Dr SE. 78K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS all kinds,some 1st edition 50 cents to $5 941-639-1517 CARTONS 8lg, heavy cardboard $10 941-426-1088 CEILING FAN Quiet very good condition $50 941-575-1609 CYPRESS SLAB 29Žw58Žlg x 2.5Žthick. As isŽ $200 941474-4959 FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 FLORIDA SNOW SHOVEL For Sand Fleas, Shells & Shark`s Teeth. $15. 941-564-6096 GARAGE DOOR OPENER Genie 1/2 HP with track and remote. Works $25 941-204-4180 HAMMOCK, DOUBLE, Castaway Cotton rope with metal stand. PC $80 216-410-6397 LAUNDRY TUB w/faucets. Great beside washer or on dock! Only $20 803-624-8039 M&M DISPENSERS 16 new sports truck whimsical characters each $15 810-656-6576 MIRROR STRIPS, beveled edges 2 pieces, each 4Ž x 52Ž total $15 941-575-7793 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 POND 2 pcs formed black vinyl $50, OBO 941-474-1016 RE CO RD CO LLE C TI O N includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 SHEET SET, Bamboo. New 6 pc. Queen or King. Asst.Colors $25 941-421-9984 TABLES used for yard sale... I have 7 tables and 9 yard sale signs. $75 941-889-7592 TARP 20X30 reflective-tarp. Good condition. $30, OBO 941474-1016 6270 WANTED TO BUY/TRADE HAVE CASH!Wanted! Sharks Teeth, Jewelry, Old Coins, Silver Cutlery & Pocket Watches. 941-426-2811 6998 BARGAIN BUYS PURSES BRAND new many choices wholesale price $6 716-374-2950 7000TRANSPORTATION 7020 BUICK 1998 BUICK PARK-AVENUE $14,900 Runs Great! 607-295-9805 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 FREEZER WHIRLPOOL upright freezer $100 941-629-7056 MICROWAVE Black and silver. 1 yr old, little use. $45 941697-7036 MICROWAVE Over Range, G.E. Black, & Frigidaire, White $70 each 718-986-3608 REFRIGERATOR AMANA white sxs 24cf $250 941-875-4167 REFRIGERATOR cold,white, top freezer, Roper, 18cu. $50, OBO 941-697-7036 REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE 18.3 White Runs Good. $125 941-268-0934 REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER G.E. White $120 941-268-7250 STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 STOVE, Maytag glass top white $100 941-875-1467 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 d elivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 Now $895 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low prices BAMBOO MATTRESS Pad Cover New,Qn or Kg $35 941-421-9984 6220 OFFICE/BUSINESS EQUIP./SUPPLIES DESK, FILE, Book Case. Desk, Book Case and File North Port $200, OBO 404-806-6808 FILE CABINET metal, 4 drawer $27 941-426-1088 FILING CABINET 2 Drawer 29Žhigh x 30ŽWide x 21ŽDeep $35, OBO 239-823-3364 OFFICE CHAIR NEW HIGH BACK EXEC CHAIR; BROWN CLOTH $50 941-698-2951 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. ADOPT SPOOKŽ KITTEN FOR KID Very handsome white male, 2 pretty declawed femalesDivas. We only have Cool Cats! Call 941-270-2430. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6236 PET SUPPLIES & SERVICES CAGE FORLARGE BIRD DESIGNER ORNATE STAINLESS, WOOD $425 941-475-1379 DOG STEPS 3 dog step $25 941-268-8403 PET BARRIERS AJUSTABLE, ONE IS A WALK THRU. $25 941-626-5501 PET BED, SMALL. LIKE NEW FREE! 941-626-5501 6250 APPLIANCES DISHWASHER & RANGE Frigidaire,matching White, very clean $225 207-312-4633 DISHWASHER G.E. PROFILE 9000 Series, White. Works Great! $50 941-787-0350 DISHWASHER HOTPOINT color white.Call after 4PM $100 941-257-8921 DRYER ELECTRIC Whirpool tan heavy duty works good $65 716-374-2950 DRYER MAYTAG .Super nice.Call after 4PM $120 941-257-8921 ELECTRIC RANGE KitchenAid electric range, architect series II, White, Drop in, excellent condition $250 616-460-9025


Page 20 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 29, 2017 6000 MERCHANDISE 6002 ENGLEWOOD AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 8-2 & SATURDAY 8-2 1331 JEFFERSON ENTIRECONTENTSOF2BED-ROOMHOME, COTTAGESTYLE FURNITURE. SALECONDUCTEDBYESTATESALESSPECIALISTSB. MOYERMAN941-475-6273 FRI.-SAT. 8AM-3PM 12453 Marathon Blvd. Collectables, Furniture, Household & MORE! Rain or Shine! SAT-SUN, 4/29-30. 9-2 591 Blackburn St, 34223. Furniture, art work, tools, etc. HUGE SALE --DONT MISS SAT. 8:00-4:00 11488 Claggett Ave. Port Charlotte. Vacuum Cleaner, Exercise Pen, Furniture....ETC!!! 6002 ENGLEWOOD AREA GARAGE SALES THU-SAT. 8-4 1280 Drury Ln. Car, Furniture, Tools, Household Items, And Lots of Old & New Things! 6004 NOKOMIS/OSPREY GARAGE SALES FRI-SUN. 8-? 641 Coral Dr HUGE Garage Sale! 6005 NORTH PORT AREA GARAGE SALES FRI.-SUN. 8AM-1PM 4351 Cuthbert Ave. (Off S. Salford) 3 FAMILY SALE!! Furniture, Custom Jewlery, Toys ETC! SAT. 8-2 6095 Lenape Lane Household, Furniture, Collectible Dolls, Tools, Shooting Supplies & Misc. SAT. ONLY 10-? 8998 Bessemer Ave. No Prices, Make Me An Offer I Cant Refuse! Please, No Early Birds. Cash Only. White Twin Captains Bed Formica, Vint. Coats, Pool, Yard, Sports, Clothes, Holiday Decor, & Beach. NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! THURS FRISAT 9-5 4230 Palisades Ave Household items, NIB, Clothes, Christmas, Lots of misc. great stuff. 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI-SAT. 8-1 12145 MAYFAIR AVE. ESTATE SALE ENTIRE household, Riding lawn mower, Refrigerator, W/D, Furniture, African Art work, linens& so much more FRI-SAT. 8AM-2PM 1161 Desmond St. HUGE Estate Sale. Antiques, Tools, Furniture, Etc. Rain or Shine! MOVING/YARD SALE!! FRI.-SUN. 9:30AM-4ISH 4427 CONWAY. DOUBLEDOORFRIDGE, FLATSCREENTVS, GAMESYSTEMS, MOVIES, KITCHENITEMS&MORE! EVERYTHINGYOUNEEDFORAHOME!! NEEDCASH? SAT 8-1 1205 Yachtsman Ln, DC.FURNITURE SALE SAT-SUN. 7AM-4PM 27044 Briar Ct. Harbour Heights, Something For Every Come See!!! SAT.-SUN. 12PM-7PM 27494 Pasto Dr. D.C.MOVING SALE!! Weights, Couches, Tables, ETC! Debit, Credit Accp. THURS-SUN. 1510 Navigator Rd, 33983 MOVING ALL MUST GO Bikes, tools, furniture, antiques, More! 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI & SAT 8:00 -3:00 Punta Gorda Boat Club 802 W. Retta Esplanade. CLUBHOUSE -HUGE HUGE ANNUAL SALE Proceeds to AMI kids and Many local charities! GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! FRI 8-12 & SAT. 8-10 3788 Tripoli Blvd. ESTATE SALE Assisted by the Isles Girls and Guys. (Dir: South on 41; Right on Monaco; Left on Tripoli to house) Twin Beds; Night Stand; Chest; Chair; Pictures; Lamps; Linens; 2 Leather Loveseats; Desk & Chair; Dining Table & 6 Chairs; Server; Sofa; 2 Swivel Chairs; Entertainment Unit; Coffee Table; King-Sized Bed; Dresser & Mirror; Night Stand; Clothes; Wrought Iron Etagere; Wicker Loveseat; Table; Chair; Tool Chest; Miscelleneous Kitchen & Garage items. See for more information relative to this sale. Buyers are responsible for the removal of their purchased items. Our cashier has information regarding independent movers. SAT & SUN 8am -12 1409 Lavilla Rd LG GARAGE/WOODSHOP SALE, cook books, Welder, saws, etc 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES SATURDAY ONLY 8-3373 HILELN. OFFOFHWY17. PUNTAGORDA33982. COMEJOINUS. SOUTHWESTERNONTHEPEACERIVER!! STATIONARY, MASTERBED ROOMFURNITUREBYBROYHILL, AVIATOR EQUIPMENT, DOLLS, PICTURES,POTTERY, WOMEN'SCLOTHING ANDMUCHMUCHMORE. Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 6008 ROTONDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 8-2 264Rotonda Blvd North YARD FULL OF ANTIQUES. China, glassware, old frames, life magazines, comic books, furniture, lots of Vintage misc. 6010 S.VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES PSYCHIC FAIR2nd & 4th Sat. Every month 10am-3pm TOP READERS $15/15 min ANGEL MINISTRIES 2269 S. Tamiami Trail Venice 941-4 92-4995 SATURDAY & SUN 10-2 442 Appian Way ESTATE SALE Patio furniture, bar stools, dinet set, kitchen table, beds & general housewares. Dont miss this one! 6011 VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES SAT. 8AM-3PM 201 Greywing Ct. (East of Venice Roundabout) MOVING SALE Come Check Us Out!! SATURDAY, APRIL 29. 9am-3pm 1325 Pine Needle Road. Furniture, housewares, rugs, clothing, books, kids stuff, and more! 6013GULF COVEGARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 9-2 5243 Dayton Ln. Fishing Items, Boat, Yard Tools, Hshld, Domestics, Lamps, Coolers & Chemicals. 7330 BOATS-POWERED 21 MARIAH BOWRIDER NEW 5.7L Mercruiser Engine, only 60 hrs on motor, $9,500 941-447-1510 17 2005 CAPE CRAFT Center Console. 90HP Yamaha 2 Stroke. T-Top & Trailer. Fresh Water Only Boat. $9,495 941-916-9222 04/29/17 7331 SAILBOATS 25 TANZER Shoal draft, 4 cycle, 10HP Motor, New main, 150% Genoa, Chart plotter, depth finder & auto Piolt. Good cond. See in water. $7,500 941-474-2705 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 7334 OUTBOARD/ MARINE ENGINES YAMAHA 9.9 4 ST L/S ELEC $495 941-380-6935 HONDA 7.5 4 STROKE L/S W/CHARGER $495. 941-3806935 AB INFLATABLE 10 RIB includes low hour 15hp yamaha motor $500 941-575-8789 7336 BOAT STORAGE/ DOCKING BOAT & TRAILER STORAGEBoat Storage WET/DRY FREE Boat Ramp! Gulf Access! Great Fishing!NAV-A-GATOR Bar & Grill on property!DESOTO MARINAOn the Peace River941-627-3474 7330 BOATS-POWERED 28 1983OUTTER REEF Lady Fisher is an Extremely Sturdy, Capable Trawler with a Single Diesel. She Does Extremely Well in Weather and Heavy Seas. It is aDowneaster Design. Her Fuel Consumption is Less than 2 Gallons Per Hour. Many Upgrades! $18,900. 860-729-0630 22.52001 AQUASPORT Explorer, 225 HP Evinrude. Color GPS/fish finder, full canvas, Extended bimini. Fishbox and livewell. All cushions and bolsters, chemical toilet, transom shower. Dual batteries. $9,950. 941-268-4532 22 HURRICANE 22.6 DECK BOAT 2004 Hurricane 22.6 Deck Boat 150 Yamaha 4 Stroke Hydraulic Steering 470 Hrs. Original Owner Stored on Lift w/Cover No Trailer $14,000, OBO 941-276-3710 18.5 2008MAVERICK MASTER angler, 150 Yamaha 4 stroke 400 hours. With all aluminum trailer with fold away tongue. Jack plate, Trim Tabs, Power Pole, 24 volt 80lb Minkota riptide trolling motor. Hydraulic steering, On Board dual trickle charger with plug. Bait well and Live well AFT. And a Garmin chartplotter. Asking $25,500 O.B.O Call or Text 941-276-2370 NEEDCASH? 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2014 TOYOTA TUNDRA $32,990 SR5 4X4 BLUE, 29K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $33,897 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 TOYOTA TUNDRA $36,977 SR5 UPGRADE PKG 18K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2009 TOYOTA RAV4 $14,990 NAV, LTD, 76K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 FORD EXPEDITION $19,225 XLT 61,500 MI. Tow Pkg, Well Maintained. In Englewood. 941-475-5402 (Mention Car) or 941-716-3324 2014 FORD EXPLORER $25,877 LMTD, 57K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 TOYOTA SEQUOIA $30,877 black, 37k mi 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 FORD EXPLORER $41,987 PLATINUM, 8,760 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7330 BOATS-POWERED 31 2006 LOA CRUISERS 280 CX1 Twin Volvos (Low Hours), A /C, 2 Staterooms, Dinette, Gal ley, Shower, Microwave, TV-VCR, Stereo, GPS, VHS+++ A Must See! $49,500 obo 941-979-8203 28 LARSON 280 CABRIO 94: NEW Fuel Tank, Pumps, Starters, Batts, New SB Engine, PT Refurb, Carbs Rebuilt & MUCH More! Can Fax/Email List 2 U. $8,000/obo 941-697-3335 REALLY REDUCED! 7290 VANS 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $25,497 EX-L, CERT, 40K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $26,497 EX-L, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $27,950EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,990 NAV, DVD, 30K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $37,950 TOURING WHITE 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,950 TOURING ELITE, 5,738 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ODYSSEY $39,987 TOURING, CERT, 10K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY SILVER,48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan WHEELCHAIR Van, 10Ž lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 2005 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY STOW& GO SEATING. 68K MI. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 1999 FORD E250 CARGO VAN Extended. New tires, Good shape! $2895.00 (941)763-4818 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2004 FORD EXPLORER $10,500 Sport Trac XLT, 33k miles, 941-639-6922 2014 TOYOTA TACOMA $26,497 GRAY, 31K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 FORD F-150 $27,897 XLT, BLUE, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 1995 FORD RANGER $2,295 /obo, 150K Miles, 3.0 L, Manual Trans, Cold A/C, New Tires & Brakes! 941-270-1245 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES NAVIAGATION DVD of North America. $20. 941-257-5500 TIRE 25535Z18,2355517 $25 941-505-1745 TIRES (2) Goodyear, 185/65/R15 $40 for both. 941-257-5500 FARM JACK 48Ž NEW IN BOX $60 941-627-2280 WEATHER-TECH MATS Fits 2011 to 2014 Suburban Like New $100 917-299-6961 TRUCK BED top fits 6 Bed, good cond. Grey $200 941-624-0539 TIRES (4) Michelin Energy Saver A/S. P225/50R17 $60 941-223-1808 TIRE RIM CHROME-FOR 15in TIRE-6 lugs-Chevy or Nissan $5, OBO 941-445-5619 TIRE CONTINENTAL P205 55 R16, 3500mi. Very good cond. FREE! 941-493-8320 CRAFTSMAN 3TON Sport Utility Floor Jack $125 941-6272280 7290 VANS 1994 MERCURY VILLAGER $1,000obo, 137K MIles. 941-697-0760 2004 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUET TE VAN. $2 ,000 Clean, W hite. 941-764-8152 1999 FORD ECONOLINE $2,900 E-150, Runs great. Sr. owned. Clean 941-979-0901 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $11,990 GOLD, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7206 SAAB 2010 SAAB 9-3 $9,990 SILVER, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7210 TOYOTA 2012 TOYOTA PRIUS $11,990 BLACK, 88K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7230 VOLVO 2015 VOLVO XC60 $30,797 T5 DRIVE-E PLAT. 43K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7250 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1993 CHEVROLET 1500 $16,500 V-8 Short Bed, Show truck, Many awards, mint cond. All original. Sale due to health Come See you will not be disappointed! 941-474-0234 AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! 1971 MGB ROADSTER $1,900/OBO Needs work but runs & drives. 941-276-6365 7260 AUTOS WANTED WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 CASHFOR ALL TRUCKS & CARS ANY COND RUNNING OR NOT. (352)-342-7037 WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928


Saturday, April 29, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 21 941-391-6850Reliable Service Reasonable Rates Home Oce Bi-Weekly Weekly C House Cleaning941-548-8804 C A A A To include your business Call 866.463.1638 or email your ad to classi !"#$%%!# "##"$%&'#( $) "* !" &$'!()*+),-./),-0 0$'!()**)/+.,)/+0 %1203044%# !" #$%& ''()*(+,!'2"!% 5,*,-**6+6 4%72" #$% &"""' ()*+,--. !"# $"" !" # Paver & Concrete Driveways Stone € Washed Shell Fill Dirt € Grading Peace River Wilderness Eco-Tours € Guided Fishing Trips € Museum & Gift Shops Cozy Cottage Rentals € Boat Slip, Canoe & Kayak Rentals ON THE PEACE RIVER ON THE PEACE RIVER B E S T L I V E M USI C "#$ %&'()(!&%*+() &%* THE COLDEST ICY BEER IN FLORIDA! TRY OUR LONG JOHN SPECIAL! ICELANDIC COD & FRIES. H O M E o f t he B I G F I S H € € Desoto Marina € 9700 SW Riverview Circle € Located just 3 miles east of I-75 just o of Kings Highway in Lake Suzy, FL 34269 ,.)!/0() 12%&3*4/%0*56!7 .)%$)8)!/!) D ee p C l ean Y our Home F rom To p To B ottom I nside Out S tartin g f romI nitia l C l ean9 41 -20 4 8 057www .mrsc l eanin g u p .com 1st Class Cleaning ServiceHouse Clean Spe cials! $991 0%$20 O -.$D iscount f or S eniors PR O FESSI O NAL R easonable & R eliablevisit us at: www .Car p etCleanin g S ervices V enice.comPAUL SIMS FLOOR CLEANING AND MORE!941-539-0896We Clean car p ets, f urniture, area ru g s, g rout & more A lso I nterior & E xterior P aintin g & P ressure Washin g BOBS CABINET SOLUTIONS941-276-0599Come check us out at the Sun Flea Market We have a Display Booth.Former Owner of A-1 Cabinets Over 40 Years ExperienceLic#22535 First Choice Custom Cabinets Commercial & Residential 941-505-5570 "# #$%&'()*+,-($. /0"112%$ A E C R S Family Owned & OperatedServing Sarasota CountyR esc r eens B uil d in g & R e p ai r s Sc r e w C h an g e O u t s P ain t in g & Pr essu r e Cleanin g o f P ool Ca g es L anaies E n try w a y s e t c .Free Estimates941-915-3381Lic. & Insured All American Renovations The State of Florida Requires all Contractors to be Registered or Certi“ed. Be advised to Check License Numbers with the State by Calling 1-850-487-1395 or on the Web at .89:';##%"2 <%#=9 #7>=='" >## 8'##(>(8 %#808 7797 2 #72%:%!.#!9*6?*+*+1&3" 04! 4*(-+/00+.,,-12..+, "' A SOFFIT € FASCIA € VINYL SIDING CUSTOM ALUMINUM BREAKWORK941-204-5900Serving Southwest Florida Since 1982LIC# CBC059704 A !" # &343" B A A Anthonys ComputerService & RepairCALL TODAY 941-769-1415All Computer Needs In-Home Repairs Reasonable Rates Free Diagnostic Computer Training Available 7 Days a Week Sr. Discount &" C &" C 5 C A3" C C C 6 C adno=8606001


Page 22 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 29, 2017 C C To include your business Call 866.463.1638 or email your ad to classi 941-662-0366 Direct cell: 941-662-0266Email: Visit: CBC1258748/Fully Insured Oering Custom Home Design & Building Expert Residential and Commercial Renovations Kitchens and Baths Well-Established & Many References D We Bring Samples To You Mobile Showcase H H C PRO PATH CONCRETE florida concrete C C C H H Serving South of Venice No Job Too Big or Too Small!Licensed & Insured CRC 1327653(941) 629-4966 The State of Florida Requires all Contractors to be Registered or Certi“ed. Be advised to Check License Numbers with the State by Calling1-850-487-1395 or on the Web at Special Rates for Multiple Clients #1 Cause of Fires in the Country!A ordableLicensed / Insured Roger P. Frechette, Sr.941-661-2020 Dryer Vent Cleaning And InspectionPrevent Fires Go GREEN!Phone 941-204-6468Over 30 Years ExperienceGARY DRAKE Lic#773-00006427 / Ins. C Rescreening Roof Coating Drywall Repair Gutter Cleaning Poly-Pebble Sealing Plumbing Fixtures Int./Ext. Painting Rotten Wood Repairs Pressue Cleaning Mobile Home Repair Electrical Fixtures Dryer Vent Cleaning Serving Sarasota CountyLicensed and Insured Patch RepairsLic. # SCC131150207 Insured Jerusalem Brothers CONCRETE Driveways, Sidewalks, Lanais, Patios, Slabs, STUCCO, Rusted Bands, Wire Lathe, Repair Stucco Block, Remove & Replace Sod, Tree Removal,and much more. 863-722-8910 C D D D E F F G D D D E G H H H adno=8606003


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Page 24 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 29, 2017 S R P P P R P R P P R R R € Honest € Reliable € FREE EstimatesLic. #1413989 A s k A b o u t S e n i o r S p e ci a l s Lic. & InsuredCell (941)979-6676Oce (941)979-9204Pro Source Power Washing Hot & Cold ServicesSENIOR DISCOUNTS Serving Charlotte County21012 EXMORE AVE PORT CHARLOTTE, FL Call 866.463.1638 or email Classi with your ad in the Lic. # CCC1329187 Paul Deao RoofingP rotectin g Y our B i gg est I n v est m ent .Ž941-441-8943 Serving Sarasota & Charlotte c ounty f or over 22 years $55 Tops, $30 Sides Complete RescreensUp to 1500 Sq FeetLicensed & Insured(941) 879-3136$1,295 Free EstimatesSCREEN MACHINE Roof Leak Patrol Inc. Full Service Roo ng Contractor 604 C olon i a L n Nokom i s, F L 3 4 27 5( 9 41) 41 2 -404 7 State Lic. #CCC 1 328 61 3 R S RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC.( 941 ) 497-4553New Construction & Remodels Rusted bands & Wire Lath Repair.Spraycrete & More! S S Roofs, Exteriors, Pools, Cages, Decks, & Driveways 941-460-4936 Cell: 941-468-2744completecleanpw.comLic. #CCC1328319 y Senior Citizens Discount Residential & Commercial 941-257-8624MR. PRESSURECLEANINGSoft Wash Roof Cleaning! PAVERS PRESSURE WASHING LIGHT MAINTENANCE REFERENCES INSURED JOHN @ 207 939-5486 P Johns Rescreening R T R R R R R R R LARRYS PLUMBING941-484-5796 P P adno=8606007


Saturday, April 29, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 25 T Treemendous Tree 941-426-8983 10% SENIOR DISCOUNT ISA Certied Arborist John Cannon FL-6444 A T J RIZ TREE SERVICE ALL PRO WINDOW TINTING 941-232-6967Serving the tri county area 25 years. Residential + Auto tinting 2820 Worth Ave Englewood We Carry Liability And Workers Comp Licensed & Insured T T T 941-889-814719 Years Experience T T W T W adno=8606009 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs WANTED All Motor Homes, TTs, 5th whls,Vans conversion & passenger, cars & Diesel trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 954-789-7530 I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 ADVERTISE In TheClassifieds! CLASS B HEADQUARTERS LARGEST SELECTIONINUSA!ROADTREK MIDWESTPLEASUREWAYWINNEBAGO/COACHMENLEISURETRAVELREGENCYANDMORE! NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 7382 RV/CAMPER PARTS RV SERVICE PARTS ANDBODY From tire to accessories call us for all your needs!GERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977US 41 Nokomis 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,000. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. 2009 Smart Car, Ready to Tow!! $5,349 THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. TURN YOUR RV INTO CASHSell it! Consign it! Trade it!NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM MOTORHOMESHUGESELECTION TOPBRANDSFORESTRIVERCOACHMENTHOR& WINNEBAGONOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 Findthe newYou intheClassifieds! 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SPRING CLEANING SALE 6 DAYS ONLYAPRIL 25TH-30THTues Sat 8:30-6:00 Sunday 11:00-5:00MOTOR H OMESTRAILERS5TH WHEELSVAN CA MPERSBring your Trade, Title and Payment Book!$AVE BIG NOWGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 LAKELAND 940 LAKELANDPARKCT. DR. I-4 EXIT32, LAKELAND877-668-0129 BRADENTON 6120 SR 64 E, BRADENTONI-75 EXIT220B 941-417-8020WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLE HELMET Black, New! $40 941-257-5500 250CC SCOOTER You put together. You buy scooter I will give u free original Island Hooper 1. $500 941-536-7080 2008 TRIKE kawasaki Vulcan 900 Blue Voyager conv 27k mi, Ex cond. $9,550 941-426-4787 ADVERTISE! 1998 INDIAN CHIEF Many Custom Features, The BEST! $10,500 941-473-7770 1986 HONDA SCOOTER Great cond. Low miles. $600 708-935-3050 Pt. Charl. 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS Huge Selection Top Brands Forest River Coachmen Heartland Dutchmen Palomino PumaTab CrossroadsGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES TRAILER, 6X10 Enclosed Cargo w/ Rear Ramp. Single Axle. $1,500 941-625-5962 AXEL 82Ž, hubs, springs tires and wheels $75 269-214-8220 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS HARBOR SCOOTERS for all your scooter needs... 3315 Tamiami Trl. PG We Repair Scooters too! 941-347-8705 SALES SERVICE PARTS H-D 1986 SPORTSTER XLH 883CC ALL CHROME ONLY 19492 $2,000, OBO 941-5054693 NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! 2012 HARLEYFAT BOY St age 1, 2 Into 1 Chrome w/ S hield, Bags, ETC! 3,200 Miles $11,600 Jim 941-223-5413 2011GOR ILLA MOTORWORKS SCOOTER 49cc. Great Cond! $550 941-564-6678 7338 MARINE SUPPLY & EQUIP. OUTRIGGERS(2) 16 Good condition. $50, OBO 941-4741016 BOAT TRAILER GUIDES $65 941-268-0934 WHISKER POLE 12 Forespar H/D $100 941-575-8789 7339 CANOES/KAYAKS 10 OLD TOWN OTTER $290, OBO 941-661-0509 11 OLD TOWN DINGO $450, OBO 941-661-0509 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES TRAILERSNewPre-Owned CargoUtility Trailers Parts Repairs-Tires Welding. We BUY Trailers! Trades Welcome. Roys Trailer Country 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Rd P.G. Needa newRide? Findit inthe Classifieds! NEW SHIPMENT! 2017 LARK ENCLOSED TRAILERS MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR






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Sense 8 (Season 2) May 5 Master of None (Season 2) May 12 Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Season 3) May 19 House of Cards (Season 5) May 30 Orange Is The New Black (Season 5) Jun 9 Michael Liedtke; J. Paschke € AP Source: Com p an y re p ortsSpring and summer arent Netflixs favorite seasons. The combination of more daylight and long vacations typically means people spend less time streaming video. So Netflixs subscriber growth tapers off compared to the fall and winter as more people cancel the service and fewer newcomers join. But Netflix aims to flip that script by shifting around its programming schedule for the second quarter, historically the stretch in which its video service picks up the fewest subscribers of the year. The quarter features the fifth season of House of Cards,Ž the popular political drama that Netflix usually releases during the winter. This year, though, Netflix moved the debut of the new season to May 30, just ahead of another season from another of its top drawer shows, Orange Is The New Black,Ž which will come out with new episodes on June 9. Netflix is counting on those two series to deliver an exceptional performance during the second quarter. The company expects to gain 3.2 million subscribers from April through June, well above its five-year average of 1.8 million additional customers during the quarter.Summertime blues0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 million 17 16 15 14 13 12 Spring and summer quarters 0 1 2 3 4 5 mil. Average Netflix quarterly subscriber gainsNetflixs upcoming second quarter line-up Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve Christopher S. Rugaber; Alex Nieves € APAfter seven years of steady hiring, traditional brick-and-mortar retail chains are slashing jobs, closing stores, abandoning shopping malls and in some cases declaring bankruptcy. Competition from online giant Amazon and other fast-growing e-tailers,Ž is upending the retail industry. These online companies have been hiring rapidly at their warehouses and distribution centers. Yet as the chart shows, these jobs remain a relatively small sector: Warehouses employed 945,000 people in March, compared with 15.9 million in retail. And retailers cut nearly 61,000 jobs in February and March combined, the sharpest two-month loss since 2009. Since January, several chains, including clothing stores Bebe, The Limited and Wet Seal, have closed all their locations. Macys, J.C. Penney, Sears and other department stores have also cut back. With shoppers increasingly migrating online, e-commerce companies have been seeking to meet the stepped-up demand. Amazon announced in January that it would add 100,000 jobs, mostly in its warehouses, over the next 18 months. Other online retailers, including Boxed and, are also hiring.E-commerce gains 0 20 40 60% 1011121314151617 Warehouse employees Retail employees Warehousing jobs outpace retail Spurred by e-commerce, warehouse hiring is up 52% since 2010; retail up just 10%.Retail trade index vs. Warehousing and storage index(seasonally adjusted)Top Weekly Exchange Traded Funds $0$550$1,100 Oil Investment-grade bonds REITs Copper High-yield bonds Small-cap stocks S&P 500 Utilities stocks Health care stocks Gold European stocks Asian stocks Emerging-market stocks Technology stocks 1-week percent change $1,000 invested at the end of last year ... ... today is worthPerformance benchmarks: industries sectors of the Standard & Poors 500 index; international stocks MSCI indexes; bond returns Barclays Capital and BofA Merrill Lynch indexes. Source: FactSet Data through Apr. 272.3 2.3 2.6 3.7 -1.4 1.7 0.9 1.4 2.4 0.6 2.0 -2.1 -0.2 -3.4European stocks got a big lift from first-round results in the French presidential election. Small-cap, technology and emerging market stocks also notched solid weekly gains. Oils slump continued.$1,000Derby StocksBonds Commodities% $1,150 1,141 1,116 1,112 1,099 1,098 1,077 1,074 1,048 1,037 1,035 1,022 1,015 912AP Direxion GoldMinBear JDST 19.93 +3.49 +21.2 +34.3 -83.5 Dir Dly Gold Bear3x DUST 32.25 +4.86 +17.7 +3.8 -63.4 Direx Biotech Bull LABU 51.76 +7.14 +16.0 +8.5 +55.0 Rex Volmx In Vx Wk F VMIN 25.33 +3.35 +15.2 -30.3 ... ProShs Short VIX ST SVXY 145.05 +17.17 +13.4 +2.8 +158.1 CS Velocity3xInvSilv DSLV 24.66 +2.91 +13.4 +18.0 -23.6 CS VS InvVix STerm XIV 75.09 +8.83 +13.3 +2.8 +160.6 Direx Euro Bull 3x EURL 27.78 +3.08 +12.5 +11.0 +16.3 Direx Eur Finl Bull EUFL 39.81 +4.39 +12.4 +9.6 ... Prsh Ulshrt Gold Min GDXS 16.84 +1.78 +11.8 +3.4 -38.0 Direx Russia Bull3x RUSL 91.30 +9.19 +11.2 +1.4 +41.5 ProShs Ult Nasd Biot UBIO 28.71 +2.72 +10.5 +3.8 +1.5 ProShs Ult Europe UPV 46.94 +4.19 +9.8 +8.1 +18.5 UBS Velocity Hedged XIVH 51.30 +4.44 +9.5 +2.3 ... PwSh Crude Short SZO 87.56 +7.52 +9.4 +5.9 +1.3 Etracs 2x WFgo xEn LMLP 14.58 +1.19 +8.9 +8.0 +29.0 Direxion DvMktBull3x DZK 59.92 +4.87 +8.9 +7.2 +22.2 Direx India Bull 3X INDL 74.93 +6.07 +8.8 +4.6 +44.8 JPM Diver Ret Eur Cu JPEH 27.21 +2.15 +8.6 +1.2 +15.3 Direx DlyBrazilBull BRZU 39.53 +3.09 +8.5 -4.0 +49.4 Barc FI Enh Europe50 FEEU 109.37 +8.57 +8.5 +5.7 +16.1 ProShs UltSht Silver ZSL 32.12 +2.50 +8.4 +11.1 -18.3 CS EnhEur50 ETN 9-18 FIEU 112.86 +8.70 +8.4 +5.9 +15.8 Global X Greece ETF GREK 8.57 +0.65 +8.2 +7.7 +11.4 Barc iPath DJ Livest COW 24.20 +1.81 +8.1 +8.5 +1.7 Direxion REst Bear3x DRV 11.94 +0.89 +8.1 -1.2 -26.1 VanEck Vector Poland PLND 17.31 +1.29 +8.0 +8.9 +24.2 ProShs UltraPro QQQ TQQQ 95.33 +7.00 +7.9 +8.1 +94.3 Barclays Enh Europe FLEU 131.18 +9.56 +7.9 +5.5 ... iShs MSCI Poland EPOL 23.76 +1.67 +7.6 +10.1 +28.7 Direx Hlthcre Bull3x CURE 35.93 +2.42 +7.2 +4.2 +14.2 ProSh UltraNasdBio BIB 49.55 +3.28 +7.1 +2.7 +6.9 iShare Austria EWO 19.59 +1.28 +7.0 +7.8 +22.3 Direxion TechBull 3x TECL 70.76 +4.51 +6.8 +5.7 +96.7 CS VelSh 3xLongNatGs UGAZ 20.52 +1.22 +6.3 -1.1 -25.3 iShare France EWQ 28.02 +1.61 +6.1 +5.7 +14.4 ProShs Ult MSCI EAFE EFO 105.84 +5.94 +5.9 +4.7 +17.2 Direx SKorea Bull KORU 36.72 +2.04 +5.9 +0.2 +44.1 iShare Italy EWI 26.45 +1.47 +5.9 +2.8 +8.3 iShs Europe Fin EUFN 21.28 +1.19 +5.9 +4.7 +15.4 $CHG PCT RETURN FUNDS TICKER FRI 1WK 1WK 1MO 1YR The parent company of Google and YouTube reported huge gains in revenue and its earnings easily beat Wall Streets forecasts. The e-commerce giant reported earnings far higher than analysts expected. The publisher of Sports Illustrated and People magazines said it has decided not to sell itself, after receiving interest from several parties. Stocks ended slightly lower on Wall Street, narrowly missing a fourth record high close this week for the Nasdaq. Phone companies fell the most Friday. Several technology companies bucked the downward trend and moved higher after reporting solid results. 14 16 18 $20 A FM TimeTIME Close: $15.20 -3.10 or -16.9% $12.50$20.40 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 7.6m (6.3x avg.) $1.51 b 52-week range PE: Yield: ... 5.0% 800 850 900 $950 A FM Amazon.comAMZN Close: $924.99 6.61 or 0.7% $654.00$949.59 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 7.3m (2.1x avg.) $442.1 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 188.8 ... 800 850 900 $950 A FM AlphabetGOOGL Close: $924.52 33.08 or 3.7% $672.66$935.90 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 3.8m (2.5x avg.) $274.69 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 33.2 ... Best Stocks One MonthBEST LARGE-CAP STOCKS Bard CR BCR 307.48 21.6 23.7 46.0 30 0.3 Whole Foods WFM 36.37 1.8 22.4 27.3 25 1.5 Gol Linhas Inteleg GOL 31.42 0.7 18.6 340.5 ... ... Melco Resorts Enter MLCO 21.95 6.8 18.4 55.1 71 6.4 Align Technology Inc ALGN 134.62 13.7 17.4 60.6 58 ... Edwards Life Sci EW 109.67 12.2 16.6 0.7 38 ... CNH Indl NV CNHI 11.10 12.3 15.1 45.6 dd 1.1 Grifols SA GRFS 21.71 8.8 15.0 35.2 ... 2.5 Wyndham Worldwide WYN 95.31 6.2 13.1 35.1 19 2.1 Woori Bank WF 39.72 4.1 13.0 43.8 ... ... Tesla Inc TSLA 314.07 2.8 12.9 22.7 dd ... Lam Research Corp LRCX 144.85 3.5 12.8 83.4 17 1.2 Novo Nordisk AS NVO 38.68 7.8 12.8 -27.8 ... 2.5 Agnico Eagle Mines AEM 47.83 4.0 12.7 6.0 cc ... Inc JD 35.07 2.1 12.7 39.3 dd ... Royal Bk Scotland RBS 6.84 11.0 12.7 -11.4 ... ... L Brands Inc LB 52.81 6.0 12.1 -30.7 14 4.5 MGM Resorts Intl MGM 30.71 8.1 12.1 41.9 27 ... FRIDAY %CHG %CHG %RTN COMPANY TICKER CLOSE 1WK 1MO 1YR PE YLDBEST MID-CAP STOCKS Straight Path Comm STRP 128.86 17.6 258.2 235.1 ... ... General Commun GNCMA 37.44 3.3 80.0 117.2 cc ... Axovant Sciences AXON 24.24 12.5 62.2 82.3 dd ... Akorn Inc AKRX 33.45 1.6 38.9 27.7 19 ... Weight Watchers WTW 20.88 16.1 34.1 47.7 24 ... MiMedx Group MDXG 12.69 10.2 33.2 47.7 63 ... Trivago N.V. ADS ADS TRVG 17.12 19.5 31.4 0.0 ... ... GrubHub Inc GRUB 42.98 24.2 30.7 60.7 65 ... Exact Sciences Corp EXAS 30.01 25.4 27.1 308.4 dd ... Nord Anglia Educ NORD 32.20 16.3 27.1 49.9 67 ... Sunoco LP SUN 30.39 0.6 25.7 -7.0 dd 10.9 Acceleron Pharma XLRN 33.02 17.8 24.7 6.5 dd ... Select Comfort Corp SCSS 30.90 -3.5 24.6 53.4 22 ... Yandex NV YNDX 27.26 18.1 24.3 47.9 ... ... Alere Inc ALR 49.17 0.6 23.8 14.5 dd ... Neurocrine Biosci NBIX 53.40 4.5 23.3 15.9 dd ... Sarepta Thera SRPT 36.26 11.2 22.5 200.6 dd ... Yangtze River Dev YERR 7.80 -0.3 22.3 10.9 ... ...BEST SMALL-CAP STOCKS Conns Inc CONN 17.60 24.4 101.1 13.6 dd ... Innocoll AG INNL 2.06 -0.5 83.9 -76.1 ... ... Plug Power Inc PLUG 2.24 5.7 62.3 9.4 dd ... Ballard Power Syst BLDP 3.27 18.5 47.3 115.1 dd ... Kingold Jewelry KGJI 1.74 25.2 46.2 18.6 1 ... Conatus Pharma CNAT 8.36 10.9 44.9 206.6 dd ... Wecast Network Inc WCST 2.99 6.0 44.4 91.7 dd ... VirnetX Holding VHC 3.30 6.5 43.5 -29.5 dd ... Akebia Therapeutics AKBA 13.18 44.8 43.3 41.6 dd ... RetailMeNot SALE 11.60 0.9 43.2 36.3 ... ... Westport Fuel Sys WPRT 1.36 19.3 41.7 -50.6 dd ... Hooker Furniture Cp HOFT 43.45 3.5 39.9 78.8 20 1.1 NovoCure Ltd NVCR 11.30 -1.3 39.5 -17.5 dd ... Rockwell Medical RMTI 8.60 6.3 37.4 -11.0 dd ... MOCON Inc MOCO 29.85 0.2 36.3 107.2 35 1.6 China Digital TV STV 1.73 1.2 35.2 9.6 dd ... Galectin Therap GALT 3.06 -1.0 33.0 102.5 dd ... Mesoblast Ltd MESO 11.92 6.4 32.7 0.0 ... ...Industry Rankings 1. Consumer Services 1.9 2.7 5.9 ^%$@! | 987654321 14.6 2. Technology 2.7 2.2 8.3 ^%$@! | 99998743 35.1 3. Industrials 1.7 2.1 3.4 ^%$@! | 9983 18.4 4. Health Care 2.6 1.8 8.5 ^%$@! | 97521 9.7 DJ Total Market index 1.5 0.9 3.8 ^%$@! | 99643 15.9 5. Utilities -0.1 0.7 6.4 ^%$@! | 87651 6.9 6. Basic Material 1.5 0.3 1.1 ^%$@! | 99431 15.0 7. Consumer Goods 0.4 0.2 4.6 ^%$@! | 876432 6.8 8. Financials 0.7 -0.4 0.7 ^%$@! | 9986 19.2 9. Oil & Gas 0.0 -3.4 -8.9 65421 | -1.7 10. Telecommunications -1.2 -4.0 -5.6 #@653 | -1.5 PERCENT CHANGE %RTN INDUSTRY 1WK 1MO 1QTR 1YR Water -0.8 2.7 10.2 (*& | 851 8.1 Pure Cycle Corp PCYO +17.8 +25.2 +31.1 (*& | 9996521 +45.5 Artesian Resources ARTNA +0.6 +18.0 +19.1 (*& | 9996421 +45.1 Aquaventure Holdings WAAS +1.7 +7.6 -5.6 (*& | 0.0 York Water Co (The) YORW -0.9 +7.0 +1.8 (*& | 9975421 +33.5 Middlesex Water MSEX -2.9 +3.2 -2.2 (*& | 87421 +11.3 Multiutilities 0.4 1.1 6.9 (*& | 851 8.1 Genie Energy Ltd GNE -1.5 +9.8 +39.0 *&^$#@!875 | -11.6 CenterPoint Energy CNP +1.5 +3.5 +9.5 (*& | 9986531 +38.5 Avista Corp AVA 0.0 +3.3 +4.8 (*& | 76532 +6.6 Sempra Energy SRE +0.4 +2.3 +11.4 (*& | 876431 +13.2 SCANA Corp SCG +0.1 +1.5 -3.2 (*& | 73 +3.8 Gas Distribution 0.9 1.0 7.0 (*& | 8764321 13.3 CVR Rening LP CVRR +12.9 +6.3 -12.6 987 | -24.9 Suncor Energy SU +3.5 +2.0 -0.4 (*& | 86531 +10.1 Alon USA Ptrs ALDW +1.4 +1.3 -8.6 (^!85432 | -8.8 Hess Corp HES +3.2 +1.3 -11.0 *$@96531 | -17.2 Marathon Petroleum MPC +4.9 +0.8 +3.8 (*& | 9876 +26.7 Electricity -0.2 0.5 6.1 (*& | 7643 6.0UNITIL UTL +4.3 +7.6 +4.4 (*& | 987432 +25.7 Vivint Solar Inc VSLR +9.1 +7.1 0.0 &^@!975431 | -19.4 NextEra Energy LP NEP +6.9 +4.6 +25.7 (*& | 9843 +22.0 NextEra Energy NEE +0.4 +4.0 +10.0 (*& | 965321 +17.3 Ormat Technologies ORA +2.3 +3.5 +9.3 (*& | 9984 +36.0Utilities sectors (best performers)Excludes stocks with market values less than $100 million. Bar chart for stocks with annual returns of more than 100 percent not shown to scale. Saturday, April 29, 2017


A -:A-MarkPM Q AMRK .32f 1.8 18 22.00 14.02 7 17.55 25 17.96 16.58 +.52 -10.0 AAC Hldgs N AAC 9 24.38 6.01 58 7.16 469 7.65 7.01 -.23 -1.1sAAON Q AAON .26f .7 41 37.75 25.33 116 36.65 687 37.75 36.50 +.45 +10.9 AAR N AIR .30 .8 27 38.75 21.78 155 35.99 835 36.47 35.14 +1.41 +8.9sABB Ltd N ABB .76e 3.1 24.58 18.72 2598 24.60 13967 24.63 23.79 +1.28 +16.8 ABM N ABM .68 1.6 25 45.03 32.03 724 43.19 1715 44.16 42.98 +.12 +6.2 AC Immun n Q ACIU 19.97 9.37 38 9.55 226 9.85 9.50 -.11 -26.4 ACI Wwde Q ACIW 20 22.96 15.11 428 21.49 2885 22.38 21.41 -.01 +18.4 ACNB Cp Q ACNB .80 2.6 17 32.85 21.75 4 30.95 44 31.60 29.95 +.70 -1.0 AES Corp N AES .48 4.2 10 13.32 10.49 5937 11.31 35159 11.62 11.21 +.05 -2.7 AES pfC N AESpC 3.38 6.7 52.48 49.95 6 50.41 30 50.60 50.35 sAFLAC N AFL 1.72 2.3 12 75.34 66.50 2266 74.88 9940 76.88 74.41 +.89 +7.6 AFLAC 52 N AFSD 1.38 5.4 27.48 23.55 23 25.56 92 25.98 25.52 -.32 +5.6sAG MtgeIT N MITT 1.90 10.0 25 19.36 13.00 228 18.95 800 19.38 18.50 +.43 +10.8 AG Mtg pfA N MITTpA 2.06 8.1 26.01 24.12 1 25.45 3 25.65 25.45 -.01 +4.3 AG Mtg pfB N MITTpB 2.00 7.9 25.30 23.26 4 25.19 23 25.19 24.99 +.18 +5.8sAGCO N AGCO .56 .9 32 64.90 44.68 1145 63.99 5110 65.67 60.61 +4.50 +10.6sAGNC Inv Q AGNC 2.16 10.3 4 21.37 17.30 3685 21.07 19872 21.40 20.61 +.46 +16.2 AGNC pfA Q AGNCP 2.00 7.7 26.80 24.67 9 25.89 31 26.00 25.77 +.04 +2.6 AGNC pfB Q AGNCB 1.94 7.5 26.69 24.51 6 25.88 26 25.99 25.70 -.07 +3.1 AH Belo N AHC .32 5.1 7.95 4.77 18 6.25 56 6.25 6.10 +.05 -1.6 AK Steel N AKS 22 11.39 3.31 13690 6.34 165758 7.54 6.25 -.38 -37.9tALJ Reg n Q ALJJ 5.50 3.16 44 3.35 281 3.54 3.16 -.07 -23.7 AMAG Ph Q AMAG 20 36.83 17.92 500 24.40 3226 24.85 22.60 +2.00 -29.9 AMC Ent N AMC .80 2.6 26 35.65 25.75 1363 30.30 5491 31.40 30.00 -.60 -10.0 AMC Net Q AMCX 16 70.28 46.17 893 59.68 2542 60.85 58.09 +.42 +14.0 AMCON N DIT .72 .8 11 122.90 82.00 95.50 5 98.00 93.60 -2.00 -17.2 AMEC FW N AMFW .30e 4.3 7.82 4.96 20 6.93 171 7.36 6.93 -.20 +21.4 AMN Hlth N AMN 19 44.99 26.00 344 40.85 1981 42.70 40.85 -.15 +6.2 ANI Ph h Q ANIP 70.92 42.37 61 54.12 640 55.06 50.43 +3.70 -10.7 ARC Docu N ARC 13 5.55 3.06 118 3.68 596 3.75 3.48 +.17 -27.6 ARC Grp Q ARCW 39 5.95 1.95 3 3.55 57 3.90 3.50 -.15 -19.3 ARCAbio rs Q ABIO 4.35 2.15 19 2.65 96 2.75 2.38 +.05 -7.0 ARI Net Q ARIS 58 5.59 3.68 15 5.24 97 5.25 4.95 +.13 -3.1 ASA Gold N ASA .04e .3 17.48 9.83 45 11.93 402 12.35 11.51 -.61 +8.1 ASB Bcp Q ASBB 39 37.35 24.31 5 35.04 6 35.49 35.00 +.04 +17.8sASML Hld Q ASML 1.27e 1.0 31 134.95 90.43 685 131.85 3034 134.95 131.61 +1.82 +17.5 AT&T Inc N T 1.96 4.9 15 43.89 36.10 24231 39.63 143312 40.56 39.52 -.30 -6.8 ATA Inc Q ATAI 17 5.88 2.96 12 3.65 107 4.05 3.65 -.05 -1.7 ATN Intl Q ATNI 1.36 2.0 44 87.82 62.70 84 69.19 410 73.99 68.75 -1.97 -13.7 A10 Ntwks N ATEN 10.87 5.90 2192 8.10 4288 9.75 7.75 -.71 -2.5 AU Optron N AUO e 4.42 2.47 1793 4.04 9668 4.19 3.97 -.02 +14.1 AV Homes Q AVHI 3 19.13 10.87 129 17.55 306 17.95 16.55 +.95 +11.1sAVX Cp N AVX .44 2.6 14 17.65 12.69 290 16.91 1064 17.72 16.83 +.14 +8.2 AXT Inc Q AXTI 8.65 2.55 500 6.75 4537 7.05 6.05 +.35 +40.6 AZZ Inc N AZZ .68 1.2 24 67.98 51.20 108 59.05 732 61.55 57.05 +2.47 -7.6sAarons N AAN .11 .3 17 34.22 20.51 3531 35.94 5959 36.08 31.00 +5.23 +12.3 Abaxis Q ABAX .56 1.2 30 55.95 41.89 754 45.03 1183 49.84 44.67 -3.86 -14.7 AbbottLab N ABT 1.06 2.4 21 45.84 36.76 5870 43.64 32374 44.39 43.50 +.11 +13.6 AbbVie N ABBV 2.56 3.9 15 68.12 55.06 5324 65.94 34461 67.50 64.26 +2.12 +5.3 AbeonaTh Q ABEO 9.44 2.27 210 5.65 1075 5.95 5.10 +.45 +16.5 AberFitc N ANF .80 6.7 27.37 10.50 2044 11.99 13112 12.27 11.73 +.31 -.1 AbdAsPac N FAX .48f 9.6 5.55 4.56 484 5.00 2353 5.00 4.94 +.05 +8.0 AbdAustEq N IAF .70e 11.2 6.35 5.10 42 6.24 241 6.32 6.15 +15.1 AbdnChile N CH .58e 8.2 7.39 5.68 16 7.06 169 7.24 7.05 -.16 +18.5 AbdGlbInc N FCO .84 9.7 9.15 7.64 20 8.62 109 8.68 8.54 +.03 +8.3 AbdEMSmC N ABE .21e 1.5 13.89 10.90 4 13.63 103 13.63 13.48 +.16 +21.2 AbdGChina N GCH .03e .3 10.91 7.97 14 10.64 42 10.72 10.52 +.11 +22.4sAbdnIndo N IF .52e 7.53 5.55 1 7.44 33 7.53 7.40 +.03 +17.0sAbdnIsrael N ISL .35e 1.1 18.44 15.53 0 18.42 36 18.44 17.79 +.39 +14.6 AbdJapnEq N JEQ .07e .6 8.30 7.31 4 8.19 55 8.24 8.12 +.08 +11.2 AbdnLatA N LAQ 1.21e 2.0 24.47 17.71 3 23.90 53 24.16 23.50 +.36 +20.8 AbSingaFd N SGF 1.09e 9.9 11.96 8.61 1 11.06 67 11.21 10.93 +.12 +27.7tAbility h Q ABIL 8.00 .76 11 .80 296 1.01 .76 -.22 -71.1 Abiomed Q ABMD 132.95 92.03 220 130.32 1261 131.68 126.19 +5.29 +15.7 Abraxas Q AXAS 2.99 .98 2053 1.87 6966 2.10 1.81 -.03 -27.2 AcaciaC n Q ACIA 128.73 27.05 1597 45.84 9189 54.37 44.88 -6.18 -25.8 AcaciaTc Q ACTG .50 9.2 7.68 4.08 196 5.45 960 5.45 5.10 +.25 -16.2sAcadIBD50 N FFTY 26.51 19.78 8 26.35 47 27.03 26.03 +.49 +9.1 AcadiaHlt Q ACHC 65.00 32.54 1355 43.58 11110 46.76 40.37 +.50 +31.7 AcadiaPh Q ACAD 42.49 20.68 1002 34.33 7284 36.20 32.41 +2.12 +19.0tAcadiaRlt N AKR 1.04 3.6 20 38.01 29.23 764 29.08 3490 31.70 28.90 -2.34 -11.0 Acasti g rs Q ACST 3.09 1.11 22 1.28 180 1.32 1.24 -.01 +2.4 AccelrDiag Q AXDX 29.40 10.87 339 27.30 1628 27.43 24.95 +2.55 +31.6 Acceleron Q XLRN 41.69 23.07 428 33.02 2687 34.23 28.18 +5.00 +29.4 Accenture N ACN 2.31 1.9 20 126.53 108.66 2438 121.30 10077 121.35 118.40 +2.07 +3.6 AccessNt Q ANCX .60 2.1 22 33.18 18.11 63 28.33 231 29.49 28.23 -.10 +2.1sAccoBrds N ACCO 16 14.70 9.06 586 14.25 2473 14.70 13.95 +.50 +9.2tAccuray Q ARAY 6.39 4.45 1690 4.55 4610 4.85 4.06 -.10 -1.1 AcelRx Q ACRX 4.08 2.40 92 2.60 700 2.70 2.50 +.05 AcetoCorp Q ACET .26 1.6 19 25.98 14.32 183 15.85 953 16.30 15.43 +.58 -27.9 Achaogen Q AKAO 27.79 2.69 283 24.08 2124 24.76 21.75 +2.00 +84.9tAchillion Q ACHN 10.06 3.15 682 3.41 9137 3.74 3.15 -.23 -17.4 AclarisTh n Q ACRS 33.25 16.86 259 28.11 1837 31.50 27.86 -2.11 +3.6sAcmeU N ACU .40 1.4 18 29.49 16.98 19 29.00 101 29.49 26.59 +1.00 +13.4tAcordaTh Q ACOR 33.00 15.30 1507 16.15 5891 16.65 15.30 +.30 -14.1 AcornInt rs N ATV 12.35 4.92 2 10.20 24 10.28 8.95 +1.01 +27.5 AcreRlty N AIII 1.71 .90 20 1.19 83 1.24 1.03 +.03 +7.2 ActiniumP N ATNM 2.19 .86 219 1.51 2152 1.57 1.49 -.04 +72.6sActivsBliz Q ATVI .30f .6 43 52.28 33.55 4869 52.25 23287 52.28 50.36 +2.38 +44.7 Actua Q ACTA 6 15.28 8.56 372 14.00 1100 14.30 13.80 -.25 Actuant N ATU .04 .1 27 29.80 20.54 280 27.30 1941 27.60 25.55 +2.15 +5.2 Acuity N AYI .52 .3 22 280.89 169.53 601 176.10 3367 180.71 174.95 -1.55 -23.7 Acushnet n N GOLF 22.31 16.84 212 18.26 1414 18.42 17.95 +.16 -7.4 Acxiom Q ACXM 30.40 19.11 296 28.90 1894 29.09 28.15 +1.03 +7.8 AdamasPh Q ADMS 19.50 12.10 96 16.38 482 16.72 15.56 +.81 -3.1 AdamisPh Q ADMP 10.98 2.40 1617 3.70 4367 4.05 3.38 -.15 +17.5sAdaDvsEq N ADX .92e 1.1 14.07 12.07 139 14.05 797 14.09 13.85 +.26 +10.5 AdamsNR N PEO 1.38e 2.3 20.82 18.24 83 19.40 373 19.56 19.21 +.18 -3.8 AdmRsc N AE .88 2.2 68 44.27 29.64 9 40.62 32 41.19 38.01 +1.87 +2.4 Adaptim n Q ADAP 11.59 3.76 142 5.39 846 5.75 5.32 -.07 +33.1 AdcareHlt N ADK 3 2.60 1.02 21 1.05 271 1.12 1.02 -.01 -28.1 Adcare pfA N ADKpA 2.72 12.1 25.00 19.44 5 22.51 60 23.17 22.19 +.18 -3.5 AddusHmC Q ADUS 30 37.35 16.55 20 33.95 149 34.20 32.60 +1.15 -3.1 ADDvtgTch Q AEY 3 2.31 1.60 1 1.80 68 1.88 1.73 +.01 +1.7 Adecaogro N AGRO 13.29 9.38 950 11.09 3263 11.40 10.77 -.10 +6.8 AdestoTc n Q IOTS 5.80 1.50 43 5.35 321 5.79 5.17 -.10 +189.2 Adient n N ADNT .28p 76.09 39.66 1478 73.56 5595 75.18 69.41 +4.32 +25.5tAdmaBio Q ADMA 8.00 4.29 31 4.51 255 4.74 4.27 -.05 -11.9sAdobeSy Q ADBE 58 134.25 90.35 1646 133.74 9284 134.25 132.17 +2.22 +29.9 Adtran Q ADTN .36 1.8 26 23.75 17.06 388 20.00 1574 20.35 19.75 +.35 -10.5 AduroBio n Q ADRO 16.43 7.26 268 9.65 1431 9.75 9.00 +.65 -15.4 AdvAuto N AAP .24 .2 20 177.83 132.98 1330 142.14 6457 148.35 140.12 -4.70 -16.0 AdvAApp n Q AAAP 40.92 23.50 53 38.00 264 38.48 36.32 +1.05 +42.0 AdvDisp n N ADSW 24.10 18.32 78 23.78 932 23.95 23.38 +.12 +7.0 AdvDrainS N WMS .24 1.0 32 28.49 18.60 130 23.05 1758 23.43 22.80 +.40 +11.9 AdvEmis n Q ADES 2 12.25 6.21 72 9.40 301 9.77 9.33 -.10 +1.7sAdvEnId Q AEIS 24 75.73 31.98 342 73.80 2165 75.73 69.50 +5.30 +34.8 AMD Q AMD 15.55 3.31 49053 13.30 187712 13.76 13.05 +.30 +17.3 AdvSemi N ASX .25e 4.0 6.64 4.40 696 6.26 3439 6.48 6.25 +.01 +24.2sAdvFood n N APFH .64 1.6 40.79 23.43 890 40.62 14796 40.79 34.22 +6.05 +36.4 Advansx n N ASIX 30.21 14.22 334 27.26 1091 27.29 25.01 +2.10 +23.1 AdvOil&Gs N AAV 23 7.88 5.10 40 6.25 332 6.53 6.03 -.25 -7.4 Advaxis wt Q ADXSW 11.70 3.49 1 4.60 18 4.70 4.25 +.24 +16.2 Advaxis Q ADXS 16.30 6.47 238 8.56 2247 8.83 8.13 +.44 +19.6 AdvClayCv N AVK 1.13 7.1 16.77 13.29 46 15.89 453 15.99 15.66 +.31 +8.2 AdvCCvII N AGC .56 9.0 6.45 5.25 272 6.22 904 6.32 6.08 +.12 +5.8 AdvClEnh N LCM .84 9.6 8.76 7.53 24 8.71 96 8.75 8.62 +.10 +4.9 AdverumBi Q ADVM 6.31 2.50 907 2.85 1570 2.95 2.60 +.15 -1.7sAdSDorWr N AADR .32e .7 50.03 36.12 23 47.34 142 50.03 46.60 +.94 +17.8 AdvPerHY N HYLD 3.54e 9.9 36.66 32.71 15 35.91 84 35.96 35.64 +.08 +.7sAdvSh ef n N CWS 29.00 24.34 2 28.28 12 29.00 28.19 +.52 +8.9 AdvSmCap N SCAP 31.99 25.40 31.27 7 31.30 31.27 +.55 +4.1 AdSGldEur N GEUR .89e 14.92 11.48 5 12.40 89 12.55 12.29 -.41 +6.9 AdSGldYen N GYEN .41e 12.51 10.60 1 11.32 18 11.34 11.20 +.07 +5.7 AdvNfltMS N MINC 1.34e 2.8 49.13 48.32 24 48.65 124 48.71 48.53 -.05 +.2sAdvSStarG N VEGA 28.85 25.40 0 28.72 10 28.85 27.67 +.23 +3.9 AdvTrTabs N TTFS .41e .6 67.35 52.36 7 65.14 42 65.90 65.06 +.54 +2.5 AdvMeidll N MATH .18e .6 30.84 25.53 30.21 10 30.43 29.90 +.53 +3.0 AdMadGBd N FWDB .73e 2.8 26.24 24.75 0 25.80 3 25.80 25.64 +.13 +2.5tAdvActBear N HDGE 11.30 8.59 106 8.74 1814 8.75 8.59 +.04 -5.5sAdvisoryBd Q ABCO 20 51.23 24.85 1148 51.10 3316 51.68 45.95 +3.60 +53.7 Aecom N ACM 12 40.72 26.46 1121 34.21 5764 35.06 33.86 +.80 -5.9 AegeanMP N ANW .08 .7 8 13.10 5.00 281 11.15 1563 12.00 11.10 -.50 +9.9 Aegion Q AEGN 25 26.68 17.18 107 22.82 654 23.94 22.49 +.64 -3.7 AegleaBio n Q AGLE 10.34 3.66 13 7.15 91 7.35 6.82 +.11 +64.4 Aegon N AEG .29e 5.6 5.90 3.36 1579 5.15 7364 5.23 5.05 +.19 -6.9 Aegon cap N AEH 1.59 6.2 26.69 24.67 38 25.78 218 25.88 25.66 +.07 +3.0 Aegon 6.5 N AED 1.63 6.2 26.68 24.71 20 26.03 106 26.44 26.03 -.25 +3.5 Aegon flt N AEB .77 3.1 25.39 21.85 15 24.95 66 25.10 24.77 -.05 +10.8tAegon42 N AEK 2.00 7.8 28.38 25.54 52 25.68 322 26.07 25.54 -.30 -1.4 AehrTest h Q AEHR 6.10 .95 100 4.57 558 4.99 4.38 +.19 +89.6 Aemetis Q AMTX 2.94 1.01 3 1.16 95 1.20 1.11 -.02 -16.5 AerCap N AER 7 49.66 31.45 1405 46.01 6914 46.11 44.43 +2.18 +10.6 AeriePhm Q AERI 51.85 12.56 207 44.05 1537 44.90 41.20 +2.85 +16.4 Aerocntry N ACY 13 11.10 8.50 1 9.76 5 10.00 9.70 -.23 +3.3 AerohiveN N HIVE 7.45 3.66 162 3.87 863 3.98 3.71 +.10 -32.1sAerojetR N AJRD 23.27 16.04 277 22.41 2308 23.27 22.31 +.10 +24.8 AeroViron Q AVAV 32.44 22.16 231 28.57 787 29.96 28.54 -.16 +6.5 AEtern g rs Q AEZS 5.59 2.35 1075 3.35 1907 3.75 2.90 +.40 -6.9tAethlon rs Q AEMD 9.09 2.05 29 2.23 180 2.39 2.05 -.04 -46.9 Aetna N AET 2.00f 1.5 18 136.50 104.59 2861 135.07 10664 135.45 132.16 +3.89 +8.9tAeviGeno Q GNMX 17.75 1.30 627 1.60 3288 1.66 1.30 +.06 -69.1 AffilMgrs N AMG 17 177.77 130.48 356 165.59 1385 168.59 163.97 +2.28 +14.0 AffMgrs42 N MGR 1.59 6.3 27.69 24.80 23 25.31 202 25.71 25.28 -.39 +.2 AffimedNV Q AFMD 5.00 1.65 189 2.25 1373 2.40 2.05 +.18 +25.0 Agenus Q AGEN 7.49 2.97 466 3.59 3509 3.77 3.45 +.07 -12.9 AgileThera Q AGRX 8.65 1.82 854 3.59 1493 3.84 3.01 +.56 -37.0sAgilent N A .53 1.0 32 55.51 40.39 2159 55.05 9960 55.51 53.91 +1.78 +20.8 Agilysys Q AGYS 12.15 8.17 27 9.90 257 10.03 9.40 +.50 -4.4 AgiosPhm Q AGIO 67.74 35.84 660 49.71 3390 52.09 47.08 +2.72 +19.1 Agnico g N AEM .40 60.10 35.05 4111 47.83 13890 47.97 42.59 +1.82 +13.9sAgreeRlt N ADC 1.98 4.1 19 51.50 38.78 141 48.48 960 51.50 48.46 -2.60 +5.3 Agrium g N AGU 3.50 3.7 17 111.88 83.15 270 93.93 2252 95.56 90.93 +3.46 -6.6 AgroFresh Q AGFS 6.73 1.96 151 5.61 996 6.07 5.50 -.14 +111.7 AgroFr wt Q AGFSW .99 .05 12 .56 110 .82 .30 +.01 +211.1 Aimmune n Q AIMT 27.31 9.77 625 19.44 1598 20.10 19.01 +.37 -4.9 Air Inds N AIRI .60 17.6 5.71 2.21 12 3.40 83 3.50 3.08 -.08 +7.9 AirLease N AL .30f .8 8 40.24 24.49 663 38.14 3179 38.67 37.50 +1.33 +11.1 AirProd N APD 3.80f 2.7 22 157.84 129.00 1884 140.50 7445 142.45 137.72 +3.20 -2.3 AirT Inc Q AIRT 26.99 17.24 18.86 4 20.55 18.80 -1.79 -18.0sAirTrnsp Q ATSG 48 18.64 12.36 300 18.39 1485 18.64 18.02 +.42 +15.2 AirMedia Q AMCN 5.48 2.35 43 2.66 438 2.76 2.56 -.04 +8.4 Aircastle N AYR 1.04 4.4 11 25.98 18.26 241 23.62 1223 24.10 23.50 +.48 +13.3 Airgain n Q AIRG 29.30 7.36 145 14.91 791 15.43 14.52 +.24 +3.5 AkamaiT Q AKAM 27 71.64 47.80 1740 60.94 10816 62.43 58.96 +.66 -8.6 AkariTh rs Q AKTX 22.20 6.22 281 14.99 3386 20.00 14.52 -5.51 +112.9sAkebiaTher Q AKBA 13.94 7.00 2456 13.18 28499 13.94 9.16 +4.08 +26.6 AkersBios Q AKER 3.70 1.15 92 1.65 829 2.10 1.63 -.15 -13.2 Akorn Inc Q AKRX 19 35.40 17.61 4039 33.45 71547 34.00 32.29 +.54 +53.2 Akoustis n Q AKTS 14.00 7.00 47 9.86 205 10.73 9.80 -.33 +18.1 AlaPw pfO N ALPpO 1.46 5.2 30.93 25.30 2 27.90 10 28.73 27.82 +6.3sAlamoGp N ALG .40 .5 21 80.69 52.82 49 79.06 189 80.69 76.82 +2.92 +3.9 AlamosGld N AGI .02 .3 10.41 5.85 3281 7.16 20421 7.59 6.81 -.46 +4.7 n Q ALRM 91 34.43 19.91 139 32.61 844 32.89 32.02 +.60 +17.2 AlaskaAir N ALK 1.20f 1.4 12 101.43 54.51 1168 85.09 9663 91.95 83.76 -4.02 -4.1sAlaskCom Q ALSK 2.61 1.49 93 2.35 1386 2.61 2.30 -.16 +43.3 AlbnyIn N AIN .68 1.4 29 49.50 36.91 165 48.75 710 49.45 46.05 +3.35 +5.3 AlbnyMlc Q AMRI 19.35 12.45 1868 16.01 8646 18.03 15.39 +.19 -14.7sAlbemarle N ALB 1.28f 1.2 29 109.23 66.18 1143 108.91 4213 109.23 105.88 +3.81 +26.5 Albireo Q ALBO 37.69 7.83 16 20.69 93 22.37 19.90 +.03 +16.7 Alcentra Q ABDC 1.36a 9.8 11 14.73 11.00 44 13.93 324 14.46 13.58 -.46 +16.4 Alcoa Cp N AA 39.78 20.71 5005 33.73 45802 37.20 32.15 +2.03 +20.1 Alcobra Q ADHD 5.75 .83 159 1.15 1179 1.22 1.11 +.05 -45.2 AlderBioPh Q ALDR 36.48 18.55 1456 20.05 4282 22.50 19.20 -.45 -3.6tAldeyraTh Q ALDX 8.19 3.98 51 4.35 674 4.50 3.98 -.05 -18.7 Alere N ALR 49.42 31.47 1648 49.17 9201 49.25 48.86 +.27 +26.2 Alere pfB N ALRpB 12.00t 388.93 271.04 21 386.00 92 386.00 382.76 +3.00 +16.0sAlexB Inc N ALEX .28 .6 46.87 32.94 116 46.01 578 46.87 45.59 +.21 +2.5 Alexanders N ALX 17.00f 3.9 20 451.99 364.01 6 434.81 32 439.85 427.48 -.66 +1.9 AlexREE N ARE 3.32 3.0 25 120.96 92.41 455 112.51 2730 116.64 111.59 -2.92 +1.2 AlxRE pfD N AREpD 1.75 5.0 37.25 30.25 3 35.04 16 35.53 34.82 -.49 +2.3 AlexcoR g N AXU 2.54 1.02 266 1.43 1309 1.51 1.36 -.09 +5.9 Alexion lf Q ALXN 44 159.93 109.12 2969 127.78 12933 128.74 117.50 +10.96 +4.4 AlgonPw n N AQN .23p 10.18 7.91 73 9.46 802 9.65 9.39 -.12 +11.6sAlibaba N BABA 37 115.96 73.30 6299 115.50 46801 115.99 114.02 +2.39 +31.5 Alico Q ALCO .24 .8 36 32.66 25.01 2 29.95 30 30.40 29.70 +.30 +10.3sAlignTech Q ALGN 58 121.79 70.03 4274 134.62 8042 145.24 118.37 +16.18 +40.0 AlimeraSci Q ALIM 2.66 1.02 277 1.60 2297 1.65 1.38 +.20 +48.1 Alkermes Q ALKS 62.50 36.71 1246 58.25 4727 59.09 53.64 +1.68 +4.8 AllegCp N Y 19 667.19 510.17 44 610.70 165 623.80 603.86 +7.56 +.4 AllegTch N ATI 23.69 10.93 2430 18.35 21471 20.11 17.39 +1.25 +15.2sAllgnceBc n Q ABTX 23 40.00 18.04 59 39.05 414 40.00 37.00 +1.70 +8.0 AllegiantT Q ALGT 2.80 1.9 13 182.25 121.70 175 145.40 1304 169.15 143.91 -16.75 -12.6sAllegion N ALLE .64 .8 82.00 61.47 1339 78.64 5575 82.00 77.74 +.73 +22.9 Allergan N AGN 18 261.27 184.50 1722 243.86 10986 244.15 236.51 +7.51 +16.1 Allergn pfA N AGNpA 55.00 6.4 920.24 691.00 77 865.78 156 866.94 846.06 +20.84 +13.6sAllete N ALE 2.14 3.1 27 72.05 54.03 199 69.91 1058 72.05 69.81 -.47 +8.9 AlliCAMun N AKP .70 5.2 15.74 13.02 13 13.57 90 13.62 13.43 -.03 +2.4 AlliData N ADS .52p 17 266.25 185.02 1782 249.63 3783 264.23 243.64 -9.88 +9.2sAlliHlthC Q AIQ 11 13.30 5.73 12 13.10 189 13.30 13.00 +36.5 AlliHold Q AHGP 2.20 8.3 9 32.70 16.00 90 26.65 464 28.34 26.50 -.91 -5.2tAll MMA n Q AMMA 5.47 1.34 54 1.37 308 1.65 1.34 -.32 -62.4 AlliBNtlMu N AFB .75 5.5 15.21 12.83 91 13.60 498 13.61 13.40 +.03 +2.9 AlliOne rs N AOI 3 27.23 12.25 18 13.75 208 14.20 13.20 +.80 -28.4 AllnceRes Q ARLP 1.75 8.2 6 26.65 13.20 259 21.25 1409 22.50 21.10 -.45 -5.3 AlliBGlbHi N AWF .97a 7.5 13.03 11.25 177 12.85 804 12.85 12.73 +.11 +2.2 AlliBern N AB 1.81e 7.9 11 25.13 20.75 449 22.90 2506 23.26 22.60 -2.3 AlliantEg s N LNT 1.22 3.1 21 40.99 34.88 1610 39.32 8132 40.12 39.21 -.32 +3.8 AlliGlCvInc N NCV .78 11.2 7.00 5.65 244 6.96 1429 6.97 6.89 +.04 +9.1 AlliGblCv2 N NCZ .69 11.3 6.27 4.93 229 6.12 1038 6.17 6.07 +.03 +7.2 AlliNFJDv N NFJ 1.20 9.1 13.37 11.91 209 13.14 1245 13.33 13.13 -.03 +4.2sAlliGlEqCv N NIE 1.52 7.7 19.83 17.46 72 19.78 511 19.84 19.57 +.27 +7.4sAllnzgDI&Cv N ACV 2.00 9.7 20.91 16.87 27 20.69 284 20.91 20.46 +.12 +10.2 AlldCap47 N AFC 1.72 6.7 26.28 25.10 2 25.71 44 25.90 25.61 -.19 +1.9 AldHlPrd rs Q AHPI 3.82 1.00 12 1.80 114 2.01 1.77 -.10 -10.0 AlliedMot Q AMOT .10 .4 25 25.19 15.54 15 22.64 98 23.85 22.28 +.31 +5.8 AlldWldAsr N AWH 1.04 2.0 16 54.46 33.20 784 53.09 3200 53.35 52.73 +.15 -1.2 Alliqua h Q ALQA 1.48 .35 155 .40 883 .44 .40 -.00 -31.5sAllisonTrn N ALSN .60 1.6 34 40.02 26.36 1916 38.68 8648 40.02 36.41 +2.73 +14.8 AllotComm Q ALLT 5.67 4.50 25 4.95 198 5.00 4.78 +.05 +3.3 AllscriptH Q MDRX 15.17 9.80 2558 11.97 8844 12.18 11.79 +.15 +17.2 Allstate N ALL 1.48f 1.8 17 83.09 64.59 1021 81.29 8677 82.51 80.37 +1.56 +9.7 Allstat pfA N ALLpA 1.41 5.4 27.88 24.17 9 25.97 62 26.17 25.96 -.18 +4.9 Allstate 53 N ALLpB 1.28 4.6 28.26 24.66 16 27.68 115 27.84 27.42 +.09 +10.0 Allstat pfC N ALLpC 1.69 6.2 28.61 25.54 54 27.30 168 27.37 27.15 +.10 +5.9 Allstat pfD N ALLpD 1.66 6.0 28.71 25.54 2 27.58 27 27.66 27.20 +.26 +6.6 Allstat pfE N ALLpE 1.66 6.0 28.67 25.51 45 27.54 201 27.74 27.45 +.06 +6.5 Allstat pfF N ALLpF 1.56 5.7 29.16 25.00 10 27.46 58 27.92 27.46 -.19 +7.1 AllyFincl N ALLY .32p 1.6 9 23.62 14.84 5056 19.80 30504 21.26 19.70 -.05 +4.1 AlmadM n N AAU 1.88 .75 202 1.47 1721 1.59 1.45 -.03 +51.7 AlmostFam Q AFAM 31 50.98 35.21 75 49.65 463 49.95 47.45 +2.25 +12.6 AlnylamP Q ALNY 80.11 31.38 448 53.60 2634 54.31 49.40 +4.09 +43.2 AlonUSA N ALJ .60 5.0 13.01 5.86 174 12.09 1796 12.30 11.35 +.86 +6.2 AlonUsaLP N ALDW .40e 4.3 11 12.44 7.63 33 9.28 236 9.55 9.15 +.13 -3.3 AlphaOmg Q AOSL 52 23.93 12.47 84 16.55 611 17.63 16.30 +.28 -22.2 AlpUSQVal N QVAL 1.35e 5.2 26.07 20.29 3 25.74 19 26.00 25.55 +.23 +4.0 AlpValuIntl N IVAL 1.35e 4.6 29.31 20.99 0 29.29 19 29.29 28.72 +.74 +14.1 AlpMoIntQ N IMOM 26.81 22.35 25.55 10 25.58 25.00 +.85 +12.1 AlpMoUSQ N QMOM 26.70 20.50 0 25.52 7 25.91 25.38 +.48 +3.3 AlphaPro N APT 15 3.80 1.92 13 2.80 69 2.85 2.70 +.10 -20.0sAlphabet C Q GOOG 28 876.05 663.28 3048 905.96 9307 916.85 849.86 +62.77 +17.4sAlphabet A Q GOOGL 30 893.38 672.66 3660 924.52 10997 935.90 866.11 +65.57 +16.7 Alphatc rs Q ATEC 9.65 1.93 32 2.03 261 2.17 1.95 +.03 -36.8sAlpGDDiv N AGD .78 7.7 10.15 8.04 74 10.07 476 10.15 9.81 +.28 +14.8sAlpGPPrp N AWP .60 9.9 6.09 4.84 390 6.08 2005 6.12 5.94 +.16 +18.5sAlpTotDiv N AOD .69 8.0 8.57 6.97 500 8.62 1727 8.64 8.38 +.28 +13.7 AlpsETF N GRI 1.52e 3.5 47.03 40.28 6 43.50 24 44.19 43.33 -.65 +4.4 AlpsEqSect N EQL 1.83e 2.9 64.11 55.02 4 63.27 35 63.84 63.05 +.57 +5.5 AlpsRtSec n Q SWIN 26.90 24.87 1 26.37 14 26.51 26.21 +.43 +5.2 Alps RivDiv N RFDA 29.23 24.45 25 27.97 74 28.22 27.69 +.38 +3.7 AlpRvrCare N RFCI 27.89 24.16 29 24.67 79 24.69 24.54 +.08 +1.0 AlpRivUncn N RFUN 28.76 24.65 6 26.13 21 26.14 26.02 +.18 +1.4 AlpSprtJG N SGDJ 49.11 28.00 601 32.21 2622 33.80 30.94 -2.48 +1.4 AlpMedBrk N SBIO 27.61 19.90 47 26.62 499 26.79 25.56 +1.26 +16.1 AlpSprotG N SGDM 29.85 16.89 25 19.69 549 20.54 18.97 -1.13 +4.4 AlpWkplEq N EQLT .46 32.97 25.77 4 32.58 7 32.87 32.44 +.52 +7.8 AlpEDvDg N EDOG .67e 2.8 24.33 20.21 14 23.83 75 23.92 23.52 +.57 +9.5 AlpAlerEn N ENFR 1.35e 5.7 24.95 19.43 5 23.82 47 24.56 23.79 -.01 -.1sAlpIntDvDg N IDOG 1.47e 5.7 25.90 21.28 67 25.68 320 25.90 25.63 +.60 +8.7sAlpBarr400 N BFOR .26e .7 37.64 28.66 13 37.26 62 37.64 36.99 +.60 +6.3 AlpEqHiVol N HVPW 1.52e 8.0 20.49 18.81 16 19.00 78 19.24 18.96 -.09 -2.1 AlpRivStInc N RIGS .30e 1.2 25.50 24.41 51 25.33 292 25.45 25.18 +.05 +.7 AlpsDvDog N SDOG 1.40e 3.3 44.40 37.53 169 42.66 1143 43.17 42.59 +.23 +1.4 AlpAlerMLP N AMLP 1.35e 10.7 13.31 11.42 8728 12.60 34995 12.73 12.55 +.04 Alteryx n N AYX 17.24 14.61 176 15.99 1392 15.99 14.79 +.56 +5.0 AltisrcAst N AAMC 9 89.12 11.40 7 76.25 19 77.95 68.50 +6.45 +42.5tAltisrce n Q ASPS 19 46.99 21.37 633 22.09 4554 24.19 20.92 -1.96 -16.9 AltisResid N RESI .60 4.2 15.66 7.81 541 14.38 3320 14.96 13.94 +.35 +30.3 Market profile NYSE MKT Nasdaq Intel 53,444,300 36.15 -1.28 AMD 49,053,100 13.30 -.32 FrontierCm 43,448,800 1.88 -.03 SiriusXM 38,672,100 4.95 -.07 Microsoft 37,572,900 68.46 +.19 Qualcom 32,201,200 53.74 +.53 Facebook 29,773,600 150.25 +2.55 MicronT 27,319,300 27.67 +.04 Starbucks s 23,754,800 60.06 -1.24 Cisco 19,250,400 34.07 +.32 WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg2529.36 -.85NwGold g 8,941,100 2.84 +.06 SandstG g 6,832,500 3.48 -.07 B2gold g 5,670,600 2.54 +.04 Globalstar 4,137,500 1.91 -.03 NovaGld g 3,810,800 4.18 +.17 SRC Eng 3,119,500 7.54 -.13 BarcGSOil 2,129,200 5.29 -.01 Corindus n 1,874,100 1.26 -.09 iShIndia bt 1,797,700 32.08 -.03 Nevsun g 1,787,500 2.27 -.01 NwGold g 50,303,900 2.84 -.37 Cel-Sci 50,222,000 .12 +.03 Globalstar 45,060,200 1.91 +.15 B2gold g 40,037,800 2.54 -.19 MastThera 31,418,600 .13 +.00 SiriusXM 218,721,000 4.95 -.12 AMD 187,711,500 13.30 +.30 Intel 168,581,600 36.15 -.17 Microsoft 158,051,900 68.46 +2.06 FrontierCm 153,059,600 1.88 -.06 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg 11536.07 -42.44 NYSE Advanced Declined Unchanged WEEKLY CHANGE WEEKLY CHANGE WEEKLY CHANGE BkofAm 67,569,700 23.34 -.31 VanEGold 62,779,300 22.23 +.42 SPDR Fncl 60,775,600 23.53 -.23 iShEMkts 53,924,400 40.06 +.06 DrGMBll s 52,425,200 4.50 +.13 S&P500ETF 49,521,900 238.08 -.52 Synchrony 44,631,500 27.80 -5.25 DxGBull s 39,876,400 8.15 +.41 WeathfIntl 39,801,500 5.77 +.15 B iPVxST rs 39,564,700 15.01 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg BkofAm 507,822,600 23.34 +.63 VanEGold 366,041,800 22.23 -1.38 SPDR Fncl 350,346,200 23.53 +.37 S&P500ETF 335,398,300 238.08 +3.49 DrGMBll s 279,938,600 4.50 -1.11 LSB Inds 11.02 +53.7 PatriotN n 2.89 +37.6 Constellm 6.95 +25.2 GrubHub 42.98 +24.2 Bard 307.48 +21.6 Invacare 14.70 +20.5 Rogers 102.94 +20.5 KMG Chm 52.55 +17.8 WEEKS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg Gafisa rs 11.38 -31.5 DBCmdDL 2.45 -30.2 USSteel 22.32 -26.6 NGL EnPt 16.00 -25.9 PUVixST rs 14.18 -25.3 CarboCer 6.87 -22.7 DrGMBll s 4.50 -19.8 WEEKS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chg AsteriasBio 3.70 +19.4 Takung n 7.98 +19.4 StrPathCm 128.86 +17.6 Barnwell 2.00 +17.0 LadThalFn 2.78 +16.8 NanoViric 1.23 +16.0 EnviroStr 23.65 +12.4 WirelessT 1.60 +11.9 WEEKS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg Reeds 3.55 -25.3 FlexSolu 1.56 -20.4 SandstG g 3.48 -20.4 CRH Med 5.90 -19.7 Ampliph rs 2.65 -18.0 RxVlmxWk 4.28 -16.7 GoldResrc 3.30 -12.5 MedTrBil h 1.36 +202.2 Sajan 5.72 +50.5 ChiCmCr h 2.09 +50.4 AkebiaTher 13.18 +44.8 DeltaTch h 2.70 +41.4 CellectB wt 2.60 +38.8 ChromaDx n 3.11 +36.4 SmthMc rs 1.13 +36.3 Trovag un 3.31 -45.3 Root98 n 4.04 -36.0 Synchron 16.00 -34.5 MatrixSv 11.75 -29.6 PolarPwr n 5.33 -29.3 AkariTh rs 14.99 -26.9 Soligenix n 3.08 -25.86047.61 -1.33How to read the weekend stock tables STOCK GLOSSARY „ cc: PE greater than 99. d: New 52-week low; dd: Loss in last 12 mos. g: Stock trades in U.S. money but dividend and earnings in Canadian money, and no yield or PE unless stated in U.S. money; n: New issue in past 52 weeks, with high-low range from start of trading; s: A split or stock dividend of 25 percent or more in the past 52 weeks, with the 52-week high-low adjusted. Dividend begins with the date of split or dividend; q: Closed-end fund; no PE calculated. u: New 52-week high; v: Trading halted on primary market; vj: In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized, or securities assumed by such companies; z: Sales in full, not in hundreds. SPECIAL TYPES: pf: Preferred stocks, which get priority when dividends are paid; pp: Holder owes two installments of purchase price; rs: Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50 percent within the past year; rt: Rights to buy new issues below market; un: Sold in units that may include bonds or warrants; wt: Warrants, or options granted by the company; xw: Without warrants; ww: With warrants; wd: When distributed by holder; wi: When stock is issued. DIVIDEND FOOTNOTES: a: Extra dividend(s); b: Annual rate plus stock dividend; c : Dividend from a liquidating company; e: Declared or paid preceding 12 months; f: Annual rate, increased on last declaration. i: Declared or paid after dividend or split; j: Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred or no action taken at last meeting; k: Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears; r: Declared or paid in last 12 months plus stock dividend; m: Annual rate, reduced on last declaration. p: Initial dividend, annual rate unknown; yield not shown. t: Paid in stock in preceding 12 months, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date; X: Buyers arent entitled to next dividend (ex-dividend) or rights (ex-rights); y: ex-dividend and sales in full. 1 „ Name of stock. 2 „ Market: N = NYSE, Q = NASDAQ. 3 „ Ticker Symbol company trades under. 4 „ Dividend: A distribution of the companys earnings to shareholders, usually consisting of stock dividends, interest on bonds, or short-term capital gains on the sale of securities usually paid quarterly in the form of cash or stock.5 „ Div. Yield: The dividend divided by the stock price. It helps gauge how well the stock is paying, compared to other investments such as CDs, bonds or savings accounts. 6 „ Price to earnings ratio: The price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. PEs are used to gauge the relative worth of a company stock. When compared to other companies in the same industry, the companies with the lowest PEs are generally earning higher profits.7 „ Range of closing prices in last year.8 „ Trading for the day, with sales in thousands (10 = 10,000 shares), and closing price.9 „ Weekly sales volume, High, low, and change from previous weeks close.10 „ Percent change for the year. st Arrows, indicate new highs or lows during the week. Underline: indicates weekly volume surge equal to or more than 5%. Bold stocks designates which stocks have gone up or down 10% for the week. XYZcorp Q ABC .35m 1.3 26 32.17 22.26 2 26.97 13 28.18 24.92 +.98 -14.00 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg 2 3 1 4 5 6 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg 7 8 9 10 Continued on next page WEEKS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg WEEKS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chg WEEKS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chgqq q 1,129 1,816 114 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,059 162 29 Advanced Declined Unchanged 173 169 29 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 371 8 7 Advanced Declined Unchanged 1,006 1,789 230 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,025 147 50 Advanced Declined Unchanged 1,923 1,120 62 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,105 534 68 Advanced Declined Unchanged 208 165 18 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 391 36 17 Advanced Declined Unchanged 1,989 1,019 96 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,104 539 141 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 2 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


AltraIndlM Q AIMC .68f 1.5 33 46.90 25.77 325 44.15 793 44.20 38.45 +6.35 +19.6 Altria N MO 2.44 3.4 24 76.55 60.82 3971 71.78 28595 72.69 71.16 +.31 +6.2 AlumChina N ACH 13.85 7.22 41 12.35 225 12.86 12.24 -.51 +21.0 AmTrstFn Q AFSI .34 2.1 6 28.48 13.51 1300 16.05 8914 16.48 15.70 +.04 -41.4 ATrFn pfA N AFSIpA 1.69 7.8 26.00 19.40 9 21.68 60 22.19 21.58 -.10 -11.8 AmTrF pfB N AFSIpB 1.81 7.9 26.49 20.37 63 22.81 197 23.27 22.66 +.17 -8.8 AmTrF pfC N AFSIpC 1.91 8.0 26.89 21.19 13 23.83 51 23.93 23.45 +.40 -5.3 AmTrF pf F N AFSIpF 25.17 19.39 31 22.10 140 22.37 21.84 +.28 -4.2 AmTrF pfE N AFSIpE 27.40 21.03 20 24.25 166 24.40 23.97 +.21 -5.0 AmTrFn 7.5 N AFST 28.75 22.46 27 25.66 99 25.71 24.99 +.71 -.3 AmTrFn 55 N AFSS 1.81 7.2 26.81 22.57 38 25.09 187 25.34 24.27 +.78 -.7 AmTrF pfD N AFSIpD 1.88 7.9 26.91 21.00 39 23.64 119 23.71 23.20 +.41 -6.3 Amarin Q AMRN 3.65 1.50 1032 3.16 7396 3.24 3.12 -.01 +2.6sAmaya g Q AYA 17.95 12.00 73 17.80 591 17.95 17.20 +.05 +25.8sAmazon Q AMZN 923.72 599.20 7016 924.99 21154 949.59 903.00 +26.46 +23.4 AmbacF wt Q AMBCW 15.50 6.50 0 9.76 2 9.82 9.75 +.14 -20.3 AmbacFin Q AMBC 4 27.25 14.76 263 19.43 1092 20.28 19.30 +.01 -13.6 Ambarella Q AMBA 29 74.95 35.26 589 56.22 3588 57.52 53.67 +2.87 +3.9 AmberRd N AMBR 12.30 4.50 108 8.19 430 8.29 7.55 +.61 -9.8 Ambev N ABEV .06e 1.0 6 6.34 4.70 25647 5.73 126410 5.81 5.62 +.09 +16.7 Amdocs Q DOX .88f 1.4 17 62.65 54.12 526 61.24 1860 61.73 60.88 +.53 +5.1 Amedica rs Q AMDA 1.75 .35 257 .37 3322 .44 .37 -.01 -40.6 Amedisys Q AMED 48 55.16 34.58 231 54.20 1039 54.62 52.56 +1.57 +27.1 AMERCO Q UHAL 3.00e 17 399.16 307.80 46 374.46 126 374.77 365.41 +9.91 +1.3 Ameren N AEE 1.76 3.2 20 56.57 46.30 1070 54.69 7381 55.68 54.48 -.40 +4.3 Ameresco N AMRC 22 6.70 3.91 30 6.45 269 6.70 6.25 +17.3 AFMulti Q ATAX .50 8.5 17 6.11 5.10 219 5.90 639 5.90 5.62 +.15 +9.3sAMovilL N AMX .66e 4.3 53 15.69 11.02 4572 15.39 19581 15.69 14.80 +.78 +22.4sAmMovl A N AMOV 15.66 13.89 7 15.36 63 15.66 14.44 +.94 AmCarM Q CRMT 16 47.75 19.49 87 37.30 456 39.60 35.00 +1.30 -14.7 AmAirlines Q AAL .40 .9 6 50.64 24.85 13190 42.62 49990 47.39 42.41 -2.53 -8.7 AmAssets N AAT 1.04f 2.4 27 46.38 37.54 254 42.83 1469 44.61 42.50 -1.35 -.6 AmAxle N AXL 5 21.25 12.61 819 17.59 5975 17.95 17.12 +.60 -8.9 AmCampus N ACC 1.68 3.5 26 54.56 44.65 466 47.39 3800 49.93 47.05 -2.21 -4.8 ACapSenF Q ACSF 1.16 8.7 4 14.10 9.75 74 13.40 531 13.75 12.90 -.10 +12.6 AmDGEn N ADGE .65 .22 7 .32 117 .33 .30 +.00 +14.3 AEagleOut N AEO .50 3.5 11 19.55 13.04 4166 14.09 21607 14.35 13.82 +.04 -7.1 AEP N AEP 2.36 3.5 17 71.32 57.89 2633 67.83 12188 68.46 67.21 -.03 +7.7 AmElTech Q AETI 5.15 1.50 7 1.62 25 1.70 1.62 -.07 +4.2 AEqInvLf N AEL .24f 1.0 15 28.00 13.03 333 23.72 2164 24.82 23.63 +.05 +5.2 AmExp N AXP 1.28 1.6 14 82.00 57.15 5228 79.25 20398 81.39 79.05 -.34 +7.0sAFnclGrp N AFG 1.25 1.3 16 99.33 68.90 282 97.31 1635 99.33 96.55 +1.52 +10.4 AFnclG6-42 N AFW 1.59 6.2 26.96 24.98 20 25.48 214 25.68 25.34 -.19 +1.4 AFnclG8-42 N AFA 1.44 5.7 26.89 24.16 1 25.43 30 25.50 25.33 +.01 +1.8 AFnclGp 54 N AFGE 1.56 5.8 28.28 24.43 5 26.81 45 26.95 26.27 +.52 +7.1 AFnclGp 55 N AFGH 1.50 5.7 28.02 23.58 19 26.15 132 26.71 26.05 -.31 +4.6 AHm4Rent N AMH .20 .9 40 23.98 15.75 1093 23.05 6906 23.74 22.93 -.57 +9.9 AHm4R pfA N AMHpA 1.25 4.4 29.37 26.05 1 28.45 5 28.45 28.00 +.17 +3.1 AHm4R pfB N AMHpB 1.25 4.4 29.70 26.32 1 28.15 3 28.17 28.09 -.16 +2.8 AHm4R pfC N AMHpC 1.38 4.8 29.50 26.08 0 28.42 23 29.00 27.61 +.06 +4.7 AHm4Rn pfD N AMHpD 1.63 6.2 27.58 22.15 4 26.02 33 26.38 25.81 -.15 +4.1 AHm4R pfE N AMHpE 1.59 6.2 26.37 22.55 40 25.85 121 25.90 25.53 +.10 +5.5 AIG wt N AIG/WS 25.26 15.50 54 20.00 300 20.34 18.75 +1.50 -14.7 AmIntlGrp N AIG 1.28 2.1 67.47 48.41 4537 60.91 40093 61.41 59.41 +1.78 -6.7tAmLorain N ALN 1.30 .45 9 .55 145 .57 .45 -.02 +1.9 AMidstrm N AMID 1.65 11.1 18.45 10.39 126 14.85 1045 15.18 14.30 +.40 -18.4 AmerNtl Q AMNB .96 2.5 20 42.50 24.36 32 38.40 100 40.43 38.10 +10.3 AmNatIns Q ANAT 3.28 2.8 16 131.99 107.44 12 116.92 46 119.84 115.99 +1.07 -6.2 AmOutBr Q AOBC 9 31.19 17.50 2013 22.15 5789 22.26 20.72 +1.00 +5.1 AmPubEd Q APEI 15 30.79 14.75 110 22.10 612 23.05 21.95 +.35 -10.0 AmRailcar Q ARII 1.60 3.8 11 51.10 35.43 76 41.95 416 43.90 41.91 -.03 -7.4 AmrRlty N ARL 9.85 4.44 1 7.67 3 7.86 7.56 -.02 +48.3 AmRenAs n N ARA 29.65 15.47 45 17.21 324 18.28 17.12 -.10 -19.1 AmrRvr Q AMRB .20 1.4 16 15.99 10.01 30 14.80 237 15.20 14.65 +.09 -2.1 AmShrd N AMS 26 5.00 1.81 67 4.35 139 4.64 4.30 +29.9 ASoft lf Q AMSWA .44 4.0 34 11.94 8.73 76 10.97 557 11.20 10.80 +.12 +6.2sAmStsWtr N AWR .97 2.2 27 46.84 37.28 166 44.52 738 46.84 44.32 -.62 -2.3tAmSupr rs Q AMSC 12.50 4.83 301 5.21 1501 7.75 4.83 -1.72 -29.3sAmTower N AMT 2.48f 2.0 50 126.36 99.72 2814 125.94 14350 126.36 122.73 +1.51 +19.2sATowr pfA N AMTpA 5.25 4.5 118.00 100.01 349 117.63 815 118.00 114.82 +1.61 +12.2 ATowr pfB N AMTpB 5.50 4.8 116.74 99.45 64 115.28 727 115.82 111.79 +1.00 +10.3 AVangrd N AVD .06f .4 38 20.00 12.60 88 16.75 476 17.65 16.70 -12.5 AmWtrWks N AWK 1.66f 2.1 28 85.24 69.41 1051 79.76 4903 81.49 79.56 -.75 +10.2sAWoodmk Q AMWD 22 92.50 60.80 103 91.90 461 93.10 88.70 +4.50 +22.1 Amerigas N APU 3.80f 8.4 41 50.11 40.81 224 45.02 1170 46.66 44.92 -.77 -6.1 Ameriprise N AMP 3.32f 2.6 13 135.20 84.92 1162 127.85 7276 132.88 127.24 -.59 +15.2 AmerisBc Q ABCB .40 .8 20 49.50 27.92 115 47.10 1075 49.45 47.00 +.80 +8.0 Amerisafe Q AMSF .80f 1.4 16 69.40 50.99 179 57.55 927 67.25 57.45 -7.50 -7.7sAmrSvFin Q ASRV .06 1.5 14 4.10 2.97 22 4.05 214 4.10 3.95 +9.5 AmeriBrgn N ABC 1.46 1.8 14 94.50 68.38 1452 82.05 8629 82.40 79.40 +.79 +4.9 AmesNatl Q ATLO .88f 2.8 19 37.45 24.21 3 30.90 38 32.00 30.65 +.02 -6.4sAmetek N AME .36 .6 25 57.56 43.28 1863 57.20 9624 57.59 55.28 +2.36 +17.7 Amgen Q AMGN 4.60f 2.8 15 184.21 133.64 2730 163.32 19517 165.61 160.00 +2.91 +11.7 AmicusTh Q FOLD 9.61 4.41 1134 7.68 7789 7.89 7.30 +.42 +54.5 AmiraNatF N ANFI 8.99 4.71 73 5.19 481 5.39 5.02 +.02 -15.6 AmkorTch Q AMKR 17 12.48 5.27 4083 11.78 9806 12.48 11.00 +.05 +11.7 Ampco N AP .36 2.5 19.22 9.34 13 14.55 110 15.48 14.45 +.20 -13.1 Amphastar Q AMPH 69 21.75 11.41 142 15.10 1252 15.47 14.70 +.36 -18.0sAmphenol N APH .64f .9 73.75 54.94 1158 72.31 7325 73.75 71.14 +1.84 +7.6 AmpioPhm N AMPE 4.32 .52 113 .56 972 .61 .54 -.01 -37.9sAmpOnRt ef Q IBUY 31.99 22.94 74 31.37 207 31.99 30.75 +.86 +15.3 AmpDivOpt N DIVO 26.79 24.80 0 26.36 25 26.56 26.36 +.29 +6.0 Amplify n N BETR 20 17.53 7.86 219 9.00 1457 9.13 8.40 +.50 +2.2 Ampliphi rs N APHB/O 3.72 .30 .35 514 .38 .32 +.03 -19.5tAmpliph rs N APHB 37.23 2.72 307 2.65 545 3.15 2.51 -.58 Amrep N AXR 9 8.14 4.04 5 6.01 120 7.00 5.90 -.99 -19.0sAmtechSys Q ASYS 7.10 3.99 51 7.04 764 7.23 5.38 +1.68 +65.6 Amyris Q AMRS 1.43 .31 1628 .54 10334 .59 .49 +.01 -25.9 Anadarko N APC .20 .4 73.33 44.81 4542 57.02 27657 61.18 55.57 -2.27 -18.2sAnadrk 18 N AEUA 3.75 8.3 47.13 34.50 4 45.26 155 47.13 44.27 -.65 +9.5 AnalogDev Q ADI 1.80 2.4 27 84.24 52.17 4268 76.20 15165 80.07 75.96 -1.43 +4.9 Anlogic Q ALOG .40 .6 38 95.85 69.65 70 71.85 546 74.45 71.65 +.65 -13.4 Anaptys n Q ANAB 29.96 15.17 40 26.68 301 27.80 24.07 +2.16 +56.9 Anavex rs Q AVXL 8.30 2.43 275 5.63 1236 5.89 5.61 -.08 +42.2 AnchBcWA Q ANCB 81 27.50 22.61 18 25.10 124 25.10 24.90 +.25 -7.7 Andersons Q ANDE .64 1.7 91 44.90 25.78 100 37.35 743 38.23 37.25 -.20 -16.4 AndinaII wt Q ANDAW .39 .08 1 .28 3 .29 .28 -.01 +4.1 AngiesList Q ANGI 10.76 5.22 251 5.88 1595 6.20 5.83 -28.6 AngioDyn Q ANGO 18.18 11.52 366 15.52 2102 16.05 14.80 +.02 -8.0 AnglogldA N AU 22.91 9.28 5341 11.43 25617 12.09 11.06 -1.00 +8.8 ABInBev N BUD 3.19e 2.8 136.08 98.28 1039 113.24 9781 114.33 111.78 +4.96 +7.4 AnikaTh Q ANIK 21 54.96 41.38 150 46.13 655 46.27 43.84 +2.35 -5.8 Anixter N AXE 18 88.00 51.50 132 81.55 1238 86.35 80.55 +2.20 +.6sAnnaly N NLY 1.20a 10.2 10 12.07 9.83 12200 11.81 49110 12.07 11.64 +.05 +18.5 Annaly pfA N NLYpA 1.97 7.7 27.00 24.51 2 25.72 28 25.84 25.56 -.01 +2.7 Annaly pfC N NLYpC 1.91 7.5 26.04 23.77 11 25.63 98 25.68 25.40 +.04 +6.3 Annaly pfD N NLYpD 1.88 7.3 26.29 23.79 24 25.54 228 25.80 25.39 -.09 +5.8 Annaly pfE N NLYpE 1.91 7.4 25.88 23.95 9 25.65 90 25.69 25.37 +.28 +6.4sAnsys Q ANSS 33 111.09 81.41 262 110.16 1272 111.09 108.70 +2.16 +19.1sAntaresP Q ATRS 3.24 .79 1581 3.12 14513 3.24 2.79 +.30 +33.9 AnteroMid N AM 1.12f 3.3 29 35.74 22.86 311 34.02 3495 34.32 32.34 +1.47 +10.2tAnteroRes N AR 1.00 4.7 37 30.50 21.11 3201 21.19 17251 22.36 20.87 -.20 -10.4sAnthem N ANTM 2.60 1.5 19 184.45 114.85 1693 177.89 11066 184.45 168.17 +10.09 +23.7sAnthem un N ANTX 2.62e 52.58 41.00 272 51.20 1343 52.58 49.80 +1.90 +9.0tAntheraP h Q ANTH 4.37 .35 6080 .33 13528 .42 .30 -.08 -49.2sAnworth N ANH .60 10.2 11 5.93 4.47 688 5.86 3442 5.94 5.67 +.17 +13.3 Anwrth pfA N ANHpA 2.16 8.3 26.94 24.80 7 26.05 44 26.76 26.05 -.77 +3.0sAnwrth pfB N ANHpB 1.56 5.5 28.85 19.91 5 28.57 32 28.85 28.06 +.50 +11.7 Anwrth pfC N ANHpC 1.91 7.7 26.40 23.83 7 24.80 75 24.80 24.74 +.06 +.3 Aon plc N AON 1.44f 1.2 20 121.05 100.55 796 119.84 5165 120.87 118.76 +1.77 +7.5 AoxnTia h rs Q ABAC 4.07 1.51 11 1.67 418 2.30 1.60 -.54 -54.0 AoxingPh N AXN 10 .94 .30 131 .39 264 .43 .36 +.01 +21.9 Apache N APA 1.00 2.1 69.00 48.05 2940 48.64 17933 51.00 48.24 -.38 -23.4 AptInv N AIV 1.44f 3.3 30 47.91 39.14 2268 43.74 11155 44.96 43.16 -.41 -3.8 AptInv pfA N AIVpA 1.72 6.4 29.47 25.29 26.75 4 26.77 26.50 +.19 +3.5 ApogeeE Q APOG .56 1.0 18 61.00 39.48 213 54.50 1294 54.96 52.27 +2.30 +1.8sApolloCRE N ARI 1.84 9.5 10 19.92 15.43 2311 19.29 24122 19.92 18.75 +.46 +16.1 ApolCR pfA N ARIpA 2.16 8.4 26.29 25.00 4 25.75 29 25.77 25.58 +.18 +1.6 ApoCRE pfC N ARIpC 25.75 23.80 3 25.57 41 25.64 25.30 +.04 +3.2tApollEnd rs Q APEN 32.34 9.24 8 9.20 104 11.88 9.00 -1.19 -42.9sApolloGM N APO 1.66e 6.2 26 27.29 14.25 1300 26.77 8915 27.78 25.06 +1.76 +38.3sApollG pfA N APOpA 1.60 6.3 25.43 24.55 82 25.43 666 25.44 25.21 +.13 +3.2sApolloInv Q AINV .60 8.8 6.80 5.03 801 6.79 3644 6.80 6.65 +.17 +15.9 Apollo 42 N AIB 1.66 6.6 26.79 24.20 5 25.34 51 25.34 25.21 +.11 +.7 ApolloI 43 N AIY 1.72 6.6 27.41 24.78 12 26.01 43 26.29 25.90 -.17 +2.8 ApollSrFlt N AFT 1.08a 6.2 18.08 15.42 28 17.46 202 17.51 17.32 +.11 +.3 ApolloTact N AIF 1.32a 8.0 16.77 13.87 47 16.58 386 16.67 16.47 +.04 +7.2 AppFolio n Q APPF 28.00 12.07 34 26.55 141 27.50 26.10 +.50 +11.3 AppHReit n N APLE 1.20 6.4 31 20.68 17.32 1367 18.73 4738 19.50 18.71 -.30 -6.3 Apple Inc Q AAPL 2.28 1.6 17 145.46 89.47 18389 143.65 88016 144.90 143.18 +1.38 +24.0 ApplRecy h Q ARCI 1.80 .80 275 .86 487 1.10 .81 -.07 -22.9 AplDNA wt Q APDNW 1.42 .35 3 .43 14 .47 .39 +.04 -14.0 ApldDNA Q APDN 3.61 1.40 127 1.75 298 1.86 1.65 -5.4tAppGenTc Q AGTC 10 19.86 5.55 218 5.60 914 5.95 5.45 +.03 -40.1sApldIndlT N AIT 1.16 1.8 26 69.00 42.63 293 64.00 1287 69.00 62.45 +2.05 +7.7sApldMatl Q AMAT .40 1.0 20 41.82 19.46 8640 40.61 36647 41.82 40.09 +.82 +25.8 ApldOptoel Q AAOI 45 60.19 8.08 1375 49.39 16189 49.85 45.83 +3.85 +110.7 Approach Q AREX 4.35 1.35 661 2.07 3886 2.34 2.02 -.11 -38.2 Apptio n Q APTI 24.60 10.77 184 13.05 1611 13.90 12.38 +.34 -29.6tApricusB rs Q APRI 5.95 1.07 560 1.13 4667 1.30 1.07 -.07 -13.1 Aptargrp N ATR 1.28 1.6 26 81.50 70.32 636 80.30 1758 80.53 77.62 +2.31 +9.3 AptevoTh n Q APVO 8.29 1.69 66 2.00 374 2.01 1.89 +.06 -18.0tAptoseB g Q APTO 2 4.30 .78 337 .87 1894 .95 .78 -.03 -37.4 AquaAm N WTR .74 2.2 25 35.83 28.03 2448 33.09 5643 33.69 32.77 -.12 +10.2 AquaMetal h Q AQMS 22.75 7.54 206 16.50 1444 17.17 16.00 +.83 +25.9tAquaB Tc n Q AQB 24.78 7.83 31 7.77 83 8.76 7.75 -.76 -67.9 Acquavnt n N WAAS 26.33 14.30 91 18.37 398 18.83 17.96 +.31 -25.1 AquinoxPh Q AQXP 19.97 6.01 33 14.68 465 15.35 13.65 +.58 -11.1 ArQule Q ARQL 2.17 .92 59 .99 289 1.04 .96 -.01 -21.4tAradigm Q ARDM 7.19 1.21 122 1.17 224 1.43 1.16 -.17 -26.9 AralezPh Q ARLZ 6.80 1.48 547 1.61 4051 1.76 1.56 +.04 -63.5 Aramark N ARMK .41 1.1 20 38.30 31.38 935 36.52 4607 37.18 36.16 -.20 +2.2 AratanaTh Q PETX 10.73 4.97 208 6.20 2083 6.60 6.02 +.04 -13.6sArborRT N ABR .68f 7.9 13 8.79 6.61 169 8.63 864 8.79 8.50 -.02 +15.7 Arbor prA N ABRpA 2.06 8.0 26.48 24.36 3 25.70 7 25.97 25.66 -.16 +2.5 ArborR pfB N ABRpB 1.94 7.6 26.00 22.69 2 25.44 14 25.47 25.21 +.09 +3.5 ArborR pfC N ABRpC 2.13 8.1 26.68 24.21 3 26.26 5 26.27 25.90 +.30 +3.6 ArborRT 21 N ABRN 1.84 7.3 26.15 24.30 5 25.35 49 25.73 25.11 +.15 +.2 ArbutusB g Q ABUS 5.48 2.35 154 3.40 797 3.45 3.25 +.05 +38.8 ArcLogist N ARCX 1.76 11.8 18 17.40 11.43 99 14.97 335 15.19 14.38 +.53 -6.0 ArcBest Q ARCB .32 1.2 39 33.95 14.85 138 26.45 746 27.40 26.30 +.80 -4.3 ArcadBiosc Q RKDA 2.75 .65 15 .68 147 .75 .65 -.04 -26.1 ArcelorMit N MT 8 9.37 4.18 10911 7.80 93863 8.16 7.62 +.11 +6.8sArchCap Q ACGL 26 99.11 67.50 328 96.97 1621 99.11 95.32 +1.98 +12.4 ArchC pfC N ARHpC 1.69 6.7 27.65 25.02 33 25.33 264 25.63 25.25 -.23 +.6 ArchC pfE Q ACGLP 1.31 5.7 24.90 20.20 49 23.10 318 23.20 22.94 +.05 +9.3 ArchCoal N ARCH 86.47 59.05 305 70.24 1624 73.03 69.43 -.34 -10.0 ArchDan N ADM 1.28f 2.8 21 47.88 37.00 2091 45.75 9947 45.88 45.09 +.94 +.2 Archrock N AROC .48 4.1 16.40 5.60 731 11.80 4174 12.68 11.65 -.15 -10.6 ArchrkPtrs Q APLP 1.14 7.0 18.55 10.07 246 16.35 581 16.49 15.91 +.16 +1.9 Arconic N ARNC .15p 30.69 16.75 3773 27.33 22642 27.99 25.97 +1.33 +47.4 ArcosDor N ARCO 48 8.40 4.06 1276 8.20 6142 8.40 7.75 +.25 +51.9 Ardaugh n N ARD 22.44 20.72 80 21.43 458 22.23 20.82 +.33 +.8 Ardelyx Q ARDX 16.30 6.36 79 13.40 511 14.10 12.20 +.90 -5.6 ArdmoreSh N ASC .71e 9.2 9.93 5.00 321 7.75 1208 7.98 7.05 +.80 +4.7 ArenaPhm Q ARNA 2.16 1.20 5509 1.34 14165 1.41 1.31 +.04 -5.6 AresCap Q ARCC 1.52 8.6 13 17.87 13.85 1370 17.60 6547 17.61 17.39 +.20 +6.7 AresC 10-22 N ARU 1.45 5.6 26.33 25.22 9 25.81 45 26.00 25.73 -.17 +.8 AresCmcl N ACRE 1.08f 7.8 10 14.39 11.10 132 13.83 774 14.15 13.72 +.04 +.7sAresDyCr N ARDC 1.40 8.6 16.23 13.45 76 16.21 468 16.23 16.11 +.02 +7.5 AresMgmt N ARES 1.12f 5.7 15 23.25 12.08 156 19.65 792 19.75 19.05 +.45 +2.3 AresMg pfA N ARESpA 1.75 6.7 27.58 21.63 27 26.20 135 26.20 25.93 +.23 +4.6 Argan N AGX .70e 11 76.70 32.70 165 66.85 847 69.00 66.05 +1.15 -5.2 ArgoGp42 Q AGIIL 1.63 6.4 27.43 23.60 5 25.56 85 25.72 25.31 -.29 +2.4 ArgoGpInt Q AGII 1.08f 1.6 16 69.03 49.10 138 65.95 746 68.70 65.70 +.80 +.1 ArgosTher Q ARGS 9.22 .31 601 .43 3211 .53 .42 -.07 -91.2sAristaNetw N ANET 45 140.32 60.51 775 139.64 3374 140.32 136.91 +2.98 +44.3sArkInnova N ARKK .47p 25.64 17.93 14 25.17 89 25.65 24.53 +.83 +25.5sArkIndInno N ARKQ .19p 26.56 17.97 202 26.50 334 26.73 25.57 +1.20 +20.7sArkGenom N ARKG 20.94 15.85 121 20.49 138 20.94 20.08 +.64 +21.0sArkWebX.O N ARKW .53p 30.77 20.10 12 30.30 50 30.77 29.83 +.71 +20.7 Ark 3dPr n N PRNT 24.11 19.55 14 24.01 70 24.01 23.17 +1.30 +13.8 ArkRst Q ARKR 1.00 3.9 16 27.02 20.00 0 25.33 15 25.33 24.74 +.23 +4.5 ArlingAst N AI 2.50 17.2 5 17.13 11.99 339 14.56 2431 15.17 14.30 +.21 -1.8 ArlingAst23 N AIW 1.66 6.8 25.02 19.34 4 24.40 6 24.73 24.28 -.62 +4.7 ArlingAst25 N AIC 1.69 7.2 23.99 19.11 3 23.57 44 23.60 22.70 +.27 +6.2 ArmadaHof N AHH .76f 5.3 16 15.50 11.59 129 14.26 884 14.66 14.17 -.33 -2.1sArmrR pfA N ARRpA 2.06 8.2 25.32 23.15 1 25.25 22 25.32 24.91 +.04 +3.9sArmrR pfB N ARRpB 1.97 8.1 24.20 21.20 11 24.21 113 24.23 23.96 +.23 +4.3sArmourR rs N ARR 3.39 14.1 9 24.62 18.63 548 24.07 2010 24.62 23.75 +.32 +11.0 ArmsFloor N AFI 22.96 14.25 205 19.19 899 19.65 18.74 +.61 -3.6 ArmstrWld N AWI 21 48.00 36.33 571 46.75 2246 47.75 46.53 +11.8 Arotech Q ARTX 5.00 2.25 202 3.20 1022 3.25 3.00 +.10 -8.6 ArrayBio Q ARRY 13.40 2.70 1579 8.67 10069 8.98 8.15 +.42 -1.4 ArrisIntl Q ARRS 9 31.52 20.05 1817 25.99 7413 26.10 25.51 +.48 -13.7 ArrwDJYld N GYLD 1.59e 8.6 19.99 17.67 4 18.55 87 18.63 18.42 +.09 +.6 ArrowEl N ARW 10 75.88 58.09 744 70.50 2320 74.10 70.42 -.37 -1.1 ArrowFn Q AROW 1.00b 2.9 17 41.70 26.59 13 34.25 88 36.00 34.10 +.85 -15.4 ArrResC n N ARCM 20.06 20.00 1 20.06 54 +.2 ArwDWATc Q DWAT .04p 11.02 9.80 2 10.73 18 10.80 10.71 +.14 +4.1 ArrowPhm Q ARWR 8.22 1.20 634 1.55 4474 1.65 1.47 +.03 sArtesRes Q ARTNA .91 2.4 27 40.40 26.02 19 38.41 151 40.40 37.59 +.23 +20.3 ArtisanPtr N APAM 2.80a 9.6 14 33.50 24.48 615 29.30 2592 31.55 28.30 +1.25 -1.5 ArtsWay Q ARTW .05 1.5 4.70 2.50 1 3.35 9 3.48 3.25 +.10 -1.5tAskanoG g N AKG 4.68 2.20 1658 2.45 12932 2.50 2.20 -.03 -19.9 AsburyA N ABG 10 71.00 47.50 305 61.20 1328 65.05 61.00 -.15 -.8 AscenaRtl Q ASNA 36 9.79 3.53 1816 3.91 13871 4.11 3.85 -.08 -36.8sAscendis n Q ASND 31.86 11.92 26 29.52 108 31.86 26.94 +1.48 +45.8 AscentCap Q ASCMA 26.16 11.78 40 12.81 152 15.34 12.57 -.92 -21.2 AshHPrm N AHP .64f 6.0 6 17.64 9.83 173 10.59 1204 11.17 10.30 +.13 -22.4 AshHPr pfB N AHPpB 25.42 17.70 13 20.25 130 20.33 19.68 +.50 -6.0 AshfordHT N AHT .48 7.7 7 8.23 4.79 1008 6.25 3859 6.68 6.17 -.13 -19.5 Ashfrd pfA N AHTpA 2.14 8.4 26.48 24.60 1 25.56 11 25.57 25.47 -.03 +.7 Ashfrd pfD N AHTpD 2.11 8.3 26.00 24.24 5 25.38 63 25.56 25.36 -.17 +1.6 AshfHT pfF N AHTpF 1.84 7.3 26.33 21.86 8 25.15 35 25.28 24.72 -.04 +5.4 AshfrH pfG N AHTpG 1.84 7.4 24.99 21.69 25 24.78 97 24.85 24.53 -.02 +7.1 Ashford N AINC 85 64.23 38.11 1 54.40 12 57.44 54.40 -3.80 +26.1sAshland N ASH 1.56 1.3 19 128.19 105.50 664 123.50 4051 128.19 122.45 -1.56 +13.0 AsiaPc N APB .22e 1.8 12.35 9.14 3 12.26 44 12.28 12.12 +.21 +26.1 AsiaPWire Q APWC 3.10 1.64 1 3.05 39 3.10 2.70 +.35 +8.9sAsiaTigr N GRR .16e 1.3 11.58 8.76 1 11.59 22 11.74 11.36 +.29 +26.6 AspenAero N ASPN 6.71 3.61 15 4.06 365 4.14 3.95 +.07 -1.7 AspenIns N AHL .88 1.7 23 57.80 43.27 311 52.35 1902 54.10 50.45 +1.90 -4.8 AspenI pfB N AHLpB 1.81 7.1 26.70 25.29 3 25.48 66 25.48 25.42 +.03 +.2 Aspen pfC N AHLpC 1.49 5.4 30.32 24.93 13 27.60 56 27.84 27.42 +.11 +9.0sAspenTech Q AZPN 32 62.31 36.25 382 61.49 2217 62.31 60.68 +1.44 +12.5 AssembBio Q ASMB 28.18 4.60 66 23.63 221 24.49 23.26 -.35 +94.5 AscBnc pfC N ASBpC 1.53 5.8 27.90 24.49 26.30 3 26.48 26.17 +.01 +4.2 AsscBc pf D N ASBpD 25.45 20.55 8 24.47 59 24.63 24.30 -.01 +11.8 AsscdBanc N ASB .48 1.9 20 26.70 15.72 757 24.90 4316 25.75 24.85 -.05 +.8 AssocCap n N AC 39.35 27.84 15 33.65 70 35.25 33.60 -.20 +2.4 Assurant N AIZ 2.12 2.2 19 101.32 78.50 298 96.24 1744 98.01 95.55 +1.54 +3.6 AssuredG N AGO .57f 1.5 10 42.94 23.43 677 38.13 3729 39.30 38.07 +.12 +1.0 AsdGMu01 N AGOpB 1.72 6.6 26.99 25.33 2 26.19 30 26.30 26.15 -.07 +2.6 AsdGMu02 N AGOpE 1.56 6.1 27.37 23.73 11 25.72 52 26.17 25.56 -.54 +2.9 AsdGMu03 N AGOpF 1.40 5.6 26.13 23.03 5 25.00 35 25.48 24.90 -.07 +5.2 AstaFundg Q ASFI 20 11.97 7.20 3 8.40 129 8.93 8.25 -.20 -14.3 Astec Q ASTE .40 .6 28 73.37 45.62 108 63.35 677 66.66 62.53 +1.66 -6.1 AsteriasBio N AST 5.80 2.30 173 3.70 2089 4.30 3.10 +.60 -19.6 Asterias wt N AST/WS 1.00 .09 1 .46 65 .51 .43 +.04 -15.6 AstoriaF N AF .16 .8 32 21.66 14.11 867 20.39 4839 21.45 20.31 +.16 +9.3 Astoria pfC N AFpC 1.63 6.3 27.62 24.50 4 25.73 24 25.74 25.57 +.04 +2.4 AstraZen s N AZN 1.40e 4.6 9 35.04 25.55 4092 30.25 18401 31.07 30.13 +.49 +10.7 AstroNova Q ALOT .28 1.9 26 16.41 12.50 29 14.80 165 15.45 14.20 -.20 +3.9 Astronics Q ATRO 19 41.03 25.93 122 32.51 594 32.83 31.67 +1.28 -3.9tAstrotch h Q ASTC 2.23 1.15 19 1.18 191 1.26 1.15 -.09 -21.3 AsureSftw h Q ASUR 13.00 4.45 54 10.33 141 10.89 10.20 -.05 +21.4sAtHomGr n N HOME 17.74 10.19 141 17.51 558 17.74 16.41 +1.04 +19.7 AtaraBioth Q ATRA 25.73 12.45 360 17.10 1805 18.15 15.55 +.20 +20.4 Atento SA N ATTO 10.31 6.85 56 8.95 228 9.35 8.55 +.10 +17.0 athenahlth Q ATHN 143.85 90.11 6594 98.01 8681 124.22 96.12 -19.21 -6.8 Athene n N ATH 55.00 44.46 1022 53.31 4228 54.74 52.98 +.48 +11.1 Athersys Q ATHX 2.60 1.02 447 1.48 3614 1.55 1.45 +.01 -3.3 AtkoreInt n N ATRK 27.30 14.17 299 26.26 1423 26.80 25.75 +.58 +9.8 AtlanAmer Q AAME .02 .5 36 4.65 3.06 1 3.95 3 3.95 3.75 +.10 -3.7 AtlCapBc n Q ACBI 35 20.20 13.26 113 19.60 411 19.85 19.00 +.75 +3.2sAtlCstFin Q ACFC 14 8.35 5.53 13 7.77 93 8.35 7.49 -.22 +14.3 AtlPwr g N AT .12 2.75 2.13 588 2.50 1905 2.60 2.43 AtlanticaYd Q ABY .45e 2.2 22.87 15.78 593 20.84 3377 21.00 20.18 +.69 +7.7 Atlanticus Q ATLC 3.54 2.30 21 2.60 229 3.49 2.51 +.07 -8.4sAtlasAir Q AAWW 29 60.10 34.22 259 58.00 937 60.10 57.05 +.75 +11.2 AtlasFin Q AFH 18.48 12.15 37 12.95 273 13.25 12.30 +.40 -28.3 Atlassian n Q TEAM 35.16 20.51 1857 34.48 4910 34.97 31.58 +2.94 +43.2sATMOS N ATO 1.80f 2.2 23 82.07 68.51 888 81.02 2239 82.07 79.26 +1.19 +9.3 Atomera n Q ATOM 10.25 5.50 5 6.33 171 6.58 5.76 -.06 -6.2tAtossGen rs Q ATOS 6.15 .57 88 .59 905 .68 .57 -.04 -57.9sAtriCure Q ATRC 21.26 13.44 108 20.50 637 21.26 19.77 +.95 +4.8 Atrion Q ATRI 4.20 .8 35 522.05 385.00 6 517.10 25 518.40 504.26 +13.70 +2.0 Attunity Q ATTU 10.50 4.15 62 7.65 491 8.00 7.07 +.36 +27.5 AtwoodOcn N ATW .30m 3.8 1 15.37 6.12 2420 7.83 12847 8.31 7.66 -.14 -40.4 aTyrPhm n Q LIFE 4.45 2.10 36 3.30 284 3.55 3.00 +.25 +53.5 AubNB Q AUBN .92f 2.8 15 33.95 26.75 3 33.00 10 33.53 32.65 -.26 +5.4 Audentes n Q BOLD 20.74 13.06 488 14.90 1934 16.45 14.20 +.65 -18.4 AudCodes Q AUDC 11 7.26 3.68 61 6.46 537 6.83 6.19 +1.7 AuriniaPh Q AUPH 10.54 1.74 1832 7.01 16773 7.53 6.76 -.10 +233.8 AurisMed h Q EARS 5.45 .62 294 .72 1215 .80 .68 -.06 -32.5 AutoNatn N AN 11 54.15 39.13 1387 42.00 8824 45.35 41.93 -.81 -13.7 Autobytel Q ABTL 30 19.04 10.72 74 13.11 476 13.27 12.41 +.81 -2.5sAutodesk Q ADSK 90.94 49.82 1604 90.07 8587 90.94 89.20 +1.49 +21.7 Autohome N ATHM 36.01 19.32 570 34.60 4664 35.02 31.61 +2.20 +36.9 Autoliv N ALV 2.32 2.3 20 126.31 93.31 1764 100.19 4652 107.40 99.56 +.81 -11.5sAutoData Q ADP 2.28 2.2 28 105.68 84.36 1456 104.49 7578 105.68 103.10 +1.80 +1.7 AutoZone N AZO 16 819.54 684.48 435 692.19 2233 727.15 688.02 -15.60 -12.4 Auxilio n N AUXO 6.72 3.60 86 5.50 451 5.76 5.23 +34.1 AvadelPh Q AVDL 15.45 8.61 230 9.49 1672 9.95 9.09 +.17 -8.7 AvalonHld N AWX 3.41 1.91 24 2.40 271 2.44 2.21 +.06 -18.6 AvalonBay N AVB 5.68f 3.0 24 192.29 158.32 688 189.84 3527 190.96 183.35 +3.12 +7.2 Avangrid n N AGR 1.73 4.0 46.74 35.42 343 43.50 2094 44.19 43.24 -.27 +14.8 AveICSFd N ACP 1.44 10.2 14.60 11.27 78 14.14 434 14.28 13.98 +.19 +5.3 AVEO Ph h Q AVEO 1.15 .50 174 .60 1662 .62 .58 +.02 +11.7sAveryD N AVY 1.80f 2.2 21 83.93 68.55 842 83.21 4467 83.93 80.91 +1.52 +18.5 Avexis n Q AVXS 85.98 21.42 219 80.50 2141 82.48 76.37 +3.74 +68.7 Avianca N AVH .10e 1.4 10.91 5.01 137 7.28 457 7.48 6.70 +.10 -24.5sAviatNet rs Q AVNW 16.56 5.71 16 16.69 111 16.73 15.04 +1.66 +20.7 AvidTech Q AVID 9.78 3.99 388 5.61 3299 5.75 5.24 +.50 +27.4 Avingr hn Q AVGR 13.96 .50 587 .56 3225 .62 .54 -.01 -84.8 AvinoSG g N ASM 3.14 1.12 285 1.52 1873 1.62 1.40 -.03 +10.9 Avirgagen Q AVIR 2.00 .56 47 .60 164 .63 .59 -.00 -51.2 AvisBudg Q CAR 10 41.53 23.00 3893 30.50 12820 32.52 29.91 +1.12 -16.8 Avista N AVA 1.43f 3.5 19 45.22 37.78 279 40.34 1335 41.48 40.12 +.01 +.9 AvistaHl un Q AHPAU 10.51 9.52 3 10.26 16 10.35 10.22 -.11 +1.3 AvistaHl n Q AHPA 10.18 9.75 9.88 1490 9.88 9.80 +.08 +1.3 Avnet N AVT .72f 1.9 10 51.50 38.16 4013 38.69 12661 45.09 38.62 -5.52 -18.7 Avon N AVP 6.96 3.52 4573 4.85 20878 4.86 4.45 +.45 -3.8 Aware Q AWRE 28 6.70 3.46 15 4.80 89 4.80 4.60 +.15 -21.3 Axalta N AXTA 33.06 24.27 1913 31.37 14229 32.93 31.25 +15.3 AxarAc wt Q AXARW .15 .01 29 .08 52 .08 .07 +.00 sAxcelis rs Q ACLS 37 19.80 8.92 180 19.25 1001 19.80 18.65 +.65 +32.3 AXIS Cap N AXS 1.52f 2.3 12 71.06 51.33 540 65.90 2388 68.51 65.86 -.30 +1.0 AXIS pfD N AXSpD 1.38 5.4 27.70 21.96 9 25.41 76 25.50 25.12 +.12 +11.9sAxisCap pfE N AXSpE 24.24 21.04 67 24.22 428 24.30 24.01 +.12 +11.8sAxoGen Q AXGN 12.30 5.23 145 12.20 1155 12.40 11.40 +.75 +35.6 AxonEntpr Q AAXN 77 30.15 17.18 576 24.58 3416 24.75 23.72 +.89 +1.4sAxovant n N AXON 24.49 10.69 518 24.24 2978 24.49 21.80 +2.70 +95.2 AxsomeT n Q AXSM 12.69 3.53 185 4.10 1002 4.20 3.70 +.25 -39.3 Azul n N AZUL 23.95 21.68 195 22.71 1629 23.48 22.13 -.29 +3.8tAzurRx n Q AZRX 5.60 3.44 44 3.90 218 4.00 3.37 -.10 -17.7 AzurePwr n N AZRE 22.00 12.73 32 16.73 51 17.14 16.11 +.63 -1.6B -:B Comm Q BCOM 3.58e 25.67 17.99 1 18.70 4 19.99 18.70 -1.29 -7.3 B&G Foods N BGS 1.86 4.4 23 52.84 38.60 401 42.00 2579 42.95 41.55 -.50 -4.1 BRileyFn Q RILY .28e .7 28 21.30 8.59 32 15.05 246 15.53 14.80 +.30 -18.4 BRileyF 7.5 Q RILYL 1.88 7.3 28.96 23.43 3 25.93 15 25.98 25.63 +.11 +1.2 B2gold g N BTG 3.65 1.75 5671 2.54 40038 2.71 2.40 -.19 +7.2 BB&T Cp N BBT 1.20 2.8 15 49.88 32.85 3710 43.18 20321 44.28 43.14 +.25 -8.2 BB&T pfD N BBTpD 27.33 23.79 43 25.56 134 25.60 25.48 +.02 +4.2 BB&T pfE N BBTpE 1.41 5.5 27.24 23.05 92 25.60 300 25.69 25.57 -.07 +7.8 BB&T pfF N BBTpF 1.30 5.2 26.47 22.00 68 25.10 171 25.30 24.93 -.09 +10.3 BB&T pfG N BBTpG 1.30 5.2 27.43 22.03 20 25.08 157 25.36 25.00 -.15 +10.0 BB&T pfH N BBTpH 1.41 5.5 27.50 23.26 28 25.82 224 25.96 25.71 -.01 +6.3 BBVABFrn N BFR .48e 2.6 21.96 16.20 281 18.30 919 18.86 18.12 -.09 +5.0 BCB Bc Q BCBP .56 3.5 22 17.05 9.97 9 15.80 74 16.00 15.64 +21.5 BCE g N BCE 2.73 49.03 41.83 3061 45.57 13416 46.31 45.00 +.14 +5.4 BG Staffing N BGSF 1.00 6.4 29 21.75 11.23 32 15.60 190 15.75 14.95 +.50 BGC Ptrs Q BGCP .64 5.6 27 11.85 8.18 1459 11.38 5994 11.55 11.24 +.22 +11.2 BGCPtrs 42 N BGCA 2.03 7.9 27.39 25.41 11 25.58 61 25.61 25.52 +.04 -.5 BGE pfB N BGEpB 1.55 6.0 27.15 25.04 3 25.87 25 26.14 25.83 -.10 +1.5 BHP BillLt N BHP 2.48e 7.0 41.79 25.75 1985 35.60 14882 36.47 34.63 -.16 -.5 BHPBil plc N BBL .64m 2.1 37.44 22.37 1037 30.73 7555 31.56 29.92 -.02 -2.3 BJsRest Q BJRI 24 47.55 32.24 869 45.10 2454 47.55 42.30 +2.55 +14.8 BldrsAsia Q ADRA .72e 2.4 30.11 23.99 2 29.76 3 29.85 29.69 +.51 +8.7sBldrsDev Q ADRD .72e 3.4 21.49 18.10 3 21.38 33 21.49 21.20 +.66 +7.1sBldrsEmg Q ADRE .90e 2.4 37.25 29.08 3 36.84 44 37.25 36.50 +.52 +14.2sBldrsEur Q ADRU .78e 3.7 21.05 17.82 3 20.98 9 21.05 20.59 +.78 +9.2 BMC Stock Q BMCH 36 23.90 15.45 227 23.30 3560 23.85 23.05 +.10 +19.5 BNC Bcp Q BNCN .20 .6 21 37.15 21.07 104 33.45 895 35.05 33.40 -.40 +4.9sBOK Q BOKF 1.76 2.1 20 86.78 56.08 254 84.29 1356 86.78 77.94 +6.36 +1.5 BOK 56 n Q BOKFL 1.34 5.4 26.50 21.25 14 24.60 77 24.86 24.40 +.18 +10.4 BOS Ltd Q BOSC 4.85 1.82 23 2.07 84 2.20 1.95 +.05 -2.4 BP PLC N BP 2.38 6.9 41 38.68 30.66 4075 34.32 25162 35.01 34.10 +.32 -8.2 BP Pru N BPT 2.43e 12.5 3 32.95 12.68 217 19.45 1025 20.22 19.25 -.15 -18.1 BRF SA N BRFS .40e 3.2 18.12 10.60 1815 12.44 8589 13.14 12.03 -.27 -15.7 BRT N BRT 32 8.70 6.93 5 8.07 65 8.32 7.96 -1.5 BSB Bcp Q BLMT 20 30.05 21.66 6 29.15 62 29.80 28.40 +.40 +.7 BT Grp s N BT .99e 5.0 33.50 19.14 588 19.91 4657 20.42 19.66 -.14 -13.5sBWX Tech N BWXT .36 .7 50.21 32.58 548 49.17 2216 50.21 48.97 +.62 +23.9 B&W Ent n N BW 23.00 8.54 270 9.37 1937 9.85 9.24 +.20 -43.5 BabShDHi N BGH 1.84 9.2 20.49 17.01 74 19.97 325 20.04 19.84 +.16 +3.8sBadgerMtr s N BMI .46f .4 35 41.70 29.30 130 39.75 830 41.70 39.70 +.10 +7.6 Baidu Q BIDU 12 201.00 155.28 7228 180.23 18887 188.60 176.07 +2.15 +9.6 BakrHu N BHI .68 1.1 68.59 41.74 3051 59.37 18490 60.10 56.09 +1.69 -8.6 Balchem Q BCPC .38f .5 46 89.50 56.60 73 81.16 432 82.27 78.91 +2.85 -3.3 BaldwLy Q BWINA 1.08f 4.6 12 26.50 22.50 0 23.57 8 23.91 23.52 +.22 -5.7 BaldLyB Q BWINB 1.08f 4.4 13 27.70 22.60 44 24.50 225 25.40 24.35 +.20 -2.8 BallCorp N BLL .40 .5 21 82.24 67.51 1778 76.89 8796 77.53 73.82 +3.21 +2.4 Ballanty N BTN 48 8.10 4.21 279 6.30 345 6.40 6.00 +.25 -21.3sBallardPw Q BLDP 3.25 1.23 3504 3.27 11965 3.32 2.70 +.51 +98.2 BanColum N CIB 1.27e 3.2 42.58 31.77 535 39.49 2011 40.27 38.59 +.25 +7.7sBancCalif N BANC .52 2.4 11 23.25 10.93 904 21.70 7503 23.25 21.35 -.40 +25.1 BcCalif pfC N BANCpC 2.00 7.4 28.39 24.60 6 26.90 9 27.00 26.85 -.05 +4.2 BcCalif pfE N BANCpE 28.69 23.00 17 26.40 72 26.69 26.19 +.05 +6.2 BcCal pfD N BANCpD 1.84 6.9 28.29 23.00 2 26.50 39 26.66 26.40 +.06 +4.4sBncFstOK Q BANF 1.52f 1.6 22 103.65 56.30 34 96.05 198 103.65 95.05 -2.75 +3.2sBcBilVArg N BBVA .42e 5.3 8.38 5.14 6637 8.00 27461 8.38 7.97 +.39 +18.2 BcoBrades s N BBDO .32e 3.2 11.00 6.48 0 9.98 7 10.17 9.83 +.17 +12.9 BcoBrad s N BBD .43e 4.1 11.25 6.10 15751 10.55 108231 10.63 9.88 +.71 +21.3 BcoLatin N BLX 1.54 5.4 13 30.51 24.54 186 28.68 1017 29.11 27.71 +1.48 -2.6 BcoMacro N BMA 89.45 58.72 64 85.72 441 87.70 84.00 +.88 +33.2sBcoSantSA N SAN .23e 3.5 6.63 3.60 6670 6.52 51911 6.63 6.44 +.50 +25.9 BcoSBrasil N BSBR .28e 3.3 11.75 4.73 4041 8.57 22020 8.59 8.09 +.69 -3.6 BcSanChile N BSAC 1.13e 4.8 25.55 17.83 401 23.63 2510 24.38 23.16 -.18 +8.0sBcoChile N BCH 2.98e 4.1 76.23 59.70 36 73.27 184 76.23 72.00 -1.47 +4.0 Bancorp34 n Q BCTF 13.45 11.35 0 12.62 21 12.75 12.56 -.10 +.2 BncpBnk lf Q TBBK 8.20 4.41 2418 6.45 3391 6.73 4.97 +1.52 -17.9 BcpSouth N BXS .50 1.6 20 32.40 20.50 385 30.45 2773 31.85 30.40 -.15 -1.9 Bcp NJ N BKJ .24 1.5 25 17.50 10.50 1 16.05 30 16.25 15.54 +.50 +18.9 BancrftFd N BCV 1.08e 5.1 22.67 17.58 6 21.31 41 21.47 21.09 +.23 +5.3 BankMutl Q BKMU .22 2.4 26 10.20 7.31 83 9.20 525 9.65 9.10 -.05 -2.6 BkofAm N BAC .30f 1.3 15 25.80 12.05 67570 23.34 507823 24.35 23.24 +.63 +5.6 BkAML pfI N BMLpI 1.59 6.2 26.37 24.60 18 25.85 61 25.90 25.75 +.03 +3.2 BkAML pfJ N BMLpJ 1.02 4.3 27.19 21.46 4 23.84 36 23.98 23.61 +.16 +.3 BkAm pfD N BACpD 1.55 6.0 26.24 24.52 8 25.69 134 25.71 25.61 +2.4 BkAm pfE N BACpE 1.02 5.2 26.68 21.13 34 23.22 164 23.54 23.15 +.17 +6.4 BkAm pfI N BACpI 1.66 6.4 27.45 25.10 18 25.83 134 25.88 25.75 +2.0 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 3 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


BkAm pfL N BACpL 72.50 6.0 1269.47 1116.00 15 1213.42 68 1222.98 1190.68 +2.42 +4.0 BkAm pfW N BACpW 1.66 6.1 28.10 25.19 61 27.07 333 27.26 26.98 -.04 +5.3 BkAm pfY N BACpY 1.63 6.1 28.60 25.13 40 26.85 207 27.02 26.85 -.09 +5.2 BkAm wtA N BAC/WS/A 13.64 3.01 187 11.10 1651 11.98 10.90 +.56 +11.6 BkAm wtB N BAC/WS/B 1.55 .06 172 .78 1262 .89 .73 +.08 -19.3 BkAm pfA N BACpA 27.10 24.45 41 25.87 418 26.02 25.80 -.15 +3.9 BkAm pfC N BACpC 27.24 24.75 133 26.00 1013 26.06 25.97 -.01 +3.0 BkAML pfL N BMLpL 1.02 4.4 24.50 21.25 10 23.18 114 23.56 23.06 +.05 +2.4 BkAML pfH N BMLpH .77 3.5 24.22 18.03 13 21.87 68 22.20 21.77 -.18 +10.0 BkAML pfG N BMLpG .77 3.5 23.30 17.91 10 21.99 43 22.07 21.75 -.16 +10.0 Bk of But n N NTB a 34.92 23.75 288 33.25 2066 33.29 31.97 +1.49 +5.8sBkCmcCA Q BOCH .12 1.1 29 11.45 6.05 11 11.25 87 11.45 10.85 +.20 +18.4 BkHawaii N BOH 2.00 2.5 19 90.80 64.96 180 81.48 1203 84.99 81.43 +.29 -8.1 BankMarin Q BMRC 1.08 1.7 18 75.05 47.16 30 63.15 133 68.75 62.95 -5.55 -9.5 BkMont g N BMO 3.52 78.00 60.93 437 70.85 2915 74.45 70.37 -1.56 -1.5 BkNYMel N BK .68 1.4 15 49.54 35.72 4022 47.06 26087 48.07 46.88 +.50 -.7 BkNYM pfC N BKpC 1.30 5.2 27.41 22.74 105 25.21 212 25.36 25.16 -.07 +9.6 BkNova g N BNS 2.74 4.9 10 62.89 47.29 878 55.63 5891 58.26 54.59 -1.26 -.1 BankSC Q BKSC .56 2.7 20 23.97 15.50 5 20.80 20 21.00 19.63 +.70 -.5 BkofJames Q BOTJ .24 1.6 15 18.50 11.69 21 15.25 29 15.25 14.40 +.85 +.5 BkOzarks Q OZRK .70f 1.5 18 56.86 33.51 901 47.47 4157 50.59 47.43 -.87 -9.7 BankFncl Q BFIN .24f 1.6 38 15.24 11.38 35 14.78 177 15.01 14.60 +.18 -.3 Bankrate N RATE 11.90 6.91 455 10.60 1957 11.00 10.05 +.65 -4.1 BankUtd N BKU .84 2.4 17 41.00 27.85 1008 35.29 5368 36.76 35.14 -.40 -6.4sBankwellF Q BWFG .28 .8 26 38.50 20.14 12 36.14 49 38.50 34.65 +.64 +11.2 Banner Cp Q BANR 1.00f 1.8 20 60.97 38.77 103 55.20 648 59.66 55.17 +.36 -1.1 Banro g N BAA .48 .11 1138 .12 3309 .14 .12 -.01 -34.8 Baozun n Q BZUN 18.61 5.19 815 15.27 3265 15.56 14.95 +.31 +26.5 BarHarbr s N BHB 33.41 20.53 36 30.79 153 31.77 30.50 +.71 sBarFIEur N FEEU 110.52 66.88 4 109.37 29 110.52 107.43 +8.57 +24.8sBarcFI HY N FIGY 147.16 113.09 3 145.45 26 147.16 144.90 +4.34 +12.2 BarcSPVeq N VQT 145.42 129.99 142.72 8 143.41 142.72 +.23 +4.5 BarSelMLP N ATMP 1.17e 5.0 25.72 19.69 66 23.59 163 23.90 23.39 +.25 +.2 BiP Cmdty N DJP 25.50 22.40 324 23.08 1627 23.19 22.83 +.03 -4.7 BarcGSOil N OIL 6.85 4.88 2129 5.29 10316 5.43 5.14 -.04 -16.4 BarcGsci36 N GSP 15.34 12.37 125 13.36 140 13.54 13.18 -.04 -8.9sBrcEnEu n N FLEU 132.64 94.13 19 131.18 31 132.64 129.86 +9.56 +22.5 BiPCop N JJC 32.39 22.95 9 29.59 166 29.69 28.85 +.58 +2.9 BiPNickel N JJN 14.76 9.90 11 11.24 83 11.46 10.88 +.19 -7.1 BiP GCrb N GRN 8.24 4.36 0 5.51 3 5.74 5.37 +.01 -27.6tBiPAg N JJA 42.25 32.95 0 33.02 22 33.50 32.95 -.13 -5.4tBiP Sugar N SGG 53.69 33.23 99 35.19 474 35.97 33.23 -.76 -18.9 BiP Softs N JJS 45.63 33.72 35.26 4 35.26 35.10 -1.04 -9.2 BiP Cottn N BAL 51.80 39.85 1 50.18 38 50.78 49.50 -.33 +8.0sBrcIndiaTR N INP 76.98 60.35 13 76.03 54 76.98 74.96 +2.32 +21.4tBiP Coffee N JO 26.21 17.47 300 18.21 1290 18.35 17.47 +.02 -6.9 BiPGrain N JJG 37.37 26.62 20 27.38 394 27.71 27.07 +.28 -2.7 BiP Cocoa N NIB 40.78 21.17 115 22.23 543 22.78 21.81 -.17 -17.4sBarcBk prD N BCSpD 2.03 7.8 27.18 25.00 184 26.13 981 27.18 26.06 -.04 +2.3 BiPNG N GAZ .76 .39 42 .42 145 .44 .40 -38.3 BiPLive N COW 24.97 17.38 33 24.20 193 24.20 22.18 +1.81 +8.2 BiPAsia8 N AYT 1.21e 3.0 42.72 38.30 6 40.98 31 41.03 40.71 +.27 +3.0 BiPTrLBear Q DLBS 21.53 9.62 3 18.17 54 18.57 17.90 +.61 -10.1 BiP10yTBear Q DTYS 21.98 9.95 4 17.19 49 17.75 17.05 +.47 -13.3 BiPTrSteep Q STPP 36.00 29.92 1 33.75 4 34.10 33.50 -.30 -2.5 BiP2yrTBear Q DTUS 33.61 26.50 2 30.71 6 30.96 30.53 +.62 -5.1sBarcCAPE N CAPE 105.78 79.01 2 105.61 16 105.89 104.29 +2.12 +10.0 BiPSPMLP N IMLP 1.47e 7.2 22.10 18.02 3 20.36 16 20.84 20.36 -.11 -1.2 Barclay N BCS .39e 3.6 12.05 6.76 6217 10.81 23116 11.56 10.80 +.25 -1.7tBiP SPVix N XVZ 29.56 24.80 0 25.06 14 25.28 24.80 -.31 -9.5tB iPVxST rs N VXX 71.48 14.97 39565 15.01 227012 16.06 14.97 -2.19 -41.2tBrVxMdT rs N VXZ 47.84 24.62 132 24.74 893 25.39 24.62 -1.12 -29.0sBard N BCR 1.04 .3 30 306.06 203.63 1804 307.48 22095 307.88 301.60 +54.67 +36.9 BaringsCp s N MCI 1.20 7.8 19.76 14.52 12 15.45 92 15.63 15.29 +.02 -.2 BaringsPt N MPV 1.08a 7.6 15.97 13.73 7 14.27 45 14.48 14.25 -.07 +.5 BarHilc rt Q BHACR .50 .12 0 .28 6 .36 .28 -.10 +12.0 BarHilc wt Q BHACW .23 .04 24 .12 74 .14 .12 -.02 -6.3 B&N Ed n N BNED .15p 13.15 8.50 261 10.41 1456 10.93 10.17 +.11 -9.2 BarnesNob N BKS .60 7.0 45 13.63 8.45 1199 8.55 5045 9.05 8.50 -.20 -23.3sBarnes N B .52 .9 23 53.81 31.13 428 54.97 1322 56.51 51.33 +3.54 +15.9 Barnwell N BRN 2.70 1.31 3 2.00 94 2.21 1.71 +.29 +22.0 Barracuda N CUDA 26.69 13.91 594 20.33 2960 20.77 19.69 +.19 -5.1 BarrettB lf Q BBSI 1.00f 1.7 23 66.93 27.28 35 57.66 155 59.68 56.95 +.52 -10.0 BarrickG N ABX .12f .7 28 23.47 13.81 15761 16.72 125309 19.26 16.57 -2.51 +4.6 BasicEnS N XYZ 3.24 .30 .45 tBasicEn n N BAS 44.81 26.82 614 27.17 3317 31.15 26.82 -3.49 -23.1sBassettF Q BSET .40a 1.3 21 32.40 22.42 40 30.05 179 32.40 28.75 +.75 -1.2sBaxter s N BAX .52 .9 29 56.50 42.22 3425 55.68 24829 56.50 53.04 +2.80 +25.6 BayBncp Q BYBK 43 8.25 4.87 16 7.25 44 7.25 6.75 +.45 +9.8tBaytexE g N BTE 7.14 2.80 1853 3.02 8435 3.07 2.80 +.03 -38.1 Bazaarvce Q BV 6.14 3.30 723 4.70 2895 4.80 4.45 +.15 -3.1sBeacnRfg Q BECN 29 52.12 39.50 307 49.57 1848 52.12 49.50 -.94 +7.6 BearStFin Q BSF .12 1.3 20 10.95 8.65 16 9.38 106 9.64 9.31 -.03 -7.6sBeasleyB Q BBGI .18 1.4 7 18.19 3.64 73 13.15 503 18.19 13.00 -.80 +113.8 BeazerHm N BZH 15.80 6.81 314 12.41 2396 13.00 11.95 +.01 -6.7 BebeStr rs Q BEBE 9.10 3.02 12 3.98 172 4.18 3.74 -.02 -21.8sBectDck N BDX 2.92 1.6 33 186.40 157.60 3732 186.97 21966 187.20 175.66 +1.68 +12.9 BedBath Q BBBY .60f 1.5 8 50.57 37.28 2338 38.75 11096 40.33 38.52 -1.05 -4.7 BeiGene n Q BGNE 41.89 24.53 93 40.88 543 40.94 36.66 +4.17 +34.7 BelFuseB Q BELFB .28 1.2 13 33.60 15.63 25 24.20 165 25.15 23.22 +1.05 -21.7 Belden N BDC .20 .3 13 81.33 54.97 212 69.70 1116 71.82 68.42 +2.45 -6.8 Bellatrix g N BXE 15 1.30 .72 292 .75 1085 .77 .73 -.01 -21.0 Belleroph n Q BLPH 4.58 .43 424 1.45 2906 1.65 1.35 +.11 +178.8 BellicumP Q BLCM 23.11 8.61 833 13.37 2658 14.11 13.11 -.05 -1.8 Belmond N BEL 50 14.45 8.69 299 12.40 1713 12.80 11.90 +.35 -7.1tBemis N BMS 1.20f 2.7 17 53.32 45.16 1872 44.93 7294 50.47 44.81 -4.40 -6.0 BenchElec N BHE 24 33.45 19.01 227 31.70 1762 32.50 31.25 +.70 +3.9 BenefBncp Q BNCL .24 1.5 41 19.00 12.34 183 16.00 1087 17.00 15.95 -.39 -13.0 Benefitfoc Q BNFT 44.98 24.55 933 31.50 1857 32.85 28.75 +2.70 +6.1 Benitec wt Q BNTCW 1.09 .03 4 .30 9 .44 .30 -.04 +200.0 BenitecB n Q BNTC 5.48 1.20 25 2.56 284 2.80 2.42 -.08 +67.3 Berkley N WRB .52 .8 20 73.17 54.56 377 67.98 2720 69.11 67.90 -.03 +2.2 Berkley pfB N WRBpB 1.41 5.6 26.73 21.82 24 25.02 103 25.30 24.76 +.27 +10.7 Berkly pfC N WRBpC 27.28 21.72 21 25.94 52 26.29 25.85 +.05 +8.1 Berkly pfD N WRBpD 1.44 5.7 26.39 21.54 72 25.24 214 25.26 25.06 +.18 +10.3 BerkH B N BRK/B 17 177.86 136.65 2949 165.21 19679 168.95 164.40 +1.80 +1.4sBerkHBcp N BHLB .84 2.2 18 38.65 24.80 213 37.50 1461 38.65 35.60 +2.55 +1.8 BerryPlas N BERY 21 52.97 34.98 1469 50.00 7627 50.89 49.41 +.74 +2.6sBestBuy N BBY 1.36f 2.6 14 52.67 28.76 2971 51.81 16195 52.67 50.71 +1.17 +21.4sBeyondsp n Q BYSI 28.05 16.55 5 24.64 49 28.05 21.26 +2.94 +46.7 Big 5Sprt Q BGFV .60 3.9 19 20.35 8.15 417 15.40 2675 16.85 15.25 -1.15 -11.2 BigLots N BIG 1.00f 2.0 15 56.54 41.61 1021 50.49 6213 51.95 49.51 +.80 +.6 BiglariHld N BH 35 491.74 351.46 10 426.63 21 451.15 422.00 -3.55 -9.8tBBarrett N BBG 9.05 3.78 1069 3.84 7639 4.25 3.78 -.03 -45.1 BioAmber N BIOA 6.50 2.00 131 2.25 518 2.47 2.10 -.11 -59.1 BioAmb wt N BIOA/WS 1.20 .01 2 .02 58 .03 .02 -.00 -97.6 Bio-Path Q BPTH 2.83 .54 167 .63 630 .73 .61 -.05 -53.3sBioRadA N BIO 219.34 135.94 290 218.26 1014 219.34 211.98 +6.67 +19.7 BioTechne Q TECH 1.28 1.2 51 117.42 91.45 210 107.08 730 107.53 99.97 +5.32 +4.1 BioDlvry lf Q BDSI 3.78 1.50 350 1.83 1624 1.85 1.60 +.23 +4.3 BioLifeSol Q BLFS 3.58 1.43 10 2.02 105 2.12 2.02 -.03 +25.5 BioLneRx h Q BLRX 1.42 .71 362 .86 1638 .89 .84 -.02 -6.5 BioanlySys Q BASI 2.42 .60 7 1.22 106 1.29 1.19 -.03 +58.4 BioblastP Q ORPN 2.45 .51 21 .56 156 .65 .53 +.01 -46.2 Biocept rs Q BIOC 4.09 .74 351 1.62 1887 1.75 1.60 -.05 +109.0 Biocryst Q BCRX 9.25 2.49 763 6.34 3654 6.78 6.24 -.17 +.2 Biogen Q BIIB 16 333.65 223.02 1751 271.21 11144 291.90 271.06 -1.73 -4.4 Biolase Q BIOL 1.98 .80 155 1.28 516 1.45 1.24 -.03 -8.6 BioMarin Q BMRN 102.49 73.45 1190 95.84 9387 98.95 90.24 +7.37 +15.7 Biomeri n Q BMRA 3.38 1.53 19 2.62 68 2.65 2.25 +.24 +13.9 BiondVax n Q BVXV 7.87 3.04 2 6.55 23 6.55 6.25 +.30 +95.5 BiondVx wt Q BVXVW 2.02 .37 0 1.00 28 1.16 .75 -.11 +169.5 BioPhrmX N BPMX 1.22 .19 3628 .83 15407 .90 .69 +.03 +120.9 Bioptx hrs Q BIOP 6.65 2.14 18 3.65 81 4.21 3.54 -.16 -4.9 BioScrip Q BIOS 3.43 .98 753 1.52 5020 1.61 1.45 +.01 +46.2 BioSpecif Q BSTC 38 58.21 32.39 29 56.73 144 56.91 52.36 +2.86 +1.8 Biostage h Q BSTG 2.86 .28 599 .35 2113 .35 .30 +.03 -61.2 BiostrPh rs Q BSPM 7.06 1.08 13 1.73 145 2.00 1.66 -.05 -41.0sBioTelem Q BEAT 56 33.45 11.78 347 32.90 2860 33.45 31.45 +1.95 +47.2 BioTime N BTX 4.01 2.26 244 3.40 1549 3.48 3.12 +.27 -5.8 BioTime wt N BTX/WS .98 .30 1 .47 30 .55 .47 +.01 -32.9sBioverativ Q BIVV 58.75 40.00 713 58.81 4001 58.99 55.31 +1.63 +23.8 BirksGrp N BGI 5.15 .41 18 1.44 149 1.54 1.38 +.01 +34.6 BitautoH N BITA 33.16 16.56 1043 29.32 5860 31.63 26.97 +2.31 +54.8 BlackBox Q BBOX .48 4.8 17.05 8.25 71 9.90 521 10.80 9.85 -.05 -35.1 BlackDiam Q BDE 6.85 3.93 12 5.25 171 5.40 5.15 +.05 -1.9sBlkHillsCp N BKH 1.78f 2.6 21 69.22 54.76 642 68.02 1830 69.22 67.06 +.69 +10.9 BlkHCp un N BKHU 76.15 61.75 62 73.95 206 75.09 73.05 +.69 +7.4 BlackKnt n N BKFS 52 42.19 31.67 174 41.40 791 42.00 39.70 +1.50 +9.5 BlkStMin n N BSM 1.15f 7.2 61 19.86 14.24 139 15.96 595 16.61 15.94 -.51 -15.0sBlackLin n Q BL 33.71 21.66 180 32.87 1040 33.71 31.92 +.08 +19.0 BlkRkCap Q BKCC .84 11.5 9.60 6.75 191 7.33 1339 7.40 7.29 +.03 +5.3sBlckbaud Q BLKB .48 .6 72 79.97 55.88 560 80.41 1459 81.00 78.27 +1.50 +25.6sBlackBerry Q BBRY 9.33 6.23 7216 9.34 45465 9.37 9.10 +.26 +35.6sBlkhwkNet Q HAWK 42.80 28.88 756 40.45 4287 42.80 39.50 -.65 +7.4 BlackRock N BLK 10.00f 2.6 19 399.46 317.60 573 384.57 2546 391.90 384.12 +6.51 +1.1 BlkBldAm N BBN 1.58 7.0 25.58 19.50 130 22.66 622 22.66 22.24 +.16 +4.9 BlkCA18 N BJZ .33 2.2 15.30 14.93 1 15.13 26 15.17 15.07 +.06 +.6 BlkCAIT N BFZ .87 6.1 17.00 13.81 54 14.27 361 14.31 14.16 -.04 -1.5 BlkCorBd N BHK .85a 6.2 14.34 12.57 116 13.69 646 13.76 13.50 +.05 +5.2sBlkCpHiY N HYT .84a 7.5 11.29 9.86 409 11.27 2482 11.29 11.13 +.13 +4.1 BlkCrdAllo N BTZ .97 7.2 13.70 12.05 194 13.41 790 13.41 13.20 +.19 +3.4 BlkDbtStr rs N DSU 11.75 10.38 138 11.70 826 11.70 11.57 +.13 +3.2 BlkDefOpp N BHL .70a 5.1 14.01 13.02 16 13.76 67 13.77 13.67 +.06 -.2 BlkEngyRs N BGR 1.32 9.7 15.01 13.12 62 13.55 442 13.76 13.35 +.15 -6.2sBlkEnhC&I N CII 1.20 8.1 14.82 12.59 137 14.83 1121 14.84 14.54 +.35 +8.2sBlkEEqDv N BDJ .56 6.4 8.68 7.42 568 8.70 2365 8.72 8.55 +.18 +6.7 BlEnhGvIn N EGF .66 5.0 14.11 13.03 4 13.27 29 13.28 13.18 +.06 +.6 BlkFltRtInc N FRA .81 5.6 14.85 12.91 57 14.45 571 14.48 14.35 +.07 +.3sBlkFloatR N BGT .78a 5.3 14.79 12.68 64 14.68 402 14.79 14.55 +.08 +4.3 BlkFL2020 N BFO .37 2.5 15.48 14.85 0 15.10 43 15.14 15.08 -.04 +.6sBlkGlbOp N BOE 1.16 8.9 13.04 11.19 215 13.01 1450 13.04 12.78 +.30 +12.4 BlkHlthSci N BME 2.40a 6.9 38.54 30.82 18 34.99 115 35.17 34.30 +.81 +10.2 BlkIT N BKT .37 6.0 6.67 6.06 65 6.24 370 6.26 6.23 -.01 -1.4 BlkIntlG&I N BGY .59 9.8 6.13 5.36 419 6.04 2222 6.05 5.93 +.15 +9.6 BlkIQM N BKN .92a 6.3 18.30 13.92 29 14.59 220 14.78 14.54 -.22 -.7 BlkLtdD N BLW 1.19a 7.6 16.07 14.72 89 15.71 505 15.73 15.58 +.10 +3.6 BlkLTMu N BTA .70a 6.0 13.44 10.73 56 11.66 201 11.70 11.52 -.09 +3.4 BlkMDMB N BZM .65 3.8 17.00 13.81 1 14.50 24 14.50 14.00 -.06 +2.7 BlkMATxE N MHE .70a 5.0 16.72 12.68 6 13.94 18 14.00 13.60 +.02 -1.9sBlkMultSec N BIT 1.40a 7.8 17.75 15.52 151 17.98 498 17.98 17.53 +.34 +9.1 BlkMuIntD N MUI .79a 5.6 15.63 13.45 55 13.96 535 14.01 13.86 -.10 +1.2 BlkMuNYInt N MNE .69 5.0 16.35 13.18 5 13.79 28 13.89 13.76 -.07 +1.6 BlkMunihCA N MUC .81a 5.7 16.35 13.53 97 14.31 364 14.35 14.22 -.05 +1.6 BlkMunHIQ N MFL .86 5.9 16.43 13.52 117 14.55 459 14.55 14.33 +.03 +2.6 BlMunhNYQ N MHN .80a 5.8 15.68 13.13 53 13.70 172 13.77 13.62 -.07 +2.2 BlMunhNJQ N MUJ .89a 6.2 16.48 13.56 23 14.42 223 14.46 14.30 -.01 +3.7 BlkMunihQ N MUS .81 6.1 15.59 12.66 22 13.38 150 13.50 13.26 -.07 -1.5 BlkMunHQ2 N MUE .82 6.1 15.23 12.57 50 13.44 229 13.48 13.26 -.01 -.4 BlMunyCAQ N MCA .88 5.8 16.87 13.95 32 15.02 245 15.07 14.91 +.06 +3.6 BlkMunyInv N MYF .97 6.2 17.48 14.32 60 15.56 180 15.94 15.48 +.01 +4.4 BlkMunyIQ N MFT .85 6.1 16.50 13.23 2 13.93 63 13.96 13.81 -.01 -.1 BlkMYMIQ N MIY .83 6.0 15.69 13.17 26 13.76 205 13.81 13.69 -.02 +1.3 BlMunyNYQ N MYN .74a 5.7 14.74 12.50 31 13.05 269 13.05 12.93 -.02 +2.8 BlkMunyPaQ N MPA .86 6.0 16.66 13.75 10 14.30 120 14.35 14.16 -.05 +1.4 BlMunyQlty N MQY .96 6.3 17.20 14.21 30 15.14 206 15.18 14.99 -.06 +2.9 BlkMuniyQ3 N MYI .89a 6.3 15.88 13.23 80 14.02 443 14.10 13.91 -.09 +2.7 BlkMuniast N MUA .72a 4.8 16.09 12.96 37 14.85 310 14.89 14.53 +.25 +10.2 Blk2018 N BPK .56a 3.7 15.44 14.93 17 15.05 199 15.05 15.01 +.01 +.5 BlkMu2020 N BKK .54a 3.4 17.18 15.16 22 15.74 212 15.87 15.70 -.11 +3.6 BlkMuBdT N BBK .90a 5.9 18.55 14.50 38 15.19 114 15.30 15.02 -.11 -.5 BlkMuIIQ N BAF .82 5.6 16.67 13.68 24 14.65 161 14.65 14.39 +.07 +2.7 BlkMunIIT N BBF .87 5.8 17.00 13.46 8 14.85 84 14.85 14.54 +.10 +6.0 BlkMuIQT N BYM .86 6.2 16.38 13.50 42 14.09 251 14.09 13.91 +.01 +1.4 BlkMuIT N BFK .90a 6.4 16.02 13.42 69 14.00 407 14.12 13.93 -.13 +1.2 BlkMuIT2 N BLE .95a 6.4 16.89 13.87 28 15.00 198 15.01 14.84 -.03 +3.2 BlkMuTTT N BTT .96a 4.2 24.44 21.09 107 23.02 524 23.04 22.72 +.08 +5.5 BlkMunienh N MEN .73a 6.2 13.21 10.92 55 11.69 310 11.71 11.50 -.01 +3.7 BlkMunihld N MHD 1.03a 6.2 19.35 15.54 23 16.65 153 16.72 16.50 -.09 +2.9 BlkMunihd2 N MUH .93a 6.0 17.29 14.36 22 15.59 105 15.66 15.40 +.02 +6.1 BlkMunvst N MVF .64a 6.6 11.26 9.34 104 9.68 609 9.71 9.52 -.05 +.7 BlkMuniv2 N MVT 1.00a 6.4 18.64 14.74 24 15.45 182 15.57 15.31 -.12 +1.4 BlkMunyAZ N MZA .83 5.7 19.16 13.89 3 14.72 20 14.84 14.52 -.06 +1.7 BlMunyldCA N MYC .89a 5.9 17.89 14.44 22 15.11 150 15.17 15.00 -.06 -1.0 BlkMuniyld N MYD .92a 6.3 16.44 13.61 85 14.75 369 14.75 14.54 +.02 +4.3 BlkMunyNJ N MYJ .90a 5.7 17.62 14.87 7 15.67 95 15.75 15.54 -.04 +2.3 BlMunQlt2 N MQT .80 6.2 15.06 12.31 26 12.94 150 13.01 12.85 -.10 +1.0 BlkNJMB N BLJ .83a 5.5 17.75 14.21 2 15.03 16 15.19 14.56 +.04 +4.0 BlkNJIT N BNJ .90a 5.9 16.98 14.12 4 15.35 46 15.42 15.20 -.10 +7.8 BlkNY18 N BLH .31a 2.1 15.18 14.72 6 14.93 19 14.99 14.80 +.04 +1.4 BlkNYMB N BQH .74 5.2 16.39 13.56 4 14.29 12 14.59 14.28 -.14 +1.9 BlkNYIQT N BSE .69 5.2 15.42 12.53 13 13.32 45 13.40 13.26 -.06 +1.6 BlkNYIT N BNY .83 5.6 16.91 13.29 13 14.73 112 14.88 14.72 -.18 +5.9 BlkNYMu2 N BFY .84 5.7 18.02 14.05 7 14.75 34 15.12 14.68 -.37 +1.9 BlkRsCmdy N BCX .79 9.2 8.99 7.28 269 8.59 1412 8.70 8.52 +.02 +3.9sBlkSciTch N BST 1.20 5.6 21.53 15.80 95 21.59 471 21.70 21.17 +.56 +20.3 BlkStMT N BSD .85a 6.2 15.98 13.03 19 13.67 59 13.67 13.51 -.04 +1.3sBlkU&Inf N BUI 1.45 7.0 20.81 17.24 35 20.66 217 20.81 20.50 +.09 +12.2 BlkVAMB N BHV .83 5.1 21.50 15.06 6 16.23 9 16.39 16.08 -.02 +5.4 BlkstFltRt N BSL 1.08 5.9 18.43 15.24 33 18.39 235 18.43 18.16 +.24 +1.7sBlkstGSOSt N BGB 1.26 7.7 16.27 13.82 171 16.30 826 16.30 16.05 +.21 +6.3 Blackstone N BX 3.48f 11.3 19 31.69 22.45 5411 30.84 40494 31.44 30.14 +1.43 +14.1 BlkstnMtg N BXMT 2.48f 8.0 12 31.53 26.46 667 30.88 5182 31.47 30.49 +.12 +2.7 BlkLSCrInc N BGX 1.18 7.1 16.52 13.89 96 16.49 306 16.51 16.30 +.19 +3.6 BlockHR N HRB .88 3.5 17 24.95 19.18 3461 24.79 25131 24.82 23.16 +1.71 +7.8 BlonderT N BDR 1.10 .28 41 .60 267 .90 .58 +.04 +27.9sBloominBr Q BLMN .32 1.5 22 21.32 15.82 2412 21.69 12845 21.69 19.67 +1.91 +20.3sBlucora Q BCOR 18.50 5.79 683 18.45 3089 18.70 17.55 +1.05 +25.1sBlueBird Q BLBD 18.98 9.53 41 18.60 294 18.98 18.20 +.60 +20.4 BlueBPet n Q BUFF 35 27.50 21.60 724 24.65 4445 24.88 23.81 +.56 +2.5 BlueCapRe N BCRH 1.20 6.3 12 20.83 17.01 17 18.90 83 20.05 18.85 -.60 +2.4 BlueHBcp Q BHBK .20f 1.1 27 19.73 13.78 76 18.10 519 19.35 18.05 -.30 -3.5 BluebBio Q BLUE 100.40 35.37 270 88.95 2261 91.70 83.90 +6.55 +44.2 BlueknEP Q BKEP .58 8.3 7.55 4.79 43 7.00 174 7.35 6.80 +2.2 Bluekn pf Q BKEPP .72 9.0 8.75 6.51 2 7.95 51 8.00 7.85 -.05 +.6sBlueLinx rs N BXC 6 10.46 6.36 117 10.92 304 11.06 9.60 +1.15 +46.2 BlueprtM n Q BPMC 47.40 13.27 480 46.58 1857 47.26 45.52 +1.46 +66.1 BluerkRsd N BRG 1.16 9.3 35 14.77 10.87 242 12.46 1163 12.82 12.41 -.24 -9.2 BluerkRs pf N BRGpA 2.06 7.8 27.58 24.93 1 26.38 14 26.45 26.20 +.03 +1.3sBluerkR pfD N BRGpD 1.78 7.1 25.20 21.85 6 24.90 28 25.20 24.80 -.22 +6.9 BdwlkPpl N BWP .40 2.2 15 18.95 15.56 459 18.14 4314 18.70 17.78 -.19 +4.5sBobEvans Q BOBE 1.36 2.0 49 67.92 35.63 190 66.74 1006 67.92 66.35 +.52 +25.4 Boeing N BA 5.68f 3.1 21 185.71 122.35 2062 184.83 16464 184.93 180.11 +4.45 +18.7 BofI Hld s Q BOFI 12 32.57 15.29 1439 23.89 10876 26.87 22.75 -1.90 -16.3 BofI pf Q BOFIL 1.56 6.0 29.95 23.02 4 26.00 10 26.19 25.50 +.20 +4.0sBoingo Q WIFI 14.72 6.56 234 14.29 1420 14.72 13.91 +.26 +17.2sBoiseCasc N BCC 24 31.40 17.80 261 30.50 1762 31.40 29.90 +.15 +35.6sBojangles n Q BOJA 22 22.00 14.55 175 21.95 1154 22.00 20.85 +1.05 +17.7tBonTon Q BONT .20 34.5 2.49 .58 60 .58 329 .62 .58 -.02 -60.5tBonanzaCE N BCEI 3.94 .60 11673 .51 15083 1.03 .42 -.37 -50.5 BonsoElec Q BNSO 4.25 1.23 7 2.56 103 2.65 2.44 +.07 +16.9 BootBarn N BOOT 23 17.26 5.59 125 10.61 986 11.17 10.42 -.15 -15.3 BoozAllnH N BAH .68f 1.9 21 38.54 27.02 722 35.93 3874 36.65 35.60 +.28 -.4 BorgWarn N BWA .56 1.3 13 44.24 27.52 2072 42.28 9611 42.75 39.98 +2.77 +7.2 BostBeer N SAM 21 195.35 135.10 401 144.35 1401 149.70 135.80 +5.30 -15.0 BostPrv Q BPFH .44 2.8 21 17.88 10.77 341 15.60 2390 17.20 15.60 -.75 -5.7 BostPrv pf Q BPFHP 1.74 6.8 28.71 23.53 0 25.73 7 26.19 25.62 -.10 +2.5 BostProp N BXP 3.00f 2.4 23 144.02 113.69 759 126.60 4116 135.06 125.56 -7.75 +.7 BosProp pfB N BXPpB 1.31 5.2 27.17 22.63 5 25.35 71 25.80 25.19 -.62 +5.4sBostonSci N BSX 52 26.41 19.67 8893 26.38 55439 26.47 25.10 +1.52 +22.0 BttmlnT Q EPAY 31 31.10 18.48 710 23.30 2658 23.45 21.52 +.88 -6.9 BldrG&IFd N BIF .40a 4.2 9.59 7.76 141 9.46 1050 9.54 9.37 +.14 +5.8 BlvdAcq n Q BLVD 10.05 9.54 10.00 7 10.05 10.00 -.01 +.8 BlvdAcq wt Q BLVDW .89 .27 1 .77 11 .78 .73 -.04 +45.3 BlvdAcq un Q BLVDU 10.77 9.71 1 10.44 74 10.44 10.34 +.07 +2.8 BovieMed N BVX 5.75 1.56 23 2.70 230 2.75 2.55 +.09 -24.8 BowlA N BWL/A .68 4.7 40 17.25 14.09 2 14.41 5 14.41 14.40 -12.6 Box Inc n N BOX 18.36 9.86 867 17.24 4881 17.28 16.82 +.44 +24.4sBoydGm N BYD 23 23.05 16.77 1620 22.68 7760 23.15 22.39 +.51 +12.4 BradyCp N BRC .82f 2.1 25 40.50 25.98 127 38.95 879 39.80 38.75 +.75 +3.7 Brainstorm Q BCLI 5.10 2.06 70 4.13 936 4.30 4.02 +.05 +62.6 Brandyw N BDN .64 3.8 15 17.40 14.04 733 16.97 6634 17.25 16.73 -.08 +2.8 Braskem N BAK .38e 1.8 23.15 10.82 423 21.56 2878 21.61 20.48 +1.36 +1.7 BravoBrio Q BBRG 8.68 3.40 97 4.85 292 5.15 4.75 +27.6 BridgeBcp Q BDGE .92 2.5 18 38.95 26.90 78 36.25 621 37.95 34.80 +2.10 -4.4 Bridglne rs Q BLIN 3.47 .43 12 .76 99 .78 .71 +.04 +18.4sBridgptEd N BPI 68 12.72 5.38 88 12.20 434 12.72 11.90 +.43 +20.4 BridgfdFds Q BRID 14 16.00 10.43 2 12.42 12 12.93 11.64 +.75 +9.2sBrigStrat N BGG .56 2.2 34 25.92 17.90 462 24.99 3166 25.92 23.85 +1.49 +12.3sBrightHrz N BFAM 49 76.25 59.00 224 76.12 1044 76.26 74.32 +1.55 +8.7 Brightcove Q BCOV 13.80 5.83 94 8.70 528 8.90 8.35 +.25 +8.1 Brinker N EAT 1.36 3.1 14 55.84 40.92 973 44.19 10508 45.81 42.97 -.47 -10.8sBrinks N BCO .40 .7 65 62.20 26.86 483 61.40 2942 62.20 57.00 +4.75 +48.8 BrMySq N BMY 1.56f 2.8 33 77.12 46.01 8051 56.05 51584 56.33 53.51 +2.57 -4.1 BristowGp N BRS .28 2.1 22.92 9.17 713 13.37 2264 14.89 13.34 -.42 -34.7sBritATob s N BTI 68.79 52.71 904 68.04 9314 68.79 67.72 +1.27 tBrixmorP N BRX 1.04f 5.3 11 29.14 20.08 3132 19.75 15899 21.76 19.66 -1.87 -18.3 BroadcLtd Q AVGO 2.04 .9 56 227.75 139.18 1470 220.81 7354 224.09 219.68 +3.15 +24.9 BroadrdgF N BR 1.32 1.9 25 71.74 57.92 404 69.94 1932 70.49 68.80 +1.48 +5.5 BroadSoft Q BSFT 64 48.40 35.01 455 38.40 1536 39.20 38.03 +.30 -6.9tBroadVis Q BVSN 7.02 4.10 2 4.20 29 4.25 4.10 -.10 -9.7 BrdwyFn h Q BYFC 6 2.50 1.42 6 1.77 16 1.79 1.70 -.01 +8.3sBroadwdE Q BWEN 9.80 3.13 230 9.19 1828 9.80 8.78 +.52 +127.2sBrcdeCm Q BRCD .22 1.8 45 12.60 7.60 2124 12.57 18322 12.60 12.52 +.01 +.6 Brookdale N BKD 18.94 10.65 1228 12.99 9467 13.28 12.83 -.02 +4.6 BrkfdAs g s N BAM .56f 1.5 20 37.52 31.80 743 36.95 4817 37.12 36.44 +.73 +11.9 BrookBus n N BBU .25f .9 26.87 21.72 5 26.46 34 26.54 25.77 +.47 +10.0 BrkfCda g N BOXC 2.23a 11 25.72 18.68 1 23.81 65 24.12 23.81 -.22 +21.2sBrkfDtla pf N DTLAp 1.91 7.6 25.50 18.69 11 25.16 182 25.50 24.80 +.06 +13.9 BrkGblInf N INF 1.40 10.4 14.13 11.51 87 13.48 415 13.68 13.45 +.01 +5.1sBrkfInfra s N BIP 1.74f 4.4 40.31 27.37 200 39.37 1744 40.31 38.86 +.80 +17.6 BrkfldPrp N BPY 1.18f 5.3 24.98 20.31 165 22.35 958 23.20 22.21 -.67 +1.6 BrkRlAs n N RA .20p 23.45 21.54 48 23.37 360 23.38 23.15 +.16 +4.8 BrkfReEn N BEP 1.87f 6.1 31.85 26.61 45 30.47 229 31.01 30.40 -.28 +2.6 BrklneB Q BRKL .36 2.5 19 17.45 10.40 562 14.55 5387 16.05 14.30 -.70 -11.3sBrooksAuto Q BRKS .40 1.6 24.95 8.99 1189 25.26 4166 25.69 23.05 +2.19 +48.0 BrwnBrn N BRO .54 1.3 23 45.77 34.27 637 42.90 2384 43.66 42.82 +.40 -4.4 BrownFA s N BF/A 29 55.31 45.17 36 48.06 86 48.14 47.10 +1.12 +3.9 BrownFB s N BF/B 51.55 43.72 842 47.32 3750 47.48 46.56 +1.06 +5.3 BrukerCp Q BRKR .16 .7 25 29.07 19.58 1026 24.39 4154 24.46 22.21 +2.20 +15.2 Brunswick N BC .66f 1.2 17 61.74 41.19 1362 56.75 7881 60.85 56.65 -2.16 +4.1sBrynMawr Q BMTC .84 2.0 20 43.15 26.27 101 42.90 699 43.85 42.35 +1.36 +1.8 Bsquare Q BSQR 6.44 3.80 12 5.20 76 5.38 5.15 -.05 -11.1 Buckeye N BPL 4.96f 7.2 19 75.10 61.37 421 69.18 2891 69.95 67.61 +1.11 +4.6 Buckle N BKE 1.00e 5.3 9 29.19 16.00 326 18.70 1758 19.45 18.55 -.10 -18.0 Buenavent N BVN 16.45 8.90 1953 12.01 10681 12.25 11.48 -.19 +6.5 BuffaloWW Q BWLD 34 175.10 122.25 478 157.55 2959 165.70 152.80 -4.20 +2.0 BldBear N BBW 34 15.85 8.05 390 10.40 1743 10.50 8.60 +1.30 -24.4sBldrFstSrc Q BLDR 18 16.22 9.04 1168 16.01 6164 16.22 15.64 +.62 +45.9 BungeLt N BG 1.68 2.1 17 82.66 56.69 1163 79.03 4577 79.20 77.70 +1.57 +9.4tBurcon g Q BUR 2.86 1.34 1 1.44 5 1.44 1.34 -.03 -26.9sBurlStrs N BURL 32 98.98 51.19 605 98.92 3201 99.34 96.82 +1.38 +16.7C -:C&F Fnc Q CFFI 1.32 2.6 13 53.40 37.64 3 50.00 29 52.00 48.76 +.40 +.3 CTrkMH23 N MLPC 1.19e 6.8 18.43 15.20 1 17.44 9 17.53 17.14 +.28 +4.4 CA Inc Q CA 1.02 3.1 15 34.99 29.12 2544 32.83 9133 32.91 32.04 +.90 +3.3 CAE Inc g N CAE .32 15.88 11.39 136 15.27 636 15.50 15.09 +.06 +9.3sCAI Intl N CAI 29 22.57 6.75 127 20.62 1400 22.57 19.00 +2.05 +137.8tCAS Med Q CASM 2.15 1.22 33 1.30 190 1.35 1.22 -.03 -19.3 CASI Phr h Q CASI 1.76 .82 19 1.18 115 1.25 1.10 +.07 +2.6 CB FnSvcs Q CBFV .88 3.1 14 29.40 20.60 1 28.25 8 28.30 27.66 +.40 +9.3 CBAK Eng Q CBAK 3.33 1.20 51 1.50 407 1.50 1.30 +.15 +6.6sCBIZ Inc N CBZ 18 15.75 9.77 217 15.75 916 15.85 14.75 +1.10 +15.0 CBL Asc N CBL 1.06 11.5 8 14.30 8.72 4855 9.25 25775 10.11 9.17 -.78 -19.6 CBL pfD N CBLpD 1.84 7.9 25.60 22.72 49 23.35 263 23.80 23.13 -.38 -4.5 CBL pfE N CBLpE 1.66 7.1 26.50 22.60 9 23.43 34 23.79 23.28 -.34 +2.0sCBOE Q CBOE 1.00 1.2 34 84.63 61.22 1585 82.41 6284 84.63 81.85 -.58 +11.5 CBRE GRE N IGR .60 7.8 8.80 7.06 486 7.66 2002 7.76 7.61 -.04 +4.9 CBRE Grp N CBG 17 36.74 24.11 2026 35.81 12852 36.47 33.92 +1.43 +13.7 CBS A N CBS/A .72f 1.1 20 71.07 49.92 2 67.25 24 68.38 66.33 -.39 +3.8 CBS B N CBS .72 1.1 17 70.10 48.88 2256 66.56 13975 67.53 65.42 -.28 +4.6 CCA Inds N CAW 19 3.99 2.25 2 3.25 27 3.25 3.00 +.05 +25.0 CDI N CDI .52 6.4 9.65 4.84 27 8.15 121 8.40 7.70 +.35 +10.1 CDK Globl Q CDK .56 .9 31 67.49 45.21 1320 65.01 5199 65.89 64.45 +.43 +8.9 CDW Corp Q CDW .64 1.1 19 61.00 37.80 752 59.09 3546 60.27 58.44 +1.33 +13.4sCEVA Inc Q CEVA 51 37.90 22.10 83 36.00 935 37.90 35.25 +.55 +7.3 CF CpA n Q CFCO 10.25 9.60 19 10.02 34 10.05 10.01 +.01 +1.0 CF Cp wt Q CFCOW 1.70 .61 14 1.46 49 1.58 1.36 +.06 +16.8 CF Inds s N CF 1.20 4.5 57 37.17 20.77 3298 26.74 18505 27.63 25.90 +.74 -15.1 CGG rs N CGG 32.00 6.57 2 7.06 10 7.07 6.83 +.28 -50.1 CGI g N GIB 50.58 40.88 212 48.27 971 48.41 46.80 +1.56 +.5 CH Robins Q CHRW 1.80 2.5 20 81.16 65.57 1624 72.70 12039 78.31 72.43 -3.84 -.8 CHS Inc pf Q CHSCP 2.00 6.6 34.85 28.86 15 30.33 46 30.75 30.26 -.12 +3.6 CHS pfB Q CHSCO 1.97 6.8 31.88 28.05 25 28.90 284 29.04 28.75 +.15 +2.3 CHS pfB2 Q CHSCN 1.78 6.3 31.58 25.94 8 28.17 45 28.43 27.88 -.02 +6.3 CHS pfB3 Q CHSCM 1.69 6.2 29.78 25.36 17 27.14 134 27.58 26.95 -.19 +3.3 CHS pfB4 Q CHSCL 1.88 6.5 31.34 26.36 22 28.89 112 29.00 28.59 +.16 +6.4 CIM CmTr Q CMCT .88a 5.5 43 20.27 14.54 2 16.05 14 16.75 15.90 -.55 +3.9sCIT Grp N CIT .60 1.3 45 47.40 28.33 4724 46.31 26749 47.40 44.17 +2.71 +8.5 CM Finan Q CMFN 1.00m 9.9 6 10.80 7.75 23 10.10 210 10.75 10.00 -.60 +8.6 CME Grp Q CME 2.64f 2.3 28 127.60 90.69 1855 116.19 10080 120.79 114.82 -2.58 +.7 CMS Eng N CMS 1.33 2.9 27 46.25 38.78 1714 45.40 7277 45.85 44.93 +.21 +9.1sCNA Fn N CNA 1.00a 2.2 15 45.98 29.38 173 45.26 1136 45.98 44.43 +1.25 +9.1 CNBFnPA Q CCNE .66 2.8 16 28.43 17.07 22 23.89 184 26.07 23.83 -.83 -10.7sCNH Indl N CNHI .12 1.1 10.90 6.26 4170 11.10 12247 11.15 10.29 +1.22 +27.7sCNO Fincl N CNO .32 1.5 15 22.60 14.30 1020 21.07 7460 22.60 20.59 +.44 +10.0 CNOOC N CEO 4.77e 4.1 138.36 112.32 115 116.15 542 117.18 113.50 +.58 -6.3 CNX Coal n N CNXC .51 22.30 7.55 31 16.05 231 16.42 15.20 +.85 -12.1 CPFL Eng N CPL .40t 16.75 10.02 385 16.25 1628 16.53 16.07 +.03 +5.5 CPI Aero N CVU 9 10.15 4.35 39 6.20 240 6.65 6.10 -.20 -33.0 CPI Card n Q PMTS .18 40 8.58 3.25 94 3.60 709 3.95 3.45 -.30 -13.3 CPS Tech Q CPSH 32 2.39 1.07 6 1.59 275 1.74 1.41 +.15 -15.0 CRA Intl Q CRAI .56 1.5 25 40.00 19.45 50 37.94 180 39.52 37.14 +.03 +3.7 CRH Med N CRHM 9.25 2.80 268 5.90 3696 7.35 5.60 -1.45 +12.4 CRH N CRH .74e 2.0 36.83 25.82 362 36.32 3732 36.76 36.16 +1.57 +5.6 CRISPR n Q CRSP 25.00 11.63 49 17.02 353 17.10 16.14 +.05 -16.0 CSG Sys Q CSGS .79f 2.1 18 51.34 35.92 181 37.51 1055 38.62 37.47 -.01 -22.5 CSI Comp Q CCLP .75m 9.3 13.54 6.91 137 8.10 2111 8.62 7.18 -1.02 -16.8 CsopChiA50 N AFTY 2.38p 14.28 12.12 0 13.68 7 13.74 13.62 +.01 +5.6 CSP Inc Q CSPI .44 4.0 21 11.95 5.92 4 10.90 44 11.10 10.61 +.51 +3.0 CSRA n N CSRA .40 1.4 25 33.54 21.95 1260 29.08 4109 29.56 28.63 +.16 -8.7 CSS Inds N CSS .80 3.0 23 29.18 23.16 50 26.36 186 27.21 25.61 -.05 -2.6sCST Brnds N CST .19j 37 48.52 36.02 602 48.29 2232 48.52 48.24 -.04 +.3 CSW Ind n Q CSWI 40 41.85 29.25 57 35.40 177 36.40 35.20 -.30 -3.9sCSX Q CSX .80f 1.6 28 51.66 24.43 6459 50.84 44775 51.66 50.07 +.07 +41.5 CTI BioP rs Q CTIC 6.48 3.07 28 4.19 379 4.52 3.94 +.28 +2.7 CTI Inds Q CTIB 7.60 5.01 5.88 3 5.94 5.61 +.33 +.6 CTS N CTS .16 .7 33 24.80 16.08 161 22.10 452 22.45 20.65 +1.40 -1.3 CU Bncp Q CUNB 26 40.30 21.11 215 37.28 967 38.50 36.95 +.63 +4.1 CUI Glbl Q CUI 8.40 4.01 29 4.41 253 4.60 4.23 +.09 -36.4 CVB Fncl Q CVBF .48 2.2 22 24.63 15.25 400 21.54 2406 22.53 21.52 +.27 -6.1 CVD Eqp Q CVV 10.94 6.25 7 10.70 33 10.84 10.59 +.13 +23.3 CVR Engy N CVI 2.00 9.1 21 25.91 12.03 1286 21.89 5881 22.62 19.42 +2.56 -13.8 CVR Ptrs N UAN .71e 14.5 9.75 4.05 242 4.91 1499 5.05 4.50 +.25 -18.3 CVR Rfng N CVRR 3.12e 31.0 39 12.55 5.50 529 10.05 2046 10.18 8.90 +1.15 -3.4 CVS Health N CVS 2.00f 2.4 14 106.67 69.30 6071 82.44 33232 82.90 79.66 +3.16 +4.5sCWA Inco n N CWAI 26.41 25.00 25.19 15 26.41 25.14 -.05 +.8 CYS Invest N CYS 1.00 11.7 10 9.21 7.42 1608 8.53 9589 8.73 8.40 +10.3 CYSInv pfA N CYSpA 1.94 7.9 25.65 23.05 4 24.48 15 24.60 24.35 +.07 +3.1 CYSInv pfB N CYSpB 1.88 7.9 24.72 22.46 25 23.73 133 23.86 23.60 +.06 +4.5 CabGS flt34 N GYB .83 3.7 23.30 19.63 8 22.16 24 22.60 22.15 -.15 +7.1 CabcoJCP97 N PFH 1.91 10.6 21.20 16.40 3 18.05 35 18.74 17.70 -.47 -9.2 CabAT&T34 N GYC .83 3.6 26.05 20.03 1 23.07 7 23.40 23.00 -.34 +10.0 Cabelas N CAB 21 63.60 45.00 585 54.60 2390 57.34 54.43 -2.34 -6.7sCableOne n N CABO 6.00 .9 42 686.05 454.28 34 681.86 202 688.50 667.48 +17.36 +9.7sCabot N CBT 1.20 2.0 17 61.15 42.27 194 60.19 987 61.34 59.70 +1.15 +19.1sCabotMicro Q CCMP .80f 1.0 31 79.71 38.37 179 78.35 1065 79.99 72.94 +5.86 +24.0 CabotO&G N COG .08 .3 26.74 20.02 11507 23.24 40502 24.89 23.10 -.84 -.5 CACI N CACI 19 135.35 87.31 141 118.00 511 121.85 116.70 +2.00 -5.1sCadencB n N CADE 23.20 21.50 196 22.48 1251 23.20 22.30 +.26 +1.0sCadence Q CDNS 32 33.61 22.95 2986 32.57 17235 33.61 31.22 -.31 +29.1 Cadiz h Q CDZI 15.65 5.11 119 15.10 493 15.30 14.65 +.20 +20.8 CaesarStne Q CSTE .57e 18 43.50 26.35 281 39.70 1125 40.25 38.20 +2.00 +38.6sCaesarAcq Q CACQ 4 17.13 7.42 204 17.45 2027 17.50 15.63 +1.80 +29.3 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 4 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


sCaesarsEnt Q CZR 11.03 5.39 3009 11.10 16373 11.20 9.78 +1.40 +30.6 CafePress Q PRSS 3.82 2.75 36 2.85 380 2.97 2.81 +.02 -3.1 Cal-Maine Q CALM 2.49e 6.6 53.06 35.10 838 37.75 3364 39.90 37.65 -1.80 -14.5 Caladriu rs Q CLBS 7.79 2.65 32 4.85 159 4.99 4.53 +.32 +71.4sCalaCvHi Q CHY 1.20 10.3 11.70 9.91 170 11.65 1165 11.73 11.46 +.23 +10.4sCalaCvOp Q CHI 1.14 10.1 11.37 9.37 251 11.34 1433 11.41 11.09 +.25 +12.4sCalaCv&Inc Q CCD 2.00 10.2 19.87 16.75 100 19.55 454 19.87 19.48 -.04 +11.5sCalaGDyIn Q CHW .84 10.2 8.29 6.56 258 8.23 1780 8.32 8.00 +.28 +18.1 CalaGTR Q CGO 1.20 9.8 12.90 10.34 19 12.20 229 12.46 11.98 +.23 +15.9sCalaStrTR Q CSQ .99 8.6 11.51 9.41 279 11.53 1600 11.53 11.29 +.21 +12.3sCalAmp Q CAMP 18.49 12.13 278 17.94 2228 18.49 17.68 +.32 +23.7 CalAtlantic N CAA .16 .4 11 40.94 30.18 2093 36.22 6155 38.42 36.01 -1.57 +6.5 CalavoGr h Q CVGW .90f 1.4 31 71.48 48.75 173 65.60 801 66.80 64.65 +.65 +6.8 Caleres N CAL .28 1.0 14 36.61 21.27 293 28.82 1515 29.22 28.13 +.65 -12.2 Calgon N CCC .20 1.4 39 18.80 12.70 311 14.55 1558 14.85 13.75 +.80 -14.4sCalFirst Q CFNB .46f 2.8 19 16.60 13.27 5 16.50 22 16.60 16.10 +.30 +5.4 CalifRes rs N CRC 23.42 8.79 1528 11.70 8354 13.10 11.57 -.25 -45.0sCalifWtr N CWT .72 2.0 34 39.40 27.05 225 35.70 958 39.40 35.50 -1.65 +5.3 Calithera Q CALA 14.90 2.20 319 10.85 1541 11.95 10.85 -.40 +233.8 Calix N CALX 8.20 6.15 170 6.70 790 7.00 6.65 -13.0 CallGolf N ELY .04 .3 6 12.56 8.96 1236 11.85 9872 11.97 11.19 +.03 +8.1 Callidus Q CALD 21.55 15.15 374 21.05 1947 21.28 19.90 +1.15 +25.3 CallonPet N CPE 54 18.53 10.02 3909 11.84 25636 12.53 11.44 +.30 -23.0 Callon pfA N CPEpA 5.00 9.4 53.97 48.30 6 53.14 23 53.35 52.75 +.23 +.9tCalpine N CPN 22 16.07 9.55 12944 10.20 31383 10.30 9.30 +.03 -10.8 CalumetSp Q CLMT .69j 6.42 2.79 187 3.60 1192 3.75 3.50 +.05 -10.0 CambrE rs N CEI 5.07 .30 1308 .35 4591 .48 .30 +.02 -72.2 CambLrn Q ABCD 1.36 27.9 22 5.86 3.97 21 4.87 118 5.01 4.82 -.03 -2.4 Cambrex N CBM 25 62.50 38.30 254 59.35 1809 59.65 55.80 +3.45 +10.0 CambriaYld N SYLD 1.42e 1.8 35.00 26.75 14 34.00 52 34.61 33.98 +.29 +4.5sCambFgnY N FYLD 1.85e 6.3 23.15 18.45 11 23.17 50 23.18 22.62 +.88 +10.6sCambGblV N GVAL .54e 2.3 22.77 17.06 23 22.82 113 22.83 22.21 +1.07 +13.0sCamGblMo N GMOM .53e 2.1 24.95 22.25 5 24.71 34 24.95 24.45 +.30 +6.5sCambGlAss N GAA .55e 2.1 25.74 23.68 4 25.60 14 25.74 25.56 +.13 +4.6 CambrEmS N EYLD 32.28 24.83 8 29.97 11 30.01 29.71 +.72 +13.1tCambTail n N TAIL 25.57 24.72 0 24.83 23 25.02 24.72 -.54 -.7 CamValMom N VAMO 24.64 22.09 1 23.88 6 24.07 23.35 +.36 -1.0 CamdnN s Q CAC .92 2.2 18 45.43 26.93 75 42.75 334 44.96 42.41 -.30 -3.8 CamdenPT N CPT 3.00 3.6 34 90.91 75.36 704 82.33 3868 84.96 81.17 +.41 -2.1 Cameco g N CCJ .40 13.36 7.41 8666 9.59 16434 11.16 9.33 -1.14 -8.4 CampSp N CPB 1.40 2.4 20 67.89 52.59 1374 57.54 5834 58.20 56.85 +.19 -4.8 CampWrl n N CWH .08p 36.60 20.45 162 30.92 1166 32.12 30.23 +.58 -5.1 Camtek h Q CAMT 4.10 1.80 29 3.72 140 3.85 3.67 +.03 +13.1 Can-Fite N CANF 3.16 1.74 30 1.89 1824 2.19 1.75 +.08 -20.6 CdaGoose n N GOOS 18.40 15.20 193 16.83 1902 16.88 15.81 +.84 +4.7 CIBC g N CM 4.84 10 92.22 72.62 1127 80.83 6264 84.26 79.69 -2.02 -.9sCdnNR gs N CNI 1.29 76.10 55.73 1232 72.29 9745 76.10 72.00 -2.43 +7.3 CdnNRs gs N CNQ .82 35.28 27.08 3074 31.87 11820 33.89 31.47 -.80 CP Rwy g N CP 1.64 157.34 119.50 446 153.25 3970 156.37 151.92 +.26 +7.3 CdnSolar Q CSIQ 8 19.65 10.25 1522 13.30 5825 14.33 12.98 -.10 +9.2 CancerGen Q CGIX 5.30 1.10 555 4.10 2887 4.78 4.00 +.05 +203.7sCanon N CAJ 33.45 27.18 237 33.21 1684 33.45 31.79 +1.43 +18.0 CantelMed N CMD .12f .2 48 88.81 64.52 251 74.41 706 79.75 72.92 +2.06 -5.5 CantbryPk Q CPHC .35e 10 11.21 9.80 0 10.15 5 10.15 10.05 +.02 +1.0 CpStarFn n Q CSTR 22.35 15.50 32 17.64 131 18.52 17.00 -.61 -19.7sCapellaEd Q CPLA 1.64 1.7 25 99.25 48.80 81 95.30 740 99.25 82.21 +5.95 +8.5 CapBkFin Q CBF .48 1.2 24 45.00 27.71 269 41.50 1389 43.25 41.40 -.45 +5.7 CapCtyBk Q CCBG .20 1.0 27 23.15 13.16 18 20.61 122 22.39 20.11 -.28 +.6 CapOne N COF 1.60 2.0 11 96.92 58.03 6072 80.38 23452 86.03 79.91 -2.29 -7.9 CapOne wt N COF/WS 54.80 18.84 2 39.38 24 43.76 39.34 -1.69 -12.9 CapOne pfC N COFpC 1.56 5.9 27.89 24.64 22 26.46 147 26.47 26.26 +.16 +5.4 CapOne pfD N COFpD 1.68 6.1 29.33 25.33 65 27.50 260 27.57 27.30 -.01 +5.9 CapOne pfF N COFpF 1.55 5.8 28.26 24.43 39 26.76 130 26.83 26.56 +.14 +6.8 CapOne pfB N COFpP 1.50 5.9 26.58 24.00 27 25.56 194 25.78 25.44 -.17 +4.3 CpOne pf H N COFpH 25.89 24.05 87 25.80 443 25.88 25.74 +.05 +3.6 CapOne pfG N COFpG 25.89 21.02 124 23.49 838 23.80 23.46 -.21 +8.3 CapProd Q CPLP .32 9.2 10 4.05 2.41 603 3.49 2461 3.50 3.35 +.14 +9.7 CapSenL N CSU 20.73 12.65 422 13.97 1781 14.43 13.95 -.20 -13.0 CapSwst Q CSWC .53e 3.3 77 17.33 13.49 20 16.22 189 16.69 16.00 +.07 +.4 CapitalaF Q CPTA 1.56 11.0 25 15.80 11.51 91 14.17 475 14.30 14.00 +.06 +9.6 Capitala 21 N CLA 1.78 7.0 26.11 24.70 2 25.42 21 25.47 25.34 -.06 -.5 CapAcIII n Q CLAC 10.85 9.62 123 10.55 2040 10.75 10.45 -.20 +6.0 CapAcIII wt Q CLACW 1.95 .32 1 1.80 29 1.86 1.70 -.04 +106.9 CapFedFn Q CFFN .34a 2.3 24 17.04 12.97 675 14.63 2713 15.07 14.58 -.14 -11.1 Capnia Q CAPN 1.57 .55 10 .60 75 .60 .55 +.02 -25.9 Capnia wt Q CAPNW .52 .02 3 .09 8 .10 .09 -.01 +6.3 Capricor Q CAPR 5.40 2.12 193 3.12 3581 3.99 2.86 +.11 +17.3sCapsteadM N CMO .84m 7.5 15 11.34 8.93 1020 11.14 5254 11.34 10.73 +.37 +9.3 Capstd pfE N CMOpE 1.88 7.5 25.85 23.61 4 25.20 65 25.20 24.80 +.35 +4.8 CpstnTur rs Q CPST 1.97 .66 257 .73 1042 .79 .72 -.04 +7.4 CaraThera Q CARA 20.90 4.35 956 15.89 7643 16.90 15.45 -.64 +71.0 CarboCer N CRR 16.70 5.66 2345 6.87 9847 9.26 6.56 -2.02 -34.3sCarbonite Q CARB 21.85 7.30 332 21.60 2277 21.85 19.85 +1.80 +31.7 CardCon hn Q CCN 14.65 8.14 18 13.70 123 14.10 13.65 -.20 +7.9 CardnlHlth N CAH 1.80 2.5 14 85.52 62.70 2989 72.59 12488 73.45 72.10 +.09 +.9 Crdiom grs Q CRME 6.36 2.35 72 3.35 413 3.40 3.10 +.21 +21.4sCardiovSys Q CSII 30.21 13.16 480 29.87 2066 30.21 28.96 +1.05 +23.4 Cardtronic Q CATM 14 56.00 36.49 608 41.58 3641 45.10 41.55 -3.04 -23.8 CareCPrp n N CCP 2.28 8.5 31.56 22.70 1084 26.87 3351 28.31 26.71 -1.31 +7.5sCareTrust Q CTRE .74f 4.3 27 17.99 12.53 1105 17.02 2815 17.99 16.99 -.81 +11.1 N CRCM 49 12.97 7.29 139 11.85 748 12.14 11.68 +.02 +38.3tCareDx Q CDNA 6.08 .78 290 .87 960 1.10 .76 -.13 -67.8sCareerEd Q CECO .30f 3.0 10.54 4.99 124 10.15 1379 10.54 9.78 +.47 +.6 Carlisle N CSL 1.40f 1.4 17 116.40 98.23 1835 101.39 3707 109.93 100.78 -6.05 -8.1 CarlyleGp Q CG 1.55e 8.8 17.97 14.35 991 17.70 4223 17.70 16.16 +1.65 +16.1 CarMax N KMX 18 69.11 45.06 3380 58.50 14984 60.72 58.31 +.19 -9.1sCarnival N CCL 1.60f 2.6 18 61.27 42.94 4763 61.77 17276 62.50 59.44 +2.81 +18.7sCarnUK N CUK 1.20 2.0 60.96 43.45 410 61.53 1372 62.19 59.07 +2.97 +20.2 CaroFin s Q CARO .16f .5 24 31.50 16.50 92 30.86 255 31.25 29.53 +1.01 +.2 CarolTrBk Q CART 26 12.00 5.60 0 7.07 16 7.20 7.00 +.07 +10.5 CarpTech N CRS .72 1.8 38 45.34 28.74 474 40.60 2418 41.50 36.89 +4.21 +12.2 CarrSrv N CSV .20 .7 19 29.11 21.97 96 27.35 765 28.96 27.01 -.29 -4.5 Carrizo Q CRZO 43.96 25.06 1177 25.15 6576 27.06 25.09 -.34 -32.7 CarrolsRst Q TAST 14 17.55 9.60 285 14.00 1293 14.45 13.50 +.40 -8.2 Carters N CRI 1.32 1.4 18 112.58 77.94 1220 92.04 4699 95.80 89.86 +.63 +6.5 Cartesian h Q CRTN 1.89 .50 37 .70 204 .80 .65 -.08 -23.0 CarverBc lf Q CARV 44 6.61 2.87 2 4.37 72 4.84 4.07 -.53 +35.5 CascdeBcp Q CACB 25 8.52 5.27 115 7.48 970 7.96 7.48 -.23 -7.9 CascTher rs Q CASC 10.98 3.49 95 4.25 610 4.32 4.08 +.15 -1.4sCasellaW Q CWST 14.91 6.64 378 15.05 1452 15.13 14.47 +.68 +21.3 Caseys Q CASY .96 .9 25 136.22 107.43 378 112.07 1582 115.21 111.84 -.15 -5.7 CassInfo Q CASS .92 1.4 30 74.83 46.06 25 66.47 136 68.36 64.86 +.44 -9.7sCastleBr N ROX 1.90 .65 1768 1.76 13404 1.90 1.58 +.10 +131.6 CastlightH N CSLT 5.50 3.05 361 3.85 1897 4.25 3.65 -.10 -22.2 Catabasis n Q CATB 7.89 1.08 534 1.43 15830 2.05 1.35 -.02 -60.4 Catalent N CTLT 34 30.22 20.94 631 29.28 2680 29.78 28.41 +1.20 +8.6tCatalstB rs Q CBIO 50.70 4.45 807 5.31 3213 5.40 4.45 +.37 -45.5 CatalystPh Q CPRX 2.17 .51 472 1.84 2382 1.89 1.63 +.17 +75.2stCatasys n Q CATS 5.20 4.60 175 5.15 939 5.20 4.60 -.6 CatchMTim N CTT .54f 4.6 12.58 10.05 149 11.71 765 12.06 11.62 -.21 +4.0sCaterpillar N CAT 3.08 3.0 31 105.98 69.04 3943 102.26 44399 105.98 95.80 +7.94 +10.3 CathayGen Q CATY .84 2.2 17 40.83 26.27 316 38.05 1798 40.03 38.04 -.10 +.1 CatoCp N CATO 1.32 5.9 9 38.88 19.73 151 22.56 1030 23.05 22.02 +.17 -25.0 CavcoInd Q CVCO 36 121.70 85.56 23 118.75 151 121.30 116.35 +2.25 +18.9sCavium Q CAVM 74.00 35.90 1421 68.85 6594 74.00 67.79 -.38 +10.3 CecoEnv Q CECE .26 2.3 14.88 6.27 131 11.29 682 11.84 11.07 +.27 -19.1sCedarF N FUN 3.42f 4.8 23 71.92 56.17 102 71.67 510 71.93 70.20 +.69 +11.6 CedarRlty N CDR .20 3.7 15 8.08 4.86 942 5.38 5144 5.42 5.19 +.04 -17.6 CedarR pfB N CDRpB 1.81 7.1 27.25 23.81 19 25.64 112 25.80 25.21 -.01 +5.3 CelSci wt N CVM/WS .22 .01 451 .03 1233 .04 .02 +.01 +47.4 Cel-Sci N CVM .59 .06 34939 .12 50222 .16 .09 +.03 +80.6tCeladon N CGI .08 2.0 20 12.03 3.85 1096 3.95 5291 4.94 3.80 -.75 -44.8 Celanese N CE 1.84f 2.1 13 93.06 60.59 1386 87.04 5343 90.39 86.77 -.90 +10.5 Celestic g N CLS 10 14.74 8.83 414 14.25 2184 14.69 14.17 -.01 +20.3 Celgene Q CELG 31 127.64 94.42 3362 124.05 18788 126.53 122.12 +1.79 +7.2 Celgene rt Q CELGZ 1.61 .99 4 1.06 10 1.13 1.05 -.04 +2.9 Cellcom N CEL 26 11.19 5.70 3 9.89 39 10.08 9.78 -.02 +24.7 CelldexTh Q CLDX 5.13 2.85 980 3.33 6394 3.42 3.16 +.13 -5.9 CellectBio n Q APOP 13.50 2.30 96 9.26 606 9.89 8.02 +1.32 +199.7 CellectB wt Q APOPW 4.80 .25 52 2.60 82 2.75 1.87 +.73 +399.0 Cellct wt rs Q CLRBW .77 .12 5 .25 7 .37 .24 -.06 +38.9 Celct wtA Q CLRBZ 1.88 .29 16 .55 55 .72 .55 -.15 +31.2 Cellectar rs Q CLRB 4.93 1.00 267 1.77 1415 2.14 1.61 -.33 +45.1 Cellectis n Q CLLS 34.99 16.09 37 24.11 513 24.47 23.00 +1.46 +42.2 CallularBio Q CBMG 19.74 10.05 14 10.80 62 11.35 10.52 +.05 -17.6 Celsion Q CLSN 1.72 .19 1045 .27 6155 .30 .25 -.02 -10.5 Cementos N CPAC .28e 2.6 11.98 8.51 10.66 38 11.15 10.51 -.52 +15.7 Cemex N CX .29t 9.62 5.49 7013 9.22 46720 9.30 8.81 +.44 +14.8 Cemig pf N CIG .14e 5.1 3.84 1.40 4797 2.73 29278 3.04 2.62 -.20 +19.7 Cemig N CIG/C .14e 4.8 4.75 1.43 2.90 7 3.22 2.90 -.32 +14.6 Cempra Q CEMP 26.95 2.55 2189 4.30 4537 4.33 3.70 +.50 +53.6 Cemtrx wt Q CETXW 1.73 .25 .52 12 .70 .52 -.08 -65.1 Cemtrex rs Q CETX .02p 6 8.41 1.84 40 3.19 408 3.38 3.15 -.18 -56.8 Cemtrx pf Q CETXP .19p 10.03 3.13 1 5.61 44 6.00 5.23 -.18 -43.9 Cencosud N CNCO .36e 4.2 10.13 7.43 71 8.52 510 9.23 8.36 -.47 +1.4tCenovusE N CVE .20 16.82 9.79 5471 9.98 24590 10.65 9.79 -.51 -34.0 Centene s N CNC 17 75.57 50.00 1872 74.40 12889 75.43 70.95 +3.76 +31.7 CntRsDvA Q CDEV 20.97 9.65 1245 16.49 6896 17.58 16.16 -.48 -16.4 CC MLPInf N CEN 1.25 10.1 13.72 9.96 90 12.37 591 12.67 12.22 +.18 +3.4sCenterPnt N CNP 1.07 3.8 22 28.86 21.25 2244 28.53 12967 28.86 28.01 +.41 +15.8 CntrStBks Q CSFL .24f 1.0 20 26.94 14.50 316 25.23 2041 26.70 25.22 -.52 +.2 CentElBr B N EBR/B 8.91 6.01 142 6.95 368 7.13 6.35 +.62 -11.8 CentElecBr N EBR 7.70 4.77 166 5.53 996 5.57 4.90 +.69 -19.4sCEurMed Q CETV 4.45 2.03 216 4.10 1981 4.45 3.60 +.60 +60.8sCnEurRusT N CEE .49e 2.3 21.70 17.48 17 21.71 105 21.71 21.15 +.74 +5.5 CentrlFedl Q CFBK 3.64 1.27 50 2.32 149 2.44 2.17 +.16 +32.6 CFCda g N CEF .01 .1 14.88 11.22 557 12.58 4259 13.01 12.49 -.52 +11.4sCentGard lf Q CENT 32 39.33 15.12 112 37.80 681 39.33 37.64 +.51 +14.2sCenGrdA lf Q CENTA 36.82 15.17 170 35.23 832 36.82 35.08 +.40 +14.0sCenPacFn N CPF .72f 2.3 21 33.55 21.88 296 31.28 1255 33.55 30.56 +.97 -.4sCentSecur N CET 1.78e .8 24.62 18.77 10 24.94 52 24.94 24.15 +.84 +14.5sCntlVyCm Q CVCY .24 1.1 16 23.94 11.64 21 22.71 202 23.94 21.38 +1.38 +13.8 CentrueF n Q CFCB 29 26.52 16.24 1 26.40 12 26.40 25.89 +1.07 +23.9 CentrusEn N LEU 9.46 2.53 102 5.19 446 5.95 5.03 -.49 -18.7 CentAl Q CENX 16.53 5.53 2177 13.64 15863 14.97 12.09 +1.76 +59.3 CntyBcMA Q CNBKA .48 .8 14 64.87 40.00 6 63.05 26 64.70 62.75 +.17 +5.1sCentCas Q CNTY 23 8.40 5.40 142 8.23 610 8.40 7.70 +.53 sCentCmtys N CCS 12 28.00 16.30 157 27.30 698 28.00 26.66 +.40 +30.0 CntryLink N CTL 2.16 8.4 11 33.45 22.33 10224 25.67 50418 26.07 25.31 +.35 +7.9tCenveo rs N CVO 6 10.50 3.52 35 4.44 212 4.50 3.52 +.66 -36.5 CeragonN Q CRNT 4.23 1.11 268 3.33 1493 3.49 3.14 +.22 +27.1tCerecor n Q CERC 5.60 .46 1295 .44 2086 .57 .34 -.08 -49.8 Cerecor wtA Q CERCW 2.15 .01 16 .04 19 .08 .04 -.01 -75.0 Cerner Q CERN 33 67.50 47.01 9806 64.75 22925 66.27 58.64 +5.78 +36.7tCerulean h Q CERU 4.03 .61 773 .56 2350 .67 .55 -.09 -21.6 CerusCp Q CERS 7.64 3.79 494 4.35 3840 4.70 4.13 +.23 Cervecer N CCU .30e 1.2 27.28 19.31 188 25.77 1049 26.04 25.19 -.10 +22.8 CescaTh rs Q KOOL 7.39 1.85 11 3.09 117 3.18 2.95 +.03 -10.4 Chaisma n Q CHMA 3.84 1.45 8 1.55 80 1.65 1.50 +.10 -20.5 ChampOn rs Q CSBR 4.79 1.11 96 2.65 182 2.91 2.57 -.10 +4.7sChangyou Q CYOU 11 32.88 17.43 539 32.65 3008 32.93 27.90 +2.11 +53.9 ChannAdv N ECOM 15.91 10.20 69 11.80 520 12.00 11.55 +.05 -17.8 Chantic wt Q HOTRW .57 .01 22 .05 94 .06 .05 +96.2tChanticler h Q HOTR .90 .23 125 .30 981 .33 .23 -28.6 CharlsColv Q CTHR 1.33 .83 8 .94 30 .95 .90 +.03 -14.5 ChRvLab N CRL 21 91.57 67.20 262 89.70 1795 90.14 86.66 +.87 +17.7 ChartInds Q GTLS 38 40.87 21.80 225 36.51 1283 37.98 34.65 +2.40 +1.4sChartCm n Q CHTR 22 350.38 214.06 1211 345.16 6102 350.38 338.74 +6.68 +19.9sCharterFn Q CHFN .26f 1.4 22 21.11 12.36 88 18.35 431 21.11 18.00 -1.44 +10.1sChaseCorp N CCF .70f .7 26 106.00 54.25 19 102.50 123 106.00 98.35 +4.40 +22.7 ChathLTr N CLDT 1.32 6.8 16 24.80 16.45 340 19.36 1467 20.34 19.20 -.40 -5.8sChkPoint Q CHKP 24 105.73 74.34 1043 104.01 6659 105.73 102.00 +.60 +23.1 CheckCap n Q CHEK 3.42 .97 16 2.15 131 2.18 2.07 +.03 -8.5sCheesecake Q CAKE .96 1.5 24 65.35 46.93 619 64.16 3203 65.35 63.58 +1.13 +7.1 CheetahM N CMCM 15.79 8.77 218 10.54 2024 11.13 10.48 -.29 +10.3 ChefsWhs Q CHEF 19.62 10.31 149 13.65 872 14.55 13.65 -.20 -13.6sChegg N CHGG 8.91 4.26 1136 9.01 3680 9.07 8.26 +.76 +22.1 Chembio Q CEMI 9.40 5.05 29 6.25 106 6.35 5.93 +.20 -8.1sChemed N CHE 1.04 .5 28 216.01 124.78 100 201.38 608 216.01 184.61 +16.10 +25.5 ChemFinl Q CHFC 1.08 2.3 17 55.55 34.82 488 47.45 2206 51.52 47.18 -1.78 -12.4 ChemoCntx Q CCXI 9.10 1.92 44 7.24 342 7.49 7.05 +.14 -2.2sChemours n N CC .12 .3 40.77 5.82 1948 40.29 13172 40.77 38.12 +2.76 +82.4 ChemungF Q CHMG 1.04 2.7 18 40.50 26.50 18 37.99 46 39.36 36.74 +.52 +4.5 CheniereEn N LNG 50.53 31.02 1258 45.35 6559 46.63 45.15 -.32 +9.5 ChenEnLP N CQP 1.70 5.4 33.47 25.87 236 31.75 1116 32.60 31.72 +.08 +10.2sChenEnHld N CQH .08 .3 26.20 18.28 56 25.68 491 26.20 24.85 +.22 +14.8 Cherokee Q CHKE .20 2.3 17 17.03 7.15 39 8.60 275 9.00 8.00 -.35 -18.1 CherHMtg N CHMI 1.96 11.3 5 19.14 14.14 123 17.39 747 17.70 17.34 -.08 -4.4 ChesEng N CHK 8.20 3.56 30579 5.26 204886 5.66 5.15 -.26 -25.1 ChesEn pfD N CHKpD 4.50 7.6 68.00 20.23 3 59.15 20 60.50 58.90 -.79 +27.6 ChesGranW N CHKR .29e 11.6 2 3.85 1.81 46 2.50 374 2.60 2.50 -.08 +6.4 ChespkLdg N CHSP 1.60 6.9 15 27.08 20.81 448 23.31 1977 25.16 23.31 -.72 -9.9 ChspkL pfA N CHSPpA 1.94 7.6 27.50 25.10 1 25.45 10 25.55 25.35 +.03 +.2sChespkUtil N CPK 1.22 1.7 25 74.85 56.56 57 73.30 290 74.85 71.45 +1.55 +9.5 Chevron N CVX 4.32 4.0 119.00 97.53 6614 106.70 28100 107.60 104.67 +1.81 -9.3 ChicB&I N CBI .28 .9 40.38 26.12 1456 30.08 6030 31.69 29.78 +.13 -5.3 ChiRivet N CVR .80 1.9 24 49.34 24.35 2 41.45 3 41.57 39.60 +1.30 -.4 Chicos N CHS .33 2.4 19 16.85 9.86 1992 13.82 13526 14.43 13.63 -.39 -4.0 ChildPlace Q PLCE 1.60f 1.4 21 122.95 66.92 469 114.80 1927 115.50 111.20 +2.65 +13.7 Chimera rs N CIM 2.00 9.8 8 20.90 13.90 2179 20.36 9013 20.85 20.26 -.13 +19.6 Chimer pfA N CIMpA 2.00 7.8 26.00 23.45 12 25.64 69 25.80 25.32 +.23 +2.5sChimer pfB N CIMpB 2.00 7.8 25.84 24.41 68 25.72 733 25.84 25.38 +.26 +3.2 Chimerix Q CMRX 6.64 3.50 168 5.98 1076 6.24 5.84 +.20 +30.0 ChAdvCns Q CADC 5.68 1.50 22 2.68 85 3.10 2.65 -.27 +22.6 ChinAutLog Q CALI 4.69 1.01 313 2.98 5026 3.67 2.66 +.36 -13.1 ChinaAuto Q CAAS 7 7.96 3.10 62 4.77 127 4.90 4.71 +.03 -11.0 ChinaBio Q CBPO 28 137.39 96.99 121 118.00 870 119.70 113.53 +3.92 +9.7tChinCer rs Q CCCL 6.07 1.61 95 1.68 831 1.94 1.59 -.02 -26.3 ChiCmCr h Q CCCR 3.20 .30 2433 2.09 11437 2.45 1.34 +.70 +90.0 ChiCBlood N CO 16 8.12 4.27 973 7.60 2012 7.67 6.72 +.75 +24.2 ChiCustR n Q CCRC 22.00 5.54 110 14.94 635 15.67 14.46 +.46 -13.2 ChinaDigtl N STV 1.82 1.11 285 1.73 3180 1.74 1.62 +.02 +18.5 ChinaDEd N DL .45e 10 14.09 8.97 21 10.17 168 10.75 10.12 +.03 -9.0 ChinaEAir N CEA 30.90 21.38 23 26.15 65 27.92 26.12 -1.30 +17.0tChiFnOnl Q JRJC 5.79 2.60 25 2.59 284 2.75 2.56 -.04 -28.5sChinaFd N CHN .47e 2.7 17.48 13.53 13 17.59 176 17.59 17.09 +.47 +16.9 ChinaGreen N CGA .10e 7.9 2 1.68 1.18 67 1.26 196 1.30 1.25 +5.0 ChinaHGS Q HGSH 2 3.19 1.45 1 1.71 69 1.78 1.58 +.06 -10.5 ChinInfoT h Q CNIT 1.61 .57 29 .72 159 .72 .68 +.00 -.1 ChinaJJ h Q CJJD 2.29 1.53 3 1.78 14 1.84 1.76 -.01 +4.7 ChinLend h Q CLDC .28e 10.25 4.13 1 5.65 19 5.65 4.71 -.15 -11.7 ChinaLife s N LFC .32e 2.1 16.27 10.07 252 15.19 1714 15.37 14.73 +.66 +18.0sChinaLodg Q HTHT .68p 48 69.52 31.71 148 70.98 589 72.85 66.21 +4.94 +36.9 ChinaMble N CHL 1.87e 3.5 63.89 51.73 586 53.32 3015 53.81 53.12 -.55 +1.7 ChinaNRes Q CHNR 5.73 1.20 69 2.22 298 2.61 2.19 -.10 -10.5 ChiNBorun N BORN 1 1.77 .97 7 1.18 60 1.22 1.13 +.02 -11.9 ChOnlEd n N COE 25.24 12.45 36 16.35 259 18.18 16.23 -.89 +5.1 ChinaPet N SNP 3.18e 3.9 84.88 64.61 115 81.37 570 83.16 80.81 +.53 +14.6 ChinaPhH N CPHI .35 .15 113 .26 716 .27 .24 +.00 -.8 ChiRecy rs Q CREG 3.20 1.41 10 1.58 199 1.68 1.52 +.04 +6.0 ChinaSoAir N ZNH .67e 2.0 36.95 25.60 9 32.69 43 34.19 32.50 -.82 +27.1 ChnaTcF rs Q CNTF 4.19 1.45 57 2.46 280 2.59 2.14 +.24 +33.0 ChinaTel N CHA 1.28e 2.6 53.87 42.29 20 49.02 80 49.61 48.88 -.06 +6.3 ChinaUni N CHU .32e 2.5 14.48 9.89 232 12.98 1248 13.35 12.95 -.23 +12.4 ChXDPlas Q CXDC 4 5.88 3.07 8 4.85 136 4.85 4.70 +.09 +21.3 ChiXFash N XNY 3.65 .81 77 1.55 243 1.65 1.47 +.04 +18.3sChinaYuch N CYD .85e 4.4 8 19.15 9.87 121 19.40 381 19.50 17.56 +1.77 +40.5 ChinZenix N ZX 1.95 .73 11 1.62 101 1.70 1.45 +.10 +35.1tChiCache Q CCIH 9.65 1.08 75 1.14 618 1.21 1.08 -.04 -55.5 ChinaNt rs Q CNET 2.40 .97 35 1.23 91 1.34 1.20 -.07 +23.0 ChipMOS Q IMOS 1.31e 7.5 28 20.40 13.94 38 17.44 808 17.81 17.13 +.60 +23.6sChipotle N CMG 497.48 352.96 930 474.47 8803 497.48 465.20 -4.62 +25.7sChoiceHtls N CHH .86 1.4 27 64.90 43.61 269 62.70 1204 65.00 62.65 -.25 +11.9 ChrisBnk N CBK 2.69 1.13 183 1.23 2752 1.34 1.21 -.09 -47.4 ChromaDx n Q CDXC 6.18 2.25 933 3.11 4359 3.30 2.27 +.83 -6.0 ChubbLtd N CB 2.76e 2.0 14 140.55 116.89 1434 137.25 8925 140.39 136.02 +1.77 +3.9 ChungTel N CHT 1.57e 4.6 38.47 31.28 128 33.84 792 34.33 33.63 -.07 +7.3 ChurchDwt s N CHD .76f 1.5 53.68 42.56 1800 49.53 8576 50.65 49.34 -.72 +12.1sChrchllD Q CHDN 1.32 .8 25 173.50 118.76 115 166.80 595 173.50 166.00 -2.95 +10.9 ChuysHldg Q CHUY 29 37.78 25.87 393 29.80 1337 29.93 28.48 +1.35 -8.2 CideraTh n Q CDTX 14.43 6.10 126 7.75 1688 8.03 6.85 +.70 -25.5 CienaCorp N CIEN 29 26.84 15.62 2001 22.91 15333 23.44 21.86 +1.14 -6.1sCigna N CI .04 19 159.08 115.03 1561 156.37 5273 159.08 152.89 +1.29 +17.2 Cimarex N XEC .32 .3 146.96 102.91 660 116.68 4247 122.10 115.07 -1.95 -14.1tCimpress Q CMPR 104.18 78.80 632 82.08 2539 88.56 78.80 -5.16 -10.4 CincB pfB N CBBpB 3.38 6.8 51.47 47.33 4 50.01 14 50.05 50.00 +.01 +2.3 CinciBell rs N CBB 9 25.65 16.75 175 18.85 999 19.60 18.60 +.40 -15.7 CinnFin Q CINF 2.00f 2.8 20 79.60 63.87 910 72.09 3220 73.29 71.04 +1.91 -4.8 Cinedigm rs Q CIDM 2.70 .90 196 1.67 594 1.69 1.44 +.20 +16.0 Cinemark N CNK 1.08 2.5 20 44.84 32.60 743 43.20 3298 44.74 42.86 -.42 +12.6 CinerRes N CINR 2.27 8.0 14 39.10 26.25 7 28.46 80 28.99 28.00 +.52 -1.9 Cintas Q CTAS 1.05f .9 26 128.85 88.51 619 122.47 2632 126.27 122.41 -.67 +6.0 Circor N CIR .15 .2 64 72.96 48.11 246 66.71 545 68.08 61.58 +4.93 +2.8sCirrus Q CRUS 17 66.28 31.00 1053 64.35 5409 66.28 63.94 +.43 +13.8 Cisco Q CSCO 1.16 3.4 17 34.53 25.81 19250 34.07 93498 34.11 33.13 +1.25 +12.7 CitiTrends Q CTRN .24 1.3 21 22.73 14.01 139 18.79 561 19.28 17.71 +.99 -.3 Citigp pfN N CpN 1.97 7.5 26.75 25.71 146 26.24 1771 26.67 26.20 +.04 +1.6 CgpVelLCrd N UWT 29.68 15.90 4919 17.49 31837 18.64 16.49 -.44 -36.8 CgpVelICrd N DWT 33.56 20.37 1751 29.42 10154 31.07 27.63 +.65 +34.0 Citigroup N C .64 1.1 12 62.53 38.31 11644 59.12 87411 60.79 58.93 +1.56 -.5 Citigp wtA N C/WS/A .20 .02 129 .12 561 .14 .12 -.01 -24.3 Citigrp pfC N CpC 1.45 5.6 26.61 23.90 31 25.71 141 25.71 25.57 +.02 +3.6 Citigp pfJ N CpJ 1.78 6.1 30.44 26.79 53 29.31 253 29.34 29.11 +.12 +4.8 Citigp pfK N CpK 1.72 5.8 31.60 26.14 98 29.45 333 29.45 29.02 +.32 +7.7 Citigrp pfP N CpP 2.03 7.3 29.20 26.15 3 27.84 44 27.95 27.57 +.24 +1.1 Citigrp pfS N CpS 1.58 5.9 27.63 24.81 68 26.74 336 27.12 26.59 +.18 +5.7 Citigrp pfL N CpL 1.72 6.3 28.32 25.61 39 27.39 125 27.84 27.23 +.16 +4.6 Citiz&Nthn Q CZNC 1.04 4.5 17 26.57 19.77 25 23.25 170 24.00 23.14 +.13 -11.3sCtzCmtyBc Q CZWI .16f 1.1 20 14.34 8.95 14.21 31 14.34 14.08 +.06 +14.3 CitizFincl N CFG .40 1.1 19 39.75 18.34 7774 36.71 36066 37.25 35.66 +1.81 +3.0 CitizFst Q CZFC .32 1.6 14 20.57 13.79 20.21 17 20.53 18.90 +1.59 +12.3 CitizHold Q CIZN .96 4.1 17 26.61 21.04 2 23.50 6 24.05 23.30 +.25 -9.1 CitizInc N CIA 11.93 6.10 278 7.05 1135 7.28 6.25 +.83 -28.2 CitrixSy s Q CTXS 23 87.99 60.71 2133 80.94 10439 84.82 80.10 -2.15 +13.8sCtyHld Q CHCO 1.76f 2.5 19 74.90 42.98 112 71.09 489 74.90 69.31 +3.62 +5.2 CityOffce g N CIO .94 7.5 19 13.93 11.07 114 12.55 990 12.77 12.28 +.09 -4.7 CityOff pfA N CIOpA 1.66 6.6 25.63 21.52 3 25.22 15 25.46 25.04 +.09 +10.6 Civeo N CVEO 3.73 1.00 738 2.99 5509 3.28 2.78 -.18 +35.9 CivistaBcsh Q CIVB .24 1.1 18 23.75 11.00 14 21.73 124 22.21 21.39 +.22 +11.8 CivitasSolu N CIVI 71 23.20 15.90 26 17.80 166 18.05 17.40 +.45 -10.6 CleanDsl rs Q CDTI 5.21 1.50 282 3.54 4103 3.72 2.95 +.37 +64.7 CleanEngy Q CLNE 4.80 2.38 675 2.44 3787 2.53 2.42 -.05 -14.7sCleanHarb N CLH 59.47 43.03 246 58.11 1174 59.47 57.78 +.98 +4.4 Cleantch rs Q CLNT 48 10.70 2.31 89 3.84 4230 5.10 3.31 +.36 +45.5 ClearChan N CCO 7.31 4.45 853 5.15 1436 5.90 5.10 -.70 +2.0 ClrBrEnTR N CTR 1.35e 9.9 14.15 11.25 53 13.60 392 13.78 13.41 +.18 +6.4 ClearOne Q CLRO .20 1.9 42 12.60 9.10 3 10.50 21 10.75 10.00 +.60 -7.9 ClrbrgMLP N CBA .80m 8.2 10.54 7.46 140 9.76 652 10.00 9.69 +.08 +6.3 ClearEnFd N CEM 1.76f 10.4 17.96 13.99 141 16.91 631 17.19 16.77 +.20 +8.7 ClrbEOpFd N EMO 1.47e 10.8 14.29 11.65 56 13.57 456 13.71 13.33 +.24 +3.5tCleareld Q CLFD 29 21.60 14.45 183 14.15 559 16.50 13.65 -1.70 -31.6 ClearsBio n Q CLSD 25.08 5.44 90 7.96 396 8.05 7.37 +.53 -11.0 ClearSign Q CLIR 6.24 3.00 48 3.45 202 3.65 3.30 -.15 +1.5 ClearS wt Q CLIRW 5.00 .65 1.15 18 1.24 1.10 -.14 +21.1tClearwPpr N CLW 20 69.75 48.10 134 48.60 817 50.80 48.10 +.10 -25.9 CleBio hrs Q CBLI 5.55 1.22 595 3.53 6830 4.47 3.33 -.47 +148.6 CliffsNRs N CLF 7 12.37 2.77 18693 6.72 116031 7.39 6.22 -.39 -20.1 CliftonBcp Q CSBK .24 1.4 84 17.49 14.11 96 16.70 472 17.05 16.38 +.43 -1.3 ClipRlty n N CLPR .09p 14.24 10.50 47 11.00 482 11.30 10.67 -.07 -18.5 Clorox N CLX 3.20 2.4 27 140.47 111.24 996 133.69 3978 136.50 132.34 -.60 +11.4 CloudPeak N CLD 8.04 1.64 2982 3.37 12063 4.06 3.10 -.52 -39.9 CloughGA N GLV 1.44 10.4 13.88 10.95 37 13.79 234 13.88 13.44 +.11 +14.5sCloughGEq N GLQ 1.38 10.7 12.87 10.16 27 12.86 148 12.91 12.53 +.40 +15.5sClghGlbOp N GLO 1.20 11.3 10.62 8.65 248 10.65 1390 10.66 10.44 +.25 +19.0 ClovisOnc Q CLVS 74.94 11.57 1190 57.89 5370 59.70 54.46 +3.50 +30.3 ClubCorp N MYCC .52 3.9 17.60 10.80 930 13.45 3664 14.00 13.25 -.10 -6.3 CoBizFncl Q COBZ .20 1.2 19 17.99 10.86 133 16.43 482 17.85 16.39 -.50 -2.7sCoStar Q CSGP 238.70 175.45 401 240.89 1249 242.32 213.59 +25.57 +27.8 Coach N COH 1.35 3.4 24 43.71 34.07 3208 39.39 15236 39.95 38.82 +.28 +12.5sCoastwayB Q CWAY 52 19.45 12.10 3 19.21 80 19.49 18.49 +.71 +22.7 CobaltIEn N CIE 3.35 .35 6217 .39 38407 .48 .39 -.00 -68.0 CCFemsa N KOF 1.81e 2.5 87.34 59.44 105 72.71 693 74.59 71.11 +.44 +14.4sCocaBtl Q COKE 1.00 .5 28 214.71 119.80 30 211.86 211 214.71 205.73 +7.21 +18.5 CocaCola N KO 1.48 3.4 26 46.01 39.88 9865 43.15 69099 43.43 42.82 +.08 +4.1 CocaCEur n N CCE .89e 41.29 30.55 1488 38.62 7490 38.78 37.74 +1.27 +23.0 Codexis Q CDXS 5.29 3.14 508 4.40 1043 4.70 4.25 +.15 -4.3sCdrsVlly Q CVLY .54b 1.9 18 29.56 18.82 10 28.99 49 29.56 26.34 +1.50 +1.4 Coeur N CDE 28 16.41 6.98 4191 9.06 24650 9.51 8.42 -.30 -.3 CoffeeH Q JVA 6.15 3.50 8 4.92 89 4.99 4.69 +.16 +5.8sCogentC Q CCOI 1.60f 3.6 45.25 34.23 217 45.00 1322 45.25 43.80 +1.15 +8.8 Cogentix h Q CGNT 2.99 .71 11 1.84 203 1.89 1.62 +.14 -8.5 Cogint Q COGT 5.92 2.90 96 5.30 633 5.50 5.15 +53.6 Cognex Q CGNX .30 .4 50 86.88 35.15 733 85.34 3316 86.00 83.36 +2.80 +34.1 CognizTch Q CTSH 23 63.23 45.44 4587 60.23 19013 60.40 58.45 +2.38 +7.5sCohSClosed N FOF 1.04 8.0 13.09 11.09 114 13.07 432 13.15 12.76 +.33 +11.7sCohStGlbI N INB 1.12 12.0 9.37 7.91 51 9.32 591 9.37 9.20 +.14 +9.3 Cohen&Str N CNS 1.12f 2.8 21 43.83 33.16 98 39.90 654 41.66 39.88 -1.08 +18.8sCohStInfra N UTF 1.60 7.0 22.64 19.10 198 22.76 873 22.78 22.14 +.62 +17.6 C&SLtDP&I N LDP 1.87 7.2 26.05 22.40 42 26.03 276 26.04 25.75 +.13 +6.1 C&SIncEgy N MIE 1.32 11.5 11.96 8.92 88 11.49 574 11.60 11.22 +.22 +5.5 CohStQIR N RQI .96 7.4 14.73 11.11 314 12.91 1267 12.93 12.67 +.09 +5.7 CohStRE N RNP 1.48 7.4 21.69 17.91 109 19.90 512 19.95 19.62 +.09 +4.1 CohStSelPf N PSF 2.06a 7.6 28.50 24.82 46 27.10 162 27.19 26.79 +.34 +3.6 CohenStTR N RFI .96a 7.6 14.26 11.63 118 12.69 555 12.81 12.56 +.04 +4.9sCoherent Q COHR 46 215.85 81.00 214 215.60 1016 217.86 206.85 +10.13 +56.9 CoherusBio Q CHRS 31.98 14.00 405 19.20 1863 20.70 18.48 +.85 -31.8sCohu Q COHU .24 1.3 46 21.64 10.01 824 18.73 2649 21.64 18.15 -.19 +34.7 Colfax N CFX 30 41.99 24.63 860 40.47 4628 40.90 39.21 +1.72 +12.6 ColgPalm N CL 1.60f 2.2 26 75.38 63.43 7249 72.04 21292 74.37 70.17 -.98 +10.1 CllctUnv Q CLCT 1.40 5.1 25 28.83 16.54 21 27.31 159 27.90 26.29 +1.29 +28.6 Collegium n Q COLL 20.55 8.24 137 9.81 1324 10.40 9.63 -.43 -37.0 Colliers Q CIGI .10 .2 25 52.70 32.93 51 48.85 174 49.90 48.30 -.80 +32.9 ColonyBk Q CBAN .03p 16 14.55 8.80 10 13.50 22 13.80 13.50 -.15 +2.3 ColNrthS n N CLNS 14.97 12.52 2575 13.07 12870 13.17 13.00 +.02 -9.5 ColNrth pfA N CLNSpA 2.19 8.5 25.79 25.05 3 25.70 19 25.79 25.62 +.08 sColNrth pfB N CLNSpB 2.06 8.0 25.73 24.95 5 25.60 55 25.73 25.45 -.04 +1.0 ColNrth pfC N CLNSpC 2.22 8.6 25.99 24.00 2 25.85 90 25.95 25.70 -.01 +.3 ColNrth pfD N CLNSpD 2.13 8.1 26.59 25.18 15 26.19 58 26.35 26.00 -.15 +1.5 ColNrth pfE N CLNSpE 2.19 8.3 26.73 25.02 2 26.48 53 26.59 26.31 +1.5 ColNrth pfF N CLNSpF 2.13 8.4 25.73 24.93 28 25.37 220 25.37 25.20 +.08 +.2 ColNrth pfG N CLNSpG 1.88 7.4 25.99 24.15 19 25.44 45 25.44 25.14 +.34 -.2sColNrth pfH N CLNSpH 1.78 7.1 25.28 23.75 19 25.15 487 25.28 24.61 +.20 +3.3 ColonyStar N SFR .88 2.5 24 35.15 24.25 1378 34.57 5303 35.01 34.11 -.25 +20.0 ColBnkg Q COLB .88 2.2 23 45.68 26.17 379 39.51 1531 41.15 39.43 +.42 -11.6sCol SusInt n N ESGN 28.46 24.51 1 28.28 4 28.46 28.08 +.53 +10.3 Col SusUS n N ESGS 29.54 23.45 0 29.05 43 29.05 29.05 +.23 +5.5 Col Bey N BBRC .27e 1.5 16.79 14.47 2 16.53 30 16.64 16.39 +.29 +11.3sColEmxChi N XCEM 25.95 20.00 1 25.49 304 25.95 25.23 +.42 +12.8 ColQualDv N HILO .99e 7.1 14.05 11.94 13.92 6 13.98 13.78 +.11 +10.2 Col EMCns N ECON .30e 1.2 25.96 21.08 86 25.63 671 25.91 25.42 +.29 +15.7sCol IndiaC N INCO .03p 40.18 30.44 13 40.22 93 40.22 39.06 +1.36 +24.2sCol IndiaInf N INXX .04e .3 13.78 9.99 40 13.75 196 13.80 13.55 +.48 +30.2sCol IndSC N SCIN .08e .4 19.83 13.00 29 19.73 124 19.83 19.35 +.72 +40.0 ColumbPT N CXP .80m 3.6 21 24.63 20.16 785 22.50 3835 22.71 22.05 +.01 +4.2sColSelTec N STK .58a 2.6 22.32 15.32 49 22.04 370 22.32 21.77 +.37 +17.6 ColuSprtw Q COLM .72 1.3 21 63.55 51.70 722 56.62 1572 60.00 54.18 -1.82 -2.9 Colmbus Q CMCO .16 .6 33 29.23 13.80 48 26.13 329 27.66 25.70 +.69 -3.4 CmbMtx wt Q CBMXW 1.35 .09 1 1.13 25 1.20 1.05 +.04 +162.8 CombMt rs Q CBMX 5.85 2.15 100 4.75 387 5.10 4.45 -.05 +79.2sComcast s Q CMCSA .63f 1.6 22 40.62 29.81 18678 39.19 117315 40.62 37.99 +1.03 +13.5 Comcst 61 N CCV 1.25 4.9 27.72 24.30 19 25.64 138 26.02 25.56 -.37 +2.2 Comerica N CMA .92f 1.3 20 75.00 36.82 2668 70.70 11204 72.30 70.06 +1.99 +3.8 Comeric wt N CMA/WS 45.50 10.75 41.08 18 42.85 40.92 +2.03 +6.0 ComfrtS N FIX .30f .8 23 39.67 26.05 258 36.70 1534 37.15 35.35 +1.55 +10.2sCommScpe Q COMM 37 42.34 26.21 887 42.04 6467 42.42 41.27 +1.11 +13.0 ComndSec N MOC 5.73 2.25 2 2.51 90 2.54 2.42 +.04 -8.6 CmcBMO Q CBSH .90b 1.6 20 60.61 42.44 583 54.95 1939 56.89 53.65 -.02 -4.9 CmcBc pfB Q CBSHP 1.50 5.8 29.85 24.72 35 25.82 198 25.93 25.70 +.22 +1.5 CmceUnB Q CUBN .22p 22 22.99 14.93 8 21.64 12 21.90 21.56 +.11 +.6 ComHub A Q CHUBA 17.23 11.92 23 16.00 170 16.03 15.55 +.45 +6.6 ComHub C Q CHUBK 17.37 11.90 75 15.92 426 16.00 15.48 +.47 +5.9 CmclMtls N CMC .48 2.6 43 24.64 14.58 1183 18.64 10089 19.40 18.51 +.18 -14.4sCmclVehcl Q CVGI 52 9.44 2.14 321 8.89 2988 9.44 8.33 +.49 +60.8 CommSys Q JCS .16 3.8 7.49 3.41 19 4.19 118 4.88 4.12 -.29 -9.6 CmtyBkSy N CBU 1.28 2.3 24 63.04 38.12 2282 55.95 4227 58.29 55.46 +1.51 -9.5 CmtyBkTr Q ESXB 18 8.50 4.90 40 7.95 251 8.00 7.65 +.25 +9.7 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 5 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


CmtyFinCp Q TCFC .40 1.1 27 37.00 20.86 0 36.00 11 36.00 34.90 +.25 +24.6stCommuFt n Q CFBI 1596 13.29 1596 13.36 11.52 CmtyHlt N CYH 16.34 4.15 2509 8.61 16285 8.94 8.18 +.37 +54.0 CmtyHlt rt Q CYHHZ .02 .00 18 .01 711 .01 .01 -.00 +40.0sCmtyHcT n N CHCT 1.55f 6.3 28 25.54 17.97 32 24.72 257 25.54 24.60 -.08 +7.3 CmtyTrBc Q CTBI 1.28 2.8 17 51.35 32.99 42 44.95 274 46.90 44.05 +1.10 -9.4 CmtyWest Q CWBC .16f 1.6 16 10.65 7.02 2 10.10 13 10.23 9.95 -.15 +9.3 CommVlt Q CVLT 57.55 41.33 678 50.45 2193 51.90 50.35 +.30 -1.8sCBD-Pao N CBD .38e 1.7 20.68 11.00 1689 22.55 4012 22.62 19.70 +2.37 +36.3 CompDivHd N CODI 1.44 8.5 28 19.50 15.41 161 16.85 863 17.10 16.70 +.05 -5.9 CompssMn N CMP 2.88f 4.4 18 84.40 65.30 406 66.00 1654 68.40 65.95 -1.00 -15.8 Compugn Q CGEN 7.57 3.85 67 4.05 279 4.10 3.90 +.10 -20.6 CmptrPr Q CPSI 1.00e 3.6 48 53.99 18.25 124 27.45 483 27.90 26.25 +1.30 +16.3 CmpTask Q CTG .24 4.0 15 6.33 3.87 20 5.93 227 6.30 5.61 +.04 +40.9 Compx N CIX .20 1.3 17 16.70 10.49 1 14.90 7 15.00 14.50 +.30 -7.5 CmstkH rs Q CHCI 3.36 1.50 1 1.96 29 2.01 1.89 -.02 +8.9tComstkMn N LODE .50 .18 292 .18 1597 .21 .18 -.02 -30.4 ComstkRs rs N CRK 13.43 2.64 125 8.74 1071 9.31 8.32 +.09 -11.3 Comtech Q CMTL .40 2.9 12 24.93 9.52 142 14.01 919 14.71 13.79 -.08 +18.2 ConAgra N CAG .80 2.1 20 41.68 33.08 2562 38.78 16025 41.04 38.64 -1.68 -1.9sConatusPh Q CNAT 9.11 1.45 1537 8.36 5712 9.40 7.36 +.82 +58.6 ConcertPh Q CNCE 19.11 7.11 80 15.87 1139 17.29 15.70 +.17 +54.2 ConchoRes N CXO 147.55 110.50 1114 126.66 5089 132.12 124.90 -1.35 -4.5 ConcdMed N CCM .99e 44 5.00 3.51 10 4.39 63 4.58 4.37 -.14 -4.5tConcrdInt g Q CXRX .30 23.8 1 34.52 1.26 222 1.26 1468 1.38 1.25 -.10 -40.6 ConcurCptr Q CCUR .48 9.7 6.66 4.63 3 4.95 34 4.96 4.80 +.10 -7.5 CondHos rs Q CDOR .27e 2.5 20.41 9.81 11 10.70 93 10.80 10.60 +.03 -19.3 Conduent n N CNDT 17.44 13.10 1043 16.31 9081 16.65 15.81 +.26 +9.5 ConeMidst N CNNX 1.13f 5.0 14 25.56 13.60 99 22.52 485 22.91 21.25 +1.27 -4.4 Conformis n Q CFMS 13.83 4.35 202 5.62 1237 5.71 5.18 +.33 -30.6sConmed Q CNMD .80 1.6 31 50.58 37.60 172 49.16 1284 50.58 43.88 +1.82 +11.3sConns Q CONN 17.83 6.54 511 17.60 6204 17.83 14.15 +3.45 +39.1 ConnectOne Q CNOB .30 1.4 21 26.65 15.09 149 22.20 586 24.70 22.10 -1.50 -14.5 ConnWtrSv Q CTWS 1.13 2.1 26 59.26 45.13 36 53.67 159 56.29 53.45 -1.98 -3.9 Connecture Q CNXR 3.24 .80 18 .85 107 .88 .81 +.00 -49.2 ConocoPhil N COP 1.06f 2.2 53.17 38.80 6250 47.91 32785 49.53 46.86 +.17 -4.4 ConsolEngy N CNX .04 .3 22.34 12.62 3539 15.18 17984 16.41 15.06 -.17 -16.7 ConsolCom Q CNSL 1.55 6.5 30.23 21.85 217 23.67 1834 24.80 23.44 -.35 -11.8 ConEd N ED 2.76 3.5 20 81.88 68.76 2498 79.28 7985 80.10 78.57 +.19 +7.6sCnsTom N CTO .08 .1 11 56.74 44.48 10 54.23 52 56.74 54.03 -.57 +1.5 ConsolWtr Q CWCO .30 2.5 54 14.69 9.80 60 11.80 351 12.05 11.25 +.50 +8.8 ConstellA N STZ 2.08f 1.2 23 175.43 144.00 1062 172.54 6610 173.61 169.70 +.45 +12.5 Constellm N CSTM 8.85 4.02 1668 6.95 7086 7.25 5.50 +1.40 +17.8 ConsuPtf Q CPSS 5 6.05 3.31 43 4.87 384 5.21 4.57 +.26 -4.9 CnE pfB N CMSpB 4.50 4.3 108.75 100.05 0 103.50 3 103.50 101.87 +1.50 +.6 ContainStr N TCS 10 8.34 3.75 156 4.12 623 4.42 4.11 -.12 -35.1 Contango N MCF 14.14 5.62 124 7.16 608 8.10 7.15 -.17 -23.3 ContlBldg N CBPX 23 26.53 18.35 370 24.35 2924 24.65 23.65 +.50 +5.4 ContMatls N CUO 26 30.90 14.21 1 22.45 3 23.50 22.05 -.55 -6.3 ContlRescs N CLR 60.30 34.43 1914 42.41 13626 44.88 41.95 -.80 -17.7 ContraFect Q CFRX 4.12 1.35 6 1.75 57 1.80 1.60 +.10 tContraVir Q CTRV 2.65 .80 2472 .84 21440 1.41 .80 -.57 -30.0sControl4 Q CTRL 23 17.25 7.01 152 16.90 1491 17.25 16.40 +.65 +65.7 Cnvrgys N CVG .36 1.6 12 30.92 20.15 618 22.51 4934 22.77 22.13 +.50 -8.3 ConyPkA n Q CPAA 11.86 10.00 1393 11.80 1952 11.85 11.50 +.10 +15.3 ConyPk wt Q CPAAW 9.50 1.15 236 2.75 251 2.78 2.55 +.15 +22.2sConyPkA un Q CPAAU 13.60 10.03 13 12.76 53 13.60 12.49 +.06 +17.6sCooperCo N COO .06 25 203.48 152.09 269 200.33 1478 203.48 198.32 +1.19 +14.5 CooperTire N CTB .42 1.1 8 44.50 29.29 1004 38.30 4800 44.33 38.10 -4.70 -1.4 CooperStd N CPS 11 118.59 74.33 122 113.07 585 114.80 111.27 +2.82 +9.4 CopaHold N CPA 2.04 1.8 24 117.00 48.57 401 116.42 1374 117.00 112.34 +2.11 +28.2 Copart s Q CPRT 19 31.57 20.96 763 30.90 2830 31.41 30.40 +.66 +11.5 Copel N ELP .36e 3.9 11.94 6.43 592 9.17 2224 9.76 8.87 -.26 +8.1 CorbusPhm Q CRBP 10.78 2.10 866 7.20 4082 7.50 5.95 +.70 -14.8 Corcept Q CORT 11.58 4.60 815 9.54 3768 9.65 9.14 +.43 +31.4 CoreLabs N CLB 2.20 2.0 72 133.69 96.30 264 110.82 2075 115.38 110.53 -1.12 -7.7sCoreMold N CMT 12 19.87 11.08 8 19.78 147 19.87 18.85 +.93 +15.6 CoreMrk s Q CORE .36f 1.0 30 50.00 30.00 232 35.02 1357 35.92 33.77 +1.42 -18.7 Corecivic N CXW 1.68m 4.9 16 35.33 12.99 1177 34.45 4588 35.10 33.81 +.44 +40.8sCoreLogic N CLGX 21 43.44 34.59 581 42.74 5844 43.44 38.49 +1.20 +16.0 CorEn pfA N CORRpA 1.84 7.4 26.55 20.30 68 24.99 285 25.05 24.86 +.13 +1.5sCorEnInf rs N CORR 3.00 8.2 17 37.25 20.13 128 36.48 525 37.25 35.81 +.63 +4.6sCoreSite N COR 3.20 3.3 51 97.64 64.81 488 97.85 1788 98.59 91.28 +4.84 +23.3 CoreSR pfA N CORpA 1.81 7.0 27.30 25.05 1 25.69 15 25.89 25.64 +.07 +1.5 Corindus n N CVRS 1.80 .40 1874 1.26 5906 1.49 1.15 +.06 +80.5 Corium Q CORI 8.33 2.67 6 4.51 143 4.89 4.50 -.02 +11.1tCorMedix N CRMD 4.30 .99 3166 .64 3834 1.22 .63 -.49 -58.2 CorOnDem Q CSOD 47.75 30.31 634 39.28 2496 39.36 37.02 +2.48 -7.2 CrnstTotR N CRF 3.35 20.3 17.65 13.79 125 16.51 573 16.54 16.30 +.24 +9.6 CrnrstnStr N CLM 3.40 20.4 18.48 13.75 353 16.67 1220 16.69 16.40 +.27 +9.9sCorning N GLW .62 2.1 18 29.08 18.21 5672 28.85 46844 29.08 27.28 +1.83 +18.9 CpBT JCP N JBN 1.75 10.6 19.79 14.76 1 16.51 59 16.98 15.68 -.12 -7.2 CorpOffP N OFC 1.10 3.4 18 34.56 24.92 1010 32.74 4848 33.83 32.47 -.84 +4.9 CorpOf pfL N OFCpL 1.84 7.2 26.77 24.85 2 25.40 156 25.46 25.30 +.08 +.5 Cort1Aon27 N KTN 2.05 6.1 34.99 30.55 0 33.35 2 33.47 33.15 -.01 +4.1 CortsJCP97 N KTP 1.91 10.4 21.99 16.40 11 18.40 89 18.70 17.70 -.29 -11.7 CortsJCP N JBR 1.75 10.7 19.98 14.60 16.35 24 16.70 15.67 -.23 -8.1 CortsPE N KTH 2.00 6.2 37.17 29.91 1 32.23 6 32.39 31.23 +1.13 +1.8 Corvel Q CRVL 31 53.19 31.00 31 44.50 167 44.80 42.80 +1.90 +21.6 CorvusPh n Q CRVS 22.14 8.27 59 9.93 425 10.48 9.80 +.13 -30.6 Cosan Ltd N CZZ .26e 3.4 9.50 4.75 1390 7.69 6169 8.08 7.43 -.17 +2.4 Costamre N CMRE .40 5.9 10.45 5.07 992 6.74 4136 7.10 6.32 +.18 +20.4 Costam pfB N CMREpB 1.91 8.5 24.99 17.22 0 22.43 7 22.75 22.30 -.27 +10.5 Costmr pfC N CMREpC 2.13 9.2 24.44 17.60 13 23.03 70 23.75 22.93 -.46 +6.3 Costam pfD N CMREpD 2.19 9.4 24.44 17.86 23 23.41 88 23.88 23.03 -.34 +5.5 Costco Q COST 1.80a 1.0 33 178.71 138.57 2115 177.52 12148 178.27 171.33 +6.75 +10.9 Cotiviti n N COTV 43.00 17.00 165 41.79 748 42.70 41.46 +.07 +21.5 Cott Cp N COT .24 1.8 60 17.38 10.10 1236 13.17 5257 13.38 12.74 +.37 +16.2 Coty N COTY .50 2.8 31.60 16.95 4074 17.85 17231 18.31 17.61 +.25 -2.5 CountrP rs Q CPAH 2.80 1.81 5 1.93 18 2.14 1.92 -.27 -22.3 Cntwd pfB N CFCpB 1.75 6.8 26.50 25.30 38 25.72 421 26.05 25.56 -.23 +1.0 CountyBcp Q ICBK .24f .9 17 35.89 19.35 5 27.45 83 29.97 26.34 -2.02 +1.8 CoupaSft n Q COUP 41.61 22.50 348 27.75 2032 31.26 27.47 -2.66 +11.0 CousPrp N CUZ .24 2.8 12 8.82 7.04 2957 8.49 21777 8.56 7.81 +.09 -.2 CovantaH N CVA 1.00 6.9 17.20 13.45 1380 14.55 8761 15.10 14.15 -.40 -6.7 Covenant Q CVTI 21 25.22 14.26 96 18.73 593 20.44 18.09 -.55 -3.2 Covisint h Q COVS 2.48 1.50 114 2.00 178 2.05 1.85 +.15 +5.3 Cowen 21 Q COWNL 2.06 7.6 29.13 25.13 1 27.08 8 27.23 26.54 -.18 +5.3 CowenGp rs Q COWN 16.75 10.92 2212 15.90 3970 16.05 13.45 +2.50 +2.6 CrackerB Q CBRL 4.60 2.9 25 175.04 130.15 164 160.19 980 163.74 158.92 +1.31 -4.1 CraftBrew Q BREW 22.40 7.50 127 13.60 672 13.80 12.55 +1.10 -19.5sCrane N CR 1.32 1.7 18 82.35 53.40 310 79.91 1688 82.35 77.41 +3.37 +10.8 CrwfdA N CRD/A .28 3.1 64 10.50 5.65 16 8.93 318 9.34 8.79 +.02 -5.7 CrwfdB N CRD/B .20 1.8 78 14.37 6.16 35 10.91 150 11.29 10.47 +.28 -13.1 Cray Inc Q CRAY 78 40.14 16.10 316 17.90 1637 19.58 17.85 -1.20 -13.5 Credicp N BAP 2.19e 1.4 173.80 133.66 233 153.66 1344 156.14 150.71 +.60 -2.7 CreditAcc Q CACC 15 221.10 160.63 189 203.25 914 210.50 201.74 -3.22 -6.6sCS EnEur50 N FIEU 114.24 73.67 1 112.86 9 114.24 108.10 +8.70 +24.1tCSVixMd rs Q TVIZ 74.25 18.46 5 18.68 59 19.61 18.46 -1.73 -50.3tCSVixSh rs Q TVIX 1037.50 30.70 2763 30.91 20645 35.58 30.70 -10.30 -67.5tCSVixST rs Q VIIX 120.80 25.29 173 25.37 1135 27.09 25.29 -3.72 -41.1 CSVInvN rs N DGAZ 94.25 13.50 4561 19.79 28507 22.88 19.35 -1.57 sCS FILgCG N FLGE 170.41 113.12 9 170.40 59 170.54 166.09 +6.74 +22.7 CSSilvCC Q SLVO 1.35e 15.5 10.91 8.07 55 8.70 206 9.02 8.67 -.32 +6.2 CSGoldCvC Q GLDI 1.16e 12.1 10.96 8.78 17 9.59 107 9.64 9.52 -.05 +7.3 CSVS3xInSlv Q DSLV 40.13 16.93 247 24.66 1567 24.93 21.84 +2.91 -23.1 CSVS3xInG Q DGLD 69.37 39.17 71 47.75 576 48.80 46.86 +1.81 -26.1 CS VS3xGld Q UGLD 15.06 7.79 654 10.87 3609 11.11 10.66 -.46 +30.0tCSVSVixMT Q VIIZ 16.37 8.55 2 8.66 71 8.79 8.55 -.32 -28.5 CSVelIVST Q XIV 75.48 20.21 9468 75.09 55152 75.25 70.64 +8.83 +60.6sCSVIVxMT Q ZIV 64.93 35.79 66 64.58 407 64.93 63.04 +2.75 +38.8 CS LgShLiq N CSLS 28.03 25.14 1 27.70 14 27.90 27.09 +.50 +3.0 CrSuisInco N CIK .26 7.8 3.46 2.80 152 3.38 551 3.39 3.30 +.06 +7.0sCS MthlMtg N REML 32.51 24.01 0 32.25 6 32.51 30.55 +1.03 +20.3 CSVLgNG rs N UGAZ 54.89 13.66 4244 20.52 23993 20.95 17.95 +1.22 -55.6 CS VSSilv Q USLV 29.09 10.84 2842 13.62 10890 15.45 13.48 -1.90 +19.2 CredSuiss N CS 1.21e 7.9 16.17 10.01 4234 15.26 27571 15.89 15.02 +.81 +6.6 CrSuiHiY N DHY .29 10.4 2.85 2.17 227 2.77 1345 2.79 2.75 +3.7 Cree Inc Q CREE 31.64 20.75 1816 21.88 13493 25.27 20.82 -2.78 -17.1tCrescPtE g N CPG .28 2.8 18.95 9.35 1452 9.91 7376 10.17 9.35 -.16 -27.1 CrestEq rs N CEQP 2.40e 9.5 28.30 16.15 128 25.35 588 25.90 25.00 +.10 -.8 Cresud Q CRESY 21.55 9.57 49 21.02 323 21.30 20.49 +.43 +33.3sCriteo SA Q CRTO 54.49 32.83 727 54.39 3378 55.26 51.16 +2.68 +32.4 Crocs Q CROX 12.54 5.96 478 6.23 3778 6.47 6.08 +.14 -9.2 CrossAmer N CAPL 2.45 9.4 62 27.94 22.50 24 26.13 158 26.42 25.21 +.63 +3.7 CrssCtryHl Q CCRN 16.38 10.54 431 13.97 1352 15.09 13.92 -.17 -10.5 CrosTim N CRT 1.10e 7.0 14 20.59 14.10 6 15.88 53 16.23 15.50 +.42 -11.6 CrossrdCap Q XRDC .60 27.0 2.62 1.47 107 2.22 359 2.24 2.18 +4.2 CrossrdS rs Q CRDS 11.80 2.60 2 3.43 50 3.98 3.43 +.05 -19.5 CrwnCstle N CCI 3.80 4.0 26 102.82 79.38 1717 94.60 15219 97.00 93.51 -.93 +9.0 CrownCfts Q CRWS .32a 4.1 13 10.24 7.05 10 7.80 64 8.00 7.58 -.15 +.6 CrownHold N CCK 14 57.49 48.04 595 56.09 4132 56.38 54.99 +1.02 +6.7 Cryolife N CRY .12 .7 40 20.15 11.11 190 18.15 1398 19.35 15.73 +2.50 -5.2 CryoPrt wt Q CYRXW 1.45 .34 3 .81 11 .98 .75 -.03 -18.2 CryoPort rs Q CYRX 4.07 1.50 52 2.41 370 2.50 2.30 -.02 -25.6 CrystalRk N CRVP 1.05 .63 0 .87 41 .99 .87 -.08 +6.7 s Q CTRP 86 50.77 37.36 4045 50.51 21180 50.57 47.37 +3.35 +26.3 CubeSmart N CUBE 1.08 4.3 36 32.78 23.65 2822 25.34 8539 27.73 25.21 -2.27 -5.3 Cubic N CUB .27 .5 55.65 37.24 100 51.90 488 53.52 51.40 +1.15 +8.2sCullenFr N CFR 2.28f 2.4 20 97.56 57.94 424 94.39 2569 97.56 91.60 +4.41 +7.0 CullnF pfA N CFRpA 1.34 5.3 27.86 24.24 7 25.30 61 25.84 25.30 -.41 +2.6 Culp Inc N CFI .32f 1.0 16 37.80 25.57 68 32.10 291 34.00 31.55 -.30 -13.6 CumbldPh Q CPIX 7.48 4.27 3 5.83 28 6.10 5.83 -.11 +6.0 Cummins N CMI 4.10 2.7 23 155.51 105.33 1039 150.94 6764 153.65 147.92 +5.38 +10.4 CumMed rs Q CMLS 3.60 .22 583 .28 1541 .32 .22 +.05 -72.4 Curis Q CRIS 3.72 1.47 491 2.42 2021 2.70 2.40 -.11 -21.4 CurEuro N FXE 112.90 100.46 347 105.52 3077 106.09 104.99 +1.81 +3.2 CurAstla N FXA 1.02 1.4 77.72 71.64 7 74.94 66 75.71 74.53 -.48 +3.8 CurBrit N FXB 145.60 117.48 54 126.19 412 126.33 124.49 +1.45 +4.9tCurrCda N FXC .03e 79.17 72.23 27 72.35 326 73.33 72.11 -.74 -1.7 CurJpn N FXY 96.75 81.33 28 86.39 586 87.79 86.18 -1.91 +4.7 CurSwed N FXS 122.77 102.80 0 108.60 5 109.97 108.55 +1.16 +2.1 CurSwiss N FXF 101.31 92.37 1 95.57 37 95.87 95.42 +.28 +2.0 CurtisWrt N CW .52 .6 24 107.61 75.90 256 93.46 1220 94.41 92.61 +1.60 -5.0 CushTRet rs N SRV 1.08 7.8 15.08 10.83 18 13.87 76 13.99 13.68 +.21 +2.1 CushngRen N SZC 1.64 9.1 19.10 14.49 41 18.09 114 18.60 18.01 -.04 +4.1 CushRoy rs N SRF .62 6.7 10.14 8.24 10 9.22 46 9.40 9.14 -5.7 CustomBcp N CUBI 13 36.93 23.80 375 30.93 1404 32.09 30.25 +1.27 -13.7 CustBcp 18 N CUBS 1.59 6.1 27.74 26.01 5 26.21 13 26.36 26.18 -.02 -.2 CustBc p C N CUBIpC .57p 27.74 25.25 6 27.09 10 27.25 27.03 +.05 +4.0 CustBc pfD N CUBIpD 29.11 23.68 2 27.00 3 27.00 26.60 +.10 +5.3sCustBc pfE N CUBIpE 27.13 24.69 9 27.21 29 27.21 26.53 +.40 +6.3 CustoBc pf F N CUBIpF 26.37 23.22 1 26.05 23 26.18 25.87 -.04 +4.2 Cutera Q CUTR 22.96 9.83 144 19.55 614 21.35 19.23 -.75 +12.7 Cyanotch h Q CYAN 5.80 3.32 1 3.82 5 4.00 3.80 -.03 -11.2 CybrOpt Q CYBE 17 41.18 13.28 182 21.65 1245 25.50 20.80 -2.15 -17.0 CyberArk Q CYBR 52 59.28 38.20 313 52.91 1406 54.04 52.02 +1.03 +16.3 Cyclacel rs Q CYCC .15p 10.90 3.05 26 5.40 477 5.74 5.02 +.29 +2.1 CymaBay Q CBAY 4.44 1.15 257 3.62 1505 3.75 3.16 +.04 +109.2 CypressEn N CELP 1.63 18.6 14.27 7.80 28 8.78 163 8.98 8.55 +.04 -16.8 CypSemi Q CY .44 3.1 27 14.98 8.48 13754 14.01 44394 14.58 13.65 +.02 +22.5 Cyren Ltd Q CYRN 2.60 1.63 47 2.10 144 2.10 1.96 +.10 -2.3 CyrusOne Q CONE 1.52 2.8 50 57.00 38.80 702 54.64 3857 54.71 53.03 +.49 +22.2 CytRx h Q CYTR 3.66 .36 23009 .51 119654 .99 .50 -.10 +36.8sCytokinetic Q CYTK 55 17.20 7.18 1103 16.40 6509 17.20 14.30 +2.15 +35.0 CytomX n Q CTMX 20.02 9.10 216 15.71 999 16.83 15.45 -.77 +42.9 Cytori wt Q CYTXW .91 .40 1 .50 3 .62 .47 -.13 -28.6 CytoriTh rs Q CYTX 5.45 .98 241 1.03 2277 1.10 1.01 +.02 -31.8 Cytosorbnt Q CTSO 6.90 4.00 111 5.20 730 5.25 4.55 +.60 -4.6D -:DBV Tech Q DBVT 37.98 27.02 36 35.33 294 35.63 33.47 +2.71 +.6 DCP Mid N DCP 3.12 8.2 19 42.45 31.03 276 37.89 1751 39.06 37.68 +.24 -1.3 DCT IndlTr N DCT 1.16 2.3 29 51.70 40.20 386 50.56 1849 51.37 50.09 -.23 +5.6tDDR Corp N DDR .76 7.0 12 19.92 10.95 7512 10.81 61828 12.45 10.79 -1.59 -29.2 DDR pfJ N DDRpJ 1.63 6.5 26.60 24.35 11 25.15 49 25.30 25.09 -.09 +1.7 DDR pfK N DDRpK 1.56 6.2 27.13 23.66 2 25.12 41 25.46 25.06 -.14 +5.4sDGSE N DGSE 1.65 .50 25 1.64 172 1.65 1.57 +.01 +32.3 DHI Grp N DHX 10 8.43 3.60 399 3.85 2100 3.95 3.60 +.25 -38.4 DHT Hldgs N DHT .58e 12.1 6.00 3.29 947 4.79 6988 4.95 4.55 +.19 +15.7 DLH Hldgs Q DLHC 18 7.38 3.69 23 5.00 80 5.45 4.59 +.23 -15.8 DMC Globl Q BOOM .08 .5 17.19 8.05 58 15.30 227 15.55 14.70 +.80 -3.5 DNB Fncl Q DNBF .28 .8 17 35.15 23.05 7 33.45 12 34.50 32.75 +.05 +17.8sDNP Selct N DNP .78 7.1 11.00 9.81 185 10.99 1469 11.00 10.90 +.11 +7.4 DR Horton N DHI .40f 1.2 13 34.56 26.69 3252 32.89 24938 33.35 31.98 +.02 +20.3 Drdgold N DRD .08f 2.1 9.10 3.70 246 3.88 2320 4.43 3.81 -.66 -26.7 DSP Gp Q DSPG 46 14.20 8.90 126 12.45 611 13.00 11.85 +.20 -4.6 DST Sys N DST 1.40f 1.1 19 128.66 94.52 339 123.11 1214 125.80 120.90 -.95 +14.9 DSW Inc N DSW .80 3.9 15 26.22 18.51 1482 20.62 8723 21.20 20.34 -.17 -9.0sDTE N DTE 3.30f 3.2 24 105.81 86.81 822 104.59 5226 105.81 103.58 +.64 +6.2 DTEEn 62 N DTQ 1.31 5.2 26.07 22.33 4 25.17 41 25.17 24.88 +.31 +5.1 DTE En76 n N DTJ 1.34 5.4 26.60 21.67 25 24.87 141 24.90 24.57 +.07 +10.3 DTE F76 n N DTY 1.50 5.7 26.59 24.24 5 26.19 139 26.23 26.05 +.17 +1.9 DTE En un N DTV 54.49 50.03 52 53.89 125 54.33 53.51 +.07 +1.7 DTF TxF N DTF .84 5.6 17.05 14.09 16 14.93 63 14.99 14.80 -.05 +3.5 DXC Tch n N DXC 77.99 67.76 1962 75.34 9192 77.03 74.96 -.98 +10.9 DXP Ent Q DXPE 99 40.77 12.67 51 36.48 379 39.03 36.44 +.16 +5.0 DailyJourn Q DJCO 282.48 191.21 4 209.02 20 223.55 206.08 -2.83 -13.6 Daktronics Q DAKT .28 3.0 68 11.12 5.92 171 9.46 656 9.57 9.14 +.30 -11.6 DanaInc N DAN .24 1.2 10 20.62 9.80 1637 19.42 9377 19.71 18.75 +.87 +2.3 Danaher N DHR .56f .7 20 88.01 72.32 4214 83.33 23905 84.00 82.12 +1.63 +7.1 Danaos N DAC 1 4.90 1.60 66 1.70 157 1.85 1.65 -35.8 DaqoNEn N DQ 4 27.60 18.01 44 18.61 267 19.60 18.06 +.30 -3.6sDarden N DRI 2.24 2.6 22 86.44 59.50 1787 85.19 9975 86.44 84.47 +1.03 +17.1 DarioHlth Q DRIO 5.90 2.42 7 2.81 276 3.00 2.50 +.11 -13.5 DarioHl wt Q DRIOW 1.47 .11 .50 26 .50 .38 +.13 -23.1 DarlingIng N DAR 24 15.93 11.51 750 15.13 4803 15.45 15.02 +.19 +17.2 DasanZ rs Q DZSI 10.00 4.25 6 5.73 43 5.98 5.71 -.25 +16.5 Daseke n Q DSKE 10.88 9.26 51 10.15 497 10.21 9.67 +.36 +.7 Daseke wt Q DSKEW 1.25 .16 46 1.23 480 1.24 1.05 +.12 +44.7 Data IO Q DAIO 23 5.30 2.07 15 4.80 137 4.92 4.56 +.02 +14.8 Dataram rs Q DRAM 5.07 .81 93 1.20 307 1.24 1.13 -.01 -45.5sDatawatch Q DWCH 9.70 4.81 150 9.05 1312 9.70 8.74 -.20 +64.5sDaveBuster Q PLAY 30 64.50 36.83 450 64.01 2177 64.50 62.94 +1.29 +13.7tDavidsT g n Q DTEA 14.30 6.03 33 6.25 410 6.45 6.03 -.20 -8.8 DavSelFn n Q DFNL 22.15 19.83 9 20.85 139 21.12 20.70 +.44 +3.7 DavSelEq n Q DUSA 21.30 19.79 4 20.59 38 20.72 20.44 +.39 +2.2sDavSelW n Q DWLD 21.66 20.00 29 21.52 100 21.69 21.34 +.39 +7.2 DaVita Inc N DVA 17 78.77 54.50 929 69.01 5401 69.22 67.92 +1.27 +7.5 DawsonGeo Q DWSN 9.00 4.58 127 5.03 570 5.48 4.90 -.34 -37.4sDeVryEd N DV .36 1.0 14 38.38 15.36 760 37.85 5640 38.38 36.00 +2.05 +21.3 DeanFoods N DF .36 1.8 12 22.31 15.69 1089 19.74 4533 20.03 19.55 -9.4 DeckrsOut N DECK 77 69.94 44.00 571 59.59 3746 62.14 57.95 +1.71 +7.6sDeere N DE 2.40 2.2 23 114.13 76.73 2038 111.61 12879 114.13 108.94 +4.07 +8.3sDelFriscos Q DFRG 26 18.80 13.01 364 17.20 1672 18.80 16.95 -1.20 +1.2 DelTaco Q TACO 24 15.32 8.43 158 13.15 1242 13.58 12.91 -.12 -6.9 DelTaco wt Q TACOW 5.70 1.65 3.76 36 4.00 3.76 +.01 -22.5sDE EnhGlb N DEX .90 8.1 11.17 9.16 59 11.17 307 11.17 11.06 +.20 +10.5 DelaCO N VCF .72 4.8 16.42 14.50 5 14.92 40 15.07 14.66 +.07 +.1sDelaDvInc N DDF .62 6.0 10.55 9.19 7 10.40 116 10.55 10.34 +.06 +4.3 DelaNatl N VFL .72 5.5 14.99 12.07 4 12.99 69 13.15 12.92 -.20 -1.3 DelaMN2 N VMM .63 4.2 15.70 13.13 39 14.96 69 15.15 14.61 +.35 +10.3 Delcath rs Q DCTH 6.85 .05 8917 .06 37856 .07 .06 -.00 -93.6 DelekLogis N DKL 2.76f 8.5 14 36.05 21.30 42 32.40 173 33.10 31.05 +.90 +13.5 Delek N DK .60a 2.5 26.06 11.41 665 24.07 5558 24.44 22.56 +1.71 sDellTch n N DVMT 67.59 46.64 868 67.11 7677 67.75 64.92 +2.69 +22.1 DelmarPh n Q DMPI 9.90 2.52 74 2.68 343 2.85 2.58 -.12 -16.0 DelphiAuto N DLPH 1.16 1.4 16 83.23 58.04 1563 80.40 10123 80.74 77.78 +3.80 +19.4 DeltaAir N DAL .81 1.8 9 52.76 32.60 6375 45.44 46600 47.55 44.86 -.09 -7.6 DeltaAprl N DLA 14 25.52 14.85 21 17.53 88 18.31 17.23 -.47 -15.4 DeltaNGas Q DGAS .83 2.7 39 31.29 22.06 9 30.30 49 30.68 30.26 +.10 +3.3 DeltaTch h Q DELT 3.14 .43 554 2.70 5572 2.84 1.94 +.79 +269.9 DeltaTc wt Q DELTW .39 .02 23 .06 99 .09 .03 +.03 +7.1 DeltTim N DEL .40 .5 85.49 53.21 42 77.37 169 81.00 76.60 +1.05 +.4 Deluxe N DLX 1.20 1.7 15 75.94 59.47 374 71.91 1653 74.13 70.54 +1.63 +.4 DenburyR N DNR 4.74 2.15 4441 2.22 24135 2.40 2.18 -.02 -39.7 DenisnM g N DNN .84 .37 1350 .52 3076 .60 .51 -.07 +1.0 Dennys Q DENN 49 14.25 9.84 333 12.70 1514 13.05 12.58 +.24 -1.0 Dentsply Q XRAY .35f .6 32 65.83 55.00 1087 63.24 4946 63.85 62.96 +.71 +9.5 Depomed Q DEPO 27.02 11.34 666 11.99 5815 12.49 11.37 +.62 -33.5 Dermira Q DERM 38.75 23.33 228 34.06 741 34.45 32.39 +1.52 +12.3 DescSys Q DSGX 72 23.75 18.09 31 23.15 197 23.40 22.50 +8.2 DestMatrn Q DEST .80 23.4 8.42 3.18 71 3.42 296 3.54 3.21 +.19 -33.8 Dest XL Q DXLG 5.57 2.10 226 2.55 765 2.85 2.50 -.10 -40.0 Deswell Q DSWL .28f 14.7 1.98 1.50 26 1.91 111 1.96 1.91 -.02 +7.3 Determine Q DTRM 3.79 .82 7 3.57 72 3.78 3.37 +.04 +83.1 DeutschBk N DB .83e 20.94 11.19 6449 18.07 46344 18.94 18.00 +1.57 -.2 DBDogs22 N DOD 29.00 17.00 1 18.77 57 19.27 18.67 -.03 +1.4sDBWMTR N WMW 27.29 21.67 1 27.34 4 27.34 26.51 +.79 +10.8 DB Cap pf N DTK 1.90 7.3 26.55 22.38 67 26.15 527 26.25 26.05 +.08 +4.8 DeutBCT2 pf N DXB 1.64 6.5 25.72 21.86 67 25.18 384 25.20 25.01 +.16 +5.0 DeutBCT5 pf N DKT 2.01 7.6 27.00 23.01 73 26.59 383 26.71 26.46 +.12 +5.3 DBCmdDL N DYY 4.77 1.91 3 2.45 20 3.51 2.44 -1.06 -36.9 DB AgriLg N AGF 13.98 9.72 10.48 4 11.64 10.38 -1.27 -10.4 DB AgriDL N DAG 4.98 3.20 1 3.32 30 3.39 3.22 +.04 -4.6 DBGoldSh N DGZ 15.72 12.73 25 13.87 174 13.97 13.77 +.19 -9.7 DBGoldDL N DGP 31.42 19.20 12 24.15 104 24.46 23.83 -.60 +20.0 DBGoldDS N DZZ 7.15 4.80 156 5.66 1799 6.32 5.55 -.25 -17.4 Deut GlbHi N LBF .54 6.3 8.88 7.90 1 8.57 93 8.66 8.51 +.01 +2.9 Deut HiOp N DHG .72 4.9 14.88 13.07 17 14.75 87 14.83 14.67 +.10 +2.4 Deut Multi N KMM .51 5.8 8.82 7.90 72 8.78 434 8.80 8.73 +.04 +3.1 Deut Muni N KTF .84 6.3 14.82 12.52 65 13.30 334 13.39 13.25 -.09 +1.4 Deut StInc N KST .66a 5.4 12.35 11.26 17 12.27 92 12.29 12.20 +.04 +3.2 Deut StMu N KSM .84 6.6 15.01 11.86 14 12.64 90 12.67 12.47 +.05 +4.1sDBXEmMkt N DBEM .64e 3.0 21.16 17.93 71 21.14 207 21.16 20.83 +.46 +9.8sDBXEafeEq N DBEF 1.00e 2.9 30.18 23.35 1187 30.01 7096 30.18 29.78 +.78 +6.9 DBXBrazEq N DBBR 2.71e 24.7 11.85 9.00 3 10.97 13 10.97 10.77 +.34 +6.7sDBXGerEq N DBGR 3.40e 12.4 27.55 20.48 2 27.47 161 27.55 27.33 +.79 +9.0 Deu HYBd n N HYLB 51.42 50.07 2 51.22 34 51.28 51.05 +.28 +1.6sDbXR1KECo N DEUS 29.40 24.84 50 28.93 119 29.40 28.81 +.34 +7.0 DBXJapnEq N DBJP 2.26e 3.7 38.72 29.15 515 37.79 3132 38.12 37.14 +1.05 +1.5 Deut 300Ch N ASHX .74p 24.28 18.69 0 19.30 2 19.33 19.28 -.17 +2.5sDbxEafeSC N DBES .26p 26.52 22.06 4 27.45 4 27.45 27.45 +.93 +13.4sDbxEuroHiD N HDEZ .28p 26.79 20.78 0 26.79 3 26.79 26.59 +.86 +8.0sDbxEafeHiD N HDEF .43e 1.1 24.65 21.73 0 24.44 3 24.65 24.44 +.21 +5.0 DbxNikk400 N JPN 25.79 21.98 4 25.56 7 25.70 25.56 +.22 +5.8sDBX MSCI N DBEZ 1.28e 4.3 29.87 22.01 18 29.73 121 29.87 29.61 +1.01 +10.9 DeuMunInf N RVNU .73 2.8 28.30 24.89 5 26.20 27 26.25 26.05 -.10 +1.8 DBX EMBd N EMIH .87e 25.20 23.65 25.14 4 25.14 24.80 +.23 +1.2 DBX IGBd N IGIH .60e 24.72 22.68 1 24.08 4 24.25 23.93 -.08 -.5 DBXHYCpB N HYIH 1.02e 23.98 19.46 23.54 11 23.54 23.29 +.24 +.3 DBXChiSC N ASHS 3.46e .5 36.01 30.80 19 32.55 65 32.87 32.12 -.41 +.8 DBXMexHd N DBMX 4.12e 13.3 22.56 19.28 20.96 13 21.05 20.80 +.42 +7.7sDBXSKorH N DBKO .03p 26.96 21.85 3 26.95 18 26.96 26.50 +.65 +9.9sDBXAWxUS N DBAW 1.33e 3.4 25.93 20.54 7 25.82 109 25.93 25.56 +.64 +7.7sDBXAsiaPH N DBAP 2.07e 4.3 25.51 21.28 2 25.48 4 25.51 25.28 +.44 +11.4sDBXEurHgd N DBEU 1.28e 4.1 27.68 22.77 436 27.51 8138 27.68 27.38 +.74 +8.4 DBXHvChiA N ASHR 8.43e 1.3 26.19 22.61 693 24.82 2842 24.96 24.73 -.21 +5.8 DevonE N DVN .24 .6 50.69 29.60 3624 39.49 20194 41.29 39.06 -.24 -13.5 DexCom Q DXCM 96.38 57.68 668 77.96 3864 79.42 74.59 +2.73 +30.6tDexteraS rs Q DXTR 3.75 .76 106 .79 589 .92 .74 -.11 -17.7sElevWat n N WTRX 29.10 25.00 28.97 6 29.10 28.64 +.75 +14.5 Diageo N DEO 3.23e 2.8 117.84 99.46 354 117.43 2512 117.56 115.85 +3.38 +13.0 DiamHill Q DHIL 6.00e 14 217.68 170.00 15 202.15 48 206.76 191.19 +12.16 -3.9tDiamOffsh N DO .50 3.5 10 26.72 14.13 3383 14.42 13366 15.34 14.13 -.42 -18.5 DiamRk N DRH .50 4.5 12 12.00 8.22 2775 11.01 12699 11.80 10.99 -.11 -4.5 DiambkEn Q FANG 114.00 82.19 1006 99.84 6777 105.61 98.93 -1.43 -1.2tDianaCn h rs Q DCIX 26.17 .52 290 .50 1895 .64 .50 -.11 -82.0 DianaShip N DSX 6.20 2.11 2029 3.99 11388 4.40 3.97 -.30 +32.1 DianaS pfB N DSXpB 2.22 10.1 22.99 13.25 3 22.08 43 22.50 21.24 -.14 +34.6 DianaSh20 N DSXN 2.13 8.4 26.00 18.50 2 25.34 37 25.69 24.62 +.14 +22.9 DicernaPh Q DRNA 6.10 2.42 53 3.33 540 3.43 2.91 +.39 +15.6 DicksSptg N DKS .68f 1.3 16 62.88 37.96 1825 50.55 9115 52.31 50.06 -1.03 -4.8 Diebold N DBD .40 1.4 31.85 21.05 599 28.20 3406 29.25 27.60 +.50 +12.1 DifferBr rs Q DFBG 8.42 1.60 9 1.85 29 2.05 1.85 -.15 -21.2 DiffusPh n Q DFFN 15.50 1.94 90 3.03 296 3.19 2.72 +.10 +34.1 DigiIntl Q DGII 27 14.15 9.00 56 12.40 353 12.50 11.95 +.40 -9.8tDigiliti h Q DGLT 4.50 3.59 12 3.84 87 4.11 3.59 -.26 -12.7 Digimarc Q DMRC 40.13 24.20 27 28.85 296 31.35 28.06 +.15 -3.8 Digirad Q DRAD .20 4.3 6 6.15 4.15 446 4.70 677 5.35 4.40 -.35 -6.0 DigitalAlly Q DGLY 7.23 3.51 12 4.20 155 4.50 4.00 +.11 DigitalPwr N DPW 1.75 .35 64 .63 481 .71 .62 -.00 -3.5sDigitalRlt N DLR 3.72f 3.2 33 113.72 85.63 1816 114.84 5767 115.47 111.10 +1.96 +16.9 DigitlR pfG N DLRpG 1.47 5.8 26.75 23.05 4 25.46 40 25.65 25.36 +.01 +6.4 DigtlR pfH N DLRpH 1.84 6.6 29.49 25.90 143 27.94 351 28.21 27.87 -.21 +2.9 DigitalR pfI N DLRpI 1.59 5.9 28.16 24.50 7 26.83 40 27.09 26.80 -.29 +7.1 DigitlTurb Q APPS 1.56 .56 757 1.13 3668 1.13 .94 +.19 +66.2 DigitalGlb N DGI 35.95 19.44 226 32.20 1533 33.48 32.00 -.75 +12.4 Dillards N DDS .28 .5 11 77.70 46.56 635 55.37 2797 55.49 53.64 +1.43 -11.7 Dillard38 N DDT 1.88 7.3 27.15 25.02 6 25.65 37 25.88 25.54 -.20 -1.3 DimeCBc Q DCOM .56 2.9 16 22.48 16.10 246 19.45 887 21.40 19.45 -.90 -3.2 DimenTh n Q DMTX 10.47 1.35 32 1.55 401 1.61 1.40 +.10 -64.4 DineEquity N DIN 3.88 6.9 10 88.41 49.53 269 56.54 1101 57.31 56.06 +.15 -26.6 Diodes Q DIOD 73 27.17 16.75 120 23.39 759 24.37 23.36 -.20 -8.9 DiploPhm N DPLO 29 38.94 12.25 521 15.60 2731 15.77 15.11 +.09 +23.8stDirBrCm n N COM 24.95 24.62 24.62 25 24.95 24.62 -.8sDrxDlySpxB N LLSP .10p 31.38 24.71 2 31.17 27 31.38 30.96 +.58 +8.4 DxChiABear N CHAD 46.91 38.73 5 39.97 264 40.06 39.62 +.37 -6.5 DrxNGBear rs N GASX 57.00 17.73 8 30.23 74 30.50 26.17 +1.36 +31.6 DrxRBkBear N WDRW 1.86p 41.88 7.45 12 9.40 53 9.40 8.38 -.16 -5.1 DxSPOGBr rs N DRIP 47.00 10.28 316 19.26 3128 19.69 16.62 +.18 +47.7 DrxRBkBull N DPST 81.77 20.24 40 59.27 246 66.68 59.27 +.80 -12.8 DirDGlBr rs N DUST 93.35 22.80 7817 32.25 53898 34.94 28.08 +4.86 -33.3 DxGlMBr rs N JDST 122.00 11.75 10425 19.93 60481 21.77 17.07 +3.49 -43.2 DxSPXBll s N SPUU 42.67 31.54 0 42.25 9 42.60 41.80 +1.09 +13.7sDxEuFnBl N EUFL 40.28 24.51 2 39.81 12 40.28 37.67 +4.39 +25.1 DirGlMin n N MELT 35.76 22.89 1 26.66 13 27.35 25.47 +1.39 -9.4sDirNsdq100 N QQQE .37e .5 78.48 58.70 9 78.12 71 78.66 77.46 +1.39 +13.7 DrxDlySCB N LLSC .10p 32.42 23.78 1 32.42 3 32.42 31.84 +1.42 +3.8tDirSPX Br N SPDN 21.10 17.25 2 17.35 77 17.45 17.25 -.26 -6.5 DrxiBillion N IBLN .21e .8 28.05 23.11 2 27.91 8 27.96 27.50 +.66 +11.2 DxRusBll rs N RUSL 114.71 49.16 152 91.30 939 91.71 86.83 +9.19 -9.6sDiEurBll3x N EURL .05e .2 28.13 14.48 28 27.78 280 28.13 26.91 +3.08 +39.0 DrxEMBll rs N EDC 78.75 40.73 173 77.30 1289 78.67 75.55 +4.26 +46.3 Dir MLPHi N ZMLP 1.60m 8.7 20.15 17.01 11 18.39 46 18.64 18.37 -.08 -2.5 DxLatBll rs N LBJ 130.26 55.20 5 108.24 20 113.35 104.59 +2.07 +38.6 DirTotBBr N SAGG 33.19 30.92 4 31.49 4 31.51 31.49 +.12 -1.6 DxBrzBull s N BRZU 55.29 15.72 162 39.53 1158 40.31 37.25 +3.09 +27.3 DxBiotBll rs N LABU 55.88 21.94 857 51.76 6391 52.30 45.45 +7.14 +65.3sDxIndiBll rs N INDL 76.93 41.00 31 74.93 333 76.93 71.40 +6.07 +66.8tDxNGBll rs N GASL 58.12 28.40 124 28.94 899 33.88 28.40 -1.58 -35.0tDrDevMBr N DPK 35.88 17.67 1 17.88 21 18.22 17.67 -1.69 -26.7 DxSPOGBl rs N GUSH 134.00 55.34 479 57.68 2757 66.70 56.00 -.66 -43.2 DxREBear N DRV 16.90 10.45 139 11.94 599 12.07 10.87 +.89 -5.5tDirSPBear N SPXS 16.40 8.62 1782 8.77 17480 8.95 8.62 -.43 -18.8 DrxHCreBr N SICK 42.28 20.05 26.95 3 27.95 26.78 -1.75 -25.0 DrxJpBull N JPNL 51.93 32.71 1 50.31 30 51.15 49.88 +1.19 +17.8 DxEnBear N ERY 19.68 8.59 1095 12.38 7518 12.76 11.53 -.03 +29.9tDxEMBear N EDZ 42.31 16.09 500 16.35 2586 16.78 16.09 -1.04 -35.2 DrxCySBull N HAKK 49.01 24.30 2 45.16 9 47.77 44.25 +.50 +28.0 DrxSKBull N KORU 38.22 19.17 2 36.72 32 37.31 35.01 +2.04 +51.4tDxSCBear rs N TZA 45.06 16.32 11173 17.27 63772 17.54 16.32 -.78 -13.0 DxFnBr rs N FAZ 45.92 17.00 2464 19.28 11895 19.30 18.28 -.52 -11.2 DrGMBll s N JNUG 33.29 3.77 52425 4.50 279939 5.42 4.14 -1.11 -19.4 DxGBull s N NUGT 35.80 5.51 39876 8.15 237735 9.65 7.57 -1.72 +6.7tDxHmbBear N CLAW 43.32 17.52 3 18.19 8 18.91 17.52 -.16 -41.0 DrxHmbBull N NAIL 42.85 20.01 11 40.07 100 41.97 38.31 +.42 +57.9 Dx30TBear N TMV 25.75 15.03 709 21.28 3613 21.80 20.91 +.56 -11.3 DxFnBull s N FAS 51.11 21.14 2924 44.10 15018 46.54 44.02 +1.03 +7.8 DxBiotBear N LABD 55.83 9.33 2369 9.43 15603 10.83 9.34 -1.58 -50.2tDrxTcBr rs N TECS 30.55 12.16 67 12.09 385 12.61 12.02 -.86 -31.3 DrxACInsi N KNOW .48e .6 82.27 68.64 17 78.93 273 80.06 78.93 +.79 +3.1tDxSOXBr rs N SOXS 40.64 7.10 855 7.50 4479 7.58 7.10 -.33 -30.4 DxRsaBr rs N RUSS 17.95 5.36 571 6.03 3636 6.36 6.00 -.72 -3.1tDxMCBr rs N MIDZ 39.04 17.97 16 18.72 87 18.73 17.97 -.53 -15.0 DxChiBear s N YANG 30.01 10.90 223 12.00 1544 12.36 11.72 -.57 -29.0 Drx300Chin N CHAU 20.89 15.60 28 18.91 266 19.22 18.84 -.37 +11.4 DxHcrBll s N CURE 37.62 24.26 75 35.93 557 36.17 34.35 +2.42 +30.3sDxTcBull s N TECL 70.41 31.48 182 70.76 921 71.33 67.96 +4.51 +41.7 DxRetlBll s N RETL 49.91 27.90 15 32.85 78 34.85 32.52 +.08 -10.0sDxSOXBll s N SOXL .01e 80.85 21.10 504 76.44 1975 80.85 75.75 +2.71 +33.9 Dir30TrBul s N TMF 31.58 16.87 525 19.55 2998 19.95 19.09 -.59 +8.1 Dir10TrBear N TYO 16.29 12.60 18 14.32 66 14.56 14.30 +.11 -7.3 Dx10yTBull N TYD .73e 58.66 39.87 0 43.88 8 44.32 43.83 -.47 +5.6 DxMCBull s N MIDU 38.56 20.50 24 36.45 256 38.06 36.44 +.87 +12.2 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 6 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


DrxREBull s N DRN 29.68 16.63 176 21.60 842 23.83 21.40 -1.88 +.8 DirxChiBull N YINN .07e .4 22.27 10.87 411 19.97 4673 20.48 19.43 +.84 +33.3sDirxDMBull N DZK 60.66 33.10 3 59.92 30 60.66 58.81 +4.87 +33.0sDrxSCBull N TNA .48e 115.19 52.71 2698 108.69 13496 115.19 107.42 +4.29 +7.5 DrxSPBull N SPXL 132.76 75.33 485 129.76 2700 132.10 127.41 +5.59 +20.4 DirxEnBull N ERX 44.55 24.87 2660 28.70 12973 30.86 27.81 -.08 -28.1 Discover N DFS 1.20 1.9 11 74.33 50.32 5170 62.59 20745 67.80 62.27 -3.64 -13.2 Discov pfB N DFSpB 1.63 6.3 26.96 24.91 43 25.87 294 26.00 25.86 -.14 +.7 DiscCmA Q DISCA 14 30.25 23.66 3470 28.78 10875 29.71 28.44 -.38 +5.0sDiscCmC Q DISCK 14 29.18 22.43 2703 27.98 8894 29.18 27.67 -.67 +4.5sDishNetw h Q DISH 31 65.61 43.86 3478 64.44 16822 65.61 59.76 +4.83 +11.2sDisney N DIS 1.56f 1.3 21 116.10 90.32 3842 115.60 26701 116.10 113.66 +1.16 +10.9 Diversicre Q DVCR .22 2.0 12.82 6.41 0 10.76 21 11.05 10.05 +.50 +3.5 DvsRealAst N DRA 1.67 9.6 17.73 15.00 54 17.46 217 17.59 17.36 +12.0sDivrsRest Q SAUC 2.77 .70 245 2.74 1234 2.79 2.25 +.48 +95.7 Div&Inco N DNI 1.63 13.3 12.56 10.47 52 12.21 297 12.27 12.07 +.20 +3.0 DixieGrp Q DXYN 5.56 3.00 10 3.75 76 3.80 3.60 +.10 +4.2 DrReddy N RDY .31e .8 54.73 39.04 219 40.85 1075 41.53 40.23 +.28 -9.8 DocuSec rs N DSS 1.64 .42 67 1.09 157 1.14 1.03 +.01 +63.7 DolbyLab N DLB .56 1.1 20 55.02 44.06 582 52.73 2038 53.30 50.81 +1.16 +16.7 DollarGen N DG 1.00 1.4 16 96.88 66.50 1919 72.71 11955 73.44 70.99 +1.99 -1.8 DollarTree Q DLTR 22 99.93 72.55 2361 82.77 12574 83.21 79.37 +3.96 +7.2 DomDmd g N DDC .40 3.3 13.31 7.92 1211 12.16 5848 12.41 12.00 +.02 +25.6 DomMidst N DM 1.10f 3.5 25 34.06 23.17 130 31.55 678 32.10 31.10 +.45 +6.8 DomRescs N D 3.02f 3.9 20 79.36 68.71 1863 77.43 9280 78.23 77.06 -.11 +1.1 DomRes un N DCUD 54.16 48.10 267 50.49 943 51.20 50.25 +.20 -.2 DomRs76 n N DRUA 25.98 20.93 47 24.58 575 24.97 24.50 +.11 +10.7 DomRes 17 N DCUC .75 1.5 53.00 48.74 902 50.36 2163 50.45 50.22 -.12 +.6 Dominos N DPZ 1.84 1.0 44 192.01 116.91 1045 181.39 6174 188.85 179.64 +2.09 +13.9 Domtar g N UFS 1.66 4.2 21 44.58 32.74 1007 39.65 4647 42.56 37.94 +1.95 +1.6 Donaldson N DCI .70 1.5 29 47.68 31.52 893 46.28 3542 47.44 45.80 +.73 +10.0 DonegalA Q DGICA .56f 3.4 19 18.55 14.49 33 16.66 218 17.49 16.45 -.23 -4.7 DonlleyRR rs N RRD .56 4.5 6 30.77 11.03 1393 12.57 5888 12.83 11.95 +.55 -23.0 DonnlyFn n N DFIN 29.00 18.03 425 22.22 1249 22.72 20.47 +1.34 -3.3 DorchMin Q DMLP 1.06e 6.2 26 19.30 12.02 17 17.00 150 17.85 16.79 -.14 -3.1 DorianLPG N LPG 8 12.50 5.07 186 9.09 1438 9.60 8.62 -.37 +10.7sDorman Q DORM 29 86.16 51.16 209 83.15 810 86.16 82.83 +1.48 +13.8 DblEgl un Q EAGLU 10.63 9.72 10.50 17 10.55 10.50 -.04 DblEgl wt Q EAGLW .61 .20 7 .53 11 .55 .50 -.01 +12.8 DblEagl n Q EAGL 10.20 9.57 10.05 10 10.05 10.05 +1.0 DoubIncSol N DSL 1.80a 8.7 20.73 17.39 407 20.58 2002 20.58 20.33 +.21 +8.4 DblLOppCr N DBL 2.00a 8.2 27.75 22.52 34 24.36 195 24.42 23.80 +.23 +5.5 DougDyn N PLOW .96f 3.0 19 35.90 20.00 70 31.90 387 33.60 31.85 +.45 -5.2 DEmmett N DEI .92 2.4 21 40.79 31.95 698 37.67 3127 39.56 37.56 -1.68 +3.0 Dover N DOV 1.76 2.2 24 82.56 62.89 1726 78.88 8753 81.87 78.83 -.44 +5.3 DoverDG N DDE 34 1.21 .92 26 1.03 138 1.08 1.01 tDoverMot N DVD .05 2.4 15 2.54 1.80 2 2.05 135 2.20 1.80 -10.9 DowChm N DOW 1.84 2.9 20 65.42 47.51 4424 62.80 28569 64.91 62.39 +.64 +9.8 DrPepSnap N DPS 2.32f 2.5 21 99.47 81.05 2375 91.65 12518 98.74 91.07 -6.32 +1.1 DragnW hrs Q DRWI 6.89 1.00 24 1.07 472 1.25 1.00 -.15 -58.7 DryHYSt N DHF .35 10.0 3.60 3.07 310 3.49 1154 3.53 3.45 +.02 +3.9 DrMuBdInf N DMB .75 5.8 14.70 11.96 50 12.87 285 12.96 12.79 -.12 +5.1 DryfMu N DMF .54 6.0 10.15 8.42 36 8.97 189 8.98 8.86 -.05 +3.9 DryStrt N LEO .52 5.9 9.63 8.17 115 8.73 535 8.77 8.65 -.04 +3.9 DrySM N DSM .50 5.9 9.24 7.88 77 8.39 485 8.43 8.30 -.01 +4.4 Dril-Quip N DRQ 11 69.40 46.90 642 51.55 2812 53.75 51.45 -.05 -14.2 DriveShack N DS .48 11.8 2 4.88 3.69 297 4.08 2190 4.26 4.05 -.10 +8.5 DriveS pfB N DSpB 2.44 9.6 26.71 24.51 2 25.53 9 25.77 25.33 +.20 -.5 DriveS pfC N DSpC 2.01 8.0 27.45 19.20 3 25.00 6 25.24 24.91 +.15 -.9 DriveS pfD N DSpD 2.09 8.2 26.30 22.41 0 25.37 9 25.38 24.94 +.44 -.4tDryShp rs Q DRYS 1 8908.80 1.21 6067 1.30 52505 1.55 1.21 -.20 -98.9 DuPont N DD 1.52 1.9 24 82.37 61.12 1905 79.75 13528 82.30 79.17 +1.10 +8.7 DuPnt pfA N DDpA 3.50 3.8 94.86 83.53 0 92.45 3 93.02 89.63 +3.75 +5.7 DuPnt pfB N DDpB 4.50 4.3 111.00 95.09 0 104.10 3 105.90 102.50 +.60 +4.0sDuPFabros N DFT 2.00 3.9 30 53.31 37.54 666 51.55 5072 53.31 49.37 +.35 +17.3 DuPFab pfC N DFTpC 1.66 6.2 28.72 24.57 3 26.90 20 27.74 26.61 -.13 +6.0 Ducomun N DCO 26 33.65 15.53 74 29.39 621 31.00 29.32 -.06 +15.0 Df&PGblUt N DPG 1.40 8.3 17.70 14.32 71 16.88 579 16.95 16.74 +.19 +8.9 DufPUC N DUC .60 6.5 9.92 9.07 14 9.27 191 9.38 9.21 -.06 -1.8 DukeEngy N DUK 3.42 4.1 17 87.75 72.34 2104 82.50 11728 83.35 81.64 +.29 +6.3 DukeEn 73 N DUKH 1.28 5.0 27.18 23.12 14 25.69 152 26.05 25.65 -.26 +7.4 DukeRlty N DRE .76 2.7 28 28.99 21.94 1887 27.73 9117 28.16 27.28 +4.4 DuluthH n Q DLTH 34 38.19 18.25 494 22.15 1978 22.89 20.56 +1.32 -12.8 DunBrad N DNB 2.01f 1.8 15 141.57 100.46 316 109.61 1348 110.97 108.15 +1.99 -9.7 Dunkin Q DNKN 1.29f 2.3 25 58.43 41.29 814 55.86 7894 57.08 54.74 +.66 +6.5tDurectCp Q DRRX 2.00 .82 254 .88 2445 .94 .82 -.01 -34.6sDycom N DY 20 109.65 66.09 345 105.66 2733 109.65 105.54 -.74 +31.6 Dynagas N DLNG 1.69 10.4 17.93 12.36 167 16.31 1329 17.43 15.82 -.94 +2.1sDynags pfA N DLNGpA 2.25 8.5 26.50 21.68 7 26.50 38 26.50 26.21 +.12 +4.8 Dynasil Q DYSL 7 1.78 .89 5 1.38 58 1.40 1.30 +.05 +7.8 Dynatronic Q DYNT 3.35 2.29 14 3.20 101 3.20 2.75 +.30 +36.2 DynavaxT Q DVAX 22.38 3.20 614 5.55 5682 5.95 5.45 -.05 +40.5tDynegy N DYN 22.01 6.14 3133 6.42 18364 6.78 6.11 +.04 -24.1 Dynegy wt N DYN/WS .70 .03 2 .04 23 .04 .03 -.00 -9.8tDynegy pfA N DYNpA 1.34 5.8 76.75 22.21 17 23.22 118 24.16 22.21 +.22 -27.4tDynegy 7 N DYNC 1.75 3.4 113.10 50.20 51.70 5 52.20 50.20 -.02 -16.8 DynexCap N DX .72m 10.4 14 7.61 6.33 797 6.92 2874 7.37 6.90 -.19 +1.5 Dynex pfA N DXpA 2.13 8.4 25.60 24.00 2 25.42 2 25.48 25.40 +.07 +1.4 Dynex pfB N DXpB 1.91 7.9 25.09 22.00 9 24.30 81 24.66 23.89 +.39 +1.7E -:ETracBDC N BDCS 1.84e 7.8 24.99 19.50 25 23.67 110 23.75 23.45 +.19 +4.3 E-TrAlerInf N MLPI 1.88e 6.7 31.00 25.01 162 28.16 1258 28.64 27.92 -.01 -.9 ETBbgCmd N DJCI 16.99 14.61 1 15.25 13 15.28 15.10 +.04 -4.0 ETrAlerian N AMU 1.45e 7.2 21.82 18.00 31 20.08 101 20.34 19.98 +.06 +1.1 E-TrcEngy N UBN 7.84 5.92 6.68 8 6.75 6.67 -1.00 -13.0 ETr2xBDC N BDCL 3.52e 16.5 21.81 15.05 170 21.35 675 21.60 21.05 +.34 +8.4 E-TrcCmci N UCI 14.86 12.61 25 13.71 67 14.10 13.60 -.02 -3.5 ETrLPlat N PTM 12.94 9.21 1 9.97 4 10.09 9.85 -.35 +5.4 E-TrLvstk N UBC 19.44 14.39 18.16 7 18.27 15.99 +.01 +7.9 E-Trade Q ETFC 18 38.61 21.52 2888 34.55 17669 36.22 34.45 -.3 eBay s Q EBAY 5 34.74 22.30 9963 33.41 60517 33.45 31.89 +1.23 +12.5 eBay56 n Q EBAYL 1.50 5.7 27.50 24.27 65 26.51 291 26.72 26.40 -.02 +2.2 ECA MTrI N ECT .30e 14.6 5 2.95 1.37 39 2.05 161 2.15 2.01 -.05 -4.7 EDAP TMS Q EDAP 5 3.62 2.25 47 2.64 228 2.74 2.55 +.07 -19.5 eHealth Q EHTH 15.14 6.38 1165 14.18 2001 14.57 10.98 +3.29 +33.1 ELF Inc n N ELF 32.54 24.03 318 27.25 1777 28.13 27.16 -.40 -5.8 EMC Inc s Q EMCI .84f 2.9 13 31.47 23.45 20 28.68 130 29.06 27.70 +.65 -4.4 EMCOR N EME .32 .5 23 73.44 44.27 533 65.74 2202 69.14 63.17 +3.19 -7.1 ENGlobal Q ENG 6 3.10 .97 26 1.61 197 1.79 1.57 -.05 -32.6 ENI N E 2.12e 6.8 33.40 26.15 251 30.98 2631 31.88 30.98 +.36 -3.9 EOG Rescs N EOG .67 .7 109.37 77.04 1586 92.50 12029 96.49 91.16 -1.08 -8.5 EP Energy N EPE 4 7.49 3.29 924 4.52 3799 5.06 4.50 -.18 -31.0sEPAM Sys N EPAM 41 78.49 54.53 562 77.00 2785 78.49 76.21 -.02 +19.7 EPR Prop N EPR 3.84 5.3 17 84.67 65.50 552 72.71 3058 75.78 72.21 -2.48 +1.3 EPR pfC N EPRpC 1.44 5.0 32.25 26.00 5 28.70 16 29.37 28.58 -.81 +.8 EPR pfE N EPRpE 2.25 6.2 39.02 33.00 1 36.13 18 36.65 35.80 -.51 +.7 EPR pfF N EPRpF 1.66 6.4 27.07 24.83 5 25.85 14 25.89 25.44 +.15 +2.9 EQT Corp N EQT .12 .2 94 80.61 56.33 3123 58.14 15937 64.45 57.84 -4.71 -11.1 EQT GP n N EQGP .71f 2.6 14 28.53 21.45 31 27.17 260 27.92 25.59 +.20 +7.8 EQT Mid N EQM 3.56f 4.6 16 82.99 69.20 159 78.04 1363 79.53 76.93 +.81 +1.8 ESSA Bcp Q ESSA .36 2.4 23 16.91 12.93 18 15.13 62 15.82 14.61 +.13 -3.8 ETF SITRis N RISE 24.09 22.17 4 23.08 7 23.26 23.07 +.06 -2.9 ETF JrSil N SILJ 19.78 11.00 74 12.36 418 12.91 12.03 -.62 +2.7 ETF Cyber N HACK 29.89 22.09 383 28.94 1295 29.47 28.65 +.04 +9.5 ETF BigD N BIGD 26.12 21.35 1 25.70 7 25.88 25.55 +.28 +10.9sETF MobP N IPAY 28.68 22.10 145 28.32 300 28.68 28.18 +.27 +10.7 ETF LatA N LARE 32.50 24.13 0 29.25 3 29.96 29.17 +.14 +20.9sETF M Vid N GAMR 36.06 25.83 1 36.10 13 36.10 35.00 +1.19 +20.1sPure Fintch N FINQ 26.71 23.33 8 26.69 17 26.75 26.52 +1.09 +13.9sPureHthtc n Q IMED 27.04 23.08 1 27.05 7 27.05 27.01 +1.12 +15.5sETFBluIsr Q ITEQ 29.21 22.46 20 29.13 80 29.21 28.70 +.62 +16.8sETF Clim N ETHO 30.08 24.65 2 29.87 12 30.08 29.65 +.51 +8.1sETFAlpAlt N ALFA 38.92 31.75 1 38.77 39 38.97 38.45 +.72 +10.1sEtfVidentInt Q VIDI .28e 1.1 24.64 19.41 26 24.56 162 24.64 24.34 +.63 +14.3 EtfVidentEq Q VUSE .36e 1.2 30.34 23.83 13 29.75 95 30.16 29.67 +.42 +2.6 EtfVidUSB Q VBND .43e .9 52.14 48.29 23 49.59 89 49.65 49.43 -.12 +1.9 ETFDeepV N DVP .53e 1.9 28.23 21.77 0 27.47 14 27.72 27.29 +.36 +4.3 AptBehMo N BEMO 27.67 23.91 0 26.66 4 26.70 26.44 +.59 +3.1 EtfLonCanc Q CNCR 26.47 19.82 18 23.37 97 23.91 22.77 +.65 +10.0sEtfAlpSmC Q SMCP 24.81 19.89 0 24.36 13 24.81 24.36 -.04 +9.3 EtfUSGblJ N JETS 29.77 19.60 9 28.61 236 29.58 28.30 -.07 +2.7 ETF Master N HIPS 1.29 6.9 19.49 15.69 6 18.66 18 18.87 18.53 +.08 +4.2 EtfValidea Q VALX 27.93 21.98 4 27.09 13 27.34 26.94 +.36 +3.0 EtfInfcMLP N AMZA 2.08 19.7 11.93 9.78 303 10.55 2327 10.68 10.46 +.10 -6.9 EtfBioPrd Q BBP .40e 38.84 24.00 12 38.04 49 38.08 36.70 +1.57 +16.1 EtfBioClin Q BBC .15e 24.31 16.33 7 22.63 28 22.96 21.70 +.93 +22.9 E TutUSCor Q TUTT 22.65 21.00 21 22.16 60 22.22 22.02 +.18 +2.1sEtf TuttInc Q TUTI .39e 1.7 24.33 21.90 5 22.76 22 24.33 22.66 +.06 +2.0 EtfNwfMSec N NFLT .08e 26.78 25.00 18 25.59 139 25.64 25.48 -.02 +1.4 EtfReavUt N UTES 33.23 28.77 0 32.23 7 32.49 32.17 +.14 +9.3 IsectPsGr ef Q PMPT 26.06 22.79 24.90 11 24.97 24.64 +.46 +2.2 ETF PrMtl N GLTR 70.35 56.52 18 63.22 193 64.16 63.00 -1.22 +9.8 ETFSGold N SGOL 133.68 109.18 24 123.13 194 123.94 122.38 -1.63 +10.2sETF Pall N PALL 78.38 50.46 81 79.17 304 79.62 75.82 +3.13 +21.4 ETF Plat N PPLT 113.77 85.31 25 90.71 321 92.25 90.05 -2.41 +5.0 EV Engy Q EVEP .30m 19.6 3.59 1.43 51 1.53 766 1.68 1.52 -.03 -26.8 EXFO g Q EXFO 39 6.15 3.07 22 4.65 95 4.75 4.60 +.03 +5.7 EagleBncp Q EGBN 20 64.95 45.07 80 59.90 456 62.60 59.80 +.70 -1.7 EagBcMT Q EBMT .32 1.7 24 24.00 12.19 13 18.45 55 18.65 17.55 -.10 -12.6 EagleBkS rs Q EGLE 21.80 4.06 180 4.93 937 5.14 4.72 -.16 -15.7 EagleCGr N GRF .50e 2.3 8.83 6.49 3 7.67 16 7.80 7.48 +.17 +4.4 EagleGrInc N EGIF 1.31 7.6 18.00 15.38 20 17.13 113 17.36 17.13 -.10 +5.6 EagleMat N EXP .40 .4 23 110.64 71.11 462 95.97 2592 98.46 94.60 +.74 -2.6sEaglePhm Q EGRX 18 91.07 34.20 185 90.59 1260 91.77 87.29 +1.67 +14.2 EaglePtCr N ECC .80m 4.0 22.11 15.72 135 19.84 580 20.26 19.47 +.29 +18.7 EagleP pfA N ECCA 1.94 7.5 26.67 25.15 9 25.90 23 26.00 25.77 -.05 +.6 EaglePt 20 N ECCZ 1.75 6.8 26.53 24.99 4 25.61 18 25.75 25.60 -.10 -.4 EaglPt pfB N ECCB 1.94 7.5 27.75 24.96 2 25.86 20 26.03 25.79 +.14 +1.6 Earthstone N ESTE 15.93 7.67 74 13.47 231 14.75 13.22 -.99 -2.0sEstWstBcp Q EWBC .80 1.5 17 57.24 31.34 1069 54.27 7746 57.24 54.23 +.38 +6.8 EastrAc wt Q EACQW .81 .14 48 .30 123 .35 .30 -.15 -14.3 EastGvP n N DEA .96f 4.8 17 21.38 17.58 200 20.12 1050 20.85 19.95 -.56 +.5sEasternCo Q EML .44 1.6 24 28.00 15.74 34 27.65 144 28.00 25.55 +1.55 +32.3sEastVaBk Q EVBS .12 1.0 27 11.71 6.68 15 11.47 76 11.71 10.91 +.69 +9.8sEastgrp N EGP 2.40 3.1 21 79.99 59.78 187 78.25 1114 79.99 77.88 -.95 +6.0sEastChem N EMN 2.04f 2.6 12 82.39 62.70 1821 79.75 6670 82.39 79.64 +.44 +6.0 EKodak N KODK 39 17.30 9.55 275 11.00 1195 11.15 10.40 +.50 -29.0sEaton N ETN 2.40f 3.2 17 77.39 54.30 2309 75.64 12314 77.39 74.68 +1.79 +12.7 EatV HiIn21 N EHT .60 5.9 10.20 9.71 46 10.10 250 10.10 10.07 +1.8tEatV StkNx Q EVSTC 100.02 99.92 5 99.92 25 99.94 99.92 -.02 -.1 EV GlInBu Q EVGBC .30e 100.05 99.90 0 99.92 25 99.92 99.92 +.02 -.1 EV CAMu N EVM .68 5.9 14.23 10.83 31 11.58 260 11.58 11.45 +.01 +1.8 EVCAMu2 N EIA .62 5.3 14.27 11.30 4 11.78 66 11.82 11.66 +.07 +1.5 EVCAMu N CEV .71 5.6 14.50 11.80 19 12.55 92 12.63 12.42 -.10 +2.0 EatnVan N EV 1.12 2.6 20 47.83 32.97 850 42.93 2667 44.11 42.92 +.38 +2.5 EV EnEq N EOI 1.04 7.7 13.50 11.60 109 13.43 508 13.44 13.20 +.28 +8.3sEV EEq2 N EOS 1.05 7.4 14.04 12.49 191 14.16 686 14.16 13.84 +.33 +10.6 EV FltRt N EFT .91 6.0 15.45 13.09 74 15.16 325 15.20 15.07 +.10 +1.7 EVFltRtIP N EFF 1.13 6.6 17.38 14.64 27 17.25 140 17.34 17.00 +.26 +.6 EV LtdDur N EVV 1.22 8.6 14.25 12.82 217 14.12 1292 14.15 13.88 +.17 +2.9 EV MAMu N MAB .65 4.7 16.10 13.11 5 13.97 31 14.00 13.58 +.27 +4.0 EVMAMu N MMV .69 5.0 15.82 13.05 0 13.62 12 13.62 13.27 +.18 +3.8 EV MIMu N MIW .71 5.2 16.49 12.34 5 13.69 23 13.95 13.34 +.05 +2.3 EVMIMu N EMI .71 5.4 14.68 12.41 5 13.06 17 13.19 12.98 -.11 +1.7 EVMuniBd N EIM .77 6.1 14.48 12.00 102 12.58 529 12.60 12.46 -.08 +1.4 EVMuni2 N EIV .70 5.6 14.98 11.78 25 12.41 109 12.61 12.20 -.01 +.9 EVMunTT N ETX .85 4.2 21.68 18.64 45 20.25 170 20.35 20.01 +.10 +3.3 EV MuIT N EVN .85 6.6 15.00 12.00 63 12.88 335 13.00 12.83 -.13 +2.6 EV NMuOp N EOT 1.03 4.8 23.47 20.45 13 21.62 147 21.64 21.31 -.03 +3.9 EV NJMu N EMJ .75 5.8 16.05 12.20 6 12.91 29 13.08 12.76 -.05 +.8 EVNJMu N EVJ .73 6.0 14.85 11.51 1 12.11 38 12.37 12.10 -.20 +.8 EVNYMu2 N NYH .69 5.7 14.50 10.43 1 12.07 25 12.11 11.84 +.02 +3.7 EV NYMu N ENX .72 5.8 14.65 12.00 26 12.39 152 12.47 12.33 -.09 +.7 EVNYMu N EVY .74 5.7 15.64 12.49 20 12.89 64 13.05 12.86 -.10 -1.2 EV 5-15Mu Q EVLMC .14e 100.06 99.90 5 99.92 26 99.92 99.92 +.02 -.1 EV OHMu N EIO .70 5.4 16.99 12.38 1 12.93 14 13.28 12.75 -.07 -3.4 EVOHMu N EVO .73 5.3 16.30 13.19 1 13.76 11 13.76 13.56 +.00 +1.3 EV PAMu N EIP .77 5.9 15.50 11.65 3 13.11 36 13.30 12.93 -.23 +4.0 EVPAMu N EVP .73 6.0 13.74 11.80 7 12.20 25 12.20 12.04 +.03 +.7 EVRiskMgd N ETJ 1.12 12.0 9.95 8.60 200 9.30 1021 9.30 9.18 +.13 +3.8 EV SrFlt N EFR .95 6.4 15.58 12.86 65 14.92 381 14.99 14.83 +.08 +1.3 EV SrInc N EVF .42 6.1 6.98 5.80 49 6.88 296 6.88 6.78 +.10 +3.0sEVShDur N EVG 1.08 7.6 14.24 12.96 21 14.24 170 14.27 14.06 +.18 +2.7 EVTxABdO N EXD 1.16 10.3 12.45 10.94 16 11.24 153 11.31 11.17 -.06 -.8 EV TxAd N EVT 1.74 8.0 22.26 18.62 197 21.80 757 21.98 21.59 +.20 +6.1sEV TxAG N ETG 1.23 7.3 16.60 13.50 229 16.75 1099 16.75 16.10 +.77 +19.0 EV TxAOp N ETO 2.16 9.1 23.97 19.86 38 23.72 196 23.82 23.16 +.59 +14.0sEV TxDiver N ETY 1.01 9.0 11.30 9.88 366 11.28 2117 11.31 11.16 +.16 +9.0 EVTxMGlo N EXG .98 11.1 9.05 7.88 875 8.82 4564 8.86 8.68 +.22 +10.0 EVTxBWIn N ETB 1.30 7.8 17.80 15.48 52 16.66 250 16.76 16.41 +.25 +.8sEVTxGBW N ETW 1.17 10.4 11.27 10.00 370 11.26 1506 11.30 11.09 +.23 +11.8sEVTxBWOp N ETV 1.33 8.5 15.62 14.08 137 15.55 759 15.62 15.40 +.15 +4.8 Ebix Inc s Q EBIX .30 .5 21 65.10 14.76 122 61.70 808 61.95 60.30 +1.60 +8.2 Echelon rs Q ELON 6.42 4.17 13 6.10 170 6.37 5.62 +.29 +29.8tEchoGLog Q ECHO 59 28.90 18.85 250 18.75 1491 20.90 18.70 -1.70 -25.1sEchoStar Q SATS 30 59.27 36.43 120 57.56 871 59.27 56.61 +.66 +12.0tEclipseRs N ECR 4.42 2.03 1072 2.01 4085 2.22 2.01 -.11 -24.7 Eco-StimE Q ESES 3.38 .66 28 1.08 330 1.15 1.02 -.03 +12.5sEcolab N ECL 1.48 1.1 29 129.44 110.65 1284 129.09 5330 129.49 126.79 +2.89 +10.1 EcologyEn Q EEI .40 3.8 11.20 8.75 3 10.63 14 10.80 10.50 +.04 +.7 Ecopetrol N EC 1.03e 11.3 10.05 7.65 957 9.14 5912 9.67 9.02 -.11 +1.0 Edenor N EDN 37.12 13.25 63 34.56 225 36.94 33.07 -1.74 +24.1 EdgeTher n Q EDGE 13.50 7.30 112 10.38 717 11.49 8.89 +1.36 -17.0 Edgewater Q EDGW 9.40 6.22 8 7.27 108 7.64 6.97 -.22 -3.1 Edgewell N EPC 27 88.00 69.63 462 71.49 2304 73.59 70.23 +.31 -2.1 EdisonInt N EIX 2.17 2.7 20 81.34 67.44 1582 79.97 8093 81.06 79.84 -.63 +11.1 EditasM n Q EDIT 39.50 12.43 523 18.85 2201 19.95 18.52 -.14 +16.1 EducRltTr N EDR 1.52 3.9 26 48.87 38.67 676 38.77 3552 40.95 38.69 -1.62 -8.3 EducDevel Q EDUC .36 4.4 14 14.59 6.25 24 8.25 39 8.40 7.85 -17.1 EdwLfSci s N EW 38 121.75 81.12 1674 109.67 16735 113.04 97.63 +11.90 +17.0 eGain Q EGAN 3.93 1.30 7 1.50 44 1.65 1.50 -28.6tEgaletCp Q EGLT 10.00 4.00 397 3.82 1340 4.48 3.80 -.42 -50.1 eHiCarSvc N EHIC 12.43 8.11 82 10.12 498 10.40 10.00 -.07 +11.7tEigerBio rs Q EIGR 23.10 7.45 58 7.90 279 8.05 7.35 -32.2 8x8 Inc Q EGHT 16.80 11.05 588 14.55 3163 15.20 14.15 +.10 +1.7 8Point3E n Q CAFD 1.03f 8.3 12 17.34 11.51 295 12.36 1669 12.57 11.98 +.18 -4.8 EksoBio n Q EKSO 6.38 2.53 97 2.88 725 3.00 2.79 +.03 -27.6sElPasoEl N EE 1.24 2.4 22 52.50 42.42 224 51.60 924 52.50 50.85 -.05 +11.0 ElPasE pf N EPpC 2.38 4.8 53.75 44.13 13 49.74 16 50.30 49.50 -.01 +1.5 ElPolLoc h Q LOCO 19 14.98 10.08 282 12.55 1520 12.95 12.20 +.30 +2.0 ElbitIm rs Q EMITF 4.04 2.16 3.44 35 3.59 3.35 +.01 +.9 ElbitSys Q ESLT 1.76f 1.5 21 121.22 88.45 15 118.79 135 119.71 118.04 +2.19 +16.6 EldorGld g N EGO .02e 5.16 2.54 7535 3.66 35361 3.68 3.31 +.06 +13.7 EldorRsts Q ERI 49 19.85 10.65 834 19.13 6864 19.75 17.30 +.73 +12.8 ElectSci Q ESIO 7.33 4.50 64 6.98 593 7.30 6.52 +.55 +17.9 ElectroSen Q ELSE 12 4.60 3.05 1 4.01 4 4.09 3.90 +.07 +15.9 Electrmed N ELMD 28 6.26 3.38 21 4.78 66 4.88 4.66 +.08 +23.2sElectArts Q EA 94.99 61.10 1907 94.82 8995 94.99 92.31 +2.88 +20.4 EFII Q EFII 39 51.15 38.00 422 45.78 3052 46.68 44.05 +1.62 +4.4 ElectrAc n Q ELEC 10.09 9.58 25 10.03 35 10.03 9.96 +.04 +1.3 ElectAc wt Q ELECW .54 .16 48 .29 241 .42 .26 -.12 +3.6sElevCr n N ELVT 8.86 7.32 105 8.25 508 8.86 8.11 +.14 +11.5 ElevenBio Q EBIO 5.97 .72 255 1.90 978 2.01 1.86 -.01 -.5 EliLilly N LLY 2.08f 2.5 26 86.72 64.18 3063 82.06 24612 83.73 80.50 +.17 +11.6 Elk HiQPfd N EPRF 27.79 22.79 1 24.17 123 24.50 24.16 -.16 +4.2sElkh LoVl n N LVHB 30.20 24.54 34 29.91 124 30.20 29.88 +.11 +5.1 ElkCmRt ef Q DWAC 26.59 23.61 24.69 4 24.69 24.60 +.29 +.5 ElkFdCm ef N RCOM 27.00 24.64 1 25.10 34 25.10 24.79 -.15 -.8sEllieMae N ELLI 70 112.77 74.11 1895 101.76 3602 112.77 98.68 -6.56 +21.6 EllingtnF N EFC 1.80 10.9 18.20 15.30 32 16.48 269 16.66 16.34 +6.2sEllingtRM N EARN 1.60 10.6 12 15.49 12.10 27 15.10 247 15.49 14.94 +.03 +16.1sEllswthFd N ECF .80e 8.9 9.08 7.55 17 8.99 132 9.08 8.83 +.21 +8.7 ElmiraSB Q ESBK .92 4.3 18 22.25 18.40 21.46 14 21.75 21.20 -.04 +5.0 EltekLtd Q ELTK 1.43 .64 0 .65 23 .69 .65 -17.7 eMagin N EMAN 3.30 1.68 59 2.30 136 2.45 2.25 -.05 +7.0 EAndinA N AKO/A .55e 2.4 24.12 17.30 4 23.00 8 24.00 22.95 -.68 +12.0sEAndinB N AKO/B .60e 2.4 26.64 18.43 19 25.42 138 26.64 24.39 -.03 +13.1 Embraer N ERJ .13e .7 24.95 17.06 990 19.20 5911 20.28 18.67 -.36 -.3 Emcore Q EMKR 1.50e 26 10.50 4.00 274 9.00 1710 9.25 8.85 +.15 +3.4 EmergeES N EMES 2.68m 24.45 3.00 369 12.80 3145 13.68 12.00 +.05 +4.0 EmergBio N EBS 24 44.38 24.47 462 29.91 1530 30.61 28.74 +1.34 -8.9 EmersonEl N EMR 1.92 3.2 24 64.36 48.45 3298 60.28 18127 61.63 59.43 +1.28 +8.1 EmerR hs N MSN 1.40 .55 15 1.25 78 1.27 1.16 +.05 +18.9 EmmisC rs Q EMMS 2 4.33 1.92 3 2.66 136 2.82 2.52 +.13 -21.5 EmpirRst rs Q NYNY 25.19 14.66 2 25.00 19 25.00 24.18 +1.00 +9.9 EmpireRes Q ERS .16 2.3 30 7.47 3.19 6 6.98 91 7.00 6.93 +.01 +2.8 EmpOPES N ESBA .34 1.6 22.19 18.23 27 20.65 79 21.74 20.60 -.85 +3.4 EmpOP60 N OGCP .34 1.7 21.99 14.77 1 20.60 9 21.40 20.60 -.84 +4.8 EmpOP250 N FISK .34 1.6 22.17 15.47 21.25 4 21.38 21.25 -.19 +6.4 EmpStRTr N ESRT .34 1.6 34 22.31 18.31 778 20.80 4537 21.71 20.70 -.78 +3.0sEmployH N EIG .60f 1.5 14 40.75 27.01 121 40.00 715 40.75 38.85 +1.05 +1.0 EElChile N EOCC .65e 2.8 28.34 18.35 101 22.98 521 24.09 22.81 -.62 +18.2 EnLinkLP N ENLK 1.56 8.8 19.89 12.75 727 17.75 3791 18.97 17.64 +.03 -3.6 EnableMid N ENBL 1.27 7.8 24 17.36 10.85 285 16.31 844 16.83 16.02 -.14 +3.7 EnantaPh Q ENTA 37.32 20.79 164 31.75 783 32.20 30.71 +1.12 -5.2 EnbrdgEM N EEQ 2.33t 26.53 16.50 1576 18.56 2856 18.77 17.42 +1.09 -28.3 EnbrdgEPt N EEP 1.40m 7.2 31 26.37 16.95 4968 19.34 10990 19.45 18.31 +.99 -24.1 Enbridge N ENB 1.66f 45.77 38.40 2183 41.45 14929 42.61 41.11 -.47 -1.6 EnCana g N ECA .06 .6 13.85 5.89 13988 10.70 53920 11.19 10.20 -.14 -8.9 EncoreCap Q ECPG 11 35.93 17.66 256 33.35 1010 33.85 32.55 +1.20 +16.4 EncorW Q WIRE .08 .2 27 49.75 33.70 57 44.20 330 46.80 43.50 +1.70 +2.0tEndvSilv g N EXK 5.95 2.76 3938 3.08 18692 3.16 2.76 -.03 -12.5 Endo Intl Q ENDP 7 33.25 9.70 6424 11.37 29107 11.65 10.33 +1.08 -31.0 Endocyte Q ECYT 4.19 1.98 209 2.30 1605 2.42 2.21 +.10 -9.8 Endologix Q ELGX 14.50 4.78 648 7.49 6398 7.54 6.89 +.56 +30.9 EndurIntl Q EIGI 11.19 6.20 434 7.60 2165 7.80 7.20 +.40 -18.3 EndSp pfC N ENHpC 1.59 6.0 28.60 25.05 8 26.41 115 26.57 26.24 +.05 +3.4 EnduroRT N NDRO .31e 9.1 9 4.55 3.18 19 3.35 220 3.60 3.35 -.11 -2.9 EnerNOC Q ENOC 7.83 4.80 157 5.65 1385 6.05 5.63 -.05 -5.8 Energen N EGN .08 .2 64.44 38.11 1147 51.99 5346 54.55 50.75 +.33 -9.8sEnergizer n N ENR 1.10 1.9 22 60.07 41.62 591 59.23 1842 60.07 58.83 +.52 +32.8 Energous Q WATT 20.55 9.20 327 12.62 3036 14.88 11.80 -1.95 -25.1 EngyFocus Q EFOI 8.13 2.95 14 3.09 127 3.26 3.03 -.03 -27.3 EnFuel grs N UUUU 2.87 1.29 642 1.75 1575 2.03 1.72 -.25 +6.7 EnrgyRec Q ERII 16.67 7.11 291 8.44 2036 8.77 8.21 +.26 -18.5 EgyTrEq s N ETE 1.14 6.1 20 20.05 10.56 2951 18.66 29395 19.50 18.05 +.40 -3.4 EngyTsfr N ETP 4.22 11.7 43.50 31.64 0 35.93 44319 36.44 35.03 +.81 +.3 EnrgyXXi n Q EXXI 35.96 27.00 20 27.50 360 28.80 27.25 -.80 -15.4 EnerJexR N ENRJ 1.15 .23 1199 .49 1619 .64 .40 +.07 +69.7 Enerpls g N ERF .12e 1.7 3 10.33 4.69 1213 7.21 5847 7.69 7.05 -.28 -23.9 EnersisAm N ENIA .35e 3.5 10.77 7.50 906 9.91 5237 10.53 9.83 -.56 +20.7 EnerChile N ENIC .16p 6.29 4.25 263 5.46 1457 5.66 5.31 +.11 +20.0sEnerSys N ENS .70 .8 22 84.67 55.67 238 83.11 1176 84.67 79.61 +4.72 +6.4 Engility N EGL 18 39.16 19.15 91 28.35 545 29.93 28.30 +.18 -15.9 EnLinkLLC N ENLC 1.02 5.5 20.45 12.51 277 18.45 1892 19.75 18.30 +.41 -3.1 Ennis Inc N EBF .70a 4.0 16 20.40 14.40 105 17.60 690 17.93 16.15 +1.30 +1.4sEnovaIntl N ENVA 13 15.40 6.47 655 14.20 1501 15.50 14.05 +.30 +13.1 Enphase Q ENPH 2.78 .95 569 1.19 1636 1.30 1.19 -.04 +17.8 EnPro N NPO .88 1.2 60 71.82 42.56 109 70.65 619 71.01 67.13 +3.63 +4.9 ENSCO N ESV .04 .5 2 12.04 6.50 9732 7.89 50681 8.75 7.80 -.43 -18.8 Enservco N ENSV .89 .21 352 .32 4249 .37 .21 +.09 -43.0 EnsignGp s Q ENSG .17 .9 16 23.86 16.50 782 17.95 1669 19.27 17.09 -.56 -19.2 EnstarGp Q ESGR 15 209.35 148.91 15 194.80 106 199.95 187.61 +6.00 -1.5 EnSync N ESNC 1.42 .19 37 .69 221 .70 .63 +.04 -4.9 EntegraFn Q ENFC 7 24.40 17.27 21 23.65 79 24.15 23.00 +.55 +14.8sEntegris Q ENTG 27 25.60 12.79 1109 24.80 5228 25.60 23.70 +.90 +38.5 Entellus n Q ENTL 22.63 12.31 181 14.22 556 14.88 14.02 +.09 -25.0 Entercom N ETM .07p .6 13 16.55 11.21 238 12.65 768 13.52 12.50 -.55 -17.3 EntArk66 n N EAI 1.22 5.3 25.04 20.49 38 23.22 306 23.30 23.03 +.06 +9.7 EntArk 63 N EAE 1.19 4.9 26.30 19.35 7 24.28 49 24.34 23.93 +.21 +15.6 EntArk 52 N EAB 1.23 5.0 26.30 20.96 25 24.48 52 24.74 24.44 -.12 +12.4 Entergy N ETR 3.48 4.6 9 82.09 66.71 1320 76.26 7629 77.17 75.74 -.15 +3.8 EntLA 66 N ELC 1.22 5.3 23.17 20.48 44 22.95 308 22.99 22.83 +.07 +8.6 EntgyLA52 N ELJ 1.31 5.2 26.74 22.92 6 25.00 37 25.40 24.99 -.21 +6.4 EntLA 63 N ELU 1.18 4.8 26.15 20.25 12 24.49 44 24.71 23.59 +.81 +18.9 EntMS FtM N EMP 25.00 20.57 49 23.22 318 23.24 22.74 +.43 +9.9 EntgyNO n N ENO 28.00 22.31 10 25.92 49 26.22 24.98 +.89 +11.0 EntgyNO 52 N ENJ 1.25 5.0 28.74 22.11 2 25.13 12 25.14 24.78 +.25 +12.5 EntgyTx64 N EZT 1.41 5.3 28.20 24.12 4 26.50 19 26.75 26.29 +5.4 EnteroM rs Q ETRM 66.50 1.75 158 4.20 1240 4.93 4.00 -.49 +110.0 EntBcpMA Q EBTC .54 1.5 21 39.25 21.36 10 35.01 87 36.89 34.21 +.31 -6.8 EntFinSv Q EFSC .44 1.0 18 46.25 25.76 99 42.25 635 45.35 42.15 -.15 -1.7 EntProdPt N EPD 1.66f 6.1 22 30.25 24.01 2793 27.32 27132 28.02 26.92 +.06 +1.0 EntertG rs Q EGT 3.25 1.20 5 1.91 40 1.98 1.85 +37.4 Entravisn N EVC .13 2.0 24 8.31 4.90 238 6.20 1232 6.45 6.10 +.05 -11.4 EntreeGold N EGI .72 .22 10 .46 249 .48 .41 +.01 +46.0 Envestnet N ENV 35 41.47 27.59 297 34.80 1405 35.60 34.20 +.70 -1.3 EnviroStr N EVI .20e 25.00 3.56 29 23.65 106 24.55 21.08 +2.60 +63.1 EnvisnHl n N EVHC 74.19 53.12 1479 56.03 7648 56.16 54.22 +1.49 -11.5sEnviva n N EVA 2.14f 7.3 41 30.60 19.31 35 29.15 527 30.60 29.10 -.25 +8.8 EnzoBio N ENZ 8.98 4.76 157 8.80 947 8.95 8.55 +.02 +26.8 Enzymotec Q ENZY 9.32 5.20 2 8.60 34 9.10 8.60 -.50 +31.3sEpizyme Q EPZM 18.35 7.02 363 18.05 2395 18.50 14.50 +3.50 +49.2sePlus s Q PLUS 20 71.90 36.18 84 71.25 389 72.00 68.15 +3.55 +23.7sEquifax N EFX 1.56f 1.2 27 139.89 110.87 1169 135.31 4632 139.89 131.62 -2.02 +14.4sEquinix Q EQIX 8.00 1.9 414.80 314.55 553 417.70 2724 418.12 398.61 +15.86 +16.9 EquitFin n Q EQFN .20p 10.50 8.16 1 10.50 3 10.50 10.35 +.12 +6.1 EqtyBcsh n Q EQBK 28 38.03 19.81 23 31.57 314 33.11 31.45 +.08 -6.2 EquityCmw N EQC 32 32.51 27.12 497 31.99 2254 32.51 31.74 -.35 +5.8 EqCm pfD N EQCpD 1.63 6.3 27.48 24.98 1 25.79 11 26.07 25.57 +.30 +.8 EqCmw 42 N EQCO 1.44 5.8 26.21 22.82 31 24.95 72 25.50 24.84 -.08 +4.5 EqtyLfPrp N ELS 1.95f 2.4 27 83.19 65.87 209 80.91 1399 81.88 79.54 -.58 +12.2 EqLfPr pfC N ELSpC 1.69 6.6 27.00 23.50 2 25.70 4 25.74 25.50 -.35 +2.2 EqtyRsd N EQR 2.16 3.3 20 73.05 58.28 1895 64.58 12384 65.90 63.23 +.30 +.3sEquusTR N EQS 36 2.75 1.56 61 2.87 545 2.87 2.42 +.41 +42.8 EraGroup N ERA 17.73 6.92 59 12.71 278 13.83 12.69 -.33 -25.1 Ericsson Q ERIC .11e 1.7 8.31 4.83 4757 6.49 31056 6.51 6.20 +.26 +11.3sErieInd Q ERIE 3.13 2.5 31 125.45 90.28 20 123.82 119 125.83 122.00 +.74 +10.9 ErinEn rs N ERN 4.10 1.73 32 2.05 249 2.10 1.85 +.05 -32.8 Eros Intl N EROS 19.87 8.65 274 9.95 1877 10.30 9.60 +.45 -23.8 Escalade Q ESCA .46 3.4 17 14.70 9.70 11 13.35 110 14.38 12.90 +.20 +1.1sEscoTech N ESE .32 .5 35 60.95 37.32 64 58.85 544 60.95 58.00 +1.00 +3.9 Esperion Q ESPR 48.21 9.40 436 35.75 3606 38.52 34.92 -.94 +185.5 Espey N ESP 1.00 4.3 23 27.65 22.31 1 23.16 4 24.21 23.16 -.38 -11.1 EssaPhm g Q EPIX 3.59 1.50 2.05 4 2.19 1.96 -6.4 Essendant Q ESND .56 3.4 13 32.64 13.81 660 16.70 2186 18.00 14.88 +1.64 -20.1 Essent N ESNT 15 39.50 19.54 569 37.01 2814 39.38 36.99 -.61 +14.3sEssexPT N ESS 7.00f 2.9 33 243.22 200.01 858 244.47 2752 246.50 230.47 +8.98 +5.1 EsteeLdr N EL 1.36 1.6 28 97.48 75.30 1692 87.14 9077 88.41 85.54 +1.96 +13.9 Esterline N ESL 20 96.50 56.72 133 91.45 823 93.75 88.73 +3.90 +2.5 EtfSilver N SIVR 20.30 15.31 83 16.83 691 17.54 16.77 -.72 +8.0 EthanAl N ETH .76 2.6 17 38.80 27.75 632 29.80 3154 31.80 28.10 -1.15 -19.1sEtrac2xMtg N MORL 3.31e 18.0 19.00 12.65 452 18.35 2394 19.00 17.64 +.44 +17.8 Et2xDJDiv N DVYL 3.55e 5.6 66.42 49.45 1 63.52 28 65.27 63.52 +.45 +5.4sEtr2xHomb N HOML 45.14 17.12 0 31.54 19 45.14 30.21 +.19 +30.5 EtHiDLwV N HDLV 2.57e 8.1 35.25 27.34 11 31.58 76 32.90 31.48 -1.32 +.2 Etr2xCEFd N CEFL 2.88 15.7 18.83 14.82 187 18.31 1508 18.35 17.89 +.49 +9.3 EtrcDvsHi N DVHL 2.85e 12.4 23.95 17.27 4 23.02 62 23.25 22.87 +.17 +6.3sEtrWFxEn N LMLP 1.90e 13.0 14.43 8.68 82 14.58 197 14.80 13.60 +1.19 +27.2 EtracReit N LRET 2.00e 7.7 33.34 22.64 7 26.10 18 27.65 25.97 -1.50 -1.5 UBS VlHdg N XIVH 55.50 25.50 51.30 11 51.50 48.80 +4.44 +45.4sEtr EnhGl N FIHD 143.71 107.16 10 141.50 62 143.71 141.01 +4.06 +13.2 Etr MLP In N MLPQ .08p 62.03 42.68 4 52.39 16 54.66 52.21 +.19 -2.8 Etr2xLevLg N LBDC 2.89e 13.6 28.71 15.36 2 21.29 5 28.41 21.24 +.24 +8.5 EtrMtgReit N MRRL 1.70e 19.50 11.00 16 18.13 44 18.91 17.72 +.16 +15.9 EtrSCHiDv N SMHD 3.06e 13.2 24.48 14.50 25 23.20 84 24.18 23.12 -.39 +2.0 Etsy n Q ETSY 16.05 7.77 1686 10.76 9986 10.99 10.28 +.13 -8.7 EurasnM g N EMX 1.40 .62 89 .83 424 .94 .80 -.11 -7.3sEuroTech Q CLWT 4.50 1.46 27 3.05 340 4.50 2.80 -.65 -14.1 Euronav n N EURN 2.41e 11.11 6.65 358 7.90 3612 8.40 7.80 +.05 -.6 Euronet Q EEFT 24 86.35 65.33 286 82.62 2285 85.96 81.19 -2.20 +14.1sEuroEqFd N EEA .17e 1.9 8.75 7.20 5 8.74 83 8.75 8.51 +.30 +13.2 Euroseas rs Q ESEA 8.07 1.04 30 1.35 401 1.41 1.33 -.04 -20.1 EvansBc N EVBN .80f 2.1 22 40.95 22.87 8 38.00 33 38.05 36.35 +1.75 +20.4 Ever-Glory Q EVK 6 3.00 1.49 3 2.70 9 2.70 2.40 +31.7 EverBank N EVER .24 1.2 17 19.52 13.37 285 19.50 2194 19.51 19.48 +.02 +.3 EverBk pfA N EVERpA 1.69 6.7 26.55 25.06 1 25.40 54 25.44 25.31 +.02 +.8sEverbrdg n Q EVBG 23.85 11.76 146 23.21 647 23.85 22.67 +.54 +25.8 Evercore N EVR 1.24f 1.7 23 83.30 40.36 596 73.75 3679 79.30 73.40 -3.15 +7.4sEverestRe N RE 5.00 2.0 10 258.30 169.19 278 251.71 2753 258.30 235.63 +17.98 +16.3sEveriHldgs N EVRI 6.28 1.13 827 6.35 3943 6.49 5.90 +.45 +192.6 EversrceE N ES 1.90f 3.2 20 60.50 50.56 1843 59.40 6804 60.30 59.18 -.40 +7.6 EvrspnTc n Q MRAM 10.28 6.15 29 10.00 254 10.00 8.98 +.85 +20.6 Evertec N EVTC .40 2.5 18.60 13.11 337 15.85 1365 16.40 15.70 -10.7 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 7 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


EvineLive Q EVLV 2.40 .98 38 1.40 784 1.58 1.31 +.07 -6.7 Evogene Q EVGN 8.06 4.86 1 5.36 9 5.36 5.05 +.31 +5.1 EvokePhm Q EVOK 11.11 1.35 59 2.73 698 2.77 2.41 +.28 +35.1 EvolentH n N EVH 26.84 10.40 475 23.25 2951 23.55 21.95 +.95 +57.1 EvolPetrol N EPM .28f 3.5 11 10.20 4.90 92 8.00 688 8.45 7.80 +.20 -20.0 EvolvgSys Q EVOL .44 8.8 16 5.83 3.10 10 5.00 58 5.25 4.90 -.15 +22.0 ExOne Q XONE 16.15 9.03 97 10.09 870 10.59 9.82 +.33 +8.0 Exa Corp Q EXA 16.89 11.12 75 13.76 235 14.12 13.45 +.15 -10.4sExactSci h Q EXAS 30.30 5.36 5047 30.01 27385 31.04 23.71 +6.08 +124.6sExactech Q EXAC 29.85 22.20 37 29.65 226 29.90 26.80 +3.05 +8.6 Exar N EXAR 72 13.05 6.00 1053 13.01 4970 13.01 12.96 +.05 +20.7 ETYldShHi N YYY 1.92 9.8 19.80 17.72 66 19.56 310 19.56 19.36 +.16 +5.3 ExTWStFor Q FLAG .58e 1.5 42.00 30.50 2 38.90 6 39.20 38.87 +.26 +3.2sExTrRobo Q ROBO .07e .2 33.26 23.76 306 33.13 1307 33.26 32.37 +1.15 +15.6 ExTTactUS N HTUS 27.21 25.75 5 26.90 81 26.96 26.80 +.13 +4.5 RxVlmxInF N VMIN 51.74 17.09 6 25.33 179 25.48 23.62 +3.35 +12.5tRxVlmxWk N VMAX 29.75 4.25 10 4.28 71 4.77 4.25 -.86 -49.5sETEMeCmc N EMQQ .02p 29.80 21.00 13 29.77 100 29.91 29.11 +.89 +30.3 ExcoRes N XCO .07p 1.91 .47 830 .49 4477 .52 .48 -.01 -43.9 Exelixis Q EXEL 23.49 4.25 2368 22.40 13781 22.51 21.14 +1.42 +50.2 Exelon N EXC 1.31 3.8 14 37.70 29.82 4029 34.63 21732 35.62 34.53 -.40 -2.4 Exelon 17 N EXCU 3.25 6.6 50.97 43.00 937 49.39 3190 49.95 49.21 -.23 +2.0 ExeterR gs N XRA 1.89 .66 884 1.66 2416 1.78 1.61 -.13 +119.9 ExlSvcHld Q EXLS 15 54.78 42.00 173 47.71 924 48.70 46.69 +1.18 -5.4sExpedia Q EXPE 1.12f .8 58 137.00 96.58 4352 133.72 12919 137.00 131.85 +1.74 +18.0sExpdIntl Q EXPD .80 1.4 24 57.75 46.48 1498 56.09 6871 57.75 55.98 -.41 +5.9 Exponent s Q EXPO .84 1.4 34 64.80 45.00 89 61.15 474 62.85 60.80 +.05 +1.4 Express N EXPR 11 18.26 7.89 1680 8.63 9977 8.92 8.47 +.13 -19.8tExpScripts Q ESRX 10 80.02 57.80 5859 61.34 69515 67.51 57.80 -5.12 -10.8sExtendStay N STAY .84f 4.8 83 18.65 13.00 12571 17.44 20238 18.65 17.06 +.20 +8.0 Exterran n N EXTN 34.05 10.83 164 27.37 1061 30.45 27.32 -.26 +14.5 ExtraSpce N EXR 3.12 4.1 23 94.81 68.09 1294 75.53 7015 81.00 74.51 -4.94 -2.2 ExtrOilGs n Q XOG 25.08 14.76 680 15.65 4880 17.34 15.62 -1.08 -21.9 ExtrmNet Q EXTR 8.11 3.07 1203 7.82 7161 8.00 7.42 +.46 +55.4 ExxonMbl N XOM 3.08f 3.8 36 95.55 80.30 11189 81.65 52320 82.49 80.81 +.96 -9.5 EyegatePh Q EYEG 4.00 1.11 54 1.96 400 2.10 1.88 -.13 +20.2 Eyegate wt Q EYEGW .85 .03 1 .26 7 .42 .11 +.13 -13.3 Ezcorp Q EZPW 12.00 4.40 167 9.05 1209 9.50 8.87 +.25 -15.0F -:F5 Netwks Q FFIV 21 149.50 99.29 1586 129.13 8844 139.34 125.30 -7.41 -10.8sFB Finl n N FBK 37.85 19.81 61 36.24 413 37.85 35.39 +1.08 +39.7 FBL Fn N FFG 1.76f 2.6 16 82.60 56.41 26 66.50 120 69.75 66.45 +.10 -14.9 FBR&Co Q FBRC .80 4.4 20.48 10.57 49 18.10 297 18.25 17.65 +.35 +39.2 FCB Fin N FCB 21 50.33 31.98 211 47.25 1362 49.48 47.20 +.25 -.9sFLIR Sys Q FLIR .60 1.6 24 37.74 28.26 1020 36.73 5617 37.74 34.11 +.36 +1.5 FMC Corp N FMC .66 .9 26 75.93 41.80 581 73.23 6467 74.28 72.25 +.56 +29.5tFNB Bnc n Q FNBG .64 1.6 42.33 41.05 3 41.25 14 41.50 40.84 -.19 -2.1 FNBCp PA N FNB .48 3.4 17 16.43 11.69 2394 14.24 14183 15.00 13.67 -.10 -11.2 FNB FL pfE N FNBpE 33.50 27.01 5 29.55 26 29.55 29.11 +.53 +4.5 FPL pfC N NEEpC 1.47 5.6 27.05 24.92 15 26.30 53 26.32 25.76 +.31 +4.5 FTFQAntiB N BTAL 24.47 18.06 2 19.99 14 19.99 19.73 -.09 +1.5 FqfOAsiaDv N OASI .43e 28.00 23.50 0 27.30 5 27.48 27.30 -.02 +7.5 FqfOEuQDv N OEUH .45e 29.30 24.11 1 26.71 29 26.84 26.30 +.65 +8.7 FqfOEurDiv N OEUR .15e 24.27 20.40 5 24.00 77 24.19 23.58 +.87 +11.0 FQFO USDv N OUSA .20e 29.15 26.06 36 28.88 264 29.06 28.80 +.19 +5.1 FRP Hldgs Q FRPH 69 45.50 28.90 9 42.70 30 43.45 41.30 +1.20 +13.3sFS Bncp Q FSBW .44f 1.0 12 44.02 24.32 4 43.55 53 44.02 39.40 +4.20 +21.1 FS Invest N FSIC .89 9.2 26 10.80 8.03 809 9.70 5611 9.90 9.55 -.10 -5.8sFSB Bcp n Q FSBC 14.96 12.25 4 15.00 5 15.00 14.80 +.05 +5.6 FTD Cos Q FTD 28.70 16.86 94 20.00 558 20.47 18.94 +.28 -16.1tFTI Cnslt N FCN 15 47.12 35.06 920 34.59 3592 42.72 33.99 -7.28 -23.3 Fabrinet N FN 12 49.63 31.53 1567 34.67 4938 39.45 34.34 -3.37 -14.0sFacebook Q FB 35 147.75 106.31 29774 150.25 84871 151.53 144.34 +6.57 +30.6 FactsetR N FDS 2.00 1.2 24 183.64 147.37 252 163.26 1127 164.83 161.65 +1.10 -.1sFairIsaac N FICO .08 .1 38 134.77 103.50 246 135.48 835 137.57 130.99 +5.29 +13.6 FairmSant N FMSA 13.12 3.20 9942 5.16 39308 5.49 4.95 +.08 -56.2 FairptCom Q FRP 4 19.60 12.81 110 17.05 637 17.83 16.85 -.25 -8.8 FalconStor Q FALC 1.40 .26 43 .34 497 .36 .30 +.03 -24.4 FDaves Q DAVE 80 6.73 3.75 12 4.00 78 4.20 3.90 +.10 -19.2 FangHldg N SFUN .20e 6.0 6.53 2.46 971 3.35 8172 3.53 3.31 -.14 +2.1 Fanhua Q FANH .12e 1.4 22 10.35 6.19 19 8.46 126 8.88 8.41 -.15 +2.2 FarmerBrs Q FARM 5 37.55 26.69 52 35.50 224 35.85 34.40 +.30 -3.3 FarmCB Q FFKT .40 1.0 21 44.65 24.71 12 41.50 133 42.80 40.20 +1.00 -1.3 FarmersNB Q FMNB .16 1.1 18 15.50 8.54 66 14.30 353 14.50 14.10 +.15 +.7 Farmland N FPI .51 4.7 18 11.98 10.00 145 10.90 725 11.15 10.85 -.15 -2.3 FaroTech Q FARO 43 40.15 27.87 71 36.65 365 37.55 34.05 +2.60 +1.8 Fastenal Q FAST 1.28f 2.9 25 52.74 37.70 2253 44.68 13303 46.33 44.62 -.74 -4.9 FateThera Q FATE 5.68 1.47 213 4.59 974 4.77 4.49 +82.9 Fauquier Q FBSS .48 2.7 10 19.88 14.13 0 18.01 3 18.01 17.62 -.11 +8.2 FedExCp N FDX 1.60 .8 17 201.57 145.00 1334 189.70 7943 192.37 187.31 +4.42 +1.9 FedAgric N AGM 1.44f 2.5 64.28 32.31 57 57.05 291 59.79 55.54 +1.99 -.4 FdAgricA N AGM/A 1.44f 2.6 16 70.00 34.60 0 54.46 3 54.80 52.50 +2.12 -11.4 FAgMt pfA N AGMpA 1.47 5.5 28.06 24.63 5 26.65 11 27.14 26.07 +.51 +6.7 FAgMt pfB N AGMpB 1.72 6.4 29.50 24.71 9 26.89 21 27.20 26.61 -.03 +3.2 FAgMt pfC N AGMpC 1.50 5.3 30.60 24.63 1 28.14 7 28.14 27.07 +.69 +12.2 FedRlty N FRT 3.92f 3.0 23 171.08 126.02 647 130.89 2716 136.90 130.09 -5.29 -7.9 FedSignl N FSS .28 1.8 23 16.65 11.68 411 15.61 1875 15.91 13.70 +2.09 FedInvst N FII 1.00 3.7 14 33.13 24.52 1304 26.82 4498 28.16 26.62 -.22 -5.2 FedNatHld Q FNHC .32 2.0 22.93 14.03 53 16.08 323 16.62 16.00 -.03 -14.0 FedPInt N FPT .67 5.0 14.99 12.55 6 13.33 86 13.34 13.12 +.13 +5.3 FedPMu N FMN .88 6.2 16.77 13.53 18 14.14 80 14.14 13.94 +.11 +1.2 FelCor N FCH .24 3.1 11 9.13 5.68 2678 7.75 36065 8.20 7.73 +.43 -3.2sFelCor pfA N FCHpA 1.95 7.7 25.49 22.82 16 25.30 320 25.49 24.75 +.71 +1.6 FemaleHlt Q FHCO 1.65 .72 76 1.03 424 1.08 .91 +.08 +13.2tFenixPrt lf Q FENX 5.38 1.10 14 1.12 117 1.24 1.10 -.04 -60.3sFerrari n N RACE 75.81 38.71 276 75.20 2676 75.82 72.39 +5.06 +29.3 Ferrellgs N FGP .40 6.8 20.85 5.04 587 5.86 2978 6.11 5.75 -13.4sFerro N FOE 16 17.98 11.76 1425 17.92 6578 18.17 15.49 +2.51 +25.1 Ferrogl n Q GSM .16 1.7 12.53 7.67 354 9.65 5986 10.00 9.04 +.09 -10.9sFiatChrys N FCAU 11.65 5.45 7027 11.37 51461 11.65 10.46 +1.28 +24.7 FibriaCelu N FBR .09e 1.0 10.24 5.79 1435 9.18 6347 9.27 8.82 +.25 -4.5 Fibrocll rs Q FCSC 11.33 1.57 14 2.10 219 2.24 2.01 +.01 +11.1sFibroGen Q FGEN 28.68 14.50 817 28.00 3410 28.68 25.95 +1.95 +30.8sFid&GtyLf N FGL .26 .9 10 28.30 21.10 476 28.45 2178 28.50 27.85 +.55 +20.0 FidCorpBd N FCOR 1.77e 3.5 53.57 48.72 4 50.23 65 50.40 50.01 -.21 +1.7 FidLtdTm N FLTB .83e 1.6 52.59 49.66 4 50.34 43 50.42 50.24 -.11 +.8 FidTotBd N FBND 1.54e 3.1 51.26 49.00 26 50.13 193 50.30 49.88 -.16 +.7sFidCnsDis N FDIS .40e 1.1 35.73 28.92 69 35.53 433 35.88 34.99 +.69 +10.5 FidCnsStpl N FSTA .87e 2.6 33.63 30.10 66 33.24 311 33.58 33.09 +.14 +6.5 FidEnergy N FENY .53e 2.8 22.12 18.03 186 18.93 1510 19.42 18.72 +.02 -10.6 FidFinan N FNCL .60e 1.7 37.41 25.75 193 34.96 1071 35.76 34.95 +.50 +1.1 FidHlthCre N FHLC .70e 1.9 36.79 31.24 141 36.33 597 36.43 35.74 +.87 +10.5sFidIndls N FIDU .56e 1.6 34.55 27.35 50 34.22 406 34.55 34.00 +.49 +6.2 Fid Val n N FVAL 29.34 24.89 8 28.65 93 28.97 28.52 +.34 +4.9 Fid Qual n N FQAL 28.49 24.59 13 28.08 49 28.41 28.02 +.27 +6.9sFidInfoTch N FTEC .42e 1.0 42.07 30.76 402 42.08 1188 42.24 41.47 +.99 +14.0sFid Moment N FDMO 27.87 24.26 7 27.56 59 27.87 27.32 +.49 +7.9 Fid LowVol N FDLO 27.57 24.30 16 27.39 147 27.53 27.20 +.32 +6.0 Fid RisR n N FDRR 28.60 24.56 23 27.90 224 28.08 27.77 +.31 +5.3 Fid CoreD n N FDVV 27.33 24.24 7 26.73 90 27.02 26.68 +.21 +2.2 FidMsciRE N FREL .86e 3.6 25.98 21.85 92 23.99 612 24.70 23.92 -.55 +2.3 FidUtils N FUTY 1.21e 3.6 34.34 29.50 46 33.55 261 33.89 33.39 -.02 +6.2 FidTelecm N FCOM .76e 2.3 33.82 27.80 19 32.77 94 33.50 32.45 +.35 +2.1sFidelMatls N FMAT .53e 1.7 31.29 24.95 34 30.87 334 31.29 30.67 +.47 +7.0sFidNasdIdx Q ONEQ 1.96e .8 238.57 179.91 33 238.30 190 239.03 234.92 +5.40 +12.6sFidlNatFn N FNF 1.16f 2.8 17 41.65 31.58 1061 40.95 6853 41.65 39.75 +1.25 +20.6 FNFV Grp N FNFV 14.50 10.55 195 13.70 1245 14.25 13.25 +.60 sFidNatInfo N FIS 1.16f 1.4 22 84.58 65.72 1394 84.19 5819 84.58 82.97 +1.66 +11.3 FidelSo Q LION .48 2.1 15 24.95 14.45 110 22.52 807 23.57 22.30 -.23 -4.9 FidClayOp N FMO 1.72f 11.0 17.63 12.13 56 15.60 430 15.68 15.46 +.07 +4.8sFidusInvst Q FDUS 1.56a 8.7 11 18.21 14.33 68 17.93 405 18.21 17.75 +.09 +14.0tFieldPnt N FPP 1.18 .26 10 .33 178 .35 .26 +.03 -54.4 Fieldpt wt N FPP/WS .08 .01 7 .02 59 .03 .02 -47.5 FiestaRst Q FRGI 25 35.48 19.40 651 24.35 4460 25.35 22.70 +.45 -18.4 FifthStAst Q FSAM .50 10.6 8.45 3.46 59 4.70 344 4.95 4.55 -.05 -29.9 FifthStF 24 N FSCE 1.47 5.9 26.01 24.45 8 24.97 32 25.04 24.90 -.01 +.3 FifthSt28 Q FSCFL 1.53 6.1 26.75 23.90 5 25.28 26 25.79 25.10 +.11 +2.6 FifthStFin Q FSC .20 4.4 6.32 4.31 552 4.59 4083 4.59 4.40 +.16 -14.5 FifthStSen Q FSFR .90 11.0 10 10.37 7.25 105 8.15 603 8.35 8.04 -.05 -6.4 FifthThird Q FITB .56f 2.3 13 28.97 16.14 4703 24.43 37512 25.59 24.41 -.19 -9.4 FifthT pf Q FITBI 1.66 5.8 32.71 26.19 21 28.58 114 28.77 28.58 -.11 +4.9s51job Q JOBS 29 42.20 27.56 86 40.99 868 42.20 39.65 +1.24 +21.3 N WUBA 55.28 27.58 446 39.58 2769 40.00 38.51 +1.18 +41.4 FinTcII n Q FNTE 11.75 9.70 9.84 31 9.85 9.83 -.06 +1.4 FinTcII wt Q FNTEW 1.31 .54 1.15 44 1.15 1.05 +.10 +27.8 FinTcII un Q FNTEU 12.10 10.01 5 10.40 7 10.50 10.25 +3.5 FinclEngin Q FNGN .28 .7 65 45.75 23.56 240 42.50 2538 44.18 41.65 +.75 +15.6 FnclInst Q FISI .84 2.5 13 35.40 24.56 33 33.50 273 35.35 32.45 +.35 -2.0 Finisar Q FNSR 20 36.85 15.21 2792 22.84 13417 23.41 22.16 +.31 -24.5 FinLine Q FINL .44 2.8 16 24.52 12.63 847 15.81 5955 16.10 14.98 +.44 -15.9 FinjanH Q FNJN 2.35 1.00 83 1.95 1730 2.10 1.80 +.08 +72.1 FireEye Q FEYE 18.73 10.35 3909 12.51 19949 12.82 12.31 +.18 +5.1 FstAccept N FAC 2.40 .75 61 1.16 130 1.21 1.07 +.07 +11.5sFstAFin n N FAF 1.36 3.1 14 43.55 35.28 1010 43.41 4497 43.77 39.64 +3.89 +18.5 FstBcpPR N FBP 13 7.05 3.55 865 5.88 6095 6.12 5.44 +.48 -11.0 FstBcpME Q FNLC .92a 3.4 16 33.21 18.94 19 26.97 101 28.47 26.85 -.02 -18.5sFtBcpNC Q FBNC .32 1.1 23 32.27 17.15 107 30.04 518 32.27 29.97 -.23 +10.7 FstBcMiss Q FBMS .15 .5 18 30.80 15.90 6 28.65 89 28.75 27.95 +.65 +4.2 FstBkNJ Q FRBA .06 .5 35 14.80 6.68 28 13.00 184 13.93 12.85 -.50 +12.1sFstBusey rs Q BUSE .68 2.3 21 32.22 19.75 107 29.95 811 32.22 29.93 -.11 -2.7sFBusnFn s Q FBIZ .52 2.0 16 28.43 18.76 30 26.57 86 28.43 26.30 +.23 +12.0 FrstCap Q FCAP .84 2.6 16 35.00 26.58 1 32.00 3 32.00 31.35 -1.3sFstCash N FCFS .76 1.5 23 54.95 39.80 248 51.95 1483 54.95 50.48 +1.85 +10.5 FCtzBA Q FCNCA 1.20 .3 17 384.12 229.51 30 348.06 121 363.39 339.05 +11.74 -2.0 FstCwlth N FCF .32 2.5 20 14.61 8.46 392 12.91 2700 13.59 12.91 -.09 -9.0 FCmtyBsh Q FCBC .64 2.4 18 31.94 20.00 26 26.46 157 27.80 24.88 +.99 -12.2 FCmtyCp Q FCCO .36 1.8 20 23.55 13.67 1 20.25 21 21.98 20.23 -.06 +12.2sFstCmtyFn Q FCFP 18 13.90 7.87 11 13.05 169 13.90 13.05 -.05 +11.5sFtConnBcp Q FBNK .44f 1.6 25 27.50 15.74 51 26.70 211 27.50 26.10 +.95 +17.9 1stCnstBn Q FCCY .20 1.1 15 20.85 11.70 10 17.90 42 18.65 17.70 -.55 -4.3 FstData n N FDC 16.67 9.90 3399 15.62 12142 15.86 15.35 +.16 +10.1sFstDefiFn Q FDEF 1.00 1.9 18 56.20 35.90 70 53.64 219 56.20 52.99 +1.34 +5.7 FFnclOH Q FFBC .68 2.5 18 29.80 18.00 169 27.65 1211 29.35 26.75 -.55 -2.8 FstFnBksh Q FFIN .76f 1.9 25 46.70 29.69 221 39.95 1224 42.18 39.83 +.35 -11.6 FstFnIN Q THFF 1.00 2.0 17 53.49 33.58 25 48.80 194 51.53 48.65 +.55 -7.6 FstFnNwst Q FFNW .28f 1.8 21 21.29 12.58 18 15.68 102 16.83 15.61 -.50 -20.6 FstFound s Q FFWM 14 17.26 10.00 99 15.70 570 16.43 15.68 -.01 +10.2 FstGtyBc n Q FGBI .64b 2.5 25.91 15.53 48 25.25 77 25.25 23.89 +.51 +5.5 FsHawaii n Q FHB .88 3.0 35.47 23.00 636 29.77 1908 31.34 29.60 +.09 -14.5 FstHorizon N FHN .36 2.0 20 20.84 12.46 2060 18.35 10615 19.22 18.31 +.03 -8.3 FstHrz pfA N FHNpA 1.55 6.1 27.70 23.38 7 25.42 28 25.48 25.21 +.21 +1.9 FstInRT N FR .84f 3.0 29.75 22.91 651 28.14 3835 28.69 27.63 +.18 +.3 FIntntBcp Q INBK .24 .8 14 33.00 22.12 21 29.55 157 30.45 27.90 +1.70 -7.7 FIntBc26 n Q INBKL 1.50 5.8 27.86 16.83 5 25.78 18 26.67 25.35 +.13 +36.7 FstIntBc A Q FIBK .96 2.5 17 45.35 26.44 172 37.75 946 41.05 37.68 -1.61 -11.3 FMajSilv g N AG 33 19.15 6.62 3795 8.13 22635 8.67 7.93 -.64 +6.6sFstMerch Q FRME .60 1.4 21 43.35 23.54 186 41.38 937 43.35 40.51 +1.13 +9.9 FstMidIll Q FMBH .60f 1.8 18 36.80 22.95 12 32.61 76 34.20 32.21 -.26 -4.1 FMidBc Q FMBI .36 1.6 20 25.83 15.86 724 22.71 4113 24.37 22.68 -.67 -10.0tFstNBC lf Q FNBC 1 22.38 2.55 745 2.65 3376 3.50 2.55 -.85 -63.7sFstNwBc n Q FNWB 57 17.24 12.42 42 16.46 265 17.24 15.84 +.58 +5.5sFstPotom N FPO .40 3.6 61 11.21 8.01 183 11.00 1009 11.21 10.54 +.14 +.3 FstRepBk N FRC .68f .7 97.43 63.97 967 92.46 4780 94.17 92.22 +2.04 +.3 FstRep pfB N FRCpB 1.55 6.1 26.73 24.74 3 25.54 39 25.75 25.49 -.10 sFstRep pfC N FRCpC 1.41 5.2 27.33 22.36 59 27.00 390 30.10 26.58 +.32 +16.1 FstRep pfD N FRCpD 1.38 5.4 27.20 21.92 19 25.35 154 25.90 25.33 -.27 +10.3 FstRep pfE N FRCpE 1.75 6.5 28.45 26.32 23 27.13 79 27.22 27.07 +.03 -.3 FstRep pfF N FRCpF 1.43 5.4 28.00 22.67 2 26.57 69 26.89 26.02 +.47 +12.1 FtRpBk pfG N FRCpG 27.93 21.85 24 25.43 182 26.43 25.20 +.17 +11.8 FstSavFin Q FSFG .56f 1.1 17 50.73 33.00 0 49.35 5 50.00 49.35 +5.0 FstSolar Q FSLR 62.14 25.56 4167 29.55 20481 30.50 26.78 +2.75 -7.9s1stSource Q SRCE .76f 1.6 22 50.78 30.45 72 48.31 494 50.78 48.28 -.15 +8.2sFstSouthB Q FSBK .14 1.1 17 13.06 8.34 3 12.98 40 13.06 12.14 +.88 +8.6sFTNDXTc Q QTEC .61e 1.0 61.65 39.81 154 61.22 1312 61.65 60.82 +1.06 +16.3 FtTr AbsRet Q FAAR 32.00 28.25 14 29.43 18 29.49 29.27 +.18 +2.4 FtTr 22 n N FIV 10.29 9.86 92 9.96 532 10.00 9.89 +.07 -1.6 FtTrGlob N FAM .90 7.6 11.94 10.29 15 11.78 185 11.85 11.73 +.05 +6.3sFT MCGr N FNY .15e .4 34.30 28.27 14 33.94 94 34.30 33.80 +.52 +8.1 FT AsiaPc Q FPA .99e 3.2 31.40 26.04 1 30.72 28 31.05 30.60 +.27 +13.0sFT Europe Q FEP .79e 2.3 33.83 25.09 72 33.85 608 33.94 33.24 +1.63 +16.0 FT LatAm Q FLN .43e 2.2 22.76 14.41 34 19.93 154 20.19 19.66 +.22 +7.1 FT Brazil Q FBZ .41e 2.7 17.26 10.46 20 15.15 137 15.27 14.85 +.32 +10.8 FT Japan Q FJP .41e .8 51.71 44.24 21 51.14 58 51.39 50.56 +.60 +7.5sFT DevMkt Q FDT .78e 1.5 53.61 42.63 32 53.49 116 53.61 52.80 +1.47 +13.4 FT EmMkt Q FEM .68e 3.0 23.66 17.60 56 22.74 360 22.94 22.60 +.24 +12.0sFT Germny Q FGM .41e 1.0 41.36 32.56 2 41.08 23 41.36 40.83 +1.76 +13.0 FT MCVal N FNK .40e 1.2 34.48 26.37 18 33.43 60 34.07 33.41 +.08 +1.5 FT Canada Q FCAN .62e 2.7 24.98 22.27 1 22.82 6 23.28 22.65 -.11 -1.9 FT UK Q FKU .94e 2.6 40.35 29.70 2 36.84 16 36.93 36.38 +1.03 +12.6sFT Switzld Q FSZ .39e .8 47.23 36.18 2 47.23 20 47.37 45.93 +1.99 +15.7 FT HKong Q FHK 1.01e 2.7 37.46 29.64 2 37.22 11 37.38 36.89 +.45 +15.4sFT SCGr N FYC .07e .2 37.66 29.31 6 37.09 84 37.66 36.66 +.91 +7.2 FT EmMSC Q FEMS 1.06e 2.9 37.05 27.02 28 36.47 334 36.51 35.81 +.68 +21.0sFTDvMkSC Q FDTS .76e 2.1 36.43 30.80 1 36.70 8 36.70 36.10 +1.09 +9.9 FT SCVal N FYT .26e .8 36.08 26.81 8 34.50 48 35.24 34.36 +.41 -.9sFT EurzAlp Q FEUZ .35e .9 37.62 27.26 1 37.39 21 37.62 37.00 +1.88 +14.8 FT MegaCp N FMK .44e 1.5 30.16 25.17 0 29.44 4 29.52 29.12 +.59 +5.2sFTEurSelDv N FDD 1.09e 8.6 12.79 10.73 316 12.69 1343 12.79 12.60 +.40 +6.9 FTDJMic N FDM .49e 1.1 44.93 31.86 10 43.30 111 44.49 43.00 +.72 -1.8sFT DynEq N FDEU 1.45 8.1 17.95 14.31 81 17.87 435 17.95 17.25 +.74 +16.0 FtTrInOp n Q FCEF 22.98 18.95 26 21.32 50 21.33 21.08 +.27 +6.5 FtTrMun n Q MCEF 20.35 17.93 18.67 4 18.75 18.64 -.13 +1.3sFtTEqCom N ERM 20.30 19.81 1 20.17 19 20.30 20.05 +.24 +1.8sFtT EqTact N TERM 20.32 19.80 18 20.14 83 20.32 20.07 +.22 +1.7 FtTrOpp n Q FIXD 50.78 49.71 12 50.47 116 50.49 50.31 -.06 +.9sFTNsdGrid Q GRID .41e .9 44.46 32.50 4 43.18 40 44.79 42.83 +1.43 +6.6 FTMltAInc Q MDIV 1.37e 7.0 19.85 17.90 114 19.57 575 19.73 19.49 +.03 +2.4 FT PfdSec N FPE 1.02e 5.2 20.31 18.76 569 19.71 3180 19.74 19.62 +.09 +3.8 FTNsqTDv Q TDIV .71e 2.2 32.11 24.82 78 31.77 354 31.99 31.65 +.39 +7.4 FTLwDOpp Q LMBS 1.53 2.9 53.84 51.12 70 52.11 484 52.11 51.99 +.05 -.1 FTIntlMltA Q YDIV .80e 4.6 17.95 15.49 6 17.43 10 17.58 17.17 +.34 +9.3 FT HiInco Q FTHI .96 4.5 21.95 18.84 17 21.35 44 21.70 21.35 +.18 +.4 FT StratInc Q FDIV 1.92 3.8 53.07 47.80 7 50.81 58 51.09 50.62 +.18 +1.6 FT LwBeta Q FTLB .66 3.1 22.36 18.56 0 21.26 4 21.33 21.16 +.25 +.7 FTEnhSht Q FTSM .29e .5 60.04 59.82 452 59.97 1238 59.97 59.93 +.01 +.1sFT RisDiv Q RDVY .38e 1.4 27.12 19.16 68 26.87 454 27.12 26.72 +.48 +8.9 FT SSICv Q FCVT 28.36 23.67 2 27.32 88 27.49 27.07 +.37 +5.1 FT DWF5 Q FV .18e .7 24.57 21.19 288 24.36 2196 24.53 24.15 +.44 +5.3 FT AmIndR Q AIRR .06e .2 25.28 17.16 54 24.35 192 25.01 23.93 +.54 +3.0 FTNsTrn ef Q FTXR 24.16 20.21 2 23.08 12 23.43 23.08 +.11 +1.8 FT QualInc Q QINC 1.07e 4.6 24.21 21.10 9 23.36 53 23.66 23.30 +.05 +2.0sFTNsSem ef Q FTXL 25.79 19.65 19 25.06 41 25.79 25.06 +.34 +8.8 FsTrNsRt ef Q FTXD 22.35 18.90 19.96 3 19.96 19.87 +.27 -1.6 FTNsBk ef Q FTXO 28.49 19.95 122 25.61 1271 26.33 25.58 +.37 -1.5 FTDorW n Q FVC 22.88 19.70 36 22.67 162 22.84 22.51 +.37 +5.1 FT DWInt Q IFV .19e 1.0 19.59 15.54 76 19.37 1167 19.40 19.05 +.59 +13.7sFT LgShEq N FTLS .16e .5 35.66 30.62 8 35.44 71 35.66 35.17 +.53 +2.7 FTEMCur Q FEMB 1.94e 4.6 46.72 38.90 5 42.38 31 42.77 42.03 -.05 +5.6 FT RivAsia Q RFAP .32e 55.77 48.26 4 55.16 16 55.25 54.85 +.66 +7.4sFT RivDev Q RFDI .70e 58.61 46.04 20 58.41 140 58.61 57.73 +1.99 +11.2 FT RvfrDyE Q RFEM 61.38 49.05 4 60.50 24 61.21 59.92 +1.21 +14.6sFT RivEur Q RFEU .82e 59.72 45.68 18 59.70 114 59.74 58.41 +2.68 +14.0 FTEgyInco N FEN 2.32 8.5 28.48 22.65 77 27.23 363 27.69 26.81 -.06 +2.6 FTEnInfra N FIF 1.32a 6.8 20.21 15.62 36 19.35 231 19.49 19.11 +.20 +7.9sFtTrEnEq N FFA .96 6.5 14.82 12.46 27 14.73 210 14.82 14.60 +.20 +9.0sFTCapStrn Q FTCS .55e 1.2 44.96 37.98 31 44.84 468 45.06 44.43 +.87 +9.9 FTArcaBio N FBT .18e .2 108.01 83.10 32 107.41 163 107.52 103.68 +4.62 +18.2sFTDJInet N FDN 91.75 68.18 315 92.24 1971 92.42 89.31 +3.72 +15.5sFTN100ExT Q QQXT .16e .4 45.58 36.58 8 45.40 33 45.58 44.96 +.91 +12.3 FsTrGrEn Q QCLN .11e .7 17.06 13.17 6 16.81 30 17.01 16.72 +.30 +9.0sFT SPTailH N VIXH .36e 1.4 25.54 21.87 25.40 3 25.54 25.12 +.40 +7.0 FTrTUSAlp Q TUSA .23e .8 29.63 23.54 1 29.33 7 29.59 29.19 +.47 +5.5 FT RNG N FCG .22e 1.0 28.65 22.32 239 23.04 1272 24.27 22.92 -.38 -12.0 FT ConDis N FXD .30e .8 37.74 31.82 88 37.02 374 37.40 36.72 +.46 +4.3 FT ConStap N FXG .75e 1.6 49.33 43.48 103 47.41 395 47.82 47.32 +.28 +3.6 FT Engy N FXN .33e 2.3 17.95 13.79 880 14.31 4735 14.91 14.17 -.06 -13.3 FT Fincl N FXO .65e 2.3 29.01 21.59 258 27.79 1515 28.25 27.76 +.22 +2.8sFT HlthCr N FXH 63.42 54.51 59 63.58 310 63.60 62.34 +1.80 +11.0 FT IndPrd N FXR .16e .5 35.54 25.86 137 34.63 1994 35.07 34.53 +.46 +5.3 FT Matls N FXZ .37e 1.0 38.79 30.55 55 38.09 777 38.70 38.01 +.43 +6.3sFT Tech N FXL .13e .3 43.04 30.72 74 42.66 453 43.04 42.29 +.76 +12.6 FT Utils N FXU .67e 2.4 28.00 24.60 220 27.48 794 27.75 27.37 +.05 +2.8sFTCloudC Q SKYY .09e .2 39.31 28.46 119 39.37 643 39.41 38.72 +.98 +14.2sFTDJGlDiv N FGD 1.42e 5.7 25.10 20.68 48 24.83 554 25.10 24.75 +.47 +6.6 FTNdqAuto Q CARZ .61e 1.7 37.13 28.79 3 36.21 20 36.47 35.83 +.71 +5.2sFT GblAg rs Q FTAG 25.26 19.26 0 25.02 4 25.26 24.75 +.60 +9.5 FT GblNRs Q FTRI .40e 3.5 11.88 9.90 1 11.46 7 11.49 11.03 +.38 -.4 FT Cybersc Q CIBR 21.89 15.86 34 21.36 352 21.60 21.17 +.20 +9.4sFTIntlIPO Q FPXI .37e 1.2 30.05 23.36 15 29.73 17 30.08 29.73 +.49 +16.1 FT GlbRE N FFR .75e 1.7 48.19 41.29 3 43.85 61 44.86 43.85 -.76 +3.7 FT NAEngy N EMLP .93e 3.7 25.86 22.38 154 25.28 1028 25.46 25.11 +.16 +.2 FTSenLoan Q FTSL 1.92 4.0 48.73 47.55 103 48.46 821 48.49 48.37 +.04 -.2 FTTactHY Q HYLS 2.88 5.9 49.29 46.95 43 49.09 590 49.11 48.77 +.38 +1.8tFT GlbCmd Q FTGC 26.54 19.77 9 20.09 120 20.11 19.77 +.17 -1.6sFT HiLgSh N FSD 1.20 6.9 17.23 14.38 142 17.30 683 17.30 16.90 +.38 +7.6sFT USIPO N FPX .32e .5 59.12 47.45 73 58.48 291 59.12 57.92 +1.05 +8.0sFTChnd N FNI .19e .6 32.88 25.60 7 32.72 112 32.88 32.09 +.90 +19.7sFT EngCn N FLM .58e 1.1 54.22 42.35 0 54.03 3 54.22 53.52 +1.22 +9.8 FT WindEn N FAN .46e 3.5 13.76 11.35 54 13.07 501 13.15 12.70 +.62 +11.7sFT Wtr N FIW .21e .5 43.17 33.25 34 42.52 125 43.17 42.41 +.59 +7.5 FT IntPfd N FPF 1.95 8.3 23.88 20.67 172 23.61 1134 23.83 23.33 +.04 +4.1 FT LCCore N FEX .58e 1.1 52.64 42.50 73 52.12 471 52.54 51.88 +.70 +6.9sFT LCGr N FTC .24e .5 53.78 47.21 39 53.33 141 53.78 53.07 +.86 +8.7 FT LCVal N FTA .82e 1.7 50.51 37.42 56 49.58 276 49.99 49.39 +.56 +5.8 FT MLP&E N FEI 1.42 8.7 17.60 13.88 76 16.41 586 16.50 16.28 +.06 +2.4 FT MgdMu Q FMB 1.38 2.6 54.39 50.56 7 52.12 50 52.21 51.92 -.07 +1.8 FT MCCore N FNX .51e .9 59.80 47.51 28 58.77 167 59.72 58.77 +.45 +4.2 FTMstrDv N FDL .79e 2.8 29.47 25.24 214 28.50 1259 28.80 28.47 +.12 +2.7 FTFutStrt N FMF 57.17 44.12 1 45.82 3 45.96 45.71 +.08 -2.9 FstTrMtg N FMY 1.02 7.2 14.70 13.67 2 14.12 25 14.13 14.02 +.03 +.7sFT MultCG N FAD .20e .4 57.47 48.45 3 57.02 36 57.47 56.58 +1.20 +9.0 FT MultCV N FAB .45e .9 53.14 40.06 3 52.05 44 52.84 52.00 +.45 +3.1sFTNDXEq Q QQEW .33e .6 52.66 39.42 85 52.48 269 52.66 52.02 +.94 +13.6 FT NsdABA Q QABA .54e 1.1 54.54 35.21 97 50.36 492 52.55 50.36 +.14 -4.6sFTSmartph Q FONE .27e .6 47.34 34.36 0 46.87 25 47.34 46.18 +1.35 +13.0 FT MLPEn N FPL 1.26 9.2 14.50 10.91 62 13.71 387 13.95 13.50 +.23 +7.5 FT REIT N FRI .39e 1.7 25.87 21.47 80 23.05 312 23.85 22.98 -.71 sFT SCCore N FYX .38e .7 56.12 43.34 23 55.29 171 56.12 54.68 +1.19 +2.7 FTSpecFin N FGB .70 9.3 8.43 5.85 76 7.51 238 7.79 7.44 -.04 +6.4sFTStrHi2 N FHY 1.32 9.7 13.53 11.39 33 13.55 167 13.55 13.25 +.33 +11.2 FTrVL100 N FVL .05e .2 22.59 18.88 30 21.47 44 21.77 21.45 -.01 -.7 FTrVLDv N FVD .57e 2.0 29.51 25.39 533 29.04 3116 29.35 29.01 +.12 +3.6 FT EmOp N FEO 1.40 8.6 16.44 13.23 48 16.29 145 16.43 16.09 +.17 +17.3 FstUSBcsh Q FUSB .08 .7 35 15.14 8.38 3 11.67 18 11.89 11.53 -.13 +5.0 FstUtdCp Q FUNC 11 16.95 9.58 0 13.95 11 14.10 13.90 +.10 -12.5 First LI s Q FLIC .56 2.1 11 29.67 18.60 61 27.20 332 28.50 27.10 +.20 -4.7 FTrSenFlt N FCT .90 6.6 14.01 12.58 51 13.68 358 13.74 13.61 +.12 -.6 FirstEngy N FE 1.44 4.8 11 36.60 29.33 9569 29.94 29164 31.15 29.33 -.67 -3.3 FsthdTech Q SVVC 8.60 6.41 21 8.43 132 8.53 8.11 +.20 +9.9sFstSvc n Q FSV .49f .8 63.58 39.05 30 62.13 272 63.58 59.87 +1.39 +30.9sFiserv Q FISV 28 122.91 92.81 777 119.14 5014 122.91 118.37 +.74 +12.1 Fitbit n N FIT 18.39 5.31 4927 5.72 25045 5.99 5.57 +.11 -21.9 FiveBelow Q FIVE 38 52.70 35.03 650 49.12 4260 49.86 47.82 +1.46 +22.9 N WBAI 19.98 10.92 100 13.01 629 13.59 13.00 -.48 -15.1 FiveOaks N OAKS .60m 11.2 5.54 3.79 102 5.37 572 5.46 5.36 +.01 +8.0 FiveOk pfA N OAKSpA 2.19 8.8 25.25 18.02 4 24.81 35 25.19 24.62 -.37 +7.9 FivePrime Q FPRX 60.98 31.79 203 34.86 1608 35.29 33.13 +1.87 -30.4 FiveStar Q FVE 3.04 1.65 42 1.90 274 1.90 1.80 +.05 -29.6 Five9 Q FIVN 18.93 8.49 220 18.25 1421 18.42 17.75 +.62 +28.6sFlagstarB N FBC 12 30.70 21.78 304 29.24 1460 30.70 28.59 +.86 +8.5sF&C DynPf N DFP 1.92 7.6 25.37 21.83 60 25.41 308 25.43 25.00 +.38 +6.9 FlrtyPfdInc N PFD 1.08 7.2 16.34 12.64 25 15.03 129 15.25 15.02 -.06 +3.7 FlrtyPfdOp N PFO .88 7.2 12.81 10.30 25 12.13 83 12.23 12.06 +.05 +9.1 FlrtyPfdSc N FFC 1.63 7.8 22.25 18.18 104 20.87 390 20.87 20.72 +.07 +10.8 FlrtyTotR N FLC 1.63 7.6 22.89 18.41 34 21.44 123 21.55 21.12 +.19 +7.9 Flanign N BDL .20f .8 14 26.65 17.72 0 25.20 8 25.71 23.80 +1.15 +3.5 Fleetcor N FLT 20 176.42 133.64 4065 141.14 10012 151.96 140.00 -6.52 -.3 Flex Ltd Q FLEX 15 16.99 11.39 7791 15.46 26777 16.33 14.70 -.51 +7.6tFlexPhm n Q FLKS 13.97 3.01 61 3.44 458 4.09 3.01 +.36 -34.8 FlexUSTilt N TILT 1.17e 1.2 102.51 81.23 8 100.71 76 101.81 100.39 +1.19 +4.8 FlxEmgTilt N TLTE .84e 1.6 52.92 41.14 10 52.27 149 52.51 50.95 +.84 +13.7 FlxUpstNR N GUNR 1.00e 3.4 30.66 24.54 568 29.29 3134 29.56 29.09 +.13 +2.2 Flx3yrTips N TDTT .02e .1 25.18 23.43 205 24.79 803 24.83 24.76 -.02 +.4 Flx5yrTips N TDTF .06e .2 26.19 24.62 141 25.26 506 25.30 25.19 -.01 +1.0sFlxUS Imp Q ESG 59.36 49.91 56.24 10 59.36 55.78 +.79 +6.8 FlexEMTilt N TLEH 27.98 23.10 7 27.53 16 27.69 26.44 +.46 +9.1 FlxDMTilt N TLDH 28.41 21.13 1 27.01 13 27.06 26.54 +.63 +6.4 FlxRAstAlo Q ASET 27.30 24.58 3 26.84 9 27.05 26.84 +.04 +5.2sFlxUSQLgC Q QLC 30.68 24.54 2 29.41 10 30.68 29.27 +.32 +5.9 FlxUSLgCp Q LKOR .41e 57.80 44.54 1 51.52 9 51.61 51.20 -.32 +3.0 FlxUSCpBd Q SKOR 1.24 2.4 52.23 49.57 3 50.64 7 50.74 50.44 -.06 +1.3 FlxDisDur Q MBSD .62e 2.6 25.51 23.86 1 24.11 20 24.20 24.02 +.03 -.1 FlxGlbQRE N GQRE 1.33e 2.3 63.88 54.54 19 58.76 52 59.55 58.73 -.57 +4.2sFlxGblInfr N NFRA .95e 2.1 46.34 41.46 60 46.08 168 46.34 46.04 +.40 +6.5 FlxDevTilt N TLTD 1.41e 2.3 61.99 49.52 23 61.60 315 61.81 60.91 +1.46 +9.2sFlxIntDvDf N IQDE .91e 3.8 24.06 20.59 3 23.85 38 24.06 23.71 +.53 +9.4sFlxIntDvDy N IQDY .76e 2.9 26.40 21.08 9 26.28 56 26.40 26.14 +.77 +9.9sFlxIntlDiv N IQDF .94e 3.8 24.93 20.35 182 24.79 753 24.93 24.67 +.63 +10.1 FlxQDvDef N QDEF .93e 2.3 40.86 35.11 23 40.25 81 40.61 40.18 +.20 +3.8 FlxQDvDyn N QDYN 1.00e 2.5 40.86 32.86 1 39.90 42 40.24 39.86 +.42 +4.5 FlxQualDv N QDF 1.01e 2.5 41.75 34.84 70 40.98 389 41.36 40.92 +.30 +3.9 FlxRdyAcc N RAVI .82e .9 76.30 74.89 1 75.51 30 75.56 75.49 tFlexSh n Q FPAY 6.75 3.66 1 3.97 29 4.55 3.66 -.31 -33.8 FlexSolu N FSI 10 2.41 1.12 132 1.56 438 1.96 1.42 -.40 +17.3 FlexionTh Q FLXN 29.41 8.16 988 20.41 8172 26.90 20.09 -5.96 +7.3 Flexstl Q FLXS .80 1.5 18 62.99 37.93 17 53.12 105 55.70 50.86 +1.68 -13.9stFlor&Dec n N FND 950 32.40 950 32.40 31.00 Flotek N FTK 16.93 8.87 487 12.01 3815 12.40 11.57 +.26 +27.9 FlowrsFds N FLO .64 3.3 22 21.00 14.35 1070 19.61 5851 20.10 19.54 -.23 -1.8 Flowserve N FLS .40m .8 20 52.50 39.13 1793 50.87 6564 51.62 49.02 +2.21 +5.9 Fluidigm Q FLDM 11.05 4.31 184 4.94 837 5.37 4.75 +.20 -32.1 Fluor N FLR .84 1.6 14 58.37 44.05 1403 51.32 5294 52.66 51.10 +.74 -2.3 FlushFn Q FFIC .72f 2.4 12 31.96 18.95 79 29.48 672 31.69 27.19 +2.88 +.3 FlyLeasing N FLY 1.00 7.8 24 14.45 9.54 122 12.87 634 13.10 12.73 +.13 -3.2 Foamix Q FOMX 11.27 4.03 78 4.21 931 4.45 4.05 +.07 -62.1 FogoChao n Q FOGO 19 17.43 10.50 20 16.95 123 17.00 16.15 +.90 +18.1 FEMSA N FMX .74e .8 100.57 73.45 483 90.04 2375 93.38 86.77 -.64 +18.1 Fonar Q FONR 9 23.90 13.95 12 19.15 94 19.75 18.84 +.60 FootLockr N FL 1.24f 1.6 16 79.43 50.90 1804 77.34 7264 77.86 75.89 +1.50 +9.1 FordM N F .60a 5.2 6 14.04 11.07 39172 11.47 217194 11.70 11.34 +.13 -5.4 ForestCA N FCE/A .36f 1.6 18 24.22 17.79 1228 22.60 5801 23.09 22.25 -.17 +8.4 ForestCB N FCE/B .32f 1.1 23 30.32 18.00 1 29.39 4 29.74 29.05 +.08 +9.1 Forestar N FOR 9 14.40 10.60 647 14.15 8509 14.25 14.10 -.10 +6.4 FormsHl rs Q FH 4.05 1.55 64 1.71 380 1.89 1.68 -.05 -19.7 FormFac Q FORM 30 13.15 6.48 426 11.10 1546 11.90 11.05 +.15 -.9 FormulaSy Q FORTY .82e 2.1 25 42.95 30.79 1 38.50 3 41.80 38.50 -.90 -3.0 ForrestR Q FORR .76 1.9 32 44.40 31.92 51 40.55 220 41.55 38.75 -.25 -5.6 ForsightEn N FELP .68m 13.1 8.33 1.34 24 5.21 221 5.56 4.93 -.33 -19.5 Forterra n Q FRTA 22.76 16.24 150 19.24 630 19.62 18.34 +.90 -11.2sFortinet Q FTNT 40.64 28.51 4553 39.00 13678 40.64 38.63 -.53 +29.5 Fortis n N FTS 1.19 3.7 33.99 29.14 158 32.52 747 32.99 32.28 -.24 +5.3sFortive n N FTV .28 .4 63.01 46.29 2372 63.26 8361 64.27 60.68 +3.25 +18.0 FortressBio Q FBIO 4.15 1.88 71 3.64 751 3.84 3.13 +.49 +34.8 Fortress N FIG .32a 4.0 23 8.05 4.23 2204 8.04 11153 8.05 7.97 +.06 +65.4 FortTrInf n N FTAI 1.32 8.8 15.91 8.92 95 15.05 683 15.25 14.94 +.07 +13.2tFortunaSlv N FSM 38 9.75 4.37 1946 4.61 12728 4.93 4.37 -.39 -18.4sFBHmSec N FBHS .72f 1.1 23 66.01 52.05 2119 63.74 10890 66.01 63.17 +.92 +19.2 ForumEn N FET 26.25 14.83 2244 16.90 7518 19.65 16.63 -1.30 -23.2 ForumM un Q FMCIU 10.19 10.00 4 10.10 20 10.13 10.05 +.04 +.8sForwrdA Q FWRD .60 1.1 50 54.67 40.07 158 53.17 874 54.73 48.90 +3.89 +12.2 Forward h Q FORD 19 2.11 1.02 7 1.11 88 1.14 1.09 -.02 -11.2 ForwdPh Q FWP 33.00 14.89 24 19.73 95 19.95 19.20 +.23 +31.5 Fossil Grp Q FOSL 11 42.78 15.79 1248 17.25 4630 17.90 16.89 +.26 -33.3 Foster Q FSTR .16 1.1 20.77 9.25 18 14.20 118 14.25 13.37 +.80 +4.4 FoundBld n N FBM 17.91 15.05 95 16.19 631 16.57 16.00 +.08 +1.2sFndtnMed Q FMI 35.30 15.10 203 35.50 898 35.70 32.35 +3.15 +100.6sFourCorP s N FCPT .97 4.2 24.10 16.71 189 23.33 1667 24.10 23.14 -.20 +13.7sFoxFactory Q FOXF 29 30.50 15.30 138 30.05 1833 30.50 28.75 +1.50 +8.3 Francesca Q FRAN 14 22.39 9.75 647 15.78 3706 16.18 15.39 +.25 -12.5 FrancoN g N FNV .88f 1.3 93 81.16 53.31 1007 68.12 4920 68.42 65.50 -.96 +14.0 FrankCov N FC 22.45 13.45 57 21.25 364 22.30 20.80 +.45 +5.5sFrankElec Q FELE .43f 1.0 24 45.15 30.71 293 41.10 1472 45.15 40.00 -1.10 +5.7 FrankFn n N FSB .40p 19 42.80 28.75 112 40.55 417 40.90 38.20 +2.15 -3.1 FrankLibInt N FLQH 26.20 23.28 25.10 4 25.15 25.03 +.55 +6.8 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 8 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


sFrankLibEm N FLQE 29.98 25.81 1 29.72 97 29.98 29.55 +.45 +11.7 FrankLibGl N FLQD 27.79 24.77 1 27.51 4 27.72 27.46 +.31 +7.2 FrankLbGlE N FLQG 27.70 25.00 1 27.50 4 27.64 27.41 +.32 +8.4 FrnkLInvGr N FLCO 24.55 23.88 1 24.35 21 24.52 24.35 -.20 +.7 FrankRes N BEN .80 1.9 16 44.35 30.56 4409 43.11 13471 43.35 41.65 +2.10 +8.9 FrkStPrp N FSP .76 6.3 15 13.27 10.52 375 12.13 2021 12.45 11.97 -.15 -6.4 FrkLtdDur N FTF .74 6.2 12.45 11.34 170 11.96 730 12.02 11.87 +.09 -.7sFrkUnv N FT .47 6.6 7.21 6.20 52 7.20 242 7.21 7.12 +.08 +7.8tFranksIntl N FI .30 3.3 16.82 9.04 668 9.10 4190 9.50 9.04 -.20 -26.1 FredsInc Q FRED .24 1.6 21.77 7.89 1134 14.72 4052 15.65 13.19 +1.44 -20.7 FrptMcM N FCX 17.06 9.24 21044 12.75 158597 13.79 12.21 +.52 -3.3 FrghtCar lf Q RAIL .36 2.8 7 18.03 10.87 53 13.06 743 13.56 12.88 +.25 -12.5 FreqElec Q FEIM 11.99 8.60 37 10.50 94 10.90 10.29 -.13 -2.8 FresenMd N FMS .51e 1.2 47.52 38.05 132 44.44 907 44.79 43.93 +1.72 +5.3 FDelMnt N FDP .60 1.0 13 66.86 43.20 194 61.30 1064 61.98 60.38 +1.59 +1.1sFreshpet Q FRPT 12.20 7.55 194 11.75 784 12.20 11.30 +.45 +15.8 FriedmInd N FRD .04 .6 7.29 5.00 87 6.20 513 6.60 5.86 -.09 -6.9tFrontierCm Q FTR .42 22.3 5.70 1.84 43449 1.88 153060 1.99 1.81 -.06 -44.4tFrontC pf Q FTRPR 11.13 25.1 106.07 43.84 285 44.34 690 46.54 43.00 -1.59 -37.6tFrontlne rs N FRO .10 6 10.41 6.60 845 6.65 4382 6.82 6.60 +.02 -6.5tFuelTech Q FTEK 1.80 .88 56 .87 201 .95 .85 -.04 -24.3tFuelCell rs Q FCEL 8.88 1.25 12875 1.15 16256 1.70 1.00 -.35 -34.3 FulgentG n Q FLGT 13.90 7.59 18 10.19 82 10.60 10.00 -.40 -11.9 FulingGbl n Q FORK 3.70 1.68 4 2.91 11 3.00 2.85 -.10 +16.2 FullHseR Q FLL 2.60 1.51 47 2.41 121 2.45 2.38 +.02 +.4 FullerHB N FUL .56 1.1 21 54.32 41.52 435 52.83 1415 53.50 51.26 +2.21 +9.4 FultonFncl Q FULT .44f 2.4 19 19.75 12.66 881 18.45 5353 19.50 18.40 -1.9 Functnx rs Q FNCX 1 10.20 .35 1368 .60 4167 .64 .52 +.01 -75.2 FusionTel Q FSNN 2.46 .96 27 1.61 185 1.66 1.39 +.19 +7.3 FutureFuel N FF .24a 1.6 12 16.58 9.77 87 15.46 568 15.84 14.87 +.65 +11.2 FuweiF rs Q FFHL 5.20 1.48 21 2.85 97 3.06 2.66 -.06 +55.7G -:GWilliFood Q WILC 16 6.90 3.40 7 5.86 36 6.19 5.80 -.46 +1.6 GAMCO s N GBL .08 .3 9 41.25 27.55 28 28.70 106 29.31 28.63 -.03 -7.1 GATX N GATX 1.68f 2.8 10 64.46 40.66 207 59.90 1377 62.50 59.83 -1.27 -2.7 GATX 66 N GMTA 27.19 21.55 7 25.45 93 25.80 25.23 +.23 +9.4 GCP ApT n N GCP 34.05 22.00 201 32.90 1648 33.70 32.15 +.95 +23.0 GDL Fund N GDL .64 6.4 10.15 9.55 261 9.97 740 9.97 9.85 +.12 +1.3 GDLFd pfB N GDLpB 1.50 3.0 51.40 50.20 50.52 3 50.60 50.52 -.10 +.3 GDS Hld n Q GDS 10.76 7.54 69 8.12 357 8.27 8.00 +.10 -5.6tGGP Inc N GGP .88 4.1 12 32.10 21.95 7507 21.61 34710 23.54 21.52 -1.70 -13.5 GGP Inc pfA N GGPpA 1.59 6.3 27.55 23.88 26 25.38 117 25.80 25.16 +.25 +2.3 GMAC CpT N ALLYpA 2.03 8.0 25.99 24.51 218 25.46 1109 25.53 25.44 +.01 +.2sGMS Inc n N GMS 24 36.76 19.28 162 36.16 896 36.76 35.27 +1.14 +23.5 GNC N GNC .80 10.3 4 28.11 6.51 3053 7.78 18649 8.40 7.64 -.46 -29.5 GP InvAc n Q GPIA .80 .18 30 .30 68 .31 .26 -.04 -34.2 GP InvA wt Q GPIAW 10.15 8.93 10.00 4 10.00 9.95 +.05 +.9 GP Strat N GPX 23 30.00 19.59 22 27.10 139 28.35 26.05 +1.35 -5.2 GSE Sy N GVP 18 3.85 2.03 10 3.25 79 3.50 3.25 -.25 -7.1 GSI Tech Q GSIT 9.68 3.50 40 8.03 276 8.28 7.77 +.11 +29.5tGSV Cap Q GSVC 2.76e 6.06 4.41 120 4.42 367 4.59 4.40 -.13 -12.1 GTT Comm N GTT 29.75 14.96 235 27.50 1724 29.00 27.30 -.65 -4.3 GTY Tch wt Q GTYHW 1.36 .82 75 1.20 85 1.20 1.19 +20.0 G-III s Q GIII 16 51.81 19.11 518 23.70 2725 25.00 23.54 +.11 -19.8tGTx Inc rs Q GTXI 11.19 4.18 15 4.30 47 4.40 4.01 +.04 -18.6 GW Pharm Q GWPH 137.88 74.05 115 118.73 1247 120.00 114.00 +3.97 +6.2 GWG Hldgs Q GWGH 11.56 6.15 1 10.13 13 10.59 9.90 -.40 +27.6 GabCvInc N GCV .48 9.5 5.25 4.38 24 5.03 187 5.16 4.94 +.02 +7.0 GabCv pfB N GCVpB 1.50 5.7 28.17 25.40 3 26.31 9 26.33 26.02 +.07 +2.8sGabDvInc N GDV 1.32 6.1 21.66 18.00 134 21.48 817 21.66 21.15 +.38 +7.2 GabDiv pfA N GDVpA 1.47 5.6 26.98 25.02 26.41 9 26.47 26.28 +.07 +2.9 GabDiv pfD N GDVpD 1.50 5.6 27.48 25.37 0 26.64 10 26.89 26.47 +.22 +3.3 GabelliET N GAB .64e 10.4 6.15 5.13 240 6.15 1586 6.15 6.04 +.13 +11.4 GabllE pfD N GABpD 1.47 5.6 27.09 25.05 26.25 4 26.29 26.20 +.09 +2.8 GabllE pfG N GABpG 1.25 5.1 25.79 22.17 10 24.41 25 24.60 24.10 +.07 +6.5 Gabeli pfJ N GABpJ 27.00 23.31 21 25.35 45 25.53 25.02 +.02 +5.8 GabEq pfH N GABpH 1.25 5.1 25.82 22.19 1 24.60 19 24.78 24.60 +.02 +7.7sGabGSmM N GGZ 11.86 9.84 9 11.87 88 11.89 11.49 +.44 +12.0 GabGSm pfA N GGZpA 1.36 5.4 26.23 23.41 2 25.35 7 25.40 25.14 +.20 +5.9sGabGUtil N GLU 1.20 6.4 18.80 15.21 17 18.80 92 18.83 18.42 +.43 +11.9 GabHlthW N GRX .52 5.1 11.32 9.23 23 10.23 278 10.34 10.15 +.08 +8.4 GabHlt pfA N GRXpA 1.44 5.6 26.92 25.00 0 25.62 5 25.70 25.55 +.06 +1.6sGabMultT N GGT .94e 11.1 8.44 6.71 65 8.47 503 8.47 8.20 +.15 +17.0sGabFood n Q FOANC 100.06 100.01 2 100.10 2 100.10 100.10 +.04 +.1 GabUtil N GUT .60 9.0 7.04 6.05 62 6.70 386 6.74 6.65 -.01 +6.3 GabUt pfA N GUTpA 1.41 5.5 26.65 24.41 0 25.58 3 25.58 25.34 +.32 +1.5tGasa rs N GFA 24.53 9.75 124 11.38 1926 16.89 9.75 -5.23 Gaiam A Q GAIA 12.40 5.84 76 10.95 300 11.55 10.65 -.30 +26.6 Gain Cap N GCAP .24f 3.4 30 8.75 4.54 140 7.09 803 7.43 7.07 +.02 +7.8 Galapag n Q GLPG 94.88 44.35 135 86.86 1530 87.90 85.10 +1.02 +35.3 GalectinTh Q GALT 3.68 .49 229 3.06 2009 3.37 3.04 -.03 +212.2 GalenaBi rs Q GALE 49.80 .53 568 .59 4995 .66 .56 +.01 -69.6 Gallaghr N AJG 1.56f 2.8 22 57.82 43.90 1106 55.81 4446 56.99 55.25 +.20 +7.4 GalmedPh Q GLMD 3 6.49 2.78 14 5.18 112 5.29 4.84 +.10 +47.6 GamGldNR N GGN .84 14.6 7.14 5.07 408 5.75 2959 5.76 5.63 -.01 +8.5 GamGld pfB N GGNpB 1.25 5.2 25.59 21.74 3 24.00 23 24.09 23.65 -.07 +3.9 GamNRG&I N GNT .84 11.9 8.48 6.53 50 7.03 374 7.15 6.89 -.13 +5.4 GameStop N GME 1.52f 6.7 6 32.86 20.10 3075 22.69 12415 23.98 22.47 -.50 -10.2 Gam&Lsr n Q GLPI 2.48f 7.1 20 35.98 29.32 1637 34.80 6389 35.13 34.18 +.21 +13.7 GamngPtrs Q GPIC .12e 14 12.34 8.53 1 9.99 6 10.01 9.13 -.11 -15.5 Gannett n N GCI .64 7.7 6 16.91 7.30 1535 8.36 7446 9.53 8.33 -.55 -13.9 Gap N GPS .92 3.5 15 30.74 17.00 3948 26.20 21854 26.72 25.60 +.59 +16.8 Garmin Q GRMN 2.04 4.0 17 56.19 39.24 1219 50.84 6271 51.34 49.63 +.89 +4.8 GarrisnCap Q GARS 1.12m 11.5 9 10.98 8.75 38 9.78 227 9.82 9.59 +.08 +4.6sGartner N IT 43 114.72 84.54 449 114.09 2380 114.72 112.65 +1.51 +12.9 GasNatural N EGAS .30 2.4 52 12.85 6.83 51 12.50 136 12.60 12.45 -.05 -.4 GasLogLP N GLOP 1.96f 8.2 11 24.85 17.26 135 23.85 642 24.70 23.75 +.05 +16.1 GasLog N GLOG .56 4.0 17.85 11.08 694 14.00 3110 14.70 13.65 +.50 -13.0 GasLog pfA N GLOGpA 2.19 8.4 26.99 22.95 6 26.06 38 26.06 25.57 +.35 +3.7 GastarExp N GST 2.21 .80 1525 1.31 6651 1.42 1.24 -.05 -15.5 Gastar pfA N GSTpA 2.16 10.9 22.70 3.95 3 19.88 82 20.04 19.20 -.00 +9.6 Gastar pfB N GSTpB 2.69 11.8 25.05 3.28 6 22.75 29 23.30 22.00 -.10 +30.9 GazitGlobe N GZT .37e 3.7 10.97 8.30 8 10.14 26 10.40 10.02 -.12 +17.4 GeeGroup N JOB 7.00 3.61 2 5.98 21 6.06 5.75 -.02 +38.0 Gemphire n Q GEMP 13.98 7.25 37 10.98 325 11.15 10.50 +.07 +40.1 GencoSh rs N GNK 14.99 3.62 58 11.52 335 12.67 11.20 -.03 +56.1sGencor s Q GENC 39 17.15 9.27 28 16.60 198 17.15 16.20 +.60 +5.7 Generac N GNRC 1 44.84 32.34 659 35.17 2392 37.68 34.82 -.82 -13.7sGAInv N GAM 1.15e 1.0 34.17 25.80 9 34.13 172 34.20 33.79 +.55 +9.5 GAInv pfB N GAMpB 1.49 5.6 27.47 25.36 18 26.60 32 26.60 26.35 +.21 +3.2 GnCable N BGC .72 4.0 30 20.80 11.65 339 18.00 2255 19.18 17.18 +1.00 -5.5sGenComm Q GNCMA 38.32 12.26 226 37.44 1295 38.32 36.38 +1.18 +92.5sGenDynam N GD 3.36f 1.7 20 196.97 132.68 1179 193.79 7476 196.97 190.41 +4.85 +12.2 GenElec N GE .96 3.3 20 33.00 28.19 21837 28.99 179931 29.93 28.93 -.56 -8.3 GECap5-53 N GEK 1.18 4.6 27.14 23.20 51 25.38 313 25.61 25.30 -.19 +3.3 GECap 1-53 N GEH 1.22 4.8 27.60 23.98 12 25.51 119 25.93 25.45 -.13 +3.9 GEC 10-52 N GEB 1.22 4.8 27.04 24.13 39 25.22 197 25.42 25.15 -.10 +2.6 GenFin Q GFN 5.90 3.99 9 5.20 19 5.20 4.95 +.20 -6.3sGenFin pfC Q GFNCP 9.20 9.6 99.99 75.00 1 95.47 6 99.99 95.42 +1.84 +4.3 GenFin 21 Q GFNSL 2.03 8.0 26.28 21.50 25.36 10 25.72 25.25 -.24 +4.7 GenMills N GIS 1.92 3.3 19 72.95 57.14 3173 57.51 13072 58.36 57.14 -.22 -6.9 GenMoly N GMO .72 .21 21 .37 233 .38 .35 +.00 +47.2 GenMotors N GM 1.52 4.4 6 38.55 27.34 14269 34.64 67961 35.29 33.63 +.89 -.6 GMot wtB N GM/WSB 20.43 10.00 31 17.09 228 17.55 16.25 +.81 -.4 Gener8M n N GNRT 4 8.75 3.52 859 5.37 2698 5.83 5.30 +.03 +19.9 Gensco N GCO 12 74.21 47.66 565 53.30 2423 54.55 51.88 +.15 -14.2 GenesWyo N GWR 22 80.73 52.21 445 67.76 2768 69.45 67.42 +.57 -2.4 GenesisEn N GEL 2.88f 9.2 8 40.90 30.01 256 31.34 2522 32.84 31.22 +.17 -13.0 GenesisHlt N GEN .12p 4.75 1.38 146 2.42 636 2.45 2.30 +.12 -43.1 GeneticT rs Q GENE 2.89 1.04 1059 1.22 1537 1.27 1.12 +.09 +13.0sGenieEn n N GNE .24 3.0 8.31 5.07 81 7.95 664 8.31 7.66 -.12 +38.3 GenieE pfA N GNEpA .64 8.1 8.40 7.06 4 7.85 34 7.89 7.75 +.06 +5.2 GeniusBr n Q GNUS 7.99 3.63 7 4.98 179 5.01 4.62 +.15 -7.9 GenMark Q GNMK 13.62 5.13 162 12.82 845 13.19 12.43 +.32 +4.7sGenoceaB Q GNCA 7.29 3.28 165 6.39 1670 7.29 6.10 -.34 +55.1 Genomic Q GHDX 33.96 23.57 84 32.86 437 33.30 31.28 +1.71 +11.8 Genpact N G .24p 17 28.47 22.58 528 24.42 3158 24.85 24.21 +.20 +.3 Gentex Q GNTX .36 1.7 16 22.12 14.66 1281 20.65 10115 20.89 20.11 +.65 +4.9 Gentherm Q THRM 18 44.62 26.60 349 37.15 1530 39.24 35.40 +1.85 +9.7 GenuPrt N GPC 2.70 2.9 20 105.97 86.61 1530 92.02 4515 94.59 91.18 -1.09 -3.7 GenVec rs Q GNVC 2 14.00 2.70 27 6.31 150 6.92 6.07 +.09 +96.6 Genworth N GNW .44p 5.27 2.26 2911 4.04 15400 4.17 4.03 -.03 +6.0sGeoGrp s N GEO 1.88 5.6 22 34.32 10.84 1066 33.32 3591 34.32 33.04 +.61 sGeoGrp N GEO/O 2.80f 5.7 21 49.82 16.26 49.20 844 49.82 49.20 +.13 +36.9 GeoPark N GPRK 8.00 1.90 56 7.10 630 7.33 6.61 +.50 +64.7 GeorgeBcp Q GTWN .20 .8 34 26.00 19.54 25.88 3 25.95 25.85 -.03 +.1 GaPw pfA N GPEpA 1.53 5.5 31.47 25.10 2 27.92 15 28.19 27.74 +.15 +9.1 GeospcT hs Q GEOS 24.37 13.80 37 16.54 198 17.04 15.32 +1.26 -18.8 Gerdau N GGB .02e .7 4.39 1.50 4417 3.05 26571 3.13 2.96 +.03 -2.9 GerABcp s Q GABC .52 1.6 19 36.31 20.23 43 32.88 283 35.79 32.68 +.09 -6.3sGerNew N GF 1.23e .5 15.77 12.45 10 15.64 157 15.77 15.01 +.83 +19.7 GeronCp Q GERN 3.35 1.81 1576 2.56 10260 2.72 2.38 +.18 +23.7 GettyRlty N GTY 1.12 4.4 15 26.71 19.44 168 25.60 562 26.70 25.55 -.95 +.4 Gevo rs Q GEVO 27.20 .92 329 1.04 1761 1.10 1.01 -.01 -69.9 Gibraltar Q ROCK 30 48.05 24.12 198 39.25 859 39.56 37.50 +.95 -5.8 GigaTron h Q GIGA 1.45 .60 64 .85 285 .85 .80 +.06 +9.8 GigaMda rs Q GIGM 3.64 2.31 4 2.91 66 3.00 2.85 -.06 -.2 Gigamon N GIMO 21 61.25 28.43 5778 31.70 10448 37.94 29.95 -5.70 -30.4 GilatSatell Q GILT 6.19 4.05 1 5.07 38 5.23 5.05 -.11 +1.2 Gildan s N GIL .38f 1.3 18 32.20 23.55 478 28.04 3256 28.15 27.61 +.37 +10.5 GileadSci Q GILD 2.08f 3.0 7 103.10 65.38 5894 68.55 45832 68.96 65.71 +2.62 -4.3 GlacierBc Q GBCI .84f 2.5 21 38.17 24.55 258 33.78 1695 35.66 33.77 -.04 -6.8 GladstnCap Q GLAD .84 8.6 12 9.92 6.80 214 9.82 648 9.90 9.55 +.24 +4.6 Gladstne 21 Q GLADO 1.69 6.6 26.05 24.65 18 25.43 22 25.63 25.38 -.12 -.2 GladstnCm Q GOOD 1.50 6.7 23.35 15.92 203 22.30 1090 22.94 22.19 -.31 +10.9 GladCm pfA Q GOODP 1.94 7.3 26.45 25.01 4 26.45 8 26.45 25.88 +.39 +3.8 Gladstn pfB Q GOODO 1.88 7.3 25.76 25.00 1 25.75 4 25.76 25.46 +.12 +2.6 GladCm pfD Q GOODM 1.75 6.8 26.99 23.00 9 25.70 20 25.94 25.44 +.13 +1.8sGladstInv Q GAIN .75 7.7 14 9.79 6.65 154 9.68 750 9.84 9.50 +.21 +14.4 GladInv pfB Q GAINO 1.69 6.6 26.52 24.86 4 25.60 8 25.74 25.60 -.05 -.8 GladInv pfC Q GAINN 1.63 6.3 29.00 24.02 0 25.82 3 25.88 25.55 +.27 +1.8 GldsInv pf D Q GAINM 1.56 6.1 25.80 25.00 1 25.48 21 25.52 25.30 +.09 +.7 GladstLnd Q LAND .52f 4.6 36 12.89 9.51 24 11.13 167 11.32 11.01 -.09 -1.0 GladLnd pfA Q LANDP 1.59 6.2 27.05 24.62 1 25.71 18 25.88 25.51 -.14 +1.1 GlassBr rs N GLA 18.10 3.85 29 4.66 56 4.78 4.52 +.21 Glatfelter N GLT .52f 2.4 16 25.59 17.50 123 21.51 762 22.53 20.74 +.94 -10.0 Glaukos n N GKOS 52.49 19.29 216 47.53 1337 47.91 45.19 +1.90 +38.6 GlaxoSKln N GSK 2.89e 7.1 45.58 37.20 2290 40.90 16076 41.75 40.45 +.12 +6.2 GlenBurnie Q GLBZ .40 3.4 29 12.55 9.85 5 11.75 6 11.75 11.57 +.35 +2.2 GblBldT n Q GBT 41.15 13.35 427 28.95 2840 31.45 28.30 -.05 +100.3 GblBrCopp N BRSS .15 .4 17 39.85 22.75 165 35.65 567 35.80 33.85 +2.40 +3.9 GlblBrkge Q GLBR 12.90 1.45 47 2.10 89 2.20 2.00 -70.2 GblEagEnt Q ENT 9.73 2.76 506 3.10 3863 3.24 2.93 +.13 -52.0sGlbIndem Q GBLI 25 41.08 20.96 3 40.55 49 41.08 39.66 +.79 +6.1 GlbIndm 45 Q GBLIZ 1.94 7.7 26.48 23.14 6 25.17 40 25.69 25.11 -.39 +1.5sGlbIndem 47 Q GBLIL 1.97 7.8 25.40 24.65 108 25.10 602 25.40 24.92 +.18 +1.1 GlbMed n N GMRE .20p 11.38 6.73 158 9.27 967 10.08 9.15 -.46 +3.9 GlobNetL n N GNL .94 4.0 38 25.25 6.92 339 23.63 1794 24.35 23.54 -.52 +201.8 GblPAc wt Q GPACW .65 .14 .35 38 .35 .30 +.02 GlobPtrs N GLP 1.85 9.9 21.95 12.28 46 18.65 917 19.20 17.60 +.20 -4.1sGlobPay s N GPN .04 34 82.37 64.63 1693 81.76 6142 82.37 80.79 +.90 +17.8 GlSlfStor n Q SELF .26 5.3 5.96 4.26 9 4.95 39 4.98 4.85 +.01 +3.8 GlbShipLs N GSL .40 30.5 4.50 1.10 127 1.31 386 1.37 1.28 -.06 -12.7 GlbShip pfB N GSLpB 2.19 10.5 22.00 12.42 5 20.89 24 21.11 20.72 +.17 +2.5 GlblSrcs Q GSOL 11 9.48 7.79 18 9.20 91 9.20 9.00 +.20 +4.0sGlWatRs n Q GWRS .27 3.0 9.36 6.23 10 9.14 125 9.36 8.86 +.24 +.4 GlbXNordic N GXF .85e 4.0 21.81 18.40 1 21.44 33 21.45 20.97 +1.15 +13.0 GbXSpDvE N SDEM .63e 19.63 12.44 19 15.88 73 15.96 15.77 +.29 +8.0 GbXSpdvRE Q SRET 1.24 8.1 15.85 13.70 24 15.24 130 15.42 15.17 +6.3 GbXUSRota N SCTO .12p 25.16 22.74 25.06 6 25.06 24.86 +.32 +4.5sGblXEffic N EFFE .16p 25.55 23.04 25.55 4 25.55 25.22 +.47 +3.6sGblXPortgl N PGAL .23p 10.58 8.77 11 10.39 83 10.58 10.37 +.33 +11.6 GblXColum N GXG .41e 4.4 10.18 8.19 129 9.38 927 9.62 9.24 -.12 +2.9 GblXEmFtr N EMFM .40e 1.9 21.90 18.15 2 21.02 7 21.16 20.75 +.13 +13.9 GbXMLP&E N MLPX .60 4.1 15.54 11.94 72 14.47 369 14.80 14.44 -.03 -2.6 GblXChMat N CHIM .21e 1.3 17.96 11.70 1 16.40 3 16.78 16.36 -.27 +20.4 GblXArg N ARGT .09e .3 29.20 19.77 40 28.68 282 29.08 28.51 +.02 +24.4 GblXSDvUS N DIV 1.93 7.5 25.90 23.36 100 25.57 483 25.79 25.36 +.21 +3.4 GblXJrMlp N MLPJ .96e 11.3 9.46 7.37 4 8.46 30 8.64 8.45 +.06 -1.8 GXSupInPf N SPFF .99 7.6 13.98 12.51 73 13.01 373 13.05 12.96 +.05 +1.6 sGblXGuru N GURU .28e 1.1 26.48 20.86 2 26.37 40 26.48 26.10 +.47 +9.7 GbXGreece N GREK .13e 1.5 9.06 6.37 638 8.57 2622 8.60 8.09 +.65 +10.0sGblXChCon N CHIQ .26e 1.9 13.58 10.11 2 13.48 63 13.58 13.34 +.13 +20.4sGblXSocM Q SOCL 26.44 18.25 68 26.56 221 26.59 25.44 +1.32 +22.8 GblX MLP N MLPA .90e 7.8 12.13 10.30 205 11.55 1337 11.65 11.46 +.07 -.2 GblXFertil N SOIL .25e 2.7 9.87 7.99 1 9.29 20 9.36 9.15 +.28 +3.5 GblXSupDv N SDIV 1.42e 6.3 21.90 19.68 160 21.64 950 21.80 21.54 +.07 +4.0 GlbXChiFn N CHIX .16e 1.1 15.01 11.15 30 14.57 89 14.62 14.26 +.36 +13.7 GbXSEAsia N ASEA .42e 2.9 14.68 12.64 5 14.42 14 14.58 14.31 +.22 +12.7 GblXAndean N AND .20e 2.3 9.06 7.17 2 8.61 36 8.90 8.61 -.10 +9.8 GblXPakist N PAK 18.36 13.67 35 17.80 137 18.00 17.78 +.12 +1.7 GblXNorway N NORW .83e 7.4 11.91 9.52 54 11.21 358 11.30 11.14 +.31 +1.5 GlXBrazMC N BRAZ .37e 3.7 10.53 7.24 9.95 3 10.01 9.82 +.08 +11.8 GbXNsChiT Q QQQC .07e .3 24.60 18.88 0 23.44 20 23.50 22.93 +.54 +10.5sGblXScUS n N SCIU 28.24 24.29 1 28.05 42 28.24 27.97 +.29 +6.3sGblXScEu n N SCID 25.41 20.66 2 25.45 4 25.50 25.08 +1.17 +14.7 GblXScAs n N SCIX 24.54 20.94 0 23.71 3 23.84 23.71 +.12 +12.4 GbXNigeria N NGE .31e 1.9 16.43 3.79 7 16.09 103 16.38 15.69 +.30 +277.7 GbX US Inf N PAVE 15.89 14.01 18 14.68 155 14.93 14.63 +.21 -.5sGblFound n N BOSS 15.52 14.77 4 15.52 5 15.52 15.40 +.33 +2.5 GblX SupDv Q EFAS 17.75 14.69 1 16.90 3 16.97 16.86 +.43 +7.6sGblXYldco Q YLCO .58a 4.9 11.89 10.09 122 11.81 162 11.94 11.61 +.18 +8.8sGblX Rob n Q BOTZ 17.78 14.69 318 17.96 741 17.96 17.36 +.73 +19.7sGlbXCon ef Q KRMA 17.18 14.88 1 17.08 14 17.18 16.97 +.23 +6.8sGblXMilTh Q MILN 17.29 14.40 4 17.21 24 17.37 16.83 +.44 +10.2sGbX Longv Q LNGR 17.65 14.91 0 17.62 3 17.65 17.41 +.55 +14.9sGlX Intrn n Q SNSR 18.22 14.49 54 18.08 224 18.24 17.83 +.49 +15.8 GblXSupdiv Q ALTY 1.25 7.9 16.58 14.05 6 15.78 25 15.95 15.58 +.26 +6.1sGlX Fintc n Q FINX 17.18 14.53 5 17.10 20 17.19 16.76 +.56 +16.7 GlbXCop rs N COPX 26.47 14.03 100 21.39 221 21.76 20.28 +.23 +6.9 GlbXSilv rs N SIL 54.34 30.50 80 34.90 574 35.76 33.87 -1.03 +8.7 GlbXLith rs N LIT 29.17 22.50 54 28.69 326 28.94 28.56 +.33 +17.7 GbX Gold rs N GOEX 45.90 18.23 25 22.12 126 23.26 21.46 -1.43 +6.9 GbXUran rs N URA 19.33 11.68 1174 13.16 3996 14.70 13.15 -1.50 +2.3sGlXCatholc Q CATH 29.27 23.95 9 29.06 80 29.27 28.94 +.39 +7.1 GlblScape N GSB .06 1.5 23 4.34 3.20 99 4.05 260 4.30 3.98 +.04 -.5 Globalstar N GSAT 17 3.00 .63 4138 1.91 45060 2.06 1.76 +.15 +20.9 GlobantSA N GLOB 47.19 30.90 291 37.89 1107 37.94 35.01 +2.93 +13.6 GlobusM rs Q GLBS 23.60 1.14 788 2.24 8680 3.73 2.11 -.71 -45.1 GlobusMed N GMED 28 31.27 19.25 865 30.33 3425 31.19 30.07 -.57 +22.2 Glowpoint N GLOW .47 .14 19 .30 125 .31 .27 +12.8 GluMobile Q GLUU 2.95 1.73 3745 2.31 20643 2.39 2.24 +19.1 GlycoMim Q GLYC 9.25 4.07 29 4.30 276 4.81 4.24 -.21 -29.5sGoDaddy n N GDDY 39.49 28.11 880 38.92 3943 39.49 37.79 +1.30 +11.4 Gogo Q GOGO 13.28 7.80 581 12.61 5091 13.07 12.27 +.27 +36.8 GolLinhs rs N GOL 33.46 6.00 87 31.42 473 32.84 30.50 +.23 +130.7 GolLNGLtd Q GLNG .20 .8 29.18 14.32 537 25.51 4586 27.15 25.25 -.22 +11.2 GolLNGPt Q GMLP 2.31 10.1 25.82 15.55 244 22.83 1121 22.96 22.35 +.35 -5.0 GoldFLtd N GFI .02e .6 6.60 2.60 9306 3.25 56814 3.68 3.22 -.59 +8.0 GoldResrc N GORO .02m .6 8.22 2.82 772 3.30 5250 3.74 3.29 -.47 -24.1 GoldStdV g N GSV 3.20 1.15 814 1.70 5313 1.90 1.68 -.19 -20.2 Goldcrp g N GG .24 1.7 20.38 11.91 11284 13.96 59395 14.96 13.61 -1.19 +2.6sGoldenEnt Q GDEN 20 15.08 8.65 49 14.04 160 15.08 13.92 +.17 +15.9 GoldenMin N AUMN 1.16 .31 47 .54 620 .54 .50 +.00 -6.9 GoldenOc rs Q GOGL 9.05 3.10 495 7.62 2177 7.97 7.52 +.22 +61.8 GoldStr g N GSS 1.13 .47 2249 .72 12824 .75 .69 -.03 -3.6 GldFld N GV 11 8.65 1.94 374 5.45 2471 6.08 5.25 +.10 +6.9 GoldmS pfI N GSpI 1.49 5.8 26.61 24.61 41 25.71 332 26.02 25.61 -.18 +1.8 GoldS pfJ N GSpJ 1.38 5.1 27.64 24.50 187 26.96 405 27.04 26.82 +.06 +6.3 GS BDC n N GSBD 1.80 7.2 25 25.60 19.30 102 25.00 496 25.14 24.64 +.17 +6.3sGS ActbtInt N GSIE 26.92 22.36 55 26.84 431 26.92 26.64 +.69 +10.2 GS ActEM N GEM 30.72 24.49 45 30.58 1954 30.69 30.30 +.58 +14.3 GS ActEur N GSEU .60e 32.03 23.23 9 28.67 18 28.85 28.30 +1.09 +11.8 GS ActJpn N GSIY 29.27 25.79 1 29.14 18 29.26 29.07 +.21 +6.8 GS ActLgC N GSLC 47.66 40.26 77 47.32 666 47.60 47.06 +.64 +6.7sGS Indus n N GVIP 46.81 39.08 3 46.66 18 47.03 46.08 +1.03 +10.3 GSCI37 N GSC 23.85 19.88 21.25 7 21.50 21.24 -1.29 -8.8 GoldmanS N GS 2.60 1.2 12 255.15 138.20 2912 223.80 18661 229.36 220.30 +6.94 -6.5 GoldS pfK N GSpK 1.59 5.6 29.74 25.69 28 28.58 164 28.59 27.39 +.19 +5.3 GoldS pfN N GSpN 28.30 25.11 84 26.97 275 27.03 26.75 +.05 +3.4 GoldS pfB N GSpB 1.55 5.8 26.99 25.01 48 26.78 326 26.85 26.65 +.01 +5.3 GoldS pfC N GSpC 1.02 4.4 24.32 20.78 13 23.33 81 23.50 23.21 -.02 +7.2sGoldS pfA N GSpA .96 4.0 24.07 19.77 50 23.94 279 24.07 23.71 +.06 +8.4 GoldS pfD N GSpD 1.02 4.5 23.65 20.08 86 22.93 416 23.23 22.87 -.27 +5.1 GS MLPEn N GER .64 8.0 8.90 6.26 255 8.04 1494 8.18 7.85 +.21 +11.8 GS MLPInc N GMZ 1.38 13.1 11.58 8.52 187 10.54 851 10.67 10.39 +.15 +8.4sGolubCap Q GBDC 1.28a 6.3 16 20.36 16.70 343 20.31 1007 20.36 20.17 +.13 +10.4 GoodTimes Q GTIM 4.48 2.75 25 3.40 143 3.40 3.15 +.25 +7.9tGoodrPet n N GDP 15.50 13.00 31 13.50 102 14.22 12.75 -.51 -12.1 Goodyear Q GT .40 1.1 11 37.20 24.31 4069 36.23 14470 36.74 34.82 +.98 +17.4 GoPro Q GPRO 17.68 7.15 10325 8.25 26730 9.40 8.20 -.62 -5.3 GoresHl wt Q GSHTW 1.30 1.00 20 1.20 32 1.22 1.20 -.02 +14.3 GormanR N GRC .46 1.6 30 34.45 22.30 70 28.62 230 30.75 28.19 -.32 -7.5 GovPrpIT Q GOV 1.72 8.1 24.61 17.66 666 21.32 3184 22.20 21.10 -.72 +11.8 GovPrpIT46 Q GOVNI 1.47 5.8 26.38 22.20 25 25.30 238 25.30 25.15 +.23 +7.3 vjGrace N GRA .84 1.2 28 80.56 63.37 544 69.72 3296 71.39 69.35 +.70 +3.1sGraco N GGG 1.44f 1.3 30 108.81 69.33 572 107.85 3052 108.97 96.22 +12.14 +29.8 GrahamCp N GHM .36 1.6 15 25.00 17.11 14 22.07 130 23.28 22.02 -.12 -.4sGrahamH s N GHC 5.08 .8 22 615.85 440.55 18 601.70 80 615.85 598.25 -2.60 +17.5tGraingr N GWW 5.12f 2.7 17 262.72 190.38 1205 192.70 5694 197.69 190.38 -2.45 -17.0 Grmrcy pfA N GPTpA 1.78 6.7 28.78 25.61 1 26.51 15 26.58 26.47 -.02 +.1 GrmPrTr rs N GPT .38 30.09 24.09 1208 27.79 8308 28.74 27.58 -.60 +.9 GranTrra g N GTE 3.49 2.40 1398 2.52 8558 2.59 2.47 -.01 -16.6 GranaMon N GRAM .25e 7.4 8.96 2.16 314 3.37 1597 3.95 3.30 -.47 -52.9sGrCanyEd Q LOPE 23 76.08 37.94 233 75.16 1655 76.08 74.72 +.73 +28.6 GraniteC N GVA .52 1.0 43 62.18 40.16 333 52.71 1353 54.63 52.36 +1.03 -4.2 GraniteRE N GRP/U 2.30 36.90 29.12 9 35.96 30 36.46 35.37 -.15 +7.5 GraphPkg N GPK .30 2.2 19 14.70 11.95 2942 13.58 30194 14.18 13.41 +.04 +8.8 Gravity rs Q GRVY 39.00 3.10 155 18.16 480 22.80 17.53 -.56 +72.1sGrayTelev N GTN 13 15.45 7.00 994 14.65 3898 15.45 14.40 +35.0 GrayTvA N GTN/A 20 14.05 7.05 3 13.05 5 13.50 12.50 +25.5 GrtAjax n N AJX 1.12f 8.2 8 14.48 12.61 54 13.60 413 13.79 13.42 +.23 +2.5 GrElmCp n Q GECC 1.00e 8.9 12.37 10.35 33 11.29 187 11.32 11.26 +.06 -3.3 GrtElm 20 Q FULLL 2.06 8.0 26.25 25.08 4 25.68 5 25.69 25.53 +.13 +1.1 GrElm hn Q GEC 4.10 2.95 68 3.65 331 3.70 3.40 +.25 -2.7 GrLkDrge Q GLDD 5.45 3.05 106 4.55 701 4.85 4.50 +.10 +8.3 GtPanSilv g N GPL 2.28 1.14 1727 1.26 8447 1.34 1.16 -.08 -24.1 GtPlainEn N GXP 1.10 3.7 18 32.24 25.85 1734 29.59 16280 29.79 29.24 +.05 +8.2 GrtPl pfB N GXPpB 1.75 3.2 55.34 48.64 55 54.10 450 55.24 53.69 +.20 +6.9 GrtSoBc Q GSBC .88 1.8 15 56.70 34.48 23 50.15 181 53.65 50.05 -.15 -8.2sGrtWstBcp N GWB .80f 1.9 18 45.62 29.31 506 41.20 1753 45.62 41.17 -1.36 -5.5sGreenBncp Q GNBC 18.28 7.05 698 18.00 1172 18.35 16.55 +1.65 +18.4 GreenBrick Q GRBK 21 10.85 6.57 30 10.30 242 10.60 9.90 +.35 +2.5sGreenDot N GDOT 35.12 20.79 192 34.29 1373 35.12 34.08 +.58 +45.6 GreenPlns Q GPRE .48 2.1 92 29.85 14.46 1044 23.00 4109 24.20 22.40 +.10 -17.4 GrnP LP n Q GPP 1.76f 8.8 21.75 13.40 44 20.10 489 20.25 19.85 +.15 +1.5 GreenbCos N GBX .84f 1.9 13 49.50 25.90 310 43.45 2624 45.50 43.35 -1.00 +4.6 GrCB NY s Q GCBC .38 1.5 20 25.30 15.40 1 24.75 9 25.25 23.70 -.55 +8.1 Greenhill N GHL 1.80 7.1 13 32.45 15.62 1370 25.30 3265 29.05 24.50 -2.50 -8.7 Greenlight Q GLRE 14 24.10 18.79 89 21.55 653 22.35 21.50 -.45 -5.5 Greif A N GEF 1.68 2.9 24 60.55 33.03 213 58.62 939 59.66 56.93 +2.19 +14.2 Greif B N GEF/B 2.51e 3.7 22 74.35 44.23 6 67.35 42 69.60 65.55 +1.50 -.3 GrdsmHld n Q GSUM 18.29 9.90 74 12.27 262 12.54 12.02 +.01 +20.4 Griffin Q GRIF .30f 1.0 33.32 25.07 1 30.27 19 32.10 30.06 -1.86 -4.6 Griffon N GFF .24 1.0 29 27.15 15.45 102 24.00 553 25.15 23.80 +.40 -8.4sGrifolsSA s Q GRFS .55e 2.5 21.27 14.27 1282 21.71 3611 21.77 20.24 +1.76 +35.1 Group1 N GPI .96f 1.4 9 83.18 47.31 449 68.95 1239 75.66 68.67 -1.16 -11.5 Groupon Q GRPN 5.94 2.92 7638 3.92 38606 4.05 3.73 +.04 +18.1sGrubHub N GRUB 65 44.58 21.41 7860 42.98 29985 45.09 34.49 +8.37 +14.2 GAeroPac N PAC 2.78e 2.7 108.24 72.52 111 102.89 479 102.99 98.62 +2.47 +24.7 GpAeroCN Q OMAB 1.60e 3.6 53.58 30.05 82 44.36 358 45.10 43.57 +.39 +28.4sGpoASur N ASR 3.31e 190.63 131.72 59 189.40 380 190.63 181.83 +6.54 +31.6 GpoAvalAc N AVAL .40 5.0 9.04 7.18 64 7.98 740 8.27 7.86 -.10 +.5 GrpoFin Q GGAL .08e .2 40.41 23.23 170 39.07 1555 40.23 38.97 -.06 +45.1 GpFnSnMx N BSMX .30e 3.3 10.13 6.73 1178 9.11 7283 9.51 8.97 +.05 +26.7 GpoSimec N SIM 15.20 6.53 4 11.12 22 11.69 10.69 -.38 -22.5 GpSuprvi n N SUPV 17.43 10.00 94 16.99 593 17.30 16.62 -.02 +29.3 GpTelevisa N TV 29.17 19.69 2017 24.30 14296 26.40 23.64 -.84 +16.3 GuangRy N GSH .62e 2.3 33.18 22.00 7 27.10 28 30.38 27.00 -3.30 -10.6 GuarntyBc Q GBNK .50f 2.0 21 27.30 15.67 125 25.15 954 26.30 25.06 -.50 +3.9 GuarFBc Q GFED .40 2.0 16 21.95 15.55 3 20.49 11 20.73 19.80 +.69 -3.3 Guess N GES .90 8.1 31 18.68 10.29 737 11.16 4057 11.66 11.09 -.14 -7.8 GuggBAB N GBAB 1.66 7.2 24.75 18.84 44 22.93 196 22.96 22.26 +.53 +7.1 GugCrdAllo N GGM 2.18 9.3 23.88 19.14 25 23.37 101 23.48 23.10 +.29 +4.6 GuggChina N YAO .87e 3.1 28.43 21.79 1 27.81 12 28.14 27.51 +.24 +14.4 GugSPEW N RSP 1.31e 1.4 92.53 75.79 535 91.42 3211 92.34 91.16 +.92 +5.5sGugRus50 N XLG 3.03e 1.8 169.87 140.88 5 168.85 65 169.92 167.41 +3.08 +7.2 GugSPVal N RPV 1.18e 2.0 61.67 47.72 69 58.87 508 59.54 58.74 +.71 +2.2sGugSPGth N RPG .59e .6 92.02 76.35 56 91.42 350 92.02 90.65 +1.55 +9.4 GugS&P100 N OEW 32.61 25.53 29.48 2 29.48 29.17 +.53 +4.6 GuEqWREst N EWRE .27e 29.00 24.54 4 26.83 19 27.60 26.77 -.70 +2.0 GugMCVal N RFV .86e 1.4 65.03 48.26 11 62.12 51 63.56 62.12 +.31 +.6sGugEMk EW N EWEM .64e 2.1 31.00 26.45 1 30.96 3 31.00 30.87 +.51 +11.1 GugMC400E N EWMC 60.61 47.56 7 59.48 25 60.46 59.48 +.43 +3.3 GugSC600E N EWSC 51.38 38.94 1 50.04 5 50.92 49.58 +.87 +.2sGugMCGth N RFG .75e .5 139.05 113.86 4 138.03 30 139.37 136.54 +1.99 +7.1 GugSCVal N RZV .67e 1.0 77.26 53.30 15 67.96 56 69.86 67.73 +.76 -6.9 GugTotRet N GTO 52.94 50.33 44 51.91 82 51.94 51.62 +.04 +2.6 GugUtil N RYU 3.00e 3.5 88.42 75.41 263 85.07 289 85.88 84.86 -.05 +5.3sGugSCGth N RZG .56e .5 103.65 76.91 14 102.05 63 103.65 101.20 +1.90 +5.7sGugTech N RYT 1.09e .9 123.43 88.27 476 122.95 772 123.43 121.96 +2.14 +13.3 RydxMatls N RTM 1.19e 1.2 98.04 79.18 3 96.68 141 97.81 95.65 +1.68 +6.1 GugIndls N RGI .84e .8 107.78 82.94 221 105.16 259 106.59 105.07 +.85 +6.1sGugHlthC N RYH .75e .5 163.51 140.98 13 164.05 72 164.05 160.29 +5.32 +12.4 GugFncl N RYF .93e 2.5 45.75 30.52 1621 37.56 1791 38.39 37.56 +.38 +2.0 GugEngy N RYE .79e 1.4 68.00 51.02 46 56.30 368 58.71 55.82 -.64 -12.0 GugConStp N RHS 2.05e 1.6 130.44 115.09 195 126.23 273 127.34 125.67 +.34 +5.7sGugCnsDis N RCD 1.12e 1.2 94.69 79.28 1 93.67 18 94.69 92.73 +1.51 +6.1 GugEnhEq N GPM .96 11.5 8.68 7.09 121 8.37 760 8.46 8.22 +.18 +4.6sGugChinTc N CQQQ .64e 1.5 44.36 31.82 8 43.97 107 44.36 42.97 +1.28 +24.7sGugWater N CGW .45e 1.4 32.33 27.93 36 32.11 271 32.33 31.85 +.62 +12.9 GugCdnEn N ENY .49e 5.9 9.47 7.68 5 8.29 31 8.54 8.20 -.17 -8.9sGugSPHiInf N GHII 1.03e 3.7 27.95 23.68 7 27.73 31 27.95 27.56 +.33 +6.6 GugSolar N TAN .49e 2.8 23.78 16.45 88 17.50 627 17.65 17.15 +.46 +5.6 GugShippg N SEA 1.48e 12.2 12.70 10.34 36 12.09 293 12.19 11.99 +.20 +5.8sGugIntMult N HGI .59e 3.6 16.34 13.55 16.20 10 16.34 16.13 +.20 +7.4 GugFront N FRN .20e 1.5 13.21 10.78 4 13.13 68 13.17 12.95 +.15 +13.6 GugChinSC N HAO .94e 3.8 25.73 21.08 18 24.88 82 25.11 24.68 +.12 +11.6 GugChRe N TAO .97e 4.1 24.50 17.92 30 23.66 83 24.03 23.55 -.14 +21.0sGugGTimb N CUT .35e 1.3 27.68 21.27 37 27.34 111 27.68 27.26 +.45 +10.4 Gug BRIC N EEB .48e 1.5 32.48 24.39 7 31.74 37 31.84 31.47 +.68 +10.2 Gug 26CpBd N BSCQ 20.24 18.85 5 19.45 43 19.46 19.36 +.01 +1.6 Gug 24HYBd N BSJO 25.70 24.18 5 25.68 51 25.70 25.53 +.29 +2.3 GugDJIADv N DJD .02p 30.87 25.42 4 30.02 21 30.27 29.75 +.35 +3.8 GugHYBd23 N BSJN .15e 26.97 25.00 12 26.85 46 26.86 26.74 +.19 +1.8 GugCpBd25 N BSCP 22.15 19.93 5 20.52 49 20.52 20.43 +.01 +1.8sGugInsidr N NFO .72e 1.3 55.09 45.03 2 54.72 13 55.09 54.56 +.74 +11.2 GugBlt22HY N BSJM 1.27 5.0 25.46 23.54 20 25.40 178 25.45 25.23 +.23 +1.6sGugB21HY N BSJL 1.27 5.1 25.12 23.54 55 25.12 230 25.16 25.02 +.12 +1.7 GugBlt24CB N BSCO .58 2.8 21.72 20.14 28 20.70 172 20.78 20.61 -.07 +1.3 GugBlt23CB N BSCN .65 3.1 21.56 20.29 58 20.88 222 20.90 20.77 -.03 +2.0 GugBlt22CB N BSCM .58e 2.7 21.78 20.71 122 21.28 494 21.28 21.12 +.01 +1.7 GugBlt21CB N BSCL .56 2.6 21.89 20.80 86 21.28 677 21.30 21.18 +1.4sClayWilMic N WMCR .43e 1.4 31.25 23.51 2 30.83 11 31.25 30.43 +.65 +3.6sGugB20HY N BSJK 1.30e 5.2 24.79 23.12 64 24.77 1080 24.79 24.67 +.12 +2.1sGugB19HY N BSJJ 1.22e 5.0 24.60 23.31 134 24.60 905 24.61 24.53 +.14 +1.9 GugB18HY N BSJI 1.28e 4.6 25.41 24.38 148 25.34 1712 25.40 25.32 +.02 +.6 GugB17HY N BSJH 1.08e 4.0 26.02 25.55 38 25.73 1451 25.76 25.71 +.02 -.3 ClyWUSRE N WREI 1.53e 3.0 52.34 43.73 1 46.68 5 47.64 46.68 -2.04 -.5sGugMultAs N CVY 1.07e 5.1 21.04 17.93 21 20.87 315 21.04 20.77 +.17 +3.5 GugCpBd20 N BSCK .61e 2.8 21.79 21.07 101 21.43 1221 21.47 21.38 -.04 +1.1 GugBlt19CB N BSCJ .47e 2.2 21.49 21.00 157 21.22 1055 21.25 21.19 -.03 +.4 GugBlt18CB N BSCI .40e 1.8 21.39 21.11 196 21.22 1140 21.27 21.20 -.02 +.2 GugBlt17CB N BSCH .35e 1.5 22.80 22.54 96 22.61 674 22.62 22.60 sGugSpinOff N CSD 1.00e 2.1 47.64 37.17 12 46.63 83 47.64 46.48 +.44 +7.4 GugRJ SB1 N RYJ .30e .8 40.52 31.06 13 39.61 72 40.39 39.61 +.07 +3.2 GugEShDur N GSY .65e 1.3 50.26 49.88 84 50.24 548 50.26 50.23 -.01 +.2sGugMCCre N CZA .65e 1.1 59.56 48.05 24 59.03 92 59.56 58.84 +.83 +8.6sGugGlDiv N LVL .52e 4.9 10.68 8.71 5 10.56 45 10.68 10.52 +.05 +4.0sGugDefEq N DEF 1.15e 2.8 42.00 36.40 6 41.72 37 42.00 41.66 +.32 +7.2sGugStrOp N GOF 2.19 10.4 20.93 17.17 58 20.94 349 21.00 20.64 +.31 +6.6 GuidSoft h Q GUID 7.80 4.52 62 6.05 390 6.31 5.90 +.09 -14.5 Guidewire N GWRE 64.00 49.18 336 61.49 1992 62.68 59.98 +1.58 +24.7 GulfIsland Q GIFI .04 .4 13.95 6.34 87 9.95 417 10.80 9.51 -.50 -16.4 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 9 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


GulfRes Q GURE 2 2.75 1.38 41 1.83 434 1.87 1.74 +.03 -6.2 GulfportE Q GPOR 34.67 15.31 3515 15.88 18738 17.32 15.83 -.71 -26.6 Gyrodyne n Q GYRO 10.75p 22.90 18.15 0 20.53 3 20.92 20.50 -.07 +12.6H -:H&E Eqp Q HEES 1.10 5.2 20 27.54 12.72 477 21.12 2539 24.04 20.26 -1.74 -9.2 HCA Hldg N HCA 13 91.03 67.00 1428 84.21 9180 85.17 82.88 +.66 +13.8 HCI Grp N HCI 1.40f 2.9 19 50.93 24.35 89 47.69 459 48.31 45.44 +2.34 +20.8 HCP Inc N HCP 1.48 4.7 12 40.43 27.61 3576 31.35 19921 32.55 30.92 -1.15 +5.5 HD Supply Q HDS 15 44.73 30.05 1608 40.30 7560 41.07 39.79 +.38 -5.2sHDFC Bk N HDB .37e .5 81.69 59.00 925 79.61 5727 81.69 79.50 +2.31 +31.2 HECO pfU N HEpU 1.62 6.0 28.47 25.55 2 27.09 4 28.00 26.95 -.39 +5.8 HFF Inc N HF 1.80e 16 33.35 24.84 239 31.40 1777 33.05 28.09 +3.09 +3.8 HMN Fn Q HMNF 14 18.70 11.96 1 17.40 6 17.80 16.95 +.38 -.6 HMS Hldgs Q HMSY 39 24.00 14.24 270 20.47 1547 20.68 20.20 +.40 +12.7 HNI Corp N HNI 1.10 2.4 19 56.96 37.24 175 46.76 1399 48.32 45.04 +2.41 -16.4sHP Inc N HPQ .53f 2.8 12 18.83 11.31 7831 18.82 43441 18.83 18.36 +.53 +26.8sHRG Grp N HRG 20.12 12.50 1132 20.01 7537 20.12 19.61 +.48 +28.6 HSBC N HSBC 1.50e 3.6 44.18 28.62 1859 41.17 9835 41.50 40.76 +1.23 +2.5 HSBC prA N HSBCpA 1.55 6.0 27.56 25.00 35 26.02 194 26.18 25.96 -.11 +3.3 HSBC Cap N HSEA 2.03 7.5 27.93 25.81 66 27.17 370 27.20 27.02 +.07 +4.7 HSBC Cap2 N HSEB 2.00 7.4 26.95 24.99 116 26.87 480 26.94 26.73 +.13 +4.1 HSN Inc Q HSNI 1.40 3.8 15 54.77 30.75 531 36.90 3165 37.85 34.00 +.80 +7.6 HTG Mol h Q HTGM 13.25 1.20 597 5.02 3713 5.57 4.92 -.39 +124.1 HV Bcp n Q HVBC 14.58 13.08 7 14.24 24 14.24 14.00 +.23 +4.2 HabitRest Q HABT 65 20.01 13.20 262 18.90 1084 19.45 18.00 +.85 +9.6 HackettGp Q HCKT .26 1.3 26 20.69 13.06 94 19.83 640 20.18 19.40 +.45 +12.3sHaemonet N HAE 28 42.96 25.98 206 41.88 1358 42.96 41.18 +.88 +4.2 HainCels lf Q HAIN 18 56.99 32.87 867 36.99 3279 37.95 36.95 -.65 -5.2tHalconRes wt N HK/WS 3.77 1.04 1.04 4 1.20 1.04 -.18 -54.8 HalconRs n N HK 12.01 6.42 1861 6.70 10558 7.37 6.68 -.32 -28.3 HalladorE Q HNRG .16 2.4 16 10.40 3.95 49 6.69 392 7.78 6.66 -.52 -26.4 Hallibrtn N HAL .72 1.6 58.78 38.24 7082 45.88 47685 47.98 45.10 -1.18 -15.2 HallmkFn Q HALL 15 12.09 9.50 24 10.51 236 10.99 10.43 +.05 -9.6 Halozyme Q HALO 15.20 7.70 611 13.94 3660 14.09 13.30 +.66 +41.1 HalyrdHlt N HYH 20 41.84 26.05 370 39.50 1785 39.74 38.05 +1.91 +6.8 HamiltnBc Q HBK 15.60 13.30 1 15.00 3 15.25 15.00 -.05 +5.3 HamilLa n Q HLNE 19.66 17.32 83 18.72 330 19.00 18.28 +.26 +3.9 HancHld Q HBHC .96 2.1 20 49.50 23.78 426 46.70 2583 48.66 46.65 +.60 +8.4 HancHld 45 Q HBHCL 1.49 5.8 27.75 23.61 5 25.65 37 26.12 25.41 -.11 +5.2 HancFinOp N BTO 1.48 4.2 37.48 22.81 43 35.22 274 35.93 34.79 +.88 -2.9 HanJS N JHS .87e 6.1 14.95 13.60 6 14.29 50 14.34 14.19 -.05 +1.9 HanJI N JHI 1.45e 8.3 17.84 15.34 20 17.51 83 17.51 17.30 +.20 +5.5 HanPrmDv N PDT 1.08a 6.5 17.59 13.22 65 16.49 311 16.53 16.20 +.27 +5.4 HanPfEq N HPI 1.68 7.6 23.32 18.91 96 22.00 223 22.11 21.65 +.32 +8.1 HanPfd2 N HPF 1.68 7.8 23.24 18.87 56 21.57 161 21.58 21.30 +.25 +6.5 HanPfd3 N HPS 1.47 7.7 20.26 16.25 98 18.92 355 18.93 18.66 +.19 +6.7sHanTxAdv N HTD 1.45 5.6 25.74 20.79 115 26.11 430 26.11 25.27 +.75 +13.1 Handy&H Q HNH 29.85 19.00 3 27.25 20 27.90 26.75 +.35 +6.7 Hanesbds s N HBI .60 2.8 13 29.39 18.91 5109 21.81 17752 22.38 21.62 +.12 +1.1 HanmiFin Q HAFC .76 2.6 17 35.85 21.73 198 29.05 817 30.55 29.00 +.30 -16.8 HannArms N HASI 1.32f 6.0 41 25.21 18.02 468 21.92 1966 22.39 21.34 +.57 +15.4 HanoverIns N THG 2.00 2.3 22 92.78 74.06 259 88.27 1108 89.91 87.67 +.47 -3.0 HanovIns53 N THGA 1.59 6.3 26.98 24.02 21 25.30 102 25.43 25.25 -.01 +1.2 Hanwha rs Q HQCL 15.33 6.50 24 6.94 161 7.16 6.80 -.09 -15.0sHarbrOne n Q HONE 21.44 12.53 19 20.82 219 21.44 19.67 +.85 +7.7 Hardinge Q HDNG .08 .8 58 13.72 8.24 34 10.50 207 10.98 10.19 -.33 -5.2 HarleyD N HOG 1.45f 2.6 17 63.40 41.63 2616 56.81 12793 58.35 56.12 +1.00 -2.6 Harmonic Q HLIT 6.18 2.51 603 5.80 2721 6.03 5.60 +.15 +16.0 HarmonyG N HMY 4.87 1.86 5020 2.18 32650 2.35 2.10 -.20 -1.4 Harmny wt Q HRMNW 1.00 .17 3 .45 232 .50 .43 +.01 +28.0sHarrisCorp N HRS 2.12 1.9 20 113.33 73.32 1015 111.89 4264 113.58 110.87 +1.62 +9.2 Harsco N HSC .20m 1.6 54 15.25 5.81 327 13.05 2083 13.70 12.45 +.75 -4.0 HarteHnk N HHS .34 25.0 2.09 .85 64 1.36 906 1.50 1.35 -.04 -9.9 HartfFn42 N HGH 1.97 6.4 32.55 28.21 191 30.94 381 32.13 30.94 -1.02 +4.4 HartfdFn N HIG .92 1.9 15 50.26 38.92 4039 48.36 21479 48.71 46.69 +1.08 +1.5 HartfFn wt N HIG/WS 44.00 31.88 42.10 3 42.30 41.55 +.85 +2.1 HrvrdBio Q HBIO 80 3.90 2.25 119 2.40 462 2.55 2.35 -.05 -21.3 HarvCapCr Q HCAP 1.35 10.0 8 14.89 11.92 27 13.50 131 13.85 13.40 -.11 -1.8 HarvNRes rs N HNR 7.35 1.67 144 6.91 1386 7.16 6.41 -.05 +11.8sHasbro Q HAS 2.28f 2.3 22 104.14 76.14 1438 99.11 11174 104.14 98.50 +3.65 +27.4 Haverty N HVT .48 1.9 18 25.50 16.57 47 24.65 355 25.10 24.20 +.45 +4.0 HawaiiEl N HE 1.24 3.7 19 34.98 28.31 403 33.52 1948 34.08 33.38 -.16 +1.4 HawHold Q HA 10 60.90 34.69 635 54.30 5215 55.60 53.70 +1.05 -4.7 HawaiiTel Q HCOM 27.28 19.00 7 25.45 72 26.62 24.99 +.55 +2.7 Hawkins Q HWKN .84 1.6 23 54.80 37.49 22 51.10 195 53.50 48.10 +2.60 -5.3 HawthornB Q HWBK .24 1.3 15 23.25 13.36 0 18.85 6 19.05 18.00 +1.45 +6.5 HaynesIntl Q HAYN .88 2.1 48.37 25.53 58 42.29 415 43.07 38.65 +3.86 -1.6 Hc2 Hldgs N HCHC 7.27 2.33 86 5.84 984 6.07 5.75 -.08 +60.4 Headwatrs N HW 24 23.99 16.05 772 23.76 6348 23.91 23.69 +.06 +1.0sHlthCSvc Q HCSG .75f 1.6 41 47.05 34.83 257 45.91 1377 47.05 44.98 +.03 +17.2 HlthInsInn Q HIIQ 16 21.00 3.72 495 16.75 1902 16.90 15.40 +1.05 -6.2 HlthcrRlty N HR 1.20 3.7 21 36.60 26.66 566 32.80 2632 34.02 32.62 -1.02 +8.2 HlthcreTr N HTA 1.20 3.8 25 34.64 26.34 1042 31.89 4347 32.88 31.63 -.88 +9.5 HealthEqty Q HQY 95 49.25 22.26 649 45.52 2479 45.68 44.09 +.74 +12.3sHlthSouth N HLS .96 2.0 18 44.37 36.97 3794 46.90 6981 46.90 43.32 +3.61 +13.7sHlthStrm Q HSTM 29.80 19.95 187 27.79 1861 29.80 23.30 +4.09 +10.9 HrtlndEx Q HTLD .08 .4 27 22.69 16.55 358 20.12 2794 20.68 20.05 +.05 -1.2sHeartFn Q HTLF .44 .9 16 52.65 30.91 88 48.00 734 52.65 47.55 -2.90 HeatBiolog Q HTBX 3.35 .40 132 .79 1579 .83 .77 +.01 -8.2 HebronTc n Q HEBT 7.02 2.62 33 4.05 177 4.15 3.52 +.30 -18.2 HeclaM N HL .01e .2 29 7.64 3.83 7500 5.45 41855 5.55 5.18 -.02 +4.0sHeico s N HEI 71.22 48.27 152 71.07 784 71.62 69.28 +1.53 sHeico A s N HEI/A 38 60.80 39.94 68 61.30 341 61.35 58.95 +1.75 sHeidrkStr Q HSII .52 2.4 23 27.10 16.23 179 21.50 1393 27.10 21.25 -4.65 -11.0 HelenTroy Q HELE 13 106.18 77.50 240 94.00 883 97.95 93.35 -.65 +11.3 HeliMAn h Q HMNY 17.00 1.03 24 2.65 227 2.96 2.60 -.30 -19.7tHelixEn N HLX 11.87 5.82 1270 6.12 18286 7.04 5.82 -.97 -30.6 HelmPayne N HP 2.80f 4.6 85.78 56.19 2693 60.64 12163 66.67 59.06 -4.45 -21.7 HemisMda Q HMTV 13.40 10.35 21 11.65 141 12.40 11.60 -.65 +4.0 Hemisphrx rs N HEB 2.64 .39 313 .67 4655 .84 .58 +.09 -2.9 HennesAd s Q HNNA 9 26.33 15.96 8 17.01 43 17.67 16.71 +.01 -19.6 HSchein Q HSIC 28 183.00 146.23 346 173.80 2053 174.69 168.52 +5.69 +14.6 Herbalife N HLF 13 72.22 47.62 495 63.26 4402 63.52 60.01 +3.28 +31.4 HercHld n N HRI 52.96 28.66 348 45.47 1078 49.21 44.90 -.16 +13.2sHercTGC N HTGC 1.24 8.0 21 15.68 11.55 503 15.52 2124 15.68 15.37 +.18 +10.0 HercTG 24 N HTGX 1.56 6.1 26.47 24.85 8 25.41 69 25.55 25.36 +.07 sHrtgeCo Q HTBK .40 2.8 20 14.87 9.87 256 14.28 616 14.87 14.16 +.08 -1.0sHrtgeFn Q HFWA .52f 2.0 20 27.23 16.40 120 26.40 591 27.30 25.45 +1.30 +2.5 HeritageIns N HRTG .24 2.0 5 16.48 11.25 106 12.10 638 12.49 11.57 +.50 -22.8 HeritCryst Q HCCI 36 16.75 9.61 49 15.05 186 16.00 14.70 +.65 -4.1 HernTher h Q HRTX 24.00 12.21 216 15.35 1955 15.70 14.75 +.15 +17.2 Hersha pfC N HTpC 1.72 6.8 27.37 23.97 2 25.30 5 25.34 25.16 +.17 +4.2 Hersha rs N HT 1.12 6.1 10 22.14 15.36 544 18.44 3437 19.60 18.41 -.13 -12.3 Hersha pfD N HTpD 1.63 6.5 25.75 22.26 3 24.95 27 25.10 24.80 -.15 +11.7 Hersha pfE N HTpE 24.93 22.00 8 24.75 81 24.85 24.35 +.24 +10.0 Hershey N HSY 2.47 2.3 26 117.79 89.17 1058 108.20 5550 108.89 106.51 +.80 +4.6 HertzGl N HTZ 53.14 14.90 3323 16.49 14405 17.81 15.83 +.85 -23.5 HerzfldCrb Q CUBA .16e 7.47 5.80 28 7.16 127 7.18 6.99 +.19 +6.5sHeskaCorp Q HSKA 76 109.18 26.26 120 108.25 436 109.18 103.05 +3.08 +51.2 Hess N HES 1.00f 2.0 65.56 45.12 2731 48.83 26202 52.00 47.16 +1.52 -21.6 Hess pfA N HESpA 79.14 56.27 110 59.65 734 62.44 57.84 +1.60 -19.0 HessMidP n N HESM 26.45 25.08 262 25.58 712 26.31 25.28 +.14 -1.9sHP Ent n N HPE .26 1.4 9 18.78 11.53 9152 18.63 56454 18.78 18.21 +.49 +7.4 Hexcel N HXL .44 .9 19 55.91 38.87 716 51.75 3713 52.74 51.58 +.45 +.6 Hi-Crush N HCLP 23.30 5.50 1762 14.15 7444 15.65 13.96 +.05 -28.5tHibbett Q HIBB 10 45.85 25.75 481 26.00 3590 29.18 25.45 -2.50 -30.3 HighpwrInt Q HPJ 12 5.90 1.74 108 5.00 824 5.60 5.00 -.35 +112.8 HghwyH Q HIHO .28m 7.3 4.86 3.10 7 3.85 26 4.00 3.85 -.13 +18.5 HighwdPrp N HIW 1.76 3.5 19 56.23 44.93 654 50.88 2943 52.09 50.51 -.79 -.3 Hill Intl N HIL 5.70 1.95 121 4.05 497 4.20 3.85 +.20 -6.9sHill-Rom N HRC .72f 1.0 27 74.05 46.79 952 75.64 3148 77.37 71.65 +4.50 +34.7 HillenInc N HI .82 2.2 18 39.00 27.89 168 36.90 1137 37.70 36.65 +.75 -3.8 HillmCT pf N HLMp 2.90 8.6 34.74 31.76 2 33.80 9 33.90 33.51 -.03 +4.4 HilltopH N HTH 19 30.60 18.67 752 27.81 2384 28.86 26.00 +.40 -6.7sHilGrVa n N HGV 33.68 24.60 520 33.47 2687 33.90 30.96 +2.31 +28.7sHilton N HLT .15 22 61.02 41.83 3205 58.97 12883 61.02 57.77 +1.62 HimaxTch Q HIMX .13e 1.9 29 10.95 4.88 2705 7.01 34142 7.81 6.77 -.48 +16.1 HingmSv Q HIFS 1.28 .7 16 203.01 120.25 2 179.49 22 185.96 172.55 +6.25 -8.8 Histogenics Q HSGX 4.47 1.39 18 1.74 217 1.82 1.59 +.08 +4.2 HoeghLP N HMLP 1.65 8.1 22 20.38 16.67 78 20.25 393 20.35 19.95 +.35 +6.6 HollyEngy N HEP 2.48f 6.7 22 38.09 29.53 91 37.17 400 37.41 35.86 +1.33 +15.9 HollyFront N HFC 1.32 4.7 13 35.62 22.07 2815 28.14 15623 29.14 27.67 +.26 -14.1 Hollysys Q HOLI .20e 1.2 11 23.55 15.08 474 16.04 2068 16.25 15.57 +.41 -12.4sHologic Q HOLX 29 44.89 32.64 2087 45.15 12772 45.20 43.33 +1.85 +12.5 HomeBLA Q HBCP .56f 1.5 16 39.75 24.76 18 37.14 128 37.84 33.74 +2.82 -3.8 HomeBcs s Q HOMB .36 1.4 19 29.69 18.32 540 25.45 3801 26.53 25.43 +.17 -8.4sHomeDp N HD 3.56f 2.3 24 156.27 119.20 4836 156.10 26377 156.27 150.85 +6.10 +16.4 HmFdB LA Q HFBL .36 1.2 18 29.85 21.20 4 29.20 7 29.20 27.52 -.01 +8.7 HomeStreet Q HMST 11 33.70 18.74 464 26.00 2551 28.65 25.45 -1.85 -17.7 HometBk n Q HMTA 11.00 8.81 9.80 65 9.90 9.70 +.10 +5.9 HomeTrBc Q HTBI 28 27.05 17.28 40 25.00 271 25.73 24.55 +.65 -3.5 Honda N HMC .55e 1.9 32.17 24.04 863 29.10 3140 29.23 28.74 +.58 -.3sHonwllIntl N HON 2.66 2.0 19 131.34 105.25 5829 131.14 26025 135.00 128.35 +4.06 +13.2sHookerFu Q HOFT .48 1.1 20 45.35 20.29 71 43.45 395 45.35 40.85 +1.45 +14.5 HooperH rs N HH 2.70 .65 45 .75 344 .85 .72 +.03 -9.3 HopeBcp Q HOPE .48 2.6 17 22.99 13.99 672 18.31 4071 19.69 18.11 -.36 -16.4 HopFedBc Q HFBC .16 1.1 27 15.45 10.82 2 14.36 29 14.75 14.21 +.10 +6.7 HorMan N HMN 1.06 2.7 23 44.15 31.24 168 38.65 939 39.85 34.90 -.45 -9.7 HorizBcp s Q HBNC .44f 1.6 20 28.63 15.83 49 26.99 298 28.20 26.28 +.78 -3.6 HorizGbl n N HZN 20 26.37 10.60 272 14.09 1738 14.50 13.25 +.92 -41.3 HorizPhm Q HZNP 23.44 13.05 1619 15.38 9827 15.57 15.03 +.39 -4.9 HorizTFn Q HRZN 1.38 12.1 9 13.95 9.64 38 11.39 268 11.63 11.22 -.18 +8.2 HorizTFn19 N HTF 1.84 7.2 26.42 25.20 1 25.55 3 25.55 25.43 +.13 +.2sHor OEXcc Q QYLD 2.26e 9.6 23.69 20.77 21 23.46 157 23.69 23.40 +.04 +5.0sHorzDAX Q DAX .35e 1.2 28.32 21.51 0 28.08 14 28.32 27.98 +1.28 +11.9sHorzSPCvC N HSPX 2.52e 4.0 48.11 41.85 1 47.74 26 48.11 47.53 +.30 +4.9sHorGKWld N KLDW 29.51 24.81 2 29.44 83 29.51 29.09 +.76 +11.7 Horz Saba n N CEFS 21.06 19.83 10 20.69 75 20.69 20.25 +.46 +4.0 Hormel s N HRL .68 1.9 21 40.54 33.18 1813 35.08 9700 35.45 34.77 +.39 +.8 Hornbeck N HOS 11.76 3.00 724 3.41 4869 3.73 3.22 +.05 -52.8 Hortonwks Q HDP 13.12 6.42 823 10.41 3414 10.64 10.00 +.29 +25.3 HospPT Q HPT 2.08f 6.5 9 32.68 24.62 772 31.83 2751 32.49 31.54 -.17 +.3 HostHotls N HST .80a 4.5 12 20.21 14.30 27240 17.95 57640 19.46 17.74 -.87 -4.7sHostessBr n Q TWNK 17.05 9.50 4326 17.14 10736 17.17 15.92 +1.17 +31.8sHostess wt Q TWNKW 3.20 .16 1556 3.26 3343 3.29 2.80 +.40 +86.3 HoughMH Q HMHC 21.08 9.15 678 11.50 5179 11.90 11.30 -.20 +6.0 HoulihnL n N HLI .80f 2.4 20 34.95 20.96 178 33.54 868 34.37 33.28 +.70 +7.8sHstnAEn N HUSA .47 .16 742 .43 3605 .47 .33 +.08 +138.8 HoustWC Q HWCC .12m 1.9 8.05 5.10 43 6.25 171 6.45 6.05 -3.8 HovnEn pf A Q HOVNP 8.40 2.41 7.15 63 7.15 6.95 +.15 -4.6 HovnanE N HOV 29 2.96 1.51 666 2.34 5108 2.45 2.31 -14.3 HowardBcp Q HBMD 47 19.00 12.16 5 18.75 60 18.95 18.50 +24.2 HHughes N HHC 22 125.12 101.03 139 123.11 650 124.93 121.16 -.63 +7.9 HuanPwr N HNP 2.45e 9.0 29.67 22.85 76 27.36 331 27.47 26.61 +.76 +5.1 HubGroup Q HUBG 19 52.50 34.35 255 39.15 1547 41.25 38.75 -1.15 -10.5 Hubbell N HUBB 2.80f 2.5 21 125.93 97.35 406 113.13 2252 122.00 113.02 -5.87 -3.1sHubSpot N HUBS 67.30 41.63 364 67.05 1532 67.30 63.80 +2.95 +42.7 HudBayM g N HBM .02 9.15 3.57 545 5.95 2624 6.15 5.70 +.05 +4.4 HudBay wt N HBM/WS 1.04 .12 2 .34 5 .34 .29 +.04 -6.4 HudsonGbl Q HSON .20 14.2 2.70 1.00 68 1.41 197 1.47 1.27 +.13 +3.3 HudsPacP N HPP 1.00f 2.9 27 36.75 26.79 680 34.36 4247 35.78 34.31 -.99 -1.2 HudsonTc Q HDSN 22 8.50 3.09 288 7.10 3092 7.64 6.70 +.41 -11.4 HugotnR N HGT .10e 5.3 6 2.75 1.48 37 2.00 365 2.09 1.90 -.04 -7.0sHumana N HUM 1.60 .7 23 221.97 150.00 1217 221.98 6700 222.48 212.69 +8.31 +8.8 HuntJB Q JBHT .92 1.0 23 102.38 75.71 949 89.66 5227 93.47 89.08 -1.29 -7.6 HuntMar un Q HUNTU 10.91 9.75 1 10.48 106 10.60 10.28 +.31 +3.3 HuntMar wt Q HUNTW 1.30 .68 5 1.10 10 1.20 1.00 -.10 +46.7 HuntBncsh Q HBAN .32 2.5 20 14.74 8.05 11707 12.86 47675 13.22 12.85 +.26 -2.7 HuntBcs pf Q HBANO 1.56 5.8 28.97 24.81 16 27.10 171 27.49 26.92 +.19 +7.1 HuntB pfC Q HBANN 1.47 5.8 27.40 22.67 4 25.36 17 25.54 25.36 +5.2 HuntgUSEq N HUSE 1.86e .6 40.92 35.78 0 37.89 14 37.90 37.63 +.41 +4.7 HuntAct n Q SQZZ 26.00 24.74 25.07 3 25.07 24.93 +.33 +.6 HuntgtnIng N HII 2.40 1.2 19 220.68 143.34 287 200.89 1327 205.59 199.81 +1.26 +9.1sHuntsmn N HUN .50 2.0 15 26.39 12.40 3866 24.77 24237 26.39 24.54 +.77 +29.8 Hurco Q HURC .40f 1.4 19 34.55 24.80 11 29.00 72 30.50 28.50 +.60 -12.4 HuronCon Q HURN 25 65.00 39.15 146 44.50 656 45.35 43.30 +1.45 -12.1 HutChMd n Q HCM 21.77 9.80 6 19.49 81 19.90 18.39 +1.16 +43.6sHuttigBld Q HBP 7 9.24 4.29 82 8.80 593 9.24 8.00 -.17 +33.1 Hyatt N H 42 58.05 44.30 457 55.50 2387 57.46 55.20 +.41 +.4 Hydrognc Q HYGS 9.67 3.90 135 7.50 446 7.90 6.55 +.30 +70.5 HysterYale N HY 1.18 2.0 23 69.00 47.25 36 60.11 199 62.66 58.97 +1.30 -5.7I -:sIAC Inter Q IAC 1.36 1.6 28 83.15 45.55 851 83.01 4425 83.63 78.33 +4.25 +28.1 IAMGld g N IAG 83 5.87 3.10 7599 4.14 46235 4.31 3.83 -.20 +7.5 ICAD Q ICAD 6.49 2.82 65 5.59 167 6.07 5.37 +.24 +72.8 ICC Hld n Q ICCH 17.51 14.20 32 15.33 46 15.33 14.97 +.21 +6.5 ICF Intl Q ICFI 21 59.55 37.88 73 44.15 442 45.50 44.00 -.20 -20.0 ICICI Bk N IBN .16e 1.9 8.89 6.30 4888 8.57 28935 8.68 8.35 +.32 +14.4 ICU Med Q ICUI 43 159.95 98.10 115 153.80 462 154.20 149.60 +5.30 +4.4 ID Syst Q IDSY 7.34 4.26 8 6.57 139 6.90 6.16 +.21 +21.2sIdexxLab s Q IDXX 68 163.39 80.53 1684 167.73 4355 172.00 161.18 +8.61 +43.0 IDT Cp N IDT .76 5.0 23.13 12.03 187 15.19 1257 16.02 15.05 -.11 -18.1 IEC Elec N IEC 17 5.64 3.21 33 3.86 101 3.99 3.71 +.13 +8.1 IES Hldgs Q IESC 22 23.00 11.00 52 20.00 309 20.30 18.75 +1.40 +4.4 IF Bancp Q IROQ .32 1.6 23 20.75 17.70 20.00 9 20.01 19.88 +.12 +8.1 IFresh n Q IFMK 28.88 11.88 4 13.37 20 14.50 13.20 -.84 +11.5sIHS Mark Q INFO 60 44.00 30.38 1255 43.40 6504 44.00 43.35 +.15 +22.6 II-VI Q IIVI 32 41.10 17.76 485 33.15 2838 34.35 32.70 +.65 +11.8sILG Inc Q ILG .48 2.0 28 24.82 11.79 1838 24.11 10205 24.82 23.07 +1.04 +32.7 INC Resc h Q INCR 22 56.88 36.70 800 45.00 4661 45.25 43.75 +1.05 -14.4sING N ING .14e .9 16.51 9.26 5345 16.28 21295 16.51 16.20 +1.06 +15.5 ING 6.20 N ISP 1.55 6.1 26.52 23.65 26 25.61 113 25.70 25.57 +.04 +2.3 ING 6.125 N ISG 1.53 6.0 26.28 24.88 13 25.71 110 25.80 25.54 +.11 +2.8 ING 6.375 N ISF 1.59 6.1 26.79 24.79 39 25.95 199 25.98 25.84 +.01 +3.2 INTLFCStn Q INTL 13 44.71 25.10 59 37.35 306 37.87 36.72 +.88 -5.7 ION Geo rs N IO 9.65 3.87 20 4.30 222 4.60 4.10 +.10 -28.3sIPG Photon Q IPGP 26 127.94 76.22 245 126.32 1232 127.94 121.23 +5.77 +28.0 iPass Q IPAS 1.89 .98 38 1.24 469 1.32 1.22 +.01 -24.8 IQ HdgMult N QAI .39e 1.3 29.45 28.37 119 29.16 1382 29.22 29.05 +.19 +1.7sIQ HdgLgS N QLS 20.23 18.69 20.22 6 20.23 20.22 +.13 +3.7 IQ CorePl n N AGGP 21.21 19.51 8 20.00 58 20.01 19.93 +.05 +1.5 IQ CoreBd n N AGGE 22.70 19.17 1 19.51 23 19.55 19.49 -.07 -.1 IQHdgMNt N QMN .34e 1.3 26.61 24.70 0 25.25 4 25.25 25.22 +.02 +.5sIQ GTAA N QGTA 22.79 20.25 22.79 12 22.79 22.79 +.29 +5.5 IQ 50HJpn N HFXJ 19.50 15.86 1 19.19 4 19.28 19.19 +.38 +1.0sIQ 50HgEur N HFXE 19.02 15.76 0 18.94 10 19.02 18.87 +.66 +10.0 IQ 50HIntl N HFXI 20.16 16.12 8 19.79 94 19.90 19.39 +.54 +9.2 IQ RealRtn N CPI .03e .1 27.42 26.47 1 27.27 6 27.30 27.23 -.02 +1.3 IQUSReSC N ROOF 1.43e 5.3 28.94 24.69 18 27.15 307 28.00 27.13 -.62 -.2sIQMrgArb N MNA 30.42 26.91 31 30.30 536 30.42 30.14 +.05 +3.4 IQ AustSC N KROO .88e 5.4 17.47 14.38 1 16.19 4 16.25 16.04 +.19 +4.0 IQ AgriSC N CROP .41e 1.2 33.33 28.94 32.92 18 33.07 32.62 +.65 +4.7 IQGblOilSC N IOIL .29e 2.7 13.73 9.79 10.64 7 10.64 10.63 -.14 -14.4 IQ CdaSC N CNDA .18e 1.1 18.49 15.32 3 16.27 16 17.11 16.05 -.54 -2.0 IQ GlbRes N GRES .35e 1.3 26.73 23.31 25 25.96 149 26.22 25.71 -.13 +3.4 IRSA N IRS 26.50 13.43 20 25.22 185 25.90 24.60 +.59 +36.8 IRSA Prop Q IRCP .77e 1.6 54.45 32.66 1 48.00 74 50.65 44.80 +.50 +1.3 IRhythm n Q IRTC 40.48 22.16 518 35.29 3308 35.56 33.06 +1.66 +17.6siRobot Q IRBT 41 82.44 33.90 979 79.74 7405 82.44 68.00 +12.13 +36.4 iShGold N IAU 13.25 10.81 7401 12.21 33908 12.29 12.12 -.16 +10.2 iShGSCI N GSG 16.26 13.56 218 14.43 2113 14.59 14.25 -.03 -7.9 iSAstla N EWA 1.23e 5.5 22.91 18.18 3172 22.46 10044 22.64 22.29 +.13 +11.0siSAstria N EWO .25e 1.3 19.35 13.22 232 19.59 516 19.66 18.98 +1.28 +18.5siShBelg N EWK .36e 1.9 19.50 16.37 77 19.44 490 19.50 19.17 +.84 +11.0 iShBrazil N EWZ 1.03e 2.8 40.80 25.15 17079 37.17 66467 37.41 36.43 +1.01 +11.5 iShCanada N EWC .60e 2.3 27.92 23.44 1895 26.26 12988 26.99 25.98 -.31 +.4siShEMU N EZU .95e 2.4 39.66 29.71 9630 39.24 51598 39.66 39.07 +1.85 +13.4siSFrance N EWQ .68e 2.4 28.22 21.00 1532 28.02 8789 28.22 27.76 +1.61 +13.6siShGerm N EWG .51e 1.7 29.93 22.51 1927 29.68 12096 29.93 29.53 +1.34 +12.1siSh HK N EWH .49e 2.1 22.92 18.50 1189 22.90 8851 22.96 22.34 +.62 +17.6 iSh SKor N EWY .66e 1.1 62.78 48.65 2000 62.10 11409 62.48 61.14 +1.14 +16.7 iShMexico N EWW .93e 1.8 54.33 41.23 1809 51.76 18120 52.58 50.42 +.39 +17.7siShNeth N EWN .40e 1.4 28.29 21.43 120 28.08 870 28.29 27.98 +1.02 +16.3 iSPacxJpn N EPP 2.08e 4.6 45.13 36.71 497 44.82 1971 44.87 44.57 +.58 +13.3 iShSoAfr N EZA 1.37e 2.3 61.26 46.65 373 58.48 1744 59.45 57.67 +.76 +11.7siShSpain N EWP 1.62e 5.1 32.32 22.58 889 31.92 8726 32.32 31.75 +1.53 +20.4siSSwedn N EWD 1.40e 4.2 33.28 25.11 260 33.11 2833 33.29 32.49 +1.79 +15.2siShSwitz N EWL .80e 2.4 33.41 27.70 738 33.24 3288 33.41 32.66 +1.08 +12.8 iShFrntr100 N FM 3.58e 2.6 29.03 23.90 165 28.72 577 28.82 28.50 +15.6 iShGlHiY bt N GHYG 2.09e 4.2 49.89 46.54 4 49.86 59 49.87 49.48 +.54 +2.8 iShxUSH bt N HYXU .92e 1.9 51.51 44.75 9 48.25 83 48.39 47.92 +.95 +5.2siShEMCBd bt N CEMB 2.28 4.5 51.34 47.74 6 51.10 48 51.34 50.79 +.20 +3.1 iShEMkHY N EMHY 3.98 7.8 50.98 47.33 49 50.78 239 50.80 50.45 +.31 +4.3 iShAsiaPDv N DVYA 2.29e 4.7 49.06 40.10 2 48.30 19 48.50 48.06 +.30 +7.4 iShEmMDv N DVYE 1.83e 4.6 40.59 30.82 27 40.03 169 40.31 39.75 +.55 +15.8 iShGblSilv N SLVP .19e 1.7 17.10 9.55 56 11.15 514 11.63 10.94 -.45 +6.7 iShGblEnP N FILL .46e 2.4 21.26 17.71 2 19.11 36 19.44 18.98 +.18 -6.0 iShGblAgri N VEGI .55e 2.1 26.61 22.13 3 26.46 26 26.50 25.94 +.64 +6.0siShMsciWld N URTH 1.56e 2.0 79.55 65.57 14 79.18 172 79.55 78.67 +1.60 +8.3siShEMAsia Q EEMA 1.23e 2.0 61.90 48.00 6 61.29 106 61.90 60.52 +1.28 +17.1siShEMktSC N EEMS 1.29e 2.8 46.89 38.67 21 46.60 197 46.89 46.34 +.50 +15.2 iShEMkBd N LEMB .42e .9 46.35 41.68 40 45.81 282 46.05 45.52 +.12 +6.9siShWldMnV N ACWV 1.47e 1.9 78.39 71.80 488 77.97 1914 78.39 77.86 +.41 +7.4 iSEMMnVol N EEMV 1.42e 2.6 54.86 47.80 229 54.27 1616 54.57 54.05 +.45 +11.0 iShJpnSC N SCJ 1.23e 1.8 67.82 58.08 46 67.28 124 67.45 66.71 +.76 +9.3 iShThai N THD 2.08e 2.7 79.14 65.27 168 77.52 758 78.16 77.29 -.59 +7.5 iShIsrael N EIS 1.07e 2.1 52.39 44.45 3 51.75 67 51.97 51.18 +.85 +11.5 iShChile N ECH .62e 1.4 45.48 34.14 359 42.94 1831 44.79 42.90 -1.43 +14.8siShBRIC N BKF .96e 2.6 37.04 28.27 102 36.85 325 37.04 36.55 +.75 +15.6 iShsUSA N EUSA .67e 1.3 50.75 41.61 18 50.23 254 50.63 50.01 +.57 +6.1 iShTurkey N TUR 1.10e 2.8 45.62 28.98 392 39.77 2083 39.89 38.65 +1.99 +22.5 iShSilver N SLV 19.71 14.85 7335 16.30 41164 16.99 16.25 -.72 +7.9 iShS&P100 N OEF 1.92e 1.8 106.85 88.37 444 105.76 2467 106.17 104.89 +1.81 +6.5 iShMrnLV N JKF 2.46e 2.6 99.69 82.48 5 95.05 30 96.33 95.05 +.80 +1.0 iShIntlTBd Q IGOV .19e .2 102.17 88.19 16 93.01 131 93.32 92.60 +.46 +3.6siShMrnLG N JKE 1.20e .9 135.91 111.60 12 136.32 47 136.68 133.68 +3.57 +12.6 iShNewZea Q ENZL 2.01e 4.7 49.93 39.22 32 42.58 244 42.84 42.16 +.14 +7.2 iSh1-3yITB Q ISHG .20e .3 84.37 75.36 36 79.45 76 79.74 79.29 +.46 +4.2 iShMrnLC N JKD 2.24e 1.6 143.66 116.19 9 142.81 90 143.66 142.51 +1.39 +7.6 iShBrazSC N EWZS .40e 2.9 14.74 8.30 43 13.93 245 13.95 13.48 +.42 +27.0 iShIntlPfd N IPFF .96e 5.6 17.59 15.01 47 17.04 165 17.28 17.02 -.13 +8.3 iShSPTUS s N ITOT 55.08 45.14 509 54.57 2557 54.97 54.21 +.75 +6.4 iShSTNtMu N SUB .86 .8 106.67 104.44 54 105.70 291 105.82 105.63 -.13 +.6 iShAgcyBd N AGZ 1.81 1.6 117.44 110.31 15 113.56 71 113.56 113.16 -.12 +.8 iShSelDiv N DVY 2.59e 2.8 93.52 80.03 1090 91.50 3094 92.83 91.44 +.33 +3.3siShGTimb Q WOOD .79e 1.3 59.96 42.80 61 59.29 153 59.96 59.00 +.79 +10.6 iShTIPS N TIP .43e .4 117.55 110.90 1886 115.01 6524 115.07 114.46 +.29 +1.6siShEurFn Q EUFN .74e 3.5 21.50 14.31 574 21.28 8332 21.50 21.11 +1.19 +12.2siShAsiaexJ Q AAXJ 1.30e 2.0 64.38 50.53 1658 64.21 7032 64.38 63.34 +1.32 +16.9 iShChinaLC N FXI .76e 2.0 39.85 31.04 8986 38.53 66184 38.84 38.15 +.57 +11.0 iShTransp N IYT 1.70e 1.0 173.88 125.94 251 163.87 1670 167.77 163.48 -.54 +.6 iShChinaSC N ECNS 1.28e 2.8 47.90 38.50 0 45.20 6 46.00 45.00 -.07 +10.2 iSCorSP500 N IVV 4.38e 1.8 241.81 199.79 2291 239.56 17545 241.05 238.12 +3.43 +6.5 iSMornMC N JKG 2.32e 1.4 170.02 141.07 12 168.12 43 169.88 167.92 +1.02 +6.9 iShEMInfr Q EMIF .93e 3.0 32.15 27.12 3 31.52 12 31.79 31.39 +.15 +12.6 iShGClnEn Q ICLN .33e 3.9 9.68 7.73 102 8.48 305 8.60 8.43 +.05 +7.6 iShUSAgBd N AGG 2.65e 2.3 113.27 107.06 1650 109.25 10555 109.25 108.77 -.09 +1.1siShEMkts N EEM .84e 2.1 40.31 31.70 53924 40.06 247010 40.31 39.75 +.77 +14.4siShACWX Q ACWX 1.00e 2.2 44.77 36.36 238 44.56 4177 44.77 44.34 +1.04 +10.7 iShiBoxIG N LQD 3.87 3.3 124.48 115.55 4382 118.99 18494 119.03 118.41 -.09 +1.5siSh ACWI Q ACWI 1.43e 2.2 64.57 52.92 1316 64.28 8749 64.57 63.90 +1.26 +8.6siSKokusai N TOK 1.37e 2.3 59.38 49.05 0 59.20 21 59.38 58.19 +1.36 +8.9 iShCorUSTr N GOVT .33 1.3 26.45 24.72 1320 25.20 4704 25.23 25.12 -.07 +1.1 iSh2017Mu s N IBMF .23 .8 27.64 27.07 39 27.23 124 27.26 27.19 -.01 +.1siSEafeSC Q SCZ 1.24e 2.2 56.37 45.48 1244 56.42 4614 56.50 55.48 +1.76 +13.2 iSGblTelcm N IXP 2.14e 3.6 64.52 55.36 13 58.66 114 59.51 58.65 -.16 -.1 iShEMBd N EMB 5.27e 4.6 118.14 107.74 1796 115.20 7460 115.20 114.48 +.66 +4.5siShGblTech N IXN 1.11e .9 127.24 92.35 20 127.72 156 127.83 125.35 +3.62 +16.2 iShAaa-ACp N QLTA 1.51e 2.9 54.39 50.70 2 51.95 23 52.03 51.77 -.10 +1.2siSMrnMCG N JKH .59e .3 178.51 147.98 2 177.32 17 179.06 176.24 +2.70 +9.4 iShIndones N EIDO .38e 1.4 27.06 21.36 937 26.33 3505 26.68 26.28 +.10 +9.1siSSP500Gr N IVW 2.03e 1.5 134.28 110.84 448 134.11 3178 134.59 132.62 +2.40 +10.1 iShNYMuni N NYF 2.80 2.5 115.51 107.15 5 110.57 24 110.84 110.45 -.41 +1.5 iShGblHcre N IXJ 2.72e 1.5 106.25 92.25 53 104.83 184 104.97 103.23 +2.87 +10.6 iShGnmaBd Q GNMA .75e 1.5 51.33 48.97 15 49.78 68 49.95 49.67 -.21 +.2 iShGblFin N IXG 1.34e 2.2 62.46 44.58 31 61.17 202 62.05 61.04 +1.47 +5.9 iShUSAQlt N QUAL 1.04e 1.4 74.29 62.64 281 73.25 824 73.63 72.82 +.84 +6.0 iSSPGlbEn N IXC 1.05e 3.2 36.16 30.06 156 32.49 862 33.18 32.18 +.13 -6.6 iShCalMuni N CMF 2.72 2.3 122.50 113.23 28 116.69 102 117.00 116.54 -.55 +1.0 iSh CMBS N CMBS 1.00 1.9 53.70 50.05 20 51.44 145 51.50 51.22 -.16 +.7 iShUSASize N SIZE 1.26e 1.6 76.90 64.80 0 76.67 9 76.75 76.03 +1.12 +6.8siSGblInfra N IGF 1.17e 2.7 43.05 37.33 146 42.94 885 43.05 42.77 +.68 +10.0 iShNANatR N IGE .85e 2.6 37.62 30.65 510 33.23 1142 34.05 32.87 -.14 -7.6 iSh JPXNik N JPXN 56.98 51.22 5 56.38 19 56.73 56.22 +.39 +6.3 iShUSAVal N VLUE 1.49e 2.0 75.57 58.20 65 73.28 536 73.99 72.96 +.94 +4.4 iShLatAm N ILF .67e 2.1 33.05 23.34 1377 31.38 4789 31.89 30.96 +.31 +13.8siShUSAMo N MTUM .81e 1.0 84.79 72.53 128 84.78 925 85.07 83.80 +1.58 +11.8 iShMrnMCV N JKI 2.72e 1.8 152.61 119.16 8 147.90 44 149.99 147.86 +1.19 +2.4 iShPhilpns N EPHE .33e .9 40.48 30.43 77 35.84 914 36.75 35.76 +.03 +10.5 iSSP500Val N IVE 2.14e 2.1 107.75 87.88 417 103.94 3040 105.18 103.75 +1.11 +2.5 iShNMuBd N MUB 2.59 2.4 115.19 106.30 439 109.33 2261 109.58 109.20 -.43 +1.1 iShUKSC bt N EWUS 1.38e 3.5 40.37 30.40 2 39.30 12 39.31 38.30 +1.16 +15.9 iSRTop200V N IWX 1.17e 2.4 49.94 41.05 6 48.02 41 48.56 47.91 +.50 +2.2 iShIntlDev N WPS 1.16e 3.2 38.99 33.12 10 36.43 80 36.71 36.31 +.22 +8.4siShAsia50 N AIA .79e 1.5 53.78 40.24 10 53.75 130 53.83 52.50 +1.58 +16.2 iSh20 yrT N TLT 3.05 2.5 143.62 116.49 7542 122.35 33211 123.16 121.38 -1.19 +2.7siSRTop200G N IWY .82e 1.3 62.96 51.37 41 63.04 199 63.21 62.16 +1.36 +11.9 iSh7-10yTB N IEF 1.96 1.8 113.91 103.43 5485 106.60 13868 106.69 106.09 -.31 +1.7 iShRTop200 N IWL 1.02e 1.9 54.91 45.54 2 54.53 87 54.69 54.09 +.97 +7.1siShIntSelDv N IDV 1.51e 4.4 32.09 26.40 492 31.81 3466 32.09 31.77 +.64 +7.6 iSh1-3yTB N SHY .52 .6 85.35 84.23 1622 84.62 4821 84.62 84.52 -.07 +.2siS Eafe N EFA 1.70e 2.7 64.08 51.93 21969 63.80 106543 64.08 63.38 +1.83 +10.5siShGerSC bt N EWGS .69e 1.4 49.02 37.97 4 49.19 21 49.33 48.07 +2.43 +18.7 iShEurRE Q IFEU .87e 2.4 39.41 31.43 2 36.07 16 36.37 35.49 +1.08 +8.4 iSRusMCV N IWS 1.59e 1.9 85.33 69.96 803 83.12 2924 84.45 83.08 +.33 +3.3 iShCrLTBd N ILTB 2.54 4.1 68.96 59.26 5 62.39 66 62.62 61.90 -.24 +2.9siSRusMCG N IWP 1.02e 1.0 106.19 88.29 153 105.32 988 106.19 104.71 +1.52 +8.1 iShIntlRE Q IFGL 1.09e 3.9 30.99 25.78 99 28.12 941 28.41 28.09 +.04 +7.0siShEuroSC Q IEUS 1.08e 2.1 50.70 38.46 17 50.75 57 50.82 49.50 +2.23 +15.8 iShNorC bt N ENOR .58e 2.6 23.45 18.33 2 22.08 68 22.24 21.93 +.63 +1.5 iShRusMid N IWR 2.85e 1.5 190.88 158.50 205 188.65 999 190.81 188.41 +1.66 +5.5siShMrnSC N JKJ 1.78e 1.1 163.79 127.56 3 161.10 19 163.79 160.78 +2.03 +3.1siShIreland N EIRL .88e 1.5 42.45 33.37 8 42.15 52 42.45 41.98 +1.34 +12.3 iSCorSPMid N IJH 1.89e 1.1 175.72 140.39 1585 172.59 7124 175.07 172.59 +1.54 +4.4 iSh10yCBd N CLY 2.67 4.5 64.42 57.15 61 59.94 355 60.14 59.41 -.27 +2.1 iShiBxHYB N HYG 5.09 5.8 88.37 82.01 6570 88.12 39798 88.24 87.88 +.52 +1.8siShFinlC bt N EFNL .51e 1.4 37.56 28.71 14 37.50 66 37.56 36.57 +1.98 +14.0siShSft N IGV .12e .1 130.81 97.83 111 130.65 516 130.81 128.86 +2.76 +20.0 iShDenC bt N EDEN .81e 1.4 59.77 48.00 27 59.49 118 59.58 57.75 +3.17 +16.7siShs SOX Q SOXX 1.15e .8 138.66 84.83 1039 136.11 3476 138.66 135.75 +1.75 +10.9siShIndia50 Q INDY .15e .5 33.34 26.09 173 33.04 1190 33.34 32.52 +.99 +20.8 iShNetw N IGN .25e .6 47.91 32.98 22 44.99 48 45.32 44.62 +.84 +3.1siShNATch N IGM .73e .5 141.84 104.31 19 142.06 67 142.65 139.74 +3.64 +14.7 iShNsdqBio Q IBB .09e 303.74 240.30 568 297.64 4138 298.31 289.83 +10.15 +12.2 iShResRE N REZ 2.01e 3.2 69.29 58.02 15 63.61 629 65.54 63.25 -1.66 +2.6 iSh2019Mun N IBMH .27 1.1 25.98 25.15 22 25.56 156 25.57 25.50 -.00 +.9 iShC&SRE N ICF 2.97e 3.0 112.45 93.02 504 99.64 1674 103.01 99.16 -2.79 siShKLDSoc N DSI 1.11e 1.3 88.44 73.22 13 88.06 153 88.44 87.30 +1.47 +6.9siShGbl100 N IOO 2.03e 2.4 83.31 67.40 28 82.95 116 83.31 82.26 +2.05 +8.1 iSh2018Mu N IBMG .23 .9 25.72 25.29 15 25.48 112 25.49 25.43 +.02 +.3siShConsSv N IYC 1.50e .9 166.10 136.88 18 165.23 113 166.66 163.19 +2.98 +9.4 iShMBS N MBB 3.04e 2.3 110.26 105.04 453 106.99 2432 107.02 106.54 -.13 +.6 iShGvCrBd N GBF 2.86 2.5 118.69 111.23 1 113.55 9 113.75 113.39 -.24 +1.4siShIndia bt N INDA .24e .7 32.38 25.79 1798 32.08 15649 32.38 31.58 +.95 +19.9 iSR1KVal N IWD 2.41e 2.1 121.24 97.59 3971 114.72 10953 116.21 114.62 +1.10 +2.4siSMrnSCG N JKK .87e .6 156.29 126.40 2 154.69 6 156.29 153.91 +2.39 +6.9siShPoland N EPOL .79e 3.3 23.81 16.02 298 23.76 1564 23.81 22.82 +1.67 +31.1siSMCGth N IJK 1.88e 1.0 195.97 158.83 128 193.84 966 196.06 193.31 +2.15 +6.4 iShIntGvC N GVI 1.99 1.8 114.00 109.01 37 110.79 197 110.83 110.49 -.10 +.9siSR1KGr N IWF 1.45e 1.2 116.48 95.45 1063 116.33 5957 116.77 114.97 +2.27 +10.9siSIndiaSC bt N SMIN .10e .2 44.90 30.36 74 44.72 427 44.90 44.17 +.99 +36.9 iShCorUSCr N CRED 4.20 3.8 115.00 107.85 23 110.72 232 110.77 110.17 -.13 +1.4 iSRus1K N IWB 2.36e 1.8 133.82 110.84 574 132.61 3428 133.45 131.82 +1.92 +6.5 iSR2KVal N IWN 1.98e 1.7 122.47 91.66 1230 118.60 5110 121.92 118.58 +1.01 -.3 iShIntCrBd N CIU 3.09 2.8 111.85 107.44 217 109.60 1880 109.61 109.28 -.02 +1.3 iSh1-3CrBd N CSJ 1.52 1.4 106.12 104.50 573 105.33 3218 105.36 105.20 -.01 +.4siSR2KGr N IWO 1.36e .8 167.10 128.24 696 164.71 3074 167.10 163.03 +3.14 +7.0 iSh10-20TB N TLH 2.99 2.2 148.75 131.10 57 135.95 244 136.25 135.16 -.70 +2.3 iShFltRtB N FLOT .32 .6 50.89 50.44 712 50.86 3911 50.89 50.84 +.01 +.3siShR2K N IWM 1.77e 1.3 141.82 107.99 26266 139.06 144293 141.82 138.49 +1.85 +3.1 iSh3-7yTrB N IEI 1.78 1.4 127.80 121.46 425 123.72 1711 123.81 123.42 -.27 +1.0 iShCorHiDv N HDV 2.90e 3.5 85.70 77.86 197 83.26 1725 83.96 83.19 +.35 +1.2 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 10 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


iSCorUSVal s N IUSV 52.19 42.39 184 50.44 1138 51.05 50.35 +.53 +2.7siSCorUSGr s N IUSG 47.35 38.84 315 47.28 6605 47.44 46.80 +.85 +10.2siShChina N MCHI 1.05e 2.1 51.45 39.24 1424 51.16 5434 51.45 50.66 +.82 +17.0 iShShtTrB N SHV .03e 110.46 110.23 284 110.29 3874 110.32 110.28 iShUSPfd N PFF 2.15a 5.5 40.34 36.70 1905 39.01 9335 39.05 38.91 +.08 +4.8 iSEafeMnV N EFAV 1.77e 2.6 68.72 60.63 504 67.26 2639 67.53 67.14 +.92 +9.9 iSRus3K N IWV 2.47e 1.7 142.61 117.47 165 141.34 813 142.33 140.50 +2.04 +6.3 iSGblMatl N MXI 1.54e 2.6 60.38 45.97 11 59.46 68 60.15 59.29 +.84 +8.4 iShUtils N IDU 4.54e 3.5 132.34 113.89 125 129.26 563 130.60 128.73 -.15 +6.1siSUSAMinV N USMV .87e 1.8 48.62 43.45 1223 48.39 9476 48.62 48.18 +.43 +7.0 iSMrnSCV N JKL 2.98e 2.1 149.77 115.00 6 143.63 32 147.69 143.63 -.30 +.6 iShMCVal N IJJ 2.16e 1.5 152.99 120.67 151 148.23 827 151.59 148.23 +.70 +2.1 iShGblUtil N JXI 1.73e 3.6 49.81 42.85 3 48.27 86 48.78 48.27 +.16 +8.0 iShTelecm N IYZ .68e 2.0 36.74 29.31 276 34.01 2100 34.77 33.83 +.35 -1.4siShTech N IYW 1.20e .9 137.82 99.51 173 138.21 1076 138.51 135.79 +3.56 +14.9siShGblIndl N EXI 1.25e 1.5 83.12 65.42 10 82.60 54 83.12 82.26 +1.76 +9.6siShGblCStp N KXI 2.09e 2.1 101.83 89.34 6 101.00 65 101.83 100.69 +.88 +9.7 iShREst N IYR 2.76e 3.5 85.80 72.11 9646 78.93 37035 81.06 78.70 -1.65 +2.6siSGblCnDis N RXI 1.24e 1.2 99.60 80.26 9 99.23 89 99.75 97.85 +2.59 +10.1 iSh0-5Tips N STIP 101.82 99.89 32 101.27 270 101.32 101.20 -.02 +.5siShHmCnst N ITB .09e .3 32.78 25.16 2546 32.33 17581 32.78 31.89 +.10 +17.6siShInds N IYJ 1.65e 1.3 129.71 103.82 37 128.59 201 129.71 127.72 +2.15 +6.6siShAerosp N ITA 1.31e .9 155.19 118.73 139 153.76 926 155.19 152.75 +2.39 +9.4 iShHltcare N IYH 3.01e 1.9 160.58 137.30 38 158.60 256 158.89 155.94 +3.88 +10.0 iShFinSv N IYG 1.21e 1.1 116.22 75.41 138 108.35 920 111.12 108.35 +1.46 +2.0 iShRegBks N IAT .61e 1.4 49.24 30.04 238 44.43 1257 45.81 44.41 +.45 -2.1 iShInsur N IAK .82e 1.4 62.87 47.25 9 60.64 38 61.31 60.14 +1.04 +2.2 iShFincls N IYF 1.45e 1.4 109.36 80.64 564 103.77 2867 105.87 103.76 +.66 +2.3 iShBroker N IAI .65e 1.3 53.97 33.93 65 50.72 232 51.74 50.57 +.60 +2.5 iShUSEngy N IYE 1.14e 3.1 43.31 35.60 359 37.28 2879 38.20 36.87 +.05 -10.3siShESGSel N KLD 1.14e 1.1 100.12 81.96 13 99.72 93 100.15 98.79 +1.69 +8.4siShCrSPS s N IJR 71.17 54.61 2834 69.79 13040 71.17 69.44 +.93 siShMedDev N IHI 1.57e 1.0 157.82 127.11 304 157.74 792 157.82 153.50 +6.07 +18.5 iShConsGd N IYK 2.43e 2.0 121.06 107.85 30 119.02 97 120.28 118.64 +.38 +7.5siShHltcPrv N IHF .24e .2 137.90 111.40 8 137.44 71 137.90 135.46 +2.28 +9.7siShCorTInt N IXUS 1.42e 2.5 56.29 45.70 2098 56.04 9723 56.29 55.72 +1.31 +11.0 iShPharm N IHE 3.11e 1.0 158.11 129.20 7 153.27 63 153.67 149.37 +4.95 +8.4siShBasM N IYM 1.42e 1.6 90.93 72.44 107 89.30 639 90.93 88.93 +1.23 +7.4 iShPeru N EPU .34e 1.0 36.58 28.58 337 33.36 1128 33.93 33.03 -.27 +1.7siShCorEafe N IEFA 1.55e 2.6 59.70 48.33 3164 59.52 19475 59.70 59.05 +1.70 +11.0 iShOilEq N IEZ .86e 2.3 49.11 34.98 51 38.14 243 40.33 37.82 -.88 -16.1 iShDJ US N IYY 2.01e 1.7 120.51 99.15 18 119.47 125 120.24 118.77 +1.56 +6.6 iShO&GEx N IEO 1.06e 1.8 70.34 52.72 87 58.34 349 60.64 57.69 -.25 -10.8siShAggrAllo N AOA .98e 1.9 50.73 43.77 45 50.59 366 50.73 50.27 +.84 +7.1 iShCrShUS s N ISTB 51.04 49.69 92 50.29 495 50.29 50.20 +.6siShEurope N IEV 1.19e 2.7 43.58 34.52 532 43.35 4014 43.58 42.97 +1.70 +11.7siShGroAllo N AOR .81e 1.9 42.87 38.54 70 42.82 368 42.87 42.58 +.49 +5.5siSRusMic N IWC 1.08e 1.2 88.51 66.58 27 86.55 155 88.51 85.84 +1.48 +.8siShModAllo N AOM .71e 1.9 36.72 34.25 61 36.64 572 36.72 36.50 +.22 +4.0 iShMorMl bt N IYLD 1.33e 5.0 25.50 23.69 52 25.30 188 25.36 25.19 +.13 +4.1siSMsciVal N EFV 1.87e 3.6 51.73 39.87 231 51.39 1344 51.73 51.11 +1.55 +8.8 iSSCVal N IJS 1.73e 1.2 144.90 109.93 186 139.36 673 142.40 138.97 +1.60 -.5siShConsAllo N AOK .64e 1.9 33.70 32.00 50 33.63 296 33.70 33.49 +.21 +3.4siShEafeGr N EFG 1.37e 1.9 71.71 61.05 68 71.57 522 71.71 70.90 +1.98 +12.4siShSCGrth N IJT 1.41e .9 157.82 120.55 99 155.00 678 157.82 154.28 +2.29 +3.3 iShB3-18xF s N IBCC 25.03 24.58 8 24.66 48 24.69 24.61 +.00 +.1 iShiB3-20F s N IBCD 25.14 24.31 3 24.65 23 24.71 24.59 -.05 +.1 iShiB3-23x s N IBCE 25.77 23.90 1 24.43 13 24.49 24.38 -.08 +1.1 iShBd3-18 s N IBDB 25.86 25.53 14 25.62 98 25.67 25.60 -.04 +.1 iShBd3-23 s N IBDD 28.39 25.88 3 26.64 21 26.66 26.51 +.06 +1.5 iShBd3-20 s N IBDC 26.70 25.90 5 26.20 32 26.26 26.12 -.05 +.4 iStar N STAR 20 12.83 8.74 284 12.23 1537 12.65 12.22 -.11 -1.1 iStar pfD N STARpD 2.00 8.1 25.20 21.66 22 24.71 47 24.98 24.65 -.20 +.9 iStar pfE N STARpE 1.97 8.0 24.92 21.00 3 24.65 23 24.90 24.53 -.15 +1.7 iStar pfF N STARpF 1.95 7.9 24.99 21.00 4 24.60 32 24.75 24.43 +.07 +.8 iStar pfG N STARpG 1.91 7.8 24.84 21.00 0 24.35 3 24.37 24.22 +.11 +.8 iStar pfI N STARpI 1.87 7.8 24.98 20.81 1 23.93 17 24.15 23.88 +.04 -.3 ITT Inc N ITT .50 1.2 22 44.00 30.06 621 42.13 3022 42.73 40.40 +2.31 +9.2 Itus Cp hrs Q ITUS 6.82 1.85 25 1.95 53 2.20 1.95 -.10 -63.9 Iberiabnk Q IBKC 1.44 1.8 18 91.10 55.15 708 79.35 3208 81.75 78.64 +1.35 -5.3 Iberia pfB Q IBKCP 1.66 6.0 28.74 25.28 5 27.67 30 28.00 27.50 -.17 +3.4 Iberiab pfC Q IBKCO 1.61e 5.8 30.00 25.28 1 27.68 16 27.70 27.22 +.36 +4.3 iBio N IBIO .80 .33 27 .42 339 .42 .39 +.01 +5.8 Icahn Ent Q IEP 6.00 11.4 64.80 45.42 175 52.85 643 53.44 49.29 +3.85 -11.8sIchorHld n Q ICHR 21.45 9.76 1169 19.40 6568 21.45 18.05 +1.04 +79.3 Icon PLC Q ICLR 30 88.90 62.31 820 84.49 3932 85.69 76.81 +4.62 +12.4 IconixBrnd Q ICON 8 10.80 6.26 575 7.00 2484 7.52 6.99 -.32 -25.1sIdacorp N IDA 2.20 2.6 21 86.46 69.83 210 84.52 863 86.46 84.32 -.72 +4.9 IdealPower Q IPWR 5.84 2.00 14 2.65 83 2.65 2.27 +.29 -19.7 Identive lf Q INVE 7.81 1.61 28 5.74 245 6.28 5.62 -.24 +80.5 IderaPhm Q IDRA 3.33 1.19 1324 2.35 10755 2.62 2.23 +.03 +56.7sIDEX N IEX 1.48f 1.4 27 106.29 77.93 355 104.76 2287 106.29 100.68 +3.17 +16.3 Ignyta Q RXDX 9.90 4.15 1238 8.85 3491 9.75 8.35 +.40 +67.0 iKangHlth Q KANG 20 21.99 13.72 166 14.67 896 14.88 14.41 +.26 -15.3tIkonics Q IKNX 13.95 8.65 2 8.78 5 9.50 8.65 -.05 -22.0sITW N ITW 2.60 1.9 23 142.82 98.32 1432 138.09 11668 142.82 137.91 +3.22 +12.8 Illumina Q ILMN 37 186.88 119.37 1002 184.86 7893 185.95 177.32 +9.57 +44.4 ImageSens Q ISNS 6.39 2.10 8 2.85 90 2.95 2.85 -.05 -23.0 Imax Corp N IMAX 61 35.30 26.48 479 30.50 3762 32.35 30.15 -1.40 -2.9 Immersn h Q IMMR 11.92 5.90 158 8.77 958 9.31 8.56 +.29 -17.5 ImmuCell Q ICCC 42 8.24 4.76 7 5.44 50 5.67 5.31 -.05 -8.6 ImmuneDs Q IMDZ 16.94 4.50 84 6.55 427 6.70 6.10 +.40 +19.1 ImmuneP rs Q IMNP 12.80 2.14 154 3.01 2513 3.47 2.65 -.52 -17.3 ImunC wt rs N IMUC/WS 4.08 .13 0 .24 11 .24 .20 -.02 -65.7 ImunoCll rs N IMUC 12.40 1.83 37 2.35 151 2.58 2.31 -.17 +14.6 ImunoGn Q IMGN 9.45 1.51 856 4.34 11337 4.63 3.98 +.31 +112.7 Imunmd Q IMMU 7.15 1.95 1421 5.73 8288 5.80 5.04 +.53 +56.1 ImpacMtg N IMH 4 18.50 12.04 30 14.30 268 14.66 13.76 -.01 +2.0 ImpaxLabs Q IPXL 36.33 7.75 1135 14.05 7880 14.35 13.28 +.55 +6.0tImpOil g N IMO .64f 12 36.85 29.10 421 29.07 1610 30.72 29.02 -.91 -16.4 Imperva Q IMPV 57.24 31.11 552 44.45 1763 44.60 42.25 +2.10 +15.8 Impinj n Q PI 41.91 16.36 666 37.48 3364 40.00 35.82 +1.24 +6.1 ImprimisP Q IMMY 4.69 1.65 225 4.07 969 4.57 4.05 -.37 +62.8 IncOpR N IOT 18 10.20 6.77 8.79 5 9.02 8.66 -.06 +20.4 Incyte Q INCY 153.15 68.03 887 124.28 5403 125.47 122.32 +1.27 +23.9 IndCDrillg N ICD 7.30 3.85 1074 4.61 2063 5.00 4.33 -.29 -31.2 IndepHld N IHC .12f .6 17 21.23 15.05 7 18.95 43 19.55 18.75 +.20 -3.1 IndepRT N IRT .72a 7.8 8 10.70 7.11 296 9.20 2363 9.62 9.14 -.22 +3.1 IndBkMA Q INDB 1.28f 2.0 21 71.95 42.44 101 63.30 504 67.50 63.20 -.80 -10.1sIndBkMI Q IBCP .40 1.8 20 23.65 13.42 62 22.30 476 23.65 21.65 +1.00 +2.8 IndepBkTX Q IBTX .44f .7 19 66.85 31.84 186 60.15 577 64.70 59.90 +.25 -3.6sIndiaFd N IFN 1.82e 1.7 26.48 20.39 33 26.39 379 26.48 25.95 +.51 +23.4 IndiaGCap N IGC .80 .19 126 .46 929 .52 .44 -.03 +64.3 IndoTel s N TLK .67 34.65 25.86 337 32.75 1751 33.12 32.43 +.20 +12.3tIndSvAm lf Q IDSA 3.35 1.06 21 1.15 129 1.24 1.06 -.01 -35.8 IndBach N IBA .87e 1.6 56.10 45.32 36 53.45 136 54.81 51.56 -.36 +9.0 Infinera Q INFN 15.71 7.23 1347 9.92 8124 10.37 9.71 +.29 +16.8 InnityPh Q INFI 6.63 .84 1192 2.15 3886 2.25 1.87 +.23 +59.3sInfPrCas Q IPCC 2.32f 2.3 26 101.70 73.80 37 99.25 244 101.70 97.90 +1.40 +12.9 InfoSvcs Q III .20f 6.3 23 4.32 2.95 97 3.15 505 3.36 3.14 +.04 -13.5sInfoSonic h Q IFON 1.04 .35 7814 .73 14421 1.04 .47 +.24 +92.1 Infosys N INFY .62e 4.3 15 19.76 13.42 4425 14.56 28531 14.61 14.36 +.08 -1.8 InfrREIT n N HIFR 1.00 5.2 18 19.50 14.59 226 19.10 1863 19.34 18.35 +1.08 +6.6 InfuSystem N INFU 3.67 1.55 79 2.05 156 2.25 1.95 -.10 -19.6sIngerRd N IR 1.60 1.8 20 89.75 59.10 1730 88.75 10926 89.75 83.40 +5.72 +18.3sIngevity N NGVT 65.02 24.50 331 63.23 1267 65.02 62.23 +1.23 +15.3 InglesMk h Q IMKTA .66 1.4 17 52.40 35.00 38 46.70 201 47.95 46.05 +.30 -2.9 Ingredion N INGR 2.00f 1.6 18 140.00 112.06 640 123.82 2643 124.33 120.62 +2.96 -.9 InnerWkgs Q INWK 11.00 7.59 279 10.59 1854 10.91 9.91 +.58 +7.5 Innocoll Q INNL 12.94 .53 155 2.06 1689 2.22 2.03 -.01 +198.6 Innodata Q INOD 2.80 1.90 5 2.10 66 2.10 1.95 +.20 -14.3 Innophos Q IPHS 1.92 4.0 19 58.22 35.39 121 47.94 712 48.62 45.73 +2.03 -8.3 Innospec Q IOSP .68f 1.0 20 74.75 44.06 90 66.00 421 66.93 62.95 +4.00 -3.6 InnovInd n N IIPR 20.52 14.50 26 18.00 280 18.95 17.20 -.44 -1.0 InnovSolu Q ISSC 70 4.36 2.55 14 3.49 106 3.50 3.00 +.50 +4.8 Innoviva Q INVA 1.00 8.5 18 14.55 8.67 2445 11.79 7149 13.16 11.02 -.74 +10.1 Innsuites N IHT .01 .5 3.09 1.58 5 1.90 9 1.95 1.85 -.06 -15.7sInogen Q INGN 84.25 43.16 72 82.89 672 84.25 79.81 +3.71 +23.4 InotekPh n Q ITEK 10.90 1.50 334 2.00 2353 2.15 1.85 +.05 -67.2 Inovalon n Q INOV .12p 36 20.05 8.60 198 12.25 1610 12.40 11.65 +.60 +18.9 InovioPhm Q INO 11.69 5.83 564 6.29 4610 6.88 6.22 +.02 -9.4 Inphi N IPHI 18 51.78 25.89 1167 41.42 7158 46.92 41.16 -3.00 -7.2tInpixon rs Q INPX 11.09 2.40 28 2.32 209 2.91 2.31 -.55 -36.6 InseegoCp Q INSG 3.80 1.06 56 2.14 341 2.24 2.04 -.10 -12.3 InsightEnt Q NSIT 18 46.00 23.31 133 42.10 770 43.43 41.71 +.74 +4.1sInsightS n N INSI 19.38 18.64 14 19.35 110 19.48 19.15 +.08 +2.3tInsignia s Q ISIG .70e 2.02 1.15 38 1.23 165 1.28 1.15 +.01 -30.0sInsmed Q INSM 19.35 9.02 280 18.45 2078 19.35 18.31 +.23 +39.5sInsperity N NSP 1.00 1.1 25 93.43 54.93 196 91.35 662 93.65 89.05 +2.70 +28.8 InspMD rs N NSPR 13.75 .60 353 .66 950 .75 .63 +.02 -73.6 InspEnt Q INSE 11.50 7.50 3 10.10 19 10.70 9.75 +.25 +19.5sInstlldBPd N IBP 44 55.45 26.00 178 53.35 652 55.45 53.20 -.10 +29.2 Insteel Q IIIN .12a .3 18 42.81 22.50 86 34.81 602 36.70 34.61 +.24 -2.3 InstFnMkts N IFMI .08 6.8 6 1.65 .76 3 1.18 57 1.29 1.16 +.03 -.8 Instructre n N INST 26.92 16.55 101 23.90 1354 24.15 22.55 +1.25 +22.3 Insulet Q PODD 48.23 26.50 492 43.41 2723 44.46 41.91 +1.91 +15.2 InsysTher s Q INSY 59 19.96 8.70 701 11.25 2844 11.84 10.12 +1.04 +22.3 IntecPhm n Q NTEC 6.36 3.03 0 5.50 15 5.60 5.35 +.20 -3.5 IntegerHl N ITGR 41.80 18.10 132 36.75 1084 37.40 35.90 +.90 +24.8sIntegLfSc s Q IART 32 47.02 32.77 443 45.97 4163 47.02 41.67 +3.86 +7.2 IntgDv Q IDTI 21 26.66 18.49 1617 23.99 6860 24.74 23.61 +.45 +1.8 Intel Q INTC 1.09f 3.0 16 38.45 29.50 53444 36.15 168582 37.50 35.88 -.17 -.3 Intellia n Q NTLA 30.40 10.83 115 14.57 766 15.68 13.60 +.74 +11.1 Intellichk N IDN 3.26 1.20 27 2.90 118 3.15 2.72 -.10 +5.5 IntellgSys N INS 4.85 3.17 1 4.20 21 4.39 4.16 -.30 -1.0 Intelliph Q IPCI 3.35 1.41 167 2.11 1031 2.18 1.85 +.15 -25.7 Intelsat N I 5.87 2.12 1405 2.95 2881 3.89 2.90 -.67 +10.5sIntParfum Q IPAR .68 1.8 35 38.20 27.05 139 37.95 577 38.43 35.35 +2.55 +15.9sInterXion N INXN 41.51 32.21 848 41.66 2379 41.91 40.13 +1.69 +18.8 InteractB Q IBKR .40 1.1 31 40.38 31.97 878 34.83 3762 35.20 34.11 +.80 -4.6 InterceptP Q ICPT 177.93 96.63 215 112.35 1485 116.19 106.05 +4.46 +3.4 IntcntlExc s N ICE 2.07e 3.4 11 61.98 47.62 2917 60.20 12132 61.55 60.03 -.21 +6.7sIntCtlHtls N IHG 1.28e 2.4 52.56 34.63 241 52.79 744 53.31 50.50 +2.69 +19.1 InterDig Q IDCC 1.20 1.3 10 102.30 51.97 446 89.90 2442 93.00 86.65 +4.50 -1.6sInterface Q TILE .24 1.2 18 21.00 14.56 626 19.90 2710 21.00 18.90 +1.15 +7.3 Intermolec Q IMI 2.52 .78 111 .81 164 .86 .80 +.01 -14.6 Internap Q INAP 3.86 .80 599 3.10 2295 3.29 3.05 +101.3 IntlBcsh Q IBOC .66f 1.8 19 42.25 24.29 225 37.40 1121 38.75 36.60 +1.80 -8.3 IBM N IBM 6.00f 3.7 13 182.79 142.50 3570 160.29 22166 162.04 159.63 -.09 -3.4 IntFlav N IFF 2.24 1.6 25 143.64 113.16 296 138.59 1833 140.20 136.82 +2.47 +17.6 IntlGmeT n N IGT .80 3.6 32.07 16.65 634 22.20 6138 22.70 21.71 -.14 -13.0 IntPap N IP 1.85f 3.4 18 58.86 39.24 2368 53.97 13189 55.54 53.19 +1.19 +1.7 IntlSeaw n N INSW 20.45 10.66 105 19.33 482 19.64 19.10 +.19 +37.7 IntlSpdw Q ISCA .43f 1.2 22 40.31 30.05 160 37.10 781 39.30 37.05 -.60 +.8 IntTower g N THM 1.40 .40 119 .50 843 .57 .50 -.07 -8.3 IntrntGold Q IGLD 15.00 9.56 11.00 10 11.02 10.51 +.47 -7.6 IntrntInitJ Q IIJI .11e 1.3 11.13 6.70 5 8.51 10 9.47 8.51 -.35 +14.2 IntrpDia rs Q IDXG 19.80 .70 391 2.28 3016 2.50 2.24 -.07 -48.2 Interpublic N IPG .72f 3.1 16 25.34 21.67 5041 23.57 29179 24.93 23.54 -.82 +.7 IntersENT Q XENT 20.64 7.65 200 19.00 1215 19.15 17.25 +1.45 +57.0sIntersectns Q INTX 5.15 1.70 8 4.88 402 5.15 4.58 +.37 +22.3 IntstP pfD N IPLpD 1.28 4.9 29.30 22.70 1 25.88 8 26.20 25.88 -.10 +6.3sinTestCorp N INTT 7.25 3.48 48 6.95 415 7.25 6.61 +.40 +51.1sIntevac Q IVAC 14.15 4.33 187 12.75 1783 14.15 12.60 -.25 +49.1 IntraCellu Q ITCI 45.20 10.43 525 13.82 2543 13.92 12.17 +1.41 -8.4 IntwstRsts N SNOW 24 25.78 8.23 213 23.58 1200 23.78 23.55 -.02 +32.1 IntPotash N IPI 3.04 .85 635 1.81 3312 1.94 1.78 -.05 -13.0 Intrexon N XON 25 32.90 18.41 541 20.84 3807 21.75 20.20 +.67 -14.2 IntriCon Q IIN 9.65 4.12 18 8.90 101 9.65 8.60 -.65 +29.0 Intuit Q INTU 1.36 1.1 37 128.45 99.20 1919 125.21 14643 126.08 115.62 +6.85 +9.2sIntSurg Q ISRG 39 840.75 610.71 286 835.87 1755 844.46 813.17 +22.44 +31.8 Inuvo N INUV 25 2.31 1.00 15 1.25 200 1.34 1.12 -.08 -25.1sInvacare N IVC .05 .3 13.78 8.00 1069 14.70 2108 16.65 12.30 +2.50 +12.6sInvenSense N INVN 12.96 5.42 6842 12.86 16491 12.96 12.75 -.07 +.5 Inventrgy rs Q INVT 2.28 .20 526 .23 2150 .30 .21 -.01 -68.9 Inventure Q SNAK 10.15 3.54 120 3.70 736 4.14 3.65 -.29 -62.4 InvHiIn23 n N IHIT 10.50 9.94 52 10.06 264 10.07 9.99 +.05 -1.7 InvAdvMu2 N VKI .78 6.9 13.57 10.68 84 11.33 407 11.36 11.23 -.05 +1.3 Inv Bond N VBF .83a 4.4 19.54 17.85 74 18.89 402 18.99 18.75 +.01 +2.2 InvCAVal N VCV .79 6.3 14.83 11.78 51 12.55 300 12.55 12.41 +.02 +3.4 InvDynCrd N VTA .90 7.3 12.59 10.68 184 12.29 1111 12.32 12.19 +.13 -.1 InvHiInc2 N VLT 1.24 8.4 14.87 13.20 6 14.68 100 14.68 14.55 +.18 +3.0 Invsco iim N IIM .84 5.6 17.92 14.16 76 14.87 485 14.89 14.74 -.02 +1.6sInvesco N IVZ 1.16f 3.5 14 33.46 23.02 3146 32.94 18334 33.47 31.88 +1.66 +8.6sInvMtgCap N IVR 1.60 9.8 10 16.66 12.43 960 16.31 4762 16.66 16.00 +.27 +11.7 InvMtg pfA N IVRpA 1.94 7.7 26.39 23.39 4 25.32 40 25.67 25.30 -.23 +4.1 InvMtg pfB N IVRpB 1.94 7.5 26.25 23.21 3 25.75 20 25.83 25.37 +.19 +6.9 Invsco oia N OIA .39 5.1 8.30 6.91 50 7.72 371 7.80 7.70 -.07 +7.7 InvMuOpTr N VMO .88 6.8 15.13 12.27 162 13.02 696 13.08 12.93 -.06 +2.2 InvMuniTr N VKQ .82 6.5 14.34 11.89 128 12.64 684 12.66 12.56 -.04 +3.1 InvPAVal N VPV .79 6.4 14.69 11.83 32 12.33 255 12.38 12.26 -.06 +1.4 Invsco iqi N IQI .76 6.1 14.12 12.01 101 12.48 538 12.51 12.34 +.6 InvSrInco N VVR .31 6.6 4.77 4.03 358 4.70 2179 4.73 4.64 +.02 +1.3 InvTrIG N VGM .88 6.7 14.99 12.34 134 13.12 710 13.18 13.02 -.07 +2.9 InvTrNY N VTN .85 6.3 16.68 13.01 51 13.57 186 13.67 13.52 -.09 +2.3sInvestar Q ISTR .08f .4 22 22.60 14.96 16 22.25 188 22.60 22.20 +.25 +19.3 InvTech N ITG .28 1.4 44 21.28 15.04 92 19.91 603 20.64 19.90 +.07 +.9 InvestBncp Q ISBC .32 2.3 22 15.11 10.67 3417 13.85 9706 14.85 13.85 -.56 -.7 InvRlEst N IRET .52 8.8 59 7.28 5.60 340 5.91 1930 6.25 5.90 -.19 -17.1 InvRET pfB N IRETpB 1.99 7.9 26.54 24.96 8 25.30 35 25.38 25.25 +.04 -.3sInvTitl Q ITIC .80 .4 17 178.01 82.13 3 178.22 12 179.97 166.24 +15.80 +12.7 Invitae n N NVTA 11.88 5.76 205 11.03 973 11.39 10.33 +.65 +38.9 InvitHm n N INVH 22.15 19.80 778 21.55 3178 21.77 21.51 -.11 +7.8 InVivoTh rs Q NVIV 7.94 3.30 141 3.80 890 4.12 3.68 -.10 -9.5 Invuity n Q IVTY 14.25 4.50 103 9.00 677 9.70 8.45 +.20 +56.5 IonisPhm Q IONS 57.00 19.59 1114 48.19 8044 49.50 43.77 +3.93 +.8 iPBetaCmd N BCM 28.17 25.29 6 26.53 21 26.71 26.28 -.15 -2.7 iPBtaCocoa N CHOC 47.10 26.41 9 27.58 27 28.17 27.02 -.06 -13.6tiPBetaCoff N CAFE 17.80 12.49 3 12.91 17 12.97 12.49 +.11 -5.4 iPBetaCttn N CTNN 32.94 24.27 1 32.04 3 32.18 32.04 +.03 +9.5 iPBetaNick N NINI 19.83 14.58 15.53 11 15.59 15.52 -.12 -8.2 iPBetaCrOil N OLEM 18.17 13.76 1 14.97 6 15.21 14.83 -.19 -13.8 iRadimed Q IRMD 11 22.53 7.85 105 8.60 215 9.10 8.29 -.20 -22.5 Iridex Q IRIX 16.64 10.08 36 11.40 158 11.65 10.63 +.23 -18.9 IridiumCm Q IRDM 11 11.54 6.80 882 10.60 6084 10.70 10.00 +.40 +10.4 IronMtn N IRM 2.20 6.3 26 41.50 30.75 1170 34.76 5620 36.65 34.57 -1.58 +7.0 IronwdPh Q IRWD 18.53 9.06 721 16.32 5107 16.88 15.98 +.42 +6.7siShItaly rs N EWI 26.86 19.62 759 26.45 4644 26.86 26.30 +1.47 +9.3 iShJapan rs N EWJ 52.38 44.60 6279 51.86 28483 52.22 51.72 +.40 +6.1 iSMlasia rs N EWM 34.24 27.58 391 31.69 2885 31.78 31.20 +.64 +12.9 iShSing rs N EWS 22.99 19.86 267 22.98 1872 22.99 22.69 +.42 +15.3 iSTaiwn rs N EWT 33.92 24.70 3454 33.76 21098 33.85 33.26 +.80 +14.9siSh UK rs N EWU 33.29 27.60 1575 33.10 10536 33.29 32.86 +.73 +7.9 iSh0-5IGCp N SLQD .79 1.6 52.09 49.91 91 50.52 507 50.53 50.44 +.6 iShCmdOpT N CMDT 39.52 32.08 12 35.67 20 35.67 35.38 +.18 -2.6siShCvBd N ICVT .67e 52.16 43.37 5 51.98 25 52.30 51.58 +.69 +6.9siShCorEM N IEMG 1.09e 2.2 48.95 38.86 4930 48.70 33099 48.95 48.29 +.90 +14.7 iShColomC N ICOL .43e 3.2 14.14 11.50 10 13.55 22 13.86 13.41 -.09 +4.7siShFSIntSC N ISCF .12p 27.55 22.70 6 27.62 9 27.70 27.34 +.82 +15.1siShFacSIntl N INTF .17p 25.94 20.95 13 25.79 185 25.94 25.72 +.64 +11.0 iShFS USA N LRGF .19e 28.62 22.96 33 28.18 196 28.40 28.06 +.30 +5.5 iShFSUsaSC N SMLF .23e 36.78 28.24 4 36.07 19 36.71 35.98 +.52 +1.9siShFacSGbl N ACWF .11p 26.39 22.27 26.26 8 26.39 26.13 +.68 +8.9 iSh iBd23 n N IBML 25.24 25.10 4 25.20 9 25.23 25.17 -.04 +.2siShMgRE rs N REM 47.69 38.52 314 46.92 2774 47.69 46.12 +.46 +11.6siShExpoTc N XT .14p 30.56 22.88 380 30.49 1093 30.69 30.02 +.91 +13.9 iSh0-5HYCp N SHYG 2.38 5.0 48.04 45.27 330 47.89 2058 47.95 47.81 +.17 +1.2 iShDvlValu N IVLU 24.32 18.86 7 23.73 37 23.85 23.56 +.67 +7.3 iSh 3-10yr n N IMTB 50.06 48.36 4 49.62 10 49.64 49.40 +.02 +1.8 iShSaudi N KSA 25.84 19.81 1 24.96 29 25.10 24.79 +.21 -1.2siSh MinVl n N SMMV 27.62 23.65 27.62 4 27.62 27.27 +.39 +6.4 iShHYlexOG Q HYXE 52.28 49.53 4 52.26 6 52.26 52.14 +.51 +2.9siShIntDevM N IMTM .30p 27.60 23.88 2 27.36 93 27.60 27.11 +.48 +10.3siShIntDevQ N IQLT .55p 27.03 23.16 13 26.99 121 27.03 26.80 +.69 +10.2 iShLwCarb N CRBN .94p 106.91 87.26 13 105.93 36 106.66 105.69 +1.70 +9.5 iShFallAn n Q FALN 27.60 24.79 2 27.59 42 27.59 27.46 +.23 +3.1siShCHdEM N HEEM 1.26e 2.1 23.26 19.57 23 23.14 217 23.27 22.88 +.42 +9.1 iShMsciChA N CNYA 27.92 24.52 0 26.27 5 26.57 26.27 -.39 +6.3siSh ESG Opt Q ESGD 61.83 53.81 4 61.65 30 61.83 61.26 +1.86 +10.6siSh IntDvGr N IGRO 54.14 45.50 2 53.82 9 54.14 52.75 +.95 +10.0siSh GlImp n Q MPCT .23p 56.17 45.35 1 52.66 9 56.17 52.45 +1.06 +10.4siShMultMat N MATF 30.09 25.54 30.09 3 30.09 29.80 +.97 +8.3 iSh MultFin N FNCF 32.47 24.11 0 31.03 3 31.33 31.00 +.41 +3.1 iShIntHdHi N HYGH 4.56 5.0 92.18 82.40 4 91.02 27 91.27 90.86 +.67 +1.6 iShCTotBd s N IUSB 53.76 49.81 30 50.87 292 50.88 50.69 -.02 +1.2 iShCDivGr N DGRO .65e 2.1 31.09 25.87 316 30.74 1655 30.94 30.56 +.44 +6.4siShCHEmu N HEZU .64e 1.7 29.54 22.25 521 29.37 2917 29.54 29.28 +.93 +10.4 iShGblReit N REET .94e 3.7 28.84 24.19 51 25.46 301 26.14 25.40 -.52 +.9 iShCoreInt N IAGG 54.18 50.99 26 52.05 120 52.06 51.85 +.02 +.4 iShCorePac N IPAC 1.06e 2.0 53.31 44.91 38 53.05 247 53.21 52.80 +.50 +8.7siShCHGer N HEWG .68e 1.6 28.28 21.13 70 28.16 1045 28.28 28.07 +.80 +9.0 iShIntHdCp N LQDH 2.76 2.9 95.12 90.50 6 94.47 23 94.68 94.26 +.22 +.4 iShCHCda N HEWC 1.41e 1.8 25.88 22.03 0 25.41 6 25.72 25.29 +.12 +1.7 iShJpMinV N JPMV .70e 1.2 62.56 56.89 1 60.26 23 60.75 60.23 -.09 +5.9 iShEuMinV N EUMV .67e 2.8 24.40 20.51 9 23.59 33 23.72 23.45 +.67 +11.2siShCorEur N IEUR 1.18e 2.6 45.86 36.31 167 45.70 2769 45.86 45.20 +1.81 +12.3 iShxJMinV N AXJV .84p 51.33 28.29 32.23 10 32.35 32.05 +.69 +11.0 iSh2022Mu N IBMK .09e 26.54 24.98 5 25.91 80 25.94 25.88 -.01 +2.2 iSh UAE Q UAE .53e 3.1 18.00 15.34 3 16.97 22 16.99 16.76 -.03 +2.6 iSh Qatar Q QAT .85e 21.11 17.55 19.13 10 19.40 19.13 -.38 +.4 iShYdOpBd N BYLD .75 3.0 25.35 24.45 8 24.98 33 24.98 24.90 +.01 +1.3 iSh2021Mu N IBMJ .07e 26.27 24.92 17 25.76 89 25.79 25.68 -.06 +1.9 iShRussia rs N ERUS 35.08 25.30 347 32.01 1667 32.33 31.65 +.94 -4.5siSCHeafe N HEFA .70e 1.6 28.07 22.42 1131 27.88 7239 28.07 27.70 +.71 +6.7 iShH10yCBd N CLYH .31e 25.26 23.59 1 25.02 13 25.02 24.82 +.18 +.5siShCHSpain N HEWP .31p 23.68 16.72 3 23.47 54 23.68 23.41 +.82 +17.4 iShCHItaly N HEWI .55p 19.21 13.45 6 16.03 28 16.22 16.02 +.67 +6.1 iShShMMu N MEAR .27e 52.06 49.65 50.03 11 50.10 49.99 -.06 +.5 iShCHAcxUs N HAWX 1.38e 4.2 26.63 20.80 10 24.79 80 24.89 24.62 +.59 +7.3 iShGbMM rs N PICK 30.75 18.30 210 27.18 780 27.72 26.89 +.18 +5.6 iShCmdSel Q COMT .39e 1.2 35.41 30.07 20 33.22 121 33.45 32.83 -3.1 iShGblGld rs N RING 26.78 15.48 1330 18.28 6604 19.41 17.83 -1.46 +6.7 iShTrFRBd N TFLO .07e .1 50.21 50.06 50.19 15 50.21 50.17 -.01 +.1 iShCH UK N HEWU .24p 26.21 21.60 30 23.28 144 23.60 23.25 +.24 +2.9siSh ESG Sl N ESGE 62.52 52.75 2 62.32 11 62.52 61.90 +1.18 +14.8siShCHSwitz N HEWL 1.43e 2.3 26.28 22.04 0 26.18 9 26.28 25.76 +.82 +11.2 iShLqdty bt N ICSH .25e .5 50.25 49.87 3 50.07 19 50.09 50.03 +.02 +.3 iShCHJpn N HEWJ .74e .6 29.02 22.14 625 28.26 5902 28.50 27.76 +.80 +1.7siShFacEmg N EMGF .13p 41.26 32.45 3 41.09 27 41.26 40.72 +.75 +15.8 iSh iBd26 n N IBDR 25.45 23.56 12 24.33 38 24.37 24.15 +.02 +1.7 iSiBd12-18 s N IBDH .30 1.2 25.49 25.04 52 25.19 318 25.23 25.16 -.01 +.2 iSiBd12-20 s N IBDL .62e 2.4 26.00 25.03 42 25.49 389 25.53 25.43 +.01 +1.0 iSiBd12-17 s N IBDJ .22e 25.15 24.80 18 24.86 134 24.87 24.82 +.03 iSiBd12-19 s N IBDK .37e 25.56 24.74 25 24.99 447 25.00 24.94 +.02 +.4 iSiBd12-23 s N IBDO .56e 25.99 24.33 23 25.11 162 25.13 25.00 +1.6 iSiBd12-22 s N IBDN .55e 26.00 24.43 31 25.07 281 25.13 24.97 -.04 +1.1 iSiBd12-25 s N IBDQ .64e 25.99 24.08 15 24.88 265 24.88 24.69 +.08 +2.2 iSiBd12-24 s N IBDP .63e 26.10 24.17 36 24.94 139 24.94 24.80 +.05 +1.9 iSiBd12-21 s N IBDM .47e 25.66 24.45 82 24.94 461 24.98 24.86 -.01 +1.0sIsleCapri Q ISLE 14 27.04 14.30 1793 23.06 9437 27.04 22.97 -2.95 -6.6 IsoRay N ISR 1.15 .48 44 .61 582 .64 .55 +.05 +5.0 IsraelChm N ICL .27e 6.3 4.85 3.52 126 4.32 1258 4.36 4.08 +.25 +5.1 IssuerDir N ISDR .20 1.7 38 11.85 5.27 90 11.65 111 11.83 11.45 -.15 +29.4 ItauCorpb N ITCB 2.48e 18.1 14.70 11.14 22 13.72 280 14.34 13.55 -.49 +10.3 ItauUnibH N ITUB .32e 2.6 13.65 7.91 10091 12.30 56061 12.40 12.00 +.44 +19.8 Iteris Q ITI 6.15 2.20 200 5.29 533 5.42 4.96 +.24 +45.3 Itron Q ITRI 33 66.45 40.11 212 64.85 1018 65.30 61.26 +3.25 +3.2 IturanLoc Q ITRN .86e 2.7 20 32.35 19.80 26 31.30 94 31.45 30.35 +.85 +18.1sIvyHiInOp N IVH 1.50a 9.6 15.79 12.90 69 15.59 360 15.79 15.36 +.19 +5.6 IxysCp Q IXYS .16 1.1 22 14.60 9.59 66 13.95 467 14.50 13.90 +17.2 Izea n Q IZEA 7.95 2.99 5 3.66 75 3.88 3.57 -.04 -18.8J -:J&J Snack Q JJSF 1.68 1.2 33 143.22 97.73 74 134.58 380 139.06 132.40 +.10 +.9sJAlexHld n N JAX 22 11.45 8.35 25 11.00 131 11.45 10.40 +.35 +2.3 JJill n N JILL 14.40 12.00 69 13.20 698 13.96 12.96 -.50 +1.9 j2Global Q JCOM 1.46f 1.6 29 90.88 60.00 328 90.24 1775 90.58 84.67 +5.56 +10.3 JA Solar Q JASO 7 8.94 4.42 666 7.01 2882 7.35 6.51 +.49 Q JD 35.32 19.51 4678 35.07 32069 35.50 34.36 +.72 +37.9 JMP Grp N JMP .36 6.2 12 7.00 4.97 42 5.84 195 6.14 5.35 -.22 -4.9 JMP Gp 23 N JMPB 2.00 7.8 25.87 23.91 1 25.62 9 25.72 25.55 -.05 +1.5 JMP Grp21 N JMPC 1.81 7.1 26.09 23.31 2 25.41 9 25.68 25.29 +.10 +1.2 JMU Ltd Q JMU 6.00 2.06 22 2.60 68 2.78 2.30 +.27 -30.9 JPMCh pfE N JPMpE 1.58 5.8 28.05 25.21 51 27.11 327 27.62 27.11 -.41 +4.4 JPMCh pfD N JPMpD 1.38 5.4 26.41 23.86 101 25.38 436 25.89 25.33 -.42 +3.1sJPMDvsRt N JPGE .96e 1.7 55.46 48.24 11 55.19 84 55.46 55.06 +.84 +8.5sJPMIntEq N JPIN 1.08e 2.0 54.20 46.27 62 54.02 315 54.20 53.68 +1.06 +10.4 JPMDvREm N JPEM 1.31p 52.09 41.30 30 51.77 100 52.02 51.41 +.84 +11.8sJPM DREq N JPUS .26p 64.59 54.60 23 63.84 171 64.59 63.59 +.74 +7.8sJPM DivInt N JPIH 28.15 24.50 3 27.96 14 28.15 27.58 +.52 +6.7sJPMDsfEu N JPEU 54.68 46.48 14 54.45 19 54.68 54.18 +1.97 +11.5 JPM DivAlt N JPHF 30.69 25.00 5 26.18 59 26.35 26.17 +.08 +2.0 JPM Disc n N JPHY 52.12 49.82 2 51.34 5 51.34 51.08 +.11 +1.3sJPM USMid N JPME 58.77 50.50 8 58.16 21 58.77 58.03 +.48 +7.4 JPMorgCh N JPM 1.92 2.2 14 93.98 57.05 10468 87.00 79980 89.13 86.42 +2.48 +.8 JPMCh wt N JPM/WS 52.40 16.40 61 46.14 184 47.95 45.17 +2.39 +4.2 JPMCh pfA N JPMpA 1.36 5.4 26.86 23.90 61 25.34 278 25.92 25.34 -.54 +2.8 JPMCh pfB N JPMpB 1.68 6.1 29.22 25.80 56 27.27 255 27.82 27.26 -.35 +1.5 JPMAlerian N AMJ 2.29 7.2 34.41 28.55 943 31.85 5574 32.34 31.74 +.01 +.8 JPMCh pfY N JPMpF 1.53 5.7 27.94 25.00 79 26.82 494 27.36 26.81 -.43 +5.8 JPMCh pfG N JPMpG 1.52 5.7 27.89 24.80 49 26.85 327 27.32 26.81 -.31 +5.9 JPMCh pfH N JPMpH 1.54 5.7 28.14 25.18 71 26.90 495 27.33 26.83 -.35 +5.1sJPM China N JFC .97e 1.8 19.14 13.86 45 19.09 207 19.14 18.52 +.53 +22.5 JRJR Ntw N JRJR 1.29 .38 49 .50 404 .53 .46 +.00 -33.5sJabil N JBL .32 1.1 21 29.75 16.78 1689 29.02 6721 29.75 28.94 +.07 +22.6sJackHenry Q JKHY 1.24f 1.3 30 98.02 79.00 222 96.92 867 98.02 96.04 +1.29 +9.2 JackInBox Q JACK 1.60 1.6 28 113.30 64.30 382 101.97 2601 103.19 100.81 +.89 -8.7 JksvllBcIL Q JXSB .40 1.3 18 37.20 25.60 30.50 22 31.25 30.50 -.45 +1.7 JacobsEng N JEC .15p 20 63.42 43.93 656 54.92 2752 55.92 54.01 +1.38 -3.6tJaggedPk n N JAG 15.08 11.20 483 11.14 2905 12.06 11.02 -.71 -23.2 JaguarAH h Q JAGX 3.79 .50 175 .86 477 .90 .77 +.07 +19.6 JkksPac Q JAKK 9.75 4.63 344 4.90 1929 5.30 4.65 -.20 -4.9 Jamba Q JMBA 13.35 8.11 87 8.52 440 8.66 8.30 +.18 -17.3 JHardie s N JHX .39e 2.3 79 17.30 13.68 55 17.06 88 17.06 16.44 +.76 +7.3 JRiverGrp Q JRVR 1.20 2.8 18 46.20 25.86 77 43.56 498 44.05 42.34 +1.44 +4.8sJanusSmC Q JSML 32.25 25.63 0 31.97 3 32.25 31.76 +.42 +4.8sJanSmMid Q JSMD 33.85 26.58 14 33.16 42 33.85 32.85 +.30 +5.9 JanLTCar n Q OLD 27.57 22.17 13 25.34 44 25.68 25.15 -.20 +8.1 JanOrgan n Q ORG 37.52 23.82 1 27.00 4 27.00 26.20 +.70 +10.2 JanTailRsk N TRSK .24e .8 29.58 25.98 29.32 10 29.32 29.13 +.29 +5.7 AlpVSVolLC N SPXH .51e 1.5 33.34 27.50 3 33.08 19 33.21 32.78 +.39 +8.0 JanusCap N JNS .44 3.2 16 16.62 11.96 2031 13.66 11465 13.78 13.40 +.51 +2.9sJpnSmCap N JOF .13e 1.2 10.94 9.43 40 10.94 129 10.96 10.80 +.19 +12.5 Jason Inds Q JASN 4.13 1.14 44 1.41 383 1.50 1.18 +.21 -21.7 Jason wt Q JASNW .35 .04 .05 8 .05 .05 +.00 -18.3sJazzPhrm Q JAZZ 25 162.25 95.80 430 159.28 2323 163.75 153.42 +6.44 +46.1sJeldWen n N JELD 34.40 25.60 156 33.03 940 34.40 32.74 +.34 +26.8 JensynAc n Q JSYN 12.00 9.75 0 10.26 3 10.26 10.24 +.02 +.9 JensynAc rt Q JSYNR 1.00 .04 .21 29 .24 .20 +.01 +82.6 JensynAc wt Q JSYNW .42 .08 0 .30 20 .33 .30 +.01 +27.7sJensynAc un Q JSYNU 10.90 9.95 10.90 18 10.90 10.74 +.18 +3.9 JernignC n N JCAP 1.40 6.0 12 24.71 10.10 230 23.29 759 24.32 22.33 -.95 +10.6 JetBlue Q JBLU 12 23.15 14.76 5413 21.83 41048 22.74 21.48 +.30 -2.6 JetPay Q JTPY 3.25 1.75 8 2.18 80 2.20 1.75 +.18 -3.3 JewettCam Q JCTCF 16 14.95 9.64 1 11.78 14 12.00 11.26 -.21 -8.7 JinkoSolar N JKS 4 24.04 12.72 624 17.34 2378 17.86 16.79 +.69 +13.9sJiveSoftw Q JIVE 5.25 3.50 330 5.05 3181 5.25 4.70 +.35 +16.1 JBeanTch N JBT .40 .5 42 93.55 51.20 194 88.65 1328 93.30 85.60 +.40 +3.1sJHMultLgC N JHML .10p 31.36 25.69 9 31.11 114 31.36 30.97 +.41 +7.1 JH MultMdC N JHMM .08p 33.00 24.99 12 30.67 69 31.10 30.62 +.28 +6.9sJH MultCns N JHMC .07p 29.53 23.73 2 28.08 11 29.53 27.79 +.24 +8.0 JH MultFin N JHMF .08p 33.34 22.86 5 31.38 22 32.12 31.38 +.34 +2.5 JH MultHltC N JHMH .05p 33.88 24.50 3 28.75 12 28.81 28.16 +.87 +11.3sJH MultTch N JHMT .09p 35.12 25.31 5 35.16 23 35.17 34.67 +.82 +14.3 JH MultEn N JHME 31.57 25.37 0 27.54 4 28.15 27.54 +.11 -9.3 JH MultMat N JHMA 31.46 25.60 31.17 2 31.23 30.95 +.78 +8.3sJH MultDev N JHMD 27.52 24.73 1 27.34 20 27.52 27.21 +.73 +9.7 JH MulCnSt N JHMS 28.33 24.31 3 26.47 3 26.64 26.42 -.02 +5.6sJH MultInd N JHMI 30.78 24.83 2 30.04 3 30.78 30.04 +.06 +5.4 JH HedgEq N HEQ 1.50 8.9 17.00 14.27 35 16.82 165 16.98 16.74 +.01 +7.0 JH TxAdY N HTY 1.28 13.7 11.37 8.47 40 9.31 198 9.35 9.17 +.23 -4.3 JohnJn N JNJ 3.20 2.6 19 129.00 109.32 4203 123.47 24142 124.31 122.15 +1.71 +7.2 JohnContl n N JCI 1.08e 2.6 28 46.17 34.76 6207 41.57 29001 43.61 41.33 -.47 +.9 JohnsnOut Q JOUT .36 1.0 27 45.35 21.77 27 36.32 174 38.03 35.29 +.25 -8.5 JointCorp Q JYNT 4.74 1.85 6 3.80 68 3.95 3.70 -.18 +43.4 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 11 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


tJonesEngy N JONE 4.91 1.90 1005 2.00 4183 2.25 1.90 -.05 -56.5 JonesLL N JLL .62f .5 14 123.87 86.62 287 114.86 1455 116.59 110.37 +3.05 +13.7sJounceTh n Q JNCE 27.11 16.33 170 28.32 596 29.09 23.69 +4.16 +64.2tJumei Intl N JMEI 17 6.34 3.45 1414 3.31 2652 3.82 3.28 -.32 -33.9sJnprNtwk N JNPR .40 1.3 18 30.00 21.18 9111 30.07 64369 30.31 27.77 +2.29 +6.4 JunprPhm Q JNP 6 8.00 3.65 45 4.60 421 4.60 3.95 +.60 -17.9 JunoThera Q JUNO 49.72 17.52 851 24.94 5315 25.50 23.56 +1.15 +32.3 Jupai n N JP .08p 9 9.87 7.49 3 8.86 57 9.00 8.86 -.06 +1.7 JustEngy g N JE .41 41 6.77 4.86 77 6.11 610 6.20 5.98 -.04 +11.9sJustEn pfA N JEpA 27.00 24.05 22 27.19 147 27.19 26.21 +.94 +9.1K -:sK12 N LRN 59 20.71 10.17 739 18.85 1780 21.08 18.11 -.78 +9.8 K2M Grp Q KTWO 23.10 10.10 244 22.15 1455 22.25 21.46 +.94 +10.5 KAR Auct N KAR 1.28 2.9 22 47.03 35.68 941 43.62 3475 44.39 43.40 +.13 +2.3 KB FnclGp N KB 46.04 26.45 361 43.47 1361 46.00 43.36 -.53 +23.2sKB Home N KBH .10 .5 18 21.35 12.38 2516 20.60 17472 21.35 19.80 +.17 +30.3 KBR Inc N KBR .32 2.3 17.95 12.08 9659 14.05 16919 16.14 14.03 -.94 -15.8 KBS Fash rs Q KBSF 18.00 2.16 65 5.26 185 5.76 5.10 +.16 +25.2 KCAP Fin Q KCAP .48 12.4 4.89 3.15 232 3.88 813 3.88 3.71 +.13 -2.5 KCAPFn 19 N KAP 1.84 7.2 25.96 24.67 0 25.53 10 25.66 25.36 +.04 +.1sKCG Hldg N KCG 6 19.85 12.21 989 19.90 7173 19.90 19.72 +.15 +50.2 KEYW Hld Q KEYW 13.57 6.23 209 9.49 1389 9.78 9.43 -.01 -19.5sKKR N KKR 1.31e 6.9 10 19.09 11.63 3192 18.98 20517 19.30 17.16 +1.94 +23.3 KKR pfA N KKR.PRA 27.63 25.12 40 26.42 208 26.54 26.25 +.05 +4.5 KKRFn pfS N KFNp 1.84 7.1 27.72 25.35 13 25.85 90 25.94 25.75 +.03 -.4sKKR Inco N KIO 1.50a 8.6 17.44 14.49 56 17.38 306 17.47 17.19 +.07 +8.4sKLA Tnc Q KLAC 2.16 2.2 16 104.22 66.88 2752 98.22 8640 104.22 97.84 -.15 +24.8 KLX Q KLXI 35 52.40 28.65 383 47.30 1649 49.18 45.81 -.10 +4.9sKMG Chm N KMG .12 .2 29 52.18 20.85 130 52.55 947 52.67 44.70 +7.95 +35.1 KT Corp N KT 17.24 13.34 1253 16.59 5019 16.85 15.81 +.47 +17.7 KVHInd Q KVHI 12.75 7.31 59 8.00 382 8.45 7.95 -.30 -32.2 Kadant N KAI .84f 1.4 20 64.75 46.21 37 62.15 166 63.95 61.05 +1.70 +1.6tKadmon n N KDMN 10.48 2.35 160 2.75 865 2.95 2.35 +.37 -48.6 KaiserAlu Q KALU 2.00 2.4 17 96.06 69.41 98 84.41 961 86.59 83.02 +1.55 +8.6 Kalvista rs Q KALV 20.02 6.09 32 7.49 180 8.37 6.66 +.41 +5.9 Kamada Q KMDA 7.25 3.60 1 7.15 24 7.25 7.00 +.21 +31.2 Kaman N KAMN .80f 1.7 20 53.41 40.43 173 48.01 782 48.44 47.30 +.96 -1.9 KandiTech Q KNDI 8.09 3.40 61 4.10 862 4.35 3.85 +.30 -16.3 KC Southn N KSU 1.32 1.5 19 100.69 79.05 1454 90.07 13072 91.50 86.15 +2.08 +6.2 KapStoneP N KS .40 1.9 19 24.98 12.14 1796 21.09 10341 24.69 20.19 -2.29 -4.4 Karyophm Q KPTI 14.63 6.27 198 10.22 1995 11.54 9.93 -1.09 +8.7 KateSpade N KATE 17 25.89 14.02 3648 17.40 23716 18.15 17.13 -.14 -6.8tKayneAn un Q KAACU 10.17 9.98 9 10.00 2413 10.04 9.98 -.04 KaynAEnD N KED 1.60m 8.5 20.47 16.53 20 18.89 169 19.21 18.78 +.03 -2.8 KA EngTR N KYE 1.32m 10.9 13.05 8.87 139 12.15 565 12.46 12.05 -.08 +2.9 KA MLP N KYN 2.20 11.0 22.15 16.20 234 19.96 1615 20.50 19.85 -.10 +1.9 KAMLP pfF N KYNpF .88 3.4 26.01 25.06 6 25.44 12 25.45 25.30 -.00 +.5 KAMidsEn N KMF 1.80m 11.3 17.04 11.76 67 16.00 490 16.30 15.89 +.16 +.6 KeanGrp n N FRAC 22.93 13.28 877 13.82 5383 14.90 13.71 +.05 -36.2 KearnyF s Q KRNY .12f .8 70 16.10 12.14 436 14.60 1872 15.63 14.55 -.60 -6.1tKellogg N K 2.08 2.9 18 87.16 70.74 3536 71.00 12338 73.00 70.57 -1.42 -3.7 KellySA Q KELYA .30 1.3 7 23.61 18.01 173 22.32 788 22.84 21.68 +.67 -2.6tKelsoTch g N KIQ .03f 3.9 1.44 .52 30 .76 191 .77 .52 +.16 -20.8 Kemet N KEM 33 12.65 2.16 499 11.21 2396 11.61 11.02 +.01 +69.1 Kemper N KMPR .96 2.4 45.95 29.62 148 39.35 782 41.43 39.30 -1.00 -11.2 Kemper 54 N KMPA 1.84 6.9 28.60 25.20 62 26.81 78 27.25 26.46 +.02 +2.5 KemPhm n Q KMPH 18.75 2.90 4 4.60 127 4.65 3.90 +.35 +55.9sKennamtl N KMT .80 1.9 35 43.09 20.40 1085 41.58 6859 43.09 38.55 +3.92 +33.0 KennWil 42 N KWN 1.68 6.4 27.70 24.98 26.20 9 26.20 25.76 +.30 +2.2 KennWils N KW .68f 3.3 20 23.77 17.29 1116 20.40 7022 22.35 20.05 -2.10 -.5 KenonHld n N KEN 13.26 8.75 0 12.01 9 12.30 11.51 +.46 +3.1 KY FstFd Q KFFB .40 4.1 69 10.15 8.00 1 9.70 9 9.75 9.45 +.10 +7.9 KeryxBio Q KERX 7.80 4.03 739 5.92 4340 6.10 5.71 +.23 +1.0 KewnSc Q KEQU .60 2.6 14 27.60 16.20 1 22.90 21 23.10 22.56 -.05 -6.3 KeyEngy N KEG 38.00 21.01 39 23.68 375 24.48 22.30 +1.17 -25.9 KeyTech Q KTEC 88 13.95 8.00 19 13.18 32 13.35 12.10 +.04 +14.0 KeyTrn Q KTCC 12 8.97 6.99 40 7.87 66 8.00 7.17 +.76 +.6 Keycorp N KEY .34 1.9 18 19.53 10.21 8492 18.24 50496 18.95 18.22 +.09 -.2sKeycorp pfI N KEYpI 28.49 25.60 41 28.12 193 28.49 27.82 +.21 +7.5 Keysight N KEYS 16 39.36 25.49 951 37.43 4181 38.17 36.21 +1.55 +2.4 Kforce Q KFRC .48 2.1 18 26.95 15.78 219 22.70 738 23.25 22.45 +.05 -1.7 KilroyR N KRC 1.50 2.1 15 78.33 59.90 574 70.53 2756 75.07 70.03 -3.95 -3.7 Kilroy pfH N KRCpH 1.59 6.3 26.29 24.55 25.20 57 25.75 25.20 +.04 +.7 KimballEl Q KE 18 19.00 9.98 74 17.25 368 18.00 17.20 +.15 -5.2sKimballInt Q KBAL .24 1.4 23 18.18 10.71 146 17.77 829 18.18 17.39 +.34 +1.2 KimbRoy n N KRP 20.89 18.06 14 18.92 144 19.25 18.33 +.47 -8.3 KimbClk N KMB 3.88 3.0 21 138.87 111.30 2278 129.75 11968 132.87 127.18 -.21 +13.7tKimco N KIM 1.08f 5.3 17 32.24 20.63 4144 20.29 28535 22.34 20.18 -1.94 -19.4 Kimco pfI N KIMpI 1.50 6.0 26.71 24.01 30 25.17 164 25.22 25.07 +.02 +3.4 Kimco pfJ N KIMpJ 1.38 5.5 26.69 22.61 11 25.04 57 25.26 25.02 -.06 +7.1 Kimco pfK N KIMpK 1.41 5.6 26.85 22.56 13 25.31 59 25.48 25.13 -.05 +8.1 KindMorg N KMI .50 2.4 69 23.36 16.63 10225 20.63 54434 21.22 20.38 +.49 -.4 KindrM wt N KMI/WS .04 .00 4293 .00 11364 .00 .00 -66.7 KindM pfA N KMIpA 51.40 43.65 116 46.05 777 46.75 45.90 +.21 -5.3 KindredBio Q KIN 7.55 3.12 67 6.95 360 7.15 6.70 -.20 +63.5 KindredHlt N KND .48 5.0 11 15.66 5.65 887 9.60 6184 9.90 8.80 -.10 +22.3 KingldJw Q KGJI 1 2.84 1.00 233 1.74 4822 1.81 1.33 +.35 +34.9 Kingstone Q KINS .25 1.7 15 16.10 8.34 40 14.95 253 15.40 14.85 -.35 +8.7 Kingsway N KFS 6.50 4.37 19 5.65 210 5.80 5.35 -.10 -9.6 KingtoneW Q KONE 13.85 1.15 25 3.69 113 4.10 3.55 +.11 -12.8 Kinross g N KGC 70 5.82 2.88 12358 3.49 79045 3.85 3.35 -.37 +12.2sKinsaleCp n Q KNSL .24f .7 36.95 18.00 101 36.16 440 36.95 31.56 +2.24 +6.3sKirbyCp N KEX 23 74.50 50.80 420 70.60 2682 74.50 69.75 +.15 +6.2 Kirklands Q KIRK 1.50e 17 17.41 10.10 178 11.76 729 12.45 11.59 -.49 -24.2 KitePharm Q KITE 88.58 39.82 540 82.08 4129 83.66 78.78 +2.58 +83.1 KiteRlty N KRG 1.21 5.9 7 30.45 19.91 1056 20.36 5432 22.02 20.30 -1.51 -13.3 KitovPh n Q KTOV 6.95 1.51 18 1.88 100 2.00 1.80 +.03 -39.5 KitovPh wt Q KTOVW 3.00 .28 5 .45 70 .53 .42 -.04 -66.4 KlondexM g N KLDX 6.03 3.10 1316 3.59 8889 3.66 3.30 +.01 -23.1 KnightTr N KNX .24 .7 26 38.80 24.50 1612 34.30 9740 35.75 33.93 +.25 +3.8 Knoll Inc N KNL .60 2.5 15 28.40 20.37 467 23.96 3125 24.31 22.73 +.44 -14.2 KnotOffsh N KNOP 2.08 8.7 24.68 16.56 77 23.95 621 24.43 23.35 +1.32 +1.5sKnowles N KN 23 19.90 12.06 1373 17.73 5899 19.90 17.45 -1.19 +6.1 Kohls N KSS 2.20f 5.6 13 59.67 33.87 3739 39.03 18300 40.66 38.88 -1.04 -21.0 KonaGrill Q KONA 14.44 5.20 148 5.70 396 6.10 5.40 +.30 -54.6sKopinCp Q KOPN 4.34 1.58 302 4.08 2513 4.34 3.76 +.31 +43.7 Koppers N KOP 1.00 2.4 19 45.85 23.61 125 42.45 513 43.70 41.95 +1.20 +5.3 KoreaElc N KEP 28.37 17.36 344 19.81 1972 20.10 19.34 +.45 +7.2sKoreaEqt N KEF .30e 1.3 9.08 7.22 28 8.96 335 9.08 8.76 +.15 +20.9sKoreaFd N KF 4.50e 38.75 30.24 8 38.75 61 38.75 37.94 +.92 +21.5sKornFer N KFY .40 1.2 15 33.14 18.57 258 32.40 1633 33.14 31.94 +.71 +10.1sKornitDig n Q KRNT 96 21.60 8.10 283 20.10 1156 21.72 19.88 +58.9 KosmosEn N KOS 7.39 4.39 3699 6.01 16090 6.19 5.63 +.32 -14.3 Koss h Q KOSS 12 3.69 1.93 31 2.11 138 2.29 2.04 +.05 -7.5 KraftHnz n Q KHC 2.40 2.7 41 97.77 77.13 2587 90.39 11670 92.90 89.83 -1.21 +3.5 KrNwChin s N KFYP 35.33 25.35 0 34.83 3 35.07 34.15 +.76 +20.2sKraChiItnt Q KWEB .12e .3 45.34 31.80 101 44.87 812 45.34 43.88 +1.33 +29.2 KranChinA N KBA 9.93e 30.55 26.55 67 28.18 216 28.45 28.11 -.36 +5.3 KratonCp N KRA 24 37.50 22.48 637 32.71 2977 35.58 32.53 +.21 +14.9 KratosDef Q KTOS 9.19 3.75 544 7.62 3880 7.92 7.61 +.02 +3.0 Kroger s N KR .48 1.6 14 37.97 28.29 8309 29.65 34142 30.33 29.49 -.30 -14.1sKronosWw N KRO .60 3.4 47 17.80 4.70 497 17.52 2095 17.80 16.86 +.90 +46.7sKulicke Q KLIC 22.77 10.62 561 22.32 2976 22.80 20.69 +1.68 +39.9sKuraOnc n Q KURA 12.10 2.50 56 9.95 266 12.10 9.65 -.45 +68.6 Kyocera N KYO 61.50 46.36 34 56.93 114 57.08 54.79 +2.20 +14.4L -:L Brands N LB 2.40f 4.5 14 80.20 43.04 4782 52.81 20279 52.88 49.78 +2.97 -19.8sL-3 Tch N LLL 2.80f 1.6 22 179.95 132.00 565 171.77 2991 179.95 168.87 +3.88 +12.9 LCI Inds N LCII 2.00e 21 117.15 62.49 95 101.15 655 103.85 98.10 +3.95 -6.1 LCNB Corp Q LCNB .64 2.9 19 25.00 15.69 5 22.15 99 23.65 22.00 +.35 -4.7 LG Display N LPL 14.36 9.84 496 12.87 2795 13.96 12.50 -.27 +.2 LGI Homes Q LGIH 10 40.47 23.86 264 31.83 1446 32.14 29.92 +.85 +10.8 LGL Grp N LGL 18 5.83 3.05 29 4.75 294 4.97 4.45 -.10 -5.4sLHC Grp Q LHCG 26 55.52 32.04 71 54.10 421 55.52 52.86 +1.32 +18.4 LKQ Corp Q LKQ 21 36.35 27.85 3152 31.24 18227 32.47 28.98 +2.23 +1.9 LM FdgA n Q LMFA 9.50 3.75 2 4.24 10 4.25 4.01 +.13 +4.2 LMI Aer Q LMIA 13.94 7.01 16 13.87 172 13.92 13.85 +60.9sLMP CapIn N SCD 1.24f 8.5 14.74 12.16 42 14.63 301 14.80 14.43 +.25 +10.1sLPL Fincl Q LPLA 1.00 2.4 20 42.86 20.51 2808 42.04 5053 43.64 38.42 +3.03 +19.4 LRAD h Q LRAD .04 2.5 2.18 1.30 28 1.59 351 1.64 1.31 +.28 -7.0 LSB Inds N LXU 15.50 4.52 1383 11.02 8804 11.34 7.08 +3.85 +30.9 LSC Com N LKSD .25p 37.40 17.00 221 25.87 1348 26.53 24.70 +1.23 -12.8 LSI Ind lf Q LYTS .20 2.2 38 13.06 8.12 237 9.07 721 10.00 8.90 -.22 -6.9 LTC Prp N LTC 2.28f 4.8 16 54.20 43.17 192 47.84 870 49.78 47.71 -1.64 +1.8 LaJollaPh Q LJPC 39.28 14.24 560 29.00 1641 29.68 27.69 +.41 +65.4 LaQuinta N LQ 28 15.05 9.73 980 14.11 4337 14.57 13.70 +.38 -.7 LaZBoy N LZB .44 1.6 17 32.90 22.09 307 27.90 1677 28.90 27.75 -.10 -10.1 LabCp N LH 17 146.63 119.51 931 140.15 6318 145.15 134.19 -3.14 +9.2 LadderCap N LADR 1.20 8.2 10 15.53 11.29 417 14.63 2063 14.85 14.53 -.06 +6.6 LadThalFn N LTS 2.87 1.63 400 2.78 1417 2.82 2.39 +.40 +13.9 LadTh pfA N LTSpA 2.00 7.9 25.47 22.45 15 25.34 101 25.43 24.99 +.25 +5.8 LakeldB Q LBAI .40f 2.1 19 20.88 10.62 178 19.45 960 20.60 19.12 +.20 -.3 Lakelnd s Q LKFN .88f 1.9 21 48.88 29.64 67 45.66 442 48.70 44.47 +1.55 -3.6 LakeInd Q LAKE 20 11.80 8.00 3 10.65 56 10.90 10.05 +.20 +2.4sLamResrch Q LRCX 1.80 1.2 17 148.00 72.00 1886 144.85 9997 148.00 141.13 +4.87 +37.0 LamarAdv Q LAMR 3.32f 4.6 24 79.09 58.68 580 72.07 2234 73.99 71.85 -.93 +7.2 LambWst n N LW .75 1.8 43.48 28.75 1166 41.75 4455 42.93 41.55 -.32 +10.3 LancastrC Q LANC 2.20 1.7 29 149.30 108.29 271 125.90 775 131.79 122.15 -2.62 -11.0 Landauer N LDR 1.10 2.1 35 55.80 34.47 20 52.60 123 54.65 51.60 +1.95 +9.4 Landcad n Q LCA 10.56 9.65 500 9.98 500 9.98 9.92 +.01 +2.0 Landcad wt Q LCAHW .75 .50 1 .70 3 .75 .70 +.02 Landec Q LNDC 29 15.50 9.85 87 13.75 403 14.55 13.60 -.45 -.4 LandBncp Q LARK .80 2.6 11 32.40 23.62 1 30.75 8 31.00 30.35 +.69 +9.7 LandmInfr Q LMRK 1.41f 9.0 45 18.44 12.55 25 15.60 458 16.00 15.50 +.10 +2.3 LandIn pfA Q LMRKP 2.00 7.7 26.41 24.01 25.99 12 26.00 25.30 +.55 +4.6 LndInf un B Q LMRKO 1.98 7.8 25.89 22.53 13 25.50 50 25.50 25.11 +.74 +4.9 LandsEnd Q LE 26.89 14.03 177 23.60 605 23.75 21.50 +2.10 +55.8 Landstar Q LSTR .36 .4 26 90.80 64.18 291 85.45 1548 88.25 85.15 +.2 Lannett N LCI 8 39.99 16.75 424 26.00 4101 27.10 24.00 +1.75 +17.9 Lantheus n Q LNTH 16 14.25 1.89 499 13.00 1437 13.20 11.60 +1.40 +51.2 Lantronix Q LTRX 4.09 .96 529 2.80 2085 3.42 2.71 -.38 +64.7 LaredoPet N LPI 26 16.47 9.20 3668 12.86 17125 13.57 12.41 -9.1 LVSands N LVS 2.92f 4.9 27 63.38 41.45 3764 58.99 25937 59.85 57.19 +1.61 +10.4 LaSalleH N LHO 1.80 6.3 9 31.87 21.56 2576 28.56 9978 30.65 28.50 +.01 -6.3 LaSalH pfI N LHOpI 1.59 6.2 26.93 23.75 6 25.82 31 26.00 25.39 -.14 +7.2 LaSalHt pfJ N LHOpJ 1.58 6.2 27.24 23.21 3 25.56 31 26.15 25.36 +.18 +9.8 Latam Air N LFL 13.72 5.81 391 12.67 1907 13.43 12.57 -.54 +54.9 LatAmDisc N LDF .03e .3 11.03 8.35 3 10.71 41 10.88 10.68 +.04 +15.3sLattDvMkt N RODM .62e 2.3 26.17 22.09 15 26.06 68 26.24 25.98 +.43 +9.1sLattEmMkt N ROAM .43e 1.9 23.22 19.49 26 22.94 121 23.22 22.93 +.29 +11.5 Latt RE n N RORE 16.26 13.88 3 15.18 34 15.53 15.18 -.45 +1.5 LattUSEqt N ROUS .39e 27.57 22.51 3 27.21 10 27.39 27.17 +.52 +5.1sLattGblSC N ROGS .57e 2.0 28.25 23.11 1 28.07 5 28.25 27.80 +.39 +8.2 Lattice Q LSCC 7.99 4.89 452 6.86 2244 6.96 6.78 +.01 -6.8 LaureatE n Q LAUR 15.00 12.19 439 13.81 1909 14.45 13.75 -.45 +6.2 Lawsn Q LAWS 28.10 15.28 12 22.75 87 23.80 22.00 +1.25 -4.4 Layne Q LAYN 11.42 6.50 70 7.97 585 8.53 7.95 -.09 -26.7sLazGlobTR N LGI .95 6.1 15.59 12.30 23 15.60 220 15.62 15.18 +.46 +13.5 Lazard N LAZ 1.64f 3.8 6 47.09 26.21 1990 42.94 10877 46.09 42.68 -1.82 +4.5sLazWldDiv N LOR .69 6.4 10.86 8.54 5 10.80 95 10.86 10.69 +.17 +9.0sLeMaitreV Q LMAT .22 .7 50 31.97 13.52 189 29.75 1044 31.97 25.35 +4.61 +17.4 LeadgBr g Q LBIX 3.34 1.31 20 2.09 202 2.24 1.90 +.19 +36.6sLeafGrp N LFGR 8.75 5.10 19 8.35 215 8.75 7.90 +.25 +27.5 LeapTh n Q LPTX 10.10 6.01 8 7.09 65 7.74 6.85 -.16 -9.8 LearCorp N LEA 2.00f 1.4 12 149.00 97.35 702 142.66 5012 144.69 138.65 +3.61 +7.8 Lee Ent N LEE 8 3.92 1.74 302 2.60 1022 3.10 2.50 -.20 -10.3 LegacyRes Q LGCY .60m 28.8 3.89 1.13 150 2.08 792 2.18 2.02 -.06 -1.9 LegcyR pf Q LGCYP 2.00 24.2 12.44 3.62 4 8.27 42 8.75 7.95 -.57 +4.9 LegcyR pfB Q LGCYO 2.00 22.9 12.14 3.40 93 8.72 174 8.92 7.70 -.36 +9.8 LegacyTxF Q LTXB .60 1.6 19 44.94 23.48 428 37.81 2059 38.89 37.35 +1.20 -12.2 LeggMason N LM 1.28f 3.4 39 38.99 27.54 1133 37.38 5724 38.89 37.13 -.05 +25.0 LegMas56 n N LMHA 27.87 23.51 12 26.50 87 26.50 26.11 +.30 +5.5 LegM 5,4 56 N LMHB 25.38 20.81 62 23.92 436 23.99 23.70 +.25 +10.7 LMGblInco N BWG 1.32a 10.1 14.11 11.36 42 13.02 311 13.15 12.91 +.01 +10.1 LM LoVHiD Q LVHD 30.25 26.41 50 29.91 238 30.14 29.81 +.17 +4.7 LM IntLoV N LVHI 27.91 23.96 11 27.77 49 27.83 27.45 +.55 +6.9sLM Gl Inf n Q INFR 27.50 25.12 0 27.47 3 27.50 27.27 +.37 +8.8sLeggPlat N LEG 1.36 2.6 21 54.63 44.02 3534 52.54 9291 54.97 52.34 +.07 +7.5 LehTOY21 N XKE .78 9.8 9.16 6.51 2 7.89 9 8.07 7.86 -.20 -6.1 LeidosHld N LDOS 1.28a 2.4 15 54.97 33.23 1202 52.66 5296 54.17 52.45 +.45 +3.0 LejuHldgs N LEJU .20e 16 5.47 2.97 70 3.41 462 3.48 3.25 +.15 -29.0sLendgTree Q TREE 44 145.70 64.07 304 140.90 1814 145.70 125.60 +13.75 +39.0 LendingClb N LC 8.01 3.44 3014 5.85 23496 6.06 5.81 +.13 +11.4 LennarA N LEN .16 .3 13 53.79 39.68 2687 50.50 14878 52.70 49.89 -1.47 +17.6 LennarB N LEN/B .16 .4 44.14 32.09 21 42.61 88 43.80 41.97 -.55 +23.5 Lennox N LII 1.72 1.0 22 172.96 131.90 361 165.39 3038 170.00 161.11 -7.04 +8.0 LeucNatl N LUK .25 1.0 27.34 15.48 1854 25.39 7112 26.39 25.37 -.12 +9.2sLevel3 N LVLT 33 61.33 44.01 1549 60.76 10300 61.33 60.02 +.70 +7.8 LexiPhm rs Q LXRX 19.62 11.52 463 15.61 3041 15.78 14.96 +.64 +12.9 LexRltyTr N LXP .70 6.9 13 11.42 8.72 1258 10.17 6008 10.52 10.13 -.31 -5.8 LexRT pfC N LXPpC 3.25 6.5 53.85 49.20 0 50.10 6 50.85 50.10 -.06 +.4 LiniuTch Q LINU .03e 11.2 4 1.74 .16 7 .27 297 .28 .22 +.02 -4.3 LianlouSm Q LLIT 2.88 .79 5 1.55 47 1.64 1.51 +3.3 Libbey N LBY .47f 4.5 8 20.76 10.31 140 10.50 989 11.17 10.50 -.30 -46.0sLbtyASE N USA .52e 9.5 5.61 4.76 1061 5.50 4517 5.61 5.46 +.14 +6.6sLbtyASG N ASG .38e 8.2 4.78 3.88 77 4.64 557 4.78 4.62 +.07 +11.0sLibBrdbdA Q LBRDA 15 90.80 54.53 100 89.93 377 90.80 88.05 +2.13 +24.1sLibBrdbdC Q LBRDK 15 92.00 54.45 361 91.16 1648 92.00 88.85 +2.11 +23.1sLibExpA n Q LEXEA 48.94 35.96 237 48.31 981 48.94 47.37 +1.02 +21.8 LibtyGlobA Q LBTYA 37.69 26.16 1657 35.42 9016 36.26 34.26 +.89 +15.8 LibtyGlobC Q LBTYK 38.28 25.86 2345 34.61 14635 35.41 33.93 +.87 +16.5 LibGLiLA n Q LILA 42.63 19.10 306 21.47 1227 22.17 21.40 -.32 -2.2 LibGLiC n Q LILAK 44.95 19.33 962 21.84 3787 22.73 21.80 -.55 +3.2 LibQVC A Q QVCA 37 27.25 17.24 2367 21.18 20028 21.62 20.74 +.01 +6.0 LibQVC B Q QVCB 20 26.98 17.62 0 21.34 6 21.49 20.83 -.30 +5.4sLibVentA Q LVNTA 15 54.99 34.26 537 53.85 3870 54.99 52.16 +1.62 +46.1sLibMSirA n Q LSXMA 41.39 29.26 570 38.10 5661 41.39 37.90 -1.61 +10.4sLibMSirC n Q LSXMK 41.23 28.48 668 37.99 7815 41.23 37.77 -1.55 +12.0sLibMBrA n Q BATRA 25.64 14.23 34 24.83 220 25.64 24.57 +.31 +21.2sLibMCFor Q FWONK 35.20 17.47 375 35.02 2271 35.40 34.30 +.38 +11.8sLibMAFor Q FWONA 33.64 17.72 319 33.91 1953 34.34 32.52 +.92 +8.2sLibMBrC n Q BATRK 25.38 13.51 88 24.52 591 25.38 24.27 +.24 +19.1 LibtProp N LPT 1.60m 3.9 19 42.26 33.89 999 40.57 5764 41.33 39.99 -.36 +2.7 LibertyTax Q TAX .64 4.6 13 16.40 9.95 26 14.05 196 14.65 14.00 -.25 +4.9 LibTripA A Q LTRPA 24.64 12.95 604 14.70 3210 14.90 13.85 +.95 -2.3 LifeStorg N LSI 3.80 4.8 17 116.22 77.00 962 78.39 3315 86.34 77.06 -6.90 -8.1 LifePtHlth Q LPNT 19 75.70 50.60 502 62.15 2356 64.60 60.25 +1.30 +9.4 LifetimeBr Q LCUT .17 .9 18 21.20 12.03 40 19.20 161 20.85 19.05 -1.01 +8.2tLifevant rs Q LFVN 29 15.97 4.43 80 4.96 590 5.15 4.43 -.06 -39.1 LifewayFds Q LWAY 18.48 8.68 5 9.60 66 10.73 9.40 -.30 -16.6 LigandPh Q LGND 139.79 87.50 135 111.17 917 111.90 104.36 +6.78 +9.4 LightPath Q LPTH 21 3.25 1.21 158 2.70 1833 2.95 2.57 -.13 +75.3 Lightbrdg rs Q LTBR 3.65 .86 364 1.46 670 1.48 1.24 +.21 +28.1 LightInBox N LITB 3.59 2.40 3 2.80 37 2.87 2.75 -.04 -5.7 LilisEn n Q LLEX 5.22 3.41 390 4.46 1518 4.97 4.12 +.28 +.5tLimbach n Q LMB 16.05 12.34 7 12.65 100 13.30 12.34 -.72 -10.3sLimelghtN Q LLNW 3.23 1.17 879 3.14 5941 3.24 2.65 +.49 +24.6 Limoneira Q LMNR .22 1.1 33 21.78 14.62 28 20.68 143 21.46 20.42 +.21 -3.9 LincEdSv Q LINC .08 2.8 3.11 1.30 6 2.88 79 3.05 2.77 -.08 +50.0sLincElec Q LECO 1.40 1.6 30 91.10 56.02 583 89.03 1913 91.10 88.20 +1.51 +16.1 LincNat N LNC 1.16 1.8 10 73.31 35.27 1087 65.93 7382 67.98 65.82 +1.21 -.5 LindbladEx Q LIND 95 10.70 7.75 99 9.50 277 9.52 9.26 +.20 +.5 Lindblad wt Q LINDW 2.55 1.50 29 2.10 49 2.11 1.87 +.13 -4.5 Lindsay N LNN 1.16 1.3 65 89.98 65.78 48 86.86 286 88.60 86.63 +.05 +16.4 LineCp n N LN 51.48 30.90 503 34.34 3254 37.79 33.20 -1.43 +1.0 LionBiotch Q LBIO 9.58 4.81 181 6.85 1080 7.30 6.60 +.25 -1.4 LionsGat A N LGF/A 29.03 24.27 417 26.17 2093 26.60 25.81 +.09 -2.7 LionsGat B N LGF/B 27.14 22.72 511 23.85 1944 24.39 23.50 -.05 -2.8 Lipocine Q LPCN 11.84 2.51 294 4.24 874 4.40 3.67 +.54 +15.2 LiqTech N LIQT .99 .31 41 .37 253 .39 .33 -.00 -41.9 Liquidity Q LQDT 11.49 5.50 66 7.80 332 8.05 7.70 +.20 -20.0 LithiaMot N LAD 1.00 1.0 12 105.32 68.70 661 95.55 2408 97.96 91.28 +4.82 -1.3 Littelfuse Q LFUS 1.32 .9 30 167.21 106.26 130 154.15 630 159.89 153.11 +1.04 +1.6 LivaNova n Q LIVN 54 63.21 40.84 217 52.70 856 53.20 51.50 +.95 +17.2sLiveNatn N LYV 32.37 21.21 702 32.16 3873 32.37 31.30 +.91 +20.9sLiveOakB n Q LOB .07e .3 24.60 12.68 173 24.15 616 24.75 22.35 +2.25 +30.5 LiveVent rs Q LIVE 5 32.98 8.70 7 15.51 36 15.89 15.04 +.34 -35.4 LivePrsn Q LPSN 8.85 5.43 104 7.05 1421 7.35 6.98 +.05 -6.6 LloydBkg N LYG .47a 12.9 4.42 2.47 6345 3.66 27676 3.67 3.42 +.34 +18.1sLockhdM N LMT 7.28 2.7 21 276.64 228.50 990 269.45 7408 276.64 267.68 -3.64 +7.8 Loews N L .25 .5 21 48.05 38.17 1213 46.62 4765 47.93 46.59 +.67 -.4sLogitech Q LOGI .57e 1.7 26 34.14 14.36 711 33.18 5045 34.14 30.64 +2.19 +34.0sLogMeIn Q LOGM .50p 113.85 50.90 747 113.00 3771 113.85 108.30 +5.65 +17.0tLombard Q EVAR 1.94 .48 85 .50 423 .60 .44 -.08 -17.0 LoneRs n Q LONE 16.00 4.48 20 4.83 183 5.09 4.53 -.19 -43.4 LI IcedT n Q LTEA 5.91 3.54 63 5.14 420 5.15 4.10 +.63 +23.2 LoralSpac Q LORL 31 42.20 33.85 34 38.35 196 40.00 37.75 +.90 -6.6sLaPac N LPX 27 26.93 15.74 1826 25.74 11406 26.93 25.70 -.24 +36.0sLowes N LOW 1.40 1.6 21 85.76 64.87 4717 84.88 26056 85.76 83.58 +1.76 +19.3sLoxoOncol Q LOXO 49.95 17.14 258 46.06 1049 49.95 45.61 -1.73 +43.4 Lubys N LUB 5.10 2.85 53 2.94 291 3.08 2.90 +.03 -31.3 lululemn gs Q LULU 24 81.81 49.40 4220 52.00 15806 53.82 51.48 -1.08 -20.0sLumberLiq N LL 24.84 11.07 1305 24.55 6863 24.84 22.17 +1.50 +56.0 Lumentm n Q LITE 55 55.93 20.80 2383 42.75 9800 48.05 42.25 -2.45 +10.6 Luminex Q LMNX .06p 22 23.75 17.64 167 18.83 993 19.11 18.36 +.58 -6.9sLumosNtw Q LMOS .56 3.1 17.99 10.67 116 17.91 1870 17.99 17.83 +.08 +14.7 LunaInn h Q LUNA 2.33 .97 10 1.54 191 1.64 1.46 +.07 +4.8 LuxferHld N LXFR .50 4.3 13.57 9.28 45 11.69 672 11.77 11.21 +.61 +7.3 Luxoft N LXFT 29 66.18 46.58 69 61.65 488 63.50 61.55 -.90 +9.7sLuxottica N LUX .78e 1.3 58.38 44.85 51 57.80 230 58.38 57.27 +3.04 +7.6 Lydall N LDL 20 64.85 33.21 62 52.40 440 53.90 50.85 +1.90 -15.3 LyonBas A N LYB 3.40 4.0 10 97.64 69.82 4488 84.76 13636 87.73 84.10 -.66 -1.2M -:M III Aq un Q MIII 10.09 9.43 9.87 4 9.88 9.80 +.03 +1.2 M III Ac un Q MIIIU 10.30 9.63 10.14 15 10.14 10.10 +.03 +2.7 M&T Bk N MTB 3.00f 1.9 19 173.72 108.04 423 155.41 3062 159.91 155.35 +1.50 -.7sMACOM Q MTSI 55.18 29.56 770 48.88 8036 55.18 46.04 -2.86 +5.6 MAG Slv g N MAG 18.12 9.50 787 12.22 3785 12.41 11.34 -.36 +10.8 MAM Soft Q MAMS 22 7.77 5.21 0 6.25 28 6.30 6.10 +.02 -3.3 MB Fncl Q MBFI .76 1.8 18 48.47 32.72 633 42.51 2121 44.58 42.29 +1.16 -10.0tMB Finl pf Q MBFIP 2.00 7.6 27.97 26.14 5 26.20 27 26.70 26.12 +.07 -2.6 MBIA N MBI 11.65 6.34 1611 8.40 6778 8.93 8.39 -.13 -21.5 MBT Fnl Q MBTF .20 1.8 18 12.25 6.96 70 11.20 340 12.10 11.15 -.30 -1.3 MCBC n Q MCFT 4.30e 15 17.51 8.71 80 16.75 523 17.22 16.23 +.50 +14.9sMDC N MDC 1.00 3.2 15 31.93 20.51 280 31.01 1955 31.93 30.65 -.27 +20.8 MDC Pr gs Q MDCA .84 9.4 23.90 2.75 1175 8.95 2585 9.40 6.80 +.55 +36.6 MDU Res N MDU .77 2.9 23 29.92 19.73 2210 26.90 5853 27.45 26.89 -.17 -6.5 MEI Phrm Q MEIP 2.28 1.23 33 1.59 310 1.62 1.52 +.02 +10.4 MER Tele Q MTSL 1.45 .50 4 .57 14 .61 .55 +.01 -37.4sMFA Fncl N MFA .80 9.6 11 8.52 6.69 2887 8.31 11324 8.52 8.13 +.14 +8.9 MFA Fn42 N MFO 2.00 7.8 27.87 24.80 7 25.72 24 25.72 25.43 -.03 +.1 MFA pfB N MFApB 1.88 7.4 26.09 23.36 9 25.34 59 25.34 25.10 +.15 +4.6 MFC Bcp N MFCB 2.43 1.43 55 1.66 1326 1.78 1.55 +.11 -14.9 MFS CAMu N CCA .60 5.2 14.99 11.05 2 11.44 22 11.55 11.42 -.15 +1.6 MCR N MCR .72a 8.3 8.75 8.08 110 8.66 679 8.68 8.62 +.05 +1.6 MGF N MGF .41 8.2 5.51 4.84 35 4.97 244 5.03 4.96 -.03 -1.4 MFS HInM N CXE .30 5.9 5.59 4.70 35 5.08 347 5.09 5.02 +.02 +3.7 MFS HYMu N CMU .28 6.0 5.19 4.27 40 4.62 202 4.65 4.57 -.02 +4.5 MFS IHI N CIF .25 9.3 2.73 2.38 110 2.68 662 2.70 2.66 +3.9 MIN N MIN .42 9.7 4.69 4.21 188 4.36 925 4.37 4.34 +.01 -1.7 MFS InvG N CXH .50 5.1 10.77 9.09 7 9.94 62 9.98 9.83 -.01 +6.1 MMT N MMT .52 8.4 6.29 5.62 178 6.19 905 6.21 6.16 +.03 +2.1 MFM N MFM .38 5.5 7.63 6.51 73 7.02 322 7.07 6.94 +5.9sMFV N MFV .58 9.7 6.13 5.22 35 5.94 139 6.13 5.85 +.08 +6.7 MGC Diag Q MGCD .70e 10.60 5.20 1 8.52 9 8.59 8.26 +.07 +8.0 MGE Engy Q MGEE 1.23 1.9 31 67.20 48.04 76 64.30 1082 66.10 63.30 -.70 -1.5 MGIC Inv N MTG 11 11.35 5.36 5176 10.54 28130 11.25 10.49 -.21 +3.4sMGMGrPr n N MGP .65 28.97 21.77 848 28.62 3617 28.97 27.79 +.22 +13.1sMGM Rsts N MGM .39p 27 31.15 21.12 7921 30.71 70399 31.32 28.57 +2.30 +6.5 MGP Ing Q MGPI .16f .3 29 56.17 24.92 94 52.36 546 55.39 52.31 -.56 +4.8 MI Acq n Q MACQ 10.25 9.80 10.01 3 10.01 10.01 -.11 +.1 MI Acq wt Q MACQW .48 .17 15 .35 15 .35 .35 +41.1sMI Homes N MHO 14 28.42 17.00 440 27.16 3986 28.42 25.02 +1.61 +7.9 MI Hm pfA N MHOpA 26.05 24.03 0 25.89 23 25.90 25.61 +.23 +1.3sMKS Inst Q MKSI .70f .9 22 81.00 35.02 554 78.25 2877 81.00 72.40 +7.25 +31.7 MMA Cap Q MMAC 3 23.50 15.76 1 23.30 18 23.45 23.10 +.11 +22.6 MOCON Q MOCO .48f 1.6 35 30.15 13.02 15 29.85 341 29.90 29.80 +.05 +53.1 MPLX LP N MPLX 2.16f 6.1 39.43 29.33 1362 35.23 10025 37.25 35.07 -.27 +1.8 MRC Glbl N MRC 22.52 11.50 759 18.23 3498 19.28 18.00 +.12 -10.0 MRV Com Q MRVC 13.09 7.05 2 9.50 23 9.66 9.45 -.05 +16.6sMSA Safety N MSA 1.28 1.6 30 82.12 46.20 1339 77.85 3185 82.12 69.65 +8.33 +12.3sMSB Fin Q MSBF 17.60 12.82 0 17.60 37 17.65 16.85 +.60 +19.7 MSC Ind N MSM 1.80 2.0 23 105.70 67.74 599 89.53 4281 92.86 89.48 -.03 -3.1 MSCI Inc N MSCI 1.12 1.1 35 109.29 71.51 284 100.32 1702 100.77 97.79 +2.29 +27.3sMSG Netw N MSGN 11 25.30 14.73 372 24.95 3469 25.30 24.45 +.55 +16.0sMTGE Inv Q MTGE 1.80f 10.0 21 18.50 14.49 516 18.00 2744 18.50 17.40 +.40 +14.6 MTS Q MTSC 1.20 2.6 27 59.00 41.53 65 46.45 426 47.95 45.95 +.30 -18.1 MV OilTr N MVO .64e 9.5 5 7.35 4.96 31 6.77 112 7.10 6.63 -.15 +8.7sMVC Cap N MVC .54a 6.0 9.06 7.12 163 9.04 561 9.25 8.72 +.34 +5.4 MVCCap 23 N MVCB 1.81 7.1 26.00 24.20 1 25.42 12 25.50 25.33 +.08 +.9 MYOS Q MYOS 6.98 1.02 89 2.37 1259 2.78 2.17 +.12 +100.7 MYR Grp Q MYRG 20 43.77 21.84 53 42.26 318 43.49 41.60 +1.09 +12.2 MabVxTh n Q MBVX 6.05 1.80 27 2.27 151 2.30 1.91 +.38 -32.8 MacQUtlDv N MFD 1.20 9.5 13.34 10.81 13 12.65 151 12.77 12.51 +.03 +10.9sMacQGInf N MGU 1.48 6.3 23.73 18.33 38 23.40 182 23.73 23.25 +.02 +18.6 Macatawa Q MCBC .16f 1.7 20 10.67 6.53 107 9.57 456 10.50 9.56 -.22 -8.1tMacerich N MAC 2.84 4.5 19 94.51 62.00 1527 62.43 6095 65.57 61.98 -2.62 -11.9 MackCali N CLI .60 2.2 12 29.70 24.30 488 27.05 2862 28.46 26.99 -1.20 -6.3sMackFn Q MFNC .48f 3.3 18 14.60 10.22 5 14.60 43 14.69 13.16 +1.19 +8.4 Macquarie N MIC 5.24f 6.4 42 85.45 67.32 477 81.37 1773 81.56 79.81 +1.26 -.4 MacroGen Q MGNX 33.30 16.28 134 21.61 826 21.94 19.75 +1.13 +5.7 Macys N M 1.51 5.2 10 45.41 27.72 4048 29.22 18733 29.84 29.01 -.26 -18.4 MadCvCall N MCN .72 9.0 8.21 7.28 29 8.03 177 8.09 8.00 +4.3 MadSqGd n N MSG 206.60 156.60 67 201.77 571 203.19 195.88 +2.19 +17.6 MadStSec N MSP 1.04 8.6 12.42 11.09 4 12.07 30 12.25 11.98 +.05 +1.5 MadrigP rs Q MDGL 18.24 6.60 13 16.50 59 17.84 15.72 +.60 +10.7 Magal Q MAGS 8.00 4.08 48 6.68 256 6.96 6.65 -.03 +31.8 MagellnHlt Q MGLN 16 84.71 49.50 204 68.80 1088 73.25 67.20 -1.90 -8.6 MagellMid N MMP 3.49f 4.7 22 81.77 64.25 418 74.30 3165 76.56 74.00 -.66 -1.8 MagicSft Q MGIC .19e 2.5 20 8.15 6.46 8 7.75 49 7.90 7.60 -.10 +16.2 MagicJack Q CALL 8.90 5.27 28 8.20 284 8.60 8.15 -.30 +19.7 Magna g s N MGA 1.10f 2.6 9 47.21 32.76 1424 41.77 7286 41.98 40.79 +1.19 -3.8 MagnaChip N MX 9.70 4.71 794 8.50 2945 8.52 8.05 +.15 +37.1 MagneGas Q MNGA 1.08 .27 981 .30 3347 .33 .28 -.00 -34.6 MaidenH Q MHLD .56 4.5 39 18.95 11.64 359 12.35 2170 12.95 12.25 +.10 -29.2 Maiden prA N MHpA 2.06 8.0 26.90 25.22 9 25.65 40 25.88 25.61 -.11 -.7 Maiden pfC N MHpC 1.78 6.9 27.08 24.59 22 25.77 86 25.85 25.50 +.27 -.2 MaidenHld n N MHLA .60 2.3 28.60 24.34 16 25.92 46 25.96 25.43 +.47 +2.3 MaidHld42 N MHNB 2.00 7.9 26.83 24.83 9 25.47 26 25.52 25.35 -.01 +.3 MaidHld 43 N MHNC 1.94 7.4 27.80 24.51 13 26.35 41 26.44 26.01 +.10 -2.4sMainStCap N MAIN 2.22a 5.5 20 40.43 30.57 469 40.04 1287 40.87 39.55 +.54 +8.9 MainStC 23 N MSCA 1.53 5.8 26.93 25.46 1 26.20 7 26.49 26.08 +.08 +1.9 MainSrce Q MSFG .64 1.9 18 35.64 19.98 92 34.20 495 35.48 33.64 +1.08 -.6 MainSDTMu N MMD 1.18 6.0 20.99 17.96 50 19.50 239 19.60 19.32 +6.6 Majesco n N MJCO 6.50 4.50 3 5.51 27 5.55 5.30 +.28 -9.4sMMyTrip Q MMYT 39.10 13.69 103 38.40 1173 39.15 37.55 +.65 +73.0sMalibuBoat Q MBUU 20 23.75 11.38 83 23.04 529 23.75 22.44 +.69 +20.8 Mallinckdt N MNK 85.83 41.57 862 46.92 5981 46.95 43.85 +3.40 -5.8 MalvernBc Q MLVF 12 22.00 15.00 2 21.70 18 22.00 21.55 +2.6 MamEngy n Q TUSK 24.54 11.91 64 19.30 315 19.83 18.89 -.06 +27.0 ManTech Q MANT .84 2.4 24 45.52 31.62 129 35.50 1010 36.22 34.99 +.31 -16.0 MgdDInvG N MZF .74 5.5 15.03 12.75 14 13.36 76 13.52 13.35 -.14 +1.8 ManchUtd N MANU .36 2.2 17.55 14.10 18 16.50 186 16.65 16.00 +.19 +15.8 ManhAssc Q MANH 26 68.53 45.47 733 46.69 4641 47.48 46.06 +.93 -12.0 ManhBrCa Q LOAN .40 7.7 13 7.65 4.19 24 5.20 316 5.40 4.65 +.10 -31.6 Manitex Q MNTX 9.89 4.98 34 7.40 304 7.73 6.82 +.37 +7.9 Manitowoc N MTW .08 1.3 7.57 3.65 2230 5.97 7840 6.30 5.66 +.37 -.2tMannKd rs Q MNKD 8.50 .80 1033 .87 9943 .96 .80 -.05 -72.6 Mannatech Q MTEX .13e .8 7 23.80 14.35 6 15.65 14 16.40 15.15 -.75 -22.9 ManngNap N MN .32 5.5 21 10.34 5.20 108 5.80 767 6.00 5.45 +.30 -23.2sManpwrGp N MAN 1.72 1.7 16 106.99 57.26 484 100.98 4137 106.99 100.83 +.64 +13.6 Manulife g N MFC .74 4.2 19.52 12.55 2020 17.55 12524 17.87 17.33 +.42 -1.5 MarathnO N MRO .20 1.3 19.28 11.28 12439 14.87 72289 15.86 14.63 -.29 -14.1 MaraPat h Q MARA 3.44 .52 106 .54 616 .61 .52 -.06 -68.6 MarathPt s N MPC 1.52f 3.0 10 54.59 32.02 3600 50.94 24330 51.62 49.11 +2.38 +1.2 MarchxB Q MCHX 4.34 2.46 105 2.71 607 2.80 2.66 +.03 +2.3 MarcusMill N MMI 16 30.31 22.93 67 25.80 424 26.36 25.37 +.10 -3.4sMarcus N MCS .50f 1.5 24 34.90 18.57 74 33.80 402 34.90 32.31 +1.10 +7.3 MarinSoft N MRIN 2.82 1.45 72 1.70 219 1.90 1.70 -.05 -27.7 MarPet Q MARPS .33e 8.2 8 6.00 2.91 15 4.00 37 4.17 3.60 +.07 -8.9 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 12 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


MarineP N MPX .28 2.3 29 14.87 7.61 20 11.96 130 12.49 11.66 +.06 -13.8sMarineMx N HZO 21 23.65 15.10 432 20.35 2792 23.65 19.75 -1.85 +5.2 MarinusPh Q MRNS 6.45 .82 316 1.44 1464 1.58 1.43 -.03 +42.6 Markel N MKL 31 992.00 811.05 28 969.60 143 991.31 962.05 +.32 +7.2 MktAxess Q MKTX 1.32 .7 52 200.90 117.60 162 192.52 903 197.74 183.42 +7.92 +31.0 MarlinBs Q MRLN .56 2.2 21 26.70 14.00 54 25.45 214 25.80 25.15 +.15 +21.8sMAR Q MAR 1.20 1.3 26 96.82 60.87 2802 94.42 13791 96.82 93.15 +1.95 +14.2sMarriotVac N VAC 1.40 1.3 23 111.93 56.33 230 110.18 1454 111.93 105.05 +5.76 +29.9 Marrone Q MBII 2.79 .60 1262 1.75 1642 1.90 1.51 -.02 -18.2 MarshM N MMC 1.36 1.8 23 75.52 62.33 1817 74.13 12270 74.82 72.30 +2.25 +9.7 MartenTrn Q MRTN .10 .4 24 27.05 18.11 126 24.80 745 25.45 24.00 +.85 +6.4 MartMM N MLM 1.68 .8 33 243.98 165.27 510 220.19 2736 224.82 218.87 +1.30 -.6 MartinMid Q MMLP 2.00 10.1 29 25.38 15.58 217 19.75 737 19.90 19.24 +.10 +7.6 MarvellTch Q MRVL .24 1.6 16.72 9.05 8311 15.02 35505 15.56 14.69 +.12 +8.3sMasco N MAS .40 1.1 24 37.58 29.11 4032 37.02 26030 37.58 34.66 +2.68 +17.1sMasimo Q MASI 18 102.00 41.83 647 102.74 3745 102.96 98.42 +5.21 +52.4sMasonite g N DOOR 85.30 55.60 152 83.20 1018 85.30 80.00 +3.70 +26.4sMastec N MTZ 38 45.35 20.38 668 44.15 3711 45.40 43.75 +.60 +15.4 MastechD N MHH 8 8.35 5.82 64 7.16 354 7.69 6.90 +.06 +5.2sMasterCrd N MA .88 .8 33 117.31 86.65 3400 116.32 14921 117.37 115.00 +2.05 +12.7 MatadorRs N MTDR 28.51 18.56 891 21.68 7449 23.30 21.51 -.08 -15.8 Match n Q MTCH 19.74 10.72 2470 18.63 6841 18.97 18.13 +.46 +8.9sMaterialise Q MTLS 11.05 6.07 32 11.01 480 11.12 9.62 +1.35 +43.4 Materion N MTRN .38 1.0 29 41.23 22.36 104 38.05 445 38.35 34.35 +3.80 -3.9 MatinasB n N MTNB 3.92 1.50 183 2.73 1796 3.20 2.65 -.20 -26.8 MatlnPrt un Q MPACU 10.08 10.00 0 10.03 811 10.06 10.00 -.01 +.2tMatrixSv Q MTRX 11 23.45 14.07 1262 11.75 1832 17.70 11.70 -4.95 -48.2 Matson N MATX .72f 2.3 17 43.00 28.79 115 31.70 629 32.88 31.67 +.11 -10.4tMattel Q MAT 1.52 6.8 26 34.24 21.55 4727 22.42 41801 22.63 21.55 +.63 -18.6 Mattersight Q MATR 4.65 3.00 170 3.40 484 3.40 3.05 +.10 -8.1 MatthInt Q MATW .68 1.0 24 77.85 50.00 144 68.55 546 72.60 68.15 +1.17 -10.8 MauiLand N MLP 19 14.10 5.30 24 13.65 127 14.00 13.30 -.15 +89.6 MaximIntg Q MXIM 1.32 3.0 26 46.22 33.38 3354 44.15 15037 45.54 43.78 -.77 +14.5 Maximus N MMS .18 .3 20 62.78 43.69 362 60.99 1811 62.42 60.77 +.60 +9.3sMaxLinear N MXL 42 28.74 15.77 339 27.83 2197 28.74 27.75 +.31 +27.7 MaxPoint n Q MXPT 11.94 1.75 1 6.21 38 6.25 5.77 +.22 +3.5 MaxwellT Q MXWL 6.72 4.20 182 6.10 1498 6.34 5.82 +.27 +19.1 MazorRbt Q MZOR 37.50 10.00 397 35.65 2816 37.33 32.32 -.03 +62.6 McClatch rs N MNI 19.77 9.10 24 10.78 148 12.99 9.64 +.82 -18.2 McCorm vot N MKC/V 1.88 1.9 108.26 89.14 0 99.54 8 100.74 99.54 -1.09 +6.9 McCorm N MKC 1.72f 1.7 27 107.84 88.64 616 99.90 2914 101.20 99.52 -.50 +7.0 McDrmInt N MDR 20 8.33 4.03 2557 6.54 17801 7.01 6.29 +.23 -11.5sMcDnlds N MCD 3.76 2.7 26 142.79 110.33 4694 139.93 32570 142.79 133.26 +6.52 +15.0 McGrathR Q MGRC 1.04f 3.0 22 39.86 24.00 43 34.81 284 36.14 34.65 +.15 -11.2 McKesson N MCK 1.12 .8 12 199.43 114.53 1487 138.29 8505 139.59 133.82 +2.37 -1.5 McEwenM N MUX .01a .3 4.92 2.09 4154 3.04 28219 3.07 2.76 -.03 +4.5 MeadJohn N MJN 1.65 1.9 27 94.40 69.25 3452 88.72 14041 88.98 88.68 -.04 +25.4 Mechel pf N MTLp 1.35 .19 57 1.09 235 1.13 .96 -.06 -2.7 Mechel rs N MTL 6.83 1.46 720 6.01 1648 6.23 5.10 +.83 +4.9 MedalFin Q MFIN .20 9.8 3 8.20 1.60 107 2.04 550 2.10 2.00 -.01 -32.5 MedalF 9 21 Q MFINL 2.25 13.1 28.40 13.20 8 17.18 68 17.46 16.74 +.06 -7.0sMedequit n N MRT 12.07 10.28 61 11.82 487 12.07 11.75 -.08 +6.5 MedProp N MPW .96f 7.3 14 15.92 11.54 9679 13.07 62507 14.15 13.06 -.96 +6.3stMedTrBil h Q MTBC 2.18 .29 6619 1.36 41316 2.18 .29 +.91 +87.6 MedTBill pf Q MTBCP 2.75 10.9 40.03 22.90 1 25.21 20 25.50 24.60 +.11 -1.1 MediCo Q MDCO 55.95 30.80 938 49.32 9508 52.92 47.25 -2.51 +45.3 MediciNova Q MNOV 8.00 4.85 32 5.75 376 6.26 5.38 -.08 -4.6sMedidata Q MDSO 91 69.68 40.47 449 65.43 3655 69.68 63.16 +2.43 +31.7sMedifast N MED 1.28 2.8 25 46.92 30.00 59 46.32 353 46.92 44.67 +1.72 +11.3tMedigus rs Q MDGS 32.50 2.17 100 2.53 1877 3.35 2.17 -.18 -55.2 MediWound Q MDWD 8.84 4.25 46 6.00 155 6.75 5.98 -.65 +31.0 MedleyCap N MCC .88 11.4 8 8.06 6.16 177 7.72 1015 7.89 7.66 -.01 +2.8 MedleyC 23 N MCV 1.53 6.0 26.24 23.58 1 25.30 8 25.40 25.21 +.09 +1.2 MedleyC 21 N MCX 1.63 6.3 26.25 23.90 1 25.93 10 26.15 25.65 +.08 +1.3sMedley n N MDLX 24.95 22.93 5 24.64 41 24.95 24.41 +.14 +2.4 Medley24 n N MDLQ 25.75 24.73 3 25.20 141 25.38 25.14 +1.2 MedleyMgt N MDLY .80 10.4 22 10.65 5.11 34 7.70 136 8.15 7.65 -.40 -22.2 Mednax N MD 16 76.96 59.36 1485 60.36 5809 62.24 60.28 -.32 -9.5 Medovex h Q MDVX 2.48 1.00 33 1.25 255 1.46 1.25 -.05 -6.0 Medov wt h Q MDVXW 1.10 .02 1 .20 30 .22 .17 +.00 +138.8 Medpace n Q MEDP 66 38.94 26.01 45 31.71 504 31.83 30.54 +1.25 -12.1 Medtrnic N MDT 1.72 2.1 18 89.27 69.35 3825 83.09 21499 83.50 80.60 +2.61 +16.7 MeetGrp Q MEET 17 8.11 3.09 1289 5.96 8161 6.11 5.68 +.29 +20.9sMelcoResE Q MLCO 1.40e 6.4 71 22.25 11.91 4803 21.95 28314 22.25 20.40 +1.40 +38.1 Mellanox Q MLNX 50 52.80 38.75 1720 47.20 9680 51.95 41.55 -4.30 +15.4 MelroseBn Q MELR 66 18.10 14.60 17.10 8 17.95 16.75 -.05 -4.7 MemorialP Q MEMP .12 109.1 3.07 .10 1164 .11 4069 .13 .11 -.02 -12.0 Menus n Q MRUS 33.63 7.26 35 22.20 101 23.75 19.84 +2.48 +5.2sMercadoL Q MELI .60 .3 61 234.66 122.30 197 228.91 1799 234.66 223.94 +5.09 +46.6 MercBank Q MBWM .72 2.1 18 38.68 22.52 27 33.63 199 36.05 33.52 -.06 -10.8 MercerIntl Q MERC .46 3.8 23 12.98 7.03 273 12.20 1225 12.70 11.70 +.55 +14.6 MerchBsh Q MBVT 1.12 2.2 20 54.80 28.16 23 49.80 203 51.70 49.30 +1.48 -8.1 Merck N MRK 1.88 3.0 16 66.80 53.06 9250 62.33 44134 62.93 62.02 +.44 +5.9 MercGn N MCY 2.49 4.0 30 64.52 49.69 710 61.49 1313 63.23 60.21 +1.55 +2.1 MercSys Q MRCY 46 40.86 19.78 542 37.38 3289 40.48 36.09 -2.23 +23.7 Meredith N MDP 2.08f 3.6 14 66.25 43.85 2947 58.55 4996 66.15 58.45 -5.65 -1.0 MeridBcp Q EBSB .16f .9 25 20.55 13.41 150 17.55 923 19.28 17.50 -1.05 -7.1 MeridBio Q VIVO .50 3.4 21 21.49 10.75 422 14.80 1886 15.65 13.70 +1.15 -16.4 MeridWs wt Q MRDNW .71 .39 2 .52 63 .57 .51 -.06 -20.2 MeridWs n Q MRDN 4.00 2.22 5 3.32 66 3.51 3.06 -.10 +2.2sMeritMed Q MMSI 43 31.95 18.22 1516 33.70 3763 34.20 29.35 +4.70 +27.2 Meritage N MTH 11 41.22 29.70 491 38.95 2208 40.40 38.15 -.10 +11.9sMeritor N MTOR 3 18.08 6.30 1153 17.81 5245 18.08 17.04 +1.01 +43.4 MerL pfK N MERpK 1.61 6.2 27.00 24.65 35 25.81 298 26.00 25.73 -.09 +2.7 MerL pfP N MERpP 1.84 6.9 27.88 24.05 27 26.64 153 26.80 26.48 +.03 +3.6 ML CZN46 N PIY 2.09 8.3 32.44 24.61 2 25.31 13 25.47 25.02 -1.9 MLRRD29 N PYS 1.58 6.7 26.20 20.35 1 23.62 26 23.97 22.63 +.38 +11.4 MLGS flt N PYT .76 3.6 21.45 19.11 1 20.92 4 20.99 20.63 +.22 +7.0 MLIdxPl33 N IPB 1.51 5.6 29.80 26.10 0 27.05 5 27.13 26.90 -.21 +2.3 MerrimkP Q MACK 1.08p 7.74 2.83 860 3.33 7057 3.35 3.14 +.21 -18.4 MerusLb hg Q MSLI 1.76 .70 6 .78 144 .81 .76 +.01 -10.8 MesaLabs Q MLAB .64 .5 38 147.58 95.83 7 139.82 63 144.94 138.21 -1.68 +13.9sMesaRoyl N MTR .99e 6.8 14 16.70 7.45 4 14.65 69 16.70 14.40 -.88 +34.4 Mesab N MSB .64e 17.42 7.95 36 15.30 470 17.11 15.00 -.50 +43.0sMesoblast n Q MESO 12.50 3.50 21 11.92 181 12.50 11.56 +.72 +122.7 MetaFincl Q CASH .52 .6 16 106.90 45.45 58 84.90 340 93.20 84.60 -6.10 -17.5 Methanx Q MEOH 1.20f 2.6 27 53.35 26.83 1340 45.90 5800 46.40 43.28 +1.25 +4.8 Methode N MEI .36 .8 18 46.40 27.13 173 44.55 984 45.50 43.90 +.80 +7.7 MetLife N MET 1.60 3.1 11 58.09 36.17 5545 51.81 32846 53.00 51.72 +.54 -3.9 MetLfe pfA N METpA 1.02 4.1 25.96 23.09 62 24.95 202 25.15 24.91 -.14 +7.2sMettlerT N MTD 36 518.32 343.61 112 513.42 682 518.32 494.59 +22.95 +22.7 MexcoEn N MXC 5.61 2.08 10 4.06 46 4.22 3.73 +.27 -18.9 MexEqt N MXE 1.62e .1 11.82 8.69 5 11.06 49 11.26 10.86 +20.6 MexicoFd N MXF .70e 4.2 17.74 13.28 31 16.70 378 16.86 16.20 +.07 +11.1 MKors N KORS 9 53.29 34.92 1370 37.33 9707 38.46 36.52 +.57 -13.1 Michaels Q MIK 12 31.37 19.00 2234 23.36 9287 24.16 23.31 -.44 +14.2 Microbot rs Q MBOT 39.85 2.97 75 5.10 243 5.49 4.97 +.15 -16.4sMicrochp Q MCHP 1.44 1.9 77.32 46.98 1748 75.58 10396 77.32 75.11 +1.15 +17.8 MicrSol n N MICR 4.27 3.70 0 4.02 25 4.08 3.79 -.08 +1.3 MicronT Q MU 33 29.87 9.35 27319 27.67 142415 28.20 26.37 +.35 +26.2 MicronetE Q MICT 2.58 1.11 7 1.24 291 1.33 1.20 +.04 -6.7 MicroSemi Q MSCC 57.97 29.68 2771 46.94 7946 52.00 46.81 -2.16 -13.0sMicrosoft Q MSFT 1.56 2.3 30 68.38 48.04 37573 68.46 158052 69.14 67.10 +2.06 +10.2 MicroStr Q MSTR 24 207.28 161.90 167 190.17 388 194.58 181.54 +2.58 -3.7sMicrovisn Q MVIS 2.94 .89 1440 2.25 10908 2.94 2.18 -.36 +78.6 MidPenn Q MPB .52 1.9 15 28.95 15.45 1 27.65 4 27.70 26.59 +.60 +16.0 MidAApt N MAA 3.48 3.5 18 110.01 85.04 1071 99.21 4912 102.65 96.20 -2.06 +1.3 MidConEn Q MCEP 4.05 1.40 53 2.17 308 2.35 2.11 -.13 -16.5 Midatech n Q MTP 5.28 2.40 26 2.77 64 2.92 2.62 -.16 +.4 Middleby Q MIDD 27 150.87 105.98 527 136.13 2621 142.00 135.94 -1.61 +5.7 MiddlefldB Q MBCN 1.08 2.4 13 46.00 31.31 1 45.75 6 46.00 44.17 +.05 +18.2 MdsxWatr Q MSEX .84 2.2 28 44.48 32.51 53 38.12 262 40.80 37.93 -1.13 -11.2 MidlStBc n Q MSBI .80f 2.3 15 37.58 20.80 75 34.50 201 34.81 32.91 +1.60 -4.6sMidsthBcp N MSL .36 2.4 23 16.60 9.01 62 15.25 338 16.60 14.35 +.90 +12.1 MidstPet N MPO 23.25 17.01 51 18.56 272 19.49 18.18 -.19 -10.5 MidWOne Q MOFG .66 1.9 14 39.20 26.50 26 34.70 249 36.03 34.55 +.03 -7.7 Milacron n N MCRN 19.32 12.43 749 18.82 1906 19.29 18.14 +.94 +1.0 MilestnSci N MLSS 3.20 1.10 23 1.35 85 1.45 1.20 -3.6 MillerHer Q MLHR .68 2.1 16 36.46 26.99 464 33.10 1820 33.55 32.08 +1.10 -3.2 MHowHiInc N HIE 1.39 10.2 13.86 10.89 57 13.65 322 13.73 13.18 +.23 +10.2 MillerInds N MLR .72f 2.8 15 28.85 19.79 19 25.40 129 26.45 24.53 +1.30 -4.0sMimecast n Q MIME 25.37 7.08 140 24.17 1552 25.37 22.87 +1.00 +35.0sMiMedx Q MDXG 63 12.16 6.64 3292 12.69 11507 12.89 11.02 +1.17 +43.2 Mind CTI Q MNDO .27m 11.0 11 2.68 1.78 19 2.46 132 2.49 2.42 -.01 +12.4sMindbody n Q MB 28.75 11.91 311 28.35 1199 28.75 27.35 +.95 +33.1 MinTech N MTX .20 .3 19 83.85 51.29 128 78.70 720 80.50 77.55 +2.10 +1.9 MinervaN Q NERV 15.84 3.45 84 7.60 503 7.80 6.60 +.80 -35.3 Miragen rs Q MGEN 18.00 1.80 28 12.91 159 13.10 11.49 +1.06 +157.7 MiratiTher Q MRTX 23.15 4.05 75 4.55 499 4.85 4.15 +.30 -4.2 MirnaTh n Q MIRN 4.94 1.12 22 2.10 74 2.10 1.94 +.06 +16.7 Misonix Q MSON 41 12.00 3.83 16 11.10 30 11.80 10.65 +.10 +6.2 MissP pfD N MPpD 1.31 5.2 27.90 25.10 0 25.35 4 25.61 25.32 -.21 -2.9 Mistras N MG 29 26.46 19.49 99 22.50 427 22.97 21.54 +1.13 -12.4 Mitcham Q MIND 5.14 2.65 1 4.66 123 4.80 4.16 +.44 +12.3 Mitchm pfA Q MINDP 2.25 9.8 24.99 22.21 4 23.01 20 23.99 22.64 -.28 +.1 MitekSys Q MITK 97 9.49 5.26 1453 8.75 5144 8.75 7.20 +1.60 +42.3 MitelNet g Q MITL 8.52 5.81 269 7.06 1233 7.11 6.82 +.23 +3.8 MitsuUFJ N MTU 7.01 4.16 1425 6.34 10076 6.51 6.30 +.05 +2.9 MiX Tele N MIXT .22e 8.14 4.05 21 6.32 365 6.51 6.20 -.02 +2.1 MizuhoFn N MFG 3.87 2.76 145 3.68 1074 3.73 3.60 +.08 +2.5 MobileMini Q MINI .91 3.2 26 38.13 23.40 175 28.70 1468 30.90 28.65 -1.15 -5.1 MobileTele N MBT .88e 8.5 11.59 7.09 1965 10.32 13001 10.85 10.25 -.06 +13.3 MobileIron Q MOBL 5.00 2.56 1184 4.55 2644 4.85 4.35 +.18 +21.3sMobileye N MBLY 61.95 33.69 1517 61.92 12089 61.95 61.65 +.25 +62.4 Model N N MODN 13.98 6.98 149 10.70 491 10.75 10.35 +.40 +20.9 Modine N MOD 16 16.35 8.45 333 12.10 1185 12.35 11.15 +1.15 -18.8 ModSysIntl Q MDSY 1.85 .62 4 .70 13 .73 .70 -.01 -22.2 ModusLink Q MLNK 2.08 1.05 115 1.69 487 1.73 1.56 +.14 +15.8 Moelis&Co N MC .94a 2.6 20 39.90 21.91 371 36.70 2870 39.65 36.60 -1.80 +8.3sMohawk N MHK 20 241.02 175.52 1724 234.79 4250 241.02 227.99 -.14 +17.6 Moleculin n Q MBRX 9.58 .80 125 .91 965 .95 .84 +.03 -60.1 MolinaHlth N MOH 60.66 42.56 1142 49.79 5750 50.16 48.18 +1.98 -8.2 MolsCoorB N TAP 1.64 1.7 31 112.19 89.40 944 95.89 5635 96.97 95.17 +1.03 -1.5 Momenta Q MNTA 19.90 8.82 689 14.35 3581 14.38 13.10 +1.25 -4.7 Momo Q MOMO 39.25 8.88 2558 37.98 20661 39.18 35.55 -.34 +106.6 MonarCas h Q MCRI 22 30.09 18.54 36 29.47 200 30.05 28.47 +.05 +14.3 Mondelez Q MDLZ .76 1.7 32 46.40 40.50 3934 45.03 28833 45.67 44.77 +.09 +1.6sMoneyGrm Q MGI 49 17.92 5.81 791 17.81 3278 17.92 17.63 +.02 +50.8sMonRE N MNR .64 4.3 20 15.45 11.41 242 15.00 1493 15.45 14.69 +.07 -1.6 MonRE pfB N MNRpB 1.97 7.7 27.25 25.24 5 25.42 14 25.54 25.32 +.05 -.8 MonRE pfC N MNRpC 1.53 6.1 26.50 23.00 16 25.16 57 25.19 25.00 +.11 +6.7 MonogRes N MORE .30 2.9 34 10.97 9.52 439 10.18 3301 10.41 10.09 -.06 -5.9sMonPwSys Q MPWR .80 .9 69 96.84 60.02 324 91.50 2027 96.84 91.43 -1.87 +11.7 Monotype Q TYPE .45f 2.2 34 25.37 17.31 223 20.35 971 22.75 20.25 +.20 +2.5 MonroMuf Q MNRO .68 1.3 25 73.33 49.70 417 51.85 1793 55.00 51.30 -2.25 -9.4 MonroeCap Q MRCC 1.40 8.7 11 16.37 13.29 57 16.08 370 16.16 15.71 +.19 +4.6sMonsanto N MON 2.16 1.9 21 117.33 88.76 1189 116.61 10618 117.33 115.71 +1.11 +10.8 MonstrBv s Q MNST 38 55.50 40.30 2436 45.38 10951 45.92 44.98 -.01 +2.3 MnstD wt h Q MSDIW 2.39 .12 10 .15 54 .15 .12 -.03 -59.5tMonstDg hn Q MSDI 4.15 .61 3262 1.01 3720 1.24 .61 +.25 -42.3sMoodys N MCO 1.52 1.3 25 119.67 87.30 656 118.32 3560 119.67 116.45 +3.30 +25.5 Moog A N MOG/A 21 73.05 48.73 113 68.65 706 71.34 68.19 -.01 +4.5 MorgStan N MS .80 1.8 13 47.33 23.11 8910 43.37 60817 44.86 43.19 +1.77 +2.7 MorgSt pfE N MSpE 1.78 6.1 30.78 27.07 28 29.35 309 29.48 29.21 -.02 +4.3 MorgSt pfF N MSpF 1.72 5.9 30.17 25.65 24 29.00 144 29.01 28.65 +.26 +7.2 MorgSt pfI N MSpI 1.59 5.7 28.72 25.49 60 27.77 488 27.87 27.67 -.03 +7.9 MorgS pfG N MSpG 1.66 6.2 28.23 25.33 17 26.91 111 26.97 26.85 -.01 +5.4 MorgSt pfK N MSpK 26.42 24.95 54 26.38 1218 26.42 26.20 +.03 +3.8sMS Asia N APF .14e .9 15.80 12.69 12 15.85 176 15.85 15.51 +.46 +17.4 MS China N CAF 13.33e 19.73 16.40 69 19.56 308 19.57 19.32 +.04 +15.1 MS CushHi N MLPY 1.28e 16.6 8.47 6.95 3 7.69 9 7.99 7.68 -.10 -5.2 MS EMD N MSD .57e 5.8 9.98 8.74 55 9.76 444 9.78 9.67 +.04 +7.3 MSEMDDbt N EDD .80m 10.1 8.51 6.94 309 7.90 1146 7.96 7.80 +.04 +10.2sMSEmMkt N MSF .05e .3 15.46 12.52 15 15.50 97 15.50 15.07 +.46 +17.6 MS icb N ICB .54a 3.0 18.99 17.29 5 18.08 90 18.33 17.88 +.04 +.8 MS India N IIF .04e 34.50 23.30 32 33.30 127 33.74 32.85 +.73 +30.0 MSJCP97 N HJV 1.75 10.9 20.50 14.77 1 16.00 9 16.37 15.42 -.25 -10.3 MkVRMB N CNY 42.93 38.05 0 40.74 10 41.80 38.72 -1.40 +4.3sMkVRupee N INR 41.95 37.05 41.26 5 41.95 40.80 +.66 +8.7 MSDLEur N URR 19.49 12.65 0 16.17 5 16.49 16.02 +.29 +5.1 MSDSEur N DRR 65.79 52.57 59.79 3 60.62 58.96 -2.10 -8.0 MorgSt pfA N MSpA 1.01e 4.2 24.40 20.45 76 23.79 345 23.85 23.50 +.15 +3.4 Mornstr Q MORN .92f 1.3 21 85.49 67.74 64 73.13 627 79.55 68.43 -5.53 -.6 Mosaic N MOS 1.26f 4.7 34.36 22.77 4390 26.93 22967 27.89 26.85 +.26 -8.2tMoSys rs Q MOSY 8.30 .95 94 .97 855 1.27 .95 -.25 -57.8sMotifBio n Q MTFB 11.00 5.15 5 10.20 35 11.00 9.70 -.09 +64.7sMotifBi un Q MTFBW 4.18 .72 9 2.20 34 4.18 2.10 -.15 +70.5 MotorcarP Q MPAA 16 35.92 21.75 57 30.32 409 30.91 29.60 +.85 +12.6 MotrlaSolu N MSI 1.88f 2.2 20 87.55 62.76 1051 85.97 3445 86.21 84.32 +2.25 +3.7tMtnPDia g Q MPVE 5.53 2.90 109 2.85 523 3.45 2.85 -.45 -43.6 Movado N MOV .52 2.2 15 31.95 19.14 102 23.40 475 24.46 23.35 -.35 -18.6 Moxian n Q MOXC 4.39 2.17 37 2.44 80 2.79 2.18 +.15 -23.3 Mueller N MLI .40 1.2 18 43.96 29.51 207 32.04 1271 35.82 32.01 -1.71 -19.8 MuellerWat N MWA .16 1.4 24 14.20 10.24 6724 11.25 12112 12.91 11.09 -1.08 -15.5 Mulesft n N MULE 25.60 21.60 206 23.04 1957 23.43 21.92 +.75 -1.5sMultiPkg n N MPSX 18.00 11.00 178 17.95 1192 18.00 17.94 +25.9 MultiColor Q LABL .20 .3 23 81.20 54.80 47 76.80 311 77.70 72.95 +4.05 -1.0 MurphO N MUR 1.00 3.8 35.94 24.39 2365 26.18 16103 28.20 25.89 -.79 -15.9 MurphUSA N MUSA 13 80.44 57.13 381 69.57 1739 72.08 68.93 -.22 +13.2 MutualFst Q MFSF .64 1.9 18 36.75 24.56 19 32.95 44 33.55 31.76 +1.15 -.5tMySize n Q MYSZ 16.70 1.50 118 1.69 484 2.00 1.50 -.28 -69.0 MyersInd N MYE .54 3.3 35 17.05 11.35 52 16.30 267 17.05 16.20 +.15 +14.0 Mylan NV Q MYL 8 50.40 33.60 3456 37.35 23381 38.02 36.57 +.52 -2.1 MyoKard n Q MYOK 22.83 10.55 65 13.05 470 13.60 12.40 +.40 +.8 Myovant n N MYOV 14.27 10.25 26 12.99 149 13.40 12.00 +.76 +4.4 MyriadG Q MYGN 21 37.83 15.15 577 18.39 4345 18.59 17.73 +.78 +10.3N -:NBT Bcp Q NBTB .92 2.4 21 42.56 26.67 200 38.18 821 40.85 38.01 +.53 -8.8 NCI BldSy N NCS 26 18.10 13.80 556 17.50 2613 17.85 16.78 +.70 +11.8 NCI Inc Q NCIT .15e 15 15.31 10.98 16 14.85 88 15.05 13.85 +1.00 +6.5 NCR Corp N NCR 14 49.90 25.20 1052 41.25 9706 42.32 40.34 +.31 +1.7stNCS Mltst n Q NCSM 4533 20.01 4533 20.30 19.25 NETgear Q NTGR 18 60.82 39.02 748 47.15 5143 53.10 44.75 -3.45 -13.2 NF EngSv Q NFEC 2.19 .66 13 1.11 326 1.22 1.08 +28.3 NGL EnPt N NGL 1.56 9.8 23 25.80 11.57 1075 16.00 11489 21.98 15.70 -5.60 -23.8 NI Hldg n Q NODK 16.30 14.00 11 15.71 92 16.04 15.36 +.12 +6.5 NIC Inc Q EGOV .73e 26 25.90 17.43 181 21.35 1166 21.95 20.90 +.45 -10.7 NICE Ltd Q NICE .64 .9 15 70.84 59.07 96 67.45 678 68.68 67.00 -.34 -1.9tNII Hldg n Q NIHD 5.61 .88 513 .86 2376 1.13 .85 -.19 -59.9 NL Inds N NL 25 9.60 2.25 101 8.10 438 9.05 7.78 +.10 -.6 NMI Hldg h Q NMIH 11 12.55 5.02 488 11.60 2215 12.50 11.45 -.35 +8.9sNN Inc Q NNBR .28 1.0 37 27.70 12.77 188 27.60 1054 28.00 25.34 +1.80 +44.9 NQ Mobile N NQ 34 5.18 3.03 122 3.77 1104 3.84 3.64 +.14 +17.1 NRG Egy N NRG .12 .7 21 19.07 9.84 3910 16.90 25617 17.48 16.79 -.14 +37.8 NRG Yld A N NYLD/A 1.00f 5.8 35 17.78 13.40 158 17.34 846 17.48 17.10 +.23 +12.9 NRG Yld C N NYLD 1.04f 5.9 46 18.56 13.98 391 17.70 1892 17.80 17.40 +.25 +12.0 NTN Buzz rs N NTN 23.70 4.00 5 8.09 87 8.33 7.42 +.40 -4.8 NTT DOCO N DCM 28.43 21.96 326 24.22 1452 24.31 23.10 +.29 +6.5 NV5 Global Q NVEE 30 41.80 24.03 34 38.70 253 39.50 37.90 +1.10 +15.9 NVE Corp Q NVEC 4.00 4.9 31 88.34 52.16 12 81.41 82 84.73 81.00 -.39 +14.0 NVR N NVR 20 2191.75 1478.04 30 2111.25 165 2127.94 2053.80 +18.84 +26.5 NXP Semi Q NXPI 107.54 73.62 2047 105.75 10749 105.80 104.41 +1.39 +7.9 Nabors N NBR .24 2.3 18.40 7.61 6665 10.34 55510 12.04 10.04 -1.45 -37.0 Nabriva n Q NBRV 12.75 3.52 30 10.89 61 11.20 10.63 -.09 +82.7 NACCO N NC 1.07f 1.3 11 99.55 49.80 20 84.65 101 87.40 79.55 +4.90 -6.5 NakedBr n Q NAKD 4.75 .82 149 1.95 741 2.10 1.90 -.08 +94.9 NamTai N NTP .28 3.6 9.59 5.19 62 7.85 181 7.95 7.35 +.50 +6.1 NanoDim n Q NNDM 8.95 5.10 10 6.28 122 6.84 6.14 -.05 +5.5 NanoString Q NSTG 23.45 11.89 179 17.48 623 18.19 17.23 +.06 -21.6 NanoViric N NNVC 2.04 1.03 127 1.23 842 1.29 1.08 +.17 +15.0sNanomtr Q NANO 18 32.15 15.32 270 31.56 1322 32.26 29.56 +2.17 +25.9tNantHlth n Q NH 18.79 3.15 131 3.11 1061 3.68 3.10 -.19 -68.7 NantKwst n Q NK 10.09 2.83 281 3.15 1116 3.61 3.10 -.16 -44.9 Napco Q NSSC 33 10.95 5.57 25 10.60 178 10.75 9.55 +.35 +24.7 Nasdaq Q NDAQ 1.52f 2.2 18 72.52 61.19 968 68.87 6276 70.99 68.28 -1.04 +2.6 Natera n Q NTRA 13.80 7.35 93 9.05 729 9.34 8.31 +.66 -22.7sNathans s Q NATH 25.00e 43 69.00 40.28 8 68.20 53 69.00 64.70 +3.50 +5.1 NatAmUnv Q NAUH .18 7.2 2.88 1.61 1 2.50 11 2.60 2.41 +.04 +28.2 NatBkHldg N NBHC .28 .9 39 34.10 19.45 124 31.57 940 32.81 31.51 -.01 -1.0 NatlBnksh Q NKSH 1.16e 2.8 20 45.35 32.32 6 42.05 47 44.05 39.30 +.10 -3.2 NatlBevrg Q FIZZ 43 92.85 39.14 255 88.59 1184 89.58 85.00 +3.10 +73.4 NatCineM Q NCMI .88 7.4 29 16.10 11.52 464 11.87 2357 12.60 11.71 -.61 -19.4sNatlCmce n Q NCOM 23 40.00 21.37 36 38.70 309 40.00 37.60 +.95 +4.2 NatFuGas N NFG 1.62 2.9 24 61.25 50.61 616 55.38 3901 56.44 53.94 +1.79 -2.2 NatGenHld Q NGHC .16f .7 15 26.99 18.04 224 22.74 1030 23.25 22.54 +.38 -9.0 NatGnH pfA Q NGHCP 1.88 7.3 26.95 24.25 2 25.75 11 25.98 25.41 +.35 +2.7 NatGnH pfB Q NGHCO 1.88 7.3 26.96 24.12 8 25.52 99 25.55 25.17 +.37 +2.9 NatGnH pfC Q NGHCN 1.88 7.4 26.49 24.11 4 25.38 93 25.42 25.08 +.22 +1.6 NatGnH 55 Q NGHCZ 1.91 7.6 26.59 23.99 12 25.22 61 25.44 25.04 +.22 +.7 NatGrid N NGG 3.35e 5.2 74.97 56.50 282 64.87 2040 65.25 64.27 +.69 +11.2 NtHlthInv N NHI 3.80f 5.2 17 82.53 65.94 168 73.17 787 76.13 72.89 -2.35 -1.3 NHltcre N NHC 1.80 2.4 23 78.99 60.81 28 74.42 146 75.20 70.92 +.69 -1.8 NatlHld wt Q NHLDW 1.21 .28 0 .56 5 .56 .56 -.01 -25.9 NatlHld rs Q NHLD 3.88 2.10 13 2.69 58 2.70 2.52 +.07 +.4sNatInstrm Q NATI .84 2.4 43 34.90 25.90 900 34.91 2483 35.66 33.27 +1.46 +13.3 NOilVarco N NOV .20 .6 27 43.63 29.79 2771 34.97 20544 36.58 34.13 +.32 -6.6 NatPresto N NPK 1.00a 1.0 19 112.00 83.53 15 104.35 122 106.95 102.55 +2.00 -1.9sNatResh A Q NRCIA .40 1.6 44 25.25 12.53 28 24.80 121 25.25 23.00 +1.85 +30.5 NatlReshB Q NRCIB 2.40 5.7 19 46.37 32.18 1 42.20 12 42.20 40.27 +.70 +1.3 NatRetPrp N NNN 1.82 4.3 20 53.60 39.86 1309 42.22 5176 45.42 42.17 -2.57 -4.5 NRetP pfE N NNNpE 1.43 5.6 27.13 22.75 20 25.32 73 25.94 25.31 -.44 +9.6 NtRetP pfF N NNNpF 1.30 5.4 24.84 20.65 28 24.15 206 24.23 23.98 -.07 +11.9 NSecGrp Q NSEC .20 1.3 8 20.84 14.36 15.82 6 16.50 15.07 -1.01 -10.9 NatlStor n N NSA .96 3.9 32 26.15 18.81 408 24.50 1709 25.82 24.44 -1.07 +11.0 NatWstnLf Q NWLI .36 .1 11 331.70 184.60 12 306.24 46 322.55 304.84 -6.71 -1.5 NtWst pfC N NWpC 1.94 7.4 26.90 25.42 11 26.25 41 26.37 26.20 -.01 +2.4 Nationstar N NSM 10 19.83 10.19 356 16.11 3004 16.82 15.94 -.32 -10.8 NaturlAlt Q NAII 6 14.40 8.25 14 9.75 113 9.75 9.30 +.30 -13.7 NatGsSvcs N NGS 46 34.50 19.85 63 27.40 314 28.83 26.90 -.05 -14.8 NatrlGroc N NGVC 25 14.21 10.00 42 10.94 262 11.61 10.78 +.19 -8.0 NatHlTr n Q NHTC .40f 1.4 6 38.98 20.59 64 28.68 407 29.50 28.18 +.56 +15.4 NatRsPt rs N NRP .23 .8 4 45.60 10.43 24 31.95 229 33.25 31.45 -.70 -1.1 NaturesSun Q NATR .40 4.0 84 16.45 8.50 9 10.10 63 10.35 9.80 +.10 -32.7 NatusMed Q BABY 34 44.39 31.19 834 35.00 4018 41.25 34.50 -5.25 +.6sNatuzzi N NTZ 3.30 1.39 20 3.24 140 3.30 2.94 +.13 +43.4 Nautilus N NLS 17 24.99 14.28 199 18.20 1219 18.80 17.45 +.75 -1.6 NavideaBio N NAVB 1.51 .26 367 .49 2779 .55 .45 +.03 -22.6 NavCpi18 Q ISM 1.12 4.5 27.86 23.77 2 25.11 15 25.37 25.04 -.04 -.6 Nav43 Q JSM 1.50 6.4 24.92 18.56 13 23.45 124 23.52 23.00 +.36 +5.8 Navient Q NAVI .64 4.2 9 17.95 11.01 2681 15.20 12664 16.24 15.12 -.58 -7.5 NavigCons N NCI 19 27.86 15.07 196 23.97 992 24.46 23.35 +.84 -8.4 NavigatrH N NVGS 16.33 6.47 194 12.05 920 13.21 12.00 -.80 +29.6 NavgGp s Q NAVG .04p 21 62.04 40.40 52 54.05 401 55.35 53.45 +1.00 -8.2 NaviosAcq N NNA .20 11.8 4 2.11 1.19 205 1.69 1450 1.74 1.67 -.02 -.6 Navios pfG N NMpG 2.19 12.3 18.86 2.82 4 17.82 22 18.47 16.88 -.24 +136.3 Navios N NM 2.40 .57 693 1.70 2939 1.85 1.69 -.10 +20.6sNavMH pfH N NMpH 2.16 12.0 18.13 2.76 11 18.00 26 18.13 16.50 +.21 +157.1 NavMMid N NAP 1.69 14.0 14.20 9.07 84 12.06 623 12.24 11.80 +.14 +11.9 NaviosMar N NMM 1.27f 60.9 6 2.94 1.14 374 2.09 2347 2.14 2.01 -.04 +48.2 Navistar N NAV 33.46 10.30 335 26.91 2600 27.57 24.82 +2.75 -14.2 NeenahP N NP 1.48f 1.9 17 90.23 64.34 50 78.35 322 80.45 76.20 +2.45 -8.0sNeffCorp N NEFF 13 21.25 8.05 198 17.60 966 21.25 17.10 -1.95 +24.8 NektarTh Q NKTR 24.88 11.41 1222 18.97 7306 19.64 18.38 +.60 +54.6 Nelnet N NNI .56f 1.2 9 55.01 31.49 52 45.01 267 47.46 44.98 -.86 -11.3 Neogen Q NEOG 58 69.09 46.14 100 62.33 670 64.10 62.18 +.93 -5.6 NeoGenom Q NEO 69 9.88 6.90 400 7.55 4985 8.69 7.20 -.98 -11.9 Neonode Q NEON 2.19 .96 128 1.69 1358 1.80 1.52 +.14 -8.2 NeoPhoton N NPTN 37 18.51 6.90 1259 7.76 4784 8.40 7.46 -.48 -28.2 NeosTher n Q NEOS 11.35 4.85 118 7.10 713 7.45 6.90 +.05 +21.4 Neothetics Q NEOT 2.59 .72 141 1.93 656 2.14 1.83 +.05 +72.3 Neovasc g Q NVCN 3.50 .37 203 1.55 1158 1.66 1.51 -.10 -10.4 NeptuneT g Q NEPT 1.53 .91 78 1.02 337 1.03 .98 +.03 +4.9 Net1UEPS Q UEPS 6 13.81 8.37 117 10.83 732 11.18 10.45 -.15 -5.7 NetElem rs Q NETE 4.60 .70 94 .81 415 .85 .79 -.01 +7.3 NetApp Q NTAP .76 1.9 36 43.14 22.50 2035 39.85 10735 40.30 39.33 +.36 +13.0 NetEase Q NTES 3.30e 1.2 19 308.66 130.82 808 265.39 5928 278.82 261.31 -3.58 +23.2sNetflix s Q NFLX 153.52 84.50 6184 152.20 46975 153.52 143.40 +9.33 +22.9 Netlist h Q NLST 2.19 .83 91 1.28 889 1.37 1.21 -.04 +25.5sNtScout Q NTCT 38.48 20.99 603 37.65 3272 38.48 36.85 +1.15 +19.5tNetshoes n N NETS 16.10 12.49 114 13.01 872 13.80 12.49 -.04 -10.3 NetSolTch Q NTWK 7.46 4.35 15 4.75 67 5.00 4.60 +.05 -8.7 Netw1Tch N NTIP 5.05 2.18 126 4.80 759 5.00 4.75 -.15 +41.2 NBCAInt N NBW .74 5.2 17.66 13.68 2 14.27 38 14.35 14.18 -.8 NeuB HYld N NHS .96 8.0 12.20 10.53 53 12.05 373 12.05 11.92 +.16 +3.3 NBIntMu N NBH .90 6.0 17.64 14.37 14 14.98 135 15.09 14.87 -.02 -7.9 NBNYInt N NBO .58 4.6 14.87 12.13 23 12.63 54 12.75 12.43 -.05 +.9 NBRESec N NRO .36 6.7 6.00 4.96 193 5.38 920 5.48 5.33 -.08 +.2 Neuralst rs Q CUR 9.24 2.47 29 4.74 276 5.34 4.68 -.14 +33.6 NeuroDerm Q NDRM 30.45 15.10 99 28.88 631 28.90 26.99 +2.23 +30.1 NeuM wt rs Q NUROW .38 .01 3 .05 6 .05 .02 -28.6tNeuroMx rs Q NURO 2.36 .52 175 .53 1319 .66 .51 -.14 -29.0 Neurcrine Q NBIX 55.15 37.35 923 53.40 8666 54.14 51.34 +2.30 +38.0tNeurotrpe n Q NTRP 21.40 14.00 754 18.81 1675 19.50 14.00 +.20 +1.7 NeuStar N NSR 7 34.40 21.10 1081 33.20 2476 33.35 33.20 -.05 -.6 NevGCas N UWN 32 2.31 1.55 4 2.22 100 2.30 2.14 +.01 +20.0 NevroCorp N NVRO 106.93 61.52 446 94.22 2213 94.64 85.34 +9.00 +29.7tNevsun g N NSU .04m 1.8 23 3.76 2.24 1788 2.27 5012 2.48 2.21 -.15 -26.5 NewAgeB n Q NBEV 4.67 3.50 147 3.71 614 3.91 3.60 -.03 -4.4 NewAmHi N HYB .78a 8.2 9.66 8.24 40 9.52 206 9.55 9.44 +.06 +2.8 NewConcEn N GBR 34 6.10 .78 54 1.72 403 1.90 1.63 -.00 -20.5 NwGold g N NGD 41 6.04 2.39 8941 2.84 50304 3.21 2.74 -.37 -18.9 NewHome N NWHM 11 12.55 8.62 162 11.66 803 12.00 10.44 +1.18 -.4sNwIreland N IRL 2.15e 1.2 13.95 10.96 18 13.86 158 13.95 13.44 +.56 +15.8 NJ Rscs s N NJR 1.02 2.5 21 42.65 30.46 721 40.35 2288 41.35 40.10 -.15 +13.7 NewLink Q NLNK 25.17 9.23 284 18.69 3481 19.42 17.87 +.61 +81.8tNewMedia N NEWM 1.40 10.6 19 19.89 13.34 812 13.16 3648 14.74 13.00 -1.11 -17.7 NwMtnFin N NMFC 1.36 9.1 16 15.00 12.10 255 14.90 1592 15.00 14.75 +5.7sNewOriEd N EDU .40e 37 68.52 37.16 951 64.54 8794 68.52 61.77 +1.73 +53.3sNewRelic N NEWR 40.70 23.55 222 39.98 1521 40.70 39.00 +.57 +41.5 NewResid N NRZ 1.92f 11.5 9 17.86 11.92 3883 16.67 28374 17.00 15.75 +.33 +6.0 NewSenInv N SNR 1.04 10.0 9 12.68 9.02 502 10.42 2485 10.82 10.41 -.36 +6.4 NY&Co N NWY 3.85 1.34 47 1.67 599 1.91 1.66 -.12 -26.4tNY CmtyB N NYCB .68 5.1 13 17.68 13.05 4792 13.29 32200 14.12 13.05 -.52 -16.5 NYCmty un N NYCBpU 3.00 6.0 51.44 48.50 1 50.02 143 50.50 49.66 +.46 +.4 NYMtgTr Q NYMT .80m 12.5 13 7.04 4.97 840 6.41 5254 6.59 6.31 +.06 -2.9 NYMtT pfB Q NYMTP 1.94 8.0 24.41 21.06 2 24.27 25 24.35 23.92 +.37 +2.2 NYMtT pfC Q NYMTO 1.97 8.2 24.24 20.76 27 24.16 71 24.20 23.85 +.31 +5.5 NY REIT N NYRT .46 4.8 11.07 8.79 1298 9.54 9820 9.63 9.52 -.06 -5.7 NY Times N NYT .16 1.1 25 16.35 10.60 924 14.45 3506 15.10 14.20 -.25 +8.6 NewStarFn Q NEWS .02p 17 11.37 6.53 81 10.74 314 11.12 10.68 +.16 +16.1 NewellRub N NWL .76 1.6 19 55.45 43.43 3509 47.74 16800 49.27 47.52 +.39 +6.9 NewfldExp N NFX 30 50.00 33.00 2196 34.62 10170 36.51 34.09 -.25 -14.5sNewMarket N NEU 7.00f 1.5 23 483.86 385.66 47 470.70 243 483.86 454.78 +14.80 +11.1 NewmtM N NEM .20 .6 29 46.07 30.19 9262 33.81 54856 34.18 32.03 -.32 -.8 NewpkRes N NR 8.75 4.26 2131 7.65 5596 8.20 7.35 -.05 +2.0 NewsCpA Q NWSA .20 1.6 14.68 10.54 1807 12.72 7924 13.14 12.59 -.17 +11.0 NewsCpB Q NWS .20 1.5 15.22 10.90 890 13.00 3420 13.50 12.90 -.30 +10.2 NewtekBsn Q NEWT 1.53e 9.3 17.58 11.83 84 16.51 482 16.90 16.36 -.03 +3.8 Newtek 22 Q NEWTZ 1.88 7.1 27.40 25.13 26.40 8 26.67 26.36 -.04 +1.2 Newtek21 n Q NEWTL 1.75 6.8 25.96 24.65 1 25.60 3 25.60 25.46 +.20 +.3 Nexeo Sol Q NXEO 10.39 7.13 47 9.11 268 9.38 8.90 +.30 -2.1 Nexeo wt Q NXEOW .98 .40 0 .70 127 .72 .65 +.01 Nexeo un Q NXEOU 11.03 7.34 9.50 3 10.08 9.50 +.68 -6.1 NexPtCr rs N NHF 2.88 12.3 23.93 19.43 114 23.47 848 23.60 22.66 +.74 +3.1 NxPtRsT n N NXRT .88f 3.7 25.51 13.66 73 24.01 432 24.95 23.72 -.77 +7.5 NexstarM Q NXST 1.20 1.7 24 73.90 44.75 734 69.00 2932 70.30 67.95 -.10 +9.0sNxtEraLP N NEP 1.46f 4.2 18 34.45 23.90 204 34.65 1313 34.95 32.66 +2.23 +35.7 NextEC3-72 N NEEpG 26.73 23.32 12 25.40 75 25.45 25.22 +.09 +4.7 NextEC6-72 N NEEpH 1.41 5.6 26.46 22.76 10 25.37 79 25.38 25.11 +.20 +6.5 NextEra 72 N NEEpI 1.28 5.1 26.54 21.11 19 25.00 109 25.10 24.92 -.01 +13.7 NextEra 73 N NEEpJ 1.25 5.0 26.34 20.82 30 24.88 103 24.92 24.74 +.07 +14.2 NextEra76 N NEEpK 25.95 21.04 67 24.59 366 24.68 24.47 -.01 +11.4 NxtEra pfQ N NEEpQ 3.19 5.2 64.78 54.44 7 61.50 76 61.89 60.88 +.48 +7.4 NextEraEn N NEE 3.93f 2.9 23 134.33 110.49 1590 133.56 8215 134.20 131.43 +.54 +11.8sNxtEra pfR N NEEpR 53.25 46.80 84 51.99 4171 53.25 51.50 -.93 +6.1 Nexvet n Q NVET 6.76 2.61 101 6.60 285 6.62 6.59 +76.9 NiSource s N NI .70 2.9 22 26.94 21.17 2399 24.25 16422 24.44 23.94 +.24 +9.5 NichFncl h Q NICK 8 12.50 8.56 33 9.98 101 10.35 9.95 -.13 -16.1sNicoletBc n Q NCBS 49.75 34.75 18 49.30 92 49.96 48.34 +1.19 +3.4tNielsen plc N NLSN 1.36f 3.3 23 55.94 38.31 6414 41.13 29358 41.94 38.31 +.13 -2.0 NikeB s N NKE .84 1.5 23 60.33 49.01 6087 55.41 45266 56.21 54.91 -.44 +9.0 Nivalis n Q NVLS 9.35 2.00 225 2.26 920 2.40 2.05 +.9 NoahHldgs N NOAH 15 29.73 21.33 115 25.22 399 26.33 25.00 -.61 +15.0 NobilisH n N HLTH 4.66 1.10 466 1.25 2607 1.25 1.10 +.05 -40.5 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 13 The Sun/Saturday, April 29, 2017


NobleCorp N NE .08 1.7 2 11.35 4.45 8783 4.80 59683 5.19 4.75 -.49 -18.9tNobleEngy N NBL .40 1.2 42.03 32.33 5003 32.33 32076 34.95 32.27 -1.82 -15.1 NobleMid n N NBLX .43 53.29 26.90 85 50.12 230 50.50 48.50 +.44 +39.2 NokiaCp N NOK .17e 3.0 5.99 4.04 30250 5.73 161951 5.78 5.35 +.51 +19.1 NomadF n N NOMD 12.97 7.85 803 11.80 3871 11.80 11.37 +.43 +23.3 Nomura N NMR 6.80 3.33 272 6.04 1018 6.52 6.01 -.10 +2.4 Noodles Q NDLS 11.86 3.16 111 5.85 920 6.00 5.35 +.40 +42.7 Norbord n N OSB .23e 31.29 17.94 23 31.07 134 31.13 29.61 +1.19 +23.0sNordAngEd N NORD 67 32.99 19.83 348 32.20 10547 32.99 27.16 +4.51 +38.2 NordicAOff N NAO .18 18.9 5.64 .80 493 .95 1916 .99 .91 +.01 -65.5 NordicAm N NAT 1.14e 13.7 22 16.18 7.57 519 8.30 3758 8.53 8.26 -.06 -1.2 Nordson Q NDSN 1.08 .9 27 127.50 74.49 308 125.20 1309 126.56 120.56 +3.71 +11.7 Nordstrm N JWN 1.48a 3.1 15 62.82 35.01 2433 48.27 9819 48.45 46.80 +.65 +.7 NorflkSo N NSC 2.44 2.1 21 125.00 78.73 1487 117.49 11340 120.74 115.49 +1.12 +8.7 Norsat g rs N NSAT 27 10.95 5.33 5 10.88 87 10.90 10.80 -.03 +37.7 NorSys Q NSYS 5.52 1.69 3 3.60 8 3.73 3.58 -.14 -7.5 NortelInv N NTL .64e 2.3 30.78 19.80 2 27.40 13 27.92 27.20 +.17 +5.1 NoAmEn g N NOA .08 5.70 2.04 99 4.75 328 5.00 4.70 -.10 +23.4 NoAtlDrl rs N NADL 8.08 .65 1861 2.53 10034 3.06 2.11 -.02 -20.2 NEurO N NRT .66e 9.3 8 9.90 6.11 30 7.11 77 7.42 7.05 -.04 +7.7 NoWestCp N NWE 2.10 3.5 18 63.75 53.85 412 59.78 2088 60.95 59.30 +.24 +5.1sNorestB Q NBN .04 .2 17 17.35 10.50 26 16.75 170 17.35 16.15 +.50 +27.9 NDynMn g N NAK 3.45 .28 1743 1.60 17647 1.73 1.46 +.09 -22.7 NthnO&G N NOG 12 5.63 1.55 500 2.25 2518 2.35 2.20 -18.2 NthnTech Q NTIC 19.30 10.00 20 15.90 39 17.10 15.00 -.80 +15.6sNorTrst Q NTRS 1.52 1.7 21 92.29 61.32 1200 90.00 6965 92.29 87.74 +2.64 +1.1 NthnTr pfC Q NTRSP 1.46 5.4 28.12 24.84 18 26.93 114 27.35 26.81 -.45 +7.5 NorthfldBc Q NFBK .32 1.7 26 20.59 14.31 96 18.38 531 19.08 18.26 +.28 -8.0 Nthrim Q NRIM .80 2.5 16 33.00 24.28 24 32.00 90 32.75 30.50 +1.60 +1.3 NorthropG N NOC 3.60 1.5 22 253.80 205.83 848 245.96 6206 250.00 243.05 -.37 +5.8 NStREur n N NRE .60 5.2 13.04 8.50 252 11.63 1221 11.94 11.42 +.14 -7.5 NwstBcsh Q NWBI .64 4.0 34 19.10 13.40 606 16.14 4375 17.39 16.13 -.80 -10.5 NwstNG N NWN 1.88 3.2 24 66.17 51.12 103 59.60 552 61.25 59.55 +.07 -.3 NwstPipe Q NWPX 19.55 8.54 23 14.01 261 14.92 13.77 -.20 -18.6sNorwCruis Q NCLH 21 53.27 34.16 2862 53.93 8316 54.87 50.12 +3.80 +26.8 NorwoodFn Q NWFL 1.28 3.4 19 42.95 27.46 4 37.74 33 40.24 36.49 -1.62 +13.9 NovaLfstyl Q NVFY 5.15 .38 57 1.59 268 1.67 1.50 -.01 -17.6sNovaMeas Q NVMI 20 20.46 10.67 88 20.07 597 20.46 18.52 +1.66 +52.5 NovaBay rs N NBY 5.29 2.07 4 3.35 34 3.50 3.26 +.01 +1.5 Novadaq g Q NVDQ 12.95 6.00 205 6.96 1284 7.54 6.88 -.34 -1.8 NovaGld g N NG 7.29 3.79 3811 4.18 21372 4.36 3.89 -.24 -8.3 Novan n Q NOVN 30.90 3.52 111 5.44 684 6.05 5.18 +.03 -79.9sNovanta Q NOVT 34 28.55 13.14 97 28.05 687 28.55 27.40 +.75 +33.6 Novartis N NVS 2.75e 3.6 16 83.58 66.93 1748 77.03 13630 77.51 74.06 +3.63 +5.8 Novavax Q NVAX 8.49 .73 3024 .82 23342 .86 .78 -.01 -35.2 Novelion rs Q NVLN 13.80 6.10 39 10.20 305 10.40 9.94 -.10 +21.1 NovoNord N NVO .96e 2.5 57.44 30.89 2859 38.68 15666 39.02 36.39 +2.80 +7.9 NovoCure n Q NVCR 14.42 5.95 456 11.30 3416 11.80 10.50 -.15 +43.9 Novogen h Q NVGN 2.48 .85 7 1.00 91 1.05 .89 +.04 -31.7 NOW Inc N DNOW 23.53 15.47 1002 17.01 6391 18.24 16.69 +.53 -16.9 NuSkin N NUS 1.44f 2.6 25 66.04 37.09 774 55.23 4062 57.24 54.42 -.15 +15.6sNuVasive Q NUVA 56 77.88 51.13 694 72.51 6667 77.88 72.00 -2.51 +7.6 NuanceCm Q NUAN 66 18.29 13.44 1941 17.89 13045 18.00 17.13 +.86 +20.1 Nucor N NUE 1.51 2.5 27 68.00 44.81 2782 61.33 18059 62.31 59.16 +1.33 +3.0 Numerex Q NMRX 9.01 4.05 25 4.50 123 4.77 4.29 +.21 -39.2 Nush EnhYl N NUAG 25.26 23.98 10 24.50 17 24.55 24.42 -.03 +.9 NushLCVal N NULV 25.94 24.85 0 25.73 6 25.93 25.73 +.26 +2.9 NustarEn N NS 4.38 9.1 40 55.64 43.41 563 48.17 2617 49.21 47.32 +.32 -3.3 NustEn pfA N NSpA 27.50 26.13 202 26.78 848 26.86 26.27 +.30 -.7 NustarGP N NSH 2.18 7.9 21 31.50 22.30 68 27.50 593 28.20 27.06 +.30 -4.8 Nustar 43 N NSS 1.91 7.5 26.70 23.60 35 25.63 383 25.84 25.61 -.15 -.7tNutanix n Q NTNX 46.78 15.52 2202 15.19 9239 16.50 15.03 -1.09 -42.8 Nutractl Q NUTR .13 .4 16 37.90 22.03 32 31.70 165 32.65 30.10 +1.80 -9.3 NutriSyst Q NTRI .70 1.3 40 57.50 21.50 726 53.45 4351 56.60 50.21 -2.05 +54.3 Nuvectra Q NVTR 9.95 4.63 75 8.18 416 8.20 7.21 +.66 +62.6 Nuv Mun21 N NHA 10.51 9.48 9 9.99 74 10.10 9.91 +.09 +.7 Nuv Pf22 n N JPT 25.50 24.76 19 25.45 133 25.50 25.12 +2.0 NvHiInDc19 N JHD 10.50 9.95 38 10.30 182 10.30 10.26 +.01 +1.9 Nuv RE In N JRS 12.08 9.87 59 11.32 305 11.56 11.27 -.14 +5.1sNuvMO Pr N NOM 16.80 14.36 1 15.90 7 16.80 15.90 -.40 +5.9 NuvAllCEn N JMLP 1.37 13.6 11.51 8.15 41 10.11 251 10.33 10.01 +.05 +.6 NuvAZ N NAZ .80 5.7 17.80 13.33 25 13.93 117 13.99 13.69 -.06 -.4 NuvBldAm N NBB 1.34 6.5 23.30 19.80 51 20.74 271 20.76 20.48 +.04 +.5 NBldAmOp N NBD 1.30 6.1 23.49 19.80 17 21.51 86 21.51 21.01 +.15 +2.8 NCaAMTFr N NKX .86 5.8 17.35 13.78 81 15.00 458 15.05 14.80 +.11 +4.8 NCADvA N NAC .91 6.2 17.20 13.75 100 14.69 744 14.70 14.56 +.02 +3.9 NCalMunV N NCA .47 4.5 11.50 9.84 54 10.32 251 10.38 10.24 +.08 -1.1 NuvCASel N NXC .63a 4.1 17.97 14.25 16 15.27 50 15.27 14.95 +.28 +3.9 NCTPI N NTC .68a 5.5 14.45 11.97 19 12.41 117 12.46 12.33 -.04 +1.1 NuvCorEqA N JCE 1.21a 8.5 14.75 12.69 36 14.24 197 14.32 14.13 +.15 +8.9 NvCredStr N JQC .62 7.0 9.06 7.79 358 8.86 2146 8.92 8.80 +.1 NvDvrsDiv N JDD 1.04 8.5 12.48 10.69 82 12.23 333 12.30 12.15 +.08 +9.5 NuvDivA N NAD .85a 6.2 15.97 13.19 266 13.83 1362 13.87 13.76 -.05 -.9 NvDow30DO N DIAX 1.06 6.6 16.25 13.72 85 16.16 462 16.19 15.96 +.30 +7.7 NuEnMLP N JMF 1.35 10.0 14.55 10.86 103 13.44 516 13.85 13.38 +.07 -.7 NEnhMuV N NEV .96a 6.7 17.28 13.56 54 14.33 271 14.33 14.17 +.02 +2.4 NuvFlxInv N JPW 1.42a 8.2 17.54 15.17 5 17.35 60 17.40 17.21 +.13 +4.3 NuvFloat N JFR .72 6.2 12.34 10.09 241 11.68 1251 11.73 11.58 +.13 +.1 NuvFltOp N JRO .76a 6.3 12.93 9.94 120 11.93 743 11.93 11.80 +.14 -2.1 NvGADiv2 N NKG .64a 4.9 14.88 12.50 1 12.99 52 13.07 12.85 -.07 +2.1 NuvGblHIn N JGH 1.58 9.4 16.89 13.87 42 16.74 496 16.75 16.48 +.18 +4.7 NuvHi2020 N JHY .68 6.7 11.15 9.99 42 10.16 235 10.21 10.12 +.01 -.5 NuvHIDec18 N JHA 10.48 10.00 40 10.15 318 10.18 10.11 -.03 +.9 NuvEnhMu N NVG 16.59 13.85 441 14.83 1956 14.94 14.73 -.09 +2.6 NNYAmtF N NRK .70 5.4 14.62 12.44 117 13.11 524 13.13 12.98 +.04 +2.3 NuvAmtFr N NEA .75a 5.5 15.22 12.94 372 13.54 1895 13.61 13.47 -.09 +1.5 NuvIntMu N NID .68 5.2 14.34 12.19 44 13.08 343 13.09 12.96 -.00 +2.9 NvIntQMu N NIQ .57 4.5 13.96 12.13 10 12.80 288 12.87 12.75 -.04 +4.1 NMDPI N NMY .67a 5.2 14.66 12.20 10 12.92 118 12.94 12.80 +.02 +3.9 NvMAP N NMT .71a 5.1 16.19 12.93 12 13.93 67 13.97 13.55 +.10 +6.0 NMIQI N NUM .74 5.5 15.80 12.90 24 13.56 157 13.57 13.45 -.01 +1.6 NuvMNMu N NMS .80 4.9 18.22 15.08 8 16.48 52 17.04 16.48 -.29 +5.0sNuvMtgOp N JLS 1.52 6.1 25.13 22.49 22 24.95 164 25.13 24.53 +.09 +3.7 NuMtgOp2 N JMT 1.53 6.4 24.15 21.61 2 23.95 82 24.10 23.83 -.05 +3.4 NuvMultM N JMM .48 6.3 7.71 6.95 15 7.64 62 7.67 7.48 +.08 +4.7 NvMuI N NMI .50a 4.0 13.50 10.90 12 12.31 92 12.65 12.18 -.03 +9.7 NuvMuVal N NUV .39a 3.9 10.88 9.34 232 10.00 1348 10.00 9.82 +.06 +4.6 Nv AMT-Fr N NUW .78a 4.6 19.89 16.00 35 17.05 214 17.58 16.86 +.13 +4.9sNvNq100Dy Q QQQX 1.40 6.5 21.58 16.91 57 21.54 460 21.60 21.19 +.32 +16.1 NuvNJDiv N NXJ .82a 6.0 15.63 12.90 36 13.53 392 13.58 13.42 -.08 +2.8 NuvNJMV N NJV .59a 3.9 17.03 14.36 0 14.98 11 14.99 14.83 -.01 -9.5 NNYDvA N NAN .80a 5.8 15.95 13.13 50 13.81 257 13.86 13.72 -.01 +2.9 NNYMV N NNY .39a 4.0 10.69 9.26 17 9.86 97 9.96 9.80 -.09 +4.0 NuvNYSel N NXN .55 4.0 14.85 12.92 3 13.97 15 13.97 13.65 -.03 +5.6 NNCPI N NNC .59a 4.5 15.04 12.67 19 13.14 152 13.16 13.03 +.02 +1.6 NOHQI N NUO .80 5.4 17.16 14.27 12 14.93 56 14.98 14.82 -.07 +2.8 NvPA N NQP .81a 6.1 15.66 12.67 44 13.25 234 13.32 13.19 -.06 +1.3 NuvPaMV N NPN .62a 4.1 17.67 15.07 1 15.28 7 15.40 15.16 -.03 -10.2 NuvPf&Inc N JPI 1.95a 7.8 25.27 21.93 26 24.99 196 24.99 24.64 +.22 +9.0 NvPfdInco N JPC .80 7.9 10.56 8.72 170 10.15 1246 10.15 9.99 +.15 +3.2sNuvQPf2 N JPS .70 7.1 9.84 8.21 418 9.87 2219 9.88 9.71 +.18 +6.0 NuvREAst N JRI 1.49a 8.4 18.00 15.17 44 17.65 174 17.66 17.46 +.26 +12.1sNuvEqtP N BXMX 1.00 7.1 13.95 12.08 309 13.94 1392 13.98 13.73 +.26 +9.6 NEqPrmG N SPXX 1.04 6.8 15.71 13.00 18 15.35 252 15.41 15.11 +.26 +6.6 NvSMM N NIM .31a 3.1 11.01 9.49 17 10.02 106 10.13 9.90 -.05 +2.8 NSTFI N NXP .55a 3.9 15.93 13.50 27 14.26 151 14.29 14.11 +2.6 NSTFI2 N NXQ .53a 3.9 15.18 12.82 26 13.68 143 13.69 13.59 -.03 +2.8 NSTFI3 N NXR .55a 3.8 15.98 13.73 8 14.46 99 14.46 14.37 +.01 +2.0 NuvSnIn N NSL .42 6.0 7.16 5.86 81 6.98 549 6.98 6.91 +.04 +2.8 NuShDCrd N JSD 1.16a 6.4 18.55 15.08 64 18.15 181 18.26 18.03 +.16 +3.8sNv TA Div N JTD 1.23 8.0 15.47 13.52 29 15.49 133 15.50 15.21 +.37 +11.2sNvTxATR N JTA 1.04 8.3 12.66 10.81 42 12.54 208 12.66 12.30 +.35 +10.8 NTXQI N NTX .65 4.5 15.90 13.29 20 14.46 69 14.75 14.40 -.38 +5.4 NVAPI N NPV .65a 5.0 15.23 12.55 10 13.14 80 13.14 13.03 -.02 +1.3 Nvidia Q NVDA .56 .5 39 120.92 34.40 7846 104.30 42847 105.98 102.11 +2.62 -2.3sNxStageMd Q NXTM 30.35 15.30 269 29.89 2446 30.35 28.06 +1.99 +14.0 Nxt-ID wt Q NXTDW .40 .11 13 .17 27 .18 .16 -.00 -37.1 Nxt-ID rs Q NXTD 6.49 1.44 96 1.63 310 1.73 1.60 -.02 -40.7 NymoxPh Q NYMX 5.79 1.62 264 4.71 1538 5.10 4.46 +.21 +76.4O -:O2Micro Q OIIM 2.80 1.37 38 2.48 220 2.50 2.45 -.01 +37.8 OCI Ptrs N OCIP .59e 7.9 10.35 4.95 5 7.50 57 7.60 7.20 +.10 -10.2 OFG Bncp N OFG .24 2.1 38 14.48 7.60 203 11.70 1304 12.25 11.25 +.65 -10.7 OFG pfA N OFGpA 1.78 7.4 25.42 18.65 0 24.00 11 24.00 23.66 +.24 -5.6 OFG pfB N OFGpB 1.75 7.4 25.13 18.51 2 23.62 4 23.89 23.62 -.08 -6.0 OFG pfD N OFGpD 1.78 7.4 24.33 18.50 5 23.91 11 23.95 23.82 +.8 OFS Cap Q OFS 1.36 9.4 15.23 11.91 100 14.46 496 14.50 14.33 +.05 +5.1 OGE Engy N OGE 1.21 3.5 21 37.41 28.97 1137 34.78 5220 35.51 34.67 -.38 +4.0 OHA Inv Q OHAI .08m 5.4 3.33 1.43 117 1.48 267 1.60 1.46 -.07 -14.5sOM AsstM N OMAM .32 2.1 15.75 12.10 183 15.56 1499 15.75 15.28 +.49 +7.3sONEGas N OGS 1.68f 2.4 26 70.64 55.98 223 68.83 1025 70.64 68.59 -.06 +7.6tOReillyAu Q ORLY 22 292.84 245.01 2992 248.15 10600 270.10 245.01 -17.21 -10.9 OSI Sys Q OSIS 45 81.55 48.76 387 77.40 2223 78.40 70.52 +5.76 +1.7 OakVlyBcp Q OVLY .24e 1.7 14 15.28 9.35 0 14.16 10 14.25 14.01 +.21 +12.8 OaktreeC N OAK 2.32f 4.9 21 48.94 36.95 121 47.00 1155 47.45 46.30 -.10 +25.3 OasisPet N OAS 17.08 6.56 8305 11.94 42807 12.78 11.47 +.13 -21.1 OasmiaPh n Q OASM 5.15 1.39 3 2.11 60 2.33 2.01 -.07 -25.0 ObalonT n Q OBLN 15.88 8.27 11 10.62 161 11.23 10.50 -.42 +20.0tObsEva n Q OBSV 14.70 6.11 24 6.64 116 7.16 6.11 +.01 -43.0 OcciPet N OXY 3.04 4.9 78.48 61.01 3672 61.54 20047 62.92 61.03 -.32 -13.6sOceanBio Q OBCI .06e 5.65 2.02 53 4.87 610 5.65 4.39 +.14 +29.5tOceanPw rs Q OPTT 15.65 1.33 1110 1.43 20915 3.67 1.33 -.40 -51.5 vjOceanRig Q ORIG 3.38 .17 712 .20 4548 .23 .19 -.03 -88.4 Oceaneerg N OII .60 2.3 28 36.92 22.47 1150 26.39 7463 26.95 25.44 +.43 -6.5 OceanFst Q OCFC .60 2.2 23 30.70 16.77 219 27.65 749 29.00 27.59 -.42 -7.9 OceraTher Q OCRX 3.19 .52 187 1.27 1507 1.33 1.22 -.03 -39.5 Och-Ziff N OZM .87e 36.3 4.78 2.15 1479 2.40 4135 2.49 2.18 +.24 -27.5 Oclaro Q OCLR 11.30 4.25 17565 8.01 64243 9.10 6.92 -.84 -10.5 OconeeFed Q OFED .40 1.6 28 25.75 19.25 2 25.74 6 25.74 25.12 -.01 +9.5 OcularTher Q OCUL 14.39 4.04 1111 9.96 4470 10.37 8.75 +1.24 +19.0 OcwenFn N OCN 6.15 1.29 7756 2.29 45127 2.47 2.12 -.13 -57.5 OdysMr rsh Q OMEX 5.79 1.85 8 3.99 112 4.20 3.67 +.19 +16.7 OfficeDpt Q ODP .10 2.0 12 6.35 3.01 3028 4.97 21150 5.15 4.89 +.10 +10.0 OhioValB Q OVBC .84 2.9 18 29.50 21.40 4 28.90 8 28.90 28.25 +.61 +6.3 OhrPhar h Q OHRP 4.05 .60 211 .67 1148 .78 .67 -.05 -55.3 Oi SA C N OIBR/C 9.19 1.01 25 6.29 116 7.04 6.24 -.43 +58.4 OilStates N OIS 41.75 27.07 1010 29.75 4136 33.10 28.78 -1.35 -23.7sOil-Dri N ODC .84 2.1 28 40.94 29.89 9 40.69 37 40.95 39.21 +1.22 +6.5sOkta n Q OKTA 26.54 22.60 188 26.05 1204 26.90 23.70 +1.76 +10.8 OldDomFrt Q ODFL .10p 24 94.97 56.74 436 88.52 2618 91.09 84.77 +4.19 +3.2 OldLnBc Q OLBK .32f 1.2 21 29.26 17.11 15 27.76 124 28.43 27.55 +.34 +15.8 OldNBcp Q ONB .52 3.1 16 18.95 11.58 788 16.80 4867 17.70 16.75 -.05 -7.4sOldPoint Q OPOF .44f 1.4 23 30.95 18.30 3 30.79 27 30.95 29.71 +.67 +23.2 OldRepub N ORI .76f 3.7 14 21.19 16.51 3037 20.68 7898 20.90 19.82 +.86 +8.8sOldSecBc Q OSBC .04 .3 21 12.25 6.37 136 12.00 529 12.75 11.50 +.56 +8.6 OlScCTrI pf Q OSBCP .78 7.5 10.87 10.05 3 10.37 4 10.44 10.26 -.01 +1.9 Olin N OLN .80 2.5 49 33.88 18.24 2119 32.13 10181 33.67 32.10 -.09 +25.5sOllies n Q OLLI 40 38.88 22.25 321 38.30 2525 38.88 36.58 +1.35 +34.6 OlympStl Q ZEUS .08 .4 31.19 16.84 673 22.55 1558 23.88 18.39 +4.04 -6.9 Om Asst 31 N OMAA 1.28 5.5 25.29 20.15 8 23.27 47 23.42 23.26 -.13 +7.1 OmegaFlex Q OFLX .85e 34 64.91 31.53 8 56.17 64 59.55 51.50 +5.70 +.7 OmegaHlt N OHI 2.52f 7.6 10 38.09 28.11 2709 33.00 12034 35.14 32.89 -1.35 +5.6 OmegaP N OME .05p 10 26.99 18.00 99 20.15 691 20.55 19.60 +.85 -19.6 Omeros Q OMER 17.19 7.20 317 16.32 1723 16.69 15.87 +.31 +64.5 Ominto n Q OMNT 20.00 8.20 15 11.89 102 13.23 11.76 -1.36 -17.0sOmnicell Q OMCL 41.80 29.21 253 41.40 1600 42.05 40.28 +1.30 +22.1 Omnicom N OMC 2.20 2.7 17 89.66 75.61 2603 82.12 11233 84.48 81.73 -1.13 -3.5 Omnova N OMN 19 10.42 5.90 122 9.50 791 9.90 9.25 +.40 -5.0sOnAssign N ASGN 22 53.80 32.04 614 51.77 2779 53.80 48.70 +3.61 +17.2 OnDeckCap N ONDK 8.70 3.64 236 4.75 1787 4.92 4.57 +.20 +2.6 OnSmcnd Q ON 26 16.06 8.11 4811 14.18 33676 14.72 14.16 -.01 +11.1 OnTrack Q OTIV 2.09 .80 14 1.53 440 1.68 1.51 -.10 -12.1tOncoMed Q OMED 15.49 3.63 257 3.94 2331 4.24 3.63 +.21 -48.9 Oncobio n Q ONS 5.49 1.80 43 2.24 135 2.25 2.04 +.04 -25.6 Oncobi wtA Q ONSIW 1.67 .05 0 .78 18 .78 .65 +.19 +310.1 OncoCyte n N OCX 7.95 3.10 5 5.95 36 6.00 5.80 -15.6 OncoGnx h Q OGXI 1.42 .33 34 .38 598 .41 .35 +.01 -23.6tOnconov wt Q ONTXW 1.30 .44 .50 3 .50 .44 -.02 -37.5tOnconva rs Q ONTX 8.17 2.00 553 2.19 1347 2.30 2.00 +.08 -3.4 OncoSec rs Q ONCS 2.40 1.03 29 1.15 323 1.21 1.11 -.05 -6.5 OneGpHosp Q STKS 8 3.43 1.47 33 2.22 104 2.30 2.09 -.07 tOneHorz rs Q OHGI 7.63 1.30 82 1.57 210 1.87 1.26 -.06 -12.8 180 DgrCap Q TURN 1.81 1.18 200 1.44 1080 1.46 1.42 +4.3 OneLibrty N OLP 1.72f 7.1 13 25.89 21.96 35 24.28 261 25.24 24.08 -.05 -3.3 1800Flowrs Q FLWS 26 11.40 7.19 122 10.75 550 10.85 10.38 +.25 +.5 OneBeacon N OB .84 5.3 18 17.12 12.47 68 15.95 328 16.75 15.91 -.10 -.6 OneMain N OMF 9 32.67 16.03 1160 23.32 3671 25.46 23.14 -.78 +5.3 ONEOK N OKE 3.16 6.0 32 59.47 34.56 2625 52.61 10866 55.07 52.26 -.30 -8.4 OneokPtrs N OKS 3.16 6.1 23 57.41 33.78 395 51.46 4252 53.94 51.17 -.20 +19.6 Onvia Inc Q ONVI 5.25 3.41 2 4.60 6 4.70 4.41 -.10 +3.4sOoma n N OOMA 12.30 6.22 53 11.95 345 12.30 11.80 -.10 +32.8sOpenText s Q OTEX 26 35.21 25.92 261 34.68 1959 35.21 34.19 +.72 +12.2 OpexaTh wt Q OPXAW .14 .01 108 .01 1065 .01 .01 -.00 -35.0 OpexaT hrs Q OPXA 4.93 .50 20 .68 589 .75 .63 +.04 -26.1 OpGen n Q OPGN 4.65 .87 173 1.01 1283 1.13 1.00 -.05 -12.2 OpGen wt Q OPGNW .68 .06 .07 7 .08 .07 +.00 -53.3tOphthotech Q OPHT 65.96 2.70 688 2.97 3507 3.05 2.70 +.23 -38.5 OpkoHlth Q OPK 12.15 7.11 1668 7.77 12582 7.90 7.41 +.30 -16.5 OppLgCap N RWL .72e 1.6 46.43 38.69 49 45.61 591 45.95 45.37 +.55 +5.0 OppMidCap N RWK .59e .8 58.04 45.22 8 55.47 223 56.43 55.41 +.47 +2.6 OppSmCap N RWJ .48e .6 69.74 51.95 18 66.96 248 68.27 66.32 +1.11 -.2 OppUltDiv N RDIV 1.15e 3.4 35.66 29.11 69 34.23 509 35.12 34.16 -.27 -.1 OppenFin N RWW .58e 1.0 62.51 42.57 1 58.59 13 59.54 58.59 +.75 +1.7 OppenHldg N OPY .44 2.5 19.65 13.63 22 17.30 141 18.30 17.20 +.35 -7.0 OptCable Q OCC .08 2.7 3.80 2.14 1 2.95 9 3.00 2.80 +.05 -2.1 OptimB rs Q OPHC 6.45 2.11 4 3.00 50 3.33 2.25 +.50 -20.6 OpusBank Q OPB .80f 3.5 38.19 18.21 268 22.55 2320 23.95 20.65 +1.75 -25.0 Oracle N ORCL .60 1.3 22 46.99 37.62 12591 44.96 54131 45.04 44.52 +.53 +17.4tOragenics N OGEN 1.10 .31 80 .43 456 .43 .31 +.09 -20.4 OramedPh Q ORMP 10.51 5.70 57 7.75 704 8.94 6.65 +1.19 +26.6 Orange N ORAN .73e 4.7 17.78 13.98 408 15.50 1991 16.11 15.42 +.46 +2.4sOraSure Q OSUR 37 13.30 5.57 586 13.11 3154 13.30 12.61 +.44 +49.3 Orbcomm Q ORBC 10.98 7.15 437 9.64 2123 10.04 9.52 +.03 +16.6 OrbitATK N OA 1.28f 1.3 19 102.72 67.04 281 99.00 1015 99.50 97.99 +1.72 +12.8 Orbotch Q ORBK 18 36.86 23.55 223 32.93 1106 33.19 31.60 +1.42 -1.4 OrchidIsl N ORC 1.68 15.8 6 12.60 9.23 2713 10.60 6490 11.13 9.81 -.08 -2.1 OrchidsPP N TIS 1.40 5.7 16 36.31 22.50 122 24.35 660 26.14 23.20 +.12 -7.0 Orexign rs Q OREX 6.49 1.65 282 3.37 1335 3.81 2.85 +.48 +93.7 Organovo Q ONVO 4.35 2.26 741 2.90 3332 2.91 2.68 +.19 -14.5tOrientPap N ONP .02 2.1 3 1.54 .92 2 .95 121 .98 .92 +.01 -18.3 OriginAg Q SEED 3.19 1.61 6 1.85 379 1.95 1.76 -.01 -21.6 OrigoAc wt Q OACQW .43 .04 19 .11 42 .12 .11 -.01 -63.0 OrionEngy Q OESX 2.57 1.04 46 1.49 503 1.94 1.45 -.25 -31.3 OrionECarb N OEC .72 22.20 13.67 185 20.30 1138 20.50 19.45 +.40 +7.7 OrionGpHl N ORN 11.11 4.57 51 7.55 481 8.03 7.51 +.09 -24.1 Oritani Q ORIT 1.03a 6.1 17 19.00 15.27 296 16.95 1195 17.50 16.90 -9.6 Orix N IX 82.58 61.38 18 76.59 129 78.28 76.45 -1.63 -1.6sOrmatTc N ORA .28 .5 27 59.93 41.12 126 59.06 743 59.93 58.35 +1.31 +10.1 OrrstownF Q ORRF .40 1.9 23 23.75 17.05 4 21.45 116 23.00 21.40 -.90 -4.2 Orthofix Q OFIX 81 48.25 32.51 85 39.55 453 39.97 38.91 +.60 +9.3sOshRusS n N OUSM 26.08 24.83 10 25.62 170 26.09 25.55 +.09 -.5 OshIntQ n N ONTL 26.57 25.13 10 25.76 49 25.99 25.51 +.43 +2.3sOshkoshCp N OSK .84 1.2 21 75.00 44.01 1210 69.39 6231 75.00 69.25 -1.35 +7.4 OsiskoGl n N OR .16f 14.74 8.88 799 10.67 5383 11.01 10.19 -.45 +9.8 OssenInn rs Q OSN 10 3.54 1.92 1 2.13 80 2.14 1.99 +.06 +3.4 Otelco Q OTEL 5 7.35 3.76 5 7.00 12 7.05 6.55 +.45 +10.2 Otonomy Q OTIC 19.38 10.50 78 13.35 603 13.97 12.25 +1.00 -16.0 OttawaBc n Q OTTW .04e .3 13.99 11.00 3 13.51 23 13.80 13.50 +.01 +6.1 OtterTail Q OTTR 1.28f 3.2 25 42.55 27.77 116 39.50 595 40.70 39.00 +.35 -3.2 OutfrontM N OUT 1.44f 5.5 13 27.89 20.72 566 26.16 4703 26.87 25.97 -.07 +5.2 OvaScience Q OVAS 11.56 1.30 274 1.51 2065 1.58 1.40 +.09 -1.3 OverSh rs N OSG 5.66 2.69 400 3.64 1910 3.90 3.58 -.10 -5.0 Overstk Q OSTK 35 20.50 13.05 303 17.35 482 17.93 17.20 +.05 -.9 OwensMin N OMI 1.03f 3.0 17 38.47 30.43 404 34.65 2484 34.83 33.90 +.73 -1.8 OwensCorn N OC .80 1.3 17 62.79 46.15 928 60.85 6995 62.67 59.97 -.72 +18.0sOwensIll N OI 10 22.46 16.18 1318 21.82 10268 22.46 20.81 +1.31 +25.3 OwensRM N ORM .32 1.8 12 19.16 14.95 14 18.16 210 18.71 17.41 +.20 -1.9 Oxbridge Q OXBR .48 8.0 14 6.90 4.38 7 6.00 34 6.20 5.90 -.10 Oxbrdge wt Q OXBRW .96 .16 22 .60 48 .62 .41 +.20 +84.0 OxfordImm Q OXFD 16.13 7.73 62 15.39 495 15.59 15.33 +2.9 OxfordInds N OXM 1.08 1.9 18 76.19 49.50 167 57.98 751 59.55 56.62 +2.00 -3.6 OxfordLn Q OXLC 2.40 21.7 11.80 7.53 165 11.05 554 11.08 10.85 +.22 +5.1 Oxford 23pf Q OXLCO 1.88 7.3 25.85 24.85 1 25.59 4 25.61 25.35 +.23 +.1 Oxford 24pf Q OXLCN 2.03 7.9 26.05 25.00 0 25.82 7 25.87 25.62 +.01 -.3P-Q:P&F Inds Q PFIN .20a 2.9 3 9.98 6.50 1 6.86 56 7.10 6.81 +.02 -17.0 PAM Q PTSI 7 28.43 14.50 59 18.77 178 18.87 15.67 +3.22 -27.8 PB Bncp Q PBBI .16f 1.5 10.85 8.36 2 10.45 20 10.45 10.25 +.05 +5.6 PBF Engy N PBF 1.20 5.4 14 32.33 19.47 5166 22.32 38704 23.52 21.71 +.75 -19.9 PBF Logist N PBFX 1.80f 8.7 10 23.49 17.45 34 20.70 232 21.00 20.50 -.15 +13.7 PC Cnnctn Q CNXN .34e 16 30.48 21.59 86 28.74 312 29.83 28.52 +.43 +2.3sPC-Tel Q PCTI .20 2.6 8.17 4.36 87 7.74 893 8.17 7.66 -.15 +43.9 PCM Fund N PCM .96 9.2 10.62 9.05 75 10.38 418 10.51 10.21 -.06 +3.8sPCM Inc Q PCMI 16 31.20 8.15 767 25.20 1368 31.20 23.81 -2.60 +12.0sPCSB Fn n Q PCSB 16.80 15.76 281 16.31 1593 16.80 16.11 -.15 -.9 PDC Engy Q PDCE 84.88 50.12 1324 55.23 6432 59.60 54.53 -1.92 -23.9 PDF Sol Q PDFS 48 24.44 12.12 1082 19.02 1646 23.93 18.28 -3.72 -15.7 PDL Bio Q PDLI .20 8.9 4 3.84 1.93 1484 2.25 9821 2.35 2.05 +.23 +6.1 PG&E Cp N PCG 1.96 2.9 18 68.29 56.39 3287 67.05 12394 67.83 66.60 -.28 +10.3 PGT Inc N PGTI 23 12.49 9.46 222 10.90 1303 11.20 10.57 +.40 -5.2 PHH Corp N PHH 16.80 11.10 354 12.90 1841 13.59 12.86 -.32 -14.9 PHI vtg Q PHII 21.70 10.63 5 11.63 9 12.05 11.28 +.38 -34.9 PHI nv Q PHIIK .20 1.7 22.79 11.41 38 11.73 194 12.69 11.69 -.12 -34.9sPICO Hld Q PICO 16.68 8.47 84 16.10 429 16.68 16.05 +.05 +6.3 PIMCO1-3Tr N TUZ .34a .7 52.58 50.17 140 50.74 222 50.76 50.69 -.03 +.2 Pimc1-5Tip N STPZ .25e .5 53.10 51.94 54 52.62 268 52.70 52.60 -.04 +.3 Pim15TIPS N LTPZ .42e .6 72.58 62.52 9 66.94 48 66.95 66.01 +.56 +3.0 PimBrdTIPS N TIPZ .31e .5 60.68 56.33 2 58.36 11 58.36 58.12 +.11 +1.6 PimLwDur N LDUR 2.82e 2.0 103.00 99.41 5 100.86 46 100.91 100.62 +.01 +.5 PimcoTR N BOND 6.13e 5.8 108.25 102.11 168 105.73 873 105.99 105.34 -.54 +1.5sPim0-5HYCp N HYS 5.21e 5.1 101.59 93.96 206 101.48 1624 101.59 101.22 +.36 +1.6 PimIGBd N CORP 3.12a 3.0 107.50 99.85 22 103.92 164 103.96 103.39 +.01 +1.6sPimShMat N MINT .82e .8 101.66 100.93 774 101.64 2318 101.67 101.58 +.3 PimIntMu N MUNI 1.26 2.4 55.48 51.73 9 53.22 44 53.37 53.11 -.08 +1.6 PimSTMun N SMMU .47e .9 50.87 48.75 0 50.16 11 50.32 50.10 -.21 +1.5 Pim25yrZro N ZROZ 3.07e 2.7 143.05 105.32 43 111.76 143 113.50 110.90 -2.22 +2.9 PJT Part n N PJT .20 .6 23 38.86 21.52 106 34.66 575 35.55 34.48 +.34 +12.2 PLDT Inc N PHI 1.60e 4.5 46.13 25.50 44 35.51 488 35.80 34.48 +1.10 +28.9tPLX Phr rs Q PLXP 142.01 6.60 2 8.25 31 8.25 6.60 -35.5 PNC pfP N PNCpP 1.65 5.6 30.88 26.50 87 29.27 334 29.39 29.01 +.07 +7.3 PNC pfQ N PNCpQ 1.34 5.3 26.37 23.01 35 25.24 151 25.44 25.19 -.04 +6.9 PNC N PNC 2.20 1.8 16 131.83 77.40 1830 119.75 11104 122.99 119.74 +1.58 +2.4 PNC wt N PNC/WS 64.30 14.80 5 52.75 175 55.55 52.10 +1.24 +7.0sPNM Res N PNM .97 2.6 23 38.30 30.95 604 37.25 2646 38.39 37.20 -.26 +8.6 POSCO N PKX 66.63 40.80 193 59.02 1331 60.53 58.70 +.05 +12.3 PPG s N PPG 1.60 1.5 19 113.49 89.64 1002 109.84 8469 111.99 106.90 +3.90 +15.9 PPL Cap 73 N PPX 1.48 5.7 27.75 24.01 5 25.93 55 26.46 25.80 +.03 +3.7 PPL Corp N PPL 1.58f 4.1 15 39.92 32.08 2893 38.11 13987 38.32 37.72 +.18 +11.9 PRA Grp Q PRAA 18 42.70 21.93 152 32.20 1118 33.55 31.95 +.55 -17.6sPRA Hlth Q PRAH 38 66.47 39.25 547 63.96 4998 66.47 61.93 -.82 +16.0 PRGX Glbl Q PRGX 6.93 4.25 27 6.55 170 6.70 6.05 +.15 +11.0sPS BusPk N PSB 3.40f 2.8 34 125.81 96.11 75 121.54 647 125.81 119.46 -.27 +4.3 PSBPk pfT N PSBpT 1.50 5.9 26.89 23.88 17 25.29 146 25.32 25.16 +4.0 PSBPk pfU N PSBpU 1.44 5.7 26.37 22.85 8 25.22 72 25.50 25.16 -.08 +8.3 PSBPk pfV N PSBpV 1.42 5.7 26.70 22.79 6 25.22 25 25.59 25.15 -.02 +8.3sPS BsPk pfW N PSBpW 24.20 20.58 23 23.96 237 24.20 23.83 -.09 +11.1 PTC Inc Q PTC 46 56.73 34.64 883 54.05 4644 54.32 52.01 +2.12 +16.8 PTC Thera Q PTCT 16.50 4.03 495 12.15 4150 12.35 11.33 +.78 +11.4 PVH Corp N PVH .15 .1 12 115.40 82.10 822 101.03 5444 104.72 99.95 +2.77 +12.0 PacWstBc Q PACW 2.00 4.0 18 57.53 35.56 853 49.39 5076 51.61 49.35 +.93 -9.3 Paccar Q PCAR 1.00f 1.5 16 70.12 48.17 1826 66.73 14019 68.11 64.99 +.97 +4.4 PcrTrnd750 N PTLC 25.98 21.17 45 25.49 273 25.66 25.31 +.39 +7.1 PcrTrnd450 N PTMC 28.70 23.03 39 28.05 189 28.35 27.93 +.21 +5.5sPcrTrnd100 N PTNQ 26.30 19.66 13 26.30 69 26.36 25.92 +.67 +15.0sPacrTrendp N PTEU 27.49 22.00 4 27.27 24 27.49 26.94 +1.50 +13.8 Pacholder N PHF .60 7.6 7.93 6.64 9 7.90 128 7.91 7.79 +.09 +9.7tPacBiosci Q PACB 10.70 3.75 2489 3.94 10656 5.22 3.75 -1.11 +3.7 PacifCstOil N ROYT .20e 11.0 5 2.23 .87 133 1.85 725 2.12 1.62 -.26 +72.9 PacifCntl Q PCBK .44 1.8 26 26.85 14.35 294 25.00 920 26.05 24.95 +.20 +14.4 PacDrill rs N PACD 11.56 1.58 84 1.70 245 1.85 1.68 -.03 -58.1 PacEthanol Q PEIX 10.95 3.74 516 6.80 5087 7.00 6.50 +.05 -28.4 PacGE pfA N PCGpA 1.50 4.6 33.70 28.89 1 32.70 17 33.50 32.00 +.71 +6.7 PacGE pfB N PCGpB 1.37 4.6 33.00 27.40 1 30.02 4 30.59 29.90 +.46 +6.5 PacGE pfE N PCGpE 1.25 4.7 27.25 24.81 1 26.58 6 26.78 25.96 +.88 +3.8 PacGE pfI N PCGpI 1.09 4.3 25.99 23.31 0 25.16 3 25.55 25.11 +.32 +5.9sPacMerc Q PMBC 8.45 5.30 37 7.75 268 8.45 7.60 +.10 +6.2 PacPreBc Q PPBI 24 41.90 22.00 407 36.55 4266 37.48 35.55 +.50 +3.4 PacSpec n Q PAAC 13.00 10.05 10.45 48 10.45 10.40 +.10 +1.0 PacSpec rt Q PAACR .55 .09 1 .42 24 .45 .40 -.03 -20.6 PacSpec wt Q PAACW .54 .05 6 .39 64 .45 .34 -.01 +39.3 PacSpAc un Q PAACU 13.63 10.20 11.52 2 11.85 11.17 +.17 +4.3 PaciraPhm Q PCRX 62.23 29.95 898 48.55 3306 49.25 45.25 +3.35 +50.3sPackAmer N PKG 2.52 2.6 20 101.01 62.41 1044 98.78 4267 101.01 93.74 +5.05 +16.5 PainTher h Q PTIE 3.00 .51 625 .85 1483 .85 .75 +.06 +48.2 PalatinTch N PTN .90 .29 2491 .44 16507 .46 .37 +.07 -12.9 PaloAltNet N PANW 165.69 107.31 2176 108.41 7291 111.16 107.37 -.14 -13.3 PampaEng N PAM 60.36 19.80 263 54.54 1122 59.05 53.54 -3.24 +56.7 PanASlv Q PAAS .10f .6 32 21.59 13.40 2195 16.77 13192 18.07 16.39 -1.32 +11.3 Pandora N P 14.98 8.58 6387 10.85 29696 11.17 10.70 -.08 -16.8 PaneraBrd Q PNRA 47 316.21 185.69 609 312.68 2523 314.60 312.59 -1.59 +52.5 PangaeaL Q PANL 5 4.44 2.22 12 3.28 55 3.66 3.28 -.03 -3.5 PanhO&G N PHX .16 .8 27.70 15.34 30 18.95 138 21.80 18.90 -.25 -19.5 PapaJohns Q PZZA .80 1.0 31 90.49 54.00 486 79.06 2766 80.82 77.48 +.23 -7.6 PapaMurph Q FRSH 12.96 3.56 323 4.88 1484 5.52 4.80 -.60 +15.6 ParPetrol N PARR 19.42 12.18 116 16.37 538 16.79 16.32 +.02 +12.6sParTech N PAR 26 8.57 4.30 65 8.55 654 8.61 8.05 +.26 +53.2sParagCm n Q PBNC 57.05 33.65 11 54.97 106 57.05 49.85 +4.97 +25.7 ParaGold n N PZG 2.93 1.37 51 1.64 157 1.75 1.60 -.01 -7.9 ParamtGp N PGRE .38 2.3 75 18.28 14.58 991 16.40 4071 17.22 16.24 -.62 +2.6 ParatekPh Q PRTK 25.00 9.80 565 21.45 3208 22.75 20.80 -.55 +39.3 Paretem rs N TEUM 5.75 .57 64 .78 632 .84 .63 +.04 Parexel Q PRXL 22 72.32 51.16 402 63.83 2515 63.96 62.28 +.99 -2.9 ParkCity Q PCYG 84 17.00 8.35 51 12.65 294 14.06 12.40 +.05 -.4 ParkEl N PKE .40a 2.3 30 20.24 13.76 41 17.32 180 17.90 16.99 +.37 -7.1 ParkHot n N PK .43p 33.40 25.40 3895 25.67 9443 26.97 25.64 -.76 -14.1 ParkNatl N PRK 3.76 3.6 20 122.88 85.44 21 105.43 159 111.47 104.98 -.56 -11.9 ParkOh Q PKOH .50 1.3 15 47.00 23.21 14 39.35 129 41.05 39.25 +.30 -7.6sParkStrlg Q PSTB .16 1.3 26 12.72 6.64 788 12.30 2685 12.72 11.84 +.35 +14.0sParkeBcp Q PKBK .40b 1.7 11 23.70 12.52 15 23.80 103 23.95 22.55 +1.10 +18.1 ParkDrl N PKD 3.09 1.35 1056 1.65 3412 1.70 1.55 +.05 -36.5sParkerHan N PH 2.64f 1.6 23 166.60 99.10 2042 160.80 9718 166.60 158.87 +4.49 +14.9 ParkrVs rs Q PRKR 8.18 1.60 240 2.21 2475 2.72 2.12 +.09 +20.1 Parkway n N PKY 23.17 16.39 256 20.15 913 20.69 20.00 -.12 -9.4 ParsleyEn N PE 39.82 21.73 3511 29.79 21567 30.85 28.91 +.36 -15.5 PrtnrCm Q PTNR 59 6.41 4.00 7 4.73 19 5.10 4.68 -.38 +.9 PartRe pfF N PREpF 1.47 5.8 27.48 22.95 13 25.51 32 25.59 25.41 -.03 +4.8 PartRe pfG N PREpG 1.63 5.9 30.33 25.32 1 27.36 11 27.47 27.08 -.05 +5.6 PartRe pfH N PREpH 1.81 6.3 32.40 25.02 24 28.93 136 29.19 28.80 -.15 +6.0 PartRe pfI N PREpI 1.47 5.7 28.94 22.97 21 25.75 112 26.20 25.47 -.48 +9.5 PartyCity n N PRTY 19.10 12.05 726 16.00 2819 17.05 14.45 +1.35 +12.7 Patheon n N PTHN 32.95 23.72 235 26.91 2160 26.93 24.99 +1.93 -6.3 PathfdBcp Q PBHC .20 1.3 22 15.19 11.10 2 15.00 37 15.09 14.71 +.30 +11.2 PatrkInd s Q PATK 18 86.10 43.36 196 71.05 933 73.65 65.20 +6.40 -6.9 PatrNBc rs Q PNBK 23 16.50 12.80 14.60 12 15.00 14.60 -.55 +3.9 PatriotN n N PN 2.50e 7 9.95 2.00 148 2.89 805 3.75 2.10 +.79 -37.8 PatriotTr n Q PATI 14 27.32 17.89 20.75 6 22.05 20.75 -1.60 -5.4 PatternEn Q PEGI 1.