Charlotte sun herald

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Charlotte sun herald
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Charlotte sun herald (Charlotte Harbor, Fla. : 1995)
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Sun herald
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Charlotte Harbor, FL
Sun Coast Media Group- Robert E. Lee - Publisher - Jim Gouvellis - Executive Editor
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Vol. 103, no. 225 (Aug. 13, 1995)-
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The Holocaust turned Max and Anita Weisglass into adults before they could enjoy being children. I had no toys, no childhood at all,Ž said Max Weisglass, of Punta Gorda. He survived the Holocaust with his family as a 7-year-old, holed up for 10 months in an underground bunker in Germanoccupied Poland. Children did not cry or whine, he said. There was no question about growing up overnight.Ž I grew up very fast because you became aware of the danger,Ž said Anita Weisglass, about her time as a 7-year-old hiding in silence on the second ”oor of an Athens home. You paid attention, listened and grew up very fast, she said. Max and Anita Weisglass, along with others who made it through the Holocaust, are living reasons why Holocaust Remembrance Day is celebrated today. Temple Shalom in Port Charlotte commemorated that day with the “rst Harry and Emmy Loeb Community Holocaust Day of Remembrance service on Sunday. And next Sunday, “ve torah scrolls donated by the Weisglasses will be dedicated at a special service. Rabbi Solomon Agin said the Loebs, who died just over a year ago, were Holocaust survivors. Harry, as a schoolboy near Berlin, By ANDREW JAROSHSTAFF WRITERMy message is dont forget. When we are gone, nobody will be able to disprove the Holocaust didnt happen. „ Max Weisglass Remembering theHolocaustPunta Gorda couple recalls childhood during the Holocaust SUN PHOTO BY BETSY WILLIAMSMarried 55 years, Anita and Max Weisglass, retired and living in Punta Gorda Isles, and members of Temple Shalom in Port Charlotte, are Holocaust survivors.HOLOCAUST | 4 On Oct. 7 1944, a group of prisoners in Auschwitz-Birkenau took up tools and stones and attacked their SS guards. Some attempted to ”ee, others ran into a nearby building and set it on “re. Another section of their group stationed some half mile away killed a kapo, or prisoner-overseer, broke out of their building, cut the wire fence and escaped into the countryside. Before they had covered more than a few miles, they were tracked down and killed. This revolt was the largest and most determined uprising that happened in Auschwitz-Birkenau. But it met with little success. It certainly did not save the lives of those who took part in it: about 450 members of their work group were killed in the uprising or in retaliation for it. Nor does it seem to have had much effect on Birkenaus Holocaust prisoners forced to work in the gas chambers should be heard, not silencedBy DOMINIC WILLIAMSMONTAGUE BURTON FELLOW IN JEWISH STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS HEARD | 5 INSIDEHolocaust memorials: the Yolocaust selfies project For 102-year-old Ervin George Yoas, a May 6 Honor Flight may be the last chance hell have to see Washington, D.C. For Walter Obrosky, it will be a dream come true. Hes waited two years to get aboard a ”ight that honors American war veterans with a free one-day super tour of Washington, including monuments dedicated to their courage and accomplishments. For the past two years Obrosky has not been able to go because the ”ights were canceled „ he would have missed last year anyway since he was in rehab after heart surgery. This year, Obrosky, 90, has punched his ticket for a ”ight that is scheduled to take off from Fort Myers. A veteran of the Army Air Corps, Obrosky is excited about the chance to see the sights with 69 other veterans (52 from Charlotte County and 18 from Sarasota County). I am really looking forward to this trip,Ž Obrosky said. Ive never been to D.C.Ž The trip is scheduled through Southwest Florida Honor Flight „ which has sponsored the trips for more than 20 years. Hank Reposa, chairman of SW Florida Honor Flight, said the only issue is a need for at least 16 companions to accompany the veterans. These are folks who can help push wheelchairs and assist in any way needed to make sure the veterans, mostly all in their 80s and 90s, have a happy, safe trip. The problem with getting volunteers is the money,Ž Reposa said. While the trip is free for veterans, the companions must pay their own way. That means shelling out $550. The ”ight is costing us $60,000 because we had to take a charter this year,Ž Reposa said. In past years, the group has been able Help needed to get veterans to Washington, DC JohnHACKWORTHCOMMENTARY EDITORJOHN | 5MURDOCK „ Charlotte commissioners are considering a hike in user fees for recreational services and facilities, along with a new, more lenient, library “ne policy. Tommy Scott, director of Community Services, said user fees have been in place for a long time and havent been adjusted in nine years. It is a means to help cover the operational costs for programs and facilities,Ž he said. The proposed fee schedule calls for a number of changes for using swimming pools, athletic “elds and even libraries. The largest increase is for Charlotte Sports Park, where the daily fee for “eld lighting would increase by more than 1,000 percent, from $52 to $642, and thats just to turn on the lights. There would also be a $121 per hour fee charged for using the lights. The increase is needed, Scott said, because the current “gure does not approach the actual cost of running the lights. Furthermore, there would be Charlotte floats user-fee boost for pools, fields, facilitiesBy GARY ROBERTSSTAFF WRITER CORRECTIONThe phone number for the Lifelong Learning Institute is 941-637-3533. An incorrect number was printed in Sundays Sun. CHARLOTTE | 8 Pulitzer Prize winner2016 AN EDITION OF THE SUNVOL. 125 | NO. 114AMERICAS BEST COMMUNITY DAILY 40 percent chance of rainHigh 81 Low 63$1.50 www.yoursun.comTodays weather:www.yoursun.comFIND US ONLINE THE SUN: Calendar ..............23 Crosswords ............8 Local Sports ........22 Obituaries .............5 Police Beat ............8 Viewpoint .........6-7 SPORTS: Lotto .....................2 USA TODAY: Money ................5 Nation ................8 State ..................7 Weather ..........10 CLASSIFIED: Comics ........7-10 Dear Abby .....10 TV Listings ......11 CHARLIE SAYS ...I am hoping more rain comes to my swamp! INSIDE 705252000258Daily Edition $1.50 GOOD MORNING Monday, April 24, 2017 Why whale and boat collisions may be more common than we thoughtA new study suggests that nearly 15 percent of the protected humpback whales that come to feed every spring in the southern Gulf of Maine have been struck by boats and other vessels „ putting both boaters and the sea mammals at risk. See USA Today CALL US AT941-206-1000CHARLOTTE SUN


Our Town Page 2 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSThe SUN (USPS 743170) is published daily at Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2100. Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the SUN, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100.Publisher ...................................Robert E. 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Dearborn St., Englewood North Port: 941-429-3000 13487 Tamiami Trail, North Port DeSoto: 863-494-0300 or toll-free at 877-818-6204 108 S. Polk Avenue, Arcadia Anybody run across a 1925 firetruck? Thats what the Old Fort Fire Department in Old Fort, North Carolina, would like to find out. It is hoping a 1925 REO Speed Wagon the fire department sold off to someone from the Punta Gorda or Venice areas in 1972 is still around. With the 100th anniversary coming up in about seven years, wouldnt it be great if the departments first truck could be found, asked Ron Richardson, Old Fort fire chief. If not, wed just be happy with pictures of it.Ž Richardson said the 32-member volunteer department in Old Fort, about 25 miles east of Asheville in McDowell County, makes about 800 calls a year, serving a population of about 1,000. The search began when Teresa Hiatt, Richardsons cousin from North Fort Myers, started inquiring about the firetruck. Hiatt said her search turned up leads, but they were of trucks from the 1940s and 1950s. Since then, the search has gone cold, and Hiatt said she decided to reach out to the media for help. Richards said he knows the search is a shot in the darkŽ but worth the effort, if nothing else to find out if the truck was scrapped for parts or no longer exists. He said the town sold the firetruck, taken out of service in the 1950s, at auction after it sat deteriorating outside for years. The truck has a wooden steering wheel and, if found, contains sentimental value. If by chance it has been restored, not uncommon since fire departments throughout the country have refurbished equipment like this for use as parade pieces, Old Fort would consider acquiring it, Richardson said. Anything we can do to connect with history would be a good thing, he said.Email: ajarosh@sun-herald.comSearch is on for 1925 firetruckBy ANDREW JAROSHSTAFF WRITER PHOTO PROVIDEDPictured is a 1925 REO Speed Wagon that was the rst retruck used by the Old Fort (North Carolina) Fire Department. It was sold to someone from the Punta Gorda or Venice areas in 1972 when the town auctioned o assets. The all-volunteer re company wants to nd the truck as it nears its 100th anniversary. REO SPEED WAGONThe REO Speed Wagon was a light motor truck manufactured by REO Motor Car Company. It is an ancestor of the pickup. First introduced in 1915, production continued through at least 1953 and made REO (Ransom Eli Olds) one of the better known manufacturers of commercial vehicles prior to World War II. Although the design and styling of the chassis remained consistent, the Speed Wagon was manufactured in configurations (pickup and panel truck, passenger bus) to serve as delivery, tow, dump and firetrucks as well as hearses and ambulances. After years of roughly equal car and truck emphasis, REO shifted its focus completely to trucks, ending automobile production in 1936. Production for the civilian market was suspended during World War II, resuming in 1946. The rock and roll band REO Speedwagon took its name from this vehicle. „ SOURCE: Wikipedia WHO TO CONTACT€ Teresa Hiatt 941-456-5366 € Ron Richardson 828-442-4777 rrichardson@oldfortinsurance. comPunta Gorda (in Cross Trail Center) € 941-505-2177 Fort Myers (at College Parkway Center) € 239-275-3111 Nokomis/Venice € 941-488-7643*Not valid on 90 Degree, Artex, Avalin, Bali, Belldini, Claudia Nichole, Coobie Bras, Foxcroft, IBKUL, Icikuls, Ili, Jag, Krist in Crenshaw, Mary Frances, Nanette Lapore, Neyelle, Not Your Daughters Jeans, PBJ, RBX, Seabreeze, Spanx, SR Squared, Steven and Topanga. Cannot be combined with any other discount. Selection may vary by store. No adjustments made on previously purchased merchandise. A clearance item is one that has been reduced at least twice. DISCOVER THE ANTHONYS WOMAN IN YOU. PLUS, IN-STORE ONLY BONUS COUPONS! 30% OFF Any One Regular Priced ITEMSEE EXCLUSIONS* Valid 4/24/17-4/25/17Must have coupon to receive discount. 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The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 3 Honda 13 Honda Accord LX 17 VW Tiguan Sport 12 Honda Ciic Ex Navigation 14 Dodge Dart SXT 16 Kia Sportage LX 15 Honad Fit EX 15 Ford Fusion SE 11 Jeep Compass Base 15 Hyundai Sonata SE 14 Kia Optima EX 14 Honda Accord Sport 15 Mazda6 i Touring 13 BMW 328i 06 Chevy Corvette Base 16 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 08 Honda Civic EX 08 Honda CR-V EX 09 Ford Escape Limited 15 VW Jetta 2.0L S 15 VW Beetle 1.8T 15 Honda CR-V LX 15 Kia Rio LX 15 Ford Focus SE 15 Hyundai Accent GLS 15 Hyundai Veloster Base 15 Chevy Cruze 2LT 15 Nissan Altima 2.5 S 14 Mazda3 i Sport 16 Nissan Rogue S 16 Ford Mustang EcoBoost Premium adno=715059


Our Town Page 4 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 witnessed the destruction of Jewish property during Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, as he bicycled by unnoticed. Emmy was transported out of Germany and harms way on a kindertransport Agin said. It was an organized rescue effort that took place before the outbreak of World War II. In honor of the Loebs, Agin said their son and daughter made a contribution to the temple so the remembrance can continue. Agin said he is seeing children of Holocaust survivors, such as the Loebs, carry on the message of never forgetting what happened during the Holocaust. We cannot forget what happened because it could happen again.Ž In hidingMax Weisglass was born in 1936. Once war broke out and the region was overrun by Germans, Max, along with his parents, were forced into a ghetto, where they lived from April 1942 to June 1943. He said he survived four murderous aktions or roundups, during ghetto life. The ghetto was his worst experience. There was pestilence. There was hunger.Ž And there was terrible fearŽ those roundups were coming, with Germans and Ukrainian police rounding up Jews, he said. When the ghetto closed, Max and his parents went underground, hidden by a Polish family in a bunker for about 10 months, he said. The Polish family hid Max and his parents, and two others, because of the relationships those Poles had with them. In 1944, Max and his parents were liberated by the Russians. He eventually went to West Germany and Canada before immigrating to America. Even though he was 7 at the time, Max said he remembers everything vividly.Ž I did not see it through the eyes of a 7-yearold, Max said. I saw it through the eyes of an adult.Ž He uses those memories to tell his story about 25 times a year at the Florida Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg and schools throughout the area. My message is dont forget,Ž he said. When we are gone, nobody will be able to disprove the Holocaust didnt happen. A girl without toys or schoolingAnita Weisglass was born in the Greek port city of Salonica in 1937. Anita said she remembers when the family learned the Germans were coming, she, her mother and aunt were taken by her father to Athens to hide. We were supposed to be very, very quiet because people who hid us went to work, describing her life in hiding on the second ”oor of a house. Anita remembers walking along the sides of the room to prevent the ”oor from creaking so she wouldnt be heard by neighbors. Although her time in Athens saved her life, Anita said she went without toys and schooling. I was a child before the war. I had toys. It was like heaven, she said. Her father, meanwhile, went to “ght with partisan units; the family reunited after the war. Anita traveled to Israel after the war, where she lived as a 12-year-old on a kibbutz a collective community based on agriculture. I had a chance to be a child again. I didnt have to live in fear.Ž She eventually came to the states; Max and Anita have been living in Punta Gorda for about 20 years. This is only the second time she has spoken about her wartime experiences with the media, saying she was too emotional to do so before. I look at that part of my life. It happened. I am not angry about it any more, she said.Email: ajarosh@sun-herald.comHOLOCAUSTFROM PAGE 1 SUN PHOTO BY BETSY WILLIAMSThe wall hanging translates in Come in Peace and Go in PeaceŽ in Hebrew and Arabic. It hangs on display in the home of Anita and Max Weisglass in Punta Gorda Isles.ROTONDA WEST „ We need this to be a sobering reminder of the Holocaust,Ž Cassandra LePlume explained to her seventh-grade class. LePlume, who teaches Talented and Gifted Language Arts at L.A. Ainger Middle School, led her students through the pop-up boxcar museum at the school this week. She is one of many teachers who have passed through the boxcar in the last 11 days at the school. The traveling Boxcar Museum is part of the Holocaust Museum and Education Center of Southwest Florida in Naples, and has been on loan to the school this month for students and the public to view. The program came to an end Friday. In the last two weeks students have read books like Number the StarsŽ by Lois Lowry and Diary of a Young GirlŽ by Anne Frank. They also welcomed local author and Holocaust survivor Cesare Frustaci. The activities were arranged by the school and Language Arts teacher Mary Murnighan, who sees it as her mission to make education come alive for the students. During the two weeks the boxcar was at the school, 84 community members visited. There was the daughter of a Holocaust survivor who came and was telling the story of her mother who was not Jewish,Ž said Murnigham in an email. The womans mother was from Poland and sent to Siberia during the war. The kids at Ainger got to touch the boxcar and explore the history of how 11 million people were transported to their death during World War II. The museum also featured QR codes where the students could hear the stories from survivors. The codes allow the students to access the stories through their phones. It is extremely important that we learn it, so something like this doesnt happen again,Ž said student Kiley Rydberg. He said visiting the boxcar put everything they had learned in class into perspective. Charles Copeland agreed. Its important to learn what happened before, and how to prevent it,Ž he said. Copeland said that having the boxcar on campus was a bit scary, because it is a real-life warning sign of what happened in the past. Ryan Witt agreed that learning about the Holocaust is important in order to prevent it, but thought the lesson goes beyond that. Its crazy how many died for a cause, and we can learn how terrible it was,Ž said Witt. Witt realized that the boxcars, which had transported livestock before the war, echoed the feelings of the Nazis toward the Jews and the others who were shipped to concentration camps. You can sort of infer that they treated the Jews like animals,Ž he said. The reaction from Witt and other students that Murnighan hopes they will take away from their visits to the boxcar, a working understanding of the Holocaust and its meaning. If nothing else, students have seen evidence of the WWII Holocaust, the genocide that is still happening today,Ž she said. Email aherrera@sun-herald.comLA Ainger students get a hands-on view of the HolocaustBy ALEXANDRA HERRERA STAFF WRITER SUN PHOTOS BY ALEXANDRA HERRERA Left: Cassandra LePlume gives her seventh-graders a quick tour of the outside of the boxcar before entering. Above: Cassandra LePlumes TAG seventh-graders raise their hands to answer questions about the Holocaust while in the boxcar at L.A. Ainger Middle School. FROM PAGE ONE KRISTALLNACHT Kristallnacht, literally Night of Crystal,Ž is often referred to as the Night of Broken Glass.Ž The name refers to the wave of violent anti-Jewish pogroms which took place Nov. 9-10, 1938. This violence took place throughout Germany, annexed Austria, and in areas of Czechoslovakia occupied by German troops. Kristallnacht became a turning point in Nazi Germanys persecution of Jews, which culminated in the attempt to annihilate European Jews. Source: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum LEARN MOREAddress: Temple Shalom, 23190 Utica Ave., Port Charlotte Phone: 941-625-2116 email: shalom06@ Website: templeshalomfl. com WHAT WAS THE HOLOCAUST?The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. Holocaust is a word of Greek origin meaning sacrifice by fire.Ž The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed Germans were racially superior and the Jews, deemed inferior, were an alien threat to the so-called German racial community.Source: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Cassandra LePlumes class poses for a photo in front of the boxcar before entering to learn more. RABBI SOLOMON AGIN JEWS OF SALONICA Before the outbreak of World War II, there were around 56,000 Jews living in the Greek port city of Salonica. By wars end, nearly 98 percent of the Jewish community from Salonica had died from gassing, forced labor, starvation and disease in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland. Only 11,000 Greek Jews, from a pre-war population of 77,000, survived the Holocaust, a number that includes about 1,100 who returned from Nazi death camps. Source: Jewish Virtual Library


The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 5 killing capacity. But this probably does not account for the relative obscurity of the revolt. Instead, the status of those who were involved in it often causes people to hesitate before discussing them. This work group, or special squadŽ, is more often known by its German name, Sonderkommando. They were slave laborers, almost entirely drawn from Jewish arrivals to Auschwitz, who were forced to process and dispose of the bodies of those murdered in the gas chambers. They were marked for death in their turn. Indeed, their revolt was a response to the imminent threat of being deported and murdered. Cut off from the rest of the camp, the Sonderkommando became objects of queasy fascination even before its liberation. Myths of them as unfeeling drunkards who had given up their humanity for a few more weeks of life circulated between prisoners, and were perpetuated afterward. In fact, their resistance to their workŽ went far beyond the last minute scramble to save their lives on Oct. 7. They made efforts to record what they saw in photographs smuggled outside the camp and writings buried in the grounds of the crematoria. The photographs are the only ones taken of the extermination process within Birkenau. The writings, sometimes called the Scrolls of AuschwitzŽ, discovered between 1945 and 1980, show them to have been planning a revolt for months, but also to be agonizingly self-aware, and concerned with communicating their knowledge to the outside world. Post-war discussions of the Holocaust have had little to say about these writings, however. While few historians have said much about the Sonderkommando (with the major exception of Gideon Greif), literature and “lm have taken some interest, but in ways that serve to circulate the myths.Sonderkommando storiesIn some of the earliest novels in North America to address the Holocaust in the 1950s and 1960s, characters who are former members of the Sonderkommando function as archetypal survivors: psychologically damaged but also morally suspect. Holocaust survivors in general were often greeted with unease, facing questions of what compromises they had made and at whose expense. The Sonderkommando clearly stood for this moral dilemma more than any other “gure. By the 1980s, a very different set of ways of presenting the Sonderkommando arose. Greater knowledge of the speci“c details of the Holocaust produced more of a sense that the Holocaust was a uniquely total attempt to exterminate a people, and a concomitant belief that it tested the capacity of art to represent it. Claude Lanzmann placed one member of the Auschwitz Sonderkommando, Filip Muller, at the centre of Shoah (1985), his nine-and-a-half-hour documentary “lm about the “nal solutionŽ. For Lanzmann, Mullers story could only be told through testing the boundaries of “lm making, stretching it out almost beyond the limits of an audiences endurance. Mullers speech rhythms were slowed to a glacial pace, the spliced-in silences resonated with the emptiness of the landscapes over which it served as a voice-over. And Primo Levi devoted part of his essay The Grey ZoneŽ (1986) to the Sonderkommando. For him too, silence was the only possible response. He urged readers to dwell on rather than pass over the Sonderkommandos situation, but argued that such meditation could only end in the impossibility of judging them.New voicesIn the 21st century, with the distance of time and a greater sense that it is possible to draw links between the Holocaust and other genocides and atrocities, the story of this group has become more readily tellable. The “ction “lm The Grey Zone (2001) and an X-men comic, for example, both dared to present narratives of their lives within the crematoria. But they did so by working with rather than against generic conventions, casting them as anti-heroes. As these examples show, this new readiness to tell stories about the Sonderkommando does not mean that their voices are listened to. In Martin Amiss Zone of Interest, a “ctional Sonderkommando quotes one real members writings and calls them disgustingŽ. The “rst part of Sebastian Faulkss A Possible Life, a tale of a British POW who is forced to work in a camp crematorium, is based on a fake memoir. Even the far more thoughtful and impressive Son of Saul (2015), for all its formal strictures of “lming, tells a story with a well-de“ned plot: one protagonist on a quest to bury one child. And this premise was adapted from an account recorded by Miklos Nyiszli, who knew, but was not part of, the Sonderkommando. But there are stories from the Sonderkommando themselves „ found in the Scrolls of AuschwitzŽ „ that show them mourning and memorializing relatives and friends, not as the traumatised, unfeeling automata of legend. Zalman Gradowski dedicated the beginning of each section of his manuscript to the dead members of his family. Leyb Langfus powerfully recorded his own feelings of helplessness when he was unable to protect his son, devoting a chapter in his account of the extermination of his home town. Zalman Lewental, who recorded a history of the revolt, also took the time to list the names and even sketch out the personalities of those he saw as the main “gures of the resistance. All of them devoted material and creative resources to conveying how they felt to future audiences, not simply to provide them with the necessary facts, but to allow their readers to gain insight into them as human beings. So the increasing interest in the Sonderkommando should be taken as an opportunity to attend to the stories they themselves told, rather than simply placing them within easier, wider narratives. Dominic Williams does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would bene“t from this article, and has disclosed no relevant af“liations beyond the academic appointment above.HEARDFROM PAGE 1LONDON „ Holocaust denial just got a little harder. The Wiener Library for the Study of Holocaust & Genocide is making the United Nations “les on World War II war crimes more accessible by allowing the general public to search an online catalog of the documents for the “rst time. People will still have to visit the library in London or the U.S. Holocaust Museum to read the actual “les. The move is expected to increase interest in the archives of the United Nations War Crimes Commission, including the names of some 37,000 people identi“ed as war criminals and security suspects. The commission operated in 1943-1949, but access to its records was restricted for political reasons in the early days of the Cold War. This is a whole hardware store of nails to hammer into the cof“n of Holocaust denial,Ž said Dan Plesch, director of the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy at SOAS University of London. Its the “rst time it is practically accessible to the general public as the commission initially intended.Ž Plesch and other researchers campaigned for the U.N. to open access to the “les, which he used to write the book Human Rights After Hitler.Ž In 2014, the U.S. Holocaust Museum made the archive freely available at its reading room in Washington. Prior to that, the records had been largely locked away at the United Nations, which granted only limited access. Nobody has paid any attention to it,Ž said Ben Barkow, director of the Wiener Library. It has been hidden in plain sight.Ž The documents detail Allied efforts to prosecute thousands of alleged Nazi and Japanese war criminals, from heads of state like Adolf Hitler to guards at the Auschwitz and Treblinka concentration camps. The archive includes evidence gathered by local people who documented crimes long before the war ended and smuggled to Allied leaders in London. These people were meeting under aerial bombardment, dealing with af“davits smuggled outŽ of occupied countries, Plesch said. Resistance movements were paying attention to the legal prosecution of oppressors.ŽLondon library makes World War II war crimes searches easierBy DANICA KIRKAASSOCIATED PRESS AP PHOTOBen Barkow, Director of the Wiener Library for the Study of Holocaust & Genocide displays a United Nations le from the Czechoslovak government in exile making its case for war crimes against Adolf Hitler, in London, Friday. The library is making the United Nations les on World War II war crimes more accessible by allowing the general public to search an online catalog of the documents for the rst time. People will still have to visit the library in London or the U.S. Holocaust Museum to read the actual les. Weiner Library For more about the Weiner Library and to access its archive catalogue online, visit www. The Catalogue is at the top, right of the page. FROM PAGE ONEto get a discount and ”y commercial. Those discounts, and the ability to reserve more than 100 seats, were no longer available. Liz Barton, vice chair of the Honor Flight group, said the experience is one the veterans „ and companions „ will never forget. These guys that we take are so wonderful,Ž she said. Most are in their 90s, and they are a hoot. The entire trip is very touching and moving for them.Ž Barton said the sendoff and return to the airport are emotional. Most of these fellas never got a national welcome home so we try to get a crowd out to the airport to see them off,Ž Barton said. They line the hallways and cheer and wave ”ags. You can see the change in (the vets) faces. They smile and cry. People shake their hands. It is very emotional.Ž Barton said the “rst stop in Washington is at the World War II Memorial and later they visit the Korean Memorial and the Vietnam Wall. It is a tiring, but wonderful, day full of activities. On the way home, a highlight of the ”ight is mail call. Companions pass out letters written before the ”ight takes off by family, friends and even school children. Mail call was always something to look forward to,Ž Barton said. When we pass these letters out, there is not a dry eye on the plane as they read them.Ž I know $550 is not chump change. But the opportunity to allow these men and women to go to D.C. should be enough to spend the money if you have it. And, if you have the money but cant go, you can always sponsor someone else who would like to go, but does not have the money. If you can help, contact Hank Reposa at 941-276-5090 or Liz Barton, 941-441-5884. Or go to the website and apply to “ll a spot at honor”ightsw”.net. I had prostate cancer and beat it,Ž Obrosky told me. And I had a heart operation and sprung a leak and they had to saw open my chest and patch it up with some sort of crazy glue. Im still around, though.Ž He knows this could be his last chance to see D.C. John Hackworth is commentary editor of the Sun newspapers. You may contact him at jhackworth@sun-herald. com .JOHNFROM PAGE 1There were no deaths reported Sunday. OBITUARIES Memorials in the Sun Honor your passed loved ones anytime with a personalized memorial tribute. Call (941) 206-1028 for rates. NORTH PORT „ The North Port City Commission is set to wrap up the oft-discussed overgrowth issue in North Port on Tuesday. The North Port board will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday to have a second reading and possible action about overgrowth on empty lots in North Port. It was previously discussed at a March 7 meeting. While the ordinance was placed on the agenda and reviewed by the city attorney, city staff had not had time to review the ordinance. The commissioners voted 4-0 to put the ordinance up for a second reading at an April 25 meeting after staff had time to review the wording. They will also be having a second reading for commission procedures. New resolutions will be brought up as well, including discussion about becoming a Kindness CommunityŽ and opposing reduction or removal of federal tax exemptions on municipal bond interest. The commission will also be reviewing the final plat for Gran Paradiso Phase 4D and Phase 7. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday in City Hall. Email: North Port commissioners to finish empty lot discussion By LAUREN COFFEY STAFF WRITER F i n d i t F i n d i t Find it i n t h e i n t h e in the C l a s s i f i e d s C l a s s i f i e d s Classifieds JAMES W. MALLONEE, P.A. LAW OFFICE JAMES W. MALLONEE PROBATE WILLS/TRUSTS GUARDIANSHIPS REAL ESTATE Office Hours … Monday thru Friday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM 9 46 Tamiami Trail, #206, Port Charlotte, FL 33953 871 Bonita Bay Blvd. Suite #225, Venice, FL 34285 (941) 207-2223 (941) 206-2223 adno=50512983 SPRING SPECIAL New Cremation Gardens, Bench Sites & Private Niche Estates Available adno=50513353 R OYAL P ALM M EMORIAL G ARDENS R OYAL P ALM M EMORIAL G ARDENS C EMETERY AND M AUSOLEUMS C EMETERY AND M AUSOLEUMS 27200 Jones Loop Rd. Punta Gorda 941-621-6615 50% Off Purchase of 2 or More Grave Sites


Our Town Page 6 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name „ not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Sun Letters to the Editor, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. Readers may email Letters to the Editor at Further questions or information, call 941-681-3003. HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOREmail letters to letters@sun-herald.comPublisher „ Robert E. Lee Executive editor „ Jim Gouvellis Editorial page editor „ Stephen Baumann Commentary Editor „ John Hackworth V IEWPOINTOne mans ideas on health care Parking questions arise from article We met an angel at cancer center Cartoon insulted multiple readers Sun Arcadian missed this story There are good reasons for huntingEditor: Per your interest in reader comments about health „ here are a few of mine. 1) Policywise, we need to get rid of the self-serving and otherwise do-nothing politicians who cannot put a sensible health system together. 2) Everyone subject to insured or governmentprovided health services should have some skin in the gameŽ to avoid the use of medical services just because they are free or highly subsidized. 3) Tort reform is seriously needed to reduce doctor liability insurance. 4) Nobody should be given life-threatening health services without “lling out instructions on what to do in case one becomes brain dead, etc. 5) People should be able to sign away certain health service provisions they do not want and be given credit in terms of either lower premiums or additional bene“ts. For instance, if I signed a do not resuscitate order, or refused any bene“t regarding a major organ transplant, or refused any dialysis insurance, my reduced coverage for these items could be offset with increased, assisted living coverage. 5) Transparency and credibility is needed in all medical billing. It seems like the hospital billing culture is a form of extortion to make sure people always seek medical insurance coverage „ both to pay the bill and to signi“cantly reduce the charges. I found that one could “nd a test facility to do an MRI scan for less than $1,000 while my hospital was billing about $5,000. 6) Hospitals should be controlled as a monopoly.Peter Wohld Port CharlotteEditor: Reading the article by Sue Wade made me happy. I am always hopeful when businesses are doing well. However, I have two questions regarding the Beach Road Boutique. If they are in violation of a county ordinance why are they still being allowed to operate? And, since they already use any available parking Editor: I would like to let everyone in the cancer center know how good they took care of my wife. There is one lady named Allie in there, who was so kind in the cancer room, She is our angel, and I just want her to know that. We love her and God sent her to us. She takes care of everyone and also helps the nurses. We want her to know that we will never forget her. Thank you, Allie, for being volunteer of the year for everyone in there. We are blessed for being able to know her. Thank you, Allie. Editor: Congratulations. With one misguided editorial cartoonŽ you have managed multiple insults to many of your readers. First, the cartoon targeted a peaceful demonstration by those who feel they deserve to see Trumps income tax returns; how else are they to assess possible conflicts of interest? And, by the way, they were exercising their rights of freedom of speech and lawful assembly. Second, it ridicules a recipient of government assistance with a strong implication that those needing assistance are somehow undeservedly gaming the system. And, is it a coincidence that the recipient of the assistance appears to be African-American? Third, Editor: The Sun prides itself on providing excellent, award-winning, real journalismŽ to all the areas it serves and for some of us its the only paper we have unless we use the internet to read other newspapers that dont cover local news. So whats my beef? On Easter Sunday former City Marshal Charles Junior Lee was released from state custody, being incarcerated since Oct. 2, 2014, and after being found guilty of stealing $151,000 from the City of Arcadia and official misconduct. After reading todays Arcadian, big surprise, no mention. Maybe I should let it go; maybe it isnt really important news, after all there is no horse feces involved to make it real news.Ž Lee was given a public trust as a police officer and then as an elected official of the City of Arcadia, he abused that trust and stole money from every citizen of the city of Arcadia. Not a biggy, right, Sun newspapers?Joseph E. Fink ArcadiaEditor: The April 15 edition of the Sun included an editorial entitled Just say no to bear hunt.Ž It supported Kate McFalls position, published the previous day, that proposals to reinstate a bear hunt in 2017 should be resisted. Despicable exploitation of wildlife in the U.S. peaked in the 19th century but ended, due to the efforts of President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) a self-identified hunter. Thereafter, the science of wildlife management grew. Today managed hunts enable wildlife professionals to regulate densities in prime habitat where a well-managed large game species has such breeding success that it exceeds the areas carrying capacity and younger animals are forced into urban habitats where they become a nuisance, diseased or hit OUR VIEW LETTERS TO THE EDITOROUR POSITION: Some of the gaping holes in Floridas mental health care and its funding are slowly, albeit painstakingly, starting to close.The statistics are numbing. In Florida, 64 percent of adults with a mental illness are receiving no treatment of any type. And, in Florida, there are 744 people for every mental health professional who could treat them. There are 13 beds to treat the mentally ill for every 100,000 people in Florida. While mulling over those numbers, consider that the risk of being killed during a police encounter is 16 times greater for people suffering mental illness than for other civilians. Florida ranks 50th, dead last, in the nation for the dollars per capita spent on its mentally ill. Are you starting to get the picture? Fortunately, there have been baby steps taken to alleviate this problem. Sen. Rene Garcia (R-Hialeah) entered the legislative session this year claiming mental health and substance abuse are among his top priorities. What we started last year ƒ I want to make sure we expand access to those individuals with mental health disorder, the mental health diseases just as substance abuse, ensure that they get the projections that they need, ensure that we help their families, and ensure that we help their families because this is not just a disease that affects an individual,Ž said Garcia. Rep. Michael Grant, R-Charlotte County, is another lawmaker who has made mental health a priority. In the state budget is $600,000 to $700,000 (depending on budget compromise between Senate and House) for a teen suicide prevention program at Charlotte Behavioral Health Center. I know their priority was crisis stabilization,Ž Grant said of the Punta Gorda facility. They felt like this was the most beneficial thing they can do.Ž Center CEO Vicki Scanlon is not only appreciative of that potential chunk of money, but she is excited about the construction of a facility that will allow more beds to treat mentally ill „ mostly those trying to recover from an addiction. Currently the facility has but three beds for substance abusers and there is a perennial waiting list for treatment. Were excited about the possible money (from Tallahassee) this year,Ž Scanlon said. This money will provide intensive services for children with the most emotional needs. Kids who are depressed or have experienced abuse or children starting to get in trouble with the law . we feel we can use treatment to prevent them from being incarcerated. And the nice thing is we will have a home-based program where we can work with families.Ž Scanlon said Charlotte is the only county in the area that currently has no such program. If the money is approved in the final budget, it will mean a team of eight or so staff coming aboard at Charlotte Behavioral „ a team that includes nurses and paraprofessionals. The community action team will allow us to use more intensive care and possibly design it so we can help adults too,Ž Scanlon said. Scanlon said if the state money works out, her next goal is federal dollars to stem the opioid crisis. Florida is still way behind where it needs to be in addressing treatment for its mentally ill. When the state shut down its mental health hospitals nearly 20 years ago, it did not keep its promise of using those savings to fund community programs to fill the void. Hopefully there is a new awareness in Tallahassee that will carry over into next year.Mental health care priorities making headway for their current customers, for example the “shing pier parking lot and the side of Beach Road, where do they plan to park their customers for an expanded business?Marianne Howard Englewoodthe inference to the DNC is a veiled reference to the allegation that the protesters are paid protesters. Is there any proof of that? Finally, be sure to put a policeman in the picture to raise the possibility of violence. Come on, editors, with all the critical issues facing all of us today, is this the best you got?Frank Carroll Englewoodby a vehicle The U.S. public is largely unaware that much land is set aside for wildlife thanks to hunters. This results from the success of the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act. Under its provisions, hunting goods are subject to an 11 percent excise tax which can only be spent on wildlife restoration, including land acquisition. Our local 65,000-acre BabcockWebb exemplifies an area that was acquired with matching funds garnered through the act. Anti-hunting groups, including McFalls Humane Society, mounted a misinformation campaign that swayed state Fish and Wildlife commissioners to vote against their staffs recommendation for a bear hunt in 2016. Hopefully that will not be repeated this year. Anti-hunting groups should recognize that hunters are dedicated conservationists. The Sun should pause and re”ect on all sides of an issue before taking a stance.Nigel Morris Punta GordaWe love you.John Belentile Port Charlotte


The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 7 VIEWPOINT William Forrester was 52 years old, on disability, and suffering from numerous health problems when he was arrested in 2008. His offense? A pharmacist filled a fraudulent prescription for 120 oxycodone pills. When he came back the next month to have another prescription filled, which was also fraudulent, the pharmacist called the doctor, who told her he did not authorize either prescription. Forrester was charged with painkiller trafficking.Ž He was convicted at trial and sentenced to 15 years in prison, the mandatory minimum sentence for that offense. He will not be released until 2021, a month shy of his 65th birthday. Unfortunately, Forresters story „ highlighted in a recent report by the James Madison Institute and Reason Foundation „ is not unique. Mandatory minimums have sent thousands of low-level drug offenders to prison unnecessarily since 1999. And though the legislature modestly reformed those sentences in 2014, its still possible to be sentenced to decades in prison for comparatively minor drug offenses. While harsh mandatory minimums were intended to apply to drug kingpins, evidence suggests they are routinely applied to low-level and first-time offenders. A 2012 report by the states Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability found that the majority of inmates incarcerated for these offenses sold roughly the equivalent to one or two prescriptions.Ž More than one-third of those inmates „ like Forrester „ were arrested for just possessing too many pills illegally. The majority had substance abuse problems and were at low risk for recidivism. Nearly two-thirds of inmates incarcerated for painkiller traffickingŽ offenses had never been to prison previously. Incarcerating these low-level offenders is expensive. For the roughly 2,310 inmates incarcerated for these offenses, taxpayers are paying $123,562 per day, or approximately $45.1 million per year. These costs might be justified if mandatory minimums were working, but all available evidence suggests Floridas drug problem is worse today than when mandatory minimums were imposed in 1999. The problem with mandatory minimums for drug offenses is that they strip courts of all flexibility in sentencing, even when imposing the minimum results in absurdity and injustice. For instance, Judge Mark Blechman, who sentenced William Forrester, told him his hands were tied. Judge Blechman said, I have to sentence you to 15 years, and theres no ifs, ands or buts about it. The Legislature has said for this particular crime, we prescribe a fixed sentence.Ž Make no mistake: Forrester committed a crime, and he deserves punishment. But no one is safer when courts are deprived of all flexibility in cases like his. One way to fix this problem is by enacting safety valveŽ legislation. As described in another recent James Madison Institute paper, a safety valve neither eliminates the mandatory minimum sentence, nor requires judges to sentence offenders below the minimum term. It is a narrowly tailored exception for certain offenders and under certain circumstances. Several states have safety valves for drug trafficking offenses already. Georgia, Oklahoma and Mississippi have all passed drug safety valve legislation in recent years. In fact, Florida already has safety valve legislation in place for certain offenses, and for habitual offenders. In these cases, judges may depart below the required mandatory minimum if the sentence is not necessary for the protection of the public.Ž A similar safety valve for drug offenses would allow judges to depart below mandatory minimum sentences for individuals who would be better served by shorter terms or alternatives to incarceration, such as drug treatment. It could also save taxpayers millions of dollars annually without negatively impacting public safety, and would limit the negative unintended consequences created by the status quo. Florida taxpayers deserve the benefits of individualized and proportional sentencing for drug offenses. Thats why more than a dozen national and state conservative organizations, including Americans for Tax Reform, FreedomWorks, and the American Conservative Union Foundation „ have asked Florida House and Senate leadership to pass drug sentencing reform this year. And its just one reason many of the same groups support a task force to conduct a comprehensive review of Floridas criminal justice system. Florida is not made safer when individuals are deprived of all liberty for years „ or decades „ longer than necessary. Public safety is enhanced, not threatened, when judges are allowed to make individualized sentencing decisions. State Attorney Glenn Hess of Floridas 14th Judicial Circuit said it best: Every case should be treated on its merits ƒ Leave it up to the judge to decide which offenders are dangerous and treat them appropriately.Ž That makes sense to me. Mark Holden is senior vice president and general counsel for Koch Industries, Inc.Safety valve needed for mandatory minimum sentences Florida PoliticsMark Holden For those of us convinced that Donald Trumps defects of character, lack of knowledge, encouragement of social division and disregard for democratic norms outweigh any good he may do „ the rough definition of being #NeverTrump „ these are confusing and challenging times. Trumps solid basis of support is relatively homogeneous. It is fed up with foreigners, with foreign entanglements and with the political class as a whole. Its worst temptation is dehumanization „ reducing migrants, refugees and Muslims to threatening types. Trump opponents, in contrast, could hardly be more ideologically diverse „ from conservatives (like me), to libertarians, to the hardest of the hard left. We have little in common but a hashtag. And our worst temptation is also dehumanization „ turning Trump supporters into threatening types. It is a habit of mind that may help consolidate Trumps control of the GOP and thus his prospects for re-election. Apropos is a recent, excellent article by Caitlin Flanagan in The Atlantic, arguing that the tone and approach of liberal, late-night television are invading and discrediting a serious Trump critique. The typical monologue, as Flanagan describes, is an excoriating, profanity-strewn, ad hominem tirade against the president (and by extension against anyone who might agree, in any small measure, with his actions).Ž Flanagan recounts how late-night personality Samantha Bee set up and ridiculed a young Trump supporter (for which Bee later apologized). Trump and Bee,Ž Flanagan argues, are on different sides politically, but culturally they are drinking from the same cup, one filled with the poisonous nectar of reality TV and its baseless values. ... Trump and Bee share a penchant for verbal cruelty and a willingness to mock the defenseless.Ž It is far more consequential, of course, when Trump does the mocking. But Flanagan is correct that the attitude of late-night television gets mixed up in the public mind with the mainstream media and appears to many as a monolith of cruel, establishment bias. On the whole, people can better tolerate being shouted at than being sneered at. And the sneer of the knowledge class was clearly a motivating factor for many Trump voters. They felt condescension from the commanding heights of the culture and set out to storm its highest point. The pose of late-night television „ duplicated by many on the left „ is a continuing provocation. It is the general, obnoxious attitude in which it is somehow permissible for the Democratic National Committee to hawk a T-shirt on its website saying, Democrats give a sh*t about people.Ž This leads to a second, divisive and counterproductive tendency among anti-Trump forces. For many on the left, the energy of opposition to the president is only useful to drive an existing agenda „ and to drive the Democratic Party leftward. When women marched on the day after Trumps inauguration, their platform included open access to safe, legal, affordable abortionŽ „ as though this was the natural position for all who have deep concerns about the president. Some talk of growing discontent as a leftwing tea partyŽ „ as though this were finally the chance for and the Occupy movement to complete their October Revolution in the Democratic Party. Warns former Barack Obama official Michael Wear: The Democratic Party should view Donald Trumps takeover of the GOP as an opportunity to build a lasting majority. Instead, they view Trump as offering license to move further to the left on policy and still win.Ž Consider where trends might take us. At the presidential level, there is currently no center-right party in America. With the ascendency of its Elizabeth WarrenBernie Sanders wing, there would be no center-left party in America. The ideological and cultural sorting of the two parties would be complete, and nearly every issue would become a culture war battle. It is safe to say that many recent presidents have been saved by the radicalism, overreach and foolishness of their opposition. Some on the right went a bridge too far in impeaching Bill Clinton and discredited themselves with conspiratorial accusations about the death of Vince Foster. Some on the left were off-puttingly feverish in their presentation of George W. Bush as an election-stealing cowboy who may have been complicit in the 9/11 attacks. Some on the right used overheated rhetoric against Obamas supposed socialism and obsessed on his birth certificate. A substantive, centrist response to Trump has a chance of releasing his hold on the GOP and the country. A sneering, dismissive, dehumanizing, conspiratorial, hard left leaning response to Trump is his fondest hope. Michael Gersons email address is michaelgerson@s critics are playing into his hand Michael Gerson The damage wrought by state Sen. Frank Artiles racist rant has ripples that extend far beyond the seats of power in Tallahassee. All it took to confirm that was to type Senator Frank ArtilesŽ into Google. Within seconds, a collection of stories popped up that confirms how much impact the bile from his bigoted psyche had when he called AfricanAmerican colleagues ƒ aw, you know what he said by now. You know what else though? Readers who follow the BBCs U.S. and Canada site now know. They know about him from the Houston Chronicle. The Washington Post wrote about it. Minneapolis. Oregon. The Daily Mail in London. It was even news in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. If I wanted to dig deeper, Im sure I could have found stories about this in many, many other places. So, consider this: While Gov. Rick Scott is campaigning to spend $100 million on VISIT Florida to market the state for tourism, the word is going out through media that our state Senate has a racist member. Thats gonna leave a mark. Artiles is now a cancer, both in the Senate and on the way Florida presents itself to the world. Even if just a small percentage of the people who read this story change their minds about visiting Florida or moving businesses here, the economic damage wrought by Artiles unhinged tongue could be considerable. We have to do it better in the South. There are racists in every part of this nation, but whenever something like this occurs in the South it just reinforces the notion that were a bunch of redneck yahoos still fighting the Civil War. We have our share of those for sure, but weve done a pretty good job of reducing their number. Then, along came Sen. Artiles. Cant you just hear the tittering tsk-tsk around the globe as the weight of judgment comes down on 19 million people because one guy shot off his mouth? Dont believe me? Just go to Google. Joe Henderson has a 45-year career in newspapers, including the last nearly 42 years at The Tampa Tribune. The column moved on website Florida Politics.Frank Artiles rant reverberates around the globe? Joe Henderson Find it in the CLASSIFIEDS! LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? adno=50513318 Monday Friday 10 a.m. 6 p.m.; Saturday 10:30 4 p.m. Not affiliated with Rolex W ESTCHESTER G OLD & D IAMONDS 4200-F TAMIAMI TRAIL, PORT CHARLOTTE (BEHIND ABC LIQUORS) 625-0666 Rolex Watches Buy, Sell & Repair Large Selection of Diamond Bezels & Dials 301 W. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda € 575-2273 Former faculty member of Marquette University School of Dentistry G eneral & Implant Dentistry adno=50509586


Our Town Page 8 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. a new $200 per day fee imposed on nonpro“t organizations and charitable functions to operate the stadiums parking lot lights, with a new $400 daily cost assigned to for-pro“t events. Also, a 50 percent boost in the hourly rate to prepare the “eld, up to $15 from $10, would apply to all. Hourly rates for preparing lighted athletic “elds for soccer and baseball would rise too, from $10 to $15. For tournaments without lights, fees would be changed from a $10 hourly rate to $100 per day. In recreation centers, open gym participation would require a fee of $2 per person per occasion. Previously, some centers had the discretion to offer free participation. With operating de“cits mounting in the three Charlotte County public pools, staff is recommending fee increases ranging from 7 percent to nearly 30 percent. Charlotte aquatic facilities are posting steep “nancial losses. Overall, the county lost $3.2 million over the last three years at South County Regional Pool, Ann Dever Regional Pool and Port Charlotte Beach Pool. Annual passes would grow from $80 to $100 for adults and from $53.50 to $75 for children. For the “rst time, Charlotte would offer a six-month adult pass for $50 to better accommodate snowbirds. Libraries, which also fall under the Community Services umbrella, would see a new fee schedule as well, if the measure is approved. The maximum “ne per item would be set at $10, except for movies, which would be limited to 25 cents. A new policy would permit “nes to be paid off through food donations. Non-resident library cards, previously offered free, would cost $10 for three months and $20 for six months. And non-cardholders would be able to use library computers free of charge, rather than the current $5 fee. The County Commission meeting starts at 9 a.m. Tuesday, in the Commission Chambers at the County Administration Center, 18500 Murdock Circle, in Murdock.Email: groberts@sun-herald.comCHARLOTTEFROM PAGE 1 CHARLOTTE COUNTY USER FEESPOOL ADMISSION COSTS Adult Fees Proposed Charlotte Lee Sarasota Daily $3 $2.68 $3 $3.74+tax Yearly $100 $80.25 $75 $400 ATHLETIC FIELD RENTALS Tournament Proposed Charlotte Lee Sarasota No lights $100/day $10/hour $100/day $50/day youth $100/day adults OPEN GYM Proposed Charlotte Lee Sarasota $2/person Free Free (after $10 lifetime membership) Free CHARLOTTE SPORTS PARK Stadium Field Lighting Proposed Charlotte Lee Sarasota One-time demand fee $642/day $52/day $3,000/day $1,300 for first half-hour Usage fee$121/hour$54/hour$60/hour$25/hour The week may start off wet for Southwest Floridians, but it will get drier after a front moves through the area on Monday, according to National Weather Service Meteorologist Richard Rude. Starting off the week on Monday there will be a slight chance of showers, maybe a thunderstorm or two and some breezy conditions,Ž Rude said. By Monday night, the rain will have ended and the rest of the [work] week remains rain free with mostly sunny days and mostly clear nights.Ž The forecast shows Monday will be partly sunny with a 20 percent chance of showers. Winds will be breezy with gusts as high as 24 mph. The overnight low will be around 62. Daytime highs remain in the lower 80s through Wednesday with overnight lows in the lower 60s. On Thursday and Friday, daytime highs go back up to the upper 80s with overnight lows in the lower 70s. Southwest Florida is still technically in drought, according to U.S. Drought Monitors latest Thursday report, although recent rainfall may have helped mitigate that, Rude said. The forecast shows the next chance of showers after Monday is a 20 percent chance on Saturday. The normal high for this time of year is in the mid 80s with overnight lows in the lower 60s, according to the NWS. So, the start of the week is a few degrees cooler than normal. Then, temperatures go back up to slightly warmer than normal the rest of the week. Rude said the cooler weather is due to the front, and the drier weather is due to high pressure moving in after the front today. Email: Slightly cooler, drier weather expected by mid-weekBy SOMMER BROKAWSTAFF WRITER DESOTO COUNTY „ A man died Saturday night after losing control of his car and crashing into a ditch, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. The incident occurred at 11:33 p.m. near the intersection of Northeast River Ridge Avenue and Northeast River Wood Road in DeSoto County, the FHP report shows. Mark Anderson, 54, of Arcadia, was traveling north on Northeast River Ridge Avenue approaching Northeast River Wood Road when he lost control of his 2007 Honda Rancher, which collided with a ditch, according to FHP. Anderson fell out of the vehicle as it overturned. Anderson was transported to DeSoto Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The crash is still under investigation. The Charlotte County Sheriffs Office reported the following arrests: € Adrienne Dawn Briggs, 36, 12200 block of Maryland Ave., Punta Gorda. Charge: possession of controlled substance without prescription. Bond: $5,000. € Sandra Fay Rola, 47, 700 block of Charlotte St., Punta Gorda. Charge: battery. Released on her one recognizance. € Garrett Lee Russell, 54, 27200 block of San Marino Drive, Punta Gorda. Charge: neglect of elderly or disabled adult without great harm. Bond: $10,000. € Luis Yamil Centeno, 45, 700 block of Jarvis St., Port Charlotte. Charge: battery second or subsequent offense. Bond: $7,500. € Tanya Michelle Dills, 29, 18900 block of McGrath Circle, Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of controlled substance without prescription, possession or use of drug paraphernalia and four counts of off bond. Bond: none. € Tabitha Danette Parks, 37, homeless in Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of controlled substance without a prescription, possession or use of drug paraphernalia, possession with intent to sell meth and possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana. Bond: none. € Rose Marie Lopez, 36, 3300 block of W. Price Blvd., North Port. Charges: possession of controlled substance without a prescription and possession or use of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $4,000. € Kaleb Devin Crowell, 25, 3700 block of Circleville, North Port. Charge: driving while license suspended or revoked. Bond: $1,500. € Kelli Lynn Buckhout, 56, 1900 block of Mississippi Ave., Englewood. Charges: possession or use of drug paraphernalia and disorderly intoxication. Bond: none. „Compiled by Sommer BrokawDeSoto man dies in single-car accident POLICE BEATThe information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriffs office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. FROM PAGE ONE


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The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 11 adno=50509677 South Sarasota/ North Venice/Siesta Key Publix Plaza Stickney, Point Entrance 6529 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231 941-925-0022 (on the side of Stein Mart building) Venice/North Port/ Englewood 4250 South Tamiami Trail Venice, FL 34293 941-496-7600 North Ft Myers/ Cape Coral Publix Plaza (C orner of Del Prado & US 41) 239-997-0588 Ft. Myers/ Cape Coral Publix Plaza at Colonial Crossing (Corner of Summerlin & Colonial) 239-703-7546 Port Charlotte Publix Plaza 19451 Cochran Blvd, Suite 200 Port Charlotte 33948 941-235-2480 Punta Gorda Publix Plaza at The Crossings 2310 Tamiami Trail, Suite 3109 Punta Gorda, FL33950 (Across from Palm Auto) 941-575-5611 Sun City Sun City Center 1509A Sun City Center Plaza Sun City, FL 813-634-2781 Bradenton Publix Beachway Plaza 7216 Mantee Ave,. W Bradenton, FL 941-254-7476


Our Town Page 12 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 adno=50509678 South Sarasota/ North Venice/Siesta Key Publix Plaza Stickney, Point Entrance 6529 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231 941-925-0022 (on the side of Stein Mart building) Venice/North Port/ Englewood 4250 South Tamiami Trail Venice, FL 34293 941-496-7600 North Ft Myers/ Cape Coral Publix Plaza (C orner of Del Prado & US 41) 239-997-0588 Ft. Myers/ Cape Coral Publix Plaza at Colonial Crossing (Corner of Summerlin & Colonial) 239-703-7546 Port Charlotte Publix Plaza 19451 Cochran Blvd, Suite 200 Port Charlotte 33948 941-235-2480 Punta Gorda Publix Plaza at The Crossings 2310 Tamiami Trail, Suite 3109 Punta Gorda, FL33950 (Across from Palm Auto) 941-575-5611 Sun City Sun City Center 1509A Sun City Center Plaza Sun City, FL 813-634-2781 Bradenton Publix Beachway Plaza 7216 Mantee Ave,. W Bradenton, FL 941-254-7476


The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 13 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSIf you are near the coast or a river, you will have recently noticed osprey nests with the adults ”ying around and making a lot of noise. In some cases you cannot see babies in the nest because it is so high, but while on Don Pedro Island recently, I found a very visible osprey family on a nest in a Norfolk Island pine. On islands, many successful nests are built in the tops of tall Norfolk Island pines, an exotic but relatively noninvasive tree that is very resistant to wind storms. The broad tops are ideal for anchoring the large stick nests of ospreys. Australian pines „ also exotic „ in contrast are usually damaging to coastal ecology and prone to wind-throw during hurricanes and should be removed. This nest I photographed with the mom osprey and two adorable babies who need to be fed a lot of “sh. Ospreys are quite unusual among raptors in that they feed entirely on “sh, a very specialized diet that requires speci“c morphology (very large feet and claws) and behavior in which the bird dives feet “rst into the water and grabs a “sh. The photos show an osprey with a good-sized sea trout. Some “shermen might complain that ospreys are stealing their own catch, but ospreys eat many types of “sh and are certainly entitled by their status as natural predators to eat as many “sh as they can eat. So enjoy our many ospreys and watch the babies as they mature and take ”ight for the “rst time. Retain or plant tall trees such as Norfolk Island pines on the coast to enable ospreys to continue to breed successfully, despite the rapid human development of the coastal land beneath their nests. Bill Dunson is a resident of Englewood and a frequent contributor to the Sun. Check out his blog at lemonbay build island home on exotic pine Bill Dunson Osprey nest in Norfolk Island pine on Don Pedro Island Osprey nest in Norfolk Island pine on Don Pedro Island SUN PHOTOS BY BILL DUNSONOsprey nest with mom and two babies on Don Pedro Island Osprey with sea trout COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFSWomen Who Care group to meetWomen Who Care of Charlotte County will host its “rst meeting from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. today at Laishley Park Community Room, 120 Laishley Court, Punta Gorda. Women Who Care is an alliance of busy women who want to make a difference and can commit a small amount of time and $100 four times a year to fundraise for local nonpro“ts serving human needs in our community. Women can join us to see how it works before committing. For more information, call 305-3315519 or email Fluepnitz@ golf, help footballThe Lemon Bay Touchdown Club will have its “rst fundraising golf tournament May 20 at the Rotonda Golf & Country Clubs The Hills Course, 100 Rotonda Circle, Rotonda West. The tournament will be a bene“t for the Lemon Bay High School Manta Rays football team. It will be a four-person scramble with an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. Entry is $75 per player. For more information or to register, contact Greg Stevens at 352-804-6010.Wildlife presentationFlorida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissions Angeline Scotten will speak to North Port Friends of Wildlife at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the North Port Library, at 13800 Tamiami Trail. She will discuss coyotes and pythons. For more information, call 941-876-3720.Landscape and irrigation work to startLandscape and irrigation work is scheduled to begin today in the median and right shoulder of U.S. 17/ Duncan Road southwest of Interstate 75. The project is scheduled to be complete by June 30. Advance warning signs will be on-site. The Charlotte County Public Works Department reminds motorists to remain alert at all times and to exercise caution when traveling in the vicinity of construction zones.Road closure plannedBeginning today, through Monday, July 17, (weather and equipment operations permitting) W. Retta Esplanade will be closed between Harvey and Gill streets for construction of diagonal parking and intersection work including paver crosswalks. The road will be open to local traf“c only. Detours and impact to traf“c are to be anticipated. Hours of operation will be between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. When driving in the area, motorists are encouraged to drive with extreme caution and be alert for workers in the right of ways. For more information on this project, contact Linda Sposito, at 941-575-5060.Farmers Market in EnglewoodThe Englewood Farmers Market is open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. each Thursday at Pioneer Park on the 300 block of West Dearborn Street in Englewood. The market features a wide variety of vendors selling fresh, local produce, fresh-baked goods, honey, cold drinks, fully prepared meals, crafts and many other items. For more information, visit www.engle, or email Lee Perron at info@ englewoodfarmersmarket. com or call 941-548-7843. CHECK IN 11AM 11:30AMTO 1:30PMTICKETS $75 Luncheon and Fashion ShowFASHIONWITH A PASSION FEATURING THE FASHIONS of Lilly Pulitzer by EVENTSPONSOR Thursday5 4 17 T T H H E E S E E A A S S O O N N    S S S S PR ES S EN EN TE TE D D BY BY L L EA A D D E E R SH H IP P E E N N G G LE L W OO OO D D C C LA A SS SS O O F F 20 2 17 7 PROCEEDSBENEFIT EVENTLOCATIONBoca RoyaleGOLF & COUNTRY CLUB1601 Englewood Road Englewood, Florida 34223ENJOY Lunch With FriendsPREVIEW Spring & Summer FashionsYOUR CHANCE TO WIN 50/50 Raffle & Chance Auction Items PURCHASE TICKETS TODAY adno=54511783


Our Town Page 14 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSThe Spanish American Society of Charlotte County held its annual Veterans Appreciation dinner dance on Saturday at the 24/TwentyOne club in Port Charlotte. Six veterans were honored from all branches of the service from the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Spanish American Society lauds veterans Eira Vicarrio with Diane and Luis Ortiz SUN PHOTOS BY DONNELL BATESMembers of the Portuguese American club from St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church in Port Charlotte attended the event. President of the club, Mari Usera Iraida Cabesas, Ruben Rivera and Madeline Munnos Ramon and Betty Zambrano and Olga Rivera Mavis Oldeld, Luz Grant and Jean and Federico Edwards Pictured here are veterans: Vice president of the club Jose Vicario, Army, Korea; Julio Soto, Army, Vietnam; Jose Grant, Air Force, Vietnam; Robert Rior, Air Force, Vietnam; Antonio Sanchez, Navy, Vietnam; and Juan Cabezas, Marines, Vietnam. Rachel Rivera Derek and Claudia Thomas COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFS Shrimp boilSt. Nathaniels Episcopal Church is hosting an all-youcan-eat shrimp boil on Friday, at the church, 4200 S. Biscayne Dr., in North Port. The cost is $20 for adults and $10 for children under 10 years old. Families will be hosted from 5-6 p.m. and adults only from 6-8 p.m. Reservations are required and can be purchased by calling 941-429-8958.Vietnam scene re-enacted at Englewood MuseumThe Englewood Area Historical Museum will be hosting a Vietnam War static scene from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, at Buchan Airport, 1394 Old Englewood Road. These men will be tenting with their tactical packs telling stories and participating in a question-and-answer session. Artifacts, memorabilia and vehicles will be on display in the “eld also. A free photo for veterans will be taken beside the 50th Commemorative Flag. They will also receive their Commemorative Pin inside the museum. For more information contact, 941-208-5942 or eah dinnerA prime rib/seafood buffet will be held Friday. It will include carved prime rib, shrimp, “sh, scallops and clam strips for $12 per person. The buffet is offered from 5 to 7 p.m. for members and guests. Post 312 is now a smoke-free lodge and is located at 7050 Chancellor Blvd. For more information, call 941-429-5403.Daughters of the American Revolution meeting setThe Charlotte Bay Chapter of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) will hold its next meeting today at the Cleveland United Methodist Church, 28038 Cleveland Ave., Punta Gorda. Social time will begin at 1:30 p.m. with the meeting at 2 p.m. The program will be Our Patriots.Ž Charlotte Bay Chapter members will give a brief overview of their DAR Patriot Ancestor. Visitors are welcome and refreshments will be served. For more information about researching your heritage to join the DAR and become a member of the Charlotte Bay Chapter, contact Jana-Lee Bair ancestorhunterbair@ Venice € Englewood North Port € Punta Gorda 941.474.3691 Ted Steele, O wner C A LL T O DA Y NO OBLIGATION € NO PRESSURE FREE ESTIMATES IS YOUR A/C REALLY WORKING? Trane Rebate Allowance on selected Models See dealer for details LIC# CAC1814462 adno=54511555


The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 15 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSROTONDA WEST „ Paulette Clemens wouldnt call herself a butter”y expert, despite loving the animals and recently releasing 15 monarchs from her yard. Clemens had asked her husband Darwin to buy her a milkweed plant, which are typically found in pollinator gardens and are great for attracting and nurturing monarchs. For butter”ies, it provides nectar and a place to lay eggs and for bees as a source of pollen. I had bought more milkweed and found a lone caterpillar, which had made a chrysalis,Ž said Clemens. That same caterpillar emerged as a butter”y shortly after and Clemens was hooked. She then had Darwin buy more milkweed, and he found a plant with eggs already attached to the leaves. Paulette has spent the last month raising the soon-to-be butter”ies. Despite releasing 15, she still has about four chrysalises spread on her pool cage and several on the mosquito net she was using as a butter”y nursery and day care on the pool deck. Since the “rst chrysalis emerged, she has become extremely interested in doing more for the butter”ies. I started reading about it,Ž she said. Clemens learned about their life cycles and has spent the last month taking care of the butter”ies and raising them. The hardest period, Clemens explains, was after the hungry caterpillars had eaten their “ll and left the plants looking for a place to create their chrysalis. I spent two days herding caterpillars,Ž she said. Clemens herself “nds the whole ordeal funny because shes terri“ed of bugs. Thats changed slightly. During some of the colder nights I brought in the plant, and (Darwin) couldnt believe it,Ž she said. Clemens plans to learn more and raise more butter”ies. Shes already planted a pollinator garden on the outside of her pool cage and is trying to attract other types of butter”ies to her home. So far the couple hasnt had any casualties while raising the butter”ies, though one had a small bend in the wing while they were in the chrysalis. Watching them emerge was one of her favorite parts and even made her husband wait to leave somewhere so she could watch. I havent gotten to the point they will perch on my hand,Ž she said. She hopes to one day be able to do that, but for now shes working on growing more plants and raising more butter”ies. Email aherrera@sun-herald.comRotonda West woman releases butterfliesBy ALEXANDRA HERRERA STAFF WRITER SUN PHOTO BY ALEXANDRA HERRERA Darwin Clemens gets help from neighbor Sandi Gladstone while neighbor Laurenza Lebel snaps photos of the butteries. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has set the 2017 Gulf state waters recreational red snapper season. The 78-day season is: € Open Saturdays and Sundays in May starting May 6. € Open daily starting May 27 through July 9. € Open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in September and October, plus Labor Day, Sept. 4. We are once again able to provide and maintain fishing opportunities for Gulf recreational anglers and provide stakeholders with spring, summer and fall fishing options for this economically important species,Ž according to a statement from Commissioner Chuck Roberts. The federal seasons for private recreational anglers, and federally permitted charter boats and head boats in Gulf federal waters have not yet been announced by NOAA Fisheries, the FWC said.FWC approves 78-day red snapper season in Gulf watersSTAFF REPORT RED SNAPPER Learn more about red snapper at by clicking on Saltwater,Ž Recreational RegulationsŽ and Snappers.Ž WATERLINE FILE PHOTOMike Kedro with a red snapper that was safely released in 118 feet of water o Stump Pass. Its an eagle success story. At Thursdays meeting of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, staff presented commission members with an update on the status of bald eagles in Florida. That first year there were only 88 bald eagle nests documented in the state,Ž according to Brad Gruver, leader of the FWCs Species Conservation Planning Section. Thanks to conservation efforts of the FWC, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other partners, there are now an estimated 1,500 nesting pairs in Florida. Florida has more nesting eagles than any other state except Alaska and Minnesota.Ž Historically, bald eagles have faced challenges, the FWC said in a news release. Habitat destruction, shooting, poisoning and pesticides reduced eagle numbers in the United States. The Florida eagle population has soared since the FWC began conducting nest surveys in 1972, The bald eagle was removed from state listing in 2008 and since that time, the number of nesting eagles in Florida has continued to increase. As a result, the agency is updating management efforts and conservation actions. At the meeting, staff presented the commission with recommendations for revisions to Floridas rule and management plan for bald eagles. Staff recommended eliminating the redundancy of obtaining state and federal permits for activities with the potential to disturb or takeŽ bald eagles or their nests, the news release said. Under the recommendations, a state permit will not be needed as conservation will be ensured by a recently established federal permitting process. The FWC will now focus on completing a new Species Action Plan to replace the management plan, working with others on the draft plan later this year.FWC: Nesting eagles continue to increaseSTAFF REPORT EAGLE DETAILS€ For information on how the FWC is working to conserve eagles, visit € To learn more about Species Action Plans, go to Imperiled and click on Species Action PlansŽ on the left side of the page. WATERLINE PHOTO BY ABBIE BANKSA bald eagle keeps watch above Lemon Bay. PHOTO BY BILL DUNSONA bald eagle guards some carrion at Myakka State Forest in North Port recently. Fishing For A New Career? Check Out The Classifieds In The adno=50509533 adno=5051339 2 (941) 380-0973 Lic.# CAC1815497 Free Estimates $ 68 S ERVICE C ALLS N EW S YSTEMS $ 3388 Ž FROM We Have Rebates! Call Today! No monthly interest if paid in full within 24 monthsŽ 3095 Tamiami Trail, Unit B Port Charlotte, FL (between Olean & Elkcam Blvds) Call 627-0464 Dr. Robert Hooper Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Since 1975 € Affordable $19 69 a month per aid € Free batteries € 5 year loss & damage coverage € 5 year warranty € Replaced every 5 years € Purchase at any time HEARING HEALTH CARE CENTERS LEASE YOUR HEARING AID LEASE YOUR HEARING AID adno=50513286 14 Day Risk Free Trial adno=54514137 The Law Firm of Glenn N. Siegel P.A. 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The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 17 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSBy the time John Kohout, now of Port Charlotte, graduated from jump school at Fort Benning, Georgia, V-E Day had come and gone. Since the Germans had already surrendered, he became a replacement soldier in the 11th Airborne Division sent to the Philippines as part of the occupation force. He joined the paratroopers for the $50 per month extra jump pay like a lot of other soldiers who went airborne. That almost doubled his pay as an Army private. When I got out of jump school, I thought I was going to the European Theater, but the Germans surrendered and I was sent to the Philippines,Ž the 91-year-old former paratrooper explained. They put me on a boat in San Francisco and shipped me to Manila. Since I had been trained in demolition work, I was sent all over the Philippines to disarm unexploded ordnance,Ž he said. Usually I was sent out to defuse unexploded bombs dropped by our Air Force. The easy ones were the ones I could get the detonator out of with a special wrench. On the ones I couldnt remove the detonator I exploded with a phosphorous grenade. When these bombs went off along the side of a road, it would blow a hole in the ground you wouldnt believe. The funny part was that the Filipinos would move the bombs that were still armed in wheelbarrows or take ropes and drag them off the side of a road. While I was in the Philippines, I saw a lot of captured Japanese. They put them in POW camps until the war ended then they sent them home,Ž Kohout recalled. A lot of the Japanese who were up in the hills never surrendered. They would come down from their mountain caves to steal milk or chickens. Thats how they survived. When I was still in the Philippines I was called up to a hill overlooking Manila Harbor where the Japanese had mounted a big 16-inch gun on a railroad track. This allowed them to pull the gun into a cave for protection from enemy bombs or artillery when it wasnt being fired. My captain wanted me to blow the breach off the gun. I had something called Composite-C explosives. It looked like putty. I packed the barrel of the gun with Composite-C, added a detonator and a fuse and exploded it. The charge blew the breach kinda sideways. That wasnt good enough for my captain. He wanted the gun disabled. The last time I saw it a bunch of Filipinos threw it down the side of the hill.Ž Kohout said. When they dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan, we had just flown in from the Philippines to Okinawa. It was to be a staging area for the 11th Airborne scheduled to jump into Japan. We were still camped out on Okinawa when the second bomb was dropped. Two days later, the Japanese surrendered. The 11th had been scheduled to jump into Japan if the war had not ended. Not only were we happy they surrendered, but the Navy SEALs were, too. Both our units were to go into Japan at the same time. We flew into Schimmelpfenning Air Base north of Tokyo near the town of Sendai,Ž he recalled 75 years later. When we landed in our C-47 transports and got off, former American POWs who could walk boarded our planes and flew back to Okinawa and on to the Philippines on their way home. My first demolition job in Japan was accompany the major on an inspection of Japanese planes at the airport where we landed. All the props had to be pulled off these planes and laid on the ground in front of them. The machine guns in these planes had to be disabled also,Ž Kohout said. We went down the line taking propellers off planes. I never saw so many fighters and bombers in my life. After we had removed the props on four or five of these Japanese planes the major told me they would have to be blown up. I told him I had some phosphorous grenades that would do the job. I put one of the grenades in the first plane. When it exploded, the fuel in its wing tanks blew it to pieces. After that first explosion, the major had another idea. He had the planes disassembled and junked. Later, the major called me in and had me get rid of some silk bags of gunpowder used to fire big guns. They were hidden in a secret concrete bunker under a rice paddy. He sent me down in the tunnel to check things out. I was scared to death. All the gunpowder in the bunker was dry and usable. It was stored in individual silk bags. There must have been dozens of bags, I dont know exactly how many bags there were. The major told me to blow them up. I rigged them to blow up and got out of there. When it went off, it blew the rice paddy up in the air and blew mud all over all of us who were there,Ž he said. Since Kohout was part of the occupation troops, he was always looking for war souvenirs. Before he returned to the States he was able to collect a couple of Japanese dress swords, two rifles and a Japanese Navy pistol. The problem was getting them back to the USA. Before they were allowed to board the ship home, they had to empty their duffel bags so their contents could be inspected. Souvenirs were usually confiscated. He found a simple solution. Ship his war souvenirs home by U.S. Mail. I came home in a liberty ship with thousands of other guys. When we sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco Harbor we were all glad to see it,Ž he recalled. From there I took a slow train back across the country to Fort Bragg, North Carolina where I was discharged.Ž Eventually he went to work as a lineman for what became Verizon Telephone Co. He worked for the company 37 years. When he retired in 1988 he was in charge of all pay phone operations for the firm in Virginia. He and his wife, Frances, moved to the Port Charlotte area three years ago from Virginia. They have been married 66 years. Diane, their daughter, lives in Port Charlotte, too. Demolition was his specialty in WWII War StoriesDon Moore WANT TO READ MORE?More than 900 of Don Moores veteran stories are online at https:// KNOW A VETERAN?Don Moores stories are a part of the Veterans History Project through the Library of Congress. If you, or someone you know, is a veteran, have them contact Don Moore at 941-426-2120 or email PHOTO PROVIDEDJohn Kohout stands in the center with buddies pictured at Schimmelpfenning Air Base north of Tokyo in 1945. They were part of the occupation troops at the end of World War II. SUN PHOTO BY DON MOOREThe shoulder patch worn by 11th Airborne Division soldiers who fought in the Pacic Theater during World War II. PHOTO PROVIDEDPvt. John Kohout, now of Port Charlotte, was 18 and just out of jump school at Fort Benning, Georgia. in 1945 when this picture was taken. He had earned his 11th Airborne shoulder patch. SUN PHOTO BY DON MOOREJohn Kohout, 91, is a Port Charlotte resident. Earn 2X the national average with this award-winning 24-Month CD.* $2,000 minimum opening deposit1.60%APY*24-MONTH CD Your savings could be growing faster. Visit us at or call 1-800-753-6870 to get started. adno=50514065


Our Town Page 18 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSThe perfect organic mulch does not exist, but there are many suitable mulching materials that will take care of just about any landscape need that you have. Mulches made from a variety of organic materials are all acceptable and readily available at local garden centers. Mulches are a common sense approach to conserving water, suppressing weeds and buffering soil temperatures. Mulches in Florida come from a variety of sources and may be a waste byproduct or a recycled material. Much of our available mulch originates from cypress, pine bark, and the common red mulch,Ž a material made up of recycled wood and/ or mixed hardwoods combined with a red dye. Other mulches include pine-straw, eucalyptus, and Melaleuca. Mulch made from bald cypress or pond cypress is obtained from the bark and the wood of these trees. Some of this is made from waste wood; some may be from whole trees. Originally from Australia, eucalyptus trees are grown in Florida plantations speci“cally for the production of mulch. Melaleuca is an invasive tree which has one good use „ mulch. Mulch from Melaleuca is composted or heated to ensure that the seeds are killed. Other organic mulches are made from mixed hardwoods, yard waste and utility clippings. The recycled wood products are waste wood from pine, “r, spruce or other softwoods which have not been treated with wood preservatives. Red color dyes are often added to enhance the color. Basically, a layer of mulch 2 to 3 inches deep is suf“cient for most landscape plants. It is critical, however, that you keep mulch away from the trunks of trees and shrubs. There should be an open, mulch-free zone maintained several inches from the trunk. Mulch kept right up against the trunk will keep the area too wet and can promote the development of cankers and disease issues. The practice of mounding mulch around woody plants or volcano mulchingŽ should be avoided. Another question „ does mulch contribute to termite infestations? Lets just say that mulch can enhance the ability of established termites to survive by keeping the soil moist. Thick mulch can also provide a bridgeŽ by allowing termites to walk over a perimeter termiticide treatment protecting a house. While mulch up against a foundation should be avoided, if mulch is part of your landscape, only keep a very thin (less than 2 inches) layer within 12 inches of the foundation so that the soil will dry naturally. Drying out is a major threat to subterranean termites. Also avoid watering next to foundation walls. Again the question: Is there a perfect mulch? All of these mulches function pretty much the same. Mulches are as much a personal choice related to color, texture and the origin of the material, as are cost and availability. Examine the materials available at local garden centers and landscape supply stores for a better idea. Also, look at local landscapes to see what appeals to your tastes and ponder what may look good in your own home grounds. For more information on all types of important Southwest Florida gardening topics, please call our Master Gardener volunteers on the Plant Lifeline on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at 941-7644340 for gardening help and insight into their role as an extension volunteer. Dont forget to visit our other County Plant Clinics in the area. Please check this link for a complete list of site locations, dates and times „ http:// charlotte.ifas.u”.edu/ horticulture/Plant%20 Clinics%20Schedule.pdf. Ralph E. Mitchell is the director/horticulture agent for the Charlotte County Extension Service. He can be reached at 941-764-4344 or ralph. mitchell@charlotte”.com.Is there a perfect mulch? Ralph Mitchell PHOTOS PROVIDEDThe dierent choices of mulch. AARP Charlotte Chapter 80The AARP Charlotte Chapter 80 meets on the third Thursday of every month at 9 a.m. at the Royal Palm Retirement Center, 2500 Aaron St., Port Charlotte. For more information, call Donna Hurt at 803-624-8039.The American Czech and Slovak Club of Southwest FloridaThe American Czech and Slovak Club of Southwest Florida was created to provide the residents of the Florida Gulf Coast of Czech and Slovak heritage with the opportunity to meet socially, promote good fellowship, encourage the exchange of cultural information, traditions and family histories. Meetings are held at 12:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month, from October through April, at The Family Table Restaurant, 14132 Tamiami Trail, North Port. For more information, call 941-2863467 or email mert4677@ SocietyThe Peace River Audubon Society meetings are the third Thursday of each month, from September through May at First Alliance Church, 20444 Midway Blvd., Port Charlotte. For more information, call 863-244-2652 or visit www.peaceriveraudubon. org.Blue Star MothersSouthwest Florida Chapter 4 of the Blue Star Mothers of America meets at 9:30 a.m. the second Saturday of each month at the Sarasota American Red Cross building, 2001 Cantu Court, Sarasota. Light refreshments are served. Blue Star Mothers of America is a nonpro“t, nonpartisan, nonsectarian and nonpolitical organization for mothers, grandmothers and stepmothers who have children serving in the armed forces. Associate members assist the chapter in supporting the mission of the Blue Star Mothers of America; any family member or friend may join. For more information or to join, visit www. ”oridabluestarmoms. com or email swfbluestarmothers@ Guard AuxiliaryThe auxiliary is the volunteer arm of the U.S. Coast Guard, and is a member of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The operational unit of the auxiliary is the Flotilla,Ž where Coast Guard policies and programs are transformed into action. For more information, go to www. coastguardenglewood. com or attend monthly meetings held on the second Tuesday of each month at 1949 Englewood Road (State Road 776).Charlotte County Woodcarvers/ SculptorsMeetings for the Charlotte County Woodcarvers/Sculptors, a nonpro“t organization dedicated to the art of woodcarving and wood sculpture, are held from 8 a.m. to noon every Tuesday at 802 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. The public is invited to visit and see what the club is all about. For more information, call 941-875-9244.Citizens Climate LobbyMeetings for the Port Charlotte/Punta Gorda chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby are held from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce, 252 W. Marion Ave. Citizens Climate Lobby is a volunteer organization with a mission to create the CLUB NEWSCLUB NEWS | 19 $12.99OIL CHANGE & FILTER$39.99SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE 5W20 UP TO 5 QUARTS CERTIFIED TIRE & SERVICE 87 N. 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The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 19 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSpolitical will for a stable climate. Newcomers are welcome. For more information go to http://, call 941-627-8053 and/or email portcharlotteccl@ GroupThe Charlotte County Computer Group meets at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the Cultural Center of Charlotte County, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte. The club will host programs or guest speakers each month with time allowed for computer questions. Members and guests are welcome. For more information, call 941-585-0356.Disabled American VeteransMeetings for the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 82 are at 4 p.m. on the “rst Thursday of every month at the American Legion Post 110, 3152 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte. All veterans are urged to attend. For more information, call 941-629-2833.Merchant Marine VeteransMeetings for the MacAlvanah Chapter Merchant Marine at 11:30 a.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the AMVETS Post 312, 7050 Chancellor Blvd., North Port. All Merchant Mariners are invited to attend and new members are welcome. For more information, contact Chapter president Pete Gannon at 248-770-4680.FloridiansThe Floridians is a civic-minded social organization meeting monthly, September through May, at 9:30 a.m. for coffee and meeting at 10 a.m., on the third Tuesday of the month at St. James Episcopal Church, 1365 Viscaya Drive, Port Charlotte. Members are women who came to the area at varying stages of their lives and enjoy exploring the community in the company of others who have experienced similar relocations. Group activities include visits to area cultural events, concerts and local attractions. The club also raises money to donate to local charities. For more information, call 941-629-3023.GFWC Punta Gorda Womans ClubThe GFWC Punta Gorda Womans Club, Inc. is a nonpro“t, volunteer organization. Its primary purpose is to support community charitable and educational activities. Meetings are held at 11 a.m. on the “rst Friday of the month, October through May at the Punta Gorda Womans Club Building, 118 Sullivan St. All are welcome. Some programs supported include Head Start, Charlotte High School Scholarships, C.A.R.E., local veterans groups, Teachers Supply Depot and many other local charitable activities as well as state and national programs. For more information, call 941-815-1901.Italian Heritage Social ClubThe Italian Heritage Social Club is a fast growing club with 85 members of all ages. You do not have to be Italian to join. Pasta dinners and karaoke are held twice a month and a dinner/dance once a month. A yearly talent show is also held. Yearly dues are $35 per member or $65 per couple. September membership drive dues are reduced to $25 per person. For more information, call 941-235-3303.Kiwanis Club of Punta GordaMeetings are held from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the “rst and third Thursdays of each month at Laishley Crab House, 150 E. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. Local projects include Socks for Kids, sponsorship of East Elementary, road cleanup, K-Kids, Builders Club, Key Club and Circle K. For more information, call 941-769-1270.League of Women Voters Charlotte CountyThe League of Women Voters Charlotte County is a nonpartisan political group encouraging informed, active participation in government. Membership is open to residents of all ages, regardless of gender. The Charlotte County (Florida) chapter is one of 800 af“liates of the national Leagues. Like them on Facebook at League of Women Voters of Charlotte County and visit their website at http://www.lwvcc”. org. For more information, email president Jean Finks at jm“ Women Across the Nation (MWAN)MWAN is a national organization dedicated to keeping all military women, past and present, informed of current events associated with their military service while staying connected with other women veterans to preserve our common history. Membership is open to all women veterans who have served honorably or are currently serving in all branches of the military. Meetings are held at 11 a.m. every third Wednesday of the month at Heron Creek Golf & Country Club, 3401 S. Sumter Blvd., North Port, at 11 a.m. Lunch may be ordered off the menu. For more information, call 941-429-8952.NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)A family support group is held from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1532 Forrest Nelson Blvd., Port Charlotte. Two problems, one person support group is held from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. every Friday at Charlotte Behavioral Health, Building A, Room 1, 1700 Education Ave., Punta Gorda. For more information, call Joseph P. Zyjewski, program coordinator, at 239-337-9024.CLUB NEWSFROM PAGE 18SARASOTA „ The Sarasota City Commissioners have already seen and adopted the report. Now, even though they didnt request the report, its time for the Sarasota County Commissioners to weigh in. During County Administrator Tom Harmers report during the Tuesday County Commission meeting, he will present a report prepared by the Florida Housing Coalition on the homeless issue in the county. The issue has long divided city and county leaders who have differing ideas on approaches to solving the issue. City commissioners have advocated a housing“rst approach to the issue, which involves constructing affordable and supportive housing for the homeless. County leaders, on the other hand, have argued that a triage center is needed to address the issues leading to homelessness. The city balked at this approach, since such a facility would likely have been constructed inside city limits since thats where many of the homeless are located. There are small pockets of the homeless located throughout South County. The 38-page report, which focuses on the adult homeless, outlines a community-led approach to the homeless issue led by the Suncoast Partnership to End Homelessness or another nonpro“t agency. The framework of the model suggested by the FHC includes these components: € Outreach and coordinated entry € Prevention and diversion € Emergency shelter € Rapid rehousing € Permanent supportive housing While the report is aimed primarily at the homeless situation in the city of Sarasota, it doesnt ignore the issue for South County. It does identify the need for further research and data to understand the extent of homelessness in the South County area, but notes that many of the recommendations could be applicable to this area of the county as well. Harmer is recommending to commissioners that they adopt the report, continue existing programs, increase shelter and triage capacity at The Salvation Army, continue participating with all the stakeholders to create a coordinated system, and enact life-sustaining ordinances that coincide with the implementation of the FHC recommendations. Addressing the homeless issue has been a priority of the county commission for several years. Commissioners will meet Tuesday and Wednesday in commission chambers at the County Administration Center, 1660 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota. The meetings will begin at 9 a.m. each day. Access Sarasota TV will also televise the meetings, and agendas are available at by clicking on Meetings and Agendas under the Services A-Z tab. For more information, residents can also call the countys Call Center at 941-861-5000. Email: jondaltonwr@gmail.comSarasota County to discuss homelessnessBy WARREN RICHARDSONSUN CORRESPONDENT Advertisement Advertisement AdvertisementNew Bladder Control Pill Finally Receives U.S. PatentA clinically proven and patented breakthrough, now available in the U.S. without a prescriptionƒNEW YORK, NY … Frequent, uncontrollable urination is no laughing matter. Add it to all of the other stresses in life and it can be nothing short of a nightmare. That helpless feeling of your bladder bursting and the worry of not making it to the bathroom in time can be absolutely terrifying. The loss of dignity and the fear and embarrassment of not making itŽ creates one of the most dif“ cult health problems, youll ever deal with. But youre not alone with your bladder issues. According to The National Institute of Health, as many as 33 million Americans are affected by bladder control problems, exactly like those described above.Bladder Problemsƒ The One Secret Youll Never TellAccording to Dr. Tracey Seipel, a long-time clinician and one of the worlds leading experts in the natural treatment of bladder control issues, Most people who have overactive bladders choose to keep their problems a secret.Ž In fact, she went on to say, They dont even tell their spouse or families about it. It affects their lives in every way, in” uencing where they go, and even what they will wear in case they have an accident.Ž And forget about making a fashion statement, according to Dr. Seipel, Black is the color of choice, as it can hide evidence of public accidents.Ž But bladder control issues may now be a thing of the past. Thats because a 100% natural, drugfree aid developed by Dr. Seipel and her team is now available. In the double blind placebo control clinical trials published on, the 150 patients enrolled in this powerful clinical trial and who took UriVarx’ for eight weeks experienced a large and statistically signi“ cant reduction in overactive bladder and urinary incontinence symptoms. The proprietary formulation called UriVarx was clinically tested and proven to reduce incontinence, stress incontinence, urgency, frequency and nocturia (having to go at night). Some participants even reported complete reversal of their nocturia within 2 weeks!UriVarxƒ Users Rejoice!Dr. Seipels formula has completely changed the life of Brandy W., a 45 yearold mother of three from Brisbane, CA. Brandy stated, I had a high bladder frequency as a child, but my frequency really worsened after the birth of my “ rst child.Ž After a friend told her about UriVarx, Brandy decided to give it a try. After 2 weeks, I already noticed changesŽ said Brandy. She went on to say, I was “ nding that although I felt I needed to urinate, I wasnt as desperate to run to the toilet. Now, when I get up in the morning, Im able to make the coffee and even have a cup before needing to go, which is a great improvement!ŽHow Does It Work?UriVarx helps support bladder health by revitalizing bladder tone and function and by helping support kidney healthŽ, says Dr. Seipel. The active ingredients promote normal urinary frequency and they reduce urgency, nocturia and those embarrassing accidents,Ž adds Dr. Seipel. The compound invigorates the tone of the bladder wall, assisting a healthy level of “ rmness by enhancing the bladders muscular elasticity. This reduces the frequent urge to urinate,Ž Dr. Seipel explains.Positive and Strong Clinical StudiesThis natural drug-free blend recently shocked the medical community with its overwhelmingly positive results in a new published clinical study. Study participants were randomized and assigned to either a treatment group or a placebo group at two separate facilities. Both groups were monitored for a variety of bladder symptoms at week two, four and eight during the 2-month study. At the end of the study, those receiving UriVarx showed signi“ cant improvements in all symptoms, including day frequency, night frequency and urgency. And what was even more impressive were the quality of life improvements the test subjects experienced. A full 84% of those taking UriVarx said Yes!Ž to the question... Have you had any bene“ t from your treatment?Ž Compared to only 18% of the placebo group. Results like these are not surprising to Dr. Seipel who single-handedly pioneered the bladder care category in the early 2000s, receiving an award for her work from the prestigious U.S. Nutrition Business Journal. The patented formula consists of a proprietary blend of select, synergistically paired botanicals. All chosen because of their ability to support healthy urinary and kidney function, maintain the health of the urinary tract and improve bladder tone. Dr. Seipel searched for over 15 years to “ nd the perfect nutrients for her blend.International Decrease In Adult Diaper UseOver-active bladder syndrome is a widely spread problem,Ž says Dr. Seipel. Many of the individuals are forced to wear adult diapers. And insiders in the adult diaper market are keeping a close eye on Dr. Seipels research. They dont want to lose their good customers like 78 year-old retired teacher Glenda B. Glenda wore adult diapers every day to guard against accidents. My bladder capacity was good, but the leakage and the accidents would occur without warning. So I wore them every day,Ž confessed Glenda. Since Glenda discovered Dr. Seipels Bladder Control formula, you wont “ nd her shopping in the adult diaper section of the store anymore. After only two months on UriVarx, I reduced my need to wear my diapers. Now I manage very well, thank you,Ž says Glenda. And Glendas results are similar to many in a recent study. In fact, of those who reported using adult diapers at the beg inning of the study 75% of them no longer needed them after just 8 weeks, compared to only 5% of the placebo group. Enlarged Prostate or Bladder Issues?Symptoms of an overactive bladder can mimic those caused by an enlarged prostate, confusing many men. Dr. Seipel explains, Prostate enlargement restricts urine ” ow. The bladder compensates for this by trying harder and harder to push urine out.Ž As pressure in the bladder increases, so do instances of urinary urgency and frequency. Long after prostate issues are handled, many men still experience the same symptoms, thanks to their now overactive bladder.Great Results Whether Youre a Man or a WomanBecause male and female bladders, other than size are identical,Ž says D. Seipel, The formula works equally well for both men and women.Ž Its a his-and-hers formula, she grins. David M., a 46 year old male can attest to this. I was having to go to the toilet every hour or so and I had to go to the toilet at least four times per night.Ž For weeks after starting UriVarx, David says, My trips to the toilet have de“ nitely reduced and Im having much better sleep, getting up maybe once per night.Ž If youre ready to alleviate the uncontrollable urge to urinate, forcing you to make frantic trips to the bathroom, and instead want the con“ dence and security that a healthier bladder can bring to your life, heres your risk free opportunity.Charlotte Sun Readers Qualify for a Special DiscountTo encourage you to experience the life-changing effect UriVarx’ can have, Innovus Pharmaceuticals is offering a special discount for Charlotte Sun readers … but only for a very limited time. An order Hotline has been set up for local readers. Simply call 1-800-735-1891. Supplies are limited, so they will only be taking orders for the next 72 hours. If you miss this opportunity, you may have to wait until the next production run in a few weeks. We expect phone lines to be busy, so please be patient. Finally a clinically proven pill solution to ease all your bladder problems. Amazing Clinical ResultsPatients using UriVarx’ experience all these bene“ ts:€ Reduction in Urge Incontinence € Reduction in Stress Incontinence € Reduction in Urinary Urgency € Reduction in Urinary Frequency € Reduction in Nocturia (bedtime episodes) Patients started seeing results in as little as 2 weeks. New Double-Blind Clinical Study Shows UriVarx Can Reduce Urgency, Leakage and Incontinence... It Can Even Reduce Frustrating Middle of the Night Bathroom Trips adno=50514088


Our Town Page 20 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSTALLAHASSEE „ The Florida Legislature moved closer this week to extending a historic apology to the families of four black men who were wrongly accused of rape in 1949, then tortured, murdered or unjustly imprisoned after one of the ugliest racist episodes in state history. Known as the Groveland Four, none of the four men „ Walter Irvin, Samuel Shepherd, Charles Greenlee and Ernest Thomas „ are still living, but members of their families were seated in the gallery of the House chamber when lawmakers voted 117-0 to unanimously join as sponsors of HCR 631. The measure exonerates the men and asks Gov. Rick Scott and the Cabinet to expedite consideration of posthumous pardons. This resolution, while seemingly minute, symbolizes the great state of Florida looking those families in the eyes „ families, with children, who grew up not knowing their fathers but only knew their records,Ž said Rep. Bobby DuBose, D-Fort Lauderdale, a sponsor of the bill. This resolution is us simply saying, Were sorry „ understanding we will never know or make up for the pain we have caused.Ž A similar bill is scheduled for a vote in the full Senate and is expected to go to the governor. The four men were accused of raping 17-year-old Norma Padgett in Groveland. Padgett, along with her estranged husband, told police that on the night of July 16, 1949, their car had broken down just outside of town. They claimed that four black men stopped, got out of their car and then raped her. Sheriff Willis McCall arrested Thomas, World War II veterans Irvin and Shepherd and Greenlee, a new father who had traveled to Lake County seeking work in a citrus grove. Within days, Thomas escaped from the county jail and ”ed only to be captured by a posse and killed in Madison County „ after being shot multiple times. The other three were beaten in jail to coerce confessions. The three survivors were convicted at trial by an all-white jury. Shepherd and Irvin were sentenced to death, and Greenlee, only 16, was sentenced to life in prison. When Thurgood Marshall of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund offered to take the case, it rose to the U.S. Supreme Court. The court ordered a retrial. Three years later, McCall shot both Shepherd and Irvin while he was transporting them for the second trial, claiming the handcuffed men were trying to escape. Shepherd died on the spot. Irvin survived by pretending to be dead. He later told investigators the sheriff shot them in cold blood. Relying on evidence the FBI later said was manufactured by law enforcement, Irvin was convicted and sentenced to death again. Gov. LeRoy Collins commuted his sentence to life in 1955 and Irvin was paroled in 1968. Two years later he was found dead in his car while visiting Lake County during a funeral. Greenlee was paroled in 1962 and died in 2012. Families of the men traveled to Tallahassee from Georgia and Tennessee to watch lawmakers vote. Im the child who my father had when he went to Lake County to try to earn a living in the citrus groves,Ž said Carol Greenlee, 67. Her eyes welled with tears. Im the child that went to the prison one Sunday with my mother, and my daddy kissed me on the head and said dont bring her back. Its too hard,Ž she said. She said she didnt have the courage to ask him what happened until I was 40.Ž Thomas Greenlee, 52, her younger brother, was born two years after their father left prison. He recalls learning about his fathers imprisonment for the “rst time when he was 16 and playing football at a neighboring high school outside of Nashville. The hosts had raised a burning cross next to the stadium. Fearing a riot at the end of the game, the coaches maneuvered the players onto buses and off the “eld before they ran the “nal play. When his father learned of the tension, Thomas Greenlee said his father told him it was deja vuŽ and was prepared to die for his son that night if a riot had ensued. He told his mother: I may not make it home tonight, but he will.Ž This is the third year a bill has been “led seeking a formal apology and exoneration of the Groveland Four but, each time before, the sponsor, former Sen. Geraldine Thompson, D-Orlando, never got a hearing. This year, lawmakers have sent a message, Thomas Greenlee said. Justice was delayed, but it was never denied,Ž he said. It was bound to come.Ž The fate of the Groveland Four has spawned a grass roots movement of support after it was featured in the 2013 book Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Devil in the Grove, by Gilbert King. The story inspired Ben Polsky, a 10-year-old from Cooper City, to write his version of the story and publish it. His friend, Kalia Jones, 10, of Fort Lauderdale started a book club featuring it. Its moved me so much,Ž Polsky said at a news conference with the families on Tuesday. Rep. Larry Metz, a Yalaha Republican whose district includes Groveland, called the event a grave injustice.Ž Its never too late to do the right thing,Ž he said.Almost 70 years later, Florida prepares apology to families of the Groveland FourBy MARY ELLEN KLASTIMES/HERALD TALLAHASSEE BUREAU TAMPA BAY TIMES PHOTOSLake County Sheri Willis McCall, far left, and an unidentied man stand next to Walter Irvin, Samuel Shepherd and Charles Greenlee. Lake County Sheri Willis V. McCall is shown after he shot Samuel Shepherd and Walter Lee Irvin, whom he was taking from the state prison at Raiford to Tavares to a second trial.The Charlotte County area has a wide range of volunteer opportunities. Contact one of the following organizations to see how you can get involved and give back to the community. € Animal Welfare League: volunteers needed as dog walkers, cat cuddlers, kennel (dog/cat) cleaners, laundry help, gardening, clerical, assisting at adoption and fundraising events, outreach program, pet therapy and fostering an animal until they are ready to return to the shelter for adoption. All volunteer opportunities and requirements are listed at For more information, call 941-625-6720. € Boys & Girls Clubs: volunteers to assist staff in all programming areas both in Port Charlotte and Englewood. Specific areas of opportunity are homework, academic tutoring, cooking, mentoring, arts, computer technology and fitness. For more information, contact Jessica Anderson at 941-235-2472 or € Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies: Volunteers are an essential part of C.A.R.E., assisting victims of crimes, answering hotline calls, conducting hospital responses and in fundraising endeavours. If interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact 941-639-5499 for more information. Upcoming training will be 8:30a.m.-5p.m. on June27-29. € Charlotte County Habitat for Humanity: Volunteers needed in a variety of areas. For more information on any volunteer opportunities, call Brenda at 941-639-3162. € Charlotte County Historical Center and Society: volunteers to help bring history to lifeŽ in the community. Discover local and state history; living history presentations; educational programs for all ages; archive assistants; research; office administration and historical geocaching and questing. For more information, call 941-629-7278 or email crystal. € Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center: volunteers to perform tasks such as office desk coverage, narrating boat trips, guiding exhibits (example: Clyde Butcher photography), representation at local events and festivals, youth education, wading trip assistance and many other exciting duties. Contact the volunteer coordinator at 941-575-5435. € Charlotte Local Education Foundation (CLEF): volunteers are needed a few afternoons each week at the Teacher Supply Depot storeŽ and office assistance for light clerical work. All work is light duty, flexible hours. Background check required. If interested, contact Sara Wierhake, executive director, at 941-255-7500, ext. 294, or email sara.wierhake@ € Civil Air Patrol: The auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization needs volunteers. No prior experience is needed, and everyone is welcome. For more information, call 941-639-1711. € Coast Guard Auxiliary: The auxiliary is the volunteer arm of the U.S. Coast Guard, and is a member of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The operational unit of the auxiliary is the Flotilla,Ž where Coast Guard policies and programs are transformed into action. For more information, visit www., call Rich Markwitz at 941-266-0002 or attend a monthly meeting held on the second Tuesday of each month at 1949 Englewood Road. € Community Cats of Charlotte: an all-volunteer nonprofit that operates a trap, neuter and return program once a month for all the stray, abandoned, feral cats in Charlotte County. Volunteers are needed once a month from noon to 1p.m. on Saturday to set up the MASH Unit and from 7:30a.m. to 12:30p.m. the following day for the feral clinic. Some experience with animals is encouraged. For more information, call Michelle at 941-875-3293. € Crossroads Hope Academy: volunteers needed for young men ages 13 to 17years old with great potential to become their mentor or tutor. Many of these youths have experienced life in its worst form and missed a lot of school. They need role models who can help them with their studies and self-esteem and get them on the right track to becoming successful adults with someone to care about them outside the staff of Crossroads Hope Academy. Call 941-627-9352. € F.I.S.H. (Friends In Service Here): volunteers to provide free transportation for residents in Englewood and Rotonda West. Volunteers provide transportation to doctors appointments, dialysis, oncology treatments, physical therapy, stores, banks and other locations in Englewood, North Port and South Venice. For more information, call 941-475-2533 or 941-475-4494. € The Florida Guardian ad Litem Program: volunteers are needed who, after training, are appointed by the court to advocate for the neglected, abused and abandoned children in our community. When you volunteer with the Guardian ad Litem Program you become the voice for a child in court and out of court. Volunteers are needed to represent these children and ensure that decisions made are in the childs best interest. If you are interested in being a champion for the children in our community, email or call 941-613-3233. Go to www. to learn more about the program. € Homeless Coalition: Drivers are needed for our Veteran Program. Vehicle provided. Administrative Assistants are needed at the front desk and the shelter office. Fabulous Finds Re-Sale shop is open and looking to fill all positions in the store. Days and times are flexible. Tours are available Tuesday through Friday. Call for an appointment. For more information and other opportunities, call or email Robin Clark, Volunteer Coordinator, at 941-627-4313, ext. 109, Robin. € Jesus Loves You Ministry: Mobile outreach program for the homeless; volunteers needed in various areas: shower ministry, mobile lunch ministry, thrift store, vehicle maintenance, office work and many others. For more information, call 941-661-8117 or email lesliejlym@ € Learn to Sail, Inc.: Learn to Sail is a nonprofit group teaching youths and adults to sail on Charlotte Harbor. Volunteer vacancies to fill, in summer and year-round, include instructors, teaching aides, boat repairs, social networking, boat donations, sales and marketing. For more information, visit, email or call 941-999-1102. € Meals on Wheels: volunteers in the following areas: kitchen, to assist in preparing and packaging meals and drivers to deliver meals to clients. For more information, call 941-625-4343 between 9a.m.-1p.m., Monday through Friday. € New Operation Cooper Street 650 Mary St., Punta Gorda: volunteers to tutor kindergarten through eighth-grade students. The volunteers will help the students with their daily school assignments including math, spelling, reading and sentence writing. These volunteers are needed Monday through Thursday from 3:30p.m. to 4:30p.m. Volunteers are also needed daily from 2:30p.m. to 3:30p.m. to drive 10-passenger vans to pick up the students at their schools. Drivers must watch two hours of driving safety videos to be certified by the county to drive the vans. For more information or to complete an application, contact Margaret Forde at 941-639-3034. € Parrot Outreach Society: volunteers of all ages to donate three hours a week to change paper and clean birdcages, sweep or mop up, and fix breakfast for the flock. For more information, call 941-347-8876 or stop by at 1205 Elizabeth St., UnitI (in the Sunstate Commerce Center), Punta Gorda. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Thomas Quigley, M.D. Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Offer does not apply to Freedom and Optimum health plan participants. Coupon Expires 5/17/2017 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance plans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 20600 VETERANS BLVD., SUITE A PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 2529 TAMIAMI TRAIL PUNTA GORDA 941-639-2020 adno=50513099 formerly Eye Health 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT), ARCADIA 863-993-2020 € Diabetic Care € Foot Pain € Foot Surgery € Heel Pain New Patients Welcome 941-613-1919 3191 Harbor Blvd. Unit D Port Charlotte, FL 33952 adno=50512825 COMPLETE FOOT CARE Dr. Michael Metyk Podiatric Surgery


The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 21 Venice 4238 S. Tamiami Trail € Behind Outback near Books-A-Million (941)451-5070 Port Charlotte 1655 Tamiami Trail € Murdock Medical Park across from Taco Bell (941)623-4918 a dno=50512851 4/24/17


Our Town Page 22 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 LOCAL SPORTS Contact usJordan Kroeger € Staff writer or 941-206-1185 Bryan Levine € Staff writer or 941-206-1122 Rick Nolte € Sports editor or 941-206-1175 EMAIL: FAX: 941-629-2085 SunCoast Sports NowWhen news breaks, we blog it at www.suncoast Like us and share our photos on Facebook: SunCoastSports Follow us on Twitter for live updates and breaking news: @SunCoastSports How to ƒSubmit a story idea: Email or call Rick Nolte at 941-206-1175. Must contain name, address and number. Report a high school result: Call 877-818-6204 or 941-206-1175. To report an error: Call the sports department at 941-206-1175 or email PUNTA GORDA „ Its been a rollercoaster softball season for Charlotte. There have been winning streaks, losing streaks, freak injuries and even a three-way tiebreaker that didnt break the Tarpons way. But through it all, con“dence hasnt wavered in the Charlotte dugout, despite the fact the Tarpons must defeat top-seeded Fort Myers on Tuesday to return to the Class 7A regional playoffs after losing a tiebreaker to North Port and Venice for seeding in the district tournament. It seems a bit of a daunting task, considering Fort Myers (23-2) has defeated Charlotte (15-10) eight straight times and is ranked sixth in the state overall, “rst in Class 7A. So how exactly do the Tarpons pull off the upset? Intensity. We have to jump on them fast and jump on them hard,Ž Charlotte “rst baseman/ pitcher Tiffany Dodson said. Thats something Fort Myers did to Charlotte in both meetings this season. The Green Wave scored six runs through the “rst three innings in Fort Myers and then came back to score 10 in the “rst two innings in Charlotte. With the way those games unfolded, and the fact Fort Myers holds an eight-game winning streak in the rivalry, youd think theres a stigma for Charlotte. But Dodson and company have a quiet con“dence going into the District 7A-11 semi“nal due to their recent play. Even though the Tarpons won just four of their last seven, their hitting has improved as theyve scored at least “ve runs in all but one of those games while scoring six in two of the three losses. The recent offensive resurgence followed a three-game losing streak „ all against district foes „ that saw Charlotte score a total of six runs in its lowest point of the season. I took over the hitting and we went to doing some things we dont normally do. Were doing real fast things,Ž Charlotte coach Greg Higgins said. I think we were having trouble catching up to the ball. Now were seeing the ball in a good way, like its a big ball. When the girls are up to bat now, instead of it looking like a softball, its looking more like a volleyball coming at them, “guratively. Ive just sped the game up fast and its been working.Ž That was evident when the Tarpons went to Ocala for a tournament earlier this month. They went 3-1 on the trip, outscoring opponents 24-12 to restore their faith in the batters box. It was a big boost. We saw a lot better pitching, a lot better defense and normally after that tournament we play 100 times better,Ž Dodson said. We wish it was just a little bit earlier in the season so we had more of a boost.Ž But even that trip was a roller co aster of emotion as the Tarpons lost their top hitter to injury. Haley Cabral, who was hitting an area-best .446, suffered a slight ankle fracture sliding into third base against Lake Weir and is likely done for the season. Without Cabral, Charlotte “nished the season 2-3 but it hasnt been due to the offense. Abby Hayse has her average over .400 and four other Tarpons are hitting .325 or better. (Cabral) was our No. 1 hitter, but some people just had to dig deep,Ž Higgins said. When we sped the game up, those people were either going to step or get lost and they stepped up.Ž Higgins will “nd out if his practice methods pay off Tuesday night. He sees the potential in his squad and hopes the tough schedule Charlotte played this season yields the result hes “nally looking for „ a win over Fort Myers. We played great ball when we went to Ocala. Were playing good ball now. Were hitting the ball and Im really excited about Tuesday,Ž Higgins said. I dont look at the record. I look at the teams that have beaten us and the teams weve beaten and Im happy. Im happy with where we are right now. Were in a good place. It isnt about the record now. Its about Fort Myers.ŽContact Jordan Kroeger at 941-2061175 or email PREP SOFTBALL: DISTRICT TOURNAMENT PREVIEWTarpons hope offense continuesSUN FILE PHOTOCharlotte pitcher/rst baseman Tiany Dodson believes a fast start will help the Tarpons in their upset bid against Fort Myers in Tuesdays district tournament opener. By JORDAN KROEGERSPORTS WRITERHITTING MIN. 25 ATBATSPlayer School H AB AVG Haley Cabral Charlotte 25 56 .446 Brittany Ferrentino Port Charlotte 26 60 .433 Abby Hayse Charlotte 36 85 .424 Kylie Murray North Port 36 87 .414 Kaylee Brannon Charlotte 32 83 .386 Aimee Holt Lemon Bay 25 65 .385 Tiffany Dodson Charlotte 28 73 .384 Ashley Nelson North Port 27 71 .380 Jaiden Dabney Port Charlotte 26 69 .377 Bailey Grossenbacher Lemon Bay 23 62 .371 Christain Chandler Lemon Bay 23 63 .365 Alyssa Opsahl Charlotte 21 61 .344 Olivia Hernandez Port Charlotte 22 65 .338 Alyssa Allred Port Charlotte 12 36 .333 Kasi Shaffer Lemon Bay 23 69 .333 Taylor Innello Port Charlotte 15 46 .326 Taylor Kirkus Charlotte 25 77 .325 Logan Johnson Lemon Bay 22 70 .314 Skylar Poitras North Port 16 52 .308 PITCHING MIN. 25 INNINGSPlayer School W-L S IP K ERA Tiffany Dodson Charlotte 8-5 0 78.1 44 1.88 Julie Dedrick Charlotte 7-4 1 79.0 52 2.24 Ashley Nelson North Port 7-4 0 75.0 53 2.20 Liberty Pence North Port 7-4 0 55.0 48 2.63 Bailey Grossenbacher Lemon Bay 3-6 1 59.2 49 3.40 Logan Johnson Lemon Bay 8-5 1 73.1 40 3.44 Seaaira Yiengst Port Charlotte 6-11 0 92.1 75 4.93 DISTRICT SCHEDULES 7A11Participating teams: Fort Myers, North Port, Venice, Charlotte Schedule: Tuesday-Game 1: 3. Venice at 2. North Port, 7 p.m.; Game 2: 4. Charlotte at 1. Fort Myers 7 p.m.; Thursday-Game 3: Championship, Game 1 winner vs. Game 2 winner, 7 p.m.6A11Participating teams: North Fort Myers, Mariner, Ida Baker, Port Charlotte, Cape Coral, Island Coast, Cypress Lake Schedule: Today-Game 1: 5. Cape Coral at 4. Port Charlotte; Game 2: 7. Cypress Lake at 2. Mariner 7 p.m.; Game 3: 6. Island Coast at 3. Ida Baker; Tuesday-Game 4: Game 1 winner at 1. North Fort Myers, 7 p.m.; Game 5: Gamer 3 winner vs. Game 4 winner, 7 p.m.; Thursday-Game 6: Championship, Game 4 winner vs. Game 5 winner, 7 p.m.5A12Participating teams: DeSoto County, Lemon Bay, Lake Placid, Dunbar. Schedule: Tuesday-Game 1: 3. Lake Placid at 2. Lemon Bay, 7 p.m.; Game 2: Dunbar at DeSoto County, 7 p.m.; Thursday-Game 3: Championship, Game 1 winner vs. Game 2 winner, 7 p.m. HOME RUNS3: Tiffany Dodson, Charlotte; Brianna Mitchell, North Port; Kasi Shaffer, Lemon Bay 2: Kaylee Brannon, Charlotte 1: Abby Hayse, Charlotte; Taylor Kirkus, Charlotte; Brooke Kvaternick, Lemon Bay; Ashley Nelson, North Port; Alyssa Opsahl, Charlotte; Cortney Senna, North Port; Seaaria Yiengst, Port Charlotte RUNS BATTED IN27: Brianna Mitchell, North Port 23: Logan Johnson, Lemon Bay 21: Tiffany Dodson, Charlotte; Kasi Shaffer, Lemon Bay 17: Bailey Grossenbacher, Lemon Bay 16: Taylor Kirkus, Charlotte; Karlie Sweiderk, Lemon Bay 15: Abby Hayse, Charlotte; Aimee Holt, Lemon Bay; Brooke Kvaternick, Lemon Bay; Ashley Nelson, North Port 14: Kaylee Brannon, Charlotte; Jaiden Dabney, Port Charlotte; Skylar Poitras, North Port 13: Ali Eugenius, Port Charlotte; Cortney Senna, North Port 11: Alyssa Allred, Port Charlotte; Seaaira Yiengst, Port Charlotte 10: Destiny Ashcraft, Lemon Bay; Christian Chandler, Lemon Bay; Taylor Koohns, North Port TEAMS North Port: 15-10 (2-4 in 7A-11) Charlotte: 15-10 (2-4 in 7A-11) Lemon Bay: 11-11 (4-2 in 5A-12) Port Charlotte: 6-18 (6-6 in 6A-11) SUN PHOTO BY JENNIFER BRUNOThe Tarpons will be without Haley Cabral, the areas leading hitter in the district tournament. Cabral is out with an ankle injury.(All games at 7 p.m., unless noted) TODAYBaseball Estero at Charlotte Softball District tournament Cape Coral at Port Charlotte TUESDAYBaseball Lemon Bay at Charlotte Hardee at North Port Softball District tournament Charlotte at Fort Myers Venice at North Port Lake Placid at Lemon Bay WEDNESDAYBaseball Imagine at Lemon Bay Tennis Girls 2A State Tournament Lemon Bay vs. American Heritage, 8 a.m. THURSDAYBaseball Palmetto at North Port Track & field Regional Lemon Bay at Berkeley Prep, 10 a.m. FRIDAYBaseball Inspiration Academy at Charlotte Booker at Lemon Bay Naples at Port Charlotte Track & field Regional Charlotte, Port Charlotte at Clearwater, 10 a.m. SATURDAYTrack & field Regional North Port at George Jenkins, Lakeland, 10 a.m. PREP SCHEDULE LOCAL SPORTS CALENDARBASEBALLSenior Men: The South Florida Suns, mens over-50 baseball team, is looking for players. All positions needed. Call 941-456-5229.CAMPSLady Mantas Sports: Lemon Bay High School offers basketball, softball, volleyball, tennis and soccer instruction from 8 a.m.-noon on June 7-9 for girls in grades 3-8. Cost is $60. An optional noon-3 p.m. session is an additional $40. Call 474-7702 ext. 3321 or 3322 or email kim.pinkham@ or mike. young@yourcharlotte for information.FOOTBALLCharlotte Warriors: The Pop Warner program is accepting registration for players and cheerleaders. Ages 5-14 are eligible. Cost is $200. The program also is seeking coaches. Minimum ages are 21 (head coach), 18 (assistant), 16 (coach trainee). A letter of intent to the program is required for coaches. Email letters to for football and for cheering. For more information on registration, check the programs Facebook page at www.facebook. com/CharlotteWarriors.GOLFLemon Bay TD Club Tournament: The Lemon Bay football boosters organization holds its first benefit tournament May 20 at the Rotonda Golf & Country Clubs The Hills Course, 100 Rotonda Circle, Rotonda West. Cost of the fourplayer scramble is $75 per player. An 8:30 a.m. shotgun start is planned. For more information or to register, call 352-804-6010. MODEL SAILINGClub schedules: Sun Coast club meets Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at South County Regional Park in Punta Gorda. Open to the public. Call Paul, 941-628-8802. Charlotte aims for district upset of Fort Myers


The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 23 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS TODAYKayak Myrtle Slough, 9AM-1PM, Washington Loop Road, 941-505-8904 Deep Creek Elks, Open @10.Lunch 11-2:30. Judis Drink John CollinsŽ. Peggys Races @3. Reserve for Tuesday night 941-249-8067. Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2pm dinner 5-8 Trustee Meet 10am Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch;3pm Tiki;4-7 Music/Michael Hirst;4:30-7:30 ChickenNite;7-10:30Karaoke/ BillyG@25538ShorePG6372606;mbrs&gsts Leslie DaCosta, Dixieland Jazz by Leslie DaCosta 12 Noon-3 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Fun with Music, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 1p-3:30p. Come dance with friends to live music. Musicians always welcomed $2. 625-4175. Port Charlotte Elks, Monday Discount Day, Enjoy visiting with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Genealogy Workshops, Free Workshop, Season Round-up: Q&A. Mid-County Library, 1:30 pm, April 24. Public Welcome, 941 625-0867 for info. Women Who Care CC, Apr 24, 5-6:30, 120 Laishley Ct, Forming alliance of busy women who want to make a difference locally. Visit us on FB Bar Bingo…Am Leg 110, Bar Bingo … Specials, Hot Ball … Open to Public … Starts at 6:00 Monday Night Dance, $7. Cultural Center 7p-10p Full Cash Bar Live Entertainment, Band info at 625-4175 2280 Aaron St. PCHS Band Concert, PCHS Band Spring Concert at Murdock Baptist Church 7pm! Wind Orchestra & Symphonic Band. (941)286-3722. TUESDAYCharlotte Carvers, All kinds of Wood carving 8-12noon, Punta Gorda Boat Club, W Retta Esplanade. All welcome to visit & enjoy Blood Press Check, 9a-11a Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Licensed RN is available for free Blood Pressure Check 625-4175. Dulcimer Music, 9a-11a Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Listen and play as the Dulcimer Group plays 625-4175. All welcomed. Deep Creek Elks, Open@10.lunch @ 11.Judis Drink Jambalala. Mah Jongg @1. Dinner 5-8. Pasta, Pizza. Karaoke SpotlightŽ 941-249-8067. Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2pm dinner 5-8 come Jam with Ambush Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch;2-6 Tiki/Music/ BlackVelvet;2-5 WingsRingsO/ T;6pmElketteBdMtg;7pm ElketteGenMtg@25538ShorePG6372606;mbrs&gsts Chess Club, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 12p-4p $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Singer Jim Daniels, Live music by singer Jim Daniels 12 Noon-3 pm near the Coffee Cafe at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Cards & Rummikub, 4/25,1-4 PM,GFWC Womans Club PC, 20271 Tappan Zee Dr, 9417668855. Memb $1, Nonmemb $2, Men welcome BARBERSHOP REHEARSAL, Barbershop Chorus rehearsal every Tues, 7-9:30pm, Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, 11330 Burnt Store Rd PG. 625-1128. Port Charlotte Elks, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 3 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, Fl, 629-4545 Chakulla and MeŽ, 5:30 8:30 Tuesdays on the patio at Angelas Caf Italiano. 258 Marion Ave. PG. Reservations recommended 505-7897. American Legion 103, PUBLIC WELCOMED! Auxiliary Bar Bingo 6-9. Big Pots & Great Fun! 2101 Taylor Rd. PG 639-6337 WEDNESDAYWoodcarving, Woodcarving and Woodburning every Wed. at the Cultural Center 8am to 12pm. Come and enjoy with us. Bev 764-6452 TOPS Club, Affordable supportive weight loss 8:45-10:30, S PG Hgts Civic 11200 1ST Av Punta Gorda $4/M $32/Y Fran 941-347-8151 Stamp Corner, 9-12:30p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Free have your stamps appraised, some for sell. Donations welcomed. Deep Creek Elks, Open@10. Lunch@11.judis drinkŽMexican MadressŽChicken & Ribs on the grill 5:30-7:30. Music ŽEscapeŽReserve@941-249-8067. Am Leg 110 Bingo, Early Birds 10:30 Hot Ball, specials. Am Legion Riders … Open to the public Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 Karaoke by Billy G, Q Hearts 7:30pm Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-10:30pm Karaoke with WAM @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606; members & guests Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Wings & Things!, Breaded Naked Boneless@American Legion 103 Fish Bites/Sliders & More! 12-4pm Open to Public! 2101Taylor Rd. PG 639…6337 Cribbage, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 12:45pm-4p $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Port Charlotte Elks, Game Night/Queen of Hearts 7PM, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Members/Guests, 1700 Tamiami Tr F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Karaoke, 1:45p-3:45p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St., Come listen and/or share your singing talents., $1 or free if you buy lunch. Food for the Soul, Wed evenings. Bible study 4:30. Dinner 5:30. Activities for all ages 6-7:30. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 Double Deck Pinochle, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 5:30-8:30p $2.25. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free., Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Square Dance, 7p-9p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Come have lots of fun dancing the night away. Everyone welcome $5 per person. THURSDAYMurdock Rotary, Club meets Thurs 7:15am weekly at Perkins, 1700 Tamiami Trl. Friendliest club in SWFL. Call 941-624-2353 for info Deep Creek Elks, Open@10.judis drinkŽMidnight MadnessŽ Lunch@11.indoor Tagsale Fri & Sat, 12-4. Reserve for weekend dinner 941-249-8067 Eagles, Eagles 2311 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 music Eddie & the Edsels NARVRE members meet, for lunch at 11am at Olympia Rest, 3245 Tamiami Trl, Port Charlotte, Fl., Retirement issues discussed, call, 941-979-6468 Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-8:30 Charity Bar Bingo @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606; members & guests Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606 TODAY Crafting, Help us to craft items; bring lunch, we supply dessert at Lemon Bay Womans Club, 51 N. Maple St. 9:30 12:30 681-2048 Hospital Blood Drive, Donate Blood at Englewood Hospital, April 24th 10am-3pm, 700 Medical Blvd, Englewood. Reserve a time: Call 866-972-5663. Forty Carrots, Forty Carrots 10:15 or 11:15 Mondays Age 0-5 Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. Wings & Music, Wings,wet & dry, burgers, salads,more 5-7pm Music:Coastal Jamz w/Sherri 6-9pm. Rotonda Elks, members&guests 697-2710 Zumba with Toning, Get fit while working out with Ricki to world music at Lemon Bay Womans Club, 51 N. Maple St, 6-7 pm, $7 each. 445-1310 Open Rehearsal, Invited to come to Venetian Harmony rehearsal on Ap.24 at 6:30 pm. at Christ Lutheran Church, Englewood. Call 941-480-1480 TUESDAYBadminton, Englewood Sports Complex, 941-861-1980, 9-12p. $2 to play! Line Dancing, Dance with Harry to country & standards at Lemon Bay Womans Club, All levels. 51 N. Maple St. 10-11am, $3, 474-1438. Open Play Pickleball, Englewood Sports Complex, 941-8611980,1-3p. $2 to play! STEAM Ahead, STEAM Ahead Tuesdays Age 5-11 3:30-4:30 pm Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 WEDNESDAY Line Dancing, 9-30 to 11-30 American Legion Post 113 3436 Indiana Road Rotonda West. Phone Eve at 941 697 8733 Gentle Yoga, Bring a mat for yoga at Lemon Bay Womans Club, All levels. 51 N. Maple St. 10-11am, $7, 810-223-8616. Beginner Pickleball, Englewood Sports Complex, 941-8611980, 10:30-12:30p. Come learn how to play! Cost $2 Intermed. Pickleball, Englewood Sports Complex, 941-861-1980, 1:00 3:00p. Cost $2 Minecraft Club, Minecraft Afterschool Age 7-13 3:30-4:45 pm Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 ECH Mammogram Party, Mammogram Screen Party, 4:00-6:30 Englewood Hosp. April 26, Wine, Food, Massage. Reserve & Verify Ins.: 866-463-7072. Tacos & Music, Tacos,nachos,burritos,salads more 5-7pm ;, Music: JR Bradford 6-9pm. Rotonda Elks, members&guests 697-2710 Zumba with Toning, Get fit while working out with Ricki to world music at Lemon Bay Womans Club, 51 N. Maple St, 6-7 pm, $7 each. 445-1310 BUNCO, Eagles, 6:30-9p Social Game, $5 100% Luck Easy to Learn, Meet People, Laugh, Prizes! Food 250 Old Engwd Rd 941-474-9802 THURSDAY Badminton, Englewood Sports Complex, 941-861-1980, 9-12p. $2 to play! Crafty Ladies, Handcrafted items every Thursday 9-11:30am (except holidays). Oaks Cove, Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-5533 Beg/Imp Line Dancing, 9-30 to 11-30 American Legion Post 113 3436 Indiana Road Rotonda West. Phone Eve at 941 697 8733 Ewd Country Liners, 9:3011:30 a.m., Christ Lutheran Church, 701 N Indiana Ave. Impvr/intermed. line dances. Public welcome. Nancy 474-6027 Plant Clinic, Englewood Plant Clinic 10-12 Every Thursday at Library 3450 N. Access Rd., Florida Master Gardeners 941-681-3736 Freet. Story Time, Storytime 10:30 Thursdays Age 0-5 Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 Card Party May 3rd, Last of the Season! Reservations by noon 5/1. $7pp includes lunch. 11am-2:30pm. Door prizes St Francis Church 697-4899. Open Play Pickleball, Englewood Sports Complex, 941-8611980,1-3p. $2 to play! BINGO!, Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce. 5-6:30pm. Bingo 7pm. Public Invited. $1 cards. Proceeds to charity, Rotonda Elks, 697-2710 FRIDAY Line Dancing, 9-30 to 11-30 American Legion Post 113 3436 Indiana Road Rotonda West. Phone Eve at 941 697 8733 Sandwich Card Party, Call for table of 4 or to sub. Lunch & dessert at Lemon Bay Womans Club. 51 N. Maple St. 11:30 3. $6.00 473-8270 Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. Friday Dine & Dance, Featuring Prime Rib, fish, salads, ribs&more 5-7:30pm. Music: Black Velvet 7-10pm. Rotonda Elks, members&guest 697-2710 SATURDAY Cornhole 12:30, Cornhole sign up 12:30pm $2 entry fee per game. Proceeds to charity. Rotonda Elks, members&guests. Rain or Shine Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. SUNDAY Sunday Dinner, Best Broasted Chicken Dinner 2-4pm (NEW TIME) Members & guests Rotonda Elks, 941-697-2710 Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. FC BLAST KIDS, BLAST Middle School Youth Group meets Sun. 5-7pm@140 Rot. Blvd. W. Join us for fun, food, games & Bible Study. 475-7447 MONDAY, May 1 Forty Carrots, Forty Carrots 10:15 or 11:15 Mondays Age 0-5 Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. Open Play Pickleball, Englewood Sports Complex, 1-3p, 941-861-1980. Cost $2 TUESDAY, May 2 Mens Fellowship, Gulf Cove Methodist Men meet 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 8am, Bay Pointe Grill, 3502 N Access Rd, Englewood. 697-1747 TODAY Basic Exercise, $3/class 9-10 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Come join Brenda for a good workout and feel better. Mahjong, 9 AM-12:30 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Learn something new & have a good time. VFW Post 8203, woodcarvers 12 3 pm Wings night 5 -7 pm, Lunch 11 am 2 pm Duplicate Bridge, $3/ person 12:30-4:30 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Ella 429-8958 Bridge Fan? You need to be here. FISH of North Port, 1:00 PM. Jockey Club, 3050 Pan American. Volunteer drivers needed. Call Bruce, 429-8945. Port Charlotte Elks, Monday Discount Day, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Rummikub, 1-4 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Like cards but not holding them? This is played with tiles AMVETS 312 Dinner, Lunch 11:30-2:00 Dinner 5-7 Great new menu, specials. members& guests 7050 Chancellor Blvd NP 941-429-5403 North Port Moose, Dinner special shrimp alfredo and free glass of wine with dinner purchase 14156 Tamiami trl AMVETS 2000 Darts, Enjoy the game of Darts only $4 entre fees 7-11pm 401 Ortiz Blvd NP 941-429-1999 TUESDAY Shriners Breakfast, 7:30am. Olde World Restaurant NP. North Port Shrine Club. Every Tuesday. Shriners, Masons & spouses invited. 423-2476. Tai Chi Balance, 9-10 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 This is a FREE class thanks to Sarasota County. 8wk sessions VBS Registration Now, NPCUCC, 3450 S. Biscayne, Maker Fun Factory, June 26-30, Age5completed grade 5, sign up now, no fee, 426-5580 Scrabble, 9:30-11:30AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Join other scrabble lovers Mahjong, 11 AM-2:30 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Learn something new & have a good time. VFW Post 8203, Taco Tuesday 11 am 2 pm, Euchre 12 4 pm Friend to Friend, Fellowship and fun every Tuesday from 1-3pm. Noon luncheon on 4th Tuesday. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 Line Dancing, $5/class 12:15-2:15PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Joan 661-3799 Learn new steps & have fun Great exercise Bingo, $5/20games $1 per coverall 3-5:30 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Great fun for all. Port Charlotte Elks, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 3 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 AMVETS 312 Dinner, Lunch 11:30-2:00 Dinner 5-7 Great new menu, specials. members& guests 7050 Chancellor Blvd NP 941-429-5403 North Port Moose, Tacos and Margarita specials all day, Happy hour starts at 3, Lodge meeting at 7, 14156 Tamiami trl Pinochle, $1.50/person 5:45-9 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Pat Lucia 257-8358 Join others & have a nice time. WEDNESDAY Basic Exercise, $3/class 9-10 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Come join Brenda for a good workout and feel better. Dinner Theater, NPCUCC, 3450 S. Biscayne, Ribs OR Chicken BBQ, w/ŽGive Em Hell, Harry!Ž, May 13, 5pm,, Tickets $20, 426-5580 VBS Registration Now, NPCUCC, 3450 S. Biscayne, Maker Fun Factory, June 26-30, Age5completed grade 5, sign up now, no fee, 426-5580 AmateurRadioClub NP, North Port Amateur Radio Club, Coffee Break. All Welcome. North Port Abbes Doughnuts 9:15AM come & have coffee 888-2980 North Port Moose, Sloppy Joes lunch special and Open faced turkey sandwich for dinner! Queen is at 6, 14156 Tamiami trl NP Hand & Foot, 12-3 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Willing to teach, easy to learn, & lots of fun. Port Charlotte Elks, Game Night/Queen of Hearts 7PM, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Members/ Guests, 1700 Tamiami Tr F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 AMVETS 312 Dinner, Lunch 11:30-2:00 Dinner 5-7 Great new menu, specials. members& guests 7050 Chancellor Blvd NP 941-429-5403. North Port Moose, Sloppy joes lunch and Hot open Faced turkey sandwich dinner special, Queen is at 6 14156 Tamiami trl NP THURSDAY Dinner Theater, NPCUCC, 3450 S. Biscayne, Ribs OR Chicken BBQ, w/ŽGive Em Hell, Harry!Ž, May 13, 5pm,, Tickets $20, 426-5580 VBS Registration Now, NPCUCC, 3450 S. Biscayne, Maker Fun Factory, June 26-30, Age5completed grade 5, sign up now, no fee, 426-5580 Conversation Group, 10-11:30 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Bring in a topic to talk about or a joke to share. VFW Post 8203, Euchre 12 4 pm Bingo 5 pm Bowling 6 pm, Kitchen open 5 -7 pm lunch 11 am 2 pm Mexican Domino, 12-3 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 The dominoes have numbers not dots so come play. Free Movie, 1-3 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Manchester by the SeaŽ stars Casey Affleck great movie Port Charlotte Elks, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 3 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 AMVETS 2000 Dinner, LAUX Salisbury Steak 4:30-7pm QOH @ 7pm Karaoke by Holly @ 7:30pm 401 Ortiz Blvd NP 941-429-1999 AMVETS 312 Dinner, Lunch 11:30-2:00 Dinner 5-7 Great new menu, specials. members& guests 7050 Chancellor Blvd NP 941-429-5403 North Port Moose, lunch special sliders and Gyros dinner special BBQ ribs Meat Bingo at 7, 14156 Tamiami trl NP FRIDAY Basic Exercise, $3/class 9-10 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Come join Brenda for a good workout and feel better. Dinner Theater, NPCUCC, 3450 S. Biscayne, BBQ Ribs OR Chicken, Give Em Hell, Harry!Ž, Jack Rabito, Tkts: 9-12pm, $20. Call: 426-5580 NP Farmers Market, 9 to 2 city hall blvd. 941-391-4856 Fresh produce organic & domestic, seafood, meats, cheese, olives & more. Music, VBS Sign Up NOW, NPCUCC, 3450 S. Biscayne, VBS Registration, 9-12pm, Children age 5-completed 5th grade, Maker Fun Factory, call 426-5580 CHARLOTTE EVENTS ENGLEWOOD EVENTS NORTH PORT EVENTS The Community Calendar items are entered by the event organizers and are run as submitted.Ž To submit an item, go to www.yoursun. com, select an edition and click on the Community CalendarŽ link on the left. Click Submit Event,Ž and fill out the appropriate information. Where Shopping Makes Cents adno=50509534 adno=50513098 Thomas Quigley, M.D. Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for catar acts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Offer does not apply to Freedom and Optimum health plan participants. Coupon Expires 5/17/2017 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance plans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. 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Our Town Page 24 E/N/C The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 WEEKLYA SUN PUBLICATION Juliet Mickey lives in IslandWalk and also serves the community with their travel needs. A travel agent for more than 20 years, Mickey started Anchors Away Travel Agency in 1998 when she lived in Sarasota. While working in her storefront location, she would go to Venice and its surrounding communities to do travel presentations, showing slides and selling tours. She visited IslandWalk several times before making the decision in 2013 to move to the community. Its a great community and the people are so nice,Ž she said. And its growing.Ž Mickey formed the Venice Travel Club in August 2016 which caters mostly to IslandWalk residents, as well as the Venice community. She coordinates various trips including river cruises, European vacations and other destinations through Globus and Viking Travel Tours. Her goal with the club is to provide interesting and affordable trips with groups that have similar interests. She quickly learned that traveling has become trendy among friends. When I saw how much they liked it I realized that they really want to travel together, and I thought, they live in a community like this for that very reason,Ž she said. They like social interaction with their neighbors.Ž She books anything from simple day excursions to the Edison Museum in Fort Myers to four-month world cruises. She gets many requests for the river cruises. Everyone loves them,Ž she said about the Viking Cruises. They are small ships, good food, leisurely sailing the rivers of Europe, China, Myanmar and Russia. Theres no packing and unpacking.Ž Mickey also noticed that, even though the majority of her clients are people in their 60s and 70s, there are also many families who enjoy traveling together too. There are all kinds of people from families to seniors and they all love to travel,Ž she said. They never tire of it.Ž And for the older people in the community, its hassle-free. Thats why they buy houses here, so they can just close the door, lock it and go.Ž In September she has a group of 25 residents traveling from Denver to Las Vegas with stops at eight national parks. She is currently working on several trips including Ireland, Greece and an Italy tour. Im just fascinated with travel,Ž admits Mickey, who has sailed on 40-plus cruises and other destinations all over the world. She said her favorite place to visit is Alaska and she does have a couple of places that she believes everyone must visit at some point in their lifetime „ Paris, France; Sydney Harbor, Australia; and Victoria Harbor in Vancouver. A few popular requests from residents have been for Europe tours and the national parks tour, but there still is a large segment of people who enjoy cruising, said Mickey. Her travel club and business is growing along with the community. She recently hired two part-time employees to help her and she is enjoying herself. And after 20 years in the business, Mickey cant imagine doing anything else. I love it. Its really fun to put it all together,Ž she said. But I need about four more arms,Ž she laughed. For more information, check it out online at www.VeniceGroupTravel.Travel club caters to IslandWalk residentsBy ALISON POSNERSUN WEST VILLAGES CORRESPONDENT PHOTO PROVIDED BY JULIET MICKEYJuliet Mickey, of the Venice Travel Club, enjoyed Rothenburg, Germany, in July 2015 during one of the stops on a Viking river c ruise. PHOTO PROVIDED BY ALISON POSNERVacation specialist Juliet Mickey formed the Venice Travel Club in August 2016, where she caters to IslandWalk residents. Micke y oers river cruises, European vacations and other destinations through Globus and Viking Tours. DISCOUNT ROCK and KUSTOMIZED KURBING DISCOUNT ROCK and KUSTOMIZED KURBING FREEESTIMATES COUPON REQUIREDAvailable stock only. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Exp. 9/10163 GAL. PLANTS / / $ 6 99 $6.99 EA EA 941-623-6192 941-623-6192 Paver Install Excludes Charlotte County We deliver and install curbing, stone and pavers adno=54511751 Exp. 6/1/17 $ 5. 99 / EA Flexible monthly payment options and most insurance acceptedConveniently located in North Port Commons on Rt 41 just 1/4 mile north of Sumter Blvd and 800 feet south of Lowes. Regular & Periodontal C leanings Tooth Colored Non-Metal Fillings Tooth Extractions (Root) Canal PAIN-FREE DENTISTRY! EMERGENCIES WELCOME! A CCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! Kristin A. Woods, D.D.S. Thomas R. Cherpak, D.D.S. Richard L. Ballentine, D.M.D. adno=54511754 adno=54511757


BRETT CARLSENFOR USA TODAYAngie and Bill say theyll keep trying. Many Americans dream of one day having a child, but for those who cant conceive, the road to parenthood is riddled with “nancial and emotional strain. In the United States, one in eight couples face infertility, but many feel alone. Women going through infertility experience the same levels of anxiety and depression as those with cancer, HIV and heart disease, research shows. With the federally recognized National Infertility Awareness week beginning today, meet three couples and follow their journeys to parenthood through IVF, adoption and surrogacy.AWINDING PATH TO PARENTHOODMary Bowermanl USA TODAY Networkand Ashley Mayl @ashleymaytweets l USA TODAY VISIT US ONLINE AT INFERTILITY.USATODAY.COM.USA TODAY has partnered with RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association for National Infertility Awareness Week. This years theme is Listen Up. Visit to learn more about the couples and to share your experiences. v STORY CONTINUES ON 2BANGIE AND BILL BERGMANN Angie and Bill have been trying to conceive for nine years. Angie, who has unexplained infertility, has been through three rounds of in vitro fertilization, a process in which a mature egg is collected from the ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab. An infertility support group leader for RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, Angie says that despite her most recent miscarriage, she is resolute to try again: I feel OK most days and wonder why would I want to rip that Band-Aid back off, but then I see a pregnant women or a baby and say, Thats why.Ž 04.24.17 U S A S NA PSHO T S How many states have you visited?SOURCE Motel 6 travel study of 1,047 adultsMICHAEL B. SMITH AND JANET LOEHRKE, USA TODAY o f Am e ri c an s hav e b ee n to 10 st a tes o r l ess in t h e ir lif et im e. 4 8% AEROMOBIL PR OTOT YPE BY CLAUDE PARIS, APW i ll ” yin g c a rs id e a t a ke off ? IN MONEY F a cebook COOs book offers gr i ef reco v er y h elp SHERYL SANDBERG AND LATE HUSBAND DAVE GOLDBERG BY GETTY IMAGES IN LIFE Anew study suggests that nearly 15% of the protected humpback whales that come to feed every spring in the southern Gulf of Maine have been struck by boats and other vessels „ putting both boaters and the sea mammals at risk. Researchers believe their “ndings, which appear in the most recent issue of Marine Mammal Science are likely underestimated because the study does not account for whales that actually are killed in ship strikes. The analysis is based on injuries to 624 individual whales photographed between 2004 and 2013 in a body of water just o the coasts of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. Multiple reviewers evaluated 210,733 photos for “ve categories of injuries consistent with a vessel strike. Of the 624 individual whales reviewed, 92, or 14.7%, had injuries attributed to at least one vessel strike. A total of 149 injuries were documented, according to the study. Most of the whales had four or fewer vessel strike injuries. Seven whales had at least three vesselstrike injuries, and two whales had at least four injuries. Researchers for the Gulf of Maine study point out that, while humpback whales are listed as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, there currently are no regulations or guidelines in place to reduce the likelihood of collisions with vessels in their vicinity „ except those actively engaged in whale watching. They hope that their research, and other long-term studies, can help regulators develop new guidelines on boat trac, and better assess the health of the humpback whale population.Whale strikes by boats undercounted, study saysActual numbers could be 15% higher Mark NicholsSpecial for USA TODAY WHALE AND DOLPHIN CONSERVATIONAhumpback whale bears injuries consistent with vessel strikes. Brian Ballard, a longtime Florida lobbyist and a fundraiser for both Trumps campaign and inaugural committee, appears to lead the pack, signing up 20 federal clients since opening his Washington lobbying operation this year. His company, Ballard Partners, has earned more than $1.1million in a three-month period, new lobbying reports show. Ballard is one of more than a dozen White House allies launching new “rms, taking new jobs in lobbying “rms or signing up newWASHINGTONFormer campaign aides, fundraisers and others with ties to President Trump and Vice President Pence have attracted dozens of new lobbying clients in Washington, raking in more than $2.2million in fees in the “rst months of the administration, a USA TODAY analysis shows. clients this year as companies and other interests look for ways to shape policy in the Trump administration. In a statement, the White House said that Trump had a great number of highly talented people working on his campaign. It isnt a surprise those who did not choose to join the administration are highly successful in whatever endeavor they undertake.Ž There is no legal restriction from former campaign aides having positive relationships inside and outside the White House,Ž the statement said.Trump allies thrive as new lobbyists Fredreka Schouten and Maureen GroppeUSA TODAY Those outside administration parlay their ties into millions for services EVAN VUCCI, APCorey Lewandowski founded the lobbying “rm Avenue Strategies, which touts his role as President Trumps “rst campaign manager.v STORY CONTINUES ON 2BUSA TODAY EXCLUSIVEWASHINGTONThink President Trumps “rst 100 days were bumpy? Just wait for the 1,361 to follow. Its no surprise that Trump, who has been shattering political precedent since he announced his candidacy and then won the White House, would continue to break new ground once he moved into the Oval Oce „ though not always in a good way. The courts have blocked his signature immigration ban. Congress has balked at delivering on his promise to repeal the Aordable Care Act. The FBI is investigating Russian meddling in the election, an issue that forced the resignation of his national security adviser and is likely to cast a shadow over the administration for months or more. The public gives him record-low approval ratings for a new president. Braced for bad reviews when Trump reaches the unocial milestone Saturday, the White 100 days havent looked so sunnyBut the biggest test of Trumps potential is the forecast aheadv STORY CONTINUES ON 2B NEWS ANALYSIS Susan PageUSA TODAY New Jersey community reluctantly bidding farewell to 600-year-old tree THE WIRE


Page 2 The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 LINDY AND THOMAS DAVIES After eight years at failed attempts to become pregnant, including four rounds of in vitro fertilization and one miscarriage, Lindy and Thomas decided adoption was their best chance at having children. But adoption has obstacles of its own. Bypassing an agency to save money, the Davies opted to vet mothers themselves using The requirements associated with becoming adoption-ready paired with the time and dedication needed to market themselves as good potential parents was exhausting, and discouraging „ especially after two women led them to believe they were pregnant and willing to give them a child when it was not true.MANY COUPLES FEEL ALONE IN THEIR PAINv CONTINUED FROM 1B JARRAD HENDERSON, USA TODAYLindy and Thomas Davies “nally saw their dreams of parenthood come true with their son, Grayson.My whole plan was I would have kids by 24. We all make those crazy plans in how our life is going to be, and it doesnt always work out that way.ŽAngie BergmannPRESIDENTAND PUBLISHERJohn ZidichEDITOR IN CHIEFJoanne LipmanCHIEF REVENUE OFFICERKevin Gentzel 7950 Jones Branch Dr., McLean, Va. 22108, 703-854-3400 Published by Gannett The local edition of USA TODAYis published daily in partnership with Gannett Newspapers Advertising: All advertising published in USA TODAYis subject to the current rate card; copies available from the advertising department. USA TODAYmay in its sole discretion edit, classify, reject or cancel at any time any advertising submitted. National, Regional: 703-854-3400 Reprint permission, copies of articles, glossy reprints: or call 212-221-9595 USA TODAYis a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to other news services. USA TODAY, its logo and associated graphics are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. USA TODAYis committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones at 800-8727073 or e-mail Please indicate whether youre responding to content online or in the newspaper. Corrections & Clarifications Ballards federal clients include the private prison “rm, GEO Group, which recently won a $110million federal contract to build the “rst immigration-detention facility of the Trump administration. In addition, Ballards “rm has landed lucrative deals to represent two foreign interests „ the ruling Socialist Party of Albania and the Dominican Republic. His “rm will collect $900,000 for its one-year contract with the Dominican government and $240,000 over a year from the Albanians, according to documents “led with the U.S. Department of Justice. Ballard said his decision to expand to Washington was driven by his long-standing Florida clients, saying Would you please open an oce in Washington? We want to understand how the administration operates, how it works, what are the thought processes of the people behind it. Ž Ballard, who sits on the Republican National Committees “nance committee, said knowing key administration players is helpfulŽ but he said his “rms reputation as Floridas largest lobbyist operation helped spur its rapid growth. He would not discuss his work for speci“c clients or whether hes had contact with Trump or another administration ocials. We dont talk about how we do our business,Ž Ballard said. Fred Wertheimer, president of the watchdog group Democracy 21, said the lobbying activity by Trump allies demonstrates one way Washington works to the disadvantage of the American people. You have individuals with close ties to elected ocials who cash in on their relationships.Ž This represents the complete opposite of what candidate Trump repeatedly claimed he would do something about,Ž Wertheimer said of Trumps repeated campaign pledge to drain the swampŽ in the nations capital.MORE IN THE PIPELINEOne lobbying and consulting startup makes no secret of its ties to the administration: Avenue Strategies, started last year by Corey Lewandowski, Trumps “rst campaign manager, and other campaign advisers. The “rms website touts Lewandowskis campaign role, describing him as overseeing all aspects of a historic presidential campaign where Donald J. Trump won 38 Republican primaries and caucuses and received more votes than any presidential candidate in the history of the Republican Party.Ž Lewandowski is not a registered federal lobbyist, but others in the “rm are. Avenue Strategies reported earning $140,000 during the “rst quarter of the year from “ve clients. They include the government of Puerto Rico, where a federally appointed board is charged with overseeing the territorys eorts to dig out of its deep economic crisis. Firm co-founder Barry Bennett, a former Trump campaign adviser who managed the presidential campaign of Housing and Urban Aairs Secretary Ben Carson, said Avenue Strategies has dozens of other clients, who have hired the “rm for consulting work that does not count as federal lobbying. More are in the pipeline, he said. Of course, it helps,Ž Bennett said of the principals ties to the Trump administration, but Ive been in town for almost 30 years as well. I think its probably a combo.Ž Lewandowski continues to highlight his relationship to the president. On Wednesday, he tweeted a picture from the White Houses South Lawn. Great time at the WH today with @realDonaldTrump and the Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots!Ž he wrote.CLIENTS FLOCK TO PENCE PALSOther pro-Trump lobbyists adding clients to their rosters include Bill Smith, who served as Pences chief of sta in Congress and the Indiana governors oce. Smiths “rm reported earning $125,000 during the “rst three months of 2017 to represent “ve new corporate clients, including Microsoft and telecom giant AT&T. Pences oce is the only federal agency Smith has reported lobbying on clients behalf. Among Smiths tasks: Helping AT&T shape a planned cyber security executive order from Trump and working on the telecom giants proposed $85.4billion acquisition of Time Warner, which requires antitrust approval from the Justice Department. As acandidate, Trump voiced opposition to the merger, calling it an example of the power structure Im “ghting.Ž AT&T has spent nearly $4.6million on federal lobbying in the “rst quarter. It also donated $2million to help underwrite Trumps inaugural festivities, according to a recently “led inaugural committee fundraising report. Neither Smith nor AT&T responded to interview requests. Robert Grand, a veteran Indiana lobbyist and Pence supporter, added a dozen new Washington clients this year. So far, they have paid more than $600,000 in lobbying fees to his law and lobbying “rm, Barnes & Thornburg, where he is managing partner. Clients include CVS Health, Ernst & Young and gunmaker Sig Sauer, congressional records show. Grand, a longtime GOP fundraiser, helped raise money for Trumps inauguration and this month was named one of the Republican National Committees top regional fundraisers. When you have a Republican administration, the logical conclusion would be Republicans would have some increase in their practice,Ž Grand said in an interview. He said he hasnt spoken with Pence about any of the issues on which hes working.Watchdog decries lucrative dealsv CONTINUED FROM 1BThis represents the complete opposite of what candidate Trump repeatedly claimed he would do something about.Ž Fred Wertheimer ,president of watchdog group Democracy 21House has been pushing back on the idea that his “rst 100 days have been a bust. No matter how much I accomplish during the ridiculous standard of the “rst 100 days, & it has been a lot (including S.C.), media will kill!Ž the president complained in an early-morning tweet Friday. A few days earlier, he bragged to a friendly audience at a manufacturing plant in Kenosha, Wis., that no administration has accomplished more in the “rst 90 days.Ž He has announced a BIGŽ rally next Saturday in Harrisburg, Pa. He points to the con“rmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and the rollback of environmental and other regulations promulgated by the Obama administration as major achievements. He has promised a ”urry of activity over the next few days, including the release of a massiveŽ tax-cut plan Wednesday and anews conference on veterans care Thursday. Still, when press secretary Sean Spicer was asked at a brie“ng to name the most signi“cant piece of legislation that had been enacted by the Republican-controlled Congress, he noted instead executive orders that had been signed and mentioned Gorsuchs con“rmation before “nally citing a bill extending a program that helps veterans use health care providers outside the VA system.Presidential historians and White House veterans say Trump has had one of the least-productive “rst 100 days in oce of any modern president, and theres little dispute that he has had the most tumultuous one. The more important question is this: What does the presidents rocky beginning signal about the rest of his tenure? His associates say Trump has become more sure-footed in his new role, although he continues to resist advice to stop airing his grievances on Twitter. His national-security team seems to be settling in, though con”icting signals on Syria and Iran and a miscommunicationŽ about just where an aircraft carrier group was headed has cost it credibility. He has ordered warring factions on the senior White House sta to work it out, or else. But just what Trump will do on key issues, including several on which he staked out positions during the campaign, remains the subject of debate and dispute among his advisers „ including decisions on precisely what the Obamacare replacement should include and whether to break out of the Iran nuclear deal. Just how hell manage to put together a governing coalition in Congress is unclear, with a test looming over passing a spending bill to avert a government shutdown at the end of the week. At this point, Id give him essentially a failing grade,Ž says Robert Dallek, a presidential historian who has written biographies of John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and others. His latest book, Franklin D. Roosevelt: A Political Life is being published in November. There are no legislative accomplishments, zero,Ž and his promise to repeal and replace the Aordable Care Act seems to be in suspended animation.Ž To be sure, other modern presidents also have stumbled at the start. Recall that JFK began his administration with the Bay of Pigs, which is pretty much the gold standard for early “ascos,Ž says William Galston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a top domestic-policy adviser in the Clinton White House. Bill Clinton of course stumbled into the gays-in-the-military discussion, which was hardly the way he wanted to begin.Ž The question for Trump is whether the turmoil so far re”ects an understandable learning curve or whether its the predictable result of a leadership style that includes a certain comfort with chaos. His opening months ce have had an exhausting pace as he seems to careen from controversy to controversy „ many of them generated not by outside developments but by internal con”icts and provocative tweets. Christopher Hill, dean of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and a diplomat and State Department ocial in Democratic and Republican administrations from Jimmy Carter through Obama, says the presidents freewheeling management style and rhetoric, sometimes at odds with the facts, is creating angst among allies and adversaries abroad. There is an underlying problem that needs to be addressed in the next 1,000 days, and that is the degree to which you can take the word of the president to the bank,Ž Hill says. Its not just foreign leaders. Some of Trumps natural allies in Congress and elsewhere also are struggling with mixed signals from a president whose ties to his own party are patchy. Donald Trump is in eect an independent president, elected under a Republican banner,Ž Galston says. That makes the calculus of the next 1,361 dayscomplicated indeed.After this stretch of turbulence, Trump looks for friendlier skiesv CONTINUED FROM 1B SUSAN WALSH, APPresident Trump and his sta are making their case for a productive 100 days in oce. ANNA REED, STATESMAN JOURNALGestational surrogacy was the answer for Dan, left, and Will.DAN AND WILL NEVILLE-REHBEHN Dan and Will recently had a child through gestational surrogacy, in which an embryo is created using an egg donor and the sperm from the couple. Because surrogacy is banned in some states and legal in others, the New York-based couple used a surrogate who lived in Oregon. To turn their dream of becoming fathers into a reality, the couple spent tens of thousands of dollars on in-vitro fertilization, a surrogate agency, surrogate fees, lawyers, travel and medical costs.


The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 Page 3 IN BRIEFINTERNATIONAL MISSION MEMBER KILLED IN BLASTAmember of an international monitoring group in eastern Ukraine was killed and at least one other was wounded Sunday when their vehicle drove over a mine in the separatist Luhansk region, the groups chairman said. Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, announced the death. The OSCEs Special Monitoring Mission in war-torn Ukraine is an unarmed, civilian team charged with reporting on the status of the struggle and promoting dialogue among parties to the crisis. Anton Gerashchenko, a spokesman for Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, said a British citizen was killed and a German wounded. Later reports indicated a second ocial might have been wounded. The self-proclaimed, separatist Luhansk Peoples Republic blamed the blast on a Ukraine subversive group,Ž the Russian news agency Tass reported.GUAM ARCHBISHOPS FATE MAY BE DECIDED BY SUMMERMinnesota-based canon lawyer and former priest Patrick Wall said there appears to be more than sucient evidence for a Vatican tribunal to come to a decision on Archbishop Anthony Apurons canonical penal trial, after two accusers provided testimony in March. Pope Francis suspended Apuron in June 2016, weeks after former altar boys came forward and publicly accused the Guam archbishop of raping and sexually abusing them as children in Agat in the 1970s. Walter Denton, who accused Apuron of raping him when he was 13 in 1977, said when he testi“ed on March 17 before a Vatican tribunal, he was told that the tribunal hopes to complete the Apuron canonical trial by early summer.BILL OREILLY RETURNS WITH NEW PODCAST MONDAYThe former Fox News host Bill OReilly is set to appear Monday with a new episode of his No Spin NewsŽ podcast. The news was revealed in an update to OReillys personal website Saturday night.The podcast, available to premium subscribers of OReillys website, would be the former cable news hosts “rst time speaking publicly since his ouster Wednesday at Fox News following an investigation into allegations of sexual harassment. OReilly was previously the host of The OReilly Factor on the network. Sta and wire reportsCELEBRATING BIRTH OF ROME ANDREW MEDICHINI, APAncient Rome enthusiasts parade in the areas of Colosseum, Circus Maximus and the Roman Forum to celebrate the festivities of Christmas of Rome on Sunday. The Birth of Rome is celebrated yearly with parades and re-enactments in costume. I support Macron but also voted against the extremes which Ireally dont want to see in the second round,Ž she said. Marine Le Pen has a heinous message which really doesnt correspond to my values as a youth as a citizen of the world. And its not the image of France I want to convey.Ž At Le Pens campaign base in Henin Beaumont, 120 miles north of Paris, Jerome Leroy, 34, an entrepreneur, was ecstatic. We managed to get the others out of the picture already,Ž he said. Only one candidate remains: Emmanuel Macron who in fact will bring nothing more than (President) Franois Hol-PARISCentrist independent Emmanuel Macron and far-right anti-immigration nationalist Marine Le Pen will advance to a showdown for president of France that will determine whether the nation stays the course or upends European unity and its liberal immigration policies, results of “rst-round voting Sunday showed. The election was a historic repudiation of major party candidates, who quickly rallied around Macron in the May 7 runo to prevent the election of Le Pen, who wants to ban Muslim immigration and pull France out of the European Union it helped found 60 years ago. With 86% of the vote counted, Frances Interior Ministry said Macron was leading with 23% of the vote followed by Le Pen with 22%, the Associated Press reported. Le Pen said Sunday her National Front party will represent the great alternativeŽ to the French people. Macron has broken with Frances traditional left or right political leadership to run as an independent and promised to invest in public infrastructure and modernize Frances workforce. Protesters angry about Le Pens results scued with police. Crowds gathered on the Place de la Bastille, and police “red tear gas to disperse an increasingly rowdy gathering as riot ocers surrounded the area. French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve urged voters to support Macron in next months “nal round. Marion Abonnenc, 21, a student in Paris, said she was satis“edŽ and relievedŽ her choice among the candidates is advancing. lande does today. So now the real debate can start and we are happy about it „ its awesome.Ž Unpopular Socialist Hollande did not run for re-election. Voters chose between 11 candidates in the most unpredictable French election in decades and it came amid heightened security in the wake of a terrorist attack in Paris on Thursday in which a police ocer was shot and killed. Frances stagnant economy, its 10% unemployment rate and national security were the topconcerns of the 47 million eligible voters. Bhatti reported from Berlin; Kim Hjelmgaard contributed from London.French presidential runo to pit centrist vs. far rightMacron, Le Pen advance after “rst-round voting Maya Vidon and Jabeen BhattiSpecial for USA TODAY FRANK AUGSTEIN,APSupporters of far-right leader Marine Le Pen celebrate in Henin Beaumont as she led all contenders in Sundays voting, a result that drew a rowdy gathering of protesters in Paris. WASHINGTONIt began as an effort to execute eight convicted murderers in 11 days. More than halfway through Arkansastimetable, one prisoner is dead, four have won reprieves, and opponents of the death penalty may be gaining new momentum. As three condemned men face lethal injections this week, the legal battle playing out southeast of Little Rock has swamped state and federal courts, including the Supreme Court, which will hear two unrelated capital punishment cases Monday before dealing with the likely, last-minute stay-of-execution petitions. While the courts “ve conservative justices showed no signs last week of retreating from their support for states that allow the death penalty, defense lawyers breathed new life into four defendants cases while losing only one „51-year-old Ledell Lee „ to the states executioners with just minutes to spare Thursday night. I think what Arkansas is attempting to do has damaged the death penalty as an institution,Ž said Robert Dunham, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center. The two-a-day executions slated for successive Mondays and Thursdays is so unprecedented and so unseemly that it has caused people ... to gasp and take a step back.Ž The states eort has been driven by the April 30 expiration date of its supply of midazolam, the “rst of three drugs administered in the states lethal injection protocol. At the same time, the manufacturer of the second drug, vencuronium bromide, sought to block its use in the executionsbefore losing at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit. The procedure caused no apparent problems during Lees execution Thursday night, just as it has been used successfully in Florida for years. But some states, including Alabama, Arizona, Ohio and Oklahoma, have had problems rendering prisoners unconscious with midazolam before administering the later drugsthat stop the lungs and the heart. The battle over lethal injection had little to do with the four men who won reprieves. One was granted a clemency hearing, another will get a hearing on DNA tests, and two won delays until the Supreme Court decides later this year whether condemned inmates deserve access to independent mental health experts. That Alabama case will be heard Monday morning, along with another from Texas that deals with claims of ineective counsel. But two broader issues continue to divide the justices „ the safety of the three-drug lethal injection protocol, and the constitutionality of the death penalty in general. In 2015, the court upheld Oklahomas use of midazolam by a5-4 margin, prompting angry dissents from Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Stephen Breyer. Kent Scheidegger, legal director at the conservative Criminal Justice Legal Foundation, said Arkansasrace to beat the expiration date was not the best way to approachŽ the executions. He said the drugs should be tested, which might show they can be used safely beyond the expiration date. More important, he said, is to “nd a reliable supplyŽ of drugs. That has been a problem because of widespread opposition to capital punishment in Europe and because some U.S. manufacturershave sought to prevent their medications from being used in executions. None of the problems associated with the death penalty „ from exonerations and botched lethal injections, to claims of racism and intellectual disability, to the decades the convicted can spend in solitary con“nement „ have moved a majority of Supreme Court justices. Now, what opponents described as Arkansasassembly lineŽ may have an eect. Rob Smith, director of the Fair Punishment Project at Harvard Law School, said the justices must notice this parade of the most vulnerable and broken people who come before the court with (original) lawyering that would embarrass judges in trac court.... The justices have a moment. They have to decide, Its not going to get better.ŽAssembly-line execution plan revives oppositionArkansas actions in background during Supreme Court cases Richard Wolf@richardjwolf USA TODAY BENJAMIN KRAIN, APLedell Lee was the lone Arkansas prisoner executed last week as part of the states eort to carry out eight death sentences in 11 days. Four other prisoners won reprieves. AU.S. citizen arrested in North Korearaises to three the number of Americans now detained by Kim Jong Uns regime and adds to rising tensions between Washington and Pyongyang. South Koreas Yonhap news agency reported that a former Korean-American professor was arrested at Pyongyang International Airport as he was attempting to leave the country. Yonhap identi“ed the American by only the surname Kim and described him as a former professor at the Yanbian University of Science and Technology in Yanji, Jilin, China. Yonhap said Kim, in his late 50s, had been involved in aid programs in North Korea. The reason for his arrest was not immediately available. The U.S. State Department said it was aware of reports an American had been detained but declined to reveal details.It notedin astatement,In cases where U.S. citizens are reported to be detained in North Korea, we work with the Swedish Embassy, which serves as the United States Protecting Power in North Korea.Ž The Swedish Embassy con“rmed to multiple news organizations that an arrest took place Saturday but did not immediately respond to a request for more information from USA TODAY. Park Chan-mo, the chancellor of the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, identi“ed the man to the Associated Press as Tony Kim. Park told AP Kim had taught accounting in Pyongyang for about a month. Relations between the U.S. and North Korea have grown more strained in recent months, with Pyongyang conducting nuclear and ballistic missile testing in de“ance of international bans. Ahn Chan-il, director of the World North Korea Research Center in Seoul, told Yonhap that Pyongyang seems to be intending to use professor Kim as leverage in negotiationsŽ with the U.S. Other Americans being held are Ohio native Otto Warmbier, a University of Virginia student arrested in January 2016 while he was on a tour, and Kim Dong Chul, who was arrested in October 2015 while on business. Contributing: Deirdre Shesgreen AFP/GETTY IMAGESThis April 15 photo released by North Koreas ocial Korean Central News Agency shows ballistic missiles being displayed in Pyongyang as relations with the U.S. grow more strained. North Korea detains U.S. citizen, adding to rising tensions Professor now third American being held John Bacon@jmbacon USA TODAY


Page 4 The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 NAPLESThe “re that has torn through Golden Gate Estatesis now 50% contained and held steady through Saturday night and Sunday morning at 5,531 acres. The mandatory and voluntary evacuation orders have been lifted, and residents are allowed to go back to their homes. Public safety ocials on Sunday morning said the rain has helped “re“ghting eorts, but they are still actively working pockets in the interior of the blaze. The rain gods are to be thanked today,Ž said Dan Summers, director of the Collier County Bureau of Emergency Services. Greater Naples Fire Rescue Chief Kingman Schuldt said of“cials may have overestimated the number of homes that were lost. We have con“rmed that three homes were destroyed,Ž Schuldt said. Three families were permanently displaced. The other structures were likely work sheds and similar structures.Ž The “re chief said he didnt want to overstate the news and that “re crews are going doorto-door with the Red Cross to help those who have been displaced. Schuldt said that “re“ghters and strike teams from all over the state have helped contain the blaze and that there are plans to scale back some local stang of the “re. Local emergency sta have been worked to a max,Ž Schuldt said. Ocials said there is a risk of trees and power lines falling and urged the public to be vigilant. Collier County Sheris Of“ce deputies will still route trac in the area of the “re. Of“cials said heavy equipment will continue to be seen on the roads. Be careful around the heavy “re apparatus. Give us space to work,Ž Schuldt said. Brush “re destroys three homes Alexi C. CardonaNaples Daily News LUKE FRANKE, NAPLES DAILY NEWSBarry Barkmans home survived a brush “re at Golden Gate Estates. His 1966 Ford Mustang Coupewasn't so lucky. HIGHLIGHT: FLORIDAThree families were permanently displaced. The other structures were likely work sheds and similar structures.ŽGreater Naples Fire Rescue Chief Kingman SchuldtSTATE-BY-STATE ALABAMADothan: The citys animal shelter and a wildlife refuge have custody of 85 animals recovered from an alleged puppy mill, The Dothan Eagle reports. A judge ruled that the 69 dogs and 16 birds were neglected. ALASKAAnchorage: The Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board has renamed Badger Road Elementary School to Midnight Sun Elementary School. The change is to remove the Badger name tied to a man convicted of raping a child in 1916, The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reports. ARIZONAPhoenix: Arizona lawmakers are working on legislation to protect patients who receive unanticipated medical bills from out-of-network providers. The measure would assign arbitrators to handle cases of surprise billing.Ž ARKANSASLittle Rock: An Arkansas panel on judiciary discipline is considering how to sanction a judge who pleaded guilty to drunken driving, The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports. The punishment will determine whether, and how soon, Judge William Pearson can return to the bench. CALIFORNIALos Angeles: A U.S. Forest Service researcher says vast numbers of Southern California trees are dying from insects and disease. Greg McPherson tells the Los Angeles Times that the region from Ventura County to the Mexican border is becoming a post-oasis landscapeŽ as trees struggle with drought, higher salinity levels in recycled water and new pests. COLORADODenver: The American Lung Association says ozone pollution has improved in Denver and Fort Collins, but both are still among the 15 worst in the nation. CONNECTICUTWaterbury: A Connecticut woman is accused of extorting a man by threatening to release videos of the dominatrix services she provided him unless he paid her o, The RepublicanAmerican reports. DELAWAREDover: Police say a search of a Dover mans car turned up 5,200 bags of heroin, more than $1,000 in cash and a small amount of marijuana. WDEL-FM reports that the suspect was stopped while driving without a license. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:A Washington apartment complex has taken steps to end a political feud of sorts, WTTG-TV reports. The complex sent an email reminding residents that its a lease violation to hang anything o a balcony. Two residents who put up signs with rival political messages have to take them down by May 1.FLORIDAHavana: Florida wildlife ocials say they dont believe there should be a hunt for black bears this year. In 2015, hunters killed 304 bears in the states “rst hunt in more than 20 years. GEORGIADunwoody: Georgia police are searching for a man accused of ripping the headscarf o a Muslim teenager at a mall. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that the man yelled terroristŽ at the 14-year-old girl before ”eeing. HAWAIIHonolulu: Hawaii health ocials say two more people have contracted rat lungworm disease after consuming a homemade drink contaminated with slugs. The disease is caused by a parasite found in rodents.IDAHOBoise: Atransgender woman has sued Idaho for refusing to change the gender listed on her birth certi“cate. Idaho is one of four states that prohibit birth certi“cate changes for gender identity. ILLINOISSpring“eld: The campaign to restore the Illinois governors mansion is getting close to its $15 million goal, The State Journal-Register reports. INDIANABedford: An Indiana webcam is giving viewers a close look at a brood of rare barn owl hatchlings in a nesting box. The barn owl is a state-endangered species. IOWADavenport: The Vatican has tapped the rector of St. Piux XSeminary in Dubuque as the next bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Davenport. Monsignor Thomas Zinkula has a University of Iowa law degree and was ordained a priest in 1990. KANSASOverland Park: Superintendent Jim Hinson of the Shawnee Mission School District is retiring June 30, the nearly 28,000-student district in suburban Kansas City says.KENTUCKYPaducah: More than 30,000 people are expected for the Spring Paducah Quilt Week event that begins Wednesday. Organizers say nearly 700 quilts will be on display. LOUISIANABaton Rouge: Gov. John Bel Edwards declared a state of emergency last week for Louisianas coast. Edwards says he hopes to draw national attention to the loss of land to coastal erosion. MAINEOld Orchard Beach: An improving exchange rate between the Canadian and U.S. dollar is paying dividends to this Maine community. The Portland Press Herald reports that a local hotel has seen a $200,000 increase in bookings from this time last year. MARYLANDRockville: Marylands Montgomery County will soon require at least half of the vending machine oerings in government buildings to be healthy snacks and drinks. Beverage machines also will have to oer bottled water. MASSACHUSETTSBoston: The Boston Public Library is returning historical artifacts to Italy, some dating back 600 years. Library ocials say the items were bought legitimately from rare book dealers during the mid-20th century. MICHIGANDetroit: Michigan ocials say a virus might be responsible for recent “sh deaths in Lake St. Clair. Many of the “sh had bloody patches on their skin, asign of the viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus. MINNESOTAMinneapolis: A U.S.-Canada trade dispute has spread to 19 Minnesota dairy farms. Canada recently imposed duties on ultra-“ltered milk, a concentrate used to make cheese. It was duty free until Canadian producers complained. MISSISSIPPIColumbus: Mississippi ocials are investigating why several emergency dispatchers skipped work earlier this month. The Commercial Dispatch reports that six Lowndes County dispatchers called in sick, and others on standby didnt answer their phones. MISSOURIKansas City: Awoman says she wants her late brother back homeŽ after a bag containing his ashes was stolen from her car, The Kansas City Star reports. Naida Shipps brother Davids ashes were in a backpack taken while she and her “ance were at a doughnut shop. MONTANAHelena: Ajudge has lifted a hold on a proposed irrigation dam and “sh passage that ocials say is the best hope to save an endangered ancient species of “sh in the Yellowstone River. NEBRASKAOmaha: Omahas police chief and Douglas County prosecutors say an ocer was justi“ed in shooting an unarmed man who reached into his waistband and then simulated pointing a gun at the ocer. Dillon Trejo was wounded. NEVADACarson City: Diabetics are calling on Nevada lawmakers to address growing insulin prices that they say put thousands of lives at risk. NEW HAMPSHIREConcord: An eort to restrict the use of food stamps in New Hampshire wont move forward in the legislature this year. Throngs of people, including advocates for lowincome residents, came out in opposition to the measure.NEW JERSEYHopatcong: New Jersey authorities say a man lived with a dead woman for three days and kept using drugs during that time. Police say Matthew Schmarr also rearranged the room to make it seem like the woman committed suicide. NEW MEXICOClovis: Clovis ocials say possible tampering prompted the removal and replacement of all drugs on the Fire Departments 11 ambulances used for emergency calls, The Eastern New Mexico News reports. NEW YORKAlbany: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the state will distribute $6.5 million to 17 health centers to expand services under the HealthySteps program that focuses on early-life doctor visits and family screening. NORTH CAROLINAWinstonSalem: Two North Carolina sisters have pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud a federal nutrition program to help stock their restaurant. A federal prosecutor says the women used Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program cards to buy food for Becky & Marys Restaurant in High Point. NORTH DAKOTABismarck: Two-thirds of North Dakota deer hunters succeeded in bagging one last season. Also, a record 26,755 archery licenses were issued last year with an overall success rate of 43%. OHIOCuyahoga Falls: Televangelist Ernest Angleys Ohio restaurant abruptly closed after a court ordered $388,000 in payments to a group of employees. The court found that members of Angleys church were urged to volunteer at the buet as unpaid workers. OKLAHOMAOklahoma City: The Oklahoma House has voted to repeal a trigger that cuts the states individual income tax rate from 5% to 4.85% when collections rise by about $100 million annually. State revenues have plunged since the trigger passed in 2014, and the state faces an $878 million budget hole next year. OREGONPortland: Afederal court has killed a large Oregon wind energy project over concerns about a declining sage grouse population that needs the area to breed. The Columbia Energy Partners transmission line right-of-way would have crossed public lands where sage grouse breed. PENNSYLVANIAHarrisburg: Pennsylvania authorities have charged a dozen people with being part of a crime ring that rented out fraudulently obtained license plates used to evade law enforcement, parking tickets and tolls. Ocials say the ring also used a stolen notary seal to help produce fraudulent insurance papers. RHODE ISLANDMiddletown: Another Rhode Island town is considering a plastic bag ban after Newport passed one. The Newport Daily News reports that the Middletown Town Council may stop businesses from provid ing plastic shopping bags to customers. Ban supporters say the bags create litter and harm sea life. SOUTH CAROLINAColumbia: The South Carolina Supreme Court has ordered another hearing for a stripper who was shot o n the job in 2008. The workers compensation commission initia lly ruled that LeAndra Lewis was an independent contractor and not a Boom Boom Room Studio 54 employee.SOUTH DAKOTAPierre: South Dakota lawmakers decided last week against studying a secretive religious sects outpost near Prin gle. One lawmaker questioned whether polygamy or sex track ing were taking place. House Speaker Mark Mickelson says its up to law enforcement to investigate.TENNESSEEFranklin: The Williamson County School Board ha s approved eliminating class rank, given its declining importance in college admissions. The Tennesse an reports that a survey of 89 colleges last year found that 87% said rank has no eect on studen t admissions and scholarships. TEXASAustin: The Texas Senat e has passed a bill that would allow home-schooled students to participate in public school sports and other activities. The states 350,000 home-schooled student s are currently barred from such competition. UTAHSalt Lake City: Two Daggett County jail employees were “red and a jail commander resigned two months after authorities announced a probe of inmate mistreatment allegations. Utahs Department of Corrections moved 80 inmates out of the jail in February when the investigation was launched.VERMONTBrandon: Construction is almost complete on a 230-foot tunnel that will carry the Neshobe River under Brandon, The Rutland Herald reports. Work on the $2.38 million over”ow culvert is scheduled to be “nished May 12.VIRGINIAHampton: An annual survey “nds a record-high number of spawning-age female blue crabs in the Chesapeake Bay, even though the total blue crab population is down 18%. WASHINGTONSeattle: Two Seattle couples accused of hiring people to cut down public trees t o improve their views have agreed to pay $440,000 to settle a lawsuit. The city says the unauthorized cutting occurred on a steep slope below the couples homes. WEST VIRGINIAHuntington: Marshall University hopes to expand Huntingtons services for babies born addicted to drugs by adding a comprehensive center t o follow babies to kindergarten, The Herald Dispatch reports. WISCONSINJanesville: Federa l prosecutors have “led additional weapons charges against a man accused of stealing numerous “rearms and sending a threating anti-government manifesto to President Trump. Joseph Jakubowski was the subject of a nationwide manhunt until he was captured while camping in a Wisconsin farm “eld. WYOMINGGreen River: Wyoming school board ocials have decided to end four Green River sport programs in the face of budget cuts, The Rock Springs Rocket-Miner reports. The aected activities are indoor track and “eld, spring tennis, golf and cheerleading for the wrestling team. Compiled from sta and wire reports. News from across the USA


The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 Page 5 U S A SN A PSHO T S Spear and shieldSOURCE Wyzant and R survey of 900 U.S. workersJ A E YAN G AN D J AN ET L OEH R KE, US A TOD AY 53%of workers would seek job training/certifications for more money, yet 45% cant afford them. MONE Y INDEXCLOSECHGNasdaq composite5910.52 x 6.26 S&P 5002348.69 y 7.15 T-note, 10-year yield2.25% x 0.02 Oil, light sweet crude$49.62 y 0.65 Gold, oz. Comex$1287.40 x 5.50 Euro (dollars per euro)$1.0695 y 0.0027 Yen per dollar109.21 y 0.10SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM FRIDAY M ARKETS SANFRANCISCOSo heres just how fast technology is accelerating. We havent even nailed down self-drivingcars yet, and now the buzz is all about ”ying cars. In fact, the dogged pursuit of an airborne escape from trac has been with us for more than half a century, from the limitededition Aerocar of the 1950s to the host of contemporary companies now taking pre-orders for their airborne vehicles. Dutch start-up PAL-V announced last week that it was taking $10,000 deposits for its $400,000-and-up two-seat Liberty ”ying car, while Slovakia-based AeroMobil began doing the same for its $1 million-plus machine due out in three years. Both models would require a runway and a pilots license. Other big players include Massachusetts-based Terrafugia, whose XF-T looks like a car with wings folded by its sides and, notably, can take o and land vertically, using so-called VTOL technology. The companys site claims ”ying an XF-T wont require a full pilots license. Thats the same approach taken by Germanys Lilium Aviation, which just conducted a successful unmanned test ”ight of its VTOL craft with wheels. And ride-hailing giant Uber, whose ambitious push into self-driving cars is entangled in a lawsuit from rival Google, also envisions a world where your Uber ride can skip the downtown gridlock by taking to the skies. On Tuesday, Uber will host an Elevate conference in Dallas on that idea. From the looks of these big technological leaps, it would appear that hopping a ”ight to the oce is but a few years away. Time to sell the car and buy a parachute. Throttle it back a bit, industry experts say. Generally speaking, technology is outstripping not just existing regulations, but the speed with which government regulators can rule on new regulations that ensure new technology is safe and organized,Ž says Karl Brauer, executive publisher of Cox Automotive, which includes Kelley Blue Book. Brauer points out that the Department of Transportation is still trying to iron out rules for autonomous car companies, and now youd have a machine that operates in yet another dimension of space. There are just regulations questions all over the place.Ž The Federal Aviation Administration says it is discussing certi“cation options with some ”ying car manufacturers, with the agreement that initially pilots would be at the helm of such craft. Dick Knapinski, spokesman for the Experimental Aircraft Association, says theres no question that 25 years ago, we didnt have the technology to consider any of this. But considering were still trying to “gure out how drones should use air space, having cars ”ying around could take a while.Ž Engineering a ”ying car is easier today than it has ever been, thanks to considerable advancements in lightweight materials, electrical power generation and computer-assisted design that doesnt risk lives with live trials. Whats more, where dedicated hobbyists once made up the bulk of those trying to fashion a machine that could seamlessly transition from concrete to the clouds, today some of the smartest and wealthiest individuals on earth are on the hunt. Larry Page, co-founder of Google, has personally invested in two secretive ”ying car companies, Zee.Aero and Kitty Hawk. Terrafugia, Zee.Aero and others did not respond to a request for comment. Much like with self-driving cars, actually creating a dual-purpose ”ying car is more likely a matter of when than if. For the moment, the FAA is taking a ”exible, risk-based approachŽ to evaluating this evolving tech, especially when it comes to machines that would not require drivers to be pilots and instead ”y themselves. Autonomous passenger air car concepts are still in their early stages, (and) several areas need further research,Ž including the aircrafts operational risks and its ability to interact with air-trac control, the FAA said in a statement sent to USA TODAY.TERRAFUGIATerrafugias XF-T resembles a car that can fold its wings and, notably, can take o and land vertically. The XF-T reportedly wo uldnt require a full pilots license. FLYING CARS SO U ND GREA T B UT W ILL TH EYTAKE OFF? Companies already taking pre-orders for their aircraft, but industry experts say federal regulators just cant keep up Marco della Cava@marcodellacava USA TODAY VALERY HACHE, AFP / GETTY IMAGESAeroMobils ”ying car is due out in three years. The $1 million-plus machine would require arunway and apilots license. Sneaker a“cionados are used to choosing between high tops and low tops, laces and Velcro. But how about a sneaker with a sole made from corn? By mid-fall, Reebok is planning to unveil a completely compostable sneaker designed to not cause harm to the environment when its created, or to pile up in a land“ll when its worn out and thrown away. Reebok is joining a diverse array of companies that have gone the natural route, rolling out practices and products aimed at causing less strain to the environment, principles that are particularly important to the teens and young adults who make up Generations Y and Z and who collectively have billions of dollars in spending power. Still, some forays into ecofriendly fashion have ended up on the proverbial scrap heap. A line of biodegradable or recyclable products introduced four years ago by Puma, for instance, was dropped due to poor demand. Reeboks new shoe will be modeled after its familiar ClassicsŽ sneaker. But the environmentally friendly footwear will have an upper section made of sustainable organic cotton, while the sole will be derived from industrial-grown corn. Unlike its edible counterpart, industrialgrown corn is considered a grain and is harvested when its older and tougher, Reebok says. Even the new sneakers eyelets will be stitched, rather than made of metal or plastic like some other shoes. Reebok said the new shoe is at least partly a response to the toll the creation and disposal of sneakers takes on the environment. It was standing back and looking at the whole athletic shoe industry,Ž says Bill McInnis, head of Reeboks Future division which focuses on creating new products and techniques. The way shoes are made is not the cleanest process right now, and what happens to shoes when youre done is not the cleanest process, either. ... The idea is to look at the entire shoe life cycle, both how you make it and what happens to it when people are (no longer) wearing it.Ž But for a brand that tends to attract a younger shopper, a compostable shoe could be a smart business bet, with Millennials and their younger counterparts favoring products and companies that are less damagingto the environment. We know from talking to our consumer that awareness of the importance of sustainability has grown dramatically over the last few years,Ž says Reebok spokesman Daniel Sarro. They want to wear products that are eco-friendly.Ž The new sneaker will be priced comparably to Reeboks Classics style, which generally ranges in price from $59.99 to $179.99. Ultimately, the company says that the goal is for the shoe to be the “rst in a long line of plant-based footwear. The organic cotton and corn are the two pillars,Ž says McInnis. But well continue to expand the menu.ŽYou can talk trash on the court, but recycle the ReeboksNew sneaker will be 100% biodegradable Charisse Jones@charissejones USA TODAY Reebok, the company behind Jay Zs sneaker, above, will soon unveil a corn-based shoe.


Page 6 The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 When German Israeliborn satirist Shahak Shapiras YolocaustŽ project went viral, I asked myself what it meant to juxtapose photographs of people enjoying themselves at the Berlin Holocaust Memorial against mountains of dead bodies in concentration camps. Shapiras artistic intervention occurred at a speci“c political moment in Germany. As the country marks International Holocaust Memorial day on Jan. 27, Bjorn Hocke, a representative of right-nationalist party Alternative for Germany has criticised the memorial. Germans are the only people in the world who plant a monument of shame in the heart of the capital,Ž he said. He should see these photos,Ž Shapira said in an interview about his project. For me, the fact that Shapiras work hit such a nerve is more interesting than the technique and images used, or indeed any message one may glean from the contrast of smiling faces, posing bodies and dead bodies. I do not think that it “ghts the trivialization of Holocaust memory. Shapiras work has been described as a form of public shaming, and to an extent, it worked: people spoke about it in relation to the right and wrong ways to remember the Holocaust. Shapira says on the Yolocaust website that some of the people pictured apologised and asked him to remove the photos, as well as removing themselves from the social networks where he “rst found them.Knowing your placeIn my book about action at the Berlin memorial (2013), I claim that people engage with the site through a performance of moral transformation. That is, the actions visitors perform at the memorial are not necessarily related to the memory of the Holocaust, but instead to memories of rituals related to Holocaust memory. Anthropologist Jackie Feldman has suggested in a personal conversation about Yolocaust that the project is an example of ritual failure. Most visitors know they have to perform some kind of transformation at the site: if they are seen failing to transform or celebrate in public, then they have failed to act appropriately. This failure is discussed in ethical terms in the case of the Holocaust Memorial. This is not a new thing. The memorial has been very popular and contested for the fact that it is abstract and thus facilitating activities not associated with Holocaust memory since it opened in 2005. In the course of my ethnographic research at the Holocaust Memorial in 2005-6, I often heard staff at the memorial say, People do not know where they are.Ž Such a judgement is surely one of the intended results of Yolocaust. In this way, the project acts as a “nger pointed at those who often very well know where they are, and play with the boundaries of right and wrong in relation to the site. They probably would not be compelled to do so at other sites dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust, for example in the underground Information Centre at the Holocaust Memorial because those sites are historical or authentic. The memorials architect Peter Eisenman responded accordingly in reaction to the Yolocaust project in drawing a distinction between the Berlin memorial and burial sites.Facilitating discussion?Shapira himself claims he wishes to engage people in a discussion of right and wrong in Holocaust memory. Such discussions have been prevalent in Germany as well as in Israel for a while. Of course, as Amos Goldberg writes in a piece on the Jewish Narrative of Yad Vashem, right and wrong within the Israeli narrative of Holocaust memory created identi“cation with Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust and positions Israel as the historical response to the Holocaust. In saying that it is a shame that there are people who dont care,Ž and in quoting a few Yolocaust project responses who said that he helped facilitate this respect Shapira enacted the Israeli narrative on the Holocaust from an arguably higher moral position of a Jew from the land that Jews went to after the Holocaust. This is a position from which one can shame those who misbehave at the Holocaust memorial, then help them correct their ways and realize their failure. Germany and Israel are not the only countries that institute a national memory narrative. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., also poses ethical questions to visitors and demands that, following their museum visit, they ask themselves how they can take action to prevent genocide around the world. The museum thus makes a direct link between learning about the past and civic action in the present and future. We can ask whether Shapiras project generates the same movement from memory to action, encouraging those who see it to stand up against the threat of genocide, racism and discrimination.Moral transformationsWhile we cannot presume that seeing horrifying photos of dead Jews constitutes Holocaust memoryŽ, it surely is moving. And the moral transformation that visitors are meant to perform while visiting, as I argue in my book, is through emotional engagement, especially the revelation of feelings. Visitors know they have to act sadŽ. After walking in the memorial, German visitors often say, maybe this is how the Jews feltŽ. When memorial workers encountered behavior that seemed inappropriate, they reacted by saying that people do not know where they are, or how important this project is for GermansŽ. It is the moral career of Germans vis-a-vis the memory of the Holocaust that can be positively performed or fail „ the transformation as well as its ritual. Shapira directed his work at Germans, who are the majority of visitors at the site, among people from many other nationalities that stumble into or intend to visit it: These people should be the ones to keep the memory of the Holocaust aliveŽ.Civic engagementI do believe that some forms of civic engagement opened up with the inauguration of this Memorial and others adjacent to it, dedicated to the memory of other victims of Nazi persecution, such as LGBT people, Sinti and Roma, and people with disabilities This new memorial quarterŽ opens up what I call spheres of speakabilityŽ about Holocaust memory, through which alliances against racism and discrimination and new public spaces for engagement with memory were developed. Much of what actually happens at Holocaust memorials, as Yolocaust exposes, is not worthy of celebration. At the same time, it is not necessarily worthy of public shaming. It leaves unful“lled the modes of engagement that could be possible with the memory of the Holocaust and action against racism and discrimination in the present. Irit Dekel has received funding from the DAAD and the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung.Holocaust memorials: The Yolocaust selfies projectBy IRIT DEKELLECTURER, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA AP PHOTOSA woman lounging at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin. A person jumps from the dierent memorials for the Holocaust in Berlin, Germany. One person stands on Jan. 3, on the steles of the Holocaust memorial in Berlin, Germany. Someone stepping o the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin.


The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 Page 7 ALMANACToday is Monday, April 24, the 114th day of 2017. There are 251 days left in the year. Today in history On April 24, 1967 Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov was killed when his Soyuz 1 spacecraft smashed into the Earth after his parachutes failed to deploy properly during re-entry; he was the rst human spaceight fatality. On this date In 1800 Congress approved a bill establishing the Library of Congress. In 1898 Spain declared war on the United States. (The United States responded in kind the next day.) In 1915 in whats considered the start of the Armenian genocide, the Ottoman Empire began rounding up Armenian political and cultural leaders in Constantinople. In 1916 some 1,600 Irish nationalists launched the Easter Rising by seizing several key sites in Dublin. (The rising was put down by British forces ve days later.) In 1932 in the Free State of Prussia, the Nazi Party gained a plurality of seats in parliamentary elections. In 1953 British statesman Winston Churchill was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. In 1970 the Peoples Republic of China launched its rst satellite, which kept transmitting a song, The East Is Red.Ž In 1980 the United States launched an unsuccessful attempt to free the American hostages in Iran, a mission that resulted in the deaths of eight U.S. servicemen. In 1997 comedian Pat Paulsen died in Tijuana, Mexico, at age 69. Todays birthdays Movie director-producer Richard Donner is 87. Actress Shirley MacLaine is 83. Author Sue Grafton is 77. Actorsinger Michael Parks is 77. Actress-singer-director Barbra Streisand is 75. Former Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley is 75. Country singer Richard Sterban (The Oak Ridge Boys) is 74. Rock musician Doug Cliord (Creedence Clearwater Revival) is 72. Rock singermusician Rob Hyman is 67. The prime minister of Ireland, or Taoiseach Enda Kenny is 66. MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) „ A home once owned by Elvis Presley in the 1950s as he was skyrocketing to fame was damaged by “re Saturday. The Commercial Appeal reports the Memphis home was unoccupied and undergoing renovations. Memphis Fire Lt. Wayne Cooke didnt have a damage estimate. He said the electrical “r e started in the wall between the living room and dining room. He said “re“ghters responded just after 7:30 a.m. CDT and the “re was under control about 20 minutes later. Presley purchased the home in 1956. He lived there just over a year as he skyrocketed to fame, appearing on The Ed Sullivan ShowŽ and recording Hound DogŽ and Dont Be CruelŽ. The newspaper says Rhodes College looks after the house, now owned by music industry veteran and philanthropist Mike Curb.ODD NEWS Memphis home once owned by Elvis Presley damaged by fire Focus on FloridaTHE WIRE On the anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill, Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass., attacked President Donald Trump for his stance on drilling and portrayed Congress as doing nothing in the aftermath of the 2010 explosion. Trump looking to open up E Coast & new areas for offshore oil drilling when Congress has passed no new safety standards since BP,Ž Markey tweeted April 20. We wanted to know what Trumps plans were and if Congress has done nothing since the explosion. The April 20, 2010, explosion of BPs Deepwater Horizon rig was the worst offshore drilling catastrophe in U.S. history. The explosion killed 11 workers, and 134 million gallons of oil were released into the Gulf of Mexico. We emailed a spokesman for Trump and did not get a reply; however, a spokesman for the Bureau of Ocean Management sent information about the reorganization of federal agencies that oversee drilling during the Obama administration.Trump on drillingIn 2006, Congress passed a bill to ban oil drilling within 125 miles off much of Floridas coast and up to 235 miles at some points. The ban is set to expire in 2022. There have been efforts by some Republicans to expand offshore drilling, but so far they have failed. Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La, sponsored The American Energy and Conservation Act of 2016 to allow drilling 50 miles off Floridas Gulf Shores, but the Senate rejected it, moving ahead on it in November. In response, Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., “led a bill to extend the ban by “ve years, but the Senate hasnt voted on his bill. During the campaign, Trump generally spoke favorably of expanding oil drilling, although he sounded skeptical about a proposal to allow offshore drilling closer to the Florida beaches in an interview with the Tampa Bay Times, PolitiFacts parent company, in February 2016. Theyve already got plenty in the Gulf,Ž Trump said. It would be a little bit of a shame (to expand drilling closer to Florida), because theres so much fracking, and theres so much oil that we have now that we never thought possible. Thats an issue Id absolutely study and do the right thing.Ž But later in the campaign Trump endorsed more drilling and promised to accomplish a complete American energy independence. Complete. Complete.Ž Trumps America First Energy Plan called for opening up onshore and offshore leasing on federal lands. A couple months into his administration in March, Trumps Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke proposed leasing 73 million acres offshore Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida for oil and gas exploration and development starting in August 2017. That was similar to the Obama administration plan. As he was leaving of“ce, President Barack Obama banned drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans for the next “ve years, but allowed it in the Gulf primarily in areas other than Florida. But despite Trumps rhetoric, the industry hasnt shown much interest in expanding drilling due to low oil prices, said Athan Manuel, who directs Sierra Clubs Lands Protection Program. Ideologically the Trump administration wants to push drilling everywhere, but companies are being cautious right now because the cost is so low,Ž he said. On March 28, Trump issued an executive order that called for a review of agency actions that potentially burden the safe, ef“cient development of domestic energy resources,Ž including oil.Regulations following explosionAfter BPs Deepwater Horizon explosion, lawmakers couldnt agree on safety standard legislation. In 2010, the House approved an overhaul of safety standards, but it never got the approval in the Senate. The Obama administration took some steps to tighten rules in an effort to avoid similar spills, although the rules took several years to develop, and some environmentalists have criticized them as insuf“cient. In April 2015 „ “ve years after the explosion „ the administration unveiled a proposed rule to tighten safety standards for blowout preventers, devices that are designed to stop undersea oil wells from exploding. During the Deepwater Horizon explosion, the blowout preventer malfunctioned. The rule was “nalized in March 2016. Bob Bea, an expert on risk management and a former Shell executive, told PolitiFact that little has changed in either the regulatory regime or the industrial regime in the United States. He repeatedly said during the Obama administration that the government hadnt gone far enough in terms of risk assessment. Yes, new government rules have been enacted, and new industry guidelines have been issued, but either they have not been implemented or they have not been implemented properly,Ž he said. The Government Accountability Of“ce reported in March 2017 that the Interior Department has struggled to successfully implement key initiatives to improve offshore oversight. For example, a risk-based facility inspection initiative was halted due to concerns about its usefulness and unclear protocols.Our rulingMarkey tweeted, Trump looking to open up E Coast & new areas for offshore oil drilling when Congress has passed no new safety standards since BP.Ž During the campaign, Trump frequently expressed support to open up more oil drilling. Since in of“ce, his administration proposed leasing 73 million acres offshore starting in August 2017. After the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion, Congress couldnt agree on safety standards. The Obama administration took some steps to improve safety standards, though some environmentalists say that the government didnt go far enough. We rate this claim True.Senator says Trump wants to expand oil drilling By AMY SHERMANPOLITIFACTOne woman killed, four others wounded in shootingMIAMI (AP) „ MiamiDade police are seeking the assailant who fatally shot one woman, wounded two others and left another two hospitalized with injuries suffered trying to escape the chaos that erupted in a parking lot. The Miami Herald reports that the women had just been dropped off early Sunday at the park and ride lot when someone in a car shot at them before speeding away. Police say 21-year-old Jasmine Dixon died of gunshot wounds. Two of her friends, 17-year-old Danesha Goulbourne and 18-year-old Quanisha Hepburn, were listed in stable condition after being shot. Two other friends, 20-year-old Lakeesha Hayes and 23-year-old Kandisha Rodgers, suffered injuries after possibly being hit by a car.Mom, boyfriend arrested after toddler is beatenNORTH MIAMI (AP) „ A North Miami man is in jail because police say he punched a toddler so hard she needed surgery. The girls mother is also jailed because police said she did nothing about it for days. The Miami Herald reports that 22-year-old Tyquan Spencer is accused of punching the 19-month-old daughter of Scarlett Ruiz so hard that she threw up. When Ruiz got home, police say her older daughter told her what happened. The 24-year-old woman eventually took the girl to the hospital when she developed a fever, but police say she didnt tell doctors what happened. They thought the girl had an infection. Days later, the girls symptoms got worse. Doctors performed emergency surgery and found she had a perforated intestine. Spencer is charged with child abuse. Ruiz is charged with child neglect. Neither has a listed attorney.Man convicted in fatal fight over gumbo spicesPANAMA CITY (AP) „ A man charged with fatally stabbing a restaurant worker and former Florida State mascot in a “ght over gumbo spices has been found guilty of second-degree murder. Orlando Ricardo Thompson was found guilty Thursday in the 2015 death of his co-worker Caleb Joshua Halley. Thompson faces up to life in prison. Panama City police say 33-year-old Halley was working at Buddys Seafood Market when he and the 27-year-old Thompson began arguing about how much spice to add to the restaurants gumbo. Authorities say Thompson slashed Halley across the torso. He died two days later. The two had also been roommates at one point. According to the police, Halley portrayed Florida State mascot Chief OsceolaŽ from 2004 to 2007. The News Herald reports family members of both men wept when the verdict was read.Man, 71, faces attempted murder chargeSANFORD (AP) „ A 71-year-old Florida man has been charged with attempted murder in the shooting of his stepson. The Orlando Sentinel reports that arrest records show Thomas Lathrop of Sanford shot 31-year-old Frank Fort on Saturday at the family home. According to the records, Lathrops wife, Juanita, told police her son went to sit on the front porch about 9:30 a.m. when Thomas Lathrop said, Dont you see me sitting here.Ž Fort replied he sat there every morning before work. Lathrop then got up and “red a single round at Forts legs. While Fort was running away, Lathrop “red two more shots, shattering Forts pelvis. That bullet lodged in Forts stomach, causing life-threatening injuries. Fort was in critical condition Saturday. Lathrop was being held without bail at the Seminole County Jail. HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE STATE PATTI BLAKE/NEWS HERALD VIA APKent Pietsch lands the Jelly Belly airplane on a moving vehicle at the Gulf Coast Salute Air Show held at Tyndall Air Force Base, Saturday, near Panama City. What a landing!PENSACOLA (AP) „ A stray dog has been given a second chance and a new life at the Escambia County Road Prison. Britt, a 3-year-old shepherd mix, was taken to the Escambia County Animal Shelter in 2015. Initially a stray, she was once adopted, but the owners took her back, saying she was too much to handle. Shelter staff noticed Britt had a strong ball drive, so they set up a meeting with Escambia County Road Prison of“cials to possibly take in the dog. Dogs with strong ball drives see toys as rewards and work for them, which is important when trainers evaluate potential drug search animals, according to Robert Oliver, an of“cer with the road prison. Oliver adopted the dog in late 2015 and started training her to work as a search dog in areas where inmates work. Within a few months, the pair was searching trucks, road department sites and the main jail and “nding contraband and drugs that inmates were trying to smuggle in. Oliver and Britt competed in both 2016 and 2017 at the Southern States Manhunt Field Trials in Little Rock, Arkansas. The pair came in fourth in 2016. In March, they climbed to second place against 17 other teams. I think it ruf”ed a few feathers when our mutt from the pound came in and started beating the others,Ž Oliver said. Shelter staff are now looking out for more dogs that might share Britts characteristics and could be put to work in other county departments, Oliver said.Stray dog gets second chanceBy EMMA KENNEDYPENSACOLA NEWS JOURNAL


Page 8 The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 NATIONAL NEWS BERNARDS, N.J. (AP) „ For hundreds of years, an imposing white oak tree has watched over a New Jersey community and a church, providing protection from the blazing summer sun, serving as a scenic backdrop for thousands of photos and „ according to legend „ was a picnic site for George Washington. But the tree „ believed to be among the oldest in the nation „ is not long for its place in the church graveyard that its called home for 600 years. Crews are due Today at the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church in Bernards to begin removing the tree. The two to three days of chopping and pulling will draw attention from residents of a bedroom community about 30 miles west of New York that has long celebrated its white oak. Its been the place to go for formal photos, a landmark for driving directions and a remarkable piece of natural history. I know it seems funny to some to mourn a tree, but Im really going to miss seeing it,Ž said Bernards resident Monica Evans, recalling family photos during weddings and communions. Arborists say the tree had stood for nearly 300 years before the church was built in 1717. It stands about 100 feet tall, has a trunk circumference of 18 feet and has a branch spread of roughly 150 feet. Of“cials say the crews plan to initially remove the large limb segments until there is a large trunk section still standing, then remove that section in one piece. The tree was declared dead after it began showing rot and weakness in the last couple of years, likely due to its age. Arborists determined it wouldnt be able to withstand many more harsh winters or spring storms. Among its notable visitors was Gen. George Washington, who town of“cials say picnicked at the tree with the Marquis de Lafayette. The Rev. George White“eld, a noted evangelist, also preached to more than 3,000 people beneath the tree in 1740. It has been an integral part of the town, thats for sure,Ž said Jon Klippel, a member of the churchs planning council. It has always been there, even before there was a town, and over the years many people have met there, been photographed there, had a meal under the tree. Weve been blessed to have it here.Ž The trees pending removal is a reminder of how older trees are starting to become less common across the nation. Experts say fewer trees are replicating the old oaks 600-year lifespan. They note that several factors „ including droughts, intensive wild“res and invasive insects „ can greatly harm trees, which become more susceptible to damage as they age. Research shows that older trees are dying off at alarming rates,Ž said Ian Leahy, director of urban forest programs for the Washingtonbased conservation group American Forests. He says the problem can be mitigated in part if people and communities care for the trees and monitor their health. People connect with older trees, they become a symbol to the community, and arborists go to great lengths to keep them well,Ž Leahy said. Its also important to protect vulnerable species, since trees can store big amounts of carbon and larger trees can help protect other species.Ž While the tree is being removed, its legacy will continue at the church. Another white oak, cultivated from the old trees acorns, was recently planted on another part of the church property. It now stands about 20 feet tall.New Jersey community reluctantly bidding farewell to 600-year-old tree NATIONAL NEWS BRIEFSMississippi, Alabama marking Confederate Memorial DayJACKSON, Miss. (AP) „ State government of“ces are closing Monday in Mississippi and Alabama for Confederate Memorial Day. Georgia used to mark the holiday, but removed the Confederate reference in 2015. Now, the last Monday in April there is simply called State Holiday. Confederate Memorial Day in Mississippi and Alabama commemorates those who died during the Civil War while “ghting for Southern states that tried to secede from the U.S. The Confederate military surrendered in April 1865. South Carolina holds a Confederate Memorial Day in May to mark the day Gen. Thomas StonewallŽ Jackson died. Critics say its wrong to honor those who fought to preserve slavery. Some supporters of the holiday say the average Southerner fought because Yankees were trying to disrupt their lives.Hundreds remember teacher killed in San Bernardino classroomPOMONA, Calif. (AP) „ Family, friends and the public packed a California church for the funeral of a teacher who was shot and killed along with a student in her elementary school classroom in San Bernardino. Hundreds remembered Karen Elaine Smith on Saturday as devoted to her students, her family and her church. Los Angeles news station KABC-TV reports that Smiths brother played the saxophone and one of her sons played the guitar during the four-hour service in Pomona. The 53-year-old teacher and 8-yearold Jonathan Martinez were killed April 10 when Smiths estranged husband walked into the classroom and opened “re. A 9-year-old student also was wounded and is recovering. Police say Cedric Anderson had been unsuccessfully trying to persuade Smith to get back together after they broke up just weeks into their marriage.Ex-treasure hunter faces more charges over missing coinsCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) „ A federal judge is warning an ex-treasure hunter that he could face another contemptof-court charge if he doesnt reveal the location of 500 missing gold coins. Ohio Judge Algenon Marbley on Friday ordered Tommy Thompson to cooperate by granting power of attorney to allow the government to “gure out if a trust in Belize knows the coins whereabouts. The Columbus Dispatch reports that Marbley refused Thompsons request to appoint a civil attorney to help him review records. Marbley has held Thompson in contempt of court since December 2015 for violating terms of a plea deal by refusing to respond to questions about the coins locations. The coins, valued up to $4 million, were minted from gold taken from the S.S. Central America, which sank in an 1857 hurricane.College student killed during hammer throw at track meetWHEATON, Ill. (AP) „ A college student has died after being struck during a hammer-throw event at a track meet in suburban Chicago. Wheaton College of“cials say 19-yearold student Ethan Roser of Cincinnati was volunteering at a track and “eld competition at the school Saturday when he was accidentally struck by a hammer. The hammer used in such competitions is a metal ball attached to a steel wire. The athlete holds a grip at the other end of the wire and spins several times before releasing it. The hammer weighs as much as 16 pounds. The college says Roser was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove, where he was pronounced dead. Other details about the accident werent immediately released. School of“cials say Roser was a freshman from Cincinnati.Remains of Illinois man killed at Pearl Harbor come homeCHICAGO (AP) „ An Illinois sailor has been laid to rest near the community where he grew up „ more than 75 years after he was killed at Pearl Harbor. Michael Galajdik was buried with full military honors on Saturday at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood. The 25-year-old Navy Fireman First Class from Lockport Township was aboard the USS Oklahoma when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. The remains of Galajdik „ one of more than 2,300 Americans killed in the attack „ were recovered after the attack but they could only be positively identi“ed recently because of improvements in DNA technology. WLS-TV reported that Galajdiks remains arrived at OHare International Airport on Friday to full military honors from both the Navy and the Chicago Fire Department.Wisconsin tribes clash in casino expansion fightBOWLER, Wis. (AP) „ Two American Indian tribes are going head-to-head in a “ght over casino expansion in northern Wisconsin. The Ho-Chunk Nation runs six casinos around the state and is expanding its Wittenberg location, adding more slots, a restaurant and a hotel. The plan has angered the StockbridgeMunsee Band of Mohicans, who run their own casino less than 20 miles away. The Stockbridge-Munsee fear the Ho-Chunk expansion will pull business from their casino, forcing them to cut services to their members. The tribe “led a federal lawsuit to stop the expansion last week. The David versus Goliath “ght provides a glimpse of how tribes across the country have clashed with one another in the search for crucial gambling revenue for their members. Tribes in Michigan and California also have clashed over casino expansion.California moves „ slowly „ toward resuming executionsSACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) „ California has long been what one expert calls a symbolic death penalty stateŽ „ one of 12 that has a capital punishment law on the books but hasnt executed anyone in more than a decade. The nations most populous state may now be easing back toward allowing executions, prodded by voters and lawsuits. However, observers are split on how quickly they might resume, if at all. Corrections of“cials expect to meet a Wednesday deadline to submit revised lethal injection rules to state regulators, trying again with technical changes after the “rst attempt was rejected in December. The California Supreme Court, meanwhile, is expected to rule by August on challenges to a ballot initiative narrowly approved by voters in November that would speed up executions by reducing the time allowed for appeals.Harvard researchers find copy of Declaration of IndependenceBOSTON (AP) „ Harvard University researchers say theyve discovered a second parchment copy of the Declaration of Independence. The Boston Globe reported Friday researchers Emily Sneff and Danielle Allen found the copy in a records of“ce in southern England. The only other parchment copy is maintained by the National Archives in Washington. The two dated the document to the 1780s. They say it was found in the archives in Chichester, and is believed to have originally belonged to a Duke of Richmond known as the Radical DukeŽ for his support of Americans during the Revolutionary War. The researchers said the signers on the Sussex version are not broken down by state, something that distinguishes it from the copy in the National Archives. The parchment was likely made in New York or Philadelphia.Giraffes baby bump boosts tiny zoos upkeep, conservationApril the giraffe has brought a bundle to a tiny zoo in rural upstate New York, thanks to a YouTube video livestream of her pregnancy and birth of an incredibly cute calf that has riveted viewers around the world. Owners of the Animal Adventure Park wont say exactly how much theyve pulled in from all April-related ventures, but marketing experts conservatively estimate the haul in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The ventures include the Toys R Us-sponsored stream, a Gofundme campaign, monetized text messages, a clothing line and the sale of T-shirts, caps and fuzzy toys. Park owner Jordan Patch says the proceeds will be divided among park improvements, a contribution to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation and a fund to help local children with unexpected medical expenses.AP PHOTOThis Friday photo shows a 600-year-old white oak tree on the grounds of Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church in Bernards, New Jersey. Crews are scheduled to remove the tree, believed to be among the oldest in the nation but was declared dead after numerous problems started appearing last summer. The tree has served as a scenic backdrop for thousands of photographs over the years and according to legend, was a spot where George Washington once held a picnic. AP FILE PHOTOIn this April 15 le photo, provided by Animal Adventure Park in Binghamton, New York, a girae named April licks her new calf.


The Sun /Monday, April 24, 2017 Page 9 Dear Dave: My wife and I are debt-free except for our home, and were on Baby Steps 4 and 5. Recently, we were asked to make a large donation to a charity we already support. We dont have the full cash amount they asked for on hand, and after hearing that, they said we could make monthly installment payments until the donation amount was paid in full. Were hesitant to do this because it seems a bit like debt to us. What do you think? „ Ben Dear Ben: Well, its not debt. There would be no repercussions, other than guilt, if you couldnt make the full donation. So, its not debt. To be honest though, I dont engage in that kind of stuff when it comes to giving. My wife and I do all our giving „ except for our tithe to our local church „ through our family foundation. Sometimes well do this giving in a couple of installments, but its not because we dont have the money. Its generally a situation where were walking with the charity or ministry throughout the year, and were observing and assessing the need. Id be hesitant to give a gift when I dont have the money. Most of the time, approaches like this fall under the heading of manipulation. Youre being pushed beyond your means. Most giving of this type, biblically speaking, would be from surplus. And right now, you dont have the surplus. Im kind of uncomfortable with this, Ben. I dont engage in making gift promises beyond what I have. Its not debt, but it kind of starts to feel like it, and its not so much living beyond your means as it is giving beyond your means. Thats just another reason it doesnt strike the right chord with me. „ DaveKnow where to goDear Dave: I am 18 years old and home schooled. I want to continue my education this fall, and my dad works at a college near our home. I would get free tuition, but theres another college farther from home that I like just as much „ but its more expensive. On the plus side, it is a Christian school, and my faith is important to me. What do you think I should do? „ Braden Dear Braden: Free tuition is a major plus in my book. At the same time, I can understand your desire to get out from under Mom and Dads wings a little bit. Just dont make the mistake of thinking that a school, church or anything else is completely Christian. Youll meet some of the wildest characters ever at a Christian school, just like you would at a public university. However, you would have the advantage of a built-in spiritual support network. All things considered, and since you mentioned your faith speci“cally, Id probably choose the Christian school. But I wouldnt go into debt to make it happen. Theres absolutely no reason why you cant work and go to school at the same time. Pay it as you go. I did it, and I “nished with good grades in four years. Its a little bit harder way to go, but its a lot better than ending up with a ton of student loan debt when youre through! „ Dave Follow Dave Ramsey on the web at daveramsey. com and on Twitter at @ DaveRamsey.Giving beyond your means Dear Mr. Berko: Why has Stein Mart done so badly in the past 10 years? What is wrong with the company? Does it really yield 11 percent? My stockbroker suggested I buy 5,000 shares because its a good gamble!Ž „ PE Oklahoma City Dear PE: The companys biggest problem is tired, incompetent management. Stein Mart (SMRT-$2.50) isnt a good gamble; its a rank gamble. SMRT would become a good gamble only if its price were to rise after your buy ing it. And SMRT has ugly management that knows little about marketing. SMRT sells fashion merchandise and accessories for men and women, as well as home fashions and accessories. Its a fun place to shop for merchandise one might also “nd in better department and specialty stores, as its prices are what one might “nd at large discount or off-price retail chains. Ive purchased name-brand shirts (Polo) and pants (Michael Kors) at SMRT for one-third their cost at Dillards or Macys. My wife has purchased brand-name sweaters, slacks, linens and activewear, and my kids have bought quality household products, such as dinnerware, lamps and tables. SMRT carries such brand names as Hugo Boss, Gucci, Kate Spade, Burberry, Nine West and Greg Norman Collection, and every once in a while, it features popular-brand golf balls at $7.95 a dozen that the pro shops sell for $24.95. SMRTs target customer is the fashion-conscious 30to 60-year-old woman with a median family income of $110,000. However, SMRT also carries a broad line of youthful apparel and accessories that enjoys rising popularity. Though I like its merchandise, I dont care for this 109-year-old company, which has struggled and failed for over a decade to “nd its footing in an increasingly crowded retail environment. The retail industry is facing some serious challengers, and big companies such as Macys, Kohls, Sears, J.C. Penney, The Limited, hhgregg, Gander Mountain and Chicos are closing store doors. But SMRTs vapid management continues to open new stores despite the fact that a growing number of its stores are hurting. Revenues have been declining since 2003, when SMRT topped out at $1.7 billion from 263 stores. A dozen years later, with 278 stores, SMRT booked $1.36 billion in revenues. And the revenue numbers were virtually unchanged last year, when SMRT had 285 locations. The holiday season was very sad. Comparable store revenues were off 4.7 percent, while gross revenues were 2 percent below the previous years results „ even with more stores. And in a risible attempt to move inventory last quarter, witless management increased its markdowns and discount levels. It worked, but net income collapsed to 7 cents a share, failing to cover the 30-cent dividend. Yes, the dividend from this retailer yields 11 percent, but I think this iffy dividend must be cut. SMRT, headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, has 11,000 employees, has 285 stores in 30 states and plans to open “ve new stores in 2017. Managements continuing merchandising missteps have pushed the stock below $3 a share. And those missteps are re”ected in SMRTs net pro“t margins, which have fallen from a high of 2.8 percent to an embarrassingly low 0.3 percent last year. The consensus on Wall Street suggests that SMRTs revenues will be ”at for 2017, though some cost cutting may increase net pro“t margins to 1 percent. And I did notice that John H. Williams Jr., vice chairman of the board, purchased 38,000 shares at $5.10 a share around Thanksgiving. Apparently, Johnny Jr. believes that the dividend, which at that time yielded 6 percent, is safe. Oh, Johnny, b goode! Some research organizations suggest that at $2.50, theres little downside to the stock. Value Line commented, The only way to go from these levels is up for SMRT, and we think it will best the overall market in the coming six to 12 months.Ž They believe that the current entry point is attractive and that patient, long-term investors should expect strong appreciation potential. And they may also know that Ross Stores (ROST-$63), a $12 billion-revenue off-pri ce retailer, may be interested in adding a cousin to its successful retail family. Email Malcolm Berko at in Stein Mart Dave Ramsey Malcolm Berko NEW YORK (AP) „ New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg says he wants to help save an international agreement to reduce carbon emissions. The former New York City mayor addressed his intensifying focus on climate change in an interview with The Associated Press. Last week, he released a new book, Climate of Hope: How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the Planet,Ž co-authored by Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope. The Trump administration is debating whether to abandon the Paris climate accord. Under the agreement, the U.S. pledged that by 2025 it would reduce its annual greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels. Bloomberg said in an email Saturday he believed the U.S. would hit that goal regardless of what Trump does because of state regulation and market forces already at play. NEWS BRIEF WORLD NEWS MANILA, Philippines (AP) „ Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte warned Sunday that he could be 50 timesŽ more brutal than Muslim militants who stage beheadings and said he could even eatŽ the extremists if theyre captured alive by troops. Duterte has repeatedly threatened drug suspects with death, but he raised his shock rhetoric to a new level as president when he said in a speech during the opening of a national sports tournament what he could do to terrorists who have staged beheadings and other gruesome attacks. Duterte ordered troops to kill ”eeing Muslim militants behind a foiled attack in the central resort province of Bohol and not bring them to him alive, calling the extremists animals.Ž If you want me to be an animal, Im also used to that. Were just the same,Ž Duterte said. I can dish out, go down what you can 50 times over.Ž The foul-mouthed president said that if a terrorist was presented to him when hes in a foul mood, give me salt and vinegar and Ill eat his liver.Ž The crowd broke into laughter, but Duterte cut in, Its true, if you make me angry.Ž Duterte, a longtime city mayor who built an image as a deadly crime-buster, won the presidency in May last year on a promise to battle illegal drugs, corruption and terrorism. Thousands have died under his anti-drug crackdown, which has alarmed Western governments and human rights groups. He has warned he may place the southern Philippines, scene of a decadeslong Muslim separatist rebellion, under martial rule if terrorism threats spin out of control. He recently offered a reward for information leading to the capture of Abu Sayyaf and other militants behind a foiled attack in the central province of Bohol. Eight militants, three soldiers, a policeman and two villagers have died in clashes in Bohol, which lies far from the southern jungle bases of the militants.Duterte says he can be more brutal than terrorists WORLD NEWS BRIEFSNine dead in apparent gang shootout in western MexicoMEXICO CITY (AP) „ Prosecutors in western Mexico say nine people are dead following an apparent gang shootout in a rural area. The Michoacan state prosecutors of“ce says investigators went to the area after residents reported a confrontation between armed groups. The of“ce said eight bodies were found in the hamlet of El Poturo. A ninth body was found on a nearby hill. All had bullet wounds. Four bullet-riddled vehicles were found nearby. The identity and causes of the shootings on Saturday are under investigation. The state has been the scene of both drug gang violence and an uprising by armed civilian vigilantes.Officials: Suspected US strike kills three al-Qaida operativesSANAA, Yemen (AP) „ Yemeni tribal and security of“cials say a suspected U.S. airstrike has killed three al-Qaida operatives on Yemens southern coast. The of“cials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media, say the operatives killed in Shabwa province on Sunday were driving a car when an unmanned aircraft targeted their vehicle. Their bodies have not yet been identi“ed. Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, long seen by Washington as among the most dangerous branches of the global terror network, has exploited the chaos of Yemens civil war, seizing territory in the south and east.Israel-China construction deal reportedly bans settlementsJERUSALEM (AP) „ Israel and China have signed a deal to bring Chinese construction workers to Israel, but the workers will reportedly be barred from building in West Bank settlements at Chinas insistence. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Emmanuel Nahshon said Sunday the deal ensures they will work in areas agreed upon by both sides that take into consideration their safety and well-being.Ž He would not elaborate but Israeli media reported this as meaning the workers will not be working in territory Israel captured in 1967 that the Palestinians claim for a future state. The international community mostly views Israeli settlements there as illegal and an obstacle to reaching a two-state solution to the con”ict. Israel says settlements along with other core issues like security should be resolved in peace talks.Israeli police: Palestinian stabs four in Tel AvivJERUSALEM (AP) „ Israeli police say an 18-year-old Palestinian stabbed and lightly wounded four people in Tel Aviv before being arrested. It remains unclear whether Sundays attack was politically motivated. Since September 2015, Palestinians have killed 42 Israelis, two visiting Americans and a British tourist in a wave of stabbing, shooting and car-ramming attacks. In that same time, Israeli forces killed at least 244 Palestinians, most of them identi“ed as attackers by Israeli authorities. The re st died in clashes with Israeli troops. Israel says the violence is fueled by Palestinian incitement. Palestinians say it stems from anger over 50 years of occupation.Roadside bomb in Somalia kills eight soldiers, police sayMOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) „ A Somali police of“cial says a roadside bomb in a remote town in Somalias semiautonomous state of Puntland has killed eight soldiers and injured three others. Ahmed Mohamed tells The Associated Press that Sundays blast targeted a military convoy in Galgala. Security forces have been battling Islamic Statelinked “ghters in the region. The al-Qaida-linked al-Shabab extremist group claimed responsibility for the blast. IS-linked extremists also have carried out such attacks in the past. Fighters af“liated with the Islamic State are a relatively new and growing threat in Somalia, where al-Shabab has been entrenched for years. AP FILE PHOTOIn this April 4, le photo, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte gestures while addressing army troopers.


Page 10 The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 TODAY / TONIGHTA thunderstorm in spots Partly cloudyHIGH 81 LOW 6340% chance of rain 5% chance of rainMostly sunny and nice82 / 590% chance of rain TUESDAY GULF WATER TEMPERATUREMostly sunny and nice83 / 620% chance of rain WEDNESDAYComfortable with sunshine89 / 660% chance of rain THURSDAYPartly sunny and warm92 / 6715% chance of rain SATURDAYPartly sunny and warm92 / 6910% chance of rain FRIDAY 0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource : 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.The higher the UV Index’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Temperatures Temperatures TemperaturesSource : National Allergy Bureau CONDITIONS TODAY AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEX WEATHER HISTORY WEATHER TRIVIA’ PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRING VENICE738185808275Air Quality Index readings as of SundayMain pollutant: ParticulatesPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Sunday Sebring through 2 p.m. Sunday Venice through 2 p.m. Sunday24 hours through 2 p.m. Sun. 0.16Ž Month to date 1.59Ž Normal month to date 1.60Ž Year to date 4.21Ž Normal year to date 9.11Ž Record 0.14Ž (1983) 24 hours through 2 p.m. Sun. 0.00Ž 24 hours through 2 p.m. Sun. Trace Month to date 0.71Ž Normal month to date 2.05Ž Year to date 4.29Ž Normal year to date 10.54Ž Record 0.14Ž (1960) High/Low 83/68 Normal High/Low 86/62 Record High 92 (1999) Record Low 48 (1993) High/Low 87/68 High/Low 84/70 Normal High/Low 82/63 Record High 92 (1999) Record Low 48 (1993)Pollen Index readings as of Sunday MONTHLY RAINFALLMonth 2017 2016 Avg. Record/Year J an. 0.88 9.93 1.80 9.93/2016 Feb. 0.94 4.09 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.80 1.85 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 1.59 0.99 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.46 2.50 9.45/1991 J un. 14.19 8.92 23.99/1974 J ul. 7.68 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.81 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 7.77 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 4.04 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 0.05 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.44 1.78 6.83/2002 Y ear 4.21 62.30 50.65 (since 1931) T otals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES Today Tue.Apalachicola 74 59 pc 80 64 pc Bradenton 79 66 pc 80 66 s Clearwater 78 67 pc 81 66 s Coral Springs 89 67 pc 84 66 s Daytona Beach 82 58 pc 85 62 s Fort Lauderdale 87 68 pc 82 66 s Fort Myers 83 67 pc 82 65 s Gainesville 77 52 pc 84 55 s Jacksonville 79 54 sh 84 57 s Key Largo 83 70 s 79 69 s Key West 81 73 pc 80 73 s Lakeland 80 59 pc 84 58 s Melbourne 87 63 pc 87 65 s Miami 87 68 pc 83 66 s Naples 81 67 pc 80 66 s Ocala 77 55 pc 82 57 s Okeechobee 85 60 pc 85 58 s Orlando 84 60 pc 87 62 s Panama City 75 59 pc 79 65 pc Pensacola 79 60 pc 83 67 s Pompano Beach 88 68 pc 84 66 s St. Augustine 80 60 sh 83 64 s St. Petersburg 79 66 pc 81 67 s Sarasota 79 64 pc 80 64 s Tallahassee 75 53 pc 86 56 s Tampa 80 67 pc 82 68 pc Vero Beach 87 62 pc 85 63 s West Palm Beach 87 66 pc 83 65 s Punta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop TIDES MARINEPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORTToday 2:14a 8:44a 2:32p 9:18p Tue. 3:11a 9:17a 2:56p 10:04p Today 12:51a 7:00a 1:09p 7:34p Tue. 1:48a 7:33a 1:33p 8:20p Today 12:05p 5:42a --6:16p Tue. 12:52a 6:16a 12:28p 7:05p Today 2:46a 9:13a 3:04p 9:47p Tue. 3:43a 9:46a 3:28p 10:33p Today 11:24a 5:39a --6:13p Tue. 12:03a 6:12a 11:48a 6:59p W 8-16 2-3 Moderate W 10-20 2-4 ModerateFt. Myers 83/67 part cldy all day Punta Gorda 81/61 part cldy all day Sarasota 79/64 part cldy none The Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise Set Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLEForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017New Apr 26 First May 2 Full May 10 Last May 18 Today 5:45 a.m. 6:13 p.m. Tuesday 6:28 a.m. 7:18 p.m. Today 6:56 a.m. 7:57 p.m. Tuesday 6:55 a.m. 7:58 p.m. Today 4:25a 10:38a 4:51p 11:04p Tue. 5:13a 11:26a 5:40p 11:53p Wed. 6:06a 12:20p 6:34p 12:48p WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow flurries, sn -snow, i -ice. THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow IceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesPublication date: 04/24/17 Today Tue. Today Tue. Today Tue. Today Tue.Albuquerque 81 54 s 69 44 pc Anchorage 53 43 c 55 37 c Atlanta 68 57 pc 79 58 s Baltimore 54 49 r 62 55 r Billings 57 38 sh 48 34 sh Birmingham 71 53 sh 83 58 s Boise 53 42 sh 58 45 r Boston 62 45 pc 48 47 r Buffalo 63 45 s 64 50 r Burlington, VT 55 38 s 56 47 r Charleston, WV 66 50 c 73 51 pc Charlotte 60 54 r 71 54 c Chicago 71 51 pc 76 58 pc Cincinnati 71 52 pc 76 57 pc Cleveland 69 52 s 75 55 pc Columbia, SC 74 58 t 76 58 sh Columbus, OH 72 51 pc 77 56 pc Concord, NH 69 40 s 48 44 r Dallas 79 62 s 90 69 s Denver 68 39 pc 57 31 c Des Moines 74 55 pc 71 49 c Detroit 68 49 s 73 56 pc Duluth 44 38 r 54 30 r Fairbanks 51 35 s 51 31 c Fargo 55 32 r 46 28 c Hartford 70 46 pc 51 47 r Helena 55 37 sh 55 34 r Honolulu 85 74 s 86 73 pc Houston 81 60 s 86 72 pc Indianapolis 73 52 s 76 59 pc Jackson, MS 76 49 s 85 59 s Kansas City 74 56 s 75 46 pc Knoxville 69 54 pc 76 56 pc Las Vegas 85 65 s 81 63 pc Los Angeles 74 60 pc 81 60 pc Louisville 74 54 pc 80 59 pc Memphis 75 52 s 81 62 s Milwaukee 60 47 pc 66 51 c Minneapolis 66 49 sh 60 38 r Montgomery 75 54 pc 84 58 s Nashville 69 51 pc 79 57 s New Orleans 79 59 s 82 65 s New York City 60 49 r 53 52 r Norfolk, VA 71 63 r 75 62 r Oklahoma City 76 58 s 85 54 s Omaha 75 51 pc 64 40 c Philadelphia 56 48 r 58 55 r Phoenix 93 68 s 88 66 s Pittsburgh 64 49 c 69 52 c Portland, ME 59 39 s 46 43 r Portland, OR 54 45 r 55 48 r Providence 63 46 pc 51 49 r Raleigh 65 58 r 73 56 r Salt Lake City 57 44 sh 54 42 r St. Louis 77 54 s 82 62 pc San Antonio 79 61 s 88 69 s San Diego 70 62 pc 72 60 pc San Francisco 64 53 pc 65 56 c Seattle 57 46 r 57 47 r Washington, DC 56 52 r 60 58 r Amsterdam 55 39 r 47 37 sh Baghdad 84 59 pc 86 58 pc Beijing 73 46 s 69 42 pc Berlin 57 41 c 55 35 r Buenos Aires 71 54 pc 68 48 r Cairo 77 56 s 81 58 s Calgary 41 27 sn 39 29 sn Cancun 88 66 s 86 74 s Dublin 50 35 sh 47 33 sh Edmonton 38 26 sf 39 24 sf Halifax 53 35 pc 46 37 pc Kiev 52 35 pc 60 46 pc London 61 37 sh 52 37 t Madrid 77 51 pc 74 45 t Mexico City 78 53 pc 81 51 pc Montreal 49 34 pc 59 45 sh Ottawa 51 32 s 55 42 c Paris 63 44 pc 53 34 sh Regina 35 20 c 39 21 s Rio de Janeiro 82 71 pc 85 73 s Rome 66 47 pc 67 52 pc St. Johns 46 25 pc 39 24 s San Juan 85 78 t 86 76 sh Sydney 77 64 pc 76 61 t Tokyo 65 56 pc 65 56 s Toronto 53 42 s 53 47 c Vancouver 57 45 pc 57 46 pc Winnipeg 34 26 sn 36 22 pcHigh ........................ 94 at Blythe, CALow ......... 16 at Antero Reservoir, CO(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday)76On April 24, 1908, a series of tornadoes moving from Louisiana to Alabama took more than 300 lives. Q: What kind of precipitation resembles an onion?A: Hailstones; both have concentric rings Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Hull Arcadia Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is todays weather. Temperatures are todays highs and tonights lows. North Port 81/63 84/59 84/63 84/63 82/60 84/58 85/61 85/61 85/61 80/67 79/66 81/71 78/65 83/67 81/61 81/61 84/65 82/61 82/61 80/59 81/60 82/60 82/62 79/66 81/59 78/68 79/65 79/66 82/59 81/65 79/66 80/58 79/64 78/67 78/68 82/68 83/68 80/64 adno=50509539 941-777-4589 Expiration 4/30/2017 $ 99 OFF ANY DRAIN LINE REPAIR


Monday, April 24, 2017 S PORTS € @SunCoastSportsBy GREG AUMANTampa Bay TimesCLEARWATER „ Ask Ali Marpet what he has tried to work on most this offseason, and his response is, promisingly, quick and accurate. Snap,Ž says the 24-year-old offensive lineman, making a transition „ coach Dirk Koetter called it an experiment „ from guard to center in the spring. Marpet has snapped before and during practices to be an emergency center but never in a game „ not with the Bucs, not at Division III Hobart College, not in high school, never. Hes making up for it now. Ive been able to get with Jameis (Winston) a couple of times, and otherwise, Ive snapped with anyone who will catch the ball,Ž he said. I go until I feel good, whether thats 20 snaps or 100, whatever it ends up being.ŽNFL: BucsMove to center a snap for MarpetTAMPA BAY TIMES PHOTOThe Bucs will work Ali Marpet at center when workouts begin to increase the offensive lines flexibility.By ROGER MOONEYTampa Bay TimesST. PETERSBURG „ The pair of silver crutches resting next to the locker of pitcher Tommy Hunter were not an encouraging sign Saturday, especially after the reliever left the Rays 6-3 win against the Astros in the sixth inning with right calf tightness. Its sore,Ž Hunter said Saturday night. You dont really know until anyt hing comes back, maybe get (an MRI exam) of it and see what the doctors say. It doesnt feel very good.Ž Hunter was placed on the 10-day disabled list on Sunday with a right calf strain. The Rays recalled right-handed pitcher Chih-Wei Hu from Durham to replace Hunter. Hunter joined Xavier Cedeno on the DL. The lefthander was placed on the 10-day list Friday with left forearm tightness. Rays manager Kevin Cash said Cedeno would have more tests and he could be out for an extended period. The Rays recalled righthander Ryan Garton from to replace Cedeno, leaving the bullpen without a lefthanded reliever. A little tricky, for sure,Ž Cash said. Were fortunate we have a guy like Danny Farquhar that matches up pretty well against lefties, but well have to find some other guys that can go out there and get some big outs against them.Ž Hunter was injured when he broke toward first to cover the bag when Astros C Evan Gattis grounded to 1B Logan Morrison. I got bit by a snake,Ž Hunter joked. It didnt feel good. It hurt a little bit. Well see (today). Ill come in and see if its any better.ŽOdorizzi readyRHP Jake Odorizzi (left hamstring strain) put his leg to the test Saturday with a 36-pitch bullpen session, then did drills where he ran to cover first base and ran while changing directions. I tested it fully, and its normal,Ž he said. Odorizzi is scheduled to come off the disabled list Wednesday when the Rays are in Baltimore. He should join the rotation on the upcoming trip, but not before he throws another bullpen session and pitches a round of live batting practice. Im physically ready to go right now,Ž Odorizzi said. Its up to them, and well kind of see where it goes, I guess.ŽRAYS NOTEBOOKHunter goes on DL with calf injuryINDEX | Lottery 2 | NBA 2 | NHL 2 | Golf 3 | MLB 4 | Scoreboard 5 | Sports Ticker 6 CHAPPELL VICTORYKevin Chappell made an 8-foot putt on the “ nal hole to win the Valero Texas Open by one stroke on Sunday. Page 3 By JENNA FRYERAssociated PressBRISTOL, Tenn. „ NASCAR has postponed the Monster Energy Cup race at Bristol Motor Speedway because of heavy rain that is not expected to let up on Sunday. The race was pushed until today at 1 p.m. Weather has been a problem all weekend at Bristol, where Friday qualifications were washed out. On Saturday, the Xfinity Series race had a lengthy stoppage for rain. Cup points leader Kyle Larson will start on the pole next to Chase Elliott. AUTO RACING: NASCARRain washes out Monster Cup Energy race at Bristol until todayAP PHOTOFans arrive at Bristol Motor Speedway before a NASCAR Monster Energy race Sunday in Bristol, Tenn. Todays raceFOOD CITY 500 Bristol Motor Speedway TV: FOX, 1 p.m. By ROB MAADDIAssociated PressPHILADELPHIA „ Yo, Roger, they did it. When the NFL chose Philadelphia to host the 2017 draft, it quickly became clear one of the worlds most famous movie locations would be the perfect site to hold the three-day extravaganza. We had talked about a couple different venues for the NFL and they wanted the Rocky steps and they wanted the Art Museum,Ž Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney told The Associated Press. So thats what we gave them. It will be a terrific event.Ž Perhaps NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell will run up the famous steps before announcing the No. 1 pick. Those same steps immortalized by fictional hero Rocky Balboa 41 years ago will serve as the backdrop for the elaborate stage, including a 3,000-seat, open-air theater, being constructed along the Benjamin Franklin Parkway for the NFLs first outdoor draft. The free event is being called the largest fan experience ever produced by the NFL. More than 200,000 people are expected to visit the half-mile area next week to enjoy the festivities. The first round begins Thursday night. There was no better way to highl ight the city of Philadelphia than to showcase some of its most iconic venues „ from the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, to the Franklin Institute,Ž NFL spokesman Kamran Mumtaz said. Some tourists and residents in the area have been grumbling for weeks about the lack of access to sidewalks and roads, and about the giant stage blocking most of the iconic RockyŽ steps. NFL: 2017 DraftPhilly set to host draft in grand wayAP PHOTOTourists take photos with the Rocky statue as workmen construct the stage for the upcoming 2017 NFL football draft on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art Tuesday in Philadelphia. Hunter SEE DRAFT, 3 SEE NOTEBOOK, 2 SEE NASCAR, 3 SEE BUCS, 3By MARK DIDTLERAssociated PressST. PETERSBURG „ It was difficult, but the AL Westleading Houston Astros won their first series at Tampa Bay in nearly a decade. Brian McCann and Yuli Gurriel both had RBI singles in the 10th inning, and the Astros rallied from an early four-run deficit to beat the Rays 6-4 on Sunday. That was a pretty rewarding win for this team,Ž Astros manager A.J.Hinch said. Carlos Beltran opened the 10th by drawing a walk from Ryan Garton (0-1) and went to second on Jose Altuves single. After reaching third on Carlos Correas fly to center, Beltran scored to make it 5-4 on McCanns hit to right. Gurriels two-out single put Houston ahead 6-4. Luke Gregerson (1-1) went a scoreless ninth before Ken Giles got three out for his fifth save. The Astros tied it at 4 on pinch-hitter Evan Gattis sacrifice fly off closer Alex Colome, who was bidding for a two-inning save, in the ninth. The beauty of this team is were so deep,Ž McCann said. The bottom of the order can get you, the top of the order can get you.ŽMLB: Astros 6. Rays 4Tampa falls in extrasAP PHOTOTampa Bay Rays shortstop Tim Beckham, left, looks on as Brad Miller, center, th rows to first to complete a double play after forcing out Houston Astros Alex Bregman (2) at second base during the fourth inning Sunday in St. Petersburg. 2-run, 10th inning leads Astros past RaysRays at OriolesWho: Tampa Bay (10-10) at Baltimore (12-5) When: 7:05 p.m. today Where: Camden Yards, Baltimore, Md. TV/Radio: FoxSun/1070-AM SEE RAYS, 2


Houston, which won two of three, hadnt won a road series against Tampa Bay si nce June 2008. Brad Miller had an RBI triple, Steven Souza Jr. hit a two-run homer, and Jesus Sucre added a runscoring single as the Rays went up 4-0 in the first. We let one get away from us,Ž Rays manager Kevin Cash said. Frustrating loss.Ž After Correa had two-run shot during the third, Altuve got Houston within 4-3 on a solo homer in the fifth. Joe Musgrove gave up four runs and five hits „ all in the first „ over six innings for the Astros. He allowed just two baserunners „ on catchers interference and a walk „ from two outs in the first through the sixth. When you get punched in the mouth, youve got to get up and punch back,Ž Musgrove said. Three Houston relievers held the Rays to two hits. Tampa Bays Matt Andriese allowed three runs and six hits in five innings. Astros center field Jake Marisnick was replaced defensively to start the bottom of the third due to concussion-like symptoms. He had remained in the game after running face first into the center-field fence while catching Logan Morrisons firstinning drive.TRAINERS ROOMAstros: OF George Springer had his majorleague leading streak of playing in 205 consecutive games end because of left hamstring discomfort. He was hurt running out a grounder Saturday and is day to day. Rays : CF Kevin Kiermaier, who left both Friday and Saturdays games due to illness, entered as a defensive replacement in the eighth. ... RHP Tommy Hunter (right calf strain) was placed on the 10-day disabled list and RHP Chih-Wei Hu was recalled from Triple-A Durham.CORREA CORNERCorrea went 1 for 5, and has one hit in 14 at-bats over four games after missing three with a bruised right hand.UP NEXTAstros: LHP Dallas Keuchel (3-0) takes the hill Tuesday night against Cleveland RHP Josh Tomlin (1-2). Keuchel has opened the season with four straight starts of seven innings, while allowing one or fewer runs in each outing. Only one other Astros pitcher, RHP Roger Clemens in 2005, has done it. Rays: RHP Chris Archer (2-0) will face Baltimore RHP Ubaldo Jimenez (1-0) Monday night as Tampa Bay starts a three-city, eight-game road trip. The Rays are 1-6 on the road, compared to 9-4 at home.Whats in a picko ?RHP Alex Cobb on Friday became the first pitcher in 14 years to pick off the same runner twice in one game when he caught Astros 2B Jose Altuve leaning toward second in the fourth and fifth innings. The last time that happened was 2003 when Cleveland LHP Terry Mulholland (Royals Desi Relaford) and RHP Jason Davis (Yankees Alfonso Soriano) did it. Cobb is the fourth Rays pitcher to pick off two runners in a game, the first since James Shields on July 5, 2011 at Minnesota.Medical mattersOF Colby Rasmus (hip surgery) resumed his minor-league rehab Saturday at Double-A Montgomery. He played leftfield and was 1-for-3 with a double and two strikeouts. He could join the Rays next weekend in Toronto. ƒ OF Mallex Smith (right hamstring strain) began his minorleague rehab Sunday with Class A Charlotte at Palm Beach. Page 2 SP Monday, April 24, 2017 / The Sun Florida Lottery www.flalottery.comPICK 2Apr. 23N ...........................9-0 Apr. 23D ...........................1-3 Apr. 22N ...........................6-1 Apr. 22D ...........................2-9 Apr. 21N ...........................2-7 Apr. 21D ...........................7-2 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Apr. 23N .......................8-6-7 Apr. 23D .......................0-4-4 Apr. 22N .......................3-0-8 Apr. 22D .......................5-0-8 Apr. 21N .......................3-7-3 Apr. 21D .......................7-9-6 D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Apr. 230N ..................3-4-9-4 Apr. 23D ....................6-6-0-1 Apr. 22N ....................6-9-1-0 Apr. 22D ....................9-5-7-3 Apr. 21N ....................0-4-1-2 Apr. 21D ....................3-0-0-0 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Apr. 23N .................4-4-4-4-3 Apr. 23D .................0-8-8-2-4 Apr. 22N .................2-6-5-8-7 Apr. 22D .................4-8-6-3-1 Apr. 21N .................7-9-0-8-4 Apr. 21D .................2-2-2-4-8 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Apr. 23 .............1-8-19-21-24 Apr. 22 .........14-15-27-28-34 Apr. 21 .........10-16-23-30-31 PAYOFF FOR APR. 22 1..5-digit winner $243,597.69 290..4-digit winners $135.00 9,664..3-digit winners $11.00CASH FOR LIFEApr. 20 .........22-23-37-56-60 Cash Ball ............................4 Apr. 17 .............5-9-12-33-46 Cash Ball ............................4 € € € PAYOFF FOR APR. 17 0....5-of-5 CB ......$1,000/Day 0....5-of-5.........$1,000/Week 6....4-of-5 CB ..............$2,500 19...4-of-5......................$500LUCKY MONEYApr. 21 ................1-17-43-44 Lucky Ball ...........................6 Apr. 18 ..................1-4-24-34 Lucky Ball ...........................7 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 21 1......4-of-4 LB ........$950,000 0......4-of-4.........................$0 33....3-of-4 LB ..........$605.00 667..3-of-4 ..................$60.50LOTTOApr. 22 ....16-20-28-33-47-48 Apr. 19 ......4-27-28-35-37-45 Apr. 15 ....12-19-22-23-26-29 PAYOFF FOR Apr. 22 0..6-digit winners $4 million 11.5-digit winners $9,644.00 950..4-digit winners ..$83.00POWERBALLApr. 22 .........21-39-41-48-63 Powerball ...........................6 April 19 ..........1-19-37-40-52 Powerball .........................15 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 22 0....5 of 5 + PB ...$70 million 1....5 of 5 ..............$1 million 2....4 of 5 + PB .........$50,000 27..4 of 5 .......................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $100 millionMEGA MILLIONSApr. 21 ...........1-12-13-32-34 Mega Ball .........................10 Apr. 18 .......... 8-29-30-43-64 Mega Ball .......................... 3 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 21 0....5 of 5 + MB ..$15 million 0....5 of 5 .............$1,000,000 0....4 of 5 + MB ..........$5,000 10...4 of 5 ......................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $52 million NOTEBOOKFrom Page 1SPORTS ON TVAUTO RACING 1 p.m. FOX „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup, Food City 500, at Bristol, Tenn. MLB BASEBALL 7 p.m. ESPN „ Chicago Cubs at Pittsburgh 10 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco OR San Diego at Arizona (joined in progress) NBA BASKETBALL 7 p.m. NBA „ NBA Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 5, Milwaukee at Toronto 8 p.m. TNT „ NBA Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 4, Washington at Atlanta 10:30 p.m. TNT „ NBA Playoffs, Western Conference, “ rst round, Game 4, Golden State at Portland MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Rainout ends Stone Crabs roadtripAP PHOTOHome plate umpire Manny Gonzalez (79) watches as Astros Yuli Gurriel, center, scores past the tag of Tampa Bay Rays catcher Jesus Sucre, right, during the ninth inning Sunday in St. Petersburg. RAYSFrom Page 1 Staff ReportJUPITER „ Rain forced postponement of Sundays scheduled Florida State League game between the Charlotte Stone Crabs and Palm Beach Cardinals at Roger Dean Stadium. No make-up date was immediately designated. The game would have been the last of a seven-game roadtrip for the Stone Crabs, who won the first two games of the scheduled three-game series with the Cardinals. That followed three wins in four games against Daytona. Charlotte is off today before returning home to begin a sixgame homestand on Tuesday with the first of three games against Dunedin. After the Blue Jays, Bradenton makes its second visit to Port Charlotte for a three-game series beginning on Friday. After Bradenton departs on Sunday, Charlotte begins its longest roadtrip of the season, a 10-game swing that will take it to Lakeland, Tampa and Clearwater. Associated PressLeBron James stuck to the old script Sunday. Again, he bailed out the Cleveland Cavaliers. And again, he sent the Indiana Pacers home for vacation. On yet another milestone day for basketballs king, James crowning achievement was making the go-ahead 3-pointer with 1:08 to play and helping the defending champions hold on for a series-clinching 106102 victory at Indiana. You have to mentally challenge yourself every year and go out and try to do whats right „ putting your body on the line, putting your team on the line and trying to be successful,Ž James said. Its very hard.Ž But the four-time MVP makes it look easy. He finished with 33 points, 10 rebounds, four assists, four steals and two blocks. By winning his 21st consecutive first-round game, James broke a tie with Michael Cooper, Magic Johnson and James Worthy for the longest streak under the NBAs current playoff format. By sweeping a series for the 10th time, James broke a tie with Tim Duncan for the most in a career, according to Elias Sports Bureau. By going 13 of 25 from the field, he pulled into a tie with Kobe Bryant for the fourth highest postseason field goal total with 2,014. And by holding on for the win, James improved to 52-0 in the playoffs when his team takes a double-digit lead into the fourth quarter. James considered the milestones a footnote on a day the Cavs blew a 13-point lead and allowed the Pacers to come all the way back and take a 102-100 lead with 1:31 to go. They were giving it all they had,Ž James said. Obviously, a loss would have ended their season. We just had to weather the storm once again.Ž Of course thats when James took the cue and came to the rescue. He made the long 3 to give Cleveland the lead, poked the ball away from Young on the next possession, grabbed the rebound when Paul George missed a 3 with 1.9 seconds to go that could have forced overtime and, of course, made 1 of 2 free throws to seal the win. Now Cleveland takes a seven-game winning streak into the conference semifinals against either Milwaukee or Toronto.ROCKETS 113, THUNDER 109: Nene scored 28 points on perfect shooting from the “ eld, and the Houston Rockets beat the Oklahoma City Thunder to take a 3-1 lead in their “ rst-round series. Nene made all 12 of his shots and had 10 rebounds. He helped the Rockets overcome an off night by James Harden, who “ nished with 16 points on 5-for-16 shooting. Eric Gordon and Lou Williams each scored 18 points for the Rockets. Trevor Ariza had 14. Oklahoma City star Russell Westbrook had a triple-double by halftime and “ nished with 35 points, 14 rebounds and 14 assists. The Thunder said Westbrook joined Wilt Chamberlain as the only players to claim three consecutive playoff triple-doubles. CELTICS 104, BULLS 95: Isaiah Thomas scored 33 points, and the Celtics beat the Bulls to tie their “ rst-round playoff series at 2-all. Boston blew a 20-point lead, but Thomas keyed a third-quarter run that put the Celtics back on top after Chicago brie” y went ahead. Gerald Green made four 3-pointers on his way to 18 points, helping the topseeded Celtics return the favor in Chicago after dropping the “ rst two games at home. Al Horford added 15 points and 12 rebounds. NBA ROUNDUPJames helps Cavs hold o Pacers to earn sweepAP PHOTOThe Cavaliers LeBron James reacts after hitting a free throw in the closing seconds in Game 4 against the Indiana Pacers on Sunday in Indianapolis. Associated PressClarke MacArthur scored a power-play goal 6:30 into overtime and the Ottawa Senators beat the Boston Bruins 3-2 on Sunday to win their first-round playoff series in six games. Craig Anderson stopped 28 shots for Ottawa, which advanced in the postseason for the first time since 2013. The Senators will play the New York Rangers in the second round. Tuukka Rask made 26 saves for the Bruins, and Boston got goals from Drew Stafford and Patrice Bergeron. Bobby Ryan and Kyle Turris scored for Ottawa five minutes apart in the second to give the Senators a 2-1 lead. But Bergeron tied it early in the third to force overtime for the fourth time in the series. It was also the 17th overtime game of the playoffs, tying the NHL record for an opening round set in 2013. Six minutes in, Bruins forward David Pastrnak was sent off for pulling MacArthur down from behind as he entered the Boston zone. MacArthur, who had missed 156 straight regular-season games after sustaining a concussion on Oct. 14, 2015, ended it 36 seconds later. The Bruins made the playoffs for the first time in three seasons, rallying after firing the winningest coach in franchise history and the one that led them to the 2011 Stanley Cup title in 2011. They went 18-8 after Bruce Cassidy replaced Claude Julien, but lost their last two to finish third „ behind Ottawa „ in the Atlantic Division. That left them matched up with the Senators in the first round „ a bad draw against a team that beat them all four times in the regular season and six straight overall. After winning Game 1, Boston lost three in a row before forcing a fifth game with a double-overtime victory on Friday night. The Bruins were hit with three delay of game penalties in the first period for sending the puck over the glass, but on none of those power plays did Ottawa even manage as much as a shot on goal. Instead, the Bruins took a 1-0 lead with just under two minutes left in the first when Stafford converted on a tripping penalty against Mark Stone. But Ryan tied it for Ottawa on a power play early in the second, then Turris gave the Senators a 2-1 lead about five minutes later. It stayed that way until Patrice Bergeron tied it about two minutes into the third period.NHL ROUNDUPSenators beat Bruins in OT, advance in playo s


Bristol officials this year applied a VHT resin to the track surface that is intended to enhance grip. But the nonstop rain has washed away most of the tire rubber accumulated through three practice sessions. Its unclear if both the preferred bottom lane and top line will work on Monday. If only one lane works, it could turn into a throwback Bristol race in which bumping is the only way to pass a car. Larson said he expected NASCAR to call a competition caution early in the first stage Monday to check tire wear. Im sure we will all pit probably because it has shown a lot of tire wear on the left side, so Im sure everybody will pit,Ž Larson said. We will see if people take two or four or whatever, but it kind of just depends on what position you are in at that point if you are going to take two or four (tires).Ž Five-time Bristol winner Kurt Busch called the rain a blessing in disguise.Ž The track was talking about laying down more VHT and they cant do it while its wet,Ž Busch said. The VHT is like a grip applicator and you have to heat it up to make it work, so in the dragracing world the guys do a burnout through it and you have that stripe that you just heat it up and thats what has to happen for us oval guys. We have to have more cars out there to heat it up, so its going to be like ice when we first start off and then the grip will come back once we do heat it up after this rain. Im hopeful that once we burn through some of that top surface, and we get through to where were starting to wear it away, then the outside groove will come into play. Hopefully, youll have a bottom and a top once it gets down to it.Ž INDYCARNewgarden wins for Team PenskeJosef Newgarden kept Team Penske on top at Barber Motorsports Park with his second Alabama win in three years, with help from a teammates misfortune. The new Penske driver didnt allow Scott Dixon an opening over the final stretch to give Chevrolet its first win of the season Sunday in the Indy Grand Prix of Alabama. Newgarden was overshadowed by his own teammates coming into the race thats only three hours from his hometown of Hendersonville, Tennessee. Pole sitter Will Power, Helio Castroneves and defending champion Simon Pagenaud were the top three qualifiers after small Honda teams won the first two races. Pagenaud finished third and Castroneves fourth. Newgarden moved to the front for the first time when Power was forced to pit with a punctured left rear tire with 14 laps to go. Newgarden said he didnt know if he had the car to overtake Power, a two-time winner at Barber who had led 60 laps. It kind of goes as it comes,Ž Newgarden said. You take the breaks as they go.Ž His work was far from done with Dixon a nearannual contender on the road course. When you have a Dixon behind you for 20 laps, that shows how good the driver is,Ž team owner Roger Penske said. It remains even more of a Penske-dominated track with Newgardens addition and one where Dixon cant get over the hump. Dixon has five second-place finishes and seven podium finishes in eight years. Power didnt want to pit initially, but he finally yielded to the harsh reality. The car was awesome, so fast,Ž he said. I dont know what to say. I could feel it. I tried to tell them for as long as I could that it was fine, but it was going down.Ž Visitors wont be able to run up those steps and raise their arms triumphantly at the top the way Sylvester Stallone did in the movie, but they could walk up the steps from the side and they can visit the Rocky statue at the bottom. Joaquim Marquet, of Valencia, Spain, came down to Philadelphia from New York City just to run up the steps Thursday. It was the one thing I wanted to do,Ž the 32-year-old said. (It) was a bit disappointing, but I understand you cant stop everything just for tourists.Ž There will be a ton of other, fun activities for visitors inside the NFL Draft Experience, which stretches the length of 25 football fields. One of the interactives includes an opportunity for fans to test their 40-yard dash time against players. Adults and kids can kick field goals, run through obstacles or try the new 100-yard zip line. I will not be on the zip line, but Im sure the more adventurous will be lined up for it,Ž Kenney said. Those who prefer to stay on the ground can get autographs from current and former players, take pictures with the Vince Lombardi Trophy and much more. Fans outside the theater can follow the draft on giant television screens. The NFL is really engaged in the fan experience process,Ž said Julie Coker G raham, President and CEO of the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau. The City of Brotherly Love is getting used to major events. Philadelphia hosted the Democratic National Convention last summer and Pope Francis in 2015. We certainly do big events well,Ž Coker Graham said. But to have the NFL choose us, our city, Philadelphia and then to choose the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, and the iconic steps of the Art Museum is kind of a dream come true.Ž The 82nd NFL draft is returning to its birthplace for the first time since 1961 and 11th time overall. On February 8, 1936, the first NFL draft was held at Philadelphias RitzCarlton Hotel. Teams took turns over nine rounds picking from 90 names written on a blackboard. There was no media coverage. Times have changed. This years draft received its most fan interest since the event moved from New York in 2014. Chicago hosted the draft the past two years. Philadelphia fans, especially Eagles fans, are known for their boorish behavior. A group of Eagles fans who traveled to New York in 1999 welcomed No. 2 overall pick Donovan McNabb with a chorus of boos he never forgot. Surely, Goodell will be jeered. Our fans are very passionate and also very educated when it comes to sports,Ž Coker Graham said. We support our players and teams and we share our opinions. We know company is coming, so we always put on our best smile when company is coming.Ž The NFL says the event is expected to generate $80 million in economic impact for the city. Mayor Kenney didnt want to put a number on it. You cant put a price tag on the positive exposure the city gets,Ž he said. You cant quantify the value of that.Ž The full cost of the NFL draft is close to $25 million. The NFL will cover $20 million, and the remaining $5 million is coming from private funding secured by the city. The pope cost us $8 million and the NFL draft is costing us $500,000 so the ROI (return on investment) on that is quite spectacular,Ž Kenney said. For Philly, the Hail Mary is greater than the Holy Father. The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 SP Page 3Draft order1. Cleveland 2. San Francisco 3. Chicago 4. Jacksonville 5. Tennessee (from L.A. Rams) 6. N.Y. Jets 7. L.A. Chargers 8. Carolina 9. Cincinnati 10. Buffalo 11. New Orleans 12. Cleveland (from Phila.) 13. Arizona 14. Philadelphia (from Minn.) 15. Indianapolis 16. Baltimore 17. Washington 18. Tennessee 19. Tampa Bay 20. Denver 21. Detroit 22. Miami 23. N.Y. Giants 24. Oakland 25. Houston 26. Seattle 27. Kansas City 28. Dallas 29. Green Bay 30. Pittsburgh 31. Atlanta 32. New EnglandNASCARFrom Page 1DRAFTFrom Page 1 Associated PressSAN ANTONIO „ Kevin Chappell made an 8-foot putt on the final hole to win the Valero Texas Open by one stroke on Sunday. Chappell had a 4-under 68 in the final round to finish at 12 under for the tournament, edging Brooks Koepka at TPC San Antonio to earn his first PGA Tour victory in his 180th career start. Koepka, a member of the U.S. Ryder Cup team last year, was looking for his second PGA Tour win. He had the best round of the day at 7-under 65. Before Chappell came down the 18th hole, Koepka had birdied the hole with a 3-foot putt to tie him. Second-round coleader Tony Finau got in a position to tie Koepka when he birdied four of five holes on the back nine. But his par-bogey finish left him to settle for a final-round 69 and a third-place tie with Kevin Tway (69) at 9-under. Australian Aaron Baddeley fired 68 to finish fourth at 8 under. Brian Gay (70), Sung Kang (68), Ryan Palmer (71) and Cameron Smith (71) were tied for sixth at 7-under, five shots behind Chappell. Koepka, trailing Chappell by a shot coming up the 18th, took a 3-iron out of his bag and considered taking a crack at reaching the 606-yard par-5 in two. But he had 293 yards left with a slight uphill shot into the wind with a creek fronting the green. He put the club back in his bag and laid up to create a 90-wedge approach. He stuck that to about three feet and made the birdie to go into the clubhouse tied with Chappell. Chappell had almost the same distance for his approach on 18, and he landed it past the hole to set up the winning putt. Finau closed with birdies on four of five holes coming to the 17th. He was just a shot behind Chappells lead, but he parred there and drove next to a cactus bush on the 18th. He punched out to the fairway, removed cactus needles from his leg, then put his approach into the creek. He took a penalty drop, and his bogey ended his chances. PGA Tour ChampionsCarlos Franco and Vijay Singh teamed to shoot a course-record 12-under par on Sunday to rally from seven shots behind and win the PGA Tour Champions Bass Pro Shops Legends of Golf at Big Cedar Lodge in Ridgedale, Mo. Franco and Singh finished at 15 under overall over the rain-shortened 36-hole tournament at the par-3 Top of the Rock course, holding off a trio of teams that finished a stroke back. The win is the first on the PGA Tour Champions for Singh, and its the second for Franco. I love playing with Carlos,Ž Singh said. Ive known him for a long time, and if it wasnt for him, I wouldnt be here, so Id like to thank Carlos.Ž I (came) in unprepared this week, because I know my partner is a strong player,Ž Franco said. He gave me big help this week, and I gave him a bit of help, too, and Im so happy.ŽEuropean TourAustrian Bernd Wiesberger beat Englands Tommy Fleetwood in a playoff on Sunday to win the Shenzhen International in China. Wiesberger went into the final round with a three-shot lead and eight shots ahead of Fleetwood but the Englishman fired a 63 to finish tied at 16 under. Wiesbergers 71 featured par saves on the 12th and 17th and he nearly hit the pin with his approach to the last hole but was forced to settle for a par and a trip back up the 18th. Wiesberger hit his drive in the playoff over the water off the tee and ended up in the bank while Fleetwood played safely onto the fairway and found the heart of the green with his second shot.PRO GOLF: Texas OpenChappell edges Koepka by 1 stroke Marpet was at ease Thursday afternoon, sitting at Smokey Bones Bar & Fire Grill in a Hawaiian shirt and sporting a new shaggy haircut, received mostly wellŽ by his teammates this week. He ate the restaurants new giant Hawaiian rib eye at a charity eating event to donate $4,000 to Metropolitan Ministries and, as with football, embraced the challenge with an appetite. Im a center,Ž he says. Its always been in the back pocket. I can still play guard. I know. Ive played guard. I imagine theyre not saying Youre the starter, no matter what you do. But they like the idea, so were going to try it.Ž The Bucs still have veteran centers Evan Smith and Joe Hawley, who each got $1 million bonuses in the offseason and will compete in training camp. Marpet said he likes the confidence his coaches have in him, as he did when he was drafted. Its not the same transition, but how I went from college to the NFL, thrown into the fire,Ž he said. Marpet had not heard the praise that came his way Monday from Pro Bowl defensive tackle Gerald McCoy, who said Marpet can be a dominant, next-level center.Ž McCoy said Marpet is a small-space guy,Ž strong and dangerous in close quarters, and Marpet agreed. The less I can move, the better,Ž he says with a laugh. If I can just hold on to you, grab you, I think thatll help me.Ž The Bucs offensive line returns nearly intact from last season „ backup tackle Gosder Cherilus retired „ so theres already a chemistry and bond in conditioning workouts a full three months before preseason training camp begins. Its a lot of fun. Theres a lot of good energy,Ž Marpet said. Its nice to have everyone back. I think its huge. Theres already that feel in the offensive line room. Everyones close and has played together. I think that will show.Ž Marpets transition to center comes as the team hopes to have guard J.R. Sweezy „ a major addition last year who missed the entire season with a back injury „ back and healthy and perhaps starting in Marpets old slot at right guard. Sweezy has been around the group for a year, but his personality can come out more in workouts. I think its going to be awesome,Ž Marpet said of Sweezys impact. He was a good player in Seattle, and theres no reason he wont be a good player here. Hes a little bit of a jerk, which is good. Its what we want. A little bit of a mean streak. Its going to be fun to play with him.Ž The Bucs are only conditioning right now „ they wont line up in pads as an offensive line together for another month, until organized team activities begin May 23. Marpet likes the idea that he would line up as a center, both then and in September. That were going to start off with me at center, if thats the vision they have, thats really cool,Ž he said.BUCSFrom Page 1AP PHOTOKevin Chappell kisses the trophy after winning the Valero Texas Open Sunday in San Antonio. Associated PressWESLEY CHAPEL „ CoCo Vandeweghe and Bethanie MattekSands defeated Kristyna Pliskova and Katerina Siniakova 6-2, 6-3 Sunday to send the United States to its first Fed Cup final in seven years with a 3-2 semifinal victory over three-time defending champion Czech Republic. The Americans will face Belarus, which won its semifinal against Switzerland, for the championship Nov. 1112. Vandeweghe won her singles match for the second straight day, giving the U.S. a 2-1 lead in the best-of-five series. Marketa Vondrousova kept the Czech Republics hopes alive by defeating Lauren Davis 6-2, 7-5 in Sundays other singles match. Vandeweghe and Mattek-Sands won the decisive doubles match in one hour, 21 minutes.TENNIS: Fed CupU.S. tops Czech Republic, advances to “ nal


Page 4 SP Monday, April 24, 2017 / The SunAMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUEEAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Baltimore 12 5 .706 „ „ 7-3 L-1 6-2 6-3 New York 11 7 .611 1 „ 7-3 L-1 8-1 3-6 Boston 11 8 .579 2 „ 6-4 W-1 7-2 4-6 Tampa Bay 10 10 .500 3 1 5-5 L-1 9-4 1-6 Toronto 5 13 .278 7 5 4-6 W-1 2-7 3-6 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Cleveland 10 8 .556 „ „ 6-4 L-1 2-4 8-4 Detroit 10 8 .556 „ 4-6 W-2 5-2 5-6 Chicago 8 9 .471 1 2 5-5 W-1 3-5 5-4 Minnesota 8 10 .444 2 2 3-7 L-2 5-7 3-3 Kansas City 7 11 .389 3 3 5-5 L-4 5-3 2-8 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Houston 13 6 .684 „ „ 8-2 W-1 7-4 6-2 Oakland 10 9 .526 3 1 5-5 L-1 7-6 3-3 Texas 9 10 .474 4 2 5-5 W-4 6-4 3-6 Seattle 8 12 .400 5 3 6-4 W-1 6-3 2-9 Los Angeles 8 12 .400 5 3 2-8 L-1 5-4 3-8MARLINS 7, PADRES 3: Justin Bour hit a three-run homer to help Miami to a victory against San Diego. PHILLIES 5, BRAVES 2: Cesar Hernandez, Aaron Altherr and Odubel Herrera hit consecutive homers in the eighth and Philadelphia beat Atlanta REDS 7, CUBS 5: At 40, Bronson Arroyo gave the best performance during his long comeback, pitching three-hit ball over six innings in Cincinnatis win. RANGERS 5, ROYALS 2: Texas scored the tying and go-ahead runs without a hit, completing a four-game sweep. PIRATES 2, YANKEES 1: Pittsburghs Ivan Nova limited New York to just four hits over seven innings as the Pirates held on for a victory. RED SOX 6, ORIOLES 2: A tempestuous three-game series between Boston and Baltimore wound up with Matt Barnes being ejected for throwing a fastball behind the head of Orioles star Manny Machado. TIGERS 13, TWINS 4: John Hicks had three hits, including his “ rst career homer, and drove in “ ve runs to lead Detroit to a win over Minnesota. WHITE SOX 6, INDIANS 2: Melky Cabrera drove in a pair of runs and Chicago busted out of an offensive funk CARDINALS 6, BREWERS 4: Mike Leake allowed two runs over six innings and drove in two runs to lead St. Louis to a victory over Milwaukee ROCKIES 8, GIANTS 0: Gerardo Parra hit a two-run homer and Colorado beat San Francisco BLUE JAYS 6, ANGELS 2: Devon Travis hit a go-ahead, two-run homer during a four-run eighth inning to lead Toronto. DODGERS 6, DIAMONDBACKS 2: Yasmani Grandal homered in a six-run “ fth inning to spark the Dodgers. MARINERS 11, ATHLETICS 1: Nelson Cruz homered and drove in “ ve runs as Seattle routed Oakland. „ The Associated Press EAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Washington 12 5 .706 „ „ 8-2 W-6 6-3 6-2 Miami 10 8 .556 2 „ 6-4 W-2 4-2 6-6 Philadelphia 9 9 .500 3 1 6-4 W-4 5-4 4-5 New York 8 10 .444 4 2 3-7 L-3 4-7 4-3 Atlanta 6 12 .333 6 4 4-6 L-6 4-3 2-9 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Chicago 10 8 .556 „ „ 5-5 L-1 4-5 6-3 Cincinnati 10 9 .526 3-7 W-1 5-8 5-1 St. Louis 9 10 .474 1 1 6-4 W-3 5-4 4-6 Milwaukee 9 11 .450 2 2 4-6 L-3 3-8 6-3 Pittsburgh 8 10 .444 2 2 5-5 W-1 5-4 3-6 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Colorado 13 6 .684 „ „ 7-3 W-3 6-3 7-3 Arizona 12 8 .600 1 „ 5-5 L-1 8-2 4-6 Los Angeles 9 10 .474 4 1 4-6 W-1 6-4 3-6 San Diego 8 12 .400 5 3 3-7 L-2 5-4 3-8 San Francisco 6 13 .316 7 4 3-7 L-4 3-4 3-9 AMERICAN LEAGUE Tampa Bay (Archer 2-0) at Baltimore (Jimenez 1-0), 7:05 p.m. Minnesota (Hughes 2-1) at Texas (Perez 1-2), 8:05 p.m. Kansas City (Vargas 3-0) at Chicago White Sox (Gonzalez 2-0), 8:10 p.m. Toronto (Liriano 1-1) at L.A. Angels (Chavez 1-3), 10:07 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago Cubs (Anderson 1-0) at Pittsburgh (Kuhl 1-1), 7:05 p.m. Cincinnati (Garrett 2-1) at Milwaukee (Garza 0-0), 7:40 p.m. Washington (Ross 1-0) at Colorado (Anderson 1-3), 8:40 p.m. San Diego (Chacin 2-2) at Arizona (Greinke 1-2), 9:40 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Ryu 0-3) at San Francisco (Cain 1-0), 10:15 p.m. SUNDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Houston 6, Tampa Bay 4, 10 innings Boston 6, Baltimore 2 Cleveland at Chicago White Sox, 2:10 Detroit at Minnesota, 2:10 p.m. Kansas City at Texas, 3:05 p.m. Toronto at L.A. Angels, 3:37 p.m. Seattle at Oakland, 4:05 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati 7, Chicago Cubs 5 Philadelphia 5, Atlanta 2 St. Louis at Milwaukee, 2:10 p.m. San Francisco at Colorado, 3:10 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at Arizona, 4:10 p.m. Miami at San Diego, 4:40 p.m. Washington at N.Y. Mets, late INTERLEAGUE Pittsburgh 2, N.Y. Yankees 1 SATURDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit 5, Minnesota 4 Oakland 4, Seattle 3 Tampa Bay 6, Houston 3 Baltimore 4, Boston 2 Cleveland 7, Chicago White Sox 0 Texas 2, Kansas City 1 L.A. Angels 5, Toronto 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago Cubs 12, Cincinnati 8 Washington 3, N.Y. Mets 1 Philadelphia 4, Atlanta 3, 10 innings St. Louis 4, Milwaukee 1 Arizona 11, L.A. Dodgers 5 Colorado 12, San Francisco 3 Miami 6, San Diego 3, 11 innings INTERLEAGUE N.Y. Yankees 11, Pittsburgh 5ROUNDUP SCHEDULES TODAYS GAMES (All times Eastern) MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL ASTROS 6, RAYS 4, 10 INNINGS,HOUSTON TAMPA BAY AB R H BI AB R H BI Reddick rf-cf 5 0 0 0 Dckrson lf 2 0 0 0 Beltran dh-lf 4 2 1 0 Krmaier cf 1 0 0 0 Altuve 2b 5 2 3 1 Mrrison dh 4 0 0 0 Correa ss 5 1 1 2 Lngoria 3b 5 1 0 0 B.McCnn c 3 0 1 1 B.Mller 2b 3 1 2 1 Bregman 3b 4 0 1 0 Sza Jr. cf-rf 4 1 1 2 Y.Grrel 1b 5 1 3 1 S.Ptrsn rf 3 1 1 0 Aoki lf-rf 3 0 2 0 Bourjos cf-lf 2 0 0 0 Mrsnick cf 1 0 0 0 Wks Jr. 1b 4 0 1 0 Ma.Gnza lf 2 0 0 0 Sucre c 4 0 1 1 Gattis ph 0 0 0 1 Beckham ss 4 0 1 0 Grgrson p 0 0 0 0 Giles p 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 37 6 12 6 TOTALS 36 4 7 4 HOUSTON 002 010 001 2 „ 6 TAMPA BAY 400 000 000 0 „ 4 E„B.McCann (1). DP„Houston 1, Tampa Bay 3. LOB„Houston 7, Tampa Bay 8. 3B„B. Miller (3). HR„Altuve (2), Correa (2), Souza Jr. (4). SB„Sucre (1), Beckham (1). SF„ Gattis (1). S„Souza Jr. (1). IP H R ER BB SO HOUSTON Musgrove 6 5 4 4 1 4 Peacock 2 0 0 0 2 4 Gregerson W,1-1 1 1 0 0 0 2 Giles S,5-5 1 1 0 0 0 1 TAMPA BAY Andriese 5 6 3 3 2 4 Whitley H,1 1.2 1 0 0 1 0 Farquhar H,5 .1 0 0 0 0 0 Colome BS,1 2 2 1 0 1 0 Garton L,0-1 1 3 2 2 1 1 HBP„by Peacock (Morrison). WP„ Musgrove, Giles. PB„Sucre. Umpires„Home, Manny Gonzalez; First, Fieldin Cubreth; Second, Mark Carlson; Third, CB Bucknor. T„3:39. A„15,548 (31,042).REDS 7, CUBS 5CHICAGO CINCINNATI AB R H BI AB R H BI Schwrbr lf 4 0 0 0 Hmilton cf 4 1 1 0 Bryant 3b 4 1 1 0 Peraza ss 4 0 0 0 Rizzo 1b 4 1 1 2 Votto 1b 3 1 0 1 Zobrist 2b 4 2 2 0 Suarez 3b 2 2 1 0 Russell ss 4 1 2 1 Gennett 2b 4 1 1 0 Heyward rf 4 0 1 2 Kvlehan lf 3 1 1 3 M.Mntro c 4 0 1 0 Schbler rf 4 1 2 2 Lackey p 2 0 0 0 Brnhart c 4 0 0 0 Almora ph 1 0 0 0 Arroyo p 2 0 0 0 M.Mntgm p 0 0 0 0 Ervin ph 1 0 0 0 Cntrras ph 1 0 0 0 B.Wood p 0 0 0 0 Jay cf 3 0 1 0 Wa.Prlt p 0 0 0 0 R.Iglss p 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 35 5 9 5 TOTALS 31 7 6 6 CHICAGO 000 200 102 „ 5 CINCINNATI 110 104 00X „ 7 E„R.Iglesias (1), Bryant (2), Rizzo (2). DP„ Cincinnati 1. LOB„Chicago 3, Cincinnati 4. 2B„Zobrist (1), Suarez (6), Kivlehan (1). HR„Rizzo (4), Schebler (4). SB„Hamilton 2 (9). SF„Votto (2). IP H R ER BB SO CHICAGO Lackey L,1-3 6 6 7 5 2 7 Montgomery 2 0 0 0 1 1 CINCINNATI Arroyo W,2-2 6 3 2 2 0 7 Wood 0 2 1 1 0 0 Peralta 1.1 1 0 0 0 2 Iglesias 1.2 3 2 1 0 1 B.Wood pitched to 2 batters in the 7th Umpires„Home, Doug Eddings; First, Cory Blaser; Second, Jeff Nelson; Third, Laz Diaz. T„2:26. A„32,670 (42,319).RED SOX 6, ORIOLES 2BOSTON BALTIMORE AB R H BI AB R H BI Bgaerts ss 4 2 2 0 Gentry lf 1 0 0 0 Bnntndi lf 5 1 5 1 Kim ph-lf 2 0 1 1 Betts rf 3 1 2 3 A.Jones cf 5 1 2 0 H.Rmirz dh 5 1 1 1 M.Mchdo 3b 4 0 1 1 Mreland 1b 5 1 2 1 Trumbo rf 4 0 0 0 Brdly J cf 4 0 0 0 C.Davis 1b 2 0 1 0 Vazquez c 4 0 1 0 Mancini dh 4 0 0 0 Sndoval 3b 2 0 0 0 W.Cstll c 4 1 1 0 Selsky 3b 1 0 0 0 Schoop 2b 3 0 0 0 M.Hrnan 2b 4 0 1 0 J.Hardy ss 4 0 0 0 TOTALS 37 6 14 6 TOTALS 33 2 6 2 BOSTON 400 011 000 „ 6 BALTIMORE 000 000 011 „ 2 E„Gentry (2). DP„Baltimore 2. LOB„ Boston 8, Baltimore 10. 2B„Vazquez (4), M.Machado (3), W.Castillo (5). HR„Betts (2), H.Ramirez (1), Moreland (2). CS„M. Hernandez (1). IP H R ER BB SO BOSTON Rodriguez W,1-1 6 1 0 0 5 7 Barnes 1.1 1 1 1 0 1 Kelly .2 1 0 0 1 1 Abad .2 3 1 1 0 0 Kimbrel S,7-8 .1 0 0 0 0 0 BALTIMORE Gausman L,1-2 5.1 8 5 5 3 4 Crichton 1.1 4 1 1 0 0 Nuno 1.1 2 0 0 0 0 Asher 1 0 0 0 1 0 Nuno pitched to 1 batter in the 9th WP„Crichton. Umpires„Home, Andy Fletcher; First, Alan Porter; Second, Paul Nauert; Third, Hunter Wendelstedt. T„3:34. A„35,522 (45,971).PHILLIES 5, BRAVES 2ATLANTA PHILADELPHIA AB R H BI AB R H BI Incarte cf 4 0 0 0 C.Hrnan 2b 4 1 2 2 Bra.Phl 2b 4 0 2 0 Altherr rf 4 1 1 1 F.Frman 1b 3 1 0 0 O.Hrrra cf 4 1 1 1 M.Kemp lf 4 1 2 2 Franco 3b 4 0 0 0 Mrkakis rf 4 0 1 0 Nava lf 2 1 1 0 K.Szuki c 2 0 0 0 Stassi 1b 4 0 1 0 Ad.Grca ph 1 0 0 0 Galvis ss 3 0 1 1 J.Ptrsn 3b 3 0 0 0 Knapp c 3 0 0 0 Swanson ss 4 0 1 0 E” in p 2 0 0 0 Fltynwc p 2 0 0 0 Neshek p 0 0 0 0 E.Bnfco ph 0 0 0 0 Rdrguez p 0 0 0 0 Vzcaino p 0 0 0 0 Sunders ph 1 1 1 0 Krol p 0 0 0 0 Neris p 0 0 0 0 Flowers ph 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 32 2 6 2 TOTALS 31 5 8 5 ATLANTA 000 000 101 „ 2 PHILADELPHIA 000 000 14X „ 5 DP„Atlanta 1. LOB„Atlanta 7, Philadelphia 4. 2B„Saunders (4). HR„M.Kemp (3), C.Hernandez (4), Altherr (2), O.Herrera (2). SB„Bra.Phillips (5). S„E.Bonifacio (2). IP H R ER BB SO ATLANTA Foltynewicz 7 4 1 1 2 9 Vizcaino L,1-1 0 3 3 3 0 0 Krol 1 1 1 1 0 0 PHILADELPHIA Eflin 7 3 1 1 0 3 Neshek .1 1 0 0 0 0 Rodriguez W,1-0 .2 0 0 0 0 1 Neris 1 2 1 1 2 1 Vizcaino pitched to 3 batters in the 8th HBP„by E” in (Suzuki). Umpires„Home, Tripp Gibson; First, Stu Scheuwater; Second, Brian Gorman; Third, Mike DiMuro. T„2:38. A„28,632 (43,651).PIRATES 2, YANKEES 1NEW YORK PITTSBURGH AB R H BI AB R H BI Gardner lf 3 0 0 0 Mercer ss 3 1 0 0 Au.Rmne c 0 0 0 0 Hrrsn 3b-2b 4 0 2 0 Headley 3b-1b 4 0 0 0 McCtchn cf 3 1 1 0 S.Cstro 2b 4 0 1 0 G.Plnco lf 4 0 2 1 Ellsbry cf 4 1 2 1 Frse 1b-3b 3 0 0 1 Judge rf 4 0 1 0 J.Osuna rf 4 0 0 0 Bird 1b 3 0 0 0 Gsselin 2b 2 0 1 0 Mtchell p 0 0 0 0 Jaso ph-1b 0 0 0 0 Hlliday ph 0 0 0 0 C.Stwrt c 3 0 2 0 Trreyes ss-3b 4 0 1 0 Nova p 2 0 0 0 Hgshoka c 2 0 0 0 J.Bell ph 0 0 0 0 A.Hicks ph-lf 2 0 0 0 Hudson p 0 0 0 0 J.Mntgm p 1 0 0 0 Watson p 0 0 0 0 Carter 1b 1 0 1 0 Kozma pr-ss 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 33 1 6 1 TOTALS 28 2 8 2 NEW YORK 000 000 100 „ 1 PITTSBURGH 101 000 00X „ 2 E„Harrison (2). DP„New York 3, Pittsburgh 1. LOB„New York 8, Pittsburgh 7. 2B„G.Polanco (4). 3B„C.Stewart (1). HR„ Ellsbury (2). SF„Freese (1). IP H R ER BB SO NEW YORK Montgomery L,1-1 6 7 2 2 2 5 Mitchell 2 1 0 0 2 2 PITTSBURGH Nova W,2-2 7 4 1 1 1 7 Hudson H,6 1 1 0 0 1 1 Watson S,6-6 1 1 0 0 1 1 WP„Hudson. Umpires„Home, Chad Whitson; First, Dan Iassogna; Second, Sam Holbrook; Third, Jim Wolf. T„2:39. A„27,840 (38,362).WHITE SOX 6, INDIANS 2CLEVELAND CHICAGO AB R H BI AB R H BI C.Sntna 1b 4 0 0 0 Ti.Andr ss 4 1 2 0 Lindor ss 4 1 2 1 Sladino 2b 5 1 1 0 Guyer lf 4 0 0 0 Me.Cbrr dh 4 0 1 2 Encrnco dh 3 0 0 0 Abreu 1b 4 2 2 0 Jose.Rm 3b 4 0 1 0 T.Frzer 3b 4 0 1 0 A.Jcksn cf 3 0 2 0 A.Grcia rf 4 0 1 1 Chsnhll ph 1 1 1 0 L.Grcia cf 4 0 1 1 A.Almnt rf 3 0 0 0 Narvaez c 2 1 1 0 R.Perez c 2 0 0 0 May lf 2 1 0 0 Kipnis ph 0 0 0 0 M.Mrtin 2b 2 0 0 0 Gomes ph 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 31 2 6 1 TOTALS 33 6 10 4 CLEVELAND 000 100 001 „ 2 CHICAGO 300 011 01X „ 6 E„C.Santana (1), A.Almonte (1), M.Martinez (1). DP„Cleveland 1, Chicago 2. LOB„Cleveland 8, Chicago 11. 2B„A. Jackson (4), Chisenhall (3), Ti.Anderson (2), A.Garcia (2). HR„Lindor (5). SB„T.Frazier (2). SF„Me.Cabrera (1). S„May (2). IP H R ER BB SO CLEVELAND Salazar L,1-2 5 7 4 4 3 9 Logan 0 0 1 0 1 0 Goody 1 1 0 0 0 2 Otero 1 1 0 0 0 2 Shaw 1 1 1 0 1 2 CHICAGO Holland W,2-2 6 3 1 1 3 6 Jones 1 1 0 0 1 2 Kahnle 1 1 0 0 0 2 Robertson 1 1 1 1 1 1 Logan pitched to 2 batters in the 6th HBP„by Salazar (Abreu), by Holland (Encarnacion). WP„Holland, Robertson. Umpires„Home, Dan Bellino; First, Toby Basner; Second, Gabe Morales; Third, Jerry Layne. T„3:12. A„24,444 (40,615).TIGERS 13, TWINS 4DETROIT MINNESOTA AB R H BI AB R H BI Kinsler 2b 5 1 2 0 Dozier 2b 3 2 1 0 Collins cf 5 0 0 0 Kepler rf 4 1 1 2 Cstllns 3b 4 2 0 0 Sano 3b 3 0 1 1 V.Mrtin dh 5 1 3 2 Mauer 1b 2 0 1 0 Upton lf 3 3 1 0 K.Vrgs ph-1b 1 0 0 0 Avila c 5 1 1 2 Grssman dh 4 0 1 0 Adduci rf 4 2 3 2 J.Cstro c 4 0 0 0 J.Hicks 1b 5 2 3 5 E.Escbr ss 4 0 0 0 An.Rmne ss 3 1 0 0 E.Rsrio cf 4 1 1 1 Da.Sntn lf 4 0 0 0 TOTALS 39 13 13 11 TOTALS 33 4 6 4 DETROIT 025 003 003 „13 MINNESOTA 100 010 020 „ 4 E„J.Castro (1), Da.Santana (1). DP„ Minnesota 2. LOB„Detroit 5, Minnesota 5. 2B„V.Martinez (1), Adduci (1), Dozier (3). HR„Avila (3), J.Hicks (1), Kepler (2), E.Rosario (2). IP H R ER BB SO DETROIT Fulmer W,2-1 7 4 2 2 1 7 Sanchez .2 2 2 2 2 1 Wilson .1 0 0 0 0 0 Jimenez 1 0 0 0 0 1 MINNESOTA Gibson L,0-3 2.2 8 7 6 2 3 Boshers 2.1 0 0 0 1 1 Tonkin .2 2 3 0 2 3 Breslow 1.1 0 0 0 1 1 Kintzler 1 0 0 0 0 0 Pressly .2 3 3 3 0 0 Gimenez .1 0 0 0 0 0 WP„Fulmer, Tonkin. PB„Castro. Umpires„Home, Mike Everitt; First, Bill Welke; Second, Bruce Dreckman; Third, Jordan Baker. T„3:17. A„26,713 (39,021).CARDINALS 6, BREWERS 4ST. LOUIS MILWAUKEE AB R H BI AB R H BI Fowler cf 4 0 0 0 Villar 2b 3 1 1 1 A.Diaz ss 4 0 1 1 Thames rf 5 1 1 0 Crpnter 1b 3 0 0 0 Braun lf 5 0 2 1 Mrtinez 1b 1 0 0 0 T.Shaw 3b 3 0 0 1 Pscotty rf 4 1 1 0 Aguilar 1b 4 0 0 0 Grichuk lf 3 2 1 0 Pina c 3 1 1 1 G.Grcia 3b 4 0 0 0 K.Brxtn cf 4 1 1 0 Wong 2b 2 2 2 1 Arcia ss 3 0 0 0 Fryer c 3 0 1 1 H.Perez ph 0 0 0 0 Leake p 3 1 1 2 Nelson p 2 0 0 0 Bowman p 0 0 0 0 Marinez p 0 0 0 0 M.Adams ph 1 0 1 1 Suter p 0 0 0 0 Rsnthal p 0 0 0 0 Frnklin ph 1 0 0 0 J.Brxtn p 0 0 0 0 J.Hghes p 0 0 0 0 Oh p 0 0 0 0 N.Feliz p 0 0 0 0 Do.Sntn ph 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 32 6 8 6 TOTALS 34 4 6 4 ST. LOUIS 001 300 020 „ 6 MILWAUKEE 101 000 002 „ 4 E„T.Shaw (2), A.Diaz (3), Wong (3). DP„ Milwaukee 1. LOB„St. Louis 7, Milwaukee 8. 2B„Grichuk (6), Wong (4), Braun (3), K.Broxton (2). HR„Pina (1). SB„Wong (2). CS„Piscotty (2). SF„T.Shaw (1). IP H R ER BB SO ST. LOUIS Leake W,3-1 6 3 2 2 3 6 Bowman H,6 1 0 0 0 0 1 Rosenthal 1 1 0 0 0 2 Broxton 0 1 2 1 0 0 Oh S,5-6 1 1 0 0 1 2 MILWAUKEE Nelson L,1-1 5.1 5 4 3 6 5 Marinez .2 0 0 0 0 0 Suter 1 0 0 0 1 1 Hughes 1 3 2 2 1 1 Feliz 1 0 0 0 0 1 J.Broxton pitched to 2 batters in the 9th Umpires„Home, John Tumpane; First, Ted Barrett; Second, Angel Hernandez; Third, Lance Barksdale. T„3:15. A„31,158 (41,900).RANGERS 5, ROYALS 2KANSAS CITY TEXAS AB R H BI AB R H BI Mrrfeld 2b 4 0 0 0 C.Gomez cf 4 0 1 1 Mstakas dh 4 1 1 1 Choo dh 4 1 2 0 J.Bnfco cf 4 1 2 1 Mazara rf 4 0 2 0 Hosmer 1b 4 0 2 0 Andrus ss 4 0 1 1 Cthbert 3b 4 0 0 0 Odor 2b 4 0 0 0 A.Grdon lf 3 0 0 0 Rua 1b 3 1 0 0 A.Escbr ss 2 0 0 0 Gallo 3b 3 2 1 1 Moss rf 3 0 0 0 Chrinos c 2 1 1 1 Butera c 3 0 0 0 Profar lf 3 0 1 1 TOTALS 31 2 5 2 TOTALS 31 5 9 5 KANSAS CITY 002 000 000 „ 2 TEXAS 001 201 01X „ 5 DP„Kansas City 1, Texas 1. LOB„Kansas City 3, Texas 7. HR„Moustakas (6), J.Bonifacio (1), Gallo (6), Chirinos (4). SB„ Rua (1). CS„Profar (1). IP H R ER BB SO KANSAS CITY Hammel L,0-2 3 4 3 3 3 5 Alexander 2.1 1 1 1 0 0 Moylan .2 1 0 0 0 1 Minor 1 2 0 0 0 2 Young 1 1 1 1 0 1 TEXAS Darvish W,2-2 8 5 2 2 1 8 Bush S,1-2 1 0 0 0 0 1 Hammel pitched to 4 batters in the 4th HBP„by Hammel (Gallo), by Hammel (Chirinos). Umpires„Home, Eric Cooper; First, Adrian Johnson; Second, Gary Cederstrom; Third, Tom Woodring. T„3:00. A„37,177 (48,114).ROCKIES 8, GIANTS 0SAN FRANCISCO COLORADO AB R H BI AB R H BI E.Nunez 3b 4 0 0 0 Blckmon cf 3 1 2 2 Belt lf-rf 3 0 0 0 LMahieu 2b 4 0 0 0 Pence rf 3 0 2 0 Arenado 3b 3 1 1 1 Law p 0 0 0 0 C.Gnzal rf 2 2 1 0 Gllspie ph-1b 1 0 0 0 Mar.Ryn 1b 4 0 0 0 Posey 1b 4 0 1 0 Parra lf 4 2 2 3 Strckln p 0 0 0 0 Story ss 4 1 1 2 Crwford ss 4 0 0 0 Wolters c 3 1 0 0 Hundley c 4 0 1 0 Freland p 2 0 1 0 Panik 2b 3 0 1 0 Oberg p 0 0 0 0 G.Hrnan cf 3 0 1 0 Rusin p 0 0 0 0 Smrdzja p 2 0 0 0 Okert p 0 0 0 0 C.Mrrro ph-lf 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 32 0 6 0 TOTALS 29 8 8 8 SAN FRANCISCO 000 000 000 „ 0 COLORADO 100 205 00X „ 8 E„G.Hernandez (1). DP„Colorado 1. LOB„ San Francisco 8, Colorado 3. 2B„Hundley (7), Blackmon (3). 3B„Blackmon (3). HR„ Parra (2). CS„Blackmon (2). SF„Arenado (1). S„Freeland (1). IP H R ER BB SO SAN FRANCISCO Samardzija L,0-4 5.1 7 7 7 3 6 Okert .2 1 1 1 0 0 Law 1 0 0 0 0 0 Strickland 1 0 0 0 0 0 COLORADO Freeland W,2-1 7 6 0 0 1 3 Oberg 1 0 0 0 1 0 Rusin 1 0 0 0 1 0 HBP„by Okert (Wolters). Umpires„Home, Clint Fagan; First, Gerry Davis; Second, Pat Hoberg; Third, Rob Drake. T„2:46. A„42,011 (50,398).BLUE JAYS 6, ANGELS 2TORONTO LOS ANGELES AB R H BI AB R H BI Pillar cf 4 1 1 1 Calhoun rf 3 1 0 0 Carrera lf 3 1 2 0 Trout cf 4 0 2 0 J.Btsta rf 3 0 1 0 Pujols dh 4 1 3 1 Morales dh 4 0 1 1 Cron 1b 3 0 0 0 Smoak 1b 4 0 1 0 A.Smmns ss 4 0 2 0 Ru.Mrtn c 3 1 0 0 J.Marte 3b 3 0 0 0 Coghlan 3b 4 0 0 0 Espnosa 2b 1 0 0 0 Travis 2b 4 2 2 2 Revere lf 3 0 0 0 Goins ss 4 1 1 2 Mldnado c 3 0 0 0 Pngtn 2b-3b 3 0 0 0 TOTALS 33 6 9 6 TOTALS 31 2 7 1 TORONTO 000 000 042 „ 6 LOS ANGELES 001 000 001 „ 2 E„Revere (1), J.Bautista (1). DP„Toronto 3. LOB„Toronto 4, Los Angeles 4. 2B„Travis (1), Pujols (3). 3B„Carrera (1). HR„Pillar (3), Travis (1), Goins (1). SB„Trout (4). CS„Pillar (2). IP H R ER BB SO TORONTO Stroman W,2-2 9 7 2 1 1 5 LOS ANGELES Wright 5 3 0 0 2 3 Parker H,2 1 0 0 0 0 3 Alvarez H,2 1 0 0 0 0 1 Grra L,0-1 BS,1 .2 1 2 2 1 0 Pounders 1.1 5 4 4 1 3 HBP„by Stroman (Cron). Umpires„Home, Ramon De Jesus; First, Alfonso Marquez; Second, Chad Fairchild; Third, Dave Rackley. T„2:51. A„35,034 (43,250).MARINERS 11, ATHLETICS 1SEATTLE OAKLAND AB R H BI AB R H BI J.Dyson cf 4 1 0 0 Decker cf 4 0 0 0 Haniger rf 4 3 3 0 Lowrie 2b 3 0 0 0 Cano 2b 4 2 2 1 Pinder 2b 1 0 0 0 Cruz dh 4 3 2 5 Vogt c 4 0 1 0 Vglbach 1b 4 0 1 1 Healy 3b 4 1 2 0 Motter ss 5 1 2 4 Alonso 1b 4 0 1 0 Heredia lf 4 0 0 0 Plouffe dh 4 0 1 0 M.Frman 3b 4 0 0 0 Joyce lf 1 0 0 1 Zunino c 4 1 1 0 Rosales ss 3 0 0 0 Olson rf 3 0 0 0 TOTALS 37 11 11 11 TOTALS 31 1 5 1 SEATTLE 105 000 302 „11 OAKLAND 000 000 100 „ 1 DP„Oakland 1. LOB„Seattle 6, Oakland 5. 2B„Haniger (7), Cruz (5), Motter (6), Healy (6), Alonso (4). HR„Cruz (3), Motter (5). SB„J.Dyson (6). SF„Joyce (2). IP H R ER BB SO SEATTLE Gallardo W,1-2 6.1 4 1 1 1 7 Zych .2 0 0 0 0 1 Rzepczynski 1 0 0 0 0 2 Scribner 1 1 0 0 0 1 OAKLAND Triggs L,3-1 4.2 5 6 6 2 4 Coulombe 1.1 0 0 0 2 0 Alcantara 3 6 5 5 2 0 HBP„by Triggs (Dyson). WP„Gallardo. Umpires„Home, Tom Hallion; First, Phil Cuzzi; Second, Vic Carapazza; Third, Mark Ripperger. T„3:11. A„24,165 (37,090).DODGERS 6, DIAMONDBACKS 2LOS ANGELES ARIZONA AB R H BI AB R H BI Pderson cf 3 1 1 0 Hzlbker cf 4 0 0 0 K.Hrnan cf 1 0 1 0 D.Prlta rf 4 1 2 0 C.Sager ss 3 1 2 1 Gldschm 1b 3 1 1 2 J.Trner 3b 5 1 1 0 Lamb 3b 4 0 3 0 A.Gnzal 1b 4 1 2 2 Drury 2b 4 0 0 0 Grandal c 4 1 1 2 Dscalso lf 2 0 0 0 Toles lf 3 0 1 0 Delgado p 0 0 0 0 Puig rf 4 0 0 0 Tomas ph 1 0 0 0 Utley 2b 4 0 0 0 Wlhlmsn p 0 0 0 0 B.McCrt p 2 1 0 0 Owings ph 1 0 0 0 Vn Slyk ph 1 0 0 0 Innetta c 4 0 0 0 P.Baez p 0 0 0 0 Ahmed ss 3 0 0 0 Romo p 0 0 0 0 S.Mller p 1 0 0 0 Hrrmann lf 2 0 1 0 TOTALS 34 6 9 5 TOTALS 33 2 7 2 LOS ANGELES 000 060 000 „ 6 ARIZONA 200 000 000 „ 2 E„Drury (2). DP„Los Angeles 1, Arizona 2. LOB„Los Angeles 6, Arizona 5. 2B„ Pederson (3), C.Seager (6), A.Gonzalez 2 (4), Lamb (4). HR„Grandal (3), Goldschmidt (3). IP H R ER BB SO LOS ANGELES McCarthy W,3-0 7 5 2 2 1 6 Baez 1 1 0 0 0 0 Romo 1 1 0 0 0 2 ARIZONA Miller L,2-2 4 4 3 3 5 3 Delgado 3 4 3 3 0 1 Wilhelmsen 2 1 0 0 0 1 S.Miller pitched to 3 batters in the 5th WP„Wilhelmsen. Umpires„Home, Mike Winters; First, Mark Wegner; Second, Mike Muchlinski; Third, Marty Foster. T„2:54. A„28,704 (48,633).MARLINS 7, PADRES 3MIAMI SAN DIEGO AB R H BI AB R H BI D.Grdon 2b 5 1 1 0 Margot cf 3 1 2 0 Prado 3b 5 1 1 0 Aybar ss 4 0 1 0 Yelich cf 2 1 2 1 Myers 1b 4 0 1 0 Stanton rf 5 1 3 1 Solarte 2b 3 1 1 1 Ozuna lf 4 1 1 1 Renfroe rf 4 1 1 2 Ralmuto c 4 1 1 1 Srdinas 3b 4 0 0 0 Bour 1b 4 1 1 3 Cordoba lf 4 0 1 0 Hchvrra ss 4 0 1 0 Torrens c 3 0 0 0 Koehler p 3 0 0 0 Perdomo p 2 0 0 0 Phelps p 0 0 0 0 Stammen p 0 0 0 0 I.Szuki ph 1 0 0 0 Qcknbsh p 0 0 0 0 Ziegler p 0 0 0 0 Hedges ph 1 0 0 0 A.Ramos p 0 0 0 0 M.Diaz p 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 37 7 11 7 TOTALS 32 3 7 3 MIAMI 000 006 001 „ 7 SAN DIEGO 100 200 000 „ 3 DP„Miami 1. LOB„Miami 7, San Diego 4. 2B„Ozuna (2). 3B„D.Gordon (1). HR„Bour (3), Renfroe (4). CS„Margot (3). SF„Yelich (2). IP H R ER BB SO MIAMI Koehler W,1-1 6 6 3 3 2 7 Phelps H,1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Ziegler H,4 1 1 0 0 0 0 Ramos 1 0 0 0 0 0 SAN DIEGO Perdomo 5 4 3 3 3 5 Stmmn L,0-1 BS,1 0 3 3 3 0 0 Quackenbush 2 2 0 0 0 3 Diaz 2 2 1 1 0 1 Perdomo pitched to 3 batters in the 6th Stammen pitched to 3 batters in the 6th Umpires„Home, Paul Emmel; First, Quinn Wolcott; Second, Scott Barry; Third, Bill Miller. T„2:42. A„26,070 (42,302).THIS DATE IN BASEBALLAPRIL 241901: Chicago defeated Cleveland 8-2 in the “ rst American League game. Three other scheduled games were rained out. The game lasted 1 hour, 30 minutes in front of a reported crowd of 14,000 at the Chicago Cricket Club. 1911: Battle Creek of the South Michigan League turned two triple plays in the “ rst two innings against Grand Rapids. 1917: George Mogridge of the New York Yankees pitched a no-hitter against the Red Sox in Boston, winning 2-1. 1931: Chicagos Rogers Hornsby hit three consecutive homers to beat the Pittsburgh Pirates 10-6 at Forbes Field. 1947: Johnny Mize of the New York Giants hit three consecutive homers in a 14-5 loss in Boston. It was a major league-record “ fth time in his career that Mize hit three home runs in one game. 1958: Lee Walls hit three homers and drove in eight runs as the Chicago Cubs routed the Los Angeles Dodgers 15-2 at the Coliseum. 1962: Sandy Koufax struck out 18 Chicago Cubs and pitched the Los Angeles Dodgers to a 10-2 victory at Wrigley Field. BOX SCORES LEADERS AMERICAN LEAGUEBATTING: Garcia, Chicago, .379; Castro, New York, .364; Headley, New York, .362; Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, .352; Trout, Los Angeles, .343; Cain, Kansas City, .333; Dickerson, Tampa Bay, .324; Ellsbury, New York, .323; Bogaerts, Boston, .321; Pillar, Toronto, .319; 1 tied at .313. RUNS: Haniger, Seattle, 16; Davis, Oakland, 14; Headley, New York, 14; Judge, New York, 14; Kiermaier, Tampa Bay, 13; Lindor, Cleveland, 13; Sano, Minnesota, 13; 4 tied at 12. RBI: Mazara, Texas, 17; Ramirez, Cleveland, 17; Haniger, Seattle, 16; Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, 15; Pujols, Los Angeles, 14; CSantana, Cleveland, 14; Trout, Los Angeles, 14; 8 tied at 13. HITS: Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, 25; Castro, New York, 24; Trout, Los Angeles, 24; Dickerson, Tampa Bay, 22; Garcia, Chicago, 22; Haniger, Seattle, 22; Pillar, Toronto, 22; 5 tied at 21. HOME RUNS: Davis, Oakland, 7; Springer, Houston, 7; Judge, New York, 6; Gallo, Texas, 5; Mancini, Baltimore, 5; Moustakas, Kansas City, 5; Perez, Kansas City, 5; Ramirez, Cleveland, 5; Trout, Los Angeles, 5; 12 tied at 4. STOLEN BASES: Altuve, Houston, 7; Cain, Kansas City, 6; Ellsbury, New York, 6; Dozier, Minnesota, 5; Dyson, Seattle, 5; Gardner, New York, 5; Mondesi, Kansas City, 5; 4 tied at 4. PITCHING: Bundy, Baltimore, 3-1; Keuchel, Houston, 3-0; ESantana, Minnesota, 3-0; Triggs, Oakland, 3-0; Vargas, Kansas City, 3-0; 20 tied at 2-0. ERA: Vargas, Kansas City, 0.44; ESantana, Minnesota, 0.64; Sale, Boston, 0.91; Keuchel, Houston, 0.96; Duffy, Kansas City, 1.32; Bundy, Baltimore, 1.37; Shields, Chicago, 1.62; Carrasco, Cleveland, 1.65; Paxton, Seattle, 1.78; Miley, Baltimore, 1.90; 1 tied at 2.00. STRIKEOUTS: Sale, Boston, 42; McCullers, Houston, 31; Paxton, Seattle, 30.NATIONAL LEAGUEBATTING: Freeman, Atlanta, .400; Harper, Washington, .393; Thames, Milwaukee, .373; Zimmerman, Washington, .373; Suarez, Cincinnati, .371; Cozart, Cincinnati, .370; Turner, Los Angeles, .362; Myers, San Diego, .360; Realmuto, Miami, .351; Reynolds, Colorado, .339; 3 tied at .333. RUNS: Harper, Washington, 20; Thames, Milwaukee, 20; Yelich, Miami, 18; Hernandez, Philadelphia, 17; Suarez, Cincinnati, 16; Eaton, Washington, 15; Freeman, Atlanta, 15; Lamb, Arizona, 15; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 14; Votto, Cincinnati, 14; 2 tied at 13. RBI: Harper, Washington, 20; Ozuna, Miami, 20; Lamb, Arizona, 18; Shaw, Milwaukee, 17; Franco, Philadelphia, 16; Reynolds, Colorado, 16; Votto, Cincinnati, 15; 6 tied at 14. HITS: Myers, San Diego, 27; Hernandez, Philadelphia, 25; Freeman, Atlanta, 24; Harper, Washington, 24; Pollock, Arizona, 24; Murphy, Washington, 23; Suarez, Cincinnati, 23; 5 tied at 22. HOME RUNS: Thames, Milwaukee, 8; Freeman, Atlanta, 7; Harper, Washington, 7; Stanton, Miami, 7; Arenado, Colorado, 6; Braun, Milwaukee, 6; Bruce, New York, 6; Cespedes, New York, 6; Ozuna, Miami, 6; Votto, Cincinnati, 6; 7 tied at 5. STOLEN BASES: Hamilton, Cincinnati, 9; Nunez, San Francisco, 6; Peraza, Cincinnati, 6; Braun, Milwaukee, 4; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 4; Gordon, Miami, 4; Owings, Arizona, 4; Phillips, Atlanta, 4; Polanco, Pittsburgh, 4; Villar, Milwaukee, 4; 8 tied at 3. PITCHING: Arrieta, Chicago, 3-0; Cueto, San Francisco, 3-1; Hellickson, Philadelphia, 3-0; Kershaw, Los Angeles, 3-1; Peralta, Milwaukee, 3-1; Robles, New York, 3-0; Senzatela, Colorado, 3-0; 18 tied at 2-0. ERA: Leake, St. Louis, 0.84; Anderson, Milwaukee, 1.13; Gonzalez, Washington, 1.35; Scherzer, Washington, 1.37; Syndergaard, New York, 1.73; Garrett, Cincinnati, 1.83; Hellickson, Philadelphia, 1.88; Senzatela, Colorado, 2.08; Taillon, Pittsburgh, 2.13; Nova, Pittsburgh, 2.25; 1 tied at 2.38. RESULTS


The Sun / Monday, April 24, 2017 SP Page 5SCOREBOARD BASEBALLSATURDAYS LATE BOX SCORES RANGERS 2, ROYALS 1KANSAS CITY TEXAS AB R H BI AB R H BI A.Grdon lf 4 0 0 0 C.Gomez cf 4 0 3 0 Mstakas 3b 4 0 1 1 Choo dh 3 0 1 0 L.Cain cf 4 0 1 0 Mazara rf 3 0 0 0 Hosmer 1b 4 0 0 0 Napoli 1b 4 1 1 1 Mrrfeld rf 4 0 1 0 Odor 2b 4 1 1 0 Moss dh 3 0 1 0 Andrus ss 4 0 1 1 A.Escbr ss 3 0 0 0 Lucroy c 2 0 0 0 C.Colon 2b 3 0 0 0 Gallo 3b 2 0 0 0 Butera c 3 1 2 0 Profar lf 3 0 0 0 TOTALS 32 1 6 1 TOTALS 29 2 7 2 KANSAS CITY 000 001 000 „ 1 TEXAS 010 000 001 „ 2 E„Kennedy (1). DP„Kansas City 1, Texas 1. LOB„Kansas City 5, Texas 7. HR„Napoli (3). SB„Odor (1). CS„Choo (1). IP H R ER BB SO KANSAS CITY Kennedy 7 4 1 1 3 3 Soria 1 1 0 0 1 1 Wood L,0-2 0 1 1 1 0 0 Moylan 0 1 0 0 0 0 TEXAS Martinez 7 4 1 1 1 3 Claudio 1 1 0 0 0 0 Bush W,1-0 1 1 0 0 0 1 T.Wood pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. WP„Soria. ROCKIES 12, GIANTS 3SAN FRANCISCO COLORADO AB R H BI AB R H BI Span cf 1 0 0 0 Blckmon cf 4 2 2 2 Gllspie ph-3b 3 0 0 0 LMahieu 2b 4 1 3 0 Belt 1b 4 1 2 1 Arenado 3b 4 2 1 1 Panik 2b 4 1 2 2 C.Gnzal rf 4 0 1 1 Posey c 4 0 1 0 Mar.Ryn 1b 5 2 3 4 Crwford ss 4 0 0 0 Story ss 5 2 1 1 E.Nunez 3b-rf 4 0 1 0 Crdullo lf 1 1 0 0 C.Mrrro lf 4 0 0 0 Amrista lf 2 1 1 1 G.Hrnan rf-cf 3 0 1 0 Garneau c 4 0 1 1 Moore p 0 0 0 0 Snztela p 3 0 0 0 A.Hill ph 1 0 0 0 Oberg p 0 0 0 0 Strtton p 0 0 0 0 Dunn p 0 0 0 0 Pence ph 0 1 0 0 Estevez p 0 0 0 0 Ne.Rmrz p 0 0 0 0 Parra ph 1 1 1 1 Kontos p 0 0 0 0 Lyles p 0 0 0 0TOTALS 32 3 7 3 TOTALS 37 12 14 12SAN FRANCISCO 000 001 020 „ 3 COLORADO 300 300 06X „12 E„Panik (2), Moore (1). DP„San Francisco 1, Colorado 1. LOB„San Francisco 5, Colorado 6. 2B„Belt 2 (5), LeMahieu (3), Mar.Reynolds (5), Garneau (3). 3B„Blackmon (2). HR„ Panik (1), Blackmon (5), Mar.Reynolds (5), Story (4). SF„Blackmon (1). S„Moore (2). IP H R ER BB SO SAN FRANCISCO Moore L,1-3 4 9 6 6 1 4 Stratton 3 0 0 0 1 3 Ramirez .2 5 6 1 1 1 Kontos .1 0 0 0 0 1 COLORADO Senzatela W,3-0 7 4 1 1 0 3 Oberg .1 0 1 1 1 1 Dunn .1 2 1 1 0 0 Estevez H,4 .1 1 0 0 0 1 Lyles 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP„by Senzatela (Hernandez), by Ramirez (Arenado). WP„Moore 2, Estevez. Umpires„ Home, Rob Drake; First, Clint Fagan; Second, Gerry Davis; Third, Pat Hoberg. T„3:01. DIAMONDBACKS 11, DODGERS 5LOS ANGELES ARIZONA AB R H BI AB R H BI K.Hrnan ss 2 2 1 1 Pollock cf 5 1 2 0 A.Gnzal ph 1 0 1 1 D.Prlta rf 5 3 4 0 Hatcher p 0 0 0 0 Gldschm 1b 4 1 1 2 Utley ph 1 0 0 0 Lamb 3b 5 2 1 2 Strplng p 0 0 0 0 Tomas lf 3 2 2 3 C.Tylor 2b 4 0 2 1 Hzlbkr pr-lf 1 0 0 0 J.Trner 3b 5 0 2 1 Dscalso 2b 2 0 0 0 Puig rf 4 1 1 0 Hoover p 0 0 0 0 Vn Slyk 1b 4 1 1 0 Mathis c 1 0 0 0 Pderson cf 4 0 0 0 Owngs ss-2b 4 1 2 2 A.Brnes c 3 1 2 1 Hrrmann c 3 1 1 2 Eibner lf 2 0 1 0 D L Rsa p 0 0 0 0 C.Sagr ph-ss 2 0 0 0 Rodney p 0 0 0 0 Maeda p 2 0 0 0 Ray p 2 0 1 0 Toles ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Wlhlmsn p 0 0 0 0 Ahmed ss 2 0 0 0TOTALS 35 5 11 5 TOTALS 37 11 14 11LOS ANGELES 101 003 000 „ 5 ARIZONA 300 210 32X „11 E„Van Slyke (1). DP„Los Angeles 1, Arizona 3. LOB„Los Angeles 8, Arizona 6. 2B„A. Barnes 2 (2), Pollock (6), D.Peralta 4 (5). HR„K.Hernandez (2), Lamb (4), Tomas 2 (4), Herrmann (1). S„De La Rosa (1). IP H R ER BB SO LOS ANGELES Maeda L,1-2 5 9 6 6 1 5 Hatcher 2 2 3 2 2 1 Stripling 1 3 2 2 0 1 ARIZONA Ray W,2-0 5.1 9 5 5 2 6 Wilhelmsen H,3 .1 1 0 0 1 0 Hoover H,2 .2 0 0 0 2 2 De La Rosa H,3 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 Rodney 1 1 0 0 0 1 WP„De La Rosa. Umpires„Home, Marty Foster; First, Mike Winters; Second, Mark Wegner; Third, Mike Muchlinski. T„3:20. A„36,294 (48,633).ANGELS 5, BLUE JAYS 4TORONTO LOS ANGELES AB R H BI AB R H BI Pillar cf 4 1 1 2 Y.Escbr 3b 4 0 0 0 Barney 3b 2 1 1 0 Calhoun rf 3 1 1 0 Coghln ph-3b 1 0 0 0 Trout cf 4 2 2 0 J.Btsta rf 4 0 0 0 Pujols dh 3 0 1 0 Morales dh 4 0 2 0 Cron 1b 3 1 1 1 Smoak 1b 3 1 2 2 A.Smmns ss 4 1 2 4 Pearce lf 3 0 1 0 Maybin lf 4 0 1 0 Carrera ph 1 0 1 0 Espnosa 2b 4 0 0 0 Travis 2b 4 0 1 0 Grterol c 3 0 1 0 Sltlmcc c 4 0 0 0 Goins ss 3 1 1 0 TOTALS 33 4 10 4 TOTALS 32 5 9 5 TORONTO 100 000 021 „4 LOS ANGELES 104 000 00X „5 E„Barney (2). DP„Toronto 2, Los Angeles 4. LOB„Toronto 4, Los Angeles 6. 2B„Goins (2), Trout 2 (7). HR„Pillar (2), Smoak (3), A.Simmons (3). SB„Maybin (2). IP H R ER BB SO TORONTO Lawrence L,0-2 6.1 8 5 4 3 4 Campos 1.2 1 0 0 0 0 LOS ANGELES Skaggs W,1-1 7 7 2 2 2 4 Yates 1 2 2 2 0 1 Norris S,1-2 1 1 0 0 0 1 Skaggs pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. Yates pitched to 2 batters in the 9th. Umpires„ Home, Dave Rackley; First, Ramon De Jesus; Second, Alfonso Marquez; Third, Chad Fairchild. T„2:35. A„41,345 (43,250).MARLINS 6, PADRES 3, 11 INNINGS,MIAMI SAN DIEGO AB R H BI AB R H BI D.Grdon 2b 4 1 1 0 Margot cf 5 0 2 0 Prado 3b 5 1 2 1 Aybar ss 5 0 0 0 Yelich cf 5 1 0 0 Myers 1b 5 1 2 0 Stanton rf 5 2 2 3 Solarte 2b 3 1 1 0 Ozuna lf 5 0 0 0 Hedges c 5 1 1 3 Ralmuto c 5 0 2 0 Schimpf 3b 5 0 0 0 Detrich 1b 4 0 1 0 Renfroe rf 4 0 1 0 Rojas ss 2 0 0 0 Jnkwski lf 3 0 0 0 Hchvrra ss 2 0 0 0 Bthncrt ph 1 0 0 0 Straily p 2 0 0 0 J.Waver p 2 0 0 0 I.Szuki ph 1 0 0 0 Hand p 0 0 0 0 Brrclgh p 0 0 0 0 Buchter p 0 0 0 0 Ziegler p 0 0 0 0 Srdinas ph 1 0 0 0 Bour ph 1 1 1 0 Maurer p 0 0 0 0 Tazawa p 0 0 0 0 Qcknbsh p 0 0 0 0 A.Ramos p 0 0 0 0 H.Sanch ph 0 0 0 0 J.Trres p 0 0 0 0 M.Diaz p 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 41 6 9 4 TOTALS 39 3 7 3 MIAMI 010 001 000 04 „ 6 SAN DIEGO 000 200 000 01 „3 E„Renfroe (4), J.Torres (1). DP„San Diego 1. LOB„Miami 3, San Diego 8. 2B„Margot (5), Solarte (4). HR„Prado (1), Stanton 2 (7), Hedges (5). SB„D.Gordon (4), Myers (1). S„ Jankowski (2). IP H R ER BB SO MIAMI Straily 7 4 2 2 0 14 Barraclough 2 1 0 0 1 1 Ziegler W,1-0 1 0 0 0 2 0 Tazawa 0 1 1 1 1 0 Ramos S,3-3 1 1 0 0 0 2 SAN DIEGO Weaver 6 4 2 2 1 3 Hand 1 1 0 0 0 1 Buchter 1 0 0 0 0 0 Maurer 1 0 0 0 0 1 Quackenbush 1 0 0 0 0 2 Torres L,1-1 .1 3 3 3 0 0 Diaz .2 1 1 1 0 0 Tazawa pitched to 2 batters in the 11th. WP„Tazawa. PRO BASKETBALLNBA PLAYOFFS All Times Eastern (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) FIRST ROUND EASTERN CONFERENCE CHICAGO 2, BOSTON 2April 16: Chicago 106, Boston 102 April 18: Chicago 111, Boston 97 April 21: Boston 104, Chicago 87 Sunday: Boston 104, Chicago 95 Wednesday: Chicago at Boston, TBD Friday: Boston at Chicago, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Chicago at Boston, TBDWASHINGTON 2, ATLANTA 1April 16: Washington 114, Atlanta 107 April 19: Washington 109, Atlanta 101 Saturday: Atlanta 116, Washington 98 Today: Washington at Atlanta, 8 p.m. Wednesday: Atlanta at Washington, TBD x-Friday: Washington at Atlanta, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Atlanta at Washington, TBDMILWAUKEE 2, TORONTO 2April 15: Milwaukee 97, Toronto 83 April 18: Toronto 106, Milwaukee 100 April 20: Milwaukee 104, Toronto 77 Saturday: Toronto 87, Milwaukee 76 Today : Milwaukee at Toronto, 7 p.m. Thursday: Toronto at Milwaukee, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Milwaukee at Toronto, TBDCLEVELAND 4, INDIANA 0April 15: Cleveland 109, Indiana 108 April 17: Cleveland 117, Indiana 111 April 20: Cleveland 119, Indiana 114 Sunday: Cleveland 106, Indiana 102WESTERN CONFERENCE GOLDEN STATE 3, PORTLAND 0April 16: Golden State 121, Portland 109 April 19: Golden State 110, Portland 81 Saturday : Golden State 119, Portland 113 Today: Golden State at Portland, 10:30 p.m. x-Wednesday: Portland at Golden State, TBD x-Friday : Golden State at Portland, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Portland at Golden State, TBDSAN ANTONIO 2, MEMPHIS 2April 15: San Antonio 111, Memphis 82 April 17: San Antonio 96, Memphis 82 April 20: Memphis 105, San Antonio 94 Saturday : Memphis 110, San Antonio 108, OT Tuesday: Memphis at San Antonio, 9 p.m. Thursday: San Ant. at Memphis, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Memphis at San Antonio, TBDHOUSTON 3, OKLAHOMA CITY 1April 16: Houston 118, Oklahoma City 87 April 19: Houston 115, Oklahoma City 111 April 21: Oklahoma City 115, Houston 113 Today: Houston 113, Oklahoma City 109 Tuesday: Oklahoma City at Houston, 8 p.m. x-Thursday: Houston at Oklahoma City, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Oklahoma City at Houston, TBDL.A. CLIPPERS 2, UTAH 1April 15: Utah 97, L.A. Clippers 95 April 18: L.A. Clippers 99, Utah 91 April 21: L.A. Clippers 111, Utah 106 Sunday: L.A. Clippers at Utah, late Tuesday: Utah at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. x-Friday, April 28: L.A. Clippers at Utah, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Utah at L.A. Clippers, TBDSUNDAYS PLAYOFF BOX SCORES CAVALIERS 106, PACERS 101CLEVELAND (106) James 13-25 6-9 33, Love 2-13 0-0 5, Thompson 2-6 2-2 6, Irving 10-25 7-7 28, Smith 2-4 0-0 5, Frye 2-4 2-2 7, Dero.Williams 4-4 4-5 14, Korver 1-5 2-2 5, Shumpert 1-4 0-0 3. Totals 37-90 23-27 106. INDIANA (102) Miles 2-5 0-0 6, George 5-21 2-3 15, Turner 8-10 4-6 20, T.Young 6-14 1-2 13, Teague 6-12 2-3 15, Robinson 3-3 0-0 6, Seraphin 2-6 0-0 4, Allen 0-0 0-0 0, J.Young 0-0 0-0 0, Stephenson 9-15 0-1 22, Ellis 0-2 1-2 1. Totals 41-88 10-17 102. Cleveland 22 36 30 18 „ 106 Indiana 24 28 25 25 „ 102 3-Point Goals„Cleveland 9-31 (Dero.Williams 2-2, Smith 1-3, James 1-3, Frye 1-3, Shumpert 1-3, Love 1-5, Korver 1-5, Irving 1-7), Indiana 10-30 (Stephenson 4-9, George 3-9, Miles 2-5, Teague 1-3, Ellis 0-1, T.Young 0-1, Turner 0-2). Fouled Out„Stephenson. Rebounds„ Cleveland 48 (Love 16), Indiana 42 ( T.Young 10). Assists„Cleveland 11 (James 4), Indiana 21 (Teague 10). Total Fouls„Cleveland 15, Indiana 22. Technicals„Teague, Seraphin. A„17,923 (18,165).ROCKETS 113, THUNDER 109HOUSTON (113) Ariza 4-8 3-3 14, Anderson 2-5 4-4 9, Capela 2-5 0-0 4, Beverley 2-13 0-0 6, Harden 5-16 6-7 16, Hilario 12-12 4-7 28, Gordon 5-13 4-5 18, L.Williams 5-13 7-7 18. Totals 37-85 28-33 113. OKLAHOMA CITY (109) Gibson 2-5 2-2 6, Adams 8-10 2-5 18, Westbrook 10-28 12-13 35, Oladipo 7-10 0-0 15, Roberson 5-9 2-12 13, Grant 5-5 0-0 10, McDermott 2-6 0-0 5, Kanter 1-5 0-0 2, Cole 0-3 0-0 0, Abrines 2-4 0-0 5. Totals 42-85 18-32 109. Houston 22 32 19 40 „ 113 Oklahoma City 26 32 19 32 „ 109 3-Point Goals„Houston 11-35 (Gordon 4-7, Ariza 3-5, Beverley 2-8, Anderson 1-3, L.Williams 1-5, Harden 0-7), Oklahoma City 7-19 (Westbrook 3-8, Abrines 1-2, Roberson 1-2, Oladipo 1-3, McDermott 1-3, Cole 0-1). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Houston 45 (Hilario 10), Oklahoma City 40 (Westbrook 14). Assists„Houston 19 (Harden 8), Oklahoma City 20 (Westbrook 14). Total Fouls„Houston 26, Oklahoma City 20. Technicals„Gordon. A„18,203 (18,203).CELTICS 104, BULLS 95BOSTON (104)Green 7-13 0-0 18, C rowder 5-9 0-0 11, Horford 6-11 2-2 15, Thomas 10-21 12-13 33, Bradley 3-9 1-2 8, Brown 0-0 0-0 0, Jerebko 0-3 2-2 2, Olynyk 4-4 1-3 10, Smart 2-7 0-0 5, Rozier 1-4 0-0 2. Totals 38-81 18-22 104.CHICAGO (95)Mirotic 4-11 3-3 13, Lopez 4-8 0-0 8, Grant 0-3 0-0 0, Butler 7-16 19-23 33, Wade 5-12 1-1 11, Zipser 0-2 0-0 0, Portis 4-7 0-0 8, Felicio 1-1 1-2 3, Lauvergne 3-6 0-0 6, Canaan 4-10 2-4 13, Carter-Williams 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 32-76 26-33 95. Boston 30 27 22 25 „ 104 Chicago 18 28 24 25 „ 95 3-Point Goals„Boston 10-37 (Green 4-9, Olynyk 1-1, Smart 1-2, Horford 1-3, Crowder 1-4, Bradley 1-6, Thomas 1-9, Jerebko 0-1, Rozier 0-2), Chicago 5-24 (Canaan 3-7, Mirotic 2-8, Zipser 0-1, Lauvergne 0-1, Portis 0-1, Grant 0-1, Wade 0-2, Butler 0-3). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Boston 41 (Horford 12), Chicago 44 (Portis 8). Assists„Boston 22 (Thomas 7), Chicago 19 (Butler 9). Total Fouls„Boston 24, Chicago 23. Technicals„ Smart, Thomas, Butler. A„21,863 (20,917).ODDSPREGAME.COM LINEMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL National League TodayFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINEChicago -122 at Pittsburgh +112 Cincinnati -109 at Milwauke -101 Washington -117 at Colorado +107 at Arizona -167 San Diego +157 Los Angeles -129 at San Fran. +119American LeagueKansas City -117 at Chicago +107 at Texas -124 Minnesota +114 Tampa Bay -119 at Baltimore +109 at Los Angeles -117 Toronto +107NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION Playoffs Today FAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOG at Toronto 6 192 Milwaukee at Atlanta 2 211 Washington Golden State 7 219 at PortlandTuesdayat San Antonio 9 186 Memphis at Houston Off Off Okla. City at L.A. Clippers Off Off Utah Updated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLAmerican LeagueBALTIMORE ORIOLES „ Sent RHP Chris Tillman to Bowie (EL) for a rehab assignment. CHICAGO WHITE SOX „ Selected the contract of RHP Mike Pelfrey from Charlotte (IL). Transferred OF Charlie Tilson to the 60-day DL. DETROIT TIGERS „ Recalled OF/1B Jim Adduci from Toledo (IL). HOUSTON ASTROS „ Optioned RHP Mike Hauschild to Fresno (PCL). LOS ANGELES ANGELS „ Designated RHP Kirby Yates for assignment. Recalled RHP Brooks Pounders from Salt Lake (PCL). Traded OF Ryan LaMarre to Oakland for a player to be named. Sent RHP Vicente Campos to Inland Empire (Cal) for a rehab assignment. MINNESOTA TWINS „ Placed RHP Justin Haley on the 10-day DL. Optioned LHP Adalberto Mejia to Rochester (IL). Recalled 1B Kennys Vargas and LHP Buddy Boshers from Rochester. TAMPA BAY RAYS „ Placed RHP Tommy Hunter on the 10-day DL. Recalled RHP Chih-Wei Hu from Durham (IL). Sent OF Colby Rasmus to Montgomery (SL) for a rehab assignment. TEXAS RANGERS „ Recalled RHP Nick Martinez from Round Rock (PCL). TORONTO BLUE JAYS „ Optioned RHP Danny Barnes to Buffalo (IL). Recalled RHP Casey Lawrence from Buffalo.National LeagueATLANTA BRAVES „ Optioned RHP Aaron Blair to Gwinnett (IL). Recalled RHP Matt Wisler from Gwinnett. CINCINNATI REDS „ Optioned RHP Lisalverto Bonilla to Louisville (EL). Recalled RHP Ariel Hernandez from Pensacola (SL). PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES „ Transferred RHP Clay Buchholz to the 60-day DL. SAN DIEGO PADRES „ Optioned RHP Zach Lee to El Paso (PCL). Reinstated RHP Luis Perdomo from the 10-day DL.BASKETBALLNational Basketball AssociationNBA „ Fined Chicago G Rajon Rondo $25,000 for attempting to trip Boston F Jae C rowder and Houston G Patrick Beverley $25,000 for confronting a fan.HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueANAHEIM DUCKS „ Signed LW Jack Kopacka to a three-year contract. LOS ANGELES KINGS „ Promoted associate head coach John Stevens to head coach.ECHLECHL „ Suspended Florida F Mitchell Heard three games and Florida D Jake Baker one game. ORLANDO SOLAR BEARS „ Added G Bobby Fowler as emergency backup.TENNISITF „ Suspended Romanian Fed Cup captain Ilie Nastase for abusing players and the umpire during the playoff match against Britain.HOCKEYNHLSTANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE N.Y. RANGERS 4, MONTREAL 2April 12: New York 2, Montreal 0 April 14: Montreal 4, New York 3, OT April 16: Montreal 3, New York 1 April 18: New York 2, Montreal 1 April 20 : New York 3, Montreal 2, OT Saturday: New York 3, Montreal 1OTTAWA 4, BOSTON 2April 12: Boston 2, Ottawa 1 April 15: Ottawa 4, Boston 3, OT April 17: Ottawa 4, Boston 3, OT April 19: Ottawa 1, Boston 0 April 21: Boston 3, Ottawa 2, 2OT Sunday: Ottawa 3, Boston 2, OTWASHINGTON 4, TORONTO 2April 13: Washington 3, Toronto 2, OT April 15: Toronto 4, Washington 3, 2OT April 17: Toronto 4, Washington 3, OT April 19: Washington 5, Toronto 4 April 21: Washington 2, Toronto 1, OT Sunday: Washington 2, Toronto 1, OTPITTSBURGH 4, COLUMBUS 1April 12: Pittsburgh 3, Columbus 1 April 14: Pittsburgh 4, Columbus 1 April 16: Pittsburgh 5, Columbus 4, OT April 18: Columbus 5, Pittsburgh 4 April 20: Pittsburgh 5, Columbus 2WESTERN CONFERENCE NASHVILLE 4, CHICAGO 0April 13: Nashville 1, Chicago 0 April 15: Nashville 5, Chicago 0 April 17: Nashville 3, Chicago 2, OT April 20: Nashville 4, Chicago 1ST. LOUIS 4, MINNESOTA 1April 12: St. Louis 2, Minnesota 1, OT April 14: St. Louis 2, Minnesota 1 April 16: St. Louis 3, Minnesota 1 April 19: Minnesota 2, St. Louis 0 Saturday: St. Louis 4, Minnesota 3, OTANAHEIM 4, CALGARY 0April 13: Anaheim 3, Calgary 2 April 15: Anaheim 3, Calgary 2 April 17: Anaheim 5, Calgary 4, OT April 19: Anaheim 3, Calgary 1EDMONTON 4, SAN JOSE 2April 12: San Jose 3, Edmonton 2, OT April 14: Edmonton 2, San Jose 0 April 16: Edmonton 1, San Jose 0 April 18: San Jose 7, Edmonton 0 April 20: Edmonton 4, San Jose 3, OT Saturday: Edmonton 3, San Jose 1SUNDAYS PLAYOFF SUMMARY SENATORS 3, BRUIN2, OTOttawa 0 2 0 1 „ 3 Boston 1 0 1 0 „ 2 First Period„1, Boston, Stafford 2 (Mc avoy, Marchand), 18:13 (pp). Penalties„Kuraly, BOS, (delay of game), 0:17; Morrow, BOS, (delay of game), 12:30; C.Miller, BOS, (delay of game), 15:11; Stone, OTT, (tripping), 17:25; Kuraly, BOS, (roughing), 18:48; Harpur, OTT, (roughing), 18:48. Second Period„2, Ottawa, Ryan 4 (Brassard, Karlsson), 3:26 (pp). 3, Ottawa, Turris 1 (Dzingel), 8:32. Penalties„Mc avoy, BOS, (tripping), 2:49. Third Period„4, Boston, Bergeron 2 (C.Miller, Marchand), 1:57. Penalties„Hoffman, OTT, (slashing), 13:34. Overtime„5, Ottawa, Macarthur 2 (Brassard, Ryan), 6:30 (pp). Penalties„Pastrnak, BOS, (holding), 5:54. Shots on Goal„Ottawa 12-8-3-6„29. Boston 6-12-12„30. Power -play opportunities„Ottawa 2 of 5; Boston 1 of 2. Goalies„Ottawa, Anderson 4-2 (30 shots-28 saves). Boston, Rask 2-4 (29-26). A„17,565 (17,565). T„2:56. Referees„Dan OHalloran, Ian Walsh. Linesmen„ Michel Cormier, Steve Miller.CAPITALS 2, MAPLE LEAFS 1, OT Washington 0 0 1 1 „ 2 Toronto 0 0 1 0 „ 1 First Period„None. Penalties„Johansson, WSH, (holding), 12:03; Bozak, TOR, (high sticking), 12:25. Second Period„None. Penalties„Nylander, TOR, (holding), 10:29. Third Period„1, Toronto, Matthews 4 (Hyman, Rielly), 7:45. 2, Washington, Johansson 1 (Eller, Orpik), 12:51. Penalties„Kadri, TOR, (roughing), 19:13; Oshie, WSH, (roughing), 19:13. Overtime„3, Washington, Johansson 2 (Carlson, Williams), 6:31. Penalties„None. Shots on Goal„Washington 10-11-10-5„36. Toronto 14-14-9-1„38. Power -play opportunities„Washington 0 of 2; Toronto 0 of 1. Goalies„Washington, Holtby 4-2 (38 shots-37 saves). Toronto, Andersen 2-4 (36-34). T„2:59. Referees„Brad Meier, Kevin Pollock. Linesmen„ Brian Murphy, Mark Shewchyk.ECHL PLAYOFF GLANCEDIVISIONAL SEMIFINALS (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE North Division Manchester 3, Adirondack 2 Friday, April 14: Manchester 3, Adirondack 1 Saturday, April 15: Manchester 4, Adirondack 2 Tuesday, April 18: Adirondack 3, Manchester 1 Thursday, April 20: Manchester 2, Adirondack 1 Saturday, April 22: Adirondack 2, Manchester 1 Tuesday, April 25: Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Brampton 3, Reading 2 Thursday, April 13: Reading 2, Brampton 1 Saturday, April 15: Brampton 2, Reading 1, OT Tuesday, April 18: Brampton 2, Reading 1 Thursday, April 20: Reading 3, Brampton 2 Saturday, April 22: Brampton 2,Reading 1, 2OT Monday, April 24: Brampton at Reading, 7 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Brampton at Reading, 7 p.m. South Division Orlando 3, Florida 2 Wednesday, April 12: Orlando 4, Florida 2 Friday, April 14: Orlando 3, Florida 2 Thursday, April 20: Florida 5, Orlando 4, OT Saturday, April 22: Orlando 3, Florida 0 Sunday, April 23: Florida 5, Orlando 1 Tuesday, April 25: Orlando at Florida, 7:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Orlando at Florida, 7:30 p.m. South Carolina 3, Greenville 2, Thursday, April 13: Greenville 6, South Carolina 3 Friday, April 14: Greenville 4, South Carolina 1 Monday, April 17: South Carolina 6, Greenville 0 Tuesday, April 18: South Carolina 6, Greenville 1 Friday, April 21: South Carolina 4, Greenville 2 Monday, April 24: Greenville at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: South Carolina at Greenville, 7 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 2 Friday, April 14: Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 3 Saturday, April 15: Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 1 Tuesday, April 18: Kalamazoo 6, Toledo 4 Wednesday, April 19: Kalamazoo 8, Toledo 5 Friday, April 21: Toledo 3, Kalamazoo 2 Sunday, April 23: Toledo 3, Kalamazoo 4 Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 1 Friday, April 14: Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 3 Saturday, April 15: Fort Wayne 3, Quad City 1 Wednesday, April 19: Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 3, OT Friday, April 21: Quad City 3, Fort Wayne 2, OT Saturday, April 22: Fort Wayne 3, Quad City 2 Mountain Division Allen 4, Utah 1 Wednesday, April 12: Allen 4, Utah 3 Friday, April 14: Utah 4, Allen 1 Wednesday, April 19: Allen 4, Utah 2 Friday, April 21: Allen 5, Utah 1 Saturday, April 22: Allen 4, Utah 0 Colorado 4, Idaho 1 Friday, April 14: Idaho 4, Colorado 2 Saturday, April 15: Colorado 2, Idaho 1, OT Wednesday, April 19: Colorado 4, Idaho 2 Friday, April 21: Colorado 6, Idaho 5, OT Saturday, April 22: Colorado 6, Idaho 3GOLFPGA TOURVALERO TEXAS OPENSundays leaders at TPC San Antonio (Oaks Course), San Antonio. Purse: $6.2 million. Yardage: 7,435. Par: 72 (36-36).FinalKevin Chappell (500), $1,116,000 69-68-71-68„276 Brooks Koepka (300), $669,600 68-74-70-65„277 Tony Finau (163), $359,600 71-65-74-69„279 Kevin Tway (163), $359,600 70-68-72-69„279 Aaron Baddeley (110), $248,000 69-70-73-68„280 Brian Gay (89), $200,725 68-72-71-70„281 Sung Kang (89), $200,725 69-70-74-68„281 Ryan Palmer (89), $200,725 74-68-68-71„281 Cameron Smith (89), $200,725 72-65-73-71„281 Bud Cauley (70), $155,000 70-66-74-72„282 Branden Grace (70), $155,000 66-73-70-73„282 Camilo Villegas (70), $155,000 73-70-69-70„282 Gonzalo Fdez-Castano (57), $119,867 73-68-75-67„283 Jimmy Walker (57), $119,867 70-69-74-70„283 Matt Jones (57), $119,867 69-73-71-70„283 Carl Pettersson (52), $102,300 73-66-71-74„284 Robby Shelton, $102,300 68-69-75-72„284 Jim Herman (46), $83,700 69-72-71-73„285 Martin Laird (46), $83,700 72-67-71-75„285 Ryan Moore (46), $83,700 70-70-73-72„285 Ollie Schniederjans (46), $83,700 72-67-75-71„285 Stewart Cink (37), $59,520 67-75-74-70„286 J.J. Henry (37), $59,520 72-71-72-71„286 John Huh (37), $59,520 67-71-71-77„286 Si Woo Kim (37), $59,520 70-72-71-73„286 Nick Taylor (37), $59,520 69-72-71-74„286 Bob Estes (28), $42,160 68-69-75-75„287 Nicholas Lindheim (28), $42,160 71-70-74-72„287 Graeme McDowell (28), $42,160 68-74-76-69„287 Sebastian Munoz (28), $42,160 70-71-72-74„287 Geoff Ogilvy (28), $42,160 69-74-73-71„287 J.T. Poston (28), $42,160 70-73-71-73„287 Jonathan Randolph (28), $42,160 68-70-75-74„287 Ryan Brehm (21), $33,480 71-69-74-74„288 Brandon Hagy (21), $33,480 70-73-73-72„288 Jhonattan Vegas (21), $33,480 69-71-73-75„288 Billy Hurley III (18), $29,140 72-71-74-72„289 Smylie Kaufman (18), $29,140 70-74-73-72„289 Kyle Reifers (18), $29,140 72-71-74-72„289 Byeong Hun An (12), $21,728 73-69-76-72„290 Charley Hoffman (12), $21,728 71-72-73-74„290 Jamie Lovemark (12), $21,728 69-73-73-75„290 Tag Ridings (12), $21,728 72-72-73-73„290 Harold Varner III (12), $21,728 71-71-74-74„290 Ben Crane (12), $21,728 74-69-75-72„290 Andres Gonzales (12), $21,728 70-74-74-72„290 Andrew Johnston (12), $21,728 75-69-74-72„290 Matt Kuchar (12), $21,728 73-71-75-71„290 Troy Merritt (8), $15,469 72-69-76-74„291 J.J. Spaun (8), $15,469 73-67-81-70„291 Shawn Stefani (8), $15,469 68-73-73-77„291 Michael Thompson (8), $15,469 70-70-79-72„291 Tom Hoge (6), $14,353 68-72-76-76„292 Freddie Jacobson (6), $14,353 69-71-77-75„292 Kevin Streelman (6), $14,353 71-72-73-76„292 Zack Sucher (6), $14,353 71-73-77-71„292 Bryce Molder (6), $14,012 68-74-76-75„293 Ken Duke (5), $13,702 68-72-79-75„294 Justin Leonard (5), $13,702 72-72-75-75„294 Seamus Power (5), $13,702 72-72-74-76„294 Daniel Summerhays (5), $13,702 72-72-76-74„294 Blayne Barber (4), $13,144 70-73-76-76„295 Soren Kjeldsen (4), $13,144 69-74-78-74„295 Wesley McClain, $13,144 73-71-74-77„295 Cameron Percy (4), $13,144 70-73-72-80„295 Brendan Steele (4), $13,144 70-71-78-76„295 Ricky Barnes (4), $12,710 73-68-77-78„296 Jason Kokrak (4), $12,710 72-72-79-73„296 Dominic Bozzelli (3), $12,400 72-71-76-78„297 Brad Fritsch (3), $12,400 74-69-76-78„297 Andrew Loupe (3), $12,400 72-69-81-75„297 Adam Hadwin (3), $12,028 70-72-82-74„298 Ryo Ishikawa (3), $12,028 71-72-73-82„298 Anirban Lahiri (3), $12,028 69-75-78-76„298 Julian Etulain (3), $11,780 71-73-75-81„300 Steven Alker (2), $11,656 67-76-85-73„301EUROPEAN TOURSHENZHEN INTERNATIONALSundays leaders at Genzon GC, Shenzhen, China Purse: $2.8 million. Yardage: 7,145. Par: 72 (36-36) (x-won on “ rst playoff hole)Finalx-Bernd Wiesberger, Austria 67-65-69-71„272 Tommy Fleetwood, England 69-71-69-63„272 Gregory Bourdy, France 67-69-70-67„273 Ross Fisher, England 71-65-69-68„273 Fabrizio Zanotti, France 71-70-68-65„274 David Lipsky, United States 73-65-67-69„274 Dylan Frittelli, South Africa 68-68-68-70„274 Thongchai Jaidee, Thailand 67-72-70-66„275 Thorbjorn Olesen, Denmark 68-68-72-67„275 Alexander Levy, France 74-68-64-69„275 Pablo Larrazabal, Spain 72-71-67-66„276 Liu Yan-Wei, Chinav 69-71-66-70„276 George Coetzee, So. 70-68-67-71„276 Matthew Southgate, Eng. 72-71-69-65„277 Bernd Ritthammer, Germ. 69-73-69-66„277 Eduardo De La Riva, Spain 68-73-69-67„277 Alexander Bjork, Sweden 71-67-71-68„277 Daniel Im, United States 69-70-69-69„277 Brett Rumford, Australia 72-67-68-70„277 Jordan Smith, England 69-69-69-70„277AlsoKiradech Aphibarnart, Thai. 75-66-70-67„278 Bubba Watson, United States 66-70-70-74„280 Joost Luiten, Netherlands 71-71-70-69„281 Peter Uihlein, United States 71-70-72-69„282 Brandon Stone, South Africa 74-71-64-75„284 Paul Peterson, United States 74-71-70-74„289PGA TOUR CHAMPIONSLEGENDS OF GOLFSundays leaders at Top of the Rock (Host Course), Ridgedale, Mo. Purse: $2.4 million. Yardage: 2,808; Par: 54 (27-27)FinalCarlos Franco, $232,500 51-42„93 Vijay Singh, $232,500 51-42„93 Paul Goydos, $104,167 49-45„94 Jeff Sluman, $104,167 44-50„94 Kevin Sutherland, $104,167 49-45„94 Duffy Waldorf, $104,167 49-45„94 Fred Funk, $104,167 44-50„94 Corey Pavin, $104,167 49-45„94 Olin Browne, $51,667 49-47„96 Fred Couples, $51,667 48-48„96 Mark OMeara, $51,667 49-47„96 Steve Pate, $51,667 49-47„96 Jay Haas, $51,667 48-48„96 Tom Jenkins, $51,667 49-47„96 Roger Chapman, $34,500 51-46„97 David Frost, $34,500 51-46„97 Miguel Angel Jimenez, $34,500 51-46„97 Jerry Kelly, $34,500 50-47„97 Tom Lehman, $34,500 50-47„97 Davis Love III, $34,500 48-49„97 Jose Maria Olazabal, $34,500 51-46„97 Loren Roberts, $34,500 50-47„97 Steve Stricker, $34,500 50-47„97 Scott Verplank, $34,500 48-49„97 Michael Allen, $25,000 52-46„98 John Daly, $25,000 52-46„98 Scott Hoch, $25,000 52-46„98 Lee Janzen, $25,000 50-48„98 Rocco Mediate, $25,000 50-48„98 Kenny Perry, $25,000 52-46„98 Billy Andrade, $19,250 49-50„99 Tommy Armour III, $19,250 51-48„99 Joe Durant, $19,250 49-50„99 Steve Lowery, $19,250 51-48„99 Jesper Parnevik, $19,250 51-48„99 Tom Pernice Jr., $19,250 50-49„99 Tim Petrovic, $19,250 51-48„99 Bob Tway, $19,250 50-49„99 Woody Austin, $13,750 50-50„100 Mark Calcavecchia, $13,750 50-50„100 John Cook, $13,750 50-50„100 Joey Sindelar, $13,750 50-50„100 Brad Bryant, $12,250 53-48„101 Sandy Lyle, $12,250 53-48„101 Jeff Maggert, $12,250 51-50„101 Andy North, $12,250 51-50„101 Tom Purtzer, $12,250 53-48„101 David Toms, $12,250 51-50„101 Tom Watson, $12,250 51-50„101 Ian Woosnam, $12,250 53-48„101 Jay Don Blake, $10,250 51-51„102 Russ Cochran, $10,250 51-51„102 Hale Irwin, $10,250 54-48„102 Tom Kite, $10,250 53-49„102 Larry Mize, $10,250 52-50„102 Gil Morgan, $10,250 53-49„102 Wes Short, Jr., $10,250 54-48„102 Hal Sutton, $10,250 52-50„102 Mark Brooks, $8,500 54-49„103 Brad Faxon, $8,500 51-52„103 Dan Forsman, $8,500 50-53„103 John Huston, $8,500 54-49„103 Scott McCarron, $8,500 51-52„103 Mike Reid, $8,500 50-53„103 Ben Crenshaw, $7,000 49-55„104 Bob Gilder, $7,000 53-51„104 Billy Mayfair, $7,000 53-51„104 Jerry Pate, $7,000 49-55„104 Craig Stadler, $7,000 53-51„104 Kirk Triplett, $7,000 53-51„104 Wayne Levi, $6,000 54-51„105 Scott Simpson, $6,000 54-51„105 Dana Quigley, $5,500 52-54„106 Jim Thorpe, $5,500 52-54„106WEB.COMUNITED LEASING & FINANCE CHAMPIONSHIPSundays leaders at Victoria National GC, Newburgh, Ind. Purse: $600,000. Yardage: 7,242; Par: 72 (36-36)FinalD.H. Lee, $108,000 70-71-67-74„282 Jason Gore, $64,800 72-69-70-72„283 Roberto Diaz, $34,800 72-70-67-78„287 Scott Langley, $34,800 72-75-70-70„287 Kyle Thompson, $24,000 68-72-72-76„288 Jimmy Gunn, $19,425 70-73-76-70„289 Scott Gutschewski, $19,425 71-70-72-76„289 Ted Potter, Jr., $19,425 71-72-70-76„289 Andrew Yun, $19,425 73-70-73-73„289 Derek Ernst, $15,000 76-69-74-71„290 Richard S. Johnson, $15,000 72-74-71-73„290 S.J. Park, $15,000 75-71-71-73„290 Jonathan Byrd, $11,600 71-72-77-71„291 Talor Gooch, $11,600 71-72-74-74„291 Tom Lovelady, $11,600 75-70-71-75„291 James Driscoll, $9,300 72-75-71-74„292 Stephan Jaeger, $9,300 70-72-78-72„292 Andrew Putnam, $9,300 71-73-74-74„292 Seth Reeves, $9,300 72-74-71-75„292 Eric Axley, $6,744 74-73-74-72„293 Shane Bertsch, $6,744 75-71-75-72„293 Samuel Del Val, $6,744 77-71-70-75„293 Wes Roach, $6,744 73-72-73-75„293 Sebastian Vazquez, $6,744 72-72-74-75„293 Austin Cook, $4,469 72-69-74-79„294 Michael Gellerman, $4,469 76-71-71-76„294 Michael Johnson, $4,469 72-70-73-79„294 Jim Knous, $4,469 74-72-74-74„294 Nate Lashley, $4,469 69-74-73-78„294 Rob Oppenheim, $4,469 70-74-72-78„294 Nick Rousey, $4,469 72-72-70-80„294 Ryan Yip, $4,469 68-74-73-79„294 Albin Choi, $3,360 74-73-74-74„295 Jonathan Kaye, $3,360 70-78-72-75„295 Ken Looper, $3,360 71-72-76-76„295 Taylor Moore, $3,360 71-77-70-77„295 Michael Putnam, $3,360 73-74-74-74„295 Jason Millard, $2,708 78-70-69-79„296 Chris Naegel, $2,708 77-70-77-72„296 Alexandre Rocha, $2,708 72-70-76-78„296 Xinjun Zhang, $2,708 71-74-72-79„296 Andrew Landry, $2,025 75-73-74-75„297 Justin Lower, $2,025 79-69-74-75„297 Alex Prugh, $2,025 74-71-68-84„297 Brady Schnell, $2,025 75-73-73-76„297 Ben Silverman, $2,025 73-74-76-74„297 Peter Tomasulo, $2,025 72-75-73-77„297 Dawie van der Walt, $2,025 76-71-77-73„297 Aaron Wise, $2,025 70-76-78-73„297 Kent Bulle, $1,725 75-72-77-74„298 Sepp Straka, $1,725 74-73-70-81„298 Erik Compton, $1,662 71-77-73-78„299 Kyle Wilshire, $1,662 76-72-77-74„299 Chase Wright, $1,662 71-75-77-76„299 Jonathan Hodge, $1,610 73-73-76-78„300 Charlie Saxon, $1,610 79-68-74-79„300 Andrew Svoboda, $1,610 71-76-76-77„300 Abraham Ancer, $1,566 68-80-75-78„301 Craig Bowden, $1,566 72-75-78-76„301 John Chin, $1,566 74-70-76-81„301 Bobby Gates, $1,566 77-71-78-75„301 Anders Albertson, $1,524 77-71-76-78„302 Timothy Madigan, $1,524 72-76-73-81„302 Nicholas Thompson, $1,524 77-69-74-82„302 Marc Turnesa, $1,500 75-71-78-79„303 A.J. McInerney, $1,482 73-75-77-79„304 Carlos Ortiz, $1,482 76-71-78-79„304 Alex Kang, $1,458 75-71-77-82„305 Zach Wright, $1,458 69-77-80-79„305AUTO RACINGNASCAR MONSTER ENERGY CUPFORD ECOBOOST 400 LINEUPAfter Friday qualifying for Sundays race, postponed until today, at Bristol Motor Speedway, Bristol, Tenn. Lap length: 0.53 miles(Car number in parentheses)1. (42) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 1st. 2. (24) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 2nd. 3. (78) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 3rd. 4. (2) Brad Keselowski, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 4th. 5. (22) Joey Logano, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 5th. 6. (21) Ryan Blaney, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 6th. 7. (18) Kyle Busch, Toyota, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 7th. 8. (1) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 8th. 9. (14) Clint Bowyer, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 9th. 10. (4) Kevin Harvick, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 10th. 11. (48) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 11th. 12. (6) Trevor Bayne, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 12th. 13. (31) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 13th. 14. (77) Erik Jones, Toyota, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 14th. 15. (41) Kurt Busch, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 15th. 16. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 16th. 17. (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 17th. 18. (43) Aric Almirola, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 18th. 19. (17) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 19th. 20. (88) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 20th. 21. (3) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 21st. 22. (20) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 22nd. 23. (19) Daniel Suarez, Toyota, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 23rd. 24. (13) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 24th. 25. (47) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 25th. 26. (27) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 26th. 27. (37) Chris Buescher, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 27th. 28. (95) Michael McDowell, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 28th. 29. (10) Danica Patrick, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 29th. 30. (34) Landon Cassill, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 30th. 31. (72) Cole Whitt, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 31st. 32. (32) Matt DiBenedetto, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 32nd. 33. (38) David Ragan, Ford, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 33rd. 34. (15) Reed Sorenson, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 34th. 35. (83) Corey LaJoie, Toyota, Open Team „ 2017 Owner Point 35th. 36. (23) Gray Gaulding, Toyota, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 36th. 37. (33) Jeffrey Earnhardt, Chevrolet, Charter Team „ 2017 Owner Point 39th. 38. (51) Timmy Hill, Chevrolet, Open Team „ 2017 Owner Point 40th. 39. (55) Derrike Cope, Toyota, Open Team „ 2017 Owner Point 41st.VERIZON INDYCARGRAND PRIX OF ALABAMARace Sunday at Barber Motorsports Park, Birmingham, Ala. With order of “ nish, starting position in parentheses, driver, aero kit-engine, laps completed and reason out (if any): 1. (7) Josef Newgarden, Chevrolet, 90, Running 2. (4) Scott Dixon, Honda, 90, Running 3. (3) Simon Pagenaud, Chevrolet, 90, Running 4. (2) Helio Castroneves, Chevrolet, 90, Running 5. (18) Alexander Rossi, Honda, 90, Running 6. (6) James Hinchcliffe, Honda, 90, Running 7. (10) Tony Kanaan, Honda, 90, Running 8. (12) Sebastien Bourdais, Honda, 90, Running 9. (14) Takuma Sato, Honda, 90, Running 10. (8) Mikhail Aleshin, Honda, 90, Running 11. (5) Ryan Hunter-Reay, Honda, 90, Running 12. (9) Max Chilton, Honda, 90, Running 13. (21) Graham Rahal, Honda, 90, Running 14. (1) Will Power, Chevrolet, 90, Running 15. (15) Charlie Kimball, Honda, 90, Running 16. (11) Ed Jones, Honda, 90, Running 17. (16) Carlos Munoz, Chevrolet, 90, Running 18. (20) Conor Daly, Chevrolet, 90, Running 19. (19) Zach Veach, Chevrolet, 90, Running 20. (17) Spencer Pigot, Chevrolet, 89, Running 21. (13) Marco Andretti, Honda, 87, RunningRace StatisticsWinners average speed: 108.809 mph Time of Race: 1:54:08.7076 Margin of victory: 1.0495 seconds Cautions: 2 for 7 laps Lead changes: 8 among 5 drivers Lap Leaders: Power 1-20; Castroneves 21-22; Dixon 23-24; Power 25-43; Dixon 44; Power 45-63; Kimball 64-74; Power 75-76; Newgarden 77-90 Verizon IndyCar Series point standings: Bourdais 117, Dixon 111, Newgarden 110, Pagenaud 106, Hinchcliffe 102, Castroneves 84, Hunter-Reay 65, Sato 65, Jones 62, Rossi 60.NHRA Sunday at Royal Purple Raceway, Baytown. TexasFinal round-by-round results TOP FUELSEMIFINALS „ Pritchett, 3.772, 319.45 def. Brown, 3.815, 322.11; Torrence, 3.760, 323.27 def. Millican, 8.621, 87.00; FINAL „ Pritchett, 3.781, 321.96 def. Torrence, 3.787, 322.11.FUNNY CARSEMIFINALS „ Hight, 3.908, 324.98 def. C. Force, 3.943, 324.28; Capps, 3.926, 325.37 def. Beckman, 6.126, 114.85; FINAL „ Capps, 4.004, 284.33 def. Hight, Foul Centerline.PRO STOCKSEMIFINALS „ Coughlin, 6.558, 211.63 def. Gray, Foul Red Light; Butner, 6.536, 212.69 def. Anderson, Foul Red Light; FINAL „ Butner, 6.550, 212.26 def. Coughlin, 6.562, 212.03.PRO MODIFIEDSEMIFINALS „ Molinari, 5.843, 240.38 def. Gray, 9.355, 94.35; Matusek, 5.804, 251.95 def. Castellana, 7.361, 130.30; FINAL „ Matusek, 8.985, 124.96 def. Molinari, Foul Red Light.Point standings Top 10 Top Fuel1. Leah Pritchett, 494; 2. Antron Brown, 440; 3. Tony Schumacher, 438; 4. Doug Kalitta, 358; 5. Steve Torrence, 352; 6. Brittany Force, 282; 7. Clay Millican, 269; 8. Troy Coughlin Jr., 228; 9. Terry McMillen, 195; 10. Scott Palmer, 180.Funny Car1. Matt Hagan, 400; 2. Ron Capps, 398; 3. John Force, 371; 4. Tommy Johnson Jr., 357; 5. (tie) Courtney Force, 301; Robert Hight, 301; 7. Jack Beckman, 282; 8. Jonnie Lindberg, 235; 9. J.R. Todd, 222; 10. Jim Campbell, 211.Pro Stock1. Greg Anderson, 457; 2. Bo Butner, 426; 3. Jason Line, 403; 4. Jeg Coughlin, 372; 5. Tanner Gray, 370; 6. Shane Gray, 278; 7. Erica Enders, 255; 8. Chris McGaha, 246; 9. Vincent Nobile, 235; 10. Drew Skillman, 225.Pro Modi“ ed1. Mike Castellana, 169; 2. Steve Matusek, 147; 3. Steven Whiteley, 146; 4. Danny Rowe, 129; 5. Troy Coughlin, 125; 6. Shane Molinari, 106; 7. Mike Janis, 104; 8. Michael Biehle, 82; 9. Eric Latino, 78; 10. Jonathan Gray, 77.TENNISATP TOURMONTE CARLO ROLEX MASTERSSunday at The Monte-Carlo Country Club, Monaco Purse: $4.54 million (Masters 1000). Surface: Clay-OutdoorMens Singles ChampionshipRafael Nadal (4), Spain, def. Albert Ramos-Vinolas (15), Spain, 6-1, 6-3.Mens Doubles ChampionshipRohan Bopanna, India, and Pablo Cuevas, Uruguay, def. Feliciano Lopez and Marc Lopez (7), Spain, 6-3, 3-6, 10-4.ITFFED CUP WORLD GROUP SEMIFINALSWinners to WG Final, Nov. 11-12 United States 3, Czech Republic 2At Saddlebrook Resort, Wesley Chapel, Fla. Surface: Clay-OutdoorSinglesCoCo Vandeweghe, United States, def. Marketa Vondrousova, Czech Republic, 6-1, 6-4. Katerina Siniakova, Czech Republic, def. Shelby Rogers, United States, 6-3, 6-3.Reverse SinglesCoCo Vandeweghe, United States, def. Katerina Siniakova, Czech Republic, 6-4, 6-0. Marketa Vondrousova, Czech Republic, def. Lauren Davis, United States, 6-2, 7-5.DoublesBethanie Mattek-Sands and CoCo Vandeweghe, United States, def. Kristyna Pliskova and Katerina Siniakova, Czech Republic, 6-2, 6-3.Belarus 3, Switzerland 2At Chizhovka Arena, Minsk, Belarus Surface: Hard-IndoorSinglesAliaksandra Sasnovich, Belarus, def. Viktorija Golubic, Switzerland, 6-3, 5-7, 7-5. Timea Bacsinszky, Switzerland, def. Aryna Sabalenka, Belarus, 6-4, 7-5.Reverse SinglesAliaksandra Sasnovich, Belarus, def. Timea Bacsinszky, Switzerland, 6-2, 7-6 (2). Aryna Sabalenka, Belarus, def. Viktorija Golubic, Switzerland, 6-3, 2-6, 6-4.DoublesBelinda Bencic and Martina Hingis, Switzerland, def. Olga Govortsova and Vera Lapko, Belarus, 6-0, 6-1.WORLD GROUP PLAYOFFSWinners to 2018 World Group France 4, Spain 0At Halle Andre Vacheresse, Roanne, France Surface: Clay-IndoorSinglesKristina Mladenovic, France, def. Silvia SolerEspinosa, Spain, 6-0, 6-1. Pauline Parmentier, France, def. Sara Sorribes Tormo, Spain, 6-4, 6-2.Reverse SinglesKristina Mladenovic, France, def. Sara Sorribes Tormo, Spain, 6-1, 6-1. Pauline Parmentier, France, vs. Silvia SolerEspinosa, Spain, abandoned.DoublesAlize Cornet and Amandine Hesse, France, def. Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez and Olga Saez Larra, Spain, 6-1, 3-6, 10-7.Belgium 3, Russia 2At Small Sports Arena Luzhniki, Moscow Surface: Clay-IndoorSinglesElena Vesnina, Russia, def. Alison Van Uytvanck, Belgium, 6-3, 6-4. Elise Mertens, Belgium, def. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, Russia, 6-4, 6-0.Reverse SinglesElise Mertens, Belgium, def. Elena Vesnina, Russia, 6-4, 1-6, 6-2. Daria Kasatkina, Russia, def. Maryna Zanevska, Belgium, 5-7, 6-1, 6-0.


Page 6 SP Monday, April 24, 2017 / The Sun SPORTS TICKERIN BRIEFLONDONKeitany breaks a marathon record with third win Kenyan runner Mary Keitany broke Paula Radcliffes women-only marathon world record on Sunday with a third victory in London, while Daniel Wanjiru won the mens race for the “ rst time. The 35-year-old Keitany completed the 26.2-mile (42.2-kilometer) course in 2 hours, 17 minutes and 1 second to shave 41 seconds off Radcliffes 12-year-old mark.TENNISNastase suspended for hurling abuse Ilie Nastase, the captain of Romanias Fed Cup team, has been provisionally suspended from the competition for abusing players and the umpire during the playoff match against Britain. The International Tennis Federation, which organizes the Fed Cup, said Sunday that Nastase may not participate in the Fed Cup in any capacity with immediate effect.Ž The 70-year-old Nastase was heard hurling expletives at British player Johanna Konta, Britain captain Anne Keothavong and the umpire during Kontas match against Romanias Sorana Cirstea on Saturday. SWIMMINGHead of USA Swimming for 2 decades dies at 67 USA Swimming executive director Chuck Wielgus, who led a federation that brought home 156 Olympic medals during his 20 years at the helm, died Sunday. He was 67. USA Swimming said Wielgus died in Colorado Springs, Colorado, of complications from colon cancer. The cancer was “ rst diagnosed in 2006 and Wielgus underwent regular chemotherapy while leading USA Swimming to record growth. He was due to retire in August.FOOTBALLNFL prospect Brantley charged with hitting womanFormer Florida Gators star and NFL prospect Caleb Brantley is facing misdemeanor charges that he allegedly punched a woman in the face, knocking her out and dislodging a tooth. According to Alachua County, Florida, court records, the 22-year-old defensive linesman was charged Friday with battery. A Gainesville police af“ davit says Brantley and Chelsea Austin were arguing shortly after 2 a.m. April 13 when she pushed him. The af“ davit says the 6-foot3, 300-pound Brantley responded by hitting the 5-foot-6, 120-pound woman in the face. Investigators say the punch far exceeded what was needed for selfdefense. They say two witnesses saw the “ ght. „ Associated Press By JIM DIAMONDAssociated PressNASHVILLE, Tenn. „ The Nashville Predators finally get a new opponent in the postseason after their surprising sweep of the Western Conferences No. 1 seed. Their reward? The St. Louis Blues, fresh off downing the Wests second-best team with a 4-1 series victory over the Minnesota Wild that was as stunning as Nashvilles sweep. St. Louis coach Mike Yeo said he is well aware of the Blues next challenge. Its pretty easy for us to look at what happened in the last series and not underestimate that opponent,Ž Yeo said after St. Louis clinched its openinground series over Minnesota. So theyre a great team and thats life in the Central Division for you, and the Western Conference for you. You get to advance from one good team and you get to go play another.Ž Minnesota finished the regular season with the second-highest point total, 106, just three fewer than Chicago. The Predators are hoping for one benefit to playing a second straight Central Division team after last season, when Nashville defeated Anaheim in the first round in seven games, a series that required three flights to California. They had just one off day between Game 7 and the first game of their semifinal series against San Jose, a series that the Sharks won in seven games. That was tough with all that travel last year, I remember it pretty clearly,Ž center Ryan Johansen said Sunday. Getting off and on those flights all the time and bodies being sore and guys being beat up, it was difficult. We definitely have a different situation with Chicago and St. Louis being close and only having to play four games the first series.Ž Nashville coach Peter Laviolette gave his team Friday and Saturday off, a precious commodity this time of year, after finishing its sweep of Chicago on Thursday night. The Predators returned to the ice Sunday morning for a high-tempo practice. The first priority was just a couple of days of rest and get back out here and just start getting at things,Ž Laviolette said. Nashville won three of its five regular-season matchups against the Blues. The Blues won two of three games played in St. Louis, and they will have home-ice advantage in this semifinal after edging out Nashville for third in the Central. That left Nashville with the second wild card as the No. 8 seed.NHLPredators rested, ready to face Blues By PAUL NEWBERRYAssociated PressATLANTA „ Theyve threatened to turn basketball into mixed martial arts. Theyve talked trash and cursed each other out. Now, weve got Washingtons Markieff Morris calling Atlanta star Paul Millsap a crybaby. Its pretty clear these two teams dont like each other. Heading into Game 4 of their opening-round playoff series, with the Wizards holding a 2-1 lead but the Hawks buoyed by a blowout victory, the bad blood has become a major storyline. Neither side shows any sign of backing down. Its the playoffs,Ž Washington coach Scott Brooks said Sunday after his team worked out at Georgia Techs practice facility. We shouldnt like each other. We want to win and they want to win. Its not a friendly contest.Ž The Wizards are still smarting from a playoff loss to Atlanta two years ago, when their chances of pulling off a major upset against the top-seeded Hawks were ruined by John Walls fractured hand, an injury that kept him from playing three of the six games. This time, the Wizards are the favored team with home-court advantage. They want payback. Theyre the last team that knocked us out from the playoffs,Ž Bradley Beal said. Were still a little bitter about that, even though it was two years ago. I still remember it like it was yesterday.Ž When the season is on the line, the intensity always ramps up to a whole new level. Every play is approached like its make or break, since it very well could be. Each little slight is magnified. The guys in the other uniform are the enemy, standing in the way of your own aspirations. Even so, Millsap said this series has taken on an uglier tone than most. On a personal level, yeah,Ž he said after the Hawks finished up their practice for Game 4 Monday night. Not that Millsap minds. Its fun to me. Im enjoying this,Ž he said. Its been an interesting series. Its also been one of the funnest Ive been a part of. Im enjoying every minute of it.Ž A quick round-by-round recap: In Game 1, Morris told Millsap to shut up, escalating a physical showdown between the bruising power forwards. Millsap complained after losing that we were playing basketball and they were playing MMA.Ž Morris countered that he would go double-MMAŽ on Millsap, whatever that is. In Game 2, Wizards star John Wall stared down and cursed at Atlantas Dennis Schroder after Wall had a breakaway dunk and Schroder jumped up at him from behind. Theres plenty of history between these two. Wall acknowledged that hes still ticked off at Schroder for an Instagram post after the Hawks eliminated Washington in 2015. Schroder responded with an expletive when asked about that little tiff. After losing two tough games on the road, the fired-up Hawks jumped all over the Wizards in Game 3, racing to a 25-point lead in the first quarter and cruising to a 116-98 victory Saturday night. Millsap scored 29 points and gobbled up 14 rebounds, a performance that drew praise from Morris before he got right back to the insults: Hes a crybaby. You get all the calls when youre a crybaby.Ž Schroder smirked a bit when asked about Morris assessment. I was laughing about it because I know its not true,Ž the Hawks point guard said. Its frustration. When you lose, sometimes youre saying things that arent true, maybe. But I think Paul handled it the right way and were going to respond. Its a great series. Theyre a good team. Were a good team. Were competing.Ž Hawks coach Mike Budenholzer would prefer that everyone keep their comments to themselves. Hes got no complaints about the rough-and-tumble style of play, though. I guess theres probably been just a few choices of words that are somewhat inflammatory,Ž Budenholzer said. I think the actual games, both teams are pretty competitive, both teams are pretty physical. So I think whats happening on the court is fairly customary for the playoffs. I think its important that we just keep the focus on how were playing.ŽNBABoiling pointFrom crybaby to MMA, bad blood spills over for Wizards-HawksThe Wizards Marcin Gortat helps up John Wall after a hard foul by the Hawks Dwight Howard during Game 3 Saturday in Atlanta. AP PHOTOSAtlanta Hawks forward Paul Millsap (4) goes to the basket against Washington Wizards forward Markieff Morris (5) during the first half Saturday in Atlanta.


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Large lanai with porcelain tile overlooking serene backyard setting! NOTHING COMPARABLE AT THIS PRICE! PATTY GILLESPIERemax Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 2183 Hopwood Rd. A Small Price You'll pay for this light, bright, open '05-built 1300 SF 3/2/2 with gorgeous tile & laminate floors throughout in great family neighborhood close to schools, shopping, amenities. A REAL GEM FOR ONLY $160K. Patty Gillespie, REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $169,900.New Custom Homes From $169,900. on Your Lot or Ours. Custom 3/2/2, 1600+ sf., Classic Series. Prompt Delivery. Reliance Project Mgm`t Call Today For Plans & Your Tour! CGC#1512533 941-468-8300 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 4.5 % COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home + You Get 2 Full Time Agents!Jeff Runyan941-979-2843NO Hidden Fees! Re/Max Palm DEEP CREEK3/2/2 All updated, 2279sq., Pool & Landscape, Travertine floors, Waterfall garden, and much much MORE! Kim McIntyre Remax Anchor 941-661-3153 DEEP CREEK Golf Course Only available new home on Deep Creek golf course. Gorgeous view, beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 car garage, 2,000 sq.ft. Completion date 5/15/17. $329k, 941-626-7682 1010 OPEN HOUSE 742-H AVENIDA ESTANCIA #112 VENICE *TURNKEY* OPEN HOUSE BY APPT ESTANCIASOFCAPRIISLESVERYDESIRABLE2BR/2BA ENDUNITWITHLOTSOFSUNLIGHTANDGREATGOLF COURSEVIEWS. REDUCED $172,000 TURNKEYDebra Villari 609-458-4627Berkshire Hathaway ENGLEWOOD EAST 7491 ASHTABULA ST. OPEN HOUSE EVERY SUNDAY 12PM-5PM Completely Renovated 2/2/1! New: Air, Granite Countertops, SS Appliances, Carpet, Bath, Freshly Painted Inside & Out. Fenced Yard. $162,000. 941-408-0507 ENGLEWOOD ESTATE SALE 5 mins to beach open to offers 2bd 2bth 1 oversized garage. Large corner lot Asking $158,900 GREGORYH. UZZLEPA. BROKERASSOCIATEEST: 1987 DIRECT 727-992-5133 REALTYEXECUTIVESAMERICA, INC. CERTFORECLOSUREAGENTS OPEN MON.-FRI. 11AM-5PM, SAT. 1PM-5PM 195 HARBOR BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 Oversized Garage, Driveway, Designer Ceiling, Travertine, Solid Wood Cabinetry, Granite, Vessel Sinks, Impact Glass, Spray Foam Insulation & Upgraded Fixtures! MODEL HOME $235,000 Call Janice 941-258-3739 Resort Style Adult Community OPEN HOUSE WED 10-2P 27110 Jones Loop, PG Preview our homes @ 941-575-6220 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $150,000.$450,000 ON YOUR LOT OR OURS! Over 30 Sites to Choose From! New Home Builders. C.W. Haber, Inc. 4055 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte (941)-505-2441Lic#CBC125207 0/CCC1327060CCC057703/CRC 057413 1010 OPEN HOUSE 04/24/17 137 ISLAND POINT RD. NORTH PORT, 34287 OPEN BY APPT. LAZY RIVER 55+ COMMUNITYis waiting for you! This home has all the bells and whistles you have been looking for! A waterfront community w/boating access adjacent to unit. 3br/2ba offered at $179,900 Cindy Esselburn 941-786-4731 Remax Palm Realty 2239 BALTIMORE ST. NORTH PORT OPEN SAT NOON 3PM Beautiful 3-4BR/2.5BA POOL Home with large 3 car garage on TWO WATERFRONT LOTS. $296,900. MAXIM Residential & Commercial Realtors Carol Wade 941-585-9599 4 CLUBHOUSE ROAD ROTONDA WEST 33947 OPEN SAT & SUN FROM 12PM-3PM2006 BUILT 3 BED 2 BATH 2 CG TURNKEY FURNISHED ROTONDA POOL HOME W/ "X" ZONE ELEVATION. MOVE IN READY @ $269,000 $1500 BUYERS REBATE IF PURCHASED THROUGH FLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 And BAY LAKE ESTATES 1200 COLONIA LN. EAST Nokomis, FL 34275 941-485-2555TWO55+ RESORTSOFFERING AWIDEVARIETYOFHOMES. BOTHLOCATIONSARE2 MILES FROMTHEBEAUTIFULBEACHESBAYLAKEORBAYINDIES,YOUCHOOSEWHICHLIFESTYLEISRIGHTFORYOU!!! 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.Ž REAL E S T A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches 1010 OPEN HOUSE ROTONDA WEST 10 CADDY RD3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 CG Turnkey furnished golf course beauty. Total updating of this home includes NEW FLOORS, DOORS, IMPACT WINDOWS,A/C, KITCHEN AND BATHS. Located on the 8th hole of the Rotonda Hills Golf Course. Reduced to $197,500 Shown by appointment. $1500 BUYER REBATE if purchased thoughFLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds!


Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, April 24, 2017 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE DEEP CREEK 2/2/1 Turn-Key Furn. Condo. Breakfast Area, Large Pantry, Great Room, Large Screened Private Lanai. Home is Located Behind Gated Entrance to Heritage Lakes. Pool, Clubhouse & Community Amentities Galore! $117,900. Diana Hayes, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-740-4899 DEEP CREEK LAKE FRONT 2BR/2BA+ den & cp 1250sf, Built in 2005 New tile carpet & paint. Only $139,900. 941-268-6820 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! FOR SALE BY OWNER 2/2 Condo w/ Covered Parking. Punta Gorda, Next To Civic Center Between The Bridges, Along Riverwalk. In 55+ Community. $167,000 941-626-5984 FOR SALE BY OWNER Circle Woods of Venice 2br/2ba furnished detached condo. FL room & many upgrades. Many activities including 2 pools and Jacuzzi. 4 Miles to Manasota Beach. Close to shopping. Show By appointment. Asking $169,900. Call 941-4930156 or Cell 941-525-6293 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY PUNTA GORDA FSBO 10493 Princess Ct. Beautiful Seminole Lakes Country Club, low HOA Fees that provide lawn maintenance and 24 hour gate guards. 2 LARGE Bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, 2 car garage w/attic storage, open, spacious kitchen/living/dining. Newer appliances, heat/ac systems, water filtration w/softener, on cul-de-sac for privacy, fruit trees, sprinkler system, gated, golf course, tennis, heated pool, fitness, approx 1747SF Living area. $239,500 941-916-9866 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESUN1-4 PM ORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLY$179,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES PORT CHARLOTTE SPECTACULAR4/3/2 W/ MAGNIFICENTPOOL& SAILBOATHARBORWATERVIEWS!! PRIVATEDOCK, BOATLIFT& SMALLBEACH! 2 MASTERS(POSSIBLEIN-LAWSUITE). $975,000. Polly Green, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-875-3773 PORT CHARLOTTELOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Beautiful Remodeled 3/2/2 Heated POOL Home on 3 Cul-de-Sac Lots w/ Panoramic View of the Myakka River & Paar Waterway! Open Kitchen, Family Room w/ Fireplace, Walk-in Closet in Master Suite. Seawall, Dock & Lift. $570,000 Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty REDUCED! ROTONDA 3/2/2 Waterfront home with large fenced in yard. Furniture and Appliances included. By Owner $195,000 941-662-6250 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY N orth Port 5394 White Ibis ( Heron Creek), 1638 SF Villa 3/2/2 with screened lanai overlooking wonderfully priv ate view of the lake in gated g olf community. Heron Creek just completed a make-over of t he 27 hole championship golf course. NOT in flood zone. No CDD fees. YOUR TICKET T O PARADISE! $238,500 P atty Gillespie, Remax An chor 941-875-2755 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PUNTAGORDA, BURNTSTOREMEADOWS. BRANDNEW3/2.5/3 POOLHOME. LOTSOFUPGRADES! REDUCED$339,900BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY SALE PENDING SOUTH VENICE2 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT! 3/2/2 SPLITPLAN. NEARBEACHYETQUIETAREA! CLOSE TOAMENITIES! STILLTIMETOPICKYOURCOLORS& OPTIONS! $280KSARASOTAREMODELINGINC.941-893-7326 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES NORTH PORT6289 Morning Ave. This charming well kept home is located on the Big slough canal. Updated electric panel, A/C & roof two years old, still under warranty. $195,000. TERRYL CARL, KW on the Water 941-962-7922 PENDING PLACIDA4/2/2+Pool ICW, Big Views,Dock,2 Lifts RV garage,2 Suites,kitchens Granite, Tile, $1,100,000 Sue and Jim RESKE PARSLEY-BALDWIN REALTY 941-276-4219 PORT CHARLOTTESPECTACULAR2/2/2 WATERFRONTPOOL HOMEON THEPELLAMWATERWAY! WELLMAINTAINED! FORMALLIVING& DININGROOMS. UPDATES! NEAT, CLEAN& WELLLANDSCAPED! $315,000. DEBSESTILIO941-391-1873 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARFISHERMEN`SVILLAGEOFFICE Seizethesales withClassified! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATH, 1 CARGARAGE. ALLTILEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHENHASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1839 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! PORT CHARLOTTE HUGE 4+CAR GARAGE w/14' rollup door included w/this move-in ready home w/new central A/C & oversize lot. $139,900 HOPESAGESUNREALTY941-875-4150 PORT CHARLOTTE Spacious 2/2 split plan in sought after New York Section! Fenced yard provides privacy! Great neighborhood. Public Water and Sewer. $137,900 Larry Hegeman Century 21 Aztec 941-661-7725 PUNTA GORDA BURNT STORE MEADOWS 7505 CORALTREE. NEW HOME. 3/2/2 POOL, GRANITEANDTILE. $279,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 ROTONDA3/2/2 POOLHOME. QUIETSTREET$219KCALLTERRYLONGALWAYSLONGONSERVICE TOFINDOUTWHATYOUR HOMEISWORTH. KELLERWILLIAMSREALTYGOLD941-830-2347 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NORTH PORT 6440 Malaluka Road. Enjoy the view of the canal, open concept living, dining and kitchen with two spacious bedrooms. 1,220 square feet. Furniture incld. Motivated Seller. Please contact Kristine Dorward 514-618-0360. PORT CHARLOTTE 12588 Chamberlain Blvd, Light, bright, airy open floor plan in this 2006, 1600 SF 3/2/2 on oversized lot Screened garage and front entry! Hurricane shutters! Extended granite counter tops, and breakfast bar! SS appl!All tile thruout, except bedrooms! Walk-in closets in all bdrms! NEW AC! $199,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 P a r k L i k e S e t t i n g PORT CHARLOTTE 2/2/2+CG, LANAI. COMPLETELYRENOVATED!! NEWROOF, WATERHEATER, KITCHEN W/ GRANITE, BATHS, FLOORS, SS APPLIANCES. FRESHLYPAINTEDINSIDE& OUT! NODISAPPOINTMENTS. FSBO $149,900 PHIL941-457-6811 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! PORT CHARLOTTE FL LIFESTYLE IS EPITOMIZED IN THIS 1700 SF 2/2/2 CANAL-FRONT POOL HOME ON LUSHLY LANDSCAPED LOT IN MUCH SOUGHTAFTER SECTION OF PORT CHARLOTTE! WHOLE-HOUSE ACCORDIAN HURRICANE SHUTTERS! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! Solar-Heated Screened /Caged Pool Overlooking Tranquil Freshwater Canal. Quiet neighborhood featuring beautiful homes with easy access to shopping, restaurants, world-class fishing and golf. $189,900 Patty Gillespie RE/MAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED


Monday, April 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 3 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE CLEARED 80X200 Building Site on Woodmere Rd. In S. Venice. Requires Well & Septic. Room For Your Home & A Home For Your Toys. $49,900 941-650-3741 THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS ENGLEWOOD WATERFRONT LOTS GATED SUBDIVISION with Keywest style homes. Lots with docks, 15 mins to Gulf. $74,900 $150,000.941-475-3366 LEMON BAY LOTVERYLARGE, BUILDUPTO5RESIDENCES, GREATVIEWS&DEEPWATER. NOTHINGLIKE THISOUTTHERE! PLANS&ZONINGINPLACEFOR5-UNIT WATERFRONTTOWNHOMES. $549,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOOWNERFINANCINGPOSS. 941-769-0200 NORTH PORTTWO LOTS Water Front Property 10,889 FT. Access To Gulf Duck Key Premier Comm. Utilities, City Water, Sewer. Cleared & Ready to Go! Quinn Court, $79,900 Debra Villari 609-458-4627 Berkshire Hathaway SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FOR ECON. BUILDS& NOFLOOD INSURANCEREQUIRED,FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 WATER FRONT LOT … DEEP WATER! LEMONBAY, BIGBOAT DEEPWATER. NEWSEAWALL. BUILDYOURWATERFRONTHOME ONTHIS1/4+ AC LOT. ONLY3.75 MINUTESTOSTUMPPASS,LOWESTPRICEONTHEBAY! WOW! NOWLOWESTPRICED DIRECTBAYACCESSLOTINALL OFCHARLOTTE, SARASOTAORLEECOUNTIES. ONLY $249,900. 941-769-0200 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Spacious 2/2 remodel near Harborview Rd. Pool, Water Incl. $975 1st, Last, Sec 941-268-4365 or text 1350 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT HARBOUR HEIGHTS close to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, SunnybrookMotel 941-625-6400 CLASSIFIED WORKS! 1360 ROOMS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Furn. Room w/ 1/2 Bath. Responsible. Util. Incl! $750. mo. + Sec. Deposit. NP/ND 941-416-6952 VENICE 3br/2ba POOL HOME 1 BR avail, to share home w/ 75 yr old male. $650/mo inclds utils, Wifi, etc... 941-615-7549 WANTED ROOM TO rent in VENICE Englewood. Responsible 70 yr old Sr. w/ car & income. 704-534-1400 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS ENGLEWOOD NORTH 2/2/2, lanai home, Turnkey, 5 Mins to beaches. $1,750/mo incl. utilities. 941-474-3639 HACIENDA DEL MARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT VACATION CONDO CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLE LIVINGJUSTINCHESTOTHEBAY& ICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW,VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ.FT., 2 BED/2.5 BATHS, MINUTES TOBOCAGRANDE/GULF BEACHES. NEWERCONSTRUC-TION, DESIGNERTURN-KEYFUR-NISHED. FULLLAUNDRY,GARAGE, HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS,FITNESS& MORE. CALLFOR FREEBROCHURE. PETPOSS. A VAIL : M AY N OVEMBER 2017 CALL813-293-2392 LOVELYPT. CHARLOTTEVACATION POOL HOME 2/2/1 FULLY FURNISHED, $2000-$2500/MOAVAIL2017/2018 SEASON920-629-5252 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1500...3/2/2 Pool Serv incl........PC $1400...3/2/2 Gated Comm........NP $1300..3/2/2 Screened Lanai......PC $1300....3/2/2 1727 Sq Ft...........NP $1000...2/2/CP Condo................PC941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends NORTH PORT 2/2/1 w/Lanai, 55+ Community $1,100 PORT CHARLOTTE 2/2/2 Split Floor Plan $1,250 LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Den, Lawn Care incl $1,400 Avail May 2017W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services ENGLEWOOD 3/2/2 WPOOLTILEFLOORS, SS APPLS, GRANITE, $1700/MO2/2/1 W/ BONUSRM, GRANITE COUNTERS, LAWNSCV$975/MOWEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Large Beautiful 4/2/2 w/ Encl. Pool! Room for RV, Boat & Trailer in Driveway. New Metal Roof. Granite Kitchen, Fireplace, 3 Jacuzzis! All Tile! Close to Everything! $1,700. mo + Sec. Deposit 941-763-9315 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty ROTONDA 3/2/1 Golf Course Water View. End of Cul-de-Sac. Available 7/1. $1100./Month. References. 774-526-7538 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT VENICE Luxury condo for rent 1551 sqft 2 bed, 2 bath, detach garage, pool & club house with fitness room, view over lake, 2nd floor end unit screen lanai, washer -dryer. $1500.00 per month, Brant Jones -678-571-7230 VENICE, Water View. Nicely Furnished & Decorated 2BR/2BA Condo. CentrallyLocated, Near Restaurants & Shopping. Pools & Laundry. May 1st Dec. $950/mo. Jim507-254-2437 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE $59,900! OWNERSAYSSELLIT! MOVEINTODAY! WELLCAREDFOR2/2, COMPLETELYUPDATED. FURNISHED, ALLAPPLIANCESONACORNERLOTINBEAUTIFULRIVERSIDEOAKS941-6266821 NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,795. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 PUNTA GORDA, BUTTONWOOD VILLAGE REMODELED3/2/CP, 2,000SF, NEWROOF, NEWFLOORS, APPL. INCL. CLUBHOUSE, POOL. & MORE! $109,000. (941)-740-0389 PUNTA GORDAButtonwood Village. Updated, Well Cared For, 2/2/Bonus Room. 1500 SF, Tile Floors, New Appliances. Turn-Key on Corner Lot. Waterfront!Clubhouse, Pool & MORE!! $69,000. 941-621-4066 SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 Findthe perfect companion inthe Classifieds! UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 1110 OUT OF AREA HOMES MINONG, WI WATERFRONT handyman Special $300k, log cabin on 6+ wooded acres on Lake gilmore. Subdivideable. Call Andrea 941-713-5776 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE NORTH PORT Fairway Villa, 2b/2b Cathedral Ceiling, A/C, Lanai, Shopping, Beautiful neighborhood $75,900 978-985-9874 PUNTA GORDAEmerald Point, Top Floor w/ Outstanding Views! 2/1 Condo w/ Boat Slip. Access to the Gulf! Totally Remodeled! New A/C, SS Appliances Incl. Washer & Dryer. $139,900. 813-480-7561 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE ARCADIA DESOTO VILLAGE 55+ Park, 2005 2br/2ba DBL wide, Over 1100sf, Open floor plan w/ Car port. $40,000. Lot rent only $370/mo 863494-2900 or 863-244-9003 PORT CHARLOTTE Mary Lu 55+ Park, Totally renovated, Beautifully furnished 2br/2ba home, SS appliances, French Doors and more. $114,900 Share included. Call 301-351-6386 PUNTA GORDA 2/2/CP on Lake in 55+ Lakewood Village! Completely Remodeled Inside & Out! $75,000. 612-730-2990 VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE 2692 NE HIGHWAY 70 ARCADIA 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With Any Home Purchase! Call to Schedule An Appointment For a Tour! Ted 800-538-2590 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE PUNTA GORDA 2/2 55+. Furnished, A/C, Elev., Laundry In Unit, Lanai, Pool, Covered Parking. $164,900 516-742-8837 or 516-314-2598 For Sale By Owner LAKE SUZY This 3/2.5/3 Spectacular Home is Located in Kingsway Country Club on a Premium Lakefront, Golf Course Lot w/ Over $132K in Upgrades! WOW! Incredible Great Room, Wrap Around Wet Bar Lanai w/ Hot Tub. Quartz Counter Kitchen, Master Suite w/ Jetted Massage & Rain Shower. Pristine Insided & Out! Air Conditioned Workshop w/ Golf Cart Entrance. Lots of Storage! $359,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PENDING PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2 WATERFRONTINC. DOCK&LIFTQUICKACCESSTOHARBOR! $184,900 BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY PUNTA GORDA ISLES Beautiful 2/2 Waterfront Condo w/ Deeded Dock in the Desirable Gateway Complex! Stunning Split Bedroom Interior w/ Remodeled Kitchen, Lots of Closet Space & Lanai Balcony. Quick Access to Charlotte Harbor & the Peace River! $183,500. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! PUNTA GORDA ISLES Unique 3/3.5/2 3168 sf. Waterfront Condo. 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Spa Tubs, Bamboo Floors, Granite/ Marble Baths. Private Elevator! 3rd Floor Patio! $459,000. 941-505-1492 PUNTA GORDA ISLES. Waterfront 2/2 w/ Private 2 Car Garage. 2022 Sq. Ft. Quick Sailboat Access! Deeded Dock w/ Lift. Pool, Hot Tub, Clubhouse, Gym & MORE!! $399,000. (913)-269-1007


Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, April 24, 2017 2100 GENERAL DANCERS WANTEDBIKINISPORTSBAR, PT. CHARL941-457-7077 LAWN MAINTENANCE, Englewood area. Good Pay!! Please call Adam 941-467-2636 SUN COAST PRESSis currently hiring for the following positions in our Venice Print Center.P/T MAILROOM HELP-night shift F/T STACK DOWN PERSONSend Resume TREE CLIMBERS AND LABORERS -EXPD GOODPAYSTARTIMMED!!941-423-0020 2110 PART TIME/ TEMPORARY "AMBASSADORS" NEEDEDTOSOLICITSUBSCRIPTIONS FORTHEAWARDWINNING LOCALNEWSPAPERS, THESUN, ATSTOREFRONTSINTHEVENICE, NORTHPORTANDENGLEWOODAREAS. CONTACTJIMDEFALLEAT941-786-7676FORMOREINFORMATION. GATE KEEPERS PT, FILL-IN for community in Englewood. Fax to 941-493-4290 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at (941)220-9418 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2100 GENERAL The Venice Gondolier Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. Apply in person: 200 E. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 No Phone Calls Please. CARRIERS NEEDED DRIVER NEEDEDNIGHTS Part time Must have CDL with Medical Certificate 20-30 hours a weekTo fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required FISH CUTTER, neededfor Local Seafood Company. EXC Pay!!! 941-380-9212 JANITORIAL POSITION TEMP. P/T WEEKENDS 9-5INTHEPORTCHARLOTTEAREA. CALLPATFORINTERVIEW(941)-624-3451 PIZZA COOK DELI PERSON DUNKIN CREWReliable w/transportation.941-883-4790 MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours, able to work days or evenings. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! Several Full Time & Part Time Positions Available for RESIDENTIAL& COMMUNITYSUPPORTAt Group Home For Developmentally Disabled Adults. Must Have Valid DL & HS Diploma/GED Call 941-426-6591 2070 SALES Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. CAREERNIGHTEVERYTUESDAY. CALLFORDETAILS. 941-426-0621 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! PART TIME HELPThe Smart Shopper Group has openings for individuals to deliver the Venice Community Shopper to Businesses in Venice. WHEN: Every Tuesday from 8:00 to 3:00 WHERE: Local business drops in Venice AVG INCOME: $75.00 Call Steve 815-531-9816 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 2050 SKILLED TRADES CARPENTERS AND CARPENTER HELPERS for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. Call 941-964-2231. CARPENTRY SUPERVISOR for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. CALL 941-964-2231 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! LABORERS-CARPENTERS, FRAMING new homes, Deep Creek, Englewood, Port Charlotte. Great Pay & as many Hours as you want! KX4 Construction Jeff Kirkpatrick 941-916-4101 LEAD REMODELER for busy remodeling business knowledgable in drywall, framing, electric,plumbing. Competitive Pay Plus Vehicle. Valid FL DL a must. Please Call 941-625-5620 Leasing ConsultantGallina Management, a residential property management firm, is searching for a dynamic Leasing Consultant to join our team in Englewood/ Venice. This position will show/ lease apartments, provide excellent customer service, & perform other duties as assigned. The ideal candidate will have: HS diploma or GED One year min. property mgt/sales experience, OR Associate Degree in sales, marketing, or related field with 6 months property mgt experience. Familiarity w/housing laws and leasing agreements. One year providing exemplary related customer service. Ability to work as an integral part of the team & communicate professionally with internal & external customers. Proficiency using Microsoft Office product and familiarity with YARDI software desired Hours (M-F) 40 per week including rotating days/ hours with shortened Saturday hours. Competitive wages, bonus potential, and comprehensive benefits available. Check us out at! Submit a Cover Letter & Resume to :17 FLLC-01 Gallina Management, Inc. Woodmere/Lemon Bay Apts 3900 Woodmere Park Blvd, Venice, FL 34293 MECHANIC, Knowledgeable Mainly in Tire Repair. Apply: Jesus's Tires, 19800 Veterans Blvd. Port Charlotte, FL 33954 2060 MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTORThe Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, a successful and rapidly growing professional orchestra in Punta Gorda, Fl seeks a proven leader as its full time Executive Director. The successful candidate must have a passion for orchestral music, a strong fund raising record, and demonstrated strong management, marketing, and strategic planning skills. The candidate must have at least 5 years of successful senior management experience with an orchestra or similar organization, and possess at least a Bachelor Degree in Business Management, Music, Marketing, or related field. SEND RESUME AND COVER LETTER TO: 2030 MEDICAL CAREGIVERS/COMPANIONS All shifts-Background chk reqd 941-525-2322 M-F 9a-4p, CNAS NEEDED FOR180 BED REHAB FACILITY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS APPLY ONLINE @ EXPERIENCED DENTAL OFFICE MANAGER & PART-TIME HYGIENIST Fax Resume to 941-624-3424 www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREERŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 05/01 LPNCNA-05/01 Med. Asst. 05/01/17 PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL WANTEDEXPD, TEAM MEMBERSFORALL POSITIONS For Busy Waterfront Restaurant Apply in Person: White Elephant Pub 1855 Gulf Blvd. Englewood 2050 SKILLED TRADES JOIN OUR TEAM IMMEDIATEOPENINGSFULLTIMEBENEFITSR.V. MECHANICR.V. EXPERIENCEPREFERREDBODY SHOPEXPERIENCEDPAINTER/ PRE-PERSONPARTS COUNTER SALESRV PARTSSALES. AUTO… TRUCKORRV EXPERIENCE PREFERREDDETAILERFT POSITION. RV GETREADYDEPT. WEAREANICOTINEANDDRUGFREEWORKPLACE. 2110 US 41Nokomis Florida 34275 or Call 941-966-2182 ORFAX(941) 966-7421ORJOBS@RVWORLDINC.COM 1620 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment 2010 PROFESSIONAL 220 LICENSED AGENTS MONDAY-FRIDAY FAXRESUMETO941-206-0036OREMAILRESUME:SUNCLASSIFIEDS 1@ GMAIL COM 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE FRONT DESK OFFICEFORPROPERTYOWNERS' ASSOCIATIONOFFICE. P/T HOURSAREMONDAY, TUESDAY& WEDNESDAY9 AMTO5 P.M. LOOKINGFORAFRIENDLY"PEOPLEPERSON" TOGREETOUR MEMBERSASTHEYENTERTHE CLUBHOUSE. COMPUTERSKILLSNECESSARY. SENDRESUMETOPATKELLYPROPERTYMANAGER, 1111 FORRESTNELSONBLVD. PORTCHARLOTTE, FL 33952. 2030 MEDICAL SIGN ON BONUS RNS $1500.00 LPNS $750.00 Weekends 7-3 & 3-11 ****************************** cnas Full time 3 11 & 11-7 PLease apply QUALITY HEALTH CARE 6940 Outreach Way North Port (941)426-8411 or FAX Resume to 941-423-1572 or Email qhccnp5 EOE Drug free work place


Monday, April 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 5 5089 HANDYMAN / GENERAL REPAIR DAVE THE HANDYMAN Rescreening, Power Washing, Tree Trimming, Floor Installation & Home Cleaning. 941-286-6799 VIRGILS HOME MAINTENANCEHandyman ServiceYour To-Do List SpecialistINTERIOR/ Lic#16-00016297 & Ins. 5090 HEATING & AIR S.O.S. A/C & Heat 941-468-4956AIRCONDITIONINGSYSTEMSCOOLINGMADEAFFORDABLE! INSTALLED10 YRWARRANTY ST. LIC#CAC1816023SOSAIRFL.COM Classified=Sales 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT $75.00 PER PANEL SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 Call Bob 941-706-6445 Low overhead = Low prices! Clean Your Dryer before it Catches on Fire! Special Rates for multiple clientsAffordable, Lic & Insured. Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 DO YOU HAVE LOOSE, HOLLOW OR BUCKLING TILES?Inject-A-Floor-System can help. Grout Cleaning/Staining, Marble Cleaning, Tile Repair. 941-893-8475 5065 DRYWALL DEPENDABLE DRYWALL & REMODELING PATCHREPAIRS941-639-4440 LIC.#SCC131150207INSUREd 5070 ELECTRICAL DRMELE C TRI C AL SERVICE, Plug Into Personalized ServiceŽElectrical Maintenance Repairs Troubleshooting 941-480-0761 941-366-364 6 LUMINOUS ELECTRIC NO JOB TOO SMALL! LIC# EC13007383941-787-2904 5080 EXCAVATING/ BUSH HOG BUSH BUSTERS INC."JUST GRIND IT!ŽBrush Mowing Bush Hogging Pepper Trees Invasives Selective Lot Clearing941-456-6332 5083 FLOORING Bill Noland Ceramic Tile, IncAll Phases of FlooringWe Bring Samples To You! Mobile Showcase Tile, Laminates, Carpet & Baseboards. Wood-likeŽ Tile $1.79/Sq Ft. 18Ž Tiles $1.19/ Sq Ft. 941-423-4054 Cell 941-276-0814Licensed & Insured PGI 9906758 North Port 11546 Charlotte AAA007730 PAUL SIMS FLOOR CLEANING AND MORE!**OWNER OPERATED ** PROFESSIONAL, Reasonable & ReliableWinter Specials!We Clean carpets, furniture, area rugs, grout & more! Also Interior & Exterior Painting & Pressure Washing visit us at: www. CarpetCleaning ServicesVenice.com941-539-0896 5088 HEALTH & BEAUTY Dr. Bill PhilpotOptimum Health Center Oriental Medicine, Acupunture, Massage, Facials, Rehabilitation 2269 S. Tamiami Trl. Venice (North Side of Building) WHERE WE HEAL THE SICK & FIX THE BROKEN 941-587-1288 www.drbillphilpot.comLic.# AP 1393 MA 21017 MM 34484 5089 HANDYMAN / GENERAL REPAIR A CARPENTER AROUND THE HOUSE for all your carpentry needs! James M. Okell 941270-1693 DAVID J SHEPARD, JR., OVER20 YEARS INCHARLOTTECOUNTY, HANDYMANSVCS, WOODROT, WINDOWS& DOORS, DRYWALL& STUCCOREPAIR, PAINTING,ETC. 941-627-6954 OR941456-6953 LIC# RR282811062 ROCCOS RENOVATION & REPAIR Getting the Job Done Wherever, However,No Matter How Big or Small. 941-268-1885 5054 CONTRACTORS Jerusalem Brothers Concrete driveways, sidewalks, lanais, patios, STUCCO, remove/replace sod, tree removal & more! 863-722-8910 JLS ENTERPRISES INCQuality & Dependability Remodeling Painting Additions Drywall Carpentry Repairs Odd Jobs & more. STATE CERTIFIED LIC #CRC033392941-468-9701 TEDDY`S HANDYMAN & REMODELING, INC. No Job Too Big or Too Small! (941)-629-4966 Lic./Ins. Serving NP, Charlotte & PG CRC 1327653 5057 CONCRETE CONCRETE & PAVER PROS DRIVEWAYS WALKWAYS FOOTINGS POOLDECKS PATIOSCOPING CULVERTS/PERMITTINGGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!Ž CHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!Ž941-223-2592 FLORIDA CONCRETEDRIVEWAYSSIDEWALKSADDITIONSRESIDENTIAL& COMMERICALNEWCONSTRUCTION941-628-5965 INS/LICCG034909 GENUINE CONCRETE ENGRAVINGS Transform Your Concrete! DRIVEWAYSPOOLDECKSSIDEWALKS941-628-0251 or 850-210-2772 POOL DECKS, Driveway Designs Garage Floors Patios and more. QUALITY Lic 941-375-1103 Insu PRO PATH CONCRETE Driveways Patios Sidewalks Pads Free Estimates 941-286-6415 Lic #AAA-11-00081 RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. spraycrete & more (941)-497-4553 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 5060 CLEANING SERVICES MRS. CLEANING UP! 1st class cleaning Service! Specials Now! $10% Senior Discount! 941-204-8057 Lic & Insured ANNIE`S CLEANING SERVICE Home Office Weekly Bi-Weekly Reliable Service Reasonable Rates 941-391-6850 CLEANING & PETSITTING, ETC RELIABLEHonest Woman w/ Refs. Call 941-204-1296 GONZALEZ CLEANING Srv 12 years exp, REASONABLE Rates, FREE Estimates. Servicing all your cleaning needs. Call Linda 941-815-4252 HOUSE CLEANING Licensed, Insured & 20 yr exp Punctual & trustworthy! References available 941-548-8804 5065 DRYWALL COMPLETE DRYWALL Hang,Finish, Patchwork, All Textures, Paint. Matt Potter 941-232-8667Lic.& Ins CRC1328482 3097 OTHER CLASSES KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday. FREE; Open to the public. 941-276-0124 LEARN GUITAR man taking 1 lesson a week, seeks others to learn and practice together. 757-817-8275 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. 5006 ALUMINUM ALL AMERICAN RENOVATIONS LIC& INSUREDFAMILYOWNED& OPERATEDSPECIALIZINGINRESCREENING,BUILDINGANDREPAIRING. SCREWCHANGEOUTS PRESSUREWASHING& PAINT-INGPOOLCAGES, LANAIS,FRONTENTRYWAYSETC... 941-915-3381 SERVINGSARASOTACOUNTYFREEESTIMATES BRI GON CONSTRUCTION Inc. Soffit, Fascia, Vinyl Siding, Custom Aluminum Breakwork 941-204-5900 lic #CBC059704 SURFSIDE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Lanais, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Windows and more! Lic#cbc1261010 941-766-0331 5008 AIRPORT SHUTTLE FLORIDA AIRPORT SHUTTLE TRANSPORT $35 TO/FROM RSW Arrive @ RSW: 10:45am & 3:45pm Depart @ RSW 11:30am & 4:30pmPickup/Drop-off Locations:NORTHPORTBUDGETINNPORTCHARLOTTEDAYSINN. PUNTAGORDAPG WATERFRONTHOTEL300 941-451-1202 5020 APPLIANCE SERVICE/REPAIR DRYER VENT CLEANING THE VENT DOCTOR Book Your Dryer Vent Cleaning and Save! 10% Off With This Ad! 941-268-9525 Competent, Thorough & Reliable. Lic. Fla. Home Inspector. GARY DRAKE DRYER VENT CLEANING & INSPECTION. 30 yrs. Exp. (941)-889-7596 CLASSIFIED ADSSELL 5051 CHILD CARE ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. FL O RIDA S TATE LAW requires all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law 5054 CONTRACTORS BLUE PARROT CONSTRUCTION Custom Homes Commercial & Residential Renovations 941-662-0366 Cell: www.BlueParrotConstruction.comCBC1258748/Fully Insured 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES Charlotte County House of Prayer Merging Worship, Word, and Prayer Friday Night Watch 8pm 992 Tamiami Trail Unit I Port Charlotte 941 249-8946 CO MMUNITY C ENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte GATEWAY WORSHIP PRAYER & HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to you every Thursday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek Bible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and Sundays @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 3070 BURIAL LOTS/CRYPTS VENICE MEMORIAL GDNS 2 Burial plots, incl opening/closing & vaults. $6500. 941-627-6260 3090 LOST & FOUND $100 REWARDLOST DOGnear the Joshua Creek area in Arcadia. Black lab, male. Approx. 60lbs., answers to TiŽ Had brown collar, no tags. Please call (863) 494-2466. LOST DOG: Shih-tzu Female, Dark Gray and White, Name is Misty. Near Glendale and Aaron Streets in Port Charlotte. Senior Owner is HEARTBROKEN! 941-979-0274 REWARD 3095 EXERCISE CLASSES G ULF CO A S T A C UPUN C TURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 3096 RELIGION CLASSES BE G INY O URDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUDY Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 START YOUR DAY RIGHT Bible Study Thursdays 10:00-11:30 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 THANK YOU STJUDE for prayers answered. Say novena for 9 days. Make name known JB 3020 PERSONALS ADORABLE TASHA. Relax, Dining, Dancing, Travel & More! 941-497-1307 Brad ZychIt is the worst news a mother has to give. Our son, Brad Zych, passed away March 28, 2017 in Ridgecrest, CA. Services were held there. We thought the people he worked with, Marcos, Jets,etc would like to know. In lieu of flowers, please donate to The Zych/Flores Family account at the Navy Federal CU. FEMALE SEEKING SINGLE MALE 45-65for dinner, movies, possible relationship. 941-201-9853 FOR ALL YOUR Relaxing Needs Call Paige. (941)-237-1927 RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. Charlotte Trade Center N of 776 941-625-0141 RETIRED DOCTOR, No Pets. Hot Tub. (941)-249-0010 WIDOWER 72 in Deep Creek Would Like To Meet Male 70-78 In Same Area. Independent, Religious, Sports-minded & Outgoing. Call & Leave Name & Number. 941-979-8723 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES C AL VAR Y BIBLE C HUR C H 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call (941)-979-8239 for Info.


Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, April 24, 2017 5185 ROOFING TOM JOYCE ROOFIN G HUGE **FALL SPECIALS**45 Years of Quality Work and Experience 941-484-9804 941-429-1800 lic#1325725 5191 SOD LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota RuddysSODINSTALL OR RIP-OUT Call! 863-303-1413 or 269-369-8471 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 5230 MISCELLANEOUS Clean Your Dryer before it Catches on Fire! Special Rates for Multiple ClientsAffordable, Lic & Insured. Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade 5184 SCREENING ALL ABOUT ALUMINUM & SCREEN: Rescreen & new. 941-876-4779 wescreenflorida.comLic# SA37, AL0511993X CLASSIC ALUMINUM RESCREEN SERVICE INC. Your Florida Outdoor Living ExpertsŽ 941-716-3984 www.classicrescreen.comLic# scc131151655Insured & Bonded RESCREENING by NORTHSTAR Free Estimates. 941-725-7599 Lic# CC20597 & Insured Seizethesales withClassified! RESCREENING Special $55 Tops, $30 Sides. Complete $1295(to 1500SF) 941-879-3136 Lic. 22454/Ins. Southwest RescreenComplete Rescreening: $1,249 (up to 1,500 SF)941-465-2318Free Estimates! Insured. 5185 ROOFING Replacement, Repairs, Roofing 30 Years Experience Discounts to Srs. & Vets Free Inspections & Est.Call Lane 941-270-6120RM COATS INC.Lic. CCC#1325731 Ins. LEONARDSROOFING&INSULATIONINC.FAMILYOWNED&OPERATED SINCE1969Shingle, Tile, Built-Up, SinglePly, Metal, Full Carpentry, Service Available Reagan Leonard 941-488-7478LIC# RC0066574 PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 Re Roofs, Repairs, Pressure Cleaning, Roofing Coatings Full Carpentry Services HONEST & RELIABLE 35 Yrs Local Experience CCC1328613. Ph. 941-412-4047 GREEN ROOFING & WATERPROOFINGTECHNOLOGIESWWW.GREENROOFINGONLINE.COM ROOF LEAK PATROL, INC. RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Repairs, Reroof, Carpentry, etc... 35 yrs exp. Lic/insured#RCA065387941-474-ROOF (7663) ROOFING by DAD & Son Lic & Ins 40 years local Martinis Roofing 941-766-0331 ccc1330876 941-483-4630ShinglesSlats MetalTileRepairs Old Roof Removal OurSpecialty Full CarpentryFree EstimatesLic.# CCC068184 Fully Insured 5140 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING LARRY ESPOSITO PAINTING INC Its Not What We Do, Its How We Do It!ŽFree Estimates, 941-764-1171 Lic & Insured AAA007825 PAINTING UNLIMITED Where Quality & Value Meet! Family Owned and Operated. Call Now for aFREEEstimate 941-979-7947 Lic. & Ins. AAA-12-00015 SUPERIOR PAINTING, INC. Full Spray Shop 941-474-9091Lic # AAA009837 We Do It A Shade Better! LARRY BATES PAINTING Free Estimates Locally Owned & Operated Nominated Best Painter Of The Year in 2016! 941-625-1226Lic/Ins #RRR0002261 5160 PLUMBING DO ALL PLUMBING LLC 40 Gal. Water Heater $650. Installed. Comfort Height Toilets $250. Installed. Badger 5 Disposal $189. 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REFERENCES, INSUREDCALLJOHN@ 207-939-5486 PRO SOURCE POWER WASHINGHOT & COLD SERVICES 21012 EXMORE AVE, PC Cell 941-979-6676 or office 941-979-9204 Lic & INSURED 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE S ANDEFUR S -H O ME & TREE Maintenance Tree trimming, removal. We do it all!License/Insured941-484-6042 SPM TREE TRIMMIMG & LANDSCAPING Specializing inTREE REMOVAL. Call Today for your FREE Estimate.(941)-412-5273 Lic/Insured STEVES TREE & HAULING Tree Removal & Trimming 30 Years Exp. Lic/Insd Free Estimates 941-866-6979 Tremendous Tree, Inc. 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2011 by King Features Syndicate Yesterdays Challenger Answers Monday, April 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 7


Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, April 24, 2017 DEAR DR. ROACH: I went to get a tattoo on the outer area of my hand, but upon doing it, I got dizzy and fainted. I am someone who has low blood pressure. I still want to “nish the tattoo, so what can I take or do so that I dont pass out? „ M.Y. ANSWER: I certainly would recommend that you lie down. Make sure you have had plenty of ”uid and salt (and no alcohol) ahead of time. Stressreduction techniques, such as breathing exercises or muscle contraction and relaxation during the tattoo placement, may help. Distraction techniques also can be helpful: talking or shouting during the procedure may help (talk to the tattoo artist about your issue ahead of time). Smiling or coughing during the procedure has helped some people, too. I received advice from people who fainted during blood draws, and that advice may be helpful for you. One reader had success by using an ice pack on his head and a second on the back of his neck: He said that he is so focused on his freezing neck and forehead that he cant think about anything else. You asked about taking something; one thing I would consider is a lidocaine patch to the hand prior to tattooing. The hand has a lot of nerve endings, and relieving pain might help prevent you from passing out. V ery occasionally, I have recommended a fastacting sedative for people who cant tolerate the procedure any other way. This might help people who are very anxious, but since many sedatives lower blood pressure, you should be very hesitant to use one. DEAR DR. ROACH: I was wondering if you could explain Crohns disease and its treatment. „ L.F. ANSWER: I can give only the outline: Crohns disease is a complex disease affecting multiple organ systems, but the primary site of disease is the gastrointestinal tract. The effects of Crohns disease can be felt anywhere in the GI system „ from the lip to the anus „ but it is most common in the terminal ileum (that is, the end of the small intestine) and in the colon. Crohns disease is an in”ammatory bowel disease. Its most common symptoms are abdominal pain and cramping, and changes in bowel movements, especially diarrhea (which sometimes can be bloody). However, other symptoms can be more subtle; fatigue, fever and weight loss may be the only symptoms. In children, failure to gain weight is a common presenting symptom. Crohns also may involve other organs: Eye, skin and joints all may be affected, confusing the picture. Although usually, people have some bowel symptoms such as diarrhea. Nobody knows what causes Crohns. Disorders of the immune response and interactions with gut bacteria are the leading hypotheses, and there is evidence for both. The diagnosis is made by review of endoscopy (including colonoscopy) or imaging studies, and often is con“rmed by biopsy. I trained in a center with expertise in this condition, and I have seen very severe cases. I also have seen people who were misdiagnosed, often because the pathology was misread. Treatment for mild cases may include antiin”ammatory agents (such as sulfasalazine), antibiotics (which may treat overgrowth or a microperforation of the bowel) and nonabsorbable steroids (like budesonide). Severe Crohns disease absolutely requires an expert, and often it is treated by antiimmune-system drugs and biological therapies such as in”iximab (Remicade). More information is available at the Crohns and Colitis Foundation at Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med. or request an order form of available health newsletters at 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803. Health newsletters may be ordered from www. to not pass out while getting a tattooDr. Roach BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY adno=8602374


Monday, April 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 9 Dear Readers: Todays sound off is about mattresses: Dear Heloise: Why are mattresses in this age of space technology not made stainand water-repellent? Why arent mattresses made in colors that dont show the dirt, and why arent there handles on the sides of mattresses to make ”ipping them much easier? Seems to me theres a lot of room for improvement.Ž „ Janice M., Waterbury, Conn. Janice, Im with you on this! Yes, they do sell mattress protectors, which you buy, then put over the mattress. Here is the Heloise Hint: Buy a fabric/ leather protector spray and use this on your mattress. Its best to do several light coats, rather than one heavy. The handles are supposed to be used when placing the mattress on the box spring, not really to ”ipŽ the mattress. However, most of us do use them when its time to ”ip or rotate the mattress. Also, today most new mattresses have pillowŽ tops, and unless the pillow is on both top and bottom, you cant ”ip it! „ HeloiseFast factsDear Readers: Uses for leftover wallpaper: € Coordinate frame mats with room decor. € Line shelves in the kitchen. € Use as wrapping paper. € Cut to “t for a border trim for walls. „ HeloisePlant identifierDear Heloise: Here is how I make a marker for the seeds Ive planted: I go to the dollar store and purchase inexpensive wooden spoons with long handles. Then I paint the front and back of the bowl part of the spoon, plus 2 or 3 inches down the handle from the bowl. When it dries, I write the name of the seeds Im planting with a waterproof marker on the front of the spoon. These are cheap and nice-looking plant markers. „ Joyce M., Cape Coral, Fla.An old wives taleDear Readers: If you sweep dust out the door after dark, it will bring a handsome stranger to visit.Ž Really? How about a handsome stranger with lots of money! „ HeloiseMind over mattress?Hints from Heloise BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Make your business a part of it! Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602375


Page 10 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, April 24, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). Maybe your worldview isn't exactly a pleasant one today, but it's worth sharing anyway, because it's real. You couldn't make these things up if you tried! TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You're grateful for your mistakes. They make you a more compassionate person, for starters. Also, because you got something wrong in the past, you're able to get it very right this time around. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). There are a few roles up for grabs in today's scenario. Decide who you want to be rst. Then act. Once y ou cast y ourself it will be hard to change roles (i.e., if you're acting like someone's parent it will be hard to switch to friend mode). CANCER (June 22-July 22). You treat your love (or potential love) as an equal. This is the key to your success in relationships. "Equal" isn't "same." You respect dierences and value them appropriately. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your connection to an older person will be a highlight of the day. You'll be creatively inspired by the traditions, manners and ways of doing things that have changed over the years. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Once you put your mind to it y ou'll be brimmin g with ideas for creatin g fun times with your loved ones. This is a worthy mental exercise if ever there was one, especially if you follow through on a few and bring a camera. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). A soul's cry isn't heard with the ears so much as the heart. You'll extend yours today as you listen past what a loved one is saying and into the meaning and feeling of it. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The reason you wrap a gift instead of just handing it over naked is that thoughtful presentation and slow reveals add excitement and specialness to our interactions. Don't skip the ritual. Add to it instead. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There will be man y dierent factors actin g on y our decisionmaking process today. You'll be motivated by a sense of duty, driven by your own aesthetic desires and intrigued by the chance for political gain. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You'll be tempted to let lethargy win, sleep late or take a nap. The thing is, you'll only awaken feeling less vital. Get moving instead. A sweat-inducing activity will kick-start your energy. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Ask any practitioner of psychometry; things don't have to be living to have a pulse. Objects have vibes. And if the energy of your things (namely, having too many of them) is cluttering your mind, a purge will free y ou. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Above all, you desire to oer the others something of value. It's why you're careful not to fall into the attention-seeking traps of our narcissistic age. Modesty and service are your callings of the day. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (April 24). This solar return will be like a perfect travel day „ every aspect of the journey seems luck-laced and pleasant, including your arrival at what turns out to be a completely unintended destination. Romantic highs: May and October. September aligns your emerging talents with professional opportunities. Sagittarius and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 41, 5, 29, 33 and 12. DEAR ABBY: I recently had sex. Afterward the man told me he had an STD. He then proceeded to explain why he told me after instead of being upfront with me. Im paranoid about that kind of thing, and he knew it before we became intimate. Now Im worried I have it too, and Im breaking up with him because of it. I feel he shouldve told me “rst and left the choice to me if I wanted to risk getting his STD or not. Im angry and upset. I dont know how to go about talking it out with him and maintain the friendship between his son and mine. When is the right time to tell someone youve got an STD? And how can I maintain my kids friendship, because he doesnt have many friends? „ PARANOID IN ARIZONA DEAR PARANOIDŽ: You are not the least bit paranoid to be concerned that this man may have passed his STD along to you. What he did shows a distinct lack of character. I agree the choice of whether to pursue a sexual relationship should have been made after you were fully informed. If you havent told him that already, you should, because all of your feelings are justi“ed. If you feel you must continue to have him in your life so your son can have his son for a friend, I suppose you can do that. But do it on a strictly platonic basis. Your next step should be to consult your doctor and get yourself tested so you can get on meds if you need them. DEAR ABBY: As an aging adult, I have encountered a situation for the “rst time that Im sure will come up again. An acquaintance has just passed away. It was someone I didnt know well. We would like to send a donation to honor the deceased. However, the only organization mentioned in the obituary is one we cannot support. Should we ignore our beliefs and honor the individual, or is there some other way to honor the person while maintaining (and funding) our sideŽ of this issue? „ FIRST-TIME DILEMMA DEAR F.T.D.: You do not have to send a donation to the organization mentioned in the announcement. Another way to honor the deceased would be to write a short note to the family expressing how much you admired their loved one and offering condolences. DEAR ABBY: I know some of your readers have middle school, high school and/or college yearbooks „ theirs or a relatives „ they no longer want to keep. Instead of throwing them away, Id like to offer the following options: (1) If the school still exists, see if they want it; (2) ask if the schools alumni association would like to have them; or (3) offer them to the local library for its local history section. This will save space in the land“lls and allow future generations to know what the school was like before they were born. „ LARRY IN GRAND, TEXAS DEAR LARRY: Im not letting go of my yearbooks (memories, memories!), but those are good suggestions, and Im sure some of my readers will appreciate them. Thanks for writing. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness, and his chambers by wrong; that useth his neighbors service without wages, and giveth him not for his work.Ž „ Jeremiah 22:13. Dont forget that God is the most accurate bookkeeper in the universe. Be honest and fair in your dealings. God has the “nal word on your life and mine. BIBLEMan comes clean too late with the truth about his STDVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby


Monday, April 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 11 Monday TelevisionVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDA APR. 24PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC7 News @ 6pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News at 7 Florida Suncoasts news, weather & more. (N)Dancing with the Stars A dancing couple is eliminated after the sixth week of performances. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Quantico: MHORDER Team tries to corner collaborators.(TV14) (N)ABC7 News @ 11pm (N) (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) ABC E F 26---7117-ABC7 News @ 6:00pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)The 7 OClock News (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Dancing with the Stars A dancing couple is eliminated after the sixth week of performances. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Quantico: MHORDER Team tries to corner collaborators.(TV14) (N)ABC7 News @ 11:00pm(N) (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) CBS E F 11213213-555-WINK News at 6pm (N) (HD)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)WINK News at 7pm (N) (HD)Inside Edition(TVPG) (N) (HD)Big Bang Apartment furniture. Superior Donuts: Pilot(TVPG)Kevin Wait Imtimidating son. (R)2 Broke Girls Arm wrestlers.(R)Scorpion: Bat Poop Crazy Bats threaten to wreck ecosystem. (TV14)WINK News at 11pm (N) (HD)Late Show Comedic talk show. CBS E F 10101010---1010 News This Evening (N)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)Wheel: Fabulous Florida (N)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)Big Bang Apartment furniture. Superior Donuts: Pilot(TVPG)Kevin Wait Imtimidating son. (R)2 Broke Girls Arm wrestlers.(R)Scorpion: Bat Poop Crazy Bats threaten to wreck ecosystem. (TV14)10 News Nightside (N)Late Show Comedic talk show. NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel: Fabulous Florida (N)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)The Voice: Live Top 12 Performances The top 12 artists perform as they look to advance in the competition. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Taken: Gone The ODNI must send a hostage to the FBI. (TV14) (N)NBC2 News @ 11pm (N) (HD)Tonight Show Kobe Bryant.(N) NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChannel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)NewsChannel 8 at 7:00 (N)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)The Voice: Live Top 12 Performances The top 12 artists perform as they look to advance in the competition. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Taken: Gone The ODNI must send a hostage to the FBI. (TV14) (N)NewsChannel 8 at 11:00 (N)Tonight Show Kobe Bryant.(N) FOX E F 36---444-FOX 4 News at Six Community news; weather; traffic; more. (N)Family Feud Families compete. Family Feud Families compete. Gotham Nygmas persona.(TV14) (N) (HD) (:01) APB: Ricochet Gideon tries to clear name from attacks. (TV14) (N)FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)FOX 4 News at Eleven (N)TMZ (TVPG) (R) FOX E F 13131313-13-13FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)Access Hollywood(TVPG) (N)TMZ (TVPG) (N)Gotham Nygmas persona.(TV14) (N) (HD) (:01) APB: Ricochet Gideon tries to clear name from attacks. (TV14) (N)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News News, sports, weather and traffic.(N) PBS E F 30-3-333-BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Antiques Roadshow: Virginia Beach Mug collection; Einsteins letters. Antiques Roadshow: Chicago Watercolor by Edward Borein. (TVG) (R)Violins of Hope: Strings of the Holocaust Charlie Rose (N) (HD) PBS E F #3173---3BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Antiques Roadshow: Virginia Beach Mug collection; Einsteins letters. Antiques Roadshow: Chicago Watercolor by Edward Borein. (TVG) (R)Independent Lens: The Last Laugh The morality of Holocaust comedy. (TV14) (N) (HD)Goerings Last Secret(TVG) CW E F 46---6216-Mike & Molly Tracking device. WINK News at 6:30pm (N) (HD)Big Ba ng Raj s loneliness. (HD)Big Ba ng Theory Pennys rival. Supergirl: Ace Reporter Lenas exs nanotechnology breakthrough. (N)Jane the Virgi n: Cha pter Sixty Janes book sales; Rogelios co-star. (N)WINK N ews @1 0pm (N) (HD)Mike & Molly Playing nice.(HD)2 Br oke G irls Cooking show. CW E F 44999---4Mike & Molly Tracking device. Mike & Molly Playing nice.(HD)2 Broke Girls Cooking show. 2 Broke Girls Prison visit. (HD)Supergirl: Ace Reporter Lenas exs nanotechnology breakthrough. (N)Jane the Virgin: Chapter Sixty Janes book sales; Rogelios co-star. (N)Two & Half Girls take over. Two & Half: Mmm, Fish. Yum Friends Fun Bobbys back.(HD)Friends Monicas stripper. (HD) MYN E F 38111111---14Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud Families compete. Family Feud Families compete. News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Sugar Website CEO. (TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Solitary Bank robber. (TV14) (HD)Family Feud Families compete. Family Feud Families compete. IND E F 32121212-38-12Modern Family Glorias sister. Modern Family: Fight or Flight Big Bang Rajs loneliness. (HD)Big Bang Theory Pennys rival. Anger Seans sister. (TV14)Anger Therapy and parents. Last Man Standing Mans man. Man Stand. The baby-proofer. Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Legion Murders linked to missing boys. Family Guy: Ratings Guy(HD)Family Guy Lois cheats.(TV14) ION E F 662221326-17Criminal Minds: In Birth and Death Women abducted by a serial killer. Criminal Minds: Scared to Death Killer poses as a psychiatrist. (TVPG)Criminal Minds: Children of the Dark Home invasions. (TV14) (HD)Criminal Minds: Seven Seconds Child abduction from a local mall. Criminal Minds: About Face Killer posts missingŽ fliers.(TV14) (HD)Criminal Minds: Identity Murderous duo becomes single. (TV14) (HD) E L B A CA&E262626263950181Bates Motel: Marion (R)Bates: Inseparable (R)Bates Motel: The Body Bates Plan for revenge. Bates Motel: The Cord Bates (N)Bates (R) AMC565656563053231(5:50) Lethal Weapon 4 (98, Action) Two Los Angeles detectives investigate a Chinese im migrant smuggling ring. (R)Better Call Saul: Witness Jimmy & Kim hire help; Mike pursues. (TV14)Better Call Saul Jimmys new client. (TV14) (N)Better Call Saul Jimmys new client. (TV14) (R) APL444444443668130Missouri (TVPG) (R)Alaskan (TV14) (N) (HD)Alaskan (TVPG) (N)Alaska: Last: Stir Crazy Alaska (TVPG) (N) (HD)North Wood (TVPG) (R) BBCAM114114114114114114189Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Voyager BET353535354022270(:18) Browns (TVPG)BrownsBrownsTakers (10, Action) Matt Dillon. Five bank robbers do one last job. (HD)T.I. Us orMartin BRAVO6868686825451185Sthn Charm (TV14) (R)Sthn Charm (TV14) (R)Sthn Charm (TV14) (R)Sthn Charm (TV14) (N)Sweet HomeSweet HomeWatch WhatSthn Charm COM666666661527190(:20) Futurama Exchanging minds. (TV14) (HD)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)Tosh.0 College life. Tosh.0 (TV14) (HD)Tosh.0 Ranting girls. South Park(TVMA)Daily Show(TV14)midnight DISC404040402543120St Outlaws (TV14) (R)St Outlaws (TV14) (N)Street Outlaws (TV14)St Outlaws (TV14) (N)Vegas Rat (TVPG) (N)St Outlaws (TV14) (R) E!464646462726196Kardashian (TV14) (R)E! News (N) (HD)Kardashian (TV14) (R)Dirty Dancing Teenager finds love on vacation. E! News (N) (HD) FOOD3737373718376164Guys Cheap dinner. (R)Guys Final challenge. Diners Beefy favorites. Diners (R)Diners (R)Help YelpDiners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R) FREE555555551046199Shes All That (99) A popular high school student bets he can turn any girl into a prom queen. Yng Hungry(TV14)Baby Daddy(TV14)Twins: Happily Ever After David Hasselhoff. (N)Famous in Love: Pilot Paige auditions. (TV14)The 700 Club (TVG) (R) (HD) FX51515151584953Lucy (14, Action) Drug leakage causes woman to access much more of normal brain capacity. The Other Woman (14, Comedy) Cameron Diaz. Two women and a wife team up to get revenge on a cheating husband. The Other Woman (14, Comedy) Three women team up for revenge. GSN17917917917934179184Fam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudF am. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudCash CabCash Cab HALL5551713773240Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.The MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleGold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165HuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersTiny HouseTiny HouseTiny HouseTiny HouseHuntersHuntersHuntersHunters HIST818181813365128Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker Risky deal. Am. Picker Rare Ford. Pawn StarsPawn StarsPawn StarsPawn Stars LIFE363636365241140Kidnapped: The Hannah Anderson Story (15) New York Prison Break (17) Trying to escape. Biography (TV14) (N)Mary Kills (TV14) (R) NICK252525252444252Henry (R)Henry (R)ThundermanThundermanNicky (R)ShakersFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFriendsFriends OWN58585858476714520/20 Sexual slavery. Dateline (TV14) (R) (HD)Dateline: In An Instant Dateline: Bad Blood (R)Dateline (TV14) (R) (HD)Dateline: In An Instant QVC14141491413150Inspired Style Amys inspiration. (TVG)LOGO by Lori (TVG)Isaac Mizrahi Live!PM Style with Shawn Killinger (TVG) SPIKE57575757296354Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (HD)Cops (R)Cops (R)Adam (TV14) (N) (HD) SYFY6767676725364180Jupiter Ascending (15) Extraordinary woman. Freddy vs Jason (03, Horror) Killers unite. (R)Catwoman Fine line between criminal and hero. TBS59595959326252Family GuyFamily GuyFamily GuyFamily GuyFamily GuyFam ily GuyFamily GuyFamily GuyAm. DadA. TribecaConan Kumail Nanjiani. TCM656565656574230(5:45) The Yellow Rolls-Royce (64) Ingrid Bergman. A car passes through three owners. (NR)Funny Girl (68, Musical) Barbra Streisand, Omar Sharif. A New York singing and acting comic rises to stardom and struggles with love. (G) (HD)The Way We Were (73) Opposites in love. TLC454545455772139Say YesSay YesYou Are (TVPG) (R)Who You Are: Liv Tyler Long Lost Family LIVE stunning news. (TVPG)Lost Fam. (TVPG) (R) TNT61616161285551Bones Body discovered.(TV14) (HD)Bones Serial killer case.(TV14) (HD)2017 NBA Playoffs: Eastern Conference First Round, Game 4 : Washington Wizards at Atlanta Hawks from Philips Arena 2017 NBA Playoffs: Golden State vs Portland (Live) (HD) TOON808080804620257Titans Go!Titans Go!We BareAdv. TimeKing HillKing HillAm. DadAm. DadBobs BrgrBobs BrgrFamily GuyFamily Guy TRAV6969696926066170Bizarre: Civil War (R)Bizarre (TVPG) (R) (HD)Bizarre (R)Bizarre (R)Bizarre Tuna eyeballs. Best BarsBest BarsBizarre (R)Bizarre (R) TRUTV636363635030183Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)UpscaleUpscaleUpscaleFull Court TVL626262623154241M*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HLoves Ray. (TVPG)Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.QueensQueens USA34343434225250Mod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod Family WWE Monday Night Raw: from Sprint Center in Kansas City, Mo. (Live)(:05) Friday (TVPG) (N) WE117117117117117117149CSI Miami (TV14) (HD)CSI: Miami: Rap Sheet CSI Miami (TV14) (HD)CSI: Miami: Innocent CSI: Miami: Lost Son CSI: Miami: Deadline WGN16161619411168Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Persn Int.: Judgment Persn Int.: The Fix (HD)Persn Int.: Witness Underground: 28 (R)How I MetHow I Met S W E NCNBC393939395937102Mad Money (N) (HD)Shark Tank (TVPG)Shark Tank (TVPG)Shark Tank (TVPG)Greed (R) (HD)Greed Fatal beauty. (R) CNN323232321838100Situation Room (N)Erin Burnett (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)Lead (TVPG) (N)Town Hall (N)CNN Tonight (N) CSPAN181818183712109(10:00) Public Affairs Events (R)Politics & Public Policy Today Major political activity around the U.S. (R) FNC646464644871118Special Report (N) (HD)The First 100 Days (N)Tucker Carlson (N)The Five (N) (HD)Hannity (N) (HD)Tucker Carlson (R) MSNBC8383838318540103For the Record (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)Chris Hayes (N) (HD)Rachel Maddow (N)Last Word (N) (HD)The 11th Hour (N) (HD) SNN66611---SNN EveEve @ 6:30ES.TV (N)CelebrityNewsNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late ESNN Late ECelebrity S T R O P SESPN29292929125870SportsCenter (HD)MLB Baseball: Chicago Cubs at Pittsbur gh Pirates from PNC Park (Live)Baseball Tonight (HD)SportsCenter (HD) ESPN23030303065974Horn (HD)InterruptnSportsCenter (HD)Special (HD)30 for 30: Elway To Marino (HD)SpecialNFL Live (HD) FS148484848426983NASCAR (HD)UFC Fight Night: Swanson vs Lobov (Replay)Unleashed (TV14) (N)MLB Whip Around (HD) FSN72727272725677UFC Main (HD)UFC Reloaded: UFC 191: Johnson vs Dodson 2 (HD)SpotlightGatorsWrld Poker (Replay) FSSUN38383838455776SpotlightRays LIVE! MLB Baseball: Tampa Bay Rays at Baltimore Orioles (Live) (HD)Rays LIVE!InsideInsideReel Fish GOLF49494949556093Golf Central (HD)The Golf Fix (HD)Feherty: Mark OMeara Feherty (HD)Feherty (HD)Golf Central (HD) NBCSN71717171546190NASCAR NHL Live (Live) 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Teams TBA (Live) (HD) NHL Overtime (Live)Top 10Top 10 M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250BUNKD Lous new puppy. (R)Bizaardvark: Pretty-Con (TVG)K.C. Undercover Time travel. Andi Mack Dance party.(TVG)Stuck in Middle Garage sale. Good Luck Bad dance skills. Liv and Maddie Fun rivalry. (R)Liv Maddie Special tradition. (R)BUNKD Poisonous fog.(TVG)BUNKD Zuris competition. (R)Jessie Movie making. (TVG)Jessie Reunion date.(TVG) ENC150150150150150150350(:12) Double Jeopardy (99, Thriller) Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd. A man frames his wife in a scheme to defraud a life insurance company. Reservoir Dogs (92) Crooks regroup following a botched heist and become suspicious of one another.(:42) The Peacemaker (97, Thriller) George Clooney, Nicole Kidman. An intelligence expert and a nuclear scientist search for doomsday bombs. Halloween: Michael Myers (95) HBO302302302302302302400(5:30) The Simpsons Movie (07) Homer tries to save Springfield. Last Week John Oliver(TVMA)VICE News Tonight: 4-24-2017 Independence Day: Resurgence (16, Action) Liam Hemsworth. When aliens attack, it is up to a few brave men and women to save humanity. Canelo/ Chavez (HD)Your Eyez Only (TVMA) (R) (:20) The Leftovers: Dont Be Ridiculous Convincing scam.(TVMA) (R) HBO2303303303303303303402(5:00) The Memory of Justice (76, Documentary) A filmmaker explores the subject of atrocities and crimes committed during wartime, particularly du ring World War II and the Vietnam War. (NR) (HD) (:45) 28 Days Later (02, Horror) Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris. A young man awak es from a coma to find the country infested with zombies.(:45) Your Eyez Only(TVMA) HBO3304304304304304304404(4:30)Deadpool (16) Alter ego.(:25) Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (16) Mac, Kelly and Teddy to help work to get Kappa Nu sorority to move. Veep: Library Hughes library. VICE Global fast food. (TVMA)The Huntsman: Winters War (16, Fantasy) Chris Hemsworth, Charlize Theron. Man and woman try to stop evil queens from conquering the land. Silicon Valley Raising funds. The Legend of Tarzan (16) MAX320320320320320320420(5:40) Waterworld (95, Action) Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper. A loner helps re fugees seek mythical dry land in an otherwise watery world. National Lampoons Animal House College misfits attempt to undermine the dean and his favored fraternity.(:50) Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (16) Andy Samberg. Failed popstar wants fame again. (R) (HD)The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (08) Evil ruler awakens. MAX2321321321321321321422(5:25) Constantine (05) A psychic detective saves the world from being conquered by the son of Satan. Shoot Em Up (07) A man with an unknown past takes care of a baby he delivered during a shootout. (R)Mechanic: Resurrection (16, Action) Arthur Bishop is forced to turn back to the life that he left behind. (R) (:40) Scream (96, Horror) David Arquette. A killer obsessed with horror movies stalks a teen and her friends. SHO340340340340340340365(5:30) Out of the Furnace (13) A harden blue-collar workers desperate search for his missing brother. (R)Circus: Inside Resisting Trump. Guerrilla Dhari and Leroy pursue a mission. (TVMA) (R) (HD)Billions: With or Without You Axe tends to a family disturbance. (R)Guerrilla Dhari and Leroy pursue a mission. (TVMA) (R) (HD)Billions: With or Without You Axe tends to a family disturbance. (R) TMC350350350350350350385(5:35) Bridge of Spies (15, Drama) Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance. Lawyer tasked with negotiating release of American pilot in Soviet Union. Forsaken (16, Western) Man realizes he may be only one who can stop local gang from terrorizing town. (R)Blackway (16, Thriller) Anthony Hopkins. A woman teams up with two locals to deal with her stalker. (R)Bad Asses on the Bayou (15, Action) Rescuing a friend in Louisiana. 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 6:30 a.m. FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Food City 500 from Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol, Tenn. (R) 9 a.m. FSN German Bundesliga Soccer RB Leipzig at Schalke 04. (T) 10 a.m. FSSUN MLB Baseball Houston Astros at Tampa Bay Rays. (R) 11 a.m. GOLF PGA Tour Champions Golf Bass Pro Shops Legends of Golf at Big Cedar Lodge: Final Round from Top of the Rock in Ridgedale, Mo. (R) 12 p.m. FSN MLB Baseball Miami Marlins at San Diego Padres. (R) FSSUN MLB Baseball Houston Astros at Tampa Bay Rays. (R) 1:30 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour Golf Valero Texas Open: Final Round from TPC San Antonio AT&T Oaks in San Antonio. (R) 2 p.m. FSN UEFA Champions League Soccer Quarter“nal, Second Leg Borussia Dortmund at Monaco. (R) 7 p.m. ESPN MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Pittsburgh Pirates. (L) FS1 UFC Fight Night Swanson vs Lobov from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn. (R) FSSUN MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Baltimore Orioles. (L) 8 p.m. TNT 2017 NBA Playoffs Eastern Conference First Round, Game 4 Washington Wizards at Atlanta Hawks. (L) USA WWE Monday Night Raw from Sprint Center in Kansas City, Mo. (L) 10:30 p.m. TNT 2017 NBA Playoffs Western Conference First Round, Game 4 Golden State Warriors at Portland Trail Blazers. (L)Todays Sports Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV 7:00 a.m. NBC Today Actor Dul Hill; actor Alfonso Ribeiro; style contributor Lilliana Vazquez. (N) 9:00 a.m. CBS LIVE with Kelly Cobie Smulders; Nikolaj Coster-Waldau; John Leguizamo. (N) 9:00 a.m. FOX Jerry Springer Man tries to pursue a male dancer; woman dislikes her brothers wife. (N) 9:00 a.m. IND The Steve Wilkos Show A woman admits to abusing her two-year-old daughter and needs help stopping. 10:00 a.m. IND Jerry Springer Man tries to pursue a male dancer; woman dislikes her brothers wife. (N) 1:00 p.m. CW The Robert Irvine Show A woman suspects her boyfriend is having an affair with her sister. 1:00 p.m. IND Jerry Springer A man judges a pole-dancing competition of two women after his love. 2:00 p.m. CW T.D. Jakes T.D. Jakes re”ects on people who have become empowered from their pain. 3:00 p.m. CBS Harry Derek Hough; Keith Powers; YouTube Chefs JP and Julia; Michelle Buteau. (N) 3:00 p.m. IND Jerry Springer A man judges a pole-dancing competition of two women after his love. 3:30 p.m. FOX Lauren Lakes Paternity Court A woman accuses a 29-year-old man of being the father of her 4-month-old baby. 11:00 p.m. TBS Conan Kumail Nanjiani; Rep. Adam Schiff; Real Estate. (N) 11:35 p.m. NBC The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Former NBA star Kobe Bryant; actress and comic Kathryn Hahn. (N)Todays Talk Shows


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Monday, April 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 13 SP20720 To Place, Correct, or Cancel Ad CALL Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM Fax : 866-949-1426 941-429-3110 Check Out More SUN Classified Ads Online UPDATED DAILY!!! 23170 HARBORVIEW RD. PORT CHARLOTTE, FL S UN C LASSIFIED 6126 GOLF CARTS 2000 CLUB CAR DS Recent "Red" Paint 4 Passenger Golf Cart Brand New Batteries {C7} New Flip Rear Seat New SS Hubcaps New Bushings {front & rear} Head and Tail Lights Great Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Top, Mirror and Charger $2,875. 941-830-4723 Free Delivery {25mi.} Calls Only Please No text 2003 CLUB CAR DS IQ System 4 Passenger 48 Volt "Gold" Golf Cart Speed Setting 4 {+-19/20 mph}. New Flip Rear Seat 6-8 Volt 2016 Batteries {E6} Headlights & taillights New Chrome SS Wheel Caps Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top, Windshield, Mirror and Charger. $3,275 941-830-4723 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only PLEASE NO TEXT 2008 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 10" Rims w/215x50x10 Tires 6 8 Volt 2014 Batteries New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger. $3,795. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ButterscotchŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2011 CLUB CAR DS "Midnght Blue" 48 Volt 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Flip Rear Seat Brand New Batteries {D7} Headlights & Tail Lights Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top. Windshield, Mirror, SS Caps and Charger $3,275, 941-830-4723 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only NO TEXT PLEASE Needa newRide? Findit inthe Classifieds! 6110 TREES & PLANTS LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A ORCHIDS CATTLEYA purple mature potted other plants for less $20 941-202-3696 VIBURNUM GREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE, PALMS, MANYOTHERPLANTS ATREASONABLE PRICES! SUISNURSURY941-232-6835 Tremendous Tree, Inc. 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Great Tires, Brakes Top, Windshield and Charger $2,450. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only NO TEXT PLEASE 2000 Club Car DS Plumb Crazy PurpleŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6040 TV/STEREO/RADIO SMART TV VIZIO 32Ž 1 yr. old, hardly used. Includes outdoor cover. $140 508-208-9144 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES WEDDING DRESS Halter style straightline, Size 2 detachable train $200 336-471-5595 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 CHINA SET Johnson Brothers, Tulip Time pattern, 59 pieces, nice $79, OBO 716-598-2406 COIN 1878 MORG DOLLAR 8 tail feathers, rare collector $195 941-214-8188 DINING TABLE HITCHCOCK48/60Ž Round, Table & 4 chairs Beautiful $195. 941-488-5595 Venice FURNIVALSŽ PITCHER Denmark blue pattern made in Engl and $15 941-639-1517 LAMP VINTAGE Cherub W/marble base made in Italy $45 941-214-8188 PENNY 1863 Civil War token rare collector $40 941-214-8188 RONALD REAGAN Republican task force medal of merit orig box $20 941-639-1517 ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINE & character Toby jug. Bargain mint. $65 ea. 941-639-1517 6075 FRUITS & VEGETABLES BLUEBERRIES U-Pick Ready for Picking at Ft Ogden. Call For Directions 863-990-6164 6090 MUSICAL GUITAR Fender, Starcaster, strat, Electric, Like New $65 716-523-0463 MANDOLIN MELLON BACK, C.F. Martin no cracks, great playing cond. $400 716-523-0463 PEAVEY AMP Back stage plus $65 716-523-0463 WORLITZER UPRIGHT Piano and Bench Old piano, oak finish. U-Haul it. Needs tuning. $900, OBO 941-889-9688 6095 MEDICAL 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372 AGAVE PINEAPPLE begonia coleus frangipani geranium pepperomia $5 941-202-3696 ALOE VERA devils backbone mexican petunias oyster snake spider lily $5 941-202-3696 BROMELIADS VARIOUS aechmeas neoregelias vriesas starting at $5 941-202-3696 FLORIDA AVOCADO/CITRUS 1-2 tall seedlings organically grown $5 941-202-3696 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS AIR MATTRESS Comparable to Sleep Number, King Size, 2 controls $200 336-471-5595 BED MATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 KITCHEN SINK w/faucet FrankeSS Dble Sink good cond. $100 941-743-3258 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MIRROR 30Žx44Ž wood frame $15. 941-423-7772 VACUUM HOOVER Upwright Tempo, Like New, & 99% Dust & pollen trap $25 941-391-4209 VACUUM DYSONDC28 AIR MUSCLE Good Cond $100 obo 941-270-8009 Findthe newYou intheClassifieds! 6035 FURNITURE ADJUSTABLE TWIN Bed Frames w/ Remotes. $50/ea Exc. Cond. 941-628-0727 BEDMATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BEDROOM SET Girls, Twin, All Metal, Exc Cond. $300 941-380-9212 BUNK BEDS, Oak, 2 mattresses, text for pictures $350, OBO 941-525-6330 CHAIRS WOOD (2) Tall, Large seat, Port Charlotte. $20 419-260-7103 COFFEE &(2)END TABLES Glass Top, Port Charlotte $50 419-260-7103 COUCHES Leather, Matching Pair. Mushroom Color. $499 954-501-9554 (Port Charlotte) CURIO OAK, Lighted, curved glass front, perfect condition $300 941-764-6153 DESSERS (2) & 1Mirror W/2nightstand, Palisser Oak Wood $500 941-258-4922 DINING SET, Glasstop, 36Žx 60Ž, Black Metal. 6 chrs $300. 239-849-9815 (in Riverwood) I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 LIVING ROOM TABLES $100 941-380-9212 LOVESEAT & SOFA $100 941-698-9222 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MATTRESSES King Beauty Rest, W/Boxspring Gently Used Seasonly $400 941-258-4922 MATTRESSS 2 Twins xl Beauty Rest, W/Bxspring Gently Used Seasonly. $400 941-258-4922 MOVING SALE Piano like new, lots of other stuff furniture, etc... 941-256-6659 for apt. Venice RECLINER Dark Green, leather look vinyl, good condition. $30 716-598-2406 SOFA BED QUEEN Sealy, Matching loveseat, ottoman, & Chair. $500 941-258-4922 SOFA SLEEPER 3PC SECTIONAL, Almost new! Off-White! Paid $2500 Asking $375, OBO 941-268-2799 TABLE Solid wood, w/drop leaf 74Žx48Ž drop is 28Žx48Ž $150 941-625-5962 TABLE, Allibert-Lanai White oval 37Žx64Ž $75 941-625-5962 WALL UNIT 3 PC ROSEWOOD AND GLASS, MUST SELL! Very rare $350 941-268-2799 6025 ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOW BOOTH Complete professional art show booth, with everything included! $375, OBO 941-426-0204 6026 SEWING SEWING MACHINE Brother Model#SE-400, embroidery, $150 419-260-7103 SEWING MACHINE Husqvarna Viking, for Quilting W/extesion. $150 419-260-7103 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! SEWING MACHINE Kenmore 36, Good Cond, Port Charlotte. $50 419-260-7103 6027 DOLLS ANNALEE 7ŽDOLL rare bunny kidŽ mint w/orig tag $15 941-639-1517 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 8-12 & SAT. 8-10 3788 Tripoli Blvd. ESTATE SALE Assisted by the Isles Girls and Guys. (Dir: South on 41; Right on Monaco; Left on Tripoli to house) Twin Beds; Night Stand; Chest; Chair; Pictures; Lamps; Linens; 2 Leather Loveseats; Desk & Chair; Dining Table & 6 Chairs; Server; Sofa; 2 Swivel Chairs; Entertainment Unit; Coffee Table; King-Sized Bed; Dresser & Mirror; Night Stand; Clothes; Wrought Iron Etagere; Wicker Loveseat; Table; Chair; Tool Chest; Miscelleneous Kitchen & Garage items. Se e for more information relative to this sale. Buyers are responsible for the removal of their purchased items. Our cashier has information regarding independent movers. PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR!


Page 14 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, April 24, 2017 7148 BMW 2009 BMW 135ICV $17,990 GRAY, 47K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7160 HONDA 2012 HONDA FIT $10,000 4 Dr. Hatchback, Blue. Only 23,700 Miles! 941-960-9612 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,897 EX-L CERT, WHITE, 4,649 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,977 EX-L, CERT, BLUE, 16K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA PILOT $27,597 EX, BLUE, 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT $27,877 EX-L, WHITE, 29K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT $27,897 EX-L, WHITE, 31K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $29,897 TOURING, CERT, 9,222 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $29,897 TOURING, CERT, 5,987 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7163 HYUNDAI 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRAGT $7,911 91K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA WAGON. 45K Mi. 1-Owner. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7165 INFINITI 2011 INFINITI G37 $18,990 SILVER, 63K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 INFINITI QX50 $31,877 BLUE, 6,112 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7177 KIA 2005 KIA SORENTO EX, WHITE, 74K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7178 LEXUS 2009 LEXUS ES-350 $15,990 PEBBLE BEACH, 67K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS RX-350 $19,990 RED, 76K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS RX-350 $25,990 AWD, NAV, 74K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS IS-350 $25,990 CERT, NAV, 32K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 LEXUS GX-460 $25,990 NAV, BLACK, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS ES-350 $26,911 CERT, WHITE, 23K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS CT-200H $26,990 CERT, NAV, 16K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS ES-300 $30,990 CERT, NAV, 12K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS GS-350 $34,990 CERT, NAV, 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS GS-450H $36,990 CERT, NAV, BLUE, 36K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 LEXUS RX-350 $37,911 CERT, BLACK, 8,183 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 LEXUS GX-460 $47,477 PREM. PKG, BLACK, 11K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 LEXUS LX-570 $86,990 CERT, SILVER, 17K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2007 LEXUS ES350, LOADED, EXCELLENTCONDITION, REDUCEDSALE 941-626-7682 dlr 7180 MAZDA 2014 MAZDA MAZDA3 $15,990 BLACK, 14K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7050 CHRYSLER 2003 CHRYSLER PTCRUISER 76KMI Gold MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7070 FORD 2016 FORD MUSTANG $31,497 GT-PREM. RED, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2008 FORD FOCUS 4Dr SE. 78K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7075 GMC 2015 GMC TERRAIN, SLE-2, EXCCONDITION, REDUCEDSALE 941-626-7682 Dlr 7080 JEEP 2015 JEEP CHEROKEE $17,990 GRAY, 26K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 JEEP WRANGLER $27,950 WILLYS WHEELER 47K MI 855-481-2060 DLR PRO POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd. Port Charlotte 1996 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,000 1998 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,199 2000 Cherokee 4X4,auto, air $3,895 2001 Wrangler Sport $7,500 2001 Wrangler Sport, Lifted $10,999 2011 Wrangler Sport, $16,899 941-627-8822 7135 SATURN PRO POWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 96 SC2 Coupe$1,199 00 SW2 Wagon$1,950 97 SW2 Wagon $2,158 98 SW2 Wagon $2,195 RV Tow Ready 01 SL2 Sedan$2,395 05 Vue V6 $3,299 05 Vue 6cyl $3,750 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,400 07 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 09 Vue XE $7,188 08 Vue XE $7,800 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $7,995Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 2008 SATURN VUE $8,995 XE 85K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7145 ACURA 2014 ACURA MDX $29,990 MAROON, NAV, 49K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 ACURA MDX $36,990 RED, 16K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7147 AUDI 2011 AUDI Q532PP $22,911 SILVER, 31K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! RE CO RD CO LLE C TI O N includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 6270 WANTED TO BUY/TRADE HAVE CASH!Wanted! Sharks Teeth, Jewelry, Old Coins, Silver Cutlery & Pocket Watches. 941-426-2811 7000TRANSPORTATION 7020 BUICK 2001 BUICK CENTURY CUSTOM.4DR, SE. 99K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7030 CADILLAC 2013 CADILLAC SRX $18,911 GOLD, 59K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2005 CADILLAC DEVILLE 81K MI. EXTRA CLEAN! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7040 CHEVROLET 2015 CHEVROLET CAMARO $19,990 RED, 39K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2003 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT, 3rd Row Seating, 4WD MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7050 CHRYSLER 2005 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE Convertible, LTD. 30K MI. White, New Tires $13,500 941-258-5289 1989 CHRYSLER LEBARON $2,800 Conv. New Top, Tires & Battery. No Rust. Good Runner. 100K+ MI sold sold sold 6180 HEAVY/CONST. EQUIPMENT 4630 KABOTA DEISEL GST Tractor, 206 Hrs. Like New! 4 Wheel Drive. Front Loader. 6` Bush Hog, 6` Box Blade, $20,000 (941)-628-6937 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY BELT-SANDER CRAFTSMAN 6Ž model 113-22633 table mount $50 941-214-8188 CHAIN SAW Remington, Electric, 14Ž limb and trim. Like New! $35 941-257-5500 CHIPPER Briggs & Stratton 8 HP $200, OBO 941-268-2799 ROUTER CRAFTSMAN One & half HP. Like new in the box $25 941-214-8188 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 MICROWAVE 1500W Black over the Range, like new with mountings. $75 941-412-1491 REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! REFRIGERATOR, Kenmore, 28 cu. ft. Like New Inside & Out! $60.941-423-7772 STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 Now $895 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low prices 6130 SPORTING GOODS FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 HILLERICH & BRADSBY Louisville Slugger #26 official softball bat $15 941-639-1517 LIFE JACKETS Brand new Onyx 3 buckle boating life vests $15 Each 941412-1491 6131FIREARMS NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. Needa newJob? LookintheClassifieds! WINCHESTER SXP 12 Gauge w/ 3Ž Magnum $425 NIB. H&K P200 40 Cal. $775 NIB. Sig P320 9mm New Military Handgun $650. Call 941-204-6439 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES BIKE RECUMBENT performer goal 26x ex cond 27speed $500 941-743-0582 6138 TOYS/GAMES CALL DUTY Legacy Edition for PS4 $30 941-257-5500 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES **SPAS & MORE** We take Trade ins We Move Hot Tubs & Buy Used Hot Tubs! 941-625-6600 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 6160 LAWN & GARDEN C uddle up by the fire! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 LAWNMOWER, John Deere Self Propelled, 3 Spd., 6.5 HP B & S $90.941-743-8243 RIDING MOWER Poulan, good tires, decent body, needs works $100, OBO 941-268-2799 TOP SOILFor Sale! Please call: 941-468-4372 6165 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS WEATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Set Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 6126 GOLF CARTS 2011 CLUBCARPRECEDENT4 Passenger Custom "Pearl" Spartan Body Brand New Batteries {C7} Deluxe Lights {Head,Tail, Signal, Brake and Horn} Flip Rear Seat Excellent Tires, Brakes, Mirror, Windshield, Top, Chrome SS Caps and Charger $3,995 941-830-4723 DELIVERYINCLUDED{25MI.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Midnight BlackŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … DEMO SALEŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Custom Yellow PaintŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! RED RACERŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New Custom PaintedŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6130 SPORTING GOODS 2 GUYS GUN SHOWS APRIL 29th & 30th Charlotte County Fairgrounds 2333 El Jobean Rd (776) Port Charlotte, FL Buy-Sell-Trade New-Used FREEParking CWP Classes Avail. Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-4 727-776-3442


Monday, April 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 15 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,000. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. 2009 Smart Car, Ready to Tow!! $5,349 THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. WANTED All Motor Homes, TTs, 5th whls,Vans conversion & passenger, cars & Diesel trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 954-789-7530 TURN YOUR RV INTO CASHSell it! Consign it! Trade it!NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM Lookingfor Adventure? Findit inthe Classifieds MOTORHOMESHUGESELECTION TOPBRANDSFORESTRIVERCOACHMENTHOR& WINNEBAGONOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 CLASS B HEADQUARTERS LARGEST SELECTIONINUSA!ROADTREK MIDWESTPLEASUREWAYWINNEBAGO/COACHMENLEISURETRAVELREGENCYANDMORE! NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 2000 31 WINNEBAGO BRAVE Low Miles! L oad ed. Good Condi tion! $15,500. 941-426-5126 7382 RV/CAMPER PARTS EXTENSION BRUSH & CLEANER $15.941-423-7772 HUB CAPS (2) Never Used. 16Ž & 20Ž $25. Paid $50. New. ALSO 3 Boxes of Small Parts $15. 941-423-7772 1994 36SOUTHWIND Diesel pusher, low mi, new tires & batteries. $13,850 941-214-0137 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLE HELMET Black, New! $40 941-257-5500 LOOKING FORSTORAGE place for my Harley Davidson. Can be Garage or Carport. Long Term Lease 941-456-5973 2013 BINTELLI Zing 150 CC, 2700 miles, garage stored, $1,195 941-468-2760 NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! 2012 HARLEYFAT BOY Stage 1, 2 Into 1 Chrome w/ Shield, Bags, ETC! 3,200 Miles $12,900 Jim 941-223-5413 2008 TRIKE kawasaki Vulcan 900 Blue Voyager conv 27k mi, Ex cond. $9,550 941-426-4787 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS Huge Selection Top Brands Forest River Coachmen Heartland Dutchmen Palomino PumaTab CrossroadsGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SPRING CLEANING SALE 6 DAYS ONLYAPRIL 25TH-30THTues Sat 8:30-6:00 Sunday 11:00-5:00MOTOR HOMESTRAILERS5TH WHEELSVAN CAMPERSBring your Trade, Title and Payment Book!$AVE BIG NOWGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 LAKELAND 940 LAKELANDPARKCT. DR. I-4 EXIT32, LAKELAND877-668-0129 BRADENTON 6120 SR 64 E, BRADENTONI-75 EXIT220B 941-417-8020WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM 7330 BOATS-POWERED 21 MARIAH BOWRIDER NEW 5.7L Mercruiser Engine, only 60 hrs on motor, $9,500 941-447-1510 7331 SAILBOATS 26' 1998 MACGREGOR X Sailboat Loaded 2012 Tohatsu 4 stroke, 30 HP, Low Hours, Tandem Trailer. REDUCED $6,500 574-583-4992 7336 BOAT STORAGE/ DOCKING BOAT SLIP Access To Harbor, No Bridges. Water & Electric. 941-769-2785 BOAT & TRAILER STORAGEBoat Storage WET/DRY FREE Boat Ramp! Gulf Access! Great Fishing!NAV-A-GATOR Bar & Grill on property!DESOTO MARINAOn the Peace River941-627-3474 7339 CANOES/KAYAKS RENAISSANCE/RAMBLER 2015 Kayak 13.7, 1-3 Padded Seats, 2 Paddles, Anchor.No Trailer. $400 obo 941-380-4409 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES TRAILERSNewPre-Owned CargoUtility Trailers Parts Repairs-Tires Welding. We BUY Trailers! Trades Welcome. Roys Trailer Country 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Rd P.G. TRAILER, 6X10 Enclosed Cargo w/ Rear Ramp. Single Axle. $1,500 941-625-5962 NEW SHIPMENT! 2017 LARK ENCLOSED TRAILERS MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2013 MAGIC TILT, Tri-Axle, 9965 GBWR. Very Good Condition! L.E.D. Lights, Mags & Wheels. $4,150 570-419-4154 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS HARBOR SCOOTERS for all your scooter needs... 3315 Tamiami Trl. PG We Repair Scooters too! 941-347-8705 SALES SERVICE PARTS 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2015 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $29,950 LIMITED, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 FORD EXPLORER $41,987 PLATINUM, 8,760 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7330 BOATS-POWERED 31 2006 LOA CRUISERS 280 CX1 Twin Volvos (Low Hours), A/C, 2 Staterooms, Dinette, Galley, Shower, Microwave, TV-VCR, Stereo, GPS, VHS+++ A Must See! $49,500 obo 941-979-8203 28 LARSON 280 CABRIO 94: NEW Fuel Tank, Pumps, Starters, Batts, New SB Engine, PT Refurb, Carbs Rebuilt & MUCH More! Can Fax/Email List 2 U. $8,000/obo 941-697-3335 REALLY REDUCED! 28 1983OUTTER REEF Lady Fisher is an Extremely Sturdy, Capable Trawler with a Single Diesel. She Does Extremely Well in Weather and Heavy Seas. It is aDowneaster Design. Her Fuel Consumption is Less than 2 Gallons Per Hour. Many Upgrades! $18,900. 860-729-0630 22.52001 AQUASPORT Explorer, 225 HP Evinrude. Color GPS/fish finder, full canvas, Extended bimini. Fishbox and livewell. All cushions and bolsters, chemical toilet, transom shower. Dual batteries. $9,950. 941-268-4532 20 2005 FOUR WINNS 4.3 V6 Volvo Pinto OD. DF, Life Jackets. Swim Platform, Galv. Tandem Trailer. Immaculate!! Luxury & Performance! $12,995 816-718-7088 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 18`5 LUND GRAN Alum. Tyee 1992. 150 Evinrude. Dual Axel w/ New Brakes & Tires. $4,500 North Port 815-528-2228 18.5 2008MAVERICK MASTER angler, 150 Yamaha 4 stroke 400 hours. With all aluminum trailer with fold away tongue. Jack plate, Trim Tabs, Power Pole, 24 volt 80lb Minkota riptide trolling motor. Hydraulic steering, On Board dual trickle charger with plug. Bait well and Live well AFT. And a Garmin chartplotter. Asking $25,500 O.B.O Call or Text 941-276-2370 7290 VANS 2004 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUETTE VAN. $2,000 Clean, White. 941-764-8152 1999 FORD ECONOLINE $2,900 E-150, Runs great. Sr. owned. Clean 941-979-0901 2006 DODGE GRAND-CARAVAN $4,800 OBO,77K MI Like new 941-224-6031 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $11,990 GOLD, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $25,497 EX-L, CERT, 40K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $26,497 EX-L, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,477EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,950 EX-L, CERT, WHITE, 41K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,990 TOURING NAV, 39K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,950 TOURING ELITE, 5,738 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,975 TOURING WHITE 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ODYSSEY $39,987 TOURING, CERT, 10K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan WHEELCHAIR Van, 10Ž lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 1999 FORD E250 CARGO VAN Extended. New tires, Good shape! $2895.00 (941)763-4818 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2004 DODGE DAKOTA $4,900 obo Long Bed w/ Fiberglass Top. 136K Mi. Runs Great, Looks Good. 401-965-7084 REDUCED 2014 TOYOTA TACOMA $26,497 GRAY, 31K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 FORD F-150 $28,897 XLT, BLUE, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 TOYOTA TUNDRA $32,990 SR5 4X4 BLUE, 29K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $33,897 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 TOYOTA TUNDRA $36,977 SR5 UPGRADE PKG 18K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 FORD F-350 $52,911 4X4 DIESEL 9,475 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2011 FORD EXPEDITION $20,225 XLT 61,500 MI. Tow Pkg, Well Maintained. In Englewood. 941-475-5402 (Mention Car) or 941-716-3324 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 7195 MITSUBISHI 2008 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 2DR COUPE GS 73K MI LIKE NEW! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7200 NISSAN 2012 NISSAN SENTRA $8,990 BLACK, 62K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7206 SAAB 2010 SAAB 9-3 $9,990 SILVER, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7210 TOYOTA 2013 TOYOTA CAMRY $15,990 SILVER, 47K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2006 TOYOTA TUNDRA $16,000 OBO,SR5 4X4 Gray 80,000 miles, Extras 631-372-8900 7230 VOLVO 2015 VOLVO XC60 $30,797 T5 DRIVE-E PLAT. 43K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7240 MISC.IMPORTS 2014 PORSCHE CAYENNE $39,911 WHITE, NAV, 49K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7250 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1993 CHEVROLET 1500 $16,500 V-8 Short Bed, Show truck, Many awards, mint cond. All original. Sale due to health Come See you will not be disappointed! 941-474-0234 7260 AUTOS WANTED WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 CASHFOR ALL TRUCKS & CARS ANY COND RUNNING OR NOT. (352)-342-7037 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TIRES (2) Goodyear, 185/65/R15 $40 for both. 941-257-5500 TRUCK CAMPER SHELL Leer with windows fits 20132017 1/2 ton Dodge w/ 80Ž Bed $450. 941-204-1548 TRUCK BED top fits 6 Bed, good cond. Grey $200 941-624-0539 HUB CAPS: COROLLA (2) 15Ž good condition, price for both. $25 941-412-1491 7280 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR ALL PRO WINDOW TINTING Serving the tri-county area for 25 years! Residential & Auto Tinting 2820 Worth Ave, Englewood 941-232-6967


Page 16 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netMonday, April 24, 2017


Monday, April 24, 2017 Page 1 To view todays legal notices and more visit, 3000 NOTICES 3112 FICTITIOUS NAME 0 4/ 2 4/ 20 17 3116 NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT O F THE ___________ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.:17-430DR Division: Imer Navarro Rogel Petitioner, Reynaldo Flores Respondent, NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGES (NO CHILD OR FINANCIIAL SUPPORT) TO: {name of Respondent} Reynaldo Flores (Respondent's last known add ress)UNKOWN YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and that y ou are required to serve a copy of your wrotten defenses, if any, to it on {name of Petitioner} Imer Navarro Rogel whose address is 21464 Holdern Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33950 on or before {date) 05/11/2017 and file the original with the clerk of this Court at {clerk's address) 350 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33950 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. I f you fail to do so, a default ma y be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be di vided: {insert "none" or, if applica ble, the legal description of real property, a specific description o f personal property, and the name of the county in Florida where th e property is located) Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Court's off ice. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of t he Circuit Court's office notif ied of your current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Cour t Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or e mailed to the address(es) on record at the clerk's office. W ARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure t o comply can result in sanct ions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated: 04/06/2017 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: J Kern Deputy Clerk Publish: April 17, 24, May 1, 8, 2017 395956 3444062 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF SUSAN HORD, Deceased. Probate Division CASE NO.: 502017CP001446XXXXMB NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of Susan Hord, deceased, whose date of death was March 2, 2017, is pending in the Circuit Court for Palm Beach County, Florida, Pro bate Division, the address of which is 205 N. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. A ll creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. A ll other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with t his court WITHIN 3 MONTHS A FTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. A LL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN T HE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIMFILEDTWO(2)YEARSOR 3116 NOTICE OF ACTION C LAIM FILED TW O (2) YEAR S O R MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 17, 2017 A ttorney for Personal Representat ive: W ARREN B. BRAMS A ttorney Florida Bar Number: 0698921 2161 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. Ste 201 W EST PALM BEACH, FL 33409 Telephone: (561) 478-4848 Fax: (561) 478-0108 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: w Personal Representative: Clarence R. Hord 3000 Quantum Lakes Dr. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Publish: April 17, 24, 2017 331075 3443333 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R C HARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF CHARLES W. STANTON, a/k/a CHARLES WESLEY STANTON,a/k/a CHARLES S. STANTON, Deceased. File No.: 17-000251-CP Division:Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of Charles W. Stanton, a/k/a Charles Wesley Stanton, a/k/a Charles S. Stanton, deceased, whose date of death was Februar y 2, 2017, is pending in the Circui t Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 East Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The names and ad dresses of the Personal Represen tative and the Personal Representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is April 17, 2017 Attorney for Personal Representative: Forrest J. Bass Florida Bar Number: 68197 Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett, Carr & Holmes, P.A. 99 Nesbit Street, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-1158 Fax: (941) 639-0028 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: bapice( Personal Representative: Robin Vazque c/o Estate & Guardianship Man agement Services 6230 Scott Street, Suite #211 Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 Post Office Box 494249 Punta Gorda, Florida 33949 Publish: April 17, 24, 2017 114849 3444102 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF FLORENCE CUPO File No. 17-297-CP Division Probate Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Florence Cupo, deceased, whose date of death was March 6, 2017, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 350 E. Marion A venue Punta Gorda, FL 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICEOR30DAYSAFTERTHE 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS N O TI C E O R 30 DAY S AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons having claims or demands against deced ent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST P UBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHI N THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN F LORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIM E PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR M ORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication o f t his notice is April 17, 2017 A ttorney for Personal Repre sentative: Brett H. Sifrit, Attorney Florida Bar Number: 105564 Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett, Carr & Holmes, P.A. 99 Nesbit Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-1158 Fax: (941) 639-0028 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: m and Personal Representative: James Cupo 820 Neptune Street Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Publish: April 17, 24, 2017 114849 3444085 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF FLORA M. BUNGER, Deceased. File No.17000307CP Division Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate o f Flora M. Bunger, deceased, whose date of death was October 6, 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion St., Punta Gorda, FL 33950. Th e names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER TH E D ATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 24, 2017 Attorney for Personal Representative: Guy S. Emerich, Esq. Florida Bar number: 126991 Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett, Carr &Holmes,P.A. 99 Nesbit Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-1158 Fax: (941) 639-0028 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: j and Donald M. Bunger 1522 Kenmore Street Port Charlotte, Florida 33952 Publish: April 24, May 1, 2017 114849 3446118 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF CATHERINE L. GRAVESEN File No. 17-197-CP Division Probate Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Catherine L. Gravesen, deceased, whose date of death was Februar y 10, 2017, is pending in the Circui t Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The name and address of the personal representative are Michael L. Gravesen, 128 Waterside Street, Port Charlotte, Florida 33954, and the name and address of the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS A ll creditors o f the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate o n whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR B EFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS N OTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY O F THIS NOTICE ON THEM. A ll other creditors of the decedent a nd other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with t his court WITHIN 3 MONTHS A FTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. A LL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN T HE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 7 33.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PER IODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY C LAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S D ATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 17, 2017. A ttorney for Personal Representative: SCHWARZ & HARRIS, P.A. / s/ Ellie K. Harris Ellie Harris, Esquire A ttorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar Number: 0 021671 17841 Murdock Circle Port Charlotte, Florida 33948 Telephone: (941) 625-4158 Fax: (941) 625-5460 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: Publish: April 17, 24, 2017 117186 3443213 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDAPROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF CHIRSTOPHER EDWARD HUNT Deceased. Division PROBATE File No. 17-284-CP NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Christopher Edward Hunt, deceased, whose date of death was December 16, 2016, is pending in t he Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, t he address of which is 350 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda Florida 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. A ll creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. A ll other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims o r demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with t his court WITHIN 3 MONTHS A FTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. A LL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN T HE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE RIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 17, 2017 A ttorney for Personal Representative: Brett H, Sifrit Attorney Florida Bar Number: 105564 Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett, Carr & Holmes, P.A. 99 Nesbit Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-1158 Fax: (941) 639-0028 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: and Personal Representative: Beatrice Russell 1409 LaVilla Road Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 Publish: April 17, 20, 2017 114849 3443289 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF J ULIA E. FAUST, File No. 17-000120-CP Division Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Julia E. Faust, deceased, whose date of death was January 6, 2017, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 350 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate hfhiii 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS on whom a copy o f this notice is r equired to be served must file t heir claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF T HE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF T HIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having c laims or demands against dece d ent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST P UBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN F LORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER B ARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y C LAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication o f t his notice is April 17, 2017 A ttorney for Personal Representative: Guy S. Emerich, Esq.Florida Bar N umber: 126991 Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett, Carr & Holmes, P .A.99 Nesbit Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-1158 Fax: (941) 639-0028 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: s and Personal Representative: Walter E. Melton, II 303 Ambler Street Port Charlotte, FL 33954 Publish: April 17, 24, 2017 114849 3444110 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF FREDRICK G. TITUS, Deceased. File No. 17-000256-CP Division Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Fredrick G. Titus, deceased, whose date of death was February 15, 2017, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion Ave, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. The names and addresses of the per sonal representative and the per sonal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent an d other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece dent and other persons havin g claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication o f this notice is April 24, 2017 A ttorney for Personal Representatives: Guy S. Emerich, Esq. Florida Bar Number: 126991 Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett, Carr & Holmes, P.A. 99 Nesbit Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-1158 Fax: (941) 639-0028 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: and Co-Personal Representatives: Raymond T. Rowley 1000 Kings Highway #469 Port Charlotte, FL 33980 Frances E. Rowley 1000 Kings Highway #469 Port Charlotte, FL 33980 Publish: April 24, May 1, 2017 114849 3446089 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF MARY PINHEIRO, Deceased. File No. 17-000300-CP Division: PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Mary Pinheiro, deceased, whose date of death was February 22, 2017, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorne y are set forth below. Alldifhddd 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors o f the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate o n whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file t heir claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF T HE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF T HIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece d ent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims w ith this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHI N THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 7 33.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME P ERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS O R MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S D ATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 24, 2017 Cheyenne R. Young Attorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar Number: 0515299 Wotitzky, Wotitzky, Ross & McKinley, P.A. A ttorneys at Law 1107 W. Marion Avenue, Unit #111 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-2171 Fax: (941) 639-8617 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: j Personal Representative: Charlotte State Bank & Trust c/o Laurel Cronin, Trust Officer 1100 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, FL 333953 Publish: April 24, May 1, 2017 100738 3446371 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDAPROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF JOSEPH BALLARO File No. 17-260-CP Division Probate Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of JOSEPH BALLARO, deceased, w hose date of death was July 8, 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 East Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER TH E DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF T HIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 24, 2017 Attorney for Personal Representive: CARRIE M. LEONTITSIS A ttorney Florida Bar Number: 48055 Olmsted & Willson, P.A. 17801 Murdock Circle, Suite A Port Charlotte, Florida 33948 Telephone: (941)624-2700 Fax: (941) 624-5151 E-Mail: Personal Representative: JOSEPH L. BALLARO 26 Ballaro Drive Shelton, Connecticut 06484 Publish: April 24, May 1, 2017 125062 3446395 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF MICHAEL M. HARRIS File No. 17000199 Division Probate Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (summary administration) TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS OR DEMANDS AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE: You are herby notified that an Order of Summary Administration has been entered in the estate of Michael M. Harris deceased, File Number 17000199 by the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 350 E. Marion APGdFL33950


Page 2 Monday, April 24, 2017 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS A venue, Punta G orda, FL 339 5 0 that the decedents date of death was 02/12/17 that the total value of the estate is $14000.00 and that the names and addresses of whom it has been assigned by such order are: NameAddress April E. Harris 912 Jarvis Terrace, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED THAT: All creditors of the estate of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent other than those for whom provision for full payment was made in the Order of Summary Administration must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE. ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is April 17 2017 Attorney for Person Giving Notice: Allen J. Levin Email Addresses: Florida Bar No. 0046816 3440 Conway Blvd., Ste 1A Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Person Giving Notice: April E. Harris 912 Jarvis Terrace Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Publish: April 17, 24, 2017 116999 3444131 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF JULIA MARIE SHAW, Deceased. File No. 17-000206-CP Division: PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Julia Marie Shaw, deceased, whose date of death was August 21, 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion A venue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorne y are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 7 33.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 24, 2017 Cheyene R. Young Attorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar Number: 0515299 Wotitzky, Wotitzky, Ross & Mckinley, P.A. Attorneys at Law 1107 W. Marion Avenue, Unit #111 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-2171 Fax: (941) 639-8617 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: jackie@wotizky Personal Representative: Nancy C. Jarrett 120 Hamilton Lake Lane #283 Hamilton Lake Hamilton, Indiana 46742 Publish: April 24, May 1, 2017 100738 3446449 3124 NOTICE OF HEARING The Board o f C ounty C ommissioners of Charlotte County proposes to adopt the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA; AMENDING ARTICLE IV OF CHAPTER 1-11 OF THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES, CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA, REVISING THE TERMS OF THE CHARLOTTE COUNTY PARKS AND RECREA TION ADVISORY BOARD; REVISING THE CRITERIA FOR REMOVAL FROM THE BOARD; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT WITH OTHER ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR A N EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing on this ordinance will be held at 10AM, or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, on the 9th day of May, 2017, in Room 119 of the Charlotte County Administration Center, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida. Copies of the proposed ordi3124 NOTICE OF HEARING nance and the economic impact estimate, if applicable, are avail able for inspection by the general public in the Charlotte County At torneys Office, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida. Interested parties may appear a t the meeting and be heard with re spect to the proposed ordinance. Should any agency or person decide to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to an y matter considered at such meeting, he will need a record of the proceeding, and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the t estimony and evidence upon w hich the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners does not discriminate on the basis of disability. This nondiscrimination pol icy involves every aspect of the Countys functions, including ac cess to and participation in meet ings, programs and activities. FM Sound Enhancement Units for the Hearing Impaired are available at the Front Security Desk, Building A of the Murdock Administration Complex. Anyone needing other reasonable accommodation or auxiliary aids and services please contact our office at 941.743.1318 TDD/TTY 941.743.1234 or by email to David.Lyles@CharlotteCountyFL.g ov. Publish: April 24, 2017 163352 3445830 3126 NOTICE OF MEETING C harlotte C ounty Punta Gorda Metropolitan Planning Organization C A L E N D A R The Public is Invited to Attend Charlotte County-Punta Gorda Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Board Meeting and Public Meeting to consider amending the Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPOs 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) adding a project of widening Aqui Esta Drive from Bal Harbor Boulevard to US 41 (Tamiami Trail): Monday, May 1, 2017, 1:30 p.m. at the Murdock Administrative Building, Room #119, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida. No stenographic record by a certified court reporter is made of these meetings. Accordingly, any o ne seeking to appeal any deci sions involving the matters herein will be responsible for making a verbatim record of the meeting/testimony and evidence upon which any appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT AND CHAPTER 286.26 FLORIDA STATUTES, PERSONS NEEDING SPECIAL ACCOMMODA TIONS TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACT THE CHARLOTTE COUNTY-PUNTA GORDA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION AT LEAST FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. CALL (941) 883-3535 BETWEEN 8:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M., MONDA Y THROUGH FRIDAY. The MPOs planning process is conducted in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes. Any person or beneficiary who believes he or she has been discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or familial status may file a complaint with the Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPO Title VI Coordinator Wendy W. Scott at (941) 883-3535 or by writing her at 25550 Harbor View Road, Suite 4, Port Charlotte, FL 33980. For more information call: Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPO 25550 Harbor View Road, Suite 4, Port Charlotte, Florida 33980 Tel:(941) 883-3535 Publish: April 7, 24, 2017 163352 3441575 C harlotte C ounty Punta Gorda Metropolitan Planning Organization C A L E N D A R Charlotte County-Punta Gorda Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Board Meeting and Public Meeting for the adoption of the MPOs new FY 2017/2018 … 2021/2022 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The TIP is a federally-required document that all Metropolitan Planning Or ganizations are required to develop annually and represents the transportation improvements that have been programmed for the five-year period. This TIP includes the Federal Transit Administrations (FTA) Program of Projects (POP) for Funding used to provide Transit services for Charlotte County. The development of the TIP satisfies the federal public participation requirements for th e POP. Monday, May 1, 2017, 1:30 p.m. at the Murdock Administrative Building, Room #119, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida. No stenographic record by a 3126 NOTICE OF MEETING certi f ied court reporter is made o f these meetings. Accordingly, anyone seeking to appeal any decisions involving the matters herein will be responsible for making a verbatim record of the meeting/testimony and evidence upon which any appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105) IN ACCORDANCE WITH TH E AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT AND CHAPTER 286.26 FLORIDA STATUTES, PERSONS NEEDING SPECIAL ACCOMMODA TIONS TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACT THE CHARLOTTE COUNTY-PUNTA GORDA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION AT LEAST FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. CALL (941) 883-3535 BETWEEN 8:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M., MONDA Y THROUGH FRIDAY. The MPOs planning process is conducted in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes. Any person or beneficiary who believes he or she has been discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or familial status may file a complaint with the Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPO Title VI Coordinator Wendy W. Scott at (941) 883-3535 or by writing her at 25550 Harbor View Road, Suite 4, Port Charlotte, F L 33980. Telephone: (941) 883-3535 Fax: (941) 883-3534 Publish: April 1, 24, 2017 163352 3437400 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1154 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder o f the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5922-2008 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2008 Tax ID: 412116456005 Description of Property: PCH 058 4286 0034 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4286 LT 34 Name in which assessed: BARRICK, JOEL A.; BARRICK, KARI L. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 24,495.42 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $22,480.54 P.O. NO.: 1601154 208144 3438238 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1155 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GREGORY RATICA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 7183-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402230402006 Description of Property: PCH 037 2174 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 37 BLK 2174 LT 2 Name in which assessed: COASTAL PALM PROPERTIES, LLC, A TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; COASTAL PALM PROPERTIES LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,990.91 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,997.16 P.O. NO.: 1601155 208144 3438245 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1156 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 989-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402106282001 Description of Property: PCH 047 2523 0007 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 47 BLK 2523 LT 7 Name in which assessed: BELJOUR, JEAN; BELJOUR, MARIE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,669.46 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $1,675.71 P.O. NO.: 1601156 208144 3438250 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1158 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 9842-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412015231003 Description of Property: RHT 000 0000 0186 ROTONDA HTS LT 186 Name in which assessed: RAND, SALLY All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,895.25 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $1,901.50 P.O. NO.: 1601158 208144 3438258 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1160 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10772-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412107278015 Description of Property: PCH 095 5186 0048 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5186 LT 48 Name in which assessed: PRZYBYSZEWSKI, JON KYLE; PRZYBSZEWSKI, JON KYLE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,605.38 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $1,611.63 P.O. NO.: 1601160 208144 3438264 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1161 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11016-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 3132 TAX DEEDS Tax ID: 41 2 1151 0 5 00 5 Description of Property: PCH 093 4959 0010 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 93 BLK 4959 LT 10 Name in which assessed: FLORIDA PREMIER PROPERTIES, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,511.76 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,518.01 P.O. NO.: 1601161 208144 3438272 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1162 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11998-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412117231008 Description of Property: PCH 058 4201 0009 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4201 LT 9 Name in which assessed: GGH 14, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,000.59 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,006.84 P.O. NO.: 1601162 208144 3438279 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1163 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11999-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412117231009 Description of Property: PCH 058 4201 0010 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4201 LT 10 Name in which assessed: GGH 14, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,000.59 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,006.84 P.O. NO.: 1601163 208144 3438290 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1164 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11255-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412117231010 Description of Property: PCH 058 4201 0011 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4201 LT 11 Name in which assessed: TMDC INVESTMENTS, LLC, A MINNESOTA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; TMDC INVESTMENTS LLC A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate 3132 TAX DEEDS shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,238.88 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,245.13 P.O. NO.: 1601164 208144 3438292 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1165 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11256-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412117231011 Description of Property: PCH 058 4201 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4201 LT 12 Name in which assessed: TMDC INVESTMENTS, LLC, A MINNESOTA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; TMDC INVESTMENTS LLC A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,772.22 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $1,778.47 P.O. NO.: 1601165 208144 3438695 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1166 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12023-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412117278002 Description of Property: PCH 058 4226 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4226 LT 2 Name in which assessed: MONTOYA, ANNA MAE S. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,564.21 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,570.46 P.O. NO.: 1601166 208144 3438700 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1168 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12827-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412126401005 Description of Property: PCH 094 5028 0009 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 94 1ST/ REP BLK 5028 LT 9 Name in which assessed: PRANA ENTERPRISES, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABLILITY COMPANY; PRANA ENTERPRISES LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June,


Monday, April 24, 2017 Page 3 3132 TAX DEEDS 20 17. D ated this 10th day of February, 2 017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 0 4/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,978.16 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,984.41 P.O. NO.: 1601168 208144 3438712 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1169 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that T RAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11961-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412127106009 Description of Property: PCH 081 4490 0029 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 81 BLK 4490 LT 2 9 Name in which assessed: SCHIFF, BENEJAMIN, AS TRUSTEE OF TRUST NO. 2358 DATED OCTOBER 3, 2009; SCHIFF, BENJAMIN, AS TRUSTEE OF TRUST NO. 2358 DATED OCTOBER 3, 2009; SCHIFF BENJAMIN TRUSTEE A ll of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according t o t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2 017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,056.11 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,062.36 P.O. NO.: 1601169 208144 3438720 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1170 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12948-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412127454011 Description of Property: PCH 082 4461 0008 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 82 BLK 4461 LT 8 Name in which assessed: EDWARDS, ERIC F.; BALMAS-EDWARDS, AGNIESZKA ; EDWARDS, AGNIESZKA BA ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,292.68 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,298.93 P.O. NO.: 1601170 208144 3438728 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1173 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 13220-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412129257009 Description of Property: PCH 085 4593 0031 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 85 BLK 4593 LT 31 Name in which assessed: CABRERA, FRANCISCO; CABRERA, MYRIAM; CABRERA, M All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton 3132 TAX DEEDS C lerk o f the C ircuit C ourt By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,326.65 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,332.90 P.O. NO.: 1601173 208144 3438736 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1176 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax d eed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12716-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412132255019 Description of Property: RMD 000 0038 0014 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 38 LT 14 Name in which assessed: PRIME FLORIDA LAND PHASE 1 CORP, A FLORIDA CORPORATION; PRIME FLORIDA LAND PHASE 1 CORP All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,428.10 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $1,434.35 P.O. NO.: 1601176 208144 3438763 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1177 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12784-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412132453006 Description of Property: RMD 000 0055 0015 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 55 LT 15 Name in which assessed: PRIME FLORIDA LAND PHASE 1 CORP, A FLORIDA CORPORATION; PRIME FLORIDA LAND PHASE 1 CORP All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,425.67 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $1,431.92 P.O. NO.: 1601177 208144 3438776 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1178 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 16725-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422329201010 Description of Property: PGI 016 0333 0011 PUNTA GORDA ISLES SEC 16 BLK 333 LT 11 Name in which assessed: BAHBOUTH, ABRAHAM A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,302.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,309.21 P.O. NO.: 1601178 208144 3438781 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1179 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The c ertificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 16726-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422329201011 Description of Property: PGI 016 0333 0012 PUNTA G ORDA ISLES SEC 16 BLK 333 LT 12 Name in which assessed: BAHBOUTH, ABRAHAM A ll of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or t hereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 0 4/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,315.45 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,321.70 P.O. NO.: 1601179 208144 3438797 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1180 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 16736-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422329256001 Description of Property: PGI 016 0336 0001 PUNTA GORDA ISLES SEC 16 BLK 336 LT 1 Name in which assessed: PAULSON, ARNOLD H.; PAULSON, V IRGINIA L. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at w m in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,302.00 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,308.25 P.O. NO.: 1601180 208144 3438801 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1181 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 16781-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422329476004 Description of Property: PGI 016 0324 0009 PUNTA GORDA ISLES SEC 16 BLK 324 LT 9 Name in which assessed: BAHBOUTH, ABRAHAM A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,315.45 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,321.70 P.O. NO.: 1601181 208144 3438813 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1182 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 16782-2014 3132 TAX DEEDS Year o f Issuance: Jun0 120 14 Tax ID: 422329476006 Description of Property: PGI 016 0324 0007 PUNTA G ORDA ISLES SEC 16 BLK 324 LT 7 Name in which assessed: BAHBOUTH, ABRAHAM A ll of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold t o t he highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2 017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,315.45 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,321.70 P.O. NO.: 1601182 208144 3438822 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1183 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has f iled the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which i t was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 16783-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422329477001 Description of Property: PGI 016 0343 0037 PUNTA GORDA ISLES SEC 16 BLK 343 LT 37 Name in which assessed: BAHBOUTH, ABRAHAM A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate s hall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,315.45 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,321.70 P.O. NO.: 1601183 208144 3438843 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1184 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that TRAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 16984-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422421226008 Description of Property: ZZZ 214224 P1-76-1 21 42 24 P-1-76-1 2.5 AC M/L E 1/2 OF E 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 SUBJECT TO RD R/W EASEMENT ON S 50FT & E 25FT Name in which assessed: HARTZOG, CHARLES THOMAS A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,634.79 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $1,641.04 P.O. NO.: 1601184 208144 3438847 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1186 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that CB PALM BEACH LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 9433-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412011228024 Description of Property: PCH 064 3634 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 64 BLK 3634 LT 12 Name in which assessed: REGAL ONE ENTERPRISES, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION; REGAL ONE ENTERPRISES INC A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of 3132 TAX DEEDS Florida. Unless the said certi f icate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2 017. Dated this 10th day of February 2 017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 0 4/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,838.31 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,844.56 P.O. NO.: 1601186 208144 3438856 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1187 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed t he said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the p roperty, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2386-2012 Year of Issuance: May-31-2012 Tax ID: 402116180006 Description of Property: PCH 059 2951 0036 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 59 BLK 2951 LT 36 Name in which assessed: GORDON, CHRISTINA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate s hall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,888.63 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,894.88 P.O. NO.: 1601187 208144 3441156 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1188 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 3747-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402133379004 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 52 BLK 1688 LT 16 Name in which assessed: BONNEY, LEONARD; BONNEY, LAURA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,716.58 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,722.83 P.O.NO.: 1601188 208144 3441161 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1189 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5905-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402218333014 Description of Property: PCH 021 1669 0010 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 21 BLK 1669 LT 10 Name in which assessed: ENGMAN, JOHAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 3132 TAX DEEDS 20 17 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,277.06 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 2,283.31 P.O. NO.: 1601189 208144 3441268 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1190 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed t he said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which i t was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 3919-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402202256007 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3101 LT 3 Name in which assessed: ORLANDO, ANDREW; SAPUTO, A NTHONY; SAPUTO, A All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at m i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2 017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,242.21 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,248.46 P.O. NO.: 1601190 208144 3441269 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1191 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 3985-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402202379015 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3119 LT 4 Name in which assessed: GOMEZ, JOSE; NALAVANY, CYNTHIA A.; CAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,943.76 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,950.01 P.O. NO.: 1601191 208144 3441275 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1192 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of t he following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5284-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402211479012 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3184 LT 1 Name in which assessed: ATALLA, AHMED SHAABAN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,788.04 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,794.29 P.O. NO.: 1601192 208144 3441279


Page 4 Monday, April 24, 2017 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1194 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that C B INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed t o be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6634-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402221401012 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 10 BLK 103 LT 5 Name in which assessed: KOWALL, ED; KOWALL, FREDA L. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2 017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,070.93 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 6,077.18 P.O. NO.: 1601194 208144 3441281 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1195 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that J OHN T. SAKEVICH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2454-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402116205008 Description of Property: PCH 059 2942 0022 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 59 BLK 2942 LT 22 Name in which assessed: FEISER, ROBERT D.; FEISER, BETTY J. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,927.92 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 3,934.17 P.O. NO.: 1601195 208144 3441291 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1197 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JOHN A. GALBRAITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12458-2012 Year of Issuance: May-31-2012 Tax ID: 412116352003 Description of Property: PCH 058 4242 0006 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4242 LT 6 Name in which assessed: SUGAR KIDS HUI, LLC; BENHAM, CLAYTON W.; BENHAM, ROY L.; BENHAM, HOWARD K.; PAVICH, ELOISE L.; SUGAR KIDS HUI LLC ET AL A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,544.33 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,550.58 P.O. NO.: 1601197 208144 3441293 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1198 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SKW PREP LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the d escription of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 14573-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 412130253019 Description of Property: ROTONDA SANDS UN 1 BLK 2 LT 100 Name in which assessed: FERRIS, THEODORE JR. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,101.69 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,107.94 P.O. NO.: 1601198 208144 3441295 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1199 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that THOMAS SMITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6533-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402223102002 Description of Property: PCH 011 1333 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 11 BLK 1333 LT 21 Name in which assessed: A MENDOLIA, PLACIDO A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,622.44 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,628.69 P.O.NO.: 1601199 208144 3441301 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1200 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that THOMAS SMITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 15135-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412307230003 Description of Property: PUG 000 0093 0005 PUNTA GORDA BLK 93 LT 5 & W 1/2 LT 6 Name in which assessed: IMPERI, ROBERT S. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,998.55 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,004.80 P.O. NO.: 1601200 208144 3441331 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1203 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that THOMAS SMITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 8953-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412002227004 Description of Property: 3132 TAX DEEDS PCH 062 3600 0037 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3600 LT 37 Name in which assessed: JOHN-NICHOLSON, LOIDA AS P ERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF EBENEZER F. JOHN; JOHN EBENEZER F ESTATE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State o f F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold t o t he highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or t hereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 0 5/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,939.53 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,945.78 P .O. NO.: 1601203 208144 3441338 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1204 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HOUSING HELPERS, INC. the h older of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the p roperty, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2835-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402128261001 Description of Property: ELJ 001 R0000 0020 EL JOBEAN WARD 1 RESUB RESV LTS 20 & 21 Name in which assessed: MAIER, KATHY All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or t hereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,682.88 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,689.13 P.O. NO.: 1601204 208144 3441347 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1205 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HOUSING HELPERS, INC. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a t ax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6152-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402223304018 Description of Property: PCH 007 0534 0009 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 7 BLK 534 LT 9 Name in which assessed: THE ESTATE OF HENRY E. GEEVE, DECEASED; GEEVE HENRY E ESTATE; THE ESTATE OF HENR Y 0. GEEVE, DECEASED; GEEVE HENRY 0 ESTATE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,612.82 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,619.07 P.O. NO.: 1601205 208144 3441351 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1206 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HOUSING HELPERS, INC. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 9401-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412011127010 Description of Property: PCH 064 3569 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 64 BLK 3569 LT 12 PCH 064 3569 0018 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 64 BLK 3569 LT 18 Name in which assessed: ZIMMERMAN, RICHARD E.; ZIMMERMAN, RICHARD T.; 3132 TAX DEEDS ZIMMERMAN, RT A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., o r thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 12,201.89 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $12,208.14 P.O. NO.: 1601206 208144 3441374 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1208 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that T RAMAR REALTY CORP. the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The c ertificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11540-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412022378002 Description of Property: ROH 000 0000 1060 ROTOND A WEST OAKLAND HILLS LT 1060 Name in which assessed: SANTINI, IVELYN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,955.30 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,961.55 P.O. NO.: 1601208 208144 3441388 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1209 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A NITA VARSHNEY the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5223-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402211129002 Description of Property: PCH 051 3224 0003 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3224 LT 3 Name in which assessed: CORMIER, ROGER W. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,005.41 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,011.66 P.O. NO.: 1601209 208144 3441392 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 16-1210 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BETTY ANTOINE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 632-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402104129026 Description of Property: PCH 024 2004 0015 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 24 BLK 2004 LT 15 Name in which assessed: LUTZ, CONRAD; LUTZ, PILAR A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 3132 TAX DEEDS Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,113.53 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,119.78 P.O. NO.: 1601210 208144 3441396 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1211 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A NITA VARSHNEY the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the d escription of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5237-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402211180006 Description of Property: PCH 051 3211 0001 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3211 LT 1 Name in which assessed: PATTERSON, ALBERT E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate s hall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or t hereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/10/2017, 0 4/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,592.44 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,598.69 P.O. NO.: 1601211 208144 3441398 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1185 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that CB PALM BEACH LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 9432-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412011228023 Description of Property: PCH 064 3634 0013 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 64 BLK 3634 LT 13 Name in which assessed: REGAL ONE ENTERPRISES, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION; REGAL ONE ENTERPRISES INC A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 20th day of June, 2017. Dated this 10th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/03/2017, 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,730.59 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,736.84 P.O. NO.: 1601185 208144 3438852 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0001 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6607-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402223376014 Description of Property: PCH 009 0489 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 9 BLK 489 LT 12 Name in which assessed: KALEEMUDDIN, MOHAMMED; MANSOOR, SABIH; MANSOOR S All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,116.34 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,122.59 P.O. NO.: 1700001 208144 3442098 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 16-1207 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JOAN E. BRASSEUR, TRUSTEE FRANCIS T. BRASSEUR AND JOAN E BRASSEUR LIVING TRUST the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year o f i ssuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 4473-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402209378021 Description of Property: PCH 026 0768 0007 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 26 BLK 768 LT 7 N ame in which assessed: EMERY, ROBERT W.; EMERY, MARY All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 27th day of June, 2017. Dated this 21st day of February, 2 017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/10/2017, 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,215.88 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,222.13 P.O. NO.: 1601207 208144 3441382 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0002 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6636-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402223453001 Description of Property: PCH 009 0496 0002 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 9 BLK 496 LT 2 Name in which assessed: RAMSEY BUILDING CORPORATION, A FLORIDA CORPORATION; RAMSEY BUILDING CORPORATION A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at w in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,188.26 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,194.51 P.O. NO.: 1700002 208144 3442107 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0023 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17237-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422303454006 Description of Property: TROP G A UN 4 BLK 52 LT 12 Name in which assessed: CASKEY, ROBERT L.; CASKEY, MARILYN E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,367.59 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,373.84 P.O. NO.: 1700023 208144 3443446


Monday, April 24, 2017 Page 5 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0003 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that P REI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the s aid certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the d escription of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6759-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402224305006 Description of Property: PCH 013 1299 0010 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 13 BLK 1299 LT 10 Name in which assessed: W ALFALL, AMY V., AS TRUSTEE OF THE WALFALL FAMILY TRUST D ATED SEPTEMBER 13, 1992 AND RESTATED SEPTEMBER 16, 2 008; WALFALL AMY V TR A ll of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate s hall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold t o the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 0 4/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,297.01 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,303.26 P.O. NO.: 1700003 208144 3442119 GreatDealsin theClassifieds! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0004 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 6770-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402224326005 Description of Property: PCH 013 1299 0011 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 13 BLK 1299 LT 11 Name in which assessed: W ALFALL, AMY V., AS TRUSTEE OF THE WALFALL FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 13, 1992 AND RESTATED SEPTEMBER 16, 2008; WALFALL AMY V TR A ll of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,297.01 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,303.26 P.O. NO.: 1700004 208144 3442128 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0005 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 7136-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 402230203008 Description of Property: PCH 037 2202 0008 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 37 BLK 2202 LT 8 Name in which assessed: BACHMANN, MARIE; BACHMANN, FREDERICK; BACHMANN, F A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,083.01 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,089.26 P.O. NO.: 1700005 208144 3442148 3132 TAX DEEDS .N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0006 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 3979-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402205201008 Description of Property: PCH 017 0920 0008 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 17 BLK 920 LT 8 Name in which assessed: GORDON, TREVOR All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,334.39 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,340.64 P.O. NO.: 1700006 208144 3443321 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0008 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 15067-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422104404012 Description of Property: RVL 000 0032 0013 ROTONDA V ILLAS BLK 32 LT 13 Name in which assessed: INGRAM, EDWIN B. JR.; INGRAM, S ALLY E. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,332.16 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,338.41 P.O. NO.: 1700008 208144 3443328 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0009 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PREI LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 15162-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422105184002 Description of Property: RVL 000 0015 0082 ROTONDA V ILLAS BLK 15 LT 82 Name in which assessed: ROCHFORD, ELFREIDA L. A/K/A ELFREIDA R. ROCHFORD A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,560.74 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,566.99 P.O. NO.: 1700009 208144 3443332 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0010 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17239-2014 3132 TAX DEEDS Y ear o f I ssuance: J un01 2014 Tax ID: 422311152008 Description of Property: TROP G A UN 10 BLK 170 LT 42 Name in which assessed: NADZIEJA, MARK All of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate s hall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 0 4/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,571.05 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,577.30 P.O. NO.: 1700010 208144 3443335 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0011 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that J EANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate n umber and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17148-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402101305003 Description of Property: PCH 022 1106 0011 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 22 BLK 1106 LT 11 Name in which assessed: PITCHER, GEORGE W. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 7,023.88 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $7,030.13 P.O. NO.: 1700011 208144 3443342 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0012 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17201-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402210329023 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 27 BLK 1430 LT 17 Name in which assessed: MCLAFFERTY, WILLIAM; MCLAFFERTY, MARYANNE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,966.93 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,973.18 P.O. NO.: 1700012 208144 3443349 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0013 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17146-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402335128025 Description of Property: LDU 000 0000 0042 LINDUE LOT 42 Name in which assessed: BRICK, LONNIE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to 3132 TAX DEEDS the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or t hereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,996.07 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 6,002.32 P.O. NO.: 1700013 208144 3443351 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0014 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that J EANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate n umber and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17482-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412126311008 Description of Property: PCH 094 5031 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 94 1ST REP B LK 5031 LT 21 Name in which assessed: A NDERSON, DONALD SR.; A NDERSON, VERONICA M.; A NDERSON, VERONICA A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,104.10 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $8,110.35 P.O. NO.: 1700014 208144 3443353 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0015 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17483-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412126376004 Description of Property: PCH 094 5032 0011 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 94 1ST REP BLK 5032 LT 11 Name in which assessed: DYER, ERIK; DYER, SUSAN M. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 8,059.47 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $8,065.72 P.O. NO.: 1700015 208144 3443360 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0016 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17238-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422303476001 Description of Property: TROP G ACRES UN 2 BLK 30 LT 15 Name in which assessed: CASKEY, MARILYN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton ClkfhCiiC 3132 TAX DEEDS C lerk o f the C ircuit C ourt B y: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 0 5/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,929.56 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 3,935.81 P.O. NO.: 1700016 208144 3443380 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0017 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that J SM HOLDING CORP PENSION P LAN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate n umber and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11753-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412116103007 Description of Property: PCH 058 4207 0036 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4207 LT 36 Name in which assessed: SUBRATIE, NADIA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2 017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2 017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,894.90 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,901.15 P.O. NO.: 1700017 208144 3443388 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0018 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JSM HOLDING CORP PENSION PLAN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2523-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402120402001 Description of Property: ELJ 003 0000 0053 EL JOBEAN W ARD 3 PLAN 1 LT 53 Name in which assessed: HELK, ROSEL M., TRUSTEE OF THE ROSEL MARIE HELK REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JANUARY 28, 1999; HELK ROSEL TRUSTEE A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 945.92 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $952.17 P.O. NO.: 1700018 208144 3443406 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0019 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JSM HOLDING CORP PENSION PLAN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 13782-2013 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 412132460005 Description of Property: RMD 000 0053 0005 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 53 LT 5 Name in which assessed: HARPER, LUCILLE A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,590.85 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,597.10 P.O. NO.: 1700019 208144 3443417 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0020 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JSM HOLDING CORP PENSION P LAN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the d escription of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 14426-2012 Y ear of Issuance: May-31-2012 Tax ID: 412132182010 Description of Property: RMD 000 0023 0005 ROTONDA M EADOWS BLK 23 LT 5 Name in which assessed: PABST, KARL; PABST, LESLIE A.; P ABST, RITA All of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate s hall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at m i n accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 0 4/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,936.93 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,943.18 P.O. NO.: 1700020 208144 3443423 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0021 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JSM HOLDING CORP PENSION PLAN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12731-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412132278004 Description of Property: RMD 000 0069 0007 ROTONDA MEADOWS BLK 69 LT 7 Name in which assessed: MERCHAN, CONSUELO; SCHIBLI, V ICTORIA PEREZ DE; VELANDIA, NELSON All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,773.22 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,779.47 P.O. NO.: 1700021 208144 3443438 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0022 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that KASPERS ENTERPRISE LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 9584-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402419108002 Description of Property: RIH 005 0000 0716 RIDGE HARBOR 5TH ADD LT 716 Name in which assessed: RIVERSIDE HOMES OF S.W. FLORIDA, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION; RIVERSIDE HOMES OF SW FL INC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,128.76 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,135.01 P.O. NO.: 1700022 208144 3443439


Page 6 Monday, April 24, 2017 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0024 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JAMES AMENDOLA the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 8926-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402322101002 Description of Property: HARB HTS SEC 5 BLK 113 LTS 5 6 Name in which assessed: EMAD, SALAMEH A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at w in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., o r thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,764.86 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,771.11 P.O. NO.: 1700024 208144 3443452 NEEDCASH? NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0025 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TWO STEP PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT, INC. PROFIT SHARING PLAN the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12567-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412107431011 Description of Property: PCH 095 5175 0015 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 BLK 5175 LT 15 Name in which assessed: CORFU HOMES, INC., A FLORIDA CORPORATION; CORFU HOMES INC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold t o the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 11th day of July, 2017. Dated this 27th day of February, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/17/2017, 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,976.56 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,982.81 P.O. NO.: 1700025 208144 3443454 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0026 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that CB PALM BEACH LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 8442-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402310155005 Description of Property: HBH 011 236A 0013 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 3 REP BLK 236-A LT 13 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC, A FLORIDA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; KB HOME FORT MYERS LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 1,643.77 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $1,650.02 P.O. NO.: 1700026 208144 3445389 ADVERTISE! N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0027 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ANITA VARSHNEY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5471-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402212426018 Description of Property: PCH 012 1606 0005 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 12 BLK 1606 LT 5 Name in which assessed: USREY, BILLIE KAY; USREY, ELLEN JEAN; USREY, JIMMY MICHAEL All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,886.45 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,892.70 P.O. NO.: 1700027 208144 3445399 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0028 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that A NITA VARSHNEY the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 5348-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402211480001 Description of Property: PCH 051 3183 0014 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3183 LT 14 Name in which assessed: SPENCER, DIANE L. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,537.70 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,543.95 P.O. NO.: 1700028 208144 3445415 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0029 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GEORGE STOECKERT the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 2837-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402128282003 Description of Property: ELJ 001 0000 0175 EL JOBEAN WARD 1 LT 175 & W 1/2 LT 176 Name in which assessed: JOHNSON, ANN All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,849.09 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,855.34 P.O. NO.: 1700029 208144 3445431 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0030 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that KASPERS ENTERPRISE LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 14697-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412129354003 Description of Property: RSC 001 0014 0008 ROTONDA SANDS UN l BLK 14 COMM LT 8 Name in which assessed: COMOLETTI, DONALD FRANCIS A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 13,783.28 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $13,789.53 P.O. NO.: 1700030 208144 3445438 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0031 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that BEVERLEY TOWNSEND the holder of the following certificate has f iled the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 8962-2011 Year of Issuance: May-31-2011 Tax ID: 402322153011 Description of Property: HRBR HTS SEC 4 PT 1 BLK 82 LTS 13 14 Name in which assessed: RIGLEY, JUNE A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., o r thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT:.4,637.17 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,643.42 P.O. NO.: 1700031 208144 3445447 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0032 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DIANA ROSETT the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 13145-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412117231007 Description of Property: PCH 058 4201 0007 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4201 LTS 7 & 8 Name in which assessed: TARPON IV, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 11,448.75 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $11,455.00 P.O. NO.: 1700032 208144 3445455 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0033 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DIANA ROSETT the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 13282-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412117485012 Description of Property: PCH 058 4254 0023 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4254 LTS 23 24 Name in which assessed: GREENFILED, YZAK GABRIEL A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 11,542.18 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $11,548.43 P.O. NO.: 1700033 208144 3445466 3132 TAX DEEDS NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0034 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that DIANA ROSETT the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 19923-2010 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 422302277004 Description of Property: TGA 007 0124 0043 TROP G A UN 7 BLK 124 LTS 43 44 Name in which assessed: KLEINTANK, CHARLES A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, F lorida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,281.83 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,288.08 P.O. NO.: 1700034 208144 3445481 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0035 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GREEN TAX FUNDING 2 the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a ta x deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 9227-2013 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2013 Tax ID: 411902627003 Description of Property: KOC 000 0002 0008 KO-KO-KAI BLDG 2 UN 8 Name in which assessed: ROCHE, STEVE A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., o r thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 15,604.26 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $15,610.51 P.O. NO.: 1700035 208144 3445490


Monday, April 24, 2017 Page 7 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0036 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the s aid certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17204-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402230129007 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 37 BLK 2207 LT 12 Name in which assessed: SONDHEIMER, JOYCE All of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or t hereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,821.01 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,827.26 P.O. NO.: 1700036 208144 3445495 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0037 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17202-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402211129008 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 51 BLK 3224 LT 9 Name in which assessed: MATEO, ALEXANDER; GOMEZ, CLARISA T. All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of F lorida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 5,166.50 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $5,172.75 P.O. NO.: 1700037 208144 3445512 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0038 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and t he names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17189-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402202352007 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 50 BLK 3153 LT 20 Name in which assessed: RYAN, ROBERT G.; RYAN, STEPHANIE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 6,320.53 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $6,326.78 P.O. NO.: 1700038 208144 3445524 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0039 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was 3132 TAX DEEDS assessed are as f ollows: Certificate No.: 17188-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402130483003 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 56 BLK 1863 LT 8 Name in which assessed: RUBIO, NELDY DUARTE All of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,226.65 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 4,232.90 P.O. NO.: 1700039 208144 3445529 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0040 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JEANNE W. DIAS ROCKY OAKS HOLDINGS LLC the holder of the f ollowing certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 17184-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 402116477012 Description of Property: PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 59 BLK 2973 LTS 1 & 2 Name in which assessed: MCKEE-JOY, JUDITH A. F/K/A JUDITH A. MCKEE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 7,268.11 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $7,274.36 P.O. 1.10.: 1700040 208144 3445544 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0041 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that CB PALM BEACH LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the p roperty, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 8441-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402310155004 Description of Property: HBH 011 236A 0014 HRBR HTS SEC 11 PT 3 REP BLK 236-A LT 14 Name in which assessed: KB HOME FORT MYERS, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILIT Y COMPANY; KB HOME FORT MYERS LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,139.15 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,145.40 P.O. NO.: 1700041 208144 3445558 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0042 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GORDON D. SPLETE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10167-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002161008 Description of Property: PCH 062 3590 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3590 LT 21 Name in which assessed: KENNEDY, MAUREEN A ll of said property being in the 3132 TAX DEEDS C ounty o f C harlotte, S tate o f Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to t he highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or t hereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 0 5/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,279.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,286.21 P.O. NO.: 1700042 208144 3445561 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0043 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GORDON D. SPLETE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10166-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002161007 Description of Property: PCH 062 3590 0020 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3590 LT 20 Name in which assessed: KENNEDY, MAUREEN A ll of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,279.96 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,286.21 P.O. NO.: 1700043 208144 3445569 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0044 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GORDON D. SPLETE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10162-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002156010 Description of Property: PCH 062 3582 0024 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3582 LT 24 Name in which assessed: RUFUS CORPORATION N.V., A NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION; RUFUS CORP N V A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to t he law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,967.60 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,973.85 P.O. NO.: 1700044 208144 3445579 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0045 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GORDON D. SPLETE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10161-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002156009 Description of Property: PCH 062 3582 0023 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3582 LT 23 Name in which assessed: RUFUS CORPORATION N.V., A NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION; RUFUS CORP N V All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 3132 TAX DEEDS 20 17. D ated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,984.70 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 4,990.95 P.O. NO.: 1700045 208144 3445585 ADVERTISE In TheClassifieds! N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0046 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GORDON D. SPLETE the holder of t he following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the p roperty, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10130-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412001452003 Description of Property: PCH 063 3734 0015 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 63 BLK 3734 LT 15 Name in which assessed: LOISEL, DAVID S.; LOISEL, TAMMY A/K/A TAMMY LOISEL-PROCTOR All of said property being in the C ounty of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at m in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or t hereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,960.80 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,967.05 P.O. NO.: 1700046 208144 3445591 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0047 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that GORDON D. SPLETE the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10149-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002129004 Description of Property: PCH 086 4836 0004 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 86 BLK 4836 LT 4 Name in which assessed: BESEDA, LUDMILLA A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,887.62 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,893.87 P.O. NO.: 1700047 208144 3445592 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0048 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 7970-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 402303379016 Description of Property: PUNTA GORDA ISLES SEC 20 BLK 523 LT 5 Name in which assessed: THE 496 ENCARNACION TRUST, A LAND TRUST; 496 ENCARNACION TRUST A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton 3132 TAX DEEDS C lerk o f the C ircuit C ourt By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,760.98 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $ 4,404.11 P.O. NO.: 1700048 208144 3445596 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0049 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JOHN A. GALBRAITH the holder of t he following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the p roperty, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 12590-2012 Year of Issuance: May-31-2012 Tax ID: 412117231004 Description of Property: PCH 058 4201 0004 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4201 LT 4 N ame in which assessed: CALVERT, GREGORY R. A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate s hall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at i n accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 3,722.83 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $3,729.08 P.O. NO.: 1700049 208144 3445605 Classified=Sales NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0050 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JOHN A. GALBRAITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11093-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412116179021 Description of Property: PCH 058 4216 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 58 BLK 4216 LT 21 Name in which assessed: VLANTIS, GEORGE All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in s uch certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45 Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,897.65 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,903.90 P.O. NO.: 1700050 208144 3445610 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0051 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that JOHN A. GALBRAITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 11892-2014 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 412123305011 Description of Property: PCH 094 4997 0012 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 94 1ST REP BLK 4997 LT 12 Name in which assessed: DIAZ, SECUNDO; DIAZ, CRISTINA A ll of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 2,268.60 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $2,274.85 P.O. NO.: 1700051 208144 3445626 3132 TAX DEEDS N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0053 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that THOMAS SMITH the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate n umber and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 14849-2014 Y ear of Issuance: Jun-01-2014 Tax ID: 422016478008 Description of Property: SBD 000 000A 0021 SEABOARD B LK A BEG AT SE COR LOT 21 TH W /LY ON S B DRY 300 FT TO POB TH CONT W/LY 75 FT TH N 50 FT TH E 75 FT TH S 50 FT TO POB AKA P 11 Name in which assessed: WEBER, VERONICA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate s hall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold t o the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk P UBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 11,206.17 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $11,212.42 P.O. NO.: 1700053 208144 3445630 N O TI C E O F APPLI C ATI O N F O R TAX DEED 17-0054 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed t o be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 10223-2010 Year of Issuance: Jun-01-2010 Tax ID: 412002307024 Description of Property: PCH 062 3577 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 62 BLK 3577 LT 21 Name in which assessed: JASIVKOVICH, ALEXANDER; JASIVKOVICH, ALLA All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at m in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 4,579.12 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $4,585.37 P.O. NO.: 1700054 208144 3445635 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED 17-0055 SEC. 197.512 F.S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that CB INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, LLC the holder of the following certificate has filed the said certificate for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property, and the names in which it was assessed are as follows: Certificate No.: 15747-2012 Year of Issuance: May-31-2012 Tax ID: 412305302007 Description of Property: LVS 000 000E 0009 LA VILLA BLK E LTS 9 & 10 Name in which assessed: TARPON IV, LLC All of said property being in the County of Charlotte, State of Florida. Unless the said certificate shall be redeemed according to the law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold to the highest bidder at in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes at 9:00 A.M., or thereafter on 18th day of July, 2017. Dated this 14th day of March, 2017 Roger D. Eaton Clerk of the Circuit Court By: Lori Lagios-Tuck, Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: 04/24/2017, 05/01/2017, 05/08/2017, 05/15/2017 BASE BID AMOUNT: 9,852.31 REDEMPTION AMOUNT: $9,858.56 P.O. NO.: 1700055 208144 3445638


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