Charlotte sun herald

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Charlotte sun herald
Uniform Title:
Charlotte sun herald (Charlotte Harbor, Fla. : 1995)
Running title:
Sun herald
Place of Publication:
Charlotte Harbor, FL
Sun Coast Media Group- Robert E. Lee - Publisher - Jim Gouvellis - Executive Editor
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Vol. 103, no. 225 (Aug. 13, 1995)-
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Sun herald (Charlotte Harbor, Fla. : Charlotte ed.)


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Apparent negligence by the Punta Gorda Police Department resulted in the shooting death of a senior citizen last August as she volunteered in a shoot/dont shootŽ scenario at police headquarters. The of“cer who “red the shot has been charged with felony manslaughter. He was “red and is appealing his termination this week. The citys police chief, Tom Lewis, is charged with misdemeanor culpable negligence. He is on paid administrative leave. Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigators and an outside consultant point to the lack of appropriate safety procedures. The police chief learned how to do the scenario on YouTube. And a police of“cers gun that should have been loaded with blanks, “red real bullets. 73-year-old retired librarian Mary Knowlton was shot dead by police of“cer Lee Coel last Aug. 9. She had volunteered to participate in the shoot/ dont shootŽ scenario the Punta Gorda Police Department had been running for about two years for its Citizens Academy. She would play a cop investigating a suspicious person. The citys K-9 of“cer Coel, playing the role of a perpetrator, would confront her. Coel wore dark pants and a gray hoodie. As Knowlton approached, he went for his gun. Knowlton needed to decide quickly whether to shoot him with her paintball SimunitionsŽ handgun. But Knowlton never had a chance to decide. Coel “red two bullets, then pulled the trigger a third time, apparently on an empty chamber. And then once more, “ring another round. One bullet went through the door of a police car. The other two ricocheted off the car. One hit Knowlton on the inside of an elbow. One pierced her abdomen. She died on the way to the hospital. Florida Department of Law Enforcement, or FDLE, agents were on the scene within hours. They quickly zeroed in on the circumstances that made the shooting possible, circumstances State Attorney Steve Russell described as he de“ned the misdemeanor charge brought against Punta Gorda Police Chief Tom Lewis six months later. Allegedly, on or about FDLE interviews: Police shooting result of cavalier safety attitudeBy MICHAEL HIRSH & AMY TARDIFWGCU NEWSTraining scenario learned from YouTube video; Lt. Heck said she isnt agun personŽ „ didnt know difference between blanks and wadcutters Right: From left, Accreditation Manager at Punta Gorda Police Department Gloria Sepanik and Mary Knowlton listen as Capt. Jerey Woodard explains how to hold a gun while Lt. Christopher Salsman looks on. FDLE interviews show the Punta Gorda Police department had no written protocol or safety rules for the shoot/dont shootŽ scenario it had conducted at least ve times. SUN FILE PHOTO BY SUE PAQUININTERVIEWS | 4 Lieutenant Christopher Salsman Chief Tom Lewis Captain Jason Ciaschini Captain Jerey Woodard Officer Lee Coel Lieutenant Katie Heck PHOTO PROVIDEDPunta Gorda Police Ocer Lee Coel confronts Mary Knowlton during a shoot/dont shootŽ role-play scenario on Aug. 9, 2016, during a Citizens Academy. FDLE interviews reveal that the same scenario had been conducted at least four times with Ocer Coel acting as the perpetrator. No one was assigned to check Coels gun, no one patted him down to be certain he wasnt carrying another gun he might accidentally use. No one questioned Coels use of his personally owned .38-caliber revolver. SUN FILE PHOTO BY SUE PAQUINAbove: Punta Gorda Police Chief Tom Lewis with Mary Knowlton and Capt. Jerey Woodard during the Citizens Academy moments before Ocer Lee Coel shot and killed Knowlton on Aug. 9, 2016. PHOTO BY MICHAEL HIRSHState Attorney for the 20th Judicial Circuit in Florida, Steve Russell. Listen to FDLE interviews online at understandable privacy reasons, this is a story about a reader Ill call Henry.Ž The 88-year-old told me he has eight credit cards, with a total outstanding balance of about $30,000. A few months ago, Henry said he received a letter from Texas-based United Debt Counselors, offering to reduce his debt by 30 percent. Instead of making payments to the credit card companies, $585 a month would be transferred out of his checking account automatically. United Debt would use these funds to negotiate, and pay, the promised reduced credit card debt. Henry said someone came to his home, where he signed some paperwork. But after three months of automatic withdrawals, Henry couldnt get the status of his accounts. Hes questioning whether the companys legitimate.Ž Henrys concern came shortly after I received a press release from the Federal Trade Commission: FTC Reaches Settlement with Nationwide Debt Relief Provider.Ž The company was United Debt Counselors, also known as United Debt Services. The FTC alleged that rather than meeting with a required, experienced sales representative to explain its debt relief program, United Debt sent notaries public, who had scant product knowledge, to show a sales video and witness contract signings.Ž The company then charged advance fees before they negotiated any savings on credit card debts. Such advance fees violate the FTCs Telemarketing Sales Rule, unless consumers “rst meet face-to-face with a knowledgeable sales representative who can fully describe the program and answer questions.Ž In the settlement, United Debt Counselors was “ned, and banned from these practices. Debt relief service scams target consumers with signi“cant credit card debt by falsely promising to negotiate with their creditors to settle or otherwise reduce consumers' repayment obligations,Ž Promised debt relief makes matters worseDAVID | 4 David MORRISCOLUMNISTAttorneys working on behalf of the Police Benevolent Association attempted to appeal the termination of former Punta Gorda Police Of“cer Lee Coels employment on Thursday morning. After seven months on paid administrative leave, Coel was “red from the Punta Gorda Police Department on March 9 by Human Resources Manager Phil Wickstrom. Coel has pleaded not guilty to a negligent manslaughter charge for the death of Mary Knowlton at the Aug. 9 public demonstration. Investigative reports from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement revealed that Coel loaded his gun with .38 caliber wadcutters, which are ”at-front bullets designed for punching circular holes in paper targets. He, along with Lt. Katie Heck, who supplied the bullets out of her own garage, believed they were blanks, according to FDLE interviews. One of Coels attorneys, James Brantley, said after the hearing that Coel has been singled out for disparate treatment. Theyve con“rmed during the hearing that not a single other employee of the police department or the city has received so much as a written reprimand,Ž he said. So the question is why Of“cer Lee Coel would be the only person held responsible for the events of August of last year that resulted in Ms. Knowltons death.ŽPunta Gorda Police officers employment still in limboBy ANNE EASKERSTAFF WRITER LIMBO | 4CALL US AT941-206-1000CHARLOTTE SUN Pulitzer Prize winner2016 AN EDITION OF THE SUNVOL. 125 | NO. 111AMERICAS BEST COMMUNITY DAILY 0 percent chance of rainHigh 88 Low 60$1.50 www.yoursun.comTodays weather:www.yoursun.comFIND US ONLINE THE SUN: Calendar ..............10 Crosswords ............7 Local Sports ........12 Obituaries .............5 Police Beat ............7 Viewpoint .........8-9 SPORTS: Lotto .....................2 USA TODAY: Money ................5 Nation .............1-4 State ..................7 Weather ..........10 CLASSIFIED: Comics ........9-12 Dear Abby .....12 TV Listings ......13 CHARLIE SAYS ...I just found an Easter egg in my swamp. INSIDE 705252000258Daily Edition $1.50 GOOD MORNING Friday, April 21, 2017 TENNESSEE GIRL FOUND SAFE, TEACHER ARRESTEDThe 15-year-old Tennessee girl who disappeared with her teacher, 50-year-old Tad Cummins, more than a month ago was found safe at a commune in California and the teacher was arrested. See USA Today


Our Town Page 2 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSPublisher ...................................Robert E. Lee ...............................941-206-1006 Executive Editor ........................Jim Gouvellis ...............................941-206-1134 Advertising Manager ................Mike Ruiz ....................................941-205-6402 Circulation Director ...................Mark Yero ....................................941-206-1300 Arcadian Editor .........................Steve Bauer .................................863-494-0300 Arcadian Publisher ....................Joe Gallimore ..............................863-494-0300 Charlotte Sun Editor ..................Garry Overbey .............................941-206-1127 North Port Sun Publisher ..........Steve Sachkar ..............................941-564-3284 North Port Sun Editor ................Scott Lawson ...............................941-429-3002 Englewood Sun Publisher .........Carol Y. Moore .............................941-681-3031 Englewood Sun Editor .................Chris Porter .................................941-681-3022 Editorial Page Editor ....................Steve Baumann ...........................941-681-3003 SUN NEWSPAPERSMember of Alliance for Audited Media For vacation holds, please call Customer Service at 941-206-1300. SUBSCRIPTIONS Home Delivery Rates: Newspaper designated market: City ZoneCarrier home delivered 7 days. Rates as follows plus 7% Florida Sales Tax: Monthly Bank/ Credit Card .........................$40.50 3 Months ..........................$121.50 6 Months ..........................$243.00 1 Year ...............................$485.99Does not include Waterline and TV Times. Above rates do not include sales tax.Mail subscription rates: Rates as follows (advance payment required): 7 Days 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $154.07 $276.35 $492.11 Sunday Only 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $71.89 $144.61 $243.54 Single Copy rates Daily $1.50 Sunday $3.00 Unclaimed account balances under $10, inactive for 15 months, will be used to purchase newspapers for classroom use. Sun Newspapers CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY Delivery should be expected prior to 6:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. Sunday. Redelivery hours: 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Customer Service hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Friday; Saturday 7a.m. to 10 a.m.; and Sunday 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. To subscribe or to report any problems with your service, please call 941-206-1300 or toll-free at 877-818-6204. You may visit our office at: 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. The SUN (USPS 743170) is published daily at Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2100. Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the SUN, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100.A modi“ed bill to put additional limits on Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs) advanced Wednesday in the House Government Accountability Committee. Local governments use CRAs to promote affordable housing, economic development, health and safety in under-served neighborhoods. They hold a set percentage of property taxes paid by residents of a community, investing that money „ also known as tax incremental funding (TIF) „ back into the area. Sponsored by Valrico Republican Jake Raburn (HB 13), the bill originally would have eliminated all CRAs formed after July 1, prohibit CRAs from taking on any new projects or debts after Oct. 1 and end all the states CRAs by 2037. However, that proposal received furious pushback from local of“cials throughout Florida. In St. Petersburg, Mayor Rick Kriseman held a news conference last week condemning the bill, saying that the legislation would harm efforts for South St. Petes CRA. The problem came from the excesses of one particular CRA in Miami, Kriseman said. A grand jury there found that insuf“cient oversight of CRAs and a lack of citizen input in their operation created the opportunity for those funds to act as a slush fundŽ for elected of“cials pet projects. Raburns new bill would allow for the creation of CRAs to continue, but only by having a local government of“cial get buy-in from a state legislator, who would have to pass it as a local bill. His measure also limits what a CRA can spend their funds on. Many provisions of the bill were positively received, like required ethics training for CRA commission members and mandatory reporting on annual project expenditures, debts and outcomes. Even legislators on the committee who voted against it said 80 percent of the bill was solid. Coconut Creek Democrat Kristin Jacobs said she found that creating an onerousŽ list of projects where CRA funds can be used was very limitingŽ to what the programs can do. Committee Chair Matt Caldwell, a Republican from Lehigh Acres, pushed back on criticism that having a state legislator “le a bill for CRAs was limiting the power of home rule. Local governments cannot do this on their own,Ž he said because the structure of a CRA was created by the state government in the “rst place. If the statute did not exist, then none of the TIF “nance structure would be a legal structure for local government. So having restrictions I dont think is an affront to home rule.Ž In his closing, Raburn cited some of the noted excesses from CRAs over the years, such as the fact that 80 percent of the TIF revenues in Miami went to administrative costs, not to fund projects that reduce slum or affordable housing. He said that a CRA in Melbourne has been around since 1982, and was extended in 2007 (when it was set to expire) until 2042, giving it a life of 60 years. If you cant address slum and blight in your community in 25 years, whats to say that you can do it in the next 35 years?Ž Raburn asked. Brandon Republican Tom Lees companion bill, SB 1770, has the same transparency and accountability measures as the House bill, but offers an alternative to eliminating all CRAs, and added the amendment (now adopted by the House bill) that a super-majority vote of council or board members to create new CRAs or extend the life of an existing one beyond 2037. The bill was voted down Tuesday by a Senate Committee but was subsequently temporarily postponed. Nevertheless, the odds of it advancing there appear bleak.House advances bill giving power to state legislators for CRAsBy MITCH PERRYFLORIDA POLITICS LOCAL CRASCharlotte County has three CRAs: Charlotte Harbor, Murdock Village and Parkside. The City of Punta Gorda has a CRA for its downtown area. Sarasota County has three CRAs: one for the Sarasota County portion of Englewood and two in the city of Sarasota, Downtown and Newtown.NORTH PORT „ A health care advocate says a vote in the Florida House of Representatives to repeal the Certi“cate of Need for hospitals was a long time coming. Sam George, chair of North Ports Community Health Action Team, believes Florida should follow suit with what other states have done by repealing it. In a decisive vote, the House moved Wednesday to eliminate CoN requirements for hospitals and hospital services as well as the process required for increasing bed capacity. The bill „ H.B. 7 „ has the state assuming responsibility for issuing new and additional licenses to health care providers, terminating the procedure mandated by Agency for Health Care Administration„ the programs governing agent. Other states have done away with (CoN) and its about time we understand its not a cost-saving measure, but its costing us money,Ž George said. He referred to a Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice review in 2004 that found CoNs are not successful in containing health care costs. ... There is considerable evidence that CoN programs can actually increase prices by fostering an anticompetitive barriers to entry.Ž Established in 1973, the law has undergone significant changes over time and has been repealed by 14 states, including California and Texas. The landslide Florida vote could open up health care opportunities for the largest city in Sarasota County and the largest in Florida without a full-scale hospital „ North Port. Any time you make a road straight, its easier to travel down. There are less obstacles in the way,Ž said Chris Hanks, a North Port city commissioner and member of CHAT who ran his campaign on a health care platform. There is growing support to get rid of something that is antiquated,Ž he added. After receiving early pushback from segments of the health care community, bill sponsor, Rep. Alex Miller, R-Sarasota, removed components from the measure to repeal CoN requirements for nursing homes and hospices and speci“cally focused on hospitals. Former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama both pushed for repealing the law. In appealing to colleagues before the vote, Miller said it would lower barriers to entry, increase access to health care and promote healthy competition.Ž A similar measure „ S.B. 676 „ has been introduced in the Senate but has yet to gain much traction. Fourteen days remain in the current session. In a report of 50 hospitals in the country with the highest markup of prices over actual costs, Johns Hopkins indicates 8 of the top 20 hospitals, including 5 in the top 10, are in Florida. Should the Senate follow suit with a repeal, its expected to deal a signi“cant “nancial blow to AHCA. In “scal year 201516, CoN fees for hospitals alone comprised 33 percent „ $662,268 „ of the agencys revenue. However, that loss, according to House analysis, will be offset by a reduction in workload and savings in litigation expenses from defending its decisions to award or deny a CoN. And those fees, according to data, can range up to $35,000 per case. Rep. Julio Gonzalez, R-Venice, said there are four pending lawsuits in Sarasota and Charlotte counties alone and one city „ North Port „ in de“nite need. With mounting lawsuits and health care monopolies multiplying, he says its emblematic of a disastrous situation.Ž Attention has shifted across the isle and to Republican Sen. Rob Bradleys bill, which essentially aims to accomplish the same thing. With little movement and only a couple weeks until session expires, speculation is circulating as to what will happen next. At this point, its all about the Senate,Ž Gonzalez said Thursday. We resoundingly and consistently voted in favor of repealing CoN. Its a strong ray of hope. ƒ But the true signi“cance is when the Senate provides their vote. Its dif“cult to know where the other chamber stands on controversial issues. From what Im hearing, it will be close. I have no con“dence one way or the other,Ž he added. George is not pessimistic, though. Im optimistic this is our year,Ž he said. Sensing lawmakers receptiveness to repeal the law, George said CHAT and the city of North Port have had recent discussions with four different medical groups in hopes of bringing a hospital or medical village to the city. They recognize the economic growth and they want to get in on the ground ”oor,Ž said Hanks, adding the proposed Atlanta Braves spring training facility in the West Villages has accelerated talks. It puts us in the spotlight. Before we tried to do everything ourselves, but now, we have more than one (hospital) interested. Those health care businesses want to get involved and grab the market share before someone else does. The pendulum is swinging in North Ports direction,Ž he added.Email: jscholles@sun-herald.comHouse votes to repeal Certificate of Need for hospitalsBy JONATHAN SCHOLLESSTAFF WRITER GEORGE HANKS GONZALEZ Find it in the CLASSIFIEDS! LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? 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Our Town Page 4 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 August 9th of 2016, did unlawfully in Charlotte County, through culpable negligence expose Mary Knowlton to personal injury by failing to implement and utilize suf“cient safety protocols contrary to Florida Statute,Ž said Russell. FDLE Special Agents questioned all the witnesses. They interviewed Punta Gorda Police Lieutenant and Director of Employee Development, Recruitment and Training Christopher Salsman just after midnight. He told the FDLE there were four senior of“cers involved: Chief Tom Lewis, Capt. Jeffrey Woodard, Capt. (now acting Chief) Jason Ciaschini and himself. The FDLE interviews show the agents focused on the .38 caliber revolver used in the shooting, and whether or not anyone had conducted safety checks beforehand on Of“cer Lee Coel and on that gun. Special Agent Mike Ortiz questioned Lieutenant Salsman. Ortiz: Did anybody „ say a safety of“cer „ did the safety of“cer, do you know „ did they check that gun beforehand?Ž Salsman: I dont know which of“cer was checking the weapon with him when it was loaded.Ž Ortiz: Okay. But was it normal for somebody toƒŽ Salsman: Absolutely.Ž Ortiz: Would that have been your purview or would that have been Captain Woodards purview? Would he „ Ž Salsman: Well, in „ in this „ in this particular case it wouldve been „ it would have been incumbent on both of us.Ž Ortiz: OK was that done? Was his weapon checked prior to the exercise?Ž Salsman: No, because by the time I had gotten out there the scenario had already been set.Ž Ortiz: OK. So „Ž Salsman: So my presumption was that „ that because everything was already in place, that those safety checks had already been completed.Ž Agent Mike Ortiz also questioned Punta Gorda Police Capt. Jeffrey Woodard, who oversees the everyday functions of nearly all the departments sworn of“cers. The interview quickly focused on a safety check. Ortiz: So you had a „ a talk with him. Um, any type of safety check?Ž Woodard: No, sir.Ž Ortiz: „with?Ž Woodard: He „ he did tell me that he had his, um, gun in „ in his waistband.Ž Ortiz: Which gun?Ž Woodard: The gun that he was going to use for the scenario.Ž Ortiz: OK. Did you do any weapons check?Ž Woodard: I did not. I went in, umƒŽ Ortiz: Weapons check of his weapon that he was „ in his waistband?Ž Woodard: I did not.Ž Ortiz: Did you ask him if he had any other duty weapons on him or any other weapons?Ž Woodard: No, sir, I did not.Ž Ortiz: You do any pat down on him?Ž Woodard: No, sir, I did not.Ž Ortiz: Who „ who „ who was in control of the scenario?Ž Woodard: Um, Im not.Ž Ortiz: Whose „ whose scenario was it? Somebody owned that scenario. Who „ who owned it?Ž Woodard: I dont think that that was ever discussed.Ž The interviews show the department had no written protocol for a scenario it had conducted at least “ve times. No safety rules. No playbook. In a follow-up interview a week after the incident, FDLE Special Agent Patrick Crough asked Capt. Jeffrey Woodard how they learned to do the shoot/dont shootŽ scenario. Crough: Who makes up those training scenarios?Ž Woodard: The scenarios, to the best of my recollection, they came off of a YouTube „ um, they were YouTube scenarios that some other agency did.Ž Crough: Okay. And who in this agency is the one that, uh, gleaned or distilled what „ that information from YouTube then put it into play here?Ž Woodard: Um, I believe it was the Chief.Ž Crough: The Chief himself?Ž Woodard: I believe so. Yes, sir.Ž Crough: Okay.Ž Woodard: He was „ he would have been the Captain at the time.Ž Crough: Okay. Got you.Ž The problem with copying scenarios off of YouTube is that only the fun stuff is on the screen. You can watch any number of them without seeing any of the planning, or the safety checks on the of“cer playing the role of suspect. The transcripts of the FDLE interviews show no one was assigned to check Of“cer Lee Coels gun for the demo. No one patted him down to be certain he wasnt carrying another gun he might accidentally use. No one questioned why Coel was using his personally owned .38-caliber revolver instead of, for example, a department-owned starter pistol that just goes BANG but cannot “re bullets. And no one looked inside Of“cer Coels revolver. If they had they would have seen it was loaded with .38 caliber wadcutters rather than blanks. The NRA Blog de“nes wadcutters as ”at-front bullets designed to punch distinct circular holes in paper targets. City records show that in February of 2016 the Punta Gorda Police department purchased three boxes of .38-caliber Winchester blanks for Coel to use while training his police dog. The FDLE report on the shooting says he had those blanks in the rear of his K-9 car. But on the night of the shooting, hed loaded the gun with the wadcutters. They werent department-issued bullets. FDLE investigators wanted to know where he got them. The answer came in their interviews with Lieutenant Katie Heck, the departments community relations of“cer. Her husband is a Charlotte County Sheriffs lieutenant. And her interview with Special Agents Patrick Crough and Gary Negrinelli revealed he had lots of ammunition stored in their home. Crough: Was there ever a time you remember where you supplied him with blanks, that you handed him blanks?Ž Heck: Yes.Ž Crough: Okay. When was that?Ž Heck: Um, it was when I moved, cause we cleaned out all of our ammo.Ž Crough: Sure.Ž Heck: So we moved July 4th weekend. So it was some time the second week of July; I gave him a box. It was de“nitely a small one.Ž Crough: Uh-huh.Ž Heck: And it was of blanks, and they were left over from my husband.Ž Crough: Okay.Ž Heck: Cause we just determined there was no „ we didnt need them.Ž Negrinelli: Um, any other kind of ammo that you ever, uh, gave him?Ž Heck: No.Ž Negrinelli: Just those blanks.Ž Heck: Uh-huh.Ž The problem was, the bullets werent blanks and the agents knew it. The FDLE reports the box was labeled with the code for hollow base wadcutters. But Heck, who told the agents she isnt a gun person,Ž told them she didnt know the difference. According to a report by an outside committee created by Punta Gordas City Manager and chaired by Cape Corals retired Police Chief, Lee Coels use of ammunition obtained from someone other than the departments armorer constitutes a clear violation of the policy that was in place at that time.Ž When State Attorney Steve Russell announced the charges against Coel and Chief Lewis, many Punta Gorda residents expressed outrage that others whose actions appear to have contributed to Mary Knowltons death were not also charged. But Russell said deciding whether or not to bring charges „ and against whom „ is a complicated procedure that focuses on whether the evidence will support a conviction. We follow a process in every case to look at the factual evidence presented to us,Ž said Russell. We look at admissible evidence. We look at those allegedly involved and then we reach a decision on the law and the facts as who may be appropriate to be charged, and at what level.Ž The FDLE interviews with high-ranking Punta Gorda of“cers exposed a cavalier attitude toward safety in a weapons exercise with more than 40 civilians and police of“cers observing. But one of the two interviews with Capt. Jeffrey Woodard revealed the scenario had been conducted at least four times with Of“cer Lee Coel acting as the perpetrator. Each time Coel had used that same, personally owned .38 revolver. No one had ever checked that weapon to determine what it was loaded with. FDLE special agent Mike Ortiz asked Capt. Woodard if Lee Coel said anything immediately after the shooting: He did make a statement,Ž said Woodard. He goes, I „ I „ I just dont understand what happened. These are the same rounds that I use all the time.Ž Three times at Citizens Academy presentations the Punta Gorda Police Department got lucky. But on Aug. 9, 2016, its luck ran out. The citys own internal affairs investigation, which could target additional of“cers, is on hold until the two criminal cases are resolved.INTERVIEWSFROM PAGE 1 Gun used by Coel.PHOTOS PROVIDEDChief Lewis speaks to Citizen Academy participants, while in the background, of ficer Lee Coel speaks to another PGPD ocer prior to the shoot/dont shoot scenario. Ocer Lee Coel makes his way to the rear of the police station to play the role of perpetrator in the shoot/dont shootŽ scenario for the Aug. 9, 2016, Citizen s Academy. FDLE interviews show the Punta Gorda Police department had no written protocol or safety rules for the shoot/dont shootŽ scenario, and they learned how to do the scenario from a YouTube video. Ammunition from Coels police vehicle. Ammunition in the rear of Coels police vehicle.cautioned the FTC. These operations often charge cash-strapped consumers a large up-front fee, but then fail to help them settle or lower their debts „ if they provide any service at all.Ž So now, Henrys out almost $1,800, and hed been ignoring his creditors for three months. He needed help. Now. But the right help. So I put him in touch with Consumer Debt Counseling (800820-9232) and its president, George Janas. Consumer Debt Counseling is a nonpro“t, National Foundation for Credit Counseling member in Florida. With nearly 600 of“ces nationwide, NFCC members adhere to strict standards of professionalism and accreditation, using only certi“ed credit counselors. Janas “rst helped Henry contact his bank to reverse at least two of those $585 automatic withdrawals, totaling $1,170. Thats because consumers have only 60 days to dispute unauthorized, or fraudulent “nancial institution transfers, which are processed through the Automatic Clearing House Network (ACH). Further transfers were canceled. Now Janas can discuss the options in Henrys best interests, considering his age and the ability to repay. These include debt management, where a counseling agency negotiates and administers a monthly creditor-approved payment plan „ with reduced interest rates and no penalties „ and completely repays what is owed. Or a debt settlement plan, where creditors agree to a lessthan-full balance payoff. However, debt settlement can severely limit access to future credit, as can the third option, of “ling bankruptcy. Search locations for NFCC members by ZIP code at or call 800-388-2227. € € € Shredding documents with personal identifying information is the mantra in helping to prevent identity theft. Take advantage of a free shredding event Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon at the Charlotte State Bank & Trusts new North Port of“ce, 4300 Aidan Lane, across Tamiami Trail from Cocoplum Village shops. The bank is asking for donations to the Salvation Army of nonperishable food or personal care items. David Morris is the Suns consumer advocate. Contact him c/o the Sun, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980, email dmorris@, or leave a message at 941-206-1114.DAVIDFROM PAGE 1 Brantley stressed that Coel was provided with the ammunition by his supervisor, and it was presented to him as blank ammunition. None of the command staff could tell the difference. According to both the FDLE investigation and the independent review by former Cape Coral Police Chief Arnold A. Gibbs, many people were responsible for the events that led to Knowltons death, but only Coel is being held responsible, he said. City of“cials have stated that administrative violations will be dealt with after the criminal cases are resolved, but Brantley asked why Coel has been “red, when Police Chief Tom Lewis is on inde“nite paid administrative leave. The question is, why isnt whats good for the goose good for the gander?Ž he asked. Why isnt the city taking the same approach with a lower-level employee, Of“cer Lee Coel?Ž Both sides have until May 15 to “le a post-hearing brief, stating their argument. Then, City Manager Howard Kunik will have 14 days to make a decision. Coel was not present at the hearing, which was closed to the public. According to Sandi Poreda, a crisis management specialist hired by the city, the “nal outcome could be anything across the spectrum of disciplinary action. She admitted that many people have expressed the opinion that the community may not feel safe if Coel stays on with the police department. However, the decision must be made in accordance with the law, as it relates to law enforcement. Whatever decision Howard makes will be in accordance with the Of“cers Bill of Rights,Ž she said. Hell try to do whats best for everyone involved.Ž Brantley said hes not sure he can see Coel continuing as a police of“cer anywhere after the life-changing events of last August. But thats not the issue,Ž he said. The issue is, if were not going to take disciplinary action against anyone else, why are we terminating his employment? Why arent accommodations being made for him as they are for other employees?Ž Coel is scheduled to appear in court for criminal case-management on May 18. Police Chief Tom Lewis, who has been charged with culpable negligence in relation to the incident, has a case-management conference on April 28.Email: LIMBOFROM PAGE 1 FROM PAGE ONE


The Sun /Friday, April 21, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 5 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS OBITUARIESCHARLOTTE Robert J. CoteRobert J. Cote died Wednesday, April 19, 2017. Arrangements are by Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home, Cemetery and Crematory, www. TufarielloDorothy JoanŽ Tufariello of Punta Gorda, Florida, passed away on Thursday, April 6, 2017, after a brief illness. She was born on Dec. 9, 1927, in the Bronx, New York, to Frank and Johannah (OConner) Reilly. Employed in New York City as a bookkeeper, Joan continued her career after relocating to Punta Gorda in 1973 with her husband, Frank TuffyŽ Tufariello. In addition to working for a local engineer and lawyer, she was proud to have worked for Barbara Scott, the Clerk of the Court. She was a member of the American Business Womens Association, The Guild of Our Lady at Sacred Heart Catholic Church and, along with her husband, she was a founding member of the Italian-American Club. She enjoyed crossword puzzles, bingo, classic movies, reading and, most of all, mahjong. Joan was quite a storyteller, with a keen memory for details. She is survived by many nieces and nephews; 14 greats; 20 great-greats; and stepchildren, Joanne Griffo of New York and Frank Tufariello Jr. of Maryland, along with their families. Joan was preceded in death by her husband, Frank; her parents; and sisters, Frances Zbrzezny and Marie Wilson. A memorial Mass will be celebrated at 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 27 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Punta Gorda. NORTH PORTThere were no deaths reported in North Port Thursday. DESOTOThere were no deaths reported in DeSoto Thursday. Richard Wade ParsonsRichard Wade DickŽ Parsons, 93, a non-smoker all his life, died at his home on the Point of Pines on Tuesday, April 18, 2017, from complications of COPD. Dick was born on Jan. 18, 1924, in Elizabeth, New Jersey, to Earle Waldon Parsons Sr. and Eleanor (Bowers) Parsons. Later, Dicks widowed father married Elsie Brown. The couple had two more children and moved to Pleasantville, New York. Dick graduated from Pleasantville High School in 1942. He spent one misguided semester at MIT before the war rescued him; he was drafted into the U.S. Army Air Force in January 1943. Dicks unit trained in Miami Beach, bunking in a luxury hotel on the beach and drilling on a golf course. He learned teletype repair at Chinook Field near Champaign, Illinois, and was trained as a lineman at Columbia Army Air Force Base in South Carolina. In later years, Dick chuckled that he never again saw a teletype machine nor strung a wire. Dick shipped out on Columbus Day 1943, heading “rst to Scotland and then to England. His unit landed in Normandy three weeks after D-Day. Dick was never in combat, but served in a supply out“t in France, Belgium and Germany. At the wars end, Dick returned home and attended Lehigh University on the GI Bill, majoring in business administration. He graduated in 1949, then began graduate work at New York University. A friend told him of an opportunity in Washington, D.C., so he left NYU to work for the Department of the Army. During a lunchtime stroll across the Pentagon central plaza, a friend pointed out a pretty woman coming toward them and joked that Dick should marry her. Many months later Dick was paired with a woman as part of a group activity. He realized it was the same pretty woman, and he did eventually convince her to marry him. Dick and Irmgard CydŽ married in 1957 and moved to Tonawanda, New York, a suburb of Buffalo, where they raised their family. Dick spent the rest of his working life employed by Marine Midland Bank as a municipal “nance consultant. In middle age they relocated to Summit, New Jersey, where Dick oversaw the municipal “nance department at the banks head of“ce in New York City. In 1987, they retired to Englewood, Florida, to the house Cyds parents had built in 1968. Dick served as treasurer of the Point of Pines Homeowners Association for more than 10 years. He was an avid coin and stamp collector, and loved books and movies about World War II. He enjoyed watching all sports, especially professional football, and was a steadfast Buffalo Bills fan. Dick is survived by his daughter, Christine B. Parsons, who shared his home; son, Richard W. Parsons Jr. (Christine A.) of Sanford, Florida; and daughter, Carol P. Parsons Thomas (Timothy) of Fairport, New York; grandchildren, Thomas, Timothy (Alyssa), Stephen and Sara Parsons, and Katherine and Spencer Thomas; and his sister, Patricia Parsons Willis (Thomas) of Warminster, Pennsylvania. He was preceded in death by his wife, Irmgard CydŽ in 2010; and brothers, Earle Waldon Parsons Jr. and Robert Wells Parsons. Friends are invited to a memorial service at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 23, 2017, at Lemon Bay Funeral Home on Buchans Landing in Englewood, to be followed by a reception at the Lemon Bay Playhouse, 96 West Dearborn St., Englewood. Interment will be at the family plot in Hillside, New Jersey, at a later date. In lieu of ”owers, contributions may be made in Dicks memory to Tidewell Hospice, Philanthropy Department, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34238, or to Lemon Bay Playhouse, Building Fund, 96 West Dearborn St., Englewood, FL 34223. Yvonne G. OlahMrs. Yvonne G. Olah (Jubb), 77, died from complications following surgery on Good Friday, April 14, 2017, in Port Charlotte, Florida. Yvonne was born on May 25, 1939, in Coopersville, Michigan, to Oren and Ella Jubb. She graduated from Coopersville High School in 1957 and attended Muskegon Business College. She married William Olah on May 10, 1969. Yvonnes lifelong passion for animals led her to a career as a Veterinary Technician for 17 years. After retiring to Florida, she served on the Board of Directors for CHAPS (Charlotte HIV/AIDS People Support). Yvonne enjoyed animals, shopping, decorating, crafts, sports and, above all, her family. She loved attending school activities involving her children and grandchildren. Yvonne is survived by her husband of nearly 48 years, William Olah; children, Kimberly (Douglas) Karas, Laurie (Barb Orlikowski) Smith, Christopher Smith, Michele (Phillip) Pressey, Craig (Jacqueline) Smith and Julie (Rodney) Parsons; ten grandchildren; ten greatgrandchildren; mother-in-law, Jessica Olah; three brothers-in-law; one sister-in-law; as well as family and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, Oren and Ella Jubb; sister, Wanda Jubb; great-granddaughter, Rayleigh Reaume; and son-in-law, Jack Pray. A Celebration of Life is scheduled for 1 p.m., May 13, 2017, at Terra Verde, 11741 Leonard Road, Nunica, Michigan. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Yvonnes life. Williams brother, the Rev. James Olah, will of“ciate the interment for family members and close friends at Nunica Cemetery. In lieu of ”owers, memorial donations in memory of Yvonne may be made to CHAPS, Tidewell Hospice House or the Humane Society. The family would like to thank Fawcett Memorial Hospital and Tidewell Hospice House for their care and support. OBITUARY POLICY Obituaries are accepted from funeral homes only. Theres no charge for publishing an abbreviated death notice. Full obituaries and repeat death notices will be subject to an advertising charge. Obituaries must be received by 2 p.m. for Tuesday through Saturday publication. For Sunday through Monday publication deadline is 3 p.m. Friday. In Loving Memories must be received by 2 p.m. for Tuesday through Friday publication. For Saturday through Monday publication deadline is noon on Friday. The American ag accompanying an obituary indicates a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces. Please send emails to NORTH PORT „ Children will now be able to immerse themselves further into the PBS world with the new Library Learning Corner. The corner was unveiled Thursday and will be the fourth in the state and “rst in the county. I certainly got my start by learning in the library,Ž Sarasota County Commissioner Paul Caraguilo said. And now its providing an invaluable resource. Its one of the best systems in the state and only four have this resource.Ž The new addition, called the Phyllis Ensign WEDU PBS Library Learning Corner, will be “lled with books, DVDs, tablets and more educational tools all under the PBS umbrella. The library was one of the “rst to receive the corner, which was free through a grant. (Ensign) was a very, very generous donor to WEDU and she loved to read to children at the local library,Ž said Gail Taylor, WEDU director of educational services. So what a way to honor her than to have children come and read the PBS books. We hope you will all take advantage of the books, DVDs and resources.Ž Ensign donated more than $4 million to WEDU over her lifetime. Dozens of children sat eagerly as the blue ribbon waited to be cut by the main attraction for many: Curious George. My son has three Curious Georges and one was my fathers,Ž April Bloom said. It was given to him when he was younger and he was very, very excited for today.Ž Of“cials hope the corner can help continue to help the librarys efforts to speci“cally reach out to young children. We focus so much on early literacy, the resources theyve given are a perfect match for children 0-8 years old,Ž Sarabeth Kalajian, director of libraries for Sarasota County, said. This is what families in North Port love to do.Ž Others added reading is only one of the many resources the North Port Library offers, such as a 3-D printer or top-of-theline website. Our job is to do extra exciting things and Ive learned how special this library is,Ž said Bob Vedder, one of the founding members for the Library Foundation for Sarasota County Board of Directors. And parents agree and appreciate the multitude of resources offered. This library is awesome and they just expose the kids to so many different things that even the parents dont know about,Ž Bloom said, holding a pair of 3-D glasses her son had printed. Its more than just books.ŽEmail: North Port library adds new PBS Learning CornerBy LAUREN COFFEYSTAFF WRITER SUN PHOTO BY MONICA AMAYACurious George is joined by Sarasota County ocials to cut the ribbon for the PBS Learning Corner in the North Port Library. The cutting took place Thursday morning and will provide PBS books and resources to children.VENICE „ With time running out on the 2017 session of the Florida Legislature, the push is on to keep River Road as a priority for state funding. Wednesday, Sarasota County Public Works Director Isaac Brownman showed a joint meeting of the Sarasota and Charlotte County commissioners the new wrinkles the county was using this year to secure state funding for the road. In a PowerPoint presentation, Brownman showed a photo of the Winchester Boulevard extension from State Road 776 to Placida Road in Englewood completed by Charlotte County in 2016. That four-lane extension gives the 43,000 residents of the Cape Haze Peninsula direct access to River Road. Another slide, provided by West Villages General Manager Marty Black, showed the sprawling West Villages developments with 33,679 planned units at build-out, making it the second-largest masterplanned community in the state. Only The Villages in Alachua County would be larger. Then, Brownman added, there is the possibility of the Atlanta Braves moving their spring training facilities in Orlando to a 80-100acre site behind the State College of Florida campus. With Cape Haze, West Villages and the Braves, theres a lot going on in and around River Road,Ž Brownman told the 10 commissioners. Were strongly encouraging our legislators to provide funding for the project. The good news is that the state Senate budget includes an appropriation of $10 million for the project. The bad news lies in the Houses proposed budget, which includes just $250,000 for the road, a major evacuation route for Englewood, the Cape Haze peninsula, Boca Grande and now West Villages. Brownmans new slides serves to rebut state legislators who object to funding the project because its only a county road, not a state road. Because of the differences between the two chambers in their budget appropriations, funding for River Road by the state this year will be decided by a conference committee made up of members of both houses in the next two weeks. Charlotte County Commissioner Ken Doherty added that in their trips to Tallahassee to meet with state legislators he and his fellow commissioners had stressed the importance of funding for the road. We promised that (advocating for funding) and weve done that,Ž Doherty said. So far, Sarasota County has spent $52.6 million for the project, which would widen and elevate the road. While the county awaits a decision on state funding this year, negotiations are continuing between the county and the West Villages Improvement District regarding a section of the road. The district has offered to advance the construction of the road from U.S. 41 to just north of West Villages Parkway in return for future mobility fee credits. Current estimates on the cost to fully improve River Road from U.S. 41 to Interstate 75 range from $65 million-$70 million. The county has pursued a strategy of breaking the project into three smaller segments, each with a lower cost, in an attempt to gain state and federal dollars toward the project. The segment from U.S. 41 to Winchester Boulevard adds another $30 million to the project, and the “nal segment, Winchester Boulevard to the Charlotte County line, another $14 million. River Road is listed as a constrained road on the countys comprehensive plan with a D-rating level of service. For over a decade county of“cials, joined by of“cials in North Port, Venice, Charlotte County and the SarasotaManatee Metropolitan Planning Organization, have sought both federal and state funding for improvements to the road. Email: jondaltonwr@gmail.comPush on for River Road fundingBy WARREN RICHARDSONSUN CORRESPONDENT TAYLOR FUNERAL and Cremation Services L a r r y € Now Available to you 24 hrs A Day At Your Convenience Old Fashioned Service at a Price You Can Afford adno=50513446 Nobody likes unexpected surprises. A sk Larry: What is the real cost of cremation? Have you ever asked for a price, and they start giving you quotes, but say there will be extras? We believe in giving straight answers to your questions. 1515 Tamiami Trl, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (941) 833-0600 2002-2016


Our Town Page 6 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 New Florida State Silver 100s to go quickNew Florida State Silver 100s handed over to state residentsFlorida residents who find their zip code listed below and are among the first 8,754 callers who beat the 48 hour order deadlin eare guaranteed to get the first and only Florida State Silver 100s at just the state minimum set for Florida residentsFloridians get 48 hours to snap them up at just state minimum The Toll Free Hotlines open at precisely 8:30am this morning for Florida residents only. If lines are busy keep trying, all calls will be answered. If you miss the deadline youll be turned away from this offer and forced to wait for future announcements in this publication or others, if any. The first 8,754 Florida residents who find their zip code on todays Distribution List above and call before the 48 hour deadline ends are authorized to get individual Florida State Silver 100s at just the state minimum of $79 set by the Federated Mint. Thats why everyone should be taking full Vault Stacks each loaded with three Florida State Silver 100s before theyre all gone. And heres the best part. Every Florida resident who gets at least two Vault Stacks is also getting free shipping and free handling too. Thats a real steal because non-state residents must pay over four hundred dollars for each Vault Stack. All U.S. residents living outside of the state of Florida must pay one hundred fiftyeight dollars for the Florida State Silver 100s.FEDERATED MINT, LLC AND LINCOLN TREASURY, LLC ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, A BANK OR ANY GOVERNMENT AGENCY. FED ERATED MINT IS DISTRIBUTING THIS PRODUCT THROUGH A LICENSE FROM THE LINCOLN TREASURY. IF FOR ANY REASON WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM SHIPM ENT YOU ARE DISSATISFIED, RETURN THE PRODUCT FOR A REFUND LESS SHIPPING AND RETURN POSTAGE. PRICES IN THE WORLD GOLD AND SILVER MAR KET ALWAYS FLUCTUATE AND ARE NEVER GUARANTEED. THE STATE SILVER 100S ARE HIGHLY COLLECTIBLE AND NOT OFFERED FOR INVESTMENT PURPOSE S. THIS SAME OFFER MAY BE MADE AVAILABLE AT A LATER DATE OR IN A DIFFERENT GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION. FL RESIDENTS ADD 6 % SALES TAX. FE DERATED MINT 7600 SUPREME AVE. NW, NORTH CANTON, OH 44720 2017 LINCOLN TREASURY. St. Louis District Atlanta District Philadelphia District New York District Boston District Richmond District Chicago DistrictCleveland District Kansas City District Minneapolis District Alaska & Hawaii are part of the San Francisco District San Francisco District Dallas District FLORIDIANS CALL: 1-866-815-7113 and use EXT. FMP125 if your zip code appears below.......................... ........................... ........................... ........................ ....................... ...............33821 33921 33946 33947 33948 33950 33952 33953 33954 33955 33980 33981 33982 33983 34223 34224 34229 34266 34275 34285 34286 34287 34292 34293P7099A OF20209R-1 WHAT EVERYONE WANTS: Pictured left reveals for the very first time the valuable Florida State Silver 100s struck in high relief .999 pure fine silv er loaded inside each Vault Stack. Pictured right are the Vault Stacks containing three of the only Florida State Silver 100s known to exist. Residents who find their zip code list ed above are authorized to get individual Florida State Silver 100s at just $79 state resident minimum set by the Federated Mint. Thats why everyone should be taking full Vault Stacks each loaded with three Flori da State Silver 100s before theyre all gone. And heres the best part. Every Florida resident who gets at least two Vault Stacks is also getting free shipping and free handling too. Thats a real steal be cause all non-state residents must pay over four hundred dollars for each Vault Stack. .999 Fine Silver State Symbol Florida Silver 100s Liberty Bell NON-STATE RESIDENTSResidents living outside the state of Florida must pay double the state minimum for the Florida State Silver 100s Florida … The phone lines are ringing off the hook. Its like a modern day Gold Rush,Ž said Mary Ellen Withrow, the emeritus 40th Treasurer of the United States of America. Everyone wants to get their hands on the first and only Florida State Silver 100s now being handed over to Florida residents at just the state minimum set by the private Federated Mint before theyre all gone,Ž Withrow said. But dont bother calling local banks and credit unions because they cant even get their hands on these never before seen Florida State Silver 100s,Ž Withrow said. Thats because these valuable, proof finish Florida State Silver 100s are not being released and minted by the U.S. Govt. Thats right; theyre being released directly to the first 8,754 Florida residents who beat the 48 hour order deadline exclusively from the vaults of the private Federated Mint. But you better hurry because these full one ounce Florida State Silver 100s are struck in high relief .999 solid silver proof finish and will always be a valuable precious metal which is why everyone is snapping up as many as they can before theyre all gone,Ž Withrow said. As Executive Advisor to the Federated Mint I get paid to deliver breaking news. So if youre a resident of the state of Florida you better call right away because only the first 8,754 callers are guaranteed to get these valuable Florida State Silver 100s at just the $79 state minimum set by the Federated Mint,Ž Withrow said. Heres my advice. Dont wait to call. Pick up the phone right now and get as many of the new Florida State Silver 100s as you can before theyre all gone,Ž said Withrow. Florida … The vaults at the Federated Mint are nearly empty.We can barely keep up with all the orders,Ž said Mary Ellen Withrow, the emeritus 40th Treasurer of the United States of America. Thats because the first and only Florida State Silver 100s in exis-tence are actually being handed over at just the state minimum set by the private Federated Mint to the first 8,754 Florida residents who find their zip code printed in todays publication.The only thing residents need to do is call the Toll Free Hotlines before the 48 hour order deadline ends. Everyone who does is getting in-dividual Florida State Silver 100s at just the state minimum of $79 set by the Federated Mint. Thats why everyone should be taking full Vault Stacks (pictured in the bot-tom right hand corner of todays newspaper) each loaded with three Florida State Silver 100s before theyre all gone. And heres the best part. Florida residents lucky enough to be among the first callers to claim the entire 50 State Silver 100s Collection’, pictured right, are also getting 15 State Silver 100s absolutely free.Im advising everyone in Florida who finds their zip code on todays Distribution List to get to their phones right now because the new Florida State Silver 100s are only being released to the first 8,754 callers,Ž Withrow said.Remember, this is not legal tender paper money issued by the U.S. Govt. These historic Florida State Silver 100s are a magnificent adaptation of the United States Treasurys one hundred dollar Federal Reserve Note. They are the first and only Florida State Silver 100s struck in high relief .999 solid silver proof finishes released exclusively from the vaults of the private Federated Mint.Just imagine how thrilled your children and grandchildren will be when you give them one of these im-pressive collections for their birth-day, Christmas or any special occasion. Just be absolutely sure to keep the new .999 solid silver one ounce Florida State Silver 100s and num-bered certificates of authenticity in-side the protective Vault Cases.These stunning Vault Cases are custom made to hold, secure and pro-tect both the Florida State Silver 100s and the numbered certificates of au-thenticity in a heavy-duty transpar-ent Vault Case that allows the valu-able Florida State Silver 100s to be viewed without ever being touched by human hands, thus preserving their valuable collector condition.Were bracing for all the calls and doing everything we can to make sure no one gets left out. So if lines are busy keep trying, all calls will be answered,Ž said Withrow. FLORIDA RESIDENTS GET 15 STATE SILVER 100S FREE: Pictured above is the never before seen entire 50 State Silver 100s Collection’ shown off by officials from the Federated Mint that everyone is trying to get. Lucky Florida residents who are among the first 8,754 callers who beat the 48 hour order deadline to claim the 50 State Silver 100s Collection are actually getting 15 State Silver 100s absolutely free, the custom made State Treasury Display Chest is $285, but its absolutely free for Florida residents plus free shipping and free handling too. That m eans Florida residents cover just the $79 state minimum set by the Federated Mint for the remaining 35 State Silver 100s which is a real steal because its saving every Florida resident over one thousand dollars today. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement adno=50514086


The Sun /Friday, April 21, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 7 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. PUNTA GORDA „ The Florida Highway Patrol arrested a woman on 26 drug charges on Thursday. Leah Rebekah Garrow, 42, of North Fort Myers, was pulled over by a trooper at Taylor Road and U.S. 41 in Punta Gorda because her vehicle appeared to have dark window tints and tinted tail lights. A search of her vehicle revealed multiple forged prescriptions, capsules of oxycodone and $7,590 in cash. Garrow and her passenger told the trooper con”icting stories of what they were planning to do that day. Garrow was transported to the Charlotte County Jail and charged with nine counts of forgery of a prescription, 16 counts of selling or manufacturing a counterfeit controlled substance Schedule I, II, III or IV and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. The Charlotte County Sheris Oce reported the following arrests: € Kurt Parker Bellamy, 22, 900 block of Boundary Blvd., Rotonda West. Charge: felony battery/domestic battery by strangulation. Bond: $5,000. € Brian Daniel Birk, 31, 25400 block of Rupert Road, Punta Gorda. Charges: selling synthetic narcotics Schedule I or II and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. Bond: $15,000. € Donald Clyde Meyers Jr., 53, 20400 block of Mount Prospect Ave., Port Charlotte. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Erica Elizabeth Chachere, 28, 3200 block of Elkcam Blvd., Port Charlotte. Charge: out of county warrant. Bond: none. € Judy L. Dietrick, 53, 2500 block of Ivanhole St., Port Charlotte. Charges: grand theft of a controlled substance without a prescription and o bond/ forfeiture/revocations. Bond: none. € Rory Patrick Skinner, 26, homeless of Port Charlotte. Charge: possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. Bond: $5,000. € Justin Wayne McMunn, 29, 1400 block of Batan St., Port Charlotte. Charge: grand theft of property more than $300 but less than $5,000. Bond: $5,000. € Nathan Michael Smith, 32, of North Fort Myers. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Nelson George Troutman II, 37, of Indianapolis, Pennsylvania. Charges: false ID given to law enforcement ocer and knowingly driving while license suspended or revoked. Bond: none. € Kenneth Rand White, 50, homeless of Englewood. Charges: two counts of grand theft of property more than $300 but less than $5,000, two counts of resisting a law enforcement ocer or merchant during retail theft, and resisting an ocer without violence. Bond: $10,000. € Carlos Velazquez, 55, of Cape Coral. Charges: leaving the scene of a crash involving property damage, failure to register motor vehicle, and driver present non-current insurance. Bond: $4,500. € Justin Wheelock, 31, 3200 block of Easy St., Port Charlotte. Charge: out-ofcounty warrant. Bond: $790. The Sarasota County Sheris Oce reported the following arrests: € Jamaal Davis, 39, 1500 block of Craleigh St., North Port. Charge: possession of a weapon or ammunition by a convicted felon and four counts of driving with a suspended license. Bond: $21,000. € Katherine Doherty, 27, 120 block of Sunnyside Drive, Venice. Charges: possession of methamphetamines, two counts of selling methamphetamines, using a two way device to facilitate a felony and grand theft. Bond: none. € Wyatt Hall, 23, 1700 block of Music Lane, North Port. Charge: probation violation (original charges: two counts of battery). Bond: none. € Beverly Herholz, 40, 8600 block of Aero Ave., North Port. Charges: two counts of probation violation (original charges: petty theft and ve counts of possession of a controlled substance without a prescription). Bond: none. € Norman Maida, 56, of Glenwood Ave., Osprey. Charge: possession of oxycodone without a prescription. Bond: $1,500. € Jonathan McKinney, 43, 110 block of Colonia Lane, Nokomis. Charge: trespassing. Bond: $500. € Jennifer Philman, 26, 220 block of Washington Ave., Englewood. Charge: battery. Bond: none. € Jennifer Ventres, 43, 410 block of Sunnyside Drive, Venice. Charge: fraud by obtaining property under $20,000. Bond: $1,500. € Mark Kudlach, 57, 720 block of Nightingale Road, Venice. Charge: battery. Bond: none. € Brian Pasko, 43, 6900 block of Sleepy Way, North Port. Charge: probation violation (original charge: DUI with a person under 18 years old). Bond: none. The North Port Police Department reported the following arrest: € Holly Gock, 39, 1500 block of Craleigh St., North Port. Charge: tracking cocaine. Bond: $35,000. The Venice Police Department reported the following arrests: € Angelo Caratura, 30, 1600 block of Geranium Ave., North Port. Charge: battery. Bond: none. € Craig Meyer, 37, 300 block of Olive Ave., Nokomis. Charge: grand theft. Bond: $1,500. € Bryon Smith, 27, 1200 block of Barbara Drive, Venice. Charges: petty theft and resisting an ocer without violence. Bond: $2,000. „ Compiled by Anne Easker and Lauren Coffey POLICE BEATThe information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriffs office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.Woman arrested on 26 drug charges Protesters from multiple Indivisible Groups showed up at Republican Congressman Tom Rooneys of“ce in Punta Gorda on Thursday. Organizers said their two purposes were to press Rooney on the investigation into President Donald Trumps ties with Russia and to urge the president to release his tax returns.Indivisible Groups protest in Punta Gorda SUN PHOTOS BY ANNE EASKERProtesters in front of Rooneys oce on T hursday came from Indivisible Groups based in Port Charlotte/Punta Gorda, Sarasota, Englewood and Venice. Protesters focused on President Donald Trumps tax returns and ties to Russia.


Our Town Page 8 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name „ not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Sun Letters to the Editor, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. Readers may email Letters to the Editor at Further questions or information, call 941-681-3003. HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOREmail letters to letters@sun-herald.comPublisher „ Robert E. Lee Executive editor „ Jim Gouvellis Editorial page editor „ Stephen Baumann Commentary Editor „ John Hackworth V IEWPOINTSenate bill will protect Floridians Fake news letters get my day started Critic should have been at lectureEditor: Did you know your health insurance company can abruptly change your prescription coverage and even eliminate life-saving medications you are currently taking? While your family is likely locked into a health plan for the rest of the year, your insurer is free to stop covering the medications and/or raise your out-of-pocket costs at any time. Fortunately, SB 182/HB 95 „ legislation making its way through the Florida Legislature „ would put a stop to this bait-and-switch. While the bill still allows health plans to introduce newly FDA-approved therapies and generic options, it stops them from making unfair coverage changes during the policy year that force Floridians off the safe, effective medications that their physicians have prescribed. Under SB 182/HB 95, if health plans want to make coverage changes, they can „ but not while your policy is active. As consumers, we can then decide if we want to renew with that changed plan or shop for another one. Insurance companies and PBMs dont want you to have that choice. They are trying to defeat the legislation with false information, misleading statements and by saying they know whats best for Floridas consumers. When insurance coverage changes force people to switch medications, it can cause serious health and “nancial consequences, especially for Floridians living with conditions like HIV/ AIDS, cancer, epilepsy and mental illness. Thats why 39 health care groups across the state are Editor: I Love the Sun Every morning I grab my coffee and cant wait to read the Sun When I get to the editorial and Letters Editor: Does anyone besides me see the irony in Jim Gouvellis (and his ilk) blasting Stamoulis for teaching a class without the proper credentials when they admit they didnt bother to attend the classes? My question is, what are the credentials of the critics, and what axe do they have to grind? There is nothing so unfair as criticizing someone without bothering to study the issue, or even give the courtesy of attending the meeting so one has a proper context for the words spoken. Sound bites and video clips rarely give insight into an event, but are usually calculated to elicit an emotional, rather than a logical, response. We are all guilty of this at one time or another, but Mr. Gouvellis is supposed to be a professional newsman. It is the job of the media to report the news, not create it.Jerey K. Alston Englewood SUN SENTINEL EDITORIAL LETTERS TO THE EDITOREx-felons time for rights has comeThe issue is simple, really. Its a matter of fairness. If you commit a felony, you do your time and you pay your debt to society, you should have a chance to get back on your feet without obstacles thrown at you. The battle for ex-felons rights in Florida is about fairness. There is still a long way to go, but former felons are one step closer to having their rights restored in Florida. We can only hope the bid to have rights restored is successful. Most other states have seen “t to restore felons rights. Its time Florida catches up. The Florida Supreme Court recently heard arguments on a proposed constitutional amendment that would automatically restore voting rights for all nonviolent felons who have served their sentences, completed parole or probation and paid restitution. Restoring ex-felons rights should have been done a long time ago in Florida, especially considering we are one of only three states „ along with Iowa and Kentucky „ that permanently rescinds the right to vote from citizens with felony convictions. It is such an onerous procedure to get civil rights restored in Florida „ felons convicted of nonviolent crimes have to wait a minimum of “ve years before even applying for restoration; the average wait time can be up to 14 years „ that most felons dont even apply. If the Supreme Court rules the amendment language meets the single-subject rule, there is still a long way to go in the “ght for fairness. But at least the “ght is starting. There has also been a class action lawsuit “led against Gov. Rick Scott, by the Fair Elections Legal Network, claiming Floridas method of granting clemency to ex-felons is unconstitutonal. The suit seeks to have voting rights restored to seven plaintiffs immediately. The proposed constitutional amendment, from Floridians for a Fair Democracy, would still need 766,000 petition signatures to get on the 2018 ballot. And if the amendment passes, Sen. Perry Thurston, D-Fort Lauderdale, has “led an implementing bill that would restore all civil rights to ex-felons, except the right to own a handgun, which could be debated later. The possible restoration of the right to own a weapon has left the bill in limbo for the moment. Restoration of voting rights could have a profound effect on Florida elections. About 1.7 million ex-felons living in Florida, which has over nine million registered voters. The Republicandominated Legislature has fought rights restoration believing a large number of former felons would register as Democrats. But voters, hopefully, will get their say on the matter next year. Desmond Meade, chairman of Floridians for a Fair Democracy, told us the Supreme Court didnt seem to have any problems with the wording of the amendment. Meade knows “rsthand how important this effort is to so many people. A former drug addict, he got his law degree from Florida International University in 2014, but cant get a license to practice until his civil rights are restored. To be shut out of the process is like a perpetual punishment and a slap in the face, saying youre never going to be a citizen,Ž he said. The whole process of restoring rights was a lot more reasonable under former Gov. Charlie Crist, who with the Florida Cabinet in 2007, agreed to automatically restore civil rights for non-violent felons who had served their time. During Crists four years as governor, 155,000 ex-felons had their rights restored. The number has dwindled dramatically since Rick Scott became governor and the Cabinet decided to make people wait at least “ve years, if not more. According to the Wall Street Journal, since Scotts election in 2010, only 2,487 people with felony convictions have had voting rights restored. The backlog of applications is in the thousands. If Florida eases the restrictions, it would follow a national trend. Since 1997, 23 states have made it easier for ex-felons to vote again, according to the Sentencing Project, which advocates overhauling criminal justice laws. Again, its a matter for fairness. Once non-violent ex-felons have paid their debt to society, they should be allowed to rejoin society. That includes having their voices heard at election time. Hopefully, change is on the way. If Florida eases the restrictions, it would follow a national trend. Since 1997, 23 states have made it easier for ex-felons to vote again, according to the Sentencing Project, which advocates overhauling criminal justice laws. Legislating can be a complex, convoluted mess. I get that. But the complex convolution has hit an apex when the pro-Amendment 2 forces are lobbying „ and to be really clear, supporting „ a limitation on how many dispensaries a medical cannabis license holder can open. Yes, these same forces (and I wont name names here, but you know who you are) have convinced several senators to support a highly restrictive limitation on the number of retail outlets a licensee can have. You cant make this up. Those who support allowing the broadest number of patients the opportunity to have medical marijuana are supporting the most severe restrictions on licensees. And dont give me the malarkey about Pennsylvania doing it. No, it doesnt. You cant compare Pennsylvanias non-vertical model with Floridas. That comparison makes no sense. Heres the logic:Ž If we restrict the number of outlets, then patients will be denied, people will scream and yell and then Florida lawmakers will be forced to expand the number of licenses. (So, if they are in that situation, wouldnt it be a whole lot easier if they just expand the number of dispensaries each licensee could open? Sorry, I digress.) Look, we get it. The pro-Amendment 2 forces want more licensees. The bid losers want more licensees. Other farmers/ growers and those with cash-burning pocket holes want more licensees. So they are using this tactic to force someones hand. But this seems a little risky. It feels more than a little disingenuous to try and force the hand of lawmakers with such a plan that could seriously back“re. What if they actually passed this? Then where are we? Licensees wont be worth one-tenth what they are now. Patients will be denied access for at least another year or two. And the pro-medical marijuana forces will have cut their noses for spite. We hear a lot about the 71 percent who voted to support Amendment 2. We hear that from those who want expansion and who demand it now. Yes, the vast majority of Floridians voted to allow sick people to smoke medical weed. And there are some excellent people pushing to make sure a fair law implements the will of the voters. Good. But if those same people are pushing for severe restrictions for some political game, well, someone is going to be mad. This op-ed was supplied by Florida Politics and written by Peter Schorsch, Phil Ammann, Jenna Buzzacco-Foerster, Mitch Perry and Jim Rosica.Pro-pot forces want more restrictions? Why? asking lawmakers to enact SB 182, and you should as well. Michael Ruppal Executive director The AIDS Institute Tampato the Editor page it makes my day. Its better than the funnies. I laugh my butt off over the fake news letters from our local liberal whiners. I know they will never get over the election, so I expect the Sun will keep me entertained for years to come. Keep up the letters from the PGI couple who write in twice a month. For years it used to be anti-gun and now it is anti-Trump. What a laugh. They do not know my satisfaction, even when they send anonymous post of“ce letters to me in response to my letters to the editor. Oh, yes, keep up the USA Today. From the headlines, I immediately know what the fake news media is pushing for the day. I get my real news from the foreign press and the Drudge Report which provides links to media worldwide. They provide no political opinion or editorial editing like the rest of the fake news media. They just provide internet links to foreign and U.S. news articles.Stan Munson Punta Gorda SP20001Wanttomakeacomment,say thanks,giveapatonthebackto someone,getsomethingoffyour chest?Writealettertotheeditorand shareyourthoughtswith80,000 ofyourfriendsandneighbors.Submitlettersviae-mailto letters @ ormailthemto 23170HarborviewRoad, CharlotteHarbor,Fla.,33980. TurntotheViewpointpage forletterguidelines andother information. ShareYourThoughts...


The Sun /Friday, April 21, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 9 VIEWPOINTOn a busy day of hearings in a busy week of the legislative session, a south Florida woman wanted a picture of herself and a friend and the rain pouring outside the Knott Building. She scanned the immediate vicinity for a friendly face, and held her iPhone out to Jacksonvilles Audrey Gibson. Plainly the tourist had no idea that Gibson was a member of an elite, exclusive and powerful club. The tourist was utterly unaware that the elegant lady she approached is one of a tiny handful of Floridians upon whom the sun rises and sets in #TheProcess. Most definitely, the tourist had no clue that hundreds of people are paid hundreds of millions of dollars to catch a moment of the time of this woman and her 39 colleagues in the Florida Senate. Gibson smiled, took the iPhone and spent a stunning amount of time considering camera angles and composing multiple shots. This is the gracious public servant whom Frank Artiles refers to as a f.... b....Ž To her face. At the members-only venue where people pay through the nose for a quiet place to eat, drink and do business, and pay extra for private lockers for their personalized cigars. Artiles has a history of verbal violence toward women, African-Americans and Muslims. His drunken diatribe Monday at the Governors Club is not the first time he has embarrassed himself in a bar. We now know that pussyŽ is his go-to insult for a white male lawyer who outranks him in #TheProcess pecking order. It has been suggested on the Sayfie Twitter Ticker, where some Floridians still get some information, that Artiles. a former Marine, may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Lets put that one to rest. PTSD doesnt cause bigotry, but alcohol makes bigots more likely to reveal their pre-existing prejudices. Artiles didnt much look like a Marine as he stood on the Senate floor to read an insincere, meaningless apology written for him by some hastilyassembled Committee to Save Artiles Career. The senator from a Diverse Miami Neighborhood shifted on his feet, looking like a rattled schoolboy as he rattled the pages of his prepared text. When people cant exercise the control and judgment we expect of a third-grader, there is often a medical explanation. Lets hope someone loves Artiles enough to help him find out. Florence Beth Snyder is a Tallahassee-based lawyer and consultant who writes for Florida Politics.Lets hope someone loves Frank Artiles enough to get him some help Florida PoliticsFlorence Snyder Last year, Mark Meckler, one of the founders of the tea party movement, had concerns about Donald Trump but gave the Republican nominee the benefit of the doubt, because Trump at least says hes going to attackŽ the cronycapitalist system. Now the conservative activist has revised his opinion. Trump said he was going to D.C. to drain the swamp,Ž Meckler said in a recent Fox Business interview, but now it looks like weve got the Creature from the Black Lagoon in the White House.Ž For everybody else who believed Trumps populist talk about tackling a rigged system, its time to recognize youve been had. The president of the United States is a swamp monster. The billionaire has embraced a level of corporate control of the government that makes previous controversies involving corporate influence „ Vice President Dick Cheneys attempt in 2001 to keep secret the names of industry officials who participated in his energy task force, for example „ seem quaint by comparison. In the quiet of Good Friday, President Trumps White House announced that it would end the practice of releasing White House visitor logs, giving the public no way to know which corporate suitors have the ear of Trump and his staff. Trump was already insulated from such disclosure during the disproportionate amount of his presidency he spends at Mar-a-Lago and other Trump properties. Trump seems to think people wont care about this any more than they do about his refusal to release his tax returns and other disclosures that would reveal his conflicts of interest. Its true that transparencyŽ is the sort of subject that usually excites only good-government types. But in this case the opacity is obscuring the rise of a new American plutocracy. Steven Aftergood, who runs the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, said Trumps actions are testing the character of the U.S. governmentŽ and raise the possibility of the government devolving into some kind of corporate mutation where the wealthy and well-connected rule.Ž Trump has made a series of policy reversals in recent days from his populist campaign positions „ on Chinese currency, trade, the ExportImport Bank and more „ as the nationalist influence of Steve Bannon fades. This isnt solely because Trump has stocked his administration at the highest levels with fellow billionaires, corporate types such as son-in-law Jared Kushner and veterans of Goldman Sachs. ProPublica and The New York Times reported last weekend that the Trump administration is being populated with former lobbyists, lawyers and consultants who are making policy for the industries that had been paying them. The arrangement has violated Trumps (already weakened) ethics rules, and the administration is secretly issuing waivers exempting the former lobbyists from rules blocking them from working on issues that would benefit their former clients. Trump White House officials had more than 300 recent corporate clients and employers, the Times reported, and more than 40 former lobbyists are now in the White House and federal government. The director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics said even he has no idea how many waivers have been issued.Ž And these corporations are set to get what they paid for. My Washington Post colleague Juliet Eilperin reported Sunday on some of the 168 requests corporate interests have made, and are likely to be given, for regulatory relief, many of them seeking reduced environmental protections and worker rights. BP wants to make it easier to drill in the Gulf of Mexico. The pavement industry wants a halt to research on the environmental impact of coal tar. And my favorite: The U.S. Chamber of Commerces request that employers no longer be required to report their injury and illness records electronically to the Labor Department. This should give the lie to Trumps claims that deregulation is about creating jobs. The Chamber is upset that the government intends to post the injury and illness records on the internet for anyone to see,Ž because this will provide unions and trial attorneys with information that can be taken out of context.Ž As The Posts James Hohmann noted, Trump already signed legislation removing a rule requiring businesses seeking large federal contracts to disclose serious safety and labor-law violations. Can Trump marginalize those who question his plutocracy? Eric Liu, an expert on mobilization and author of the new book Youre More Powerful Than You Think,Ž sees Trumps abandonment of the little guy as an opening for a nascent progressive populism.Ž But be careful: You dont have to have seen Creature from the Black LagoonŽ to know that, in the swamp-monster genre, the beast seldom goes quietly. Follow Dana Milbank on Twitter, @Milbank.Trumps no populist „ hes the Swamp Thing Dana Milbank PLEASE GIVE BLOOD HELP SAVE LIVES Let The DONT BE LEFT IN THE DARK! Light Your Way! Your s our c e for lo c al, national & world new s Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding to the advertise ment for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. 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Coupon Expires 5/17/2017 Thomas Quigley, M.D. formerly Eye Health adno=50512977 STARTING AT $23,300!! 625-5056 1212 Enterprise Drive Port Charlotte, FL 33953 Lic./Insured Lic.#CPO56749 2 3 R e a d e r  s Ch o i c e A w a r d s Complete Pool Package including cage 2016 CONSTRUCTION HEATING & SALT SYSTEMS POOL SERVICE & REPAIRS POOL SUPPLY STORE Where Shopping Makes Cents adno=50509534 adno=50514161 Dr. Howard Saslow would like to inform his patients that he is retiring effective May 30th, 2017 All records will reside at Charlotte Orthopaedic Clinic. 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Get the coop, contact Linda West 321-283-5276 | lwest@reach”orida.comf or n e x t t o n o t h i n g REACH FLORIDA adno=715165 A d v e r t i s e i n 1 0 0 + t o p n e w s p a p e r s s t a t e w i d e A d d o t h e r s t a t e s t o y o u r b u y w i t h o u t m a k i n g a n o t h e r c a l l. CONTACT Linda West 321-283-5276 lwest@reach” Reach Florida with a single phone call! R E A C H F L O R I D AHello Ge t t h e c o op adno=715166 Having Problems With Your Dentures? Difficulty Eating? Sore Gums? Wobbly or Loose? Messy Adhesives? Denture Stabilization Affordable! Complimentary Initial Consultation! Family Dental Care 100 Madrid Blvd., Ste. 414 Punta Gorda € 941-575-2626 Are you concerned about zinc content in your denture adhesives? For more information on zinc and your denture adhesives visit adno=50509595


Our Town Page 10 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS TODAY Tops Club takeoff #s, 8am to 10 am at Edgewater UMC 19190 Cochran Blvd, call 941-2582610(Hope) $32 annual, $5 monthly Project Linus, Have fun crochet knit quilt blankets for Charlotte County kids FGCU Herald Court Punta Gordo 9-11am Nancy 627-4364 Quarter Bingo, Cultural Center 10a-10:45a 2280 Aaron St. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. QiGong vs TaiChi, Theory & practice QiGong N TaiChi Whats the difference? Instr.Richard Curtis 407.923.8310 PGICA Fri.10-11am $9 Eagles, Eagles 2311 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 music It Takes Two Bingo, Cultural Center 10:45a-3:30p 2280 Aaron St. Game Packs start at $13. Over 25 games with payouts up to $250 625-4175. Deep Creek Elks, Open @10. Dinner 5-8. Prime Rib,seafood & more. Music by Tim & RoseanneŽ. Reservations 941-249-8067. Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-9:30 Music by Sensations @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606;members & guests Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 Danny Beach, Singer Danny Beach performs 12 noon-3 pm in center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Alzheimers Support, Third Friday of every month at 1pm. Meet & discuss common challenges. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 828-1223 Port Charlotte Elks, BOGO Happy Hour 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 American Legion 103, OPEN TO PUBLIC! Meatloaf Dinner or Fish/Shrimp 5-7 Music & Dancing 6-9pm 2101 Taylor Rd PG 639-6337 Singer Paul Roush, Singer Paul Roush performs live music, 5-9 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Friday Night Dance, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 7p-10p $10 Full cash bar live entertainment. Band info at 625-4175 TODAY Line Dancing, 9:30 to 11:30 American Legion Post 113 3436 Indiana Road Rotonda West. Phone Eve at 941 697 8733 Dessert Game Day, Play card or board games. Have fun at Lemon Bay Womans Club. 51 N. Maple St. 11:30 3. $3.00 773-307-7003 Alzheimers Support, Third Friday of every month at 1pm. Meet & discuss common challenges. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 828-1223 Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. Dinner & Dancing, Special: Chicken Marsala & reg menu 5-7:30pm Music:Eddie&the Edsels 7-10pm Rotonda Elks, members & guests 697-2710 FISH FRY & MORE, Haddock, Shrimp & Other Seafood Items. 4:30-7pm. MusicMCSQUARED 6:30pm. Legion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Rotonda SATURDAY BREAKFAST, Breakfast 8am -11:30am. Karaoke starts at 6:30pm, Come and Sing! American Legion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Rotonda iPhone for Beginners, Join us at 10:00 a.m. for iPhones for Beginners at the Elsie Quirk Library. Sign-up is required. Phone: 941-861-1207. Spanish Storytime, Spanish Storytime Age 3-11 10:30-11:30 pm Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 CARD PARTY MAY 3RD, Card Party Wed May 3rd. Tickets available until noon 5/1. $7 p/p includes lunch. St. Francis, 941-697-4899 BBQ Saturday, Pulled pork,mac&cheese, brats,burgers,more 12-3pm. Music:Those Guys-1:30-4:30pm Rotonda Elks members&guests 697-2710 Cornhole12:30PM, Cornhole sign in 12:30 $2 per game entry fee. Proceeds to charity. Rotonda Elks, members & guests. Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. SUNDAY BREAKFAST, Breakfast 8am-11:30am. Bar Bingo in the Lounge starts at 6:30pm, Get Lucky! Legion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Rotonda TODAY Basic Exercise, $3/class 9-10 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Come join Brenda for a good workout and feel better. NP Farmers Market, 9 to 2 city hall blvd. 941-391-4856 Fresh produce organic & domestic, seafood, meats, cheese, olives & more. Music. Blood Pressure, 9:30-10:30 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Done By Lorna DeRiggs, RN Get yours done Pierogies Take-Out, Pierogies/Kielbasa, Every Fri.10am-6pm, St. Andrew Ukrainian Center. 4100 S.Biscayne Dr. North Port 941 786-5256 VFW Post 8203, Fish/fry Rib Dinners 5 pm 7 pm, Dj Scotty 6 pm 10 pm lunch 11 am 2 pm Alzheimers Resp.Care, 10:30-2:30 every Fri.Living Waters Lutheran Church,12475 Chancellor Blvd.activities,lunch.$30.Info call 941-204-7335. Life AFTER Downton, North port library, Juliano room, 10:30-12. Please join us for a discussion o current PBS programs. Ques? 861-1307 St. Marys Takeout, Pierogie/Stuffed Cabbage/ Borsch, 11am-6pm, St Marys, 941-423-2427. Pinochle, $1.50/person 12-3 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Pat Lucia 257-8358 If you enjoy playing then come play Alzheimers Support, Third Friday of every month at 1pm. Meet & discuss common challenges. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 828-1223 Port Charlotte Elks, BOGO Happy Hour 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Ukrainian Dinners, Pierogie/Stuffed Cabbage/Borsch, 4-6pm, St. Marys, 941-423-2427. AMVETS 312 Dinner, Lunch 11:30-2:00 Dinner 5-7 Friday Fish Fry, Shrimp, members& guests 7050 Chancellor Blvd NP 941-429-5403 Holy Name Bingo, 5-9pm San Pedro Activity Center Non-Smoking Up to $1300.00 in cash prizes Refreshments Open to all 429-6602 North Port Moose, Chicago style hot dogs for lunch and prime rib dinner special, Karaoke 7 to 11 at 14156 Tamiami trl NP PRIME RIB BUFFET, SEAFOOD & PRIME RIB BUFFET@ AMVETS 312 only $12 donation. Served 5-7pm for members & guests. NP AMVET 429-5403 Pinochle, $2/person 6-9 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Rochelle 429-1887 Friday night fun. Come Join in. SATURDAY Tree Fair 2017!, Sat.,People for Trees. Hundreds of native trees for sale,$12. 4940 Pan Am, N.Pt.10-2. Workshops,Fairy Houses. 468-2486 Port Charlotte Elks, Entertainment by Nick Dattilo 6-9, Steak Dinner $12, Members/Guests, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 CHARLOTTE EVENTS ENGLEWOOD EVENTS NORTH PORT EVENTS Monster BINGO, April 22, Early Birds 11am, Regular Games 12. 50/50s and Door Prizes. VFW Post 5690, 23204 Freedom Ave, PC. For info call 629-4200. The Charlotte Chorale Concert, The Charlotte Chorale Presents: Made in AmericaŽ music by American Composers through the Centuries. Presented by Artistic Director Dr. William Dederer and 70 voices. Concert: April 22, 4PM, CPAC, 701 Carmalita St., Punta Gorda. For tickets: 941-204-0033, Adults $20, Students $10. Friday Fish Fry, Friday Fish Fry at CCYMC, 27000 Sunnybrook Road., P.G. (Hbr. Hgts.) Fri. Apr. 21 from 4 pm to 7 pm. Fried/Baked Fish, Shrimp, Hush Puppies, coleslaw, potatoes, drink & dessert $10.00. We prepare,and serve your meal, and also clean us. What could be better? CHS CLASS of 1977 REUNION, Looking for 1970s classic cars to join us for our 40th high school reunion on the lawn at the Sheraton from 5:30-8 on Friday the 21st and 12-2 on Saturday the 22nd., Contact Nora Smith @ 813-391-5811 or join us there. Free Shred Day/Food Drive at Bank Office, Sat., April 22, 9am-noon, Charlotte State Bank & Trust North Port office, 4300 Aidan Lane (opposite Cocoplum Plaza). Shred outdated personal and confidential papers for free. Limit: 4 boxes; no magazines. Please bring nonperishable food and personal care items for the Salvation Army. 777-1640. Featured Events Featured EventPAID ADVERTISEMENTS PAID ADVERTISEMENT The Community Calendar items are entered by the event organizers and are run as submitted.Ž To submit an item, go to www.yoursun. com, select an edition and click on the Community CalendarŽ link on the left. Click Submit Event,Ž and fill out the appropriate information. We cannot guarantee when this oer will be repeated in the newspaper. 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STOCK #2-141685 N EW 2016 C HEVY S ILVERADO 1500. S AVINGS ARE BASED ON A 4.99% INTEREST RATE FOR 72 MONTHS FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS S AVINGS INCLUDE ALL DISCOUNTS AND REBATES S OME OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED S EE DEALER FO R DETAILS 6. STOCK # 2-203277 N EW 2016 C HEVY S UBURBAN S AVINGS ARE BASED ON A 4.99% I NTEREST RAT E FOR 72 MONTHS FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS S AVINGS INCLUDE ALL DISCOUNTS AND REBATES S OME OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED S EE DEALER FOR DETAILS 7. STOCK # 1-27 4238 N EW 2016 C HEVY M ALIBU P REMIUM ISP TOTAL SAVINGS INCLUDES ALL DISCOUNTS S EE DEALER FOR DETAI LS 8. STOCK #2-593708 N EW 2016 B UICK E NCORE S AVINGS ARE BASED ON A 4.99%. I NTEREST RATE FOR 60 MONTHS FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS S AVINGS INCLUDE ALL DISCOUNTS AND RE BATES S OME OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED S EE DEALER FOR DETAILS 9. STOCK #1-161880 N EW 2016 B UIC K V ERANO S AVINGS INCLUDE ALL DISCOUNTS AND REBATES S OME OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED S EE DEALER FOR DETAILS 10. 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Our Town Page 12 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 LOCAL SPORTS Mantas go 12 to win CAPE CORAL „ The result of Wednesday nights game against Mariner was well worth the wait for Lemon Bays softball team. The Manta Rays needed 12 innings to scratch out a 6-5 victory that made for a late, but happy, trip home. We found a way to get it done and we won,Ž Manta Rays coach Kim Pinkham said. The teams battled for more than three hours, playing long after the Mariner and Charlotte baseball squads had “nished their business on the adjacent “eld and gone home. Kasi Shaffers bloop double down the right“eld line scored Leann Kelly with the go-ahead run in the top of the 12th for Lemon Bay. Kelly reached base on the “fth Tritons error of the night. Lemon Bay was able to do its fair share of damage against Mariner strikeout queen Hannah Holloway. Holloway, who set the state strikeout record as a freshman pitcher last year and broke it this season, struck out 14, but allowed 15 hits and six runs. Those 14 whiffs gave Holloway 251 for the season. Weve been telling them all year weve got to keep the ball in play,Ž Pinkham said. The strikeouts kill us. They kill most teams. But we had too many opportunities. Thats a good little pitcher, and she did a good job of keeping us completely off balance all night, but we kept the ball in play and “nally found a way to get the winning run in.Ž Holloway also was 4-for-6 at the plate, including a double that led to her scoring the tying run in the bottom of the seventh. Logan Johnson, the second Manta Rays pitcher, worked 6.1 innings after starter Bailey Grossenbacher. Karlie Sweiderk had a two-run single in Lemon Bays four-run fourth inning. The Mantas led 4-2 after that rally.LEMON BAY 6, MARINER 5Lemon Bay 000 410 000 001 „ 6 15 1 Mariner 200 101 100 000 „ 5 12 5 WP: Logan Johnson; LP: Hannah Holloway. Leading hitters : (LB) Bailey Grossenbacher 3-6, RBI, 2B, run; (M) Hannah Holloway 4-6, 2B, SB, run. Records: Lemon Bay 10-11, Mariner 15-9.BASEBALLCAPE CORAL „ Charlotte got good pitching, good defense and just enough hitting to slip past Mariner 2-1 in a non-district game. Kevin Conway pitched a two-hitter for Charlotte, striking out eight and walking three in going the distance. Both hits were singles. It was a good, clean game,Ž Charlotte coach Lavell Cudjo said. I thought we hit the ball well. Kevin pitched a good game. Thats the way we want them to play.Ž Lavell Cudjo scored both Tarpons runs, including the eventual gamewinner in the top of the sixth. Cudjo led off the inning with a triple and came home on Garrett Dunsons single. Justin Hincheys single in the fourth scored Cudjo with the other Charlotte run. Alex Freelands single scored Louis Alberro, who also singled, for Mariners run in the fifth. Freeland took the loss in relief.CHARLOTTE 2, MARINER 1Charlotte 000 101 0 „ 2 10 1 Mariner 000 010 0 „ 1 2 0 WP: Kevin Conway LP: Alex Freeland. Leading hitters: (C) Lavell Cudjo 3-3, 3B, 2 runs. (M) Freeland 1-3, RBI. Records: Charlotte 15-5, Mariner 11-12. PREP ROUNDUP ENGLEWOOD „ Lemon Bay coach Casey Hanrahan has an interesting theory for his teams recent success. Im telling you, its that cellphone tower they put in. Its radiating its positive energy on us,Ž Hanrahan said. Whatever it is, its working. Zach Taylor threw a one-hitter and eight different players drove in a run to lead Lemon Bay to its sixth straight win, a 10-0 shutout over Oasis on Wednesday night at Jack Lewellyn Field in a game that ended after “ve innings on the mercy rule. Trey Fields led the way with two RBI and two runs while leadoff hitter Warnner Rincones scored a team-high three times to go along with two triples on a 3-for-3 night. Chace Shorks RBI double in the “fth scored Fields for the games “nal run. But seriously, were just playing good baseball right now. Its good to see,Ž Hanrahan said. It took us awhile to get going this season, but I think were “nally catching our stride and were able to produce in situations that we need it. Our pitchers are throwing well, our defense is playing well „ things are just clicking right now.Ž Taylor struck out eight in a complete game effort while walking only one. The only Oasis hit came on Pat Picciolos single in the third. The senior struck out the side in the “fth and struck out two more in the third before striking out another after Picciolos single. Hes a good pitcher. He really is. Hes our guy that we can rely on,Ž Hanrahan said. He eats up a lot of innings for us, which is a very important position on the team. Im happy with the way he pitched tonight and he did a good job.Ž Lemon Bay struck for three runs in the “rst inning off of Oasis starter Justin Brooks. Rincones scored on an error, Jacob Treece scored on a single by Fields, and Fields later scored on a sacri“ce ”y by Tyler Kreissler. Rincones hit his “rst triple in the next inning and later scored on a double by Treece. Lemon Bay blew the game open in the third for a 7-0 lead on an RBI double by Taylor and singles by Flynn Stewart and Rincones that produced runs. Were really playing as a team now. Were coming together,Ž Rincones said. At the beginning of the year, we started slow but now were becoming a team.Ž Brooks night ended when he walked Fields to start the fourth. Fields later scored on a sacri“ce ”y by Josh Sweiderk. The “nal line for Brooks wasnt pretty as all eight of his runs were earned on “ve hits and “ve walks. Rincones hit his second triple in the “fth off Oasis reliever Steve Salamida. The shot very easily couldve been an inside-the-park home run, but Hanrahan held him at third, although begrudgingly. Thats a tough call,Ž Hanrahan said. I was thinking about it because weve been thrown out in that situation before and it kind of takes the wind out of your sails but he probably wouldve made it.Ž Rincones scored anyway on Fields single that put Lemon Bay up 9-0. Treece, who walked after Rincones triple, scored the “nal run on Shorks double.Contact Jordan Kroeger at 941-206-1175 or email LEMON BAY 10, OASIS 0Oasis 000 00 „ 0 1 2 Lemon Bay 313 12 „ 10 5 1 WP: Zach Taylor. LP: Justin Brooks. Leading hitters: (LB) Warnner Rincones 3-3, 2 3B, 3 R, RBI; Trey Fields 2-3, 2 RBI, 2 R. Records: Lemon Bay 12-8, Oasis 7-13.Lemon Bay blanks Oasis for sixth straight victory PREP BASEBALL: Lemon Bay 10, Oasis 0By JORDAN KROEGERSPORTS WRITER The North Port girls and boys track and “eld teams quali“ed multiple athletes for next weeks Region 4A-2 meet with performances Wednesday in the District 4A-8 meet at Seminole High School. The girls will send 10 competitors onto regionals while the boys will send “ve. Despite 12 scratches on the day, the girls still “nished fourth with 84 points while the boys stumbled to a seventh-place “nish with 25 points. Riverview took the girls title with 161 points while Lakewood Ranch was the boys champion with 141.75 points. Alexis Francavilla quali“ed individually for North Port in three events, “nishing second in the long jump and shot put and third in the triple jump. She was also part of the 4X1 relay team with Emani Jefferson, Aarmani Seale and Daham-shel Jean that placed second. Jefferson was also third in the high jump and Seale took fourth in the triple jump. Other Bobcats who performed well to qualify for regionals were Carly Lovett (second in high jump) and Morgan Gloster (second in pole vault). The 4X800 relay team of Lindsay Boethig, Kaley Boethig, Kayla Dennis and Shelby Cutchineal also will run next week after placing second. The boys quali“ed for regionals in two events. Daniel Gonzalez placed second in the discus and the 4X800 relay team of Louie Dietrich, Javier Amaya, Evan Weisberger and Charles Moody placed third. The Region 4A-2 meet is scheduled for April 29 at George Jenkins.Bobcats qualify 15 for 4A-2 regional PREP TRACK & FIELD: North PortSTAFF REPORTPUNTA GORDA „ In the end, it was the Charlotte girls sprinters who were able to hold off the long distance runners of Fort Myers to capture the District 3A-11 track and “eld championship at the Tarpons track on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the Charlotte boys, and the Port Charlotte boys and girls teams had performances that allowed them to qualify for regionals next week in St. Petersburg. The Tarpon girls had 139 points to edge Fort Myers by 12. Charlotte was led Eunice Noel, who won the long jump and the 100-meter hurdles. Noel also was runner-up in the 300 hurdles to teammate Britney Augustin, who was part of the 4x100 relay that blistered the “eld by nearly three seconds. We pulled through more than I really couldve guessed. We did well in distance, but I think the sprint got us the title,Ž sprinter Kaitlyn Chavarria said. We really showed up with the sprints today and it showed on the scoreboard.Ž Jaliyah Underwood was fourth in the long jump, second in the 100 hurdles and was part of the 4x100 relay with Dana Donovan, who was second in the 100 meters and third in the 200. Latisha Pereira was third in the high jump, while Natalie Jen, Lexus Sweet and Ulyana Clarkes were 2-3-4 in the pole vault to earn them regionals. Charlottes 4x800 and 4x400 relays “nished third to get to regionals. For the boys, the Price brothers won district titles. GVonte won the discus while DVonte won the 110-meter hurdles and was second in the long jump and a teammate in the 4x100 that was runner-up. Dalton Larson and Jonathan Walker were 2-3 in the pole vault, while Jack Fining was runner-up in the shot put. Savorion Warrens fourth in the 100 and Daniel Frederiqies fourth in the shot put also earned them regional berths. We got off to a great start in the “eld and the kids did what they usually do,Ž Charlotte coach Jerry Voss said. All the kids who quali“ed did what they were supposed to do.Ž Balanced Fort Myers totaled 146 points to “nish 50 points up on Charlotte. Port Charlotte did well in the distance and jumping events to take third with 78 points. Tyreece Luther and Jayden Edwards were 1-2 in the triple jump, with Luther also third in the long jump. Eli Johnson was fourth in the high jump to go to regionals. On the track, the Pirates got second and third from John Perez in the 3200 and 1600, respectively, along with a fourth in the 4x800 relay and a third in the 4x400. For the girls, who “nished seventh, Alden Goucher was the lone winner in the triple jump. Sarah Dempaire will go to regionals in two events after a third in discus and a fourth in the shot put. There were a number of athletes we thought had a chance to compete for regionals and some looking to earn points and a varsity letter, and they did that,Ž Port Charlotte girls coach Ray Chumbley said. The 4x400 ran six seconds faster than they have all year. Im pleased with the way we performed.Ž3A-11 CHAMPIONSHIPAt Charlotte High Boys Team standings Fort Myers 146, Charlotte 96, Port Charlotte 78, Ida Baker 72, Island Coast 65, S. Fort Myers 59, Riverdale 53, Mariner 21, Cape Coral 21, Lehigh 20, N. Fort Myers 19, Cypress Lake 8. Individuals High Jump: 1. Anterieon Payne (RIV) 1.87m., 2. Jordan Bergman (FM) 1.82m., 3. Cornelius Johnson (RIV) 1.77m.; Pole Vault: 1. Jimmy OConnor (IB) 4.10m., 2. Dalton Larson (CHS) 3.65m., 3. Jonathon Walker (CHS) 3.65m.; Long Jump: 1. Tyrone Campbell (IC) 6.87m., 2. DVonte Price (CHS) 6.75m., 3. Tyreece Luther (PC) 6.65m.; Triple Jump: 1. Tyreece Luther (PC) 13.49m., 2. Jayden Edwards (PC) 13.06m., 3. Tyrone Campbell (IC) 12.67m.; Discus: 1. GVonte Price (CHS) 45.18m., 2. Mitchell Helman (CL) 41.28m., 3. Jacob Lemon (FM) 40.88m.; Shot Put: 1. Nick Viola (RIV) 14.68m., 2. Jack Fining (CHS) 14.61m., 3. Maximus Rodriguez (IB) 13.85.; 4X800 meter relay: 1. Fort Myers (Reese Novella, Kyle Skinner, Evan Babatz, Nick Carpenter) 8:11.70, 2. Island Coast 8:15.42, 3. Ida Baker 8:21.05; 110 hurdles: 1. D;Vonte Price (CHS) 14.35, 2. Althiery Leontes (SFM) 14.36, 3. Josias Jean (FM) 14.82; 100 m: 1. Widchard Guervil (FM) 10.67, 2. Patston Stewart (LEH) 10.79, 3. Calvin Smith (IC) 11.03; 1600 m: 1. Evan Babatz (FM) 4:36.48, 2. Nick Carpenter (FM) 4:38.14, 3. John Perez (PC) 4:38.91; 4X100 m. relay: 1. Fort Myers (Josias Jean, Voldrick Dorelien, Jonathan Cassmajor, Widchard Guervil) 41.97, 2. Charlotte 42.81, 3. Cape Coral 43.46; 400 m: 1. Ryan Ringer (IB) 49.03, 2. Andtravius Perkins (SFM) 50.32, 3. Wislot Augistin (FM) 50.74; 300 m. hurdles: 1. Althiery Leontes (SFM) 38.51, 2. Josias Jean (FM) 38.96, 3. Antaeveon Payne (RIV) 39.74; 800 m: 1. Evan Babatz (FM) 2:01.86, 2. Bobby Martin (IC) 2:02.31, 3. Jonathan Harshman (IB) 2:02.53; 200 m: 1. Widchard Guervil (FM) 21.94, 2. EQuan Dorris (SFM) 22.95, 3. Patston Stewart (LEH) 22.96; 3200 m: 1. Kyle Skinner (FM) 10:16.03, 2. John Perez (PC) 10:24.79, 3. Mateo Defoor (IC) 10:25.57; 4X400 m. relay: 1. Ida Baker (Ryan Ringer, Jesse Blow, Monfred Nevulus, Kennice Beaubrun) 3:25.18, 2. South Fort Myers 3:26.11, 3. Port Charlotte 3:30.48. Girls Team standings Charlotte 139, Fort Myers 127, Riverdale 76, S. Fort Myers 62, Island Coast 62, Cape Coral 52, Port Charlotte 44, Lehigh 31, Ida Baker 28, N. Fort Myers 24, Cypress Lake 13. Individuals High Jump: 1. Anna Presson (RIV) 1.57m., 2. Olivia Talmage (FM) 1.52m., 3. La Tisha Pereira (CHS) 1.52m.; Pole Vault: 1. Alexandra Chlumsky (FM) 3.50m., 2. Natalie Jen (CHS) 3.35m., 3. Lexus Sweet (CHS) 2.60m.; Long Jump: 1. Eunice Noel (CHS) 5.09m., 2. Symone Staley (RIV) 5.09m., 3. IKeriah Day (SFM) 5.08m.; Triple Jump: 1. Alden Goucher (PC) 10.86m., 2. IKeriah Day (SFM) 10.40m., 3. Joilynn Lewis (CC) 10.27m.; Discus: 1. Dariona Fleming (LEH) 34.40m., 2. Precious Tilman (IC) 32.40m., 3. Sarah Dempaire (PC) 30.20m.; Shot Put: 1. Precious Tilman (IC) 11.39m., 2. Aleisha Curry (LEH) 10.89m., 3. Dariona Fleming (LEH) 10.43m.; 4X800 meter relay: 1. Fort Myers (Caroline McKenzie, Fiona Kurland, Sidney Oakes-Lottridge, Kristlin Gear) 9:39.88, 2. Island Coast 9:47.78, 3. Charlotte 9:57.77; 100 hurdles: 1. Eunice Noel (CHS) 15.13, 2. Jaliyah Underwood (CHS) 15.76, 3. Dashnie Dervil (IB) 15.91; 100 m: 1. Mirlege Castor (SFM) 11.86, 2. Dana Donovan (CHS) 12.07, 3. Teera Stewart (SFM) 12.41; 1600 m: Kristlin Gear (FM) 5:06.98, 2. Caroline MacKenzie (FM) 5:10.97, 3. Chelsey Oliver (RIV) 5:12.97; 4X100 m. relay: 1. Charlotte (Kaitlyn Chavarria, Britney Augustin, Jaliyah Underwood, Dana Donovan) 48.25, 2. Cape Coral 51.09, 3. North Fort Myers 51.38; 400 m: 1. Alexandria Rankin (IC) 57.88, 2. Mykelah McMiller (SFM) 1:01.22, 3. Delanie Zohler (NFM) 1:01.22; 300 m. hurdles: 1. Britney Augustin (CHS) 46.68, 2. Eunice Noel (CHS) 47.30, 3. Kyla Geren (RIV) 49.06; 800 m : 1. Kristlin Gear (FM) 2:20.64, 2. Fiona Kurland (FM) 2:23.21, 3. Isabella Snyder (IC) 2:24.32; 200 m: 1. Mirlege Castor (SFM) 24.70, 2. TeEra Stewart (SFM) 25.79, 3. Dana Donovan (CHS) 25.90; 3200 m: 1. Kristlin Gear (FM) 11:16.16, 2. Caroline MacKenzie (FM) 11:40.50, 3. Chelsey Oliver (RIV) 11:44.19; 4X400 m. relay: 1. Island Coast (Alexandria Rankin, Cory Pethers, Stephnie Hernandez, Isabella Snyder) 4:14.76, 2. Riverdale 4:17.59, 3. Charlotte 4:20.37.By CHUCK BALLAROSUN CORRESPONDENT PREP TRACK & FIELD: Charlotte, Port CharlotteCharlotte girls win title; boys second to Fort Myers PORT CHARLOTTE „ For the second straight night, Port Charlottes baseball team watched as a 6-2 lead wither away late in the game. And for the second night in a row, the Pirates bene“ted from some walk-off heroics. This time it was Matt LePoint who delivered a game-winning single in the seventh inning to beat Manatee 7-6 Wednesday night. Its a nice way to win,Ž said Port Charlotte coach Rodney Taylor, whose team bested Ida Baker in eight innings on Tuesday evening. You dont want to get used to doing that, but wed love to get that lead and learn to hang on to the lead.Ž The seventh began when Matt Intihar reached base on an error and then advanced to second on another error. That was the theme of the night for Port Charlotte, as six Hurricanes errors directly led to six Pirates runs. Thats very important,Ž Taylor said. We were on the other end of that before. Take advantage of their errors. That ended up being the (game-winning run).Ž Port Charlotte starting pitcher Matt Defoe allowed just three of the runs in 5.1 innings of work. After three strikeouts in the opening frame, he had only one more the rest of the night. That one other strikeout, however, ended a threat in the “fth inning. Defoe let the “rst two batters reach base, but left them stranded by retiring the next three. Manatee tagged Defoe and reliever Damien Ashley for four runs in the sixth inning. A leadoff double, a groundout and a single ended Defoes night, but Ashley was able to record just one out as he surrendered three runs on four hits and a “elders choice. Our pitchers did a great job for us,Ž Taylor said. I tip my hat to Manatee. They came out in that big inning. ... (Our) kids didnt give up. They battled back again in the bottom of the seventh and did what they had to do.Ž Port Charlotte took advantage of Manatee errors in the third and “fth innings. Both frames the Hurricanes committed a pair of errors, which the Pirates capitalized on for two and three runs, respectively. Jason James had a tworun single in the third to give Port Charlotte what was a 4-0 lead at the time. Trevor Bloom earned the win by pitching a scoreless top of the seventh inning. Intihar scored three runs, despite going 0-for-4 at the plate. The RBI for LePoint was his second of the night following a single in the second inning for the Pirates “rst run.Contact Bryan Levine at 941-206-1175 or email CHARLOTTE 7, MANATEE 6Manatee 000 204 0 „ 6 13 6 Port Charlotte 013 020 1 „ 7 8 2 WP: Trevor Bloom; LP: Andrew Schafer. Leading Hitters: (PC) LePoint 2-4, 2 RBI; Intihar 3 R. Records: PC: 15-8.Pirates win in walk-offBy BRYAN LEVINESPORTS WRITER PREP BASEBALL: Port Charlotte 7, Manatee 6By PETE SISKSUN CORRESPONDENT


The Sun /Friday, April 21, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 13 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS To view todays legal notices and more visit, To view todays legal notices and more visit, 3000 NOTICES 3112 FICTITIOUS NAME 0 4/ 2 1/ 20 17 Notice Under Fictitious Name Law Pursuant to Section 865.09, Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of BFD Enterprises located at 451 Blackburn St. in the County of Sarasota in the City of Engle wood Florida 34223 intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at Englewood Florida, this 1st day of January 2016 Kurt R. Irmiter Publish: April 21, 2017 110833 3445351 3114 INVITATION TO BID NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF BID SPECIFICATIONS REQUEST FOR BIDS CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA The County of Charlotte will be receiving sealed bids at the Pur chasing Division, Suite 344, Charlotte County Administration Center, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, FL 33948-1094, for: BID NO. 2017000300 EAST PORT WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY STAGE 5 … LINER REPAIRS It is the intent of Charlotte County to secure the services of an experienced, licensed, and insured Contractor to furnish all mat erials, labor, equipment and all other appurtenances required to complete liner repairs to the East Port Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) 95 MG pond as described w ithin the Technical Specifications. T here are no local preference requirements with this project. T he license(s) required to perform t hese services for this project are: Certified/Registered General, Certified/Registered Master Plumber or Certified/Registered Under ground Utility. PRE-BID CONFERENCE: 11:00 a.m., April 19, 2017 UTILITIES ENVIRONMENTAL CAMPUS CONFERENCE ROOM 25550 HARBORVIEW ROAD PORT CHARLOTTE, FL A SITE VISIT WILL BE HELD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE PRE-BID MEETING BID OPENING: 2:00 p.m., May 3, 2017 PURCHASING DIVISION CONFERENCE ROOM Bid Documents may be obtained by accessing the Charlotte County Purchasing Divisions website at w chasing under Purchasing Bids OnlineŽ, document number 173002. Any questions can be a nswered by contacting Kathleen M. Lindback, CPPB, Contract Specialist at 941.743.1376 or email: Kathy.lindback@charlottecoun Publish: April 21, 2017 163352 3445622 3116 NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTHIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA In re: The Marriage of: A RLENE G. FERREIRA, Petitioner/Wife, And CELIO BATISTA FERREIRA, Respondent/Husband CASE NO:16-2195CA Division: FAMILY NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT) TO: CELIO BATISTA FERREIRA, Respondent/Husband 12 Darling Street, Unit H, Southington, CT 06489 Y OU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on ARLENE G. FERREIRA a/k/a, ARLENE G. BAYER, c/o The Law Office of Eric A. Reyes, P.A. Eric A. Reyes, Esq., 1435 Collingswood Blvd, Ste. B, Port Charlotte, Florida 33948 on or before05/22/2017, and file the original with the clerk of this Court at CHARLOTTE COUNT Y JUSTICE CENTER 350 East Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. IF YOU FAIL TO DO SO, A DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED A GAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE PETITION. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be di idd NONE 3116 NOTICE OF ACTION v id e d : NONE Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of t he Circuit Court's office. You may review these documents upon request. Y ou must keep the Clerk of the Circuit Court's office notified of your current address. (You may file Designation of Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Cour t Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or emailed to the address(es) on record at the clerk's office. W ARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanct ions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Dated: 04/17/2017 By: Jen Kern Deputy Clerk Publish: April 21, 28, May 5, 12, 2017 146411 3444917 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 17-603 DR Division: Family ANA M. KNIGHT, Petitioner, And BRETT A. REPASY, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT) TO: BRETT A. REPASY 9510 Denison Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44102 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on MARK A. CREECH, ESQ. whose address is 1620 Placida Road, Suite A, Englewood, FL 34223 on or before {date} 05/09/2017 and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 350 East Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33950 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or personal property should be divided: {insert noneŽ or, if applica ble, the legal description of real property, a specific description of personal property, and the name of the county in Florida where the property is located} None Copies of all court documents in this case, including orders, are available at the Clerk of the Circuit Courts off ice. You may review these documents upon request. You must keep the Clerk of t he Circuit Courts office notified of your current address. (You may file Designation o f Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Cour t Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or emailed to the address(es) on record at the clerks office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated: 04/04/2017 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: J Kern Deputy Clerk Publish: April 14, 21, 28, May 5, 2017 395908 3443303 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION PARKHILL, INC., a Florida Profit Corporation, Plaintiff, Case No. 17000169CA vs. ESTATE OF ARTHUR R. BAXTER, EMILY A. BAXTER, GEORGE A. BAXTER, and ANY UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, CREDITORS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, UNKNOWN PARTIES OR OTHERS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST ARTHUR R. BAXTER, NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Unknown Heirs, Beneficiaries, Devisees, Grantees, Creditors, Successors, Assigns, Unknown Parties or Others Claiming By, Through, Under or Against Arthur R. Baxter or the Estate of Arthur R. Baxter of 10101 Burnt Store Road, Lot 27, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien for as sessments pursuant to Section 719.108 of the Florida Statutes, and the By-Laws, Rules & Regulations of Parkhill, Inc., on the following described property Charlotte County, Florida: PlID#412329237907 3116 NOTICE OF ACTION P arce l ID# : 412329237907 being Certificate of Shares #27, more particularly described as: 10101 Burnt Store Road, Unit 27, Punta Gorda, Florida 33955, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3528, Page 379, o f the Public Records of Charlotte County, Florida. has been filed against you and yo u are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Warren R. Ross, Esquire, the Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 1107 W. Marion Avenue, Unit #111, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950, on or before 05/16/2017 and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on the Plaintiffs attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief de manded in the Complaint. DATED on this 11th day of April 2017. Roger D. Eaton A s Clerk of the Court By: J Kern As Deputy Clerk Publish: April 14, 21, 2017 100738 3443281 3119 NOTICE OF AUCTION Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at public auction at the storage facility listed below, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property de scribed below belonging to those individuals listed below at location indicated: 902 Taylor St., Punta Gorda, FL 33950, (941)626-9600 on 5/3/2017 at 9:30 AM Eleanor Bovee unit #472 Household goods and seasonal items Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Publish: April 14, 21, 2017 327454 3443245 Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at public auction at the storage facility listed below, to satisfy the lien of the owner, at public sale by com petitive bidding on 5/3/2017 at 2:00 PM at the Extra Space Stor age facility located at: 17960 Paulson Drive, Port Charlotte, FL 33954 941.764.4085 Tyrone Gibbs Unit #113 Furniture and Household Items Theodore Parabak JR Units #245 Tools, clothes, small goods Shirley Evans Unit #398 Sofa, household goods Sam Luterotty Unit #531 Tools, personal items, construction materials, garage items Jotham Gallant Unit #1933 Tools, household goods, misc goods Yvonne Midlam Unit #1292 Furniture and boxes Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to com plete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and m ay rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses sion of the personal property. Publish: April 14 21, 2017 130345 3443218 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF A RTHUR E. GRUBE, JR. AKA A RTHUR ELLSWORTH Division Probate GRUBE, JR. Deceased. File No.17-275-CP NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of A rthur E. Grube, Jr. aka Arthur Ellsworth Grube, Jr., deceased, whose date of death was December 13, 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The names and ad dresses of the personal represen tative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. A ll creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with t his court WITHIN 3 MONTHS A FTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE A LL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE RIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT' S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 14 2017. Attorney for Personal Representative: Jennifer R. Howell Florida Bar Number: 0134740 2705 Tamiami Trail, Suite 412 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941)205-2525 Fax: (941) 205-2507 E-mail: Personal Representative: Arlene Kokoszki 216 Magothy Road Pasadena, Maryland 21122 Publish: April 14, 21, 2017 331499 3443161 3130 NOTICE OF SALE N ot i ce i s h ere b y g i ven t h at E xtra Space Storage will sell at public auction, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property belonging to those individuals listed below at location indicated: 23215 Harborview Road, Punta Gorda, FL, 33980 (941) 6242962, 05/03/2017 at 11:00 A M. Rock N Rodeo Inc. … Blake Zinn Unit 228 Restaurant supplies Erich Collins Unit 341 Household items Gary Winters Unit 915 Household items Ana Alvarez Unit 950 Furniture & household items Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses sion of the personal property. Publish: April 14, 21, 2017 111034 3443200 N ot i ce i s h ere b y g i ven t h at E xtra Space Storage will sell at live pub lic auction At the storage facility listed below, to satisfy the lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on Wednesday May 5, 2017 at 12:30 PM at the Extra Space Storage facility located at: 2080 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Office # (941) 625-3597 1. 522 Michelle Cassidy Furniture, couches, & house hold goods 2. 219 Reagan Fields Household goods 3. 316 Edward Smith Household goods Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to com p lete the transaction. Extra Space S torage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses s ion of the personal property. Publish: April 14, 21, 2017 327465 3443089 Findthe newYou intheClassifieds! NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE : T a l on Transport inc gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 5/5/2017, 10:00 am at 1145 Enterprise Dr Unit 101 Port Charlotte, FL 33953, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. Talon Transport inc reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. 1GNEC16Z42J224014 2002 CHEVROLET Publish: April 21, 2017 357662 3444589 3137 INTENT TO CONSIDER ORDINANCES NOTICE OF INTENT CITY OF NORTH PORT, SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 177.10(4), Florida Statutes, that Frank J. Openchowski and Alexandra W. Openchowski, Trustees under the Frank J. and Alexandra W. Family Trust, the property own ers, intends to petition the City of North Port to vacate a portion of the 20-foot platted rear drainage maintenance easement for lot 20, Block 188, Second Addition to the Port Charlotte Subdivision, ac cording to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 11, Pages 30, 30A-30G, of the Public Records of Sarasota County, Florida. All of the above lying and being in the City of North Port, Sarasota County, Florida. Publish April 21, 2017 and April 28, 2017 396035 3444996 ENGLEWOOD „ Ernest Bowles Sr. has never been able to say no to his granddaughter, Catheryn. So when she asked him to prom, he knew hed be going. For her part, Catheryn, a 17-year-old Lemon Bay High School senior, decided to make the night special for her grandfather. He never went to his senior prom, and Id rather make it special,Ž said Catheryn. Ernest is 73, and he and Catheryns grandmother, Linda, have been married 54 years. They are snowbirds who come down from Ohio. Linda Bowles explained that she and Ernest were supposed to go to prom together in their senior year of high school „ more than five decades ago „ but they couldnt afford it. While she jokes shes jealous and would love to spy on them, she thinks its sweet of Catheryn to take him. Prom is tonight for Lemon Bay students at the Gasparilla Inn Beach Club. Ernest expects to just have a nice evening with Catheryn and will do whatever his granddaughter wants. The pair are staying for a dance and photos, before heading out to enjoy a late-night dinner, according to Catheryn. Catheryns friends, while surprised, thought the idea was really cute. She said that one friend is planning to take plenty of photos to share on social media. While friends were in awe of Catheryns gesture, her family wasnt surprised she would choose to take her grandfather on this important night. Mother Susan and grandmother Linda describe the pair as inseparable; Catheryn was always close to her grandfather growing up. The rest of us are all second, third, fourth and fifth to him!Ž said Susan. Linda confirmed that Catheryn is the apple of Ernests eye. Catheryn recalls a story where she spotted her grandpa at a dance recital. I was at (the) dance recital and I ran out saying, Thats my grandpa,Ž she said. Her relationship with her grandfather is so special that whenever family would visit, she wouldnt hug anyone before hugging her grandfather first. While they laugh at the old stories, both Mom and Grandma hope they have a good time on prom night. I want them to enjoy each others company, like they always do, and make an extra special memory,Ž said Susan. Email: aherrera@sun-herald.comGrandfather to accompany Lemon Bay senior to promBy ALEXANDRA HERRERA STAFF WRITER SUN PHOTO BY ALEXANDRA HERRERA Catheryn and her grandfather, Ernest Bowles, will be matching again tonight at the LBHS prom. Looking for a Friend? Find him in the Classifieds


Our Town Page 14 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSSARASOTA „ There was a one-in-750,000 chance Amanda Corcoran would naturally conceive quadruplets. She beat the odds. Amanda had multiple ovulation of eggs and he (her husband Kyle) took her up on the challenge,Ž explained Felice Baron. Baron was one of several doctors nicknamed the Quad Squad,Ž who helped deliver Amandas quadruplets at Sarasota Memorial Hospital on March 28. Our obstetric and neonatal unit have gotten very good at managing multiple gestations,Ž she said. We are absolutely ecstatic how well Amanda has done.Ž Baron said despite Amanda being due in May, pre-term labor and delivery was inevitable. She made it almost 31 weeks. With twins, delivery runs about 37 weeks and triples is 33 weeks and quads are even earlier than that,Ž Baron said. The quads, who were born between 2 and 3 pounds each, will remain at the hospital as they continue to grow. They will not be released at the same time. It will be staggered.Ž Whichever baby is released, he will keep coming back with us until everyone can come home,Ž Amanda said. We are just so happy to have four healthy babies. Its been incredible having the four of them in such good hands. Weve had a tremendous team helping us every step of the way. It made the transition from being pregnant to being parents an easy one.Ž These days, Amanda, who is an only child, stays at the hospital nursing babies Harrison, Preston, Jackson and Lila. In between nursing, she pumps milk every three hours. She takes naps whenever possible and knows there are going to be some nights where shell be up for hours. Kyle and Amanda have become regulars at the SMH Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Amanda was hospitalized for more than a month before the babies were born. Another challenge for Amanda, 27, and Kyle, 29, is having to trade a Camry and RAV4 for a minivan. We didnt think we would have a minivan at this point in our lives, but now we are going to rock it,Ž Amanda joked. You cant be ready for any of this. You just have to let it happen. I would love to have all of the babies home by Mothers Day, but if it doesnt happen, I know we will have plenty other Mothers Days to share.Ž Kyle, who was in the delivery room rubbing Amandas head for more than an hour, said he loves the time he spends holding each child on his chest listening to them breathe. Its a wonderful feeling,Ž he said. That, for me, has been a milestone.Ž For Amanda, it was hearing Baby AŽ cry just after delivery. She said thats when she knew everything was going to be all right. According to Dr. Michael Shroder, each infant was delivered and lined near one another on a table while still attached to the placenta. It allowed each child to continue receiving blood before detaching them from Amanda. There was a lot of people around the four of us at the surgery table,Ž he said. The hospital staff has to be ready to go in a moments notice. Its exciting and challenging when you have four babies to deliver. It was a C-section just like any other C-section. The babies were crying, active and healthy. Its always different. Ive done four quadruplet deliveries in my career. This is the “rst one that was natural. Its obviously rare and that adds to the excitement.Ž The couple is excited about raising their children in Englewood. I cant wait until Halloween,Ž Amanda said. There are many three-boys-and-a-girl themes that I can dress them in like Wizard of Oz, Star Wars and Power Rangers „ its going to be so fun.ŽEmail: Englewood couple celebrates quadruplet deliveryBy ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICHCOMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR PHOTO PROVIDEDFrom left: Harrison, Preston, Jackson and Lila Corcoran were born within minutes of each other at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Their parents, Amanda and Kyle, live in Englewood and cant wait to welcome them home. SUN PHOTO BY ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICHKyle and Amanda Corcoran spend time with one of their four babies Thursday at Sarasota Memorial Hospital during the debut of the Corcoran quadruplets, born on March 28. SUN PHOTO BY ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICHSeveral television news reporters swarmed Amanda and Kyle Corcoran Thursday at Sarasota Memorial Hospital as they spoke to the doctor after the debut of the quadruplets. BOATING WITHOUT OWNING HARBOR AT LEMON BAY 941-475-7100 900 S. 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LASVEGASPresident Trumps companies own more than 400 condo units and home lots whose sale could steer millions of dollars to Trump, a USA TODAY investigation found. USA TODAY spent four months cataloging every property Trumps companies own in the USA. Reporters found that Trumps companies are sitting on at least $250 million of individual properties in the USA alone. Property records show Trumps trust and his companies own at least 422 luxury condos and penthouses from New York City to Las Vegas, 12 mansion lots on blus overlooking his golf course on the Paci“c Ocean and dozens more smaller pieces of real estate. The properties range in value from about $200,000 to $35 million each. Unlike developments where Trump licenses his name to a separate developer for a ”at fee, pro“ts from selling individual properties directly owned by his companies ultimately enrich him personally. Trump has never disclosed a complete, unit-by-unit inventory of his companies real estate holdings or sales, nor is he required to do so by federal law. Trump said hes separated himself from his businesses, but the trust set up in January is run by his sons. Trump is the only bene“ciary and can withdraw funds at any time. Anyone who wanted to court favor with the president could snap up multiple properties or purposefully overpay. They could buy in the name of a shell company, making it impossible for the public to know who was behind the sales. The volume of real estate cre-USA TODAY INVESTIGATION STEVE MARCUS FOR USA TODAYTRUMP OWNS $250M IN CONDOS YOU COULD BUYSecretive property deals raise questions about potential to in”uence the president STEVE REILLY, USA TODAY Nick Penzenstadler, Steve Reilly and John KellyUSA TODAY v STORY CONTINUES ON 2B FRANK FRANKLIN II, APTRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, LAS VEGASMilan Investment spent $3.1 million over four months to buy 11 luxury condos before the election in November.100 CENTRAL PARK SOUTH, NEW YORK CITYPlacards “lling the propertys windows advertise RETAIL SPACE AVAILABLE FOR LEASE.Ž The rent: $1.3 million a year.TRUMP PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK CITYTrumps realty “rm lists one of his three-bedroom condos on the seventh ”oor for $7 million. A 32nd-”oor penthouse rents for $75,000 a month.Trump says he has separated himself from his businesses, but the trust is run by his sons. Trump is the only bene“ciary. 04.21.17 U S A S NAP S H O T S M e n l ove a c l e an rid eSOURCE Jiffy Lube survey of 2,058 adultsMICHAEL B. SMITH AND KARL GELLES, USA TODAYo f m e n c l e an t h e ir v e hi c l es e x te ri o r daily o r w eek ly Ab o u t 60%30%o f w o m e n v s. o nly MARCOS GUEDEZ, AFP/GETTY IMAGESVenezuela seizes GM plant IN MONEY On Veep, Louis-Dreyfus ex-POTUS seeks rele v ancePATRICK HARBRON, HBO IN LIFE The Islamic State claimed responsibility after one police ocer was killed in a rare exchange of gun“re on the famed Champs-Elysees in central Paris just days before a crucial presidential election.Two other ocers were seriously wounded in the attack in the popular tourist area. The gunman was killed by police.The Islamic State identi“ed the attacker as Abu Yusuf al-Beljiki through its Amaq news agency, according to SITE Intel Group, a U.S.-based organization that monitors terrorists activity online.French President Franois Hollande said he is convinced the circumstances of the Paris shooting points to terrorist act, the Associated Press reported. Paris police spokeswoman Johanna Primevert initially told the Associated Press that the gunman deliberately targeted police on g uard near the Franklin Roosevelt subway s tation, and appeared to act alone. On Thursday evening, the Telegraph reported that police in Paris issued an arrest warrant for a second suspect who arrived by train from Belgium. Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet told BFM television that a man stepped from a car and opened “re on a police vehicle. A witness told Reuters the attacker opened “re with a machine gun. Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, said via Twitter that she salutes the dedication, bravery and professionalism of the police and rescue forces,Ž and thanked shopkeepers who sheltered many passersby when the shooting erupted. Security has been high in France ahead of the “rst round of hotly contested presidential elections Sunday. A French station hosting a televised event with the 11 candidates brie”y interrupted its broadcast to report the shootings, AP reported. As police blocked o key roadways in the heart of the French capital and told people to avoid the area, the broad avenues leading to the Arc de Triomphe were awash in police vehicles decked with whirlin g blue li g hts.ISIS says it was behind attack on Paris Champs-ElyseesPolice ocer, shooter killed in gunbattle Doug Stanglin@dstanglin USA TODAY AP In this image from video, authorities arrive on the scene Wednesday after a police ocer was killed on the Champs-Elysees in Paris. ELKRIDGE, MD.If you are recycling at home, you are probably doing it wrong. That is why a worker lunged to grab a garden hose o the conveyor belt at a Waste Management recycling facility here Wednesday before it got caught in a giant sorting machine. Such tangles frequently require the plant to stop the waste processing line and clean out the jaws by hand. Our contamination changes by the season,Ž said Mike Taylor, the companys director of recycling operations. Its spring, and the facility is getting a lot of garden hoses. Around the holidays, it gets broken strands of Christmas lights, another choking hazard for the sorting line. And all day, every day, there are plastic shopping bags (recyclable at a grocery store but not from a household), chunks of styrofoam, diapers, syringes, food-contaminated containers „ a nearly endless litany of things residents throw into their curbside carts “guring they are or ought to be recyclable. One worker grabs the remnants of a screen door o the sorting line, and another snags a wire rack from a DIY shelving unit. Many cities around the country will celebrate the 47th Earth Day on Saturday by highlighting their recycling programs, but the industry is grappling with a dual threat: The value of recovered waste products has plummeted over the past “ve years, and eort required to extract them has risen. Astudy by Rob Taylor of the State Recycling Program in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality estimated that the average market value of a ton of mixed recyclable material arriving at a recovery facility in the state dropped from just over $180 in early 2011 to less than $80 at the end of 2015. That value has since rebounded, Taylor found, to a little over $100, but it still leaves the industry struggling to ex-Recycling market in a heap of troublev STORY CONTINUES ON 2BThe eve of Earth Day “nds industry facing rising costs and falling demand, value Paul Singer@singernews USA TODAY JASPER COLT, USA TODAYFacilities such as Waste Management in Elkridge, Md., are struggling to turn a pro“t as the cost and eort of recycling rises in the face of plunging market value. This is an edition of USA TODAY provided for your local newspaper. An expanded version of USA TODAYis available at newsstands or by subscription, and at For the latest national sports coverage, go to The myth of the college dropout THE WIRE


Page 2 The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 PRESIDENTAND PUBLISHERJohn ZidichEDITOR IN CHIEFJoanne LipmanCHIEF REVENUE OFFICERKevin Gentzel 7950 Jones Branch Dr., McLean, Va. 22108, 703-854-3400 Published by Gannett The local edition of USA TODAYis published daily in partnership with Gannett Newspapers Advertising: All advertising published in USA TODAYis subject to the current rate card; copies available from the advertising department. USA TODAYmay in its sole discretion edit, classify, reject or cancel at any time any advertising submitted. National, Regional: 703-854-3400 Reprint permission, copies of articles, glossy reprints: or call 212-221-9595 USA TODAYis a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to other news services. USA TODAY, its logo and associated graphics are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. USA TODAYis committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones at 800-8727073 or e-mail Please indicate whether youre responding to content online or in the newspaper. Corrections & Clarifications The Arkansas Supreme Court has denied one of its death-row inmates appeals for a stay of execution, but the prisoner was still unlikely to be executed Thursday as scheduled because of other legal rulings blocking the use of one of the three drugs used in the states execution protocol. The last-minute wrangling has frustrated Gov. Asa Hutchinsons accelerated eort to put eight inmates to death before the end of April, when one of its lethal injection drugs expires. The “rst two executions were canceled because of court decisions. Legal rulings have put the others in doubt. As of Thursday, the original list has been narrowed, including Stacey Johnson, 47, and Ledell Lee, 51, who were scheduled to be executed Thursday. Arkansas originally set the executions over an 11-day period in April, which would have been the most by a state in such a short period since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. The legal delays have stymied the governors aggressive timetable. When I set the dates, I knew there could be delays in one or more of the cases, but I expected the courts to allow the juries sentences to be carried out since each case had been reviewed multiple times by the Arkansas Supreme Court, which armed the guilt of each,Ž Hutchinson said in a statement. Lee was denied a stay Thursday in his bid to allow time for new DNA tests on evidence connected with his case. He was sentenced to death for robbing and strangling Debra Reese, 26, who was also beaten 36 times by a tire iron in her home in 1993. Johnson, who was also scheduled to die Thursday, has likewise sought new DNA testing. He was sentenced to death for the 1993 killing of Carol Heath, 25. Both inmates are represented in their appeals by the Innocence Project and the American Civil Liberties Union. Johnson and Lee remain, at least for now, covered by the temporary restraining order issued Wednesday by Pulaski County Circuit Judge Alice Gray who blocked the state from using the drug vecuronium bromide as part of its three-drug lethal execution cocktail. McKesson Corp., which produces the drug, has argued it sold Arkansas the drug for medical use, not executions and would suer harm “nancially and to its reputation if the executions were carried out. It claims the state misled the company about how it planned to use the drug. A similar stay was overturned by a state appeals court last week. The current ruling has also been appealed by the state. Contributing: The Associated PressTwo more Arkansas executions in doubtGov. Hutchinson frustrated by last-minute rulings Doug Stanglin@dstanglin USATODAY ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION VIA APUndated photos provided by the Arkansas Department of Correction shows death-row inmates Stacey E. Johnson, left, and Ledell Lee. The executions of both men are delayed by legal rulings. ates an extraordinary and unprecedented potential for people, corporations or foreign interests to try to in”uence a president. The potential is exacerbated by Trumps refusal to release his tax returns or fully separate himself from his businesses, breaking with precedent set by presidents going back four decades. Since Congress passed the Ethics in Government A ct in 1978, all six presidents from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama established blind trusts or limited investments to assets such as mutual funds. Trump has not. The president is exempt from most con”ict-of-interest laws that apply to others working in the federal government. He is not required to disclose when units sell or who bought them. He is barred by the Constitution from receiving gifts from foreign governments or ocials. Trumps assessment that the ban doesnt apply to market-rate transactions is debated in lawsuits and among ethics experts. Regardless, it may be impossible for the public to even know if a foreign interest is behind a purchase because the rules governing real estate transactions allow for shell companies to make purchases without disclosing who actually paid the money. Anyone seeking to in”uence the president could set up an anonymous company and purchase his property,Ž said Heather Lowe, director of government affairs at Global Financial Integrity, aD.C.-based group aimed at curbing illicit “nancial transactions. Its a big black box, and the system is failing as a check for con”icts of interest.Ž Since Election Day, records show Trump companies have sold at least 14 luxury condos and home-building lots for about $23 million. More than half were sold to limited liability companies. No names were listed in deeds, obscuring buyers identities. Since launching his White House bid, Trumps companies have sold at least 58 units nationwide for about $90 million. Almost half of those sold to LLCs. That doesnt count Trumps ownership of millions of square feet of some of Americas priciest oce and retail rental space in Manhattan, Chicago and San Francisco. Buyers and renters of Trump properties include companies or individuals tracing to addresses in at least a dozen countries. The White House refers business inquiries to the Trump Organization, where four separate executives and spokesmen declined to answer speci“c questions. Bobby Burch“eld, an attorney hired as an independent ethics reviewer for Trump Organization business deals, wouldnt answer speci“c questions about transactions. Trump attorneys have argued that pro“ts from individual real estate sales would route through a maze of Trump subsidiaries and eventually become mixed in a larger pool of undierentiated money in the presidents trust. That, they said, makes a direct con”ict from an individual sale more dicult to imagine. They do not consider sales of U.S. real estate to foreign investors as foreign deals.Ž Those in the business of selling Trump-owned real estate said business is up. I get a lot more phone calls now that hes the president,Ž said Shari Sanderson, a real estate agent who sells units in the Las Vegas hotel-condo tower.A MYSTERIOUS BULK BUYERAcouple of weeks before the Republican National Convention, a Las Vegas “nancial “rm “led paperwork to found Milan Investment in Nevada. Days later, the newly minted company went on a buying spree. Milan spent $3.1 million over four months to buy 11 luxury condos in ashimmering golden tower near the Strip that Trump owns with friend and casino mogul Phil Ruf“n. Trump Run LLC collected the last of the money weeks before Trump was elected. Milan Investment tracks back to what appears to be a fake address, the strip mall oce of a “nancial services “rm. The owner, Thomas Sullivan, said he never heard of Milan Investment but said a federal regulatoryŽ agency visited his oce in person asking similar questions. He wouldnt identify the agency. Were completely in the dark,Ž Sullivan said. We dont know if it was a mistake, or they used our address for some reason, but we arent associated with them.Ž On the deeds from Milans purchases, Eric Trump signed for the sellers. An accountant signed for the buyers, and deeds do not identify any people behind Milan. USA TODAY tracked corporate, loan and property records across Nevada, Texas and Canada to tie three names to Milan Investment before the trail ran cold. In Nevada, where rules let anyone form companies without identifying the owners, Milans ocers are listed as Jun Xu and Qi Huang with an address at an oce suite in Las Vegas. Additional documents underlying the sale give two more addresses, both million-dollar condos in Vancouver, for Xu and Huang. Canadian records indicate they own both and hold a license to rent one. The records list Xu as a businessmanŽ and Huang as a housewife.Ž USA TODAY could not locate Xu and Huang for comment. One more name tied to Milan is Chen Huang of Sugar Land, Texas, who signed loan documents on behalf of Jun Xu and Qi HuangŽ when they borrowed money using the Vegas condos as collateral. Phone numbers for Chen Huang in Texas were answered but disconnected after a reporter identi“ed himself. Most Nevada real estate and legal professionals who handled deals would not answer questions. Alawyer who reviewed paperwork for the lender, Michael Wixom, said only, We “le the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) paperwork and represent the bank locally. Its all consistent with Nevada state law, and its not unusual to not know the name of the owners.Ž Reporters sent questions about the identity-obscuring real estate sales to a public relations “rm representing Trump in New York, the Trump Organizations marketing vice president, its vice president of sales in Las Vegas and Eric Trump. None of the inquiries was answered. The deal in 2016 makes Milan Investment the third-biggest investor in the Vegas building, behind Trumps own company and Hilton Hotels, which owns 311 of the condos. Kathleen Clark, a government ethics expert and professor at Washington University School of Law, said theres a strong argument for requiring disclosure of anyone buying real estate from the president. Theyre doing it through Trump companies, but nevertheless, if its going to bene“t the president, I think the public has a right to know whos paying the president,Ž Clark said. One solution: making the president subject to the same rules as other public ocials.MORE DEALS READYTrump surrogates have broadly scoed at the suggestion that he could be in”uenced by individual real estate transactions in the sixor seven-“gure range. USA TODAYs analysis of public records „ including “gures provided by the president himself „ shows that his individual real estate transactions add up and have substantially driven his income in recent years. Consider the Vegas tower. In his federal “nancial disclosure in 2016, the income Trump said he received from the Vegas venture is more than the revenue he reported from all but one of his approximately 500 companies. USA TODAYs analysis of the 2016 report indicates Trumps income includes at least $100 million a year from real estate sales and lease transactions. That number is probably higher because companies income is reported in ranges spanning millions of dollars. At Trump properties across the country, more deals are ready to be made. Were selling quite a few of those now,Ž Run said of the partners Vegas tower, where he and Trump own 388 condos and penthouses. Its picked up, our volume.Ž In total, records show Trump and his family own 32 residential condo units, plus 82 additional smaller units of real estate, including commercial property and storage spaces across New York City. Thats where the biggest money transactions are in the making. Trumps realty “rm lists one of his three-bedroom condos on the seventh ”oor of Trump Park Avenue for $7 million, touting solid oak ”oors, marble baths and a gourmet chefs kitchen. Also for rent for $75,000 a month: a Trump-owned seven-bedroom penthouse on the 32nd ”oor. At 100 Central Park South, placards recently “lled windows advertising RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE.Ž The rent: $1.3 million a year. Joanne Podell, the listing agent for Cushman & Wake“eld, said that although there has been recent interest, the buildings powerful owner is far less important in attracting tenants than factors such as foot trac and size. Its a g reat location.ŽIdentities of those who bought Trump property are obscuredv CONTINUED FROM 1B Pr es id e n t Trump s co mpani es o wn hundr e d s o f pi eces o f individu al r e al est a te, availabl e f o r s al e o r l e a se, a c r oss t h e co un t ry Th e bigg est inv e n to ry i s c lu ste r e d in a handful o f c i t i es. TRUM P'S M O N E Y MAKIN G R E AL ES TATE IN VE NT O RY SOU R CE US A TOD AY researchFRA NK P OM PA US A TOD AY Trump and hi s par t n e r Phil Ruffin st ill o wn 388 co nd os in t h e ir to w e r n e ar t h e st rip Th e y  v e so ld 11 s in ce E l ect i o n D ay f o r m o r e t han $ 3 milli o n In addi t i o n to co nd o s al es, h ote l and manage m e n t f ees mak e t h e to w e r Trump s seco nd bigg est so ur ce o f in co m e af te r hi s Do ral g o lf r eso r t in Miami L A S VEG A S Trump o wn s a d oze n building l ots w o r t h a milli o n d o llar s o r m o r e e a c h al o ng hi s g o lf co ur se in Ran c h os Pal os V e rd es. H e so ld o n e a t Thank s giving to a limi te d liabili t y co mpany f o r ab o u t $ 1 .5 milli on .LOS AN GELESTrump co mpani es o wn 3 2 r es id e n t ial co nd os and 8 2 s mall e r pi eces o f r e al est a te, in c luding o ffi ce and r et ail s pa ce f o r l e a se. H es so ld t w o co nd os in t h e c i t y f o r $ 18 milli o n s in ce E l ect i o n D ay N EW YO R K KEVIN DIETSCH/GETTY IMAGESPresident Donald Trump hasnt disclosed a complete inventory of his companies real estate sales, and he isnt required to do so. tract pro“t from the millions of tons of recyclable material Americans throw away every year. There are a host of reasons for the decline in the recycling market, ranging from global trade policy to the decline in newspaper readership, said David Biderman, executive director and CEO of the Solid Waste Association of North America. Much of reclaimed American waste is shipped overseas, but China established new limits on imported waste in 2013. In other nations, there has been a decrease in demand for that material as growth rate in foreign countries has leveled o,Ž Biderman said. Low oil prices have made it cheaper to produce new plastic bottles, so manufacturers dont have as much need for reclaimed plastic. In addition, packaging producers have “gured out how to make bottles and cans thinner, so they dont need as much raw material. And as the circulation for print newspapers has plummeted, the recycling industry has lost both a massive customer for reclaimed paper “ber and a huge source of incoming material. Across the industry, what was once a valuable commodity “ve years ago is less valuable now,Ž Biderman said. The change is perhaps most dramatic for glass. In most American cities, the glass bottle you toss in the recycling cart is essentially worthless, and if it breaks, the shards may make the paper in amixed cart worthless as well. We work hard to keep glass in the system because it is an iconic recycled item,Ž said Keefe Harrison, CEO of the Recycling Partnership, a non-pro“t committed to improving recycling programs nationwide. But it has very minimal market value because it has to compete with sand,Ž which is the raw material from which glass is made. Some municipalities have simply stopped collecting glass in their curbside recycling programs. When cities launched recycling programs in the 1980s and 1990s, the theory was that the revenue from the recovered materials would oset the costs of collecting and separating the waste, but it hasnt worked out that way. Kevin Miller, recycling manager for the city of Napa, Calif., said that the city gets back about 20% of the costs of collecting, sorting and shipping materials. Miller and environmental advocates point out that recycling has other economic bene“ts, such as reducing the use and cost of land“lls and reducing the need for harvesting virgin materials. But the burden of paying for it falls on cities „ or residents who pay for the trash service „ because the U.S. has not followed the path of many European countries of requiring manufacturers to take responsibility for the disposal or recovery of their products and packaging. But it is not all bad news in the industry, Napas Miller said. The growth of online shopping has generated an explosion of cardboard packaging coming into the recycling stream. There is more corrugated cardboard in the system than ever before,Ž he said, which is a valuable and readily recyclable product „ as long as it is not contaminated in a recycling bin by a dirt y diaper or broken bottle.Economic forces eat away at recyclingv CONTINUED FROM 1B


The Sun /Friday, April 21, 2017 Page 3 IN BRIEFNORTH KOREA THREATENS SUPER-MIGHTY STRIKE In an escalating war of words with the U.S., North Korea warned Thursday of a supermighty pre-emptive strikeŽ that would reduce American military forces in South Korea and the U.S. mainland to ashes,Ž according to The Rodong Sinmun, ocial newspaper of North Koreas Workers Party. The report, carried by Reuters, also warned the U.S. and its allies should not mess with us.Ž The latest bellicose statement follows North Koreas weekend display of military hardware in a parade marking the birthday of its founder Kim Il Sung and two attempted missile tests, one of which failed. The U.S. has stepped up its warnings to North Korea over its missile program and nuclear weapons tests. Vice President Pence, on a tour of the region, warned this week that the era of strategic patience is overŽ when it comes to U.S. policy toward North Korea.SEATTLE MAYORS SEX ACCUSER IDENTIFIES HIMSELFAman who accused Seattles mayor of sexually abusing him decades ago has come forward. In documents “led Tuesday in King County Superior Court, lawyers for Delvonn Heckard, 46, of Kent, Wash., said their client wanted his name known because two other men, Je Simpson and Lloyd Anderson, who lodged similar allegations against Mayor Ed Murray, have used their real names. As Mr. Simpson and Mr. Anderson have been courageous in stepping forward publicly, D.H. feels as though he should not proceed in anonymity,Ž the lawyers wrote in the revised complaint. Heckard used the initials D.H. in the original civil lawsuit he “led against the mayor April 6, in which he alleges that Murray paid him for sex on multiple occasions in the 1980s when he was ateenager. Hes the third person to come forward in recent years to accuse the mayor of sexual misconduct, but the only person seeking legal action. DMITRI LOVETSKY, APNASAs Jack Fischer and Russias Fyodor Yurchikhin lift o from the Russia-leased launch facility in Kazakhstan Thursday. A Soyuz space capsule delivered them to the International Space Station. Its Fischers “rst space ”ight.U.S.-RUSSIA DUO HEAD TO SPACE STATIONJUDGMENT DAY NEARS FOR MAN WHO KILLED TROOPERThe sentencing hearing begins Thursday for survivalist Eric Frein, 33, who sparked a massive, seven-week manhunt in the rugged mountains of Pennsylvania when he fatally shot one state trooper, seriously wounded another and then ”ed under cover of night. Ajury on Wednesday convicted Freinon a dozen counts including “rst-degree murder in the death of Cpl. Bryon Dickson II, 38, in September 2014. Now the jury will decide if Frein will be executed or spend the rest of his life in prison. ARLENE FORMS AS FIRST TROPICAL STORM OF SEASONThe “rst named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season formed Thursday afternoon some 1,700 miles east of the U.S. East Coast. Tropical Storm Arlene is just the second on record to form in April, the Weather Channel said. The only other tropical storm to form during the month was Ana in 2003. Hurricane season ocially starts June 1. Arlenes maximum sustained winds were near 45 mph, with higher gusts, the National Hurricane Centersaid. It was located about 815 miles west of the Azores. The system poses no threat to land and is forecast to dissipate Friday. Sta and wire reports Aspecial election this week in Georgia that turned into a referendum on President Trump has made one thing clear: the U.S. House is in play in 2018 „ something that, until recently, was considered highly unlikely. While the Democrat, Jon Osso, fell just shy of cracking the 50% threshold needed to win the seat outright, his Tuesday showing is a dramatic swing from just afew months ago, when Republican Tom Price won the seat by a comfortable 24-point margin. Price is now Trumps Health and Human Services secretary. The race now goes to a June 20 runo with Republican Karen Handel, and nonpartisan political experts agree its too close to call for a seat thats been held by Republicans, including former House speaker Newt Gingrich, for nearly 40 years. The fact that Osso even has a chance of winning explains why theres any doubt over continued Republican control of the House. The fact that its so close suggests the House is in play,Ž said David Wasserman, House editor of the non-partisan Cook Political R eport Trumps election is the best thing thats happened to Democrats chances of retaking the House,Ž he said.Even with Trumps narrow victory over Hillary Clinton last fall, Democrats were never supposed to have a chance at retaking the House because Republicans enjoy such a strong advantage because of GOP-led redistricting. According to Cook Political estimates, Republicans need only to win 32% of swing districts while Democrats need 69% to win control.We used to think of the House as gone forever because of redistricting,Ž said Wasserman. This (the Georgia race) was a pretty good result for Democrats in that it shows progress,Ž he said. Democrats need to pick up 24 seats to take control of the House, which they lost during President Obamas “rst midterm election in 2010. There are 71 districts that are more favorable to Democrats than the suburban Atlanta district where Osso and Handel are in a heated race, according to the Cook partisan voter index. Further, there are currently 23 Republicans representing districts that Democratic presidential candidate Clinton won in 2016, including those members such as New Jerseys Leonard Lance, who have been dogged by constituents over Trumps Affordable Care Act replacement, and others such as Californias Darrell Issa, who won by less than one percentage point. The negative climate for vulnerable Republicans could intensify over the next 18 months, depending on public sentiment over Trumps potential corporate con”icts of interest, investigations into his ties to Russia and whether hes able to win approval of any of his domestic policy goals including tax reform. In his “rst 100 days, there have been no major legislative accomplishments and Republicans are preparing to reintroduce an Obamacare replacement, with the previous one standing at 17% approval. If Republicans dont have much to show in the way of accomplishments, that will only exacerbate this existential threat,Ž said Doug Heye, previously a top aide to former House majority leader Eric Cantor, R-Va. Republicans in suburban districts „ “lled with what are now being labeled Panera votersŽ „ like Lee Zeldin in Long Island, Ryan Costello in suburban Philadelphia, Leonard Lance from New Jersey, have real cause for concern,Ž said Heye. History shows the midterm elections typically go against the party in power. The trend goes at least back to Franklin Roosevelts 71-seat loss in 1938. More recently, Obama lost 63 seats in his “rst midterm election. While Republican President George W. Bush picked up 8 seats in 2002, he lost 30, and control of the House, in his second midterm election in 2006. Still, in the context of 2018, the numbers betray the fact that these 23 potentially vulnerable seats where Clinton won and Democrats have their best chances could be dicult to pry from Republican hands. Thats because many are occupied by incumbents who won by sizable margins. According to the National Republican Congressional Committee, in those 23 districts, the Republican incumbents won in 2016, on average, with a comfortable 12-percentage-point margin. Further, Democrats wont be able to pump $8 million into each of these races, as they did with Osso in Georgia. Its also unclear whether in“ghting during the primary season will stunt Democrats in the same way that the Tea Party initially hurt moderate Senate Republican candidates more capable of winning a general election. This week, Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez is on a unity tour with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a de facto leader of the progressive wing of the party after his popular primary run against Clinton. Even so, Sanders has refused to speci“cally endorse Osso. According to Democratic Congressional Campaign Committees latest numbers, there already have been 300 individual candidate recruitment conversations in more than 70 districts, a huge number compared with recent cycles. The Democrats are kind of kids in a candy shop right now,Ž said Wasserman. On the congressional level, a few races may give Republicans a false sense of security. Special elections will be held in Montana and South Carolina, places where the Democrats are much less likely to eke out a win. In Kansas last week, Democrat James Thompson lost to Republican Ron Estes by just 7 points in a district Trump carried in November by 27 points. Even if Democrats fall short in all four of the special elections this spring, they could all bode poorly for the Republicans heading into next year,Ž said Wasserman.Georgia result makes clear House is in play in 2018Energized Democrats still face a dicult challenge ahead Heidi M. PrzybylaUSA TODAY POOL VIA GETTY IMAGESPresident Trump is the best thing to happen to Democrats, one analyst says. CLIFF OWEN, APOn a unity tour,Ž Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has not endorsed Democrat Jon Osso. If Republicans dont have much to show in the way of accomplishments, that will only exacerbate this existential threat.ŽDoug Heye ,GOP strategist NEWS ANALYSISAformer high school teacher wanted in connection with the disappearance of a Tennessee teenhas been arrested in northern California and the girl he kidnapped has been found safe, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said Thursday. The agency tweeted just before noon that Tad Cummins had been arrested and Elizabeth Thomas had been safely recovered. A news release says the pair was found at a commune. The duo have been sought since March. Cummins was Elizabeths teacher at Culleoka Unit School in Maury County, Tenn. Our intelligence analysts and agents have worked tirelessly since issuing this Amber Alert to process more than 1,500 leads from all 50 states,Ž TBI Director Mark Gwyn said. What happened in California this morning proves it only takes one person to lead to a successful end.Ž Cummins is in custody in a California jail without bond, awaiting extradition to Tennessee to face charges of sexual contact with a minor and aggravated kidnapping, according to TBI. Siskiyou County Sheris Of“ces spokeswoman Kelly Giordano saidthat Cummins vehicle was found in their jurisdiction Wednesday night. The county is in a remote area near the ShastaTrinity National Forest,northwest of Redding, Calif. Authorities issued an Amber Alert for Thomas of Columbia, Tenn., after her parents reported her missing March 13. Rep. Sheila Butt, a Republican state lawmaker who represents Columbia, said Thursday was a great day for her community. This just feels like our prayers have been answered, and the lost sheep is home,Ž she said.Missing Tenn. girl found; teacher heldPair sought since March found in California Natalie Neysa Alund, Dave Boucher and Stacey BarchengerThe Tennessean TENNESSEE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONElizabeth Thomas, 15, was last seen March 13, 2017. Authorities say Tad Cummins kidnapped her. TENNESSEE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONCummins, 50, was Thomas high-school teacher. PARISTech consultant Ra“k AitOufella says hes tired of Frances two major parties „ which have taken turns ruling the country for decades „ and their worn-out solutions. Work and security are considered values for the right while solidarity and generosity are values of the left,Ž said Ait-Oufella, 38. There is no form of consensus to regroup and move forward.Ž Such attitudesexplain why an independent, a far-right populist and a far-left dark horse are showing surprising strength going into Sundays presidential election. Polls show anti-immigration populist Marine Le Pen and independent centrist Emmanuel Macron are running neck-and-neck at 23% and 24% in Sundays “rst round. Close behind is Conservative Franois Fillon, a previous frontrunner who fell to 19.5% after a scandal involving using public funds to pay family members for questionable government work. Far-left candidate Jean Luc Melenchon, is a surprise contender with 18%. The two parties that have dominated French political life in the last 30 years „ the traditional Socialist and the Republican parties „ have been struggling,Ž said political analyst Pierre Haski. French voters are expressing their fatigue with the old establishment.Ž If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, the top two face a runo on May 7. Eleven candidates are seeking a “ve-year term as president. Incumbent Socialist President Franois Hollande opted not to run for re-election because of sagging popularity over Frances economic stagnation and a string of terrorist attacks. The three outstanding “gures in these elections „ Le Pen, Macron and Melenchon „ have platforms which mark a rupture in one way or another,Ž Haski said. Their support appears driven by voters fears of economic globalization and growing immigration, and mistrust of the establishment. Le Pens National Front has gained the most from the political climate. She wants to pull France out of the EU and suspend immigration from the Middle East and North Africa. Left Party nominee Melenchon has surged in the polls with a nationalist, populist messa g e. YOAN VALET, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCYFrench presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, from the centrist En Marche! (Onward!) political party, acknowledges the crowd at rally in Paris. French voters turning to maverick candidates Maya VidonSpecial for USA TODAY Major parties may have worn out their welcome as economy lagsFrench voters are express ing their fatigue with the old establishment.ŽPierre Haski political analyst


Page 4 The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 The last baby killer whale to be born at a SeaWorld theme park has made its debut. The company said it welcomed its newest aqua-animal when Takara, the 25-year-old matriarch of the SeaWorld San Antonio killer whale pod, gave birth to the calf Wednesday afternoon. Takara was pregnant when the company announced in March 2016 that it would end its breeding program for killer whales, also known as orcas. The program came under criticism from animal rights activists, especially since a 2013 documentary claimed that captivity was harmful to orcas. In addition to ending the breeding program, the company said in 2015 that it would end its killer whale shows by 2019. A team of veterinarians and killer whale trainers witnessed the historic birth and are continuing to monitor Takara and her new baby 24 hours a day to help ensure a successful start,Ž SeaWorld said in a statement. Although this will be the last opportunity for SeaWorld guests to see a baby killer whale up close as it grows and matures, SeaWorld will continue to care for the orcas at its parks for decades to come,Ž the company said. According to the San Antonio Express News SeaWorld said it believes Kyuquot, one of two male orcas at the park, is the father, but ocials will need to do apaternity test. There are 25 orcas at the facility. SeaWorlds chief zoological ocer, Chris Dold, told the newspaper that the calf was born normally „ tail “rst „ after about an hour and a half of labor. Its sex hadnt been determined. We take our lead from mom,Ž said Julie Sigman, an assistant curator at the park, in terms of “nding out its gender. Takara will let us know when she is ready for us to meet the calf and begin developing a trusting relationship, just like we have with Takara. In the meantime, we let Takara be the awesome mom she is, caring for her babys every need.Ž The activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals told NBC Newsthat it called on SeaWorld to retireŽ Takara and her calf to a seaside sanctuary, where they may someday be reunited with Takaras mother, other children and grandchildren.Ž SeaWorld welcomes last baby orca Matthew Diebel USA TODAY CHRIS GOTSHALL, APOrca Takara guides her new baby at SeaWorld San Antonio on Wednesday. SeaWorld is ending its breeding program.HIGHLIGHT: TEXASSTATE-BY-STATE ALABAMAMontgomery: Alabama lawmakers may let people carry concealed handguns without getting a permit. The measure is opposed by some law enforcement ocers who say permits are needed for public safety. ALASKABethel: Shooting Emperor geese in Alaska is legal for the “rst time in 30 years. But KYUK-AM reports that restrictions include targeting one bird at a time instead of spraying the ”ock and taking only juvenile birds that are not yet breeding. ARIZONAChandler: Police believe the same man was responsible for break-ins at two Islamic mosques in Arizona. Chandler police say a suspect forced entry March 30 into a mosque there and took an undisclosed amount of money. A mosque in Maricopa, 25 miles away, was burglarized earlier the same evening. ARKANSASFayetteville: The University of Arkansas is looking into the cost of adding metal detectors at Razorback Stadium, The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports. The school has no metal detectors for athletic events.CALIFORNIASacramento: Californias state treasurer is selling about $1.25 billion in high-speed rail bonds despite an ongoing legal challenge to the project. COLORADOAir Force Academy: On the 100th anniversary of U.S. entry into World War I, French military planes ”ew over the Air Force Academy in Colorado this week to thank America for its help. Pilots from Patrouille de France the French equivalent of the Air Force Thunderbirds, performed an air show with red, white and blue contrails. CONNECTICUTHartford: The February death of an autistic teenager from Hartford has been ruled a homicide. The boys mother „ Katiria Tirado „ was charged earlier with intentional cruelty. DELAWAREHockessin: Delaware Attorney General Matt Denn and his son avoided serious injury when a tree fell on their moving car, totaling it. WDELFM reports that the impact of the tree peeled the roof o the vehicle. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:A maintenance worker at the U.S. Capitol died after a large tree branch fell on him. Matthew McClanahan, a pipe“tter, was working on an irrigation pipe Tuesday when the branch fell.FLORIDAMiami Beach: Florida ocials this week released bacteria-infected mosquitoes near Key West to test a new way to kill carriers of Zika and other viruses. The ospring of infected mosquitoes that mate with females in the wild dont survive to adulthood. GEORGIAAtlanta: Drivers of a tractor-trailer and SUV are facing charges involving a crash earlier this week that caused a chemical spill on a downtown connector in Atlanta. The tractor-trailer spilled Benzoyl Chloride, a hazardous chemical. HAWAIIHonolulu: Hawaii ocials are seeing a decrease in solar permits issued in some counties. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports that Maui County saw a 71% decrease, to 155 permits issued during this years “rst quarter. IDAHOMountain Home: Skeletal remains of a child found last weekend protruding from an Idaho grave being used as a badger den could have been buried for as long as two decades, the Idaho Statesman reports. ILLINOISChicago: Bees have halted a suburban Chicago road project. A federal judge ruled that the rusty patched bumblebees endangered status means that the six-mile project has to temporarily stop while its impact on the bees is reviewed, The (Arlington H eights) Daily Herald reports.INDIANAIndianapolis: The Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library wants a quick ruling on a case involving a failed move, The Indianapolis Business Journal reports. The museum moved to a new location in October but left in February after “nding structural defects and water damage. IOWAMason City: Cerro Gordo County ocials want Iowa to reconsider how hog feeding operations are evaluated to ensure that environmental concerns are addressed, The Globe Gazette reports. KANSASManhattan: Acar with malfunctioning brakes crashed into the front of a Kansas elementary school earlier this week after students left for the day, The Manhattan Mercury reports. No one was hurt. KENTUCKYLouisville: The Kentucky Race Track Chaplaincy has installed a bilingual chaplain team for Spanish-speaking workers. WAVE-TV reports that up to 95% of behind-the-scenes Churchill Downs workers speak Spanish. LOUISIANABaton Rouge: A plan to ban dodgeball and other target gamesŽ from public schools has been scrapped by Louisianas top school board, The Advocate reports. Ocials said regulations shouldnt discourage students from enjoying physical activity. MAINEMonmouth: Alibrary in the Maine town of Monmouth is on the National Register of Historic Places, The Portland Press Herald reports. The library was built between 1926 and 1927. MARYLANDAnnapolis: Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has signed several bills that aim to make it easier to prosecute rape cases. Among them is one thats become known as the no means noŽ bill. The Baltimore Sun reports that it eliminates a requirement that victims prove they tried to physically resist. MASSACHUSETTSBoston: A Boston real estate broker was sentenced to a year in jail for tampering with a jury verdict slip from his 2014 larceny case. David Scher pleaded guilty to perjury and other charges for replacing the slip with a forgery that said not guilty.Ž MICHIGANLansing: Crews are fanning out this spring to stock hundreds of Michigan lakes and streams with “sh. In a typical year, the Department of Natural Resources stocks about 26 million “sh from mid-March through early June. MINNESOTASt. Paul: Minnesota lawmakers went into a holding pattern this week as they await leadership talks toward “nding a budget compromise. Its unclear when those talks will begin. MISSISSIPPIVicksburg: Higher riverboat trac is expected to bring more than 40,000 visitors to Vicksburg this year, The Vicksburg Post reports. The American Queen steamboat is the largest ship to regularly visit Vicksburg, with a 436-passenger capacity. MISSOURILake Ozark: Work is underway on a $52 million project to improve Bagnell Dam at Missouris Lake of the Ozarks. The project is expected to take about 18 months. MONTANAHelena: Montana game wardens captured two bear cubs that were orphaned after their mother was struck and killed by a pickup truck near Rogers Pass. The cubs will be taken to a state wildlife center in Helena. NEBRASKALincoln: Nebraska may stop splitting its electoral votes in presidential elections and switch to a winner-take-all system. Supporters say the state should speak with one voice in presidential elections. NEVADALas Vegas: Nevada authorities rescued more than 160 people after their large paddlewheel boat lost power in heavy wind. The Desert Princess, a triple-decked boat, was on Lake Mead when it lost power. NEW HAMPSHIREConcord: Dartmouth College reached a settlement with a family that claimed health problems from drinking well water contaminated by runo from a site where the school once dumped animals used in science testing. NEW JERSEYNew Brunswick: New Brunswick is switching to digital parking permits that allow license plate scans to determine if avehicle has permission to park in a neighborhood. NEW MEXICOCarlsbad: City ocials have started an annual crackdown on water conservation rules violators. The Carlsbad Current-Argus reports that watering grass is prohibited on Mondays during spring and summer. NEW YORKStillwater: Saratoga National Historical Park is expanding onto the site of a turning point in the American Revolution. The park acquired 170 acres that encompasses where colonial forces forti“ed defenses against the British in the 1777 Battle of Saratoga, The Times Union reports. NORTH CAROLINAWinstonSalem: Winston-Salem Police Chief Barry Rountree plans to retire in September, ending a 30-year career, The WinstonSalem Journal reports. NORTH DAKOTABismarck: North Dakota plans to integrate Native American culture and history at public schools statewide. The project includes interviews with elders from the Fort Berthold, Turtle Mountain, Spirit Lake and Standing Rock tribes, the Bismarck Tribune reports. OHIOPowell: A5-month-old polar bear cub at The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium is the “rst of three new cubs there to make a public debut. The Columbus Dispatch reports that they are the only captive cubs born in the country last year. OKLAHOMAStillwater: Seven inmates face charges in a 2015 private prison riot in Oklahoma in which four prisoners were stabbed to death. The melee at the Cimarron Correctional Facility in Cushing began with a dispute between rival prison gangs. OREGONSalem: Oregon state park ocials opened 1,000 additional campsites for visitors coming to watch the Aug. 21 solar eclipse. And it didnt take long for them to “ll. All were snapped up in just over an hour. PENNSYLVANIAEaston: A Pennsylvania judge awarded $6.5 million to “ve families who lost money in what authorities call a Ponzi scheme. The Blue Mountain Consumer Discount loan agency was raided by the FBI in 2011.RHODE ISLANDProvidence: One of the last surviving veterans of the USS Arizona sinking at Pearl Harbor has died. Raymond Haerry, who died last September at age 94, was reunited with his shipmates as last weekend as his urn was placed in the ships sunken hull.SOUTH CAROLINAClemson: Undergraduates at Clemson University interested in health careers can cut their studies by a year under a new partnership with the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. Available programs include medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy and public health. SOUTH DAKOTASioux Falls: Outdoor smoking restrictions have resurfaced in Sioux Falls. KELO-TV reports that the new proposal would make smoking illegal within 20 feet of a cityowned building entrance. TENNESSEEKnoxville: A2015 Knoxville stabbing may become a test case of whether Tennessee juries can impose a death penalty or life without parole because of a crimes randomness,Ž The Knoxville News Sentinel reports. Timothy Ison is charged with “rst-degree murder in the May 2015 death of Stefany Fairbanks, astranger.TEXASAustin: An Austin police ocer whose duties included administering Breathalyzer tests was “red after a self-administered test indicated he reported for work drunk. A state police scientist said the ocer had a .084-.124% blood-alcohol concentration, above the state limit for drivers of .08%. UTAHSalt Lake City: The sudden “ring of the CEO at the University of Utahs Huntsman Cancer Institute has upset some of the faculty. Mary Beckerle will stay as a distinguished professor,Ž but clinical oncologist Kathleen Cooney will be interim CEO and director. Critics say the move damages the institutes reputation and are seeking Beckerles reinstatement. VERMONTMontpelier: Ocials in Vermont are celebrating the upcoming merger of Johnson State College and Lyndon State College. The uni“ed Northern Vermont University will ocially exist on July 1, 2018. Though merging, the schools will keep their campuses, programs and mascots. VIRGINIANorfolk: ANavy lieutenant commander charged with hazing and maltreatment of sailors faces a general court martial, The Virginian-Pilot reports. The ocer is accused of verbal abuse and retaliating against a sailor who asked to stop being called Charlie Brown. WASHINGTONEverett: Awoman who abandoned her newborn in a trash compactor last year was sentenced to six months in jail for felony abandonment. But The Daily Herald reports that Samantha Houston, 19, might be able to regain custody once she gets out. Prosecutors requested a nocontact order, but it was denied. WEST VIRGINIACharleston: Costs for the Charleston Civic Center expansion project are up to nearly $93.6 million, The Charleston Gazette-Mail reports. Among the new expenses are $380,000 to replace water pipes that would have burst if used. WISCONSINMadison: Wisconsins Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohicans wants a federal judge to block the Ho-Chunk Nation from expanding its Shawano County casino. The Mohican group has a competing casino in the county. Construction has already begun on the Ho-Chunk expansion. WYOMINGJackson: Wyoming ocials say a February storm that prompted a disaster declaration caused nearly $3 million in damage, The Jackson Hole News and Guide reports. The storm brought down 17 steel transmission line poles, cutting power to the Teton Village ski town and Jackson Hole Mountain Ski Resort. Compiled from sta and wire reports. News from across the USA


The Sun /Friday, April 21, 2017 Page 5 Venezuelas seizure of a General Motors factory Thursday marks a step in the countrys economic crisis that boosts risks to the remaining operations of other U.S. and multinational companies. Amid turmoil punctuated by skyrocketing prices, unemployment, low oil prices and failed economic policies, the government seizure put an abrupt end to GMs operations „ a fate that other companies have faced. GM is not the “rst, and theyre not going to be the last, because the government of Venezuela is desperate for any assets they can take,Ž said Peter Quinter, Miami-based chair of law “rm GrayRobinsonsCustoms and International Trade Law Group. It really is a vicious cycle theyre in.Ž The Venezuelan government has previously seized assets belonging to U.S. companies, including those of cleaning products maker Clorox in 2014, glassmaker OwensIllinois in 2010 and nationalized a rice mill operated by Cargill. GM denounced the South American countrys actions as an illegal judicial seizure of its assetsŽ and vowed a legal battle, but the companys protections are minimal in a country with a dubious commitment to the law. Although other automakers, including Fiat Chrysler and Toyota, said their plants had not been touched, the Venezuelan governments assault on the worlds third-largest automaker suggests the country is getting bolder as its economic circumstances deteriorate. The move comes amid intense public protests in Venezuela against the government of President Nicolas Maduro. Three people were killed late Wednesdayas tens of thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets to demand fresh presidential elections and the release of jailed opposition politicians. General Motors Venezolana, GMs local subsidiary, was established in 1948. It employs about 2,700 workers and has 79 dealers in the country. The company said it would make separation paymentsŽ to aected workers. GM representatives did not respond to questions about whether the company had contacted the Trump administration for help. To be sure, the direct “nancial impact on GM is not likely to be large. Consequently, investors were not shaken by the plants demise. GM shares rose 31 cents Thursday to close at $34.10. Any lost production is unlikely to prove material,Ž Evercore ISI analyst Arndt Ellinghorst said in a note to investors, adding that the day may have arrivedŽ where the plant is unsalvageable. As for other automakers, Ford had already shut down its Venezuela plant due to lack of demand, but the company remains in possession of the facility, spokeswoman Kelli Felker said Thursday. Toyotas operations in Venezuela are currently operating normally,Ž spokesman Scott Vazin said. We are monitoring the situation closely.Ž Fiat Chrysler is maintaining its production plans in Venezuela in support of eorts to rebuild the countrys automotive sector,Ž the company said in a statement. It makes the Jeep Grand Cherokee and Dodge Forza in the country. GM said in a statement that vehicles and other assets had been taken from its facilities. The Detroit-based company did not provide details about how the seizure unfolded. The automaker said it would vigorously take all legal actions, within and outside of Venezuela, to defend its rights.Ž But its legal recourse against the Venezuelan government is likely limited, Quinter said. They can go to the courts here in the United States and try to seek action. But that really is not going to be eective.Ž Contributing: Brent Snavely of the Detroit Free PressVenezuelas desperate situation grows amid takeover of GM plant Its not the “rst time the government has seized U.S. assets Kim Hjelmgaard and Nathan Bomey@khjelmgaard, @NathanBomey USA TODAY PHOTOS BY JUAN CARLOS HERNANDEZ,APGM vowed to “ght the takeover, but legal recourse against the Venezuelan government may be dicult. Workers listen Thursday during a meeting with government ocials at the plant in Valencia.BY THE NUMBERS General Motors Venezolana has about 2,700workers 79dealers in the country U S A S N AP S H O T S A ndro i d catch i ng up SOU R CE S tat C ounter and S tatist a JAE YANG AND PAUL TRAP, USA TODAY3 9 % 3 7 % 13% T op g l o bal I n te rn et u s a g e s har es, b y ope ra t in g s y stem: W i n do w s A n d r oid i O S M O N E Y SURVEY: BL A CK TEENS A RE TO P USERS OF SN AP CH A T Asurvey by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research ex p lored teens social m edia use and its relationshi p to race and class. I t found nearly 9 in 10 black teena g ers use Sna p chat, co mp ared with just over 7 in 10 whites. And 4in 10 black teens re p ort usin g Sna p chat al m ost constantly, co mp ared with about 2 in 10 white teens. A third of black teens say they use I nsta g ra m al m ost constantly, co mp ared with about 1 in 5 white teens. VERIZON P ROFITS, WIRELESS SUBSCRIBERS SHRINKING Verizons p ro“t fell 20% in its “rst quarter. The New York co mp any said it lost 307,000 wireless subscribers who are billed each m onth and said it would have lost even m ore subscribers if it didnt launch its unli m ited wireless service in February. Last year, it added 640,000 subscribers durin g the sa m e p eriod. MONEYLINEINDEXCLOSECHGNasdaq composite5916.78 x 53.74 S&P 5002355.84 x 17.67 T-note, 10-year yield2.23% x 0.02 Oil, light sweet crude$50.27 y 0.27 Gold, oz. Comex$1281.90 x 0.50 Euro (dollars per euro)$1.0722 x 0.0001 Yen per dollar109.31 x 0.61SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM DO W JO N ES IN D U S TRI A L A V G. 1 7 4.22 9 : 3 0 a .m.20,404 4 :00 p.m.20,579 2 0, 4 00 20, 4 50 20,500 20,550 20, 6 00 20, 6 50THURSD A YM A RKETSThe survival of one of the nations largest non-bank mortgage servicing companies was thrown into question Thursday as the company was hit with federal and state lawsuits for allegedly failing borrowers with mistakes, shortcuts and other problems that cost some people their homes. Ocwen Financial Corporation allegedly botched basic functions such as sending accurate monthly mortgage statements, properly crediting borrowers payments and handling taxes and insurance, according to a lawsuit “led in a Florida federal court by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The CFPB also accused the company, based in West Palm Beach, Fla., of improperly foreclosing on struggling borrowers, ignoring complaints and selling servicing rights to mortgage loans without fully disclosing mistakes the company and its subsidiaries made in borrowers records. In all, Ocwen improperly started foreclosure proceedings on at least 1,000 people and has wron g full y held foreclosure sales,Ž the CFPB charged. The “rms alleged failures also led to lapsed homeowners insurance coverage for more than 10,000 borrowers, the regulator said. The Florida Attorney Generals oce “led a similar state action. And mortgage regulators representing more than 20 states issued separate orders that bar an Ocwen subsidiary from acquiring new mortgage servicing rights and originating additional home loans until the division shows it can properly manage escrow accounts. Those actions could jeopardize the companys “nancial operations. Shares of Ocwen Financial nosedived, closing nearly 54% lower at $2.49. Ocwen has repeatedly made mistakes and taken shortcuts at every stage of the mortgage servicing process, costing some consumers money and others their homes,Ž CFPB Director Richard Cordray said in a statement issued with the federal action. The company characterized the CFPB allegations as inaccurate and unfounded.Ž Ocwen strongly disputes the CFPBs claim that Ocwens mortgage loan servicing practices have caused substantial consumer harm,Ž the company said in a written statement. In fact, just the opposite is true. Ocwen believes its mortgage loan servicing practices have and continue to result in substantial bene“ts to consumers above and beyond other mort g a g e servicers.ŽOcwe n s m i st a kes cost bo rr owe r s t h e ir h omes, l a ws ui ts s a yMortgage servicers survival in question as stock plunges 54% Kevin McCoy and Roger Yu@kmccoynyc,@ByRogerYu USA TODAY Now that Bill OReilly is out at Fox News, talk has begun about where the cable TV heavyweight and best-selling author might land for his inevitable comeback. Wherever that turns out to be, the conservative host will have a less-ampli“ed megaphone. At Fox News, OReilly hosted the toprated news show on the mostwatched cable news channel. But the tarnish from multiple accusations of sexual harassment likely will cause major broadcast and cable networks to shy away. He is radioactive in terms of any other news network,Ž said Mark Feldstein, a broadcast journalism professor at the University of Marylandand a former journalist at NBC. He is certainly not going to go to any of the big three or CNN or MSNBC.Ž OReilly had planned to return to The OReilly Factor next week after a vacation taken amid an exodus of advertisers over reports of harassment allegations made against him. But parent 21st Century Fox dropped the conservative TV host Wednesday as new accusations arose. Having recently signed a new multiyear contract worth more than $20 million annually, OReilly, 67, likely expected to work for a few more y ears. He called the development tremendously dishearteningŽ and described the allegations as completely unfoundedŽ in a statement released Wednesday. OReilly is expected to be paid one year, or about $20 million to $25 million, of the expected fouryear contract, CNN and The Hollywood Reporter reported Thursday, citing unnamed persons familiar with the situation. A spokesperson for 21st Century Fox declined to comment. When a non-compete clause „ expected to run at least six months „ runs out, OReilly would be free to take to the air again. If a major broadcast or cable channel is out of the question, OReilly could get to work sooner, and he can survey many other media outlets as a route for his return, Feldstein said, based on his knowledge of typical broadcast contracts. OReillys lawyer and his agent did not return calls seeking comment for this article. Among the possible new homes: Newsmax Media, a conservative media company with a TV network (on cable and online), website, magazine and newsletter; One America News Network (OANN), a conservative TV network on DirecTV and several cable systems; and Sinclair Broadcast Group, the Baltimorebased TV operator with 173 stations and other properties such as the Tennis Channel. Sinclair has been known for producing conservative programming that is distributed to its TV stations. But Michael Harrison, publisher of Talkers magazine, doesnt rule out OReillys return on a competing network. Any would be interested in “nding a place for him in their programming line-ups or at least exploring the possibility,Ž he said. But that would only be after lengthy discussions and concessions. OReilly is, indeed, damaged. He is not, however, irreparably broken.Ž If nothing else, OReilly could also return to radio „ he hosted The Radio Factor on air from 2002 to 2009 „ but he would probably prefer TV, because his talents are more suited to TV than radio,Ž Harrison said. Whatever OReillys plans, Feldstein said, I dont see him going quietly into the night and just retiring.Ž Contributing: Roger YuFo r ORe i lly, a sm a lle r so ap boxReturn to radio possible, but hed probably prefer to remain in television Mike Snider@mikesnider USA TODAY SPEC I AL FOR USA TODAYBill OReilly


Page 6 The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 When Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was asked to give this years commencement address at Harvard, he asked for advice from Bill Gates. Zuckerberg said, They know we didnt actually graduate, right?Ž To which Gates replied, Oh, that is the best part! They actually give you a degree!Ž This recent exchange between two famous Harvard dropouts might lead you to think college doesnt matter. Numerous media stories and even famous billionaires are glamorizing dropouts or encouraging kids to skip college entirely. While its true there are successful college dropouts, statistically speaking, they are not the norm. As researchers in education and talent, we found that the vast majority of the countrys success stories are college graduates, such as Sheryl Sandberg (Harvard), Jeff Bezos (Princeton) and Marissa Mayer (Stanford).The myth of the mega-successful college dropoutIn a recent study, we investigated how many of the wealthiest and most in”uential people graduated college. We studied 11,745 U.S. leaders, including CEOs, federal judges, politicians, multimillionaires and billionaires, business leaders and the most globally powerful men and women. We also examined how many people graduated from an elite school.Ž (Our de“nition included the eight Ivy League schools, plus many of the top national universities and liberal arts colleges consistently high in the U.S. News rankings for both undergraduate and graduate education.) We found about 94 percent of these U.S. leaders attended college, and about 50 percent attended an elite school. Though almost everyone went to college, elite school attendance varied widely. For instance, only 20.6 percent of House members and 33.8 percent of 30-millionaires attended an elite school, but over 80 percent of Forbes most powerful people did. For whatever reason, about twice as many senators „ 41 percent „ as House members went to elite schools. For comparison, based on census and college data, we estimate that only about 2 to 5 percent of all U.S. undergraduates went to one of the elite schools in our study. The people from our study attended elite schools at rates well-above typical expectations.Do elite schools matter?This year, elite schools saw an increase in applications and selectivity. Research suggests there is no difference in adult income between students who attended highly selective schools and students with similar SAT scores who attended less selective schools. At least for long-term earnings, where you go may not be critical, as long as you attend and graduate. Yet, our data show that for students with talent and motivation to make it to the top of U.S. society, an elite college might just help you get there „ whether its the networks you acquire or the brand on your resume. While looking at over 11,000 successful leaders, we rarely encountered people who came from extremely poor or disadvantaged backgrounds. Helping disadvantaged talented students enter elite schools could promote diversity among future leaders.College mattersAdmittedly, the educational path of the cream of the crop may not apply to most people. So, going to college may not be the right, or even the best, path for everyone. However, if youre a student thinking about not going to college or considering dropping out, remember that even Gates and Zuckerberg got into college. Even if youre not aiming for mega success, doing the work to get into and graduate from college today may open important doors. Perhaps in the future, college may not be as important to employers. But for now, college dropouts who rule the world are rare exceptions „ not the rule. The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would bene“t from this article, and have disclosed no relevant af“liations beyond the academic appointment above.The myth of the college dropoutBy JONATHAN WAIRESEARCH SCIENTIST, DUKE UNIVERSITYand HEINER RINDERMANNPROFESSOR OF EDUCATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, CHEMNITZ UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AP FILE PHOTOSMark Zuckerberg is, quite famously, a college dropout. But his case is the exception „ not the rule. Source: Chief Operating Ocer of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg, right, speaks next to Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, IMF, during a plenary session in the Congress Hall during the 47th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, WEF, in Davos, Switzerland, Jan. 18. In this Dec. 14, 2016, photo, Amazon founder Je Bezos speaks during a meeting with President-elect Donald Trump and technology industry leaders at Trump Tower in New York. In this May 20, 2013, photo, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer speaks during a news conference in New York.


The Sun /Friday, April 21, 2017 Page 7 ALMANACToday is Friday, April 21 the 111th day of 2017. There are 254days left in the year. Today in historyOn April 21, 1967 army officers in Greece staged a coup, seizing power and creating a military dictatorship that ruled the country for the next sevenyears. On this dateIn 1649 the Maryland Toleration Act, providing for freedom of worship for all Christians, was passed by the Maryland assembly. In 1789 John Adams was sworn in as the first vice president of the United States. In 1836 an army of Texans led by Sam Houston defeated the Mexicans at San Jacinto, assuring Texas independence. In 1910 author Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, died in Redding, Connecticut, at age 74. In 1960 Brazil inaugurated its new capital, Brasilia, transferring the seat of national government from Rio de Janeiro. In 1962 the Century 21 Exposition, also known as the Seattle Worlds Fair, began a six-month run. In 1977 the musical play Annie,Ž based on the Little Orphan AnnieŽ comic strip, opened on Broadway, beginning a run of 2,377 performances. In 1986 a rediscovered vault in Chicagos Lexington Hotel that was linked to Al Capone was opened during a widely watched live TV special hosted by Geraldo Rivera; aside from a few bottles and a sign, the vault turned out to be empty. In 1992 Robert Alton Harris became the first person executed by the state of California in 25 years as he was put to death in the gas chamber for the 1978 murder of two teen-age boys, John Mayeski and Michael Baker. Todays birthdaysBritains Queen Elizabeth II is 91. Actress-comedian-writer Elaine May is 85. Actor Charles Grodin is 82. Actor Reni Santoni is 79. Singer-musician Iggy Pop is 70. Actress Patti LuPone is 68. Actor Tony Danza is 66. Actor James Morrison is 63. Actress Andie MacDowell is 59. Rock singer Robert Smith (The Cure) is 58. Rock musician Michael Timmins (Cowboy Junkies) is 58. Actor John Cameron Mitchell is 54. Actor Toby Stephens is 48. Rock singer-musician Glen Hansard (The Frames) is 47. Actor Rob Riggle is 47. Comedian Nicole Sullivan is 47. Football player-turned-actor Brian White is 44. Actor James McAvoy is 38. Former NFL quarterback Tony Romo is 37. Actor Frank Dillane is 26. MARION, Ill. (AP) „ The flip of a coin has decided the next leader of a tiny town in southern Illinois after an election earlier this month ended in a tie. Williamson County Clerk Amanda Barnes says Bryan Riekena let fellow candidate Tammy ODaniell-Howell choose heads or tails before Thursdays coin toss. She picked heads. Barnes says she let both candidates inspect the 2016 North Dakota quarter before she tossed it. Barnes says she let it just fall to the groundŽ and it landed on heads. ODaniell-Howell won, becoming village president in Colp, home to about 250 residents. The candidates each received 11 votes in the April 4 election. Illinois law calls for coin flips to settle ties. Barnes says the quarter was the shiniest one I found in the office.ŽODD NEWS Coin toss decides winner of small Illinois village electionFLORIDA REPORT TALLAHASSEE (AP) „ A lawyer representing a state senator who could be punished for using a racial slur and other vulgarities said Thursday that the remarks „ as offensive as they were „ are protected by free speech and that other senators have used similar language. Lawyer Steven Andrews wrote to the Senate lawyer reviewing the case of Republican Frank Artiles and said that a complaint “led by black lawmakers shouldnt be pursued because Artiles is protected under the U.S. Constitution. He also said Artiles comments should be judged side-by-side with the remarks of other senators. Should this matter be sent to the Senate ”oor, my client intends to put evidence of other similar speech by other Senators,Ž Andrews wrote to Senate lawyer Dawn Roberts. He also said Roberts should step down from the case because of con”icts of interest, having previously represented Artiles and witnesses who could be called. The matter began Monday night during a private conversation with two AfricanAmerican senators at a members-only club near the Capitol. Artiles used obscenities with Sen. Audrey Gibson, including one particularly offensive to women. Sen. Perry Thurston intervened and Artiles, a Cuban-American from the Miami area, used a variation of the n-wordŽ and used a vulgarity to describe Republican Senate President Joe Negron, according to the complaint “led Wednesday by Thurston. Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto, who chairs the Senate Rules Committee, reviewed the complaint and found its likely Artiles comments and behavior violated Senate rules. The Florida Legislative Black Caucus is asking for Artiles expulsion, which would be an option if the full Senate determines there was a rules violation. Negron asked Roberts to make a recommendation by Tuesday. In the meantime, Republican Gov. Rick Scott weighed in on the matter while speaking with reporters in Tampa. If I had an employee that said what he said, I would immediately “re him,Ž Scott said. Thurston wasnt immediately available for comment, according to a receptionist in his Senate of“ce. In a separate letter to Negron, Andrews told the Senate president that he should avoid voting on any punishment because he has already prejudged Artiles by condemning the comments earlier this week.Lawyer: Senators slurs are protected free speech AP FILE PHOTORep. Frank Artiles, R-Miami, speaks on a red-light bill during session, March 9, 2016, in Tallahassee. HEADLINE NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATENicaraguan appealing for asylum deportedMIAMI (AP) „ Immigration authorities have deported a Nicaraguan man appealing for asylum despite pleas by immigrant rights groups in South Florida. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Thursday that 25-year-old Espilvio SanchezBenavidez was deported following a courts order. Sanchez-Benavidez is appealing an asylum case that was denied in 2015 for lack of evidence. He arrived in the U.S. in 2013 after receiving death threats following the killing of two relatives. His wife says he was detained last month after meeting of“cials for a regular check-in. Advocates and lawyers demanded this week that lawmakers investigate an alleged increase in similar detentions at ICEs of“ce near Fort Lauderdale. Activists submitted a document bearing about 9,500 signatures to U.S. Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Carlos Curbelo of Florida petitioning to halt the mans deportation.Florida may make it easier to get rid of school textbooksTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ It could become easier for parents and Florida residents to challenge school textbooks and school library books under a bill passed by the Florida House. The House on Thursday voted 94-25 for a bill that would allow parents and residents to review instructional materials and then challenge them as inappropriate before a hearing of“cer. A similar bill is also moving in the Florida Senate. Critics of the bill contend that it could lead to schools removing books that discuss topics such as climate change or evolution. But Rep. Byron Donalds, a Naples Republican sponsoring the bill, maintains that the legislation is about giving people an opportunity to raise questions about textbooks. He noted that local school districts would still have the “nal say on whether the materials should still be used.State agencies that break records laws could pay priceTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ Government agencies would have to pay attorney fees for people who successfully sue them to obtain public records under a bill heading to Florida Gov. Rick Scott. The House unanimously passed the bill Thursday. It means government agencies would have to pay attorney fees if a judge determines they broke the states open government laws by not providing records. The law would apply if someone seeking records gave written notice of what they were trying to obtain at least “ve business days before “ling suit. But if a plaintiffs public records request was made with improper intentions, such as to harass an agency or to force a violation so they can sue, a judge could order the requestor to pay legal costs and attorney fees to the agency.3 strangers help officer restrain combative suspectTAMPA (AP) „ A Tampa Police of“cer has been released from the hospital after a “ght with a suspect who violently resisted arrest. Three strangers came to his aid to help restrain the combative suspect. Police say an of“cer was called Wednesday after a man allegedly wandered through a hotel and took the managers key ring. Of“cer Michael Collins saw a man “tting the description walking nearby and tried to speak with him. Authorities say Luis Manual Vila became combative and repeatedly struck the of“cer. A cab driver came to the of“cers aid and was also allegedly struck by the suspect. A woman grabbed the suspects feet to keep him from standing up, and then sat on his legs. A third Good Samaritan also assisted in the struggle. The 18-year-old suspect faces several charges including battery on a law enforcement of“cer.House passes bill banning steroids for greyhoundsTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida House has passed a bill that would ban injecting racing greyhounds with anabolic steroids. The bill (HB 743) was approved by an 84-32 vote on Thursday. Its next stop will be to the Senate. Florida is home to 12 of 19 tracks in the United States and one of the few places where the use of steroids is permitted. Its banned in Great Britain and Australia, where the sport remains popular. Supporters of the bill say the use of steroids keeps female greyhounds from going into heat and losing racing days. Representatives from Floridas Greyhound industry argue steroids dont enhance performance. The bills passage comes as the Legislature considers gambling legislation that would decouple dog tracks from running a required number of days in order to operate poker rooms and slots.House bill gets tougher on drug trafficking offensesTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida House unanimously passed a bill that would include murder charges for someone who distributes certain drugs that result in the users death. Thursdays passage of the bill (HB 477) comes as the state is struggling to stem growing opioid abuses and overdoses. Lawmakers said they want drug dealers to know they will not tolerate the way they prey on the weak. The measure adds fentanyl and other synthetic drugs to the states drug traf“cking statute, and would also make it a felony to possess 10 grams or more of such drugs. A similar Senate bill is headed to its last committee stop. The bills passage in the House comes a week after Gov. Rick Scott announced a series of workshops aimed at tackling the opioid abuse.Gun store alarm tripped? Call cops first, says Florida billTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ Alarm monitoring companies would have to call police “rst instead of property owners if the alarm is triggered at a gun store under a bill moving in the Florida Legislature. The House unanimously passed the bill Thursday. Republican Rep. Jennifer Sullivan said she sponsored the bill after a gun store in her district was burglarized and it took seven minutes for the alarm company to contact police. Alarm companies contact property owners “rst to ensure an alert isnt a false alarm. They then call police if property owners cant be reached or if they con“rm it wasnt a false alarm. The bill would also apply to gun manufacturers and importers.Murder suspect caught in stolen truck by agriculture copsLIVE OAK (AP) „ Authorities say a man wanted for killing two people has been arrested after he passed through an agriculture interdiction station in a stolen vehicle. Agriculture of“cials were alerted Wednesday that a stolen truck had passed through the inspection station in Live Oak. Agriculture law enforcement of“cers questioned the driver, 34-year-old Emmanuel Saint Fleur. Authorities said he confessed to stealing the truck and the weapon inside the car. According to a press release, Fleur also said he shot two people in South Florida. Fleur is wanted by Miami Gardens Police on charges of “rst-degree murder, two counts of attempted murder with a “rearm, and burglary with an assault while armed. He also faces several new charges from Wednesday, including grand theft of a motor vehicle and “rearm.Court says immigration status irrelevant in dependency casesTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida Supreme Court says judges cant dismiss immigrant childrens petitions for dependency simply because they think theyre seeking the status to secure permanent residency. Thursdays ruling involves a Guatemalan boy who immigrated to Florida when he was 13 after his parents abandoned him and his grandparents grew too old to care for him. His godmother has cared for him at her Miami home, but she is not a legal guardian. A lower court judge denied the petition for dependency because he thought the motivation behind it was to seek legal residency status. The Supreme Court ruled that doesnt matter, and that dependency has to be determined independent of immigration status.Language for felon voter restoration proposal OK for ballotTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida Supreme Court is approving the language of a proposed ballot initiative seeking to automatically restore voting rights for most felons once they complete their sentences. The court ruled Thursday that the initiative can be put on the 2018 ballot with its current language. If it does make the ballot and at least 60 percent of voters approve, felons would have their voting rights restored once the “nish their sentences, including probation or parole. People who commit murder or felony sexual offenses wouldnt be eligible for automatic voting rights restoration. The group proposing the ballot initiative still needs to gather nearly 700,000 voter signatures.Voters may get a say over casino gamblingTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida Supreme Court is signing off on a proposed constitutional amendment that would require voter approval for new casinos. A divided court ruled 4-2 on Thursday that the amendment was not misleading and sticks to one subject. Backers of the amendment will still need to gather another 700,000 signatures to make the 2018 ballot. The amendment is being pushed by gambling opponents who want to make sure that the Florida Legislature cannot approve casino gambling without voter approval. State legislators have considered proposals to expand casinos the last several years. Two Supreme Court justices argued that the amendment was misleading because it is unclear how it would affect counties where voters have approved slot machines for local dog and horse tracks. That includes the counties of Broward and Miami-Dade.1st tropical depression of season forms far from landMIAMI (AP) „ The “rst tropical depression of the Atlantic season has formed far from land. Hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, but last year two storms formed before the of“cial start of the season. The depression is located about halfway between Bermuda and the Azores and does not pose a threat to land. The system is expected to dissipate Thursday night or Friday. It has winds of about 35 mph. The “rst Atlantic storm of 2016 was Hurricane Alex, which made an unseasonable debut in January over the far eastern Atlantic.


Page 8 The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 -6.6 DeltaAir 45.93 +.85 -41.0 DenburyR 2.17 -.02 -8.6 DeutschBk 16.55 +.47 +4.1 DBXEafeEq29.20 +.23 -13.1 DevonE 39.70 +.45 +9.7 Diageo 114.03 +.27 -15.8 DiamOffsh 14.90 +.03 -2.5 DiamRk 11.24 -.08 +38.1 DianaShip 4.17 -.35 +15.5 Diebold 29.05 +.40 -10.2 DigiIntl 12.35 +.15 +15.3 DigitalRlt 113.28 +.26 -12.5 Dillards 54.86 +1.89 -42.9 DirDGlBr rs 27.63 -.55 -53.1 DxGlMBr rs 16.45 +.34 -15.7 DirSP Bear 9.10 -.23 -9.6 DxSCBear rs17.94 -.67 -10.5 DxFnBr rs 19.43 -.75 +3.0 DrGMBll s 5.75 -.15 +28.8 DxGBull s 9.84 +.20 +7.4 DxFnBull s 43.93 +1.55 +4.1 DrxSCBull 105.27 +3.82 -27.1 DirxEnBull 29.11 +.31 -7.5 Discover 66.69 +1.72 +3.3 DishNetw h 59.84 +.26 +10.1 Disney 114.79 +1.06 -4.6 DollarGen 70.67 +1.36 +3.1 DollarTree 79.57 +1.55 +1.0 DomRescs 77.36 +.02 +11.1 Dominos 176.91 +1.20 +8.0 Don aldson 45.45 +.78 +6.4 Dover 79.71 +.45 +8.2 DowChm 61.94 +.39 +4.5 DryStrt 8.78 +.03 -98.6 DryShp rs 1.69 -.08 +6.7 DuPont 78.29 +.52 -1.5 DufPUC 9.30 ... +5.7 DukeEngy 82.03 -.32 +4.0 DukeRlty 27.61 -.05 -21.9 Dynegy 6.61 +.14 -.1 E-Trade 34.62 +.90 +9.6 eBay s 32.53 -1.33 -7.7 EOG Rescs93.30 +.01 +5.2 EstWstBcp 53.46 +2.34 +10.3 Eaton 74.03 +.40 +7.7 EV EEq2 13.78 +.08 +7.1 EVTxMGlo 8.59 ... +7.8 Ecolab 126.35 +.64 +11.6 EdisonInt 80.31 -.31 +5.1 EdwLfSci s 98.51 +1.82 +11.8 EldorGld g 3.60 -.02 +11.4 EliLilly 81.94 +1.05 +30.0 EllieMae 108.75 +1.93 +4.6 ElmiraSB 21.40 +.15 +6.7 EmergeES 13.14 +.11 +6.1 EmersonEl 59.17 +.96 -28.7 EnbrdgEPt 18.16 +.27 -.6 Enbridge 41.85 +.21 -8.6 EnCana g 10.73 -.30 -36.4 Endo Intl 10.48 -.08 -3.5 EgyTrEq s 18.63 +.19 -2.0 EngyTsfr 35.11 +.02 -2 0.7 Enerpls g 7.52 -.19 -3.4 EnLinkLLC 18.40 -.15 -5.2 Ennis Inc 16.45 +.55 -14.7 ENSCO 8.29 +.10 +3.2 Entergy 75.80 -.56 +2.3 EntProdPt 27.65 -.03 -12.5 EnvisnHl n 55.36 -2.10 +8.6 Ericsson 6.33 +.03 +7.6 EversrceE 59.44 -.20 -10.0 EvineLive 1.35 +.03 -1.2 Exelon 35.05 -.41 +16.5 Expedia 131.93 +.98 -21.1 Express 8.49 +.59 -2.5 ExpScripts 67.05 +.69 -10.2 ExxonMbl 81.01 +.52 -10.8 FNBCp PA 14.3 0 +.24 +25.0 Facebook 143.80 +1.53 -52.9 FairmSant 5.55 -.08 -3.2 Fastenal 45.47 +.02 +.2 FedExCp 186.48 +2.92 -3.4 FedRlty 137.22 -.26 -13.4 FedNatHld 16.19 +.16 +22.8 Ferrari n 71.40 +.14 -12.9 Ferrellgs 5.90 +.02 +12.1 FiatChrys 10.22 +.25 +16.4 FidlNatFn 39.52 +.18 -6.2 FNFV Grp 12.85 +.10 -17.5 FifthStFin 4.43 -.01 -7.5 FifthThird 24.95 +.74 +37.0 38.37 +1.25 -27.8 Finisar 21.86 +.11 -16. 4 FinLine 15.72 +.74 +2.1 FireEye 12.15 -.04+15.2 FMajSilv g 8.79 +.12 -16.7 FstSolar 26.74 +.20 -1.0 FirstEngy 30.66 -.19 -21.9 Fitbit n 5.72 +.02 +7.2 FlrtyTotR 21.30 -.01 +11.1 Flex Ltd 15.97 -.03 -.7 FlowrsFds 19.83 +.11 -3.9 Fluor 50.49 -.17 +8.0 FootLockr 76.55 +3.90 -5.4 FordM 11.47 +.28 +16.6 FBHmSec 62.32 +.17 -5.2 FrptMcM 12.51 +.16 -43.2 FrontierCm 1.92 +.06 G-H-I -5.8 GGP Inc 23.54 -.11 -20.5 GNC 8.78 -.42 +3.6 GW Pharm115.82 -.37 +5.2 GabDvInc 21.08 +.17 +14.2 GabMultT 8.27 +.04 +5.9 GabUtil 6.67 -.12 +12.6 Gam&Lsr n 34.47 +.02 +13.3 Gap 25.42 +1.20 +3.1 Garmin 49.98 +.40 +7.7 GAInv 33.57 +.16 +9.0 GenDynam188.13 +.38 -4.2 GenElec 30.27 +.27 -6.3 GenMills 57.88 +.04 -2.1 GenMotors 34.10 +.31 -11.7 GenesisEn 31.81 +.06 +5.3 Gentex 20.74 +.39 +6.8 Gen worth 4.07 +.09 -4.8 Gerdau 2.99 +.07 -67.3 Gevo rs 1.13 +.09 -7.1 GileadSci 66.50 +.22 +5.7 GlaxoSKln 40.71 -.13 +17.1 Globalstar 1.85 -.06 +25.0 GlobusMed 31.02 +.49 +21.1 GluMobile 2.35 ... +8.0 GoDaddy n 37.75 +.13 +30.2 GoldFLtd 3.92 +.01 +10.7 Goldcrp g 15.06 +.16 -8.9 GoldmanS218.06 +3.97 +15.8 Goodyear 35.74 +.91 +3.0 GoPro 8.97 +.09 +2.2 vjGrace 69.15 +.57 +7.9 GraphPkg 13.46 +.17 +8.0 GtPl ainEn 29.55 +.04 +9.8 Greif A 56.32 +.37 +.9 Griffin 32.00 +.44 +17.5 Groupon 3.90 +.12 +21.6 GpTelevisa 25.41 -.38 +.6 GuangRy 30.48 -.03 -25.0 GulfportE 16.22 +.56 +13.6 HCA Hldg 84.12 -.49 +9.4 HCP Inc 32.52 +.12 +24.8 HP Inc 18.52 +.14 -.4 HSBC 40.03 +.30 -3.3 HainCels lf 37.76 -.06 -11.8 Hallibrtn 47.69 +.26 +2.6 Hanesbds s22.14 +.46 -3.5 HanoverIns 87.83 +.49 -3.2 HarleyD 56.47 +.06 +14.0 Harmonic 5.70 +.05 +9.0 HarmonyG 2.41 ... -9.6 Harsco 12.30 +.65 ... HartfdFn 47.63 +.37 +1.2 HawaiiEl 33.46 -.16 +17.0 HlthCSvc 45.81 +.36 +6.1 HeclaM 5.56 +.04 -17.5 HelixEn 7.28 -.01 +5.2 Hershey 108.80 +.17 -26.5 HertzGl 15.85 +.12 -24.7 Hess 46.89 +.19 +5.7 HP Ent n 18.33 +.17 -8.5 HilltopH 27.27 +.56 ... Hilton 57.59 +.67 +27.0 HimaxTch 7.67 +.06 -18.0 HollyFront 26.85 +.42 +10.9 HomeDp 148 .72 +1.50 -2.4 Honda 28.48 +.29 +6.8 HonwllIntl 123.77 +1.03 -.8 Hormel s 34.53 -.01 +1.6 HospPT 32.24 +.04 +1.1 HostHotls 19.05 +.05 +6.9 HoughMH 11.60 +.35 +3.0 HuanPwr 26.81 +.10 +1.9 Hubbell 118.93 +.58 +5.0 Humana 214.24 +1.13 -3.8 HuntBncsh 12.72 +.13 +8.6 HuntgtnIng200.05 ... +27.6 Huntsmn 24.34 +.55 +13.0 IAMGld g 4.35 +.09 +10.9 ICICI Bk 8.31 -.18 +36.0 IdexxLab s159.52 +2.44 +8.4 ING 1 5.29 +.13 +11.3 iShGold 12.33 +.02 +10.1 iSAstla 22.27 +.23 +9.0 iShBrazil 36.33 -.13 +1.9 iShCanada 26.65 +.16 +8.0 iShEMU 37.38 +.37 +7.1 iSFrance 26.43 +.46 +7.0 iShGerm 28.34 +.19 +12.9 iShSilver 17.06 -.12 +3.0 iShSelDiv 91.25 +.35 +5.6 iShEurFn 20.02 +.21 +9.7 iShChinaLC38.08 +.50 +5.2 iSCorSP500236.73+1.79 +12.2 iShEMkts 39.29 +.48 +1.6 iShiBoxIG 119.08 -.17 +3.7 iSh20 yrT 123.54 -.48 +7.3 iS Eafe 61.93 +.49 +1.3 iShiBxHYB 87.67 +.29 +9.4 iShNsdqBio290.34 +1.49 +2.0 iShR2K 137.52 +1.73 +1.1 iShCorHiDv 83.19 +.07 +4.4 iShUSPfd 38.85 +.05 +5.1 iShREst 80.90 +.05 +17.0 iShHmCnst 32.16 -.24 ... iShCrSPS s69.04 +.94 +7.8 iShCorEafe 57.80 +.46 +4.9 Idacorp 84.53 -.21 +9.9 ITW 134.58 +2.46 +.3 ImmuneP rs 3.65 +1.21 +105.4 ImunoGn 4.19 +.61 +.8 ImpaxLabs13.35 +.80 -2.5 IndBkMI 21.15 +.50 -2.4 Infosys 14.47 +.13 +10.3 IngerRd 82.75 +.90 -2.9 Ingredion 121.36 +.91 +17.7 Innoviva 12.59 -1.43 -1.4 IntgDv 23.24 -1.09 -.2 Intel 36.18 +.27 -1.3 InterceptP 107.19 +1.57 +7.5 IntcntlExc s 60.63 +.68 +103.2 Internap 3.13 -.17 -2.2 IBM 162.30 +.61 -13.3 IntlGmeT n 22.13 +.26 -.1 IntPap 53.02 +.69 -40.9 IntrpDia rs 2.60 +.07 +7.5 Interpublic 25.17 +.07 +10.8 Intersectns 4.42 +.34 +3.2 Intuit 118.27 -. 70 +28.4 IntSurg 814.45 +6.75 +1.2 InvenSense12.94 +.01 +3.9 Invesco 31.52 +.51 -10.3 IonisPhm 42.91 +1.04 +4.9 iShJapan rs51.27 +.31 +11.6 iSTaiwn rs 32.77 +.25 +5.6 iSh UK rs 32.40 +.11 +12.6 iShCorEM 47.80 +.57 -1.4 iShCHJpn 27.42 +.30 +15.8 ItauUnibH 11.89 -.26 J-K-L+33.5 33.97 +.61 -.9 JPMorgCh 85.55 +1.09 +24.1 Jabil 29.37 +.37 -5.8 JacobsEng 53.68 -.20 ... JkksPac 5.15 +.05 -.4 JanusCap 13.22 -.01 -4.6 JetBlue 21.39 +.19 +5.8 JohnJn 121.87 +.50 +1.3 JohnContl n41.73 +.45 -56.5 JonesEngy 2.00 -.10 -1.6 JnprNtwk 27.80 +.07 +29.5 KB Home 20.47 -.23 -11.0 KBR Inc 14.85 +.13 +49.1 KCG Hldg 19.75 +2.01 +11.9 KKR 17.22 +.36 +6.7 KC Southn 90.57 +1.51 -4.2 KateSpade 17.88 -.17 -1.2 Kellogg 72.79 +.13 ... KeryxBio 5.86 +.13 -.3 Keycorp 18.21 +.84 +15.0 KimbClk 131.23 -1.96 ... KindMorg 20.72 -.26 -66.7 KindrM wt .00 ... +14.0 KindredHlt 8.95 +.70 +21.5 Kinross g 3.78 +.06 +1.4 KnightTr 33.50 +.95 -17.5 Kohls 40.76 +1.58 -18.4 KosmosEn 5.72 -.03 +5.4 KraftHnz n 92.04 +.19 +2.3 KratosDef 7.57 +.16 -13.9 Kroger s 29.71 -.24 +29.2 Kulicke 20.60 +. 47 -24.6 L Brands 49.66 +1.16 +10.5 L-3 Tch 168.14 +1.55 +5.4 LTC Prp 49.54 +.34 +31.8 LamResrch139.36 +3.19 -.6 Landstar 84.75 +.80 -8.6 LaredoPet 12.93 -.38 +8.2 LVSands 57.77 +1.08 -4.9 LaSalleH 28.99 -.27 +6.8 LeggPlat 52.22 +.96 +10.5 LendingClb 5.80 +.08 +20.9 LennarA 51.89 -.71 +6.9 Level3 60.24 +.38 +6.8 LbtyASE 5.51 +.06 +13.3 LibtyGlobA 34.67 +.10 +3.2 LibtProp 40.76 +.12 +14.7 LincElec 87 .95 +.98 +7.4 LloydBkg 3.33 +.05 +8.8 LockhdM 271.85 +2.22 +17.1 Lowes 83.29 +1.30 -17.5 lululemn gs 53.61 +1.41 +2.0 Luxottica 54.75 +.16 -.3 LyonBas A 85.51 -.02 M-N-0 -1.4 M&T Bk 154.28 +2.80 -18.5 MBIA 8.72 +.02 +21.5 MDC 31.18 +.02 -6.4 MDU Res 26.94 +.04 +8.2 MGIC Inv 11.03 +.10 -1.3 MGM Rsts 28.46 +.44 +1.4 MVC Cap 8.70 -.01 -16.2 Macys 30.01 +.92 -5.3 Magna g s 41.11 +.98 -6.5 Manitowoc 5.59 +.08 -3.2 Manulife g 17.25 +.29 -12.8 MarathnO 15.09 +.03 -3.6 MarathPt s 48.54 +.35 +12.2 MAR 92.77 +1.28 +5.4 MartinMid 19.35 +.15 +7.7 MarvellTch 14.94 +.04 +7.3 Masco 33.93 +.21 +44.8 MastThera .13 -.00 +11.0 MasterCrd 114.59 +2.30 -8.5 Mattel 25.21 +.10 +17.8 MaximIntg 45.45 +.86 +7.6 McCorm 100.44 -.08 -13.7 McDrmInt 6.38 +.01 +9.5 McDnlds 133.27 +.63 -2.0 McKesson137.66 +1.57 +3.8 McEwenM 3.02 -.03 +14.8 MedProp 14.12 +.02 -8.0 Mednax 61.30 -5.39 +13.7 Medtrnic 81.02 +.70 +28.2 MelcoResE 20.38 +.46 +6.3 Merck 62.55 -.09 -.8 MercGn 59.73 -.09 +9.5 Mered ith 64.75 +.70 +34.8 Meritor 16.74 +.45 -3.9 MetLife 51.78 +.62 +17.9 Microchp 75.63 +.77 +27.6 MicronT 27.96 +.70 +5.4 Microsoft 65.50 +.46 +107.1 Microvisn 2.61 +.38 +6.7 Middleby 137.44 +2.88 -10.7 MdsxWatr 38.34 +.58 +7.7 MHowHiInc 13.34 -.15 +31.2 MiMedx 11.62 +.11 +.6 MitsuUFJ 6.20 +.08 +62.0 Mobileye 61.75 -.12 +107.1 Momo 38.06 +.85 +1.5 Mondelez 44.98 +.36 +5.0 Moog A 68.96 +2.08 +.6 MorgStan 42 .50 +.46 -7.6 Mosaic 27.10 +.27 +1.5 MotrlaSolu 84.10 +.73 -2.8 Mylan NV 37.08 +.12 +10.1 NCR Corp 44.64 +1.21 +12.4 NQ Mobile 3.62 +.02 +40.6 NRG Egy 17.24 -.64 +9.5 NRG Yld C 17.30 +.10 +4.6 NTT DOCO23.80 +.03 +6.6 NXP Semi 104.43 +.20 -28.2 Nabors 11.77 -.19 -5.6 NatFuGas 53.46 -.37 +9.0 NatGrid 63.60 -.49 +2.3 NtHlthInv 75.85 +.36 -4.8 NOilVarco 35.63 -.20 -2.6 Navient 16.01 +.90 +55.9 NektarT h 19.13 +.52 -6.3 Neogen 61.85 +.57 +14.3 NetApp 40.31 +.56 +14.0 Netflix s 141.18 +1.42 -9.7 NwGold g 3.16 -.04 +12.8 NJ Rscs s 40.05 ... -9.9 NewMedia 14.41 +.44 +47.4 NewOriEd 62.05 -.35 +4.3 NewResid 16.39 -1.36 -13.7 NY CmtyB 13.73 +.21 -4.7 NYMtgTr 6.29 +.02 +5.5 NewellRub 47.10 +.79 -1.2 NewmtM 33.67 +.15 +12.9 NewsCpA 12.94 +.51 +9.6 NextEraEn130.87 -.63 +8.9 NiSource s 24.12 -.11 -2.0 Niels en plc 41.13 -.63 +11.0 NikeB s 56.40 +.54 -10.3 NobleCorp 5.31 +.08 -10.2 NobleEngy 34.18 +.56 +9.6 NokiaCp 5.27 +.10 -.2 NordicAm 8.38 +.12 -.1 Nordstrm 47.87 +1.34 +7.2 NorflkSo 115.81 +3.27 -14.8 NoAtlDrl rs 2.70 +.72 -28.0 NDynMn g 1.49 +.05 +5.3 NorthropG 244.85 +1.11 -6.0 NwstBcsh 16.95 +.30 -.3 NwstNG 59.60 -.40 -4.2 NovaGld g 4.37 +.04 +1.1 Novartis 73.62 +.88 -34.6 Novavax .82 -.00 +1.5 NovoNord 36.40 +.09 -21.0 NOW Inc 16.18 -.35 +1.4 Nucor 60.35 +2.73 -38.2 Nutanix n 16.42 -.02 -.5 NuvDivA 13.89 ... +4.0 Nv AMT-Fr 16.91 +.01 +1.5 NvPfdInco 9.99 +.02 +7.0 NuvEqtP 13.61 +.04 -5.1 Nvidia 101.26 +1.58 +7.2 NxStageMd28.09 +.72 +3.9 OGE Engy 34.74 -.08 -22.3 OasisPet 11.76 -.28 -13.1 OcciPet 61.93 -.03 -7.6 OceanFst 27.75 +.46 -5.5 Oclaro 8.46 -.01 -53.8 OcwenFn 2.49 -2.9 1 +9.5 OfficeDpt 4.95 +.17 -7.4 OldNBcp 16.80 +.40 +4.9 OldRepub 19.93 +.02 +25.8 Olin 32.22 +.67 +11.8 OmegaHlt 34.95 +.29 -21.4 OmegaP 19.70 +.50 +16.2 OnSmcnd 14.83 +.33 -27.8 OncoGnx h .36 -.01 -6.3 ONEOK 53.79 -.13 +22.5 OneokPtrs 52.68 -.07 -18.0 OpkoHlth 7.63 +.11 +16.3 Oracle 44.53 +.34 -6.7 Orbotch 31.17 +.28 -20.9 Organovo 2.68 +.06 +6.7 Orthofix 38.62 +.24 +9.4 OshkoshCp70.68 +1.31 -4.8 OtterTail 38.85 +.40 P-Q-R -21.0 PDC Engy 57.31 -1.87 +10.5 PG&E Cp 67.15 -.39 +1.6 PNC 118.83 +2.35 +9.5 PNM Res 37.55 +.05 +11.1 POSCO 58.37 +1.79 +12.3 PPG s 106.37 +1.37 +11.0 PPL Corp 37.80 +.03 +14.5 PTC Inc 52.98 -.71 +3.1 PTC Thera 11.25 -.14 +3.1 Paccar 65.88 +1.32 -13.0 PaloAltNet108.84 -.32 -16.8 Pandora 10.85 +.07 +53.3 PaneraBrd314.40 -.58 -36.5 ParkDrl 1.65 +.05 +12.2 ParkerHan157.07 +2.25 -15.7 ParsleyEn 29.70 -.24 -16.6 PattUTI 22.45 -.27 -3.7 Paychex 58.65 +.57 +10.7 PayPal n 43.69 +.39 +4.8 Pembina g 32.82 +.16 -29.8 PengthE g .00 -.01 +34.2 PnnNtGm 18.50 -.16 -15.3 PennWst g 1.50 ... +2.0 PennantPk 7.81 -.01 -31.0 Penney 5.73 +.16 -6.7 Penske 48.37 +1.36 +12.0 Pentair 62.80 +.58 -9.2 PeopUtdF 17.57 +.03 +8.6 PepsiCo 113.59 -.03 +88.6 PeregrinP .58 +.02 -19.8 Perrigo 66.76 +.33 -.8 PetrbrsA 8.74 +.10 -1 1.0 Petrobras 9.00 +.09 +3.9 Pfizer 33.74 +.13 +20.2 PhilipMor 109.98 -3.93 +6.5 PhilipsNV 32.57 +.36 -12.3 Phillips66 75.75 +.42 -17.4 Pier 1 7.05 +.19 +8.2 PimIncStr2 10.27 +.04 +9.3 PinWst 85.32 -.29 -3.1 PioNtrl 174.44 -.62 -13.3 PitnyBw 13.17 +.10 -5.9 PlainsAAP 30.38 +.03 +85.0 PlugPowr h 2.22 ... -1.3 Polaris 81.34 +1.66 +11.9 PolyOne 35.85 +.89 -9.2 Potash 16.43 -.01 -.4 PS SrLoan 23.26 +. 04+11.9 PwShs QQQ132.59 +1.10 +2.2 Praxair 119.73 +1.57 -20.7 PrecDrill 4.32 -.12 +20.1 Priceline 1760.80 -2.40 +8.7 PrinFncl 62.92 +.84 +7.7 ProAssur 60.50 +.65 +3.3 ProLogis 54.53 +.23 +38.9 PrUltPQ s 88.37 +2.09 ... PUVixST rs18.83 -1.02 ... PrUCrude rs18.68 -.28 -32.7 ProVixST rs14.31 -.35 +41.1 ProShtVix 128.36 +3.25 ... PrUShCrd s36.86 +.53 +6.2 ProctGam 89.33 -.27 +11.0 ProgsvCp 39.41 +.54 +.5 Proofpoint 71.00 -6.62 -5.4 ProShSP rs34.58 -.25 -10.5 ProUShSP 13.53 -.20 -9.0 PrUShDow 12.90 -.23 -20.6 PUShtQQQ19.01 -.32 -29.2 PShtQQQ rs36.90 -.90 -6.0 PUShtR2K 22.29 -.57 -15.4 PUShtSPX 17.26 -.40 +11.9 ProspctCap 9.34 +.08 +124.7 Protalix 1.00 -.04 +1.7 Prudentl 105.84 +1.67 +1.1 PSEG 44.37 -.23 +2.6 PubStrg 229.40 -.59 +27.0 PulteGrp 23.34 -.85 +5.0 PMMI 7.42 -.02 -40.3 QEP Res 10.9 9 +.02 -19.2 Qualcom 52.66 +.05 +13.2 QstDiag 104.03 +5.92 -17.1 RSP Perm 37.00 -.49 -11.7 RLauren 79.72 -.28 -19.6 RangeRs 27.61 +.27 +19.0 RavenInds 30.00 +.75 +8.5 Rayonier 28.87 +.39 +8.5 Raytheon 154.00 +1.12 +8.0 RltyInco 62.07 +.09 +10.5 RedwdTr 16.81 -.03 +2.5 Regenrn 376.40 +5.44 -5.0 RegionsFn 13.64 +.28 -3.3 RelStlAl 76.88 +1.83 +16.3 Replgn 35.84 -.05 +12.5 ResCap rs 9.37 -.10 +4.1 Re tailOpp 22.00 +.13 +200.7 RexahnPh .43 +.01 +13.8 ReynAm s 63.79 +.20 +6.7 RiceEngy 22.78 +.26 +2.9 RioTinto 39.57 +1.05 -51.8 RiteAid 3.97 -.11 +14.4 RockwlAut153.82 +4.24 +7.4 RockColl 99.59 +1.55 +10.9 Rogers 85.22 +1.87 +14.1 Roper 208.84 +2.24 -1.4 RossStrs s 64.66 +.93 -24.5 Rowan 14.26 +.02 +5.0 RoyalBk g 71.09 +.48 +18.5 RylCarb 97.21 +1.30 -8.0 RoyDShllB 53.35 -.25 -5.6 RoyDShllA 51.31 +.10 S-T-U -8.3 S&T Bcp 35.80 +1.43 -9.9 SCANA 66.04 -.57 +15.2 SLM Cp 12.70 +1.17 -37.9 SM Energy 21.41 -.30 +4.1 SpdrDJIA 205.70 +1.85 +11.3 SpdrGold 121.96 +.23 +7.3 SpdrEuro5035.91 +.36 +5.3 S&P500ETF235.34+1.90 +15.9 SpdrBiot s 68.60 +.51 -2.3 SpdrS&PBk42.49 +.75 +1.0 SpdrShTHiY27.96 +.09 +1.2 SpdrLehHY 36.90 +.11 -3.2 SpdrS&P RB53.80 +1.11 -1.9 SpdrRetl s 43.22 +.79 -15.5 SpdrOGEx 34.99 +.04 -1.8 SpdrMetM 29.87 +.90 -8.4 SRC Eng 8.16 -.07 +30.8 STMicro 14.85 +.27 +11.9 SABESP 9.71 -.58 +2.6 SabnR 36.05 -.50 -7.6 SabreCorp 23.05 +.63 ... Saia Inc 44.15 +1.25 -7.6 StJoe 17.55 ... +22.8 Salesforce 84.05 +.55 -24.4 SallyBty 19.98 +.12 +13.0 SJuanB 7.48 +.01 -16.6 SanchezEn 7.53 -.05 +10.8 Sanofi 44.79 +.48 -3.3 SantCUSA 13.05 +.70 -8.9 Schlmbrg 76.51 +.03 -2.0 Schwab 38.68 +.40 +49.5 ScorpBlk rs 7. 55 -.30 -78.5 SeadrillLtd .73 +.03 +27.2 SeagateT 48.55 -.01 +46.8 SearsHldgs 13.64 -.32 -31.4 Seaspan 6.27 -.01 +46.7 SelCmfrt 33.18 +7.31 +11.6 SempraEn112.29 +.79 +16.4 SenHous 22.04 +.09 +20.6 Sherwin 324.02+12.48 -6.4 ShipFin 13.90 +.10 +28.9 SibanyeG 9.10 -.13 +7.9 BlkHlthSci 34.26 +.33 +8.4 BlkMuniast 14.60 -.02 +11.8 Blackstone 30.22 +.16 +2.8 BlockHR 23.64 -.58 +26.4 BobEvans 67.25 +1.10 +15.2 Bo eing 179.30 +.90 +1.7 BorgWarn 40.10 +.45 -18.5 BostBeer 138.45 -2.65 +15.7 BostonSci 25.02 +.21 +11.2 BoydGm 22.42 -.01 -3.5 BrigStrat 21.48 +.31 -11.0 Brinker 44.07 +.70 -8.6 BrMySq 53.44 +.24 ... BritATob s 67.14 +.54 +.6 BrcdeCm 12.57 +.04 +5.7 Brookdale 13.13 +.06 +15.1 BrkfInfra s 38.52 +.01 +7.3 Brunswick 58.50 +.67 +2.6 Buckeye 67.88 +.34 +6.1 BuffaloWW163.75+9.25 +1.2 CA Inc 32.14 +.14 -13.3 CBL Asc 9.97 +.04 -15.6 CF Inds s 26.58 -.02 +2.5 CIT Grp 43.74 +.79 +7.7 CMS Eng 44.82 -.32 +15.8 CNH Indl 10.06 +.19 +37.9 CSX 49.56 +2.63 -17.3 CVR Rfng 8.60 ... +.7 CVS Health79.43 +1.60 +9.6 CYS Invest 8.47 +.17 +4.8 CabotO&G 24.47 +.48 +29.9 Cadence 32.77 +.32 +12.9 CaesarsEnt 9.60 +.05 -11.7 Cal-Maine 39.00 +.50 +8.0 CalaCvHi 11.39 +.07 +24.1 CalAmp 18.00 -.01 -18.8 Calgon 13.80 -.05 -43 .7 CalifRes rs 11.98 +.25 +8.8 CalifWtr 36.90 +.15 -25.2 CallonPet 11.50 ... -11.8 Calpine 10.08 -.20 -12.5 CalumetSp 3.50 -.05 -2.3 CamdenPT 82.17 -.07 -4.9 CampSp 57.50 +.22 +10.5 CdnNR gs 74.48 +1.26 +2.0 CdnNRs gs 32.53 +.12 -4.0 CapOne 83.72 +1.81 -11.2 CapSenL 14.25 +.21 +4.9 CapsteadM 10.69 -.11 +11.8 CpstnTur rs .76 -.01 +1.9 CardnlHlth 73.31 +.79 -8.7 CarMax 58.80 +1.63 +13.7 Carnival 5 9.21 +.53 +1.0 CarpTech 36.54 +1.60 -32.2 Carrizo 25.33 -.40 +2.1 Caterpillar 94.66 +1.96 +7.8 CedarF 69.21 +.13 +6.5 Celgene 123.27 +.35 +10.2 Cemex 8.85 +.20 +30.3 Cemig pf 2.97 +.05 -32.1 CenovusE 10.28 -.06 +13.2 CenterPnt 27.90 -.07 +7.2 CntryLink 25.49 +.20 -8.9 ChemFinl 49.37 +1.49 +67.9 Chemours n37.09 +1.54 -20.8 ChesEng 5.56 +.06 -10.9 Chevron 104.88 +.65 -5.2 ChicB&I 30.11 +.23 -.2 Chico s 14.36 +.70 +26.8 Chipotle 478.39 +1.43 +13.8 ChurchDwt s50.27 -.38 -10.4 CienaCorp 21.88 +.17 +16.5 Cigna 155.38 +3.43 -7.0 CinnFin 70.45 +.41 +13.5 Cirrus 64.19 +.99 +8.6 Cisco 32.83 +.18 -30.8 CgpVelLCrd19.16 -.42 +23.2 CgpVelICrd 27.05 +.58 -1.7 Citigroup 58.41 +.68 -1.0 CitizFincl 35.27 +1.05 +17.7 CitrixSy s 83.67 +.44 -13.5 CleanEngy 2.48 +.03 +200.7 CleBio hrs 4.27 -.83 -14.3 CliffsNRs 7.21 + .55 +13.0 Clorox 135.65 +.14 +13.6 Coach 39.78 +.37 -66.1 CobaltIEn .41 -.01 +3.9 CocaCola 43.09 -.14 +2.9 Coeur 9.35 +.15 +3.1 CognizTch 57.78 -.19 +5.2 CohStQIR 12.84 -.17 +2.6 CohStSelPf 26.84 +.07 +11.8 ColgPalm 73.18 -.21 -9.0 ColNrthS n 13.14 +.08 +10.1 Comcast s 38.00 +.47 +1.6 Comerica 69.21 +1.24 -16.1 CmclMtls 18.27 +.94 +49.4 CmtyHlt 8.35 -.16 +38.2 CmpTask 5.82 +.12 +16.8 Comtech 13.84 +.2 2 +3.0 ConAgra 40.72 +.24 -3.0 ConnWtrSv 54.20 +.31 -4.4 ConocoPhil 47.95 -.05 -15.5 ConsolEngy15.40 -.06 -9.6 ConsolCom24.28 ... +6.2 ConEd 78.28 -.50 -16.1 ContlRescs 43.24 -.02 +25.0 ContraVir 1.50 -.11 +12.4 CooperTire 43.65 +.45 -13.5 CorOnDem 36.58 +.35 +11.7 Corning 27.11 +.25 +8.0 CorpOffP 33.73 -.26 +6.3 Costco 170.15 +.09 -2.2 Coty 17.90 -.09 -1.3 CousPrp 8.40 ... -57.1 CSVixSh rs40.88 -2.22 ... CSVInvN rs20.40 +.40 +42.0 CSVelIVST 66.39 +1.69 -56.2 CSVLgNG rs20.22 -.41 +1.6 CredSuiss 14.54 +.31 -1.0 CrestEq rs 25.30 -.05 -9.8 Crocs 6.19 +.13 +10.7 CrwnCstle 96.04 -.48 +4.1 CrownHold 54.75 -.11 +17.5 s 47.02 -.13 +6.9 Cummins 146.14 +1.80 -6.7 CybrOpt 24.35 +.75 +23.2 CypSemi 14.09 +.32 +35.2 CytRx h .50 -.02 D-E-F +5.9 DCT IndlTr 50.69 +.08 -16.8 DDR Corp 12.70 -.15 +6.8 DNP Selct 10.93 ... +21.1 DR Horton 33.10 -.85 +5.0 DTE 103.44 -.40 +11.1 DXC Tch n 75.49 +.24 +6.5 Danaher 82.89 -3.55 +15.6 Darden 84.05 +1.01 +15.1 DeVryEd 35.90 +.50 -8.4 DeanFoods 19.95 +.33 +5.6 Deere 108.80 +.58 -93.5 Delcath rs .06 -.00 +15.7 DelphiAuto 77.90 +2.53 A-B-C +8.8 ABB Ltd 22.93 +.66 -1.7 AES Corp 11.42 +.05 +6.6 AFLAC 74.17 +.60 +14.0 AGNC Inv 20.66 +.03 -33.2 AK Steel 6.82 +.54 -5.1 AT&T Inc 40.36 +.11 +14.5 AbbottLab 43.98 +.39 +1.9 AbbVie 63.78 +.33 -2.5 AberFitc 11.70 +.59 +1.8 Accenture 119.21 +2.26 +2.2 Accuray 4.70 ... +38.3 ActivsBliz 49.95 +.60 +17.9 Adient n 69.09 +1.51 +25.9 AdvEnId 68.93 +1.83 +15.6 AMD 13.11 +.27 +42.9 AdvisoryBd 47.50 +.25 -8.0 Aecom 33.46 +.02 +7.5 AeroViron 28.85 +.26 +6.4 Aetna 131.93 +2.67 -64.1 AeviGeno 1.86 +.05 +16.6 Agilent 53.13 +.06 +12.9 Aircastle 23.54 +.34 +11.8 AlamosGld 7.65 -.03 +51.8 AlaskCom 2.49 +.19 +14.1 Alcoa Cp 32.04 +.74 +25.5 Alere 48.90 -.07 -3.0 Alexion lf 118.72 -1.77 +28.6 Alibaba 112.96 +2.20 +7.4 AllegTch 17.11 +.29 +13.3 Allergan 237.94 +1.60 +7.7 Allete 69.15 +.15 -4.5 AllnceRes 21. 45 -.05 -1.7 AlliBern 23.05 +.05 +4.8 AlliantEg s 39.72 -.09 +16.5 AllscriptH 11.89 +.10 +8.1 Allstate 80.15 +.40 +5.0 AllyFincl 19.98 +.60 +9.0 Alphabet C841.65 +3.44 +8.5 Alphabet A860.08 +3.57 +9.5 AlpTotDiv 8.30 +.01 +.1 AlpAlerMLP12.61 +.03 -4.3 Altisrce n 25.44 -18.44 +30.4 AltisResid 14.40 -.97 +5.6 Altria 71.41 -.70 +20.3 Amazon 902.06 +2.86 -2.5 Ambarella 52.80 +.78 +14.5 Ambev 5.62 -.09 -41.3 Amedica rs .37 -.01 +4.0 Ameren 54.54 -.35 +5.6 AFMulti 5.70 ... +16.8 AMovilL 14.68 +.19 -3.1 AmAirlines 45.22 +.82 -9.0 AEagleOut 13.80 +.64 +7.1 AEP 67.44 -.30 +8.0 AmExp 80.02 +4.47 -8.6 AmIntlGrp 59.67 +.69 -1.2 AmStsWtr 45.01 -.27 +17.6 AmTower 124.30 -.37 +9.4 AmWtrWks 79.17 -.15 -4.4 Amerigas 45.80 -.09 +16.8 Ameriprise129.57 +2.67 +5.3 AmeriBrgn 82.37 +.52 +12.7 Ametek 54.77 +.91 + 10.8 Amgen 162.04 +.78 +5.4 Amphenol 70.82 +.70 -30.5 Amyris .51 -.05 -15.4 Anadarko 59.00 -.13 +8.3 AnalogDev 78.66 +1.67 +19.0 AnglogldA 12.51 -.14 +3.5 ABInBev 109.09 -.86 +17.4 Annaly 11.70 -.02 -9.6 AnteroRes 21.37 -.02 +16.9 Anthem 168.07 +1.28 +9.7 Anworth 5.67 -.01 -22.8 Apache 49.02 -.17 +13.5 ApolloInv 6.65 +.08 +23.0 Apple Inc 142.44 +1.76 +23.6 ApldMatl 39.89 +.64 +9.1 AquaAm 32.78 -.06 + 23.0 AquaMetal h16.13 -1.19 -6.9 ArcBest 25.75 +1.10 +3.7 ArcelorMit 7.57 +.30 +40.8 Arconic 26.11 +.14 +5.7 AresCap 17.43 +.05 -90.2 ArgosTher .48 -.12 +41.0 AristaNetw136.47 +2.64 -4.4 ArrayBio 8.40 +.35 -15.2 ArrisIntl 25.54 -.52 +1.0 ArrowEl 72.01 +.88 -34.6 AscenaRtl 4.05 +.22 +14.8 Ashland 125.49 +1.07 +9.4 AstraZen s 29.90 +.13 +7.8 ATMOS 79.92 -.14 -39.5 AtwoodOcn 7.94 +.19 +233.3 Aurinia Ph 7.00 +.08 +.3 AutoData 103.04 +.97 +17.1 AveryD 82.20 +.72 -19.5 AvisBudg 29.51 +.18 -.2 Avista 39.93 -.15 -11.5 Avon 4.46 +.02 +16.5 B2gold g 2.76 -.04 -7.1 BB&T Cp 43.67 +1.04 +5.1 BCE g 45.45 +.25 +9.3 BGC Ptrs 11.18 +.21 +.6 BHP BillLt 35.99 +.55 -1.2 BHPBil plc 31.08 +.47 -8.6 BP PLC 34.15 +.01 -19.6 BP Pru 19.10 -.15 +8.7 Baidu 178.64 +.83 -8.4 BakrHu 59.50 +.03 -7.1 Balchem 77.94 +.77 -2.4 BallCorp 73.27 +.47 +69.1 BallardPw 2.79 ... +11.4 BcBilVArg 7.54 +.13 +12.5 BcoBrad s 9.79 -.22 +17.2 BcoSantSA 6.07 +.10 -10.5 BcoSBrasil 7.96 +.01 -1.1 BankMutl 9.35 -.15 +4.4 BkofAm 23.07 +.33 +2.2 BkMont g 73.48 +.64 -1.5 BkNYMel 46.65 -.21 +2.3 BkNova g 56.98 +.33 -3.3 Barclay 10.64 +.07 -32.7 B iPVxST rs17.16 -.45 +13.4 Bard 254.77 +.69 -19.7 BarnesNob 8.95 +.20 +20.2 BarrickG 19.20 +.29 ... BasicEnS .45 ... +19.3 Baxter s 52.89 +.18 -38.9 BaytexE g 2.98 -.11 -7.2 BeazerHm 12.34 -.22 +12.4 BectDck 186.05 +1.89 -1.7 BedBath 39.93 +.82 +2.4 Bemis 48.99 +.16 +1.2 BerkH B 164.98 +2.22 +18.4 BestBuy 50.53 +1.15 -.8 BigLots 49.81 +1.12 +4.4 Biocryst 6.61 -.01 -3.9 Biogen 272.46 +.52 +9.7 BlkHillsCp 67.28 -.31 +32.1 BlackBerry 9.10 +.17YTD Name Last Chg Money & Markets 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400 OA NDJFM 2,320 2,360 2,400 S&P 500Close: 2,355.84 Change: 17.67 (0.8%) 10 DAYS 4,800 5,100 5,400 5,700 6,000 OA NDJFM 5,800 5,880 5,960 Nasdaq compositeClose: 5,916.78 Change: 53.75 (0.9%) 10 DAYSAdvanced 2096 Declined 840 New Highs 124 New Lows 24 Vol. (in mil.) 3,553 Pvs. Volume 3,437 1,685 1,682 2033 782 132 38 NYSE NASDDOW 20629.78 20406.68 20578.71 +174.22 +0.85% s t s +4.13% DOW Trans. 9144.97 9033.43 9126.13 +149.78 +1.67% s s t +0.91% DOW Util. 702.97 696.00 701.20 -2.78 -0.39% t t s +6.31% NYSE Comp. 11449.15 11366.96 11426.91 +84.49 +0.74% s t s +3.35% NASDAQ 5926.23 5880.20 5916.78 +53.75 +0.92% s s s +9.91% S&P 500 2361.37 2340.91 2355.84 +17.67 +0.76% s s s +5.23% S&P 400 1722.83 1706.62 1720.97 +16.22 +0.95% s s s +3.64% Russell 2000 1384.58 1368.38 1384.15 +17.02 +1.24% s s s +1.99% Toronto TSX 15674.95 15565.99 15625.56 +72.68 +0.47% s s s +2.21%HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD Stocks Recap Combined StocksFrom the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. Interest ratesThe yield on the 10-year Treasury rose to 2.24 percent Thursday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG AGO 4.00 3.50 3.50 .88 .38 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill .78 0.80 -0.02 .22 6-month T-bill .92 0.92 ... .35 52-wk T-bill .99 1.00 -0.01 .50 2-year T-note 1.20 1.18 +0.02 .80 5-year T-note 1.77 1.73 +0.04 1.32 10-year T-note 2.24 2.22 +0.02 1.84 30-year T-bond 2.88 2.87 +0.01 2.65 NET 1YR BONDS YEST PVS CHG AGO AP Muni Bond Idx 2.39 2.38 +0.01 ... Barclays Glob Agg Bd 1.54 1.53 +0.01 ... Barclays USAggregate 2.46 2.45 +0.01 2.15 Barclays US Corp 3.19 3.17 +0.02 3.12 Barclays US High Yield 5.84 5.87 -0.03 7.62 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.80 3.77 +0.03 3.52 10-Yr. TIPS .36 0.29 +0.07 .20Commodities Energy futures were mixed Thursday. Crude oil and natural gas prices fell. Wholesale gasoline rose. Heating oil was flat. Among metals, gold and copper rose. Silver fell.Crude Oil (bbl) 50.27 50.44 -0.34 -6.4 Ethanol (gal) 1.62 1.62 ... +0.9 Heating Oil (gal) 1.58 1.58 -0.15 -7.4 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.16 3.19 -0.82 -15.2 Unleaded Gas (gal) 1.67 1.66 +0.69 +0.3 FUELS CLOSEPVS. %CHG%YTD Gold (oz) 1281.90 1281.40 +0.04 +11.5 Silver (oz) 17.99 18.14 -0.79 +12.9 Platinum (oz) 978.00 967.50 +1.09 +8.5 Copper (lb) 2.54 2.53 +0.30 +1.7 Palladium (oz) 802.75 775.45 +3.52 +17.6 METALS CLOSEPVS.%CHG%YTD Cattle (lb) 1.30 1.28 +1.33 +8.9 Coffee (lb) 1.32 1.38 -4.60 -3.9 Corn (bu) 3.58 3.62 -1.11 +1.6 Cotton (lb) 0.80 0.78 +3.09 +13.3 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 388.80 387.40 +0.36 +22.8 Orange Juice (lb) 1.61 1.66 -3.07 -18.7 Soybeans (bu) 9.47 9.50 -0.37 -5.0 Wheat (bu) 4.06 4.19 -3.04 -0.4 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS. %CHG%YTD USD per British Pound1.2817 +.0033 +.26% 1.4367 Canadian Dollar 1.3472 -.0016 -.12% 1.2628 USD per Euro 1.0722 +.0001 +.01% 1.1302 Japanese Yen 109.31 +.61 +.56% 109.80 Mexican Peso 18.7792 -.0666 -.35% 17.2345 1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG %CHGAGO Israeli Shekel 3.6724 -.0001 -.04% 3.7658 Norwegian Krone 8.6182 -.0006 -.52% 8.1103 South African Rand 13.1567 +.0006 +.79% 14.1956 Swedish Krona 8.9864 .0002 -.18% 8.1234 Swiss Franc .9982 -.0008 -.08% .9712 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST Australian Dollar 1.3284 -.0055 -.41% 1.2819 Chinese Yuan 6.8839 -.0030 -.04% 6.4711 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7750 +.0006 +.01% 7.7556 Indian Rupee 64.715 +.040 +.06% 66.133 Singapore Dollar 1.3979 +.0002 +.01% 1.3440 South Korean Won 1138.14 -4.25 -.37% 1133.53 Taiwan Dollar 30.41 -.00 -.00% 32.22 ASIA/PACIFICForeign Exchange The dollar lost ground Thursday to several currencies, including the euro, pound, Canadian dollar and Mexican peso. The U.S. currency strengthened versus the yen and Swiss franc.YEST6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO -27.6 SiderurNac 2.34 +.10 +10.0 SilvWhtn g 21.25 +.04 -1.7 SimonProp174.73 +.30 +13.9 SiriusXM 5.07 ... +6.4 Skechers s 26.15 +.24 -46.1 SkyPFtJc lf 3.56 +.50 +36.1 SkywksSol101.63 +2.39 -.5 Smucker 127.46 -.04 -13.6 SnapInc A n21.15 +.53 +1.1 SnapOn 173.13 +9.36 +37.8 SodaStrm 54.39 +.97 +8.3 SolarCap 22.54 +.10 +.2 SonocoP 52.82 +1.26 +17.1 SonyCp 32.83 +.86 -65.3 SorrentoTh 1.70 +.05 +4.8 Sour cC 37.68 +.33 +11.0 SoJerInd s 37.40 +.04 +1.2 SouthnCo 49.77 +.02 +12.3 SwstAirl 55.95 +1.30 -31.1 SwstnEngy 7.46 +.15 -3.8 SpiritRltC 10.45 +.06 +1.9 Sprint 8.58 +.01 +20.5 Sprouts 22.80 -.11 +29.9 Square n 17.71 +.51 +5.2 SP Matls 52.26 +.57 +7.5 SP HlthC 74.12 +.46 +6.7 SP CnSt 55.16 -.11 +8.7 SP Consum88.45 +.92 -9.5 SP Engy 68.13 +.33 +.6 SPDR Fncl 23.40 +.39 +5.0 SP Inds 65.35 +.78 +10.2 SP T ech 53.28 +.48 +5.5 SpdrRESel 32.44 -.01 +6.0 SP Util 51.47 -.20 +15.7 StanBlkDk 132.71 +1.66 +7.6 Staples 9.74 +.12 -14.0 StarGas 9.25 -.01 +8.2 Starbucks s60.08 +1.04 +.8 StateStr 78.32 +.45 -9.7 Statoil ASA 16.47 +.10 -1.9 StlDynam 34.91 +2.21 +11.4 StillwtrM 17.95 +.06 +10.8 Stryker 132.76 +.94 -12.2 SubPpne 26.39 +.79 +10.1 SunCmts 84.35 -.10 -11.1 SunHydrl 35.55 +1.21 -1.8 SunocoLog 23.59 +. 06 +1.5 SunstnHtl 15.48 ... +1.2 SunTrst 55.49 +1.34 -25.1 SupEnrgy 12.65 -.07 -15.8 Supvalu 3.93 +.01 -1.9 SwiftTrans 23.89 +.48 +27.7 Symantec 30.50 +.09 -6.7 Synchrony 33.85 +.85 -32.5 SynrgyPh 4.11 +.01 +2.5 SynovusFn 42.11 +.73 -32.8 SynthBiol .51 +.03 +12.7 T-MobileUS64.81 -.32 +.4 TC PpLn 59.06 +.15 -.4 TCP Cap 16.84 -.39 -11.3 TD Ameritr 38.66 +.80 +4.0 TJX 78.17 +1.27 -8.0 TahoeRes 8 .67 +.08 +10.6 TaiwSemi 31.79 +.18 -24.4 Target 54.64 +.75 -9.9 Taubmn 66.64 +.16 -9.5 Technip 32.16 +.12 +7.7 TeckRes g 21.58 +.38 +60.3 Teladoc n 26.45 +.70 -9.4 Tenaris 32.35 +.36 +1.0 TenetHlth 14.99 -.49 -2.9 Tenneco 60.67 +1.41 +17.6 Teradata 31.94 +.62 -9.8 TerraNitro 92.61 +.46 +3.4 Tesaro 139.01 -8.99 +41.6 Tesla Inc 302.51 -3.01 -15.1 TevaPhrm 30.76 +.06 -5.8 TxCapBsh 73.83 -4.93 +10. 7 TexInst 80.76 +1.39 -6.3 TexRdhse 45.19 +.55 +83.2 Textainer 13.65 +.30 -5.5 Textron 45.91 -.10 -14.9 TherapMD 4.91 -.10 +15.9 3D Sys 15.40 +.13 +7.1 3M Co 191.16 +1.33 +19.0 Tiffany 92.14 +.59 +3.6 TimeWarn 100.00 ... +12.0 Timken 44.45 +.70 +17.1 TollBros 36.31 -.65 +3.0 Torchmark 76.00 +1.24 -.7 TorDBk gs 48.98 +.14 -1.4 Total SA 50.27 +.46 -9.6 Toyota 106.00 +1.38 -22.8 Transocn 11.38 +.11 -2.9 Travelers 118.88 -1.52 +6.4 TriPointe 12.22 -.18 +6.2 TriContl 23.42 +.23 +3.1 TriCntl pf 50.01 -.24 +11.7 TriNetGrp 28.63 +1.06 -4.8 Trinity 26.43 +.64 +7.9 TrueBlue 26.60 -.25 -10.3 TrstNY 7.85 +.20 +22.9 Tuppwre 64.66 +.16 -16.4 TurqHillRs 2.70 -.03 +10.8 21stCFoxA 31.07 +.68 +12.1 21stCFoxB 30.55 +.74 -10.1 Twitter 14.65 +.11 +44.8 2U 43.65 +.43 +5.4 Tyson 65.04 +.41 -.6 UDR 36.26 -.26 +7.2 UGI Corp 49.40 -.03 +66.0 UltraClean 16.10 +.41 -6.3 Umpqua 17.59 +.38 -33.3 UndrArm s 19.39 +.20 -28.0 UnAr C wi 18.11 +.18 -3.7 UniFirst 138.40 +2.05 +24.5 UnilevNV 51.14 +.15 +4.1 UnionPac 107.90 +1.11 -22.2 Unit 20.90 -.04 -4.2 UtdContl 69.80 +.51 -7.9 UPS B 105.53 +1.07 +7.3 UtdRentals113.24 -6.21 -1.3 US Bancrp 50.68 +.99 -19.5 US NGas 7.52 -.04 -10.1 US OilFd 10.54 -.08 -7.6 USSteel 30 .51 +2.09 +3.9 UtdTech 113.94 +1.02 +7.2 UtdhlthGp 171.54 +2.29 +8.2 UnitGrp 27.50 +.38 +16.5 UnvslCp 74.25 +.55 +4.2 UnumGrp 45.76 +.72 +25.9 UraniumEn 1.41 +.01 -17.5 UrbanOut 23.49 +.36 V-W-X-Y-Z +6.2 VEON 4.09 +.10 +5.8 VF Corp 56.44 +.92 +15.7 Vale SA 8.82 +.31 +22.5 Vale SA pf 8.44 +.40 -38.8 ValeantPh 8.88 -.14 -6.2 ValeroE 64.10 +.61 +1.8 VlyNBcp 11.85 +.28 +12.7 VanEGold 23.58 +.19 -5.2 VnEkRus 20.11 +.32 -13.0 VEckOilSvc 29.03 +.09 +9.4 VanE JrGld 34.52 -.19 +3.5 VangREIT 85.41 +.01 +5.8 VangDivAp 90.09 +.81 +11.1 VangEmg 39.74 +.41 +7.4 VangEur 51.50 +.36 +7.1 VangFTSE 39 .15 +.35 +12.3 Vectren 58.55 -.17 +5.5 Ventas 65.95 -.46 +5.0 Vereit 8.88 +.05 +16.6 Verisign 88.71 -.11 -9.3 VerizonCm 48.41 -.53 +2.2 ViadCorp 45.05 +1.05 +21.9 Viavi 9.97 +.17 -71.6 VinceHldg 1.15 +.15 +22.3 Vipshop 13.47 +.05 +38.6 VirnetX 3.05 +.30 +3.1 VirtuFin n 16.45 +1.50 +16.8 Visa s 91.15 +1.40 -1.8 VishayInt 15.91 +.16 +16.7 VMware 91.86 +.05 +6.1 Vodafone 25.93 +.03 -7.2 VolarisAv 13.96 -.06 -4.3 VulcanM 119.83 +2.42 -10.5 WD 40 104.65 +.65 +1.9 WEC Engy 59.77 -.71 +9.0 WP Carey 64.38 +.11 -16.2 WPX Engy 12.21 +.08 +8.2 WalMart 74.80 +.73 +1.7 WalgBoots 84.14 +.63 -.3 WREIT 32.59 +.09 +2.7 WsteMInc 72.84 +.13 +18.3 Waters 158.99 -.22 +14.4 WeathfIntl 5.71 -.01 -8.7 WebsterFn 49.58 +1.28 +59.2 WtWatch 18.23 +.61 -1.8 WeinRlt 35.15 -.12 -2.9 WellsFargo 53.50 +1.35 +10.7 Welltower 7 4.07 +.20 +3.0 Wendys Co 13.92 +.23 -9.7 WestarEn 50.87 -4.24 -1.2 WAstInfSc 11.34 -.04 +24.2 WDigital 84.41 +1.61 -8.0 WstnUnion 19.99 +.21 +10.1 WestpacBk 25.85 +.28 +4.5 WestRck 53.08 +.18 +15.6 Weyerhsr 34.78 +.29 -5.6 Whrlpl 171.64 +1.50 -9.0 WhitestnR 13.08 -1.17 -32.8 WhitingPet 8.08 -.08 +15.4 WholeFood 35.50 +.59 -2.8 WmsCos 30.26 +.03 +8.4 WillmsPtrs 41.23 +.19 +8.9 WT EurHdg62.52 +.6 1 -22.4 WisdomTr 8.64 +.20 -1.1 WTJpHedg 49.00 +.76 -2.6 Woodward 67.26 -1.86 +15.6 WldW Ent 21.27 +.14 +34.3 Wynn 116.15 +1.21 +9.7 XcelEngy 44.65 -.15 +21.2 Xerox 6.97 +.03 -4.4 Xilinx 57.71 +.98 -21.6 YRC Wwde10.41 +.21 +23.3 Yahoo 47.67 +.67 +6.8 Yamana g 3.00 +.04 -3.5 YorkWater 36.85 +.85 +2.7 YumBrnds 65.04 +.50 +26.6 Yum China 33.08 +.07 +.7 Zagg 7.15 +.30 +18.1 ZimmerBio121.85 +1.59 -4.6 Zio nsBcp 41.08 +1.10 +1.4 Zoetis 54.29 +.44 +9.7 Zynga 2.82 ... Stock Footnotes: Stock Footnotes: cld Issue has been called for redemption by company. d New 52-week low. ec Company formerly listed on the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace. g Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h Does not meet continued-listing standards. lf Late filing with SEC. n Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low figures date onl y from the beginning of trading. pf Preferred stock issue. pr Preferences. pp Holder owes installments of purchase price. rt Right to buy security at a specified price. rs Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year. s Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd When distributed. wt Warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock. u New 52-week high. un Unit,, including more than one security. vj Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. Stocks in bold are worth at least $5 and changed 5 percent or more in price. Underlining for 50 most actively traded stocks of the day. Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. M ost recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. P E Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months. Mutual Fund Footnotes: b Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f front load (sales charges). m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA not available. p previous days net asset value. s fund split shares during the week. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Source :Morningstar and the Associated Press.DOW 20,578.71 +174.22 NASDAQ 5,916.78 +53.75 S&P 500 2,355.84 +17.67 10-YR T-NOTE 2.24% +.02 30-YR T-BOND 2.88% +.01 CRUDE OIL $50.27 -.17 GOLD $1,281.90 +.50 EURO $1.0722 +.0001p p p p p p p p p p q q p p p p(Previous and change figures reflect current contract.) STOCKS LISTING CHANGE REQUESTS WELCOME!The Sun Newspaper is tweaking the way stocks are listed in the daily paper. We will continue to run a wide range of stocks, but were trying to eliminate stocks our readers dont want. If you do not see your stock in the paper, please let us know and we will put it in the listings. Email the name of the company and the symbol to, or call 941-206-1138. You can leave the stock name and symbol on voice mail.


The Sun /Friday, April 21, 2017 Page 9 ABDiversMunicipal 14.40 ... +1.7 SmCpGrA m 46.39 +.54 +10.5AMGYacktmanFocedS d 21.10+.09 +10.7YacktmanI d 22.73 +.12 +10.7AQRMgdFtsStratI 9.11 +.02 +2.8AberdeenIntlSmCpA m 27.43 +.06 +7.4AkreFocRetail m 26.73 +.20 +13.7AlgerSmCpGrB m 5.48 +.05 +7.3AlpinedynDivInstl d 3.79 +.03 +8.2AmanaMutGrInv b 32.73 +.24 +10.7 MutIncInv b 47.00 +.38 +10.5American BeaconSmCpValInstl 27.69 +.35 +13.6American CenturyCptlValInv 8.96 +.06 +12.6 EqIncInv 9.13 +.05 +12.3 GrInv 30.70 +.26 +11.7 HYMuniInv 9.46 -.01 +4.7 HeritageInv 21.76 +.23 +9.6 IntTrmTxFrBdInv 11.29 ... +2.2 UltraInv 38.52 +.35 +13.2American FundsAMCpA m 28.79 +.22 +13.2 AmrcnBalA m 25.81 +.09 +10.2 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.39 ... +5.2 AmrcnMutA m 38.22 +.23 +11.9 BdfAmrcA m 12.89 -.02 +2.4 CptWldGrIncA m 46.72+.26 +9.6 CptlIncBld rA m 59.80 +.08 +7.2 CptlWldBdA m 19.51 -.03 +0.8 EuroPacGrA m 49.53 +.36 +6.6 FdmtlInvsA m 57.78 +.42 +13.7 GlbBalA m 30.62 +.05 +6.6 GrfAmrcA m 45.41 +.35 +14.2 IncAmrcA m 22.24 +.08 +9.1 IntrmBdfAmrA m 13.43 -.02 +1.1 InvCAmrcA m 37.96 +.22 +13.3 NewWldA m 57.32 +.34 +4.3 NwPrspctvA m 38.83 +.30 +10.6 SmCpWldA m 50.28 +.32 +10.5 TheNewEcoA m 39.78 +.37 +13.7 TxExBdA m 12.91 -.01 +3.5 WA MtInvsA m 42.49 +.31 +12.8ArtisanIntlInv 27.99 +.08 +5.1BairdAggrgateBdInstl 10.85 -.02 +3.4 CorPlusBdInstl 11.19 -.02 +3.5BaronAsstRetail b 64.29 +.50 +12.9 GrRetail b 66.90 +.48 +12.2 PtnrsRetail b 42.65 +.28 +14.3BerkshireFoc d 20.72 +.21 +11.5BlackRockAlCpEngyRsInvA m 10.36+.02 -3.8 EqDivInstl 22.97 +.17 +11.1 EqDivInvA m 22.92 +.18 +10.8 GlbAllcIncInstl 19.10 +.07 +5.6 GlbAllcIncInvA m 18.98+.07 +5.3 GlbAllcIncInvC m 17.24+.06 +4.5 HYBdInstl 7.73 -.01 +7.0 HYBdK 7.74 ... +7.0 HYBdSvc b 7.74 ... +6.6 StrIncOppsIns 9.87 ... +3.5 TactOppsInvA m 13.37+.01 +3.3BruceBruce 504.04 +.17 +9.3 StratValDivIns 6.16 -.01 +11.5 TtlRetBdInstl 10.90 -.01 +3.0Fidelity500IdxInstl 82.44 +.62 +13.7 500IdxInstlPrm 82.44 +.62 +13.7 500IdxPremium 82.44 +.62 +13.7 AdvLgCpA m 31.35 +.24 +13.9 AdvLtdTrmBdA m 11.49-.01 +1.6AdvNewInsightsA m 28.40+.21 +11.9AdvNewInsightsI 28.98 +.22 +12.2 AsstMgr50% 17.46 +.05 +6.9 Bal 23.25 +.11 +9.6 BalK 23.25 +.11 +9.8 BlueChipGr 75.80 +.63 +14.7 BlueChipGrK 75.90 +.63 +14.9 Canada d 49.51 +.25 +2.6 Contrafund 108.16 +.98 +13.0 ContrafundK 108.10 +.97 +13.1 CptlInc d 10.01 +.02 +7.6 DivGr 33.62 +.24 +11.7 DiversIntl 36.30 +.23 +7.2 DiversIntlK 36.23 +.23 +7.3 EmMkts 17.93 +.14 +3.0 EmMkts d 25.76 +.23 +3.1 EmMktsF 17.98 +.14 +3.2 EmergAsia d 35.84 +.28 +6.1 EqDivInc 27.17 +.18 +11.9 EqInc 58.18 +.36 +11.8 ExtndMktIdxPr 57.45 +.55 +13.0 Fidelity 43.47 +. 34 +11.7 FltngRtHiInc d 9.65 ... +3.6 FocedStk 19.63 +.20 +10.9 FourinOneIdx 40.07 +.24 +10.0 Frdm2015 12.86 +.05 +6.5 Frdm2020 15.73 +.06 +6.9 Frdm2025 13.52 +.06 +7.8 Frdm2030 16.74 +.10 +8.4 Frdm2035 13.88 +.10 +9.1 Frdm2040 9.74 +.07 +9.2 FrdmK2020 14.65 +.06 +7.0 FrdmK2025 15.36 +.07 +7.9 FrdmK2030 15.78 +.09 +8.5 FrdmK2035 16.42 +.11 +9.2 FrdmK2040 16.45 +.12 +9.3 FrdmK2045 16.94 +.12 +9.4 F rdmK2050 17.07 +.11 +9.5 GNMA 11.46 -.02 +1.9 GrCo 150.50 +1.23 +14.6 GrCoF 14.72 +.12 NA GrCoK 150.38 +1.23 +14.8 GrInc 33.80 +.25 +13.0 Independence 35.72 +.33 +11.3 IntlDiscv 39.94 +.22 +7.0 IntlGr 14.12 +.08 +6.8 IntlGrF 14.16 +.09 +7.0 IntlIdxPremium 37.85 +.22 +6.4 IntlRlEstt d 10.19 -.01 +9.3 IntlVal 9.61 +.07 +6.1 IntlValF 9.64 +.08 +6.2 InvmGradeBd 11.24 -.02 +2.7 InvmGradeBd 7.89 -.01 +2.7 InvmGradeBdF 11.24 -.02 +2.8 JapanSmlrCo d 15.82 +.02 +14.7 LatinAmerica d 21.95 +.07 -8.7 LowPricedStk 52.00 +.36 +11.7 LowPricedStkK 51.97 +.36 +11.8 LvrgdCoStk 35.38 +.33 +11.5 Magellan 96.78 +.82 +13.2 MegaCpStk 17.97 +.13 +12.9 MidCpStk 36.18 +.16 +12.3 MidCpVal 25.82 +.20 +14.3 MuniInc 13.05 -.01 +3.5 NYMuniInc 13.20 -.02 +3.3 NewMillennium 37.56 +.24 +12.1 NewMktsInc d 16.23 -.01 +5.9 Nor dic d 47.43 +.04 +11.1 OTC 94.93 +.52 +17.2 Overseas 43.55 +.18 +9.5 Puritan 21.65 +.11 +9.4 PuritanK 21.63 +.11 +9.5 STBd 8.62 ... +1.1 SelBiotech 198.02 +1.14 +21.0 SelEngy 41.80 +.04 +1.2 SelGold 21.40 -.01 -10.2 SelHC 208.64 +1.46 +19.2 STInfPrScIdIns 24.83 +.01 NA STInfPrScIdxInv 24.80 +.01 NA STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.69 ... +2.2 STInvmGrdIns 10.69 ... +2.2 STInvmGrdInv 10.69 ... +2.1 STTEAdmrl 15.79 ... +0.7 STTrsAdmrl 10.66 ... +0.7 SeledValInv 30.33 +.35 +13.8 SmCpGrIdxAdmrl 49.69+.44 +11.9 SmCpIdxAdmrl 63.92 +.64 +13.5 SmCpIdxIns 63.91 +.63 +13.5 SmCpIdxInsPlus 184.48+1.83+13.5 SmCpValIdxAdmrl 52.68+.57 +14.7 SmCpValIdxIns 29.45 +.32 +14. 7 StarInv 24.96 +.12 +8.4 StrEqInv 33.37 +.48 +15.4 TrgtRtr2010Inv 26.08 +.05 +5.5 TrgtRtr2015Inv 15.05 +.05 +6.7 TrgtRtr2020Inv 29.49 +.12 +7.6 TrgtRtr2025Inv 17.13 +.08 +8.3 TrgtRtr2030Inv 30.73 +.17 +8.9 TrgtRtr2035Inv 18.73 +.11 +9.4 TrgtRtr2040Inv 32.03 +.22 +9.8 TrgtRtr2045Inv 20.05 +.14 +9.9 TrgtRtr2050Inv 32.26 +.23 +9.9 TrgtRtrIncInv 13.13 +.02 +4.7 TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.76 -.02 +2.2 TtBMIdxIns 10.76 -.02 +2.3 TtBMIdxInsPlus 10.76 -.02 +2.3 TtBMIdxInv 10.76 -.02 +2.1 TtInBIdxAdmrl 21.75 -.01 NA TtInBIdxIns 32.64 -.02 NA TtInBIdxInv 10.88 ... NA TtInSIdxAdmrl 26.57 +.20 +5.3 TtInSIdxIns 106.25 +.81 +5.3 TtInSIdxInsPlus 106.27 +.81 +5.3 TtInSIdxInv 15.89 +.13 +5.2 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 58.99 +.47 +13.6 TtlSMIdxIns 59.00 +.47 +13.6 TtlSMIdxInv 58.97 +.47 +13.4TxMgCptlAprAdmr 120.52+.93 +13.8ValIdxAdmrl 36.94 +.29 +13.8 ValIdxIns 36.94 +.29 +13.8 WlngtnAdmrl 69.21 +.35 +9.8 WlngtnInv 40.07 +.20 +9.7 WlslyIncAdmrl 62.84 +.05 +7.1 WlslyIncInv 25.94 +.02 +7.0 WndsrAdmrl 72.72 +.68 +13.6 WndsrIIAdmrl 64.65 +.51 +12.0 WndsrIIInv 36.43 +.29 +11.9VictorySpecValA m 22.89 +.15 +7.7VirtusEMOppsI 10.35 +.07 +2.0WasatchLgCpValInv d 9.51 +.06 +9.7Wells FargoDJTrgt2010Adm 12.63 +.01 +2.4Western AssetCorPlusBdI 11.65 ... +4.1 WAMngdMuniA 16.30 -.01 +3.3Wintergreen FundInv m 16.46 +.05 +5.1 AsAlModC m 12.02 +.04 +5.4TurnerSmCpGr 13.05 +.13 +9.1Tweedy, BrowneGlbVal d 26.49 +.10 +7.9U.S. Global InvestorGlbRes m 5.36 +.03 -9.4 GoldPrcMtls m 7.41 -.02 -8.3USAACrnrstnMod 14.74 +.05 +5.1 GrInc 23.13 +.25 +12.6 GvtSec 9.83 -.02 +1.4 HiInc d 8.21 ... +6.6 PrcMtlsMnral 13.58 +.01 -12.3 SciTech 23.90 +.28 +17.6 TELngTrm 13.33 -.02 +3.8 TrgtRet2040 13.49 +.07 +7.4 TrgtRet2050 13.47 +. 08 +7.6 WldGr 29.42 +.19 +10.6Value LinePremGr b 31.31 +.23 +10.2Vanguard500IdxAdmrl 217.64 +1.64 +13.7 500IdxInv 217.62 +1.63 +13.6 BalIdxAdmrl 32.24 +.14 +9.1 BalIdxIns 32.24 +.13 +9.1 CAIntTrmTEAdmrl 11.73-.01 +3.3 CnvrtSecInv 13.04 +.04 +7.0 CptlOppAdmrl 134.53 +1.41 +18.1 CptlOppInv 58.27 +.61 +18.0 DevMIdxAdmrl 12.57 +.09 +6.7 DevMIdxIns 12.58 +.09 +6.7 DivGrInv 24.74 +.21 +12.2 EMStkIdxAdmrl 33.00 +.30 +1.3 EngyAdmrl 94.15 +.24 +0.5 EqIncAdmrl 70.50 +.40 +13.1 EqIncInv 33.64 +.20 +13.0 ExplorerAdmrl 85.58 +.93 +12.3 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 75.93 +.75 +13.2 ExtMktIdxIns 75.92 +.74 +13.2 ExtMktIdxInsPls 187.37+1.84 +13.2 FAWexUSIIns 93.76 +.74 +5.2 FAWexUSIdxInv 18.77 +.14 +5.0 GNMAAdmrl 10.56 -.03 +2.0 GNMAInv 10.56 -.03 +1.9 GlbEqInv 26.77 +.22 +10.4 GrIdxAdmrl 62.89 +.45 +13.4 GrIdxIns 62.89 + .44 +13.4 GrandIncInv 43.45 +.33 +13.8 HCAdmrl 83.28 +.49 +17.4 HCInv 197.46 +1.16 +17.4 HYCorpAdmrl 5.89 ... +6.2 HYTEAdmrl 11.20 -.02 +4.3 HiDivYldIdxInv 30.52 +.16 +13.3 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 11.43 -.02 +2.9 InTrInvGrdAdmrl 9.78 -.01 +3.6 InTrTEAdmrl 14.11 -.01 +3.0 InflPrtScAdmrl 25.91 -.02 +0.7 InflPrtScIns 10.55 -.01 +0.7 InsIdxIns 214.72 +1.61 +13.7 InsIdxInsPlus 214.74 +1.62 +13.7 InsTtlSMIInPls 52 .91 +.42 +13.7 IntlGrAdmrl 76.48 +.64 +7.4 IntlGrInv 24.06 +.20 +7.2 IntlValInv 34.27 +.31 +5.8 LTInvmGrdAdmrl 10.26 -.03 +5.7 LTTEAdmrl 11.55 -.02 +4.0 LfStrCnsrGrInv 19.02 +.05 +5.9 LfStrGrInv 30.49 +.19 +9.1 LfStrModGrInv 25.26 +.11 +7.6 LgCpIdxInv 43.60 +.33 +13.4 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 10.96 ... +1.3 MdCpGrIdxInv 44.73 +.43 +11.7 MdCpIdxAdmrl 172.82 +1.53 +13.4 MdCpIdxIns 38.18 +.34 +13.4 MdCpIdxInsPlus 1 88.28+1.67+13.4 MdCpValIdxAdmrl 52.67+.44 +14.8 MorganGrAdmrl 82.60 +.78 +12.7 PrmCpAdmrl 117.51 +1.28 +16.9 PrmCpCorInv 23.76 +.26 +16.3 PrmCpInv 113.43 +1.23 +16.8 REITIdxAdmrl 121.06 +.05 +10.3 REITIdxIns 18.74 +.01 +10.4 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.48 -.01 +1.2 Northeast InvestorsGr 15.97 +.11 +9.3NorthernStkIdx 28.17 ... +13.5NuveenHYMuniBdI 16.89 -.01 +7.1 NYMnBdI 10.99 -.01 +3.6Oak AssociatesEmergTech 4.88 +.05 +11.2 LiveOakHlthSci 19.40 +.17 +15.0 PinOakEq 59.76 +.36 +15.0 RedOakTechSel 21.98 +.15 +17.5OakmarkEqAndIncInv 31.48 +.21 +8.3 GlbInv 30.00 +.17 +9.8 IntlInv 24.71 +.14 +10.0 Inv 74.72 +.78 +14.1 SelInv 43.76 +.46 +13.7Old WestburyGlbSmMdCpStrat 16.19+.14 +9.4 LgCpStrats 13.68 +.09 +9.0 StratOpps 7.74 +.02 +6.0OppenheimerDevelopingMktsA m 36.24+.41+2.4 DevelopingMktsY 35.76+.41 +2.7 GlbA m 82.03 ... +10.2 GlbStrIncA m 3.93 ... +3.4 IntlGrY 37.67 +.32 +7.0 MnStrA m 49.72 +.40 +12.9OsterweisStrInc 11.30 ... +4.9PIMCOAlAstAllAthIns 8.79 ... +1.4 AlAstInstl 11.68 ... +3.8 HYInstl 8.91 +.01 +6.3 IncA m 12.25 ... +7.9 IncC m 12.25 ... +7.1 IncD b 12.25 ... +8.0 IncInstl 12.25 ... +8.3 IncP 12.25 ... +8.2 InvmGrdCrpBdIns 10.45 ... +5.4 LowDrInstl 9.88 ... +1.6 RlRetInstl 11.08 ... +0.8 ShrtTrmIns 9.82 ... +1.6 TtlRetA m 10.21 -.02 +2.5 TtlRetIns 10.21 -.02 +2.9PRIMECAP OdysseyAgrsGr 36.49 +.39 +20.3 Gr 31.31 +.36 +16.5 Stk 27.53 +.27 +14.9ParnassusCorEqInv 40.66 +.24 +13.5PaxBalIndvInv b 23.15 +.09 +7.3PerkinsGlbValT 13.84 +.06 +7.6 MidCpValL 17.56 +.15 +11.0 MidCpValT 17.20 +.14 +10.8 SmCpValL 23.02 +.30 +12.6PioneerA m 30.42 +.23 +11.7PrincipalDiversIntlIns 11.92 +.11 +6.0 LgCpGrIIns 12.78 +.08 +12.6 SAMgCnsGA m 17.49 +.12 +8.8PrudentialJsnBlndA m 19.90 +.20 +10.3 JsnUtilityA m 13.73 -.03 +12.0 QMAIntlEqC m 6.57 +.05 +4.6 QMASmCpValZ 21.49 +.34 +13.5 TtlRetBdZ 14.35 -.02 +4.0PutnamGlbUtlsB m 12.21 ... +5.1 IntlGrB m 16.53 ... +4.0 SmCpValA m 17.48 ... +13.1RainierMidCpEqOriginal b 38.09+.47 +8.5ReynoldsBlueChipGr b 52.45 +.41 +7.8RoyceSmCpValSvc m 9.72 +.12 +6.5 QualIncA m 12.13 -.02 +2.4 SmCpEqA m 14.75 +.20 +9.8 TechInv b 38.42 +.28 +9.4IVAWldwideI d 18.02 +.07 +6.4IntechUSCorT 19.47 +.19 +13.3IvyAsstStratB m 20.59 +.14 +1.7JPMorganCoreBondI 11.63 -.02 +2.3 CoreBondR6 11.64 -.02 +2.5 DisciplinedEqR6 25.03 +.20 +13.6 EquityIncomeI 15.59 +.12 +12.6 HighYieldI 7.44 ... +5.9 InvCnsrvGrA m 12.66 +.03 +4.9 MidCapValueL 37.91 +.33 +14.1 USLgCpCorPlusI 29.99 +.29 +14.2JanusBalC m 30.40 +.16 +7.4 ContrarianT 19.83 +.11 +11.0 EntprT 101.53 +.90 +13.9 FlexBdS b 10.38 -.01 +2.5 GlbLifeSciT 50.20 +.37 +19.2 HYT 8.50 ... +5.9 OverseasT 28.05 +.24 -2.2 RsrchT 43.80 +.40 +13.2 ShrtTrmBdT 3.03 ... +1.2 T 37.02 +.30 +11.9 VentureT 69.43 +.73 +12.9John HancockDiscpValI 19.94 +.19 +12.5 DiscpValMCI 22.23 +.20 +15.4 MltmgrLsBal1 b 14.88 +.07 +7.3 MltmgrLs Gr1 b 15.55 +.10 +8.6LazardEMEqInstl 17.57 +.17 +1.6Litman GregoryMtrsIntlInstl 15.90 +.13 +4.4Loomis SaylesBdInstl 13.97 +.02 +4.7Lord AbbettAffiliatedA m 15.81 +.12 +12.8 FltngRtF b 9.21 ... +4.8 ShrtDurIncA m 4.31 ... +2.6 ShrtDurIncC m 4.33 -.01 +1.8 ShrtDurIncF b 4.30 -.01 +2.7 ShrtDurIncI 4.30 -.01 +2.7MFSGrI 82.41 +.67 +13.3 InstlIntlEq 21.98 +.14 +6.2 MAInvsTrustB m 29.07 +.24 +11.9 ValA m 37.38 +.27 +13.1 ValI 37.57 +.27 +13.3MainStayHYCorpBdA m 5.78 ... +6.2Mairs & PowerGrInv 119.11 +1.29 +13.2Manning & NapierPrBlndCnsrvTrmS 13.63+.01 +4.3 PrBlndMaxTrmS 19.75 +.13 +9.2Marsico21stCentury b 23.70 +.24 +10.4 FlexCptl b 14.68 +.07 +10.1MatthewsAsianGrIncInv 16.33 +.10 +4.7MeridianGrLegacy d 38.13 +.43 +10.9Metropolitan WestTtlRetBdI 10.64 -.02 +3.7 TtlRetBdM b 10.64 -.02 +3.4 TtlRetBdPlan 10.02 -.01 +3.7Midas FundsMidas m 1.26 ... -16.2 MidasMagic m 16.85 +.20 +10.7NeedhamGrRetail m 44.44 +.70 +9.4Neuberger BermanSmCpGrInv 30.52 +.27 +10.7NicholasNicholas 65.25 +.54 +12.6 SelHCSvcs d 85.02 +.70 +13.1 SelLeisure d 149.55 +1.81 +12.0 SelMaterials 80.29 +.85 +7.4 SelMdclEqpndSys 42.12+.33 +19.8 SelNatrlGas d 26.11 ... -1.5 SelNatrlRes d 27.91 +.02 -0.5 SelPhrmctcls 18.00 +.07 +12.4 SelSemicons d 99.54 +1.12 +20.6 SelWireless d 9.32 +.02 +11.8 SmCpDiscv d 31.79 +.28 +13.6 SmCpGr d 22.47 +.24 +14.5 StkSelorAllCp 39.37 +.27 +13.2 StratInc 10.88 ... +4.2 TtlBd 10.6 6 -.01 +3.3 TtlMktIdxF 67.88 +.54 +13.6 TtlMktIdxPrm 67.87 +.53 +13.5 TxFrBd 11.41 -.02 +3.7 USBdIdxInstlPrm 11.60 -.02 +2.3 USBdIdxPremium 11.60 -.02 +2.2 Val 115.57 +.88 +13.8 ValDiscv 26.79 +.20 +13.3First EagleGlbA m 57.07 +.27 +7.7First InvestorsGlbA m 7.83 +.07 +8.8 TtlRetA m 19.24 +.11 +7.2FirsthandTechOpps 7.53 +.07 +13.9Franklin TempletonCATxFrIncA m 7.44 ... +4.3 EqIncA m 23.34 +.19 +11.0 FdrTFIncA m 12.05 -.01 +3.2 FloridaTFIncA m 10.88 -.01 +2.4 GlbBdA m 12.36 +.03 +3.6 GlbBdAdv 12.31 +.03 +3.8 GlbBdC m 12.39 +.03 +3.2 Gr,IncA m 24.58 +.16 +8.9 GrA m 83.07 +.66 +12.8 GrOppsA m 34.10 +.27 +10.8 IncA m 2.33 +.01 +7.4 IncAdv 2.31 +.01 +7.5 IncC m 2.36 +.01 +6.9 MutGlbDiscvA m 31.51+.15 +9.5 MutGlbDiscvZ 32.11 +.15 +9.8 MutZ 29.09 +.16 +11.1 RisingDivsA m 54.88 +.46 +11.3 TtlRetA m 9.77 -.01 +2.6 UtlsC m 18.60 -.08 +11.1GERSPUSEq 52.85 +.43 +13.0GabelliAsstAAA m 56.53 +.51 +10.7 EqIncAAA m 24.96 +.20 +9.9 Val25A m 15.74 +.12 +9.9GlenmedeSmCpEqAdv 29.62 +.36 +13.6Goldman SachsShrtDurGovtA m 9.99 ... +0.3HarborCptlApprecInstl 62.88 +.62 +12.7 IntlInstl 63.10 ... +4.1Harding LoevnerIntlEqInstl d 19.55 ... +7.0HartfordSmCoB m 13.20 +.13 +8.0HeartlandValPlusInv m 29.53 +.46 +6.8HennessyCrnrstnGrInv b 20.24 +.40 +11.5HodgesRetail m 45.44 +.35 +16.2INVESCOComStkA m 23.64 +.22 +12.0 DivIncInv x 24.03 +.01 +12.5 DiversDivA m 19.65 +.10 +13.1 EngyA m 24.74 +.10 -4.9 EngyInv b 24.63 +.10 -4.9 EqandIncA m 10.70 +.05 +10.3 EuropeanGrA m 36.14 +.27 +6.9 GlbGrB m 27.37 +.17 +7.9 GrAllcA m 14.79 +.08 +6.8 PacGrB m 25.16 +.21 +5.6 RydexElectronicsInv 109.07 +1.70 +16.3 HCH b 24.60 +.16 +13.7 NASDAQ100Inv 30.70 +.24 +15.4SchwabHC 23.35 +.12 +15.9 SP500Idx 36.43 +.27 +13.6 Schwab1000Idx 56.77 +.43 +13.3 TtlStkMktIdx 41.99 +.33 +13.5SentinelCommonStkA m 42.87 +.32 +12.4State FarmGr 73.69 +.58 +11.0Sterling CapitalStrtonSmCpVlIns 83.49 +.96 +13.2T. Rowe PriceBal 23.12 +.10 +8.4 BlueChipGr 80.94 +.62 +14.5 CorpInc 9.59 -.02 + 4.2 CptlAprc 27.72 +.08 +12.0 DivGr 39.01 +.26 +13.2 EMStk d 35.87 +.34 +3.2 EqIdx500 d 63.35 +.48 +13.4 EqInc 32.20 +.29 +11.5 FinclSvcs 25.24 +.37 +14.7 GNMA 9.32 -.02 +1.6 GlbTech 15.79 +.12 +21.7 GrStk 59.75 +.40 +14.2 HY d 6.73 ... +6.7 HlthSci 65.51 +.34 +20.1 InsLgCpGr 32.70 +.20 +15.0 InsMdCpEqGr 50.02 +.47 +14.9 IntlEqIdx d 12.63 +.10 +6.0 IntlStk d 16.90 +.14 +6.1 IntlValEq d 13.71 +.10 +5.2 MdCpGr 81.84 +.74 +14.3 MdCpVal 29.83 +.22 +14.5 MediaTeleCms 84.22 +.39 +16.4 NJTFBd 11.97 -.01 +3.4 NewAmericaGr 45.32 +.36 +14.1 NewAsia d 17.54 +.24 +5.0 NewHorizons 48.10 +.38 +15.0 NewInc 9.47 -.01 +2.4 OverseasStk d 9.78 +.08 +6.4 RlEstt d 28.78 ... +9.3 Rtr2015 14.83 +.06 +7.4 Rtr2020 21.49 +.09 +8.2 Rtr2025 16.42 +.09 +9.0 Rtr2030 23.97 +.13 +9.6 Rtr2035 17.40 +.10 +10.0 Rtr204 0 24.87 +.16 +10.3 Rtr2045 16.75 +.11 +10.3 Rtr2050 14.08 +.09 +10.3 SciandTech 42.25 +.31 +15.9 SmCpStk 46.53 +.45 +13.2 SmCpVal d 45.88 +.57 +12.5 SpectrumGr 22.62 +.17 +10.9 SpectrumInc 12.61 ... +4.3 SummitMnInc 11.81 -.01 +3.8 TFShrtInterm 5.60 ... +1.1 TxEfficientEq d 25.22 +.20 +12.4 Val 35.12 +.22 +14.1TCWTtlRetBdI 9.98 -.02 +4.0TIAA-CREFBdIdxIns 10.83 -.02 +2.2 EqIdxIns 17.52 +.14 +13 .6 IntlEqIdxIns 17.78 +.13 +6.5 LgCpValIdxIns 18.49 +.14 +13.4Third AvenueValIns d 52.96 +.36 +8.9ThompsonBd 11.39 ... +3.7 LgCp 59.70 +.62 +12.9ThornburgInvmIncBldrA m 20.28 +.07 +6.8ThriventIncA m 9.16 ... +4.0TocquevilleGold m 37.94 +.03 -10.2TransamericaAsAlGrC m 14.45 +.10 +8.9 CGMFoc 44.52 +.44 +8.8CausewayIntlValInstl d 14.83 +.05 +6.2ClearBridgeAggresivGrA m 204.97+1.93 +14.1ClipperClipper 111.19 +1.16 +13.9ColumbiaContrarianCorZ 23.99 +.17 +14.2 DivIncZ 19.95 +.12 +12.4DFAEmMktsCorEqIns 19.73+.16 +2.3 EmMktsInstl 25.68 +.22 +1.6 EmMktsSmCpInstl 21.33+.12 +5.0 EmMktsValInstl 27.15 +.26 +1.5 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.98 -.01 +2.0 GlbEqInstl 20.48 +.18 +11.0 GlbRlEsttSec 10.92 +.02 +9.2 IntlCorEqIns 12.50 +.08 +7.3 IntlSmCoInstl 18.82 +.08 +9.1 IntlSmCpValIns 20.44 +.11 +10.5 IntlValInstl 17.43 +.17 +5.9 OneYearFIInstl 10.31 ... +0.5 RlEsttSecInstl 35.75 +.02 +10.3 TAUSCorEq2Instl 16.18+.18 +13.7 USCorEq1Instl 20.14 +.20 +13.7 USCorEqIIInstl 19.25 +.21 +13.7 USLgCo 18.33 +.14 +13.6 USLgCpValInstl 35.98 +.35 +15.3 USMicroCpInstl 20.71 +.32 +14.2 USSmCpInstl 33.96 +.46 +14.1 USSmCpValInstl 36.58 +.56 +13.5 USTrgtedValIns 23.76 +.30 +13.9DavisNYVentureA m 31.67 +.34 +12.2Delaware InvestmentsStrategicIncA m 8.30 ... +2.4 ValInstl 20.08 +.14 +13.7DeutscheCorEqA m 24.94 +.23 +13.9 CorEqS 25.19 +.23 +14.2 GNMAS 13.88 -.02 +1.2Dodge & CoxBal 104.66 +.68 +12.2 GlbStk 12.71 +.09 +12.4 Inc 13.72 -.02 +3.4 IntlStk 41.09 +.23 +7.7 Stk 188.23 +1.95 +15.6DoubleLineCorFII 10.97 ... +3.5 TtlRetBdI 10.73 ... +3.7 TtlRetBdN b 10.73 ... +3.4DreyfusMidCpIdxInvs 36.39 +.34 +13.2 MnBd 11.69 -.01 +3.3 NYTxExBd 14.81 -.02 +2.7 OppcSmCpInv 35.15 +.54 +13.7 ShrtTrmIncD 10.38 ... +1.1Eaton VanceAtlntCptSMIDCI 29.40 +.26 +14.0 DivBldrA m 13.92 +.07 +11.2 FltngRtInstl 9.01 ... +4.1 GlbMcrAbRtI 9.11 ... +2.6 TxMgdSmCpB m 21.42+.18 +11.0EdgewoodGrInstl 25.32 +.22 +16.3FMICommonStk 26.96 +.24 +10.6 LgCp 20.68 +.18 +12.3FPACptl d 36.34 +.30 +4.1 Crescent d 33.64 +.20 +8.6FederatedHiIncBdA f 7.58 ... +6.0 InsHYBdIns d 9.99 +.01 +6.9 IntlSmMidCoA m 34.58+.23 +5.7 KaufmannA m 5.34 +.04 +12.9 MDTMidCpGrB m 28.74+.28+11.4 5-yr Name NAV Chg %RtnMutual Funds 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIV 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIVStocks of Local Interest AV Homes Inc AVHI 10.87 8 19.13 16.75 -.05 -0.3 s s s +6.0 +45.8 3 ... Allegiant Travel Co ALGT 121.70 7 183.91 160.85+1.10 +0.7 s t s -3.3 -8.8 12 2.80 ArcBest Corp ARCB 14.85 6 33.95 25.75+1.10 +4.5 s s t -6.9 +16.9 38 0.32 Bank of America BAC 12.05 9 25.80 23.07 +.33 +1.5 s r t +4.4 +59.3 15 0.30f Capital One Fncl COF 58.03 7 96.92 83.72+1.81 +2.2 s t t -4.0 +14.7 12 1.60 Carnival Corp CCL 42.94 0 60.24 59.21 +.53 +0.9 s s s +13.7 +18.7 17 1.60f Chicos FAS CHS 9.86 7 16.85 14.36 +.70 +5.1 s s s -0.2 +10.6 20 0.33 Cracker Barrel CBRL 130.15 7 175.04 158.97+2.24 +1.4 s s t -4.8 +11.0 25 4.60 Disney DIS 90.32 0 115.00 114.79+1.06 +0.9 s s s +10.1 +12.3 20 1.56f Eaton Corp plc ETN 54.30 9 76.39 74.03 +.40 +0.5 s s t +10.3 +21.0 17 2.28 Fortune Brds Hm&Sec FBHS 52.05 9 64.47 62.32 +.17 +0.3 s s s +16.6 +7.6 23 0.72f Harris Corp HRS 73.32 0 113.00 109.95 +.53 +0.5 t t t +7.3 +41.5 19 2.12 iShs U.S. Pfd PFF 36.70 6 40.34 38.85 +.05 +0.1 s s s +4.4 +5.3 q 2.15a KC Southern KSU 79.05 6 100.69 90.57+1.51 +1.7 s s s +6.7 -5.9 20 1.32 Lennar Corp A LEN 39.68 9 53.79 51.89 -.71 -1.3 s s s +20.9 +11.5 13 0.16 McClatchy Co MNI 9.10 1 19.77 9.90 +.11 +1.1 s s s -24.9 -22.9 dd ... NextEra Energy NEE 110.49 9 133.28 130.87 -.63 -0.5 s t s +9.6 +14.4 23 3.93f Office Depot ODP 3.01 5 7.46 4.95 +.17 +3.6 s s s +9.5 -29.2 12 0.10 PGT Inc PGTI 9.46 4 12.49 10.40 ... ... s s t -9.6 -1.0 22 ... Panera Bread Co PNRA 185.69 0 316.21 314.40 -.58 -0.2 t s s +53.3 +45.0 51 ... Pembina Pipeline PBA 27.44 9 33.52 32.82 +.16 +0.5 t s s +4.8 +18.4 36 1.50 Raymond James Fncl RJF 46.30 8 81.92 74.16+1.34 +1.8 s t t +7.1 +52.5 20 0.88f Reliance Steel Alu RS 65.10 6 88.58 76.88+1.83 +2.4 s t t -3.3 +4.8 17 1.80f Ryder R 56.98 7 85.42 76.63+1.67 +2.2 s s s +2.9 +13.5 14 1.76 St Joe Co JOE 16.30 3 21.90 17.55 ... ... s s s -7.6 +1.6 8 ... Sally Beauty Hld SBH 19.23 1 32.26 19.98 +.12 +0.6 s t t -24.4 -35.3 12 ... Simon Property Gp SPG 163.55 2 229.10 174.73 +.30 +0.2 s s s -1.7 -13.1 22 7.00f Stein Mart SMRT 2.42 1 9.23 2.51 +.02 +0.8 t t t -54.2 -61.3 cc 0.30 Suntrust Bks STI 37.71 8 61.69 55.49+1.34 +2.5 s s s +1.2 +40.6 15 1.04 Superior Uniform SGC 15.53 6 21.02 18.73 +.46 +2.5 s s s -4.5 +4.8 19 0.35 Tech Data TECD 61.99 0 96.38 93.14+1.97 +2.2 s s t +10.0 +27.9 15 ... Wendys Co WEN 9.15 9 14.47 13.92 +.23 +1.7 s s s +3.0 +27.6 37 0.28f World Fuel Svcs INT 34.79 1 50.00 36.05 +.28 +0.8 s s t -21.5 -27.9 15 0.24NEW YORK (AP) „ The U.S. governments latest report card on food poisoning suggests that a germ commonly linked to raw milk and poultry is surpassing salmonella at the top of the culprit list. The report counts cases in only 10 states for nine of the most common causes of foodborne illness, but is believed to be a good indicator of national food poisoning trends. Highlights from Thursdays report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:Whats making us sick?The most common bug last year was campylobacter. Its mostly a problem in unpasteurized dairy products, but also is seen in contaminated chicken, water and produce. Salmonella was No. 1 for the last 20 years but last year moved down to No. 2. Other causes like listeria, shigella and E. coli trail behind.Is food poisoning getting worse?Actually, no. Last year, there were no signi“cant changes in new case rates for most kinds of food poisoning, compared to the previous three years. The new report tallied about 24,000 illnesses and 98 deaths in the 10 states. The CDC estimates that 1 in 6 Americans get sick from contaminated food each year, though most cases are not reported.Any other good news?Yes. Theres been a continued decline in illnesses from what used to be the most common strain of salmonella „ called Salmonella Typhimurium. Thats possibly because of vaccinations of chicken ”ocks and tighter regulations.What changed in the report?Before this report, the CDC only counted results from traditional lab tests, which can take a couple of days. But the agency is now including results from new rapid tests, which check for 20 or more bugs and give results in an hour. Those tests are picking up more campylobacter but with the caveat that those might be dead germs that didnt cause any illness. While quicker, the new technology doesnt offer as many speci“cs and is making it more dif“cult to understand food poisoning trends.Can I prevent food poisoning?Yes. Carefully wash and clean food, and cook meat, poultry and eggs thoroughly. Avoid raw milk and unpasteurized juices. Promptly refrigerate leftovers. According to a U.S. government report, leafy greens like lettuce and spinach are the biggest source of food poisoning, and produce, in general, accounted for nearly half of all illnesses.Germ in raw milk, poultry now tops food poisoning list AP FILE PHOTOIn this June 19, 2015, photo, eggs sit waiting to be cooked at a cafe in Des Moines, Iowa. HONOLULU (AP) „ Hawaiis Democratic lawmakers on Thursday criticized Attorney General Jeff Sessions after he expressed amazement on a radio show that a judge sitting on an island in the Paci“cŽ could stop the presidents travel ban. U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono responded by trying to give Sessions a civics lesson on Twitter, saying Hawaii has been a U.S. state for 58 years. The senator said later in a telephone interview the remarks showed a lack of awareness about the separation of powers between the judiciary and executive branches. U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson last month blocked President Donald Trumps executive order prohibiting new visas for people from six Muslim-majority countries and temporarily halting the U.S. refugee program. The Trump Administration appealed the ruling. Sessions told the Mark Levin ShowŽ hes con“dent the president will prevail with his administrations appeal of Watsons travel ban ruling. I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Paci“c can issue an order that stops the President of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and Constitutional power,Ž Sessions said. Hirono also said Sessions remarks suggested he is prejudiced against Hawaii. Why isnt a federal judge from Hawaii as able as any other judge from anywhere to issue rulings?Ž Hirono asked. She told Session on Twitter, we wont succumb to your dog whistle politics.Ž Both Hirono and Sen. Brian Schatz emphasized that Sessions voted as a senator to con“rm Watson as a judge. Schatz chided Sessions more on Twitter by telling him the island where Watson made the ruling is named Oahu. Its my home. Have some respect,Ž he said. U.S. Justice Department spokesman Ian Prior said in an email that Sessions was questioning one judges ability to block the presidents executive order for the travel ban. Hawaii is, in fact, an island in the Paci“c „ a beautiful one where the Attorney Generals granddaughter was born,Ž Prior said. The point, however, is that there is a problem when a ”awed opinion by a single judge can block the Presidents lawful exercise of authority to keep the entire country safe.ŽHawaii lawmakers criticize Sessions remarks AP FILE PHOTOThis December 2015 photo shows U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson in Honolulu. WASHINGTON (AP) „ The nations super-secret intelligence court denied just nine of the more than 1,700 requests it received last year for government surveillance warrants in terrorism and espionage cases, according to a report released Thursday that offers a rare glimpse into its work. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court received 1,752 applications for wiretaps and other surveillance in 2016. It granted 1,378 of those requests; 26 others were partially denied, and 339 were modi“ed, according to the report, the “rst yearlong accounting of the courts work. The 2015 report only represents the last six months of that year, but notes the court denied “ve applications. In both years, the denied applications were mostly for electronic surveillance, such as email, phone and data intercepts, and for physical searches of things like homes, cars, luggage and of“ces. The court approves highly secretive warrants in the most sensitive of FBI investigations, and the report does not offer any insight into its classi“ed process or any of the applications it received. But it offers a small peek into its work, which has taken on particular importance with ongoing investigations into whether President Donald Trumps campaign had ties to Russias meddling in the 2016 election.Surveillance court denied few monitoring requests in 2016


Page 10 The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 TODAY / TONIGHTSunshineMainly clearHIGH 88 LOW 600% chance of rain 5% chance of rainPartly sunny with a passing shower86 / 6555% chance of rain SATURDAY GULF WATER TEMPERATURESome sun with a shower in the afternoon87 / 6755% chance of rain SUNDAYSome sun with a shower or t-storm in spots83 / 6140% chance of rain MONDAYPleasant with plenty of sunshine87 / 6410% chance of rain WEDNESDAYNice with plenty of sun84 / 620% chance of rain TUESDAY 0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource : 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.The higher the UV Index’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Temperatures Temperatures TemperaturesSource : National Allergy Bureau CONDITIONS TODAY AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEX WEATHER HISTORY WEATHER TRIVIA’ PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRING VENICE657990939082Air Quality Index readings as of ThursdayMain pollutant: ParticulatesPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Thursday Sebring through 2 p.m. Thursday Venice through 2 p.m. Thursday24 hours through 2 p.m. Thu. 0.00Ž Month to date 1.43Ž Normal month to date 1.41Ž Year to date 4.05Ž Normal year to date 8.92Ž Record 1.24Ž (1994) 24 hours through 2 p.m. Thu. 0.00Ž 24 hours through 2 p.m. Thu. 0.08Ž Month to date 0.71Ž Normal month to date 1.83Ž Year to date 4.29Ž Normal year to date 10.32Ž Record 1.24Ž (1957) High/Low 89/60 Normal High/Low 85/61 Record High 93 (2011) Record Low 50 (1983) High/Low 84/62 High/Low 86/64 Normal High/Low 81/62 Record High 90 (1995) Record Low 48 (1956)Pollen Index readings as of Thursday MONTHLY RAINFALLMonth 2017 2016 Avg. Record/Year J an. 0.88 9.93 1.80 9.93/2016 Feb. 0.94 4.09 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.80 1.85 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 1.43 0.99 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.46 2.50 9.45/1991 J un. 14.19 8.92 23.99/1974 J ul. 7.68 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.81 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 7.77 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 4.04 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 0.05 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.44 1.78 6.83/2002 Y ear 4.05 62.30 50.65 (since 1931) T otals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES Today Sat.Apalachicola 81 64 s 80 68 s Bradenton 86 67 s 86 70 s Clearwater 85 68 s 86 68 s Coral Springs 85 74 pc 86 76 pc Daytona Beach 83 65 s 85 67 pc Fort Lauderdale 83 74 pc 85 75 s Fort Myers 89 67 s 88 70 pc Gainesville 88 58 s 89 59 s Jacksonville 87 60 s 90 61 s Key Largo 80 75 s 81 75 pc Key West 81 75 pc 82 74 pc Lakeland 89 61 s 90 63 s Melbourne 85 69 s 86 71 pc Miami 83 74 pc 85 75 pc Naples 86 68 s 85 69 pc Ocala 88 61 s 89 61 s Okeechobee 85 65 s 87 66 pc Orlando 89 64 s 90 68 s Panama City 82 63 s 81 65 s Pensacola 83 68 s 83 68 pc Pompano Beach 83 75 pc 85 75 s St. Augustine 81 66 s 84 67 s St. Petersburg 88 68 s 87 71 s Sarasota 85 65 s 85 68 s Tallahassee 88 58 s 87 61 s Tampa 87 69 s 87 72 s Vero Beach 83 68 s 85 69 pc West Palm Beach 83 72 pc 85 74 s Punta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop TIDES MARINEPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORTToday 1:28p 6:40a --6:47p Sat. 12:01a 7:27a 1:50p 7:44p Today 12:05p 4:56a 10:38p 5:03p Sat. 12:27p 5:43a 11:50p 6:00p Today 10:59a 3:43a 9:56p 3:38p Sat. 11:20a 4:27a 10:59p 4:34p Today 2:00p 7:09a --7:16p Sat. 12:33a 7:56a 2:22p 8:13p Today 10:20a 3:35a 8:53p 3:42p Sat. 10:42a 4:22a 10:05p 4:39p E 8-16 1-2 Moderate S 7-14 1-3 LightFt. Myers 89/67 sun none Punta Gorda 89/60 sun none Sarasota 85/65 sun none The Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise Set Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLEForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017New Apr 26 First May 2 Full May 10 Last May 18 Today 3:40 a.m. 3:12 p.m. Saturday 4:22 a.m. 4:10 p.m. Today 6:59 a.m. 7:56 p.m. Saturday 6:58 a.m. 7:56 p.m. Today 2:09a 8:22a 2:34p 8:47p Sat. 2:54a 9:07a 3:20p 9:32p Sun. 3:39a 9:52a 4:05p 10:18p WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow flurries, sn -snow, i -ice. THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow IceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesPublication date: 04/21/17 Today Sat. Today Sat. Today Sat. Today Sat.Albuquerque 73 43 s 72 44 s Anchorage 54 39 s 57 37 pc Atlanta 84 64 pc 85 60 pc Baltimore 81 53 pc 65 48 r Billings 49 39 sh 59 43 pc Birmingham 88 65 pc 87 54 c Boise 60 41 pc 71 49 pc Boston 49 46 r 54 41 c Buffalo 53 40 pc 53 36 c Burlington, VT 55 43 r 53 40 c Charleston, WV 71 48 r 57 46 sh Charlotte 86 64 pc 87 63 pc Chicago 55 40 pc 54 38 pc Cincinnati 66 45 c 55 45 r Cleveland 58 43 pc 55 43 c Columbia, SC 90 65 t 91 65 pc Columbus, OH 67 45 pc 58 46 r Concord, NH 48 40 r 55 36 c Dallas 83 55 pc 68 50 pc Denver 48 32 r 57 37 pc Des Moines 61 44 c 63 40 pc Detroit 57 41 pc 59 39 c Duluth 58 34 pc 64 33 pc Fairbanks 46 24 s 49 26 pc Fargo 63 39 pc 65 35 pc Hartford 55 44 r 63 42 c Helena 52 32 sh 64 42 pc Honolulu 83 73 r 83 73 sh Houston 86 68 pc 80 53 pc Indianapolis 61 44 c 55 42 r Jackson, MS 87 64 pc 81 51 t Kansas City 60 45 r 58 40 r Knoxville 80 61 t 80 56 t Las Vegas 80 61 s 86 67 s Los Angeles 87 61 s 87 61 s Louisville 68 50 c 57 48 r Memphis 77 64 t 70 49 t Milwaukee 54 39 pc 53 39 pc Minneapolis 62 40 s 67 44 s Montgomery 90 62 s 89 57 pc Nashville 76 59 t 73 50 t New Orleans 83 67 s 83 58 pc New York City 58 49 t 66 48 c Norfolk, VA 88 64 t 69 56 c Oklahoma City 67 45 t 58 40 c Omaha 61 43 c 66 39 c Philadelphia 78 53 t 66 48 pc Phoenix 94 65 s 97 68 s Pittsburgh 68 43 pc 58 44 r Portland, ME 46 40 r 48 36 c Portland, OR 68 51 pc 63 48 r Providence 53 46 r 62 42 c Raleigh 87 64 pc 81 60 t Salt Lake City 54 34 pc 65 48 s St. Louis 62 45 r 56 43 r San Antonio 86 65 pc 73 53 pc San Diego 78 59 s 76 60 s San Francisco 71 50 s 66 53 pc Seattle 63 51 pc 60 47 r Washington, DC 81 56 pc 65 52 sh Amsterdam 58 43 c 51 42 sh Baghdad 91 64 s 99 68 s Beijing 70 40 s 80 51 s Berlin 54 40 c 51 36 sh Buenos Aires 70 43 pc 67 47 pc Cairo 97 68 s 97 62 s Calgary 53 32 c 55 30 pc Cancun 82 72 pc 85 71 pc Dublin 59 43 pc 54 43 pc Edmonton 48 31 pc 40 25 sh Halifax 46 33 pc 41 33 r Kiev 49 38 s 51 35 c London 64 47 pc 61 43 pc Madrid 71 39 s 73 42 pc Mexico City 76 52 pc 78 51 pc Montreal 53 42 r 51 35 c Ottawa 55 37 r 50 32 c Paris 62 43 s 63 40 pc Regina 62 33 c 51 31 c Rio de Janeiro 89 74 pc 84 73 sh Rome 62 39 s 64 45 s St. Johns 35 29 sh 38 29 c San Juan 82 74 pc 83 74 pc Sydney 74 63 c 73 61 pc Tokyo 64 55 pc 63 51 r Toronto 52 40 c 55 37 c Vancouver 59 47 pc 58 45 sh Winnipeg 58 35 s 40 26 pcHigh ........................ 88 at Butler, GALow ....................... 18 at Walden, CO(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday)75Several hundred people died when ” ooding reached the Mississippi Delta in Louisiana on April 21, 1927. Q: Where do you not want to stand during a thunderstorm?A: Under a tall, lone tree. Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Hull Arcadia Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is todays weather. Temperatures are todays highs and tonights lows. North Port 88/60 89/61 89/63 89/63 88/62 89/60 88/61 88/63 88/62 87/69 86/67 85/71 84/65 89/67 89/61 89/60 90/64 89/60 89/61 88/61 88/61 92/61 93/61 88/68 88/61 83/69 83/65 85/66 89/60 89/65 84/66 88/60 85/65 85/68 83/69 88/67 89/66 87/61 MIAMI (AP) „ The last orca has been born in captivity at a SeaWorld park in San Antonio just over a year after the theme park decided to stop breeding orcas following animal rights protests and declining ticket sales. The Orlando-based company said the orca „ the last in a generation of whales bred in confinement „ was born Wednesday afternoon. SeaWorld did not immediately name the calf because the parks veterinarians had not yet determined whether it was male or female. The mother, 25-yearold Takara, was already pregnant when SeaWorld announced in March 2016 that it had stopped breeding its orcas. The gestation period for orcas is about 18 months. Earlier, SeaWorlds chief zoological officer, Chris Dold, told The Associated Press he expected the birth to be bittersweet, the last such event at any of the parks. But hours after the birth Wednesday afternoon, Dold said, SeaWorld staff only felt like celebrating. SeaWorld said mother and calf both appear healthy. These are extraordinary moments,Ž he said by phone while traveling to the U.S. from Abu Dhabi, where SeaWorld is developing its first new park without orcas. SeaWorld decided to stop breeding orcas and phase out its world-famous killer whale performances by 2019, after public opinion turned against keeping orcas, dolphins and other animals in captivity for entertainment. The backlash intensified after the 2013 release of Blackfish,Ž a documentary critical of SeaWorlds orca care. It focused on the orca Tilikum, which killed trainer Dawn Brancheau in Orlando in 2010, dragging her into the pool before shocked visitors after a Dine with ShamuŽ show. Tilikum, which sired 14 calves over nearly 25 years in Orlando, died of bacterial pneumonia in January. The newborn calf was sired by Kyuquot (pronounced ky YOO kit) at the San Antonio park by natural means. It brings SeaWorlds orca population in the U.S. to 23. All the orcas are expected to remain on display and available for researchers for years to come in Orlando, San Diego and San Antonio. SeaWorld has said it will introduce new natural orca encountersŽ in place of theatrical shows. This summer, the San Diego park will unveil a new, educational attraction in a revamped pool, and new orca attractions eventually will follow in San Antonio and Orlando. Dold said veterinarians at the San Antonio park told him the calf was born normally „ tail first „ after about an hour and a half of smooth labor. Both orcas were swimming calmly and trainers were watching for the calf to begin nursing. Mom generally will rest but she cant rest too much .... moms not holding onto the calf, but its riding in her slipstream, and thats how it gets around,Ž Dold said. Our expectation is that all of this will go smoothly, but we take none of that for granted.Ž Birth control and social managementŽ will prevent future orca pregnancies, said spokesperson Suzanne Pelisson Beasley. SeaWorld has not collected a wild orca in nearly 40 years, and most of its orcas were born in captivity.Last killer whale is born at a SeaWorld park AP PHOTOSIn these images provided by SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, orca Takara helps guide her newborn to the waters surface at SeaWorld San Antonio, Wednesday, in San Antonio. OVER 400 CARS IN THE WEDNESDAY CLASSIFIEDS AND FRIDAY WHEELS/CLASSIFIED SECTIONS! adno=715029


By GREG AUMANTampa Bay TimesTAMPA „ If you dont have a franchise quarterback in the NFL, the search for one is always a draft priority. And once you have one, another must is the kind of dominant pass rusher who can get to the other teams franchise quarterback. Do the Bucs have such a pass rusher on their roster? It remains to be seen how well Noah Spence can progress in his second NFL season after getting 5.5 sacks as a rookie. But until the Bucs can get 10 sacks from someone, anyone „ it hasnt happened since 2005 and Simeon Rice, who is now 43 „ theyll be closely linked to pass rushers as potential top picks. So while running back is still the position most frequently paired with the Bucs at No. 19 in mock drafts, defensive end is another viable possibility. Tampa Bay has brought in several defensive ends who could be there at 19 „ Tennessees Derek Barnett, Michigans Taco Charlton, for starters. This draft class is such that even at 19, the Bucs might be able to land the best defensive tackle in the draft, generally thought to be Michigan States Malik McDowell. Tampa Bay hasnt drafted a defensive tackle in four years, so a high pick would complement starters Gerald McCoy and Chris Baker, both 29, and top backup Clinton McDonald, who is 30 and in the final year of his contract. Ideally, we would like to inject some youth into that position,Ž Bucs general manager Jason Licht said. We feel comfortable with our players that we have there. We have some very good players along that d-line and they are going to get better, too. ... So we feel good about it, but yeah, youre always trying to inject youth.ŽNFL: Bucs DraftDont pass on pass rusher for top pickFriday, April 21, 2017 S PORTS € @SunCoastSportsINDEX | Lottery 2 | NBA 2 | NHL 2 | Golf 3 | MLB 4 | Scoreboard 5 | Sports Ticker 6 TEXAS OPENBranden Grace had a 6-under 66 and leads by a stroke after the opening round of the Valero Texas Open on Thursday. Page 3SEE DRAFT, 3AP PHOTO Tennessee defensive end Derek Barnett is a consensus first round pick. By MARK DIDTLERAssociated PressST. PETERSBURG„ Steven Souza Jr.s simple approach at the plate is working. Souza came within a single of hitting for the cycle, Erasmo Ramirez and two relievers combined on a five-hitter, and the Tampa Bay Rays beat Detroit 8-1 Thursday for a three-game sweep of the Tigers. Just letting my ability play,Ž Souza said. I can really overthink things, and put a lot of pressure on myself. Throughout the years, I think thats what Ive done.Ž Souza doubled in the first, hit a two-run triple in the second and added a solo homer in the eighth. He has reached base multiple times in 12 games this season. I think were seeing him put it together,Ž Rays manager Kevin Cash said. Ramirez (2-0) allowed one run and two hits in five innings with five strikeouts and no walks. In the rotation because Jake Odorizzi strained his left hamstring, Ramirez had not started since April 16 last year. Chase Whitley gave up a hit and two walks in three innings, and Tommy Hunter allowed two hits in the ninth. Tampa Bay rookie Daniel Robertson hit his first career homer, an eighth-inning solo shot off Warwick Saupold. The Tigers were outscored 21-9 in series and while making just two errors allowed several catchable balls to fall for hits.MLB: RaysSouza, Rays sweep TigersAP PHOTOSTampa Bay Rays Steven Souza Jr. follows the flight of his two-run double off Detroit Tigers starting pitcher Daniel Norris during the second inning Thursday in St. Petersburg. Tampa Bay Rays pitcher Erasmo Ramirez delivers to the Detroit Tigers during the first inning Thursday in St. Petersburg. Souzas 3 hits lead Tampa to 8-1 victoryAstros at RaysWho: Houston (11-5) at Tampa Bay (9-8) When: 7:10 p.m. today Where: Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg TV/Radio: FoxSun/1070-AM By GREG AUMANTampa Bay TimesThe Tampa Bay Buccaneers 2017 schedule, released Thursday with the rest of the league, includes two highprofile showcase games, with Tom Brady and the defending champion Patriots coming to Tampa on a Thursday in Week 5 and the Bucs hosting the Falcons in a huge Monday night showdown the week before Christmas. The Bucs open the season on Sept. 10 at Miami, and in all, Tampa Bays schedule is uniquely skewed with home games early and late in the year -three of the first five are at home, as are three of the last four, creating a tough stretch in the middle of the season that has just two home games over a span of 66 days. The NFC South has sent its champ to the Super Bowl in each of the last two seasons, and if the Bucs are to challenge for the division title, theyll need a strong finish, with three division games to finish the season „ the Monday against Atlanta on Dec. 18, a Christmas Eve game at Carolina and a season finale at Raymond James Stadium on New Years Eve against New Orleans. The biggest challenges? Jameis Winston will face a pair of quarterbacks with multiple Super Bowl wins in a span of five days „ the Giants and Eli Manning come to Tampa on Sunday, Oct. 1, and SEPTEMBER 10: at Miami, 1 p.m. (FOX) 17: Chicago, 1 p.m. (FOX) 24: at Minnesota, 1 p.m, (FOX) OCTOBER 1: N.Y. Giants, 4 p.m. (TV) 5: New England, 8:25 (CBS) 15: at Arizona, 4:05 (TV) 22: at Buffalo, 1 p.m. (TV) 29: Carolina, 1 p.m. (TV) NOVEMBER 5: at New Orleans, 1 p.m. (TV) 12: N.Y. Jets, 1 p.m. (CBS) 19: Bye 26: at Atlanta, 1 p.m. (FOX) DECEMBER 3: at Green Bay, 1 p.m. (FOX) 10: Detroit, 1 p.m. (FOX) 18: Atlanta, 8:30 (ESPN) 24: at Carolina, 1 p.m. (FOX) 31: New Orleans, 1 p.m. (FOX)NFL: 2017 ScheduleBucs get Pats, Brady in prime timeBUCS 2017 SCHEDULE SEE SCHEDULE, 3 Associated PressOne day after saying his back was progressing, Tiger Woods had a fourth back surgery to alleviate pain and will go through another year without playing a major. The surgery was Wednesday at the Texas Back Institute. Woods was in Missouri on Tuesday to announce plans to design a public golf course at Big Cedar Lodge, and he even tried hitting a few shots to a par 3. The first one rattled around in the rocks, and the second shot was about 10 feet from the flag. Asked about his health during the ceremony, Woods said he had good days and bad days. And then he flew to Dallas for fusion surgery to create space in his lower back. The announcement on his website Thursday said typical recovery from a single-level fusion surgery is six months. The surgery went well, and Im optimistic this will relieve my back spasms and pain,Ž Woods said. When healed, I look forward to getting back to a normal life, playing with my kids, competing in professional golf and living without the pain I have been battling so long.ŽPRO GOLF: Tiger WoodsWoods has 4th back surgery; likely to miss majors this yearAssociated PressBOSTON „ Family, not football, dominated Aaron Hernandezs final hours as a lifer in prison. As the hour of his death approached, the former NFL star chatted on the phone with his longtime fiancee, Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez. Authorities say the pair stayed on the phone until the 8 p.m. lockdown at the maximum-security prison where he was serving a life sentence for murder. Alone in his cell, the ex-New England Patriots tight end scribbled three notes. He laid them carefully next to a Bible. Then he turned his bedsheet into a noose and hanged himself. Those cryptic details emerged Thursday as authorities ruled Hernandezs death a suicide and turned his body over to a funeral home so his family could lay him to rest. Investigators wouldnt say what Hernandezs handwritten notes said. But they said they were satisfied he died at his own hand, and they said his brain would be donated to sports concussion researchers, ending a brief public dispute over its custody.NFL: Aaron HernandezIn his “ nal hours, Hernandez thought of family, not footballWoods Hernandez SEE HERNANDEZ, 2 SEE WOODS, 3 SEE RAYS, 3


Page 2 SP Friday, April 21, 2017 / The Sun Florida Lottery www.flalottery.comPICK 2Apr. 20N .........................3-5 Apr. 20D .........................8-3 Apr. 19N .........................6-6 Apr. 19D .........................6-2 Apr. 18N .........................5-4 Apr. 18D .........................3-2 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Apr. 20N ......................6-8-4 Apr. 20D ......................4-9-8 Apr. 19N ......................3-4-3 Apr. 19D ......................2-4-4 Apr. 18N ......................9-3-9 Apr. 18D ......................9-3-8 D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Apr. 20N ..................4-2-3-9 Apr. 20D ..................6-1-6-0 Apr. 19N ..................0-7-8-1 Apr. 19D ..................8-6-3-8 Apr. 18N ..................9-1-2-2 Apr. 18D ..................9-2-7-4 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Apr. 20N ...............9-1-4-0-7 Apr. 20D ...............2-0-5-2-1 Apr. 19N ...............5-3-2-3-8 Apr. 19D ...............5-2-5-8-9 Apr. 18N ...............4-0-9-2-4 Apr. 18D ...............8-2-2-8-5 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Apr. 20 .........1-14-18-20-30 Apr. 19 .........7-10-12-17-30 Apr. 18 ...... 24-28-30-31-34 PAYOFF FOR APR. 19 7....5-digit winner $31,469.82 415..4-digit winners $85.50 11,343..3-digit winners $8.50CASH FOR LIFEApr. 20 .......22-23-37-56-60 Cash Ball ..........................4 Apr. 17 ...........5-9-12-33-46 Cash Ball ..........................4 € € € PAYOFF FOR APR. 17 0....5-of-5 CB ....$1,000/Day 0....5-of-5.......$1,000/Week 6....4-of-5 CB ............$2,500 19...4-of-5....................$500LUCKY MONEYApr. 18 .................1-4-24-34 Lucky Ball .........................7 Apr. 11 .................1-4-24-43 Lucky Ball .........................7 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 18 0.....4-of-4 LB .......$750,000 5......4-of-4...........$1,156.00 42....3-of-4 LB ........$301.50 666...3-of-4 ...............$56.00LOTTOApr. 19 ....4-27-28-35-37-45 Apr. 15 ..12-19-22-23-26-29 Apr. 12 ......2-8-12-15-18-47 PAYOFF FOR Apr. 19 0...6-digit winners $4 million 19..5-digit winners $4,816.00 723....4-digit winners $86.00POWERBALLApril 19 ........1-19-37-40-52 Powerball .......................15 Apr. 15 .........5-22-26-45-61 Powerball .......................13 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 19 0....5 of 5 + PB ..$70 million 0....5 of 5 .............$1 million 0....4 of 5 + PB .......$50,000 35..4 of 5 .....................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $90 millionMEGA MILLIONSApr. 18 ........ 8-29-30-43-64 Mega Ball ........................ 3 Apr. 14 .........5-10-55-60-73 Mega Ball .......................12 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 18 0...5 of 5 + MB ..$15 million 0....5 of 5 ............$1,000,000 0....4 of 5 + MB ........$5,000 14...4 of 5 ....................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $45 millionSPORTS ON TVAUTO RACING 11:30 a.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup, Food City 500, “ rst practice, at Bristol, Tenn. 1 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, Fitzgerald Glider Kits 300, practice, at Bristol, Tenn. 3:30 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, Fitzgerald Glider Kits 300, “ nal practice, at Bristol, Tenn. 4:30 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup, Food City 500, qualifying, at Bristol, Tenn. COLLEGE FOOTBALL 7:30 p.m. BTN „ Wisconsin spring game, at Madison, Wis. DRAG RACING 8:30 p.m. FS1 „ NHRA, Spring Nationals, qualifying, at Houston (same-day tape) FIGURE SKATING Noon NBCSN „ ISU World Team Trophy (Pairs Short Program, Free Dance and Mens Free Dance), at Tokyo (same-day tape) GOLF Noon GOLF „ Champions Tour, Bass Pro Shops Legends of Golf, “ rst round, at Ridgedale, Mo. 3:30 p.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour, Valero Texas Open, second round, at San Antonio 6:30 p.m. GOLF „ Tour, United Leasing & Finance Championship, second round, at Newburgh, Ind. (same-day tape) MLB BASEBALL 7 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, Washington at N.Y. Mets OR Chicago Cubs at Cincinnati NBA BASKETBALL 7 p.m. ESPN „ NBA Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 3, Boston at Chicago 9:30 p.m. ESPN „ NBA Playoffs, Western Conference, “ rst round, Game 3, Houston at Oklahoma City 10 p.m. ESPN2 „ NBA Playoffs, Western Conference, “ rst round, Game 3, L.A. Clippers at Utah NHL HOCKEY 7 p.m. NBCSN „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 5, Toronto at Washington 7:30 p.m. USA „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 5, Boston at Ottawa SOCCER 2:20 p.m. FS2 „ Bundesliga, FC Koln vs. Hoffenheim Authorities said the medical examiner had ruled Hernandezs cause of death was asphyxia by hanging and investigators had found the notes and Bible in Hernandezs cell at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Shirley. Authorities previously said Hernandez had not left a suicide note and he hadnt been on suicide watch. There were no signs of a struggle, and investigators determined that Mr. Hernandez was alone at the time of the hanging,Ž the Worcester County district attorneys office said in a statement. Hernandez had been locked into his cell at about 8 p.m. Wednesday, and no one entered the cell until a guard saw him just after 3 a.m. and forced his way in because cardboard had been jammed into the door track to impede entry, authorities said. Hernandez was found hanging from a bedsheet and was rushed to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead an hour later. Earlier Thursday, Hernandezs lawyer complained that state officials had turned over the 27-year-olds body but not his brain. Attorney Jose Baez said the family had arranged for researchers at Boston Universitys Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Center to take custody of the brain. The center studies a progressive degenerative brain disease found in some athletes who have experienced repetitive brain trauma. Hernandezs body is at a Boston-area funeral home, but services for the Bristol, Connecticut, native likely will be held elsewhere. Baez said he retained Dr. Michael Baden, a former chief medical examiner for New York City, to perform an independent autopsy. Baden, who didnt immediately comment, has performed autopsies in several high-profile cases, including the death of Michael Brown, a black teenager shot and killed by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014. Baez declined to say whether he or the family believed brain damage from Hernandezs playing days led him to kill himself. Were not suggesting anything,Ž he said. You go where the evidence takes you. We need to examine every aspect of this case.Ž Hernandez was diagnosed with only one concussion during his time with the Patriots, according to the injury reports teams file each week. He missed parts of practice during the week before the AFC championship following the 2011 season but played in the game, catching seven passes and running the ball three times in the Patriots 23-20 victory over Baltimore. CTE has been linked to concussions and repeated blows to the head in athletes, members of the military and others who have experienced repeated head trauma. It can only be diagnosed posthumously. The Boston University CTE Center is one of the leading research efforts to diagnose and understand the disease, which can result in violent mood swings, memory loss and other cognitive difficulties. It may never be clear why Hernandez would kill himself just days after he was cleared of two additional murder charges. He had been serving a life sentence without parole for the 2013 slaying of a onetime friend, Odin Lloyd. But during his trial for the killings of two men in 2012, he appeared upbeat, backslapping his lawyers, letting out bellowing laughs and blowing kisses to his 4-yearold daughter and other family members in the audience. The former University of Florida standout died five days after a jury acquitted him in those two deaths, which prosecutors alleged were precipitated by one of the men accidentally spilling a drink on Hernandez at a Boston nightclub.HERNANDEZFrom Page 1 Associated PressLeBron James finished with 41 points, 13 rebounds and 12 assists, and the Cleveland Cavaliers set an NBA postseason record by erasing a 25-point halftime deficit to beat the Indiana Pacers 119-111 on Thursday night and take a 3-0 lead. James passed Kobe Bryant for No. 3 on the NBAs career playoff scoring list and tied another NBA record by winning his 20th consecutive first-round game. The Cavaliers will try to sweep the series Sunday. The incredible rally ruined Paul Georges big night. He had 36 points, a playoff career-high 15 rebounds and nine assists. Cleveland trailed by 26 in the first half and was still down 74-49 at halftime. The largest halftime deficit overcome to win a playoff game had been 21 points by Baltimore against Philadelphia in 1948. James scored 13 points in the third quarter to get the Cavs within 91-84. Cleveland regained the lead twice during a 15-5 fourthquarter run and closed it out with a 12-5 spurt. James now has 5,669 points, 29 ahead of Bryant. He also matched three other ex-Los Angeles Lakers „ Magic Johnson, Michael Cooper and James Worthy „ for most consecutive first-round wins. This comeback began with a second straight devastating third-quarter punch from the Cavs. After Cleveland cut the deficit to 77-62 and then watched Indiana extend the margin to 20, Cleveland finished the quarter on a 17-4 spurt to make it 91-84.NBA ROUNDUPAssociated PressSidney Crosby and Scott Wilson scored 51 seconds apart in the third period, helping the Pittsburgh Penguins eliminate the Columbus Blue Jackets with a 5-2 win in Game 5 of their first-round series on Thursday night. Bryan Rust scored twice for Pittsburgh, Phil Kessel added his second of the playoffs and MarcAndre Fleury finished with 49 saves. The defending Stanley Cup champions will face the winner of the Toronto-Washington series in the conference semifinals starting next week. William Karlsson and Boone Jenner scored for the Blue Jackets, but Sergei Bobrovsky stopped just 27 of 32 shots to finish a forgettable series.NHL ROUNDUPPenguins eliminate Blue Jackets with Game 5 win AP PHOTOPittsburgh Penguins Phil Kessel (81) celebrates his goal with Patric Hornqvist (72) and Sidney Crosby (87) during the first period in Game 5 against the Columbus Blue Jackets Thursday in Pittsburgh. AP PHOTOCleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James celebrates a basket against the Indiana Pacers during the second half of Game 3 Thursday in Indianapolis. Staff ReportDAYTONA BEACH -Narcisco Cook doubled home Blake Butler with no outs in the bottom of the 10th inning Thursday night to hand the Daytona Beach Tortugas a 5-4 victory over the Charlotte Stone Crabs in Florida State League action. Butler greeted Stone Crabs reliever Greg Maisto (0-1) with a double leading off the inning, and Cook followed with the walk-off hit. Sarkis Ohanian, who worked a perfect 10th won his first decision of the year. The win salvaged one game of the four-game series for the Tortugas (7-8). The Stone Crabs (5-10) had a three-game winning streak snapped. Charlotte tied the game 4-4 in the top of the ninth on a two-out home run by Brandon Lowe. The Stone Crabs led 3-2 after Ryan Boldt and Brett Sullivan singled in runs in the eighth, only to see Gaven LaValley deliver a two-run home for Daytona in the bottom half of the frame. Charlo tte scored in the first when Jake Cronenworth stole home on a double steal. Shed Longs two-run home put Daytona ahead in the fifth. The Stone Crabs continue the roadtrip tonight in the first of a three-game series at Palm Beach. Charlotte is home again on Tuesday to open a three-game set with Dunedin.MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Tortugas halt Stone Crabs streak Cavs come from 26 down to take 3-0 lead


the Patriots and Brady follow on Thursday, Oct. 5, with a national audience on CBS. What immediately follows is a run of three road games in four weeks, going to Arizona and Buffalo, then home against the Panthers and back on the road at New Orleans for a lap around the country in 22 days. The schedule has some favors „ the Bucs get their bye week far later than in recent years in Week 11, giving them an extra week to prepare for a game at Atlanta against the defending NFC champions. A week later, theyll likely face chilly conditions as they go to Green Bay to face Aaron Rodgers and the Packers on Dec. 3. The other potential cold game „ at Buffalo, where the Bucs have played just once in their 41 years „ should be a mild one on Oct. 22, fortunately more fall than winter. Its not quite the larger national platform many had thought the Bucs might have „ just one Monday night game, no Sunday night games (some games later in the season can be flexed to prime time) and in all, 12 of 16 games have 1 p.m. kickoffs, with less national audiences that later afternoon games bring. New Englands game against the Bucs will be one of two on a Thursday for the defending Super Bowl champions. The other will be on Sept. 7 against the Kansas City Chiefs to open the season. New England Patriots will kick off the NFL season on Sept. 7 by hosting the Kansas City Chiefs. The rest of the opening weekend will feature what seems like a yearly occurrence, with Dallas hosting the New York Giants on Sunday night. They finished 1-2 in the NFC East in 2016. On Monday night, New Orleans is at Minnesota, followed by the Chargers, in their first game representing Los Angeles since 1960, at Denver. Five games will be held abroad, beginning with Baltimore vs. Jacksonville in London on Sept. 24. The next week, Miami hosts New Orleans. In Week 7, the Rams host the Cardinals, followed the next week by Minnesota vs. Cleveland. New England is the visitor against Oakland at Mexico City on Nov. 19. Thanksgivings traditional games will have Minnesota at Detroit and the Chargers at Dallas. In prime time, the Redskins will be home for the Giants. Christmas weekend will be busy. Two Saturday matches have Indianapolis at Baltimore in late afternoon, Minnesota at Green Bay at night on Dec. 23. Most of the rest of the schedule will be played on Dec. 24, with no night game. On Christmas Day, Pittsburgh will go to Houston in a lateafternoon matchup, followed by Oakland at Philadelphia. The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 SP Page 3SCHEDULEFrom Page 1The Bucs sent defensive line coach Jay Hayes to Floridas pro day, which could offer a second-day option at tackle in Caleb Bran tley. They also brought in an intriguing small-school prospect in Albany States Grover Stewart, massive at 334 pounds but impressively productive with 27 tackles for loss in the last two years. Defensive line is perhaps this drafts biggest strength „ Texas Myles Garrett, Stanfords Solomon Thomas and Alabamas Jonathan Allen could all go in the first five picks. But theres solid depth to extend to the Bucs pick, if not even their No. 50 pick in the second round. In drafting Spence in the second round last year and in giving end Will Gholston a $27 million extension in March, theyve already invested well in defensive ends, but their defense starts at the line of scrimmage, so until the Bucs have a Pro Bowl talent at defensive end, theyll be searching for one in the draft.First-round optionsDerek Barnett, DE, Tennessee: Hes totaled 32 sacks in the past three years, using strong hands and strength to shine among the SECs best defensive players. Taco Charlton, DE, Michigan: Given name is Vidauntae, but Taco had 9.5 sacks as a senior „ long at 6-6, very athletic, but seen by critics as inconsistent. Malik McDowell, DT, Michigan State: Tall and long at 6-6, he has an athleticism rare for an interior lineman. May end up a 3-4 end, but has all kinds of upside.Mid-round optionsJordan Willis, DE, Kansas State: He might sneak into first round, but if he falls, Bucs know him well „ ran a 4.53 at 255 pounds, with a 39-inch vertical. Tanoh Kpassagnon, DE, Villanova: All kinds of buzz early this spring „ hes 6-7, 290 and very intelligent. Had 11 sacks last year as part of 21.5 tackles for loss. Derek Rivers, DE, Youngstown State: Quick and strong, he ran a 4.61 at 248 pounds while getting 30 reps in the bench press. Had 14 sacks as a senior.Late-round optionsGrover Stewart, DT, Albany State: Hes lined up too many visits to stick around long. Massive at 334, and has played bigger „ intriguing as a Division II phenom. Bryan Cox Jr., DE, Florida: Father coached with Dirk Koetter and Mike Smith in Atlanta „ has been limited by injuries but had 10.5 tackles for loss as junior. Jeremiah Ledbetter, DE, Arkansas: Father Weldon was a Bucs draft pick in 1983. Had 5.5 sacks as a senior, and at 280, could shift inside as three-technique in NFL.DRAFTFrom Page 1The 41-year-old Woods first had back surgery „ a microdiscectomy „ a week before the 2014 Masters, and he tried to return in three months. He sat out three months at the end of 2014 to let his body fully heal. But after a 2015 season in which he missed the cut in three majors, he had back surgery in September and another one in October. He went 15 months without competition before returning in December at his Hero World Challenge in the Bahamas, where Woods made 24 birdies in 72 holes and swung freely. But then he missed the cut at Torrey Pines in January, and he withdrew from the Dubai Desert Classic on Feb. 3 after opening with a 77, citing back spasms. And now hes gone through a fourth surgery. You see him in the Bahamas, and he looked pretty good,Ž said Mark Steinberg, his agent at Excel Sports Management. And then you see him in Dubai. It can happen any time. You heard him say two days ago, I have good days and bad days. This surgery, we hope, eliminates the bad days.Ž Questions about the 14-time major champion have shifted from if he will win another major to if he will play another major. The statement on his website said Woods bottom disc in his lower back has severely narrowed, causing sciatica and severe pain in his back and legs. Woods opted for a fourth surgery when more conservative therapy, such as rest and injections, failed to solve anything. He had consulted with a number of top people that had recommended this was the way to go if he wanted a clear and final path,Ž Steinberg said. Everything he had done in the past was a temporary fix, so to speak. At that point, they thought there were other alternatives than fusion.Ž Steinberg said they were advised fusion surgery was the best option if Woods wanted an active lifestyle and was willing to sit out the rest of the season. He should be better than hes been in the past five years,Ž Steinberg said. Hes pretty encouraged.Ž The surgery was described as anterior lumbar interbody fusionŽ at the L-5 and S-1 of his spine. It was performed by Richard Guyer of the institutes Center for Disc Replacement, and involved removing the damaged disc and lifting the collapsed disc space to normal levels. After he recovers from surgery, he will gradually begin his rehabilitation until he is completely healed,Ž Guyer said on the website. Once thats accomplished, his workouts will be geared to allowing him to return to competitive golf.Ž Guyer said the bottom of the spine is the best place for single-level fusion to occur. Woods first surgery in 2014 was in Park City, Utah, by neurosurgeon Charles Rich, who also did the second operation. This is the first time Woods has gone to the Texas Back Institute. Woods was to begin therapy and treatment after several weeks of rest. He won his 79th PGA Tour event in August 2013 at the Bridgestone Invitational. Three weeks later, he was in contention late in the final round at the Barclays when he dropped to his knees after experiencing what he described as back spasms.WOODSFrom Page 1 Associated PressSAN ANTONIO „ South African Branden Grace had a 6-under 66 and leads by a stroke after the opening round of the Valero Texas Open on Thursday. Grace had a seasonbest 11th-place finish last week in defense of his RBC Heritage title. He leads the 5-under 67s of Steven Alker, Stewart Cink, John Huh and Will MacKenzie at TPC San Antonio. Alker, a journeyman New Zealander who played in the final group of the day, birdied the final three holes. There are 13 players packed two shots back at 4 under. That includes 2010 U.S. Open champion Graham McDowell and 2016 U.S. Ryder Cup member Brooks Koepka. Two weeks ago, Grace was over par but still survived the cut at the Masters. He played the weekend in 3 under, and his best scorecard last week at Hilton Head was 68. The 66 on Thursday was his best round since Hawaii in January. Thats the one round I was waiting for,Ž Grace said. Ive been shooting the 69s and 70s, but not getting that one low round. This is nice.Ž His day took off with three consecutive birdies mid-round, including a 22-foot putt at the ninth after missing his only fairway of the day.WATSON FIRES 66 TO TAKE LEAD AT SHENZHEN INTERNATIONAL: Bubba Watson “ red a 6-under 66 in the “ rst round to take a one-stroke lead at the weather-delayed Shenzhen International on Thursday. Starting on the 10th hole, Watson bogeyed the 12th but bounced back with birdies on Nos. 13, 14 and 16 to turn in 34. A birdie at the “ rst hole was then followed by an approach shot to eight feet on the par-5 second, setting up an eagle that sent Watson to the top of the leaderboard. I just made putts today,Ž Watson said. Most of my swings and most of my shots were really good today and there were no bad swings in there so it just made the score better.Ž The South African duo of Dean Burmester and Haydn Porteous was tied for second with Gregory Bourdy of France, German Maximilian Kieffer and Thailands Thongchai Jaidee. Play was suspended for almost two hours due to the threat of lightning at Genzon Golf Club. South Africas Dylan Frittelli “ nished his round and was tied for seventh at 4-under 68, along with Dane Thorbjorn Olesen, Eduardo de la Riva of Spain and Austrian Bernd Wiesberger who all have holes to complete when play resumes Friday.PRO GOLF: Texas OpenBranden Grace leads by one strokeAP PHOTOFans watch Zach Johnson hits on his opening hole during the first round of the Valero Texas Open tournament Thursday in San Antonio. Ill be honest with you, this is the worst defensive series Ive seen the Detroit Tigers play since Ive been here,Ž manager Brad Ausmus said. Daniel Norris (1-1) gave up five runs and eight hits over 4 innings. Ian Kinsler hit his 41st leadoff homer, but Tampa Bay tied the score in the bottom half after Souza doubled on a fly ball that right fielder Tyler Collins appeared to lose. He scored when Dixon Machado, filling in for injured shortstop Jose Iglesias, made an errant throw after fielding Rickie Weeks grounder. Souza tripled on an opposite-field flare that bounced past Collins near the right-field line, then scored on Kevin Kiermaiers single for a 4-1 lead. Kiermaier homered off Saupold in the seventh. Saupold was optioned to Triple-A Toledo after the game, and lefthander Blaine Hardy will be recalled from the International League club.SHORT STAFFEDThe game started with just three umpires because crew chief Larry Vanover left due to a personal matter. Joe West was brought in to fill out the crew and arrived to take the field in the bottom of the first.TRAINERS ROOMTigers: OF Justin Upton (bruised right forearm) was out of the lineup for the second straight game but is swinging a bat. ... Iglesias was hit on the jaw by the knee of a sliding Brad Miller in the ninth inning Wednesday night after stumbling over second base and then making a bad throw to first on a potential game-ending double play as the tying and winning runs scored. Ausmus said Iglesias still had a headache and his status will be determined in the near future.Ž Rays: OF Colby Rasmus (hip surgery) is scheduled to resume his minor league rehab assignment Saturday with Double-A Montgomery. He has not played the past two weeks due to a sore knee.STREAK OVERNorris entered without a loss in his first 16 career road starts, which tied Todd Wellemeyer and Larry Jansen for the second longest stretch since 1913. Only Dave LaPoint has more with 20.UP NEXTTigers : RHP Justin Verlander (1-1) looks to rebound Friday night against Minnesota after allowing a career-hightying nine runs Saturday at Cleveland. He has won 12 of his last 13 decisions against the Twins, dating to July 9, 2010. Rays: RHP Alex Cobb (1-1) goes against Houston RHP Mike Fiers (0-1) Friday night.RAYSFrom Page 1 AP PHOTOTampa Bay Rays Steven Souza Jr., right, hugs Logan Morrison after Souza Jr., hit a home run off Detroit Tigers Warwick Saupold during the eighth inning Thursday in St. Petersburg.


Page 4 SP Friday, April 21, 2017 / The Sun AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUEEAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Baltimore 10 4 .714 „ „ 6-4 W-2 4-1 6-3 New York 10 5 .667 „ 9-1 W-1 8-1 2-4 Boston 10 6 .625 1 „ 7-3 W-1 7-2 3-4 Tampa Bay 9 8 .529 2 1 4-6 W-3 8-2 1-6 Toronto 3 12 .200 7 6 2-8 L-1 2-7 1-5 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Cleveland 8 7 .533 „ „ 5-5 W-3 2-4 6-3 Detroit 8 7 .533 „ 1 5-5 L-3 5-2 3-5 Kansas City 7 7 .500 2 6-4 W-1 5-3 2-4 Chicago 7 7 .500 2 5-5 L-1 2-3 5-4 Minnesota 7 8 .467 1 2 3-7 L-4 4-5 3-3 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Houston 11 5 .688 „ „ 8-2 W-2 7-4 4-1 Oakland 7 8 .467 3 2 5-5 W-2 4-5 3-3 Seattle 7 9 .438 4 3 6-4 W-1 6-3 1-6 Los Angeles 7 10 .412 4 3 2-8 L-2 4-2 3-8 Texas 5 10 .333 5 4 4-6 L-2 2-4 3-6RED SOX 4, BLUE JAYS 1, 10 INNINGS: Chris Sale struck out 13 over eight shutout innings, Mookie Betts hit a three-run double in the 10th and the Boston Red Sox beat the struggling Toronto Blue Jays. ASTROS 2, ANGELS 1: Carlos Beltran hit his “ rst home run this season and Jake Marisnick also homered. INDIANS 6, TWINS 2: Trevor Bauer (1-2) struck out seven in 6.1 innings, giving up two runs, three hits and three walks, and Carlos Santana had two doubles and two RBIs. ORIOLES 2, REDS 1, 10 INNINGS: J.J. Hardy singled home the tiebreaking run in the 10th inning, and Baltimore held on for a victory and an interleague series win over Cincinnati. PHILLIES 6, METS 4: Maikel Franco homered and doubled while breaking the longest hitless streak of his career. NATIONALS 3, BRAVES 2: Ryan Zimmerman hit a two-run homer, Stephen Strasburg struck out 10 and the Washington Nationals completed a three-game sweep.„The Associated Press EAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Washington 10 5 .667 „ „ 7-3 W-4 6-3 4-2 Miami 8 7 .533 2 „ 5-5 L-1 4-2 4-5 New York 8 8 .500 2 5-5 L-1 4-5 4-3 Philadelphia 6 9 .400 4 2 4-6 W-1 2-4 4-5 Atlanta 6 9 .400 4 2 5-5 L-3 4-3 2-6 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Cincinnati 9 7 .563 „ „ 5-5 L-2 4-6 5-1 Chicago 8 7 .533 „ 5-5 W-2 4-5 4-2 Milwaukee 8 8 .500 1 6-4 L-2 2-5 6-3 Pittsburgh 6 9 .400 2 2 3-7 L-3 3-3 3-6 St. Louis 6 9 .400 2 2 4-6 W-3 5-4 1-5 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Arizona 10 6 .625 „ „ 5-5 L-1 6-1 4-5 Colorado 10 6 .625 „ „ 5-5 L-1 3-3 7-3 Los Angeles 8 8 .500 2 5-5 W-1 6-4 2-4 San Francisco 6 10 .375 4 2 5-5 L-1 3-4 3-6 San Diego 6 10 .375 4 2 3-7 W-1 3-2 3-8 AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston (Pomeranz 1-0) at Baltimore (Asher 0-0), 7:05 p.m. Houston (Fiers 0-1) at Tampa Bay (Cobb 1-1), 7:10 p.m. Kansas City (Karns 0-0) at Texas (Hamels 0-0), 8:05 p.m. Cleveland (Kluber 1-1) at Chicago White Sox (Quintana 0-3), 8:10 p.m. Detroit (Verlander 1-1) at Minnesota (Santiago 1-1), 8:10 p.m. Seattle (Iwakuma 0-1) at Oakland (Manaea 0-1), 10:05 p.m. Toronto (Latos 0-0) at L.A. Angels (Meyer 0-0), 10:07 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Atlanta (Colon 1-1) at Philadelphia (Hellickson 2-0), 7:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Lester 0-0) at Cincinnati (Adleman 0-0), 7:10 p.m. Washington (Roark 2-0) at N.Y. Mets (deGrom 0-0), 7:10 p.m. St. Louis (Wainwright 0-3) at Milwaukee (Peralta 3-0), 8:10 p.m. San Francisco (Cueto 3-0) at Colorado (Chatwood 1-2), 8:40 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Wood 1-0) at Arizona (Walker 2-1), 9:40 p.m. Miami (Conley 1-1) at San Diego (Cahill 0-2), 10:10 p.m. INTERLEAGUE N.Y. Yankees (Sabathia 2-0) at Pittsburgh (Glasnow 0-1), 7:05 p.m. THURSDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston 4, Toronto 1, 10 inn. Cleveland 6, Minnesota 2 Tampa Bay 8, Detroit 1 Houston 2, L.A. Angels 1 Kansas City at Texas, late Seattle at Oakland, late NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia 6, N.Y. Mets 4 Washington 3, Atlanta 2 St. Louis at Milwaukee, late Arizona at San Diego, late INTERLEAGUE Baltimore 2, Cincinnati 1, 10 inn. WEDNESDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Oakland 9, Texas 1 N.Y. Yankees 9, Chicago White Sox 1 Toronto 3, Boston 0 Tampa Bay 8, Detroit 7 Cleveland at Minnesota, ppd. Houston 5, L.A. Angels 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE St. Louis 2, Pittsburgh 1 Chicago Cubs 7, Milwaukee 4 N.Y. Mets 5, Philadelphia 4 Washington 14, Atlanta 4 L.A. Dodgers 4, Colorado 2 San Diego 1, Arizona 0 INTERLEAGUE Seattle 10, Miami 5 Baltimore 2, Cincinnati 0 Kansas City 2, San Francisco 0ROUNDUP SCHEDULES TODAYS GAMES (All times Eastern) INDIANS 6, TWINS 2CLEVELAND MINNESOTA AB R H BI AB R H BI C.Sntna 1b 5 1 3 2 Dozier 2b 4 0 0 0 Lindor ss 4 0 0 0 Mauer 1b 4 1 1 0 Brntley lf 4 0 1 1 Sano 3b 2 0 0 0 Encrnco dh 3 0 1 0 Kepler rf 4 1 2 0 Jose.Rm 2b 3 1 0 1 Grssman dh 3 0 0 0 Chsnhll cf 4 1 1 1 J.Cstro c 3 0 0 0 Y.Diaz 3b 3 1 1 0 J.Plnco ss 3 0 0 1 Gomes c 2 0 1 1 E.Rsrio lf-cf 4 0 1 0 A.Almnt rf 5 1 2 0 Buxton cf 2 0 0 0 R.Perez c 3 0 1 0 E.Escbr ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Mrtin pr-3b 1 1 0 0 TOTALS 37 6 11 6 TOTALS 30 2 4 1 CLEVELAND 000 010 302„6 MINNESOTA 000 200 000„2 DP„Minnesota 1. LOB„Cleveland 11, Minnesota 7. 2B„C.Santana 2 (6), Chisenhall (2), Gomes (1), A.Almonte (3), Mauer (1), Kepler (6). SB„Jose.Ramirez (1). SF„J.Polanco (2). IP H R ER BB SO CLEVELAND Bauer W,1-2 6.1 3 2 2 3 7 Logan 0 1 0 0 0 0 Shaw H,3 .1 0 0 0 1 1 Miller H,3 1.1 0 0 0 1 1 Allen 1 0 0 0 0 2 MINNESOTA Santana 6 4 1 1 3 5 Duffey L,0-1 H,3 .1 2 2 2 0 1 Rogers BS,1 0 1 1 1 2 0 Belisle 1 1 0 0 1 0 Breslow 1 1 0 0 0 1 Pressly .2 2 2 2 1 0 Rogers pitched to 3 batters in the 7th Logan pitched to 1 batter in the 7th Umpires„Home, Alan Porter; First, Paul Nauert; Second, Hunter Wendelstedt; Third, Andy Fletcher. T„3:36. A„17,339 (39,021).ASTROS 2, ANGELS 1LOS ANGELES HOUSTON AB R H BI AB R H BI Y.Escbr 3b 4 0 0 0 Sprnger rf 4 0 0 0 Calhoun rf 3 0 1 0 Beltran lf 4 1 1 1 Grterol c 0 0 0 0 Reddick lf 0 0 0 0 Trout cf 4 1 1 1 Altuve 2b 3 0 0 0 Pujols dh 4 0 0 0 Correa ss 2 0 0 0 Cron 1b 4 0 1 0 B.McCnn c 3 0 0 0 Pnnngtn pr 0 0 0 0 Bregman 3b 3 0 1 0 A.Smmns ss 3 0 2 0 Gattis dh 2 0 0 0 Maybin lf-rf 2 0 0 0 Ma.Gnza 1b 3 0 0 0 Espnosa 2b 4 0 0 0 Mrsnick cf 3 1 1 1 Mldnado c 2 0 1 0 Revere ph-lf 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 31 1 6 1 TOTALS 27 2 3 2 LOS ANGELES 000 000 001„1 HOUSTON 100 010 00X„2 DP„Houston 1. LOB„Los Angeles 7, Houston 3. 2B„Bregman (4). HR„Trout (4), Beltran (1), Marisnick (2). SB„Pennington (1), A.Simmons (2). CS„A.Simmons (1). IP H R ER BB SO LOS ANGELES Shoemaker L,0-1 7 3 2 2 2 7 Norris 1 0 0 0 0 1 HOUSTON McCullers W,2-0 6.2 3 0 0 3 8 Devenski S,1-1 2.1 3 1 1 0 4 HBP„by McCullers (Calhoun). WP„Shoemaker. Umpires„Home, Tripp Gibson; First, Brian Gorman; Second, D.J. Reyburn; Third, Mike DiMuro. T„2:37. A„23,173 (42,060).RAYS 8, TIGERS 1DETROIT TAMPA BAY AB R H BI AB R H BI Kinsler 2b 3 1 1 1 Sza Jr. rf 5 3 3 3 Collins rf 4 0 0 0 Krmaier cf 3 1 2 2 Mi.Cbrr dh 4 0 0 0 Lngoria dh 5 0 1 0 Cstllns 3b 3 0 2 0 Wks Jr. 1b 2 1 0 0 Avila 1b 4 0 0 0 B.Mller 2b 4 0 1 0 J.McCnn c 4 0 1 0 Beckham ss 4 0 1 1 An.Rmne lf 4 0 0 0 Dan.Rbr 3b 3 2 1 1 J.Jones cf 3 0 0 0 Sucre c 4 0 1 0 D.Mchdo ss 3 0 1 0 Bourjos lf 4 1 1 0 TOTALS 32 1 5 1 TOTALS 34 8 11 7 DETROIT 100 000 000„1 TAMPA BAY 130 010 12X„8 E„D.Machado (1). LOB„Detroit 6, Tampa Bay 7. 2B„Souza Jr. (5), B.Miller (3). 3B„Souza Jr. (1). HR„Kinsler (3), Souza Jr. (3), Kiermaier (1), Dan.Robertson (1). S„ Kiermaier (1). IP H R ER BB SO DETROIT Norris L,1-1 4.2 8 5 4 2 4 Saupold 3.1 3 3 3 1 3 TAMPA BAY Ramirez W,2-0 5 2 1 1 0 5 Whitley 3 1 0 0 2 3 Hunter 1 2 0 0 0 0 HBP„by Saupold (Weeks Jr.). Umpires„Home, Alfonso Marquez; First, Chad Fairchild; Second, Dave Rackley; Third, Joe West. T„3:02. A„13,267 (31,042).RED SOX 4, BLUE JAYS 1, 10 INN.BOSTON TORONTO AB R H BI AB R H BI Pedroia 2b 4 0 1 0 Pillar cf 4 0 1 0 Bnntndi cf 4 1 1 0 J.Btsta rf 4 0 0 0 Betts rf 4 0 1 3 Morales dh 4 1 2 1 H.Rmirz dh 5 0 0 0 Smoak 1b 4 0 1 0 Mreland 1b 4 1 1 0 Pearce lf 2 0 0 0 Bgaerts ss 4 0 1 1 Carrera ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Sndoval 3b 4 0 1 0 Barney 3b-ss 4 0 0 0 Leon c 3 0 0 0 Sltlmcc c 4 0 0 0 M.Hrnan pr 0 1 0 0 Travis 2b 4 0 1 0 Vazquez c 0 0 0 0 Goins ss 2 0 0 0 Holt lf 4 1 1 0 Tlwtzki ph 1 0 0 0 Coghlan 3b 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 36 4 7 4 TOTALS 35 1 5 1 BOSTON 000 000 001 3„4 TORONTO 000 000 001 0„1 DP„Boston 1. LOB„Boston 6, Toronto 5. 2B„Betts (4), Moreland (11). HR„Morales (3). SB„Benintendi (2), Betts 2 (2), Barney (1). IP H R ER BB SO BOSTON Sale 8 4 0 0 1 13 Kmbrl W,1-0 BS,1 2 1 1 1 0 5 TORONTO Estrada 6 3 0 0 2 7 Biagini 1 0 0 0 0 0 Smith 1 0 0 0 0 2 Osuna 1 2 1 1 0 1 Grilli L,0-2 .2 2 3 3 2 0 Barnes .1 0 0 0 0 0 Umpires„Home, Cory Blaser; First, Jeff Nelson; Second, Laz Diaz; Third, Doug Eddings. T„3:07. A„44,283 (49,282).ORIOLES 2, REDS 1, 10 INNINGSBALTIMORE CINCINNATI AB R H BI AB R H BI Kim lf 3 0 0 0 Hmilton cf 4 0 0 0 Gentry pr-lf 0 0 0 0 Peraza 2b 3 0 0 0 A.Jones cf 4 0 0 0 R.Iglss p 0 0 0 0 M.Mchdo 3b 4 0 1 0 Alcantr ph 1 0 0 0 C.Davis 1b 4 0 0 0 B.Wood p 0 0 0 0 Trumbo rf 3 1 1 0 Votto 1b 4 1 1 1 Schoop 2b 4 1 1 1 Duvall lf 4 0 0 0 J.Hardy ss 4 0 2 1 Suarez 3b 3 0 0 0 C.Jseph c 4 0 0 0 Cozart ss 3 0 1 0 Miley p 2 0 0 0 Schbler rf 3 0 0 0 Mancini ph 1 0 0 0 S.Trner c 3 0 0 0 ODay p 0 0 0 0 Feldman p 2 0 0 0 Brach p 0 0 0 0 Gennett 2b 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 33 2 5 2 TOTALS 31 1 2 1 BALTIMORE 010 000 000 1„2 CINCINNATI 000 100 000 0„1 DP„Baltimore 1. LOB„Baltimore 3, Cincinnati 1. 2B„J.Hardy (3), Cozart (3). HR„Schoop (3), Votto (5). IP H R ER BB SO BALTIMORE Miley 8 2 1 1 1 11 ODay W,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Brach S,2-2 1 0 0 0 0 1 CINCINNATI Feldman 7 4 1 1 0 4 Iglesias 2 0 0 0 1 5 Wood L,0-2 1 1 1 1 1 0 Umpires„Home, Toby Basner; First, Gabe Morales; Second, Jerry Layne; Third, Dan Bellino. T„2:37. A„11,910 (42,319).PHILLIES 6, METS 4PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK AB R H BI AB R H BI C.Hrnan 2b 4 0 0 0 Grndrsn rf 5 0 0 0 Nava lf 4 1 1 0 A.Cbrra ss 4 1 2 0 O.Hrrra cf 5 1 0 0 Cespdes lf 2 0 1 0 Franco 3b 4 1 2 2 Lagares cf 1 0 0 0 Altherr rf 5 1 2 1 Bruce 1b 3 1 0 0 T.Jseph 1b 4 1 3 1 N.Wlker 2b 3 1 1 3 Galvis ss 4 1 1 0 Cnforto cf-lf 4 0 2 0 Knapp c 4 0 1 1 J.Reyes 3b 4 1 1 0 Aa.Nola p 2 0 0 0 Syndrgr p 2 0 0 0 Sunders ph 1 0 0 0 Salas p 0 0 0 0 Rdrguez p 0 0 0 0 Edgin p 0 0 0 0 Blanco ph 1 0 0 0 Familia p 0 0 0 0 Benoit p 0 0 0 0 T.dArn ph 1 0 0 0 Neris p 0 0 0 0 R.Rvera c 4 0 1 1 TOTALS 38 6 10 5 TOTALS 33 4 8 4 PHILADELPHIA 032 000 010„6 NEW YORK 013 000 000„4 E„A.Cabrera (2), Lagares (2), Bruce (1). DP„Philadelphia 1. LOB„Philadelphia 8, New York 6. 2B„Franco (2), T.Joseph (2), Knapp (2). HR„Franco (3), N.Walker (1). SB„O.Herrera (2), Altherr (1), J.Reyes (1). IP H R ER BB SO PHILADELPHIA Nola W,2-0 5 7 4 4 4 2 Rodriguez H,1 2 0 0 0 0 3 Benoit H,3 1 1 0 0 0 1 Neris S,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 NEW YORK Syndrgaard L,1-1 7 7 5 3 0 10 Salas 0 3 1 1 0 0 Edgin 1 0 0 0 0 1 Familia 1 0 0 0 2 2 Salas pitched to 3 batters in the 8th HBP„by Syndergaard (Nava). WP„ Syndergaard 2. Umpires„Home, Dan Iassogna; First, Sam Holbrook; Second, Jim Wolf; Third, Chad Whitson. T„3:14. A„24,656 (41,922).NATIONALS 3, BRAVES 2WASHINGTON ATLANTA AB R H BI AB R H BI Eaton lf 4 0 0 0 Incarte cf 5 0 0 0 Difo ss 3 0 0 0 Ad.Grca 3b 4 0 1 0 Harper rf 3 1 1 0 F.Frman 1b 4 0 0 0 Zmmrman 1b 4 2 2 2 M.Kemp lf 4 0 0 0 Rendon 3b 3 0 1 0 Mrkakis rf 3 1 1 0 Wieters c 4 0 0 0 Bra.Phl 2b 4 1 2 0 M.Tylor cf 3 0 0 1 J.Ptrsn ss 3 0 1 0 G.Green 2b 3 0 0 0 K.Szuki c 3 0 2 1 Strsbrg p 2 0 0 0 C.dArn pr 0 0 0 0 Lind ph 1 0 0 0 Dickey p 2 0 0 1 O.Perez p 0 0 0 0 E.Bnfco ph 1 0 0 0 Glover p 0 0 0 0 Jose.Rm p 0 0 0 0 Kelley p 0 0 0 0 OFlhrt p 0 0 0 0 Vzcaino p 0 0 0 0 Flowers ph 0 0 0 0 Swanson pr 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 30 3 4 3 TOTALS 33 2 7 2 WASHINGTON 010 002 000„3 ATLANTA 010 100 000„2 LOB„Washington 4, Atlanta 8. 2B„ Zimmerman (6), Bra.Phillips (4). HR„ Zimmerman (5). SF„M.Taylor (1), K.Suzuki (2). IP H R ER BB SO WASHINGTON Strasburg W,2-0 7 6 2 2 2 10 Perez H,2 .1 0 0 0 0 0 Glover H,4 .2 0 0 0 0 1 Kelley S,2-3 1 1 0 0 1 1 ATLANTA Dickey L,1-2 7 3 3 3 2 3 Ramirez .2 0 0 0 1 1 OFlaherty 0 1 0 0 0 0 Vizcaino 1.1 0 0 0 0 2 OFlaherty pitched to 1 batter in the 8th Umpires„Home, Fieldin Cubreth; First, Mark Carlson; Second, CB Bucknor; Third, Manny Gonzalez. T„2:41. A„27,498 (41,500).FREE AGENTS SIGNINGS The 134 free agents who have signed, with name, position, former club if different, and contract: AMERICAN LEAGUE BALTIMORE (5): Re-signed Logan Ondrusek, rhp, to a $650,000, one-year contract; re-signed Mark Trumbo, of, a $37.5 million, three-year contract; signed Chris Johnson, 1b-3b, Miami, to a minor league contract ($535,000) and released him; re-signed Michael Bourn, of, to a minor league contract ($2 million) and released him; re-signed Pedro Alvarez, inf-of, to a minor league contract ($2 million); signed Edwin Jackson, rhp, San Diego, to a minor league contract ($850,000). BOSTON (1): Signed Mitch Moreland, 1b, Texas, to a $5.5 million, one-year contract. CHICAGO (3): Signed Derek Holland, lhp, Texas, to a $6 million, one-year contract; signed Geovany Soto, c, Los Angeles Angels, to a $2 million, one-year contract; signed Peter Bourjos, of, Philadelphia, to a minor league contract ($1.35 million) and traded him to Tampa Bay, CLEVELAND (3): Signed Edwin Encarnacion, 1b-dh, to a $60 million, three-year contract; signed Austin Jackson, of, Chicago White Sox, to a $1.5 million, one-year contract; signed Boone Logan, lhp, Colorado, to a $6.5 million, one-year contract. DETROIT (1): Signed Alex Avila, c, Chicago White Sox, to a $2 million, one-year contract. HOUSTON (3): Signed Charlie Morton, rhp, Philadelphia, to $14 million, two-year contract; signed Josh Reddick, of, Los Angeles Dodgers, to a $52 million, four-year contract; signed Carlos Beltran, of, Texas, to a $16 million, oneyear contract. KANSAS CITY (5): Re-signed Drew Butera, c, to a $3.8 million, two-year contract; signed Brandon Moss, 1b-of, St. Louis, to a $12 million, twoyear contract; signed Jason Hammel, rhp, Chicago Cubs, to a $16 million, two-year contract; signed Travis Wood, lhp, Chicago Cubs, to a $12 million, two-year contract; re-signed Peter Moylan, rhp, to a $1 million, one-year contract. LOS ANGELES (4): Re-signed Andrew Bailey, rhp, to a $1 million, one-year contract; signed Jesse Chavez, rhp, Los Angeles Dodgers, to a $5.75 million, one-year contract; signed Luis Valbuena, 3b, Houston, to a $15 million, two-year contract; signed Yusmeiro Petit, rhp, Washington, to a $2.25 million, two-year contract. MINNESOTA (4): Signed Jason Castro, c, Houston, to a $24.5 million, three-year contract; signed Ryan Vogelsong, rhp, to a minor league contract ($1 million) and released him; signed Matt Belisle, rhp, Washington, to a $2.05 million, one-year contract; signed Drew Stubbs, of, Baltimore, to a minor league contract ($1 million) and released him. NEW YORK (3): Signed Matt Holliday, of, St. Louis, to a $13 million, one-year contract; signed Aroldis Chapman, lhp, Chicago Cubs, to an $86 million, “ ve-year contract; signed Jon Niese, lhp, Pittsburgh, to a minor league contract ($1.25 million) and released him. OAKLAND (6): Signed Matt Joyce, of, Pittsburgh, to an $11 million, two-year contract; signed Rajai Davis, of, Cleveland, to a $6 million, one-year contract; signed Santiago Casilla, rhp, San Francisco, to an $11 million, two-year contract; re-signed Ross Detwiler, lhp, to a minor league contract ($1 million) and released him; signed Adam Rosales, 3b, San Diego, to a $1.25 million, one-year contract; signed Alejandro De Aza, of, New York Mets, to a minor league contract ($1.75 million) and released him. BOX SCORES Associated PressNEW YORK „ Mets closer Jeurys Familia rejoined the team Thursday after serving a 15-game suspension for violating Major League Baseballs domestic violence policy, saying he was ready to pitch in any role. New York manager Terry Collins said hed originally planned to ease Familia back into action but, with a worn-down bullpen, that may not be the case tonightŽ against Philadelphia. The 27-year-old Familia led the majors with a team-record 51 saves last year. The suspension cost him $730,328 of his $7,425,000 salary. I cant wait to get back on that mound,Ž Familia said through a translator. Familia hugged several Phillies in the outfield during batting practice and spent the rest of the time shagging flyballs with his teammates. Im very happy to be back with this team,Ž he said. Ive missed these guys very much.Ž The Mets made a series of roster moves before the game. Familia was activated from the restricted list and catcher Kevin Plawecki was recalled from Triple-A Las Vegas. Righthander Rafael Montero and lefty Sean Gilmartin were optioned to Triple-A and third baseman David Wright was transferred to the 60-day disabled list while recovering from neck surgery. The Mets were still shorthanded going into the series wrapup with the Phillies. First baseman Lucas Duda was out with a hyperextended left elbow, infielder Wilmer Flores was sidelined with an infection and catcher Travis dArnaud didnt start because of a bruised right wrist. Collins said he didnt have any definitive word on how long the three would be out. Familia took part in spring training and recently pitched two scoreless innings in the minors while preparing for his return. Familia was arrested last October on a simple assault charge after his wife was left with scratches on her chest and a bruise on her cheek. A judge dismissed charges in December after Familias wife told a prosecutor her husband did not hurt her. Addison Reed, usually the Mets setup man, picked up all four saves for the club while Familia was suspended, and Collins hoped to avoid overusing him. The teams relievers hit a rough patch lately, not that Familia saw those struggles.JEURYS FAMILIAMets activate closer Familia LEADERS AMERICAN LEAGUEBATTING: Garcia, Chicago, .423; Headley, New York, .396; Castro, New York, .368; Ramirez, Cleveland, .365; Lindor, Cleveland, .351; Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, .349; Cain, Kansas City, .347; Moreland, Boston, .344; Reddick, Houston, .341; Betts, Boston, .340; 1 tied at .339. RBI: Mazara, Texas, 17; Haniger, Seattle, 15; Ramirez, Cleveland, 15; Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, 15; Garcia, Chicago, 13; Sano, Minnesota, 13; Espinosa, Los Angeles, 12; Judge, New York, 12; Springer, Houston, 12; 8 tied at 11. HOME RUNS: Davis, Oakland, 7; Springer, Houston, 7; Judge, New York, 5; Moustakas, Kansas City, 5; Perez, Kansas City, 5; 7 tied at 4. PITCHING: Keuchel, Houston, 3-0; Santana, Minnesota, 3-0; Triggs, Oakland, 3-0; Vargas, Kansas City, 3-0; 20 tied at 2-0. ERA: Paxton, Seattle, 0.00; Triggs, Oakland, 0.00; Santana, Minnesota, 0.41; Vargas, Kansas City, 0.44; Sale, Boston, 0.91; Keuchel, Houston, 0.96; Sabathia, New York, 1.47; Santiago, Minnesota, 1.47; Shields, Chicago, 1.62; Duffy, Kansas City, 1.80; 1 tied at 1.86. STRIKEOUTS: Sale, Boston, 42; Archer, Tampa Bay, 27; Salazar, Cleveland, 27; Severino, New York, 27; Estrada, Toronto, 24; Darvish, Texas, 23.NATIONAL LEAGUEBATTING: Freeman, Atlanta, .440; Thames, Milwaukee, .408; Cozart, Cincinnati, .405; Harper, Washington, .404; Zimmerman, Washington, .380; Turner, Los Angeles, .360; Myers, San Diego, .359; Arenado, Colorado, .356; Realmuto, Miami, .354; Suarez, Cincinnati, .354; 1 tied at .344. RBI: Ozuna, Miami, 19; Harper, Washington, 18; Bruce, New York, 14; Lamb, Arizona, 14; Shaw, Milwaukee, 13; Duvall, Cincinnati, 12; Reynolds, Colorado, 12; Russell, Chicago, 12; Thames, Milwaukee, 12; Yelich, Miami, 12; 6 tied at 11. HOME RUNS: Thames, Milwaukee, 7; Arenado, Colorado, 6; Bruce, New York, 6; Cespedes, New York, 6; Freeman, Atlanta, 6; Harper, Washington, 6 PITCHING: Cueto, San Francisco, 3-0; Kershaw, Los Angeles, 3-1; Peralta, Milwaukee, 3-0; Robles, New York, 3-0; 21 tied at 2-0. ERA: Leake, St. Louis, 0.84; Taillon, Pittsburgh, 0.90; Syndergaard, New York, 0.95; Lester, Chicago, 1.00; Gonzalez, Washington, 1.33; Scherzer, Washington, 1.37; Anderson, Milwaukee, 1.50 STRIKEOUTS: Kershaw, Los Angeles, 32; Bumgarner, San Francisco, 28; Martinez, St. Louis, 24; Ray, Arizona, 24; Samardzija, San Francisco, 24; Scherzer, Washington, 24; deGrom, New York, 22; Arrieta, Chicago, 21.APRIL 211910: The Cleveland Indians played their “ rst game at League Park and lost to the Detroit Tigers 5-0, in front of 19,867. 1967: After 737 consecutive games, the Dodgers were rained out for the “ rst time since moving to Los Angeles. The St. Louis Cardinals were scheduled. 1982: The Atlanta Braves beat the Cincinnati Reds 4-3 for their 13th straight victory. 1984: In his second start since August 1982, Montreal pitcher David Palmer threw “ ve perfect innings against the St. Louis Cardinals in a 4-0 victory stopped by rain. 1987: The Milwaukee Brewers 13-game winning streak from the start of the season ended with a 7-1 loss to the Chicago White Sox. Milwaukee shared the major league streak of 13 straight, set by the Atlanta Braves in 1982. 1994: Eddie Murray set a major league record with his 11th switch-hit home run game, helping the Cleveland Indians beat the Minnesota Twins 10-6. 1996: Brady Anderson led off the “ rst inning with a home run for the fourth straight game for Baltimore. The Texas Rangers overcame that homer, beating the Orioles 9-6. THIS DATE IN BASEBALL RESULTS MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL


The Sun / Friday, April 21, 2017 SP Page 5SCOREBOARD BASEBALLWEDNESDAYS LATE BOX SCORES ASTROS 5, ANGELS 1 LOS ANGELES HOUSTON AB R H BI AB R H BI Y.Escbr 3b 4 0 2 1 Sprnger cf-rf 4 0 0 0 Trout cf 4 0 2 0 Reddick rf-lf 4 3 3 2 Pujols dh 4 0 0 0 Altuve 2b 4 0 1 1 J.Marte lf 4 0 0 0 B.McCnn c 4 0 1 0 Cron 1b 4 0 1 0 Gattis dh 4 0 2 1 A.Smmns ss 3 0 0 0 Bregman ss 3 1 1 0 Maybin rf 3 0 1 0 Aoki lf 3 0 0 0 Espnosa 2b 3 1 2 0 Mrsnick cf 0 0 0 0 Mldnado c 3 0 0 0 Y.Grrel 1b 2 1 1 1 Ma.Gnza 3b 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 32 1 8 1 TOTALS 29 5 9 5 LOS ANGELES 001 000 000„1 HOUSTON 100 011 20X„5 DP„Los Angeles 2, Houston 3. LOB„Los Angeles 5, Houston 4. 2B„Maybin (2), Espinosa 2 (2), Reddick (3), Bregman (3). 3B„Reddick (1). HR„Reddick (1). SB„Altuve (6). S„Ma.Gonzalez (2). IP H R ER BB SO LOS ANGELES Ramirez L,2-2 5.1 6 3 3 1 9 Alvarez .1 0 0 0 0 0 Parker .1 1 0 0 1 0 Morin 1 1 2 2 0 0 Guerra 1 1 0 0 0 0 HOUSTON Keuchel W,3-0 7 8 1 1 1 7 Giles 1 0 0 0 0 0 Harris 1 0 0 0 0 0 HBP„by Morin (Gurriel). Umpires„Home, Mike DiMuro; First, Tripp Gibson; Second, Brian Gorman; Third, D.J. Reyburn. T„2:47. A„24,028 (42,060).ROYALS 2, GIANTS 0 SAN FRANCISCO KANSAS CITY AB R H BI AB R H BI A.Hill lf 3 0 0 0 A.Grdon lf 4 0 1 0 Belt 1b 4 0 1 0 Mstakas 3b 4 0 2 1 Pence rf 4 0 0 0 L.Cain cf 4 0 1 0 Posey dh 4 0 1 0 Hosmer 1b 4 1 1 0 Crwford ss 3 0 1 0 S.Perez c 3 0 2 1 E.Nunez 3b 3 0 0 0 Mrrfeld 2b 4 0 0 0 Hundley c 3 0 1 0 A.Escbr ss 3 0 1 0 Panik 2b 3 0 0 0 Cthbert dh 3 0 0 0 G.Hrnan cf 2 0 0 0 Orlando rf 3 1 2 0 Span ph-cf 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 30 0 4 0 TOTALS 32 2 10 2 SAN FRANCISCO 000 000 000„0 KANSAS CITY 000 010 01X„2 DP„San Francisco 1, Kansas City 1. LOB„San Francisco 4, Kansas City 7. 2B„Hundley (6), L.Cain (3), Hosmer (1), A.Escobar (3). SB„L. Cain (5), Orlando (1). CS„Orlando (1). IP H R ER BB SO SAN FRANCISCO Bumgarner L,0-3 6 7 1 1 1 4 Okert 1 1 0 0 0 1 Kontos 1 2 1 1 0 1 KANSAS CITY Vargas W,3-0 7 4 0 0 0 9 Soria H,2 1 0 0 0 0 1 Herrera S,3-4 1 0 0 0 1 0 WP„Herrera. Umpires„Home, John Tumpane; First, Ted Barrett; Second, Angel Hernandez; Third, Lance Barksdale. T„2:28. A„24,402. PADRES 1, DIAMONDBACKS 0 ARIZONA SAN DIEGO AB R H BI AB R H BI Pollock cf 3 0 2 0 Jnkwski cf-lf 4 0 1 0 D.Prlta rf 4 0 0 0 Cordoba lf 4 0 0 0 Gldschm 1b 4 0 0 0 Maurer p 0 0 0 0 Lamb 3b 4 0 1 0 Myers 1b 3 0 1 0 Drury 2b 3 0 1 0 Solarte 2b 2 0 0 0 Hrrmann lf 3 0 0 0 Schimpf 3b 3 0 0 0 Ahmed ss 3 0 0 0 Renfroe rf 3 0 0 0 Mathis c 3 0 0 0 Hedges c 3 0 0 0 Greinke p 3 0 0 0 Aybar ss 3 1 1 1 Chacin p 2 0 1 0 Margot ph-cf 1 0 1 0 TOTALS 30 0 4 0 TOTALS 28 1 5 1 ARIZONA 000 000 000„0 SAN DIEGO 000 000 01X„1 E„Lamb (2). DP„Arizona 1. LOB„Arizona 4, San Diego 4. HR„Aybar (1). SB„Pollock (3). CS„Drury (1), Margot (2). IP H R ER BB SO ARIZONA Greinke L,1-2 8 5 1 1 1 6 SAN DIEGO Chacin W,2-2 8 3 0 0 1 5 Maurer S,2-2 1 1 0 0 0 2 Umpires„Home, Tony Randazzo; First, Gerry Davis; Second, Pat Hoberg; Third, Rob Drake. T„2:13. A„17,089 (42,302).(37,903).DODGERS 4, ROCKIES 2 COLORADO LOS ANGELES AB R H BI AB R H BI Blckmon cf 3 1 1 0 K.Hrnan 3b 4 1 2 1 LMahieu 2b 4 1 2 0 C.Sager ss 4 0 1 1 Arenado 3b 3 0 1 0 Puig rf 4 0 0 0 C.Gnzal rf 1 0 0 0 A.Gnzal 1b 3 0 1 1 Crdullo ph-rf 3 0 1 1 Grandal c 3 0 0 0 Mar.Ryn 1b 3 0 0 1 Vn Slyk lf 3 1 1 1 Parra lf 4 0 0 0 Toles ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Story ss 4 0 1 0 Eibner cf 2 0 0 0 Garneau c 4 0 0 0 Pderson cf 2 0 0 0 Ty.Andr p 2 0 0 0 C.Tylor 2b 3 1 2 0 Lyles p 0 0 0 0 Kershaw p 2 1 0 0 C.Admes ph 1 0 0 0 Avilan p 0 0 0 0 McGee p 0 0 0 0 Romo p 0 0 0 0 Estevez p 0 0 0 0 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 32 2 6 2 TOTALS 31 4 7 4 COLORADO 100 001 000„2 LOS ANGELES 010 030 00X„4 E„Ty.Anderson (1). LOB„Colorado 6, Los Angeles 6. 2B„LeMahieu (2), Story (4), K.Hernandez (4), C.Taylor 2 (2). 3B„K.Hernandez (1). HR„Van Slyke (1). SB„Arenado (1). SF„Mar.Reynolds (1). S„ Kershaw (2). IP H R ER BB SO COLORADO Anderson L,1-3 5 6 4 2 1 5 Lyles 1 1 0 0 0 2 McGee 1.1 0 0 0 1 0 Estevez .2 0 0 0 0 0 LOS ANGELES Kershaw W,3-1 7 5 2 2 1 10 Avilan 0 1 0 0 0 0 Romo H,2 .2 0 0 0 1 0 Jansen S,4-4 1.1 0 0 0 0 2 Avilan pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. Umpires„Home, Quinn Wolcott; First, Scott Barry; Second, Stu Scheuwater; Third, Paul Emmel. T„2:55. A„45,474 (56,000).PRO BASKETBALLNBA PLAYOFFS All Times Eastern (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) FIRST ROUND EASTERN CONFERENCE CHICAGO 2, BOSTON 0April 16: Chicago 106, Boston 102 April 18: Chicago 111, Boston 97 Today: Boston at Chicago, 7 p.m. Sunday: Boston at Chicago, 6:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Chicago at Boston, TBD x-Friday, April 28: Boston at Chicago, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Chicago at Boston, TBDWASHINGTON 2, ATLANTA 0April 16: Washington 114, Atlanta 107 Wednesday: Washington 109, Atlanta 101 Saturday: Washington at Atlanta, 5:30 p.m. Monday: Washington at Atlanta, 8 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Atlanta at Washington, TBD x-Friday, April 28: Washington at Atlanta, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Atlanta at Washington, TBDMILWAUKEE 1, TORONTO 1April 15: Milwaukee 97, Toronto 83 April 18: Toronto 106, Milwaukee 100 Thursday: Toronto at Milwaukee, late Saturday: Toronto at Milwaukee, 3 p.m. Monday : Milwaukee at Toronto, 7 p.m. x-Thursday, April 27: Toronto at Milwaukee, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Milwaukee at Toronto, TBDCLEVELAND 3, INDIANA 0April 15: Cleveland 109, Indiana 108 April 17: Cleveland 117, Indiana 111 Thursday: Cleveland 119, Indiana 114 Sunday, Cleveland at Indiana, 1 p.m. x-Tuesday: Indiana at Cleveland, TBD x-Thursday, April 27, Cleveland at Indiana, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Indiana at Cleveland, TBDWESTERN CONFERENCE GOLDEN STATE 2, PORTLAND 0April 16: Golden State 121, Portland 109 Wednesday: Golden State 110, Portland 81 Saturday : Golden State at Portland, 10:30 p.m. Monday: Golden State at Portland, 10:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Portland at Golden State, TBD x-Friday, April 28 : Golden State at Portland, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Portland at Golden State, TBDSAN ANTONIO 2, MEMPHIS 0 April 15: San Antonio 111, Memphis 82 April 17: San Antonio 96, Memphis 82 Thursday: San Antonio at Memphis, late Saturday : San Antonio at Memphis, 8 p.m. x-Tuesday: Memphis at San Antonio, TBD x-Thursday, April 27: San Ant. at Memphis, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Memphis at San Ant., TBDHOUSTON 2, OKLAHOMA CITY 0April 16: Houston 118, Oklahoma City 87 Wednesday: Houston 115, Oklahoma City 111 Today: Houston at Oklahoma City, 9:30 p.m. Sunday: Houston at Oklahoma City, 3:30 p.m. x-Tuesday: Oklahoma City at Houston, TBD x-Thursday, April 27: Houston at Oklahoma City, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Oklahoma City at Houston, TBDUTAH 1, L.A. CLIPPERS 1April 15: Utah 97, L.A. Clippers 95 April 18: L.A. Clippers 99, Utah 91 Today: L.A. Clippers at Utah, 10 p.m. Sunday: L.A. Clippers at Utah, 9 p.m. Tuesday: Utah at L.A. Clippers, TBD x-Friday, April 28: L.A. Clippers at Utah, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Utah at L.A. Clippers, TBDTHURSDAYS PLAYOFF BOX SCORE: CAVALIERS 119, PACERS 114CLEVELAND (119) James 14-27 7-14 41, Love 4-12 2-2 13, Thompson 4-7 1-2 9, Irving 4-17 4-5 13, Smith 4-9 1-2 13, R.Jefferson 0-0 0-0 0, Frye 4-7 3-3 13, Dero.Williams 1-1 2-2 5, Shumpert 0-0 0-0 0, Korver 4-7 0-0 12, D.Jones 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 39-87 20-30 119. INDIANA (114) George 10-28 11-11 36, Miles 3-6 2-2 9, Turner 3-12 0-0 6, T.Young 5-10 0-0 11, Teague 5-11 1-3 15, Robinson 2-2 0-0 5, Seraphin 3-8 5-7 11, Stephenson 4-12 2-2 13, Ellis 3-6 1-1 8. Totals 38-95 22-26 114. Cleveland 27 22 35 35 „ 119 Indiana 37 37 17 23 „ 114 3-Point Goals„Cleveland 21-44 (James 6-12, Korver 4-5, Smith 4-8, Love 3-7, Frye 2-5, Dero.Williams 1-1, Irving 1-6), Indiana 16-42 (George 5-15, Teague 4-6, Stephenson 3-7, Robinson 1-1, T.Young 1-2, Ellis 1-3, Miles 1-4, Turner 0-4). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„ Cleveland 40 (James 13), Indiana 52 (George 15). Assists„Cleveland 23 (James 12), Indiana 25 (George 9). Total Fouls„Cleveland 23, Indiana 23. Technicals„Indiana defensive three second 2, Indiana team 2, Indiana coach Nate McMillan.ODDSPREGAME.COM LINEMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL National League TodayFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINEChicago -163 at Cincinnati +153 at Philadelphia -115 Atlanta +105 at New York -140 Washington +130 at Milwaukee -105 St. Louis -105 San Francisco -110 at Colorado +100 Los Angeles -130 at Arizona +120 Miami -123 at San Diego +113American LeagueCleveland -145 at Chicago +135 at Baltimore -115 Boston +105 at Tampa Bay -108 Houston -102 at Texas -145 Kansas City +135 Detroit -118 at Minnesota +108 at Los Angeles -130 Toronto +120 at Oakland -125 Seattle +115Interleagueat Pittsburgh -109 N.Y. Yankees -101NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION Playoffs Today FAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOG at Chicago 1 207 Boston at Okla. City 3 224 Houston L.A. Clippers 1 197 at UtahSaturdayat Milwaukee Off Off Toronto at Atlanta 3 209 Washington at Memphis Off Off San Antonio Golden State 6 217 at PortlandNATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Stanley Cup Playoffs TodayFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE Boston -108 at Ottawa -102 at Washington -202 Toronto +182Updated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLAmerican LeagueDETROIT TIGERS „ Optioned RHP Warwick Saupold to Toledo (IL). HOUSTON ASTROS „ Placed RHP Jandel Gustave on the 10-day DL, retroactive to Wednesday. Recalled RHP James Hoyt from Fresno (PCL). OAKLAND ATHLETICS „ Optioned C Bruce Maxwell to Nashville (PCL). Selected the contract of RHP Cesar Valdez from Nashville. Transferred SS Marcus Semien to the 60-day DL. TEXAS RANGERS „ Designated RHP Mike Hauschild for assignment. Selected the contract of RHP Anthony Bass from Round Rock (PCL).National LeagueATLANTA BRAVES „ Optioned RHP Luke Jackson and 2B Johan Camargo to Gwinnett (IL). Reinstated OF Matt Kemp from the 10-day DL. Recalled RHP Aaron Blair from Gwinnett. CINCINNATI REDS „ Agreed to terms with RHP Asher Wojciechowski on a minor league contract. NEW YORK METS „ Optioned RHP Rafael Montero and LHP Sean Gilmartin to Las Vegas (PCL). Reinstated RHP Jeurys Familia from the restricted list. Recalled C Kevin Plawecki from Las Vegas. Transferred 3B David Wright to the 60-day DL. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS „ Placed INF Jhonny Peralta on the 10-day DL, retroactive to Sunday. Reinstated LHP Tyler Lyons from the 10-day DL. SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS „ Sent OF Mac Williamson to San Jose (Cal) for a rehab assignment.American AssociationLAREDO LEMURS „ Released INF Abel Nieves. LINCOLN SALTDOGS „ Signed RHP Alex Daniele.Can-Am LeagueQUEBEC CAPITALES „ Signed RHP Trevor Bayless. ROCKLAND BOULDERS „ Signed LHP Michael Sullivan.FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueCLEVELAND BROWNS „ Terminated the contract of OL Alvin Bailey. Waived DBs Trae Elston and Tracy Howard. DALLAS COWBOYS „ Signed S Robert Blanton. INDIANAPOLIS COLTS „ Signed LB Jon Bostic. OAKLAND RAIDERS „ Exercised their “ fth-year option on DE Khalil Mack.Canadian Football LeagueWINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS „ Signed WR DiAndre Campbell.HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueBUFFALO SABRES „ Fired general manager Tim Murray and coach Dan Bylsma. CALGARY FLAMES „ Assigned G Jon Gillies to Stockton (AHL). DETROIT RED WINGS „ Signed F Christoffer Ehn to a three-year, entry-level contract. NEW JERSEY DEVILS „ Signed D Yaroslav Dyblenko to a two-year, entry-level contract. ST. LOUIS BLUES „ Assigned D Jordan Schmaltz to Chicago (AHL).American Hockey LeagueSTOCKTON HEAT „ Signed G Tyler Parsons to an amateur tryout agreement.ECHLECHL „ Suspended Allen RW Bryan Moore four games, South Carolina F Marcus Perrier and Colorado D Sean Zimmerman three games and Greenville G Mackenzie Skapski one game.OLYMPIC SPORTSUSADA „ Announced American hurdler Brianna Rollins a 12-month sanction for failing to properly “ le whereabouts information, retroactive to Sept. 27, 2016.SOCCERMajor League SoccerCOLUMBUS CREW „ Placed M Ben Swanson on the injury list.North American Soccer LeagueJACKSONVILLE ARMADA „ Promoted Marshall Happer to chief operating of“ cer.COLLEGESBOSTON COLLEGE „ Named Martin Jarmond athletic director. DELAWARE „ Named Erik Campbell passing game coordinator/wide receivers coach. MISSISSIPPI „ Announced graduate mens basketball G Markel Crawford is transferring from Memphis. NEW MEXICO „ Named Marc Hsu assistant mens basketball coach. N.C. STATE „ Announced graduate mens basketball G Al Freeman is transferring from Baylor. SANTA CLARA „ Named Justin Gainey assistant mens basketball coach.HOCKEYNHLSTANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE MONTREAL 2, N.Y. RANGERS 2April 12: New York 2, Montreal 0 April 14: Montreal 4, New York 3, OT April 16: Montreal 3, New York 1 April 18: New York 2, Montreal 1 Thursday : New York at Montreal, late Saturday: Montreal at New York, 8 p.m. x-Monday: New York at Montreal, TBAOTTAWA 3, BOSTON 1April 12: Boston 2, Ottawa 1 April 15: Ottawa 4, Boston 3, OT April 17: Ottawa 4, Boston 3, OT Wednesday: Ottawa 1, Boston 0 Today: Boston at Ottawa, 7:30 p.m. x-Sunday: Ottawa at Boston, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: Boston at Ottawa, TBATORONTO 2, WASHINGTON 2April 13: Washington 3, Toronto 2, OT April 15: Toronto 4, Washington 3, 2OT April 17: Toronto 4, Washington 3, OT Wednesday: Washington 5, Toronto 4 Today: Toronto at Washington, 7 p.m. Sunday: Washington at Toronto, TBA x-Tuesday: Toronto at Washington, TBAPITTSBURGH 4, COLUMBUS 1April 12: Pittsburgh 3, Columbus 1 April 14: Pittsburgh 4, Columbus 1 April 16: Pittsburgh 5, Columbus 4, OT April 18: Columbus 5, Pittsburgh 4 Thursday: Pittsburgh 5, Columbus 2WESTERN CONFERENCE NASHVILLE 3, CHICAGO 0April 13: Nashville 1, Chicago 0 April 15: Nashville 5, Chicago 0 April 17: Nashville 3, Chicago 2, OT Thursday: Chicago at Nashville, late x-Saturday: Nashville at Chicago, 8 p.m. x-Monday: Chicago at Nashville, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: Nashville at Chicago, TBAST. LOUIS 3, MINNESOTA 1April 12: St. Louis 2, Minnesota 1, OT April 14: St. Louis 2, Minnesota 1 April 16: St. Louis 3, Minnesota 1 Wednesday: Minnesota 2, St. Louis 0 Saturday: St. Louis at Minnesota, 3 p.m. x-Monday: Minnesota at St. Louis, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: St. Louis at Minnesota, TBAANAHEIM 4, CALGARY 0April 13: Anaheim 3, Calgary 2 April 15: Anaheim 3, Calgary 2 April 17: Anaheim 5, Calgary 4, OT Wednesday: Anaheim 3, Calgary 1EDMONTON 2, SAN JOSE 2April 12: San Jose 3, Edmonton 2, OT April 14: Edmonton 2, San Jose 0 April 16: Edmonton 1, San Jose 0 April 18: San Jose 7, Edmonton 0 Thursday: San Jose at Edmonton, late Saturday: Edmonton at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. x-Monday: San Jose at Edmonton, TBATHURSDAYS PLAYOFF SUMMARY PENGUINS 5, BLUE JACKETS 2Columbus 0 2 0 „ 2 Pittsburgh 1 2 2 „ 5 First Period„1, Pittsburgh, Kessel 2 (Malkin, Schultz), 9:07 (pp). Penalties„Gagner, CBJ, (holding), 8:41. Second Period„2, Pittsburgh, Rust 4 (Malkin, Kessel), 1:07. 3, Pittsburgh, Rust 5 (Hainsey), 3:50. 4, Columbus, Karlsson 2 (Gagner), 9:30. 5, Columbus, Jenner 2 (Atkinson, Jones), 12:24 (pp). Penalties„Anderson, CBJ, (cross checking), 3:50; Daley, PIT, (holding), 11:23; Kuhnhackl, PIT, (tripping), 16:14; Dubinsky, CBJ, (hooking), 17:52. Third Period„6, Pittsburgh, Crosby 2 (Malkin, Kessel), 5:31 (pp). 7, Pittsburgh, Wilson 1 (Daley, Sheary), 6:22. Penalties„Wennberg, CBJ, (interference), 3:52; Guentzel, PIT, (hooking), 8:05. Shots on Goal„Columbus 15-17-19„51. Pittsburgh 12-11-9„32. Power -play opportunities„Columbus 1 of 3; Pittsburgh 2 of 4. Goalies„Columbus, Bobrovsky 1-3 (32 shots-27 saves). Pittsburgh, Fleury 3-1 (51-49). A„18,585 (18,387). T„2:27. Referees„Eric Furlatt, Tim Peel. Linesmen„ Michel Cormier, Steve Miller.ECHL PLAYOFF GLANCEDIVISIONAL SEMIFINALS (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE North Division Manchester 3, Adirondack 1 Friday, April 14: Manchester 3, Adirondack 1 Saturday, April 15: Manchester 4, Adirondack 2 Tuesday, April 18: Adirondack 3, Manchester 1 Thursday, April 20: Manchester 2, Adirondack 1 Saturday, April 22: Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Brampton 2, Reading 2 Thursday, April 13: Reading 2, Brampton 1 Saturday, April 15: Brampton 2, Reading 1, OT Tuesday, April 18: Brampton 2, Reading 1 Thursday, April 20: Reading 3, Brampton 2 Saturday, April 22: Reading at Brampton, 8 p.m. Monday, April 24: Brampton at Reading, 7 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Brampton at Reading, 7 p.m. South Division Orlando 2, Florida 1 Wednesday, April 12: Orlando 4, Florida 2 Friday, April 14: Orlando 3, Florida 2 Thursday, April 20: Florida 5, Orlando 4, OT Saturday, April 22: Florida at Orlando, 7 p.m. Sunday, April 23: Florida at Orlando, 4 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Orlando at Florida, 7:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Orlando at Florida, 7:30 p.m. Greenville 2, South Carolina 2 Thursday, April 13: Greenville 6, South Carolina 3 Friday, April 14: Greenville 4, South Carolina 1 Monday, April 17: South Carolina 6, Greenville 0 Tuesday, April 18: South Carolina 6, Greenville 1 Friday, April 21: South Carolina at Greenville, 7 p.m. Monday, April 24: Greenville at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: South Carolina at Greenville, 7 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division Toledo 2, Kalamazoo 2 Friday, April 14: Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 3 Saturday, April 15: Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 1 Tuesday, April 18: Kalamazoo 6, Toledo 4 Wednesday, April 19: Kalamazoo 8, Toledo 5 Friday, April 21: Kalamazoo at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. Sunday, April 23: Toledo at Kalamazoo, 3 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Kalamazoo at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. Fort Wayne 3, Quad City 0 Friday, April 14: Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 3 Saturday, April 15: Fort Wayne 3, Quad City 1 Wednesday, April 19: Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 3, OT Friday, April 21: Fort Wayne at Quad City, 8:05 p.m. x-Saturday, April 22: Fort Wayne at Quad City, 8:05 p.m. x-Monday, April 24: Quad City at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Quad City at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. Mountain Division Allen 2, Utah 1 Wednesday, April 12: Allen 4, Utah 3 Friday, April 14: Utah 4, Allen 1 Wednesday, April 19: Allen 4, Utah 2 Friday, April 21: Allen at Utah, 9:05 p.m. Saturday, April 22: Allen at Utah, 9:05 p.m. x-Monday, April 24: Utah at Allen, 8:05 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Allen at Utah, 9:05 p.m. Colorado 2, Idaho 1 Friday, April 14: Idaho 4, Colorado 2 Saturday, April 15: Colorado 2, Idaho 1, OT Wednesday, April 19: Colorado 4, Idaho 2 Friday, April 21: Colorado at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. Saturday, April 22: Colorado at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Idaho at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Idaho at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. GOLFPGA TOURVALERO TEXAS OPENThursdays leaders at TPC San Antonio (ATT Oaks Course), San A ntonio. Purse: $6.2 million. Yardage: 7,435. Par: 72 (36-36).First RoundBranden Grace 33-33„66 Will MacKenzie 33-34„67 John Huh 35-32„67 Stewart Cink 32-35„67 Steven Alker 34-33„67 Steve Marino 35-33„68 Shawn Stefani 35-33„68 Luke List 33-35„68 Brooks Koepka 33-35„68 Graeme McDowell 34-34„68 Seung-Yul Noh 35-33„68 Bob Estes 34-34„68 Tom Hoge 35-33„68 Jonathan Randolph 33-35„68 Robby Shelton 36-32„68 Ken Duke 33-35„68 Brian Gay 33-35„68 Bryce Molder 33-35„68 Freddie Jacobson 36-33„69 Anirban Lahiri 36-33„69 Patrick Reed 37-32„69 Jim Herman 34-35„69 Aaron Baddeley 36-33„69 Jamie Lovemark 33-36„69 Kevin Chappell 34-35„69 Sung Kang 35-34„69 Matt Jones 35-34„69 Geoff Ogilvy 35-34„69 Jhonattan Vegas 36-33„69 Nick Taylor 33-36„69 Soren Kjeldsen 35-34„69 Tim Wilkinson 35-34„69 Andres Gonzales 37-33„70 Ryan Moore 38-32„70 Adam Hadwin 36-34„70 Smylie Kaufman 35-35„70 Steve Wheatcroft 35-35„70 Morgan Hoffmann 36-34„70 Brian Campbell 35-35„70 Kevin Tway 36-34„70 Blayne Barber 37-33„70 Angel Cabrera 36-34„70 Bud Cauley 35-35„70 J.T. Poston 35-35„70 Jimmy Walker 35-35„70 Retief Goosen 32-38„70 Brendan Steele 36-34„70 Si Woo Kim 35-35„70 Martin Flores 35-35„70 Michael Thompson 34-36„70 Cameron Percy 37-33„70 Sebastian Munoz 35-35„70 Brandon Hagy 34-36„70 Joel Dahmen 34-36„70 Robert Streb 36-35„71 Tony Finau 35-36„71 K.J. Choi 36-35„71 Whee Kim 33-38„71 Julian Etulain 37-34„71 Nicholas Lindheim 35-36„71 Rafael Campos 37-34„71 Charley Hoffman 34-37„71 Greg Owen 36-35„71 Harold Varner III 37-34„71 Scott Stallings 36-35„71 Ryo Ishikawa 34-37„71 Kevin Streelman 35-36„71 Ryan Brehm 35-36„71 Zack Sucher 37-34„71 Andrew Loupe 36-36„72 Ryan Blaum 36-36„72 Tag Ridings 36-36„72 Billy Hurley III 38-34„72 J.J. Henry 38-34„72 Troy Merritt 35-37„72 Justin Leonard 35-37„72 Chad Campbell 36-36„72 Jason Kokrak 37-35„72 Seamus Power 39-33„72 Brett Drewitt 36-36„72 Ryan Armour 36-36„72 Cameron Tringale 38-34„72 Kyle Reifers 37-35„72 Tyrone Van Aswegen 36-36„72 Cameron Smith 33-39„72 Ollie Schniederjans 35-37„72 Martin Laird 36-36„72 Dominic Bozzelli 37-35„72 D.A. Points 35-37„72 Zac Blair 36-36„72 Daniel Summerhays 38-34„72 Max Homa 36-36„72 Zach Cabra 34-38„72 J.J. Spaun 38-35„73 Scott Piercy 38-35„73 Matt Kuchar 39-34„73 Steven Bowditch 37-36„73 Chris Stroud 37-36„73 Gonzalo Fdez-Castano 36-37„73 Camilo Villegas 38-35„73 Byeong Hun An 37-36„73 Tyler Aldridge 38-35„73 Curtis Luck 37-36„73 C.T. Pan 38-35„73 Spencer Levin 39-34„73 Danny Lee 36-37„73 Billy Horschel 37-36„73 Alex Cejka 40-33„73 Carl Pettersson 37-36„73 John Senden 37-36„73 Rory Sabbatini 34-39„73 Bryson DeChambeau 37-36„73 Ricky Barnes 38-35„73 Wesley McClain 38-35„73 Sam Saunders 36-37„73 Richy Werenski 36-37„73 Jordan Niebrugge 38-35„73 Kelly Kraft 37-37„74 Chad Collins 37-37„74 Mackenzie Hughes 36-38„74 Nick Watney 35-39„74 Robert Garrigus 38-36„74 Brad Fritsch 36-38„74 Ben Crane 38-36„74 Zach Johnson 37-37„74 Brian Stuard 36-38„74 Ryan Palmer 36-38„74 Brett Stegmaier 38-37„75 Chris Kirk 38-37„75 Cody Gribble 38-37„75 Greg Chalmers 37-38„75 Mark Anderson 38-37„75 Beau Hossler 40-35„75 Ian Poulter 36-39„75 Jason Bohn 40-35„75 Peter Malnati 38-37„75 Hunter Mahan 35-40„75 John Peterson 37-38„75 Willy Wilcox 36-39„75 Andrew Johnston 35-40„75 Xander Schauffele 38-37„75 Trey Mullinax 35-40„75 Rick Lamb 40-35„75 David Hearn 38-38„76 Johnson Wagner 39-37„76 Roberto Castro 38-38„76 Luke Donald 36-40„76 Joshua Brock 38-38„76 Bobby Wyatt 39-38„77 Keegan Bradley 38-39„77 Casey Russell 35-42„77 Matt Every 38-40„78 Michael Kim 38-41„79 Ted Purdy 39-40„79 Miguel Angel Carballo 41-41„82 Ben Curtis WDEUROPEAN TOURSHENZHEN INTERNATIONALThursdays leaders at Genzon GC, Shenzhen, China Purse: $2.8 million. Yardage: 7,145. Par: 72 (36-36).Partial First RoundBubba Watson, United States 32-34„66 Haydn Porteous, South Africa 36-31„67 Maximilian Kieffer, Germany 35-32„67 Dean Burmester, South Africa 34-33„67 Gregory Bourdy, France 33-34„67 Thongchai Jaidee, Thailand 34-33„67 Dylan Frittelli, South Africa 35-33„68 Daniel Im, United States 34-35„69 Liu Yan-Wei, China 33-36„69 Tommy Fleetwood, England 37-32„69 Liang Ding-Feng, China 37-32„69 David Drysdale, Scotland 35-35„70 Jason Scrivener, Australia 34-36„70 David Howell, England 33-37„70 Peter Hanson, Sweden 35-35„70 Romain Langasque, France 37-33„70 Chris Hanson, England 34-36„70 James Morrison, England 35-35„70 Stephen Gallacher, Scotland 35-35„70 George Coetzee, South Africa 34-36„70 Paul Dunne, Ireland 37-33„70AlsoRoss Fisher, England 35-36„71 Peter Uihlein, United States 34-37„71 David Lipsky, United States 36-37„73LEADERBOARD Score Thru Bubba Watson, United States -6 18 Haydn Porteous, South Africa -5 18 Maximilian Kieffer, Germany -5 18 Dean Burmester, South Africa -5 18 Gregory Bourdy, France -5 18 Thongchai Jaidee, Thailand -5 18 Dylan Frittelli, South Africa -4 18 Thorbjorn Olesen, Denmark -4 16 Bernd Wiesberger, Austria -4 16 Eduardo de la Riva, Spain -4 12AlsoDaniel Im, United States -3 18 Peter Uihlein, United States -1 18 Paul Peterson, United States E 11 David Lipsky, United States +1 18AUTO RACINGUPCOMING RACESAll Times Eastern NASCAR MONSTER CUP FOOD CITY 500Site: Bristol, Tennessee Schedule: Today, practice, 11:30 a.m. (FS1), qualifying, 4:45 p.m. (FS1); Saturday, practice, 8:30 a.m. (FS1); practice, 11 a.m. (FS1); Sunday, race, 2 p.m., FOX. Track: Bristol Motor Speedway (oval, 0.53 miles). Race distance: 266.6 miles, 500 laps. Last year: Carl Edwards won the “ rst of two straight races. Edwards also took the pole. Last race: Jimmie Johnson won his “ rst race of 2017 after starting 24th. Fast facts: Youngsters Kyle Larson and Chase Elliott continue to dominate the standings. Larson is “ rst with 315 points and a win, and Elliott is 17 points behind. Elliott has yet to win this season though. ... The R oush Fenway Racing No. 17 team was penalized $10,000 for post-race infractions after last weekends event in Texas. One of Ricky Stenhouse Jr.s 20 lug nuts wasnt properly installed, leading to a “ ne for crew chief Brian Pattie. ... Fifteen drivers have secured spots in the upcoming All-Star race. Next race: Toyota Owners 400, April 30, Richmond International Raceway, Richmond, Virginia. Online: www.nascar.comNASCAR XFINITY FITZGERALD GLIDER KITS 300Site: Bristol, Tennessee Schedule: Today, practice, 1 p.m. (FS1), practice, 3:30 p.m. (FS1); Saturday, qualifying, 9:35 a.m. (FS1), race, 1 p.m., FS1. Track: Bristol Motor Speedway (oval, 0.53 miles). Race distance: 159.9 miles, 300 laps. Last year: Erik Jones won for the “ rst time in 2016 at Bristol. Last race: Jones broke through this season, winning from the front row in Texas. Fast facts: GMS Racing says Ben Kennedy will run at least 12 series races for the team this season, starting May 27 at Charlotte. .. .William Byron is now just six points behind leader Elliott Sadler „ though neither has won a race this season. Ryan Reed is 42 points behind Sadler, but he has “ ve playoff points. Next race: Toyotacare 250, April 29, Richmond International Raceway. Online: www.nascar.comNASCAR CAMPING WORLD TRUCKLast race: Chase Elliott opened April with a win at Martinsville. Next race: Toyota Tundra 250, May 12, Kansas Motor Speedway, Kansas City, Kansas. Online: www.nascar.comVERIZON INDYCAR INDY GRAND PRIX OF ALABAMASite: Birmingham, Alabama Schedule: Today, practice, 11:45 a.m., practice 3:25 p.m.; Saturday, practice, noon; qualifying, 4:30 p.m. (NBCSN); Sunday, race, 3 p.m., NBCSN. Track: Barber Motorsports Park (road, 2.3 miles). Race distance: 207 miles, 90 laps. Last year: Simon Pagenaud took “ rst for Team Penske from the pole. Last race: James Hinchcliffe won at Long Beach in the second race of 2017. Fast facts: IndyCar returns to Barber for the eighth time. Will Power and Ryan Hunter-Reay have each won twice there. ... Scott Dixon has earned a podium “ nish in six of seven races in Alabama „ with four seconds „ but hes never won the race. ... Zach Veach will make his series debut in place of JR Hildebrand, who is out with a broken left hand. ... Formula One driver Fernando Alonso will be at Barber this week and through the race as he prepares to run in next months Indianapolis 500. Next race: Phoenix Grand Prix, April 29, Phoenix International Raceway, Avondale, Arizona. Online: www.indycar.comFORMULA ONELast race: Sebastian Vettel won for the second time in three races last week in Bahrain. Next race: Russian Grand Prix, April 30, Sochi Autodrom, Sochi, Russia. Online: www.formula1.comNHRA SPRINGNATIONALSSite: Baytown, Texas Schedule: Today, practice, 6:45 p.m.; Saturday, practice, 1:15 p.m., 3:45 p.m.; Sunday, “ nals, 3:25 p.m. Track: Royal Purple Raceway Last year: Doug Kalitta won in Texas for the second year in a row. Last race: Antron Brown captured “ rst in top fuel in Las Vegas earlier this month. Fast facts: Kalitta is going for his fourth win at the Houston-area track, which would set a new record. Kalitta also holds the most wins in NHRA history without a world title. ...Don Schumacher Racing has dominated the “ eld this year. Leah Pritchett, point standings leader Tony Schumacher and Brown have already won in 2017. Next race: Four Wide Nationals, April 30, zMax Dragway, Concord, North Carolina. Online: www.nhra.comTENNISATP TOURMONTE CARLO ROLEX MASTERSThursday at The Monte-Carlo Country Club, Monaco Purse: $4.54 million (Masters 1000). Surface: Clay-OutdoorMens Singles Third RoundAlbert Ramos-Vinolas (15), Spain, def. Andy Murray (1), Britain, 2-6, 6-2, 7-5. Marin Cilic (5), Croatia, def. Tomas Berdych (9), Czech Republic, 6-2, 7-6 (0). Pablo Cuevas (16), Uruguay, def. Stan Wawrinka (3), Switzerland, 6-4, 6-4. Lucas Pouille (11), France, def. Adrian Mannarino, France, 3-0, retired. David Gof“ n (10), Belgium, def. Dominic Thiem (6), Austria, 7-6 (4), 4-6, 6-3. Rafael Nadal (4), Spain, def. Alexander Zverev (14), Germany, 6-1, 6-1. Diego Schwartzman, Argentina, def. JanLennard Struff, Germany, 6-3, 6-0. Novak Djokovic (2), Serbia, def. Pablo Carreno Busta (13), Spain, 6-2, 4-6, 6-4.Mens Doubles Second RoundFeliciano Lopez and Marc Lopez (7), Spain, def. Florin Mergea, Romania, and Aisam-ulHaq Qureshi, Pakistan, 6-4, 6-2. Jamie Murray, Britain, and Bruno Soares (3), Brazil, def. Tommy Haas, Germany, and Treat Huey, Philippines, 6-3, 6-2. Rohan Bopanna, India, and Pablo Cuevas, Uruguay, def. Raven Klaasen, South Africa, and Rajeev Ram (5), United States, 6-7 (6), 6-4, 10-6.SOCCERMAJOR LEAGUE SOCCEREASTERN CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GA Columbus 4 2 1 13 11 8 Orlando City 4 1 0 12 6 4 Chicago 3 1 2 11 9 7 New York City FC 3 2 1 10 10 5 New York Red Bulls 3 3 1 10 7 9 Atlanta United FC 2 2 2 8 14 7 New England 2 3 2 8 9 9 D.C. United 2 3 1 7 4 10 Toronto FC 1 1 4 7 7 6 Montreal 1 2 3 6 7 9 Philadelphia 0 4 2 2 5 11WESTERN CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GA Portland 4 2 1 13 16 9 Sporting Kansas City 3 0 3 12 6 2 FC Dallas 3 0 2 11 7 3 Houston 3 2 1 10 13 11 San Jose 2 2 3 9 8 8 Real Salt Lake 2 3 2 8 8 9 Vancouver 2 3 1 7 8 11 Los Angeles 2 4 0 6 8 10 Seattle 1 2 3 6 8 8 Minnesota United 1 4 2 5 12 24 Colorado 1 3 1 4 5 8 3 points for victory, 1 point for tieWednesdays GamesSan Jose 0, New England 0, tieTodays GamesChicago at Toronto FC, 7:30 p.m.Saturdays GamesMontreal at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. San Jose at Houston, 4 p.m. Vancouver at Portland, 4 p.m. Columbus at New York, 7:30 p.m. D.C. United at New England, 7:30 p.m. Sporting Kansas City at FC Dallas, 8 p.m. Atlanta United FC at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 p.m.Sundays GamesOrlando City at New York City FC, 1:30 p.m. Seattle at Los Angeles, 4 p.m. Colorado at Minnesota United, 6 p.m.COLLEGE BASEBALLCOLLEGIATE BASEBALL POLLThe Collegiate Baseball poll with records through April 16. Voting is done by coaches, sports writers and sports information directors: Record Pts Prv 1. Oregon St. 30-2 498 1 2. Louisville 31-4 496 3 3. Texas Christian 28-7 492 2 4. North Carolina 29-7 490 5 5. Clemson 30-6 489 4 6. Texas Tech 31-8 487 6 7. Arizona 26-9 485 7 8. Cal St. Fullerton 23-11 482 8 9. Arkansas 29-8 479 11 10. Auburn 27-11 477 9 11. Kentucky 25-12 474 16 12. Louisiana St. 25-12 473 10 13. St. Johns 26-5 472 12 14. Mississippi St. 25-13 468 15 15. Virginia 29-9 465 17 16. Florida 24-12 463 18 17. Wake Forest 28-10 461 22 18. Maryland 24-11 458 21 19. San Diego 25-9 456 24 20. Michigan 29-7 453 25 21. South Carolina 22-13 450 13 22. Southern Mississippi 28-9 446 19 23. McNeese St. 26-9 443 NR 24. Long Beach St. 22-12 441 NR 25. West Virginia 21-13 440 NR 26. Tennessee Tech 29-9 437 NR 27. Vanderbilt 22-15 434 20 28. Oregon 23-10 432 23 29. Coastal Carolina 22-13-1 428 26 30. Washington 20-14 426 30BASEBALL AMERICA TOP 25 The top 25 teams in the Baseball America poll through April 16 (selected by Baseball America): Record Prv 1. Oregon State 30-2 1 2. Louisville 31-4 2 3. North Carolina 29-7 4 4. Texas Tech 31-8 6 5. Clemson 30-6 5 6. Arizona 26-9 7 7. TCU 28-7 3 8. Cal State Fullerton 23-11 8 9. LSU 25-12 9 10. Auburn 27-11 10 11. Mississippi State 25-13 13 12. Long Beach State 22-12 12 13. Virginia 29-9 14 14. Kentucky 25-12 15 15. Florida 24-12 16 16. Arkansas 29-8 19 17. Wake Forest 28-10 20 18. Michigan 29-7 23 19. Oklahoma 27-12 11 20. Southern Miss. 28-9 21 21. West Virginia 21-13 „ 22. St. Johns 26-5 24 23. Texas A&M 26-11 „ 24. Houston 25-10 „ 25. Oregon 23-10 22CALENDARMLBMay 16-18 „ Owners meetings, New York. June 12 „ Amateur draft starts. July 11 „ All-Star Game, Miami. July 7 „ Last day to sign for amateur draft picks subject to deadline. July 30 „ Hall of Fame inductions, Cooperstown, N.Y. July 31 „ Last day to trade a player without securing waivers. Sept. 1 „ Active rosters expand to 40 players. NBAApril 23 „ Early entry eligibility deadline. May 1 „ Conference semi“ nals begin. May 9-14 „ Draft combine, Chicago. May 16 „ Draft lottery. June 1 „ NBA Finals begin. June 12 „ NBA draft early entry withdrawal deadline. June 18 „ NBA Finals latest possible date. June 22 „ NBA draft.NFLApril 21 „ Deadline for restricted free agents to sign offer sheets. April 26 „ Deadline for prior club to exercise right of “ rst refusal to restricted free agents. April 27-29 „ NFL draft, Philadelphia. May 22-24 „ Spring owners meetings, Chicago. Aug. 3 „ Hall of Fame game. Aug. 5 „ Pro Football Hall of Fame inductions.NHLMay 28-June 3 „ Draft combine, Buffalo, N.Y. June 14 „ Last possible day for Stanley Cup “ nals June 23-24 „ NHL draft, Chicago July 1 „ Free agency begins.BOXINGSCHEDULE April 20At Turning Stone Resort Casino, Verona, N.Y. (ESPN2), Michael Perez vs. Marcelino Lopez, 10, super lightweights; Rashidi Ellis vs. John Karl Sosa, 10, for Ellis IBF North American welterweight title.April 22At Barclays Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (SHO), Andre Berto vs. Shawn P orter, 12, welterweights; Jermell Charlo vs. Charles Hatley, 12, for Charlos WBC World junior middleweight title; Luis Ortiz vs. Derric Rossy, 10, heavyweights. At StubHub Center, Carson, Calif. (PPV), Oscar Valdez vs. Miguel Marriaga, 12, for Valdezs WBO featherweight title; Gilberto Ramirez vs. Max Bursak, 12, for Ramirezs WBO super middleweight title; Jessie Magdaleno vs. Adeilson Dos Santos, 12, for Magdalenos WBO junior featherweight title.April 23At Osaka, Japan, Kazuto Ioka vs. Noknoi Sitthiprasert, 12, for Iokas WBA ” yweight title; Marlon Tapales vs. Shohei Omori, 12, for Tapales WBO bantamweight title.April 25At Horseshoe Casino, Tunica, Miss. (FS1), Oscar Molina vs. Levan Ghvamichava, 10, junior middleweights.April 29At Cebu City, Philippines, Donnie Nietes vs. Komgrich Nantapech, 12, for vacant IBF ” yweight title; Mark Magsayo vs. Issa Nampepeche, 10, featherweights; Jeo Santisima vs. Master Suro, 10, junior featherweights; Virgil Vitor vs. Michael Escobia, 10, junior featherweights. At Wembley Stadium, London, Anthony Joshua vs. Wladimir Klitschko, for Joshuas IBF and the vacant WBA Super World/IBO heavyweight titles; Luke Campbell vs. Darleys Perez, 12, lightweights; Scott Quigg vs. Viorel Simion, 12, for Quiggs WBA International featherweight title. At Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas (FS1), Beibut Shumenov vs. Yunier Dorticos, 12, for Shumenovs WBA cruiserweight title; Carlos Zambrano vs. Claudio Marrero, 12, for Zambranos WBA World interim featherweight title.May 5At Ekaterinburg, Russia, Shane Mosley vs. Magomed Kurbanov, 12, junior middleweights; Evgeny Gradovich vs. Hugo Berrio, 12, super bantamweights; Rustam Nugaev vs. Deiner Berrio, 10, lightweights. At Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas (ESPN2), Yuriorkis Gamboa vs. Robinson Castellanos, 10, lightweights; Abraham Lopez vs. Jesus Riojas, 12, for Lopezs WBA-NABA featherweight title; Yamaguchi Falcao vs. Morgan Fitch, 10, middleweights.May 6At T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas (PPV), Saul Alvarez vs. Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., 12, super middleweights; Lucas Matthysse vs. Emmanuel Taylor, 10, welterweights; David Lemieux vs. Marcos Reyes, 10, middleweights; Joseph Diaz vs. Manuel Avila, 10, featherweights.


Page 6 SP Friday, April 21, 2017 / The SunIN BRIEFCOLLEGEIndiana bans athletes with sexual violence pastIndiana University will no longer admit studentathletes with a history of sexual or domestic violence. The Indianapolis Star reports the athletics department policy was approved this month. It bans prospective student-athletes from athletics-related “ nancial aid, practice and competition if they have been convicted of or pleaded guilty or no contest to a felony involving sexual violence.Ž That includes transfer students and incoming freshman. The policy de“ nes sexual violence as dating violence, domestic violence, rape, sexual assault or sexual violence as de“ ned by the Indiana University policy on sexual misconduct.ŽEx-Iowa of“ cial says she took dont ask, dont tellŽ stand The former top female athletic administrator at the University of Iowa testi“ ed Thursday that she functioned with a dont ask, dont tellŽ mentality while maintaining a decade-long relationship with the Hawkeyes “ eld hockey coach, adding she feared shed never achieve her goal of becoming a Division I athletic director as an out lesbian.Ž Jane Meyer is suing the Hawkeyes for discrimination after being transferred out of athletics and ultimately laid off in 2016.NFLManning insists he did nothing wrongAn angry and emotional Eli Manning has denied providing fake game-used memorabilia to a collector, insisting he will be vindicated. Manning addressed the accusations on Thursday after a plaintiff in a 2014 lawsuit recently “ led a motion to compel testimony that included an email from Manning to a team equipment manager asking for two helmets that could pass as game-used items. The two-time Super Bowl MVP refused to discuss the speci“ cs of the civil case, which is scheduled to go to trial in September in state Superior Court in Bergen County.BOXINGBroner arrested on warrantPolice say boxer Adrien Broner was stopped in a bullet-riddled car then arrested on an outstanding warrant in Kentucky. The 28-year-old boxer from Cincinnati was stopped Thursday after reports of shots “ red. Broner had crossed into Kentucky and told police an unknown person “ red several rounds at his vehicle. Broner wasnt hurt, but police arrested him on a warrant for failing to appear for a 2014 court case in Covington, Kentucky, on charges of alcohol intoxication in a public place and disorderly conduct.„Associated Press By BRIAN MAHONEYAssociated PressNEW YORK „ David Stern hasnt left the NBA far behind. Just a few blocks, actually. His office these days is located in a building near the one he had as commissioner, the job he left in 2014 after 30 years in which he helped turn a struggling league into a $5 billion annual behemoth. For the most part, he likes the direction of the league the last three years. In addition to the talent, Im in awe of the shooting skills of Steph Curry, of Klay Thompson, of a (Russell) Westbrook and a (James) Harden, et cetera,Ž Stern told The Associated Press by phone. But Im also in awe of the potential the league has both digitally and globally. So the game is strong, the attendance is at a record, the future is extraordinary internationally and the league is a leader under Adam (Silver) in the digital sphere. So its really a wonderful opportunity for the owners, for the players, and for my former colleagues at the team and league level.Ž Stern, as would be expected, is keenly aware that it hasnt been smooth sailing for Silver and the league. The NBA is still searching for solutions to some problems that were vexing under Stern, such as tanking and healthy players sitting out games. He talks with Silver, but wont comment on their discussions about those issues or anything else. That would involve the commissioner slash commissioner emeritus privilege,Ž he said. Stern, 74, is more businessman than sportsman now, advising venture capital firms from his position atop DJS Global Advisors and investing in a number of startups, some of them in sports technology. He still watches plenty of games, and the viewing process helps guide his investment strategies. The league that once begged for a television presence „ the NBA Finals that were sometimes shown on tape delay into the early 1980s „ now has national TV deals that are worth more than $2.6 billion annually. But fans arent just watching games on TV anymore, and Stern believes their viewing habits will change even more in the coming years.NBA Stern tells AP hes bullish on league Any time Connor McDa-vid, Alex Ovechkin or Sidney Crosby goes over the boards, everyone in the arena is watching and wait-ing for something special to happen. From the opposing bench, tireless efforts have gone into preventing that. Nothing gets more attention in the Stanley Cup playoffs than a superstar, from the likes of McDavid, Ovechkin and Crosby to rookie of the year front-runner Auston Matthews and game-changing defensemen Erik Karlsson and Brent Burns. Slowing them down takes days of preparation and scouting, the right strategy and a village on the ice to keep top players from taking over a game or a series. Those guys are difference-makers in the game,Ž said coach Peter DeBoer, whose San Jose Sharks have held McDavid of the Edmonton Oilers to two points in four games. When you look at the analytics and the percentage of the offense hes involved with with their team, its something youd be crazy not to pay attention to.Ž Theres a reason lesser-known players Zack Kassian, Bobby Ryan, Jaden Schwartz and Jake Guentzel lead the playoffs in game-winning goals with so much attention devoted to bottling up and frustrating the stars. Everybody probably more focused in the D-zone and everywhere and try to be smart all three zones. Nobody wants to lose,Ž Washington Capitals defenseman Dmitry Orlov said. Just kind of simple things defensively, but its not always easy to do.Ž Hockey is considered the ultimate team sport because its more difficult for a single player to make a significant impact than in other sports, but the process of stopping him is more complex. Columbus coach John Tortorella said you cant map it out like football where you have a 3-4 defenseŽ and Capitals defenseman Matt Niskanen said its not realistic to try something like a box and one in basketball. Taking away a players time and spaceŽ is a time-honored hockey cliche, but its also the best way to contain a star. Good players, if they have space, theyre going to pick you part,Ž Niskanen said. The quicker you can get on him and force him to make good plays under heavy pressure, I think thats your best chance of negating his creativity and his ability to operate.Ž In Game 1 of Washingtons series against the Toronto Maple Leafs, Jay Beagle seemed at times almost glued to Matthews. Sharks center Logan Couture, an elite talent in his own right, is meanwhile always trying to stay in front of McDavid in the neutral zone to negate the team captains speed. Couture also knows he has to take part in battles on the boards and mind the transition attack from Edmonton, even when hes on offense. Youre putting yourself in defensive spots first,Ž Couture said. Even if its in the O-zone, you want to be above him because he is so quick and hes got that extra step. If you can get above him and try to slow him down it only helps us.Ž Maple Leafs forward Eric Fehr, who played a shutdown role durin g the Pittsburgh Penguins Stanley Cup run last spring, said defending an elite talent means being laser focused no matter where the puck is. Its a game inside the game,Ž he said. When youre playing against the same guy the whole series, every game, you start to get a little 1-on-1 rivalry. You just try to do your best to wear him out and make sure that every shift is difficult for him.Ž Its also a team effort, as the Predators have shown in holding Blackhawks stars Jonathan Toews and Patrick Kane to one point apiece through three games, all Chicago losses. Coach Peter Laviolettes game plan, Nashvilles structure and Pekka Rinnes goaltending have combined to do the trick. Toronto center Brian Boyle, tasked with defending opponents top lines during deep playoff runs with the New York Rangers and Tampa Bay Lightning, said teams plan for every player. As coach Mike Babcock pointed out, Ovechkin only needs one shot to make an impact, so the key is keeping the puck off his stick as much as possible. Everybody has to do their job that way (so that) when you get close on a guy and you have the close support, you can outnumber and put him in situations where you can get the puck back,Ž Boyle said. Its not 1-on-1 for 200 feet of the ice. It takes five guys.Ž Sometimes it takes six, and when the last line of defense falters it can be the difference in the series. Evgeni Malkin has eight points and Crosby six for the Penguins, who have taken it to the Blue Jackets and struggling goaltender Sergei Bobrovsky in going up 3-1. But the work to stop a star begins well before he takes a shot on net. Like the Sharks with McDavid, Maple Leafs defenseman Matt Hunwick said, slowing down top players in the neutral zone is essential because once they cross the blue line they can crisscross, change lanes and become dangerous „ evading even the best-designed coverages. Just be cognizant of where theyre at,Ž Hunwick said. You have to know exactly where those guys are because the top goalscorers in the league, somehow they seem to get lost sometimes.Ž SPORTS TICKERStopping the starsHow to slow down a superstar is biggest challenge in NHL playo sStern Good players, if they have space, theyre going to pick you part. The quicker you can get on him and force him to make good plays under heavy pressure, I think thats your best chance of negating his creativity and his ability to operate.Ž„Matt Niskanen, Capitals defensemanBy STEPHEN WHYNOAssociated Press Alex Ovechkin Sidney Crosby


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Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 21, 2017 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PENDING NORTH PORT Fairway Villa, 2b/2b Cathedral Ceiling, A/C, Lanai, Shopping, Beautiful neighborhood $75,900 978-985-9874 PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2 WATERFRONTINC. DOCK&LIFTQUICKACCESSTOHARBOR! $184,900 BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY PUNTA GORDA ISLES Beautiful 2/2 Waterfront Condo w/ Deeded Dock in the Desirable Gateway Complex! Stunning Split Bedroom Interior w/ Remodeled Kitchen, Lots of Closet Space & Lanai Balcony. Quick Access to Charlotte Harbor & the Peace River! $183,500. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty PUNTA GORDA ISLES Unique 3/3.5/2 3168 sf. Waterfront Condo. 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Spa Tubs, Bamboo Floors, Granite/ Marble Baths. Private Elevator! 3rd Floor Patio! $459,000. 941-505-1492 PUNTA GORDA ISLES. Waterfront 2/2 w/ Private 2 Car Garage. 2022 Sq. Ft. Quick Sailboat Access! Deeded Dock w/ Lift. Pool, Hot Tub, Clubhouse, Gym & MORE!! $399,000. (913)-269-1007 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! PUNTA GORDAEmerald Point, Top Floor w/ Outstanding Views! 2/1 Condo w/ Boat Slip. Access to the Gulf! Totally Remodeled! New A/C, SS Appliances Incl. Washer & Dryer. $139,900. 813-480-7561 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE DEEP CREEK 2/2/1 Turn-Key Furn. Condo. Breakfast Area, Large Pantry, Great Room, Large Screened Private Lanai. Home is Located Behind Gated Entrance to Heritage Lakes. Pool, Clubhouse & Community Amentities Galore! $117,900. Diana Hayes, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-740-4899 DEEP CREEK LAKE FRONT 2BR/2BA+ den & cp 1250sf, Built in 2005 New tile carpet & paint. Only $139,900. 941-268-6820 FOR SALE BY OWNER 2/2 Condo w/ Covered Parking. Punta Gorda, Next To Civic Center Between The Bridges, Along Riverwalk. In 55+ Community. $167,000 941-626-5984 FOR SALE BY OWNER Circle Woods of Venice 2br/2ba furnished detached condo. FL room & many upgrades. Many activities including 2 pools and Jacuzzi. 4 Miles to Manasota Beach. Close to shopping. Show By appointment. Asking $169,900. Call 941-4930156 or Cell 941-525-6293 PUNTA GORDA 2/2 55+. Furnished, A/C, Elev., Laundry In Unit, Lanai, Pool, Covered Parking. $164,900 516-742-8837 For Sale By Owner LAKE SUZY This 3/2.5/3 Spectacular Home is Located in Kingsway Country Club on a Premium Lakefront, Golf Course Lot w/ Over $132K in Upgrades! WOW! Incredible Great Room, Wrap Around Wet Bar Lanai w/ Hot Tub. Quartz Counter Kitchen, Master Suite w/ Jetted Massage & Rain Shower. Pristine Insided & Out! Air Conditioned Workshop w/ Golf Cart Entrance. Lots of Storage! $359,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES PORT CHARLOTTELOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Beautiful Remodeled 3/2/2 Heated POOL Home on 3 Cul-de-Sac Lots w/ Panoramic View of the Myakka River & Paar Waterway! Open Kitchen, Family Room w/ Fireplace, Walk-in Closet in Master Suite. Seawall, Dock & Lift. $570,000 Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty REDUCED! ROTONDA 3/2/2 Waterfront home with large fenced in yard. Furniture and Appliances included. By Owner $195,000 941-662-6250 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY North Port 5394 White Ibis (Heron Creek), 1638 SF Villa 3/2/2 with screened lanai overlooking wonderfully private view of the lake in gated golf community. Heron Creek just completed a make-over of the 27 hole championship golf course. NOT in flood zone. No CDD fees. YOUR TICKET TO PARADISE! $238,500 Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 PUNTA GORDA FSBO 10493 Princess Ct. Beautiful Seminole Lakes Country Club, low HOA Fees that provide lawn maintenance and 24 hour gate guards. 2 LARGE Bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, 2 car garage w/attic storage, open, spacious kitchen/living/dining. Newer appliances, heat/ac systems, water filtration w/softener, on cul-de-sac for privacy, fruit trees, sprinkler system, gated, golf course, tennis, heated pool, fitness, approx 1747SF Living area. $239,500 941-916-9866 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESUN1-4 PM ORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLY$179,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PUNTA GORDA BURNT STORE MEADOWS 7505 CORALTREE. NEW HOME. 3/2/2 POOL, GRANITEANDTILE. $279,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 PUNTAGORDA, BURNTSTOREMEADOWS. BRANDNEW3/2.5/3 POOLHOME. LOTSOFUPGRADES! REDUCED$339,900BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY SALE PENDING SOUTH VENICE2 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT! 3/2/2 SPLITPLAN. NEARBEACHYETQUIETAREA! CLOSE TOAMENITIES! STILLTIMETOPICKYOURCOLORS& OPTIONS! $280KSARASOTAREMODELINGINC.941-893-7326 VENICE 4/4/2. 19267 Kirella St. Expansive water view w/huge lanai in Maintenancefree IslandWalk. Stunning home. Price reduced $439,000. West Villages Realty. (941)460-3179 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES NORTH PORT6289 Morning Ave. This charming well kept home is located on the Big slough canal. Updated electric panel, A/C & roof two years old, still under warranty. $195,000. TERRYL CARL, KW on the Water 941-962-7922 PENDING PLACIDA4/2/2+Pool ICW, Big Views,Dock,2 Lifts RV garage,2 Suites,kitchens Granite, Tile, $1,100,000 Sue and Jim RESKE PARSLEY-BALDWIN REALTY 941-276-4219 PORT CHARLOTTESPECTACULAR2/2/2 WATERFRONTPOOL HOMEON THEPELLAMWATERWAY! WELLMAINTAINED! FORMALLIVING& DININGROOMS. UPDATES! NEAT, CLEAN& WELLLANDSCAPED! $315,000. DEBSESTILIO941-391-1873 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARFISHERMEN`SVILLAGEOFFICE PORT CHARLOTTE SPECTACULAR4/3/2 W/ MAGNIFICENTPOOL& SAILBOATHARBORWATERVIEWS!! PRIVATEDOCK, BOATLIFT& SMALLBEACH! 2 MASTERS(POSSIBLEIN-LAWSUITE). $975,000. Polly Green, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-875-3773 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE 1105 Bristol St., HONEYMOON COTTAGE OR RETIREMENT HAVEN! 1200 SF 2BD/2BA/1CG screened lanai nestled on large shady lot in quiet neighborhood (close to all amenities). NEWer roof, brand new AC, recently replaced septic system ($5K),, NEWer appliances!. NOT IN FLOOD ZONE. NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! NOTHING COMPARABLE IN COMFORT, APPEARANCE AND LOCATION AT THIS PRICE! $135,000 Patty Gillespie, ReMax Anchor 941-875-2755 PORT CHARLOTTE 12588 Chamberlain Blvd, Light, bright, airy open floor plan in this 2006, 1600 SF 3/2/2 on oversized lot Screened garage and front entry! Hurricane shutters! Extended granite counter tops, and breakfast bar! SS appl!All tile thruout, except bedrooms! Walk-in closets in all bdrms! NEW AC! $199,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 P a r k L i k e S e t t i n g PORT CHARLOTTE 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATH, 1 CARGARAGE. ALLTILEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHENHASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1839 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! PORT CHARLOTTE FL LIFESTYLE IS EPITOMIZED IN THIS 1700 SF 2/2/2 CANAL-FRONT POOL HOME ON LUSHLY LANDSCAPED LOT IN MUCH SOUGHTAFTER SECTION OF PORT CHARLOTTE! WHOLE-HOUSE ACCORDIAN HURRICANE SHUTTERS! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! Solar-Heated Screened /Caged Pool Overlooking Tranquil Freshwater Canal. Quiet neighborhood featuring beautiful homes with easy access to shopping, restaurants, world-class fishing and golf. $189,900 Patty Gillespie RE/MAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED PORT CHARLOTTE HUGE 4+CAR GARAGE w/14' rollup door included w/this move-in ready home w/new central A/C & oversize lot. $139,900 HOPESAGESUNREALTY941-875-4150 ROTONDA3/2/2 POOLHOME. QUIETSTREET$219KCALLTERRYLONGALWAYSLONGONSERVICE TOFINDOUTWHATYOUR HOMEISWORTH. KELLERWILLIAMSREALTYGOLD941-830-2347 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NOKOMISCALUSA LAKES PRIVATE3 BEDROOM, 3 FULL& 2 PARTIALBATHS, 2 CARGARAGE, POOL HOMEONGOLFCOURSE! 4100 SF. NEWFLATTILEROOFIN2015! OFFICE& MORE!! $695,000. DOUGPARKS, MICHAELSAUNDERS& CO. 941-400-9087 NORTH PORT 2183 Hopwood Rd. A Small Price You'll pay for this light, bright, open '05-built 1300 SF 3/2/2 with gorgeous tile & laminate floors throughout in great family neighborhood close to schools, shopping, amenities. A REAL GEM FOR ONLY $160K. Patty Gillespie, REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! NORTH PORT 3172 Bellefonte Ave., QUALITYWALKER-BUILT1500 SF 3/2/2/ WITHSOLAR-HEATEDSALT-WATERPOOLONFULLYFENCEDLOT INAGREATFAMILYNEIGHBORHOOD. SECURITYSYSTEM. FRENCHDOORS. NEW $14K SAFE-STEPTUB/SHOWERINMASTERBATH. NEW APPLIANCES, HOTWATER HEATER& WATERSOFTENER. NODEEDRESTRICTIONS! NOTINFLOODZONE! $207,000Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 3513 Cuthbert, Spectacular custom-built, energy-saving executive residence with 2400 SF under air, 3bd/2ba + den/office, on lushly landscaped lot in upscale neighborhood close to all amenities. Granite! Walk-in pantry! Central vac! Whole house solar and solar hot water heater. NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! $279,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 6440 Malaluka Road. Enjoy the view of the canal, open concept living, dining and kitchen with two spacious bedrooms. 1,220 square feet. Furniture incld. Motivated Seller. Please contact Kristine Dorward 514-618-0360. NORTH PORT 2509 Cartright LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 1500 SF 3/2/2 WITH ENCLOSED LANAI on FENCED CORNER LOT. Minutes to all amenities, schools, I-75. PAMPERED BEAUTY! ROOMY COMFORT! This house is devoted to everyday enjoyment in a choice neighborhood! $173,000 Patty Gillespie REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED!


Friday, April 21, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 3 2010 PROFESSIONAL 220 LICENSED AGENTS MONDAY-FRIDAY FAXRESUMETO941-206-0036OREMAILRESUME:SUNCLASSIFIEDS 1@ GMAIL COM MATES/DECK HANDS NEEDED PARTTIME. MANDATORYDRUGTESTING. APPLYINPERSON. 10AM-2PM (M-F) 7075 PLACIDAROADENGLEWOOD, FL 33946 MATES/DECK HANDS NEEDED PARTTIME. MANDATORYDRUGTESTING. APPLYINPERSON. 10AM-2PM (M-F) 7075 PLACIDAROADENGLEWOOD, FL 33946 VENICE COMPANYIS CURRENTLYSEEKINGAN ENTRY LEVEL DATA ENTRY CLERK. MUSTBECOMFORTABLE WORKINGWITHCOMPUTER SOFTWAREANDEXCEL. FULLTIMEWITHBENEFITS. PLEASESENDRESUMETOJOBS SWFLORIDA @ GMAIL COM Needa newJob? LookintheClassifieds! 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE FRONT DESK OFFICEFORPROPERTYOWNERS' ASSOCIATIONOFFICE. P/T HOURSAREMONDAY, TUESDAY& WEDNESDAY9 AMTO5 P.M. LOOKINGFORAFRIENDLY"PEOPLEPERSON" TOGREETOUR MEMBERSASTHEYENTERTHE CLUBHOUSE. COMPUTERSKILLSNECESSARY. SENDRESUMETOPATKELLYPROPERTYMANAGER, 1111 FORRESTNELSONBLVD. PORTCHARLOTTE, FL 33952. 2030 MEDICAL CNAS NEEDED FOR180 BED REHAB FACILITY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS APPLY ONLINE @ SIGN ON BONUS RNS $1500.00 LPNS $750.00 Weekends 7-3 & 3-11 ****************************** cnas Full time 3 11 & 11-7 PLease apply QUALITY HEALTH CARE 6940 Outreach Way North Port (941)426-8411 or FAX Resume to 941-423-1572 or Email qhccnp5 EOE Drug free work place 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS ENGLEWOOD WATERFRONT LOTS GATED SUBDIVISION with Keywest style homes. Lots with docks, 15 mins to Gulf. $74,900 $150,000.941-475-3366 NORTH PORTTWO LOTS Water Front Property 10,889 FT. Access To Gulf Duck Key Premier Comm. Utilities, City Water, Sewer. Cleared & Ready to Go! Quinn Court, $79,900 Debra Villari 609-458-4627 Berkshire Hathaway SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FOR ECON. BUILDS& NOFLOOD INSURANCEREQUIRED,FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 WATER FRONT LOT … DEEP WATER! LEMONBAY, BIGBOAT DEEPWATER. NEWSEAWALL. BUILDYOURWATERFRONTHOME ONTHIS1/4+ AC LOT. ONLY3.75 MINUTESTOSTUMPPASS,LOWESTPRICEONTHEBAY! WOW! NOWLOWESTPRICED DIRECTBAYACCESSLOTINALL OFCHARLOTTE, SARASOTAORLEECOUNTIES. ONLY $249,900. 941-769-0200 1620 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS ENGLEWOOD NORTH 2/2/2, lanai home, Turnkey, 5 Mins to beaches. $1,750/mo incl. utilities. 941-474-3639 LOVELYPT. CHARLOTTEVACATION POOL HOME 2/2/1 FULLY FURNISHED, $2000-$2500/MOAVAIL2017/2018 SEASON920-629-5252 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE 1.36+/ac res on Lemon Bay 800 W. Perry St, Englewood Public Bid Min $750,000 Bids due 5/17/17 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! Bayfront Home 50 Southwind Dr., Englewood Public Bid Min. $570,000 Bids due 5/17/17 CLEARED 80X200 Building Site on Woodmere Rd. In S. Venice. Requires Well & Septic. Room For Your Home & A Home For Your Toys. $49,900 941-650-3741 THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS LEMON BAY LOTVERYLARGE, BUILDUPTO5RESIDENCES, GREATVIEWS&DEEPWATER. NOTHINGLIKE THISOUTTHERE! PLANS&ZONINGINPLACEFOR5-UNIT WATERFRONTTOWNHOMES. $549,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOOWNERFINANCINGPOSS. 941-769-0200 1210 HOMES FOR RENT NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Large Beautiful 4/2/2 w/ Encl. Pool! Room for RV, Boat & Trailer in Driveway. New Metal Roof. Granite Kitchen, Fireplace, 3 Jacuzzis! All Tile! Close to Everything! $1,700. mo + Sec. Deposit 941-763-9315 RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty ROTONDA 3/2/1 Golf Course Water View. End of Cul-de-Sac. Available 7/1. $1100./Month. References. 774-526-7538 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT VENICE Luxury condo for rent 1551 sqft 2 bed, 2 bath, detach garage, pool & club house with fitness room, view over lake, 2nd floor end unit screen lanai, washer -dryer. $1500.00 per month, Brant Jones -678-571-7230 VENICE, Water View. Nicely Furnished & Decorated 2BR/2BA Condo. CentrallyLocated, Near Restaurants & Shopping. Pools & Laundry. May 1st Dec. $950/mo. Jim507-254-2437 1350 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT HARBOUR HEIGHTS close to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, SunnybrookMotel 941-625-6400 1360 ROOMS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Furn. Room w/ 1/2 Bath. Responsible. Util. Incl! $750. mo. + Sec. Deposit. NP/ND 941-416-6952 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS HACIENDA DEL MARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT VACATION CONDO CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLE LIVINGJUSTINCHESTOTHEBAY& ICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW,VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ.FT., 2 BED/2.5 BATHS, MINUTES TOBOCAGRANDE/GULF BEACHES. NEWERCONSTRUC-TION, DESIGNERTURN-KEYFUR-NISHED. FULLLAUNDRY,GARAGE, HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS,FITNESS& MORE. CALLFOR FREEBROCHURE. PETPOSS. A VAIL : M AY N OVEMBER 2017 CALL813-293-2392 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE PUNTA GORDAButtonwood Village. Updated, Well Cared For, 2/2/Bonus Room. 1500 SF, Tile Floors, New Appliances. Turn-Key on Corner Lot. Waterfront!Clubhouse, Pool & MORE!! $69,000. 941-621-4066 SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 1110 OUT OF AREA HOMES MINONG, WI WATERFRONT handyman Special $300k, log cabin on 6+ wooded acres on Lake gilmore. Subdivideable. Call Andrea 941-713-5776 NEEDCASH? 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1500...3/2/2 Pool Serv incl........PC $1400...3/2/2 Gated Comm........NP $1300..3/2/2 Screened Lanai......PC $1300....3/2/2 1727 Sq Ft...........NP $1000...2/2/CP Condo................PC941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends NORTH PORT 2/2/1 w/Lanai, 55+ Community $1,100 PORT CHARLOTTE 2/2/2 Split Floor Plan $1,250 LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Den, Lawn Care incl $1,400 Avail May 2017W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services ENGLEWOOD 2/1/CPONCANALWITHDOCK,LANAI& BONUSROOM$1200 2/2/1 SCREENEDLANAI. WATER& LAWNINC. $950WEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE ARCADIA DESOTO VILLAGE 55+ Park, 2005 2br/2ba DBL wide, Over 1100sf, Open floor plan w/ Car port. $40,000. Lot rent only $370/mo 863494-2900 or 863-244-9003 PORT CHARLOTTE Mary Lu 55+ Park, Totally renovated, Beautifully furnished 2br/2ba home, SS appliances, French Doors and more. $114,900 Share included. Call 301-351-6386 PUNTA GORDA 2/2/CP on Lake in 55+ Lakewood Village! Completely Remodeled Inside & Out! $75,000. 612-730-2990 VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE 2692 NE HIGHWAY 70 ARCADIA 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With Any Home Purchase! Call to Schedule An Appointment For a Tour! Ted 800-538-2590 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s $59,900! OWNERSAYSSELLIT! MOVEINTODAY! WELLCAREDFOR2/2, COMPLETELYUPDATED. FURNISHED, ALLAPPLIANCESONACORNERLOTINBEAUTIFULRIVERSIDEOAKS941-6266821 NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,795. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122


Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 21, 2017 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 THANK YOU STJUDE for prayers answered. Say novena for 9 days. Make name known JB 3020 PERSONALS ADORABLE TASHA. Relax, Dining, Dancing, Travel & More! 941-497-1307 Brad ZychIt is the worst news a mother has to give. Our son, Brad Zych, passed away March 28, 2017 in Ridgecrest, CA. Services were held there. We thought the people he worked with, Marcos, Jets,etc would like to know. In lieu of flowers, please donate to The Zych/Flores Family account at the Navy Federal CU. FEMALE SEEKING SINGLE MALE 45-65for dinner, movies, possible relationship. 941-201-9853 FOR ALL YOUR Relaxing Needs Call Paige. (941)-237-1927 RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. Charlotte Trade Center N of 776 941-625-0141 Findthe perfect companion inthe Classifieds! RETIRED DOCTOR, No Pets. Hot Tub. (941)-249-0010 WHERE IS SHE? Petite, Fun Loving, Boating, Fishing. Looking For One for Golden Years. Put Money with Mine to See the World. 65 or Older. Call by Friday 11PM (941)-235-9207 WIDOWER 72 in Deep Creek Would Like To Meet Male 70-78 In Same Area. Independent, Religious, Sports-minded & Outgoing. Call & Leave Name & Number. 941-979-8723 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES C AL VAR Y BIBLE C HUR C H 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call (941)-979-8239 for Info. Charlotte County House of Prayer Merging Worship, Word, and Prayer Friday Night Watch 8pm 992 Tamiami Trail Unit I Port Charlotte 941 249-8946 Community HU Song Saturday, Apr. 22, 11 a.m., Mid-County Regional Library, Meeting Room B, 2050 Forrest Nelson Blvd. Port Charlotte. Singing HU can help you experience divine love, expand your awareness, bring peace and calm, and heal a broken heart. HU is an ancient name for God. Fellowship, Light refreshments, and Free CD. Presented by Eckankar in Port Charlotte for people of all faiths. 941-7660637. 2100 GENERAL DANCERS WANTEDBIKINISPORTSBAR, PT. CHARL941-457-7077 LAWN MAINTENANCE, Englewood area. Good Pay!! Please call Adam 941-467-2636 SUN COAST PRESSis currently hiring for the following positions in our Venice Print Center.P/T MAILROOM HELP-night shift F/T STACK DOWN PERSONSend Resume TREE CLIMBERS AND LABORERS -EXPD GOODPAYSTARTIMMED!!941-423-0020 2110 PART TIME/ TEMPORARY "AMBASSADORS" NEEDEDTOSOLICITSUBSCRIPTIONS FORTHEAWARDWINNING LOCALNEWSPAPERS, THESUN, ATSTOREFRONTSINTHEVENICE, NORTHPORTANDENGLEWOODAREAS. CONTACTJIMDEFALLEAT941-786-7676FORMOREINFORMATION. GATE KEEPERS PT, FILL-IN for community in Englewood. Fax to 941-493-4290 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at (941)220-9418 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2100 GENERAL The Venice Gondolier Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. Apply in person: 200 E. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 No Phone Calls Please. CARRIERS NEEDED DOCK ATTENDANT, Fishermans Village Marina is hiring part time dock attendant, $9.50/hr. Must work weekends. Apply in person 9AM-3PM any day of the week. 941-575-3000 DRIVER NEEDEDNIGHTS Part time Must have CDL with Medical Certificate 20-30 hours a weekTo fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required FISH CUTTER, neededfor Local Seafood Company. EXC Pay!!! 941-380-9212 JANITORIAL POSITION TEMP. P/T WEEKENDS 9-5INTHEPORTCHARLOTTEAREA. CALLPATFORINTERVIEW(941)-624-3451 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! PIZZA COOK DELI PERSON DUNKIN CREWReliable w/transportation.941-883-4790 MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours, able to work days or evenings. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required Several Full Time & Part Time Positions Available for RESIDENTIAL& COMMUNITYSUPPORTAt Group Home For Developmentally Disabled Adults. Must Have Valid DL & HS Diploma/GED Call 941-426-6591 2070 SALES Baers Furnitureis looking to hire EXPERIENCED SALES PROFESSIONALS & DESIGNERS. This is an incredible opportunity to work for a thriving company with consistent brand advertising. We offer 42 million dollars of inventory available for immediate delivery, and top compensation levels in the marketplace! Please send Resume to: EOE/DFWP SALES PROFESSIONALS& DESIGNERS (Port Charlotte, FL) CAREERNIGHTEVERYTUESDAY. CALLFORDETAILS. 941-426-0621 PART TIME HELPThe Smart Shopper Group has openings for individuals to deliver the Venice Community Shopper to Businesses in Venice. WHEN: Every Tuesday from 8:00 to 3:00 WHERE: Local business drops in Venice AVG INCOME: $75.00 Call Steve 815-531-9816 Needanew Home? LookintheClassifieds! 2050 SKILLED TRADES LABORERS-CARPENTERS, FRAMING new homes, Deep Creek, Englewood, Port Charlotte. Great Pay & as many Hours as you want! KX4 Construction Jeff Kirkpatrick 941-916-4101 LEAD REMODELER for busy remodeling business knowledgable in drywall, framing, electric,plumbing. Competitive Pay Plus Vehicle. Valid FL DL a must. Please Call 941-625-5620 MAINTENANCE PERSON NEEDED FT/PT, Must be Reliable & Self Motivated. Able to Work Independently. Carpentry Exp. a Must. All Outdoor Maintenance. Salary Neg. Based On Qualifications Fax Resume: 941-889-7207 or Email lovelandcourtyards@ MECHANIC, Knowledgeable Mainly in Tire Repair. Apply: Jesus's Tires, 19800 Veterans Blvd. Port Charlotte, FL 33954 2060 MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTORThe Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, a successful and rapidly growing professional orchestra in Punta Gorda, Fl seeks a proven leader as its full time Executive Director. The successful candidate must have a passion for orchestral music, a strong fund raising record, and demonstrated strong management, marketing, and strategic planning skills. The candidate must have at least 5 years of successful senior management experience with an orchestra or similar organization, and possess at least a Bachelor Degree in Business Management, Music, Marketing, or related field. SEND RESUME AND COVER LETTER TO: 2070 SALES Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. 2030 MEDICAL CAREGIVERS/COMPANIONS All shifts-Background chk reqd 941-525-2322 M-F 9a-4p, EXPERIENCED DENTAL O FFICE MANAGER & PART-TIME HYGIENIST Fax Resume to 941-624-3424 LICENSED PHARMACY TECHNICIAN, Experienced. No Nights or Weekends. FullTime/Part-Time. Now Accepting Applications at Medicine Shoppe 615 Cross St. Unit 1112 Punta Gorda 33950. PHARMACY CLERK, No Nights or Weekends. FullTime/Part-Time. Now Accepting Applications at Medicine Shoppe 615 Cross St. Unit 1112 Punta Gorda 33950. www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREERŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 05/01 LPNCNA-05/01 Med. Asst. 05/01/17 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL WANTEDEXPD, TEAM MEMBERSFORALL POSITIONS For Busy Waterfront Restaurant Apply in Person: White Elephant Pub 1855 Gulf Blvd. Englewood 2050 SKILLED TRADES CARPENTERS AND CARPENTER HELPERS for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. Call 941-964-2231. CARPENTRY SUPERVISOR for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. CALL 941-964-2231 JOIN OUR TEAM IMMEDIATEOPENINGSFULLTIMEBENEFITSR.V. MECHANICR.V. EXPERIENCEPREFERREDBODY SHOPEXPERIENCEDPAINTER/ PRE-PERSONPARTS COUNTER SALESRV PARTSSALES. AUTO… TRUCKORRV EXPERIENCE PREFERREDDETAILERFT POSITION. RV GETREADYDEPT. WEAREANICOTINEANDDRUGFREEWORKPLACE. 2110 US 41Nokomis Florida 34275 or Call 941-966-2182 ORFAX(941) 966-7421ORJOBS@RVWORLDINC.COM


Friday, April 21, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 5 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT GARCIA BROTHERSSTUCCO Repairs fix all cracks Match any textureNO JOB TOO SMALL! We also do concrete driveways, side walks, lanais patios and much more. (863)-303-1413 or 269-369-8471 GULF COAST REFINISHING YOURBATHTUB, COUNTERTOP& TILEREFINISHINGEXPERTS. VETERAN& SENIORDISCOUNTS! FAST TURNAROUND! 941-380-6199LIC./INS. GULFCOASTREFINISHING@YAHOO.COM GUTTERS, 6Ž Seamless. Ken Violette, Inc. (941) 240-6699Lic.CGC#060662/Ins. NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! HAMMER FIREPROOFING & INSULATION, Inc. for all your insulation needs. 941-268-5615 or Office 941-423-7478 HANDYMANHome repairs. 30+ yrs Exp. Call 941539-1694 J&JHANDYMAN941-525-7967, 941-493-6736Painting, Pressure Washing & Much More! Over 30Years Experience & Satisified CustomersServing Venice & Sarasota AreasNOJOBTOOSMALLORODD CALLFORFREEESTIMATE LICENSED& FULLYINSURED Johns Rescreening & Handyman Service Pressure Washing: Pool Decks, Driveways! No Job To Small, Free EstimatesLic9341./Ins.941-883-1381 CARPENTER, INC. Handyman Rotten wood, doors, soffit, facia, etc. Phil 941-626-9021lic. & ins. TILE Remodel, Baths, Floors. Your Tile or Mine. 941-625-5186 Lic.#AAA006387 WHOLE HOUSE REMODELING Additions, Cabinetry, Kitchens, Baths, Garage Doors, Painting, Tile, Laminate Floors. 941-706-6525 LIC CGC1518335 5108 JUNK REMOVAL MOVE IT JUNK REMOVAL Got Junk? We like to Move It, Move It! 941-803-4959 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE A JAMISON TREE SERVICE Complete & Professional 15% Sr Discount! FREEEST. LIC. & INSUREDENGL941-475-6611ORN. PORT941-423-0020 SERVINGCHARLOTTEANDSARASOTAFOROVER20 YEARS.JAMISON-TREESERVICEINC.COM AAA LAWN SERVICE Affordable Accountable Anytime Avail For Multiple Counties Professional mowing Lot Clearing & Landscape Sod Installation Tree & Shrub Trimming, Weed Pulling, Tree Removal, Pruning, Mulch & More! 863-244-9109 www.AAALawnServices.comLic & Ins Affordable Lawn Mowing & Ho me Watch Commercial and ResidentalVenice, Englewood, Osprey Nokomis, Rotonda, Gulf Cove, North Port, South Gulf Cove FREE ESTIMATES Meet or Beat any quote. Veteran Owned! 941-447-2428 5089 HANDYMAN / GENERAL REPAIR A CARPENTER AROUND THE HOUSE for all your carpentry needs! James M. Okell 941-270-1693 DAVE THE HANDYMAN Rescreening, Power Washing, Tree Trimming, Floor Installation & Home Cleaning. 941-286-6799 5090 HEATING & AIR S.O.S. A/C & Heat 941-468-4956AIRCONDITIONINGSYSTEMSCOOLINGMADEAFFORDABLE! INSTALLED10 YRWARRANTY ST. LIC#CAC1816023SOSAIRFL.COM 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT $75.00 PER PANEL SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 Call Bob 941-706-6445 Low overhead = Low prices! BOBS CABINET SOLUTIONS 40 yrs exp. All your cabinet/counter top needs. (941)-276-0599 Lic22535 Clean Your Dryer before it Catches on Fire! Special Rates for multiple clientsAffordable, Lic & Insured. Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 DO YOU HAVE LOOSE, HOLLOW OR BUCKLING TILES?Inject-A-Floor-System can help. Grout Cleaning/Staining, Marble Cleaning, Tile Repair. 941-893-8475 FIRST CHOICE CABINETS Custom Cabinets LLC Kitchens, Baths, Custom Cabinets, Countertops, Hardwood, Laminate, Solid Surface. Commercial, Residental. 941-505-5570 5070 ELECTRICAL DRMELE C TRI C AL SERVICE, Plug Into Personalized ServiceŽElectrical Maintenance Repairs Troubleshooting 941-480-0761 941-366-364 6 LUMINOUS ELECTRIC NO JOB TOO SMALL! LIC# EC13007383941-787-2904 5080 EXCAVATING/ BUSH HOG BUSH BUSTERS INC."JUST GRIND IT!ŽBrush Mowing Bush Hogging Pepper Trees Invasives Selective Lot Clearing941-456-6332 5083 FLOORING Bill Noland Ceramic Tile, IncAll Phases of FlooringWe Bring Samples To You! Mobile Showcase Tile, Laminates, Carpet & Baseboards. Wood-likeŽ Tile $1.79/Sq Ft. 18Ž Tiles $1.19/ Sq Ft. 941-423-4054 Cell 941-276-0814Licensed & Insured PGI 9906758 North Port 11546 Charlotte AAA007730 PAUL SIMS FLOOR CLEANING AND MORE!**OWNER OPERATED ** PROFESSIONAL, Reasonable & ReliableWinter Specials!We Clean carpets, furniture, area rugs, grout & more! Also Interior & Exterior Painting & Pressure Washing visit us at: www. CarpetCleaning ServicesVenice.com941-539-0896 5088 HEALTH & BEAUTY Dr. Bill PhilpotOptimum Health Center Oriental Medicine, Acupunture, Massage, Facials, Rehabilitation 2269 S. Tamiami Trl. Venice (North Side of Building) WHERE WE HEAL THE SICK & FIX THE BROKEN 941-587-1288 www.drbillphilpot.comLic.# AP 1393 MA 21017 MM 34484 5089 HANDYMAN / GENERAL REPAIR DAVID J SHEPARD, JR., OVER20 YEARS INCHARLOTTECOUNTY, HANDYMANSVCS, WOODROT, WINDOWS& DOORS, DRYWALL& STUCCOREPAIR, PAINTING,ETC. 941-627-6954 OR941456-6953 LIC# RR282811062 ROCCOS RENOVATION & REPAIR Getting the Job Done Wherever, However,No Matter How Big or Small. 941-268-1885 VIRGILS HOME MAINTENANCEHandyman ServiceYour To-Do List SpecialistINTERIOR/ Lic#16-00016297 & Ins. 5054 CONTRACTORS Jerusalem Brothers Concrete driveways, sidewalks, lanais, patios, STUCCO, remove/replace sod, tree removal & more! 863-722-8910 JLS ENTERPRISES INCQuality & Dependability Remodeling Painting Additions Drywall Carpentry Repairs Odd Jobs & more. STATE CERTIFIED LIC #CRC033392941-468-9701 TEDDY`S HANDYMAN & REMODELING, INC. No Job Too Big or Too Small! (941)-629-4966 Lic./Ins. Serving NP, Charlotte & PG CRC 1327653 5057 CONCRETE CONCRETE & PAVER PROS DRIVEWAYS WALKWAYS FOOTINGS POOLDECKS PATIOSCOPING CULVERTS/PERMITTINGGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!Ž CHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!Ž941-223-2592 FLORIDA CONCRETEDRIVEWAYSSIDEWALKSADDITIONSRESIDENTIAL& COMMERICALNEWCONSTRUCTION941-628-5965 INS/LICCG034909 GENUINE CONCRETE ENGRAVINGS Transform Your Concrete! DRIVEWAYSPOOLDECKSSIDEWALKS941-628-0251 or 850-210-2772 POOL DECKS, Driveway Designs Garage Floors Patios and more. QUALITY Lic 941-375-1103 Insu PRO PATH CONCRETE Driveways Patios Sidewalks Pads Free Estimates 941-286-6415 Lic #AAA-11-00081 RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. spraycrete & more (941)-497-4553 5060 CLEANING SERVICES MRS. CLEANING UP! 1st class cleaning Service! Specials Now! $10% Senior Discount! 941-204-8057 Lic & Insured ANNIE`S CLEANING SERVICE Home Office Weekly Bi-Weekly Reliable Service Reasonable Rates 941-391-6850 NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! GONZALEZ CLEANING Srv 12 years exp, REASONABLE Rates, FREE Estimates. Servicing all your cleaning needs. Call Linda 941-815-4252 HOUSE CLEANING Licensed, Insured & 20 yr exp Punctual & trustworthy! References available 941-548-8804 5065 DRYWALL COMPLETE D RYWALL Hang,Finish, Patchwork, All Textures, Paint. Matt Pott er 941-232-8667Lic.& Ins CRC1328482 DEPENDABLE DRYWALL & REMODELING PATCHREPAIRS941-639-4440 LIC.#SCC131150207INSUREd 3097 OTHER CLASSES KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday. FREE; Open to the public. 941-276-0124 LEARN GUITAR man taking 1 lesson a week, seeks others to learn and practice together. 757-817-8275 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. 5006 ALUMINUM ALL AMERICAN RENOVATIONS LIC& INSUREDFAMILYOWNED& OPERATEDSPECIALIZINGINRESCREENING,BUILDINGANDREPAIRING. SCREWCHANGEOUTS PRESSUREWASHING& PAINT-INGPOOLCAGES, LANAIS,FRONTENTRYWAYSETC... 941-915-3381 SERVINGSARASOTACOUNTYFREEESTIMATES BRI GON CONSTRUCTION Inc. Soffit, Fascia, Vinyl Siding, Custom Aluminum Breakwork 941-204-5900 lic #CBC059704 SURFSIDE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Lanais, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Windows and more! Lic#cbc1261010 941-766-0331 5008 AIRPORT SHUTTLE FLORIDA AIRPORT SHUTTLE TRANSPORT $35 TO/FROM RSW Arrive @ RSW: 10:45am & 3:45pm Depart @ RSW 11:30am & 4:30pmPickup/Drop-off Locations:NORTHPORTBUDGETINNPORTCHARLOTTEDAYSINN. PUNTAGORDAPG WATERFRONTHOTEL300 941-451-1202 5020 APPLIANCE SERVICE/REPAIR DRYER VENT CLEANING THE VENT DOCTOR Book Your Dryer Vent Cleaning and Save! 10% Off With This Ad! 941-268-9525 Competent, Thorough & Reliable. Lic. Fla. Home Inspector. GARY DRAKE DRYER VENT CLEANING & INSPECTION. 30 yrs. Exp. (941)-889-7596 5051 CHILD CARE ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. FL O RIDA S TATE LAW requires all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law Seizethesales withClassified! 5054 CONTRACTORS BLUE PARROT CONSTRUCTION Custom Homes Commercial & Residential Renovations 941-662-0366 Cell: www.BlueParrotConstruction.comCBC1258748/Fully Insured 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES COMMUNITY CENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte GATEWAY WORSHIP PRAYER & HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to you every Thursday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek Bible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and Sundays @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 3070 BURIAL LOTS/CRYPTS VENICE MEMORIAL GDNS 2 Burial plots, incl opening/closing & vaults. $6500. 941-627-6260 3090 LOST & FOUND $100 REWARDLOST DOGnear the Joshua Creek area in Arcadia. Black lab, male. Approx. 60lbs., answers to TiŽ Had brown collar, no tags. Please call (863) 494-2466. LOST CAT: Male Tiger w/ White Feet and Under Chest. Friendly! Answers to Junie. Lost in the Vacinity of Gingold Street P.C. REWARD! Please Call 330-937-0079 LOST DOG: Shih-tzu Female, Dark Gray and White, Name is Misty. Near Glendale and Aaron Streets in Port Charlotte. Senior Owner is HEARTBROKEN! 941-979-0274 REWARD 3095 EXERCISE CLASSES G ULF CO A S T A C UPUN C TURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 3096 RELIGION CLASSES BE G INY O URDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUDY Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 START YOUR DAY RIGHT Bible Study Thursdays 10:00-11:30 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060


Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 21, 2017 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS AIR MATTRESS Comparable to Sleep Number, King Size, 2 controls $200 336-471-5595 BAMBOO PILLOW New in bag $20 716-374-2950 BED MATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 CAL KINGMATTRESS pad like new $40 941-429-8513 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CAST IRONSKILLETS ONE 12Ž AND ONE 10Ž EXCEL $20 941-575-8881 CUTLERY ONEIDA SILVER PLATE 12 SETTINGS 68 PIECES $75, OBO 941-505-4693 DIGITAL CONVERTER new in box. Magnavox. $35 941-2352203 DISHES PALM LEAF PATTERN 16 PC like new $45, OBO 941202-9172 KITCHEN SINK w/faucet FrankeSS Dble Sink good cond. $100 941-743-3258 LAMP GLASS filled w/ sea shells & shark teeth $25 941-356-0129 LIGHTHOUSE PLATES 3 with wall display 10 inch $35 813-695-7229 MATTRESS QN PILLOW TOP HEAVY DEEP 17Ž LIKE NEW TOP OF LINE $100 941-286-4894 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MIRROR 30Žx44Ž wood frame $15. 941-423-7772 MIRROR BEVELED SILVER LEAF DESIGN 29Wx42L $45, OBO 941-202-9172 MIRROR WICKER W/small dresser $50, OBO 989-701-0214 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. PICTURE 26X26 HARDWOOD FRAME, LOVELY BLUE PRINT $20 941-575-8881 POKER TABLE with green felt top $35 781-956-8891 SHEET, MICROFIBER, FULL SHEET. NEVER OPENED. PEACH. $8 941-391-6377 STRESSLESS CHAIR & Ottoman Cranberry. Like new $100 941-460-8674 THROW RUGS 3 MATCHING, 63X89 24X90 24X40 $100, OBO 941-627-6780 VACUUM HOOVER Upwright Tempo, Like New, & 99% Dust & pollen trap $25 941-391-4209 VACUUM DYSONDC28 AIR MUSCLE Good Cond $100 obo 941-270-8009 VACUUM Kenmore Carpet and Carpet Shampoo CleanerSystem $50 336-471-5595 5230 MISCELLANEOUS Clean Your Dryer before it Catches on Fire! Special Rates for Multiple ClientsAffordable, Lic & Insured. Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade 6026 SEWING SEWING MACHINE Brother Model#SE-400, embroidery, $150 419-260-7103 SEWING MACHINE Husqvarna Viking, for Quilting W/extesion. $150 419-260-7103 SEWING MACHINE Kenmore 36, Good Cond, Port Charlotte. $50 419-260-7103 VINTAGE SINGER Sewing Machine Quilters Dream $119 941-505-1811 6027 DOLLS ANNALEE 7ŽDOLL rare bunny kidŽ mint w/orig tag $15 941-639-1517 BRIDE DOLLS, 4 black, etc beautiful $10 941-627-6542 DOLL FROM 1950s era Cries, open & closes eyes, beautiful $20 941-356-0129 DOLL PATTY PLAYPAL. Good cond. 36Ž pl shoes checkered dress. $75 941-204-6375 5184 SCREENING Southwest RescreenComplete Rescreening: $1,249 (up to 1,500 SF)941-465-2318Free Estimates! Insured. 5185 ROOFING Replacement, Repairs, Roofing 30 Years Experience Discounts to Srs. & Vets Free Inspections & Est.Call Lane 941-270-6120RM COATS INC.Lic. CCC#1325731 Ins. LEONARDSROOFING&INSULATIONINC.FAMILYOWNED&OPERATED SINCE1969Shingle, Tile, Built-Up, SinglePly, Metal, Full Carpentry, Service Available Reagan Leonard 941-488-7478LIC# RC0066574 PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 Re Roofs, Repairs, Pressure Cleaning, Roofing Coatings Full Carpentry Services HONEST & RELIABLE 35 Yrs Local Experience CCC1328613. Ph. 941-412-4047 GREEN ROOFING & WATERPROOFINGTECHNOLOGIESWWW.GREENROOFINGONLINE.COM ROOF LEAK PATROL, INC. RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Repairs, Reroof, Carpentry, etc... 35 yrs exp. Lic/insured#RCA065387941-474-ROOF (7663) ROOFING by DAD & Son Lic & Ins 40 years local Martinis Roofing 941-766-0331 ccc1330876 TOM JOYCE ROOFIN G HUGE **FALL SPECIALS**45 Years of Quality Work and Experience 941-484-9804 941-429-1800 lic#1325725 941-483-4630ShinglesSlats MetalTileRepairs Old Roof Removal OurSpecialty Full CarpentryFree EstimatesLic.# CCC068184 Fully Insured 5191 SOD LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota RuddysSODINSTALL OR RIP-OUT Call! 863-303-1413 or 269-369-8471 5140 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING SUPERIOR PAINTING, INC. Full Spray Shop 941-474-9091Lic # AAA009837 5160 PLUMBING DO ALL PLUMBING LLC 40 Gal. Water Heater $650. Installed. Comfort Height Toilets $250. Installed. Badger 5 Disposal $189. Installed 941-626-9353 Lic#CFC1428884 LARRY`S PLUMBING R e Pipes (Most in 1 Day) Beat An y Estimate Complete Servic e 941-484-5796 Lic.#CFC1425943 PLUMBER over 30 yrs Exp! Service and Repairs. Installations, Permits & Inspections. $50/per hr Call 508-294-1271 Cell or Office at 941-575-1817 Lic# CFC1427981 & Ins. NEED A WATER HEATER? Call All Pro Water Heaters 941-204-4286www.allprowaterheaters.comLic. CFC-1428339 5180 PRESSURE CLEANING BAILEYS PRESSURE CLEANING Complete Exterior House Painting! Call 941-497-1736 FULL HOUSE PRESSURE WASHINGRates Starting At: Tile Roofs $150 Houses $65 Pool Cage/Decks $65 Driveways Exterior Painting, Pool Deck Coatings AND MORE!! 941-451-7550 Lic./Ins Kelly Browns Pressure Washing & trash removal Honest & Reliable, Reasonable Rates & Sr. Special $39.99 Free Est. Lic.# 1413989 941-626-1565 MR. PRESSURE CLEANINGSAFE, NO PRESSUREROOF Fully Lic & Insured PRO SOURCE POWER WASHINGHOT & COLD SERVICES 21012 EXMORE AVE, PC Cell 941-979-6676 or office 941-979-9204 Lic & INSURED 5184 SCREENING ALL ABOUT ALUMINUM & SCREEN: Rescreen & new. 941-876-4779 wescreenflorida.comLic# SA37, AL0511993X CLASSIC ALUMINUM RESCREEN SERVICE INC. Your Florida Outdoor Living ExpertsŽ 941-716-3984 www.classicrescreen.comLic# scc131151655Insured & Bonded RESCREENING by NORTHSTAR Free Estimates. 941-725-7599 Lic# CC20597 & Insured RESCREENING Special $55 Tops, $30 Sides. Complete $1295(to 1500SF) 941-879-3136 Lic. 22454/Ins. 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE S ANDEFUR S -H O ME & TREE Maintenance Tree trimming, removal. We do it all!License/Insured941-484-6042 STEVES TREE & HAULING Tree Removal & Trimming 30 Years Exp. Lic/Insd Free Estimates 941-866-6979 5129 MASONRY STUCCO PROS WIR ELAT HEREP AIR RUS TEDBAN DSWIN DOWSILLS FIXALLCRACKSMATCHANYTEXTUREGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!Ž CHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!Ž941-223-2592 5130 MOVING/HAULING ALLTYPESOF CLEAN UPS! Same Day Service! 24 Hrs. a Day! 941-764-0982 or 941-883-1231 MOVING HELP $$$ Save $$$ Packing Loading Driving 30 yrs exp. 941-223-6870 ODYSSEY MOVERS Your Journey Begins With Us! Licensed & Insured.941-803-4959Lic. # 2539 ROBS ON THEMOVE, inc. Moving and Delivery Honest, Reliable, Courteous! Great Rates! 941-237-1823 SKIPS MOVING Local & Long Distance. 1 Item or Whole House! 941-766-1740 Reg.# IM1142 Lic./Ins. 5140 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING Best Prices -Quality Job Best Coast Painting and Pressure Washing Residential/Commercial 10% Off With Ad! 941-815-8184 AAA00101254 STEVENS CUSTOM PAINTINGRes/Comm. Int/Ext FREE EST. Lic. & Ins. 941-255-3834 CALLNOWTOLOCKINANAMAZINGBANGFORYOURBUCKFROMASEASONEDPAINTER941-468-2660 AAA00101266 30 YEARSEXP. LIC/INSU.FORMERFIREFIGHTER DARINSPAINTING& POWERWASHING3RDGENFAMILYBUS. POWERWASHING, PAINTING& WALLPAPERINSTALLS& REMOVALS. FREEESTIMATES941-961-5878 LARRY ESPOSITO PAINTING INC Its Not What We Do, Its How We Do It!ŽFree Estimates, 941-764-1171 Lic & Insured AAA007825 Nathan Dewey Painting CoCommercial & Residental Interior & Exterior Pressure washing Handyman Services Free Estimates ~ Prompt Service941-484-4576 PAINTING UNLIMITED Where Quality & Value Meet! Family Owned and Operated. Call Now for aFREEEstimate 941-979-7947 Lic. & Ins. AAA-12-00015 We Do It A Shade Better! LARRY BATES PAINTING Free Estimates Locally Owned & Operated Nominated Best Painter Of The Year in 2016! 941-625-1226Lic/Ins #RRR0002261 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C EN SE may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licens ing bureau to verify ALTMANTREESERVICE Tree Trimming, Removal, Stump Grinding. Lic & Ins. Call Mike Altman 941-268-7582 AMERICAN IRRIGATIONCall 941-587-2027 FREE ESTIMATES!!! Licensed & Insured Charlotte Co. lic#AAA-1100010. Serving Charlotte and Sarasota Counties DP`s ABILITY TREE SERVICE Removals, Stump Grinding, Palm Trimming, Shaping, Oaks Thinned & Raised Up. 19 Yrs. Exp. Free Estimates! 941-889-8147 Lic#00000192 & Insured. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPER Specializing in Weeding, Pruning & Transplanting 941-876-3097 FL O RIDA TREE IN C .Tree Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Lawn Service Bucket Service 941-613-3613 pcftree.comLic./Ins. FRESH CUT LAWN N MOREDependable, Reliable Residential/Commercial LAWNS STARTING AT $25! NO CONTRACTS 941-661-1850Free Estimates Call Frank GENERAL LAWN & Landscape services. (941)-426-7844 Wright & Son Landscaping Inc J RIZ TREESERVICESComplete Tree & Palm Service. SPECIALIZING IN DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL.Servicing all Charlotte & Sarasota Counties FREE ESTIMATES 941-306-7532 Lic & Ins Lawn Mowing Reasonable Rates Starting at $20. Discounts for Seniors & Veterans! Call For Free Estimate Len 941-504-4465Serving Osprey-S. Venice LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota NOW ACCEPTINGNEW LAWNACCOUNTS!941-468-4372ISA Certified Arborist John Cannon FL-6444A South Sarasota & Charlotte Co. RAINSCAPE INC,Irrigation, Maintenance, Repair, Installation. Monthly Maintenance starts at $40. FREE ESTIMATES 941-888-2988 SPM TREE TRIMMIMG & LANDSCAPING Specializing inTREE REMOVAL. Call Today for your FREE Estimate.(941)-412-5273 Lic/Insured Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A


Friday, April 21, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 7 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES MASTER GRIP Bag-graph-reg3-sw-woods+putter-v.good $99, OBO 941-875-5983 PING EYE 2+ Green dot 1lob(12 clubs) zz lite-vgood. $179, OBO 941-875-5983 6126 GOLF CARTS 06 EZGO 4 Passenger Golf Cart PASSION PINK BRAND NEW BATTERIES High Speed New Flip Down Rear Seat New Tires Sunbrella Enclosure New Chrome Wheel Caps New Upholstery 36 Volt Charger Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow JacketŽ Cables New Bushings Brakes, Top & Mirror Smooth and FAST! STK#174A $3,325. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 1999 "BEIGE" CLUBCARDS 4 Passenger Golf Cart Nov. 2016 Batteries {K6} Fresh Service Aluminum Framed Rear Seat Head & Tail Lights New Mirror and SS Wheel Caps. Great Tires, Brakes Top, Windshield and Charger $2,450. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only NO TEXT PLEASE 2000 Club Car DS Plumb Crazy PurpleŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2000 CLUB CAR DS Recent "Red" Paint 4 Passenger Golf Cart Brand New Batteries {C7} New Flip Rear Seat New SS Hubcaps New Bushings {front & rear} Head and Tail Lights Great Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Top, Mirror and Charger $2,875. 941-830-4723 Free Delivery {25mi.} Calls Only Please No text 2003 CLUB CAR DS IQ System 4 Passenger 48 Volt "Gold" Golf Cart Speed Setting 4 {+-19/20 mph}. New Flip Rear Seat 6-8 Volt 2016 Batteries {E6} Headlights & taillights New Chrome SS Wheel Caps Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top, Windshield, Mirror and Charger. $3,275 941-830-4723 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only PLEASE NO TEXT 6095 MEDICAL SHOWER CHAIR Like New $30 941-268-8951 WHEEL CHAIR & walker wheel chair and walker for seniors. gc $75, OBO 941-204-6375 WHEELCHAIR GOOD CONDITION $50 941-235-8976 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372 AGAVE PINEAPPLE begonia coleus frangipani geranium pepperomia $5 941-202-3696 ALOE VERA devils backbone mexican petunias oyster snake spider lily $5 941-202-3696 ANGEL TRUMPET 3 gal pot healthy 3-4 ft. pink or white $8 941-258-2016 BANANA PLANT Lush tropical! 3 in 3 gal pot. Edible fruit. $8 941-258-2016 BEAULTY BUSH TREE or LANTANA tree native plants in 2 qt pot $4 941-258-2016 BROMELIADS VARIOUS aechmeas neoregelias vriesas starting at $5 941-202-3696 DWF POINCIANA, CASSIA or SNOW TREE 3-5 healthy tropicals $8 941-258-2016 FLORIDA AVOCADO/CITRUS 1-2 tall seedlings organically grown $5 941-202-3696 LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A ORCHIDS CATTLEYA purple mature potted other plants for less $20 941-202-3696 OYSTER PLANTS 2 qt pot dwf 12-14Ž border or accent. 12 pots ea $4 941-258-2016 VIBURNUM GREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE, PALMS, MANYOTHERPLANTS ATREASONABLE PRICES! SUISNURSURY941-232-6835 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 6120 BABY ITEMS HIGH CHAIR Grt Cond. Seat Varies $20 253-678-9161 TRAVEL CRIB w/Mattress Folds 4 Stor. Grt. Cond $75 253-678-9161 TRAVEL CRIB w/Mattress Folds In Grt. Cond. $75 253-678-9161 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES GOLF CART CHARGERS CLUB CAR, EZGO, YAMAHA Scratch and Dent Starting at $99 WARRANTY 941-769-1431VISIT GOLF CLUBS CALLAWAY razrx, 4-P/A, Reg/Graphite Exc Cond $250 OBO 941-391-4209 GOLF CLUBS Calloway Big Bertha Warbird Driver 11 degree $10 941-475-8097 GOLF CLUBS PING Zing 2 putter $20 941-475-8097 GRAPHITE GOLFCLUBS Graphite Shaft Woods 1-7 each $8 941-625-1537 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES JAMES DEANDOLLS 2 1994 NEVER OUT OF BOX $100, OBO 941-627-6780 LAMP VINTAGE Cherub W/marble base made in Italy $45 941-214-8188 LINGERIE CHEST Cherry wood with Brass polls $100 941-473-2014 M &M DISPENSERS 16 unopened boxes $300 810-656-6576 MEXICAN ARTIFACTS three items $499 781-956-8891 NASCAR COFFEE MUGS with raised logo, black 5Ž tall; $10 941-639-0838 PENNY 1863 Civil War token rare collector $40 941-214-8188 PLATES SPODE 2 Ret Cabinet 200 Anniv. $15 ea., OBO 941-830-0524 RONALD REAGAN Republican task force medal of merit orig box $20 941-639-1517 ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINE & character Toby jug. Bargain mint. $65 ea. 941-639-1517 SELTZER BOTTLE blue glass. Etched. Newark NJ. 30s era. $65 941-235-2203 SILVER COINS U.S. silver coins $499 781-956-8891 TRAY VINTAGE Cromwell hand wrought hammered alum 12x21 handles $15 941-830-0524 YESTERDAYSANTIQUES OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY 11AM 5PM Always Selling Antique ChristmasŽ Corner of US 41 & Sibley Bay, Port Charlotte 6075 FRUITS & VEGETABLES BLUEBERRIES U-Pick Ready for Picking at Ft Ogden. Call For Directions 863-990-6164 6090 MUSICAL GUITAR Fender, Starcaster, strat, Electric, Like New $65 716-523-0463 MANDOLIN MELLON BACK, C.F. Martin no cracks, great playing cond. $400 716-523-0463 PEAVEY AMP Back stage plus $65 716-523-0463 SPEAKERS, 2 JBL15Ž, 800 watts $499 786-306-6335 WORLITZER UPRIGHT Piano and Bench Old piano, oak finish. U-Haul it. Needs tuning. $900, OBO 941-889-9688 6095 MEDICAL 3 WHEEL WALKER w/Basket & Brakes NICE $65 941-2688951 BEDSIDE COMMODE, LIKE NEW $25 941-268-8951 MOBILITY SCOOTER Pride Jazzy Select 6 Exc. Cond. $900/obo 941-575-9023 POWER CHAIR JAZZY JET 7 new batt. x cond. free delivery $425 941-473-4168 6038 ELECTRONICS ADDING MACHINE Monroe 2020 plus II; used in home rarely $75, OBO 941-426-3535 DVD PLAYER, SAMSUNG New, model BD-JM57 $65 941624-0928 FAX MACHINE Sharp UXP-115 plain paper Fax/Copier/phone $50, OBO 941-426-3535 HAM RADIO Kenwood TH-F6A Tri-bander Box Manual Holster $225, OBO 631-372-8900 IPHONE 6 Unlocked. Works Perfect. $350, OBO 941-404-1822 LABELING MACHINE Brother PT-1950 P-Touch; used in home only $90, OBO 941-426-3535 TV DVD Emerson Color 13 with manual $20 813-695-7229 6040 TV/STEREO/RADIO FLAT SCREEN 52 in.Samsung $300, OBO 781-956-8891 HAM RADIO Icom 2720 Mobile Dual Band with manuals & extras $250, OBO 631-372-8900 HAM RADIO Kenwood D700A Dual Band in Box Extras $300, OBO 631-372-8900 HAM RADIO Kenwood TM-V71A Dual Band in Box $375, OBO 631-372-8900 TV 14Ž. MAGNAVOX. ŽSmart SeriesŽ. $35 941-235-2203 TV 40ŽWorks! We want bigger one. $100 941-218-6465 TV, 42Ž Panasonic LCD, works good $125 obo 941-505-2378 6060 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT DESKTOP COMPUTER, HP. Works Perfect $250, OBO 941-404-1822 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES AMETRINE RING, NEWsz-7 RG ovr .925 TGW 3.83cts $85 941-554-2140 BLAZER MENS Navy 42R BurberryŽ $40, OBO 941-5751897 EARRINGS, New, larimar & blue topaz .925 silver $55 941554-2140 RUBY HEART RING Size 8, tgw 4.1 cts., plat ovr .925 $95 941-554-2140 WEDDING DRESS Halter style straightline, Size 2 detachable train $200 336-471-5595 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES 1907 ROLLS SilverGhost 1:24 model w/display case mint COA $75, OBO 941-830-0524 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CHAIR TALIAN TAPESTY carved, early 1900 $200 941-473-2014 CHINA SET Johnson Brothers, Tulip Time pattern, 59 pieces, nice $79, OBO 716-598-2406 CHRIS BOSH Rookie refactor autograph numbered jersey certified card $25 810-210-9553 CIVIL WAR GETTYSBURG BULLET IN WOOD DOCUMENTED $99 941-475-1379 CLASSIC ILLUSTRATED 1969 Comic Books (5) Magazines Ea. $10 941-830-2069 COIN 1878 MORG DOLLAR 8 tail feathers, rare collector $195 941-214-8188 COINS GOLD FROM THE U.S.MINT $480 781-956-8891 DINING TABLE HITCHCOCK48/60Ž Round, Table & 4 chairs Beautiful $195. 941-488-5595 Venice FURNIVALSŽ PITCHER Denmark blue pattern made in England $15 941-639-1517 GRANDFATHER CLOCK CIRCA 1850 SIGNED BLURTON 88 IN. HIGH $499 941-475-1379 6035 FURNITURE LOVESEAT & SOFA $100 941-698-9222 LOVESEAT Gray reclining, in good condition $200 941-8287792 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MATTRESSES King Beauty Rest, W/Boxspring Gently Used Seasonly $400 941-258-4922 MATTRESSS 2 Twins xl Beauty Rest, W/Bxspring Gently Used Seasonly. $400 941-258-4922 MOVING SALE Piano like new, lots of other stuff furniture, etc... 941-256-6659 for apt. Venice OFFICE CHAIR Like new on rollers grey cloth,black frame $10 716-374-2950 PATIO SET 4PC real wicker good condition $100 810-656-6576 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 RECLINER Black with power & massage very good condition $100, OBO 941-429-8513 RECLINER Dark Green, leather look vinyl, good condition. $30 716-598-2406 RECLINING SOFA dark green microfiber hardly used $250, OBO 941-876-3878 ROCKING CHAIR Ethan Allen Cape Cod rocker $125 941627-6542 ROLLTOP DESK Oak. 54 x 34. Excellent condition. In PGI. $375 207-436-1157 SECTIONAL, 2PC w/Recliner and storage ottoman, sage color $250 941-766-8562 SIDE TABLE OAK Pennsylvania House, W/Brass $75 941-473-2014 SOFA BED QUEEN Sealy, Matching loveseat, ottoman, & Chair. $500 941-258-4922 SOFA Classic contemp, Revsbl cushions & color. Excel cond. $250 941-275-5700 SOFA med gray like new Excellent Condition $150 810-656-6576 SOFA SLEEPER 3PC SECTIONAL, Almost new! Off-White! Paid $2500 Asking $375, OBO 941-268-2799 TABLE Victorian/MARBLE TOP 33ŽX22ŽX28Ž $130 941-6240364 TABLE 30ŽX31Ž Mahogany/4 colorful songbirds decorate top $80, OBO 941-624-0364 TABLE 42Ž Round dark wood. $40 941-473-2014 TABLE 42Ž round glass top, white metal base, good cond $15, OBO 941-249-3946 TABLE BEHIND SOFA 48 X 16 X 28 HIGH $70, OBO 941-627-6780 TABLE SET, WickerOutdoor Resin w/4chairs. Round with glass top. $450 860-810-4174 TABLE Solid wood, w/drop leaf 74Žx48Ž drop is 28Žx48Ž $150 941-625-5962 TABLE, Allibert-Lanai White oval 37Žx64Ž $75 941-625-5962 TABLE COFFEE/COCKTAIL Wood. Excellent Condition. $45, OBO 941-629-6374 TEA TABLE 29ŽD Victorian. Excellent Condition! $150 941625-4363 TWIN BED SETS (2) complete with headboards, excellent $150, OBO 941-893-7440 WALL UNIT 3 PC ROSEWOOD AND GLASS, MUST SELL! Very rare $350 941-268-2799 WICKER SET Outdoor Resin Love seat, matching coffee & end table. $200 860-810-4174 WOOD TRUNK 3x18x15. Restored w/blk hinges. Exc. condition. $65 941-235-2203 6038 ELECTRONICS ACER LAPTOP Works Great 4GB 1T-Harddrive $175, OBO 941-404-1822 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS WALL PLAQUE 62Žh x 24Žw ivory w/ flowers & floral border $60, OBO 941-624-0364 WOODEN SILVERWARE chest Tarnish proof lined $10 941-627-6542 6035 FURNITURE ADJUSTABLE TWIN Bed Frames w/ Remotes. $50/ea Exc. Cond. 941-628-0727 BAR STOOL set IKEA white wood H-28 inch with RED cushions $50 813-695-7229 BAR STOOLS Swivel heavy wood,steel cloth seats tan $30 716-374-2950 BEDMATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BEDROOM 3PC mahogany queen bed dresser mirror chest $250, OBO 732-814-0181 BEDROOM SET Girls, Twin, All Metal, Exc Cond. $300 941-380-9212 BEDROOM SET walnut full chest night stand box spring mattress $125 810-656-6576 BISTRO SET 3 PC BLK metal with RED cushions $75 813-695-7229 BUNK BED Wood, Carved horses design in Footbd. 1 new mattress $100 941-421-4748 BUNK BEDS, Oak, 2 mattresses, text for pictures $350, OBO 941-525-6330 CABINET 5 drawer white wood $40 941-473-2014 CHAIRS SWIVEL rocker & wingback queen ann legs $10 716-374-2950 CHAIRS WOOD (2) Tall, Large seat, Port Charlotte. $20 419-260-7103 CHAIRS-HIGHBACK LANAI (2) WHITE RESIN GD WIDTH & GD COND EA $7 941-286-4894 COAT RACK and Umbrella Stand Metal H-68 inch with 8 hooks $25 813-695-7229 COFFEE &(2)END TABLES Glass Top, Port Charlotte $50 419-260-7103 COUCH Burgundy Leather reclining $475, OBO 941-828-7792 COUCHES Leather, Matching Pair. Mushroom Color. $499 954-501-9554 (Port Charlotte) CURIO OAK, Lighted, curved glass front, perfect condition $300 941-764-6153 DESSERS (2) & 1Mirror W/2nightstand, Palisser Oak Wood $500 941-258-4922 DINETTE TABLE Wood, Counter Height, Round, w/4CH.. $375, OBO 941-627-6780 DINING SET Outdoor dining set. Bridgeport 68x38 with 6 chairs. $300 941-474-1640 DINING SET, American Drew, 6 chairs Tropical look man size seats $499 941-627-6542 DINING SET, Glasstop, 36Žx60Ž, Black Metal. $300. 239-849-9815 (in Riverwood) DRESSER OAK matches above bunk beds text for picture $125, OBO 941-525-6330 END TABLES, 2 DarkWood end tables Vintage, Heritage furn $125 941-627-6542 ENTERTAINMENTCNTR 3Pcs lightcolor I/2Ž thick presswood Like New $75 941-697-7364 HEAD BOARD King size upholstered with steel frame. $125, OBO 941-628-6251 I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHENTABLE oak 4 high back chairs w/leaf $150 810-656-6576 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 LIVING ROOM SET Blue, leather Couch, over size chair & ottoman, $500 941-456-3490 LIVING ROOM TABLES $100 941-380-9212


Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 21, 2017 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE, white, 18.3cu Good running unit $100 941-268-0934 REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 REFRIGERATOR, Kenmore, 28 cu. ft. Like New Inside & Out! $60.941-423-7772 STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 TOASTER OVEN G.E. TOAST, BROIL, BAKE. WORKS WEL.L $10 941-575-8881 TOASTER OVEN Sunbeam. Grey w/book. New condition. $15 941-235-2203 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 Now $895 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low prices A/C UNIT 3 ton R22,excellent $450 786-306-6335 BAMBOO POLES 8-16FT LONG X 2.5Ž-1.0ŽDIA. 6 $3, $4, $6 941-426-6759 CHAR-BROIL BBQ 4 burner grill w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 CHARLIE CHAN, Sherlock Holmes, Blondie DVDs many more ea. $10 941-830-2069 ELKS LODGE PINS PINS FROM ALL OVER must see $75, OBO 941-391-6377 FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 HANDICAPPED SCOOTER GC. 4 wheel, new batterys, auto carrier. $495 941-627-9573 HURRICANE STEELPANELS 15Žw x 57ŽL, total qty. 38, each $12 941-639-0838 LIFE VEST STERNS YOUTH 5090LB BLUE/YELLOW 3 STRAP USE ONCE $10 941-286-4894 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY CHAIN SAW Remington, Electric, 14Ž limb and trim. Like New! $35 941-257-5500 CHIPPER Briggs & Stratton 8 HP $200, OBO 941-268-2799 CIRCULER SAWS Three saws work great choice $10 716-374-2950 COMPRESSOR, Campbell Hausfeld, PowerPro 2hp, 20 gallon. $200 860-810-4174 GENERATOR COVER 28X22X25HI 2QT OIL $35 941-627-6780 GENERATOR HONDA GX 340, 11HP, AB 5000x, Like new. Auto throtle. $800 941-889-7196 GREASE GUN Air operated with barrel of grease. $150 941237-8512 HAMMER DRILL W/BITS Bosch 11240, Works Great $150, OBO 941-626-6879 LADDER ALUMINUM 6 $25 941-743-0582 PIPE TRISTAND/ roller To 8Ž pipe $65, OBO 314-609-1540 PRESSURE WASHER Honda, 2000 PSI, $150, OBO 941-505-2378 ROUTER CRAFTSMAN One & half HP. Like new in the box $25 941-214-8188 ROUTER, CHICAGO 1/4Ž Trimmer, 26,000 rpm, new in box never used $30 941-697-5469 ROUTER, PORTER Cable, mod 690 LR, new in box, never used $90 941-697-5469 SHOP VAC 16 gallon Wet Dry vac. $35 860-810-4174 STEP LADDER 10 FG 300# RATING GOOD CONDITION $80, OBO 941-626-6879 STEP LADDER 12 FG300# Rating, Good condition $110 941-626-6879 TOOL BOX Husky 10-drawer steel tool box on wheels. $499 941-237-8512 WELDER LINCOLN stick welder, A/C-D/C, 25 leads. $100, OBO 941-237-8512 6231 BIRDS BIRDS FOR SALE, Many different varieties. Cheap Call for details 941-276-3791 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6236 PET SUPPLIES & SERVICES BIRD CAGE 39X70 CUSTOM WOOD-STAINLESS GORGEOUS PIECE $450 941-475-1379 DOG CRATE 21ŽH 24ŽD $45, OBO 941-256-0147 6250 APPLIANCES CHAR-BROIL GRILL w/side burner & stainless hood $140 941-497-3250 CHEST FREEZER 5 cu. ft. White, clean works good $75 941-380-4713 FREEZER WHIRLPOOL 19 CF upright freezer $125 941-629-7056 F RIDGE side x side ice in door 33W X 66H very clean $100 941-380-4713 GRILL, George Foreman electric, small, like new. $20 941-575-8881 MICROWAVE 1500W Black over the Range, like new with mountings. $75 941-412-1491 6160 LAWN & GARDEN LAWNMOWER HONDA GCV 160 self propelled used only twice $160 941-639-6591 LAWNMOWER RIDING Ariens Hydro Tractor 46Ž Excel Cond $475, OBO 941-391-6377 LINE TRIMMER: Troybuilt, 25cc, straight shaft, New. $110, OBO 941-485-0681 MOSQUITOS POTS prevent the Zika flu $15 941-624-0928 MOWER TROYBUILT, selfpropelled, elec.start, VG cond. $125 941-698-8990 MOWER, JOHN DEERE 42Ž Runs good. Needs deck work $350 941-270-6348 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 PLANT BUCKETS huge oversize $150 941-624-0928 PRESSURE WASHER Troybuilt 3000psi New Pump $300, OBO 941-485-0681 RIDING LAWN MOWER John Deer riding mower, runs great $250 941-460-8457 RIDING MOWER Poulan, good tires, decent body, needs works $100, OBO 941-268-2799 TOP SOILFor Sale! Please call: 941-468-4372 TRIMMERS ONE hedge,one lawn,charger included,all for $25 941-625-5919 ULTRA-TOW 5 Deluxe Aluminum Cargo Carrier Can Be Used On RVs Good For Mobility Scooters, Lawn Mowers, Etc. $250/obo 941-575-9023 WEEDWACKER CRAFTMAN GAS W17Ž/25CC TRIMMER $50, OBO 941-391-6377 6165 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS TENT EZUP 10x20 with full sides $200, OBO 563-5057602 WEATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Set Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 6170 BUILDING SUPPLIES CERAMIC BATH HOLDERS WALL BISQUE TOWEL SOAP TISSUE EA $5 941-286-4894 LUMBER 2X6X8' PressureTreated, 40PCS, each $4 941-639-7613 OSB 4x8 9/16 20 sheets $8, each OBO 563-505-7602 WINDOWS W/SCREENS (7)Aluminum crankout 36X62 $125 336-471-5595 6180 HEAVY/CONST. EQUIPMENT 4630 KABOTA DEISEL GST Tractor, 206 Hrs. Like New! 4 Wheel Drive. Front Loader. 6` Bush Hog, 6` Box Blade, $20,000 (941)-628-6937 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY 24Ž RIGID pipe wrench Aluminum $35, OBO 314-6091540 8 FG STEPLADDER 300# RATING GOOD CONDITION $80, OBO 941-626-6879 BELT-SANDER CRAFTSMAN 6Ž model 113-22633 table mount $50 941-214-8188 CHAIN SAW POULAN PRO GAS 16ŽUSED TWICE $80, OBO 941-505-4693 6133 HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES CASTING NETS TWO 8-FOOT $70, OBO 941-505-4693 FILLET KNIFE w/leather Scabbard By J.Marttiini of Finland $40, OBO 941-830-2069 FILLET KNIFE w/leather scabbard by: J. MARTTIINI of Finland $40, OBO 941-830-2069 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES 3-WHEEL BIKE rides good $199 786-306-6335 BICYCLE GIRLS MONSTER HIGH $50 941-423-9888 BIKE 26Ž Alum. Mountain Bike, like new $85, OBO 941-5052378 BIKE RACK TRUNK MOUNT for Car or SUV $20 941-268-8951 BIKE RECUMBENT performer goal 26x ex cond 27speed $500 941-743-0582 6138 TOYS/GAMES CALL DUTY Legacy Edition for PS4 $30 941-257-5500 6140 PHOTOGRAPHY/ VIDEO SPEAKER Surround sound Jvc new with sub woofer,4 speakers $45 716-374-2950 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES **SPAS & MORE** We take Trade ins We Move Hot Tubs & Buy Used Hot Tubs! 941-625-6600 HOT TUB COVER 71/2X8. LIKE NEW $100 941-473-4168 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 POOL CHEMICALS TABS/SHOCK/METAL CONT. AND MORE $50 941-575-8881 STEPS FOR HOT TUBE 2 STEPS TERRA COTTA IN COLOR $25 941-473-4168 6160 LAWN & GARDEN CHAIN SAW Poulin Pro 18Ž NEW in box $150, OBO 941-485-0681 CHAIN SAW: Homelite, 14Ž NEW $120, OBO 941-485-0681 CHAR-BROIL GRILL 4burner w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 C uddle up by the fire! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 LAWN MOWER Craftsman Hydostat, 46Ž Cut. $499 obo 941-505-2378 LAWN MOWER electric w/cord,16ŽCut $25 941-625-5919 LAWN MOWER MTD 20ŽPush Like New $75, OBO 941-485-0681 LAWN MOWER Self-propelled, good condition $60 obo 941-505-2378 LAWN MOWER, BOLENS 21 cut 5.5hp Exc. cond $65 941743-0582 LAWNMOWER, John Deere Self Propelled, 3 Spd., 6.5 HP B & S $90.941-743-8243 LAWN TABLE glass top, aluminum frame, also resin chairs avail $25 941-497-3250 6126 GOLF CARTS RED RACERŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New Custom PaintedŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6128 EXERCISE / FITNESS TOTAL GYM 1000 NICE $85 941-268-8951 6130 SPORTING GOODS 2 GUYS GUN SHOWS APRIL 29th & 30th Charlotte County Fairgrounds 2333 El Jobean Rd (776) Port Charlotte, FL Buy-Sell-Trade New-Used FREEParking CWP Classes Avail. Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-4 727-776-3442 Findthe newYou intheClassifieds! CATCHERS MITT/ RAWLINGS NEW $85 941-624-0928 FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 HILLERICH & BRADSBY Louisville Slugger #26 official softball bat $15 941-639-1517 HORSESHOES SET made of steel $15 941-743-0582 KAYAK 11.6 WALDEN Adironda Sit in green $375, OBO 941-661-0509 LIFE JACKETS Brand new Onyx 3 buckle boating life vests $15 Each 941412-1491 LIFE VEST STERNS YOUTH 5090LB BLUE/YELLOW 3 STRAP USE ONCE $10 941-286-4894 RICHARD PETTY POSTER 24X36 SIGNED FRAMED AWESOME!! $479 941-475-1379 SATELLITE CELLPHONE 2-in1 Global star Qualcomm ex charger, $250 941-474-0727 SENIOR SOFTBALL Combat Dirty Senior bat 26oz Like New in box $89 941-875-5983 UNIVERSAL GUN CLEANING Kit (Englewood) $10 941-8302069 6131FIREARMS NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. WESTCHESTER SXP 12 Gauge w/ 3Ž Magnum $425 NIB. H&K P200 40 Cal. $775 NIB. Sig P320 9mm New Military Handgun $650. Call 941-204-6439 6126 GOLF CARTS 2008 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 10" Rims w/215x50x10 Tires 6 8 Volt 2014 Batteries New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger. $3,795. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ButterscotchŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2011 CLUBCARPRECEDENT4 Passenger Custom "Pearl" Spartan Body Brand New Batteries {C7} Deluxe Lights {Head,Tail, Signal, Brake and Horn} Flip Rear Seat Excellent Tires, Brakes, Mirror, Windshield, Top, Chrome SS Caps and Charger $3,995 941-830-4723 DELIVERYINCLUDED{25MI.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Midnight BlackŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! DEMO SALEŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Custom Yellow PaintŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit …


2011 by King Features Syndicate Yesterdays Challenger Answers Friday, April 21, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 9


Page 10 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 21, 2017 DEAR DR. ROACH: I was recently diagnosed with atrial “brillation. I received excellent care, and the cardiac doctors recommended a blood thinner, w ith a clear preference for apixaban. The pluses of apixaban are no dietary restrictions related to the medication and no need for regular, frequent blood monitoring. I followed their advice and am now taking it. But I am increasingly concerned about the fact that there is no way to reverse damaging bleeding, as there is for warfarin users. The doctors have all told me not to fall, because the bleeding resulting from a fall most likely would lead to a debilitating stroke or death. I would like your opinion on whether it is wise to take the more convenient apixaban or to stick with warfarin. „ Anon. ANSWER: Apixaban (Eliquis) is one of the newer oral anticoagulants, w hich are used in people w ho have an increased risk of clot, such as people w ith atrial “brillation or a history of blood clots. (People with mechanical heart valves are not candidates for the newer oral anticoagulants.) You are correct that they have several advantages, but, like warfarin (Coumadin), they still increase the risk of bleeding. The risk for bleeding is about the same, or perhaps a bit lower, in the new anticoagulants compared with w arfarin. Warfarin has been in use for decades; its good that it has an antidote, but not good that it needs to be used. One of the new agents, dabigatran (Pradaxa), has a speci“c antidote. One has been developed for apixaban and rivaroxaban (Xarelto), but it has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as of this writing. It sounds to me like your biggest concern is safety, not convenience. Right now, considering apixaban and warfarin, the data show that apixaban has a lower risk of major and fatal bleeding than warfarin does. On the other hand, there is not yet an antidote for the rare case of a serious bleeding episode. Neither choice is perfect, but if the antidote for apixaban gets approved, that might end up being the safest choice. Dabigatran has an antidote available and is a very reasonable choice now. The booklet on abnormal heart rhythms explains atrial “brillation and the more common heart rhythm disturbances in greater detail. Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Roach Book No. 107 628 Virginia Dr. Orlando, FL 32803 Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6. Can. with the recipients printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. DEAR DR. ROACH: How can a patient differentiate frequent urination caused by an overactive bladder from an underlying medical problem like diabetes? „ A.L. ANSWER: Both overactive bladder and diabetes (both diabetes insipidus, which is an inability to properly concentrate urine, and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, which causes loss of water along with sugar) cause excess urination. However, in overactive bladder, the urination may be frequent or urgent, but usually is in relatively small volumes, whereas in diabetes, the urination is both frequent and in large amounts. The diagnosis can be suspected by this history; however, its wise for the physician to obtain blood testing for diabetes insipidus (blood sodium level and sometimes urine concentration) and diabetes mellitus (blood and urine sugar or blood A1c level) in someone suspected of overactive bladder symptoms. Its also appropriate to look for infection, which can cause similar symptoms. In men, considering prostate enlargement is important. Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med. or request an order form of available health newsletters at 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803. Health newsletters may be ordered from www. cho i ce of blood th i nner, does safety or convenience take precedence?Dr. Roach BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY adno=8602374


Friday, April 21, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 11 Dear Readers: Are you thinking about going on a cruise? Here are some Heloise hints for smooth sailing: € Book early, about three to six months ahead. Not only will you get the best choice of cabins, but many cruise lines offer discounts to those who book early, so dont be shy about asking for discounts. € Research the type of cruises available. Some have a party-all-the-time schedule, while others are designed for those whod rather relax on deck with a good book. € Book the best cabin you can afford. Believe it or not, youll be there more than you had expected. € The last night of the cruise is the time to tip those who were helpful to you. While its entirely up to you whether you tip and how much, its always nice to say thank youŽ with a monetary gift. „ HeloiseFriday fun factsDear Readers: € A jelly“sh is 95 percent water. € It is the male sea horses who give birth to live young. € Many years ago, sailors wore gold earrings to be sure they were given a decent burial. The earrings were used as payment for the cof“n and service. „ HeloiseRemoving old wallpaperDear Heloise: I had a terrible time trying to remove old wallpaper, until I came across this method: I put really hot water in a spray bottle with about half a cup of fabric softener, then shake well to mix the two ingredients. Spray the wallpaper generously, wait about 20 minutes, then peel off the wallpaper. It comes off very easily with this method. „ A. and L., Great Falls, Mont.Wicker furniture careDear Heloise : My dad always washed our white wicker furniture on the patio using a bucket of warm water and about half a cup of table salt. This helped keep it from turning yellow. He would occasionally wipe down the wicker with furniture polish that contained natural oil. Our wicker lasted for several years with this type of care. „ Julia B., Conover, N.C.Cruising for the best tripHints from Heloise BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Make your business a part of it! Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602375


Page 12 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 21, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). Recent stresses have you craving a little more reassurance that all is well. You may have to ask for it, as people will be so into their own parts of the story that they may not realize what others need and want. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). In your mind, if relationships are a lot of work, it's a sign that the t isn't good. Regardless, we can't always choose with whom we'll be interacting. Attaining new and better social skills will help matters greatly. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Meetings are on the agenda. They may not feel all that productive, but the point is to show up, see and be seen. This is about understanding the roles involved and the people who are going to play them. CANCER (June 22-July 22). There's a new project or person on your mind „ how exciting and irresistible! You are convinced that you are better o pursuing this than doing what you used to do for fun. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A little complaining between friends or colleagues can be a bonding experience, venting the bad energy and uniting the team. But constant complaining just compounds negativity. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Love is not something you can talk yourself into or create with an intellectual exercise. You may feel that you should love, but don't force the issue. It just doesn't work that way. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The day is marked by an increased sense of purpose. Perhaps this is because many will be aected by your work. As you act on behalf of the group, you nd success. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your vessel will be aected by the wind and currents, but you're still ultimately the pilot of this ship. Grip the wheel and do your best with today's stormy seas. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The rst step to restoring the peace in your world will have to do with temperance. Go easy; do the things that contribute to your health. If there's a problem to clear up, you'll have the strength for it today. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You've had the kind of life turning points that were unexpected and out of your control, but mostly change happens because you make it happen. And here you go again! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). It's as though today pulls back the stage curtain just enough to give you a peek at what's to come in a brand-new phase of your life. You'll like what you see. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You're not always your best counselor. In fact, you wouldn't even make the top-10 list today. Listen to many opinions. Right now, you're too close to the subject. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (April 21). Wanting well is an art. You want the highest and best for all involved, not just yourself. The year is marked by an attitude of exibility that will allow you to make the most of circumstances and use the energy available instead of ghting against it. New work comes in July. Romantic love plays out like a dream. Scorpio and Sagittarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 50, 12, 14 and 32. DEAR ABBY: More than 10,000 baby boomers in the U.S. turn 65 every day, and enter the age of riskŽ for Alzheimers disease. I have witnessed the devastating effects of this disease in my work as a neurologist, as a clinical researcher, and sadly, in my own family. The good news is that we are now starting prevention trials to try to stop memory loss before it begins! The A4 (AntiAmyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimers) Study is the “rst clinical trial designed for people who have the earliest signs of Alzheimers disease beginning in the brain, but dont yet have any symptoms of the disease. The A4 Study is enrolling healthy 65to 85-year-olds across the country who may be at risk for memory loss due to Alzheimers disease. I feel a new sense of hope, but we really need volunteers to join us. Our motto for the A4 Study is Now is the time,Ž and now really IS the time to make a difference in defeating Alzheimers disease. I hope your readers who are interested will call (toll-free) 844-247-8839 or visit to receive more information or to join us. „ REISA SPERLING, M.D., PROJECT DIRECTOR, HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL DEAR DR. SPERLING: Im pleased to alert my readers to your clinical trial. Living to a ripe old ageŽ can be a mixed blessing because the older we get, the greater the likelihood of Alzheimers disease entering the picture. Readers, Dr. Sperling is looking for subjects with a family history of Alzheimers disease or who, through prescreening, have been discovered to have amyloid plaques forming in the brain. There are more than 65 study sites throughout the U.S. and several in Canada, so you may be able to “nd a location near you. DEAR ABBY: I have been somewhat taken aback by two retirement party invitations I received lately. Both require an entrance feeŽ of $15 to $20. I have never heard of or experienced something like this before. When I retired from teaching 10 years ago, I held my own retirement party at my home. I supplied the food and beverages and requested no gifts, please.Ž Is there a new custom that requires people to pay an admission price to a party? If someone pays to go to the party, is he/ she also expected to bring a gift? Honestly, Im a little put off being asked to pay to celebrate my friends retirements. Should I be, or is this an appropriate request? „ WONDERING IN OHIO DEAR WONDERING: I dont blame you for feeling put off. I dont know who is supposedly giving the parties for your friends, but if youre being asked to pay for your food and beverages, it appears that no host is. If you pay to attend these parties, your PRESENCE should be your gift. And if you choose not to go, I wouldnt blame you. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. What teens need to know about sex, drugs, AIDS and getting along with peers and parents is in What Every Teen Should Know.Ž Send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby, Teen Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Shipping and handling are included in the price.) For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again,Ž „ Matthew 7:2. God has His own way of balancing out the scales of life though we may never be permitted to view the “nal reading. BIBLENew study aims at stopping Alzheimers before it startsVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby


Friday, April 21, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 13 Friday TelevisionVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDAAPR. 21PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC7 News @ 6pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News at 7 Florida Suncoasts news, weather & more. (N)The Toy Box Life-size construction tubes. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Shark Tank A surfer invents a rescue signal. (TVPG) (N) (HD) (:01) 20/20 Diane Sawyer interviews Caitlyn Jenner. (N) (HD)ABC7 News @ 11pm (N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (R) ABC E F 26---7117-ABC7 News @ 6:00pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)The 7 OClock News (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)The Toy Box Life-size construction tubes. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Shark Tank A surfer invents a rescue signal. (TVPG) (N) (HD) (:01) 20/20 Diane Sawyer interviews Caitlyn Jenner. (N) (HD)ABC7 News @ 11:00pm(N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (R) CBS E F 11213213-555-WINK News at 6pm (N) (HD)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)WINK News at 7pm (N) (HD)Inside Edition(TVPG) (N) (HD)MacGyver: Pliers Science prodigy is kidnapped. (TVPG) (R) (HD)Hawaii Five-0: Elua la ma Nowemapa JFKs death. (TVPG) (R) (HD)Blue Bloods: Mob Rules Danny and Frank try to get justice. (TV14) (R)WINK News at 11pm (N) (HD)Late Show Rosario Dawson. CBS E F 10101010---1010 News This Evening (N)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)Wheel (TVG) (N) (HD)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)MacGyver: Pliers Science prodigy is kidnapped. (TVPG) (R) (HD)Hawaii Five-0: Elua la ma Nowemapa JFKs death. (TVPG) (R) (HD)Blue Bloods: Mob Rules Danny and Frank try to get justice. (TV14) (R)10 News Nightside (N)Late Show Rosario Dawson. NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel (TVG) (N) (HD)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)First Dates: A Cat Is a Red Flag One dater has heavy expectations. (N)Dateline NBC: The Laci Peterson Story: A Dateline Investigation A rare interrogation video of convicted murderer Scott Peterson is featured. (N)NBC2 News @ 11pm (N) (HD)Tonight Show Salma Hayek.(N) NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChannel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)NewsChannel 8 at 7:00 (N)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)First Dates: A Cat Is a Red Flag One dater has heavy expectations. (N)Dateline NBC: The Laci Peterson Story: A Dateline Investigation A rare interrogation video of convicted murderer Scott Peterson is featured. (N)NewsChannel 8 at 11:00 (N)Tonight Show Salma Hayek.(N) FOX E F 36---444-FOX 4 News at Six Community news; weather; traffic; more. (N)Family Feud Families compete. Family Feud Families compete. Rosewood: Amparo & The American Dream School teacher. (TV14) (N)Lethal Weapon: Can I Get a Witness? Riggs befriends a witness. (R)FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)FOX 4 News at Eleven (N)TMZ (TVPG) (R) FOX E F 13131313-13-13FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)Access Hollywood(TVPG) (N)TMZ (TVPG) (N)Rosewood: Amparo & The American Dream School teacher. (TV14) (N)Lethal Weapon: Can I Get a Witness? Riggs befriends a witness. (R)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News News, sports, weather and traffic.(N) PBS E F 30-3-333-BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Washington Week (N) (HD)The Week(TVG) (N) (HD)Josh Groban: Stages Live Josh Groban performs Broadway classics. (TVG) (R) (HD)My Music: Burt Bacharachs Best Melodies of composer Burt Bacharach. (TVG) (R) (HD) PBS E F #3173---3BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Washington Week (N) (HD)Florida This Week (TVG) (N)Live from Lincoln Center: Elfman: Tim Burton Film Music Selections from the composers film scores are performed. (TVG) (R) (HD)Craft In America: Nature(TVPG) (N) (HD) CW E F 46---6216-Mike & Molly Mollys interview. WINK News at 6:30pm (N) (HD)Big Bang Impromptu wedding. Big Bang Home hair business. The Originals: Gather Up the Killers Un-sired vampires. (TV14) (R) (HD)Reign: Love & Death Mary deals with political blowback.(TV14) (R)WINK News @10pm (N) (HD)Mike & Molly: Spring Break 2 Broke Girls Diner hold-up. CW E F 44999---4Mike & Molly Mollys interview. Mike & Molly: Spring Break 2 Broke Girls Diner hold-up. 2 Broke Hollywood adventure. The Originals: Gather Up the Killers Un-sired vampires. (TV14) (R) (HD)Reign: Love & Death Mary deals with political blowback.(TV14) (R)Two & Half Charlies choice. Two & Half: A Chic Bar In Ibiza Friends Drunk Rachel talks. Friends Thief for maid. (TVPG) MYN E F 38111111---14Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud Families compete. Family Feud Families compete. News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)American Ninja Warrior: Military Qualifying Hour 1(TVPG) (HD)American Ninja Warrior: Military Qualifying Hour 2(TVPG) (HD)Family Feud Families compete. Family Feud Families compete. IND E F 32121212-38-12Mod Family School production. Modern Family Glorias sister. Big Bang Impromptu wedding. Big Bang Home hair business. Anger Former prisoner. (TV14)Anger Five prostitutes.(TV14)Last Man Standing Kyles fear. Last Man Stand.: The Shortcut Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Cold Comfort Death in the family. (TV14)Family Guy Climb Mt. Everest. Family Guy: Airport 07(TV14) ION E F 662221326-17Law & Order: Skate or Die Murders of three homeless men. (TV14)Law & Order: The Drowned and the Saved Charity executive. (TV14)Law & Order: Memo from the Dark Side War veteran. (TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Just a Girl in the World Murder connected to later attack. Law & Order: Great Satan Murder connects kidnapping & terrorism. Saving Hope: Tested and Tried (TV14) (R) (HD) E L B A CA&E262626263950181(5:00) Live PD: Live PD 04.15.17 (R) (HD)Live PD: Rewind #9 (N)Live PD: Live PD 04.21.17 (N) (HD) AMC565656563053231The Shawshank Redemption A man in prison. The Shawshank Redemption (94, Drama) Tim Robbins. An innocent man convicted of his wifes murder copes with the horrors of prison. (R)The Shawshank Redemption (94, Drama) Tim Robbins. A man copes with the horrors of prison. APL444444443668130Tanked (TVPG) (R) (HD)Tanked Wifes surprise. Tanked (TVPG) (R) (HD) (:01) Tanked (TVPG) (N)Tanked Chris Jericho.(:01) Tanked (TVPG) (R) BBCAM114114114114114114189(:20) Star Trek Ancient man. (TVPG)Star Trek (TVPG)(:40) Star Trek (TVPG)(:50) Star Trek Lincoln vs. Genghis. Star Trek (TVPG) BET353535354022270(3:20) BET Awards 2016 (TV14) (R)(:40) Beyond the Lights (14, Drama) Young musician faces newfound stardom. Rebel: Black Not Blue BRAVO6868686825451185HousewivesHousewives (TV14) (R)(:48) Sex and the City (08, Comedy) A writer prepares for her wedding. (R)Sex and the City (08) COM666666661527190Futurama: Lethal Inspection A mortal defect. South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)The Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber Comedic roast of Justin Bieber. (TVMA) (R) (HD)Jeff Ross Roast Criminals Stand-up in jail. (R) DISC404040402543120Jobs Boat disposal. (R)Yukon Men: The Edge Yukon Men Urgent call. Yukon Men: The Road Alaska: Ottos Tour (N)Yukon Men: The Road E!464646462726196(4:30) Benefits (TV14)E! News (N) (HD)Hes Just Not That Into You (09, Comedy) Dating struggles. Sex & CityE! News (N) (HD) FOOD3737373718376164Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (N)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R) FREE555555551046199The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part 2 (12) Famous in Love: Pilot Paige auditions. (TV14)Matilda (96, Fantasy) A young girl uses magical talents to get even with a wicked principal. Famous in Love: Pilot Paige auditions. (TV14)The 700 Club In Our Hands.Ž(TVG) (R) (HD) FX51515151584953(5:30) 21 Jump Street (12) Two cops go undercover at a high school to bust a synthetic drug ring. The Internship (13, Comedy) Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson. Two jobless salesmen compete as interns for a job at a tech company. (PG-13)The Internship (13, Comedy) Job competition. GSN17917917917934179184Fam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudHollywood (TVPG) (HD)Fam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. Feud HALL5551713773240Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Home Imp.Home Im p.The MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleGold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165My LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryHuntersHuntersHuntersHunters HIST818181813365128Anc Aliens (TVPG) (R)Anc Aliens (TVPG) (R)Ancient Aliens: Declassified: Aliens & Geniuses (TVPG) (N) (HD) LIFE363636365241140(5:00) Just Wright (10) Bring It! (TVPG) (R)Bring It! (TVPG) (N)Bring It! (TVPG) (N)The Pop Game: Finale Bring It! (TVPG) (R) NICK252525252444252Henry (R)Henry (R)ThundermanThundermanNicky (R)ShakersIce Age (02, Comedy) Lost infant. Full HouseFriendsFriends OWN58585858476714520/20 Poisoned family. 20/20 Lost in blizzard. 20/20 Hostage. (TV14)48 Hours: (TV14) (HD)48 Hours: (TV14) (HD)20/20 Hostage. (TV14) QVC14141491413150IT Cosmetics Natural makeup. (TV G)by Renee (TV G)Friday Beauty (TV G)Shawn Says (TV G)Dennis Basso SPIKE57575757296354Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Bellator MMA Live (HD)Cops (R)Cops (R) SYFY6767676725364180Salt (10) A CIA officer is accused of treason. Independence Day (96) Will Smith. Alien spacecr afts destroy entire cities. Resident Evil (07) TBS59595959326252SeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldLiar Liar A dishonest lawyer finds he cant lie. ELEAGUE: Street Fighter V Group B (TV14) TCM656565656574230(5:45) Dear Heart (64) Gallant delega te falls for quirky postmistress while at tending a convention. An Affair to Remember (57, Romance) Cary Grant. Lovers pledge to reunite in six months.(:15) Brief Encounter (45) A housewife and a doctor have secret meetings at a railway station. TLC454545455772139Honey BooHoney BooHoney BooHoney BooHoney Boo Boo Jitters. Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Pumpkins secret. Honey Boo (TV14) (R) TNT61616161285551Castle: The Double Down Castles bet. (TVPG)Castle: Inventing the Girl Fashion industry. Olympus Has Fallen (13, Action) Gerard Butler. A guard searches for the president. (R) (HD)S.W.A.T. (03) A S.W.A.T. team tries to prevent a drug kingpin from being sprung from prison. TOON808080804620257Titans Go!Titans Go!We BareAdv. TimeKing HillAm. DadCleve. ShwAm. DadBobs BrgrBobs BrgrFamily GuyFamily Guy TRAV6969696926066170Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn Lost city. Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG) TRUTV636363635030183FunniestFunniestCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroJokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Greatest TVL626262623154241M*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HLoves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.QueensQueens USA34343434225250SVU Fin gets shot. (HD)Chrisley NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Boston vs Ottawa (Live)ChrisleySVU: Game (TV14) WE117117117117117117149CSI: Miami Lab prank. Dr. Miami (TV14) (R)Dr. Miami (TV14) (R)Dr. Miami: Pretty Kitty Dr. Miami A new nose. Dr. Miami A new nose. WGN16161619411168Blue Blood (TVPG)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Troy When a prince steals a mans wife, a war of epic proportions begins. Troy Assault on Troy. S W E NCNBC393939395937102Mad Money (N) (HD)Undr. Boss: UniFirst Undr. Boss: Mastec Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss In line. (HD)Undr. Boss (TV14) (HD) CNN323232321838100Situation Room (N)Erin Burnett (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)CNN Tonight (N)CNN Tonight (N) CSPAN181818183712109(10:00) Public Affairs Events (R)Maria Shriver Warns NIH Funding Cuts Could Harm Al (N)Politics & Public Policy Today (R) FNC646464644871118Special Report (N) (HD)The First 100 Days (N)The OReilly Factor (N)Tucker Carlson (N)Hannity (N) (HD)The OReilly Factor (R) MSNBC8383838318540103For the Record (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)Chris Hayes (N) (HD)Rachel Maddow (N)Last Word (N) (HD)Chris Hayes (R) (HD) SNN66611---SNN EveEve @ 6:30ES.TV (R)CelebritySuncoastNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late ESNN Late ECelebrity S T R O P SESPN29292929125870SportsCenter (HD) 2017 NBA Playoffs: Boston vs Chicago (Live) (HD) 2017 NBA Playoffs: Houston vs Oklahoma City (Live) (HD) ESPN23030303065974Horn (HD)InterruptnSportsCenter (HD) FIFA (Live) (HD)Special (HD) 2017 NBA Playoffs: Los Angeles vs Utah (Live) FS148484848426983Speak for (HD)UFC Tonight (HD)Weigh-In NHRA Qualifying (Live)NASCAR Cup Qualifying: Bristol MLB Whip Around (HD) FSN72727272725677MarlinsFocusedUEFA Highlights (HD)UEFA Mag.AccessSpotlightMarlins MLB Baseball: Miami vs San Diego (Live) (HD) FSSUN38383838455776FocusedRays LIVE! MLB Baseball: Houston Astros at Tampa Bay Rays (Live) (HD)Rays LIVE!InsideInsideInside GOLF49494949556093PGA Tour PGA Tour (Taped) (HD)Golf CntrlPGA Tour Golf: Valero Texas Open: Round 2 (Replay) (HD) NBCSN71717171546190 NHL Live (Live) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Toronto vs Washington (Live) (HD) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Calgary vs Anaheim M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250BUNKD Music video. (TVG) (R)BUNKD Responsible Luke. (R)BUNKD: Dreams Come True Tangled Scavenger hunt. (N)Stuck in the Middle: Stuck Without Devices Tech-free weekend. (TV G)Strange Magic (15) Boisterous goblins, imps, elves & fairies find misadventure over coveted potion. (PG)Tangled Scavenger hunt. (R)Stuck Mid. Tech-free weekend. Andi Mack Dance party. (TV G) ENC150150150150150150350(:20) The Cable Guy (96, Comedy) Jim Carrey, Matthew Broderick. A cable televi sion tech thinks a bribe for free movies equals friendship. Jaws (75, Thriller) Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw. A great white shark begins to menace the waters of a New England resort town. (PG) (HD) (:06) Anaconda (97, Horror) A documentary crew fights a colossal, man-eating snake in the Amazon. (HD)Total Recall Mans double life. HBO302302302302302302400(5:20) Gods of Egypt (16) Mortal forms unlikely alliance with god Horus to dethrone god of darkness. VICE Global fast food. (TVMA)Mamma Mia! (08, Musical) Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan. A young woman who wants her father to attend her wedding doesnt know who he is. Real Time with Bill Maher(TVMA) (HD)VICE Global fast food. (TVMA)Animals Conniving rats.(TVMA) HBO2303303303303303303402(:05) Fools Gold (08, Adventure) Matthew McConaughey. A beach bum gi ves up his wife and his possessions to search for a lost treasure. J. Cole: 4 Your Eyez Only, A Dreamville Film Revealing struggles. Girls: Latching New part of life. Veep: Omaha Selinas legacy. War Dogs (16, Comedy) Miles Teller, Jonah Hill. Government contractors get in over their heads when they must arm Afghan forces. (R) (HD) HBO3304304304304304304404P.S. I Love You (07) A widow receives messages from her late husband to help her overcome her grief.(:25) The Leftovers: The Book of Kevin Return as chief. (TVMA) (HD)Last Week John Oliver(TVMA)Joy (15, Drama) Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro. One woman rises up against all odds and founds business dynasty. (PG-13) (HD) (:15) Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising (16) Seth Rogen. Neighbor problems. MAX320320320320320320420(:20) Max Payne (08) Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis. A detective and an assassin te am up to uncover a dangerous conspiracy. (PG-13) (HD)Warcraft (16, Adventure) Travis Fimmel, Daniel Wu. Peaceful human realm and orc world facing extinction collide in an epic war. (PG-13) (HD) (:05) Waterworld (95, Action) Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper. A loner helps refugees seek mythical dry land in an otherwise watery world. (HD) MAX2321321321321321321422(5:10) Pitch Perfect 2 (15) A cappella group goes international.(:05) Definitely, Maybe (08, Romance) Ryan Reynolds, Isla Fisher. A 10-yearold girl tries to bring her birth mom and her dad together again. Constantine (05, Horror) Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz. A psychic detective saves the world from being conquered by the son of Satan. (R) (:05) Gone in 60 Seconds (00) A retired car thief must steal 50 cars. SHO340340340340340340365(5:15) Americas Sweethearts (01) Hollywood power couple breaks up. Triple 9 A rookie police officer, who survives an attempt on his life by the Russian Mafia and corrupt police officers, must try to bring them down. Burn Motherf*cker, Burn! (17) Decades of racial tension that led to the uprising in Los Angeles is explored. Guerrilla Marcus and Jas become targets. (TVMA) (R) (HD)Burn Motherf*cker, Burn! (17) TMC350350350350350350385Chicago (03) Women scheme. Jimmy Vestvood: Amerikan Hero Immigrant wins the Green Card lottery.(TV14) (HD)Spy Kids (01, Adventure) Retired spy parents are called into action when agents disappear. (PG) (HD)The DUFF (15, Comedy) The life of a high school senior is shaken up by a word she did not know. (HD) (:15) The Hateful Eight (15) Group encounters betrayal and deception. 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 6 a.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League Draw Semi“nals. (L) 12 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour Champions Golf Bass Pro Shops Legends of Golf at Big Cedar Lodge: Round 1. (L) 3:30 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour Golf Valero Texas Open: Round 2. (L) 4:30 p.m. FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Qualifying Bristol. (L) 7 p.m. ESPN 2017 NBA Playoffs Eastern Conference First Round, Game 3 Boston Celtics at Chicago Bulls. (L) FSSUN MLB Baseball Houston Astros at Tampa Bay Rays. (L) 7:30 p.m. USA 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Eastern Conference First Round, Game 5 Boston Bruins at Ottawa Senators. (L) 8 p.m. ESPN2 2017 FIFA Ultimate Team Championship Series Vancouver Day One (L) FS1 UFC Fight Night Weigh-In Swanson vs Lobov. (L) 8:30 p.m. FS1 NHRA Qualifying Houston. (L) 9:30 p.m. ESPN 2017 NBA Playoffs Western Conference First Round, Game 3 Houston Rockets at Oklahoma City Thunder. (L) 10 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NBA Playoffs Western Conference First Round, Game 3 Los Angeles Clippers at Utah Jazz. (L) FSN MLB Baseball Miami Marlins at San Diego Padres. (L)7:00 a.m. ABC Good Morning America Rosario Dawson from UnforgettableŽ; Disneynature ambassador Jane Goodall. (N) 7:00 a.m. NBC Today Fashion model Karlie Kloss; Parkinsons advocates May May Ali and Carol Walton. (N) 9:00 a.m. CBS LIVE with Kelly Van Jones; Rosario Dawson; Rick Schwartz; Zara Larsson; Clean Bandit. (N) 9:00 a.m. FOX Jerry Springer A man “nds unexpected companionship; woman worries about relationship. (N) 9:00 a.m. MYN The 700 Club A behind-the-scenes look is given into the documentary In Our Hands.Ž (N) 10:00 a.m. CW Rachael Ray French chef Jacques Pepin cooks up a spicy chicken dish; actor Morris Chestnut. (N) 10:00 a.m. IND Jerry Springer A man “nds unexpected companionship; woman worries about relationship. (N) 11:00 a.m. ABC The View Actress Cynthia Nixon from A Quiet PassionŽ and The Little Foxes.Ž (N) 12:00 p.m. CW The Wendy Williams Show Bobbi Brown; Dancing Grandma.Ž (N) 1:00 p.m. ABC The Chew Actress Katherine Heigl from UnforgettableŽ joins Carla in the kitchen. (N) 2:00 p.m. CBS The Talk Octavia Spencer; Chris Evans; Rocky Carroll. (N) 3:00 p.m. CBS Harry Kurt Russell; McKenna Grace; Bobbi Brown; highlight Boston community. (N) 3:00 p.m. NBC The Dr. Oz Show Factors for better heart health are examined; couples dealing with in“delity. (N) 5:00 p.m. CW Dr. Phil Husband alleges stepdaughter is a sel“sh manipulator whos destroying marriage. (N) 11:35 p.m. NBC The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Actress Salma Hayek; comic and TV host W. Kamau Bell. (N)Todays Live Sports Todays Talk Shows Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV


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Only 23,700 Miles! 941-960-9612 2012 HONDA CIVIC EX NAV $11,305 4Door SDN, Silver 844-467-9558 dlr 2010 HONDA ODYSSEY EX-L$12,881 4Door Pass Van, Charcoal. 844-467-9558 dlr 7070 FORD 2008 FORD EXPEDITION $16,900 EDDIE BAUER 53,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 FORD ESCAPE SE $17,998 4Dr Sport Util, Blk. 844-467-9558 dlr 2013 FORD EDGE$18,896 4Dr Front-Wheel dr 64,782 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2014 FORD EDGE SEL $20,796 4dr,Sport Util, Red. 844-467-9558 dlr 2012 FORD MUSTANG 2DR $20,989 cpe gt 63,590 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2010 FORD F250 $26,900, King Ranch Crew Cab Diesel 142,000 844-467-9795 dlr 2016 FORD MUSTANG $31,497 GT-PREM. RED, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. 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Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2016 FORD MUSTANG PREM22,946 2Dr Conv, Ecoboost 844-467-9558 dlr 2008 FORD FOCUS 4Dr SE. 78K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7080 JEEP 2009 JEEP GR-CHEROKEE $9,900, 4X4 844-467-9795 DLR 2010 JEEP Gr-CHEROKKE $10,900, 99K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2012 JEEP PATRIOT $11,900, 41K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2012 JEEP LIBERTY $11,900, 86K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2011 JEEP COMPASS BASE $12,496,4Dr Sport Util, gray 844-467-9558 DLR 2011 JEEP COMPASS BASE $14,998,4Dr Sport Util, Red 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 JEEP COMPASS $15,989 4x4 4dr Limited 41,675 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 JEEP CHEROKEE $17,989 4dr Fr-Wh Silver 48,253 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 JEEP CHEROKEE $17,990 GRAY, 26K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 JEEP GR-CHEROKEE $25,253 Laredo, 4Dr sp Util.. 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 JEEP WRANGLER $27,950 WILLYS WHEELER 47K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 JEEP WRANGLER 4DR $32,557, Unlmtd, Sport, Sp Util844-467-9558 dlr PRO POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd. Port Charlotte 1996 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,000 1998 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,199 2000 Cherokee 4X4,auto, air $3,895 2001 Wrangler Sport $7,500 2001 Wrangler Sport, Lifted $10,999 2011 Wrangler Sport, $16,899 941-627-8822 7050 CHRYSLER 1989 CHRYSLER LEBARON $2,800 Conv. 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Low mileage! 33K. Yellow w/black interior & top. Located in Englewood 414-322-5650 2015 CHRYSLER 200 LIMITED$12,668,4Dr Sedan, gray 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 CHRYSLER 200 $14,989,, 4dr Fr-wh-dr White 42,173 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 CHRYSLER T&C $15,898 Fr-wh -Wh dr Red 77,185 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 CHRYSLER T&C $16,900, CAB 52,K MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 CHRYSLER T&C $19,984 4dr, Pass Van, Silver 844-467-9558 dlr 2013 CHRYSLER 300C $19,989 4Dr Rear-Wh-Dr, Wht. 55,789 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 CHRYSLER T&C $20,248 4dr, Pass Van, White 844-467-9558 dlr 2005 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE Convertible. Pearl Red. 45K MI. New Tires. $11,000 941-205-0928 2005 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE Convertible, LTD. 30K MI. White, New Tires $13,500 941-258-5289 2003 CHRYSLER PTCRUISER 76KMI Gold MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR


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New tires, Good shape! $2895.00 (941)763-4818 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2000 FORD F-150 XLT $3,500125K MI. Full Tow. Cold A/C Well Maintained, Good Mechanical Cond 941-697-6076 2004 DODGE DAKOTA $4,900 obo Long Bed w/ Fiberglass Top. 136K Mi. Runs Great, Looks Good. 401-965-7084 REDUCED 2015 NISSAN VERSA $11,9904dr sdn 1.6 White 18,118 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2011 NISSAN CUBE $12,9894dr Fr-wheel 10,579 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA $15,9894dr sdn 2.5 8,577 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 1993 CHEVROLET 1500 $16,500 V-8 Short Bed, Show truck, Many awards, mint cond. All original. Sale due to health Come See you will not be disappointed! 941-474-0234 2012 NISSAN NV CARGO $22,9893dr rear-wheel 33,005 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 TOYOTA TACOMA $26,497 GRAY, 31K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 FORD F-150 $28,897 XLT, BLUE, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 TOYOTA TUNDRA $32,990 SR5 4X4 BLUE, 29K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $33,897 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 TOYOTA TUNDRA $36,977 SR5 UPGRADE PKG 18K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 FORD F-350 $52,911 4X4 DIESEL 9,475 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2011 FORD EXPEDITION $20,225 XLT 61,500 MI. Tow Pkg, Well Maintained. In Englewood. 941-475-5402 (Mention Car) or 941-716-3324 2015 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $29,950 LIMITED, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR $409894dr, 4x2 select 25,528 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 FORD EXPLORER $41,987 PLATINUM, 8,760 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7330 BOATS-POWERED 31 2006 LOA CRUISERS 280 CX1 Twin Volvos (Low Hours), A/C, 2 Staterooms, Dinette, Galley, Shower, Microwave, TV-VCR, Stereo, GPS, VHS+++ A Must See! $49,500 obo 941-979-8203 7260 AUTOS WANTED WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES CHEVY TRUCK steel rims $10 each, some 6 lug some 5 lug 863-558-2836 REPAIR MANUALS for GM transmissions $20 941-625-5919 TIRES (2) Goodyear, 185/65/R15 $40 for both. 941-257-5500 CAR RAMPS metal,quality $55 786-306-6335 TOW BAR $75, OBO 941-629-6165 ENGINE STAND heavy duty $75 786-306-6335 CHEVY 454 Standard Flywheel $75 863-558-2836 1962 CHEVY IMPALA fender skirts $100 863-558-2836 CHEVY 283 engine runs, stock $480 786-306-6335 VALVE COVERS, 350 Corvette alum, black finned $160 941697-5469 TRUCK BED top fits 6 Bed, good cond. Grey $200 941-624-0539 TRAILER WIRING KIT for Lexus RX 350 & RX 450H $10 941-697-5469 SPARE TIRE For mergency fits Mercedes-Benz $175, OBO 941-625-5919 HUB CAPS: COROLLA (2) 15Ž good condition, price for both. $25 941-412-1491 EXHAUST TITANIUM Fits any C5 Corvette. $125 941-625-5919 EXHAUST MANIFOLDS (2) 454, Good Condition; price is for each. $200 941-237-8512 62 TO 72 Chevy P/U windshield gasket (new) NEW $35 863-558-2836 4 STEEL 14Ž Rims For Buick, Olds or Pontiac $60 863-5582836 7290 VANS 1999 FORD ECONOLINE $2,900 E-150, Runs great. Sr. owned. Clean 941-979-0901 2002 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $3,500 OBO, Limited, 1 owner, 55K miles, Perfect Shape *SOLD 1st DAY* 2006 DODGE GRAND-CARAVAN $4,800 OBO,77K MI Like new 941-224-6031 2005 FORD CONVERSION VAN $8,700 Lthr. Seats & Bed, Back Up Camera, TV, Chrome Wheels & Michelin Tires, 50,700. Miles! **SOLD!!** 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $11,990 GOLD, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $25,497 EX-L, CERT, 40K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $26,497 EX-L, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,477EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7210 TOYOTA 2013 TOYOTA CAMRY $15,990 SILVER, 47K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2006 TOYOTA TUNDRA $16,000 OBO,SR5 4X4 Gray 80,000 miles, Extras 631-372-8900 2013 TOYOTA AVALON XLE $19,613, 4Dr Sedan, Blk. 844-467-9558 dlr 2017 TOYOTA CAMRY SE $19,962 4Dr Sedan, White. 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 TOYOTA CAMRY SE $19,963 4Dr Sedan, White. 844-467-9558 dlr 2012 TOYOTA TACOMA V6 $22,361 4Door Double Cab 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 TOYOTA AVALON $24,989 4dr sdn red 9,154 mi 844-468-0509 DLr 2013 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $26,900,Limited 16K MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 TOYOTA SIENNA $26,989 4dr Fr wheel 39,643 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2012 TOYOTA TACOMA V6 $31,896 4Door Double Cab 844-467-9558 dlr 2006 TOYOTA AVALON $10,9899 4dr sdn xls, Maroon 96,007 mi 844-468-0509 DLr 7220 VOLKSWAGEN 2015 VW PASSAT 1.8T $19,93, 4Dr Sedan, Blk. 844-467-9558 dlr 2011 VW TIGUAN S $7,836 4Dr Sport Utility,red. 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 VW BEETLE2.5L $8,969 2dr Htchback, Red. 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 VW JETTA 2.5L se $9,953 4dr Sdn silver, 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 VW JETTA 1.8T $12,9534dr Sdn,w/sunroof 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT 1.8T $12,996 Wolfsburg, 4Dr Sdn 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW JETTA 2.0L S $12,996 4Dr Sedan, Red. 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT $13,900 39,k mil 844-467-9795 dlr 2014 VW JETTA GLI $13,968 4Dr Sedan. 844-467-9558 Dlr 2012 VW GTI $14,900 49,k mil 844-467-9795 dlr 2015 VW BEETLE 1.8T $16,971 2Dr Conv, Black. 844-467-9558 dlr 2017 VW TIGUAN SPORT $26,833 4Dr sp Util.. 844-467-9558 dlr 7230 VOLVO 2015 VOLVO XC60 $30,797 T5 DRIVE-E PLAT. 43K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7240 MISC.IMPORTS 2014 PORSCHE CAYENNE $39,911 WHITE, NAV, 49K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7260 AUTOS WANTED WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 CASHFOR ALL TRUCKS & CARS ANY COND RUNNING OR NOT. (352)-342-7037 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 7178 LEXUS 2013 LEXUS GS-450H $36,990 CERT, NAV, BLUE, 36K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 LEXUS RX-350 $37,911 CERT, BLACK, 8,183 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 LEXUS GX-460 $47,477 PREM. PKG, BLACK, 11K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 LEXUS LX-570 $86,990 CERT, SILVER, 17K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7180 MAZDA 2010 MAZDA3 $8,900 79,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2010 MAZDA3 $8,900 79,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 MAZDA3 iSPORT $15,961 4Dr Hatchbk, Blue. 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 MAZDA MAZDA3 $15,990 BLACK, 14K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 MAZDA6 iTOURING $17,953 4Dr Sedan, Blue. 844-467-9558 dlr 7190 MERCEDES 2011 MERCEDES-BENZ $21,989 4dr,E350,Rear 50,127 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 7195 MITSUBISHI 2008 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 2DR COUPE GS 73K MI LIKE NEW! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7200 NISSAN 2016 NISSAN VERSA $10 10,9002,000,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2009 NISSAN CUBE 1.8 $1,685, 4D Station Wagon, Silver. 844-467-9558 Dlr 2012 NISSAN SENTRA $8,990 BLACK, 62K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 NISSAN SENTRA SV $ 11,787 4DR SEDAN WHITE 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 NISSAN SENTRA $11,990 4dr sdn m6 20,195 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 NISSAN SENTRA SV $12,421 4dr Sedan,Silver 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 s $13,478 4dr Sedan,White 844-467-9558 Dlr 2012 NISSAN ROGUE $13,989, 4dr, all-wheel dr, blk. 52,417 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 NISSAN ROGUE $16,833 4Dr Sport utility, Silv. 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 NISSAN ROGUE $16,989, 4dr, fr-wheel dr,sil. 28,419 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2017 NISSAN PATHFINDER $25,918 SUV,4Dr sp Util.. 844-467-9558 dlr 7206 SAAB 2010 SAAB 9-3 $9,990 SILVER, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7207 SUBARU 2015 SUBARU FORESTER2.5i $19,522 4Dr Sport Util. 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 SUBARU BRZSERIES$21,533 42Dr Coupe, Blk. 844-467-9558 dlr 2016 SUBARU FORESTER $25,836, 2.5i limtd, 4Dr sp Util.. 844-467-9558 dlr 2016 SUBARU OUTBACK $29,985, 2.5i limtd,,4Dr sp Util.. 844-467-9558 dlr 7208 SUZUKI 2002 SUZUKI XL-7 Standard $3,450 4Dr Sp-Utility, Beige 844-467-9558 DLR 7210 TOYOTA 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA $11,990 4dr Sdn, blk 43,013 m 844-468-0509 DLR 2012 TOYOTA CAMRY $15,989 4dr Sdn,Red 26,843 m 844-468-0509 DLR 7163 HYUNDAI 2017 HYUNDAI SANTA FE $21,592 Sport, 2.4 Base 4Dr Sport Util. 844-467-9558 dlr 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA WAGON. 45K Mi. 1-Owner. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7165 INFINITI 2011 INFINITI G37 $18,990 SILVER, 63K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 INFINITI Q50 $19,900, 45K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 INFINITI QX50 $31,877 BLUE, 6,112 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7175 JAGUAR 1994 JAGUAR XJ6 BASE $2,995 2DR SEDAN,WHITE 844-467-9558 DLR 7177 KIA 2015 KIA RIO LX $9,963 4Door SDN, red. 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 KIA FORTE $12,989 4Dr Sdn, 1.8 Blue 36,512 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2012 KIA SEDONA ,$12,989 Fr-Wheel Dr Silver, 16,767 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 KIA OPTIMA $13,900 23,000 mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 KIA FORTE $13,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Red, 17,690 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 KIA OPTIMA LX $14,155,4Dr Sedan,black 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 KIA OPTIMA LX $14,417,4Dr Sedan, 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 KIA OPTIMA EX $14,865,4Dr Sedan,bGray 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 KIA SPORTAGE $14,90042,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 KIA SORENTO $14,90053,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 KIA FORTE $14,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Gray, 9,129 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2014 KIA SORENTO LX $15,294 4Dr Sp Util, Gray. 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 KIA SORENTO LX $16,179 4Dr Sp Util, Red. 844-467-9558 dlr 2016 KIA SPORTAGELX$16,752 4Dr Sport Utility, Red. 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 KIA SORENTO LX $16,842 4Dr Sport Util, White. 844-467-9558 dlr 2016 KIA OPTIMALX $16,90023,000 mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2005 KIA SORENTO EX, WHITE, 74K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7178 LEXUS 2009 LEXUS ES-350 $15,990 PEBBLE BEACH, 67K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS RX-350 $19,990 RED, 76K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS RX-350 $25,990 AWD, NAV, 74K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS IS-350 $25,990 CERT, NAV, 32K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 LEXUS GX-460 $25,990 NAV, BLACK, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS ES-350 $26,911 CERT, WHITE, 23K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS CT-200H $26,990 CERT, NAV, 16K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS ES-300 $30,990 CERT, NAV, 12K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS GS-350 $34,990 CERT, NAV, 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR


Friday, April 21, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 17 6000 MERCHANDISE 6002 ENGLEWOOD AREA GARAGE SALES SAT 8:30-? 9124 Prospect Ave. Antiques, Collectibles, Electrical Jewelry, Tools, Too Much To Mention! AdvertiseToday! 6005 NORTH PORT AREA GARAGE SALES HUGE MOVING SALE!RARELYUSEDFURNITURE FOREVERYROOM! PATIOFURNITUREBEAU TIFULHOMEDCO RTONSOFHOMEGOOD SEVER YTHING MUS T GO!2 DAYS SAT & SUNDAY, 7AM-NOON 2599 ATWATER DR., NORTHPORT(INBETWEENPRICE& VETERANS) YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE! SAT-SUN. 8-5 4021 Corvette Ln. No Early Birds! Furniture, Kitchen Items, & Much More! SAT. 9-1 2474 Saybrook Ave. Clothing, Glider Chair, Folding Table and miscellenous items. 6005 NORTH PORT AREA GARAGE SALES SAT. 8-12 ONLY The City Center Green 4970 City Hall Blvd. Community Yard Sale $10.00 per Table, Shoppers Free. Call 941-429-7275 THURS.-FRI. 8-1 2856 Abbotsford St. Multi-Family Sale! Furniture, Jewelry Making Supplies, Nebulizer, Sweeper, Housewares, Jewelry, Purses, New Ipad Cases, & MORE! 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI-SAT. 8AM-?? 21223 Leonard Ave. MOVING SALE Furniture, Tools, Antiques and Misc. Contents of Home! FRI-SUN 8AM-4PM 2103 Backton St. Due to illness, selling off lots of nice things. Great prices! ADVERTISE! FRI. SAT. 9-3 GULF COVE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (THECHURCHW/ THEBLUEROOF) 1100 MCCALLRD. SPRING, BARN & CRAFT SALE!! FRI.-SAT. 8AM-1PM 13529 Blake Dr. South Gulf Cove. MOVING SALE! Tools, Household & MUCH MORE!! SAT 8-1 3644Harbor Blvd. Power Washer, Weedwacker, Yard & Hand Tools, Bikes, Fishing, Lawn Mower, Ladders. SAT. 8-12 2774 Bremen Ct. Sofa, Tables, TVs, Clothes, Household, Queen Bed set with Frame and more! 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK SAT. ONLY8AM-3PM 103 Tocopilla St. Deep Creek (Sandhill, LDeep Creek, L-Aysen, R-Tocopilla) ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY ONLY 9-2 18401 Hottelet Cir. Everything Must Go! BIG $1 Table! THU-SAT9AM-3PM3510 Magnolia Way ,Estate Sale.Antiques, vintage items, tools, furniture, clothes, CC accepted. THURS-SAT. 9-?? 18536 Satsuma Ave. INSIDE SALE, Baby items & Furn., China Cabinet, Kitchenware, 5 pc Dresser 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI & SAT 9AM-1PM 25549 Marion/Riverside, Household, furniture, tools, collectibles & Misc!! FRI-SAT 8 2415 Sunshine Blvd. BIG MULTIFAMILY Clearance 100s New T-shirts $8/bag full, tools, FREE toys! FRI-SAT. 9-1PM 16170 Trading Post Rd. Household and Furniture items! NO EARLY BIRDS SAT-SUN. 8-4 4841 Riverside Dr., MOVING SALE Household, Furniture, Books, Kids, $1.00 Bag on Sunday! THURS.-FRI. 9-2 3260 Peace River Dr. 100s TOOLS, yard tools, HH, books, anchor, boating, c. jewelry, vise, misc 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 8-12 & SAT. 8-10 21 Tropicana. ESTATE SALE Assisted by the Isles Girls and Guys. (Dir: Marion to Tropicana; turn right to house.) Sofa; Loveseat; Chair; 2 End Tables; Coffee Table; Pictures; Stacked Tables; Lamps; Server; 3 Area Rugs; Dining Room Table & 6 Chairs; 3 Trucks; King Bed; 2 Night Stands; Dresser & Mirror; Chest; 2 Chairs; Large Couch; Small Table; 3 Bookcases; Stressless Chairs; Sofa Table; Small Glass Table & 4 Chairs; Queen Bed; 2 Night Stands; Dresser & Mirror; Trundle Bed; Desk & Chair; Table & 6 Chairs; Lounge; Ladder; Christmas Items; Miscelleneous Kitchen & Garage Items. See for more information relative to this sale. Buyers are responsible for the removal of their purchases items. Our casher has information regarding independent movers. ADVERTISE In TheClassifieds! JIMS ESTATE SALE SATURDAY ONLY 9-3 5468 WILLIAMSBURG DR INSIDE1775 INDUSTRIALPARK. CONTENTSOFCONDO! 6008 ROTONDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI & SATURDAY 8-2 6 SPORTSMAN WAY ROTONDA ENTIRECONTENTSOF3BED-ROOMHOME, TONSOFITEMS. SOMETHINGFOREVERYONE. SALECONDUCTEDBYESTATESALESSPECIALISTSB. MOYERMAN941-475-6273 SAT. 8-3 169 Mariner Ln. Furniture, Household items, Fabric, Plants, Etc. SATURDAY 9:00AM-1:00PM 37 Meadowlark Ln. Rotonda Meadows MOVING SALE!!!! Household Books, CDs, Bookcases, rocking chair, 77 Corvette, something for everyone! THUR-FRI. 9AM-1PM 784 Boundary Blvd, Clothes, Shoes, Crafts, Household Items, Books, Golf..ETC!! C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s 6010 S.VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES SAT. 8-1 4841 Neptune : Dance wear inventory from closed store. Leotards, tights, shoes and accessories. 6010 S.VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES VENICE ESTATE SALE FRI. & SAT. 10AM-6PM 2930 SUNSETBEACHDR. ENTIRECONTENT& HOMEALL MUSTGO! CASHONLY~ COMEOWN! B-KEEN.COM/SALES 6011 VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES FRI.-SAT. 8AM-1PM 1223 Whitney Drive. Costumes, Jewelry, China, CDs, M & W Clothes, UNIQUE Items!! SAT ONLY 8am-Noon 308 Park Blvd S. household goods, Lazy Boy Recliner and much more. SAT. 8-1 1216 Ridgewood Ave. MOVING SALE Household items, furniture, office furniture and much more. SAT. 8AM-3PM 201 Greywing Ct. (East of Venice Roundabout) MOVING SALE Come Check Us Out!! 6013GULF COVEGARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 9-3 5354 FARLEY ST.Many woodworking and Plumbing tools (some vintage), household and much more. 6014 S. GULF COVE GARAGE SALES FRI. ONLY 8-12 9236 Spring Cir. Fiestaware, Macbook Pro 15Ž Laptop, Callaway Golf Clubs, Some Tools, Kitchen Items, Various Other Items! 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 CLASS B HEADQUARTERS LARGEST SELECTIONINUSA!ROADTREK MIDWESTPLEASUREWAYWINNEBAGO/COACHMENLEISURETRAVELREGENCYANDMORE! NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 2000 31 WINNEBAGO BRAVE Low Miles! Loaded. Good Condition! $15,500. 941-426-5126 7382 RV/CAMPER PARTS EXTENSION BRUSH & CLEANER $15.941-423-7772 HUB CAPS (2) Never Used. 16Ž & 20Ž $25. Paid $50. New. ALSO 3 Boxes of Small Parts $15. 941-423-7772 REESE HITCH 10K adjustable with safety hookup bars $275, OBO 941-256-0147 1994 36SOUTHWIND Diesel pusher, low mi, new tires & batteries. $13,850 941-214-0137 ADVERTISE! 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,000. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. 2009 Smart Car, Ready to Tow!! $5,349 THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. WANTED All Motor Homes, TTs, 5th whls,Vans conversion & passenger, cars & Diesel trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 954-789-7530 TURN YOUR RV INTO CASHSell it! Consign it! Trade it!NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM Needa newRide? Findit inthe Classifieds! MOTORHOMESHUGESELECTION TOPBRANDSFORESTRIVERCOACHMENTHOR& WINNEBAGONOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS 2005 30 5TH WHEEL by Forrest River 2 Slides, Garage Kept. Exc. Cond. $12,500 941-625-3870 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SPRING CLEANING SALE 6 DAYS ONLYAPRIL 25TH-30THTues Sat 8:30-6:00 Sunday 11:00-5:00MOTOR HOMESTRAILERS5TH WHEELSVAN CAMPERSBring your Trade, Title and Payment Book!$AVE BIG NOWGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 LAKELAND 940 LAKELANDPARKCT. DR. I-4 EXIT32, LAKELAND877-668-0129 BRADENTON 6120 SR 64 E, BRADENTONI-75 EXIT220B 941-417-8020WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM CLASSIFIED WORKS! 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS 2012 HARLEYFAT BOY Stage 1, 2 Into 1 Chrome w/ Shield, Bags, ETC! 3,200 Miles $12,900 Jim 941-223-5413 2008 TRIKE kawasaki Vulcan 900 Blue Voyager conv 27k mi, Ex cond. $9,550 941-426-4787 2008 HARLEY SPORTSTER 1200 Stage1 w/ Voyager Trike Kit. 11,000 Miles. Nice! $7,500. 941-544-1975 7361MOTORCYLCE ACCESS. HARLEY D SEAT Shocks, inner primary, exhaust, levers New $400, OBO 989-701-0214 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS Huge Selection Top Brands Forest River Coachmen Heartland Dutchmen Palomino PumaTab CrossroadsGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES NEW SHIPMENT! 2017 LARK ENCLOSED TRAILERS MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2013 MAGIC TILT, Tri-Axle, 9965 GBWR. Very Good Condition! L.E.D. Lights, Mags & Wheels. $4,150 570-419-4154 16 TANDEM TRAILER flatbed 6 wide wood floor $450 941270-6348 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLE HELMET Black, medium $20 941-460-8338 MOTORCYCLE HELMET Black, New! $40 941-257-5500 HARBOR SCOOTERS for all your scooter needs... 3315 Tamiami Trl. PG We Repair Scooters too! 941-347-8705 SALES SERVICE PARTS 2013 BINTELLI Zing 150 CC, 2700 miles, garage stored, $1,195 941-468-2760 7336 BOAT STORAGE/ DOCKING BOAT SLIP Access To Harbor, No Bridges. Water & Electric. 941-769-2785 7338 MARINE SUPPLY & EQUIP. KICKER MOUNT Stainless Garlick EZZ up to 20hp $100 941268-0934 DECK LADDER Aluminum. 4 steps including deck $75 941268-0934 7339 CANOES/KAYAKS RENAISSANCE/RAMBLER 2015 Kayak 13.7, 1-3 Padded Seats, 2 Paddles, Anchor.No Trailer. $400 obo 941-380-4409 KAYAK 12 WALDEN Adironda Sit in green color $375, OBO 941-661-0509 KAYAK 10 WALDEN Sport Experince Sit in, Lime green, $275, OBO 941-661-0509 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES TRAILERSNewPre-Owned CargoUtility Trailers Parts Repairs-Tires Welding. We BUY Trailers! Trades Welcome. Roys Trailer Country 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Rd P.G. TRAILER, 6X10 Enclosed Cargo w/ Rear Ramp. Single Axle. $1,500 941-625-5962 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds!


Page 18 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 21, 2017 My friend wanted a pickup truck. He travels during the week for his white-collar job, and on weekends helps out with house projects in the neighborhood. A married father of three, hed take out the seats to load up the minivan with tools, materials and sawhorses. Yet he couldnt convince the more pragmatic part of the family that a pickup truck made the most sense, as a married father of three. He ended up getting a Honda Pilot. He still wants a truck. Most guys do. So do most kids. The return of the midsize pickup segment, led by the 2015 return of the GMC Canyon and Chevy Colorado, followed by the Pilot-based Honda Ridgeline, are making a lot of consumers consider swapping that crossover for a pickup. With modern pickups offering all the creature comforts and technological sophistication of their car-based counterparts, the line of family utility has become blurred. A week wit h the 2017 Chevy Colorado shows as many arguments could be made for it as against it.IMPRACTICALFor a family of “ve, like my friends, youd need a second vehicle with a third row. Theres no wedging three kids in the rear seats like on family road trips of years gone by. Even with my family of three, Id want a second vehicle. On a typical errand-driven weekend, we had to move the sport bags and the groceries from the bed to the rear seat to run another errand. That inconvenience is easily resolved with a locking bed cover, but the crossover is more practical for most family weekends. For people without kids, those ”ip-up rear seats do just “ne to securely store everything. Yet pickups are social creatures, good for tailgating, monkeying around in the bed, and helping people out. Theres nothing better for the weekend handyman, lifetime family man than a midsize pickup.ILLOGICALPickup trucks are more fun to drive. Not in the sense of hitting the corner with a hot hatch, but more in the sense of hunting for the next snow bank. Theres a can-do attitude in a pickup that makes crossovers seem delicate by comparison. Taking that $45,000 Pilot or Ford Explorer off-road down a well-trodden and rutted path can be done, but not nearly with the same conquering verve. A crossover can take a path. A pickup can take the woods. How often would you be doing such things? More often than if you were in a crossover. Pickups are more fun to push around town too. Aside from dedicated performance crossovers, a subsegment that has proliferated in the last few years, a pickup has more pick up. The new V-6 engine paired to the eight-speed in the Colorado is plenty peppy, and the responsiveness “ts with the feel of a truck. It makes a bit more horsepower (308 over 305), but also has cylinder deactivation to shut down unnecessary cylinders at cruising speed and reserve fuel. We averaged just under 20 mpg at just under 39 mph, comparable to the fuel economy of many midsize crossovers.CONVENIENCE, SIMPLIFIEDPIckups have convenient and functional technology without the sophisticated „ often times confusing „ packaging that comes in most crossovers. Certainly, a shopper can trim up and get all the beeps, dings and shakes, but theres some comfort in low-level models like the WT trim on the Colorado, a vehicle that costs less than the average new car. A midsize also can “t into most garages and parallel parking spots. Theres a small touch screen, but the climate and radio functions still use buttons and dials. The radio could use a dial tuner instead of a tedious arrow button, but the inconvenience is overcome by setting presets. The only steering wheel control was for cruise control. The vehicle information display is acce ssed from the indicator stalk, so aside from the weak touch screen, most everything can be controlled with calloused or gloved hands. The Colorado gives you what you need, plus some convenient standard equipment like Wi-Fi access, Apple Car Play, Android Auto and a rear seat reminder of the precious living cargo in the rear seats. Offered on more than 20 models, GMs rear seat reminder monitors rear door usage within 10 minutes of starting the car or any time the engine is in motion and, once shut off, alerts the driver with a message in the information display and a s eries of quick dings, not unlike cars that ding when the headlights are left on. Its a proactive step forward in helping harried drivers remember pets and babies in back. Its another blurring of the line between crossover and midsize pickup, which, from the right side of the argument, can double as a family vehicle.2017 Chevy Colorado makes compell i ng case for midsize pickup over crossoverBy ROBERT DUFFERCHICAGO TRIBUNE TNS PHOTOThe 2 017 Chevy Colorado midsize pickup short box with 4WD in WT trim pictured in spring storms on March 14, 2017, on E. Wacker Drive, Chicago. Dear Car Talk: Can you tell me where I could “nd a comparison between the slant of the windshield and the mileage achieved by the car? For 21 years, we drove a 91 Mercury Tracer with a moderately slanted windshield. The car averaged over 30 mpg all but two of the years we owned it. We drove it from coast to coast, Canada to Mexico; we eve n towed our small boat on a trailer and carried our canoes on the roof. Then we decided that 22 years was old enough for a car, so we traded it in for a 2010 Hyundai Elantra. I hate almost everything about it, starting with the slanting windshield that is full of re”ections of the dashboard and inside of the car. The very slanted window posts obstruct my vision. Looking at other cars, I see that the general trend is more and more slant to the windshields. Is there some justi“cation for this, within the speeds one usually drives in town and occasionally intercity? The Hyundai doesnt seem to do as well with mileage. You would think in nearly 20 years, there would be some improvement. „ Jean There has been improvement, Jean. The 2010 Hyundais mileage is nearly 20 percent better than the '91 Mercury Tracers. While EPA ratings are better for comparison purposes than for predicting real-world mileage, the '91 Tracer was rated at around 25 mpg in combined highway and city driving. And the 2010 Elantra is rated at 29 mpg combined. In addition to better mileage, the Hyundai also carries a lot more safety equipment, with a bunch of air bags, anti-lock brakes and a better-protected passenger compartment. And unfortunately, that improved mileage, despite the added weight, is partly due to those darned slanted windshields you hate. Youre right that windshields are more severely angled now than they used to be. Thats because they make cars far more aerodynamic. The less wind-resistant a car is, the higher its mileage. Driving with a windshield thats straight up and down is like trying to walk into a strong wind with a big pizza box taped to your chest. That big, ”at box is going to make it harder for you to push your way through the wind. Not to mention all the orange grease stains its going to leave on your shirt. But youre absolutely rig ht that there also are drawbacks to steeply angled windshields. One is that they really do tend to pick up re”ections. If you leave anything on your dashboard, like a parking stub, youll see it re”ected right in front of your eyes on the windshield. And some dashboards themselves, especially if theyre anything other than ”at black, re”ect in the windshield. It can be very distracting. And, as you mention, the longer A pillars (the front roof supports on the sides of the windshield) can block your visibility, especially in urban environments where pedestrians, who tend to be skinnier than cars, are crossing streets as you make right turns. But remember, Jean, theres no constitutional amendment that says you have to keep a car for 22 years. If your blood boils every time you get into the Elantra, sell it and get something you like better. Mileage has continued to improve since 2010, so you should do even better in that regard. The 2017 Elantra, for example, gets 33 mpg overall, although Im guessing that wont be on your shopping list. When you do test-drive new cars, youll go in knowing what you dislike abo ut your current car. So look for re”ections on the windshields of the cars you try out, and see how badly the A pillars block your view. Unfortunately, most cars will have angled windshields these days. Its really hard to “nd a ”at windshield anymore. Unless you buy a Jeep Wrangler, which will make you pine for your 2010 Elantra, Jean. Good luck.Cars low-tirepressure light wont turn off after new tire installDear Car Talk: I drive a 2006 Toyota RAV4. A few months ago, I got new tires. The lowtire-pressure indicator light has been on almost constantly since the new tires were put on. I have been back to the tire shop countless times for them to turn off the indicator light. The guys tell me theres nothing wrong with the tires. They also check the tire pressures and say theyre “ne. The light stays off until I get on a freeway, then on it goes again, and back to the shop I go. I do know that one of the tire sensors had to be replaced on one of the rear tires when the new tires were put on. What can I do to “x this? „ Patsy One of your tire-pressure sensors is bad, Patsy. Each tires pressure sensor is housed in the valve stem. A few minutes after you start up the car, each one communicates, wirelessly, with the cars computer. If the pressure is low, the computer makes the dashboard light go on. Or, if one of the sensors does not communicate at all, that also makes the light go on. Since your tires pressure is always “ne, Im guessing one of the sensors is not working at all. It could be that they replaced your pressure sensor with a non-factory sensor. And perhaps that after-market sensor just doesnt communicate with your cars computer. Or, if the y dama g ed one of the sensors when they changed the tires, they easily could have damaged another one (or more than one) and not known about it at the time. But since youve been back 150 times, youd think these guys at Einstein Tires would have “gured it out by now. So if youre still on speaking terms with them, go back and ask them to scan your computer and “nd out exactly which sensor is not working. If its the same one they replaced, ask them to replace it again, this time with a Toyota sensor. You can pay the difference in the cost of the part, and they can eat the labor. Or, if its a different sensor, you can have them replace that broken sensor, and see if you can guilt them into giving you a break, because they probably damaged it when changing the tire. Plus, they owe you something for pain and suffering. And for diagnosing it for them. Good luck, Patsy. Got a question about cars? Write to Car Talk in care of King Features, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803, or email by visiting the Car Talk website at www.cartalk. com.Doesnt anyone make a non-slanted windshield anymore? Ask Ray Magliozzi Got a question about cars?


Friday, April 21, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 19 B oth of todays feature vehicles are, as I said in the title, WOW convertibles. The gleaming head turning 1953 Ford Crestline Sunliner is a tastefully modi“ed four-passenger convertible. Starting up from the front is a shaved hood, Frenched headlights, meaning the outside rim has been welded to the fenders and smoothed off to actually look like they came from the factory that way. The headlight mounting housing and sealed beam lights are screwed-in from the back, making a sleek design. The bright smiling grille is a combination of early '50s Chevys and uses a custom cross bar on which to be mounted. Those parking lights with amber lenses came from a 1954 Chevrolet and the bright chrome custom bumper creates a look like no other. The hood emblem has been removed and welded smooth. The two spot lights and tinted windshield glass make for a unique frontal design. Moving along the upper door and quarter panels is a custom-made chrome strip similar to the 1955 Ford Fairlanes. The very lower edge of the front fender, doors and part of the quarter panels on both sides of the car are decorative Lake Pipes. Now we all know for an automobile of this magnitude long, sleek fender skirts are a must, and this beauty has them. Its equipped with power steering and power front disc brakes plus power custom bucket seats, a fancy radio and sound system. Theres also a late model steering column and custom steering wheel plus a conventional snap-on boot and white power-operated convertible top. The interior is completely custom. The carpet and door panels are also the best. The engine is a Chevy 350-cubic-inch V8 of approximately 300 HP bolted to a turbo automatic transmission using a modi“ed Camaro chassis. Some would call this a Street Rod,Ž others say its a Restomod.Ž No matter what, this beauty is very popular at car shows, to say the least. Id seen it being driven around Punta Gorda. At the 8th Annual Salvation Army Fund Replenishment Car Show conducted by M uscle Car City and our Veteran (now Vintage) Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region on January 13th this RagtopŽ continuously had a crowd around it. That was four months ago and I knew a good column could result, thus a brief interview took place by me, then Lee shot the photos seen here today. Enough about this sleek and shiny Ford „ nicknamed RhondaŽ by the own er Jim Hickerson because his girlfriend is Rhonda Langston. Their personal life is as interesting as his antique cars. Jims occupation has always been a heavy equipment operator and an owner/contractor all his life in the Findlay, Ohio, area, 40 miles south of Toledo. This gentleman has been a collector car buff since a young man and has owned several dozen over the years. Currently here in Florida he has a 1967 Chevelle Convertible in addition to the featured 1953 Ford. Up NorthŽ presently is a 1959 and a 1961 Chevy, both hardtops, a copy of James Deans 1954 Mercury, a 1959 El Camino plus a 1936 Ford Cabriolet and others. Rhonda Langston, his girlfriend, was a ”ower arranger for many years in Chicago before retiring and moving to Florida. Look for them out and about in Charlotte County, both smiling while Rhonda drives this yellow four-wheel gem. The other WOW Convertible featured today is an excellent Wilmington White 1968 Ford Galaxie XL 500 convertible owned by Steve Zabriskie, 62, of Punta Gorda and Howard County, Maryland, halfway from the Baltimore suburbs to Washington, D.C. He found it for sale during a car show at Merchants Crossing near Ft. Myers in January of this year by a man who may have been the second owner. Steve was looking for a big powerful, luxurious convertible and this one met that criteria and then some. Hes been an old car buff since he was a teenager, thus did a car eful inspec tion and also checked out receipts and work done over the 49 years since it left the Wayne, Indiana, factory. Even though the odometer read 92,000 miles, the rust-free chassis and smooth quiet engine plus stacks of documentation of maintenance convinced him to make a deal, which he did then and there. That 390-cubic-inch, 315-HP engine and automatic t ransmission, AM/ FM radio, power brakes, steering, windows, bucket seats and optional wheels suited him “ne when purchased and are enjoyed more every time he drives My Galaxie,Ž its nickname. Up in Maryland there are four Corvairs including a 1965 Monza convertible and a coupe, also two Corsairs, one is a convertible with four carbs, the other a 180-HP turbo 1966 model plus a fancy 1985 Cadillac Eldorado HT. Eventually most of these autos will be brought here to use semi regularly. Incidentally, he maintains these vehicles himself. His personal background includes being an electronic technician for Potomac Electric Power Co. for over 30 years. He also was an active volunteer “reman for Prince Georges County near Washington, D.C. Sherrie, his wife, worked as an RN in the Washington, DC area hospitals for many years. You can see this big 1968 Ford at many auto-related events listed in this column. Two WOW Ford Convert i bles. One Stock, One Not UPCOMING EVENTSSaturday April 22, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Spring Home & Garden Show at the Event & Conference Center, 75 Taylor St., Punta Gorda. Vintage (former Veteran) Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region will display a limited number of Collector Cars including BetsyŽ, Ron Siegrists 1952 Olds 98 convertible honeymoon car. Info Don Royston 941-626-4452. Also Saturday April 22, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Garage Sale and Car show benefit for Port Charlotte High School, Pirates Cove, 18200 Cochran Blvd. Port Charlotte. Sponsored by Gulfview Medical Institute, Leadership Charlotte 2017 Green Team and PCHS Football Booster Club. 75 Trophies, dash plaques, door prizes, 50/50 drawing. Preregistration fee $15, day of the show $20. General admission to public $1. Preregister at www. Sunday, April 23, KIX Country 92.9 Annual Country Fest, Charlotte County Fairgrounds, Rt. 776, Port Charlotte. Featuring Clay Walker, Jack Michael Band and Andy Pursell Band. The Vintage (former Veteran) Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region invites owners and passengers in any make or model car/ truck collector vehicle at least 23 years old including modified to attend free of charge. No preregistration, simply arrive on the driveway of the Sports Park by 9:30 a.m. Radio station personnel will escort us to reserved, inside the fence free parking at 10 a.m. Please no coolers or animals. Bring your lawn chairs and camera. This is a good deal. Come and enjoy! Info Roger and MaryEllen Sassevile 603-759-0274 Don and Lee Royston 941-626-4452. Wednesday, April 26, Vintage (former Veteran) Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region visit and tour of the Blue Bell Ice Cream Plant located in Punta Gorda will display a limited number of Collector Vehicles. Anyone with a 25 yr. old non-modified car, truck or motorcycle is invited to participate. Phone 941-626-4452 for information. Thursday, April 27, 4 p.m to 7 p.m. Free Open Cruise In at the Award Winning Beef OŽ Bradys, 1105 Taylor Rd., Punta Gorda assisted by the Vintage (former Veteran) Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region. Open all collector type vehicles including modified. No preregistration, BOGO tasty food to show car participants. Information Lee 941-626-9359. Save these dates: May 29, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fishermens Village Collector Car Display, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda by the Vintage (formerly Veteran) Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region. Owners of any non-modified vehicle 24 years old invited to participate. Lots to see and do free of charge. No preregistration. Be sure to visit the Military Heritage Museum. Information Don Royston 941-6264452. Friday, July 14, 9 a.m. to Noon Collector Car Appreciation Day Cruise In, sponsored by Muscle Car City assisted by the Vintage (former Veteran) Motor Car Club of America. Details to follow. This is the 6th Anniversary, Come show your ride. Saturday, Nov. 11, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sun Newspapers 11th Annual Welcome Back Open House & Collector Car Show. Saturday, January 13, 2018, 9th Annual Salvation Army Fund Replenishment Car Show at Muscle Car City. Many trophies. Please help this 151 yr. old organization! Saturday, February 10, 2018, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sun Newspapers 11th Annual Mid-Winter Open House & Collector Car show. Always with thousands of visitors. Every Monday, 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Applebees Cruizin at Merchants Crossing, N. Ft. Myers. Door prizes, 50/50 drawing, games, 15 percent discount at Applebees for show car participants. (Night of show only) DJ music by Randy Wright of Toms Traveling Tunes. Information 941-380-0650. Every Thursday, 4 to 7:30 p.m. Shell Factory Free Open Cruise In, 2787 Tamiami Trail, N. Ft. Myers. Lots of benefits, 50/50 drawing. Register your car free for a chance of $100 cash prize, must be present with car to win. Free Spectator parking. Information Richard 239-992-9360. Information for Collector Car Events: Larry Day of Lee County has Cruise In and show information from Naples to Sarasota. Access his website www. for all the details. Also for similar but somewhat different hobby happenings log onto You may also contact DJ Tommy Brooks of Toms Traveling Tunes 941-815-6204. This fall Dodge will build an all new Demon model with 840 HP. The Gettel Dealer in Punta Gorda is taking orders now. Could be a good investment! Don Royston is president and co-founder of the Veteran Motor Car Club of America SW Florida Region (now known as Vintage Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region) and may be reached at 941-626-4452 or PHOTOS BY LEE ROYSTONRhonda Langston and Jim Hickerson, happy couple with the yellow customized 53 Ford CV Tastefully modied 1953 Ford Crestline Sunliner with many unique features Interior of Rhonda,Ž nickname of the customized 53 Ford The 350-cubic-inch, 300-plus-HP engine of the 1953 Ford The 390-cubic-inch, 315-HP engine of the 68 Ford Galaxy XL 500 Dash and instrument panel of the 68 Galaxy showing unusual shifter lever Suntanned Steve Zabriskie, owner of the 1968 Ford Galaxy XL 500 CV The 1968 Ford Galaxy XL 500 CV owned by Steve Zabriskie


Page 20 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 21, 2017 H on da 13 Honda Accord LX 17 VW Tiguan Sport 12 Honda Ciic Ex Navigation 14 Dodge Dart SXT 16 Kia Sportage LX 15 Honad Fit EX 15 Ford Fusion SE 11 Jeep Compass Base 15 Hyundai Sonata SE 14 Kia Optima EX 14 Honda Accord Sport 15 Mazda6 i Touring 13 BMW 328i 06 Chevy Corvette Base 16 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 08 Honda Civic EX 08 Honda CR-V EX 09 Ford Escape Limited 15 VW Jetta 2.0L S 15 VW Beetle 1.8T 15 Honda CR-V LX 15 Kia Rio LX 15 Ford Focus SE 15 Hyundai Accent GLS 15 Hyundai Veloster Base 15 Chevy Cruze 2LT 15 Nissan Altima 2.5 S 14 Mazda3 i Sport 16 Nissan Rogue S 16 Ford Mustang EcoBoost Premium adno=8602778


Friday, April 21, 2017 € Since 1893 LIKE THE PUNTA GORDA HERALD ON HERALDPUNTA GORDA GARDEN CLUB SHOW INSIDEEntries portray Games People Play P | 8 P | 6 P | 7Tarpons Page: Author visits; shows go well€ € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € €Miss Charlotte action: 12U Sharks win Burnt Store Grille Restaurant owner Bob Mignault and his wife put customers first while helping veteransBy SUE WADEPG HERALD CORRESPONDENTPHOTO PROVIDED BY BOB MIGNAULTLeft: Boston native Bob Mignault, with wife Terri, also a Red Sox fan, was so shocked to nd a corned beef and cabbage shortage in Punta Gorda 10 years ago that Burnt Store Grille now serves 700 plates of it on St. Patricks Day. Everybody raves about it. Its almost as good as back home,Ž Bob said. B continued on page 5 HERALD PHOTO BY SUE WADEThe Mignaults made good use of a section formerly reserved for group tables for their new full-liquor bar with high-top tables. ob Mignault loves to see snowbirds ”ocking back every year. They all phone each other, meet in the parking lot and have a big homecoming here at the restaurant,Ž said the decadelong owner of the 27-year-old Burnt Store Grille, in Burnt Store Promenade. When Publix construction was at its worst in the mall parking lot, and his business suffered its roughest season ever, Bob applauded customers who made the trek to his restaurant „ now freshly paved and fully accessible, by the way. Snowbirds are a hardy lot. Some of them made their way in here on walkers and in wheelchairs, across a dirt parking lot from Home Depot.Ž But one of the most heartrending things is seeing them leave as a couple and come back by Nuclear Medicine € Bone Scan € Hepatobiliary Scan € Thyroid Scan € Parathyroid Scan € MIBG € Lung Scan € Renal Scans € Lymphoscintigraphy € Gastric Emptying Scans € Neurologic Scans € Cardiac imaging € Infection Studies € Octreoscan € Thyroid TherapyFor scheduling, please adno=5050969 1 Good Friends, Good Food, Good Times 1975 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-7575 2016 Mothers Day Mon…Thurs & Sun 11…9 Fri & Sat 11…10 adno=50513239 Make your Reservations Early!


Herald Page 2 Friday, April 21, 2017 As I sat doing my taxes on Easter Sunday, angry at myself for once again waiting until the last minute to do my chore, I thought about how my career has contributed to my procrastination. As an impressionable 23-year-old I began my career at a small-town newspaper in Gainesville, Georgia. Being punctual was not one of my qualities, so I thought a deadline-oriented career might make me change my ways. It had the opposite effect. There is something about deadline pressure that gets into your blood. You “nd yourself pulling another wire story update and waiting for more facts while rushing to make deadline. It becomes a game of how far can you push things and still make deadline. When I left the newspaper business I, unfortunately, continued pushing the deadlines. I would do just one more load of laundry or wait a little longer before leaving the house to make an appointment „ the deadline. Then, the craziness began as I tried to get three children rushed around to make it somewhere on time. I have one child who wasnt wired this way. She would follow me around asking to sign school papers that werent due for another week. Unfortunately, she has succumbed to my ways. I heard her one morning this week asking her dad to sign papers that were due that day. I only hope that she chooses a career that doesnt contribute to this madness. Whos to say that a different career might have made me punctual? I dont know. Ill worry about that one later because Ive got another deadline. Email your calendar items to pgherald Please submit your listings in the following format: Event, day, time, place, address, description, cost and contact info. Earlier is better; please submit events two weeks or more in advance.FRIDAY, APRIL 21Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer Michael Hirst from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee, Danny Beach from noon to 3 p.m. and singer Paul Roush from 5 to 9 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.SATURDAY, APRIL 22Bark in the Park, 8 a.m. to noon in Founders Square at Babcock Ranch. All pets and owners welcome. Food and beer trucks available until 2 p.m. Enjoy free activities, contests and prizes, 1-mile dog jog, agility course, awards for Best Dressed and Owner/Pet Lookalike, and a petting zoo. Free admission. If you are interested in participating in contests, register at https://www.babcockranch. com/event/bark-in-the-park/. Punta Gorda Farmers Market, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. corner of Olympia Avenue and Taylor Street, Punta Gorda. Sponsored by the Punta Gorda Downtown Merchants Association Inc. Vendors, live entertainment and artists painting on-site. Free parking at the garage a half block from the market, behind Wotitzky Law Firm, and street parking. Call Jerry at 941-3914856 or email jerry@puntagordafarmers Bicycle ride departs at 8:30 a.m. from Acme Bicycle Shop, 615 Cross St., Suite 1116, Punta Gorda. All riders welcome. Helmet required. Details: 941-639-2263. The PrideŽ of Port Charlotte Marching Band is holding a car wash from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Peachland of“ce of Charlotte State Bank & Trust, 24163 Peachland Blvd., Port Charlotte. PCHS band members are raising money to help fund upcoming trips to perform in various locations. They are requesting a minimum of $5 for a car wash, but will accept donations in any amount. For more information, contact the PCHS Band Boosters at 941-286-3722, email or call the Peachland of“ce at 941-627-0038. Celebrate Earth Day 2017 with yoga from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center, 10941 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda. CHEC and The Yoga Sanctuary offers this donation-based outdoor class on the grassy area outside the Caniff Visitor Center. Take your children for a special class for them at the same time. After class, there will be a sunset walk along one the CHEC trails to see “rst-hand the protection and preservation of natural areas. All donations collected will go directly to support CHECs work. Everyone is welcome, no experience is necessary. Yard Dog Charlie performs from 5 to 9 p.m., in Center Court at Fishermens Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.SUNDAY, APRIL 23Farmers Market, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Punta Gorda Historical Societys History Park, 501 Shreve St. (between Virginia Avenue and Henry Street). Garden tours begin at 1 p.m., after the market wraps up. For information, call 941-639-1887.MONDAY, APRIL 24Dixieland jazz by Leslie DaCosta from noon to 3 p.m. in Center Court at Fishermens Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.TUESDAY, APRIL 25Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer Jim Daniels from noon to 3 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee, and Danny Beach from noon to 3 p.m. in Center TABLE OF CONTENTSBusiness News .........................3 Community Beat ................6, 11 Nonpro“t News .................8, 10 Tarpons Page ..........................7 Sports ...............................8, 10 40 Years Ago .........................4 HAPPENINGS ON THE HARBOR Robert E. Lee Charlotte Sun Publisher ...206-1006 Jim Gouvellis Exec. Editor ........................206-1134 Garry Overby Charlotte Sun Editor ..........206-1143 Michele Bellue Herald Editor, designer ......206-1010 ADVERTISING Mike Ruiz, Retail Advertising Manager.............................................. 205-6402 Lori White, Advertising Account Executive........................................ 205-6404 Laura Speer Advertising Account Executive........................................205-6405 Anthony Feroce, Advertising Account Executive..................................258-9527 Dan Dykes, Advertising Account Executive...........................................205-6409 CIRCULATIONMark Yero, Circulation Director ........................................................ 206-1317 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980 € 206-1000PUNTA GORDA HERALD MEMBER of the Audit Bureau of Circulation. USPS 743170 The Sun is published daily by Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2198. Michele Bellue PGH EditorMichele Bellue is editor of the Punta Gorda Herald. Contact her at or call 941-206-1010.Finding myself in the business of procrastination PHOTO PROVIDED BY KEN FRANCKLINGPictured, from left, are Christian Finly, Jason Cooper, Timothy Riley and Dr. Ennis Bisbano. Mitch Wark is not pictured.Jazz Society scholarship recipients to play in jam this weekendThe Charlotte County Jazz Society announced its 2017 scholarship awards at the “nal concert of the current season. Recipients were Jason Cooper of Port Charlotte High School, who will study piano performance at Boston University; Christian Finly, Charlotte High School, majoring in music performance at Florida Gulf Coast University; Timothy Riley, Port Charlotte High School, who plans to study aeronautical engineering at Auburn with a music minor; and Mitch Wark, Lemon Bay High School, who was accepted as a music major at Stetson University. Dr. Ennis Bisbano, chairman of the CCJS Scholarship Committee, presented the awards on behalf of the jazz society. The scholarship recipients have been invited to perform at the CCJS jam at Kingsway Country Club from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 30. This event is open to the public. „ Submitted by Lynda PlattHAPPENINGS | 3 Thomas Quigley, M.D. Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Offer Does Not Apply To Freedom And Optimum Health Plan Participants. Coupon Expires 5/17/2017 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding t o the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance pl ans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 adno=50513097 20600 VETERANS BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT) ARCADIA 863-993-2020 formerly Eye Health


Friday, April 21, 2017 Herald Page 3 John R. Wright PG ChamberJohn R. Wright is president of the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce. Contact him at jrwright@ is the drop-dead deadline to be listed as a member in our upcoming Members and Visitors Guide, produced by the Charlotte Sun For the next edition, the publication will be all glossy and much more in line with the strong image that the Chamber of Commerce holds in the community. With 60,000 copies produced and circulated throughout the year, this publication is a truly invaluable part of our marketing tools to better promote our membership and their services throughout the entire year. The guides are distributed to multiple locations around the area including the airport, hotels, restaurants, retail stores as well as in the Punta Gorda Chamber of“ce and at all of our numerous and varied events. It is also mailed to every online request from our site for local information, so there is no more cost-effective way of promoting your business year-round. If you are not a member, contact Pat Oliva at 941-639-3720 who will be there to answer your questions and help you get your membership processed. As a new member, you will be able to get your free listing in the brand-new guide, coming out at the beginning of May. You may also like to place an ad in the guide too, in which case your Charlotte Sun ad representative will be on hand to guide you through what is still available. Dont delay, because after today, it will be another year before you can get listed in the incredibly useful annual publication. If, however, you miss the deadline, dont fret. Once you become a member, your online presence on one of the areas most visited websites and social media platforms can still be guaranteed!Chamber continues networkingOur networking continues next Wednesday, April 26, as we gather at the Dockside Grill at the Sheraton Four Points for our April Networking Luncheon. We meet at noon for networking and lunch and listen to a guest speaker „ this time around will be Denis Wright of FSW State College. Lunch is $15 and preregistration is required as we sell out very quickly. If you want to attend and have not yet made that reservation, call 941-6393720 during of“ce hours, and well do the rest. New members, especially today being the last day for entry into the members guide, are always welcome. Dont miss trolley, boat toursOur series of trolley and boat combo tours around Punta Gorda is wrapping up for seasons end. This narrated boat/ trolley combo tour sets out at 3 p.m., and the trolley-only tour departs at 4:30 p.m. The combo tour is $46 per person and the trolley-only is $26. Reservations are required. To reserve (space is limited so book early), call us at 941-639-3720. Tours depart every Friday through May 5. All aboard!Take me out to the ballgameOn Tuesday, April 25, you are all invited to join us for Chamber Night with the Charlotte Stone Crabs starting at 5 p.m. Your special $10 ticket includes a joint Chamber mixer on the boardwalk in left center “eld, a box-level seat and a food voucher for a large hot dog, chips and a 12 oz. soda/beer. These tickets must be purchased 48 hours prior to the game, by calling 941-639-3720 during of“ce hours. We can accept check or cash payment, so call ahead or drop by 252 W. Marion Ave., to get on the ticket list. Well let you know when the tickets can be collected.Chamber Visitors Guide deadline loomingCONTACT THE CHAMBERFor more information about events listed in this column, contact the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce at 941-639-3720 or visit www.puntagorda While on the chambers website, dont forget to sign up for the Friday FactsŽ newsletter. business news Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26Singer Michael Hirst performs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Center Court at Fishermens Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. Stroke Support Group, 2 to 3 p.m. at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Of“ce Plaza, 4th Floor Conf. Room, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Have you or a loved one been affected by stroke? Find out what support and assistance is available to you and your family, and how others are coping. Free. Call 941-6373152 for information.THURSDAY, APRIL 27Live music by singer Chris G. from noon to 3 p.m. in Center Court at Fishermens Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. A wine and cheese reception for Art & Public Places from 5 to 7 p.m. at KaysPonger & Uselton Funeral Home, 635 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Come meet artist of the month Gina Battle, who is an abstract and performance artist, freelance writer and model. All are welcome. For more information, visit kays-ponger. com or call 941-639-1133.FRIDAY, APRIL 28Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer Michael Hirst from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and music by the George Voss Duo from 5 to 9 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.HAPPENINGSFROM PAGE 2 Less waiting where it matters most … our emergency room.The 30-Minutes-Or-Less E.R. Service Pledge … only at *Medical professionals may include physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners.In a medical emergency, every minute matters. So, at Bayfront Health Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda, youll “nd faster care in the emergency room. We work diligently to have you initially seen by a medical professional* in 30 minutes … or less. And, with a team of dedicated medical specialists, we can provide a lot more care, if you need it. adno=50513338


Herald Page 4 Friday, April 21, 2017 Excerpts from 40 years ago Punta GordaDo you remember when?FROM OUR ARCHIVES Janine Smith 40 Years AgoJanine Smith writes about Punta Gordas historic past. Contact her at janinehs1@ from the Daily HeraldNews from April 21-27, 1977Construction of shopping centers boomingCharlotte County is teeming with shopping center construction. During the past year more than 250,000 square feet of shopping center construction was completed. A 54,000-squarefoot project is underway and work is scheduled to start soon on another 80,000 square foot mall. € Built on the site of the old Port Charlotte Shopping Plaza, the Promenades offers more than 50 stores and will expand. Formal opening was last September. € Also opened last October is the Aqui Esta Shopping Center, south of Punta Gorda. Punta Gorda City councilman built the 31,625-square-foot complex. € Work began in November on Cross Trail Center in Punta Gorda at the intersection of U.S. 41 north and south, site of the old Sunset Cottages. It is scheduled to open June 1. € Scheduled for opening this fall is Harbor Square Shopping Center, an 82,000-square-foot complex in Charlotte Harbor at the intersection of U.S. 41 and Hancock Street.Service aiding patients at Medical CenterFor most patients discharged from Medical Center Hospital, Punta Gorda, the road to complete recovery is, as a rule, relatively easy. For about ten percent of the patients, prospects would be bleak at best without an assist from Post Hospital Planning. Fay Mobley, R.N., directs Post Hospital Planning at Medical Center. Each case requiring her services must be authorized by the patients attending physician. Who needs help? A patient with no family who is unable to cope with problems of future care; a patient with no funds; and a patient with special care needs,Ž Mobley said. Before deciding how to best help the patient, she speaks with the doctor and interviews the patient and family. There is a follow-up on her part, visiting and calling former in-hospital patients. Mobley grew up in Punta Gorda and joined the hospital staff shortly after Medical Center opened in 1947.He is captain of a 44-foot luder this summerSoft-spoken, barely 20 years old, it is hard to imagine Robert Needham barking orders from the helm of a 44-foot racing yawl. It is a sport that puts a premium on experience. But, at his two years at the United States Naval Academy, Needham studying into the night and exploring the waters of Chesapeake Bay for hours, paid off for his sailing enthusiasm. Needham, who majored in engineering administration, is the first of his classmates ever chosen to command one of the Naval Academys 23 sailboats. Robert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Needham of Port Charlotte and this summer he will Captain a 44-foot luder. He was also the first Charlotte County resident to be appointed to a Service Academy. Needham credits the academys success to a scientific approach to sailing. He will be sailing down to Bermuda this summer and back up the Atlantic Coast stopping at ports to show off what the Academy has to offer.Daily Herald-News salesman is advancedScott Swanson, an advertising salesman for the Daily Herald-News, has been promoted to advertising manager of the Marianne Floridian at Marianne, Florida. Daily Herald-News Publisher Corbyn Wyant announced this news today and said: We are pleased to see another young staff member advance to a management position. We are able to attract well-qualifying professionals to our newspaper.Ž Advertising Manager Bob Murphy opined, Swansons talents will be greatly missed,Ž adding that he predicts a bright futureŽ for him.New members at ABWCASeventeen new members were honored during ceremonies conducted by the Charlotte Chapter American Business Womens Association (APWA) this week. Some of the new members are Sylvia Stalker, Norma Faust, Irene Stroud, Mercedes Calloway, Virginia Bushe, Gail Hogenson, Norma Weyrick, Ginny Allegretti, Mildred Craig, Teresa Opsahl, Rosida Molnar, Rut Dougherty, Margaret Klingsten, Gerry McDermit, Joyce Allen and Susanne Walton. Main speaker was Judy Willis, who spoke on The Experience of Lifelong Learning.ŽCharlotte High School Band schedules concertsThe Charlotte High School Silver KingŽ Band will be heard in concert at the Charlotte Cultural center Theatre for two nights this month. The 85-member band under the direction of Kenneth Newton is going to present a varied program of marches, classical music and pop numbers.Center gets solar energy systemA solar energy system has been installed on the roof of the Visitors Center at the site of the famed Gutzon Borglum sculpted faces of four former presidents. Mount Rushmore, in the famed Black Hills region, South Dakota, has an altitude of 6,200 feet. The faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln are proportionate to men 465 feet tall.The equal rights amendmentLocal supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment held a sit-in demonstration at the Charlotte County Courthouse last night. However, the efforts may have been in vain. The State Senate is expected to reject passing of the amendment today. Earlier, it appeared the measure would be approved, but in the past week some senators have changed their minds about voting yes.Fishing Report by The Hapless HookerPlenty of reds and snooks are finding their way into frying pans this week. The wind is still a problem to get the kings and mackerels. There is a lot of snook around the canals and bridges at night.Charlie Sez...Nice that the State of Florida has installed some much needed traffic lights on U.S. 41. It would be even nicer if they had synchronized them so people and gators wouldnt be caught at every light.ŽThought for the dayWhen you are angry, count to 10; if you are very angry, count to 100.Ž „ President Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Sponsors, golfers needed for AWLs Tails from the RuffTails from the Ruff Golf Tournament to bene“t the Animal Welfare League will be held Saturday, April 29, at Saint Andrews South Golf Club, 1901 Deborah Drive, Punta Gorda. Four-person best ball scramble registration begins at 7:15 a.m. with continental breakfast and putting challenge; 8:15 a.m. players load up in carts; 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. Lunch and awards follow completion of round. Cost: $75 per person; $300 per team. Mulligan package is $5 per person or $20 per team. Team Mulligan package includes one bonus Handy Shandy.Ž Hole sponsorships also are available for $100. Sponsor a local high school player for $75 per player. Register online at For more information, contact Tom Kerr at COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEF H ARRY & E MMY L OEB H OLOCAUST C OMMUNITY R EMEMBRANCE D AY S ERVICE S UNDAY A PRIL 23, 2017 @ 4 PM H ARRY & E MMY L OEB H OLOCAUST C OMMUNITY R EMEMBRANCE D AY S ERVICE O PEN T O T HE C OMMUNITY TEMPLE SHALOM 23190 UTICA AVENUE, PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33949 adno=50513994 Full Liquor Bar with Happy Hour Tues. Fri. 4-7pm Live Entertainment Visit us on facebook for schedule Open for Lunch Tues. Fri. 11am-2:30pm Open for Dinner Tues. Thurs. 4pm-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4pm-10pm Closed Sunday & Monday 258 W. Marion Ave Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941-505-7897 adno=50513009 Now Open Come Enjoy Upstate New York ItalianA merican Cuisine In A Casual, Cozy Atmosphere!


Friday, April 21, 2017 Herald Page 5 themselves,Ž he added. Its an experience Bob himself knows all too well. After serving in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War, Bob came home to Massachusetts, married and raised two sons, and later lived in Las Vegas for 20 years. It was in the restaurant business at Caesars Palace and the Silver Nugget that Bob met his second wife, Annette. She became very ill,Ž he said, so we sold our business there in 2003 to retire to another warm climate. We knew, for a long time, that the end would come, and she wanted it to be here, in Punta Gorda. We started eating at Burnt Store Grille, I was looking for a business opportunity, and she told me, This would be a good hobby for you. I really didnt think Id get back into the business, but I wound up buying the place.Ž Annette passed away in 2008. Today, Bob can joke, She got me into this. I still look up to heaven and say, You did it!Ž At the time, though, he was in despair. It took him two years to heal enough to do some traveling, visiting his family on Cape Cod. Thats when fate stepped in. I was up and down the East Coast in my motor home, and ended up on Cape Cod, in Bourne.Ž When the campground that hed wanted just happened to be full, he found himself at another. Terri Bransky, a schoolteacher, happened to be working there over the summer, doing reservations and check-ins. I guess I swept her off her feet or something,Ž Bob chuckled. He asked her for directions to a restaurant, then told her he didnt like to eat alone. Hint, hint. She was busy that night, but Bob persisted. A romantic sunset dinner overlooking Cape Cod Canal led to a whirlwind long-distance courtship and, less than six months later, a Punta Gorda wedding. Terri never thought shed end up in the restaurant business, but she helps me behind the scenes now.Ž Terri and Bob are in partnership to give back to the community where they live. Since Bobs been in charge, Burnt Store Grille has expanded dramatically, from a much smaller cafe next to a movie rental, to its current 240 seats with dining room and full-liquor bar. Im old school in a lot of ways,Ž Bob said, but Im smart enough to know I have to keep changing things up so people have a reason to come back. We also like to try new things with our regulars over the summer.Ž Theyll see specials including prime rib on Saturday, haddock, more Italian items and healthier choices for breakfast, like turkey sausage and fruit salad. Bob added, If it wasnt for the community, we wouldnt be here. When I was growing up in public housing in Quincy, Massachusetts., my mom always said, If youre given something, you should give back, too.Ž The Mignaults have done plenty of that, becoming well-known as veterans and “rst responders champions. Bob installed a special Military and Local Heroes Table; collected for the Punta Gorda Vietnam Wall; hosts Coffee and Breakfast with the Chief; and supports countless groups and causes every year. He also provides free meals to veterans and active military on Veterans Day, meals for Veterans Village, discounted veterans meals year-round and Thanksgiving dinner for 500 at First United Methodist Church every year. I have wonderful clientele. They say, Thank God youre here, I wouldnt want to go anyplace else. And Im grateful for all of them because, without them, we wouldnt be here. They make it all worthwhile.ŽFROM PAGE 1 Sue Wade PGH CorrespondentSue Wade is a correspondent for the Punta Gorda Herald. She may be reached at STORY HERALD PHOTO BY SUE WADEBob Mignault has jazzed up the Burnt Store Grille menu with theme nights and specials, and put in a full-liquor bar, seen in le ft rear. He said, Im old school, but I know you have to keep changing things up so people have a reason to come back.Ž INFORMATIONBurnt Store Grille is at 3941 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda € HOURS: Open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, except 8 p.m. Sunday € INFORMATION: Call 941-575-2757 adno=50514126 Denim and Diamond tickets and Sponsorships can be purchased Online at The Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce store : or by calling: tel:(941)639-2222. You can also contact one of the local charities above to get your ticket.


Herald Page 6 Friday, April 21, 2017 The Punta Gorda Garden Clubs Standard Flower Show, titled Games People Play,Ž was held on March 21, at the First United Methodist Church in Punta Gorda. The public was invited to attend to view examples of a great variety of horticulture grown by club members, as well as six different classes or categories of ”oral design and two educational exhibits. Attendance throughout the afternoon was excellent and guests were asked to participate by voting for their own favorite entry for the Peoples Choice Award.ŽFun flora played into garden showProvided by BETSY FOSTERPUBLICITY CHAIR OF THE PUNTA GORDA GARDEN CLUB Pat Sandler, left, winner of the Peoples Choice Award, and Vinita Jones, winner of the Best in Show AwardPHOTOS PROVIDED BY BETSY FOSTERPictured, from right, are Claudia Chopp, ower show co-chair; Caroline Honour, ower show co-chair; and Betsy Foster, design en tries chair. Vinita Jones stands next to her award-winning Invitational Exhibit plant arrangement. One of the entries in the design division of the Punta Gorda Garden Clubs Standard Flower Show entitled Games People PlayŽ on March 21. Community beat Some of the entries for Games People Play Flower ShowFriday, April 21, 2017 Herald Page 7 Charlotte High Schools library invites authors every year to come and visit. Jay Asher has come to our school twice. His recent visit was to discuss his new romance novel, What Light,Ž and his novel Thirteen Reasons Why,Ž which became a Net”ix series. Life has changed for Asher in many ways. I hope I havent changed from it, but Im glad I get to do this for a living,Ž he said. With the success of Thirteen Reasons Why,Ž the novel has become a television show and is available on Net”ix. Sometimes authors are not involved in the making of the movie or television series of their novel, but that was not the case with Asher. During the screening, he got to see the “rst two episodes of the show. During the screening, it was intense. I hadnt seen much of it until then and the cast and crew saw most of it, so they were all looking at me for my reaction,Ž Asher said. It was really good, and Im excited for you all to see it.Ž Since Thirteen Reasons Why,Ž Asher has written The Future of UsŽ with Carolyn Mackler and his “rst romance novel, What Light.Ž Ashers books are usually dramatic, but What LightŽ is different. I wanted to write something nice and ”uffy because I like romantic, ”uffy books, too.Ž What LightŽ is a Christmas romance novel about how a Christmas tree farmers daughter, Sierra, meets a boy with a dark past, Caleb. They meet in California, where her family sells Christmas trees every year. There are twists and turns as Sierra faces ridicule from both her family and friends back at home in Oregon and in California. Will Calebs dark past keep him and Sierra apart? Read it and “nd out. What LightŽ is based off some truth, according to Asher. I based the book [What LightŽ] off of real Christmas tree farmers,Ž Asher said. Asher is currently writing a graphic novel with another author, and is also writing screenplays for Net”ix for new show ideas. Whatever Asher writes, we here at Charlotte High cant wait for him to come back and tell us all about it. Thirteen Reasons Why author visits CHSBy ABBY DEESTARPONS PAGE WRITER TARPONs PAGE CONTRIBUTORSTarpons Page contributors are students at Charlotte High School. The content displayed on this page is part of grading requirements for Kelli Lipes yearbook class. Send feedback to PHOTOS PROVIDEDA student gets an autograph from Jay Asher, author of Thirteen Reasons Why,Ž which has been adapted for a popular Netix show. Jay Asher, author of Thirteen Reasons Why,Ž spoke to Charlotte High School students recently. Singing is a passion for people all around the world. For many students at Charlotte High School, they have that same passion. They joined choir to embrace their passion and enjoy their hobby with other students. I joined choir because I enjoy singing. I want to make a career out of this, and even though this is my “rst year, I have met many great people,Ž Melissa Palmer, grade 11, said. Most choir members agree that you get to meet wonderful people while doing something that you enjoy. My favorite song of this concert was The Poet Sings. I have been in choir since the sixth grade and I absolutely love it,Ž Alexis Downie, grade 12, said. This concert was very special for the students and for Jaclyn Cushman, the choir director. Tragic accidents recently claimed the lives of some CHS students. They were all part of the choir program, and it was hard for all of the participants in this program now. They had dedicated a song to all of the girls who passed away, and it was very beautiful. It was a way to honor the students and remember their joy for singing,Ž Cushman said. It was a moment that will always be remembered and it was a good way to end the show. All the people enjoyed it and the crowd was very pleased with the performances. It was a well-done performance and a great way to honor those we lost.Tarzan swings in with a hitCharlotte High School always puts on a great production for its musical every year. This year was another success. They decided to go for a fun musical, as last year they did Les Miserables,Ž so they decided to perform Tarzan.Ž Every show sold out. I played a gorilla in this play. It was the best feeling in the world for the applause and standing ovations,Ž Madison Shields, grade 12, said. There were many different characters and many extras. This play is written for young kids to enjoy themselves, and many did. I would de“nitely pay to see this show again, and I would love to bring my nephew Aiden along. He would have loved it all,Ž Alexis Reed, grade 12, said. The musical used a lot of colors and sounds for a big impact. The butter”y scene was beautiful and the awe moment of the show. Keeping professional takes dedication when performing in a high school musical. For me, the hardest part of making this all happen was staying in character. It was hard when you saw the audience reacting so well to not lose your cool. It was hard to keep focus when something funny was going on. That was the hardest part,Ž Shields explained. Even though musicals are fun and amazing to watch, rehearsals can take a long time and a lot of dedication. This play took many hours and many months to perfect. We had been rehearsing for four months for hours at a time. It was tiring, but at the end of it all it was so rewarding,Ž Dalton Smith said. Musicals are a time to bring students together and enjoy their talents. Their hard work brings entertainment to others. The production is a high point of the year for the students.Choir honors those lost; musical is wildly popularBy KATIE CLAVERTARPONS PAGE WRITER PHOTOS PROVIDEDThe mens choir sings Footloose,Ž a number in which they learned choreography. Brittney Beni, 21, passed away December 2016. She was remembered by all chorus students at Charlotte High Schools concert. Bealah Roger, 18, passed away in February. She was active in both chorus and drama. € Grooming € Intake € Adoption € Full Line of Bird Supplies € Food € Toys € Cages Tues-Thurs 10…5, Sat 10-4, Fri, Sun and Mon by appt only 1205 Elizabeth St., Unit I Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941 -347-8876 www Exotic Bird Rescue 501c3 Non-Profit adno=50513273 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED CAN YOU SPARE JUST 3 HOURS PER WEEK? Most Advanced Technique in Cataract Surgery No Needles € No Stitch € No Patch Quick Recovery Christopher Stelly, MD Board Certified € Eye Physician & Surgeon Punta Gorda 3665 Tamiami Trail, Suite #101 575-9300 Accepting Medicare Assignment Over 5,000 cataract and laser surgeries performed. EYECARE & SURGERY CENTER of Southwest Florida adno=50509578 adno=716921 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES AVAILABLE IN PORT CHARLOTTE AND ARCADIA COUNSELING SUPPORT PSYCHIATRY Twin Rivers Pathways 4161 Tamiami Trail, Suite 302 Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Life Improvement Program Located on 3rd floor at DMH 900 N. Robert Ave. Arcadia, FL 34266 Call (941) 766-0171 to learn more! adno=50512980 24 HOUR WATER REMOVAL € Tile & Grout Cleaning € Air Duct Cleaning € Carpet Repair & Stretching € Oriental & Wool Rug Cleaning Specialist € Steam Cleaning € Rotary Scrub € Dry Cleaning CARPET, UPHOLSTERY & TILE CLEANING Punta Gorda/Port Charlotte 941.766.0115 WWW .H APPY H OME S ERVICES NET 10% OFF


Herald Page 8 Friday, April 21, 2017 Miss Charlotte 12U Sharks claim victory in finale ON THE COVER: Gia Greaves, 10, of the Sharks puts the tag on a would-be base stealer from North Port.Punta Gorda Middle School sixth-grader Jordan Moran knocks the ball loose from the North Port catcher and is safe as she slides home.HERALD PHOTOS BY STEVE KNAPPBrianna Brethold res to the plate in an exciting 9-8 win over North Port in the nal regular-season game. Dava Hoer drops her bat after blasting a base hit to left for the Miss Charlotte 12U Sharks team. The Miss Charlotte 12U Sharks team nished their regular season with a 9-8 win over North Port. The tying run was on second whe n the game ended on a ground out. The win gives the Sharks a 9-5 record. SPORTS PHOTO PROVIDEDBeautiful Guinness is a 10-year-old Masti mix. This gentle giant was brought to us because her owners can no longer care for her. For a giant breed of her age, Guinness still has pep in her step and a lot of love to give. The Animal Welfare League of Charlotte County is at 3519 Drance St., Port Charlotte. All animals are microchipped, spayed or neutered and are current with their shots prior to adoption, including rabies. The shelter is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. seven days a week. To view some of the adoptable pets, visit Pet of the Week SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORES Open: Mon. Sat. 9am 5pm 1048 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda Call To Schedule A Pickup For Large Furniture & Appliances (941) 637-1981 DONATIONS NEEDED! Your donation makes a big differenceŽ Please Donate Clean, Usable Items. adno=50513241 Now accepting pick up in Arcadia. All money received from donations in Arcadia will be utilized to assist DeSoto County residents in need. Charlotte County to assist people in need in Charlotte County. (941) 621-4612 2705 Tamiami Trail Suite 216, Punta Gorda, FL adno=50513137 Cilantros Restaurant LATIN AMERICAN CUISINE Hours: Mon-Thurs 10 am to 8 pm Fri 10 am to 10 pm Sat 10 am to 12 am BUY 2 EMPANADAS GET THE 3RD FREE (of equal or lesser value) Exp. 4-27-17 We CaterŽ Karaoke Every Saturday Night All You Can Eat Buffet Every Other Sunday 2016


Friday, April 21, 2017 Herald Page 9 ALL TOWNS ARENT CREATED EQUAL.Sure, every town has its beautiful park or its lake view. Its grand home or its city hall. But the truth is most towns arent created at all. This one is. Babcock Ranch is an entirely new kind of town. One where the streets are planned but the wilderness isnt. Where energy comes from the oldest source in the world and powers the very newest technology. Where luxurious amenities come at an unluxurious price. This is a town where the frontier meets the front porch in a way thats never been seen before. Broker participation is welcome. Prices, plans, speci“cations and community design are subject to change. Oral representations cannot be relied up on as correctly stating the representations of the developer. For correct information regarding Babcock Ranch, interested par ti es should refer to written materials provided by the developer, legislative acts related to Babcock Ranch and the covenants and restrictions of the Babcock Ranch Residential Association, Inc. The information provided above is no t intended to be an oering and should be considered as infor mational only. A better lifeBABCOCKRANCH.COM 888-940-0685 adno=50512833


Herald Page 10 Friday, April 21, 2017 PHOTO BY INGRID SIMKEMeet Charlie, a 3-year-old shepherd/husky mix weighing 54 lbs. He sports a white coat with soft brown freckling. Charlie is one great dog. He is friendly and outgoing with new people. He always seems to be in a good mood. Charlie is very fond of children and gentle with them. He enjoys the company of other dogs but cannot be around cats. He is a good swimmer and enjoys salt or pool water. Charlie loves to play with people and his favorite toy is a rope with a ball attached. He will make a great addition to a family with children. For more information, contact Suncoast Humane Society at 941-474-7884, visit or stop by the adoption center at 6781 San Casa Drive, Englewood.Suncoast Pet of the Week The Charlotte JV softball team has a different look to it, but the results are the same as they continue to win with a 6-2 win over the improved Port Charlotte Pirates. No longer does the team have a couple of lights outŽ pitchers in Erica Barnes and Sydney Thomas. Barnes got the call up to the varsity squad in midseason and has been doing a good job at the shortstop position. Thomas recently stepped up to the varsity team and immediately made her presence known as she came on in relief and struck out a Lakewood Ranch batter, who is committed to play at Florida next season. The Tarpons still have a solid team and showed it as they knocked off the Pirates 6-2 in Port Charlotte. Andrea Cavic has taken the role of team ace in the circle and did a nice job going the distance and was able to work her way out of a couple of tough spots. The Tarpons scored two runs in each of the odd innings and were shut out in the even innings. A very good reason for that would be the fact that all six of their hits came from the top four hitters in the lineup. Paige Thompson, Amber Klein and Stephanie Vullo each scored twice with Thompson and Vullo both collecting a pair of hits. Vullo was perfect at the plate going 2-2 and also drove in two runs. Cleanup hitter Lauren Bell had the only extra base hit when she banged a triple off the fence in left to knock in Klein in the third inning. Bell also drove in a run in both the first and fifth innings.Different look for Tarpons in win over Pirates HERALD PHOTOS BY STEVE KNAPPShortstop Amber Klein makes the force at second base in Charlottes win over Port Charlotte, 6-2. Lauren Bell gets a stand-up triple for a third-inning RBI in the 6-2 win at Port Charlotte. Paige Thompson beats the throw in a successful third-inning steal of second base. Thompson had two hits and scored twice in the win over port Charlotte. Tarpons third baseman Paige Thompson tries to eld a low throw that skips past her in the 6-2 win over Port Charlotte. Steve Knapp Sports WriterSteve Knapp is a sports writer and photographer. Contact him at SPORTS If you can fix a problem that you have, why wouldnt you? Ž Frantz EyeCare fixed my vision problem and did an outstanding job.ŽMike Ditka adno=50513064 adno=50513094


Friday, April 21, 2017 Herald Page 11 The American Legion Post 103 Auxiliary hosted a Show Us Your TalentŽ show in Punta Gorda recently.American Legion shows off talent Left: Sabra Mercer,17, of Moore Haven, sings during the talent show. Below: Auxiliary President Kelli Becraft helps 12-year-old Riley Biehl of Punta Gorda perform a magic card trick. Sabra Mercer,17, of Moore Haven, sings along with guitar accompaniment during the talent show.HERALD PHOTOS BY MICHELE HASKELLSquadron Commander of the Sons of the American Legion Steve Gorman, Auxiliary President Kelli Becraft; Riley Biehl,12; Sabra Me rcer, 17; American Legion Auxiliary District 13 President Tina Hanson and American Legion Auxiliary Post 103 President Joanne Borowy. Nancy Kevorkian performs a sword dance during the talent competition.Community beat Punta Gorda Girl Scout volunteer to be honoredIn conjunction with National Volunteer Appreciation Week (April 2329), Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida is recognizing a Punta Gorda resident who received an adult achievement award at the councils annual meeting. Heather Tice-Hodson received the Volunteer of Excellence Award. This honor is reserved for those who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through use of the National Program Portfolio, or who have contributed outstanding service in support of the councils mission delivery to girl and adult members. Though issued by the local council, the Volunteer of Excellence Award is also recognized nationally by Girl Scouts of the USA as one of the highest awards available to adults in Girl Scouting. For more information about Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, visit www. or call 800-232-4475. About Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida Inc.: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, con“dence and character, who make the world a better place. Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida is chartered by Girl Scouts of the USA and serves nearly 6,500 girls in ten counties including Manatee, Hardee, Highlands, Sarasota, DeSoto, Charlotte, Glades, Lee, Hendry and Collier. COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEF adno=50514405


Herald Page 12 Friday, April 21, 2017 adno=50509541


Saturday, April 22, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 1 SunsetDodgeChryslerJeep Allpricesincluderebates.Financingwith approvedcredit.Residencyrulesmayapply. Vehiclesmaynotbeaspictured.SERVICEHOURS: MON-FRI7:30AM-5:00PM SAT.7:30AM-NOON w S ALESHOURS: MONFRI8:30AM-7:00PM SAT9:00AM-6:00PM€CLOSEDSUNDAY7 745S.TAMIAMITRAILSARASOTA9 41.922.2400ST06610123 SCOS O SAT 9:00AM-6:00PM 3.6L V6, 8-Speed Automatic, Rear BackUp Camera & Park Assist, Keyless Entry & GO, Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Voice Command w/Bluetooth, Aluminum Wheels, Deep Tint Sunscreen Glass, Fog Lamps, Speed Control, Theft Deterrent, Tire Pressure Monitoring and much more. NEW 2017 CHRYSLER PACIFICA Ventilated Leather Seats, Navigation, Blind Spot/ Cross Path Detection, Front And Rear Park Assist, Heated Power Seats, Sat Radio W/ Beats Audio 10 Prem Speakers Incl. Subwoofer, 552 Watt Amp, Voice Command W/ Bluetooth, 20Ž Aluminum Wheels, Keyless Go W/ Remote Start. NEW 2017 CHRYSLER 300 S #C17181 SALE $ 29,999 SALE $ 29,999 SALE $ 29,999 Se habla Espaola, Bill Wagner 941-705-9095 adno=8534656 *Vehicle Prices Listed Are Plus Tax, Tag And Title. Prices Include Rebates. Dealer Also Charges A Pr e-Delivery Service Fee Of $599 Which Represents Cost And Profit To The Dealer For Items Such As Cleaning, Inspecting And Adjusting New An d Used Vehicles And Prepa ring Documents Related To The Sale Or Lease. Dealer Not Responsible For Typographical Errors. Vehicles Ma y Not Be As Pictured And Are Subject To Prior Sale. Financing Is With Approved Credit. Residency Rules May Apply. See Dealer For Details. Uconnect Voice Command w/Bluetooth, Satellite Radio, Deep Tint Sunscreen Glass, Fog Lamps, Speed Control, Theft Deterrent System, Tilt Steering, Halogen Headlamps & much more Sunset Alf a Romeo FIAT of Sarasot a 7 641 S. Tami ami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34231 ( 941)9248822 € www. f i atusaof sarasota. com 2016 SUBARU IMPREZA 2.0i 5-door Premium GFA-01 U1659 FORESTER 2016 SUBARU 2.5i € Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive € Bluetooth connectivity € SUBARU STARLINK 6.2Ž Multimedia Audio System € Back-up camera Buy For Prices are plus tax, tag, title & include rebates which are subject to change. Dealer also charges a pre-delivery service fee of $599 which represents cost & profit to the dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting & adjusting vehicles & preparing documents related to the sale or lease. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Vehicles may not be as pictured & are subject to prior sale. F inancing is with approved credit. Residency rules may apply. See dealer for details. *Prices are plus tax, tag, title & include rebates which are subject to change. Dealer also charges a pre-delivery service fe e of $599 which represents cost & profit to the dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting & adjusting vehi cles & preparing document s related to the sale or lease. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Vehicles may not be as pictur ed & are subject to prior sale. Financing is with approved credit. Residency rules may apply. See dealer for details. Offer ends on 04/30/2017. 2017 Kelley B lue Book Brand Image Awards are based on the Brand Watch’ study from Kelley Blue Book Strategic Insights. Awa rd calculated among nonluxury shoppers. 2017 model-year vehicles projected cost to own for the initial five-year ownership period is based on the a verage Kelley Blue Book 5-Year Cost to Own data which considers depreciation and costs such as fuel and ins urance. For more informat ion, visit 941-925-1234 € 7611 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231 Sales: Mon-Fri 8:30A 7P Sat. 9A-6P € Service: Mon.-Fri. 7:30A-5P € Sat. 8AM-Noon 2017 Subaru FORESTER 2.5i 2017 Subaru LEGACY 2.5 I Premium w ith moonroof 2017 Subaru CROSSTREK 5dr 2.0i Premium Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Automatic, Power Windows, Locks, Mirrors, Backup Camera, Speed Control, Bluetooth Phone Connectivity, Tilt Telescoping Steering Wheel, Remote Keyless Entry, MP3/CD, 6Speakers, & Much More! Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Back-up Camera, Bluetooth Wireless Phone Connectivity, Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Remote Keyless Entry, Heated Front Seats, Speed Control,Tilt/Telescoping Steering Wheel, MP3/CD with six speaker sound system, Fog Lamps and more. 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See dealer for program details and eligibility. 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Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 22, 2017 1010 OPEN HOUSE OPEN SAT. 10AM-2PM 2002 Bal Harbor Blvd. Unit 412 Clipper Cove Village Villa Punta Gorda Isles Tastefully Furnished 3 BR, 2 Bath, 1 Car Garage. Reduced to $215,000. Chad McCrory, Re/Max Anchor of Marina Park 941-628-6197 OPEN SAT. 12-3 1075 REDBAYTERR. PORTCHARLOTTE2/2/2+CG, Lanai. Completely Renovated!! New Roof, Water Heater, Kitchen w/ Granite, Baths, Floors, SS Appliances. Freshly Painted Inside & Out! No Disappointments. FSBO $149,900. Phil 941-457-6811 OPEN SAT. 1pm-4pm701 AQUIESTA#30, BUTTONWOODVILLAGEPUNTAGORDAREMOD-ELED3/2/CP, 2,000SF, NEWROOF, NEWFLOORS, APPL. INCL. CLUBHOUSE, POOL. & MORE! $109,000. (941)-740-0389 OPEN SUN. 1-4 1203 Harbor Town Way, Chestnut Creek, Venice. 3/3/2 + Den w/ Amazing View of Lake! Home Warrany Incl. Low Monthly Fees! $279,900. Fran LeRoux, Re/Max Platnium (941)-445-7744 OPEN SUN. 1-4 4229 MALLEEST. PORTCHARLOTTEGORGEOUS3/2/2 MOVE-INREADYW/HEATED POOL. OPENFLOORPLAN. GRANITE, SSAPPL. & WOODCABINETSINKITCHEN. TURNKEYNEGOTIABLE. $212,000. SUN REALTY 941-875-4150 HOPESAGE OPEN SUN. 1PM-4PM 131 FLAMINGORD. SOUTHVENICE3/2/2, 1700SF. SPACIOUSLIVING. MOVEINREADY! OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 Venice 19267 Kirella St. Expansive water view w/huge lanai in Maintenance-free IslandWalk. Stunning home. Price reduced $439,000. West Villages Realty. (941)460-3179 SAT. 04/22/17 1PM-4PM 17273 SABRINA CIR. P.C. Large 4/3/2 on 2 lots oversized garage. Granite tops kitchen & baths. Stainless steel appliances. Lots of tile. Richard Gierulski, REALTOR 941-875-5967 C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s 1010 OPEN HOUSE 742-H AVENIDA ESTANCIA #112 VENICE *TURNKEY* OPEN HOUSE BY APPT ESTANCIASOFCAPRIISLESVERYDESIRABLE2BR/2BA ENDUNITWITHLOTSOFSUNLIGHTANDGREATGOLF COURSEVIEWS. REDUCED $172,000 TURNKEYDebra Villari 609-458-4627Berkshire Hathaway COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESUN1-4 PMORBYAPPT. LRG2B/2BA, ONLY9 YRS OLDBUTTOTALLY REFURBISHEDALL NEW DESIGNERTROPICALFURNITURE,HDWDFLOORS& TILE, FULLY ACCESSORIZEDTOLAST DETAIL. EVERYTHING NEW! TRUETURN-KEY. POO/SPA, TENNIS, CLUBHOUSE. LUXURYRES, VACATION HOME, WINTERRETREATOR RENTALW/UNBELIEVABLE RENTALHISTORY. $179,900. MINUTESTOBEACH/BAY. CALL941-769-0200-DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. ENGLEWOOD EAST 7491 ASHTABULA ST. OPEN HOUSE EVERY SUNDAY 12PM-5PM Completely Renovated 2/2/1! New: Air, Granite Countertops, SS Appliances, Carpet, Bath, Freshly Painted Inside & Out. Fenced Yard. $162,000. 941-408-0507 ENGLEWOOD ESTATE S ALE 5 mins to beach open to offers 2bd 2bth 1 oversized garage. Large corner lot Asking $158,900 GREGORYH. UZZLEPA. BR OKERAS SOCIATEES T: 1987 DIRECT 727-992-5133 RE ALTYEX ECUTIVESAM ERICA, INC. CERTFORECLOSUREAGENTS FIVE STAR REALTY OPEN HOUSESStop by Five Star Realty to pick up a home tour flyer with directions.ŽSaturday, April 22, 2017: 30073 Alder Road, Punta Gorda, FL 33982, 11:00AM-2:00PMF OR MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS VISIT : WWW FIVESTARREALTY COM / BLOG / OPEN SAT. 10AM-1PM 137 ISLAND POINT RD. NORTH PORT, 34287 LAZY RIVER 55+ COMMUNITYis waiting for you! This home has all the bells and whistles you have been looking for! A waterfront community w/boating access adjacent to unit. 3br/2ba offered at $179,900 Cindy Esselburn 941-786-4731 Remax Palm Realty 1010 OPEN HOUSE 2239 BALTIMORE ST. NORTH PORT OPEN SAT NOON 3PM Beautiful 3-4BR/2.5BA POOL Home with large 3 car garage on TWO WATERFRONT LOTS. $296,900. MAXIM Residential & Commercial Realtors Carol Wade 941-585-9599 4 CLUBHOUSE ROAD ROTONDA WEST 33947 OPEN SAT & SUN FROM 12PM-3PM2006 BUILT 3 BED 2 BATH 2 CG TURNKEY FURNISHED ROTONDA POOL HOME W/ "X" ZONE ELEVATION. MOVE IN READY @ $269,000 $1500 BUYERS REBATE IF PURCHASED THROUGH FLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.OPEN HOUSE TODAY11 AM 2 PM20554 Tappan Zee Dr., P.C. $174,900 Great Price & Great Location! (S 41, L on Midway, L on Hinton, L on Tappan Zee)941-255-5300 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 And BAY LAKE ESTATES 1200 COLONIA LN. EAST Nokomis, FL 34275 941-485-2555TWO55+ RESORTSOFFERING AWIDEVARIETYOFHOMES. BOTHLOCATIONSARE2 MILES FROMTHEBEAUTIFULBEACHESBAYLAKEORBAYINDIES,YOUCHOOSEWHICHLIFESTYLEISRIGHTFORYOU!!! GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 1010 OPEN HOUSE ROTONDA WEST 10 CADDY RD3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 CG Turnkey furnished golf course beauty. Total updating of this home includes NEW FLOORS, DOORS, IMPACT WINDOWS,A/C, KITCHEN AND BATHS. Located on the 8th hole of the Rotonda Hills Golf Course. Reduced to $197,500 Shown by appointment. $1500 BUYER REBATE if purchased thoughFLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 LAKE SUZY SAT., 4/22, 10AM-12PM 12741 S Pembroke Circle $214,000. Lovely 4/2/3 home in Lake Suzy. Lush landscaping, views of nature & wildlife. Open floor plan. An abundance of wood cabinets, large breakfast bar, Corian counter. Linda Curran 941-496-2757 SAT., 4/22, 10AM-12PM 12731 S Pembroke Circle $199,000. Very nice 3/2/3 home in Lake Suzy. Corian counters, wood cabinets, large breakfast bar. View from lanai is small lake and wild life! Ted Curran 941-468-8934 NORTH PORT SUN., 4/23, 1PM-4PM 4234 Blue Heron Circle $204,900. Beautiful & immaculate 3/2 plus a den/study in Heron Creek. Solid wood cabinets, travertine flooring, crown molding. Must see. Anne Kyer 941-661-5272 ENGLEWOOD SUN., 4/23, 12PM-4PM 9 Medalist Way $355,000. Open & light executive home, Volume ceilings, modern finishes. 3/3/2 with pool. Media room with black out blinds, & surround sound. Valerie Guenther 941-685-8901 SAT., 4/22, 1PM-4PM 709 Watersedge St. $174,900. Tangerine Woods, an active 55+ community. 2/2 with view of lake. Florida Room, great room with vaulted ceilings, inside utility room. Tina Evans 315408-8159 1010 OPEN HOUSE PUNTA GORDA SAT., 4/22, 11AM-2PM 708 Macedonia Dr. $424,900. Burnt Store Isles, sailboat access to Charlotte Harbor. New custom eat in kitchen, opens to great room. 36ft lanai with tongue & groove ceiling. Jamie Peters 941-623-3488 SUN., 4/23, 12PM-2PM 1101 La Salina Ct. $359,000.00 3/2/2 fully remodeled sailboat water front home. Over 2200 SF split floor plan. Formal living & dining room. Large kitchen opens to family room & breakfast area. Jamie Peters 941-623-3488 SAT., 4/22, 11AM-2PM 26018 Seminole Lakes Blvd. $249,000. Seminole Lakes-highly sought after Antigua Model. 3/2/2 split, open floor plan, 10ft ceilings, stacked sliders to the lanai & hurricane shutters. Cindy Marsh-Tichy 201-230-5315 SUN., 4/23, 11AM-2PM 26063 Feathersound Dr. $237,500. 3/2/2 Catalina model in gated Seminole Lakes community. New kitchen with granite, & glass tile backsplash. Turnkey condition. Cindy Marsh-Tichy 201-230-5315 SAT., 4/22, 11AM-2PM 11238 Pineapple Rd. $125,900. Completely updated, waterfront manufactured home. New kitchen cabinets, glass accents & granite. Vaulted ceilings in great room. David Easley 941-286-5278 PORT CHARLOTTE SAT., 4/22, 11AM-2PM 3302 Yukon Dr. $315,000. 2/2/2 waterfront, pool home on Pellam Waterway. New kitchen appliances in 2016. Newly resurfaced Heated pool. New septic 2015. Deb Sestilio 941-391-1873 SAT., 4/22, 12PM-3PM 1812 Birmingham Blvd. $224,900.00 2/2/2 popular Sheffield model completely upgraded-a must see! Split floor plan, murphy bed. Large Master with 2 walk in closets. Ann Allen 941-286-2633 SAT., 4/22 12PM-3PM 24366 Folkstone Ave. $188,800. Nice quiet street in the gated community of Kings Gate. Sheffield Model, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, + den with French door. 2 walk in closets. Chuck Allen 941-544-0991 SAT., 4/22, 11AM-2PM SUN., 4/23, 12AM-3PM 2464 Starlite Lane $111,900. WATER FRONT!!! Beautiful 3/2, with an office space, water front home. This home is clean and freshly painted inside and out. New AC. Dorothy Livecchi 941-286-6340 David Easley 941-286-5278 PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.Ž REAL E S T A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! Findthe perfect companion inthe Classifieds!


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Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 22, 2017 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY PUNTA GORDA FSBO 10493 Princess Ct. Beautiful Seminole Lakes Country Club, low HOA Fees that provide lawn maintenance and 24 hour gate guards. 2 LARGE Bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, 2 car garage w/attic storage, open, spacious kitchen/living/dining. Newer appliances, heat/ac systems, water filtration w/softener, on cul-de-sac for privacy, fruit trees, sprinkler system, gated, golf course, tennis, heated pool, fitness, approx 1747SF Living area. $239,500 941-916-9866 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESUN1-4 PM ORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLY$179,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE HUGE 4+CAR GARAGE w/14' rollup door included w/this move-in ready home w/new central A/C & oversize lot. $139,900 HOPESAGESUNREALTY941-875-4150 PORT CHARLOTTE Spacious 2/2 split plan in sought after New York Section! Fenced yard provides privacy! Great neighborhood. Public Water and Sewer. $137,900 Larry Hegeman Century 21 Aztec 941-661-7725 ROTONDA3/2/2 POOLHOME. QUIETSTREET$219KCALLTERRYLONGALWAYSLONGONSERVICE TOFINDOUTWHATYOUR HOMEISWORTH. KELLERWILLIAMSREALTYGOLD941-830-2347 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES ROTONDA 3/2/2 Waterfront home with large fenced in yard. Furniture and Appliances included. By Owner $195,000 941-662-6250 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE ENGLEWOOD For Sale by Owner 2/2/2 w/Pool, 1747 SF, Furnished, Riding Mower incl. $160,000 941-662-5716 I BUY HOUSES.COM FAST CASH! 941-270-3840 INVESTORS Port Charlotte 3/2/2 Pool, Contractor remodeled, $15,000 Income. 2nd property Sailboat lot 10,000 lb boat lift(possible $3000 income) Price on both properties $389,000 Owner 941-347-7020 NORTH PORT 6440 Malaluka Road. Enjoy the view of the canal, open concept living, dining and kitchen with two spacious bedrooms. 1,220 square feet. Furniture incld. Motivated Seller. Please contact Kristine Dorward 514-618-0360. PORT CHARLOTTE 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATH, 1 CARGARAGE. ALLTILEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHENHASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1839 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $150,000.$450,000 ON YOUR LOT OR OURS! Over 30 Sites to Choose From! New Home Builders. C.W. Haber, Inc. 4055 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte (941)-505-2441Lic#CBC125207 0/CCC1327060CCC057703/CRC 057413 4.5 % COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home + You Get 2 Full Time Agents!Jeff Runyan941-979-2843NO Hidden Fees! Re/Max Palm F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s ENGLEWOOD Built 2006 3/2/2 w/ Family Room, Vaulted Ceiling, New Appliances, Shed, Fenced Yard, No Deed Restrictions or Flood Zone. Community Boat Launch, $223,000 941-474-7030 (Owner/Agent) R REDUCED!! 1010 OPEN HOUSE 04/22/17 RIVERWOOD4/22 & 4/23 13540 EAGLE PT. DR. P.C. 4 HOMESOPENTHISWEEKEND12-4 PM STOPATGATEASK FORRIVERWOODREALTYFLYER941-743-9663 EXT 200 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! SUN. 4/23/17 1-4PM 11180 Campazzo Dr., Venice Lovely Venetian Falls 2/2/2 Villa, 55+ community with incredible amenities $249,900 Susan Juranek, REALTOR 941-275-5401 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 1010 OPEN HOUSE PORTCHARLOTTESAT. 12-3 2503 CONWAYBLVD. 3/2/2 CORNERLOTONCANAL. 1,358 SQFTUNDERAIRLOTSOFUPDATES! GREATCLOSEDINSUNPORCH. JENNIFERCARPENTER, REMAXPALM941-456-3404 PUNTA GORDA SAT. & SUN 1-4 FSBO 10493 Princess Ct. Beautiful Seminole Lakes Country Club, low HOA Fees that provide lawn maintenance and 24 hour gate guards. 2 LARGE Bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, 2 car garage w/attic storage, open, spacious kitchen/living/dining. Newer appliances, heat/ac systems, water filtration w/softener, on cul-de-sac for privacy, fruit trees, sprinkler system, gated, golf course, tennis, heated pool, fitness, approx 1747 SF living space. $239,500 941-916-9866 Resort Style Adult Community OPEN HOUSE WED 10-2P 27110 Jones Loop, PG Preview our homes @ 941-575-6220 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds!


Saturday, April 22, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 5 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS NORTH PORTTWO LOTS Water Front Property 10,889 FT. Access To Gulf Duck Key Premier Comm. Utilities, City Water, Sewer. Cleared & Ready to Go! Quinn Court, $79,900 Debra Villari 609-458-4627 Berkshire Hathaway SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FOR ECON. BUILDS& NOFLOOD INSURANCEREQUIRED,FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 WATER FRONT LOT … DEEP WATER! LEMONBAY, BIGBOAT DEEPWATER. NEWSEAWALL. BUILDYOURWATERFRONTHOME ONTHIS1/4+ AC LOT. ONLY3.75 MINUTESTOSTUMPPASS,LOWESTPRICEONTHEBAY! WOW! NOWLOWESTPRICED DIRECTBAYACCESSLOTINALL OFCHARLOTTE, SARASOTAORLEECOUNTIES. ONLY $249,900. 941-769-0200 1620 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS ENGLEWOOD NORTH 2/2/2, lanai home, Turnkey, 5 Mins to beaches. $1,750/mo incl. utilities. 941-474-3639 LOVELYPT. CHARLOTTEVACATION POOL HOME 2/2/1 FULLY FURNISHED, $2000-$2500/MOAVAIL2017/2018 SEASON920-629-5252 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE 1.36+/ac res on Lemon Bay 800 W. Perry St, Englewood Public Bid Min $750,000 Bids due 5/17/17 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! Bayfront Home 50 Southwind Dr., Englewood Public Bid Min. $570,000 Bids due 5/17/17 CLEARED 80X200 Building Site on Woodmere Rd. In S. Venice. Requires Well & Septic. Room For Your Home & A Home For Your Toys. $49,900 941-650-3741 THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS LEMON BAY LOTVERYLARGE, BUILDUPTO5RESIDENCES, GREATVIEWS&DEEPWATER. NOTHINGLIKE THISOUTTHERE! PLANS&ZONINGINPLACEFOR5-UNIT WATERFRONTTOWNHOMES. $549,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOOWNERFINANCINGPOSS. 941-769-0200 1210 HOMES FOR RENT NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty ROTONDA 3/2/1 Golf Course Water View. End of Cul-de-Sac. Available 7/1. $1100./Month. References. 774-526-7538 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Spacious 2/2 remodel near Harborview Rd. Pool, Water Incl. $975 1st, Last, Sec 941-268-4365 or text VENICE Luxury condo for rent 1551 sqft 2 bed, 2 bath, detach garage, pool & club house with fitness room, view over lake, 2nd floor end unit screen lanai, washer -dryer. $1500.00 per month, Brant Jones -678-571-7230 VENICE, Water View. Nicely Furnished & Decorated 2BR/2BA Condo. CentrallyLocated, Near Restaurants & Shopping. Pools & Laundry. May 1st Dec. $950/mo. Jim507-254-2437 1320 APARTMENTS FOR RENT VENICE ISLAND EFFICIENCY1 & 2 br, Call for Details. No Pets, 1 Year Lease 941-416-5757or 323-6466 1350 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT HARBOUR HEIGHTS close to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, SunnybrookMotel 941-625-6400 1360 ROOMS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Furn. Room w/ 1/2 Bath. Responsible. Util. Incl! $750. mo. + Sec. Deposit. NP/ND 941-416-6952 VENICE 3br/2ba POOL HOME 1 BR avail, to share home w/ 75 yr old male. $650/mo inclds utils, Wifi, etc... 941-615-7549 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS HACIENDA DEL MARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT VACATION CONDO CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLE LIVINGJUSTINCHESTOTHEBAY& ICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW,VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ.FT., 2 BED/2.5 BATHS, MINUTES TOBOCAGRANDE/GULF BEACHES. NEWERCONSTRUC-TION, DESIGNERTURN-KEYFUR-NISHED. FULLLAUNDRY,GARAGE, HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS,FITNESS& MORE. CALLFOR FREEBROCHURE. PETPOSS. A VAIL : M AY N OVEMBER 2017 CALL813-293-2392 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 1110 OUT OF AREA HOMES MINONG, WI WATERFRONT handyman Special $300k, log cabin on 6+ wooded acres on Lake gilmore. Subdivideable. Call Andrea 941-713-5776 CLASSIFIED WORKS! 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1500...3/2/2 Pool Serv incl........PC $1400...3/2/2 Gated Comm........NP $1300..3/2/2 Screened Lanai......PC $1300....3/2/2 1727 Sq Ft...........NP $1000...2/2/CP Condo................PC941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends NORTH PORT 2/2/1 w/Lanai, 55+ Community $1,100 PORT CHARLOTTE 2/2/2 Split Floor Plan $1,250 LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Den, Lawn Care incl $1,400 Avail May 2017W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services ENGLEWOOD 2/1/CPONCANALWITHDOCK,LANAI& BONUSROOM$1200 2/2/1 SCREENEDLANAI. WATER& LAWNINC. $950WEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt PORT CHARLOTTE Large Beautiful 4/2/2 w/ Encl. Pool! Room for RV, Boat & Trailer in Driveway. New Metal Roof. Granite Kitchen, Fireplace, 3 Jacuzzis! All Tile! Close to Everything! $1,700. mo + Sec. Deposit 941-763-9315 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE ARCADIA DESOTO VILLAGE 55+ Park, 2005 2br/2ba DBL wide, Over 1100sf, Open floor plan w/ Car port. $40,000. Lot rent only $370/mo 863494-2900 or 863-244-9003 PORT CHARLOTTE Mary Lu 55+ Park, Totally renovated, Beautifully furnished 2br/2ba home, SS appliances, French Doors and more. $114,900 Share included. Call 301-351-6386 PUNTA GORDA 2/2/CP on Lake in 55+ Lakewood Village! Completely Remodeled Inside & Out! $75,000. 612-730-2990 VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE 2692 NE HIGHWAY 70 ARCADIA 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With Any Home Purchase! Call to Schedule An Appointment For a Tour! Ted 800-538-2590 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,795. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 PUNTA GORDAButtonwood Village. Updated, Well Cared For, 2/2/Bonus Room. 1500 SF, Tile Floors, New Appliances. Turn-Key on Corner Lot. Waterfront!Clubhouse, Pool & MORE!! $69,000. 941-621-4066 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE DEEP CREEK LAKE FRONT 2BR/2BA+ den & cp 1250sf, Built in 2005 New tile carpet & paint. Only $139,900. 941-268-6820 FOR SALE BY OWNER 2/2 Condo w/ Covered Parking. Punta Gorda, Next To Civic Center Between The Bridges, Along Riverwalk. In 55+ Community. $167,000 941-626-5984 FOR SALE BY OWNER Circle Woods of Venice 2br/2ba furnished detached condo. FL room & many upgrades. Many activities including 2 pools and Jacuzzi. 4 Miles to Manasota Beach. Close to shopping. Show By appointment. Asking $169,900. Call 941-4930156 or Cell 941-525-6293 PUNTA GORDA 2/2 55+. Furnished, A/C, Elev., Laundry In Unit, Lanai, Pool, Covered Parking. $164,900 516-742-8837 or 516-314-2598 For Sale By Owner NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PENDING NORTH PORT Fairway Villa, 2b/2b Cathedral Ceiling, A/C, Lanai, Shopping, Beautiful neighborhood $75,900 978-985-9874 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! PUNTA GORDA ISLES. Waterfront 2/2 w/ Private 2 Car Garage. 2022 Sq. Ft. Quick Sailboat Access! Deeded Dock w/ Lift. Pool, Hot Tub, Clubhouse, Gym & MORE!! $399,000. (913)-269-1007 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email;


Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 22, 2017 2100 GENERAL DANCERS WANTEDBIKINISPORTSBAR, PT. CHARL941-457-7077 LAWN MAINTENANCE, Englewood area. Good Pay!! Please call Adam 941-467-2636 SUN COAST PRESSis currently hiring for the following positions in our Venice Print Center.P/T MAILROOM HELP-night shift F/T STACK DOWN PERSONSend Resume TREE CLIMBERS AND LABORERS -EXPD GOODPAYSTARTIMMED!!941-423-0020 2110 PART TIME/ TEMPORARY "AMBASSADORS" NEEDEDTOSOLICITSUBSCRIPTIONS FORTHEAWARDWINNING LOCALNEWSPAPERS, THESUN, ATSTOREFRONTSINTHEVENICE, NORTHPORTANDENGLEWOODAREAS. CONTACTJIMDEFALLEAT941-786-7676FORMOREINFORMATION. GATE KEEPERS PT, FILL-IN for community in Englewood. Fax to 941-493-4290 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at (941)220-9418 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2100 GENERAL The Venice Gondolier Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. Apply in person: 200 E. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 No Phone Calls Please. CARRIERS NEEDED DRIVER NEEDEDNIGHTS Part time Must have CDL with Medical Certificate 20-30 hours a weekTo fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required FISH CUTTER, neededfor Local Seafood Company. EXC Pay!!! 941-380-9212 JANITORIAL POSITION TEMP. P/T WEEKENDS 9-5INTHEPORTCHARLOTTEAREA. CALLPATFORINTERVIEW(941)-624-3451 PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! PIZZA COOK DELI PERSON DUNKIN CREWReliable w/transportation.941-883-4790 MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours, able to work days or evenings. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required Several Full Time & Part Time Positions Available for RESIDENTIAL& COMMUNITYSUPPORTAt Group Home For Developmentally Disabled Adults. Must Have Valid DL & HS Diploma/GED Call 941-426-6591 2070 SALES Baers Furnitureis looking to hire EXPERIENCED SALES PROFESSIONALS & DESIGNERS. This is an incredible opportunity to work for a thriving company with consistent brand advertising. We offer 42 million dollars of inventory available for immediate delivery, and top compensation levels in the marketplace! Please send Resume to: EOE/DFWP SALES PROFESSIONALS& DESIGNERS (Port Charlotte, FL) CAREERNIGHTEVERYTUESDAY. CALLFORDETAILS. 941-426-0621 PART TIME HELPThe Smart Shopper Group has openings for individuals to deliver the Venice Community Shopper to Businesses in Venice. WHEN: Every Tuesday from 8:00 to 3:00 WHERE: Local business drops in Venice AVG INCOME: $75. 00 Call Steve 815-531-9816 Findthe newYou intheClassifieds! 2050 SKILLED TRADES CARPENTERS AND CARPENTER HELPERS for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. Call 941-964-2231. CARPENTRY SUPERVISOR for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. CALL 941-964-2231 LABORERS-CARPENTERS, FRAMING new homes, Deep Creek, Englewood, Port Charlotte. Great Pay & as many Hours as you want! KX4 Construction Jeff Kirkpatrick 941-916-4101 LEAD REMODELER for busy remodeling business knowledgable in drywall, framing, electric,plumbing. Competitive Pay Plus Vehicle. Valid FL DL a must. Please Call 941-625-5620 MECHANIC, Knowledgeable Mainly in Tire Repair. Apply: Jesus's Tires, 19800 Veterans Blvd. Port Charlotte, FL 33954 2060 MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTORThe Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, a successful and rapidly growing professional orchestra in Punta Gorda, Fl seeks a proven leader as its full time Executive Director. The successful candidate must have a passion for orchestral music, a strong fund raising record, and demonstrated strong management, marketing, and strategic planning skills. The candidate must have at least 5 years of successful senior management experience with an orchestra or similar organization, and possess at least a Bachelor Degree in Business Management, Music, Marketing, or related field. SEND RESUME AND COVER LETTER TO: 2070 SALES Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. 2030 MEDICAL CNAS NEEDED FOR180 BED REHAB FACILITY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS APPLY ONLINE @ Douglas T. Jacobson State Vets Home2016 Deficiency Free Facility is looking for you! We want caring healthcare professionals to be part of our team.RNs, LPNs, CNAs, Dietary Staff FT, PT, PRN 941-613-0919 Online: EXPERIENCED DENTAL OFFICE MANAGER & PART-TIME HYGIENIST Fax Resume to 941-624-3424 www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREERŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 05/01 LPNCNA-05/01 Med. Asst. 05/01/17 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL WANTEDEXPD, TEAM MEMBERSFORALL POSITIONS For Busy Waterfront Restaurant Apply in Person: White Elephant Pub 1855 Gulf Blvd. Englewood 2050 SKILLED TRADES AC INSTALLER/SERVICE TECHMIN. 3 YRSEXP. 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P/T HOURSAREMONDAY, TUESDAY& WEDNESDAY9 AMTO5 P.M. LOOKINGFORAFRIENDLY"PEOPLEPERSON" TOGREETOUR MEMBERSASTHEYENTERTHE CLUBHOUSE. COMPUTERSKILLSNECESSARY. SENDRESUMETOPATKELLYPROPERTYMANAGER, 1111 FORRESTNELSONBLVD. PORTCHARLOTTE, FL 33952. 2030 MEDICAL CAREGIVERS/COMPANIONS All shifts-Background chk reqd 941-525-2322 M-F 9a-4p, CNAs, HHAs and CaregiversFind New Clients by Advertising Your Services in the Senior Directory Every Wednesday in The Sun Newspapers. This Feature Publishes in Charlotte, Sarasota, and Desoto Counties. Market Yourself Reach 150,000 Readers! Call 941-429-3110 for more information SIGN ON BONUS RNS $1500.00 LPNS $750.00 Weekends 7-3 & 3-11 ****************************** cnas Full time 3 11 & 11-7 PLease apply QUALITY HEALTH CARE 6940 Outreach Way North Port (941)426-8411 or FAX Resume to 941-423-1572 or Email qhccnp5 EOE Drug free work place


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(863)-303-1413 or 269-369-8471 3096 RELIGION CLASSES BE G INY O URDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUDY Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 START YOUR DAY RIGHT Bible Study Thursdays 10:00-11:30 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 3097 OTHER CLASSES KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday. FREE; Open to the public. 941-276-0124 LEARN GUITAR man taking 1 lesson a week, seeks others to learn and practice together. 757-817-8275 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. 5006 ALUMINUM ALL AMERICAN RENOVATIONS LIC& INSUREDFAMILYOWNED& OPERATEDSPECIALIZINGINRESCREENING,BUILDINGANDREPAIRING. SCREWCHANGEOUTS PRESSUREWASHING& PAINT-INGPOOLCAGES, LANAIS,FRONTENTRYWAYSETC... 941-915-3381 SERVINGSARASOTACOUNTYFREEESTIMATES 5051 CHILD CARE ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. FL O RIDA S TATE LAW requires all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law 5054 CONTRACTORS EDWARD ROSS CONSTRUCTION Services, Inc. 941-408-8500 pool cages, Scr. lanais, etc... JLS ENTERPRISES INCQuality & Dependability Remodeling Painting Additions Drywall Carpentry Repairs Odd Jobs & more. STATE CERTIFIED LIC #CRC033392941-468-9701 5057 CONCRETE RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. spraycrete & more (941)-497-4553 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES Charlotte County House of Prayer Merging Worship, Word, and Prayer Friday Night Watch 8pm 992 Tamiami Trail Unit I Port Charlotte 941 249-8946 CO MMUNITY C ENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 Community HU Song Saturday, Apr. 22, 11 a.m., Mid-County Regional Library, Meeting Room B, 2050 Forrest Nelson Blvd. Port Charlotte. Singing HU can help you experience divine love, expand your awareness, bring peace and calm, and heal a broken heart. HU is an ancient name for God. Fellowship, Light refreshments, and Free CD. Presented by Eckankar in Port Charlotte for people of all faiths. 941-7660637. FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte GATEWAY WORSHIP PRAYER & HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to you every Thursday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek Bible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and Sundays @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 3070 BURIAL LOTS/CRYPTS VENICE MEMORIAL GDNS 2 Burial plots, incl opening/closing & vaults. $6500. 941-627-6260 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 3090 LOST & FOUND $100 REWARDLOST DOGnear the Joshua Creek area in Arcadia. Black lab, male. Approx. 60lbs., answers to TiŽ Had brown collar, no tags. Please call (863) 494-2466. LOST CAT: Male Tiger w/ White Feet and Under Chest. Friendly! Answers to Junie. Lost in the Vacinity of Gingold Street P.C. REWARD! Please Call 330-937-0079 LOST DOG: Shih-tzu Female, Dark Gray and White, Name is Misty. Near Glendale and Aaron Streets in Port Charlotte. Senior Owner is HEARTBROKEN! 941-979-0274 REWARD 3095 EXERCISE CLASSES G ULF CO A S T A C UPUN C TURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 THANK YOU STJUDE for prayers answered. Say novena for 9 days. Make name known JB 3020 PERSONALS ADORABLE TASHA. Relax, Dining, Dancing, Travel & More! 941-497-1307 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! Brad ZychIt is the worst news a mother has to give. Our son, Brad Zych, passed away March 28, 2017 in Ridgecrest, CA. Services were held there. We thought the people he worked with, Marcos, Jets,etc would like to know. In lieu of flowers, please donate to The Zych/Flores Family account at the Navy Federal CU. FEMALE SEEKING SINGLE MALE 45-65for dinner, movies, possible relationship. 941-201-9853 FOR ALL YOUR Relaxing Needs Call Paige. (941)-237-1927 RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. Charlotte Trade Center N of 776 941-625-0141 RETIRED DOCTOR, No Pets. Hot Tub. (941)-249-0010 WIDOWER 72 in Deep Creek Would Like To Meet Male 70-78 In Same Area. Independent, Religious, Sports-minded & Outgoing. Call & Leave Name & Number. 941-979-8723 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES C AL VAR Y BIBLE C HUR C H 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call (941)-979-8239 for Info.


Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 22, 2017 CHARLOTTE COUNTY/NORTH PORT COURTESY OF PUNTA GORDA, PORT CHARLOTTE, NORTH PORT ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ML# Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft. List Price Pool So ld Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP /SqFt SP/LP RatioC7235896 Sold 2038 MISSISSIPPI AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,036 59,900 None 49,000 2 1 0 1948 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 23 .79 0.81803 A4173849 Sold 8011 ROY DR 33982 PUNTA GORDA 712 61,999 None 60,000 2 1 0 1954 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 70.09 0.967 76 C7234225 Sold 25100 SANDHILL BLVD #101 33983 PUNTA GORDA 859 65,475 Community 58,000 2 2 0 1987 Condo All Cash 4/17/2017 67.52 0.88583 C7233810 Sold 21320 BRINSON AVE #103 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 919 69,900 Community 65,000 2 2 0 1970 Condo All Cash 4/17/2017 70.73 0.9299 D5915688 Sold 23 QUAILS RUN BLVD #23104 34223 ENGLEWOOD 647 79,900 Community 77,000 1 2 0 1981 Condo All Cash 4/18/2017 101.58 0.9637 C7237271 Sold 730 AQUI ESTA DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,032 79,900 None 70,000 3 1 0 1962 Single Family Home All Cash 4/19/2017 46.5 4 0.8761 C7234710 Sold 21082 BERSELL AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 851 86,900 None 80,000 3 1 0 1961 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 72 .14 0.9206 C7232455 Sold 25100 SANDHILL BLVD #Y202 33983 PUNTA GORDA 859 89,900 Community 87,900 2 2 0 1987 Condo New Conventional 4/13/20 17 102.33 0.97775 C7235729 Sold 21062 TUCKER AVE 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 919 94,900 None 90,000 2 1 0 1982 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/ 2017 58.94 0.94837 C7236683 Sold 4436 GROBE ST 34287 NORTH PORT 648 97,250 None 90,000 2 1 0 1963 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/17/2017 72 .82 0.92545 C7225827 Sold 8771 DOVER CT 34287 NORTH PORT 900 99,000 None 99,000 2 1 1 1970 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/13/2017 64.12 1 C7233156 Sold 1515 FORREST NELSON BLVD #M103 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 899 104,900 Private 100,000 2 2 0 1984 Condo New Conventional 4/13/2017 111.23 0.95329 C7229489 Sold 12088 PANDOWDY AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,164 109,200 None 103,001 3 2 0 1997 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/20 17 63.58 0.94323 D5917232 Sold 22369 OLEAN BLVD 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,127 112,000 None 105,000 2 1 1 1968 Single Family Home New Conventional 4 /19/2017 49.9 0.9375 C7231955 Sold 8238 CRISTOBAL AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 971 114,990 None 112,000 3 1 0 1966 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/13/ 2017 73.98 0.974 N5910643 Sold 6327 TALBOT ST 34287 NORTH PORT 1,505 114,999 None 107,000 2 2 0 1973 Single Family Home Owner Financing 4/18/201 7 58.5 0.93044 C7234761 Sold 8492 MAUREEN AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 1,131 124,900 None 130,500 3 1 0 1959 Single Family Home New FHA 4/14/2017 85.1 3 1.04484 C7236615 Sold 1510 ORLANDO BLVD 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,035 125,000 None 117,000 2 2 0 1987 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/201 7 71.96 0.936 D5916577 Sold 10460 GULFSTREAM BLVD 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,020 125,900 None 120,900 3 2 0 1984 Single Family Home New Conventional 4 /18/2017 96.88 0.96029 C7235560 Sold 23119 AUGUST AVE 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 983 128,500 None 121,500 2 1 0 1989 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/1 4/2017 92.12 0.94553 C7235036 Sold 2476 COLLINGSWOOD BLVD 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,218 129,900 None 129,900 2 2 0 1974 Single Family Home New FHA 4/14 /2017 72.45 1 D5917022 Sold 416 PINE HOLLOW CIR #416 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,112 129,900 Community 127,000 2 2 0 1995 Condo All Cash 4/17/2017 101.11 0.97768 U7790360 Sold 472 FLETCHER ST 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,014 132,000 None 134,500 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home New VA 4/17/2017 78 .93 1.01894 C7234227 Sold 18621 LAKE WORTH BLVD 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 964 134,900 Private 125,000 2 2 0 1971 Single Family Home All Cash 4/1 9/2017 79.72 0.92661 C7236077 Sold 872 ROSEWAY TER NW 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,492 135,000 None 139,000 3 2 0 1983 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/19/2017 62.61 1.02963 C7234174 Sold 5958 JAVA CT 34287 NORTH PORT 1,176 139,900 None 120,000 3 2 0 1980 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 69.4 0. 85776 C7234809 Sold 2432 ELKCAM BLVD 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,445 139,900 None 129,900 4 2 0 1962 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 62.24 0.92852 D5916796 Sold 6262 COLLIER ST 34224 ENGLEWOOD 978 139,900 None 130,000 2 2 0 1983 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 76.11 0 .92924 C7235828 Sold 8243 AGRESS AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 1,785 139,900 None 132,000 3 2 0 1961 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2 017 71.93 0.94353 D5917243 Sold 11113 CARNEGIE AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,094 139,900 None 136,000 2 2 0 1981 Single Family Home New FHA 4/17/2017 85. 32 0.97212 C7236748 Sold 21148 BURKHART DR 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,500 139,900 None 140,000 3 2 0 1981 Single Family Home New FHA 4/13/2017 77.26 1.00071 N5909929 Sold 5760 SABAL TRACE DR #103BD5 34287 NORTH PORT 1,168 142,000 Community 140,000 2 2 0 2006 Condo All Cash 4/14/2017 101.74 0.98592 D5917200 Sold 1235 S MARYKNOLL RD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,175 148,000 None 148,000 2 2 0 1962 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/1 4/2017 99.73 1 A4177232 Sold 1122 BOUNDS ST 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,296 149,900 Private 147,500 2 2 0 1986 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/17/2017 72.59 0.98399 A4180321 Sold 3845 BEEBER ST 34287 NORTH PORT 1,075 149,900 None 149,900 3 2 0 1981 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/19/20 17 107.61 1 T2872055 Sold 3707 BELLEFONTE AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 1,195 149,900 None 149,000 3 2 0 2003 Single Family Home All Cash 4/18/2017 80.72 0.994 C7237662 Sold 20347 SILENT AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,614 150,000 None 147,500 3 2 0 2008 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 66.2 0.98333 C7236249 Sold 2317 RIO DE JANEIRO AVE 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1,440 154,900 None 151,000 2 2 0 1984 Single Family Home New Convention al 4/18/2017 72.11 0.97482 C7236522 Sold 440 SHARON CIR 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,684 154,900 Private 150,000 4 2 0 1958 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/19/2017 57.01 0.96837 T2868978 Sold 2694 EMBASSY RD 34291 NORTH PORT 1,240 159,888 None 162,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New FHA 4/18/2017 85.26 1.01321 C7228471 Sold 240 WEST END DR #1421 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,586 159,900 Community 158,000 3 2 0 2006 Condo All Cash 4/13/2017 99.62 0.98812 C7235265 Sold 3647 MONDAY TER 34286 NORTH PORT 1,754 159,900 None 155,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2 017 64.61 0.96936 C7236143 Sold 557 READING ST NW 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,624 159,900 None 155,000 3 2 0 1964 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/17/2017 79.53 0.96936 C7236357 Sold 18070 ACKERMAN AVE 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,086 159,900 Private 155,000 2 2 0 1987 Single Family Home New Conventio nal 4/14/2017 77.97 0.96936 C7235982 Sold 4115 SIMKINS AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 1,184 164,900 None 145,000 3 2 0 2001 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 80.38 0.87932 C7231218 Sold 71 SEASONS DR 33983 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,541 166,400 None 166,400 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home Assume Conventional 4 /19/2017 1 A4176109 Sold 3705 BEEBER ST 34287 NORTH PORT 1,673 169,900 None 169,000 3 2 0 1995 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 66.51 0.9947 A4179847 Sold 3277 GINSA TER 34291 NORTH PORT 1,372 169,900 None 174,000 3 2 0 2003 Single Family Home New FHA 4/15/2017 86.14 1.02413 C7238529 Sold 25964 AYSEN DR 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1,970 172,500 None 172,500 3 3 0 2007 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 62.4 5 1 C7231966 Sold 2630 MORRIETTA LN 34286 NORTH PORT 1,227 174,900 None 174,900 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New VA 4/13/2017 99.3 2 1N5911775 Sold 2565 CLOVELON ST 34291 NORTH PORT 1,425 174,900 None 174,900 3 2 0 2001 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/19/ 2017 85.9 1 C7236750 Sold 295 YORKSHIRE ST 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,255 174,900 Private 175,000 2 2 0 1972 Single Family Home All Cash 4/18/2 017 89.93 1.00057 C7232074 Sold 3256 WHITE IBIS CT #16B 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,138 175,000 Community 163,000 2 2 0 1985 Condo All Cash 4/13/2017 143 .23 0.93143 C7232525 Sold 2449 LEVALI ST 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,790 176,000 None 169,000 3 2 1 1991 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/1 8/2017 77.74 0.96023 C7232306 Sold 455 PERL ST 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,755 179,400 None 179,400 4 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New FHA 4/18/2017 1 D5914171 Sold 24212 BUCKINGHAM WAY 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,532 179,900 Community 175,000 3 2 0 2001 Single Family Home New Conve ntional 4/19/2017 78.06 0.97276 D5914836 Sold 12352 BIRTLE AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,612 179,900 None 179,900 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home All Cash 4/19/2017 85.67 1 D5916200 Sold 4410 WARREN AVE #308 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,120 179,900 Community 168,500 2 2 0 1988 Condo All Cash 4/18/2017 150 .45 0.93663 A4176859 Sold 3200 ALESIO AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 1,192 179,900 Private 171,000 3 2 0 2000 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 1 02.52 0.95053 C7236925 Sold 3704 DOMINIC ST 34288 NORTH PORT 1,725 179,900 None 172,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New FHA 4/14/2017 74.91 0.95609 A4180574 Sold 4110 LANGSOM LN 34286 NORTH PORT 1,677 184,900 None 180,900 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home All Cash 4/18/2017 75.6 6 0.97837 C7233434 Sold 1361 RED OAK RD 34288 NORTH PORT 2,073 185,000 None 185,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New FHA 4/13/2017 67.62 1 G4839651 Sold 322 ORTEGA PL 34287 NORTH PORT 1,406 185,000 Private 150,000 2 2 1 1973 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 69. 06 0.81081 C7234796 Sold 4635 ELDRON AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 1,649 185,900 None, Private 185,900 3 2 0 1999 Single Family Home New FHA 4/18/2 017 79.75 1 D5916201 Sold 835 CALLAN ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 943 187,500 None 180,000 2 2 0 1978 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 124.74 0. 96 C7232919 Sold 25804 AYSEN DR 33983 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,348 188,200 None 188,200 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home USDA 4/17/2017 1 C7235719 Sold 20367 ALBURY DR 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 874 189,000 None 170,000 2 2 0 1972 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 93 .66 0.89947 C7236602 Sold 416 SHORELAND ST 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,860 189,500 None 188,900 3 2 0 1985 Single Family Home New FHA 4/13/2017 71.2 0.99683 D5916505 Sold 11362 STARFLOWER AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,421 189,900 None 180,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/ 14/2017 88.54 0.94787 C7236266 Sold 21085 NOWELL AVE 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,415 189,900 None 189,000 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New Conventional 4 /17/2017 0.99526 A4179860 Sold 4398 COBBLER LN 34286 NORTH PORT 1,864 189,900 None 193,200 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New FHA 4/14/2017 76.67 1.01738 D5916797 Sold 11029 SANDRIFT AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,578 189,999 None 193,750 3 2 0 2013 Single Family Home New VA 4/14/2017 1.0 1974 C7232250 Sold 4284 CORYDON AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 1,540 194,750 None 194,750 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/18/ 2017 1 C7229077 Sold 7683 MEROLLA RD 34291 NORTH PORT 1,755 194,900 None 194,900 4 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New FHA 4/17/2017 1 C7235558 Sold 21103 NOWELL AVE 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,454 194,900 None 189,000 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New FHA 4/14/2017 90.87 0.96973 A4181279 Sold 5014 POCATELLA AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 1,972 199,000 None 185,000 3 2 0 1993 Single Family Home All Cash 4/19/2017 6 9.76 0.92965 C7232522 Sold 23227 DELAVAN AVE 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,440 199,900 None 188,000 3 2 0 1985 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/13/2017 87.52 0.94047 C7235350 Sold 27394 SAN MARCO DR 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1,216 199,900 None 180,000 2 2 0 1986 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/ 14/2017 94.94 0.90045 C7235755 Sold 1161 PRESQUE ISLE DR 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,373 199,900 None 196,500 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home New Convention al 4/18/2017 59.96 0.98299 C7235378 Sold 5648 FAIRLANE DR 34288 NORTH PORT 1,737 200,000 None 204,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home New VA 4/14/2017 82.36 1.02 N5911877 Sold 2742 DALHART AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 2,121 200,000 None 200,000 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home New FHA 4/14/2017 72.3 6 1 C7232296 Sold 6302 FABIAN RD 34287 NORTH PORT 1,675 209,000 None 207,000 2 2 0 1973 Single Family Home New VA 4/13/2017 102.02 0.99043 N5912032 Sold 7421 MIKASA DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,828 214,300 Community 209,000 4 2 0 2017 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 88.3 0.97527 C7235282 Sold 4112 GALLO ST 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,877 218,888 Private 205,000 3 2 0 1986 Single Family Home New Conventional 4 /17/2017 75.15 0.93655 A4162082 Sold 25881 AYSEN DR 33983 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,270 219,000 Private 196,500 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home All Cash 4/18/201 7 63.63 0.89726 C7229467 Sold 0000 BOSTON TER 34288 NORTH PORT 1,850 223,150 None 223,150 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New FHA 4/17/2017 1 D5915631 Sold 6973 CROCK AVE 34291 NORTH PORT 1,601 224,000 Private 220,000 3 2 0 1986 Single Family Home New VA 4/14/2017 93.7 8 0.98214 C7234996 Sold 22168 MAMARONECK AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,152 224,000 None 210,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/ 2017 71.23 0.9375 C7227086 Sold 6418 SAFFORD TER 34287 NORTH PORT 1,370 224,900 Private 205,000 2 2 0 1970 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/ 17/2017 103.43 0.91152 C7233871 Sold 27008 CLEAR CREEK WAY 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,257 225,000 None 211,000 3 2 0 2010 Single Family Home All Cash 4/19/20 17 73.26 0.93778 C7234880 Sold 4912 CAMELOT ST 34288 NORTH PORT 1,680 229,700 Private 224,000 3 2 0 1998 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 92.6 0.97519 N5911857 Sold 1088 N SALFORD BLVD 34286 NORTH PORT 1,699 232,900 Private 231,900 3 2 0 2008 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2017 97.64 0.99571 C7231706 Sold 6250 DANDURAND AVE 34291 NORTH PORT 2,118 234,900 None 230,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/1 3/2017 82.67 0.97914 C7224000 Sold 1605 ISLAMORADA BLVD 33955 PUNTA GORDA 1,442 235,900 None 220,000 2 2 0 1996 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/201 7 102.28 0.9326 C7236824 Sold 547 PHILODENDRON 33955 PUNTA GORDA 1,422 235,900 Private 235,900 3 2 0 1996 Single Family Home New Conventional 4 /14/2017 106.12 1 A4176267 Sold 2166 PENFIELD TER 34288 NORTH PORT 2,055 238,000 Private 238,000 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home New Conventional 4 /13/2017 86.42 1 C7230912 Sold 2396 SAVANNAH DR 34289 NORTH PORT 1,946 239,900 Community 232,500 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/17/2017 92.48 0.96915 D5917238 Sold 9369 NEW MARTINSVILLE AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,619 239,900 Private 229,900 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New Convent ional 4/18/2017 101.14 0.95832 D5916955 Sold 10525 GREENWAY AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,553 245,900 Private 243,000 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home New VA 4/18/2017 1 07.62 0.98821 C7232580 Sold 2824 SHANNON DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,498 249,000 None 239,000 2 2 0 1975 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/18/ 2017 98.56 0.95984 C7235357 Sold 1054 BEEKMAN CIR 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,264 249,000 None 235,000 2 2 0 2015 Single Family Home New Conventional 4 /13/2017 120.88 0.94378 D5909673 Sold 3264 ROYAL PALM DR 34288 NORTH PORT 2,021 249,900 Community 240,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home New Conventio nal 4/13/2017 81.49 0.96038 C7236579 Sold 2859 SILAS AVE 34288 NORTH PORT 1,728 249,900 Private 250,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New VA 4/17/2017 99.48 1.0004 C7233135 Sold 2446 MAURITANIA RD 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1,974 250,000 Private 237,500 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/18/2017 84.91 0.95 C7236868 Sold 2297 MONTPELIER RD 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1,806 252,000 Priv ate 250,000 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home Assume Conventional 4/14/2017 96.41 0.99206 C7227924 Sold 360 TAZEWELL DR 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,723 265,000 None 247,500 3 2 1 2016 Single Family Home All Cash 4/19/2017 96.49 0.93396 N5911520 Sold 6500 TALON BAY DR 34287 NORTH PORT 2,210 265,000 Community 250,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2017 87.87 0.9434 C7227505 Sold 3800 PEBBLE TER 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,416 265,900 Community 245,000 3 2 1 2013 Single Family Home New Convention al 4/18/2017 82.33 0.9214 C7234586 Sold 801 MONACO DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,461 269,900 Private 273,500 3 2 0 1989 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 79 .32 1.01334 C7229101 Sold 474 LOMOND DR 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,955 279,900 Private 272,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 106.08 0.97178 C7232340 Sold 7043 PARK CIR 34287 NORTH PORT 1,872 279,900 Private 265,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home All Cash 4/18/2017 97. 35 0.94677 C7236446 Sold 5055 GREENWAY DR 34287 NORTH PORT 2,668 279,900 None 270,000 3 2 0 1993 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/2017 85. 01 0.96463 C7234629 Sold 2711 TAHEEBO WAY 34289 NORTH PORT 1,710 280,900 Community 272,500 2 2 0 2008 Single Family Home All Cash 4/18/201 7 115.81 0.9701 D5907190 Sold 580 BARNACLE CT 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,060 281,900 Community 281,900 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/18/2017 102.51 1AREA PROPERTY TRANSFERS


Saturday, April 22, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 9 AREA PROPERTY TRANSFERS CONTINUED ML# Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft. List Price Pool So ld Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP /SqFt SP/LP RatioC7228680 Sold 5267 PINE SHADOW LN 34287 NORTH PORT 2,031 289,000 Community, Private 289,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home Owner Financing 4/14/2017 99.66 1 C7233561 Sold 900 E MARION AVE #1408 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,555 289,000 Community 280,000 2 2 0 2006 Condo All Cash 4/14/2017 180. 06 0.96886 D5913506 Sold 250 TALQUIN CT 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,313 292,897 Community 292,897 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home All Cash 4/18/2017 1 06.51 1 A4161962 Sold 372 CORY ST 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,583 295,000 Private 282,500 3 3 0 1986 Single Family Home New VA 4/13/2017 88. 86 0.95763 N5909077 Sold 2032 CHYNN AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 1,963 300,000 None 275,000 3 2 0 1992 Single Family Home New FHA 4/13/2017 111.07 0.91667 C7235703 Sold 4201 FLAMINGO BLVD 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,641 307,500 Private 298,000 3 2 0 2000 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14 /2017 128.28 0.96911 C7235688 Sold 422 MADRID BLVD 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,693 309,900 Private 299,900 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/ 13/2017 84.17 0.96773 D5916028 Sold 15144 HENNIPEN CIR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,930 314,900 Private 303,000 4 2 0 2007 Single Family Home New VA 4/14/2 017 115.74 0.96221 C7238443 Sold 2543 RUNNING OAK CT 34289 NORTH PORT 2,830 321,230 Community 321,230 4 2 1 2017 Single Family Home New Convention al 4/14/2017 1 D5912223 Sold 21 SAINT JOHN BLVD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,857 324,000 None 290,000 3 2 0 1994 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/13 /2017 98.81 0.89506 C7234936 Sold 3741 HIDDEN VALLEY CIR 33982 PUNTA GORDA 2,629 325,000 None 315,000 3 3 0 1997 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/13/2017 84.79 0.96923 C7237258 Sold 3097 MAUCK TER 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,194 325,000 Private 300,000 3 2 1 1992 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17/201 7 104.75 0.92308 C7234576 Sold 320 COLDEWAY DR #122 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,668 339,000 Community 329,000 2 2 0 2005 Condo All Cash 4/14/2017 197.24 0.9705 N5911607 Sold 6765 OLD COURT ST 34291 NORTH PORT 2,206 364,900 None 350,000 4 2 0 1984 Single Family Home New VA 4/13/2017 112. 83 0.95917 C7231986 Sold 3424 SOUNDING DR 33983 PUNTA GORDA 2,596 379,900 None 375,000 3 2 0 2008 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/18 /2017 112.99 0.9871 C7236418 Sold 610 ANDROS CT 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,258 389,000 None 410,000 3 2 0 1997 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/20 17 128.93 1.05398 C7229882 Sold 775 MONACO DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,052 399,000 Private 375,000 3 2 0 2003 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/19 /2017 132.84 0.93985 D5917565 Sold 545 PINTO TRL 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,762 399,000 None 389,000 3 4 0 1978 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 69.81 0 .97494 C7236370 Sold 1027 FRANCESCA CT 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,800 420,000 Private 402,000 4 2 1 1977 Single Family Home Assume FHA/VA 4/1 7/2017 91.49 0.95714 C7232207 Sold 44510 NEAL RD 33982 PUNTA GORDA 2,200 426,550 Private 410,000 3 2 1 2006 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/17 /2017 130.57 0.9612 C7231156 Sold 24099 REDFISH COVE DR 33955 PUNTA GORDA 2,450 469,900 Private 440,000 4 2 1 1996 Single Family Home New Conventio nal 4/17/2017 88.87 0.93637 C7233875 Sold 27 SABAL DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1,961 469,900 Private 450,000 3 2 0 1974 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/13/2 017 180.72 0.95765 C7237651 Sold 136 COLONIAL ST SE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,628 469,900 Private 467,900 4 3 0 1980 Single Family Home All Cash 4/19 /2017 126.91 0.99574 C7225588 Sold 3646 SAN SEBASTIAN CT 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,493 524,900 Private 500,000 3 2 0 2000 Single Family Home All Cash 4/17 /2017 150.92 0.95256 C7234661 Sold 85 VIVANTE BLVD #8525 (205) 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,338 535,000 Community 500,000 3 3 0 2008 Condo All Cash 4/13/2017 213.86 0.93458 C7231600 Sold 3120 PAAR CIR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,567 570,000 Private 519,000 3 2 0 1981 Single Family Home Combination 4/13/2 017 159.84 0.91053 D5917006 Sold 2245 N BEACH RD #301 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,138 624,900 Community 592,000 3 2 1 2006 Condo All Cash 4/14/2017 276.89 0 .94735 C7234037 Sold 2290 GULFVIEW RD 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,707 750,000 Private 720,000 4 3 0 1969 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 164.38 0.96 C7232928 Sold 1224 BOBWHITE CT 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2,919 838,000 Private 838,000 3 3 0 2004 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 196.12 1 C7236757 Sold 2025 JAMAICA WAY 33950 PUNTA GORDA 4,756 1,099,900 Private 1,000,000 4 4 1 1987 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/ 2017 194.51 0.90917ENGLEWOOD COURTESY OF ENGLEWOOD AREA BOARD OF REALTORSML# Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft. Community P rice BE FB HB Built Pool Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP/S qFt SP/LP Ratio D5917283 SLD 1800 ENGLEWOOD RD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 660 OAK GROVE $76,500 2 1 1 2004 Community Manuf/Mobile Home All Cash 4/7/2017 $115.91 0.97 D5917138 SLD 7365 CANDACE LN 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 960 VILLAGE HOLIDAY LAKE $75,000 2 2 0 1982 Community Manuf/Mobile Home All Cash 4/13/2017 $78.12 0.9 C7229489 SLD 12088 PANDOWDY AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,164 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 056 $103,001 3 2 0 1997 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 $88.49 0.94 D5913761 SLD 6113 MCKEE ST 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,075 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 066 $124,000 3 2 0 1978 Community Single Family Home Combination 4/10/2017 $115.35 0.96 D5916082 SLD 884 E 3RD ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 768 ROCK CREEK PARK 2ND ADD $115,400 2 1 0 1962 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/9 /2017 $150.26 0.89 D5916796 SLD 6262 COLLIER ST 34224 ENGLEWOOD 978 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 069 $130,000 2 2 0 1983 None Single Family Home All Cash 4 /13/2017 $132.92 0.93 D5917200 SLD 1235 S MARYKNOLL RD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,175 OXFORD MANOR 3RD ADD $148,000 2 2 0 1962 None Single Family Home New Co nventional 4/14/2017 $125.96 1 A4174942 SLD 7346 MAMOUTH ST 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,456 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 074 $153,000 2 2 0 1987 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/12/2017 $105.08 0.96 D5915849 SLD 8409 PLACIDA RD 33946 PLACIDA 1,009 CAPE HAZE RESORT $165,000 2 2 0 2007 Community Condo All Cash 4/12/2017 $163 .53 0.97 D5916285 SLD 15460 ALSACE CIR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,138 SOUTH GULF COVE $165,000 3 2 0 1980 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/10/2017 $144.99 0.97 D5915384 SLD 1401 S MCCALL RD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,093 LEMON BAY BREEZES PH 01 $158,000 2 2 0 1986 Community Condo New Conventio nal 4/10/2017 $144.56 0.9 D5916346 SLD 12176 BUROW AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,192 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 056 $171,000 3 2 0 2000 Private Single Family Home New Conventional 4/11/2017 $143.46 0.98 C7234705 SLD 7070 PLACIDA RD 33946 PLACIDA 680 HARBORTOWN VILLAGE PH 02 $167,500 1 1 0 1985 Community Condo All Cash 4/14/201 7 $246.32 0.96 N5911787 SLD 11153 WATERFORD AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,640 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 063 $170,000 3 2 0 2007 None Single Family Home Other 4/12/2017 $103.66 0.93 D5916201 SLD 835 CALLAN ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 943 ENGLWD HOMEACRES LEM BAY $180,000 2 2 0 1978 None Single Family Home All Cash 4 /13/2017 $190.88 0.96 D5916505 SLD 11362 STARFLOWER AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,421 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 065 $180,000 3 2 0 2002 None Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2017 $126.67 0.95 D5916797 SLD 11029 SANDRIFT AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,578 PORT CHARLOTTE SUB SEC 65 $193,750 3 2 0 2013 None Single Family Home Ne w VA 4/14/2017 $122.78 1.02 C7235797 SLD 527 ROTONDA CIR 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,586 ROTONDA WEST PINEHURST $195,000 3 2 0 1992 Private Single Family Home Ne w VA 4/10/2017 $122.95 0.98 C7230049 SLD 283 MARINER LN 33947 ROTONDA WEST 2,330 ROTONDA WEST PINEHURST $211,200 4 2 0 2017 None Single Family Home New FH A 4/12/2017 $90.64 1 C7231732 SLD 9089 WALDREP ST 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,755 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 058 $224,450 4 2 0 2017 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/12/2017 $127.89 1 D5916735 SLD 9 SPORTSMAN WAY 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,879 ROTONDA WEST BR OADMOOR $230,000 3 2 0 1992 Private Single Family Home Ne w VA 4/10/2017 $122.41 1 D5914652 SLD 247 PARK FOREST BLVD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,588 PARK FOREST $225,000 2 2 0 1994 Community Single Family Home New Conv entional 4/10/2017 $141.69 0.98 D5917584 SLD 8377 PALMETTO CT 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,328 OYSTER CREEK PH 02 PRCL C-2 $230,000 2 2 0 2002 Community Villa All Cash 4 /12/2017 $173.19 0.94 C7232586 SLD 8169 ANTWERP CIR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,822 SOUTH GULF COVE $240,000 5 3 0 2007 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/12/2017 $85.05 0.96 C7225821 SLD 25 MARK TWAIN LN 33947 ROTONDA WEST 2,151 ROTONDA WEST PE BBLE BEACH $247,000 4 2 0 2016 None Single Family Home A ll Cash 4/12/2017 $114.83 0.99 C7230414 SLD 103 FAIRWAY RD 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,819 ROTONDA WEST PI NEHURST $250,000 3 2 0 1992 Private Single Family Home New Conventional 4/12/2017 $137.44 1 D5916062 SLD 8338 CREEKVIEW LN 34224 ENGLEWOOD 2,067 OYSTER CREEK PH 01 $245,000 2 2 0 1992 Community Single Family Home All C ash 4/12/2017 $118.53 0.98 D5916491 SLD 6461 BLUEBERRY DR 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,476 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 063 $225,000 3 2 0 2008 Private Single Family Home New Conventional 4/11/2017 $152.44 0.9 D5911188 SLD 174 HADDOCK DR 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,817 ROTONDA LAKES $257,000 3 2 0 2006 Private Single Family Home New VA 4/14/ 2017 $141.44 0.99 D5916743 SLD 10423 AZTEC RD 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,513 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 082 $249,900 3 2 0 2000 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/10/2017 $165.17 0.96 D5916138 SLD 367 ENGLWD ISLES PKWY 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,554 WINDSOR VI LLAS $260,000 2 2 0 1981 Community Villa All Cash 4/10/201 7 $167.31 0.96 C7233917 SLD 610 BOUNDARY BLVD 33947 ROTONDA WEST 2,000 ROTONDA WEST BROADMOOR $285,000 3 2 0 2000 Private Single Family Home New Conventional 4/11/2017 $142.50 0.98 D5914016 SLD 1112 S MCCALL RD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,840 OAK SHORES ON LE MON BAY $272,500 3 2 0 2005 Community Condo All Cash 4/1 0/2017 $148.10 0.92 D5915264 SLD 221 BROADMOOR LN 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,837 ROTONDA WEST BROADMOOR $290,000 3 2 0 2007 Private Single Family Home A ll Cash 4/14/2017 $157.87 0.97 D5916028 SLD 15144 HENNIPEN CIR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,930 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 082 $303,000 4 2 0 2007 Private Single Family Ho me New VA 4/14/2017 $156.99 0.96 D5912223 SLD 21 SAINT JOHN BLVD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,857 BOCA ROYALE $290,000 3 2 0 1994 None Single Family Home New Conventional 4/13/2017 $156.17 0.9 N5910237 SLD 662 ROTONDA CIR 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,956 ROTONDA WEST BROADMOOR $339,000 3 2 0 2016 Private Single Family Home Al l Cash 4/12/2017 $173.31 1 D5910914 SLD 13313 GASPARILLA RD 33946 PLACIDA 1,456 BOCA VISTA HARBOR BLDG C $332,000 2 2 0 2003 Community Condo All Cash 4/ 13/2017 $228.02 0.95 D5915687 SLD 11160 HAC DEL MAR BLVD 33946 PLACIDA 1,682 HACIENDA DEL MAR $359,900 2 2 1 2007 Community Condo All Cash 4/12/20 17 $213.97 1 D5912284 SLD 4658 ARLINGTON DR 33946 PLACIDA 2,725 CAPE HAZE WINDWARD $369,000 3 2 1 1994 Private Single Family Home New Conve ntional 4/10/2017 $135.41 1 D5917565 SLD 545 PINTO TRL 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,762 ENGLEWOOD FARM ACRES SUB $389,000 3 4 0 1978 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 $140.84 0.97 D5916506 SLD 1341 FORKED CREEK DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,443 OVERBROOK GARDENS $463,900 3 2 0 1991 Private Single Family Home New C onventional 4/11/2017 $189.89 1 D5917006 SLD 2245 N BEACH RD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,138 SUNRISE POINTE CONDO $592,000 3 2 1 2006 Community Condo All Cash 4/14/201 7 $276.89 0.95 D5914889 SLD 786 BEACH VIEW DR 33921 BOCA GRANDE 1,910 BEACH VIEW AT BOCA BAY $845,000 3 3 0 1995 Community Townhouse All Cas h 4/11/2017 $442.41 0.98 D5917948 SLD 11200 HAC DEL MAR BLVD 33946 PLACIDA 2,610 HACIENDA DEL MAR $865,000 3 3 1 2006 Community Condo New Conventional 4/10/2017 $331.42 1D5915784 SLD 365 3RD ST E 33921 BOCA GRANDE 650 BOCA GRANDE $880,000 2 1 0 1940 None Single Family Home New Conventional 4/11/ 2017 $1,353.85 0.94 D5917123 SLD 177 N GULF BLVD 33946 PLACIDA 1,152 PALM ISLAND ESTATES $955,000 2 1 0 1984 Community Single Family Home All Cash 4/11/2017 $828.99 0.96 D5916657 SLD 827 S.HARBOR DR 33921 BOCA GRANDE 2,094 BEACH VIEW AT BOCA BAY $1,115,000 3 3 0 2000 Community Townhouse New Con ventional 4/11/2017 $532.47 0.99 A4167933 SLD 5207 THE POINTE 34223 ENGLEWOOD 3,289 LEMON BAY ESTATES $1,120,000 3 4 0 2003 Private Single Family Home All Cash 4/10/2017 $340.53 0.86 D5914118 SLD 331 TARPON AVE 33921 BOCA GRANDE 2,391 BOCA GRANDE $1,430,000 4 3 0 1911 None Single Family Home All Cash 4/10/20 17 $598.08 0.92 D5917437 SLD 383 & 387 ROYAL TERN DR 33921 BOCA GRANDE 4,835 NORTH BAY $4,350,000 7 5 1 1996 Private Single Family Home All Ca sh 4/12/2017 $899.69 0.98SOUTH SARASOTA COUNTY COURTESY OF VENICE AREA BOARD OF REALTORSML# Status Address Subdivision Name Sq. Ft. Pool Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP/SqFt SP/LP RatioA4180555 Sold 275 W SEMINOLE DR South Venice None 102,600 2 2 0 1961 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 96.43 0.89217 N5911075 Sold 650 BIRD BAY DR E #203 Bird Bay Community 119,000 2 2 0 1983 Condo New Conventional 4/11/2017 134.01 0.99167 N5911045 Sold 650 BIRD BAY DR E #205 Bird Bay Village Community 125,000 2 2 0 1983 Condo All Cash 4/11/2017 130.21 0.96228 D5916880 Sold 1958 SETTLEMENT RD #21 Curry Creek Condo Villa Community 134,000 2 2 0 1984 Condo All Cash 4/14/2017 122.37 0.9 6403 N5908872 Sold 620 FLAMINGO DR #106 San Marino None 147,000 1 1 0 1972 Condo All Cash 4/14/2017 212.74 0.98724 N5911515 Sold 902 GIBBS RD #280PAR Bahia Vista Gulf Community 150,000 1 1 0 1970 Condo All Cash 4/10/2017 336.32 0.9434 D5916268 Sold 316 HILLVIEW RD Venice Gardens Community 163,000 2 2 0 1970 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/11/2017 145.2 8 0.91625 A4166504 Sold 251 ALTAIR RD South Venice None 165,000 2 2 0 1972 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2017 128.21 0.97116 A4163214 Sold 1205 LAUREL AVE East Gate None 167,000 2 2 0 1980 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/12/2017 133.71 0.93348 N5911927 Sold 437 CERROMAR LN #323 Farmington Vistas Community 168,900 2 2 0 1982 Condo All Cash 4/14/2017 178.54 1 A4163804 Sold 318 CLEARBRK CIR #105 East Preserve At Waterside Village Community 170,000 2 2 0 2002 Condo All Cash 4/12/2017 1 23.01 0.92141 N5910829 Sold 447 PINEVIEW DR Venice East None 178,000 2 2 0 1987 Single Family Home All Cash 4/12/2017 129.64 0.93734 A4179784 Sold 311 PINE RUN DR #311 Pine Run Community 185,000 2 2 0 1973 Condo All Cash 4/10/2017 134.16 0.9893 N5911622 Sold 624 FLAMINGO DR #101 San Ramon Community 185,000 2 2 0 1976 Condo Other 4/10/2017 186.68 0.74 C7233989 Sold 821 WATERSIDE DR #103 Waterside At Bird Bay Community 187,500 2 2 0 1994 Condo Assume Conventional 4/10/2017 16 4.19 0.96154 N5910443 Sold 235 UNICORN RD South Venice None 197,500 3 2 0 1975 Single Family Home New FHA 4/12/2017 124.68 0.96388 N5911685 Sold 470 CYPRESS RD South Venice Private 200,000 2 2 0 1973 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/10/2017 174.22 0.9 3023 C7231699 Sold 230 SANTA MARIA ST #430 Bella Costa Community 208,000 2 2 0 1973 Condo All Cash 4/14/2017 191 0.99048


Page 10 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 22, 2017 AREA PROPERTY TRANSFERS CONTINUEDML# Status Address Subdivision Name Sq. Ft. Pool Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP/SqFt SP/LP RatioN5911125 Sold 821 MONTROSE DR #204 Gardens Of St Andrews Park Community 208,000 3 2 0 1999 Condo New Conventional 4/13/2017 1 27.14 0.9697 A4173781 Sold 5060 CARYL RD South Venice None 210,000 3 2 0 1991 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 127.35 0.91393 N5911508 Sold 1181 SUNRISE RD South Venice None 210,000 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 124.41 0.91344 N5910229 Sold 947 E DOUGLAS CT Venice Gardens None 212,500 2 2 0 1978 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 123.33 0.90426 A4167589 Sold 1001 INLET CIR #274 Bahia Vista Gulf Community 215,000 2 2 0 1970 Condo New Conventional 4/15/2017 325.76 0.935 19 N5909799 Sold 3788 CADBURY CIR #39 Woodmere At Jacaranda None 215,000 3 2 0 2006 Condo All Cash 4/13/2017 128.97 0.91489 N5911761 Sold 718 BIRD BAY CIR #42 Bird Bay Village Community 240,000 3 3 0 1978 Condo All Cash 4/10/2017 142.01 0.94155 N5909861 Sold 4751 EGRET RD South Venice None 242,500 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/13/2017 134.5 0.97078 A4172076 Sold 126 SUNAIRE TER Waterside Acres None 242,500 2 2 0 1960 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/10/2017 205.51 0. 97039 C7233881 Sold 271 FAREHAM DR Fairway Village Community 244,900 3 2 0 2000 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2017 133.7 5 0.98353 A4164318 Sold 129 NAVIGATION CIR #104 Bay St Vil & Twncntr Land Condo Community 245,000 3 2 0 2014 Condo New Conventional 4/14 /2017 160.34 0.98437 N5910825 Sold 4236 EXPED WAY #106 Bay St Vil & Twncntr Land Condo Community 246,965 3 2 0 2016 Condo Assume Conventional 4/12/ 2017 161.63 0.98814 C7230157 Sold 5843 MADISON RD Gulf View Estates None 254,250 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/12/2017 138.41 0.9671 N5912602 Sold 23496 AWABUKI DR Sarasota National None 255,000 2 2 0 2016 Condo New Conventional 4/14/2017 150 1 D5916579 Sold 1432 ROOSEVELT DR Gulf View Estates Private 255,000 3 2 0 1984 Single Family Home All Cash 4/10/2017 145.96 0.9 4479 N5911227 Sold 300 SAN LINO CIR #322 San Lino Community 259,000 2 2 0 2015 Condo New Conventional 4/12/2017 174.06 0.97773 N5911612 Sold 531 FOXGLOVE RD South Venice Private 280,000 3 2 0 1972 Single Family Home New FHA 4/10/2017 164.9 0.95563 N5911874 Sold 1731 S GONDOLA CT Venice Gardens None 295,000 2 2 0 1975 Single Family Home Arm 4/11/2017 136.13 0.98662 A4178931 Sold 2550 SHAMROCK DR South Venice None 305,000 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home Other 4/13/2017 179.41 0.98467 N5911553 Sold 5231 LAYTON DR Ventura Village Community, Private 305,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 151. 44 0.96825 A4168805 Sold 670 CORAL DR Waterfront Estates None 325,000 3 2 0 1979 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/13/2017 206.87 0. 97015 N5910211 Sold 1732 KILRUSS DR Waterford Private 327,000 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2017 140.22 0.921 13 N5912550 Sold 182 BELLA VISTA #23 Venetian Golf And River Club Community 332,640 2 2 0 2017 Condo All Cash 4/10/2017 140 1.000 12 A4177159 Sold 107 POPS LN Nokomis Gardens Private 334,000 3 2 1 1969 Single Family Home All Cash 4/10/2017 216.18 0.95429 A4166331 Sold 318 CIPRIANI WAY Not Applicable Community, Private 340,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/ 2017 196.87 0.97171 A4173989 Sold 19410 JACINDA ST Islandwalk At The West Villages Community 350,000 2 2 0 2013 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2 017 177.85 0.95005 A4176638 Sold 11510 CALLAWAY CT Grand Palm Community 352,238 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/13/2017 198.78 0.94436 A4175541 Sold 20625 GRANLAGO DR Gran Paradiso Community 357,298 4 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/10/2017 159. 22 0.9862 A4173609 Sold 731 SHADOW BAY WAY Rivendell Community 358,000 3 2 0 2001 Single Family Home All Cash 4/11/2017 170.8 0.96783 N5909446 Sold 209 VENICE PALMS BLVD Venice Palms Private 365,000 3 3 0 2002 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2017 183 .32 0.98675 A4171621 Sold 114 SAVONA WAY Venetian Golf & River Club Community, Private 374,500 2 2 0 2004 Single Family Home All Cash 4/1 2/2017 175.41 0.96272 C7234598 Sold 2152 WEAVER BIRD LN Stoneybrook At Venice Community 375,000 3 2 0 2012 Single Family Home All Cash 4/10/2017 14 9.94 0.98945 N5911181 Sold 1367 STILL RIVER DR Grand Palm Community 377,000 3 2 1 2015 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2017 168.5 3 0.96691 N5911704 Sold 19087 BILLFISH AVE Caribbean Village Community 398,000 4 3 1 2017 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 142.4 0 .93651 N5909953 Sold 636 CADIZ RD Venice Gulf View Private 399,000 3 2 0 1959 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2017 315.66 1 A4172172 Sold 112 BAYSHORE RD Nokomis Private 399,000 2 2 0 1978 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2017 183.53 0.88667 A4168132 Sold 573 MOSSY CREEK DR Sawgrass Community, Private 399,900 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 195.26 1 A4173542 Sold 904 TRANQUILITY CIR Oak Creek None 419,000 3 2 0 2003 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 180.99 0.97465 A4181009 Sold 2079 TIMUCUA TRL Calusa Lakes Community, Private 435,000 3 2 0 1992 Single Family Home All Cash 4/12/2017 199.3 6 0.96882 N5910281 Sold 495 SUMMERFIELD WAY Venice Golf & Country Club Private 445,000 4 3 0 1999 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 155.98 0.87255 A4165944 Sold 407 BELLINI CIR Sorrento South Private 449,000 3 2 0 1975 Single Family Home New VA 4/13/2017 212.7 0.93737 N5912594 Sold 109 PARK BLVD S Venice Gulf View None 457,000 2 2 0 2016 Single Family Home All Cash 4/13/2017 268.82 1 N5911288 Sold 19668 PETRINO ST Islandwalk At The West Villages Private 470,000 3 3 0 2014 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/14/2017 186.8 0.96907 N5907133 Sold 1809 LANCASHIRE DR #1809 St Andrews Community, Private 474,900 3 2 1 2013 Single Family Home New Conventional 4 /10/2017 213.73 1 N5909744 Sold 325 MARTELLAGO DR Venetian Golf & River Club Community, Private 479,000 3 3 2 2012 Single Family Home All Cash 4/12/2017 172.74 0.95992 N5912514 Sold 10924 BULLRUSH DR Sarasota National Private 499,870 3 3 0 2017 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/10/2017 18 7.64 1 A4174781 Sold 125 BURANO CT Venetian Golf & River Club Private 550,000 3 4 1 2013 Single Family Home All Cash 4/10/2017 197.4 9 0.96508 N5910744 Sold 302 NASH AVE Matz Sub Private 610,000 3 2 1 1995 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/12/2017 241.97 0.93861 N5911679 Sold 255 THE ESPLANADE N Gulf Shores Community 640,000 2 2 0 1973 Condo All Cash 4/14/2017 505.53 0.92086 N5910574 Sold 394 HANCHEY DR Nokomis Oaks Private 670,000 4 2 1 1997 Single Family Home All Cash 4/12/2017 253.4 0.96403 N5908706 Sold 108 MAGNOLIA AVE Bay Point Private 670,000 3 2 0 1989 Single Family Home All Cash 4/11/2017 313.08 0.93706 N5911764 Sold 881 HILLCREST DR Shakett Island Private 722,000 4 2 1 2003 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/13/2017 304.13 0.96267 N5909599 Sold 432 ALHAMBRA RD South Gulf View Sec Of Venice Private 768,000 5 3 1 2005 Single Family Home Assume Conventional 4/10/2017 207.06 0.96012 N5911268 Sold 224 GULF DR Gulf Shores Private 800,000 3 2 1 2005 Single Family Home All Cash 4/14/2017 254.45 0.91429 6035 FURNITURE BOOKCASE LIKE new brown wood double bookcase. $100 941-888-5102 BUNK BEDS, Oak, 2 mattresses, text for pictures $350, OBO 941-525-6330 CABINET 5 drawer white wood $40 941-473-2014 CHAIRS SWIVEL rocker & wingback queen ann legs $10 716-374-2950 CHAIRS WOOD (2) Tall, Large seat, Port Charlotte. $20 419-260-7103 CHAIRS-HIGHBACK LANAI (2) WHITE RESIN GD WIDTH & GD COND EA $7 941-286-4894 CHINA CABINET Quality Henredon shabby chic 78x45Žx14Ž Vintage $250 941-286-8082 CHINA CABINET Vintage Henredon Shabby Chic light wood $199 941-286-8082 COAT RACK and Umbrella Stand Metal H-68 inch with 8 hooks $25 813-695-7229 COFFEE &(2)END TABLES Glass Top, Port Charlotte $50 419-260-7103 COT ROLL AWAY Cot All Metal, old. Fold up/Mattress. $25, OBO 941-875-5391 COUCH Burgundy Leather reclining $475, OBO 941-828-7792 COUCHES Leather, Matching Pair. Mushroom Color. $499 954-501-9554 (Port Charlotte) CURIO OAK, Lighted, curved glass front, perfect condition $300 941-764-6153 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS VACUUM Kenmore Carpet and Carpet Shampoo CleanerSystem $50 336-471-5595 WALL PLAQUE 62Žh x 24Žw ivory w/ flowers & floral border $60, OBO 941-624-0364 WOODEN SILVERWARE chest Tarnish proof lined $10 941-627-6542 6035 FURNITURE ADJUSTABLE TWIN Bed Frames w/ Remotes. $50/ea Exc. Cond. 941-628-0727 BAR STOOL set IKEA white wood H-28 inch with RED cushions $50 813-695-7229 BAR STOOLS Metal bar with metal 5 sling back swivel stools for patio. $150 941-833-8993 BAR STOOLS Swivel heavy wood,steel cloth seats tan $30 716-374-2950 BD RMSET beige, dresser, nitestands & bed new cond $350 941-626-7311 BEDMATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BEDROOM 3PC mahogany queen bed dresser mirror chest $250, OBO 732-814-0181 BEDROOM SET Girls, Twin, All Metal, Exc Cond. $300 941-380-9212 BEDROOM SET walnut full chest night stand box spring mattress $125 810-656-6576 BEDS twin COMPLETE SET WITH HEADBOARDS & FRAMES, $200, OBO 941-828-0246 BISTRO SET 3 PC BLK metal with RED cushions $75 813-695-7229 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS HURRICANE LAMP Exquisite! Uniquely painted by local artist. Only $30 803-624-8039 KITCHEN SINK w/faucet FrankeSS Dble Sink good cond. $100 941-743-3258 LAMP GLASS filled w/ sea shells & shark teeth $25 941-356-0129 LIGHTHOUSE PLATES 3 with wall display 10 inch $35 813-695-7229 MATTRESS QN PILLOW TOP HEAVY DEEP 17Ž LIKE NEW TOP OF LINE $100 941-286-4894 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MIRROR 30Žx44Ž wood frame $15. 941-423-7772 MIRROR BEVELED SILVER LEAF DESIGN 29Wx42L $45, OBO 941-202-9172 MIRROR WICKER W/small dresser $50, OBO 989-701-0214 PICTURE 26X26 HARDWOOD FRAME, LOVELY BLUE PRINT $20 941-575-8881 POKER TABLE with green felt top $35 781-956-8891 QUILT/SHAMS Qun Ivory Fabric & Crochet Lace, Exc Cond Beautiful! $35 941-276-1881 STRESSLESS CHAIR & Ottoman Cranberry. Like new $100 941-460-8674 THROW RUGS 3 MATCHING, 63X89 24X90 24X40 $100, OBO 941-627-6780 VACUUM DYSONDC28 AIR MUSCLE Good Cond $100 obo 941-270-8009 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS FILE CABINETS beige five drawer on wheels no keys $50 941-626-7311 FLATWARE: TSP,TBSP,FORKS KNIVES6 ea (24 pcs) Misc patterns $10 941-276-1881 FOLDING CHAIR Turquoise saucer-shaped cushion, black frame $15 941-276-1881 FRAMED PICTURE LARGE Beach themed 44Ž x 35Ž $35 941-356-0129 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 6027 DOLLS ANNALEE 7ŽDOLL rare bunny kidŽ mint w/orig tag $15 941-639-1517 BRIDE DOLLS, 4 black, etc beautiful $10 941-627-6542 DOLL FROM 1950s era Cries, open & closes eyes, beautiful $20 941-356-0129 DOLL PATTY PLAYPAL. Good cond. 36Ž pl shoes checkered dress. $75 941-204-6375 WHITE WICKERCARRIAGE Vintage Pristine doll pram $100 941-286-8082 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS AIR MATTRESS Comparable to Sleep Number, King Size, 2 controls $200 336-471-5595 NEEDCASH? BAMBOO PILLOW New in bag $20 716-374-2950 BED MATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 CAL KINGMATTRESS pad like new $40 941-429-8513 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CAST IRONSKILLETS ONE 12Ž AND ONE 10Ž EXCEL $20 941-575-8881 CUTLERY ONEIDA SILVER PLATE 12 SETTINGS 68 PIECES $75, OBO 941-505-4693 DIGITAL CONVERTER new in box. Magnavox. $35 941-2352203 DISHES PALM LEAF PATTERN 16 PC like new $45, OBO 941202-9172 6020 AUCTIONS LAWNMOWER riding Murray 30Ž cut 12HP good running condition $125 941-286-0131 6025 ARTS AND CRAFTS ART EASEL Jack Richeson Best Deluxe Lobo Wood Easel Like New $200 941-567-8857 SHOW BOOTH Complete professional art show booth, with everything included! $375, OBO 941-426-0204 6026 SEWING SEWING MACHINE Brother Model#SE-400, embroidery, $150 419-260-7103 SEWING MACHINE Husqvarna Viking, for Quilting W/extesion. $150 419-260-7103 SEWING MACHINE Kenmore 36, Good Cond, Port Charlotte. $50 419-260-7103 VINTAGE SINGER Sewing Machine Quilters Dream $119 941-505-1811 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e!


Saturday, April 22, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 11 6126 GOLF CARTS 1999 "BEIGE" CLUBCARDS 4 Passenger Golf Cart Nov. 2016 Batteries {K6} Fresh Service Aluminum Framed Rear Seat Head & Tail Lights New Mirror and SS Wheel Caps. Great Tires, Brakes Top, Windshield and Charger $2,450. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only NO TEXT PLEASE 2000 Club Car DS Plumb Crazy PurpleŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2000 CLUB CAR DS Recent "Red" Paint 4 Passenger Golf Cart Brand New Batteries {C7} New Flip Rear Seat New SS Hubcaps New Bushings {front & rear} Head and Tail Lights Great Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Top, Mirror and Charger $2,875. 941-830-4723 Free Delivery {25mi.} Calls Only Please No text 2003 CLUB CAR DS IQ System 4 Passenger 48 Volt "Gold" Golf Cart Speed Setting 4 {+-19/20 mph}. New Flip Rear Seat 6-8 Volt 2016 Batteries {E6} Headlights & taillights New Chrome SS Wheel Caps Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top, Windshield, Mirror and Charger. $3,275 941-830-4723 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only PLEASE NO TEXT ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! 2008 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 10" Rims w/215x50x10 Tires 6 8 Volt 2014 Batteries New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger. $3,795. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 6110 TREES & PLANTS FLORIDA AVOCADO/CITRUS 1-2 tall seedlings organically grown $5 941-202-3696 GUAVA PLANTS IN 3 GAL POT Also available, Sugar Cane $10 941-697-0794 LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A ORCHIDS CATTLEYA purple mature potted other plants for less $20 941-202-3696 OYSTER PLANTS 2 qt pot dwf 12-14Ž border or accent. 12 pots ea $4 941-258-2016 VIBURNUM GREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE, PALMS, MANYOTHERPLANTS ATREASONABLE PRICES! SUISNURSURY941-232-6835 PLUMERIA/FRANGIPANI IN 3 gallon pots $8 941-697-0794 SUGAR APPLE IN 3 GAL POT Blooming now. Also $5 for 1 gal pot. $10 941-697-0794 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 6120 BABY ITEMS HIGH CHAIR Grt Cond. Seat Varies $20 253-678-9161 TRAVEL CRIB w/Mattress Folds 4 Stor. Grt. Cond $75 253-678-9161 TRAVEL CRIB w/Mattress Folds In Grt. Cond. $75 253-678-9161 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES GOLF CART CHARGERS CLUB CAR, EZGO, YAMAHA Scratch and Dent Starting at $99 WARRANTY 941-769-1431VISIT GOLF CLUBS Calloway Big Bertha Warbird Driver 11 degree $10 941-475-8097 GOLF CLUBS PING Zing 2 putter $20 941-475-8097 GRAPHITE GOLFCLUBS Graphite Shaft Woods 1-7 each $8 941-625-1537 MASTER GRIP Bag-graph-reg3-sw-woods+putter-v.good $99, OBO 941-875-5983 PI NG EYE 2+ Green dot 1lob(12 clubs) zz lite-vgood. $1 79, OBO 941-875-5983 6126 GOLF CARTS 06 EZGO 4 Passenger Golf Cart PASSION PINK BRAND NEW BATTERIES High Speed New Flip Down Rear Seat New Tires Sunbrella Enclosure New Chrome Wheel Caps New Upholstery 36 Volt Charger Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow JacketŽ Cables New Bushings Brakes, Top & Mirror Smooth and FAST! STK#174A $3,325. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES TRAY VINTAGE Cromwell hand wrought hammered alum 12x21 handles $15 941-830-0524 6075 FRUITS & VEGETABLES BLUEBERRIES U-Pick Ready for Picking at Ft Ogden. Call For Directions 863-990-6164 PAPAYA PLANTS, 1 gallon pot. Also Ripe/Green Papaya $1/pound. $4 941-697-0794 6090 MUSICAL GUITAR Fender, Starcaster, strat, Electric, Like New $65 716-523-0463 MANDOLIN MELLON BACK, C.F. Martin no cracks, great playing cond. $400 716-523-0463 PEAVEY AMP Back stage plus $65 716-523-0463 PIANO EVERETT Console, excellant condition, with bench $395, OBO 941-764-9022 SPEAKERS, 2 JBL15Ž, 800 watts $499 786-306-6335 WORLITZER UPRIGHT Piano and Bench Old piano, oak finish. U-Haul it. Needs tuning. $900, OBO 941-889-9688 6095 MEDICAL 3 WHEEL WALKER w/Basket & Brakes NICE $65 941-2688951 BEDSIDE COMMODE New! HD sturdy white plastic for shower also! $23 803-624-8039 BEDSIDE COMMODE, LIKE NEW $25 941-268-8951 POWER CHAIR JAZZY JET 7 new batt. x cond. free delivery $425 941-473-4168 SHOWER CHAIR Like New $30 941-268-8951 WHEEL CHAIR & walker wheel chair and walker for seniors. gc $75, OBO 941-204-6375 WHEELCHAIR GOOD CONDITION $50 941-235-8976 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372 AGAVE PINEAPPLE begonia coleus frangipani geranium pepperomia $5 941-202-3696 ALOE VERA devils backbone mexican petunias oyster snake spider lily $5 941-202-3696 ANGEL TRUMPET 3 gal pot healthy 3-4 ft. pink or white $8 941-258-2016 BANANA PLANT Lush tropical! 3 in 3 gal pot. Edible fruit. $8 941-258-2016 BANANA PLANTS, 3 gallon pot Fruits in about 2 years $8 941-697-0794 BEAULTY BUSH TREE or LANTANA tree native plants in 2 qt pot $4 941-258-2016 BROMELIADS VARIOUS aechmeas neoregelias vriesas starting at $5 941-202-3696 DWF POINCIANA, CASSIA or SNOW TREE 3-5 healthy tropicals $8 941-258-2016 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES BLAZER MENS Navy 42R BurberryŽ $40, OBO 941-5751897 EARRINGS, New, larimar & blue topaz .925 silver $55 941554-2140 RUBY HEART RING Size 8, tgw 4.1 cts., plat ovr .925 $95 941-554-2140 WEDDING DRESS Halter style straightline, Size 2 detachable train $200 336-471-5595 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES 1907 ROLLS SilverGhost 1:24 model w/display case mint COA $75, OBO 941-830-0524 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 ANTIQUE SOLID WOOD ROCKING CHAIRS in very good cond. Both for $125 941-544-0042 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CHAIR TALIAN TAPESTY carved, early 1900 $200 941-473-2014 CHINA SET Johnson Brothers, Tulip Time pattern, 59 pieces, nice $79, OBO 716-598-2406 CHRIS BOSH Rookie refactor autograph numbered jersey certified card $25 810-210-9553 CIVIL WAR GETTYSBURG BULLET IN WOOD DOCUMENTED $99 941-475-1379 CLASSIC ILLUSTRATED 1969 Comic Books (5) Magazines Ea. $10 941-830-2069 COIN 1878 MORG DOLLAR 8 tail feathers, rare collector $195 941-214-8188 COINS GOLD FROM THE U.S.MINT $480 781-956-8891 DINING TABLE HITCHCOCK48/60Ž Round, Table & 4 chairs Beautiful $195. 941-488-5595 Venice DREAMSICLE CHERUBS Darling cherubs. Small collection. Ea only $3 803-624-8039 FURNIVALSŽ PITCHER Denmark blue pattern made in England $15 941-639-1517 GRANDFATHER CLOCK CIRCA 1850 SIGNED BLURTON 88 IN. HIGH $499 941-475-1379 GRISWOLD CAMP Stove 2 Burner Gas. Very Nice. $200 941-875-5391 JAMES DEANDOLLS 2 1994 NEVER OUT OF BOX $100, OBO 941-627-6780 LAMP VINTAGE Cherub W/marble base made in Italy $45 941-214-8188 LINGERIE CHEST Cherry wood with Brass polls $100 941-473-2014 M &M DISPENSERS 16 unopened boxes $300 810-656-6576 MEXICAN ARTIFACTS three items $499 781-956-8891 NASCAR COFFEE MUGS with raised logo, black 5Ž tall; $10 941-639-0838 PENNY 1863 Civil War token rare collector $40 941-214-8188 PLATES SPODE 2 Ret Cabinet 200 Anniv. $15 ea., OBO 941-830-0524 RADIO FLYER Town Country Wagon Old Pristine child wagon Cheap! $100 941-286-8082 RONALD REAGAN Republican task force medal of merit orig box $20 941-639-1517 ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINE & character Toby jug. Bargain mint. $65 ea. 941-639-1517 SELTZER BOTTLE blue glass. Etched. Newark NJ. 30s era. $65 941-235-2203 SILVER COINS U.S. silver coins $499 781-956-8891 SINGER SEWING Machine OLD, In Cabinet, Runs $35, OBO 941-875-5391 TEA TABLE Victorian, 29Ž diameter, exc cond w/glass topper $150 941-625-4363 6035 FURNITURE SOFA med gray like new Excellent Condition $150 810-656-6576 TABLE Victorian/MARBLE TOP 33ŽX22ŽX28Ž $130 941-6240364 TABLE 30 x 48Ž folding for sewing or computer $22 941496-9252 TABLE 30ŽX31Ž Mahogany/4 colorful songbirds decorate top $80, OBO 941-624-0364 TABLE 42Ž Round dark wood. $40 941-473-2014 TABLE 42Ž round glass top, white metal base, good cond $15, OBO 941-249-3946 TABLE 5 round, folding legs, Max Chief $75 941-496-9252 TABLE BEHIND SOFA 48 X 16 X 28 HIGH $70, OBO 941-627-6780 TABLE SET, WickerOutdoor Resin w/4chairs. Round with glass top. $450 860-810-4174 TABLE Solid wood, w/drop leaf 74Žx48Ž drop is 28Žx48Ž $150 941-625-5962 TABLE, Allibert-Lanai White oval 37Žx64Ž $75 941-625-5962 TEA TABLE 29ŽD Victorian. Excellent Condition! $150 941625-4363 TWIN BED SETS (2) complete with headboards, excellent $150, OBO 941-893-7440 WALL UNIT 3 PC ROSEWOOD AND GLASS, MUST SELL! Very rare $350 941-268-2799 WICKER SET Outdoor Resin Love seat, matching coffee & end table. $200 860-810-4174 WOOD TRUNK 3x18x15. Restored w/blk hinges. Exc. condition. $65 941-235-2203 6038 ELECTRONICS ACER LAPTOP Works Great 4GB 1T-Harddrive $175, OBO 941-404-1822 ADDING MACHINE Monroe 2020 plus II; used in home rarely $75, OBO 941-426-3535 DVD PLAYER, SAMSUNG New, model BD-JM57 $65 941624-0928 FAX MACHINE Sharp UXP-115 plain paper Fax/Copier/phone $50, OBO 941-426-3535 HAM RADIO Kenwood TH-F6A Tri-bander Box Manual Holster $225, OBO 631-372-8900 IPHONE 6 Unlocked. Works Perfect. $350, OBO 941-404-1822 LABELING MACHINE Brother PT-1950 P-Touch; used in home only $90, OBO 941-426-3535 MICOWAVE WHIRLPOOL over stove, like new $75 563-209-0580 TV DVD Emerson Color 13 with manual $20 813-695-7229 6040 TV/STEREO/RADIO FLAT SCREEN 52 in.Samsung $300, OBO 781-956-8891 HAM RADIO Icom 2720 Mobile Dual Band with manuals & extras $250, OBO 631-372-8900 HAM RADIO Kenwood D700A Dual Band in Box Extras $300, OBO 631-372-8900 HAM RADIO Kenwood TM-V71A Dual Band in Box $375, OBO 631-372-8900 SMART TV VIZIO 32Ž 1 yr. old, hardly used. Includes outdoor cover. $140 508-208-9144 TV 14Ž. MAGNAVOX. ŽSmart SeriesŽ. $35 941-235-2203 TV 40ŽWorks! We want bigger one. $100 941-218-6465 6060 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT DESKTOP COMPUTER, HP. Works Perfect $250, OBO 941-404-1822 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES AMETRINE RING, NEWsz-7 RG ovr .925 TGW 3.83cts $85 941-554-2140 6035 FURNITURE DESSERS (2) & 1Mirror W/2nightstand, Palisser Oak Wood $500 941-258-4922 DINETTE TABLE Wood, Counter Height, Round, w/4CH.. $375, OBO 941-627-6780 DINING CHAIRS, Rattan. Set Of 6 w/arms heavy duty $450 941-356-0129 DINING SET Outdoor dining set. Bridgeport 68x38 with 6 chairs. $300 941-474-1640 DINING SET, American Drew, 6 chairs Tropical look man size seats $499 941-627-6542 DINING SET, Glasstop, 36Žx 60Ž, Black Metal. 6 chrs $300. 239-849-9815 (in Riverwood) DRESSER OAK matches above bunk beds text for picture $125, OBO 941-525-6330 DRESSER WOOD white dresser $49 941-888-5102 END TABLE, Rattan. Like new, glass top, honey color $40 941-356-0129 END TABLES, 2 DarkWood end tables Vintage, Heritage furn $125 941-627-6542 ENTERTAINMENTCNTR 3Pcs lightcolor I/2Ž thick presswood Like New $75 941-697-7364 HEAD BOARD King size upholstered with steel frame. $125, OBO 941-628-6251 HEADBOARD KING WHITE WICKER Very Sturdy $125, OBO 941-202-9861 I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHENTABLE oak 4 high back chairs w/leaf $150 810-656-6576 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 LIVING ROOM TABLES $100 941-380-9212 LOVESEAT & SOFA $100 941-698-9222 LOVESEAT Gray reclining, in good condition $200 941-8287792 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MATTRESSES King Beauty Rest, W/Boxspring Gently Used Seasonly $400 941-258-4922 MATTRESSS 2 Twins xl Beauty Rest, W/Bxspring Gently Used Seasonly. $400 941-258-4922 MOVING SALE Piano like new, lots of other stuff furniture, etc... 941-256-6659 for apt. Venice OFFICE CHAIR Like new on rollers grey cloth,black frame $10 716-374-2950 PATIO SET 4PC real wicker good condition $100 810-656-6576 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 RECLINER Black with power & massage very good condition $100, OBO 941-429-8513 RECLINING SOFA dark green microfiber hardly used $250, OBO 941-876-3878 ROCKING CHAIR Ethan Allen Cape Cod rocker $125 941627-6542 ROLLTOP DESK Oak. 54 x 34. Excellent condition. In PGI. $375 207-436-1157 SECTIONAL GREEN LEATHER $300 941-626-7311 SECTIONAL SOFA sectional sofa. Hydra color. Pillows and hassock. $350 941-888-5102 SECTIONAL, 2PC w/Recliner and storage ottoman, sage color $250 941-766-8562 SIDE TABLE OAK Pennsylvania House, W/Brass $75 941-473-2014 SOFA Classic contemp, Revsbl cushions & color. Excel cond. $250 941-275-5700 SOFA SLEEPER 3PC SECTIONAL, Almost new! Off-White! Paid $2500 Asking $375, OBO 941-268-2799


Page 12 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 22, 2017 6250 APPLIANCES TOASTER OVEN G.E. TOAST, BROIL, BAKE. WORKS WEL.L $10 941-575-8881 TOASTER OVEN Sunbeam. Grey w/book. New condition. $15 941-235-2203 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & Dryer Not beautiful, but works. Water heater $20. $125 724-612-8305 WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 Now $895 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low prices A/C UNIT 3 ton R22,excellent $450 786-306-6335 BAMBOO POLES 8-16FT LONG X 2.5Ž-1.0ŽDIA. 6 $3, $4, $6 941-426-6759 CHANDLIER 9lites beautiful $99 941-496-9252 CHAR-BROIL BBQ 4 burner grill w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 CHARLIE CHAN, Sherlock Holmes, Blondie DVDs many more ea. $10 941-830-2069 COFFEE POT, electric Corningware perk $22 941-496-9252 FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 HANDICAPPED SCOOTER GC. 4 wheel, new batterys, auto carrier. $495 941-627-9573 HITCH WITH 2 in ball fits 2 in reciever $25 941-429-8513 HURRICANE STEELPANELS 15Žw x 57ŽL, total qty. 38, each $12 941-639-0838 LIFE VEST STERNS YOUTH 5090LB BLUE/YELLOW 3 STRAP USE ONCE $10 941-286-4894 MEDIEVAL TYPE SWORD with or without Decorative Shield $50, OBO 941-830-2069 METAL TRASH CAN, 20 gal w/cover. Used for pet food $10, OBO 314-609-1540 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY COMPRESSOR, Campbell Hausfeld, PowerPro 2hp, 20 gallon. $200 860-810-4174 GENERATOR COVER 28X22X25HI 2QT OIL $35 941-627-6780 GREASE GUN Air operated with barrel of grease. $150 941237-8512 HAMMER DRILL W/BITS Bosch 11240, Works Great $150, OBO 941-626-6879 LADDER ALUMINUM 6 $25 941-743-0582 PIPE TRISTAND/ roller To 8Ž pipe $65, OBO 314-609-1540 ROUTER CRAFTSMAN One & half HP. Like new in the box $25 941-214-8188 SHOP VAC 16 gallon Wet Dry vac. $35 860-810-4174 STEP LADDER 10 FG 300# RATING GOOD CONDITION $80, OBO 941-626-6879 STEP LADDER 12 FG300# Rating, Good condition $110 941-626-6879 STEPLADDER 8 ft Keller FB Extra HD good cond $85 941629-6374 TOOL BOX Husky 10-drawer steel tool box on wheels. $499 941-237-8512 WELDER LINCOLN stick welder, A/C-D/C, 25 leads. $100, OBO 941-237-8512 6220 OFFICE/BUSINESS EQUIP./SUPPLIES PRINT/COPY/SCAN/FAX MACHINE Epson Black Like New $45 941-276-1881 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 st ates that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6236 PET SUPPLIES & SERVICES BIRD CAGE 39X70 CUSTOM WOOD-STAINLESS GORGEOUS PIECE $450 941-475-1379 DOG CRATE 21ŽH 24ŽD $45, OBO 941-256-0147 PET CARRIER for cat or small dog,hard-sided, 19 1/4x13x11 1/2 $15 941-276-1881 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 CHAR-BROIL GRILL w/side burner & stainless hood $140 941-497-3250 CHEST FREEZER 5 cu. ft. White, clean works good $75 941-380-4713 FREEZER WHIRLPOOL 19 CF upright freezer $125 941-629-7056 F RIDGE side x side ice in door 33W X 66H very clean $100 941-380-4713 GRILL, George Foreman electric, small, like new. $20 941-575-8881 MICROWAVE 1500W Black over the Range, like new with mountings. $75 941-412-1491 REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE, white, 18.3cu Good running unit $100 941-268-0934 REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 REFRIGERATOR, Kenmore, 28 cu. ft. Like New Inside & Out! $60.941-423-7772 STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 6160 LAWN & GARDEN LAWN TABLE glass top, aluminum frame, also resin chairs avail $25 941-497-3250 LAWNMOWER HONDA GCV 160 self propelled used only twice $160 941-639-6591 LINE TRIMMER: Troybuilt, 25cc, straight shaft, New. $110, OBO 941-485-0681 MOSQUITOS POTS prevent the Zika flu $15 941-624-0928 MOWER TROYBUILT, selfpropelled, elec.start, VG cond. $125 941-698-8990 MOWER, JOHN DEERE 42Ž Runs good. Needs deck work $350 941-270-6348 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 PLANT BUCKETS huge oversize $150 941-624-0928 PRESSURE WASHER Troybuilt 3000psi New Pump $300, OBO 941-485-0681 RIDING LAWN MOWER John Deer riding mower, runs great $250 941-460-8457 RIDING MOWER Poulan, good tires, decent body, needs works $100, OBO 941-268-2799 TOP SOILFor Sale! Please call: 941-468-4372 TRIMMERS ONE hedge,one lawn,charger included,all for $25 941-625-5919 6165 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS TENT EZUP 10x20 with full sides $200, OBO 563-5057602 WEATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Set Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 6170 BUILDING SUPPLIES CERAMIC BATH HOLDERS WALL BISQUE TOWEL SOAP TISSUE EA $5 941-286-4894 HOUSE PAINT 6 gal Behr stucco paint parchment $60 941-764-9507 LUMBER 2X6X8' PressureTreated, 40PCS, each $4 941-639-7613 OSB 4x8 9/16 20 sheets $8, each OBO 563-505-7602 WINDOWS W/SCREENS (7)Aluminum crankout 36X62 $125 336-471-5595 6180 HEAVY/CONST. EQUIPMENT 4630 KABOTA DEISEL GST Tractor, 206 Hrs. Like New! 4 Wheel Drive. Front Loader. 6` Bush Hog, 6` Box Blade, $20,000 (941)-628-6937 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY 24Ž RIGID pipe wrench Aluminum $35, OBO 314-6091540 8 FG STEPLADDER 300# RATING GOOD CONDITION $80, OBO 941-626-6879 BELT-SANDER CRAFTSMAN 6Ž model 113-22633 table mount $50 941-214-8188 CHAIN SAW POULAN PRO GAS 16ŽUSED TWICE $80, OBO 941-505-4693 CHAIN SAW Remington, Electric, 14Ž limb and trim. Like New! $35 941-257-5500 CHIPPER Briggs & Stratton 8 HP $200, OBO 941-268-2799 CIRCULER SAWS Three saws work great choice $10 716-374-2950 6133 HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES FILLET KN IFE w/leather scab bard by: J. MARTTIINI of Finland $40, OBO 941-830-2069 FISHING RODS & Reels 30+ items from estate different prices $20 941-286-8082 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES 3-WHEEL BIKE rides good $199 786-306-6335 BICYCLE GIRLS MONSTER HIGH $50 941-423-9888 BIKE RACK TRUNK MOUNT for Car or SUV $20 941-268-8951 BIKE RACK Yakima in good condition. Girls bike adaptor $15. $95 724-612-8305 BIKE RECUMBENT performer goal 26x ex cond 27speed $500 941-743-0582 CANNONDALE ADVENTURE 4 Alloy Hybrid SUPER Clean 24 SP Large $250 941-544-0042 ELECTRIC FOLDING bike Currie,7 speed new bat. cost new 650. $285 941-460-9304 GENESIS ONEX 29er ALLOY CRUISER BIKE CLEAN Tall Mans 1 speed $50 941-544-0042 NISHIKI CASCADE HYBRID CRUISER Tall 21 SP New Tires Seat Bars $85 941-544-0042 ROYAL ENFIELD Adult Trike Rides Good 24inch lg seat lg basket $60 941-544-0042 6138 TOYS/GAMES CALL DUTY Legacy Edition for PS4 $30 941-257-5500 6140 PHOTOGRAPHY/ VIDEO SPEAKER Surround sound Jvc new with sub woofer,4 speakers $45 716-374-2950 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES **SPAS & MORE** We take Trade ins We Move Hot Tubs & Buy Used Hot Tubs! 941-625-6600 HOT TUB COVER 71/2X8. LIKE NEW $100 941-473-4168 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 POOL CHEMICALS TABS/SHOCK/METAL CONT. AND MORE $50 941-575-8881 STEPS FOR HOT TUBE 2 STEPS TERRA COTTA IN COLOR $25 941-473-4168 6160 LAWN & GARDEN CHAIN SAW Poulin Pro 18Ž NEW in box $150, OBO 941-485-0681 CHAIN SAW: Homelite, 14Ž NEW $120, OBO 941-485-0681 CHAR-BROIL GRILL 4burner w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 C uddle up by the fire! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 LAWN MOWER electric w/cord,16ŽCut $25 941-625-5919 LAWN MOWER MTD 20ŽPush Like New $75, OBO 941-485-0681 LAWN MOWER, BOLENS 21 cut 5.5hp Exc. cond $65 941743-0582 LAWNMOWER, John Deere Self Propelled, 3 Spd., 6.5 HP B & S $90.941-743-8243 6126 GOLF CARTS 2011 CLUB CAR DS "Midnght Blue" 48 Volt 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Flip Rear Seat Brand New Batteries {D7} Headlights & Tail Lights Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top. Windshield, Mirror, SS Caps and Charger $3,275, 941-830-4723 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only NO TEXT PLEASE 6128 EXERCISE / FITNESS TOTAL GYM 1000 NICE $85 941-268-8951 TREADMILLPRO-FORM Crosswalk Caliber Elite $125 412-445-3483 6130 SPORTING GOODS 2 GUYS GUN SHOWS APRIL 29th & 30th Charlotte County Fairgrounds 2333 El Jobean Rd (776) Port Charlotte, FL Buy-Sell-Trade New-Used FREEParking CWP Classes Avail. Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-4 727-776-3442 28 SIGN BOWL SUPER BOWL LIGHT BEER GA DOME $75 941-629-6429 CATCHERS MITT/ RAWLINGS NEW $85 941-624-0928 FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 GreatDealsin theClassifieds! HILLERICH & BRADSBY Louisville Slugger #26 official softball bat $15 941-639-1517 HORSESHOES SET made of steel $15 941-743-0582 KAYAK 11.6 WALDEN Adironda Sit in green $375, OBO 941-661-0509 LIFE JACKETS Brand new Onyx 3 buckle boating life vests $15 Each 941412-1491 LIFE VEST STERNS YOUTH 5090LB BLUE/YELLOW 3 STRAP USE ONCE $10 941-286-4894 RICHARD PETTY POSTER 24X36 SIGNED FRAMED AWESOME!! $479 941-475-1379 SATELLITE CELLPHONE 2-in1 Global star Qualcomm ex charger, $250 941-474-0727 SENIOR SOFTBALL Combat Dirty Senior bat 26oz Like New in box $89 941-875-5983 UNIVERSAL GUN CLEANING Kit (Englewood) $10 941-8302069 6131FIREARMS NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. WINCHESTER SXP 12 Gauge w/ 3Ž Magnum $425 NIB. H&K P200 40 Cal. $775 NIB. Sig P320 9mm New Military Handgun $650. Call 941-204-6439 6133 HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES CASTING NETS TWO 8-FOOT $70, OBO 941-505-4693 FILLET KNIFE w/leather Scabbard By J.Marttiini of Finland $40, OBO 941-830-2069 6126 GOLF CARTS 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ButterscotchŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2011 CLUBCARPRECEDENT4 Passenger Custom "Pearl" Spartan Body Brand New Batteries {C7} Deluxe Lights {Head,Tail, Signal, Brake and Horn} Flip Rear Seat Excellent Tires, Brakes, Mirror, Windshield, Top, Chrome SS Caps and Charger $3,995 941-830-4723 DELIVERYINCLUDED{25MI.} NO TEXT PLEASE AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Midnight BlackŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … DEMO SALEŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Custom Yellow PaintŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … RED RACERŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New Custom PaintedŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit …


2011 by King Features Syndicate Yesterdays Challenger Answers Saturday, April 22, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 13


Page 14 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 22, 2017 Its been said many times, but it merits repeating: The U.S. is in the middle of an unprecedented drug crisis. According to a new report from the Ohio Department of Health, the number of opioid-related deaths leapt from 296 in 2003 to 2,590 in 2015 „ a 775 percent increase. Those statistics are repeated from coast to coast: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that drug-overdose deaths involving heroin tripled from 8 percent in 2010 to 25 percent in 2015. That comes with a huge price tag: In Stark County, Ohio (Canton), the drug epidemic costs $75,000 a year in toxicology tests alone. And on Friday, March 10, the Stark County coroners of“ce requested a cold-storage trailer from the state to act as an over”ow morgue; they got it. Nationally, the Department of Health and Human Services estimates that in 2015, the opioid epidemic cost $55 billion in health and social services and $20 billion in emergency department and inpatient care for opioid poisonings. Letting the epidemic go unchecked would be a disaster and could “nancially cripple small municipalities like Canton. Y et, as of this writing, the latest proposed health care bill ends the Affordable Care Acts requirement that addiction services and mental health treatment be covered under Medicaid (in the 31 states that expanded the health care program). The Medicare expansion provides treatment for around 1.3 million people. Why We Should Support Treatment and Address Underlying Causes One problem is that folks dont understand addiction as a disease. It alters body biochemistry, just like any chronic disease does. But, because they dont understand, politicians and policy makers evaluate the effectiveness of drug treatment programs using different standards from when thinking about treating an infection or managing diabetes. If a person is given addiction treatment and relapses, many folks blame the addict for a lack of character and willpower. But if the same person were given an antibiotic for an infection and it didnt knock the infection out with the “rst round of treatment, no one would say, You just dont have an immune system worth helpin g .Ž How effective is addiction treatment? According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, like other chronic diseases, addiction can be managed successfully. Treatment enables people to counteract addictions powerful disruptive effects on the brainŽ and help addicts regain control of their lives. NIDA also pointed out that, the chronic nature of the disease means that relapsing to drug abuse is not only possible but also likely, with symptom recurrence rates similar to those for other well-characterized chronic medical illnesses „ such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma „ that also have both physiological and behavioral components.Ž Twenty to 50 percent of Type 1 diabetes patients fail to control their diabetes at some time or another; 40 to 60 percent of those who are addicted relapse; and 50 to 70 percent of those with hypertension or asthma fail to control their disease consistently. If someone falls off the wagon,Ž that indicates treatments need to be reinstated or adjusted, or alternate treatment is needed; just like when an antihypertension drug fails to control high blood pressure, it indicates the need for a different medication and new lifestyle habits. The rewards are tangible. According to NIDA: Every dollar invested in addiction treatment programs yields a return of between $4 and $7 in reduced drug-related crime, criminal justice costs and theft. When savings related to health care are included, total savings can exceed costs by a ratio of 12 to 1. Major savings to the individual and to society also stem from fewer interpersonal con”icts; greater workplace productivity; and fewer drug-related accidents, including overdoses and deaths.Ž And maybe less use of morgue space has to be added to the cost savings. Yes, lets make it real! So lets not be shortsighted or cruel. Addiction is a chronic disease, and our societys continued wellbeing and the well-being of individual sufferers depends on unwavering support for treatment. The human and economic importance of supporting addiction treatment Dr. Mehmet Oz & Dr. Michael Roizen BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY adno=8602374


Saturday, April 22, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 15 !"#$#" !%%&"#" !'% (%%() Dear Heloise: For everyone who thinks baby wipes are ”ushable, they are not. My daughter experienced a plumbing problem, and her serviceman said it was due to baby wipes. „ A.A., Staten Island, N.Y. You are absolutely right. They may be ”ushable,Ž but they muck up plumbing down the line. Dont take a chance; a repair bill can be pretty expensive. „ HeloiseSpring partyDear Heloise: Its spring, the perfect time to have a party for kids and grandkids, and its pretty easy because I plan ahead! First, food. I get any information on kids allergies, if necessary. Pizza is cheap, I can add whatever toppings each child wants, and I can cut the slices narrow, so everybody gets to taste all the toppings. A fruit tray is a healthy, colorful and fun alternative to candy and potato chips. I like to keep decorating simple: I pick two basic colors for balloons and streamers. I tend to avoid licensed characters, like superheroes and princesses, because that adds to the price of these items. For games, kids love pinatas, and it helps them work off energy! These hints help me make a fun afternoon for kids for a birthday party or any social gathering. „ Robin M., Syracuse, UtahWater bowl liftDear Heloise: I look forward to reading your column every morning in the Dayton Daily News. I have an old dog who has balance problems. When she drinks out of her water bowl, she either tips it over or steps in it. I bought a dishpan, turned it upside down and cut a hole in it (my husband used a drill to make the starter hole for me, and then I used his tin snips to cut it) so that the water bowl fits. The bowl is at the right height for the dog. „ Janice W., Kettering, OhioSoapy spongeDear Heloise: My friend didnt like how her homemade soaps get mushy after leaving them in a soap dish. I put my soaps on a dry sponge. This soaks up most of the water, and you wont have a mushy bar of soap. „ Calie J.F., Huntington Beach, Calif.A problem down the lineHints from Heloise BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Make your business a part of it! Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602375


Page 16 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 22, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). Once you gure out that you're not going to get what you need or want from the situation, move on. Don't wait, argue, negotiate or give it another chance. What you want is just around the corner. Head that way. Be cautious with nances now. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). There's a lot of futility in mental exercises such as weighing the options, delving into the history and considering other as sessments. Skip it. Get down this: Do or don't do. Your gut will tell you. The only way to make things ha pp en is to act. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Communication is like music; it's as much about the spaces as it is about the words. There is a good kind of silence and a bad kind. The bad kind is awkward. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You're totally focused on getting through your work, which happens to also be a lot of fun for you today. Research will be part of it. Go for the story behind the story. That's where the gold is. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). With the current state of Mercury, it's hard to avoid taking information out of context or reading too much into things, but do try. Also, go to the source for your information wherever p ossible. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your experience has taught you quite a lot about what to expect from situations like the one you face today. And yet, this one is slightly dierent. Reserve your judgments for later, as you're likely to be surprised. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You'll be focused on developing your skills. This is a better way to spend your time than trying to make something happen that is clearly not working. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your lifestyle is not for the faint of heart. It takes strength to handle responsibilities and deal with the needs of those around you. You will rise to the occasion in every wa y, thou g h it does come at a cost. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Diversity makes a group strong, and dierences of opinion will be half the fun. As long as people respect one another and don't invest too much identity in being right, it will all work out today. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Tell people what you like about them. Mutual admiration gets a friendship started. Over time, this casual relationship is sure to blossom into something more substantial. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You'll pinpoint the culprit keeping you from being organized. More than likely, it's a desire to get more things accomplished in a day than is reasonable to expect, thus causin g the unnished activities to p ile u p PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Though small details that don't go as planned „ such as a missed phone call or appointment „ are inconsequential, they may still throw o your rhythm. Detach and get into a breezier frame of mind and you'll soon get your mojo back. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (April 22). The obstacle in your path is completely surmountable, which you'll prove in the next four weeks. Friends help you move up, over and on. In May, romantic notions become romantic actions. Bank your winnings in July; you'll need the savings for what you want to build in October. Aquarius and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 38 10 13 27 and 19. DEAR ABBY: I have a 16-year-old stepdaughter, Candy.Ž My wife recently discovered three bottles of liquor in the car Candy drives. When confronted, she told my wife the booze was for an upcoming party. We grounded her. My wife called her ex-husband to tell him their daughter is grounded and he would have to pick her up on his visitation weekend, as she wont be driv ing. He then informed my wife he was the one who bought her the booze! Im dumbfounded and dont know how to handle this. Please advise. „ SHOCKED IN HOUSTON DEAR SHOCKED: Candy is only 16, so she can be forgiven for her lapse in judgment. Her father is old enough to know better than to hand over bottles of alcohol to his minor child. In the state of Texas, he has violated the law. The legal age for consumption or possession of alcohol is 21, with few exceptions. If you are smart, you will stay out of it. Your wife and her ex should discuss this and reach an agreement about how this will be handled in the future. DEAR ABBY: I am writing to share a positive experience I hope will help others. Its what a relief divorce can be. I was miserable married to my husband. I used to hear people on the radio talk about their beloved husband or wife, and my heart would twist with regret that I never felt that way. I spent years almost numb because I was lying to myself about my marriage. I spent years reading books on how to improve our relationship, years going to workshops. Nothing changed. I was always walking on eggshells waiting for him to yell. I didnt trust my husband to be kind to me, and frankly, I dont think he ever loved me. After much therapy and a lot of very hard work, I “nally got out of the relationship. I thank God every day for my freedom. Sometime s Im so happy being by myself reading a book or making my own plans that I feel Im going to burst with joy. My days are precious to me now. For me, divorce has been an awakening. „ PATRICIA IN MASSACHUSETTS DEAR PATRICIA: While divorce can be therapeutic, it isnt the answer for everyone. Because you were married to an angry, abusive man, its for the best that you “nally ended the marriage. I cant help feeling that what you did was a positive step for both of you. DEAR ABBY: When we go to church with our daughters, ages 9 and 11, we are greeted at the door by an usher in his 70s. He has told our 9-year-old several times that hes going to marry her when she grows up. She doesnt know what to say. My husband and I dont like it. What should we do? „ DUMBSTRUCK IN THE EAST DEAR DUMBSTRUCK: Tell the usher privately that his comment is not appreciated. Discuss it with the minister afterward, if necessary. Your daughter is a nice girl, but I wouldnt blame her if she told him, If youre still alive and breathing by the time Im grown up, Ill consider it.Ž Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.Ž „ Psalm 62:5. Our hope is best placed when we place it in God. Put your trust in Him. Loving Jesus means that we will obey Him It also means that our heart becomes His home. Let Jesus warm the “res of your heart with love, peace and joy. BIBLELiquor found in teens car was purchased by her dadVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby


Saturday, April 22, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 17 Saturday TelevisionVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDA APR. 22PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC World News Tonight(N)News News; weather; more. (N)Paid Program Sponsored. Military Makeover(TVPG) (HD)The Toy Box Inventors want their toys manufactured. (TVPG) (HD)The Toy Box Inventors want their toys manufactured. (TVPG) (HD)20/20 Investigative reporting on world news. (HD)ABC7 News @ 11pm (N)Paid Program Sponsored. ABC E F 26---7117-ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News @ 6:30pm (N)Two & Half Men Paranoid Alan. Two & Half(TV14) (HD)The Toy Box Inventors want their toys manufactured. (TVPG) (HD)The Toy Box Inventors want their toys manufactured. (TVPG) (HD)20/20 Investigative reporting on world news. (HD)ABC7 News @ 11:00pm(N)Maj Crimes Missing daughter. CBS E F 11213213-555-News at 6pm (N) (HD)CBS Weekend News (N) (HD)Blue Bloods: Men in Black Newly appointed Grand Rebbe dies. (TV14)NCIS: Los Angeles: Black Market Counterfeit purses.(TVPG) (R) (HD)Training Day: Bad Day at Aqua Mesa Caught in crossfire. (TV14) (N)48 Hours: The Golden State Killer Comic discusses late wifes life. (N)WINK News at 11pm Saturday (N) (HD) CBS E F 10101010---1010 News Weekend (N)CBS Weekend News (N) (HD)Wheel: Bed & Breakfast Week Jeopardy!(TVG) (R) (HD)NCIS: Los Angeles: Black Market Counterfeit purses.(TVPG) (R) (HD)Training Day: Bad Day at Aqua Mesa Caught in crossfire. (TV14) (N)48 Hours: The Golden State Killer Comic discusses late wifes life. (N)10 News Weekend at 11:00 (N) (:35) Paid Program Sponsored. NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm Sat(N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel: Bed & Breakfast Week Jeopardy!(TVG) (R) (HD) 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Teams TBA (Live)NBC2 News @ 11pm Sat (N)Saturday Night Live(TV14) NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChannel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD) 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Teams TBA (Live)NewsChannel 8 at 11:00 (N)Saturday Night Live(TV14) FOX E F 36---444-The List Pop culture. (HD)Paid Program Sponsored. Paid Program Sponsored. Simpsons Trainers regimen. MasterChef Junior: Winter Wonderland Gingerbread house. (TVPG)Showtime at the Apollo Talent showcase. (TV14) (R) (HD)FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)Kicking & Screaming: Real Men Cry Secrets are exposed.(TV14) (R) FOX E F 13131313-13-13FOX 13 6:00 News News events of the day are reported.(N) (HD)TMZ (TVPG) (N)MasterChef Junior: Winter Wonderland Gingerbread house. (TVPG)Showtime at the Apollo Talent showcase. (TV14) (R) (HD)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News(N)Screaming: Real Men Cry(R) PBS E F 30-3-333-NOVA: Holocaust Escape Tunnel Escape tunnel. (TV14) (R) (HD)The Lawrence Welk Show: Keep a Song in Your Heart Music. (TVG)Antiques Roadshow: Salt Lake City Japanese vase. (TVG) (R) (HD)As Time Goes By (TVPG)As Time Goes By (TVPG)Keeping Appearances(TVPG)Being Served? Themed week. Masterpiece: Home Fires II The women try to keep high spirits. (TVPG) PBS E F #3173---3PBS Newshour Weekend (N)The Week(TVG) (R) (HD)The Lawrence Welk Show: Keep a Song in Your Heart Music. (TVG)Being Served? Physical exam. Being Served? Staying in store. Keeping Appearances(TVPG)Keeping Appearances(TVPG)As Time Goes By (TVPG)Fawlty Towers (TVPG)Globe Trekker: Tough Trains: The Transcontinental Railroad, USA (R) CW E F 46---6216-Mike Molly Mike sees psychic. WINK News @ 6:30pm Sat (N)Big Bang Teaching physics. Big Bang Party attended. (HD)2 Broke Girls Rock star.(TV14)2 Broke Fundraising pants. Mod Family Embarrassment. Mike & Molly: I See Love (HD)WINK News @10pm (N) (HD)Modern Family: Unplugged Last Man Standing: Ping-Pong CW E F 44999---4Mike Molly Mike sees psychic. Mike & Molly: I See Love (HD)2 Broke Girls Rock star.(TV14)2 Broke Fundraising pants. Major Crimes: #FindKaylaWeber Missing daughter. (TV14) (HD)Major Crimes: Penalty Phase Killer creates films out of his crimes. Two & Half Men Paranoid Alan. Two & Half(TV14) (HD)Friends Ross witnesses kiss. Friends Ross accepts couple. MYN E F 38111111---14Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud Families compete. Family Feud Families compete. News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)Elementary Sherlock Holmes helps NYPD with cases. (TV14) (HD)Seinfeld Comedic calamities. Just for Laughs Gags(TVPG)Ring of Honor Wrestling Stars compete. (TVPG) (HD) IND E F 32121212-38-12Mod Family Embarrassmen t. Modern Family: Unplugged Big Bang Teaching physics. Big Bang Party attended.(HD)Anger Cheating boyfriend. (HD)Anger Martin and Ed. (TV14)Last Man Standing: Ping-Pong Man Stand. Boyd suspended. Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Wrongful Life Evidence murder.(TV14)Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Dramma Giocoso Opera death.(TV14) ION E F 662221326-17Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Trade Family conspiracy.(TV14)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Cold Lake takes hostage.(TV14)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Trials Abusive parents.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Confession Young pedophile. (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Swing Stablers daughter.(TV14)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Lunacy Famous astronaut.(TV14) E L B A CA&E262626263950181(5:00) Live PD: Live PD 04.14.17 (R) (HD)Live PD: Rewind #10 Live PD: Live PD 04.22.17 (N) (HD) AMC565656563053231Forrest Gump (94, Drama) Tom Hanks, Sally Field. A slow-witted man grows to adulthood amid the historic events of four decades. (PG-13)The Son: Death Song Life-or-death test. (TV14)The Son: Death Song Life-or-death test. (TV14)The Outlaw Josey Wales (76) New beginning. APL444444443668130Dr. Jeff (TVPG) (R) (HD)Dr. Jeff: Unlucky Break Dr. Jeff (TVPG) (N) (HD)Dr. Jeff Urgent surgery. Vet Life Health scare. Dr. Jeff Urgent surgery. BBCA M114114114114114114189Earth II (R)Planet Earth II: Cities Doctor Who Star in womans eye. Doctor Who: Smile (N)Class Ram isolates. (N)Graham Norton (TV14) BET353535354022270(4:30) Beyond the Lights (14) (:35) Think Like a Man (12, Comedy) Four couples manipulate each other. (PG-13)Temptation (13) (HD) BRAVO6868686825451185Housewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (R)How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (03) Executive and journalist fall in love.(:55) Lose a Guy (03) COM666666661527190(4:40) Along Came Polly (04) Safety obsession. South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)The 40-Year-Old Virgin (05, Comedy) Steve Carell. Aging virgin dates a celibate mother. (R)The ChangeUp (11) DISC404040402543120Vegas Rat (TVPG) (R)Vegas Rat (TVPG) (R)Vegas Rat (TVPG) (R)Vegas Rat (TVPG) (R)St Outlaws (TV14) (R)St Outlaws (TV14) (R) E!464646462726196Hes NotBridesmaids (11, Comedy) A lovelorn and broke maid of honor. (R)No Strings Attached Physical relationship minus the emotion. FOOD3737373718376164Diners (R)Help YelpDiners New York City. Diners Viewers choice. GinormousGinormousGinormousGinormousGinormousGinormous FREE555555551046199(5:40) Bolt (08, Adventure) A dog undertakes a hazardous journey. Toy Story (95) Two rival toys form an uneasy alliance when they are separated from their owner.(:50) Toy Story 2 (99, Comedy) Tim Allen. Buzz and the other toys set out to rescue Woody from a greedy toy collector. (G) FX51515151584953(5:30) 22 Jump Street (14) Officers Schmidt and Jenko go deep undercover at a local college. Ride Along (14) Fast-talker rides with girlfriends hot-tempered cop brother to prove his worth. The Heat (13) An uptight FBI agent and a crude Boston cop team up to take down a drug lord. (R) GSN17917917917934179184Hollywood (TVPG) (HD)Hollywood (TVPG) (HD)Fam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudCash CabCash CabCash CabCash Cab HALL5551713773240Love at First Bark (17) Like Cats & Dogs (17) A vacation rental. (NR)The Perfect Catch (17) A boyfriend returns. (NR)Gold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165Prop Bro (TVG) (R)Prop Bro (TVG) (R)Prop Bro (TVG) (R)Lakefront (TVG) (N)Renovation (TVG) (N)MountainMountain HIST818181813365128Cnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsCnt CarsRoad Hauks: Hauk .45 Cnt CarsCnt Cars LIFE363636365241140Killer Mom (17) Mom has evil plans for daughter. The Other Mother (17, Drama) Bad stepmother.(:04) The Stalker Club (17, Thriller) Club outsider. NICK252525252444252ThundermanThundermanHenry (R)Henry (R)Henry (N)Nicky (N)ThundermanSh akersFull HouseFull HouseFriendsFriends OWN585858584767145Iyanla Fix (TV14) (R)Iyanla Fix (TV14) (R)Iyanla Fix (TV14) (R)Iyanla Fix (TV14) (N)John Gray (TVPG) (N)Iyanla Fix (TV14) (R) QVC14141491413150Earth BrandsShawn Says, Accessorize!Ž: Earth Origins IT Cosmetics (TVG)Shoe Shopping with Jane: Earth Origins (TVG) SPIKE57575757296354Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (N)Cops (R)Jail (N)Cops (R)Four Brothers (05, Action) Mother murdered. SYFY6767676725364180Independence Day (96) Aliens attack Earth. Armageddon (98, Science Fiction) Oil rig workers must destroy asteroid. Pompeii City crumbles. TBS595959593262522 Broke2 Broke2 Broke2 BrokeBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangFrontal (R)Detour (R) TCM656565656574230(5:45) Family Plot (76) Karen Black, Bruce Dern. P hony psychics scam leads to murder. (PG)The Enemy Below (57) Two officers muster their s hipmates for a dea d ly encounter during WWII. Action in the North Atlantic (43, Drama) H umphrey Bogart. A ship runs afoul of a Naz i U-boat. TLC454545455772139Say Yes (TVPG) (R)Say YesSay YesSay Yes (TVPG) (N)Nate (TVPG) (N) (HD)Playhouse (TVPG) (N)Say Yes (TVPG) (R) TNT616161612855512017 NBA Playoffs: Eastern Conference First Round, Game 4 : Washington vs Atlanta (Live) (HD)Pacific Rim (13, Action) Charlie Hunnam, Diego Klattenhoff. Giant robots piloted by humans fight off an alien menace threatening Earth. (PG-13)Transformers (07, Action) Alien robots battle. TOON808080804620257How to Train Your Dragon (10) Saving dragons. DragonBobs BrgrRick MortyRick MortyFamily GuyFamily GuySamuraiDragon TRAV6969696926066170Ghost: Crazy Town (R)Ghost (TVPG) (R) (HD)Ghost Haunted castle. Ghost (TVPG) (N) (HD)Ghost Manor ghosts. Ghost: Dumas Brothel TRUTV636363635030183Talk Sh ow Talk Sh ow Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)UpscaleUpscale TVL626262623154241Gold. GirlGold. GirlGold. GirlGold. GirlGold. GirlLoves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.QueensQueens USA34343434225250(:05) The Matrix Revolutions (03) Humans battle against machines. (R)John Wick Kingpins son kills ex-hit mans pup. The Matrix (99) WE117117117117117117149Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr Baby killed. Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Silence WGN16161619411168Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Blue Bloods: Warriors Blue Bloods Cold case. Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Underground: 28 (R) S W E NCNBC393939395937102PaidPaidUndr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss: Hooters Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss (TVPG) CNN323232321838100Smerconish (N)CNN Newsroom (N)CNN Newsroom (N)Soundtrack (R)Eighties (R) (HD)Seventies (R) (HD) CSPAN181818183712109WashingtonCommun.Washington Week (R)Former White Ho (N) (:02) Public Affairs Events (R) FNC646464644871118Am.s News HQ (N)FOX Report Saturday Watters World (N) (HD)Justice (N) (HD)Greg Gutfeld (N)Watters World (R) (HD) MSNBC8383838318540103Joy Reid (R) (HD)Rachel Maddow (R)Last Word (R) (HD)Lockup (TVMA) (R) (HD)Lockup (TVMA) (R) (HD)Lockup (TVMA) (R) (HD) SNN66611---WeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWee kendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekend S T R O P SESPN29292929125870SportsCenter (HD)NBA Countdown (Live) 2017 NBA Playoffs: San Antonio vs Memphis (Live) (HD) Playoffs: Golden State vs Portland ESPN23030303065974College Softball (Live) College Softball: Georgia vs Texas A&M (Live) FIFA (Live) (HD)SpecialSportsCenter (HD) FS148484848426983 MLB Baseball (Live) MLB Baseball: St. Louis Cardinals at Milwaukee Brewers (Live) (HD) UFC Fight Night: Swanson vs Lobov (Live) FSN72727272725677UEFA Highlights (HD)GatorsMarlinsMarlins MLB Baseball: Miami Marlins at San Diego Padres (Live) (HD)Marlins FSSUN38383838455776 MLB Baseball: Houston Astros at Tampa Bay Rays (Live) (HD)Rays LIVE!InsideInsideInsideLost Treasure (R) GOLF49494949556093PGA Tour Champions Golf Central (HD)PGA Tour Golf: Valero Texas Open: Round 3 : from TPC San Antonio AT&T Oaks in San Antonio NBCSN71717171546190Lucas Oil (HD)Lucas Oil (HD)Red Bull Air Race World Champ.: San Diego NHL Playoffs: Edmonton vs San Jose (Live) (HD) M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250Bizaardvark Birthday party.(R)Bizaardvark: In Your Space! Stuck Mid. School picture day. Liv and Maddie Family reunion. Undercover Bounty hunter.(R)Bizaardvark Fan offers to fund. The Emperors New Groove A conceited Incan emperor is turned into a llama by a power-hungry priestess. K.C. Undercover: Sup, Dawg? Bizaardvark VidView nerves. Stuck Mid. Tech-free weekend. ENC150150150150150150350Crocodile Dundee II (88) An Australian adventurer goes to New York City when his girlfriend is kidnapped.(:29) Anaconda (97, Horror) A documentary crew fights a colossal, man-eating snake in the Amazon. (HD)The Perfect Guy (15) Woman devastated when man of her dreams soon reveals his true volatile nature.(:43) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (04, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. Misfits enter dodgeball tournament. HBO302302302302302302400(:55) Slumdog Millionaire (09, Drama) Dev Patel, Anil Kapoor. A young mans sad life in the slums is revealed after he appears on a game show. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks A poor farme r ha s her cell s used for s tudies without her knowledge. Veep: Omaha Selinas legacy.(:05) The Leftovers: The Book of Kevin Return as chief. (TVMA) (R) (HD)Girls: Latching New part of life. Life of Henrietta Lacks (17) HBO2303303303303303303402The Boss (16, Comedy) Industry mogul must depend on former assistant when shes rejected by everyone.(:40) The Nice Guys (16) Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe. A pair of private eyes unknowingly stumbles upon an extensive conspiracy. (R) (HD) (:35) Midnight Special (16, Science Fiction) Michael Shannon. Father and son must go on run after its discovered that boy has powers. (HD)Resident Evil Zombie battle.(R) HBO3304304304304304304404(5:20) Unfaithful (02, Drama) A suburban housewife has an extramarital affair with a young Frenchman. Veep: Omaha Selinas legacy. How to Be Single (16, Comedy) Dakota Johnson, Rebel Wilson. Young woman guided through New York by fun-loving, wild co-worker. (R)Mr. Right (16, Action) Young woman learns boyfriend is hitman who kills people ordering the hits. (R) (:40)Absolutely Fabulous (16) MAX320320320320320320420RocknRolla Real estate con.(:25) The Transporter (02, Action) A courier of illegal goods becomes entangled in a deadly smuggling plot. Death Race (08) Jason Statham. A framed man must outrun criminals in a deadly road race for his freedom.(:45) Mechanic: Resurrection (16, Action) Jason Statham, Tommy Lee Jones. Arth ur Bishop is forced to turn back to the life that he left behind. Warcraft (16) Humans vs. orcs. MAX2321321321321321321422(4:15) Pearl Harbor (01, Acti on ) WWI I pilots fight for a womans love.(:20) We Are Your Friends (15, Drama) Zac Efron. A youn g DJ in Hollywood tries to make it in the electronic dance music scene. (R) (HD)Vacation (15, Comedy) Ed Helms. Rust y Griswold surprises his family with a vacation to Walley World.(:40) Ghost (90, Romance) A murd ered mans spirit tries to w arn his girlfriend that her life is in danger. SHO340340340340340340365(5:15) Deja Vu (06) Federal agent travels back in time to save a woman and falls in love with her. (HD)Guerrilla Marcus and Jas become targets. (TVMA) (R) (HD)Billions: Sic Transit Imperium Axe is presented inside information. (R) Showtime Championship Boxing: Berto vs. Porter : from Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York (Live) (HD) TMC350350350350350350385(5:00) Love the Coopers (15) Christmas Eve celebration turns chaotic. Congo (95, Adventure) Laura Linney, Dylan Walsh. A gorilla expert finds himself on a misadventure in Africa.(PG-13)Girlhouse (14, Horror) A stalker tracks down a woman whose life is shown on an X-rated website. (NR) (:40) Black Christmas (06, Horror) A psychotic killer hunts down sorority girls in his childhood home. (R) 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES8:30 a.m. FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Practice Bristol from Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol, Tenn. (L) 9:30 a.m. FS1 NASCAR X“nity Series Qualifying Bristol from Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol, Tenn. (L) 11 a.m. FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Final Practice Bristol from Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol, Tenn. (L) 12 p.m. ESPN2 College Baseball South Carolina Gamecocks at Florida Gators. (L) FOX FA Cup Soccer Semi“nal Tottenham Hotspur vs Chelsea. (L) FSN UEFA Champions League Soccer Quarter“nal, Second Leg Borussia Dortmund at Monaco. (T) 1 p.m. FS1 NASCAR X“nity Series Fitzgerald Glider Kits 300 from Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol, Tenn. (L) GOLF PGA Tour Golf Valero Texas Open: Round 3 from TPC San Antonio AT&T Oaks in San Antonio. (L) 3 p.m. CBS PGA Tour Golf Valero Texas Open: Round 3 from TPC San Antonio AT&T Oaks in San Antonio. (L) ESPN College Spring Football Alabama from Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa, Ala. (L) ESPN2 College Softball Baylor Lady Bears at Oklahoma Sooners. (L) GOLF PGA Tour Golf United Leasing & Finance Championship: Round 3 from Victoria National GC in Newburgh, Ind. (L) NBC 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Teams TBA. (L) TNT 2017 NBA Playoffs Eastern Conference First Round, Game 4 Toronto Raptors at Milwaukee Bucks. (L) 4 p.m. FS1 MLB Baseball Washington Nationals at New York Mets. (L) 5 p.m. ESPN2 College Softball Oregon Ducks at Arizona Wildcats. (L) GOLF PGA Tour Champions Golf Bass Pro Shops Legends of Golf at Big Cedar Lodge: Round 2 from Top of the Rock in Ridgedale, Mo. (L) 5:30 p.m. TNT 2017 NBA Playoffs Eastern Conference First Round, Game 4 Washington Wizards at Atlanta Hawks. (L) 6 p.m. FSSUN MLB Baseball Houston Astros at Tampa Bay Rays. (L) 7 p.m. ESPN2 College Softball Georgia Bulldogs at Texas A&M Aggies. (L) FS1 MLB Baseball St. Louis Cardinals at Milwaukee Brewers. (L) 8 p.m. ESPN 2017 NBA Playoffs Western Conference First Round, Game 4 San Antonio Spurs at Memphis Grizzlies. (L) GOLF PGA Tour Golf Valero Texas Open: Round 3 from TPC San Antonio AT&T Oaks in San Antonio. (T) NBC 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Teams TBA. (L) 8:30 p.m. FSN MLB Baseball Miami Marlins at San Diego Padres. (L) 9 p.m. ESPN2 2017 FIFA Ultimate Team Championship Series Vancouver Day Two. (L) 9:30 p.m. SHO Showtime Championship Boxing Berto vs. Porter from Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. (L) 10 p.m. FS1 UFC Fight Night Swanson vs Lobov from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tenn. (L) 10:30 p.m. ESPN 2017 NBA Playoffs Western Conference First Round, Game 3 Golden State Warriors at Portland Trail Blazers. (L)Todays Live Sports Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV


Page 18 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 22, 2017 Venice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section 7040 CHEVROLET 2003 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT, 3rd Row Seating, 4WD MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7050 CHRYSLER 2008 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE $12,500 Exc. cond. Low mileage! 33K. Yellow w/black interior & top. Located in Englewood 414-322-5650 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 7040 CHEVROLET 2007 CHEVY HHR $3,700 204 Engine. New Shocks & Struts. Transmission Just Serviced. Sunroof & Power. High Highway Miles. 515-202-4842 2015 CHEVROLET CAMARO $19,990 RED, 39K MI 855-280-4707 DLR AdvertiseToday! OWNERS MANUAL For a 2003 Chevrolet Corvette $35941-475-1379 7030 CADILLAC 2013 CADILLAC SRX $18,911 GOLD, 59K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2005 CADILLAC DEVILLE 81K MI. EXTRA CLEAN! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR Lookingfor Adventure? Findit inthe Classifieds 7000TRANSPORTATION 7020 BUICK 2001 BUICK CENTURY CUSTOM.4DR, SE. 99K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR Seizethesales withClassified! 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE WORK BENCHES (2) All steel, HD, 4x8x3; 3x8x4 $200, OBO 941-237-8512 6265 FREE MERCHANDISE MIRROR LG. WALL mirror no frame 90ÂŽL X 42ÂŽH good cond. FREE! 941-628-6251 6270 WANTED TO BUY/TRADE HAVE CASH!Wanted! Sharks Teeth, Jewelry, Old Coins, Silver Cutlery & Pocket Watches. 941-426-2811 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MARIOTTE Alvin Chipmunk Vintage $100 941-624-0928 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 RE CO RD CO LLE C TI O N includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 RECORD COLLECTION many artist some collectable $1 941-429-8513 SILK PLANTS & GREENERY large size in vases & baskets, each $20 941-639-0838 SUMP PUMP w/auto float $30, OBO 314-609-1540


Saturday, April 22, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 19 SP20720 To Place, Correct, or Cancel Ad CALL Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM Fax : 866-949-1426 941-429-3110 Check Out More SUN Classified Ads Online UPDATED DAILY!!! 23170 HARBORVIEW RD. PORT CHARLOTTE, FL S UN C LASSIFIED 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2000 FORD F-150 XLT $3,500125K MI. Full Tow. Cold A/C Well Maintained, Good Mechanical Cond 941-697-6076 2004 DODGE DAKOTA $4,900 obo Long Bed w/ Fiberglass Top. 136K Mi. Runs Great, Looks Good. 401-965-7084 REDUCED 2014 TOYOTA TACOMA $26,497 GRAY, 31K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 FORD F-150 $28,897 XLT, BLUE, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 TOYOTA TUNDRA $32,990 SR5 4X4 BLUE, 29K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $33,897 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 TOYOTA TUNDRA $36,977 SR5 UPGRADE PKG 18K MI 855-481-2060 DLR CLASSIFIED ADSSELL 2016 FORD F-350 $52,911 4X4 DIESEL 9,475 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2011 FORD EXPEDITION $20,225 XLT 61,500 MI. Tow Pkg, Well Maintained. In Englewood. 941-475-5402 (Mention Car) or 941-716-3324 2015 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $29,950 LIMITED, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 FORD EXPLORER $41,987 PLATINUM, 8,760 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7330 BOATS-POWERED 31 2006 LOA CRUISERS 280 CX1 Twin Volvos (Low Hours), A/C, 2 Staterooms, Dinette, Galley, Shower, Microwave, TV-VCR, Stereo, GPS, VHS+++ A Must See! $49,500 obo 941-979-8203 28 LARSON 280 CABRIO 94: NEW Fuel Tank, Pumps, Starters, Batts, New SB Engine, PT Refurb, Carbs Rebuilt & MUCH More! Can Fax/Email List 2 U. $8,000/obo 941-697-3335 REALLY REDUCED! 28 1983OUTTER REEF Lady Fisher is an Extremely Sturdy, Capable Trawler with a Single Diesel. She Does Extremely Well in Weather and Heavy Seas. It is aDowneaster Design. Her Fuel Consumption is Less than 2 Gallons Per Hour. Many Upgrades! $18,900. 860-729-0630 22.52001 AQUASPORT Explorer, 225 HP Evinrude. Color GPS/fish finder, full canvas, Extended bimini. Fishbox and livewell. All cushions and bolsters, chemical toilet, transom shower. Dual batteries. $9,950. 941-268-4532 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TRUCK BED top fits 6 Bed, good cond. Grey $200 941-624-0539 SPARE TIRE For mergency fits Mercedes-Benz $175, OBO 941-625-5919 HUB CAPS: COROLLA (2) 15Ž good condition, price for both. $25 941-412-1491 FINNED VALVE COVERS Factory Corvette ALUM GM $175 941-629-6429 EXHAUST TITANIUM Fits any C5 Corvette. $125 941-625-5919 EXHAUST MANIFOLDS (2) 454, Good Condition; price is for each. $200 941-237-8512 BIG BLOCK454HEADS Early 70s off a running motor $325, OBO 941-629-6429 62 TO 72 Chevy P/U windshield gasket (new) NEW $35 863-558-2836 4 STEEL 14Ž Rims For Buick, Olds or Pontiac $60 863-5582836 7280 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR ALL PRO WINDOW TINTING Serving the tri-county a rea for 25 years! R esidential & Auto Tinting 2820 Worth Ave, Englewood 941-232-6967 7290 VANS 2004 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUETTE VAN. $2,000 Clean, White. 941-764-8152 1999 FORD ECONOLINE $2,900 E-150, Runs great. Sr. owned. Clean 941-979-0901 2006 DODGE GRAND-CARAVAN $4,800 OBO,77K MI Like new 941-224-6031 2005 FORD CONVERSION VAN $8,700 Lthr. Seats & Bed, Back Up Camera, TV, Chrome Wheels & Michelin Tires, 50,700. Miles! **SOLD!!** 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $11,990 GOLD, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $25,497 EX-L, CERT, 40K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $26,497 EX-L, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,477EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,950 EX-L, CERT, WHITE, 41K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,990 TOURING NAV, 39K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,950 TOURING ELITE, 5,738 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,975 TOURING WHITE 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ODYSSEY $39,987 TOURING, CERT, 10K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan WHEELCHAIR Van, 10Ž lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 1999 FORD E250 CARGO VAN Extended. New tires, Good shape! $2895.00 (941)763-4818 7200 NISSAN 2012 NISSAN SENTRA $8,990 BLACK, 62K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7206 SAAB 2010 SAAB 9-3 $9,990 SILVER, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7210 TOYOTA 2013 TOYOTA CAMRY $15,990 SILVER, 47K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2006 TOYOTA TUNDRA $16,000 OBO,SR5 4X4 Gray 80,000 miles, Extras 631-372-8900 7230 VOLVO 2015 VOLVO XC60 $30,797 T5 DRIVE-E PLAT. 43K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7240 MISC.IMPORTS 2014 PORSCHE CAYENNE $39,911 WHITE, NAV, 49K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7250 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1993 CHEVROLET 1500 $16,500 V-8 Short Bed, Show truck, Many awards, mint cond. All original. Sale due to health Come See you will not be disappointed! 941-474-0234 7260 AUTOS WANTED WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 CASHFOR ALL TRUCKS & CARS ANY COND RUNNING OR NOT. (352)-342-7037 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES CAMARO CAR PARTS 196769 $1--$5 941-629-6429 CHEVY TRUCK steel rims $10 each, some 6 lug some 5 lug 863-558-2836 REPAIR MANUALS for GM transmissions $20 941-625-5919 TIRES (2) Goodyear, 185/65/R15 $40 for both. 941-257-5500 CAR RAMPS metal,quality $55 786-306-6335 ENGINE STAND heavy duty $75 786-306-6335 CHEVY 454 Standard Flywheel $75 863-558-2836 HOLLEY 650 CARB Needs rebuilt $80 941-629-6429 1962 CHEVY IMPALA fender skirts $100 863-558-2836 CHEVY 283 engine runs, stock $480 786-306-6335 TRUXEDO PICKUP bed cover Fits 5 1/2 Nissan Titan pickup bed. $100 218-760-6531 TRUCK CAMPER SHELL Leer with windows fits 20132017 1/2 ton Dodge w/ 80Ž Bed $450. 941-204-1548 7160 HONDA 2013 HONDA ACCORD $13,750 4 Door LX. 24K+ MI. Dark Red, Ivory Interior, 2.4L, Dohc, 4Cyl. 941-764-7566 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,897 EX-L CERT, WHITE, 4,649 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,977 EX-L, CERT, BLUE, 16K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA PILOT $27,597 EX, BLUE, 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT $27,877 EX-L, WHITE, 29K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT $27,897 EX-L, WHITE, 31K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $29,897 TOURING, CERT, 9,222 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $29,897 TOURING, CERT, 5,987 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7163 HYUNDAI 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRAGT $7,911 91K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA WAGON. 45K Mi. 1-Owner. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7165 INFINITI 2011 INFINITI G37 $18,990 SILVER, 63K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 INFINITI QX50 $31,877 BLUE, 6,112 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7177 KIA 2005 KIA SORENTO EX, WHITE, 74K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7178 LEXUS 2009 LEXUS ES-350 $15,990 PEBBLE BEACH, 67K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS RX-350 $19,990 RED, 76K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS RX-350 $25,990 AWD, NAV, 74K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS IS-350 $25,990 CERT, NAV, 32K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 LEXUS GX-460 $25,990 NAV, BLACK, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS ES-350 $26,911 CERT, WHITE, 23K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS CT-200H $26,990 CERT, NAV, 16K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS ES-300 $30,990 CERT, NAV, 12K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS GS-350 $34,990 CERT, NAV, 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS GS-450H $36,990 CERT, NAV, BLUE, 36K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 LEXUS RX-350 $37,911 CERT, BLACK, 8,183 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 LEXUS GX-460 $47,477 PREM. PKG, BLACK, 11K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 LEXUS LX-570 $86,990 CERT, SILVER, 17K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7180 MAZDA 2014 MAZDA MAZDA3 $15,990 BLACK, 14K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7195 MITSUBISHI 2008 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 2DR COUPE GS 73K MI LIKE NEW! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7080 JEEP 2015 JEEP CHEROKEE $17,990 GRAY, 26K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 JEEP WRANGLER $27,950 WILLYS WHEELER 47K MI 855-481-2060 DLR CLASSIFIED WORKS! PRO POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd. Port Charlotte 1996 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,000 1998 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,199 2000 Cherokee 4X4,auto, air $3,895 2001 Wrangler Sport $7,500 2001 Wrangler Sport, Lifted $10,999 2011 Wrangler Sport, $16,899 941-627-8822 7135 SATURN PRO POWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 96 SC2 Coupe$1,199 00 SW2 Wagon$1,950 97 SW2 Wagon $2,158 98 SW2 Wagon $2,195 RV Tow Ready 01 SL2 Sedan$2,395 05 Vue V6 $3,299 05 Vue 6cyl $3,750 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,400 07 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 09 Vue XE $7,188 08 Vue XE $7,800 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $7,995Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 2008 SATURN VUE $8,995 XE 85K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7145 ACURA 2014 ACURA MDX $29,990 MAROON, NAV, 49K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 ACURA MDX $36,990 RED, 16K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7147 AUDI 2011 AUDI Q532PP $22,911 SILVER, 31K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7148 BMW 2009 BMW 135ICV $17,990 GRAY, 47K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7160 HONDA 2012 HONDA FIT $10,000 4 Dr. Hatchback, Blue. Only 23,700 Miles! 941-960-9612 7050 CHRYSLER 2005 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE Convertible, LTD. 30K MI. White, New Tires $13,500 941-258-5289 2003 CHRYSLER PTCRUISER 76KMI Gold MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 1989 CHRYSLER LEBARON $2,800 Conv. New Top, Tires & Battery. No Rust. Good Runner. 100K+ MI sold sold sold 7060 DODGE 2003 DODGE NEON SXT $500 130K, new tires, power steering leak 716-308-8455 7070 FORD 2016 FORD MUSTANG $31,497 GT-PREM. RED, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2008 FORD FOCUS 4Dr SE. 78K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR Classified=Sales


Page 20 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 22, 2017 6000 MERCHANDISE 6002 ENGLEWOOD AREA GARAGE SALES SAT 8:30-? 9124 Prospect Ave. Antiques, Collectibles, Electrical Jewelry, Tools, Too Much To Mention! Seizethesales withClassified! 6004 NOKOMIS/OSPREY GARAGE SALES PARK TRACE ESTATES Annual Community GARAGE SALE One Day Only, Saturday April 22nd 9AM-2PM US 41 to Bay St. Rain Date: 4/29 6005 NORTH PORT AREA GARAGE SALES SAT-SUN. 8-5 4021 Corvette Ln. No Early Birds! Furniture, Kitchen Items, & Much More! SAT. 8-12 ONLY The City Center Green 4970 City Hall Blvd. Community Yard Sale $10.00 per Table, Shoppers Free. Call 941-429-7275 6005 NORTH PORT AREA GARAGE SALES HUGE MOVING SALE!RARELYUSEDFURNITURE FOREVERYROOM! PATIOFURNITUREBEAUTIFULHOMEDCORTONSOFHOMEGOODSEVERYTHINGMUSTGO!2 DAYS SAT & SUNDAY, 7AM-NOON 2599 ATWATER DR., NORTHPORT(INBETWEENPRICE& VETERANS) YOU DONT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE! SAT. 9-1 2474 Saybrook Ave. Clothing, Glider Chair, Folding Table and miscellenous items. 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI-SAT. 8AM-?? 21223 Leonard Ave. MOVING SALE Furniture, Tools, Antiques and Misc. Contents of Home! FRI-SUN 8AM-4PM 2103 Backton St. Due to illness, selling off lots of nice things. Great prices! FRI. SAT. 9-3 GULF COVE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (THECHURCHW/ THEBLUEROOF) 1100 MCCALLRD. SPRING, BARN & CRAFT SALE!! FRI.-SAT. 8AM-1PM 13529 Blake Dr. South Gulf Cove. MOVING SALE! Tools, Household & MUCH MORE!! 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK SAT 8-1 3644Harbor Blvd. Power Washer, Weedwacker, Yard & Hand Tools, Bikes, Fishing, Lawn Mower, Ladders. SAT. 8-12 2774 Bremen Ct. Sofa, Tables, TVs, Clothes, Household, Queen Bed set with Frame and more! SAT. ONLY8AM-3PM 103 Tocopilla St. Deep Creek (Sandhill, LDeep Creek, L-Aysen, R-Tocopilla) ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY ONLY 9-2 18401 Hottelet Cir. Everything Must Go! BIG $1 Table! THU-SAT9AM-3PM3510 Magnolia Way ,Estate Sale.Antiques, vintage items, tools, furniture, clothes, CC accepted. THURS-SAT. 9-?? 18536 Satsuma Ave. INSIDE SALE, Baby items & Furn., China Cabinet, Kitchenware, 5 pc Dresser 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI & SAT 9AM-1PM 25549 Marion/Riverside, Household, furniture, tools, collectibles & Misc!! FRI-SAT 8 2415 Sunshine Blvd. BIG MULTIFAMILY Clearance 100s New T-shirts $8/bag full, tools, FREE toys! FRI-SAT. 9-1PM 16170 Trading Post Rd. Household and Furniture items! NO EARLY BIRDS 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 8-12 & SAT. 8-10 21 Tropicana. ESTATE SALE Assisted by the Isles Girls and Guys. (Dir: Marion to Tropicana; turn right to house.) Sofa; Loveseat; Chair; 2 End Tables; Coffee Table; Pictures; Stacked Tables; Lamps; Server; 3 Area Rugs; Dining Room Table & 6 Chairs; 3 Trucks; King Bed; 2 Night Stands; Dresser & Mirror; Chest; 2 Chairs; Large Couch; Small Table; 3 Bookcases; Stressless Chairs; Sofa Table; Small Glass Table & 4 Chairs; Queen Bed; 2 Night Stands; Dresser & Mirror; Trundle Bed; Desk & Chair; Table & 6 Chairs; Lounge; Ladder; Christmas Items; Miscelleneous Kitchen & Garage Items. See for more information relative to this sale. Buyers are responsible for the removal of their purchases items. Our casher has information regarding independent movers. JIMS ESTATE SALE SATURDAY ONLY 9-3 5468 WILLIAMSBURG DR INSIDE1775 INDUSTRIALPARK. CONTENTSOFCONDO! SAT-SUN. 8-4 4841 Riverside Dr., MOVING SALE Household, Furniture, Books, Kids, $1.00 Bag on Sunday! 6008 ROTONDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI & SATURDAY 8-2 6 SPORTSMAN WAY ROTONDA ENTIRECONTENTSOF3BED-ROOMHOME, TONSOFITEMS. SOMETHINGFOREVERYONE. SALECONDUCTEDBYESTATESALESSPECIALISTSB. MOYERMAN941-475-6273 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! SAT. 8-3 169 Mariner Ln. Furniture, Household items, Fabric, Plants, Etc. SATURDAY 9:00AM-1:00PM 37 Meadowlark Ln. Rotonda Meadows MOVING SALE!!!! Household Books, CDs, Bookcases, rocking chair, 77 Corvette, something for everyone! 6010 S.VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES PSYCHIC FAIR2nd & 4th Sat. Every month 10am-3pm TOP READERS $15/15 min ANGEL MINISTRIES 2269 S. Tamiami Trail Venice 941-4 92-4995 6010 S.VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES SAT. 8-1 4841 Neptune : Dance wear inventory from c losed store. Leotards, tights, shoes and accessories. NEEDCASH? VENICE ESTATE SALE FRI. & SAT. 10AM-6PM 2930 SUNSETBEACHDR. ENTIRECONTENT& HOMEALL MUSTGO! CASHONLY~ COMEOWN! B-KEEN.COM/SALES 6011 VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES FRI.-SAT. 8AM-1PM 1223 Whitney Drive. Costumes, Jewelry, China, CDs, M & W Clothes, UNIQUE Items!! SAT ONLY 8am-Noon 308 Park Blvd S. household goods, Lazy Boy Recliner and much more. SAT. 8-1 1216 Ridgewood Ave. MOVING SALE Household items, furniture, office furniture and much more. SAT. 8AM-3PM 201 Greywing Ct. (East of Venice Roundabout) MOVING SALE Come Check Us Out!! 6013GULF COVEGARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 9-3 5354 FARLEY ST.Many woodworking and Plumbing tools (some vintage), household and much more. 7338 MARINE SUPPLY & EQUIP. KICKER MOUNT Stainless Garlick EZZ up to 20hp $100 941268-0934 DECK LADDER Aluminum. 4 steps including deck $75 941268-0934 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 7339 CANOES/KAYAKS RENAISSANCE/RAMBLER 2015 Kayak 13.7, 1-3 Padded Seats, 2 Paddles, Anchor.No Trailer. $400 obo 941-380-4409 7336 BOAT STORAGE/ DOCKING BOAT SLIP Access To Harbor, No Bridges. Water & Electric. 941-769-2785 BOAT & TRAILER STORAGEBoat Storage WET/DRY FREE Boat Ramp! Gulf Access! Great Fishing!NAV-A-GATOR Bar & Grill on property!DESOTO MARINAOn the Peace River941-627-3474 ADVERTISE! 7330 BOATS-POWERED 04/22/17 7331 SAILBOATS 26' 1998 MACGREGOR X Sailboat Loaded 2012 Tohatsu 4 stroke, 30 HP, Low Hours, Tandem Trailer. REDUCED $6,500 574-583-4992 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 7330 BOATS-POWERED 18.5 2008MAVERICK MASTER angler, 150 Yamaha 4 stroke 400 hours. With all aluminum trailer with fold away tongue. Jack plate, Trim Tabs, Power Pole, 24 volt 80lb Minkota riptide trolling motor. Hydraulic steering, On Board dual trickle charger with plug. Bait well and Live well AFT. And a Garmin chartplotter. Asking $25,500 O.B.O Call or Text 941-276-2370 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 7330 BOATS-POWERED 21 MARIAH BOWRIDER NEW 5.7L Mercruiser Engine, only 60 hrs on motor, $9,500 941-447-1510 18`5 LUND GRAN Alum. Tyee 1992. 150 Evinrude. Dual Axel w/ New Brakes & Tires. $4,500 North Port 815-528-2228 7330 BOATS-POWERED 20 2005 FOUR WINNS 4.3 V6 Volvo Pinto OD. DF, Life Jackets. Swim Platform, Galv. Tandem Trailer. Immaculate!! Luxury & Performance! $12,995 816-718-7088 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds!


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Saturday, April 22, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 25 T Treemendous Tree 941-426-8983 10% SENIOR DISCOUNT ISA Certied Arborist John Cannon FL-6444 A T J RIZ TREE SERVICE We Carry Liability And Workers Comp Licensed & Insured T T T 941-889-814719 Years Experience T T W T adno=8602348 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs WANTED All Motor Homes, TTs, 5th whls,Vans conversion & passenger, cars & Diesel trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 954-789-7530 I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 2005 CLASSCToyhauler lots of new parts, great cond. Must See $28,000 obo 941-468-1606 2000 31 WINNEBAGO BRAVE Low Miles! Loaded. Good Condition! $15,500. 941-426-5126 7382 RV/CAMPER PARTS EXTENSION BRUSH & CLEANER $15.941-423-7772 HUB CAPS (2) Never Used. 16Ž & 20Ž $25. Paid $50. New. ALSO 3 Boxes of Small Parts $15. 941-423-7772 REESE HITCH 10K adjustable with safety hookup bars $275, OBO 941-256-0147 1994 36SOUTHWIND Diesel pusher, low mi, new tires & batteries. $13,850 941-214-0137 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs TURN YOUR RV INTO CASHSell it! Consign it! Trade it!NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM MOTORHOMESHUGESELECTION TOPBRANDSFORESTRIVERCOACHMENTHOR& WINNEBAGONOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 CLASS B HEADQUARTERS LARGEST SELECTIONINUSA!ROADTREK MIDWESTPLEASUREWAYWINNEBAGO/COACHMENLEISURETRAVELREGENCYANDMORE! NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SPRING CLEANING SALE 6 DAYS ONLYAPRIL 25TH-30THTues Sat 8:30-6:00 Sunday 11:00-5:00MOTOR H OMESTRAILERS5TH WHEELSVAN CA MPERSBring your Trade, Title and Payment Book!$AVE BIG NOWGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 LAKELAND 940 LAKELANDPARKCT. DR. I-4 EXIT32, LAKELAND877-668-0129 BRADENTON 6120 SR 64 E, BRADENTONI-75 EXIT220B 941-417-8020WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS 2008 HARLEY SPORTSTER 1200 Stage1 w/ Voyager Trike Kit. 11,000 Miles. Nice! $7,500. 941-544-1975 7361MOTORCYLCE ACCESS. HARLEY D SEAT Shocks, inner primary, exhaust, levers New $400, OBO 989-701-0214 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS Huge Selection Top Brands Forest River Coachmen Heartland Dutchmen Palomino PumaTab CrossroadsGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,000. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. 2009 Smart Car, Ready to Tow!! $5,349 THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLE HELMET Black, New! $40 941-257-5500 LOOKING FORSTORAGE place for my Harley Davidson. Can be Garage or Carport. Long Term Lease 941-456-5973 HARBOR SCOOTERS for all your scooter needs... 3315 Tamiami Trl. PG We Repair Scooters too! 941-347-8705 SALES SERVICE PARTS 2013 BINTELLI Zing 150 CC, 2700 miles, garage stored, $1,195 941-468-2760 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 2012 HARLEYFAT BOY Stage 1, 2 Into 1 Chrome w/ Shield, Bags, ETC! 3,200 Miles $12,900 Jim 941-223-5413 2008 TRIKE kawasaki Vulcan 900 Blue Voyager conv 27k mi, Ex cond. $9,550 941-426-4787 7339 CANOES/KAYAKS KAYAK 12 WALDEN Adironda Sit in green color $375, OBO 941-661-0509 KAYAK 10 WALDEN Sport Experince Sit in, Lime green, $275, OBO 941-661-0509 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES TRAILERSNewPre-Owned CargoUtility Trailers Parts Repairs-Tires Welding. We BUY Trailers! Trades Welcome. Roys Trailer Country 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Rd P.G. TRAILER, 6X10 Enclosed Cargo w/ Rear Ramp. Single Axle. $1,500 941-625-5962 NEW SHIPMENT! 2017 LARK ENCLOSED TRAILERS MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR Seizethesales withClassified! BOAT TRAILER small galvanized. good shape $125 941-697-6726 2013 MAGIC TILT, Tri-Axle, 9965 GBWR. Very Good Condition! L.E.D. Lights, Mags & Wheels. $4,150 570-419-4154 16 TANDEM TRAILER flatbed 6 wide wood floor $450 941270-6348






Page 28 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, April 22, 2017 CASEY KEY 418 N Casey Key Road Deborah Beacham 941-376-2688 A4149659 $2,475,000 PALM ISLAND 61 S Gulf Boulevard Ellen Baker & Kevin Mackin 941-268-4999 & 941-769-0198 D5913680 $1,490,000 VENICE 725 El Dorado Drive Edie Lomason 941-320-6298 N5911780 $1,750,000 LOCALLY KNOWN. GLOBALLY CONNECTED. MANASOTA KEY 744 N Manasota Key Road Maryann Casey 941-468-3741 D5905764 $4,999,999 NOKOMIS/NORTH VENICE 4955 Topsail Drive Martha Pike 941-716-4392 N5912585 $624,900 VENICE 20122 Passagio Drive Robert Brooker 941-445-0861 N5910740 $625,000 PLACIDA 225 Capstan Drive Christina Sexton 941-270-2154 D5917355 $339,000 NORTH PORT 2788 Royal Palm Drive Sheila Meeks 941-661-2257 C7225318 $329,900 PUNTA GORDA 1203 Islamorada Boulevard Jennifer Calenda 941-916-0798 C7234417 $299,900 FORT MYERS 8323 Delicia Street 1308 Cynthia Ouellette 239-851-2216 C7233483 $292,000 ENGLEWOOD 61 Cayman Isles Boulevard Ellen Baker & Michael Hollenbeck 941-268-4999 D5917685 $529,900 VENICE 415 Nokomis Avenue 419 Michelle Hupp 941-773-5464 N5911783 $520,000 PUNTA GORDA 2804 Via Paloma Drive Karen Brown 941-380-2820 C7225386 $399,900 VENICE 484 Lake Of The Woods Drive Joan McMahon 941-306-9353 N5912580 $389,900 VENICE 13328 Coluccio Street Deanna Kennedy 941-545-8124 A4160649 $349,900 VENICE 1855 Batello Drive Dee Dee Zor 614-330-2210 D5917776 $349,900 VENICE 827 Harrington Lake Lane 35 Patty Stewart 941-544-7403 N5912124 $239,000 PUNTA GORDA 10256 Windsong Road Millie Walker 717-576-0489 C7236821 $220,000 PUNTA GORDA 5 Pirates Lane 53C Sandra Limberger 239-898-5238 C7238259 $168,000 ENGLEWOOD 10308 Grail Avenue Charlie O'Donnell 941-416-7061 N5911429 $158,999 NORTH PORT 2774 Royal Palm Drive James Callahan 941-676-0901 D5918003 $289,900 PUNTA GORDA 3321 Sunset Key Circle 105 Ken & Sue Parr 941-916-1252 C7226131 $289,000 VENICE 1924 Cove Pointe Drive Robert Goldman 941-400-2756 N5912344 $265,500 PORT CHARLOTTE 2323 Cannolot Boulevard Tanya Harrington 941-249-1019 C7235986 $249,000 PLACIDA 30 Buccaneer Bend Carol Stewart 941-276-1162 D5914455 $647,500 PLACIDA 285 Green Dolphin Drive Randy & Joni McLendon 941-504-5675 D5908965 $1,124,000 MSC MORTGAGE | MSC TITLE | MS&C COMMERCIAL NEW HOMES & CONDOMINIUMS | RENTAL888.552.5228 michaelsaunders.comLICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKEROPEN HOUSES SUNDAYS 1Â…4 SUNDAY'S OPEN HOUSESENGLEWOOD 1063 Newton Street. $400,000. Michelle Eberley. 941-830-3728. N5912221 6800 Placida Road 209. $136,000. Erin Halstead. 941-270-0539. D5916503 6800 Placida Road 222. $134,000. Dee Dee Zor. 614-330-2210. D5917151 NOKOMIS/NORTH VENICE 4955 Topsail Drive. $624,900. Martha Pike. 941-716-4392. N5912585 2135 Calusa Lakes Boulevard. $479,900. Carol Elliott. 941-4514033. A4178353 718 Albee Farm Road N. $439,900. Gail Kelly. 203-521-4656. N5911361 516 Tamiami Trail S 202. $399,000. Bob Moffatt & Peggy Wellman. 941232-3370. A4125646 138 Savona Way. $369,000. Laura Bennawy. 941-416-3132. N5911259 233 Monet Drive. $345,000. Wayne Ruby. 941-258-2276. N5911777 102 Savona Way. $327,000. Stephanie Silva. 941-448-8100. N5911129 8 Inlets Boulevard 8. $289,900. Marilyn Tibball. 941-350-1832. N5910644 OSPREY 1411 Southbay Drive. $499,900. Robert Harsch. 941-223-3690. N5911502 PUNTA GORDA 105 Big Pine Lane. $395,000. Jennifer Taberski. 585-300-9483. C7233876 806 Islamorada Boulevard. $359,000. Jennifer Taberski. 585-300-9483. C7237456 1765 Jamaica Way 302. $277,900. Karen Brown. 941-380-2820. C7234643 2332 Mauritania Road. $253,000. Debra Gurin. 941-875-3242. C7234250 59 Big Pine Lane. $218,000. Jennifer Calenda. 941-916-0798. C7238129 VENICE 397 Autumn Chase Drive. $525,000. Susan Brooker. 941-223-6055. N5912568 148 Nolen Drive. $365,000. Tom & Madeline Childers. 941-544-2715. N5908616 103 Wayforest Drive. $350,000. Susan Brooker. 941-223-6055. N5910587 5895 Garfield Road. $299,900. Katie Malloy. 941-468-2483. N5912590 333 The Esplanade N 208. $258,000. Tammy Kitt. 284-7274. N5912414 1201 Lucaya Avenue. $239,900. Peter Mann. 941-914-5657. N5912521 1184 Bird Bay Way 308. $209,500. Robin Sullivan. 941-485-5421. N5912312 340 Cerromar Way N 3. $207,900. Troy Haynes. 941-306-7541. A4182821 adno=8533433


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108 12.40 +12.3 AT&T Inc T 1.96 4.9 16 43.89 36.10 21083 40.36 -5.1 A10 Ntwks ATEN ... ... ...dd 10.87 5.87 256 8.78 +5.7 AU Optron AUO ...e ... ... 4.42 2.47 982 4.08 +15.3sAVX Cp AVX .44 2.6 14 16.65 12.28 134 16.87 +7.9 AZZ Inc AZZ .68 1.2 22 67.98 51.20 468 54.50 -14.7 Aarons AAN .11 .4 15 34.22 20.51 534 30.99 -3.1 AbbottLab ABT 1.06 2.4 22 45.84 36.76 5695 43.98 +14.5 AbbVie ABBV 2.56 4.0 14 68.12 55.06 5052 63.78 +1.9 AberFitc ANF .80 6.8 ...dd 28.73 10.50 6051 11.70 -2.5 AbdAsPac FAX .48f 9.6 ...q 5.55 4.56 234 4.98 +7.6 AbdAustEq IAF .70e 11.2 ...q 6.35 5.10 90 6.23 +14.9 AbdnChile CH .58e 8.1 ...q 7.39 5.68 54 7.18 +20.5 AbdGlbInc FCO .84 9.8 ...q 9.15 7.64 44 8.60 +8.0 AbdEMSmC ABE .21e 1.6 ...q 13.89 10.90 17 13.47 +19.7 AbdGChina GCH .03e .3 ...q 10.91 7.97 132 10.54 +21.3 AbdnIndo IF .52e ... ...q 7.48 5.55 142 7.37 +15.9 AbdnIsrael ISL .35e 1.1 ...q 18.08 15.53 6 17.85 +11.0 AbdJapnEq JEQ .07e .6 ...q 8.30 7.31 2 8.09 +9.8 AbdnLatA LAQ 1.21e 2.0 ...q 24.47 17.71 10 23.86 +20.6 AbSingaFd SGF 1.09e 10.0 ...q 11.96 8.61 15 10.89 +25.8sAcadIBD50 FFTY ... ... ...q 25.83 19.78 18 25.95 +7.5 AcadiaRlt AKR 1.04 3.3 22 38.01 29.23 474 31.73 -2.9 Accenture ACN 2.31 1.9 20 126.53 108.66 3691 119.21 +1.8 AccoBrds ACCO ... ... 16 14.45 8.65 342 14.00 +7.3 AcmeU ACU .40 1.4 17 28.24 16.66 20 27.75 +8.5 AcornInt rs ATV ... ... ... 12.35 4.92 1 9.28 +16.0 AcreRlty AIII ... ... ...dd 1.82 .90 1 1.16 +4.5 ActiniumP ATNM ... ... ...dd 2.19 .86 350 1.53 +74.9 Actuant ATU .04 .2 25 29.80 20.54 468 25.30 -2.5 Acuity AYI .52 .3 22 280.89 169.53 660 177.39 -23.2 Acushnet n GOLF ... ... ... 22.31 16.84 231 18.13 -8.0 AdaDvsEq ADX .92e 1.1 ...q 13.85 12.07 131 13.79 +8.5 AdamsNR PEO 1.38e 2.3 ...q 20.82 18.24 126 19.23 -4.7 AdmRsc AE .88 2.3 63 44.27 29.64 3 38.01 -4.1 AdcareHlt ADK ... ... 3 2.60 1.02 77 1.03 -29.5 Adcare pfA ADKpA 2.72 12.2 ... 25.00 19.44 7 22.25 -4.6 Adecaogro AGRO ... ... ... 13.29 9.38 863 11.42 +10.0 Adeptus ADPT ... ... 1 73.44 .90 1.41 -81.5 Adient n ADNT .28p ... ... 76.09 39.66 817 69.09 +17.9 AdvAuto AAP .24 .2 21 177.83 132.98 1268 146.56 -13.3 AdvDisp n ADSW ... ... ... 24.10 18.32 118 23.59 +6.2 AdvDrainS WMS .24 1.1 32 28.49 18.60 314 22.65 +10.0 AdvSemi ASX .25e 4.0 ... 6.64 4.40 523 6.20 +23.0sAdvFood n APFH .64 1.8 ... 35.62 23.43 2207 35.36 +18.7 Advansx n ASIX ... ... ... 30.21 14.22 131 25.13 +13.5 AdvOil&Gs AAV ... ... 24 7.88 5.10 58 6.45 -4.4 AdvClayCv AVK 1.13 7.3 ...q 16.77 13.29 52 15.51 +5.7 AdvCCvII AGC .56 9.2 ...q 6.45 5.25 90 6.09 +3.6 AdvClEnh LCM .84 9.8 ...q 8.76 7.53 41 8.60 +3.6 AdSDorWr AADR .32e .7 ...q 47.25 36.12 6 46.31 +15.3 AdvPerHY HYLD 3.54e 9.9 ...q 36.66 32.50 9 35.92 +.8 AdvSh ef n CWS ... ... ... 28.18 24.34 2 27.75 +6.8 AdvSmCap SCAP ... ... ... 31.99 25.40 0 30.72 +2.3 AdvPacFlt FLRT 1.56e ... ...q 56.89 48.13 0 49.58 -1.0 AdvSSage HOLD .41e .4 ...q 103.39 95.50 99.45 +.2 AdSGldEur GEUR .89e ... ...q 14.92 11.48 5 12.75 +9.9 AdSGldYen GYEN .41e ... ...q 12.51 10.60 4 11.22 +4.8 AdvNtMS MINC 1.34e 2.8 ...q 49.13 48.32 14 48.70 +.3 AdvS QAM QEH .22e .4 ...q 28.69 26.24 28.45 +2.1 AdvSStarG VEGA ... ... ...q 28.63 25.40 3 28.49 +3.0sAdvGblEch GIVE .59e .2 ...q 63.83 56.95 1 64.25 +7.1 AdvMorgC GTAA .64e 2.7 ...q 24.05 21.95 23.96 +4.5 AdvTrTabs TTFS .41e .6 ...q 67.35 52.36 4 64.92 +2.2 AdvMeidll MATH .18e .6 ...q 30.84 25.53 29.49 +.6 AdMadGBd FWDB .73e 2.8 ...q 26.24 24.75 0 25.80 +2.5 AdMadIntl FWDI .34e 1.3 ...q 26.40 21.05 0 25.99 +6.1 AdMadDm FWDD .15e .3 ...q 47.80 38.35 0 47.09 +6.0tAdvActBear HDGE ... ... ...q 11.30 8.73 301 8.68 -6.2 Aecom ACM ... ... 12 40.72 26.46 1359 33.46 -8.0 AegeanMP ANW .08 .7 9 13.10 5.00 351 11.45 +12.8 Aegon AEG .29e 5.8 ... 5.91 3.36 2111 4.92 -11.0 Aegon cap AEH 1.59 6.2 ... 26.69 24.67 39 25.71 +2.7 Aegon 6.5 AED 1.63 6.2 ... 26.68 24.71 20 26.19 +4.1 Aegon t AEB .77 3.1 ... 25.39 21.85 9 24.98 +10.9 Aegon42 AEK 2.00 7.7 ... 28.38 25.67 89 25.95 -.4 AerCap AER ... ... 6 49.66 31.45 933 44.64 +7.3 Aerocntry ACY ... ... 13 11.25 8.50 4 9.99 +5.7tAerohiveN HIVE ... ... ...dd 7.45 3.80 191 3.80 -33.3 AerojetR AJRD ... ... ...dd 22.99 16.04 410 22.21 +23.7 Aetna AET 2.00f 1.5 18 136.50 104.59 3421 131.93 +6.4 AffilMgrs AMG ... ... 17 179.85 130.48 249 164.58 +13.3 AffMgrs42 MGR 1.59 6.2 ... 27.69 24.80 22 25.63 +1.5 Agilent A .53 1.0 31 54.82 40.26 1528 53.13 +16.6 Agnico g AEM .40 ... 60.10 35.05 1781 45.57 +8.5 AgreeRlt ADC 1.98 3.9 23 51.33 38.59 132 51.10 +11.0 Agrium g AGU 3.50 3.8 16 111.88 83.15 444 91.67 -8.8 Air Inds AIRI .60 16.8 ... 6.10 2.21 42 3.57 +13.3 AirLease AL .30f .8 8 40.24 24.49 975 37.45 +9.1 AirProd APD 3.80f 2.8 22 157.84 129.00 975 136.90 -4.8 AirPrd wi APD/WI ... ... ... Aircastle AYR 1.04 4.4 11 25.98 18.26 235 23.54 +12.9 AlaPw pfO ALPpO 1.46 5.2 ... 30.93 25.30 2 27.90 +6.3 AlamoGp ALG .40 .5 20 79.59 52.82 33 76.51 +.5 AlamosGld AGI .02 .3 ... 10.41 5.85 2356 7.65 +11.8 AlaskaAir ALK 1.20f 1.4 12 101.43 54.51 791 88.37 -.4 AlbnyIn AIN .68 1.5 28 49.50 36.91 100 46.15 -.3 Albemarle ALB 1.28f 1.2 28 107.56 65.57 874 105.52 +22.6 Alcoa Cp AA ... ... ... 39.78 20.71 5323 32.04 +14.1 Alere ALR ... ... ...dd 49.42 31.47 4181 48.90 +25.5 Alere pfB ALRpB 12.00t ... ... 388.93 271.04 287 384.38 +15.5 AlexB Inc ALEX .28 .6 ...dd 46.43 32.94 116 45.54 +1.5 Alexanders ALX 17.00f 3.9 20 451.99 364.01 6 438.85 +2.8 AlexREE ARE 3.32 2.9 26 120.96 91.95 775 115.94 +4.3 AlxRE pfD AREpD 1.75 4.9 ... 37.25 30.01 3 35.55 +3.8 AlexcoR g AXU ... ... ... 2.54 .99 231 1.51 +11.9 AlgonPw n AQN .23p ... ... 10.18 7.91 100 9.60 +13.2sAlibaba BABA ... ... 36 112.20 73.30 13395 112.96 +28.6 AllegCp Y ... ... 19 667.19 498.63 21 610.59 +.4 AllegTch ATI ... ... ...dd 23.69 10.93 2569 17.11 +7.4sAllegion ALLE .64 .8 ... 77.34 61.47 413 77.72 +21.4 Allergan AGN ... ... 17 261.27 184.50 1581 237.94 +13.3 Allergn pfA AGNpA 55.00 6.5 ... 920.24 691.00 13 848.59 +11.3 Allete ALE 2.14f 3.1 26 69.88 54.03 171 69.15 +7.7 AlliCAMun AKP .70 5.1 ...q 15.74 13.02 38 13.62 +2.8sAlliData ADS .52p ... 18 254.94 185.02 1384 260.62 +14.1 AlliBNtlMu AFB .75 5.5 ...q 15.21 12.83 32 13.55 +2.5 AlliOne rs AOI ... ... 3 27.23 12.25 30 12.60 -34.4 AlliBGlbHi AWF .97a 7.6 ...q 13.03 11.25 96 12.69 +1.0 AlliNYMun AYN .67 4.7 ...q 14.29 AlliBern AB 1.81e 7.9 11 25.13 20.75 203 23.05 -1.7 AlliantEg s LNT 1.22 3.1 21 40.99 34.08 1245 39.72 +4.8 AlliGlCvInc NCV .78 11.2 ...q 7.00 5.65 371 6.95 +8.9 AlliGblCv2 NCZ .69 11.3 ...q 6.27 4.93 182 6.13 +7.3 AlliNFJDv NFJ 1.20 9.1 ...q 13.37 11.91 192 13.13 +4.1 AlliGlEqCv NIE 1.52 7.8 ...q 19.80 17.46 70 19.46 +5.6 AllnzgDI&Cv ACV 2.00 9.8 ...q 20.80 16.87 48 20.47 +9.0 AlldCap47 AFC 1.72 6.7 ... 26.28 25.10 11 25.84 +2.4 AlldWldAsr AWH 1.04 2.0 16 54.46 33.20 263 52.88 -1.5 AllisonTrn ALSN .60 1.7 32 38.17 26.36 1261 36.11 +7.2 Allstate ALL 1.48f 1.8 16 83.09 64.36 2145 80.15 +8.1 Allstat pfA ALLpA 1.41 5.4 ... 27.88 24.17 5 25.95 +4.8 Allstate 53 ALLpB 1.28 4.6 ... 28.26 24.66 21 27.50 +9.3 Allstat pfC ALLpC 1.69 6.2 ... 28.61 25.54 15 27.14 +5.3 Allstat pfD ALLpD 1.66 6.1 ... 28.71 25.54 5 27.22 +5.2 Allstat pfE ALLpE 1.66 6.1 ... 28.67 25.51 38 27.37 +5.8 Allstat pfF ALLpF 1.56 5.7 ... 29.16 25.00 4 27.52 +7.3 AllyFincl ALLY .32p 1.6 9 23.62 14.84 6039 19.98 +5.0 AlmadM n AAU ... ... ... 1.88 .75 272 1.57 +62.0 AlonUSA ALJ .60 5.5 ...dd 13.01 5.86 417 10.93 -4.0 AlonUsaLP ALDW .40e 4.4 11 12.44 7.63 73 9.05 -5.7 AlpUSQVal QVAL 1.35e 5.3 ...q 26.07 20.29 3 25.60 +3.4 AlpValuIntl IVAL 1.35e 4.7 ... 29.31 20.99 4 28.53 +11.1 AlpMoIntQ IMOM ... ... ...q 26.81 22.35 0 24.70 +8.3 AlpMoUSQ QMOM ... ... ... 26.70 20.50 2 25.07 +1.5 AlphaPro APT ... ... 14 3.80 1.87 11 2.75 -21.4 AlpGDDiv AGD .78 8.0 ...q 9.88 8.04 44 9.78 +11.5 AlpGPPrp AWP .60 10.3 ...q 5.96 4.84 500 5.83 +13.6 AlpTotDiv AOD .69 8.3 ...q 8.39 6.97 255 8.30 +9.5 AlpsETF GRI 1.52e 3.4 ...q 47.03 40.28 8 44.32 +6.4 AlpsEqSect EQL 1.83e 2.9 ...q 64.11 55.02 5 62.81 +4.7 AlpBzSoMed BUZ ... ... ... 28.14 22.32 47 26.80 +2.3 AlpsRivFlex RFFC ... ... ... Alps RivDiv RFDA ... ... ... 29.23 24.45 3 27.67 +2.6 AlpRvrCare RFCI ... ... ... 27.89 24.16 2 24.67 +.9 AlpRivUncn RFUN ... ... ... 28.76 24.65 1 25.97 +.8 AlpSprtJG SGDJ ... ... ...q 49.11 28.00 20 34.18 +7.6 AlpMedBrk SBIO ... ... ...q 27.61 19.90 16 25.66 +12.0 AlpSprotG SGDM ... ... ...q 29.85 16.89 343 20.73 +9.9 AlpWkplEq EQLT .46 ... ...q 32.97 25.77 1 32.19 +6.5 AlpEDvDg EDOG .67e 2.9 ...q 24.33 20.21 14 23.24 +6.8 AlpAlerEn ENFR 1.35e 5.6 ...q 24.95 19.43 2 23.99 +.6 AlpIntDvDg IDOG 1.47e 5.8 ...q 25.71 21.28 46 25.16 +6.5 AlpBarr400 BFOR .26e .7 ...q 37.05 28.66 34 36.76 +4.9 AlpEqHiVol HVPW 1.52e 8.0 ...q 20.49 18.81 7 19.10 -1.6 AlpRivStInc RIGS .30e 1.2 ...q 25.50 24.41 18 25.26 +.4 AlpsDvDog SDOG 1.40e 3.3 ...q 44.40 37.53 250 42.75 +1.6 AlpAlerMLP AMLP 1.35e 10.7 ...q 13.31 11.42 4556 12.61 +.1 Alteryx n AYX ... ... ... 17.24 14.61 428 15.50 +1.8 AltisrcAst AAMC ... ... 8 89.12 11.40 70 70.35 +31.5 AltisResid RESI .60 4.2 ... 15.66 7.81 4302 14.40 +30.4 Altria MO 2.44 3.4 24 76.55 60.19 5642 71.41 +5.6 AlumChina ACH ... ... ... 13.85 7.22 33 13.26 +29.9 ATrFn pfA AFSIpA 1.69 7.7 ... 26.00 19.40 20 21.83 -11.2 AmTrF pfB AFSIpB 1.81 8.0 ... 26.49 20.37 55 22.66 -9.5 AmTrF pfC AFSIpC 1.91 8.2 ... 26.89 21.19 38 23.33 -7.3 AmTrF pf F AFSIpF ... ... ... 25.17 19.39 26 21.98 -4.8 AmTrF pfE AFSIpE ... ... ... 27.40 21.03 31 23.67 -7.2 AmTrFn 7.5 AFST ... ... ... 28.75 22.46 17 24.58 -4.5 AmTrFn 55 AFSS 1.81 7.5 ... 26.81 22.57 23 24.20 -4.2 AmTrF pfD AFSIpD 1.88 8.1 ... 26.91 21.00 27 23.04 -8.6 AmberRd AMBR ... ... ...dd 12.30 4.50 60 7.55 -16.9 Ambev ABEV .06e 1.1 5 6.34 4.70 31486 5.62 +14.5 Ameren AEE 1.76f 3.2 20 56.57 46.30 2441 54.54 +4.0 Ameresco AMRC ... ... 22 6.70 3.91 25 6.40 +16.4 AMovilL AMX .66e 4.5 51 15.93 11.02 2769 14.68 +16.8 AmMovl A AMOV ... ... ... 14.81 13.89 3 14.55 AmAssets AAT 1.04f 2.3 28 46.38 37.54 244 44.49 +3.3 AmAxle AXL ... ... 5 21.25 12.61 1374 17.29 -10.4 AmCampus ACC 1.68 3.4 26 54.56 43.95 381 49.63 -.3 AmDGEn ADGE ... ... ...dd .65 .22 16 .31 +10.7 AEagleOut AEO .50 3.6 11 19.55 13.04 5386 13.80 -9.0 AEP AEP 2.36 3.5 17 71.32 57.89 2474 67.44 +7.1 AEqInvLf AEL .24f 1.0 16 28.00 13.03 645 23.96 +6.3 AmExp AXP 1.28 1.6 14 82.00 57.15 11015 80.02 +8.0 AFnclGrp AFG 1.25 1.3 16 97.00 68.25 372 95.81 +8.7 AFnclG6-42 AFW 1.59 6.2 ... 26.96 24.98 20 25.57 +1.8 AFnclG8-42 AFA 1.44 5.7 ... 26.89 24.16 2 25.44 +1.8 AFnclGp 54 AFGE 1.56 6.0 ... 28.28 24.43 5 26.20 +4.7 AFnclGp 55 AFGH 1.50 5.7 ... 28.02 23.58 12 26.30 +5.2 AHm4Rent AMH .20 .8 41 23.98 15.63 1607 23.62 +12.6 AHm4R pfA AMHpA 1.25 4.4 ... 29.37 26.05 8 28.33 +2.7 AHm4R pfB AMHpB 1.25 4.4 ... 29.70 26.32 1 28.31 +3.4 AHm4R pfC AMHpC 1.38 4.9 ... 29.50 26.08 145 28.00 +3.1 AHm4Rn pfD AMHpD 1.63 6.2 ... 27.58 22.15 2 26.13 +4.5 AHm4R pfE AMHpE 1.59 6.1 ... 26.37 22.55 4 25.98 +6.0 AIG wt AIG/WS ... ... ... 25.26 15.50 143 18.64 -20.5 AmIntlGrp AIG 1.28 2.1 ...dd 67.47 48.41 9206 59.67 -8.6 AmLorain ALN ... ... ...dd 1.30 .45 15 .56 +3.7 AMidstrm AMID 1.65 11.4 ...dd 18.45 8.60 107 14.50 -20.3 AmrRlty ARL ... ... ...dd 9.85 4.44 0 7.69 +48.7 AmRenAs n ARA ... ... ... 29.65 15.47 71 17.48 -17.9 AmShrd AMS ... ... 26 5.00 1.81 11 4.50 +34.3 AmStsWtr AWR .97 2.2 28 46.39 37.28 136 45.01 -1.2 AmTower AMT 2.48f 2.0 49 125.42 99.72 3531 124.30 +17.6 ATowr pfA AMTpA 5.25 4.5 ... 117.96 100.01 1313 117.35 +12.0 ATowr pfB AMTpB 5.50 4.8 ... 116.74 99.45 47 115.25 +10.3 AVangrd AVD .06f .4 38 20.00 12.60 69 16.90 -11.7 AmWtrWks AWK 1.50 1.9 28 85.24 69.41 809 79.17 +9.4 AmerSilvr n USAS ... ... ... Amerigas APU 3.76 8.2 41 50.11 40.81 158 45.80 -4.4 Ameriprise AMP 3.00 2.3 14 135.20 84.92 1332 129.57 +16.8 AmeriBrgn ABC 1.46 1.8 14 94.50 68.38 1951 82.37 +5.3 Ametek AME .36 .7 24 55.48 43.28 1649 54.77 +12.7 AmiraNatF ANFI ... ... ... 9.80 4.71 62 5.25 -14.6 Ampco AP .36 2.5 ...dd 19.22 9.34 41 14.65 -12.5 Amphenol APH .64f .9 ... 71.98 54.94 840 70.82 +5.4 AmpioPhm AMPE ... ... ...dd 4.32 .52 156 .59 -34.3 AmYdPr5 ef PFV ... ... ... 27.96 24.52 27.32 +2.4 AmpDivOpt DIVO ... ... ... 26.79 24.80 6 26.09 +4.9 Amplify n BETR ... ... 19 17.53 7.86 433 8.81 Ampliphi rs APHB ... ... ...dd 3.72 .30 318 .31 -29.5 Amrep AXR ... ... 11 8.14 4.04 4 7.00 -5.7 Anadarko APC .20 .3 ...dd 73.33 44.81 3755 59.00 -15.4 Anadrk 18 AEUA 3.75 8.2 ... 46.52 34.50 6 45.65 +10.4 AnglogldA AU ... ... ... 22.91 9.28 3397 12.51 +19.0 ABInBev BUD 3.19e 2.9 ... 136.08 98.28 1485 109.09 +3.5 Anixter AXE ... ... 18 88.00 51.50 141 79.75 -1.6 Annaly NLY 1.20a 10.3 10 11.79 9.83 7133 11.70 +17.4 Annaly pfA NLYpA 1.97 7.7 ... 27.00 24.51 11 25.70 +2.6 Annaly pfC NLYpC 1.91 7.5 ... 26.04 23.77 29 25.49 +5.8 Annaly pfD NLYpD 1.88 7.4 ... 26.29 23.79 39 25.45 +5.4 Annaly pfE NLYpE 1.91 7.5 ... 25.88 23.95 16 25.37 +5.3 AnteroMid AM 1.12f 3.4 28 35.74 22.86 92 32.67 +5.8 AnteroRes AR 1.00 4.7 37 30.66 21.35 2807 21.37 -9.6 Anthem ANTM 2.60 1.5 18 170.79 114.85 1747 168.07 +16.9 Anthem un ANTX 2.62e ... ... 51.05 41.00 126 50.04 +6.6sAnworth ANH .60 10.6 10 5.72 4.47 669 5.67 +9.7sAnwrth pfA ANHpA 2.16 8.1 ... 26.88 24.80 10 26.74 +5.7sAnwrth pfB ANHpB 1.56 5.6 ... 28.08 19.91 5 28.07 +9.7 Anwrth pfC ANHpC 1.91 7.7 ... 26.40 23.70 25 24.74 sAon plc AON 1.44f 1.2 20 120.40 100.55 1150 120.56 +8.1 AoxingPh AXN ... ... 10 .94 .30 13 .40 +24.7 Apache APA 1.00 2.0 ...dd 69.00 48.05 3319 49.02 -22.8 AptInv AIV 1.44f 3.3 30 47.91 39.14 2120 44.05 -3.1 AptInv pfA AIVpA 1.72 6.5 ... 29.47 25.29 1 26.56 +2.8 ApolloCRE ARI 1.84 9.8 10 19.03 15.43 748 18.84 +13.4 ApolCR pfA ARIpA 2.16 8.4 ... 26.29 24.92 8 25.62 +1.1 ApoCRE pfC ARIpC ... ... ... 25.75 23.80 19 25.57 +3.2 ApolloGM APO 1.42e 5.5 25 26.22 14.25 787 25.60 +32.2 ApollG pfA APOpA 1.60 6.4 ... 25.41 24.55 150 25.13 +2.0 Apollo 42 AIB 1.66 6.6 ... 26.79 24.20 4 25.22 +.2 ApolloI 43 AIY 1.72 6.6 ... 27.41 24.78 1 26.18 +3.5 ApollSrFlt AFT 1.08a 6.2 ...q 18.08 15.42 43 17.36 -.2 ApolloTact AIF 1.32a 7.9 ...q 16.77 13.87 74 16.66 +7.8 AppHReit n APLE 1.20 6.3 31 20.68 17.32 713 19.18 -4.0 ApldIndlT AIT 1.16f 1.9 25 66.65 42.63 228 61.50 +3.5 Aptargrp ATR 1.28 1.6 25 81.50 70.32 349 77.82 +5.9 AquaAm WTR .74 2.3 25 35.83 28.03 583 32.78 +9.1 Acquavnt n WAAS ... ... ... 26.33 14.30 24 17.53 -28.5 Aramark ARMK .41 1.1 20 38.30 31.38 693 36.60 +2.5 ArborRT ABR .68f 7.9 13 8.74 6.61 129 8.63 +15.7 Arbor prA ABRpA 2.06 8.0 ... 26.48 24.25 3 25.91 +3.3 ArborR pfB ABRpB 1.94 7.6 ... 26.00 22.40 25.38 +3.3 ArborR pfC ABRpC 2.13 8.2 ... 26.68 24.00 6 25.90 +2.2 ArborRT 21 ABRN 1.84 7.2 ... 26.15 24.27 1 25.63 +1.3 ArcLogist ARCX 1.76 12.4 17 17.40 11.43 63 14.14 -11.2 ArcelorMit MT ... ... 8 9.37 4.18 21814 7.57 +3.7 ArchC pfC ARHpC 1.69 6.6 ... 27.65 25.02 7 25.59 +1.7 ArchCoal ARCH ... ... ...dd 86.47 59.05 217 71.24 -8.7 ArchDan ADM 1.28f 2.9 21 47.88 37.00 2186 44.90 -1.6 Archrock AROC .48 3.9 ...dd 16.40 5.60 406 12.25 -7.2 Arconic ARNC .15p ... ... 30.69 16.75 2282 26.11 +40.8 Arconic pf ARNCp 3.75 4.3 ... 94.00 85.73 88.06 -1.1 Arconic pfB ARNCpB 2.69 8.9 ... 38.77 28.35 30.23 ArcosDor ARCO ... ... 48 8.40 3.99 645 8.10 +50.0 Ardaugh n ARD ... ... ... 22.44 20.72 12 21.57 +1.4 ArdmoreSh ASC .71e 9.5 ... 9.93 5.00 178 7.45 +.7 AresC 10-22 ARU 1.45 5.6 ... 26.33 25.22 5 25.95 +1.4 AresCmcl ACRE 1.08f 7.8 10 14.39 11.10 119 13.85 +.9 AresDyCr ARDC 1.40 8.7 ...q 16.19 13.45 73 16.18 +7.3 AresMgmt ARES 1.12f 5.8 15 23.25 12.08 90 19.30 +.5 AresMg pfA ARESpA 1.75 6.8 ... 27.58 21.63 78 25.80 +3.0 Argan AGX .70e ... 11 76.70 32.70 213 66.60 -5.6sAristaNetw ANET ... ... 44 135.27 60.51 691 136.47 +41.0sArkInnova ARKK .47p ... ...q 24.40 17.93 12 24.55 +22.4sArkIndInno ARKQ .19p ... ...q 25.25 17.97 18 25.48 +16.0 ArkGenom ARKG ... ... ...q 20.88 15.85 0 20.03 +18.3sArkWebX.O ARKW .53p ... ...q 29.60 20.10 13 29.69 +18.3 Ark 3dPr n PRNT ... ... ... 24.11 19.55 10 22.78 +8.0 ArlingAst AI 2.50 17.4 5 17.13 11.99 246 14.38 -3.0 ArlingAst23 AIW 1.66 6.8 ... 25.00 19.33 1 24.33 +4.4 ArlingAst25 AIC 1.69 7.3 ... 23.99 19.10 2 23.28 +4.9 ArmadaHof AHH .76f 5.2 16 15.50 11.50 152 14.64 +.5sArmrR pfA ARRpA 2.06 8.3 ... 25.05 23.15 4 24.95 +2.7 ArmrR pfB ARRpB 1.97 8.2 ... 23.98 21.15 10 23.95 +3.2 ArmourR rs ARR 3.39 14.4 9 23.71 18.63 294 23.57 +8.7 ArmsFloor AFI ... ... ... 22.96 14.05 160 18.76 -5.8 ArmstrWld AWI ... ... 21 48.00 36.33 469 47.00 +12.4 ArmstW wi AWI/WI ... ... ... 41.30 ArrwDJYld GYLD 1.59e 8.6 ...q 19.99 17.67 26 18.48 +.3 ArrowEl ARW ... ... 10 75.88 58.09 386 72.01 +1.0 ArrResC n ARCM ... ... ... 20.04 20.00 1000 20.04 +.1 ArwQVMEq QVM ... ... ...q 24.61 21.07 0 24.45 +2.2 Arrhythm HRT ... ... ...dd 4.83 3.47 4.10 +7.9 ArtisanPtr APAM 2.80a 9.9 14 34.85 24.48 407 28.40 -4.5 AskanoG g AKG ... ... ... 4.68 2.23 1978 2.44 -20.3 AsburyA ABG ... ... 10 71.00 47.50 214 62.25 +.9 AshHPrm AHP .64f 5.9 6 17.64 9.83 134 10.87 -20.4 AshHPr pfB AHPpB ... ... ... 25.42 17.70 14 19.87 -7.8 AshfordHT AHT .48 7.4 8 8.23 4.79 458 6.49 -16.4 Ashfrd pfA AHTpA 2.14 8.4 ... 26.48 24.60 1 25.59 +.8 Ashfrd pfD AHTpD 2.11 8.3 ... 26.00 24.24 4 25.50 +2.1 AshfHT pfF AHTpF 1.84 7.3 ... 26.33 21.86 15 25.15 +5.4 AshfrH pfG AHTpG 1.84 7.4 ... 24.99 21.69 51 24.84 +7.3 Ashford AINC ... ... 91 64.23 38.11 0 58.20 +34.9 Ashland ASH 1.56 1.2 19 126.52 105.50 1022 125.49 +14.8 AsiaPc APB .22e 1.8 ...q 12.35 9.14 3 12.26 +26.1 AsiaTigr GRR .16e 1.4 ...q 11.50 8.76 1 11.33 +23.7 AspenAero ASPN ... ... ...dd 6.71 3.61 94 3.97 -3.9 AspenIns AHL .88 1.7 23 57.80 43.27 216 50.95 -7.4 AspenI pfB AHLpB 1.81 7.1 ... 26.70 25.29 42 25.45 +.1 Aspen pfC AHLpC 1.49 5.4 ... 30.32 24.93 7 27.45 +8.5 AscBnc pfC ASBpC 1.53 5.8 ... 27.90 24.49 1 26.24 +3.9 AsscBc pf D ASBpD ... ... ... 25.45 20.55 11 24.35 +11.2 AsscdBanc ASB .48 2.0 19 26.70 15.72 983 24.45 -1.0 AsdBan wt ASB/WS ... ... ... 2.80 AssocCap n AC ... ... ... 39.35 27.84 19 34.40 +4.7 Assurant AIZ 2.12 2.2 19 101.32 78.43 362 95.11 +2.4 AssuredG AGO .57f 1.5 10 42.94 23.43 863 38.48 +1.9 AsdGMu01 AGOpB 1.72 6.6 ... 26.99 25.33 2 26.17 +2.5 AsdGMu02 AGOpE 1.56 6.1 ... 27.37 23.73 12 25.65 +2.6 AsdGMu03 AGOpF 1.40 5.6 ... 26.13 23.03 11 25.07 +5.5 AsteriasBio AST ... ... ...dd 5.80 2.30 72 3.15 -31.5 Asterias wt AST/WS ... ... ... 1.00 .09 18 .41 -24.8 AstoriaF AF .16 .8 32 21.66 14.11 1140 20.25 +8.6 Astoria pfC AFpC 1.63 6.3 ... 27.62 24.50 9 25.63 +2.0 AstraZen s AZN 1.40e 4.7 9 35.04 25.55 3105 29.90 +9.4 AtHomGr n HOME ... ... ... 17.02 10.19 188 16.50 +12.8 Atento SA ATTO ... ... ... 10.31 6.85 18 8.85 +15.7 Athene n ATH ... ... ... 55.00 44.46 1086 53.48 +11.4 AtkoreInt n ATRK ... ... ... 27.30 14.17 157 25.84 +8.1 AtlPwr g AT .12 ... ...dd 2.75 2.13 383 2.55 +2.0 ATMOS ATO 1.80f 2.3 23 81.97 68.51 251 79.92 +7.8 AtwoodOcn ATW .30m 3.8 1 15.37 6.12 2352 7.94 -39.5 AutoNatn AN ... ... 11 54.15 39.13 2180 43.65 -10.3 Autohome ATHM ... ... ... 36.01 19.32 1351 32.05 +26.8 Autoliv ALV 2.32 2.3 20 126.31 93.31 426 99.53 -12.0 AutoZone AZO ... ... 17 819.54 684.48 294 706.30 -10.6 Auxilio n AUXO ... ... ... 6.72 3.60 382 5.42 +32.2 AvalonHld AWX ... ... ...dd 3.41 1.82 20 2.40 -18.6 AvalonBay AVB 5.68f 3.0 24 192.29 158.32 555 187.04 +5.6 Avangrid n AGR 1.73 4.0 ... 46.74 35.42 303 43.54 +14.9 AveICSFd ACP 1.44 10.3 ...q 14.60 11.27 76 14.01 +4.3sAveryD AVY 1.64f 2.0 21 82.11 68.55 1365 82.20 +17.1 Avianca AVH .10e 1.3 ... 10.91 5.01 235 7.41 -23.1 AvinoSG g ASM ... ... ... 3.14 1.12 704 1.61 +17.5 Avista AVA 1.43f 3.6 19 45.22 37.78 339 39.93 -.2 Avnet AVT .72f 1.6 11 51.50 38.16 692 44.64 -6.2 Avon AVP ... ... ...dd 6.96 3.52 2872 4.46 -11.5 Axalta AXTA ... ... 33.06 24.27 1678 31.68 +16.5 AXIS Cap AXS 1.52f 2.3 12 71.06 51.01 314 66.48 +1.9 AXIS pfD AXSpD 1.38 5.5 ... 27.70 21.96 21 25.01 +10.1 AxisCap pfE AXSpE ... ... ... 24.04 21.04 108 24.00 +10.8sAxovant n AXON ... ... ...dd 22.40 10.69 1019 21.87 +76.1 Azul n AZUL ... ... ... 23.95 21.68 706 22.72 +3.8 AzurePwr n AZRE ... ... ... 22.00 12.73 6 16.84 -.9B -B&G Foods BGS 1.86 4.4 23 52.84 32.59 541 42.05 -4.0 B2gold g BTG ... ... ...dd 3.65 1.75 6773 2.76 +16.5 BB&T Cp BBT 1.20 2.7 15 49.88 32.85 5501 43.67 -7.1 BB&T pfD BBTpD ... ... ... 27.33 23.79 12 25.48 +3.9 BB&T pfE BBTpE 1.41 5.5 ... 27.24 23.05 47 25.60 +7.8 BB&T pfF BBTpF 1.30 5.2 ... 26.47 22.00 13 25.05 +10.1 BB&T pfG BBTpG 1.30 5.2 ... 27.43 22.03 25 25.13 +10.2 BB&T pfH BBTpH 1.41 5.5 ... 27.50 23.26 46 25.73 +5.9 BBVABFrn BFR .48e 2.6 ... 22.25 16.20 139 18.35 +5.3 BCE g BCE 2.73 ... ... 49.03 41.83 737 45.45 +5.1 BG Staffing BGSF 1.00 6.6 28 21.75 11.23 22 15.12 -3.1 BGCPtrs 42 BGCA 2.03 8.0 ... 27.39 25.41 20 25.53 -.7 BGE pfB BGEpB 1.55 6.0 ... 27.15 25.04 4 25.89 +1.5 BHP BillLt BHP 2.48e 6.9 ... 41.79 25.75 3455 35.99 +.6 BHPBil plc BBL .64m 2.1 ... 37.44 22.37 2125 31.08 -1.2 BP PLC BP 2.38 7.0 41 38.68 30.66 5534 34.15 -8.6 BP Pru BPT 2.43e 12.7 3 32.95 12.68 287 19.10 -19.6 BRF SA BRFS .40e 3.1 ... 18.12 10.60 1442 12.81 -13.2 BRT BRT ... ... 32 8.70 6.93 17 8.00 -2.3 BT Grp s BT .99e 4.9 ... 33.50 19.14 465 20.12 -12.6 BWX Tech BWXT .36 .7 ... 49.11 32.36 482 48.72 +22.7 B&W Ent n BW ... ... ...dd 23.99 8.54 409 9.23 -44.4 BabShDHi BGH 1.84 9.3 ...q 20.49 17.01 57 19.85 +3.2sBadgerMtr s BMI .46f .4 35 39.85 29.30 364 39.20 +6.1 BakrHu BHI .68 1.1 ...dd 68.59 41.74 1786 59.50 -8.4 BallCorp BLL .52 .7 20 82.24 67.51 948 73.27 -2.4 Ballanty BTN ... ... 46 8.10 4.21 6 6.00 -25.0 BanColum CIB 1.27e 3.2 ... 42.58 31.77 247 39.41 +7.4 BancCalif BANC .52 2.4 11 23.24 10.93 1233 21.95 +26.5 BcCalif pfC BANCpC 2.00 7.5 ... 28.39 24.60 4 26.82 +3.9 BcCalif pfE BANCpE ... ... ... 28.69 23.00 12 26.17 +5.2 BcCal pfD BANCpD 1.84 7.0 ... 28.29 23.00 3 26.43 +4.1 BcBilVArg BBVA .42e 5.6 ... 7.90 5.14 2759 7.54 +11.4 BcoBrades s BBDO .32e 3.3 ... 11.00 6.48 1 9.80 +10.9 BcoBrad s BBD .43e 4.4 ... 11.25 6.10 23701 9.79 +12.5 BcoLatin BLX 1.54 5.4 12 30.51 24.54 99 28.32 -3.8 BcoMacro BMA ... ... ... 89.45 58.72 73 85.61 +33.0 BcoSantSA SAN .23e 3.8 ... 6.23 3.60 14679 6.07 +17.2 BcoSBrasil BSBR .28e 3.5 ... 11.75 4.69 3452 7.96 -10.5 BcSanChile BSAC 1.13e 4.8 ... 25.55 17.83 632 23.67 +8.2 BcoChile BCH 2.98e 4.0 ... 75.68 59.70 63 74.94 +6.4 BcpSouth BXS .50 1.6 20 32.40 20.50 1219 30.65 -1.3 Bcp NJ BKJ .24 1.6 24 17.50 10.50 9 15.10 +11.9 BancFd pfA BCVpA 1.34 ... ... BancrftFd BCV 1.08e 5.1 ...q 22.67 17.58 14 21.10 +4.2 BkofAm BAC .30f 1.3 15 25.80 12.05 101697 23.07 +4.4 BkAML pfI BMLpI 1.59 6.2 ... 26.37 24.60 20 25.68 +2.6 BkAML pfJ BMLpJ 1.02 4.3 ... 27.19 21.46 31 23.67 -.5 BkAm pfD BACpD 1.55 6.0 ... 26.24 24.52 37 25.72 +2.5 BkAm pfE BACpE 1.02 5.2 ... 26.68 21.13 24 23.25 +6.5 BkAm pfI BACpI 1.66 6.4 ... 27.45 25.10 39 25.95 +2.5 BkAm pfL BACpL 72.50 6.0 ... 1269.47 1116.00 4 1208.00 +3.5 BkAm pfW BACpW 1.66 6.2 ... 28.10 25.19 49 26.99 +5.0 BkAm pfY BACpY 1.63 6.1 ... 28.60 25.13 36 26.85 +5.2 BkAm wtA BAC/WS/A ... ... ... 13.64 3.01 152 10.81 +8.6 BkAm wtB BAC/WS/B ... ... ... 1.55 .06 780 .72 -25.0 BkAm pfA BACpA ... ... ... 27.10 24.45 86 25.92 +4.1 BkAm pfC BACpC ... ... ... 27.24 24.75 44 25.99 +3.0 BkAML pfL BMLpL 1.02 4.4 ... 24.50 21.25 55 23.41 +3.4 BkAML pfH BMLpH .77 3.5 ... 24.22 17.99 15 21.85 +9.9 BkAML pfG BMLpG .77 3.5 ... 23.30 17.91 15 21.92 +9.7How to read the stock tablesSTOCK GLOSSARY „ bt primary exchange listing BATS cld issue has been called for redemption by company d new intraday 52-week low g dividends paid in Canadian funds, PE not shown h -Does not meet continued-listing standards lf late ling with SEC n stock was a new issue in the last year the 52-week high and low gures are calculated from their start date pf preferred stock issue pr preferences rs stock has undergone a reverse stock split, decreasing outstanding shares by at least 50 percent within the past year rt right to buy security at a specied price s historical prices have been adjusted for a split or distribution of 20 percent or more in the last 12 months. wi trades will be settled when the stock is issued wd when distributed wt warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock u new intraday 52-week high un unit, including more than one security v Trading halted on primary market vj company in bankruptcy, receivership or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law this appears in front of the name DIVIDEND FOOTNOTES: a: Extra dividend(s) paid, but are not included; b: Annual rate plus stock dividend; c: Dividend from a liquidating company; e: Declared or paid preceding 12 months; f: Annual rate, increased on last declaration. i: Declared or paid after dividend or split; k: Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears; r: Declared or paid in last 12 months plus stock dividend; m: Annual rate, reduced on last declaration. p: Initial dividend, annual rate unknown; yield not shown. t: Paid in stock in preceding 12 months, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date PE footnotes q stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown cc P/E exceeds 99 dd loss in last 12 months 1 „ Name of stock. 2 „ Ticker Symbol company trades under. 3 „ Dividend: A distribution of the companys earnings to shareholders, usually consisting of stock dividends, interest on bonds, or short-term capital gains on the sale of securities usually paid quarterly in the form of cash or stock.4 „ Div. Yield: The dividend divided by the stock price. It helps gauge how well the stock is paying, compared to other investments such as CDs, bonds or savings accounts. 5 „ Price to earnings ratio: The price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. PEs are used to gauge the relative worth of a company stock. When compared to other companies in the same industry, the companies with the lowest PEs are generally earning higher prots.6 „ Range of closing prices in last year.7 „ Sales in thousands (10 = 10,000 shares), and closing price.8 „ Last trading price of the day. 9 „ Percent change for the year. st Arrows, indicate new highs or lows. Underline: indicates top 100 stocks by volume rank. Bold stocks designates which stocks have gone up or down 5% XYZcorp XYZ 1.20 3.6 17 34.09 27.27 2780 33.72 +20.7 Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg 2 1 3 4 5 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg6 7 9 Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg8 Continued on next pageAdvanced 2096 Declined 840 New Highs 124 New Lows 24 Vol. (in mil.) 3,553 Pvs. Volume 3,437 1,685 1,682 2033 782 132 38 NYSE NASD Stocks Recap 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 OA NDJFM 20,360 20,560 20,760 Dow Jones industrialsClose: 20,578.71 Change: 174.22 (0.9%) 10 DAYS 4,800 5,100 5,400 5,700 6,000 OA NDJFM 5,800 5,880 5,960 Nasdaq compositeClose: 5,916.78 Change: 53.75 (0.9%) 10 DAYSDOW 20629.78 20406.68 20578.71 +174.22 +0.85% s t s +4.13% DOW Trans. 9144.97 9033.43 9126.13 +149.78 +1.67% s s t +0.91% DOW Util. 702.97 696.00 701.20 -2.78 -0.39% t t s +6.31% NYSE Comp. 11449.15 11366.96 11426.91 +84.49 +0.74% s t s +3.35% NASDAQ 5926.23 5880.20 5916.78 +53.75 +0.92% s s s +9.91% S&P 500 2361.37 2340.91 2355.84 +17.67 +0.76% s s s +5.23% S&P 400 1722.83 1706.62 1720.97 +16.22 +0.95% s s s +3.64% Wilshire 5000 24633.96 24432.10 24590.29 +193.05 +0.79% s s s +4.97% Russell 2000 1384.58 1368.38 1384.15 +17.02 +1.24% s s s +1.99% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD Friday, April 21, 2017


Bk of But n NTB ...a ... ... 34.92 23.75 136 32.25 +2.6 BkHawaii BOH 2.00f 2.5 19 90.80 64.96 171 80.96 -8.7 BkMont g BMO 3.52 ... ... 78.00 60.93 348 73.48 +2.2 BkNYMel BK .68 1.5 14 49.54 35.72 8690 46.65 -1.5 BkNYM pfC BKpC 1.30 5.2 ... 27.41 22.74 34 25.18 +9.5 BkNova g BNS 2.74 4.8 11 62.89 47.29 908 56.98 +2.3 Bankrate RATE ... ... ... 11.90 6.91 191 9.90 -10.4 BankUtd BKU .84 2.3 17 41.00 27.85 805 35.75 -5.1 Banro g BAA ... ... ...dd .48 .11 344 .13 -28.3 BarHarbr s BHB ... ... ... 33.41 20.53 30 29.68 Br iPthCrd OILB ... ... ... 58.38 50.35 53.29 -6.8 BarFIEur FEEU ... ... ...q 104.66 66.88 4 101.25 +15.5 BarcFI HY FIGY ... ... ...q 145.47 113.09 4 142.04 +9.6 BarcSPVeq VQT ... ... ...q 145.42 129.99 3 142.96 +4.6 BarSelMLP ATMP 1.17e 5.0 ...q 25.72 19.69 42 23.41 -.6 BiP Cmdty DJP ... ... ...q 25.50 22.40 229 23.22 -4.2 BarcGSOil OIL ... ... ...q 6.85 4.88 1675 5.48 -13.4 BarcGsci36 GSP ... ... ...q 15.34 12.37 3 13.64 -7.0 BrcEnEu n FLEU ... ... ... 125.35 94.13 0 122.16 +14.1 BiPCop JJC ... ... ...q 32.39 22.95 18 29.05 +1.0 BiPNickel JJN ... ... ...q 14.76 9.90 5 11.24 -7.1 BiPSPBWrt BWV ... ... ...q 72.89 63.94 71.68 +2.8 BiP GCrb GRN ... ... ...q 8.24 4.36 5.85 -23.1 BiPGbpUsd GBB ... ... ...q 39.39 31.50 1 33.85 +4.2 BiPEurUsd ERO ... ... ...q 43.08 38.67 39.75 +1.9 BiP Tin JJT ... ... ...q 50.00 33.58 44.50 -6.3tBiPAg JJA ... ... ...q 42.25 33.27 2 33.04 -5.4 BiP Sugar SGG ... ... ...q 53.69 34.93 51 35.73 -17.7 BiP Softs JJS ... ... ...q 45.63 33.52 36.30 -6.5 BiP PrM JJP ... ... ...q 67.38 51.43 59.53 +11.4 BiP Plat PGM ... ... ...q 27.36 17.00 20.22 +8.7 BiP Lead LD ... ... ...q 65.80 32.81 47.61 +.2 BiP Cottn BAL ... ... ...q 51.80 39.85 3 50.39 +8.5 BrcIndiaTR INP ... ... ...q 76.19 60.35 2 74.64 +19.2 BiP Coffee JO ... ... ...q 26.21 17.92 623 18.39 -6.0 BiPGrain JJG ... ... ...q 37.37 26.62 169 27.05 -3.9tBiP Cocoa NIB ... ... ...q 40.95 22.11 302 21.63 -19.6 BiP Alum JJU ... ... ...q 17.56 13.10 4 17.08 +13.5 BarcBk prD BCSpD 2.03 7.8 ... 26.71 25.00 228 26.16 +2.4 BiPIndMet JJM ... ... ...q 26.88 18.98 1 24.10 +1.7 BiPOpCur ICI ... ... ...q 41.62 37.41 39.81 -3.2 BiPAsnGulf PGD .11e .2 ...q 49.28 47.32 48.41 +2.3 BiPGems38 JEM 3.18e 10.9 ...q 29.69 27.73 29.09 +4.3 BiPNG GAZ ... ... ...q .76 .39 5 .42 -37.6 BiPLive COW ... ... ...q 24.97 17.38 16 22.42 +.3 BiPEngy JJE ... ... ...q 7.02 5.13 0 5.71 -14.9 BarcBk prA BCSpA 1.78 7.1 ... 26.27 24.62 25.01 -1.5 BiP JpyUsd JYN ... ... ...q 56.72 47.50 49.82 +4.9 BiPAsia8 AYT 1.21e 3.0 ...q 42.72 38.30 40.83 +2.6 B iPInvVIX XXV ... ... ...q 39.63 33.44 38.01 +1.0 BarcCAPE CAPE ... ... ...q 104.33 79.01 4 103.70 +8.0 BiPSPMLP IMLP 1.47e 7.1 ...q 22.10 18.02 2 20.63 +.1 Barclay BCS .39e 3.7 ... 12.05 6.76 2456 10.64 -3.3 BiP SPVix XVZ ... ... ...q 29.56 25.30 4 25.33 -8.5 B iPVxST rs VXX ... ... ...q 71.48 15.30 62870 17.16 -32.7 BrVxMdT rs VXZ ... ... ...q 47.84 25.66 152 26.02 -25.3 BarcWomLd WIL ... ... ...q 62.99 52.85 60.62 +3.2sBard BCR 1.04 .4 25 254.98 203.63 441 254.77 +13.4 BaringsCp s MCI 1.20 7.8 ...q 19.76 14.52 23 15.45 -.2 BaringsPt MPV 1.08a 7.6 ...q 15.97 13.73 17 14.26 +.4 BarcDisab RODI ... ... ...q 55.97 54.70 55.47 B&N Ed n BNED .15p ... 13.15 8.50 227 10.42 -9.2 BarnesNob BKS .60 6.7 47 13.63 8.45 1526 8.95 -19.7 Barnes B .52 1.0 21 51.97 31.13 115 51.25 +8.1 Barnwell BRN ... ... ...dd 2.70 1.31 3 1.79 +9.1 Barracuda CUDA ... ... 26.69 13.91 893 19.48 -9.1 BarrickG ABX .12f .6 34 23.47 13.81 11427 19.20 +20.2 BasicEnS XYZ ... ... ...dd 3.25 .30 .45 BasicEn n BAS ... ... ... 44.81 29.06 1048 30.68 -13.2 BatsGl n BATS .08p ... ... 36.01 22.75 35.13 +4.8 Baxter s BAX .52 1.0 27 53.54 42.22 2922 52.89 +19.3tBaytexE g BTE ... ... ...dd 7.14 3.01 2440 2.98 -38.9 BeazerHm BZH ... ... 15.80 6.81 528 12.34 -7.2sBectDck BDX 2.92 1.6 33 186.11 157.60 621 186.05 +12.4 Belden BDC .20 .3 13 81.33 54.97 244 67.62 -9.6 Belden pfB BDCpB ... ... ... 98.85 97.83 93.41 -1.8 Bellatrix g BXE ... ... 15 1.30 .72 177 .76 -19.7 Belmond BEL ... ... 49 14.45 8.69 693 12.35 -7.5 Bemis BMS 1.20f 2.4 19 53.88 47.22 707 48.99 +2.4 BenchElec BHE ... ... 25 33.45 19.01 708 32.10 +5.2 Berkley WRB .52 .8 20 73.17 54.56 506 68.24 +2.6 Berkley pfB WRBpB 1.41 5.7 ... 26.73 21.82 15 24.82 +9.8 Berkly pfC WRBpC ... ... ... 27.28 21.72 3 25.85 +7.8 Berkly pfD WRBpD 1.44 5.7 ... 26.39 21.54 24 25.06 +9.5 BerkHa A BRK/A ... ... 16 266445.00 205074.00 0 247200.05 +1.3 BerkH B BRK/B ... ... 17 177.86 136.65 3543 164.98 +1.2 BerkHBcp BHLB .84f 2.4 16 37.45 24.80 140 35.05 -4.9 BerryPlas BERY ... ... 21 52.97 34.98 1390 49.00 +.6sBestBuy BBY 1.36f 2.7 14 49.99 28.76 4828 50.53 +18.4 BigLots BIG 1.00f 2.0 15 56.54 41.61 961 49.81 -.8 BiglariHld BH ... ... 36 491.74 351.46 5 436.10 -7.8tBBarrett BBG ... ... ...dd 9.38 3.85 1059 3.85 -44.9 BioAmber BIOA ... ... ...dd 6.50 2.00 146 2.16 -60.7 BioAmb wt BIOA/WS ... ... ... 1.58 .01 2 .02 -96.9sBioRadA BIO ... ... 210.69 135.94 159 211.10 +15.8 BioRadB BIO/B ... ... 52 204.00 137.95 199.80 +9.1 BioPhrmX BPMX ... ... ...dd 1.22 .19 1237 .73 +95.2 BioTime BTX ... ... ...dd 4.01 2.26 226 3.17 -12.2 BioTime wt BTX/WS ... ... ... .98 .30 1 .49 -30.0 BirksGrp BGI ... ... ... 5.15 .41 10 1.54 +43.9 BitautoH BITA ... ... ... 33.16 16.56 841 25.20 +33.1 BlkHillsCp BKH 1.78f 2.6 21 68.63 54.76 246 67.28 +9.7sBlkHCp un BKHU ... ... ... 74.98 61.75 4 73.26 +6.4 BlackKnt n BKFS ... ... 49 42.19 30.55 57 39.35 +4.1 BlkStMin n BSM 1.15f 7.0 64 19.86 14.24 93 16.51 -12.1 BlackRock BLK 10.00f 2.6 19 399.46 317.60 718 381.59 +.3 BlkBldAm BBN 1.58 7.0 ...q 25.58 19.50 101 22.49 +4.1 BlkCA18 BJZ .33 2.2 ...q 15.30 14.93 22 15.09 +.4 BlkCAIT BFZ .87 6.0 ...q 17.00 13.81 55 14.32 -1.2 BlkCorBd BHK .85a 6.2 ...q 14.34 12.57 56 13.65 +4.9 BlkCpHiY HYT .84a 7.5 ...q 11.20 9.86 476 11.13 +2.8 BlkCrdAllo BTZ .97 7.3 ...q 13.70 12.05 136 13.25 +2.2 BlkDbtStr rs DSU ... ... ...q 11.75 10.38 146 11.57 +2.0 BlkDefOpp BHL .70a 5.1 ...q 14.01 13.02 9 13.71 -.6 BlkEngyRs BGR 1.32 9.8 ...q 15.01 13.12 115 13.47 -6.7 BlkEnhC&I CII 1.20 8.3 ...q 14.56 12.59 246 14.41 +5.1 BlkEEqDv BDJ .56 6.6 ...q 8.60 7.42 401 8.50 +4.3 BlEnhGvIn EGF .66 5.0 ...q 14.11 13.03 25 13.19 BlkFltRtInc FRA .81 5.6 ...q 14.85 12.91 85 14.37 -.3 BlkFloatR BGT .78a 5.4 ...q 14.65 12.68 62 14.63 +3.9 BlkFL2020 BFO .37 2.5 ...q 15.48 14.85 3 15.12 +.7sBlkGlbOp BOE 1.16 9.2 ...q 12.66 11.19 275 12.71 +9.9 BlkHlthSci BME 2.40a 7.0 ...q 38.54 30.82 24 34.26 +7.9 BlkIT BKT .37 6.0 ...q 6.67 6.06 139 6.25 -1.3 BlkIntlG&I BGY .59 10.0 ...q 6.13 5.36 312 5.89 +6.9 BlkIQM BKN .92a 6.2 ...q 18.30 13.92 29 14.79 +.7 BlkLtdD BLW 1.19a 7.7 ...q 16.07 14.72 103 15.58 +2.7 BlkLTMu BTA .70a 6.0 ...q 13.44 10.73 39 11.67 +3.5 BlkMDMB BZM .65 3.8 ...q 17.00 13.81 0 14.48 +2.6 BlkMATxE MHE .70a 5.0 ...q 16.72 12.68 2 13.80 -2.9 BlkMultSec BIT 1.40a 8.0 ...q 17.70 15.52 75 17.61 +6.9 BlkMuIntD MUI .79a 5.6 ...q 15.63 13.45 85 14.04 +1.7 BlkMuNYInt MNE .69 4.9 ...q 16.35 13.18 15 14.00 +3.2 BlkMunihCA MUC .81a 5.7 ...q 16.35 13.53 82 14.32 +1.7 BlkMunHIQ MFL .86 5.9 ...q 16.43 13.52 50 14.52 +2.4 BlMunhNYQ MHN .80a 5.8 ...q 15.68 13.13 22 13.71 +2.2 BlMunhNJQ MUJ .89a 6.2 ...q 16.48 13.56 35 14.40 +3.5 BlkMunihQ MUS .81 6.0 ...q 15.59 12.66 16 13.43 -1.1 BlkMunHQ2 MUE .82 6.1 ...q 15.23 12.57 39 13.47 -.1 BlMunyCAQ MCA .88 5.9 ...q 16.87 13.95 46 14.93 +3.0 BlkMunyInv MYF .97 6.3 ...q 17.48 14.32 7 15.52 +4.1 BlkMunyIQ MFT .85 6.1 ...q 16.50 13.23 16 13.93 -.1 BlkMYMIQ MIY .83 6.0 ...q 15.69 13.17 30 13.80 +1.5 BlMunyNYQ MYN .74a 5.7 ...q 14.74 12.50 42 13.04 +2.8 BlkMunyPaQ MPA .86 6.0 ...q 16.66 13.75 17 14.35 +1.8 BlMunyQlty MQY .96 6.3 ...q 17.20 14.21 31 15.19 +3.2 BlkMuniyQ3 MYI .89a 6.3 ...q 15.88 13.23 78 14.15 +3.7 BlkMuniast MUA .72a 4.9 ...q 16.09 12.96 28 14.60 +8.4 Blk2018 BPK .56a 3.8 ...q 15.44 14.93 33 15.04 +.4 BlkMu2020 BKK .54a 3.4 ...q 17.18 15.16 15 15.85 +4.3 BlkMuBdT BBK .90a 5.9 ...q 18.55 14.50 29 15.28 +.1 BlkMuIIQ BAF .82 5.6 ...q 16.67 13.68 14 14.59 +2.3 BlkMunIIT BBF .87 5.9 ...q 17.00 13.46 19 14.71 +5.0 BlkMuIQT BYM .86 6.2 ...q 16.38 13.50 26 14.08 +1.4 BlkMuIT BFK .90a 6.4 ...q 16.02 13.42 98 14.10 +1.9 BlkMuIT2 BLE .95a 6.4 ...q 16.89 13.87 73 15.01 +3.2 BlkMuTTT BTT .96a 4.2 ...q 24.44 21.09 90 22.98 +5.3 BlkMunienh MEN .73a 6.2 ...q 13.21 10.92 42 11.70 +3.8 BlkMunihld MHD 1.03a 6.2 ...q 19.35 15.54 21 16.77 +3.6 BlkMunihd2 MUH .93a 6.0 ...q 17.29 14.36 15 15.48 +5.4 BlkMunvst MVF .64a 6.6 ...q 11.26 9.34 98 9.67 +.6 BlkMuniv2 MVT 1.00a 6.4 ...q 18.64 14.74 16 15.60 +2.4 BlkMunyAZ MZA .83 5.6 ...q 19.16 13.89 2 14.78 +2.1 BlMunyldCA MYC .89a 5.9 ...q 17.89 14.44 39 15.16 -.7 BlkMuniyld MYD .92a 6.3 ...q 16.44 13.61 71 14.74 +4.2 BlkMunyNJ MYJ .90a 5.7 ...q 17.62 14.87 21 15.68 +2.3 BlMunQlt2 MQT .80 6.2 ...q 15.06 12.31 27 12.98 +1.3 BlkNJMB BLJ .83a 5.6 ...q 17.75 14.21 1 14.82 +2.6 BlkNJIT BNJ .90a 5.8 ...q 16.98 14.12 9 15.48 +8.7 BlkNY18 BLH .31a 2.1 ...q 15.18 14.72 3 14.81 +.5 BlkNYMB BQH .74 5.1 ...q 16.39 13.56 4 14.40 +2.7 BlkNYIQT BSE .69 5.2 ...q 15.42 12.53 25 13.37 +2.0 BlkNYIT BNY .83 5.6 ...q 16.91 13.29 18 14.68 +5.5 BlkNYMu2 BFY .84 5.6 ...q 18.02 14.05 9 15.01 +3.6 BlkRsCmdy BCX .79 9.2 ...q 8.99 7.28 224 8.58 +3.7 BlkSciTch BST 1.20 5.7 ...q 21.30 15.80 101 21.12 +17.7 BlkStMT BSD .85a 6.2 ...q 15.98 13.03 13 13.69 +1.5 BlkU&Inf BUI 1.45 7.1 ...q 20.75 17.24 49 20.48 +11.2 BlkVAMB BHV .83 5.1 ...q 21.50 15.06 0 16.25 +5.5 BlkstFltRt BSL 1.08 5.9 ...q 18.43 15.14 57 18.20 +.7 BlkstGSOSt BGB 1.26 7.8 ...q 16.27 13.73 119 16.10 +5.0 Blackstone BX 1.46 4.8 19 31.69 22.45 12017 30.22 +11.8 BlkstnMtg BXMT 2.48f 8.1 12 31.53 26.46 1152 30.80 +2.4 BlkLSCrInc BGX 1.18 7.2 ...q 16.52 13.69 40 16.28 +2.3 BlockHR HRB .88 3.7 16 24.95 19.18 4857 23.64 +2.8 BlonderT BDR ... ... ...dd 1.10 .28 9 .55 +17.0 BlueCapRe BCRH 1.20 6.1 12 20.83 17.01 27 19.70 +6.8 BlueLinx rs BXC ... ... 5 9.70 6.36 59 9.50 +27.2 BluerkRsd BRG 1.16 9.1 35 14.77 10.76 205 12.76 -7.0 BluerkRs pf BRGpA 2.06 7.8 ... 27.58 24.93 4 26.31 +1.0 BluerkR pfD BRGpD 1.78 7.1 ... 25.17 21.85 10 25.08 +7.7 BluerkR pfC BRGpC 1.91 ... ... BdwlkPpl BWP .40 2.2 15 18.95 15.56 316 18.33 +5.6 Boeing BA 5.68f 3.2 21 185.71 122.35 2292 179.30 +15.2 BoiseCasc BCC ... ... 23 30.48 17.80 283 30.05 +33.6 BonanzaCE BCEI ... ... ...dd 4.67 .60 286 .89 -13.2 BootBarn BOOT ... ... 23 17.26 5.59 172 10.87 -13.2 BoozAllnH BAH .68f 1.9 21 38.54 27.02 617 35.73 -.9 BorgWarn BWA .56f 1.4 13 44.24 27.52 2284 40.10 +1.7 BostBeer SAM ... ... 20 195.35 135.10 146 138.45 -18.5 BostProp BXP 3.00f 2.2 24 144.02 113.69 532 134.64 +7.0 BosProp pfB BXPpB 1.31 5.1 ... 27.17 22.63 2 25.73 +7.0 BostonSci BSX ... ... 49 25.65 19.59 5559 25.02 +15.7 BldrG&IFd BIF .40a 4.3 ...q 9.59 7.76 133 9.35 +4.6 BovieMed BVX ... ... ...dd 5.75 1.56 24 2.60 -27.6 BowlA BWL/A .68 4.8 40 17.25 14.09 4 14.31 -13.2 Box Inc n BOX ... ... ...dd 18.36 9.86 879 16.93 +22.2sBoydGm BYD ... ... 23 22.45 16.77 1117 22.42 +11.2 BradyCp BRC .82f 2.1 25 40.50 25.98 166 38.75 +3.2 Brandyw BDN .64 3.8 15 17.12 14.04 1267 16.85 +2.1 BrasilAgro LND ... ... ... 4.11 2.72 3.99 +22.8 Braskem BAK .38e 1.9 ... 23.15 10.82 260 20.19 -4.8 sBridgptEd BPI ... ... 66 11.83 5.38 88 11.83 +16.8 BrigStrat BGG .56 2.6 29 23.73 17.90 477 21.48 -3.5sBrightHrz BFAM ... ... 47 72.80 59.00 171 73.45 +4.9 Brinker EAT 1.36 3.1 14 55.84 40.92 751 44.07 -11.0 Brinks BCO .40 .7 61 57.90 26.86 305 57.10 +38.4 BrMySq BMY 1.56f 2.9 32 77.12 46.01 5957 53.44 -8.6 BristowGp BRS .28 2.0 ...dd 23.62 9.17 315 13.89 -32.2 BritATob s BTI ... ... ... 67.82 52.71 2289 67.14 BrixmorP BRX 1.04f 4.8 13 29.14 20.62 1135 21.84 -9.6 BroadrdgF BR 1.32 1.9 25 71.74 57.92 391 68.47 +3.3 Brookdale BKD ... ... ...dd 19.22 10.65 2402 13.13 +5.7 BrkfdAs g s BAM .56f 1.5 19 37.52 31.80 701 36.70 +11.2 BrookBus n BBU .25f 1.0 ... 26.87 21.72 16 25.36 +5.4 BrkfCda g BOXC 2.23a ... 7 25.72 18.68 1 23.53 +19.7 BrkfDtla pf DTLAp 1.91 7.7 ... 25.26 18.69 19 24.77 +12.1 BrkGblInf INF 1.40 10.4 ...q 14.13 11.51 54 13.41 +4.5 BrkfInfra s BIP 1.74f 4.5 ... 39.70 27.17 236 38.52 +15.1 BrkdPrp BPY 1.18f 5.1 ... 24.98 20.31 295 23.00 +4.6 BrkRlAs n RA .20p ... ... 23.45 21.54 71 23.08 +3.5 BrkfReEn BEP 1.87f 6.1 ... 31.85 26.61 22 30.80 +3.7 HeliosTR rt HTRr ... ... ... .64 BrwnBrn BRO .54 1.3 23 45.77 34.27 580 42.79 -4.6 BrownFA s BF/A ... ... 28 55.31 45.17 9 46.75 +1.1 BrownFB s BF/B ... ... ... 51.55 43.72 649 46.12 +2.7 Brunswick BC .66f 1.1 18 61.74 41.19 1199 58.50 +7.3 Buckeye BPL 4.96f 7.3 18 75.10 61.37 236 67.88 +2.6 Buckle BKE 1.00e 5.3 9 31.45 16.00 453 18.95 -16.9 Buenavent BVN ... ... ...dd 16.45 8.37 1127 12.31 +9.1 BldBear BBW ... ... 29 15.85 8.05 96 9.00 -34.5 BungeLt BG 1.68 2.2 17 82.66 56.69 1065 77.65 +7.5 BurlStrs BURL ... ... 31 98.32 51.19 1056 97.05 +14.5C -C&J Eng n CJ ... ... ... 39.13 32.01 34.18 -6.8 CTrkMH23 MLPC 1.19e 6.9 ...q 18.43 15.20 3 17.26 +3.4 CtrMillr n MLPE ... ... ... 27.75 23.41 26.92 +11.2 CAE Inc g CAE .32 ... ... 15.88 11.39 109 15.27 +9.3 CAI Intl CAI ... ... 22 17.92 6.75 76 15.50 +78.8sCBIZ Inc CBZ ... ... 17 14.50 9.30 132 14.75 +7.7 CBL Asc CBL 1.06 10.6 9 14.30 8.72 4374 9.97 -13.3 CBL pfD CBLpD 1.84 7.8 ... 25.60 22.72 57 23.63 -3.4 CBL pfE CBLpE 1.66 7.0 ... 26.50 22.60 8 23.65 +3.0 CBRE GRE IGR .60 7.8 ...q 8.80 7.06 387 7.65 +4.8 CBRE Grp CBG ... ... 16 36.74 24.11 1858 34.17 +8.5 CBS A CBS/A .72f 1.0 20 71.07 49.92 0 69.72 +7.6 CBS B CBS .72 1.0 17 70.10 48.88 1900 68.67 +7.9 CCA Inds CAW ... ... 19 3.99 2.25 3 3.15 +21.2 CDI CDI .52 6.5 ...dd 9.65 4.84 29 8.00 +8.1 CF Inds s CF 1.20 4.5 57 37.17 20.77 3560 26.58 -15.6 CGG rs CGG ... ... ... 32.00 6.57 2 6.79 -52.0 CGI g GIB ... ... ... 50.58 40.88 165 47.31 -1.5 CIT Grp CIT .60 1.4 42 44.59 28.33 2371 43.74 +2.5 CKE Inc CK ... ... ... CKX Lands CKX .12m 1.0 51 14.10 10.20 12.13 +9.8 CMS Eng CMS 1.33 3.0 27 46.25 38.78 2953 44.82 +7.7 CNA Fn CNA 1.00a 2.3 14 44.88 29.38 232 43.89 +5.8sCNH Indl CNHI .12 1.2 ...dd 10.05 6.26 1692 10.06 +15.8 CNO Fincl CNO .32 1.5 14 21.70 14.30 1156 20.71 +8.1 CNOOC CEO 4.77e 4.1 ... 138.36 112.32 128 116.19 -6.3 CNX Coal n CNXC .51 ... ... 22.30 7.55 44 15.40 -15.6 CPFL Eng CPL .40t ... ... 16.75 10.02 198 16.30 +5.8 CPI Aero CVU ... ... 9 10.15 4.35 26 6.50 -29.7 CRH Med CRHM ... ... 9.25 2.80 324 9.05 +72.4 CRH CRH .74e 2.2 ... 36.83 25.82 561 34.20 -.5 CsopChiA50 AFTY 2.38p ... ...q 14.28 12.12 11 13.66 +5.5 Csop ChInt CNHX ... ... ...q 28.53 24.05 26.19 +2.7 Csop Csi300 HAHA ... ... ...q 28.16 24.24 27.86 +.1 CSRA n CSRA .40 1.4 25 33.54 21.95 545 28.92 -9.2 CSS Inds CSS .80 3.0 24 29.18 23.16 35 26.84 -.8 CST Brnds CST .19j ... 37 48.50 36.02 412 48.35 +.4 CTS CTS .16 .8 32 24.80 16.08 52 20.85 -6.9 CVR Engy CVI 2.00 10.7 18 26.57 12.03 581 18.62 -26.7 CVR Ptrs UAN .71e 15.6 ...dd 9.75 4.05 239 4.55 -24.3 CVR Rfng CVRR 3.12e 36.3 33 13.25 5.50 217 8.60 -17.3 CVS Health CVS 2.00f 2.5 14 106.67 69.30 6260 79.43 +.7 CWA Inco n CWAI ... ... ... 25.37 25.00 4 25.26 +1.0 CYS Invest CYS 1.00 11.8 10 9.21 7.42 3620 8.47 +9.6 CYSInv pfA CYSpA 1.94 7.9 ... 25.65 23.05 15 24.44 +2.9 CYSInv pfB CYSpB 1.88 7.9 ... 24.72 22.46 32 23.75 +4.6 CabGS t34 GYB .83 3.7 ... 23.30 19.62 2 22.17 +7.1 CabcoJCP97 PFH 1.91 10.4 ... 21.20 16.40 10 18.37 -7.6 CabAT&T34 GYC .83 3.6 ... 26.05 20.03 1 23.19 +10.6 Cabelas CAB ... ... 21 63.60 45.00 553 57.05 -2.6sCableOne n CABO 6.00 .9 40 660.12 452.25 41 663.10 +6.7 Cabot CBT 1.20 2.0 17 60.72 42.27 263 59.35 +17.4 CabotO&G COG .08 .3 ...dd 26.74 20.02 4826 24.47 +4.8 CACI CACI ... ... 19 135.35 87.31 116 117.40 -5.6sCadencB n CADE ... ... ... 22.55 21.50 124 22.20 -.2 CalAtlantic CAA .16 .4 11 40.94 30.18 1044 37.75 +11.0 Caleres CAL .28 1.0 14 36.61 21.27 313 28.12 -14.3 Calgon CCC .20 1.4 37 18.80 12.70 305 13.80 -18.8 CalifRes rs CRC ... ... ... 25.50 8.79 2626 11.98 -43.7 CalifWtr CWT .72f 2.0 35 37.60 27.05 129 36.90 +8.8 Calix CALX ... ... ...dd 8.20 6.15 115 6.65 -13.6 CallGolf ELY .04 .3 6 12.56 8.96 888 11.84 +8.0 CallonPet CPE ... ... 52 18.53 10.02 6388 11.50 -25.2 Callon pfA CPEpA 5.00 9.5 ... 53.97 47.94 6 52.81 +.2tCalpine CPN ... ... 22 16.07 10.28 5719 10.08 -11.8 CambrE rs CEI ... ... ...dd 5.07 .30 291 .32 -74.3 Cambrex CBM ... ... 24 62.50 38.30 213 57.15 +5.9 CambriaYld SYLD 1.42e 1.8 ...q 35.00 26.75 59 33.81 +3.9 CambFgnY FYLD 1.85e 6.5 ...q 22.76 18.45 1 22.34 +6.6 CambGblV GVAL .54e 2.4 ...q 22.51 17.06 14 21.90 +8.4 CamGblMo GMOM .53e 2.2 ...q 24.69 22.25 18 24.44 +5.3 CambGlAss GAA .55e 2.2 ... 25.54 23.68 1 25.43 +3.9 CambrEmS EYLD ... ... ... 32.28 24.83 2 28.90 +9.0 CambSovHi SOVB .50e ... ... CambTail n TAIL ... ... ... 25.57 24.74 4 25.19 +.8 CamDhan n JUNE ... ... ... 28.00 22.78 1 27.40 +3.4 CamValMom VAMO ... ... ...q 24.64 22.09 2 23.51 -2.5 CamdenPT CPT 3.00 3.7 34 90.91 75.36 404 82.17 -2.3 Cameco g CCJ .40 ... ... 13.50 7.41 2112 10.65 +1.7 CampSp CPB 1.40 2.4 19 67.89 52.59 1414 57.50 -4.9 CampWrl n CWH .08p ... ... 36.60 20.45 169 31.07 -4.7 Can-Fite CANF ... ... ... 3.17 1.74 19 1.85 -22.3 CdaGoose n GOOS ... ... ... 18.40 15.20 265 16.11 +.2 CIBC g CM 4.84 ... 10 92.22 72.62 698 83.49 +2.3sCdnNR gs CNI 1.18 ... ... 75.05 55.73 1417 74.48 +10.5 CdnNRs gs CNQ .82 ... ... 35.28 27.08 1785 32.53 +2.0 CP Rwy g CP 1.64 ... ... 157.34 119.50 1627 153.78 +7.7sCanon CAJ ... ... ... 31.89 27.18 828 31.88 +13.3 CantelMed CMD .12f .2 48 88.81 64.52 96 73.32 -6.9 CapOne COF 1.60 1.9 12 96.92 58.03 2932 83.72 -4.0 CapOne wt COF/WS ... ... ... 54.80 18.84 0 41.88 -7.3 CapOne pfC COFpC 1.56 5.9 ... 27.89 24.64 27 26.26 +4.6 CapOne pfD COFpD 1.68 6.1 ... 29.33 25.33 24 27.45 +5.7 CapOne pfF COFpF 1.55 5.8 ... 28.26 24.43 31 26.50 +5.7 CapOne pfB COFpP 1.50 5.9 ... 26.58 24.00 38 25.58 +4.4 CpOne pf H COFpH ... ... ... 25.89 24.05 69 25.71 +3.3 CapOne pfG COFpG ... ... ... 25.89 21.02 76 23.60 +8.9 CapSenL CSU ... ... ...dd 20.85 12.65 315 14.25 -11.2 Capitala 21 CLA 1.78 7.0 ... 26.11 24.26 5 25.46 -.3 CapsteadM CMO .84m 7.9 14 10.96 8.93 774 10.69 +4.9 Capstd pfE CMOpE 1.88 7.5 ... 25.85 23.61 30 25.00 +4.0 CarboCer CRR ... ... ...dd 16.70 5.66 753 9.42 -9.9 CardnlHlth CAH 1.80 2.4 14 87.16 62.70 4457 73.31 +1.9 CareCPrp n CCP 2.28 8.0 ... 31.56 22.70 650 28.33 +13.3 CRCM ... ... 50 12.97 5.99 99 11.92 +39.1 Carlisle CSL 1.40f 1.3 18 116.40 98.23 446 106.86 -3.1 CarMax KMX ... ... 18 69.11 45.06 3292 58.80 -8.7 Carnival CCL 1.60f 2.7 17 60.24 42.94 2918 59.21 +13.7sCarnUK CUK 1.20 2.0 ... 58.88 43.45 230 58.74 +14.7 CarpTech CRS .72 2.0 34 45.34 28.74 285 36.54 +1.0 CarrSrv CSV .20 .7 19 29.11 21.97 90 27.58 -3.7 Carters CRI 1.32 1.4 18 112.58 77.94 619 92.17 +6.7 CastleBr ROX ... ... ... 1.77 .65 879 1.69 +122.4 CastlightH CSLT ... ... ...dd 5.50 3.05 301 4.15 -16.2 Catalent CTLT ... ... 33 30.28 20.94 369 28.29 +4.9 CatchMTim CTT .54f 4.5 ...dd 12.58 10.05 136 11.94 +6.0 Caterpillar CAT 3.08 3.3 29 99.46 69.04 4755 94.66 +2.1 CatoCp CATO 1.32 5.8 9 38.88 19.73 192 22.61 -24.8 CedarF FUN 3.42f 4.9 22 69.81 56.17 76 69.21 +7.8 CedarRlty CDR .20 3.8 14 8.08 4.86 430 5.26 -19.4 CedarR pfB CDRpB 1.81 7.0 ... 27.25 23.81 32 25.80 +6.0 CelSci wt CVM/WS ... ... ... .22 .01 119 .02 +15.8 Cel-Sci CVM ... ... ...dd .59 .06 1211 .09 +38.8 Celadon CGI .08 1.9 22 12.03 3.85 574 4.30 -39.9 Celanese CE 1.44 1.6 14 93.06 60.59 1229 89.50 +13.7 Celestic g CLS ... ... 10 14.74 8.83 1463 14.20 +19.8 Cellcom CEL ... ... 26 11.19 5.70 12 9.93 +25.2 Cementos CPAC .28e 2.5 ... 11.98 8.07 2 11.04 +19.9 Cemex CX .29t ... ... 9.62 5.49 10243 8.85 +10.2 Cemig pf CIG .14e 4.7 ... 3.84 1.40 3775 2.97 +30.3 Cemig CIG/C .14e 4.4 ... 4.75 1.43 4 3.22 +27.2 Cencosud CNCO .36e 4.0 ... 10.13 7.43 32 8.99 +7.0tCenovusE CVE .20 ... ...dd 16.82 10.32 3880 10.28 -32.1 Centene s CNC ... ... 17 75.57 50.00 1666 71.73 +26.9 CC MLPInf CEN 1.25 10.2 ...q 13.72 9.96 66 12.24 +2.4 CenterPnt CNP 1.07 3.8 22 28.46 20.65 1921 27.90 +13.2 CentElBr B EBR/B ... ... ... 8.91 6.04 29 6.32 -19.8 CentElecBr EBR ... ... ... 7.70 4.77 127 4.88 -28.9 CnEurRusT CEE .49e 2.3 ...q 21.70 17.48 35 20.89 +1.6 CFCda g CEF .01 .1 ...q 14.88 11.22 488 13.05 +15.6 CenPacFn CPF .64 2.1 20 33.12 21.88 134 30.55 -2.8sCentSecur CET 1.78e .8 ...q 24.08 18.77 25 24.18 +11.0 CentrusEn LEU ... ... ...dd 9.46 2.53 62 5.81 -8.9 CentCmtys CCS ... ... 12 27.65 16.30 239 26.90 +28.1 CntryLink CTL 2.16 8.5 10 33.45 22.33 8492 25.49 +7.2 Cenveo rs CVO ... ... 5 10.50 3.05 30 3.83 -45.2 Cervecer CCU .30e 1.1 ... 27.28 19.31 190 26.35 +25.6 ChannAdv ECOM ... ... ...dd 15.91 10.20 125 11.75 -18.1 ChRvLab CRL ... ... 21 91.57 67.20 178 89.34 +17.3sChaseCorp CCF .70f .7 25 98.80 54.25 17 98.95 +18.4 ChathLTr CLDT 1.32 6.6 17 24.80 16.45 194 20.05 -2.4 CheetahM CMCM ... ... ... 16.39 8.77 893 10.74 +12.3 Chegg CHGG ... ... ...dd 8.78 4.26 360 8.32 +12.7 Chemed CHE 1.04 .6 26 190.32 124.78 57 185.20 +15.5 Chemours n CC .12 .3 39.02 5.82 1916 37.09 +67.9 Chemtura CHMT ... ... 33.55 24.62 600 33.50 +.9 CheniereEn LNG ... ... ...dd 50.53 31.02 1496 46.00 +11.0 ChenEnLP CQP 1.70 5.3 33.47 25.87 243 32.23 +11.8sChenEnHld CQH .08 .3 25.36 18.28 39 25.38 +13.5 CherHMtg CHMI 1.96 11.2 5 19.14 14.14 223 17.45 -4.1 ChesEng CHK ... ... ...dd 8.20 3.56 27711 5.56 -20.8 ChesEn pfD CHKpD 4.50 7.5 ... 68.00 20.23 1 59.90 +29.2 ChesGranW CHKR .29e 11.2 2 3.85 1.81 157 2.60 +10.6 ChespkLdg CHSP 1.60 6.6 16 27.08 20.81 630 24.36 -5.8 ChspkL pfA CHSPpA 1.94 7.6 ... 27.50 25.10 38 25.55 +.6 ChespkUtil CPK 1.22 1.7 25 71.85 56.56 42 71.50 +6.8 Chevron CVX 4.32f 4.1 119.00 97.53 4619 104.88 -10.9 ChicB&I CBI .28 .9 ...dd 41.33 26.12 1012 30.11 -5.2 ChiRivet CVR .80 2.0 23 49.34 23.90 40.10 -3.6 Chicos CHS .33 2.3 20 16.85 9.86 3334 14.36 -.2 Chimera rs CIM 2.00 9.8 8 20.90 13.87 1967 20.46 +20.2 Chimer pfA CIMpA 2.00 7.9 ... 26.00 23.45 37 25.18 +.6 Chimer pfB CIMpB 2.00 7.9 ... 25.44 24.41 200 25.30 +1.5 ChiCBlood CO ... ... 15 8.12 4.27 117 7.26 +18.6 ChinaDigtl STV ... ... ...dd 1.73 1.11 233 1.27 -13.0 ChinaDEd DL .45e ... 10 14.09 8.97 46 10.12 -9.5 ChinaEAir CEA ... ... ... 30.90 21.38 22 27.74 +24.1 ChinaFd CHN .47e 2.7 ...q 17.33 13.53 34 17.17 +14.1 ChinaGreen CGA .10e 7.8 2 1.68 1.18 48 1.28 +6.7 ChinaLife s LFC .32e 2.2 ... 16.27 10.07 275 14.64 +13.8 ChinaMble CHL 1.87e 3.5 ... 63.89 51.73 459 53.91 +2.8 ChiNBorun BORN ... ... 1 1.77 .97 12 1.16 -13.4 ChOnlEd n COE ... ... ... 25.24 12.45 48 17.18 +10.5 ChinaPet SNP 3.18e 4.0 ... 84.88 64.61 88 80.50 +13.3 ChinaPhH CPHI ... ... ...dd .35 .15 1070 .27 +3.1 ChinaSoAir ZNH .67e 2.0 ... 36.95 25.60 11 33.87 +31.7 ChinaTel CHA 1.28e 2.6 ... 53.87 42.29 14 49.50 +7.3 ChinaUni CHU .32e 2.4 ... 14.48 9.89 216 13.30 +15.2 ChiXFash XNY ... ... ...dd 3.65 .81 0 1.52 +16.0 ChinaYuch CYD .85e 4.8 7 19.15 9.69 73 17.75 +28.5 ChinZenix ZX ... ... ...dd 1.95 .73 28 1.56 +30.1sChipotle CMG ... ... 481.77 352.96 624 478.39 +26.8 ChoiceHtls CHH .86f 1.4 27 64.00 43.61 107 63.25 +12.8 ChrisBnk CBK ... ... ...dd 2.83 1.13 161 1.37 -41.5 ChubbLtd CB 2.76e 2.0 14 140.55 116.65 1693 136.78 +3.5 ChungTel CHT 1.57e 4.7 ... 38.47 31.28 86 33.66 +6.7 ChurchDwt s CHD .76f 1.5 ... 53.68 42.56 1632 50.27 +13.8 CienaCorp CIEN ... ... 27 26.84 15.62 2256 21.88 -10.4sCigna CI .04 ... 19 154.83 115.03 1730 155.38 +16.5 Cimarex XEC .32 .3 146.96 102.91 945 116.93 -14.0 CincB pfB CBBpB 3.38 6.8 ... 51.47 47.33 4 50.03 +2.3 CinciBell rs CBB ... ... 9 25.65 16.75 194 18.40 -17.7 Cinemark CNK 1.08 2.5 20 44.84 32.60 449 43.51 +13.4 CinerRes CINR 2.27 7.9 14 39.10 26.25 7 28.64 -1.2 Circor CIR .15 .2 60 72.96 47.47 70 62.60 -3.5 CitiStratDv DIVC ... ... ...q 31.59 24.53 30.61 +1.8 Citigp pfN CpN 1.97 7.4 ... 26.75 25.71 101 26.60 +3.0 CgpVelLCrd UWT ... ... ... 29.68 15.90 4440 19.16 -30.8 CgpVelICrd DWT ... ... ... 33.56 20.37 2911 27.05 +23.2 Citigroup C .64 1.1 12 62.53 38.31 16845 58.41 -1.7 Citigp wtA C/WS/A ... ... ... .20 .02 287 .13 -14.5 Citigrp pfC CpC 1.45 5.6 ... 26.61 23.90 33 25.68 +3.5 CitiTdecs CpH 7.50 7.2 ... 104.75 Citigp pfJ CpJ 1.78 6.1 ... 30.44 26.79 24 29.09 +4.0 Citigp pfK CpK 1.72 5.9 ... 31.60 26.14 49 28.99 +6.0 Citigrp pfP CpP 2.03 7.4 ... 29.20 26.15 3 27.56 +.1 Citigrp pfS CpS 1.58 5.9 ... 27.63 24.81 52 26.78 +5.8 Citigrp pfL CpL 1.72 6.2 ... 28.32 25.61 49 27.63 +5.5 CitizFincl CFG .40 1.1 18 39.75 18.34 5192 35.27 -1.0 CitizInc CIA ... ... 11.93 6.10 155 6.29 -35.9 CityOffce g CIO .94 7.5 19 13.93 11.05 160 12.49 -5.2 CityOff pfA CIOpA 1.66 6.5 ... 25.63 21.52 5 25.35 +11.2 Civeo CVEO ... ... ...dd 3.73 1.00 751 3.24 +47.3 CivitasSolu CIVI ... ... 69 23.20 15.90 20 17.25 -13.3 ClaudeR g CGR ... ... ... .18 ClayGSCn GCE 1.43e 8.8 ...q 16.36 14.36 16.21 +3.3 ClayEng CWEI ... ... ...dd 149.86 14.82 875 131.97 +10.7 CleanHarb CLH ... ... 59.17 43.03 322 57.23 +2.8 ClearChan CCO ... ... ...dd 7.31 4.45 87 5.90 +16.8 ClrBrEnTR CTR 1.35e 10.1 ...q 14.15 11.25 105 13.40 +4.9 ClrbrgMLP CBA .80m 8.3 ...q 10.54 7.46 135 9.68 +5.4 ClearEnFd CEM 1.76f 10.6 ...q 17.96 13.99 225 16.58 +6.6 ClrbEOpFd EMO 1.47e 11.1 ...q 14.29 11.65 98 13.26 +1.1 ClearwPpr CLW ... ... 24 69.75 50.30 74 57.10 -12.9 CliffsNRs CLF ... ... 7 12.37 2.77 21068 7.21 -14.3tClipRlty n CLPR .09p ... ... 14.24 10.83 156 11.24 -16.7 Clorox CLX 3.20 2.4 27 140.47 111.24 957 135.65 +13.0 CloudPeak CLD ... ... ...dd 8.04 1.64 992 4.05 -27.8sCloughGA GLV 1.44 10.4 ...q 13.70 10.95 76 13.84 +15.0 CloughGEq GLQ 1.38 11.0 ...q 12.70 10.16 60 12.49 +12.2 ClghGlbOp GLO 1.20 11.5 ...q 10.45 8.65 303 10.40 +16.2 ClubCorp MYCC .52 3.9 17.60 10.80 703 13.50 -5.9 Coach COH 1.35 3.4 24 43.71 34.07 3581 39.78 +13.6 CobaltIEn CIE ... ... ...dd 3.50 .35 8000 .41 -66.1 CCFemsa KOF 1.81e 2.5 ... 87.58 59.44 79 73.34 +15.4 CocaCola KO 1.48f 3.4 26 46.01 39.88 10661 43.09 +3.9 CocaCEur n CCE .89e ... ... 41.29 30.55 1171 37.68 +20.0 Coeur CDE ... ... 29 16.41 6.70 3095 9.35 +2.9 TigerM wt IDI/WS ... ... ... .07 CohSClosed FOF 1.04 8.2 ...q 12.86 11.09 107 12.70 +8.5 CohStGlbI INB 1.12 12.2 ...q 9.35 7.91 66 9.17 +7.5 Cohen&Str CNS 1.12f 2.7 21 43.83 33.16 211 40.73 +21.2sCohStInfra UTF 1.60 7.2 ...q 22.14 19.10 193 22.17 +14.5 C&SLtDP&I LDP 1.87 7.3 ...q 26.05 22.40 41 25.68 +4.6 C&SIncEgy MIE 1.32 11.7 ...q 11.96 8.92 77 11.30 +3.8 CohStQIR RQI .96 7.5 ...q 14.73 11.11 289 12.84 +5.2 CohStRE RNP 1.48 7.5 ...q 21.69 17.91 151 19.74 +3.3 CohStSelPf PSF 2.06a 7.7 ...q 28.50 24.82 12 26.84 +2.6 CohenStTR RFI .96a 7.6 ...q 14.26 11.63 63 12.60 +4.1 Colfax CFX ... ... 30 41.99 24.63 357 39.60 +10.2 ColgPalm CL 1.60f 2.2 26 75.38 63.43 3046 73.18 +11.8 ColNrthS n CLNS ... ... ... 14.97 12.52 2547 13.14 -9.0 ColNrth pfA CLNSpA 2.19 8.6 ... 25.79 25.05 5 25.59 -.4sColNrth pfB CLNSpB 2.06 8.1 ... 25.58 24.95 15 25.55 +.8 ColNrth pfC CLNSpC 2.22 8.6 ... 25.99 24.00 4 25.86 +.3 ColNrth pfD CLNSpD 2.13 8.2 ... 26.59 25.18 6 25.93 +.5 ColNrth pfE CLNSpE 2.19 8.3 ... 26.73 25.02 1 26.39 +1.2 ColNrth pfF CLNSpF 2.13 8.5 ... 25.73 24.93 15 25.18 -.6 ColNrth pfG CLNSpG 1.88 7.5 ... 25.99 24.15 11 25.02 -1.9sColNrth pfH CLNSpH 1.78 7.1 ... 25.18 23.75 25 24.93 +2.4 ColonyStar SFR .88 2.5 24 35.15 24.22 545 34.70 +20.4 Col Sust n ESGW ... ... ... 28.55 25.24 1 28.40 +5.8sCol SusInt n ESGN ... ... ... 27.73 24.51 1 27.75 +8.2 Col SusUS n ESGS ... ... ... 29.54 23.45 0 28.82 +4.6 ColuIntMu GMMB 1.22 2.3 ...q 55.22 51.67 0 53.00 +1.8 ColCoreBd GMTB 1.31e 2.0 ...q 53.39 50.49 0 51.86 +1.5 Col Bey BBRC .27e 1.5 ...q 16.79 14.47 16 16.36 +10.2 ColEmxChi XCEM ... ... ...q 25.61 20.00 3 25.33 +12.1 ColQualDv HILO .99e 7.2 ...q 14.05 11.94 1 13.78 +9.1 ColEMStOp EMDD .28e 1.5 ...q 20.24 16.51 1 18.88 +11.8 Col EMCns ECON .30e 1.2 ...q 25.96 21.08 159 25.37 +14.5 Col EmMkC EMCR .42e 2.2 ...q 19.68 16.36 19.08 +10.5 Col IndiaC INCO .03p ... ...q 39.32 30.44 16 39.09 +20.7 Col IndiaInf INXX .04e .3 ...q 13.58 9.99 24 13.34 +26.3sCol IndSC SCIN .08e .4 ...q 19.00 13.00 25 19.06 +35.3 ColumbPT CXP .80m 3.5 21 24.63 20.16 457 22.61 +4.7 ColSelTec STK .58a 2.7 ...q 21.58 15.32 65 21.54 +14.9 Comcst 61 CCV 1.25 4.8 ... 27.72 24.30 17 25.99 +3.6 Comcst29 CCZ 1.58e 3.2 ... 60.95 44.50 50.10 +10.6 Comerica CMA .92f 1.3 20 75.00 36.82 2595 69.21 +1.6 Comeric wt CMA/WS ... ... ... 45.50 10.75 2 39.88 +2.9 ComfrtS FIX .28 .8 22 39.67 26.05 167 35.75 +7.4 ComndSec MOC ... ... ...dd 5.73 2.25 1 2.47 -10.2 CmclCred n CCR ... ... ... CmclMtls CMC .48 2.6 42 24.64 14.58 2873 18.27 -16.1 CmtyBkSy CBU 1.28 2.4 24 63.04 38.12 215 54.43 -11.9 CmtyHlt CYH ... ... ...dd 17.59 4.15 4256 8.35 +49.4 CmtyHcT n CHCT 1.55f 6.3 29 25.00 17.97 37 24.80 +7.7sCBD-Pao CBD .38e 1.9 ... 20.40 11.00 386 20.39 +23.2 CompDivHd CODI 1.44 8.6 28 19.50 15.41 184 16.80 -6.1 CompssMn CMP 2.88f 4.3 19 84.40 65.30 298 67.40 -14.0 Compx CIX .20 1.3 17 16.70 10.35 2 14.85 -7.8 ComstkMn LODE ... ... ...dd .50 .19 515 .20 -24.0 ComstkRs rs CRK ... ... ...dd 13.43 2.64 353 8.93 -9.3 ConAgra CAG .80 2.0 21 41.68 33.08 2306 40.72 +3.0 ConchoRes CXO ... ... 147.55 110.50 1241 127.46 -3.9 ConcdMed CCM .99e ... 46 5.00 3.51 24 4.55 -1.0 Conduent n CNDT ... ... ... 17.44 13.10 781 15.94 +7.0 ConeMidst CNNX 1.09f 5.0 14 25.56 13.35 85 21.79 -7.5 ConocoPhil COP 1.06f 2.2 ...dd 53.17 38.80 6122 47.95 -4.4 ConsolEngy CNX .04 .3 ...dd 22.34 12.29 2860 15.40 -15.5 ConEd ED 2.76f 3.5 20 81.88 68.76 1799 78.28 +6.2 CnsTom CTO .08 .1 11 56.49 44.48 10 55.35 +3.6 ConstellA STZ 2.08f 1.2 23 175.43 144.00 943 172.95 +12.8 ConstellB STZ/B 1.12 .7 35 175.50 147.95 171.91 +12.2 Constellm CSTM ... ... ... 8.85 4.02 547 5.70 -3.4 CnE pfB CMSpB 4.50 4.4 ... 108.75 100.05 0 103.02 +.1 ContainStr TCS ... ... 10 8.34 3.75 164 4.27 -32.8 Contango MCF ... ... ...dd 14.14 5.62 125 7.40 -20.8 ContlBldg CBPX ... ... 23 26.53 18.35 222 24.30 +5.2 ContMatls CUO ... ... 26 30.90 14.21 4 22.00 -8.1 ContlRescs CLR ... ... ...dd 60.30 34.43 2180 43.24 -16.1 Cnvrgys CVG .36 1.6 12 30.92 20.15 621 22.15 -9.8 CooperCo COO .06 ... 25 202.70 152.09 232 200.50 +14.6 CooperTire CTB .42 1.0 9 44.50 29.29 581 43.65 +12.4 CooperStd CPS ... ... 10 118.59 74.33 176 110.74 +7.1 CopaHold CPA 2.04 1.8 24 117.00 48.57 132 115.22 +26.9 Copel ELP .36e 3.7 ... 11.94 6.43 452 9.62 +13.4 CoreLabs CLB 2.20 1.9 74 135.49 96.30 1022 113.50 -5.4 CoreMold CMT ... ... 12 19.63 11.08 25 18.46 +7.9 Corecivic CXW 1.68m 5.0 15 35.33 12.99 608 33.55 +37.2 CoreLogic CLGX ... ... 21 43.43 34.59 524 42.04 +14.1 CorEn pfA CORRpA 1.84 7.4 ... 26.55 20.30 88 24.79 +.7sCorEnInf rs CORR 3.00 8.2 17q 37.03 20.13 124 36.45 +4.5sCoreSite COR 3.20 3.4 49 93.88 64.81 220 94.18 +18.7 CoreSR pfA CORpA 1.81 7.1 ... 27.30 25.05 0 25.62 +1.2 Corindus n CVRS ... ... ...dd 1.80 .40 368 1.23 +76.2 CorMedix CRMD ... ... ...dd 4.54 .99 296 1.18 -22.9 CrnstTotR CRF 3.35 20.6 ...q 17.65 13.79 98 16.23 +7.7 CrnrstnStr CLM 3.40 20.8 ...q 18.48 13.75 196 16.36 +7.8 Corning GLW .62f 2.3 17 28.36 18.21 6378 27.11 +11.7 CpBT JCP JBN 1.75 11.0 ... 19.79 14.76 2 15.90 -10.7 CorpOffP OFC 1.10 3.3 18 34.56 24.92 622 33.73 +8.0 CorpOf pfL OFCpL 1.84 7.2 ... 26.77 24.85 5 25.38 +.5 Cort1Aon27 KTN 2.05 6.1 ... 34.99 30.55 2 33.50 +4.5 CortsJCP97 KTP 1.91 10.5 ... 21.99 16.40 14 18.27 -12.3 CortsJCP JBR 1.75 10.9 ... 19.98 14.60 2 16.09 -9.6 CortsPE KTH 2.00 6.3 ... 37.17 29.91 5 31.98 +1.0 Cosan Ltd CZZ .26e 3.3 ... 9.50 4.75 1819 7.98 +6.3 Costamre CMRE .40 6.0 ... 10.45 5.07 552 6.65 +18.8 Costam pfB CMREpB 1.91 8.3 ... 24.99 16.90 1 23.01 +13.3 Costmr pfC CMREpC 2.13 9.1 ... 24.44 17.60 14 23.45 +8.2 Costam pfD CMREpD 2.19 9.2 ... 24.44 17.86 29 23.86 +7.5 Cotiviti n COTV ... ... ... 43.00 17.00 175 41.70 +21.2 Cott Cp COT .24 1.9 58 17.38 10.10 471 12.83 +13.2 Coty COTY .50 2.8 31.60 16.95 3878 17.90 -2.2 Cntwd pfB CFCpB 1.75 6.7 ... 26.50 25.30 40 25.98 +2.0 CousPrp CUZ .24 2.9 12 8.82 7.04 2715 8.40 -1.3 CovantaH CVA 1.00 6.5 ...dd 17.22 13.45 992 15.35 -1.6 CovrAll n COVR ... ... ... Crane CR 1.32 1.7 18 78.94 53.40 378 76.97 +6.7 CrwfdA CRD/A .28 3.2 63 10.50 5.65 87 8.76 -7.5 CrwfdB CRD/B .20 1.9 75 14.37 6.09 39 10.55 -16.0 Credicp BAP 2.19e 1.4 ... 173.80 133.66 334 155.56 -1.5 CS EnEur50 FIEU ... ... ...q 107.65 73.67 1 104.79 +15.2 CSVInvN rs DGAZ ... ... ...q 94.25 13.50 4836 20.40 CS FILgCG FLGE ... ... ...q 164.89 113.12 4 163.89 +18.0 CSCmdyRtn CSCR ... ... ...q 14.06 12.95 13.50 sCS LgShLiq CSLS ... ... ...q 27.92 25.14 0 28.03 +4.2 CrSuisInco CIK .26 8.0 ...q 3.46 2.80 163 3.30 +4.4 CS MthlMtg REML ... ... ... 32.21 24.01 4 30.68 +14.5 CS MthlyP AMJL .99e ... ... CSVLgNG rs UGAZ ... ... ...q 54.89 13.66 3792 20.22 -56.2 CS CrdeOil OIIL ... ... ... 36.02 27.09 31.09 -9.1 CS MAsHi MLTI 1.30e ... ... 29.66 26.12 28.82 +3.7 CS SP mlp MLPO 1.12e 6.6 ... 17.25 15.14 17.00 +5.8 CS BigCG18 FIBG ... ... ...q 74.89 56.87 70.45 +10.4 CredSuiss CS 1.21e 8.3 ... 16.17 10.01 4414 14.54 +1.6 CrSuiHiY DHY .29 10.5 ...q 2.85 2.17 342 2.75 +3.0tCrescPtE g CPG .28 2.8 18.95 10.16 1090 10.11 -25.6 CrestEq rs CEQP 2.40e 9.5 ...dd 28.30 16.15 88 25.30 -1.0 InergyM wi NRGM/WI ... ... ... 22.72 CrossAmer CAPL 2.45f 9.6 61 27.94 22.50 47 25.53 +1.3 CrosTim CRT 1.10e 7.0 14 20.59 14.10 10 15.74 -12.4 CrwnCstle CCI 3.80 4.0 29 102.82 79.38 4193 96.04 +10.7 CrownHold CCK ... ... 14 57.49 48.04 1702 54.75 +4.1 Cryolife CRY .12 .8 34 20.15 11.11 324 15.45 -19.3 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next pageMONEY & MARKET$Page 2 The Sun/Friday, April 21, 2017


CrystalRk CRVP ... ... ...dd 1.05 .63 4 .94 +15.3 CubeSmart CUBE 1.08 3.9 40 32.78 23.65 878 27.80 +3.8 Cubic CUB .27 .5 55.65 37.24 130 50.45 +5.2 CullenFr CFR 2.16f 2.4 20 96.62 57.94 473 90.66 +2.8 CullnF pfA CFRpA 1.34 5.3 ... 27.86 24.24 1 25.48 +3.3 Culp Inc CFI .32f 1.0 16 37.80 25.57 44 32.45 -12.7 Cummins CMI 4.10 2.8 22 155.51 105.33 1069 146.14 +6.9 CurEuro FXE ... ... ...q 112.90 100.46 253 103.84 +1.5 CurAstla FXA 1.02 1.4 ...q 77.72 71.64 14 75.28 +4.3 CurBrit FXB ... ... ...q 145.60 117.48 58 124.89 +3.8 CurrCda FXC .03e ... ...q 79.26 72.68 119 73.29 -.4 CurrChina FXCH ... ... ... 76.34 70.11 70.99 -.4 CurJpn FXY ... ... ...q 96.75 81.33 96 88.07 +6.7 CurSwed FXS ... ... ...q 122.77 102.80 0 107.44 +1.0 CurSwiss FXF ... ... ...q 101.31 92.37 1 95.64 +2.0 CurShSinga FXSG ... ... ...q 74.00 66.86 70.39 +3.5 CurtisWrt CW .52 .6 23 107.61 75.90 240 91.53 -6.9 CushTRet rs SRV 1.08 7.8 ...q 15.08 10.83 12 13.78 +1.4 CushngRen SZC 1.64 9.1 ...q 19.10 14.49 29 18.02 +3.7 CushRoy rs SRF .62 6.7 ...q 10.14 8.06 8 9.25 -5.4 CustomBcp CUBI ... ... 13 36.93 23.80 325 29.67 -17.2 CustBcp 18 CUBS 1.59 6.1 ... 27.74 26.01 4 26.23 -.1 CustBc p C CUBIpC .57p ... ... 27.74 25.25 1 27.04 +3.8 CustBc pfD CUBIpD ... ... ... 29.11 23.68 26.90 +4.9 CustBc pfE CUBIpE ... ... ... 27.13 24.69 3 26.69 +4.3 CustoBc pf F CUBIpF ... ... ... 26.37 23.22 19 26.08 +4.3 CypressEn CELP 1.63 18.3 ... 14.27 7.80 18 8.90 -15.6D -DCP Mid DCP 3.12 8.3 19 42.45 31.03 210 37.65 -1.9 DCT IndlTr DCT 1.16 2.3 29 51.70 39.76 356 50.69 +5.9 DDR Corp DDR .76 6.0 14 19.92 12.13 2551 12.70 -16.8 DDR pfJ DDRpJ 1.63 6.4 ... 26.60 24.35 1 25.20 +1.9 DDR pfK DDRpK 1.56 6.2 ... 27.13 23.66 5 25.23 +5.9 DGSE DGSE ... ... ...dd 1.63 .50 29 1.59 +28.2tDHI Grp DHX ... ... 10 8.43 3.90 214 3.90 -37.6 DHT Hldgs DHT .58e 12.5 6.08 3.29 880 4.65 +12.3 DNP Selct DNP .78 7.1 ...q 10.97 9.81 230 10.93 +6.8 DR Horton DHI .40f 1.2 13 34.56 26.69 9907 33.10 +21.1 Drdgold DRD .08f 1.8 ... 9.10 3.70 225 4.50 -14.9 DST Sys DST 1.40f 1.1 19 128.66 94.52 258 124.53 +16.2 DSW Inc DSW .80 3.8 16 26.22 18.51 1975 20.93 -7.6 DTE DTE 3.30f 3.2 24 104.84 85.37 790 103.44 +5.0 DTEEn 62 DTQ 1.31 5.2 ... 26.07 22.33 12 25.00 +4.4 DTE En76 n DTJ 1.34 5.4 ... 26.60 21.67 46 24.61 +9.2 DTE F76 n DTY 1.50 5.8 ... 26.59 24.24 41 26.00 +1.2 DTE En un DTV ... ... ... 54.49 50.03 68 53.52 +1.0 DTF TxF DTF .84 5.6 ...q 17.05 14.09 17 14.97 +3.7 DXC Tch n DXC ... ... ... 77.99 67.76 2578 75.49 +11.1 DanaInc DAN .24 1.3 10 20.62 9.80 1496 18.70 -1.5 Danaher DHR .56f .7 19 88.01 72.32 8639 82.89 +6.5 Danaos DAC ... ... 1 4.90 1.60 43 1.70 -35.8 DaqoNEn DQ ... ... 4 27.60 18.01 19 18.63 -3.5 Darden DRI 2.24 2.7 21 84.55 59.50 1253 84.05 +15.6 DarlingIng DAR ... ... 24 15.93 11.51 911 14.95 +15.8 DaVita Inc DVA ... ... 17 78.77 54.50 1027 68.43 +6.6 Daxor DXR .04f .5 ... 9.80 6.81 5 7.27 -11.8 DeVryEd DV .36 1.0 13 36.15 15.36 1577 35.90 +15.1 DeanFoods DF .36 1.8 13 22.31 15.69 1078 19.95 -8.4 DeckrsOut DECK ... ... 76 69.94 44.00 286 58.32 +5.3 Deere DE 2.40 2.2 23 112.18 76.73 1990 108.80 +5.6 DE EnhGlb DEX .90 8.2 ...q 11.07 9.16 64 10.96 +8.4 DelaCO VCF .72 4.8 ...q 16.42 14.50 1 14.90 DelaDvInc DDF .62 6.0 ...q 10.52 9.19 35 10.41 +4.4 DelaNatl VFL .72 5.5 ...q 14.99 12.07 10 13.13 -.2 DelaMN2 VMM .63 4.3 ...q 15.70 13.13 4 14.61 +7.7 DelekLogis DKL 2.72f 8.7 13 36.05 21.30 21 31.25 +9.5 Delek DK .60a 2.8 ...dd 26.06 11.41 1173 21.78 -9.5 DellTch n DVMT ... ... ... 65.78 46.64 942 64.90 +18.1 DelphiAuto DLPH 1.16 1.5 16 83.23 58.04 2270 77.90 +15.7 DeltaAir DAL .81 1.8 9 52.76 32.60 7332 45.93 -6.6 DeltaAprl DLA ... ... 15 25.52 14.85 8 18.49 -10.8 DeltTim DEL .40 .5 85.49 53.21 28 77.97 +1.2 Deluxe DLX 1.20 1.7 15 75.94 59.47 182 70.99 -.9 DenburyR DNR ... ... ...dd 4.80 2.15 4728 2.17 -41.0 DenisnM g DNN ... ... ...dd .84 .37 221 .60 +15.5 DeutschBk DB .83e ... ... 20.94 11.19 5269 16.55 -8.6 DBDogs22 DOD ... ... ... 29.00 17.00 7 18.76 +1.4 DBWMTR WMW ... ... ... 27.29 21.67 1 26.35 +6.8 DB Cap pf DTK 1.90 7.3 ... 26.55 22.38 135 26.01 +4.2 DeutBCT2 pf DXB 1.64 6.5 ... 25.72 21.86 88 25.04 +4.5 DeutBCT5 pf DKT 2.01 7.6 ... 27.00 23.01 151 26.33 +4.2 DBCmdyS DDP ... ... ...q 63.65 38.70 51.00 -6.1 DBCmdDL DYY ... ... ...q 4.77 1.82 0 3.45 -11.1 DBCmdDS DEE ... ... ...q 80.00 64.00 77.00 +4.7 DB AgriLg AGF ... ... ...q 13.98 9.72 11.75 +.4 DB AgriSh ADZ ... ... ...q 31.24 28.95 31.24 tDB AgriDL DAG ... ... ...q 4.98 3.30 65 3.26 -6.3 DB AgDS AGA ... ... ...q 27.50 19.95 2 27.50 +10.0 DBGoldSh DGZ ... ... ...q 15.72 12.73 1 13.72 -10.7 DBGoldDL DGP ... ... ...q 31.42 19.20 18 24.63 +22.4 DBGoldDS DZZ ... ... ...q 7.15 4.80 88 6.05 -11.7 DBGlbHY23 FIEG ... ... ...q 145.74 113.98 0 143.25 +10.1 Deut GlbHi LBF .54 6.3 ...q 8.88 7.90 1 8.58 +2.9 Deut HiOp DHG .72 4.9 ...q 14.88 13.07 8 14.69 +1.9 Deut Multi KMM .51 5.8 ...q 8.82 7.90 113 8.77 +2.9 Deut Muni KTF .84 6.3 ...q 14.82 12.52 85 13.40 +2.1 Deut StInc KST .66a 5.4 ...q 12.35 11.26 13 12.28 +3.3 Deut StMu KSM .84 6.7 ...q 15.01 11.86 8 12.52 +3.1 DBXEmMkt DBEM .64e 3.1 ...q 20.97 17.93 19 20.69 +7.5 DBXEafeEq DBEF 1.00e 3.0 ...q 29.67 23.35 2714 29.20 +4.1 DBXBrazEq DBBR 2.71e 25.4 ...q 11.85 9.00 6 10.68 +3.9 DBXGerEq DBGR 3.40e 12.8 ...q 27.17 20.48 3 26.61 +5.6 Deu HYBd n HYLB ... ... ... 51.42 50.07 1 50.87 +.9 Dbx Tr etf DESC ... ... ... 32.47 25.98 1 31.38 -1.4 DeutBarI n IFIX ... ... ... 50.04 49.70 0 50.02 +.6 DeuBrcIn n IGVT ... ... ... 50.01 48.42 48.42 -1.9 DbXR1KECo DEUS ... ... ...q 28.99 24.84 9 28.64 +5.9 DeutEmCo DEMG ... ... ... 27.73 23.03 0 26.92 +9.1 DBXJapnEq DBJP 2.26e 3.8 ...q 38.72 29.15 405 36.64 -1.6 DbXDvxEU DEEF ... ... ...q 26.27 22.73 0 25.79 +8.0 Deut 300Ch ASHX .74p ... ...q 24.28 18.69 1 19.48 +3.4 DeutSpain n DBSP ... ... ... DbxItalyHE DBIT .22p ... ...q 21.16 16.33 20.92 +14.6 DeutSthE n DBSE ... ... ... DbxAustHE DBAU .85p ... ...q 27.38 22.67 0 27.22 +4.8 DbxEafeSC DBES .26p ... ...q 26.52 22.06 26.52 +9.6 DbxAllWHiD HDAW .27e ... ...q 26.09 21.64 3 25.40 +3.1 DbxEuroHiD HDEZ .28p ... ...q 26.32 20.78 25.93 +4.6 DbxEmMHiD HDEE .79e 1.2 ...q 23.19 20.96 22.68 +5.2 DbxEafeHiD HDEF .43e 1.1 ...q 24.64 21.73 2 24.23 +4.1 DbxJpnHE JPNH .17p ... ... 22.76 19.09 0 22.12 -2.7 DbxNikk400 JPN ... ... ...q 25.79 21.98 4 25.18 +4.3 DBXGlblInf DBIF .60e 2.2 ...q 25.39 22.54 25.28 +7.4 DBXIntlRE DBRE .49a 2.2 ...q 24.05 20.89 22.18 +2.0 DBX MSCI DBEZ 1.28e 4.5 ... 29.04 22.01 43 28.76 +7.3 DeuMunInf RVNU .73 2.8 ...q 28.30 24.89 6 26.29 +2.1 DBX EMBd EMIH .87e ... ...q 25.20 23.65 24.76 -.3 DBX IGBd IGIH .60e ... ...q 24.72 22.68 1 24.07 -.5 DBXHYCpB HYIH 1.02e ... ...q 23.98 19.46 0 23.09 -1.5 DBXChiSC ASHS 3.46e .5 ...q 36.01 30.80 4 33.37 +3.3 DBXHrvChi CN 4.34e ... ...q 31.80 25.90 29.02 +10.8 DBXMexHd DBMX 4.12e 13.6 ...q 22.56 19.28 20.47 +5.2 DBXSKorH DBKO .03p ... ...q 26.80 21.85 7 26.22 +6.9 DBXAWxUS DBAW 1.33e 3.5 ...q 25.52 20.54 20 25.17 +5.0 DBXAsiaPH DBAP 2.07e 4.4 ...q 25.26 21.28 0 25.05 +9.5 DBXEurHgd DBEU 1.28e 4.3 ...q 27.18 22.77 1022 26.76 +5.5 DBXUKHdg DBUK 1.63e 7.4 ...q 24.95 19.98 20.59 +1.5 DBXHvChiA ASHR 8.43e 1.3 ...q 26.19 22.61 750 25.11 +7.1 DevonE DVN .24 .6 ...dd 50.69 29.60 3468 39.70 -13.1sElevWat n WTRX ... ... ... 28.47 25.00 16 28.25 +11.6 Diageo DEO 3.23e 2.8 ... 117.84 99.46 723 114.03 +9.7 DiamOffsh DO .50 3.4 10 26.72 14.48 2342 14.90 -15.8 DiamRk DRH .50 4.4 12 12.00 8.22 2306 11.24 -2.5 DianaShip DSX ... ... ...dd 6.20 2.11 5383 4.17 +38.1 DianaS pfB DSXpB 2.22 10.1 ... 22.99 13.25 26 21.93 +33.6 DianaSh20 DSXN 2.13 8.4 ... 26.00 18.50 5 25.39 +23.1 DicksSptg DKS .68f 1.3 17 62.88 37.96 2216 51.84 -2.4 Diebold DBD .40 1.4 ...dd 31.85 21.05 483 29.05 +15.5 DigitalPwr DPW ... ... ...dd 1.75 .35 52 .63 -3.8sDigitalRlt DLR 3.72f 3.3 32 113.21 85.63 1030 113.28 +15.3 DigitlR pfG DLRpG 1.47 5.8 ... 26.75 23.05 7 25.37 +6.0 DigtlR pfH DLRpH 1.84 6.5 ... 29.49 25.90 20 28.19 +3.8 DigitalR pfI DLRpI 1.59 5.9 ... 28.16 24.50 7 26.99 +7.7 DigitalGlb DGI ... ... 35.95 18.59 271 33.00 +15.2 Dillards DDS .28 .5 11 77.70 46.56 833 54.86 -12.5 Dillard38 DDT 1.88 7.3 ... 27.15 25.02 31 25.84 -.6 DineEquity DIN 3.88 6.9 10 89.98 49.53 239 56.23 -27.0 DiploPhm DPLO ... ... 28 38.94 12.25 475 15.37 +22.0 DirConBr1x SPLZ ... ... ... 23.55 23.47 0 23.48 -.3 Dir7-10TBr TYNS ... ... ...q 29.38 27.19 28.24 -2.8 DrxDlySpxB LLSP .10p ... ...q 31.33 24.71 30.60 +6.4 DxChiABear CHAD ... ... ...q 46.91 38.73 11 39.57 -7.4 DrxNGBear rs GASX ... ... ...q 57.00 17.73 24 28.88 +25.7 DrxRBkBear WDRW 1.86p ... ...q 41.88 7.45 30 9.49 -4.2 DxSPOGBr rs DRIP ... ... ...q 47.00 10.28 460 19.31 +48.1 DrxRBkBull DPST ... ... ...q 81.77 20.24 25 58.96 -13.3 DirDGlBr rs DUST ... ... ...q 105.50 22.80 9378 27.63 -42.9 DxGlMBr rs JDST ... ... ...q 148.50 11.75 12188 16.45 -53.1 DxSPXBll s SPUU ... ... ...q 42.67 31.54 1 41.16 +10.8 DxEuFnBl EUFL ... ... ... 38.38 24.51 34.25 +7.7 DirGlMin n MELT ... ... ... 35.76 22.89 2 25.26 -14.2 DirSCBll s SMLL .40p ... ...q 42.82 25.75 41.00 +3.4 DirxEurFin EUFS ... ... ... 25.13 19.46 1 19.88 -6.8 DxHiYldBr HYDD ... ... ... 23.58 17.56 1 20.00 -5.3 DirNsdq100 QQQE .37e .5 ...q 77.33 58.70 17 77.02 +12.1 DrxDlySCB LLSC .10p ... ...q 32.42 23.78 31.00 -.7 DirSPX Br SPDN ... ... ... 21.10 17.25 25 17.54 -5.4 DirxTchBr TECZ ... ... ... 26.51 20.31 0 20.31 -8.9 DirxFnBr n FAZZ ... ... ... 25.84 17.49 0 18.48 -2.1 DrxiBillion IBLN .21e .8 ...q 28.05 23.11 4 27.42 +9.2 DirxEnBr n ERYY ... ... ... 23.33 18.77 21.33 +5.6 DxRusBll rs RUSL ... ... ...q 114.71 49.16 153 81.80 -19.0 DiEurBll3x EURL .05e .2 ...q 25.26 14.48 22 24.82 +24.2 DrxEMBll rs EDC ... ... ...q 78.75 40.73 277 72.90 +38.0 Dir MLPHi ZMLP 1.60m 8.6 ...q 20.15 17.01 8 18.50 -2.0 DxLatBll rs LBJ ... ... ...q 130.26 55.20 1 108.19 +38.5 DirTotBBr SAGG ... ... ...q 33.19 30.92 0 31.37 -2.0 DrxFTSE LLDM ... ... ... DxBrzBull s BRZU ... ... ...q 55.29 15.72 340 37.17 +19.7 DxBiotBll rs LABU ... ... ...q 55.88 21.94 1270 45.94 +46.7 DxIndiBll rs INDL ... ... ...q 75.02 41.00 42 70.91 +57.8 DxNGBll rs GASL ... ... ...q 58.12 28.46 79 30.58 -31.3 DrDevMBr DPK ... ... ...q 35.88 18.98 2 19.63 -19.5 DxSPOGBl rs GUSH ... ... ...q 134.00 55.34 475 57.88 -43.0 DxREBear DRV ... ... ...q 16.90 10.45 40 10.92 -13.5 DirSPBear SPXS ... ... ...q 16.40 8.67 4110 9.10 -15.7 DrxHCreBr SICK ... ... ...q 42.28 20.05 0 28.88 -19.6 DxSPBioBr LABS ... ... ... 52.34 31.65 33.46 -12.8 Dir20yrTBr TYBS ... ... ...q 22.50 18.49 20.97 -3.9 DrxFtseEm LLEM .47p ... ...q 25.07 20.41 23.59 DrxJpBull JPNL ... ... ...q 51.93 32.71 8 48.80 +14.2 DxEnBear ERY ... ... ...q 19.68 8.59 1969 12.27 +28.8 DxEMBear EDZ ... ... ...q 42.31 16.28 614 17.39 -31.1 DirPhr Bear PILS 1.50p ... ... 55.43 36.07 43.52 -13.2 DrxCySBull HAKK ... ... ...q 49.01 24.30 0 44.66 +26.6 DrxSKBull KORU ... ... ...q 38.22 19.17 3 33.76 +39.2 DxSCBear rs TZA ... ... ...q 45.06 17.08 15844 17.94 -9.6 DxFnBr rs FAZ ... ... ...q 45.92 17.00 2531 19.43 -10.5 DrGMBll s JNUG ... ... ...q 33.29 3.77 38771 5.75 +3.0 DxGBull s NUGT ... ... ...q 35.80 5.51 29745 9.84 +28.8 DxHmbBear CLAW ... ... ...q 43.32 17.74 2 18.26 -40.8 DrxHmbBull NAIL ... ... ...q 42.85 20.01 14 39.60 +56.1 Dx30TBear TMV ... ... ...q 25.75 15.03 634 20.68 -13.8 DxFnBull s FAS ... ... ...q 51.11 21.14 3788 43.93 +7.4 DxBiotBear LABD ... ... ...q 55.83 9.33 1753 10.74 -43.3 DrxTcBr rs TECS ... ... ...q 30.55 12.57 119 12.89 -26.8 DrxACInsi KNOW .48e .6 ...q 82.27 68.64 7 78.48 +2.6 DxSOXBr rs SOXS ... ... ...q 40.64 7.34 847 7.74 -28.2 DxRsaBr rs RUSS ... ... ...q 17.95 5.36 745 6.76 +8.7 DxMCBr rs MIDZ ... ... ...q 39.04 18.10 18 19.13 -13.1 DxChiBear s YANG ... ... ...q 30.01 10.90 281 12.44 -26.4 Drx300Chin CHAU ... ... ...q 20.89 15.60 55 19.39 +14.2 DxHcrBll s CURE ... ... ...q 37.62 24.26 72 34.00 +23.3 DxTcBull s TECL ... ... ...q 68.41 31.48 182 66.53 +33.2 DxRetlBll s RETL ... ... ...q 49.91 27.90 46 33.31 -8.8 DxSOXBll s SOXL .01e ... ...q 79.89 21.10 334 74.78 +31.0 Dir30TrBul s TMF ... ... ...q 31.58 16.87 472 20.16 +11.4 Dir10TrBear TYO ... ... ...q 16.29 12.60 6 14.27 -7.6 Dx10yTBull TYD .73e ... ...q 58.66 39.87 1 44.35 +6.7 DxMCBull s MIDU ... ... ...q 38.56 20.50 28 36.03 +10.9 DrxREBull s DRN ... ... ...q 29.68 16.63 93 23.79 +11.0 DirxChiBull YINN .07e .4 ...q 22.27 10.87 726 19.31 +28.9 DirxDMBull DZK ... ... ...q 56.99 33.10 3 54.98 +22.0 DrxSCBull TNA .48e ... ...q 113.49 52.71 3858 105.27 +4.1 DrxSPBull SPXL ... ... ...q 132.76 75.33 597 125.39 +16.4 DirxEnBull ERX ... ... ...q 44.55 24.87 3113 29.11 -27.1 Discover DFS 1.20 1.8 12 74.33 50.32 3840 66.69 -7.5 Discov pfB DFSpB 1.63 6.3 ... 26.96 24.91 41 26.00 +1.2sDisney DIS 1.56f 1.4 20 115.00 90.32 5189 114.79 +10.1 DvsRealAst DRA 1.67 9.6 ...q 17.73 15.00 52 17.39 +11.5 Div&Inco DNI 1.63 13.5 ...q 12.56 10.47 51 12.04 +1.6 DrReddy RDY .31e .8 ... 54.73 39.04 140 40.74 -10.0 DocuSec rs DSS ... ... ... 1.64 .42 26 1.07 +60.7 DolbyLab DLB .56 1.1 19 55.02 42.15 251 51.64 +14.3 DollarGen DG 1.00 1.4 16 96.88 66.50 2750 70.67 -4.6 DomDmd g DDC .40 3.3 13.31 7.92 423 12.20 +26.0 DomMidst DM 1.04f 3.3 26 34.47 23.17 109 32.00 +8.3 DomRescs D 3.02f 3.9 20 79.36 68.71 2584 77.36 +1.0 DomRes un DCUD ... ... ... 54.16 48.10 110 50.67 +.1 DomRs76 n DRUA ... ... ... 25.98 20.93 314 24.80 +11.7 DomRes 17 DCUC .75 1.5 ... 53.00 48.74 9 50.30 +.5 Dominos DPZ 1.84f 1.0 43 192.01 116.91 441 176.91 +11.1 Domtar g UFS 1.66 4.5 20 44.58 32.74 313 37.20 -4.7 Donaldson DCI .70 1.5 28 47.68 31.52 411 45.45 +8.0 DonlleyRR rs RRD .56 4.6 6 30.77 11.03 1907 12.18 -25.4 DonnlyFn n DFIN ... ... ... 29.00 18.03 155 20.72 -9.8 DorianLPG LPG ... ... 8 12.50 5.07 149 9.34 +13.8 DoubIncSol DSL 1.80a 8.8 ...q 20.73 17.35 241 20.47 +7.8 DblLOppCr DBL 2.00a 8.3 ...q 27.75 22.52 36 24.08 +4.2 DougDyn PLOW .96f 3.1 18 35.90 20.00 123 31.25 -7.1 DEmmett DEI .92 2.3 21 40.79 31.65 460 39.18 +7.2 Dover DOV 1.76 2.2 24 82.56 62.89 2837 79.71 +6.4 DoverDG DDE ... ... 34 1.21 .92 79 1.03 tDoverMot DVD .05 2.4 15 2.54 2.00 506 2.05 -10.9 DowChm DOW 1.84 3.0 20 65.42 47.51 5038 61.94 +8.2 DrPepSnap DPS 2.32f 2.4 23 99.47 81.05 906 98.09 +8.2 DryHYSt DHF .35 10.1 ...q 3.60 3.07 141 3.46 +3.0 DrMuBdInf DMB .75 5.8 ...q 14.70 11.96 70 12.96 +5.9 DryfMu DMF .54 6.0 ...q 10.15 8.42 16 8.97 +3.9 DryStrt LEO .52 5.9 ...q 9.63 8.17 111 8.78 +4.5 DrySM DSM .50 5.9 ...q 9.24 7.88 85 8.38 +4.2 Dril-Quip DRQ ... ... 11 69.40 46.90 579 51.90 -13.6 DriveShack DS .48 11.5 2 4.88 3.69 503 4.17 +10.9 DriveS pfB DSpB 2.44 9.6 ... 26.71 24.25 25.33 -1.3 DriveS pfC DSpC 2.01 8.1 ... 27.45 19.20 1 24.85 -1.5 DriveS pfD DSpD 2.09 8.4 ... 26.30 22.41 24.92 -2.2 DuPont DD 1.52 1.9 23 82.37 61.12 2301 78.29 +6.7sDuPnt pfA DDpA 3.50 3.9 ... 93.85 83.53 5 88.65 +1.3 DuPnt pfB DDpB 4.50 4.3 ... 111.00 95.09 1 105.50 +5.4sDuPFabros DFT 2.00 3.8 30 52.03 37.54 449 52.02 +18.4 DuPFab pfC DFTpC 1.66 6.0 ... 28.72 24.57 11 27.46 +8.1 Ducomun DCO ... ... 27 33.65 15.53 108 30.51 +19.4 Df&PGblUt DPG 1.40 8.4 ...q 17.70 14.32 149 16.69 +7.7 DufPUC DUC .60 6.5 ...q 9.92 9.07 70 9.30 -1.5 DukeEngy DUK 3.42 4.2 17 87.75 72.34 2272 82.03 +5.7 DukeEn 73 DUKH 1.28 4.9 ... 27.18 23.12 19 25.91 +8.3 DukeRlty DRE .76 2.8 28 28.99 21.11 2127 27.61 +4.0 DunBrad DNB 2.01f 1.9 15 141.57 100.46 312 107.84 -11.1 Dycom DY ... ... 21 109.16 65.79 679 107.25 +33.6 Dynagas DLNG 1.69 9.8 ... 17.93 12.36 156 17.26 +8.0sDynags pfA DLNGpA 2.25 8.5 ... 26.18 21.68 4 26.32 +4.1tDynegy DYN ... ... ...dd 22.01 6.31 5359 6.61 -21.9tDynegy wt DYN/WS ... ... ... .70 .03 32 .04 -7.3 Dynegy pfA DYNpA 1.34 5.7 ... 76.75 22.74 45 23.54 -26.4 Dynegy 7 DYNC 1.75 3.3 ... 113.10 50.76 31 52.61 -15.3 DynexCap DX .72m 10.1 14 7.61 6.33 301 7.10 +4.1 Dynex pfA DXpA 2.13 8.3 ... 25.60 23.95 3 25.49 +1.7 Dynex pfB DXpB 1.91 8.0 ... 25.09 22.00 17 23.80 -.4E -ETracBDC BDCS 1.84e 7.9 ...q 24.99 19.50 24 23.34 +2.9 ETrMLPSht MLPS ... ... ...q 13.90 10.66 10.97 -5.6 ETrAlerNG MLPG 1.86e 7.0 ...q 28.23 21.99 0 26.48 +2.1 E-TrAlerInf MLPI 1.88e 6.7 ...q 31.00 25.01 230 28.22 -.7 ETBbgCmd DJCI ... ... ...q 16.99 14.61 31 15.29 -3.7 ETrAlerian AMU 1.45e 7.2 ...q 21.82 18.00 24 20.06 +1.0 E-TrFood FUD ... ... ...q 22.53 19.01 19.12 -3.3 E-TrcEngy UBN ... ... ...q 7.75 5.92 7.13 -7.2 E-TrcIMet UBM ... ... ...q 15.58 11.61 14.72 +1.6 E-TracAg UAG ... ... ...q 23.03 18.72 19.13 -4.2 ETr2xBDC BDCL 3.52e 16.8 ...q 21.81 15.05 104 20.92 +6.2 E-TrcCmci UCI ... ... ...q 14.86 12.61 3 13.85 -2.5 ETrLPlat PTM ... ... ...q 12.94 9.21 1 10.32 +9.1 E-TrcSilv USV ... ... ...q 27.00 20.51 23.68 +12.8 E-TrcGld UBG ... ... ...q 35.99 28.83 32.59 +12.3 E-TrLvstk UBC ... ... ...q 19.44 14.39 17.84 +6.0 ECA MTrI ECT .30e 14.6 5 2.95 1.37 77 2.05 -4.7 EG Comp AGEM ... ... ...q 22.55 EGBasMat LGEM ... ... ...q 10.05 EG CnsGds GGEM ... ... ...q 23.42 EG CnsSvc VGEM ... ... ...q 22.28 EG Fincl FGEM ... ... ...q 20.32 EG HltCre HGEM ... ... ...q 23.77 EG Tech QGEM ... ... ...q 21.71 EG MetMn EMT ... ... ...q 9.98 EG Energy OGEM ... ... ...q 22.23 EG Utils UGEM ... ... ...q 15.87 EG Telecm TGEM ... ... ...q 19.72 ELF Inc n ELF ... ... ... 32.54 24.03 354 27.90 -3.6 EMCOR EME .32 .5 22 73.44 44.27 233 63.23 -10.6 ENI E 2.12e 6.7 ...dd 33.40 26.15 925 31.61 -2.0 EOG Rescs EOG .67 .7 ...dd 109.37 77.04 2681 93.30 -7.7 EP Energy EPE ... ... 4 7.49 3.29 1072 4.70 -28.2 EPAM Sys EPAM ... ... 41 78.28 54.53 367 76.60 +19.1 EPR Prop EPR 3.84 5.0 17 84.67 64.24 290 76.14 +6.1 EPR pfC EPRpC 1.44 4.9 ... 32.25 25.48 1 29.64 +4.1 EPR pfE EPRpE 2.25 6.1 ... 39.02 33.00 2 36.68 +2.2 EPR pfF EPRpF 1.66 6.5 ... 27.07 24.83 1 25.65 +2.1 EQT Corp EQT .12 .2 80.61 56.33 1465 63.27 -3.3 EQT GP n EQGP .71f 2.6 14 28.53 21.45 84 27.40 +8.7 EQT Mid EQM 3.40f 4.4 16 82.99 69.20 106 77.47 +1.0 ETF SITRis RISE ... ... ...q 24.09 22.17 22.91 -3.6 ETF JrSil SILJ ... ... ...q 19.78 11.00 25 12.98 +7.9 ETF Cyber HACK ... ... ...q 29.89 22.09 142 28.69 +8.5 ETF BigD BIGD ... ... ...q 26.12 21.35 1 25.32 +9.3 ETF MobP IPAY ... ... ...q 28.31 22.10 26 28.22 +10.3 ETF LatA LARE ... ... ... 32.50 24.13 0 29.23 +20.8sETF M Vid GAMR ... ... ... 34.84 25.83 3 34.95 +16.3 ETF Drone IFLY ... ... ... ETF MgT ef WSKY ... ... ... Pure Fintch FINQ ... ... ... 26.71 23.33 25.60 +9.2sETF Clim ETHO ... ... ...q 29.80 24.65 12 29.45 +6.6 ETFAlpAlt ALFA ... ... ...q 38.64 31.75 0 38.08 +8.2 ETFDeepV DVP .53e 1.9 ...q 28.23 21.77 2 27.21 +3.3 PremisCap TCTL ... ... ... 26.95 25.08 18 26.88 +4.8 AmCusSat ACSI ... ... ... AptBehMo BEMO ... ... ... 27.67 23.91 3 26.23 +1.4 EtfAlphacln ALFI ... ... ...q 21.33 18.31 21.14 +11.0 EtfUSGblJ JETS ... ... ...q 29.77 19.60 28 28.63 +2.7 ETF Master HIPS 1.29 6.9 ...q 19.49 15.69 1 18.60 +3.9 EtfDiaHVal DHVW .11p ... ...q EtfInfcMLP AMZA 2.08 19.8 ...q 11.93 9.78 384 10.50 -7.3 InfrCpPfd PFFR ... ... ... EtfNwfMSec NFLT .08e ... ...q 26.78 25.00 32 25.53 +1.1 EtfReavUt UTES ... ... ...q 33.23 28.77 1 31.88 +8.1 ETF PrMtl GLTR ... ... ...q 70.35 56.52 37 64.46 +12.0 ETFSGold SGOL ... ... ...q 133.68 109.18 18 124.43 +11.3 ETF Pall PALL ... ... ...q 78.14 50.46 29 76.92 +18.0 ETF Plat PPLT ... ... ...q 113.77 85.31 18 93.65 +8.4 EagleCGr GRF .50e 2.4 ...q 8.83 6.49 21 7.47 +1.6 EagleGrInc EGIF 1.31 7.6 ...q 18.00 15.38 21 17.26 +6.4 EagleMat EXP .40 .4 23 110.64 71.11 362 96.20 -2.4 EaglePtCr ECC .80m 4.1 ... 22.11 15.72 1102 19.50 +16.7 EagleP pfA ECCA 1.94 7.5 ... 26.67 25.04 3 25.85 +.4 EaglePt 20 ECCZ 1.75 6.8 ... 26.53 24.99 2 25.70 EaglPt pfB ECCB 1.94 7.5 ... 27.75 24.96 6 25.82 +1.5 Earthstone ESTE ... ... ...dd 15.93 7.67 55 14.28 +3.9 EastGvP n DEA .96f 4.6 17 21.38 17.58 289 20.68 +3.3 EstANG wd NGT/WD ... ... ... Eastgrp EGP 2.40 3.1 21 78.91 59.23 184 78.33 +6.1 EastChem EMN 2.04f 2.6 12 82.10 62.70 824 79.64 +5.9 EastCh wt EMN/WS ... ... ... .55 EKodak wt KODK/WS ... ... ... 5.12 .68 0 .84 -78.5 EKodk wtA KODK/WS/A ... ... ... 4.35 .50 3 .60 -78.7 EKodak KODK ... ... 38 17.30 9.55 248 10.65 -31.3 Eaton ETN 2.28 3.1 17 76.39 54.30 3599 74.03 +10.3 EatV HiIn21 EHT .60 5.9 ... 10.20 9.71 63 10.10 +1.8 EV CAMu EVM .68 5.9 ...q 14.23 10.83 45 11.53 +1.3 EVCAMu2 EIA .62 5.3 ...q 14.27 11.30 6 11.70 +.8 EVCAMu CEV .71 5.6 ...q 14.50 11.80 21 12.60 +2.4 EatnVan EV 1.12 2.6 20 47.83 32.97 460 43.04 +2.8 EV EnEq EOI 1.04 7.9 ...q 13.50 11.60 79 13.19 +6.4 EV EEq2 EOS 1.05 7.6 ...q 13.86 12.49 111 13.78 +7.7 EV FltRt EFT .91 6.1 ...q 15.45 13.05 70 15.05 +1.0 EVFltRtIP EFF 1.13 6.6 ...q 17.38 14.64 12 17.14 EV LtdDur EVV 1.22 8.7 ...q 14.25 12.82 287 13.95 +1.7 EV MAMu MAB .65 4.8 ...q 16.10 13.11 5 13.66 +1.7 EVMAMu MMV .69 5.1 ...q 15.82 13.05 18 13.44 +2.4 EV MIMu MIW .71 5.2 ...q 16.49 12.34 1 13.66 +2.1 EVMIMu EMI .71 5.4 ...q 14.68 12.41 3 13.13 +2.3 EVMuniBd EIM .77 6.1 ...q 14.48 12.00 84 12.63 +1.8 EVMuni2 EIV .70 5.6 ...q 14.98 11.78 31 12.39 +.7 EVMunTT ETX .85 4.2 ...q 21.68 18.64 31 20.26 +3.3 EV MuIT EVN .85 6.5 ...q 15.00 12.00 67 12.97 +3.3 EV NMuOp EOT 1.03 4.8 ...q 23.47 20.45 19 21.65 +4.1 EV NJMu EMJ .75 5.8 ...q 16.05 12.20 3 12.94 +1.0 EVNJMu EVJ .73 6.0 ...q 14.85 11.51 2 12.23 +1.8 EVNYMu2 NYH .69 5.7 ...q 14.50 10.43 2 12.02 +3.2 EV NYMu ENX .72 5.8 ...q 14.65 12.00 33 12.40 +.8 EVNYMu EVY .74 5.7 ...q 15.64 12.49 11 13.01 -.2 EV OHMu EIO .70 5.4 ...q 16.99 12.38 3 12.98 -3.1 EVOHMu EVO .73 5.3 ...q 16.30 13.19 3 13.75 +1.3 EV PAMu EIP .77 5.8 ...q 15.50 11.65 2 13.33 +5.7 EVPAMu EVP .73 6.0 ...q 13.74 11.80 2 12.20 +.7 EVRiskMgd ETJ 1.12 12.1 ...q 9.95 8.60 235 9.19 +2.6 EV SrFlt EFR .95 6.4 ...q 15.58 12.83 53 14.91 +1.2 EV SrInc EVF .42 6.2 ...q 6.98 5.80 99 6.76 +1.2 EVShDur EVG 1.08 7.7 ...q 14.24 12.96 50 14.07 +1.5 EVTxABdO EXD 1.16 10.3 ...q 12.45 10.94 19 11.27 -.6 EV TxAd EVT 1.74 8.0 ...q 22.26 18.62 109 21.69 +5.6 sEV TxAG ETG 1.23 7.7 ...q 15.94 13.50 145 15.95 +13.4 EV TxAOp ETO 2.16 9.3 ...q 23.97 19.86 39 23.21 +11.5 EV TxDiver ETY 1.01 9.1 ...q 11.21 9.88 372 11.10 +7.2 EVTxMGlo EXG .98 11.4 ...q 9.05 7.88 1148 8.59 +7.1 EVTxBWIn ETB 1.30 7.9 ...q 17.80 15.48 58 16.37 -.9 EVTxGBW ETW 1.17 10.6 ...q 11.15 10.00 284 11.07 +9.9 EVTxBWOp ETV 1.33 8.6 ...q 15.57 14.08 121 15.40 +3.8 EclipseRs ECR ... ... ...dd 4.42 2.00 551 2.08 -22.1 Ecolab ECL 1.48 1.2 29 127.06 110.65 666 126.35 +7.8 Ecopetrol EC 1.03e 10.7 ... 10.29 7.65 2074 9.60 +6.1 Edenor EDN ... ... ... 37.12 13.25 16 36.36 +30.6 Edgewell EPC ... ... 27 88.00 69.63 342 71.28 -2.3 EdisonInt EIX 2.17 2.7 20 81.34 67.44 1011 80.31 +11.6 EducRltTr EDR 1.52 3.7 27 48.87 38.67 404 40.68 -3.8 EdwLfSci s EW ... ... 34 121.75 81.12 1951 98.51 +5.1 eHiCarSvc EHIC ... ... ... 12.43 8.11 78 10.12 +11.7 ElPasoEl EE 1.24 2.4 21 51.70 42.42 130 51.05 +9.8 ElPasE pf EPpC 2.38 4.8 ... 53.75 44.01 4 49.08 +.2 EldorGld g EGO .02e ... ...dd 5.16 2.54 5755 3.60 +11.8 Electrmed ELMD ... ... 27 6.26 3.38 3 4.56 +17.5 ElevCr n ELVT ... ... ... 8.80 7.32 120 8.29 +12.0 EliLilly LLY 2.08f 2.5 26 86.72 64.18 3177 81.94 +11.4 Elk HiQPfd EPRF ... ... ... 27.79 22.79 4 24.28 +4.7 Elkh SPMd XD ... ... ... ElkSPMCons XS ... ... ... Elkh LoVl n LVHB ... ... ... 30.17 24.54 17 29.81 +4.7 Elk SPMdPt XE ... ... ... ElkFdCm ef RCOM ... ... ... 27.00 24.64 25.57 +1.1 ElkSPMUt XU ... ... ... ElkSPMCMt XM ... ... ... ElkSPMCInf XK ... ... ... ElkSPMInd XI ... ... ... ElkSPMdHl XH ... ... ... ElkSPMFin XF ... ... ... EllieMae ELLI ... ... 75 109.99 74.11 502 108.75 +30.0 EllingtnF EFC 1.80 11.0 18.20 15.30 86 16.41 +5.7sEllingtRM EARN 1.60 10.7 11 14.99 12.10 53 14.94 +14.8 Ellomay ELLO ... ... ... 9.59 7.01 8.08 -.1sEllswthFd ECF .80e 9.0 ...q 8.85 7.55 34 8.88 +7.4 eMagin EMAN ... ... ...dd 3.30 1.68 37 2.40 +11.6 EAndinA AKO/A .55e 2.3 ... 24.12 17.30 1 23.50 +14.5 EAndinB AKO/B .60e 2.3 ... 26.58 18.43 27 25.96 +15.5 Embraer ERJ .13e .7 ... 25.01 17.06 1210 19.91 +3.4 EmergeES EMES 2.68m ... ...dd 24.45 3.00 1232 13.14 +6.7 EmergBio EBS ... ... 24 44.38 24.47 202 29.10 -11.4 EmrgBio wi EBS.WI ... ... ... EmergCap EMG ... ... ...dd 4.54 .20 .30 -75.2 EmersonEl EMR 1.92 3.2 23 64.36 48.45 3461 59.17 +6.1 EmerR hs MSN ... ... ...dd 1.40 .55 51 1.28 +21.9 EmpOPES ESBA .34 1.6 ... 22.19 18.23 18 21.38 +7.0 EmpOP60 OGCP .34 1.6 ... 21.99 14.77 21.43 +9.0 EmpOP250 FISK .34 1.6 ... 22.17 15.47 21.44 +7.3 EmpStRTr ESRT .34 1.6 35 22.31 18.11 293 21.53 +6.6 EmployH EIG .36 .9 14 40.55 27.01 79 38.75 -2.1 EElChile EOCC .65e 2.7 ... 28.34 18.35 88 23.67 +21.8 EnLinkLP ENLK 1.56 8.6 ...dd 19.89 12.75 340 18.07 -1.9 EnableMid ENBL 1.27 7.7 24 17.36 10.37 90 16.43 +4.5 EnbrdgEM EEQ 2.33t ... ...dd 26.53 16.50 353 17.46 -32.6 EnbrdgEPt EEP 2.33 12.8 29 26.37 16.95 935 18.16 -28.7 Enbridge ENB 1.66f ... ... 45.77 38.40 2779 41.85 -.6 EnCana g ECA .06 .6 13.85 5.89 14868 10.73 -8.6 EndvSilv g EXK ... ... ...dd 5.95 2.84 2126 3.09 -12.2 EndSp pfC ENHpC 1.59 6.0 ... 28.60 25.05 17 26.30 +2.9 EnduroRT NDRO .31e 8.7 9 4.55 3.18 54 3.50 +1.4 EnerCre wt ENCR/WS ... ... ... EnerCore n ENCR ... ... ... Energen EGN .08 .2 ...dd 64.44 38.11 1611 51.74 -10.3 Energizer n ENR 1.10 1.9 22 59.64 41.62 320 59.03 +32.3 Engy&Exp ENXP ... ... ... EnFuel grs UUUU ... ... ... 2.87 1.29 198 2.00 +22.0 EgyTrEq s ETE 1.14 6.1 20 20.05 10.56 3589 18.63 -3.5 EngyTsfr ETP 4.22 12.0 ...dd 43.50 31.64 4097 35.11 -2.0 EnerJexR ENRJ ... ... ...dd 1.15 .23 83 .45 +54.5 Enerpls g ERF .12e 1.6 3 10.33 4.69 1361 7.52 -20.7 EnersisAm ENIA .35e 3.4 ... 10.77 7.37 1112 10.40 +26.7 EnersAm wi ENIA/WI ... ... ... 8.55 7.80 8.16 EnerChile ENIC .16p ... ... 6.66 4.25 321 5.40 +18.7 EnerSys ENS .70 .9 21 83.70 55.67 583 78.95 +1.1 Engility EGL ... ... 18 39.16 19.07 83 28.65 -15.0 EnLinkLLC ENLC 1.02 5.5 ... 20.45 12.51 372 18.40 -3.4 Ennis Inc EBF .70a 4.3 15 20.40 14.40 71 16.45 -5.2 EnovaIntl ENVA ... ... 13 15.40 6.13 384 13.80 +10.0 EnPro NPO .88f 1.3 58 71.82 42.56 82 67.43 +.1 ENSCO ESV .04 .5 2 12.36 6.50 6820 8.29 -14.7 Enservco ENSV ... ... ...dd .89 .22 62 .23 -58.9 EnSync ESNC ... ... ...dd 1.42 .19 40 .64 -10.8 Entercom ETM .07p .6 14 16.55 10.95 141 13.30 -13.1 EntArk66 n EAI 1.22 5.3 ... 25.04 20.49 30 23.02 +8.7 EntArk 63 EAE 1.19 5.0 ... 26.30 19.35 5 23.88 +13.7 EntArk 52 EAB 1.23 5.0 ... 26.30 20.96 18 24.54 +12.7 Entergy ETR 3.48 4.6 9 82.09 66.71 730 75.80 +3.2 EntLA 66 ELC 1.22 5.4 ... 23.17 20.48 24 22.75 +7.7 EntgyLA52 ELJ 1.31 5.2 ... 26.74 22.92 3 25.05 +6.6 EntLA 63 ELU 1.18 5.0 ... 26.15 20.25 4 23.54 +14.3 EntMS FtM EMP ... ... ... 25.00 20.57 19 22.66 +7.2 EntgyNO n ENO ... ... ... 28.00 22.31 19 24.95 +6.9 EntgyNO 52 ENJ 1.25 5.0 ... 28.74 22.11 5 25.11 +12.4 EntgyTx64 EZT 1.41 5.3 ... 28.20 24.12 7 26.50 +5.4 EntProdPt EPD 1.66f 6.0 22 30.25 24.01 2676 27.65 +2.3 Entravisn EVC .13 2.0 24 8.31 4.90 117 6.15 -12.1 EntreeGold EGI ... ... ... .72 .22 61 .45 +41.6 Envestnet ENV ... ... 35 41.47 27.59 243 34.60 -1.8 EnviroStr EVI .20e ... 25.00 3.56 2 20.70 +42.8tEnvisnHl n EVHC ... ... ... 74.19 57.24 4839 55.36 -12.5tEnvisnHl pf EVHCp ... ... ... 135.30 109.39 306 105.27 -11.8 Enviva n EVA 2.14f 7.3 41 29.98 19.31 101 29.40 +9.7sEnzoBio ENZ ... ... ...dd 8.89 4.76 321 8.88 +28.0 Equifax EFX 1.56f 1.1 27 137.94 110.87 484 137.31 +16.1 EquityCmw EQC ... ... 33 32.51 27.12 525 32.42 +7.2 EqCm pfD EQCpD 1.63 6.2 ... 27.48 24.98 2 26.10 +2.0 EqCm pfE EQCpE 1.81 ... ... EqCmw 42 EQCO 1.44 5.8 ... 26.21 22.82 11 24.91 +4.3 EqtyLfPrp ELS 1.95f 2.4 27 83.19 65.87 204 81.41 +12.9 EqLfPr pfC ELSpC 1.69 6.5 ... 27.00 23.50 1 26.05 +3.6 EqtyRsd EQR 2.16 3.4 20 73.05 58.28 1589 64.40 +.1 EquusTR EQS ... ... 31q 2.50 1.56 4 2.44 +21.4 EraGroup ERA ... ... ...dd 17.73 6.92 56 13.17 -22.4 ErinEn rs ERN ... ... ...dd 4.10 1.72 77 2.00 -34.4 Eros Intl EROS ... ... ...dd 19.87 8.65 227 9.45 -27.6 EscoTech ESE .32 .6 34 58.95 37.32 79 57.65 +1.8 Espey ESP 1.00 4.2 23 27.65 22.31 0 23.65 -9.2 Essent ESNT ... ... 16 39.50 19.54 577 38.64 +19.4 EssexPT ESS 7.00f 3.0 31 238.57 200.01 243 235.06 +1.1 EsteeLdr EL 1.36 1.6 28 97.48 75.30 1502 86.03 +12.5 Esterline ESL ... ... 19 96.50 56.72 89 87.85 -1.5 EtfSilver SIVR ... ... ...q 20.30 15.31 222 17.60 +12.9 EthanAl ETH .76 2.5 18 38.80 27.75 317 30.80 -16.4 Etrac2xMtg MORL 3.31e 18.6 ...q 18.23 12.65 268 17.82 +14.4 Et2xDJDiv DVYL 3.55e 5.6 ...q 66.42 49.45 1 63.18 +4.9 Etr2xHomb HOML ... ... ...q 32.19 17.12 2 31.17 +28.9 EtrCrdOil n OILX ... ... ... 35.48 26.36 30.91 -8.0 EtHiDLwV HDLV 2.57e 7.8 ... 35.25 27.34 9 33.00 +4.7 Etr2xSPX SPLX ... ... ...q 43.12 29.39 0 41.66 +11.0 Etr2xCEFd CEFL 2.88 16.2 ...q 18.83 14.82 125 17.77 +6.1 EtrcDvsHi DVHL 2.85e 12.5 ...q 23.95 17.27 6 22.80 +5.2 EtrWFxEn LMLP 1.90e 14.0 ... 14.27 8.68 33 13.62 +18.8 EtracReit LRET 2.00e 7.2 ...q 33.34 22.64 27.84 +5.0 UBS VlHdg XIVH ... ... ... 55.50 25.50 4 46.99 +33.2 VelShSP46 BSWN ... ... ... UBS VlVIX LSVX ... ... ... 31.21 25.91 29.80 +11.4 Etr EnhGl FIHD ... ... ... 141.80 107.16 4 137.20 +9.8 Etr SP MLP MLPZ .06p ... ... 63.32 43.67 56.54 -.4 Etr MLP In MLPQ .08p ... ... 62.03 42.68 1 52.50 -2.6 EtrAlerTRt AMUB .36p ... ...q 21.38 19.42 20.06 +.8 EtrAlerInf MLPB .99e ... ...q 30.20 27.50 28.35 +3.5 EtrBCmdty UCIB ... ... ...q 16.00 12.71 14.10 -.5 EtrWFBsD BDCZ .91e ... ...q 24.38 19.70 23.25 +3.2 Etr2xLevLg LBDC 2.89e 14.0 ...q 28.71 15.36 20.70 +5.5 EtrMtgReit MRRL 1.70e ... ...q 19.50 11.00 6 17.83 +14.0 EtrSCHiDv SMHD 3.06e 13.0 ...q 24.48 14.50 11 23.61 +3.8 EurasnM g EMX ... ... ... 1.40 .62 25 .91 +1.8 Euronav n EURN 2.41e ... ... 11.73 6.65 486 8.00 +.6sEuroEqFd EEA .17e 2.0 ...q 8.45 7.20 2 8.42 +9.1 EvansBc EVBN .80f 2.3 21 40.95 22.87 8 35.40 +12.2 EverBank EVER .24 1.2 17 19.52 13.37 252 19.47 +.1 EverBk pfA EVERpA 1.69 6.7 ... 26.55 25.06 5 25.37 +.6 Evercore EVR 1.24f 1.6 24 83.30 40.36 349 77.40 +12.7 EverestRe RE 5.00 2.1 9 240.51 169.19 138 234.95 +8.6sEveriHldgs EVRI ... ... ...dd 6.07 1.13 1038 6.05 +178.8 EversrceE ES 1.90f 3.2 20 60.50 50.56 1064 59.44 +7.6 Evertec EVTC .40 2.5 ... 18.60 13.11 419 16.00 -9.9 EvolentH n EVH ... ... ...dd 26.84 10.40 385 22.35 +51.0 EvolPetrol EPM .28f 3.5 11 10.20 4.90 81 8.00 -20.0 Exar EXAR ... ... 72 13.05 5.95 703 12.99 +20.5 ETYldShHi YYY 1.92 9.9 ...q 19.80 17.72 59 19.39 +4.4 ExTTactUS HTUS ... ... ...q 27.21 25.73 5 26.81 +4.1 RxVlmxInF VMIN ... ... ... 51.74 17.09 20 22.11 -1.8 RxVlmxWk VMAX ... ... ... 29.75 4.51 14 5.10 -39.8 ExTrGldE GHE ... ... ... 31.20 23.18 0 29.61 +27.4 ExTGldSP GHS ... ... ... 29.81 24.06 0 29.81 +16.8sETEMeCmc EMQQ .02p ... ...q 28.60 21.00 19 28.81 +26.1 ExcoRes XCO .07p ... ...dd 1.91 .47 550 .49 -43.9 Exelon EXC 1.31f 3.7 14 37.70 29.82 4293 35.05 -1.2 Exelon 17 EXCU 3.25 6.6 ... 50.97 43.00 20 49.42 +2.1 ExeterR gs XRA ... ... ... 1.89 .66 335 1.79 +137.1 Express EXPR ... ... 10 19.20 7.89 2307 8.49 -21.1 ExtendStay STAY .76 4.4 82 17.87 13.00 608 17.31 +7.2 Exterran n EXTN ... ... ... 34.05 10.83 110 28.05 +17.4 ExtraSpce EXR 3.12 3.9 25 94.81 68.09 835 80.62 +4.4 ExxonMbl XOM 3.00 3.7 36 95.55 80.30 11337 81.01 -10.2F -FB Finl n FBK ... ... ... 35.73 19.81 35 34.75 +33.9 FBL Fn FFG 1.76f 2.7 16 82.60 56.41 20 65.95 -15.6 FCB Fin FCB ... ... 21 50.33 31.98 195 48.45 +1.6 FMC Corp FMC .66 .9 26 75.93 41.80 1110 73.41 +29.8 FNBCp PA FNB .48 3.4 17 16.43 11.69 2502 14.30 -10.8 FNB FL pfE FNBpE ... ... ... 33.50 27.01 5 29.31 +3.7 FPL pfC NEEpC 1.47 5.7 ... 27.05 24.92 11 25.81 +2.6 FTFQAntiB BTAL ... ... ...q 24.47 18.06 4 20.08 +1.9 FTFQMom MOM ... ... ...q 27.15 20.25 22.08 -3.0 FTFQuSize SIZ ... ... ...q 22.29 20.50 0 21.26 -3.2 FTFQValu CHEP ... ... ...q 27.48 22.19 25.32 -7.8 FTFQHgDiv DIVA 1.08e 2.7 ...q 26.61 24.51 25.66 -.5 FqfOAsQDv OAPH .65e 2.4 ...q 27.74 24.14 0 27.24 +4.7 FqfOAsiaDv OASI .43e ... ...q 28.00 23.50 2 27.20 +7.1 FqfOEuQDv OEUH .45e ... ...q 29.30 24.11 2 26.23 +6.7 FqfOEurDiv OEUR .15e ... ...q 24.27 20.40 8 23.21 +7.3 FQFO USDv OUSA .20e ... ... 29.15 26.06 61 28.73 +4.5 FS Invest FSIC .89 9.2 26 10.80 8.03 751 9.70 -5.8 FTI Cnslt FCN ... ... 19 47.12 34.20 175 42.29 -6.2 Fabrinet FN ... ... 13 49.63 31.52 539 37.35 -7.3 FactsetR FDS 2.00 1.2 24 183.64 147.37 303 162.50 -.6 FairIsaac FICO .08 .1 37 133.14 103.50 119 130.38 +9.4 FairmSant FMSA ... ... ...dd 13.12 3.20 5351 5.55 -52.9 FangHldg SFUN .20e 5.7 ...dd 6.53 2.46 1980 3.53 +7.6 Farmland FPI .51 4.6 18 11.98 10.00 145 11.08 -.7 FedExCp FDX 1.60 .9 16 201.57 145.00 1592 186.48 +.2 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 3 The Sun/Friday, April 21, 2017


FedAgric AGM 1.44f 2.6 ... 64.28 32.31 27 54.99 -4.0 FdAgricA AGM/A 1.44f 2.8 16 70.00 34.60 0 52.34 -14.9 FAgMt pfA AGMpA 1.47 5.6 ... 28.06 24.63 1 26.06 +4.4 FAgMt pfB AGMpB 1.72 6.4 ... 29.50 24.71 4 26.88 +3.2 FAgMt pfC AGMpC 1.50 5.5 ... 30.60 24.63 27.45 +9.5 FedRlty FRT 3.92f 2.9 24 171.08 126.02 283 137.22 -3.4 FedSignl FSS .28 2.1 19 16.65 11.68 419 13.34 -14.5 FedInvst FII 1.00 3.7 14 33.13 24.52 878 26.88 -5.0 FedPInt FPT .67 5.1 ...q 14.99 12.55 12 13.17 +4.0 FedPMu FMN .88 6.3 ...q 16.77 13.53 20 14.04 +.5 FelCor FCH .24 3.3 11 9.13 5.68 662 7.37 -8.0 FelCor pfA FCHpA 1.95 7.9 ... 25.40 22.82 39 24.64 -1.1 Ferrari n RACE ... ... ... 74.99 38.71 484 71.40 +22.8 Ferrellgs FGP .40 6.8 ...dd 20.85 5.04 443 5.90 -12.9 Ferro FOE ... ... 14 16.17 11.76 710 15.50 +8.2 FiatChrys FCAU ... ... ... 11.63 5.45 8177 10.22 +12.1 FibriaCelu FBR .09e 1.0 ... 10.24 5.79 1237 8.95 -6.9 Fid&GtyLf FGL .26 .9 10 28.10 21.10 1228 27.95 +17.9 FidCorpBd FCOR 1.77e 3.5 ...q 53.57 48.72 7 50.41 +2.1 FidLtdTm FLTB .83e 1.6 ...q 52.59 49.66 10 50.43 +.9 FidTotBd FBND 1.54e 3.1 ...q 51.26 49.00 23 50.25 +.9sFidCnsDis FDIS .40e 1.1 ...q 34.75 28.92 52 34.91 +8.5 FidCnsStpl FSTA .87e 2.6 ... 33.63 30.10 66 33.17 +6.3 FidEnergy FENY .53e 2.8 ...q 22.12 18.03 169 19.00 -10.3 FidFinan FNCL .60e 1.7 ...q 37.41 25.75 132 34.71 +.4 FidHlthCre FHLC .70e 2.0 ...q 36.79 31.24 75 35.66 +8.4 FidIndls FIDU .56e 1.7 ...q 34.54 27.35 41 33.68 +4.5 Fid Val n FVAL ... ... ... 29.34 24.89 16 28.44 +4.2 Fid Qual n FQAL ... ... ... 28.49 24.59 11 27.86 +6.1 FidInfoTch FTEC .42e 1.0 ...q 41.35 30.76 118 41.11 +11.4 Fid Moment FDMO ... ... ... 27.69 24.26 6 27.17 +6.4 Fid LowVol FDLO ... ... ... 27.57 24.30 6 27.09 +4.8 Fid RisR n FDRR ... ... ... 28.60 24.56 31 27.69 +4.5 Fid CoreD n FDVV ... ... ... 27.33 24.24 22 26.67 +2.0 FidMsciRE FREL .86e 3.5 ...q 25.98 21.85 129 24.63 +5.0 FidUtils FUTY 1.21e 3.6 ...q 34.34 29.50 64 33.40 +5.7 FidTelecm FCOM .76e 2.3 ...q 33.82 27.80 22 32.70 +1.9 FidelMatls FMAT .53e 1.7 ...q 31.22 24.95 45 30.37 +5.3sFidlNatFn FNF 1.00f 2.5 16 39.52 30.62 918 39.52 +16.4 FNFV Grp FNFV ... ... ... 14.50 10.37 143 12.85 -6.2 FidNatInfo FIS 1.16f 1.4 21 83.86 64.69 997 81.57 +7.8 FidClayOp FMO 1.72f 11.1 ...q 17.63 12.13 96 15.55 +4.4 FieldPnt FPP ... ... ...dd 1.18 .33 19 .38 -47.6 Fieldpt wt FPP/WS ... ... ... .08 .01 16 .02 -50.0 FifthStF 24 FSCE 1.47 5.9 ... 26.01 24.45 17 24.99 +.4 WUBA ... ... ...dd 56.59 27.58 2320 38.37 +37.0 FstAccept FAC ... ... ...dd 2.40 .75 22 1.11 +6.7 FstAFin n FAF 1.36 3.5 13 43.55 35.28 696 39.31 +7.3 FtBcp pfA FBPpA ... ... ... 12.30 FtBcp pfB FBPpB ... ... ... 12.00 FtBcp pfC FBPpC ... ... ... 12.07 FtBcp pfD FBPpD ... ... ... 12.69 FtBcp pfE FBPpE ... ... ... 12.03 FstBcpPR FBP ... ... 12 7.05 3.38 928 5.39 -18.5 FstCash FCFS .76f 1.5 23 53.95 39.80 281 50.15 +6.7 FstCwlth FCF .32f 2.4 20 14.61 8.46 484 13.07 -7.8 FstData n FDC ... ... ... 16.67 9.90 1842 15.61 +10.0 FstHorizon FHN .36f 2.0 20 20.84 12.46 1922 18.37 -8.2 FstHrz pfA FHNpA 1.55 6.1 ... 27.70 23.38 9 25.45 +2.1 FstInRT FR .84f 3.0 ... 29.75 22.26 830 27.94 -.4 FMajSilv g AG ... ... 35 19.15 6.62 3427 8.79 +15.2 FstPotom FPO .40 3.7 61 11.16 8.01 150 10.93 -.4 FstRepBk FRC .68f .8 ... 97.43 63.97 1051 90.50 -1.8 FstRep pfB FRCpB 1.55 6.1 ... 26.73 24.74 4 25.60 +.2 FstRep pfC FRCpC 1.41 5.4 ... 27.28 22.36 46 26.08 +12.2 FstRep pfD FRCpD 1.38 5.4 ... 27.20 21.92 6 25.60 +11.4 FstRep pfE FRCpE 1.75 6.5 ... 28.45 26.32 27 27.09 -.4 FstRep pfF FRCpF 1.43 5.5 ... 28.00 22.67 5 25.92 +9.4 FtRpBk pfG FRCpG ... ... ... 27.93 21.85 18 25.23 +10.9 FtTr 22 n FIV ... ... ... 10.29 9.86 59 9.93 -1.9 FtTrGlob FAM .90 7.7 ...q 11.94 10.29 21 11.70 +5.6 FT MCGr FNY .15e .4 ...q 33.86 28.27 9 33.53 +6.8 FT MCVal FNK .40e 1.2 ...q 34.48 26.37 15 33.40 +1.5 FT Austrla FAUS .80e 2.6 ...q 32.63 27.23 30.47 +8.2 FT SCGr FYC .07e .2 ...q 36.95 29.31 12 36.26 +4.8 FT SCVal FYT .26e .8 ...q 36.08 26.81 98 34.23 -1.7 FT MegaCp FMK .44e 1.5 ...q 30.16 25.17 1 28.91 +3.3 FTEurSelDv FDD 1.09e 8.9 ...q 12.75 10.73 195 12.27 +3.4 FTDJMic FDM .49e 1.2 ...q 44.93 31.86 9 42.42 -3.8 FT DynEq FDEU 1.45 8.5 ...q 17.38 14.31 79 17.14 +11.3sFtTEqCom ERM ... ... ... 19.96 19.81 10 20.00 +1.0sFtT EqTact TERM ... ... ... 19.99 19.80 3 20.01 +1.0 FT PfdSec FPE 1.02e 5.2 ...q 20.31 18.76 768 19.68 +3.6 FT HeitGl PRME ... ... ... 21.72 18.26 0 19.55 +1.0 FT LgShEq FTLS .16e .5 ...q 35.61 30.62 31 35.09 +1.7 FTEgyInco FEN 2.32 8.3 ...q 28.48 22.65 80 27.86 +5.0 FTEnInfra FIF 1.32a 6.9 ...q 20.21 15.62 36 19.21 +7.1 FtTrEnEq FFA .96 6.6 ...q 14.57 12.46 33 14.50 +7.3 FTArcaBio FBT .18e .2 ...q 108.01 83.10 37 103.97 +14.4 FTDJInet FDN ... ... ...q 88.82 68.16 149 88.63 +11.0 FT SPTailH VIXH .36e 1.4 ...q 25.41 21.87 1 24.83 +4.6 FT RNG FCG .22e .9 ...q 28.65 4.65 376 23.45 -10.4 FT ConDis FXD .30e .8 ...q 37.74 31.82 115 36.72 +3.4 FT ConStap FXG .75e 1.6 ...q 49.33 43.48 102 47.04 +2.8 FT Engy FXN .33e 2.3 ...q 17.95 13.79 720 14.36 -13.0 FT Fincl FXO .65e 2.3 ...q 29.01 21.59 418 27.71 +2.5 FT HlthCr FXH ... ... ...q 63.42 54.51 37 62.16 +8.5 FT IndPrd FXR .16e .5 ...q 35.54 25.86 180 34.17 +3.9 FT Matls FXZ .37e 1.0 ...q 38.79 30.55 51 37.74 +5.3 FT Tech FXL .13e .3 ...q 42.28 30.72 88 42.14 +11.2 FT Utils FXU .67e 2.4 ...q 28.00 24.60 152 27.38 +2.4 FTDJGlDiv FGD 1.42e 5.8 ...q 24.67 20.68 55 24.42 +4.8 FT GlbRE FFR .75e 1.7 ... 48.19 41.29 3 44.73 +5.7 FT NAEngy EMLP .93e 3.7 ...q 25.86 22.38 209 25.09 -.6 FT HiLgSh FSD 1.20 7.1 ...q 17.10 14.38 80 16.87 +4.9 FT USIPO FPX .32e .6 ...q 57.94 47.45 42 57.60 +6.4 FTChnd FNI .19e .6 ...q 32.03 25.60 49 31.78 +16.3sFT EngCn FLM .58e 1.1 ...q 52.57 42.35 2 52.81 +7.4 FT WindEn FAN .46e 3.7 ...q 13.76 11.35 14 12.48 +6.7 FT Wtr FIW .21e .5 ...q 42.43 33.25 27 41.90 +5.9 FT RNG rs FCG/WI ... ... ...q 25.05 23.25 FT IntPfd FPF 1.95 8.2 ...q 23.88 20.67 142 23.72 +4.5 FT LCCore FEX .58e 1.1 ...q 52.64 42.50 102 51.55 +5.7 FT LCGr FTC .24e .5 ...q 53.14 47.21 24 52.64 +7.3 FT LCVal FTA .82e 1.7 ...q 50.51 37.42 101 49.14 +4.8 FT MLP&E FEI 1.42 8.7 ...q 17.60 13.88 99 16.28 +1.6 FT MCCore FNX .51e .9 ...q 59.80 47.51 118 58.50 +3.7 FTMstrDv FDL .79e 2.8 ...q 29.47 25.24 218 28.52 +2.8 FTFutStrt FMF ... ... ... 57.17 44.12 2 45.85 -2.9 FstTrMtg FMY 1.02 7.2 ...q 14.70 13.67 7 14.11 +.6 FT MultCG FAD .20e .4 ...q 56.60 48.45 4 56.06 +7.1 FT MultCV FAB .45e .9 ...q 53.14 40.06 9 51.68 +2.4 FT MLPEn FPL 1.26 9.3 ...q 14.50 10.91 102 13.51 +6.0 FT REIT FRI .39e 1.6 ...q 25.87 21.47 56 23.85 +3.4 FT SCCore FYX .38e .7 ...q 55.88 43.34 46 54.28 +.8 FTSpecFin FGB .70 9.1 ...q 8.43 5.85 43 7.72 +9.3 FTStrHi2 FHY 1.32 10.1 ...q 13.23 11.39 25 13.13 +7.7 FTrVL100 FVL .05e .2 ...q 22.59 18.88 2 21.55 -.3 FTrVLDv FVD .57e 2.0 ...q 29.51 25.39 503 28.93 +3.2 FT EmOp FEO 1.40 8.7 ...q 16.44 13.23 55 16.18 +16.5 FTrSenFlt FCT .90 6.6 ...q 14.01 12.58 100 13.60 -1.2 FirstEngy FE 1.44 4.7 12 36.60 29.33 4482 30.66 -1.0 Fitbit n FIT ... ... ...dd 18.85 5.31 3271 5.72 -21.9 WBAI ... ... ...dd 19.98 10.92 135 13.30 -13.2 FiveOaks OAKS .60m 11.2 ...dd 5.54 3.79 124 5.34 +7.4 FiveOk pfA OAKSpA 2.19 8.8 ... 25.00 18.02 3 24.92 +8.3 FlagstarB FBC ... ... 12 29.64 21.78 253 28.69 +6.5 F&C DynPf DFP 1.92 7.7 ...q 25.37 21.83 64 24.98 +5.1 FlrtyPfdInc PFD 1.08 7.2 ...q 16.34 12.64 16 15.10 +4.2 FlrtyPfdOp PFO .88 7.3 ...q 12.81 10.30 11 12.03 +8.2 FlrtyPfdSc FFC 1.63 7.8 ...q 22.25 18.18 65 20.89 +10.9 FlrtyTotR FLC 1.63 7.7 ...q 22.89 18.41 24 21.30 +7.2 Flanign BDL .20f .8 13 26.65 17.72 1 23.90 -1.8 Fleetcor FLT ... ... 22 176.42 133.64 1441 149.73 +5.8 FlexUSTilt TILT 1.17e 1.2 ...q 102.51 81.23 13 99.77 +3.8 FlxEmgTilt TLTE .84e 1.6 ...q 52.92 41.14 25 51.31 +11.6 FlxUpstNR GUNR 1.00e 3.4 ...q 30.66 24.54 1307 29.22 +2.0 Flx3yrTips TDTT .02e .1 ...q 25.18 23.43 149 24.81 +.4 Flx5yrTips TDTF .06e .2 ...q 26.19 24.62 76 25.25 +.9 FlexEMTilt TLEH ... ... ...q 27.98 23.10 1 27.21 +7.8 FlxDMTilt TLDH ... ... ...q 28.41 21.13 0 26.34 +3.7 FlxGlbQRE GQRE 1.33e 2.2 ...q 63.88 54.54 6 59.40 +5.4 FlxGblInfr NFRA .95e 2.1 ...q 46.08 41.46 89 45.69 +5.6 FlxDevTilt TLTD 1.41e 2.3 ...q 61.99 49.52 24 60.15 +6.6 FlxIntDvDf IQDE .91e 3.9 ...q 23.61 20.59 4 23.41 +7.4 FlxIntDvDy IQDY .76e 3.0 ...q 26.02 21.08 8 25.59 +7.0 FlxIntlDiv IQDF .94e 3.9 ...q 24.49 20.35 133 24.21 +7.5 FlxQDvDef QDEF .93e 2.3 ...q 40.86 35.11 7 40.10 +3.4 FlxQDvDyn QDYN 1.00e 2.5 ...q 40.86 32.86 4 39.63 +3.8 FlxQualDv QDF 1.01e 2.5 ...q 41.75 34.84 42 40.86 +3.5 FlxRdyAcc RAVI .82e .9 ...q 76.30 74.89 6 75.52 FlexSolu FSI ... ... 13 2.41 1.12 101 2.02 +51.9 Flotek FTK ... ... ...dd 16.93 8.40 488 11.65 +24.1 FlowrsFds FLO .64 3.2 22 21.00 14.35 941 19.83 -.7 Flowserve FLS .40m .8 19 52.50 39.13 938 49.17 +2.3 Fluor FLR .84 1.7 14 58.37 44.05 1658 50.49 -3.9 FlyLeasing FLY 1.00 7.7 24 14.45 9.54 77 12.96 -2.6 FEMSA FMX .74e .8 ... 100.57 73.45 427 90.81 +19.2 FootLockr FL 1.24f 1.6 16 79.43 50.90 5734 76.55 +8.0 FordM F .60a 5.2 6 14.22 11.07 48185 11.47 -5.4 ForestCA FCE/A .36f 1.6 18 24.22 17.79 845 22.70 +8.9 ForestCB FCE/B .32f 1.1 23 30.32 18.00 1 29.31 +8.8 Forestar FOR ... ... 9 14.40 10.60 415 14.20 +6.8 ForsightEn FELP .68m 11.9 ...dd 8.33 1.34 17 5.71 -11.7 Fortis n FTS 1.19 3.6 ... 33.99 29.14 162 32.82 +6.3 Fortive n FTV .28 .5 ... 61.11 46.29 1492 60.61 +13.0 Fortress FIG .32a 4.0 23 8.05 4.23 1412 7.99 +64.4 FortTrInf n FTAI 1.32 8.8 ... 15.91 8.92 114 14.92 +12.2 FortunaSlv FSM ... ... 42 9.75 4.79 1826 5.02 -11.2 FBHmSec FBHS .72f 1.2 23 64.47 52.05 1137 62.32 +16.6 ForumEn FET ... ... ...dd 26.25 14.58 1684 18.20 -17.3 FoundBld n FBM ... ... ... 17.91 15.05 80 16.15 +.9sFourCorP s FCPT .97 4.1 ... 23.94 16.71 303 23.59 +15.0 FrancoN g FNV .88f 1.3 95 81.16 53.31 744 69.27 +15.9 FrankCov FC ... ... ...dd 22.45 13.45 73 21.55 +6.9 FrankFn n FSB .40p ... 17 42.80 27.60 90 38.00 -9.2 FrankLibInt FLQH ... ... ... 26.20 23.28 1 24.66 +5.0 FrankLibEm FLQE ... ... ... 29.83 25.81 3 29.20 +9.7 FrankLibGl FLQD ... ... ... 27.79 24.77 3 27.26 +6.2 FrankLbGlE FLQG ... ... ... 27.70 25.00 0 27.27 +7.5sFrnkLInvGr FLCO ... ... ... 24.54 23.88 1 24.55 +1.5 FrankRes BEN .80 1.9 15 44.35 30.56 1907 41.62 +5.2 FrkShDGv FTSD 1.55e ... ...q FrkStPrp FSP .76 6.2 15 13.27 10.49 347 12.30 -5.1 FrkLtdDur FTF .74 6.2 ...q 12.45 11.34 120 12.03 -.1 FrkUnv FT .47 6.7 ...q 7.17 6.20 12 7.10 +6.3 FranksIntl FI .30 3.2 ... 17.73 9.20 639 9.41 -23.6 FrptMcM FCX ... ... ...dd 17.06 9.24 15194 12.51 -5.2 FresenMd FMS .44e 1.0 ... 47.52 38.05 80 42.84 +1.5 FDelMnt FDP .60 1.0 13 66.86 42.04 200 59.49 -1.9 FriedmInd FRD .04 .6 ...dd 7.29 5.00 14 6.35 -4.7 Frontlne rs FRO .10 ... 6 10.41 6.61 636 6.66 -6.3 FullerHB FUL .56 1.1 20 54.32 41.52 258 50.73 +5.0 FutureFuel FF .24a 1.6 11 16.58 9.77 101 14.69 +5.7G -GAMCO s GBL .08 .3 9 41.25 27.55 11 29.05 -6.0 GATX GATX 1.68f 2.7 10 64.46 40.66 570 62.08 +.8 GATX 66 GMTA ... ... ... 27.19 21.55 12 25.19 +8.3 GCP ApT n GCP ... ... ... 34.05 21.90 349 31.95 +19.4 GDL Fund GDL .64 6.5 ...q 10.15 9.55 46 9.87 +.3 GDLFd pfB GDLpB 1.50 3.0 ... 51.40 50.20 1 50.50 +.3 GGP Inc GGP .88 3.7 13 32.10 22.34 4415 23.54 -5.8 GGP Inc pfA GGPpA 1.59 6.3 ... 27.55 23.88 43 25.12 +1.2 GMAC CpT ALLYpA 2.03 8.0 ... 25.99 24.51 219 25.48 +.3 GMS Inc n GMS ... ... 23 35.73 19.28 74 34.39 +17.5 GNC GNC .80 9.1 5 35.90 6.51 6868 8.78 -20.5 GP Strat GPX ... ... 22 30.00 19.59 23 25.60 -10.5 GSE Sy GVP ... ... 19 3.85 2.03 11 3.35 -4.3 GTT Comm GTT ... ... 29.75 14.96 215 27.60 -4.0 GabCvInc GCV .48 9.6 ...q 5.25 4.38 18 4.99 +6.2 GabCv pfB GCVpB 1.50 5.7 ... 28.17 25.40 1 26.25 +2.6 GabDvInc GDV 1.32 6.3 ...q 21.25 18.00 135 21.08 +5.2 GabDiv pfA GDVpA 1.47 5.6 ... 26.98 25.02 3 26.34 +2.7 GabDiv pfD GDVpD 1.50 5.7 ... 27.48 25.37 1 26.39 +2.3 GabDiv pfG GDVpG 1.31 ... ... GabelliET GAB .64e 10.6 ...q 6.15 5.13 266 6.01 +8.9 GabllE pfD GABpD 1.47 5.6 ... 27.09 25.05 3 26.13 +2.4 GabllE pfG GABpG 1.25 5.1 ... 25.79 22.17 2 24.31 +6.0 Gabeli pfJ GABpJ ... ... ... 27.00 23.31 4 25.37 +5.8 GabEq pfH GABpH 1.25 5.1 ... 25.82 22.19 3 24.63 +7.8sGabGSmM GGZ ... ... ... 11.48 9.84 43 11.45 +8.0 GabGSm pfA GGZpA 1.36 5.4 ... 26.23 23.41 1 25.25 +5.5 GabGUtil GLU 1.20 6.5 ...q 18.71 15.21 5 18.46 +9.9 GabGUtil pf GLUpA 3.00 5.9 ... 52.25 50.75 0 51.07 +.4 GabGoAn n GGO ... ... ... 21.69 17.75 18.00 -14.4 GabGo pfA GGOpA ... ... ... GabHlthW GRX .52 5.1 ...q 11.32 9.23 37 10.18 +7.9 GabHW rt GRXr ... ... ... .40 GabHlt pfA GRXpA 1.44 5.6 ... 26.92 25.00 2 25.57 +1.4 GabHlt pfB GRXpB 1.47 5.5 ... 27.42 25.04 1 26.72 +5.3sGabMultT GGT .94e 11.4 ...q 8.25 6.71 61 8.27 +14.2 GabMT pfB GGTpB 1.50 5.7 ... 27.04 25.43 1 26.12 +2.6 GabUtil GUT .60 9.0 ...q 7.04 6.03 116 6.67 +5.9 GabUt pfA GUTpA 1.41 5.6 ... 26.65 24.41 1 25.30 +.4 GabUtil pfC GUTpC ... ... ... Gasa rs GFA ... ... ... 24.53 12.45 39 16.71 Gain Cap GCAP .24f 3.4 30 8.75 4.54 327 7.15 +8.7 Gallaghr AJG 1.56f 2.8 22 57.82 43.90 2004 56.25 +8.3 GamGldNR GGN .84 14.7 ...q 7.14 5.07 586 5.70 +7.5 GamGld pfB GGNpB 1.25 5.2 ... 25.59 21.74 6 23.92 +3.5 GamNRG&I GNT .84 11.7 ...q 8.48 6.53 60 7.17 +7.5 GameStop GME 1.52f 6.6 6 33.72 20.10 1845 23.19 -8.2 Gannett n GCI .64 7.3 6 17.72 7.30 972 8.76 -9.8 Gap GPS .92 3.6 15 30.74 17.00 9894 25.42 +13.3sGartner IT ... ... 43 112.42 84.54 510 112.96 +11.8 GasNatural EGAS .30 2.4 53 12.85 6.83 4 12.60 +.4 GasLogLP GLOP 1.96f 8.3 11 24.85 17.26 73 23.60 +14.8 GasLog GLOG .56 4.1 ... 17.85 11.08 410 13.50 -16.1 GasLog pfA GLOGpA 2.19 8.5 ... 26.99 22.94 2 25.65 +2.1 GastarExp GST ... ... ...dd 2.21 .80 969 1.38 -11.0 Gastar pfA GSTpA 2.16 10.8 ... 22.70 3.95 20 20.00 +10.2 Gastar pfB GSTpB 2.69 11.6 ... 25.05 3.28 16 23.11 +33.0 GazitGlobe GZT .37e 3.6 ... 10.97 8.30 1 10.23 +18.3 GeeGroup JOB ... ... ...dd 7.00 3.61 4 5.81 +34.1 GencoSh rs GNK ... ... ...dd 14.99 3.62 131 11.44 +55.0 Generac GNRC ... ... 1 44.84 32.34 510 35.97 -11.7 GAInv GAM 1.15e 1.0 ...q 33.93 25.80 16 33.57 +7.7 GAInv pfB GAMpB 1.49 5.6 ... 27.47 25.36 1 26.40 +2.5 GnCable BGC .72 4.2 28 20.80 11.65 759 17.30 -9.2 GenDynam GD 3.36f 1.8 19 194.00 132.68 973 188.13 +9.0 GenElec GE .96 3.2 25 33.00 28.19 36260 30.27 -4.2 GECap5-53 GEK 1.18 4.6 ... 27.14 23.20 40 25.59 +4.2 GECap 1-53 GEH 1.22 4.7 ... 27.60 23.98 18 25.84 +5.3 GEC 10-52 GEB 1.22 4.8 ... 27.04 24.13 43 25.26 +2.7 GenMills GIS 1.92 3.3 19 72.95 57.14 2731 57.88 -6.3 GenMoly GMO ... ... ...dd .72 .21 38 .37 +47.2 GenMotors GM 1.52 4.5 6 38.55 27.34 11236 34.10 -2.1 GMot wtB GM/WSB ... ... ... 20.43 10.00 86 16.58 -3.4 Gener8M n GNRT ... ... 4 8.75 3.52 231 5.37 +19.9 Gensco GCO ... ... 12 74.21 47.66 544 54.05 -13.0 GenesWyo GWR ... ... 21 80.73 52.21 523 67.05 -3.4 GenesisEn GEL 2.88f 9.1 8 40.90 30.01 326 31.81 -11.7 GenesisHlt GEN .12p ... ...dd 4.75 1.38 122 2.34 -44.9 GenieEn n GNE .24 3.1 ... 8.23 5.07 36 7.82 +36.0 GenieE pfA GNEpA .64 8.2 ... 8.40 7.06 5 7.79 +4.4 Genpact G .24p ... 17 28.52 22.58 446 24.29 -.2 GenuPrt GPC 2.70f 2.9 20 105.97 86.61 967 92.90 -2.8 Genworth GNW .44p ... ...dd 5.27 2.26 3766 4.07 +6.8 GeoGrp GEO 2.80f 5.7 21 49.64 16.26 360 48.88 +36.0 GeoPark GPRK ... ... ... 8.00 1.90 269 6.66 +54.5 GaPw pfA GPEpA 1.53 5.5 ... 31.47 25.10 3 28.00 +9.4 Gerdau GGB .02e .7 ... 4.39 1.50 10598 2.99 -4.8 GerNew GF 1.23e .5 ...q 14.98 12.45 18 14.88 +13.8 GettyRlty GTY 1.12 4.2 16 26.71 19.44 83 26.58 +4.3 Gigamon GIMO ... ... 23 61.25 28.43 991 35.00 -23.2 Gildan s GIL .38f 1.4 18 32.20 23.55 709 27.76 +9.4 GlassBr rs GLA ... ... ... 18.10 3.85 16 4.48 Glatfelter GLT .52f 2.5 15 25.59 17.50 222 20.50 -14.2 Glaukos n GKOS ... ... ... 52.49 18.24 380 45.33 +32.2 GlaxoSKln GSK 2.89e 7.1 ... 45.58 37.20 3332 40.71 +5.7 GblBrCopp BRSS .15 .5 16 39.85 22.75 293 33.20 -3.2 GlbMed n GMRE .20p ... ... 11.38 6.73 109 9.42 +5.6 GlobNetL n GNL .94 3.9 39 25.25 6.92 379 24.17 +208.7 GlobPtrs GLP 1.85 9.9 ...dd 21.95 12.28 130 18.75 -3.6 GlobPay s GPN .04 ... 34 81.63 64.63 1644 80.99 +16.7 GlbShipLs GSL .40 29.1 ...dd 4.50 1.10 49 1.38 -8.3 GlbShip pfB GSLpB 2.19 10.5 ... 22.00 12.42 2 20.78 +1.9 GlbXNordic GXF .85e 4.2 ...q 21.82 18.40 16 20.37 +7.4 GbXSpDvE SDEM .63e ... ...q 19.63 12.44 11 15.60 +6.1 GbXUSRota SCTO .12p ... ...q 25.16 22.74 0 24.80 +3.4 GblXEffic EFFE .16p ... ...q 25.22 22.96 25.08 +1.7 GblXGuIntl GURI .11p ... ...q 15.01 12.32 14.80 +11.0 GblXPortgl PGAL .23p ... ...q 10.50 8.77 10 10.10 +8.5 GblXColum GXG .41e 4.3 ...q 10.18 8.19 28 9.59 +5.2 GblXEmFtr EMFM .40e 1.9 ...q 21.90 18.15 0 20.89 +13.2 GbXMLP&E MLPX .60 4.1 ...q 15.54 11.94 79 14.54 -2.1 GblXChMat CHIM .21e 1.3 ...q 17.96 11.70 9 16.67 +22.4 GblXArg ARGT .09e .3 ...q 29.20 19.77 125 28.84 +25.1 GblXSDvUS DIV 1.93 7.6 ...q 25.90 23.36 35 25.33 +2.4 GblXJrMlp MLPJ .96e 11.4 ...q 9.46 7.37 8 8.40 -2.5 GXSupInPf SPFF .99 7.6 ...q 13.98 12.51 94 12.98 +1.4 GblXGuru GURU .28e 1.1 ...q 26.21 20.86 11 25.97 +8.1 GlblXPerm PERM .23e .9 ...q 26.48 23.76 0 24.84 +2.3 GbXGreece GREK .13e 1.6 ...q 9.06 6.37 303 8.02 +3.0 GblXChCon CHIQ .26e 1.9 ...q 13.55 10.11 13 13.36 +19.3 GblX MLP MLPA .90e 7.8 ...q 12.13 10.30 1665 11.51 -.5 GblXFertil SOIL .25e 2.8 ...q 9.87 7.99 3 9.04 +.7 GblXChiEn CHIE .33e 3.1 ...q 11.09 9.50 10.67 +9.5 GblXSupDv SDIV 1.42e 6.4 ... 21.90 19.68 131 21.53 +3.5 GlbXChiFn CHIX .16e 1.1 ...q 15.01 11.15 8 14.29 +11.6 GbXSEAsia ASEA .42e 3.0 ...q 14.68 12.64 1 14.22 +11.2sGblXAndean AND .20e 2.3 ... 8.97 7.17 20 8.82 +12.4 GblXPakist PAK ... ... ...q 18.36 13.25 49 17.55 +.3 GblXChiInd CHII .10e .7 ...q 14.62 10.22 0 14.05 +18.3 GblXNorway NORW .83e 7.5 ...q 11.91 9.52 54 11.00 -.4 GlXBrazMC BRAZ .37e 3.8 ...q 10.53 7.24 3 9.80 +10.1 GlbXBrazC BRAQ .40e 2.8 ...q 15.09 9.69 4 14.11 +17.1 GblXScUS n SCIU ... ... ...q 28.18 24.29 6 27.83 +5.5sGblXScEu n SCID ... ... ...q 24.36 20.66 0 24.44 +10.1 GblXScAs n SCIX ... ... ...q 24.54 20.94 0 23.59 +11.8 GblXScJp n SCIJ ... ... ... 28.36 24.89 0 27.80 +5.3 GbXNigeria NGE .31e 1.9 ...q 16.43 3.79 32 16.01 +275.8 GbX US Inf PAVE ... ... ... 15.89 14.01 14 14.51 -1.6 GblFound n BOSS ... ... ... 15.43 14.77 0 15.19 +.3 GlbXCop rs COPX ... ... ...q 26.47 14.03 11 21.38 +6.9 GlbXSilv rs SIL ... ... ...q 54.34 30.50 83 36.22 +12.8 GlbXLith rs LIT ... ... ...q 29.17 22.50 44 28.39 +16.4 GbX Gold rs GOEX ... ... ...q 45.90 18.23 11 23.35 +12.8 GbXUran rs URA ... ... ...q 19.33 11.68 281 14.79 +14.9 GlblScape GSB .06 1.5 22 4.34 3.20 22 4.01 -1.5 Globalstar GSAT ... ... 17 3.00 .63 4305 1.85 +17.1 GlobantSA GLOB ... ... ... 47.19 30.90 119 35.08 +5.2 GlobusMed GMED ... ... 29 31.27 19.25 292 31.02 +25.0 Glowpoint GLOW ... ... ...dd .47 .14 3 .29 +10.5 GoDaddy n GDDY ... ... ...dd 38.00 28.11 339 37.75 +8.0 GolLinhs rs GOL ... ... ... 33.46 6.00 93 31.41 +130.6 GoldFLtd GFI .02e .5 ... 6.60 2.60 6457 3.92 +30.2 GoldResrc GORO .02m .5 ...dd 8.22 2.77 576 3.86 -11.3 GoldStdV g GSV ... ... ... 3.20 1.13 618 1.90 -10.8 Goldcrp g GG .24 1.6 20.38 11.91 8856 15.06 +10.7 GoldenMin AUMN ... ... ...dd 1.16 .31 123 .54 -6.9 GoldStr g GSS ... ... ...dd 1.13 .47 1258 .76 +1.7 GldFld GV ... ... 11 8.65 1.92 732 5.50 +7.8 GoldmS pfI GSpI 1.49 5.7 ... 26.61 24.61 49 26.17 +3.6 GoldS pfJ GSpJ 1.38 5.1 ... 27.64 24.50 87 27.15 +7.1 GS BDC n GSBD 1.80 7.4 24 25.60 19.30 132 24.41 +3.8 GS ActbtInt GSIE ... ... ...q 26.31 22.36 108 26.16 +7.4 GS ActEM GEM ... ... ...q 30.72 24.49 50 29.96 +12.0 GS ActEur GSEU .60e ... ... 32.03 23.23 3 27.79 +8.4 GS ActJpn GSIY ... ... ... 29.27 25.79 8 28.80 +5.6 GS ActLgC GSLC ... ... ...q 47.66 40.26 54 46.78 +5.5 GS Indus n GVIP ... ... ... 46.17 39.08 4 45.77 +8.2 GSCI37 GSC ... ... ...q 23.85 19.88 22.54 -3.3 GoldmanS GS 2.60 1.2 12 255.15 138.20 5116 218.06 -8.9 GoldS pfK GSpK 1.59 5.6 ... 29.74 25.69 33 28.59 +5.3 GoldS pfN GSpN ... ... ... 28.30 25.11 42 27.06 +3.8 GoldS pfB GSpB 1.55 5.8 ... 26.99 25.01 83 26.89 +5.7 GoldS pfC GSpC 1.02 4.4 ... 24.32 20.78 39 23.29 +7.0 GoldS pfA GSpA .96 4.0 ... 23.98 19.77 69 23.82 +7.8 GoldS pfD GSpD 1.02 4.4 ... 23.65 20.08 58 23.17 +6.2 GS MLPEn GER .64 8.2 ...q 8.90 6.26 154 7.85 +9.2 GS MLPInc GMZ 1.38 13.2 ... 11.58 8.52 67 10.43 +7.3 GoodrPet n GDP ... ... ... 15.50 13.61 4 14.30 -6.9 GormanR GRC .46f 1.6 30 34.45 22.30 23 29.13 -5.9 vjGrace GRA .84f 1.2 28 80.56 63.37 605 69.15 +2.2sGraco GGG 1.44f 1.5 27 95.19 69.33 327 95.55 +15.0 GrahamCp GHM .36 1.6 15 25.00 17.11 23 22.31 +.7sGrahamH s GHC 5.08 .8 22 609.75 440.55 25 604.95 +18.2 Graingr GWW 4.88f 2.5 17 262.72 192.50 1565 195.96 -15.6 Grmrcy pfA GPTpA 1.78 6.8 ... 28.78 25.61 4 26.32 -.6 GrmPrTr rs GPT .38 ... ... 30.09 24.09 857 28.50 +3.5 GranTrra g GTE ... ... ...dd 3.49 2.40 1400 2.49 -17.5 GranaMon GRAM .25e 6.4 ... 8.96 2.16 232 3.92 -45.2 GraniteC GVA .52 1.0 42 62.18 40.16 285 52.33 -4.9 GraniteRE GRP/U 2.30 ... ... 36.90 29.06 4 36.47 +9.1 GraphPkg GPK .30 2.2 18 14.70 11.95 4200 13.46 +7.9sGrayTelev GTN ... ... 14 15.10 7.00 1078 15.15 +39.6 GrayTvA GTN/A ... ... 20 14.05 7.05 1 13.20 +26.9 GrtAjax n AJX 1.12f 8.5 8 14.48 12.61 204 13.20 -.5 GrtBasG g GBG ... ... ... .09 GtPanSilv g GPL ... ... ... 2.28 1.14 1010 1.33 -19.9 GtPlainEn GXP 1.10 3.7 18 32.24 25.85 8957 29.55 +8.0 GrtPl pfB GXPpB 1.75 3.2 ... 55.34 48.64 887 54.25 +7.2 GrtWstBcp GWB .68 1.6 18 45.61 29.31 307 42.17 -3.3sGreenDot GDOT ... ... ... 33.93 20.79 242 34.06 +44.6 GreenbCos GBX .84f 1.9 13 49.50 25.90 510 44.65 +7.5 Greenhill GHL 1.80 6.4 15 32.45 15.62 372 28.10 +1.4 Greif A GEF 1.68 3.0 23 60.55 33.03 197 56.32 +9.8 Greif B GEF/B 2.51e 3.8 22 74.35 44.23 4 65.80 -2.6 Griffon GFF .24 1.0 28 27.15 15.45 123 23.35 -10.9 Group1 GPI .96f 1.3 10 83.18 47.31 280 71.17 -8.7 GrubHub GRUB ... ... 53 44.58 21.41 1817 34.72 -7.7 GAeroPac PAC 2.78e 2.8 ... 108.24 72.52 48 99.79 +20.9 GpoASur ASR 3.31e ... ... 188.39 131.72 56 180.01 +25.1 GpoAvalAc AVAL .40 4.8 ... 9.04 7.18 49 8.27 +4.2 GpFnSnMx BSMX .30e 3.3 ... 10.13 6.73 996 9.05 +25.9 GpoRadio RC ... ... ... 11.53 GpoSimec SIM ... ... ... 15.20 6.53 5 11.53 -19.7 GpSuprvi n SUPV ... ... ... 17.43 10.00 198 17.07 +29.9 GpTelevisa TV ... ... ... 29.34 19.69 2564 25.41 +21.6 GuangRy GSH .62e 2.0 ... 33.18 22.00 2 30.48 +.6 Guess GES .90 7.8 32 18.68 10.29 1463 11.53 -4.7 GuggBAB GBAB 1.66 7.4 ...q 24.75 18.84 25 22.46 +4.9 GugCrdAllo GGM 2.18 9.4 ...q 23.88 19.14 10 23.10 +3.4 GuggChina YAO .87e 3.2 ...q 28.43 21.79 1 27.51 +13.2 GugSPEW RSP 1.31e 1.4 ...q 92.53 75.79 578 90.79 +4.8 GugRus50 XLG 3.03e 1.8 ...q 169.87 140.88 9 166.27 +5.5 GugSPVal RPV 1.18e 2.0 ...q 61.67 47.72 129 58.43 +1.5sGugSPGth RPG .59e .7 ...q 90.06 76.35 111 90.01 +7.7 GugS&P100 OEW ... ... ... 32.61 25.53 6 28.96 +2.7 GuEqWREst EWRE .27e ... ...q 29.00 24.54 3 27.62 +5.0 GugMCVal RFV .86e 1.4 ...q 65.03 48.26 32 61.97 +.4 GugEMk EW EWEM .64e 2.1 ...q 30.94 26.45 1 30.61 +9.9 GugMC400E EWMC ... ... ... 60.61 47.56 9 58.93 +2.3 GugSC600E EWSC ... ... ... 51.38 38.94 2 49.31 -1.2 GugMCGth RFG .75e .6 ...q 136.96 113.86 11 136.29 +5.8 GugSCVal RZV .67e 1.0 ...q 77.26 53.30 8 67.64 -7.4 GugTotRet GTO ... ... ... 52.94 50.33 10 51.89 +2.6 GugUtil RYU 3.00e 3.5 ...q 88.42 75.41 9 84.81 +5.0 Gug US Lg OVLC ... ... ... 27.73 24.61 27.61 +6.5 GugSCGth RZG .56e .6 ...q 101.13 76.91 9 99.93 +3.5 GugTech RYT 1.09e .9 ...q 121.39 88.27 59 121.18 +11.7 RydxMatls RTM 1.19e 1.2 ...q 98.04 79.18 9 95.44 +4.8 GugIndls RGI .84e .8 ...q 107.78 82.94 7 104.03 +4.9 GugHlthC RYH .75e .5 ...q 162.74 140.98 11 159.62 +9.4 GugFncl RYF .93e 2.5 ...q 45.75 30.52 41 37.42 +1.6 GugEngy RYE .79e 1.4 ...q 68.00 51.02 11 57.16 -10.7 GugConStp RHS 2.05e 1.6 ...q 130.44 115.09 13 126.28 +5.7 GugCnsDis RCD 1.12e 1.2 ...q 94.21 79.28 9 92.83 +5.1 GugEnhEq GPM .96 11.7 ...q 8.68 7.09 215 8.18 +2.3 GugChinTc CQQQ .64e 1.5 ...q 43.39 31.82 11 42.50 +20.5sGugWater CGW .45e 1.4 ...q 31.42 27.93 28 31.36 +10.2 GugCdnEn ENY .49e 5.8 ...q 9.47 7.68 8 8.49 -6.7 GugSPHiInf GHII 1.03e 3.8 ...q 27.88 23.68 4 27.36 +5.2 GugSolar TAN .49e 2.9 ...q 24.88 16.45 175 17.12 +3.3 GugShippg SEA 1.48e 12.4 ...q 13.03 10.34 88 11.94 +4.5 GugIntMult HGI .59e 3.7 ...q 16.16 13.55 15.99 +6.0 GugFront FRN .20e 1.5 ...q 13.21 10.78 23 13.00 +12.5 GugChinSC HAO .94e 3.8 ...q 25.73 21.08 3 24.87 +11.6 GugChRe TAO .97e 4.0 ...q 24.50 17.92 22 24.05 +23.0sGugGTimb CUT .35e 1.3 ...q 26.81 21.27 18 26.91 +8.6 Gug BRIC EEB .48e 1.5 ...q 32.48 24.39 5 31.10 +8.0 Gug 26CpBd BSCQ ... ... ... 20.24 18.85 14 19.43 +1.5 Gug 24HYBd BSJO ... ... ... 25.70 24.18 4 25.49 +1.6 GuggLCOpt OPD ... ... ... 26.71 24.71 26.43 +.4 GugDJIADv DJD .02p ... ...q 30.87 25.42 5 29.80 +3.0 GugHYBd23 BSJN .15e ... ...q 26.97 25.00 19 26.68 +1.2 GugCpBd25 BSCP ... ... ...q 22.15 19.93 23 20.51 +1.7sGugInsidr NFO .72e 1.3 ...q 53.81 45.03 2 54.00 +9.8 GugBlt22HY BSJM 1.27 5.0 ...q 25.46 23.54 33 25.27 +1.1 GugB21HY BSJL 1.27 5.1 ...q 25.12 23.54 61 24.98 +1.1 GugBlt24CB BSCO .58 2.8 ...q 21.72 20.14 45 20.71 +1.4 GugBlt23CB BSCN .65 3.1 ...q 21.56 20.29 48 20.88 +2.0 GugBlt22CB BSCM .58e 2.7 ...q 21.78 20.71 169 21.26 +1.6 GugBlt21CB BSCL .56 2.6 ...q 21.89 20.80 131 21.27 +1.3 ClayWilMic WMCR .43e 1.4 ...q 30.76 23.51 0 30.17 +1.4 GugB20HY BSJK 1.30e 5.2 ...q 24.76 23.12 133 24.67 +1.6 GugB19HY BSJJ 1.22e 5.0 ...q 24.53 23.31 133 24.47 +1.3 GugB18HY BSJI 1.28e 4.6 ...q 25.41 24.38 175 25.35 +.7 GugB17HY BSJH 1.08e 4.0 ...q 26.02 25.55 51 25.71 -.4 ClyWUSRE WREI 1.53e 2.9 ...q 52.34 43.73 48.19 +2.7 GugMultAs CVY 1.07e 5.2 ...q 21.03 17.93 70 20.71 +2.7 GugCpBd20 BSCK .61e 2.8 ...q 21.79 21.07 144 21.46 +1.2 GugBlt19CB BSCJ .47e 2.2 ...q 21.49 21.00 139 21.25 +.5 GugBlt18CB BSCI .40e 1.8 ...q 21.39 21.11 103 21.25 +.3 GugBlt17CB BSCH .35e 1.5 ...q 22.80 22.54 117 22.61 sGugSpinOff CSD 1.00e 2.2 ...q 46.32 37.17 12 46.32 +6.7 GugRJ SB1 RYJ .30e .8 ...q 40.52 31.06 7 39.60 +3.1 GugEShDur GSY .65e 1.3 ...q 50.26 49.88 122 50.24 +.2 GugMCCre CZA .65e 1.1 ...q 58.83 48.05 19 58.20 +7.0 GugGlDiv LVL .52e 4.9 ...q 10.60 8.71 11 10.53 +3.7 GugDefEq DEF 1.15e 2.8 ...q 41.88 36.40 7 41.49 +6.7 GugStrOp GOF 2.19 10.6 ...q 20.85 17.17 62 20.60 +4.9 Guidewire GWRE ... ... 64.00 49.18 276 59.77 +21.2H -HCA Hldg HCA ... ... 13 91.03 67.00 4280 84.12 +13.6 HCI Grp HCI 1.40f 3.1 18 50.93 24.35 46 45.54 +15.3 HCP Inc HCP 1.48 4.6 12 40.43 27.61 2341 32.52 +9.4sHDFC Bk HDB .37e .5 ... 78.40 59.00 900 77.46 +27.7 HECO pfU HEpU 1.62 5.9 ... 28.47 25.55 27.48 +7.3 HFF Inc HF 1.80e ... 14 34.39 24.84 318 28.35 -6.3 HMG HMG .50e ... ...dd 11.90 8.44 0 10.56 +.5 HNI Corp HNI 1.10 2.4 19 56.96 37.24 482 45.60 -18.5 HP Inc HPQ .53f 2.9 11 18.61 11.31 6719 18.52 +24.8 HRG Grp HRG ... ... ...dd 19.76 12.50 1865 19.64 +26.2 HSBC HSBC 1.50e 3.7 ... 44.18 28.62 2017 40.03 -.4 HSBC prA HSBCpA 1.55 6.0 ... 27.56 25.00 19 26.01 +3.2 HSBC Cap HSEA 2.03 7.5 ... 27.93 25.81 101 27.03 +4.2 HSBC Cap2 HSEB 2.00 7.5 ... 26.95 24.99 221 26.68 +3.4 Haemonet HAE ... ... 27 41.65 25.98 221 40.84 +1.6 HalconRes wt HK/WS ... ... ... 3.77 1.05 0 1.22 -47.0 HalconRs n HK ... ... ... 12.01 6.42 2168 7.01 -24.9 Hallibrtn HAL .72 1.5 ...dd 58.78 38.24 6311 47.69 -11.8 HalyrdHlt HYH ... ... 19 41.84 26.05 674 37.60 +1.7 HancFinOp BTO 1.48 4.3 ...q 37.48 22.81 58 34.21 -5.7 HanJS JHS .87e 6.1 ...q 14.95 13.60 17 14.26 +1.7 HanJI JHI 1.45e 8.4 ...q 17.84 15.34 11 17.25 +3.9 HanPrmDv PDT 1.08a 6.6 ...q 17.59 13.22 50 16.26 +3.9 HanPfEq HPI 1.68 7.8 ...q 23.32 18.91 34 21.66 +6.4 HanPfd2 HPF 1.68 7.9 ...q 23.24 18.87 34 21.33 +5.3 HanPfd3 HPS 1.47 7.8 ...q 20.26 16.25 48 18.75 +5.7 HanTxAdv HTD 1.45 5.8 ...q 25.48 20.79 74 24.99 +8.3 Hanesbds s HBI .60f 2.7 13 30.42 18.91 4260 22.14 +2.6 HannArms HASI 1.32f 6.1 40 25.21 18.02 393 21.53 +13.4 HanoverIns THG 2.00 2.3 22 92.78 74.06 264 87.83 -3.5 HanovIns53 THGA 1.59 6.3 ... 26.98 24.02 19 25.30 +1.2 HarleyD HOG 1.45f 2.6 17 63.40 41.63 2727 56.47 -3.2 HarmonyG HMY ... ... ... 4.87 1.86 4893 2.41 +9.0 HarrisCorp HRS 2.12 1.9 19 113.00 73.32 1371 109.95 +7.3 Harsco HSC .20m 1.7 51 15.25 5.81 436 12.30 -9.6 HarteHnk HHS .34 25.4 ...dd 2.70 .85 102 1.34 -11.3 HartfFn42 HGH 1.97 6.2 ... 32.55 28.21 36 31.84 +7.5 HartfdFn HIG .92 1.9 15 50.26 38.92 3466 47.63 HartfFn wt HIG/WS ... ... ... 44.00 31.88 1 41.47 +.6 HarvNRes rs HNR ... ... ... 7.35 1.67 95 6.95 +12.5 Haverty HVT .48 2.0 18 25.50 16.57 80 24.25 +2.3 HavertyA HVT/A .38a 1.6 20 25.40 16.90 23.75 +.6 HawaiiEl HE 1.24 3.7 19 34.98 28.31 330 33.46 +1.2 Hc2 Hldgs HCHC ... ... ...dd 7.27 2.33 292 5.97 +64.0 Headwatrs HW ... ... 24 23.99 16.05 365 23.70 +.8 HlthcrRlty HR 1.20 3.5 21 36.60 26.66 495 33.97 +12.0 HlthcreTr HTA 1.20 3.7 26 34.64 26.34 1468 32.75 +12.5 HlthSth wt HLS/WS ... ... ... 4.50 .28 .57 -14.9 HlthSouth HLS .96 2.2 17 44.21 36.97 1123 43.84 +6.3 HeclaM HL .01e .2 29 7.64 3.70 7711 5.56 +6.1 HeclaM pfB HLpB 3.50 6.4 ... 66.00 53.50 0 54.50 -1.4tHeico s HEI ... ... ... 70.00 69.02 225 68.84 Heico HEI/O .18f .2 35 89.02 59.07 85.36 +10.6 Heico A s HEI/A ... ... 37 60.80 38.98 68 59.05 Heico A HEI/A/O .16f .2 36 75.90 48.72 72.10 +6.2 HelixEn HLX ... ... ...dd 11.87 6.02 2661 7.28 -17.5 HelmPayne HP 2.80f 4.3 85.78 56.19 1097 64.83 -16.2 Hemisphrx rs HEB ... ... ... 2.64 .39 333 .57 -17.4 Herbalife HLF ... ... 12 72.22 47.62 449 60.40 +25.5 HercHld n HRI ... ... ... 52.96 28.66 321 46.95 +16.9 HercTGC HTGC 1.24 8.2 20q 15.50 11.55 733 15.20 +7.7 HercTG 24 HTGX 1.56 6.1 ... 26.47 24.65 15 25.58 +.7 HeritageIns HRTG .24 2.1 5 16.48 11.25 123 11.60 -26.0 Hersha pfC HTpC 1.72 6.8 ... 27.37 23.97 3 25.12 +3.4 Hersha rs HT 1.12 6.0 10 22.14 15.36 290 18.71 -11.0 Hersha pfD HTpD 1.63 6.4 ... 25.75 22.26 4 25.20 +12.8sHersha pfE HTpE ... ... ... 24.90 22.00 5 24.90 +10.6 Hershey HSY 2.47 2.3 26 117.79 87.92 920 108.80 +5.2 HertzGl HTZ ... ... ... 53.14 14.90 2373 15.85 -26.5 Hess HES 1.00f 2.1 ...dd 65.56 45.12 3174 46.89 -24.7 Hess pfA HESpA ... ... ... 80.33 56.27 31 57.50 -21.9 HessMidP n HESM ... ... ... 26.45 25.08 30 25.48 -2.3 HP Ent n HPE .26 1.4 9 18.64 11.53 9114 18.33 +5.7 Hexcel HXL .44 .9 19 55.91 38.87 1942 51.66 +.4 Hi-Crush HCLP ... ... ...dd 23.30 5.50 1820 14.55 -26.5 HighwdPrp HIW 1.76 3.4 19 56.23 44.93 375 51.62 +1.2 Hill Intl HIL ... ... ...dd 5.70 1.95 136 3.80 -12.6sHill-Rom HRC .72f 1.0 26 71.64 46.79 312 71.60 +27.5 HillenInc HI .82 2.3 18 39.00 27.89 181 36.25 -5.5 HillmCT pf HLMp 2.90 8.6 ... 34.74 31.76 2 33.71 +4.1 HilltopH HTH ... ... 18 30.60 18.67 215 27.27 -8.5 HilGrVa n HGV ... ... ... 33.00 24.60 418 30.79 +18.4 Hilton HLT .15 ... 22 59.44 41.83 5205 57.59 HoeghLP HMLP 1.65 8.3 22 20.38 16.67 20 19.95 +5.0 HollyEngy HEP 2.43f 6.8 21 38.09 29.53 74 35.82 +11.7 HollyFront HFC 1.32 4.9 12 37.98 22.07 1759 26.85 -18.0 HomeDp HD 3.56f 2.4 23 150.15 119.20 3584 148.72 +10.9 Honda HMC .55e 1.9 ... 32.17 24.04 599 28.48 -2.4 HonwllIntl HON 2.66 2.1 19 127.52 105.25 3933 123.77 +6.8 Honwll wi HON/WI ... ... ... HooperH rs HH ... ... ... 2.70 .65 45 .92 +11.4 HorMan HMN 1.06 2.7 19 44.15 30.87 128 39.00 -8.9 HorizGbl n HZN ... ... 19 26.37 10.60 283 13.23 -44.9 HorizTFn19 HTF 1.84 7.2 ... 26.42 25.20 25.42 -.3 RecnCpSr ef USMR ... ... ... 26.02 24.34 26.02 +3.7 HorzSPCvC HSPX 2.52e 4.0 ... 47.97 41.85 2 47.56 +4.5 HorGKWld KLDW ... ... ...q 28.88 24.81 4 28.71 +8.9 HoizWear n WEAR ... ... ... Horz Saba n CEFS ... ... ... 21.06 19.83 44 20.29 +2.0 Hormel s HRL .68 2.0 21 40.54 33.18 1997 34.53 -.8 Hornbeck HOS ... ... ...dd 12.57 3.00 594 3.35 -53.6 HostHotls HST .80a 4.2 13 20.21 14.30 10564 19.05 +1.1 HoulihnL n HLI .80f 2.4 20 34.95 20.96 182 33.41 +7.4 HstnAEn HUSA ... ... ...dd .43 .16 79 .32 +79.8 HovnanE HOV ... ... 29 2.96 1.51 1070 2.34 -14.3sHHughes HHC ... ... 22 124.14 101.03 168 124.88 +9.4 HuanPwr HNP 2.45e 9.1 ... 30.99 22.85 48 26.81 +3.0 Hubbell HUBB 2.80f 2.4 22 125.93 97.35 178 118.93 +1.9 HubSpot HUBS ... ... ...dd 66.10 41.63 212 64.55 +37.3 HudBayM g HBM .02 ... ...dd 9.15 3.57 552 6.00 +5.3 HudBay wt HBM/WS ... ... ... 1.04 .12 4 .31 -13.9 HudsPacP HPP 1.00f 2.8 28 36.75 26.79 572 35.45 +1.9 HugotnR HGT .10e 5.1 6 2.75 1.48 125 2.05 -4.7 Humana HUM 1.60 .7 24 220.49 150.00 1746 214.24 +5.0 HuntgUSEq HUSE 1.86e .6 ...q 40.92 35.78 5 37.52 +3.7 HuntgtnEco HECO .47e .2 ...q 46.00 34.95 0 37.85 +3.6 HuntgtnIng HII 2.40 1.2 19 220.68 142.17 331 200.05 +8.6 Huntsmn HUN .50 2.1 15 25.22 12.40 3392 24.34 +27.6 Hyatt H ... ... 42 58.05 44.30 586 55.55 +.5 HysterYale HY 1.18 2.0 23 70.18 47.25 74 59.27 -7.1I -IAMGld g IAG ... ... 87 5.87 2.86 6195 4.35 +13.0 ICICI Bk IBN .16e 1.9 ... 8.89 6.30 13949 8.31 +10.9 IDT Cp IDT .76 5.0 ... 23.13 12.03 197 15.20 -18.0 IEC Elec IEC ... ... 16 5.64 3.21 4 3.76 +5.3 ING ING .14e .9 ... 15.80 9.26 4852 15.29 +8.4 ING 6.20 ISP 1.55 6.1 ... 26.52 23.65 20 25.56 +2.1 ING 6.125 ISG 1.53 6.0 ... 26.28 24.88 10 25.56 +2.2 ING 6.375 ISF 1.59 6.1 ... 26.79 24.79 46 25.94 +3.2 ION Geo rs IO ... ... ...dd 9.65 3.87 63 4.15 -30.8 iPInvVix IVOP ... ... ...q 40.59 36.45 38.31 +1.0 IQ HdgMult QAI .39e 1.3 ...q 29.45 28.37 85 28.99 +1.1 IQ Hedge MCRO .34e 1.3 ...q 25.78 22.13 0 25.30 +2.8 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 4 The Sun/Friday, April 21, 2017


sIQ HdgLgS QLS ... ... ...q 20.15 18.69 49 20.16 +3.4 IQ HdgEv QED ... ... ...q 20.55 19.43 20.42 +3.6 IQ HiYld n HYLV ... ... ... IQ CorePl n AGGP ... ... ... 21.21 19.51 24 19.98 +1.4 IQ CoreBd n AGGE ... ... ... 22.70 19.17 4 19.55 +.1 IQHdgMNt QMN .34e 1.3 ...q 26.61 24.70 0 25.23 +.4 IQ GTAA QGTA ... ... ...q 22.52 20.25 0 22.50 +4.2 IQ 50HJpn HFXJ ... ... ...q 19.50 15.86 1 18.77 -1.2 IQ 50HgEur HFXE ... ... ...q 18.43 15.76 0 18.32 +6.4 IQ 50HIntl HFXI ... ... ...q 20.16 16.12 22 19.25 +6.2 IQ RealRtn CPI .03e .1 ...q 27.42 25.51 27.31 +1.5 IQUSReSC ROOF 1.43e 5.2 ...q 28.94 24.69 27 27.76 +2.0 IQMrgArb MNA ... ... ...q 30.38 26.91 19 30.28 +3.3 IQ AustSC KROO .88e 5.5 ...q 17.47 13.41 16.00 +2.8 IQ AgriSC CROP .41e 1.3 ...q 33.33 28.94 32.27 +2.6 IQGblOilSC IOIL .29e 2.7 ...q 13.73 9.79 10.92 -12.1 IQ CdaSC CNDA .18e 1.1 ...q 18.49 15.32 2 16.98 +2.3 IQ GlbRes GRES .35e 1.3 ...q 26.73 23.31 20 26.04 +3.7 IRSA IRS ... ... ... 26.50 13.43 38 24.94 +35.2 iShGold IAU ... ... ...q 13.25 10.81 5064 12.33 +11.3 iShGSCI GSG ... ... ...q 16.26 13.56 195 14.65 -6.5 iSAstla EWA 1.23e 5.5 ...q 22.91 18.18 2776 22.27 +10.1 iSAstria EWO .25e 1.4 ...q 18.54 13.22 83 18.32 +10.8 iShBelg EWK .36e 1.9 ...q 19.10 16.37 77 18.68 +6.7 iShBrazil EWZ 1.03e 2.8 ...q 40.80 25.15 13897 36.33 +9.0 iShCanada EWC .60e 2.3 ...q 27.92 23.44 2545 26.65 +1.9 iShEMU EZU .95e 2.5 ...q 37.87 29.71 9096 37.38 +8.0siSFrance EWQ .68e 2.6 ...q 26.59 21.00 4826 26.43 +7.1 iShGerm EWG .51e 1.8 ...q 28.91 22.51 5864 28.34 +7.0 iSh HK EWH .49e 2.2 ...q 22.69 18.50 1929 22.41 +15.0 iSh SKor EWY .66e 1.1 ...q 62.78 48.65 2190 60.49 +13.7 iShMexico EWW .93e 1.8 ...q 54.33 41.23 1700 51.47 +17.1 iShNeth EWN .40e 1.5 ...q 27.21 21.43 147 27.07 +12.1 iSPacxJpn EPP 2.08e 4.7 ...q 45.13 36.71 611 44.29 +11.9 iShSoAfr EZA 1.37e 2.4 ...q 61.26 46.65 579 58.03 +10.8 iShSpain EWP 1.62e 5.3 ...q 30.79 22.58 2156 30.34 +14.4 iSSwedn EWD 1.40e 4.5 ...q 31.85 25.11 390 31.27 +8.8 iShSwitz EWL .80e 2.5 ...q 32.28 27.70 620 32.16 +9.2 iShFrntr100 FM 3.58e 2.6 ...q 29.03 23.90 79 28.78 +15.8 iShGlHiY bt GHYG 2.09e 4.2 ... 49.89 46.54 10 49.35 +1.8 iShxUSH bt HYXU .92e 1.9 ...q 51.51 44.75 4 47.28 +3.1 iShEMCBd bt CEMB 2.28 4.5 ...q 51.30 47.74 8 50.87 +2.6 iShEMkHY EMHY 3.98 7.9 ...q 50.98 47.33 41 50.36 +3.5 iShAsiaPDv DVYA 2.29e 4.8 ...q 49.06 40.10 10 48.12 +7.0 iShEmMDv DVYE 1.83e 4.6 ...q 40.59 30.82 44 39.44 +14.1 iShGblSilv SLVP .19e 1.6 ...q 17.10 9.55 117 11.66 +11.6 iShGblEnP FILL .46e 2.4 ...q 21.26 17.71 20 19.05 -6.3 iShGblAgri VEGI .55e 2.1 ...q 26.61 22.13 3 25.93 +3.8 iShMsciWld URTH 1.56e 2.0 ...q 79.43 65.57 101 77.66 +6.3 iShEMktSC EEMS 1.29e 2.8 ...q 46.68 38.67 31 46.16 +14.1 iShEMkBd LEMB .42e .9 ...q 46.35 41.68 11 45.68 +6.6 iShWldMnV ACWV 1.47e 1.9 ...q 78.24 71.80 60 77.62 +6.9 iSEMMnVol EEMV 1.42e 2.6 ...q 54.86 47.80 388 53.59 +9.6 iShJpnSC SCJ 1.23e 1.9 ...q 67.82 57.90 30 66.27 +7.6 iShThai THD 2.08e 2.7 ...q 79.14 65.27 97 77.96 +8.1 iShIsrael EIS 1.07e 2.1 ...q 52.39 44.45 2 50.97 +9.8 iShChile ECH .62e 1.4 ...q 45.48 34.14 289 44.48 +18.9 iShBRIC BKF .96e 2.7 ...q 36.96 28.27 54 36.18 +13.5 iShsUSA EUSA .67e 1.3 ...q 50.75 41.61 3 49.76 +5.1 iShTurkey TUR 1.10e 2.9 ...q 46.08 28.98 559 37.65 +16.0 iShSilver SLV ... ... ...q 19.71 14.85 10420 17.06 +12.9 iShS&P100 OEF 1.92e 1.8 ...q 106.85 88.37 1133 104.28 +5.0 iShMrnLV JKF 2.46e 2.6 ...q 99.69 82.48 5 94.67 +.6siShAcwiMV HACV ... ... ...q 27.28 25.52 0 27.32 +4.2siShMrnLG JKE 1.20e .9 ...q 132.67 111.60 6 132.86 +9.8 iShMrnLC JKD 2.24e 1.6 ...q 143.66 116.19 13 141.51 +6.7 iShBrazSC EWZS .40e 3.0 ...q 14.74 8.30 30 13.53 +23.3 iShIntlPfd IPFF .96e 5.6 ...q 17.59 15.01 50 17.28 +9.8 iShSPTUS s ITOT ... ... ...q 55.08 45.14 588 53.96 +5.2 iShSTNtMu SUB .86 .8 ...q 106.67 104.44 29 105.75 +.6 iShAgcyBd AGZ 1.81 1.6 ...q 117.44 110.31 4 113.58 +.8 iShSelDiv DVY 2.59e 2.8 ...q 93.52 80.03 602 91.25 +3.0 iShTIPS TIP .43e .4 ...q 117.55 110.90 1078 114.88 +1.5 iShChinaLC FXI .76e 2.0 ...q 39.85 31.04 17242 38.08 +9.7 iShTransp IYT 1.70e 1.0 ...q 173.88 125.94 304 164.23 +.9 iShChinaSC ECNS 1.28e 2.8 ...q 47.90 38.50 2 45.26 +10.4 iSCorSP500 IVV 4.38e 1.9 ...q 241.81 199.79 4364 236.73 +5.2 iSMornMC JKG 2.32e 1.4 ...q 170.02 141.07 14 167.51 +6.5 iShUSAgBd AGG 2.65e 2.3 ...q 113.27 107.06 1847 109.31 +1.2 iShEMkts EEM .84e 2.1 ...q 40.23 31.70 45185 39.29 +12.2 iShiBoxIG LQD 3.87 3.2 ...q 124.48 115.55 3251 119.08 +1.6 iSKokusai TOK 1.37e 2.4 ...q 58.51 49.05 4 58.07 +6.8 iShCorUSTr GOVT .33 1.3 ...q 26.45 24.72 886 25.27 +1.4 iSh2017Mu s IBMF .23 .8 ...q 27.64 27.07 27 27.26 +.2 iSGblTelcm IXP 2.14e 3.6 ...q 64.52 55.36 14 59.23 +.9 iShEMBd EMB 5.27e 4.6 ...q 118.14 107.74 1224 114.25 +3.7 iShGblTech IXN 1.11e .9 ...q 125.05 92.35 12 124.07 +12.9 iShAaa-ACp QLTA 1.51e 2.9 ...q 54.39 50.70 4 52.10 +1.4 iSMrnMCG JKH .59e .3 ...q 175.23 147.98 3 174.83 +7.9 iShIndones EIDO .38e 1.5 ...q 27.06 21.36 787 25.90 +7.3 iSSP500Gr IVW 2.03e 1.5 ...q 132.81 110.84 643 131.87 +8.3 iShNYMuni NYF 2.80 2.5 ...q 115.51 107.15 4 111.07 +2.0 iShGblHcre IXJ 2.72e 1.6 ...q 106.25 92.25 12 102.45 +8.0 iShGblFin IXG 1.34e 2.2 ...q 62.46 44.58 37 59.87 +3.6 iShUSAQlt QUAL 1.04e 1.4 ...q 74.29 62.64 57 72.54 +5.0 iSSPGlbEn IXC 1.05e 3.2 ...q 36.16 30.06 183 32.47 -6.7 iShCalMuni CMF 2.72 2.3 ...q 122.50 113.23 20 117.24 +1.5 iSh CMBS CMBS 1.00 1.9 ...q 53.70 50.05 8 51.60 +1.1 iShUSASize SIZE 1.26e 1.7 ...q 76.90 64.80 4 75.61 +5.3 iSGblInfra IGF 1.17e 2.8 ...q 42.79 37.33 89 42.36 +8.5 iShNANatR IGE .85e 2.5 ...q 37.62 30.65 140 33.44 -7.0 iSh JPXNik JPXN ... ... ... 56.98 51.22 0 55.74 +5.1 iShUSAVal VLUE 1.49e 2.1 ...q 75.57 58.20 80 72.66 +3.5 iShLatAm ILF .67e 2.1 ...q 33.05 23.34 1090 31.19 +13.1siShUSAMo MTUM .81e 1.0 ...q 83.26 72.09 177 83.22 +9.7 iShMrnMCV JKI 2.72e 1.8 ...q 152.61 119.16 20 147.17 +1.9 iShPhilpns EPHE .33e .9 ...q 40.48 30.43 120 35.82 +10.5 iSSP500Val IVE 2.14e 2.1 ...q 107.75 87.88 677 103.31 +1.9 iShNMuBd MUB 2.59 2.4 ...q 115.19 106.30 950 109.74 +1.4 iShUKSC bt EWUS 1.38e 3.6 ...q 40.37 30.40 4 38.16 +12.5 iSRTop200V IWX 1.17e 2.5 ...q 49.94 41.05 6 47.71 +1.5 iShIntlDev WPS 1.16e 3.2 ...q 38.99 33.12 9 36.36 +8.2 iShAsia50 AIA .79e 1.5 ...q 53.78 40.24 21 52.06 +12.6 iSh20 yrT TLT 3.05 2.5 ...q 143.62 116.49 7684 123.54 +3.7 iSRTop200G IWY .82e 1.3 ...q 62.05 51.37 27 61.78 +9.7 iSh7-10yTB IEF 1.96 1.8 ...q 113.91 103.43 1694 106.86 +1.9 iShRTop200 IWL 1.02e 1.9 ...q 54.91 45.54 4 53.83 +5.7 iShIntSelDv IDV 1.51e 4.5 ...q 31.66 26.40 495 31.16 +5.4 iSh1-3yTB SHY .52 .6 ...q 85.35 84.23 668 84.65 +.2 iS Eafe EFA 1.70e 2.7 ...q 62.65 51.93 19664 61.93 +7.3siShGerSC bt EWGS .69e 1.5 ...q 46.71 37.97 4 47.00 +13.4 iSRusMCV IWS 1.59e 1.9 ...q 85.33 69.96 335 83.00 +3.2 iShCrLTBd ILTB 2.54 4.1 ...q 68.96 59.26 10 62.53 +3.1 iSRusMCG IWP 1.02e 1.0 ...q 104.76 88.29 141 104.09 +6.9 iShNorC bt ENOR .58e 2.7 ...q 23.45 18.33 16 21.61 -.6 iShRusMid IWR 2.85e 1.5 ...q 190.88 158.50 291 187.47 +4.8 iShMrnSC JKJ 1.78e 1.1 ...q 162.98 127.56 2 159.34 +2.0 iShIreland EIRL .88e 1.5 ...q 41.63 33.37 10 40.83 +8.8 iSCorSPMid IJH 1.89e 1.1 ...q 175.72 140.39 1237 171.47 +3.7 iSh10yCBd CLY 2.67 4.4 ...q 64.42 57.15 51 60.26 +2.7 iShiBxHYB HYG 5.09 5.8 ...q 88.37 82.01 7637 87.67 +1.3siShFinlC bt EFNL .51e 1.4 ...q 35.50 28.71 12 35.68 +8.4siShSft IGV .12e .1 ...q 127.56 97.83 174 127.77 +17.4 iShDenC bt EDEN .81e 1.4 ...q 59.77 48.00 4 56.67 +11.1 iShNetw IGN .25e .6 ...q 47.91 32.98 11 44.21 +1.4 iShNATch IGM .73e .5 ...q 139.36 104.31 16 138.50 +11.9 iShResRE REZ 2.01e 3.1 ...q 69.29 58.02 12 65.39 +5.5 iSh2019Mun IBMH .27 1.1 ...q 25.98 25.15 23 25.57 +.9 iShC&SRE ICF 2.97e 2.9 ...q 112.45 93.02 118 102.84 +3.2 iShKLDSoc DSI 1.11e 1.3 ...q 88.11 73.22 16 86.80 +5.4 iShGbl100 IOO 2.03e 2.5 ...q 82.62 67.40 10 81.00 +5.6 iSh2018Mu IBMG .23 .9 ...q 25.72 25.29 6 25.46 +.2siShConsSv IYC 1.50e .9 ...q 161.60 136.88 25 162.34 +7.5 iShMBS MBB 3.04e 2.3 ...q 110.26 105.04 770 107.07 +.7 iShGvCrBd GBF 2.86 2.5 ...q 118.69 111.23 19 113.83 +1.6 iShIndia bt INDA .24e .8 ...q 32.04 25.79 1833 31.48 +17.6 iSR1KVal IWD 2.41e 2.1 ...q 121.24 97.59 1477 114.19 +1.9 iSMrnSCG JKK .87e .6 ...q 155.13 126.40 1 152.77 +5.5 iShPoland EPOL .79e 3.5 ...q 22.80 16.02 112 22.33 +23.2 iSMCGth IJK 1.88e 1.0 ...q 194.97 158.83 250 192.05 +5.4 iShIntGvC GVI 1.99 1.8 ...q 114.00 109.01 150 110.88 +.9 iSR1KGr IWF 1.45e 1.3 ...q 114.70 95.45 1081 114.23 +8.9siSIndiaSC bt SMIN .10e .2 ...q 43.51 30.36 143 43.86 +34.2 iShCorUSCr CRED 4.20 3.8 ...q 115.00 107.85 35 110.90 +1.5 iSRus1K IWB 2.36e 1.8 ...q 133.82 110.84 1200 131.12 +5.4 iSR2KVal IWN 1.98e 1.7 ...q 122.47 91.66 549 117.74 -1.0 iShIntCrBd CIU 3.09 2.8 ...q 111.85 107.44 495 109.61 +1.3 iSh1-3CrBd CSJ 1.52 1.4 ...q 106.12 104.50 382 105.34 +.4 iSR2KGr IWO 1.36e .8 ...q 163.50 128.24 794 162.18 +5.4 iSh10-20TB TLH 2.99 2.2 ...q 148.75 131.10 8 136.59 +2.8 iShFltRtB FLOT .32 .6 ...q 50.89 50.44 653 50.85 +.2 iShR2K IWM 1.77e 1.3 ...q 140.86 107.99 28349 137.52 +2.0 iSh3-7yTrB IEI 1.78 1.4 ...q 127.80 121.46 371 123.90 +1.1 iShCorHiDv HDV 2.90e 3.5 ...q 85.70 77.86 1156 83.19 +1.1 iSCorUSVal s IUSV ... ... ...q 52.19 42.39 216 50.15 +2.1 iSCorUSGr s IUSG ... ... ...q 46.78 38.84 215 46.48 +8.3 iShChina MCHI 1.05e 2.1 ...q 51.26 39.24 1361 50.38 +15.2 iShShtTrB SHV .03e ... ...q 110.46 110.23 337 110.28 iShUSPfd PFF 2.15a 5.5 ...q 40.34 36.70 1639 38.85 +4.4 iSEafeMnV EFAV 1.77e 2.7 ...q 68.72 60.63 964 66.40 +8.5 iSRus3K IWV 2.47e 1.8 ...q 142.61 117.47 95 139.72 +5.1 iSGblMatl MXI 1.54e 2.6 ...q 60.38 45.97 11 58.59 +6.9 iShUtils IDU 4.54e 3.5 ...q 132.34 113.89 171 128.63 +5.6 iSUSAMinV USMV .87e 1.8 ...q 48.41 43.45 1582 47.99 +6.1 iSMrnSCV JKL 2.98e 2.1 ...q 149.77 115.00 29 143.85 +.7 iShMCVal IJJ 2.16e 1.5 ...q 152.99 120.67 164 147.81 +1.8 iShGblUtil JXI 1.73e 3.6 ...q 49.81 42.85 11 47.93 +7.2 iShTelecm IYZ .68e 2.0 ...q 36.74 29.31 1372 33.94 -1.6 iShTech IYW 1.20e .9 ...q 136.05 99.51 162 134.70 +12.0 iShGblIndl EXI 1.25e 1.5 ...q 81.05 65.42 22 80.87 +7.3 iShGblCStp KXI 2.09e 2.1 ...q 101.62 89.34 25 100.30 +8.9 iShREst IYR 2.76e 3.4 ...q 85.80 72.11 10359 80.90 +5.1siSGblCnDis RXI 1.24e 1.3 ...q 96.77 80.26 3 96.91 +7.5 iSh0-5Tips STIP ... ... ...q 101.82 99.89 29 101.27 +.5siShHmCnst ITB .09e .3 ...q 32.65 25.16 5500 32.16 +17.0 iShInds IYJ 1.65e 1.3 ...q 129.53 103.82 30 126.44 +4.9 iShAerosp ITA 1.31e .9 ...q 154.46 118.73 217 150.59 +7.2 iShHltcare IYH 3.01e 1.9 ...q 160.58 137.30 298 155.47 +7.9 iShFinSv IYG 1.21e 1.1 ...q 116.22 75.41 257 107.72 +1.4 iShRegBks IAT .61e 1.4 ...q 49.24 30.04 316 44.16 -2.7 iShInsur IAK .82e 1.4 ...q 62.87 47.25 18 59.86 +.9 iShFincls IYF 1.45e 1.4 ...q 109.36 80.64 861 103.81 +2.3 iShBroker IAI .65e 1.3 ...q 53.97 33.93 28 50.52 +2.1 iShUSEngy IYE 1.14e 3.0 ...q 43.31 35.60 982 37.41 -9.9 iShESGSel KLD 1.14e 1.2 ...q 99.26 81.96 41 98.15 +6.7 iShCrSPS s IJR ... ... ...q 70.98 54.61 4374 69.04 iShMedDev IHI 1.57e 1.0 ...q 152.73 127.11 38 152.46 +14.5 iShGlInfLk GTIP ... ... ... iShConsGd IYK 2.43e 2.0 ...q 121.06 107.85 27 119.21 +7.7 iShHltcPrv IHF .24e .2 ...q 137.75 111.40 9 135.78 +8.4 iShCorTInt IXUS 1.42e 2.6 ...q 55.30 45.70 1156 54.77 +8.5 iShPharm IHE 3.11e 1.0 ...q 158.11 129.20 12 149.59 +5.8 iShBasM IYM 1.42e 1.6 ...q 90.40 72.44 108 88.20 +6.1 iShPeru EPU .34e 1.0 ...q 36.58 28.58 128 33.97 +3.6 iShCorEafe IEFA 1.55e 2.7 ...q 58.31 48.33 3380 57.80 +7.8 iShOilEq IEZ .86e 2.2 ...q 49.11 34.98 29 39.62 -12.8 iShDJ US IYY 2.01e 1.7 ...q 120.51 99.15 23 118.21 +5.5 iShO&GEx IEO 1.06e 1.8 ...q 70.34 52.72 41 58.43 -10.7 iShAggrAllo AOA .98e 2.0 ...q 50.18 43.77 62 49.79 +5.4 iShCrShUS s ISTB ... ... ... 51.04 49.69 71 50.25 +.5 iShEurope IEV 1.19e 2.9 ...q 42.13 34.52 490 41.64 +7.3 iShGroAllo AOR .81e 1.9 ...q 42.48 38.54 60 42.29 +4.2 iSRusMic IWC 1.08e 1.3 ...q 87.82 66.58 19 85.27 -.7 iShModAllo AOM .71e 1.9 ...q 36.47 34.25 67 36.42 +3.4 iShMorMl bt IYLD 1.33e 5.0 ... 25.50 23.69 29 25.18 +3.6 iSMsciVal EFV 1.87e 3.8 ...q 50.76 39.87 599 49.74 +5.3 iSSCVal IJS 1.73e 1.3 ...q 144.90 109.93 239 138.34 -1.2 iShConsAllo AOK .64e 1.9 ...q 33.57 32.00 76 33.43 +2.8 iShEafeGr EFG 1.37e 2.0 ...q 69.91 61.05 115 69.69 +9.4 iShSCGrth IJT 1.41e .9 ...q 155.92 120.55 148 152.90 +1.9 iShB3-18xF s IBCC ... ... ...q 25.03 24.58 15 24.66 +.1 iShiB3-20F s IBCD ... ... ...q 25.14 24.31 8 24.70 +.4 iShiB3-23x s IBCE ... ... ...q 25.77 23.90 15 24.44 +1.1 iShiB3-16 n IBDA ... ... ... iShBd3-18 s IBDB ... ... ...q 25.86 25.53 46 25.62 +.1 iShBd3-23 s IBDD ... ... ...q 28.39 25.88 2 26.65 +1.6 iShBd3-20 s IBDC ... ... ...q 26.70 25.90 11 26.27 +.7 iStar STAR ... ... 20 12.83 8.74 338 12.40 +.2 iStar pfD STARpD 2.00 8.0 ... 25.20 21.61 4 24.90 +1.7 iStar pfE STARpE 1.97 8.0 ... 24.92 21.00 3 24.66 +1.7 iStar pfF STARpF 1.95 8.0 ... 24.99 21.00 2 24.47 +.3 iStar pfG STARpG 1.91 7.9 ... 24.84 20.30 1 24.25 +.4 iStar pfI STARpI 1.87 7.9 ... 24.98 20.81 6 23.88 -.5 ITT Inc ITT .50 1.2 21 44.00 30.06 379 39.96 +3.6 iBio IBIO ... ... ...dd .80 .33 18 .41 +3.8 Idacorp IDA 2.20 2.6 21 85.70 69.83 194 84.53 +4.9sIDEX IEX 1.36f 1.4 26 96.24 77.93 1204 100.16 +11.2 iGATE PTI ... ... ... 19.52 ITW ITW 2.60 1.9 24 136.03 98.32 1255 134.58 +9.9 Imax Corp IMAX ... ... 64 35.30 26.48 1590 32.10 +2.2 ImunC wt rs IMUC/WS ... ... ... 4.08 .31 .43 -39.3 ImunoCll rs IMUC ... ... ... 12.40 1.83 23 2.54 +23.7 ImpacMtg IMH ... ... 4 18.50 12.04 60 14.13 +.8 ImpOil g IMO .60 ... 12 36.85 29.26 288 29.74 -14.4 IncOpR IOT ... ... 18 10.20 6.77 3 8.68 +18.9 IndCDrillg ICD ... ... ...dd 7.30 3.80 127 4.96 -26.0 IndepHld IHC .12f .6 17 21.23 15.05 7 18.95 -3.1 IndepRT IRT .72a 7.6 8 10.70 7.04 347 9.45 +5.9 IndiaFd IFN 1.82e 1.8 ...q 26.29 20.39 42 25.76 +20.4 IndiaGCap IGC ... ... ...dd .80 .19 261 .43 +53.6 IndoTel s TLK .67 ... ... 34.65 25.86 400 30.82 +5.7 IndBach IBA .87e 1.6 ... 56.10 45.32 14 53.65 +9.4 Infosys INFY .62e 4.3 15 19.76 13.42 3384 14.47 -2.4 InfrREIT n HIFR 1.00 5.6 17 19.50 14.59 262 18.01 +.6 InfuSystem INFU ... ... ... 3.67 1.55 3 2.15 -15.7 IngerRd IR 1.60 1.9 18 83.99 59.10 1713 82.75 +10.3 Ingevity NGVT ... ... ... 62.80 24.50 254 60.11 +9.6 Ingredion INGR 2.00f 1.6 18 140.00 105.80 282 121.36 -2.9 InnovInd n IIPR ... ... ... 20.52 14.50 58 18.01 -1.0 Innsuites IHT .01 .5 ...dd 3.09 1.58 0 1.96 -13.1 Inphi IPHI ... ... 20 51.78 25.89 614 44.16 -1.0 InsightS n INSI ... ... ... 19.30 18.64 18 19.16 +1.3 Insperity NSP 1.00 1.1 25 90.55 51.39 96 89.60 +26.3 InspMD wt NSPR.WS ... ... ... .95 .11 6 .14 -78.5 InspMD rs NSPR ... ... ... 14.50 .60 181 .65 -74.0sInstlldBPd IBP ... ... 44 53.00 26.00 125 52.80 +27.8 InstFnMkts IFMI .08 6.8 6 1.65 .76 1 1.17 -1.7 Instructre n INST ... ... ... 26.92 16.55 114 22.75 +16.4 IntegerHl ITGR ... ... ...dd 41.80 18.10 436 36.45 +23.8sIntellichk IDN ... ... ...dd 3.24 1.20 73 3.23 +17.5 IntellgSys INS ... ... ...dd 4.85 3.17 0 4.50 +6.1 Intelsat I ... ... ... 5.87 2.12 480 3.90 +46.1sInterXion INXN ... ... ... 40.65 32.21 467 40.24 +14.7 IntcntlExc s ICE 2.07e 3.4 11 61.98 47.62 3067 60.63 +7.5sIntCtlHtls IHG 1.28e 2.6 ... 49.53 34.63 182 49.85 +12.5 IBM IBM 5.60 3.5 13 182.79 142.50 6372 162.30 -2.2 IntFlav IFF 2.24 1.6 25 143.64 113.16 264 135.80 +15.3 IntlGmeT n IGT .80 3.6 ... 32.07 16.65 1210 22.13 -13.3 IntMktCt n IMC ... ... ... IntPap IP 1.85f 3.5 17 58.86 39.24 3936 53.02 -.1 IntlSeaw n INSW ... ... ... 20.45 10.66 253 18.99 +35.3 IntTower g THM ... ... ...dd 1.40 .40 144 .52 -4.4sInterpublic IPG .72f 2.9 17 25.33 21.67 7588 25.17 +7.5 IntstP pfD IPLpD 1.28 4.9 ... 29.30 22.70 1 25.83 +6.1 inTestCorp INTT ... ... ... 6.85 3.48 43 6.40 +39.1 IntwstRsts SNOW ... ... 24 25.78 8.23 307 23.69 +32.7 IntPotash IPI ... ... ...dd 3.04 .85 757 1.82 -12.5 Intrexon XON ... ... 24 32.90 18.41 795 20.30 -16.5 Inuvo INUV ... ... 25 2.31 1.00 147 1.25 -25.1 Invacare IVC .05 .4 ...dd 13.94 8.00 277 12.30 -5.7 InvenSense INVN ... ... ...dd 12.95 5.42 3762 12.94 +1.2 InvHiIn23 n IHIT ... ... ... 10.50 9.94 74 10.02 -2.1 InvAdvMu2 VKI .78 6.9 ...q 13.57 10.68 39 11.32 +1.3 Inv Bond VBF .83a 4.4 ...q 19.54 17.85 50 18.85 +1.9 InvCAVal VCV .79 6.3 ...q 14.83 11.78 90 12.52 +3.1 InvDynCrd VTA .90 7.4 ...q 12.59 10.68 305 12.16 -1.1 InvHiInc2 VLT 1.24 8.5 ...q 14.87 13.20 13 14.58 +2.3 Invsco iim IIM .84 5.6 ...q 17.92 14.16 123 14.92 +2.0 Invesco IVZ 1.12 3.6 14 33.46 23.02 3482 31.52 +3.9 InvMtgCap IVR 1.60 10.0 10 16.28 12.43 806 15.97 +9.4 InvMtg pfA IVRpA 1.94 7.6 ... 26.39 23.25 4 25.38 +4.3 InvMtg pfB IVRpB 1.94 7.6 ... 26.25 22.74 2 25.48 +5.8 Invsco oia OIA .39 5.1 ...q 8.30 6.91 39 7.73 +7.8 InvMuOpTr VMO .88 6.7 ...q 15.13 12.27 106 13.08 +2.7 InvMuniTr VKQ .82 6.4 ...q 14.34 11.89 106 12.67 +3.3 InvPAVal VPV .79 6.4 ...q 14.69 11.83 39 12.38 +1.8 Invsco iqi IQI .76 6.1 ...q 14.12 12.01 114 12.46 +.5 InvSrInco VVR .31 6.7 ...q 4.77 4.03 716 4.69 +1.1 InvTrIG VGM .88 6.7 ...q 14.99 12.34 104 13.19 +3.5 InvTrNY VTN .85 6.2 ...q 16.68 13.01 25 13.66 +2.9 InvTech ITG .28 1.4 44 21.62 15.04 162 19.87 +.7 InvRlEst IRET .52 8.5 62 7.28 5.60 321 6.15 -13.7 InvRlEst pf IRETp ... ... ... InvRET pfB IRETpB 1.99 7.9 ... 26.54 24.96 20 25.26 -.5 Invitae n NVTA ... ... ...dd 11.88 5.76 134 10.53 +32.6 InvitHm n INVH ... ... ... 22.15 19.80 1312 21.49 +7.4 iPBetaCmd BCM ... ... ...q 28.17 25.29 5 26.77 -1.8 iPS&PWtd SBV ... ... ...q 21.95 20.06 21.92 tiPBtaCocoa CHOC ... ... ...q 47.60 27.49 16 26.84 -15.9 iPBetaCoff CAFE ... ... ...q 17.80 12.56 3 13.07 -4.3 iPBetaCttn CTNN ... ... ...q 32.94 24.27 32.01 +9.4 iPBetaSug SGAR ... ... ...q 36.77 25.11 0 27.22 -12.5 iPBetaAlu FOIL ... ... ...q 27.05 21.92 26.51 +11.8 iPBetaCopp CUPM ... ... ...q 31.00 22.86 28.13 +1.4 iPBetaLead LEDD ... ... ...q 41.08 29.55 37.17 +6.2 iPBetaNick NINI ... ... ...q 19.83 14.58 15.65 -7.5 iPBetaCrOil OLEM ... ... ...q 18.17 13.76 15.54 -10.5 iPBetaNGs DCNG ... ... ...q 21.23 16.69 19.01 -6.4 iPBetaAgri DIRT ... ... ...q 37.53 31.09 31.46 -2.6 iPGrains WEET ... ... ...q 40.89 32.05 32.87 -1.7 iPBetaSfts GRWN ... ... ...q 28.87 22.41 24.88 +.3 iPBetaIMet HEVY ... ... ...q 28.71 24.35 27.05 iPBetaEgy ONG ... ... ...q 18.62 14.93 16.33 -12.3 iPBtaLvstk LSTK ... ... ...q 43.65 33.31 42.05 +6.9 iPBtaPrMt BLNG ... ... ...q 37.74 29.84 32.78 +8.7 iP LXR2K RTLA ... ... ...q 201.05 180.00 201.05 +11.7 iPathLong SFLA ... ... ... 236.94 188.76 214.83 +4.0 iPLgEEmM EMLB ... ... ...q 98.25 62.00 98.25 +58.5 IronMtn IRM 2.20 6.0 27 41.50 30.75 810 36.52 +12.4 iShItaly rs EWI ... ... ...q 25.98 19.62 1132 25.06 +3.5 iShJapan rs EWJ ... ... ...q 52.38 44.60 10418 51.27 +4.9 iSMlasia rs EWM ... ... ...q 35.32 27.58 280 30.87 +10.0 iShSing rs EWS ... ... ...q 22.99 19.86 248 22.55 +13.1 iSTaiwn rs EWT ... ... ...q 33.92 24.70 2911 32.77 +11.6 iSh UK rs EWU ... ... ...q 33.13 27.60 3973 32.40 +5.6 iSh0-5IGCp SLQD .79 1.6 ...q 52.09 49.91 91 50.51 +.6 iShEnUSLCp IELG ... ... ... iShCmdOpT CMDT ... ... ...q 39.52 32.08 1 35.77 -2.3 iShCvBd ICVT .67e ... ...q 51.75 43.37 4 51.44 +5.8 iShCorEM IEMG 1.09e 2.3 ...q 48.74 38.86 5822 47.80 +12.6 iShEnhUSCp IESM ... ... ... iShColomC ICOL .43e 3.1 ...q 14.14 11.50 1 13.84 +7.0 iShFSIntSC ISCF .12p ... ...q 26.90 22.70 26.80 +11.7siShFacSIntl INTF .17p ... ...q 25.26 20.95 42 25.15 +8.3 iShFS USA LRGF .19e ... ...q 28.62 22.96 545 27.95 +4.6 iShFSUsaSC SMLF .23e ... ...q 36.78 28.24 25 35.74 +.9 iShEnhInSC IEIS ... ... ... iShFacSGbl ACWF .11p ... ...q 26.22 22.27 0 25.57 +6.1siSh iBd23 n IBML ... ... ... 25.14 25.10 6 25.24 +.4 iShMgRE rs REM ... ... ...q 46.93 38.52 553 46.29 +10.1 iShExpoTc XT .14p ... ...q 29.78 22.88 50 29.69 +10.9 iSh0-5HYCp SHYG 2.38 5.0 ...q 48.04 45.27 185 47.71 +.8 iShsEnhLC IEIL ... ... ... iShDvlValu IVLU ... ... ...q 24.32 18.86 1 23.03 +4.1 iSh 3-10yr n IMTB ... ... ... 50.06 48.36 1 49.45 +1.5 iShSaudi KSA ... ... ... 25.84 19.81 3 24.84 -1.6 iSh MinVl n SMMV ... ... ... 27.17 23.65 27.02 +4.0 iShIntDevM IMTM .30p ... ...q 27.44 23.88 1 26.90 +8.4 iShIntDevQ IQLT .55p ... ...q 26.58 23.16 38 26.49 +8.1 iShLwCarb CRBN .94p ... ...q 106.91 87.26 20 104.23 +7.8 iShShMBd bt NEAR .35 ... ...q iShDvlSize ISZE ... ... ...q 25.44 23.42 25.44 +8.6 iShCHdEM HEEM 1.26e 2.1 ... 23.13 19.57 94 22.71 +7.1 iShMsciChA CNYA ... ... ... 27.92 24.52 1 26.61 +7.7 iSh IntDvGr IGRO ... ... ... 53.12 45.50 1 52.72 +7.8 iShMultiTc TCHF ... ... ... 33.74 27.20 33.37 +10.6 iShMultInd INDF ... ... ... 29.96 25.42 4 29.25 +4.5 iShMultHl HCRF ... ... ... 28.04 24.50 0 27.43 +9.4 iShiB20Mun IBMI .24 ... ...q iShMultMat MATF ... ... ... 29.53 25.54 29.12 +4.8 iSh MultFin FNCF ... ... ... 32.47 24.11 1 30.60 +1.6 iShMultiEn ERGF ... ... ... 29.12 24.50 25.57 -9.0 iShIntHdHi HYGH 4.56 5.0 ...q 92.18 82.40 11 90.31 +.8 iShCHAust HAUD 1.81p ... ...q 24.31 21.16 0 24.08 +5.2 iShCTotBd s IUSB ... ... ...q 53.76 49.81 62 50.90 +1.3 iSh MultCnS CNSF ... ... ... 26.26 23.92 25.74 +6.0 iShCDivGr DGRO .65e 2.1 ...q 31.09 25.87 318 30.31 +4.9 iSh MulConD CNDF ... ... ... 27.72 24.30 27.40 +3.2 iSh MultUt UTLF ... ... ... 27.14 24.10 26.32 +4.1 iShCHEmu HEZU .64e 1.8 ...q 28.77 22.25 2009 28.40 +6.8 iShGblReit REET .94e 3.6 ...q 28.84 24.19 69 26.05 +3.2 iSh AdapJp DEWJ .18p ... ... 25.94 22.68 0 25.05 -3.4 iSh AdapC DEFA .48p ... ... 26.20 21.82 1 25.86 +5.2 iSh AdapEu DEZU .56p ... ... 25.88 20.92 1 25.73 +7.9 iShCoreInt IAGG ... ... ... 54.18 50.99 25 52.02 +.4 iShEurSC HEUS ... ... ...q 26.67 22.86 0 26.66 +9.8 iShCorePac IPAC 1.06e 2.0 ...q 53.31 44.91 95 52.42 +7.4 iShEurMV HEUV .98 4.1 ...q 25.92 21.60 23.76 +6.0 iShCHGer HEWG .68e 1.7 ...q 27.88 21.13 203 27.30 +5.7 iShIntHdCp LQDH 2.76 2.9 ...q 95.12 90.50 10 94.11 iShCHCda HEWC 1.41e 1.8 ...q 25.88 22.03 25.29 +1.2 iShJpMinV JPMV .70e 1.2 ...q 62.56 56.88 14 60.25 +5.9 iShEafeMV HEFV ... ... ...q 25.77 23.89 2 25.52 +3.8 iShEuMinV EUMV .67e 2.9 ...q 24.40 20.51 4 23.04 +8.6 iShCHNk400 HJPX .19p ... ...q 26.52 20.30 24.73 -5.8 iShCorEur IEUR 1.18e 2.7 ...q 44.18 36.31 180 43.93 +8.0 iShxJMinV AXJV .84p ... ...q 51.33 28.29 31.54 +8.6 iSh2022Mu IBMK .09e ... ...q 26.54 24.98 27 25.93 +2.3 iShYdOpBd BYLD .75 3.0 ...q 25.35 24.45 4 24.97 +1.3 iSh2021Mu IBMJ .07e ... ...q 26.27 24.92 20 25.80 +2.1 iSHgxUSHY HHYX .67e ... ...q 26.66 24.14 26.51 +1.5 iShRussia rs ERUS ... ... ...q 35.08 25.30 250 30.95 -7.7 iSCHeafe HEFA .70e 1.7 ...q 27.62 22.42 1698 27.17 +4.0 iShCHMex HEWW 1.41p ... ...q 24.01 19.99 1 21.08 +3.3 iShH10yCBd CLYH .31e ... ...q 25.26 23.59 1 24.82 -.3 iShCHSpain HEWP .31p ... ...q 22.98 16.72 32 22.68 +13.5 iShHEmBd EMBH .30e ... ...q 26.00 24.02 1 25.75 +2.3 iShCHItaly HEWI .55p ... ...q 19.59 13.45 1 15.48 +2.4 iShShMMu MEAR .27e ... ...q 52.06 49.65 3 50.09 +.7 iSCHEafSC HSCZ .19p ... ...q 27.16 21.94 3 27.07 +6.0 iShUSFxBal INC 2.20e ... ...q 99.60 99.24 99.43 iShCHAcxUs HAWX 1.38e 4.3 ...q 26.63 20.80 176 24.23 +4.9 iShGbMM rs PICK ... ... ... 30.75 18.30 406 27.00 +4.9 iShCHAcwi HACW .94e 2.3 ...q 26.39 22.49 0 26.16 +5.4 iShGblGld rs RING ... ... ...q 26.78 15.48 59 19.55 +14.1 iShTrFRBd TFLO .07e .1 ...q 50.21 50.06 1 50.20 +.1 iShCH UK HEWU .24p ... ...q 26.21 21.60 22 23.02 +1.7 iSh ESG Sl ESGE ... ... ... 62.38 52.75 3 61.20 +12.8 iShCHSwitz HEWL 1.43e 2.4 ...q 25.53 22.04 0 25.34 +7.6 iShEMktMV HEMV ... ... ...q 25.42 23.26 0 24.31 +2.9 iShLqdty bt ICSH .25e .5 ...q 50.25 49.87 1 50.05 +.2 iShCHJpn HEWJ .74e .6 ...q 29.02 22.14 5930 27.42 -1.4 iShCHSoK HEWY .48p ... ...q 26.58 22.87 1 26.11 +7.4 iShFacEmg EMGF .13p ... ...q 41.16 32.45 16 40.27 +13.5 iSh iBd26 n IBDR ... ... ... 25.45 23.56 8 24.36 +1.8 iSiBd12-18 s IBDH .30 1.2 ...q 25.49 25.04 158 25.17 +.2 iSiBd12-16 s IBDF .13 .5 ...q 25.17 24.77 25.04 iSiBd12-20 s IBDL .62e 2.4 ...q 26.00 25.03 95 25.49 +1.0 iSiBd12-17 s IBDJ .22e ... ...q 25.15 24.80 50 24.84 -.1 iSiBd12-19 s IBDK .37e ... ...q 25.56 24.74 147 24.97 +.3 iSiBd12-23 s IBDO .56e ... ...q 25.99 24.33 19 25.10 +1.5 iSiBd12-22 s IBDN .55e ... ...q 26.00 24.43 25 25.10 +1.3 iSiBd12-25 s IBDQ .64e ... ...q 25.99 24.08 60 24.85 +2.1 iSiBd12-24 s IBDP .63e ... ...q 26.10 24.17 23 24.93 +1.8 iSiBd12-21 s IBDM .47e ... ...q 25.66 24.45 48 24.96 +1.1 IsoRay ISR ... ... ...dd 1.20 .48 102 .54 -7.1 IsraelChm ICL .27e 6.7 ... 5.02 3.52 703 4.05 -1.5 IssuerDir ISDR .20 1.7 38 11.85 5.27 3 11.80 +31.1 ItauCorpb ITCB 2.48e 17.6 ... 14.70 11.14 80 14.11 +13.4 ItauUnibH ITUB .32e 2.7 ... 13.65 7.91 14902 11.89 +15.8 IvyHiInOp IVH 1.50a 9.7 ...q 15.58 12.90 55 15.44 +4.5J -JAlexHld n JAX ... ... 21 11.00 8.35 38 10.40 -3.3 JJill n JILL ... ... ... 14.40 12.00 227 13.74 +6.1 JMP Grp JMP .36 6.0 12 7.00 4.97 31 5.96 -2.9 JMP Gp 23 JMPB 2.00 7.8 ... 25.87 23.60 0 25.67 +1.7 JMP Grp21 JMPC 1.81 7.1 ... 26.09 23.31 1 25.36 +1.0 JPMCh pfE JPMpE 1.58 5.7 ... 28.05 25.21 31 27.45 +5.7 JPMCh pfD JPMpD 1.38 5.3 ... 26.41 23.86 61 25.74 +4.6 JPMDvsRt JPGE .96e 1.8 ...q 54.71 48.24 2 54.34 +6.8 JPMIntEq JPIN 1.08e 2.0 ...q 53.28 46.27 290 52.96 +8.2 JPMDvREm JPEM 1.31p ... ...q 52.09 41.30 5 50.89 +9.9sJPM DREq JPUS .26p ... ...q 63.69 54.60 24 63.23 +6.8 JPM DivInt JPIH ... ... ... 27.74 24.50 2 27.45 +4.7 JPMDsfEu JPEU ... ... ... 53.21 46.48 52.48 +7.5 JPM DivEu JPEH ... ... ... 26.72 24.74 25.07 -5.8 JPM DivAlt JPHF ... ... ... 30.69 25.00 1 26.12 +1.8 JPM GlB n JPGB ... ... ... 50.34 50.10 50.25 +.2 JPM Disc n JPHY ... ... ... 52.12 49.82 0 51.21 +1.0 JPM USMid JPME ... ... ... 58.00 50.50 4 57.72 +6.6 JPMorgCh JPM 1.92 2.2 14 93.98 57.05 15199 85.55 -.9 JPMCh wt JPM/WS ... ... ... 52.40 16.40 27 44.47 +.4 JPMCh pfA JPMpA 1.36 5.3 ... 26.86 23.90 32 25.87 +4.9 JPMCh pfB JPMpB 1.68 6.1 ... 29.22 25.80 42 27.63 +2.8 JPMAlerian AMJ 2.29 7.2 ...q 34.41 28.55 922 31.84 +.7 JPMCh pfY JPMpF 1.53 5.6 ... 27.94 25.00 69 27.15 +7.1 JPMCh pfG JPMpG 1.52 5.6 ... 27.89 24.80 65 27.09 +6.8 JPM FTLgC JFT ... ... ...q 42.00 JPMCh pfH JPMpH 1.54 5.7 ... 28.14 25.18 49 27.23 +6.4 JPM China JFC .97e 1.9 ...q 18.65 13.86 37 18.50 +18.7 JRJR Ntw JRJR ... ... ...dd 1.29 .38 93 .51 -32.7sJabil JBL .32 1.1 21 29.27 16.78 2340 29.37 +24.1 JacobsEng JEC .15p ... 19 63.42 43.34 560 53.68 -5.8 JaggedPk n JAG ... ... ... 15.08 11.67 665 11.99 -17.3 JHardie s JHX .39e 2.4 75 17.30 13.68 9 16.10 +1.3 JanTailRsk TRSK .24e .8 ...q 29.58 25.98 2 29.14 +5.1 AlpVSVolLC SPXH .51e 1.6 ...q 33.34 27.50 4 32.72 +6.8 JanusCap JNS .44 3.3 16 16.62 11.96 3961 13.22 -.4 JpnSmCap JOF .13e 1.2 ...q 10.94 9.43 45 10.72 +10.2 Jarden JAH ... ... 53 58.97 JeldWen n JELD ... ... ... 33.42 25.60 297 32.82 +26.0sJernignC n JCAP 1.40 5.7 13 23.62 10.10 260 24.40 +15.9 JinkoSolar JKS ... ... 4 24.04 12.72 368 16.64 +9.3 JBeanTch JBT .40 .4 43 93.55 51.20 207 89.95 +4.7 JHMultLgC JHML .10p ... ...q 31.29 25.69 31 30.80 +6.0 JH MultMdC JHMM .08p ... ...q 33.00 24.99 36 30.45 +6.1sJH MultCns JHMC .07p ... ...q 27.69 23.73 6 27.84 +7.1 JH MultFin JHMF .08p ... ...q 33.34 22.86 3 31.32 +2.3 JH MultHltC JHMH .05p ... ...q 33.88 24.50 2 28.08 +8.7 JH MultTch JHMT .09p ... ...q 34.63 25.31 9 34.44 +12.0 JH MultEn JHME ... ... ... 31.57 25.37 1 27.66 -8.9 JH MultMat JHMA ... ... ... 31.46 25.60 1 30.39 +5.6 JH MultDev JHMD ... ... ... 26.93 24.73 4 26.69 +7.1 JH MultUt JHMU ... ... ... 27.79 23.92 1 26.85 +6.3 JH MulCnSt JHMS ... ... ... 28.33 24.31 1 26.49 +5.7 JH MultInd JHMI ... ... ... 30.75 24.83 2 29.99 +5.2 JH HedgEq HEQ 1.50 8.9 ...q 17.00 14.27 38 16.85 +7.2 JH TxAdY HTY 1.28 13.9 ...q 11.37 8.47 58 9.24 -5.0 JohnJn JNJ 3.20 2.6 18 129.00 109.32 6151 121.87 +5.8 JohnContl n JCI 1.08e 2.6 28 46.17 34.76 2920 41.73 +1.3tJonesEngy JONE ... ... ...dd 4.91 2.00 2723 2.00 -56.5 JonesLL JLL .62f .6 14 125.31 86.62 292 110.91 +9.8 Jumei Intl JMEI ... ... 19 6.40 3.45 216 3.68 -26.5 JnprNtwk JNPR .40 1.4 17 29.21 21.18 5720 27.80 -1.6 Jupai n JP .08p ... 9 9.87 7.49 15 9.00 +3.3 JustEngy g JE .41 ... 41 6.77 4.86 98 6.15 +12.6 JustEn pfA JEpA ... ... ... 25.99 24.05 23 25.96 +4.1K -K12 LRN ... ... 62 20.67 9.79 194 19.71 +14.9 KAR Auct KAR 1.28 2.9 22 47.03 35.68 501 43.50 +2.1 KB FnclGp KB ... ... ... 46.04 26.45 158 44.35 +25.7 KB Home KBH .10 .5 18 20.91 12.38 4033 20.47 +29.5 KBR Inc KBR .32 2.2 ...dd 17.95 12.08 2337 14.85 -11.0 KCAPFn 19 KAP 1.84 7.3 ... 25.96 24.67 25.35 -.6sKCG Hldg KCG ... ... 6 18.71 12.21 13912 19.75 +49.1 KKR KKR 1.31e 7.6 9 18.52 11.63 2609 17.22 +11.9 KKR pfA KKR.PRA ... ... ... 27.63 25.12 42 26.13 +3.4 KKR pf B KKRpB 1.63 ... ... KKR Fn 42 KFI 1.78 7.0 ... 27.95 24.93 25.47 +.4 KKRFn pfS KFNp 1.84 7.1 ... 27.72 25.35 15 25.77 -.7sKKR Inco KIO 1.50a 8.7 ...q 17.32 14.49 26 17.31 +8.0 KMG Chm KMG .12 .3 25 46.80 20.85 55 45.11 +16.0 KT Corp KT ... ... ... 17.24 13.23 1699 16.05 +13.9 Kadant KAI .84f 1.4 20 64.75 45.06 44 59.95 -2.0 Kadmon n KDMN ... ... ... 10.48 2.38 96 2.51 -53.1 Kaman KAMN .80f 1.7 19 53.41 40.43 81 46.80 -4.4 KCSo pf KSUp 1.00 3.7 ... 31.10 25.45 27.10 -5.3 KC Southn KSU 1.32 1.5 20 100.69 79.05 1699 90.57 +6.7 KapStoneP KS .40 1.7 21 24.98 12.14 779 23.51 +6.6 KateSpade KATE ... ... 18 26.46 14.02 5358 17.88 -4.2 KaynAEnD KED 1.60m 8.5 ...dd 20.47 16.53 27 18.90 -2.7 KA EngTR KYE 1.32m 10.8 ...q 13.05 8.87 111 12.20 +3.3 KA MLP KYN 2.20 11.0 ...q 22.15 16.20 312 20.01 +2.2 KAMLP pfF KYNpF .88 3.4 ... 26.01 25.06 2 25.41 +.4 KAMidsEn KMF 1.80m 11.3 ...q 17.04 11.76 125 15.92 +.1 KeanGrp n FRAC ... ... ... 22.93 13.68 1110 13.92 -35.7 Kellogg K 2.08 2.9 18 87.16 70.74 1937 72.79 -1.2tKelsoTch g KIQ .03f 4.5 ... 1.44 .68 80 .66 -31.0 Kemet KEM ... ... 34 12.65 2.16 252 11.40 +71.9 Kemper KMPR .96 2.4 45.95 29.62 115 40.80 -7.9 Kemper 54 KMPA 1.84 6.8 ... 28.60 25.20 6 27.05 +3.4 Kennamtl KMT .80 2.1 32 40.21 20.40 733 38.06 +21.8 KennWil 42 KWN 1.68 6.5 ... 27.70 24.98 0 25.90 +1.1 KennWils KW .68f 3.0 22 23.77 17.29 318 22.50 +9.8 KenonHld n KEN ... ... ... 13.26 8.75 2 11.55 -.8 KeyEngy KEG ... ... ... 38.00 21.01 88 22.70 -29.0 Keycorp KEY .34 1.9 18 19.53 10.21 16491 18.21 -.3 Keycorp pfI KEYpI ... ... ... 28.32 25.60 39 27.68 +5.8 Keysight KEYS ... ... 15 39.36 25.49 826 36.70 +.4 KilroyR KRC 1.50 2.0 16 78.33 59.90 325 74.24 +1.4 Kilroy pfH KRCpH 1.59 6.2 ... 26.29 24.55 7 25.58 +2.2 KimbRoy n KRP ... ... ... 20.89 18.06 50 18.50 -10.4 KimbClk KMB 3.88 3.0 22 138.87 111.30 2638 131.23 +15.0 Kimco KIM 1.02 4.5 19 32.24 21.43 2196 22.60 -10.2 Kimco pfI KIMpI 1.50 6.0 ... 26.71 24.01 11 25.16 +3.3 Kimco pfJ KIMpJ 1.38 5.5 ... 26.69 22.61 6 25.06 +7.2 Kimco pfK KIMpK 1.41 5.6 ... 26.85 22.56 7 25.25 +7.8 KindMorg KMI .50 2.4 69 23.36 16.63 20271 20.72 KindrM wt KMI/WS ... ... ... .04 .00 3569 .00 -66.7 KindM pfA KMIpA ... ... ... 51.40 43.21 455 46.70 -4.0 KindredHlt KND .48 5.4 10 15.66 5.65 3433 8.95 +14.0 Kingsway KFS ... ... ...dd 6.50 4.27 22 5.60 -10.4 Kinross g KGC ... ... 76 5.82 2.88 9592 3.78 +21.5 KirbyCp KEX ... ... 22 73.40 50.80 664 70.35 +5.8 KiteRlty pf KRGp 2.06 8.2 ... 25.03 KiteRlty KRG 1.21 5.5 7 30.45 19.91 851 22.13 -5.7 KlondexM g KLDX ... ... ... 6.03 3.10 1861 3.53 -24.4 KnightTr KNX .24 .7 25 38.80 24.50 2321 33.50 +1.4 Knoll Inc KNL .60 2.5 14 28.40 20.37 331 23.98 -14.1 KnotOffsh KNOP 2.08 9.0 ... 24.68 16.56 70 23.15 -1.9 Knowles KN ... ... 25 19.82 12.06 469 19.33 +15.7 Kohls KSS 2.20f 5.4 14 59.67 33.87 4783 40.76 -17.5 Koppers KOP 1.00 2.4 18 45.85 23.61 89 41.10 +2.0 KoreaElc KEP ... ... ... 28.37 17.36 440 19.30 +4.4 KoreaEqt KEF .30e 1.4 ...q 8.89 7.22 236 8.76 +18.2 KoreaFd KF 4.50e ... ...q 37.89 30.24 11 37.42 +17.4 KornFer KFY .40 1.3 14 32.52 18.57 221 31.84 +8.2 KosmosEn KOS ... ... ...dd 7.39 4.39 2519 5.72 -18.4 KrNwChin s KFYP ... ... ...q 35.33 25.35 0 33.97 +17.2 KranChinA KBA 9.93e ... ...q 30.55 26.55 12 28.64 +7.1 KraneChCm KCNY .22e .7 ...q 34.14 31.88 32.62 +2.1 KranShFtse KEMP ... ... ...q 23.07 20.42 22.82 +11.5 KratonCp KRA ... ... 23 37.50 21.64 295 32.00 +12.4 Kroger s KR .48 1.6 14 37.97 28.29 8875 29.71 -13.9sKronosWw KRO .60 3.6 45 16.77 4.70 460 16.68 +39.7 Kyocera KYO ... ... ... 61.50 46.36 8 54.78 +10.0L -L Brands LB 2.40f 4.8 13 80.20 43.04 3339 49.66 -24.6 L-3 Tch LLL 2.80f 1.7 22 171.24 123.13 254 168.14 +10.5 LCI Inds LCII 2.00e ... 21 117.15 62.49 244 97.35 -9.7 LG Display LPL ... ... ... 14.36 9.84 626 13.27 +3.3 LGL Grp LGL ... ... 18 5.83 3.05 43 4.96 -1.2 LMP CapIn SCD 1.24f 8.7 ...q 14.55 12.16 57 14.31 +7.7 LSB Inds LXU ... ... ...dd 15.50 4.52 599 7.17 -14.8 LSC Com LKSD .25p ... ... 37.40 17.00 425 25.23 -15.0 LTC Prp LTC 2.28f 4.6 16 54.20 43.17 130 49.54 +5.4 LaQuinta LQ ... ... 28 15.05 9.73 768 13.76 -3.2 LaZBoy LZB .44 1.6 17 32.90 22.09 278 28.20 -9.2sLabCp LH ... ... 18 145.64 119.51 1169 145.66 +13.5 LadderCap LADR 1.20 8.2 10 15.53 11.29 356 14.70 +7.1 LadThalFn LTS ... ... ...dd 2.87 1.63 244 2.44 sLadTh pfA LTSpA 2.00 7.9 ... 25.21 22.45 64 25.20 +5.3 LambWst n LW .75 1.8 ... 43.48 28.75 414 42.60 +12.5 Landauer LDR 1.10 2.2 33 55.80 34.09 22 49.85 +3.6 Lannett LCI ... ... 7 39.99 16.75 368 24.45 +10.9 LaredoPet LPI ... ... 26 16.47 9.20 4725 12.93 -8.6 LVSands LVS 2.92f 5.1 27 63.38 41.45 3453 57.77 +8.2 LaSalleH LHO 1.80 6.2 10 31.87 21.56 2346 28.99 -4.9 LaSalH pfH LHOpH 1.88 7.4 ... 26.11 25.01 25.33 +1.1 LaSalH pfI LHOpI 1.59 6.2 ... 26.93 23.75 7 25.55 +6.0 LaSalHt pfJ LHOpJ 1.58 6.2 ... 27.24 23.21 5 25.26 +8.6 Latam Air LFL ... ... ... 13.72 5.81 500 13.28 +62.3 LatAmDisc LDF .03e .3 ...q 10.94 8.35 44 10.67 +14.9 LattDvMkt RODM .62e 2.4 ...q 25.71 22.09 6 25.61 +7.2 LattEmMkt ROAM .43e 1.9 ...q 23.14 19.49 2 22.66 +10.1 Latt RE n RORE ... ... ... 16.26 13.88 5 15.61 +4.4 LattUSEqt ROUS .39e ... ...q 27.57 22.51 27 26.80 +3.5 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 5 The Sun/Friday, April 21, 2017


LattGblSC ROGS .57e 2.1 ...q 27.81 23.11 2 27.72 +6.9 LazGlobTR LGI .95 6.3 ...q 15.13 12.30 17 15.13 +10.1 Lazard LAZ 1.52 3.3 6 47.09 26.21 720 46.03 +12.0 LazWldDiv LOR .69 6.5 ...q 10.84 8.54 3 10.66 +7.6 LeafGrp LFGR ... ... ...dd 8.35 5.10 28 8.20 +25.2 LearCorp LEA 2.00f 1.4 12 149.00 97.35 984 140.69 +6.3 Lee Ent LEE ... ... 8 3.92 1.74 133 2.85 -1.7 LeggMason LM 1.28f 3.4 39 38.99 27.54 591 37.78 +26.3 LegMas56 n LMHA ... ... ... 27.87 23.51 26 26.08 +3.9 LegM 5,4 56 LMHB ... ... ... 25.38 20.81 135 23.66 +9.5 LMGblInco BWG 1.32a 10.1 ...q 14.11 11.36 39 13.03 +10.1 LM IntLoV LVHI ... ... ... 27.91 23.96 5 27.27 +5.0 LM EM LoV LVHE ... ... ... 28.60 25.18 1 27.20 +5.6 LeggPlat LEG 1.36 2.6 21 54.63 44.02 777 52.22 +6.8 LeGS3.5s34 JBK 1.59 6.7 ... 24.93 20.44 1 23.73 +7.6 LehTOY21 XKE .78 9.6 ... 9.16 6.51 8.10 -3.6 LeidosHld LDOS 1.28a 2.4 15 54.97 33.23 569 52.60 +2.9 LejuHldgs LEJU .20e ... 16 5.47 2.97 151 3.32 -30.8 LendingClb LC ... ... ...dd 8.41 3.44 8184 5.80 +10.5 LennarA LEN .16 .3 13 53.79 39.68 2822 51.89 +20.9sLennarB LEN/B .16 .4 ... 44.03 32.09 18 43.26 +25.4 Lennox LII 1.72 1.0 24 172.96 131.90 222 169.31 +10.5 LeucNatl LUK .25 1.0 27.34 15.48 1046 25.80 +11.0sLevel3 LVLT ... ... 33 60.13 44.01 2563 60.24 +6.9 LexRltyTr LXP .70 6.7 13 11.42 8.66 887 10.50 -2.8 LexRT pfC LXPpC 3.25 6.4 ... 53.85 49.01 1 50.95 +2.1tLibbey LBY .47f 4.5 8 20.76 10.36 505 10.45 -46.3 LbtyASE USA .52e 9.4 ...q 5.54 4.76 749 5.51 +6.8sLbtyASG ASG .38e 8.2 ...q 4.63 3.88 95 4.65 +11.2 LibtProp LPT 1.60m 3.9 19 42.26 33.89 487 40.76 +3.2 LifeStorg LSI 3.80 4.4 19 116.22 77.00 314 86.92 +1.9 LightInBox LITB ... ... ...dd 3.59 2.40 7 2.84 -4.4 LincNat LNC 1.16 1.8 10 73.31 35.27 1760 65.06 -1.8 LincNtl wt LNC/WS ... ... ... 69.23 27.00 0 60.24 -1.2 Lindsay LNN 1.16 1.3 65 89.98 65.78 58 86.61 +16.1 LineCp n LN ... ... ... 51.48 30.90 556 36.94 +8.6 LionsGat A LGF/A ... ... ... 29.03 24.27 459 25.97 -3.5 LionsGat B LGF/B ... ... ... 27.14 22.72 496 23.89 -2.6 LiqTech LIQT ... ... ...dd .99 .31 75 .35 -44.8 LithiaMot LAD 1.00 1.1 12 105.32 68.70 663 93.24 -3.7sLiveNatn LYV ... ... ...dd 31.44 21.21 913 31.50 +18.4 LloydBkg LYG .47a 14.2 ... 4.42 2.47 5193 3.33 +7.4 LoanCore n LCRT ... ... ... LoanDpt n LDI ... ... ... LockhdM LMT 7.28 2.7 21 274.57 225.34 806 271.85 +8.8 Loews L .25 .5 20 48.05 38.17 936 46.06 -1.6sLaPac LPX ... ... 27 26.31 15.74 1597 26.24 +38.6 Lowes LOW 1.40 1.7 21 84.00 64.87 4462 83.29 +17.1tLubys LUB ... ... ...dd 5.10 3.04 172 2.94 -31.3 LumberLiq LL ... ... ...dd 23.76 11.07 956 23.14 +47.0 LuxferHld LXFR .50 4.5 ... 13.60 9.28 77 11.05 +1.5 Luxoft LXFT ... ... 30 66.18 46.58 49 62.20 +10.7 Luxottica LUX .78e 1.4 ... 57.17 44.85 113 54.75 +2.0 Lydall LDL ... ... 19 64.85 33.21 86 50.75 -17.9 LyonBas A LYB 3.40 4.0 10 97.64 69.82 2523 85.51 -.3M -M&T Bk MTB 3.00f 1.9 18 173.72 108.04 598 154.28 -1.4 M&T Bk wt MTB/WS ... ... ... 99.00 35.27 1 80.40 -3.1 M&TBk pfA MTBp 63.75 6.1 ... 1095.55 1015.00 1039.98 -5.1 M&TBk pfC MTBpC 63.75 6.0 ... 1215.01 1000.00 1055.00 -.2 MAG Slv g MAG ... ... ...dd 18.12 9.50 591 12.49 +13.2 MBIA MBI ... ... ...dd 11.65 6.34 1127 8.72 -18.5 MDC MDC 1.00 3.2 15 31.58 20.51 380 31.18 +21.5 MDU Res MDU .77 2.9 23 29.92 19.28 686 26.94 -6.4 MFA Fncl MFA .80 9.8 11 8.22 6.69 1227 8.13 +6.6 MFA Fn42 MFO 2.00 7.8 ... 27.87 24.80 13 25.57 -.5 MFA pfB MFApB 1.88 7.4 ... 26.09 23.36 5 25.18 +3.9 MFC Bcp MFCB ... ... ...dd 2.43 1.43 49 1.56 -20.0 MFS CAMu CCA .60 5.2 ...q 14.99 11.05 2 11.60 +3.0 MCR MCR .72a 8.3 ...q 8.75 8.08 157 8.65 +1.5 MGF MGF .41 8.2 ...q 5.51 4.84 37 5.00 -.8 MFS HInM CXE .30 6.0 ...q 5.59 4.70 66 5.04 +2.9 MFS HYMu CMU .28 6.0 ...q 5.19 4.27 75 4.60 +4.1 MFS IHI CIF .25 9.2 ...q 2.73 2.38 229 2.69 +4.3 MIN MIN .42 9.7 ...q 4.69 4.21 219 4.34 -2.3 MFS InvG CXH .50 5.1 ...q 10.77 9.09 20 9.94 +6.1 MMT MMT .52 8.5 ...q 6.29 5.62 186 6.12 +1.0 MFM MFM .38 5.4 ...q 7.63 6.51 103 7.10 +7.1 MFV MFV .58 9.8 ...q 5.99 5.22 15 5.87 +5.4 MGIC Inv MTG ... ... 12 11.35 5.36 4680 11.03 +8.2 MGMGrPr n MGP .65 ... ... 28.57 21.77 1019 28.45 +12.4 MGM Rsts MGM .39p ... 25 30.62 21.12 6333 28.46 -1.3 MI Homes MHO ... ... 13 26.70 17.00 195 25.27 +.4 MI Hm pfA MHOpA ... ... ... 26.05 24.03 5 25.67 +.5 MPG pfA MPGpA ... ... ... 25.85 MPLX LP MPLX 2.06f 5.7 ...dd 39.43 29.33 654 36.08 +4.2 MRC Glbl MRC ... ... ...dd 22.52 11.50 700 18.16 -10.4 MSA Safety MSA 1.28 1.8 27 74.64 46.20 143 69.46 +.2 MSC Ind MSM 1.80 2.0 22 105.70 67.74 699 88.62 -4.1 MSCI Inc MSCI 1.12 1.1 34 109.29 71.51 227 98.73 +25.3 MSG Netw MSGN ... ... 11 24.90 14.73 306 24.15 +12.3 MV OilTr MVO .64e 9.1 6 7.35 4.96 37 7.07 +13.5 MVC Cap MVC .54a 6.2 ...q 9.01 7.12 64 8.70 +1.4 MVCCap 23 MVCB 1.81 7.1 ... 26.00 23.99 4 25.33 +.6 MacQUtlDv MFD 1.20 9.5 ...q 13.34 10.81 22 12.57 +10.2 MacQGInf MGU 1.48 6.3 ...q 23.41 18.33 34 23.37 +18.4 Macerich MAC 2.84 4.3 20 94.51 62.14 818 66.12 -6.7 MackCali CLI .60 2.1 13 29.70 24.30 800 28.26 -2.1 Macquarie MIC 5.24f 6.5 42 85.45 67.32 344 80.20 -1.8 Macys M 1.51 5.0 11 45.41 27.72 5282 30.01 -16.2 MadCvCall MCN .72 8.9 ...q 8.21 7.28 35 8.07 +4.8 MadSqGd n MSG ... ... ...dd 206.60 156.01 128 200.95 +17.2 MadStSec MSP 1.04 8.7 ...q 12.42 11.09 3 12.02 +1.1 MagellMid MMP 3.42f 4.5 22 81.77 64.25 460 75.91 +.4 Magna g s MGA 1.10f 2.7 9 47.21 32.76 1743 41.11 -5.3 MagnaChip MX ... ... ...dd 9.70 4.71 261 8.25 +33.1 Maiden prA MHpA 2.06 8.0 ... 26.90 25.22 6 25.72 -.5 Maiden pfC MHpC 1.78 7.0 ... 27.08 24.40 20 25.48 -1.3 MaidenHld n MHLA .60 2.4 ... 28.60 24.34 15 25.40 +.3 MaidHld42 MHNB 2.00 7.9 ... 26.83 24.83 1 25.44 +.1 MaidHld 43 MHNC 1.94 7.4 ... 27.80 24.51 5 26.34 -2.4sMainStCap MAIN 2.22a 5.7 19 39.12 30.57 173 39.13 +6.4 MainStC 23 MSCA 1.53 5.9 ... 26.93 25.42 7 26.10 +1.5 MainSDTMu MMD 1.18 6.0 ...q 20.99 17.96 58 19.44 +6.2 Majesco n MJCO ... ... ... 6.50 4.50 2 5.37 -11.7 Mallinckdt MNK ... ... ... 85.83 41.57 1144 44.93 -9.8 MgdDInvG MZF .74 5.5 ...q 15.03 12.75 15 13.48 +2.7 ManchUtd MANU .36 2.2 ... 17.83 14.10 24 16.50 +15.8 Manitowoc MTW .08 1.4 ...dd 7.57 3.65 876 5.59 -6.5 ManngNap MN .32m 5.7 20 10.34 5.20 116 5.60 -25.8 ManpwrGp MAN 1.72 1.7 16 103.90 57.26 1155 103.33 +16.3 Manulife g MFC .74 4.3 ... 19.52 12.55 2476 17.25 -3.2 MarathnO MRO .20 1.3 ...dd 19.28 11.28 10169 15.09 -12.8 MarathPt s MPC 1.44 3.0 10 54.59 32.02 2991 48.54 -3.6 MarcusMill MMI ... ... 15 30.31 22.93 63 25.57 -4.3 Marcus MCS .50f 1.5 23 32.60 18.57 93 32.35 +2.7 MarinSoft MRIN ... ... ...dd 3.07 1.45 75 1.80 -23.4 MarineP MPX .28f 2.4 28 14.87 7.61 32 11.55 -16.7 MarineMx HZO ... ... 23 23.50 15.10 311 22.35 +15.5 Markel MKL ... ... 31 992.00 811.05 25 967.28 +6.9sMarriotVac VAC 1.40 1.4 22 102.35 56.33 182 102.88 +21.2 MarshM MMC 1.36 1.9 22 75.52 60.04 2211 73.29 +8.4 MartMM MLM 1.68 .8 33 243.98 165.27 474 217.29 -1.9 Masco MAS .40 1.2 22 37.38 29.11 4572 33.93 +7.3 Masonite g DOOR ... ... 81.95 55.60 97 79.85 +21.4 MastThera MSTX ... ... ...dd .71 .07 3958 .13 +44.8 Mastec MTZ ... ... 37 43.80 20.38 673 43.65 +14.1 MastechD MHH ... ... 9 8.35 5.82 32 7.26 +6.6sMasterCrd MA .88 .8 33 113.50 86.65 3390 114.59 +11.0 MatadorRs MTDR ... ... ...dd 28.51 18.56 1112 21.42 -16.8 Materion MTRN .38 1.1 26 41.23 22.36 97 34.35 -13.3 MatinasB n MTNB ... ... ... 3.92 1.50 41 2.87 -23.1 Matson MATX .72f 2.2 17 43.00 28.79 131 32.04 -9.5 MauiLand MLP ... ... 19 14.10 5.30 46 13.60 +88.9 Maximus MMS .18 .3 20 62.78 43.69 419 60.09 +7.7 MaxLinear MXL ... ... 41 28.56 15.77 299 27.72 +27.2 McClatch rs MNI ... ... ...dd 19.77 9.10 10 9.90 -24.9 McCorm vot MKC/V 1.88 1.9 ... 108.26 89.14 1 100.37 +7.8 McCorm MKC 1.72f 1.7 27 107.84 88.64 477 100.44 +7.6 McDrmInt MDR ... ... 20 8.33 4.03 1834 6.38 -13.7sMcDnlds MCD 3.76 2.8 25 133.00 110.33 2655 133.27 +9.5 McKesson MCK 1.12 .8 12 199.43 114.53 1577 137.66 -2.0 McEwenM MUX .01a .3 4.92 2.09 3271 3.02 +3.8 MeadJohn MJN 1.65 1.9 27 94.40 69.25 860 88.78 +25.5 Mechel pf MTLp ... ... ... 1.35 .19 59 .98 -12.9 Mechel rs MTL ... ... ... 6.83 1.46 149 5.26 -8.2 Medequit n MRT ... ... ... 12.05 10.28 86 11.99 +8.0 MedProp MPW .96f 6.8 15 15.92 11.54 2604 14.12 +14.8 Medifast MED 1.28 2.9 24 46.36 30.00 68 44.43 +6.7 MedleyCap MCC .88 11.4 8 8.06 6.16 180 7.75 +3.2 Medley 19 MCQ 1.78 7.0 ... 25.90 24.95 25.26 -.5 MedleyC 23 MCV 1.53 6.1 ... 26.24 23.58 8 25.24 +.9 MedleyC 21 MCX 1.63 6.3 ... 26.25 23.77 0 25.94 +1.4sMedley n MDLX ... ... ... 24.94 22.93 7 24.85 +3.2 Medley24 n MDLQ ... ... ... 25.75 24.73 7 25.15 +1.0 MedleyMgt MDLY .80 9.9 23 10.65 5.11 25 8.05 -18.7 Mednax MD ... ... 16 76.96 59.36 5934 61.30 -8.0 Medtrnic MDT 1.72 2.1 18 89.27 69.35 5262 81.02 +13.7 Merck MRK 1.88 3.0 17 66.80 53.06 8534 62.55 +6.3 MercGn MCY 2.49 4.2 30 64.52 49.69 117 59.73 -.8 Meredith MDP 2.08f 3.2 16 66.25 43.85 392 64.75 +9.5 Meritage MTH ... ... 11 41.22 29.70 518 38.55 +10.8 Meritor MTOR ... ... 3 17.20 6.30 679 16.74 +34.8 MerL pfK MERpK 1.61 6.2 ... 27.00 24.65 29 25.77 +2.6 MerL pfP MERpP 1.84 6.9 ... 27.88 24.05 31 26.78 +4.2 ML CZN46 PIY 2.09 8.3 ... 32.44 24.61 14 25.18 -2.4 MLRRD29 PYS 1.58 6.7 ... 26.20 20.35 5 23.49 +10.8 MLGS t PYT .76 3.7 ... 21.45 19.11 20.70 +5.9 MLIdxPl33 IPB 1.51 5.6 ... 29.80 26.10 1 26.93 +1.9sMesaRoyl MTR .99e 6.5 15 15.05 7.45 20 15.30 +40.4 Mesab MSB .64e ... ... 17.42 7.95 88 16.30 +52.3 Methode MEI .36 .8 18 46.40 27.13 191 44.00 +6.4 MetLife MET 1.60 3.1 11 58.09 36.17 4423 51.78 -3.9 MetLfe pfA METpA 1.02 4.1 ... 25.96 23.09 33 24.99 +7.3sMettlerT MTD ... ... 35 494.10 343.61 194 489.79 +17.0 MexcoEn MXC ... ... ...dd 5.61 2.08 11 3.82 -23.6 MexEqt MXE 1.62e .1 ...q 11.82 8.69 3 11.13 +21.4 MexEqt pf MXEp ... ... ... 15.11 MexicoFd MXF .70e 4.3 ...q 18.03 13.28 76 16.40 +9.1 MKors KORS ... ... 9 55.37 34.92 1625 37.58 -12.6 MicrSol n MICR ... ... ... 4.27 3.70 4 3.95 -.5 MidAApt MAA 3.48 3.4 19 110.01 85.04 504 101.56 +3.7 MdAApt pfI MAApI 2.13 3.2 ... 70.00 60.55 1 67.00 +5.3 MidcstEn MEP 1.43 18.0 ...dd 9.89 5.30 25 7.95 +12.8 MidsthBcp MSL .36 2.5 22 15.75 9.01 15 14.30 +5.1 MidstPet MPO ... ... ... 23.25 17.01 59 18.75 -9.6 Milacron n MCRN ... ... ... 19.32 12.43 93 17.98 -3.5 MilestnSci MLSS ... ... ...dd 3.20 1.10 24 1.35 -3.6 MHowHiInc HIE 1.39 10.4 ...q 13.86 10.89 41 13.34 +7.7 MillerInds MLR .72f 2.9 14 28.85 19.79 15 24.70 -6.6 MinTech MTX .20 .3 19 83.85 51.29 109 76.45 -1.0 MissP pfD MPpD 1.31 5.1 ... 27.90 25.10 8 25.64 -1.8 Mistras MG ... ... 28 26.46 19.49 118 21.61 -15.8 MitsuUFJ MTU ... ... ... 7.01 4.16 3834 6.20 +.6 MiX Tele MIXT .22e ... ... 8.14 3.95 42 6.34 +2.4 MizuhoFn MFG ... ... ... 3.87 2.76 267 3.60 +.3 MobileTele MBT .88e 8.4 ... 11.59 7.09 1809 10.42 +14.4 Mobileye MBLY ... ... 61.91 33.69 3851 61.75 +62.0 Model N MODN ... ... ...dd 13.98 6.98 39 10.30 +16.4 Modine MOD ... ... 14 16.35 8.45 272 11.00 -26.2 Moelis&Co MC .94a 2.4 21 39.90 21.91 332 38.70 +14.2sMohawk MHK ... ... 20 234.99 175.52 444 236.29 +18.3 MolinaHlth MOH ... ... 67.87 42.56 976 47.86 -11.8 MolsCoor A TAP/A 1.64 1.7 ... 110.17 91.86 93.78 -4.2 MolsCoorB TAP 1.64 1.7 30 112.19 89.40 1601 95.05 -2.3 MonRE MNR .64 4.3 20 15.36 11.34 202 15.03 -1.4 MonRE pfB MNRpB 1.97 7.8 ... 27.25 25.24 3 25.41 -.9 MonRE pfC MNRpC 1.53 6.1 ... 26.50 23.00 48 25.13 +6.5 MonogRes MORE .30 2.9 34 10.97 9.52 725 10.24 -5.4 Monsanto MON 2.16 1.9 21 116.60 88.76 1678 115.72 +10.0sMoodys MCO 1.52f 1.3 24 114.90 87.30 560 115.36 +22.4 Moog A MOG/A ... ... 22 73.05 46.16 72 68.96 +5.0 Moog B MOG/B ... ... 21 71.81 46.98 1 67.33 +1.8 MorgStan MS .80 1.9 13 47.33 23.11 13541 42.50 +.6 MorgSt pfE MSpE 1.78 6.1 ... 30.78 27.07 28 29.32 +4.2 MorgSt pfF MSpF 1.72 6.0 ... 30.17 25.65 39 28.70 +6.1 MorgSt pfI MSpI 1.59 5.7 ... 28.72 25.49 27 27.77 +7.9 MorgS pfG MSpG 1.66 6.2 ... 28.23 25.33 17 26.74 +4.7 MorgSt pfK MSpK ... ... ... 26.42 24.95 247 26.35 +3.7 MS Asia APF .14e .9 ...q 15.61 12.69 12 15.25 +13.0 MS China CAF 13.33e ... ...q 19.73 16.40 56 19.48 +14.7 MS CushHi MLPY 1.28e 16.3 ...q 8.47 6.95 2 7.87 -3.0 MS EMD MSD .57e 5.9 ...q 9.98 8.74 77 9.69 +6.5 MSEMDDbt EDD .80m 10.2 ...q 8.51 6.94 166 7.85 +9.5 MSEmMkt MSF .05e .3 ...q 15.04 12.52 14 14.99 +13.7 MS icb ICB .54a 3.0 ...q 18.99 17.29 57 18.06 +.7 MS India IIF .04e ... ...q 34.50 23.30 17 32.76 +27.9 MSJCP97 HJV 1.75 11.0 ... 20.50 14.77 4 15.84 -11.2 MkVRMB CNY ... ... ...q 43.00 38.05 0 41.33 +5.8 MkVRupee INR ... ... ...q 41.08 37.05 40.60 +6.9 MSDLEur URR ... ... ...q 19.49 12.65 6 15.83 +2.9 MSDSEur DRR ... ... ...q 65.79 52.57 11 61.61 -5.2 MorgSt pfA MSpA 1.01e 4.3 ... 24.40 20.45 123 23.37 +1.6 Mosaic MOS 1.26f 4.6 34.36 22.77 3357 27.10 -7.6 MotrlaSolu MSI 1.88f 2.2 19 87.55 62.76 636 84.10 +1.5 Movado MOV .52 2.1 15 31.95 19.14 196 24.30 -15.5 Mueller MLI .40 1.2 19 43.96 29.51 136 33.72 -15.6 MuellerWat MWA .16 1.3 26 14.20 10.18 1780 12.14 -8.8 Mulesft n MULE ... ... ... 25.60 21.60 303 22.29 -4.7 MultiPkg n MPSX ... ... 17.98 11.00 97 17.96 +25.9 MurphO MUR 1.00 3.7 ...dd 37.48 24.39 2134 26.77 -14.0 MurphUSA MUSA ... ... 13 80.44 56.92 425 69.44 +13.0 MyersInd MYE .54 3.3 36 17.05 11.35 45 16.45 +15.0 Myovant n MYOV ... ... ... 14.27 10.25 15 12.17 -2.2N -NCI BldSy NCS ... ... 25 18.10 13.80 253 16.90 +8.0 NCR Corp NCR ... ... 15 49.90 25.20 3062 44.64 +10.1 NGL EnPt NGL 1.56 7.3 31 25.80 11.57 197 21.45 +2.1 NL Inds NL ... ... 24 9.60 2.25 54 7.55 -7.4 NQ Mobile NQ ... ... 33 5.35 3.03 222 3.62 +12.4 NRG Egy NRG .12 .7 21 19.07 9.84 6781 17.24 +40.6 NRG Yld A NYLD/A 1.00f 5.9 35 17.78 13.40 95 16.92 +10.2 NRG Yld C NYLD 1.04f 6.0 45 18.56 13.98 347 17.30 +9.5 NTN Buzz rs NTN ... ... ...dd 23.70 4.00 15 7.35 -13.5 NTT DOCO DCM ... ... ... 28.43 21.96 102 23.80 +4.6 NVR NVR ... ... 20 2191.75 1478.04 76 2065.08 +23.7 Nabors NBR .24 2.0 ...dd 18.40 7.61 7740 11.77 -28.2 NACCO NC 1.07f 1.4 10 99.55 49.80 12 78.75 -13.0 NamTai NTP .28 3.8 ...dd 9.59 5.19 70 7.45 +.7 NanoViric NNVC ... ... ...dd 2.19 1.03 26 1.11 +3.7 Nashville NASH .75e .7 ...q 29.39 22.74 28.14 +5.4 NatBkHldg NBHC .28 .9 39 34.10 19.45 92 32.34 +1.4 NatFuGas NFG 1.62 3.0 23 61.25 50.61 458 53.46 -5.6 NatGrid NGG 3.35e 5.3 ... 74.97 56.50 601 63.60 +9.0 NtHlthInv NHI 3.80f 5.0 17 82.53 65.94 145 75.85 +2.3 NHltcre NHC 1.80 2.5 22 78.99 60.81 35 72.46 -4.4 NOilVarco NOV .20 .6 27 43.63 28.96 3161 35.63 -4.8 NatPresto NPK 1.00a 1.0 18 112.00 83.53 16 102.40 -3.8 NatRetPrp NNN 1.82 4.0 21 53.60 39.86 847 45.47 +2.9 NRetP pfE NNNpE 1.43 5.6 ... 27.13 22.75 7 25.54 +10.5 NtRetP pfF NNNpF 1.30 5.4 ... 24.84 20.65 86 24.19 +12.1 NatlStor n NSA .96 3.7 34 26.15 18.81 202 25.85 +17.1 NtWst pfC NWpC 1.94 7.4 ... 26.90 25.42 11 26.21 +2.3 Nationstar NSM ... ... 10 19.83 10.19 1466 16.87 -6.6 NatGsSvcs NGS ... ... 48 34.50 19.85 93 28.25 -12.1 NatrlGroc NGVC ... ... 25 14.21 10.00 49 10.80 -9.2 NatRsPt rs NRP .23 .8 5 45.60 10.43 36 33.00 +2.2 Natuzzi NTZ ... ... ... 3.16 1.39 18 3.08 +36.3 Nautilus NLS ... ... 17 24.99 14.28 244 17.50 -5.4 NavideaBio NAVB ... ... ...dd 1.51 .26 428 .45 -29.5 NavigCons NCI ... ... 18 27.86 15.07 165 23.23 -11.3 NavigatrH NVGS ... ... ... 16.58 6.47 211 13.00 +39.8 NaviosAcq NNA .20 12.0 4 2.11 1.19 251 1.67 -1.8 Navios pfG NMpG 2.19 12.3 ... 18.00 2.82 6 17.76 +135.5 Navios NM ... ... ...dd 2.40 .57 598 1.82 +29.1 NavMH pfH NMpH 2.16 12.4 ... 17.88 2.76 18 17.40 +148.6 NavMMid NAP 1.69 14.2 ... 14.20 9.07 54 11.88 +10.2 NaviosMar NMM 1.27f 63.9 6 2.94 1.14 642 1.99 +41.1 Navistar NAV ... ... ...dd 33.46 10.30 737 25.45 -18.9 Navistr pfD NAVpD ... ... ... 16.25 3.27 10.77 -3.9 NeenahP NP 1.48f 2.0 17 90.23 62.11 80 75.60 -11.3 NeffCorp NEFF ... ... 15 20.25 7.32 139 19.90 +41.1 Nelnet NNI .56f 1.2 9 55.01 31.49 107 45.91 -9.5 NeoPhoton NPTN ... ... 37 18.51 6.90 772 7.76 -28.2tNetshoes n NETS ... ... ... 16.10 13.80 331 13.58 -6.3 Netw1Tch NTIP ... ... 5.05 2.03 114 4.80 +41.2 NBCAInt NBW .74 5.2 ...q 17.66 13.68 10 14.35 -.2 NeuB HYld NHS .96 8.0 ...q 12.20 10.53 81 11.94 +2.3 NBIntMu NBH .90 6.0 ...q 17.64 14.37 35 15.05 -7.4 NB MLP NML 1.26 ... ...q NBNYInt NBO .58 4.5 ...q 14.87 12.13 8 12.73 +1.7 NBRESec NRO .36 6.6 ...q 6.00 4.96 137 5.49 +2.2 NeuStar NSR ... ... 7 34.40 21.10 144 33.25 -.4 NevGCas UWN ... ... 31 2.31 1.55 8 2.19 +18.4 NevroCorp NVRO ... ... ...dd 106.93 61.52 370 87.70 +20.7 Nevsun g NSU .04m 1.6 25 3.79 2.29 742 2.49 -19.4 NewAmHi HYB .78a 8.2 ...q 9.66 8.24 22 9.47 +2.3 NewConcEn GBR ... ... 34 6.10 .78 72 1.68 -22.2 NE Realty NEN 1.00 1.5 2 69.00 53.51 1 67.00 +10.0 NwGold g NGD ... ... 45 6.04 2.39 6668 3.16 -9.7 NewHome NWHM ... ... 10 12.55 8.62 49 10.50 -10.3 NwIreland IRL 2.15e 1.2 ...q 13.74 10.96 38 13.32 +11.3 NJ Rscs s NJR 1.02 2.5 21 42.65 30.46 320 40.05 +12.8 NewMedia NEWM 1.40 9.7 21 19.89 13.46 357 14.41 -9.9 NwMtnFin NMFC 1.36 9.2 16q 15.00 12.10 449 14.75 +4.6 NewOriEd EDU .40e ... 41 63.03 37.16 1109 62.05 +47.4 NewRelic NEWR ... ... ...dd 40.10 23.55 157 39.69 +40.5 NewResid NRZ 1.92f 11.7 9 17.86 11.87 29541 16.39 +4.3 NewSenInv SNR 1.04 9.7 9 12.68 9.02 470 10.76 +9.9 NY&Co NWY ... ... ...dd 3.87 1.34 462 1.74 -23.3 NY CmtyB NYCB .68 5.0 13 17.68 13.39 3195 13.73 -13.7 NYCmty un NYCBpU 3.00 5.9 ... 51.44 48.50 16 50.45 +1.3 NY REIT NYRT .46 4.8 ... 11.07 8.79 1746 9.61 -5.0 NY Times NYT .16 1.1 26 16.35 10.60 767 14.80 +11.3 NewellRub NWL .76 1.6 19 55.45 43.20 3550 47.10 +5.5 NewdExp NFX ... ... 31 50.00 33.00 2039 34.90 -13.8 NewMarket NEU 7.00f 1.5 23 455.73 385.66 17 453.88 +7.1 NewmtM NEM .20 .6 27 46.07 30.19 6278 33.67 -1.2 NewpkRes NR ... ... ...dd 8.75 4.26 799 7.90 +5.3 NexPtCr rs NHF 2.88 12.6 ...q 23.93 19.05 196 22.81 +.2 NxPtRsT n NXRT .88f 3.5 ... 25.51 13.66 66 24.81 +11.1 NxtEraLP NEP 1.37f 4.2 17 34.00 23.90 173 32.25 +26.3 NextEC3-72 NEEpG ... ... ... 26.73 23.32 23 25.28 +4.2 NextEC6-72 NEEpH 1.41 5.6 ... 26.46 22.76 17 25.02 +5.0 NextEra 72 NEEpI 1.28 5.1 ... 26.54 21.11 32 25.01 +13.8 NextEra 73 NEEpJ 1.25 5.1 ... 26.34 20.82 45 24.71 +13.5 NextEra76 NEEpK ... ... ... 25.95 21.04 66 24.46 +10.8 NxtEra pfQ NEEpQ 3.19 5.3 ... 64.78 54.44 17 60.36 +5.4 NextEraEn NEE 3.93f 3.0 23 133.28 110.49 1943 130.87 +9.6 NxtEra pfR NEEpR ... ... ... 52.70 46.80 25 51.86 +5.9 NiSource s NI .70 2.9 22 26.94 21.17 2789 24.12 +8.9 NiaM pfB NMKpB 3.60 3.7 ... 104.75 89.20 97.00 +1.1 NiaM pfC NMKpC 3.90 3.9 ... 113.82 90.25 99.31 +2.5 Nielsen plc NLSN 1.24 3.0 23 55.94 40.28 3338 41.13 -2.0 NikeB s NKE .84 1.5 24 60.33 49.01 6758 56.40 +11.0 NoahHldgs NOAH ... ... 15 29.73 21.33 177 25.89 +18.1 NobilisH n HLTH ... ... ... 4.66 1.10 689 1.25 -40.5 NobleCorp NE .08 1.5 3 12.19 4.45 7409 5.31 -10.3 NobleEngy NBL .40 1.2 ...dd 42.03 32.33 5011 34.18 -10.2 NobleMid n NBLX .43p ... ... 53.29 26.90 115 50.30 +39.7 NokiaCp NOK .17e 3.2 ... 5.99 4.04 20186 5.27 +9.6 NomadF n NOMD ... ... ... 12.97 7.85 1480 11.54 +20.6 Nomura NMR ... ... ... 6.80 3.33 176 6.09 +3.2 Norbord n OSB .23e ... ... 31.29 17.94 9 29.91 +18.5 NordAngEd NORD ... ... 57 28.40 19.83 130 27.53 +18.2tNordicAOff NAO .18 20.7 ... 5.69 .88 2227 .87 -68.4 NordicAm NAT 1.14e 13.6 22 16.18 7.57 1055 8.38 -.2 Nordstrm JWN 1.48a 3.1 15 62.82 35.01 2925 47.87 -.1 NorkSo NSC 2.44f 2.1 21 125.00 78.73 2360 115.81 +7.2sNorsat g rs NSAT ... ... 27 10.93 5.33 34 10.90 +38.0 NortelInv NTL .64e 2.3 ... 30.78 19.80 8 28.33 +8.7 NoAmEn g NOA .08 ... ... 5.70 2.04 97 5.00 +29.9 NoAtlDrl rs NADL ... ... ... 8.08 .65 22223 2.70 -14.8 NEurO NRT .66e 9.0 8 9.90 6.11 11 7.32 +10.9 NoWestCp NWE 2.10f 3.5 18 63.75 53.85 414 59.35 +4.4 NDynMn g NAK ... ... ... 3.45 .28 2638 1.49 -28.0 NthnO&G NOG ... ... 12 5.85 1.55 277 2.35 -14.5 NorthropG NOC 3.60 1.5 22 253.80 199.52 655 244.85 +5.3 NStREur n NRE .60 5.2 ... 13.04 8.50 115 11.53 -8.3 NwstNG NWN 1.88 3.2 24 66.17 50.72 118 59.60 -.3 NovaBay rs NBY ... ... ...dd 5.29 1.95 22 3.40 +3.0 NovaGld g NG ... ... ...dd 7.29 3.79 2452 4.37 -4.2 Novartis NVS 2.75e 3.7 15 83.58 66.93 3729 73.62 +1.1 NovoNord NVO .96e 2.6 ... 57.44 30.89 1293 36.40 +1.5 NOW Inc DNOW ... ... ...dd 23.53 15.47 3135 16.18 -21.0 NuSkin NUS 1.44f 2.6 25 66.04 37.09 329 55.36 +15.9 Nucor NUE 1.51 2.5 26 68.00 44.81 5892 60.35 +1.4 Nush EnhYl NUAG ... ... ... 25.26 23.98 3 24.54 +1.0 Nush 1-5yr NUSA ... ... ... 25.13 25.12 25.12 -.1 NushLCGr NULG ... ... ... 27.33 25.18 26.96 +7.0 NushLCVal NULV ... ... ... 25.94 24.85 25.42 +1.6 NushMCGr NUMG ... ... ... 26.63 24.71 1 26.23 +5.7 NushMCVal NUMV ... ... ... 26.02 24.78 2 25.38 +2.4 NushSmCap NUSC ... ... ... 27.07 24.17 1 25.61 +3.9 NushShTrm NURE ... ... ... 26.02 24.74 4 25.93 +4.0 NustarEn NS 4.38 9.2 37 55.64 43.41 242 47.59 -4.4 NustEn pfA NSpA ... ... ... 27.50 26.13 43 26.40 -2.1 NustarGP NSH 2.18 8.2 21 31.50 22.30 94 26.60 -8.0 Nustar 43 NSS 1.91 7.4 ... 26.70 23.51 23 25.68 -.5 Nuv Mun21 NHA ... ... ... 10.51 9.48 58 9.99 +.7 NvDivCom CFD ... ... ... Nuv Pf22 n JPT ... ... ... 25.50 24.76 16 25.14 +.8 NvHiInDc19 JHD ... ... ... 10.50 9.95 24 10.28 +1.7 Nuv RE In JRS ... ... ... 12.08 9.87 82 11.42 +6.0 NuvMO Pr NOM ... ... ... 16.60 14.36 3 16.10 +7.3 NuvAllCEn JMLP 1.37 13.4 ...q 11.51 8.13 121 10.20 +1.5 NuvAZ NAZ .80 5.7 ...q 17.80 13.33 30 13.95 -.3 NuvBldAm NBB 1.34 6.5 ...q 23.30 19.80 28 20.78 +.7 NBldAmOp NBD 1.30 6.1 ...q 23.49 19.80 3 21.39 +2.2 NCaAMTFr NKX .86 5.8 ...q 17.35 13.78 66 14.89 +4.1 NCADvA NAC .91 6.2 ...q 17.20 13.75 118 14.66 +3.7 NCalMunV NCA .47 4.6 ...q 11.50 9.84 23 10.22 -2.0 NuvCASel NXC .63a 4.2 ...q 17.97 14.25 9 14.96 +1.8 NCTDv2 pfC NGKpC .26 2.6 ... 10.02 NCTPI NTC .68a 5.5 ...q 14.45 11.97 32 12.46 +1.5 NuvCorEqA JCE 1.21a 8.6 ...q 14.75 12.69 31 14.05 +7.4 NvCredStr JQC .62 7.0 ...q 9.06 7.79 1105 8.88 +.3 NvDvrsDiv JDD 1.04 8.5 ...q 12.48 10.69 43 12.18 +9.0 NuvDivA NAD .85a 6.1 ...q 15.97 13.19 342 13.89 -.5 NuvEnhM NZF .83a 5.9 ...q 14.09 -1.9 NvDow30DO DIAX 1.06 6.7 ...q 16.25 13.72 103 15.85 +5.7 NuEnMLP JMF 1.35 10.1 ...p 14.55 10.86 136 13.40 -1.0 NEnhMuV NEV .96a 6.7 ...q 17.28 13.56 93 14.29 +2.1 NuvFlxInv JPW 1.42a 8.3 ...q 17.54 15.17 9 17.20 +3.4 NuvFloat JFR .72 6.2 ...q 12.34 10.09 237 11.60 -.6 NuvFltOp JRO .76a 6.4 ...q 12.93 9.94 117 11.86 -2.7 NvGADiv2 NKG .64a 4.9 ...q 14.88 12.50 2 13.14 +3.3 NuvGblHIn JGH 1.58 9.5 ... 16.89 13.87 109 16.60 +3.8 NuvHi2020 JHY .68 6.7 ...q 11.15 9.99 44 10.15 -.6 NuvHIDec18 JHA ... ... ...q 10.48 10.00 78 10.11 +.5 NuvEnhMu NVG ... ... ... 16.59 13.85 434 14.96 +3.5 NNYAmtF NRK .70 5.4 ...q 14.62 12.44 111 13.08 +2.1 NuvAmtFr NEA .75a 5.5 ...q 15.22 12.94 335 13.64 +2.2 NuvIntMu NID .68 5.2 ...q 14.34 12.19 31 13.09 +3.0 NvIntQMu NIQ .57 4.4 ...q 13.96 12.13 33 12.86 +4.6 NMDPI NMY .67a 5.2 ...q 14.66 12.20 20 12.90 +3.7 NvMAP NMT .71a 5.1 ...q 16.19 12.93 5 13.85 +5.4 NMIQI NUM .74 5.5 ...q 15.80 12.90 33 13.54 +1.5 NuvMNMu NMS .80 4.8 ...q 18.22 15.08 6 16.79 +7.0 NuvMtgOp JLS 1.52 6.1 ...q 25.00 22.49 30 24.96 +3.7 NuMtgOp2 JMT 1.53 6.4 ...q 24.15 21.61 3 23.97 +3.5sNuvMultM JMM .48 6.3 ...q 7.64 6.95 21 7.68 +5.2 NMuHiOp NMZ .91a 6.3 ...q 15.42 13.95 14.49 -1.9 NvMuI NMI .50a 4.0 ...q 13.50 10.90 18 12.30 +9.6 NuvMuVal NUV .39a 3.9 ...q 10.88 9.34 263 9.92 +3.8 Nv AMT-Fr NUW .78a 4.6 ...q 19.89 16.00 23 16.91 +4.0 NuvNJDiv NXJ .82a 6.0 ...q 15.63 12.90 85 13.59 +3.3 NuvNJMV NJV .59a 3.9 ...q 17.03 14.36 4 14.93 -9.8 NNYDvA NAN .80a 5.8 ...q 15.95 13.13 25 13.79 +2.8 NNYMV NNY .39a 4.0 ...q 10.69 9.26 11 9.78 +3.2 NuvNYSel NXN .55 4.0 ...q 14.85 12.92 4 13.93 +5.3 NNCPI NNC .59a 4.5 ...q 15.04 12.67 13 13.11 +1.4 NOHQI NUO .80 5.3 ...q 17.16 14.27 9 15.00 +3.2 NvPA NQP .81a 6.1 ...q 15.66 12.67 41 13.35 +2.1 NuvPaMV NPN .62a 4.0 ...q 17.67 15.12 15.48 -9.0 NuvPf&Inc JPI 1.95a 7.9 ...q 25.27 21.93 34 24.71 +7.8 NvPfdInco JPC .80 8.0 ...q 10.56 8.72 164 9.99 +1.5 NuvQPf2 JPS .70 7.2 ...q 9.75 8.21 388 9.69 +4.1 NuvREAst JRI 1.49a 8.6 ...q 18.00 15.17 23 17.41 +10.6sNuvEqtP BXMX 1.00 7.3 ...q 13.63 12.08 262 13.61 +7.0 NEqPrmG SPXX 1.04 6.9 ...q 15.71 13.00 51 15.04 +4.4 NvSMM NIM .31a 3.1 ...q 11.01 9.49 8 10.08 +3.4 NSTFI NXP .55a 3.9 ...q 15.93 13.50 73 14.23 +2.4 NSTFI2 NXQ .53a 3.9 ...q 15.18 12.82 32 13.66 +2.6 NSTFI3 NXR .55a 3.8 ...q 15.98 13.73 21 14.41 +1.7 NuvSnIn NSL .42 6.1 ...q 7.16 5.86 59 6.92 +1.9 NuShDCrd JSD 1.16a 6.4 ...q 18.55 15.08 48 18.06 +3.3 Nv TA Div JTD 1.23 8.2 ...q 15.36 13.52 23 15.05 +8.0 NvTxATR JTA 1.04 8.5 ...q 12.60 10.81 75 12.18 +7.6 NTXQI NTX .65 4.5 ...q 15.90 13.29 8 14.52 +5.8 NVAPI NPV .65a 5.0 ...q 15.23 12.55 23 13.11 +1.1O -OCI Ptrs OCIP .59e 7.8 ...dd 10.35 4.95 38 7.55 -9.6 OFG Bncp OFG .24 2.2 ...dd 14.48 7.60 273 11.05 -15.6 OFG pfA OFGpA 1.78 7.5 ... 25.42 18.65 4 23.77 -6.5 OFG pfB OFGpB 1.75 7.4 ... 25.13 18.51 1 23.70 -5.7 OFG pfD OFGpD 1.78 7.5 ... 24.33 18.50 23.79 +.3 OGE Engy OGE 1.21 3.5 21 37.41 27.61 1505 34.74 +3.9 OM AsstM OMAM .32 2.1 ... 15.52 12.10 172 15.15 +4.5 ONEGas OGS 1.68f 2.4 26 69.40 55.98 122 69.01 +7.9 OaktreeC OAK 2.32f 4.9 21 49.50 36.95 231 46.95 +25.2 OasisPet OAS ... ... ...dd 17.08 6.56 13085 11.76 -22.3 OcciPet OXY 3.04 4.9 ...dd 78.48 61.01 4027 61.93 -13.1 Oceaneerg OII .60 2.3 28 36.92 22.47 776 26.15 -7.3 Och-Ziff OZM .87e 38.8 ...dd 4.78 2.15 412 2.24 -32.3 OcwenFn OCN ... ... ...dd 6.15 1.29 64330 2.49 -53.8 Oi SA C OIBR/C ... ... ... 9.19 1.01 60 6.84 +72.3 OilStates OIS ... ... ...dd 41.75 27.07 564 31.85 -18.3 Oil-Dri ODC .84 2.1 27 40.94 29.89 8 39.69 +3.9 OldRepub ORI .76f 3.8 14 21.19 16.51 1024 19.93 +4.9 Olin OLN .80 2.5 50 33.88 18.24 2610 32.22 +25.8 Om Asst 31 OMAA 1.28 5.5 ... 25.29 20.15 6 23.16 +6.6 OmegaHlt OHI 2.52f 7.2 11 38.09 28.11 907 34.95 +11.8 OmegaP OME .05p ... 10 26.99 18.00 221 19.70 -21.4 Omnicom OMC 2.20 2.6 17 89.66 75.61 1409 84.08 -1.2 Omnova OMN ... ... 18 10.42 5.90 116 9.05 -9.5 OnAssign ASGN ... ... 21 49.12 32.04 197 48.10 +8.9 OnDeckCap ONDK ... ... ...dd 8.94 3.64 1353 4.60 -.6 OncoCyte n OCX ... ... ... 7.95 3.10 7 5.95 -15.6 OneLibrty OLP 1.72f 7.1 13 25.89 21.96 36 24.26 -3.4 OneBeacon OB .84 5.2 18 17.12 12.20 43 16.13 +.5 OneMain OMF ... ... 9 33.31 16.03 1177 24.30 +9.8 ONEOK OKE 3.16 5.9 32 59.47 34.56 1848 53.79 -6.3 OneokPtrs OKS 3.16 6.0 23 57.41 33.78 636 52.68 +22.5 Ooma n OOMA ... ... ...dd 12.15 6.22 126 12.05 +33.9 OppLgCap RWL .72e 1.6 ...q 46.43 38.69 95 45.22 +4.1 OppMidCap RWK .59e .8 ...q 58.04 45.22 43 55.14 +1.9 OppSmCap RWJ .48e .6 ...q 69.74 51.95 49 66.13 -1.5 OppUltDiv RDIV 1.15e 3.3 ...q 35.66 29.11 59 34.61 +1.0 OppenFin RWW .58e 1.0 ...q 62.51 42.57 1 57.91 +.5 OppenHldg OPY .44 2.6 ...dd 19.65 13.63 27 16.90 -9.1 Oracle ORCL .60 1.3 22 46.99 37.62 10295 44.53 +16.3 Oragenics OGEN ... ... ...dd 1.10 .33 70 .36 -33.3 Orange ORAN .73e 4.8 ... 17.78 13.98 415 15.12 -.1 OrbitATK OA 1.28f 1.3 19 102.72 67.04 215 97.93 +11.6 OrchidIsl ORC 1.68 15.6 6 12.60 9.23 839 10.77 -.6 OrchidsPP TIS 1.40 5.8 16 36.31 22.50 96 24.30 -7.2 OrientPap ONP .02 2.1 3 1.54 .93 20 .97 -16.6 OrionECarb OEC .72 ... ... 22.20 13.67 259 19.90 +5.6 OrionGpHl ORN ... ... ...dd 11.11 4.57 119 7.77 -21.9 Orix IX ... ... ... 82.58 61.38 45 78.78 +1.2 OrmatTc ORA .28 .5 26 59.63 41.12 123 57.48 +7.2 OshRusS n OUSM ... ... ... 25.85 24.83 11 25.53 -.8tOshIntQ n ONTL ... ... ... 26.57 25.15 14 25.33 +.6 OshkoshCp OSK .84f 1.2 21 74.16 39.24 520 70.68 +9.4 OsiskoGl n OR .16f ... ... 14.74 8.88 561 11.19 +15.1 OutfrontM OUT 1.44f 5.5 13 27.89 20.72 700 26.11 +5.0 OversSh wi OSG/WI ... ... ... 3.00 2.62 2.75 OverSh rs OSG ... ... ... 5.66 2.69 382 3.64 -5.0 OwensMin OMI 1.03f 3.0 17 38.47 30.43 590 33.91 -3.9 OwensCorn OC .80 1.3 18 62.79 45.46 707 61.87 +20.0sOwensIll OI ... ... 9 20.74 16.18 1166 20.59 +18.3 OwensRM ORM .32 1.8 11 19.16 14.95 9 17.64 -4.8 OxfordInds OXM 1.08 1.9 18 76.19 49.50 153 57.44 -4.5P-QPBF Engy PBF 1.20 5.8 13 35.68 19.47 1209 20.61 -26.1 PBF Logist PBFX 1.80f 8.6 10 23.49 17.45 55 20.90 +14.8 PCM Fund PCM .96 9.2 ...q 10.62 9.05 33 10.46 +4.6 PG&E Cp PCG 1.96 2.9 18 68.29 56.39 2022 67.15 +10.5 PGT Inc PGTI ... ... 22 12.49 9.46 190 10.40 -9.6 PHH Corp PHH ... ... ...dd 16.80 11.10 386 12.99 -14.3 PIMCO1-3Tr TUZ .34a .7 ...q 52.58 50.17 19 50.76 +.2 Pimc1-5Tip STPZ .25e .5 ...q 53.10 51.94 86 52.68 +.4 Pim15TIPS LTPZ .42e .6 ...q 72.58 62.52 3 66.65 +2.6 PimBrdTIPS TIPZ .31e .5 ...q 60.68 56.33 4 58.30 +1.5 PimLwDur LDUR 2.82e 2.0 ...q 103.00 99.41 15 100.88 +.5 PimcoTR BOND 6.13e 5.8 ...q 108.25 102.11 174 106.28 +2.1 Pim0-5HYCp HYS 5.21e 5.2 ...q 101.56 93.96 321 101.10 +1.2 PimIGBd CORP 3.12a 3.0 ...q 107.50 99.85 26 103.84 +1.5 PimShMat MINT .82e .8 ...q 101.66 100.93 487 101.62 +.3 PimIntMu MUNI 1.26 2.4 ...q 55.48 51.73 16 53.30 +1.7 PimSTMun SMMU .47e .9 ...q 50.87 48.75 6 50.12 +1.4 Pim25yrZro ZROZ 3.07e 2.7 ...q 143.05 105.32 9 114.22 +5.1 PJT Part n PJT .20 .6 23 38.86 21.52 121 34.39 +11.4 PLDT Inc PHI 1.60e 4.7 ... 46.13 25.50 157 34.10 +23.8 PNC pfP PNCpP 1.65 5.7 ... 30.88 26.50 55 29.06 +6.5 PNC pfQ PNCpQ 1.34 5.3 ... 26.37 23.01 31 25.26 +6.9 PNC PNC 2.20 1.9 16 131.83 77.40 2033 118.83 +1.6 PNC wt PNC/WS ... ... ... 64.30 14.80 7 51.87 +5.2 PNM Res PNM .97 2.6 23 38.20 30.71 511 37.55 +9.5 POSCO PKX ... ... ... 66.63 40.80 428 58.37 +11.1 PPG s PPG 1.60 1.5 18 114.65 89.64 2223 106.37 +12.3 PPG wd PPG/WD ... ... ... 138.47 PPL Cap 73 PPX 1.48 5.7 ... 27.75 24.01 19 25.94 +3.8 PPL Corp PPL 1.58f 4.2 14 39.92 32.08 2637 37.80 +11.0 PS BusPk PSB 3.00 2.5 34 121.81 94.95 79 121.21 +4.0 PSBPk pfT PSBpT 1.50 5.9 ... 26.89 23.88 25 25.25 +3.9 PSBPk pfU PSBpU 1.44 5.7 ... 26.37 22.85 5 25.22 +8.4 PSBPk pfV PSBpV 1.42 5.6 ... 26.70 22.79 1 25.42 +9.1 PS BsPk pfW PSBpW ... ... ... 23.67 20.58 26 23.66 +9.7 PVH Corp PVH .15 .1 12 115.40 82.10 1496 101.41 +12.4 PcrTrnd750 PTLC ... ... ...q 25.98 21.17 48 25.20 +5.8 PcrTrnd450 PTMC ... ... ...q 28.70 23.03 93 27.88 +4.9 PcrTrnd100 PTNQ ... ... ...q 25.82 19.66 18 25.69 +12.3 PacrAutopil PAEU ... ... ... 26.80 23.81 26.80 PacrGlHi n PGHD ... ... ... 28.57 25.13 27.37 +1.9 PacrTrendp PTEU ... ... ... 26.88 22.00 9 25.95 +8.3 PacCashCow COWZ ... ... ... Pacholder PHF .60 7.6 ...q 7.93 6.63 13 7.86 +9.2 PacifCstOil ROYT .26e 12.3 5 2.23 .87 63 2.12 +98.1 PacDrill rs PACD ... ... ... 11.56 1.58 53 1.81 -55.4 PacGE pfA PCGpA 1.50 4.6 ... 33.70 28.89 5 32.40 +5.7 PacGE pfB PCGpB 1.37 4.5 ... 33.00 27.40 1 30.59 +8.5 PacGE pfC PCGpC 1.25 4.6 ... 30.00 24.94 27.21 +8.9 PacGE pfD PCGpD 1.25 4.8 ... 27.50 24.74 26.25 +2.0 PacGE pfE PCGpE 1.25 4.7 ... 27.25 24.81 26.62 +4.0 PacGE pfG PCGpG 1.20 4.7 ... 28.90 23.63 25.80 +3.2 PacGE pfH PCGpH 1.12 4.4 ... 27.06 22.00 25.39 +9.3 PacGE pfI PCGpI 1.09 4.4 ... 25.99 23.31 6 24.96 +5.1 Pacif pf PPWp 5.00 5.0 ... 100.26 PackAmer PKG 2.52 2.7 19 96.87 62.41 620 93.84 +10.6 PalatinTch PTN ... ... ...dd .90 .29 2086 .36 -28.1 PaloAltNet PANW ... ... ...dd 165.69 107.31 1231 108.84 -13.0 PampaEng PAM ... ... ... 60.36 19.80 123 57.73 +65.8 Pandora P ... ... ...dd 14.98 8.58 4512 10.85 -16.8 PanhO&G PHX .16 .8 ...dd 27.70 15.34 17 19.75 -16.1 ParPetr rt PARR/r ... ... ... .16 .01 .06 ParPetrol PARR ... ... ... 19.99 12.18 116 16.33 +12.3sParTech PAR ... ... 25 8.16 4.30 143 8.27 +48.2 ParaGold n PZG ... ... ... 2.93 1.37 8 1.69 -5.1 ParamtGp PGRE .38 2.2 77 18.28 14.58 707 17.03 +6.5 Paretem rs TEUM ... ... ... 5.75 .57 99 .75 ParkEl PKE .40a 2.3 30 20.24 13.76 105 17.20 -7.8 ParkHot n P