Charlotte sun herald

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Charlotte sun herald
Uniform Title:
Charlotte sun herald (Charlotte Harbor, Fla. : 1995)
Running title:
Sun herald
Place of Publication:
Charlotte Harbor, FL
Sun Coast Media Group- Robert E. Lee - Publisher - Jim Gouvellis - Executive Editor
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Newspapers -- Charlotte Harbor (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Charlotte County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
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Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 103, no. 225 (Aug. 13, 1995)-
General Note:
"An edition of The Sun Herald."

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University of Florida
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The student responsible for threats written on the wall at The Academy was identi“ed and arrested on Tuesday. The “rst message written on a wall of the boys restroom in Building A of the school threatened a school shooting on April 7. At that time, the Charlotte County Sheriffs Of“ce investigated, but no suspects were identi“ed. Law enforcement presence was increased at the school, but numerous students stayed home from classes. Out of 220 students, 180 were absent. Then, on April 17, another message was written on the wall, threatening to shoot up the school on April 22. The handwriting matched in both messages. Video surveillance revealed a 15-year-old male as one of the only students who had used that bathroom within the time frame when the message was written. The student was questioned by a School Resource Of“cer and admitted to writing both threats, providing a black and blue pen he used to write the messages. The Sun is not naming the student due to his age. Mike Riley, spokesman for Charlotte County Public Schools, said the student was old enough to know better. This is not acceptable,Ž said Riley. Student arrested over school threatsBy ANNE EASKERSTAFF WRITER STUDENT | 2Im glad I recently upped my insurance on you.Ž Those were the words from my husband as I walked out of the house to take my very first ride on a Segway personal transporter. PleasureFlorida Guided Segway Tours is a Sarasota company owned by Nancy Gianguzzo, that offers guided Segway tours through historic downtown Sarasota. Gianguzzo can take riders on a 90-minute or a three-hour tour, depending on how much time you have and how much fun you can stand. The day I took the shorter of the two tours, I was joined by a family of three from Indiana and a couple from the Boston area. I was the only novice in the group, and quite honestly, the caustic parting words from my husband were enough to make me a little antsy. But my far more experienced co-riders eased my anxiety. Romney and Ruth Ann Ashton and their daughter Dawn were from Indiana, and vacationing on Lido Key. They said they have taken such Segway tours more than 20 times. We plan where we are going to stay based on Segways,Ž Ruth Ann said. Then we use Segway tours instead of bus tours, because if we see something we like, we can go back to it.Ž On Gianguzzos tour, they had the opportunity to see plenty of sites and also learn a bit about the storied history of Sarasota. After a brief introduction about the rules of the road when youre on a Segway „ no backing up, no jumping the machine, no hitting the curb, no falling out of line with the group „ we went into the parking lot behind Gianguzzos building to take a test run. Needless to say, I was the one everyone was concerned A different way to see downtown SarasotaDEBBIE | 2 DebbieFLESSNERCOLUMNIST Pulitzer Prize winner2016 AN EDITION OF THE SUNVOL. 125 | NO. 109AMERICAS BEST COMMUNITY DAILY Partly sunnyHigh 87 Low 63$1.50 www.yoursun.comTodays weather:www.yoursun.comFIND US ONLINE THE SUN: Calendar ..............23 Crosswords ............5 Local Sports ........22 Obituaries ...........20 Police Beat ............5 Viewpoint .....18-19 SPORTS: Lotto .....................2 USA TODAY: Money ................5 Nation .............1-4 State ..................7 Weather ..........10 CLASSIFIED: Comics ......11-14 Dear Abby .....14 TV Listings ......15 CHARLIE SAYS ...Do they make Segways for gators? INSIDE 705252000258Daily Edition $1.50 GOOD MORNING Wednesday, April 19, 2017 SUSPECT IN OHIO FACEBOOK SLAYING KILLS HIMSELF AFTER CHASEThe man who randomly gunned down a Cleveland retiree and posted a video of the crime on Facebook killed himself Tuesday during a police chase in Pennsylvania that began when a McDonalds drive-thru attendant recognized him. See USA Today CALL US AT941-206-1000CHARLOTTE SUN When her baby was born, Natasha Clemons hugged him and kissed him and promised to God shed protect him from the mean world. She never laid him in a crib because she needed him close. She drove him to school because she didnt trust bus drivers. She took him to church, taught him to mind his manners, to respect the police and do what they say. She constantly texted his coaches and teachers when she shipped him off to college in New Mexico on a football scholarship. She wore a T-shirt that said RODNEYS MOM on senior day and held his hand as they walked across the “eld. Helicopter parent? She was a backpack. And with her college graduate back home in Sarasota, tooling around in his mothers white Jeep Liberty with the “vestar safety rating and the gospel music in the CD player, she worried. She texted him, like she did most nights. Come home. Rodney Mitchell, 23, who worked at Kohls department store, was on his way around 9:30 p.m. on June 11, 2012, when he saw police lights in the rear view mirror. He pulled off U.S. 301 and came to a stop on Washington Court, just north of Dr. Martin Luther King Way. The deputy getting out of the Crown Victoria behind Mitchell was the same age and also had gone to college on a football scholarship. Under different Sarasota shooting highlights life-and-death decisionsBy BEN MONTGOMERY Analysis by CONNIE HUMBURGTIMES STAFF BOTTOM LINEThe Tampa Bay Times recently presented an unprecedented review of Florida police shootings that showed how fear and bias breed confusion and how order quickly dissolves into chaos. This is the first of a three-part series in the Sun In this image taken from a video, Miami Beach Police ocers shoot and kill robbery suspect David Winesett, 51, in D ecember 2015 after the man confronted ocers with a straight edge razor. The video shows one police ocer ring a Taser at Winesetts c hest, and almost simultaneously a second police ocer ring his assault rie at Winesett. Why cops shootSHOOTING | 4


Our Town Page 2 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 FROM PAGE ONEThe SUN (USPS 743170) is published daily at Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2100. Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the SUN, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100.Publisher ...................................Robert E. Lee ...............................941-206-1006 Executive Editor ........................Jim Gouvellis ...............................941-206-1134 Advertising Manager ................Mike Ruiz ....................................941-205-6402 Circulation Director ...................Mark Yero ....................................941-206-1300 Arcadian Editor .........................Steve Bauer .................................863-494-0300 Arcadian Publisher ....................Joe Gallimore ..............................863-494-0300 Charlotte Sun Editor ..................Garry Overbey .............................941-206-1127 North Port Sun Publisher ..........Steve Sachkar ..............................941-564-3284 North Port Sun Editor ................Scott Lawson ...............................941-429-3002 Englewood Sun Publisher .........Carol Y. 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MURDOCK „ Responding to public pleas as well as their own safety concerns, Charlotte of“cials are considering lower speed limits for a variety of roadways across the county. The proposed ordinance, which will be voted on Tuesday, would lower the speed limit from 35 mph to 25 mph on at least two dozen residential roads in Cape Haze, Placida and Deep Creek to protect motorists and pedestrians, alike. It would also lower the speed limit on major highways, such as Gasparilla Road, and Hillsborough, Winchester and Sandhill boulevards. While many of the planned changes drew little debate at Tuesdays county workshop, Commissioner Stephen R. Deutsch voiced strong opposition to lowering the maximum speed on the newly expanded Gasparilla Road in West County. Deutsch said it made no sense for a two-lane road without lights or a median to have its speed limit reduced from 55 mph to 50 mph after it was upgraded to a four-lane, divided highway with streetlights, along with accelerating and turn lanes. Thats nuts,Ž he said. We ought to do 60 mph.Ž In contrast, County Chairman Bill Truex said residents have lobbied him in favor of a lower speed limit. Im hearing totally the opposite from people living out there,Ž Truex said. The proposed ordinance is intended to provide for the safe and ef“cient ”ow of vehicular and pedestrian traf“c, as well as improve speed limit consistency within corridors and in school zones. In the case of Gasparilla Road, the plan to drop the legal traf“c speed is because the road was improved, said Venkat Vattikuti, county transportation engineer. According to Florida transportation guidelines, 50 mph is recommended for the new roadway design, which is located in a designated urban area. However, he explained the posted speed limit could be changed again on Gasparilla Road, if traf“c conditions warrant it. Vattikuti said a new traf“c study could be conducted after allowing a period of time for traf“c patterns to normalize since the widening project was completed six months ago. Of“cials could re-evaluate roadway activity at that time. Then you can go back and change the speed limit,Ž he said. In fact, the county has discretion to install its own speed limits on all roads, based on a number of criteria such as roadway width, number of access points, amount of traf“c, crash rate and whether the street is located in a rural or urban area. Although citizens requested many of the lower speed limits, the public welfare and other factors also played a role. For example, Biscayne Drive had nine accidents at the intersection of Cornelius Boulevard in 2016, three times as many as the year before. In addition, there were three crashes last year at Chamberlain Boulevard, compared to none in 2015. The county is looking at lowering the speed limit on Biscayne Drive, between State Road 776 and Chancellor Boulevard, from 45 mph to 40 mph. A similar reduction is planned for Sandhill Boulevard, from Deep Creek Boulevard to Season Drive, where safety is a problem as well. There were 14 crashes on Sandhill Road over the past two years, including six at the corner of Rio DeJaneiro and five at Deep Creek Boulevard. Furthermore, with the presence of Deep Creek Park, officials are worried about pedestrians. Unfortunately, our population doesnt always use the crosswalks at main roads,Ž Vattikuti said. Furthermore, Sandhill Boulevard is the fastest street in the area. Still, members of the Deep Creek Non-urban Street and Drainage municipal service benefit unit recommended against trimming the 45 mph speed limit. Meanwhile, East Marion Avenue and Riverside Drive share safety concerns too, as each is designated a bike route and with a new botanical gardens opening up that is bound to increase vehicular traffic. Speed reductions to 35 mph are planned for both these roads. Vattikuti explained that the purpose of reducing speed is not only to reduce the number of accidents but also to minimize the severity of them. And sometimes the posted speed limit is lowered before accidents happen. Some places we want to be proactive,Ž Vattikuti said.Email: Charlotte looks to curb speed limitsBy GARY ROBERTSSTAFF WRITERWHERE LOWER SPEED LIMITS ARE PROPOSED€ Biscayne Drive (State Road 776 to Chancellor Boulevard): from 45 mph to 40 mph € East Marion Avenue (Marlympia Way to Interstate 75): from 45/40 mph to 35 mph € Collingswood Boulevard (Auburn Boulevard to State Road 776): from 40 mph to 35 mph € Riverside Drive (U.S. 17 to Interstate 75): from 45 mph to 35 mph € Sandhill Boulevard (Deep Creek Boulevard to Season Drive): from 45 mph to 40 mph € Winchester Boulevard (State Road 776 to Sarasota County Line): from 55 mph to 45 mph € Gasparilla Road (State Road 776 to Rotonda Boulevard East): from 55 mph to 50 mph € Chamberlain Boulevard (Campbell Street to Cornelius Boulevard): from 45 mph to 40 mph € Hillsborough Boulevard (Cranberry to Chamberlain boulevards): from 45 mph to 40 mph Punta Gorda City Council members will be looking at signs at todays meeting. The council has taken up signage for the West Marion Avenue/ Maud Street intersection because of a high number of wrecks happening there. According to officials, there have been 11 wrecks at the location since September. An intersection is considered a problem with five or more per year. A study found eight of the wrecks were caused by drivers improperly turning left from the right lane. Officials said it seems drivers forgot they were on a one-way street. Instead of moving to the left lane to turn, they looked ahead and, seeing no oncoming traffic, turned left toward the Visual Arts Center on Maud Street, hitting a vehicle in the left lane. Two versions of signs council members will be considering come after they told officials at the last meeting to provide renderings of what they could look like at eye-level for the driver. The two options for the four signs are typical roadside signs as well as wayfinding signs that point motorists toward a destination. The cost is $1,500 to $8,000 depending on option chosen, the city said.Email: ajarosh@sun-herald.comCouncil to pick signs for wreck-prone Punta Gorda intersectionBy ANDREW JAROSHSTAFF WRITER OTHER AGENDA ITEMS€ Final decision is expected on land-use changes to allow developer Bruce Laishley to finish renovating a historic home at 321 W. Retta Esplanade for Carmelos Italian Ristorante. The eatery in downtown Punta Gorda plans to relocate to the new location once renovations are completed. € A budget development update for 2018 is expected, looking at the general fund, sanitation services, and employee classification and pay. Future meetings will review other budgetary items.IF YOU GOPunta Gorda City Council, 9 a.m. today, 326 W. Marion Ave. GRAPHIC PROVIDEDPictured are versions of signs city council will be considering for the intersection of West Marion Avenue and Maud Street. The two options are roadside signs and waynding signs that point motorists toward a destination. There is zero tolerance for something like this.Ž Riley s aid the student will go through the court system, and the school will watch closely to see what consequences he faces. After that, a committee will work out whether there will be additional consequences from the school, such as a longer suspension or expulsion. Our schools are a microcosm of our communities,Ž Riley said. These prisons today are full of people that were in kindergarten once. We try to give kids as fair a shake as we can, but the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff are our number one concern.Ž Charged with false report concerning the use of a “rearm in a violent manner against state owned property, the student was transported to the Charlotte County Jail and later released for home detention. As of Tuesday, he has been suspended from school for 10 days.Email: STUDENTFROM PAGE 1 about being able to master the machine, but Gianguzzo did a marvelous job explaining how everything worked. After a few laps around the parking lot, we were ready to take off. On the front of the Segways, Gianguzzo had placed a pack with water and cookies for our trip, so thats where I placed my camera. Last rule is apparently no photographing while actively riding the Segway. Like little ducklings dutifully following their mother, we rode single file behind Gianguzzo, who quacked a bit for effect. The Segways can reach speeds up to 12 mph, but we stayed at around 8, making our way past historic homes, buildings and monuments. At each significant site, Gianguzzo raised her hand, which meant for us to stop, and then she would tell us why what we were looking at was important. Down near the Bayfront, at Scots Landing, we disembarked from the machines, had a little snack and listened to Gianguzzo tell us the story of the Scottish settlers of Sarasota and how it was snowing the December day they first landed here. Can you believe it? After a trip up the Main Street sidewalk, past shops, restaurants and bars that Im sure the Ashton family will go back to later, we made it safely back to Gianguzzos parking lot. As it turned out, my husband neednt have worried about my falling off a Segway „ they are equipped with self-balancing technology. PleasureFlorida Guided Segway Tours is located at 677 North Washington Blvd. (U.S. 301), in Sarasota. Prices are $68 for a 90-minute tour and $88 for a three-hour tour. For more information, visit the website at www. or call 941-416-3530. Debbie Flessner writes the Live Like a Tourist column for the Sun newspapers. You may contact her at dj@ PAGE 1 PHOTO BY DEBBIE FLESSNERNancy Gianguzzo leads her ock through Gillespie Park, in Sarasota. From left to right: Katie Gilligan, Gianguzzo, Shane Fairbrother, and Romney, Dawn and Ruth Ann Ashton.


The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 C Our Town Page 3 S a v e $ 1,6 6 4 s ave $1 ,5 2 4 Sa v e $ 2, 027 Sa v e $2, 021! adno=50513200


Our Town Page 4 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 APRIL 16, 2010VENICE „ Tyler Spann, 20, and his friend were walking home from a bar when they played a prank by ringing Sarasota County sheriffs Deputy Carlos Verdonis doorbell and running away. Verdoni, 33, in his night clothes and armed, pursued the young men in his patrol car and found Spann behind some bushes. Verdoni held him at gunpoint but said Spann tackled him and reached for his gun. Verdoni “red two rounds that killed Spann. € € €MARCH 8, 2013BOCA RATON „ Boca Raton police Of“cer Brian Pare shot and killed 20-yearold Adam Donohue after the Florida Atlantic University rugby player charged Pare and his partner. Donohues friends told police the gentle giantŽ had been experimenting with LSD. Donohues mother, Arlene Grimm, sued the city in 2015, claiming her son was having a psychotic break.Ž € € €MARCH 29, 2011LAUDERHILL „ Cedric Telasco, 21, diagnosed with schizophrenia, called 911 from his mothers house to report a black guy, real good-lookingŽ standing in the doorway with a knife. Responding Lauderhill of“cers met him in the front yard, where they say Telasco charged them with a knife. Four of“cers “red, shooting him 20 times in the span of six seconds. € € €MARCH 15, 2012LAKELAND „ Lakeland police were standing by as Lisette Galarza retrieved her belongings from her boyfriends mobile home. Robert Allen Cortes, 42, who had meth in his system, opened the door carrying a handgun, but put the gun down. Of“cers “red nine times when he reached for the gun, they said. € € €MARCH 11, 2009ST. PETERSBURG „ Pinellas County sheriffs detectives followed a drug tip to a house in Childs Park. Brenda McKay, 43, was lying on the couch when deputies burst into the house on 15th Avenue S. The “rst deputy through the door accidentally “red, striking McKay in her right thigh. € € €MAY 9, 2012FORT MYERS „ Jimmie Matthews, 31, refused to pull over during a traf“c stop and attempted to ram Deputy Stephen Kirkbys vehicle twice, authorities said. After a pursuit, Matthews got out of his vehicle and reached for his waistband. The two men struggled and Matthews tried to take the deputys “rearm. Kirkby shot Matthews four times, killing him. € € €JUNE 11, 2011ORLANDO „ Ronnerry Fell sold $40 worth of marijuana to two undercover Orlando police detectives then tried to ”ee on his bicycle. Detective Matthew Ochiuzzo pursued and found Fell, 27, in a dark alley. Ochiuzzo said Fell sprinted at him while reaching in his waistband, so he “red a shot, injuring Fell. € € €JULY 6, 2012SUMMERFIELD „ Marion County sheriffs deputies responded to a complaint about a group of people being disorderly and saw Joshua Salvato, 21, unarmed and shirtless, yelling in the roadway. As deputies were handcuf“ng him, Salvato resisted. As Salvato was backing away, a deputy “red, hitting him in the lower abdomen. Another shocked Salvato with his Taser for several minutes as he died. € € € JAN. 14, 2014FORT PIERCE „ St. Lucie County sheriffs deputies responded to a call about loud music coming from a garage. The garage door suddenly opened, and Deputy Christopher Newman saw Gregory Hill, 30, inside with a gun in his hand, which he raised toward another deputy. Newman “red several times as Hill pulled the door closed. A SWAT team responded, and after no activity for several hours, a robot found Hill, dead from multiple gunshot wounds. Investigators found a gun in Hills pocket. It was not loaded. € € €JUNE 7, 2013HOBE SOUND „ Martin County sheriffs Sgt. James Warren found Richard Haston, 39, sitting in his Jeep Grand Cherokee with girlfriend Hannah Colley, 18, outside of Scooters Food, Fun and Spirits. Warren tried to arrest Haston for having an open can of beer and the two began to struggle. Warren said Haston tried to run him over, so he “red, shooting through the windshield, killing Haston. € € €AUG. 3, 2009FREEPORT „ Deputy Nick Embry followed intoxicated domestic-violence suspect Jeff Weekley, 39, into the woods. The deputy found Weekley on his belly and ordered him to come closer. The deputy said that Weekley kept advancing and ignored his commands to stop. Embry shot Weekley twice when he reached into his pocket. No weapon was found. € € €JAN. 9, 2014TAMPA „ Jason Turk, who was depressed and had a gun, was sitting in his car when Tampa police arrived about 4 a.m. Police say Turk, 37, raised a handgun to the window. K-9 Of“cer Tim Bergman “red, striking Turk in the head. He “red a second time when Turk again raised his weapon. Turk survived. € € €NOV. 21, 2010ORLANDO „ Orlando of“cers were investigating credit card thefts when they spotted three men “tting the thieves descriptions in a minivan. Of“cers said the vans driver, Rogelio RogerŽ Cortes, 38, rammed their unmarked car. They “red “ve shots into the van, hitting Cortes twice. Video and acceleration marks showed another police vehicle pushed Cortes van into the unmarked car.827 police shootingsThe Tampa Bay Times built the most comprehensive database of the 827 people shot by police in Florida between Jan.1, 2009, and Dec.31, 2014. Search it at”orida-police-shootings/database. Some examples are listed here:circumstances, they wouldve had a lot to talk about. Adam Shaw had made mistakes in 2 years with the Sarasota County Sheriffs Of“ce. Hed been disciplined for stopping minority residents for seat belt violations then illegally searching their cars. Now he was part of Operation Armistice. Police were saturating north Sarasota to reduce crime. The black community scornfully called it Operation Amistad, after the slave ship. Mitchell, in the Jeep with Florida tag GODANGL, was the next target. Shaw would later say he saw Mitchell wasnt wearing a seat belt as the two passed on the road going opposite directions, even if it was nighttime and the Jeep had tinted windows. He would say the car didnt stop soon enough, and that after it stopped, the driver was moving around a lot inside. He would say the driver refused to put the car into park. What Mitchells 16-year-old cousin remembers from the passengers seat is a white cop rushing to the drivers window and shouting: Boy, why didnt you stop the car?Ž He remembers another of“cer walking to the front of the Jeep, the spotlight from his vehicle beaming through the windshield. He remembers Rodney Mitchells hands on the steering wheel, and S haw ordering him to put the car into park. He remembers his unarmed cousin moving his right hand from the wheel toward the gearshift, then the ”ash from a muzzle, then the sound of four shots. Pop, pop, pop, pop. From stop to gun“re: 41 seconds. Natasha Clemons raced to the scene when a friend called. Police would not let her go to Mitchell, sprawled in the drivers seat, wearing his seat belt. She collapsed right there, bathed in the blue lights of the lawmen who killed her only son. On June 12, 2012, the day after Mitchell died, police shot a man in Boynton Beach. They shot another two days later in Sunrise, then two days later in Melbourne, then four days later in Tallahassee. They shot 14 people that month and 136 people that year statewide: bank robbers and rapists, but also tourists and a security guard and a hospice nurse. Youd never know the tally. Some shootings dont make the news. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement can say how many purse snatchings there were in any given year, but not how many times of“cers “red on citizens. The FBIs statistics on police shootings arent much better. No one keeps an accurate count. Embarrassing and ridiculous,Ž FBI director James B. Comey called the lack of data. Unacceptable,Ž former Attorney General Eric Holder called it. For the past three years, shootings of unarmed black men caught on video have sparked outrage. But they are anecdotes. Without data, theres no scope. How can we “x what we cant measure?Ž asked Vanita Gupta, who headed the Department of Justices Civil Rights Division from 2014 to January of this year. To help “ll that void, the Tampa Bay Times in September 2014 asked all of the nearly 400 law enforcement agencies in Florida for reports generated any time an of“cer shot someone between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2014. The Times analyzed more than 10,000 pages of police records and combed through hundreds of media reports and court “les, and conducted dozens of fresh interviews, to build Floridas most comprehensive database of police shootings. Databases compiled since the 2014 shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri „ most notably by the Washington Post and The Guardian US „ cover a shorter period of time, rely on media reports and count only those killed by police. The Times database accounts for all shootings in Florida in which someone was hit by a bullet, allowing a more comprehensive look at the numbers. It also accounts for demographics and the circumstances leading to the shootings to better understand when and why police use deadly force. The top line “ndings: Floridas police shot 827 people in those six years, or about one every 2 days. More than half „ 434 „ were fatal. Each year had about the same number of shootings, an average of 138. The youngest person shot was a 2-year-old Jacksonville boy in his mothers car at a Wendys. He survived. The oldest was a deranged 80-year-old man who shot at an of“cer before the of“cer “red back. He, too, lived. Nearly a “fth of the people shot „ 156 „ were unarmed; no gun, no knife, no vehicle. And half of those were black, in a state where blacks make up just 15 percent of the population. That means unarmed black people were nearly eight times as likely to be shot by police than whites. One-hundred-twelve people shot were believed to have driven toward police of“cers or otherwise used a vehicle as a weapon. Most of the shootings seem justi“ed. While millions of interactions are peaceful, we give police the authority to kill and the bene“t of the doubt, and we expect them to use violence judiciously to protect the public and themselves. More often than not they do. And policing can be dangerous. In the same six years, 23 of“cers were killed in the state, according to the FDLE. But then there are cases like Rodney Mitchells. They highlight systemic problems that lead to questionable shootings: police operations that target minority neighborhoods; dubious traf“c stops and nervous cops who rush to judgment; and bad decisions by police that put them in harms way so they feel forced to shoot. In the worst cases, of“cers lie. They change their stories, tamper with evidence. They can kill an unarmed man lying on his back. And no matter what theyve done, they almost certainly wont be charged with a crime, the Times found. Only once in the six years and 827 shootings analyzed was an on-duty cop charged with a crime for shooting someone. It got thrown out of court. On-duty police are more likely to face criminal charges if they shoot and miss. Many of the shootings were avoidable and unnecessary. Those tend to be the ones that make national news and spark protests. Lawful, but awful,Ž is what Chuck Wexler calls them. Hes executive director of a group of police executives who studies issues like use of force. He said a full third of police shootings nationwide are cases in which the suspect was unarmed or cases where police could have avoided putting themselves in harms way, like unnecessarily standing in front of a suspects car. Check the Times database and youll “nd plenty of cases that “t Wexlers description of lawful, but awful.Ž A 17-year-old boy with Down syndrome who took his moms minivan for a low-speed joy ride. A 60-year-old man fetching cigarettes from a car in his driveway. An autistic 18-year-old who threw four lava rocks at an of“cer. A drunk 20-year-old who was chased down and shot by an off-duty deputy after a ring-and-run prank. A man shoplifting a can of Bud Light from a gas station. An unarmed 23-year-old ex-football player driving his mothers Jeep Liberty. See part two of this Tampa Bay Times story in Thursdays Sun.SHOOTINGFROM PAGE 1 PHOTO COURTESY OF JAMES COOKEvidence photo of Deputy Adam Shaw from the aftermath of the June 2012 shooting of Rodney Mitchell in Sarasota.PHOTO COURTESY OF JAMES COOKEvidence photo of Sgt. Troy Sasse from the aftermath of the June 2012 shooting of Rodney Mitchell in Sarasota. For the full story see http://www.tampabay. com/whycopsshoot FROM PAGE ONE


The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 C Our Town Page 5 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. POLICE BEATThe information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriffs office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.The Charlotte County Sheriffs Office reported the following arrests: € Ryan James Geary, 36, homeless of Punta Gorda. Charges: grand theft of property more than $300 but less than $5,000, dealing in stolen property, and false owner information on pawned items valued more than $300. Bond: $65,000. € Matthew Dray, 27, 6700 block of Banbury St., Port Charlotte. Charges: refusal to submit to testing and DUI. Bond: $6,000. € Gregory Lee Hartman, 31, 100 block of Salem Ave., Port Charlotte. Charge: municipal ordinance violation. Bond: $1,500. € Frank Ananias Northup, 45, 2400 block of Lakeshore Circle, Port Charlotte. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Kristina Leigh Meyer, 24, 4000 block of Gardner Drive, Port Charlotte. Charges: two counts of violation of probation. Bond: $10,000. € Randall Lee Hammerer, 50, homeless of Port Charlotte. Charge: out of county warrant. Bond: none. € John Kenneth Carr Jr., 47, 21300 block of Hepner Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: battery second or subsequent offense and violation of probation. Bond: $5,000. € Joann Marlene Stone, 36, 300 block of Dorchester St., Port Charlotte. Charge: fugitive from justice. Bond: none. € Joseph Gerald Palazzi, 24, of Amberjack Lane, Placida. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: $10,000. € Joseph Michael Shea, 19, homeless of Englewood. Charges: possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of firearm ammunition or weapon by Florida convicted felon, resisting an officer without violence, and false ID given to law enforcement officer. Bond: $30,000. € Emily Suzanne Paulsen, 18, 700 block of Crestwood Road, Englewood. Charges: off bond/ forfeiture/revocations and violating protective injunction against repeat violence. Bond: $5,000. € Daniel Cruz, 29, of Brooklyn, New York. Charges: nonsupport of dependents and out of county warrant. Bond: $2,800. € Thomas Mark Shuff, 26, of Birmingham, United Kingdom. Charges: disorderly intoxication, trespass failure to leave property upon order by owner, and resisting an officer without violence. Bond: none. € Yestel Jhoan Guerrero Mata, 18, of Sarasota. Charges: failure to register motor vehicle and out of county warrant. Bond: $1,000. € Donald Lewis Jacobs II, 36, of Bradenton. Charges: violation of probation. Bond: none. The Punta Gorda Police Department reported the following arrests: € Christopher Thomas Mattox Jr., 17, 23000 block of Gulf Coast Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: none. € Robert Stayer New, 58, of Belfast, Maine. Charges: possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $7,500. „ Compiled by Anne Easker CareerSource Southwest is hosting a hiring event for the Florida Department of Corrections from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. today at 3745 Tamiami Trail. Recruiters from both the Charlotte Correctional Institution and the DeSoto Correctional Institution will be present at the event. DOC is looking to hire multiple correctional of“cers, who will be responsible for the supervision, care, custody, control and physical restraint, when necessary, of inmates in state correctional institutions or facilities. No prior experience is necessary, as the Department of Corrections provides all necessary training. Successful applicants will complete 420 hours of training during the three-and-a-half month corrections academy. DOC Sgt. Victoria Steele said most people arent aware that the job doesnt require any certi“cation to get in. Corrections is a good avenue to get into in the criminal justice “eld, she said. Good moral character and a good work ethic are considered quali“cations for the job. Criminal history would be considered a red ”ag, Steele said. Applicants must be United States citizens, possessing a high school diploma or equivalent and a valid drivers license. They must pass a drug test and physical examination, a background investigation and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Correctional Of“cer Basic Abilities Test. Applicants must not have been dishonorably discharged from any of the United States Armed Forces, and they must have no felony convictions, misdemeanor convictions involving perjury or false statement, or domestic violence misdemeanors.Email: FDOC recruiting correctional officers todayBy ANNE EASKERSTAFF WRITER Car wash plannedThe PrideŽ of Port Charlotte Marching Band is holding a car wash from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday at the Peachland of“ce of Charlotte State Bank & Trust, 24163 Peachland Blvd., Port Charlotte. The young musicians are raising money to help fund upcoming trips to perform in various locations. They are requesting a minimum of $5 for a car wash, but will accept donations in any amount. For more information, call 941-286-3722 or email Day ExtravaganzaCharlotte Harbor Environmental Center is hosting an Earth Day Extravaganza from noon to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday at 10941 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda. The Earth Day Extravaganza will include free guided nature hikes at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m, free yoga in the park at 4 p.m., and food for purchase.Peace River Audubon Society meeting setThe PRAS will hold its April meeting from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday at First Alliance Church 20444 Midway Blvd., Port Charlotte. The topic will be developments in Babcock Village with guest speaker Al DiNicola. He will speak on the progress of the construction and activity at Babcock Village. The public is invited to attend. For more information, call 863-244-2652.Capital campaign kickoff scheduledThe Peace River Wildlife Center will play host to an event to kick off its capital campaign to raise $1.5 million to redesign the Center from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 6 at 3400 Ponce de Leon Parkway, Punta Gorda. A press conference will start at 11 a.m. and will include special guests: Mayor Rachel Keesling, Punta Gorda City Council members, Lynne Mathews, Nancy Prafke and Jaha Cummings, Pat Campagna, PRWC Board President, Bob Taylor and Clarisa Parodi/ ADG Architectural Design, James Herston/Herston Engineering and Keith Towles/Towles Corp of SW Florida. Luna and Bella, among other PRWC residents will be available for photo ops. Throughout the day, there will be workshops on bird identi“cation and bird calls and how to rescue an injured or orphaned animal. Food vendors will be on hand, musicians, raf”e prizes and lots of activities for the kids. For more information, call 941-637-3830.Fishing contest plannedThe Harbour Heights Yacht Club (HHYC) will host its annual “shing contest from sunrise to 4 p.m. on April 25. The entry fee is free to HYCC members, and $5 for guests of members. Fishing is limited to the Peace River and Charlotte Harbor areas. Judging will be held at the Harbour Heights Park at 4 p.m. Prizes will be awarded for various categories. All prizes are donated by local vendors. A pizza party will be held after the judging. A charge of $4 per person must be paid in advance by those participating. BYOB, no water or drinks will be furnished. For more information call, 941-833-0061.Car show and garage sale plannedA huge car show and garage sale, to assist the remodel of the Port Charlotte High School football team locker room, will be held from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday at the high school, 18200 Cochran Blvd. Garage sale spaces will cover the entire football “eld and the car show will display over 250 cars. Food and drink will also be available for purchase. If interested in retail space, call 941-626-0551 or 239-895-4259.Wine and cheese reception plannedKays-Ponger & Uselton Funeral Home and Cremation Services, 635 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda will host a complimentary wine and cheese reception from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on April 27. Stop by and support local arts and humanities and the local artist of the month, Gina Battle. Gina is an abstract and performance artist, a freelance writer and model. For more information, call 941-639-1133. COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFS


Our Town Page 6 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 C Our Town Page 7 adno=54512576


Our Town Page 8 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSENGLEWOOD „ After a 14-month effort, Don Schilke watched the removal of the derelict SpiritŽ from the shallows off Indian Mound Park Saturday. It was so anticlimactic,Ž said Schilke, who is president of the Friends of Indian Mound Park. The actual removal of the 22-foot sailboat „ lifting it onto a barge „ took no more than an hour. I didnt care anymore,Ž he said. Only two boats „ a trimaran and sailboat with live-aboards „ were anchored Monday in waters close to the south side of Indian Mound Park. But at other times a regular ”otilla has anchored at the park. But thats not the issue,Ž Schilke said. The Spirit is not the issue. The real issue is the different elements of government are dysfunctional in a timely way to dispose of derelict boats.Ž Schilke called it a serial agency process,Ž a slow and laborious process that allows a derelict vessel to seep fuel and oil and other chemicals into the water. Surely there must be a faster way to get rid of environmental disasters like this one,Ž he suggested. Schilke praised the Sarasota County Sheriffs Of“ce and marine deputies for the departments vigilance in identifying derelict vessels that pose public or navigational hazards like the Spirit. One of the dif“cult steps in the process, Schilke discovered, is tracking down and identifying the ownership of a derelict vessel. Its more dif“cult than a foreclosure,Ž he said. Then comes the question of who pays. In the case of the Spirit, the West Coast Inland Navigation District paid for the removal out of its regional derelict boat funding. The multi-county navigation district includes Manatee, Sarasota, Charlotte and Lee counties. We recognized (derelict vessels) were an increasing problem,Ž said Justin McBride, executive director of WCIND. The creation of a regional fund, McBride said, helps to streamline the process. Initially, $140,000 was budgeted. He expects $60,000 to $80,000 annually could be budgeted for the removal of derelict vessels in all four counties. In an email to Schilke, Sarasota County parks director Carolyn Brown explained the funding strategy: In this case, once the SCSO completed the investigation and cleared the vessel for removal, they turned the case over to the county. County staff then works with WCIND for removal. This removal is funded through WCIND and is scheduled for removal on April 15th.Ž To which Schilke replied: The questions that I ask: why does it take 52 weeks to remove a contaminating, ugly boat wreck that rests both on and off county park property? Why cant the process be accelerated? How long would it take to remove it if it were in your front yard?Ž Email: reilly@sun-herald.comIndian Mound Park finally freed of the SpiritBy STEVE REILLYSTAFF WRITER PHOTOS PROVIDED BY DONALD SCHILKE After spending months in waters o Indian Mound Park, a marine contractor for Sarasota County removes the derelict SpiritŽ from the park Saturday. A salvage crew prepares to remove the 22-foot derelict SpiritŽ sailboat from Indian Mound Park. Friends of Indian Mound Park president Donald Schilke was dismayed that it took 14 months to see the boat removed.ROTONDA WEST „ Francis Captain MoŽ Moriarty served in the Army for 27 years. But his real hero is his wife, Elsie, a Vietnam veteran who later served in Desert Storm. The pair spent time Tuesday reading the interpretive panels of the United States armed con”icts at the newly opened Veterans Memorial Park. They attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony just minutes earlier at G.C. Herring Park, 3406 Indiana Road, near the American Legion Post 113 campus in Rotonda West. This new veterans park is another opportunity to honor all of our military brothers and sisters past and present,Ž said Francis, the commanding of“cer of the Vietnam Brotherhood which meets at the American Legion 110 in Port Charlotte. It allows us veterans to connect with military friends.Ž The Veterans Memorial Park features an amphitheater with a covered stage, gazebo, open seating area, interconnected walking paths, re”ection area, a memorial ”ag court with the U.S., Florida and POW/ MIA ”ags, as well as the service ”ags of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. There are also war memorials for fallen Charlotte County service members. The project, which was delayed for a year and a half, cost $692,000. It can be rented through Charlotte County Parks and Recreation. This is great,Ž said past commander Leroy Furman. Its been a long time coming. We will be using this park for veterans ceremonies. Today there was about 175 people here to support the opening of the new park. There were people from the Elks, VFW, Knights of Columbus, American Legion, Nam Knights, even the national department commander Joseph McGee came here. Hes very busy and he made time for us.Ž Charlotte County Commissioner Bill Truex told the crowd he was especially pleased theres a memorial park on this side of the county, especially because he lives nearby. This is a somber and sober occasion to honor our veterans,Ž he said. We have a special place to remember our fallen soldiers through tragic events over the years.Ž Charlotte County Commissioners cut the ribbon and spoke to veterans. I guess it was always in me to serve my country,Ž said Marsha Church, a retired chief warrant of“cer who served in the Army and National Guard. Serving your country is the greatest sacri“ce you can give. The families of military members experience that sacri“ce as well when they cant be with their loved ones. This is a reason we never forget to thank soldiers and their families. This new veterans park is good for our community,Ž she said. Email: Long-awaited Veterans Memorial Park opens in Rotonda By ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICH COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR SUN PHOTO BY ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICHThe new Veterans Memorial Park funded by Charlotte County is near the campus of the American Legion Post 113. It features war memorials for fallen Charlotte County service members, a reection area, a gazebo, covered stage area and interpretive panels of the United States armed conicts. Members of the American Legion Post 113 Honor Guard salute during a ag-raising ceremony Tuesday at the new Veterans Memorial Park at 3406 Indiana Road, in Rotonda West. Charlotte County Commissioners celebrated the long-awaited opening of the Veterans Memorial Park in Rotonda on Tuesday. DISCOVER THE ANTHONYS WOMAN IN YOU. 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Our Town Page 10 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSThis morning at the Third Wednesday Coffee, well hear an update on the Sales Tax projects by Travis Mortimer, manager of capital projects for the county. The Coffee sponsor is the Key Agency. If youre up early, plan to join your fellow Chamber members from 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at the Event Center in Punta Gorda. Its time to buy your tickets for the Chambers night at the Stone Crabs next Tuesday, April 25. For a $10 ticket you can get together with members from other chambers, starting at 5 p.m., before the 6:35 p.m. game. This also includes a hot dog, chips and a beer or soda. Please call our Port Charlotte of“ce at 941-627-2222 to order your tickets. The April 27 Business Card Exchange is at Microtel Inn & Suites. Join us from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for great networking and after-hours munchies and beverages. Please help us celebrate Busy Bee Cabinets 35th anniversary tomorrow, starting at 5:30 p.m. There will be a ribbon-cutting and lots of great networking. The Leadership Charlotte Class of 2017 will host a Denim & Diamonds Country/Westernthemed night on May 20 at the Charlotte County Fairgrounds. Sponsorships are available. There will also be a concert at 8:30 p.m., featuring Nashville artist Logan Dressel. For more information, please visit www.leadershipcharlotte. net or call our Port Charlotte of“ce at 941-627-2222. Writing of Leadership Charlotte, the Go Green TeamŽ is having a huge car show and garage sale to assist the remodel of the Port Charlotte High School football team locker room on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the PCHS Football Stadium. Garage sale spaces will cover the entire football “eld and the car show will display over 250 cars. Food and drink will be available, too. If you are interested in retail space, call 941-6260551 or 239-895-4259 or just take your money and buy, buy, buy! Save the date for the June 3 Golf Tournament to bene“t the Junior Leadership Charlotte program. The 9th annual tournament will be held at Kingsway Country Club. The Public Safety Appreciation Night is Friday, April 28, at 6 p.m. at the Charlotte Harbor Event Center. The keynote speaker is Adam Putnam, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture. Celebrate the hard work and dedication of all who serve. Buy tickets online at www. All proceeds beyond the expense of the event go to Charlotte County Sheriffs Explorers Post 29 and Do the Right Thing of Charlotte County, Inc. Julie Mathis is executive director of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce. Email her at jmathis@ charlottecountychamber. org.Dont forget to get your tickets Charlotte County ChamberJulie Mathis NORTH PORT „„ When state incentive funding began to dry up a couple years ago, big-budget “lms and TV shows began to ”ee for more business-friendly destinations. Independent “lmmakers, on the other hand, stuck around and are becoming the pulse of the Florida “lm scene. Were working stiffs. We have full-time jobs. But this is our passion and we conduct ourselves just like were in Hollywood,Ž said Dave Lepage, director and producer of Necessary Evil,Ž a YouTube series about a former mob enforcer who spends his retirement as a vigilante. We want to inspire the next generation and inspire them to become “lmmakers. One day, I said, This is what Im going to do. And I did it,Ž added the 47-yearold, who sold his DVD collection to buy some equipment and start a business. Necessary EvilŽ is a mini-series inspired by the 2014 short, Ten Minutes,Ž which also chronicles the life of ex-mobster, Dan Murphy, and is directed by Lepage and Ted Souppa. Using a Black Magic, a tiny camera with cinema quality resolution and picture, boom mics and lighting equipment, Necessary EvilŽ is primarily shot in North Port with extra scenes “lmed in Englewood and Cape Coral. An upcoming episode was even partially “lmed in northwest France. The French government, according to Lepage, waived permit fees for the shoot and even facilitated free equipment rentals. The town saw that it could bene“t them in having us there. Now, they are pins-andneedles waiting for the episode to come out,Ž said Lepage, adding his wife, Mea Fulgence, an alternative model, is from Casta, France, and a French celebrity, which helped matters immensely. While the French government was welcoming to “lmmakers, the same cant be said of Florida as many production companies have taken projects elsewhere, hoping to recreate the Sunshine State while taking advantage of lucrative state subsidies. The 2016 Ben Af”eck “lm, Live by Night,Ž is based in Tampas Ybor City, but it was partially “lmed in Savannah, Georgia, due to lack of state incentives. The “lm had a $65 million budget. HBOs Ballers,Ž set in Miami, left as well. State lawmakers in 2010 allocated $296 million speci“cally for “lm incentives with the hope it would last until 2016. Funding dried up in over three years. Between 2010 and 2016, the Department of Economic Opportunity certi“ed 303 productions for tax credits with a projected Florida expenditure of $1.28 billion, agency data indicates. More than $744 million in wages and 117,417 Florida jobs were associated with those productions, which attracted 55 motion pictures. For the “scal year 2015-2016, the Entertainment Industry Financial Incentive Program created close to 37,000 Florida jobs, $296 million in wages and $538 million in total expenses in its 43 awarded projects. The sales tax exemption program during that period led to $1.14 billion in state expenditures and over 38,000 jobs. But a poor return-oninvestment „ just 43 cents on the dollar „ led lawmakers to shut the program down. Wed love to work with (lawmakers) to create a program with a very good ROI. We know its working in other states. Its important as far as economic growth and jobs are concerned,Ž said John Lux, executive director of Film Florida, a nonpro“t organization that represents the “lm and entertainment industry. It bene“ts the independent contractors, the painters, carpenters, electricians, dry cleaners. (Production companies) eat and stay in our communities.Ž Lepage began watching black-and-white movies when he was a kid, mostly science “ction and “lms like Godzilla.Ž Though he didnt go to “lm school, he was fascinated with “lmmaking and eventually learned the art through experience. He sold DVDs, bought some equipment and wrote and directed his “rst “lm, a 24-minute horror ”ick, Dark Limbo,Ž which was an of“cial selection at two Southwest Florida “lm festivals. Being an independent “lmmaker, Lepage said, limits what you can and cant do because you have no money. You have to think outside of the box.Ž An example of this is Moonlight,Ž winner of the 2017 Academy Award for Best Motion Picture of the Year, and an indie “lm shot in Miami on a $1.5 million budget. Its director, Barry Jenkins, is a 2003 graduate of Florida State Universitys College of Motion Picture Arts, which is ranked in Hollywood Reporters top 25 American “lm schools list. Were busting our butts to crank out quality “lm students only to have them leave the state,Ž said Bob Gray, a digital video production instructor at Suncoast Technical College. I would like nothing more for more and more (students) to stay in the area and be a part of the burgeoning “lm industry,Ž Gray said. He is also an independent “lmmaker, whos developing a web series, Rental,Ž about people renting paradise for a week. Sarasota County offers a $250,000 rebate incentive program which provides a local economic stimulus through development and expansion of the “lm, TV and media industry. Created in 2010, the county has continued to pump money into the program when needed. To date, county commissioners have OKd $641,992 in “lm funding. The program is open to projects of all sizes and has only a couple stipulates „„ one being “lms and TV shows not carry an R-rating or its TV-MA equivalent. Our incentive program doesnt bring in the $20 million or $60 million budget “lms. But it does attract the modest budgets; $1 million and under. You get enough of those and its worthwhile,Ž said Jeanne Corcoran, director of Sarasota County Film and Entertainment Of“ce. Each year, the county approves an average of 300 “lm and TV projects. Necessary EvilŽ has developed a dedicated fanbase since its launch. If fans want more, we have the material to give it to them,Ž said Lepage of the series future. Email: jscholles@sun-herald.comIndependent filmmakers thrive as state funding dries up By JONATHAN SCHOLLESSTAFF WRITER PHOTOS PROVIDEDStu Colon plays Dan Murphy, a former mob enforcer who spends his retirement as a vigilante using Smiley,Ž his preferred weapon for work. Mea Fulgence, a French citizen and now North Port resident, plays Beautiful Poison,Ž a character in the YouTube show Necessary Evil.Ž Necessary EvilŽ is a YouTube series lmed mainly in North Port with extra scenes lmed in Englewood and Cape Coral. North Port show Necessary Evil a hit on YouTube 3191 Harbor Blvd. Suite D, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 FAMILY DOCTOR € Diabetes € Memory Loss € High Blood Pressure € Hearing Loss Screening € High Cholesterol € Stress Test € Thyroid Problems € Arthritis € Osteoporosis € Cardiac Disease € Heart Problems € Weight Loss € Skin Cancer Surgery 941-613-1919 Tanya Metyk, M.D. Board Certified Internal Medicine SAME DAY SICK APPOINTMENTS Now Accepting Most Insurances Wel coming Self Pay Patients adno=505128 2 adno=50513318 Monday Friday 10 a.m. 6 p.m.; Saturday 10:30 4 p.m. Not affiliated with Rolex W ESTCHESTER G OLD & D IAMONDS 4200-F TAMIAMI TRAIL, PORT CHARLOTTE (BEHIND ABC LIQUORS) 625-0666 Rolex Watches Buy, Sell & Repair Large Selection of Diamond Bezels & Dials FINALLY IN PORT CHARLOTTE LOW COST DENTURES!! 941-234-3420 General Dentistry Implants € Cosmetic € Nitrous Oxide € Dentures & One Day Repair € Laser Periodontal Therapy 3440 Conway Blvd. #2A (Behind Post Office) € Port Charlotte DR. SUSAN R. BROOKS CALL US NOW!! New Patients Welcome adno=50509598 BEST IN HEARING CARE (941) 505-0400 B EST OF C HARLOTTE THE L AST 14 Y EARS Ricardo Gauthier, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology 100 Madrid Blvd., Suite #214 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 adno=50509582 adno=54511753 HOURS: 8-4pm Mon-Fri 8-1pm Sat 6/1/17 PICKUP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE DISCOUNT ROCK and KUSTOMIZED KURBING


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The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 C Our Town Page 13 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSEgg hunts, free games, food and fun were part of Deep Creek Community Churchs annual event on Saturday on the “elds at Charlotte High School. Looking for eggs in all the right places SUN PHOTOS BY BETSY WILLIAMSStart of the 5-7 age group egg hunt Payton McCullin and her daughter Danielle eye her rst egg. Two-year-old twins Titiana and Jazalyna Jeanty Averly Nordgren, 6, tries to hold back her younger sister Kinsley, 2, from the eld of eggs. Tera Marion and her girls, Ariella Philippe, 1, and Gabriella, 2, with the Easter Bunny. Adults were not allowed to help in the egg hunt, but taking photos and video were not mentioned. Journee Chalder, 2 One-year-olds Violet Gunderson and Mia Amato Ten-month-old Emanii Bing and her mom Marilyn Platt With the push of a button, Tony Ortolanos ears ipped in the air. Ten-month-old Audrey Lambertson visits with volunteer Michael Lawson, 11.


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Our Town Page 16 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSEvery evening, Todd Waldeck drives down his S-shaped driveway, through the scorched woods to a patch of dirt off Ben“eld Road in Collier County where he readies the land to rebuild his custom stilt home. He clears trees and debris, chops wood. On Thursday, Waldeck, 56, began building a pump house. Some days, though, he just sits and looks out at the empty space. Its my home,Ž he said. Its where I love to be.Ž Waldecks family was one of four whose house last month burned in the 7,000-acre Lee Williams brush “re east of Collier Boulevard. The inferno, which started March 5 in the Picayune Strand State Forest, kicked off what has been an early and particularly busy brush “re season that has taxed “re departments „ their staffs, equipment and budgets „ in Southwest Florida and around the state. Through Wednesday, wildland “re“ghters with the Florida Forest Services Caloosahatchee “eld unit had battled 83 brush “res in Collier, Lee and Hendry counties, quickly closing in on the 126 they fought in the three counties through all of 2016. Those 83 “res have already burned more than 8,000 acres on land where state “re“ghters have jurisdiction, more than any year since 2011 when 14,998 acres burned, according to Florida Forest Service data. Federal crews are now “ghting to contain the nearly 17,000-acre Cowbell “re burning north of Alligator Alley in the Big Cypress National Preserve. A severe drought has left the region, and much of the rest of the state, a tinderbox. There were 97 active wild“res burning throughout the state as of Thursday. Through April 9, nearly 80,000 acres had burned on state and federal lands, according to the forest service. Gov. Rick Scott declared a state of emergency Tuesday. Cape Coral outlawed outside “res and cut lawn watering to one day a week beginning April 21. This past winter was the second-warmest winter in Florida history,Ž said Samantha Quinn, a spokesperson for the forest services Caloosahatchee unit. When we have such dry conditions that were seeing in the drought, the vegetation ignites quicker and (“re) spreads at a higher rate.Ž Rather than nearing an end, history shows Southwest Florida is likely still closer to the beginning of peak brush “re season. A review of the regions biggest and most destructive “res over the last decade shows that almost all ignited in late April or in May. For instance: € Lehigh Acres brush “res that burned 13 homes and torched 1,875 acres in 2006 began April 29. € A 17,000-acre “re that destroyed three homes in the Picayune Strand in 2007 erupted May 7, while a 60,000-acre blaze in the Big Cypress National Preserve that same year started May 4. € An 800-acre blaze that burned down three Golden Gate Estates homes in 2008 ignited May 29. € The 2011 Slope “re that burned 2,800 acres and threatened homes in the Estates started April 26. Typically this is when we start getting active, and weve already been active,Ž Quinn said. Climate experts doubt it will get as bad as 1998, when a global climate pattern bluntly shifted, delaying seasonal rains, with devastating consequences for the Sunshine State. Its fairly likely were going to get drier before there is relief from this,Ž said state climatologist David Zierden, at FSUs Florida Climate Center. After record El Nino rains in late 2015 and early 2016, Southwest Floridas drought conditions began worsening last fall when the rain stopped falling. The Naples and Fort Myers areas have seen below-average rainfall nearly every month since September, according to National Weather Service data. Lee County has had less than an inch of rain three of the past four months, with March being a particularly dry period in both Fort Myers and Naples. Kevin Scharfenberg and Steven Ippoliti, forecasters with the National Weather Service in Miami, said this past winters weather pattern caused most cold fronts to dissipate before reaching Southwest Florida. Typically, cold fronts that move into the region bring us most of our winter rainfall,Ž they said in an email. Southwest Florida is the driest region in the state, according to forest service data, and Lee County is the driest county, measuring 656 on the Keetch-Byram Drought Index as of Friday. The index measures soil moisture on a zero to 800 scale with higher numbers representing increased “re risk. Collier measures 608 on the scale, “fth driest in the state. Forecasts predict Floridas weather will be hotter and dryer than normal in the coming months, with dry conditions extending into midtolate-June. El Nino, a pattern of warmer-than-usual water in the Paci“c Ocean, near the equator, raises the odds of ”oods, droughts, cyclones, tornadoes and other extreme global weather. The upside: It also can douse summertime “re risk in Florida and create winds that shear the tops of tropical cyclones apart before they can strengthen to hurricanes. But any El Nino relief this “re season might arrive too late. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration updated its monthly El Nino forecast Thursday, projecting a greater than 50 percent chance that El Nino conditions wont develop until August or later. And when the rain does start falling, it will be accompanied by lightning, another leading cause of brush “res. This is de“nitely the most active season weve seen in several years,Ž said Susan Lindenmuth, a spokesperson for the Estero “re district. Our average heavy wild“re season is in April, May. Were just in the very beginning of it.Ž The increased “re activity has stressed local “re departments, which battle brush “res on top of their regular work load of house “res, vehicle crashes and medical calls. Lindenmuth said one of her districts brush trucks is out of service after being damaged while “ghting two Lehigh Acres “res that burned 400 acres and damaged seven homes in early March. Two children eventually confessed to starting one of the “res. Greater Naples Fire Chief Kingman Schuldt said he had brush trucks running 24 hours a day in early March “ghting the 7,000-acre Lee Williams “re; one of them is still down for maintenance. It cost the department about $86,000 to “ght that “re. We dont budget for a signi“cant event,Ž he said. An event like this, we have to “gure it out.Ž None of Schuldts “re“ghters were hurt “ghting the blaze, but “ghting brush “res still takes a toll, he said. Theyve seen smaller “res on a weekly, if not daily, basis for weeks, he said. The men and women always do a standup job,Ž Schuldt said. They thrive under adversity. Thats the nature of the “re“ghter.Ž Laurence LeBuff, whose home on Le Buff Road was one of the four that burned in the Lee Williams “re, said he wasnt surprised to see the “re season kick off so early this year. These woods have been dry, dry, dry for months and months,Ž LeBuff said Thursday while he and his nephew cleared his lot with a backhoe, dumping debris in three large trash bins. LeBuff and his wife and daughter are living temporarily with relatives in Golden Gate. Like the Waldecks, LeBuff said his family intends to rebuild on the same plot of wooded land hes lived on since 1968. LeBuff said he couldnt get insurance on the nearly 50-year-old woodframe house. The family is using their limited income, savings and help from the community to rebuild, but LeBuff said he expects it ultimately will cost more than what weve got right now.Ž Were a Christian family,Ž LeBuff said. We put it in Gods hands.ŽSouthwest Floridas fire season has a long way to goBy RYAN MILLSNAPLES DAILY NEWS FIRE DANGER RISKAs of Tuesday: Charlotte: High Sarasota: Moderate Lee: Very High DeSoto: High „ Source: Florida Forest Service PHOTO PROVIDED BY GAYLE NEHERA state Division of Forestry tractor tries to prevent a brush re from reaching a North Port home. Fire ocials say homes were damaged but none were badly burned. PHOTO PROVIDED BY BRYAN BAISTNorth Port Fire Rescue responds to a brush re near Bobcat Trail Golf Course. SUN PHOTO BY STEVE REILLYCharlotte County reghter Nate Boyette douses dry brush in a vacant lot adjacent to a South Gulf Cove residence. PHOTO PROVIDED BY CHARLOTTE FIRE/EMSA recent brush re on Oil Well Road consumed around 160 acres. NEW PATIENTS ARE WELCOME. 575-2626 Please call for an appointment. Jeremy Martin D.M.D. €CROWNS €IMPLANTS €COSMETIC DENTISTRY € RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY €ROOT CANALS € DIGITAL X-RAYS Interest Free Financing with Approved Credit PUNTA GORDA Dental F amily Care NOW AVAILABLE adno=50509596 301 W. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda € 575-2273 Former faculty member of Marquette University School of Dentistry G eneral & Implant Dentistry adno=50509586 adno=50514161 Dr. Howard Saslow would like to inform his patients that he is retiring effective May 30th, 2017 All records will reside at Charlotte Orthopaedic Clinic. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of providing your ORTHOPAEDIC CARE for the last 32 years FAST CARE CLINIC 3300 Tamiami Trail, Suite 102C Port Charlotte, FL 33952 (941) 889-9525 ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS PRIMARY CARE WEIGHT LOSS MALE AND FEMALE HORMONE BALANCE FATIGUE MANAGEMENT BEFORE CONSIDERING JOINT SURGERY TRY PRP HAIR LOSS -BOTOX-AESTHETIC LABORATORY AND SONOGRAPHY IN HOUSE SE HABLA ESPANOL Y our Health and Beauty Our Priority FIND US ON FACEBOOK adno=50512828 AVOID LONG WAITS, COME TO... Z USMAN E YE C ARE C ENTER Voted Best Ophthalmologist 2011-2015 624-4500 Neil B. Zusman, M.D., F.A.C.S. 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The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 C Our Town Page 17 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS To view todays legal notices and more visit, To view todays legal notices and more visit, 3000 NOTICES 3112 FICTITIOUS NAME 04/19/2017 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: THE ESTATE OF: DOROTHY AGNES NELSON, Deceased. File No. 17229 -CP NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of DOROTHY AGNES NELSON deceased, whose date of death was February 11, 2017 is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Post Office Box 1687, Punta Gorda, Florida. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorne y are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this Court W ITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS A FTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece d ent and other persons having claims or demands against dece d ent's estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE RIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S D ATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 12, 2017 A ttorney for Personal Representative John L. Polk Polk Law Firm, P.A. Post Office Box 511221 Punta Gorda, Florida 33951-1221 Telephone: (941) 639-1606 Email: Florida Bar No. 220515 Attorney for Personal Representa tive Personal Representative Nancy Anne Janik 2420 Deborah Drive Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 Publish: April 12, 19, 2017 101395 3441996 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY,FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF File No. 17-149-CP ROBERT W. EWEN, A/K/A ROBERT WILLIAM EWEN Deceased. Division Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Robert W. Ewen, a/k/a Robert William Ewen, deceased, whose date of death was January 14, 2017, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion A venue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The name and address of the personal representative are Barry K. Ewen, 2164 Evans Prairie Trail, The Villages, Florida 32163, and the name and address of the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST P UBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. Thdffibliif 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Th e d ate o f fi rst pu bli cat i on o f this notice is April 10 2017. A ttorney for Personal Representative: SCHWARZ & HARRIS, P.A. Ellie K. Harris, Esquire A ttorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar Number: 0021671 17841 Murdock Circle Port Charlotte, Florida 33948 Telephone: (941) 625-4158 Fax: (941) 625-5460 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: Publish: April 12, 19, 2017 117186 3442032 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF ROBERT G. BENGTSON, a/k/a ROBERT BENGTSON, Deceased. File No.:17-000283-CP Division:Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the Estate of Robert G. Bengtson, a/k/a Robert Bengtson, deceased, whose date of death was January 29, 2017, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 350 East Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The names and addresses of the Personal Representative and the Personal Representative's attorney are se t forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF T HE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS N OTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF T HIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claim s or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with t his court WITHIN 3 MONTHS A FTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. A LL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER B ARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PE RIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y C LAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENTS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice isApril 19, 2017 Personal Representative: Mary Ann Bengtson 2844 Coral Court Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 A ttorney for Personal Representative: Guy S. Emerich Florida Bar Number: 126991 2844 Coral Court Farr, Farr, Emerich, Hackett, Can & Holmes, P.A. 99 Nesbit Street, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941) 639-1158 Fax: (941) 639-0028 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: Publish: April 19, 20, 2017 114849 3444416 3124 NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND REGULAR MEETING OF THE WATERFORD ESTATES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors of the W aterford Estates Community Development District will hold a regular meeting and a public hearing on May 12, 2017 at 11:00 am at the Americas Best Value Inn & Suites, 9035 Mac Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 for the purpose of hearing comments and objections on the adoption of the budget(s) for the operation and maintenance of District facilities for Fiscal Year 2018 In addition, the Board will hear public comment and objections relative to the levy of a non ad valorem assessment pursuant to Florida Law for the purpose of funding operations and maintenance and principal and interest expenses of the District. The District may also fund various facilities through the collectio n of certain rates, fees and charges which are identified within the budget(s). A copy of the budget(s) may be obtained at the offices of the District Manager, 5385 N. Nob Hill Road, Sunrise, Florida 33351 during nor mal business hours. The Board will also consider an y other business, which may prop erly come before it. The meeting may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the rec ord at the meeting. The meet ing is open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida Law for Community Development Dis tricts. There may be occasions when one or more Supervisors will participate by telephone. At the above location there will be pres ent a speaker telephone so tha t any interested person can attend the meeting at the above location and be fully inform ed of the dis cussions taking place either in person or by telephone communication. Any person requiring special accommodations at this meeting because of a disability or physical impairment should contact the DisiOffi(954)7218681 3124 NOTICE OF HEARING tr i ct Offi ce at (954) 721 8681 at least five calendar days prior to the meeting. Each person who decides to ap peal any decision made by the B oard with respect to any matter considered at the meeting is adv ised that person will need a record of the proceedings and t hat accordingly, the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. Paul Winkeljohn Manager Publish: April 19, 26, 2017 249951 3432487 3126 NOTICE OF MEETING N O TI C E O F PUBLI C MEETIN G The Florida Local Government FInance Commission announces a public meeting to which all inter ested persons are invited. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 3, 2017, at 10:30 a.m., 2502 Rockey Point Drive, Suite 1060, Tampa, Florida. The meeting of the Commission will be for prurposes of reviewing the statewide pooled commercial paper loan program for Florida government entities. The Commis sion is an unicorporated, nonprofit association whose members are comprised fd Brevard County, Florida, Charlotte County, Florida, Collier County, Florida, Lee County, Florida, Osceola County, Florida, and Sarasota County, Florida. / s/ Nicole Jovanovski Chair, Florida Local Government Finance Commission Publish: April 19, 2017 259587 3444347 3130 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 20TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA MTGLQ INVESTORS, L.P., CASE NO.: 08-2016-CA-000486 Plaintif v. DOUGLAS G. DE MAKES A/K/A DOUGLAS G. DEMAKES; SHARON E. DEMAKES A/K/A SHARON E. DEMAKES; REGIONS BANK, ET. AL., Defendant(s). AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to an Order of Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated January 18, 2017 entered in Civil Case No. 08-2016-CA000486 of the Circuit Court of the 20th Judicial Circuit in and for Charlotte County, Florida, wherein MTGLQ INVESTORS, L.P., Plaintiff and DOUGLAS G. DE MAKES A/K/A DOUGLAS G. DEMAKES; SHARON E. DEMAKES A/K/ A SHARON E. DEMAKES; REGIONS BANK, ET. AL. are Defendants. I, Clerk of Court, will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash BEGINNING at 11:00 A.M. at W WW.CHARLOTTE.REALFORE CLOSE.COM in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Florida Statutes on May 11, 2017 the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 45, BLOCK 347, PORT CHARLOTTE SUBDIVISION, SECTION 21, A SUBDIVISION A CCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, AT PAGES 12 A THROUGH 12G, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2423 BENDWAY DRIVE, PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33948 ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERT Y OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE US PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. Florida Rules of Judicial Ad ministration Rule 2.540 No tices to Persons With Disabilities AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, y ou are entitled, at no cost to y ou, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Jon Embury, Administrative Services Manager, whose office is located at 350 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950, and whose telephone number is (941) 637-2110, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving t his notification if the time bef ore the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Charlotte County, Florida DEPUTY CLERK OF COURT A TTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF MARIA T. SANTI, ESQUIRE Fla. Bar No. 117564 KELLEY KRONENBERG 8201 Peters Road, Suite 4000 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33324 Phone: (954) 370-9970 / Direct Fax: (954) 252-4571 Service email: Publish: April 19, 26, 2017 390155 3444467 Today I looked out our back window and saw this remarkable pair of warblers, a male blackpoll and a male common yellowthroat in the water bath. Blackpolls breed primarily in the boreal forests of northern Canada and forage typically in the middle and upper levels of the canopy. In contrast yellowthroats breed throughout North America and most commonly occur in and near wetlands in low shrubs and grass. Thus it would be hard to pick two more dissimilar warblers, yet here they are on Manasota Key during migration, both looking for fresh water to drink and bathe in. Bill Dunson is a resident of Englewood and a frequent contributor to the Sun. Check out his blog at couple bathes together PHOTO BY BILL DUNSONBlackpoll and yellowthroat male warblers bathe together in a Florida back yard. On Dec. 1, 1941, the former mayor of New York City, Fiorello LaGuardia, as Director of the Federal Of“ce of Civilian Defense, signed the formal order creating the Civil Air Patrol. Yes, 75 years ago. Your local Charlotte County Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol only goes back to spring 1949, when it became the 51st unit in the Florida Wing. We have been on duty 24/7 since that time performing our Missions for America in the air and on the ground. We are designated a CompositeŽ Squadron because we mentor 45-50 boys and girls, ages 12-18 with a program that fosters leadership and good citizenship in Americas youth, using aerospace education, Air Force role models and emphasis on public service. We need your “nancial help in our effort to continue our mentoring program. Expenses for the senior unit are handled by the individual members and by contracts with the Air Force and the county. The cadets and their expenses are another story. We recently lost our major source of cadet funding. This organization determined to spend their funds elsewhere. We appeal to you directly to come to our aid. Where would the money go? It would be used to send cadets to summer and winter encampment at Camp Belding. It would support cadets at Hawk Mountain Ranger Training School in Pennsylvania, for extensive search and rescue training. Cadets may also attend the National Glider Encampment at Colorado Springs or Mattoon, Illinois. Money is used for educational side trips to the NASA Space Center and MacDill Air Force Base, Airport Control towers in the area, the Experimental Aircraft Association ”y-ins at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and Lakeland, Florida, have been attended with cadets performing of“cial duties. The money is used to support cadet attendance at the FAA Private Pilots Ground School as well as ”ight training expenses leading to a private pilots license. If a youngster wants the CAP experience but is not able to support it “nancially, we will come to his aid with funds for his dues, fees, uniforms and “eld trips. It is our goal to be able to tell every youngster if you want us, we will make it happen.Ž As you can surmise, this all takes money for us to be successful. Thats where YOU come in. For over 67 years, your Charlotte County Squadron has been a valuable community partner, on duty seven days a week, in good times and bad. The Civil Air Patrol is a nonpro“t corporation, meaning private donations are fully tax deductible. All donations stay here in this locality. Your local squadron needs your help. Please send your most generous donation to Charlotte Squadron, 28000A-21 Airport Road, Punta Gorda, FL 33982. Visit us at FL051/” Thank you for your consideration. Maj. Earle Bretz is the public affairs of“cer for Charlotte County Composite Squadron (FL-051) of the Civil Air Patrol. Email him at Civil Air Patrol celebrates 75 years BRETZ Bill Dunson COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFSFourth Friday free movie offeredWomen Against Racism & Discrimination will play host to its fourth Friday free movie, Hidden Figures, at 1 p.m. on April 28 at FGCUs Renaissance Academy 117 Herald Court, Punta Gorda. Nominated for an Academy Award and winner of multiple other awards, Hidden Figures brings to light the amazing contributions of three little-known, brilliant African-American women to the United States participation in the space race in 1961, including John Glenns launch into space. Part biographical drama, part documentary, always inspiring, frequently putting you on the edge of your seat and sometimes making you laugh, this is an unforgettable movie all Americans should see. Share free snacks and beverages, and remain after the movie for commentary and discussion. For more information, call 941-380-2408.Joint meeting scheduledThe Charlotte County Commission will hold a joint meeting with the Sarasota County Board of County Commission at 2 p.m. today in Commission Chambers at the Robert L. Anderson Administration Center, 4000 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice. A wide range of topics will be discussed including, Waterfest update and future plans, update on beach erosion and restoration, Regional Planning Council, federally quali“ed health centers update, and update on River Road project. The public is invited to attend and provide input. For more information, call 941-743-1944.Board meeting announcedCrossroads Hope Academy board of directors, board meeting will be held at noon on April 25 in the back room at Laishley Crab House, 150 Laishley Court, Punta Gorda. The meeting is open to the public. The mission of Crossroads Hope Academy is to provide stability, education, and future preparation for dif“cult-to-place teenage boys in the Florida foster care system. For more information, call 941-575-5790.


Our Town Page 18 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Aggressive drivers a threat to safetyEditor: On March 29, we were passed on Burnt Store Road by an aggressive and speeding pickup driver who felt it important that he pass us on a double line with oncoming traf“c traveling the opposite way. We were on motorcycle trikes (two trikes/ four people). Not only did he risk our lives, but the people in the oncoming vehicles and himself. In my observations, aggressive driving is following too closely behind other vehicles, excessively speeding, lacking proper use of turn signals, unnecessarily occupying the passing lane and cutting across multiple lanes of traf“c to exit or just get ahead of the other guy. The general disrespect displayed by these drivers places every driver in harms way, and it is epidemic. These inconsiderate behaviors are dangerous and illegal „ not a smart way to deal with congestion „ and they often make themselves blind to the motorcycles around them on the road (somewhat like tunnel vision). We call it the NASCAR SyndromeŽ. I hope more drivers can realize that passing motorcycles courteously takes no signi“cant amount of time or effort, while passing aggressively is like holding a loaded revolver to someones head. Since the law is not a deterrent and you have no concern for others, you are, indeed, a terrorist. You may even have children as passengers. Even this wont stop you. You simply dont care. The amazing thing is that there is no reason for this behavior, since there is no destination worth dying or killing someone to get there. Sylvia Dessauer Punta GordaJarrahs column full of holesEditor: An editorial by Samar Jarrah on April 14 was interesting. It criticized a recent lecture on Islam given by the Charlotte County Supervisor of Elections. Ms. Jarrahs critique suggested Muslims were being misrepresented but provided no explanation as to why she believes that. She made many statements of dubious accuracy such as, Its a Muslims religious duty to follow the laws of the landŽ but, if so, why are Muslims agitating for adoption of Sharia law? Most importantly she ignored the violence perpetrated by Muslims against in“delsŽ, even though their religious teachings promote beheadings, stoning of deviants, cutting the hands off thieves, supporting honorŽ killings and killing anyone who decides they do not want to be Muslim anymore. The absence of a Muslim outcry against atrocities perpetrated by extremists raises further questions. It is quite clear that Islam is a religion that promotes intolerance. Given a pulpit Ms. Jarrah could have contributed to a deeper understanding of the issues, instead she criticized trivial details of the presentation rather than refute the content of the presentation. She ended with a critique of the presence of armed guards at the lecture. Really? Has not Muslim violence made that a practical reality in our world?Anthony Storace Port CharlotteTrump has failed to keep promisesEditor: I will not be a president who takes time off from the job „ 17 trips to the golf course in 84 days. I will release my taxes after audit „ I will not release my taxes, people dont want to see them. I will repeal Obamacare on day one „ failed to get it through Congress. I will bring back jobs from overseas „ no mention of his businesses coming back from China, Mexico and Turkey. I will build a wall on the border and Mexico will pay „ never going to happen. China is a currency manipulator „ no, they are not. I will not let the enemy know when we are going to attack „ and yet he informed Russia about the $30 million attack on Syria so they could tell Assad and have any working aircraft moved, planes ”ying in and out of the bombed airport the following day. He sent a SEAL team on a mission which the Obama team had already decided was a waste of time and manpower „ 1 SEAL team member killed and no useful information captured. Seven trips to Mar-a-Largo at a cost of $3 million each. When he has a dinner for foreign dignitaries there, the USA foots the bill of $150,000 to rent the ballroom and it goes into the morons pocket. But, like children following the Pied Piper, his small-minded followers get in lockstep behind him. I wonder how many of them got up to see what the Easter Bunny brought?Joseph Del Bonis Rotonda West Women achieving true equalityEditor: Kudos to the gals for having achieved true equality. Of the 14 individuals cited in the Sun police beat (April 15) seven were women; truly a banner day. Unfortunately, the gals are lagging woefully behind the men in homicides. However, I expect to see those numbers improve greatly once women begin serving in combat alongside the men. So once again, hats off, ladies. Aint America great? A place where the men are men and so are the women.Art Cronk Gulf CoveThe shot heard round the worldEditor: This month on the 19th we should celebrate the 242nd anniversary of one of the most important events in our American history. I quote from Concord HymmŽ by Ralph Waldo Emerson ... Here once these embattled farmers stood, and “red the shot heard round the world.Ž Yes, Concord and Lexington. The British under Gen. Gage had already disarmed the people of Boston. Now, they headed out to do the same thing in the rural areas. As history shows, the British troops were also engaging in looting and pillaging on the way. Well, the people had had enough of this and stood up. This was the start of the American Revolution. It is a sad statement of revisionist history that it is no longer listed on calendars.Steven C. Churchill EnglewoodThere were all kinds of messages being sent to Gov. Rick Scott late last week at the Florida House of Representatives. The one from Democrat Bill Nelson, a three-term U.S. senator, can be summed up in two words: game on. Republican House Speaker Richard Corcoran had his own two-word message for the governor. I think Ill leave it at that. Is loathing too strong a word for how those two feel about each other? Whatever the interpretation of the message, the invitation to Nelson from Corcoran to address the House was intriguing, given that Nelson could face Scott in a bare-knuckle brawl for the 2018 senate race. It gave Nelson some free airtime on a no-lose issue at a time when Scotts poll numbers are surging. His effusive praise of Corcoran for the courageous stand hes taken with all of those children who are all buriedŽ at the infamous Dozier School for Boys in north Florida allowed Nelson to look like someone willing to work with everybody for the greater good. Corcoran came across that way as well, just in case he decides to run for governor in 2018. Unless ƒ Corcoran decides to go after Scott for the GOP nomination. Say what? That speculation is gaining traction, given the Republican “eld for governor likely can be winnowed down to AdamŽ and Putnam.Ž As a senate candidate, though, Corcoran could be the darling of cost-cutters everywhere. He has stood in the legislative doorway to block Scotts favored programs for business and tourism incentives. Republicans consider Nelson vulnerable and will pour every nickel they can into the effort to unseat him. And Corcoran is amassing quite a reputation for changing the way business is done in Tallahassee. It wont be easy. Even though a lot has changed since Nelson swamped Connie Mack IV by 13 percentage points in 2012, and much of it hasnt been good for Democrats, he has made sure to shore up the homefront while in of“ce. He frequently returns to the state to touch base with voters and was a vocal advocate for congressional funding to combat the Zika virus and to address the environmental mess known last summer as the algae bloom. Just as Republicans will roll out the war chest to unseat Nelson, so Democrats likely will spend what it takes to keep an important seat from going into GOP hands. That brings us back to Corcorans invitation to Nelson. It was a sharp stick in the eye of the governor, one possibly designed to fuel the kind of speculation we have in this column. Corcoran, a crafty chap, undoubtedly knew that. He got his wish. But if his aim is to run against Nelson eventually, why give his rival the chance for free feelgood publicity? Because he could.Corcorans invite to Bill Nelson a stick in Rick Scotts eye Joe Henderson OUR VIEW LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name „ not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Sun Letters to the Editor, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. Readers may email Letters to the Editor at Further questions or information, call 941-681-3003. HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOREmail letters to letters@sun-herald.comPublisher „ Robert E. Lee Executive editor „ Jim Gouvellis Editorial page editor „ Stephen Baumann Commentary Editor „ John Hackworth V IEWPOINTOUR POSITION: Phony protectionsŽ cloud state solar development.Floridas electric utilities never liked a citizen initiative intended to encourage the development of independent rooftop solar installations, then spent millions to defeat it. They floated a scam alternative themselves. It didnt work. Last November, voters approved Amendment 4 by a three-one margin. This year, the task fell to the Legislature to pass enabling legislation along lines suggested by voters. Clear enough? Of course not. These things have a way of going awry in the halls of the Capitol. Just look at what happened to another constitutional amendment „ also overwhelmingly popular „ intended to set aside big bucks for land preservation. The Legislature hijacked that funding for other uses „ over the objections of proponents. Same old. This time around, it appears voter intent is being sidestepped with provisions inserted in the solar enabling bill that would make it harder for rooftop solar-installation companies to operate. Solar power proponents, again, are ballistic. As they should be. Under the guise of consumer protection,Ž the law creates hurdles that installation companies say will be difficult to overcome. The logical effect? Less rooftop solar. Less of what was intended when voters decided last fall to extend tax breaks to homeowners and businesses. And what was behind it? According to a recent story by the Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times Tallahasee Bureaus Mary Ellen Klas, the language in the bill (HB1351) proposed by Rep. Ray Rodrigues, R-Fort Myers, contains sections that include verbatim language supplied by Florida Power & Light.Ž Klas reviewed a document with draft legislation, labeled Attorney-Client Privileged Communication,Ž written by a legal assistant at FPLs parent company. It was sent to Rodrigues. His political committee also received a $15,000 contribution this year from FPL, and another $2,000 from Tampa Electric, according to the Herald/Times. The campaign donations came only a few weeks before Rodrigues filed his bill. Rodrigues defended his bill, telling Klas: I didnt take that language as it was given to me, and I didnt put it into the bill.Ž Except, there it was. He continued, The point of this is to implement the amendment and do it in a way that protects Floridas consumers „ thats my goal.Ž Or, at least, thats the way it appears. The bill „ with the solar and business-stifling requirements „ recently passed the House Ways and Means Committee. It will move forward, but, we hope, without this potentially disabling language. This is counterproductive to homegrown solar power development. It mocks the concept of voter intent.Rooftop solar shenanigans in Tallahassee


The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 C Our Town Page 19 As part of our longterm strategy to increase engagement with our residents, Charlotte County has begun streaming County Commission meetings on Facebook Live. In addition, meetings of the Planning and Zoning Board, Board of Zoning Appeals and Code Enforcement Special Magistrate are now available to watch live or later on our Facebook page, CharlotteCountyFlorida. Meetings of the commission and other boards have long been available live on CC-TV (Comcast channel 20 or 97, CenturyLink Prism channel 96) and via CC-TVs website www. cctv, where all content is also available on demand. Since 2015, CC-TV programming, including board meetings, has been available via the Charlotte County FL app on smartphones and internet-connected devices. Original CC-TV programming, such as our award-winning News You Can Use and Spotlight videos, is also available on the countys YouTube channel, www. charlottecounty. Facebook Live takes citizen engagement a step further, connecting directly with people via live comments. Its part of our Public Information Of“ces broader strategy, using social media, event appearances and traditional media, to reach people where they are and how they want to be engaged. Increasingly our residents get their information, entertainment and social interactions through online portals like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media platforms,Ž Communications Manager Brian Gleason said. We still depend on newspapers and television to reach people, but the immediacy and interactivity offered through social media adds another dimension to our outreach efforts.Ž More than 600 people viewed parts of the boards April 11 meeting on Facebook Live, either during the meeting or after it was saved to our Facebook page. We expect that number to grow as we spread the word about meeting streaming. We chose a soft launch last week to ensure any technical issues could be resolved if they arose. Everything went smoothly and were ready for liftoff. To watch our Facebook Live content, simply search for Charlotte County on Facebook. To receive noti“cations about when were about to go live, like our page. And tell your friends to like us, too. The more people we reach through social media, the more effective it is to use.Aviation programOf“cials from Western Michigan University welcomed county commissioners, county staff, of“cials from Florida SouthWestern State College and the Charlotte County Airport Authority, members of the business community and media to a gathering Friday at the Punta Gorda Airport to celebrate the imminent launch of WMUs aviation ”ight science program. While remodeling work is still underway at the programs airport hangar, everything is falling into place for the start of classes this fall, including the expected delivery soon of a ”ight simulator. The event included demonstration ”ights aboard the programs state-of-the-art Cirrus training planes, tours of the hangar and exchange of challenge coinsŽ between WMU and community leaders to mark the beginning of WMUs partnership with the Charlotte County community. For information, visit www.wmich. edu/puntagorda.Try transitLast week, the County Commission proclaimed April 21 Try Transit Day. As in past years, Charlotte County Transit rides are free that day and riders will receive a reusable shopping bag, a magnet with Transits contact information, a brochure and a packet of Transit trip vouchers, good for 12 individual trips or one weeks worth of trips, roundtrip. Charlotte County Transit has been promoting Try Transit all week, with scheduled visits to stores, hospitals, clinics and county facilities. For information or to reserve a ride, call 5754000 in Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte or 681-3796 in Englewood or visit, www.CharlotteCountyFL. gov and click Public Transportation.Getting AheadOur second class graduated from the Family Services Divisions Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin By World on April 6. Three participants and their families celebrated the successful completion of the 12-week Getting Ahead program in which participants examine their own experience of poverty and explore the issues in the community that impact them. In a safe learning environment, they investigate resources that will give them the tools they need to make a difference in their lives as they move toward economic security. The Human Services Departments theme Real People, Real Stories, Real InvestmentŽ conveys that its services have lifechanging impacts on people. In additional to helping clients access federal, state and local assistance, the division emphasizes self-suf“ciency programs like Getting Ahead.Basketball tourneysThe Punta Gorda/ Englewood Beach Visitor and Convention Bureau announced the June 2-4 dates for the U.S. Amateur Basketball Boys State Championship. Between 60-70 teams will compete at gyms throughout the county. The event is organized by the Florida Storm in partnership with U.S. Amateur Basketball. The tourism bureau is providing lodging assistance. The championship is the culmination of several tournaments held here, beginning last month with the Charlotte County Shootout March 24-26 and the Southwest Florida Easter Classic April 14-16. The action continues May 27-28 with the Southwest Florida Showcase for girls. A boys Southwest Florida Last Chance Quali“er for thirdthrough eighth-graders is scheduled simultaneously with the June championship. Admission for the April and May tournaments is $10 a day for adults, $5 for children over 6 years old and kids under 6 are free. Ticket prices for the June tournament will be announced soon. For information about the U.S. Amateur Basketball Boys State Championship, visit www.” Ray Sandrock is the Charlotte County administrator. Readers may reach him at Raymond.Sandrock@ meetings now on Facebook live Ray Sandrock VIEWPOINTThe Punta Gorda City Council will review a budget status report primarily focusing on the general fund, sanitation, and employee pay and classi“cation at its meeting today. Pertinent points include: € During the period Fiscal Year 2008…FY 2017, general fund personnel increased 6.8 percent while operating costs decreased 18.1 percent, resulting in an overall budgetary decrease of 0.2 percent for recurring operations. The city uses FY 2008 as a benchmark when the recession impacted Southwest Florida. € FY 2018 General Fund budget to-date, based on current levels of service, shows a surplus of $81,455 with no use of reserves and no funding of future drainage enhancements. Personnel and operating costs are projected at a 3.7 percent increase over FY 2017 at this point in time. € Estimated ending reserves (above the minimum 7.5 percent target and capital outlay needs) available for future years allocation are $2.1 million. € Two positions identi“ed for priority needs in FY 2018 include a geographic information systems technician and a part-time accountant to full-time status. € Proposal to increase annual lot mowing assessment by $5, from $160 to $165. € Proposal from United Way to increase citys allocation from $25,000 to $50,000 in concert with increase in funding from Charlotte County. € Continued assessment of sanitation service delivery method and whether to transition to semi-automated service with tippers and carts. To review the budget status report and public input suggestions, click on”.us/ government/city-clerk/ agendas-minutes. Other items on todays City Council agenda include: € Historic Home on West Retta „ Second public hearings on land use and zoning changes, as well as public hearing on a special exception to allow a restaurant at that location. € Marion/Maude Intersection „ Selection of enhanced signage for the area in effort to mitigate traf“c accidents. € Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing Program „ Consideration of permitting companies to install energy enhancements on homes in the city and be paid back through special assessment on tax bill. PACE allows property owners to use their equity to pay for energy ef“ciency, renewable energy and wind resistance home improvements and pay these costs back as a non-ad valorem assessment on the property tax bill for up to 25 years. Charlotte County approved the program in October 2016 for unincorporated areas of the county. € Charlotte County held its groundbreaking for the Western Michigan University hangar at Punta Gorda Airport. The School of Aviation will begin with approximately 50 students in the fall, and project that number will grow to 150 in the coming years. WMU has forged a partnership with Florida Southwestern to expand programs in other disciplines at the FSW Punta Gorda campus. Mayor Keesling spoke of the partnership and attributes WMU brings to the area. Council Members Prafke, Cummings and Mathews and I were in attendance. € Facebook Question of the Week „ Subscribe to us at CityOfPuntaGorda. West Marion/Maude Street Intersection „ At the April 5 City Council meeting, staff was directed to offer signage options to mitigate the high traf“c accident rate at the intersection of Marion Avenue at Maud Street. Staff has developed options that will be presented at todays City Council meeting that include typical roadside signs as well as the adopted way“nding signs. Which sign, Way“nding SignŽ or Highway Guide SignŽ do you feel would be most bene“cial to address the concerns in this area? Howard Kunik is the Punta Gorda city manager. His column appears Wednesdays. Readers may reach him at HKunik@ ci.punta-gorda.”.us.Punta Gorda City Council reviews budget Howard Kunik adno=54513660 Hospital & Adjustable Bed Packages $ 300 OFF Turn Key Package Bed € Mattress € Bed Rails ALL Li f t Chai r Recli ners 2, 3 & Infinite Position Models Custom Colors & Fabrics $ 200 OFF ANY Scoot er ALL PORTABLE OXYGEN CONCENTRATORS Walkers & Wheelchai rs $ 50 OFF 1180 Jacaranda Blvd. Veni ce € 9414972273 4265 Tami ami Trai l, Pt Charlott e € 9417436644 Town & Country Pl aza € 41S and Handcock € In with Publix, Pet Supermarket & West Marine *Must present thi s ad for di scounts. Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 9-3. Retai l Sal es Onl y. END OF SEASON BLOWOUT $ 150 OFF Lowest Prices of the Year...Shop NOW before you head back North! $ 300 OFF Thomas Quigley, M.D. Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Offer does not apply to Freedom and Optimum health plan participants. Coupon Expires 5/17/2017 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance plans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 20600 VETERANS BLVD., SUITE A PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 2529 TAMIAMI TRAIL PUNTA GORDA 941-639-2020 adno=50513099 formerly Eye Health 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT), ARCADIA 863-993-2020 Sightseeing Tours Fishing Charters 1996-2002 Fishermens Village Marina, Punta Gorda Cruises € Out island day trips to Cabbage Key, Cayo Costa, & Boca Grande € Half day cruises to Burnt Store and up the Peace River € Afternoon Harbor Tours € Sunset Cruises da ily 941-639-0969 Fishing € Back Bay Fishing in Charlotte Harbor € Deep Sea Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico adno=50512986 € Diabetic Care € Foot Pain € Foot Surgery € Heel Pain New Patients Welcome 941-613-1919 3191 Harbor Blvd. Unit D Port Charlotte, FL 33952 adno=50512825 COMPLETE FOOT CARE Dr. Michael Metyk Podiatric Surgery Joseph H. Farag, D.M.D. 3441 Conway Blvd, Port Charlotte (941) 764-9555 We Accept Most Insurances Bring Sexy Back! Bad Breath may be a sign you have periodontal disease Charlotte Countys Premier LANAP Provider Laser Gum Therapy Call For A Free Consultation! adno=50509611 Bethany L. Walden, Au. D Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Charlotte Hearing Center, Inc. Hearing Evaluations & Hearing Aids Since 1984Ž 766-8886 Most Major Brands Available 21216 Olean Blvd., Suite 4 Port Charlotte Across from AAA Bldg. adno=50512822 adno=50509533


Our Town Page 20 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSCHARLOTTE Michael DiffenderfferMichael Diffenderffer died Saturday, April 8, 2017. Arrangements are by Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home, Cemetery and Crematory, www. George HishmehNicola George Hishmeh, 85, of Port Charlotte, Florida, died Monday, April 17, 2017, at home. Arrangements are by Roberson Funeral Home, Port Charlotte Chapel.John L. HitzelJohn L. Hitzel, 79, of Port Charlotte, Florida, died Monday, April 17, 2017, at Bayfront Health-Port Charlotte. Arrangements are by Roberson Funeral Home & Crematory, Port Charlotte Chapel.Dorothy F. UptonDorothy F. Upton, born Feb. 26, 1938, died Saturday, April 15, 2017. Arrangements are by Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home, Cemetery and Crematory, www. were no deaths reported in Englewood Tuesday. NORTH PORTThere were no deaths reported in North Port Tuesday. DESOTOThere were no deaths reported in DeSoto Tuesday. OBITUARIES OBITUARY POLICY Obituaries are accepted from funeral homes only. Theres no charge for publishing an abbreviated death notice. Full obituaries and repeat death notices will be subject to an advertising charge. Obituaries must be received by 2 p.m. for Tuesday through Saturday publication. For Sunday through Monday publication deadline is 3 p.m. Friday. In Loving Memories must be received by 2 p.m. for Tuesday through Friday publication. For Saturday through Monday publication deadline is noon on Friday. The American ag accompanying an obituary indicates a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces. Please send emails to Pat Foster says shes always been a party girl. Ive always had so much fun planning a party with fun activities like square dancing or an outdoor pig roast,Ž she said. The Englewood resident spent eight months planning her big party last week to celebrate her 90th birthday. I had to make sure everything from the invitations to the actual celebration was special,Ž she said. After all, not many people get to celebrate being 90.Ž Well, not quite. Here in the Land of Perpetual Sunshine, we have a surprising number of nonagenarians. But what makes Pat Foster stand out from the rest is her can-do attitude and her constant activity level. Every day, regardless of weather, Pat can be found at yoga class on Englewood Beach. In the nine years that yoga class has been offered on the beach, Pat has been there every single day. I refuse to miss a day,Ž Pat said. It doesnt matter if its windy or cold or raining. It doesnt matter if its sweltering hot or if theres red tide. Nothing stops me from being here,Ž she said as she concluded another beach workout. She doesnt stop,Ž said yoga instructor Lata Coykendal. Pat Foster is not going to lay down and get old. She simply wont give up.Ž According to the instructor, some women 20 or 30 years younger than Pat say she is the one who keeps them going. Women have told me there are times when the weather is bad or they dont feel like going to class. But they know Pat will be there without excuses, and that helps rouse them to do the class,Ž Lata said. Pat is such an inspiration to me and to everyone in class.Ž Because of that and in recognition of her 90th birthday, Pat was called to the front of the class last week for a surprise presentation. Lata presented Pat with a lifetime achievement award and dozens of her yoga classmates waved 135 paper hearts in the air to express their fondness for her. I was touched that each one wrote a message to me on the back of the hearts,Ž Pat commented. With the toned body of a teenager, Pat is a walking advertisement for the bene“ts of staying active at every age. Nine years ago I was having back problems so I asked my doctor if I could do yoga. He said it would be the best thing for me and he was right,Ž Pat attested. She is “rm in saying two things keep her young „ attitude and activity. Staying active is the key to a better life,Ž she said, and Ive been an active person all my life.Ž To stay “t in later years she says she walked at least f5 miles every day then ran 800 stadium steps. Now, at 90, she says shes getting physical limitations that dont allow her to walk as she once did. But nothing interferes with doing yoga. Its good for my body and my mind,Ž she said. Yoga helps me move better and the morning class makes my day.Ž When her husband died, Pat said she had to reinvent her life by reaching out to others. When youre alone its important to stay involved and to create a social circle,Ž she said. I joined everything I could find and started volunteer work.Ž She still volunteers at St. Davids Jubilee Center and helps with the backpack program. She has a wide circle of friends and says she continues to regard each day of life as an adventure to be lived to the fullest. The important thing,Ž she advised, is dont stop. Keep moving. Keep doing and stay involved with others.Ž Pattie Mihalik is a regular columnist for the Sun. Contact her at 90, shes an inspiration to others Pattie Mihalik PHOTOS BY PATTIE MIHALIKPat Foster joins yoga instructor Lata Coykendal in completing a tree pose. During a special ceremony honoring Pat Foster on her 90th birthday, 135 hearts wave in the air as her classmates display their appreciation of her. At 90, Pat Foster displays the achievement award she received for her dedication to yoga and for inspiring others in the Englewood Beach yoga class.AARP Charlotte Chapter 80The AARP Charlotte Chapter 80 meets on the third Thursday of every month at 9 a.m. at the Royal Palm Retirement Center, 2500 Aaron St., Port Charlotte.The American Czech and Slovak Club of Southwest FloridaThe American Czech and Slovak Club of Southwest Florida was created to provide the residents of the Florida Gulf Coast of Czech and Slovak heritage with the opportunity to meet socially, promote good fellowship, encourage the exchange of cultural information, traditions and family histories. Meetings are held at 12:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month, from October through April, at The Family Table Restaurant, 14132 Tamiami Trail, North Port. For more information, call 941-286-3467 or email SocietyThe Peace River Audubon Society meetings are the third Thursday of each month, from September through May at First Alliance Church, 20444 Midway Blvd., Port Charlotte. For more information, call 863244-2652 or visit www. Star MothersSouthwest Florida Chapter 4 of the Blue Star Mothers of America meets at 9:30 a.m. the second Saturday of each month at the Sarasota American Red Cross building, 2001 Cantu Court, Sarasota. Light refreshments are served. Blue Star Mothers of America is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian and nonpolitical organization for mothers, grandmothers and stepmothers who have children serving in the armed forces. Associate members assist the chapter in supporting the mission of the Blue Star Mothers of America; any family member or friend may join. For more information or to join, visit www. floridabluestarmoms. com or email swfbluestarmothers@ Guard AuxiliaryThe auxiliary is the volunteer arm of the U.S. Coast Guard, and is a member of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The operational unit of the auxiliary is the Flotilla,Ž where Coast Guard policies and programs are transformed into action. For more information, go to www.coastguard or attend monthly meetings held on the second Tuesday of each month at 1949 Englewood Road (State Road 776).Charlotte County Woodcarvers/ SculptorsMeetings for the Charlotte County Woodcarvers/Sculptors, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the art of woodcarving and wood sculpture, are held from 8 a.m. to noon every Tuesday at 802 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. The public is invited to visit and see what the club is all about. For more information, call 941-875-9244.Citizens Climate LobbyMeetings for the Port Charlotte/Punta Gorda chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby are held from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce, 252 W. Marion Ave. Citizens Climate Lobby is a volunteer organization with a mission to create the political will for a stable climate. Newcomers are welcome. For more information go to http:// citizensclimatelobby. org, call 941-627-8053 and/or email GroupThe Charlotte County Computer Group meets at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the Cultural Center of Charlotte County, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte. The club will host programs or guest speakers each month with time allowed for computer questions. Members and guests are welcome. For more information, call 941-585-0356.Disabled American VeteransMeetings for the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 82 are at 4 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month at the American Legion Post 110, 3152 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte. All veterans are urged to attend. For more information, call 941-629-2833.Merchant Marine VeteransMeetings for the MacAlvanah Chapter Merchant Marine at 11:30 a.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the AMVETS Post 312, 7050 Chancellor Blvd., North Port. All Merchant Mariners are invited to attend and new members are welcome. For more information, contact Chapter president Pete Gannon at 248-770-4680.FloridiansThe Floridians is a civic-minded social organization meeting monthly, September through May, at 9:30 a.m. for coffee and meeting at 10 a.m., on the third Tuesday of the month at St. James Episcopal Church, 1365 Viscaya Drive, Port Charlotte. Members are women who came to the area at varying stages of their lives and enjoy exploring the community in the company of others who have experienced similar relocations. Group activities include visits to area cultural events, concerts and local attractions. The club also raises money to donate to local charities. For more information, call 941-629-3023. CLUB NEWS adno=50513445 TAYLOR FUNERAL and Cremation Services L a r r y € Now Available to you 24 hrs A Day At Your Convenience Old Fashioned Service at a Price You Can Afford A sk Larry: What is a meaningful cremation? Call us and we will send you a free brochure on how to create a Meaningful Cremation Tribute. We believe in giving straight answers to your questions. Nobody likes unexpected surprises. 1515 Tamiami Trl, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (941) 833-0600 2002-2016 in association with FL Pre-Planning Alliance & Fort Myers Memorial Funeral Home Limited Time Offer 27200 Jones Loop Rd., Punta Gorda (941) 621-6615 SIMPLE CREMATION PRE-ARRANGEMENT OFFER FOR $ 1495 00 EA. R OYAL P ALM M EMORIAL G ARDENS adno=50513352 Urn Not Included


The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 C Our Town Page 21 Venice 4238 S. Tamiami Trail € Behind Outback near Books-A-Million (941)451-5070 Port Charlotte 1655 Tamiami Trail € Murdock Medical Park across from Taco Bell (941)623-4918 a dno=50512850


Our Town Page 22 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 LOCAL SPORTS Contact usJordan Kroeger € Staff writer or 941-206-1185 Bryan Levine € Staff writer or 941-206-1122 Rick Nolte € Sports editor or 941-206-1175 EMAIL: FAX: 941-629-2085 SunCoast Sports NowWhen news breaks, we blog it at www.suncoast Like us and share our photos on Facebook: SunCoastSports Follow us on Twitter for live updates and breaking news: @SunCoastSports How to ƒSubmit a story idea: Email or call Rick Nolte at 941-206-1175. Must contain name, address and number. Report a high school result: Call 877-818-6204 or 941-206-1175. To report an error: Call the sports department at 941-206-1175 or email PORT CHARLOTTE „ Port Charlotte junior Alexis Carpenter kept the DeSoto County Bulldogs off balance while her teammates tried to solve the mystery of the hard throwing Bulldog junior Hannah England. Eventually, the Bulldogs got the key hits that they were missing earlier in the game and scored six times in the sixth inning before holding off the Pirates for an 8-3 win. Carpenter was in more jams than a judge at a county fair, but managed to keep the Bulldogs off the board through the “rst four innings. I guess it was just luck that kept them from scoring in the “rst four innings. I wish I had some fancy pitch to throw to get them out but I didnt. Still, it was one of my best games this season,Ž Carpenter said. The Bulldogs left eight runners on base through the “rst four innings, including six in scoring position. Even when they “nally scored in the “fth they left the bases loaded for the third straight inning. All 11 of the games runs came in the “nal three innings. Thats what weve been telling our pitchers all year. If youre facing a good hitting team, why do we throw our speed pitcher out there? Thats what theyve seen all year so why not give them something different to look at?Ž Port Charlotte coach Ryann Baker said. It took (DeSoto) longer to adjust to her this time than it did the “rst game that we played them. All we want (Carpenter) to do is throw strikes and let our defense play behind her.Ž Carpenter was pulled from the mound after issuing her “fth and sixth walks of the game to open the “fth inning. She allowed only three hits in four innings, but the plate was dancing for her as she struggled to “nd the strike zone. Carpenter hit two batters and walked seven (she re-entered to pitch in the sixth inning). Seaaira Yiengst gave up a single on her “rst pitch to load the bases with no outs. A high hopper back to Yiengst forced her to jump for the ball and she landed on her sprained ankle from her previous game. Yiengst was unable to make the play at the plate as the Bulldogs broke the stalemate. DeSoto County scored six times in the sixth as the leadoff hitter again reached base on a free pass. Dekoda Johnson, who was left stranded on third base after a one out triple in the “rst inning, hit a one hopper off the left “eld fence to score a run. Johnson scored on a wild pitch as the Bulldogs put together two doubles and three walks along with two costly Pirate errors to give them a 7-0 lead going into the bottom of the sixth. Taylor Innello started the sixth inning rally with her second single. Innello was the only Pirate to get on base in a 15-batter span. England had retired 17 straight hitters without a ball leaving the in“eld, including “ve ground balls back to the circle and three of them in a row. Innello was sacri“ced to third as a late throw across the diamond put the “rst Pirate in scoring position since the “rst inning. Jaiden Dabney was plunked by a fastball to put runners on the corners. Julie Klein then grounded out to score Innello. Brittany Ferrentino doubled in Dabney and later scored on a base hit by Alyssa Allred.DESOTO COUNTY 8, PORT CHARLOTTE 3DeSoto County 000 016 1 „ 8 7 1 Port Charlotte 000 003 0 „ 3 7 4 WP: England. LP: Carpenter. Leading hitters: (PC) Brittany Ferrentino 2-3, R, 1 RBI; Jaiden Dabney 2-3, R; Taylor Innello 2-3 R; (DC) Hannah England 3-5, 2 2B R; Dekoda Johnson 2-5, 3B, 2B, R, RBI.Pirates cant hold off BulldogsBy STEVE MCKAYSPORTS WRITER PREP SOFTBALL: DeSoto County 8, Port Charlotte 3 Pirates starting pitcher Alexis Carpenter took the loss against DeSoto County Monday night at Port Charlotte High School.SUN PHOTOS BY CHRIS BLAKEPort Charlottes Alyssa Allred is safe at third base after beating the throw to DeSoto Countys Breanne Tew during Monday nights game at Port Charlotte High School. PREP FOOTBALL: Port CharlottePORT CHARLOTTE „ Christine Burkhart has stepped down as Port Charlotte High School volleyball coach, athletic director Bob Bruglio told the Sun earlier this week. Burkhart, who plans to remain on the coaching staff as an assistant, will be replaced by Kevin Krause. She actually was the one that initiated this,Ž Bruglio said. Hes already proven to be a phenomenal coach. Hes very knowledgeable of the game. The kids get him and understand him, I think hes going to be a phenomenal asset for our school.Ž Krause is no stranger to area volleyball. Hes been coaching for 28 years. He and his wife, Charlene, are also directors of a volleyball club called Jellys. Krause has coached many of the girls on his new team with the Jellys, including: Kaelyn Griffiths, McKenzie Stewart, Celia Baermann, Zoie Burkhart and Kiersten Tisdale. As far as high school coaching goes, Krause was most recently with Gulf Coast HEAT, a home-school team, where he averaged between 16 and 18 winsŽ over the last four years. Krause and Burkhart know each other well, and it was Burkhart who suggested Krause for the position. That helps out so much,Ž Krause said of having Burkhart on his coaching staff. She was able to do the schedule for me. Shes just familiar with the way everything works over there. I love the fact that shes staying on. I think its great.Ž While with Gulf Coast HEAT, Krause didnt have the largest of pools to choose from for kids, which should make coaching at Port Charlotte less of a challenge. Krauses daughter, Macenzie, will be playing for the Pirates in her upcoming senior season. His older daughter, Courtney, just recently graduated and accepted a scholarship to play volleyball at Southeastern University. Contact Bryan Levine at blevine@sun-herald. com.Coaching change at Port CharlotteBy BRYAN LEVINESPORTS WRITER PHOTO PROVIDEDPort Charlotte coach Kevin Krause is already sporting his new teams gear.


The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 C Our Town Page 23 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS TODAYWoodcarving, Woodcarving and Woodburning every Wed. 8am to 12pm at the Cultural Center. Come and have fun. Bev 764-6452 Kayak Alligator Creek, 8:30AM-1PM, Burnt Store Road, (304) 642-8851 TOPS Club, Affordable supportive weight loss 8:45-10:30, S PG Hgts Civic 11200 1ST Av Punta Gorda $4/M $32/Y Fran 941-347-8151 Project Linus, Have fun crochet knit quilt blankets for Charlotte County kids 9-11am New Day Church 20212 Peachland Blvd Nancy 627-4364 Stamp Corner, 9-12:30p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Free have your stamps appraised, some for sell. Donations welcomed. Parks that Teach, Master Gardeners lead a tour on Punta Gorda Pathways 9:30am to 11:00am From Fishermans Village lot 764-4352 Deep Creek Elks, Lodge Opens @10. Lunch 11-2:30. Judis Drink Special Havana CocktailŽ. Reservations for Friday & Saturday 941-249-8067. Stretch N Balance, 1 hr Chinese Stretch n Balance (Dao Yin) every Wed 10AM $8 PGICA Punta Gorda 2001 Shreve St. 407.923.8310 Richard Curtis Am Leg 110 Bingo, Early Birds 10:30 Hot Ball, specials. Am Legion Riders … Open to the public Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd PC 941-6291645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 Karaoke by Billy G, Q Hearts 7:30pm Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-10:30 Karaoke w/Wam @ 25538 Shore, PG 637-2606;members & guests Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 Wings & Things!, Breaded Naked Boneless@American Legion 103 Fish Bites/Sliders & More! 12-4pm Open to Public! 2101Taylor Rd. PG 639…6337 Auxiliary Bingo, Post 113, Rotonda W, Every 3rd Wed...Starts 12:30 strips Post 697-3616 info. Open to Public! Cribbage, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 12:45pm-4p $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Port Charlotte Elks, Game Night/Queen of Hearts 7PM, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Members /Guests, 1700 Tamiami Tr F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 PG Garden Club MTG, 4/19/17, 1-3 pm, 1st U. Methodist Church, 507 W. Marion Ave, PG. Speaker: Ralph Mitchell,ŽPollinators.Ž 941-916-9578 Karaoke, 1:45p-3:45p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St., Come listen and/or share your singing talents., $1 or free if you buy lunch. PC Kayakers, Mtg every Weds 5PM Higgs Park, 21400 Higgs Dr, PC to pick next paddling site for Sunday morning. ??-941-627-1004. Double Deck Pinochle, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 5:30-8:30p $2.25. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free., Everyone welcomed 625-4175. BUNCO, GFWC clubhouse,20271 Tappan Zee, 6:30. PRIZES, Fun, Non-mem.welcome.$10 donation.856-217-4148 Square Dance, 7p-9p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Come have lots of fun dancing the night away. Everyone welcome $5 per person. THURSDAY Murdock Rotary, Club meets Thurs 7:15am weekly at Perkins, 1700 Tamiami Trl. Friendliest club in SWFL. Call 941-624-2353 for info Footprints Wildlife, 8:30AM-11AM, Footprints Park, 941-639-7468 Crafty Ladies, Handcrafted items every Thursday 9-11:30am (except holidays). Oaks Cove, Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-5533 Deep Creek Elks, Opens @10. Light lunch @11.Judis Drink Special La BombaŽ. Business Meeting @7. Reservations for Fri & Sat 941-249-8067 Eagles, Eagles 2311 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 music Eddie & the Edsels FC Senior Fellowship, Fellowship Church Seniors meet the 3rd Thurs of the month for lunch & fellowship @New Worship Center @11am 475-7447 Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 11am Elkette Luncheon; 3pm Tiki; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-8:30 Charity Bar Bingo @ 25538 Shore, PG 637-2606;mbrs&gsts Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:20am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 Punta Gorda Rotary, Meets weekly at Isles Yacht Club, 1780 W Marion A ve Punta Gorda Fl Singer Paul Roush, Singer Paul Roush performs live music, 12 Noon-3 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Ingroov Big Band, 2-4pm $2.00 Admission, Everyone welcomed. Port Charlotte Elks, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 3 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Audubon Meeting, EVERYONE WELCOME Developments in Babcock Village with Al DiNicola 6:30 -9:00PM 863-244-2652 First Alliance Church Quarter Auction Fun, 4/20 6:30pm 941 629-0999 Fun Event For Charity! Local Vendors auction off new items for 1-4 quarters per bid! Prism Concert, PCHS Band students present PRISM Concert. FREE! Thurs. 4/20/17 at 7:15p. PCHS gym. Contact 941-286-3722 for info! FRIDAY Tops Club takeoff #s, 8am to 10 am at Edgewater UMC 19190 Cochran Blvd, call 941-2582610(Hope) $32 annual, $5 monthly Project Linus, Have fun crochet knit quilt blankets for Charlotte County kids FGCU Herald Court Punta Gordo 9-11am Nancy 627-4364 Quarter Bingo, Cultural Center 10a-10:45a 2280 Aaron St. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. QiGong vs TaiChi, Theory & practice QiGong N TaiChi Whats the difference? Instr.Richard Curtis 407.923.8310 PGICA Fri.10-11am $9 Eagles, Eagles 2311 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 music It Takes Two Bingo, Cultural Center 10:45a3:30p 2280 Aaron St. Game Packs start at $13. Over 25 games with payouts up to $250 625-4175. Deep Creek Elks, Open @11. Dinner 5-8. Prime Rib,fish. Music Escape. Reserve 249-8067. Fund Raiser Sunday 12-4. Heart Transplant Victim. Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-9:30 Music by Sensations @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606;members & guests Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 Danny Beach, Singer Danny Beach performs 12 noon-3 pm in center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Alzheimers Support, Third Friday of every month at 1pm. Meet & discuss common challenges. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 828-1223 Port Charlotte Elks, BOGO Happy Hour 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 American Legion 103, OPEN TO PUBLIC! Meatloaf Dinner or Fish/Shrimp 5-7 Music & Dancing 6-9pm 2101 Taylor Rd PG 639-6337 Singer Paul Roush, Singer Paul Roush performs live music, 5-9 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Friday Night Dance, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 7p-10p $10 Full cash bar live entertainment. Band info at 625-4175 SATURDAY Trail Run 5K & 10K, Come enjoy the beautiful scenery while testing your skill and stamina in a 5k or 10k race. Race proceeds benefit school. PCHS Band Car Wash, Support The Pride,Ž 9 to 2, Charlotte State Bank & Trust Peachland office, 24163 Peachland Blvd., PC. 627-0038 FREE Tai Chi, Want serenity, balance, peace? FREE Taichi n qigong w/Richard or Mary Sat @ 9:30AM in Gilchrist Park call 407-923-8310 Deep Creek Elks, Open @10. Dinner 5-8. Filet, Seafood & more., Music by Heart-n-Soul. Reservations 941-249-8067. Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd PC 941-6291645 dinner 5-7 Bingo 1-4 Billy G Quarter Bingo, Cultural Center 10a-10:45a 2280 Aaron St. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Bingo, Cultural Center 10:45a-3:30p 2280 Aaron St Game Packs start at $13. Over 25 games with payouts up to $250 625-4175. Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki; 5-8 Dinner; 6pm QnHrts; 6:30-9:30 Music by Three of a Kind @ 25538 Shore, PG,637-2606;mbrs&gsts Pinochle, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 1p-3p $1.50. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Port Charlotte Elks, Entertainment by Nick Dattilo 6-9, Steak Night $12, Members/Guests, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Charlotte Chorale:, April 22, 4PM, Made in American, Music by American Comp.. Led by Dr. Dederer, At CPAC in P.G., Tickets call: 941-204-0033 Earth Day 2017!, Earth Day 2017!, FREE class to benefit CHEC, 4-5:30pm, DONATION, CHEC, 10941 Burnt Store Rd, Punta Gorda, FL, 941-505-9642 Yard Dog Charlie, Yard Dog Charlie performs live music with a Cajun flair, 5-9 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 SUNDAY Punta Gorda Elks, 8-12 Breakfast; 12pm Bar&Tiki open; 2-5 Wings &Rings&OtherThings;Music by Two Can Jam@25538 Shore, PG 637-2606;mbrs&gsts Farmers Market, History Park Farmers Market open every Sunday 9am-2pm, 501 Shreve St., between Virginia Ave. & Henry St. 941-639-1887 Chess Club, 11a-3p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Deep Creek Elks, Benefit for Crystal Freeman(Heart transplant fund).12-4.$10.Spaghetti/ meatballs.Public welcome. Music EscapeŽ.249-8067 Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd, PC 941-629-1645 Funday/w Linda., NASCAR, ,Pool Table, Port Charlotte Elks, Charity Bingo Doors Open 12 Noon, Members & Guests, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Garden Tour, Guided tour of gardens at History Park, 501 Shreve St., PG, 2pm, $5 suggested donation; Q&A.. Holocaust Service, Harry & Emmy Loeb Community Holocaust Day of Remembrance Service. 3pm 23190 Utica Ave Port Charlotte, FL 33980 FC BLAST KIDS, BLAST Middle School Youth Group meets Sun. 5-7pm@140 Rot. Blvd. W. Join us for fun, food, games & Bible Study. 475-7447 MONDAY Kayak Myrtle Slough, 9AM-1PM, Washington Loop Road, 941-505-8904 Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2pm dinner 5-8 Trustee Meet 10am Genealogy Workshops, Free Workshop, DNA Q&A. Mid-County Library, 10:30 am, April 24. Public Welcome, 941 625-0867 for info. Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch;3pm Tiki;4-7 Music/Michael Hirst;4:30-7:30 ChickenNite;7-10:30Karaoke/ BillyG@25538ShorePG6372606;mbrs&gsts Leslie DaCosta, Dixieland Jazz by Leslie DaCosta 12 Noon-3 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Fun with Music, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 1p-3:30p. Come dance with friends to live music. Musicians always welcomed $2. 625-4175. Port Charlotte Elks, Monday Discount Day, Enjoy visiting with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Genealogy Workshops, Free Workshop, Season Round-up: Q&A. Mid-County Library, 1:30 pm, April 24. Public Welcome, 941 625-0867 for info. Women Who Care CC, Apr 24, 5-6:30, 120 Laishley Ct, Forming alliance of busy women who want to make a difference locally. Visit us on FB Bar Bingo…Am Leg 110, Bar Bingo … Specials, Hot Ball … Open to Public … Starts at 6:00 Monday Night Dance, $7. Cultural Center 7p-10p Full Cash Bar Live Entertainment, Band info at 625-4175 2280 Aaron St. PCHS Band Concert, PCHS Band Spring Concert at Murdock Baptist Church 7pm! Wind Orchestra & Symphonic Band. (941)286-3722. TUESDAY Charlotte Carvers, All kinds of Wood carving 8-12noon, Punta Gorda Boat Club, W Retta Esplanade. All welcome to visit & enjoy Blood Press Check, 9a-11a Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Licensed RN is available for free Blood Pressure Check 625-4175. Dulcimer Music, 9a-11a Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Listen and play as the Dulcimer Group plays 625-4175. All welcomed. Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2pm dinner 5-8 come Jam with Ambush Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch;2-6 Tiki/Music/ BlackVelvet;2-5 WingsRingsO/ T;6pmElketteBdMtg;7pm ElketteGenMtg@25538 Shore, PG 637-2606;mbrs&gsts Chess Club, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 12p-4p $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Singer Jim Daniels, Live music by singer Jim Daniels 12 Noon-3 pm near the Coffee Cafe at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 BARBERSHOP REHEARSAL, Barbershop Chorus rehearsal every Tues, 7-9:30pm, Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, 11330 Burnt Store Rd PG. 625-1128. American Legion 103, PUBLIC WELCOMED! Auxiliary Bar Bingo 6-9. Big Pots & Great Fun! 2101 Taylor Rd. PG 639-6337 WEDNESDAY, April 26 Woodcarving, Woodcarving and Woodburning every Wed. 8am to 12pm at the Cultural Center. Come and have fun. Bev 764-6452 TOPS Club, Affordable supportive weight loss 8:45-10:30, S PG Hgts Civic 11200 1ST Av Punta Gorda $4/M $32/Y Fran 941-347-8151 Stamp Corner, 9-12:30p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Free have your stamps appraised, some for sell. Donations welcomed. Am Leg 110 Bingo, Early Birds 10:30 Hot Ball, specials. Am Legion Riders … Open to the public Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 Karaoke by Billy G, Q Hearts 7:30pm Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-10:30pm Karaoke with WAM @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606; members & guests Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Wings & Things!, Breaded Naked Boneless@American Legion 103 Fish Bites/Sliders & More! 12-4pm Open to Public! 2101Taylor Rd. PG 639…6337 Cribbage, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 12:45pm-4p $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Karaoke, 1:45p-3:45p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St., Come listen and/or share your singing talents., $1 or free if you buy lunch. Food for the Soul, Wed evenings. Bible study 4:30. Dinner 5:30. Activities for all ages 6-7:30. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 Double Deck Pinochle, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 5:30-8:30p $2.25. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free., Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Square Dance, 7p-9p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Come have lots of fun dancing the night away. Everyone welcome $5 per person. THURSDAY, April 27 Murdock Rotary, Club meets Thurs 7:15am weekly at Perkins, 1700 Tamiami Trl. Friendliest club in SWFL. Call 941-624-2353 for info Eagles, Eagles 2311 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 music Eddie & the Edsels Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-8:30 Charity Bar Bingo @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606; members & guests Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606 Singer Chris G, Singer Chris G performs 12 Noon-3 pm center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 CAAAB Meeting, Charlotte County Community Agency Action Advisory Board. Regular agenda meeting. 9441.833.6502 FRIDAY, April 28 Tops Club takeoff #s, 8am to 10 am at Edgewater UMC 19190 Cochran Blvd, call 941-2582610(Hope) $32 annual, $5 monthly Quarter Bingo, Cultural Center 10a-10:45a 2280 Aaron St. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Eagles, Eagles 2311 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 music by Ambush Bingo, Cultural Center 10:45a-3:30p 2280 Aaron St Game Packs start at $13. Over 25 games with payouts up to $250 625-4175. Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 Movie Hidden Figures, Free Movie: Hidden Figures, 1 pm, 4/28, FGCU-Punta Gorda, 117 Herald Ct, Punta Gorda American Legion 103, OPEN TO PUBLIC! Salisbury Steak Dinner or Fish/Shrimp 5-7 Music & Dancing 6-9 2101 Taylor Rd PG 639-6337 George Voss Duo, Smooth Jazz featuring the George Voss Duo, 5-9 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Friday Night Dance, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 7p-10p $10 Full cash bar live entertainment. Band info at 625-4175 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Wednesday, 4/19/2017, The Charlotte Chorale Concert, The Charlotte Chorale Presents: Made in AmericaŽ Music by American Composers through the Centuries. Presented by Artistic Director, Dr. William Dederer, and 70 voices. Concert: April 22, 4pm, CPAC 701 Carmalita St., Punta Gorda. For tickets: 941-204-0033, Adults $20, Students $10. Asteroid Viewing, Watch as Asteroid 2014 JO25 passes Earth tonight. FSW Moore Observatory opens at 9pm for free public viewing until 2:00 AM at 26300 Airport Road, PG. See for asteroid info. Passes at 4 times lunar distance. Multiple telescopes available for use or bring your own. Info 941-769-1441 Featured EventsPAID ADVERTISEMENTS The Community Calendar items are entered by the event organizers and are run as submitted.Ž To submit an item, go to www.yoursun. com, select an edition and click on the Community CalendarŽ link on the left. Click Submit Event,Ž and fill out the appropriate information. 941-955-0360 FREE Skin Screenings in May*Call your nearest location for FREE screening dates and times in May*Free screenings are for new patients, by appointment only adno=50513360


Our Town Page 24 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS Charlotte County Habitat for Humanity hosted the Apostles Build 2017 Monday morning for Summer Spencer at her new Port Charlotte residence. Spencer received an outpouring of gifts donated by local organizations, groups, businesses and churches, which are given to every Habitat homeowner at each dedication. A luncheon was provided by the participating churches following the dedication. Apostles Build churches involved with Spencers home were Burnt Store Presbyterian, Deep Creek Community, Edgewater United Methodist, Faithlife, First United Methodist, Gulf Cove United Methodist, Lighthouse United Methodist, Pilgrim United, St. Andrews Episcopal and St. James Episcopal. Habitat for Humanity hosts Apostles Build Ron Klein, representing Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, left, and Trish Bellois, senior director of operations for Habitat Mike Manseld, right, chief executive ocer for Charlotte County Habitat for Humanity, and Summer Spencer Jan Nick, development coordinator for Habitat, left, and Summer Spencer Don Turpin, representing Parkside Neighborhood Watch Zone 4 and Home Depot, with homeowner Summer Spencer SUN PHOTOS BY TAMI GARCIAGabrielle Reineck, right, senior director of outreach for Habitat, and homeowner Summer Spencer. Pastor Dan Prine, Edgewater United Methodist Church Pastor Rich Webb, Faithlife Church and Habitat board member New Habitat homeowner Summer Spencer Pastor Ken Ewing, Pilgrim United Church of Christ Father Douglas Remer, St. Andrews Episcopal Church, and Summer Spencer Pastor Matt Williams, Lighthouse United Methodist Church, center, provides a closing prayer, while placing his hand on the shoulder of Summer Spencer. Ron Klein, left, representing Burnt Store Presbyterian Church and his wife Annemarie, far right, with homeowner Summer Spencer. Debbie Gyger, right, family services coordinator for Habitat, and Summer Spencer Deputy Jose Ortiz-Cruz, of the Charlotte County Sheris Oce and Charlotte County Inmate Plant Program, hugs homeowner Summer Spencer. Kathleen Hudson, representing Episcopal Church Women of St. James Episcopal Church, left, presents a gift basket to Summer Spencer. Hasan Hammami, former director at Procter & Gamble, prepares to hand a gift basket lled with various items from P&G to new homeowner Summer Spencer.


by President Obama and left intact by Trump. Montes had left his wallet in a friends car, so he couldnt produce his ID or proof of his DACA status and was told by agents he couldnt retrieve them. Within three hours, he was back in Mexico, becoming the “rst undocumented immigrant with active DACA status deported by the Federal agents ignored President Trumps pledge to protect from deportation undocumented immigrants brought to the USA as children by sending a young man back to his native Mexico, the “rst such documented case, a USA TODAY examination of the new administrations immigration policies shows.After spending an evening with his girlfriend in Calexico, Calif., on Feb. 17, Juan Manuel Montes, 23, who has lived in the USA since age 9, grabbed a bite and was waiting for a ride when a U.S. Customs and Border Protection ocer approached and started asking questions. Montes was twice granted deportation protections under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) createdUSA TODAY EXCLUSIVEDREAMer is “rst to be deported under TrumpPresident had said immigrants like him shouldnt be very worried DAVID AGREN FOR USA TODAYJuan Manuel Montes, 23, had been protected from deportation twice under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program created by President Obama. He was deported to Mexico on Feb.17. Alan Gomez and David Agrenl USA TODAY v STORY CONTINUES ON 2BJuan Manuel Montes left his wallet in a friends car, so he couldnt produce his ID or proof of his DACA status and was told by agents he couldnt retrieve them. Within three hours, he was back in Mexico. WASHINGTONMany vulnerable Senate Democrats saw their campaign donations soar during the “rst three months of the year as they raced to demonstrate early “nancial strength ahead of the 2018 battle for the Senate. The 10 Democratic incumbents up for re-election in states carried by President Trump collectively raised nearly $19 million from Jan. 1 to March 31, more than twice what they collected during the comparable period of their last Senate campaigns, a USA TODAY tally of newly released “gures shows. There will be no shortage of money on the Republican side, either. The National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee raised $7 million in March alone, its highest monthly haul in a non-election year, party of“cials said. And new Federal Election Commission “lings show that several House Republicans considering bids against vulnerable Senate Democrats have assembled massive war chests in the years “rst three months. Nathan Gonzales, who tracks Senate races as editor of the non-partisan newsletter Inside Elections said the surge in fundraising underscores the power of incumbents to raise money and the energy of liberal donors in the Trump era. If you are a Democrat and you are not raising a lot of money right now, theres something wrong with you,Ž Gonzales said, noting the record sums ”owing into a Georgia House race to back Democrat Jon Osso, a 30-year-old political novice competing in a special election Tuesday. Democratic donors and Democrats in general are itching for the next “ght.Ž The review of fundraising “gures shows six of the 10 Senate Democrats seeking re-election in Trump territory raised at least $2 million in the “rst quarter.Leading the pack: Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, whose state backed Trump by double digits over Democrat Hillary Clinton in November. McCaskill raised $2.8 million in the “rst quarter of the year, far outpacFredreka Schouten@fschouten USA TODAY GOP sees asurge in donations, too, as the big-money battle lines are drawn for midterm electionsv STORY CONTINUES ON 2BVulnerable Senate Democrats rake in cash for 2018$2.8MSen. Claire McCaskill, Mo. USA TODAY USA TODAYLeading the Dems chargeAP$2.7MSen. Bob Casey, Pa.$2.4MSen. Sherrod Brown, Ohio*See more IN NEWS 04.19.17 U S A S NA P S H O T S H i gh e r p ot s al esN O TE U SA accounted for 87% of spending SOU R C E Arcview M arket ResearchMICHAEL B. SMITH AND PAUL TRAP USA TODA Y $6. 7 billi o n o n l eg al m ari ju ana p r o d ucts in 2016, up 34% f r om 2015. N o r t h A me ri c an c o n sume r s spe n t CHRISTINE LAGARDE BY STEPHEN JAFFE, EPAIMF boosts global economic forecast IN MONEY TVReview: Third season of Fargo is a winnerMARY ELIZABETH WINSTEAD, EWAN MCGREGOR BY FX IN LIFE This is an edition o f USA TODAY p rovided f or yo u r local news p a p er. An ex p anded version o f USA TODAY is available at newsstands or by s u bscri p tion, and at u m John Glenn honored with launch of space station supply ship THE WIRE adno=50513278 EXCITING NEW TECHNOLOGY € FREE Hearing Aid Demonstration € Easy Budget Plans € 0% Interest for 1 Year Powered by Starkey Hearing Technologies HEAR BETTER IN NOISE! La Playa Plaza, 2811 Tamiami Trail, Ste. H, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Ted Fonfara, HAS 941-629-8808 BOGO HA LO MSRP HA LO WIRELESS MADE FOR iPHONE TECHNOLOGY Limited Time Offer Expires 4/30/2017


Page 2 The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 PRESIDENTAND PUBLISHERJohn ZidichEDITOR IN CHIEFJoanne LipmanCHIEF REVENUE OFFICERKevin Gentzel 7950 Jones Branch Dr., McLean, Va. 22108, 703-854-3400 Published by Gannett The local edition of USA TODAYis published daily in partnership with Gannett Newspapers Advertising: All advertising published in USA TODAYis subject to the current rate card; copies available from the advertising department. USA TODAYmay in its sole discretion edit, classify, reject or cancel at any time any advertising submitted. National, Regional: 703-854-3400 Reprint permission, copies of articles, glossy reprints: or call 212-221-9595 USA TODAYis a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to other news services. USA TODAY, its logo and associated graphics are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. USA TODAYis committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones at 800-8727073 or e-mail Please indicate whether youre responding to content online or in the newspaper. Corrections & Clarifications with them. By contrast, just nine Senate Republicans are up for reelection in 2018, including one in aspecial election in deep-red Alabama. Nevada Sen. Dean Heller is the only Republican incumbent who represents a state Clinton won in last years election. Democrats face an overextended map,Ž said Kyle Kondik, who analyzes federal races at the University of Virginias Center for Politics. But midterm forces often break against the presidents party.Ž Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, facing a possible generalelection rematch against Republican state Treasurer Josh Mandel, has collected $2.4 million in the “rst quarter, a sharp climb from the $1.3 million he had collected at this point in the 2012 election. Brown started April with $5million in available cash. The Brown-Mandel showdown in 2012 was one of the most expensive Senate races that year. Outside groups spent about $20million, most of it unsuccessfully targeting Brown for defeat, according to a tally by the nonpro“t Center for Responsive Politics. We fully expect that to happen again,Ž said Justin Barasky, Browns campaign manager. Our strong “rst quarter numbers prove Ohioans are eager to reelect Sherrod and strongly support his “ght for working families across our state.Ž Mandels team said he raised nearly $1.5 million through several fundraising organizations and had more than $2.4 million in those bank accounts. In a statement about the early fundraising, Mandel said dedicated conservatives ƒ understand the importance of our “ght.Ž Mandel could face a primary challenge from a well-funded Republican: nine-term Ohio Rep. Pat Tiberi, who started April with $6.3 million in the bank, according to a campaign “nance report “led over the weekend. West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin reported the lowest fundraising among the 10 Democrats seeking re-election in Trumpwon states. Manchin took in a modest $556,198 in the “rst ing the $1.1 million she had collected at this point six years ago.McCaskill also started April with a sizable stockpile of $3 million in available campaign money. But newly “led Federal Election Commission reports show that a possible McCaskill challenger, Republican Rep. Ann Wagner, had amassed a $2.8 million war chest. Republicans have a 52-48 maj ority in the Senate. Democrats face an enormous challenge in retaining the seats they now have, much less picking up the three GOP seats they would need to seize the majority. Of the 34 seats up in 2018, 25 are held by Democrats and the two independents who caucus quarter, roughly $27,000 more than he raised at this point six years ago. But Kondik noted that Manchin, a former governor, has widespread name recognition in West Virginia. Its also a small state with few expensive media markets that would drive up television advertising costs for candidates. Incumbents such as Manchin are going to have more than enough money to get their message out,Ž Gonzales said. If Joe Manchin loses, its not going to be because he didnt have enough money. It will be because his state is so Republican now.Ž In 2012, the last time Manchin was on the ballot, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney won West Virginia by nearly 27 percentage points. In last years election, Trump fared far better, sweeping the state by 42 p oints. BILL PUGLIANO, GETTY IMAGESWest Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, meeting with coal miners last month in Matewan, is lagging in the Democratic money race.Dems are itching for the next fight F U NDR A ISING WINDF ALL SOU R CE US A TOD AY researchGEO R GE P ET RA S, US A TOD AYT e n Se na te De m oc ra t i c in c um b e n ts ar e running f o r r e-e l ect i o n in st a tes Pr es id e n t Trump w o n la st N o v e mb e r H o w mu c h t h e y r e p o r te d rai s ing in t h e fir st t hr ee m o n t h s o f 20 17: M o. | Sen. Claire McCaskill$2.8 million Pa | Sen. Bob Casey$2.7 million O hi o | Sen. Sherrod Brown$2.4 million W i s. | Sen. Tammy Baldwin$2.2 million Fla | Sen. Bill N elson$2.0 million M o n t. | Sen. Jon Tester$2.0 million N .D. | Sen. Heidi Heitkamp$1.6 million Mi c h | Sen. Debbie Stabenow$1.4 million Ind | Sen. Joe Donnelly$1.3 million W. Va | Sen. Joe Manchin$556,198v CO N T IN UED FR OM 1BHe suered a traumatic brain injury as a child that left him with learning disabilities that meant a constant struggle to keep up in school and everyday conversations, according to Hincapi.He made it through special education courses and graduated high school in 2013. He started taking welding classes at a Southern California community college and paid for it by picking crops in California and Arizona. He lived with his mother and a younger brother, who was born in the USA and, thus, is a citizen. His mother did not want to be named or reveal her immigration status. Court records show he has four convictions: one for shoplifting in January 2016 and three for driving without a license, most recently three months ago. Those convictions are not serious enough to disqualify him from DACA protections, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the federal agency that approves DACA applications. Montes received renewed DACA protections in January 2016, which keep him enrolled through 2018. That is why Montes was confused when he was approached by the federal ocer in February. They detained me, they took me to a center, they asked me a lot of questions, and I signed a lot of papers,Ž he said. Montes said he couldnt understand anything he was signing and was not given any copies. Ocers walked him to the U.S.Mexican border and released him into Mexicali. There, he found a friend who put him up for the night. He called another friend, who drove across the border to return his wallet and bring fresh clothes. Then things got worse. Montes said he was jumped from behind, mugged and beaten. At that point, he decided he needed to get back home. He saw some people using a rope to climb over a section of the border wall and joined them. He was quickly captured by federal agents, questioned again and deported again. Today, Montes has reconnected with his estranged father and works in a gas station and a tortilla mill.He counts the days until he can return to the USA and continue building his life. There I worked and studied at the same time. I only had six more months to “nish (my studies),Ž he said. I liked it there more than here.Ž Trump administrations steppedup deportation policy. Some people told me that they were going to deport me; others said nothing would happen,Ž Montes told USA TODAY in his aunt and uncles home in western Mexico. I thought that if Ikept my nose clean, nothing would happen.Ž He asked that the exact location of their home be withheld. Trump has followed through on his campaign pledge to crackdown on illegal immigration by signing executive orders to step up enforcement against the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the USA. The new policy calls for expanding the criteria for detaining and deporting someone and hiring thousands of new agents. Trump declined to revoke the DACA protections Obama granted to more than 750,000 undocumented immigrants, repeatedly saying he had a soft spot for these young people who lead productive lives and have few, if any, ties to the countries of their birth. They shouldnt be very worried,Ž he told ABC Newsin January. I do have a big heart.Ž Even so, DACA enrollees are targeted by immigration authorities. At least 10 are in federal custody, according to United We Dream, an advocacy organization made up of DACA enrollees and other young immigrants. The groups advocacy director, Greisa Martinez, who has DACA protection, saidMontes case is proof that people such as herself are at risk despite what Trump said. Weve seen Trump and (Department of Homeland Security Secretary) John Kelly say, The DACA program is alive and well. Weve seen (House Speaker) Paul Ryan look straight into the eyes of one of our members and say, You have nothing to worry about,Ž she said. And then this happens.Ž Customs and Border Protection said Tuesday it could not discuss Montes case because of the departments privacy policy. Agroup of attorneys “led a lawsuit in federal court Tuesday in California, requesting that a judge force Customs and Border Protection to release details of the encounter with Montes. Marielena Hincapi, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, part of Montes legal team, said it has requested information for months but has gotten no response. How does an immigrant family today know that this is not going to happen to them?Ž Hincapi said. The shy Montes was never a poster child for the DACA program. He wasnt his high schools valedictorian or a prominent advocate for fellow DREAMers.Advocates fear for immigrants v CO N T IN UED FR OM 1B I thought that if I kept my nose clean, nothing would happen.ŽJuan Manuel Montes ,23, an undocumented immigrant from MexicoWASHINGTONIn a special ceremony Tuesday morning, the Jesuit order that founded Georgetown University formally apologized to the descendants of 272 slaves sold in 1838 to pay o the universitys debts. More than 100 descendants of these slaves gatheredfor the Liturgy of Remembrance, Contritionand Hope at ornate Gaston Hall, where the apology was delivered by the Rev. Tim Kesicki, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States. Today the Society of Jesus, who helped to establish Georgetown University and whose leaders enslaved and mercilessly sold your ancestors, stands before you to say that we have greatly sinned, in our thoughts and in our words, in what we have done, and what we have failed to do,Ž Kesicki said. We are profoundly sorry „ it is our very enslavement of another, our very ownership of another, culminating in the tragic sale of 272 women, menand children that remains with us to this day, trapping us in an historic truth, for which we implore mercy and justice, hope and healing.Ž Georgetowns slave-owning past drew national attention last year after a group of students demanded the school change the names of two buildings that honored former university presidents involved in the sale of slaves from Jesuit plantations in southern Maryland to a Louisiana plantation. The day of remembrance was set symbolically two days after Easter and a day after Emancipation Day, a holiday that marks the 1862 abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. It also comes seven months after the university announced plans in acknowledgment of its connections to the slave trade. Those plans were sparked by a 104-page report from a working group of students and faculty that met for a year before making recommendations. A push toward greater diversity, including the creation of a department of African American studies, followed. We do not seek to move on with this apology, but to move forward with open hearts to respond to the urgent demands of justice, still present in our time,Ž Georgetown President John J. DeGioia said Tuesday. We build amore just world with honest re”ection on our past and commitment to a faith that does justice.Ž Following the liturgy, Thomas F. Mulledy Hall was rededicated to Isaac Hawkins, a 65-year-old slave named “rst in the sales agreement. The William McSherry building was dedicated to Anne Marie Becraft, who founded a school for black girls in Georgetown in the 1820s and later joined the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the oldest group of nuns started by women of African descent. Some of the descendants of those slaves spoke during the ceremony, jointly hosted by the school, the Jesuit order and the Archdiocese of Washington. Sandra Green Thomas recognized the apology as a positive step toward atonement. Their pain is unparalleled, their pain is still here, it burns in the soul of every person of African descent in the United States, it lives in people, some of whom have no knowledge of its origins, but who cope with the ever-present longing and lack it causes,Ž said Thomas, president of the GU272 Descendants Association. So I return, no, we the descendants return to the home place, to our ancestors home place, to recognize contrition, offering forgiveness, hoping for peace, more importantly seeking justice for them and for ourselves.Ž Contributing: Adelle M. Banks, Religion News ServiceGeorgetown University, Jesuits apologize for 1838 sale of slaves272 men, women and children sold to pay the universitys debts Shawn SullivanUSA TODAY SHA W N SULLIVAN,USA TODAYFrom left, the Rev. Robert Hussey and descendants Onita Estes-Hicks, the Rev. Leroy Baker and Sandra Green Thomas listen as Bishop Barry C. Knestout speaks Tuesday during the liturgy. An item on the Markets page April 13 should have stated that Valspar sold its wood-coating business to Axalta, clearing the way for Valspars $9.3 billion purchase by Sherwin-Williams.


The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Page 3 IN BRIEFRAMPAGING GUNMAN KILLS THREE ON STREETS OF FRESNOAman opened “re and fatally shot three people in downtown Fresno on Tuesday, shouting Allahu AkbarŽ or God is greatŽ in A rabic as police took him down to the ground, ocials con“rmed. The Fresno police chief told reporters that the suspects Facebook page included posts that expressed hate for white people. Police arrested Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, a man they believe was homeless. Muhammad is African-American. His victims were all white, police said. Muhammad also was wanted in connection with the fatal shooting Thursday night of a security guard at a Motel 6 who was responding to a disturbance, Fresno Police Lt. Mark Hudson con“rmed to USA TODAY.MAN WHO KILLED ETAN PATZ GETS 25 YEARS IN PRISONFormer convenience store clerk Pedro Hernandez, 56, was sentenced Tuesday to at least 25 years in prison for killing Etan Patz, 6, the New York City boy who became one of the most visible symbols for missing children when he vanished 38 years ago. Etan went missing on his way to a school bus stop in his Soho neighborhood in May 1979. His widely publicized case was a li g htnin g rod for law enforcement practices nationwide. Hernandez became a suspect in 2012, when renewed interest in the cold case prompted a relative to tell police Hernandez told a prayer group decades earlier that hed killed a child.FRANCE THWARTS IMMINENT TERROR STRIKE BEFORE VOTE Two radicalizedFrench men suspected of planning an imminentŽ terror attack days before the nations presidential election were arrested Tuesday in Marseille, France, ocials said. Interior Minister Matthias Fekl said searches in the Mediterranean port city turned up guns and bomb-making equipment. He said the men, IDd as Clement B., 23, and Mahiedine M., 29, are suspected of preparing for violent actionŽ in the next few days.ALSO ...u No one from United Airlines will be “red after a passenger was dragged from his seat and o a ”ight last week, touching o a national “restorm, CEO Oscar Munoz said Tuesday. u Former president George H.W. Bush is in the hospital after developing a mild case of pneumonia, but he has already been treated, his family spokesman said Tuesday. Sta and wire reportsHISTORY UNWRAPPED IN EGYPT AFP/GETTY IMAGES A rchaeologists have discovered six mummies, colorful wooden cons and more than 1,000 funerary statues in a 3,500-yearold tomb in the Draa Abul Nagaa necropolis near Luxor, Egypt.WASHINGTONThe Supreme Court has waited 15 months to take a swing at what may be the premier case of its lackluster term „ but at the last moment, the church-state dispute over a Lutheran churchs playground may be slip-sliding away. On the surface, the case is about just that: the pea gravel surface of the playground at Trinity Lutheran Child Learning Center in Columbia, Mo. The church wants to replace it. Therein lies the rub. Its application for a state grant to install a rubber surface made from recycled tires was turned down in 2012 because the state constitution „ similar to those in nearly 40 states „ prohibits giving public funds to religious institutions. We were surprised we were singled out and rejected because we are religious,Ž Annette Kiehne, the centers director, says. I thought it was very sad that our kids were going to be denied a safer playground simply because their preschool is owned by a church.Ž So the church sued, and while it has lost at every turn, the trend has been turning in its favor. A federal district judge ruled for the state. An appellate court panel issued a 2-1 verdict. The full appeals court locked up, 5-5. The Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. One of the justices who likely did so, Antonin Scalia, died, but his seat was held open 14 months „ and the case put on hold „ until fellow conservative Neil Gorsuch was con“rmed this month. The last favorable turn of events, however, could put the entire case on hold. The states new Republican governor, Eric Greitens, last week reversed the state polic y and said churches will be eligible for such grants in the future. While Trinitys denial still stands, the governors action may lead the justices to declare the case moot. That would make it the second major case to be jettisoned this term. Last month, the high court sent a transgender students challenge to a Virginia school districts restroom policy back to the federal appeals court after the Trump administration withdrew guidance issued under President Obama that instructed schools to let students use restrooms corresponding to their gender identity. The conservative Alliance Defending Freedom, which is representing the church, urged the court to rule on its case. It reasoned that the new policy does not aect its denial andcan be changed by a future administration. The state of Missouri denied the Trinity Lutheran Child Learning Centers access to a public program that would have made their playground safer „ and did so on the basis of religious status, a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court precedent,Ž says senior counsel David Cortman, who is slated to argue the case Wednesday. The governors directive doesnt resolve the discriminatory actions that were taken.Ž The state program is popular on several fronts. Non-pro“t organizations get money for playground repair that comes from fees on new tires. The old tires are recycled, helping the environment. But even though Trinity placed “fth among 44 applicants, the state passed it over because of its religious aliation. The church said the exclusion violates the First Amendments protection against policies prohibiting the free exercise of religion, as well as the 14th Amendments promise of equal protection for all. A rubber playground surface accomplishes the states purposes, whether it cushions the fall of the pious or the profane,Ž its court papers said. Although a 2003 Supreme Court precedent upheld Washington states refusal to give scholarship funds to theology majors, the church argued, the surface that children play on as they enjoy recess is about as far as one can get from the devotional training of clergy.Ž Missouri defends its policy as treating all religions and religious groups the same. While the free exercise clause requires that the state not interfere with the churchs activities, it does not require state funding, it argued in le g al papers.Another twist in long-awaited church-state case for high court ANNALIESE NURNBERG, APTrinity Lutheran Child Learning Center in Columbia, Mo., “led suit after it was denied state funds for playground resurfacing.Mo. policy at center of dispute has been reversed by governor Richard Wolf@richardjwolf USA TODAY police. DuCharme said Stephens ordered 20 chicken nuggets and a basket of fries, but the workers held o on delivering the fries. He said Stephens got the nuggets but said he couldnt wait. I am pretty sure he “gured out that we were on to him,Ž DuCharme said. Stephens, 37, had been charged with aggravated murder. He claimed to have killed at least a dozen other people, but Williams said there was no evidence to back up the claim. Detectives contacted Stephens on his cellphone shortly after the shooting but were unable to persuade him to turn himself in. That kicked o the manhunt. Williams said the victims family members were noti“ed. For them, this is not over,Ž he said. Brenda Haymon, one of Godwins daughters, told CNN she An intense national manhunt for an accused killer who posted video on Facebook of a brutal killing in Cleveland ended Tuesday when Steve Stephens fatally shot himself after a police pursuit, authorities said. Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams said police in Pennsylvania received a tip just after 11a.m. ET that Stephens car was seen in a McDonalds parking lot near the city of Erie. Ocers found the white Ford Fusion and pursued it for 2 miles before they forced the car into a spin. Stephens drew a pistol, State Police said. Steve Stephens then took his own life,Ž Williams said. We would have preferred it not ended this way.Ž Williams said authorities had received more than 400 tips since police say Stephens shot Robert Godwin, 74, to death on Easter Sunday. Williams said the search was nationwide, and tips came in from as far away as Texas. Sightings had been reported in Pennsylvania. Erie County, Pa., is about 100 miles northeast of Cleveland. Williams said it was not clear where Stephens was between the time of the shooting and the time his car was found. The investigation was continuing, he said. Thank you to the brave @PAStatePolicetroopers for their vigilance in pursuing the Facebook killer,Ž Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf tweeted. Thankful no one in PA was hurt.Ž Thomas DuCharme Jr., owner and operator of the McDonalds, told GoErie.coma drive-through window attendant thought she recognized Stephens and called was making funeral arrangements for her father when she heard the news. All I can say is that I wish he had gone down in a hail of 100 bullets,Ž Haymon said. I wish it had gone down like that instead of him shooting himself.Ž Another daughter, Debbie Godwin, told the Associated Press she would have preferred that Stephens remain alive and face prison time. If you did it, you have to face your crime,Ž she said. On Monday, family members said they had forgiven Stephens and urged him to surrender. We want to wrap our arms around him,Ž Tonya Godwin-Baines, another daughter, told Cleveland TV station WJW. Cleveland police said Stephens posted video on Facebook of the apparently random killing of the father of 10 and grandfather of 14. It was later removed. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said the social media giant was reviewing its protocols for monitoring and removing videos, adding, our hearts go out to the family and friends of Robert Godwin Sr.Ž The video shows Stephens appeared to randomly target Godwin, who was walking on a sidewalk carrying a shopping bag. Stephens orders Godwin to say the name of a woman. Shes the reason that this is about to happen to you,Ž Stephens tells Godwin before pointing a gun at him. Godwin raises his arm to protect himself before he is shot. The woman, Stephens longtime partner, Joy Lane, is safe and has been cooperating with police, Williams said. On Tuesday, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson said the city was grateful for closure.Ž I want to again give our condolences to the Godwin family,Ž he said. And thank them for the way in which they handled this great tragedy.Ž Contributing: Matthew DiebelManhunt in Facebook slaying ends in death Spotted at a McDonalds near Erie, Pa., suspect shoots himself after pursuit CLEVELAND POLICE VIA AFP/GETTY IMAGESSteve Stephens had been charged with aggravated murder after authorities said he appeared to kill a man at random Sunday in Cleveland and then posted video of the shooting on Facebook. John Bacon@jmbacon USA TODAY Aclosely watched special election in Georgias 6th congressional district could be the most signi“cant electoral duel between the Democratic and Republican parties since President Trumps November election. Voters headed to the polls Tuesday in a suburban Atlanta district thats been solidly Republican for almost four decades, with occupants including former House speaker Newt Gingrich, but Trumps 1-point victory there signaled potential trouble for the GOP. Trumps under performance gave the Democratic Party hopes of issuing a rebuke to the new president in the form of a congressional victory Tuesday. National progressive groups helped direct volunteers and $8.3 million gathered in small donations from around the nation to support the Democrat, 30-year-old Jon Osso. Recent polls showed the former Capitol Hill staer falling short of the 50% marginhe would need to avoid a June 20 runo with one of four major Republican contenders. A contest between the top two vote-getters would mean Democrats throw even more resources into the race and give Republicans time to coalesce around a single challenger. Even if (Osso) gets close, we have another two months of an election. No one should conclude its a done deal and the Republican will win. Though I think ultimately thats what will happen,Ž said Eric Tanenblatt, a 30-year veteran of Georgia GOP politics and former Republican president candidate Mitt Romneys state director. Democrats say the race should never have been this tight, projecting vulnerability ahead of next year's midterm elections. The seat was previously occupied by Rep. Tom Price, who won by 24 points in November and went on to become Trumps Health and Human Services secretary. It comes on the heels of another unusually close race in a red district in Kansas that Trump won by 27 points. Last week, the Democrat candidate lost by just 7 points even though the national party hardly lifted a “nger to help him. Thats unlike in Georgia, where Democrats are pouring in as many resources as possible. If Osso fails to garner 50% of the vote on Tuesday and loses in June, it will be a setback to Democrats hopes of arguing the race portends a wave election in 2018 putting Democrats back in control of the U.S. House. Republicans are trying to use all of the national attention against Osso, painting him as a tool of far-left activists seeking to hijack the race. In a taped robocall, Trump said Liberal Democrats from outside of Georgia are spending millions and millions of dollars trying to take your Republican congressional seat away from you.Ž Progressive leader Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said it signals a shift in civic activism across the nation.In Georgia, House race seen as test after Trump win Democrats pounce on opportunity in a solidly GOP district Heidi M. PrzybylaUSA TODAY ERIK S. LESSER, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCYVolunteers have helped Democratic U.S. House candidate Jon Osso make race close.


Page 4 The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 TWINLAKESJoseph Robert Meisinger came into this world on Jan. 9, 2006. His parents knew something was wrong. Joey, as they called their 7pound son, struggled to breathe regularly. He had six “ngers on each hand and six toes on each foot. Doctors determined he had been born missing most of his brain stem, the result of a genetic abnormality. Joey was one of only 34 known cases in the world. His mother, Dawn Meisinger, dressed him in a Chicago Bears onesie she had bought for him to wear home. Instead, he was baptized in it. He died Jan. 17, 2006 „ eight days after his birth. There was no closure,Ž his mother said. Then, in 2014, a close family friend mentioned a project in Texas that transforms wedding gowns into out“ts for infants who are at the end of life. She should start a similar program in Wisconsin, the friend said. Meisinger didnt know how she could pull it o. She did not sew and was anxious about starting something she could not complete. But a few weeks later, she logged into Facebook and searched for a local buy, sell, tradeŽ page. She typed a short post about herself and her proposed project. Within an hour, she had been oered 62 wedding dresses. Her volunteer organization, Sweet Send Aways, was born. Susan Capozzi of Burlington was the “rst to answer Meisingers online call for a volunteer seamstress. The mom of six, who works as a dental hygienist and tutor, knew how to sew from years of quilting. She also could relate to Meisinger, having lost a child late in pregnancy years earlier. It was very sudden and very painful,Ž Capozzi said. Youre pregnant and then your dreams are shattered.Ž Creating the infant-sized gowns and tiny stued animals became part of her own healing process. Terri Nowicki of Twin Lakes and her aunt, Marge Allender, whose family once owned a local fabric store, soon joined the eort. The volunteers have created more than 946 garments. The donated wedding gowns, now numbering 300 and kept in a storage facility, come from across the country and Canada, varying in styles and materials. On a clear, sunny day this March, Meisinger and her volunteers gathered around a kitchen table and chatted about inventory, new designs and their children. Capozzilooked across the table and caught Meisingers eye. I think Joeys proud of you for what youre doing,Ž she said. Women out“t infants at end of life Ashley Luthern Milwaukee Journal Sentinel RICK WOOD, MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINELFrom left, Susan Capozzi, Dawn Meisinger, Terri Nowicki and Marge Allender show o their creations for Sweet Send Aways.HIGHLIGHT: WISCONSINSTATE-BY-STATE ALABAMABirmingham: A “nalist for Birmingham Schools superintendent, citing the political climate and controversy,Ž withdrew after school board members expressed disappointment that none of the “ve “nalists were from the school system or Alabama, reports.ALASKAJuneau: Columbus Day would be known as Indigenous Peoples Day in Alaska under a measure passed by the state Legislature. Columbus Day is a federal holiday but not a state holiday in Alaska.ARIZONAPhoenix: Gov. Doug Ducey is moving to “ll vacancies on the board overseeing the $36 billion retirement fund covering most Arizona government workers. The board has been unable to do any work since November because it was down to four members and lacked a quorum.ARKANSASDanville: AChinese pet food company plans to open a plant in Arkansas, bringing 70 jobs to the state. Pet Won Pet Products will locate in a former Danville poultry plant, with production to begin in June.CALIFORNIASacramento: Supporters of making California an independent nation are ending the eort to put it to a statewide vote next year. The California Nationhood ballot measure has nearly 100,000 registered supporters but needs more than 585,000 signatures to get on the ballot. COLORADODurango: Afederal judge will hear arguments this week on the proposed construction of a resort in southern Colorado, The Durango Herald reports. Environmental groups sued to stop a land swap that would allow the project.CONNECTICUTNew Haven: A federal lawsuit says the Army issued less-than-honorable discharges to potentially thousands of service members without adequately considering the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental conditions. The suit was “led by two Connecticut veterans. DELAWAREDover: The panel that sets Delawares ocial revenue forecast has lowered its projections. WXDE-FM reports that revenue projections were cut by $4.8 million for the current “scal year and by $11 million for the next “scal year. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:Now that Tax Day has passed, its time to recognize the state that pays the most per-capita in federal taxes. But it isnt a state. Top honor goes to the District of Columbiawith $37,000 per person in federal income, payroll and estate taxes. FLORIDASunny Isles Beach: Florida o“cials are looking at ways to control the population of green iguanas. The iguanas, native to Latin America, were sold as pets and then escaped or were dumped in the wild, and their numbers have boomed.GEORGIAAtlanta: The new Atlanta Braves stadium has its “rst arrest, The Atlanta JournalConstitution reports. Kevin Thompson of Smyrna was arrested last weekend at SunTrust Park on charges of criminal trespassing, obstructing a law enforcement ocer, public intoxication and assault. HAWAIIHonolulu: Key Hawaii lawmakers plan meetings to resolve dierences over vacation rental tax bills. The bills would let websites like Airbnb collect state taxes on behalf of people renting rooms and homes. IDAHOBoise: The Idaho Lottery is moving to cash in on this summers total solar eclipse. Lottery ocials plan to commemorate the Aug. 21event by launching a new $5 scratch game called Ecli p se Cash.Ž ILLINOISChicago: The Illinois panel tasked with reviewing claims of police torture is overwhelmed with claims and short on funding, The Chicago Tribune reports. A law that expanded the panels scope last summer stirred an immediate jump of over 200 claims. INDIANADecatur: This Indiana city is becoming creative with dead trees. Decatur hired artist Scott Lepley to turn the stumps into wood carvings,WANE-TV reports. IOWADenver: Acouple is restoring a 150-year-old church believed to be the second-oldest in Iowas Black Hawk County. Martha Reineke and William Cozart plan to reopen it as a country wedding chapel and community events center. KANSASWin“eld: Aspring festival that gives people ideas for Kansas day trips will end its nearly three decade run next month. The Wichita Eagle reports that the Kansas Sampler Festival, set for May 6-7 at Win“elds Island Park, brings representatives from 130 Kansas towns.KENTUCKYBowling Green: A couple reached a $5,000 settlement with Bowling Green after police erroneously served a search warrant on their home last July. The Bowling Green Daily News reports that Michael and Stacie Hutchison were forced to the ”oor and handcued when ocers battered down the door to seek a fraud suspect. LOUISIANABaton Rouge: Authorities say “ve Louisiana teenagers were arrested on suspicion of stealing two horses that appeared to be physically abused. Investigators believe the teens from St. Landry Parish stole the horses from an Opelousas stockyard. MAINEPortland: Portland neighbors and developers are battling over the citys last remaining farmland. The Portland Press Herald reports that an investor group plans to build 95 single-family homes on the Camelot Farm property. But residents oppose rezoning. MARYLANDBaltimore: The Maryland Medical Examiners Oce says its getting overwhelmed as the number of drugrelated deaths related to the opioid crisis increases, The Baltimore Sun reports. MASSACHUSETTSRevere: Several cars in a movie theater parking lot were struck by gun“re during a weekend carnival in Revere. But police say no one was injured. MICHIGANEast Lansing: A$62 million expansion project at Michigan State Universitys business school will start construction this summer, The Lansing State Journal reports. MINNESOTARochester: An estimated 200,000 Mexican citizens live in Minnesota. And that has prompted an increased workload for the Mexican Consulate in St. Paul. Consulate sta processes about 120 documents a day, the Post-Bulletin reports. MISSISSIPPINatchez: Awildlife biologist is warning people not to feed a young black bear thats been wandering the streets of downtown Natchez, The Natchez Democrat reports. MISSOURIKansas City: AKansas City woman pleaded guilty to entering a sham marriage with a man she thought was an African immigrant but was an informant working for federal agents. The Kansas City Star reports that the defendant is the “fth person charged in an immigration conspiracy investigation. MONTANAHelena: As part of a class-action settlement, the Montana University System will soon pay current and former employees who are owed medical insurance claims, The Missoulian reports. NEBRASKALouisville: The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will hold an outdoor recreation event April 28-29 for women. The Beyond Becoming an Outdoors Woman event is set for Platte River State Park. NEVADACarson City: Nevada lawmakers are moving to abolish the states garlic and onion, alfalfa seed and organic crop advisory boards. Lawmakers say the groups either never meet or are just unnecessary. NEW HAMPSHIRELebanon: The toy room at the Childrens Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock will be well stocked for the next six to nine months. Thats due to the generosity of a former patient whos now a “re“ghter, Nicholas Koloski. NEW JERSEYSomerville: Aman who allegedly concealed a womans body in a highway median after she died in a New Jersey motel will remain jailed until his trial. David DeSantos is charged with disturbing human remains. NEW MEXICOAlbuquerque: A major transportation project along Albuquerques stretch of historic Route 66 has unearthed remnants of the citys original trolley system. KOB-TV reports that the chunks of steel are being donated to the Albuquerque Museum. NEW YORKStillwater: Part of the Saratoga National Historical Park in upstate New York has been ”ooded since last year by a million gallons of water and turned into a lake, The Post-Star reports. The source of the water isnt known. NORTH CAROLINACharlotte: The Salvation Army homeless shelter in Charlotte is asking church congregations to consider taking in some of the single women who have nowhere to stay. The Charlotte Observer reports that the Center of Hope takes in about 400 women and children a night but must turn some away.NORTH DAKOTAMinot: The number of Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles in North Dakota will shrink from 150 to 133 by next February. The reduction comes under a 2010 nuclear arms treaty with Russia, The Minot Daily News reports. OHIODayton: Seven-decade-old bomber planes rumbled over Ohio this week to mark the 75th anniversary of the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders attack on Japan. The World War II-era B-25s are on display at the National Museum of the Air Force near Dayton. OKLAHOMAOklahoma City: A tax credit that helped propel Oklahoma to third in the nation in wind-generated electricity will end soon. The measure changes the date that facilities must be in operation to qualify for the credit to July 1, instead of by 2021. OREGONEugene: The Eugenebased nonpro“t Veterans Legacy is working to get a camp up and running this summer to house dozens of veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder, The Register-Guard reports.PENNSYLVANIAPhiladelphia: Investigators say a Philadelphia “re“ghter died in a December 2014 house “re because a hose supplying her with oxygen burned through. The probe also found problems with how Lt. Joyce Craigs colleagues responded to her seven emergency distress signals.RHODE ISLANDProvidence: The contractor that built the Interstate 195 bridge over the Providence River has agreed to pay $500,000 to resolve allegations that railings were improperly installed. SOUTH CAROLINASpartanburg: Mold has once again been found in the Spartanburg County courthouse, forcing more oce closures and relocations, the Herald-Journal reports. Five areas have elevated levels of mold and mold spores. SOUTH DAKOTASioux Falls: Churches in Sioux Falls are working to address the citys rising poverty rate in an eort to help children and families, The Argus Leader reports. The citys poverty rate jumped to 14% last year. Empower Sioux Falls hopes to recruit mentors for kids through groups such as Big Brothers Big Sisters. TENNESSEEKnoxville: Aresearch team led by the University of Tennessee Knoxville has received a $9.9 million grant from NASA toward the development of amore aerodynamically capable aircraft, The Knoxville News Sentinel reports. TEXASHouston: The Houston Independent School District plans to spend $300,000 for an audit of its special education department. The Houston Chronicle reports that ocials want to make sure eligible children in the 215,000-student district get proper instruction.UTAHSalt Lake City: Awoman believed to be the pajama-wearing robber in at least six bank heists in the Salt Lake City area has been arrested. Police credit a tip in the arrest last weekend of Nannette Louise Perkins, 40. Police said the robber passed notes to tellers and never showed aweapon.VERMONTBurlington: Burlington is holding a contest to “nd a new city ”ag. WCAX-TV reports that Mayor Miro Weinberger wants a ”ag that will help unify the community. The current ”ag was designed in 1990.VIRGINIARichmond: Federal ocials are investigating accusations that Richmond public schools more frequently and more harshly punish black and disabled students than their classmates. A complaint was “led by the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia and the Legal Aid Justice Center.WASHINGTONBellevue: The Bellevue City Council, in a narrow 4-3 vote, approved the areas “rst permanent homeless shelter for men. But KING-TV reports that its researching other possible locations due to concerns from upset neighbors. The planned location in the Eastgate neighborhood is close to homes and the Bellevue College campus. WEST VIRGINIACharleston: Construction has started for Charlestons long awaited bicycle lanes, The Charleston GazetteMail reports. The lanes will stretch along Kanawha Boulevard with removal of and paving along agrassy median.WISCONSINMadison: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has signed a bill that legalizes possession of a marijuana extract used to treat seizures. Parents of children who suer from seizures have pushed for access to Cannabidiol oil for years. The oil does not produce a high. WYOMINGCasper: About twothirds of Casper police ocers say they have no con“dence in the leadership of Police Chief Jim Wetzel, The Casper Star-Tribune reports. The no con“dence vote came last week. Critics cite the chiefs leadership style and say city ocials wouldnt address the chiefs problems, despite repeated complaints. Compiled from sta and wire reports. News from across the USA


The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Page 5 U S A SN A PSHO T S Expectation vs. experienceSOURCE Employee Benefit R esearch I nstitute 20 17 R etirement Confidence SurveyŽ of 80 1 U.S. workers and 530 U.S. retireesJ A E YAN G AN D K ARL GE LL ES, US A TOD AYPercentage of pre-retirees who expect to retire at age 70 or older: 38%Percentage of retirees who report this was the case: 4% MONE Y TESLA WORKERS T H REATE N TO STRIKE I N GER M A N Y Tes la i s b ra c ing f o r t h e p oss i b il i ty o f a st ri ke a t a subs idiar y in Ge r m an y t ha t cou ld di s r u p t t h e com pan ys o p e ra t i o n s a s i t g e ar s u p f o r a ssemb l y o f i ts m a ss-m arket e l ect ri c ve hi c l e. Ge r m an la bo r u ni o n IG Met all whi c h e x e r ts a p o w e rf u l grip ove r m a jo r m an u fa ctu r e r s suc h a s Vo l ks wag e n and Ge n e ral Moto r s, t hr e a te n e d to o rgani ze a st ri ke a t Tes la G r o h m ann Autom a ti o n in Pr m n e ar Ge r m an ys w este rn bo rd e r wi t h Be lgi um. Some o f t h e fa cto r ys em pl oyees ar e s aid to be u p set a bout wag es u nd e r Tes la YOUR C H I P OTLE BURRITO M AY SOO N COST M ORE C hip ot l e Me xi c an G rill s a ys i t i s g o ing to rai se i ts pri ces by 5% in m an y m ar kets ar ou nd t h e cou n t r y, i ts “ r st pri ce in c r e a se in t hr ee ye ar s. T h e boost will add a bout 25 ce n ts o r 35 ce n ts to a ty pi c al e n t r ee, s p okesman C hri s A rn o ld s a ys. T h e in c r e a se will happ e n in 440 o f C hip ot l es mo r e t han 2,200 r est a u ran ts. He s aid pri ces ar e g o ing u p to pa y f o r high e r f oo d and la bo r costs. DETAILS O N N EW I PH O N E STARTI N G TO E M ERGE A ppl e i s e xp ecte d to ha ve m a jo r plan s t hi s fall f o r t h e iPh o n e, whi c h tu rn s 10 t hi s ye ar Acco rd ing to B l oombe rg A ppl e i s testing an iPh o n e mo d e l wi t h a touc h sc r ee n cove ring t h e e n t ir e fr o nt o f t h e d ev i ce. T h e r e p o r t al so s a ys whil e t h e sc r ee n i s larg e r t han t h e iPh o n e 7 Pl us, t h e ove rall s i ze o f t h e sm ar tph o n e i s s i m ilar to an iPh o n e 7 T h e u pgrad e d high e r -e nd mo d e l o f t h e iPh on e will al so f e a tu r e mo r e ad v an ce d c a me ra s and st ainl ess stee l com p on e n ts, t h e r e p o r t s a ys. Ot h e r mo d e l s o f t h e d ev i ce cou ld in c l u d e a cu r ve d di s pla y. TEE N RETAILER RUE21 CLOSI N G SEVERAL STORES Tee n fa s hi o n r et ail e r Rue21 i s t h e la test c hain to s a y t ha t i t i s s h utte ring some o f i ts sto r es. T h e e xa ct n umbe r and t i m ing o f t h ese c l os ing s will be d ete r m in e d in t h e com ing w eeks, a cco rding to t h e com pan y. T h e stor e c hain i s vy ing wi t h fa stfa s hi o n gian ts suc h a s Z ara and H&M, wh o c a te r to t h e s a me t r e nd f ocuse d yout hf u l s h o pp e r t h ou gh r ue21 st and s out wi t h i ts o ff e ring s o f pl us-s i ze d c l ot hing M O N EYLI N E MICHAEL DESJARDIN, REVIEWED.COM INDEXCLOSECHGNasdaq composite5849.47 y 7.32 S&P 5002342.19 y 6.82 T-note, 10-year yield2.17% y 0.08 Oil, light sweet crude$52.41 y 0.24 Gold, oz. Comex$1291.70 x 2.30 Euro (dollars per euro)$1.0730 x 0.0088 Yen per dollar108.42 y 0.37SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM DO W JONES I ND U S TRIAL AV G. 11 3.64 9: 3 0 a. m .20,637 4 :00 p. m .20,523 2 0, 4 50 20,500 20,550 2 0,600 20,650 2 0,700TUESDAY M ARKETSthe place. I think its really neat,Ž he said. We even put a plaque up on the wall to commemorate it. Its one of the “rst pieces of augmented reality street art in the world.Ž The worlds most populous social network is poised to create a generation of new apps that its betting will catapult augmented reality into the mainstream, the same way it made personal status updates and viral mobile games part of the daily, unthinking habits of billions. Fans of multiplayer video game Mass Eect: Andromeda can don a Mass Eect -themed helmet mask eect for use with the front camera, then ”ip the camera to view stats from your latest mission using data from the game „ basically a dynamic leader boardMENLOPARK, CALIF. Mark Zuckerberg is sitting ramrod straight on the edge of a gray couch, sketching a vision of what Facebook will soon be like for its nearly 2 billion users. Ablank wall turns into a 3-D art display with an animated, in“nite rainbow waterfall „ just by holding up a smartphone and viewing it through the camera. That future is now. This Millennial-inspired wall canvas is just a short distance from where the Facebook CEO is discussing his companys new camera platform before it opened up to software developers at the companys annual conference Tuesday. There are groups of people just staring and admiring this wall, which looks blank,Ž Zuckerberg told USA TODAY from his glass-walled conference room at the heart of Facebooks sprawling campus here. Thats going to be a thing in the future, all of this art all over in a 3-D space. You can also pan your phone to experience game visuals that augment the world around, bringing the scene from the game to life. Soon fans will cheer on soccer team Manchester United with real-time data and video from the match. When ManU scores, it shows up in Facebook as a big ”ashing GOALLLLŽ as you hear the roar of the crowd and confetti ”ies. Zuckerberg, 32, is in the zone, describing this very near future that is deeply entwined with his view of how communication is evolving, from text to photo to video and now, digitally altered physical reality „ all via the Facebook app on your smartphone. Facebook has poured billions of dollars into arti“cial intelligence research and virtual reality development, including its $3 billion acquisition of pioneering virtual reality headset maker Oculus. Yet virtual reality hasnt really taken o yet, partially hobbled by the bulkiness of headsets and the expense of computing gear, as well as peoples general unfamiliarity with it. Along the way, Facebook came to a simple realization. A lot of the use cases for augmented reality people have started to do on phones and cameras,Ž Zuckerberg says. So far augmented reality on smartphones has been pretty primitive: mostly silly or entertaining masks, “lters and frames. Rival Snapchat and last years hit game Pokmon Go have been the closest to ushering in the augmented reality age. But those uses are rudimentary compared to Zuckerbergs ambitions. And Facebooks reach is far bigger than either app. People arent using primitive tools because they prefer primitive tools. They are using primitive tools because we are still early in the journey in developing better tools,Ž Zuckerberg says. Soon, Zuckerberg says, everyday life will get an augmented reality jolt in three ways: by using the Facebook camera to display information in the real world, add digital objects in it and enhance existing objects. TO P AND INSET BY JUSTIN SULLIVAN,GETTY IMAGESAt the F8 conference, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he envisions one day wearing natural-feeling, lightweight glasses or contact lenses that overlay all kinds of digital content and information on the physical world, such as a game of chess.INSIDE MAR K Z U C K ERBERGS VISION FOR YO U R FACEBOO KAUG M E N TED REALITY CEO says Facebook is poised to catapult AR into mainstream Jessica Guynn@jguynn USA TODAY NOAH BERGER,A PAttendees arrive Tuesday for Facebooks annual F8 developer conference at San Jose McEnery Convention Center. Sessions from the two-day conference can be watched on Facebook. Global economic growth will accelerate in 2017 as investment, manufacturing and trade rebound, the International Monetary Fund said Tuesday as it raised its outlook for the year. World growth is expected to rise to 3.5% this year and 3.6% in 2018, compared to 3.1% last year. Stronger activity and expectations of more robust global demand, coupled with agreed restrictions on oil supply, have helped commodity prices recover from their troughs in early 2016,Ž according to a statement from the IMF, which is holding its annual spring meetings in Washington, D.C. The IMF was more pessimistic in January. In cutting its growth forecast for the U.S. and other advanced economies, the IMF said then the global economy would grow 3.4% this year vs. 3.1% in 2016. Higher commodity prices have provided some relief to commodity exporters and helped lift global headline in”ation and reduce de”ationary pressures,Ž the IMF said. Financial markets are buoyant and expect continued policy support in China and “scal expansion and deregulation in the United States. If con“dence and market sentiment remain strong, short-term growth could indeed surprise on the upside.Ž Still, structural impediments,Ž such as low productivity growth and high income inequality, will likely persist and could stall a stronger recovery, it said. In a pointed criticism of nationalistic proposals in the U.S. and other EU countries, the IMF said inward-looking policies threaten global economic integration and the cooperative global economic order, which have served the world economy, especially emerging-market and developing economies, well.Ž The IMF raised its outlook for advanced economies, which include the U.S., the U.K., Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan and other develo p ed nations. It now anticipates they will grow by 2% this year, up slightly from 1.9% forecast in January. Its outlook for the U.S. economy, whose 2017 growth was projected in January at 2.3%, was left unchanged. The U.S. economy grew 1.6% last year. Heartened by palpable signs of growth in the U.S. economy, the Federal Reserve in March raised its benchmark short-term rate by aquarter percentage point, its second interest rate hike in three months. And it signaled more gradual hikes are likely. But the IMF said a fasterthan-expected paceŽ of interest rate hikes in the U.S. could tighten “nancial conditions elsewhere, and strengthening of the U.S. dollar could strain emergingmarket economies with currencies that are pegged to the dollar. Emerging-market economies remain vulnerable as geopolitical tensions rise and the use of credit proliferates, the IMF said. The IMF left unchanged its January forecast for emerging markets, anticipated to grow 4.5% in 2017 and 4.8% in 2018. Chinas growth this year is now estimated at 6.6%, u p from 6.5%. I M F rai ses glob a l eco n om i c fo r ec a st fo r 2017 but w arn s of  i m p ed i me n ts Roger Yu@ByRogerYu USA TODAY JOSE LUIS MAGANA, A PThe IMF, led by Managing Director Christine Lagarde, is holding its annual spring meeting in Washington, D.C. I n w ar d-look in g p ol i c i es th r e a te n glob a l eco n om i c in teg ra t i o n an d the coo p e ra t iv e glob a l eco n om i c o r de r wh i ch h av e se rv ed the wo r ld eco n omy, es p ec ia lly eme r g in g-m ar ket an d de v elo pin g eco n om i es, well.Ž IMF statement


Page 6 The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Call it Net”ixs spring binge. At the end of March, Net”ix released the critically acclaimed 13 Reasons Why.Ž April features new shows Girl BossŽ and Bill Nye Saves the World,Ž while Mays lineup includes the second season of Aziz Ansars Master of None,Ž along with the return of binge favorite House of Cards,Ž back for its “fth season. Many will relish getting lost for hours on end in these shows. But others might feel guilty about their extended screen time, seeing it as a sign of laziness. Or maybe theyve seen an article about one of those studies linking binge watching to depression. As a professor of communication studies, Im interested in understanding the ways people use TV, video games and social media to improve their well-being. And Ive learned that even though watching TV gets a bad rap as the junk foodŽ of media diets, it can be good for you „ as long as you give yourself permission to indulge.Why TV gets the shaftMy colleagues and I collected some data suggesting that there is, in fact, a double standard for how we think about different media bingeing experiences. We administered a survey that recorded participants thoughts about reading or watching TV for the certain amounts of time. Respondents associated more attributes like laziness and impulsivity with people who consume several hours of a television show in one sitting, compared to those who do the same with novels. This “nding probably comes as no surprise. Although reading a novel for several hours at a time for entertainment can arguably be just as sedentary and addictive as watching TV, no derogatory term like bingeingŽ exists for the act of devouring an entire Harry Potter novel in one night. We simply call it reading.Ž Just think about the pejorative term binge,Ž which conjures images of excess and abuse (as with binge eating or binge drinking). Contrast this with marathon viewing,Ž which connotes accomplishment, and has traditionally been used to describe the experience of consuming multiple installments of “lm „ not TV series „ in rapid succession. Why is it that we bingeŽ when we watch a lot of TV, but its a marathonŽ when were watching a bunch of movies? Perhaps this double standard is rooted in televisions lower status as a source of entertainment. Historically, TV viewing has been considered a mindless activity, capable of dulling the intellect with a vast wastelandŽ of shallow, lowbrow content. Watching TV has also been regarded as a lazy activity that displaces time spent on more active, productive pursuits. Avid viewers of the boob tubeŽ or idiot boxŽ will get stereotyped as lazy couch potatoes.Ž Meanwhile, headline-grabbing research linking TV viewing to depression and loneliness hasnt helped binge viewings reputation. These correlational studies may give the misleading impression that only depressed or lonely people engage in binge watching „ or worse, that binge viewing can make people depressed and lonely. In truth, its just as likely that people who are depressed or lonely due to unrelated life circumstances (say, unemployment or a break-up) simply choose to spend their time binge watching. Theres no evidence to suggest that binge watching actually makes people depressed or lonely.The good news about binge watchingBut binge viewing TV has become popular for a good reason: Despite its negative reputation, television has never been better. We are in the midst of a golden age of television, with a variety of shows that provide a steady diet of novel premises, long-running, elaborate plots and morally complicated characters. Far from dulling the intellect, these shows create more suspense, interest and opportunities for critical engagement. According to journalist and media theorist Steven Johnson, watching these shows may even make you smarter. He argues that because television narratives have become increasingly complex, they require viewers to follow more storyline threads and juggle more characters and their relationships. All of this makes the audience more cognitively sophisticated. Gorging on stories is pleasurable, too. When individuals binge watch, they are thought to have whats called a ”ow experience.Ž Flow is an intrinsically pleasurable feeling of being completely immersed in a shows storyline. In a ”ow state of mind, viewers intently focus on following the story and its easier for them to lose awareness of other things, including time, while theyre wrapped up in viewing. One study found that viewers will continue viewing additional episodes in order to maintain this positive ”ow state, so there is an addictive quality to binge viewing. Interruptions like advertising can break the continuous viewing cycle by disrupting the ”ow state and drawing viewers out of the story. Luckily, for TV bingers, Net”ix and Hulu are ad-free. Perhaps one of the greatest bene“ts binge watching can offer is psychological escape from daily stresses. What better way to decompress than watching four (or seven) straight episodes of House of CardsŽ? A 2014 study found that people who were particularly drained after stressful work or school experiences watched TV to recharge and recuperate. Unfortunately, this study also found that TV watching didnt help everybody. Individuals who bought into the lazy couch potatoŽ stereotype enjoyed fewer bene“ts from watching TV. Instead of feeling revitalized after watching TV, they felt guilty. The researchers believe that the shame associated with TV watching can become a self-ful“lling prophecy, making it hard for viewers to reap psychological bene“ts. For this reason, we need to shake the notion that bingeing on stories we engage with on TV is somehow a less worthy leisure pursuit than bingeing on stories that we consume other ways, like novels. Immersing ourselves in narratives on TV can be good for us, even in heavy doses, but only if we truly appreciate it for what it is: a pleasure. Not a guilty pleasure, simply a pleasure. Elizabeth Cohen does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would bene“t from this article, and has disclosed no relevant af“liations beyond the academic appointment above. Whats behind TV bingeings bad rap?By ELIZABETH COHENASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF COMMUNICATION, WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY SHUTTERSTOCK PHOTOSIs TV as mindless as its made out to be? Luckily, for TV bingers Netix and Hulu are ad-free.


The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Page 7 ALMANACToday is Wednesday, April19 the 109th day of 2017. There are 256 days left in the year. Today in historyOn April 19, 1967 Kathrine Switzer became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon (at that time, a men-only event) under an official number by registering without mentioning her gender; by her own estimate, she finished in 4 hours and 20 minutes. (Bobbi Gibb, running unofficially for the second time, finished in 3:27:17.) Former West German Chancellor On this dateIn 1775 the American Revolutionary War began with the battles of Lexington and Concord. In 1897 the first Boston Marathon was held; winner John J. McDermott ran the course in two hours, 55 minutes and 10seconds. In 1943 during World War II, tens of thousands of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto began a valiant but ultimately futile battle against Nazi forces. In 1951 Gen. Douglas MacArthur, relieved of his Far East command by President Harry S. Truman, bade farewell in an address to Congress in which he quoted a line from a ballad: Old soldiers never die; they just fade away.Ž In 1966 Bobbi Gibb, 23, became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon at a time when only men were allowed to participate. (Gibb jumped into the middle of the pack after the sound of the starting pistol and finished in 3:21:40.) In 1977 the Supreme Court, in Ingraham v. Wright, ruled 5-4 that even severe spanking of schoolchildren by faculty members did not violate the Eighth Amendment ban against cruel and unusual punishment. In 1995 a truck bomb destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people. (Bomber Timothy McVeigh was later convicted of federal murder charges and executed.) In 2005 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany was elected pope in the first conclave of the new millennium; he took the name Benedict XVI. Todays birthdaysActress Elinor Donahue is 80. Rock musician Alan Price (The Animals) is 75. Actor Tim Curry is 71. Pop singer Mark FloŽ Volman is 70. Actor Tony Plana is 65. Motorsports Hall of Famer Al Unser Jr. is 55. Actor Tom Wood is 54. Actress Ashley Judd is 49. Singer Bekka Bramlett is 49. Actress Jennifer Taylor is 45. Actor James Franco is 39. Actress Kate Hudson is 38. Actor Hayden Christensen is 36. METAIRIE, La. (AP) „ An alligator has been wrangled after crawling out of a storm drain in Louisiana. WWL reports a 7-foot alligator emerged from a drain in Jefferson Parish on Monday after heavy rains. The drain was located behind an elementary school that wasnt holding class because of spring break. The alligator did move around, but Bucktown resident Hazel Porter described it as mainly just chilling.Ž Video obtained by WWL shows a group of Bucktown residents detaining the alligator by lassoing its neck and tying the rope to a nearby pole as the creature thrashes. Steven Nicholson, a witness, says wildlife professions arrived and taped its mouth shut. The wranglers placed the bound alligator in a pickup truck and planned to relocate it.ODD NEWS Alligator crawls out of Louisiana storm drainFLORIDA REPORT TALLAHASSEE (AP) „ State House Speaker Richard Corcoran says a push to give Florida some of the toughest ethics laws in the nation is dead for this years session, and hes blaming Senate Republicans for showing zero interest.Ž The Land OLakes Republican pushed to enact several far-reaching proposals, including one that would ban legislators and elected of“cials from lobbying state government for six years after leaving of“ce. The House overwhelmingly passed them, but the legislation has not moved in the state Senate. The annual session ends in less than three weeks. The Senate has shown us they have expressed zero interest in holding elected of“cials accountable and draining the swamp,Ž said Corcoran, echoing a line used by President Donald Trump on the campaign trail last year. Corcoran said this week hes not giving up and will seek other ways to place his proposals into law, including asking the state Constitution Revision Commission to put them before voters in 2018 or launching a petition drive to get them on the ballot. The commission is formed once every 20 years to propose additions, deletions or revisions in the states constitution. When he came into his leadership post, Corcoran vowed to aggressively change what he called a broken system that let special interests and lobbyists wield too much in”uence. The House adopted rules limiting contacts between lobbyists and legislators and Corcoran pushed to shed more light on projects added to the annual budget. Currently, legislators and statewide elected of“cials are subjected to a two-year lobbying ban after leaving of“ce. The House proposed a constitutional amendment and a new state law to extend that ban to six years. The measure would also expand lobbying restrictions so that a legislator or statewide elected of“cial could not lobby any state agency during that period. The House has also passed a bill that would require city of“cials to “le more detailed “nancial disclosure forms. The House is also scheduled this week to consider another measure that would clamp down on public of“cials using their posts to seek jobs or going into business with lobbyists. Senate President Joe Negron on Thursday sidestepped Corcorans criticism, saying instead that, The Senate is very committed to the highest ethical standards and we believe that the ethics rules we have in place should be enforced.Ž Negron has also said contentŽ with the states two-year ban on lobbying.Corcoran: Push for tougher ethics laws dead HEADLINE NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATEFlorida Senate poised to regulate ride-sharers Uber, LyftTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida Senate is poised to pass a bill that accommodates ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft by not subjecting them to a medley of laws imposed by local governments. The Senate on Tuesday moved the measure toward a “nal vote this week, meaning that a four-year-long effort to regulate the ride-hailing industry could soon head to Gov. Rick Scott for review. The House passed an identical version last week. The proposed legislation would require drivers to undergo criminal background checks and carry insurance policies covering death and bodily injury incidents as well as property damage. The bill sets a statewide regulatory framework for companies, but local governments would still be able to impose airport pickup fees as long as they charge taxis the same amount.Florida is apologizing for misdeeds in its pastTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida House is formally apologizing for decades of abuse at a north Florida reform school and to the families of four young black men accused of raping a white woman 68 years ago in whats now seen as a case of racial injustice. The House unanimously passed two resolutions Tuesday acknowledging the states misdeeds involving the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys and the group known as the Groveland Four.Ž Men who were sent to the Dozier school in the 1950s and 1960s have worked to get the state to acknowledge beatings and sexual abuse they endured for petty infractions. The House separately apologized to relatives of the Groveland Four.Ž One of the four men was killed during a manhunt and the other three were convicted with dubious evidence.NTSB: Florida air collision came after formation changeDAYTONA BEACH (AP) „ Investigators say two pilots were killed in a midair collision this month in Florida after the leader of a “ve-aircraft formation called for a course change to avoid the suns glare. The National Transportation Safety Boards preliminary report Tuesday does not assign blame for the crash, which killed 57-year-old Gary Somerton and 66-year-old Anne Edmonson. The Daytona Beach News-Journal reports Somerton and Edmonson were members of a pilots group ”ying from Port Orange to Titusville when the collision happened April 1. The NTSB report says the ”ight leader saw a ”ash when the crash occurred and airplane parts falling from the sky. The other pilots were not identi“ed. Both Somerton and Edmonson were ”ight instructors and were quali“ed to ”y jet airliners. Somerton was a United Airlines pilot.Namaste: Florida judge teaches yoga on courthouse lawnJACKSONVILLE (AP) „ A Florida judge sometimes wears yoga clothes under her black robe. At noon on the last Friday of every month, Duval County Judge Eleni Derkie strips off the robe and heads to the front lawn of Jacksonvilles courthouse where she leads a yoga class thats free to anyone who shows up. The Florida Times-Union reports Derke has taught yoga since 2014 but says her counterparts in the legal profession arent always the easiest converts. Courtroom bailiffs sometimes tease her, but Derke says yoga provides a few moments of peace during an otherwise stressful day. Sometimes, shes even been known to urge jurors to stretch and take deep breaths during lengthy trials. Shell continue the classes this year until the weather gets too hot.Florida coach charged with molesting 14-year-old studentPIERSON (AP) „ A volleyball coach at a Florida middle school was arrested on charges he sexually molested a 14-year-old male student. Deputies arrested Keyunta Murphy Tuesday on charges of lewd and lascivious battery, using a computer to lure a child and unlawful use of a communication device. The Volusia County Sheriffs Of“ce says the coach at T. Dewitt Taylor Middle-High School in Pierson was arrested after the boys mother alerted authorities that her son said he had been sexually molested. The boy told authorities that Murphy asked him during class Monday to come to the of“ce with him. Authorities say instead the coach took the boy to a gym bathroom and molested him. Murphy was in jail Tuesday morning and couldnt be reached for comment. Court records showed no attorney.Florida day care worker accused of possessing child pornTAMPA (AP) „ Investigators have arrested a 25-year-old worker at a Florida day care center on child pornography charges. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement said in a news release Tuesday that Justin Dwayne Cross faces 20 counts of possession and transmission of child pornography. The news release says Cross worked at Child Care in Brandon, which is a suburb of Tampa on Floridas west coast. He had previously worked at La Petite Academy in nearby Riverview. The investigation began after agents received tips Cross was distributing child porn. Investigators say he shared images in chat rooms and through different websites between September 2016 and January 2017. A number of agencies assisted FDLE in the investigation. An attorney for Cross is not listed on jail records.Florida Senate passes bill requiring prompt pollution noticeTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida Senate has passed a bill that would require the state Department of Environmental Protection to promptly notify the public after a pollution spill occurs. The Senate bill (SB 532) cleared the Senate unanimously on Tuesday. The bill came in the wake of a massive sinkhole at a fertilizer plant that sent millions of gallons of contaminated water into Floridas main aquifer. Under the Senate bill, those responsible for a spill would need to notify the DEP within 24 hours of the hazard being discovered. The DEP would then be mandated to issue a public emergency notice. If operators do not comply, they could be penalized $10,000 for each day the spill goes unreported. The House version of the bill has yet to go through a committee hearing.Florida Senate OKs $3.75M for boy found doused in chemicalsTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ A boy who was found doused in chemicals inside his fathers pesticide truck while his dead twin sister decomposed in the back would receive the remainder of a $5 million settlement under a bill passed by the Senate. The Senate unanimously passed the bill Tuesday to pay Victor Barahona $3.75 million to complete a settlement with the Department of Children and Families. Victor and his sister Nubia Barahona suffered extreme abuse by their adoptive parents. He was found suffering chemical burns along Interstate 95 in 2011 when he was 10 years old. The child welfare agency has been criticized for allowing Jorge and Carmen Barahona to adopt the children despite signs of abuse. Authorities later learned the couple tied the children up and locked them in a bathroom.Young manatee cut up by a boat is saved and brought to MiamiKEY LARGO (AP) „ Of“cials say a manatee calf injured by a boats propeller has been removed from waters so it can be treated in Miami. News outlets report Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission of“cers corralled the 7-foot manatee in the shallows of Florida Bay on Thursday. Mary Stella, director of media and marketing for the Dolphin Research Center in Grassy Key says the propeller cuts were visible on the manatees body and tail paddle. The mammal was spotted last Monday, but the FWC wanted to determine the seriousness of the injuries and see if the manatee was old enough to be away from its mother. Stella says they were approved when photos showed deep wounds and swelling, indicating internal injuries. The calf was taken to the Miami Seaquarium for treatment and rehabilitation.Man, 71, gets 10 years for trying to bribe teen to have sexFORT LAUDERDALE (AP) „ A 71-year-old church volunteer received a 10-year federal prison sentence for trying to bribe a 14-year-old girl to have sex with him. The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports that Fort Lauderdale insurance broker Timothy Taffe told the girl he would give her his BMW and leave her an inheritance if she had sex with him. He also sent her graphic photos of himself and gave her instructions on getting birth control pills. They met at an Episcopal church where he volunteered as a greeter. Her family contacted the FBI and local police about his conduct. They took control of her email and phone and had been intercepting his messages. U.S. District Judge William Zloch during Mondays hearing rejected Taffes comment that the devil really had control of me.Ž AP PHOTOIn this April 7 photo, County Court Judge Eleni Derke leads her yoga class on the lawn outside the Duval County Courthouse in Jacksonville.


Page 8 The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 DeanFoods 19.48 -.01 Deere 108.47 -.33 dd Delcath rs .07 +.01 DeltaAir 44.41 +.06 dd DenburyR 2.30 +.01 ... DeutschBk 15.96 -.16 q DBXEafeEq 28.98 -.39 dd DevonE 40.53 -.48 ... Diageo 116.05 -.22 DiamOffsh 14.86 -.42 dd DianaShip 5.11 -.48 dd Diebold 28.90 +.30 DigiIntl 12.05 -.05 DigitalRlt 112.00 +.76 Dillards 51.71 -.35 q DirDGlBr rs 25.40 +.49 q DxGlMBr rs 14.70 +.28 q DirSPBear 9.28 +.08 q DxSCBe ar rs 18.84 -.03 q DxFnBr rs 20.07 +.26 q DrGMBll s 6.41 -.16 q DxGBull s 10.80 -.27 q DxFnBull s 42.63 -.63 q DxBiotBear 11.11 +.43 q DrxSCBull 100.33 +.12 Discover 65.04 -.64 DiscCmA 28.61 +.11 DishNetw h 58.04 -.75 Disney 114.19 +.41 DollarGen 69.07 -.05 DollarTree 77.43 +.60 DomRescs 77.99 +.05 Dominos 176.63 +1.59 Donaldson 44.51 -.15 DowChm 61.48 -.25 q DryStrt 8.74 ... DryShp rs 1.71 -.22 DuPon t 77.88 -.21 q DufPUC 9.27 +.02 DukeEngy 82.86 -.07 DukeRlty 28.00 -.12 dd Dynegy 7.05 ... E-Trade 33.73 -.10 eBay s 34.02 -.42 dd EOG Rescs 94.83 -.91 Eaton 74.47 +.19 q EV EEq2 13.78 +.03 q EVTxMGlo 8.76 ... Ecolab 125.31 -.11 EdisonInt 80.87 +.20 EdwLfSci s 94.76 -.92 dd EldorGld g 3.72 +.03 EliLilly 81.20 -1.18 EllieMae 104.88 +.42 ElmiraSB 21.25 +.05 dd EmergeES 14.17 +.19 EmersonEl 58.41 + .01 EnbrdgEPt 18.04 +.01 ... Enbridge 42.15 -.48 cc EnCana g 11.50 -.21 Endo Intl 10.39 -.35 EgyTrEq s 18.56 -.13 dd EngyTsfr 35.04 -.22 Enerpls g 7.99 +.11 ... EnLinkLLC 18.95 -.05 Ennis Inc 15.45 -.10 ENSCO 8.32 +.03 Entergy 76.89 -.24 EntProdPt 27.97 +.22 ... Ericsson 6.34 -.06 EsteeLdr 86.29 +.93 EversrceE 60.14 -.15 dd EvineLive 1.32 -.03 Exelon 35.78 -.12 Expedia 130.47 +.13 Express 7.96 -.23 ExpScripts 66.09 -.58 ExxonMbl 81.05 -.53 FNBCp PA 13.99 -.11 Facebook 140.96 -.46 dd FairmSant 6.20 +.04 Fastenal 44.26 -1.54 FedExCp 183.61 -1.93 FedRlty 137.05 +.60 dd FedNatHld 16.05 -.09 ... Ferrari n 70.59 -.73 dd Ferrellgs 6.09 +.17 ... FiatChrys 9.74 -.04 FidlNatFn 39.29 +.32 ... FNFV Grp 12.75 +.20 dd FifthStFin 4.32 -.03 FifthThird 24.01 -.39 Finisar 23.84 -.56 dd FireEy e 12.40 +.10 ... FstData n 15.23 +.28 FstHorizon 18.01 +.06 FMajSilv g 9.20 -.01 dd FstSolar 26.89 -.45 FirstEngy 31.47 +.04 dd Fitbit n 5.57 +.09 q FlrtyTotR 21.24 +.04 Flex Ltd 15.96 -.04 FlowrsFds 19.63 +.08 Fluor 50.77 ... FootLockr 72.59 +.06 FordM 11.14 +.01 FBHmSec 62.05 +.13 FrankRes 41.64 +.27 dd FrptMcM 12.47 -.28 dd FrontierCm 1.94 -.03 Functnx rs .48 +.05 G-H-I GGP Inc 23.58 +.14 4 GNC 9.03 +1.79 ... GW Pharm 113.94 -2.31 q GabDvInc 20.96 +.20 q GabMultT 8.14 -.03 q GabUtil 6.83 ... Gam&Lsr n 34.45 +.11 Gap 23.92 +.03 Garmin 49.26 +.28 q GAInv 33.41 -.11 GenDynam 187.38 -1.51 GenElec 29.84 +.20 GenMills 58.16 +.56 GenMotors 33.69 -.21 GenesisEn 31.85 +.09 Gentex 20.12 -.11 dd Genworth 4.05 +.04 ... Gerdau 2.96 -.09 dd GeronCp 2.42 +.03 Gigamon 35.45 +1. 10 GileadSci 66.06 -.64 ... GlaxoSKln 41.28 -.56 Globalstar 1.90 ... GlobusMed 30.42 -.23 dd GluMobile 2.28 -.03 dd GoDaddy n 36.97 +.09 ... GoldFLtd 4.06 +.04 cc Goldcrp g 15.38 ... GoldmanS 215.59-10.67 Goodyear 34.70 -.24 dd GoPro 8.75 ... vjGrace 68.18 +.24 17 Graingr 197.57-25.40 GraphPkg 13.16 +.14 GtPlainEn 29.78 +.16 Greif A 55.00 +.65 dd Griffin 31.25 -.05 dd Groupon 3.75 +.10 ... GuangRy 30.90 -.37 dd GulfportE 15.44 -.26 HCA Hldg 85.21 -.44 HCP Inc 32.79 +.52 HD Supply 39.06 -.64 HP Inc 18.22 +.02 dd HRG Grp 19.59 -.07 ... HSBC 40.16 -.43 HainCels lf 37.38 +.38 dd Hallibrtn 48.53 -.31 Hanesbds s 21.26 -.07 HanoverIns 86.93 -.28 HarleyD 56.91 -2.49 dd Harmonic 5.60 -.05 ... HarmonyG 2.58 -.03 Harsco 11.70 +.05 HartfdFn 47.69 -.67 HawaiiEl 33.76 -.07 HlthCSvc 45.30 -.02 HeclaM 5.84 +.03 Hershey 109.47 +.77 ... HertzGl 15.90 -.07 dd Hess 48.19 -1.22 HP Ent n 18.13 +.02 HilltopH 26.55 +.13 HimaxTch 8.00 -.40 HollyFront 26.94 -.34 Hologic 42.23 -.41 HomeDp 147.76 +.45 ... Honda 28.40 -.29 HonwllIntl 123.08 -.35 Hormel s 34.75 +.29 HospPT 32.50 ... HostHotls 18.61 +.14 dd HostessBr n 15.86 +.32 ... HuanPwr 27.35 -.36 Hubbell 118.27 -.27 Humana 211.70 1.07 HuntBncsh 12.80 -.11 HuntgtnIng 199.29 -1.50 IAMGld g 4.48 +.06 ... ICICI Bk 8.71 -.09 IdexxLab s 155.68 +.40 ILG Inc 22.22 +.54 ... ING 14.68 -.16 q iShGold 12.41 +.06 q iSAstla 22.26 -.30 q iShBrazil 37.28 -.27 q iShCanada 26.80 -.23 q iShEMU 37.00 -.20 q iSFrance 25.98 -.25 q iShGerm 28.25 -.03 q iSh HK 22.29 -.30 q iSh SKor 59.56 -.96 q iShMexico 51.55 -.24 q iShSilver 17.34 -.09 q iShSelDiv 91.04 -.04 q iShChinaLC 37.80 -.66 q iSCorSP500235.35 -.71 q iShUSAgBd 109.65 +.44 q iShEMkts 39.05 -.50 q iShiBoxIG 119.61 +.70 q iSh20 yrT 124.70 +1.61 q iS Eafe 61.69 -.28 q iShiBxHYB 87.46 -.02 q iShNsdqBio 287.67 -2.91 q iShIndia bt 31.19 -.49 q iSR1KVal 113.69 -.41 q iShFltRtB 50.85 ... q iShR2K 135.32 +.03 q iShCorHiDv 83.59 -.11 q iShUSPfd 38.86 ... q iShREst 80.98 +.19 q iShHmCnst 32.43 +.14 q iShCrSPS s 67.72 +.06 q iShCorEafe 57.50 -.27 I dacorp 85.36 ... ITW 132.39 +1.02 dd Imunmd 6.37 +.31 cc Incyte 125.90 -.17 IndBkMI 20.45 -.10 Infosys 14.42 -.11 IngerRd 81.93 -.31 Ingredion 120.88 +.32 Intel 35.77 +.29 dd InterceptP 106.68 -.83 dd Internap 3.48 +.13 IBM 170.05 -1.05 ... IntlGmeT n 22.22 +.93 IntPap 51.45 +.98 ... IntrpDia rs 2.76 +.61 Interpublic 24.90 -.18 dd Intersectns 4.05 -.02 IntSurg 759.34 -8.94 dd InvenSense 12.93 + .41 Invesco 30.64 -.09 dd IonisPhm 42.34 +.18 q iShJapan rs 50.99 -.16 q iSTaiwn rs 32.86 -.36 q iSh UK rs 32.54 -.13 q iShCorEM 47.49 -.56 ... ItauUnibH 12.34 -.15 J-K-L dd 32.84 +.12 JPMorgCh 85.16 -.70 JacobsEng 53.64 +.19 dd JkksPac 5.15 -.15 JanusCap 13.17 -.08 JetBlue 20.79 -.13 JohnJn 121.82 -3.90 JohnContl n 41.35 +.26 JnprNtwk 27.70 -.01 KB Home 20.68 +.13 KKR 17.04 -.27 KC Southn 89.58 -.30 17 KateSpade 18.16 -1.24 Kellogg 72.98 +.67 dd KeryxBio 5.80 -.08 Keycorp 17.20 -.14 KimbClk 133.91 +.54 Kimco 22.72 +.16 KindMorg 21.16 -.21 ... KindrM wt .00 ... Kinross g 3.85 ... Kohls 38.83 -.08 dd KosmosEn 5.86 -.24 KraftHnz n 92.50 +.92 dd KratosDef 7.55 +.04 Kroger s 29.82 -.18 ... Kulicke 19.79 +.09 L Brands 47.77 -.05 L-3 Tch 166.11 -.43 LTC Prp 49.31 +.21 Landstar 83.80 -.55 LaredoPet 14.05 -.39 LVSands 56.87 +.43 LaSalleH 29.03 +.09 LeggPlat 51.10 -.16 dd LendingClb 5.65 +.19 cc LeucNatl 25.21 -.43 Level3 59.48 .36 q LbtyASE 5.47 +.02 dd LibtyGlobA 34.12 -.21 ... LibtyGlobC 33.50 -.24 LibtProp 40.82 +.02 LincElec 86.78 +3.78 ... LloydBkg 3.25 +.02 LockhdM 268.78 -1.10 Lowes 82.13 +.18 lululemn gs 51.93 -.07 ... Luxottica 54.63 -.86 LyonBas A 85.84 +.56 M-N-0 M&T Bk 151.85 -1.86 dd MBIA 8.72 ... MDC 31.08 +.25 MDU Res 27.27 -.09 MGIC Inv 10.95 +.07 MGM Rsts 27.75 +.63 q MVC Cap 8.86 -.04 Macys 28.71 -.11 Magna g s 39.58 -.46 dd Manitowoc 5.44 -.10 ... Manulife g 17.08 -.23 dd MarathnO 15.74 -.28 MarathPt s 48.94 -.96 MAR 92.02 +.07 MartinMid 19.20 +.05 cc MarvellTch 14.89 +.06 Masco 33.38 -.11 dd MastThera .13 -.01 MasterCrd 112.52 -.15 Matt el 25.24 ... MaximIntg 44.42 +.31 McCorm 100.69 +.58 McDrmInt 6.63 +.13 McDnlds 132.30 +.95 McKesson 137.60 -6.62 cc McEwenM 3.11 ... MedProp 14.14 +.01 Medtrnic 80.33 -.03 MelcoResE 19.96 -.10 Merck 62.27 -.53 MercGn 59.56 +.04 Meredith 63.30 +.60 Meritor 16.13 -.01 MetLife 51.19 -.71 cc Microchp 74.13 +1.11 MicronT 27.14 +.01 Microsoft 65.39 -.09 dd Microvisn 2.34 +.29 Middleby 134.04 -.59 Mdsx Watr 37.99 +.31 q MHowHiInc 13.50 +.06 MiMedx 11.01 +.21 ... MitsuUFJ 6.00 -.01 ... MobileTele 10.48 -.02 cc Mobileye 61.87 +.05 ... Momo 36.77 -1.63 Mondelez 44.74 +.60 Moog A 66.69 +.82 MorgStan 41.21 -.28 cc Mosaic 27.04 -.32 MotrlaSolu 82.64 -.44 dd MurphO 27.74 -.19 Mylan NV 37.03 -.52 NCR Corp 43.97 +.25 NQ Mobile 3.61 -.02 NRG Egy 18.44 -.01 NRG Yld C 17.40 -.10 ... NTT DOCO 23.91 -.01 dd Nabors 12.54 -.19 NatFuGas 53.41 -.20 ... NatGrid 64.88 -.19 NtHlthInv 75.23 +.22 NOilVarco 36.90 -.66 Navient 15.05 +.12 dd NektarTh 18.58 -.28 Neogen 60.46 +.45 cc Netflix s 143.36 -3.89 dd NeuroMx rs .71 +.10 dd Neurcrine 52.06 -2.26 NwGold g 3.27 -.03 NJ Rscs s 40.05 +.20 NewMedia 13.87 +.02 NewOriEd 60.33 -.05 NewResid 17.74 +.04 NY CmtyB 13.55 -.05 NYMtgTr 6.31 ... ... NY REIT 9.65 -. 03 NewellRub 46.27 -.20 NewfldExp 35.79 -.16 NewmtM 34.32 -.27 NextEraEn 131.94 +1.03 NiSource s 24.21 +.19 Nielsen plc 41.22 -.02 NikeB s 56.11 -.13 NobleCorp 5.40 -.09 dd NobleEngy 34.12 -1.24 ... NokiaCp 5.23 -.03 NordicAm 8.25 +.04 NorflkSo 112.85 -.34 ... NDynMn g 1.52 -.02 NorthropG 243.18 +.08 NwstBcsh 16.53 ... NwstNG 60.20 ... dd NovaGld g 4.45 -.06 Novartis 72.93 -.40 dd Novavax .83 -.05 ... NovoNord 36.19 +.10 Nucor 57.33 +.12 q NuvDivA 13.91 +.04 q Nv AMT-Fr 16.95 -.01 q NvPfdInco 9.96 +.01 q NuvEqtP 13.55 +.01 Nvidia 99.29 +.06 dd NxStageMd 26.77 +.68 OGE Engy 34.89 +.24 dd OasisPet 12.97 -.20 dd OcciPet 62.70 -1.33 OceanFst 27.27 +.73 ... Oclaro 8.67 +.08 OfficeDpt 4.71 -.02 dd OhrPhar h .83 -.09 OldNBcp 16.35 -.10 OldRepub 19.92 -.15 Olin 30.55 +.15 OmegaHlt 34.5 7 +.11 OmegaP 19.00 -.40 Omnicom 83.50 -2.67 OnSmcnd 14.45 +.17 dd OncoGnx h .38 -.02 ONEOK 54.82 +.41 OneokPtrs 53.60 +.35 dd OpkoHlth 7.11 -.35 Oracle 44.52 +.23 Orbotch 30.62 -.09 dd Organovo 2.69 -.08 Orthofix 38.01 +.95 OshkoshCp 69.01 +.86 OtterTail 38.70 +.30 P-Q-R PDL Bio 2.06 -.03 PG&E Cp 67.53 +.05 PNC 116.41 -2.00 PNM Res 38.05 +.05 ... POSCO 58.05 +.25 PPG s 104.74 -.65 PPL Corp 38.10 +.17 PacWstBc 47.17 -.79 Paccar 64.20 -1.14 dd PalatinTch .41 +.07 dd PaloAltNet 109.09 -.78 PanASlv 18.75 -.10 dd Pandora 10.56 -.17 PaneraBrd 315.23 +.24 dd ParkDrl 1.50 -.10 ParkerHan 155.76 +.04 cc ParsleyEn 31.09 -.18 dd PattUTI 23.39 -.27 Paychex 58.22 +.16 PayPal n 43.09 -.01 ... PeabodyE n 24.00 +.58 Pembina g 32.90 -.40 dd PengthE g 1.06 ... PnnNtGm 18.82 +.09 ... PennWst g 1.56 ... PennantPk 7.84 ... dd Penney 5.72 +.03 Penske 45.19 +.12 Pentair 62.94 -.37 PeopUtdF 17.36 -.16 PepsiCo 114.28 +.96 cc Perrigo 66.14 -1.75 ... PetrbrsA 9.01 -.15 ... Petrobras 9.26 -.18 Pfizer 33.84 -.16 PhilipMor 115.21 +.47 ... PhilipsNV 32.00 +.26 Phillips66 75.93 1.08 Pier 1 6.88 +.05 q PimIncStr2 10.18 +.01 PinWst 86.18 +.44 dd PioNtrl 180.63 -2.38 PitnyBw 13.11 +.01 PlainsAAP 30.52 -.08 dd PlugPowr h 2.25 -.04 Polaris 80.05 +.67 PolyOne 34.49 +.10 PostHldg 84.51 -3.35 Potash 16.53 -.14 dd PowerSolu lf 6.29 -2.85 q PS SrLoan 23.27 +.01 q PwShs QQQ131.28 -.20 Praxair 118.32 +.27 ... Pretium g 10.85 +.07 Priceline 1763.31 -7.30 PrinFncl 62.39 -.24 ProAssur 59 .85 -.25 ProLogis 54.56 -.70 q ProUltSP s 83.36 -.55 q PrUltPQ s 85.98 -.25 q PUVixST rs 18.96 -.30 q PrUCrude rs 20.51 -.03 q ProVixST rs 14.34 -.12 q ProShtVix 128.22 +.98 ProctGam 90.80 +.41 ProgsvCp 39.01 -.55 q ProShSP rs 34.77 +.10 q ProUShSP 13.68 +.09 q PShtQQQ rs 37.96 +.15 q ProUShL20 36.49 -.99 q PUShtR2K 23.06 -.02 q PUShtSPX 17.58 +.16 ProspctCap 9.21 -.02 dd Protalix 1.04 -.01 Prudentl 103.57 -.73 PSEG 45.34 -.34 PubStrg 231.18 -.01 PulteGrp 24.20 +.09 dd PumaBiotc 36.85 -2.75 q PMMI 7.43 +.03 dd QEP Res 11.21 -.26 Qualcom 52.67 -.22 QstDiag 97.11 -.66 dd RSP Perm 38.77 -1.05 RLauren 79.53 -.47 dd RangeRs 27.42 -.45 RavenInds 29.00 +.20 Rayonier 28.60 -.09 Raytheon 152.87 -.37 RltyInco 62.06 +.25 RedwdTr 16.90 +.03 Regenrn 366.06 -7.39 RegionsFn 13.34 -.65 RelStlAl 75.32 -.50 cc Replg n 35.67 +.03 dd ResCap rs 9.51 +.02 RetailOpp 21.87 +.10 dd RexahnPh .41 +.00 ReynAm s 64.04 -.17 cc RiceEngy 22.72 -.19 ... RioTinto 38.62 -.39 RiteAid 4.47 -.10 RockwlAut 149.53 -.99 RockColl 96.78 -.80 Rogers 81.99 -.24 Roper 207.14 -.30 ... RosettG rs 2.47 -.26 Rowan 14.21 -.12 ... RoyalBk g 71.33 -.73 RylCarb 95.55 -.39 RoyDShllB 55.16 -.66 RoyDShllA 52.46 -.48 S-T-U S&T Bcp 33.64 +.23 SCANA 66.70 +.40 SLM Cp 11.49 -.24 dd SM Energy 22.97 -.21 q SpdrDJIA 205.08 -1.09 q SpdrGold 122.82 +.58 q SpdrEuro50 35.59 -.24 q S&P500ETF233.87 -.70 q SpdrBiot s 67.85 -.96 q SpdrS&PBk 41.53 -.20 q SpdrShTHiY 27.90 +.01 q SpdrLehHY 36.81 -.01 q SpdrS&P RB 52.35 -.27 q SpdrOGEx 35.94 -.55 q SpdrMetM 29.48 -.05 dd SRC Eng 8.46 -.23 STMicro 14.58 -.27 SabnR 36.35 -.70 SabreCorp 22.20 +.25 Saia Inc 42.80 +.05 StJoe 17.40 +.20 cc Salesforce 83.71 -.49 SallyBty 19.89 ... SJuanB 7.50 +.08 dd SanchezEn 8.19 -.17 ... SandstG g 4.56 +.01 ... Sanofi 44.45 -1.08 Schlmbrg 77.93 -.31 q SchwIntEq 29.60 -.19 Schwab 37.91 -.23 SeadrillLtd .75 -.01 SeagateT 48.54 +.05 dd SearsHldgs 13.99 +.52 Seaspan 6.58 -.04 SempraEn 112.50 +.24 SenHous 22.44 +.25 Sherwin 311.07 +.22 ShipFin 13.85 -.15 ... Siban yeG 10.01 -.35 ... SiderurNac 2.33 -.11 SilvStd g 10.77 +.01 dd Biocryst 6.67 -.29 Biogen 271.16 -2.89 BlkHillsCp 68.48 +.47 dd BlackBerry 8.73 -.04 q BlkHlthSci 33.90 -.27 q BlkMuniast 14.63 -.02 Blackstone 29.60 +.35 BlockHR 23.81 +.14 BlueBPet n 23.99 +.93 BobEvans 65.30 +.69 Boeing 177.85 -1.17 BorgWarn 38.85 +.11 BostBeer 139.60 -.35 BostonSci 24.47 -.15 BoydGm 22.36 +.33 BrigStrat 21.00 -. 08 Brinker 43.10 +.54 BrMySq 52.93 -.02 ... BritATob s 67.57 -.12 BrcdeCm 12.51 +.06 dd Brookdale 12.86 -.03 ... BrkfInfra s 38.80 -.62 Brunswick 57.12 +.02 Buckeye 68.01 +.35 BuffaloWW 152.85 +.15 CBL Asc 9.87 +.38 CBS B 68.39 +1.21 CF Inds s 27.08 -.43 CIT Grp 42.77 -.63 CMS Eng 45.69 +.14 dd CNH Indl 9.79 -.13 CSX 46.63 -.60 CVR Rfng 9.10 +.10 CVS Health 78.25 -.48 CYS Invest 8.27 +.02 22 Cabelas 57.53 +3.84 dd CabotO&G 24.11 -.09 Cadence 32.16 +.78 dd Cal-Maine 38.45 -.15 q CalaCvHi 11.35 +.04 CalAmp 15.90 -.15 Calgon 13.70 -.20 ... CalifRes rs 12.44 -.43 CalifWtr 36.80 -.05 CallonPet 12.17 -.29 Calpine 10.93 +.08 dd CalumetSp 3.55 -.03 CamdenPT 82.57 +.12 CampSp 57.19 +.60 ... CdnNR gs 73.56 -.51 ... CdnNRs gs 33.04 -.73 CapOne 81.90 -1.10 dd CapSenL 13.76 +.16 Capstead M 10.86 +.04 dd CpstnTur rs .79 -.01 14 CardnlHlth 72.39 -9.44 CarMax 55.61 -.52 Carnival 58.37 -.09 CarpTech 34.95 +.01 dd Carrizo 27.16 -.93 Caterpillar 94.39 +.25 CedarF 69.01 +.52 Celanese 89.10 -1.40 Celgene 123.01 -2.06 ... Cemex 8.83 -.17 ... Cemig pf 2.98 ... dd CenovusE 10.73 -.16 CenterPnt 28.30 +.06 CntryLink 25.06 -.24 ChemFinl 47.21 -.54 cc Chemours n 35.77 +.19 dd CheniereEn 4 6.92 +.19 dd ChesEng 5.66 -.03 cc Chevron 105.68 -.49 dd ChicB&I 29.52 +.44 Chicos 13.49 +.13 cc Chipotle 468.51 -1.38 ... ChurchDwt s 50.70 +.36 CienaCorp 22.17 +.33 Cigna 149.82 -1.35 CinnFin 70.56 -1.04 Cirrus 62.96 +.14 Cisco 32.67 +.06 ... CgpVelLCrd 22.07 -.05 Citigroup 58.42 -.57 ... Citigp wtA .12 +.01 CitizFincl 33.70 -.22 CitrixSy s 83.12 -.32 dd CleanEngy 2.48 +.01 dd CleBio hrs 3.49 -1.31 CliffsNRs 6.86 +.01 Clorox 135.59 +.53 Coach 39.52 -.20 dd CobaltIEn .42 -.04 CocaCola 43.48 +.41 Coeur 9.87 +.05 CognizTch 57.87 -.83 q CohStQIR 12.90 +.08 q CohStSelPf 26.89 +.19 ColgPalm 74.37 +.30 Comcast s 37.59 +.39 Comerica 67.71 +.78 CommScpe 40.48 -.15 dd CmtyHlt 8.47 -.10 CmpTask 5.69 +.02 Comtech 13.50 +.19 ConAgra 40.79 +.33 ConnWtrSv 54.09 +.49 dd ConocoPhil 48.69 -.26 ... ConsolCom 24.42 +.23 ConEd 79.09 +.22 dd ContlRescs 44.63 -.53 CooperTire 42.75 -.55 dd CorOnDem 36.46 +.72 Corning 26.89 +.35 CorpOffP 34.23 -.18 Costco 170.13 +.43 cc Coty 18.41 +.26 CousPrp 8.43 -.05 q CSVixSh rs 41.00 -.84 q CSVInvN rs 20.63 +.28 q CSVelIVST 66.29 +.45 q CSVLgNG rs 20.06 -.28 q CS VSSilv 16.52 -.28 ... CredSuiss 14.19 -.12 dd CrestEq rs 25.85 -.20 dd Crocs 6.10 -.04 CrwnCstle 96.79 +.49 CrownHold 54.46 +.06 s 48.98 +.37 Cummins 145.07 -1.93 CybrOpt 23.55 -.20 CypSemi 13.62 +.14 dd CytRx h .44 ... D-E-F DCT IndlTr 50.73 -.43 DDR Corp 12.85 +.05 q DNP Selct 10.94 +.08 DR Horton 34.28 +.12 DTE 104.42 -.02 ... DXC Tch n 75.39 -1.61 Darden 82.72 +.08 DeVryEd 34.05 -.30 A-B-C AES Corp 11.41 -.02 AFLAC 73.88 +.35 AGNC Inv 20.63 +.01 AK Steel 6.32 +.01 AT&T Inc 40.25 -.05 AbbottLab 43.43 +.12 AbbVie 63.65 -.66 dd AberFitc 11.04 +.10 Accenture 116.24 +.52 dd Accuray 4.70 +.05 ActivsBliz 49.17 +.37 Adeptus 1.47 -.54 ... Adient n 66.16 -1.11 AdvEnId 65.75 ... dd AMD 12.95 +.16 ... AdvFood n 33.94 +1.51 AdvisoryBd 46.95 ... Aecom 33.75 +.38 ... Aegon 4.79 -.11 dd AeroViron 28.55 +.69 Aetna 128.54 -.77 dd AeviGeno 1.75 -.02 Agilent 53.03 -.43 Aircastle 23.22 -.03 Akorn Inc 33.04 +1.05 ... AlamosGld 7.97 -.17 ... AlaskCom 2.15 ... ... Alcoa Cp 31.76 +.45 dd Alere 49.00 -.05 Alexion lf 118.22 -.61 Alibaba 111.23 -.53 dd AllegTch 16.92 -.02 Allergan 234.38 -1.75 Allete 69.51 +.14 AllnceRes 21.50 -.25 AlliBern 23.05 ... AlliantEg s 40.15 +.27 AllisonTr n 34.90 +.41 Allstate 80.31 -1.19 AllyFincl 19.24 -.16 Alphabet C 836.82 -.35 Alphabet A 853.99 -1.14 q AlpTotDiv 8.31 +.01 q AlpAlerMLP 12.63 +.01 Altria 72.34 +.03 cc Amazon 903.78 +1.79 Ambarella 50.37 -.08 Ambev 5.79 -.01 dd Amedica rs .43 +.03 Ameren 55.34 -.09 AFMulti 5.70 -.05 AMovilL 14.64 -.03 AmAirlines 43.81 -.42 AEagleOut 13.17 -.25 AEP 67.98 +.24 AmExp 75.79 -.88 dd AmIntlGrp 59.50 -.43 AmStsWtr 44.84 -.05 AmTower 124.86 +.61 AmWtrWks 79.50 +.34 Amerigas 46.39 -.21 Ameriprise 126.61 -1.14 AmeriBrgn 82.56 -4.08 Ametek 53.98 +.01 Amgen 161.25 -.86 ... Amphenol 69.96 +.43 dd Amyris .60 -.10 dd Anadarko 60.41 -.80 AnalogDev 77.41 +1.02 ... AnglogldA 13.06 +.13 ... ABInBev 110.82 +.44 Annaly 11.76 +.03 AnteroRes 21.95 -.05 Anthem 166.37 -.57 Anworth 5.69 +.01 dd Apac he 50.45 -2.05 ... ApolloInv 6.60 +.02 Apple Inc 141.20 -.63 ApldMatl 38.05 +.03 ApldOptoel 44.20 +.87 AquaAm 32.92 -.02 ArcBest 24.65 -.10 ArcelorMit 7.13 -.22 ArchDan 45.41 +.73 ... Arconic 25.80 -.89 ArcosDor 8.00 ... dd ArenaPhm 1.28 -.20 AresCap 17.42 -.10 dd ArgosTher .39 -.02 AristaNetw 132.96 +.21 dd ArrayBio 7.93 -.41 ArrowEl 70.87 -.03 AscenaRtl 3.83 -.06 Ashland 123.98 -.74 Ast raZen s 29.76 -.39 ATMOS 80.82 -.18 dd AuriniaPh 6.80 +.11 AutoNatn 41.55 +1.22 AutoData 101.93 +.07 AveryD 80.74 +.45 AvisBudg 28.69 +.12 Avista 40.46 -.02 dd Avon 4.52 +.06 dd B2gold g 2.82 +.03 BB&T Cp 42.57 -.58 ... BCE g 45.53 -.51 BGC Ptrs 10.86 +.14 ... BHP BillLt 35.57 -.68 ... BHPBil plc 30.83 -.80 BP PLC 34.67 -.36 BP Pru 19.70 -.05 ... BRF SA 12.98 +.19 Baidu 174.47 +1.16 dd BakrHu 60.01 +.39 Balchem 76.89 +.12 BallCorp 72.28 -.02 dd BallardPw 2.89 -.05 ... BcBilVArg 7.30 -.08 ... BcoBrad s 10.25 -.12 ... BcoSantSA 5.84 -.04 ... BcoSBrasil 7.99 +.23 BankMutl 9.50 -.05 BkofAm 22.71 -.10 ... BkMont g 73.28 -.73 BkNYMel 46.89 -.16 BkNova g 57.24 -.71 ... Barclay 10.59 -.10 q B iPVxST rs 17.21 -.15 Bard 249.57 -1.71 BarnesNob 9.35 +.10 cc Barracuda 19.71 -3.70 BarrickG 19.71 -.13 dd BasicEnS .45 ... Baxter s 52.73 -.09 cc BeazerHm 12.59 +.43 BectDck 183.38 -.58 BedBath 38.42 -.01 Bemis 48.60 +.18 BerkH B 163.69 -.66 BestBuy 48.52 +.16 BigLots 48.57 +.49P/E Name Last Chg Money & Markets 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400 OA NDJFM 2,320 2,360 2,400 S&P 500Close: 2,342.19 Change: -6.82 (-0.3%) 10 DAYS 4,800 5,100 5,400 5,700 6,000 OA NDJFM 5,800 5,880 5,960 Nasdaq compositeClose: 5,849.47 Change: -7.32 (-0.1%) 10 DAYSAdvanced 1396 Declined 1518 New Highs 101 New Lows 27 Vol. (in mil.) 3,187 Pvs. Volume 2,711 1,546 1,302 1209 1556 49 57 NYSE NASDDOW 20600.12 20462.28 20523.28 -113.64 -0.55% t t s +3.85% DOW Trans. 8991.82 8903.25 8933.10 -57.32 -0.64% t s t -1.23% DOW Util. 709.11 704.96 707.80 +1.63 +0.23% s s s +7.31% NYSE Comp. 11426.83 11333.74 11378.58 -48.50 -0.42% t t s +2.91% NASDAQ 5860.04 5828.57 5849.47 -7.32 -0.13% t s s +8.66% S&P 500 2348.15 2334.54 2342.19 -6.82 -0.29% t t s +4.62% S&P 400 1702.74 1690.15 1700.83 +0.17 +0.01% t s s +2.42% Russell 2000 1362.48 1351.42 1361.89 +0.72 +0.05% t s s +0.35% Toronto TSX 15659.35 15543.43 15622.57 -62.32 -0.40% t s s +2.19%HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD Stocks Recap Combined StocksFrom the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. Interest ratesThe yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.17 percent on Tuesday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG AGO 4.00 3.50 3.50 .88 .38 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill .80 0.80 ... .20 6-month T-bill .93 0.95 -0.02 .34 52-wk T-bill 1.00 1.02 -0.02 .50 2-year T-note 1.16 1.21 -0.05 .75 5-year T-note 1.71 1.78 -0.07 1.23 10-year T-note 2.17 2.25 -0.08 1.77 30-year T-bond 2.84 2.91 -0.07 2.58 NET 1YR BONDS YEST PVS CHG AGO AP Muni Bond Idx 2.39 2.41 -0.02 ... Barclays Glob Agg Bd 1.56 1.56 ... ... Barclays USAggregate 2.50 2.49 +0.01 2.13 Barclays US Corp 3.23 3.21 +0.02 3.12 Barclays US High Yield 5.83 5.83 ... 7.72 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.86 3.83 +0.03 3.59 10-Yr. TIPS .32 0.34 -0.02 .16Commodities Energy futures declined Tuesday, including U.S. crude oil, wholesale gasoline and natural gas. Gold futures rose slightly while silver and copper tumbled.Crude Oil (bbl) 52.41 52.65 -0.46 -2.4 Ethanol (gal) 1.63 1.65 +0.24 +1.4 Heating Oil (gal) 1.62 1.63 -0.67 -4.8 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.15 3.16 -0.57 -15.6 Unleaded Gas (gal) 1.71 1.72 -0.50 +2.8 FUELS CLOSEPVS. %CHG%YTD Gold (oz) 1291.70 1289.40 +0.18 +12.3 Silver (oz) 18.25 18.49 -1.31 +14.5 Platinum (oz) 975.80 987.50 -1.18 +8.2 Copper (lb) 2.53 2.60 -2.54 +1.3 Palladium (oz) 770.85 788.40 -2.23 +12.9 METALS CLOSEPVS.%CHG%YTD Cattle (lb) 1.27 1.26 +0.28 +6.5 Coffee (lb) 1.43 1.41 +1.28 +4.3 Corn (bu) 3.62 3.67 -1.30 +2.8 Cotton (lb) 0.77 0.77 -0.27 +8.7 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 385.00 386.70 -0.44 +21.6 Orange Juice (lb) 1.64 1.59 +2.99 -17.4 Soybeans (bu) 9.46 9.53 -0.76 -5.1 Wheat (bu) 4.22 4.21 +0.36 +3.6 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS. %CHG%YTD USD per British Pound1.2848 +.0285 +2.22% 1.4274 Canadian Dollar 1.3379 +.0069 +.52% 1.2810 USD per Euro 1.0730 +.0088 +.82% 1.1314 Japanese Yen 108.42 -.37 -.34% 108.82 Mexican Peso 18.5547 +.0398 +.21% 17.4454 1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG %CHGAGO Israeli Shekel 3.6670 -.0007 -.26% 3.7742 Norwegian Krone 8.5080 +.0007 +.60% 8.2126 South African Rand 13.2810 +.0001 +.13% 14.4711 Swedish Krona 8.9628 +.0005 +.45% 8.1147 Swiss Franc .9963 +.0082 +.82% .9643 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST Australian Dollar 1.3233 +.0058 +.44% 1.2912 Chinese Yuan 6.8852 -.0022 -.03% 6.4754 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7752 +.0031 +.04% 7.7551 Indian Rupee 64.602 +.186 +.29% 66.446 Singapore Dollar 1.3962 -.0014 -.10% 1.3524 South Korean Won 1143.04 +9.84 +.86% 1142.79 Taiwan Dollar 30.41 +.06 +.20% 32.33 ASIA/PACIFICForeign Exchange The dollar fell versus the British pound, the Japanese yen, the euro and the Swiss franc. The U.S. currency rose against the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso.YEST6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO SilvWhtn g 21.90 -.10 SimonProp 174.73 +.16 SiriusXM 5.06 +.01 Skechers s 24.89 -.66 SkywksSol 99.03 +.27 Smucker 128.11 +.10 ... SnapInc A n 20.55 +.61 SnapOn 163.31 -.20 SnydLance 33.71 -.05 SodaStrm 51.42 +.42 SolarCap 22.62 +.06 SonocoP 51.45 -.18 ... SonyCp 31.68 -.16 dd SorrentoTh 1.60 -.28 q SourcC 37.33 -.22 SoJerInd s 37.81 -.06 SouthnCo 49.97 +.19 SwstAirl 54.42 -.30 dd SwstnEngy 7.33 -.16 SpiritAir 56.22 +2.39 SpiritRltC 10.48 +.04 dd Sprint 8.50 +.10 dd Square n 16.98 -.10 q SP Matls 51.62 -.06 q SP HlthC 73.44 -.81 q SP CnSt 55.48 +.25 q SP Consum 87.45 +.01 q SP Engy 68.81 -.65 q SPDR Fncl 23.08 -.22 q SP Inds 64.51 -.21 q SP Tech 52.84 -.01 q SpdrRESel 32.52 +.08 q SP Util 52.03 +.12 StanBlkDk 131.21 +.04 dd Staples 9.60 ... StarGas 9.30 -.01 Starbucks s 58.35 +.27 StateStr 77. 71 -.77 ... Statoil ASA 16.77 -.35 StlDynam 32.67 -.07 dd StillwtrM 17.87 +.02 dd Stratasys 23.77 +2.47 Stryker 130.91 -.06 SubPpne 25.91 +.03 SunCmts 84.80 +1.23 SunHydrl 34.41 -.05 ... Suncor g 30.65 -.35 dd SunPower 6.83 +.15 SunTrst 53.80 -.71 dd SupercdT rs 2.09 -.01 dd SupEnrgy 13.49 -.15 Supvalu 3.90 +.05 SwiftTrans 22.82 -.15 Symantec 30.40 +.15 Synchrony 32.85 -.17 dd SynrgyPh 4.17 .25 SynovusFn 40.93 +1.02 Sysco 52.40 +.28 TC PpLn 58.95 +.22 TD Ameritr 37.35 -.01 TJX 76.84 +.36 ... TOP Ship rs .53 +.01 TahoeRes 9.01 +.03 ... TaiwSemi 31.79 -.24 Target 53.60 -.08 Taubmn 66.46 +.30 Technip 32.46 -.11 ... TeckRes g 21.51 -.88 ... Teladoc n 25.80 +.35 ... Tenaris 32.46 -.17 TenetHlth 15.70 -.38 Tenneco 58.65 +.25 Teradata 30.97 -.07 TerraNitro 93.69 +.08 dd Tesla Inc 300.25 -1.19 Tesoro 77.21 -2.16 TevaPhrm 30.99 -1.16 TexInst 79.61 +.89 TexRdhse 44.26 -.43 dd Textainer 13.65 -.25 Textron 47.34 +.49 dd TherapMD 4.85 -.30 cc 3D Sys 15.28 +.40 3M Co 190.22 -.14 Tiffany 90.77 -.75 47 TileShop 21.00 +1.60 TimeWarn 99.65 +.48 Timken 43.60 +.40 Torchmark 75.00 -.55 ... TorDBk gs 49.26 -.48 ... Total SA 50.37 -.47 ... Toyota 105.32 -.80 TractSupp 63.7 1 +.16 Transocn 11.64 -.14 Travelers 120.75 -1.17 q TriContl 23.12 -.09 ... TriCntl pf 50.16 +.17 TriNetGrp 28.31 +.58 Trinity 25.68 +.03 TrueBlue 25.90 +.25 TrstNY 7.65 ... Tuppwre 64.87 +.26 TurqHillRs 2.77 -.10 21stCFoxA 30.66 -.07 dd Twitter 14.44 +.04 TwoHrbInv 9.97 ... dd 2U 41.82 +.10 Tyson 65.24 +.78 ... UBS Grp 15.20 -.24 UDR 36.75 +.09 UGI Corp 49.62 -.18 dd US Silica 45.10 +.09 dd UltraClean 15.34 +.06 Umpqua 17.01 +.04 UndrArm s 19.10 -.11 UniFirst 136.00 +.20 ... UnilevNV 51.31 +.06 UnionPac 106.24 +.26 dd Unit 21.89 -.75 UtdContl 67.75 -3.02 UPS B 104.10 -.77 UtdRentals 119.86 -1.09 US Bancrp 49.80 -.74 q US NGas 7.49 -.04 q US OilFd 11.04 -.02 dd USSteel 28.73 -.15 UtdTech 113.56 +.29 UtdhlthGp 168.59 +1.41 UnitGrp 26.52 -.61 UnvslCp 74.00 +1.40 UnumGrp 44.96 -.56 dd UraniumEn 1.43 -.02 V-W-X-Y-Z dd VEON 3.95 +.06 VF Corp 55.16 +.12 ... Vale SA 8.57 -.23 ... Vale SA pf 8.13 -.31 3 ValeantPh 8.95 -.53 ValeroE 64.15 -1.04 VlyNBcp 11.50 -.03 q VanEGold 24.27 -.20 q VnEkRus 20.01 -.33 q VanE EMBd 18.67 +.04 q VnEkSemi 77.39 +.31 q VEckOilSvc 29.73 -.16 q VanE JrGld 35.87 -.27 q VangSP500214.75 -.59 q VangREIT 85.52 +.23 q VangDivAp 89.29 -.22 q VangEmg 39.62 -.47 q VangEur 51.27 -.24 q VangFTSE 38.9 8 -.23 Vectren 59.51 -.19 Ventas 66.79 +.95 Vereit 8.92 +.03 Verisign 88.42 -.42 VerizonCm 49.22 +.41 ViadCorp 43.70 +.15 Viavi 9.84 +.17 Visa s 89.73 -.08 VishayInt 15.75 +.05 VMware 91.69 +.36 ... Vodafone 26.05 +.06 Vonage 6.13 -.11 VulcanM 116.90 -1.29 WD 40 103.85 +.30 WEC Engy 60.96 +.02 WP Carey 64.28 +.15 dd WPX Engy 12.77 -.16 WalMart 73.89 +.40 WalgBoots 82.82 -.31 WashPrGp 9.34 ... WREIT 32.48 -.05 WsteMInc 72.45 -.05 Waters 157.26 -.08 dd WeathfIntl 5.98 +.06 WebsterFn 47.86 -.27 WtWatch 17.45 -.09 WeinRlt 35.26 +.38 WellsFargo 52.45 -.27 Welltower 74.24 +.85 Wendys Co 13.52 ... WestarEn 54.63 +.40 q WAstInfSc 11.47 ... WDigital 82.87 -1.29 WstnUnion 19.67 +.18 ... WestpacBk 25.86 -.43 ... WestRck 50.63 +.48 Weyerhsr 34.76 -.20 Whrlpl 168.14 -.81 dd WhitingPe t 8.75 +.07 WholeFood 34.82 +.30 WmsCos 30.42 +.24 dd WillmsPtrs 41.29 +.31 WisdomTr 8.38 +.08 q WTJpHedg 48.05 -.39 q WT India 24.18 -.36 Woodward 68.80 +.05 WldW Ent 20.87 -.88 Wynn 115.89 +1.25 XcelEngy 45.10 +.02 Xerox 7.02 ... Xilinx 56.49 +.58 YRC Wwde 10.27 +.02 dd Yahoo 47.56 +.17 Yamana g 3.15 ... ... Yandex 24.01 -.26 YorkWater 35.35 +.45 YumBrnds 63.96 +.07 ... Yum China 32.76 -.18 dd Zagg 6.80 -.10 dd ZayoGrp 33.68 -1.08 ZimmerBio 119.57 -1.59 ZionsBcp 39.83 -.35 Zoetis 53.55 +.05 dd Zynga 2.82 +.04 Stock Footnotes: Stock Footnotes: cld Issue has been called for redemption by company. d New 52-week low. ec Company formerly listed on the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace. g Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h Does not meet continued-listing standards. lf Late filing with SEC. n Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low figures date onl y from the beginning of trading. pf Preferred stock issue. pr Preferences. pp Holder owes installments of purchase price. rt Right to buy security at a specified price. rs Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year. s Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd When distributed. wt Warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock. u New 52-week high. un Unit,, including more than one security. vj Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. Stocks in bold are worth at least $5 and changed 5 percent or more in price. Underlining for 50 most actively traded stocks of the day. Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. M ost recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. P E Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months. Mutual Fund Footnotes: b Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f front load (sales charges). m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA not available. p previous days net asset value. s fund split shares during the week. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Source :Morningstar and the Associated Press.DOW 20,523.28 -113.64 NASDAQ 5,849.47 -7.32 S&P 500 2,342.19 -6.82 10-YR T-NOTE 2.17% -.08 30-YR T-BOND 2.84% -.07 CRUDE OIL $52.41 -.24 GOLD $1,291.70 +2.30 EURO $1.0730 +.0088q q q q q q q q q q q q p p p p(Previous and change figures reflect current contract.) STOCKS LISTING CHANGE REQUESTS WELCOME!The Sun Newspaper is tweaking the way stocks are listed in the daily paper. We will continue to run a wide range of stocks, but were trying to eliminate stocks our readers dont want. If you do not see your stock in the paper, please let us know and we will put it in the listings. Email the name of the company and the symbol to, or call 941-206-1138. You can leave the stock name and symbol on voice mail.


The Sun /Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Page 9 ABDiversMunicipal 14.40 +.02 +0.1 SmCpGrA m 45.36 -.08 +21.2AMGYacktmanFocedS d 21.10-.04 +12.1YacktmanI d 22.69 -.03 +11.3AQRMgdFtsStratI 9.14 -.10 -10.4AberdeenIntlSmCpA m 27.41 -.10 +12.0AkreFocRetail m 26.48 +.03 +10.8AlgerSmCpGrB m 5.39 ... +18.2AlpinedynDivInstl d 3.76 -.01 +13.5AmanaMutGrInv b 32.50 -.03 +13.3 MutIncInv b 46.71 -.14 +8.0American BeaconSmCpValInstl 27.24 -.01 +20.7American CenturyCptlValInv 8.92 -.06 +15.2 EqIncInv 9.10 -.03 +14.7 GrInv 30.37 -.06 +12.9 HYMuniInv 9.47 +.03 +1.4 HeritageInv 21.46 ... +10.6 IntTrmTxFrBdInv 11.29 +.02 0.0 UltraInv 38.10 -.09 +13.0American FundsAMCpA m 28.65 -.10 +11.6 AmrcnBalA m 25.80 +.01 +9.7 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.37 -.01 +13.8 AmrcnMutA m 38.10 -.07 +12.6 BdfAmrcA m 12.93 +.04 +1.7 CptWldGrIncA m 46.62 -.19 +11.1 Cptl IncBldrA m 60.02 -.01 +6.7 CptlWldBdA m 19.59 +.09 +0.2 EuroPacGrA m 49.21 -.24 +10.2 FdmtlInvsA m 57.56 -.10 +16.1 GlbBalA m 30.70 -.01 +6.0 GrfAmrcA m 45.18 -.16 +16.5 IncAmrcA m 22.23 -.01 +9.4 IntrmBdfAmrA m 13.46 +.02 +0.7 InvCAmrcA m 37.87 -.09 +13.9 NewWldA m 57.12 -.27 +12.4 NwPrspctvA m 38.59 -.11 +11.3 SmCpWldA m 49.89 -.13 +15.2 TheNewEcoA m 39.42 -.18 +13.3 TxExBdA m 12.92 +.0 3 +0.6 WAMtInvsA m 42.30 -.08 +13.5ArtisanIntlInv 27.92 -.04 +0.7BairdAggrgateBdInstl 10.88 +.04 +2.3 CorPlusBdInstl 11.22 +.04 +3.5BaronAsstRetail b 63.33 ... +16.6 GrRetail b 65.95 +.11 +15.8 PtnrsRetail b 41.89 +.04 +18.9BerkshireFoc d 20.45 -.05 +20.8BlackRockAlCpEngyRsInvA m 10.53-.12 +6.9 EqDivInstl 22.87 -.12 +15.5 EqDivInvA m 22.82 -.11 +15.2 GlbAllcIncInstl 19.07 -.03 +7.7 GlbAllc IncInvA m 18.95 -.03 +7.4 GlbAllcIncInvC m 17.22 -.02 +6.6 HYBdInstl 7.73 ... +13.4 HYBdK 7.73 -.01 +13.5 HYBdSvc b 7.73 ... +13.0 StrIncOppsIns 9.87 ... +5.1 TactOppsInvA m 13.36 ... +1.8BruceBruce 506.14 +.97 +5.7 StratValDivIns 6.21 -.01 +6.6 TtlRetBdInstl 10.92 +.03 +3.8Fidelity500IdxInstl 81.95 -.24 +14.2 500IdxInstlPrm 81.95 -.24 +14.2 500IdxPremium 81.95 -.24 +14.2 AdvLgCpA m 31.16 -.14 +18.2 AdvLtdTrmBdA m 11.50+.01 +1.4AdvNewInsightsA m 28.18-.07 +12.7AdvNewInsightsI 28.75 -.08 +12.9 AsstMgr50% 17.44 ... +8.8 Bal 23.16 -.02 +11.2 BalK 23.15 -.02 +11.3 BlueChipGr 75.01 -.20 +15.6 BlueChipGrK 75.10 -.21 +15.7 Canada d 49.82 -.44 +8.9 Contrafund 107.10 -.28 +12.6 ContrafundK 107.05 -.27 +12.8 CptlInc d 9.97 -.01 +13.1 DivGr 33.45 -.08 +10.8 DiversIntl 36.11 -.08 +5.8 DiversIntlK 36.05 -.08 +5.9 EmMkts 17.86 -.12 +19.1 EmMkts d 25.60 -.10 +13.6 EmMktsF 17.91 -.12 +19.3 EmergAsia d 35.60 -.19 +15.6 EqDivInc 27.08 -.08 +13.2 EqInc 57.90 -.13 +15.7 ExtndMktIdxPr 56.74 ... +18.5 Fidelity 43.19 -.12 +10.2 FltngRtHiInc d 9.65 ... +8.2 FocedStk 19.41 -.08 +6.4 FourinOneIdx 39.89 -.07 +11.2 Frdm2015 12.83 -.01 +9.1 Frdm2020 15.69 -.02 +9.8 Frdm2025 13.48 -.02 +10.5 Frdm2030 16.66 -.04 +12.1 Frdm2035 13.80 -.04 +13.1 Frdm2040 9.69 -.02 +13.2 FrdmK2020 14.61 -.02 +9.9 FrdmK2025 15.31 -.02 +10.6 FrdmK2030 15.71 -.03 +12.3 FrdmK2035 16.33 -.05 +13.3 FrdmK2040 16.36 -.04 +13.4 FrdmK2045 16.84 -.05 +13.3 FrdmK2050 16.98 -.05 +13.3 GNMA 11.50 +.03 +1.1 GrCo 149.09 -.45 +19.2 GrCoF 14.58 -.04 +19.3 GrCoK 148.98 -.45 +19.3 GrInc 33.62 -.15 +16.5 Independence 35.43 -.15 +8.2 IntlDiscv 39.72 -.10 +5.8 IntlGr 14.08 -.03 +5.9 IntlGrF 14.12 -.02 +6.2 IntlIdxPremium 37.74 -.15 +8.5 IntlRlEstt d 10.27 +.04 +3.5 IntlVal 9.56 -.05 +4.8 IntlValF 9.59 -.04 +5.1 InvmGradeBd 11.28 +.04 +3.0 InvmGradeBd 7.91 +.02 +3.8 InvmGradeBdF 11.28 +.03 +3.1 JapanSmlrCo d 15.81 +.06 +11.9 LatinAmerica d 22.21 -.07 +23.3 LowPricedStk 51.54 +.04 +12.5 LowPricedStkK 51.51 +.04 +12.6 LvrgdCoStk 34.95 -.07 +12.2 Magellan 96.02 -.41 +10.4 MegaCpStk 17.89 -.08 +15.2 MidCpStk 36.01 -.02 +15.3 MidCpVal 25.63 -.04 +13.9 MuniInc 13.07 +.04 +0.3 NYMuniInc 13.22 +.03 +0.2 NewMillennium 37.34 -.09 +15.8 NewMktsInc d 16.27 +.02 +14.7 Nordic d 47.23 +.17 -1.8 OTC 94.00 -.15 +22.8 Overseas 43.42 -.01 +8.9 Puritan 21.56 -.03 +9.8 PuritanK 21.55 -.03 +9.9 STBd 8.63 +.01 +1.2 SelBiotech 195.74 -2.16 +8.4 SelEngy 42.65 -.44 +11.4 SelGold 22.03 -.11 +9.5 SelHC 205.81 -1.00 +8.3 STInfPrScIdIns 24.84 +.01 +2.0 STInfPrScIdxInv 24.81 +.01 +1.9 STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.70 +.01 +2.2 STInvmGrdIns 10.70 +.01 +2.2 STInvmGrdInv 10.70 +.01 +2.1 STTEAdmrl 15.79 ... +0.8 STTrsAdmrl 10.67 +.01 +0.6 SeledValInv 30.02 -.16 +17.6 SmCpGrIdxAdmrl 49.05 ... +16.1 SmCpIdxAdmrl 63.12 ... +17.8 SmCpIdxIns 63.12 ... +17.8 SmCpIdxInsPlus 182.20+.01 +17.8 SmCpValIdxAdmrl 52.04 ... +19.1 SmCpValIdxIns 29.09 ... +19.1 StarInv 24.88 -.02 +9.4 StrEqInv 32.82 -.05 +17.5 TrgtRtr2010Inv 26.07 +.01 +5.1 TrgtRtr2015Inv 15.03 -.01 +6.7 TrgtRtr2020Inv 29.44 -.02 +8.1 TrgtRtr2025Inv 17.09 -.02 +9.0 TrgtRtr2030Inv 30.63 -.05 +9.9 TrgtRtr2035Inv 18.66 -.05 +10.8 TrgtRtr2040Inv 31.88 -.09 +11.7 TrgtRtr2045Inv 19.96 -.06 +12.0 TrgtRtr2050Inv 32.11 -.09 +12.0 TrgtRtrIncInv 13.13 +.01 +5.0 TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.80 +.04 +1.3 TtBMIdxIns 10.80 +.04 +1.3 TtBMIdxInsPlus 10.80 +.04 +1.3 TtBMIdxInv 10.80 +.04 +1.2 TtInBIdxAdmrl 21.78 +.03 +1.7 TtInBIdxIns 32.68 +.04 +1.8 TtInBIdxInv 10.89 +.01 +1.7 TtInSIdxAdmrl 26.49 -.15 +10.4 TtInSIdxIns 105.93 -.59 +10.5 TtInSIdxInsPlus 105.95 -.59 +10.5 TtInSIdxInv 15.84 -.09 +10.4 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 58.57 -.14 +15.0 TtlSMIdxIns 58.58 -.14 +15.0 TtlSMIdxInv 58.55 -.14 +14.9 TxMgCptlAprAdmr 119.72-.32+15.1 ValIdxAdmrl 36.76 -.16 +15.2 ValIdxIns 36.76 -.16 +15.2 WlngtnAdmrl 69.03 -.14 +10.2 WlngtnInv 39.97 -.08 +10.1 WlslyIncAdmrl 62.99 +.10 +5.9 WlslyIncInv 26.00 +.04 +5.8 WndsrAdmrl 72.16 -.37 +17.3 WndsrIIAdmrl 64.34 -.45 +13.8 WndsrIIInv 36.26 -.25 +13.7VictorySpecValA m 22.73 -.12 +6.3VirtusEMOppsI 10.31 -.04 +11.0WasatchLgCpValInv d 9.49 -.07 +14.5Wells FargoDJTrgt2010Adm 12.64 +.03 +1.6Western AssetCorPlusBdI 11.63 ... +4.3 WAMngdMuniA 16.28 ... 0.0Wintergreen FundInv m 16.47 -.07 +14.7 AsAlModC m 12.00 -.01 +7.2TurnerSmCpGr 12.85 -.03 +12.7Tweedy, BrowneGlbVal d 26.44 -.23 +11.5U.S. Global InvestorGlbRes m 5.39 -.06 +8.8 GoldPrcMtls m 7.64 -.12 +3.8USAACrnrstnMod 14.72 -.01 +7.4 GrInc 22.88 -.11 +16.6 GvtSec 9.86 +.02 +0.4 HiInc d 8.20 -.01 +15.9 PrcMtlsMnral 14.00 -.09 +8.5 SciTech 23.58 -.06 +16.4 TELngTrm 13.36 +.03 +0.8 TrgtRet2040 13.44 -.03 +11.8 TrgtRet2050 13.4 1 -.04 +12.0 WldGr 29.29 -.11 +10.8Value LinePremGr b 30.98 +.03 +10.6Vanguard500IdxAdmrl 216.34 -.63 +14.2 500IdxInv 216.33 -.62 +14.1 BalIdxAdmrl 32.14 ... +9.4 BalIdxIns 32.15 +.01 +9.4 CAIntTrmTEAdmrl 11.74+.02 +0.2 CnvrtSecInv 12.98 ... +9.6 CptlOppAdmrl 132.65 -.46 +19.2 CptlOppInv 57.46 -.20 +19.2 DevMIdxAdmrl 12.53 -.06 +9.2 DevMIdxIns 12.54 -.07 +9.2 DivGrInv 24.58 -.12 +8.4 EMStkIdxAdmrl 32.93 -.28 +15.4 EngyAdmrl 95.41 -.87 +11.8 EqIncAdmrl 70.36 -.25 +12.7 EqIncInv 33.57 -.12 +12.6 ExplorerAdmrl 84.20 ... +16.7 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 74.98 ... +18.6 ExtMktIdxIns 74.98 ... +18.6 ExtMktIdxInsPls 185.03 -.01 +18.6 FAWexUSIIns 93.47 -.58 +10.5 FAWexUSIdxInv 18.72 -.11 +10.4 GNMAAdmrl 10.60 +.02 +1.1 GNMAInv 10.60 +.02 +1.0 GlbEqInv 26.59 -.08 +12.5 GrIdxAdmrl 62.42 -.06 +13.6 GrIdxIns 62.42 .06 +13.6 GrandIncInv 43.18 -.15 +13.2 HCAdmrl 82.57 -.68 +4.8 HCInv 195.78 -1.61 +4.7 HYCorpAdmrl 5.88 ... +10.0 HYTEAdmrl 11.22 +.03 +1.3 HiDivYldIdxInv 30.46 -.07 +13.1 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 11.47 +.05 +1.2 InTrInvGrdAdmrl 9.81 +.03 +2.5 InTrTEAdmrl 14.12 +.03 +0.4 InflPrtScAdmrl 26.00 +.07 +2.6 InflPrtScIns 10.59 +.03 +2.6 InsIdxIns 213.44 -.62 +14.2 InsIdxInsPlus 213.46 -.61 +14.2 InsTtlSMIInPls 52.54 -.12 +15.0 IntlGrAdmrl 75.98 -.25 +14.1 IntlGrInv 23.90 -.08 +14.0 IntlValInv 34.07 -.14 +9.3 LTInvmGrdAdmrl 10.34 +.10 +3.6 LTTEAdmrl 11.57 +.03 +0.7 LfStrCnsrGrInv 19.01 +.01 +6.1 LfStrGrInv 30.37 -.07 +10.7 LfStrModGrInv 25.20 -.03 +8.4 LgCpIdxInv 43.33 -.12 +14.3 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 10.96 +.01 +0.6 MdCpGrIdxInv 44.12 -.07 +11.2 MdCpIdxAdmrl 170.98 -.41 +14.4 MdCpIdxIns 37.77 -.09 +14.4 MdCpIdxInsPlus 1 86.28 -.44 +14.4 MdCpValIdxAdmrl 52.24-.16 +17.0 MorganGrAdmrl 81.82 -.21 +12.3 PrmCpAdmrl 116.08 -.42 +17.7 PrmCpCorInv 23.45 -.09 +16.8 PrmCpInv 112.04 -.41 +17.6 REITIdxAdmrl 121.22 +.32 +6.7 REITIdxIns 18.76 +.05 +6.7 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.49 +.01 +0.9 Northeast InvestorsGr 15.90 -.06 +10.1NorthernStkIdx 28.30 ... +15.2NuveenHYMuniBdI 16.90 +.04 +1.9 NYMnBdI 11.00 +.02 +0.9Oak AssociatesEmergTech 4.79 ... +23.9 LiveOakHlthSci 19.48 ... +6.1 PinOakEq 59.63 ... +22.3 RedOakTechSel 21.78 ... +31.6OakmarkEqAndIncInv 31.29 -.05 +12.3 GlbInv 29.77 -.04 +17.9 IntlInv 24.49 -.06 +19.4 Inv 74.11 -.27 +18.8 SelInv 43.37 -.16 +19.5Old WestburyGlbSmMdCpStrat 16.01 ... +12.7 LgCpStrats 13.62 -.03 +8.9 StratOpps 7.72 -.01 +9.4OppenheimerDevelopingMktsA m 35.97-.11 +14.0DevelopingMktsY 35.49 -.11 +14.3 GlbA m 81.89 -.38 +14.4 GlbStrIncA m 3.94 +.01 +6.6 IntlGrY 37.44 -.14 +4.1 MnStrA m 49.35 -.12 +14.1OsterweisStrInc 11.29 ... +11.5PIMCOAlAstAllAthIns 8.84 ... +12.0 AlAstInstl 11.74 ... +12.1 HYInstl 8.90 ... +10.9 IncA m 12.25 ... +9.5 IncC m 12.25 ... +8.7 IncD b 12.25 ... +9.5 IncInstl 12.25 ... +9.9 IncP 12.25 ... +9.8 InvmGrdCrpBdIns 10.48+.05 +6.6 LowDrInstl 9.88 +.01 +2.2 RlRetInstl 11.11 +.02 +3.8 ShrtTrmIns 9.82 ... +3.4 TtlRetA m 10.25 +.04 +3.0 TtlRetIns 10.25 +.04 +3.4PRIMECAP OdysseyAgrsGr 35.79 -.07 +21.0 Gr 30.82 -.06 +18.6 Stk 27.21 -.10 +16.9ParnassusCorEqInv 40.42 -.09 +10.4PaxBalIndvInv b 23.12 -.02 +6.9PerkinsGlbValT 13.83 -.05 +7.0 MidCpValL 17.41 -.05 +18.1 MidCpValT 17.06 -.05 +17.5 SmCpValL 22.69 ... +20.1PioneerA m 30.23 -.10 +11.6PrincipalDiversIntlIns 11.85 -.06 +8.1 LgCpGrIIns 12.65 -.02 +12.2 SAMgCnsGA m 17.39 -.04 +10.0PrudentialJsnBlndA m 19.70 -.06 +14.0 JsnUtilityA m 13.85 +.01 +12.3 QMAIntlEqC m 6.55 -.03 +9.4 QMASmCpValZ 21.03 +.03 +25.4 TtlRetBdZ 14.39 +.05 +4.0PutnamGlbUtlsB m 12.33 ... +1.3 IntlGrB m 16.55 ... +4.2 SmCpValA m 17.41 ... +26.9RainierMidCpEqOriginal b 37.50-.04 +8.0ReynoldsBlueChipGr b 51.99 -.12 +6.2RoyceSmCpValSvc m 9.56 ... +6.3 QualIncA m 12.18 +.04 +1.8 SmCpEqA m 14.50 ... +10.8 TechInv b 38.02 -.04 +19.1IVAWldwideI d 17.97 -.01 +9.5IntechUSCorT 19.26 -.06 +11.6IvyAsstStratB m 20.49 -.05 +3.0JPMorganCoreBondI 11.67 +.05 +1.5 CoreBondR6 11.68 +.05 +1.6 DisciplinedEqR6 24.85 -.06 +14.4 EquityIncomeI 15.50 -.06 +12.7 HighYieldI 7.43 -.01 +11.9 InvCnsrvGrA m 12.64 +.01 +5.8 MidCapValueL 37.49 -.10 +12.7 USLgCpCorPlu sI 29.72 -.07 +15.8JanusBalC m 30.24 +.02 +8.3 ContrarianT 19.68 -.05 +13.2 EntprT 100.00 -.01 +13.9 FlexBdS b 10.41 +.03 +1.7 GlbLifeSciT 49.67 -.42 +6.1 HYT 8.50 ... +11.5 OverseasT 27.97 -.13 +10.8 RsrchT 43.31 -.05 +10.6 ShrtTrmBdT 3.03 ... +1.2 T 36.63 +.01 +10.6 VentureT 68.31 +.01 +14.8John HancockDiscpValI 19.79 -.13 +14.2 DiscpValMCI 22.03 -.11 +16.5 MltmgrLsBal1 b 14.84 -.02 +9.9 Mltm grLsGr1 b 15.48 -.04 +11.4LazardEMEqInstl 17.51 -.11 +18.5Litman GregoryMtrsIntlInstl 15.75 -.13 +5.9Loomis SaylesBdInstl 13.98 ... +8.2Lord AbbettAffiliatedA m 15.74 -.04 +16.3 FltngRtF b 9.21 ... +8.2 ShrtDurIncA m 4.31 ... +3.4 ShrtDurIncC m 4.34 +.01 +3.0 ShrtDurIncF b 4.31 +.01 +3.8 ShrtDurIncI 4.31 +.01 +3.9MFSGrI 81.72 -.11 +11.7 InstlIntlEq 21.91 -.08 +8.7 MAInvsTrustB m 28.87 -.09 +13.5 ValA m 37.24 -.19 +13.0 ValI 37.44 -.19 +13.3MainStayHYCorpBdA m 5.78 ... +13.5Mairs & PowerGrInv 117.83 -.28 +10.0Manning & NapierPrBlndCnsrvTrmS 13.63+.01 +5.3 PrBlndMaxTrmS 19.60 -.05 +8.7Marsico21stCentury b 23.39 ... +11.0 FlexCptl b 14.60 ... +7.2MatthewsAsianGrIncInv 16.30 -.09 +4.2MeridianGrLegacy d 37.45 +.01 +17.2Metropolitan WestTtlRetBdI 10.67 +.03 +1.7 TtlRetBdM b 10.68 +.04 +1.5 TtlRetBdPlan 10.05 +.04 +1.9Midas FundsMidas m 1.28 -.02 +10.3 MidasMagic m 16.64 -.14 +10.1NeedhamGrRetail m 43.34 -.16 +8.9Neuberger BermanSmCpGrInv 30.14 -.11 +24.0NicholasNicholas 64.62 -.20 +5.8 SelHCSvcs d 84.14 -.65 +9.9 SelLeisure d 146.99 +.44 +10.4 SelMaterials 79.21 -.11 +15.1 SelMdclEqpndSys 41.39-.19 +18.9 SelNatrlGas d 26.72 -.21 +17.9 SelNatrlRes d 28.45 -.26 +10.9 SelPhrmctcls 17.93 -.22 -4.5 SelSemicons d 97.94 +.32 +40.4 SelWireless d 9.30 -.02 +19.4 SmCpDiscv d 31.40 -.11 +12.7 SmCpGr d 22.03 +.01 +22.0 StkSelorAllCp 39.08 -.08 +16.6 StratInc 10.88 +.02 +7.8 TtlBd 10. 69 +.03 +4.4 TtlMktIdxF 67.39 -.16 +15.0 TtlMktIdxPrm 67.39 -.16 +15.0 TxFrBd 11.43 +.03 +0.4 USBdIdxInstlPrm 11.64 +.04 +1.1 USBdIdxPremium 11.64+.04 +1.1 Val 114.64 -.21 +16.4 ValDiscv 26.65 -.09 +14.5First EagleGlbA m 57.06 -.12 +10.9First InvestorsGlbA m 7.76 -.02 +9.2 TtlRetA m 19.14 ... +7.0FirsthandTechOpps 7.43 -.01 +30.1Franklin TempletonCATxFrIncA m 7.45 +.02 +1.0 EqIncA m 23.21 -.04 +11.4 FdrTFIncA m 12.06 +.02 +0.3 FloridaTFIncA m 10.89 +.02 +1.0 GlbBdA m 12.36 -.09 +11.0 GlbBdAdv 12.31 -.09 +11.2 GlbBdC m 12.39 -.09 +10.6 Gr,IncA m 24.48 -.16 +11.9 GrA m 82.38 -.29 +14.1 GrOppsA m 33.82 -.04 +11.0 IncA m 2.33 ... +14.3 IncAdv 2.31 ... +14.6 IncC m 2.36 ... +13.5 MutGlbDiscvA m 31.38 -.25 +14.5 MutGlbDiscvZ 31.98 -.25 +14.8 MutZ 28.96 -.17 +15.7 RisingDivsA m 54. 48 -.07 +11.5 TtlRetA m 9.80 +.03 +2.9 UtlsC m 18.82 +.03 +10.8GERSPUSEq 52.45 -.17 +16.1GabelliAsstAAA m 56.02 -.06 +12.6 EqIncAAA m 24.81 -.05 +10.4 Val25A m 15.59 ... +14.7GlenmedeSmCpEqAdv 29.11 +.04 +16.5Goldman SachsShrtDurGovtA m 9.99 ... +0.7HarborCptlApprecInstl 62.31 -.23 +12.6 IntlInstl 63.44 -.15 +5.6Harding LoevnerIntlEqInstl d 19.72 ... +13.5HartfordSmCoB m 12.98 -.03 +15.1HeartlandValPlusInv m 29.02 +.02 +18.9HennessyCrnrstnGrInv b 19.80 +.07 +3.8HodgesRetail m 45.29 -.17 +21.9INVESCOComStkA m 23.53 -.18 +16.8 DivIncInv b 24.08 -.03 +9.3 DiversDivA m 19.59 -.04 +9.4 EngyA m 25.18 -.35 +0.9 EngyInv b 25.07 -.35 +0.9 EqandIncA m 10.66 -.05 +15.0 EuropeanGrA m 35.95 +.10 +5.3 GlbGrB m 27.29 -.09 +6.0 GrAllcA m 14.74 -.02 +10.3 PacGrB m 24.89 -.19 +7. 7 RydexElectronicsInv 106.69 +.37 +32.6 HCH b 24.34 -.25 +3.0 NASDAQ100Inv 30.41 -.05 +18.0SchwabHC 23.20 -.20 +4.4 SP500Idx 36.22 -.10 +14.1 Schwab1000Idx 56.40 -.15 +14.2 TtlStkMktIdx 41.69 -.10 +15.0SentinelCommonStkA m 42.62 -.08 +13.9State FarmGr 73.50 -.18 +12.2Sterling CapitalStrtonSmCpVlIns 82.22 +.11 +21.4T. Rowe PriceBal 23.06 -.02 +9.3 BlueChipGr 80.13 -.19 +15.2 CorpInc 9.63 +.05 +3.8 CptlAprc 27.64 -.01 +10.2 DivGr 38.79 -.04 +12.1 EMStk d 35.74 -.23 +17.5 EqIdx500 d 62.97 -.18 +14.0 EqInc 31.97 -.13 +15.7 FinclSvcs 24.83 -.09 +25.3 GNMA 9.35 +.02 +1.2 GlbTech 15.64 -.01 +27.4 GrStk 59.22 -.09 +16.8 HY d 6.72 -.01 +12.8 HlthSci 64.73 -.52 +8.5 InsLgCpGr 32.40 -.05 +19.0 InsMdCpEqGr 49.35 -.05 +13.5 IntlEqIdx d 12.58 -.06 +8.6 IntlStk d 16.80 -.08 +10.2 IntlValEq d 13.64 -.06 +6.6 MdCpGr 80.80 -.07 +12.9 MdCpVal 29.67 -.09 +16.3 MediaTeleCms 83.81 -.02 +20.6 NJTFBd 11.98 +.02 +0.4 NewAmericaGr 44.86 -.06 +16.9 NewAsia d 17.34 -.12 +13.5 NewHorizons 47.49 +.02 +20.8 NewInc 9.50 +.04 +1.7 OverseasStk d 9.75 -.04 +9.4 RlEstt d 28.82 +.01 +3.8 Rtr2015 14.80 ... +8.5 Rtr2020 21.43 -.01 +9.5 Rtr2025 16.36 -.01 +10.5 Rtr2030 23.87 -.03 +11.3 Rtr2035 17.32 -.03 +12.0 Rtr 2040 24.74 -.05 +12.5 Rtr2045 16.66 -.04 +12.7 Rtr2050 14.01 -.03 +12.7 SciandTech 41.81 -.05 +27.1 SmCpStk 45.88 -.02 +18.7 SmCpVal d 45.19 +.03 +23.7 SpectrumGr 22.46 -.06 +13.9 SpectrumInc 12.63 +.03 +6.4 SummitMnInc 11.82 +.03 +0.2 TFShrtInterm 5.60 ... +0.1 TxEfficientEq d 24.96 -.04 +12.6 Val 34.98 -.12 +13.2TCWTtlRetBdI 10.01 +.03 +1.1TIAA-CREFBdIdxIns 10.87 +.04 +1.1 EqIdxIns 17.40 -.0 4 +15.0 IntlEqIdxIns 17.72 -.08 +8.5 LgCpValIdxIns 18.41 -.07 +15.6Third AvenueValIns d 52.70 -.13 +15.6ThompsonBd 11.39 ... +11.1 LgCp 59.11 -.26 +19.1ThornburgInvmIncBldrA m 20.22 -.13 +8.3ThriventIncA m 9.18 +.04 +4.6TocquevilleGold m 38.92 -.18 +9.9TransamericaAsAlGrC m 14.37 -.05 +11.3 CGMFoc 43.78 -.62 +20.2CausewayIntlValInstl d 14.80 -.03 +9.8ClearBridgeAggresivGrA m 203.67 ... +18.3ClipperClipper 110.45 -.67 +17.2ColumbiaContrarianCorZ 23.85 -.07 +12.3 DivIncZ 19.88 -.05 +12.8DFAEmMktsCorEqIns 19.69 -.14 +17.0 EmMktsInstl 25.62 -.20 +15.8 EmMktsSmCpInstl 21.28-.11 +18.1 EmMktsValInstl 27.11 -.28 +21.9 FvYrGlbFIIns 11.00 +.02 +0.9 GlbEqInstl 20.31 -.06 +14.6 GlbRlEsttSec 1 0.95 +.03 +3.9 IntlCorEqIns 12.45 -.05 +11.2 IntlSmCoInstl 18.77 -.01 +12.6 IntlSmCpValIns 20.35 -.04 +14.5 IntlValInstl 17.31 -.13 +13.1 OneYearFIInstl 10.31 ... +0.7 RlEsttSecInstl 35.79 +.09 +6.4 TAUSCorEq2Instl 15.99 -.03 +16.1 USCorEq1Instl 19.94 -.04 +15.6 USCorEqIIInstl 19.03 -.04 +16.0 USLgCo 18.22 -.06 +14.2 USLgCpValInstl 35.66 -.13 +18.9 USMicroCpInstl 20.30 +.03 +19.5 USSmCpInstl 33.39 +.01 +18.2 USSmCpValInstl 35.96 -.02 +19.3 USTrgtedValIns 23.42 -.02 +19.3DavisNYVentureA m 31.43 -.18 +17.0Delaware InvestmentsStrategicIncA m 8.31 +.02 +1.8 ValInstl 20.02 -.12 +12.1DeutscheCorEqA m 24.76 -.07 +14.0 CorEqS 25.00 -.08 +14.3 GNMAS 13.92 +.03 +1.1Dodge & CoxBal 104.07 -.36 +17.3 GlbStk 12.63 -.09 +22.0 Inc 13.75 +.03 +4.6 IntlStk 40.91 -.26 +16.4 Stk 186.38 -1.24 +23.2DoubleLineCorFII 10.95 ... +3.1 TtlRetBdI 10.72 ... +2.1 TtlRetBdN b 10.71 ... +1.8DreyfusMidCpIdxInvs 35.96 ... +16.9 MnBd 11.70 +.03 0.0 NYTxExBd 14.83 +.04 +0.4 OppcSmCpInv 34.30 -.16 +19.6 ShrtTrmIncD 10.38 +.01 +1.2Eaton VanceAtlntCptSMIDCI 29.01 +.02 +9.8 DivBldrA m 13.89 -.01 +9.1 FltngRtInstl 9.01 ... +9.5 GlbMcrAbRtI 9.11 -.01 +5.3 TxMgdSmCpB m 21.12 -.01 +17.5EdgewoodGrInstl 24.99 -.10 +17.7FMICommonStk 26.55 -.01 +13.5 LgCp 20.57 -.10 +12.6FPACptl d 35.97 -.12 +15.9 Crescent d 33.48 -.04 +11.5FederatedHiIncBdA f 7.57 ... +11.5 InsHYBdIns d 9.97 -.01 +12.1 IntlSmMidCoA m 34.33 -.12 +3.5 KaufmannA m 5.29 -.01 +17.5 MDTMidCpGrB m 28.25-.02 +14.9 12-mo Name NAV Chg %RtnMutual Funds 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIV 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIVStocks of Local Interest AV Homes Inc AVHI 10.87 8 19.13 16.75 +.10 +0.6 s s s +6.0 +45.8 3 ... Allegiant Travel Co ALGT 121.70 6 183.91 157.25+3.10 +2.0 s s t -5.5 -11.9 12 2.80 ArcBest Corp ARCB 14.85 6 33.95 24.65 -.10 -0.4 s t t -10.8 +19.1 36 0.32 Bank of America BAC 12.05 8 25.80 22.71 -.10 -0.4 s t t +2.8 +64.9 18 0.30f Capital One Fncl COF 58.03 7 96.92 81.90 -1.10 -1.3 s t t -6.1 +18.6 11 1.60 Carnival Corp CCL 42.94 9 60.24 58.37 -.09 -0.2 s s t +12.1 +17.3 17 1.60f Chicos FAS CHS 9.86 6 16.85 13.49 +.13 +1.0 s t t -6.3 +3.9 19 0.33 Cracker Barrel CBRL 130.15 6 175.04 156.29 -.50 -0.3 s t t -6.4 +9.2 24 4.60 Disney DIS 90.32 0 114.25 114.19 +.41 +0.4 s s s +9.6 +16.9 20 1.56f Eaton Corp plc ETN 54.30 0 76.39 74.47 +.19 +0.3 s s s +11.0 +21.9 17 2.28 Fortune Brds Hm&Sec FBHS 52.05 9 64.47 62.05 +.13 +0.2 s s s +16.1 +6.8 23 0.72f Harris Corp HRS 73.32 0 113.00 109.56 -.65 -0.6 t t t +6.9 +45.1 19 2.12 iShs U.S. Pfd PFF 36.70 6 40.34 38.86 ... ... s s s +4.4 +5.9 q 2.15a KC Southern KSU 79.05 5 100.69 89.58 -.30 -0.3 s s s +5.6 -0.3 20 1.32 Lennar Corp A LEN 39.68 0 53.79 52.43 +.08 +0.2 s s s +22.1 +9.6 14 0.16 McClatchy Co MNI 9.10 1 19.77 9.91 -.13 -1.3 s s s -24.8 -22.8 dd ... NextEra Energy NEE 110.49 0 133.28 131.94+1.03 +0.8 s s s +10.4 +14.5 23 3.93f Office Depot ODP 3.01 4 7.46 4.71 -.02 -0.4 s s s +4.2 -35.4 12 0.10 PGT Inc PGTI 9.46 3 12.49 10.30 -.05 -0.5 r s t -10.4 -1.7 22 ... Panera Bread Co PNRA 185.69 0 316.21 315.23 +.24 +0.1 t s s +53.7 +49.9 51 ... Pembina Pipeline PBA 27.44 9 33.52 32.90 -.40 -1.2 t s s +5.0 +25.7 36 1.50 Raymond James Fncl RJF 46.30 8 81.92 73.07 -.65 -0.9 s t t +5.5 +56.5 19 0.88f Reliance Steel Alu RS 65.10 5 88.58 75.32 -.50 -0.7 t t t -5.3 +6.2 17 1.80f Ryder R 56.98 7 85.42 74.78 -.23 -0.3 s s t +0.5 +15.9 14 1.76 St Joe Co JOE 16.30 2 21.90 17.40 +.20 +1.2 s s s -8.4 +0.4 8 ... Sally Beauty Hld SBH 19.23 1 32.26 19.89 ... ... s t t -24.7 -34.8 12 ... Simon Property Gp SPG 163.55 2 229.10 174.73 +.16 +0.1 s s s -1.7 -12.8 22 7.00f Stein Mart SMRT 2.42 1 9.23 2.51 +.05 +2.0 t t t -54.2 -60.9 cc 0.30 Suntrust Bks STI 37.71 7 61.69 53.80 -.71 -1.3 s t t -1.9 +44.3 15 1.04 Superior Uniform SGC 15.53 5 21.02 18.00 +.08 +0.4 s s t -8.3 +4.7 18 0.35 Tech Data TECD 61.99 9 96.38 89.74 +.72 +0.8 s t t +6.0 +24.0 15 ... Wendys Co WEN 9.15 9 14.47 13.52 ... ... s s t ... +25.5 36 0.28f World Fuel Svcs INT 34.79 1 50.00 35.88 +.35 +1.0 s s t -21.8 -27.1 15 0.24Dear Mr. Berko: I bought 200 shares of United Continental Holdings last year at $76, and Ive been behind the eight ball since. My broker wants me to keep the stock. Im disappointed with it and inclined to sell. What is your thinking on this stock? „ TL, Detroit Dear TL: Sell it! Except for some special TWA bonds that were secured by physical assets, Ive never recommended an airline stock. Airlines havent been on my goodwill list since the late 1980s, when I listened to a group of airline executives use the term cattle countŽ in reference to the number of passengers they carried. Now Uniteds red-eye ”ights turn out to be blackeye ”ights. Airlines have never been good long-term investments. It appears that the industry reached its pro“t peak in 2016 and is on the decline „ again! Though strong travel demand may generate a minor tailwind this year, the people in management at most carriers appear congenitally unable to keep operating costs down. And as inutile management ”ounders in its cost control efforts, slumping passenger yields will force margins lower, and some of the weaker carriers may be forced to recapitalize „ again! Meanwhile, the industrys infantile efforts to control costs have led to sneaky increases in revenues (non-ticket items), which airlines use to mitigate their cost control failures. Last year, additional revenues from charges for luggage (which is often abusive), advance seating reservations, pay-per-view entertainment, internet usage, changing ”ights, special ticketing, additional legroom, refund penalties, etc., exceeded $66 billion globally. And last year, United Continentals (UAL-$68) $5.7 billion in ancillary revenues totaled $41 per passenger and were 15 percent of the carriers $38 billion in gross revenues. Wow! The following is a quote from Warren Buffetts 2002 interview with The Telegraph, one of the U.K.s largest newspapers: If a capitalist had been present at Kitty Hawk back in the early 1900s, he should have shot Orville Wright. He would have saved his progeny money. But seriously, the airline business has been extraordinary. It has eaten up capital over the past century like almost no other business because people seem to keep coming back to it and putting fresh money in. Youve got huge “xed costs. Youve got strong labor unions. And youve got commodity pricing. That is not a great recipe for success. I have an 800 number now that I call if I get the urge to buy an airline stock. I call at 2 in the morning and I say: My name is Warren, and Im an aeroholic. And then they talk me down.Ž Though I think UAL could increase revenues this year to $40 billion, I doubt net income will be much-improved. Fuel costs, the largest single industry expense, are set to increase for the “rst time in two years. In the past, when the industry used the futures market to hedge against rising prices, the results were bloody as fuel prices plummeted. And Id not be surprised if the airlines (including UAL) did it again. That should scare the bejabbers out of you, as well as other investors. Im concerned that UAL, which has the highest airport costs among U.S. carriers, has proved itself powerless to control those costs. Im also concerned about UALs labor costs and the fact that 80 percent of its workforce is part of a union. Last year, over 30,000 ground workers were granted raises of 30 percent, prorated over “ve years, and UALs pilots were given 16 percent twoyear pay raises. Im also concerned that last year, UALs mechanics, who are represented by the Teamsters, overwhelmingly rejected the carriers offer of a 33 percent increase over six years. This is likely to become a thorn in operations, and a potential strike could clip UALs wings while putting more pressure on earnings. It also concerns me that UALs high-margin Atlantic and Paci“c routes may be negatively affected by a signi“cant increase in capacity, which will de“nitely dampen 2017 pro“ts. Sell your UAL. I doubt that it will return to your $76 purchase price this year or next. I must tell you that Thomson Reuters, Barclays, Zacks and Merrill Lynch have buyŽ recommendations on the stock, but I think theyre either drunk or bonkers. Email Malcolm Berko at unfriendly skies Malcolm Berko CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) „ John Glenns trailblazing legacy took ”ight Tuesday as a cargo ship bearing his name rocketed toward the International Space Station. An Atlas rocket provided the late morning lift to orbit, just as it did for Glenn 55 years ago. The commercial cargo ship, dubbed the S.S. John Glenn, holds nearly 7,700 pounds of food, equipment and research for the space station. Its due there Saturday, two days after the arrival of two fresh astronauts. NASAs shipper, Orbital ATK, asked Glenns widow, Annie, for permission to use his name for the spacecraft, following his December death. Glenn, an original Mercury 7 astronaut, became the “rst American to orbit the Earth in 1962. He launched again in 1998 aboard shuttle Discovery at age 77, the oldest person ever in space. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery two weeks ago. It is clearly a chance one more time to show John Glenns name emblazoned in space,Ž said Frank Culbertson, a former astronaut who now heads Orbital ATKs space systems group.John Glenn honored with launch of space station supply ship AP PHOTOA United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket that will carry supplies to the International Space Station lifts o from complex41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Tuesday, in CapeCanaveral, Florida. The CEO of United Airlines says no one will be “red over the dragging of a man off a plane „ including himself. CEO Oscar Munoz said Tuesday that he takes full responsibility for making this right,Ž and he promised more details later this month after United “nishes a review of its policies on overbooked ”ights. Company executives said its too soon to know if the incident is hurting ticket sales. United has been pummeled on social media „ #BoycottUnited is a popular hashtag „ and late-night television. Through Tuesday afternoon, its shares had fallen 4.3 percent since Flight 3411, wiping out nearly $1 billion in market value, although several other airline stocks declined in the same period. After the market closed Monday, United reported a $96 million “rst-quarter pro“t, down 69 percent from a year earlier largely because of higher costs for fuel, labor and maintenance. The revenue picture was looking better „ evidence was growing that after two years of falling average fares, United will be able to push prices higher this year. On a conference call to discuss those results, Munoz started by apologizing again for the April 9 scene on a United Express plane at Chicagos OHare airport. David Dao, a 69-year-old Kentucky physician, was bloodied and dragged off the plane by Chicago airport of“cers who had been summoned by United employees when Dao wouldnt give up his seat. The three of“cers have all been suspended. Munozs early statements on the incident were widely criticized. He initially supported employees and blamed Dao, calling him disruptive and belligerent.Ž On Tuesday, he was asked if the company ever considered “ring anyone, including management. Im sure there was lots of conjecture about me personally,Ž said Munoz. He noted that the board of United Continental Holdings Inc. has supported him.United CEO says no one will be fired for dragging incident


Page 10 The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 TODAY / TONIGHTPartly sunny and nice Partly cloudyHIGH 87 LOW 6325% chance of rain 20% chance of rainPartly sunny and nice86 / 6110% chance of rain THURSDAY GULF WATER TEMPERATURENice with sunshine87 / 635% chance of rain FRIDAYSunny to partly cloudy and beautiful85 / 6610% chance of rain SATURDAYSome sun, a t-storm possible in the p.m.85 / 6030% chance of rain MONDAYSunshine with a passing shower85 / 6855% chance of rain SUNDAY 0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource : 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.The higher the UV Index’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Temperatures Temperatures TemperaturesSource : National Allergy Bureau CONDITIONS TODAY AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEX WEATHER HISTORY WEATHER TRIVIA’ PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRING VENICE678090928781Air Quality Index readings as of TuesdayMain pollutant: ParticulatesPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Tuesday Sebring through 2 p.m. Tuesday Venice through 2 p.m. Tuesday24 hours through 2 p.m. Tue. 0.00Ž Month to date 1.43Ž Normal month to date 1.28Ž Year to date 4.05Ž Normal year to date 8.79Ž Record 0.71Ž (2010) 24 hours through 2 p.m. Tue. 0.00Ž 24 hours through 2 p.m. Tue. 0.00Ž Month to date 0.63Ž Normal month to date 1.67Ž Year to date 4.21Ž Normal year to date 10.16Ž Record 0.71Ž (1957) High/Low 85/65 Normal High/Low 85/61 Record High 90 (2013) Record Low 50 (1983) High/Low 83/66 High/Low 84/72 Normal High/Low 81/62 Record High 90 (1994) Record Low 49 (2005)Pollen Index readings as of Tuesday MONTHLY RAINFALLMonth 2017 2016 Avg. Record/Year J an. 0.88 9.93 1.80 9.93/2016 Feb. 0.94 4.09 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.80 1.85 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 1.43 0.99 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.46 2.50 9.45/1991 J un. 14.19 8.92 23.99/1974 J ul. 7.68 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.81 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 7.77 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 4.04 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 0.05 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.44 1.78 6.83/2002 Y ear 4.05 62.30 50.65 (since 1931) T otals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES Today Thu.Apalachicola 80 64 s 80 64 s Bradenton 85 67 s 84 66 pc Clearwater 85 69 s 84 68 s Coral Springs 83 73 pc 83 72 pc Daytona Beach 82 65 pc 82 60 s Fort Lauderdale 82 73 sh 82 72 c Fort Myers 88 68 pc 88 66 pc Gainesville 86 57 s 86 56 s Jacksonville 83 58 pc 84 58 s Key Largo 80 74 sh 79 73 pc Key West 83 74 pc 82 74 pc Lakeland 86 63 s 86 61 s Melbourne 83 69 pc 84 64 s Miami 83 73 sh 82 73 c Naples 86 67 pc 85 65 pc Ocala 86 60 s 86 59 s Okeechobee 82 64 pc 83 61 pc Orlando 86 64 pc 87 61 s Panama City 81 64 s 81 63 s Pensacola 83 67 pc 83 66 s Pompano Beach 83 74 sh 82 74 pc St. Augustine 80 65 pc 79 62 s St. Petersburg 87 68 s 87 69 s Sarasota 87 64 pc 85 64 pc Tallahassee 85 61 pc 86 58 s Tampa 88 69 s 88 69 s Vero Beach 82 67 pc 83 64 pc West Palm Beach 82 71 pc 82 70 pc Punta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop TIDES MARINEPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORTToday 12:36p 4:41a 9:00p 3:30p Thu. 1:05p 5:45a 10:35p 5:28p Today 11:13a 2:57a 7:37p 1:46p Thu. 11:42a 4:01a 9:12p 3:44p Today 5:41p 1:56a ----Thu. 10:44a 2:54a 8:33p 2:28p Today 1:08p 5:10a 9:32p 3:59p Thu. 1:37p 6:14a 11:07p 5:57p Today 9:28a 1:36a 5:52p 12:25p Thu. 9:57a 2:40a 7:27p 2:23p E 8-16 1-2 Light ESE 7-14 1-3 LightFt. Myers 88/68 part cldy none Punta Gorda 89/61 part cldy none Sarasota 87/64 part cldy none The Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise Set Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLEForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017Last Apr 19 New Apr 26 First May 2 Full May 10 Today 2:13 a.m. 1:20 p.m. Thursday 2:57 a.m. 2:15 p.m. Today 7:00 a.m. 7:55 p.m. Thursday 6:59 a.m. 7:55 p.m. Today 12:36a 6:48a 1:00p 7:12p Thu. 1:23a 7:36a 1:48p 8:00p Fri. 2:09a 8:22a 2:34p 8:47p WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow flurries, sn -snow, i -ice. THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow IceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesPublication date: 04/19/17 Today Thu. Today Thu. Today Thu. Today Thu.Albuquerque 82 50 s 80 48 pc Anchorage 48 37 s 52 34 s Atlanta 81 63 pc 85 66 s Baltimore 60 54 pc 80 61 pc Billings 60 38 pc 64 42 pc Birmingham 86 62 pc 88 67 s Boise 64 45 pc 55 36 c Boston 52 44 pc 56 49 c Buffalo 61 51 r 66 47 t Burlington, VT 58 45 r 56 48 c Charleston, WV 72 58 c 82 61 pc Charlotte 68 57 c 82 63 pc Chicago 68 52 t 68 41 c Cincinnati 80 63 c 81 53 pc Cleveland 74 60 t 78 49 t Columbia, SC 80 61 t 86 64 pc Columbus, OH 78 63 c 80 51 t Concord, NH 57 41 pc 59 43 c Dallas 83 68 pc 85 67 c Denver 74 38 s 66 39 sh Des Moines 76 49 t 63 42 c Detroit 74 57 t 75 45 t Duluth 47 33 c 46 31 c Fairbanks 37 18 s 40 17 s Fargo 56 37 c 59 36 r Hartford 56 44 pc 63 50 c Helena 61 35 pc 62 40 pc Honolulu 82 74 sh 82 72 sh Houston 80 67 pc 85 67 pc Indianapolis 80 62 c 78 47 t Jackson, MS 86 62 s 84 63 s Kansas City 82 52 pc 64 48 c Knoxville 78 60 t 83 63 c Las Vegas 82 61 s 84 61 s Los Angeles 73 56 s 79 57 s Louisville 83 66 c 85 59 c Memphis 85 65 pc 84 65 pc Milwaukee 59 42 c 59 39 r Minneapolis 50 41 r 54 35 r Montgomery 88 63 s 90 64 s Nashville 83 63 pc 87 63 c New Orleans 81 67 pc 82 65 pc New York City 56 49 pc 65 55 c Norfolk, VA 69 60 pc 80 66 pc Oklahoma City 82 59 pc 72 55 c Omaha 75 47 t 64 44 pc Philadelphia 61 53 pc 76 62 c Phoenix 91 63 s 93 62 s Pittsburgh 68 59 c 78 54 t Portland, ME 49 40 pc 53 42 c Portland, OR 61 47 r 57 41 sh Providence 52 44 c 60 51 c Raleigh 67 58 sh 82 64 pc Salt Lake City 61 44 pc 58 42 sh St. Louis 86 67 pc 75 50 t San Antonio 83 68 pc 84 66 pc San Diego 72 58 pc 71 57 s San Francisco 66 54 c 66 51 pc Seattle 59 47 r 57 43 sh Washington, DC 63 57 c 82 67 pc Amsterdam 48 31 pc 52 44 pc Baghdad 83 58 s 89 61 s Beijing 71 47 c 71 51 pc Berlin 46 27 c 48 34 pc Buenos Aires 67 58 r 73 54 pc Cairo 86 64 s 89 68 s Calgary 56 32 pc 59 37 sh Cancun 85 73 sh 82 71 pc Dublin 56 44 c 57 42 sh Edmonton 45 27 pc 52 27 c Halifax 39 31 pc 42 33 pc Kiev 50 32 pc 46 31 c London 56 41 pc 59 46 pc Madrid 73 47 pc 71 41 pc Mexico City 70 48 t 74 49 pc Montreal 58 41 r 53 43 sh Ottawa 57 40 r 50 42 c Paris 53 31 pc 55 34 pc Regina 56 34 c 60 34 pc Rio de Janeiro 82 70 s 85 70 pc Rome 63 41 pc 62 40 s St. Johns 33 26 c 34 29 r San Juan 83 74 pc 83 74 pc Sydney 73 63 pc 75 61 pc Tokyo 73 52 s 66 55 pc Toronto 62 45 r 52 45 t Vancouver 55 46 r 56 44 pc Winnipeg 55 38 pc 52 34 rHigh ........................ 90 at Tampa, FLLow ...................... 14 at Boulder, WY(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday)75Snow began to fall in Watertown, Ohio, on April 19, 1901. Watertown received 45 inches the next day. Q: Most weather occurs in the troposphere; how thick is it?A: Only about 10 miles. Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Hull Arcadia Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is todays weather. Temperatures are todays highs and tonights lows. North Port 87/63 85/62 87/65 86/65 85/63 86/61 86/63 84/63 86/64 88/69 85/67 85/71 84/66 88/68 87/63 89/61 87/65 88/62 87/63 85/62 85/63 89/63 91/63 87/68 86/62 83/68 83/66 84/66 87/62 89/66 84/66 86/62 87/64 85/69 83/69 86/68 87/67 86/63 adno=50509540


The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 SP Page 1Wednesday, April 19, 2017 SPORTS € @SunCoastSportsINDEX | Lottery 2 | NBA 2 | NHL 2 | Pro Baseball 4 | Scoreboard 5 Playoff pictureOn the court, Toronto ties up their series against Milwaukee, while eighth-seeded Chicago takes a 2-0 lead against top-seeded Boston. On the ice, the NY Rangers even their series against Washington 2-2, and Columbus avoids a sweep by Pittsburgh. NBA and NHL roundups, Page 2HBO show could be headed to Tampa BayBy RICK STROUDTampa Bay TimesIts a Hard Knocks life for the Bucs. All indications are that the HBO sports documentary series, in conjunction with NFL Films, has chosen to go to training camp with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The team has scheduled a news conference for 1 p.m. Wednesday for an undisclosed major announcement. However, for the past several weeks, everyone from co-chairman Joel Glazer to general manager Jason Licht and head coach Dirk Koetter have been bracing … if not embracing … the inevitability that they would be chosen for Hard Knocks this year. Both Koetter and Licht will be available to the media Wednesday, the team said. I know Id embrace it, quarterback Jameis Winston said Monday when players reported to off-season workouts. Youve got to cherish the opportunity that youve got. The whole world gets to see how great of an organization this is and see the great people that we have within the organization. But our job is the play football. They add the glitz and the glamour and all that comes with it. Its an amazing show, but weve got to play football. Were out there doing it for the fans, were out there doing it for the city, and Hard Knocks … theyll just show the whole world.Ž Winston, one of the NFLs ascending young quarterbacks, clearly will be a primary focus of the series in Tampa Bay.NFL: BuccaneersBucs Major Announcement? Hard Knocks By AARON BEARDAssociated PressRALEIGH, N.C. „ The NCAA has awarded coveted mens basketball tournament games and other events to North Carolina, effectively ending a boycott that helped force the state to repeal parts of a law that limited protections for LGBT people. The governing body announced decisions Tuesday for events through 2022, two weeks after the NCAA said it had reluctantlyŽ agreed to consider North Carolina again for hosting duties. It had stripped North Carolina of seven championship events for the past sports season „ including opening-weekend mens basketball tournament games „ and said it could relocate more events if there wasnt a change in the bathroom bill.Ž The list of events included mens basketball tournament opening-weekend games in Greensboro in 2020 and Raleigh in 2021, as well as a womens basketball tournament regional in Greensboro in 2019. In addition, the College Cup Division I championship rounds for mens soccer and womens soccer will alternate years in Cary from 2018-21, and the Division I womens field hockey championship will be held in WinstonSalem in 2019. Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper signed a compromise bill March 30 while saying it wasnt a perfect solution. The compromise was reached days after the NCAA said the state was down to its final days to get something done about the law. I think its important for our economy, and its important for our NCAA: Bathroom Bill ControversyBoycott ends after NC repeals lawAP FILE PHOTONCAA President Mark Emmert speaks at the opening business session of the NCAA Convention in Nashville, Tenn, on January 19, 2017. AP PHOTO/JEFF ROBERSONPittsburgh Pirates center fielder Starling Marte slides to catch a line drive by St. Louis Cardinals Dexter Fowler to end the eighth inning on Monday in St. Louis. Associated PressNEW YORK „ Pittsburgh Pirates All-Star outfielder Starling Marte has been suspended 80 games by Major League Baseball after testing positive for a performance-enhancing drug. The league said Tuesday that Marte tested positive for the steroid Nandrolone. He will be eligible to return in mid-July. Marte was an All-Star for the first time in his career in 2016 and moved from left field to center field in the offseason after winning his second Gold Glove. The 28-year-old from the Dominican Republic is hitting .241 with two home runs and seven RBIs this season. The Pirates began play on Tuesday 6-7 through the first two weeks of the season. Marte said in a MLB: Pittsburgh PiratesMarte suspended 80 games for PEDsSEE BOYCOTT, 6 SEE BUCS, 6 SEE MARTE, 6AP PHOTO/CHRIS OMEARATampa Bay Rays Matt Andriese pitches to the Detroit Tigers during the first inning of a baseball game Tuesday in St. Petersburg. By MARK DIDTLERAssociated PressST. PETERSBURG „ Matt Andriese outpitched Michael Fulmer, Tim Beckham hit a two-run homer, and the Tampa Bay Rays beat the Detroit Tigers 5-1 on Tuesday night. Andriese (1-0), who had lost seven of nine decisions dating to last June 25, allowed one run and four hits over six-plus innings. He retired 12 straight during one stretch. Fulmer (1-1), last seasons AL Rookie of the Year, allowed three runs and six hits in six innings. Miguel Cabrera homered on his 34th birthday for the Tigers. He also went deep on his birthday in 2010 at Seattle. Cabrera, who left Sundays game against Cleveland with lower back tightness, hit a solo shot to center estimated at 451 feet in the first. He tied Jeff Bagwell and Vladimir Guerrero for 38th place on baseballs career list with his 449th home run. The Tigers extended a team record by homering in each of their first 13 games this season. Its the longest streak in the majors since Cleveland homered 14 games in a row to open the 2002 season. The Indians streak was the longest in the last 100 years. After getting hit on the leg by Derek Norris inning-ending grounder in the second, Fulmer gave up a single to Shane Peterson and Beckhams two-run drive to start the third. Norris made it 3-1 with an RBI single in the sixth. Kevin Kiermaier had a runscoring double during a two-run seventh. Tampa Bay was coming off a 1-6 road trip against the New York Yankees and Boston.TRAINERS ROOMTigers: LF Justin Upton appeared to get hurt sliding into second in the seventh inning and left the game. ... Detroit manager Brad Ausmus said OF J.D. Martinez (right mid-foot sprain) is nearing the start of a minor league rehab assignment. Rays: SS Matt Duffy (Achilles tendon) has resumed on-“ eld drills and a running program.SERVING IT UP2017 Australian Open semi“ nalist Coco Vandeweghe served a tennis ball to Rays INF Daniel Robertson for the ceremonial “ rst pitch. Vandeweghe is part of the United States Fed Cup womens tennis team, which has a semi“ nal matchup this weekend in Florida against the Czech Republic.UP NEXTTigers: RHP Jordan Zimmermann (1-1) will appear in his 200th big league game, including 199 starts, on Wednesday night against Tampa Bay. He has a career record of 80-58. Rays: RHP Chris Archer (2-0) will go against Zimmerman. After going 10-23 in his starts in 2016, the Rays are 3-0 in Archers outings this season.RAYS 5, TIGERS 1 DETROIT TAMPA BAY AB R H BI AB R H BI Kinsler 2b 4 0 0 0 Dckrson lf 4 0 0 0 Cstllns 3b 4 0 0 0 Bourjos lf 0 0 0 0 Mi.Cbrr 1b 4 1 1 1 Krmaier cf 5 1 1 1 V.Mrtin dh 3 0 1 0 Lngoria 3b 3 0 0 0 Upton lf 3 0 1 0 B.Mller 2b 3 1 1 1 An.Rmne lf 1 0 0 0 Sza Jr. rf 3 0 1 0 Collins rf 3 0 0 0 Mrrison 1b 3 0 1 0 Avila c 3 0 0 0 De.Nrrs c 4 0 2 1 J.Jones cf 3 0 0 0 S.Ptrsn dh 4 1 1 0 J.Iglss ss 3 0 1 0 Beckham ss 4 2 2 2 TOTALS 31 1 4 1 TOTALS 33 5 9 5 DETROIT 100 000 000„1 TAMPA BAY 002 001 20X„5 LOB„Detroit 4, Tampa Bay 9. 2B„ Kiermaier (2). HR„Mi.Cabrera (3), Beckham (2). SB„J.Iglesias (2), Bourjos (2), Kiermaier (4). IP H R ER BB SO DETROIT Fulmer L,1-1 6 6 3 3 2 5 Ryan .1 3 2 2 1 1 Greene .2 0 0 0 1 2 Saupold 1 0 0 0 1 2 TAMPA BAY Andriese W,1-0 6 4 1 1 1 5 Farquhar H,3 .2 0 0 0 0 1 Hunter H,1 .1 0 0 0 0 0 Diaz 1 0 0 0 0 1 Colome 1 0 0 0 0 1 Andriese pitched to 2 batters in the 7th Umpires„Home, Dave Rackley; First, Larry Vanover; Second, Alfonso Marquez; Third, Chad Fairchild. T„3:19. A„16,265 (31,042).Andriese outpitches Fulmer, Rays top TigersMLB: Rays


Page 2 SP Wednesday, April 19, 2017 / The SunSPORTS ON TVAll Times Eastern Schedule subject to change and/or blackouts. Wednesday, April 19 GOLF 10:30 p.m. GOLF „ European PGA Tour, Shenzhen International, “ rst round, at Shenzhen, China 2:30 a.m. (Thursday) GOLF „ European PGA Tour, Shenzhen International, “ rst round, at Shenzhen, China MLB BASEBALL 2 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, Milwaukee at Chicago Cubs OR Texas at Oakland (3:30 p.m.) 5 p.m. MLB „ Miami at Seattle (joined in progress) 8 p.m. ESPN „ Cleveland at Minnesota NBA BASKETBALL 7 p.m. NBA „ NBA Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 2, Atlanta at Washington 8 p.m. TNT „ NBA Playoffs, Western Conference, “ rst round, Game 2, Oklahoma City at Houston 10:30 p.m. TNT „ NBA Playoffs, Western Conference, “ rst round, Game 2, Portland at Golden State NHL HOCKEY 7 p.m. NBCSN „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 4, Washington at Toronto 7:30 p.m. USA „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 4, Ottawa at Boston 9:30 p.m. NBCSN „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Western Conference, “ rst round, Game 4, Minnesota at St. Louis 10 p.m. USA „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Western Conference, “ rst round, Game 4, Anaheim at Calgary SOCCER 2:30 p.m. FS1 „ UEFA Champions League, Quarter“ nals, 2nd Leg, Barcelona vs. Juventus FS2 „ UEFA Champions League, Quarter“ nals, 2nd Leg, AS Monaco vs. Borussia Dortmund FLORIDA LOTTOPICK 2Apr. 18N..........................5-4 Apr. 18D...........................3-2 Apr. 17N..........................6-4 Apr. 17D...........................1-4 Apr. 16N..........................1-7 Apr. 16D...........................0-5 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Apr. 18N.......................9-3-9Apr. 18D........................9-3-8Apr.17N........................9-8-7Apr.17D.........................0-5-5Apr. 16N.......................5-9-4Apr. 16D........................6-7-4D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Apr. 18N....................9-1-2-2 Apr. 18D....................9-2-7-4 Apr. 17N....................5-9-5-0 Apr. 17D....................2-7-2-2 Apr. 16N....................2-0-0-8 Apr. 16D....................7-4-9-6 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Apr. 18N.................4-0-9-2-4Apr. 18D.................8-2-2-8-5Apr. 17N.................3-6-5-9-0Apr. 17D.................8-0-5-5-9Apr. 16N.................6-1-1-2-2Apr. 16D.................6-9-3-3-1 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Apr. 18..........24-28-30-31-34Apr. 17.............2-9-10-25-30 Apr. 16...........9-11-17-29-35 PAYOFF FOR APR. 172..5-digit winner.$98.275.73358..4-digit winners..$88.50 90,755.3-digit winners.$9.00CASH FOR LIFEApr. 17.............5-9-12-33-46 Cash Ball............................4Apr. 13..........17-19-49-50-56Cash Ball............................4 € € € PAYOFF FOR APR. 13 0.....5-of-5 CB....$1,000/Day 0.....5-of-5.......$1,000/Week 6.............4-of-5 CB.....$2,50019...........4-of-5..............$500LUCKY MONEYApr. 14...............12-16-26-43 Lucky Ball.........................11 Apr. 11...............16-26-29-46 Lucky Ball.........................12 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 14 0.........4-of-4 LB.....$750,0004.........4-of-4..........$1,392.5025.......3-of-4 LB.......$488.00613.....3-of-4...............$58.50LOTTOApr. 15....12-19-22-23-26-29 Apr. 12........2-8-12-15-18-47 Apr. 8......20-35-36-46-48-53 PAYOFF FOR Apr. 15 0...6-digit winners..$2 million 21..5-digit winners..$3,818.50 1,309..4-digit winners..$46.50POWERBALLApr. 15...........5-22-26-45-61Powerball..........................13April 12..........8-14-61-63-68Powerball..........................24€ € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 15 0....5 of 5 + PB...$70 million 1....5 of 5..............$1 million 1....4 of 5 + PB.........$50,000 22..4 of 5.......................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $80 millionMEGA MILLIONSApr. 18...........8-29-30-43-64 Mega Ball...........................3 Apr. 14...........5-10-55-60-73 Mega Ball.........................12 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 14 0...5 of 5 + MB...$15 million 0...5 of 5..............$1,000,000 0...4 of 5 + MB...........$5,000 10...4 of 5......................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $37 millionStaff ReportsRyan Boldt had himself quite the night on Tuesday in the Charlotte Stone Crabs 10-1 win over the Daytona Tortugas. Boldt had a careerhigh six RBI for the Stone Crabs (3-9), and was a triple shy of the cycle, as he belted his first homer of the season. The Stone Crabs led just 1-0 entering the seventh inning before they exploded for an eight-run frame. Charlotte sent 13 batters to the plate before the Tortugas were able to get out of the inning. Jake Cronenworth and David Olmedo-Barrera each had a pair of hits in the win. Tyler Brashears earned the victory in his first start of the season by tossing six scoreless innings and allowing just two hits. He also struck out seven batters. Game 3 of the series is scheduled for 7:05 tonight in Daytona with Michael Valeasquez on the mound for Chrlotte against the Tortugas Jose Lopez.MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL: Stone CrabsBoldt leads Crabs over TortugasAssociated PressKyle Lowry scored 22 points, including the clinching basket with less than 10 seconds to play, and the Toronto Raptors beat the Milwaukee Bucks 106-100 on Tuesday night, evening their firstround playoff series at 1-1. DeMar DeRozan had 23 points, Serge Ibaka added 13 of his 16 in the second half and Jonas Valanciunas had 10 points and 10 rebounds for the Raptors, who improved to 5-1 when playing Game 2 of a playoff series on their home court. Game 3 is Thursday night in Milwaukee. Giannis Antetokounmpo had 24 points and 15 rebounds for the Bucks. Khris Middleton scored 20 points and Greg Monroe had 18. Lowry scored just four points in Saturdays Game 1 loss, missing all six of his 3-point attempts. He was much better in Game 2, going 6 for 12, including 2 of 5 from long range. His step back jumper with 8.9 seconds remaining gave Toronto a 104-100 lead.BULLS 111, CELTICS 97: Jimmy Butler scored 22 points, Rajon Rondo “ nished one rebound shy of a triple-double and the Chicago Bulls beat the Boston Celtics to take a 2-0 lead in their series against the No. 1 seed in the Eastern Conference. Butler added eight rebounds and eight assists. Rondos night ended with 11 points and 14 assists on a night when all “ ve Bulls starters reached double “ gures. Dwyane Wade had 22 points, including 16 in the second half, and Robin Lopez added 18 points and eight points. The Bulls host Game 3 on Friday. After a better start by the Celtics, a familiar theme started to take hold as the Bulls took control by again dominating on the offensive glass. Chicago held a 43-38 rebounding edge for the game. Isaiah Thomas scored 20 points for Boston.Lowry bounces back, Raptors edge Bucks to even series at 1-1 Associated PressRick Nash and Jesper Fast scored, Henrik Lundqvist made 23 saves and the New York Rangers beat the Montreal Canadiens 2-1 on Tuesday night to even their first-round playoff series at two games apiece. New Yorks win also ended a six-game losing streak at home in the playoffs going back to the 2015 Eastern Conference Final. Torrey Mitchell scored for Montreal and Carey Price made 30 saves. Game 5 is Thursday night in Montreal before the series returns to Madison Square Garden on Saturday night. The Rangers, who gave up the tying goal with 18 seconds left in the third period of Game 2 before losing in overtime, stopped Montreal in the final minutes in this one. After a lackluster performance in a 3-1 loss in Game 3, the Rangers came out aggressive early in Game 4. Lundqvist kept it scoreless as he stopped Andrew Shaw on a breakaway midway through the first period. About a minute later, Canadiens defenseman Andrei Markov misplayed the puck along the boards and Fast grabbed the loose puck and slid it through the legs of Price for an unassisted goal at 11:39 to open the scoring. The Canadiens tied it late in the period. Alexander Radulov eluded the check of Brady Skjei near the Rangers bench and passed the puck to Mitchell, who started a 2-on-1 break with Shea Weber and Mitchell scored into an open net with 1:23 remaining. Radulov earned his fourth assist of the series on the play. The Rangers controlled the play for most of the second period as the Canadiens had only one shot on goal in the first 11 minutes. Nash gave the Rangers a 2-1 lead early in the second. Ryan McDonagh kept the puck in the zone and sent a nice pass to Nash near the front of the net and he slipped a backhand past Price at 4:28 for his second of the series.BLUE JACKETS 5, PENGUINS 4: Markus Nutivaara, William Karlsson and Boone Jenner each had a goal and an assist and the Columbus Blue Jackets held on to beat the Pittsburgh Penguins, avoiding a sweep in the best-of-seven playoff series. Jack Johnson and Josh Anderson also scored for the Blue Jackets, who were able to outlast the Penguins when they pushed back hard in the second and third periods and then got a short-handed goal from Jake Guenztel with 27 seconds left in the game. Sergei Bobrovsky had 27 saves to help the Blue Jackets get their “ rst playoff win in three years and their “ rst-ever in regulation. The Penguins now lead 3-1 in the best-of-seven series, which returns to Pittsburgh for Game 5 on Thursday night. Patric Hornqvist, Ron Hainsey and Tom Kuhnhackl also scored for Pittsburgh, and Marc-Andre Fleury had 29 saves.Rangers top Canadiens; series tied 2-2THE CANADIAN PRESS VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS/FRANK GUNNMilwaukee Bucks forward Thon Maker (7) tries to grab a rebound as Toronto Raptors Kyle Lowry (7), DeMar DeRozan (10), Serge Ibaka (9) and Jonas Valanciunas (17) defend during the first half of Game 2 on Tuesday in Toronto. ASSOCIATED PRESS/FRANK FRANKLIN IINew York Rangers Rick Nash, left, celebrates with teammate Jimmy Vesey, center, as Montreal Canadiens goalie Carey Price, left reacts during the second period in Game 4 on Tuesday in New York. NBA ROUNDUP NHL ROUNDUP


The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 SP Page 3By CHARLES ODUMAssociated PressATLANTA „ The planned opening of the $1.5 billion Mercedes Benz Stadium has been delayed by ongoing roof construction. Steve Cannon, the CEO of Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta United owner Arthur Blanks businesses, said Tuesday the delay is a timelineŽ issue. He insisted there is no concern about how the roof will work. Yes, we have a complex design and we have a complex building,Ž Cannon said. But there has never been any concern about the operability of the roof.Ž Cannon said installation of the roof petals is three-quarters complete. Normal steelwork has taken longer than anticipated and that has had an impact on the overall timeline,Ž he said. The new opening date of the stadium is the Atlanta Falcons August 26 NFL preseason game against Arizona. The stadium with its complicated roof, which will open like a camera lens, had been set to open on July 30 with MLS Atlanta Uniteds game against Orlando City. That game has been moved to July 29 at Georgia Techs Bobby Dodd Stadium, where the expansion teams first two home games have been played. Two Atlanta United home games planned for August at the new stadium will be rescheduled: Aug. 13 against Minnesota and Aug. 19 against Los Angeles. Cannon confirmed no more games will be played at Georgia Tech after July 29, as the stadium must be prepared for the 2017 college football season. The Falcons have scheduled another home preseason game against Jacksonville for August 31. Plans have not changed for two Chickfil-A Kickoff games at the new stadium: Alabama-Florida State on Sept. 2 and Tennessee-Georgia Tech on Sept. 4. Even so, Cannon said the demolition of the Georgia Dome will be put on hold as an insurance policy until a certificate of occupancy is granted for the new stadium. We feel now we are in a high level of predictability,Ž he said. We feel very confident of the dates were giving now, but we do not need to bring the Georgia Dome down.Ž The Georgia Dome field has been removed. Cannon would not comment on what other equipment would have to be returned to make the Georgia Dome operational. Were not making any plans for that because we dont need to,Ž Cannon said, adding again, its an insurance policy.Ž NFL: Atlanta FalconsOngoing roof construction delays Mercedes Benz Stadium openingAP PHOTO/MIKE STEWARTLarge cranes loom over the construction at the new Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta on Tuesday. The new opening date of the stadium is the Atlanta Falcons Aug. 26, NFL preseason game against Arizona. By BEN WALKERAssociated PressAdrian Gonzalez dives headfirst into home, seems to beat the tag by Cubs catcher Willson Contreras, but is called out. Safe!Ž shout fans at Dodger Stadium who see replays on the board. Umpires go to their headsets for a video review, and nearly three minutes later, the signal comes: Out! Want to hear exactly how disputed calls get decided, like that one in last years NL Championship Series? Soon, we might. While nothing is set, Major League Baseball and umps are expected to discuss a plan „ most prominently used in the NFL „ for crew chiefs to wear a microphone and explain replay rulings. Under one possible scenario, they would start at the All-Star Game on July 11 in Miami, tweak the process over the seasons second half and then go forward with the experiment in the playoffs. People familiar with the talks spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because an agreement has not yet been reached. Last year, MLB asked for the plate ump to wear a mic at the All-Star Game, but there wasnt enough time to do it. The umpires are in the middle of their five-year labor deal and any change would involve negotiations, plus a comfort level on both sides that the system would be efficient, accurate and easy. So no way to say for sure if fans at Camden Yards, Coors Field and ballparks across the majors will become familiar with the voices of veteran crew chiefs „ be it country singer Joe West, ordained minister Ted Barrett or Dale Scott, once a Top 40 AM radio disc jockey. It would probably leave us scratching our heads less on some of them where we think the call is this and its not,Ž Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. Im sure were not always going to get the answers we want, but I dont necessarily think its a bad idea.Ž Marlins reliever Brad Ziegler agrees that it might be nice to get an explanation on a call. Theyre supposed to say the call stands or the calls confirmed,Ž he said. The call stands means you cant tell. A lot of times we dont get that ... they just signal out or safe. Thats all we get on the field. They may announce it on the PA, but it doesnt seem like that is consistent in all parks. And the acoustics in the stadium here „ we have a hard time hearing whats on the PA in the bullpen.Ž In the NFL, hearing refs announce upon further reviewŽ has long been part of the lexicon. The lore includes what Ben Dreith said in a 1986 game, when Jets lineman Marty Lyons tangled with Buffalo quarterback Jim Kelly and was penalized for giving him the business down there.Ž The NHL for some time has miced up officials to explain coachs challenges, based on what the central replay booth tells them. NBA crew chiefs put on headsets to watch reviews and talk with the replay center. Decisions are explained to the official scorers table and the benches, and the public address announcers inform the crowd. MLB has tried to speed up reviews this year, aiming for the umpires in the New York replay booth to relay the final calls to the field in under 2 minutes. Itll take more time,Ž Boston pitcher David Price said. Its not going to make them any shorter.ŽUmps may soon take to mic to explain replaysAP FILE PHOTOThis Oct. 19, 2010, file photo shows umpires huddling after an apparent home run by Yankees Lance Berkman in the second inning of Game 4 of the American League Championship Series against the Texas Rangers in New York. MLB: Of“ ciating ChangesBy JON KRAWCZYNSKIAssociated PressMINNEAPOLIS „ The playoffs have started, and after a season out of the NBA for the first time in more than two decades, Kevin Garnetts body is starting to talk to him. The mileage on his legs and knees may have limited his playing time over his final couple of seasons in the NBA, but now that he has had a year away from the competition and the camaraderie, he is definitely getting itchy.Ž You get sweaty at night and Im tossing and turning,Ž Garnett told The Associated Press in a phone interview. My wife is like, What the hell is wrong with you? When you do something for so long and you start to program your body, muscle memory and everything it comes back to you inadvertently.Ž Retirement has not extinguished the fire that burned in him for 21 NBA seasons, nor has it healed the wounds opened during an acrimonious split with the Minnesota Timberwolves last summer. When former team President Flip Saunders brought Garnett back to Minnesota in a trade in 2015, the two talked about KG eventually becoming a minority owner. Then Saunders suddenly died after a battle with lymphoma and the Wolves were forced to move on with new leadership. They hired Tom Thibodeau as coach and president and Scott Layden as GM, and a new course was set. Garnett believes that promises were broken and he left last summer after a tense buyout negotiation with owner Glen Taylor. I love those young guys,Ž Garnett said, referring to the Wolves young core of KarlAnthony Towns, Andrew Wiggins and Zach LaVine that he mentored in his final season. I told Thibs I want to work with him, but obviously me and Glen dont see eye-toeye on a lot of things and thats how its going to be.ŽNBA: Kevin GarnettRetired KG still has itch for playing, beef with T-Wolves AP FILE PHOTOIn this Sept. 20, 2013, photo, Brooklyn Nets Kevin Garnett poses for a portrait during NBA basketball media day at the Barclays Center in the Brooklyn borough of New York. Golf Directory 1350 Bobat Trail, North Port Call For Tee Times 941-429-0500 Burnt Store Golf Club 941-637-1577 PUBLIC WELCOME Visit us @ 24315 Vincent Ave., Punta Gorda off Burnt Store Road Call for directions PORT CHARLOTTE GOLF CLUB 22400 Gleneagle Ter. Pt. Charlotte 941-625-4109 The Palms 697-8118 The Links 697-8877 The Hills 697-2414 Long Marsh 698-0918 adno=710375 To place your ad here, please call 941-429-3110 5301 HERON CREEK BLVD., NORTH PORT Between US 41 & I-75 Exit 182 423-6955 € P REMIER P RACTICE F ACILITY N EW T IFEAGLE GREENS Take a tour online at: Call 625-6911 for Tee Times & Lessons Nice People, Great GolfŽ Open To The Public 27 Holes Lifetime Golf Rates 888-663-2420 TWIN ISLES CC Championship Golf Course Under Age 60 Membership $150 Mo. Accepting Non Member Play While We Fill Our Roster Golf, Seasonal, Tennis & Social Memberships 301 Madrid Blvd., Punta Gorda 941-637-1232 ext. 2 € 1/2 mile south of Burnt Store Rd. on US 41 in Punta Gorda 941-639-5440 Best Value in S.W. Florida Seminole Lakes Country Club Open to the Public A Resident owned Community 2100 KINGS HIGHWAY PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33980 941-629-1666 € PAR 62 EXECUTIVE COURSE € A FUN GOLF EXPERIENCE € ALWAYS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION € MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE 2550 S. River Rd., Englewood 941-474-1753 Brand New Ron Garl Designed Greens 27 H OLES Executive Golf Course Walk 9 holes for $12.00 863-993-2221 or 941-764-6700 12865 SW Hwy. 17, Arcadia Located near Wal-Mart Dist. Center COURSES COURSES Great New Memberships Availablefrom$1,400Opento the Public 1-mi. East I-75 exit 170 Kings Hwy Kingsway Country Club Pure Championship Golf March Rates: $48 € $62 € $52 € $32


Page 4 SP Wednesday, April 19, 2017 / The Sun WHITE SOX 4, YANKEES 1 CHICAGO NEW YORK AB R H BI AB R H BI Sladino 2b 4 0 0 0 Gardner lf 3 0 0 0 Ti.Andr ss 4 1 1 0 Ellsbry cf 3 0 1 0 Me.Cbrr lf 4 1 0 0 Hlliday dh 4 0 0 0 Abreu dh 4 0 0 0 S.Cstro 2b 3 0 1 1 A.Grcia rf 3 1 1 3 Judge rf 4 0 0 0 Dvidson 1b 3 0 0 0 Bird 1b 3 0 0 0 Y.Sanch 3b 3 0 0 0 Au.Rmne c 3 0 1 0 Narvaez c 3 0 0 0 Trreyes 3b 2 0 0 0 L.Grcia cf 3 1 1 1 Headley ph 1 1 1 0 Kozma ss 2 0 0 0 Carter ph 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 31 4 3 4 TOTALS 29 1 4 1 CHICAGO 001 000 300„4 NEW YORK 000 000 001„1 E„Kozma (1), Ti.Anderson (3). DP„Chicago 2. LOB„New York 4. HR„A.Garcia (3), L.Garcia (1). IP H R ER BB SO CHICAGO Gonzalez W,2-0 8.1 4 1 1 1 4 Robertson S,4-4 .2 0 0 0 2 1 NEW YORK Severino L,1-1 8 3 4 3 0 10 Holder 1 0 0 0 0 1 Umpires„Home, Mark Ripperger; First, Tom Hallion; Second, Phil Cuzzi; Third, Vic Carapazza. T„2:16. A„30,075 (49,642).REDS 9, ORIOLES 3 BALTIMORE CINCINNATI AB R H BI AB R H BI S.Smith lf 2 1 0 0 Hmilton cf 4 2 2 0 Mancini lf 1 0 0 0 Peraza 2b 3 3 1 0 A.Jones cf 3 1 1 2 Votto 1b 3 2 2 2 M.Mchdo 3b 4 0 0 0 Duvall lf 4 1 2 5 C.Davis 1b 4 0 1 0 Schbler rf 5 0 0 0 Trumbo rf 4 0 2 0 Cozart ss 3 1 1 1 W.Cstll c 4 1 2 0 Gennett 3b 5 0 1 0 Schoop 2b 4 0 1 1 Brnhart c 4 0 1 1 J.Hardy ss 4 0 0 0 Ar royo p 3 0 0 0 Gausman p 1 0 0 0 B.Wood p 0 0 0 0 Nuno p 1 0 0 0 C.Reed p 0 0 0 0 Givens p 0 0 0 0 Kvlehan ph 1 0 1 0 Gentry ph 1 0 0 0 Cngrani p 0 0 0 0 T.Wlson p 0 0 0 0 Storen p 0 0 0 0 Kim ph 1 0 0 0 TOTALS 34 3 7 3 TOTALS 35 9 11 9 BALTIMORE 010 020 000„3 CINCINNATI 252 000 00X„9 E„M.Machado (2). LOB„Baltimore 6, Cincinnati 10. 2B„C.Davis (4), W.Castillo (3), Peraza (3), Duvall (3), Barnhart (3). HR„A. Jones (3), Votto (4), Duvall (4). SB„Hamilton (6), Peraza (6). SF„Duvall (1). IP H R ER BB SO BALTIMORE Gausman L,1-1 2.2 8 8 8 3 2 Nuno 2.1 2 1 1 0 4 Givens 1 0 0 0 1 1 Wilson 2 1 0 0 2 1 CINCINNATI Arroyo W,1-2 5 5 3 3 2 4 Wood 1 1 0 0 0 2 Reed 1 0 0 0 0 1 Cingrani 1 1 0 0 0 0 Storen 1 0 0 0 0 3 HBP„by Gausman (Peraza). PB„Castillo. Umpires„Home, Jerry Layne; First, Dan Bellino; Second, Mike Estabrook; Third, Toby Basner. T„3:05. A„16,018 (42,319).BOX SCORESBy Terrance HarrisThe Associated PressORLANDO, Fla. „ As Major League Baseball celebrates the 70th anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier, a diversity report finds that the league could do a better job of identifying and hiring minority and female candidates for top decision-making jobs. The annual report card released Tuesday by The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport at the University of Central Florida shows a dropoff from a year ago in MLBs racial and gender hiring practices. Major League Baseball received a B in racial hiring, a C for gender hiring and an overall C+ grade this year. The league scored an 82 in racial hiring, down from 90.5 last year, and went from a 74.3 in gender hiring to 70 this year. Overall, MLB scored 76, which is down from 82.4. Its always discouraging when the numbers decrease,Ž said Richard Lapchick, the reports primary author. We are always looking for things to get better and to break new records each time.Ž MLB often celebrates its diversity among players, even as it struggles with race and gender in its front offices. The league continues to be overwhelmingly white and male at the managerial level, and the same holds true for team front office positions, where people of color and women have found it hard to break through. At the team level, MLB received an F in racial hiring practices for managers. Out of 30 skippers, Dave Roberts of the Los Angeles Dodgers, Dusty Baker of the Washington Nationals and Rick Renteria of the Chicago White Sox are the only ones of color, down from a high of 10 minority managers as recently as 2009. The study also gave a C grade at the general manager level, where there are four men of color running teams, a slight decline from the high of five. So we are close but still below in the GM category and just way below in the managers category,Ž Lapchick said. For gender hiring practices at the team level, the study gave MLB a D+ at the senior administrator level and a Cat the professional team administrator level. The grades in racial and gender hiring at the league office level, however, were much higher. Former MLB Commissioner Bud Selig and successor Rob Manfred have made diversity hiring a point of emphasis. MLB received an Ain racial hiring practices, where people of color make up 28.1 percent of the central office professional staff. The league office received a Cfor gender hiring practices, with women making up 29.3 of its workforce. Of the executive level positions (VP level or higher) in the central office, 15 are held by people of color and 20 by women, according to the study. Dan Halem, the chief legal officer for MLB who also oversees human resources and diversity, acknowledges the league could do better in diversity hiring but believes initiatives put into place under Manfreds watch will see the numbers improve over time. Instead of just following the Selig Rule that requires teams to interview a diverse pool of candidates for jobs, the new approach is to make certain there is more diversity at the lower levels, in hopes of improving the pool of candidates when higher level positions such as general manager come open. Its a work in progress,Ž Halem said. The commissioner, when he became the commissioner in 2015, made diversity in all of these areas one of his top priorities. He put together a lot of wellfunded programs in the last couple of years to try to do better. But its going to take a little bit of time before we really see results from these programs in actuality.Ž Laphick applauds the effort MLB is making to improve the diversity numbers at the league office level, but says something needs to be done sooner rather than later to improve the abysmal showing at the team level. They have to figure out a way that it extends to the club level because clearly its the club level that has the less positive numbers both in terms of race and gender, particularly in senior leadership positions,Ž he said. There has to be some type of program instituted that will help those numbers spike faster than they have been spiking.ŽMLB receives overall C+ in racial, gender hiring practicesTHE ASSOCIATED PRESSA bronze statue of Brooklyn Dodgers great Jackie Robinson is unveiled outside Dodger Stadium before the Dodgers game with the Diamondbacks on Saturday in Los Angeles. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUEEAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Baltimore 8 4 .667 „ „ 6-4 L-1 4-1 4-3 New York 9 5 .643 „ „ 8-2 L-1 7-1 2-4 Boston 8 5 .615 „ 6-4 W-3 7-2 1-3 Tampa Bay 7 8 .467 2 2 4-6 W-1 6-2 1-6 Toronto 2 10 .167 6 5 2-8 L-1 1-5 1-5 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Detroit 8 5 .615 „ „ 6-4 L-1 5-2 3-3 Chicago 7 6 .538 1 1 6-4 W-1 2-3 5-3 Minnesota 7 6 .538 1 1 4-6 L-2 4-3 3-3 Kansas City 6 6 .500 1 1 6-4 W-4 4-2 2-4 Cleveland 6 7 .462 2 2 3-7 W-1 2-4 4-3 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Houston 9 4 .692 „ „ 6-4 W-5 5-3 4-1 Seattle 6 8 .429 3 2 5-5 W-4 5-2 1-6 Los Angeles 6 8 .429 3 2 4-6 L-6 4-2 2-6 Oakland 5 8 .385 4 3 4-6 L-4 2-5 3-3 Texas 5 8 .385 4 3 5-5 W-1 2-4 3-4 EAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Washington 8 5 .615 „ „ 6-4 W-2 6-3 2-2 New York 7 6 .538 1 5-5 L-3 3-3 4-3 Miami 7 6 .538 1 6-4 L-1 4-2 3-4 Atlanta 6 7 .462 2 1 5-5 L-1 4-1 2-6 Philadelphia 4 8 .333 3 3 3-7 L-1 2-4 2-4 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Cincinnati 9 5 .643 „ „ 6-4 W-1 4-4 5-1 Milwaukee 8 6 .571 1 „ 7-3 W-2 2-5 6-1 Chicago 6 7 .462 2 1 4-6 L-4 2-5 4-2 Pittsburgh 6 8 .429 3 2 4-6 L-2 3-3 3-5 St. Louis 5 9 .357 4 3 4-6 W-2 4-4 1-5 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Arizona 9 5 .643 „ „ 6-4 W-2 6-1 3-4 Colorado 9 5 .643 „ „ 6-4 W-2 3-3 6-2 Los Angeles 7 7 .500 2 1 4-6 L-2 5-3 2-4 San Francisco 5 9 .357 4 3 4-6 L-2 3-4 2-5 San Diego 5 9 .357 4 3 4-6 L-4 2-1 3-8 TUESDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago White Sox 4, N.Y. Yankees 1 Tampa Bay 5, Detroit 1 Boston at Toronto, late Cleveland at Minnesota, late L.A. Angels at Houston, late Texas at Oakland, late NATIONAL LEAGUE Washington 3, Atlanta 1 St. Louis 2, Pittsburgh 1 Philadelphia at N.Y. Mets, late Milwaukee at Chicago Cubs, late Arizona at San Diego, late Colorado at L.A. Dodgers, late INTERLEAGUE Cincinnati 9, Baltimore 3 San Francisco at Kansas City, late Miami at Seattle, late MONDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston 4, Tampa Bay 3 N.Y. Yankees 7, Chicago White Sox 4 Cleveland 3, Minnesota 1 Houston 3, L.A. Angels 0 Texas 7, Oakland 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE St. Louis 2, Pittsburgh 1 Atlanta 5, San Diego 4 Milwaukee 6, Chicago Cubs 3 Arizona 4, L.A. Dodgers 2 INTERLEAGUE Seattle 6, Miami 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE Texas (Perez 1-1) at Oakland (Hahn 0-1), 3:35 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Covey 0-0) at N.Y. Yankees (Tanaka 1-1), 7:05 p.m. Boston (Porcello 1-1) at Toronto (Liriano 0-1), 7:07 p.m. Detroit (Zimmermann 1-1) at Tampa Bay (Archer 2-0), 7:10 p.m. Cleveland (Bauer 0-2) at Minnesota (Mejia 0-1), 8:10 p.m. L.A. Angels (Ramirez 2-1) at Houston (Keuchel 2-0), 8:10 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh (Cole 1-1) at St. Louis (Wacha 1-1), 1:45 p.m. Milwaukee (Milone 1-0) at Chicago Cubs (Hendricks 1-1), 2:20 p.m. Philadelphia (Velasquez 0-2) at N.Y. Mets (Gsellman 0-1), 7:10 p.m. Washington (Ross 0-0) at Atlanta (Teheran 1-0), 7:35 p.m. Arizona (Greinke 1-1) at San Diego (Chacin 1-2), 10:10 p.m. Colorado (Anderson 1-2) at L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw 2-1), 10:10 p.m. INTERLEAGUE Miami (Volquez 0-1) at Seattle (Hernandez 1-1), 3:40 p.m. Baltimore (Gausman 1-0) at Cincinnati (Garrett 2-0), 7:10 p.m. San Francisco (Bumgarner 0-2) at Kansas City (Vargas 2-0), 8:15 p.m.SCHEDULES TODAYS GAMES (All times Eastern)RESULTS LEADERS AMERICAN LEAGUEBATTING: Garcia, Chicago, .447; Headley, New York, .395; Castro, New York, .365; Ramirez, Cleveland, .362; Mazara, Texas, .352; Cain, Kansas City, .350; Lindor, Cleveland, .346; Grossman, Minnesota, .344; Dickerson, Tampa Bay, .340; Moreland, Boston, .333; 1 tied at .327. RUNS: Haniger, Seattle, 12; Headley, New York, 12; Lindor, Cleveland, 12; Mazara, Texas, 12; Davis, Oakland, 11; Sano, Minnesota, 11; Springer, Houston, 11; Escobar, Los Angeles, 10; 3 tied at 9. RBI: Mazara, Texas, 16; Ramirez, Cleveland, 13; Espinosa, Los Angeles, 12; Sano, Minnesota, 12; Cano, Seattle, 11; Haniger, Seattle, 11; Judge, New York, 11; Springer, Houston, 11; 8 tied at 10. HITS: Garcia, Chicago, 21; Castro, New York, 19; Mazara, Texas, 19; Lindor, Cleveland, 18; Dickerson, Tampa Bay, 17; Headley, New York, 17; Ramirez, Cleveland, 17; 9 tied at 16. DOUBLES: Moreland, Boston, 9; Dickerson, Tampa Bay, 5; Iglesias, Detroit, 5; Kepler, Minnesota, 5; Lindor, Cleveland, 5; 13 tied at 4. TRIPLES: Miller, Tampa Bay, 2; 20 tied at 1. HOME RUNS: Davis, Oakland, 6; Springer, Houston, 6; Moustakas, Kansas City, 5; Perez, Kansas City, 5. ; Haniger, Seattle, 4; Judge, New York, 4; Lindor, Cleveland, 4; Mancini, Baltimore, 4; Mazara, Texas, 4; 16 tied at 3. STOLEN BASES: Altuve, Houston, 5; Dozier, Minnesota, 5; Gardner, New York, 5; Mondesi, Kansas City, 5; Cain, Kansas City, 4; Dyson, Seattle, 4; Ellsbury, New York, 4; Martin, Seattle, 4; Semien, Oakland, 4; 5 tied at 3. PITCHING: Santana, Minnesota, 3-0; 19 tied at 2-0. ERA: Paxton, Seattle, 0.00; Santana, Minnesota, 0.41; Vargas, Kansas City, 0.66; Keuchel, Houston, 0.86; Sale, Boston, 1.25; Sabathia, New York, 1.47; Santiago, Minnesota, 1.47.NATIONAL LEAGUEBATTING: Cozart, Cincinnati, .432; Thames, Milwaukee, .405; Freeman, Atlanta, .400; Murphy, Washington, .396; Ozuna, Miami, .373; Turner, Los Angeles, .370; Myers, San Diego, .368; Realmuto, Miami, .366; Suarez, Cincinnati, .364; Hernandez, Philadelphia, .346. RUNS: Thames, Milwaukee, 15; Yelich, Miami, 14; Hernandez, Philadelphia, 13; Harper, Washington, 12; Eaton, Washington, 11; Freeman, Atlanta, 11; Lamb, Arizona, 11; Suarez, Cincinnati, 11; 3 tied at 10. RBI: Ozuna, Miami, 18; Harper, Washington, 13; Lamb, Arizona, 12; Thames, Milwaukee, 12; Braun, Milwaukee, 11; Puig, Los Angeles, 11; Reynolds, Colorado, 11; Solarte, San Diego, 11; 5 tied at 10. HITS: Murphy, Washington, 21; Myers, San Diego, 21; Gordon, Miami, 19; Ozuna, Miami, 19; Freeman, Atlanta, 18; Hernandez, Philadelphia, 18; Arenado, Colorado, 17; Thames, Milwaukee, 17; Turner, Los Angeles, 17; 5 tied at 16. DOUBLES: Turner, Los Angeles, 8; Murphy, Washington, 7; Arenado, Colorado, 5; Eaton, Washington, 5; Myers, San Diego, 5; Pina, Milwaukee, 5; Russell, Chicago, 5; Seager, Los Angeles, 5; Shaw, Milwaukee, 5; 16 tied at 4. TRIPLES: Cozart, Cincinnati, 3; Myers, San Diego, 2; 23 tied at 1. HOME RUNS: Thames, Milwaukee, 7; Cespedes, New York, 6; Braun, Milwaukee, 5; Freeman, Atlanta, 5; Ozuna, Miami, 5; 7 tied at 4. STOLEN BASES: Hamilton, Cincinnati, 5; Nunez, San Francisco, 5; Peraza, Cincinnati, 5; Braun, Milwaukee, 4; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 4; Owings, Arizona, 4; Phillips, Atlanta, 4; Polanco, Pittsburgh, 4; Villar, Milwaukee, 4. PITCHING: Cueto, San Francisco, 3-0; Peralta, Milwaukee, 3-0; 15 tied at 2-0. ERA: Leake, St. Louis, 0.60; Taillon, Pittsburgh, 0.90; Syndergaard, New York, 0.95; Teheran, Atlanta, 0.95; Lester, Chicago, 1.00.APRIL 191900: The Philadelphia Phillies beat the Boston Braves 19-17 in 10 innings to set a major league record for most runs scored by two clubs on opening day. The Braves scored nine runs in the ninth inning to put the game into extra innings. 1920: Al Schacht, who later became the Clown Prince of Baseball,Ž was all business in pitching the Senators to a 7-0 victory over the Philadelphia Athletics. 1938: Emmett Mueller of the Phillies and Ernie Koy of the visiting Dodgers each homered in their “ rst major league at-bats as Brooklyn defeated Philadelphia 12-5. 1956: The Brooklyn Dodgers beat the Philadelphia Phillies 5-4 in 10 innings at Jersey Citys Roosevelt Stadium, the “ rst major league game held in New Jersey. 1981: In an International League night game, the Rochester Red Wings and Pawtucket Red Sox played to a 2-2 tie through 32 innings before play was suspended at 4:07 a.m. The game was completed later in the season with Pawtucket scoring the winning run in the 33rd inning of the longest game in professional baseball history. 1987: Rob Deer hit a three-run homer to tie the score and Dale Sveum won the game with a two-run shot as the Milwaukee Brewers rallied for “ ve runs in the ninth inning to beat the Texas Rangers 6-4 and set an American League record with their 12th straight victory to start the season. 1996: Juan Gonzalez homered and drove in six runs as Texas beat Baltimore 26-7. The Rangers scored 16 runs in the eighth inning „ one short of the modern major league mark „ and scored the most runs by an AL team in 41 years. THIS DATE IN BASEBALL WHITE SOX 4, YANKEES 1: Miguel Gonzalez pitched shutout ball into the ninth inning to win a road start for the “ rst time in two years, Leury Garcia and Avisail Garcia homered off Luis Severino, and Chicago beat the Yankees to stop New Yorks eight-game winning streak. Gonzalez (2-0) allowed four hits „ all in“ eld singles „ and one run in 8.1 innings, struck out four and walked one. He had been 0-7 in 19 road starts since a victory at Tampa Bay for Baltimore on July 25, 2015. The right-hander retired his “ rst 12 batters before Starling Castros in“ eld single on a slow bouncer to shortstop leading off the “ fth and threw just 88 pitches. REDS 9, ORIOLES 3: Adam Duvall hit his “ rst career grand slam, Joey Votto had a two-run shot and Bronson Arroyo got his “ rst win in almost three years, helping Cincinnati beat Baltimore. The 40-yearold Arroyo (1-2) allowed three runs in “ ve innings, including Adam Jones two-run homer in the “ fth. The victory was Arroyos “ rst since June 15, 2014, for Arizona against the Dodgers. That was his last appearance before elbow and shoulder injuries knocked him out of action until this month. The longtime Red got his “ rst win with Cincinnati since Sept. 22, 2013.„ The Associated PressROUNDUP


The Sun / Wednesday, April 19, 2017 SP Page 5SCOREBOARD PRO BASKETBALLNBA PLAYOFFS All Times Eastern (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) FIRST ROUND EASTERN CONFERENCE CHICAGO 1, BOSTON 0April 16: Chicago 106, Boston 102 Tuesday: Chicago at Boston, late Friday: Boston at Chicago, 7 p.m. Sunday: Boston at Chicago, 6:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Chicago at Boston, TBD x-Friday, April 28: Boston at Chicago, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Chicago at Boston, TBDWASHINGTON 1, ATLANTA 0April 16: Washington 114, Atlanta 107 Today: Atlanta at Washington, 7 p.m. Saturday: Washington at Atlanta, 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 24: Washington at Atlanta, 8 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Atlanta at Washington, TBD x-Friday, April 28: Washington at Atlanta, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Atlanta at Washington, TBDMILWAUKEE 1, TORONTO 1April 15: Milwaukee 97, Toronto 83 Tuesday: Toronto 106, Milwaukee 100 Thursday: Toronto at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. Saturday: Toronto at Milwaukee, 3 p.m. Monday, April 24 : Milwaukee at Toronto, 7 p.m. x-Thursday, April 27: Toronto at Milwaukee, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Milwaukee at Toronto, TBDCLEVELAND 2, INDIANA 0April 15: Cleveland 109, Indiana 108 Monday: Cleveland 117, Indiana 111 Thursday: Cleveland at Indiana, 7 p.m. Sunday, Cleveland at Indiana, 1 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Indiana at Cleveland, TBD x-Thursday, April 27, Cleveland at Indiana, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Indiana at Cleveland, TBDWESTERN CONFERENCE GOLDEN STATE 1, PORTLAND 0April 16: Golden State 121, Portland 109 Today: Portland at Golden State, 10:30 p.m. Saturday : Golden State at Portland, 10:30 p.m. Monday, April 24: Golden State at Portland, 10:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Portland at Golden State, TBD x-Friday, April 28 : Golden State at Portland, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Portland at Golden State, TBDSAN ANTONIO 2, MEMPHIS 0April 15: San Antonio 111, Memphis 82 Monday: San Antonio 96, Memphis 82 Thursday: San Antonio at Memphis, 9:30 p.m. Saturday : San Antonio at Memphis, 8 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Memphis at San Antonio, TBD x-Thursday, April 27: San Ant. at Memphis, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Memphis at San Ant., TBDHOUSTON 1, OKLAHOMA CITY 0April 16: Houston 118, Oklahoma City 87 Today: Oklahoma City at Houston, 8 p.m. Friday: Houston at Oklahoma City, 9:30 p.m. Sunday: Houston at Oklahoma City, 3:30 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Oklahoma City at Houston, TBD x-Thursday, April 27: Houston at Oklahoma City, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Oklahoma City at Houston, TBDUTAH 1, L.A. CLIPPERS 0April 15: Utah 97, L.A. Clippers 95 Tuesday: Utah at L.A. Clippers, late Friday: L.A. Clippers at Utah, 10 p.m. Sunday, April 23: L.A. Clippers at Utah, 9 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Utah at L.A. Clippers, TBD x-Friday, April 28: L.A. Clippers at Utah, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Utah at L.A. Clippers, TBDTUESDAYS PLAYOFF BOX SCORE RAPTORS 106, BUCKS 100 MILWAUKEE (100) Antetokounmpo 9-24 5-7 24, Snell 5-7 0-0 14, Maker 2-7 0-0 5, Brogdon 3-11 0-0 7, Middleton 6-14 5-5 20, Hawes 1-2 0-0 2, Teletovic 0-2 0-0 0, Monroe 6-9 6-6 18, Terry 1-1 1-1 3, Dellavedova 3-10 0-0 7. Totals 36-87 17-19 100. TORONTO (106) Carroll 3-4 1-3 9, Ibaka 6-15 0-0 16, Valanciunas 4-10 2-3 10, Lowry 6-12 8-9 22, DeRozan 9-18 5-6 23, Tucker 2-4 0-2 5, Patterson 2-6 2-2 8, Poeltl 1-1 0-0 2, Wright 0-1 0-0 0, Joseph 4-6 0-0 11. Totals 37-77 18-25 106. Milwaukee 25 27 31 17 „ 100 Toronto 28 27 29 22 „ 106 3-Point Goals„Milwaukee 11-23 (Snell 4-6, Middleton 3-3, Maker 1-2, Antetokounmpo 1-3, Brogdon 1-3, Dellavedova 1-4, Hawes 0-1, Teletovic 0-1), Toronto 14-29 (Ibaka 4-7, Joseph 3-4, Carroll 2-3, Lowry 2-5, Patterson 2-6, Tucker 1-3, DeRozan 0-1). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Milwaukee 40 (Antetokounmpo 15), Toronto 40 (Valanciunas 10). Assists„ Milwaukee 20 (Antetokounmpo 7), Toronto 24 (Ibaka 6). Total Fouls„Milwaukee 16, Toronto 22. Technicals„Milwaukee defensive three second, Milwaukee team. A„20,077 (19,800).MONDAYS BOX SCORES CAVALIERS 117, PACERS 111INDIANA (111) George 10-20 8-9 32, Turner 3-10 0-0 6, T.Young 7-11 2-6 16, Teague 8-12 5-5 23, Ellis 1-4 0-0 2, Robinson 1-1 1-2 4, Miles 4-7 0-0 9, Seraphin 3-6 0-0 6, Allen 0-0 0-0 0, Stephenson 6-13 1-1 13. Totals 43-84 17-23 111. CLEVELAND (117) James 11-20 3-6 25, Love 6-7 12-12 27, Thompson 2-5 0-0 4, Irving 14-24 5-5 37, Smith 1-3 0-0 3, R.Jefferson 1-2 0-0 2, Frye 1-4 0-0 3, Dero.Williams 3-4 0-0 9, Korver 1-4 0-0 2, Shumpert 2-3 0-0 5. Totals 42-76 20-23 117. Indiana 29 29 20 33 „111 Cleveland 32 31 33 21 „117 3-Point Goals„Indiana 8-20 (George 4-10, Teague 2-3, Robinson 1-1, Miles 1-4, Ellis 0-1, Turner 0-1), Cleveland 13-31 (Irving 4-10, Dero. Williams 3-4, Love 3-4, Smith 1-2, Shumpert 1-2, Frye 1-3, R.Jefferson 0-1, James 0-2, Korver 0-3). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Indiana 33 (George 8), Cleveland 37 (Love 11). Assists„ Indiana 23 (George 7), Cleveland 19 (James 7). Total Fouls„Indiana 21, Cleveland 16. Technicals„Indiana defensive three second, Indiana team, James. A„20,562 (20,562).SPURS 96, GRIZZLIES 82MEMPHIS (82) J.Green 1-5 0-0 3, M.Gasol 4-15 4-4 12, Conley 8-18 4-5 24, Selden 0-2 0-0 0, Carter 5-9 0-0 12, Ennis 1-4 5-6 7, Wright 2-4 0-0 4, Randolph 9-18 0-0 18, Harrison 1-5 0-0 2, Daniels 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 31-82 13-15 82. SAN ANTONIO (96) Leonard 9-14 19-19 37, Aldridge 3-8 5-6 11, Dedmon 0-0 2-2 2, Parker 6-14 0-0 15, D.Green 4-5 0-0 12, Anderson 1-1 0-0 2, Lee 0-0 2-2 2, P.Gasol 4-6 0-0 10, Mills 1-9 3-3 5, Ginobili 0-4 0-0 0. Totals 28-61 31-32 96. Memphis 16 21 28 17 „82 San Antonio 29 27 19 21 „96 3-Point Goals„Memphis 7-27 (Conley 4-8, Carter 2-5, J.Green 1-2, Randolph 0-1, Daniels 0-2, Selden 0-2, M.Gasol 0-2, Ennis 0-2, Harrison 0-3), San Antonio 9-23 (D.Green 4-5, Parker 3-5, P.Gasol 2-2, Aldridge 0-1, Leonard 0-2, Ginobili 0-3, Mills 0-5). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Memphis 35 (Randolph 10), San Antonio 39 (Leonard 11). Assists„Memphis 19 (Conley 8), San Antonio 14 (Mills, Ginobili 3). Total Fouls„Memphis 22, San Antonio 13. Technicals„Carter, J.Green, San Antonio defensive three second, San Antonio team.PLAYOFF LEADERSThrough April 17 SCORING G FG FT PTS AVGMcCollum, POR 2 32 10 82 41.0 Harden, HOU 1 13 8 37 37.0 Leonard, SAN 2 20 28 69 34.5 Lillard, POR 2 24 14 68 34.0 Thomas, BOS 1 10 10 33 33.0 Durant, GOL 2 24 12 64 32.0 Wall, WAS 1 12 6 32 32.0 George, IND 2 19 13 61 30.5 Butler, CHI 1 9 9 30 30.0 Irving, CLE 2 25 5 60 30.0 Curry, GOL 1 9 8 29 29.0 James, CLE 2 23 9 57 28.5 Antetokounmpo, MIL 1 13 2 28 28.0 DeRozan, TOR 1 7 13 27 27.0 Grif“ n, LAC 1 9 6 26 26.0 Gasol, MEM 3 26 18 76 25.3 Paul, LAC 1 10 4 25 25.0 Schroder, ATL 1 8 6 25 25.0 Beal, WAS 1 9 2 22 22.0 Love, CLE 2 11 17 44 22.0 FG PERCENTAGE FG FGA PCT Hilario, HOU 7 8 .875 Clark, GOL 4 5 .800 Portis, CHI 8 10 .800 Capela, HOU 7 9 .778 Antetokounmpo, MIL 13 18 .722 Leonard, SAN 20 28 .714 Favors, UTA 7 10 .700 Roberson, OKC 7 10 .700 Love, CLE 11 16 .688 Lopez, CHI 6 9 .667REBOUNDS G OFF DEF TOT AVGJordan, LAC 1 3 12 15 15.0 Monroe, MIL 1 5 10 15 15.0 Howard, ATL 1 4 10 14 14.0 Ibaka, TOR 1 3 11 14 14.0 Anderson, HOU 1 3 9 12 12.0 Green, GOL 2 2 22 24 12.0 Thompson, CLE 2 11 12 23 11.5 Westbrook, OKC 1 2 9 11 11.0 Durant, GOL 2 2 19 21 10.5 Beverley, HOU 1 1 9 10 10.0ASSISTS G AST AVG Wall, WAS 1 14 14.0 Paul, LAC 1 11 11.0 James, CLE 2 20 10.0 Green, GOL 2 18 9.0 Harden, HOU 1 9 9.0 Middleton, MIL 1 9 9.0 Schroder, ATL 1 9 9.0 Horford, BOS 1 8 8.0 Conley, MEM 3 22 7.3 George, IND 2 14 7.0ODDSPREGAME.COM LINEMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL National League TodayFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINEat Chicago -195 Milwaukee +175 at St. Louis -113 Pittsburgh +103 at New York -120 Philadelphia +110 at Atlanta Off Washington Off Arizona -124 at San Diego +114 at Los Angeles -275 Colorado +245American Leagueat New York -200 Chicago +180 at Oakland -108 Texas -102 at Toronto -105 Boston -105 at New York -200 Chicago +180 at Tampa Bay -165 Detroit +155 at Houston -175 Los Angeles +163 Cleveland -114 at Minnesota +104Interleagueat Seattle -150 Miami +140 Baltimore -120 at Cincinnati +110 San Francisco -130 at Kansas City +120NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION Playoffs Today FAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOG at Washington 5 210 Atlanta at Houston 7 224 Okla. City at Golden State 15 220 PortlandThursdayCleveland 2 211 at Indiana at Milwaukee Off Off Toronto San Antonio 3 185 at MemphisNATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Stanley Cup Playoffs TodayFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE Washington -141 at Toronto +131 at Boston -160 Ottawa +150 Minnesota -108 at St. Louis -102 at Calgary -105 Anaheim -105Updated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLCOMMISSIONERS OFFICE „ Suspended Pittsburgh OF Starling Marte 80 games for a violation of Major League Baseballs Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program.American LeagueBOSTON RED SOX „ Optioned RHP Ben Taylor to Pawtucket (IL). Recalled LHP Brian Johnson from Pawtucket. Sent 3B Josh Rutledge and OF Jackie Bradley Jr. to Pawtucket for rehab assignments. BALTIMORE ORIOLES „ Assigned RHP Jason Garcia outright to Bowie (EL). Sent RHP Chris Tillman to Bowie for a rehab assignment. DETROIT TIGERS „ Agreed to terms with 1B James Loney on a minor league contract. KANSAS CITY ROYALS „ Optioned RHP Jake Junis to Omaha (PCL). LOS ANGELES ANGELS „ Designated OF Ryan LaMarre for assignment. TORONTO BLUE JAYS „ Placed LHP J.A. Happ on the 10-day DL. Recalled INF Ty Kelly and RHP Danny Barnes from Buffalo (IL). Traded C Juan Graterol to the L.A. Angels for cash or a player to be named.National LeagueCINCINNATI REDS „Optioned RHP Sal Romano to Louisville (IL). Recalled RHP Lisalverto Bonilla from Louisville. COLORADO ROCKIES „ Optioned RHP Shane Carle to Albuquerque (PCL). Reinstated OF Gerardo Parra from paternity leave. MIAMI MARLINS „ Designated 1B Tyler Moore for assignment. Reinstated INF Martin Prado from the 10-day DL. Sent SS Adeiny Hechavarria to Jupiter (FSL) for a rehab assignment. MILWAUKEE BREWERS „ Assigned RHP David Goforth outright to Colorado Springs (PCL). Sent RHP Matt Garza to Wisconsin (MWL) for a rehab assignment. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES „ Placed RHP Clay Buchholz on the 10-day DL, retroactive to April 15 prior. Recalled RHP Zach E” in from Lehigh Valley (IL). PITTSBURGH PIRATES „ Recalled OF/INF Jose Osuna from Indianapolis (IL).American AssociationGARY SOUTHSHORE RAILCATS „ Signed RHP Drasen Johnson. SIOUX CITY EXPLORERS „ Released LHP James Walsh. Signed LHP Estarlin Cordero. TEXAS AIRHOGS „ Signed C/INF Shelby Ford.Can-Am LeagueNEW JERSEY JACKALS „ Signed RHPs Josh Hodges and David Richardson. SUSSEX COUNTY MINERS „ Signed LHP Alex Henson.Frontier LeagueEVANSVILLE OTTERS „ Signed RHP Jimmie Davis. SCHAUMBURG BOOMERS „ Signed RHPs Preston Jamison and Garrett Kelly. Released OF Mark Nelson.BASKETBALLWomens National Basketball AssociationWNBA „ Signed a two-year collective bargaining agreement with the National Basketball Referees Association.FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueDETROIT LIONS „ Re-signed OT Cornelius Lucas. GREEN BAY PACKERS „ LB A.J. Hawk announced his retirement. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS „ Released OL Tre Jackson. Signed CB Malcolm Butler and TE Matt Lengel. OAKLAND RAIDERS „ Released DT Dan Williams. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS „ Failed to match OL Garry Gilliams restricted free agent tender from San Francisco.Canadian Football LeagueWINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS „ Signed RB Johnta Hebert and LB Jeremy Grable.HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueCHICAGO BLACKHAWKS „ Recalled Fs Kyle Baun and Tyler Motte and D Erik Gustafsson from Rockford (AHL). LOS ANGELES KINGS „ Signed F Alex Iafallo to a two-year contract.American Hockey LeagueSPRINGFIELD THUNDERBIRDS „ Assigned F Zac Lynch and D Thomas Schemitsch to Manchester (ECHL).ECHLECHL „ Suspended South Carolina F Marcus Perrier inde“ nitely. WORCESTER RAILERS „ Named Tom Matthews public relations and social media coordinator and Katie Arsenault marketing and game operations coordinator. Promoted Tymmothy Dore to senior account executive for tickets and memberships.SOCCERMajor League SoccerLA GALAXY „ Claimed F Jack McInerney off waivers from Portland. NEW YORK RED BULLS „ Named Jayne Bussman-Wise senior director for content and communications.COLLEGES SUN BELT CONFERENCE „ Suspended Texas State baseball coach Ty Harrington one game. GONZAGA „ Announced junior G Nigel Williams-Goss will enter the NBA draft. OKLAHOMA STATE „ Announced freshman mens basketball G Michael Weathers is transferring from Miami (Ohio). OREGON „ Announced junior F Jordan Bell will enter the NBA Draft.HOCKEYNHLSTANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE MONTREAL 2, N.Y. RANGERS 2April 12: New York 2, Montreal 0 April 14: Montreal 4, New York 3, OT April 16: Montreal 3, New York 1 Tuesday: New York 2, Montreal 1 Thursday : New York at Montreal, 7 p.m. Saturday: Montreal at New York, TBA x-Monday, April 24: New York at Montreal, TBAOTTAWA 2, BOSTON 1April 12: Boston 2, Ottawa 1 April 15: Ottawa 4, Boston 3, OT Monday: Ottawa 4, Boston 3, OT Today: Ottawa at Boston, 7:30 p.m. Friday: Boston at Ottawa, 7:30 p.m. x-Sunday: Ottawa at Boston, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: Boston at Ottawa, TBATORONTO 2, WASHINGTON 1April 13: Washington 3, Toronto 2, OT April 15: Toronto 4, Washington 3, 2OT Monday: Toronto 4, Washington 3, OT Today: Washington at Toronto, 7 p.m. x-Friday: Toronto at Washington, 7 p.m. x-Sunday: Washington at Toronto, TBA x-Tuesday, April 25: Toronto at Washington, TBAPITTSBURGH 3, COLUMBUS 0April 12: Pittsburgh 3, Columbus 1 April 14: Pittsburgh 4, Columbus 1 April 16: Pittsburgh 5, Columbus 4, OT Tuesday: Pittsburgh at Columbus, 7:30 p.m. x-Thursday: Columbus at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. x-Sunday Pittsburgh at Columbus, TBA x-Tuesday, April 25: Columbus at Pittsburgh, TBAWESTERN CONFERENCE NASHVILLE 3, CHICAGO 0April 13: Nashville 1, Chicago 0 April 15: Nashville 5, Chicago 0 Monday: Nashville 3, Chicago 2, OT Thursday: Chicago at Nashville, 8 p.m. x-Saturday: Nashville at Chicago, TBA x-Monday, April 24: Chicago at Nashville, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: Nashville at Chicago, TBAST. LOUIS 3, MINNESOTA 0April 12: St. Louis 2, Minnesota 1, OT April 14: St. Louis 2, Minnesota 1 April 16: St. Louis 3, Minnesota 1 Today: Minnesota at St. Louis, 9:30 p.m. x-Saturday: St. Louis at Minnesota, TBA x-Monday, April 24: Minnesota at St. Louis, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: St. Louis at Minnesota, TBAANAHEIM 3, CALGARY 0April 13: Anaheim 3, Calgary 2 April 15: Anaheim 3, Calgary 2 Monday: Anaheim 5, Calgary 4, OT Today: Anaheim at Calgary, 10 p.m. x-Friday : Calgary at Anaheim, 10 p.m. x-Sunday, April 23: Anaheim at Calgary, TBA x-Tuesday, April 25: Calgary at Anaheim, TBAEDMONTON 2, SAN JOSE 1April 12: San Jose 3, Edmonton 2, OT April 14: Edmonton 2, San Jose 0 Sunday: Edmonton 1, San Jose 0 Tuesday: Edmonton at San Jose, late Thursday: San Jose at Edmonton, 10:30 p.m. x-Saturday, April 22: Edmonton at San Jose, TBA x-Monday, April 24: San Jose at Edmonton, TBATUESDAYS PLAYOFF SUMMARY RANGERS 2, CANADIENS 1Montreal 1 0 0 „ 1 N.Y. Rangers 1 1 0 „ 2 First Period„1, N.Y. Rangers, Fast 1, 11:39. 2, Montreal, Mitchell 1 (Weber, Radulov), 18:37. Penalties„Shaw, MTL, (tripping), 13:25; Nash, NYR, (interference), 14:21; Radulov, MTL, (high sticking), 15:59; Mcdonagh, NYR, (slashing), 19:55. Second Period„3, N.Y. Rangers, Nash 2 (Mcdonagh), 4:28. Penalties„Stepan, NYR, (hooking), 17:28. Third Period„None. Penalties„None. Shots on Goal„Montreal 12-6-6„24. N.Y. Rangers 10-12-10„32. Power -play opportunities„Montreal 0 of 3; N.Y. Rangers 0 of 2. Goalies„Montreal, Price 2-2 (32 shots-30 saves). N.Y. Rangers, Lundqvist 2-2 (24-23). A„18,006 (18,200). T„2:37. Referees„Francis Charron, Steve Kozari. Linesmen„Michel Cormier, Steve Miller.HOCKEYMONDAYS SUMMARIES MAPLE LEAFS 4, CAPITALS 3, OTWashington 2 1 0 0 „ 3 Toronto 1 2 0 1 „ 4 First Period„1, Washington, Backstrom 2 (Oshie, Schmidt), 2:43. 2, Washington, Ovechkin 2 (Backstrom, Oshie), 4:49. 3, Toronto, Matthews 1 (Rielly), 14:08. Penalties„ Williams, WSH, (holding), 1:33; Rielly, TOR, (unsportsmanlike conduct), 1:33. Second Period„4, Washington, Kuznetsov 1 (Williams, Johansson), 5:39. 5, Toronto, Kadri 1 (Komarov), 15:13. 6, Toronto, Nylander 1 (Matthews, Hyman), 19:20. Penalties„Martin, TOR, (roughing), 6:52; Wilson, WSH, (roughing), 6:52; Hunwick, TOR, (hooking), 6:52; Martin, TOR, served by Marner, (roughing), 6:52; Toronto bench, served by Nylander (too many men on the ice), 9:48. Third Period„None. Penalties„Shattenkirk, WSH, (delay of game), 3:34; Beagle, WSH, (interference), 9:54; Wilson, WSH, (roughing), 17:28; Hyman, TOR, (roughing), 17:28; Eller, WSH, (high sticking), 19:44. Overtime„7, Toronto, Bozak 1 (Rielly, Kadri), -13:-23 (pp). Penalties„None. Shots on Goal„Washington 7-15-3-1„26. Toronto 10-8-9-1„28. Power -play opportunities„Washington 0 of 3; Toronto 1 of 3. Goalies„Washington, Holtby 1-1 (28 shots-24 saves). Toronto, Andersen 1-1 (26-23). T„2:52. Referees„Dan OHalloran, Ian Walsh. Linesmen„Steve Barton, Jonny Murray.SENATORS 4, BRUINS 3, OTOttawa 2 1 0 1 „ 4 Boston 0 3 0 0 „ 3 First Period„1, Ottawa, Hoffman 1 (Karlsson, Smith), 7:15. 2, Ottawa, Brassard 2 (Stalberg, Ryan), 7:40. Penalties„Backes, BOS, (interference), 2:27; Turris, OTT, (interference), 14:27. Second Period„3, Ottawa, Hoffman 2 (Brassard, Wideman), 3:42 (pp). 4, Boston, Acciari 1 (Nash, Liles), 6:05. 5, Boston, Backes 1 (Cross, Liles), 6:47. 6, Boston, Pastrnak 1 (Spooner, Mc avoy), 13:51 (pp). Penalties„ Miller, BOS, (interference), 1:54; Turris, OTT, (tripping), 11:46; Phaneuf, OTT, (slashing), 13:36; Marchand, BOS, (cross checking), 16:24; Karlsson, OTT, (holding), 19:31; Vatrano, BOS, (unsportsmanlike conduct), 19:31. Third Period„None. Penalties„Schaller, BOS, (unsportsmanlike conduct), 8:11; Methot, OTT, (unsportsmanlike conduct), 8:11. Overtime„7, Ottawa, Ryan 2 (Turris, Karlsson), 5:43 (pp). Penalties„Nash, BOS, (roughing), -10:-22. Shots on Goal„Ottawa 10-11-7-4„32. Boston 3-7-9-1„20. Power -play opportunities„Ottawa 2 of 4; Boston 1 of 3. Goalies„Ottawa, Anderson 2-1 (20 shots-17 saves). Boston, Rask 1-2 (32-28). A„17,565 (17,565). T„3:00. Referees„Eric Furlatt, Tim Peel. Linesmen„ Ryan Galloway, Brad Kovachik.PREDATORS 3, BLACKHAWKS 2, OT Chicago 0 2 0 0 „ 2 Nashville 0 0 2 1 „ 3 First Period„None. Penalties„Kruger, CHI, (holding), 8:22. Second Period„1, Chicago, Rasmussen 1 (Panik, Kruger), 1:05. 2, Chicago, Kane 1 (Keith, Toews), 11:15 (pp). Penalties„Nashville bench, served by Zolnierczyk (too many men on the ice), 3:30; Ellis, NSH, (delay of game), 10:16; Josi, NSH, (cross checking), 11:38; Hjalmarsson, CHI, (tripping), 15:42; Forsberg, NSH, (tripping), 15:42. Third Period„3, Nashville, Forsberg 1 (Arvidsson), 4:24. 4, Nashville, Forsberg 2 (Ellis, Johansen), 14:08. Penalties„None. Overtime„5, Nashville, Fiala 2 (Neal, Jarnkrok), 1:44. Penalties„Hossa, CHI, (high sticking), -14:-16; Subban, NSH, (holding stick), -14:-16. Shots on Goal„Chicago 9-12-10-5„36. Nashville 18-9-13-9„49. Power -play opportunities„Chicago 1 of 3; Nashville 0 of 1. Goalies„Chicago, Crawford 0-3 (49 shots-46 saves). Nashville, Rinne 3-0 (36-34). Referees„Trevor Hanson, Brad Watson. Linesmen„Greg Devorski, Kiel Murchison.DUCKS 5, FLAMES 4, OT Anaheim 1 1 2 1 „ 5 Calgary 2 2 0 0 „ 4 First Period„1, Calgary, Monahan 3 (Brouwer, Gaudreau), 2:10 (pp). 2, Calgary, Versteeg 1 (Brodie, Monahan), 9:18 (pp). 3, Anaheim, Ritchie 1 (Vermette, Lindholm), 15:33. Penalties„Ritchie, ANA, (interference), 1:47; Holzer, ANA, (holding), 4:27; Lindholm, ANA, (interference), 8:16. Second Period„4, Calgary, Stone 1 (Brodie, Backlund), 4:34. 5, Calgary, Bennett 2 (Giordano, Backlund), 8:33 (pp). 6, Anaheim, Theodore 1 (Bieksa, Rakell), 19:11. Penalties„ Holzer, ANA, (hooking), 7:13; Cogliano, ANA, (tripping), 12:41. Third Period„7, Anaheim, Thompson 1 (Perry, Lindholm), 11:14. 8, Anaheim, Theodore 2 (Thompson, Bieksa), 15:39. Penalties„Ferland, CGY, (roughing), 13:15; Holzer, ANA, (roughing), 13:15. Overtime„9, Anaheim, Perry 1 (Thompson, Rakell), 1:30. Penalties„None. Shots on Goal„Anaheim 6-8-12-1„27. Calgary 11-13-8„32. Power -play opportunities„Anaheim 0 of 0; Calgary 3 of 5. Goalies„Anaheim, Bernier 1-0 (16 shots-16 saves), Gibson 2-1 (16-12). Calgary, Elliott 0-2 (27-22). A„19,289 (19,289). Referees„Gord Dwyer, Marc Joannette. Linesmen„David Brisebois, Pierre Racicot.PLAYOFF STATISTICSThrough April 16SCORING LEADERS GP G A PtsEvgeni Malkin, PIT 3 2 4 6 Jake Guentzel, PIT 3 4 1 5 Alexander Radulov, MON 3 2 3 5 Shea Theodore, ANH 3 2 3 5 Sidney Crosby, PIT 3 1 4 5 Ryan Johansen, NSH 3 1 4 5GOALTENDERS GOALS AGAINST RECORDName Team GPI MINS GA AVGPekka Rinne Nash. 3 196 2 0.61 Jake Allen StL 3 197 3 0.91 Cam Talbot Edm. 3 183 3 0.98 Carey Price Mont. 3 195 5 1.53 Martin Jones S.J. 3 180 5 1.66 Devan Dubnyk Minn. 3 193 6 1.87 Marc-Andre Fleury Pitt. 3 193 6 1.87 Henrik Lundqvist NYR 3 194 7 2.16 Frederik Andersen Tor. 3 218 9 2.47 Craig Anderson Ott. 3 186 8 2.58 Braden Holtby Wash. 3 218 10 2.74 Corey Crawford Chi. 3 194 9 2.77 Tuukka Rask Bost. 3 187 9 2.89 John Gibson Ana. 3 148 8 3.22 Sergei Bob rovsky Colu. 3 189 11 3.49 Brian Elliott Calg. 3 179 11 3.67ECHL PLAYOFF GLANCEAll Times EDT DIVISIONAL SEMIFINALS (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE North DivisionManchester 2, Adirondack 0 Friday, April 14: Manchester 3, Adirondack 1 Saturday, April 15: Manchester 4, Adirondack 2 Tuesday, April 18: Adirondack 3, Manchester 1 Thursday, April 20: Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Saturday, April 22: x-Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 26: x-Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Reading 1, Brampton 1 Thursday, April 13: Reading 2, Brampton 1 Saturday, April 15: Brampton 2, Reading 1, OT Tuesday, April 18: Brampton 2, Reading 1 Thursday, April 20: Reading at Brampton, 7:15 p.m. Saturday, April 22: Reading at Brampton, 8 p.m. Monday, April 24: x-Brampton at Reading, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Brampton at Reading, 7 p.m.South DivisionOrlando 2, Florida 0 Wednesday, April 12: Orlando 4, Florida 2 Friday, April 14: Orlando 3, Florida 2 Thursday, April 20: Florida at Orlando, 7 p.m. Saturday, April 22: Florida at Orlando, 7 p.m. Sunday, April 23: x-Florida at Orlando, 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Orlando at Florida, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 26: x-Orlando at Florida, 7:30 p.m. Greenville 2, South Carolina 1 Thursday, April 13: Greenville 6, South Carolina 3 Friday, April 14: Greenville 4, South Carolina 1 Monday, April 17: South Carolina 6, Greenville 0 Tuesday, April 18: South Carolina 6, Greenville 1 Friday, April 21: South Carolina at Greenville, 7 p.m. Monday, April 24: x-Greenville at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-South Carolina at Greenville, 7 p.m.WESTERN CONFERENCE Central DivisionToledo 2, Kalamazoo 0 Friday, April 14: Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 3 Saturday, April 15: Toledo 4, Kalamazoo 1 Tuesday, April 18: Kalamazoo 6, Toledo 4 Wednesday, April 19: Toledo at Kalamazoo, 7 p.m. Friday, April 21: x-Kalamazoo at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. Sunday, April 23: x-Toledo at Kalamazoo, 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Kalamazoo at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. Fort Wayne 2, Quad City 0 Friday, April 14: Fort Wayne 4, Quad City 3 Saturday, April 15: Fort Wayne 3, Quad City 1 Wednesday, April 19: Fort Wayne at Quad City, 7:35 p.m. Friday, April 21: Fort Wayne at Quad City, 8:05 p.m. Saturday, April 22: x-Fort Wayne at Quad City, 8:05 p.m. Monday, April 24: x-Quad City at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 26: x-Quad City at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m.Mountain DivisionAllen 1, Utah 1 Wednesday, April 12: Allen 4, Utah 3 Friday, April 14: Utah 4, Allen 1 Wednesday, April 19: Allen at Utah, 9:05 p.m. Friday, April 21: Allen at Utah, 9:05 p.m. Saturday, April 22: Allen at Utah, 9:05 p.m. Monday, April 24: x-Utah at Allen, 8:05 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Allen at Utah, 9:05 p.m. Idaho 1, Colorado 1 Friday, April 14: Idaho 4, Colorado 2 Saturday, April 15: Colorado 2, Idaho 1, OT Wednesday, April 19: Colorado at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. Friday, April 21: Colorado at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. Saturday, April 22: Colorado at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Idaho at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. Wednesday, April 26: x-Idaho at Colorado, 9:05 p.m.BOSTON MARATHON MONDAYS TOP FINISHERSMen 1. Geoffrey Kirui, Kenya, 2:09:37 2. Galen Rupp, United States, 2:09:58 3. Suguru Osako, Japan, 2:10:28 4. Shadrack Biwott, United States, 2:12:08 5. Wilson Chebet, Kenya, 2:12:35 6. Abdi Abdirahman, United States, 2:12:45 7. Augustus Maiyo, United States, 2:13:16 8. Dino Se“ r, Ethiopia, 2:14:26 9. Luke Puskedra, United States, 2:14:45 10. Jared Ward, United States, 2:15:28 Women 1. Edna Kiplagat, Kenya, 2:21:52 2. Rose Chelimo, Bahrain, 2:22:51 3. Jordan Hasay, United States, 2:23:00 4. Desiree Linden, United States, 2:25:06 5. Gladys Cherono, Kenya, 2:27:20 6. Valentine Kipketer, Kenya, 2:29:35 7. Buzunesh Deba, Ethiopia, 2:30:58 8. Brigid Kosgei, Kenya, 2:31:48 9. Diane Nukuri, Burundi, 2:32:24 10. Ruti Aga, Ethiopia, 2:33:26WheelchairMen 1. Marcel Hug, Switzerland, 1:18:04 2. Ernst Van Dyk, South Africa, 1:18:04 3. Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Japan, 1:19:32 4. Kurt Fearnley, Australia, 1:20:28 5. Hiroki Nishida, Japan, 1:20:28 Women 1. Manuela Schar, Switzerland, 1:28:17 2. Amanda McGrory, S avoy, Ill., 1:33:13 3. Susannah Scaroni, Champaign, Ill., 1:33:17 4. Tatyana McFadden, Clarksville, Md., 1:35:05 5. Chelsea McClammer, Champaign, Ill., 1:37:09HandcyclesMen 1. Tom Davis, New York, 58:36 2. Alfredo De Los Santos, New York, 1:03:05 3. Krys Zybowski, Avon, Conn., 1:05:23 4. Omar Duran, New York, 1:12:21 5. Travis Wood, New York, 1:16:52 Women 1. Michelle Love, Chaska, Minn., 2:39:05GOLFUPCOMING TOURNAMENTSAll Times EasternPGA TOUR VALERO TEXAS OPENSite: San Antonio. Course: TPC San Antonio (AT&T Oaks Course). Y ardage: 7,435. Par: 72. Purse: $6.2 million (First place: $1,116,000). Television: Thursday-Friday, 3:30-6:30 p.m. (Golf Channel); Saturday-Sunday, 1-2:30 p.m. (Golf Channel); 3-6 p.m. (CBS Sports). Defending champion : Charley Hoffman. Last week: Wesley Bryan won the RBC Heritage. Notes: For the second straight week, a PGA Tour event does not have anyone from the top 10 in the world ranking. Patrick Reed at No. 15 is the highest-ranked player at the Texas Open. ... Matt Kuchar is the only other player from the top 20 in the world who is playing. ... U.S. Amateur champion Curtis Luck, who made the cut in the Masters, is making his professional debut. ... Ian Poulter makes his “ nal start on a major medical extension from a foot injury last year. Poulter needs $30,624 „ alone in 36th place or better „ secure his full card for the rest of the season. ... The AT&T Oaks course opened in 2010 and was designed by Greg Norman, with Sergio Garcia listed as a consultant. Garcia has played the tournament just one time since it moved to the TPC San Antonio. ... The 72-hole tournament record is 254 by Tommy Armour III in 2003 at La Cantera. That had stood as the PGA Tour record until Justin Thomas had a 253 at the Sony Open this year. ... The lowest 72-hole score at the AT&T Oaks Course is 274 by Adam Scott (2010) and Martin Laird (2013). Next week: Zurich Classic. Online: www.pgatour.comEUROPEAN TOUR SHENZHEN INTERNATIONALSite: Shenzhen, China. Course: Genzon GC. Yardage: 7,145. Par: 72. Purse: $2.8 million. Television : Thursday-Friday, 10:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.; 2:30-5:30 a.m. (Golf Channel); SaturdaySunday, 12:30-5 a.m. (Golf Channel). Defending champion : Soomin Lee. Last week : Edoardo Molinari won the Trophee Hassan II. Notes: Two-time Masters champion Bubba Watson is playing for the third straight year. His best “ nish was a tie for eighth last year. ... Tommy Fleetwood of England is in the “ eld. He won earlier this year in Abu Dhabi, holding off Dustin Johnson. ... Genzon Golf Club was closed three weeks ahead of the tournament to make sure it was in the best shape possible. .... Kiradech Aphibarnrat won the inaugural tournament in 2015. ... This is the “ rst of three European Tour events in China. The others are the Volvo China Open next week at the HSBC Champions in Shanghai in the fall. ... Rain forced the Shenzhen International to “ nish on Monday last year, making it the “ rst Monday “ nish for a regular European Tour event in “ ve years. Next week : Volvo China Open Online: www.europeantour.comPGA TOUR CHAMPIONS BASS PRO SHOPS LEGENDS OF GOLFSite: Ridgedale, Mo. Courses: Buffalo Ridge Springs (Yardage: 7,026. Par: 71); Top of the Rock Par 3 (Yardage: 2,840. Par: 27). Purse: $2.4 million (First prize: $230,000 each). Television: Friday, noon-3 p.m. (Golf Channel); Saturday-Sunday, 5-7 p.m. (Golf Channel). Defending champions : Michael Allen and Woody Austin. Last week : Stephen Ames won the Mitusbishi Electric Classic. Notes: Top of the Rock is the only Par 3 course used in a PGA Tour-sanctioned tournament. The two-man teams will play fourballs on Buffalo Ridge, and two rounds on Top of the Rock by playing nine holes of fourballs and nine holes of a modi“ ed alternate shot, in which both players hit a tee shot and pick which one to use. ... Bernhard Langer shot a 73 in the second round of the Mitsubishi Electric Championship, ending his streak of 36 straight rounds at par or better on the PGA Tour Champions. ... Langer is leading the Charles Schwab Cup at $750,250, more than $200,000 ahead of Fred Couples. ... Steve Stricker is playing team events with Jerry Kelly is consecutive weeks on the PGA Tour Champions and next week on the PGA Tour at Zurich Classic. Next tournament: Insperity Invitational on May 5-7. Online: TOUR UNITED LEASING & FINANCE CHAMPIONSHIPSite: Newburgh, Ind. Course: Victoria National GC. Yardage: 7,242. Par: 72. Purse: $600,000 (First prize: $108,000). Television: Thursday, noon-3 p.m. (Golf Channel); Friday, 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Golf Channel); Saturday-Sunday, 3-5 p.m. (Golf Channel). Defending champion: Seamus Power. Last tournament: Casey Wittenberg won Chitimacha Louisiana Open. Next week: El Bosque Mexico Championship. Online: TOURLast week: Cristie Kerr won the LPGA Lotte Championship. Next week : Volunteers of America Texas Shootout. Online: www.lpga.comOTHER TOURSMEN Japan Golf Tour: Panasonic Open, Chiba CC (Umesato Course), Chiba, Japan. Defending champion: Yuta Ikeda. Online: Sunshine Tour: Zimbabwe Open, Royal Harare GC, Harare, Zimbabwe. Defending champion : Lyle Rowe. Online: Challenge Tour: Turkish Airlines Challenge, Gloria GC, Antalya, Turkey. Defending champion: Clement Sordet. Online: www. Korean PGA: Dongbu Insurance Promi Open, Dayou Montvert CC, Pocheon, South Korea. Defending champion: Jinho Choi. Online: www. PGA Tour Latinoamerica: 86 Abierto ODE del Centro, Cordoba GC, Cordoba, Argentina. Defending champion: Anthony Paolucci. Online: WOMEN Ladies European Tour: Estrella Damm Mediterranean Ladies Open, Terramar GC, Barcelona Spain. New tournament. Online: Symetra Tour: Sara Bay Classic, Sara Bay CC, Sarasota, Fla. Defending champio n: Brittany Altomare. Online: Korean LPGA: Nexen Saint Nine Masters, Gaya GC, Gimhae, South Korea. Defending champion: Sung Hyun Park. Onlin e: www. Japan LPGA: Fujisankei Ladies Classic, Kawana Hotel GC, Shizuoka, Japan. Defending champion: Shiho Oyama. Online: www.lpga.or.jpTENNISATP TOUR MONTE CARLO ROLEX MASTERSTuesday at The Monte-Carlo Country Club Monaco Purse: $4.54 million (Masters 1000). Surface: Clay-OutdoorMens Singles First RoundLucas Pouille (11), France, def. Ryan Harrison, United States, 6-2, 6-4. Gilles Muller, Luxembourg, def. Tommy Robredo, Spain, 6-2, 6-2. Jan-Lennard Struff, Germany, def. Casper Ruud, Norway, 6-4, 6-4. Paolo Lorenzi, Italy, def. Marcel Granollers, Spain, 6-2, 6-4. Robin Haase, Netherlands, def. Damir Dzumhur, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6-3, 6-2. Tommy Haas, Germany, def. Benoit Paire, France, 6-2, 6-3. Karen Khachanov, Russia, def. Nicolas Mahut, France, 6-2, 6-4. Carlos Berlocq, Argentina, def. Pierre-Hugues Herbert, France, 3-6, 6-2, 6-1. Jiri Vesely, Czech Republic, def. Mischa Zverev, Germany, 7-6 (3), 6-3. Feliciano Lopez, Spain, def. Daniil Medvedev, Russia, 7-6 (6), 7-5. Jeremy Chardy, France, def. Borna Coric, Croatia, 7-6 (3), 3-6, 6-3.Second RoundAdrian Mannarino, France, def. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (7), France, 6-7 (3), 6-2, 6-3. Novak Djokovic (2), Serbia, def. Gilles Simon, France, 6-3, 3-6, 7-5. Pablo Cuevas (16), Uruguay, def. Joao Sousa, Portugal, 6-3, 6-3. David Gof“ n (10), Belgium, def. Nicolas Almagro, Spain, 7-5, 6-1.Mens Doubles First RoundRomain Arneodo, Monaco, and Hugo Nys, France, def. Pablo Carreno Busta and Guillermo Garcia-Lopez, Spain, 6-4, 6-3. Alexander and Mischa Zverev, Germany, def. Paolo Lorenzi, Italy, and Albert Ramos-Vinolas, Spain, 6-4, 6-2.SOCCERMAJOR LEAGUE SOCCEREASTERN CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GA Columbus 4 2 1 13 11 8 Orlando City 4 1 0 12 6 4 Chicago 3 1 2 11 9 7 New York City FC 3 2 1 10 10 5 New York Red Bulls 3 3 1 10 7 9 Atlanta United FC 2 2 2 8 14 7 New England 2 3 1 7 9 9 D.C. United 2 3 1 7 4 10 Toronto FC 1 1 4 7 7 6 Montreal 1 2 3 6 7 9 Philadelphia 0 4 2 2 5 11WESTERN CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GA Portland 4 2 1 13 16 9 Sporting Kansas City 3 0 3 12 6 2 FC Dallas 3 0 2 11 7 3 Houston 3 2 1 10 13 11 San Jose 2 2 2 8 8 8 Real Salt Lake 2 3 2 8 8 9 Vancouver 2 3 1 7 8 11 Los Angeles 2 4 0 6 8 10 Seattle 1 2 3 6 8 8 Minnesota United 1 4 2 5 12 24 Colorado 1 3 1 4 5 8 3 points for victory, 1 point for tieWednesdays GamesSan Jose at New England, 7:30 p.m.Fridays GamesChicago at Toronto FC, 7:30 p.m.Saturdays GamesMontreal at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. San Jose at Houston, 4 p.m. Vancouver at Portland, 4 p.m. Columbus at New York, 7:30 p.m. D.C. United at New England, 7:30 p.m. Sporting Kansas City at FC Dallas, 8 p.m. Atlanta United FC at Real Salt Lake, 9:30 p.m.Sundays GamesOrlando City at New York City FC, 1:30 p.m. Seattle at Los Angeles, 4 p.m. Colorado at Minnesota United, 6 p.m.CALENDARMLBMay 16-18 „ Owners meetings, New York. June 12 „ Amateur draft starts. July 11 „ All-Star Game, Miami. July 7 „ Last day to sign for amateur draft picks subject to deadline. July 30 „ Hall of Fame inductions, Cooperstown, N.Y. July 31 „ Last day to trade a player without securing waivers. Sept. 1 „ Active rosters expand to 40 players. NBAApril 23 „ Early entry eligibility deadline. May 1 „ Conference semi“ nals begin. May 9-14 „ Draft combine, Chicago. May 16 „ Draft lottery. June 1 „ NBA Finals begin. June 12 „ NBA draft early entry withdrawal deadline. June 18 „ NBA Finals latest possible date. June 22 „ NBA draft.NFLApril 21 „ Deadline for restricted free agents to sign offer sheets. April 26 „ Deadline for prior club to exercise right of “ rst refusal to restricted free agents. April 27-29 „ NFL draft, Philadelphia. May 22-24 „ Spring owners meetings, Chicago. Aug. 3 „ Hall of Fame game. Aug. 5 „ Pro Football Hall of Fame inductions.NHLMay 28-June 3 „ Draft combine, Buffalo, N.Y. June 14 „ Last possible day for Stanley Cup “ nals June 23-24 „ NHL draft, Chicago July 1 „ Free agency begins.BOXINGSCHEDULE April 20At Turning Stone Resort Casino, Verona, N.Y. (ESPN2), Michael Perez vs. Marcelino Lopez, 10, super lightweights; Rashidi Ellis vs. John Karl Sosa, 10, for Ellis IBF North American welterweight title.April 22At Barclays Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (SHO), Andre Berto vs. Shawn Porter, 12, welterweights; Jermell Charlo vs. Charles Hatley, 12, for Charlos WBC World junior middleweight title; Luis Ortiz vs. Derric Rossy, 10, heavyweights. At StubHub Center, Carson, Calif. (PPV), Oscar Valdez vs. Miguel Marriaga, 12, for Valdezs WBO featherweight title; Gilberto Ramirez vs. Max Bursak, 12, for Ramirezs WBO super middleweight title; Jessie Magdaleno vs. Adeilson Dos Santos, 12, for Magdalenos WBO junior featherweight title.April 23At Osaka, Japan, Kazuto Ioka vs. Noknoi Sitthiprasert, 12, for Iokas WBA ” yweight title; Marlon Tapales vs. Shohei Omori, 12, for Tapales WBO bantamweight title.April 25At Horseshoe Casino, Tunica, Miss. (FS1), Oscar Molina vs. Levan Ghvamichava, 10, junior middleweights.April 29At Cebu City, Philippines, Donnie Nietes vs. Komgrich Nantapech, 12, for vacant IBF ” yweight title; Mark Magsayo vs. Issa Nampepeche, 10, featherweights; Jeo Santisima vs. Master Suro, 10, junior featherweights; Virgil Vitor vs. Michael Escobia, 10, junior featherweights. At Wembley Stadium, London, Anthony Joshua vs. Wladimir Klitschko, for Joshuas IBF and the vacant WBA Super World/IBO heavyweight titles; Luke Campbell vs. Darleys Perez, 12, lightweights; Scott Quigg vs. Viorel Simion, 12, for Quiggs WBA International featherweight title. At Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas (FS1), Beibut Shumenov vs. Yunier Dorticos, 12, for Shumenovs WBA cruiserweight title; Carlos Zambrano vs. Claudio Marrero, 12, for Zambranos WBA World interim featherweight title.May 5At Ekaterinburg, Russia, Shane Mosley vs. Magomed Kurbanov, 12, junior middleweights; Evgeny Gradovich vs. Hugo Berrio, 12, super bantamweights; Rustam Nugaev vs. Deiner Berrio, 10, lightweights. At Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas (ESPN2), Yuriorkis Gamboa vs. Robinson Castellanos, 10, lightweights; Abraham Lopez vs. Jesus Riojas, 12, for Lopezs WBA-NABA featherweight title; Yamaguchi Falcao vs. Morgan Fitch, 10, middleweights.


Page 6 SP Wednesday, April 19, 2017 / The Sun national reputation,Ž Cooper said Tuesday before the NCAA announcement. The NCAA also believes North Carolina has more work to do and we look forward to working with them. I think for sure theyll bring some of their championships here. I think they value North Carolina and want to be here and well look forward to what they say.Ž LGBT rights groups have said the compromise bill doesnt go far enough, and criticized the NCAAs decision to return to North Carolina. North Carolinas new law does nothing to guarantee that LGBT people will be protected from discrimination,Ž said James Esseks, director of the ACLUs LGBT and HIV Project. When the NCAA originally withdrew events from North Carolina, they did so because they claimed to care about fairness and inclusion for college athletes and fans. Its a shame to see that those concerns have already fallen by the wayside.Ž NCAA President Mark Emmert said at the Final Four that he was pleased the state had passed a new law despite very difficultŽ politics. But the NCAA ultimately offered a lukewarm endorsement of the compromise measure days later, saying the new law met minimalŽ requirements to allow NCAA back into consideration for future events. It stated events already awarded to North Carolina for the 2017-18 sports season „ including mens basketball tournament games in Charlotte „ would remain in place. The NCAAs North Carolina ban for the 2016-17 season didnt affect teams that earn home-court advantage during the season, such as the Duke womens basketball team hosting tournament games in March. The Atlantic Coast Conference also pulled 10 neutral-site events from the state last fall, including moving the football championship game from Charlotte to Orlando, Florida. The conference said after the compromise was reached its upcoming events would remain in place and the football title game would return to Charlotte for its contractual run there through 2019. The NBA relocated this years All-Star Game from Charlotte to New Orleans due to the law as well, though the league hasnt committed to bringing its annual showcase back. The loss of mens basketball tournament games was particularly jarring in basketballcrazy North Carolina, the site of more tournament games (251) than any other state. North Carolina „ which hosted the 1994 Final Four in Charlotte „ had hosted games in 11 of 13 years before the NCAA stripped March games from Greensboro. Those games were relocated to Greenville, South Carolina, which had been banned from hosting events for years before that was lifted following the removal of a Confederate flag from state capitol grounds in 2015. South Carolina was also included on the list for mens basketball sites, with Columbia hosting opening-weekend games in 2019 and Greenville hosting in 2022. Cooper had said it was clear that the NCAA had wanted a complete repeal of House Bill 2, as did he. But the governor has said the new law was the best compromise he could get given the Republicans veto-proof majorities in the legislature, though it drew criticism from some LGBT rights groups that said it wasnt good enough. The replacement bill eliminated a requirement that transgender people use restrooms corresponding to the sex on their birth certificates in many public buildings. The new law says only state legislators „ not local governments or school officials „ can make rules for public restrooms. The original bill also invalidated any local ordinances protecting gay or transgender people from discrimination in the workplace or in public accommodations. The compromise prohibits local governments from enacting any new such protections until December 2020. BOYCOTTFrom Page 1 He was a polarizing No. 1 overall selection of the Bucs in 2015 after winning a national championship and Heisman Trophy at Florida State. But off-field issues dimmed his accomplishments and viewers may get a different view of the charismatic leader of the football team. Whats unknown is how the Bucs, which at one point last season was the fifth-youngest team in the NFL, will handle the intrusion and distraction that a production such as Hard Knocks presents. A 30-person NFL Films crew will have unencumbered access into the players and coaches meeting rooms, training rooms, team hotel rooms and practice fields. All told, they will record more than 1,500 hours of footage over the course of the five-week series. Ive said it before, I feel good about our team and the maturity, especially for being a young group, Licht said. I know we have some great personalities on our team starting with Jameis, Gerald (McCoy) …the list goes on and on, [linebacker] Kwon [Alexander]. The fans would get an inside look at how our team really is. I know that you guys get a better feel than most, but I think the fans would get a real inside look at how we operate, how the players are. In terms of being a distraction, I think were wired to where we would be able to minimize that. Dirk has been through it. Mike Smith has been through it and Ive heard positive things from them.Ž Smith was the head coach of the Falcons and Koetter was the offensive coordinator when Hard Knocks went to training camp in Atlanta in 2014. Yeah, Ive watched it, McCoy said. Some years its entertaining, some years its like whatever. We dont pick them, they pick us. If they pick us, lets be professionals about it and move forward. Weve still got a season to prepare for, whether theres a camera watching or not. Tampa Bay was among eight teams eligible for mandatory inclusion and met the following criteria. They do not have a new head coach, havent reached the playoffs in the past two seasons and havent appeared on the show in a decade. They were selected ahead of the Bears, Browns, Colts, Eagles, Ravens, Saints and Titans. Should the Bucs be worried about a Hard Knocks curse? Not really. But theres no indication the exposure dramatically improves the win-loss record. Six of the last seven teams featured on Hard Knocks have equaled or improved their win-loss record in the regular season. Last year, the series documented the Rams move from St. Louis to Los Angeles. But the Rams went from 7-9 in 2015 to 4-12 last season and head coach Jeff Fisher was fired. Recently, its not been a precursor to success. Start with the fact the selection criteria includes no playoff appearances in the previous two seasons. Teams that have recently reached the post-season immediately following an appearance on Hard Knocks include the Bengals (2009, 2013), Jets (2010) and Houston Texans (2015). The Hard Knocks crew wont have the look hard for storylines. Winstons passion for football and relationship with teammates will become a major focus. He also has a new weapon in free agent receiver DeSean Jackson (a Bentley with a Ferrari engine, he called him). Koetter is way more straight-talking than most head coaches. Assistant coaches such as offensive line coach George Warhop and receivers coach/offensive coordinator Todd Monken have colorful moments. Linebacker Kwon Alexander could keep the sensors busy. The kicking battle between Roberto Aguayo and veteran Nick Folk will be intense. Even McCoy announced he needs to change everything, after receiving a stunning critique of his play at the Pro Bowl. We play the games on Sundays with cameras watching, so if you think you cant go out to practice and practice with a camera on you, then youre probably in the wrong profession, McCoy said. If we get picked, it is what it is, lets be professionals and go to work.Ž Pretty soon, the Hard Knocks cameras will be rolling.BUCSFrom Page 1 statement that neglect and lack of knowledge led to this mistake.Ž With much embarrass-ment and helplessness, I ask for forgiveness for unintentionally disrespecting so many people who have trusted in my work and have supported me so much,Ž he said. I promise to learn the lesson that this ordeal has left me.Ž Pirates president Frank Coonelly he was disappointed that Starling put himself, his teammates and the organization in this position.Ž We will continue to fight for the division title with the men who are here,Ž Coonelly said, and will look forward to getting Starling back after the All-Star break.Ž Barring postponements, Marte would be eligible to return for the July 18 home game against Milwaukee and would lose 91 days pay from his $5 million salary, which comes to $2,486,339. Under a change to baseballs drug agreement in collective bargaining during the offseason, he doesnt get paid on off days during the ban. Under the old agreement, he would have lost 80 days pay, which would have amounted to $2,185,782. Another change in the drug agreement means Marte will not be credited for major league service during the suspension. That would have delayed his eligibility for free agency by a year until after the 2019 season, but he agreed in 2014 to a $31 million, six-year contract that includes club options for 2020 and 21. Under the drug agreement, Marte is ineligible for the 2017 postseason if the Pirates were to advance. Its a task made considerably harder with Marte out of the mix for the next three months. Pittsburgh already is missing third baseman Jung Ho Kang, who remains in his native South Korea awaiting a work visa after being convicted of driving under the influence in February. The Pirates recalled Jose Osuna from Triple-A Indianapolis ahead of their game Tuesday night in St. Louis. Marte is the second player to be suspended this season for running afoul of the leagues drug policy. Philadelphia pitcher Elniery Garcia, who was on the Phillies 40-man roster but assigned to Double-A Reading, was suspended last week.MARTEFrom Page 1By Dave SkrettaAssociated PressKANSAS CITY, Mo. „ Derrick Johnson has always been a company man, willing to do whatever it takes to help the Kansas City Chiefs win playoff games and someday end their long Super Bowl drought. Restructure his contract? OK. Tutor young linebackers? Sure thing. The point where Johnson draws the line is in telling the Chiefs when hell finally hang up the cleats. The 34-year-old is coming off a second season-ending Achilles tendon injury, and he knows hes entering the twilight of his career. But he doesnt know if the end will come after the upcoming season or the one after that, when his current contract is due to expire. I struggle with that,Ž he said. The older you get, the more you know its coming to an end at some point. But I just hope and pray when football is over for me I can have peace and rest.Ž Therein lays the challenge for the Chiefs, along with every other team in the NFL: When is it the right time to draft replacements, especially when extra roster spots have become invaluable, time limits on practice are more constrictive, and the pressure to win has never been greater. Youre always trying to work ahead and trying to prevent the roster from taking a major, major hit at any position. Thats the nature of the National Football League,Ž said Titans general manager Jon Robinson. As veteran players age or hit a level where they become maybe too expensive for your football team, thats something that you have to look at and manage.Ž Precisely how teams manage it varies in just about every respect. First theres the timeframe. Teams try to forecast about three years ahead, but several GMs said that has become increasingly difficult. More players are walking away from the game early because of the increased risks of injuries and concerns over head trauma, while the shelf life of some positions may only be a few years to begin with, making it difficult to forecast even a year in advance. Players such as Johnson, who is entering his 13th season, are about as rare as the I-formation in an era when the NFL Players Association reports the average career lasts just over three years. Then there are positional differences. There are some jobs where a player can be drafted and slide right into the starting lineup with minimal experience, while it may take others „ quarterback, for one „ several years of development before being ready for games. Finally, there are philosophical differences. Teams such as the Packers prefer to shore up holes almost exclusively through the draft, while others are more willing to dip into free agency. The draft carries the significant benefit of financial flexibility, but the downside is the pressure of enduring a crash-course on life in professional football. You cant predict the future,Ž Robinson said, but you just try to set yourself up so the rosters can kind of weather the storm of losing guys, and you can still play winning, productive football.ŽNFL: DraftTeams weigh when to draft replacementsAP FILE PHOTOKansas City Chiefs linebacker Derrick Johnson (56) intercepts a throw to New York Jets running back Matt Forte (22), and then runs for a 55-yard touchdown during the second half Sept. 25, 2016, in Kansas City, Mo. adno=50514450 Call Today to book your time or visit us at 941.625.6911 Deep Creek Golf Club 1260 San Cristobal Ave. Punta Gorda, FL Before 12 Noon $40 After 12 Noon $30 After 3 PM $2 1 The Golf Course is in Fantastic Shape! Come see for Yourself. New Lower Rates!! Purchase Our Summer Discount Card for $25* And Play Golf All Summer through Oct 31, 2017 For $16* 18 holes with 1/2 cart Regular Price $19* Tee Times 6 days in advance. Summer Memberships Available $200* *tax is not included Summer Rates are in full Swing At Maple Leaf Golf and CC Call For Tee Times 941-629-1666 adno=50514013


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Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 19, 2017 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NORTH PORT 5348 CHAPLIN TER PERFECT, TOP TO BOTTOM, INSIDE & OUT! Custom 2100 SF 3/2.5/2 with top-of-the-line EVERYTHING, on lushly landscaped lot, mere minutes to all amenities, yet with a private "country" setting. Owners doubled the storage, electric & lighting, doubled the RO on drinking water! High impact windows thruout! Gutters all around! Poolplanned, with pool bath and outside shower already in place. Large lanai with porcelain tile overlooking serene backyard setting! NOTHING COMPARABLE AT THIS PRICE! $259,900 PATTY GILLESPIERemax Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 2183 Hopwood Rd. A Small Price You'll pay for this light, bright, open '05-built 1300 SF 3/2/2 with gorgeous tile & laminate floors throughout in great family neighborhood close to schools, shopping, amenities. A REAL GEM FOR ONLY $160K. Patty Gillespie, REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 3172 Bellefonte Ave., QUALITYWALKER-BUILT1500 SF 3/2/2/ WITHSOLAR-HEATEDSALT-WATERPOOLONFULLYFENCEDLOT INAGREATFAMILYNEIGHBORHOOD. SECURITYSYSTEM. FRENCHDOORS. NEW $14K SAFE-STEPTUB/SHOWERINMASTERBATH. NEW APPLIANCES, HOTWATER HEATER& WATERSOFTENER. NODEEDRESTRICTIONS! NOTINFLOODZONE! $207,000Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! NORTH PORT 3513 Cuthbert, Spectacular custom-built, energy-saving executive residence with 2400 SF under air, 3bd/2ba + den/office, on lushly landscaped lot in upscale neighborhood close to all amenities. Granite! Walk-in pantry! Central vac! Whole house solar and solar hot water heater. NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! $279,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 2509 Cartright LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 1500 SF 3/2/2 WITH ENCLOSED LANAI on FENCED CORNER LOT. Minutes to all amenities, schools, I-75. PAMPERED BEAUTY! ROOMY COMFORT! This house is devoted to everyday enjoyment in a choice neighborhood! $173,000 Patty Gillespie REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $169,900.New Custom Homes From $169,900. on Your Lot or Ours. Custom 3/2/2, 1600+ sf., Classic Series. Prompt Delivery. Reliance Project Mgm`t Call Today For Plans & Your Tour! CGC#1512533 941-468-8300 DEEP CREEK 26180 Copiapo Circle 33983. Just Completed! New Construction! 3/2/3 + Den. 1875 sq. ft. Granite, Tile Floors, Wood Cabinets, Crown Moulding, Tray Ceilings. Loaded w/ Upgrades! $269,900. 239-826-5440 DEEP CREEK3/2/2 All updated, 2279sq., Pool & Landscape, Travertine floors, Waterfall garden, and much much MORE! Kim McIntyre Remax Anchor 941-661-3153 DEEP CREEK Golf Course Only available new home on Deep Creek golf course. Gorgeous view, beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 car garage, 2,000 sq.ft. Completion date 5/15/17. $329k, 941-626-7682 CLASSIFIED WORKS! ENGLEWOOD 2Br/2Ba/2Cg, w/ Lg. Scr. Lanai. Prestigious Windward, Cape Haze, Storm Shutters, Catherdral Ceilings, Irrigation System. Walk to Shopping! $210,000 Principals 941-214-5285 ENGLEWOOD Built 2006 3/2/2 w/ Family Room, Vaulted Ceiling, New Appliances, Shed, Fenced Yard, No Deed Restrictions or Flood Zone. Community Boat Launch, $223,000 941-474-7030 (Owner/Agent) R REDUCED!! INVESTORS Port Charlotte 3/2/2 Pool, Contractor remodeled, $15,000 Income. 2nd property Sailboat lot 10,000 lb boat lift(possible $3000 income) Price on both properties $389,000 Owner 941-347-7020 NOKOMISCALUSA LAKES PRIVATE3 BEDROOM, 3 FULL& 2 PARTIALBATHS, 2 CARGARAGE, POOL HOMEONGOLFCOURSE! 4100 SF. NEWFLATTILEROOFIN2015! OFFICE& MORE!! $695,000. DOUGPARKS, MICHAELSAUNDERS& CO. 941-400-9087 1010 OPEN HOUSE 04/19/17 OPEN SUN. 1PM-4PM 131 FLAMINGORD. SOUTHVENICE3/2/2, 1700SF. SPACIOUSLIVING. MOVEINREADY! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $150,000.$450,000 ON YOUR LOT OR OURS! Over 30 Sites to Choose From! New Home Builders. C.W. Haber, Inc. 4055 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte (941)-505-2441Lic#CBC125207 0/CCC1327060CCC057703/CRC 057413 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 4.5 % COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home + You Get 2 Full Time Agents!Jeff Runyan941-979-2843NO Hidden Fees! Re/Max Palm 1010 OPEN HOUSE Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 And BAY LAKE ESTATES 1200 COLONIA LN. EAST Nokomis, FL 34275 941-485-2555TWO55+ RESORTSOFFERING AWIDEVARIETYOFHOMES. BOTHLOCATIONSARE2 MILES FROMTHEBEAUTIFULBEACHESBAYLAKEORBAYINDIES,YOUCHOOSEWHICHLIFESTYLEISRIGHTFORYOU!!! ENGLEWOOD EAST 7491 ASHTABULA ST. OPEN HOUSE EVERY SUNDAY 12PM-5PM Completely Renovated 2/2/1! New: Air, Granite Countertops, SS Appliances, Carpet, Bath, Freshly Painted Inside & Out. Fenced Yard. $162,000. 941-408-0507 OPEN MON.-FRI. 11AM-5PM, SAT. 1PM-5PM 195 HARBOR BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 Oversized Garage, Driveway, Designer Ceiling, Travertine, Solid Wood Cabinetry, Granite, Vessel Sinks, Impact Glass, Spray Foam Insulation & Upgraded Fixtures! MODEL HOME $235,000 Call Janice 941-258-3739 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s SABAL TRACE 3/2/2 Villa large lanai $231k MINS TO BEACH 2/2/1 large corner lot $168k GREGORYH. UZZLEPA. BROKERASSOCIATEEST: 1987 DIRECT 727-992-5133 REALTYEXECUTIVESAMERICA, INC. CERTFORECLOSUREAGENTS 1010 OPEN HOUSE ROTONDA WEST 10 CADDY RD3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 CG Turnkey furnished golf course beauty. Total updating of this home includes NEW FLOORS, DOORS, IMPACT WINDOWS,A/C, KITCHEN AND BATHS. Located on the 8th hole of the Rotonda Hills Golf Course. Reduced to $197,500 Shown by appointment. $1500 BUYER REBATE if purchased thoughFLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 2239 BALTIMORE ST. NORTH PORT OPEN SAT NOON 3PM Beautiful 3-4BR/2.5BA POOL Home with large 3 car garage on TWO WATERFRONT LOTS. $296,900. MAXIM Residential & Commercial Realtors Carol Wade 941-585-9599 OPEN SAT & SUN 12-3 PM 26336 NADIR RD #112/2 Golfer's Dream Condo with magnificent panoramic views of Deep Creek Golf Course. No tunnel vision here this unit is bathed in sunlight from all sides including 20 FT ceiling w/ skylights. $112,500. View By Appointment.FLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 742-H AVENIDA ESTANCIA #112 VENICE *TURNKEY* OPEN HOUSE BY APPT ESTANCIASOFCAPRIISLESVERYDESIRABLE2BR/2BA ENDUNITWITHLOTSOFSUNLIGHTANDGREATGOLF COURSEVIEWS. REDUCED $172,000 TURNKEYDebra Villari 609-458-4627Berkshire Hathaway Seizethesales withClassified! 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.Ž REAL E S T A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra!


Wednesday, April 19, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 5 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE PUNTA GORDA ISLES Beautiful 2/2 Waterfront Condo w/ Deeded Dock in the Desirable Gateway Complex! Stunning Split Bedroom Interior w/ Remodeled Kitchen, Lots of Closet Space & Lanai Balcony. Quick Access to Charlotte Harbor & the Peace River! $183,500. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty PUNTA GORDA ISLES Unique 3/3.5/2 3168 sf. Waterfront Condo. 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Spa Tubs, Bamboo Floors, Granite/ Marble Baths. Private Elevator! 3rd Floor Patio! $459,000. 941-505-1492 PUNTA GORDA ISLES. Waterfront 2/2 w/ Private 2 Car Garage. 2022 Sq. Ft. Quick Sailboat Access! Deeded Dock w/ Lift. Pool, Hot Tub, Clubhouse, Gym & MORE!! $399,000. (913)-269-1007 PUNTA GORDAEmerald Point, Top Floor w/ Outstanding Views! 2/1 Condo w/ Boat Slip. Access to the Gulf! Totally Remodeled! New A/C, SS Appliances Incl. Washer & Dryer. $139,900. 813-480-7561 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE 2692 NE HIGHWAY 70 ARCADIA 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With Any Home Purchase! Call to Schedule An Appointment For a Tour! Ted 800-538-2590 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE FOR SALE BY OWNER 2/2 Condo w/ Covered Parking. Punta Gorda, Next To Civic Center Between The Bridges, Along Riverwalk. In 55+ Community. $167,000 941-626-5984 FOR SALE BY OWNER Circle Woods of Venice 2br/2ba furnished detached condo. FL room & many upgrades. Many activities including 2 pools and Jacuzzi. 4 Miles to Manasota Beach. Close to shopping. Show By appointment. Asking $169,900. Call 941-4930156 or Cell 941-525-6293 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s PUNTA GORDA 2/2 55+. Furnished, A/C, Elev., Laundry In Unit, Lanai, Pool, Covered Parking. $164,900 516-742-8837 For Sale By Owner LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Perfect snow bird location. FSBO call for viewing. $209,900 217-369-0436 LAKE SUZY This 3/2.5/3 Spectacular Home is Located in Kingsway Country Club on a Premium Lakefront, Golf Course Lot w/ Over $132K in Upgrades! WOW! Incredible Great Room, Wrap Around Wet Bar Lanai w/ Hot Tub. Quartz Counter Kitchen, Master Suite w/ Jetted Massage & Rain Shower. Pristine Insided & Out! Air Conditioned Workshop w/ Golf Cart Entrance. Lots of Storage! $359,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PENDING NORTH PORT Fairway Villa, 2b/2b Cathedral Ceiling, A/C, Lanai, Shopping, Beautiful neighborhood $75,900 978-985-9874 PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2 WATERFRONTINC. DOCK&LIFTQUICKACCESSTOHARBOR! $189,900 BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY PUNTA GORDA FSBO 10493 Princess Ct. Beautiful Seminole Lakes Country Club, low HOA Fees that provide lawn maintenance and 24 hour gate guards. 2 LARGE Bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, 2 car garage w/attic storage, open, spacious kitchen/living/dining. Newer appliances, heat/ac systems, water filtration w/softener, on cul-de-sac for privacy, fruit trees, sprinkler system, gated, golf course, tennis, heated pool, fitness, approx 1747SF Living area. $239,500 941-916-9866 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESUN1-4 PM ORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLY$179,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. DEEP CREEK 2/2/1 Turn-Key Furn. Condo. Breakfast Area, Large Pantry, Great Room, Large Screened Private Lanai. Home is Located Behind Gated Entrance to Heritage Lakes. Pool, Clubhouse & Community Amentities Galore! $117,900. Diana Hayes, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-740-4899 DEEP CREEK LAKE FRONT 2BR/2BA+ den & cp 1250sf, Built in 2005 New tile carpet & paint. Only $139,900. 941-268-6820 C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s DEEP CREEK In Heritage Park 3/3/2 2nd Floor Condo/Villa w/ Phenomenal Lake View. Elevator, Den, Eat-In Kitchen w/ Breakfast Bar, Sizable Master Suites w/ Twin Walk-In Closets. Brand New Carpet! Htd. Pool, Stunning Clubhouse, Fitness Ctr., Tennis & MORE! $239,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES NORTH PORT6289 Morning Ave. This charming well kept home is located on the Big slough canal. Updated electric panel, A/C & roof two years old, still under warranty. $195,000. TERRYL CARL, KW on the Water 941-962-7922 PENDING PLACIDA4/2/2+Pool ICW, Big Views,Dock,2 Lifts RV garage,2 Suites,kitchens Granite, Tile, $1,100,000 Sue and Jim RESKE PARSLEY-BALDWIN REALTY 941-276-4219 PORT CHARLOTTESPECTACULAR2/2/2 WATERFRONTPOOL HOMEON THEPELLAMWATERWAY! WELLMAINTAINED! FORMALLIVING& DININGROOMS. UPDATES! NEAT, CLEAN& WELLLANDSCAPED! $349,000 DEBSESTILIO941-391-1873 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARFISHERMEN`SVILLAGEOFFICE PORT CHARLOTTE SPECTACULAR4/3/2 W/ MAGNIFICENTPOOL& SAILBOATHARBORWATERVIEWS!! PRIVATEDOCK, BOATLIFT& SMALLBEACH! 2 MASTERS(POSSIBLEIN-LAWSUITE). $975,000. Polly Green, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-875-3773 PORT CHARLOTTELOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Beautiful Remodeled 3/2/2 Heated POOL Home on 3 Cul-de-Sac Lots w/ Panoramic View of the Myakka River & Paar Waterway! Open Kitchen, Family Room w/ Fireplace, Walk-in Closet in Master Suite. Seawall, Dock & Lift. $570,000 Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty REDUCED! ROTONDA 3/2/2 Waterfront home with large fenced in yard. Furniture and Appliances included. By Owner $195,000 941-662-6250 CLASSIFIED ADSSELL 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY North Port 5394 White Ibis (Heron Creek), 1638 SF Villa 3/2/2 with screened lanai overlooking wonderfully private view of the lake in gated golf community. Heron Creek just completed a make-over of the 27 hole championship golf course. NOT in flood zone. No CDD fees. YOUR TICKET TO PARADISE! $238,500 Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE I BUY HOUSES. FAST CASH! 941-270-3840 PORT CHARLOTTE HUGE 4+CAR GARAGE w/14' rollup door included w/this move-in ready home w/new central A/C & oversize lot. $139,900 HOPESAGESUNREALTY941-875-4150 PUNTA GORDA BURNT STORE MEADOWS 7505 CORALTREE. NEW HOME. 3/2/2 POOL, GRANITEANDTILE. $279,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 ROTONDA3/2/2 POOLHOME. QUIETSTREET$219KCALLTERRYLONGALWAYSLONGONSERVICE TOFINDOUTWHATYOUR HOMEISWORTH. KELLERWILLIAMSREALTYGOLD941-830-2347 PUNTAGORDA, BURNTSTOREMEADOWS. BRANDNEW3/2.5/3 POOLHOME. LOTSOFUPGRADES! REDUCED$339,900BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY SALE PENDING SOUTH VENICE2 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT! 3/2/2 SPLITPLAN. NEARBEACHYETQUIETAREA! CLOSE TOAMENITIES! STILLTIMETOPICKYOURCOLORS& OPTIONS! $280KSARASOTAREMODELINGINC.941-893-7326 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES ESTATE ON LEMON BAY 4 BED, 3-1/2 BATH, OVERSIZED3-CARGARAGE, ANDLARGE ATTACHEDLUXURYGUEST APARTMENT. 180 DEGREE VIEWSOVERWIDESTPARTOFLEMONBAY. NEWHIGHEST QUALITYDESIGNERPOOLAND SPAWITHCABANABATH. NEWHEAVYDUTYDOCK. THIS DESIGNERINTENSIVEHOME SHOWSLIKEAFEATURED PROPERTYINARCHITECTURALDIGEST. VIEW VIDEO & MORE AT:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFO$1,259,000 SHOWNBYAPPOINTMENTONLY. OWNERFINANCINGPOSSIBLE. 941-769-0200 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NORTH PORT 6440 Malaluka Road. Enjoy the view of the canal, open concept living, dining and kitchen with two spacious bedrooms. 1,220 square feet. Furniture incld. Motivated Seller. Please contact Kristine Dorward 514-618-0360. PORT CHARLOTTE 1105 Bristol St., HONEYMOON COTTAGE OR RETIREMENT HAVEN! 1200 SF 2BD/2BA/1CG screened lanai nestled on large shady lot in quiet neighborhood (close to all amenities). NEWer roof, brand new AC, recently replaced septic system ($5K),, NEWer appliances!. NOT IN FLOOD ZONE. NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! NOTHING COMPARABLE IN COMFORT, APPEARANCE AND LOCATION AT THIS PRICE! $135,000 Patty Gillespie, ReMax Anchor 941-875-2755 NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! PORT CHARLOTTE 12588 Chamberlain Blvd, Light, bright, airy open floor plan in this 2006, 1600 SF 3/2/2 on oversized lot Screened garage and front entry! Hurricane shutters! Extended granite counter tops, and breakfast bar! SS appl!All tile thruout, except bedrooms! Walk-in closets in all bdrms! NEW AC! $199,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 P a r k L i k e S e t t i n g PORT CHARLOTTE 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATH, 1 CARGARAGE. ALLTILEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHENHASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1839 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! PORT CHARLOTTE BRAND NEW 3/2/2 Homes $189,900 $194,900 HENRY GUSTAF A CLEAR CHOICE REALTY941-204-8213 PORT CHARLOTTE FL LIFESTYLE IS EPITOMIZED IN THIS 1700 SF 2/2/2 CANAL-FRONT POOL HOME ON LUSHLY LANDSCAPED LOT IN MUCH SOUGHTAFTER SECTION OF PORT CHARLOTTE! WHOLE-HOUSE ACCORDIAN HURRICANE SHUTTERS! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! Solar-Heated Screened /Caged Pool Overlooking Tranquil Freshwater Canal. Quiet neighborhood featuring beautiful homes with easy access to shopping, restaurants, world-class fishing and golf. $189,900 Patty Gillespie RE/MAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED


Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 19, 2017 To Reserve Your Ad In The Senior Directory, Please Call Mark 941-429-3012 To Reserve Your Ad In The Senior Directory, Please Call Mark 941-429-3012 adno=8602378 2701JacarandaBlvd. Vnic,FL34293941-497-0650 4900S.SumtrBlvd. NorthPort,FL34287AssistdLivingFacilityLic#10843941-423-0658 4950PocatllaAv. NorthPort,FL34287AssistdLivingFacilityLic#7860941-426-9175 24949SandhillBlvd. DpCrk,FL33983AssistdLivingFacilityLic#9905941-764-6577At our premier retirement residences we know that you will feel right at home. Our residences have been designed for the discriminating senior who has planned for their retirement years to enjoy life to its fullest. Our premier retirement residences prestigious locations alone are enough for you to have found the dream of your life. Nestled among beautiful landscaped gardens near the entrances, each resident will relish the lush tropical atmospheres. Uncompromising excellence, aordable resort-style retirement living, delicious country club style dining and spacious accommodations are just a few of the hallmarks that make our residences the premier retirement communities for which we are known. At the areas only gated retirement residences, you will enjoy: € Spacious garden apartments & studios € Large walk-in closets € Walk-in showers with safety bars € Furnishings and appliances € Three delicious meals daily plus snacks € Daily housekeeping services € Personal laundry service with linens provided € Transportation to physicians oces, banks, and shopping € Emergency call system € Security and safety systems € Recreational activities € Qualied nursing sta 24 hours a day € Much, much moreCALLforaFree LunchTour APLACeCALLeDHome adno=8602379 2901 Assisted Living Facility Lic # 12423 Age Safely at Home! SURFSIDE HOME IMPROVEMENT Lee 239-936-0835 Charlotte 941-766-0331 Collier 239-597-2711 FREE HOME ASSESSMENT! Safety Tubs € Ramp-in Showers € Bathrooms € Kitchens € Railings € Screen Rooms € Room Additions € Widened Doorways € Garages € Grab Bars € Windows € Doors € Floors €Hurricane Shutters € Outdoor Kitchens Deal directly with Dad & Son, 30 Years! Senior Discounts & FREE Estimates UP TO $750 OFF with ad Ends Soon 40 Years Local & Family Owned Licensed & Insured Lic# CBC1261010 A Division of Martinis Roofing Inc. adno=8602380 adno=8602381


Wednesday, April 19, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 7 To place your ad in the Senior Directory Please Call 941-429-3110 adno=8602818 With the federally insured Reverse Mortgage program, you may be able to take advantage of the wealth that has been building up in your property. Your home is more than just bricks and mortar, it is your retirement plan.€ Purchase a home € Payo existing mortgage or other debts € Increase monthly cash ”ow € Remodel or repair your home € Delay Social Security and Pension payouts € Cover your healthcare expenses Why not “nd out how you can safely use a Reverse Mortgage to enhance the lifestyle of you and your loved ones. LOCAL YOU YOU2 ACCREDITED BUSINESS R Todd WoodcockLicensed Reverse Mortgage Loan Ocer Certi“ed Reverse Mortgage Professional Specialising in Reverse Mortgages for all SW Florida Phone: 941-624-4804Email: Loan Ocer NMLS #: 455369 RRM NMLS #: 121276513 Years Experience Responsible Reverse Mortgage is a DBA of Responsible Life, Inc. Responsible Life, Inc. is a licensed Mortgage Broker that spec ializes in Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (Reverse Mortgages). NMLS#1212765 You can look us up on the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System website: Responsible Life, Inc is incorporated in th e State of Florida and has its registered address at: 515 N Flagler Drive P300, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. These materials are not from HUD, FHA, the USDA, or the VA. These materials were not approved by any government agenc y. They are independent of any government agency. We are not in any way aliated with any organization listed or referenced within this website, including HUD/FHA/USDA/VA. The inclusion of various education, informati on, web links, or materials are not an endorsement of the Sender or any of its employees or business partners. For i nformation directly from HUD/FHA, visit: For information directly from the VA, visit: www.bene“ v/HOM ELOANS/ For information directly from the USDA, visit: usda/usdahome?navid=GRANTS_LOANS. RESPONSIBLEREVERSEMORTGAGESNMLS#: 1212765The savings you never knew you had adno=8602779 CNA/HHA 15 Years Experience Will Care for Sick or Elderly € Light Housekeeping € Reliable 941-764-8526 € 941-421-4833 adno=8602781 adno=8602782 SECOND OPINIONS WELCOMED Call Today for a Complimentary Consultation: 941.249.4503 Maple Leaf Plaza € 2200 Kings Hwy., Port Charlotte € BOBS BETTER HEARING We Service and repair: Starkey, MicroTech, Siemens, Rexton, Oticon, Phonak and many more. If your hearing aids are not working properly, schedule a complimentary analysis. Bedroom drawers dont need to hear! Robert Watts, HAS, BC-HIS #5556 National Board Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences International Service Network for Seasonal residents adno=8602819 109 Taylor Street € Punta Gorda (941) Firstsurgeonin SouthwestFloridaoering Bladeless Laser Cataract SurgeryJonathanM.Frantz,MD,FACSATrustedNameinEyeCare adno=8602820 One of our Countrys Top 5 Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgeons 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 CLASSIFIED WORKS! 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE PUNTA GORDAButtonwood Village. Updated, Well Cared For, 2/2/Bonus Room. 1500 SF, Tile Floors, New Appliances. Turn-Key on Corner Lot. Waterfront!Clubhouse, Pool & MORE!! $69,000. 941-621-4066 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE PUNTA GORDA, BUTTONWOOD VILLAGE REMODELED3/2/CP, 2,000SF, NEWROOF, NEWFLOORS, APPL. INCL. CLUBHOUSE, POOL. & MORE! $109,000. (941)-740-0389 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,795. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE $59,900! OWNERSAYSSELLIT! MOVEINTODAY! WELLCAREDFOR2/2, COMPLETELYUPDATED. FURNISHED, ALLAPPLIANCESONACORNERLOTINBEAUTIFULRIVERSIDEOAKS941-6266821 OR941-356-5308www.riv GreatDealsin theClassifieds!


Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 19, 2017 adno=8602783 (941) REVERSE MORTGAGE Stay in your home or buy a new home without ever making another Monthly Mortgage Payment* ww w w w B O E F F l o r i d a. c o m F l o r i d a Oday MarogiArea Manager NMLS# 457582Dustin MeshbergerArea Manager dmeshberger@BOEMortgage.comNMLS# 412459Brian MarquetteReverse Mortgage Specialist bmarquette@BOEMortgage.comNMLS# 327095Glenn BarichReverse Mortgage Specialist gbarich@BOEMortgage.comNMLS# 1064156* Consult a Tax Advisor. Homeowner is still responsible for taxes, insurance and maintenance. is is not a commitment to lend o r extend credit. All loans are subject to credit approval including credit worthiness, insurability, and ability to provide acceptable collateral. Not all loans or products are available in all states or counties. A reverse mortgage is a lo an that must be repaid when the home is no longer the primary residence, is sold, or if the property taxes or insurance are not paid. is loan is not a government benet. Borrower(s) must be 62 or older. e home must be maintained to meet FHA Stan dards, and you must continue to pay property taxes, insurance and property related fees or you will lose your home. Bank of England Mortgage and Bank of England are not aliated with any government agency. Bank of England Mortg age is a division of Bank of England. NMLS 418481. Member FDICBank of England Mortgage 235 N. Orange Ave., Ste. 200 | Sarasota, FL 34236 | (941) 361-1280 e Reverse Mortgageis helping thousands of Seniors buy or renance the home that they want, but didnt think they could aord. Bank of England is here to show you the details of this incredible Government program. Please contact us today for additional information or to begin the process that allows you to live in and o wn your home while still receiving cash. Call today to get the facts. Reverse Benets Get Tax Free Cash* No mortgage payments Still own and live in your home while receiving cash Pay o existing debt/mortgage Call about our next FREE Educational Seminar Common Misconceptions Dicult to qualify Liable for the loan balances that exceed home value e bank owns your home Reverse Mortgages are expensive (prices vary by product) Qualifying is Easy! At least one borrower must be 62 or older Works for free and clear or mortgaged properties Must be a primary residence Face to Face with your local Reverse Specialist adno=8602439 Reverse Mortgage Call today to get the facts. REVERSE MORTGAGE Purchase or Refinance adno=8602784 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! ALI TERRACE, ARCADIA 5+ Acres (or about 6 lots) Bargain at $59,900! Agricultural, Residential, Mobile Homes, RV's Priscilla Perez-McGuire 941-875-5747 RE/MAX Realty GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! Bayfront Home 50 Southwind Dr., Englewood Public Bid Min. $570,000 Bids due 5/17/17 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS ENGLEWOOD NORTH 2/2/2, lanai home, Turnkey, 5 Mins to beaches. $1,750/mo incl. utilities. 941-474-3639 HACIENDA DEL MARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT VACATION CONDO CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLE LIVINGJUSTINCHESTOTHEBAY& ICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW,VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ.FT., 2 BED/2.5 BATHS, MINUTES TOBOCAGRANDE/GULF BEACHES. NEWERCONSTRUC-TION, DESIGNERTURN-KEYFUR-NISHED. FULLLAUNDRY,GARAGE, HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS,FITNESS& MORE. CALLFOR FREEBROCHURE. PETPOSS. A VAIL : M AY N OVEMBER 2017 CALL813-293-2392 1420 WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLESENIORLADY W/ CARSEEKSROOMFORRENTORSHARE2 BR APARTMENTINSARASO-TAORENGLEWOODAREA. NEEDREFERENCESAFTER3 PM. 941-999-0587 330-926-6989 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE 1.36+/ac res on Lemon Bay 800 W. Perry St, Englewood Public Bid Min $750,000 Bids due 5/17/17 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT VENICE Luxury condo for rent 1551 sqft 2 bed, 2 bath, detach garage, pool & club house with fitness room, view over lake, 2nd floor end unit screen lanai, washer -dryer. $1500.00 per month, Brant Jones -678-571-7230 VENICE, Water View. Nicely Furnished & Decorated 2BR/2BA Condo. CentrallyLocated, Near Restaurants & Shopping. Pools & Laundry. May 1st Dec. $950/mo. Jim507-254-2437 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1300 DUPLEXES FOR RENT DEEP CREEK 2/2, all tile $875/mo Lawn & Landscape Maint incl. Small Pets Ok. 941-416-5966 or 629-3326 1320 APARTMENTS FOR RENT VENICE ISLAND EFFICIENCY1 & 2 br, Call for Details. No Pets, 1 Year Lease 941-416-5757or 323-6466 1350 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT HARBOUR HEIGHTS close to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, SunnybrookMotel 941-625-6400 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ENGLEWOOD 2/1/CPONCANALWITHDOCK,LANAI& BONUSROOM$1200 2/2/1 SCREENEDLANAI. WATER& LAWNINC. $950WEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Large Beautiful 4/2/2 w/ Encl. Pool! Room for RV, Boat & Trailer in Driveway. New Metal Roof. Granite Kitchen, Fireplace, 3 Jacuzzis! All Tile! Close to Everything! $1,700. mo + Sec. Deposit 941-763-9315 RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty ROTONDA 3/2/1 Golf Course Water View. End of Cul-de-Sac. Available 7/1. $1100./Month. References. 774-526-7538 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT VENICE Condo on Capri Isles Blvd. 3/2/1 Golf, Tennis, 2 Pools. Avail 5/1. $1,400/annual. Call 941356-2241 1210 HOMES FOR RENT 2/2/1 Tile, Bersell Ave., P.C. $950/mo 2/2/2 Corner Lot, Marlin Dr., P.G. $950/mo 2/2/2 Lanai, Deep Creek., P.G. $1150/mo 3/2/2 Pool Serv Inc, Olean Blvd., P.C. $1350/mo*We Welcome NEW Listings* AWARD WINNINGSUNBELT MGT. SERVICES RENTALS COMPLETE LISTINGS (941) 764-7777 Casa San Juan Bosco I & II Rental Homes USDA housing community, taking apps for low income/rental assisted households with Farm Laborers, retired Farm Laborers, or disabled Farm Laborers only. For more info call 863-884-2123 TTY# 800-955-8771 This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer. Lookingfor Adventure? Findit inthe Classifieds 1110 OUT OF AREA HOMES MINONG, WI WATERFRONT handyman Special $300k, log cabin on 6+ wooded acres on Lake gilmore. Subdivideable. Call Andrea 941-713-5776 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1750...3/2/2 Pool & Lawn incl....DC $1600..3/2/2 Villa, Comm Pool....NP $1300....3/2/2 Well Srvc Incl.......NP $1250..3/2/2 Scrnd Lanai...........NP $1200...3/2/2 1571 SQ FT...........PC941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/1 Lg lanai Lg great room $1,200. 2/2/2 Split Floor Plan avail 5/14/17 $1,250. DESOTO CO. 3/2/2 Lake Suzy Home $1,400. NORTH PORT 2/2/1 w/Lanai, 55+ Community $1,100.W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services


Wednesday, April 19, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 9 2070 SALES CAREERNIGHTEVERYTUESDAY. CAL L FO RDET AILS. 941-426-0621 2100 GENERAL $200. HIRING BONUS MERRY MAIDS IS HIRING PART-TIME HOME CLEANERS! Flexible hours, No Nights or Weekends, Good Pay, Must have valid Drivers Lic Experience a plus but Will Train. Call for Details (941)-255-5656 ATTN:HOME MAKERS, RETIREES, STARVING ARTIST, UNEMPLOYED TEENS, CRAFTY KIDS, CLEVER FOLKS & COUNTRYMEN. Lend me your ears! Need artisians for start up retail store catering to Sarasota ClientelŽ. Merchandise needed for imaginative denim crafts line. Call Andrea 941-713-5776 PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! The Venice Gondolier Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. Apply in person: 200 E. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 No Phone Calls Please. CARRIERS NEEDED DANCERS WANTEDBIKINISPORTSBAR, PT. CHARL941-457-7077 DOCK ATTENDANT, Fishermans Village Marina is hiring part time dock attendant, $9.50/hr. Must work weekends. Apply in person 9AM-3PM any day of the week. 941-575-3000 DRIVER NEEDEDNIGHTS Part time Must have CDL with Medical Certificate 20-30 hours a weekTo fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required 2070 SALES Baers Furnitureis looking to hire EXPERIENCED SALES PROFESSIONALS & DESIGNERS. This is an incredible opportunity to work for a thriving company with consistent brand advertising. We offer 42 million dollars of inventory available for immediate delivery, and top compensation levels in the marketplace! Please send Resume to: EOE/DFWP SALES PROFESSIONALS& DESIGNERS (Port Charlotte, FL) WHAT`S YOUR SITUATION? Kid`s Left Home? Retired Early? Looking For a New Challenge? Want to Be Your Own Boss? If You Answered Yes to Any of the Above, NOW IS A GREAT TIME TO CONSIDER A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE! Want to Know Your Real Estate Skill Sales? Go to: careers and Click on CAREER ASSESSMENTŽ on Bottom of Homepage. A Few Small Steps May Mean You Have Found What You Are Looking For! ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL SERVERSBARTENDERS&KITCHENHELPIMMEDIATE OPENINGSFORRESTAURANTINENGLEWOOD. APPLYINPERSONFROMNOON-3:00 AT3754 N ACCESSRDOREMAIL JIM@GOODTIMECHARLIESFL.COM SUBWAY MANAGER, Must have previous experience & have two references, one being from last employer. Interested call 941-809-3158. 2050 SKILLED TRADES AC INSTALLER/SERVICE TECHMIN. 3 YRSEXP. GOODDRIVINGRECORD.FRANKS HEATING& COOLINGVENICE 941-484-0058 LABORERS-CARPENTERS, FRAMING new homes, Deep Creek, Englewood, Port Charlotte. Great Pay & as many Hours as you want! KX4 Construction Jeff Kirkpatrick 941-916-4101 LEAD REMODELER for busy remodeling business knowledgable in drywall, framing, electric,plumbing. Competitive Pay Plus Vehicle. Valid FL DL a must. Please Call 941-625-5620 MAINTENANCE PERSON NEEDED FT/PT, Must be Reliable & Self Motivated. Able to Work Independently. Carpentry Exp. a Must. All Outdoor Maintenance. Salary Neg. Based On Qualifications Fax Resume: 941-889-7207 or Email lovelandcourtyards@ PAINTERS EXPERIENCED ONLY! Must have valid DL & trans. Drug free work place. Call 863-990-1799 or email: 2060 MANAGEMENT MANAGER ADULTDAY SERVICES FRIENDSHIP CENTERS Manage program operations including staff supervision. Knowledge of dementia/age related disorders. BS degree in Health or Soc. Services & supervisory exper. Email resume to 2070 SALES Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE RECEPTIONIST/ OFFICE MANAGER Immediate Opening Punta Gorda area. Medicaltype setting. Computer skills necessary. Professional appearance & friendly personality a must. Great work environment. 100% employer paid full benefits including medical. Good starting pay plus paid vacation. Call for Interview 855-432-7748 2030 MEDICAL CNAs, HHAs and CaregiversFind New Clients by Advertising Your Services in the Senior Directory Every Wednesday in The Sun Newspapers. This Feature Publishes in Charlotte, Sarasota, and Desoto Counties. Market Yourself Reach 150,000 Readers! Call 941-429-3110 for more information EXPERIENCED DENTAL OFFICE MANAGER & PART-TIME HYGIENIST Fax Resume to 941-624-3424 LICENSED PHARMACY TECHNICIAN, Experienced. No Nights or Weekends. FullTime/Part-Time. Now Accepting Applications at Medicine Shoppe 615 Cross St. Unit 1112 Punta Gorda 33950. PHARMACY CLERK, No Nights or Weekends. FullTime/Part-Time. Now Accepting Applications at Medicine Shoppe 615 Cross St. Unit 1112 Punta Gorda 33950. www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREERŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 05/01 LPNCNA-05/01 Med. Asst. 05/01/17 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL CAREGIVERS/COMPANIONS All shifts-Background chk reqd 941-525-2322 M-F 9a-4p, COOK/BAKER. 40+Hours a Week. Must Have Experience & Be Meticulously Clean & Organized. Apply In Person, Ask For Wayne or Amy. 4678 Tamiami Trl Port Charlotte or Call 941-661-6383 KITCHEN & WAITSTAFF NEEDED, Apply In Person After 3:30pm. Bingo Trail 1700 Tamiami Trl Port Charlotte Or Call 941-255-1266 WANTEDEXPD, TEAM MEMBERSFORALL POSITIONS For Busy Waterfront Restaurant Apply in Person: White Elephant Pub 1855 Gulf Blvd. Englewood 1620 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment 2010 PROFESSIONAL 220 LICENSED AGENTS MONDAY-FRIDAY FAXRESUMETO941-206-0036OREMAILRESUME:SUNCLASSIFIEDS 1@ GMAIL COM FISHING CAPTAIN, for year round part time postion. Must have USCG OUPV Lic, operate boats safely, great people skills, & exp catching fishing in Charlotte Harbor. Background check and drug screening required. Boat not reqd. 941-916-1689 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s VENICE COMPANYIS CURRENTLYSEEKINGAN ENTRY LEVEL DATA ENTRY CLERK. MUSTBECOMFORTABLE WORKINGWITHCOMPUTER SOFTWAREANDEXCEL. FULLTIMEWITHBENEFITS. PLEASESENDRESUMETOJOBS SWFLORIDA @ GMAIL COM 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE HERON CREEK GOLF & CC, North Port is seeking a PT Accounting Assistant This position requires maintaining accurate accounting records of all transactions. Must be proficient in Excel, Word and Outlook and 10-key adding machine experience. Education High School/GED & minimum of an Associates Degree in Accounting. Prior accounting experience preferred. Pay based on experience. Please Send Resume to: or call Ron at 941-429-3285 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE CLEARED 80X200 Building Site on Woodmere Rd. In S. Venice. Requires Well & Septic. Room For Your Home & A Home For Your Toys. $49,900 941-650-3741 THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS ENGLEWOOD WATERFRONT LOTS GATED SUBDIVISION with Keywest style homes. Lots with docks, 15 mins to Gulf. $74,900 $150,000.941-475-3366 LEMON BAY LOTVERYLARGE, BUILDUPTO5RESIDENCES, GREATVIEWS&DEEPWATER. NOTHINGLIKE THISOUTTHERE! PLANS&ZONINGINPLACEFOR5-UNIT WATERFRONTTOWNHOMES. $549,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOOWNERFINANCINGPOSS. 941-769-0200 NORTH PORTTWO LOTS Water Front Property 10,889 FT. Access To Gulf Duck Key Premier Comm. Utilities, City Water, Sewer. Cleared & Ready to Go! Quinn Court, $79,900 Debra Villari 609-458-4627 Berkshire Hathaway SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FOR ECON. BUILDS& NOFLOOD INSURANCEREQUIRED,FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 WATER FRONT LOT … DEEP WATER! LEMONBAY, BIGBOAT DEEPWATER. NEWSEAWALL. BUILDYOURWATERFRONTHOME ONTHIS1/4+ AC LOT. ONLY3.75 MINUTESTOSTUMPPASS,LOWESTPRICEONTHEBAY! WOW! NOWLOWESTPRICED DIRECTBAYACCESSLOTINALL OFCHARLOTTE, SARASOTAORLEECOUNTIES. ONLY $249,900. 941-769-0200


Page 10 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 19, 2017 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE DP`s ABILITY TREE SERVICE Removals, Stump Grinding, Palm Trimming, Shaping, Oaks Thinned & Raised Up. 19 Yrs. Exp. Free Estimates! 941-889-8147 Lic#00000192 & Insured. J RIZ TREESERVICESComplete Tree & Palm Service. SPECIALIZING IN DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL.Servicing all Charlotte & Sarasota Counties FREE ESTIMATES 941-306-7532 Lic & Ins SPM TREE TRIMMIMG & LANDSCAPING Specializing inTREE REMOVAL. Call Today for your FREE Estimate.(941)-412-5273 Lic/Insured Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 5140 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING Best Prices -Quality Job Best Coast Painting and Pressure Washing Residential/Commercial 10% Off With Ad! 941-815-8184 AAA00101254 STEVENS CUSTOM PAINTINGRes/Comm. Int/Ext FREE EST. Lic. & Ins. 941-255-3834 5180 PRESSURE CLEANING BAILEYS PRESSURE CLEANING Complete Exterior House Painting! Call 941-497-1736 MR. PRESSURE CLEANINGSAFE, NO PRESSUREROOF Fully Lic & Insured 5185 ROOFING Re Roofs, Repairs, Pressure Cleaning, Roofing Coatings Full Carpentry Services HONEST & RELIABLE 35 Yrs Local Experience CCC1328613. Ph. 941-412-4047 GREEN ROOFING & WATERPROOFINGTECHNOLOGIESWWW.GREENROOFINGONLINE.COM TOM JOYCE ROOFIN G HUGE **FALL SPECIALS**45 Years of Quality Work and Experience 941-484-9804 941-429-1800 lic#1325725 5057 CONCRETE POOL DECKS, Driveway Designs Garage Floors Patios and more. QUALITY Lic 941-375-1103 Insu 5083 FLOORING PAUL SIMS FLOOR CLEANING AND MORE!**OWNER OPERATED ** PROFESSIONAL, Reasonable & ReliableWinter Specials!We Clean carpets, furniture, area rugs, grout & more! Also Interior & Exterior Painting & Pressure Washing visit us at: www. 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For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUDY Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 START YOUR DAY RIGHT Bible Study Thursdays 10:00-11:30 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 3097 OTHER CLASSES GUITAR LESSON, single retired man taking 1 lesson a week, seeking other retirees to practice together. 757-817-8275 KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday. FREE; Open to the public. 941-276-0124 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. 5006 ALUMINUM ALL AMERICAN RENOVATIONS LIC& INSUREDFAMILYOWNED& OPERATEDSPECIALIZINGINRESCREENING,BUILDINGANDREPAIRING. SCREWCHANGEOUTS PRESSUREWASHING& PAINT-INGPOOLCAGES, LANAIS,FRONTENTRYWAYSETC... 941-915-3381 SERVINGSARASOTACOUNTYFREEESTIMATES 5051 CHILD CARE ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. FL O RIDA S TATE LAW requires all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law 5054 CONTRACTORS EDWARD ROSS CONSTRUCTION Services, Inc. 941-408-8500 pool cages, Scr. lanais, etc... JLS ENTERPRISES INCQuality & Dependability Remodeling Painting Additions Drywall Carpentry Repairs Odd Jobs & more. STATE CERTIFIED LIC #CRC033392941-468-9701 5057 CONCRETE RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. spraycrete & more (941)-497-4553 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES Charlotte County House of Prayer Merging Worship, Word, and Prayer Friday Night Watch 8pm 992 Tamiami Trail Unit I Port Charlotte 941 249-8946 CO MMUNITY C ENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 Community HU Song Saturday, Apr. 22, 11 a.m., Mid-County Regional Library, Meeting Room B, 2050 Forrest Nelson Blvd. Port Charlotte. Singing HU can help you experience divine love, expand your awareness, bring peace and calm, and heal a broken heart. HU is an ancient name for God. Fellowship, Light refreshments, and Free CD. Presented by Eckankar in Port Charlotte for people of all faiths. 941-7660637. FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte GATEWAY WORSHIP PRAYER & HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to you every Thursday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek Bible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and Sundays @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 3080 TRAVEL/TICKETS VENICE MEMORIAL GDNS 2 Burial plots, incl opening/closing & vaults. $6500. 941-627-6260 3090 LOST & FOUND FOUND CAT: Male Neutered Yelllow Cat. Found in the Vacinity of Hwy. 17 in Punta Gorda on Sunday 4/9. 941740-0348 For Information LOST CAT: Male Tiger w/ White Feet and Under Chest. Friendly! Answers to Junie. Lost in the Vacinity of Gingold Street P.C. REWARD! Please Call 330-937-0079 LOST DOG: Shih-tzu Female, Dark Gray and White, Name is Misty. Near Glendale and Aaron Streets in Port Charlotte. Senior Owner is HEARTBROKEN! 941-979-0274 REWARD LOST LIBRARY BOOK: Clive Cussler The Pirates on March 15th @ Faucett Hospital. Please call 810-292-2168 3095 EXERCISE CLASSES G ULF CO A S T A C UPUN C TURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at (941)220-9418 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. 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!" #$%& ''!( %! %) *)! +,-+ 2011 by King Features Syndicate Yesterdays Challenger Answers Wednesday, April 19, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 11


Page 12 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 19, 2017 DEAR DR. ROACH: I had just about given up on controlling my sciatic nerve pain in my right leg. I also had no faith that physical therapy could help, but I was referred by my family doctor, so I went. Recently, a physical therapist assessed me and told me that there is a way to distinguish, by physical exam, between sciatic nerve pain caused by spinal problems and that caused by the piriformis muscle. I was told that my pain is not coming from my spine, and Im “nally getting some relief for a very painful problem I have had for several years. Can you explain this to me, especially why I was not diagnosed for so long? I have had lumbar spinal surgery, lumbar spinal steroid shots and treatment by a pain specialist. I did have spinal stenosis and bone spurs. „ B.W. ANSWER: Piriformis syndrome is caused by the sciatic nerve being compressed by the piriformis muscle against one of the bones of the pelvis. It happens particularly in some athletes, but can occur in anyone. It is not a common cause of sciatic nerve pain, occurring in only a few percent of people, but it is worth considering. The diagnosis can be made by a skilled physical examiner, such as the physical therapist who made the diagnosis in you. Treatment is also by physical therapy, which is effective in most cases. I often hear that this condition goes unrecognized. What upsets me in your case is that it took years for you to get properly diagnosed and treated. I cant fault a primary-care physician for not knowing everything: Nobody knows everything, certainly not me. However, when a condition goes on for a long time, it is appropriate to reconsider the diagnosis. In your case, it sounds like your doctor was misled by the spinal stenosis and bone spurs, and without excusing it, there is a term for that: Its called an anchoring heuristic error,Ž meaning that the physician became anchoredŽ to the idea that the spinal stenosis was causing the pain. I often prescribe physical therapy, and I often rely on the therapists experience and j udgment. DEAR DR. ROACH: A couple of days ago, you said metformin lowers the insulin in your blood. Doesnt it lower the blood sugar, not the insulin? „ G.Z. ANSWER: There are many different treatments for Type 2 diabetes (people with Type 1 diabetes are absolutely dependent on insulin). Some treatments for Type 2 diabetes work by increasing insulin (obviously, insulin injections do), but there are oral medicines, such as glipizide, which work by making the pancreas secrete more insulin. Insulin lowers blood sugar by bringing sugar into cells. However, other types of medicines work through different pathways. Metformin works primarily by keeping the liver from making additional sugar. This allows the insulin the body makes to work on dietary sugar alone, and thus decreases the need for insulin, and both blood sugar and blood insulin levels go down. Type 2 diabetes is a disease of insulin resistance, and there are other classes of medicine that work on the resistance to insulin, such as pioglitazone (Actos). Insulin has growth-factor properties, so medicines that reduce insulin levels sometimes help with weight loss. However, the choice of a particular medication for someone with Type 2 diabetes is complex, and there are many reasons other than insulin levels why a doctor chooses a particular drug for an individual. That being said, usually metformin is the drug of “rst choice in people with Type 2 diabetes who are overweight, since there is good evidence that it is better than most other drugs in that common situation. READERS: The booklet on thyroid gland problems explains this and other common thyroid illnesses. Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Roach Book No. 401 628 Virginia Dr. Orlando, FL 32803 Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Can. with the recipients printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery.P i r i form i s syndrome i s diagnosed by skilled examinerDr. Roach BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY adno=8602374


Wednesday, April 19, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 13 !"#$#" !%%&"#" !'% (%%() Dear Heloise: My two lovesŽ are gardening and baking. Every year, I seem to grow an overabundance of zucchini. I dont want to let it go to waste, so I shred it in my food processor and freeze it in freezer bags. W hen I get in the mood to bake zucchini bread, I just thaw out a freezer bag of zucchini and start baking! „ Violet C., Ponca City, Okla. No waste and no wanting. Let the zucchini thaw and put it in a fresh green salad. „ HeloiseTop with vinegarDear Heloise: If you want to improve the flavor of homemade bread and give it a nice, crisp, crunchy top, brush the top of the loaf with vinegar just before baking. I use apple-cider vinegar or sometimes balsamic for a little different taste. „ Beth W ., Martinsville, Ind. Beth, what a great hint! And vinegar has so many wonderful uses! I make sure to never run out. If youd like to know more about vinegars many uses in my pamphlet Heloises Fantabulous Vinegar Hints and More, visit my website, www. Heloise. com, to order. Or you can send a stamped (70 cents), self-addressed, business-size envelope, along with $5, to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Place a bowl or two of vinegar in a freshly painted room to dispel the paint odor. „ HeloiseBattling barbecue bacteriaDear Heloise: We love to barbecue in the hot summer months, but its important to never place cooked meats, “sh or chicken on the same plate you used to carry the raw meat. Bacteria from the raw, uncooked food can easily contaminate the plate and new utensils. „ Casey G., Emmaus, Pa.An old wives taleDear Readers: The old saying is to plant rosemary by the doorstep to keep evil away, and plant sage in your garden if you would have peace and order in your home. Sounds good to me! „ HeloiseZucchini is a bread winner!Hints from Heloise BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Make your business a part of it! Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602375


Page 14 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 19, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). When they say, "the strong one" or "the one you can always count on," who pops into your mind? This person needs more attention and love than you might have guessed. It's worth a call today. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Maybe your hopes for the situation are a bit unreasonable, but don't give them up yet. In archery and other pursuits, you have to aim above the target to hit the goal. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The emotional terrain that stretches before y ou is uncharted. You've the toughness of an explorer, though, and that's what's needed to brave these wild hills, dark but full of diamonds. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Set down the remote. The entertainment in your personal life will render other forms of drama superuous. Bonus: Tonight brings even more spontaneous excitement. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The old-school wisdom that you should not trouble another person for what you can do yourself ies in the face of eective management. Bottom line: You will not advance to your full potential while taking on every task yourself. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You've an important moment comin g u p Practice to the p oint where the desired result is automatic. If this doesn't seem to calm your nerves, don't worry too much. The best training for getting over nerves is being nervous. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). No one is untouched by her community and environment. Even if you decide not to converse, volunteer or join your eorts in any way with those around you, you'll feel the good thoughts and intentions of those present. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). It's said that living well is the best revenge, but why wait until you're retaliating to start living well? Begin now for no reason at all except that you deserve excellent self-care and it benets ever y one. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your friends will say nice things to you. And your good friends will also say harsh things to you if such things will benet you in the long run „ or, at the very least, they'll tell you when you have spinach in your teeth. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Is there some higher morality than the one that feeds social stability, justice and peace? It's a subject of debate today, and yet it's pretty obvious what people need. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Some will keep score, but it's a waste of time. And don't be overly concerned about who gets the last laugh, either. As long as everyone laughs at some point, the comedy of life is p la y in g out as it should. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There are many privileges to be enjoyed. Luxuries are nothing to be embarrassed about, as long as they are paid for. Some say that even being in the world is a luxury. What responsibility do you assume for the trade? TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (April 19). The worries go away. All that was blocking your signal will move out. In May, the love you feel for someone will make you bold. Follow through with spontaneous ideas: Go big. What you do to make another person remember you will be how you remember yourself. A ne mess turns into an opportunity of a lifetime in July. Cancer and Leo adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5 20 16 21 and 33. DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been into swinging for 20 years. Everything has always been no strings attached.Ž I was with one man several times before he married his current wife. Shes very religious, not into swinging and doesnt know he is. Im so attracted to NickŽ that I dream about him and have met him outside our marriages. I know its wrong, but I cant keep him out of my mind. My husband doesnt know, and I know it would hurt him deeply. Should I tell Nick, or quit writing him on our swinging site? „ DESPAIR DOWN SOUTH DEAR DESPAIR: And what have you to gain by revealing your feelings? If you think it would make Nick leave his wife, forget it. Because you know it would hurt your husband „ although Im having trouble understanding why, because youre swingers „ I recommend you refrain from causing him pain. DEAR ABBY: My family has been put in a dif“cult position. Last year, a woman my brother had a one-night-stand with became pregnant. I have heard from more than one person that shes known as the town tramp or crazy.Ž Were sure she planned it because he makes a good living and can support the child “nancially, and she insisted on keeping the baby. My brother, God bless him, is doing whats necessary, although having a child with a woman he has come to despise weighs heavily on him. How should we, his family, handle this? At this point, I have no interest in laying eyes on her or her baby, blood kin or not. I feel no af“nity for the child because I know my brother didnt want it. Maybe in time, I could “nd a way to know this child, but for now my anger prevents it. „ LIVID SISTER IN TEXAS DEAR LIVID: None of this is the fault of the baby. No one forced your brother to sleep with the town tramp.Ž I respect him for living up to his responsibilities to his child. You have nothing to lose by being kind to your nephew/niece and his/ her mother. Frankly, it appears she could use befriending, and in the years ahead that baby may need a stabilizing female in”uence. DEAR ABBY: My new father-in-law always greets me with a hug and a kiss on the mouth. I come from a family who doesnt kiss on the lips, and I “nd it extremely awkward. Im not sure how to handle the situation. I dont want to bring it up to him because Im afraid it would be offensive. I have mentioned it to my husband, who kind of shrugged it off, saying his father is old school.Ž I have started turning my head when we greet so that he hits my cheek instead of my mouth. Please advise me on how to deal with this. „ TURNING A CHEEK IN MICHIGAN DEAR TURNING: I think youre handling the situation well. If your father-in-law asks why youre turning your head, all you have to do is smile and say you save kisses on the mouth for your husband. P.S. I dont know what old schoolŽ your fatherin-law attended, but I wouldnt set foot on that campus. And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? Bwhere are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.Ž „ Luke 17:17-18. We live in an ungrateful world. Be the exception to the rule. Express your love and appreciation to all those who have blessed your life. BIBLEWife used to swinging free now feels one string attachedVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby


Wednesday, April 19, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 15 W e d nes d ay T e l ev i s i onVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDAAPR. 19PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC7 News @ 6pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News at 7 Florida Suncoasts news, weather & more. (N)The Goldbergs Spencers gifts. Speechless Valentines gift. (R)Mod Family(TVPG) (R) (HD)black-ish Racial identity.(R)Designated Survivor: The Ninth Seat Going undercover.(TVPG) (N)ABC7 News @ 11pm (N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (N) ABC E F 26---7117-ABC7 Ne ws @ 6:00pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)The 7 O Clock News (N) (HD)Enterta inment Tonight (N) (HD)The Goldbergs Spencers gifts. Speechless Valentines gift. (R)Mod Family(TVPG) (R) (HD)black-i sh Racial identity.(R)Designa te d Survi vor : The Ninth Seat Going undercover.(TVPG) (N)ABC7 Ne ws @ 11:00pm(N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (N) CBS E F 11213213-555-WINK News at 6pm (N) (HD)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)WINK News at 7pm (N) (HD)Inside Edition(TVPG) (N) (HD)Survivor: Game Changers: Theres a New Sheriff In Town Two castaways are absent from celebratory feast after a merger. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: Pankration Violent assault. (TV14) (N)WINK News at 11pm (N) (HD)Late Show Rose Byrne.(TV14) CBS E F 10101010---1010 News This Evening (N)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)Wheel (TVG) (N) (HD)Jeopardy! (TVG) (N) (HD)Survivor: Game Changers: Theres a New Sheriff In Town Two castaways are absent from celebratory feast after a merger. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: Pankration Violent assault. (TV14) (N)10 News Nightside (N)Late Show Rose Byrne.(TV14) NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel (TVG) (N) (HD)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Locker room hazing. (TV14) (R) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: No Surrender Military assault. (R)Chicago P.D.: Sanctuary Priest causes problems for case. (TV14) (R)NBC2 News @ 11pm (N) (HD)Tonight Show Sienna Miller.(N) NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChannel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)NewsChannel 8 at 7:00 (N)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Locker room hazing. (TV14) (R) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: No Surrender Military assault. (R)Chicago P.D.: Sanctuary Priest causes problems for case. (TV14) (R)NewsChannel 8 at 11:00 (N)Tonight Show Sienna Miller.(N) FOX E F 36---444-FOX 4 News at Six Community news; weather; traffic; more. (N)Family Feud Families compete. Family Feud Families compete. Shots Fired: Hour Five: Before the Storm Cory shares details.(TV14)Empire: Sound & Fury Lucious launches his new project. (TV14) (R)FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)FOX 4 News at Eleven (N)TMZ (TVPG) (R) FOX E F 13131313-13-13FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)Access Hollywood(TVPG) (N)TMZ (TVPG) (N)Shots Fired: Hour Five: Before the Storm Cory shares details.(TV14)Empire: Sound & Fury Lucious launches his new project. (TV14) (R)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News News, sports, weather and traffic.(N) PBS E F 30-3-333-BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Nature: Hotel Armadillo (TVPG) (N) (HD)NOVA: Holocaust Escape Tunnel (TV14) (N) (HD)Escape from a Nazi Death Camp Escape from Sobibor.(TV14) (R) (HD)Charlie Rose (N) (HD) PBS E F #3173---3BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Nature: Hotel Armadillo (TVPG) (N) (HD)NOVA: Holocaust Escape Tunnel (TV14) (N) (HD)Escape from a Nazi Death Camp Escape from Sobibor.(TV14) (R) (HD)The Crowd & the Cloud: Even Big Data Starts Small (TVG) (N) (HD) CW E F 46---6216-Mike & Molly Carl nearly dies. WINK News at 6:30pm (N) (HD)Big Bang Bachelor party.(HD)Big Bang Paintball game. (HD)Arrow: Checkmate Search for the truth about Prometheus.(TV14) (R)Whose Line? Chris Jericho.(R)Whose Line? Rachel Bloom. WINK News @10pm (N) (HD)Mike & Molly Mikes fertility. 2 Broke Imprisoned father. (HD) CW E F 44999---4Mike & Molly Carl nearly dies. Mike & Molly Mikes fertility. 2 Broke Imprisoned father. (HD)2 Broke Girls Max not in film. Arrow: Checkmate Search for the truth about Prometheus.(TV14) (R)Whose Line? Chris Jericho.(R)Whose Line? Rachel Bloom. Two & Half Chelsea moves in. Two & Half Alan and Chelsea. Friends Wrong number. (TVPG)Friends Who came on to who? MYN E F 38111111---14Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud Families compete. Family Feud Families compete. News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Closure Wards revenge. (TVPG) (HD)Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Maveth Intense battle. (TVPG) (HD)Family Feud Families compete. Family Feud Families compete. IND E F 32121212-38-12Modern Family Fake boyfriend. Mod Family Haleys birthday. Big Bang Bachelor party.(HD)Big Bang Paintball game. (HD)Anger Management Laceys ex. Anger Angry Charlie. (TV14)Man Stand. Miniature tanks. Man Stand. Mike builds a shed. Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Monster Parolee suspected.(TV14) (HD)Family Guy Viewers mail.(HD)Family Guy Peters father. ION E F 662221326-17Law & Order: Zero Environmentalists wife murdered. (TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Chattel Child slave trade ring. (TV14) (HD)Law & Order: By Perjury Airline plaintiff murdered.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Pledge Harassing reporter remembers party. (TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Lucky Stiff Trucking company murder.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Illegitimate Man claims presidential parentage.(TV14) E L B A CA&E262626263950181First 48 Railroad track. Stor. WarsStor. WarsStor. WarsStor. WarsStor. WarsStor. WarsBilly (N)Billy (N)Stor. WarsStor. Wars AMC565656563053231(5:30) Speed (94, Action) A bomber lures a SWAT cop onto a city bus he has rigged to explode. Lethal Weapon 3 (92, Action) Mel Gibson. Murtaugh and Riggs try to stop a gun runner from selling deadly weapons. Clear and Present Danger (94) A CIA agent finds high-level corruption. APL444444443668130Tanked (TVPG) (R) (HD)Tanked (TVPG) (R) (HD)Tanked (TVPG) (R) (HD)Tanked Octopus tank. Tanked: Fish City, Kid(:01) Tanked (TVPG) (R) BBCAM114114114114114114189Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Voyager Weird Science (85) Nerds create woman. Weird Science (85) Nerds create woman. BET353535354022270Jumping the Broom (11) A wedding goes awry.(:56) Precious (09) Illiterate, pregnant teen suffers abuse. MartinMartinMartin BRAVO6868686825451185Housewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (N)Housewives (TV14) (R)Watch WhatHousewives COM666666661527190(:20) Futurama Professors robot. (TV14) (HD)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)Comedy Jam(TV14)South Park(TVMA)Daily Show(TV14)midnight DISC404040402543120Cooper (R) (HD)Alaskans (TVPG) (R)Alaskans (TVPG) (R)Alaskans: Killer Instinct Bering Sea (TV14) (N) (:02) Alaskan (TV14) (R) E!464646462726196The Ugly Truth (09) E! News (N) (HD)Total Diva (TV14) (R)Total Diva: Group-Sext Total Diva: Group-Sext E! News (N) (HD) FOOD3737373718376164Chopped (TVG) (R)Chopped Baked good. Cooks/Cons (TVG) (R)Cooks/Cons (TVG) (N)Cooks/Cons (TVG) (R)Gauntlet: Into the Wild FREE555555551046199Mrs. Doubtfire (93) Famous in Love: Pilot Paige auditions. (TV14)The Proposal (09, Comedy) Sandra Bullock. Publisher from Canada forces assistant to marry her to avoid deportation. Famous in Love: Pilot Paige auditions. (TV14)The 700 Club Spiritual talk.(TVG) (R) (HD) FX51515151584953(4:30) Jack Reacher (12, Crime) An investigator searches for answers. Taken 3 (15, Action) Liam Neeson. Framed for her death, a retired covert operative pursues his ex-wifes killers. Fargo: The Law of Vacant Places A heated sibling rivalry brings chaos. Fargo Sibling rivalry. GSN17917917917934179184Cash CabCash CabFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudHollywood (TVPG) (HD)Fam. FeudFam. FeudCash CabCash Cab HALL5551713773240Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.The MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleGold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165Prop Bro (TVG) (R)Prop Bro (TVG) (R)Smart Home (TVG) (N)Buying (TVG) (N) (HD)HuntersHuntersBuying A fixer-upper. HIST818181813365128Am. Picker: Big Moe Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (N)Am. Picker Risky deal. Am. Picker (TVPG) (R) LIFE363636365241140L. Women (TV14) (R)L. Women (TV14) (R)L. Women (TV14) (N)L. Women: Stage Fight Little Health scare. (N)Little Health scare. (R) NICK252525252444252Henry (R)Henry (R)ThundermanThundermanNicky (R)ShakersFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFriendsFriends OWN585858584767145Iyanla Fix D.J.s family. Greenleaf (TV14) (R)Greenleaf: Revival (R)Greenleaf (TV14) (R)Greenleaf (TV14) (N)Greenleaf: Revival (R) QVC14141491413150In Kitchen (TVG)In the Kitchen with David PM Edition Gourmet recipes. (TVG)Spring CleaningTodays Top Tech SPIKE57575757296354(5:30) Wrath of the Titans (12) Rescue Zeus. Hercules (14) Hercules hired to defeat savage warlord. Hercules (14) Hercules fights. SYFY6767676725364180Freddy vs Jason (03) Resident Evil: Retribution (12) Virus spreads. Magicians (TV14) (N)Expanse (TV14) (N)Wynonna: Purgatory TBS59595959326252SeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangFrontal (R)Conan Deon Cole. (N) TCM656565656574230(5:00) Monsters (58) Frankenstein 1970 (58) Frankenstein movie leads to experiments. The Invisible Man (33, Horror) Scientists formula drives him mad. Stolen Holiday (36, Drama) Kay Francis. Con artist scams nobility.(:15) Juarez (39) Mexicos puppet regime. TLC454545455772139600lb Life (TV14) (N)600lb Life (TV14) (N)My 600-lb Life: Brittani & Sean Brittani needs two more surgeries. (TV14)600lb Life (TV14) (R) TNT61616161285551Bones Wheelchair bound.(TV14) (HD)Bones Second thoughts.(TV14) (HD)2017 NBA Playoffs: Western Conference First Round, Game 2 : Oklahoma City Thunder at Houston Rockets (Live) (HD) 2017 NBA Playoffs: Portland vs Golden State (Live) (HD) TOON808080804620257Titans Go!Ben 10 (R)We BareGumballKing HillAm. DadCleve. ShwAm. DadSamuraiBobs BrgrFamily GuyFamily Guy TRAV6969696926066170Bizarre Insect nuggets. Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG) TRUTV636363635030183CarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroJokers (R)Jokers (R)Talk ShowTalk ShowCarbonaroCarbonaro TVL626262623154241M*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HLoves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.NobodiesLopez (N)QueensQueens USA34343434225250NCIS Missing officer. NCIS (HD) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Ottawa vs Boston (Live) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Anaheim vs Calgary WE117117117117117117149Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr: Gunshow Sweet Home Alabama (02, Comedy) Redneck husband. Sweet Home Alabama (02) WGN16161619411168Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Persn Int. (TV14) (HD)Collateral Damage (02) Man hunts terrorist (R)Underground: 28 (N)Underground: 28 (R) S W E NCNBC393939395937102Mad Money (N) (HD)Shark Tank (TVPG)Shark Tank (TVPG)Shark Tank (TVPG)Deed (N) (HD)Shark Tank (TVPG) CNN323232321838100Situation Room (N)Erin Burnett (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)CNN Tonight (N)CNN Tonight (N) CSPAN181818183712109(10:00) Public Affairs Events (R)Politics & Public Policy Today Major political activity around the U.S. (R) FNC646464644871118Special Report (N) (HD)The First 100 Days (N)The OReilly Factor (N)Tucker Carlson (N)Hannity (N) (HD)The OReilly Factor (R) MSNBC8383838318540103For the Record (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)Chris Hayes (N) (HD)Rachel Maddow (N)Last Word (N) (HD)11th HourHardball SNN66611---SNN EveEve @ 6:30ES.TV (R)CelebrityNewsNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late ESNN Late ECelebrity S T R O P SESPN29292929125870SportsCenter (HD)Baseball Tonight (HD) MLB Baseball: Cleveland Indians at Minnesota Twins (Live) (HD)SportsCenter (HD) ESPN23030303065974Horn (HD)InterruptnSportsCenter (HD)SpecialSpecialWe theWe theWe theWe theNFL Live (HD) FS148484848426983NASCAR (HD)UFC Tonight (HD)The Best: 25th Season Anniversary Special (HD)The Ultimate Fighter: Redemption (HD) FSN72727272725677MLB GameMarlinsMarlinsPolarisMLB Baseball: Miami vs Seattle (Replay) (HD)Wrld Poker (HD)Wrld Poker (Replay) FSSUN38383838455776Reel FishRays LIVE! MLB Baseball: Detroit Tigers at Tampa Bay Rays (Live) (HD)Rays LIVE!InsideReidInside GOLF49494949556093Golf Central (HD)Golf AcdmyLearningPGA TourGolfs Greatest Rounds: THE PLAYERS 2013 European Tour Golf (Live) (HD) NBCSN71717171546190NHL Live NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Washington vs Toronto (Live)NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Minnesota vs St. Louis (Live) (HD) M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250BUNKD Camp for geniuses. Bizaardvark No more dares. (R)Undercover Innocent criminal. Good Luck First birthday.(HD)Stuck Mid. Holiday traditions. Andi Mack Falling asleep.(R)Liv and Maddie New project. Liv and Maddie Australia. (R)BUNKD Dinner with author. (R)BUNKD Music video. (TVG) (R)Jessie Dance class. (TVG) (HD)Jessie: Snack Attack New girl. ENC150150150150150150350(:18) Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid (04, Horror) Giant snakes interfere wi th scientists searching for the Blood Orchid. (PG-13) (HD) (:59) Jerry Maguire (96, Drama) Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr. An agent for sports celebrities begins his own company after an epiphany. (R) (:20) An Officer and a Gentleman (82, Drama) Richard Gere. An undisciplined loner enters basic training to become a U.S. Navy pilot. (R) (HD) HBO302302302302302302400The Legend of Tarzan (16) Tarzan must travel ba ck to Congo to serve as trade emissary of Parliament. VICE News Tonight: 4-19-2017 The Huntsman: Winters War (16, Fantasy) Chris Hemsworth, Charlize Theron. Man and woman try to stop evil queens from conquering the land.(:55) The Leftovers: The Book of Kevin Return as chief. (TVMA) (R) (HD)Fight Game(HD)Girls: Latching New part of life. HBO2303303303303303303402(:10) The Last Witch Hunter (15, Action) Vin Diesel, Rose Leslie. Cursed warrior become s humanitys last hope when Queen Witch is resurrected. Last Week John Oliver(TVMA)Hairspray (07, Comedy) Nikki Blonsky, John Travolta. An overweight teenager and her best friend try to audition for a dance show. (PG) (HD)The Sixth Sense (99, Thriller) A doctor tries to help a young boy who is visited by the spirits of the dead. HBO3304304304304304304404(4:45) Gasland Part II (TV14) (:50) How to Let Go of the World and Lo ve All the Things Climate Cant Change (16, Documentary) Documentarian Josh Fox travels the world to learn more about climate change. 42 (13, Drama) Chadwick Boseman, Harrison Ford. A talented player and a heroic manager exude bravery and courage against racism. (HD)Last Week John Oliver(TVMA)Real Sports Gumbel (HD) MAX320320320320320320420(:15) Dave Chappelles Block Party (06, Comedy) Dave Chappelle and guests perform music and comedy sketches at a block party. (R) (HD)Minority Report (02) Tom Cruise. A detective in the year 2054 attempts to countermand destiny after his departments crime-prediction technology indicates he will commit a murder. Black Mass (15, Crime) Deals between the FBI and Irish mobster WhiteyŽ Bulger spin out of control. MAX2321321321321321321422(5:40) I Love You, Man (09) A fianc goes on a few man datesŽ to secure a best man for his wedding. Mr. Woodcock (07, Comedy) A young man tries to stop his mother from marrying his old gym teacher. American Pie (99, Comedy) Sexually inexperienced high school kids learn about life, love and the libido.(:35) American Pie 2 (01, Comedy) Jim Levinstein and his pa ls reunite at a Lake Michigan summerhouse. (R) SHO340340340340340340365Out of the Furnace (13, Thriller) Christian Bale, Woody Harrelson. A harden blue-collar workers desperate search for his missing brother. (R)Mr. Brooks (07, Crime) Kevin Costner, Demi Moore. A devoted father and serial killer is tracked by a tough detective. (R) (HD)Guerrilla Marcus and Jas become targets. (TVMA) (R) (HD)Steve Byrne: Tell The Damn Joke Stand-up event. (TVMA) (R) (HD) TMC350350350350350350385Awaken (15) Hunted on island. Amigo Undead (15, Comedy) A camping trip with two estranged brothers and a group of friends goes awry. The Gift (15, Thriller) Jason Bateman, Rebecca Hall. Wife questions how well she knows her husband after learning secret. (R) (HD)Saw (04, Horror) Two men are chained in a bathroom with taped instructions to kill each other. (R) (HD)Attack of the Lederhosen (17) 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 2:30 p.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League Soccer Quarter“nal, Second Leg Juventus at Barcelona from Camp Nou. (L) 3:30 p.m. FSN MLB Baseball Miami Marlins at Seattle Mariners from Safeco Field. (L) 7 p.m. FSSUN MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers at Tampa Bay Rays from Tropicana Field. (L) 7:30 p.m. USA 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Eastern Conference First Round, Game 4 Ottawa Senators at Boston Bruins from TD Garden. (L) 8 p.m. ESPN MLB Baseball Cleveland Indians at Minnesota Twins from Target Field. (L) TNT 2017 NBA Playoffs Western Conference First Round, Game 2 Oklahoma City Thunder at Houston Rockets. (L) 10 p.m. USA 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Western Conference First Round, Game 4 Anaheim Ducks at Calgary Flames. (L) 10:30 p.m. GOLF European Tour Golf Shenzhen International: Round 1 from Genzon GC in Shenzhen, China. (L) TNT 2017 NBA Playoffs Western Conference First Round, Game 2 Portland Trail Blazers at Golden State Warriors. (L) 2:30 a.m. GOLF European Tour Golf Shenzhen International: Round 1 from Genzon GC in Shenzhen, China. (L)7:00 a.m. ABC Good Morning America Actor Tony Hale from VeepŽ; actress Brie Larson from Free Fire.Ž (N) 7:00 a.m. NBC Today Robert De Niro and Jane Rosenthal talk about the Tribeca Film Festival. (N) 9:00 a.m. CBS LIVE with Kelly Jussie Smollett; Ro se Byrne; Bella Thorne. (N) 9:00 a.m. FOX Jerry Springer Woman sleeps with sisters boyfriend; couple tries to survive relationship. (N) 9:00 a.m. MYN The 700 Club Man shares his inspiring conversation with God about forgiveness and redemption. (N) 10:00 a.m. CW Rachael Ray Fashion experts Gregory and Lawrence Zarian share how to get a designer style. (N) 11:00 a.m. FOX The Steve Wilkos Show Man abuses girlfriend; girlfriend takes lie detector test after accusations. (N) 1:00 p.m. ABC The Chew Courtney B. Vance talks about his movie The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.Ž (N) 2:00 p.m. CBS The Talk Cheryl Ladd talks about UnforgettableŽ “lm; Elizabeth Wagmeister. (N) 2:00 p.m. IND The Steve Wilkos Show Man abuses girlfriend; girlfriend takes lie detector test after accusations. (N) 3:00 p.m. CBS Harry John Lithgow; Harry tries food sample in San Francisco; Condola Rashad. (N) 3:00 p.m. NBC The Dr. Oz Show Insider tips are given on how to get the most out of a dollar at big box stores. (N) 5:00 p.m. CW Dr. Phil A girl claims her mother is extremely intrusive and meddles in her affairs. (N) 11:00 p.m. TBS Conan Deon Cole; X Ambassadors. (N) 11:35 p.m. ABC Jimmy Kimmel Live Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus from VeepŽ; actor Kevin Nealon Man With A Plan.Ž (N) 11:35 p.m. NBC The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Actress Sienna Miller; chef Anthony Bourdain; Chris Cornell performs. (N)Todays Sports Todays Talk Shows Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV


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Bargain mint. $65 ea. 941-639-1517 SILVER COINS U.S. silver coins $499 781-956-8891 TRAY VINTAGE Cromwell hand wrought hammered alum 12x21 handles $15 941-830-0524 6075 FRUITS & VEGETABLES BLUEBERRIES U-Pick Ready for Picking at Ft Ogden. Call For Directions 863-990-6164 6090 MUSICAL DEJEMBE ADVENT Remo 10Ž Drum. Shoulder Strap. Like New. $80 941-567-8857 GUITAR Fender, Starcaster, strat, Electric, Like New $65 716-523-0463 MANDOLIN MELLON BACK, C.F. Martin no cracks, great playi ng cond. $400 716-523-0463 PEAVEY AMP Back stage plus $65 716-523-0463 PIANO EVERETT Upright w/bench. excel cond $395, OBO 941-764-9022 6095 MEDICAL MOBILITY SCOOTER Pride Jazzy Select 6 Exc. Cond. $900/obo 941-575-9023 VIAGRA!! 52 Pills for only $99 Your #1 Trusted Provider for 10 years Insured & Guaranteed Delivery Call Now 1-800-224-0305 WHEEL CHAIR ULTRA LIGHT $50 941-423-9888 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372 AGAVE PINEAPPLE begonia coleus frangipani geranium pepperomia $5 941-202-3696 6035 FURNITURE LIVING ROOM TABLES $100 941-380-9212 LOVESEAT & SOFA $100 941-698-9222 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MATTRESSES King Beauty Rest, W/Boxspring Gently Used Seasonly $400 941-258-4922 MATTRESSS 2 Twins xl Beauty Rest, W/Bxspring Gently Used Seasonly. $400 941-258-4922 NESTING TABLE 3PCS $60 obo 952-935-4505 RECLINER Dark Green, leather look vinyl, good condition. $30 716-598-2406 SIDE TABLE OAK Pennsylvania House, W/Brass $75 941-473-2014 SOFA BED QUEEN Sealy, Matching loveseat, ottoman, & Chair. $500 941-258-4922 SOFA Classic contemp, Revsbl cushions & color. Excel cond. $250 941-275-5700 SOFA SLEEPER 3PC SECTIONAL, Almost new! Off-White! Paid $2500 Asking $375, OBO 941-268-2799 TABLE 42Ž Round dark wood. $40 941-473-2014 TABLE Solid wood, w/drop leaf 74Žx48Ž drop is 28Žx48Ž $150 941-625-5962 TABLE, 42Ž ROUND glass coffee table with multi-brown round rug $60 941-833-5744 TABLE, 5Round, light, folding legs. $75 941-496-9252 TABLE, Allibert-Lanai White oval 37Žx64Ž $75 941-625-5962 TABLE COFFEE/COCKTAIL Wood. Excellent Condition. $45, OBO 941-629-6374 WALL UNIT 3 PC ROSEWOOD AND GLASS, MUST SELL! Very rare $350 941-268-2799 6038 ELECTRONICS WALKIE TALKIE SET never used $60 941-218-4502 6040 TV/STEREO/RADIO TV, 42Ž Panasonic LCD, works good $125 obo 941-505-2378 6060 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT CABLE MODEM Wifi Router Surfboard. Like new, In Box. Asking $60 941-416-0865 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES WATCH WOMANS Preowned genuine diamond bezel Movado Stainless steel with papers and original box. Model #0606498 Asking $600 941-626-7841 WEDDING DRESS Halter style straightline, Size 2 detachable train $200 336-471-5595 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES 1907 ROLLS SilverGhost 1:24 model w/display case mint COA $75, OBO 941-830-0524 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CHAIR TALIAN TAPESTY carved, early 1900 $200 941-473-2014 CHINA SET Johnson Brothers, Tulip Time pattern, 59 pieces, nice $79, OBO 716-598-2406 COIN 1878 MORG DOLLAR 8 tail feathers, rare collector $195 941-214-8188 COINS GOLD FROM THE U.S.MINT $480 781-956-8891 DINING TABLE HITCHCOCK48/60Ž Round, Table & 4 chairs Beautiful $195. 941-488-5595 Venice 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS ELECTROLUX VACCUUM W/ POWER NOZZLE EX COND $100 941-743-0582 HAIR CLIPPER $10 941-2184502 KITCHEN SINK w/faucet FrankeSS Dble Sink good cond. $100 941-743-3258 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MIRROR 30Žx44Ž wood frame $15. 941-423-7772 MIRROR Large 70x38 $100 obo 941-475-6657 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. SHEET, MICROFIBER, FULL SHEET. NEVER OPENED. PEACH. $8 941-391-6377 VACUUM HOOVER Upwright Tempo, Like New, & 99% Dust & pollen trap $25 941-391-4209 VACUUM Kenmore Carpet and Carpet Shampoo CleanerSystem $50 336-471-5595 6035 FURNITURE BEDMATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BEDROOM SET Girls, Twin, All Metal, Exc Cond. $300 941-380-9212 BUNK BED Wood, Carved horses design in Footbd. 1 new mattress $100 941-421-4748 CABINET 5 drawer white wood $40 941-473-2014 CHAIR Beautiful casual rattan swivel rocker $25 941-255-0926 CHAIRS WOOD (2) Tall, Large seat, Port Charlotte. $20 419-260-7103 COFFEE &(2)END TABLES Glass Top, Port Charlotte $50 419-260-7103 DESSERS (2) & 1Mirror W/2nightstand, Palisser Oak Wood $500 941-258-4922 TABLE 45Ž RATTAN. 45Ž ROUND.FORMICATOP$35.00941-4885595 DINETTE TABLE, glass top, no chairs. $40 941-833-5744 DININGSET Rattan, $50, SOFA, 7` Lthr., $20., COFFEE TABLE, 4` Square. $25 770-490-2393 ENTERTAINMENTCNTR 3Pcs lightcolor I/2Ž thick presswood Like New $75 941-697-7364 HEADBOARD KING White wicker, very sterdy $175, OBO 941-202-9861 I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 LIVING ROOM SET Blue, leather Couch, over size chair & ottoman, $500 941-456-3490 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 8-12 & SAT. 8-10 21 Tropicana. ESTATE SALE Assisted by the Isles Girls and Guys. (Dir: Marion to Tropicana; turn right to house.) Sofa; Loveseat; Chair; 2 End Tables; Coffee Table; Pictures; Stacked Tables; Lamps; Server; 3 Area Rugs; Dining Room Table & 6 Chairs; 3 Trucks; King Bed; 2 Night Stands; Dresser & Mirror; Chest; 2 Chairs; Large Couch; Small Table; 3 Bookcases; Stressless Chairs; Sofa Table; Small Glass Table & 4 Chairs; Queen Bed; 2 Night Stands; Dresser & Mirror; Trundle Bed; Desk & Chair; Table & 6 Chairs; Lounge; Ladder; Christmas Items; Miscelleneous Kitchen & Garage Items. See for more information relative to this sale. Buyers are responsible for the removal of their purchases items. Our casher has information regarding independent movers. 6008 ROTONDA AREA GARAGE SALES THUR-FRI. 9AM-1PM 784 Boundary Blvd, Clothes, Shoes, Crafts, Household Items, Books, Golf..ETC!! 6010 S.VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES PSYCHIC FAIR2nd & 4th Sat. Every month 10am-3pm TOP READERS $15/15 min ANGEL MINISTRIES 2269 S. Tamiami Trail Venice 941-4 92-4995 6011 VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES FRI.-SAT. 8AM-1PM 1223 Whitney Drive. Costumes, Jewelry, China, CDs, M & W Clothes, UNIQUE Items!! SAT ONLY 8am-Noon 308 Park Blvd S. household goods, Lazy Boy Recliner and much more. SAT. 8-1 1216 Ridgewood Ave. MOVING SALE Household items, furniture, office furniture and much more. ADVERTISE In TheClassifieds! SAT. 8AM-3PM 201 Greywing Ct. (East of Venice Roundabout) MOVING SALE Come Check Us Out!! WEDNESDAY 4/19.10-3 Call 770-827-8685 for instructions for Gated Entrance. Waterford-Moon Drive. ESTATE SALEFurniture: Living, Dining, Lanai, and much more! 6026 SEWING SEWING MACHINE Brother Model#SE-400, embroidery, $150 419-260-7103 SEWING MACHINE Husqvarna Viking, for Quilting W/extesion. $150 419-260-7103 SEWING MACHINE Kenmore 36, Good Cond, Port Charlotte. $50 419-260-7103 6027 DOLLS ANNALEE 7ŽDOLL rare bunny kidŽ mint w/orig tag $15 941-639-1517 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS AIR MATTRESS Comparable to Sleep Number, King Size, 2 controls $200 336-471-5595 BED SPREAD, Home made crochet bed spread. King or Queen $40 941-218-4502 BED MATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 COFFEE TABLE solid wood excellent cond inlayed wood design $35, OBO 941-629-6374 6004 NOKOMIS/OSPREY GARAGE SALES PARK TRACE ESTATES Annual Community GARAGE SALE One Day Only, Saturday April 22nd 9AM-2PM US 41 to Bay St. Rain Date: 4/29 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI. 8-12 9236 Spring Cir. Fiestaware, Macbook Pro 15Ž Laptop, Callaway Golf Clubs, Some Tools, Kitchen Items, Various Other Items! T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 5185 ROOFING PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED!


Page 18 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 19, 2017 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY LADDER ALUMINUM 6 $255 941-743-0582 ROUTER CRAFTSMAN One & half HP. Like new in the box $25 941-214-8188 ROUTER, CHICAGO 1/4Ž Trimmer, 26,000 rpm, new in box never used $30 941-697-5469 ROUTER, PORTER Cable, mod 690 LR, new in box, never used $90 941-697-5469 6231 BIRDS BIRDS FOR SALE, Many different varieties. Cheap Call for details 941-276-3791 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6236 PET SUPPLIES & SERVICES BIRD CAGE 39X70 CUSTOM WOOD-STAINLESS GORGEOUS PIECE $450 941-475-1379 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL Good Condition $80 941-486-0189 MICROWAVE 1500W Black over the Range, like new with mountings. $75 941-412-1491 REFRIGERATOR KENMORE27 2door white W/icemaker $100 obo 941-475-6657 REFRIGERATOR New, top freezer, 18cu white $150, OBO 941-423-8243 REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 REFRIGERATOR, Kenmore, 28 cu. ft. Like New Inside & Out! $60.941-423-7772 STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 Now $895 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER Kenmore &DRYER Whirlpool $200 941-626-7763 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low prices 6160 LAWN & GARDEN LAWN MOWER MTD 20ŽPush Like New $75, OBO 941-485-0681 LAWN MOWER Self-propelled, good condition $60 obo 941-505-2378 LAWN TABLE glass top, aluminum frame, also resin chairs avail $25 941-497-3250 LAWNMOWER RIDING Ariens Hydro Tractor 46Ž Excel Cond $475, OBO 941-391-6377 LINE TRIMMER: Troybuilt, 25cc, straight shaft, New. $ 110, OBO 941-485-0681 MOWER, RIDING Snapper, Like new $495 941-268-0917 MOWER, RIDING, Murray. 12.5HP, 38" Cut. Like Brand New! $400 941-268-0917 MOWER, Self-Propelled Torro. 6.5 w/ Bagger. Like Brand New $150 941-268-0917 PLUG AERATOR 40Ž tow behind $150, OBO 941-764-7323 PRESSURE WASHER Troybuilt 3000psi New Pump $300, OBO 941-485-0681 ROTARY SPREADER John Deere tow behind, 130lbs $200 941-764-7323 THATCHER TOWBEHIND $60, OBO 941-764-7323 TOP SOILFor Sale! Please call: 941-468-4372 ULTRA-TOW 5 Deluxe Aluminum Cargo Carrier Can Be Used On RVs Good For Mobility Scooters, Lawn Mowers, Etc. $250/obo 941-575-9023 WEEDWACKER CRAFTMAN GAS W17Ž/25CC TRIMMER $50, OBO 941-391-6377 6165 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS WEATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Set Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 6170 BUILDING SUPPLIES BATHROOM VANITY 4 Solid wood, w/top $50 941-629-5713 MISC. CONCRETE BLOCKS Must Pick Up & Take All. FREE! 941-223-3217 SCREEN DOOR White alum. 35.5 x 79.5, New, with hinges, closer kit & sweep $65 941697-1115 WINDOWS W/SCREENS (7)Aluminum crankout 36X62 $125 336-471-5595 6180 HEAVY/CONST. EQUIPMENT 4630 KABOTA DEISEL GST Tractor, 206 Hrs. Like New! 4 Wheel Drive. Front Loader. 6` Bush Hog, 6` Box Blade, $20,000 (941)-628-6937 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY BELT-SANDER CRAFTSMAN 6Ž model 113-22633 table mount $50 941-214-8188 CHIPPER Briggs & Stratton 8 HP $200, OBO 941-268-2799 GENERATOR HONDA GX 340, 11HP, AB 5000x, Like new. Auto throtle. $800 941-889-7196 PRESSURE WASHER Honda, 2000 PSI, $150, OBO 941-505-2378 6130 SPORTING GOODS FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 HILLERICH & BRADSBY Louisville Slugger #26 official softball bat $15 941-639-1517 HORSESHOES SET made of steel $15 941-743-0582 LIFE JACKETS Brand new Onyx 3 buckle boating life vests $15 Each 941412-1491 RICHARD PETTY POSTER 24X36 SIGNED FRAMED AWESOME!! $479 941-475-1379 6131FIREARMS BROWNING CITORI, 12 ga. O/U w/ 26Ž Barrels & 5 Choke Tubes, $900. SAVAGE 20 Ga, O/U, 2 3/4 & 3Ž Shells w/ 5 Choke Tubes, Used Twice. $575. REMINGTON 12 Ga., 870 Express Magnum, 2 3/4 & 3Ž Shells, $275. 239-699-7648 MAGNUM Res. Desert Eagle 357 Mag. SS 2 Extra Mags & Case $1,000 941-763-9238 NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. 6133 HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES ALUMINUM FISHING Wagon w/ Rod Holders & Fillet Tray. New. $125 941-223-9800 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES BICYCLE GIRLS MONSTER HIGH $50 941-423-9888 BIKE 26Ž Alum. Mountain Bike, like new $85, OBO 941-5052378 BIKE Beach Cruisers Lajolla 26Ž ladies Aluminum $65 941-421-2704 BIKE RECUMBENT performer goal 26x ex cond 27speed $500 941-743-0582 6138 TOYS/GAMES HELLICOPTER 4 RADIO RC $125, OBO 941-423-8243 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES **SPAS & MORE** We take Trade ins We Move Hot Tubs & Buy Used Hot Tubs! 941-625-6600 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 6160 LAWN & GARDEN CENTURY PLANTS 30 available ea $2 630-790-2948 CHAIN SAW Poulin Pro 18Ž NEW in box $150, OBO 941-485-0681 CHAIN SAW: Homelite, 14Ž NEW $120, OBO 941-485-0681 CHAR-BROIL GRILL 4burner w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 C uddle up by the fire! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 DUMP CART 3x4 tow behind $150, OBO 941-764-7323 LAWN MOWER Craftsman Hydostat, 46Ž Cut. $499 obo 941-505-2378 6126 GOLF CARTS 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Midnight BlackŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … DEMO SALEŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Custom Yellow PaintŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … EZ GO 2004. Loaded. $2,495, Make Offer. 941-380-3390 RED RACERŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New Custom PaintedŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6128 EXERCISE / FITNESS BOWFLEXPR1000, Home Gym. Very New Used 10 times $200 941-833-5744 6130 SPORTING GOODS 2 GUYS GUN SHOWS APRIL 29th & 30th Charlotte County Fairgrounds 2333 El Jobean Rd (776) Port Charlotte, FL Buy-Sell-Trade New-Used FREEParking CWP Classes Avail. Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-4 727-776-3442 Needa newRide? Findit inthe Classifieds! 6126 GOLF CARTS 2000 CLUB CAR DS Recent "Red" Paint 4 Passenger Golf Cart Brand New Batteries {C7} New Flip Rear Seat New SS Hubcaps New Bushings {front & rear} Head and Tail Lights Great Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Top, Mirror and Charger $2,875. 941-830-4723 Free Delivery {25mi.} Calls Only Please No text 2003 CLUB CAR DS IQ System 4 Passenger 48 Volt "Gold" Golf Cart Speed Setting 4 {+-19/20 mph}. New Flip Rear Seat 6-8 Volt 2016 Batteries {E6} Headlights & taillights New Chrome SS Wheel Caps Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top, Windshield, Mirror and Charger. $3,275 941-830-4723 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only PLEASE NO TEXT Findthe perfect companion inthe Classifieds! 2008 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 10" Rims w/215x50x10 Tires 6 8 Volt 2014 Batteries New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger. $3,795. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ButterscotchŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2011 CLUBCARPRECEDENT4 Passenger Custom "Pearl" Spartan Body Brand New Batteries {C7} Deluxe Lights {Head,Tail, Signal, Brake and Horn} Flip Rear Seat Excellent Tires, Brakes, Mirror, Windshield, Top, Chrome SS Caps and Charger $3,995 941-830-4723 DELIVERYINCLUDED{25MI.} NO TEXT PLEASE 6110 TREES & PLANTS ALOE VERA devils backbone mexican petunias oyster snake spider lily $5 941-202-3696 BROMELIADS VARIOUS aechmeas neoregelias vriesas starting at $5 941-202-3696 FLORIDA AVOCADO/CITRUS 1-2 tall seedlings organically grown $5 941-202-3696 LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A MOSES PLANTS 5 for $1 941218-4502 ORCHIDS CATTLEYA purple mature potted other plants for less $20 941-202-3696 VIBURNUM GREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE, PALMS, MANYOTHERPLANTS ATREASONABLE PRICES! SUISNURSURY941-232-6835 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES GOLF CART CHARGERS CLUB CAR, EZGO, YAMAHA Scratch and Dent Starting at $99 WARRANTY 941-769-1431VISIT GOLF CLUBS CALLAWAY rzr-z 4-T/A, Reg/Graphite Exc Cond $250 OBO 941-391-4209 GOLF UMBRELLA, LARGE $15 941-218-4502 6126 GOLF CARTS 06 EZGO 4 Passenger Golf Cart PASSION PINK BRAND NEW BATTERIES High Speed New Flip Down Rear Seat New Tires Sunbrella Enclosure New Chrome Wheel Caps New Upholstery 36 Volt Charger Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow JacketŽ Cables New Bushings Brakes, Top & Mirror Smooth and FAST! STK#174A $3,325. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2000 Club Car DS Plumb Crazy PurpleŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit …


Wednesday, April 19, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 19 7148 BMW 2007 BMW X3 AWD $10,900 93K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 BMW 320I $17,990 BLUE, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 BMW 328IC $17,990 CONV, SILVER, 51K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 BMW 3SERIES 328I $20,422,4Dr Sedan, Black. 14,952 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 7160 HONDA 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY LX $10,98 4Dr Pass 650 mi 844467-9558 dlr 2008 HONDA CIVIC EX $4,982 W/NAV 4D SDN 167,531mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2008 HONDA ACCORD LX 2.4 $6,996 4D SDN RED 126,913 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2010 HONDA FIT $8,900, 87,000 MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2008 HONDA CR-V EX $9,636 4Dr sport Utility 100,999 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2008 HONDA CR-VEX$9,636 4Dr Sport Util. 844-467-9558dlr 2012 HONDA FIT $10,000 4 Dr. Hatchback, Blue. Only 23,700 Miles! 941-960-9612 2010 HONDA CR-V $11,990 GRAY, 96K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 HONDA ACCORD $13,750 4 Door LX. 24K+ MI. 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RED, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2016 FORD MUSTANG 22,946 EcoBoost Prem. 32,300 Mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2008 FORD FOCUS 4Dr SE. 78K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7075 GMC 2011 GMC TERRAIN SLT-2 $15,966 ,4Dr, Sp Util Red, 66,795 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 GMC ACADIA DENALI $32,836 ,4Dr, Sp Util Red, 21,779 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 GMC TERRAIN, SLE-2, EXCCONDITION, REDUCEDSALE 941-626-7682 Dlr 7040 CHEVROLET 2015 CHEVROLET CAMARO $19,990 RED, 39K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 CHEVY CAMARO 2DR $21,989 Coupe 2ss Gray 66,401mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2006 CHEVY CORVETTEBASE$22,907,,2Dr CPE RED, 59,339 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2003 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT, 3rd Row Seating, 4WD MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7050 CHRYSLER 2010 CHRYSLER T&C $11,989 Fr-wh -Wh dr Red 90,280 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2008 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE $12,500 Exc. cond. Low mileage! 33K. Yellow w/black interior & top. Located in Englewood 414-322-5650 2015 CHRYSLER 200 $14,989,, 4dr Fr-wh-dr White 42,173 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 CHRYSLER T&C $15,898 Fr-wh -Wh dr Red 7 7,012 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 CHRYSLER T&C $16,900, CAB 52,K MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2005 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE Convertible. Pearl Red. 45K MI. New Tires. $11,000 941-205-0928 2005 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE Convertible, LTD. 30K MI. White, New Tires $13,500 941-258-5289 2003 CHRYSLER PTCRUISER 76KMI Gold MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 1989 CHRYSLER LEBARON $2,800 Conv. New Top, Tires & Battery. No Rust. 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Page 20 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 19, 2017


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Dual batteries. $9,950. 941-268-4532 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TOW BAR $75, OBO 941-629-6165 VALVE COVERS, 350 Corvette alum, black finned $160 941697-5469 TRAILER WIRING KIT for Lexus RX 350 & RX 450H $10 941-697-5469 HUB CAPS: COROLLA (2) 15Ž good condition, price for both. $25 941-412-1491 7290 VANS 2002 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $3,500 OBO, Limited, 1 owner, 55K miles, Perfect Shape *SOLD 1st DAY* 2005 FORD CONVERSION VAN $8,700 Lthr. Seats & Bed, Back Up Camera, TV, Chrome Wheels & Michelin Tires, 50,700. Miles! 419-602-7182 2014 HONDA ODYESSEY EX-L $24,993 4dr pass van, 30,018 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $25,497 EX-L, CERT, 40K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $26,497 EX-L, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,477EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,950 EX-L, CERT, WHITE, 41K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,990 NAV, 30K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,950 TOURING ELITE, 5,738 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,975 TOURING WHITE 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ODYSSEY $39,987 TOURING, CERT, 10K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan WHEELCHAIR Van, 10Ž lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 1999 FORD E250 CARGO VAN Extended. New tires, Good shape! $2895.00 (941)763-4818 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2000 FORD F-150 XLT $3,500125K MI. Full Tow. Cold A/C Well Maintained, Good Mechanical Cond 941-697-6076 2004 DODGE DAKOTA $4,900 obo Long Bed w/ Fiberglass Top. 136K Mi. Runs Great, Looks Good. 401-965-7084 REDUCED 2015 NISSAN VERSA $12,9894dr sdn 1.6 White 18,118 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2011 NISSAN CUBE $13,9894dr Fr-wheel 10,579 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA $16,9894dr sdn 2.5 8,577 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 GMC SIERRA 1500 $20,9894x2 extnd Silver 97,788 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2012 NISSAN NV CARGO $22,9893dr rear-wheel 33,005 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 TOYOTA TACOMA $26,497 GRAY, 31K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 FORD F-150 $28,897 XLT, BLUE, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 TOYOTA TUNDRA $32,990 SR5 4X4 BLUE, 29K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $33,897 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 TOYOTA TUNDRA $36,977 SR5 UPGRADE PKG 18K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7210 TOYOTA 2014 TOYOTA CAMRY SE 35K miles, loaded, auto, like new! 941-883-6088 2011 TOYOTA AVALON LTD 73K miles, 1 owner, Navi, Roof Pearl. 941-883-6088 7220 VOLKSWAGEN 2 011 VW TIGUAN S $7,836 4 Dr Sp Util, Red 124,437 M I 8 44-467-9558 Dlr 2014 VW JETTA 2.0L S $9,506 4Dr Sedan. White.. 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 VW JETTA 2.0L S $9,506 4D Sdn 54,554MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 VW JETTA 2.5L se $9,953 4dr Sdn silver, 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 VW JETTA 2.5l SE $9,953 4D Sdn 83,394 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT 2.5 s $11,893,, 4d Sdn, Gray 13,900 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 VW JETTA 1.8T se $12,953 4dr Sdn silver, 14,536 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW JETTA 2.0L S 4 Dr $12,966 Sdn, Red 40,994 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT $13,900 39,k mil 844-467-9795 dlr 2014 VW JETTA GLI $13,968 4D Sdn 86,340 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT 1.8T s $14,852, 4d Sdn, 52,890 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT 1.8T s $14,852, 4d Sdn, 52,890 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2012 VW GTI $14,900 49,k mil 844-467-9795 dlr 2015 VW BEETLE 1.8T $16,971 2dr Conv Blk 39,080mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2017 VW TIGUAN S $26,833 4Dr Sp Utility, Blue 3 ,000 M IL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 VW BEETLE2.5L $,9698 2dr Htchback, Red. 844-467-9558 Dlr 7230 VOLVO 2015 VOLVO XC60 $30,797 T5 DRIVE-E PLAT. 43K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7250 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1969 FORD MUSTANG $27,500 Convertible, 351 Engine, Red w/ Black Top & Interior. Complete Restoration! Must Sell! 941-979-2227 7260 AUTOS WANTED WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 CASHFOR ALL TRUCKS & CARS ANY COND RUNNING OR NOT. (352)-342-7037 7178 LEXUS 2016 LEXUS GX-460 $47,477 PREM. PKG, BLACK, 11K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2007 LEXUS ES350, LOADED, EXCELLENTCONDITION, REDUCEDSALE 941-626-7682 dlr 7180 MAZDA 2010 MAZDA3 $8,900 79,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2010 MAZDA3 $8,900 79,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 MAZDA6 i TOURING $17,953 4dr Sedan, Blue 16,203 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 7190 MERCEDES 2010 MERCEDES-BENZ GL450 $19,990 BLACK, 92K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 MERCEDES-BENZ $21,989 4dr,E350,Rear 50,127 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 7195 MITSUBISHI 2008 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 2DR COUPE GS 73K MI LIKE NEW! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7200 NISSAN 2016 NISSAN VERSA $10 10,9002,000,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2009 NISSAN CUBE 1.8 $1,695 4D sTATION WG 90,000 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2007 NISSAN SENTRA2.0 S$3,439 4DR Sedan 139,086 MI 844-467-9558dlr 2014 NISSAN SENTRA $12,989 4dr sdn m6 20,195 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2012 NISSAN ROGUE $14,989, 4dr, all-wheel dr, blk. 52,417 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 NISSAN ROGUE S 16,833 4dr Sp Util 27,419 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 S 13,478 4DR SDN 40,645 MI 844-467-9558DLR 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 S 12,917 4DR SDN 47,813 MI 844-467-9558DLR 7206 SAAB 2010 SAAB 9-3 $9,990 SILVER, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7207 SUBARU 2016 SUBARU FORESTER 2.5I $25,8364Dr, Sp Utility. 2,895 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 SUBARU OUTBACK2.5i $29,985,, limited4D Sp Util 10,725 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 7210 TOYOTA 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA $12,989 4dr Sdn, blk 43,013 m 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 TOYOTA COROLLA S $13,8964Dr Sedan, White. 24,052 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2012 TOYOTA CAMRY $16,989 4dr Sdn,Red 26,843 m 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 TOYOTA AVALON XLE $19,6134Dr Sedan White 25,508 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2012 TOYOTA TACOMA $22,361 4DR DBL CAB 56,999MI 844-467-9558DLR 2014 TOYOTA AVALON $24,989 4dr sdn red 9,154 mi 844-468-0509 DLr 2016 TOYOTA TACOMA V6 $25,997, SR5 4d DBL CAB 13,935 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2016 TOYOTA TACOMA V6 $25,997, SR5 4d DBL CAB 13,935 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $26,900,Limited 16K MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 TOYOTA SIENNA $26,989 4dr Fr wheel 39,643 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2017 TOYOTA CAMRY SE 40,911 mi 4DR SDN WHITE 12,058 MI 844-467-9558 DLR 7163 HYUNDAI 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA $12,900, 48,K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 HYUNDAI ELANTRA SE$13,900, 19,K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI SONATA SE $14,683 4dr Sedan, White 41,327 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 HYUNDAI GENESIS $19,990 LOADED, WHITE, 50K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI SONATA SE $23,943 4dr Sedan, White 41,327 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA WAGON. 45K Mi. 1-Owner. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7165 INFINITI 2015 INFINITI Q50 $19,900, 45K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 INFINITI QX50 $31,877 BLUE, 6,112 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2012 INFINITI QX56 $35,990 SILVER 64K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7177 KIA 2015 KIA RIO LX $9,963 4Door SDN, red. 41,935 mi, 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 KIA RIO LX $9,963 4Door SDN, red. 41,935 mi, 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 KIA FORTE $12,989 4Dr Sdn, 1.8 Blue 36,512 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2012 KIA SEDONA ,$12,989 Fr-Wheel Dr Silver, 16,767 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 KIA OPTIMA $13,900 23,000 mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 KIA OPTIMA LX $14,155 4Dr Sdn, Blk 40,992 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 KIA SPORTAGE $14,90042,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 KIA SORENTO $14,90053,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 KIA OPTIMA EX $14,986 4Door SDN, GRAY 32,225 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 KIA FORTE $14,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Red, 17,690 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 KIA FORTE $14,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Gray, 9,129 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 KIA SORENTO $16,179 4Dr Sp Utility, Red. 35,929 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 KIA SPORTAGE LX $16,752 4Dr, Sp Utility, Red. 25,703 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 KIA OPTIMALX $16,90023,000 mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 KIA FORTE EX 9K miles, Estate Car, Loaded, Perfect. 941-883-6088 2005 KIA SORENTO EX, WHITE, 74K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7178 LEXUS 2008 LEXUS RX-400H $15,990 NAV, RED, 89K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS RX-350 $17,911 CERT, 90K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2002 LEXUS SC-430 $18,990 CONV, WHITE, 71K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS RX-350 $19,990 RED, 69K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 LEXUS RX-450H $24,990 BLACK, 55K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS IS-250 $26,911 CERT, BLACK, 18K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS ES-350 $26,911 CERT, WHITE, 23K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS RX-350 $28,990 AWD, CERT, 43K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7160 HONDA 2014 HONDA CR-V EX -l $21,321 4Dr sport Utility 32,863 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2013 HONDA PILOT EX-L $21,993 4Dr SP UTILITY, 45,703 m 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 HONDA PILOT Touring $24,336 4Dr Sp Util 82,402 mil 844-467-9558 2015 HONDA CR-V $24,989 4Dr sport Utility 45,302 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA CR-V TOURING$25,633 4Dr SP UTILITY, 32,541 m 844-467-9558 dlr 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,897 EX-L CERT, WHITE, 4,649 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,977 EX-L, CERT, BLUE, 16K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2013 HONDA RIDGELINE $26,000, 4x4 33,000 MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYESSEYex-l $26,8564Dr Pass Van w/nav 45,120 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA PILOT $27,597 EX, BLUE, 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT $27,877 EX-L, WHITE, 29K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT $27,897 EX-L, WHITE, 31K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYESSEYex-l $29,413 4D Pass Van 19,811 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2016 HONDA CR-V $29,897 TOURING, CERT, 9,222 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $29,897 TOURING, CERT, 5,987 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEYEX-L$30,309 4Dr Pass Van,w/nav. 17,835 MI 844-467-9558dlr 2015 HONDA ODYSSEYEX-L$30,309 4Dr Pass Van,w/nav. 17,835 MI 844-467-9558dlr 2016 HONDA PILOT LX 27,461 4D Sp Util 21,279 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HONDA CR-V EX-L 23,857 4Dr sport Utility 17,650 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA ACCORD EX 19,694 4D SDN 9,720 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 HONDA ACCORD LX 17,633 4D SDN 9,465 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 7163 HYUNDAI 2003 HYUNDAI SONATA LX $4,900, 89,K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS $4,962 4dr Sedan 104,075 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS $4,962 4dr Sedan 104,075 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRAGT $7,911 91K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 HYUNDAI GENESIS $9,990 TAN, 94K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI ACCENTGLS$10,863 4dr Sedan 39,045 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2016 HYUNDAI ACCENT $10,900, 21,000 MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA $10,900, 53,000 MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA gls $10,948 4Dr Sp util Gray 55,685 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI VELOSTER $11,697 3Dr Htchbck Gray 40,911 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI VELOSTER $11,697 3Dr Htchbck Gray 40,911 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GT $11,900, 86,000 MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI ACCENT $11,989 4dr sdn gls, Tan 30,746 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA $12,900, 48,K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR


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Page 24 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 19, 2017 T Treemendous Tree 941-426-8983 10% SENIOR DISCOUNT ISA Certied Arborist John Cannon FL-6444 A T J RIZ TREE SERVICE We Carry Liability And Workers Comp Licensed & Insured T T T 941-889-814719 Years Experience T T W T adno=8602347 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs WANTED All Motor Homes, TTs, 5th whls,Vans conversion & passenger, cars & Diesel trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 954-789-7530 I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 2005 CLASSCToyhauler lots of new parts, great cond. Must See $28,000 obo 941-468-1606 2000 31 WINNEBAGO BRAVE Low Miles! Loaded. Good Condition! $15,500. 941-426-5126 7382 RV/CAMPER PARTS EXTENSION BRUSH & CLEANER $15.941-423-7772 HUB CAPS (2) Never Used. 16Ž & 20Ž $25. Paid $50. New. ALSO 3 Boxes of Small Parts $15. 941-423-7772 1994 36SOUTHWIND Diesel pusher, low mi, new tires & batteries. $13,850 941-214-0137 NEEDCASH? 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs TURN YOUR RV INTO CASHSell it! Consign it! Trade it!NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM MOTORHOMESHUGESELECTION TOPBRANDSFORESTRIVERCOACHMENTHOR& WINNEBAGONOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 CLASS B HEADQUARTERS LARGEST SELECTIONINUSA!ROADTREK MIDWESTPLEASUREWAYWINNEBAGO/COACHMENLEISURETRAVELREGENCYANDMORE! NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS 2008 HARLEY SPORTSTER 1200 Stage1 w/ Voyager Trike Kit. 11,000 Miles. Nice! $7,500. 941-544-1975 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS Hu ge Selection Top Brands Forest River Coachmen Heartland Dutchmen Palomino PumaTab CrossroadsGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 2005 30 5TH WHEEL by Forrest River 2 Slides, Garage Kept. Exc. Cond. $12,500 941-625-3870 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,000. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. 2009 Smart Car, Ready to Tow!! $5,349 THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES NEW SHIPMENT! 2017 LARK ENCLOSED TRAILERS MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2013 MAGIC TILT, Tri-Axle, 9965 GBWR. Very Good Condition! L.E.D. Lights, Mags & Wheels. $4,150 570-419-4154 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLE HELMET Black, medium $20 941-460-8338 HARBOR SCOOTERS for all your scooter needs... 3315 Tamiami Trl. PG We Repair Scooters too! 941-347-8705 SALES SERVICE PARTS 2013 BINTELLI Zing 150 CC, 2700 miles, garage stored, $1,195 941-468-2760 7336 BOAT STORAGE/ DOCKING BOAT & TRAILER STORAGEBoat Storage WET/DRY FREE Boat Ramp! Gulf Access! Great Fishing!NAV-A-GATOR Bar & Grill on property!DESOTO MARINAOn the Peace River941-627-3474 41 BOAT SLIP Access To Harbor, No Bridges. Water & Electric. 941-883-1953 Classified=Sales 7339 CANOES/KAYAKS OLD TOWN KAYAKS, 2 12` Dirigos& 2 10` Otters Including Paddles & Trailer. $1,900. 231828-5448 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES TRAILERSNewPre-Owned CargoUtility Trailers Parts Repairs-Tires Welding. We BUY Trailers! Trades Welcome. Roys Trailer Country 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Rd P.G. TRAILER, 6X10 Enclosed Cargo w/ Rear Ramp. Single Axle. $1,500 941-625-5962 7330 BOATS-POWERED 21 MARIAH BOWRIDER NEW 5.7L Mercruiser Engine, only 60 hrs on motor, $9,500 941-447-1510 20 2005 FOUR WINNS 4.3 V6 Volvo Pinto OD. DF, Life Jackets. Swim Platform, Galv. Tandem Trailer. Immaculate!! Luxury & Performance! $12,995 816-718-7088 18`5 LUND GRAN Alum. Tyee 1992. 150 Evinrude. Dual Axel w/ New Brakes & Tires. $4,500 North Port 815-528-2228 7331 SAILBOATS 26' 1998 MACGREGOR X Sailboat Loaded 2012 Tohatsu 4 stroke, 30 HP, Low Hours, Tandem Trailer $8,500 574-583-4992 7333 MISC.BOATS MOTORGUIDE deck mount trolling motor, 35lbs thrust, 40Ž shaft $75 419-360-0014 AdvertiseToday!


Your Weekly Guide to Entertainment, Travel and Arts Arcadia € Englewood € Fort Myers € North Port € Port Charlotte € Punta Gorda € Sarasota € Venice APRIL 19, 2017 Loving your planet: Celebrate Earth Day 2550 Ri ver Rd. Engl ewood 19 EST 77 Call 941-474-1753 2550 River Rd., Englewood For more information & Tee Time New Rates Apri l 15 $45* i n Morni ngs $35* af ter Noon plus tax a d no = 5 45 1 07 11 BIG SUMMER CARD Accepted Apri l 15th $5 OFF RACK RATE IN APRIL and up TUESDAY NIGHT COMING SOON April 20th 22nd Amazing One Man Show with AL ERNS T Carnival Cruise Lines Entertainer of the YearŽ April 25th The Caribbean Chillers Floridas Premier Jimmy Buffett Tribute & Tropical Rockin Party Band COMEDY ZONE adno=50513311 April 26th 29th Florida Native makes his Visani Debut PREACHER LAWSON 2015 Winner of Funniest Comedian in FloridaŽ


2 Lets Go! E/N/C/V April 19 25, 2017 OUT AND ABOUT WEDNESDAY OPEN MIC WITH COWBOY JAMES, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Open Road Bar, 4313 NW Highway 70, Arcadia 863-494-0140. JUST JOYCE (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Moose Lodge, 4212 N. Access Rd., Englewood 941-4733126. ANNIKA CHAMBERS (live music), 7 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 302 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-7501. DAN MEADOWS (live music), 6 p.m.10 p.m., M/C SQUARED 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. INZTANT KARMA (live music), 8 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. OPEN MIC WITH BUD BUCKLEY (music and stand-up), 7 p.m. Common Grounds, 12735 Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-564-8739. KITT MORAN TRIO, (live music), 6:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. JDs Bistro and Grille, 1951 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-255-0994. WINE AWAY WEDNESDAY all day, DVines Wine & Gift Emporium, 701 JC Center Court #2, Port Charlotte 941-627-9463. MICHAEL HIRST, (live music), 11 a.m.2 p.m., CHRIS G., noon-3 p.m. F ishermens Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade #57A, Punta Gorda TORCHED, (live music), 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Deans South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. RENEE HOUSE DUO, (live music), 6 p.m.10 p.m. Hurricane Charleys, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. 3 OF A KIND, (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Rotonda Elks, 303 Rotonda Blvd., E. Rotonda 941-697-2710. CHRIS BRETT, (live music), 11:30 a.m.2:30 p.m. Snook Haven Restaurant, 5000 E. Venice Ave., Venice 941-485-7221. DOOWOP DENNY, (live music), 1 p.m.3 p.m. Venice Senior Friendship Center, 2350 Scenic Dr., Venice 941-584-0052.THURSDAY ENGLEWOOD/DEARBORN ST. FARMERS MARKET, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Dearborn St., Englewood EARS FARMERS MARKET, 9 a.m.6:30 p.m. EARS Thrift Store Lot, 395 W. Dearborn St., Englewood KOKO RAY & THE KEEPERS (live music), 7 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 302 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-7501. DJ MICHAEL (live music), 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. ROBERT GARCIA, (live music), 6 p.m.9 p.m. Ricaltinis, 1997 Kentucky Ave., Englewood 941-828-1591. FUSION, (live music), 8 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. THE GOLDTONES (live music), 6:30 p.m.9 p.m. Olde World Restaurant & Lounge, 14415 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-426-1155. MICKEY BASIL TRIO (Spanish, swing, pop, jazz music), 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. JDs Bistro and Grille, 1951 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-255-0994. INGROOV (live music), 2 p.m.-4 p.m. Cultural Center, Centennial Hall, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte 941-625-4175. ACOUSTIC & BLUES JAM 6 p.m. top ”oor of Herald Court Parking garage, Herald St., Punta Gorda PAUL ROUSH, (live music), noon.-3 p.m., Fishermens Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade #57A, Punta Gorda JOYCE & DOUG (live music), 6:30 p.m.9 p.m. River Forest Village, 4300 Riverside Dr., Punta Gorda 941-639-3311. PETER SAMUELSON, (live music), 4 p.m.7 p.m., GUILTY PLEASURES, 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Deans South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. HIGH TIDE BEACH PARTY, (live music), 6 p.m.-10 p .m. Hurricane Charleys, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. TRIVIA WITH KEITH 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Venice-Nokomis Elks, 1021 Discovery Way N., Venice 941-486-1854. GULF COAST BANJO SOCIETY, (live music), 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Snook Haven Restaurant, 5000 E. Venice Ave., Venice 941-485-7221. TEXAS HOLD EM POKER 7 p.m. the Outlook Sports Bar, 889 Venice Bypass South, Venice 941-488-0878.FRIDAY MIKE IMBASCIANI & HIS BLUEZ ROCKERS (live music), 7 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 302 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941475-7501. ELDERLY BROTHERS (live music), 6 p.m.10 p.m., BLACK VELVET 6 p.m.10 p.m. Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. JOYCE & DOUG (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Landys Restaurant, 1400 Aqua View Lane, Englewood 941-474-4292. TIDAL WAVE BAND, (live music), 6:30 p.m.10:30 p.m. Englewood Eagles 3885, 250 Old Englewood Rd., Englewood 941-474-9802. UNIQUE, (live music), 9 p.m. Zi g Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. NORTH PORT FARMERS MARKET 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 4970 City Hall Blvd., North Port 941-391-4856. THE GREAT BLUES MIGRATION WITH RICK AND ROMAN (live music), 7:30 p.m. Common Grounds Meeting Hall, 12735 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-564-8739. MICKEY BASIL TRIO FEATURING LYNN RICHARDSON (live music), 6:30 p.m.10 p.m. JDs Bistro and Grille, 1951 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-255-0994. JASON AND BRETT, (live music), 6 p.m.9 p.m. Portside Tavern, 3636 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-629-3055. CRUISIN EDDIE ON KEYBOARD WITH VOCALS (live music), 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. In the Cafe at Cultural Center, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte 941-625-4175. AMBUSH BAND (live music), 7 p.m.-10 p.m. American Legion Post 110, 3152 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte 941-629-7446. ERICH (dance), 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Cultural Center, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte 941-625-4175. FARMERS MARKET 8 a.m.-noon, Burnt Store Marina, 3200 Matecumbe Key Road, Punta Gorda 941-637-0083. MICHAEL HIRST, (live music), 11 a.m.2 p.m., DANNY BEACH, noon-3 p.m., PAUL ROUSH, 5 p.m.-9 p.m. F ishermens Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade #57A, Punta Gorda CHRIS BRETT (live music), 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Sandras German Restaurant, 111 West Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda 941-575-0177. A200, (live music), 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Deans South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. DOUG COVENTRY, (live music), 1 p.m.5 p.m., BUCK SHOT, 7 p.m.-11 p .m. Hurricane Charleys, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. EDDIE & THE EDSELS, (live music), 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Rotonda Elks, 303 Rotonda Blvd., E. Rotonda 941-697-2710. JONPAUL, (live music and dance), sunset. Venice Beach Pavillion, Venice 941-882-3847. MAHJONG 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Venice-Nokomis Elks, 1021 Discovery Way N., Venice 941-486-1854.SATURDAY HEARTLAND BLUEGRASS BASH (live music), 1 p.m. Craigs RV Resort, 7895 N.E. Cubitus Ave., Arcadia 941-467-2051. TRIO FUSION (live music), 6:45 p.m.9:45 p.m. Mango Bistro, 301 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-681-3500. TORCHED (live music), 7 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 302 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-7501. THE BOOGIEMEN (live music), 7 p.m.11 p.m. Flounders, 1975 Beach Rd., Englewood 941-460-8280. BLACK VELVET, (live music), 6:30 p.m.10:30 p.m. Englewood Eagles 3885, 250 Old Englewood Rd., Englewood 941-474-9802. ROAD HAWGZ (live music), 6 p.m.10 p.m., TOMMY C & JUDY LOVE 6 p.m.10 p.m. Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. JOYCE & DOUG (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. La Stanza Ristorante, 285 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-1355. LIVE MUSIC 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Vino Loco Wine & Gourmet, 420 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-8466. SMACK DAB 8 p.m.-11 p.m. The Placida Pearl, 2643 Placida Rd., Englewood. 941-4748730. PLACIDA ART MARKET 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 13020 Fishery Road, Placida 941-698-0603. THE GOLDTONES, (live music), 4 p.m.8 p.m., UNIQUE, 9 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 50 6 S. 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. GARY & KERRI, (live music), 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Nav-A-Gator, 9700 SW Riverview Cir., Lake Suzy 941-627-3474. ALICE & FRIENDS (acoustic music), noon2 p.m. Earth Cafe, 13665 Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-423-6223. DARYL SHAWN (live music), 7:30 p.m. Common Grounds Meeting Hall, 12735 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-564-8739. BANDANA (live music), 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Olde World Restaurant & Lounge, 14415 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-426-1155. DOOWOP DENNY ROCKIN OLDIES SHOW 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Saltwater Cafe, 1071 N. Tamiami Trail, Nokomis 941-488-3775. EARTH DAY (live music, food vendors, kids activities.), 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Oscar Scherer State Park, 1843 S. Tamiami Trail, Osprey 941-483-5956. TONY BOFFA JAZZ QUARTET (live music), 6:30 p.m.-10 p.m. JDs Bistro and Grille, 1951 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-255-0994. PUNTA GORDA FARMERS MARKET 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Taylor Street and W. Olympia Avenue, Punta Gorda 941-391-4856. YARD DOG CHARLIE, 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Fishermens Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade #57A, Punta Gorda CHRIS BRETT (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Sandras German Restaurant, 111 West Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda 941-575-0177. STEVE FLAGG, (live music), 1 p.m.-5 p.m. A200, 9 p.m.-1 a.m. D eans South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. JACK MOSLEY, (live music), 1 p.m.-5 p.m., JACK MICHAEL, 7 p.m.-11 p .m. Hurricane Charleys, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. VENICE FARMERS MARKET 8 a.m.noon. On Tampa Avenue, between Nokomis and Nassau avenues in Historic Downtown Venice .SUNDAY SAX ON THE BEACH (live music), 11 a.m.-2 p.m. The Zydeco Grille, 8501 Placida Rd., Englewood 941-828-1472. MILES BOSWORTH, (live music), 1 p.m.5 p.m. Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. TASTE OF NORTH FORT MYERS FEATURING THE COUNTRY EXPRESS BAND 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Shell Factor y, 2787 N. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers 239-848-7390. RALPH MARTINEZ BAND, (live music), noon-4 p.m., SHINDIGS, 6 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. NORTH PORT CONCERT BAND MY KINDS OF TOWNS (live music), 3 p.m. North Port Performing Arts Center, 6400 W. Price Blvd., North Port MUSIC ON THE GREEN, (live music), Gates open at 2 p.m. Riverwood, 4100 Riverwood Dr., Port Charlotte 303-435-5704. TOM & L.A., (live music), 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Portside Tavern, 3636 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941629-3055. ROBERT GARCIA, (live music), 2 p.m.-5 p.m., Waterside Grill, Gasparilla Road,, Placida 941-6970724. FARMERS MARKET, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., History Park, 501 Shreve St., Punta Gorda 941-639-1887. OPERATION OUTDOOR FREEDOM, OUT AND ABOUT | 3 DID SOMEONE YELL BINGO ? Some Restrictions Do Apply. Please Call Or Visit Our Website For More Information WHEN YOU WIN, OUR COMMUNITY WINS SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL NON-PROFITS CHARLOTTE HARBOR BINGO 4200 Tamiami Trail Unit A1, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 (In the Baers Plaza, next to ABC Liquor) 941.255.5965 Wed.-Sun. 6PM € Mon. & Tues. Closed BINGO TRAIL 1700 Tamiami Trail Unit A1, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 (In the Perkins Plaza) 941.255.1266 Open 7 Nights a Week at 4PM € Matinees Sun., Fri. & Sat. 10AM Come try it, ITS FUN!!! BENEFITS AND OPERATED BY THE FOLLOWING NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AMVETS OF WW2 POST 1999 LADIES AUX., ROBERT E. LISTER MEMORIAL LODGE #66 F.O.P., PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN, PREGNANCY CARELINE, DOUG JACOBSON RESIDENT FUND, AMVETS POST 1999, C.C. ROTARY FOUNDATION, MILITARY ORDER OF COOTIE PT. 56, C.H.C. MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. H.E.L.P. CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FRIENDS OF THE POOR, PORT CHARLOTTE LIONS CLUB, PUNTA GORDA LIONS CLUB, SAN ANTONIO CCW, TIME OUT RESPITE, UNITY CHURCH, CHARLOTTE PLAYERS (IMAGINATION LIBRARY), AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEN ASSOCIATION, ALZHEIMERS, DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS, HEARING IMPAIRED PERSON, GREEK CHURCH, MARINE CORP. LEAGUE, MARINE CORP. LEAGUE LADIES AUX., MILITARY HERITAGE MUSEUM adno=50512976 See MORE Packages at AllAboardTravel.comPrices per person plus cruise/package taxes & fees. Subject to availability. Restrictions apply. Check pricing quoted.FL ST#37304 Pr o m o t io n al R a t e s May A pp ly A s k! Se habla Espaol & Wir Sprechen Deutsch 1.866.249.1087 Alaska! 7-Day Cruise... fr. $499 WOW of the Week Eastern Caribbean (May 2017) 7-Day Cruise... fr. $674 VIKING RIVER CRUISES! 2017 & New 2018 Grand European Tour2-for-1 Cruises & Free Air (from select cities)Hurry For a limited time onlyBook by April 30, 2017 certain restrictions apply & subject to availability Cuba & Bahamas (May Dec.,2017) FREE OPEN BAR! 4-Day Cruise... fr. $519Atlantic Adventurer 50-Day Cruise Package... fr. $5,999Hawaiian Breezes 20-Day Cruise Package... fr. $2,429Eastern Caribbean Medley 9-Day Cruise Package... fr. $579 adno=50513085


April 19 25, 2017 E/N/C/V Lets Go! 3 OUT AND ABOUT Like us on SunCoastLetsGoYour weekly guide to entertainment, travel and arts in Southwest Florida. President: David Dunn-Rankin Publisher: Carol Moore 941-681-3031 Executive Editor: Jim Gouvellis 941-206-1134 Associate Editor: Marie Merchant 941-206-1135 Associate Editor: Michele Bellue 941-206-1010 Lets Go! 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Submit information about your event at least two weeks in advance via email to Please include the time, date, location (including address), cost and description of your event. Also, include a phone number to call for more information. (live music), noon-5 p.m., DANNY BEACH, 1 p.m.5 p.m. Cold River Saloon, 3149 Duncan Rd., Punta Gorda 941-505-0798. THE GOLDTONES, (live music), 6:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Cass Cay Restaurant, 3200 Matecumbe Key Rd., Punta Gorda 941-347-7148. GARDEN TOURS 2 p.m. History Park, 501 Shreve St., Punta Gorda 941-639-1887. LEE JAMES, (live music), 1 p.m.-5 p.m., SONS OF BEACHES, 6:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m. Deans South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. STEVE FLAGG, (live music), 1 p.m.-5 p.m., CHAMP, 6 p.m.-10 p .m. Hurricane Charleys, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. ALL THAT JAZZ QUINTET (live music), 5:45 p.m.-8:45 p.m. Cassariano Italian Eatery, 313 W. Venice Ave., Venice 941-786-1000. MONDAY MONDAY (live music), 8 p.m. Venice Theatre, 140 W. Tampa Ave., Venice 941-4881115.MONDAY CACHET, (live music), 8 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. WINGS AND SWINGS 5 p.m.-9 p.m. William Garvey VFW Post 8203, 4860 Trott Circle, North Port 941-426-6865. FUN WITH MUSIC (live music), 1 p.m.3:30 p.m. Cultural Center, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte 941-625-4175. LESLIE DACOSTA, (live music), noon.-3 p.m. Fishermens Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade #57A, Punta Gorda MIX IT UP, (live music), 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Deans South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. COASTAL JAMZ WITH SHERRI, (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p .m. Rotonda Elks, 303 Rotonda Blvd., E. Rotonda 941-697-2710. JEFF HUGHES, (live music), 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Hurricane Charleys, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. KITT MORAN QUARTET, (live music), 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Valentis Allegro Bistro, 1740 East Venice Ave., Venice 941-484-1889. MAHJONG 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Venice-Nokomis Elks, 1021 Discovery Way N., Venice 941-486-1854. MONDAY MONDAY (live music), 3 p.m, 8 p.m. Venice Theatre, 140 W. Tampa Ave., Venice 941-488-1115.TUESDAY ELDERLY BROTHERS (live music), 6 p.m.9 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 302 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-7501. FRANK & SAM, (live music), 6:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Englewood Eagles 3885, 250 Old Englewood Rd., Englewood 941-474-9802. L&M ACOUSTICS, (live music), 6 p.m.10 p.m. Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. FREE BLUEGRASS MUSIC 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Bay Heights Park, 1000 S. Indiana Ave., Englewood TRIVIA 6 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 362 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-7501. INZTANT KARMA, (live music), 8 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. OPEN MIC NIGHT 6 p.m. Lake View Restaurant, 5605 S. McCall Road, Port Charlotte 941-697-9200. OPEN MIC NIGHT 8 p.m.-11 p.m. Nemos Sports Cafe at Bowland, 3192 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte JAMBUSH WITH AMBUSH AND OPEN MIC (live music), 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Eagles Club 3296, 23111 Harborview Road, Port Charlotte 941-629-1645. LEE JAMES, (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Portside Tavern, 3636 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941629-3055. PRO JAM (live music), FREE TEXAS HOLD EM POKER 7 p.m. Porkys Roadhouse, 4300 Kings Highway, Port Charlotte 941-6292114. DICK & KAMMY, (live music), 8:30 p.m.12:30 a.m. D eans South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. JIM DANIELS, (live music), noon.-3 p.m., DANNY BEACH, noon-3 p.m. F ishermens Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade #57A, Punta Gorda THE SUNSETS, (live music), 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Hurricane Charleys, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. ENGLISH COUNTRY DANCE PARTY 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Venice Community Center, Room G, 326 Nokomis Ave. S., Venice 857-342-3253.KARAOKEKARAOKE WITH HEATHER 8 p.m.midnight, Thursday, Saturday „ Open Road Bar, 4313 NW Highway 70, Arcadia 863-494-0140. KARAOKE WITH ANN AND SONNY, 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Sunday „ VFW, 550 N. McCall Road, Englewood 941-474-7516. KARAOKE WITH GIL & RHONDA 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Sunday „ Englewood Eagles, 250 Old Englewood Rd., Englewood 941-474-9802. BUZ KARAOKE 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Monday „ Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. TOUCHTUNES KARAOKE 9 p.m. Friday „ The New Faull Inn, 2670 Placida Road, Englewood 941-697-8050. KARAOKE WITH RICH AND BARB 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Wednesday „ Englewood Elks, 401 N. Indiana Ave., Englewood KARAOKE WITH WAMŽ AL & MARILYN 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Saturday „ American OUT AND ABOUTFROM PAGE 2 OUT AND ABOUT | 8 A To Z Pinot Grigio . . . . . . . . $11.99 A To Z Pinot Noir . . . . . . . . . . $15.99 Avalon Cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.95 Barefoot Any Type . . . . . . . . . . . $5.47 Blackstone Any Type . . . . . . . . $6.95 Bread & Butter Chardonnay . . . $10.97 Carnivor Cab Sauv . . . . . . . . . $11.95 Estancia Any Type. . . . . . . . . . . . $9.95 Menage A Trois Red . . . . . . . . . . $8.47 Estancia Meritage, Paso Robles $19.95 Freemark Abbey Napa Cab . . $29.99 Gascon Malbec . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.95 Ghost Pine Any Type . . . . . . . $15.99 Kris Pinot Grigio . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.95 La Crema Monterrey Chard . . $15.99 Le Grand Blacksheep Any Type . $7.95 Le Rime Pinot Grigio . . . . . . . . $9.95 Mac Murray Sonoma Chard . . $12.95 Marietta Old Vine Red . . . . . . $11.95 Masciarelli Monte. Or White . . $8.95 Matua Sauv. Blanc . . . . . . . . . $10.99 Mirassou Any Type . . . . . . . . . $7.97 Plungerhead Zinfandel . . . . . . $12.95 Ravenswood Any Type . . . . . . $7.97 Rocca Del Macie Chianti Class $10.97 Rodney Strong Chalk Hill Chard $13.97 Rodney Strong Alex. Valley Cab $20.97 Ruffino Lumina Pinot Grigio . . . $7.45 Sonoma Cutre Chardonnay . . . $20.95 Monkey Bay Sauv. Blanc . . . . . $7.95 Villa Maria Sauv. Blanc . . . . . $10.95 Chandon Brut Classic . . . . . . . . . . $14.97 Freixenet Brut Or Extra Dry . . . . . $8.47 Lamarca Procecco . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.95 Moet & Chandon Imperial Brut . . . $37.95 Moet & Chandon Rose Imperial . . . $67.99 Piper Heidsieck Brut Or Extra . . . $32.99 Ruffino Prosecco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.95 Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label . . . . . $41.95 Zonin Posecco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.95 SPARKLING 750 ML 750 ML WINES Appleton Gold Or Silver Rum . $17.99 Belvedere Reg. Vodka 750ml . $23.99 Benchmark Bourbon . . . . . $16.99 Burnetts Vodka . . . . . . . . . $12.99 Bushmills Irish Whiskey . . . $36.99 Cabo Wabo Blanco Tequila . . $26.99 Camarena Sil/ R epo Tequila $34.99 Chivas Regal 12yr 750ml . $25.99 Chopin Vodka 750ml . . . . . $27.99 Christian Brothers Vs . . . . . $18.99 E & J V S Brandy . . . . . . . . . $19.99 El Jimador Sil/ R epo Tequilla . $26.99 Ezra Brook Bourbon . . . . . . $19.99 Finlandia Vodka . . . . . . . . $22.99 Glenfiddich 12yr Single Malt . $69.99 Glenlivet 12 Yr Scotch . . . . $69.99 Glenmorangie 10 Year 750ml $31.99 Grand Marnier Liqueur 750ml $29.99 Grey Goose Vodka . . . . . . . $48.99 Hendricks Gin 750ml . . . . . . $27.99 Hennessy VS Cognac 750 Ml . . . . $28.99 J. Walker Black Label Scotch . . . . $51.99 Jameson Irish Whiskey 750ml $21.99 Jim Beam Black Bourbon . . $33.99 Kahlua Coffee Liqueur . . . . $29.99 Knob Creek Bourbon . . . . . $61.99 Old Smuggler Scotch . . . . . $18.99 Paul Masson VS Brandy . . . $18.99 Patron Silver Tequila 750ml $36.99 Remy Martin V SOP 750ml $31.99 Ron Carlos White Or Gold . $14.99 Ron Rico Silver Or Gold . . . $14.99 Southern Comfort Bourbon $20.99 St. Remy Vsop Brandy . . . $23.99 Svedka Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.99 Three Olives Plain Vodka . . $22.99 U V Vodka . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99 White & Black Scotch . . . . $24.49 White Horse Scotch . . . . . . $22.99 Zaya 12 Years Rum 750ml . $27.99 Bella Sera Any Type . . . . . . $10.97 Beringer Calif. White Zinf . . . $7.95 Bolla Any Type . . . . . . . . . . $10.95 Cavit Any Type . . . . . . . . . . $10.95 CK Mondavi Any Type . . . . . . $8.95 Fetzer Any Type . . . . . . . . . . $9.95 Franzia Any Type . . . . . . . . . $7.95 Glen Ellen Any Type . . . . . . . $7.95 Jacobs Creek Any Type . . . . $9.97 Lindemans Any Type . . . . . . . $8.95 Liberty Creek Any Type . . . . . $7.45 Monkey Bay S/ B lanc . . . . . . $14.47 Principato Pinot Grigio . . . . . $8.95 Redwood Creek Any Type . . . $8.95 Ruffino Chianti . . . . . . . . . . $13.95 Yellowtail Any Type . . . . . . . $8.95 1.5 Ltr WINES SPIRITS 1.75 Ltr NEW AMSTERDAM Vodka CUPCAKE Chard, Merlot, S/Blanc, P/Grigio, P/Noir, Cab Sauv 750ML BERINGER Any Type Calif Only 1.75L EARLY TIMES CANADIAN MIST Whiskey ICEBERG Vodka FIREBALL Cinnamon Whiskey PATRON Silver Tequila 1.75L JOHNNIE WALKER Red Label ABSOLUT Vodka STOLICHNAYA KETEL ONE CANADIAN CLUB Whi skey FAMOUS GROUSE Scotch 750 ML 1.5L $ 9 95 BAREFOOT Pinot Grigio or Montepulciano $ 7 97 ZONIN 1.75L $ 16 99 $ 24 99 1.75L $ 26 99 $ 32 99 1.75L Reg Vodka Reg Vodka 1.75L $ 28 99 1.75L SVEDKA Reg. Vodka EVAN WILLIAMS Burbon 1.75L $ 16 99 $ 18 99 $ 15 99 1.75L $ 36 99 $ 21 99 1.75L $ 15 99 1.75L 1.75L PLATINUM Vodka Any Type SKYY Reg. Vodka 1.75L CAPTAIN MORGAN $ 18 99 Spiced TANQUERAY Gin TITOS Handmade Vodka OR 750ML CROWN ROYAL Canadian Whiskey $ 39 99 1.75L $ 21 99 750ML 1.5ML WOLFSCHMIDT Vodka $ 11 99 $ 17 99 1.75LTR MIRASSOU Any Type 1.75L Prices Good Through 4/25/17 OR JOEL GOTT Cabernet or Zinf MENAGE A TROIS Red Blend $ 8 47 APOTHIC Red Blend $ 8 45 750ML 750ML 4295 Tamiami Trail South, Venice 4295 Tamiami Trail South, Venice 941-493-8555 941-493-8555 Mon-Sat 9am-9pm € Sun 11am-6pm Mon-Sat 9am-9pm € Sun 11am-6pm JACARANDA CROSSINGS CENTER JACARANDA CROSSINGS CENTER (Next to Staples & Target) (Next to Staples & Target) Closest Wine, Spirits Closest Wine, Spirits & Beer Superstore & Beer Superstore To Venice, North Port, To Venice, North Port, Pt. Charlotte & Englewood Pt. Charlotte & Englewood CUTTY SARK Scotch JIM BEAM Bourbon $ 21 99 MEIOMI Pinot Noir $ 17 95 CANADIAN LTD Whiskey $ 12 99 Whiskey BLACK VELVET OR RICH & RARE $ 13 99 $ 16 99 $ 14 99 750 ML WILLIAM HILL North Coast Chard SIMI Chardonnay $ 12 97 $ 11 95 $ 15 97 $ 7 95 FRONTERA Any Type $ 12 95 WILD TURKEY 101 Burbon $ 30 99 $ 18 99 BEEFEATER Gin MALIBU COCONUT Rum $ 24 99 E & J XO BRANDY $ 25 99 1.75L $ 34 99 SCORESBY Scotch OR SEAGRAMS 7 Whiskey $ 18 99 1.75L $ 19 99 $ 23 99 $ 28 99 $ 8 95 $ 7 95 $ 8 95 PINNACLE Reg. Vodka $ 18 99 J&B Blended Scotch $ 31 99 $ 27 99 $2.00 OFF UP TO 2 BOTTLES OF LIQUOR 750ML OR LARGER GOOD THROUGH 4/25/17. INCLUDES SALE ITEMS. MUST BRING NEWSPAPER COUPON IN STORE ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER *NOT VALID ON LIQUOR $15.99 & UNDER. *NOT VALID WITH PROMOTIONS & CLOSEOUT VALID ONLY IN VENICE STORE $ 1.00 OFF ON UP TO 6 BOTTLES OF WINE 750ML ONLY Good through 4/25/17. *Includes sale items. € Must bring newspaper coupon in store € One Coupon per customer € Not valid on wine $7.99 & under or 1.5 LTR Wines & 3L tr W ines € Not valid with promotions & closeout € Valid only in Venice store KIM CRAWFORD Sauv Blanc $ 11 97 CANE RUN RUM CAMARENA TEQUILA SILVER OR REPOSADO $ 27 99 1.75L ESTANCIA CAB SAUV Merlot or Pinot Noir $ 9 95 JOSH CELLARS CAB SAUV $ 10 97 750ML CAMPO VIEJO TEMPRANILLIO BV COASTAL Any Type $ 6 95 $ 5 95 J LOHR RIVER STONE CHARDONNAY $ 9 95 J LOHR CAB SAUV $ 11 95 1.5L YELLOW TAIL or WOODBRIDGE Any Type MEZZ CORONA PINOT GRIGIO $ 8 95 $ 9 97 REDWOOD CREEK Any Type LIBERTY CREEK Any Type $ 8 97 $ 7 45 1.5ML SOUVERAIN Cab Sauv, Merlot or Chard SMOKING LOON Any Type $ 8 97 $ 5 95 750ML BELLA SERA Any Type CK MONDAVI Any T ype $ 10 97 $ 8 95 1.5ML adno=54513724 750ml 10% DISCOUNT ON 12 OR MORE BOTTLES OF WINE € Not valid on wines $7.99 & under, or prices ending in 5 & 7 or 1.5 ltr & 3 liter wines SANTA MARGHERITA Pinot Grigio WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTION OF VALUE WINES


4 Lets Go! E/N/C/V April 19 25, 2017 UPCOMING EVENTSThe Lemon Bay Playhouse announces its upcoming show, I Ought to Be in Pictures.Ž The play, the sixth production of the season, was written by Neil Simon and will be directed by Ron Bupp. The show will run from April 26 through May 14. This play tells a touching story about Herb, a Hollywood screenwriter currently between gigsŽ and suffering from writers block, surprised when his past reappears in the form of Libby, his estranged young daughter from Brooklyn. She has made the trek cross-country with dreams of movie stardom. With encouragement from Steffy, his once-a-week girlfriend at his side, Herb decides to take another stab at fatherhood and hopefully this time, get it right. Director Bupp remarks that the relationship between Herb and his estranged daughter Libby are very human and at times very tender. He was fortunate in casting three talented actors for this production. It has been a privilege to work with them as well as a “ne stage manager and backstage crew in bringing this production to our stage. Be sure to get a good seat by booking early to see this show. Curtain is at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sundays. Lemon Bay Playhouse is at 96 W. Dearborn St., Englewood. Information and tickets are available online at or by visiting or calling the box of“ce at 941-475-6756 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. weekdays and one hour prior to curtain time. Reserved seat tickets are $18. Student tickets are available at $12 each. Lemon Bay Playhouse presents I Ought to Be in PicturesProvided by JIM SCIARELLO JOHN BASS PHOTOGRAPHYThe cast selected for the show (left to right) are Sarah Sita (Libby), Mike Levasseur (Herb) and Kathi Faulkner (Stey). IF YOU GO€ WHAT: I Ought to Be in PicturesŽ € WHEN: Wednesday, April 26, through Sunday, May 14, curtain is at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sundays. € WHERE: Lemon Bay Playhouse, 96 W. Dearborn St., Englewood € INFORMATION: Reserved seat tickets are $18 each; students (with proper ID) are $12, 941-475-6756 or VENICE EVENTSThe Mamas and The Papas tribute with monday mondayVenice Theatre invites audiences to get ready for a musical journey through time as monday monday pays tribute to one of the most harmony-rich groups of the 60s „ The Mamas and The Papas. The tribute band will be appearing at Venice Theatre on April 23-24, for three shows. Showtimes are 8 p.m. on Sunday and 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Monday. Tickets are $32 and are available by calling the box office at 941-488-1115 or visiting www. The show consists of legendary songs made famous by The Mamas and The Papas as well as sure-fire hits from recording industry legends of folk, pop and rock surrounding the Woodstock Era and the early 70s. From Floridas west coast, this premier seven-piece musical group features Michael Taylor-Powers, soprano vocalist Cindy Campione, alto/mezzo-soprano vocalist Liz Hollister, and first tenor vocalist and lead guitarist Ed Woltil. This inspiring and crowd-pleasing group brings many years of stage experience, retro 60s costumes, and Summer of Love catch-phrases that will please music lovers of all ages. Venice Theatre is at 140 W. Tampa Ave., on the island in Venice. Box office hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday; and one hour before show time.PUNTA GORDA EVENTSSea Grape Gallerys artists of monthSea Grape Gallery, 113 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, will feature guest artists, Keith Johnson, watercolor artist, and Jim Ellsworth, wood turner, through May 5. Many of Keiths paintings and Jims wood turned pieces are prominently on display at the Sea Grape Gallery. The Gallery is open until 8 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month for Alive After 5. Sea Grape Gallery also is featuring two guest artists, Barbara Archer-Baldwin, pastel paintings artist, and Joan Heggemeier, mixed-media artist, during April. Both Archer-Baldwin and Heggemeier will be available at the Gallery during Alive After 5 on Thursday, April 20, to describe their art and the creative processes they use to produce their works of art. Their art can be viewed on Sea Grapes website at www.seagrapegallery. com. For more information, call 941-575-1718.Sea Grape Gallerys guest artist for MaySea Grape Gallery will be showcasing the photography of guest artist, Gary Brownell, during May, at 113 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Brownell grew up camping in the Adirondacks where he loved seeing all the wildlife, mountains and lakes. As an adult, his interest in the natural world led him to pursue an education in biology and environmental conservation. Having traveled extensively in many countries and the United States, he began capturing images of local landscapes. Brownell will be available at the Gallery during Mays Alive After 5 to describe his art and the creative processes he uses to produce his works of art. His art also can be viewed on Sea Grapes website at www. To learn more about Sea Grapes Guest Artist Program, call 941-575-1718.Charlotte County Woodcarvers/SculptorsThe Charlotte County Woodcarvers/Sculptors invite the public to come see what they do from 8 a.m. to noon Tuesday mornings at the Punta Gorda Boat Club, 802 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. Details: Chuck at 941-875-9244.Observatory plans viewing sessionsThe James and Barbara Moore Observatory at Florida SouthWestern State College Charlotte Campus, 26300 Airport Road, Punta Gorda, will host observations sessions at least once monthly from now through June 2, weather permitting. The observations typically begin 30-45 minutes after dark enough to see the stars. The sessions are free and open to the public. For a complete listing of upcoming observations and special viewing sessions, visit www.fsw. edu/charlotte/observatory or call 941-637-5652.Sea Grape Gallerys artists for May, JuneFrom May 4 to July 6, Sea Grape Gallery will feature two of their artists, Joanne Stramara, watercolor artist, and Bonnie Benande, potter. Stramaras paintings range from realism to abstract with the use of bold and vibrant colors. Inspired by the flora and fauna of Florida, Benande often incorporates objects such as dragonflies, turtles, shells and palm trees into her stoneware pottery. Sea Grape Gallery is at 113 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda; call 941-575-1718. The Gallery is open until 8 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month.ENGLEWOOD EVENTArbor Day at Lemon Bay ParkIn recognition of Arbor Day, two Sarasota County Departments „ Planning and Development Services and Sarasota County UF/IFAS Extension and Sustainability „ have partnered up to offer a series of talks and guided tours to celebrate our coast. The program will be from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 29, at Lemon Bay Park, 570 Bay Park Blvd., Englewood. Among the speakers will be Dr. Ilka Feller, a senior scientist at Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Dr. Feller is a worldwide expert on mangrove ecosystems. Several talks are planned including sessions on neighborhood trees and canopy roads, palm care and maintenance, stormwat er management and water quality, boating and seagrass preservation and many other topics. There will also be an optional kayak tour for those who take their boats. For more information, call 941-861-5000 or email adno=50512990 WWW.RIVERCITYGRILLPG.COM 131 W. Marion € Downtown Punta Gorda € 941-639-9080 COME ENJOY A DELIGHTFUL DINNER Or visit our Ferrari Bar, Featuring Fine Italian Draft Beers and Full Liquor Bar! Check out the bar late night and enjoy something from our limited menu. 941-639-7655 127 W. Marion Ave., Downtown Punta Gorda NOW SERVING DINNER 7 DAYS A WEEK! 5 PM9 PM STOP IN FOR LUNCH Mon … Fri 11AM … 2:30 PM and try one of our Daily Lunch Specials Regular Lunch Menu also Available Serving Dinner 7 days a week 4:30 PM … 9PM Sunset Dining Specials Daily 4:30PM-5:45PM Graduation is around the corner! Call to book your private party today! Every Third Thursday 5 8 pm Enjoy the Best Crowd, Entertainment, Shopping, Art and Nightlife that Charlotte County has to offer. Head Over to Punta Gorda for Promotion by Punta Gorda Downtown Merchants Association adno=50513000 P l e n t y o f L iv e E n t e r t a in m e n t F a b u l o u s F o o d T r u c k s Check out Alive After 5 on


April 19 25, 2017 E/N/C/V Lets Go! 5 UPCOMING EVENTSThe 35th annual Suncoast Boat Show in Sarasota takes place Friday through Sunday, April 21-23, at Marina Jack in downtown Sarasota. This years show will be the largest in the events history in terms of overall exhibit space and the number of boats and exhibitors on display. Nearly 200 exhibitors will showcase an outstanding selection of boats ranging from motor yachts and fishing boats to cruisers, runabouts and personal watercraft. Also on display will be a full range of marine electronics and products, as well as paddleboards, canoes, kayaks and other on-the-water toys. The impressive collection will include many boats never before seen on the Gulf Coast, including the Marlow 97, Outer Reef 82, Hatteras 70 GT and 60 Motor Yacht, Grand Banks Palm Beach 42, and the Ocean Alexander 70 and 85, among many others. Year after year, this market proves to be excellent for both new and brokerage sales,Ž said Brett Keating, vice president of consumer marketing for Show Management, the company that owns and produces the show. Weve expanded the in-water display this year to accommodate increased demand from our exhibitors. Its turning out to be our largest event yet.Ž For more information, visit Annual Suncoast Boat Show on track to be largest event yetProvided by CARLOS GOYC OCHEAPIERSON GRANT PR IF YOU GO€ WHEN: Friday, April 21: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, April 22: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, April 23: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. € WHERE: Marina Jack, 2 Marina Plaza, Sarasota € INFORMATION: Admission is $14 for adults. Children under 15 are free. For more information, call 800-940-7642 or visit Palm is proud to present Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rices Jesus Christ Superstar,Ž playing now through May 14. This timeless musical phenomenon has wowed audiences for over 40 years with its message of hope, peace and the power of love. This thrilling rock-opera takes a passionate look at Jesus last days through the eyes of Judas Iscariot. As Judas begins to question the motivations and methods of Jesus, emotion and true belief is put to the test. Propelled by a thrilling score by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, Jesus Christ Superstar illuminates the moving power of the human spirit with a passion that goes straight to the heart. As compelling today as it was at its inception over 40 years ago, Jesus Christ Superstar is wowing a whole new generation of theatergoers. Directing and choreographing Jesus Christ SuperstarŽ is Amy Marie McCleary. McClearys credits include the 2015 national tour of Memphis the Musical along with the recent Broadway Palm hits CATS,Ž Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story,Ž FootlooseŽ and The Wizard of Oz,Ž among many others. She received her BFA from NYUs Tisch School of the Arts and now makes her home in Southwest Florida where along with directing and choreographing, she works with many young performers as a vocal coach. Performances are Tuesday through Sunday evenings with selected matinees. Ticket prices range from $40 to $65 with discounts for groups of 20 or more. Tickets can be reserved by calling 239-278-4422, by visiting or by stopping by the box office at 1380 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers.Jesus Christ Superstar shines at Broadway PalmProvided by MELISSA VOGTBROADWAY PALM IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Jesus Christ Superstar € WHEN: Through May 14 € WHERE: Broadway Palm, 1380 Colonial Blvd., Fort Myers € INFORMATION: Tickets can be reserved by calling 239-278-4422, by visiting BroadwayPalm. com or by stopping by the box office. PHOTOS PROVIDEDThe cast of Jesus Christ Superstar.Ž Pictured in front: Chasdan Ross Mike as Judas Iscariot, Jarrett Jay Yoder as Jesus Christ and Ilana Gabrielle as Mary Magdalene. IMMOKALEE EVENTSinger/actress Olivia Newton-John in concertFour-time Grammy Award-winning singer, actress, community activist and breast cancer thriverŽ Olivia Newton-John will be in concert at Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee on Saturday, April 22, at 8 p.m. Advance tickets are on sale now for $39, or $50 day of show. A limited number of $125 VIP tickets are available, with a private section directly in front of the stage with seating, private bar, complimentary appetizers and two beverages. The casino/hotel is at 506 S. First St., Immokalee. Call toll-free 800-218-0007, or visit online more for more information. Qualy chal music since 1989 Saturday, April 22, 2017 4:00 PM 701 Carmalita Street, Punta Gorda$20 Adults $10 Students American Music through the Centuries adno=50509388 239-334-7474 Located Downtown Fort Myers Yacht Basin adno=50513336 Mothers Day Luncheon PER PERSON + taxes & gratuity $48 SIGHTSEEING LUNCHEON CRUISES Cruise on the Caloosahatchee River, cash bars, narration, sightseeing & Music Call for dates and times. MOTHERS DAY LUNCHEON CRUISE SUNDAY MAY 14TH SAILS 12:30PM TO 3 PM ADULTS $48 $24 CHILD + taxes & gratuity Enjoy a 2.5 hour cruise on the Caloosahatchee River, with sightseeing, buffet lunch, cash bar, music for dancing and live narration.


6 Lets Go! E/N/C/V April 19 25, 2017 COVER STORYAlmost 50 years ago, in 1970, the modern environmental movement was born. Gaylord Nelson, a Wisconsin governor and later state senator, was the of“cial founder of Earth Day, which was a day he designated to raise the public consciousness about air and water pollution and its long-term global effects. On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies. By the end of that year, the movement had inspired the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts. To continue to honor Earth Day each year, local and state parks and municipalities hold events to educate the public about the world around them and how to help keep it healthy and viable. One of the largest local Earth Day celebrations is held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Oscar Scherer State Park, in Osprey. This year marks the parks 28th annual Earth Day Festival. Tony Clements, park manager, said that one of his primary goals for the event is to instill in visitors an urge to protect our earth. We want people to come out and learn as much as they can about the world we live in,Ž he said. At the festival, we typically try to tie into service projects here. One of them is helping to clean up around the lake „ were cleaning up some palms and putting in some benches.Ž Other service projects at the park will include helping with vegetation management up at the entrance and working to clear out brush, so another 800 feet leading up to the ranger station can be added to an existing trail. This year, visitors also are invited to get their hands dirty with a new citizen science project. When you participate in Bio Blitz, youll learn to take “eld notes and help survey the wildlife found in the park. Well have a booth where you can pick up your packet,Ž Clements said. Youll go into the park, observe plant and animal life and make notes on a “eld note sheet. You also can take pictures of what you see, and then you bring it all back, and we will post all notes and photos on a white board, which will show us what were seeing in the park.Ž The park is offering free lunch and a future park pass to all those who volunteer for a restoration or citizen science project on Earth Day. This free, family-oriented event also will feature live music, food vendors, tram tours, kayaking, earth-friendly vendors, craft booths, demonstrations, native plants for sale, a photo exhibit featuring local photographers and plenty of activities for kids. Celebrate Earth DayBy DEBBIE FLESSNERLETS GO CORRESPONDENT IF YOU GO€ WHERE: Oscar Scherer State Park, 1843 S. Tamiami Trail, Osprey € WHEN: Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. € I NFORMATION: The parks normal entrance fees will be waived in celebration of Earth Day. For more information, visit the website at www.orida or call 941-483-5956. The annual Earth Day celebration at Oscar Scherer State Park hosts area groups that provided educational opportunities for the public. PHOTOS PROVIDEDOne of the activities at the festival each year is planting to help replenish wetlands at Oscar Scherer State Park. VENICE EVENTSVenice Area Garden Club Flower ShowVenice Area Garden Club Flower Show, entitled Venice Film Festival,Ž will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 21-22, at the Venice Community Center, 326 Nokomis Ave. The event is open to the public with free admission. The previous flower shows have won state and national awards. The show is designed to spotlight what club members grow and how they use the results in design. There will be several vendors, including handcrafted soaps, Elings Exotic Plants, Bee Blessed Honey, Garden Club Plant Sale and Outlaws Designer Jewelry. Venice Area Garden Club not only promotes horticulture and design, but also supports and contributes to the community in various ways. With the success of the clubs March Home Tour, $40,000 in scholarships will be awarded this year to Venice High School graduates and will continue contributing to beautifications projects in Venice.Inherit the Wind plays in AprilThe classic drama Inherit the WindŽ opens on Venice Theatres MainStage and will run through Sunday, April 30. Performances are Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $28 for adults, $17 for college students and $15 for children and teens through 12th grade. They are available online at or by calling the box office at 941-488-1115. SATURDAY & SUNDAY MAY 67 € 11AM-8PM www www www .se se .se afo afo fo odf odf odf o est est s iva iva iv ls. ls. com com c Par Par Par a tic tic tic ipa ipa ipa tin tin in g r g r g r g est est est aur aur a r ur ant ant ant a s, s, s, mus mus mus u ici ici ici ans ans ans , and and and an n pe pe pe p rfo rfo rfo rma rma rma nce nce nce sc sc c hed hed he h ule ule ule u ar ar ar r e f e f e f oun oun oun d a d a d a t t t t www www www .se .se .se e afo afo afo odf odf odf est est est st iva iva iva v ls. ls. ls. com com c Spo Spo Spo Spo p nso nso nso ns red red red d d by by by b by b : : : CENTENNIAL PARK 200 W. VENICE AVE DOWNTOWN VENICESEAFOOD & MUSIC FESTIVALFREE ADMISSION S S S S E E E A A A A A F F F F O O O O O O O O O D D D D D BY BY BY BY Y L L L OC OC OC O AL AL AL L R R R R ES ES ES E TA TA TA UR UR UR U AN AN AN AN TS TS TS T T L L L I I I V V V V E E E E E M M M M M M U U U U U S S S S S I I I I C C C C C C F F F F F A A A A A M M M M M I I I I I L L L L L Y Y Y Y Y Y Y F F F F U U U U N N N N N adno=54514626 DEARLYDEPARTEDAPR 19-MAY 27, 2017A COMEDY BY DAVID BOTTRELL AND JESSIE JONES FOR TICKETS! 941-366-1505 OR WESTCOASTBLACKTHEATRE.ORGWESTCOASTBLACKTHEATRETROUPEPaid for in part by Sarasota County Tourist Development Tax Revenues. This project is sponsored in part by the Department of State, Division of Cultural Aairs, the Florida Council of Arts and Culture, and the State of Forida.DEARLY DEPARTED is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York adno=54512626


April 19 25, 2017 E/N/C/V Lets Go! 7 UPCOMING EVENTSTree Fair 2017, sponsored by People for Trees Inc., will take place on Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the North Port Community Education Center, 4940 Pan Am Blvd. People for Trees is a nonpro“t native tree advocacy group celebrating 20 years, having formed in North Port in 1997, in order to promote the bene“ts of keeping mature, existing native trees especially when land is being developed. They also promote the planting of native trees which are most compatible with Floridas unique yet fragile ecosystems and weather situations. The groups annual Tree Fair is the longest running festival in North Port, sponsored by the same group. Tree Fair 2017 will feature hundreds of 3-gallon native trees (approx. 6-8 feet tall) for sale for $12 each. Choose from Florida Sweetgum, American Elm, Bald Cypress, Slash Pine, Southern Red Cedar, Dahoon Holly, Pignut Hickory. You can “nd out more information about these glorious trees and how to plant and maintain them by attending a free indoor 30-minute tree workshop at 9:30 a.m. that includes visuals and handouts. The environmental and “nancial bene“ts of using cloth diapers instead of disposables will be the topic of the 30-minute workshop Using Cloth Diapers, its as easy as 1-2-3!Ž that will be presented at noon. It will include a PowerPoint slideshow, demonstrations, and a Q&A period. A number of free door prizes will include a starter set of cloth diapers, diaper covers and diaper pails. There will also be a Fairy HouseŽ exhibit with ribbons and prizes awarded at 1:30 p.m. including Best of ShowŽ Adult Entry ($50 cash prize) and Best of ShowŽ child entry ($50 cash prize). Entries may be a team effort. A fairy house is a small structure where fairies can live in harmony with nature. Houses should be built using only natural materials (i.e. sticks, bark, pebbles, shells, pinecones, pine needles, acorns etc.). Houses should be built upon a base so they can be transported easily. Children of all ages are invited to submit a fairy house between 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. in order to be displayed throughout the festival and to be eligible for judging. Judging will take place at 1 p.m. with awards at 1:30 p.m. (Each fairy house will receive a ribbon.) Children attending the fair will have the opportunity to create their own fairy house. Music will be provided by the Rev. FaerieŽ Elaine Silver starting at 11 a.m. Various environmental groups such as the North Port Friends of Wildlife will be represented.Tree Fair 2017 to feature trees and a whole lot moreProvided by ALICE WHITEPEOPLE FOR TREES INC. IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Tree Fair 2017 € WHERE: North Port Community Education Center, 4940 Pan Am Blvd. € WHEN: From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 22 € INFORMATION: 941-426-9752, treelady12001@ or visit www.peoplefortrees.comEVENTS€ Peace River Audubon SocietyPeace River Audubon Society will be hosting an Earth Day event at Deep Creek Preserve, 10797 S.W. Peace River St., in DeSoto County, on April 22. There will be a hike beginning at 8 a.m. from the parking lot led by Florida Naturalist John Phillips. Take a picnic lunch and enjoy the grounds in the camping area under the shade of numerous large oak trees. There will be additional walks available throughout the day to explore the pine flatwoods and oak scrub trails. Wildflower seeds will be available to the first 50 participants. Beginning at 4 p.m. there will be a campfire (weather permitting) so take some snacks to share. Hot dogs will be provided. For more information, call Nancy Turner at 941-627-9107.€ Calusa Nature Center & PlanetariumThe Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium will host a full day of Earth Day activities, from 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. designed to educate, empower and elevate environmental awareness on Saturday, April 22, at the center, 3450 Ortiz Ave., Fort Myers. Admission for the day is $10 for adults and $5 for children (ages 3-12). CNCP Earth Day family-friendly activities will be held from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., where attendees will participate in arts and crafts, enjoy Calusa Carvers woodworking, Skunk Lady demonstrations and participate in live animal encounters throughout the day. There is also opportunity to lend a volunteerŽ hand in Earth Day projects around the center, such as raking, painting and tree planting. Special timed activities are: € 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.: Family fun with Water and TreesŽ theme that includes a time spent singing, dancing and making arts & crafts; € 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.: Storytelling at the Fire Pit; € 1 p.m.: Live animal show in the Museum starring CNCPs animal and reptile residents; € Noon, 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.: Turn to the Stars for planetarium shows. In the evening, Earth Day continues with Expedition Calusa,Ž a VIP reception at 6 p.m. hosted by the CNCP Board of Directors to share efforts to improve facilities, programs and impact on the region. As the areas only urban nature center, with 105 acres of trails in the heart of Fort Myers, it is vital that this 48-year-old community center be reinvigorated by caring members of our community. Funds raised will support infrastructure improvements, animal care, staffing and program development. A limited number of VIP Reception tickets are available, and the event is free but RSVP is required by emailing Director Larry Aguilar at or calling 239-2753435.€ Conservancy of Southwest FloridaEnjoy an Earth Day Festival from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 22, at the Conservancy, 1495 Smith Preserve Way, Naples. This family-friendly day includes a singalong with Captain Ecology, Shark Show with Barnacle Ben, make your own shark-tooth necklace, guided nature trail walk, live reptile show, Everglades InteractiveŽ Kids Science Show, Critter Encounter, E is for EvergladesŽ with Author Lisa Trebilcock and more. There also will be exhibits, vendors, food, live music, activities, Earth Day photo booth and a bounce house. For more information, visit https://www.conservancy. org/events/earthday or call 239-262-0304. APRIL 22 & 23Saturday & Sunday 10AM 4PM (BOTH DAYS)CHARLOTTE HARBOR EVENT CENTER75 TAYLOR STREET, PUNTA GORDA, FL On the river, between the 2 bridgesPORT CHARLOTTEPUNTA GORDA AREA SPRING FREE ADMISSION & PARKINGSPONSORED BY THEORIGI N AL See the newest in home improvement products & servicesFurnishings, accessories, decorating & remodeling ideasThe latest from floor to roof, patio to pool, inside & out REGISTER TO WIN HOURLY DOOR PRIZES & VACATIONS! Visit us at HGSHOWS.netf eat u rin g f e f f a e e t t a a u t t r u u i r r n i i g n n Host of HGTVsNew SpacesŽpresents seminarsSATURDAY & SUNDAY11AM, 1PM & 3PM plus contests & fun adno=50512863


8 Lets Go! E/N/C/V April 19 25, 2017 UPCOMING EVENTSNo matter how you slice country music fans „ traditional, bluegrass, contemporary „ they know what they like. And CountryFest is sure to provide it. This is the 24th year for the event, which will be held April 23, at the Charlotte County Fairgrounds. Its sponsored by Kix Country radio and the iHeart Radio cluster. Kix is returning to the free-ticket promotion it has used in the past. Free tickets are available all around the area. A complete list of outlets and more information can be found at www. Clay Walker is the headliner this year, backed by four bands, and organizers are expecting a big crowd. Gates open at 11 a.m. Attendance is really driven by the artist,Ž said Robin Craig, general manager of iHeart Media. Weve had as many as 15,000, and weve had as few as 8,000. In this particular case, we anticipate a good crowd.Ž Walker burst onto the country music scene in 1993, when his self-titled debut album produced four singles that reached the top 11 on the Billboard country music charts. Three of those songs „ Whats It to You,Ž Live Until I DieŽ and Dreaming with My Eyes OpenŽ „ reached No. 1. Walker lists among his in”uences Merle Haggard, Hank Williams Sr., George Jones and Charley Pride. Pretty good company. Walker also will be in the company of some pretty good opening acts, including Punta Gorda natives Jack Michael and Jason Brownie. The Andy Pursell Band and Neon Summer also will perform. This is the third straight year Brownie has been invited to CountryFest. He no doubt will perform Drink Myself Sober,Ž a tune he calls the most traditional country song hes ever written. These days, traditional country could be considered a departure from what fans are listening to on the radio. Country music has gotten so mainstream,Ž Craig said. The de“nition is much broader than it used to be. There are so many crossover hits. Its amazing.Ž Parking is $15. Craig said VIP tickets, which are $50, are close to selling out. They include free parking.Clay Walker headlines CountryFestBy RUSTY PRAYLETS GO CORRESPONDENT IF YOU GO€ WHAT: CountryFest featuring Clay Walker € WHEN: Sunday, April 23; gates open at 11 a.m. € WHERE: Charlotte County Fairgrounds, El Jobean Road, Port Charlotte € INFORMATION: Admission is $30. Parking is $15. Free tickets are available all around the area. A complete list of outlets and more information can be found at PHOTO PROVIDEDClay Walker is headlining CountryFest, in its 24th year. Legion Post 113, 3436 Indiana Rd., Rotonda 941-697-3616. KARAOKE WITH MARK 6:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Friday „ Family Table Restaurant, 14132 Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-423-0473. KARAOKE 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Friday „ The Olde World Restaurant, 14415 Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-426-1155. KARAOKE, 6 p.m. Thursday „ Sons of Italy, 3725 Easy St., Port Charlotte 941-764-9003. KARAOKE, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Friday „ Port Charlotte Elks, 1700 Tamiami Trail, Unit F-3, Port Charlotte 941-625-7571. KARAOKE, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Wednesday; 9 p.m. Friday-Saturday „ Boomers Sports Bar & Night Club, 2360 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-743-4140. KARAOKE, 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Monday, Thursday; 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Saturday „ Portside Tavern, 3636 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-629-3055. KARAOKE WITH THE CONNECTION 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Friday, Saturday „ Nemos Sports Cafe at Bowland, 3192 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte 941-625-4794. G & J KARAOKE 9:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Friday „ Chubbyz Tavern, 4109 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-613-0002. KARAOKE Saturday „ Port Charlotte VFW Post 5690, 23204 Fr eedom Ave., Port Charlotte 941-467-4447. G & J KARAOKE 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Saturday „ Smoken Pit, 2200 Kings Hwy. #3N, Port Charlotte 941-249-9963. KARAOKE WITH WAMŽ AL & MARILYN 6:30 p.m-9:30 p.m. Wednesday „ Punta Gorda Elks, 25538 Shore Dr., Punta Gorda 941-637-2606. KARAOKE WITH VALLERIE 5:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Wednesday „ Allegro Bistro, 1740 E. Venice Ave., Venice 941-484-1889. KARAOKE WITH AUSTIN 9 p.m.midnight, Saturday „ Tap & Cork, 101 W. Venice Ave., Venice 941-488-2337. KARAOKE WITH BRUCE SHELLY 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Sunday „ American Legion NO-VEL Post 159, 1770 Venice E. Blvd., Venice 941-4854748.BINGOBINGO, doors open 3 p.m., lighting 5 p.m., game start 6 p.m., Monday „ Moose Club, 3462 Loveland Blvd., Port Charlotte 941-629-1140. BINGO, 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m., Tuesday „ Holiday Estates III, 2840 Waxwing Lane, Englewood 941-473-9706. BINGO 5:15 p.m. Friday „ Englewood Elks, 401 N. Indiana Ave., Englewood 941-474-1404. BINGO 1 p.m. Saturday „ VFW, 550 N. McCall Rd., Englewood 941-474-7516. BINGO 10 a.m. early bird, 11 a.m. start Thursday „ St. Francis Parish Hall, 5265 Placida Road, Grove City 941-697-4899. BINGO 7 p.m. Thursday „ Rotonda Elks, 303 Rotonda Blvd. East, Rotonda 941-697-2710. BAR BINGO 6 p.m., Tuesday „ American Legion Post 103, 2101 Taylor Road, Punta Gorda 941-639-6337. BINGO 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday „ AMVETS Post 312, 7050 Chancellor Blvd., North Port 941-429-5403. BINGO 10:30 a.m. early bird, 11 a.m. start Wednesday, and 6 p.m. Monday „ American Legion R iders Post 110, 3152 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte 941-629-7446. BINGO 5:30 p.m. Friday „ Port Charlotte VFW Post 5690, 23204 Freedom Ave., Port Charlotte 941-467-4447. BAR BINGO, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Sunday „ Port Charlotte Elks, 1700 Tamiami Trail, Unit F, Port Charlotte 941-625-7571. BINGO 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday „ Eagles, 621 Colonia Lane, Nokomis 941-484-4470. BINGO 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday „ Venice-Nokomis Elks, 1021 Discovery Way N., Venice 941-486-1854. BAR BINGO 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Wednesday „ American Legion NO-VEL Post 159, 1770 Venice E. Blvd., Venice 941-485-4748. BINGO 1 p.m.-4:15 p.m., Sunday „ Knights of Columbus Hall, 512 Substation Road, Venice 941-375-8414.YOGAYOGA AT THE GARDEN NATIONAL PARK RX DAY, Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Ages 12 and up: 9 a.m.-10 a.m.; ages 5-11 (with parent): 10:30 a.m.-11 a.m. Bring yoga mat or towel. Saturday, April 22. Garden of Five Senses, 4299 Pan American Blvd., North Port. 941-4293555. FREE YOGA AT ENGLEWOOD BEACH : Daily at 8:30 a.m.; and Wednesday at 6 p.m. 941-473-0135. FREE YOGA AT MANASOTA BEACH: Morning, Monday-Saturday 9 a.m., and sunset, Monday-Thursday at 7 p.m. FREE YOGA AT VENICE BEACH PAVILION : Daily at 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., and Monday-Thursday at 7 p.m.OUT AND ABOUTFROM PAGE 3 PUNTA GORDA EVENTSApril shows at the Visual Art CenterTwo new exhibits will open at the Visual Arts Center, 210 Maud St., Punta Gorda. Florida Fruit & Flora „ on display through April 27 in the main gallery „ depicts the flowers, plants, fruits and ecosystems found in Florida with a mixture of paintings, sculpture, photography, pottery, fiber art and more. Goff Gallery will present four dynamic member artists from now through April 27. Jim Beechs watercolor and acrylic landscapes capture viewers with a story. Don Melanders watercolor paintings are inspired by nature and interesting man-made forms. Sandy OGrady creates pine needle baskets with found shells, agate and pottery pieces. Lois Porter weaves together different textures to create unusual and imaginative fiber art. For information, visit www.visualart or call 941-639-8810.Wine and cheese artist receptionThere will be a wine and cheese reception for artist Gina Battle from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, April 27, at KaysPonger & Uselton Funeral Home, 635 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Join Charlotte Arts to celebrate Battle, an abstract and performance artist, freelance writer and model. Abstract art gives her the voice to express herself through intuition and emotions. Details: 941-639-1133 or music of Elvis PresleyCome be a part of a special encore tribute show featuring the gospel music of Elvis Presley performed by internationally acclaimed entertainer and Elvis tribute artist, Mark Shelton. Shelton returns to the Burnt Store Presbyterian Church after a standing-room-only performance in 2016. Sheltons Elvis shows have received national and international attention being featured on ABC news, CBS Inside Edition, Good Morning America and more. The free benefit performance is at 7 p.m. Friday, April 28, at the church, 11330 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. No reserve seating or ticket necessary. A benefit offering will be received for Jesus Loves You Ministry Inc. For more information, call the church office at 941-639-0001 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to noon on Friday or by email tot miss the Punta Gorda Block PartyDowntown Punta Gorda will belong to the Punta Gorda Block Party again on April 29, when the popular street festival comes back from a two-year hiatus and returns to Marion Avenue, the citys main street. Three music stages will feature hours of live entertainment from Gary Puckett and his Union Gap and a strong lineup of national and local groups. Dozens of vendors selling reasonably priced food and drink and a childrens area add to the fun-filled day. Gates open at 11 a.m. and music ends at 10 p.m. Entry is free; donations solicited. Go to for more information.Pridefest 2017 at Laishley ParkCharlotte County Pride presents Pridefest 2017 from noon to 7 p.m., Saturday, April 29, at Laishley Park, 100 Nesbit St., Punta Gorda. There will be food, beverages, music, merchandise and vendors on-site. Entrance donation is a hygiene or food item to be donated to Chaps Food and Hygiene Pantry. Entertainment includes Drag Queens, Savanna Galloway, The Cheaters, Rickie Lane, Trop Rock Junkies, drag performances and more. The afterparty continues at Liquid, 4300 Kings Highway, Unit 415, Port Charlotte, with entertainment beginning at 9 p.m. No cooler or open containers; take your chairs; and no pets allowed. Visit, email cmj@ or call 941-204-3505. adno=50514404


April 19 25, 2017 E/N/C/V Lets Go! 9 UPCOMING EVENTSDaryl Shawn, a Pittsburg-based maestro of the nylon-string guitar,Ž creates exotic sounds by experimentation. As a tribute to in”uences that have inspired him over the years he produces multiple Japanese Koto or Chinese Guzheng sounding notes from a single string by inserting a bridge under the strings. By weaving a dollar bill through the strings, he's able to produce African-style music. Shawns twangy, offbeat Brazilian sounds are especially appealing. On Saturday, April 22, Shawn will be performing for the third time at Common Grounds Meeting Hall in North Port, one of his favorite Florida venues, as they provide a top-notch sound system and excellent acoustics. Shawn's musical career began after he graduated from Bostons Berklee College of Music with a degree in classical guitar and jazz composition. He joined a rock band in San Francisco after graduation, but after playing in a rock band became tiresome, he decided to retreatŽ to Oaxaca, Mexico, with no real plan or agenda. For “ve years I traveled around Mexico with just my guitar and a cassette player, experimenting with many genres: classical, ”amenco, rock, jazz and traditional folk music from around the world. It never occurred to me to produce original music until friends asked me to perform at their wedding in Mexico. I found the experience of performing solo original music without band accompaniment or structure quite liberating. After composing one song, I easily went on to write another nine pieces. My “rst album, released in 2009, As Promised included all the original songs I had composed for two separate weddings,Ž Shawn explained. Before leaving Mexico in 2009, Shawn recorded a second album Body of a Poet,Ž a collection of his original works. All of Shawns albums, including ones that he recorded in the United States, In PlaceŽ and On Time,Ž can be previewed and downloaded on iTunes or Spotify. Thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign I was able to go into a pro studio and spend all the time I needed to record the album On Time to my satisfaction. It took a very, very long time to get to that point,Ž Shawn said. The best link for hearing each song is album/ontime. Shawn, now a popular solo acoustic guitar performer, tours the United States. His entire schedule is posted on his website, At 5 p.m. every Wednesday, and at 10 p.m. every Sunday, he offers a live mini concertŽ t hat can be viewed on YouTube where listeners can interact and chat with him or on Facebook. See and hear Shawn in person at Common Grounds Meeting Hall, 12735 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port, in the Springs Plaza. The performance begins at 7:30 p.m. but fans may arrive early as doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased by calling 941-564-8739. Seating is limited so reservations are recommended. Find directions and more information about upcoming performances at Light refreshments are offered for sale. If you are a fan of noted guitar greats Tommy Emmanuel or Rodrigo y Gabriela then you will absolutely love Daryls music,Ž said Andy Browne, Common Grounds program director. Daryl Shawn performs music from around the worldBy CHRIS KOURAPISLET'S GO CORRESPONDENT IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Daryl Shawn € WHEN: Doors open at 7 p.m. Performance begins at 7:30 p.m. € WHERE: Common Grounds Meeting Hall, 12735 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port € INFORMATION: Admission is $10, and all ages are welcome. 941-564-8739 or PHOTO PROVIDEDSolo acoustic guitarist, Daryl Shawn, will be performing at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 22, at Common Grounds Meeting Hall, 12737 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port.NORTH PORT EVENTSYoga at the GardenEnjoy yoga at the Garden of Five Senses, 4299 Pan American Blvd., North Port, on Saturday, April 22, 9 to 10 a.m. (age 12 and up); 10:30 to 11 a.m. (age 5-11 with parents). Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Take your yoga mat or towel. For more information, call 941-429-3555.North Port Concert Band Presents My Kinds of TownsThe 80-member North Port Concert Band, conducted by Dennis Silkebakken, will present My Kinds of TownsŽ at 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 23, at the North Port Performing Arts Center, 6400 W. Price Blvd., North Port. This is a whirlwind musical tour of some of the globes greatest cities and towns led by some well-traveled composers. Special guests include Sarasota vocalists Doreen Curp and David Downer plus the professional dance team of Klaudia Kusznierewicz and Phillip Morehouse from Wilsons Dance Club International. Go to www.northport to order tickets.ARCADIA EVENTPlein air paintingJoin Peace River Painters for plein air painting on Monday, April 24, 2017, 8:30 a.m. at The Nav-AGator, 9700 SW Riverview Circle, Arcadia. Free; no instruction, no fees. Painting starts at 8:30 a.m.; painting review at 11:45 a.m. More information: or peaceriverpainters@ adno=54514610


10 Lets Go! E/N/C/V April 19 25, 2017 A group of dance students from Studio 7 gets ready to per form at the Punta Gorda 2017 Relay for LIfe e PHOTO PROVIDEDSara Mullinax and Karley Acker show o the bunny cakes they baked and decorated at a Junior Chef Cooking class hosted by Alice White of Pielicious Bake Shoppe in North Port. LETS GO PHOTO BY TAMI GARCIAKathy Muscarella, a resident at Grand Palm, goes in to make the shot with her paddle during a round of beginners pickleball at the community recently. LETS GO PHOTO BY TAMI GARCIAIslandWalk at the West Villages resident and certied hatha yoga instructor Terry Peterson teaches classes every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday morning for fellow residents and guests of the community. Mary Pike and Barbara Ann Savino at on March 31. LETS GO PHOTO BY DONNELL BATESMark Gering holds 18-month-old Willow Torres during the Blues, Brews and BBQ kicko party on April 7, in downtown Punta Gorda.AROUND T April 19 25, 2017 E/N/C/V Lets Go! 11 LETS GO PHOTO BY BETSY WILLIAMS e vent on March 31, at Charlotte High School. LETS GO PHOTO BY TAMI GARCIAGerry Morrow remains focused while he hits the ball over the net during pickleball at Grand Palm, recently. LETS GO PHOTO BY BETSY WILLIAMSthe MaryKay Relay for Life booth at Charlotte High School LETS GO PHOTO BY TAMI GARCIALynda Siegel, a resident at IslandWalk at the West Villages, remains focused during a recent hatha yoga class, taught by fellow resident Terry Peterson. LETS GO PHOTO BY BETSY WILLIAMSNancy Razvoza with the Charlotte County Democratic Party helps the Ridge Harbor Health Fair guests with voter registration and any other registration questions. LETS GO PHOTO BY DONNELL BATESKathy Robinson with Centennial Bank and Georgia Regan with Around the Clock Fitness attend the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerces networking event for women held April 6 in Punta Gorda. LETS GO PHOTO BY DONNELL BATESDr. Elizabeth Trianna is at Kingsway Country Club in Lake Suzy during Temple Shaloms Seder celebration. LETS GO PHOTO BY DONNELL BATESGood friends John Hanzl and Joe Russo catch up during a reception at the Englewood Event Center on April 1. T OWN adno=54511717 BUY 1 GAME € GET 1 FREE VALID EVERYDAY € NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNT 4949 Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41) € Port Charlotte € 941-627-5393 Adults $10.00 18 holes On l y Children 12 & under $9.00 18 holes On l y C. S. adno=50513429 OPEN 7 Days A Week VALID EVERYDAY NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNT. Limit One Discount Per Coupon Beautiful View of Gasparilla Sound Old Florida Waterfront Dining Fresh Seafood COME BY LAND OR SEA 13000 Fi shery Rd € Placi da, FL 33946 ( 941) 6972451 www. thef i sheryrestaurant com Open 7 Days a Week 11:30AM 9 PM Restaurant HAPPY HOUR 2-5 LIVE Music Friday 4-8pm Satday 4-8pm Sunday 1-5pm adno=54511721 Outstanding New Menu Come on out Dine on the Deck Placi da Art Market Apri l 22nd 9am4: 00pm Last Show of Last Show of the Season the Season OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SUNDAY BRUNCH SUNDAY BRUNCH S ig na ture Display of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Salad Bar € Shrimp Cocktail € Fresh Vegetables Chefs Chicken € Fresh Catch of the Day € Prime Rib & Ham Carving Station Assorted Desserts € Fresh Brewed Coffee, Tea or Ice Tea $22.95 ++ Per Person ~ 11am to 1:30pm € Reservations Required (941) 240-5100 Create Your Own Signature Omelet with Fresh Fillings and Toppings Eggs Benedict € Applewood Smoked Bacon € Country Sausage € Breakfast Potatoes $100 Off Room Charge and More! Expires 5/31/2017 25% Off Liquor Package Contact Sara Hartlein for more information and to book your special event! Wedding Ceremonies Rehearsal Dinners Receptions Bridal Showers Special Events Golf & Country Club Golf & Country Club adno=54511509


12 Lets Go! E/N/C/V April 19 25, 2017 UPCOMING EVENTSIt was unmistakable. The Philadelphia sound, rhythm and blues set to a smooth beat and soft harmony, was something kids danced to in the 1970s. It was apart from Motown (you know em), different from the Stax Records Tennessee sound of Sam & Dave. (Soul Man.Ž Yes, before the Blues Brothers.) It was truly R&B,Ž said Bernard Fullen Jr., lead singer for Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes Revue. You could always tell where the music was from by the music itself. It all had its own signature.Ž And Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes formed one of the most popular voices of the Philadelphia soul sound. The vocal groups biggest hit, If You Dont Know Me by Now,Ž reached No. 1 on the R&B chart, No. 3 pop. Every kid back then slow-danced to that song. All the girls loved it. Fullen, who has been fronting the group for 10 years, is the most recent in a line of lead singers that includes Melvin and Teddy Pendergrass. The Blue Notes, featuring the last surviving member of the original lineup, Lloyd Parks, will headline the “rst Riverwood Music Fest, to be held at Riverwood in Northwest Charlotte County on April 23. Gates open at 2 p.m. The show starts at 4 p.m. There will be a VIP reception from 3 to 4 p.m. The show also features Port Charlottes Gil Bricault, the Lisa Ridings Band, JAH Movement Reggae Band, Shawn Brown and former Oakland Raider Henry Lawrence. Following the late Pendergrass, who had a highly successful solo career, as the groups lead singer was challenging,Ž Fullen said. Teddy had a unique voice. His phrasing was unique, and he had it down pat. But we have similar voices. Often, Ill bump into people and Ill ask them if theyve heard of Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes. Theyll shake their heads no. So Ill say, How about Teddy Pendergrass? And theyll say, Yeah, yeah, Ive heard of him.Ž Fullen has been a resident of Riverwood for three years now. He wanted to do something for his neighbors. So why not put on a little show? Fullen and the rest of the group will bring the Philadelphia sound. Youll know it when you hear it. I have always been someone who believes there is always something special in your own backyard,Ž said promoter Jill DeWitt. I moved to Riverwood almost a year and a half ago, and fell in love with its beauty. So what could be more perfect than, a gorgeous background, great music, food, ice cream? After hearing Bernard sing and getting to know him in our community, I knew he was the one to headline this show. I approached him about promoting this event and the rest is history. Music has a way of bringing people together.ŽYou will know the Blue Notes and their Philadelphia soundBy RUSTY PRAYLETS GO CORRESPONDENT IF YOU GO€ WHAT: The Blue Notes, featuring the last surviving member of the original lineup, Lloyd Parks € WHEN: Riverwood in Northwest Charlotte County on April 23. Gates open at 2 p.m. The show starts at 4 p.m. There will be a VIP reception from 3 to 4 p.m. € TICKETS: Tickets, sold in advance only, are $42, $55 for VIP. They can be purchased at Wild Goose Chase, 1101 El Jobean, and the Ice Cream Place, 12456 N. Access Road. Both are in Port Charlotte. € INFORMATION: 303-435-5704 or 207-4152358 FULLEN JR. PHOTOS PROVIDEDThe original Blue Notes The current Blue Notes members adno=50513413 H ARRY & E MMY L OEB H OLOCAUST C OMMUNITY R EMEMBRANCE D AY S ERVICE S UNDAY A PRIL 23, 2017 @ 4 PM H ARRY & E MMY L OEB H OLOCAUST C OMMUNITY R EMEMBRANCE D AY S ERVICE O PEN T O T HE C OMMUNITY TEMPLE SHALOM 23190 UTICA AVENUE, PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33949 adno=50513993


April 19 25, 2017 E/N/C/V Lets Go! 13 UPCOMING EVENTSThe 80-member North Port Concert Band conducted by Dennis Silkebakken will present My Kinds of TownsŽ on Sunday, April 23, at 3 p.m. The concert will take place at the North Port Performing Arts Center. This is a whirlwind musical tour of some of the globes greatest cities and towns led by some well-traveled composers. The trip includes stops in London, Paris, Rio, Rome and Vienna before returning to the United States for layovers in Chicago, New Orleans, San Francisco, San Antonio and a glitzy “nale, which includes New York, New York,Ž a musical treat not to be missed. Special guests include Sarasota vocalists Doreen Curp and David Downer plus the Professional Dance Team of Klaudia Kusznierewicz and Phillip Morehouse from Wilsons Dance Club International. All of this plus plenty of additional musical surprises and youve got the North Port Concert Bands recipe for another great concert. Dont wait to select your seat now for a fabulous concert with the North Port Concert Band.North Port Concert Band presents My Kinds of TownsProvided by JOAN SKO WYRANORTH PORT CONCERT BAND IF YOU GO€ WHAT: North Port Concert Band „ My Kinds of Towns € WHEN: 3 p.m. Sunday, April 23 € WHERE: North Port Performing Arts Center at 6400 W. Price Blvd., North Port € INFORMATION: Visit www.northportconcert VENICE EVENTMusical Blood Brothers on Venice Theatres Stage IIVenice Theatres Stage II Series will present the dramatic musical Blood BrothersŽ now through Sunday, April 23. Performances start at 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays and at 2 p.m. on Sundays. There will be no show on Easter Sunday, April 16. Adult tickets are $32. Student tickets are $15 to $17. Seating is general admission. Blood Brothers,Ž sponsored by Joan Lino Signature Sothebys and Salon of Venice, is a gripping story by British playwright Willy Russell (also known for Educating Rita and Shirley Valentine) about twin brothers who are separated at birth, with one raised in wealth and the other in poverty. They grow to be friends and then bitter enemies without ever knowing their blood connection. Russell wrote the book, music and lyrics. Tickets for Blood Brothers and all Venice Theatre shows through June are available at the box office at 941-488-1115 or online at Subscriptions for the 2017-2018 Season are also on sale. Venice Theatre is at 140 W. Tampa Ave., on island in Venice. Box office hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday; and one hour before show time. adno=50512935 April 29, 2016 Noon 7pm After Pride party is at LIQUID with entertainment beginning at 9 pm. Laishley Park 100 Nesbit St. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 w Exclusive Print Media Sponsor Food & Hygiene Pantry will be collecting Hygiene and food items at the entrance. Please bring one. BR ING YOUR CHA IRS! F o od, beverages, music merchandise, and service vendors on site. Donation at the gate. Sorry no coolers or open containers. No pets allowed For more information on any event, please visit our website: or email or call 941-204-3505 Charlotte County Pride presents ENTERTAINMENT LINE UP 12:00 Elysian Sex Drive 4:15 Rickie Lane 1:45 Draq Queens 4:30 Drag Performances 2:00 Opening Ceremony 5:00 Trop Rock Junkies 2:15 Savanna Galloway 6:45 Drag Performances 2:30 The Cheaters adno=50514401 Contact dan mearns 941-893-9692, Dave habershar 941-626-4125,


14 Lets Go! E/N/C/V April 19 25, 2017 MOVIES DREAMWORKS ANIMATION VIA APThis image released by DreamWorks Animation shows characters Tim, voiced by Miles Bakshi, and Boss Baby, voiced by Alec Baldwin in a scene from the animated lm, The Boss Baby.Ž Some of the best animated lms have been inspired by fairy tales, ancient Greek fables or mythology. Now comes one clearly inspired by, of all people, David Mamet. The creators of The Boss Baby  have obviously been mining the playwrights gritty, foul-mouthed Glengarry Glen RossŽ to build the title character, a ruthless, capitalist-minded newborn with pupils the size of saucers who insists that Cookies are for closers.Ž To make the connection even rmer, theyve hired Alec Baldwin to voice the baby, reprising in cartoon version his motivational speaker from hell from the 1992 lm version of Glengarry Glen Ross.Ž The baby is also drawn in Baldwins black suit and tie with a gold watch and slicked-back hair. The casting and homage to Mamets snarling, soulless character is funny indeed but seems somewhat outsized in this sweet lm, overpowering its understated humor and terric animation. Altogether, it sometimes seems like The Boss BabyŽ was a really good 20-minute short lm that became stretched out like a piece of gum until the taste grew stale. An army of animators „ no, really, the endless end credits are staggering to sit through „ have been employed to make a 12-course banquet out of a whimsical board book by Marla Frazee, which introduced the suit-wearing toddler. Onscreen, alternate realities mix with several exciting chase sequences, Elvis impersonators, montages and moments of tenderness. Screenwriter Michael McCullers, an alumnus of Saturday Night LiveŽ who went on to write some of the Austin PowersŽ movies, has built an insane plot to accommodate Frazees briefcase-wielding, spicy tuna roll-loving parody of 1980s avarice. Both the book and lm share the same premise „ that a babys arrival changes a family. The movie version is told from the point of view of a 7-year-old only child with a swoop of hair (Miles Bakshi) whose idyllic world is shattered by the arrival of son No. 2 (Baldwin). It gets worse: The new baby can both talk and scheme. Hes actually undercover on behalf of a corporate behemoth to push his agenda. (New parents will totally get that.) Baldwin „ no surprise „ turns out to be simply great at playing a big, scary baby. His unmistakable presence here also adds a strange twist to a movie that its creators couldnt have anticipated. Baldwin, after all, has become notorious on Saturday Night LiveŽ for playing another suit-wearing character whos also egomaniacal, compassionless and a self-described business genius. This spring, Baldwin plays them both.By MARK KENNEDYAP ENTERTAINMENT WRITER says Go The Boss BabyOPENING THIS WEEKBorn in ChinaRuntime: 1 hr. 19 min. | Rated G | Adventure, family, documentaryThis documentary from Disneynature follows three animal species in the wilds of China: A snow leopard tries to protect her two cubs from predators, a golden snub-nosed monkey squabbles with his family, and a panda mother cares for her child.Leap!Runtime: 1 hr. 29 min. | Rated PG | Action/adventure, animatedIn 19th century France, a young orphan named Felicie (voice of Elle Fanning) dreams of becoming a ballerina. She and her best friend Victor (voice of Dane DeHaan) soon run away to Paris, where she enrolls in a prestigious dance school and competes for a chance to be a prima ballerina.MOVIES NOW PLAYINGThe Fate of the FuriousRuntime: 2 hr. 16 min.| Rated PG-13 | Action/adventure, suspense/thrillerGoing in Style (2017)Runtime: 1 hr. 36 min.| Rated PG-13 | ComedySmurfs: The Lost VillageRuntime: 1 hr. 30 min.| Rated PG | Animated, action/adventureThe Boss BabyRuntime: 1 hr. 37 min.| Rated PG | Animated, comedyThe Zookeepers WifeRuntime: 2 hr. 5 min.| Rated PG-13 | DramaGhost in the Shell (2017)Runtime: 1 hr. 42 min.| Rated PG-13 | Action/Adventure, dramaLifeRuntime: 1 hr. 43 min. | Rated R | Sci-fi/fantasy, horrorPower RangersRuntime: 2 hr. 4 min. | Rated PG-13 | Action/adventure, sci-fi/fantasyChipsRuntime: 1 hr. 41 min. | Rated R | Action/ adventure, comedyBeauty and the Beast (2016)Runtime: 2 hr. 9 min. | Rated PG | Family/musicKong: Skull IslandRuntime: 1 hr. 58 min. | Rated PG-13 | Action/adventure, sci-fi/ fantasyLogan (2017)Runtime: 2 hr. 15 min. | Rated R | Action/ adventure, sci-fi/fantasyThe ShackRuntime: 2 hr. 12 min. | Rated PG-13 | DramaLOCAL MOVIE THEATERSPlease check your local theater for listings and showtimes. Information taken from and € Regal Town Center Stadium16 „ PortCharlotte, 1441 Tamiami Trail, in the Town Center Mall. 941-623-0111. € Frank Theatres „ Galleria Stadium 12, 2111 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice. Phone: 941-408-9237. € AMC Sarasota 12 „ 8201 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, in the Sarasota Square Mall. 941-922-4900. € Regal Cinemas Hollywood Stadium 20 „ 1993 Main St., Sarasota. Phone: 941-365-2000. 25370 Zemel Road, Punta Gorda, FL 33955 ContactUs @ (941) 505-8400 Greenery has always been my favorite color! ...and you can find it here! and Bamboo Farm adno=50513081 adno=50513421


April 19 25, 2017 E/N/C/V Lets Go! 15 MUSIC Upbeat focuses on pop and rock music of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. By Tom Lovasko, Sun Correspondent Last week, the trivia question asked: Complete the title of these 70s moonŽ songs: Moon_____Ž (Van Morrison), Dancing In the Moon___Ž (King Harvest) and Moon ____Ž(Cat Stevens). Bonus: Moon____(theme)Ž (Al Jarreau, 1987).Answer: Moondance,Ž MoonlightŽ and Moon Shadow.Ž Bonus: Moonlighting.Ž Our weekly winners: Tom DePalo, Steve Padgett, Paul Wainman, Allan Tissot and Will Johnson of Punta Gorda. Teresa Wooldridge, Tom Jones, Barb Wager and Allie Eraca of North Port. Lee Stein of Arvada, Colorado, and Tom Tissot of Brick, New Jersey. Cochise Coburn, Jack Melton, Dennis Menhart and Bill Foss of Port Charlotte. Nadine Kubisch and Trudy Yukl of Englewood. Debbie Enderby and Karen Stansberry of Arcadia. Bob Herrington of Sarasota, Emma Kolanich of Deep Creek and Mike Barry of Ocala.This weeks question: This Athens, Georgia, rock band started out strong in the late 80s with two big singles, The One I LoveŽ and Stand.Ž Name the group that featured lead singer Michael Stipe. If you think you have the right answer, email it to no later than noon this Friday, and well publish you r name as the winner with the correct answer in next weeks issue of Lets Go! Please include your name and city. READERS ROCK! Top of Billboard Chart1962 „ Johnny AngelŽ by Shelley Fabares 1972 „ The First Time Ever I Saw Your FaceŽ by Roberta Flack 1982 „ I Love Rock N RollŽ by Joan Jett & the BlackheartsTime capsulesJudy Collins „ A folk singer and songwriter from Seattle, perhaps best known for the 1968 song Both Sides NowŽ and the mid-70s tune Send In The Clowns.Ž The Crosby, Stills and Nash song Suite: Judy Blue EyesŽ was written for her by Stephen Stills. ƒ The Tremeloes „ A British invasion soft pop/rock band, the Tremeloes had just three charted hits, all in 1967: Here Comes My Baby,Ž Silence Is GoldenŽ and Even The Bad Times Are Good.Ž ƒ Eddy Grant „ was originally with the Equals, a one-hit wonder group with Baby, Come Back,Ž in 1968. Then, in 1983, the rock-reggae singer and guitarist had his own hit with Electric Avenue,Ž followed by the title song to the movie Romancing The Stone.Ž Billy Preston „ An American singer/songwriter/ keyboardist, he had four top 5 singles in the 1970s: Outa-Space,Ž Will It Go Round In Circles,Ž Space RaceŽ and Nothing From Nothing.Ž Preston also played with The Beatles on Get Back.Ž ƒ Whitesnake „ This hardrocking English band had many members in and out of the group, including some from bigger artists such as Deep Purple, Jefferson Starship and Quiet Riot. They had two huge hits in 1987, Here I Go AgainŽ and Is This Love.ŽSingle ShotŽ Steve Flagg is a double barrel of musical talent and has been entertaining enthusiastic area crowds for 10 years now. Our accountant “rst came down here, buying condos and my wife and I bought one in Burnt Store Marina in 1993,Ž he said. I started out playing in a duo called Double Shot. When I did my “rst solo gig, they billed me as Single Shot. The name just stuck.Ž Originally from Michigan, Flagg, 59, has been playing electric and acoustic guitar for 30 years. He now splits his time between his home state and Southwest Florida, playing local haunts in Sarasota and Charlotte counties from September to April before heading back north in the summer. I play a little of everything,Ž he said. I play classic rock and country. I love Eric Clapton and the blues. But I try to play everything „ Jason Marantz, Lady Antebellum „ whatever my audience wants to hear.Ž Flagg added hes got a couple of original songs he occasionally throws into the mix, particularly one called Wish For Our Heroes,Ž which he wrote for a local veterans group that goes by the same name. But most of his set list is comprised of cover tunes for which he strives to impose his own particular spin. The kind of show I do is dynamic and very interactive,Ž he said. I play off the crowd a lot. The manager at Hurricane Charleys tells me theres nobody out there doing what I do, which is why they start their season by booking me “rst. After hearing me, people come up to me and say they feel as if theyve been to a concert. I dont just kick out songs. Each one is carefully rehearsed for a live performance.Ž Flagg added he uses no pre-recorded tracks, opting for a loop station that enables him to play multiple tracks in a live performance. I even play a solo with a beer bottle,Ž he laughed. I play a slide guitar, using the beer bottle. You have to see it to believe it.ŽSteve Flagg is taking his shotBy STEVEN J. SMITHSUN CORRESPONDENT UPCOMING SHOWSUpcoming gigs for Single ShotŽ Steve Flagg will take place from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday, April 21, at Cass Cay in Burnt Store Marina, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 22, at Deans South of the Border and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 23, at Hurricane Charleys in Port Charlotte. For more information on Flagg, visit his website at and click on the Single ShotŽ guitar pick. PHOTO PROVIDEDSteve Flagg plays regularly at Hurricane Charleys, Deans South of the Border and Cass Cay. FORT MYERS EVENTSFeel the beat with StompStomp,Ž the United Kingdoms sensational percussion group is bringing its signature beats to the Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Hall at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20, at FSW, 13350 FSW Parkway, Fort Myers. For more information, call 239-481-4849 or online at SuperSaver Show motors to townTom Wegge, president of Region One of the Florida RV Trade Association, announces the return of the RV SuperSaver Show for its 22nd annual event at the Lee County Sports Complex/Hammond Stadium from April 21-23. The admission-free RV show is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. The event features eight dealers from throughout Floridas Gulf Coast displaying a wide selection of new, used and leftover RVs of all styles, brands and price ranges. RVs on display include gas and diesel motorhomes, travel trailers, toy haulers, fifth wheels, van campers and folding campers. A variety of RV suppliers also will be on hand to provide information on where to camp as well as various other services to enhance campers outdoor adventures. To reach the Century Link Sports Complex/Hammond Stadium from I-75, take exit 131 (Daniels Parkway) and go west 5 miles to Ben Pratt-Six Mile Cypress Parkway and turn left. The CenturyLink Sports Complex is on the right on Ben Pratt-Six Mile Cypress Parkway. Visit for more information.The King and I comes to Barbara B. MannRodgers and Hammersteins The King and I,Ž the sensational musical based on the 1944 novel, Anna and the King of Siam,Ž is coming to the Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 26, at 13350 FSW Parkway, Fort Myers. For more information, call 239-481-4849 or online at CHARLOTTE EVENTSSpring Barn & Crafts Sales at GCUMCOn Friday and Saturday, April 21 and 22, from 9 a.m. to 4 p,m., the Mens Club and the Crafty Ladies of Gulf Cove United Methodist Church will hold their spring barn sale and handmade crafts sale. Barn sale questions can be directed to 941-697-8373 and craft questions to 941-697-5533. Gulf Cove UMC is at 1100 McCall Road, Port Charlotte. The church can be reached at 941-697-1747 or GulfCoveUMC@century or online at Charlotte Behavioral sets Painting with a PurposeCharlotte Behavioral Health Care will play host to a Painting with a Purpose night from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, April 28, at Bisque IT Studio, 1931 Tamiami Trail, Unit 3, Port Charlotte. Funds raised will help to expand yoga into CBHC Recovery Centers addiction programs. Yoga promotes relaxation (in place of using drugs to do so) and supports physical healing. Cost: $40 and you take your masterpiece home with you. Take your own beverages and snacks to enjoy with your painting experience. For more information, call 941-639-8300 or visit GORDA EVENTHook Kids on FishingIn partnership with the Fishermens Village, Anglers for Conservation is coordinating AFCs Hook Kids on Fishing program from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 29, at Fishermens Village Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. Kids ages 6 to 16, are welcome, along with their parents. The rst 80 kids registered may receive a free rod and reel. Registration is mandatory by calling Ralph Allen, Kingsher Fleet, at 941-639-2628. adno=50513365


16 Lets Go! E/N/C/V April 19 25, 2017 DINING OUTSome folks have the restaurant business in their blood. The Hishmeh family first bought Josephs Deli, in Port Charlotte, in September 1999. It was a small space, so in 2011, they expanded into the storefront next door. By 2015, Mary, Willie and their son Jamal decided they wanted to sell and move onto other things. But on February 13 of this year, they were back in the restaurant trade, having reopened Josephs. We just really missed the business,Ž Jamal said. My mom got really bored after a while. Were glad to be back and serving the community again.Ž Even though their restaurant had been successful before they sold it, spending a couple of years away from it gave the family some time to think about things they might do differently. First, they decided to concentrate on purchasing an even better quality of ingredients. For instance, their burgers are now made with Black Angus beef and their salad blend is comprised of romaine lettuce and spinach, instead of iceberg only. But they didnt stop there. We really began to focus on service and cleanliness, and most of all, giving our customers hot, delicious food in a timely fashion,Ž Jamal said. Josephs is really more of a cafe than a deli.Ž Indeed, what sets the restaurant apart is that while you can get fresh salads, cold platters and subs, you also can order burgers, grilled sandwiches and entrees like fish and chips, spinach lasagna, gyros, meat lasagna, falafels and fried shrimp. Jamal said that their grilled Reuben sandwich is still probably the most popular item on the menu. We use a New York-style rye bread from the St. Armands Bakery, and we slice all of our deli meats and cheeses in-house,Ž he said. All of our salads and soups are also made in-house, with no preservatives. We take pride in that.Ž A large part of Josephs Delis business is from delivering to all the nearby office complexes, and also catering for events of all kinds. With the varied menu they have, there is a wide selection of items customers can choose from for special occasions. Jamal said that he has three delivery drivers, who combine for around 50 to 60 deliveries a day. His goal is to get tasty food to people as quickly as possible.Josephs Deli: Hot, delicious food in a timely fashionBy DEBBIE FLESSNERLETS GO CORRESPONDENT IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Josephs Deli € WHERE: 3231-A Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte € HOURS: Open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday € INFORMATION: To nd out more, visit the website at and join the mailing list, or become a fan of the Facebook page at Josephs Deli has been owned by the same family o and on since 1999. PHOTOS BY DEBBIE FLESSNERJamal Hishmeh, his mother Mary and father Willie own and operate Josephs Deli. adno=50514125 Denim and Diamond tickets and Sponsorships can be purchased Online at The Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce store: or by calling: tel:(941)639-2222 TO BUY YOUR TICKET WITH CREDIT CARD. GO ON THE CHARLOTTE COUNTY CHAMBER WEBSITE OR CONTACT ONE OF THE LOCAL CHARITIES ABOVE TO GET YOUR TICKET.


April 19 25, 2017 E/N/C/V Lets Go! 17 UPCOMING EVENTSThe Jazz Club of Sarasota and the Baltimore Orioles have teamed up to present a jazz concert, Big Band Jazz Through the Decades,Ž for Jazz in the Ballpark. The special event is set for 7 p.m. on Saturday, April 22, at the Baltimore Orioles Ed Smith Stadium, 2700 12th St., Sarasota. The concert will feature music of Americas favorite big bands from the 1940s to the present. Highlights of the evening are songs of the Andrews Sisters and a tribute to Harry James. The trio titled Michele and the Swing SistersŽ will sing hits by the Andrews Sisters, backed by the Sarasota Jazz Project, a lively big band that played to a standing-room-only sellout in last years Jazz in the Ballpark concert. Trumpeter David Pruyn will solo with music of Harry James, and his wife, Michele James-Pruyn, will join him in a nostalgic rendition of Its Been a Long, Long Time.Ž James-Pruyn, a native of North Carolina, has been performing since the age of 15 and has won dozens of vocal competitions. She has sung at the White House, Disney World and other venues throughout the world and has opened for numerous stars including Robert Goulet, Shirley Jones, Bob Newhart, Lee Greenwood and Sandi Patti. James-Pruyn also has toured with the Harry James orchestra, Jimmy Dorsey and Nelson Riddle. Most recently, she completed a six-week tour of Hawaii and New Zealand with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra. As Michele and the Swing Sisters,Ž James-Pruyn and her longtime friends, Kim Kollar and Cathy Noeth, have performed their cabaret act, The Sounds of Harry James and the Andrews Sisters,Ž across the country for more than 17 years. The trio, which specializes in great harmonies, will join the Sarasota Jazz Project Big Band to present Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,Ž Bei Mir Bist Du SchoenŽ and other hits of the 40s and 50s. The Sarasota Jazz Project, formed in 2010, is a 17-piece big band under the direction of co-founder George McLain, who also plays tenor sax and sings. In addition to songs of the Andrews Sisters, the high-energy group will present other tunes from nostalgic to newer, including songs made famous by Harry James, Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Buddy Rich, Maynard Ferguson and Tower of Power. The band will feature many of the top jazz soloists in Florida including David Pruyn on trumpet, Tony Benade on saxophone and Greg Nielsen on trombone. Jazz in the Ballpark promises an evening of memorable fun in a party atmosphere, wrapped in the sounds of music everyone loves. While enjoying the nostalgia, fans can feast on ballpark food including hot dogs, drinks and snacks in the beautiful Sarasota twilight and evening. Tickets are available from the Orioles, with reserved seats priced at $50 (VIP), $30 and $20. Children and students may buy $20 seats for $10. Proceeds from this exciting event will be donated to the Jazz Club Scholarship Fund, which benefits local young musicians,Ž said Peg Pluto, president of the Jazz Club. The Jazz Club of Sarasota, founded in 1980, is dedicated to preserving, promoting and presenting jazz, Americas original musical art form. The Club has provided more than 50 jazz-related events annually for 37 years. Chief among them is the highly respected Sarasota Jazz Festival, which presented the 37th Annual Sarasota Jazz Festival in March.Jazz Club of Sarasota, Baltimore Orioles team up for Jazz in the BallparkPROVIDED BY JAZZ CLUB OF SARASOTA IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Jazz Club of Sarasota presents Jazz in the Ballpark € WHEN: 7 p.m. Saturday, April 22 € WHERE: Orioles Ed Smith Stadium, 2700 12th St., Sarasota € INFORMATION: Tickets are available from the Baltimore Orioles in three ways: at the box office, 2700 12th St., Sarasota, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., by phone at 941-893-6300 and online at Parking is in the east lot at 12th Street and Tuttle Avenue for $5, with a portion of proceeds going to the Sarasota YMCA. € JAZZ SCHOLARSHIPS: For further information, visit, phone the jazz club office at 941-366-1552 (Wednesday-Friday) or email PHOTO BY MIKE VALASEKSarasota Jazz Project will play favorite big band tunes during Jazz in the Ballpark. JAMESPRUYN adno=50513450


18 Lets Go! E/N/C/V April 19 25, 2017 DINING OUTFor Susan Flynn, cooking for a crowd is a natural thing. She and her husband Gary owned Venices Java Cafe & Catering for 10 years, having opened it after they moved here from London, England. During that time, they built a substantial catering clientele, which is an aspect of their business that has continued to thrive since they opened their restaurant, Flynns on Venice Ave., two years ago. The downtown eatery serves contemporary American cuisine and is perfectly situated in the first block of Venice Avenue, in the heart of the island, providing an ideal base of operations for the couple. Flynns has a comfortable, stylishly decorated dining room and bar area „ like you might have, if you were a professional designer. Susan said it was actually Gary who came up with ideas for the warm wooden floors, leather seating, including some high-top tables, glossy bar and unique chandeliers, which are metal-framed, with upside-down wine glasses. We just ordered the chandelier and put the glasses on,Ž she said. This is a casual restaurant „ you can dress up or down and be comfortable.Ž In addition to running their own longtime catering business, the Flynns have restaurants in their blood. Susans mother and grandfather were chefs and Garys mother was a restaurant cook, so the couple was wellaware of what it took to make their business a success. Steve and Kevin, who used to work in Sarasota, are the two chefs at Flynns. They use fresh, local ingredients to create traditional, yet innovative, dishes that include steaks, seafood, chicken, gluten-free and vegetarian options. Susan said that both the lunch and dinner menus have a nice variety of choices, but there are definitely some customer favorites. For lunch, our pot roast grilled cheese sandwich is very popular „ people love that,Ž she said. They also really like our blackened chicken avocado salad and the beet and kale salad.Ž The dinner menu includes the equally popular beef Wellington, as well as some other traditional-type foods with a twist. For example, the roasted chicken is served over white cheddar polenta and asparagus in a pancetta jus, and seared pork chops are dusted with roasted fennel and served with pan-roasted wild mushroom ragu, roasted vegetables and garlic mashed potatoes. Paying homage to their British roots, the Flynns serve an English afternoon tea, which includes an array of quiches, finger sandwiches, scones, tea cookies, preserves and English tea. With four different menus to choose from, you are sure to find something that strikes your fancy. They ask that you book reservations for the tea 24 to 48 hours in advance, because the pastries and quiches are made from scratch. The couple also hosts wine dinners twice a month, such as the most recent one that was called the Connecticut Wine Experience. It featured wines from the Sharpe Hill Vineyard in Connecticut. Wine Host Tom Devine introduced the wines, and Chef Steve created the pairing menu, for a cost of $60 per person. Susan said shes happy that the local clientele she had at her award-winning-catering business has not seemed to have much of a problem finding where she and Gary opened their restaurant. Plus, since they have two fabulous chefs on staff, they have been able to continue to cater off-site events of all types and sizes. It helps to have a great reputation in the community. It definitely takes a while to get your name out there, since our restaurant has a different name than our catering business did,Ž she said. But we are really getting our locals in here now, and its mostly been from word of mouth.ŽFlynns on Venice Ave. „ Cooking for a crowd is a natural thingBY DEBBIE FLESSNERLETS GO CORRESPONDENT IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Flynns on Venice Ave. € WHERE: 133 W. Venice Ave., Venice € HOURS: Open for lunch from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and for dinner from 4:30 to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday. There is a happy hour each day, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., when wine is $6 per glass, plus, there are daily lunch and dinner specials. € INFORMATION: Visit the website at www. to sign up for email alerts about upcoming wine tastings, wine dinners and other events. For more information, or to make a reservation, call 941-488-2200. PHOTO PROVIDEDFlynns on Venice Ave. is a restaurant and wine bar in downtown Venice.PHOTO BY DEBBIE FLESSNERSusan Flynn and her husband Gary own Flynns on Venice Avenue. adno=54510138 1380 COLONIAL BLVD, FORT MYERS € 239.278.4422 € SWFLS PREMIER DINNER THEATRE NOW MAY 14 This timeless musical phenomenon takes a passionate look at Jesus last days through the eyes of Judas. Propelled by a thrilling score by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, Jesus Christ Superstar illuminates the moving power of the human spirit with its message of hope, peace and the power of love.THE OFF BROADWAY PALMCHILDRENS THEATRESELECT MATINEESNOW APR 29NOW MAY 12 adno=50513073


April 19 25, 2017 E/N/C/V Lets Go! 19 ARTIf you are a person who enjoys living or vacationing in Southwest Florida, you probably spend lots of time at the beach where you soak up sunshine, gather shells and view marine wildlife on a daily or weekly basis. At Nautical Sand Sculptures, the DeMichele brothers: Matt, Mike and Marc, have found a solution for nature lovers who cant seem to get enough beach time. They use natural materials such as sand, shells, sand dollars or starfish to create one-of-akind sculptures that can be displayed as wall art, tabletop pieces or LEDlighted wall hangings in homes or patios. Customized sculptures can be any size, shape, price or color and are carefully sealed to allow for years of indoor or outdoor enjoyment, according to Mike, who invites people to view examples of their work at Nautical Sand Sculptures Art and Gift Gallery in Venice, on their website, or in person at one of the many art festivals listed on their website. My brothers and I travel to over 50 fine arts shows a year, and customers appreciate the fact that we offer free installation at no extra cost,Ž Mike said. Although the brothers work together in creating most sculptures, each has a specialty. Mike fashions sea turtles of every size and color and designs individual baby turtles that look like they are crawling up walls. Matt specializes in natural sand-textured wall pieces that include real shells and sea creatures that are raised to look like theyre emerging from the beach. Marc hand-paints smooth and colorful beach scenes with palm trees, bright blue water, exotic birds or fish. The DeMichele brothers, third generation sand sculptors, learned their craft as boys by helping their maternal grandmother, Susan Castellina, create sand sculptures that she sold at local craft shows. At that time we considered ourselves slave laborers,Ž Mike said. Years later, after graduating from North Port High and going their separate ways, the brothers decided to get together and open a gallery that would feature their original sand sculptures as well as the artwork of several local artists and craftspeople. Their father, Allen and wife, KellyZimmer DeMichele, award-winning Island Sand Sculpture artists, were extremely supportive. Matt, Mike and Marc opened their Miami Avenue W., gallery on June 16, 2016. The day after our move, a propane gas fire destroyed over 250 sculptures, a 30-foot trailer that we used to transport artwork, chairs, tables, a cash register and some irreplaceable heirlooms in our storage facility next to the Old Packing House Cafe in Sarasota. It was a devastating loss, but friends, family members and local customers reached out to help us recover,Ž Mike added. Designing artwork, operating a gallery and traveling to art festivals almost every weekend, can be challenging, but the DeMichele brothers, all in their 20s, are proud to carry on their family's tradition as sand sculptors. Handcrafted sand sculptures by Matt, Mike and MarcBy CHRIS KOURAPISLETS GO CORRESPONDENT INFORMATIONVisit Nautical Sand Sculptures Art and Gift Gallery, 223 A Miami Ave. W., in Venice, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day except Sunday. View their work or future art show information at For more information, call 941-256-5855, email nauticalsand or at NauticalSandSculptures. PHOTO PROVIDEDMatt, Mike and Marc DeMichele, owners of Nautical Sand Sculptures in Venice, create nautical sand sculptures that can be displayed as wall art, table decorations or LED-lighted wall hangings. PHOTO PROVIDEDColorful sea creatures come alive in sand sculptur es created by the DeMichele brothers, third generation sand sculptors. SUN PHOTO BY CHRIS KOURAPISRichard and Janice Kipp, who have purchased several large natural sand sculptures from the DeMichele brothers, visited Mike DeMichele recently at Nautical Sand Sculptures where they purchased tiny hand-sculptured turtles as gifts for their granddaughters collection. CHECK IN 11AM 11:30AMTO 1:30PMTICKETS $75 Luncheon and Fashion ShowFASHIONWITH A PASSION FEATURING THE FASHIONS of Lilly Pulitzer by EVENTSPONSOR Thursday5 4 17 T T H H E E S E E A A S S O O N N    S S S S PR ES S EN EN TE TE D D BY BY L L EA A D D E E R SH H IP P E E N N G G LE L W OO OO D D C C LA A SS SS O O F F 20 2 17 7 PROCEEDSBENEFIT EVENTLOCATIONBoca RoyaleGOLF & COUNTRY CLUB1601 Englewood Road Englewood, Florida 34223ENJOY Lunch With FriendsPREVIEW Spring & Summer FashionsYOUR CHANCE TO WIN 50/50 Raffle & Chance Auction Items PURCHASE TICKETS TODAY adno=54511702 VENICES WATERFRONT LANDMARK SINCE 1976. T C D marina restaurant tavern OUT OF THE WAY. OUT OF THE ORDINARY. adno=54512233


20 Lets Go! E/N/C/V April 19 25, 2017 adno=54511587 adno=54511571 A Taste of Italy in Olde Englewood 941-473-0000 20 Magnolia Ave. Tues Sat 11:30 am-9 pm € Sun € 4-9 pm € Closed Monday BEER & WINE DINE-IN € TAKE-OUT FREE DELIVERY! 2 sli ces of PIZZA w/soda Located off Dearborn St Bobarinos Pizzeria $ 5 Candles, Soaps, Creams, Scrubs, Serums Mon-Sat 10am-5pm 457 W. Dearborn St. 941-475-3037 All Natural Handmade Products made right in our store adno=54511582 Smoky Mountain Handmade Candles adno = 54511584 adno=54511563 on Hi stori c Dearborn St. EVERY THURSDAY! 9am t o 2pm adno=54511580 941-681-3500 301 W. Dearborn St., Englewood, FL 34223 Voted Best Lunch Panini Sandwich Shop 941-473-8466 420 W. Dearborn St. Tues-Thur 11-9 € F ri & S at 11-10 € Sun Brunch 11-4 adno=54511569 Vino Loco Gourmet Wine Bar, Tapas & Bottle Shop Relaxed, Full Service Dining adno=54511578 Open Daily 7am to 3pm 450 W Dearborn St. Let us Cater your next Event! a d n o = 5 4 5 0 5 2 8 9 COFFEE € ESPRESSO € CAPPUCCINO LATTES & MOCHAS € MORE VOTED #1 For Coffee adno=54510856 Thank You for your continued support, Englewood! ENGLEWOOD MOOSE LODGE 1933 Ent ertai nment Ni ght ly at our Insi de and Out si de Bars Lunch, Di nners and Bar Food Everyday. Sunday Breakf ast Addi t i onal Inf ormat i on at www. englewoodmoose. org 55 WEST DEARBORN STREET ENGLEWOOD, FL ( 941) 4732670 adno=54511573 adno=54511585 Dearborn Corner Market 598 W. Dearborn 941-681-3390 Sun-Thu 6:30am-9pm € Fri-Sat 6:30am-10pm Walk-in Humidor Fine Cigars Fine Cigars Open Mon Sun 11-9 498 W. Dearborn St. 475-4010 € Take Out Available THANK YOU ENGLEWOOD Voted BEST Mexican Food! adno=54511577 adno=54511589 The Past RevisitedŽ Primitives, Antiques & Needful Things 941-468-1606 € Open M-S 10am-5pm 505 W. Dearborn St. 285 W.Dearborn St., Englewood (941)475-1355 Happy Hour 4-6pm € 2 for 1 Well Drinks & Drafts adno=54511565 Now Open Open TuesSun @ 4pm DAILY EARLY BIRD SPECIALS Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. M ember FINRA/SIPC adno=54511575 941-548-3170 447 W. Dearborn St. Englewood A Modern Ameri can Gourmet Gri ll Open 7 AM 7 Days for Breakfast Lunch & Dinner Thanks For Voting For Us in BEST OF ENGLEWOOD! BRING THIS AD IN FOR $1.00 OFF OF ANY FOOD ORDER OF $5.00 OR MORE... 941460ZEKE ( 9353) 115 W. Dearborn Street … Olde Englewood Village adno=54511567 adno = 54511590


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9.70 +2.6tAerohiveN HIVE ... ... ...dd 7.45 3.89 104 3.83 -32.8 AerojetR AJRD ... ... ...dd 22.99 16.04 489 21.87 +21.8 Aetna AET 2.00f 1.6 17 136.50 104.59 1806 128.54 +3.7 AffilMgrs AMG ... ... 17 179.85 130.48 316 161.79 +11.3 AffMgrs42 MGR 1.59 6.2 ... 27.69 24.80 23 25.70 +1.8 Agilent A .53 1.0 31 54.82 40.26 1225 53.03 +16.4 Agnico g AEM .40 ... 60.10 35.05 1543 46.47 +10.6 AgreeRlt ADC 1.98 3.9 23 51.33 38.59 127 50.68 +10.1 Agrium g AGU 3.50 3.8 16 111.88 83.15 386 91.98 -8.5 Air Inds AIRI .60 19.9 ... 6.10 2.21 26 3.02 -4.1 AirLease AL .30f .8 7 40.24 24.49 962 36.96 +7.7 AirProd APD 3.80f 2.8 21 157.84 129.00 698 135.27 -5.9 AirPrd wi APD/WI ... ... ... Aircastle AYR 1.04 4.5 11 25.98 18.26 192 23.22 +11.4 AlaPw pfO ALPpO 1.46 5.2 ... 30.93 25.30 3 27.90 +6.3 AlamoGp ALG .40 .5 19 79.59 52.82 28 73.84 -3.0 AlamosGld AGI .02 .3 ... 10.41 5.85 3026 7.97 +16.5 AlaskaAir ALK 1.20f 1.4 12 101.43 54.51 1102 86.53 -2.5 AlbnyIn AIN .68 1.5 27 49.50 36.91 59 44.85 -3.1 Albemarle ALB 1.28f 1.2 28 107.56 65.57 868 105.77 +22.9 Alcoa Cp AA ... ... ... 39.78 20.71 4862 31.76 +13.1 Alere ALR ... ... ...dd 49.42 31.47 4446 49.00 +25.7 Alere pfB ALRpB 12.00t ... ... 388.25 271.04 245 388.25 +16.6 AlexB Inc ALEX .28 .6 ...dd 46.43 32.94 98 44.64 -.5 Alexanders ALX 17.00f 3.9 20 451.99 364.01 7 437.98 +2.6 AlexREE ARE 3.32 2.9 26 120.96 91.95 499 115.34 +3.8 AlxRE pfD AREpD 1.75 5.0 ... 37.25 30.01 3 35.11 +2.5 AlxRE pfE AREpE 1.61 6.5 ... 26.85 24.40 24.96 -.5 AlexcoR g AXU ... ... ... 2.54 .99 218 1.55 +14.8 AlgonPw n AQN .23p ... ... 10.18 7.91 40 9.74 +14.9sAlibaba BABA ... ... 35 111.88 73.30 8217 111.23 +26.7 AllegCp Y ... ... 19 667.19 498.63 32 608.62 +.1 AllegTch ATI ... ... ...dd 23.69 10.93 2219 16.92 +6.2 Allegion ALLE .64 .8 ... 76.50 61.47 416 75.94 +18.7 Allergan AGN ... ... 17 261.27 184.50 2532 234.38 +11.6 Allergn pfA AGNpA 55.00 6.6 ... 920.24 691.00 9 838.26 +9.9sAllete ALE 2.14f 3.1 27 69.58 54.03 315 69.51 +8.3 AlliCAMun AKP .70 5.1 ...q 15.74 13.02 24 13.66 +3.1 AlliData ADS .52p ... 16 254.94 185.02 487 238.00 +4.2 AlliBNtlMu AFB .75 5.5 ...q 15.21 12.83 56 13.64 +3.2 AlliOne rs AOI ... ... 3 27.23 12.25 21 12.95 -32.6 AlliBGlbHi AWF .97a 7.6 ...q 13.03 11.25 117 12.68 +.9 AlliNYMun AYN .67 4.7 ...q 14.29 AlliBern AB 1.81e 7.9 11 25.13 20.75 208 23.05 -1.7 AlliantEg s LNT 1.22 3.0 21 40.99 34.08 1263 40.15 +6.0 AlliGlCvInc NCV .78 11.4 ...q 7.00 5.65 182 6.86 +7.5 AlliGblCv2 NCZ .69 11.3 ...q 6.27 4.93 161 6.08 +6.5 AlliNFJDv NFJ 1.20 9.2 ...q 13.37 11.91 236 13.01 +3.2 AlliGlEqCv NIE 1.52 7.9 ...q 19.80 17.46 63 19.29 +4.7 AllnzgDI&Cv ACV 2.00 9.7 ...q 20.80 16.87 55 20.54 +9.4 AlldCap47 AFC 1.72 6.7 ... 26.28 25.10 7 25.74 +2.0 AlldWldAsr AWH 1.04 2.0 16 54.46 33.20 316 53.12 -1.1 AllisonTrn ALSN .60 1.7 31 38.17 26.36 2122 34.90 +3.6 Allstate ALL 1.48f 1.8 16 83.09 64.36 2349 80.31 +8.4 Allstat pfA ALLpA 1.41 5.4 ... 27.88 24.17 17 25.99 +5.0 Allstate 53 ALLpB 1.28 4.6 ... 28.26 24.66 22 27.44 +9.0 Allstat pfC ALLpC 1.69 6.2 ... 28.61 25.54 19 27.16 +5.4 Allstat pfD ALLpD 1.66 6.1 ... 28.71 25.54 5 27.26 +5.4 Allstat pfE ALLpE 1.66 6.1 ... 28.67 25.51 33 27.26 +5.4 Allstat pfF ALLpF 1.56 5.6 ... 29.16 25.00 7 27.79 +8.3 AllyFincl ALLY .32p 1.7 9 23.62 14.84 4661 19.24 +1.2 AlmadM n AAU ... ... ... 1.88 .75 281 1.60 +65.1 AlonUSA ALJ .60 5.4 ...dd 13.01 5.86 452 11.03 -3.1 AlonUsaLP ALDW .40e 4.3 11 12.44 7.63 44 9.22 -4.0 AlpUSQVal QVAL 1.35e 5.4 ...q 26.07 20.29 4 25.04 +1.2 AlpValuIntl IVAL 1.35e 4.8 ... 29.31 20.99 10 28.24 +10.0 AlpMoIntQ IMOM ... ... ...q 26.81 22.35 1 24.39 +7.0 AlpMoUSQ QMOM ... ... ... 26.70 20.50 3 24.68 -.1 AlphaPro APT ... ... 14 3.80 1.87 8 2.70 -22.9 AlpGDDiv AGD .78 8.0 ...q 9.88 8.04 55 9.72 +10.8sAlpGPPrp AWP .60 10.1 ...q 5.93 4.84 506 5.95 +16.0 AlpTotDiv AOD .69 8.3 ...q 8.39 6.97 299 8.31 +9.6 AlpsETF GRI 1.52e 3.4 ...q 47.03 40.28 1 44.48 +6.8 AlpsEqSect EQL 1.83e 2.9 ...q 64.11 55.02 14 62.63 +4.4 AlpBzSoMed BUZ ... ... ... 28.14 22.32 1 26.48 +1.1 AlpsRivFlex RFFC ... ... ... Alps RivDiv RFDA ... ... ... 29.23 24.45 4 27.50 +1.9 AlpRvrCare RFCI ... ... ... 27.89 24.16 3 24.73 +1.2 AlpRivUncn RFUN ... ... ... 28.76 24.65 1 26.02 +1.0 AlpSprtJG SGDJ ... ... ...q 49.11 28.00 9 35.40 +11.5 AlpMedBrk SBIO ... ... ...q 27.61 19.90 20 25.34 +10.6 AlpSprotG SGDM ... ... ...q 29.85 16.89 78 21.42 +13.6 AlpWkplEq EQLT .46 ... ...q 32.97 25.77 4 31.92 +5.7 AlpEDvDg EDOG .67e 2.9 ...q 24.33 20.21 16 23.20 +6.6 AlpAlerEn ENFR 1.35e 5.6 ...q 24.95 19.43 3 24.18 +1.4 AlpIntDvDg IDOG 1.47e 5.8 ...q 25.71 21.28 67 25.13 +6.3 AlpBarr400 BFOR .26e .7 ...q 37.05 28.66 5 36.03 +2.8 AlpEqHiVol HVPW 1.52e 8.0 ...q 20.49 18.81 132 19.02 -2.0 AlpRivStInc RIGS .30e 1.2 ...q 25.50 24.41 51 25.37 +.8 AlpsDvDog SDOG 1.40e 3.3 ...q 44.40 37.53 257 42.73 +1.6 AlpAlerMLP AMLP 1.35e 10.7 ...q 13.31 11.42 4116 12.63 +.2 Alteryx n AYX ... ... ... 17.24 14.61 289 16.34 +7.3 AltisrcAst AAMC ... ... 9 89.12 11.40 7 72.95 +36.4 AltisResid RESI .60 3.9 ... 15.66 7.81 381 15.46 +40.0 Altria MO 2.44 3.4 24 76.55 60.19 4966 72.34 +7.0 AlumChina ACH ... ... ... 13.85 7.22 42 12.90 +26.3 ATrFn pfA AFSIpA 1.69 8.1 ... 26.00 19.40 31 20.96 -14.7 AmTrF pfB AFSIpB 1.81 8.1 ... 26.49 20.37 18 22.22 -11.2 AmTrF pfC AFSIpC 1.91 8.3 ... 26.89 21.19 14 22.91 -8.9 AmTrF pf F AFSIpF ... ... ... 25.17 19.39 50 21.67 -6.1 AmTrF pfE AFSIpE ... ... ... 27.40 21.03 46 23.44 -8.2 AmTrFn 7.5 AFST ... ... ... 28.75 22.46 22 24.07 -6.5 AmTrFn 55 AFSS 1.81 7.6 ... 26.81 22.57 21 23.76 -5.9 AmTrF pfD AFSIpD 1.88 8.3 ... 26.91 21.00 35 22.54 -10.6 AmberRd AMBR ... ... ...dd 12.30 4.50 78 7.39 -18.6 Ambev ABEV .06e 1.0 6 6.34 4.70 14886 5.79 +17.9 Ameren AEE 1.76f 3.2 21 56.57 46.30 1129 55.34 +5.5 Ameresco AMRC ... ... 21 6.70 3.91 67 6.20 +12.7 AMovilL AMX .66e 4.5 50 15.93 11.02 4868 14.64 +16.5 AmMovl A AMOV ... ... ... 14.81 13.89 5 14.37 AmAssets AAT 1.04f 2.3 28 46.38 37.54 282 44.53 +3.4 AmAxle AXL ... ... 5 21.25 12.61 1161 17.01 -11.9 AmCampus ACC 1.68 3.4 25 54.56 43.95 443 49.33 -.9 AmDGEn ADGE ... ... ...dd .65 .22 71 .31 +11.4 AEagleOut AEO .50 3.8 11 19.55 13.04 4307 13.17 -13.2 AEP AEP 2.36 3.5 17 71.32 57.89 2411 67.98 +8.0 AEqInvLf AEL .24f 1.0 15 28.00 13.03 514 23.02 +2.1 AmExp AXP 1.28 1.7 13 82.00 57.15 3705 75.79 +2.3 AFnclGrp AFG 1.25 1.3 16 97.00 68.25 279 94.40 +7.1 AFnclG6-42 AFW 1.59 6.2 ... 26.96 24.98 17 25.61 +2.0 AFnclG8-42 AFA 1.44 5.7 ... 26.89 24.16 7 25.35 +1.5 AFnclGp 54 AFGE 1.56 6.0 ... 28.28 24.43 5 26.15 +4.5 AFnclGp 55 AFGH 1.50 5.7 ... 28.02 23.58 19 26.15 +4.6 AHm4Rent AMH .20 .8 41 23.98 15.63 986 23.76 +13.3 AHm4R pfA AMHpA 1.25 4.4 ... 29.37 26.05 1 28.34 +2.7 AHm4R pfB AMHpB 1.25 4.4 ... 29.70 26.32 5 28.50 +4.1 AHm4R pfC AMHpC 1.38 4.8 ... 29.50 26.08 41 28.45 +4.8 AHm4Rn pfD AMHpD 1.63 6.2 ... 27.58 22.15 8 26.15 +4.6 AHm4R pfE AMHpE 1.59 6.2 ... 26.37 22.55 36 25.80 +5.3 AIG wt AIG/WS ... ... ... 25.26 15.50 47 18.74 -20.1 AmIntlGrp AIG 1.28 2.2 ...dd 67.47 48.41 4817 59.50 -8.9 AmLorain ALN ... ... ...dd 1.30 .45 103 .54 AMidstrm AMID 1.65 11.3 ...dd 18.45 8.60 126 14.60 -19.8 AmrRlty ARL ... ... ...dd 9.85 4.44 2 7.71 +49.1 AmRenAs n ARA ... ... ... 29.65 15.47 50 17.17 -19.3 AmShrd AMS ... ... 26 5.00 1.81 13 4.40 +31.3 AmStsWtr AWR .97 2.2 28 46.39 37.28 110 44.84 -1.6sAmTower AMT 2.48f 2.0 49 124.40 99.72 2226 124.86 +18.1sATowr pfA AMTpA 5.25 4.5 ... 117.28 100.01 164 117.94 +12.5 ATowr pfB AMTpB 5.50 4.7 ... 116.74 99.45 32 115.79 +10.8 AVangrd AVD .06f .4 38 20.00 12.60 67 16.75 -12.5 AmWtrWks AWK 1.50 1.9 28 85.24 69.41 635 79.50 +9.9 AmerSilvr n USAS ... ... ... Amerigas APU 3.76 8.1 42 50.11 40.81 116 46.39 -3.2 Ameriprise AMP 3.00 2.4 13 135.20 84.92 1200 126.61 +14.1 AmeriBrgn ABC 1.46 1.8 14 94.50 68.38 4359 82.56 +5.6 Ametek AME .36 .7 23 55.48 43.28 1203 53.98 +11.1 AmiraNatF ANFI ... ... ... 9.80 4.71 44 5.18 -15.8 Ampco AP .36 2.5 ...dd 19.22 9.34 23 14.20 -15.2 Amphenol APH .64f .9 ... 71.98 54.94 1192 69.96 +4.1 AmpioPhm AMPE ... ... ...dd 4.32 .52 119 .58 -35.6 AmYdPr5 ef PFV ... ... ... 27.96 24.52 1 27.29 +2.3 AmpDivOpt DIVO ... ... ... 26.79 24.80 1 26.03 +4.6 Amplify n BETR ... ... 19 17.53 7.86 283 8.93 +1.4tAmpliphi rs APHB ... ... ...dd 3.72 .32 444 .31 -28.6 Amrep AXR ... ... 10 8.14 4.04 5 6.65 -10.4 Anadarko APC .20 .3 ...dd 73.33 44.81 3328 60.41 -13.4 Anadrk 18 AEUA 3.75 8.4 ... 46.52 34.50 3 44.55 +7.7 AnglogldA AU ... ... ... 22.91 9.28 6042 13.06 +24.3 ABInBev BUD 3.19e 2.9 ... 136.08 98.28 1034 110.82 +5.1 Anixter AXE ... ... 17 88.00 51.50 96 76.20 -6.0sAnnaly NLY 1.20a 10.2 10 11.75 9.83 6415 11.76 +18.0 Annaly pfA NLYpA 1.97 7.7 ... 27.00 24.51 7 25.52 +1.9 Annaly pfC NLYpC 1.91 7.6 ... 26.04 23.77 7 25.26 +4.8 Annaly pfD NLYpD 1.88 7.4 ... 26.29 23.79 21 25.31 +4.8 Annaly pfE NLYpE 1.91 7.5 ... 25.88 23.95 9 25.30 +5.0 AnteroMid AM 1.12f 3.4 28 35.74 22.86 205 32.83 +6.3tAnteroRes AR 1.00 4.6 38 30.66 21.78 2219 21.95 -7.2 Anthem ANTM 2.60 1.6 17 170.79 114.85 946 166.37 +15.7 Anthem un ANTX 2.62e ... ... 51.05 41.00 59 49.65 +5.8 Anworth ANH .60 10.5 10 5.70 4.47 503 5.69 +10.1 Anwrth pfA ANHpA 2.16 8.1 ... 26.88 24.80 13 26.70 +5.6sAnwrth pfB ANHpB 1.56 5.6 ... 28.05 19.91 6 28.08 +9.8 Anwrth pfC ANHpC 1.91 7.7 ... 26.40 23.70 18 24.75 +.1 Aon plc AON 1.44f 1.2 19 120.40 100.55 770 118.86 +6.6 AoxingPh AXN ... ... 10 .94 .30 22 .39 +21.9 Apache APA 1.00 2.0 ...dd 69.00 48.05 4810 50.45 -20.5 AptInv AIV 1.44f 3.2 31 47.91 39.14 1529 44.72 -1.6 AptInv pfA AIVpA 1.72 6.4 ... 29.47 25.29 1 26.70 +3.3 ApolloCRE ARI 1.84 9.7 10 19.03 15.43 676 18.88 +13.6 ApolCR pfA ARIpA 2.16 8.4 ... 26.29 24.92 6 25.70 +1.4 ApoCRE pfC ARIpC ... ... ... 25.75 23.80 16 25.55 +3.1 ApolloGM APO 1.42e 5.5 25 26.22 14.25 1842 25.60 +32.2 ApollG pfA APOpA 1.60 6.4 ... 25.41 24.55 345 25.14 +2.1 Apollo 42 AIB 1.66 6.6 ... 26.79 24.20 6 25.21 +.2 ApolloI 43 AIY 1.72 6.6 ... 27.41 24.78 4 26.26 +3.8 ApollSrFlt AFT 1.08a 6.3 ...q 18.08 15.42 137 17.16 -1.4 ApolloTact AIF 1.32a 8.0 ...q 16.77 13.87 35 16.50 +6.7 AppHReit n APLE 1.20 6.3 31 20.68 17.32 747 19.02 -4.8 ApldIndlT AIT 1.16f 2.0 24 66.65 42.63 198 58.70 -1.2 Aptargrp ATR 1.28 1.7 25 81.50 70.32 193 77.57 +5.6 AquaAm WTR .74 2.2 25 35.83 28.03 652 32.92 +9.6 Acquavnt n WAAS ... ... ... 26.33 14.30 30 17.49 -28.7 Aramark ARMK .41 1.1 20 38.30 31.38 1104 36.40 +1.9sArborRT ABR .68f 7.8 13 8.68 6.61 223 8.69 +16.5 Arbor prA ABRpA 2.06 8.0 ... 26.48 24.25 1 25.76 +2.7 ArborR pfB ABRpB 1.94 7.7 ... 26.00 22.40 2 25.34 +3.1 ArborR pfC ABRpC 2.13 8.2 ... 26.68 24.00 1 26.00 +2.6 ArborRT 21 ABRN 1.84 7.2 ... 26.15 24.27 9 25.52 +.8 ArcLogist ARCX 1.76 12.7 17 17.40 11.43 32 13.87 -12.9 ArcelorMit MT ... ... 8 9.37 4.18 22798 7.13 -2.3 ArchC pfC ARHpC 1.69 6.6 ... 27.65 25.02 28 25.63 +1.8 ArchCoal ARCH ... ... ...dd 86.47 59.05 658 71.04 -9.0 ArchDan ADM 1.28f 2.8 21 47.88 37.00 3728 45.41 -.5 Archrock AROC .48 3.9 ...dd 16.40 5.60 344 12.45 -5.7 Arconic ARNC .15p ... ... 30.69 16.75 9215 25.80 +39.2 Arconic pf ARNCp 3.75 4.3 ... 94.00 85.73 88.06 -1.1 Arconic pfB ARNCpB 2.69 8.9 ... 38.77 28.35 30.23 ArcosDor ARCO ... ... 47 8.40 3.99 2100 8.00 +48.1 Ardaugh n ARD ... ... ... 22.44 20.72 146 20.99 -1.3 ArdmoreSh ASC .71e 9.6 ... 9.93 5.00 230 7.40 AresC 10-22 ARU 1.45 5.6 ... 26.33 25.22 12 25.83 +.9 AresCmcl ACRE 1.08f 7.8 10 14.39 11.10 81 13.83 +.7 AresDyCr ARDC 1.40 8.7 ...q 16.19 13.45 86 16.11 +6.8 AresMgmt ARES 1.12f 5.8 15 23.25 12.08 57 19.20 AresMg pfA ARESpA 1.75 6.8 ... 27.58 21.63 43 25.69 +2.6 Argan AGX .70e ... 11 76.70 32.70 122 66.15 -6.2 AristaNetw ANET ... ... 43 135.27 60.51 304 132.96 +37.4 ArkInnova ARKK .47p ... ...q 24.23 17.93 12 24.16 +20.5sArkIndInno ARKQ .19p ... ...q 24.90 17.97 6 24.92 +13.5 ArkGenom ARKG ... ... ...q 20.88 15.85 1 19.96 +17.9 ArkWebX.O ARKW .53p ... ...q 29.32 20.10 7 29.25 +16.6 Ark 3dPr n PRNT ... ... ... 24.11 19.55 2 22.49 +6.6 ArlingAst AI 2.50 17.5 5 17.13 11.99 325 14.26 -3.8 ArlingAst23 AIW 1.66 6.9 ... 25.00 19.33 4 24.09 +3.4 ArlingAst25 AIC 1.69 7.5 ... 23.99 19.10 3 22.62 +1.9 ArmadaHof AHH .76f 5.2 16 15.50 11.50 241 14.63 +.4 ArmrR pfA ARRpA 2.06 8.2 ... 25.00 23.15 2 25.00 +2.9 ArmrR pfB ARRpB 1.97 8.3 ... 23.98 21.15 14 23.74 +2.3sArmourR rs ARR 3.39 14.4 9 23.65 18.63 274 23.60 +8.8 ArmsFloor AFI ... ... ... 22.96 14.05 223 18.46 -7.3 ArmstrWld AWI ... ... 21 48.00 36.33 614 46.05 +10.2 ArmstW wi AWI/WI ... ... ... 41.30 ArrwDJYld GYLD 1.59e 8.7 ...q 19.99 17.67 12 18.37 -.3 ArrowEl ARW ... ... 10 75.88 58.09 416 70.87 -.6 ArrResC n ARCM ... ... ... 20.04 20.00 20 20.04 +.1 ArwQVMEq QVM ... ... ...q 24.61 21.07 0 24.06 +.5 Arrhythm HRT ... ... ...dd 4.83 3.47 4.10 +7.9 ArtisanPtr APAM 2.80a 10.0 14 34.85 24.48 241 28.05 -5.7 AskanoG g AKG ... ... ... 4.68 2.23 1361 2.57 -16.0 AsburyA ABG ... ... 10 71.00 47.50 235 58.70 -4.9 AshHPrm AHP .64f 6.0 6 17.64 9.83 117 10.70 -21.6 AshHPr pfB AHPpB ... ... ... 25.42 17.70 21 19.75 -8.3 AshfordHT AHT .48 7.5 7 8.23 4.79 547 6.39 -17.7 Ashfrd pfA AHTpA 2.14 8.4 ... 26.48 24.60 1 25.46 +.3 Ashfrd pfD AHTpD 2.11 8.2 ... 26.00 24.24 31 25.58 +2.4 AshfHT pfF AHTpF 1.84 7.3 ... 26.33 21.86 7 25.18 +5.5 AshfrH pfG AHTpG 1.84 7.5 ... 24.99 21.69 28 24.65 +6.5 Ashford AINC ... ... 89 64.23 38.11 1 56.89 +31.9 Ashland ASH 1.56 1.3 19 126.52 105.50 1010 123.98 +13.4 AsiaPc APB .22e 1.8 ...q 12.35 9.14 5 12.22 +25.7 AsiaTigr GRR .16e 1.4 ...q 11.50 8.76 4 11.13 +21.5 AspenAero ASPN ... ... ...dd 6.71 3.61 90 3.97 -3.9 AspenIns AHL .88 1.7 23 57.80 43.27 228 50.95 -7.4 AspenI pfB AHLpB 1.81 7.1 ... 26.70 25.29 8 25.47 +.2 Aspen pfC AHLpC 1.49 5.4 ... 30.32 24.93 10 27.40 +8.3 AscBnc pfC ASBpC 1.53 5.8 ... 27.90 24.49 5 26.26 +4.0 AsscBc pf D ASBpD ... ... ... 25.45 20.55 20 24.41 +11.5 AsscdBanc ASB .48 2.0 19 26.70 15.72 973 23.65 -4.3 AsdBan wt ASB/WS ... ... ... 2.80 AssocCap n AC ... ... ... 39.35 27.84 27 33.90 +3.2 Assurant AIZ 2.12 2.3 19 101.32 78.43 348 93.60 +.8 AssuredG AGO .57f 1.5 10 42.94 23.43 803 37.96 +.5 AsdGMu01 AGOpB 1.72 6.6 ... 26.99 25.33 3 26.25 +2.8 AsdGMu02 AGOpE 1.56 6.0 ... 27.37 23.73 11 25.83 +3.4 AsdGMu03 AGOpF 1.40 5.6 ... 26.13 23.03 2 24.99 +5.2 AsteriasBio AST ... ... ...dd 5.80 2.30 48 3.10 -32.6 Asterias wt AST/WS ... ... ... 1.00 .09 1 .38 -30.3 AstoriaF AF .16 .8 31 21.66 14.11 1285 19.45 +4.3 Astoria pfC AFpC 1.63 6.4 ... 27.62 24.50 5 25.51 +1.6 AstraZen s AZN 1.40e 4.7 9 35.04 25.55 4348 29.76 +8.9 AtHomGr n HOME ... ... ... 17.02 10.19 103 15.69 +7.2 Atento SA ATTO ... ... ... 10.31 6.85 14 8.65 +13.1 Athene n ATH ... ... ... 55.00 44.46 1019 53.19 +10.8 AtkoreInt n ATRK ... ... ... 27.30 14.17 74 25.25 +5.6 AtlPwr g AT .12 ... ...dd 2.75 2.13 326 2.60 +4.0 ATMOS ATO 1.80f 2.2 23 81.97 68.51 315 80.82 +9.0 AtwoodOcn ATW .30m 3.7 1 15.37 6.12 1830 8.05 -38.7 AutoNatn AN ... ... 10 54.15 39.13 2919 41.55 -14.6 Autohome ATHM ... ... ... 36.01 19.32 1140 30.17 +19.3 Autoliv ALV 2.32 2.4 20 126.31 93.31 364 97.37 -13.9tAutoZone AZO ... ... 16 819.54 686.55 260 689.07 -12.8 Auxilio n AUXO ... ... ... 6.72 3.60 174 6.11 +49.0 AvalonHld AWX ... ... ...dd 3.41 1.82 19 2.20 -25.4 AvalonBay AVB 5.68f 3.0 24 192.29 158.32 543 188.64 +6.5 Avangrid n AGR 1.73 3.9 ... 46.74 35.42 253 43.78 +15.6 AveICSFd ACP 1.44 10.3 ...q 14.60 11.27 60 13.96 +3.9 AveryD AVY 1.64f 2.0 21 82.11 68.55 616 80.74 +15.0 Avianca AVH .10e 1.3 ... 10.91 5.01 42 7.50 -22.2 AvinoSG g ASM ... ... ... 3.14 1.12 263 1.77 +29.2 Avista AVA 1.43f 3.5 19 45.22 37.78 237 40.46 +1.2 Avnet AVT .72f 1.6 11 51.50 38.16 778 44.14 -7.3 Avon AVP ... ... ...dd 6.96 3.52 3577 4.52 -10.3 Axalta AXTA ... ... 33.06 24.27 1478 31.51 +15.8 AXIS Cap AXS 1.52f 2.3 12 71.06 51.01 409 65.95 +1.0 AXIS pfD AXSpD 1.38 5.5 ... 27.70 21.96 7 25.20 +11.0 AxisCap pfE AXSpE ... ... ... 24.04 21.04 159 23.99 +10.8 AXIS pfC AXSpC 1.72 6.9 ... 26.97 25.15 24.97 -1.0 Axovant n AXON ... ... ...dd 22.40 10.69 548 21.26 +71.2sAzul n AZUL ... ... ... 22.19 21.68 1121 23.10 +5.6 AzurePwr n AZRE ... ... ... 22.00 12.73 2 18.30 +7.6B -B&G Foods BGS 1.86 4.5 22 52.84 32.59 802 41.40 -5.5 B2gold g BTG ... ... ...dd 3.65 1.75 5946 2.82 +19.0 BB&T Cp BBT 1.20 2.8 15 49.88 32.85 5305 42.57 -9.5 BB&T pfD BBTpD ... ... ... 27.33 23.79 18 25.51 +4.0 BB&T pfE BBTpE 1.41 5.5 ... 27.24 23.05 31 25.62 +7.9 BB&T pfF BBTpF 1.30 5.2 ... 26.47 22.00 39 25.23 +10.9 BB&T pfG BBTpG 1.30 5.2 ... 27.43 22.03 19 25.18 +10.4 BB&T pfH BBTpH 1.41 5.5 ... 27.50 23.26 27 25.78 +6.1 BBVABFrn BFR .48e 2.6 ... 22.25 16.20 182 18.41 +5.6 BCE g BCE 2.73 ... ... 49.03 41.83 1325 45.53 +5.3 BG Staffing BGSF 1.00 6.9 27 21.75 11.23 21 14.57 -6.6 BGCPtrs 42 BGCA 2.03 8.0 ... 27.39 25.41 15 25.51 -.7 BGE pfB BGEpB 1.55 5.9 ... 27.15 25.04 14 26.18 +2.7 BHP BillLt BHP 2.48e 7.0 ... 41.79 25.75 3101 35.57 -.6 BHPBil plc BBL .64m 2.1 ... 37.44 22.37 2105 30.83 -2.0 BP PLC BP 2.38 6.9 41 38.68 30.66 6121 34.67 -7.2 BP Pru BPT 2.43e 12.3 3 32.95 12.68 210 19.70 -17.1 BRF SA BRFS .40e 3.1 ... 18.12 10.60 2358 12.98 -12.1 BRT BRT ... ... 32 8.70 6.93 21 8.04 -1.8 BT Grp s BT .99e 4.9 ... 33.50 19.14 498 20.02 -13.1 BWX Tech BWXT .36 .7 ... 49.11 32.36 511 48.25 +21.5 B&W Ent n BW ... ... ...dd 23.99 8.54 448 8.84 -46.7 BabShDHi BGH 1.84 9.3 ...q 20.49 17.01 60 19.70 +2.4 BadgerMtr s BMI .46f .4 32 39.85 29.30 136 35.60 -3.7 BakrHu BHI .68 1.1 ...dd 68.59 41.74 2467 60.01 -7.6 BallCorp BLL .52 .7 20 82.24 67.51 1260 72.28 -3.7 Ballanty BTN ... ... 47 8.10 4.21 7 6.10 -23.8 BanColum CIB 1.27e 3.2 ... 42.58 31.77 201 39.99 +9.0 BancCalif BANC .52 2.4 11 23.24 10.93 1445 21.45 +23.6 BcCalif pfC BANCpC 2.00 7.5 ... 28.39 24.60 26.79 +3.7 BcCalif pfE BANCpE ... ... ... 28.69 23.00 10 26.36 +6.0 BcCal pfD BANCpD 1.84 7.0 ... 28.29 23.00 8 26.44 +4.2 BcBilVArg BBVA .42e 5.8 ... 7.90 5.14 2016 7.30 +7.8 BcoBrades s BBDO .32e 3.2 ... 11.00 6.48 1 10.12 +14.5 BcoBrad s BBD .43e 4.2 ... 11.25 6.10 10697 10.25 +17.8 BcoLatin BLX 1.54 5.5 12 30.51 24.54 74 27.80 -5.6 BcoMacro BMA ... ... ... 89.45 58.72 64 84.88 +31.9 BcoSantSA SAN .23e 3.9 ... 6.23 3.60 4495 5.84 +12.7 BcoSBrasil BSBR .28e 3.5 ... 11.75 4.69 6835 7.99 -10.1 BcSanChile BSAC 1.13e 4.5 ... 25.55 17.83 453 24.92 +13.9 BcoChile BCH 2.98e 4.0 ... 75.68 59.70 61 75.03 +6.5 BcpSouth BXS .50 1.7 20 32.40 20.50 530 29.55 -4.8 Bcp NJ BKJ .24 1.6 24 17.50 10.50 4 15.30 +13.3 BancFd pfA BCVpA 1.34 ... ... BancrftFd BCV 1.08e 5.1 ...q 22.67 17.58 5 21.02 +3.8 BkofAm BAC .30f 1.3 18 25.80 12.05 137329 22.71 +2.8 BkAML pfI BMLpI 1.59 6.2 ... 26.37 24.60 48 25.72 +2.7 BkAML pfJ BMLpJ 1.02 4.3 ... 27.19 21.46 7 23.67 -.4 BkAm pfD BACpD 1.55 6.0 ... 26.24 24.52 29 25.66 +2.3 BkAm pfE BACpE 1.02 5.1 ... 26.68 21.13 86 23.40 +7.2 BkAm pfI BACpI 1.66 6.4 ... 27.45 25.10 19 26.06 +2.9 BkAm pfL BACpL 72.50 6.0 ... 1269.47 1116.00 6 1209.00 +3.6 BkAm pfW BACpW 1.66 6.2 ... 28.10 25.19 64 26.89 +4.6 BkAm pfY BACpY 1.63 6.1 ... 28.60 25.13 48 26.73 +4.7 BkAm wtA BAC/WS/A ... ... ... 13.64 3.01 506 10.53 +5.8 BkAm wtB BAC/WS/B ... ... ... 1.55 .06 1631 .74 -22.9 BkAm pfA BACpA ... ... ... 27.10 24.45 77 25.91 +4.1 BkAm pfC BACpC ... ... ... 27.24 24.75 221 25.91 +2.7 BkAML pfL BMLpL 1.02 4.4 ... 24.50 21.25 17 23.32 +3.0How to read the stock tablesSTOCK GLOSSARY „ bt primary exchange listing BATS cld issue has been called for redemption by company d new intraday 52-week low g dividends paid in Canadian funds, PE not shown h -Does not meet continued-listing standards lf late ling with SEC n stock was a new issue in the last year the 52-week high and low gures are calculated from their start date pf preferred stock issue pr preferences rs stock has undergone a reverse stock split, decreasing outstanding shares by at least 50 percent within the past year rt right to buy security at a specied price s historical prices have been adjusted for a split or distribution of 20 percent or more in the last 12 months. wi trades will be settled when the stock is issued wd when distributed wt warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock u new intraday 52-week high un unit, including more than one security v Trading halted on primary market vj company in bankruptcy, receivership or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law this appears in front of the name DIVIDEND FOOTNOTES: a: Extra dividend(s) paid, but are not included; b: Annual rate plus stock dividend; c: Dividend from a liquidating company; e: Declared or paid preceding 12 months; f: Annual rate, increased on last declaration. i: Declared or paid after dividend or split; k: Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears; r: Declared or paid in last 12 months plus stock dividend; m: Annual rate, reduced on last declaration. p: Initial dividend, annual rate unknown; yield not shown. t: Paid in stock in preceding 12 months, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date PE footnotes q stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown cc P/E exceeds 99 dd loss in last 12 months 1 „ Name of stock. 2 „ Ticker Symbol company trades under. 3 „ Dividend: A distribution of the companys earnings to shareholders, usually consisting of stock dividends, interest on bonds, or short-term capital gains on the sale of securities usually paid quarterly in the form of cash or stock.4 „ Div. Yield: The dividend divided by the stock price. It helps gauge how well the stock is paying, compared to other investments such as CDs, bonds or savings accounts. 5 „ Price to earnings ratio: The price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. PEs are used to gauge the relative worth of a company stock. When compared to other companies in the same industry, the companies with the lowest PEs are generally earning higher prots.6 „ Range of closing prices in last year.7 „ Sales in thousands (10 = 10,000 shares), and closing price.8 „ Last trading price of the day. 9 „ Percent change for the year. st Arrows, indicate new highs or lows. Underline: indicates top 100 stocks by volume rank. Bold stocks designates which stocks have gone up or down 5% XYZcorp XYZ 1.20 3.6 17 34.09 27.27 2780 33.72 +20.7 Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg 2 1 3 4 5 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg6 7 9 Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg8 Continued on next pageAdvanced 1396 Declined 1518 New Highs 101 New Lows 27 Vol. (in mil.) 3,187 Pvs. Volume 2,711 1,546 1,302 1209 1556 49 57 NYSE NASD Stocks Recap 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 OA NDJFM 20,440 20,680 20,920 Dow Jones industrialsClose: 20,523.28 Change: -113.64 (-0.6%) 10 DAYS 4,800 5,100 5,400 5,700 6,000 OA NDJFM 5,800 5,880 5,960 Nasdaq compositeClose: 5,849.47 Change: -7.32 (-0.1%) 10 DAYSDOW 20600.12 20462.28 20523.28 -113.64 -0.55% t t s +3.85% DOW Trans. 8991.82 8903.25 8933.10 -57.32 -0.64% t s t -1.23% DOW Util. 709.11 704.96 707.80 +1.63 +0.23% s s s +7.31% NYSE Comp. 11426.83 11333.74 11378.58 -48.50 -0.42% t t s +2.91% NASDAQ 5860.04 5828.57 5849.47 -7.32 -0.13% t s s +8.66% S&P 500 2348.15 2334.54 2342.19 -6.82 -0.29% t t s +4.62% S&P 400 1702.74 1690.15 1700.83 +0.17 +0.01% t s s +2.42% Wilshire 5000 24465.72 24328.69 24421.72 -50.68 -0.21% t t s +4.25% Russell 2000 1362.48 1351.42 1361.89 +0.72 +0.05% t s s +0.35% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD Wednesday, April 19, 2017


BkAML pfH BMLpH .77 3.5 ... 24.22 17.99 19 21.76 +9.4 BkAML pfG BMLpG .77 3.5 ... 23.30 17.91 18 21.76 +8.9 Bk of But n NTB ...a ... ... 34.92 23.75 60 31.29 -.5 BkHawaii BOH 2.00f 2.5 19 90.80 64.96 139 79.00 -10.9 BkMont g BMO 3.52 ... ... 78.00 60.93 454 73.28 +1.9 BkNYMel BK .68 1.5 15 49.54 35.72 4353 46.89 -1.0 BkNYM pfC BKpC 1.30 5.1 ... 27.41 22.74 20 25.26 +9.8 BkNova g BNS 2.74 4.8 11 62.89 47.29 953 57.24 +2.8 Bankrate RATE ... ... ... 11.90 6.91 241 9.65 -12.7 BankUtd BKU .84 2.4 17 41.00 27.85 963 34.84 -7.6 Banro g BAA ... ... ...dd .48 .11 196 .14 -24.6 BarHarbr s BHB ... ... ... 33.41 20.53 40 29.39 Br iPthCrd OILB ... ... ... 58.38 50.35 53.29 -6.8 BarFIEur FEEU ... ... ...q 104.66 66.88 6 100.34 +14.5 BarcFI HY FIGY ... ... ...q 145.47 113.09 5 142.66 +10.1 BarcSPVeq VQT ... ... ...q 145.42 129.99 3 142.07 +4.0 BarSelMLP ATMP 1.17e 5.0 ...q 25.72 19.69 49 23.57 +.1 BiP Cmdty DJP ... ... ...q 25.50 22.40 143 23.52 -2.9 BarcGSOil OIL ... ... ...q 6.85 4.88 1517 5.85 -7.6 BarcGsci36 GSP ... ... ...q 15.34 12.37 4 14.02 -4.4 BrcEnEu n FLEU ... ... ... 125.35 94.13 5 120.79 +12.8 BiPCop JJC ... ... ...q 32.39 22.95 38 28.76 BiPNickel JJN ... ... ...q 14.76 9.90 31 11.08 -8.4 BiPSPBWrt BWV ... ... ...q 72.89 63.94 0 71.92 +3.1 BiP GCrb GRN ... ... ...q 8.24 4.36 0 5.78 -24.0 BiPGbpUsd GBB ... ... ...q 39.39 31.50 2 33.60 +3.4 BiPEurUsd ERO ... ... ...q 43.08 38.67 39.62 +1.6 BiP Tin JJT ... ... ...q 50.00 33.58 44.50 -6.3 BiPAg JJA ... ... ...q 42.25 33.27 1 33.64 -3.6 BiP Sugar SGG ... ... ...q 53.69 34.93 110 37.14 -14.4 BiP Softs JJS ... ... ...q 45.63 33.52 1 36.25 -6.7 BiP PrM JJP ... ... ...q 67.38 51.43 0 59.53 +11.4 BiP Plat PGM ... ... ...q 27.36 17.00 0 20.22 +8.7 BiP Lead LD ... ... ...q 65.80 32.81 47.61 +.2 BiP Cottn BAL ... ... ...q 51.80 39.85 5 49.71 +7.0 BrcIndiaTR INP ... ... ...q 76.19 60.35 12 74.19 +18.5 BiP Coffee JO ... ... ...q 26.21 17.92 180 20.04 +2.5 BiPGrain JJG ... ... ...q 37.37 26.62 42 27.49 -2.3 BiP Cocoa NIB ... ... ...q 40.95 22.90 52 23.28 -13.5 BiP Alum JJU ... ... ...q 17.56 13.10 3 16.77 +11.5 BarcBk prD BCSpD 2.03 7.8 ... 26.71 25.00 249 26.13 +2.3 BiPIndMet JJM ... ... ...q 26.88 18.98 6 23.77 +.4 BiPOpCur ICI ... ... ...q 41.62 37.41 39.81 -3.2 BiPAsnGulf PGD .11e .2 ...q 49.28 47.32 48.41 +2.3 BiPGems38 JEM 3.18e 10.9 ...q 29.69 27.73 29.09 +4.3 BiPNG GAZ ... ... ...q .76 .39 28 .42 -38.1 BiPLive COW ... ... ...q 24.97 17.38 14 22.67 +1.4 BiPEngy JJE ... ... ...q 7.02 5.13 0 5.89 -12.1 BarcBk prA BCSpA 1.78 7.1 ... 26.27 24.62 25.01 -1.5 BiP JpyUsd JYN ... ... ...q 56.72 47.50 49.82 +4.9 BiPAsia8 AYT 1.21e 3.0 ...q 42.72 38.30 7 40.75 +2.4 B iPInvVIX XXV ... ... ...q 39.63 33.44 38.01 +1.0 BarcCAPE CAPE ... ... ...q 104.33 79.01 4 102.64 +6.9 BiPSPMLP IMLP 1.47e 7.1 ...q 22.10 18.02 0 20.65 +.3 Barclay BCS .39e 3.7 ... 12.05 6.76 3285 10.59 -3.7tBiP SPVix XVZ ... ... ...q 29.56 25.81 0 25.59 -7.6 B iPVxST rs VXX ... ... ...q 71.48 15.30 68316 17.21 -32.5 BrVxMdT rs VXZ ... ... ...q 47.84 25.66 155 26.30 -24.5 BarcWomLd WIL ... ... ...q 62.99 52.85 0 60.62 +3.2 Bard BCR 1.04f .4 24 252.25 203.63 350 249.57 +11.1 BaringsCp s MCI 1.20 7.9 ...q 19.76 14.52 30 15.22 -1.7 BaringsPt MPV 1.08a 7.6 ...q 15.97 13.73 11 14.22 +.1 BarcDisab RODI ... ... ...q 55.97 54.70 55.47 B&N Ed n BNED .15p ... 13.15 8.50 177 9.88 -13.9 BarnesNob BKS .60 6.4 49 13.63 8.45 466 9.35 -16.1 Barnes B .52 1.0 21 51.97 31.13 117 50.16 +5.8 Barnwell BRN ... ... ...dd 2.70 1.31 3 1.77 +7.9 Barracuda CUDA ... ... 26.69 13.91 7827 19.71 -8.0 BarrickG ABX .12f .6 35 23.47 13.81 10173 19.71 +23.3 BasicEnS XYZ ... ... ...dd 3.25 .30 .45 BasicEn n BAS ... ... ... 44.81 29.06 723 33.06 -6.5 BatsGl n BATS .08p ... ... 36.01 22.75 35.13 +4.8 Baxter s BAX .52 1.0 27 53.54 42.22 2886 52.73 +18.9 BaytexE g BTE ... ... ...dd 7.14 3.01 1139 3.29 -32.6 BeazerHm BZH ... ... 15.80 6.81 663 12.59 -5.3 BectDck BDX 2.92 1.6 33 186.11 157.60 542 183.38 +10.8 Belden BDC .20 .3 13 81.33 54.97 256 66.54 -11.0 Belden pfB BDCpB ... ... ... 98.85 97.83 93.41 -1.8 Bellatrix g BXE ... ... 16 1.30 .72 540 .81 -14.5 Belmond BEL ... ... 49 14.45 8.69 172 12.15 -9.0 Bemis BMS 1.20f 2.5 19 53.88 47.22 538 48.60 +1.6 BenchElec BHE ... ... 22 33.45 19.01 130 30.95 +1.5 Berkley WRB .52 .8 20 73.17 54.56 280 68.75 +3.4 Berkley pfB WRBpB 1.41 5.7 ... 26.73 21.82 14 24.65 +9.0 Berkly pfC WRBpC ... ... ... 27.28 21.72 11 25.98 +8.3 Berkly pfD WRBpD 1.44 5.8 ... 26.39 21.54 33 25.01 +9.3 BerkHa A BRK/A ... ... 16 266445.00 205074.00 0 245750.00 +.7 BerkH B BRK/B ... ... 17 177.86 136.65 2956 163.69 +.4 BerkHBcp BHLB .84f 2.5 16 37.45 24.80 126 34.10 -7.5 BerryPlas BERY ... ... 21 52.97 34.98 1105 48.89 +.3 BestBuy BBY 1.36f 2.8 14 49.40 28.76 2906 48.52 +13.7 BigLots BIG 1.00f 2.1 14 56.54 41.61 733 48.57 -3.3 BiglariHld BH ... ... 35 491.74 351.46 2 424.42 -10.3tBBarrett BBG ... ... ...dd 9.38 4.00 1867 3.93 -43.8 BioAmber BIOA ... ... ...dd 6.50 2.00 46 2.22 -59.6 BioAmb wt BIOA/WS ... ... ... 1.58 .01 12 .03 -95.9 BioRadA BIO ... ... 209.50 135.94 149 205.22 +12.6 BioRadB BIO/B ... ... 52 204.00 137.95 199.80 +9.1 BioPhrmX BPMX ... ... ...dd 1.22 .19 1059 .74 +96.8 BioTime BTX ... ... ...dd 4.01 2.26 189 3.19 -11.6 BioTime wt BTX/WS ... ... ... .98 .30 1 .51 -27.0 BirksGrp BGI ... ... ... 5.15 .41 25 1.49 +39.3 BitautoH BITA ... ... ... 33.16 16.56 237 24.00 +26.7sBlkHillsCp BKH 1.78f 2.6 22 68.03 54.76 370 68.48 +11.6 BlkHCp un BKHU ... ... ... 74.98 61.75 6 74.05 +7.5 BlackKnt n BKFS ... ... 49 42.19 30.55 113 38.90 +2.9 BlkStMin n BSM 1.15f 7.0 64 19.86 14.24 54 16.52 -12.0 BlackRock BLK 10.00f 2.6 20 399.46 317.60 496 383.61 +.8 BlkBldAm BBN 1.58 7.0 ...q 25.58 19.50 106 22.55 +4.4 BlkCA18 BJZ .33 2.2 ...q 15.30 14.93 7 15.07 +.3 BlkCAIT BFZ .87 6.0 ...q 17.00 13.81 60 14.37 -.8 BlkCorBd BHK .85a 6.2 ...q 14.34 12.57 178 13.75 +5.7 BlkCpHiY HYT .84a 7.6 ...q 11.20 9.86 240 11.01 +1.7 BlkCrdAllo BTZ .97 7.3 ...q 13.70 12.05 168 13.23 +2.0 BlkDbtStr rs DSU ... ... ...q 11.75 10.38 298 11.46 +1.1 BlkDefOpp BHL .70a 5.1 ...q 14.01 13.02 20 13.71 -.6 BlkEngyRs BGR 1.32 9.6 ...q 15.01 13.12 63 13.68 -5.3 BlkEnhC&I CII 1.20 8.4 ...q 14.56 12.59 74 14.28 +4.2 BlkEEqDv BDJ .56 6.7 ...q 8.60 7.42 456 8.41 +3.2 BlEnhGvIn EGF .66 5.0 ...q 14.11 13.03 28 13.28 +.7 BlkFltRtInc FRA .81 5.7 ...q 14.85 12.91 114 14.27 -1.0 BlkFloatR BGT .78a 5.4 ...q 14.65 12.68 43 14.47 +2.8 BlkFL2020 BFO .37 2.5 ...q 15.48 14.85 1 15.12 +.7 BlkGlbOp BOE 1.16 9.2 ...q 12.66 11.19 269 12.60 +8.9 BlkHlthSci BME 2.40a 7.1 ...q 38.54 30.82 20 33.90 +6.8 BlkIT BKT .37 6.0 ...q 6.67 6.06 62 6.25 -1.3 BlkIntlG&I BGY .59 10.1 ...q 6.13 5.36 434 5.86 +6.4 BlkIQM BKN .92a 6.2 ...q 18.30 13.92 16 14.90 +1.4 BlkLtdD BLW 1.19a 7.7 ...q 16.07 14.72 187 15.53 +2.4 BlkLTMu BTA .70a 6.0 ...q 13.44 10.73 45 11.69 +3.6 BlkMDMB BZM .65 3.8 ...q 17.00 13.81 14.46 +2.5 BlkMATxE MHE .70a 5.0 ...q 16.72 12.68 14.00 -1.5 BlkMultSec BIT 1.40a 8.0 ...q 17.70 15.52 77 17.44 +5.8 BlkMuIntD MUI .79a 5.6 ...q 15.63 13.45 52 14.06 +1.9 BlkMuNYInt MNE .69 4.9 ...q 16.35 13.18 8 13.94 +2.7 BlkMunihCA MUC .81a 5.7 ...q 16.35 13.53 100 14.33 +1.8 BlkMunHIQ MFL .86 5.9 ...q 16.43 13.52 61 14.53 +2.5 BlMunhNYQ MHN .80a 5.8 ...q 15.68 13.13 13 13.76 +2.6 BlMunhNJQ MUJ .89a 6.1 ...q 16.48 13.56 37 14.47 +4.0 BlkMunihQ MUS .81 6.0 ...q 15.59 12.66 28 13.51 -.5 BlkMunHQ2 MUE .82 6.1 ...q 15.23 12.57 50 13.48 -.1 BlMunyCAQ MCA .88 5.9 ...q 16.87 13.95 26 14.95 +3.1 BlkMunyInv MYF .97 6.3 ...q 17.48 14.32 48 15.52 +4.1 BlkMunyIQ MFT .85 6.1 ...q 16.50 13.23 19 13.99 +.4 BlkMYMIQ MIY .83 6.0 ...q 15.69 13.17 44 13.90 +2.3 BlMunyNYQ MYN .74a 5.7 ...q 14.74 12.50 63 13.08 +3.1 BlkMunyPaQ MPA .86 6.0 ...q 16.66 13.75 11 14.36 +1.8 BlMunyQlty MQY .96 6.3 ...q 17.20 14.21 39 15.14 +2.9 BlkMuniyQ3 MYI .89a 6.3 ...q 15.88 13.23 180 14.16 +3.7 BlkMuniast MUA .72a 4.9 ...q 16.09 12.96 41 14.63 +8.6 Blk2018 BPK .56a 3.7 ...q 15.44 14.93 29 15.05 +.5 BlkMu2020 BKK .54a 3.4 ...q 17.18 15.16 20 15.83 +4.2 BlkMuBdT BBK .90a 5.9 ...q 18.55 14.50 24 15.34 +.5 BlkMuIIQ BAF .82 5.6 ...q 16.67 13.68 23 14.56 +2.1 BlkMunIIT BBF .87 5.8 ...q 17.00 13.46 17 14.84 +5.9 BlkMuIQT BYM .86 6.2 ...q 16.38 13.50 23 14.07 +1.3 BlkMuIT BFK .90a 6.4 ...q 16.02 13.42 63 14.11 +2.0 BlkMuIT2 BLE .95a 6.3 ...q 16.89 13.87 24 15.13 +4.1 BlkMuTTT BTT .96a 4.2 ...q 24.44 21.09 94 22.97 +5.2 BlkMunienh MEN .73a 6.2 ...q 13.21 10.92 48 11.69 +3.7 BlkMunihld MHD 1.03a 6.1 ...q 19.35 15.54 27 16.83 +4.0 BlkMunihd2 MUH .93a 6.0 ...q 17.29 14.36 28 15.49 +5.4 BlkMunvst MVF .64a 6.6 ...q 11.26 9.34 107 9.76 +1.6 BlkMuniv2 MVT 1.00a 6.4 ...q 18.64 14.74 16 15.61 +2.4 BlkMunyAZ MZA .83 5.7 ...q 19.16 13.89 3 14.72 +1.7 BlMunyldCA MYC .89a 5.9 ...q 17.89 14.44 45 15.08 -1.2 BlkMuniyld MYD .92a 6.3 ...q 16.44 13.61 70 14.67 +3.7 BlkMunyNJ MYJ .90a 5.7 ...q 17.62 14.87 16 15.68 +2.3 BlMunQlt2 MQT .80 6.2 ...q 15.06 12.31 32 13.04 +1.8 BlkNJMB BLJ .83a 5.6 ...q 17.75 14.21 1 14.78 +2.3 BlkNJIT BNJ .90a 5.9 ...q 16.98 14.12 9 15.32 +7.6 BlkNY18 BLH .31a 2.1 ...q 15.18 14.72 1 14.81 +.5 BlkNYMB BQH .74 5.2 ...q 16.39 13.56 3 14.34 +2.3 BlkNYIQT BSE .69 5.2 ...q 15.42 12.53 2 13.33 +1.7 BlkNYIT BNY .83 5.7 ...q 16.91 13.29 9 14.65 +5.3 BlkNYMu2 BFY .84 5.6 ...q 18.02 14.05 7 14.95 +3.2 BlkRsCmdy BCX .79 9.1 ...q 8.99 7.28 173 8.62 +4.2 BlkSciTch BST 1.20 5.8 ...q 21.30 15.80 72 20.72 +15.5 BlkStMT BSD .85a 6.2 ...q 15.98 13.03 37 13.73 +1.8 BlkU&Inf BUI 1.45 7.0 ...q 20.75 17.24 33 20.64 +12.1 BlkVAMB BHV .83 5.1 ...q 21.50 15.06 3 16.27 +5.6 BlkstFltRt BSL 1.08 6.0 ...q 18.43 15.14 36 18.00 -.4 BlkstGSOSt BGB 1.26 7.8 ...q 16.27 13.73 192 16.17 +5.4 Blackstone BX 1.46 4.9 18 31.69 22.45 3951 29.60 +9.5 BlkstnMtg BXMT 2.48f 7.9 12 31.53 26.46 492 31.36 +4.3 BlkLSCrInc BGX 1.18 7.2 ...q 16.52 13.69 37 16.33 +2.6 BlockHR HRB .88 3.7 17 24.95 19.18 2286 23.81 +3.6 BlonderT BDR ... ... ...dd 1.10 .28 10 .54 +14.9 BlueCapRe BCRH 1.20 6.3 12 20.83 17.01 10 19.05 +3.3 BlueLinx rs BXC ... ... 5 9.70 6.36 45 9.18 +22.9 BluerkRsd BRG 1.16 9.2 35 14.77 10.76 259 12.65 -7.8 BluerkRs pf BRGpA 2.06 7.9 ... 27.58 24.93 8 26.21 +.6 BluerkR pfD BRGpD 1.78 7.2 ... 25.17 21.85 5 24.88 +6.8 BluerkR pfC BRGpC 1.91 ... ... BdwlkPpl BWP .40 2.2 15 18.95 15.56 212 18.26 +5.2 Boeing BA 5.68f 3.2 21 185.71 122.35 2567 177.85 +14.2 BoiseCasc BCC ... ... 22 30.48 17.80 175 28.90 +28.4 BonanzaCE BCEI ... ... ...dd 4.67 .60 539 .94 -7.8 BootBarn BOOT ... ... 23 17.26 5.59 165 10.64 -15.0 BoozAllnH BAH .68f 1.9 20 38.54 27.02 1050 35.04 -2.9 BorgWarn BWA .56f 1.4 12 44.24 27.52 1559 38.85 -1.5 BostBeer SAM ... ... 20 195.35 135.10 133 139.60 -17.8 BostProp BXP 3.00f 2.2 24 144.02 113.69 489 135.74 +7.9 BosProp pfB BXPpB 1.31 5.1 ... 27.17 22.63 47 25.44 +5.8 BostonSci BSX ... ... 48 25.65 19.59 5304 24.47 +13.1 BldrG&IFd BIF .40a 4.3 ...q 9.59 7.76 102 9.31 +4.1 BovieMed BVX ... ... ...dd 5.75 1.56 96 2.62 -27.0 BowlA BWL/A .68 4.6 41 17.25 14.09 0 14.72 -10.7 Box Inc n BOX ... ... ...dd 18.36 9.86 745 16.95 +22.3 BoydGm BYD ... ... 23 22.36 16.77 1389 22.36 +10.9 BradyCp BRC .82f 2.2 24 40.50 25.98 129 37.55 Brandyw BDN .64 3.8 14 17.12 14.04 923 16.96 +2.7 BrasilAgro LND ... ... ... 4.11 2.72 9 4.06 +24.9 Braskem BAK .38e 1.9 ... 23.15 10.82 391 20.41 -3.8 BridgptEd BPI ... ... 63 11.83 5.38 43 11.42 +12.7 BrigStrat BGG .56 2.7 29 23.73 17.90 250 21.00 -5.7 BrightHrz BFAM ... ... 47 72.80 59.00 161 72.10 +3.0 Brinker EAT 1.36 3.2 14 55.84 40.92 1541 43.10 -13.0sBrinks BCO .40 .7 61 57.35 26.86 289 57.60 +39.6 BrMySq BMY 1.56f 2.9 32 77.12 46.01 7848 52.93 -9.4 BristowGp BRS .28 2.0 ...dd 23.62 9.17 281 14.00 -31.6sBritATob s BTI ... ... ... 67.75 52.71 1115 67.57 BrixmorP BRX 1.04f 4.8 12 29.14 20.62 1653 21.66 -10.3 BroadrdgF BR 1.32 1.9 24 71.74 57.92 357 67.94 +2.5 Brookdale BKD ... ... ...dd 19.22 10.65 2057 12.86 +3.5 BrkfdAs g s BAM .56f 1.5 19 37.52 31.80 1166 36.78 +11.4 BrookBus n BBU .25f 1.0 ... 26.87 21.72 3 24.21 +.6 BrkfCda g BOXC 2.23a ... 7 25.72 18.68 1 23.70 +20.6 BrkfDtla pf DTLAp 1.91 7.7 ... 25.26 18.69 4 24.94 +12.9 BrkGblInf INF 1.40 10.5 ...q 14.13 11.51 81 13.38 +4.3 BrkfInfra s BIP 1.74f 4.5 ... 39.70 27.17 287 38.80 +15.9 BrkdPrp BPY 1.18f 5.2 ... 24.98 20.31 54 22.86 +4.0 BrkRlAs n RA .20p ... ... 23.45 21.54 109 23.26 +4.3 BrkfReEn BEP 1.87f 6.0 ... 31.85 26.61 74 31.32 +5.5 HeliosTR rt HTRr ... ... ... .64 BrwnBrn BRO .54 1.3 23 45.77 34.27 1057 42.33 -5.6 BrownFA s BF/A ... ... 29 55.31 45.17 17 47.12 +1.9 BrownFB s BF/B ... ... ... 51.55 43.72 660 46.28 +3.0 Brunswick BC .66f 1.2 17 61.74 41.19 667 57.12 +4.7 Buckeye BPL 4.96f 7.3 18 75.10 61.37 306 68.01 +2.8 Buckle BKE 1.00e 5.6 9 31.45 16.00 501 17.95 -21.3 Buenavent BVN ... ... ...dd 16.45 8.37 1624 12.63 +12.0 BldBear BBW ... ... 27 15.85 8.05 143 8.30 -39.6 BungeLt BG 1.68 2.2 17 82.66 56.69 1063 77.84 +7.8 BurlStrs BURL ... ... 29 98.32 51.19 504 91.58 +8.1C -C&J Eng n CJ ... ... ... 39.13 32.01 34.18 -6.8 CTrkMH23 MLPC 1.19e 6.9 ...q 18.43 15.20 1 17.32 +3.7 CtrMillr n MLPE ... ... ... 27.75 23.41 26.92 +11.2 CAE Inc g CAE .32 ... ... 15.88 11.39 76 15.20 +8.8 CAI Intl CAI ... ... 21 17.92 6.75 73 14.83 +71.0 CBIZ Inc CBZ ... ... 16 14.26 9.30 78 14.15 +3.3 CBL Asc CBL 1.06 10.7 8 14.30 8.72 9424 9.87 -14.2 CBL pfD CBLpD 1.84 7.8 ... 25.60 22.72 139 23.67 -3.2 CBL pfE CBLpE 1.66 7.1 ... 26.50 22.60 11 23.46 +2.1 CBRE GRE IGR .60 7.8 ...q 8.80 7.06 388 7.69 +5.3 CBRE Grp CBG ... ... 16 36.74 24.11 1648 33.38 +6.0 CBS A CBS/A .72f 1.0 20 71.07 49.92 2 69.18 +6.7 CBS B CBS .72 1.1 17 70.10 48.88 3505 68.39 +7.5 CCA Inds CAW ... ... 19 3.99 2.25 27 3.15 +21.2 CDI CDI .52 6.7 ...dd 9.65 4.84 24 7.80 +5.4 CF Inds s CF 1.20 4.4 58 37.17 20.77 4394 27.08 -14.0 CGG rs CGG ... ... ... 32.00 6.57 1 6.81 -51.8 CGI g GIB ... ... ... 50.58 40.88 136 46.91 -2.3 CIT Grp CIT .60 1.4 41 44.59 28.33 2304 42.77 +.2 CKE Inc CK ... ... ... CKX Lands CKX .12m 1.0 51 14.10 10.20 1 12.13 +9.8 CMS Eng CMS 1.33f 2.9 28 46.25 38.78 1420 45.69 +9.8 CNA Fn CNA 1.00a 2.3 14 44.88 29.38 89 43.81 +5.6 CNH Indl CNHI .12 1.2 ...dd 10.05 6.26 1160 9.79 +12.7 CNO Fincl CNO .32 1.6 14 21.70 14.30 758 20.28 +5.9 CNOOC CEO 4.77e 4.1 ... 138.36 112.32 95 117.76 -5.0 CNX Coal n CNXC .51 ... ... 22.30 7.55 66 15.50 -15.1 CPFL Eng CPL .40t ... ... 16.75 10.02 160 16.50 +7.1 CPI Aero CVU ... ... 9 10.15 4.35 6 6.45 -30.3 CRH Med CRHM ... ... 9.25 2.80 69 9.05 +72.4 CRH CRH .74e 2.2 ... 36.83 25.82 510 33.42 -2.8 CsopChiA50 AFTY 2.38p ... ...q 14.28 12.12 4 13.61 +5.1 Csop ChInt CNHX ... ... ...q 28.53 24.05 26.19 +2.7 Csop Csi300 HAHA ... ... ...q 28.16 24.24 27.86 +.1 CSRA n CSRA .40 1.4 24 33.54 21.95 1030 28.49 -10.5 CSS Inds CSS .80 3.1 23 29.18 23.16 9 25.86 -4.5 CST Brnds CST .19j ... 37 48.50 36.02 380 48.40 +.5 CTS CTS .16 .8 31 24.80 16.08 61 20.15 -10.0 CVR Engy CVI 2.00 10.8 18 26.57 12.03 655 18.44 -27.4 CVR Ptrs UAN .71e 14.7 ...dd 9.75 4.05 170 4.82 -19.8 CVR Rfng CVRR 3.12e 34.3 35 13.25 5.50 215 9.10 -12.5 CVS Health CVS 2.00f 2.6 13 106.67 69.30 6980 78.25 -.8sCWA Inco n CWAI ... ... ... 25.31 25.00 3 25.37 +1.5 CYS Invest CYS 1.00 12.1 9 9.21 7.42 1454 8.27 +7.0 CYSInv pfA CYSpA 1.94 7.9 ... 25.65 23.05 2 24.51 +3.2 CYSInv pfB CYSpB 1.88 7.8 ... 24.72 22.46 28 23.90 +5.3 CabGS t34 GYB .83 3.7 ... 23.30 19.62 4 22.30 +7.7 CabcoJCP97 PFH 1.91 10.4 ... 21.20 16.40 9 18.45 -7.2 CabAT&T34 GYC .83 3.5 ... 26.05 20.03 1 23.39 +11.6 Cabelas CAB ... ... 22 63.60 45.00 4296 57.53 -1.7 CableOne n CABO 6.00 .9 39 649.79 452.25 23 635.87 +2.3 Cabot CBT 1.20 2.1 17 60.72 42.27 276 57.57 +13.9 CabotO&G COG .08 .3 ...dd 26.74 20.02 3709 24.11 +3.2 CACI CACI ... ... 18 135.35 87.31 58 114.40 -8.0 CadencB n CADE ... ... ... 22.55 21.50 399 22.25 CalAtlantic CAA .16 .4 12 40.94 30.18 743 38.29 +12.6 Caleres CAL .28 1.1 13 36.61 21.27 181 26.33 -19.8 Calgon CCC .20 1.5 37 18.80 12.70 189 13.70 -19.4 CalifRes rs CRC ... ... ... 25.50 8.79 2271 12.44 -41.6 CalifWtr CWT .72f 2.0 35 37.60 27.05 156 36.80 +8.6 Calix CALX ... ... ...dd 8.20 6.15 110 6.65 -13.6 CallGolf ELY .04 .3 6 12.56 8.96 1518 11.88 +8.4 CallonPet CPE ... ... 55 18.53 10.02 5835 12.17 -20.8 Callon pfA CPEpA 5.00 9.4 ... 53.97 47.94 4 52.99 +.6 Calpine CPN ... ... 24 16.07 10.39 3627 10.93 -4.4tCambrE rs CEI ... ... ...dd 5.07 .31 596 .32 -74.2 Cambrex CBM ... ... 23 62.50 38.30 183 55.65 +3.2 CambriaYld SYLD 1.42e 1.9 ...q 35.00 26.75 7 33.23 +2.2 CambFgnY FYLD 1.85e 6.6 ...q 22.76 18.45 12 22.19 +5.9 CambGblV GVAL .54e 2.4 ...q 22.51 17.06 18 21.86 +8.2 CamGblMo GMOM .53e 2.2 ...q 24.69 22.25 28 24.29 +4.7 CambGlAss GAA .55e 2.2 ... 25.54 23.68 3 25.50 +4.2 CambrEmS EYLD ... ... ... 32.28 24.83 1 29.09 +9.8 CambSovHi SOVB .50e ... ... CambTail n TAIL ... ... ... 25.54 24.74 4 25.37 +1.5 CamDhan n JUNE ... ... ... 28.00 22.78 3 27.20 +2.6 CamValMom VAMO ... ... ...q 24.64 22.09 3 23.16 -4.0 CamdenPT CPT 3.00 3.6 34 90.91 75.36 488 82.57 -1.8 Cameco g CCJ .40 ... ... 13.50 7.41 1499 10.87 +3.8 CampSp CPB 1.40 2.4 19 67.89 52.59 1149 57.19 -5.4 CampWrl n CWH .08p ... ... 36.60 20.45 310 30.09 -7.7 Can-Fite CANF ... ... ... 3.17 1.74 40 1.86 -21.8 CdaGoose n GOOS ... ... ... 18.40 15.20 438 16.31 +1.4 CIBC g CM 4.84 ... 10 92.22 72.62 785 83.82 +2.7 CdnNR gs CNI 1.18 ... ... 75.05 55.73 941 73.56 +9.1 CdnNRs gs CNQ .82 ... ... 35.28 27.08 2331 33.04 +3.6 CP Rwy g CP 1.64 ... ... 157.34 119.50 557 151.39 +6.0 Canon CAJ ... ... ... 31.68 27.18 237 31.05 +10.3 CantelMed CMD .12f .2 47 88.81 64.52 109 73.06 -7.2 CapOne COF 1.60 2.0 11 96.92 58.03 3089 81.90 -6.1 CapOne wt COF/WS ... ... ... 54.80 18.84 3 39.65 -12.3 CapOne pfC COFpC 1.56 5.9 ... 27.89 24.64 26 26.30 +4.7 CapOne pfD COFpD 1.68 6.1 ... 29.33 25.33 43 27.49 +5.9 CapOne pfF COFpF 1.55 5.9 ... 28.26 24.43 33 26.41 +5.4 CapOne pfB COFpP 1.50 5.9 ... 26.58 24.00 22 25.59 +4.4 CpOne pf H COFpH ... ... ... 25.89 24.05 105 25.70 +3.2 CapOne pfG COFpG ... ... ... 25.89 21.02 168 23.60 +8.9 CapSenL CSU ... ... ...dd 20.85 12.65 238 13.76 -14.3 Capitala 21 CLA 1.78 7.0 ... 26.11 24.26 4 25.37 -.7 CapsteadM CMO .84m 7.7 14 10.96 8.93 610 10.86 +6.6 Capstd pfE CMOpE 1.88 7.6 ... 25.85 23.61 11 24.88 +3.5 CarboCer CRR ... ... ...dd 16.70 5.66 496 9.96 -4.8 CardnlHlth CAH 1.80 2.5 14 87.16 62.70 12534 72.39 +.6 CareCPrp n CCP 2.28 8.1 ... 31.56 22.70 625 27.99 +12.0 CRCM ... ... 49 12.97 5.99 64 11.67 +36.2 Carlisle CSL 1.40f 1.4 18 116.40 98.23 368 103.65 -6.0 CarMax KMX ... ... 17 69.11 45.06 2072 55.61 -13.6 Carnival CCL 1.60f 2.7 17 60.24 42.94 4246 58.37 +12.1 CarnUK CUK 1.20 2.1 ... 58.88 43.45 312 57.79 +12.9 CarpTech CRS .72 2.1 33 45.34 28.74 194 34.95 -3.4 CarrSrv CSV .20 .7 19 29.11 21.97 41 27.42 -4.3 Carters CRI 1.32 1.5 18 112.58 77.94 528 89.40 +3.5 CastleBr ROX ... ... ... 1.77 .65 1419 1.62 +113.2 CastlightH CSLT ... ... ...dd 5.50 3.05 159 3.85 -22.2 Catalent CTLT ... ... 33 30.28 20.94 376 27.79 +3.1 CatchMTim CTT .54f 4.5 ...dd 12.58 10.05 92 11.91 +5.8 Caterpillar CAT 3.08 3.3 29 99.46 69.04 3290 94.39 +1.8 CatoCp CATO 1.32 6.0 9 38.88 19.73 231 22.11 -26.5 CedarF FUN 3.42f 5.0 22 69.81 56.17 67 69.01 +7.5 CedarRlty CDR .20 3.8 14 8.08 4.86 486 5.33 -18.4 CedarR pfB CDRpB 1.81 7.1 ... 27.25 23.81 42 25.67 +5.4 CelSci wt CVM/WS ... ... ... .22 .01 156 .02 +5.3 Cel-Sci CVM ... ... ...dd .59 .06 1464 .09 +40.3tCeladon CGI .08 1.8 22 12.03 4.40 662 4.40 -38.5 Celanese CE 1.44 1.6 14 93.06 60.59 2221 89.10 +13.2 Celestic g CLS ... ... 10 14.74 8.83 437 14.26 +20.3 Cellcom CEL ... ... 26 11.19 5.70 14 9.63 +21.4 Cementos CPAC .28e 2.5 ... 11.98 8.07 12 11.36 +23.3 Cemex CX .29t ... ... 9.62 5.49 6133 8.83 +10.0 Cemig pf CIG .14e 4.7 ... 3.84 1.40 4494 2.98 +30.7 Cemig CIG/C .14e 4.2 ... 4.75 1.43 2 3.35 +32.4 Cencosud CNCO .36e 3.9 ... 10.13 7.43 26 9.18 +9.3 CenovusE CVE .20 ... ...dd 16.82 10.64 3335 10.73 -29.1 Centene s CNC ... ... 16 75.57 50.00 1091 71.17 +25.9 CC MLPInf CEN 1.25 10.2 ...q 13.72 9.96 67 12.27 +2.6sCenterPnt CNP 1.07 3.8 22 28.24 20.65 3449 28.30 +14.9 CentElBr B EBR/B ... ... ... 8.91 6.07 40 6.32 -19.8 CentElecBr EBR ... ... ... 7.70 4.79 332 4.96 -27.7 CnEurRusT CEE .49e 2.3 ...q 21.70 17.48 7 20.99 +2.0 CFCda g CEF .01 .1 ...q 14.88 11.22 1125 13.24 +17.3 CenPacFn CPF .64 2.2 20 33.12 21.88 125 29.54 -6.0 CentSecur CET 1.78e .8 ...q 24.08 18.77 23 23.75 +9.0 CentrusEn LEU ... ... ...dd 9.46 2.53 38 5.97 -6.4 CentCmtys CCS ... ... 12 27.65 16.30 128 26.75 +27.4 CntryLink CTL 2.16 8.6 10 33.45 22.33 5939 25.06 +5.4 Cenveo rs CVO ... ... 6 10.50 3.05 20 3.92 -43.9sCervecer CCU .30e 1.1 ... 27.21 19.31 384 27.06 +29.0 ChannAdv ECOM ... ... ...dd 15.91 10.20 96 11.35 -20.9 ChRvLab CRL ... ... 21 91.57 67.20 180 87.69 +15.1sChaseCorp CCF .70f .7 25 98.30 54.25 25 97.20 +16.3 ChathLTr CLDT 1.32 6.6 17 24.80 16.45 236 19.85 -3.4 CheetahM CMCM ... ... ... 16.39 8.77 773 10.08 +5.4 Chegg CHGG ... ... ...dd 8.78 4.26 190 8.20 +11.1 Chemed CHE 1.04 .6 25 190.32 124.78 72 182.05 +13.5 Chemours n CC .12 .3 39.02 5.82 2060 35.77 +61.9sChemtura CHMT ... ... 33.40 24.62 705 33.55 +1.1 CheniereEn LNG ... ... ...dd 50.53 31.02 2141 46.92 +13.3 ChenEnLP CQP 1.70 5.3 33.47 25.87 194 32.26 +11.9 ChenEnHld CQH .08 .3 25.36 18.28 55 25.04 +11.9 CherHMtg CHMI 1.96 11.2 5 19.14 14.14 235 17.44 -4.1 ChesEng CHK ... ... ...dd 8.20 3.56 30416 5.66 -19.4 ChesEn pfD CHKpD 4.50 7.6 ... 68.00 20.23 9 59.43 +28.2 ChesGranW CHKR .29e 10.9 2 3.85 1.81 46 2.65 +12.8 ChespkLdg CHSP 1.60 6.7 16 27.08 20.81 480 24.06 -7.0 ChspkL pfA CHSPpA 1.94 7.6 ... 27.50 25.10 10 25.54 +.6sChespkUtil CPK 1.22 1.7 25 70.85 56.56 54 71.55 +6.9 Chevron CVX 4.32f 4.1 119.00 97.53 3898 105.68 -10.2 ChicB&I CBI .28 .9 ...dd 41.33 26.12 2041 29.52 -7.0 ChiRivet CVR .80 2.0 23 49.34 23.90 39.50 -5.0 Chicos CHS .33 2.4 19 16.85 9.86 1577 13.49 -6.3sChimera rs CIM 2.00 9.7 9 20.87 13.87 1440 20.69 +21.6 Chimer pfA CIMpA 2.00 7.9 ... 26.00 23.45 44 25.30 +1.1 Chimer pfB CIMpB 2.00 7.9 ... 25.44 24.41 142 25.35 +1.7 ChiCBlood CO ... ... 16 8.12 4.27 283 7.50 +22.5 ChinaDigtl STV ... ... ...dd 1.73 1.11 74 1.27 -13.0 ChinaDEd DL .45e ... 11 14.09 8.97 30 10.41 -6.9 ChinaEAir CEA ... ... ... 30.90 21.38 23 27.99 +25.2 ChinaFd CHN .47e 2.8 ...q 17.33 13.53 28 17.09 +13.6 ChinaGreen CGA .10e 7.7 2 1.68 1.18 48 1.30 +8.3 ChinaLife s LFC .32e 2.2 ... 16.27 10.07 320 14.38 +11.7 ChinaMble CHL 1.87e 3.5 ... 63.89 51.73 451 53.81 +2.6 ChiNBorun BORN ... ... 1 1.77 .97 11 1.13 -15.7 ChOnlEd n COE ... ... ... 25.24 12.45 88 17.06 +9.7 ChinaPet SNP 3.18e 3.9 ... 84.88 64.61 137 81.15 +14.3 ChinaPhH CPHI ... ... ...dd .35 .15 9 .26 +1.9 ChinaSoAir ZNH .67e 2.0 ... 36.95 25.60 29 33.90 +31.9 ChinaTel CHA 1.28e 2.6 ... 53.87 42.29 33 49.69 +7.7 ChinaUni CHU .32e 2.4 ... 14.48 9.89 461 13.22 +14.5 ChiXFash XNY ... ... ...dd 3.65 .81 43 1.50 +14.5 ChinaYuch CYD .85e 4.8 7 19.15 9.69 65 17.62 +27.6 ChinZenix ZX ... ... ...dd 1.95 .73 28 1.60 +33.4sChipotle CMG ... ... 471.50 352.96 483 468.51 +24.2 ChoiceHtls CHH .86f 1.4 27 64.00 43.61 93 62.35 +11.2 ChrisBnk CBK ... ... ...dd 2.83 1.13 150 1.30 -44.4 ChubbLtd CB 2.76e 2.0 14 140.55 116.65 1196 137.50 +4.1 ChungTel CHT 1.57e 4.6 ... 38.47 31.28 165 33.95 +7.6 ChurchDwt s CHD .76f 1.5 ... 53.68 42.56 1267 50.70 +14.7 CienaCorp CIEN ... ... 28 26.84 15.62 3119 22.17 -9.2 Cigna CI .04 ... 18 154.83 115.03 1038 149.82 +12.3 Cimarex XEC .32 .3 146.96 102.91 1005 117.91 -13.2 CincB pfB CBBpB 3.38 6.8 ... 51.47 47.33 2 49.80 +1.8 CinciBell rs CBB ... ... 9 25.65 16.75 263 18.35 -17.9 Cinemark CNK 1.08 2.5 20 44.84 32.60 563 42.96 +12.0 CinerRes CINR 2.27 8.0 14 39.10 26.25 24 28.20 -2.8 Circor CIR .15 .2 60 72.96 47.47 77 62.07 -4.3 CitiStratDv DIVC ... ... ...q 31.59 24.53 30.61 +1.8 Citigp pfN CpN 1.97 7.4 ... 26.75 25.71 102 26.63 +3.1 CgpVelLCrd UWT ... ... ... 29.68 15.90 3505 22.07 -20.2 CgpVelICrd DWT ... ... ... 33.56 20.37 1608 23.76 +8.2 Citigroup C .64 1.1 12 62.53 38.31 16768 58.42 -1.7 Citigp wtA C/WS/A ... ... ... .20 .02 8154 .12 -24.3 Citigrp pfC CpC 1.45 5.6 ... 26.61 23.90 53 25.69 +3.5 CitiTdecs CpH 7.50 7.2 ... 104.75 Citigp pfJ CpJ 1.78 6.1 ... 30.44 26.79 70 29.04 +3.8 Citigp pfK CpK 1.72 5.9 ... 31.60 26.14 64 28.91 +5.7 Citigrp pfP CpP 2.03 7.3 ... 29.20 26.15 8 27.67 +.5 Citigrp pfS CpS 1.58 5.9 ... 27.63 24.81 89 26.61 +5.2 Citigrp pfL CpL 1.72 6.2 ... 28.32 25.61 58 27.92 +6.6 CitizFincl CFG .40 1.2 17 39.75 18.34 4752 33.70 -5.4 CitizInc CIA ... ... 11.93 6.10 113 6.20 -36.9 CityOffce g CIO .94 7.5 19 13.93 11.05 249 12.51 -5.0 CityOff pfA CIOpA 1.66 6.6 ... 25.63 21.52 11 25.15 +10.3 Civeo CVEO ... ... ...dd 3.73 1.00 781 3.26 +48.2 CivitasSolu CIVI ... ... 67 23.20 15.90 24 16.75 -15.8 ClaudeR g CGR ... ... ... .18 ClayGSCn GCE 1.43e 8.8 ...q 16.36 14.36 0 16.21 +3.4 ClayEng CWEI ... ... ...dd 149.86 14.82 414 132.13 +10.8 CleanHarb CLH ... ... 59.17 43.03 241 57.60 +3.5 ClearChan CCO ... ... ...dd 7.31 4.45 71 5.95 +17.8 ClrBrEnTR CTR 1.35e 9.9 ...q 14.15 11.25 113 13.60 +6.4 ClrbrgMLP CBA .80m 8.2 ...q 10.54 7.46 103 9.81 +6.9 ClearEnFd CEM 1.76f 10.4 ...q 17.96 13.99 141 16.94 +8.9 ClrbEOpFd EMO 1.47e 11.0 ...q 14.29 11.65 86 13.42 +2.4 ClearwPpr CLW ... ... 23 69.75 50.30 67 56.00 -14.6 CliffsNRs CLF ... ... 7 12.37 2.77 15754 6.86 -18.4 ClipRlty n CLPR .09p ... ... 14.24 10.90 122 11.29 -16.4 Clorox CLX 3.20 2.4 27 140.47 111.24 708 135.59 +13.0 CloudPeak CLD ... ... ...dd 8.04 1.64 859 4.07 -27.5 CloughGA GLV 1.44 10.9 ...q 13.70 10.95 27 13.26 +10.1 CloughGEq GLQ 1.38 11.1 ...q 12.70 10.16 53 12.41 +11.5 ClghGlbOp GLO 1.20 11.6 ...q 10.45 8.65 406 10.32 +15.3 ClubCorp MYCC .52 3.9 17.60 10.80 1187 13.50 -5.9 Coach COH 1.35 3.4 24 43.71 34.07 2052 39.52 +12.8 CobaltIEn CIE ... ... ...dd 3.50 .35 11029 .42 -65.4 CCFemsa KOF 1.81e 2.5 ... 87.58 59.44 48 73.83 +16.2 CocaCola KO 1.48f 3.4 27 46.01 39.88 13049 43.48 +4.9 CocaCEur n CCE .89e ... ... 41.29 30.55 1284 38.11 +21.4 Coeur CDE ... ... 31 16.41 6.70 3831 9.87 +8.6 TigerM wt IDI/WS ... ... ... .07 CohSClosed FOF 1.04 8.2 ...q 12.86 11.09 63 12.65 +8.1 CohStGlbI INB 1.12 12.3 ...q 9.35 7.91 44 9.13 +7.0 Cohen&Str CNS 1.12f 2.8 22 43.83 33.16 193 40.59 +20.8 CohStInfra UTF 1.60 7.2 ...q 22.14 19.10 174 22.08 +14.0 C&SLtDP&I LDP 1.87 7.3 ...q 26.05 22.40 82 25.62 +4.4 C&SIncEgy MIE 1.32 11.6 ...q 11.96 8.92 65 11.39 +4.6 CohStQIR RQI .96 7.4 ...q 14.73 11.11 185 12.90 +5.7 CohStRE RNP 1.48 7.4 ...q 21.69 17.91 81 19.92 +4.2 CohStSelPf PSF 2.06a 7.7 ...q 28.50 24.82 14 26.89 +2.8 CohenStTR RFI .96a 7.6 ...q 14.26 11.63 62 12.66 +4.6 Colfax CFX ... ... 30 41.99 24.63 624 39.38 +9.6 ColgPalm CL 1.60f 2.2 26 75.38 63.43 3644 74.37 +13.6 ColNrthS n CLNS ... ... ... 14.97 12.52 1601 13.13 -9.1 ColNrth pfA CLNSpA 2.19 8.6 ... 25.79 25.05 8 25.60 -.3 ColNrth pfB CLNSpB 2.06 8.1 ... 25.58 24.95 12 25.55 +.8 ColNrth pfC CLNSpC 2.22 8.6 ... 25.99 24.00 2 25.79 ColNrth pfD CLNSpD 2.13 8.3 ... 26.59 25.18 15 25.79 -.1 ColNrth pfE CLNSpE 2.19 8.4 ... 26.73 25.02 12 26.22 +.5 ColNrth pfF CLNSpF 2.13 8.5 ... 25.73 24.93 17 25.18 -.6 ColNrth pfG CLNSpG 1.88 7.5 ... 25.99 24.15 2 25.10 -1.6 ColNrth pfH CLNSpH 1.78 7.1 ... 25.18 23.75 10 25.08 +3.0 ColonyStar SFR .88 2.5 24 35.15 24.22 550 34.74 +20.6 Col Sust n ESGW ... ... ... 28.55 25.24 28.27 +5.3 Col SusInt n ESGN ... ... ... 27.73 24.51 1 27.47 +7.1 Col SusUS n ESGS ... ... ... 29.54 23.45 1 28.51 +3.5 ColuIntMu GMMB 1.22 2.3 ...q 55.22 51.67 52.80 +1.5 ColCoreBd GMTB 1.31e 2.0 ...q 53.39 50.49 51.52 +.8 Col Bey BBRC .27e 1.5 ...q 16.79 14.47 2 16.24 +9.4 ColEmxChi XCEM ... ... ...q 25.61 20.00 1 25.24 +11.7 ColQualDv HILO .99e 7.2 ...q 14.05 11.94 0 13.73 +8.7 ColEMStOp EMDD .28e 1.5 ...q 20.24 16.51 18.71 +10.8 Col EMCns ECON .30e 1.2 ...q 25.96 21.08 227 25.32 +14.3 Col EmMkC EMCR .42e 2.2 ...q 19.68 16.36 19.08 +10.5 Col IndiaC INCO .03p ... ...q 39.32 30.44 6 38.54 +19.0 Col IndiaInf INXX .04e .3 ...q 13.58 9.99 26 13.13 +24.3 Col IndSC SCIN .08e .4 ...q 19.00 13.00 24 18.76 +33.1 ColumbPT CXP .80m 3.5 21 24.63 20.16 614 22.80 +5.6 ColSelTec STK .58a 2.7 ...q 21.58 15.32 43 21.23 +13.3 Comcst 61 CCV 1.25 4.8 ... 27.72 24.30 9 25.96 +3.5 Comcst29 CCZ 1.58e 3.1 ... 60.95 44.50 51.73 +14.2 Comerica CMA .92f 1.4 25 75.00 36.82 3762 67.71 -.6 Comeric wt CMA/WS ... ... ... 45.50 10.75 3 38.50 -.6 ComfrtS FIX .28 .8 22 39.67 26.05 183 35.45 +6.5 ComndSec MOC ... ... ...dd 5.73 2.25 4 2.45 -10.9 CmclCred n CCR ... ... ... CmclMtls CMC .48 2.7 41 24.64 14.58 1247 17.75 -18.5 CmtyBkSy CBU 1.28 2.4 23 63.04 38.12 256 52.96 -14.3 CmtyHlt CYH ... ... ...dd 17.59 4.15 2020 8.47 +51.5 CmtyHcT n CHCT 1.55f 6.3 28 25.00 17.97 54 24.64 +7.0 CBD-Pao CBD .38e 1.9 ... 20.23 11.00 590 19.89 +20.2 CompDivHd CODI 1.44 8.6 28 19.50 15.41 209 16.70 -6.7 CompssMn CMP 2.88f 4.3 19 84.40 65.30 376 66.85 -14.7 Compx CIX .20 1.3 18 16.70 10.35 7 15.30 -5.0 ComstkMn LODE ... ... ...dd .50 .19 153 .21 -22.1 ComstkRs rs CRK ... ... ...dd 13.43 2.64 289 9.10 -7.6 ConAgra CAG .80 2.0 21 41.68 33.08 2349 40.79 +3.1 ConchoRes CXO ... ... 147.55 110.50 978 129.44 -2.4 ConcdMed CCM .99e ... 47 5.00 3.51 21 4.67 +1.6 Conduent n CNDT ... ... ... 17.44 13.10 1453 15.83 +6.2 ConeMidst CNNX 1.09f 5.1 14 25.56 13.35 61 21.58 -8.4 ConocoPhil COP 1.06f 2.2 ...dd 53.17 38.80 5999 48.69 -2.9 ConsolEngy CNX .04 .3 ...dd 22.34 12.29 1847 15.78 -13.4 ConEd ED 2.76f 3.5 20 81.88 68.76 1540 79.09 +7.3 CnsTom CTO .08 .1 11 56.49 44.48 4 54.39 +1.8 ConstellA STZ 2.08f 1.2 23 175.43 144.00 1229 172.21 +12.3 ConstellB STZ/B 1.12 .7 35 175.50 147.95 171.24 +11.8 Constellm CSTM ... ... ... 8.85 4.02 457 5.50 -6.8 CnE pfB CMSpB 4.50 4.4 ... 108.75 100.05 0 103.00 +.1 ContainStr TCS ... ... 10 8.34 3.75 88 4.04 -36.4 Contango MCF ... ... ...dd 14.14 5.62 79 7.59 -18.7 ContlBldg CBPX ... ... 22 26.53 18.35 222 23.90 +3.5 ContMatls CUO ... ... 25 30.90 14.21 4 21.40 -10.6 ContlRescs CLR ... ... ...dd 60.30 34.43 1580 44.63 -13.4 Cnvrgys CVG .36 1.7 12 30.92 20.15 584 21.78 -11.3 CooperCo COO .06 ... 25 202.70 152.09 469 196.89 +12.6 CooperTire CTB .42 1.0 9 44.50 29.29 587 42.75 +10.0 CooperStd CPS ... ... 10 118.59 74.33 86 104.13 +.7 CopaHold CPA 2.04 1.8 23 117.00 48.57 248 114.07 +25.6 Copel ELP .36e 3.7 ... 11.94 6.43 349 9.65 +13.8 CoreLabs CLB 2.20 1.9 62 135.49 96.30 743 115.47 -3.8 CoreMold CMT ... ... 11 19.63 11.08 12 17.80 +4.0 Corecivic CXW 1.68m 5.0 15 35.33 12.99 579 33.38 +36.5 CoreLogic CLGX ... ... 20 43.43 34.59 505 41.38 +12.4 CorEn pfA CORRpA 1.84 7.4 ... 26.55 20.30 127 24.80 +.8 CorEnInf rs CORR 3.00 8.4 17q 37.00 20.13 70 35.74 +2.5 CoreSite COR 3.20 3.5 49 93.35 64.81 313 92.75 +16.9 CoreSR pfA CORpA 1.81 7.0 ... 27.30 25.05 2 25.79 +1.9 Corindus n CVRS ... ... ...dd 1.80 .40 125 1.18 +69.1 CorMedix CRMD ... ... ...dd 4.54 .99 118 1.19 -22.2 CrnstTotR CRF 3.35 20.8 ...q 17.65 13.79 67 16.12 +7.0 CrnrstnStr CLM 3.40 20.9 ...q 18.48 13.75 211 16.27 +7.3 Corning GLW .62f 2.3 17 28.36 18.21 12755 26.89 +10.8 CpBT JCP JBN 1.75 10.7 ... 19.79 14.76 5 16.40 -7.9 CorpOffP OFC 1.10 3.2 18 34.56 24.92 668 34.23 +9.6 CorpOf pfL OFCpL 1.84 7.2 ... 26.77 24.85 6 25.41 +.6 Cort1Aon27 KTN 2.05 6.2 ... 34.99 30.55 1 33.30 +3.9 CortsJCP97 KTP 1.91 10.4 ... 21.99 16.40 4 18.39 -11.8 CortsJCP JBR 1.75 10.7 ... 19.98 14.60 0 16.41 -7.8 CortsPE KTH 2.00 6.2 ... 37.17 29.91 3 32.07 +1.3 Cosan Ltd CZZ .26e 3.2 ... 9.50 4.75 838 8.09 +7.7 Costamre CMRE .40 5.7 ... 10.45 5.07 922 6.97 +24.5 Costam pfB CMREpB 1.91 8.4 ... 24.99 16.90 2 22.63 +11.5 Costmr pfC CMREpC 2.13 9.0 ... 24.44 17.60 11 23.57 +8.8 Costam pfD CMREpD 2.19 9.1 ... 24.44 17.86 13 24.07 +8.4 Cotiviti n COTV ... ... ... 43.00 17.00 126 41.40 +20.3 Cott Cp COT .24 1.9 58 17.38 10.10 589 12.86 +13.5 Coty COTY .50 2.7 31.60 16.95 5616 18.41 +.5 Cntwd pfB CFCpB 1.75 6.7 ... 26.50 25.30 69 26.04 +2.3 CousPrp CUZ .24 2.8 12 8.82 7.04 3623 8.43 -.9 CovantaH CVA 1.00 6.5 ...dd 17.22 13.45 683 15.40 -1.3 CovrAll n COVR ... ... ... Crane CR 1.32 1.8 18 78.94 53.40 196 74.89 +3.8 CrwfdA CRD/A .28 3.3 61 10.50 5.65 209 8.51 -10.1 CrwfdB CRD/B .20 1.9 74 14.37 6.09 44 10.39 -17.3 Credicp BAP 2.19e 1.4 ... 173.80 133.66 322 153.36 -2.9 CS EnEur50 FIEU ... ... ...q 107.65 73.67 2 104.00 +14.3 CSVInvN rs DGAZ ... ... ...q 94.25 13.50 3838 20.63 CS FILgCG FLGE ... ... ...q 164.89 113.12 7 161.58 +16.4 CSCmdyRtn CSCR ... ... ...q 14.06 12.95 13.50 CS LgShLiq CSLS ... ... ...q 27.92 25.14 4 27.19 +1.1 CrSuisInco CIK .26 8.0 ...q 3.46 2.80 65 3.29 +4.1 CS MthlMtg REML ... ... ... 32.21 24.01 30.95 +15.5 CS MthlyP AMJL .99e ... ... CSVLgNG rs UGAZ ... ... ...q 54.89 13.66 3583 20.06 -56.6 CS CrdeOil OIIL ... ... ... 36.02 27.09 32.64 -4.5 CS MAsHi MLTI 1.30e ... ... 29.66 26.12 28.92 +4.0 CS SP mlp MLPO 1.12e 6.6 ... 17.25 15.14 17.00 +5.8 CS BigCG18 FIBG ... ... ...q 74.89 56.87 1 70.54 +10.5 CredSuiss CS 1.21e 8.5 ... 16.17 10.01 3571 14.19 -.8 CrSuiHiY DHY .29 10.5 ...q 2.85 2.17 185 2.74 +2.6 CrescPtE g CPG .28 2.7 18.95 10.23 1203 10.49 -22.8 CrestEq rs CEQP 2.40e 9.3 ...dd 28.30 16.15 134 25.85 +1.2 InergyM wi NRGM/WI ... ... ... 22.72 CrossAmer CAPL 2.45f 9.6 61 27.94 22.50 29 25.50 +1.2 CrosTim CRT 1.10e 7.3 14 20.59 14.10 41 15.15 -15.7 CrwnCstle CCI 3.80 3.9 29 102.82 79.38 1945 96.79 +11.5 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next pageMONEY & MARKET$Page 2 The Sun/Wednesday, April 19, 2017


CrownHold CCK ... ... 14 57.49 48.04 1087 54.46 +3.6 Cryolife CRY .12 .8 33 20.15 11.11 349 14.70 -23.2 CrystalRk CRVP ... ... ...dd .95 .63 10 .84 +3.1 CubeSmart CUBE 1.08 3.9 40 32.78 23.65 1558 27.96 +4.4 Cubic CUB .27 .5 55.65 37.24 106 49.90 +4.1 CullenFr CFR 2.16f 2.5 19 96.62 57.94 408 87.78 -.5 CullnF pfA CFRpA 1.34 5.3 ... 27.86 24.24 6 25.45 +3.2 Culp Inc CFI .32f 1.0 16 37.80 25.57 21 30.85 -17.0 Cummins CMI 4.10 2.8 22 155.51 105.33 1373 145.07 +6.1 CurEuro FXE ... ... ...q 112.90 100.46 889 104.02 +1.7 CurAstla FXA 1.02 1.3 ...q 77.72 71.64 6 75.61 +4.8 CurBrit FXB ... ... ...q 145.60 117.48 768 125.18 +4.1 CurrCda FXC .03e ... ...q 79.26 72.68 22 73.80 +.3 CurrChina FXCH ... ... ... 76.34 70.11 72.41 +1.5 CurJpn FXY ... ... ...q 96.75 81.33 266 88.80 +7.6 CurSwed FXS ... ... ...q 122.77 102.80 1 107.52 +1.1 CurSwiss FXF ... ... ...q 101.31 92.37 6 95.50 +1.9 CurShSinga FXSG ... ... ...q 74.00 66.86 70.39 +3.5 CurtisWrt CW .52 .6 23 107.61 75.90 191 89.52 -9.0 CushTRet rs SRV 1.08 7.8 ...q 15.08 10.83 14 13.89 +2.2 CushngRen SZC 1.64 9.0 ...q 19.10 14.49 24 18.17 +4.5 CushRoy rs SRF .62 6.6 ...q 10.14 8.06 6 9.36 -4.3 CustomBcp CUBI ... ... 13 36.93 23.80 121 29.69 -17.1 CustBcp 18 CUBS 1.59 6.1 ... 27.74 26.01 0 26.22 -.1 CustBc p C CUBIpC .57p ... ... 27.74 25.25 27.10 +4.1 CustBc pfD CUBIpD ... ... ... 29.11 23.68 4 26.90 +4.9 CustBc pfE CUBIpE ... ... ... 27.13 24.69 1 26.58 +3.8sCustoBc pf F CUBIpF ... ... ... 26.14 23.22 18 26.25 +5.0 CypressEn CELP 1.63 18.7 ... 14.27 7.80 31 8.73 -17.3D -DCP Mid DCP 3.12 8.2 19 42.45 31.03 230 37.92 -1.2sDCT IndlTr DCT 1.16 2.3 29 51.22 39.76 910 50.73 +6.0 DDR Corp DDR .76 5.9 14 19.92 12.13 3136 12.85 -15.8 DDR pfJ DDRpJ 1.63 6.5 ... 26.60 24.35 3 25.17 +1.8 DDR pfK DDRpK 1.56 6.2 ... 27.13 23.66 11 25.22 +5.8 DGSE DGSE ... ... ...dd 1.63 .50 39 1.56 +25.8 DHI Grp DHX ... ... 11 8.43 3.90 356 4.00 -36.0 DHT Hldgs DHT .58e 12.7 6.08 3.29 714 4.57 +10.4 DNP Selct DNP .78 7.1 ...q 10.97 9.81 382 10.94 +6.9 DR Horton DHI .32 .9 14 34.56 26.69 4035 34.28 +25.4 Drdgold DRD .08f 1.7 ... 9.10 3.70 305 4.76 -10.0 DST Sys DST 1.40f 1.1 19 128.66 94.52 300 123.20 +15.0 DSW Inc DSW .80 4.0 15 26.22 18.51 1208 20.07 -11.4sDTE DTE 3.30f 3.2 24 104.51 85.37 642 104.42 +6.0 DTEEn 62 DTQ 1.31 5.3 ... 26.07 22.33 8 24.86 +3.8 DTE En76 n DTJ 1.34 5.4 ... 26.60 21.67 23 24.59 +9.1 DTE F76 n DTY 1.50 5.8 ... 26.59 24.24 260 26.06 +1.4 DTE En un DTV ... ... ... 54.49 50.03 1 53.96 +1.8 DTF TxF DTF .84 5.6 ...q 17.05 14.09 5 15.00 +4.0 DXC Tch n DXC ... ... ... 77.99 67.76 3049 75.39 +10.9 DanaInc DAN .24 1.3 10 20.62 9.80 960 18.18 -4.2 Danaher DHR .56f .6 20 88.01 72.32 1858 86.54 +11.2 Danaos DAC ... ... 1 4.90 1.60 14 1.70 -35.8tDaqoNEn DQ ... ... 4 27.60 18.05 54 18.77 -2.7 Darden DRI 2.24 2.7 21 84.55 59.50 823 82.72 +13.8 DarlingIng DAR ... ... 24 15.93 11.51 1394 15.07 +16.7 DaVita Inc DVA ... ... 17 78.77 54.50 630 67.72 +5.5 Daxor DXR .04f .6 ... 9.80 6.81 14 7.10 -13.9 DeVryEd DV .36 1.1 13 36.15 15.36 595 34.05 +9.1 DeanFoods DF .36 1.8 12 22.31 15.69 1045 19.48 -10.6 DeckrsOut DECK ... ... 74 69.94 44.00 482 57.30 +3.4 Deere DE 2.40 2.2 23 112.18 76.73 1619 108.47 +5.3 DE EnhGlb DEX .90 8.3 ...q 11.07 9.16 50 10.85 +7.3 DelaCO VCF .72 4.9 ...q 16.42 14.50 2 14.77 -.9 DelaDvInc DDF .62 6.0 ...q 10.52 9.19 10 10.33 +3.6 DelaNatl VFL .72 5.5 ...q 14.99 12.07 2 13.19 +.2 DelaMN2 VMM .63 4.3 ...q 15.70 13.13 5 14.60 +7.7 DelekLogis DKL 2.72f 8.6 13 36.05 21.30 21 31.55 +10.5 Delek DK .60a 2.7 ...dd 26.06 11.41 983 21.93 -8.9 DellTch n DVMT ... ... ... 65.78 46.64 832 64.39 +17.1 DelphiAuto DLPH 1.16 1.6 15 83.23 58.04 1200 74.35 +10.4 DeltaAir DAL .81 1.8 8 52.76 32.60 7857 44.41 -9.7 DeltaAprl DLA ... ... 14 25.52 14.85 11 18.06 -12.9 DeltTim DEL .40 .5 85.49 53.21 40 77.62 +.7 Deluxe DLX 1.20 1.7 14 75.94 59.47 172 69.49 -3.0 DenburyR DNR ... ... ...dd 4.80 2.15 4849 2.30 -37.5 DenisnM g DNN ... ... ...dd .84 .37 220 .61 +17.5 DeutschBk DB .83e ... ... 20.94 11.19 5143 15.96 -11.8 DBDogs22 DOD ... ... ... 29.00 17.00 21 18.72 +1.1 DBWMTR WMW ... ... ... 27.29 21.67 26.35 +6.8 DB Cap pf DTK 1.90 7.3 ... 26.55 22.38 163 25.93 +3.9 DeutBCT2 pf DXB 1.64 6.5 ... 25.72 21.86 185 25.09 +4.7 DeutBCT5 pf DKT 2.01 7.6 ... 27.00 23.01 277 26.36 +4.4 DBCmdyS DDP ... ... ...q 63.65 38.70 47.05 -13.4 DBCmdDL DYY ... ... ...q 4.77 1.82 0 3.45 -11.1 DBCmdDS DEE ... ... ...q 80.00 64.00 77.00 +4.7 DB AgriLg AGF ... ... ...q 13.98 9.72 11.10 -5.1 DB AgriSh ADZ ... ... ...q 31.24 28.95 31.24 DB AgriDL DAG ... ... ...q 4.98 3.30 5 3.39 -2.7 DB AgDS AGA ... ... ...q 27.50 19.95 24.02 -3.9 DBGoldSh DGZ ... ... ...q 15.72 12.73 22 13.60 -11.4 DBGoldDL DGP ... ... ...q 31.42 19.20 45 24.95 +24.0 DBGoldDS DZZ ... ... ...q 7.15 4.80 1514 6.04 -11.9 DBGlbHY23 FIEG ... ... ...q 145.74 113.98 0 142.83 +9.8 Deut GlbHi LBF .54 6.3 ...q 8.88 7.90 0 8.55 +2.6 Deut HiOp DHG .72 4.9 ...q 14.88 13.07 15 14.61 +1.4 Deut Multi KMM .51 5.8 ...q 8.82 7.90 29 8.73 +2.5 Deut Muni KTF .84 6.2 ...q 14.82 12.52 67 13.49 +2.8 Deut StInc KST .66a 5.4 ...q 12.35 11.26 11 12.17 +2.4 Deut StMu KSM .84 6.7 ...q 15.01 11.86 12 12.53 +3.2 DBXEmMkt DBEM .64e 3.1 ...q 20.97 17.93 14 20.56 +6.8 DBXEafeEq DBEF 1.00e 3.0 ...q 29.67 23.35 2098 28.98 +3.3 DBXBrazEq DBBR 2.71e 25.1 ...q 11.85 9.00 1 10.78 +4.9 DBXGerEq DBGR 3.40e 12.8 ...q 27.17 20.48 12 26.51 +5.2 Deu HYBd n HYLB ... ... ... 51.42 50.07 2 50.77 +.7 Dbx Tr etf DESC ... ... ... 32.47 25.98 1 30.87 -3.0 DeutBarI n IFIX ... ... ... 50.04 49.70 50.02 +.6 DeuBrcIn n IGVT ... ... ... 50.01 48.42 48.42 -1.9 DbXR1KECo DEUS ... ... ...q 28.99 24.84 18 28.35 +4.8 DeutEmCo DEMG ... ... ... 27.73 23.03 0 27.00 +9.4 DBXJapnEq DBJP 2.26e 3.8 ...q 38.72 29.15 513 36.11 -3.0 DbXDvxEU DEEF ... ... ...q 26.27 22.73 25.82 +8.1 Deut 300Ch ASHX .74p ... ...q 24.28 18.69 1 19.40 +3.0 DeutSpain n DBSP ... ... ... DbxItalyHE DBIT .22p ... ...q 21.16 16.33 20.92 +14.6 DeutSthE n DBSE ... ... ... DbxAustHE DBAU .85p ... ...q 27.38 22.67 27.37 +5.4 DbxEafeSC DBES .26p ... ...q 26.52 22.06 26.52 +9.6 DbxAllWHiD HDAW .27e ... ...q 26.09 21.64 1 25.22 +2.4 DbxEuroHiD HDEZ .28p ... ...q 26.32 20.78 13 25.90 +4.4 DbxEmMHiD HDEE .79e 1.2 ...q 23.19 20.96 22.68 +5.2 DbxEafeHiD HDEF .43e 1.1 ...q 24.64 21.73 2 24.04 +3.3 DbxJpnHE JPNH .17p ... ... 22.76 19.09 22.12 -2.7 DbxNikk400 JPN ... ... ...q 25.79 21.98 2 25.12 +4.0 DBXGlblInf DBIF .60e 2.2 ...q 25.39 22.54 2 25.28 +7.4 DBXIntlRE DBRE .49a 2.2 ...q 24.05 20.89 22.18 +2.0 DBX MSCI DBEZ 1.28e 4.5 ... 29.04 22.01 14 28.44 +6.1 DeuMunInf RVNU .73 2.8 ...q 28.30 24.89 7 26.35 +2.4 DBX EMBd EMIH .87e ... ...q 25.20 23.65 24.87 +.1 DBX IGBd IGIH .60e ... ...q 24.72 22.68 2 24.23 +.2 DBXHYCpB HYIH 1.02e ... ...q 23.98 19.46 12 23.27 -.8 DBXChiSC ASHS 3.46e .5 ...q 36.01 30.80 7 33.73 +4.5 DBXHrvChi CN 4.34e ... ...q 31.80 25.90 1 29.00 +10.7 DBXMexHd DBMX 4.12e 13.7 ...q 22.56 19.28 20.41 +4.9 DBXSKorH DBKO .03p ... ...q 26.80 21.85 2 26.06 +6.3 DBXAWxUS DBAW 1.33e 3.5 ...q 25.52 20.54 14 25.02 +4.3 DBXAsiaPH DBAP 2.07e 4.4 ...q 25.26 21.28 0 25.04 +9.5 DBXEurHgd DBEU 1.28e 4.3 ...q 27.18 22.77 1253 26.57 +4.7 DBXUKHdg DBUK 1.63e 7.3 ...q 24.95 19.98 0 20.78 +2.5 DBXHvChiA ASHR 8.43e 1.3 ...q 26.19 22.61 849 24.96 +6.4 DevonE DVN .24 .6 ...dd 50.69 29.60 4119 40.53 -11.3sElevWat n WTRX ... ... ... 28.21 25.00 1 28.47 +12.5 Diageo DEO 3.23e 2.8 ... 117.84 99.46 395 116.05 +11.7 DiamOffsh DO .50 3.4 10 26.72 14.48 3339 14.86 -16.0 DiamRk DRH .50 4.5 12 12.00 8.22 1508 11.19 -2.9 DianaShip DSX ... ... ...dd 6.20 2.11 820 5.11 +69.2 DianaS pfB DSXpB 2.22 10.6 ... 22.99 13.25 20 20.89 +27.3sDianaSh20 DSXN 2.13 8.4 ... 25.40 18.50 35 25.31 +22.7 DicksSptg DKS .68f 1.4 16 62.88 37.96 1088 50.04 -5.8 Diebold DBD .40 1.4 ...dd 31.85 21.05 568 28.90 +14.9 DigitalPwr DPW ... ... ...dd 1.75 .35 105 .67 +2.3 DigitalRlt DLR 3.72f 3.3 32 113.21 85.63 1371 112.00 +14.0 DigitlR pfG DLRpG 1.47 5.8 ... 26.75 23.05 35 25.30 +5.7 DigtlR pfH DLRpH 1.84 6.7 ... 29.49 25.90 114 27.63 +1.8 DigitalR pfI DLRpI 1.59 5.9 ... 28.16 24.50 13 26.95 +7.5 DigitalGlb DGI ... ... 35.95 18.59 358 33.00 +15.2 Dillards DDS .28 .5 11 77.70 46.56 317 51.71 -17.5 Dillard38 DDT 1.88 7.4 ... 27.15 25.02 13 25.38 -2.4 DineEquity DIN 3.88 7.0 9 89.98 49.53 214 55.34 -28.1 DiploPhm DPLO ... ... 27 38.94 12.25 462 14.76 +17.1 DirConBr1x SPLZ ... ... ... 23.55 23.47 23.48 -.3 Dir7-10TBr TYNS ... ... ...q 29.38 27.19 28.24 -2.8 DrxDlySpxB LLSP .10p ... ...q 31.33 24.71 0 30.50 +6.1 DxChiABear CHAD ... ... ...q 46.91 38.73 5 39.73 -7.0 DrxNGBear rs GASX ... ... ...q 57.00 17.73 11 27.75 +20.8 DrxRBkBear WDRW 1.86p ... ...q 41.88 7.45 13 10.25 +3.5 DxSPOGBr rs DRIP ... ... ...q 47.00 10.28 786 17.92 +37.4 DrxRBkBull DPST ... ... ...q 81.77 20.24 16 54.65 -19.6 DirDGlBr rs DUST ... ... ...q 105.50 22.80 10671 25.40 -47.5 DxGlMBr rs JDST ... ... ...q 148.50 11.75 13272 14.70 -58.1 DxSPXBll s SPUU ... ... ...q 42.67 31.54 0 40.67 +9.5 DxEuFnBl EUFL ... ... ... 38.38 24.51 34.25 +7.7 DirGlMin n MELT ... ... ... 35.76 22.89 6 24.53 -16.7 DirSCBll s SMLL .40p ... ...q 42.82 25.75 41.00 +3.4 DirxEurFin EUFS ... ... ... 25.13 19.46 20.24 -5.2 DxHiYldBr HYDD ... ... ... 23.58 17.56 1 20.10 -4.9 DirNsdq100 QQQE .37e .5 ...q 77.33 58.70 14 75.96 +10.5 DrxDlySCB LLSC .10p ... ...q 32.42 23.78 0 30.74 -1.5 DirSPX Br SPDN ... ... ... 21.10 17.25 14 17.64 -4.9 DirxTchBr TECZ ... ... ... 26.51 20.31 20.31 -8.9 DirxFnBr n FAZZ ... ... ... 25.84 17.49 1 18.68 -1.0 DrxiBillion IBLN .21e .8 ...q 28.05 23.11 1 27.11 +8.0 DirxEnBr n ERYY ... ... ... 23.33 18.77 20.73 +2.6 DxRusBll rs RUSL ... ... ...q 114.71 49.16 159 81.13 -19.7 DiEurBll3x EURL .05e .2 ...q 25.26 14.48 13 24.47 +22.5 DrxEMBll rs EDC ... ... ...q 78.75 40.73 375 71.74 +35.8 Dir MLPHi ZMLP 1.60m 8.7 ...q 20.15 17.01 1 18.46 -2.2 DxLatBll rs LBJ ... ... ...q 130.26 55.20 5 112.11 +43.5 DirTotBBr SAGG ... ... ...q 33.19 30.92 31.37 -2.0 DrxFTSE LLDM ... ... ... DxBrzBull s BRZU ... ... ...q 55.29 15.72 225 40.16 +29.3 DxBiotBll rs LABU ... ... ...q 55.88 21.94 1840 44.53 +42.2 DxIndiBll rs INDL ... ... ...q 75.02 41.00 97 69.04 +53.7 DxNGBll rs GASL ... ... ...q 58.12 28.46 61 31.90 -28.3 DrDevMBr DPK ... ... ...q 35.88 18.98 2 20.15 -17.4 DxSPOGBl rs GUSH ... ... ...q 134.00 55.34 483 62.88 -38.1 DxREBear DRV ... ... ...q 16.90 10.45 138 10.88 -13.9 DirSPBear SPXS ... ... ...q 16.40 8.67 3371 9.28 -14.1 DrxHCreBr SICK ... ... ...q 42.28 20.05 4 28.88 -19.6 DxSPBioBr LABS ... ... ... 52.34 31.65 33.46 -12.8 Dir20yrTBr TYBS ... ... ...q 22.50 18.49 20.97 -3.9 DrxFtseEm LLEM .47p ... ...q 25.07 20.41 23.59 DrxJpBull JPNL ... ... ...q 51.93 32.71 13 47.94 +12.2 DxEnBear ERY ... ... ...q 19.68 8.59 1315 11.90 +24.9 DxEMBear EDZ ... ... ...q 42.31 16.28 590 17.74 -29.7 DirPhr Bear PILS 1.50p ... ... 55.43 36.07 43.52 -13.2 DrxCySBull HAKK ... ... ...q 49.01 24.30 1 45.13 +27.9 DrxSKBull KORU ... ... ...q 38.22 19.17 4 32.60 +34.4 DxSCBear rs TZA ... ... ...q 45.06 17.08 9630 18.84 -5.1 DxFnBr rs FAZ ... ... ...q 45.92 17.00 2474 20.07 -7.6 DrGMBll s JNUG ... ... ...q 33.29 3.77 35111 6.41 +14.9 DxGBull s NUGT ... ... ...q 35.80 5.51 38499 10.80 +41.4tDxHmbBear CLAW ... ... ...q 43.32 18.08 2 18.07 -41.4 DrxHmbBull NAIL ... ... ...q 42.85 20.01 13 40.57 +59.9 Dx30TBear TMV ... ... ...q 25.75 15.03 1274 20.15 -16.0 DxFnBull s FAS ... ... ...q 51.11 21.14 3168 42.63 +4.2 DxBiotBear LABD ... ... ...q 55.83 9.33 2101 11.11 -41.4 DrxTcBr rs TECS ... ... ...q 30.55 12.57 75 13.20 -25.0 DrxACInsi KNOW .48e .6 ...q 82.27 68.64 13 77.40 +1.2 DxSOXBr rs SOXS ... ... ...q 40.64 7.34 837 8.26 -23.4 DxRsaBr rs RUSS ... ... ...q 17.95 5.36 845 6.86 +10.3 DxMCBr rs MIDZ ... ... ...q 39.04 18.10 26 19.83 -9.9 DxChiBear s YANG ... ... ...q 30.01 10.90 332 12.75 -24.6 Drx300Chin CHAU ... ... ...q 20.89 15.60 55 19.17 +12.9 DxHcrBll s CURE ... ... ...q 37.62 24.26 74 33.20 +20.4 DxTcBull s TECL ... ... ...q 68.41 31.48 84 65.02 +30.2 DxRetlBll s RETL ... ... ...q 49.91 27.90 4 31.04 -15.0 DxSOXBll s SOXL .01e ... ...q 79.89 21.10 208 70.21 +23.0 Dir30TrBul s TMF ... ... ...q 31.58 16.87 554 20.75 +14.7 Dir10TrBear TYO ... ... ...q 16.29 12.60 10 14.02 -9.2 Dx10yTBull TYD .73e ... ...q 58.66 39.87 0 44.91 +8.1 DxMCBull s MIDU ... ... ...q 38.56 20.50 11 34.59 +6.5 DrxREBull s DRN ... ... ...q 29.68 16.63 89 23.88 +11.4 DirxChiBull YINN .07e .4 ...q 22.27 10.87 1122 18.93 +26.4 DirxDMBull DZK ... ... ...q 56.99 33.10 1 54.28 +20.5 DrxSCBull TNA .48e ... ...q 113.49 52.71 3609 100.33 -.8 DrxSPBull SPXL ... ... ...q 132.76 75.33 816 123.17 +14.3 DirxEnBull ERX ... ... ...q 44.55 24.87 1724 30.10 -24.6 Discover DFS 1.20 1.8 11 74.33 50.32 2535 65.04 -9.8 Discov pfB DFSpB 1.63 6.3 ... 26.96 24.91 57 26.00 +1.2sDisney DIS 1.56f 1.4 20 114.25 90.32 6134 114.19 +9.6 DvsRealAst DRA 1.67 9.6 ...q 17.73 15.00 44 17.35 +11.3 Div&Inco DNI 1.63 13.7 ...q 12.56 10.47 30 11.92 +.6 DrReddy RDY .31e .8 ... 54.73 39.04 229 40.13 -11.4 DocuSec rs DSS ... ... ... 1.64 .42 37 1.11 +66.7 DolbyLab DLB .56 1.1 19 55.02 42.15 398 51.63 +14.3 DollarGen DG 1.00 1.4 16 96.88 66.50 1621 69.07 -6.8 DomDmd g DDC .40 3.2 13.31 7.92 498 12.55 +29.6 DomMidst DM 1.04f 3.3 25 34.47 23.17 375 31.75 +7.4 DomRescs D 3.02f 3.9 21 79.36 68.71 2496 77.99 +1.8 DomRes un DCUD ... ... ... 54.16 48.10 353 50.80 +.4 DomRs76 n DRUA ... ... ... 25.98 20.93 130 24.60 +10.8 DomRes 17 DCUC .75 1.5 ... 53.00 48.74 247 50.30 +.5 Dominos DPZ 1.84f 1.0 42 192.01 116.91 1187 176.63 +10.9 Domtar g UFS 1.66 4.5 20 44.58 32.74 512 36.93 -5.4 Donaldson DCI .70 1.6 28 47.68 31.52 385 44.51 +5.8 DonlleyRR rs RRD .56 4.8 6 30.77 11.03 1124 11.62 -28.8 DonnlyFn n DFIN ... ... ... 29.00 18.03 168 20.14 -12.4 DorianLPG LPG ... ... 8 12.50 5.07 202 9.48 +15.5 DoubIncSol DSL 1.80a 8.8 ...q 20.73 17.35 349 20.55 +8.2 DblLOppCr DBL 2.00a 8.1 ...q 27.75 22.52 109 24.58 +6.4 DougDyn PLOW .96f 3.1 18 35.90 20.00 74 30.85 -8.3 DEmmett DEI .92 2.3 21 40.79 31.65 554 39.23 +7.3 Dover DOV 1.76 2.2 25 82.56 62.89 1138 80.10 +6.9 DoverDG DDE ... ... 34 1.21 .92 6 1.03 DoverMot DVD .05 2.5 14 2.54 2.00 17 2.00 -13.0 DowChm DOW 1.84 3.0 20 65.42 47.51 4398 61.48 +7.4sDrPepSnap DPS 2.32f 2.3 23 98.80 81.05 934 98.88 +9.1 DryHYSt DHF .35 10.1 ...q 3.60 3.07 156 3.44 +2.4 DrMuBdInf DMB .75 5.8 ...q 14.70 11.96 30 13.02 +6.4 DryfMu DMF .54 6.0 ...q 10.15 8.42 39 9.00 +4.3 DryStrt LEO .52 5.9 ...q 9.63 8.17 130 8.74 +4.0 DrySM DSM .50 5.9 ...q 9.24 7.88 24 8.43 +4.9 Dril-Quip DRQ ... ... 12 69.40 46.90 569 53.05 -11.7 DriveShack DS .48 11.8 2 4.88 3.69 410 4.06 +8.0 DriveS pfB DSpB 2.44 9.6 ... 26.71 24.25 9 25.33 -1.3 DriveS pfC DSpC 2.01 8.1 ... 27.45 19.20 24.95 -1.1 DriveS pfD DSpD 2.09 8.4 ... 26.30 22.41 24.95 -2.1 DuPont DD 1.52 2.0 23 82.37 61.12 2179 77.88 +6.1 DuPnt pfA DDpA 3.50 3.9 ... 93.85 83.53 89.90 +2.7 DuPnt pfB DDpB 4.50 4.2 ... 111.00 95.09 1 106.56 +6.5 DuPFabros DFT 2.00 3.9 29 52.03 37.54 654 51.03 +16.2 DuPFab pfC DFTpC 1.66 6.2 ... 28.72 24.57 9 26.83 +5.7 Ducomun DCO ... ... 26 33.65 15.53 59 29.40 +15.0 Df&PGblUt DPG 1.40 8.4 ...q 17.70 14.32 118 16.74 +8.0 DufPUC DUC .60 6.5 ...q 9.92 9.07 14 9.27 -1.8 DukeEngy DUK 3.42 4.1 17 87.75 72.34 2233 82.86 +6.8 DukeEn 73 DUKH 1.28 4.9 ... 27.18 23.12 20 25.89 +8.2 DukeRlty DRE .76 2.7 29 28.99 21.11 3203 28.00 +5.4 DunBrad DNB 2.01f 1.9 15 141.57 100.46 284 108.43 -10.6sDycom DY ... ... 20 98.47 65.79 1633 103.15 +28.5sDynagas DLNG 1.69 9.5 ... 17.90 12.36 180 17.83 +11.6 Dynags pfA DLNGpA 2.25 8.6 ... 26.13 21.68 2 26.09 +3.2 Dynegy DYN ... ... ...dd 22.01 6.67 2578 7.05 -16.7 Dynegy wt DYN/WS ... ... ... .70 .03 1 .04 -7.3tDynegy pfA DYNpA 1.34 5.3 ... 76.75 24.95 18 25.08 -21.6 Dynegy 7 DYNC 1.75 3.2 ... 113.10 52.74 54.70 -12.0 DynexCap DX .72m 10.1 14 7.61 6.33 273 7.11 +4.3 Dynex pfA DXpA 2.13 8.4 ... 25.60 23.95 2 25.35 +1.1 Dynex pfB DXpB 1.91 8.0 ... 25.09 22.00 23 23.85 -.2E -ETracBDC BDCS 1.84e 7.9 ...q 24.99 19.50 30 23.40 +3.1 ETrMLPSht MLPS ... ... ...q 13.90 10.66 10.97 -5.6 ETrAlerNG MLPG 1.86e 7.0 ...q 28.23 21.99 1 26.51 +2.3 E-TrAlerInf MLPI 1.88e 6.6 ...q 31.00 25.01 293 28.41 ETBbgCmd DJCI ... ... ...q 16.99 14.61 9 15.49 -2.4 ETrAlerian AMU 1.45e 7.2 ...q 21.82 18.00 28 20.16 +1.5 E-TrFood FUD ... ... ...q 22.53 19.01 0 19.34 -2.2 E-TrcEngy UBN ... ... ...q 7.75 5.92 7.13 -7.2 E-TrcIMet UBM ... ... ...q 15.58 11.61 14.72 +1.6 E-TracAg UAG ... ... ...q 23.03 18.72 1 19.13 -4.2 ETr2xBDC BDCL 3.52e 16.9 ...q 21.81 15.05 168 20.82 +5.7 E-TrcCmci UCI ... ... ...q 14.86 12.61 24 14.05 -1.1 ETrLPlat PTM ... ... ...q 12.94 9.21 1 10.32 +9.1 E-TrcSilv USV ... ... ...q 27.00 20.51 0 23.68 +12.8 E-TrcGld UBG ... ... ...q 35.99 28.83 32.82 +13.1 E-TrLvstk UBC ... ... ...q 19.44 14.39 18.80 +11.7 ECA MTrI ECT .30e 14.6 5 2.95 1.37 21 2.05 -4.7 EG Comp AGEM ... ... ...q 22.55 EGBasMat LGEM ... ... ...q 10.05 EG CnsGds GGEM ... ... ...q 23.42 EG CnsSvc VGEM ... ... ...q 22.28 EG Fincl FGEM ... ... ...q 20.32 EG HltCre HGEM ... ... ...q 23.77 EG Tech QGEM ... ... ...q 21.71 EG MetMn EMT ... ... ...q 9.98 EG Energy OGEM ... ... ...q 22.23 EG Utils UGEM ... ... ...q 15.87 EG Telecm TGEM ... ... ...q 19.72 ELF Inc n ELF ... ... ... 32.54 24.03 436 26.96 -6.8 EMCOR EME .32 .5 21 73.44 44.27 279 61.37 -13.3 ENI E 2.12e 6.7 ...dd 33.40 26.15 139 31.49 -2.3 EOG Rescs EOG .67 .7 ...dd 109.37 77.04 1991 94.83 -6.2 EP Energy EPE ... ... 4 7.49 3.29 525 4.88 -25.5 EPAM Sys EPAM ... ... 40 78.28 54.53 477 75.09 +16.8 EPR Prop EPR 3.84 5.0 18 84.67 64.24 349 76.65 +6.8 EPR pfC EPRpC 1.44 4.8 ... 32.25 25.48 35 29.90 +5.1 EPR pfE EPRpE 2.25 6.1 ... 39.02 33.00 0 36.75 +2.4 EPR pfF EPRpF 1.66 6.5 ... 27.07 24.83 4 25.65 +2.1 EQT Corp EQT .12 .2 80.61 56.33 1177 62.58 -4.3 EQT GP n EQGP .71f 2.6 14 28.53 21.45 52 27.20 +7.9 EQT Mid EQM 3.40f 4.4 16 82.99 69.20 179 77.31 +.8 ETF SITRis RISE ... ... ...q 24.09 22.17 1 22.87 -3.8 ETF JrSil SILJ ... ... ...q 19.78 11.00 89 13.46 +11.9 ETF Cyber HACK ... ... ...q 29.89 22.09 225 28.64 +8.3 ETF BigD BIGD ... ... ...q 26.12 21.35 1 24.91 +7.5 ETF MobP IPAY ... ... ...q 28.31 22.10 24 27.69 +8.2 ETF LatA LARE ... ... ... 32.50 24.13 2 29.59 +22.3 ETF M Vid GAMR ... ... ... 34.50 25.83 1 34.40 +14.5 ETF Drone IFLY ... ... ... ETF MgT ef WSKY ... ... ... Pure Fintch FINQ ... ... ... 26.71 23.33 0 25.60 +9.2 ETF Clim ETHO ... ... ...q 29.80 24.65 2 29.04 +5.1 ETFAlpAlt ALFA ... ... ...q 38.64 31.75 1 37.56 +6.7 ETFDeepV DVP .53e 2.0 ...q 28.23 21.77 1 26.85 +1.9 PremisCap TCTL ... ... ... 26.95 25.08 0 26.77 +4.4 AmCusSat ACSI ... ... ... AptBehMo BEMO ... ... ... 27.67 23.91 0 25.82 -.2 EtfAlphacln ALFI ... ... ...q 21.33 18.31 0 21.14 +11.0 EtfUSGblJ JETS ... ... ...q 29.77 19.60 9 27.97 +.4 ETF Master HIPS 1.29 7.0 ...q 19.49 15.69 1 18.52 +3.4 EtfDiaHVal DHVW .11p ... ...q EtfInfcMLP AMZA 2.08 19.8 ...q 11.93 9.78 391 10.52 -7.1 InfrCpPfd PFFR ... ... ... EtfNwfMSec NFLT .08e ... ...q 26.78 25.00 40 25.63 +1.5 EtfReavUt UTES ... ... ...q 33.23 28.77 6 32.13 +8.9 ETF PrMtl GLTR ... ... ...q 70.35 56.52 23 64.90 +12.8 ETFSGold SGOL ... ... ...q 133.68 109.18 27 125.28 +12.1 ETF Pall PALL ... ... ...q 78.14 50.46 67 74.07 +13.6 ETF Plat PPLT ... ... ...q 113.77 85.31 28 93.49 +8.2 EagleCGr GRF .50e 2.4 ...q 8.83 6.49 7 7.47 +1.6 EagleGrInc EGIF 1.31 7.6 ...q 18.00 15.38 19 17.15 +5.7 EagleMat EXP .40 .4 23 110.64 71.11 326 94.31 -4.3 EaglePtCr ECC .80m 3.9 ... 22.11 15.72 30 20.51 +22.7 EagleP pfA ECCA 1.94 7.5 ... 26.67 25.04 3 25.99 +1.0 EaglePt 20 ECCZ 1.75 6.8 ... 26.53 24.99 0 25.79 +.3 EaglPt pfB ECCB 1.94 7.5 ... 27.75 24.96 0 25.87 +1.7 Earthstone ESTE ... ... ...dd 15.93 7.67 30 13.96 +1.6 EastGvP n DEA .96f 4.5 17 21.38 17.58 292 21.12 +5.5 EstANG wd NGT/WD ... ... ... sEastgrp EGP 2.40 3.1 21 78.60 59.23 163 78.33 +6.1 EastChem EMN 2.04f 2.6 12 82.10 62.70 977 78.74 +4.7 EastCh wt EMN/WS ... ... ... .55 tEKodak wt KODK/WS ... ... ... 5.12 .90 4 .89 -77.2tEKodk wtA KODK/WS/A ... ... ... 4.35 .56 2 .50 -82.3 EKodak KODK ... ... 36 17.30 9.55 140 10.20 -34.2 Eaton ETN 2.28 3.1 17 76.39 54.30 1736 74.47 +11.0 EatV HiIn21 EHT .60 6.0 ... 10.20 9.71 48 10.02 +1.0 EV CAMu EVM .68 5.9 ...q 14.23 10.83 110 11.56 +1.6 EVCAMu2 EIA .62 5.2 ...q 14.27 11.30 3 11.85 +2.1 EVCAMu CEV .71 5.6 ...q 14.50 11.80 13 12.59 +2.4 EatnVan EV 1.12 2.6 20 47.83 32.97 565 42.86 +2.3 EV EnEq EOI 1.04 7.8 ...q 13.50 11.60 61 13.23 +6.7 EV EEq2 EOS 1.05 7.6 ...q 13.86 12.49 149 13.78 +7.7 EV FltRt EFT .91 6.1 ...q 15.45 13.05 83 15.05 +1.0 EVFltRtIP EFF 1.13 6.7 ...q 17.38 14.64 33 16.99 -.9 EV LtdDur EVV 1.22 8.7 ...q 14.25 12.82 236 13.98 +1.9 EV MAMu MAB .65 4.7 ...q 16.10 13.11 6 13.82 +2.9 EVMAMu MMV .69 5.1 ...q 15.82 13.05 14 13.55 +3.3 EV MIMu MIW .71 5.2 ...q 16.49 12.34 3 13.73 +2.6 EVMIMu EMI .71 5.3 ...q 14.68 12.41 2 13.24 +3.1 EVMuniBd EIM .77 6.0 ...q 14.48 12.00 79 12.75 +2.7 EVMuni2 EIV .70 5.6 ...q 14.98 11.78 32 12.46 +1.3 EVMunTT ETX .85 4.2 ...q 21.68 18.64 30 20.30 +3.5 EV MuIT EVN .85 6.5 ...q 15.00 12.00 44 13.06 +4.1 EV NMuOp EOT 1.03 4.7 ...q 23.47 20.45 21 21.88 +5.2 EV NJMu EMJ .75 5.8 ...q 16.05 12.20 4 13.01 +1.6 EVNJMu EVJ .73 5.9 ...q 14.85 11.51 2 12.25 +2.0 EVNYMu2 NYH .69 5.5 ...q 14.50 10.43 12 12.40 +6.5 EV NYMu ENX .72 5.8 ...q 14.65 12.00 32 12.48 +1.5 EVNYMu EVY .74 5.7 ...q 15.64 12.49 9 13.01 -.2 EV OHMu EIO .70 5.4 ...q 16.99 12.38 3 13.01 -2.8 EVOHMu EVO .73 5.3 ...q 16.30 13.19 2 13.80 +1.7 EV PAMu EIP .77 5.8 ...q 15.50 11.65 5 13.41 +6.3 EVPAMu EVP .73 5.9 ...q 13.74 11.80 10 12.25 +1.2 EVRiskMgd ETJ 1.12 12.1 ...q 9.95 8.60 188 9.21 +2.8 EV SrFlt EFR .95 6.4 ...q 15.58 12.83 67 14.86 +.9 EV SrInc EVF .42 6.3 ...q 6.98 5.80 51 6.72 +.6 EVShDur EVG 1.08 7.7 ...q 14.24 12.96 24 14.08 +1.6 EVTxABdO EXD 1.16 10.3 ...q 12.45 10.94 11 11.25 -.7 EV TxAd EVT 1.74 8.0 ...q 22.26 18.62 121 21.68 +5.6sEV TxAG ETG 1.23 7.8 ...q 15.85 13.50 259 15.84 +12.6 EV TxAOp ETO 2.16 9.3 ...q 23.97 19.86 41 23.28 +11.9 EV TxDiver ETY 1.01 9.1 ...q 11.21 9.88 508 11.16 +7.8 EVTxMGlo EXG .98 11.1 ...q 9.05 7.88 1282 8.76 +9.2 EVTxBWIn ETB 1.30 7.9 ...q 17.80 15.48 37 16.42 -.6 EVTxGBW ETW 1.17 10.5 ...q 11.15 10.00 503 11.11 +10.3 EVTxBWOp ETV 1.33 8.6 ...q 15.57 14.08 191 15.40 +3.8 EclipseRs ECR ... ... ...dd 4.42 2.00 897 2.13 -20.2 Ecolab ECL 1.48 1.2 29 127.06 110.65 669 125.31 +6.9 Ecopetrol EC 1.03e 10.7 ... 10.29 7.65 876 9.62 +6.3 Edenor EDN ... ... ... 37.12 13.25 77 36.11 +29.7 Edgewell EPC ... ... 27 88.00 69.63 511 71.06 -2.6 EdisonInt EIX 2.17 2.7 20 81.34 67.44 1437 80.87 +12.3 EducRltTr EDR 1.52 3.7 27 48.87 38.67 295 40.81 -3.5 EdwLfSci s EW ... ... 33 121.75 81.12 1282 94.76 +1.1 eHiCarSvc EHIC ... ... ... 12.43 8.11 28 9.95 +9.8 ElPasoEl EE 1.24 2.4 22 51.70 42.42 157 51.45 +10.6 ElPasE pf EPpC 2.38 4.8 ... 53.75 44.01 49.98 +2.0 EldorGld g EGO .02e ... ...dd 5.16 2.54 5246 3.72 +15.5 Electrmed ELMD ... ... 27 6.26 3.38 10 4.58 +18.0sElevCr n ELVT ... ... ... 8.13 7.32 134 8.05 +8.8 EliLilly LLY 2.08f 2.6 26 86.72 64.18 8147 81.20 +10.4 Elk HiQPfd EPRF ... ... ... 27.79 22.79 7 24.32 +4.9 Elkh SPMd XD ... ... ... ElkSPMCons XS ... ... ... Elkh LoVl n LVHB ... ... ... 30.17 24.54 15 29.80 +4.7 Elk SPMdPt XE ... ... ... ElkFdCm ef RCOM ... ... ... 27.00 24.64 25.51 +.9 ElkSPMUt XU ... ... ... ElkSPMCMt XM ... ... ... ElkSPMCInf XK ... ... ... ElkSPMInd XI ... ... ... ElkSPMdHl XH ... ... ... ElkSPMFin XF ... ... ... EllieMae ELLI ... ... 72 109.99 74.11 119 104.88 +25.3 EllingtnF EFC 1.80 11.1 18.20 15.30 54 16.28 +4.9sEllingtRM EARN 1.60 10.7 12 14.88 12.10 39 14.95 +14.9 Ellomay ELLO ... ... ... 9.59 7.01 0 7.80 -3.6 EllswthFd ECF .80e 9.1 ...q 8.81 7.55 93 8.77 +6.0 eMagin EMAN ... ... ...dd 3.30 1.68 35 2.45 +14.0 EAndinA AKO/A .55e 2.3 ... 23.60 17.30 0 23.51 +14.5sEAndinB AKO/B .60e 2.3 ... 25.47 18.43 23 25.94 +15.4 Embraer ERJ .18e .9 ... 25.01 17.06 1247 20.23 +5.1 EmergeES EMES 2.68m ... ...dd 24.45 3.00 684 14.17 +15.1 EmergBio EBS ... ... 23 44.38 24.47 291 28.48 -13.3 EmrgBio wi EBS.WI ... ... ... EmergCap EMG ... ... ...dd 4.54 .20 .30 -75.2 EmersonEl EMR 1.92 3.3 23 64.36 48.45 2858 58.41 +4.8 EmerR hs MSN ... ... ...dd 1.40 .55 6 1.23 +17.1 EmpOPES ESBA .34 1.6 ... 22.19 18.23 25 21.46 +7.4 EmpOP60 OGCP .34 1.6 ... 21.99 14.77 13 21.36 +8.6 EmpOP250 FISK .34 1.6 ... 22.17 15.47 21.36 +6.9 EmpStRTr ESRT .34 1.6 35 22.31 18.11 389 21.55 +6.7 EmployH EIG .36 .9 14 40.55 27.01 100 37.95 -4.2 EElChile EOCC .65e 2.7 ... 28.34 18.35 64 23.98 +23.4 EnLinkLP ENLK 1.56 8.6 ...dd 19.89 12.75 204 18.21 -1.1 EnableMid ENBL 1.27 7.7 24 17.36 10.37 69 16.43 +4.5 EnbrdgEM EEQ 2.33t ... ...dd 26.53 16.50 289 17.57 -32.2 EnbrdgEPt EEP 2.33 12.9 29 26.37 16.95 712 18.04 -29.2 Enbridge ENB 1.66f ... ... 45.77 38.40 2454 42.15 +.1 EnCana g ECA .06 .5 13.85 5.89 5641 11.50 -2.0 EndvSilv g EXK ... ... ...dd 5.95 2.84 1883 3.20 -9.1 EndSp pfC ENHpC 1.59 6.1 ... 28.60 25.05 28 26.26 +2.8 EnduroRT NDRO .31e 8.9 9 4.55 3.18 48 3.45 EnerCre wt ENCR/WS ... ... ... EnerCore n ENCR ... ... ... Energen EGN .08 .1 ...dd 64.44 38.11 1140 53.52 -7.2sEnergizer n ENR 1.10 1.8 22 59.19 41.62 393 59.49 +33.4 Engy&Exp ENXP ... ... ... EnFuel grs UUUU ... ... ... 2.87 1.29 152 2.06 +25.6 EgyTrEq s ETE 1.14 6.1 20 20.05 10.56 2276 18.56 -3.9 EngyTsfr ETP 4.22 12.0 ...dd 43.50 31.64 3066 35.04 -2.2 EnerJexR ENRJ ... ... ...dd 1.15 .23 80 .41 +41.4 Enerpls g ERF .14e 1.8 3 10.33 4.69 883 7.99 -15.7 EnersisAm ENIA .35e 3.3 ... 10.77 7.37 567 10.58 +28.9 EnersAm wi ENIA/WI ... ... ... 8.55 7.80 8.16 EnerChile ENIC .16p ... ... 6.66 4.25 92 5.50 +20.9 EnerSys ENS .70 .9 20 83.70 55.67 240 77.60 -.6 Engility EGL ... ... 18 39.16 19.07 159 28.19 -16.4 EnLinkLLC ENLC 1.02 5.4 ... 20.45 12.51 206 18.95 -.5 Ennis Inc EBF .70a 4.5 14 20.40 14.40 68 15.45 -11.0 EnovaIntl ENVA ... ... 13 15.40 6.13 130 13.65 +8.8 EnPro NPO .88f 1.4 56 71.82 42.56 98 65.10 -3.4 ENSCO ESV .04 .5 2 12.36 6.50 8508 8.32 -14.4 Enservco ENSV ... ... ...dd .89 .23 59 .23 -58.9 EnSync ESNC ... ... ...dd 1.42 .19 31 .65 -9.7 Entercom ETM .07p .6 14 16.55 10.95 171 13.30 -13.1 EntArk66 n EAI 1.22 5.3 ... 25.04 20.49 24 22.95 +8.4 EntArk 63 EAE 1.19 5.0 ... 26.30 19.35 4 23.76 +13.1 EntArk 52 EAB 1.23 5.0 ... 26.30 20.96 5 24.46 +12.4 Entergy ETR 3.48 4.5 9 82.09 66.71 1051 76.89 +4.7 EntLA 66 ELC 1.22 5.4 ... 23.17 20.48 145 22.76 +7.7 EntgyLA52 ELJ 1.31 5.3 ... 26.74 22.92 3 24.95 +6.2 EntLA 63 ELU 1.18 5.0 ... 26.15 20.25 5 23.63 +14.7 EntMS FtM EMP ... ... ... 25.00 20.57 39 22.80 +7.9 EntgyNO n ENO ... ... ... 28.00 22.31 23 25.05 +7.3 EntgyNO 52 ENJ 1.25 5.0 ... 28.74 22.11 0 24.85 +11.3 EntgyTx64 EZT 1.41 5.3 ... 28.20 24.12 2 26.52 +5.4 EntProdPt EPD 1.66f 5.9 22 30.25 24.01 3232 27.97 +3.4 Entravisn EVC .13 2.0 24 8.31 4.90 207 6.20 -11.4 EntreeGold EGI ... ... ... .72 .22 85 .50 +58.7 Envestnet ENV ... ... 34 41.47 27.59 236 33.75 -4.3 EnviroStr EVI .20e ... 25.00 3.56 12 21.00 +44.8tEnvisnHl n EVHC ... ... ... 74.19 59.01 1520 58.65 -7.3 EnvisnHl pf EVHCp ... ... ... 135.30 110.83 0 112.81 -5.5 Enviva n EVA 2.14f 7.3 41 29.98 19.31 132 29.45 +9.9sEnzoBio ENZ ... ... ...dd 8.74 4.76 510 8.52 +22.8 Equifax EFX 1.56f 1.1 27 137.94 110.87 536 137.29 +16.1 EquityCmw EQC ... ... 33 32.51 27.12 417 32.34 +6.9 EqCm pfD EQCpD 1.63 6.3 ... 27.48 24.98 2 25.96 +1.5 EqCm pfE EQCpE 1.81 ... ... EqCmw 42 EQCO 1.44 5.7 ... 26.21 22.82 3 25.36 +6.2 EqtyLfPrp ELS 1.95f 2.4 27 83.19 65.87 557 81.70 +13.3 EqLfPr pfC ELSpC 1.69 6.6 ... 27.00 23.50 25.56 +1.6 EqtyRsd EQR 2.16 3.4 20 73.05 58.28 1608 64.39 EquusTR EQS ... ... 31q 2.50 1.56 4 2.46 +22.4 EraGroup ERA ... ... ...dd 17.73 6.92 51 12.76 -24.8 ErinEn rs ERN ... ... ...dd 4.10 1.72 58 2.00 -34.4 Eros Intl EROS ... ... ...dd 19.87 8.65 437 9.65 -26.1 EscoTech ESE .32 .6 34 58.95 37.32 50 56.55 -.2 Espey ESP 1.00 4.2 23 27.65 22.31 1 23.77 -8.8 Essent ESNT ... ... 16 38.53 19.54 268 37.94 +17.2 EssexPT ESS 7.00f 3.0 32 238.57 200.01 332 236.94 +1.9 EsteeLdr EL 1.36 1.6 28 97.48 75.30 2099 86.29 +12.8 Esterline ESL ... ... 19 96.50 56.72 97 87.30 -2.1 EtfSilver SIVR ... ... ...q 20.30 15.31 172 17.89 +14.8 EthanAl ETH .76 2.5 17 38.80 27.75 143 29.95 -18.7sEtrac2xMtg MORL 3.31e 18.3 ...q 18.10 12.65 576 18.11 +16.2 Et2xDJDiv DVYL 3.55e 5.6 ...q 66.42 49.45 1 62.86 +4.3 Etr2xHomb HOML ... ... ...q 32.19 17.12 1 31.35 +29.7 EtrCrdOil n OILX ... ... ... 35.48 26.36 30.91 -8.0 EtHiDLwV HDLV 2.57e 7.6 ... 35.25 27.34 14 33.83 +7.3 Etr2xSPX SPLX ... ... ...q 43.12 29.39 0 41.11 +9.6 Etr2xCEFd CEFL 2.88 16.2 ...q 18.83 14.82 103 17.75 +6.0 EtrcDvsHi DVHL 2.85e 12.5 ...q 23.95 17.27 9 22.88 +5.6 EtrWFxEn LMLP 1.90e 14.4 ... 14.27 8.68 3 13.23 +15.5 EtracReit LRET 2.00e 7.2 ...q 33.34 22.64 0 27.84 +5.0 UBS VlHdg XIVH ... ... ... 55.50 25.50 2 47.02 +33.3 VelShSP46 BSWN ... ... ... UBS VlVIX LSVX ... ... ... 31.21 25.91 29.95 +12.0 Etr EnhGl FIHD ... ... ... 141.80 107.16 8 139.07 +11.3 Etr SP MLP MLPZ .06p ... ... 63.32 43.67 56.54 -.4 Etr MLP In MLPQ .08p ... ... 62.03 42.68 10 52.94 -1.8 EtrAlerTRt AMUB .36p ... ...q 21.38 19.42 20.06 +.8 EtrAlerInf MLPB .99e ... ...q 30.20 27.50 28.35 +3.5 EtrBCmdty UCIB ... ... ...q 16.00 12.71 14.10 -.5 EtrWFBsD BDCZ .91e ... ...q 24.38 19.70 1 23.25 +3.2 Etr2xLevLg LBDC 2.89e 14.0 ...q 28.71 15.36 0 20.70 +5.5 EtrMtgReit MRRL 1.70e ... ...q 19.50 11.00 11 18.07 +15.6 EtrSCHiDv SMHD 3.06e 13.2 ...q 24.48 14.50 27 23.16 +1.8 EurasnM g EMX ... ... ... 1.40 .62 39 .91 +1.9 Euronav n EURN 2.41e ... ... 11.73 6.65 397 7.95 EuroEqFd EEA .17e 2.0 ...q 8.45 7.20 3 8.37 +8.4 EvansBc EVBN .80f 2.2 21 40.95 22.87 4 36.00 +14.1 EverBank EVER .24 1.2 16 19.52 13.37 472 19.45 EverBk pfA EVERpA 1.69 6.7 ... 26.55 25.06 4 25.38 +.7 Evercore EVR 1.24f 1.6 23 83.30 40.36 389 75.50 +9.9 EverestRe RE 5.00 2.1 9 240.51 169.19 128 233.91 +8.1 EveriHldgs EVRI ... ... ...dd 5.96 1.13 615 5.73 +164.1sEversrceE ES 1.90f 3.2 20 60.44 50.56 1371 60.14 +8.9 Evertec EVTC .40 2.6 ... 18.60 13.11 266 15.50 -12.7 EvolentH n EVH ... ... ...dd 26.84 10.40 608 21.75 +47.0 EvolPetrol EPM .28f 3.6 11 10.20 4.90 119 7.75 -22.5 Exar EXAR ... ... 72 13.05 5.95 918 12.97 +20.3 ETYldShHi YYY 1.92 9.9 ...q 19.80 17.72 46 19.32 +4.0 ExTTactUS HTUS ... ... ...q 27.21 25.73 10 26.74 +3.8 RxVlmxInF VMIN ... ... ... 51.74 17.09 19 21.90 -2.7 RxVlmxWk VMAX ... ... ... 29.75 4.51 9 5.25 -38.0 ExTrGldE GHE ... ... ... 31.20 23.18 0 29.88 +28.6 ExTGldSP GHS ... ... ... 29.81 24.06 1 29.67 +16.2 ETEMeCmc EMQQ .02p ... ...q 28.60 21.00 11 28.25 +23.7 ExcoRes XCO .07p ... ...dd 1.91 .47 748 .51 -42.2 Exelon EXC 1.31f 3.7 15 37.70 29.82 4372 35.78 +.8 Exelon 17 EXCU 3.25 6.5 ... 50.97 43.00 6 49.75 +2.8 ExeterR gs XRA ... ... ... 1.89 .66 180 1.82 +141.1tExpress EXPR ... ... 10 19.20 8.05 2055 7.96 -26.0 ExtendStay STAY .76 4.4 82 17.87 13.00 1177 17.25 +6.8 Exterran n EXTN ... ... ... 34.05 10.83 115 28.55 +19.5 ExtraSpce EXR 3.12 3.9 25 94.81 68.09 582 80.80 +4.6 ExxonMbl XOM 3.00 3.7 36 95.55 80.31 8682 81.05 -10.2F -FB Finl n FBK ... ... ... 35.50 19.81 15 33.68 +29.8 FBL Fn FFG 1.76f 2.7 16 82.60 56.41 19 65.10 -16.7 FCB Fin FCB ... ... 21 50.33 31.98 144 47.25 -.9 FMC Corp FMC .66 .9 26 75.93 41.80 1550 73.85 +30.6 FNBCp PA FNB .48 3.4 17 16.43 11.69 2330 13.99 -12.7 FNB FL pfE FNBpE ... ... ... 33.50 27.01 16 29.28 +3.6 FPL pfC NEEpC 1.47 5.7 ... 27.05 24.92 6 25.79 +2.5 FTFQAntiB BTAL ... ... ...q 24.47 18.06 1 20.34 +3.2 FTFQMom MOM ... ... ...q 27.15 20.25 0 22.08 -3.0 FTFQuSize SIZ ... ... ...q 22.29 20.50 0 21.14 -3.8 FTFQValu CHEP ... ... ...q 27.48 22.19 25.32 -7.8 FTFQHgDiv DIVA 1.08e 2.7 ...q 26.61 24.51 25.63 -.6 FqfOAsQDv OAPH .65e 2.4 ...q 27.74 24.14 1 27.15 +4.4 FqfOAsiaDv OASI .43e ... ...q 28.00 23.50 0 27.19 +7.0 FqfOEuQDv OEUH .45e ... ...q 29.30 24.11 6 26.27 +6.9 FqfOEurDiv OEUR .15e ... ...q 24.27 20.40 2 23.27 +7.6 FQFO USDv OUSA .20e ... ... 29.15 26.06 40 28.74 +4.6 FS Invest FSIC .89 9.2 26 10.80 8.03 854 9.70 -5.8 FTI Cnslt FCN ... ... 18 47.12 34.20 129 41.71 -7.5 Fabrinet FN ... ... 13 49.63 31.52 495 38.62 -4.2 FactsetR FDS 2.00 1.2 23 183.64 147.37 289 161.18 -1.4 FairIsaac FICO .08 .1 36 133.14 103.50 81 128.50 +7.8 FairmSant FMSA ... ... ...dd 13.12 3.20 7518 6.20 -47.4 FangHldg SFUN .20e 6.0 ...dd 6.53 2.46 1036 3.34 +1.8 Farmland FPI .51 4.6 18 11.98 10.00 142 11.10 -.5 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 3 The Sun/Wednesday, April 19, 2017


FedExCp FDX 1.60 .9 16 201.57 145.00 1477 183.61 -1.4 FedAgric AGM 1.44f 2.7 ... 64.28 32.31 60 53.94 -5.8 FdAgricA AGM/A 1.44f 2.7 16 70.00 34.60 1 52.69 -14.3 FAgMt pfA AGMpA 1.47 5.6 ... 28.06 24.63 1 26.08 +4.4 FAgMt pfB AGMpB 1.72 6.3 ... 29.50 24.71 2 27.25 +4.6 FAgMt pfC AGMpC 1.50 5.5 ... 30.60 24.63 1 27.38 +9.2 FedRlty FRT 3.92f 2.9 24 171.08 126.02 343 137.05 -3.6 FedSignl FSS .28 2.1 19 16.65 11.68 100 13.30 -14.8 FedInvst FII 1.00 3.8 14 33.13 24.52 615 26.57 -6.0 FedPInt FPT .67 5.0 ...q 14.99 12.55 13 13.27 +4.8 FedPMu FMN .88 6.2 ...q 16.77 13.53 14 14.12 +1.0 FelCor FCH .24 3.3 11 9.13 5.68 883 7.35 -8.2 FelCor pfA FCHpA 1.95 7.9 ... 25.40 22.82 9 24.65 -1.0 Ferrari n RACE ... ... ... 74.99 38.71 313 70.59 +21.4 Ferrellgs FGP .40 6.6 ...dd 20.85 5.04 735 6.09 -10.0 Ferro FOE ... ... 14 16.17 11.76 220 15.25 +6.4 FiatChrys FCAU ... ... ... 11.63 5.45 5098 9.74 +6.8 FibriaCelu FBR .09e 1.0 ... 10.24 5.79 1350 8.92 -7.2 Fid&GtyLf FGL .26 .9 9 28.10 21.10 742 27.90 +17.7 FidCorpBd FCOR 1.77e 3.5 ...q 53.57 48.72 7 50.64 +2.6 FidLtdTm FLTB .83e 1.6 ...q 52.59 49.66 5 50.44 +1.0 FidTotBd FBND 1.54e 3.1 ...q 51.26 49.00 31 50.41 +1.2 FidCnsDis FDIS .40e 1.2 ...q 34.75 28.92 27 34.48 +7.2 FidCnsStpl FSTA .87e 2.6 ... 33.63 30.10 57 33.38 +7.0 FidEnergy FENY .53e 2.8 ...q 22.12 18.03 116 19.24 -9.2 FidFinan FNCL .60e 1.8 ...q 37.41 25.75 148 34.25 -1.0 FidHlthCre FHLC .70e 2.0 ...q 36.79 31.24 142 35.33 +7.4 FidIndls FIDU .56e 1.7 ...q 34.54 27.35 49 33.27 +3.2 Fid Val n FVAL ... ... ... 29.34 24.89 7 28.18 +3.2 Fid Qual n FQAL ... ... ... 28.49 24.59 3 27.70 +5.4 FidInfoTch FTEC .42e 1.0 ...q 41.35 30.76 95 40.71 +10.3 Fid Moment FDMO ... ... ... 27.69 24.26 5 26.90 +5.3 Fid LowVol FDLO ... ... ... 27.57 24.30 4 26.95 +4.3 Fid RisR n FDRR ... ... ... 28.60 24.56 27 27.61 +4.2 Fid CoreD n FDVV ... ... ... 27.33 24.24 18 26.60 +1.7 FidMsciRE FREL .86e 3.5 ...q 25.98 21.85 113 24.65 +5.1 FidUtils FUTY 1.21e 3.6 ...q 34.34 29.50 56 33.74 +6.8 FidTelecm FCOM .76e 2.3 ...q 33.82 27.80 19 32.76 +2.1 FidelMatls FMAT .53e 1.8 ...q 31.22 24.95 48 30.00 +4.0 FidlNatFn FNF 1.00f 2.5 16 39.49 30.62 594 39.29 +15.7 FNFV Grp FNFV ... ... ... 14.50 10.37 228 12.75 -6.9 FidNatInfo FIS 1.16f 1.4 21 83.86 64.69 777 80.75 +6.8 FidClayOp FMO 1.72f 11.0 ...q 17.63 12.13 89 15.63 +5.0 FieldPnt FPP ... ... ...dd 1.18 .33 32 .39 -46.1 Fieldpt wt FPP/WS ... ... ... .08 .01 7 .02 -50.0 FifthStF 24 FSCE 1.47 5.9 ... 26.01 24.45 8 25.03 +.6 WUBA ... ... ...dd 56.59 27.58 1024 35.53 +26.9 FstAccept FAC ... ... ...dd 2.40 .75 53 1.09 +4.8 FstAFin n FAF 1.36 3.5 13 43.55 35.28 613 39.28 +7.2 FtBcp pfA FBPpA ... ... ... 12.30 FtBcp pfB FBPpB ... ... ... 12.00 FtBcp pfC FBPpC ... ... ... 12.07 FtBcp pfD FBPpD ... ... ... 12.69 FtBcp pfE FBPpE ... ... ... 12.03 FstBcpPR FBP ... ... 12 7.05 3.38 735 5.32 -19.5 FstCash FCFS .76f 1.6 22 53.95 39.80 136 48.80 +3.8 FstCwlth FCF .32f 2.5 20 14.61 8.46 671 12.61 -11.1 FstData n FDC ... ... ... 16.67 9.90 5255 15.23 +7.3 FstHorizon FHN .36f 2.0 19 20.84 12.46 3467 18.01 -10.0 FstHrz pfA FHNpA 1.55 6.1 ... 27.70 23.38 1 25.53 +2.4 FstInRT FR .84f 3.0 ... 29.75 22.26 637 28.16 +.4 FMajSilv g AG ... ... 37 19.15 6.62 4602 9.20 +20.6 FstPotom FPO .40 3.6 61 11.16 8.01 232 10.97 FstRepBk FRC .68f .8 ... 97.43 63.97 1482 89.59 -2.8 FstRep pfB FRCpB 1.55 6.1 ... 26.73 24.74 7 25.56 FstRep pfC FRCpC 1.41 5.4 ... 27.28 22.36 37 26.17 +12.6 FstRep pfD FRCpD 1.38 5.3 ... 27.20 21.92 13 25.73 +11.9 FstRep pfE FRCpE 1.75 6.5 ... 28.45 26.32 16 27.04 -.6 FstRep pfF FRCpF 1.43 5.5 ... 28.00 22.67 5 26.10 +10.1 FtRpBk pfG FRCpG ... ... ... 27.93 21.85 19 25.34 +11.4 FtTr 22 n FIV ... ... ... 10.29 9.86 90 9.94 -1.8 FtTrGlob FAM .90 7.7 ...q 11.94 10.29 41 11.68 +5.4 FT MCGr FNY .15e .5 ...q 33.86 28.27 8 32.87 +4.7 FT MCVal FNK .40e 1.2 ...q 34.48 26.37 12 32.99 +.2 FT Austrla FAUS .80e 2.6 ...q 32.63 27.23 0 30.36 +7.8 FT SCGr FYC .07e .2 ...q 36.95 29.31 16 35.47 +2.5 FT SCVal FYT .26e .8 ...q 36.08 26.81 7 33.58 -3.6 FT MegaCp FMK .44e 1.5 ...q 30.16 25.17 2 28.69 +2.5 FTEurSelDv FDD 1.09e 8.9 ...q 12.75 10.73 225 12.22 +2.9 FTDJMic FDM .49e 1.2 ...q 44.93 31.86 7 41.56 -5.8 FT DynEq FDEU 1.45 8.5 ...q 17.38 14.31 96 17.15 +11.4 FtTEqCom ERM ... ... ... 19.93 19.81 4 19.92 +.6 FtT EqTact TERM ... ... ... 19.99 19.80 5 19.92 +.6 FT PfdSec FPE 1.02e 5.2 ...q 20.31 18.76 599 19.65 +3.5 FT HeitGl PRME ... ... ... 21.72 18.26 1 19.57 +1.1 FT LgShEq FTLS .16e .5 ...q 35.61 30.62 11 34.76 +.8 FTEgyInco FEN 2.32 8.2 ...q 28.48 22.65 92 28.18 +6.2 FTEnInfra FIF 1.32a 6.8 ...q 20.21 15.62 55 19.32 +7.7 FtTrEnEq FFA .96 6.6 ...q 14.57 12.46 33 14.46 +7.0 FTArcaBio FBT .18e .2 ...q 108.01 83.10 27 102.92 +13.2 FTDJInet FDN ... ... ...q 88.82 68.16 276 87.70 +9.9 FT SPTailH VIXH .36e 1.4 ...q 25.41 21.87 24.91 +4.9 FT RNG FCG .22e .9 ...q 28.65 4.65 244 23.74 -9.3 FT ConDis FXD .30e .8 ...q 37.74 31.82 99 36.20 +2.0 FT ConStap FXG .75e 1.6 ...q 49.33 43.48 65 47.00 +2.7 FT Engy FXN .33e 2.3 ...q 17.95 13.79 1029 14.56 -11.8 FT Fincl FXO .65e 2.4 ...q 29.01 21.59 795 27.35 +1.2 FT HlthCr FXH ... ... ...q 63.42 54.51 58 61.52 +7.4 FT IndPrd FXR .16e .5 ...q 35.54 25.86 493 33.66 +2.4 FT Matls FXZ .37e 1.0 ...q 38.79 30.55 73 37.27 +4.0 FT Tech FXL .13e .3 ...q 42.28 30.72 117 41.45 +9.4 FT Utils FXU .67e 2.4 ...q 28.00 24.60 272 27.60 +3.3 FTDJGlDiv FGD 1.42e 5.8 ...q 24.67 20.68 52 24.28 +4.2 FT GlbRE FFR .75e 1.7 ... 48.19 41.29 1 44.90 +6.1 FT NAEngy EMLP .93e 3.7 ...q 25.86 22.38 237 25.32 +.3 FT HiLgSh FSD 1.20 7.1 ...q 17.10 14.38 107 16.88 +5.0 FT USIPO FPX .32e .6 ...q 57.94 47.45 59 56.85 +5.0 FTChnd FNI .19e .6 ...q 32.03 25.60 5 31.53 +15.4 FT EngCn FLM .58e 1.1 ...q 52.57 42.35 2 52.29 +6.3 FT WindEn FAN .46e 3.7 ...q 13.76 11.35 15 12.51 +6.9 FT Wtr FIW .21e .5 ...q 42.43 33.25 7 41.51 +4.9 FT RNG rs FCG/WI ... ... ...q 25.05 23.25 sFT IntPfd FPF 1.95 8.2 ...q 23.85 20.67 203 23.82 +5.0 FT LCCore FEX .58e 1.1 ...q 52.64 42.50 125 50.98 +4.5 FT LCGr FTC .24e .5 ...q 53.14 47.21 71 51.89 +5.8 FT LCVal FTA .82e 1.7 ...q 50.51 37.42 59 48.76 +4.0 FT MLP&E FEI 1.42 8.6 ...q 17.60 13.88 67 16.55 +3.3 FT MCCore FNX .51e .9 ...q 59.80 47.51 38 57.50 +2.0 FTMstrDv FDL .79e 2.8 ...q 29.47 25.24 233 28.62 +3.1 FTFutStrt FMF ... ... ... 57.17 44.12 2 45.69 -3.2 FstTrMtg FMY 1.02 7.2 ...q 14.70 13.67 11 14.21 +1.4 FT MultCG FAD .20e .4 ...q 56.60 48.45 3 55.01 +5.1 FT MultCV FAB .45e .9 ...q 53.14 40.06 5 51.15 +1.3 FT MLPEn FPL 1.26 9.2 ...q 14.50 10.91 52 13.76 +7.9 FT REIT FRI .39e 1.6 ...q 25.87 21.47 101 23.87 +3.5 FT SCCore FYX .38e .7 ...q 55.88 43.34 44 53.19 -1.2 FTSpecFin FGB .70 9.2 ...q 8.43 5.85 17 7.58 +7.4 FTStrHi2 FHY 1.32 10.1 ...q 13.23 11.39 81 13.04 +7.0 FTrVL100 FVL .05e .2 ...q 22.59 18.88 3 21.47 -.7 FTrVLDv FVD .57e 2.0 ...q 29.51 25.39 555 28.90 +3.1 FT EmOp FEO 1.40 8.8 ...q 16.44 13.23 19 15.93 +14.7 FTrSenFlt FCT .90 6.6 ...q 14.01 12.58 56 13.61 -1.1 FirstEngy FE 1.44 4.6 12 36.60 29.33 2869 31.47 +1.6 Fitbit n FIT ... ... ...dd 18.85 5.31 4792 5.57 -23.9 WBAI ... ... ...dd 19.98 10.92 247 13.43 -12.4 FiveOaks OAKS .60m 11.2 ...dd 5.54 3.79 100 5.37 +8.0 FiveOk pfA OAKSpA 2.19 8.8 ... 25.00 18.02 4 24.90 +8.3 FlagstarB FBC ... ... 12 29.64 21.78 211 28.46 +5.6 F&C DynPf DFP 1.92 7.7 ...q 25.37 21.83 95 25.06 +5.4 FlrtyPfdInc PFD 1.08 7.0 ...q 16.34 12.64 27 15.38 +6.1 FlrtyPfdOp PFO .88 7.2 ...q 12.81 10.30 14 12.09 +8.7 FlrtyPfdSc FFC 1.63 7.8 ...q 22.25 18.18 87 20.84 +10.6 FlrtyTotR FLC 1.63 7.7 ...q 22.89 18.41 14 21.24 +6.9 Flanign BDL .20f .9 13 26.65 17.72 1 23.40 -3.9 Fleetcor FLT ... ... 21 176.42 133.64 669 143.65 +1.5 FlexUSTilt TILT 1.17e 1.2 ...q 102.51 81.23 18 98.91 +2.9 FlxEmgTilt TLTE .84e 1.6 ...q 52.92 41.14 10 51.16 +11.3 FlxUpstNR GUNR 1.00e 3.4 ...q 30.66 24.54 576 29.35 +2.4 Flx3yrTips TDTT .02e .1 ...q 25.18 23.43 130 24.82 +.5 Flx5yrTips TDTF .06e .2 ...q 26.19 24.62 46 25.31 +1.2 FlexEMTilt TLEH ... ... ...q 27.98 23.10 1 27.04 +7.1 FlxDMTilt TLDH ... ... ...q 28.41 21.13 2 26.06 +2.6 FlxGlbQRE GQRE 1.33e 2.2 ...q 63.88 54.54 3 59.41 +5.4 FlxGblInfr NFRA .95e 2.1 ...q 46.08 41.46 54 45.81 +5.9 FlxDevTilt TLTD 1.41e 2.4 ...q 61.99 49.52 19 59.76 +5.9 FlxIntDvDf IQDE .91e 3.9 ...q 23.61 20.59 9 23.37 +7.2 FlxIntDvDy IQDY .76e 3.0 ...q 26.02 21.08 17 25.46 +6.4 FlxIntlDiv IQDF .94e 3.9 ...q 24.49 20.35 131 24.08 +6.9 FlxQDvDef QDEF .93e 2.3 ...q 40.86 35.11 10 39.90 +2.9 FlxQDvDyn QDYN 1.00e 2.5 ...q 40.86 32.86 6 39.42 +3.3 FlxQualDv QDF 1.01e 2.5 ...q 41.75 34.84 67 40.61 +2.9 FlxRdyAcc RAVI .82e .9 ...q 76.30 74.89 5 75.50 FlexSolu FSI ... ... 13 2.41 1.12 41 1.94 +45.9 Flotek FTK ... ... ...dd 16.93 8.40 553 11.96 +27.4 FlowrsFds FLO .64 3.3 22 21.00 14.35 1190 19.63 -1.7 Flowserve FLS .40m .8 19 52.50 39.13 1003 47.70 -.7 Fluor FLR .84 1.7 14 58.37 44.05 729 50.77 -3.3 FlyLeasing FLY 1.00 7.8 24 14.45 9.54 121 12.78 -3.9 FEMSA FMX .74e .8 ... 100.57 73.45 290 91.95 +20.7 FootLockr FL 1.24f 1.7 15 79.43 50.90 1479 72.59 +2.4 FordM F .60a 5.4 6 14.22 11.07 35146 11.14 -8.2 ForestCA FCE/A .36f 1.6 18 24.22 17.79 1009 22.41 +7.5 ForestCB FCE/B .32f 1.1 23 30.32 18.00 29.24 +8.6 Forestar FOR ... ... 9 14.40 10.60 937 14.20 +6.8 ForsightEn FELP .68m 12.0 ...dd 8.33 1.34 60 5.67 -12.4 Fortis n FTS 1.19 3.6 ... 33.99 29.14 274 33.10 +7.2 Fortive n FTV .28 .5 ... 61.11 46.29 1427 60.27 +12.4 Fortress FIG .32a 4.0 23 8.05 4.23 551 7.98 +64.2 FortTrInf n FTAI 1.32 9.0 ... 15.91 8.92 693 14.69 +10.5 FortunaSlv FSM ... ... 43 9.75 4.80 1569 5.15 -8.8 FBHmSec FBHS .72f 1.2 23 64.47 52.05 1053 62.05 +16.1 ForumEn FET ... ... ...dd 26.25 14.58 876 19.50 -11.4 FoundBld n FBM ... ... ... 17.91 15.05 82 16.14 +.9sFourCorP s FCPT .97 4.1 ... 23.57 16.71 232 23.77 +15.8 FrancoN g FNV .88f 1.3 96 81.16 53.31 769 69.78 +16.8 FrankCov FC ... ... ...dd 22.45 13.45 47 20.90 +3.7 FrankFn n FSB .40p ... 17 42.80 27.60 45 38.10 -9.0 FrankLibInt FLQH ... ... ... 26.20 23.28 12 24.50 +4.3 FrankLibEm FLQE ... ... ... 29.83 25.81 6 29.09 +9.3 FrankLibGl FLQD ... ... ... 27.79 24.77 5 27.30 +6.3 FrankLbGlE FLQG ... ... ... 27.70 25.00 1 27.12 +6.9 FrnkLInvGr FLCO ... ... ... 24.54 23.88 24.54 +1.5 FrankRes BEN .80 1.9 15 44.35 30.56 2310 41.64 +5.2 FrkShDGv FTSD 1.55e ... ...q FrkStPrp FSP .76 6.0 16 13.27 10.49 221 12.69 -2.1 FrkLtdDur FTF .74 6.2 ...q 12.45 11.34 125 11.99 -.4sFrkUnv FT .47 6.7 ...q 7.12 6.20 27 7.11 +6.4 FranksIntl FI .30 3.1 ... 17.73 9.20 1764 9.76 -20.7 FrptMcM FCX ... ... ...dd 17.06 9.24 17321 12.47 -5.5 FresenMd FMS .44e 1.0 ... 47.52 38.05 152 42.89 +1.6 FDelMnt FDP .60 1.0 12 66.86 42.04 192 59.02 -2.7 FriedmInd FRD .04 .6 ...dd 7.29 5.00 177 6.19 -7.1 Frontlne rs FRO .10 ... 6 10.41 6.61 541 6.70 -5.8 FullerHB FUL .56 1.1 20 54.32 41.52 219 50.07 +3.6 FutureFuel FF .24a 1.7 11 16.58 9.77 93 14.41 +3.7G -GAMCO s GBL .08 .3 8 41.25 27.55 25 28.34 -8.3 GATX GATX 1.68f 2.8 10 64.46 40.66 284 59.68 -3.1 GATX 66 GMTA ... ... ... 27.19 21.55 33 25.31 +8.8 GCP ApT n GCP ... ... ... 34.05 21.90 292 32.00 +19.6 GDL Fund GDL .64 6.5 ...q 10.15 9.55 27 9.85 +.1 GDLFd pfB GDLpB 1.50 3.0 ... 51.40 50.20 2 50.55 +.4 GGP Inc GGP .88 3.7 13 32.10 22.34 3968 23.58 -5.6 GGP Inc pfA GGPpA 1.59 6.3 ... 27.55 23.88 45 25.05 +1.0 GMAC CpT ALLYpA 2.03 8.0 ... 25.99 24.51 185 25.45 +.2 GMS Inc n GMS ... ... 23 35.73 19.28 80 33.98 +16.1 GNC GNC .80 8.9 4 35.90 6.51 25326 9.03 -18.2 GP Strat GPX ... ... 21 30.00 19.59 18 25.50 -10.8 GSE Sy GVP ... ... 19 3.85 2.03 8 3.45 -1.4 GTT Comm GTT ... ... 29.75 14.96 189 26.35 -8.3 GabCvInc GCV .48 9.7 ...q 5.25 4.38 49 4.95 +5.3 GabCv pfB GCVpB 1.50 5.7 ... 28.17 25.40 3 26.21 +2.4 GabDvInc GDV 1.32 6.3 ...q 21.25 18.00 194 20.96 +4.6 GabDiv pfA GDVpA 1.47 5.5 ... 26.98 25.02 2 26.49 +3.2 GabDiv pfD GDVpD 1.50 5.7 ... 27.48 25.37 3 26.36 +2.2 GabDiv pfG GDVpG 1.31 ... ... GabelliET GAB .64e 10.8 ...q 6.15 5.13 273 5.95 +7.8 GabllE pfD GABpD 1.47 5.6 ... 27.09 25.05 19 26.11 +2.3 GabllE pfG GABpG 1.25 5.1 ... 25.79 22.17 5 24.28 +5.9 Gabeli pfJ GABpJ ... ... ... 27.00 23.31 13 25.21 +5.1 GabEq pfH GABpH 1.25 5.1 ... 25.82 22.19 11 24.56 +7.5 GabGSmM GGZ ... ... ... 11.48 9.84 54 11.42 +7.7 GabGSm pfA GGZpA 1.36 5.3 ... 26.23 23.41 1 25.50 +6.5 GabGUtil GLU 1.20 6.5 ...q 18.71 15.21 4 18.48 +10.0 GabGUtil pf GLUpA 3.00 5.9 ... 52.25 50.75 51.12 +.5 GabGoAn n GGO ... ... ... 21.69 17.75 18.00 -14.4 GabGo pfA GGOpA ... ... ... GabHlthW GRX .52 5.2 ...q 11.32 9.23 73 10.08 +6.8 GabHW rt GRXr ... ... ... .40 GabHlt pfA GRXpA 1.44 5.6 ... 26.92 25.00 1 25.69 +1.9 GabHlt pfB GRXpB 1.47 5.6 ... 27.42 25.04 1 26.22 +3.4 GabMultT GGT .94e 11.5 ...q 8.25 6.71 65 8.14 +12.4 GabMT pfB GGTpB 1.50 5.7 ... 27.04 25.43 2 26.11 +2.6 GabUtil GUT .60 8.8 ...q 7.04 6.03 30 6.83 +8.4 GabUt pfA GUTpA 1.41 5.6 ... 26.65 24.41 1 25.25 +.2 GabUtil pfC GUTpC ... ... ... Gasa rs GFA ... ... ... 24.53 12.45 54 16.63 Gain Cap GCAP .24f 3.3 30 8.75 4.54 314 7.20 +9.4 Gallaghr AJG 1.56f 2.8 22 57.82 43.90 763 56.04 +7.9 GamGldNR GGN .84 14.6 ...q 7.14 5.07 541 5.75 +8.5 GamGld pfB GGNpB 1.25 5.2 ... 25.59 21.74 6 24.00 +3.9 GamNRG&I GNT .84 11.6 ...q 8.48 6.53 52 7.22 +8.2 GameStop GME 1.52f 6.7 6 33.72 20.10 1771 22.84 -9.6 Gannett n GCI .64 7.8 6 17.72 7.30 483 8.23 -15.2 Gap GPS .92 3.8 14 30.74 17.00 3264 23.92 +6.6 Gartner IT ... ... 42 112.42 84.54 515 110.48 +9.3 GasNatural EGAS .30 2.4 52 12.85 6.83 15 12.56 +.1 GasLogLP GLOP 1.96f 8.2 11 24.85 17.26 90 23.80 +15.8 GasLog GLOG .56 4.0 ... 17.85 11.08 344 13.95 -13.4 GasLog pfA GLOGpA 2.19 8.5 ... 26.99 22.94 1 25.69 +2.3 GastarExp GST ... ... ...dd 2.21 .80 862 1.42 -8.4 Gastar pfA GSTpA 2.16 10.5 ... 22.70 3.95 12 20.58 +13.4 Gastar pfB GSTpB 2.69 11.5 ... 25.05 3.28 4 23.36 +34.4 GazitGlobe GZT .37e 3.6 ... 10.97 8.30 3 10.29 +19.1 GeeGroup JOB ... ... ...dd 7.00 3.61 1 5.96 +37.5 GencoSh rs GNK ... ... ...dd 14.99 3.62 75 12.51 +69.5 Generac GNRC ... ... 1 44.84 32.34 597 35.69 -12.4 GAInv GAM 1.15e 1.0 ...q 33.93 25.80 18 33.41 +7.2 GAInv pfB GAMpB 1.49 5.6 ... 27.47 25.36 1 26.45 +2.6 GnCable BGC .72 4.3 27 20.80 11.65 311 16.75 -12.1 GenDynam GD 3.36f 1.8 19 194.00 132.68 1192 187.38 +8.5 GenElec GE .96 3.2 24 33.00 28.19 25121 29.84 -5.6 GECap5-53 GEK 1.18 4.6 ... 27.14 23.20 51 25.54 +4.0 GECap 1-53 GEH 1.22 4.7 ... 27.60 23.98 15 25.79 +5.1 GEC 10-52 GEB 1.22 4.8 ... 27.04 24.13 34 25.29 +2.8 GenMills GIS 1.92 3.3 19 72.95 57.14 3199 58.16 -5.8 GenMoly GMO ... ... ...dd .72 .21 98 .37 +46.0 GenMotors GM 1.52 4.5 6 38.55 27.34 6843 33.69 -3.3 GMot wtB GM/WSB ... ... ... 20.43 10.00 39 16.32 -4.9 Gener8M n GNRT ... ... 4 8.75 3.52 257 5.42 +21.0 Gensco GCO ... ... 12 74.21 47.66 215 50.55 -18.6 GenesWyo GWR ... ... 21 80.73 52.21 435 65.52 -5.6 GenesisEn GEL 2.88f 9.0 8 40.90 30.01 490 31.85 -11.6 GenesisHlt GEN .12p ... ...dd 4.75 1.38 119 2.34 -44.9 GenieEn n GNE .24 3.1 ... 8.23 5.07 49 7.72 +34.3 GenieE pfA GNEpA .64 8.2 ... 8.40 7.06 2 7.75 +3.9 Genpact G .24p ... 16 28.52 22.58 1506 23.74 -2.5 GenuPrt GPC 2.70f 3.0 20 105.97 86.61 1064 90.14 -5.7 Genworth GNW .44p ... ...dd 5.27 2.26 4289 4.05 +6.3sGeoGrp GEO 2.80f 5.7 21 49.42 16.26 650 49.07 +36.6 GeoPark GPRK ... ... ... 8.00 1.90 118 7.56 +75.4 GaPw pfA GPEpA 1.53 5.5 ... 31.47 25.10 5 27.80 +8.7 Gerdau GGB .02e .7 ... 4.39 1.50 7529 2.96 -5.7 GerNew GF 1.23e .5 ...q 14.98 12.45 22 14.89 +13.9 GettyRlty GTY 1.12 4.2 16 26.71 19.44 67 26.53 +4.1 Gigamon GIMO ... ... 23 61.25 28.43 2996 35.45 -22.2 Gildan s GIL .38f 1.4 18 32.20 23.55 454 27.56 +8.6 GlassBr rs GLA ... ... ... 18.10 3.85 4 4.37 Glatfelter GLT .52f 2.5 15 25.59 17.50 107 20.51 -14.1 Glaukos n GKOS ... ... ... 52.49 18.24 969 43.26 +26.1 GlaxoSKln GSK 2.89e 7.0 ... 45.58 37.20 2332 41.28 +7.2 GblBrCopp BRSS .15 .5 15 39.85 22.75 114 32.15 -6.3 GlbMed n GMRE .20p ... ... 11.38 6.73 123 9.44 +5.8 GlobNetL n GNL .94 3.9 39 25.25 6.92 256 24.16 +208.6 GlobPtrs GLP 1.85 9.6 ...dd 21.95 12.28 12 19.30 -.8 GlobPay s GPN .04 .1 33 81.63 64.63 683 79.00 +13.8 GlbShipLs GSL .40 28.4 ...dd 4.50 1.10 56 1.41 -6.0 GlbShip pfB GSLpB 2.19 10.6 ... 22.00 12.42 9 20.73 +1.7 GlbXNordic GXF .85e 4.2 ...q 21.82 18.40 4 20.20 +6.5 GbXSpDvE SDEM .63e ... ...q 19.63 12.44 13 15.65 +6.4 GbXUSRota SCTO .12p ... ...q 25.16 22.74 2 24.63 +2.7 GblXEffic EFFE .16p ... ...q 25.22 22.96 25.04 +1.5 GblXGuIntl GURI .11p ... ...q 15.01 12.32 15.00 +12.5 GblXPortgl PGAL .23p ... ...q 10.50 8.77 112 10.23 +9.9 GblXColum GXG .41e 4.2 ...q 10.18 8.19 112 9.67 +6.0 GblXEmFtr EMFM .40e 1.9 ...q 21.90 18.15 1 20.91 +13.3 GbXMLP&E MLPX .60 4.1 ...q 15.54 11.94 117 14.73 -.8 GblXChMat CHIM .21e 1.3 ...q 17.96 11.70 1 16.60 +21.9 GblXArg ARGT .09e .3 ...q 29.20 19.77 48 28.80 +24.9 GblXSDvUS DIV 1.93 7.6 ...q 25.90 23.36 62 25.38 +2.6 GblXJrMlp MLPJ .96e 11.3 ...q 9.46 7.37 6 8.48 -1.6 GXSupInPf SPFF .99 7.6 ...q 13.98 12.51 129 12.95 +1.2 GblXGuru GURU .28e 1.1 ...q 26.21 20.86 10 25.73 +7.1 GlblXPerm PERM .23e .9 ...q 26.48 23.76 1 24.95 +2.7 GbXGreece GREK .13e 1.6 ...q 9.06 6.37 280 7.98 +2.4 GblXChCon CHIQ .26e 2.0 ...q 13.55 10.11 3 13.20 +17.9 GblX MLP MLPA .90e 7.8 ...q 12.13 10.30 236 11.52 -.4 GblXFertil SOIL .25e 2.8 ...q 9.87 7.99 0 9.08 +1.1 GblXChiEn CHIE .33e 3.1 ...q 11.09 9.50 1 10.67 +9.5 GblXSupDv SDIV 1.42e 6.4 ... 21.90 19.68 131 21.57 +3.7 GlbXChiFn CHIX .16e 1.1 ...q 15.01 11.15 39 14.11 +10.1 GbXSEAsia ASEA .42e 2.9 ...q 14.68 12.64 6 14.35 +12.2 GblXAndean AND .20e 2.2 ... 8.97 7.17 2 8.89 +13.4 GblXPakist PAK ... ... ...q 18.36 13.25 8 16.92 -3.3 GblXChiInd CHII .10e .7 ...q 14.62 10.22 2 13.88 +16.9 GblXNorway NORW .83e 7.4 ...q 11.91 9.52 19 11.16 +1.1 GlXBrazMC BRAZ .37e 3.7 ...q 10.53 7.24 10.08 +13.3 GlbXBrazC BRAQ .40e 2.8 ...q 15.09 9.69 3 14.35 +19.1 GblXScUS n SCIU ... ... ...q 28.18 24.29 10 27.61 +4.7 GblXScEu n SCID ... ... ...q 24.33 20.66 0 24.16 +8.9 GblXScAs n SCIX ... ... ...q 24.54 20.94 1 23.64 +12.1 GblXScJp n SCIJ ... ... ... 28.36 24.89 27.71 +5.0 GbXNigeria NGE .31e 2.0 ...q 16.43 3.79 5 15.75 +269.7 GbX US Inf PAVE ... ... ... 15.89 14.01 7 14.20 -3.7 GblFound n BOSS ... ... ... 15.43 14.77 2 15.15 GlbXCop rs COPX ... ... ...q 26.47 14.03 85 21.18 +5.9 GlbXSilv rs SIL ... ... ...q 54.34 30.50 104 37.40 +16.5 GlbXLith rs LIT ... ... ...q 29.17 22.50 51 28.23 +15.8 GbX Gold rs GOEX ... ... ...q 45.90 18.23 23 23.82 +15.1 GbXUran rs URA ... ... ...q 19.33 11.68 396 15.17 +17.9 GlblScape GSB .06 1.5 22 4.34 3.20 4 3.96 -2.7 Globalstar GSAT ... ... 17 3.00 .63 5645 1.90 +20.3 GlobantSA GLOB ... ... ... 47.19 30.90 120 34.17 +2.5 GlobusMed GMED ... ... 28 31.27 19.25 620 30.42 +22.6 Glowpoint GLOW ... ... ...dd .47 .14 5 .29 +10.5 GoDaddy n GDDY ... ... ...dd 38.00 28.11 353 36.97 +5.8 GolLinhs rs GOL ... ... ... 33.43 6.00 175 32.68 +139.9 GoldFLtd GFI .02e .5 ... 6.60 2.60 9634 4.06 +34.9 GoldResrc GORO .02m .5 ...dd 8.22 2.77 653 4.04 -7.1 GoldStdV g GSV ... ... ... 3.20 1.13 1156 1.92 -9.9 Goldcrp g GG .24 1.6 20.38 11.91 7157 15.38 +13.1 GoldenMin AUMN ... ... ...dd 1.16 .31 133 .58 +.3 GoldStr g GSS ... ... ...dd 1.13 .47 1890 .80 +7.4 GldFld GV ... ... 10 8.65 1.92 283 5.10 GoldmS pfI GSpI 1.49 5.7 ... 26.61 24.61 87 26.22 +3.8 GoldS pfJ GSpJ 1.38 5.1 ... 27.64 24.50 179 27.17 +7.1 GS BDC n GSBD 1.80 7.2 25 25.60 19.30 88 24.97 +6.2 GS ActbtInt GSIE ... ... ...q 26.31 22.36 133 26.04 +6.9 GS ActEM GEM ... ... ...q 30.72 24.49 29 29.76 +11.2 GS ActEur GSEU .60e ... ... 32.03 23.23 27.60 +7.6 GS ActJpn GSIY ... ... ... 29.27 25.79 7 28.70 +5.2 GS ActLgC GSLC ... ... ...q 47.66 40.26 132 46.46 +4.7 GS Indus n GVIP ... ... ... 46.17 39.08 2 45.19 +6.8 GSCI37 GSC ... ... ...q 23.85 19.88 1 22.54 -3.3 GoldmanS GS 2.60 1.2 13 255.15 138.20 11910 215.59 -10.0 GoldS pfK GSpK 1.59 5.5 ... 29.74 25.69 113 28.67 +5.6 GoldS pfN GSpN ... ... ... 28.30 25.11 63 26.87 +3.0sGoldS pfB GSpB 1.55 5.8 ... 26.81 25.01 53 26.92 +5.9 GoldS pfC GSpC 1.02 4.4 ... 24.32 20.78 52 23.42 +7.6 GoldS pfA GSpA .96 4.0 ... 23.98 19.77 83 23.78 +7.7 GoldS pfD GSpD 1.02 4.4 ... 23.65 20.08 282 23.16 +6.1 GS MLPEn GER .64 8.1 ...q 8.90 6.26 129 7.89 +9.7 GS MLPInc GMZ 1.38 13.1 ... 11.58 8.52 86 10.56 +8.6tGoodrPet n GDP ... ... ... 15.50 13.94 13 14.50 -5.6 GormanR GRC .46f 1.6 29 34.45 22.30 22 28.59 -7.6 vjGrace GRA .84f 1.2 28 80.56 63.37 524 68.18 +.8 Graco GGG 1.44f 1.5 27 95.19 69.33 157 94.03 +13.2 GrahamCp GHM .36 1.7 15 25.00 17.11 12 21.65 -2.3 GrahamH s GHC 5.08 .8 22 609.75 440.55 25 599.90 +17.2tGraingr GWW 4.88f 2.5 17 262.72 201.94 5442 197.57 -14.9 Grmrcy pfA GPTpA 1.78 6.7 ... 28.78 25.61 5 26.50 +.1 GrmPrTr rs GPT .38 ... ... 30.09 24.09 1761 28.45 +3.3 GranTrra g GTE ... ... ...dd 3.49 2.40 1388 2.61 -13.6 GranaMon GRAM .25e 6.3 ... 8.96 2.16 252 3.94 -44.9 GraniteC GVA .52 1.0 42 62.18 40.16 474 52.41 -4.7sGraniteRE GRP/U 2.30 ... ... 36.72 29.06 11 36.56 +9.3 GraphPkg GPK .30 2.3 18 14.70 11.95 5282 13.16 +5.4 GrayTelev GTN ... ... 13 15.10 7.00 1088 14.70 +35.5 GrayTvA GTN/A ... ... 20 14.05 7.05 0 13.15 +26.4 GrtAjax n AJX 1.00 7.6 8 14.48 12.61 22 13.09 -1.4 GrtBasG g GBG ... ... ... .09 GtPanSilv g GPL ... ... ... 2.28 1.14 1121 1.41 -15.1 GtPlainEn GXP 1.10 3.7 18 32.24 25.85 1786 29.78 +8.9 GrtPl pfB GXPpB 1.75 3.3 ... 55.34 48.64 137 53.78 +6.3 GrtWstBcp GWB .68 1.7 18 45.61 29.31 185 41.13 -5.6 GreenDot GDOT ... ... ... 33.93 20.79 153 33.27 +41.3 GreenbCos GBX .84f 1.9 13 49.50 25.90 494 43.50 +4.7 Greenhill GHL 1.80 6.7 14 32.45 15.62 427 26.75 -3.4 Greif A GEF 1.68 3.1 22 60.55 33.03 153 55.00 +7.2 Greif B GEF/B 2.51e 3.9 21 74.35 44.23 5 64.40 -4.7 Griffon GFF .24 1.0 28 27.15 15.45 100 22.95 -12.4 Group1 GPI .96f 1.4 9 83.18 47.31 147 67.47 -13.4 GrubHub GRUB ... ... 52 44.58 21.41 1106 34.07 -9.4 GAeroPac PAC 2.78e 2.8 ... 108.24 72.52 61 100.18 +21.4 GpoASur ASR 3.31e ... ... 188.39 131.72 62 181.85 +26.4 GpoAvalAc AVAL .40 4.8 ... 9.04 7.18 63 8.37 +5.4 GpFnSnMx BSMX .30e 3.3 ... 10.13 6.73 1157 9.10 +26.6 GpoRadio RC ... ... ... 11.53 GpoSimec SIM ... ... ... 15.20 6.53 5 12.08 -15.8sGpSuprvi n SUPV ... ... ... 17.35 10.00 157 17.06 +29.8 GpTelevisa TV ... ... ... 29.34 19.69 1401 26.07 +24.8 GuangRy GSH .62e 2.0 ... 33.18 22.00 3 30.90 +1.9 Guess GES .90 8.3 30 18.68 10.29 577 10.88 -10.1 GuggBAB GBAB 1.66 7.4 ...q 24.75 18.84 53 22.36 +4.4 GugCrdAllo GGM 2.18 9.5 ...q 23.88 19.14 18 22.92 +2.6 GuggChina YAO .87e 3.2 ...q 28.43 21.79 4 27.27 +12.2 GugSPEW RSP 1.31e 1.5 ...q 92.53 75.79 542 90.02 +3.9 GugRus50 XLG 3.03e 1.8 ...q 169.87 140.88 11 165.75 +5.2 GugSPVal RPV 1.18e 2.0 ...q 61.67 47.72 106 57.92 +.6 GugSPGth RPG .59e .7 ...q 90.06 76.35 93 88.83 +6.3 GugS&P100 OEW ... ... ... 32.61 25.53 0 28.92 +2.6 GuEqWREst EWRE .27e ... ...q 29.00 24.54 4 27.71 +5.3 GugMCVal RFV .86e 1.4 ...q 65.03 48.26 11 61.41 -.5 GugEMk EW EWEM .64e 2.1 ...q 30.94 26.45 3 30.72 +10.3 GugMC400E EWMC ... ... ... 60.61 47.56 7 58.30 +1.3 GugSC600E EWSC ... ... ... 51.38 38.94 1 48.30 -3.3 GugMCGth RFG .75e .6 ...q 136.96 113.86 10 134.04 +4.0 GugSCVal RZV .67e 1.0 ...q 77.26 53.30 10 66.14 -9.4 GugTotRet GTO ... ... ... 52.94 50.33 16 51.94 +2.7 GugUtil RYU 3.00e 3.5 ...q 88.42 75.41 9 85.78 +6.2 Gug US Lg OVLC ... ... ... 27.73 24.61 27.72 +6.9 GugSCGth RZG .56e .6 ...q 101.13 76.91 8 98.25 +1.7 GugTech RYT 1.09e .9 ...q 121.39 88.27 25 119.46 +10.1 RydxMatls RTM 1.19e 1.3 ...q 98.04 79.18 12 94.10 +3.3 GugIndls RGI .84e .8 ...q 107.78 82.94 9 102.84 +3.7 GugHlthC RYH .75e .5 ...q 162.74 140.98 22 157.85 +8.2 GugFncl RYF .93e 2.5 ...q 45.75 30.52 108 36.87 +.1 GugEngy RYE .79e 1.4 ...q 68.00 51.02 13 57.97 -9.4 GugConStp RHS 2.05e 1.6 ...q 130.44 115.09 13 126.68 +6.1 GugCnsDis RCD 1.12e 1.2 ...q 94.21 79.28 10 90.98 +3.0 GugEnhEq GPM .96 11.8 ...q 8.68 7.09 195 8.13 +1.6 GugChinTc CQQQ .64e 1.5 ...q 43.39 31.82 13 41.34 +17.2 GugWater CGW .45e 1.4 ...q 31.42 27.93 72 31.33 +10.1 GugCdnEn ENY .49e 5.7 ...q 9.47 7.68 3 8.63 -5.2 GugSPHiInf GHII 1.03e 3.7 ...q 27.88 23.68 6 27.62 +6.2 GugSolar TAN .49e 2.8 ...q 24.88 16.45 68 17.39 +4.9 GugShippg SEA 1.48e 12.3 ...q 13.03 10.34 107 12.08 +5.7 GugIntMult HGI .59e 3.7 ...q 16.16 13.55 1 15.91 +5.5 GugFront FRN .20e 1.5 ...q 13.21 10.78 11 13.01 +12.6 GugChinSC HAO .94e 3.8 ...q 25.73 21.08 12 24.63 +10.5 GugChRe TAO .97e 4.1 ...q 24.50 17.92 37 23.82 +21.8 GugGTimb CUT .35e 1.3 ...q 26.81 21.27 28 26.55 +7.2 Gug BRIC EEB .48e 1.5 ...q 32.48 24.39 16 31.06 +7.8 Gug 26CpBd BSCQ ... ... ... 20.24 18.85 4 19.55 +2.1 Gug 24HYBd BSJO ... ... ... 25.70 24.18 5 25.41 +1.2 GuggLCOpt OPD ... ... ... 26.71 24.71 26.43 +.4 GugDJIADv DJD .02p ... ...q 30.87 25.42 4 29.69 +2.6 GugHYBd23 BSJN .15e ... ...q 26.97 25.00 10 26.65 +1.1 GugCpBd25 BSCP ... ... ...q 22.15 19.93 18 20.60 +2.2 GugInsidr NFO .72e 1.3 ...q 53.69 45.03 1 53.57 +8.9 GugBlt22HY BSJM 1.27 5.0 ...q 25.46 23.54 25 25.20 +.8 GugB21HY BSJL 1.27 5.1 ...q 25.12 23.54 31 24.94 +.9 GugBlt24CB BSCO .58 2.8 ...q 21.72 20.14 35 20.80 +1.8 GugBlt23CB BSCN .65 3.1 ...q 21.56 20.29 14 20.94 +2.3 GugBlt22CB BSCM .58e 2.7 ...q 21.78 20.71 102 21.30 +1.8 GugBlt21CB BSCL .56 2.6 ...q 21.89 20.80 76 21.31 +1.5 ClayWilMic WMCR .43e 1.4 ...q 30.76 23.51 3 29.90 +.5 GugB20HY BSJK 1.30e 5.2 ...q 24.76 23.12 105 24.63 +1.5 GugB19HY BSJJ 1.22e 5.0 ...q 24.53 23.31 144 24.44 +1.2 GugB18HY BSJI 1.28e 4.6 ...q 25.41 24.38 159 25.31 +.5 GugB17HY BSJH 1.08e 4.0 ...q 26.02 25.55 88 25.70 -.5 ClyWUSRE WREI 1.53e 2.9 ...q 52.34 43.73 0 48.92 +4.3 GugMultAs CVY 1.07e 5.2 ...q 21.03 17.93 103 20.62 +2.3 GugCpBd20 BSCK .61e 2.8 ...q 21.79 21.07 177 21.49 +1.4 GugBlt19CB BSCJ .47e 2.2 ...q 21.49 21.00 113 21.26 +.5 GugBlt18CB BSCI .40e 1.8 ...q 21.39 21.11 91 21.23 +.2 GugBlt17CB BSCH .35e 1.5 ...q 22.80 22.54 99 22.61 GugSpinOff CSD 1.00e 2.2 ...q 46.32 37.17 9 45.70 +5.2 GugRJ SB1 RYJ .30e .8 ...q 40.52 31.06 3 39.39 +2.6 GugEShDur GSY .65e 1.3 ...q 50.26 49.88 169 50.23 +.2 GugMCCre CZA .65e 1.1 ...q 58.83 48.05 5 57.88 +6.4 GugGlDiv LVL .52e 4.9 ...q 10.60 8.71 25 10.51 +3.5 GugDefEq DEF 1.15e 2.8 ...q 41.88 36.40 5 41.22 +6.0 GugStrOp GOF 2.19 10.6 ...q 20.85 17.17 72 20.60 +4.9 Guidewire GWRE ... ... 64.00 49.18 222 58.80 +19.2H -HCA Hldg HCA ... ... 13 91.03 67.00 2282 85.21 +15.1 HCI Grp HCI 1.40f 3.1 18 50.93 24.35 69 45.75 +15.9 HCP Inc HCP 1.48 4.5 12 40.43 27.61 4943 32.79 +10.3sHDFC Bk HDB .37e .5 ... 77.99 59.00 711 78.06 +28.6 HECO pfU HEpU 1.62 5.9 ... 28.47 25.55 27.69 +8.1 HFF Inc HF 1.80e ... 14 34.39 24.84 155 27.29 -9.8 HMG HMG .50e ... ...dd 11.90 8.44 2 10.91 +3.8 HNI Corp HNI 1.10 2.4 18 56.96 37.24 160 46.23 -17.3 HP Inc HPQ .53f 2.9 11 18.37 11.31 10076 18.22 +22.8sHRG Grp HRG ... ... ...dd 19.70 12.50 2215 19.59 +25.9 HSBC HSBC 1.50e 3.7 ... 44.18 28.62 2706 40.16 HSBC prA HSBCpA 1.55 6.0 ... 27.56 25.00 96 25.94 +2.9 HSBC Cap HSEA 2.03 7.5 ... 27.93 25.81 322 27.07 +4.3tHSBC Cap2 HSEB 2.00 7.5 ... 26.95 25.51 125 26.66 +3.3 Haemonet HAE ... ... 27 41.65 25.98 210 40.62 +1.0 HalconRes wt HK/WS ... ... ... 3.77 1.23 1.45 -37.0 HalconRs n HK ... ... ... 12.01 6.42 813 7.11 -23.9 Hallibrtn HAL .72 1.5 ...dd 58.78 38.24 4668 48.53 -10.3 HalyrdHlt HYH ... ... 19 41.84 26.05 321 37.19 +.6 HancFinOp BTO 1.48 4.4 ...q 37.48 22.81 48 33.62 -7.3 HanJS JHS .87e 6.1 ...q 14.95 13.60 10 14.27 +1.8 HanJI JHI 1.45e 8.4 ...q 17.84 15.34 9 17.22 +3.7 HanPrmDv PDT 1.08a 6.6 ...q 17.59 13.22 64 16.30 +4.2 HanPfEq HPI 1.68 7.8 ...q 23.32 18.91 32 21.53 +5.8 HanPfd2 HPF 1.68 7.9 ...q 23.24 18.87 82 21.25 +4.9 HanPfd3 HPS 1.47 7.9 ...q 20.26 16.25 44 18.65 +5.1 HanTxAdv HTD 1.45 5.8 ...q 25.48 20.79 63 25.00 +8.3 Hanesbds s HBI .60f 2.8 13 30.42 18.91 2685 21.26 -1.4 HannArms HASI 1.32f 6.1 40 25.21 18.02 454 21.53 +13.4 HanoverIns THG 2.00 2.3 22 92.78 74.06 203 86.93 -4.5 HanovIns53 THGA 1.59 6.3 ... 26.98 24.02 9 25.35 +1.4 HarleyD HOG 1.45f 2.6 15 63.40 41.63 7941 56.91 -2.5 HarmonyG HMY ... ... ... 4.87 1.86 4908 2.58 +16.7 HarrisCorp HRS 2.12 1.9 19 113.00 73.32 900 109.56 +6.9 Harsco HSC .20m 1.7 49 15.25 5.81 363 11.70 -14.0 HarteHnk HHS .34 24.6 ...dd 2.70 .85 198 1.38 -8.6 HartfFn42 HGH 1.97 6.3 ... 32.55 28.21 34 31.43 +6.1 HartfdFn HIG .92 1.9 15 50.26 38.92 1766 47.69 +.1 HartfFn wt HIG/WS ... ... ... 44.00 31.88 1 41.40 +.4 HarvNRes rs HNR ... ... ... 7.35 1.67 163 6.78 +9.7 Haverty HVT .48 2.0 18 25.50 16.57 22 23.80 +.4 HavertyA HVT/A .38a 1.6 20 25.40 16.90 23.75 +.6 HawaiiEl HE 1.24 3.7 20 34.98 28.31 370 33.76 +2.1 Hc2 Hldgs HCHC ... ... ...dd 7.27 2.33 132 6.11 +67.8 Headwatrs HW ... ... 24 23.99 16.05 277 23.72 +.9 HlthcrRlty HR 1.20 3.5 21 36.60 26.66 480 33.96 +12.0 HlthcreTr HTA 1.20 3.6 26 34.64 26.34 734 32.92 +13.1 HlthSth wt HLS/WS ... ... ... 4.50 .28 .57 -14.9sHlthSouth HLS .96 2.2 17 43.89 36.97 896 43.89 +6.4 HeclaM HL .01e .2 31 7.64 3.70 6924 5.84 +11.5 HeclaM pfB HLpB 3.50 6.4 ... 66.00 53.50 0 54.50 -1.4 Heico HEI .18f .2 35 89.02 59.07 103 85.36 +10.6 Heico A HEI/A .16f .2 36 75.90 48.72 45 72.10 +6.2 HelixEn HLX ... ... ...dd 11.87 6.02 1647 7.67 -13.0 HelmPayne HP 2.80f 4.2 85.78 56.19 1191 66.52 -14.1 Hemisphrx rs HEB ... ... ... 2.64 .39 109 .57 -17.7 Herbalife HLF ... ... 12 72.22 47.62 697 59.67 +24.0 HercHld n HRI ... ... ... 52.96 28.66 158 47.62 +18.6 HercTGC HTGC 1.24 8.2 20q 15.50 11.55 373 15.20 +7.7 HercTG 24 HTGX 1.56 6.1 ... 26.47 24.65 26 25.45 +.2 HeritageIns HRTG .24 2.1 5 16.48 11.25 137 11.54 -26.4 Hersha pfC HTpC 1.72 6.8 ... 27.37 23.97 127 25.25 +4.0 Hersha rs HT 1.12 6.0 10 22.14 15.36 219 18.70 -11.0 Hersha pfD HTpD 1.63 6.5 ... 25.75 22.26 9 25.15 +12.6sHersha pfE HTpE ... ... ... 24.88 22.00 42 24.75 +10.0 Hershey HSY 2.47 2.3 27 117.79 87.92 842 109.47 +5.8 HertzGl HTZ ... ... ... 53.14 14.90 1400 15.90 -26.3 Hess HES 1.00f 2.1 ...dd 65.56 45.12 3420 48.19 -22.6 Hess pfA HESpA ... ... ... 80.33 56.27 37 58.71 -20.3 HessMidP n HESM ... ... ... 26.45 25.08 181 25.84 -.9 HP Ent n HPE .26 1.4 9 18.64 11.53 7662 18.13 +4.6 Hexcel HXL .44 .8 21 55.91 38.87 511 52.90 +2.8 Hi-Crush HCLP ... ... ...dd 23.30 5.50 1357 16.10 -18.7 HighwdPrp HIW 1.76 3.4 19 56.23 44.93 453 51.60 +1.2 Hill Intl HIL ... ... ...dd 5.70 1.95 92 3.70 -14.9 Hill-Rom HRC .72f 1.0 25 71.64 46.79 366 70.07 +24.8 HillenInc HI .82 2.3 17 39.00 27.89 294 35.15 -8.3 HillmCT pf HLMp 2.90 8.6 ... 34.74 31.76 5 33.69 +4.1 HilltopH HTH ... ... 18 30.60 18.67 280 26.55 -10.9 HilGrVa n HGV ... ... ... 33.00 24.60 590 31.22 +20.1 Hilton HLT .15 ... 21 59.44 41.83 1720 56.86 HoeghLP HMLP 1.65 8.3 22 20.38 16.67 14 19.95 +5.0 HollyEngy HEP 2.43f 6.8 21 38.09 29.53 78 35.87 +11.9 HollyFront HFC 1.32 4.9 12 37.98 22.07 2892 26.94 -17.8 HomeDp HD 3.56f 2.4 23 150.15 119.20 2931 147.76 +10.2 Honda HMC .55e 1.9 ... 32.17 24.04 673 28.40 -2.7 HonwllIntl HON 2.66 2.2 19 127.52 105.25 1624 123.08 +6.2 Honwll wi HON/WI ... ... ... HooperH rs HH ... ... ... 2.70 .65 135 .90 +8.8 HorMan HMN 1.06 2.8 19 44.15 30.87 157 38.10 -11.0 HorizGbl n HZN ... ... 19 26.37 10.60 134 12.87 -46.4 HorizTFn19 HTF 1.84 7.2 ... 26.42 25.20 0 25.53 +.1 RecnCpSr ef USMR ... ... ... 26.02 24.34 26.02 +3.7 HorzSPCvC HSPX 2.52e 4.0 ... 47.97 41.85 2 47.13 +3.6 HorGKWld KLDW ... ... ...q 28.88 24.81 13 28.50 +8.1 HoizWear n WEAR ... ... ... Horz Saba n CEFS ... ... ... 21.06 19.83 10 20.28 +2.0 Hormel s HRL .68 2.0 21 40.54 33.18 1631 34.75 -.2 Hornbeck HOS ... ... ...dd 12.57 3.00 465 3.64 -49.6 HostHotls HST .80a 4.3 12 20.21 14.30 6602 18.61 -1.2 HoulihnL n HLI .80f 2.4 20 34.95 20.96 138 32.71 +5.1 HstnAEn HUSA ... ... ...dd .43 .16 205 .31 +74.2 HovnanE HOV ... ... 28 2.96 1.51 887 2.27 -16.8 HHughes HHC ... ... 22 123.99 101.03 153 122.00 +6.9 HuanPwr HNP 2.45e 9.0 ... 30.99 22.85 168 27.35 +5.0 Hubbell HUBB 2.80f 2.4 22 125.93 97.35 134 118.27 +1.3 HubSpot HUBS ... ... ...dd 66.10 41.63 211 62.40 +32.8 HudBayM g HBM .02 ... ...dd 9.15 3.57 633 6.10 +7.0 HudBay wt HBM/WS ... ... ... 1.04 .12 10 .34 -5.8 HudsPacP HPP 1.00f 2.8 28 36.75 26.79 544 35.28 +1.4 HugotnR HGT .10e 5.1 6 2.75 1.48 146 2.05 -4.7 Humana HUM 1.60f .8 24 220.49 150.00 1046 211.70 +3.8 HuntgUSEq HUSE 1.86e .6 ...q 40.92 35.78 9 37.41 +3.4 HuntgtnEco HECO .47e .2 ...q 46.00 34.95 1 37.54 +2.8 HuntgtnIng HII 2.40 1.2 19 220.68 142.17 354 199.29 +8.2 Huntsmn HUN .50 2.1 14 25.22 12.40 1924 23.67 +24.1 Hyatt H ... ... 41 58.05 44.30 506 54.51 -1.4 HysterYale HY 1.18 2.1 21 70.18 47.25 22 54.92 -13.9I -IAMGld g IAG ... ... 90 5.87 2.86 6508 4.48 +16.4 ICICI Bk IBN .16e 1.8 ... 8.89 6.30 4377 8.71 +16.3 IDT Cp IDT .76 5.1 ... 23.13 12.03 172 14.83 -20.0 IEC Elec IEC ... ... 16 5.64 3.21 10 3.70 +3.6 ING ING .14e 1.0 ... 15.80 9.26 3329 14.68 +4.1 ING 6.20 ISP 1.55 6.1 ... 26.52 23.65 30 25.53 +2.0 ING 6.125 ISG 1.53 6.0 ... 26.28 24.88 47 25.60 +2.4 ING 6.375 ISF 1.59 6.1 ... 26.79 24.79 48 25.95 +3.2 ION Geo rs IO ... ... ...dd 9.65 3.87 16 4.15 -30.8 iPInvVix IVOP ... ... ...q 40.59 36.45 38.31 +1.0 IQ HdgMult QAI .39e 1.3 ...q 29.45 28.37 130 28.94 +.9 IQ Hedge MCRO .34e 1.3 ...q 25.78 22.13 25.26 +2.6 IQ HdgLgS QLS ... ... ...q 20.15 18.69 20.15 +3.3 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 4 The Sun/Wednesday, April 19, 2017


IQ HdgEv QED ... ... ...q 20.55 19.43 20.42 +3.6 IQ HiYld n HYLV ... ... ... IQ CorePl n AGGP ... ... ... 21.21 19.51 3 20.00 +1.5 IQ CoreBd n AGGE ... ... ... 22.70 19.17 7 19.61 +.4 IQHdgMNt QMN .34e 1.3 ...q 26.61 24.70 0 25.19 +.3 IQ GTAA QGTA ... ... ...q 22.52 20.25 22.42 +3.8 IQ 50HJpn HFXJ ... ... ...q 19.50 15.86 18.50 -2.7 IQ 50HgEur HFXE ... ... ...q 18.43 15.76 0 18.18 +5.6 IQ 50HIntl HFXI ... ... ...q 20.16 16.12 22 19.05 +5.1 IQ RealRtn CPI .03e .1 ...q 27.42 25.51 3 27.30 +1.4 IQUSReSC ROOF 1.43e 5.2 ...q 28.94 24.69 17 27.75 +2.0 IQMrgArb MNA ... ... ...q 30.34 26.91 31 30.28 +3.3 IQ AustSC KROO .88e 5.5 ...q 17.47 13.41 1 16.08 +3.3 IQ AgriSC CROP .41e 1.3 ...q 33.33 28.94 2 32.26 +2.6 IQGblOilSC IOIL .29e 2.6 ...q 13.73 9.79 1 11.24 -9.6 IQ CdaSC CNDA .18e 1.0 ...q 18.49 15.32 17.41 +4.8 IQ GlbRes GRES .35e 1.3 ...q 26.73 23.31 29 26.13 +4.1 IRSA IRS ... ... ... 26.50 13.43 42 25.37 +37.6 iShGold IAU ... ... ...q 13.25 10.81 8300 12.41 +12.0 iShGSCI GSG ... ... ...q 16.26 13.56 143 15.02 -4.1 iSAstla EWA 1.23e 5.5 ...q 22.91 18.18 2741 22.26 +10.0 iSAstria EWO .25e 1.4 ...q 18.54 13.22 91 18.18 +10.0 iShBelg EWK .36e 1.9 ...q 19.10 16.37 85 18.70 +6.8 iShBrazil EWZ 1.03e 2.8 ...q 40.80 25.15 10905 37.28 +11.8 iShCanada EWC .60e 2.2 ...q 27.92 23.44 2776 26.80 +2.5 iShEMU EZU .95e 2.6 ...q 37.87 29.71 3751 37.00 +6.9 iSFrance EWQ .68e 2.6 ...q 26.59 21.00 2580 25.98 +5.3 iShGerm EWG .51e 1.8 ...q 28.91 22.51 2357 28.25 +6.7 iSh HK EWH .49e 2.2 ...q 22.69 18.50 2024 22.29 +14.4 iSh SKor EWY .66e 1.1 ...q 62.78 48.65 2279 59.56 +11.9 iShMexico EWW .93e 1.8 ...q 54.33 41.23 2229 51.55 +17.2 iShNeth EWN .40e 1.5 ...q 27.21 21.43 180 26.82 +11.0 iSPacxJpn EPP 2.08e 4.7 ...q 45.13 36.71 333 44.16 +11.6 iShSoAfr EZA 1.37e 2.4 ...q 61.26 46.65 313 57.27 +9.4 iShSpain EWP 1.62e 5.4 ...q 30.79 22.58 976 29.94 +12.9 iSSwedn EWD 1.40e 4.5 ...q 31.85 25.11 304 31.11 +8.3 iShSwitz EWL .80e 2.5 ...q 32.28 27.70 554 32.00 +8.6 iShFrntr100 FM 3.58e 2.6 ...q 29.03 23.90 87 28.71 +15.5 iShGlHiY bt GHYG 2.09e 4.3 ... 49.89 46.54 25 49.16 +1.4 iShxUSH bt HYXU .92e 1.9 ...q 51.51 44.75 3 47.40 +3.4 iShEMCBd bt CEMB 2.28 4.5 ...q 51.30 47.74 8 50.87 +2.6 iShEMkHY EMHY 3.98 7.9 ...q 50.98 47.33 123 50.42 +3.6 iShAsiaPDv DVYA 2.29e 4.8 ...q 49.06 40.10 2 47.96 +6.7 iShEmMDv DVYE 1.83e 4.6 ...q 40.59 30.82 31 39.62 +14.6 iShGblSilv SLVP .19e 1.6 ...q 17.10 9.55 64 12.09 +15.7 iShGblEnP FILL .46e 2.4 ...q 21.26 17.71 4 19.21 -5.5 iShGblAgri VEGI .55e 2.1 ...q 26.61 22.13 1 25.99 +4.1 iShMsciWld URTH 1.56e 2.0 ...q 79.43 65.57 10 77.26 +5.7 iShEMktSC EEMS 1.29e 2.8 ...q 46.68 38.67 16 45.88 +13.5 iShEMkBd LEMB .42e .9 ...q 46.35 41.68 25 45.79 +6.9 iShWldMnV ACWV 1.47e 1.9 ...q 78.24 71.80 149 77.54 +6.8 iSEMMnVol EEMV 1.42e 2.7 ...q 54.86 47.80 316 53.37 +9.1 iShJpnSC SCJ 1.23e 1.9 ...q 67.82 57.90 6 65.75 +6.8 iShThai THD 2.08e 2.7 ...q 79.14 65.27 97 78.41 +8.8 iShIsrael EIS 1.07e 2.1 ...q 52.39 44.45 21 50.42 +8.7 iShChile ECH .62e 1.4 ...q 45.48 34.14 191 44.91 +20.0 iShBRIC BKF .96e 2.7 ...q 36.96 28.27 32 35.91 +12.6 iShsUSA EUSA .67e 1.4 ...q 50.75 41.61 13 49.39 +4.4 iShTurkey TUR 1.10e 3.0 ...q 46.08 28.98 426 37.06 +14.1 iShSilver SLV ... ... ...q 19.71 14.85 11127 17.34 +14.8 iShS&P100 OEF 1.92e 1.8 ...q 106.85 88.37 417 103.86 +4.6 iShMrnLV JKF 2.46e 2.6 ...q 99.69 82.48 7 94.65 +.6 iShAcwiMV HACV ... ... ...q 27.28 25.52 27.28 +4.0 iShMrnLG JKE 1.20e .9 ...q 132.67 111.60 11 131.64 +8.8 iShMrnLC JKD 2.24e 1.6 ...q 143.66 116.19 13 140.84 +6.2 iShBrazSC EWZS .40e 2.9 ...q 14.74 8.30 28 13.75 +25.3 iShIntlPfd IPFF .96e 5.5 ...q 17.59 15.01 20 17.34 +10.2 iShSPTUS s ITOT ... ... ...q 55.08 45.14 585 53.58 +4.5 iShSTNtMu SUB .86 .8 ...q 106.67 104.44 57 105.77 +.7 iShAgcyBd AGZ 1.81 1.6 ...q 117.44 110.31 1314 113.76 +1.0 iShSelDiv DVY 2.59e 2.8 ...q 93.52 80.03 651 91.04 +2.8 iShTIPS TIP .43e .4 ...q 117.55 110.90 1575 115.21 +1.8 iShChinaLC FXI .76e 2.0 ...q 39.85 31.04 21102 37.80 +8.9 iShTransp IYT 1.70e 1.1 ...q 173.88 125.94 230 160.69 -1.3 iShChinaSC ECNS 1.28e 2.8 ...q 47.90 38.50 3 44.95 +9.6 iSCorSP500 IVV 4.38e 1.9 ...q 241.81 199.79 2620 235.35 +4.6 iSMornMC JKG 2.32e 1.4 ...q 170.02 141.07 14 165.78 +5.4 iShUSAgBd AGG 2.65e 2.3 ...q 113.27 107.06 2369 109.65 +1.5 iShEMkts EEM .84e 2.2 ...q 40.23 31.70 48824 39.05 +11.5 iShiBoxIG LQD 3.87 3.2 ...q 124.48 115.55 3178 119.61 +2.1 iSKokusai TOK 1.37e 2.4 ...q 58.51 49.05 3 57.90 +6.5 iShCorUSTr GOVT .33 1.3 ...q 26.45 24.72 725 25.36 +1.7 iSh2017Mu s IBMF .23 .8 ...q 27.64 27.07 12 27.24 +.2 iSGblTelcm IXP 2.14e 3.6 ...q 64.52 55.36 55 59.09 +.6 iShEMBd EMB 5.27e 4.6 ...q 118.14 107.74 1633 114.50 +3.9 iShGblTech IXN 1.11e .9 ...q 125.05 92.35 49 122.92 +11.9 iShAaa-ACp QLTA 1.51e 2.9 ...q 54.39 50.70 4 52.26 +1.8 iSMrnMCG JKH .59e .3 ...q 175.23 147.98 2 173.02 +6.8 iShIndones EIDO .38e 1.5 ...q 27.06 21.36 547 25.90 +7.3 iSSP500Gr IVW 2.03e 1.6 ...q 132.81 110.84 438 130.92 +7.5 iShNYMuni NYF 2.80 2.5 ...q 115.51 107.15 8 111.15 +2.1 iShGblHcre IXJ 2.72e 1.6 ...q 106.25 92.25 26 101.87 +7.4 iShGblFin IXG 1.34e 2.3 ...q 62.46 44.58 22 59.21 +2.5 iShUSAQlt QUAL 1.04e 1.4 ...q 74.29 62.64 281 72.27 +4.6 iSSPGlbEn IXC 1.05e 3.2 ...q 36.16 30.06 76 32.86 -5.6 iShCalMuni CMF 2.72 2.3 ...q 122.50 113.23 28 117.42 +1.7 iSh CMBS CMBS 1.00 1.9 ...q 53.70 50.05 16 51.66 +1.2 iShUSASize SIZE 1.26e 1.7 ...q 76.90 64.80 2 75.28 +4.8 iSGblInfra IGF 1.17e 2.7 ...q 42.79 37.33 220 42.65 +9.2 iShNANatR IGE .85e 2.5 ...q 37.62 30.65 318 33.83 -5.9 iSh JPXNik JPXN ... ... ... 56.98 51.22 1 55.42 +4.5 iShUSAVal VLUE 1.49e 2.1 ...q 75.57 58.20 104 71.97 +2.5 iShLatAm ILF .67e 2.1 ...q 33.05 23.34 1405 31.65 +14.8 iShUSAMo MTUM .81e 1.0 ...q 83.26 72.09 1460 82.61 +8.9 iShMrnMCV JKI 2.72e 1.9 ...q 152.61 119.16 7 145.95 +1.0 iShPhilpns EPHE .33e .9 ...q 40.48 30.43 158 35.86 +10.6 iSSP500Val IVE 2.14e 2.1 ...q 107.75 87.88 570 102.84 +1.4 iShNMuBd MUB 2.59 2.4 ...q 115.19 106.30 927 109.95 +1.6 iShUKSC bt EWUS 1.38e 3.6 ...q 40.37 30.40 4 38.10 +12.3 iSRTop200V IWX 1.17e 2.5 ...q 49.94 41.05 11 47.62 +1.3 iShIntlDev WPS 1.16e 3.2 ...q 38.99 33.12 4 36.46 +8.5 iShAsia50 AIA .79e 1.5 ...q 53.78 40.24 85 51.73 +11.9 iSh20 yrT TLT 3.05 2.4 ...q 143.62 116.49 10980 124.70 +4.7 iSRTop200G IWY .82e 1.3 ...q 62.05 51.37 82 61.32 +8.9 iSh7-10yTB IEF 1.96 1.8 ...q 113.91 103.43 1678 107.38 +2.4 iShRTop200 IWL 1.02e 1.9 ...q 54.91 45.54 4 53.54 +5.1 iShIntSelDv IDV 1.51e 4.5 ...q 31.66 26.40 718 31.11 +5.2 iSh1-3yTB SHY .52 .6 ...q 85.35 84.23 905 84.70 +.3 iS Eafe EFA 1.70e 2.8 ...q 62.65 51.93 20684 61.69 +6.9 iShGerSC bt EWGS .69e 1.5 ...q 46.71 37.97 2 46.59 +12.4 iSRusMCV IWS 1.59e 1.9 ...q 85.33 69.96 478 82.48 +2.5 iShCrLTBd ILTB 2.54 4.0 ...q 68.96 59.26 7 62.83 +3.6 iSRusMCG IWP 1.02e 1.0 ...q 104.76 88.29 161 102.61 +5.4 iShNorC bt ENOR .58e 2.6 ...q 23.45 18.33 8 21.91 +.8 iShRusMid IWR 2.85e 1.5 ...q 190.88 158.50 217 185.67 +3.8 iShMrnSC JKJ 1.78e 1.1 ...q 162.98 127.56 5 157.04 +.5 iShIreland EIRL .88e 1.6 ...q 41.63 33.37 13 40.37 +7.6 iSCorSPMid IJH 1.89e 1.1 ...q 175.72 140.39 1333 169.49 +2.5 iSh10yCBd CLY 2.67 4.4 ...q 64.42 57.15 56 60.64 +3.3 iShiBxHYB HYG 5.09 5.8 ...q 88.37 82.01 8809 87.46 +1.1 iShFinlC bt EFNL .51e 1.4 ...q 35.50 28.71 8 35.27 +7.2 iShSft IGV .12e .1 ...q 127.49 97.83 80 126.71 +16.4 iShDenC bt EDEN .81e 1.4 ...q 59.77 48.00 25 55.96 +9.7 iShNetw IGN .25e .6 ...q 47.91 32.98 9 43.99 +.8 iShNATch IGM .73e .5 ...q 139.36 104.31 14 137.38 +11.0 iShResRE REZ 2.01e 3.1 ...q 69.29 58.02 53 65.75 +6.0 iSh2019Mun IBMH .27 1.1 ...q 25.98 25.15 51 25.59 +1.0 iShC&SRE ICF 2.97e 2.9 ...q 112.45 93.02 172 103.13 +3.5 iShKLDSoc DSI 1.11e 1.3 ...q 88.11 73.22 17 86.31 +4.8 iShGbl100 IOO 2.03e 2.5 ...q 82.62 67.40 9 80.84 +5.4 iSh2018Mu IBMG .23 .9 ...q 25.72 25.29 40 25.50 +.4 iShConsSv IYC 1.50e .9 ...q 161.60 136.88 14 160.49 +6.3 iShMBS MBB 3.04e 2.3 ...q 110.26 105.04 1657 107.47 +1.1 iShGvCrBd GBF 2.86 2.5 ...q 118.69 111.23 16 114.24 +2.0 iShIndia bt INDA .24e .8 ...q 32.04 25.79 3270 31.19 +16.6 iSR1KVal IWD 2.41e 2.1 ...q 121.24 97.59 4499 113.69 +1.5 iSMrnSCG JKK .87e .6 ...q 155.13 126.40 1 149.68 +3.4 iShPoland EPOL .79e 3.6 ...q 22.80 16.02 168 21.99 +21.4 iSMCGth IJK 1.88e 1.0 ...q 194.97 158.83 57 189.50 +4.0 iShIntGvC GVI 1.99 1.8 ...q 114.00 109.01 86 111.04 +1.1 iSR1KGr IWF 1.45e 1.3 ...q 114.70 95.45 1822 113.21 +7.9 iSIndiaSC bt SMIN .10e .2 ...q 43.50 30.36 32 42.97 +31.5 iShCorUSCr CRED 4.20 3.8 ...q 115.00 107.85 70 111.20 +1.8 iSRus1K IWB 2.36e 1.8 ...q 133.82 110.84 837 130.25 +4.7 iSR2KVal IWN 1.98e 1.7 ...q 122.47 91.66 724 116.08 -2.4 iShIntCrBd CIU 3.09 2.8 ...q 111.85 107.44 749 109.85 +1.5 iSh1-3CrBd CSJ 1.52 1.4 ...q 106.12 104.50 326 105.38 +.4 iSR2KGr IWO 1.36e .9 ...q 163.50 128.24 233 159.29 +3.5 iSh10-20TB TLH 2.99 2.2 ...q 148.75 131.10 17 137.38 +3.3 iShFltRtB FLOT .32 .6 ...q 50.89 50.44 2036 50.85 +.2 iShR2K IWM 1.77e 1.3 ...q 140.86 107.99 21835 135.32 +.3 iSh3-7yTrB IEI 1.78 1.4 ...q 127.80 121.46 255 124.25 +1.4 iShCorHiDv HDV 2.90e 3.5 ...q 85.70 77.86 358 83.59 +1.6 iSCorUSVal s IUSV ... ... ...q 52.19 42.39 220 49.88 +1.5 iSCorUSGr s IUSG ... ... ...q 46.78 38.84 283 46.14 +7.5 iShChina MCHI 1.05e 2.1 ...q 51.26 39.24 925 49.66 +13.6 iShShtTrB SHV .03e ... ...q 110.46 110.23 438 110.28 iShUSPfd PFF 2.15a 5.5 ...q 40.34 36.70 2239 38.86 +4.4 iSEafeMnV EFAV 1.77e 2.7 ...q 68.72 60.63 592 66.45 +8.5 iSRus3K IWV 2.47e 1.8 ...q 142.61 117.47 171 138.71 +4.3 iSGblMatl MXI 1.54e 2.6 ...q 60.38 45.97 11 58.22 +6.2 iShUtils IDU 4.54e 3.5 ...q 132.34 113.89 84 130.15 +6.8 iSUSAMinV USMV .87e 1.8 ...q 48.41 43.45 1111 47 .85 +5.8 iSMrnSCV JKL 2.98e 2.1 ...q 149.77 115.00 9 142.35 -.3 iShMCVal IJJ 2.16e 1.5 ...q 152.99 120.67 104 146.37 +.8 iShGblUtil JXI 1.73e 3.6 ...q 49.81 42.85 8 48.46 +8.4 iShTelecm IYZ .68e 2.0 ...q 36.74 29.31 379 33.89 -1.8 iShTech IYW 1.20e .9 ...q 136.05 99.51 143 133.60 +11.1 iShGblIndl EXI 1.25e 1.6 ...q 81.05 65.42 10 80.08 +6.3 iShGblCStp KXI 2.09e 2.1 ...q 101.62 89.34 9 100.99 +9.7 iShREst IYR 2.76e 3.4 ...q 85.80 72.11 4956 80.98 +5.3 iSGblCnDis RXI 1.24e 1.3 ...q 96.77 80.26 7 95.84 +6.3 iSh0-5Tips STIP ... ... ...q 101.82 99.89 37 101.36 +.6 iShHmCnst ITB .09e .3 ...q 32.65 25.16 4051 32.43 +18.0 iShInds IYJ 1.65e 1.3 ...q 129.53 103.82 37 124.71 +3.4 iShAerosp ITA 1.31e .9 ...q 154.46 118.73 157 149.34 +6.3 iShHltcare IYH 3.01e 2.0 ...q 160.58 137.30 38 154.18 +7.0 iShFinSv IYG 1.21e 1.1 ...q 116.22 75.41 199 105.98 -.3 iShRegBks IAT .61e 1.4 ...q 49.24 30.04 273 43.08 -5.1 iShInsur IAK .82e 1.4 ...q 62.87 47.25 5 59.53 +.3 iShFincls IYF 1.45e 1.4 ...q 109.36 80.64 591 102.73 +1.3 iShBroker IAI .65e 1.3 ...q 53.97 33.93 27 49.43 -.1 iShUSEngy IYE 1.14e 3.0 ...q 43.31 35.60 671 37.82 -9.0 iShESGSel KLD 1.14e 1.2 ...q 99.26 81.96 44 97.53 +6.0 iShCrSPS s IJR ... ... ...q 70.98 54.61 2311 67.72 iShMedDev IHI 1.57e 1.0 ...q 152.73 127.11 108 150.09 +12.7 iShGlInfLk GTIP ... ... ... iShConsGd IYK 2.43e 2.0 ...q 121.06 107.85 17 119.38 +7.8 iShHltcPrv IHF .24e .2 ...q 137.75 111.40 8 133.94 +6.9 iShCorTInt IXUS 1.42e 2.6 ...q 55.30 45.70 464 54.53 +8.0 iShPharm IHE 3.11e 1.0 ...q 158.11 129.20 8 148.65 +5.1 iShBasM IYM 1.42e 1.6 ...q 90.40 72.44 77 87.33 +5.0 iShPeru EPU .34e 1.0 ...q 36.58 28.58 63 33.89 +3.3 iShCorEafe IEFA 1.55e 2.7 ...q 58.31 48.33 6044 57.50 +7.2 iShOilEq IEZ .86e 2.1 ...q 49.11 34.98 14 40.59 -10.7 iShDJ US IYY 2.01e 1.7 ...q 120.51 99.15 36 117.31 +4.7 iShO&GEx IEO 1.06e 1.8 ...q 70.34 52.72 54 59.51 -9.1 iShAggrAllo AOA .98e 2.0 ...q 50.18 43.77 82 49.61 +5.1 iShCrShUS s ISTB ... ... ... 51.04 49.69 162 50.28 +.6 iShEurope IEV 1.19e 2.9 ...q 42.13 34.52 604 41.46 +6.8 iShGroAllo AOR .81e 1.9 ...q 42.48 38.54 164 42.20 +4.0 iSRusMic IWC 1.08e 1.3 ...q 87.82 66.58 28 83.96 -2.2 iShModAllo AOM .71e 2.0 ...q 36.47 34.25 60 36.38 +3.3 iShMorMl bt IYLD 1.33e 5.0 ... 25.50 23.69 41 25.25 +3.9 iSMsciVal EFV 1.87e 3.8 ...q 50.76 39.87 158 49.40 +4.6 iSSCVal IJS 1.73e 1.3 ...q 144.90 109.93 159 135.77 -3.0 iShConsAllo AOK .64e 1.9 ...q 33.57 32.00 60 33.43 +2.8 iShEafeGr EFG 1.37e 2.0 ...q 69.91 61.05 111 69.51 +9.1 iShSCGrth IJT 1.41e .9 ...q 155.92 120.55 84 149.96 iShB3-18xF s IBCC ... ... ...q 25.03 24.58 16 24.65 iShiB3-20F s IBCD ... ... ...q 25.14 24.31 5 24.72 +.4 iShiB3-23x s IBCE ... ... ...q 25.77 23.90 2 24.59 +1.7 iShiB3-16 n IBDA ... ... ... iShBd3-18 s IBDB ... ... ...q 25.86 25.53 9 25.62 +.1 iShBd3-23 s IBDD ... ... ...q 28.39 25.88 3 26.67 +1.7 iShBd3-20 s IBDC ... ... ...q 26.70 25.90 8 26.22 +.5 iStar STAR ... ... 20 12.83 8.74 463 12.33 -.3 iStar pfD STARpD 2.00 8.0 ... 25.20 21.61 2 24.85 +1.5 iStar pfE STARpE 1.97 7.9 ... 24.92 21.00 4 24.80 +2.3 iStar pfF STARpF 1.95 8.0 ... 24.99 21.00 10 24.47 +.3 iStar pfG STARpG 1.91 7.8 ... 24.84 20.30 7 24.36 +.9 iStar pfI STARpI 1.87 7.8 ... 24.98 20.81 4 23.90 -.4 ITT Inc ITT .50 1.3 21 44.00 30.06 578 39.28 +1.8 iBio IBIO ... ... ...dd .80 .33 81 .41 +3.8sIdacorp IDA 2.20 2.6 22 85.45 69.83 189 85.36 +6.0 IDEX IEX 1.36f 1.5 25 96.24 77.93 303 93.53 +3.9 iGATE PTI ... ... ... 19.52 ITW ITW 2.60 2.0 23 136.03 98.32 1604 132.39 +8.1 Imax Corp IMAX ... ... 64 35.30 26.48 561 32.20 +2.5tImunC wt rs IMUC/WS ... ... ... 4.08 .38 2 .43 -39.3 ImunoCll rs IMUC ... ... ... 12.40 1.83 40 2.52 +22.9 ImpacMtg IMH ... ... 4 18.50 12.04 26 12.77 -8.9 ImpOil g IMO .60 ... 12 36.85 29.26 149 30.23 -13.0 IncOpR IOT ... ... 19 10.20 6.77 4 9.15 +25.3 IndCDrillg ICD ... ... ...dd 7.30 3.80 148 5.02 -25.1 IndepHld IHC .12f .7 16 21.23 15.05 3 18.20 -6.9 IndepRT IRT .72a 7.7 8 10.70 7.04 302 9.36 +4.9 IndiaFd IFN 1.82e 1.8 ...q 26.29 20.39 51 25.55 +19.4 IndiaGCap IGC ... ... ...dd .80 .19 169 .47 +66.1 IndoTel s TLK .67 ... ... 34.65 25.86 172 30.63 +5.0 IndBach IBA .87e 1.6 ... 56.10 45.32 11 53.69 +9.5 Infosys INFY .62e 4.3 15 19.76 13.42 6033 14.42 -2.8 InfrREIT n HIFR 1.00 5.5 17 19.50 14.59 277 18.16 +1.4 InfuSystem INFU ... ... ... 3.67 1.55 5 2.20 -13.7 IngerRd IR 1.60 2.0 18 83.99 59.10 1897 81.93 +9.2 Ingevity NGVT ... ... ... 62.80 24.50 163 59.40 +8.3 Ingredion INGR 2.00f 1.7 17 140.00 105.80 437 120.88 -3.3 InnovInd n IIPR ... ... ... 20.52 14.50 69 18.09 -.5 Innsuites IHT .01 .5 ...dd 3.09 1.58 1.97 -12.5 Inphi IPHI ... ... 20 51.78 25.89 391 45.02 +.9 InsightS n INSI ... ... ... 19.29 18.64 13 19.23 +1.7 Insperity NSP 1.00 1.1 25 90.55 51.39 93 88.05 +24.1 InspMD wt NSPR.WS ... ... ... .95 .11 .21 -67.4 InspMD rs NSPR ... ... ... 14.50 .60 108 .71 -71.8 InstlldBPd IBP ... ... 43 53.00 26.00 60 51.95 +25.8 InstFnMkts IFMI .08 6.7 6 1.65 .76 32 1.19 Instructre n INST ... ... ... 26.92 16.55 141 22.90 +17.1 IntegerHl ITGR ... ... ...dd 41.80 18.10 282 38.85 +31.9 Intellichk IDN ... ... ...dd 3.24 1.20 18 3.09 +12.4 IntellgSys INS ... ... ...dd 4.85 3.17 4 4.50 +6.1 Intelsat I ... ... ... 5.87 2.12 364 3.86 +44.6sInterXion INXN ... ... ... 40.40 32.21 437 40.24 +14.7 IntcntlExc s ICE 2.07e 3.4 11 61.98 47.62 1660 60.27 +6.8sIntCtlHtls IHG 1.28e 2.6 ... 49.34 34.63 126 49.25 +11.1 IBM IBM 5.60 3.3 13 182.79 142.50 4832 170.05 +2.4 IntFlav IFF 2.24 1.7 24 143.64 113.16 329 134.07 +13.8 IntlGmeT n IGT .80 3.6 ... 32.07 16.65 3975 22.22 -12.9 IntMktCt n IMC ... ... ... IntPap IP 1.85f 3.6 17 58.86 39.24 3109 51.45 -3.0 IntlSeaw n INSW ... ... ... 20.45 10.66 367 19.00 +35.3 IntTower g THM ... ... ...dd 1.40 .40 208 .57 +4.6 Interpublic IPG .72f 2.9 17 25.33 21.67 7274 24.90 +6.4 IntstP pfD IPLpD 1.28 4.9 ... 29.30 22.70 3 25.99 +6.7 inTestCorp INTT ... ... ... 6.85 3.48 25 6.10 +32.6 IntwstRsts SNOW ... ... 24 25.78 8.23 319 23.65 +32.5 IntPotash IPI ... ... ...dd 3.04 .85 808 1.82 -12.5 Intrexon XON ... ... 23 32.90 18.41 1084 19.33 -20.5 Inuvo INUV ... ... 26 2.31 1.00 30 1.30 -22.2 Invacare IVC .05 .4 ...dd 13.94 8.00 306 12.10 -7.3sInvenSense INVN ... ... ...dd 12.92 5.42 9981 12.93 +1.1 InvHiIn23 n IHIT ... ... ... 10.50 9.94 32 10.03 -2.0 InvAdvMu2 VKI .78 6.9 ...q 13.57 10.68 42 11.36 +1.6 Inv Bond VBF .83a 4.4 ...q 19.54 17.85 29 19.02 +2.9 InvCAVal VCV .79 6.3 ...q 14.83 11.78 80 12.53 +3.2 InvDynCrd VTA .90 7.4 ...q 12.59 10.68 343 12.14 -1.3 InvHiInc2 VLT 1.24 8.5 ...q 14.87 13.20 17 14.56 +2.2 Invsco iim IIM .84 5.6 ...q 17.92 14.16 105 14.99 +2.5 Invesco IVZ 1.12 3.7 13 33.46 23.02 3054 30.64 +1.0 InvMtgCap IVR 1.60 10.0 10 16.28 12.43 819 15.94 +9.2 InvMtg pfA IVRpA 1.94 7.6 ... 26.39 23.25 17 25.50 +4.8 InvMtg pfB IVRpB 1.94 7.6 ... 26.25 22.74 3 25.38 +5.4 Invsco oia OIA .39 5.1 ...q 8.30 6.91 55 7.69 +7.3 InvMuOpTr VMO .88 6.7 ...q 15.13 12.27 82 13.11 +2.9 InvMuniTr VKQ .82 6.4 ...q 14.34 11.89 58 12.67 +3.3 InvPAVal VPV .79 6.3 ...q 14.69 11.83 71 12.48 +2.6 Invsco iqi IQI .76 6.1 ...q 14.12 12.01 59 12.54 +1.1 InvSrInco VVR .31 6.8 ...q 4.77 4.03 296 4.62 -.4 InvTrIG VGM .88 6.7 ...q 14.99 12.34 97 13.18 +3.4 InvTrNY VTN .85 6.2 ...q 16.68 13.01 23 13.66 +2.9 InvTech ITG .28 1.5 43 21.62 15.04 108 19.26 -2.4 InvRlEst IRET .52 8.5 61 7.28 5.60 415 6.13 -14.0 InvRlEst pf IRETp ... ... ... InvRET pfB IRETpB 1.99 7.9 ... 26.54 24.96 3 25.33 -.2 Invitae n NVTA ... ... ...dd 11.88 5.76 150 10.39 +30.9 InvitHm n INVH ... ... ... 22.15 19.80 798 21.77 +8.9 iPBetaCmd BCM ... ... ...q 28.17 25.29 5 27.20 -.2 iPS&PWtd SBV ... ... ...q 21.95 20.06 21.92 iPBtaCocoa CHOC ... ... ...q 47.60 28.28 3 28.63 -10.3 iPBetaCoff CAFE ... ... ...q 17.80 12.56 14 14.01 +2.6 iPBetaCttn CTNN ... ... ...q 32.94 24.27 0 32.01 +9.4 iPBetaSug SGAR ... ... ...q 36.77 25.11 27.22 -12.5 iPBetaAlu FOIL ... ... ...q 27.05 21.92 26.51 +11.8 iPBetaCopp CUPM ... ... ...q 31.00 22.86 1 28.05 +1.1 iPBetaLead LEDD ... ... ...q 41.08 29.55 37.17 +6.2 iPBetaNick NINI ... ... ...q 19.83 14.58 11 15.65 -7.5 iPBetaCrOil OLEM ... ... ...q 18.17 13.76 0 16.22 -6.6 iPBetaNGs DCNG ... ... ...q 21.23 16.69 19.01 -6.4 iPBetaAgri DIRT ... ... ...q 37.53 31.09 31.46 -2.6 iPGrains WEET ... ... ...q 40.89 32.05 32.87 -1.7 iPBetaSfts GRWN ... ... ...q 28.87 22.41 1 24.88 +.3 iPBetaIMet HEVY ... ... ...q 28.71 24.35 27.05 iPBetaEgy ONG ... ... ...q 18.62 14.93 16.33 -12.3 iPBtaLvstk LSTK ... ... ...q 43.65 33.31 4 42.06 +6.9 iPBtaPrMt BLNG ... ... ...q 37.74 29.84 32.78 +8.7 iP LXR2K RTLA ... ... ...q 201.05 180.00 201.05 +11.7 iPathLong SFLA ... ... ... 236.94 188.76 214.83 +4.0 iPLgEEmM EMLB ... ... ...q 98.25 62.00 98.25 +58.5 IronMtn IRM 2.20 6.0 27 41.50 30.75 1364 36.54 +12.5 iShItaly rs EWI ... ... ...q 25.98 19.62 1143 24.66 +1.9 iShJapan rs EWJ ... ... ...q 52.38 44.60 5454 50.99 +4.4 iSMlasia rs EWM ... ... ...q 35.32 27.58 558 30.65 +9.2 iShSing rs EWS ... ... ...q 22.99 19.86 405 22.49 +12.8 iSTaiwn rs EWT ... ... ...q 33.92 24.70 3517 32.86 +11.9 iSh UK rs EWU ... ... ...q 33.13 27.60 3873 32.54 +6.0 iSh0-5IGCp SLQD .79 1.6 ...q 52.09 49.91 74 50.54 +.7 iShEnUSLCp IELG ... ... ... iShCmdOpT CMDT ... ... ...q 39.52 32.08 36.17 -1.2 iShCvBd ICVT .67e ... ...q 51.75 43.37 6 51.00 +4.9 iShCorEM IEMG 1.09e 2.3 ...q 48.74 38.86 7042 47.49 +11.9 iShEnhUSCp IESM ... ... ... iShColomC ICOL .43e 3.1 ...q 14.14 11.50 1 13.96 +7.9 iShFSIntSC ISCF .12p ... ...q 26.90 22.70 0 26.80 +11.7 iShFacSIntl INTF .17p ... ...q 25.26 20.95 116 25.03 +7.7 iShFS USA LRGF .19e ... ...q 28.62 22.96 54 27.74 +3.8 iShFSUsaSC SMLF .23e ... ...q 36.78 28.24 1 34.99 -1.2 iShEnhInSC IEIS ... ... ... iShFacSGbl ACWF .11p ... ...q 26.22 22.27 0 25.57 +6.1 iSh iBd23 n IBML ... ... ... 25.14 25.10 25.14 siShMgRE rs REM ... ... ...q 46.83 38.52 325 46.83 +11.3 iShExpoTc XT .14p ... ...q 29.78 22.88 91 29.40 +9.8 iSh0-5HYCp SHYG 2.38 5.0 ...q 48.04 45.27 306 47.64 +.6 iShsEnhLC IEIL ... ... ... iShDvlValu IVLU ... ... ...q 24.32 18.86 4 22.82 +3.2 iSh 3-10yr n IMTB ... ... ... 50.06 48.36 0 49.62 +1.8 iShSaudi KSA ... ... ... 25.84 19.81 4 25.07 -.7 iSh MinVl n SMMV ... ... ... 27.17 23.65 26.71 +2.8 iShIntDevM IMTM .30p ... ...q 27.44 23.88 1 26.81 +8.1 iShIntDevQ IQLT .55p ... ...q 26.58 23.16 2 26.39 +7.7 iShLwCarb CRBN .94p ... ...q 106.91 87.26 7 103.68 +7.2 iShShMBd bt NEAR .35 ... ...q iShDvlSize ISZE ... ... ...q 25.44 23.42 25.44 +8.6 iShCHdEM HEEM 1.26e 2.1 ... 23.13 19.57 10 22.65 +6.8 iShMsciChA CNYA ... ... ... 27.92 24.52 2 26.63 +7.8 iSh IntDvGr IGRO ... ... ... 53.12 45.50 7 52.05 +6.4 iShMultiTc TCHF ... ... ... 33.74 27.20 0 33.20 +10.0 iShMultInd INDF ... ... ... 29.96 25.42 1 28.82 +2.9 iShMultHl HCRF ... ... ... 28.04 24.50 27.33 +9.0 iShiB20Mun IBMI .24 ... ...q iShMultMat MATF ... ... ... 29.53 25.54 29.44 +5.9 iSh MultFin FNCF ... ... ... 32.47 24.11 0 30.44 +1.1 iShMultiEn ERGF ... ... ... 29.12 24.50 0 25.57 -9.0 iShIntHdHi HYGH 4.56 5.1 ...q 92.18 82.40 6 90.00 +.5 iShCHAust HAUD 1.81p ... ...q 24.31 21.16 0 23.97 +4.7 iShCTotBd s IUSB ... ... ...q 53.76 49.81 72 50.94 +1.3 iSh MultCnS CNSF ... ... ... 26.26 23.92 25.74 +6.0 iShCDivGr DGRO .65e 2.2 ...q 31.09 25.87 471 30.15 +4.3 iSh MulConD CNDF ... ... ... 27.72 24.30 27.40 +3.2 iSh MultUt UTLF ... ... ... 27.14 24.10 26.32 +4.1 iShCHEmu HEZU .64e 1.8 ...q 28.77 22.25 1794 28.07 +5.5 iShGblReit REET .94e 3.6 ...q 28.84 24.19 91 26.13 +3.5 iSh AdapJp DEWJ .18p ... ... 25.94 22.68 25.05 -3.4 iSh AdapC DEFA .48p ... ... 26.20 21.82 26.20 +6.6 iSh AdapEu DEZU .56p ... ... 25.88 20.92 25.87 +8.4 iShCoreInt IAGG ... ... ... 54.18 50.99 24 52.06 +.4 iShEurSC HEUS ... ... ...q 26.67 22.86 26.66 +9.8 iShCorePac IPAC 1.06e 2.0 ...q 53.31 44.91 668 52.16 +6.9 iShEurMV HEUV .98 4.1 ...q 25.92 21.60 23.76 +6.0 iShCHGer HEWG .68e 1.7 ...q 27.88 21.13 197 27.19 +5.2 iShIntHdCp LQDH 2.76 2.9 ...q 95.12 90.50 1 94.30 +.3 iShCHCda HEWC 1.41e 1.8 ...q 25.88 22.03 2 25.29 +1.2 iShJpMinV JPMV .70e 1.2 ...q 62.56 56.88 1 60.32 +6.0 iShEafeMV HEFV ... ... ...q 25.77 23.89 3 25.37 +3.2 iShEuMinV EUMV .67e 2.9 ...q 24.40 20.51 5 23.07 +8.7 iShCHNk400 HJPX .19p ... ...q 26.52 20.30 24.73 -5.8 iShCorEur IEUR 1.18e 2.7 ...q 44.18 36.31 221 43.71 +7.4 iShxJMinV AXJV .84p ... ...q 51.33 28.29 2 31.54 +8.6 iSh2022Mu IBMK .09e ... ...q 26.54 24.98 18 25.97 +2.5 iShYdOpBd BYLD .75 3.0 ...q 25.35 24.45 3 24.99 +1.4 iSh2021Mu IBMJ .07e ... ...q 26.27 24.92 45 25.73 +1.8 iSHgxUSHY HHYX .67e ... ...q 26.66 24.14 26.64 +2.0 iShRussia rs ERUS ... ... ...q 35.08 25.30 341 30.65 -8.6 iSCHeafe HEFA .70e 1.7 ...q 27.62 22.42 1598 26.93 +3.1 iShCHMex HEWW 1.41p ... ...q 24.01 19.99 21.00 +2.9 iShH10yCBd CLYH .31e ... ...q 25.26 23.59 1 24.81 -.3 iShCHSpain HEWP .31p ... ...q 22.98 16.72 7 22.31 +11.6 iShHEmBd EMBH .30e ... ...q 26.00 24.02 0 25.73 +2.2 iShCHItaly HEWI .55p ... ...q 19.59 13.45 2 15.14 +.2 iShShMMu MEAR .27e ... ...q 52.06 49.65 11 50.09 +.7 iSCHEafSC HSCZ .19p ... ...q 27.16 21.94 0 26.83 +5.1 iShUSFxBal INC 2.20e ... ...q 99.60 99.24 99.43 iShCHAcxUs HAWX 1.38e 4.4 ...q 26.63 20.80 10 24.04 +4.0 iShGbMM rs PICK ... ... ... 30.75 18.30 123 26.57 +3.2 iShCHAcwi HACW .94e 2.4 ...q 26.39 22.49 0 25.92 +4.4 iShGblGld rs RING ... ... ...q 26.78 15.48 61 20.16 +17.7 iShTrFRBd TFLO .07e .1 ...q 50.21 50.06 1 50.17 iShCH UK HEWU .24p ... ...q 26.21 21.60 25 23.05 +1.9 iSh ESG Sl ESGE ... ... ... 62.38 52.75 2 60.84 +12.1 iShCHSwitz HEWL 1.43e 2.4 ...q 25.53 22.04 1 25.16 +6.9 iShEMktMV HEMV ... ... ...q 25.42 23.26 1 24.31 +2.9 iShLqdty bt ICSH .25e .5 ...q 50.25 49.87 32 50.02 +.2 iShCHJpn HEWJ .74e .6 ...q 29.02 22.14 1908 27.01 -2.8 iShCHSoK HEWY .48p ... ...q 26.58 22.87 1 25.91 +6.6 iShFacEmg EMGF .13p ... ...q 41.16 32.45 3 40.12 +13.1 iSh iBd26 n IBDR ... ... ... 25.45 23.56 5 24.44 +2.2 iSiBd12-18 s IBDH .30 1.2 ...q 25.49 25.04 38 25.17 +.2 iSiBd12-16 s IBDF .13 .5 ...q 25.17 24.77 25.04 iSiBd12-20 s IBDL .62e 2.4 ...q 26.00 25.03 37 25.54 +1.2 iSiBd12-17 s IBDJ .22e ... ...q 25.15 24.80 15 24.83 -.2 iSiBd12-19 s IBDK .37e ... ...q 25.56 24.74 28 24.98 +.4 iSiBd12-23 s IBDO .56e ... ...q 25.99 24.33 34 25.19 +1.9 iSiBd12-22 s IBDN .55e ... ...q 26.00 24.43 45 25.16 +1.5 iSiBd12-25 s IBDQ .64e ... ...q 25.99 24.08 46 24.96 +2.5 iSiBd12-24 s IBDP .63e ... ...q 26.10 24.17 43 25.03 +2.2 iSiBd12-21 s IBDM .47e ... ...q 25.66 24.45 35 24.95 +1.0 IsoRay ISR ... ... ...dd 1.20 .48 57 .53 -8.6 IsraelChm ICL .27e 6.5 ... 5.02 3.52 144 4.18 +1.7 IssuerDir ISDR .20 1.7 38 11.85 5.27 5 11.65 +29.4 ItauCorpb ITCB 2.48e 17.3 ... 14.70 11.14 128 14.30 +15.0 ItauUnibH ITUB .32e 2.6 ... 13.65 7.91 7614 12.34 +20.2 IvyHiInOp IVH 1.50a 9.8 ...q 15.58 12.90 55 15.23 +3.1J -JAlexHld n JAX ... ... 21 11.00 8.35 16 10.05 -6.5 JJill n JILL ... ... ... 14.40 12.00 232 13.17 +1.7 JMP Grp JMP .36 6.1 12 7.00 4.97 54 5.88 -4.2 JMP Gp 23 JMPB 2.00 7.8 ... 25.87 23.60 1 25.63 +1.5 JMP Grp21 JMPC 1.81 7.1 ... 26.09 23.31 3 25.36 +1.0 JPMCh pfE JPMpE 1.58 5.7 ... 28.05 25.21 140 27.50 +5.9 JPMCh pfD JPMpD 1.38 5.3 ... 26.41 23.86 110 25.93 +5.4 JPMDvsRt JPGE .96e 1.8 ...q 54.71 48.24 5 54.14 +6.4 JPMIntEq JPIN 1.08e 2.0 ...q 53.28 46.27 92 52.79 +7.9 JPMDvREm JPEM 1.31p ... ...q 52.09 41.30 9 50.78 +9.7 JPM DREq JPUS .26p ... ...q 63.69 54.60 56 62.84 +6.1 JPM DivInt JPIH ... ... ... 27.74 24.50 4 27.26 +4.0 JPMDsfEu JPEU ... ... ... 53.21 46.48 0 52.71 +8.0 JPM DivEu JPEH ... ... ... 26.72 24.74 25.07 -5.8 JPM DivAlt JPHF ... ... ... 30.69 25.00 7 25.95 +1.1sJPM GlB n JPGB ... ... ... 50.23 50.10 1 50.34 +.3 JPM Disc n JPHY ... ... ... 52.12 49.82 1 51.15 +.9 JPM USMid JPME ... ... ... 58.00 50.50 30 57.23 +5.7 JPMorgCh JPM 1.92 2.3 14 93.98 57.05 13957 85.16 -1.3 JPMCh wt JPM/WS ... ... ... 52.40 16.40 13 44.01 -.6 JPMCh pfA JPMpA 1.36 5.3 ... 26.86 23.90 66 25.83 +4.8 JPMCh pfB JPMpB 1.68 6.1 ... 29.22 25.80 26 27.63 +2.8 JPMAlerian AMJ 2.29 7.2 ...q 34.41 28.55 704 32.01 +1.3 JPMCh pfY JPMpF 1.53 5.6 ... 27.94 25.00 114 27.22 +7.4 JPMCh pfG JPMpG 1.52 5.6 ... 27.89 24.80 139 27.19 +7.2 JPM FTLgC JFT ... ... ...q 42.00 JPMCh pfH JPMpH 1.54 5.6 ... 28.14 25.18 154 27.26 +6.5 JPM China JFC .97e 1.9 ...q 18.65 13.86 44 18.24 +17.1 JRJR Ntw JRJR ... ... ...dd 1.29 .38 180 .50 -32.9 Jabil JBL .32 1.1 20 29.27 16.78 946 28.66 +21.1 JacobsEng JEC .15p ... 19 63.42 43.34 679 53.64 -5.9 JaggedPk n JAG ... ... ... 15.08 11.67 228 12.35 -14.8 JHardie s JHX .39e 2.5 73 17.30 13.68 7 15.84 -.4 JanTailRsk TRSK .24e .8 ...q 29.58 25.98 0 28.93 +4.3 AlpVSVolLC SPXH .51e 1.6 ...q 33.34 27.50 7 32.49 +6.1 JanusCap JNS .44 3.3 16 16.62 11.96 2568 13.17 -.8 JpnSmCap JOF .13e 1.2 ...q 10.94 9.43 7 10.71 +10.1 Jarden JAH ... ... 53 58.97 JeldWen n JELD ... ... ... 33.42 25.60 310 32.34 +24.1sJernignC n JCAP 1.40 6.0 12 23.34 10.10 74 23.40 +11.2 JinkoSolar JKS ... ... 4 24.04 12.72 598 17.53 +15.1 JBeanTch JBT .40 .5 41 93.55 51.20 133 86.65 +.8 JHMultLgC JHML .10p ... ...q 31.29 25.69 165 30.56 +5.1 JH MultMdC JHMM .08p ... ...q 33.00 24.99 84 30.14 +5.0 JH MultCns JHMC .07p ... ...q 27.69 23.73 2 27.35 +5.2 JH MultFin JHMF .08p ... ...q 33.34 22.86 2 30.88 +.8 JH MultHltC JHMH .05p ... ...q 33.88 24.50 4 27.75 +7.4 JH MultTch JHMT .09p ... ...q 34.63 25.31 2 34.08 +10.8 JH MultEn JHME ... ... ... 31.57 25.37 1 28.03 -7.7 JH MultMat JHMA ... ... ... 31.46 25.60 30.21 +5.0 JH MultDev JHMD ... ... ... 26.93 24.73 1 26.43 +6.1 JH MultUt JHMU ... ... ... 27.60 23.92 27.27 +8.0 JH MulCnSt JHMS ... ... ... 28.33 24.31 1 26.50 +5.7 JH MultInd JHMI ... ... ... 30.75 24.83 0 29.47 +3.4 JH HedgEq HEQ 1.50 9.0 ...q 17.00 14.27 23 16.69 +6.2 JH TxAdY HTY 1.28 14.0 ...q 11.37 8.47 36 9.16 -5.9 JohnJn JNJ 3.20 2.6 18 129.00 109.32 13082 121.82 +5.7 JohnContl n JCI 1.08e 2.6 28 46.17 34.76 3668 41.35 +.4tJonesEngy JONE ... ... ...dd 4.91 2.20 1328 2.05 -55.4 JonesLL JLL .62f .6 13 125.31 86.62 224 106.59 +5.5 Jumei Intl JMEI ... ... 19 6.40 3.45 264 3.69 -26.3 JnprNtwk JNPR .40 1.4 16 29.21 21.18 6477 27.70 -2.0 Jupai n JP .08p ... 9 9.87 7.49 32 8.91 +2.3 JustEngy g JE .41 ... 41 6.77 4.86 84 6.17 +13.0sJustEn pfA JEpA ... ... ... 25.96 24.05 29 25.96 +4.1K -K12 LRN ... ... 61 20.67 9.79 196 19.37 +12.9 KAR Auct KAR 1.28 3.0 22 47.03 35.68 840 42.75 +.3 KB FnclGp KB ... ... ... 46.04 26.45 200 43.17 +22.3sKB Home KBH .10 .5 18 20.63 12.38 2072 20.68 +30.8 KBR Inc KBR .32 2.1 ...dd 17.95 12.08 1659 14.93 -10.5 KCAPFn 19 KAP 1.84 7.2 ... 25.96 24.67 25.44 -.3 KCG Hldg KCG ... ... 6 18.71 12.21 391 17.75 +34.0 KKR KKR 1.31e 7.7 9 18.52 11.63 2212 17.04 +10.7 KKR pfA KKR.PRA ... ... ... 27.63 25.12 57 26.05 +3.0 KKR pf B KKRpB 1.63 ... ... KKR Fn 42 KFI 1.78 7.0 ... 27.95 24.93 25.47 +.4 KKRFn pfS KFNp 1.84 7.1 ... 27.72 25.35 34 25.79 -.7 KKR Inco KIO 1.50a 8.7 ...q 17.24 14.49 52 17.21 +7.4 KMG Chm KMG .12 .3 24 46.80 20.85 51 43.89 +12.9 KT Corp KT ... ... ... 17.24 13.23 992 16.25 +15.3 Kadant KAI .84f 1.4 19 64.75 45.06 28 58.70 -4.1tKadmon n KDMN ... ... ... 10.48 2.50 292 2.50 -53.3 Kaman KAMN .80f 1.7 19 53.41 40.43 89 46.35 -5.3 KCSo pf KSUp 1.00 3.7 ... 31.10 25.45 0 27.10 -5.3 KC Southn KSU 1.32 1.5 20 100.69 79.05 1437 89.58 +5.6 KapStoneP KS .40 1.8 20 24.98 12.14 1171 22.73 +3.1 KateSpade KATE ... ... 17 26.46 14.02 11317 18.16 -2.7 KaynAEnD KED 1.60m 8.4 ...dd 20.47 16.53 30 19.00 -2.2 KA EngTR KYE 1.32m 10.7 ...q 13.05 8.87 97 12.33 +4.4 KA MLP KYN 2.20 10.8 ...q 22.15 16.20 259 20.37 +4.0 KAMLP pfF KYNpF .88 3.4 ... 26.01 25.06 2 25.41 +.4 KAMidsEn KMF 1.80m 11.2 ...q 17.04 11.76 72 16.04 +.9 KeanGrp n FRAC ... ... ... 22.93 13.68 1225 14.81 -31.6 Kellogg K 2.08 2.9 18 87.16 70.74 1814 72.98 -1.0 KelsoTch g KIQ .03f 4.0 ... 1.44 .70 10 .75 -22.0 Kemet KEM ... ... 33 12.65 2.16 288 11.23 +69.4 Kemper KMPR .96 2.4 45.95 29.62 102 39.80 -10.2 Kemper 54 KMPA 1.84 6.8 ... 28.60 25.20 2 27.21 +4.1 Kennamtl KMT .80 2.1 31 40.21 20.40 852 37.48 +19.9 KennWil 42 KWN 1.68 6.5 ... 27.70 24.98 1 26.00 +1.5 KennWils KW .68f 3.1 21 23.77 17.29 258 21.80 +6.3 KenonHld n KEN ... ... ... 13.26 8.75 1 11.41 -2.0 KeyEngy KEG ... ... ... 38.00 21.01 41 23.20 -27.4 Keycorp KEY .34 2.0 17 19.53 10.21 10415 17.20 -5.9 Keycorp pfI KEYpI ... ... ... 28.32 25.60 79 27.60 +5.5 Keysight KEYS ... ... 15 39.36 25.49 735 35.77 -2.2 KilroyR KRC 1.50 2.0 16 78.33 59.90 299 74.59 +1.9 Kilroy pfH KRCpH 1.59 6.2 ... 26.29 24.55 13 25.57 +2.2 KimbRoy n KRP ... ... ... 20.89 18.06 9 19.39 -6.1 KimbClk KMB 3.88f 2.9 22 138.87 111.30 1948 133.91 +17.3 Kimco KIM 1.02 4.5 19 32.24 21.43 3066 22.72 -9.7 Kimco pfI KIMpI 1.50 6.0 ... 26.71 24.01 7 25.19 +3.4 Kimco pfJ KIMpJ 1.38 5.5 ... 26.69 22.61 14 25.14 +7.6 Kimco pfK KIMpK 1.41 5.6 ... 26.85 22.56 8 25.25 +7.8 KindMorg KMI .50 2.4 68 23.36 16.63 14756 21.16 +2.2tKindrM wt KMI/WS ... ... ... .04 .00 2281 .00 -66.7 KindM pfA KMIpA ... ... ... 51.40 43.21 100 47.93 -1.5 KindredHlt KND .48 6.2 9 15.66 5.65 1193 7.80 -.6 Kingsway KFS ... ... ...dd 6.50 4.27 10 5.65 -9.6 Kinross g KGC ... ... 77 5.82 2.88 9001 3.85 +23.8 KirbyCp KEX ... ... 22 73.40 50.80 342 67.40 +1.4 KiteRlty pf KRGp 2.06 8.2 ... 25.03 KiteRlty KRG 1.21 5.5 7 30.45 19.91 1101 22.01 -6.3 KlondexM g KLDX ... ... ... 6.03 3.10 1173 3.66 -21.6 KnightTr KNX .24 .8 24 38.80 24.50 1789 31.75 -3.9 Knoll Inc KNL .60 2.5 14 28.40 20.37 658 24.01 -14.0 KnotOffsh KNOP 2.08 9.1 ... 24.68 16.56 47 22.75 -3.6 Knowles KN ... ... 25 19.82 12.06 806 19.07 +14.1 Kohls KSS 2.20f 5.7 13 59.67 33.87 2608 38.83 -21.4 Koppers KOP 1.00 2.5 18 45.85 23.61 164 40.25 -.1 KoreaElc KEP ... ... ... 28.37 17.36 520 19.60 +6.1 KoreaEqt KEF .30e 1.4 ...q 8.89 7.22 65 8.58 +15.8sKoreaFd KF 4.50e ... ...q 37.30 30.24 55 37.43 +17.4 KornFer KFY .40 1.3 14 32.52 18.57 290 31.04 +5.5 KosmosEn KOS ... ... ...dd 7.39 4.39 2014 5.86 -16.4 KrNwChin s KFYP ... ... ...q 35.33 25.35 0 33.32 +15.0 KranChinA KBA 9.93e ... ...q 30.55 26.55 47 28.53 +6.7 KraneChCm KCNY .22e .7 ...q 34.14 31.88 0 32.71 +2.4 KranShFtse KEMP ... ... ...q 23.07 20.42 22.82 +11.5 KratonCp KRA ... ... 23 37.50 21.64 298 31.30 +9.9 Kroger s KR .48 1.6 14 37.97 28.29 5839 29.82 -13.6 KronosWw KRO .60 3.7 43 16.77 4.70 651 16.08 +34.7 Kyocera KYO ... ... ... 61.50 46.36 8 54.51 +9.5L -L Brands LB 2.40f 5.0 12 80.20 43.04 2045 47.77 -27.4 L-3 Tch LLL 2.80f 1.7 21 171.24 123.13 438 166.11 +9.2 LCI Inds LCII 2.00e ... 20 117.15 62.49 147 93.45 -13.3 LG Display LPL ... ... ... 14.36 9.84 359 13.45 +4.7 LGL Grp LGL ... ... 19 5.83 3.05 6 5.10 +1.6 LMP CapIn SCD 1.24f 8.7 ...q 14.55 12.16 60 14.25 +7.2 LSB Inds LXU ... ... ...dd 15.50 4.52 529 7.34 -12.8 LSC Com LKSD .25p ... ... 37.40 17.00 225 24.82 -16.4 LTC Prp LTC 2.28f 4.6 16 54.20 43.17 281 49.31 +5.0 LaQuinta LQ ... ... 27 15.05 9.73 580 13.61 -4.2 LaZBoy LZB .44 1.6 17 32.90 22.09 266 27.00 -13.0 LabCp LH ... ... 18 145.64 119.51 496 142.19 +10.8 LadderCap LADR 1.20 8.0 10 15.53 11.29 294 14.96 +9.0 LadThalFn LTS ... ... ...dd 2.87 1.63 178 2.56 +4.9 LadTh pfA LTSpA 2.00 8.0 ... 25.20 22.45 10 25.10 +4.8 LambWst n LW .75 1.8 ... 43.48 28.75 784 42.38 +12.0 Landauer LDR 1.10 2.2 32 55.80 34.09 24 48.90 +1.7 Lannett LCI ... ... 7 39.99 16.75 885 24.35 +10.4 LaredoPet LPI ... ... 29 16.47 9.20 5278 14.05 -.6 LVSands LVS 2.92f 5.1 26 63.38 41.45 3154 56.87 +6.5 LaSalleH LHO 1.80 6.2 12 31.87 21.56 1270 29.03 -4.7 LaSalH pfH LHOpH 1.88 7.4 ... 26.11 25.01 25.33 +1.1 LaSalH pfI LHOpI 1.59 6.2 ... 26.93 23.75 4 25.64 +6.4 LaSalHt pfJ LHOpJ 1.58 6.2 ... 27.24 23.21 7 25.25 +8.5 Latam Air LFL ... ... ... 13.72 5.81 458 13.48 +64.8 LatAmDisc LDF .03e .3 ...q 10.94 8.35 9 10.77 +15.9 LattDvMkt RODM .62e 2.4 ...q 25.71 22.09 13 25.54 +6.9 LattEmMkt ROAM .43e 1.9 ...q 23.14 19.49 4 22.65 +10.1 Latt RE n RORE ... ... ... 16.26 13.88 0 15.58 +4.2 LattUSEqt ROUS .39e ... ...q 27.57 22.51 7 26.42 +2.0 LattGblSC ROGS .57e 2.1 ...q 27.81 23.11 0 27.32 +5.4 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 5 The Sun/Wednesday, April 19, 2017


LazGlobTR LGI .95 6.3 ...q 15.13 12.30 23 15.02 +9.3 Lazard LAZ 1.52 3.4 6 47.09 26.21 627 45.09 +9.7 LazWldDiv LOR .69 6.5 ...q 10.84 8.54 23 10.53 +6.3 LeafGrp LFGR ... ... ...dd 8.35 5.10 22 8.20 +25.2 LearCorp LEA 2.00f 1.5 11 149.00 97.35 703 134.29 +1.5 Lee Ent LEE ... ... 8 3.92 1.74 334 2.65 -8.6 LeggMason LM 1.28f 3.4 39 38.99 27.54 801 37.29 +24.7 LegMas56 n LMHA ... ... ... 27.87 23.51 29 26.24 +4.5 LegM 5,4 56 LMHB ... ... ... 25.38 20.81 124 23.80 +10.1 LMGblInco BWG 1.32a 10.1 ...q 14.11 11.36 75 13.10 +10.7sLM IntLoV LVHI ... ... ... 27.52 23.96 33 27.28 +5.1 LM EM LoV LVHE ... ... ... 28.60 25.18 1 27.15 +5.4 LeggPlat LEG 1.36 2.7 21 54.63 44.02 991 51.10 +4.5 LeGS3.5s34 JBK 1.59 6.6 ... 24.93 20.44 24.11 +9.3 LehTOY21 XKE .78 9.7 ... 9.16 6.51 0 8.00 -4.7 LeidosHld LDOS 1.28a 2.5 14 54.97 33.23 539 51.36 +.4 LejuHldgs LEJU .20e ... 15 5.47 2.97 137 3.12 -35.0 LendingClb LC ... ... ...dd 8.41 3.44 9132 5.65 +7.6 LennarA LEN .16 .3 14 53.79 39.68 1777 52.43 +22.1sLennarB LEN/B .16 .4 ... 43.65 32.09 11 43.59 +26.3 Lennox LII 1.72 1.0 24 172.96 131.90 158 167.11 +9.1 LeucNatl LUK .25 1.0 27.34 15.48 3079 25.21 +8.4 Level3 LVLT ... ... 33 60.13 44.01 2022 59.48 +5.5 LexRltyTr LXP .70 6.7 13 11.42 8.66 1228 10.48 -3.0 LexRT pfC LXPpC 3.25 6.4 ... 53.85 49.01 7 50.80 +1.8 Libbey LBY .47f 3.4 11 20.76 13.05 63 14.00 -28.1 LbtyASE USA .52e 9.5 ...q 5.54 4.76 1344 5.47 +6.0 LbtyASG ASG .38e 8.3 ...q 4.63 3.88 193 4.58 +9.6 LibtProp LPT 1.60m 3.9 19 42.26 33.89 684 40.82 +3.3 LifeStorg LSI 3.80 4.3 20 116.22 77.00 319 87.63 +2.8 LightInBox LITB ... ... ...dd 3.59 2.40 19 2.87 -3.3 LincNat LNC 1.16 1.8 10 73.31 35.27 1547 63.31 -4.5 LincNtl wt LNC/WS ... ... ... 69.23 27.00 0 58.71 -3.8 Lindsay LNN 1.16 1.4 64 89.98 65.78 60 85.18 +14.2 LineCp n LN ... ... ... 51.48 30.90 103 36.67 +7.8 LionsGat A LGF/A ... ... ... 29.03 24.27 301 25.80 -4.1 LionsGat B LGF/B ... ... ... 27.14 22.72 294 23.63 -3.7 LiqTech LIQT ... ... ...dd .99 .31 357 .39 -39.5 LithiaMot LAD 1.00 1.2 11 105.32 68.70 563 83.94 -13.3 LiveNatn LYV ... ... ...dd 31.44 21.21 624 30.84 +15.9 LloydBkg LYG .47a 14.6 ... 4.42 2.47 4688 3.25 +4.8 LoanCore n LCRT ... ... ... LoanDpt n LDI ... ... ... LockhdM LMT 7.28 2.7 21 274.57 225.34 760 268.78 +7.5 Loews L .25 .5 21 48.05 38.17 979 46.16 -1.4 LaPac LPX ... ... 27 26.31 15.74 1747 25.50 +34.7 Lowes LOW 1.40 1.7 20 84.00 64.87 2998 82.13 +15.5 Lubys LUB ... ... ...dd 5.10 3.04 43 3.14 -26.6 LumberLiq LL ... ... ...dd 23.76 11.07 1590 22.84 +45.1 LuxferHld LXFR .50 4.5 ... 13.60 9.28 58 11.06 +1.6 Luxoft LXFT ... ... 29 66.18 46.58 94 61.15 +8.8 Luxottica LUX .78e 1.4 ... 57.17 44.85 36 54.63 +1.7 Lydall LDL ... ... 19 64.85 33.21 94 48.85 -21.0 LyonBas A LYB 3.40 4.0 10 97.64 69.82 2709 85.84 +.1M -M&T Bk MTB 3.00f 2.0 18 173.72 108.04 1244 151.85 -2.9 M&T Bk wt MTB/WS ... ... ... 99.00 35.27 77.75 -6.3 M&TBk pfA MTBp 63.75 6.1 ... 1095.55 1015.00 1039.98 -5.1 M&TBk pfC MTBpC 63.75 6.0 ... 1215.01 1000.00 1055.00 -.2 MAG Slv g MAG ... ... ...dd 18.12 9.50 482 13.22 +19.9 MBIA MBI ... ... ...dd 11.65 6.34 822 8.72 -18.5sMDC MDC 1.00 3.2 15 31.24 20.51 1017 31.08 +21.1 MDU Res MDU .77 2.8 23 29.92 19.28 628 27.27 -5.2sMFA Fncl MFA .80 9.8 11 8.20 6.69 1219 8.18 +7.2 MFA Fn42 MFO 2.00 7.9 ... 27.87 24.80 35 25.17 -2.1 MFA pfB MFApB 1.88 7.4 ... 26.09 23.36 3 25.34 +4.6 MFC Bcp MFCB ... ... ...dd 2.43 1.43 56 1.56 -20.0 MFS CAMu CCA .60 5.2 ...q 14.99 11.05 2 11.62 +3.2 MCR MCR .72a 8.4 ...q 8.75 8.08 116 8.61 +1.1 MGF MGF .41 8.2 ...q 5.51 4.84 51 4.97 -1.4 MFS HInM CXE .30 5.9 ...q 5.59 4.70 111 5.06 +3.3 MFS HYMu CMU .28 6.0 ...q 5.19 4.27 24 4.59 +3.8 MFS IHI CIF .25 9.3 ...q 2.73 2.38 76 2.66 +3.1 MIN MIN .42 9.8 ...q 4.69 4.21 314 4.30 -3.2 MFS InvG CXH .50 5.1 ...q 10.77 9.09 24 9.88 +5.4 MMT MMT .52 8.5 ...q 6.29 5.62 155 6.09 +.5 MFM MFM .38 5.4 ...q 7.63 6.51 70 7.06 +6.5 MFV MFV .58 9.9 ...q 5.99 5.22 39 5.84 +4.8 MGIC Inv MTG ... ... 12 11.35 5.36 3522 10.95 +7.5sMGMGrPr n MGP .65 ... ... 28.33 21.77 317 28.41 +12.2 MGM Rsts MGM .39p ... 24 30.62 21.12 9268 27.75 -3.7 MI Homes MHO ... ... 13 26.70 17.00 146 25.34 +.6 MI Hm pfA MHOpA ... ... ... 26.05 24.03 4 25.66 +.4 MPG pfA MPGpA ... ... ... 25.85 MPLX LP MPLX 2.06f 5.6 ...dd 39.43 29.33 497 36.60 +5.7 MRC Glbl MRC ... ... ...dd 22.52 11.50 496 18.14 -10.5 MSA Safety MSA 1.28 1.9 26 74.64 46.20 142 68.51 -1.2 MSC Ind MSM 1.80 2.1 22 105.70 67.74 1479 85.98 -6.9 MSCI Inc MSCI 1.12 1.1 34 109.29 71.51 288 97.70 +24.0 MSG Netw MSGN ... ... 11 24.90 14.73 568 24.15 +12.3 MV OilTr MVO .64e 9.1 6 7.35 4.96 41 7.02 +12.7 MVC Cap MVC .54a 6.1 ...q 9.01 7.12 31 8.86 +3.3 MVCCap 23 MVCB 1.81 7.1 ... 26.00 23.99 1 25.48 +1.2 MacQUtlDv MFD 1.20 9.5 ...q 13.34 10.81 27 12.62 +10.7 MacQGInf MGU 1.48 6.4 ...q 23.41 18.33 40 23.29 +18.0 Macerich MAC 2.84 4.3 20 94.51 62.14 921 66.45 -6.2 MackCali CLI .60 2.1 13 29.70 24.30 678 28.34 -1.8 Macquarie MIC 5.24f 6.6 41 85.45 67.32 496 79.08 -3.2 Macys M 1.51 5.3 10 45.41 27.72 3355 28.71 -19.8 MadCvCall MCN .72 8.9 ...q 8.21 7.28 29 8.05 +4.5 MadSqGd n MSG ... ... ...dd 206.60 156.01 193 198.76 +15.9 MadStSec MSP 1.04 8.7 ...q 12.42 11.09 5 12.01 +1.0 MagellMid MMP 3.42f 4.5 22 81.77 64.25 343 76.81 +1.6 Magna g s MGA 1.10f 2.8 8 47.21 32.76 1716 39.58 -8.8 MagnaChip MX ... ... ...dd 9.70 4.71 361 8.30 +33.9 Maiden prA MHpA 2.06 8.0 ... 26.90 25.22 10 25.60 -.9 Maiden pfC MHpC 1.78 7.0 ... 27.08 24.40 79 25.27 -2.1 MaidenHld n MHLA .60 2.3 ... 28.60 24.34 11 25.57 +.9 MaidHld42 MHNB 2.00 7.9 ... 26.83 24.83 9 25.43 +.1 MaidHld 43 MHNC 1.94 7.5 ... 27.80 24.51 12 25.93 -4.0 MainStCap MAIN 2.22a 5.7 19 39.06 30.57 259 38.84 +5.6 MainStC 23 MSCA 1.53 5.8 ... 26.93 25.42 6 26.22 +1.9 MainSDTMu MMD 1.18 6.1 ...q 20.99 17.96 46 19.41 +6.1 Majesco n MJCO ... ... ... 6.50 4.50 5 5.37 -11.7 Mallinckdt MNK ... ... ... 85.83 41.57 1082 43.85 -12.0 MgdDInvG MZF .74 5.5 ...q 15.03 12.75 13 13.45 +2.5 ManchUtd MANU .36 2.2 ... 17.83 14.10 10 16.50 +15.8 Manitowoc MTW .08 1.5 ...dd 7.57 3.65 1902 5.44 -9.0 ManngNap MN .32m 5.9 19 10.34 5.20 226 5.45 -27.8 ManpwrGp MAN 1.72 1.7 16 103.90 57.26 608 100.29 +12.9 Manulife g MFC .74 4.3 ... 19.52 12.55 3979 17.08 -4.2 MarathnO MRO .20 1.3 ...dd 19.28 11.28 13759 15.74 -9.1 MarathPt s MPC 1.44 2.9 10 54.59 32.02 3465 48.94 -2.8 MarcusMill MMI ... ... 15 30.31 22.93 137 24.75 -7.4 Marcus MCS .50f 1.6 23 32.60 18.57 49 31.25 -.8 MarinSoft MRIN ... ... ...dd 3.07 1.45 38 1.75 -25.5 MarineP MPX .28f 2.5 27 14.87 7.61 12 11.06 -20.3 MarineMx HZO ... ... 22 23.50 15.10 141 21.25 +9.8 Markel MKL ... ... 31 992.00 811.05 26 968.16 +7.0 MarriotVac VAC 1.40 1.4 21 101.67 56.33 195 99.42 +17.2 MarshM MMC 1.36 1.9 22 75.52 60.04 1080 72.62 +7.4 MartMM MLM 1.68 .8 32 243.98 165.27 306 210.73 -4.9 Masco MAS .40 1.2 22 37.38 29.11 2997 33.38 +5.6 Masonite g DOOR ... ... 81.95 55.60 98 78.35 +19.1 MastThera MSTX ... ... ...dd .71 .07 4516 .13 +50.6sMastec MTZ ... ... 36 42.35 20.38 721 42.35 +10.7 MastechD MHH ... ... 8 8.35 5.82 23 6.85 +.6 MasterCrd MA .88 .8 32 113.50 86.65 2106 112.52 +9.0 MatadorRs MTDR ... ... ...dd 28.51 18.56 1225 22.21 -13.8 Materion MTRN .38 1.1 25 41.23 22.36 76 33.60 -15.2 MatinasB n MTNB ... ... ... 3.92 1.50 125 2.97 -20.4 Matson MATX .72f 2.3 17 43.00 28.79 112 31.04 -12.3 MauiLand MLP ... ... 19 14.10 5.30 31 13.90 +93.1 Maximus MMS .18 .3 20 62.78 43.69 280 58.79 +5.4 MaxLinear MXL ... ... 40 28.56 15.77 389 26.87 +23.3 McClatch rs MNI ... ... ...dd 19.77 9.10 44 9.91 -24.8 McCorm vot MKC/V 1.88 1.9 ... 108.26 89.14 1 101.02 +8.5 McCorm MKC 1.72f 1.7 27 107.84 88.64 613 100.69 +7.9 McDrmInt MDR ... ... 21 8.33 4.03 2695 6.63 -10.3sMcDnlds MCD 3.76 2.8 24 131.96 110.33 3578 132.30 +8.7 McKesson MCK 1.12 .8 12 199.43 114.53 4979 137.60 -2.0 McEwenM MUX .01a .3 4.92 2.09 2952 3.11 +6.9 MeadJohn MJN 1.65 1.9 27 94.40 69.25 1471 88.75 +25.4 Mechel pf MTLp ... ... ... 1.35 .19 109 1.00 -10.7 Mechel rs MTL ... ... ... 6.83 1.46 76 5.35 -6.6 Medequit n MRT ... ... ... 12.05 10.28 149 11.70 +5.4 MedProp MPW .96f 6.8 15 15.92 11.54 3011 14.14 +15.0 Medifast MED 1.28 2.9 24 46.36 30.00 55 44.14 +6.0 MedleyCap MCC .88 11.3 8 8.06 6.16 214 7.78 +3.6 Medley 19 MCQ 1.78 7.0 ... 25.90 24.95 25.26 -.5 MedleyC 23 MCV 1.53 6.1 ... 26.24 23.58 9 25.26 +1.0 MedleyC 21 MCX 1.63 6.3 ... 26.25 23.77 2 25.84 +1.0sMedley n MDLX ... ... ... 24.89 22.93 4 24.85 +3.2 Medley24 n MDLQ ... ... ... 25.75 24.73 18 25.17 +1.1 MedleyMgt MDLY .80 10.1 23 10.65 5.11 25 7.95 -19.7 Mednax MD ... ... 18 76.96 59.36 516 67.15 +.7 Medtrnic MDT 1.72 2.1 18 89.27 69.35 4491 80.33 +12.8 Merck MRK 1.88 3.0 16 66.80 53.06 7337 62.27 +5.8 MercGn MCY 2.49 4.2 29 64.52 49.69 135 59.56 -1.1 Meredith MDP 2.08f 3.3 15 66.25 43.85 530 63.30 +7.0 Meritage MTH ... ... 11 41.22 29.70 310 39.00 +12.1 Meritor MTOR ... ... 3 17.20 6.30 1247 16.13 +29.9 MerL pfK MERpK 1.61 6.2 ... 27.00 24.65 31 25.83 +2.8 MerL pfP MERpP 1.84 6.9 ... 27.88 24.05 47 26.55 +3.3 ML CZN46 PIY 2.09 8.4 ... 32.44 24.61 9 24.96 -3.2 MLRRD29 PYS 1.58 7.0 ... 26.20 20.35 6 22.53 +6.3 MLGS t PYT .76 3.7 ... 21.45 19.11 1 20.70 +5.9 MLIdxPl33 IPB 1.51 5.6 ... 29.80 26.10 0 27.15 +2.7sMesaRoyl MTR .99e 7.0 14 14.40 7.45 25 14.20 +30.3 Mesab MSB .64e ... ... 17.42 7.95 75 15.30 +43.0 Methode MEI .36 .8 17 46.40 27.13 202 42.60 +3.0 MetLife MET 1.60 3.1 11 58.09 36.17 6315 51.19 -5.0 MetLfe pfA METpA 1.02 4.1 ... 25.96 23.09 23 25.05 +7.6 MettlerT MTD ... ... 34 489.92 343.61 115 477.88 +14.2 MexcoEn MXC ... ... ...dd 5.61 2.08 18 3.78 -24.4 MexEqt MXE 1.62e .1 ...q 11.82 8.69 48 11.14 +21.5 MexEqt pf MXEp ... ... ... 15.11 MexicoFd MXF .70e 4.2 ...q 18.03 13.28 88 16.42 +9.2 MKors KORS ... ... 9 55.37 34.92 1560 36.90 -14.1 MicrSol n MICR ... ... ... 4.27 3.70 0 4.03 +1.5 MidAApt MAA 3.48 3.4 19 110.01 85.04 741 101.90 +4.1 MdAApt pfI MAApI 2.13 3.3 ... 70.00 60.55 64.50 +1.4 MidcstEn MEP 1.43 17.9 ...dd 9.89 5.30 63 8.00 +13.5 MidsthBcp MSL .36 2.4 23 15.75 9.01 49 14.75 +8.5 MidstPet MPO ... ... ... 23.25 17.01 37 19.10 -7.9 Milacron n MCRN ... ... ... 19.32 12.43 147 17.41 -6.5 MilestnSci MLSS ... ... ...dd 3.20 1.10 6 1.40 MHowHiInc HIE 1.39 10.3 ...q 13.86 10.89 49 13.50 +9.0 MillerInds MLR .72f 2.9 14 28.85 19.79 19 24.45 -7.6 MinTech MTX .20 .3 18 83.85 51.29 113 73.95 -4.3 MissP pfD MPpD 1.31 5.2 ... 27.90 25.10 25.43 -2.6 Mistras MG ... ... 27 26.46 19.49 139 20.91 -18.6 MitsuUFJ MTU ... ... ... 7.01 4.16 1928 6.00 -2.6 MiX Tele MIXT .22e ... ... 8.14 3.95 34 6.16 -.5 MizuhoFn MFG ... ... ... 3.87 2.76 491 3.54 -1.4 MobileTele MBT .88e 8.4 ... 11.59 7.09 3428 10.48 +15.0 Mobileye MBLY ... ... 61.91 33.69 2314 61.87 +62.3 Model N MODN ... ... ...dd 13.98 6.98 44 10.25 +15.8 Modine MOD ... ... 14 16.35 8.45 267 10.60 -28.9 Moelis&Co MC .94a 2.5 21 39.90 21.91 1002 37.70 +11.2 Mohawk MHK ... ... 19 233.86 175.52 329 231.66 +16.0 MolinaHlth MOH ... ... 67.87 42.56 719 47.64 -12.2 MolsCoor A TAP/A 1.64 1.7 ... 110.17 91.86 93.78 -4.2 MolsCoorB TAP 1.64 1.7 31 112.19 89.40 1167 96.32 -1.0 MonRE MNR .64 4.3 20 15.36 11.34 223 15.04 -1.3 MonRE pfB MNRpB 1.97 7.7 ... 27.25 25.24 0 25.45 -.7 MonRE pfC MNRpC 1.53 6.1 ... 26.50 23.00 34 25.10 +6.4 MonogRes MORE .30 2.9 34 10.97 9.52 1035 10.30 -4.8 Monsanto MON 2.16 1.9 21 116.60 88.76 1098 115.94 +10.2sMoodys MCO 1.52f 1.3 24 114.42 87.30 672 114.14 +21.1 Moog A MOG/A ... ... 21 73.05 46.16 60 66.69 +1.5 Moog B MOG/B ... ... 20 71.81 46.98 65.21 -1.4 MorgStan MS .80 1.9 14 47.33 23.11 13789 41.21 -2.5 MorgSt pfE MSpE 1.78 6.0 ... 30.78 27.07 135 29.45 +4.7 MorgSt pfF MSpF 1.72 6.0 ... 30.17 25.65 36 28.74 +6.3 MorgSt pfI MSpI 1.59 5.7 ... 28.72 25.49 393 27.81 +8.1 MorgS pfG MSpG 1.66 6.2 ... 28.23 25.33 39 26.84 +5.1 MorgSt pfK MSpK ... ... ... 26.42 24.95 211 26.28 +3.4 MS Asia APF .14e .9 ...q 15.61 12.69 22 15.26 +13.0 MS China CAF 13.33e ... ...q 19.73 16.40 81 19.21 +13.1 MS CushHi MLPY 1.28e 16.2 ...q 8.47 6.95 3 7.90 -2.7 MS EMD MSD .57e 5.9 ...q 9.98 8.74 154 9.74 +7.0 MSEMDDbt EDD .80m 10.2 ...q 8.51 6.94 236 7.88 +9.9 MSEmMkt MSF .05e .3 ...q 15.04 12.52 28 14.93 +13.3 MS icb ICB .54a 3.0 ...q 18.99 17.29 7 18.10 +.9 MS India IIF .04e ... ...q 34.50 23.30 24 32.37 +26.3 MSJCP97 HJV 1.75 10.8 ... 20.50 14.77 6 16.18 -9.3 MkVRMB CNY ... ... ...q 43.00 38.05 2 40.88 +4.7 MkVRupee INR ... ... ...q 41.08 37.05 41.01 +8.0 MSDLEur URR ... ... ...q 19.49 12.65 15.26 -.8 MSDSEur DRR ... ... ...q 65.79 52.57 62.36 -4.1 MorgSt pfA MSpA 1.01e 4.3 ... 24.40 20.45 72 23.49 +2.1 Mosaic MOS 1.26f 4.7 34.36 22.77 3808 27.04 -7.8 MotrlaSolu MSI 1.88f 2.3 19 87.55 62.76 627 82.64 -.3 Movado MOV .52 2.2 15 31.95 19.14 100 23.25 -19.1 Mueller MLI .40 1.2 19 43.96 29.51 112 32.83 -17.8 MuellerWat MWA .16f 1.4 26 14.20 10.18 842 11.81 -11.3 Mulesft n MULE ... ... ... 25.60 21.60 210 22.63 -3.3 MultiPkg n MPSX ... ... 17.98 11.00 138 17.95 +25.9 MurphO MUR 1.00 3.6 ...dd 37.48 24.39 1943 27.74 -10.9 MurphUSA MUSA ... ... 13 80.44 56.92 302 74.15 +20.6 MyersInd MYE .54 3.4 35 17.05 11.35 38 16.05 +12.2 Myovant n MYOV ... ... ... 14.27 10.25 30 11.82 -5.0N -NCI BldSy NCS ... ... 24 18.10 13.80 229 16.10 +2.9 NCR Corp NCR ... ... 14 49.90 25.20 1250 43.97 +8.4 NGL EnPt NGL 1.56 7.1 31 25.80 11.57 324 21.90 +4.3 NL Inds NL ... ... 23 9.60 2.25 30 7.45 -8.6 NQ Mobile NQ ... ... 33 5.35 3.03 302 3.61 +12.1 NRG Egy NRG .12 .7 23 19.07 9.84 3303 18.44 +50.4 NRG Yld A NYLD/A 1.00f 5.8 35 17.78 13.40 212 17.13 +11.5 NRG Yld C NYLD 1.04f 6.0 45 18.56 13.98 510 17.40 +10.1 NTN Buzz rs NTN ... ... ...dd 23.70 4.00 10 7.10 -16.5 NTT DOCO DCM ... ... ... 28.43 21.96 160 23.91 +5.1sNVR NVR ... ... 21 2148.00 1478.04 32 2145.52 +28.6 Nabors NBR .24 1.9 ...dd 18.40 7.61 5151 12.54 -23.5 NACCO NC 1.07f 1.4 10 99.55 49.80 10 75.90 -16.2 NamTai NTP .28 3.8 ...dd 9.59 5.19 9 7.35 -.7 NanoViric NNVC ... ... ...dd 2.19 1.03 38 1.13 +5.6 Nashville NASH .75e .7 ...q 29.39 22.74 28.14 +5.4 NatBkHldg NBHC .28 .9 39 34.10 19.45 59 31.60 -.9 NatFuGas NFG 1.62 3.0 23 61.25 50.61 692 53.41 -5.7 NatGrid NGG 3.35e 5.2 ... 74.97 56.50 398 64.88 +11.2 NtHlthInv NHI 3.80f 5.1 17 82.53 65.94 132 75.23 +1.4 NHltcre NHC 1.80 2.5 22 78.99 60.81 10 70.65 -6.8 NOilVarco NOV .20 .5 28 43.63 28.96 3066 36.90 -1.4 NatPresto NPK 1.00a 1.0 18 112.00 83.53 20 101.30 -4.8 NatRetPrp NNN 1.82 4.0 21 53.60 39.86 602 45.53 +3.0 NRetP pfE NNNpE 1.43 5.6 ... 27.13 22.75 10 25.48 +10.3 NtRetP pfF NNNpF 1.30 5.4 ... 24.84 20.65 88 23.95 +11.0sNatlStor n NSA .96 3.7 34 26.00 18.81 473 25.94 +17.5 NtWst pfC NWpC 1.94 7.4 ... 26.90 25.42 4 26.18 +2.1 Nationstar NSM ... ... 10 19.83 10.19 219 16.48 -8.7 NatGsSvcs NGS ... ... 48 34.50 19.85 68 28.35 -11.8 NatrlGroc NGVC ... ... 24 14.21 10.00 38 10.76 -9.5 NatRsPt rs NRP .23 .8 5 45.60 10.43 45 33.25 +2.9sNatuzzi NTZ ... ... ... 3.15 1.39 21 3.16 +39.8 Nautilus NLS ... ... 16 24.99 14.28 208 17.30 -6.5 NavideaBio NAVB ... ... ...dd 1.51 .26 414 .47 -26.6 NavigCons NCI ... ... 18 27.86 15.07 179 22.93 -12.4 NavigatrH NVGS ... ... ... 16.58 6.47 99 13.25 +42.5 NaviosAcq NNA .20 11.8 4 2.11 1.19 161 1.69 -.6 Navios pfG NMpG 2.19 12.7 ... 18.00 2.82 5 17.24 +128.6 Navios NM ... ... ...dd 2.40 .57 645 1.89 +34.0 NavMH pfH NMpH 2.16 12.7 ... 17.88 2.76 14 17.00 +142.9 NavMMid NAP 1.69 14.3 ... 14.20 9.07 69 11.81 +9.6 NaviosMar NMM 1.27f 62.0 6 2.94 1.14 649 2.05 +45.4 Navistar NAV ... ... ...dd 33.46 10.30 614 23.63 -24.7 Navistr pfD NAVpD ... ... ... 16.25 3.27 0 10.22 -8.8 NeenahP NP 1.48f 2.0 17 90.23 62.11 58 75.00 -12.0sNeffCorp NEFF ... ... 15 20.00 7.32 265 19.90 +41.1 Nelnet NNI .56f 1.3 9 55.01 31.49 47 43.55 -14.2 NeoPhoton NPTN ... ... 38 18.51 6.90 776 8.01 -25.9 Netshoes n NETS ... ... ... 16.10 14.40 276 14.67 +1.2 Netw1Tch NTIP ... ... 5.05 2.03 115 4.70 +38.2 NBCAInt NBW .74 5.2 ...q 17.66 13.68 26 14.44 +.4 NeuB HYld NHS .96 8.0 ...q 12.20 10.53 57 11.95 +2.4 NBIntMu NBH .90 5.9 ...q 17.64 14.37 35 15.15 -6.8 NB MLP NML 1.26 ... ...q NBNYInt NBO .58 4.6 ...q 14.87 12.13 14 12.64 +1.0 NBRESec NRO .36 6.6 ...q 6.00 4.96 152 5.46 +1.7 NeuStar NSR ... ... 7 34.40 21.10 266 33.25 -.4 NevGCas UWN ... ... 31 2.25 1.55 20 2.15 +16.2 NevroCorp NVRO ... ... ...dd 106.93 61.52 289 87.08 +19.8 Nevsun g NSU .04m 1.6 24 3.79 2.29 841 2.44 -21.0 NewAmHi HYB .78a 8.3 ...q 9.66 8.24 38 9.41 +1.6 NewConcEn GBR ... ... 36 6.10 .78 95 1.79 -17.1 NE Realty NEN 1.00 1.5 2 69.00 53.51 67.25 +10.4 NwGold g NGD ... ... 47 6.04 2.39 6177 3.27 -6.6 NewHome NWHM ... ... 10 12.55 8.62 105 10.52 -10.2 NwIreland IRL 2.15e 1.2 ...q 13.74 10.96 36 13.22 +10.4 NJ Rscs s NJR 1.02 2.5 21 42.65 30.46 634 40.05 +12.8 NewMedia NEWM 1.40 10.1 20 19.89 13.46 168 13.87 -13.3 NwMtnFin NMFC 1.36 9.3 15q 15.00 12.10 504 14.60 +3.5 NewOriEd EDU .40e ... 39 61.96 37.16 613 60.33 +43.3 NewRelic NEWR ... ... ...dd 40.10 23.55 409 39.30 +39.1sNewResid NRZ 1.92f 10.8 9 17.72 11.87 2975 17.74 +12.8 NewSenInv SNR 1.04 9.6 9 12.68 9.02 535 10.78 +10.1 NY&Co NWY ... ... ...dd 3.87 1.34 51 1.70 -25.1 NY CmtyB NYCB .68 5.0 13 17.68 13.39 4005 13.55 -14.8 NYCmty un NYCBpU 3.00 6.0 ... 51.44 48.50 73 50.18 +.7 NY REIT NYRT .46 4.8 ... 11.07 8.79 2285 9.65 -4.6 NY Times NYT .16 1.1 25 16.35 10.60 909 14.50 +9.0 NewellRub NWL .76 1.6 19 55.45 43.20 2064 46.27 +3.6 NewdExp NFX ... ... 31 50.00 33.00 2168 35.79 -11.6 NewMarket NEU 7.00f 1.5 23 455.73 385.66 28 452.98 +6.9 NewmtM NEM .20 .6 27 46.07 30.19 5048 34.32 +.7 NewpkRes NR ... ... ...dd 8.75 4.26 781 8.00 +6.7 NexPtCr rs NHF 2.88 12.6 ...q 23.93 19.05 45 22.77 sNxPtRsT n NXRT .88f 3.5 ... 25.38 13.66 111 25.33 +13.4 NxtEraLP NEP 1.37f 4.2 18 34.00 23.90 122 32.78 +28.3 NextEC3-72 NEEpG ... ... ... 26.73 23.32 20 25.29 +4.2 NextEC6-72 NEEpH 1.41 5.6 ... 26.46 22.76 12 25.09 +5.3 NextEra 72 NEEpI 1.28 5.2 ... 26.54 21.11 26 24.85 +13.1 NextEra 73 NEEpJ 1.25 5.1 ... 26.34 20.82 28 24.71 +13.5 NextEra76 NEEpK ... ... ... 25.95 21.04 51 24.46 +10.8 NxtEra pfQ NEEpQ 3.19 5.3 ... 64.78 54.44 40 60.75 +6.1 NextEraEn NEE 3.93f 3.0 23 133.28 110.49 1889 131.94 +10.4 NxtEra pfR NEEpR ... ... ... 52.70 46.80 62 51.89 +5.9 NiSource s NI .70 2.9 22 26.94 21.17 3746 24.21 +9.3 NiaM pfB NMKpB 3.60 3.7 ... 104.75 89.20 97.00 +1.1 NiaM pfC NMKpC 3.90 3.9 ... 113.82 90.25 99.31 +2.5 Nielsen plc NLSN 1.24 3.0 23 55.94 40.28 2331 41.22 -1.7 NikeB s NKE .84 1.5 23 60.33 49.01 5585 56.11 +10.4 NoahHldgs NOAH ... ... 15 29.73 21.33 151 25.88 +18.0tNobilisH n HLTH ... ... ... 4.66 1.20 1758 1.20 -42.9 NobleCorp NE .08 1.5 3 12.19 4.45 18550 5.40 -8.8 NobleEngy NBL .40 1.2 ...dd 42.03 32.33 5206 34.12 -10.4 NobleMid n NBLX .43p ... ... 53.29 26.90 59 50.96 +41.6 NokiaCp NOK .17e 3.3 ... 5.99 4.04 6375 5.23 +8.7 NomadF n NOMD ... ... ... 12.97 7.85 910 11.36 +18.7 Nomura NMR ... ... ... 6.80 3.33 196 6.00 +1.7 Norbord n OSB .23e ... ... 31.29 17.94 19 29.51 +16.9 NordAngEd NORD ... ... 58 28.40 19.83 81 27.81 +19.4 NordicAOff NAO .18 19.5 ... 5.69 .90 131 .92 -66.4 NordicAm NAT 1.14e 13.8 22 16.18 7.57 650 8.25 -1.8 Nordstrm JWN 1.48a 3.2 15 62.82 35.01 1449 46.08 -3.9 NorkSo NSC 2.44f 2.2 20 125.00 78.73 1896 112.85 +4.4 Norsat g rs NSAT ... ... 27 10.85 5.33 35 10.80 +36.7 NortelInv NTL .64e 2.4 ... 30.78 19.80 0 27.20 +4.4 NoAmEn g NOA .08 ... ... 5.70 2.04 74 5.05 +31.2 NoAtlDrl rs NADL ... ... ... 8.08 .65 972 1.74 -45.1 NEurO NRT .66e 9.2 8 9.90 6.11 5 7.21 +9.2 NoWestCp NWE 2.10f 3.5 18 63.75 53.85 367 60.40 +6.2 NDynMn g NAK ... ... ... 3.45 .28 3256 1.52 -26.6 NthnO&G NOG ... ... 12 5.85 1.55 521 2.35 -14.5 NorthropG NOC 3.60 1.5 22 253.80 199.52 823 243.18 +4.6 NStREur n NRE .60 5.3 ... 13.04 8.50 133 11.40 -9.3 NwstNG NWN 1.88 3.1 25 66.17 50.72 84 60.20 +.7 NovaBay rs NBY ... ... ...dd 5.29 1.95 25 3.55 +7.6 NovaGld g NG ... ... ...dd 7.29 3.79 2710 4.45 -2.4 Novartis NVS 2.75e 3.8 15 83.58 66.93 2320 72.93 +.1 NovoNord NVO .96e 2.7 ... 57.44 30.89 4465 36.19 +.9 NOW Inc DNOW ... ... ...dd 23.53 15.47 588 16.63 -18.8 NuSkin NUS 1.44f 2.6 25 66.04 37.09 326 55.23 +15.6 Nucor NUE 1.51 2.6 25 68.00 44.81 2162 57.33 -3.7 Nush EnhYl NUAG ... ... ... 25.26 23.98 2 24.59 +1.2 Nush 1-5yr NUSA ... ... ... 25.13 25.12 25.12 -.1 NushLCGr NULG ... ... ... 27.33 25.18 26.96 +7.0 NushLCVal NULV ... ... ... 25.94 24.85 25.42 +1.6 NushMCGr NUMG ... ... ... 26.63 24.71 25.84 +4.1 NushMCVal NUMV ... ... ... 26.02 24.78 0 25.07 +1.2 NushSmCap NUSC ... ... ... 27.07 24.17 1 25.21 +2.3sNushShTrm NURE ... ... ... 25.88 24.74 0 25.99 +4.2 NustarEn NS 4.38 9.3 37 55.64 43.41 454 47.32 -5.0 NustEn pfA NSpA ... ... ... 27.50 26.13 192 26.39 -2.2 NustarGP NSH 2.18 8.1 21 31.50 22.30 99 26.80 -7.3 Nustar 43 NSS 1.91 7.4 ... 26.70 23.51 26 25.91 +.4 Nuv Mun21 NHA ... ... ... 10.51 9.48 18 9.87 -.5 NvDivCom CFD ... ... ... tNuv Pf22 n JPT ... ... ... 25.50 24.82 31 24.94 NvHiInDc19 JHD ... ... ... 10.50 9.95 45 10.26 +1.5 Nuv RE In JRS ... ... ... 12.08 9.87 64 11.42 +6.0 NuvMO Pr NOM ... ... ... 16.60 14.36 16.11 +7.3 NuvAllCEn JMLP 1.37 12.6 ...q 11.51 8.13 77 10.84 +7.9 NuvAZ NAZ .80 5.7 ...q 17.80 13.33 17 14.01 +.1 NuvBldAm NBB 1.34 6.5 ...q 23.30 19.80 74 20.78 +.7 NBldAmOp NBD 1.30 6.1 ...q 23.49 19.80 12 21.39 +2.2 NCaAMTFr NKX .86 5.8 ...q 17.35 13.78 65 14.87 +3.9 NCADvA NAC .91 6.2 ...q 17.20 13.75 194 14.66 +3.7 NCalMunV NCA .47 4.6 ...q 11.50 9.84 40 10.21 -2.1 NuvCASel NXC .63a 4.2 ...q 17.97 14.25 9 15.02 +2.2 NCTDv2 pfC NGKpC .26 2.6 ... 10.02 NCTPI NTC .68a 5.5 ...q 14.45 11.97 45 12.46 +1.5 NuvCorEqA JCE 1.21a 8.7 ...q 14.75 12.69 64 13.87 +6.0 NvCredStr JQC .62 7.0 ...q 9.06 7.79 501 8.85 NvDvrsDiv JDD 1.04 8.6 ...q 12.48 10.69 57 12.05 +7.9 NuvDivA NAD .85a 6.1 ...q 15.97 13.19 405 13.91 -.4 NuvEnhM NZF .83a 5.9 ...q 14.09 -1.9 NvDow30DO DIAX 1.06 6.7 ...q 16.25 13.72 170 15.84 +5.6 NuEnMLP JMF 1.35 9.9 ...p 14.55 10.86 79 13.59 +.4 NEnhMuV NEV .96a 6.7 ...q 17.28 13.56 69 14.30 +2.1 NuvFlxInv JPW 1.42a 8.3 ...q 17.54 15.17 4 17.10 +2.8 NuvFloat JFR .72 6.3 ...q 12.34 10.09 125 11.48 -1.6 NuvFltOp JRO .76a 6.4 ...q 12.93 9.94 84 11.86 -2.7 NvGADiv2 NKG .64a 4.9 ...q 14.88 12.50 1 13.18 +3.6 NuvGblHIn JGH 1.58 9.5 ... 16.89 13.87 170 16.59 +3.8 NuvHi2020 JHY .68 6.7 ...q 11.15 9.99 102 10.15 -.6 NuvHIDec18 JHA ... ... ...q 10.48 10.00 43 10.14 +.8 NuvEnhMu NVG ... ... ... 16.59 13.85 399 14.87 +2.8 NNYAmtF NRK .70 5.4 ...q 14.62 12.44 97 13.10 +2.3 NuvAmtFr NEA .75a 5.5 ...q 15.22 12.94 509 13.59 +1.9 NuvIntMu NID .68 5.2 ...q 14.34 12.19 49 13.11 +3.1 NvIntQMu NIQ .57 4.4 ...q 13.96 12.13 34 12.90 +4.9 NMDPI NMY .67a 5.2 ...q 14.66 12.20 34 12.91 +3.8 NvMAP NMT .71a 5.1 ...q 16.19 12.93 2 13.81 +5.1 NMIQI NUM .74 5.5 ...q 15.80 12.90 35 13.55 +1.6 NuvMNMu NMS .80 4.7 ...q 18.22 15.08 2 17.00 +8.4sNuvMtgOp JLS 1.52 6.1 ...q 24.90 22.49 42 24.89 +3.4 NuMtgOp2 JMT 1.53 6.4 ...q 24.15 21.61 7 23.92 +3.3 NuvMultM JMM .48 6.4 ...q 7.64 6.95 17 7.47 +2.3 NMuHiOp NMZ .91a 6.3 ...q 15.42 13.95 14.49 -1.9 NvMuI NMI .50a 4.0 ...q 13.50 10.90 11 12.53 +11.7 NuvMuVal NUV .39a 3.9 ...q 10.88 9.34 173 9.90 +3.6 Nv AMT-Fr NUW .78a 4.6 ...q 19.89 16.00 27 16.95 +4.2 NuvNJDiv NXJ .82a 6.0 ...q 15.63 12.90 68 13.63 +3.6 NuvNJMV NJV .59a 3.9 ...q 17.03 14.36 7 14.99 -9.4 NNYDvA NAN .80a 5.8 ...q 15.95 13.13 36 13.82 +3.0 NNYMV NNY .39a 4.0 ...q 10.69 9.26 20 9.78 +3.2 NuvNYSel NXN .55 4.0 ...q 14.85 12.92 1 13.81 +4.4 NNCPI NNC .59a 4.5 ...q 15.04 12.67 13 13.13 +1.5 NOHQI NUO .80 5.3 ...q 17.16 14.27 16 15.05 +3.6 NvPA NQP .81a 6.0 ...q 15.66 12.67 66 13.39 +2.4 NuvPaMV NPN .62a 4.0 ...q 17.67 15.12 1 15.51 -8.8 NuvPf&Inc JPI 1.95a 8.0 ...q 25.27 21.93 43 24.49 +6.8 NvPfdInco JPC .80 8.1 ...q 10.56 8.72 176 9.96 +1.2 NuvQPf2 JPS .70 7.2 ...q 9.75 8.21 232 9.68 +4.0 NuvREAst JRI 1.49a 8.6 ...q 18.00 15.17 25 17.42 +10.7 NuvEqtP BXMX 1.00 7.4 ...q 13.57 12.08 160 13.55 +6.5 NEqPrmG SPXX 1.04 7.0 ...q 15.71 13.00 36 14.95 +3.8 NvSMM NIM .31a 3.1 ...q 11.01 9.49 10 10.07 +3.3 NSTFI NXP .55a 3.9 ...q 15.93 13.50 13 14.22 +2.3 NSTFI2 NXQ .53a 3.9 ...q 15.18 12.82 12 13.59 +2.1 NSTFI3 NXR .55a 3.8 ...q 15.98 13.73 15 14.38 +1.5 NuvSnIn NSL .42 6.1 ...q 7.16 5.86 86 6.86 +1.0 NuShDCrd JSD 1.16a 6.5 ...q 18.55 15.08 14 18.04 +3.1 Nv TA Div JTD 1.23 8.2 ...q 15.36 13.52 27 15.00 +7.7 NvTxATR JTA 1.04 8.5 ...q 12.60 10.81 34 12.14 +7.2 NTXQI NTX .65 4.5 ...q 15.90 13.29 8 14.45 +5.3 NVAPI NPV .65a 5.0 ...q 15.23 12.55 14 13.21 +1.9O -OCI Ptrs OCIP .59e 7.4 ...dd 10.35 4.95 16 8.00 -4.2 OFG Bncp OFG .24 2.2 ...dd 14.48 7.60 200 10.80 -17.6 OFG pfA OFGpA 1.78 7.5 ... 25.42 18.65 11 23.80 -6.4 OFG pfB OFGpB 1.75 7.3 ... 25.13 18.51 23.91 -4.9 OFG pfD OFGpD 1.78 7.5 ... 24.33 18.50 5 23.85 +.6 OGE Engy OGE 1.21 3.5 21 37.41 27.61 1512 34.89 +4.3 OM AsstM OMAM .32 2.2 ... 15.52 12.10 137 14.88 +2.6sONEGas OGS 1.68f 2.4 26 69.35 55.98 136 69.15 +8.1 OaktreeC OAK 2.32f 5.0 21 49.50 36.95 156 45.95 +22.5 OasisPet OAS ... ... ...dd 17.08 6.56 8624 12.97 -14.3 OcciPet OXY 3.04 4.8 ...dd 78.48 61.01 4370 62.70 -12.0 Oceaneerg OII .60 2.2 28 36.92 22.47 763 26.93 -4.5 Och-Ziff OZM .87e 39.4 ...dd 4.78 2.15 217 2.21 -33.2 OcwenFn OCN ... ... ...dd 6.15 1.29 1347 5.44 +.9 Oi SA C OIBR/C ... ... ... 9.19 1.01 53 7.00 +76.3 OilStates OIS ... ... ...dd 41.75 27.07 437 32.30 -17.2 Oil-Dri ODC .84 2.2 27 40.94 29.89 14 38.67 +1.2 OldRepub ORI .76f 3.8 14 21.19 16.51 776 19.92 +4.8 Olin OLN .80 2.6 47 33.88 18.24 1363 30.55 +19.3 Om Asst 31 OMAA 1.28 5.5 ... 25.29 20.15 17 23.28 +7.2 OmegaHlt OHI 2.52f 7.3 11 38.09 28.11 2163 34.57 +10.6 OmegaP OME .05p ... 10 26.99 18.00 234 19.00 -24.2 Omnicom OMC 2.20 2.6 17 89.66 75.61 4943 83.50 -1.9 Omnova OMN ... ... 18 10.42 5.90 114 9.15 -8.5 OnAssign ASGN ... ... 20 49.12 32.04 157 47.18 +6.8 OnDeckCap ONDK ... ... ...dd 8.94 3.64 434 4.39 -5.2 OncoCyte n OCX ... ... ... 7.95 3.10 6 5.80 -17.7 OneLibrty OLP 1.72f 7.1 13 25.89 21.96 33 24.13 -3.9 OneBeacon OB .84 5.2 18 17.12 12.20 55 16.02 -.2 OneMain OMF ... ... 9 33.31 16.03 383 23.38 +5.6 ONEOK OKE 3.16 5.8 33 59.47 34.56 2432 54.82 -4.5 OneokPtrs OKS 3.16 5.9 24 57.41 33.78 916 53.60 +24.6 Ooma n OOMA ... ... ...dd 11.85 6.22 97 11.80 +31.1 OppLgCap RWL .72e 1.6 ...q 46.43 38.69 65 44.86 +3.3 OppMidCap RWK .59e .8 ...q 58.04 45.22 18 54.45 +.7 OppSmCap RWJ .48e .6 ...q 69.74 51.95 57 64.60 -3.8 OppUltDiv RDIV 1.15e 3.3 ...q 35.66 29.11 70 34.39 +.4 OppenFin RWW .58e 1.0 ...q 62.51 42.57 1 57.35 -.4 OppenHldg OPY .44 2.6 ...dd 19.65 13.63 24 16.65 -10.5 Oracle ORCL .60 1.3 22 46.99 37.62 10345 44.52 +16.2 Oragenics OGEN ... ... ...dd 1.10 .33 166 .38 -29.6 Orange ORAN .73e 4.9 ... 17.78 13.98 1372 15.01 -.9 OrbitATK OA 1.28f 1.3 18 102.72 67.04 329 97.08 +10.7 OrchidIsl ORC 1.68 15.8 6 12.60 9.23 676 10.64 -1.8 OrchidsPP TIS 1.40 5.8 16 36.31 22.50 267 24.13 -7.8 OrientPap ONP .02 2.0 3 1.54 .93 8 .98 -15.9 OrionECarb OEC .72 ... ... 22.20 13.67 69 19.35 +2.7 OrionGpHl ORN ... ... ...dd 11.11 4.57 108 7.48 -24.8 Orix IX ... ... ... 82.58 61.38 55 78.01 +.2 OrmatTc ORA .28 .5 26 59.63 41.12 121 57.57 +7.4 OshRusS n OUSM ... ... ... 25.85 24.83 3 25.24 -2.0sOshIntQ n ONTL ... ... ... 25.46 25.15 18 25.33 +.6 OshkoshCp OSK .84f 1.2 21 74.16 39.24 770 69.01 +6.8 OsiskoGl n OR .16f ... ... 14.74 8.88 899 11.51 +18.4 OutfrontM OUT 1.44f 5.6 13 27.89 20.72 1046 25.67 +3.2 OversSh wi OSG/WI ... ... ... 3.00 2.62 2.75 OverSh rs OSG ... ... ... 5.66 2.69 411 3.58 -6.5 OwensMin OMI 1.03f 3.1 16 38.47 30.43 879 33.30 -5.6 OwensCorn OC .80 1.3 18 62.79 45.46 531 61.65 +19.6 OwensIll OI ... ... 9 20.74 16.18 915 20.32 +16.7 OwensRM ORM .32 1.8 11 19.16 14.95 17 17.69 -4.5 OxfordInds OXM 1.08 2.0 17 76.19 49.50 153 55.17 -8.2P-QPBF Engy PBF 1.20 5.8 13 35.68 19.47 1764 20.66 -25.9 PBF Logist PBFX 1.80f 8.7 10 23.49 17.45 38 20.70 +13.7 PCM Fund PCM .96 9.3 ...q 10.62 9.05 17 10.34 +3.4 PG&E Cp PCG 1.96 2.9 18 68.29 56.39 1484 67.53 +11.1 PGT Inc PGTI ... ... 22 12.49 9.46 258 10.30 -10.4 PHH Corp PHH ... ... ...dd 16.80 11.10 272 12.97 -14.4 PIMCO1-3Tr TUZ .34a .7 ...q 52.58 50.17 26 50.78 +.2 Pimc1-5Tip STPZ .25e .5 ...q 53.10 51.94 126 52.71 +.5 Pim15TIPS LTPZ .42e .6 ...q 72.58 62.52 103 67.51 +3.9 PimBrdTIPS TIPZ .31e .5 ...q 60.68 56.33 2 58.47 +1.8 PimLwDur LDUR 2.82e 2.0 ...q 103.00 99.41 5 100.80 +.4 PimcoTR BOND 6.13e 5.7 ...q 108.25 102.11 140 106.62 +2.4 Pim0-5HYCp HYS 5.21e 5.2 ...q 101.56 93.96 1108 100.90 +1.0 PimIGBd CORP 3.12a 3.0 ...q 107.50 99.85 24 104.24 +1.9 PimShMat MINT .82e .8 ...q 101.66 100.93 462 101.62 +.3 PimIntMu MUNI 1.26 2.4 ...q 55.48 51.73 39 53.38 +1.9 PimSTMun SMMU .47e .9 ...q 50.87 48.75 3 50.25 +1.7 Pim25yrZro ZROZ 3.07e 2.6 ...q 143.05 105.32 19 115.89 +6.7 PJT Part n PJT .20 .6 22 38.86 21.52 230 33.55 +8.6 PLDT Inc PHI 1.60e 4.5 ... 46.13 25.50 114 35.67 +29.5 PNC pfP PNCpP 1.65 5.7 ... 30.88 26.50 88 29.01 +6.3 PNC pfQ PNCpQ 1.34 5.3 ... 26.37 23.01 27 25.09 +6.2 PNC PNC 2.20 1.9 16 131.83 77.40 2890 116.41 -.5 PNC wt PNC/WS ... ... ... 64.30 14.80 3 49.87 +1.1 PNM Res PNM .97 2.5 23 38.20 30.71 381 38.05 +10.9 POSCO PKX ... ... ... 66.63 40.80 377 58.05 +10.5 PPG s PPG 1.60 1.5 18 114.65 89.64 1127 104.74 +10.5 PPG wd PPG/WD ... ... ... 138.47 PPL Cap 73 PPX 1.48 5.6 ... 27.75 24.01 10 26.23 +4.9 PPL Corp PPL 1.58f 4.1 15 39.92 32.08 4057 38.10 +11.9 PS BusPk PSB 3.00 2.5 33 121.81 94.95 80 120.49 +3.4 PSBPk pfT PSBpT 1.50 5.9 ... 26.89 23.88 17 25.29 +4.0 PSBPk pfU PSBpU 1.44 5.7 ... 26.37 22.85 14 25.22 +8.3 PSBPk pfV PSBpV 1.42 5.6 ... 26.70 22.79 2 25.42 +9.1 PS BsPk pfW PSBpW ... ... ... 23.67 20.58 88 23.55 +9.2 PVH Corp PVH .15 .2 12 115.40 82.10 877 99.52 +10.3 PcrTrnd750 PTLC ... ... ...q 25.98 21.17 51 25.06 +5.2 PcrTrnd450 PTMC ... ... ...q 28.70 23.03 77 27.60 +3.8 PcrTrnd100 PTNQ ... ... ...q 25.82 19.66 28 25.46 +11.3 PacrAutopil PAEU ... ... ... 26.80 23.81 26.80 PacrGlHi n PGHD ... ... ... 28.57 25.13 27.37 +1.9 PacrTrendp PTEU ... ... ... 26.88 22.00 7 25.68 +7.2 PacCashCow COWZ ... ... ... Pacholder PHF .60 7.7 ...q 7.93 6.63 26 7.84 +8.9sPacifCstOil ROYT .26e 11.8 5 2.21 .87 328 2.21 +106.5 PacDrill rs PACD ... ... ... 11.56 1.58 62 1.79 -55.9 PacGE pfA PCGpA 1.50 4.6 ... 33.70 28.89 3 32.36 +5.6 PacGE pfB PCGpB 1.37 4.6 ... 33.00 27.40 30.21 +7.1 PacGE pfC PCGpC 1.25 4.6 ... 30.00 24.94 2 27.21 +8.9 PacGE pfD PCGpD 1.25 4.8 ... 27.50 24.74 1 26.25 +2.0 PacGE pfE PCGpE 1.25 4.7 ... 27.25 24.81 26.62 +4.0 PacGE pfG PCGpG 1.20 4.7 ... 28.90 23.63 0 25.80 +3.2 PacGE pfH PCGpH 1.12 4.4 ... 27.06 22.00 0 25.35 +9.1 PacGE pfI PCGpI 1.09 4.4 ... 25.99 23.31 1 24.94 +5.0 Pacif pf PPWp 5.00 5.0 ... 100.26 PackAmer PKG 2.52 2.7 19 96.87 62.41 700 92.48 +9.0 PalatinTch PTN ... ... ...dd .90 .29 8326 .41 -18.8 PaloAltNet PANW ... ... ...dd 165.69 107.31 1240 109.09 -12.8 PampaEng PAM ... ... ... 60.36 19.80 152 58.11 +66.9 Pandora P ... ... ...dd 14.98 8.58 6537 10.56 -19.0 PanhO&G PHX .16 .8 ...dd 27.70 15.34 14 19.25 -18.3 ParPetr rt PARR/r ... ... ... .16 .01 .06 ParPetrol PARR ... ... ... 19.99 12.18 95 16.28 +12.0sParTech PAR ... ... 24 7.75 4.30 212 7.84 +40.5 ParaGold n PZG ... ... ... 2.93 1.37 42 1.65 -7.3 ParamtGp PGRE .38 2.2 78 18.28 14.58 750 17.17 +7.4 Paretem rs TEUM ... ... ... 5.75 .57 102 .74 ParkEl PKE .40a 2.4 29 20.24 13.76 61 16.60 -11.0 ParkHot n PK .43p ... ... 33.40 25.40 914 26.39 -11.7 ParkNatl PRK 3.76 3.7 19 122.88 85.44 12 100.76 -15.8 ParkDrl PKD ... ... ...dd 3.16 1.35 644 1.50 -42.3 ParkerHan PH 2.64f 1.7 22 163.14 99.10 1116 155.76 +11.3 Parkway n PKY ... ... ... 23.17 16.39 144 20.49 -7.9 ParsleyEn PE ... ... 39.82 21.73 3759 31.09 -11.8 PartRe pfF PREpF 1.47 5.7 ... 27.48 22.95 7 25.74 +5.8 PartRe pfG PREpG 1.63 6.0 ... 30.33 25.32 4 27.18 +4.9 PartRe pfH PREpH 1.81 6.2 ... 32.40 25.02 36 29.16 +6.9 PartRe pfI PREpI 1.47 5.6 ... 28.94 22.97 4 26.20 +11.4 PartyCity n PRTY ... ... ... 19.10 12.05 161 14.30 +.7 Patheon n PTHN ... ... ... 32.95 23.72 294 25.18 -12.3 PatriotN n PN 2.50e ... 5 9.95 2.00 56 2.12 -54.4sPaycomSft PAYC ... ... 80 58.87 36.25 304 59.04 +29.8 PeabodyE n BTU ... ... ... 28.62 22.61 3042 24.00 -12.9 Pearson PSO .80e 10.2 ... 13.20 7.04 562 7.85 -21.4 Pebblebrk PEB 1.52 5.1 16 31.85 23.46 584 29.87 +.4 Pebble pfC PEBpC 1.63 6.4 ... 27.24 23.51 3 25.45 +4.9 Pebbleb pfD PEBpD 2.09 8.3 ... 29.15 23.50 6 25.22 +6.8 Pedevco rs PED ... ... ... 4.08 .84 28 .97 Pembina g PBA 1.50 ... 36 33.52 27.44 278 32.90 +5.0 PengthE g PGH .04 ... ...dd 2.08 .96 514 1.06 -25.4 PennWst g PWE ... ... ... 2.05 .61 1372 1.56 -11.9 PennPk 25 PNTA 1.56 6.2 ... 26.20 23.81 0 25.31 +.8 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page6 The Sun/Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Penney JCP ... ... ...dd 11.30 5.45 14314 5.72 -31.2 PennaRE PEI .84 5.5 10 25.67 13.76 1226 15.18 -19.9 PenRE pfA PEIpA 2.06 8.1 ... 26.50 24.80 11 25.46 +.7 PenRE pfB PEIpB 1.84 7.3 ... 26.71 22.46 5 25.35 +1.4 PenRE pfC PEIpC 1.80 6.6 ... 27.78 24.72 55 27.37 +8.8 PennyMFn PFSI ... ... 6 19.35 11.47 177 16.50 -.9 PennyMac PMT 1.88 10.6 17 18.16 12.99 362 17.66 +7.9 Penny pfA PMTpA 2.03 8.0 ... 25.58 24.66 51 25.37 +2.5 Penske PAG 1.16f 2.6 12 56.05 29.29 438 45.19 -12.8 Pentair PNR 1.38f 2.2 21 66.99 53.80 892 62.94 +12.3 Penumbra n PEN ... ... ...dd 84.85 45.88 158 81.75 +28.1sPepsiCo PEP 3.01 2.6 24 113.77 98.50 4532 114.28 +9.2 PerfFood n PFGC ... ... 24 28.13 19.95 443 23.95 -.2 PerkElm PKI .28 .5 21 58.40 45.35 523 57.60 +10.5 Prmian PBT .46e 4.5 28 10.30 5.93 118 10.19 +32.2 Perrigo PRGO .64f 1.0 111.00 65.47 2294 66.14 -20.5 PetChina PTR .70e 1.0 ... 81.80 63.43 96 71.81 -2.6 PetroArg PZE .07e ... ... 12.48 4.66 29 11.90 +69.5 PetrbrsA PBR/A ... ... ... 11.77 4.29 8657 9.01 +2.3 Petrobras PBR ... ... ... 12.56 5.45 16847 9.26 -8.4 PtroqstE rs PQ ... ... ...dd 4.75 1.71 86 2.62 -20.8 Pfenex PFNX ... ... ...dd 11.35 4.40 86 4.53 -50.1 Pzer PFE 1.28f 3.8 14 37.39 29.83 20418 33.84 +4.2 Pzer wd PFE/WD ... ... ... 28.25 PhrmAth PIP 2.91e ... 1 3.50 .47 447 .78 -76.2 Pharmerica PMC ... ... 11 28.72 19.20 143 22.60 -10.1 PhlpsSelEn DSE 1.26 16.1 ... 8.59 6.72 48 7.85 +3.6 PhilaEn n PESC ... ... ... sPhilipMor PM 4.16 3.6 24 114.87 86.78 5175 115.21 +25.9 PhilipsNV PHG .88e 2.8 ... 32.31 23.00 1497 32.00 +4.7 Phillips66 PSX 2.52 3.3 11 89.31 73.67 2244 75.93 -12.1 Phill66LP PSXP 2.23f 4.3 24 62.66 42.47 137 52.14 +7.2 PhoenixCo n PFX ... ... ... PhxNMda FENG ... ... 18 4.30 3.11 85 3.56 +13.4 PhysRltTr DOC .90 4.4 26 22.03 17.12 937 20.36 +8.7 PiedmOfc PDM .84 3.7 14 23.08 18.61 367 22.69 +8.5 Pier 1 PIR .28 4.1 16 9.68 3.73 3648 6.88 -19.4 PimcoCA PCQ .92 5.5 ...q 17.53 14.75 20 16.80 +7.1 PimcoCA2 PCK .65 6.5 ...q 11.25 9.05 65 9.94 +7.8 PimcCA3 PZC .72 6.0 ...q 13.11 10.67 80 12.00 +5.8 PimcoCp&I PCN 1.35 8.3 ...q 16.28 12.64 72 16.18 +9.5 PimCpOp PTY 1.56a 9.9 ...q 15.89 13.27 218 15.82 +10.5 PimDyCrd PCI 1.97 9.2 ...q 21.61 17.83 470 21.47 +6.2 PimDyInco PDI 2.65a 9.1 ...q 29.29 26.06 202 29.02 +4.8 PimcIncStr PFL 1.08 9.6 ...q 11.40 9.65 74 11.27 +6.6 PimIncStr2 PFN .96 9.4 ...q 10.28 8.73 129 10.18 +7.3 PimStPls PGP 2.20 12.5 ...q 20.96 13.82 61 17.58 +24.9 PimcoHiI PHK 1.24 14.5 ...q 10.15 8.26 682 8.56 -6.7 PimIncOpp PKO 2.28a 9.0 ...q 25.69 21.25 57 25.26 +9.1 PimcoMuni PMF .98 7.3 ...q 17.43 12.74 78 13.40 -6.9 PimcoMu2 PML .78 6.1 ...q 14.08 11.57 95 12.86 +5.2 PimcMu3 PMX .75 6.6 ...q 13.05 10.82 99 11.46 +.8 PimcoNY PNF .68 5.3 ...q 14.40 11.49 12 12.82 +7.5 PimcoNY2 PNI .80 6.8 ...q 14.61 11.13 10 11.73 -2.3 PimcNY3 PYN .63 6.5 ...q 12.29 9.26 7 9.76 -2.6 PimcoStrIn RCS .96 9.9 ...q 10.56 8.12 150 9.67 +10.0 PinnaclFds PF 1.14f 1.9 28 59.49 41.47 824 58.99 +10.4sPinWst PNW 2.62 3.0 22 85.80 70.11 907 86.18 +10.4 PionDvrsHi HNW 1.38 8.4 ...q 16.83 15.04 20 16.41 +2.4 PionEnSvc PES ... ... ...dd 7.20 2.64 736 3.85 -43.8 PionFltRt PHD .72 5.9 ...q 12.45 10.95 54 12.29 +3.5 PionHiIn PHT 1.14 11.6 ...q 10.75 9.36 59 9.87 -3.3 PioMuAdv MAV .84 7.4 ...q 14.25 10.61 94 11.34 -4.0 PioMunHi MHI .84 7.1 ...q 14.76 11.31 137 11.88 +.1 PioNtrl PXD .08 ... ...dd 199.83 146.08 1306 180.63 +.3 PiperJaf PJC .31p ... 16 81.85 35.36 64 59.15 -18.4 PitnyBw PBI .75 5.7 8 21.59 12.31 1455 13.11 -13.7 PitnB pr PBIp 2.12 .8 ... 264.00 PitnyBw 43 PBIpB 1.67 6.4 ... 27.73 25.11 8 26.25 +2.7 PlainsAAP PAA 2.20 7.2 28 33.95 20.53 1136 30.52 -5.5 PlainsGP rs PAGP 1.54 ... 59 36.55 22.15 805 30.85 -11.0 PlanetFit n PLNT ... ... 39 22.13 13.18 900 18.71 -6.9 Plantron PLT .60 1.1 17 57.79 38.09 108 52.55 -4.0 PlatfmSpc PAH ... ... 31 13.96 6.85 1157 12.91 +31.6 PlatGpM rs PLG ... ... 5 3.98 1.40 904 1.47 +2.8 PlyGem PGEM ... ... 17 20.00 12.85 86 18.55 +14.2 PolarStarR PSRT ... ... ... Polaris PII 2.32f 2.9 23 102.32 70.14 680 80.05 -2.8tPolyMet g PLM ... ... ...dd 1.14 .71 514 .71 -5.0 PolyOne POL .54 1.6 17 38.41 28.77 694 34.49 +7.6 PortGE POR 1.28 2.8 21 46.05 37.77 275 45.87 +5.9 PostHldg POST ... ... 46 89.04 68.76 2708 84.51 +5.1 Potash POT .40 2.4 16 20.27 15.21 5276 16.53 -8.6 PowrREIT PW ... ... ...dd 9.46 4.30 1 7.22 +2.9 PwREIT pfA PWpA ... ... ... 27.00 24.56 25.70 +2.0 PS AlphaQ PQY ... ... ...q PSActUSRE PSR 2.33e 1.9 ...q 83.62 71.29 1 79.32 +8.1 PS SPXDn PHDG .41e 1.5 ... 25.58 21.43 2 24.97 +4.1 PSCrudeDS DTO ... ... ...q 172.18 100.28 4 112.15 +6.8 PwSBMetS BOS ... ... ...q 29.01 17.83 20.00 -10.5 PSBMetDL BDD ... ... ...q 8.25 4.65 2 7.32 +14.6 PSBMetDS BOM ... ... ...q 24.46 7.96 12.88 -7.3 PSCrudeLg OLO ... ... ...q 6.09 3.76 1 4.56 -4.4 PSCrudeSh SZO ... ... ...q 104.21 73.94 80.04 +2.4 PwshDB DBC ... ... ...q 16.08 13.80 1462 15.46 -2.4 PwShCurH DBV ... ... ...q 26.03 23.02 46 25.14 +1.3 PS Engy DBE ... ... ...q 14.01 10.79 65 13.04 -5.6 PS PrcMet DBP ... ... ...q 42.74 34.22 9 39.16 +12.4 PS Silver DBS ... ... ...q 32.84 24.46 14 28.46 +14.5 PS Agri DBA ... ... ...q 23.01 19.47 475 19.73 -1.2 PS Oil DBO ... ... ...q 9.91 7.70 829 9.14 -5.6 PS Gold DGL ... ... ...q 44.84 36.22 99 41.35 +11.7 PS BasMet DBB ... ... ...q 16.77 12.21 254 15.52 +4.0 PS USDBull UUP ... ... ...q 26.83 23.96 1270 25.69 -2.9 PS USDBear UDN ... ... ...q 22.83 20.18 27 21.00 +2.7 PShPuLgGr PXLG .42e 1.1 ...q 37.58 31.20 4 37.44 +11.5 PShPuLVal PXLV .76e 2.2 ...q 36.75 28.27 2 35.03 +2.0 PSAerDef PPA .50e 1.1 ...q 45.00 35.54 60 43.54 +4.3 PwShBio PBE .57e 1.4 ...q 44.43 34.41 9 41.75 +7.6 PS BldCns PKB .03e .1 ...q 29.78 23.97 85 28.93 +3.8 PwSClnEn PBW .07e 1.7 ...q 4.29 3.41 103 4.05 +10.1 PS EnEx PXE .50e 2.5 ...q 24.92 18.79 8 20.37 -11.8 PwSFoodBv PBJ .41e 1.2 ...q 34.74 31.71 7 33.52 +.1 PwSLgCG PWB .21e .6 ...q 34.63 29.86 54 34.17 +7.0 PwSLgCV PWV .69e 2.0 ...q 36.44 29.23 83 34.67 +2.8 PwShLeis PEJ .15e .4 ...q 41.57 31.84 4 40.34 +.8 PowShMkt PWC .97e 1.2 ...q 84.72 67.84 1 81.36 +.8 PwShMda PBS .27e 1.0 ...q 28.12 23.29 8 27.40 +4.5 PwSMidGr PXMG .19e .6 ...q 34.20 27.86 5 33.65 +8.4 PwSMidVal PXMV .64e 2.1 ...q 32.53 26.24 3 30.88 -.8 PwShNetw PXQ ... ... ...q 44.09 31.74 1 42.78 +6.0 PS OilSv PXJ .28e 2.5 ...q 14.18 10.14 12 11.17 -12.5 PwSPharm PJP 3.84e 4.6 ...q 69.24 53.55 35 59.22 +5.7 PS Retail PMR .34e 1.0 ...q 38.86 33.52 1 34.56 -3.9 PwSSmGr PXSG .27e 1.0 ...q 27.58 22.17 2 27.32 +5.1 PwSSmVal PXSV .60e 2.1 ...q 31.42 22.64 1 28.57 -5.7 PwSSemi PSI .04e .1 ...q 41.97 23.93 27 40.51 +12.2 PwShSoft PSJ .10e .2 ...q 51.93 41.22 4 51.16 +8.4 PSS&PQlty SPHQ .38e 1.4 ...q 27.73 23.63 149 27.31 +5.1 PwSZMicro PZI .15e .8 ...q 19.45 14.95 1 18.01 -3.6 PSWHPrgE PUW .17e .7 ...q 27.08 20.37 2 25.49 -1.2 PSPrivEq PSP .66e 5.6 ...q 11.97 9.47 109 11.70 +5.3 PSFinPf PGF 1.11 5.9 ...q 19.56 17.65 356 18.81 +4.7 PSCleantch PZD .44e 1.2 ...q 35.71 28.18 8 35.34 +8.1 PSR2KEqW EQWS .41e 1.1 ...q 40.50 31.34 0 38.78 -1.6 PSRslMdC EQWM .49e 1.1 ...q 44.28 36.86 1 43.23 +3.6 PSRussl200 EQWL .80e 1.7 ...q 46.78 38.06 1 45.80 +6.1 PS US1K PRF 1.91e 1.9 ...q 105.36 85.56 80 101.37 +1.8 PS EmgInf PXR .50e 1.4 ...q 36.98 27.35 2 34.51 +12.6 PS SP SC n XSHQ ... ... ... 24.62 24.22 0 24.50 +.2tPS SP Val n SPVM ... ... ... 24.98 24.85 1 24.84 -.6 PS SP IntD IDHD ... ... ... 27.37 25.09 27.10 +6.4 PS SC High XSHD ... ... ... 27.33 24.11 0 24.94 -3.5 PS TrCol n CLTL ... ... ... 105.41 105.38 105.41 PS LowVRot DWLV ... ... ... 27.08 24.09 0 26.51 +3.8 PSBldABd BAB 1.31 4.4 ...q 32.33 28.75 76 29.73 +2.2 PSEuCurLV FXEU .35e ... ...q 25.20 20.50 1 22.28 +7.0 PSJpnLwV FXJP .10p ... ...q 27.27 22.92 1 25.88 -2.7 PSEurpcLV FXEP .43p ... ...q 27.47 24.99 0 27.27 +9.1 PS LowVol XRLV .46 1.6 ...q 29.92 26.09 14 29.35 +5.1 PSR1KEqW EQAL .39e 1.4 ...q 28.70 23.92 35 28.02 +4.1 PS VarPfd VRP 1.20 4.7 ...q 26.05 23.96 431 25.56 +3.9 PS ContrOp CNTR .26e .9 ...q 31.14 23.83 29.54 -.7 PS SCLowV XSLV .73e 1.7 ...q 44.20 34.64 68 42.65 -1.8 PS MCLwV XMLV .64e 1.5 ...q 43.25 36.23 108 42.52 +4.7 PS SPX HiD SPHD 1.30 3.2 ... 41.21 35.60 639 40.44 +3.2 PS EMLwV EELV .60e 2.6 ...q 24.03 20.47 64 22.95 +9.8 PS EMkMom EEMO ... ... ... 16.83 13.98 16.44 +13.9 PSS&PMom SPMO ... ... ...q 28.79 25.74 0 27.91 +2.8 PS IntLwV IDLV 1.11e 3.6 ...q 31.46 27.95 183 30.97 +8.8 PSS&PVal SPVU ... ... ...q 32.15 24.69 0 30.18 +.6 PSSPIntDv IDMO .59e 2.4 ...q 25.79 22.10 24.58 +9.0 PSShTHYB PGHY 1.08 4.4 ...q 28.83 23.30 102 24.46 +.1 PS YuanDS DSUM .77 3.5 ...q 23.45 21.36 2 22.11 +2.5 PS FdIGBd PFIG .67 2.6 ...q 26.94 24.98 3 25.56 +1.3 PS SrLoan BKLN 1.01 4.7 ...q 23.46 22.69 5002 23.27 -.4 PS SP LwV SPLV .85 1.9 ...q 44.01 39.61 1338 43.58 +4.8 PS SP HiB SPHB .49e 1.3 ...q 38.81 27.17 238 36.72 +.4 PS IntlBd PICB .57 2.2 ...q 27.41 23.86 42 25.32 +3.4 PS CEFInc PCEF 1.91 8.2 ...q 23.50 21.14 61 23.22 +3.6 PSVrdoTF PVI ... ... ...q 25.01 24.89 2 24.93 PShCalMu PWZ .80 3.1 ... 27.29 24.80 63 25.75 +1.7 PShNYMu PZT .86 3.6 ... 25.74 23.37 7 24.17 +1.0 PShNatMu PZA .87 3.4 ... 26.64 24.41 281 25.30 +1.6 PSHYCpBd PHB .84 4.4 ...q 19.00 17.93 272 18.80 +.1 PwShPfd PGX .86 5.7 ...q 15.50 13.96 1708 14.93 +4.9 PShEMSov PCY 1.50 5.1 ... 30.96 27.71 1266 29.34 +3.8 PShGClnEn PBD .17e 1.5 ...q 11.44 9.83 4 11.09 +6.6 PSEmgMkt PXH .49e 2.5 ...q 20.71 14.64 81 19.66 +8.3 PSDvMxUSs PDN .53e 1.8 ...q 29.50 24.47 6 29.18 +8.1 PSDvxUS PXF 1.11e 2.8 ...q 40.37 32.21 35 39.41 +5.0 PShIntlDev IDHQ .33e 1.6 ...q 20.97 18.71 2 20.89 +8.8 PSAsxJ PAF 1.91e 3.6 ...q 55.01 41.80 7 53.16 +12.3 PSIndia PIN .12e .5 ...q 23.22 18.26 204 22.69 +17.7 PSS&PBW PBP 1.07e 3.3 ...q 22.20 20.00 192 21.93 +3.1 Praxair PX 3.15f 2.7 21 125.00 106.31 1468 118.32 +1.0 PrecDrill PDS .28 ... ...dd 6.25 3.51 1841 4.55 -16.5 PfdAptCm APTS .94f 6.5 ...dd 15.39 12.02 397 14.36 -3.7 Prestige PBH ... ... 24 59.63 44.64 334 56.33 +8.1 Pretium g PVG ... ... ... 12.53 6.82 2129 10.85 +31.7 Primerica PRI .76f .9 18 84.15 47.92 322 82.95 +20.0 Primero g PPP ... ... ...dd 2.63 .52 1279 .60 -24.1 PrinEdgAIn YLD .75e ... ...q 41.75 37.64 3 41.09 +2.0 PrinFncl PFG 1.80f 2.9 14 64.65 38.04 819 62.39 +7.8 PrincREstI PGZ 1.74 9.9 ...q 18.56 15.47 28 17.55 +10.0 PrinEq n PEM ... ... ... PrvtBncp42 PVTD 1.78 6.9 ... 27.98 25.45 14 25.97 -1.2 ProAssur PRA 1.24a 2.1 25 63.53 47.19 135 59.85 +6.5sProLogis PLD 1.76f 3.2 23 55.29 44.57 4238 54.56 +3.4 ProPetr n PUMP ... ... ... 15.30 12.26 654 14.12 -1.7 ProShtDow DOG ... ... ...q 22.46 17.69 467 18.22 -4.3 ProShtMC MYY ... ... ...q 15.70 12.28 23 12.68 -3.3 PrUltDow s DDM .79e .9 ...q 96.17 61.70 200 90.12 +7.9 ProUltMC MVV .11e .1 ...q 105.88 68.00 41 98.68 +4.7 PrUltQQQ s QLD .09e .1 ...q 108.97 63.78 767 105.42 +22.4 ProUltSP s SSO .40e .5 ...q 87.64 59.70 2064 83.36 +9.5 PrUShCnG SZK ... ... ...q 20.61 15.73 1 16.10 -13.9 ProShtHY SJB ... ... ...q 27.36 23.91 15 24.04 -2.4 ProUShBM SMN ... ... ...q 29.56 17.91 4 18.99 -10.8 Pro20 yrT UBT 1.13e 1.4 ...q 107.05 68.50 4 80.25 +9.9 PrUShtMex SMK ... ... ...q 32.79 19.07 2 19.45 -29.3 Pro7-10yrT UST .42e .7 ...q 65.74 54.55 2 58.97 +5.1 ProSShOG DDG ... ... ...q 28.16 21.82 0 24.93 +8.4 ProSShFn SEF ... ... ...q 17.94 12.90 24 13.69 -1.9 ProLCCre s CSM .67e 1.2 ...q 59.19 48.42 30 58.01 +5.0 ProUltTl s LTL ... ... ...q 69.71 42.44 0 56.20 ProHdgRep HDG ... ... ...q 44.05 41.10 2 43.69 +1.8 ProUltEM EET ... ... ...q 67.60 42.25 2 63.75 +23.8 ProRaLS RALS .62e 1.6 ...q 41.26 38.39 7 38.53 -3.7 ProUSL7-10T PST ... ... ...q 23.25 19.56 47 21.25 -5.8 ProUShTip TPS ... ... ... 26.20 23.20 25.29 -3.5 ProUSh3-7y TBZ ... ... ...q 27.91 25.11 26.58 -3.4 ProShtEafe EFZ ... ... ...q 36.11 29.35 86 29.82 -6.6 ProShtEM EUM ... ... ...q 29.03 21.63 198 22.27 -10.8 ProShRgBk KRS ... ... ...q 26.64 15.24 0 17.36 +5.8 PrURgBk s KRU ... ... ...q 94.80 32.87 1 69.00 ProUltEafe EFO ... ... ...q 104.51 70.81 0 98.94 +13.2 ProUMex UMX ... ... ...q 27.50 15.49 3 23.46 +34.5 ProUEurop UPV ... ... ...q 43.62 29.80 0 42.65 +14.6 ProShtBM SBM ... ... ...q 26.19 20.46 20.90 -5.4 ProUltSEM EEV ... ... ...q 22.68 12.28 128 13.01 -20.8 ProUltRE URE .84e .7 ...q 138.82 98.62 23 128.15 +12.2 ProUltFin s UYG .51e .5 ...q 107.59 58.35 59 94.61 +2.4 ProShtRE REK ... ... ...q 18.93 16.25 10 16.35 -6.3 ProShtChi50 YXI ... ... ...q 32.00 23.35 4 24.55 -8.7 ProUltSem s USD ... ... ...q 79.44 36.00 3 73.00 ProUltUt s UPW ... ... ...q 46.21 34.10 2 45.12 +15.8 PrUltTech s ROM .09e .1 ...q 124.08 66.93 4 119.88 +23.6 ProUltJpn EZJ ... ... ...q 99.23 72.60 94.59 +8.2 ProUltO&G DIG .46e 1.3 ...q 46.90 32.21 103 36.00 -17.5 ProUltInd s UXI ... ... ...q 56.09 35.65 0 51.26 +6.2 PrUltHCr s RXL .63e .9 ...q 74.43 54.41 2 68.83 +14.5 ProUCnsSv s UCC ... ... ...q 65.79 47.60 2 65.02 PrUCnsGd s UGE ... ... ...q 123.99 34.49 1 43.00 +15.3 ProUBasM UYM .15e .3 ...q 57.80 37.35 2 54.06 +10.1 PrUltPR2K URTY ... ... ...q 133.00 61.71 194 117.65 -.8 PUltM400 s UMDD .03e ... ...q 93.03 48.61 2 83.59 +6.7 ProUltSC s SAA ... ... ...q 86.87 51.39 77.32 -4.8 ProUPD30 s UDOW .13e .1 ...q 117.04 60.12 329 106.49 +12.2 ProUltR2K UWM .19e .2 ...q 120.88 71.50 54 111.68 +.2 ProSht20Tr TBF ... ... ...q 24.49 20.29 405 22.64 -5.2 PUltSP500 s UPRO .21e .2 ...q 100.82 57.00 1383 93.58 +14.4 ProUChin50 XPP ... ... ...q 61.15 36.20 18 55.04 +18.2 PrUSSilv s ZSL ... ... ...q 45.40 25.08 113 28.45 -26.6sPS ShCrd n OILD ... ... ... 18.60 17.65 23 18.64 +1.9tPS Crde n OILU ... ... ... 34.64 32.91 9 32.72 -2.6 PUVixST rs UVXY ... ... ...q 462.50 15.16 32171 18.96 PrUCrude rs UCO ... ... ...q 28.32 15.36 4059 20.51 ProVixST rs VIXY ... ... ...q 59.20 12.75 3316 14.34 -32.5 PrUltYen rs YCL ... ... ...q 77.14 53.50 0 63.08 +13.6 PrSUltNG rs BOIL ... ... ...q 20.34 9.30 67 12.06 -36.4 PVixMTFut VIXM ... ... ...q 58.00 31.13 12 31.93 -24.6 PrUltSilv AGQ ... ... ...q 57.26 31.05 266 41.57 +29.5 PrUltShN s KOLD ... ... ...q 64.53 21.44 10 29.11 +26.3 ProUShGld GLL ... ... ...q 95.07 64.91 38 71.00 -21.6 PrSUShAus CROC ... ... ...q 58.37 47.63 1 50.08 -9.3 PrUltShYen YCS ... ... ...q 82.60 58.96 48 68.81 -14.3 ProSUltGold UGL ... ... ...q 48.27 31.67 49 41.09 +23.8 ProShtVix SVXY ... ... ...q 146.00 39.43 3968 128.22 +40.9 PrUShCrd s SCO ... ... ...q 61.39 30.12 1505 33.76 ProShtEuro EUFX ... ... ...q 45.85 41.16 0 44.48 -1.4 ProUltEuro ULE ... ... ...q 17.35 13.50 9 14.41 +2.3 ProUShEuro EUO ... ... ...q 28.02 22.45 220 26.08 -3.7 ProctGam PG 2.76f 3.0 24 92.00 79.10 7018 90.80 +8.0 ProgsvCp PGR .69e 1.8 22 40.74 30.54 7059 39.01 +9.9 ProsHldg PRO ... ... ...dd 25.66 10.90 84 23.15 +7.6 ProShtQQQ PSQ ... ... ...q 55.89 41.87 277 42.56 -10.0 ProShSP rs SH ... ... ...q 41.82 33.98 2184 34.77 -4.8 ProUShSP SDS ... ... ...q 19.82 13.06 8156 13.68 -9.5 PrUShDow DXD ... ... ...q 19.79 12.25 1886 13.01 -8.3 PUShtMdC MZZ ... ... ...q 37.37 22.66 1 24.32 -6.3 PUShtQQQ QID ... ... ...q 33.54 18.75 1278 19.39 -19.0 PrShRs2K rs SRTY ... ... ...q 118.28 45.15 838 49.83 PrUShD3 rs SDOW ... ... ...q 67.92 32.79 972 35.82 PUltShtF rs FINZ ... ... ...q 44.18 12.45 13 15.86 PrSUlhGM rs GDXS ... ... ...q 30.26 11.93 55 14.31 -33.0 ProUShL20 TBT ... ... ...q 42.72 29.45 2952 36.49 -10.6 PrShR2K rs RWM ... ... ...q 63.25 46.70 431 48.35 -1.2 PrUShHC rs RXD ... ... ...q 51.90 37.73 39.47 -15.0 PrUShCnS rs SCC ... ... ...q 44.45 30.45 30.99 -12.4 PrUShRE rs SRS ... ... ...q 42.13 31.21 40 31.27 -12.3 PUShtR2K TWM ... ... ...q 40.18 21.54 1992 23.06 -2.8 PrUShtSC SDD ... ... ...q 35.72 19.69 0 21.39 +2.1 PUShChi50 FXP ... ... ...q 49.05 25.42 189 28.25 -17.0 PUShtIndl SIJ ... ... ...q 36.57 22.78 1 24.13 -8.8 PrShtSmC SBB ... ... ...q 50.94 38.04 0 39.73 +1.1 PUPShtMC SMDD ... ... ...q 29.69 13.86 21 15.14 -9.2 PrSh K1 n OILK ... ... ... 22.94 18.36 4 20.95 -6.5 PUShtEur EPV ... ... ...q 68.19 43.17 11 44.10 -14.3 PUShtSPX SPXU ... ... ...q 30.88 16.41 3628 17.58 -13.9 PrUOGEx rs UOP ... ... ...q 41.31 23.07 0 26.43 -24.7 PUShtJpn EWV ... ... ...q 52.40 35.89 1 37.81 -8.9 PrUJMin rs GDJJ ... ... ...q 152.62 41.36 6 63.12 +18.0 ProSPDvA NOBL 1.00e 1.8 ...q 57.08 51.23 295 55.95 +3.8 PUltShEafe EFU ... ... ...q 46.46 30.50 1 31.54 -12.6 PrUGMin rs GDXX ... ... ...q 93.85 29.50 9 48.00 +29.9 PrUltBra rs UBR ... ... ...q 85.26 34.01 4 70.17 +21.6 PrSht20yTr TTT ... ... ...q ProGblInf TOLZ 1.63e 3.9 ...q 42.35 37.19 8 42.28 +8.1 PUltShOG DUG ... ... ...q 57.36 34.86 83 43.77 +17.0 PS MngdF FUT ... ... ... 41.69 39.54 40.37 -2.8 PrGPrEq bt PEX 1.53e 3.7 ...q 40.89 32.06 40.85 +4.7 ProEurDiv EUDV .15p ... ...q 39.98 33.67 9 37.95 +7.9 PHYIntH bt HYHG 3.16 4.7 ...q 70.19 61.69 9 67.86 -.9 ProSPxTch SPXT .23p ... ...q 47.67 41.39 46.47 +2.3 ProSPxHC SPXV .24p ... ...q 50.15 42.71 48.84 +3.7 ProMerger MRGR .12e .3 ...q 36.99 35.06 6 35.64 ProSPxFin SPXN .23p ... ...q 48.27 42.08 48.08 +5.3 ProSPxEgy SPXE .22p ... ...q 49.69 41.11 0 48.58 +5.6 PrUltPFn FINU .29e .5 ...q 136.29 53.54 3 61.15 -51.5 PrUltPFn s FINU/WI ... ... ...q 68.14 26.77 -100.0 ProHgdJpn HGJP .91e ... ...q 38.09 26.63 1 27.54 -3.3 PrIGIntH bt IGHG 2.15 2.9 ... 77.35 71.71 50 75.41 -1.2 ProSht7-10y TBX ... ... ...q 29.45 26.94 14 28.08 -3.4 ProHgEur HGEU .44e ... ...q 40.66 32.46 1 39.78 +4.9 ProUShHm HDZ ... ... ...q 18.82 13.65 14.35 ProUHome HBU ... ... ...q 21.66 16.76 20.75 PrUSOGEx SOP ... ... ...q 22.46 9.50 0 12.73 +22.7 PrUShBrz s BZQ ... ... ...q 40.95 11.90 349 13.61 -25.3 PrSPMCDv REGL .65e 1.3 ...q 53.04 43.08 91 50.93 +1.1 ProSR2KDv SMDV .47e ... ...q 54.95 42.54 86 53.21 -1.0 PSSTEm bt EMSH 4.88e 6.2 ... 80.62 76.31 78.35 +1.7 ProUltHY UJB 1.72e 2.7 ...q 65.65 53.82 62.90 +4.4tPrUShtUtl SDP ... ... ...q 39.07 27.75 2 27.72 -14.3 PrUltShtTc REW ... ... ...q 48.95 25.00 25.97 -19.7 PrUShtFn SKF ... ... ...q 50.78 26.17 37 29.31 -4.2 PrUSDCvBd COBO 2.19 2.2 ...q 107.41 97.02 1 101.68 +1.7 PUShtSem SSG ... ... ...q 45.37 18.00 1 19.34 -9.8 ProMornAlt ALTS .38e 1.0 ...q 39.16 37.23 2 38.93 +.8 Pro30BEI RINF .50e 1.8 ...q 29.80 26.33 15 28.24 -2.9 ProDivGro EFAD .70e ... ...q PS EMkDv EMDV ... ... ... 51.95 42.89 0 50.23 +9.6 ProCdNASh WYDE ... ... ...q 38.30 33.51 33.51 -1.8 ProGermSv GGOV .06e .2 ...q 38.16 33.20 1 35.73 +2.4 ProsCap 24 PBB 1.56 6.1 ... 26.22 23.30 18 25.78 +2.7 ProspBcsh PB 1.36f 2.1 17 77.87 44.87 584 65.45 -8.8 Protalix PLX ... ... ...dd 1.52 .26 2620 1.04 +133.7 ProtLf5-42 PLpC 1.56 6.1 ... 26.94 24.42 13 25.40 ProtLf9-42 PLpE 1.50 5.9 ... 26.90 24.61 10 25.51 +1.3 ProtoLabs PRLB ... ... 30 81.42 43.10 182 50.55 -1.6 Provect wt PVCT/WS ... ... ... .35 .01 .02 ProvidFS PFS .76f 3.0 18 28.92 18.59 146 24.97 -11.8 ProvMtgC PMCA ... ... ... Prudentl PRU 3.00f 2.9 11 114.55 66.51 2252 103.57 -.5 Prudentl18 PFK .65 2.5 ... 27.22 25.12 6 26.08 +2.8 PrudFn 52 PJH 1.44 5.6 ... 27.31 23.87 45 25.90 +4.6 PrudtlF 53 PRH 1.43 5.5 ... 28.04 24.10 19 25.87 +4.6 PruSDHiY GHY 1.32 8.8 ...q 15.52 14.15 132 15.02 +.9 PruUK pf PUKp 1.69 6.5 ... 27.98 25.35 12 25.99 +2.0 PruUK pfA PUKpA 1.63 6.2 ... 28.06 25.22 13 26.10 +3.2 Prud UK PUK 1.49e 3.6 ... 44.21 29.14 353 41.43 +4.1 PruShHiY ISD 1.32 8.6 ...q 16.53 14.65 275 15.39 -.6 PSEG PEG 1.72 3.8 17 47.11 39.28 3839 45.34 +3.3 PubStrg PSA 6.80 2.9 29 267.34 200.65 597 231.18 +3.4 PubSt pfS PSApS 1.48 5.8 ... 26.15 24.30 19 25.28 +2.4 PubSt pfT PSApT 2.88 11.4 ... 26.48 23.47 9 25.23 +4.0 PubSt pfU PSApU 1.41 5.6 ... 26.95 22.99 11 25.19 +7.1 PubSt pfV PSApV 1.34 5.4 ... 27.25 21.91 40 25.00 +10.6 PubSt pfW PSApW 1.30 5.1 ... 26.64 21.26 12 25.48 +9.6 PubSt pfX PSApX 1.30 5.2 ... 26.84 21.91 11 25.21 +9.2 PubSt pfY PSApY 1.59 5.9 ... 29.23 25.51 139 26.96 +3.1 PubSt pfZ PSApZ 1.50 5.5 ... 29.13 24.75 11 27.03 +6.8sPubSt pfE PSApE 1.23 5.3 ... 23.14 21.28 85 23.10 +6.9 PubSt pfD PSApD 1.24 5.4 ... 25.98 20.61 56 23.34 +10.1 PubSt pfC PSApC ... ... ... 27.00 21.01 36 24.65 +13.0 PubSt pfB PSApB ... ... ... 27.20 22.07 41 25.64 +13.3 PubSt pfA PSApA 1.47 5.6 ... 28.85 23.35 10 26.25 +5.7sPulteGrp PHM .36 1.5 14 24.15 17.58 4275 24.20 +31.7 PureStrg n PSTG ... ... ...dd 15.20 9.12 687 10.36 -8.4 PutHiInSec PCF .37 4.3 ...q 8.79 7.40 15 8.68 +5.9 PMMI PMM .44 5.9 ...q 8.15 6.97 74 7.43 +5.1 PMIIT PIM .31 6.6 ...q 4.78 4.29 102 4.75 +3.0 PMOT PMO .71 5.9 ...q 13.69 11.57 168 12.20 +2.1 PPrIT PPT .31 6.0 ...q 5.37 4.60 489 5.23 +5.2 PzenaInv PZN .41e 3.9 24 11.85 7.06 49 10.40 -6.4 Q2 Hldgs QTWO ... ... ...dd 37.58 21.81 117 36.50 +26.5tQEP Res QEP .08 .7 ...dd 21.12 11.21 4530 11.21 -39.1 QTS RltTr QTS 1.56f 3.0 27 59.41 43.01 431 52.25 +5.2 QuadGrph QUAD 1.20 4.9 23 29.50 11.99 188 24.29 -9.6 QuakerCh KWR 1.38 1.0 32 153.90 81.12 45 137.43 +7.4 QuaCare QCP ... ... ... 24.05 11.57 411 18.97 +22.4 QuanexBld NX .16 .8 24 21.90 15.41 105 19.55 -3.7 QuantaSvc PWR ... ... 23 38.82 21.60 1058 34.94 +.3 QntmDSS QTM ... ... 86 1.08 .35 813 .86 +2.8 QuaInsp n ISMD ... ... ... 25.52 23.82 1 24.29 -.8 QuaInsLg n BLES ... ... ... 26.03 25.01 21 25.45 +.6 QuanReal n QXRR ... ... ... 25.07 24.04 3 24.37 -2.8 QuanDyn n XUSA ... ... ... 25.96 24.53 0 24.66 -1.4 QuanMulT n QXTR ... ... ... 25.20 24.52 4 24.63 -1.7 QuanMulIn n QXMI ... ... ... 25.54 24.83 25.54 +2.0 QuanGrw n QXGG ... ... ... 25.56 24.60 24.80 -.7 QstDiag DGX 1.80 1.9 21 100.00 74.04 857 97.11 +5.7 QuintIMS Q ... ... 20 83.04 61.21 1172 79.99 +5.2 QuormHl n QHC ... ... ... 13.52 3.75 232 4.73 -34.9 QuotientTc QUOT ... ... ...dd 14.36 9.10 331 10.50 -2.3 Qwest 54 CTV 1.72 6.8 ... 27.85 24.11 91 25.45 +5.2 Qwest 9-51 CTW 1.88 7.4 ... 26.68 24.96 133 25.29 +1.0 Qwest 4-52 CTX 1.75 6.9 ... 26.64 24.55 75 25.30 +2.4 Qwest 7-52 CTU 1.75 6.9 ... 27.26 24.48 16 25.36 +3.3 Qwest53 CTY 1.53 6.2 ... 25.97 21.99 200 24.74 +9.0 Qwest 25 CTZ 1.66 6.5 ... 26.84 23.21 265 25.45 +8.3 Qwest 56 CTAA ... ... ... 27.98 24.88 49 26.72 +6.2R -RAIT pfA RASpA 1.94 9.1 ... 23.07 17.11 21 21.32 +5.1 RAIT pfB RASpB 2.09 9.0 ... 24.10 17.70 10 23.24 +9.3 RAIT pfC RASpC 2.22 9.1 ... 25.21 18.81 0 24.35 +7.9 RAIT Fin RAS .36 11.8 ...dd 3.91 2.41 363 3.06 -8.9 RAIT Fn 24 RFT 1.91 7.9 ... 24.88 19.49 0 24.14 +3.9 RAITFn 19 RFTA 1.78 7.1 ... 25.49 22.65 1 25.20 +3.2sRELX NV s RENX .45e 2.4 ... 18.87 14.92 60 18.94 +13.0sRELX plc s RELX .41e 2.0 ... 20.13 16.19 98 20.24 +12.6 RH RH ... ... 30 48.91 24.41 1113 46.72 +52.2 RLI Corp RLI .80 1.4 26 71.46 54.27 97 58.32 -7.6 RLJ LodgT RLJ 1.32 5.6 9 25.10 18.86 637 23.49 -4.1 RPC RES .20 1.1 ...dd 23.36 13.12 867 18.49 -6.7 RPM RPM 1.20 2.4 33 56.40 46.25 658 50.51 -6.2 RSP Perm RSPP ... ... ...dd 46.92 29.15 2025 38.77 -13.1 RadianGrp RDN .01 .1 15 19.87 9.29 1722 18.87 +4.9 RadiantLog RLGT ... ... 5.96 2.45 169 5.54 +42.1 RadLog pfA RLGTpA 2.44 9.2 ... 27.91 24.00 2 26.51 +2.3 RLauren RL 2.00 2.5 14 114.00 75.62 414 79.53 -11.9 RamcoG RPT .88 6.2 11 20.24 13.26 635 14.25 -14.1 RamcG pfD RPTpD 3.63 6.6 ... 72.57 52.03 3 54.96 -10.3 RangeRs RRC .08 .3 ...dd 46.96 26.61 4270 27.42 -20.2 RJamesFn RJF .88f 1.2 19 81.92 46.30 640 73.07 +5.5 RayAdvM RYAM .28 2.2 8 17.38 9.59 209 12.72 -17.7 RayAdv pfA RYAMpA 2.00 2.0 ... 104.24 94.94 1 99.43 -4.1 Rayonier RYN 1.00 3.5 51 29.86 24.37 1076 28.60 +7.5 Raytheon RTN 3.19f 2.1 24 157.59 124.98 1306 152.87 +7.7 RealityETF DIVY .46p ... ...q 26.95 22.91 11 25.79 +2.2 RltDvcDiv LEAD ... ... ...q 28.25 23.84 1 27.21 +5.3 RealDivc n DFND ... ... ...q 24.35 22.15 23.96 +1.7 RealDivG n GARD ... ... ...q 21.43 19.95 21.37 +2.7 Realogy RLGY .27p .9 17 36.80 21.43 698 28.59 +11.1 RltyInco O 2.53f 4.1 31 72.30 52.72 1352 62.06 +8.0 ReavesUtl UTG 1.82 5.3 ...q 34.41 28.18 76 34.07 +10.9 ReavesU rt UTGr ... ... ... .00 RedHat RHT ... ... 38 88.05 68.54 1393 86.74 +24.4 RedLionH RLH ... ... ...dd 9.40 6.23 7 6.70 -19.8 RedwdTr RWT 1.12 6.6 10 17.05 12.40 298 16.90 +11.1 Reeds REED ... ... ...dd 4.74 2.25 43 4.20 +2.4 RegalBel RBC .96 1.3 17 77.80 51.57 160 75.10 +8.4 RegalEnt RGC .88a 4.0 22 24.79 19.35 1382 22.06 +7.1 RgcyCtrs REG 2.04f 3.0 25 85.35 61.90 624 68.31 -.9 RgcyC pfG REGpG 1.50 5.8 ... 27.13 23.37 2 25.70 +6.0 RegnlMgt RM ... ... 10 27.56 13.11 67 19.85 -24.5 RegionsFn RF .26 1.9 15 16.03 7.80 39487 13.34 -7.1 Regions pfA RFpA 1.59 6.1 ... 27.23 24.65 10 26.07 +3.6 Regns pfB RFpB 1.59 5.6 ... 30.10 25.16 19 28.36 +6.9tRegis Cp RGS ... ... 16.02 10.68 227 10.90 -24.9 ReinsGrp RGA 1.64f 1.3 14 132.79 90.17 162 125.46 -.3 ReinsGp42 RZA 1.55 5.3 ... 31.23 25.69 33 29.43 +9.1 ReinsG56 n RZB 1.44 5.3 ... 29.52 24.30 19 27.32 +4.0 RelStlAl RS 1.80f 2.4 17 88.58 65.10 539 75.32 -5.3 RELM RWC .09p ... 26 5.83 4.26 9 5.15 +8.4 RemaxHld RMAX .72f 1.2 43 63.35 35.39 78 57.75 +3.1 RenaisIPO IPO .02e .1 ...q 23.14 17.93 1 22.83 +10.4 RenIntIPO IPOS .24e 1.2 ...q 20.02 16.77 19.64 +9.1 RenaisRe RNR 1.28f .9 13 150.74 107.27 208 140.00 +2.8 RenRe prE RNRpE 1.34 5.4 ... 27.39 21.96 10 25.02 +11.2 RenRe prC RNRpC 1.52 5.9 ... 26.37 24.45 19 25.70 +2.4 ReneSola rs SOL ... ... ... 7.30 2.15 89 2.43 -24.1 RennFund RCG ... ... ...q 1.52 .97 2 1.31 +7.4tRenren rs RENN ... ... ... 16.30 7.38 77 7.45 -6.3 RepubSvc RSG 1.28f 2.0 30 63.84 45.56 728 62.86 +10.2 ResMed RMD 1.32f 1.9 28 73.46 55.43 398 68.65 +10.6 ResolEn rs REN ... ... ... 49.14 2.55 523 41.52 +.8 ResoluteF RFP ... ... ...dd 6.20 3.70 208 5.35 ResCap pfA RSOpA 2.13 8.7 ... 24.80 17.90 0 24.30 -.1sResCap pfB RSOpB 2.06 8.7 ... 23.90 17.06 7 23.81 +6.1 ResCap pfC RSOpC 2.16 8.9 ... 24.74 18.00 10 24.37 +6.0 ResCap rs RSO .20 2.1 ...dd 13.73 7.57 211 9.51 +14.2 RestBrnds QSR .72f 1.3 38 57.98 39.28 609 56.66 +18.9 RetailProp RPAI .66 4.5 22 17.78 13.88 937 14.62 -4.6 RetlPr pfA RPAIpA 1.75 6.8 ... 27.50 22.77 5 25.85 +3.4 RetractTc RVP ... ... ...dd 2.90 .88 23 .95 +2.2 RevGp n REVG .05p ... ... 29.29 24.87 64 27.86 +8.6tRevlon REV ... ... 20 37.96 25.85 76 25.80 -11.5 RexAmRes REX ... ... 18 102.59 50.90 42 88.85 -10.0 RexahnPh RNN ... ... ...dd .71 .13 10198 .41 +188.0sRexfordIR REXR .58f 2.4 46 24.68 18.53 277 24.60 +6.1 RexfdIn pfA REXRpA ... ... ... 26.19 21.60 6 24.68 +9.4 Rexnord RXN ... ... 19 24.55 15.80 457 22.18 +13.2 Rexnrd pfA RXNpA ... ... ... 56.90 48.52 3 52.94 +8.0 ReynAm s RAI 2.04f 3.2 28 64.25 43.38 3636 64.04 +14.3 RiceEngy RICE ... ... 29.36 16.12 3452 22.72 +6.4 RiceMidstr RMP 1.00f 4.0 17 26.42 15.00 153 24.99 +1.7 Richmnt g RIC ... ... ... 11.66 5.45 8.00 +23.1 RingCentrl RNG ... ... 29.08 17.92 307 28.85 +40.0 RingEngy REI ... ... ...dd 14.10 6.16 865 12.38 -4.7 RioTinto RIO 2.27e 5.9 ... 47.11 26.95 4088 38.62 +.4 RitchieBr RBA .68 2.2 27 39.96 27.13 582 30.94 -9.0 RiteAid RAD ... ... 41 8.77 4.15 10709 4.47 -45.8 RivrnOpp n RIV 1.68 8.5 ... 20.92 18.07 13 19.79 +4.7 Riv/Doubl n OPP ... ... ... 20.25 18.00 91 19.08 +3.5 RoadrnTrn RRTS ... ... 10 12.65 6.05 280 6.47 -37.7 RobtHalf RHI .96f 2.1 17 50.98 34.34 1545 44.91 -7.9 RockwlAut ROK 3.04 2.0 24 159.78 107.17 838 149.53 +11.3 RockColl COL 1.32 1.4 18 100.24 78.54 5611 96.78 +4.3sRogCm gs RCI 1.57 ... 17 46.11 37.03 461 45.90 +19.0 Rogers ROG ... ... 26 90.45 51.98 113 81.99 +6.7 Rollins s ROL .46f 1.2 49 37.29 26.21 445 37.01 +9.6 Roper ROP 1.40f .7 31 214.44 159.28 336 207.14 +13.1 RosettaStn RST ... ... ...dd 11.36 6.80 91 10.77 +20.9 Roundys RNDY ... ... ...dd 3.60 Rowan RDC .40 2.8 7 21.68 12.00 2266 14.21 -24.8 RBCda pfS RYpS 1.38 ... ... 28.64 24.72 3 25.67 +1.9 RBCda pfT RYpT 1.69 ... ... 33.50 26.80 30.45 +10.0 RoyalBk g RY 3.48f ... ... 76.01 57.01 1351 71.33 +5.3 RBScotlnd RBS ... ... ... 7.60 3.91 1015 5.78 +4.5 RBSct prF RBSpF 1.91 7.3 ... 27.53 25.00 3 26.19 +1.3 RBSct prH RBSpH 1.81 7.0 ... 26.19 24.64 3 25.74 +1.7 RBSct prL RBSpL 1.44 5.7 ... 25.85 23.80 47 25.09 +5.4 RBSct prS RBSpS 1.65 6.5 ... 27.32 24.10 14 25.47 +1.7 RylCarb RCL 1.92 2.0 24 101.11 64.95 912 95.55 +16.5 RoyDShllB RDS/B 3.76 6.8 84 59.56 48.18 1451 55.16 -4.8 RoyDShllA RDS/A 3.76 7.2 79 56.39 46.57 3335 52.46 -3.5 RoyceGVal RGT .10e ... ... 8.96 7.15 19 8.88 +10.5 RoyceMC RMT .63e 7.5 ...q 8.63 7.00 210 8.38 +2.7 Royce RVT 1.20e 8.5 ...q 14.50 11.25 131 14.05 +4.9 RubiconPrj RUBI ... ... ... 20.29 5.37 656 5.55 -25.2 RubyTues RT ... ... ...dd 4.55 1.69 372 2.47 -23.5 Rudolph RTEC ... ... 23 24.90 13.43 116 21.25 -9.0 Ryder R 1.76 2.4 14 85.42 56.98 297 74.78 +.5 RyersonH RYI ... ... 19 19.71 7.58 185 12.45 -6.7 RymanHP RHP 3.00 4.8 11 67.97 47.16 132 62.43 -.9S -S&P Glbl SPGI 1.64f 1.3 22 133.08 97.65 791 130.52 +21.4 SAP SE SAP 1.31e 1.4 ... 98.79 71.39 470 97.02 +12.3 SCANA SCG 2.45f 3.7 17 76.41 64.20 792 66.70 -9.0 SCE TrV n SCEpK ... ... ... 30.81 24.57 19 27.75 +9.9 SCETr pfF SCEpF 1.41 5.5 ... 26.61 23.17 59 25.50 +9.3 SCE II prG SCEpG 1.28 5.1 ... 26.63 20.89 13 25.05 +13.0 SCE Tr pfH SCEpH 1.44 5.2 ... 31.75 24.98 48 27.50 +8.0 SCETr pfJ SCEpJ 1.34 5.0 ... 29.90 23.42 10 26.92 +9.1 SJW SJW .87f 1.8 24 56.93 31.38 25 49.29 -12.0 SK Tlcm SKM ... ... ... 26.07 18.93 608 24.06 +15.1 SLGreen SLG 3.10f 2.9 16 120.63 93.90 398 108.58 +1.0 SL Grn pfI SLGpI 1.63 6.3 ... 27.53 24.69 2 25.72 +3.1 SM Energy SM .10 .4 ...dd 43.09 20.01 2086 22.97 -33.4 Spd LgGl n GLDW ... ... ... 128.81 120.87 0 127.72 +2.6 SpdrDJIA DIA 3.98e 1.9 ...q 211.59 170.37 2448 205.08 +3.8 SpdrGold GLD ... ... ...q 131.15 107.00 10694 122.82 +12.1 SpdrStxx50 FEU 1.24e 3.9 ...q 32.26 27.43 36 31.71 +6.1 SpdrNoANR NANR ... ... ...q 36.49 31.26 28 33.37 -.3 SpdrSPIntDv HDWX ... ... ...q 44.27 37.02 0 43.12 +1.7 SpdrEur50 HFEZ 1.03e ... ...q 38.66 29.47 24 37.61 +5.3 SpdrLwCbn LOWC 1.69e 2.1 ...q 80.69 66.75 1 79.62 +6.5 SpdrEuro50 FEZ 1.18e 3.3 ...q 36.61 28.60 3357 35.59 +6.4 Spd MsciCh XINA ... ... ... 22.96 20.04 21.90 +5.8 S&PEAsia GMF 1.22e 1.4 ...q 87.35 69.17 20 85.39 +13.7 Spdr UKS QGBR 1.33e 2.7 ...q 50.67 42.46 49.72 +7.3 SpdrSpnS QESP 2.04e 4.5 ...q 46.27 35.92 0 45.41 +12.0 SpdrGermS QDEU 1.17e 2.1 ...q 56.33 45.69 0 55.60 +7.7 SpdrJpnS QJPN .85e 1.2 ...q 70.03 61.88 69.04 +5.7 SpdrCdaS QCAN 1.61e 2.9 ...q 56.40 48.72 0 54.72 +2.4 SpdrAustS QAUS 2.47e 4.8 ...q 53.10 43.82 7 51.66 +8.8 SpdrEuSmC SMEZ 1.15e 2.2 ...q 51.96 40.77 7 51.30 +10.1 S&PChina GXC 1.30e 1.6 ...q 84.29 64.79 85 81.66 +13.3 SpdrWldQu QWLD 1.30e 1.9 ...q 68.00 59.10 67.36 +6.3 SpdrEMQu QEMM 1.31e 2.4 ...q 56.73 46.96 15 55.30 +10.3 SpdrEafeSt QEFA 1.62e 2.8 ...q 59.99 49.94 14 58.02 +8.0 SpdrMscBey EMBB ... ... ... SpdrGblDv WDIV 3.11e 4.0 ...q 65.53 57.39 63 64.94 +5.0 SpdrMsEm50 EMFT ... ... ... SpAcwiIMI ACIM 1.28e 1.9 ...q 75.00 58.04 28 68.57 +4.7 S&PEMkts GMM 1.33e 2.1 ...q 65.32 51.61 30 64.12 +11.9 SpdrEMDv EDIV 1.68e 5.7 ...q 30.78 24.47 89 29.31 +10.8 SpdrGlbNR GNR 1.30e 3.1 ...q 44.20 34.55 38 41.91 +2.0 SpdrSPRus RBL .67e 3.5 ...q 21.24 15.66 3 19.15 -5.8 S&PEEuro GUR 1.09e 3.9 ...q 29.46 23.50 7 28.30 +2.0 SpdrIUtil IPU .63e 3.9 ...q 17.07 14.20 10 16.03 +8.0 SpdrITelec IST .78e 3.3 ...q 26.11 21.86 2 23.74 +4.7 SpdrIntTech IPK .27e .7 ...q 39.46 28.78 3 38.26 +12.5 SpdrIMatls IRV .49e 2.3 ...q 22.39 16.95 1 21.36 +5.9 SpdrIIndus IPN .54e 1.7 ...q 32.49 26.35 1 32.11 +8.7 SpdrIHlthC IRY .73e 1.6 ...q 50.14 41.38 6 46.56 +7.0 SpdrIFncl IPF .63e 3.2 ...q 21.25 15.76 0 19.98 +3.1 S&PLatAm GML 1.25e 2.5 ...q 52.42 38.81 4 50.95 +14.7 SpdrIEngy IPW .75e 4.1 ...q 19.30 16.13 3 18.13 -3.0 SpdrICnStp IPS .78e 1.8 ...q 44.79 38.26 6 43.32 +9.5 SpdrICnDis IPD .75e 2.0 ...q 38.41 31.52 1 37.76 +4.9 SpdrDJ RE RWO 1.57e 3.2 ...q 52.60 44.74 190 48.63 +3.8 SpdrEMSmC EWX 1.17e 2.6 ...q 46.20 36.78 116 45.28 +14.0 SpdrIntDiv DWX 2.22e 5.8 ...q 38.37 32.42 146 38.13 +5.7 Spdr SPBric BIK ... ... ... SpdrEMdE GAF 1.96e 3.3 ...q 64.31 50.91 0 59.96 +7.8 SpdMS xUS CWI .81e 2.4 ...q 34.42 28.36 118 33.82 +7.4 SpdrSPGbl GII 1.37e 2.8 ...q 49.95 42.95 9 49.00 +8.9 SpdrIntRE RWX 1.25e 3.2 ...q 43.15 35.12 417 38.50 +6.7 SpdrIntlSC GWX 3.63e 1.6 ...q 31.71 27.57 139 31.38 +8.2 SpdrWldxUS GWL .75e 2.7 ...q 27.89 23.32 74 27.57 +7.3 SP Mid MDY 2.94e 1.0 ...q 320.48 256.08 905 309.17 +2.5 S&P500ETF SPY 4.13e 1.8 ...q 240.32 198.65 72967 233.87 +4.6 SpdrRRtn RLY .44e 1.8 ...q 25.54 23.37 10 24.55 +.6 SpdrIncAll INKM 1.08e 3.4 ...q 32.15 30.15 68 31.81 +4.4 SpdrGblAll GAL 1.04e 2.9 ...q 34.70 32.47 76 34.43 +4.3 SpdrSenLn SRLN 1.96 4.1 ...q 47.65 46.47 117 47.47 SpdrUShBd ULST .16 .4 ...q 41.27 39.92 2 40.31 +.3 SpdrCreEq SYE 1.63e 1.5 ...q 67.96 55.79 0 65.99 +5.5 SpdrDblTac TOTL 1.17e ... ...q 50.28 48.14 545 49.30 +1.9 SpdrValEq SYV 4.21e 1.7 ...q 59.52 50.19 58.40 -.2 SpdrGroEq SYG 1.85e .9 ...q 69.15 55.55 1 67.85 +7.3 SpdrBiot s XBI .44e .6 ...q 72.58 48.98 2877 67.85 +14.6 Spdr Div SDY 3.80e 2.1 ...q 89.92 79.13 569 87.65 +2.4 SpdrGbDow DGT 1.52e 2.1 ...q 75.44 60.52 73.65 +5.3 SpdrHome XHB .15e .4 ...q 37.75 30.92 640 37.17 +9.8 SpdrS&PBk KBE .53e 1.3 ...q 47.00 28.01 2155 41.53 -4.5 SpdrS&PCM KCE .91e 2.0 ...q 48.73 33.92 3 45.80 +2.0 SpdrS&PIns KIE 1.24e 1.5 ...q 89.51 66.23 193 84.73 +2.1 SpdrRus1K ONEK 1.79e 1.6 ...q 112.85 93.02 4 109.72 +4.3 SpdrLCapG SPYG 1.49e 1.3 ...q 114.72 96.04 35 113.13 +7.4 SpdrLCapV SPYV 2.39e 2.1 ...q 117.09 95.15 7 111.39 +1.8 Spd SP1000 SMD 3.97e 1.6 ...q 93.57 73.61 2 90.07 +1.5 SpdrMCpG MDYG 2.19e 1.0 ...q 142.23 116.33 12 138.22 +3.9 SpdrMCpV MDYV 3.45e 3.6 ...q 99.22 78.41 14 94.92 +1.0 SpdrMSTch s MTK .41e .6 ...q 69.32 50.00 15 68.23 +12.7 SpdrSemi s XSD .16e .3 ...q 61.81 40.60 111 58.75 +4.7 SpdrSCapG SLYG 8.53e 1.0 ...q 216.39 167.46 31 208.24 +.1 SpdrSCapV SLYV 7.98e 1.5 ...q 124.31 94.57 63 115.65 -2.8 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next pageMONEY & MARKET$Page 7 The Sun/Wednesday, April 19, 2017


SpdrRus3K THRK 3.24e 1.9 ...q 181.41 147.85 6 174.59 +4.3 SpdrWilRE RWR 2.90e 3.0 ...q 104.34 86.90 246 95.53 +2.3 SpdrShTTr SST .27 .9 ...q 31.39 29.82 12 30.25 +.7 SpFcStIn n XITK ... ... ... 64.85 51.32 1 63.16 +8.1 SPDR SrTr XTH ... ... ... 70.15 52.08 68.12 +8.0 SPDR Intrnt XWEB ... ... ... 61.46 51.20 60.33 +4.5 Spdr1500VT VLU 4.85e 2.0 ...q 96.00 74.73 89.99 +2.1 SpdrScored CBND .99 3.1 ...q 33.26 31.20 3 32.15 +1.9 SpdrIntCBd IBND .14e .4 ...q 34.03 30.10 56 31.60 +2.3 SpdrIGFlt FLRN .20 .7 ...q 31.03 30.41 334 30.72 +.3 SpdBuildA n BABS ... ... ... SpdrHYMu HYMB 2.55 4.5 ...q 59.93 54.00 160 57.18 +2.2 SpdrWFPf PSK 2.59e 5.8 ...q 47.67 41.35 51 44.53 +6.2 SpdrBarITB BWZ .06e ... ...q 32.32 28.93 20 30.59 +4.5 SpdrBarcCv CWB 3.55e 4.7 ...q 48.29 42.29 722 47.92 +5.0 SpdrLTBd LWC 1.81 4.4 ...q 43.81 38.57 14 41.01 +2.9 SpdrITBd ITR .92 2.7 ...q 35.02 33.64 649 34.41 +1.5 SpdrBarMBB MBG .83 3.1 ...q 27.36 25.30 35 26.52 +.9 SpdrEMBd EBND ... ... ...q 31.51 25.45 11 28.48 +7.1 SpdrShTHiY SJNK 1.58 5.7 ...q 28.17 26.30 2973 27.90 +.8 SpdrLehHY JNK 2.30 6.2 ...q 37.22 34.47 5792 36.81 +1.0 SpdrSTCpBd SCPB .40e 1.2 ...q 30.84 30.43 223 30.65 +.4 SP IntTip WIP .41e .3 ...q 57.71 51.41 92 55.31 +6.3 SpdBofaE n EMCD ... ... ... SPLIntTB s BWX ... ... ...q 29.34 25.52 446 27.10 +4.3 SpdrTrans s XTN .25e .5 ...q 57.43 40.57 21 51.88 -3.9 SpdrTelcm XTL .68e 1.0 ...q 74.28 54.61 5 69.71 +.5 SpdrHCSv s XHS .61e .2 ...q 60.15 47.50 7 57.09 +8.8 SpdrHCEq s XHE 3.22e .1 ...q 56.45 42.60 35 55.28 +11.2 SpdrSf&Sv s XSW .19e .3 ...q 59.35 47.22 1 58.28 +6.9 SpdrMLCrs CJNK 1.01e 3.8 ...q 27.40 25.00 2 26.30 +1.6 SpdrAerDf s XAR 1.70e 1.5 ...q 69.94 52.92 66 66.89 +5.6 SpdrLehAgB BNDS 1.48 2.6 ...q 59.85 56.38 62 57.70 +1.4 SpdrBarcTip IPE .01e ... ...q 58.93 55.10 41 57.12 +1.7 SpdrLehLTT TLO 1.82 2.5 ...q 82.40 67.44 47 72.06 +4.6 SpdrLehIntTr ITE .74 1.2 ...q 61.96 59.24 36 60.30 +1.1 SpdrLe1-3bll BIL ... ... ...q 45.74 45.69 201 45.72 SpdrS&P RB KRE .74e 1.4 ...q 59.68 35.29 7021 52.35 -5.8 Spdr1500MT MMTM 1.61e 1.7 ...q 100.50 86.14 97.11 +3.6 SpdrRetl s XRT .49e 1.2 ...q 48.26 39.50 1881 42.18 -4.3 SpdNuBMu s TFI ... ... ...q 50.98 46.81 405 48.53 +2.3 SpdrPhm s XPH 3.00e .9 ...q 47.82 36.58 63 41.52 +6.2 SpdrOGEx XOP .73e 2.0 ...q 44.97 32.10 14884 35.94 -13.2 SpNuBST rs SHM ... ... ...q 49.25 47.67 782 48.59 +1.4 SpdrGendr SHE ... ... ... 66.98 59.80 1 64.69 +3.4 SpdrOGEq XES .49e 2.6 ...q 24.58 16.50 483 19.04 -14.8 SpdR1KLVF ONEV ... ... ... 70.10 60.63 2 68.76 +4.5 SpdrMetM XME .49e 1.7 ...q 35.21 20.01 3913 29.48 -3.1 SpdrR1KMo ONEO ... ... ... 69.45 58.00 6 67.53 +4.2 SpdrR1KYF ONEY ... ... ... 72.26 60.00 0 68.80 +2.1 SpdSPXHiD SPYD ... ... ...q 36.75 31.25 35 35.41 +1.6 SpdrFosFFr SPYX ... ... ...q 58.18 47.72 8 56.71 +5.9 SpdrR1KLV LGLV 5.40e 2.1 ...q 87.22 75.63 1 84.09 +4.7 SpdrUsaSt QUS .54e ... ...q 69.66 58.79 1 67.80 +4.7 Spd SP600 SLY 3.97e 1.2 ... 127.00 98.21 20 119.15 -1.4 SpdrSPXBbk SPYB .41e ... ...q 55.67 43.73 0 53.90 +2.8 SpdIntHY n IJNK ... ... ... SpdrRus2K TWOK 1.49e 1.9 ...q 83.25 63.77 4 79.93 +.4 Spdr1-10Tip TIPX .08e .4 ...q 20.25 19.21 5 19.70 +1.8 Spdr0-5yTip SIPE .03e .2 ...q 20.01 19.50 2 19.88 +.1 SpdrR2KLV SMLV 2.16e 2.4 ...q 96.38 73.31 8 90.99 -2.6 SPX Cp SPXC ... ... 19 28.13 14.00 194 22.28 -6.1 SPX Flow n FLOW ... ... ...dd 36.83 22.34 142 34.53 +7.7 SRC Eng SRCI ... ... ...dd 10.38 5.34 2021 8.46 -5.1 STMicro STM .40 2.7 43 16.01 5.24 3942 14.58 +28.5 SABESP SBS .39e 3.8 ... 11.22 7.01 1657 10.40 +19.8 SabnR SBR 2.13e 5.9 17 40.99 31.38 11 36.35 +3.4 SachemC n SACH .05p ... ... 5.35 4.79 9 5.32 +6.7 SafeBulk SB .04 1.8 ... 2.60 .86 754 2.23 +93.9 SafeBlk pfB SBpB 2.00 7.8 ... 27.42 21.50 25.72 +6.5 SafeBlk pfC SBpC 2.00 10.1 ... 20.38 11.42 6 19.84 +43.1 SafeB pfD SBpD 2.00 10.3 ... 20.06 10.80 8 19.38 +43.3 SafegdSci SFE ... ... ...dd 14.73 10.60 31 12.45 -7.4 SagaComm SGA 1.20 2.4 16 52.05 36.70 5 50.70 +.8 StJoe JOE ... ... 8 21.90 16.30 94 17.40 -8.4 Salesforce CRM ... ... 86.42 66.43 2481 83.71 +22.3 SalMidMLP SMM 1.30 9.9 ...q 14.32 9.21 39 13.09 -3.6 SallyBty SBH ... ... 12 32.26 19.23 1504 19.89 -24.7 SamsO&G s SSN ... ... ... .88 .50 62 .55 -23.6 SJuanB SJT .41e 5.5 12 8.00 5.19 159 7.50 +13.3 SanchezEn SN ... ... ...dd 14.39 5.64 3876 8.19 -9.3 SnchzPP rs SPP 1.72f 11.7 ...dd 15.93 9.51 35 14.70 +24.6 SandRidge SD ... ... ... 26.85 15.75 111 18.70 -20.6 SandRMiss SDT .29e 18.2 1 3.75 1.20 89 1.58 +21.5 SandRMs2 SDR .56e 37.3 1 2.90 1.31 75 1.50 +6.4 SandRdgP PER .34e 10.9 3 4.00 2.28 81 3.15 +6.8 SandstG g SAND ... ... ... 6.75 3.20 2094 4.56 +16.9 Sano SNY 1.58e 3.6 ... 45.95 36.81 1652 44.45 +9.9 SantCUSA SC ... ... 6 15.47 9.49 1482 12.27 -9.1 SantFn pfA SANpA 1.70 6.5 ... 26.40 24.55 1 26.01 +2.4 SantFn pfB SANpB 1.03 4.2 ... 24.97 20.30 42 24.69 +3.8 SantFn pfC SANpC 1.63 6.3 ... 26.31 24.65 4 25.61 +2.1 SantFn pfI SANpI 1.60 6.2 ... 28.02 21.82 1 25.81 +3.1 Santand pfC SOVpC 1.83 7.0 ... 27.08 25.35 26.21 +1.9 SaratogaI SAR 1.84f 8.6 ... 23.78 15.90 10 21.35 +3.6 Sasol SSL 1.41e 4.7 ... 33.31 24.85 912 29.98 +4.9 SaulCntr BFS 2.04 3.2 21 68.75 51.72 35 64.59 -3.0 SaulCtr pfC BFSpC 1.72 6.7 ... 26.99 24.65 2 25.64 +1.8 Schlmbrg SLB 2.00 2.6 68 87.84 72.00 4052 77.93 -7.2 SchndrNt n SNDR ... ... ... 19.49 18.41 942 18.87 -.7 SchwUSMkt SCHB .96e 1.7 ...q 58.17 47.67 528 56.59 +4.4 SchwUSLgC SCHX .98e 1.8 ...q 57.32 47.19 606 55.83 +4.8 SchwLCGr SCHG .63e 1.0 ...q 61.16 49.78 267 60.13 +7.7 SchwLCVal SCHV 1.14e 2.3 ...q 50.96 42.42 275 49.21 +2.3 SchwMCap SCHM .59e 1.3 ...q 48.24 39.60 186 47.00 +4.1 SchUSSmC SCHA .76e 1.2 ...q 64.46 50.85 396 62.14 +1.1 SchwEMkt SCHE .68e 2.8 ...q 24.54 19.45 806 23.94 +11.0 SchEMLgC FNDE .32e 1.2 ...q 27.06 19.43 312 25.88 +8.3 SchIntSmCo FNDC .41e 1.3 ...q 30.86 25.65 167 30.66 +8.0 SchIntLgCo FNDF .47e 1.8 ...q 26.92 22.04 426 26.32 +4.9 SchUSSmCo FNDA .36e 1.1 ...q 35.55 27.64 309 34.14 +.1 SchUSLgCo FNDX .54e 1.6 ...q 34.45 28.73 546 33.27 +2.0 SchUSBrd FNDB .61e 1.8 ...q 34.39 28.55 163 33.15 +1.9 SchwUSDiv SCHD 1.13e 2.5 ...q 45.38 39.39 547 44.37 +1.8 SchwIntEq SCHF .84e 2.8 ...q 30.06 25.33 2056 29.60 +6.9 SchwAggBd SCHZ 1.09 2.1 ...q 54.10 51.10 241 52.30 +1.6 SchwREIT SCHH .89e 2.1 ...q 45.59 38.03 438 42.17 +2.8 SchIntUSTr SCHR .86 1.6 ...q 56.23 52.89 91 54.27 +1.7 SchSTUSTr SCHO .35 .7 ...q 50.99 50.28 136 50.55 +.3 SchUSTips SCHP ... ... ...q 57.48 54.14 226 55.91 +2.0 SchwIntSC SCHC .75e 2.4 ...q 31.62 27.20 187 31.51 +8.3 Schwab SCHW .32f .8 29 43.65 23.83 14918 37.91 -4.0 Schwb pfB SCHWpB 1.50 5.8 ... 27.27 24.77 19 25.89 +2.5 Schwb pfC SCHWpC 1.50 5.5 ... 28.31 24.52 48 27.44 +8.6 Schwb pfD SCHWpD ... ... ... 28.00 24.35 149 27.09 +8.4 SchwitMau SWM 1.68 4.0 13 47.01 32.69 83 42.00 -7.8 SciApplic SAIC 1.24 1.7 22 89.87 51.26 217 71.68 -15.5 ScorpioB19 SLTB 1.88 7.7 ... 24.70 16.57 17 24.46 +9.4 ScorpBlk rs SALT ... ... ... 10.14 2.64 1740 7.95 +57.4 ScorpioTk STNG .04m 1.0 ... 6.70 3.50 1925 4.03 -11.0 ScorpioT 20 SBNA 1.69 7.0 ... 24.91 21.75 8 24.23 +8.0 ScorpioT17 SBNB 1.88 7.4 ... 26.00 24.92 2 25.30 +.1tScorpT19 n SBBC ... ... ... 25.34 25.20 22 25.16 -.6 Scotts SMG 2.00 2.1 23 98.82 65.80 246 95.33 -.2 ScrippsEW SSP 1.03e ... 28 24.15 12.16 693 22.22 +15.0 SbdCp SEB 3.00 ... 15 4545.00 2590.00 0 4063.00 +2.8 SeabGld g SA ... ... ... 15.88 7.35 976 11.35 +39.3 SeacorHld CKH ... ... ...dd 76.32 45.49 72 64.49 -9.5 SeadrillLtd SDRL ... ... 1 5.21 .65 4963 .75 -78.0 Seadrill SDLP .40 13.2 ... 6.45 2.70 154 3.03 -27.9 SealAir SEE .64 1.5 21 52.83 42.01 1177 42.96 -5.2 Seaspan SSW .50m 7.6 10 17.82 6.05 842 6.58 -28.0 Seaspn pfE SSWpE 2.06 8.9 ... 26.50 17.72 8 23.19 +13.2 Seaspan 19 SSWN 1.59 6.4 ... 26.46 23.50 66 24.86 -1.2 Seaspn pfD SSWpD 1.99 8.7 ... 26.90 16.19 6 22.80 +12.0 Seaspn pfH SSWpH ... ... ... 25.75 17.50 14 21.84 +12.2 SeaWorld SEAS .40m 2.4 20.44 11.77 1470 16.40 -13.4 SelMedHld SEM ... ... 17 15.15 10.08 514 13.35 +.8 SelctIns 43 SGZA 1.47 5.8 ... 26.82 23.07 11 25.25 +5.6 SemGroup SEMG 1.80 5.2 43.20 26.58 330 34.35 -17.7 SemiMfg SMI ... ... 14 7.74 3.84 277 5.91 -22.4 SempraEn SRE 3.29f 2.9 23 114.66 92.95 1045 112.50 +11.8 SensataT ST ... ... 16 45.30 32.07 1115 40.32 +3.5 Senseon n SENS ... ... ... Sensient SXT 1.20 1.5 25 83.38 65.26 174 79.80 +1.6 SequansC SQNS ... ... ... 3.29 1.60 218 3.01 +61.0 Seritage n SRG 1.00 2.3 ... 54.93 39.60 172 42.86 +.4 ServiceCp SCI .52 1.7 25 32.21 24.90 820 31.18 +9.8 ServiceMst SERV ... ... 29 42.09 32.41 403 40.68 +8.0 ServcNow NOW ... ... 94.72 63.51 1377 87.60 +17.8 Servotr SVT .30e 2.8 13.15 7.65 5 10.53 +4.6 ShakeShk n SHAK ... ... 99 42.94 30.36 635 32.81 -8.3 ShawCm g SJR 1.18 ... ... 21.84 18.09 631 21.25 +5.9 ShellMidst SHLX 1.11f 3.4 26 38.49 25.42 244 32.48 +11.7 Sherwin SHW 3.40f 1.1 25 316.66 239.48 427 311.07 +15.8 ShinhanFn SHG ... ... ... 43.98 30.57 74 40.86 +8.6 ShipFin SFL 1.80 13.0 8 16.28 12.07 757 13.85 -6.7 Shopify n SHOP ... ... ...dd 73.00 24.96 823 71.58 +67.0 Shutterstk SSTK ... ... 54 65.16 38.64 158 42.27 -11.0 SibanyeG SBGL .40e 4.0 ... 20.97 6.16 3107 10.01 +41.8 SiderurNac SID .14e 6.0 ... 4.24 1.73 1945 2.33 -27.9 Sifco SIF ... ... ...dd 11.75 6.25 2 7.95 +3.9 SignetJwlrs SIG 1.04 1.6 9 112.41 62.10 889 65.86 -30.1 SilvBayRT SBY .56 2.4 51 21.85 14.07 271 21.60 +26.0 SilvrSpNet SSNI ... ... ... 15.40 10.18 196 11.27 -15.3 SilvWhtn g SLW .28e ... 27 31.35 16.94 3769 21.90 +13.4 SimonProp SPG 7.00f 4.0 22 229.10 163.55 1172 174.73 -1.7 Simon pfJ SPGpJ 4.19 6.0 ... 81.50 65.00 1 70.20 +4.2 SimpsnM SSD .72 1.8 24 48.41 37.06 196 41.07 -5.7 SinopcShg SHI ... ... ... 64.80 42.64 78 57.38 +6.0 Siteone n SITE ... ... ... 50.04 25.49 313 46.64 +34.3 SixFlags SIX 2.56f 4.3 33 62.69 47.61 663 59.62 -.6 Skechers s SKX ... ... 16 34.20 18.81 3679 24.89 +1.3tSkyline SKY ... ... ...dd 17.35 6.06 171 6.63 -57.0 Smart&Fnl SFS ... ... 27 16.68 10.65 267 11.80 -16.3 Smith&N SNN .61e 1.9 56 35.38 26.97 559 31.98 +6.3 SmithAO s AOS .56 1.1 28 52.56 37.74 799 50.28 +6.2 Smucker SJM 3.00f 2.3 16 157.31 122.05 983 128.11 SnapInc A n SNAP ... ... ... 29.44 18.90 15850 20.55 -16.1 SnapOn SNA 2.84f 1.7 18 181.73 145.17 782 163.31 -4.6 SocQ&M SQM .99e 2.8 ... 37.24 19.46 1106 36.09 +26.0 Sol-Wind n SLWD ... ... ... SolarCap 42 SLRA 1.69 6.6 ... 26.37 23.77 3 25.52 +1.4 Solitario XPL ... ... ...dd .95 .43 34 .85 +36.6 SonicAut SAH .20 1.0 10 27.45 16.08 149 19.35 -15.5 SonocoP SON 1.48 2.9 21 55.58 45.02 701 51.45 -2.4 SonyCp SNE ... ... ... 34.17 23.62 534 31.68 +13.0 Sothebys BID .40 .9 26 49.87 24.96 330 44.65 +12.0 SourcC SOR 1.40a 3.8 ...q 38.87 35.10 15 37.33 +3.8sSoJerInd s SJI 1.09f 2.9 33 38.03 26.29 359 37.81 +12.2 SthcrssEn SXE ... ... ...dd 4.74 1.10 161 4.49 +232.6 SCEd pfB SCEpB 1.02 4.1 ... 25.78 21.64 1 24.79 +11.2 SCEd pfC SCEpC 1.06 4.4 ... 25.91 22.00 2 24.14 +2.5 SCEd pfD SCEpD 1.08 4.3 ... 26.85 22.40 0 24.85 +2.2 SCEd pfE SCEpE 1.20 4.8 ... 27.00 22.52 2 25.02 -.5 SouthnCo SO 2.32f 4.6 18 54.64 46.20 3648 49.97 +1.6 SouthCo 75 SOJA 1.56 5.9 ... 28.93 25.00 108 26.27 +.7 SouthCo ef SOJB ... ... ... 25.32 21.28 165 24.40 +11.8 SthnCopper SCCO .23e .7 35 39.50 24.90 926 34.96 +9.5 SwstAirl LUV .40 .7 15 59.68 35.42 3603 54.42 +9.2 SwtGas SWX 1.98f 2.4 26 86.65 63.50 413 84.17 +9.9 SwGA Fn SGB .44 2.1 15 25.00 14.00 2 20.54 +2.8 SwstnEngy SWN ... ... ...dd 15.59 7.20 13490 7.33 -32.3tSwEn dpfB SWNC 3.13 17.3 ... 36.14 18.18 56 18.03 -29.2 SparkNet LOV ... ... ...dd 2.48 .83 5 1.01 +20.2 Sparton SPA ... ... 18 26.43 18.36 141 20.73 -13.1 SpdEmFos EEMX ... ... ... 60.25 51.15 60.25 +16.4 SpdDbShDu STOT ... ... ... 50.59 49.24 4 49.89 +.7 SpdFosFr n EFAX ... ... ... 66.30 58.27 0 64.27 +6.0 SpdDbEMk EMTL ... ... ... 52.84 48.43 1 50.04 +2.5 SpecOpps SPE 1.19e 2.4 ...q 15.13 13.29 6 14.66 +7.4 SpcOpp pfB SPEpB .88 3.4 ... 25.56 25.37 25.56 SpectraEP SEP 2.76f 6.2 15 50.43 40.19 287 44.17 -3.6 SpectrmB SPB 1.68f 1.2 32 143.20 109.30 416 141.72 +15.9 SpeedM TRK .60 3.1 23 22.29 16.62 39 19.58 -9.6 Spire SR 2.10 3.0 20 71.21 59.54 146 69.50 +7.7 SpiritAero SPR .10 ... 12 62.90 41.27 548 56.45 -3.3 SpiritRltC SRC .72 6.9 12 13.97 9.83 4943 10.48 -3.5 SpragueRs SRLP 2.31f 8.5 70 30.35 21.08 19 27.15 -3.4 Sprint S ... ... ...dd 9.65 3.37 8903 8.50 +1.0 SprottSilv PSLV ... ... ...q 8.01 5.97 341 6.93 +14.0 SprottGold PHYS ... ... ...q 11.43 9.19 384 10.62 +13.1 SprottPPP SPPP ... ... ... 8.21 6.16 60 7.74 +12.2 SprottRL g SILU ... ... ... 1.25 Square n SQ ... ... ...dd 18.17 8.42 3270 16.98 +24.6sSTAG Indl STAG 1.39 5.3 38 26.54 19.79 568 26.34 +10.3 STAG pfB STAGpB 1.66 6.5 ... 26.70 24.55 12 25.40 +1.8 STAG pfC STAGpC ... ... ... 28.14 24.95 1 26.44 +3.0 StageStrs SSI .60 22.7 ...dd 7.78 1.80 840 2.64 -39.6 SP Matls XLB .98e 1.9 ...q 53.44 44.22 2534 51.62 +3.9 SP HlthC XLV 1.01e 1.4 ...q 76.75 65.96 7172 73.44 +6.5 SP CnSt XLP 1.28e 2.3 ...q 56.02 49.98 10987 55.48 +7.3 SP Consum XLY 1.12e 1.3 ...q 88.26 74.18 2531 87.45 +7.4 SP Engy XLE 2.04e 3.0 ...q 78.45 63.50 14277 68.81 -8.6 SPDR Fncl XLF .46e 2.0 ...q 25.30 17.31 73645 23.08 -.7 SP Inds XLI 1.12e 1.7 ...q 67.19 52.78 7424 64.51 +3.7 SP Tech XLK .78e 1.5 ...q 53.71 41.26 6188 52.84 +9.3 SpdrRESel XLRE ... ... ...q 34.82 29.07 4022 32.52 +5.8 SP Util XLU 1.55e 3.0 ...q 53.02 45.33 14667 52.03 +7.1 StdMotor SMP .76f 1.6 18 55.37 34.32 48 48.07 -9.7 Standex SXI .64 .7 20 101.24 74.35 23 91.55 +4.2 StanBlkDk SWK 2.32 1.8 21 136.90 103.86 930 131.21 +14.4 StanB&D 52 SWJ 1.44 5.7 ... 26.96 23.95 33 25.42 +4.5 Stantec g STN .45f ... ... 28.05 21.50 36 26.35 +4.4 StarGas SGU .41 4.4 10 11.39 8.19 34 9.30 -13.6 Starret SCX .40 4.0 32 12.89 8.77 20 9.95 +7.0 Startek SRT ... ... ...dd 9.80 4.01 9 8.77 +3.8 StarwdPT STWD 1.92 8.4 16 23.46 19.00 1738 22.84 +4.1 StateStr STT 1.52 2.0 15 83.49 50.60 1724 77.71 StateSt pfC STTpC ... ... ... 27.25 23.01 33 25.10 +7.4 StateSt pfD STTpD ... ... ... 29.54 24.79 103 27.93 +8.0 StaStCp pfG STTpG ... ... ... 27.89 24.25 64 26.58 +6.2 StateSt pfE STTpE ... ... ... 28.70 25.05 39 26.58 +5.1 Statoil ASA STO .88e 5.2 ... 19.27 14.98 2482 16.77 -8.1 SteelPtrs SPLP ... ... 4 19.95 13.70 7 18.35 +18.4 SteelPr pfA SPLPpA ... ... ... 24.00 22.08 11 22.15 -4.3 Steelcse SCS .51f 3.1 15 18.14 12.67 844 16.35 -8.7 StellusCap SCM 1.36 9.6 12 14.82 9.62 96 14.12 +17.1 StellusC 19 SCQ 1.63 6.3 ... 26.25 24.38 25.76 +.9 Stepan SCL .82 1.1 20 87.00 55.78 59 77.39 -5.0 Steris plc STE 1.12f 1.6 20 74.63 63.26 185 69.91 +3.7 SterlingBc STL .28 1.2 20 25.85 14.55 1459 22.50 -3.8 StewInfo STC 1.20 2.7 19 48.60 34.23 91 44.94 -2.5 StifelFin SF ... ... 18 56.62 28.49 337 46.34 -7.2 Stifel pfA SFpA 1.56 6.0 ... 28.46 24.33 16 26.13 +5.1 StillwtrM SWC ... ... ...dd 17.89 9.02 14114 17.87 +10.9 StneEn wt SGY/WS ... ... ... 4.00 2.25 14 2.47 -29.6 StoneEng rs SGY ... ... ...dd 27.77 2.70 152 20.59 +188.0 StoneHEM EDF 2.16 13.3 ...q 16.68 13.09 48 16.29 +11.3 StonHEmM EDI 1.81 11.4 ...q 16.03 12.37 36 15.84 +15.2 StoneMor STON 1.32 16.4 ...dd 26.90 7.65 305 8.05 -9.7 StonegtMtg SGM ... ... ...dd 7.97 3.16 72 7.91 +32.5 Stonerdg SRI ... ... 13 19.50 13.42 193 17.42 -1.5 StoreCap STOR 1.16 4.6 28 31.44 22.27 1192 25.30 +2.4sStrPathCm STRP ... ... ... 112.49 15.06 946 113.60 +235.0 StratALL36 GJT .29 1.5 ... 18.99 17.48 18.99 +5.4 Strat D35 GJP .74 3.4 ... 23.10 20.48 21.93 +1.1 StratGS33 GJS .32 1.7 ... 19.00 17.36 1 18.60 +1.9 StratNWS95 GJV 1.75 6.7 ... 26.86 25.06 26.29 +4.5 StratPG34 GJR .27 1.3 ... 21.40 19.51 21.04 +1.7 StratUSM GJH .64 6.5 ... 11.21 9.58 0 9.84 -.5sStratWMT GJO .22 1.0 ... 21.97 19.80 1 22.00 +10.0 Stryker SYK 1.70 1.3 26 133.59 106.48 787 130.91 +9.3 SturmRug RGR 1.96f 3.5 12 70.30 47.15 190 56.45 +7.1 SubPpne SPH 3.55 13.7 44 37.10 24.00 180 25.91 -13.8 SumitMitsu SMFG ... ... ... 8.30 5.43 729 6.99 -8.5 SummitHtl INN .65 4.0 13 16.40 10.99 674 16.36 +2.1 SumtH pfB INNpB 1.97 7.6 ... 27.05 25.31 3 25.89 +.6 SumtH pfC INNpC 1.78 7.0 ... 28.19 24.85 4 25.60 +1.1 SummtH pfD INNpD 1.61 6.4 ... 27.00 22.45 15 25.30 +7.4 SumtMtls n SUM .29t ... 25 26.46 17.27 988 24.60 +3.4 SummitMP SMLP 2.30 9.6 ...dd 26.50 18.65 96 24.00 -4.6 SunCmts SUI 2.68f 3.2 30 85.98 67.00 389 84.80 +10.7 SunCm pfA SUIpA 1.78 6.9 ... 26.83 23.38 2 25.80 +2.4 SunLfFn g SLF 1.68f 4.8 ... 40.57 30.38 393 35.07 -8.7 SunCokeE SXC ... ... 30 13.14 5.14 656 8.51 -25.0 SunCokeEn SXCP 2.38 15.4 7 21.95 10.00 238 15.40 -20.0 Suncor g SU 1.28 ... ... 33.79 25.31 3115 30.65 -6.2 SunLink SSY ... ... ...dd 1.90 .43 4 1.53 +26.9 SunocoLP SUN 3.30 10.9 ...dd 37.25 21.01 958 30.30 +12.7 SunocoLog SXL 2.08f 8.9 24 31.49 22.07 1767 23.48 -2.2 SunstnHtl SHO .20 1.3 13 16.05 11.26 1157 15.27 +.1 SunstHt pfE SHOpE ... ... ... 28.44 24.29 15 25.70 +1.4 SunstHt pfF SHOpF 1.61 6.4 ... 26.65 23.82 1 25.25 +1.6 Suntech STP ... ... ... .54 SunTrst STI 1.04 1.9 15 61.69 37.71 3009 53.80 -1.9 SunTr wtB STI/WS/B ... ... ... 18.34 3.15 12.10 -8.9 SunTr wtA STI/WS/A ... ... ... 27.83 7.41 5 20.64 -8.3 SunTr pfA STIpA 1.50 6.1 ... 25.00 21.41 5 24.69 +5.2 SunTr pfE STIpE 1.47 5.7 ... 26.84 24.07 11 25.82 +3.9 SupDrillg SDPI ... ... ...dd 2.72 .73 26 .80 -39.4 SupEnrgy SPN .32 2.4 ...dd 19.83 12.79 3495 13.49 -20.1 SuperiorInd SUP 1.00f 4.3 15 32.12 21.90 93 23.50 -10.2 Supvalu SVU ... ... 7 5.74 3.20 2492 3.90 -16.5 SuprmInd STS .14a .7 18 21.00 11.03 73 20.38 +29.8 SuthrlAs n SLD 1.52 10.5 ... 14.75 12.40 107 14.45 +7.4 SwEBioFu23 FUE ... ... ... 9.50 7.18 3 7.55 -1.3 SwEGrain23 GRU ... ... ... 4.98 3.64 0 3.77 -.4 SwRCmETR RJN ... ... ... 2.77 1.94 27 2.53 -7.0 SwRCmMTR RJZ ... ... ... 8.32 6.88 2 8.02 +7.2 SwLgCap22 EEH ... ... ...q 17.85 15.08 16.85 +2.7 SwRCmATR RJA ... ... ... 7.02 6.04 36 6.24 -1.1 SwERCmTR RJI ... ... ... 5.35 4.73 1051 5.11 -1.5 SwiftTrans SWFT ... ... 17 27.18 14.31 2106 22.82 -6.3 SwisHelv SWZ .64e .3 ...q 11.63 9.75 123 11.51 +12.7 Synchrony SYF .26 ... 12 38.06 23.25 4937 32.85 -9.4 Syngenta SYT 2.33e 2.5 ... 92.43 74.52 995 92.32 +16.8 Synnex SNX 1.00 .9 14 129.24 77.54 221 106.60 -11.9 Synovs pfC SNVpC 1.97 7.1 ... 30.46 26.26 6 27.61 +.3 SynovusFn SNV .60f 1.5 19 44.09 26.90 1723 40.93 -.4 SynthBiol SYN ... ... ...dd 2.46 .45 754 .48 -37.7 Sysco SYY 1.32 2.5 23 57.07 45.71 2256 52.40 -5.4 Systemax SYX .10 .8 76 13.46 7.05 58 12.17 +38.8T -T3 Mot wtI TTTM/WS/W ... ... ... .01 TAL Educ TAL ... ... 75 108.60 52.03 274 105.57 +50.5 TC PpLn TCP 3.76 6.4 18 65.03 47.12 98 58.95 +.2 TCF Fncl TCB .30f 1.8 11 20.03 11.72 1430 16.46 -16.0 TCF Fn wt TCB/WS ... ... ... 3.96 1.00 1.90 -45.7 TCFFn pfB TCBpB 1.88 7.4 ... 27.20 25.17 11 25.54 -.2 TCF F pfC TCBpC 1.61 6.3 ... 26.45 24.60 26 25.70 +2.8 TCW Strat TSI .21 3.8 ...q 5.59 5.12 42 5.44 +2.1 TE Connect TEL 1.48 2.0 16 76.77 54.54 1005 73.08 +5.5 THL Crd21 TCRX ... ... ... 26.80 24.71 25.60 +1.1sTHLCred22 TCRZ 1.69 6.4 ... 26.49 24.60 1 26.58 +4.7 THLCSenL TSLF 1.32 7.2 ...q 18.77 15.41 43 18.29 -2.4 TIM Part TSU .28e 1.7 ... 16.81 9.15 1075 16.42 +39.2 TJX TJX 1.25f 1.6 22 83.64 71.50 2143 76.84 +2.3 TPG SpLnd TSLX 1.56 7.6 13 20.73 15.91 215 20.64 +10.5 TRC Cos TRR ... ... 34 17.55 5.79 265 17.55 +65.6 TableauA DATA ... ... ...dd 62.53 41.41 1002 52.52 +24.6 TahoeRes TAHO .24 2.7 16 17.01 7.12 2865 9.01 -4.4 TailorBr TLRD .72 6.0 24 28.76 10.90 861 12.08 -52.7 Taiwan TWN ... ... ...q 18.79 13.93 4 18.32 +13.8 TaiwSemi TSM .73e 2.3 ... 33.53 22.75 5400 31.79 +10.6 Takung n TKAT ... ... ... 9.74 6.66 0 7.49 -21.4 TallgEGP n TEGP 1.15f 4.1 32 29.50 19.43 57 28.17 +5.1 TallgrsEn TEP 3.34f 6.5 23 55.50 37.66 194 51.57 +8.7 TangerFac SKT 1.37a 4.1 16 42.20 30.98 1068 33.39 -6.7 TanzRy g TRX ... ... ... 1.49 .31 174 .51 +2.6 TargaRes TRGP 3.64 6.3 ... 61.83 35.35 1640 57.52 +2.6 TargaR pfA NGLSpA 2.25 8.2 ... 28.18 24.11 9 27.50 Target TGT 2.40 4.5 11 83.57 52.72 4323 53.60 -25.8 TaroPhrm TARO ... ... 10 150.75 92.28 33 116.04 +10.2 Taseko TGB ... ... ... 1.63 .41 678 1.08 +26.8 TataCom TCL ... ... ... 6.62 TataMotors TTM ... ... ... 44.79 27.95 1914 33.82 -1.7 Taubmn TCO 2.50f 3.8 17 81.68 62.67 407 66.46 -10.1 Taub pfJ TCOpJ 1.63 6.3 ... 26.94 24.50 5 25.62 +4.1 Taub pfK TCOpK 1.56 6.2 ... 26.58 24.00 21 25.33 +2.4 TaylorMH TMHC ... ... 15 22.17 13.31 982 21.94 +13.9 Team TISI ... ... ...dd 39.70 23.53 269 25.85 -34.1 Technip FTI ... ... 26 37.09 24.00 1938 32.46 -8.6 TeckRes g TECK .10m ... ... 26.60 9.06 8572 21.51 +7.4 Teekay TK .22 2.4 ...dd 11.85 5.45 654 9.28 +15.6 TeekLNG TGP .56 3.3 ... 19.90 9.47 261 16.90 +17.0 TeekLN pfA TGPpA 2.25 8.9 ... 25.60 22.66 14 25.28 +7.7 TeekOffsh TOO .44 7.7 ... 7.00 4.06 386 5.68 +12.3 TeekOf pfA TOOpA 1.81 8.8 ... 21.94 15.50 14 20.66 +11.0 TeekOf pfB TOOpB 2.13 9.3 ... 23.20 16.76 10 22.89 +14.2 TeekayTnk TNK .21 10.4 ... 4.16 1.90 914 2.02 -10.6 Tegna TGNA .56 2.2 12 26.65 17.91 1095 25.46 +19.0 TejonRnch TRC ... ... 27.99 19.50 20 22.55 -11.3 TeklaHlth HQH 2.85e 11.8 ...q 27.35 19.92 98 24.17 +14.4 TeklaHcrOp THQ 1.35a 7.8 ...q 18.42 14.72 124 17.23 +11.0 TeklaLfSci HQL 1.95e 10.1 ...q 19.98 15.85 57 19.39 +14.1 TeklaWH n THW 1.40 9.9 ...q 15.61 12.64 132 14.18 +10.4 TelInstEl TIK ... ... 17 6.25 3.30 1 4.90 +11.4 Teladoc n TDOC ... ... ... 26.45 9.28 585 25.80 +56.4 TlcmArg TEO .71e 3.2 ... 23.99 17.04 98 22.34 +22.9 TelItalia TI ... ... ... 10.00 6.95 57 8.40 -5.5 TelItaliaA TI/A .30e 4.4 ... 8.20 5.61 362 6.86 -5.9 Teledyne TDY ... ... 24 135.89 90.70 112 124.87 +1.5 Teleex TFX 1.36 .7 40 198.89 136.53 127 197.25 +22.4 TelefBrasil VIV .64e 4.3 ... 15.69 11.28 1801 14.94 +12.6 TelefEsp TEF 1.03e 9.5 ... 11.39 8.15 962 10.88 +18.3 TelData TDS .62f 2.3 71 32.98 24.12 956 26.91 -6.8 TelData45 TDI 1.66 6.4 ... 28.80 23.60 1 25.90 +6.4 TelData 61 TDA 1.47 5.9 ... 26.26 22.22 10 24.92 +11.1 TelData60 TDJ 1.75 6.9 ... 26.34 24.46 5 25.39 +1.3 TelData59 TDE 1.72 6.7 ... 26.48 24.15 14 25.68 +3.7 Telus gs TU 1.45 ... ... 34.12 30.31 824 33.08 +3.9 TmpDrgn TDF 4.00e 2.6 ...q 19.62 16.00 55 18.73 +14.3 TmpEMF EMF 1.28e 2.2 ...q 14.31 10.42 139 14.04 +16.1 TmpEMI TEI .80a 7.0 ...q 11.75 9.95 114 11.38 +4.3 TmpGlb GIM .30 4.5 ...q 6.76 6.01 293 6.68 +3.1 TempurSly TPX ... ... 12 82.32 39.57 1521 40.84 -40.2 Tenaris TS .75e 2.3 ... 37.21 24.97 2836 32.46 -9.1 TenetHlth THC ... ... 15 34.08 14.06 4035 15.70 +5.8 Tengsco TGC ... ... ...dd 1.59 .37 159 .72 +2.9 Tennant TNC .84 1.2 28 76.80 49.97 88 71.00 -.3 Tenneco TEN .25p ... 11 70.96 44.55 512 58.65 -6.1 TVA 28 TVC .96 3.8 ... 26.46 24.71 18 25.40 +2.6 TVA 29 TVE .84 3.4 ... 26.20 23.54 22 24.99 +1.8 Teradata TDC ... ... 13 33.32 24.21 1271 30.97 +14.0 Teradyn TER .28f .9 23 32.26 18.07 1487 31.27 +23.1 Terex TEX .32f 1.0 37 33.87 18.91 983 31.87 +1.1 Ternium TX 1.00e 4.1 70 28.04 15.32 425 24.47 +1.3 TerraNitro TNH 7.08e 7.6 12 126.85 91.07 9 93.69 -8.8 TerrenoRlt TRNO .80 2.7 48 29.83 22.57 158 29.62 +4.0 Terreno pfA TRNOpA 1.94 7.6 ... 27.24 24.72 25.55 +1.2 Tesoro TSO 2.20 2.8 11 93.06 69.49 2325 77.21 -11.7 TesoroLog TLLP 3.64f 6.7 23 60.14 42.92 215 54.39 +7.0 TetraTech TTI ... ... ...dd 7.75 3.46 1222 3.75 -25.3 TeucrCorn CORN ... ... ...q 23.69 17.68 44 18.83 +.6 TeucrSug CANE ... ... ...q 15.04 10.67 77 11.83 -9.0 TeucrWht WEAT ... ... ...q 9.67 6.69 159 6.88 TeucrSoyb SOYB ... ... ...q 21.95 17.90 31 18.14 -5.0 TeucrmAgs TAGS ... ... ...q 30.95 24.29 24.71 -3.8tTevaPhrm TEVA 1.36e 4.4 11 57.41 31.90 9421 30.99 -14.5 TexPacLd TPL .29f .1 59 336.83 148.49 29 285.37 -3.8 Textainer TGH .96 7.0 ...dd 17.60 6.90 188 13.65 +83.2 Textron TXT .08 .2 18 50.93 34.00 2596 47.34 -2.5 Thai TTF .25e ... ...q 8.75 6.86 9 8.62 +13.4 TherapMD TXMD ... ... ...dd 9.29 4.39 7126 4.85 -15.9 ThermoFis TMO .60 .4 26 161.66 139.07 867 153.27 +8.6 Thermon THR ... ... 37 21.87 16.50 57 19.72 +3.3 ThirdPtRe TPRE ... ... 47 13.03 10.99 129 11.75 +1.7 ThomsonR TRI 1.38f 3.2 20 45.68 38.23 825 43.29 -1.1 Thor Inds THO 1.32 1.5 16 115.74 60.05 535 90.76 -9.3 3D Sys DDD ... ... 18.91 11.59 3002 15.28 +15.0 3M Co MMM 4.70f 2.5 23 193.50 163.17 1155 190.22 +6.5 Tidwtr TDW 1.00 114.0 ...dd 9.37 .80 527 .88 -74.3 TierREIT n TIER .72 4.1 ...dd 18.80 14.06 156 17.73 +2.0 Tiffany TIF 1.80 2.0 24 97.29 56.99 944 90.77 +17.2 Tillys TLYS ... ... 20 15.29 5.49 333 8.41 -36.2 Time Inc TIME .76 4.2 ...dd 20.40 12.50 1247 18.30 +2.5sTimeWarn TWX 1.61 1.6 17 99.29 68.97 3478 99.65 +3.2 Timken TKR 1.04 2.4 21 46.45 28.72 674 43.60 +9.8 TimknSteel TMST ... ... ...dd 23.00 8.36 1651 15.55 +.5 Timmins g TGD ... ... 1 .63 .23 881 .41 +29.4 Titan Intl TWI .02 .2 ...dd 14.23 5.60 1404 9.94 -11.3sTollBros TOL .08p ... 17 37.28 25.29 1697 37.09 +19.6 Tompkins TMP 1.76f 2.1 21 96.70 61.84 37 81.96 -13.3 TootsieR TR .36b .9 35 40.44 32.88 58 37.95 -1.7 TopBuild n BLD ... ... 24 48.33 28.81 364 46.79 +31.4 Torchmark TMK .60f .8 17 79.53 56.52 349 75.00 +1.7 Torchmk52 TMKpB 1.47 5.7 ... 26.70 24.34 2 25.63 +3.0 Trchmk pfC TMKpC ... ... ... 27.99 24.03 22 26.33 +4.3 Toro Co s TTC .70 1.1 29 63.47 40.43 306 61.78 +10.4 TorDBk gs TD 2.40f 4.9 ... 54.44 41.36 3185 49.26 -.2 MonTNAPpl TPYP .45p ... ...q 30.26 19.90 6 24.17 +2.0 TortWat n TBLU ... ... ... 25.91 24.78 1 25.28 +.5 TortEnInd NDP 1.75 10.8 ...q 17.43 12.50 88 16.23 -1.6 TortEnInf TYG 2.62 7.6 ...q 37.11 27.24 68 34.58 +12.7 TortMLP NTG 1.69 8.5 ...q 21.84 16.95 105 19.96 +4.6 TortPplE TTP 1.63m 7.5 ...q 22.51 16.07 24 21.75 +.9 TortPw&E TPZ 1.65 7.3 ...q 23.46 18.16 15 22.75 +2.6 Total SA TOT 2.71e 5.4 ... 52.17 44.06 1192 50.37 -1.2 TotalSys TSS .40 .8 19 56.54 46.22 922 52.99 +8.1 TowerIntl TOWR .44 1.8 13 29.05 18.75 199 24.30 -14.3 TownsqMda TSQ ... ... 11 13.01 7.30 29 10.89 +4.6 Toyota TM ... ... ... 123.18 98.02 199 105.32 -10.1 TrCda g TRP 2.50f ... 20 49.77 39.13 683 47.51 +5.2 TransEntx TRXC ... ... ...dd 2.33 1.03 510 1.24 -4.6sTransUn n TRU ... ... 45 38.76 27.32 519 38.72 +25.2 Trnsalta g TAC .23 ... ... 6.25 3.75 84 5.50 TrnsatlPet TAT ... ... ...dd 1.56 .66 24 1.48 +33.3 TrnsRty TCI .20p ... ...dd 21.50 8.60 21.21 +76.5 TransDigm TDG 24.00 ... 20 294.38 203.72 1851 236.46 -5.0 TrnsMont TLP 2.90f 6.5 21 49.31 36.93 20 44.56 +.7 Transocn RIG ... ... 7 16.66 8.68 7991 11.64 -21.0sTrGasSur TGS ... ... ... 17.00 5.85 303 16.51 +83.0 Travelers TRV 2.68f 2.2 12 125.49 103.45 1039 120.75 -1.4 Travelport TVPT .30 2.4 ... 15.15 11.28 811 12.65 -10.3 TrecoraRs TREC ... ... 13 14.80 9.75 30 10.95 -20.9 Tredgar TG .44 2.7 24 25.60 14.75 42 16.60 -30.8 TreeHseF THS ... ... 32 104.53 62.64 583 89.55 +24.0 TremorVid TRMR ... ... ...dd 2.76 1.45 24 2.00 -19.7 Trex TREX ... ... 30 78.16 39.74 112 67.43 +4.7 TriPointe TPH ... ... 10 14.20 10.35 1831 12.49 +8.8 TriContl TY .82e 3.5 ...q 23.70 19.55 135 23.12 +4.9 TriCntl pf TYp 2.50 5.0 ... 54.39 47.50 1 50.16 +3.4 TrianglCap TCAP 1.80 9.7 ... 21.35 16.00 238 18.65 +1.7 Triangle 22 TCCA 1.59 6.3 ... 26.29 24.52 1 25.43 -.1 TriangC 22 TCCB 1.59 6.2 ... 26.71 25.07 1 25.85 +1.7 TribMda A TRCO 1.00a 2.7 ...dd 40.00 24.98 522 37.70 +28.4 TrilogyMtl TMQ ... ... ...dd .86 .41 159 .65 +27.2 TrimShrk n TTAC ... ... ... 28.87 24.36 2 28.05 +3.7 TriNetGrp TNET ... ... 42 30.17 16.00 312 28.31 +10.5 Trinity TRN .44 1.7 10 30.13 16.39 1267 25.68 -7.5 TrinityPlce TPHS ... ... ... 10.37 6.36 27 7.23 -22.0 Trinseo SA TSE 1.20 1.9 ... 72.60 39.45 609 64.45 +8.7 TrioTch TRT ... ... 13 4.48 2.60 1 4.25 +28.1sTriplePtV TPVG 1.44a 10.2 10 14.10 9.80 124 14.05 +19.3 TripPtV20 TPVZ 1.69 6.6 ... 25.96 24.75 25.60 +.4 Triple-S GTS ... ... 33 27.70 16.49 77 18.06 -12.8 TritonInt n TRTN 1.80 6.8 ... 28.68 11.50 210 26.44 +67.3 TriumphGp TGI .16 .6 5 40.09 22.40 571 26.05 -1.7 Tronox TROX .18 1.1 ...dd 19.99 3.84 780 15.80 +53.2 TrueBlue TBI ... ... 12 27.85 16.50 322 25.90 +5.1 Trupanion TRUP ... ... ...dd 16.25 12.21 12.98 Tsakos TNP .20 4.2 ... 6.67 3.92 217 4.80 +2.3 TsakE pfB TNPpB 2.00 7.8 ... 25.83 22.94 4 25.59 +1.3 Tsakos pfC TNPpC 2.22 8.5 ... 26.15 24.01 5 25.98 +2.4 Tsakos pfD TNPpD 2.19 8.8 ... 25.10 21.77 11 24.75 +1.4 Tuppwre TUP 2.72 4.2 15 66.90 50.43 336 64.87 +23.3 Turkcell TKC ... ... ... 10.87 6.35 136 8.07 +17.0 Turksh TKF .15e 1.8 ...q 9.63 6.13 17 8.46 +24.8 TurnPtBr n TPB ... ... ... 16.44 6.46 13 16.07 +31.2 TurqHillRs TRQ ... ... 20 3.80 2.57 7428 2.77 -14.2 TutorPerini TPC ... ... 16 33.00 14.95 222 31.50 +12.5 22ndCentry XXII ... ... ...dd 1.71 .73 395 1.33 +22.0 Twilio n TWLO ... ... ... 70.96 23.66 1561 30.80 +6.8 Twitter TWTR ... ... ...dd 25.25 13.73 9588 14.44 -11.4sTwoHrbInv TWO 1.00f 10.0 11 9.98 7.62 2039 9.97 +14.3 TwoHrb pfA TWOpA 2.03 7.8 ... 26.28 25.28 63 26.11 +3.1 TylerTech TYL ... ... 50 175.77 138.61 112 156.58 +9.7 Tyson TSN .90 1.4 15 77.05 55.72 3966 65.24 +5.8 Tyson eq un TSNU 2.38 3.4 ... 84.37 61.55 8 70.29 +3.9U -UBS 3xLCr WTIU ... ... ... 24.20 14.90 6 20.73 -13.5 UBS 3xInvC WTID ... ... ... 37.39 24.12 0 26.32 +6.6 UBS FILCG FBGX ... ... ...q 163.87 113.51 8 160.82 +16.1 UBS2xSPDiv SDYL 3.40e 4.8 ...q 73.94 56.44 70.46 +3.6 UBS Grp UBS .80f 5.3 ... 17.44 11.93 2483 15.20 -3.0 UCP UCP ... ... 10 12.75 6.35 57 11.35 -5.8 UDR UDR 1.24f 3.4 21 37.81 32.79 811 36.75 +.7 UGI Corp UGI .95 1.9 11 50.38 39.44 654 49.62 +7.7 UMH Prop UMH .72 4.6 21 15.57 9.53 137 15.49 +2.9 UMH pfA UMHpA 2.06 7.9 ... 26.50 25.05 11 26.04 +1.3 UMH pfB UMHpB 2.00 7.5 ... 28.40 25.90 26.76 -.1 UQM Tech UQM ... ... ...dd .90 .42 29 .47 +8.1 US FdsHl n USFD ... ... ... 28.15 22.19 707 27.26 -.8 US Geoth rs HTM ... ... 26 5.40 3.66 22 4.11 +.5 USPhysTh USPH .80f 1.3 34 78.00 48.71 26 63.50 -9.5 US Silica SLCA .25 .6 ...dd 61.49 22.38 2123 45.10 -20.4 USA Cmp USAC 2.10 12.4 57 19.78 12.03 91 17.00 -1.7 USANA s USNA ... ... 14 75.00 53.35 65 55.80 -8.8 USCFStkSp TOFR .81e 1.3 ...q 17.12 14.77 16.03 -2.1 USCF Rs ef MENU ... ... ... USD Ptrs USDP 1.32f 9.1 ... 17.50 8.66 33 14.55 -7.9 USG USG ... ... 17 34.67 23.71 650 31.54 +9.2 Ultrapar UGP .43e 1.9 ... 24.50 18.38 544 22.61 +9.0 UndrArm s UAA ... ... 33 47.38 18.40 3567 19.10 -34.3 UnAr C wi UA ... ... ... 44.90 17.05 1386 17.76 -29.4 Uni UFI ... ... 14 34.70 23.52 31 27.44 -15.9 UniFirst UNF .15 .1 24 147.65 104.86 44 136.00 -5.3 UnilevNV UN 1.40e 2.7 ... 51.39 38.41 1572 51.31 +25.0 Unilever UL 1.40e 2.8 ... 50.85 38.58 1365 50.64 +24.4 UnionPac UNP 2.42 2.3 21 111.38 80.68 2739 106.24 +2.5 UniqueF n UFAB .60 5.4 ... 15.93 10.40 5 11.17 -23.5 Unisys UIS ... ... 11 16.70 6.72 644 11.15 -25.4 Unit UNT ... ... ...dd 30.63 9.95 444 21.89 -18.5 UtdContl UAL ... ... 9 76.80 37.41 10928 67.75 -7.0 UtdMicro UMC .09e 4.7 ... 2.11 1.74 608 1.93 +10.3 UPS B UPS 3.32f 3.2 18 120.44 100.05 2957 104.10 -9.2 UtdRentals URI ... ... 14 134.28 58.83 1336 119.86 +13.5 USNatGas UNL ... ... ...q 11.93 8.90 1 10.74 -8.1 US12MoOil USL ... ... ...q 20.89 16.15 105 19.21 -5.8 USAntimny UAMY ... ... ... .60 .20 178 .36 +43.4 US Bancrp USB 1.12 2.2 15 56.61 38.48 9615 49.80 -3.1 US Bcp pfA USBpA 35.49e 4.1 ... 904.95 805.00 870.93 +.1 US Bcp pfH USBpH .89e 3.9 ... 25.05 20.63 56 22.95 +6.4 US Bcp pfM USBpM 1.63 5.6 ... 31.43 27.64 60 28.91 +2.2 US Bcp pfN USBpN 1.50 6.0 ... 26.58 25.17 25.00 -.8 US Bcp pfO USBpO 1.29 4.9 ... 27.65 23.63 27 26.09 +7.6 US Brent BNO ... ... ...q 16.09 12.29 94 14.91 -4.9 US Cellular USM ... ... 69 46.01 33.30 136 37.85 -13.4 US Cellu60 UZA 1.74 6.8 ... 27.05 24.34 5 25.69 +2.8 US Cellu 63 UZB 1.81 6.8 ... 27.85 24.43 17 26.62 +4.7 US Cell64 UZC 1.81 6.8 ... 27.70 24.43 21 26.78 +4.6 USCmdtyFd USCI ... ... ...q 43.86 38.21 32 38.90 -2.8 USDslHtOil UHN ... ... ...q 17.05 12.77 2 15.53 -7.4 US GasFd UGA ... ... ...q 32.03 21.94 39 27.40 -12.5 USCoppFd CPER ... ... ...q 19.00 13.00 8 16.57 +1.3 USAgriFd USAG ... ... ...q 20.80 17.95 17.95 -.6 US NGas UNG ... ... ...q 9.74 6.36 3527 7.49 -19.8 US OilFd USO ... ... ...q 12.45 9.23 12847 11.04 -5.8 US ShrtOil DNO ... ... ...q 83.39 60.41 8 64.58 +4.2 USSteel X .20 .7 ...dd 41.83 12.77 24509 28.73 -13.0 UtdTech UTX 2.64 2.3 17 114.44 96.89 2692 113.56 +3.6 UtdhlthGp UNH 2.50 1.5 21 172.14 128.53 5462 168.59 +5.3 UNITIL UTL 1.44f 3.1 24 46.98 37.31 26 46.09 +1.7 Univar n UNVR ... ... ...dd 33.15 16.07 473 28.72 +1.2 UnvAmr UAM .75e ... ...dd 10.13 6.72 440 9.98 +.3 UnvslCp UVV 2.12f 2.9 18 83.35 52.40 179 74.00 +16.1sUnvHR UHT 2.62f 3.8 40 68.69 51.95 35 69.41 +5.8 UnivHlthS UHS .40 .3 17 139.77 99.72 1392 119.89 +12.7 Univ Insur UVE .69 3.0 7 29.20 16.72 136 22.90 -19.4tUnvSecInst UUU ... ... ...dd 4.63 2.75 40 2.80 -28.2 UnivTInst UTI .08 2.3 ...dd 5.38 1.42 27 3.52 +21.0 UnumGrp UNM .80f 1.8 12 50.27 29.79 1473 44.96 +2.3 Ur-Energy URG ... ... ...dd .91 .41 367 .64 +20.5 UraniumEn UEC ... ... ...dd 1.92 .69 820 1.43 +27.7 UrbnEdg n UE .80 2.9 22 30.29 24.10 732 27.34 -.6 UrstdBid UBP 1.06f 6.3 17 22.37 15.95 4 16.96 -11.2 UrsBidA UBA 1.04f 4.9 20 25.43 19.67 73 21.04 -12.7 UrsBid pfF UBPpF 1.78 7.0 ... 27.70 25.18 1 25.53 +.1 UrsBid pfG UBPpG 1.69 6.6 ... 28.72 25.25 0 25.68 +.3V -VF Corp VFC 1.68 3.0 18 66.31 48.05 2169 55.16 +3.4 VOC EnTr VOC .32e 7.6 9 4.29 2.67 58 4.21 +32.4 VTTI Engy VTTI 1.34f 7.1 ... 21.74 15.40 97 18.90 +17.0 VaalcoE EGY ... ... ...dd 1.43 .70 110 .98 -5.8 VailRsrt MTN 4.21f 2.2 44 194.05 124.00 144 191.16 +18.5 Vale SA VALE .29e 3.4 ... 11.70 3.85 33834 8.57 +12.5 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 8 The Sun/Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Vale SA pf VALE/P .29e 3.6 ... 11.10 2.99 11094 8.13 +18.0tValeantPh VRX ... ... 3 38.50 9.43 21327 8.95 -38.4 ValeroE VLO 2.80f 4.4 17 71.40 46.88 4576 64.15 -6.1 ValeroEPt VLP 1.63f 3.4 19 51.00 38.90 62 47.81 +8.0 Valhi VHI .08 2.5 40 4.10 1.34 74 3.22 -6.9 Validus VR 1.52f 2.7 13 58.76 44.23 348 55.41 +.7 Validus pfA VRpA ... ... ... 25.99 21.50 18 24.80 +10.1 VlyNBcp VLY .44 3.8 18 12.82 8.49 1654 11.50 -1.2 VlyNB wt18 VLY/WS ... ... ... .40 .03 1 .25 +13.6 VlyNBc pfA VLYpA 1.56 5.6 ... 30.85 24.86 7 27.68 +6.9 Valmont VMI 1.50 1.0 24 165.20 120.65 185 152.35 +8.1 Valspar VAL 1.48 1.3 25 112.50 97.62 512 112.40 +8.5 Valvoline n VVV .05p ... ... 24.98 18.30 838 23.60 +9.8 VanEMGold OUNZ ... ... ...q 13.61 11.12 61 12.75 +11.9 VanEGold GDX .12e .5 ...q 31.79 18.58 51179 24.27 +16.0 VanE Grn n GRNB ... ... ... 25.71 24.91 12 25.33 +1.6 VnEkSteel SLX 1.16e 3.2 ...q 45.39 23.70 117 36.78 -2.7 MV Pharm PPH 1.30e 2.2 ...q 60.50 57.85 58.24 VnEkHiIn rs YMLP ... ... ...q 28.12 22.00 6 26.05 -.5 VanE Env EVX 1.05e 1.4 ...q 78.61 63.71 75.80 +.3 VanEcAm ef ITMS ... ... ... 25.11 23.57 24.22 +2.1 VnEcAmt ef ITML ... ... ... 25.17 22.94 23.79 +1.3 VanE USBd IGEM ... ... ...q 25.32 23.26 23.98 +1.7 VanE EMHi HYEM 1.57 6.3 ...q 24.84 22.96 150 24.78 +3.1 VanEHiYM HYD 1.45 4.7 ...q 32.42 28.33 628 30.87 +4.0 VanE ChiBd CBON .68e ... ...q 24.12 21.85 3 21.93 -.2 VnEkShHY SHYD .81 3.4 ...q 25.50 23.03 20 24.08 +1.2 VnEkTrHYld THHY 1.09e 4.6 ...q 24.32 21.28 0 23.60 -.3 VnEkRus RSX .64e 3.2 ...q 22.19 16.38 8094 20.01 -5.7 VanE BDC BIZD 1.47e 7.8 ...q 19.34 15.86 36 18.95 +5.2 VEckPfSec PFXF 1.24e 6.2 ...q 21.77 18.96 66 20.08 +4.0 VanE FallA ANGL 1.63e 4.6 ...q 29.64 26.56 182 29.54 +2.6 VanE IntHY IHY 1.26 5.1 ...q 25.00 23.40 73 24.59 +3.2sVanE Reit MORT 2.36e 7.8 ...q 24.41 19.70 48 24.38 +11.5 VnEkCfMun XMPT 1.35 5.1 ...q 29.96 25.10 17 26.68 +3.4 VanE EmM EMAG .92 4.3 ...q 21.82 19.82 21.54 +5.8 VanE IGFlt FLTR .15e .6 ...q 25.36 24.59 44 25.17 +.7 VanE EMBd EMLC .98 5.2 ...q 19.40 16.98 3520 18.67 +6.1 VanEAltEn GEX .11e .2 ...q 56.19 46.50 4 55.56 +10.1 VEckMun PRB .15e .6 ...q 24.76 24.12 7 24.52 +1.3 VnEkSMu SMB .20 1.1 ...q 17.80 16.99 101 17.48 +1.3 VanE LgMu MLN .62 3.1 ...q 21.18 18.66 132 19.79 +2.2 VanEIntMu ITM .54 2.3 ...q 24.94 22.74 437 23.82 +2.7 VnEkHiInInf YMLI 1.20 7.7 ...q 17.35 13.09 4 15.65 -.6 VanE GenDr GNRX ... ... ... 26.56 21.17 2 22.23 +3.5 VanE OilR CRAK ... ... ...q 22.74 17.66 22.52 +8.1 V IntMoat MOTI ... ... ...q 31.68 24.70 5 31.01 +11.6 VEckNucl NLR 1.27e 2.6 ...q 51.10 44.80 0 49.47 +4.3 VnEkGlSpin SPUN ... ... ...q 23.30 18.38 0 22.46 +6.3 VanEChAMC CNXT ... ... ...q 34.58 28.32 11 29.76 +3.2 VanE Israel ISRA .74e 1.0 ...q 29.63 25.31 2 28.72 +7.1 VanEWMoat MOAT .42e 1.1 ...q 38.31 30.88 83 37.21 +6.8 VanE UncOG FRAK .29e 1.8 ...q 19.94 15.12 68 16.01 -12.2 VnEkSemi SMH .63e .8 ...q 80.05 50.88 2093 77.39 +8.0 VnEkRtl] RTH .29e .4 ...q 82.00 73.15 8 78.77 +3.9 VanE Agri MOO 1.69e 3.2 ...q 54.74 45.95 39 53.27 +3.8 VEckOilSvc OIH .86e 2.9 ...q 36.35 26.10 4284 29.73 -10.9 VnEkRusSC RSXJ .41e 1.0 ...q 42.10 23.47 42 39.73 +4.3 VEckVcREr REMX .50a 2.9 ...q 20.97 15.00 63 17.06 +.3 VEckChina PEK 1.41e 1.3 ...q 41.33 35.62 46 39.02 +5.7 VnEkIndSC SCIF .44e .8 ...q 56.12 37.89 96 54.91 +34.7 VanE Egyp EGPT 2.76e 9.9 ...q 41.80 24.72 19 28.00 +6.1 VEckPoland PLND .80e 5.0 ...q 16.65 12.22 2 16.07 +19.8 VanE JrGld GDXJ ... ... ...q 52.50 27.37 13268 35.87 +13.7 VanE Coal KOL .37 2.7 ... 14.74 7.54 174 13.93 +13.6 VnEk Viet VNM .51e 3.7 ...q 15.72 12.50 129 13.83 +6.1 VanEBrzSC BRF ... ... ...q 20.80 12.18 21 19.96 +25.6 VanEIndo IDX .50e 2.2 ...q 24.10 18.75 33 22.81 +7.4 VanENatRs HAP .85e 2.6 ...q 34.25 28.83 22 33.06 +2.2 VanE VAfr AFK .76e 3.6 ...q 22.17 18.81 4 21.11 +6.7 VanESolar KWT .45e 1.2 ...q 50.13 33.65 0 36.45 +5.6 VanE Gam BJK 1.88e 4.9 ...q 38.49 30.14 1 38.33 +13.3 VangLTBd BLV 3.92e 4.0 ...q 101.24 87.22 324 92.28 +3.5 VangIntBd BIV 2.17a 2.6 ...q 88.58 82.17 458 84.71 +2.0 VangSTBd BSV 1.08e 1.2 ...q 81.14 79.17 1155 80.02 +.7 VangTotBd BND 2.06e 2.2 ...q 84.92 80.02 1783 81.92 +1.4 VangExDur EDV 4.81e 3.0 ...q 145.60 106.00 84 116.53 +6.5 VangMegG MGK 1.19e 1.2 ...q 96.44 79.42 194 95.50 +9.6 VangMegV MGV 1.53e 2.3 ...q 70.81 58.32 64 67.63 +.8 VangMega MGC 1.47e 1.8 ...q 82.19 67.86 57 80.06 +4.9 VanHiDvY VYM 2.10e 2.7 ...q 79.62 67.88 632 76.90 +1.5 VangEMI VXF 1.13e 1.1 ...q 101.94 80.36 24 98.86 +3.1 VangGrth VUG 1.38e 1.1 ...q 122.50 101.87 711 121.29 +8.8 VangLgCp VV 1.84e 1.7 ...q 110.19 90.89 166 107.27 +4.8 VangMidC VO 1.76e 1.3 ...q 141.61 116.51 372 138.05 +4.9 VangSmCp VB 1.63e 1.2 ...q 136.38 108.79 673 131.74 +2.2 VangSCG VBK 1.19e .9 ...q 142.73 116.45 85 139.52 +4.8 VangSCV VBR 1.96e 1.6 ...q 126.68 99.17 302 121.11 +.1 VangTSM VTI 2.17e 1.8 ...q 123.73 101.51 1860 120.33 +4.3 VangValu VTV 2.05e 2.2 ...q 98.50 80.43 1194 94.26 +1.3 VangSP500 VOO 3.81e 1.8 ...q 220.66 182.27 1969 214.75 +4.6 VangMCVal VOE 1.76e 1.7 ...q 104.31 83.98 280 100.88 +3.8 VangMCGr VOT .82e .7 ...q 113.98 96.13 94 112.26 +6.2 VangREIT VNQ 3.08e 3.6 ...q 92.92 76.98 2790 85.52 +3.6 VangDivAp VIG 1.82e 2.0 ...q 91.68 79.06 573 89.29 +4.8 VangAllWld VSS 2.64e 2.6 ...q 103.20 87.83 229 102.83 +9.4 VangTotW VT 1.53e 2.4 ...q 65.96 54.75 727 64.70 +6.1 VangAllW VEU 1.34e 2.8 ...q 48.40 39.96 1593 47.45 +7.4 VangEmg VWO 1.10e 2.8 ...q 40.63 32.25 9921 39.62 +10.7 VangPacif VPL 1.37e 2.2 ...q 64.01 53.35 166 62.42 +7.4 VangEur VGK 1.71e 3.3 ...q 52.07 42.73 4212 51.27 +6.9 VangTEBd VTEB .28e ... ...q 52.88 49.32 260 51.06 +1.6 Vang500Gr VOOG 1.62e 1.4 ...q 119.04 99.52 65 117.53 +7.6 Van500Val VOOV 2.01e 2.0 ...q 103.78 84.75 37 99.14 +1.6 VanSC600V VIOV 1.24e 1.1 ...q 125.02 94.72 6 116.96 -2.9 VanSC600G VIOG 1.11e .9 ...q 133.67 103.45 11 128.56 +.1 VangSC600 VIOO 1.25e 1.0 ...q 128.59 98.79 17 123.09 -1.1 VanMC400V IVOV 1.47e 1.3 ...q 116.19 91.83 22 111.42 +1.1 VanMC400G IVOG 1.03e .9 ...q 120.03 98.26 13 116.97 +4.4 VanMC400 IVOO 1.36e 1.2 ...q 118.45 94.90 19 114.46 +2.8 VangFTSE VEA 1.10e 2.8 ...q 39.64 33.01 8788 38.98 +6.7 VangCnD VCR 1.62e 1.2 ...q 138.80 115.66 33 137.70 +7.0 VangCnS VDC 3.29e 2.3 ...q 143.71 129.24 74 142.78 +6.6 VangEngy VDE 2.64e 2.8 ...q 109.08 88.18 201 94.78 -9.5 VangFncl VFH .90e 1.5 ...q 64.20 44.25 1021 58.83 -.9 VanHC Etf VHT 1.62e 1.2 ...q 141.68 120.38 172 135.97 +7.3 VangIndl VIS 1.96e 1.6 ...q 127.63 100.03 71 122.53 +2.7 VangInfT VGT 1.39e 1.0 ...q 136.67 101.46 279 134.13 +10.4 VangMat VAW 2.17e 1.9 ...q 121.70 97.34 51 116.92 +4.0 VangUtil VPU 3.41e 3.0 ...q 115.81 99.85 188 114.16 +6.7 VangTel VOX 2.98e 3.0 ...q 104.36 87.29 127 97.79 -2.4 VantageEn VEI ... ... ... Vantiv VNTV ... ... 40 66.24 50.52 909 64.76 +8.6 VarianMed VAR ... ... 22 94.49 68.76 1385 88.41 +11.2 VectorGp VGR 1.60b 7.6 39 23.24 19.57 479 21.19 -6.8sVectren VVC 1.68 2.8 23 59.74 46.52 425 59.51 +14.1 Vectrus VEC ... ... 11 34.98 12.50 72 23.53 -1.3 VedantaLtd VEDL 1.20e 8.3 ... 17.34 5.47 498 14.44 +16.3 VeevaSys VEEV ... ... 82 51.95 26.53 832 50.31 +23.6 Ventas VTR 3.10 4.6 25 76.80 56.20 2199 66.79 +6.8 VentasR 43 VTRB 1.36 5.5 ... 28.30 23.27 47 24.75 +3.1 Vereit VER .55 6.2 12 11.09 7.99 4839 8.92 +5.4 Vereit pf VERpR 1.68 6.5 ... 27.42 24.65 30 26.01 +2.8 VeriFone PAY ... ... 12 29.60 14.94 1675 17.34 -2.2 Veritiv VRTV ... ... 37 62.60 34.10 80 48.45 -9.9 VerizonCm VZ 2.31 4.7 12 56.95 46.01 19552 49.22 -7.8 VerizonC 54 VZA 1.48 5.5 ... 28.47 25.22 41 26.76 +2.6 VermilnE g VET 1.91 ... ... 44.95 30.01 100 36.99 -12.3 Versar VSR ... ... ...dd 2.65 .90 24 1.29 -5.8 Verso Cp VRS ... ... ... 13.60 4.37 90 5.49 -22.7 Versum VSM .05p ... ... 31.31 22.18 315 29.79 +6.1 ViadCorp VVI .40 .9 43 48.30 27.96 56 43.70 -.9 Vicon VII ... ... ...dd 1.80 .26 134 .46 -22.4 VictSCHiD CSB .60e ... ...q 43.71 33.60 3 39.97 -3.6 VinaConc VCO .66e 2.0 ... 36.45 30.61 12 33.29 +1.0 VinceHldg VNCE ... ... 35 7.34 .95 589 1.05 -74.1 Vipshop VIPS ... ... 29 17.41 10.21 1848 13.42 +21.9 VirnetX VHC ... ... ...dd 6.50 1.70 525 2.40 +9.1 VirDynCr n BLHY ... ... ... 26.98 23.01 23 25.12 +.4 ZweigTR ZTR .97 8.1 ...q 12.49 11.00 120 12.04 VirtGblMSc VGI 1.87 11.6 ...q 16.37 14.32 54 16.20 +5.7 Visa s V .66 .7 31 92.05 73.25 6667 89.73 +15.0 VishayInt VSH .25 1.6 19 17.00 11.68 604 15.75 -2.8 VishayPrc VPG ... ... 21 19.45 11.75 12 16.10 -14.8 VistaGold VGZ ... ... ...dd 2.09 .60 308 1.03 +7.7 VistaOutd n VSTO ... ... ...dd 52.08 18.32 440 19.08 -48.3 Visteon s VC ... ... 2 103.20 63.04 349 94.25 +17.3 VitaminSh VSI ... ... 10 32.31 18.25 441 19.85 -16.4 VivintSolar VSLR ... ... ... 4.06 2.16 150 2.80 +9.8 VMware VMW ... ... 27 93.05 54.44 1311 91.69 +16.5 VoceraCm VCRA ... ... ...dd 25.16 10.46 251 23.21 +25.5 VolarisAv VLRS ... ... ... 21.90 11.33 498 13.95 -7.2 VolitionRX VNRX ... ... ... 5.86 3.05 31 3.83 -16.2 VoltInfoSci VISI ... ... ...dd 8.75 5.50 12 5.90 -13.9 Vonage VG ... ... 19 7.88 3.82 2379 6.13 -10.5 Vornado VNO 2.84f 2.8 13 111.72 86.35 593 102.97 -1.3 Vorndo pfA VNOpA 3.25 2.7 ... 121.19 Vorndo pfG VNOpG 1.66 6.5 ... 26.34 24.98 4 25.70 +2.1 Vorndo pfI VNOpI 1.66 6.4 ... 26.45 24.89 2 25.79 +2.9 Vorndo pfK VNOpK 1.43 5.6 ... 26.98 22.51 4 25.25 +7.2 Vorndo pfL VNOpL 1.35 5.4 ... 26.46 21.46 14 24.99 +11.3 Voxeljet VJET ... ... ... 6.25 2.61 158 2.85 -.7 VoyaAsPcD IAE 1.02 10.2 ...q 10.16 8.04 83 9.97 +14.5 VoyaEmHi IHD .92 10.9 ...q 8.68 6.92 96 8.43 +13.2 VoyaFincl VOYA .04 .1 14 42.96 22.75 1253 35.90 -8.5 VoyaGlAdv IGA 1.12 10.8 ...q 10.50 9.34 74 10.36 +5.4 VoyaGlbDv IGD .91 12.5 ...q 7.34 6.50 277 7.28 +7.4 VoyaInfra IDE 1.46 10.1 ...q 15.31 11.68 106 14.44 +11.2 VoyaIntHD IID .83 12.1 ...q 7.78 6.10 44 6.83 +5.7 VoyaPrRTr PPR .29 5.4 ...q 5.62 4.95 808 5.38 -2.9 VoyaNatRs IRR .81 12.6 ...q 7.18 5.57 106 6.42 +.3 VulcanM VMC 1.00f .9 38 138.18 105.71 748 116.90 -6.6W -W&T Off WTI .40 16.3 ...dd 3.47 1.31 1090 2.45 -11.6 WBI TacGr WBIA .03e .1 ...q 24.40 20.45 6 23.16 -.2 WBI TactV WBIB .08e .3 ...q 25.96 20.56 7 24.43 -.5 WBI TacYd WBIC .28e 1.3 ...q 22.63 19.36 9 22.02 +.6 WBI TacSel WBID .05e .2 ...q 23.75 19.62 8 22.85 +.7 WBI LCTG WBIE .25e 1.1 ...q 23.86 20.16 8 23.34 +4.5 WBI LCTV WBIF .22e .9 ...q 25.96 19.54 7 25.37 +3.9 WBI LCTY WBIG .31e 1.4 ...q 22.29 18.75 10 22.03 +5.6 WBI LCTS WBIL .04e .2 ...q 24.90 20.58 8 24.20 +4.3 WBI PwFact WBIY ... ... ... 25.39 23.87 17 24.07 -2.4 WBITacRot WBIR ... ... ... 24.86 23.13 8 24.32 +4.5 WBI TacInc WBII .26e 1.0 ...q 25.60 21.36 40 25.30 +2.0 WBI THiInc WBIH .45e 1.8 ...q 24.38 23.00 46 24.34 +2.3 WCI Cmts WCIC ... ... 17 24.28 15.41 23.45 WEC Engy WEC 2.08 3.4 21 66.10 53.66 1600 60.96 +3.9 WEX Inc WEX ... ... 25 122.91 80.67 195 103.97 -6.8 WGL Hold WGL 1.95 2.4 26 84.08 58.66 169 82.64 +8.3 WNS Hldg WNS ... ... 21 32.71 24.82 213 29.64 +7.6 WP Carey WPC 3.98f 6.2 17 72.89 55.77 274 64.28 +8.8 WPX Engy WPX ... ... ...dd 16.17 8.03 6602 12.77 -12.4 WPX pfA WPXp 1.56 2.7 ... 71.83 41.39 125 57.44 -12.5 Wabash WNC .06 ... 10 22.21 10.74 1346 19.35 +22.8 WABCO WBC ... ... 27 118.50 84.48 157 113.20 +6.6 Wabtec WAB .40 .5 23 89.18 65.54 991 80.70 -2.8 WaddellR WDR 1.84 10.7 9 23.43 15.02 1351 17.21 -11.8 WageWrks WAGE ... ... 80.50 52.81 111 71.80 -1.0 WalMart WMT 2.04f 2.8 17 75.19 62.72 6574 73.89 +6.9 WalkerDun WD ... ... 12 43.28 19.87 150 42.31 +35.6 WalterInv WAC ... ... ...dd 8.25 .64 289 1.05 -77.9tWarrMet n HCC ... ... ... 19.06 18.03 1669 18.46 -2.8 WashPrGp WPG 1.00 10.7 25 14.15 7.90 1995 9.34 -10.3 WashPr pfH WPGpH 1.88 7.4 ... 26.45 24.04 15 25.28 -1.2 WashPr pfI WPGpI 1.72 6.8 ... 26.68 24.04 21 25.14 +1.4 WREIT WRE 1.20 3.7 35 34.61 27.65 413 32.48 -.6 WasteCon WCN .72 ... 32 89.24 63.70 361 88.71 +12.9 WsteMInc WM 1.70f 2.3 37 73.90 56.05 1308 72.45 +2.2 Waters WAT ... ... 24 162.53 128.90 370 157.26 +17.0 Watsco WSO 4.20 3.1 27 159.55 127.66 379 136.55 -7.8 WatscoB WSO/B 4.20f 3.1 28 157.72 128.85 0 134.10 -9.8 WattsWtr WTS .72 1.2 22 71.05 54.22 62 60.20 -7.7 Wayfair W ... ... ...dd 49.34 27.60 353 43.90 +25.2 WeathfIntl WFT ... ... ...dd 8.49 3.73 23504 5.98 +19.8 WebsterFn WBS 1.00 2.1 22 57.50 31.29 636 47.86 -11.8 WbstF pfE WBSpE 1.60 6.2 ... 26.90 24.96 6 25.61 +1.4 WtWatch WTW ... ... 20 19.86 9.37 828 17.45 +52.4 WeinRlt WRI 1.54f 4.4 15 43.70 31.13 1114 35.26 -1.5 WeisMk WMK 1.20 2.0 26 68.88 44.51 64 61.33 -8.2 Welbilt WBT ... ... ... 19.91 14.56 479 19.14 -1.0 Wellcare WCG ... ... 25 151.93 86.75 238 146.63 +7.0 WellsF pfJ WFCpJ 2.00 7.6 ... 28.43 26.10 123 26.29 -.5 WellsF pfL WFCpL 75.00 6.0 ... 1381.10 1161.10 8 1260.00 +5.9 WellsF pfN WFCpN 1.30 5.3 ... 26.49 22.61 39 24.60 +6.4 WellsF pfO WFCpO 1.28 5.2 ... 26.48 22.49 27 24.70 +7.4 WellsF pfP WFCpP 1.31 5.2 ... 26.94 22.58 35 24.96 +9.0 WellsF pfQ WFCpQ 1.46 5.5 ... 28.88 23.58 94 26.78 +6.1 WellsF pfR WFCpR 1.66 5.6 ... 32.54 26.45 41 29.46 +8.7 WellsF pfT WFCpT 1.50 5.7 ... 27.89 24.72 24 26.45 +5.5 WellsFargo WFC 1.52 2.9 13 59.99 43.55 21968 52.45 -4.8 WellsF wt WFC/WS ... ... ... 26.45 11.67 44 19.04 -10.7 WellsF pfX WFCpX ... ... ... 27.00 22.16 459 24.92 +8.8 WellsF pfW WFCpW ... ... ... 27.24 22.84 162 25.57 +8.1 WellsF pfV WFCpV ... ... ... 28.33 24.39 77 26.28 +4.8 EvgGlbDiv EOD .54m 9.1 ...q 6.34 5.13 151 5.91 +8.4 WFAdvInco EAD .82 9.6 ...q 8.68 7.55 105 8.50 +.2 WFAdMSec ERC 1.16 8.7 ...q 13.48 11.79 85 13.34 +4.0 WFREI pf WFEpA 1.59 6.0 ... 28.50 25.05 15 26.50 +5.3 WFAdUtlHi ERH .90 6.9 ...q 13.85 11.20 25 12.96 +8.4 Welltower HCN 3.49f 4.7 16 80.19 59.39 2415 74.24 +10.9 Welltwr pfI HCNpI 3.25 5.0 ... 71.19 56.71 134 65.58 +9.0 WescoAir WAIR ... ... 13 15.78 10.90 645 11.90 -20.4 Wesco Intl WCC ... ... 16 76.15 49.67 887 63.85 -4.1 WestPhrm WST .52 .7 42 88.30 69.60 461 79.85 -5.9 WestarEn WR 1.60f 2.9 22 57.50 49.89 722 54.63 -3.1 WstnAlliB WAL ... ... 18 53.84 29.72 834 45.95 -5.7 WstnAll56 WALA 1.56 6.2 ... 26.94 22.13 12 25.25 +5.4 WstACpLn TLI .87 7.7 ...q 12.10 9.87 40 11.25 sWAstEMkt EMD .84 5.3 ...q 15.65 9.96 224 15.75 +7.1 WsADefOp GDO 1.36 7.7 ...q 17.97 16.41 29 17.68 +3.3 WAstGlbHi EHI 1.16 11.3 ...q 10.43 9.10 102 10.18 +3.6 WstAstHI2 HIX .80 12.0 ...q 7.46 6.53 167 7.34 +3.7 WAHiInOp HIO .43 8.2 ...q 5.22 4.68 604 5.20 +4.2 WAstHYOp HYI 1.32 8.4 ...q 15.75 14.06 241 15.66 +4.1 WstnAsst PAI .69 4.8 ...q 15.98 13.59 13 14.48 +1.2 WstnAsInt SBI .48 4.9 ...q 10.77 9.30 15 9.88 +3.9 WAstDefOp IGI 1.20 5.8 ...q 23.39 19.49 25 20.55 +.7 WAMgdMu MMU .78 5.6 ...q 15.60 13.03 34 13.90 +1.3 WstAstMtg WMC 1.38e 13.4 7 11.18 8.71 186 10.33 +2.6sWAMtDOp DMO 2.82a 11.3 ...q 24.99 20.95 185 25.05 +9.9 WA MunDef MTT 1.01a 4.5 ...q 25.96 21.44 14 22.28 +3.2 WstAMunHi MHF .34 4.6 ...q 8.47 7.00 16 7.37 +2.8 WAMunPrt MNP .87 5.6 ...q 19.25 14.51 36 15.58 +4.6 WAstBdF WEA 1.08 8.0 ...q 14.26 12.26 21 13.45 +3.9 WstAVari GFY .93 5.6 ...q 17.00 15.23 9 16.57 +3.1 WAstInfSc WIA .38 3.3 ...q 11.75 11.09 60 11.47 -.1 WAstInfOpp WIW .40 3.6 ...q 11.40 10.80 135 11.19 +.4 WstC&G gs WRN ... ... ... 1.80 .54 77 1.27 -8.0 WstnGasEq WGP 1.97f 4.3 30 47.82 33.93 71 45.37 +7.1 WstnGasPt WES 3.50f 5.9 34 67.44 45.12 312 59.56 +1.4 WstnRen WNR 1.52 4.5 27 40.09 18.14 819 33.63 -11.1 WstnRef wi WNR/WI ... ... ... WstRefLog WNRL 1.75f 7.0 20 26.58 18.85 81 24.95 +16.9 WstnUnion WU .70f 3.6 12 22.70 18.07 4661 19.67 -9.4 WestlkChm WLK .76 1.2 20 68.08 39.48 1251 62.32 +11.3 WestlkCLP WLKP 1.38f 5.6 16 26.25 17.97 4 24.60 +13.6 WestmRs s WMLP .53 10.7 ...dd 6.90 4.47 7 5.00 -11.3 WestpacBk WBK 1.52e 5.9 ... 27.05 20.32 76 25.86 +10.1 WestRck WRK 1.60f 3.2 ... 56.12 35.77 2162 50.63 -.3 WestwdH WHG 2.28 4.1 12 63.99 49.01 25 55.27 -7.9 Weyerhsr WY 1.24 3.6 29 35.18 26.55 2607 34.76 +15.5 Whrlpl WHR 4.40f 2.6 12 194.10 145.91 1011 168.14 -7.5 WhtMtIns WTM 1.00 .1 ...dd 948.94 790.00 14 869.69 +4.0 WhiteWB wi WWAV/B/WI ... ... ... WhitestnR WSR 1.14 7.9 17 16.30 12.13 103 14.40 +.1 WhitingPet WLL ... ... ...dd 14.44 6.38 12699 8.75 -27.2 WidePoint WYY ... ... ...dd .96 .37 151 .42 -48.1 WildhRs n WRD ... ... ... 16.48 10.65 211 11.14 -23.7 WileyJA JW/A 1.20 2.3 18 58.86 47.68 171 52.10 -4.4 WileyJB JW/B 1.20 2.3 18 58.99 46.53 0 51.83 -5.2 Willbros WG ... ... ...dd 3.84 1.42 78 2.68 -17.3 WLyonHm WLH ... ... 14 21.92 12.80 165 20.96 +10.1 WmsCos WMB 1.20f 3.9 52 32.69 18.35 5355 30.42 -2.3 WillmsPtrs WPZ 3.40 8.2 ...dd 42.32 26.12 1655 41.29 +8.6 WmsSon WSM 1.56f 2.9 16 61.97 45.96 975 53.89 +11.4 Winnbgo WGO .40 1.6 14 39.30 20.19 323 25.35 -19.9 Wipro WIT .09e .9 ... 12.50 9.00 714 9.72 +.4 WirelessT WTT ... ... ...dd 1.99 1.23 17 1.42 -25.7 WT IntQua IQDG ... ... ... 26.60 23.20 2 26.52 +10.8 WT ST HiYl SFHY ... ... ... 51.06 49.44 50.19 -.3 WT ShTr n SFIG ... ... ... 50.24 49.24 49.59 -.4 WT HiYld n WHFY ... ... ... 51.80 49.68 50.80 WT Corp n WFIG ... ... ... 50.75 47.99 0 49.23 +1.8 WT EmMDv DVEM ... ... ... 30.07 24.15 1 29.26 +9.3 WT G exMx XMX ... ... ... 26.10 25.46 25.68 +.5 WT DyCEu DDEZ ... ... ... 27.90 23.13 27.46 +5.4 WT DyInEq DDWM ... ... ... 28.12 22.98 70 27.15 +2.7 WT DyInSm DDLS ... ... ... 28.88 24.30 3 28.31 +5.5 WT DynCJp DDJP ... ... ... 26.97 23.43 25.34 -4.1 WTBearEq DYB ... ... ...q 25.30 23.80 0 25.23 +1.2 WT LgSEq DYLS ... ... ...q 29.19 25.23 15 28.83 +5.1 WT EuLoc EZR ... ... ... 24.54 20.05 24.37 +4.5 WT GlExUS HDRW ... ... ... 26.40 24.08 26.38 +8.7 WT SCDiv HGSD ... ... ...q 24.88 19.86 23.92 -.4 WT GlSmC GSD ... ... ... 31.04 25.55 30.12 +2.1 WTWkDUSE USWD ... ... ...q 28.12 23.21 28.07 +4.7 WT StrDl n EMSD ... ... ... 27.00 22.67 1 26.16 +10.5 WTStDUSE USSD ... ... ...q 29.89 24.00 29.75 +9.8 WT JpnHCr DXJH 4.10e .7 ...q 34.64 29.08 32.25 +.6 WTUSEnYd AGGY 1.44 2.9 ...q 53.41 49.01 93 50.50 +1.9 WTxUSDiv DXUS .04e ... ...q 24.73 20.89 24.37 +2.6 WTEurSmC EUSC .53e ... ...q 28.48 21.78 171 28.07 +8.7 WT PutStr PUTW ... ... ... 29.32 25.60 123 28.18 +3.1 WT EMexSt XSOE .77e 3.1 ...q 25.40 19.89 0 24.75 +15.2 WT JpDvG JHDG ... ... ...q 25.42 19.87 1 23.97 -1.4 WTIntHDv IHDG .70e 1.5 ...q 28.79 24.01 50 28.42 +7.9 WT EurDiv EUDG .51e 2.2 ...q 23.46 19.81 0 23.24 +9.9 WTFltRtTr USFR ... ... ...q 25.03 24.87 24.96 -.2 WT EurHdg HEDJ 3.51e 2.4 ...q 63.16 47.27 1650 61.83 +7.7 WT AsiaDb ALD 1.02 2.3 ...q 46.30 42.29 0 44.46 +4.3 WTEmLDbt ELD 1.74 4.6 ...q 38.95 34.57 16 37.92 +6.0 WT GRRtn RRF .81e .9 ...q 41.92 38.23 40.89 +3.2 WisDynCu n DHDG ... ... ... 22.19 19.92 1 22.13 +9.0 GrnHCmdty GCC ... ... ...q 20.80 18.97 46 19.24 -.5 WT Diefa DWM .74e 1.5 ...q 50.32 41.51 38 49.09 +5.8 WT DefaEq DTH 1.75e 4.4 ...q 40.83 33.54 28 39.81 +4.5 WTDv exF DTN 2.48e 3.0 ...q 84.05 72.40 14 81.76 +1.8 WTEurEq DEW 1.75e 3.9 ...q 45.47 39.37 6 44.60 +2.6sWTEurSC DFE 1.48e 2.5 ...q 60.15 47.40 73 60.13 +10.1 WT EqInco DHS 2.10e 3.1 ...q 69.74 62.18 98 68.41 +1.6 WTIntD exF DOO 2.01e 5.1 ...q 40.00 34.58 10 39.05 +4.5 WT IntLC DOL 1.69e 3.8 ...q 46.00 38.28 12 44.79 +4.6 WTIntMC DIM 1.53e 2.5 ...q 60.61 49.14 6 60.04 +8.4 WTIntSC DLS 1.16e 1.8 ...q 66.31 53.16 35 65.46 +9.1 WTGxUSDv DNL .99e 2.0 ...q 50.86 44.35 14 50.11 +8.8 WTJpnSC DFJ .70e 1.1 ...q 68.33 54.19 28 65.53 +5.8 WTJpHedg DXJ 2.98e 1.6 ...q 52.38 37.05 2587 48.05 -3.0 WT LCD DLN 1.84e 2.2 ...q 84.49 72.04 51 82.40 +3.1 WT MCD DON 2.28e 2.3 ...q 99.26 84.41 92 97.10 +2.9 WTAustDiv AUSE 1.46e 2.7 ...q 57.05 45.48 4 54.34 +5.6 WTAsiaPxJ AXJL 2.22e 3.5 ...q 64.75 53.39 2 63.00 +9.9 WT SC DES 1.92e 2.4 ...q 84.36 66.51 65 80.11 -3.2 WT TotDv DTD 2.05e 2.5 ...q 85.70 72.88 10 83.59 +2.9 WT MgdFut WDTI ... ... ...q 43.27 39.15 74 39.97 -3.6sWT EmCur CEW ... ... ...q 18.55 17.21 2 18.48 +5.7 WTChiYuan CYB .10e ... ...q 25.09 22.89 3 24.30 +4.5 WTBrzReal BZF ... ... ...q 18.85 14.50 2 18.50 +8.6 WTESCDv DGS 1.29e 2.9 ...q 45.60 35.70 65 44.59 +14.0 WT EmEq DEM 1.80e 4.5 ...q 41.82 32.66 127 40.39 +8.2 WTGxUSRe DRW 1.22e 4.2 ...q 29.68 24.84 32 29.10 +15.2 WT JpCapG DXJC 3.43e 2.3 ...q 25.85 17.63 3 23.40 -4.1 WT India EPI .22e .9 ...q 24.62 18.65 2238 24.18 +19.7 WT JpHFn DXJF 3.48e 1.2 ...q 25.70 15.65 4 22.32 -7.0 WTUSDBull USDU 1.78e ... ...q 28.53 25.61 34 26.90 -3.8 WT LowPE EZY .90e 1.3 ...q 71.99 59.52 2 69.47 +2.7 WT SCErn EES .95e 3.0 ...q 100.17 30.85 20 31.51 -67.7 WT SCEr s EES/WI ... ... ...q 33.39 24.91 -100.0 WT MCEr s EZM ... ... ...q 36.05 28.71 36 34.91 WT Ern500 EPS 1.36e 1.7 ...q 83.33 66.23 2 80.67 +4.4 WT TotErn EXT 1.49e 1.8 ...q 85.76 67.99 1 82.68 +3.7 WT JpnRE DXJR 2.14e 3.4 ...q 27.04 13.06 13.36 -3.3 WolvWW WWW .24 1.0 18 26.41 16.64 640 23.87 +8.7 WooriBank WF ... ... ... 38.30 23.84 3 36.96 +15.5 Workday WDAY ... ... ...dd 93.35 65.79 1109 83.58 +26.5 Workiva WK ... ... ...dd 19.04 11.14 72 16.30 +19.4 WorldFuel INT .24 .7 15 50.00 34.79 531 35.88 -21.8 WldPntTm WPT 1.20 7.0 17 17.90 14.25 21 17.14 +3.6 WldW Ent WWE .48 2.3 49 23.14 16.55 1317 20.87 +13.4 Worthgtn WOR .80 1.9 13 62.44 34.21 288 41.35 -12.8sWyndham WYN 2.00 2.3 17 87.98 62.60 969 88.25 +15.6X-Y-ZXL Grp XL .88f 2.2 10 41.39 30.33 1184 40.38 +8.4 XO Group XOXO ... ... 37 20.99 14.99 98 17.24 -11.4 XPO Logis XPO ... ... 46 54.70 22.23 840 46.02 +6.6 Xactly n XTLY ... ... ...dd 16.10 7.33 53 11.50 +4.5 XcelEngy XEL 1.44f 3.2 21 45.42 38.00 2263 45.10 +10.8 XeniaHtls n XHR 1.10 6.4 10 19.87 14.83 238 17.26 -11.1 Xerium XRM ... ... 27 9.16 4.56 55 6.48 +15.3 Xerox XRX .25m 3.6 10 7.69 5.72 4397 7.02 +22.1 XinyuanRE XIN .40 8.5 4 7.06 4.26 430 4.71 -5.0 XtantMed XTNT ... ... ...dd 2.64 .29 203 .55 Xylem XYL .72f 1.5 24 54.99 40.95 1106 49.13 -.8 YPF Soc YPF .14e .5 ... 26.48 15.00 1546 25.66 +55.5 Yamana g AUY .02 .6 63 5.99 2.46 10065 3.15 +12.1 Yelp YELP ... ... 43.41 20.25 997 32.86 -13.8tYext n YEXT ... ... ... 14.10 13.30 994 14.01 +3.4 YingliGr rs YGE ... ... ...dd 5.22 1.85 47 2.71 +4.2 Yirendai n YRD ... ... ... 42.34 10.02 129 23.47 +13.3 YumBrnds YUM 1.20 1.9 18 91.99 59.57 1589 63.96 +1.0 YumBr wi YUM/WI ... ... ... 63.20 60.30 61.79 sYum China YUMC ... ... ... 33.12 23.79 3231 32.76 +25.4 YumaEn rs YUMA ... ... ... 4.50 .02 13 2.62 -22.9 YumaE pfA YUMApA 2.31 46.4 ... 5.10 2.00 4.98 YuMe YUME ... ... ...dd 4.36 3.11 50 4.05 +13.1 ZTO Exp n ZTO ... ... ... 18.45 11.14 1828 12.65 +4.8 ZayoGrp ZAYO ... ... ...dd 35.65 25.45 3005 33.68 +2.5 Zedge n ZDGE ... ... ... 7.85 2.56 10 3.03 -3.2 Zendesk ZEN ... ... ...dd 31.88 19.77 837 28.62 +35.0 Zhaopin ZPIN ... ... 32 18.36 13.70 68 18.00 +19.1 ZimmerBio ZBH .96 .8 15 133.21 95.63 944 119.57 +15.9 Zions pfA ZBpA 1.02 4.2 ... 25.99 21.96 2 24.16 +4.0 Zions pfF ZBpF ... ... ... 27.33 25.32 6 25.50 -.6 Zions pfG ZBpG 1.60 5.6 ... 33.00 25.81 7 28.35 +6.2 ZionBc 28 ZBK 1.74 6.0 ... 31.99 27.20 2 29.16 +4.6 ZionBc pfH ZBpH 1.44 5.7 ... 26.41 23.30 3 25.34 +5.4 ZoesKitchn ZOES ... ... 40.60 16.39 193 16.93 -29.4 Zoetis ZTS .42f .8 25 56.50 45.28 2017 53.55 ZweigFd ZF 1.01e 8.8 ...q 13.26 10.60 108 11.48 -5.0 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page A -:A-MarkPM AMRK .32f 1.9 18 22.00 14.02 7 17.22 -11.7 AAON AAON .26f .8 39 37.10 25.33 98 34.60 +4.7 AC Immun n ACIU ... ... ... 19.97 9.37 32 10.01 -22.9 ACI Wwde ACIW ... ... 20 22.96 15.11 340 21.16 +16.6 ACNB Cp ACNB .80 2.6 17 32.85 21.75 5 30.40 -2.7sAGNC Inv AGNC 2.16 10.5 7 20.62 17.30 2234 20.63 +13.8 AGNC pfA AGNCP 2.00 7.7 ... 26.80 24.67 14 25.99 +3.0 AGNC pfB AGNCB 1.94 7.5 ... 26.69 24.51 10 25.92 +3.3 ALJ Reg n ALJJ ... ... ... 5.50 3.25 28 3.33 -24.1 AMAG Ph AMAG ... ... 18 36.83 17.92 622 22.75 -34.6 AMC Net AMCX ... ... 15 70.28 46.17 372 58.69 +12.1 ANI Ph h ANIP ... ... 70.92 42.37 132 50.32 -17.0 ARC Grp ARCW ... ... 44 5.95 1.95 8 4.00 -9.1 ARCAbio rs ABIO ... ... ...dd 4.35 2.15 4 2.35 -17.5 ARI Net ARIS ... ... 57 5.59 3.68 18 5.10 -5.7 ASB Bcp ASBB ... ... 39 37.35 24.31 3 35.00 +17.6 ASML Hld ASML 1.27e 1.0 36 134.29 90.43 896 130.65 +16.4 ATA Inc ATAI ... ... 17 6.05 2.96 7 3.68 -.9 ATN Intl ATNI 1.36 1.9 46 87.82 62.70 46 71.47 -10.8 AV Homes AVHI ... ... 3 19.13 10.87 22 16.75 +6.0 AXT Inc AXTI ... ... ... 8.65 2.54 389 5.85 +21.9 Abaxis ABAX .56 1.2 32 55.95 41.89 50 47.48 -10.0 AbeonaTh ABEO ... ... ...dd 9.44 2.27 141 4.85 Abeona wt ABEOW ... ... ... 5.40 .61 2.70 -18.7 Ability h ABIL ... ... ... 8.00 1.05 12 1.12 -59.6 Abiomed ABMD ... ... 132.95 92.03 228 121.17 +7.5 Abraxas AXAS ... ... ...dd 2.99 .98 948 1.95 -24.1 AcaciaC n ACIA ... ... ... 128.73 27.05 1157 52.70 -14.7 AcaciaTc ACTG .50 9.7 ...dd 7.68 3.95 260 5.15 -20.8 AcadiaHlt ACHC ... ... 65.00 32.54 1703 42.78 +29.2 AcadiaPh ACAD ... ... ...dd 42.49 20.68 978 32.44 +12.5 Acasti g rs ACST ... ... ...dd 3.09 1.11 37 1.33 +6.4 AccelrDiag AXDX ... ... ...dd 29.40 10.87 143 23.45 +13.0 Acceleron XLRN ... ... ...dd 41.69 23.07 317 28.16 +10.3 AccessNt ANCX .60 2.2 18 33.18 18.11 36 27.55 -.8 Accuray ARAY ... ... ...dd 6.39 4.45 444 4.70 +2.2 AcelRx ACRX ... ... ...dd 4.08 2.40 176 2.70 +3.8 AcetoCorp ACET .26 1.7 18 25.98 14.32 89 14.92 -32.1 Achaogen AKAO ... ... ...dd 27.79 2.69 364 21.21 +62.9tAchillion ACHN ... ... ...dd 10.06 3.59 1298 3.61 -12.6 AclarisTh n ACRS ... ... ... 33.25 16.86 175 31.94 +17.7tAcordaTh ACOR ... ... ...dd 33.00 16.40 1073 16.15 -14.1 ActivsBliz ATVI .30f .6 41 50.40 33.55 3578 49.17 +36.2 Actua ACTA ... ... 6 15.28 8.56 132 14.00 Acxiom ACXM ... ... 30.40 19.11 300 27.13 +1.2 AdamasPh ADMS ... ... ...dd 19.50 12.10 208 15.93 -5.7 AdamisPh ADMP ... ... ...dd 10.98 2.40 168 4.45 +41.3 Adaptim n ADAP ... ... ...dd 11.59 3.76 134 5.65 +39.5 AddusHmC ADUS ... ... 28 37.35 16.55 24 31.50 -10.1 ADDvtgTch AEY ... ... 3 2.31 1.60 6 1.78 +.6 AdestoTc n IOTS ... ... ...dd 5.55 1.50 117 5.40 +191.9 AdmaBio ADMA ... ... ...dd 8.00 4.34 23 4.51 -11.9 AdobeSy ADBE ... ... 56 131.33 90.35 1404 129.81 +26.1 Adtran ADTN .36 1.8 27 23.75 17.06 400 19.60 -12.3 AduroBio n ADRO ... ... ...dd 16.43 7.26 298 9.30 -18.4 AdvAApp n AAAP ... ... ... 40.92 23.50 52 37.91 +41.7 AdvEmis n ADES ... ... 2 12.25 6.21 45 8.32 -10.0 AdvEnId AEIS ... ... 21 70.64 31.98 197 65.75 +20.1 AMD AMD ... ... ...dd 15.55 2.60 35687 12.95 +14.2 Advaxis wt ADXSW ... ... ... 11.70 3.49 0 4.25 +7.3 Advaxis ADXS ... ... ...dd 16.30 6.47 385 8.33 +16.3 AdverumBi ADVM ... ... ...dd 6.31 2.50 261 2.58 -11.2 AdvSUncon MAUI ... ... ...q 24.35 23.10 0 24.18 +1.7 AdvisoryBd ABCO ... ... 18 51.23 24.85 196 46.95 +41.2 Aegion AEGN ... ... 25 26.68 17.18 125 22.30 -5.9 AegleaBio n AGLE ... ... ... 10.34 3.66 17 7.22 +66.0 AehrTest h AEHR ... ... ...dd 6.10 .95 84 4.48 +85.9 Aemetis AMTX ... ... ...dd 2.94 1.01 7 1.16 -16.5 AeriePhm AERI ... ... ...dd 51.85 12.56 397 42.10 +11.2 AeroViron AVAV ... ... ...dd 32.44 22.16 154 28.55 +6.4 AEtern g rs AEZS ... ... ...dd 5.59 2.35 335 2.80 -22.2 Aethlon rs AEMD ... ... ...dd 9.09 2.22 24 2.36 -43.8 AeviGeno GNMX ... ... ...dd 17.75 1.50 222 1.75 -66.2 AffimedNV AFMD ... ... ... 5.00 1.65 118 2.45 +36.1 Agenus AGEN ... ... ...dd 7.49 2.97 804 3.41 -17.2 AgileThera AGRX ... ... ...dd 8.65 1.82 65 3.00 -47.4 Agilysys AGYS ... ... ...dd 12.15 8.17 31 9.13 -11.9 AgiosPhm AGIO ... ... ...dd 67.74 35.84 1282 50.36 +20.7 AgroFresh AGFS ... ... ...dd 6.73 1.96 471 5.24 +97.7 AgroFr wt AGFSW ... ... ... .99 .05 18 .44 +144.4 Aimmune n AIMT ... ... ...dd 27.31 9.77 166 19.42 -5.0 AirMethod AIRM ... ... 17 43.95 23.75 836 43.00 +35.0 AirT Inc AIRT ... ... ...dd 26.99 17.24 0 18.75 -18.5 AirTrnsp ATSG ... ... 44 17.81 12.36 187 16.83 +5.5 AirMedia AMCN ... ... ...dd 5.56 2.35 708 2.79 +13.6 Airgain n AIRG ... ... ... 29.30 7.36 116 14.60 +1.4 AkamaiT AKAM ... ... 26 71.64 47.80 992 58.95 -11.6 AkariTh rs AKTX ... ... ... 22.20 6.22 704 14.97 +112.6 AkebiaTher AKBA ... ... ...dd 11.07 7.00 130 9.09 -12.7 AkersBios AKER ... ... ...dd 3.70 1.15 57 1.73 -9.2 Akorn Inc AKRX ... ... 19 35.40 17.61 5315 33.04 +51.4 Akoustis n AKTS ... ... ... 14.00 7.00 26 11.64 +39.4 n ALRM ... ... 88 34.43 19.91 205 31.59 +13.5 AlaskCom ALSK ... ... ... 2.24 1.49 92 2.15 +31.1 AlbnyMlc AMRI ... ... ...dd 19.35 12.45 1110 15.41 -17.9 Albireo ALBO ... ... ... 37.69 7.83 62 20.16 +13.7 Alcentra ABDC 1.36a 9.5 12 14.73 11.00 59 14.36 +20.0 Alcobra ADHD ... ... ...dd 5.75 .83 176 1.14 -45.7 AlderBioPh ALDR ... ... ...dd 36.48 18.55 282 20.80 AldeyraTh ALDX ... ... ...dd 8.19 4.10 17 4.80 -10.3 Alexion lf ALXN ... ... 46 162.00 109.12 1000 118.22 -3.4 Alico ALCO .24 .9 34 32.66 25.01 7 28.20 +3.9 AlignTech ALGN ... ... 50 116.99 70.03 404 116.32 +21.0 AlimeraSci ALIM ... ... ...dd 5.15 1.02 126 1.37 +26.9 Alkermes ALKS ... ... ...dd 62.50 36.71 787 55.90 +.6 AllgnceBc n ABTX ... ... 21 39.41 17.99 29 36.95 +2.2 AllegiantT ALGT 2.80 1.8 12 183.91 121.70 110 157.25 -5.5 AlliHlthC AIQ ... ... 11 13.05 5.73 191 12.90 +34.4 AlliHold AHGP 2.20 8.0 9 32.70 16.00 117 27.53 -2.0 All MMA n AMMA ... ... ... 5.47 1.87 33 2.03 -44.2 AllnceRes ARLP 1.75 8.1 6 26.65 12.80 200 21.50 -4.2 AldHlPrd rs AHPI ... ... ...dd 3.82 1.00 7 2.00 -.1 AlliedMot AMOT .10 .5 24 25.19 15.54 12 21.32 -.3 Alliqua h ALQA ... ... ...dd 1.48 .35 588 .41 -30.5 AllotComm ALLT ... ... ...dd 5.67 4.50 39 4.74 -1.0 AllscriptH MDRX ... ... 15.17 9.80 1649 11.77 +15.3 AlmostFam AFAM ... ... 29 50.98 35.21 115 46.20 +4.8 AlnylamP ALNY ... ... ...dd 80.11 31.38 760 49.73 +32.8 AlphaOmg AOSL ... ... 51 23.93 12.47 76 16.38 -23.0 Alphabet C GOOG ... ... 26 853.50 663.28 772 836.82 +8.4 Alphabet A GOOGL ... ... 28 874.42 672.66 923 853.99 +7.8tAlphatc rs ATEC ... ... ... 9.65 1.96 127 2.02 -37.1 AlpsRtSec n SWIN ... ... ... 26.90 24.87 9 25.76 +2.8 Altisrce n ASPS ... ... 26 46.45 21.37 224 45.02 +69.3 AltraIndlM AIMC .60 1.6 28 46.90 25.77 65 37.40 +1.4 AmTrstFn AFSI .34 2.2 6 28.48 13.51 1773 15.75 -42.5 Amarin AMRN ... ... ... 3.65 1.50 1080 3.16 +2.6sAmaya g AYA ... ... ... 17.57 12.00 190 17.45 +23.3 Amazon AMZN ... ... 923.72 599.20 2713 903.78 +20.5 AmbacF wt AMBCW ... ... ... 15.50 6.50 1 9.74 -20.5 AmbacFin AMBC ... ... 4 27.25 14.76 228 19.85 -11.8 Ambarella AMBA ... ... 26 74.95 35.26 731 50.37 -6.9 Amdocs DOX .88f 1.4 17 62.65 54.12 869 60.74 +4.3 Amedica rs AMDA ... ... ...dd 2.80 .35 1099 .43 -31.7 Amedisys AMED ... ... 45 55.16 34.58 196 51.83 +21.6 AMERCO UHAL 3.00e ... 16 399.16 307.80 58 359.75 -2.7 AFMulti ATAX .50 8.8 16 6.11 5.10 68 5.70 +5.6 AmCarM CRMT ... ... 16 47.75 19.49 84 37.60 -14.1 AmAirlines AAL .40 .9 6 50.64 24.85 5630 43.81 -6.2 ACapSenF ACSF 1.16 8.5 4 14.10 9.75 90 13.60 +14.3 AmElTech AETI ... ... ...dd 5.15 1.50 2 1.70 +9.7 AmerNtl AMNB .96 2.6 20 39.40 24.36 13 36.70 +5.5 AmNatIns ANAT 3.28 2.8 17 131.99 107.44 10 115.89 -7.0 AmOutBr AOBC ... ... 9 31.19 17.50 609 21.19 +.5 AmPubEd APEI ... ... 14 30.79 14.75 70 21.40 -12.8 AmRailcar ARII 1.60 3.9 11 51.10 35.43 50 41.42 -8.5 AmrRvr AMRB .05p ... 16 15.99 9.78 2 14.85 -1.7 ASoft lf AMSWA .44 4.1 34 11.94 8.73 73 10.75 +4.1 AmSupr rs AMSC ... ... ...dd 12.50 5.86 41 6.64 -9.9 AWoodmk AMWD ... ... 21 92.25 60.80 119 86.35 +14.8 AmerisBc ABCB .40 .9 21 49.50 27.92 157 43.60 Amerisafe AMSF .72a 1.1 15 69.40 50.99 48 64.20 +3.0 AmrSvFin ASRV .06 1.5 13 4.05 2.91 101 3.90 +5.4 AmSvFn pf ASRVP 2.11 7.9 ... 28.72 25.70 26.62 +2.3 AmesNatl ATLO .88f 2.8 19 37.45 24.21 10 31.20 -5.5 Amgen AMGN 4.60f 2.9 15 184.21 133.64 2459 161.25 +10.3 AmicusTh FOLD ... ... ... 9.61 4.41 1148 7.09 +42.7 AmkorTch AMKR ... ... 16 12.48 5.27 1375 11.22 +6.4 Amphastar AMPH ... ... 66 21.75 11.41 209 14.54 -21.1 AmpOnRt ef IBUY ... ... ... 30.26 22.94 4 30.09 +10.6 AmtechSys ASYS ... ... ... 7.10 3.99 22 5.28 +24.2 Amyris AMRS ... ... ...dd 1.43 .31 6786 .60 -17.8 AnalogDev ADI 1.80 2.3 28 84.24 52.17 3293 77.41 +6.6tAnlogic ALOG .40 .6 37 95.85 70.55 176 69.90 -15.7 Anaptys n ANAB ... ... ... 29.96 15.17 110 24.28 +42.8 Nasdaq Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 9 The Sun/Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Anavex rs AVXL ... ... ...dd 8.30 2.43 531 5.74 +44.9 AnchBcWA ANCB ... ... 80 27.50 22.61 17 24.80 -8.8 Andersons ANDE .64 1.7 93 44.90 25.78 72 38.15 -14.7 AndinaAcII ANDA ... ... ... 10.35 9.67 10.11 +1.8 AndinaA un ANDAU ... ... ... 11.10 10.06 10.89 +3.7 AndinaII rt ANDAR ... ... ... .80 .16 0 .51 +31.3 AndinaII wt ANDAW ... ... ... .39 .08 .29 +7.4 AngiesList ANGI ... ... ...dd 10.76 5.22 480 5.61 -31.8 AngioDyn ANGO ... ... ...dd 18.18 11.52 392 15.40 -8.7 AnikaTh ANIK ... ... 21 54.96 41.38 74 44.29 -9.5 Ansys ANSS ... ... 32 108.92 81.41 229 107.17 +15.9 AntaresP ATRS ... ... ...dd 3.10 .79 921 2.72 +16.7 AntheraP h ANTH ... ... ...dd 4.40 .36 827 .40 -38.2 AoxnTia h rs ABAC ... ... ... 4.07 1.51 26 2.33 -35.6 ApogeeE APOG .56f 1.1 18 61.00 39.48 519 51.95 -3.0 ApollEnd rs APEN ... ... ... 32.34 9.24 4 11.45 -28.9 ApolloInv AINV .60 9.1 ... 6.69 5.03 616 6.60 +12.6 AppFolio n APPF ... ... ...dd 28.00 12.07 22 25.45 +6.7 Apple Inc AAPL 2.28 1.6 17 145.46 89.47 14073 141.20 +21.9 ApplRecy h ARCI ... ... ...dd 1.80 .80 8 .00 -10.8 AplDNA wt APDNW ... ... ... 1.68 .35 2 .42 -16.0 ApldDNA APDN ... ... ...dd 3.61 1.40 28 1.65 -10.8tAppGenTc AGTC ... ... 11 19.86 5.93 343 6.10 -34.8 ApldMatl AMAT .40 1.1 18 39.81 19.46 5957 38.05 +17.9 ApldOptoel AAOI ... ... 40 60.19 8.08 2208 44.20 +88.6 Approach AREX ... ... ...dd 4.35 1.35 1015 2.27 -32.2 Apptio n APTI ... ... ... 24.60 10.77 321 11.50 -37.9 ApricusB rs APRI ... ... ...dd 5.95 1.10 312 1.60 +23.1 AptevoTh n APVO ... ... ... 8.29 1.69 67 1.95 -20.1 AptoseB g APTO ... ... 3 4.30 .83 176 .96 -30.9 AquaMetal h AQMS ... ... ...dd 22.75 7.54 313 17.46 +33.2tAquaB Tc n AQB ... ... ... 24.78 9.25 45 8.90 -63.2 AquinoxPh AQXP ... ... ...dd 19.97 6.01 68 14.02 -15.1 ArQule ARQL ... ... ...dd 2.17 .92 148 .96 -23.8tAradigm ARDM ... ... ...dd 7.19 1.40 108 1.35 -15.6 AralezPh ARLZ ... ... ...dd 6.80 1.48 918 1.56 -64.6 AratanaTh PETX ... ... ...dd 10.73 4.97 273 5.66 -21.2 ArbutusB g ABUS ... ... ...dd 5.48 2.35 116 3.30 +34.7 ArcBest ARCB .32 1.3 36 33.95 14.85 121 24.65 -10.8 ArcadBiosc RKDA ... ... ...dd 2.85 .65 3 .75 -18.8 ArchCap ACGL ... ... 27 96.46 67.50 242 94.73 +9.8 ArchC pfE ACGLP 1.31 5.7 ... 24.90 20.20 79 22.98 +8.8 ArchrkPtrs APLP 1.14 6.9 ...dd 18.55 10.07 80 16.46 +2.6 Ardelyx ARDX ... ... ... 16.30 6.36 234 12.05 -15.1tArenaPhm ARNA ... ... ...dd 2.16 1.34 21448 1.28 -9.9 AresCap ARCC 1.52 8.7 12 17.87 13.85 1243 17.42 +5.6 ArgoGp42 AGIIL 1.63 6.4 ... 27.43 23.60 11 25.36 +1.6 ArgoGpInt AGII 1.08f 1.7 16 69.03 49.10 71 65.35 -.8 ArgosTher ARGS ... ... ...dd 13.97 .31 1382 .39 -92.0 ArkRst ARKR 1.00 4.0 16 27.02 20.00 1 24.85 +2.5 Arotech ARTX ... ... ...dd 5.00 2.25 278 3.05 -12.9 ArrayBio ARRY ... ... ...dd 13.40 2.70 2684 7.93 -9.8 ArrisIntl ARRS ... ... 9 31.52 20.05 1546 26.07 -13.5 ArrowFn AROW 1.00b 3.0 17 41.70 26.22 17 33.60 -17.0 ArwDWATc DWAT .04p ... ...q 11.02 9.80 10.61 +3.0 ArrowPhm ARWR ... ... ...dd 8.22 1.20 969 1.51 -2.6sArtesRes ARTNA .91 2.4 26 36.84 26.02 55 37.44 +17.2 ArtsWay ARTW .05 1.5 ...dd 4.70 2.50 2 3.33 -2.2 AscenaRtl ASNA ... ... 35 9.79 3.53 2608 3.83 -38.1 Ascendis n ASND ... ... ... 30.57 11.92 4 27.63 +36.5 AscentCap ASCMA ... ... ... 26.16 11.78 10 13.65 -16.1 AsiaPWire APWC ... ... ... 3.10 1.64 2.62 -6.3 AspenTech AZPN ... ... 31 59.86 35.02 248 59.22 +8.3 AssembBio ASMB ... ... ...dd 28.18 4.60 70 23.17 +90.7 AstaFundg ASFI ... ... 19 11.97 7.20 1 8.20 -16.3 Astec ASTE .40 .7 25 73.37 45.62 179 60.68 -10.1 AstroNova ALOT .28 1.9 26 16.41 12.50 4 14.80 +3.9 Astronics ATRO ... ... 18 41.03 25.93 172 30.93 -8.6 Astrotch h ASTC ... ... ...dd 2.23 1.19 39 1.28 -14.7 AsureSftw h ASUR ... ... ...dd 13.00 4.45 22 9.97 +17.2 AtaraBioth ATRA ... ... ...dd 25.73 12.45 214 18.20 +28.2 athenahlth ATHN ... ... 143.85 90.11 315 112.31 +6.8 Athersys ATHX ... ... ...dd 2.60 1.02 638 1.47 -3.9 AtlantAl hn AAPC ... ... ... 36.50 7.60 0 10.46 +6.3 AtlanAmer AAME .02 .5 34 4.65 3.06 4 3.70 -9.8 AtlCapBc n ACBI ... ... 33 20.20 13.26 69 18.55 -2.4 AtlCstFin ACFC ... ... 14 8.27 5.53 22 7.87 +15.7 AtlanticaYd ABY .45e 2.2 ... 22.87 15.78 555 20.73 +7.1 Atlanticus ATLC ... ... ...dd 3.54 2.30 11 2.51 -11.6 AtlasAir AAWW ... ... 28 59.60 34.22 81 54.95 +5.4 AtlasFin AFH ... ... ...dd 18.67 12.15 38 12.55 -30.5 Atlassian n TEAM ... ... 96 35.16 20.51 408 31.59 +31.2 Atomera n ATOM ... ... ... 10.25 5.50 4 6.50 -3.7tAtossGen rs ATOS ... ... ...dd 6.15 .60 369 .64 -54.6 AtriCure ATRC ... ... ...dd 20.40 13.44 127 19.48 -.5 Atrion ATRI 4.20 .9 32 522.05 385.00 10 480.30 -5.3 Attunity ATTU ... ... ...dd 10.50 4.15 43 7.26 +21.0 aTyrPhm n LIFE ... ... ...dd 4.45 2.10 26 3.00 +39.5 AubNB AUBN .92f 2.8 15 33.95 26.74 1 33.03 +5.5 Audentes n BOLD ... ... ... 20.74 13.06 164 15.19 -16.9 AudCodes AUDC ... ... 11 7.26 3.68 121 6.61 +4.1 AuriniaPh AUPH ... ... ...dd 10.54 1.74 2318 6.80 +223.8 AurisMed h EARS ... ... ...dd 5.45 .62 112 .78 -26.7 Autobytel ABTL ... ... 26 19.04 10.72 81 11.65 -13.4 Autodesk ADSK ... ... ...dd 89.18 49.82 1301 86.41 +16.8 AutoData ADP 2.28 2.2 27 105.20 84.36 1554 101.93 -.8 AvadelPh AVDL ... ... ...dd 15.45 8.61 328 9.48 -8.8 AVEO Ph h AVEO ... ... ...dd 1.15 .50 405 .58 +7.4 Avexis n AVXS ... ... ... 85.98 20.51 390 75.31 +57.8 AviatNet rs AVNW ... ... ...dd 16.46 5.71 38 14.84 +7.3 AvidTech AVID ... ... ... 9.78 3.99 264 4.84 +10.0 Avinger n AVGR ... ... ...dd 13.96 .50 1305 .63 -83.1 Avirgagen AVIR ... ... ...dd 2.00 .56 227 .60 -51.3 AvisBudg CAR ... ... 10 41.53 22.39 1930 28.69 -21.8 AvistaHl un AHPAU ... ... ... 10.51 9.52 10.33 +2.0 AvistaHl wt AHPAW ... ... ... .58 .35 .38 -24.0 AvistaHl n AHPA ... ... ... 10.18 9.75 9.89 +1.4 Aware AWRE ... ... 26 6.70 3.46 19 4.60 -24.6 AxarAcq AXAR ... ... ... 10.90 9.40 10.10 +2.5 AxarAc wt AXARW ... ... ... .15 .01 14 .07 -4.0 AxarAc un AXARU ... ... ... 10.20 9.85 10.10 +1.9 Axcelis rs ACLS ... ... 35 19.00 8.92 292 18.25 +25.4sAxoGen AXGN ... ... ...dd 11.70 5.23 165 11.40 +26.7 AxonEntpr AAXN ... ... 70 30.15 17.18 781 22.50 -7.2tAxsomeT n AXSM ... ... ...dd 12.69 3.55 244 3.60 -46.7 AzurRx n AZRX ... ... ... 5.60 3.44 26 4.00 -15.6B -:B Comm BCOM 3.58e ... ... 25.67 17.99 3 19.50 -3.4 BRileyFn RILY .28e .7 28 21.30 8.59 31 14.95 -19.0 BRileyF 7.5 RILYL 1.88 7.3 ... 28.96 23.43 0 25.84 +.9 BCB Bc BCBP .56 3.6 22 17.05 9.97 36 15.70 +20.8 BFC Cp pf BANFP 1.80 6.5 ... 30.47 26.60 27.57 +1.3 BGC Ptrs BGCP .64 5.9 26 11.85 8.18 1243 10.86 +6.2 BJsRest BJRI ... ... 22 47.55 32.24 560 41.60 +5.9 BldrsAsia ADRA .72e 2.5 ...q 30.11 23.99 1 28.92 +5.7 BldrsDev ADRD .72e 3.5 ...q 21.31 18.10 1 20.66 +3.4 BldrsEmg ADRE .90e 2.5 ...q 37.10 29.08 5 36.33 +12.7 BldrsEur ADRU .78e 3.9 ...q 20.63 17.82 0 20.17 +5.0 BMC Stock BMCH ... ... 35 23.90 15.45 276 22.90 +17.4 BNC Bcp BNCN .20 .6 20 37.15 21.07 247 32.25 +1.1 BOK BOKF 1.76 2.3 22 85.25 55.22 137 76.26 -8.2 BOK 56 n BOKFL 1.34 5.4 ... 26.50 21.25 14 24.76 +11.1 BOS Ltd BOSC ... ... ...dd 4.85 1.82 10 2.07 -2.4 BSB Bcp BLMT ... ... 22 30.05 21.66 6 28.60 -1.2 Baidu BIDU ... ... 11 201.00 155.28 1796 174.47 +6.1 Balchem BCPC .38f .5 44 89.50 56.60 69 76.89 -8.4 BaldwLy BWINA 1.08f 4.6 12 26.50 22.50 0 23.34 -6.6 BaldLyB BWINB 1.08f 4.4 13 27.70 22.60 20 24.65 -2.2 BallardPw BLDP ... ... ...dd 3.05 1.23 3222 2.89 +75.2 BncFstOK BANF 1.52f 1.7 20 98.35 56.30 21 88.45 -4.9 Bancorp34 n BCTF ... ... ... 13.45 11.35 0 12.71 +.9 BncpBnk lf TBBK ... ... ...dd 8.20 4.41 143 4.99 -36.5 BankMutl BKMU .22 2.3 25 10.20 7.31 68 9.50 +.5 BkCmcCA BOCH .12 1.1 28 11.35 6.05 14 11.00 +15.8 BankMarin BMRC 1.08 1.7 17 75.05 47.16 6 64.00 -8.2 BkMont36 n BMLP .78p ... ... 57.06 51.11 53.06 +1.6 BankSC BKSC .56 2.8 19 23.97 15.50 4 19.85 -5.0 BkofJames BOTJ .24 1.7 15 18.50 11.69 1 14.50 -4.4 BkOzarks OZRK .70f 1.5 18 56.86 33.51 1181 47.48 -9.7 BankFncl BFIN .24f 1.7 37 15.24 11.38 20 14.49 -2.2 BankwellF BWFG .28 .8 25 35.00 19.76 35 34.29 +5.5 Banner Cp BANR 1.00f 1.9 20 60.97 38.77 80 53.58 -4.0 Baozun n BZUN ... ... ... 18.61 5.19 642 14.74 +22.1 BiPTrLBear DLBS ... ... ...q 21.53 9.62 3 17.09 -15.5 BiP10yTBear DTYS ... ... ...q 21.98 9.95 74 16.16 -18.5 BiP2yrTBull DTUL ... ... ...q 67.98 61.74 63.84 +1.5 BiPTrSteep STPP ... ... ...q 36.00 29.92 32 33.30 -3.8 BiPUrFlat FLAT ... ... ...q 65.46 57.70 0 62.03 +5.3 BiP10yTBull DTYL ... ... ...q 85.20 73.42 76.61 +3.9 BiP2yrTBear DTUS ... ... ...q 33.61 26.50 30.38 -6.1 BiPTrLBull DLBL ... ... ...q 81.65 63.12 74.42 -6.2 BarIvrsUST TAPR ... ... ...q 29.73 14.90 2 22.65 -18.2 BarHilc n BHAC ... ... ... 10.80 9.69 10.21 +.5 BarHilc rt BHACR ... ... ... .50 .12 .35 +40.0 BarHilc wt BHACW ... ... ... .23 .04 0 .14 +9.4 BarHilc un BHACU ... ... ... 15.93 10.13 12.00 +12.7 BarrettB lf BBSI 1.00f 1.8 22 66.93 27.28 46 55.49 -13.4 BassettF BSET .40a 1.4 19 31.75 22.42 13 27.80 -8.6 BayBncp BYBK ... ... 41 8.25 4.85 2 6.90 +4.5 Bazaarvce BV ... ... ...dd 6.14 3.30 537 4.45 -8.2 BeacnRfg BECN ... ... 29 50.61 39.50 385 49.44 +7.3 BearStFin BSF .12f 1.3 20 10.95 8.65 27 9.08 -10.5 BeasleyB BBGI .18 1.4 7 14.25 3.64 21 12.85 +108.9 BebeStr rs BEBE ... ... ... 9.10 3.13 59 3.75 -26.3 BedBath BBBY .60f 1.6 8 50.57 37.28 1641 38.42 -5.5 BeiGene n BGNE ... ... ... 41.89 24.53 29 36.86 +21.4 BelFuse A BELFA .24 1.2 11 26.97 13.34 20.30 -19.8 BelFuseB BELFB .28 1.2 12 33.60 14.38 15 22.60 -26.9 Belleroph n BLPH ... ... ...dd 4.58 .43 404 1.28 +146.2 BellicumP BLCM ... ... ...dd 23.11 8.61 423 13.28 -2.5 BenefBncp BNCL .24 1.5 46 19.00 12.34 179 15.95 -13.3 Benetfoc BNFT ... ... ...dd 44.98 24.55 184 27.55 -7.2 Benitec wt BNTCW ... ... ... 1.09 .03 5 .30 +200.0 BenitecB n BNTC ... ... ... 5.48 1.20 46 2.70 +76.5 Beyondsp n BYSI ... ... ... 21.91 16.55 6 20.99 +24.9 Big 5Sprt BGFV .60 4.0 19 20.35 8.15 320 15.00 -13.5 Bio-Path BPTH ... ... ...dd 2.91 .54 300 .70 -48.4 BioTechne TECH 1.28 1.3 48 117.42 91.45 108 101.28 -1.5 BioDlvry lf BDSI ... ... ...dd 3.88 1.50 587 1.65 -5.7 BioLifeSol BLFS ... ... ...dd 3.58 1.43 1 2.02 +25.5 BioLneRx h BLRX ... ... ... 1.42 .71 241 .85 -7.4 BioanlySys BASI ... ... ...dd 2.42 .60 29 1.18 +53.2 BioblastP ORPN ... ... ... 3.00 .51 22 .52 -49.8 Biocept rs BIOC ... ... ...dd 4.29 .74 1274 1.58 +103.9 Biocryst BCRX ... ... ...dd 9.25 2.49 641 6.67 +5.4 Biogen BIIB ... ... 15 333.65 223.02 1364 271.16 -4.4 Biolase BIOL ... ... ...dd 1.98 .80 50 1.31 -6.4 BioMarin BMRN ... ... ...dd 102.49 73.45 927 90.95 +9.8 Biomeri n BMRA ... ... ... 3.38 1.53 1 2.26 -1.7 BiondVax n BVXV ... ... ... 7.87 3.04 34 6.40 +91.0 BiondVx wt BVXVW ... ... ... 2.02 .37 7 1.32 +255.8 Bioptix rs BIOP ... ... ... 6.65 2.14 23 3.93 +2.3 BioScrip BIOS ... ... ...dd 3.43 .98 666 1.40 +34.6 BioSpecif BSTC ... ... 35 58.21 32.39 41 52.41 -5.9 Biostage h BSTG ... ... ...dd 2.86 .28 351 .30 -66.5 BiostrPh rs BSPM ... ... ...dd 7.06 1.08 101 1.91 -34.8 BioTelem BEAT ... ... 52 31.70 11.47 234 30.50 +36.5 BiotieTh n BITI ... ... ... 27.96 25.55 25.80 Bioverativ BIVV ... ... ... 58.00 40.00 663 56.05 +18.0 BlackBox BBOX .48 4.9 ...dd 17.05 8.25 97 9.80 -35.7 BlackDiam BDE ... ... ...dd 6.85 3.93 35 5.20 -2.8 BlackLin n BL ... ... ... 32.78 21.66 208 32.07 +16.1 BlkRkCap BKCC .84 11.5 ...dd 9.92 6.75 225 7.28 +4.6 Blckbaud BLKB .48 .6 69 78.23 55.88 129 77.15 +20.5 BlackBerry BBRY ... ... ...dd 9.19 6.23 8124 8.73 +26.7 BlkhwkNet HAWK ... ... 41.53 28.88 534 40.10 +6.4 BloominBr BLMN .32f 1.7 26 20.04 15.82 1233 19.21 +6.5 Blucora BCOR ... ... ...dd 18.00 5.32 330 16.95 +14.9 BlueBird BLBD ... ... ...dd 18.55 9.53 61 18.00 +16.5 BlueBPet n BUFF ... ... 34 27.50 21.60 2913 23.99 -.2 BlueHBcp BHBK .20f 1.1 43 19.73 13.67 66 18.30 -2.4 BluebBio BLUE ... ... ...dd 100.40 35.37 997 83.60 +35.5 BlueknEP BKEP .58 8.7 ...dd 7.55 4.79 30 6.70 -2.2 Bluekn pf BKEPP .72 9.1 ... 8.75 6.51 9 7.86 -.5 BlueprtM n BPMC ... ... ...dd 46.20 13.27 168 45.51 +62.2sBobEvans BOBE 1.36 2.1 48 65.34 35.63 278 65.30 +22.7 BofI Hld s BOFI ... ... 13 32.57 15.29 684 24.73 -13.4 BofI pf BOFIL 1.56 6.0 ... 29.95 23.02 5 25.88 +3.5sBoingo WIFI ... ... ...dd 13.96 6.56 316 14.05 +15.3 Bojangles n BOJA ... ... 20 21.85 14.55 117 20.25 +8.6 BonTon BONT .20 32.2 ...dd 2.49 .60 46 .62 -57.7 BonsoElec BNSO ... ... ... 4.25 1.23 50 2.46 +12.3 BostPrv BPFH .44f 2.8 20 17.88 10.77 234 15.80 -4.5 BostPrv wt BPFHW ... ... ... 11.66 4.76 9.51 -9.0 BostPrv pf BPFHP 1.74 6.7 ... 28.71 23.53 1 26.00 +3.6 BttmlnT EPAY ... ... 30 31.24 18.48 412 22.36 -10.6 BlvdAcq n BLVD ... ... ... 10.05 9.54 38 10.00 +.8 BlvdAcq wt BLVDW ... ... ... .89 .26 .81 +52.8 BlvdAcq un BLVDU ... ... ... 10.77 9.70 10.37 +2.1 Brainstorm BCLI ... ... ...dd 5.10 2.06 211 4.05 +59.4 BravoBrio BBRG ... ... ...dd 8.68 3.40 47 4.70 +23.7 BridgeBcp BDGE .92 2.8 16 38.95 26.90 42 32.80 -13.5 Bridglne rs BLIN ... ... ...dd 3.47 .43 28 .75 +16.8 BridgfdFds BRID ... ... 13 16.00 10.43 3 11.42 +.4 Brightcove BCOV ... ... ...dd 13.80 5.83 129 8.30 +3.1 BroadcLtd AVGO 2.04 1.0 55 227.75 139.18 832 213.10 +20.6 BroadSoft BSFT ... ... 64 48.40 35.01 137 38.30 -7.2 BroadVis BVSN ... ... ...dd 7.02 4.25 5 4.40 -5.4 BrdwyFn h BYFC ... ... 6 2.50 1.42 21 1.79 +9.5 BroadwdE BWEN ... ... 9.69 2.90 154 8.04 +98.8 BrcdeCm BRCD .22 1.8 45 12.55 7.60 5720 12.51 +.2 BrklneB BRKL .36 2.4 20 17.45 10.40 219 14.75 -10.1 BrooksAuto BRKS .40 1.8 ...dd 22.81 8.99 285 21.81 +27.8 BrukerCp BRKR .16 .7 22 29.25 19.58 253 22.02 +4.0 BrynMawr BMTC .84 2.1 19 42.60 25.40 31 39.30 -6.8 Bsquare BSQR ... ... ...dd 6.44 3.80 9 5.10 -12.8 BuffaloWW BWLD ... ... 30 175.10 122.25 224 152.85 -1.0 BldrFstSrc BLDR ... ... 17 15.85 9.04 753 14.93 +36.1 Burcon g BUR ... ... ...dd 2.86 1.40 0 1.52 -22.8C -:C&F Fnc CFFI 1.32 2.7 13 53.40 37.64 4 48.90 -1.9 CA Inc CA 1.02 3.2 14 34.99 29.12 1019 31.86 +.3tCAS Med CASM ... ... ...dd 2.15 1.36 27 1.35 -16.1 CASI Phr h CASI ... ... ...dd 1.76 .82 15 1.16 +.9 CB FnSvcs CBFV .88 3.2 14 29.40 20.30 1 27.80 +7.5 CBAK Eng CBAK ... ... ... 3.33 1.20 52 1.35 -4.1sCBOE CBOE 1.00 1.2 34 82.25 61.22 645 81.93 +10.9 CDK Globl CDK .56 .9 31 67.49 45.21 729 64.87 +8.7 CDW Corp CDW .64 1.1 19 61.00 37.80 537 57.40 +10.2 CEVA Inc CEVA ... ... 50 36.81 21.46 108 34.70 +3.4 CF CpA n CFCO ... ... ... 10.25 9.60 2 10.02 +1.0 CF Cp wt CFCOW ... ... ... 1.70 .61 1.40 +12.0 CF Cp un n CFCOU ... ... ... 12.05 9.15 0 10.73 +2.5 CH Robins CHRW 1.80 2.4 21 81.16 65.57 1006 75.29 +2.8 CHS Inc pf CHSCP 2.00 6.6 ... 34.85 28.86 10 30.35 +3.7 CHS pfB CHSCO 1.97 6.8 ... 31.88 28.05 35 28.91 +2.3 CHS pfB2 CHSCN 1.78 6.3 ... 31.58 25.94 14 28.09 +6.0 CHS pfB3 CHSCM 1.69 6.2 ... 29.78 25.36 17 27.43 +4.4 CHS pfB4 CHSCL 1.88 6.5 ... 31.34 26.36 36 28.87 +6.4 CIM CmTr CMCT .88a 5.4 44 20.27 14.54 2 16.31 +5.6sCM Finan CMFN 1.00m 9.5 6 10.50 7.75 50 10.50 +12.9 CME Grp CME 2.64f 2.3 28 127.60 90.69 837 117.10 +1.5 CNBFnPA CCNE .66 2.7 16 28.43 17.07 55 24.16 -9.6 CPI Card n PMTS .18 ... 41 8.88 3.25 256 3.70 -10.8 CPS Tech CPSH ... ... 28 2.39 1.07 47 1.40 -25.1 CRA Intl CRAI .56 1.5 25 40.00 19.45 33 37.33 +2.0 CRISPR n CRSP ... ... ... 25.00 11.63 46 19.17 -5.4 CSG Sys CSGS .79f 2.2 17 51.34 35.92 171 36.64 -24.3 CSI Comp CCLP 1.51 15.3 ...dd 13.54 6.52 208 9.84 +1.1 CSP Inc CSPI .44 4.1 20 11.95 5.92 16 10.62 +.4 CSW Ind n CSWI ... ... 40 41.85 29.25 15 35.05 -4.9 CSX CSX .72 1.5 26 50.31 24.43 5105 46.63 +29.8 CTI BioP rs CTIC ... ... ...dd 6.48 3.07 101 4.07 -.2 CTI Inds CTIB ... ... ... 7.60 5.01 12 5.65 -3.4 CU Bncp CUNB ... ... 25 40.30 21.11 164 36.15 +1.0 CUI Glbl CUI ... ... ...dd 8.40 4.01 35 4.50 -35.1 CVB Fncl CVBF .48 2.3 22 24.63 15.25 267 20.62 -10.1 CVD Eqp CVV ... ... ...dd 10.94 6.25 3 10.32 +18.9 CabotMicro CCMP .80f 1.1 28 77.04 38.37 143 71.31 +12.9 Cadence CDNS ... ... 34 32.19 22.95 3205 32.16 +27.5 Cadiz h CDZI ... ... ...dd 15.65 5.10 117 14.90 +19.2 CaesarStne CSTE .57e ... 17 43.50 26.35 118 36.60 +27.7 CaesarAcq CACQ ... ... 3 15.80 6.61 105 15.40 +14.1 CaesarsEnt CZR ... ... ...dd 10.84 5.39 161 9.65 +13.5 CafePress PRSS ... ... ...dd 3.82 2.75 84 2.86 -2.7 Cal-Maine CALM 2.49e 6.5 ...dd 53.06 35.10 231 38.45 -13.0 Caladriu rs CLBS ... ... ...dd 7.80 2.65 15 4.55 +60.8 CalaCvHi CHY 1.20 10.6 ...q 11.50 9.91 181 11.35 +7.6 CalaCvOp CHI 1.14 10.3 ...q 11.36 9.37 223 11.08 +9.8 CalaCv&Inc CCD 2.00 10.4 ...q 19.70 16.75 80 19.29 +10.0sCalaGDyIn CHW .84 10.5 ...q 7.98 6.56 390 8.01 +14.9 CalaGTR CGO 1.20 9.8 ...q 12.90 10.34 33 12.22 +16.0 CalaStrTR CSQ .99 8.8 ...q 11.25 9.41 382 11.19 +9.0 CalAmp CAMP ... ... 53 17.66 12.13 471 15.90 +9.7 CalavoGr h CVGW .90f 1.4 31 71.48 48.75 145 65.35 +6.4 CalFirst CFNB .46f 2.8 18 16.45 13.27 1 16.20 +3.5 Calithera CALA ... ... ...dd 14.90 2.20 266 10.95 +236.9 Callidus CALD ... ... ...dd 21.55 15.15 435 19.95 +18.8 CalumetSp CLMT .69j ... ...dd 6.42 2.79 229 3.55 -11.3 CambLrn ABCD 1.36 28.4 22 5.86 3.97 17 4.79 -4.0 CamdnN s CAC .92 2.2 17 45.43 26.93 21 41.74 -6.1 Camtek h CAMT ... ... ... 4.10 1.80 70 3.65 +10.9 CdnSolar CSIQ ... ... 9 19.65 10.25 1053 13.44 +10.3 CancerGen CGIX ... ... ...dd 5.30 1.10 233 3.55 +163.0 CantbryPk CPHC .35e ... 10 11.21 9.80 1 10.15 +1.0 CpStarFn n CSTR ... ... ... 22.35 15.50 27 18.05 -17.8 CapellaEd CPLA 1.64 1.9 24 90.40 48.80 31 86.75 -1.2 CapBkFin CBF .48 1.1 28 45.00 27.71 277 42.30 +7.8 CapCtyBk CCBG .20 1.0 30 23.15 13.16 22 20.63 +.7 CapProd CPLP .32f 9.2 10 4.05 2.41 274 3.46 +8.8 CapSwst CSWC .53e 3.3 76 17.33 13.49 20 16.06 -.6 CapitalaF CPTA 1.56 11.1 25 15.80 11.51 79 14.01 +8.4 CapAcIII n CLAC ... ... ... 10.85 9.62 189 10.70 +7.5 CapAcIII wt CLACW ... ... ... 1.95 .32 7 1.88 +116.1 CapAcIII un CLACU ... ... ... 13.51 9.74 11.68 +13.4 CapFedFn CFFN .34a 2.3 24 17.04 12.97 384 14.50 -11.9 Capnia CAPN ... ... ...dd 1.57 .55 25 .59 -27.2 Capnia wt CAPNW ... ... ... .52 .02 1 .10 +22.5 Capricor CAPR ... ... ...dd 5.40 2.12 55 3.03 +13.9 CpstnTur rs CPST ... ... ...dd 2.70 .66 345 .79 +16.2 CaraThera CARA ... ... ...dd 20.90 4.35 1476 16.91 +82.0 Carbonite CARB ... ... ...dd 21.50 7.30 122 19.40 +18.3 CardCon hn CCN ... ... ... 14.65 8.14 44 13.90 +9.4 CardFnc CFNL .52 1.8 18 34.75 20.01 615 28.21 -14.0 Crdiom grs CRME ... ... ...dd 6.36 2.35 68 3.14 +13.8 CardiovSys CSII ... ... ...dd 29.70 13.16 221 28.11 +16.1 Cardtronic CATM ... ... 15 56.00 35.66 322 43.80 -19.7 CareTrust CTRE .74f 4.2 28 17.84 12.53 241 17.57 +14.7 CareDx CDNA ... ... ...dd 6.08 .95 45 1.05 -61.1 CareerEd CECO .30f 3.3 ...dd 10.53 4.75 208 9.21 -8.7 CarlyleGp CG 1.55e 9.8 17.97 14.35 384 15.75 +3.3 CaroBkHld CLBH ... ... 27 29.25 15.01 27.99 +8.4 CaroFin s CARO .16f .6 22 31.50 16.01 16 28.75 -6.6 CarolTrBk CART ... ... 26 12.00 5.60 1 7.01 +9.5 Carrizo CRZO ... ... ...dd 43.96 26.08 1343 27.16 -27.3 CarrolsRst TAST ... ... 13 17.55 9.60 302 13.50 -11.5 Cartesian h CRTN ... ... ...dd 1.93 .50 14 .78 -14.7 CarverBc lf CARV ... ... 35 5.82 2.87 5 3.50 +8.5 CascdeBcp CACB ... ... 31 8.52 5.27 67 7.47 -8.0 CascTher rs CASC ... ... ...dd 10.98 3.49 71 3.88 -10.0 CasellaW CWST ... ... ...dd 14.28 6.64 125 14.15 +14.0 Caseys CASY .96 .9 25 136.22 107.43 204 112.45 -5.4 CassInfo CASS .92 1.4 30 74.83 46.06 14 64.28 -12.6 Catabasis n CATB ... ... ...dd 7.89 1.08 1774 1.62 -55.1 CatalstB rs CBIO ... ... ... 50.70 4.61 327 5.37 -44.9 CatalystPh CPRX ... ... ...dd 2.17 .51 147 1.68 +60.0 CathayGen CATY .84 2.3 17 40.83 26.27 296 36.27 -4.6 CathGn wt CATYW ... ... ... 22.11 7.50 0 15.85 -10.8 CavcoInd CVCO ... ... 35 121.70 85.56 21 116.00 +16.2 Cavium CAVM ... ... ...dd 73.01 35.90 344 68.62 +9.9 CecoEnv CECE .26 2.5 ...dd 14.88 6.16 99 10.73 -23.1 Celgene CELG ... ... 32 127.64 94.42 3023 123.01 +6.3 Celgene rt CELGZ ... ... ... 1.61 .99 1.04 +1.4 CelldexTh CLDX ... ... ...dd 5.13 2.85 1378 3.27 -7.6 CellectBio n APOP ... ... ... 13.50 2.30 66 8.00 +158.9 CellectB wt APOPW ... ... ... 4.80 .25 11 1.75 +236.5 Cellct wt rs CLRBW ... ... ... .77 .12 .31 +74.4 Celct wtA CLRBZ ... ... ... 1.88 .25 3 .70 +66.9 Cellectar rs CLRB ... ... ... 4.93 1.00 189 2.10 +72.1 Cellectis n CLLS ... ... ...dd 34.99 16.09 94 21.96 +29.6 CallularBio CBMG ... ... ...dd 20.82 10.05 17 11.05 -15.6 Celsion CLSN ... ... ...dd 1.78 .19 1770 .29 -5.9 Celyad n CYAD ... ... ... 59.50 16.31 2 28.75 +61.9 Cempra CEMP ... ... ...dd 26.95 2.55 710 3.65 +30.4 Cemtrx wt CETXW ... ... ... 1.73 .25 1 .60 -59.7 Cemtrex rs CETX .02p ... 6 8.41 1.84 130 3.22 -56.4 Cemtrx pf CETXP .19p ... ... 10.03 3.13 8 5.46 -45.4 CntRsDvA CDEV ... ... ... 20.97 9.65 1068 19.21 -2.6 CntrStBks CSFL .24f 1.0 28 26.94 14.50 192 24.12 -4.2 CEurMed CETV ... ... ...dd 3.25 2.03 50 3.20 +25.5 CentrlFedl CFBK ... ... ... 3.64 1.27 33 2.22 +26.9sCentGard lf CENT ... ... 31 37.85 15.08 119 37.19 +12.4sCenGrdA lf CENTA ... ... ... 35.60 15.17 189 35.10 +13.6 CntlVyCm CVCY .24 1.3 14 22.44 10.88 32 18.35 -8.1 CentrueF n CFCB ... ... 27 26.52 16.24 17 24.84 +16.6 CentAl CENX ... ... ...dd 16.53 5.53 1379 11.80 +37.9 CntyBcMA CNBKA .48 .8 14 64.87 38.90 4 63.70 +6.2 CentCas CNTY ... ... 20 8.27 5.40 136 7.22 -12.3 CeragonN CRNT ... ... ... 4.23 1.11 357 3.03 +15.6 Cerecor n CERC ... ... ...dd 5.60 .46 50 .51 -42.0 Cerecor wtA CERCW ... ... ... 2.15 .01 15 .06 -62.5 Cerner CERN ... ... 30 67.50 47.01 1509 58.31 +23.1 Cerulean h CERU ... ... ...dd 4.33 .63 813 .66 -6.6 CerusCp CERS ... ... ...dd 7.64 3.79 611 4.16 -4.4 CescaTh rs KOOL ... ... ...dd 7.39 1.85 22 3.05 -11.6tChaisma n CHMA ... ... ...dd 4.39 1.55 89 1.50 -23.1 ChampOn rs CSBR ... ... ...dd 4.79 1.11 3 2.86 +13.0 Changyou CYOU ... ... 9 31.47 17.43 218 27.30 +28.7 Chantic wt HOTRW ... ... ... .57 .01 59 .05 +96.2 Chanticler h HOTR ... ... ...dd .90 .28 111 .30 -28.3 CharlsColv CTHR ... ... ...dd 1.33 .83 15 .90 -18.2 ChartInds GTLS ... ... 35 40.87 21.80 141 33.56 -6.8 ChartCm n CHTR ... ... 21 341.50 214.06 1342 328.18 +14.0 CharterFn CHFN .24f 1.2 24 20.28 12.36 85 19.60 +17.6 ChkPoint CHKP ... ... 24 104.64 74.34 1590 102.47 +21.3 CheckCap n CHEK ... ... ... 3.42 .97 53 2.24 -4.7 CheckC wt CHEKW ... ... ... 1.30 .01 .68 +5.1 Cheesecake CAKE .96 1.6 23 65.09 46.93 288 61.61 +2.9 ChefsWhs CHEF ... ... ...dd 20.57 10.31 53 13.70 -13.3 Chembio CEMI ... ... ...dd 9.40 5.05 6 6.00 -11.8 ChemFinl CHFC 1.08 2.3 18 55.55 34.82 273 47.21 -12.8 ChemoCntx CCXI ... ... ...dd 9.10 1.92 173 7.15 -3.4 ChemungF CHMG 1.04 2.8 18 40.50 26.50 2 37.66 +3.6 Cherokee CHKE .20 2.5 15 18.04 7.15 25 7.85 -25.2 ChildPlace PLCE 1.60f 1.5 20 122.95 66.92 757 107.55 +6.5 Chimerix CMRX ... ... ...dd 6.64 3.50 271 5.79 +25.9 ChAdvCns CADC ... ... ...dd 5.68 1.50 21 2.85 +30.4 ChinAutLog CALI ... ... ...dd 4.69 1.01 489 2.47 -28.0 ChinaAuto CAAS ... ... 7 7.96 3.10 28 4.69 -12.5 ChinaBio CBPO ... ... 26 137.39 96.99 168 111.21 +3.4 ChinCer rs CCCL ... ... ...dd 6.07 1.66 18 1.81 -20.6 ChiCmCr h CCCR ... ... ... 3.20 .30 174 1.47 +33.6 ChiCustR n CCRC ... ... ... 22.00 5.54 135 13.42 -22.0tChiFnOnl JRJC ... ... ...dd 5.79 2.85 80 2.85 -21.3 ChinaHGS HGSH ... ... 2 3.19 1.45 2 1.68 -12.0 ChinInfoT h CNIT ... ... ...dd 1.67 .57 12 .68 -5.7 ChinaJJ h CJJD ... ... ...dd 2.29 1.53 27 1.75 +2.9 ChinLend h CLDC .28e ... ... 10.25 4.13 10 5.51 -13.9 ChinaLodg HTHT .68p ... 43 64.32 31.71 189 62.93 +21.4 ChinaNRes CHNR ... ... ...dd 5.73 1.20 26 2.37 -4.4 ChiRecy rs CREG ... ... ... 3.20 1.41 14 1.46 -2.1 ChnaTcF rs CNTF ... ... ... 4.19 1.45 47 2.46 +33.0 ChXDPlas CXDC ... ... 3 5.88 3.07 10 4.75 +18.8 ChiCache CCIH ... ... ...dd 9.65 1.42 27 1.44 -43.8 ChinaNt rs CNET ... ... ...dd 2.40 .97 10 1.31 +31.0 ChipMOS IMOS 1.31e 7.7 28 20.40 13.94 194 17.09 +21.1 ChromaDx n CDXC ... ... ... 6.18 2.25 47 2.33 -29.6sChrchllD CHDN 1.32 .8 26 160.00 118.76 182 165.45 +10.0 ChuysHldg CHUY ... ... 27 37.78 25.87 140 27.75 -14.5tCideraTh n CDTX ... ... ...dd 14.62 6.40 94 6.45 -38.0 Cimpress CMPR ... ... 95 104.18 79.15 217 86.23 -5.9 CinnFin CINF 2.00f 2.8 20 79.60 63.87 665 70.56 -6.9 Cinedigm rs CIDM ... ... ...dd 2.70 .90 78 1.41 -2.1 Cintas CTAS 1.05f .9 26 128.85 88.51 338 122.37 +5.9 Cirrus CRUS ... ... 16 66.10 31.00 914 62.96 +11.4 Cisco CSCO 1.16 3.6 17 34.53 25.81 13082 32.67 +8.1 CitiTrends CTRN .24 1.3 20 22.73 14.01 63 18.38 -2.4 Citiz&Nthn CZNC 1.04 4.4 18 26.57 19.77 34 23.54 -10.2 CtzCmtyBc CZWI .16f 1.2 20 14.15 8.90 36 13.90 +11.8 CitizFst CZFC .08e ... 13 20.57 13.76 1 18.50 +2.8 CitizHold CIZN .96 3.9 18 26.61 21.04 0 24.70 -4.4 CitrixSy s CTXS ... ... 21 87.99 60.71 818 83.12 +16.9 CtyHld CHCO 1.76f 2.8 16 69.09 42.98 34 62.87 -7.0 CivistaBcsh CIVB .24 1.1 17 23.75 10.50 23 21.17 +9.0 Civista pf CIVBP 1.63 2.3 ... 78.56 36.30 70.00 +14.2 CleanDsl rs CDTI ... ... ...dd 5.21 1.50 115 2.70 +25.6 CleanEngy CLNE ... ... ...dd 4.80 2.38 831 2.48 -13.3 Cleantch rs CLNT ... ... 51 10.70 2.31 230 4.04 +53.0 ClearOne CLRO .20 2.1 39 12.60 9.10 4 9.70 -14.9 Cleareld CLFD ... ... 39 21.60 14.80 30 15.80 -23.7 ClearsBio n CLSD ... ... ... 25.08 5.44 300 7.44 -16.8 ClearSign CLIR ... ... ...dd 6.24 3.00 22 3.55 +4.4 ClearS wt CLIRW ... ... ... 5.00 .65 1.27 +33.7 CleBio hrs CBLI ... ... ...dd 4.88 1.22 7013 3.49 +145.8 CliftonBcp CSBK .24 1.5 81 17.49 14.11 85 16.14 -4.6 ClovisOnc CLVS ... ... ...dd 74.94 11.57 901 56.13 +26.4 CoBizFncl COBZ .20 1.2 19 17.99 10.86 74 16.20 -4.1 CoStar CSGP ... ... 224.79 175.45 111 209.37 +11.1sCoastwayB CWAY ... ... 49 18.00 12.10 26 18.05 +15.3sCocaBtl COKE 1.00 .5 28 207.56 119.80 28 207.39 +16.0 Codexis CDXS ... ... ...dd 5.29 3.14 85 4.35 -5.4 CdrsVlly CVLY .54b 2.1 16 29.34 18.82 12 25.92 -9.4 CoffeeH JVA ... ... ...dd 6.15 3.50 7 4.60 -1.1 CogentC CCOI 1.60f 3.6 44.75 34.23 145 44.10 +6.7 Cogentix h CGNT ... ... ... 2.99 .71 12 1.61 -19.9 Cogint COGT ... ... ... 5.92 2.90 316 5.10 +47.8 Cognex CGNX .30 .4 47 86.88 35.15 562 80.80 +27.0 CognizTch CTSH ... ... 22 63.23 45.44 5243 57.87 +3.3 Coherent COHR ... ... 42 208.62 81.00 157 194.79 +41.8 CoherusBio CHRS ... ... ...dd 31.98 14.00 362 19.25 -31.6 Cohu COHU .24 1.3 44 18.67 10.01 53 17.89 +28.7 CllctUnv CLCT 1.40 5.5 23 28.83 16.54 13 25.29 +19.1 Collegium n COLL ... ... ...dd 20.55 8.24 408 9.73 -37.5 Colliers CIGI .10 .2 24 52.70 32.93 20 48.45 +31.8 ColonyBk CBAN .03p ... 16 14.55 8.80 0 13.55 +2.7 ColBnkg COLB .88f 2.3 22 45.68 26.17 286 37.73 -15.6 ColuSprtw COLM .72 1.2 22 63.55 51.70 124 58.29 Colmbus CMCO .16 .6 31 29.23 13.80 63 25.07 -7.3 CmbMtx wt CBMXW ... ... ... 1.35 .09 0 1.00 +132.6 CombMt rs CBMX ... ... ...dd 5.85 2.15 60 4.45 +67.9 Comcast s CMCSA .63f 1.7 21 38.44 29.81 22436 37.59 +8.9 CommScpe COMM ... ... 36 42.34 26.16 1965 40.48 +8.8 CmcBMO CBSH .90b 1.7 20 60.61 42.44 465 53.87 -6.8 CmcBc pfB CBSHP 1.50 5.8 ... 29.85 24.72 22 26.06 +2.4 CmceUnB CUBN .22p ... 22 22.99 14.93 3 21.51 ComHub A CHUBA ... ... ... 17.23 11.92 31 15.21 +1.3 ComHub C CHUBK ... ... ... 17.37 11.90 29 15.06 +.2sCmclVehcl CVGI ... ... 45 7.57 2.14 1103 7.62 +37.8 CommSys JCS .16 3.5 ...dd 7.49 3.41 13 4.59 -.9 CmtyBkTr ESXB ... ... 17 8.50 4.86 50 7.60 +4.8 CmtyFinCp TCFC .40 1.2 25 36.90 20.60 8 33.08 +14.5 CmtyHlt rt CYHHZ ... ... ... .02 .00 11 .01 +40.0 CmtyTrBc CTBI 1.28 2.9 16 51.35 32.99 81 43.40 -12.5 CmtyWest CWBC .14 1.4 16 10.65 7.00 10.10 +9.3 CmtyOneB COB ... ... 29 14.35 12.21 14.10 CommVlt CVLT ... ... ... 57.55 41.33 419 50.25 -2.2 Compugn CGEN ... ... ...dd 7.57 4.00 86 4.10 -19.6 CmptrPr CPSI 1.00e 3.7 48 53.99 18.25 63 27.25 +15.5 CmpTask CTG .24 4.2 15 6.33 3.87 19 5.69 +35.2 CmstkH rs CHCI ... ... ... 3.36 1.50 21 2.03 +12.8 Comtech CMTL .40 3.0 11 24.93 9.52 221 13.50 +13.9 ComvrsT wi CMVTV ... ... ... 3.47 ConatusPh CNAT ... ... ...dd 7.80 1.45 550 7.10 +34.7 ConcertPh CNCE ... ... ...dd 19.11 7.11 77 16.00 +55.5 ConcrdInt g CXRX .30 22.4 1 34.52 1.30 256 1.34 -36.8 ConcurCptr CCUR .48 10.1 ...dd 6.66 4.63 15 4.77 -10.8 CondHos rs CDOR .27e 2.5 ...dd 20.41 9.81 24 10.69 -19.4 Conformis n CFMS ... ... ...dd 13.83 4.35 141 5.39 -33.5 ConiferH n CNFR ... ... ...dd 9.02 6.02 0 7.90 -3.1 Conmed CNMD .80 1.7 25 50.16 37.60 87 46.05 +4.3 Conns CONN ... ... ...dd 15.77 6.54 420 13.10 +3.6 ConnectOne CNOB .30 1.3 15 26.65 15.09 65 22.80 -12.1 ConnWtrSv CTWS 1.13 2.1 26 59.26 45.11 25 54.09 -3.2tConnecture CNXR ... ... ...dd 3.24 .88 64 .82 -51.3 ConsolCom CNSL 1.55 6.3 ... 30.23 21.85 205 24.42 -9.1 ConsolWtr CWCO .30 2.7 51 14.69 9.80 32 11.20 +3.2 ConsuPtf CPSS ... ... 5 6.05 3.31 24 4.69 -8.4 ContraFect CFRX ... ... ...dd 4.12 1.35 49 1.85 +5.7 ContraVir CTRV ... ... ...dd 2.65 .81 664 1.55 +29.2 Control4 CTRL ... ... 22 16.17 7.01 257 15.88 +55.7 ConyPkA n CPAA ... ... ... 11.86 10.00 286 11.60 +13.4 ConyPk wt CPAAW ... ... ... 9.50 1.15 33 2.50 +11.1 ConyPkA un CPAAU ... ... ... 13.35 10.03 24 12.75 +17.5 Copart s CPRT ... ... 18 31.57 20.93 658 29.82 +7.6 CorbusPhm CRBP ... ... ...dd 10.78 2.08 796 6.80 -19.5 Corcept CORT ... ... 11.58 4.60 628 10.82 +49.0 CoreMrk s CORE .36f 1.0 30 50.00 30.00 771 34.87 -19.0 Corium CORI ... ... ...dd 8.33 2.67 27 4.55 +12.1 CorOnDem CSOD ... ... ...dd 47.75 30.31 443 36.46 -13.8 Corvel CRVL ... ... 30 53.19 31.00 34 42.65 +16.5 CorvusPh n CRVS ... ... ...dd 22.14 8.27 199 9.55 -33.2 Costco COST 1.80 1.1 31 178.71 138.57 1523 170.13 +6.3 CountrP rs CPAH ... ... ...dd 2.80 1.81 2 2.30 -7.4 CountyBcp ICBK .24f .8 18 35.89 19.35 42 29.33 +8.8 CoupaSft n COUP ... ... ... 41.61 22.50 544 29.91 +19.6 Covenant CVTI ... ... 19 25.22 14.26 91 17.36 -10.2 Covisint h COVS ... ... ... 2.48 1.50 86 1.75 -7.9 Cowen 21 COWNL 2.06 7.7 ... 29.13 25.13 2 26.75 +4.0 CowenGp rs COWN ... ... ...dd 16.75 10.92 306 13.50 -12.9 CrackerB CBRL 4.60 2.9 24 175.04 130.15 156 156.29 -6.4 CraftBrew BREW ... ... 22.40 7.50 108 12.25 -27.5 Cray Inc CRAY ... ... 83 43.40 16.10 159 19.10 -7.7 CreditAcc CACC ... ... 14 221.10 160.63 131 195.97 -9.9 CSVixMd rs TVIZ ... ... ...q 74.25 20.15 15 21.11 -43.8 CSVixSh rs TVIX ... ... ...q 1037.50 32.90 5472 41.00 -56.9 CSVixST rs VIIX ... ... ...q 120.80 25.86 379 29.10 -32.5 CSSilvCC SLVO 1.35e 14.6 ...q 10.91 8.07 54 9.24 +12.8 CSGoldCvC GLDI 1.16e 12.0 ...q 10.96 8.78 32 9.68 +8.3 CSVS3xInSlv DSLV ... ... ...q 40.13 16.93 433 20.49 -36.1 CSVS3xInG DGLD ... ... ...q 69.37 39.17 153 45.47 -29.6 CS VS3xGld UGLD ... ... ...q 15.06 7.79 916 11.48 +37.3 CSVSVixMT VIIZ ... ... ...q 16.37 8.95 14 9.17 -24.3 CSVelIVST XIV ... ... ...q 75.48 20.21 18014 66.29 +41.8 CSVIVxMT ZIV ... ... ...q 62.44 35.79 70 60.81 +30.7 CS VSSilv USLV ... ... ...q 29.09 10.84 2131 16.52 +44.5 Cree Inc CREE ... ... ... 31.64 20.75 380 24.29 -8.0 Cresud CRESY ... ... ... 21.55 9.57 54 20.63 +30.8 Criteo SA CRTO ... ... ... 52.87 32.83 426 50.21 +22.2 Crocs CROX ... ... ...dd 12.54 5.97 594 6.10 -11.1 CrssCtryHl CCRN ... ... ...dd 16.38 10.54 133 14.00 -10.3 CrossrdCap XRDC .60 27.8 ... 2.67 1.47 45 2.16 +1.4 CrossrdS rs CRDS ... ... ... 11.80 2.60 11 3.45 -19.0 CrownCfts CRWS .32a 4.2 12 10.24 7.05 16 7.65 -1.3 CryoPrt wt CYRXW ... ... ... 1.45 .34 .85 -14.1 CryoPort rs CYRX ... ... ...dd 4.07 1.50 82 2.30 -29.0 s CTRP ... ... 83 50.77 37.36 3133 48.98 +22.5 CumbldPh CPIX ... ... 7.48 4.27 2 6.38 +16.0tCumMed rs CMLS ... ... ... 3.80 .25 127 .25 -75.8 Curis CRIS ... ... ...dd 3.72 1.47 268 2.63 -14.6 Cutera CUTR ... ... 22.96 9.83 75 20.15 +16.1 Cyanotch h CYAN ... ... ... 5.80 3.32 1 3.85 -10.5 CybrOpt CYBE ... ... 14 41.18 13.28 169 23.55 -9.8 CyberArk CYBR ... ... 52 59.28 38.20 300 52.53 +15.5 Cyclacel pf CYCCP .60 8.2 ... 11.29 4.21 7.35 +18.5 Cyclacel rs CYCC .15p ... ...dd 10.90 3.05 229 5.44 +2.8 CymaBay CBAY ... ... ...dd 4.44 1.15 321 3.87 +123.7 CypSemi CY .44 3.2 27 14.98 8.23 3940 13.62 +19.1 Cyren Ltd CYRN ... ... ...dd 2.60 1.63 4 2.00 -7.0 CyrusOne CONE 1.52 2.8 49 57.00 38.80 739 53.56 +19.7 CytRx h CYTR ... ... ...dd 3.66 .36 1086 .44 +18.3 Cytokinetic CYTK ... ... 43 13.70 7.18 1494 12.95 +6.6 CytomX n CTMX ... ... ...dd 20.02 9.10 119 15.78 +43.6 Cytori wt CYTXW ... ... ... .91 .40 .49 -30.0tCytoriTh rs CYTX ... ... ...dd 5.45 1.05 876 1.01 -33.1 Cytosorbnt CTSO ... ... ... 6.90 4.00 76 4.50 -17.4D -:DBV Tech DBVT ... ... ... 37.98 27.02 72 32.60 -7.2 DHX Mda n DHXM .08f ... 31 7.40 3.80 0 4.31 -17.8 DLH Hldgs DLHC ... ... 17 7.38 3.67 0 4.77 -19.7 DMC Globl BOOM .08 .6 ...dd 17.19 7.39 20 13.20 -16.7 DNB Fncl DNBF .28 .8 17 35.15 23.05 1 34.00 +19.7 DSP Gp DSPG ... ... 46 14.20 8.50 69 12.30 -5.7 DXP Ent DXPE ... ... 97 40.77 12.67 75 35.80 +3.1 DailyJourn DJCO ... ... 282.48 191.21 2 207.00 -14.4 Daktronics DAKT .28 3.1 65 11.12 5.92 63 9.14 -14.6tDarioHlth DRIO ... ... ... 5.90 2.66 126 2.70 -16.9 DarioHl wt DRIOW ... ... ... 2.00 .11 3 .38 -41.5 DasanZ rs DZSI ... ... ... 10.00 4.25 24 5.90 +19.9 Daseke n DSKE ... ... ... 10.88 9.26 181 9.90 -1.8 Daseke wt DSKEW ... ... ... 1.25 .16 142 1.13 +32.9 Data IO DAIO ... ... 22 5.30 2.07 58 4.72 +12.9 Dataram rs DRAM ... ... ... 5.07 .81 17 1.17 -46.8 Datawatch DWCH ... ... ...dd 8.85 4.52 105 7.15 +30.0 DaveBuster PLAY ... ... 29 63.12 36.83 340 60.44 +7.4 DavidsT g n DTEA ... ... ...dd 14.30 6.20 56 6.55 -4.4 DavSelFn n DFNL ... ... ... 22.15 19.83 30 20.30 +1.0 DavSelEq n DUSA ... ... ... 21.30 19.79 15 20.13 -.1 DavSelW n DWLD ... ... ... 21.28 20.00 18 20.95 +4.3 DawsonGeo DWSN ... ... ...dd 9.00 4.58 58 5.35 -33.5 DelFriscos DFRG ... ... 24 18.50 13.01 198 17.90 +5.3 DelTaco TACO ... ... 24 15.32 8.43 292 12.84 -9.1 DelTaco wt TACOW ... ... ... 5.70 1.65 0 3.72 -23.3 Delcath rs DCTH ... ... ...dd 6.85 .05 48045 .07 -92.4 DelmarPh n DMPI ... ... ... 9.90 2.52 103 2.88 -9.7 DeltaNGas DGAS .83 2.7 39 31.29 22.06 7 30.33 +3.4 DeltaTch h DELT ... ... ... 3.14 .43 84 1.71 +134.2 DeltaTc wt DELTW ... ... ... .39 .02 .03 -39.3 Dennys DENN ... ... 47 14.25 9.84 213 12.25 -4.5 Dentsply XRAY .35f .6 31 65.83 55.00 887 62.13 +7.6tDepomed DEPO ... ... ...dd 27.02 11.83 1312 12.04 -33.2 Dermira DERM ... ... ...dd 38.75 23.33 106 33.47 +10.4 DescSys DSGX ... ... 72 23.75 18.09 33 22.90 +7.0tDestMatrn DEST .80 24.8 ...dd 8.42 3.42 91 3.23 -37.5 Dest XL DXLG ... ... ...dd 5.57 2.10 66 2.60 -38.8 Deswell DSWL .28f 14.3 ...dd 1.98 1.50 1 1.96 +10.1 Determine DTRM ... ... ...dd 3.79 .82 23 3.67 +88.2 DexCom DXCM ... ... ...dd 96.38 57.68 788 73.76 +23.6 DexteraS rs DXTR ... ... ...dd 3.75 .90 912 1.02 +6.3 DiamHill DHIL 6.00e ... 14 217.68 170.00 5 189.19 -10.1 DiambkEn FANG ... ... ...dd 114.00 77.50 959 103.16 +2.1tDianaCn h rs DCIX ... ... ...dd 26.17 .60 514 .59 -79.0 DicernaPh DRNA ... ... ...dd 6.10 2.42 107 3.06 +6.3 DifferBr rs DFBG ... ... ...dd 8.42 1.60 5 1.95 -16.8 DiffusPh n DFFN ... ... ... 15.50 1.94 303 2.95 +30.5 DigiIntl DGII ... ... 26 14.15 8.83 41 12.05 -12.4 Digiliti h DGLT ... ... ... 4.50 4.17 19 4.24 -3.6 Digimarc DMRC ... ... ...dd 40.13 24.20 19 27.80 -7.3 Digirad DRAD .20 3.9 7 6.15 4.15 25 5.15 +3.0 DigitalAlly DGLY ... ... ...dd 7.23 3.51 24 4.05 -3.6 DigitlTurb APPS ... ... ...dd 1.56 .56 100 .88 +29.7 DimeCBc DCOM .56 2.8 9 22.48 16.10 163 19.85 -1.2 DimenTh n DMTX ... ... ... 10.47 1.35 34 1.55 -64.4 Diodes DIOD ... ... 72 27.17 16.75 278 23.00 -10.4 DipexiumP DPRX ... ... ...dd 17.75 1.05 36 1.30 -18.8 DiscCmA DISCA ... ... 14 29.91 23.66 2103 28.61 +4.4 DiscCmB DISCB ... ... ... 30.80 23.85 28.00 -3.9 Nasdaq Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 10 The Sun/Wednesday, April 19, 2017


DiscCmC DISCK ... ... 14 29.12 22.43 995 28.02 +4.6 DishNetw h DISH ... ... 28 64.74 43.86 5561 58.04 +.2 Diversicre DVCR .22 2.1 ...dd 12.82 6.41 1 10.35 -.5 DivrsRest SAUC ... ... ...dd 2.65 .70 62 2.32 +65.7 DixieGrp DXYN ... ... ...dd 5.56 3.00 17 3.50 -2.8 DollarTree DLTR ... ... 21 99.93 72.55 2152 77.43 +.3 DonegalA DGICA .55 3.1 15 18.55 14.28 14 17.55 +.4 DonegalB DGICB .48 3.1 15 22.88 12.67 15.69 -1.4 DorchMin DMLP .90e 5.3 26 19.30 12.02 46 16.90 -3.7 Dorman DORM ... ... 28 82.51 51.16 139 78.62 +7.6 DblEgl un EAGLU ... ... ... 10.62 9.72 100 10.62 +1.1 DblEgl wt EAGLW ... ... ... .61 .20 2 .54 +14.9 DblEagl n EAGL ... ... ... 10.20 9.57 9 10.05 +1.0 DragnW hrs DRWI ... ... ...dd 6.89 1.00 29 1.35 -48.1 DryShp rs DRYS ... ... 1 8908.80 1.62 10462 1.71 -98.6 DuluthH n DLTH ... ... 31 38.19 18.25 154 20.20 -20.5 Dunkin DNKN 1.29f 2.4 25 58.43 41.29 1568 54.47 +3.9 DurectCp DRRX ... ... ...dd 2.00 .85 372 .89 -33.7 Dynasil DYSL ... ... 7 1.78 .89 42 1.30 +1.6 Dynatronic DYNT ... ... ...dd 3.35 2.29 5 2.86 +21.9 DynavaxT DVAX ... ... ...dd 23.62 3.20 1010 5.55 +40.5E -:E-Trade ETFC ... ... 17 38.61 21.52 1968 33.73 -2.7 eBay s EBAY ... ... 5 34.74 22.30 7183 34.02 +14.6 eBay56 n EBAYL 1.50 5.7 ... 27.50 24.27 71 26.38 +1.7 EDAP TMS EDAP ... ... 5 3.74 2.25 61 2.53 -22.9 eHealth EHTH ... ... ...dd 15.14 6.38 65 10.76 +1.0 EMC Inc s EMCI .84f 3.0 12 31.47 23.45 16 27.80 -7.4 ENGlobal ENG ... ... 6 3.10 .97 79 1.61 -32.6 ESSA Bcp ESSA .36 2.5 20 16.91 12.93 7 14.64 -6.9 PureHthtc n IMED ... ... ... 26.96 23.08 0 25.81 +10.2 ETFBluIsr ITEQ ... ... ... 28.63 22.46 5 28.28 +13.4 EtfVidentInt VIDI .28e 1.2 ...q 24.34 19.41 17 23.79 +10.8 EtfVidentEq VUSE .36e 1.2 ...q 30.34 23.83 13 28.93 -.2 EtfVidUSB VBND .43e .9 ...q 52.14 48.29 11 49.83 +2.4 EtfLonCanc CNCR ... ... ... 26.47 19.82 31 22.55 +6.2 EtfAlpSmC SMCP ... ... ...q 24.61 19.89 1 24.01 +7.7 EtfValidea VALX ... ... ...q 27.93 21.98 5 26.49 +.7 EtfBioPrd BBP .40e ... ...q 38.84 24.00 9 36.51 +11.5 EtfBioClin BBC .15e ... ...q 24.31 16.33 12 21.70 +17.9 E TutUSCor TUTT ... ... ...q 22.65 21.00 47 21.96 +1.2sEtf TuttInc TUTI .39e 1.6 ...q 23.14 21.90 20 24.26 +8.7 EtfReavUt UTES ... ... ...q 33.23 28.60 29.95 IsectPsGr ef PMPT ... ... ... 26.06 22.79 5 24.56 +.8 EV Engy EVEP .30m 19.4 ...dd 3.59 1.43 66 1.55 -25.8 EXFO g EXFO ... ... 39 6.15 3.07 15 4.65 +5.7 EagleBncp EGBN ... ... 20 64.95 45.07 277 58.35 -4.3 EagBcMT EBMT .32 1.8 23 24.00 12.19 5 17.85 -15.4 EagleBkS rs EGLE ... ... ...dd 21.80 4.06 264 4.91 -16.1 EaglePhm EGRX ... ... 17 88.83 34.20 156 85.13 +7.3 EstWstBcp EWBC .80 1.6 17 56.97 31.34 955 50.12 -1.4 EastrAcq n EACQ ... ... ... 11.85 9.65 9.96 +1.1 EastrAc wt EACQW ... ... ... .81 .14 .45 +28.6 Easterly un EACQU ... ... ... 12.64 9.60 10.23 +2.3 EasternCo EML .44 1.7 22 26.00 15.74 29 25.90 +23.9 EastVaBk EVBS .12 1.1 23 11.10 6.66 14 10.54 +.9 EatV StkNx EVSTC ... ... ... 100.02 99.97 6 99.97 EV GlInBu EVGBC .30e ... ... 100.05 99.92 0 99.92 -.1 EV 5-15Mu EVLMC .14e ... ... 100.06 99.92 5 99.92 -.1 Ebix Inc s EBIX .30 .5 21 65.10 14.67 93 60.30 +5.7 Echelon rs ELON ... ... ...dd 6.42 4.17 29 5.82 +23.8 EchoGLog ECHO ... ... 45 28.90 18.85 138 19.35 -22.8 EchoStar SATS ... ... 29 57.33 36.43 216 56.55 +10.0 Eco-StimE ESES ... ... ...dd 3.38 .66 27 1.15 +19.8 EcologyEn EEI .40 3.8 ...dd 11.20 8.75 4 10.45 -.9 EdgeTher n EDGE ... ... ...dd 13.50 7.30 41 8.81 -29.5 Edgewater EDGW ... ... ...dd 9.40 6.22 6 7.40 -1.3 EditasM n EDIT ... ... ... 41.26 12.43 678 19.42 +19.7 EducDevel EDUC .36 4.4 14 15.03 6.25 15 8.25 -17.1 eGain EGAN ... ... ...dd 3.93 1.30 6 1.40 -33.3 EgaletCp EGLT ... ... ...dd 10.00 4.04 170 4.39 -42.6tEigerBio rs EIGR ... ... ...dd 23.10 8.25 88 8.00 -31.3 8x8 Inc EGHT ... ... 16.80 10.77 390 14.65 +2.4 8Point3E n CAFD 1.03f 8.3 12 17.34 11.51 231 12.39 -4.5 EksoBio n EKSO ... ... ... 6.38 2.53 112 2.93 -26.4 ElPolLoc h LOCO ... ... 18 14.98 10.08 187 12.10 -1.6 ElbitIm rs EMITF ... ... ... 4.04 2.16 3 3.44 +.9 ElbitSys ESLT 1.76f 1.5 20 121.22 88.45 33 113.75 +11.6 EldorRsts ERI ... ... 48 19.85 10.65 532 18.60 +9.7 ElectSci ESIO ... ... ...dd 7.56 4.50 73 6.33 +6.9 ElectroSen ELSE ... ... 12 4.60 3.05 0 3.97 +14.7 ElectArts EA ... ... 91.82 61.10 1367 89.20 +13.3 EFII EFII ... ... 43 50.17 38.00 601 49.75 +13.4 ElectrAc n ELEC ... ... ... 10.09 9.58 9.99 +.9 ElectAc wt ELECW ... ... ... .54 .16 .40 +42.9 ElctmAc un ELECU ... ... ... 11.72 8.08 10.35 +2.2 ElevenBio EBIO ... ... ...dd 5.97 .48 93 1.86 -2.6 ElkCmRt ef DWAC ... ... ... 26.59 23.61 1 24.40 -.7 ElmiraSB ESBK .92 4.3 18 22.25 18.25 2 21.25 +3.9 EltekLtd ELTK ... ... ...dd 1.43 .64 0 .65 -17.7 EmclaireF EMCF 1.08f 3.8 15 31.50 23.00 28.25 -3.4 Emcore EMKR 1.50e ... 26 10.50 4.00 427 8.75 +.6 EmmisC rs EMMS ... ... 2 4.33 1.92 30 2.29 -32.4 EmpirRst rs NYNY ... ... ...dd 25.19 13.81 4 24.30 +6.8 EmpireRes ERS .16 2.3 30 7.47 3.19 53 6.96 +2.5 EnantaPh ENTA ... ... ...dd 37.32 20.79 217 30.39 -9.3 EncoreCap ECPG ... ... 11 35.93 17.66 191 31.50 +9.9 EncorW WIRE .08 .2 26 49.75 33.70 47 42.40 -2.2 Endo Intl ENDP ... ... 6 35.34 9.70 6588 10.39 -36.9 Endocyte ECYT ... ... ...dd 4.33 1.98 258 2.18 -14.5 Endologix ELGX ... ... ...dd 14.50 4.78 1326 6.46 +12.9tEndurIntl EIGI ... ... ...dd 11.19 6.55 881 6.80 -26.9 EnerNOC ENOC ... ... ... 7.83 4.80 168 5.60 -6.7 Energous WATT ... ... ...dd 20.55 9.20 153 14.61 -13.3 EngyFocus EFOI ... ... ...dd 8.54 2.95 14 3.15 -25.9 EnrgyRec ERII ... ... 16.67 7.11 274 8.22 -20.6 EnrgyXXi n EXXI ... ... ... 35.96 27.00 20 28.55 -12.2 Enphase ENPH ... ... ...dd 2.78 .95 598 1.26 +24.8 EnsignGp s ENSG .17 .9 16 23.86 16.76 213 18.18 -18.1 EnstarGp ESGR ... ... 14 209.35 148.91 14 187.00 -5.4 EntegraFn ENFC ... ... 7 24.40 17.27 5 24.20 +17.5 Entegris ENTG ... ... 28 23.85 12.79 631 23.05 +28.8 Entellus n ENTL ... ... ...dd 22.63 12.31 45 13.66 -28.0 EnteroM rs ETRM ... ... ... 70.70 1.75 138 5.47 +173.5 EntBcpMA EBTC .54f 1.6 21 39.25 21.36 11 33.87 -9.8 EntFinSv EFSC .44 1.1 18 46.25 25.76 79 40.95 -4.8 EntertG rs EGT ... ... ...dd 3.25 1.20 21 1.65 +18.7 Enzymotec ENZY ... ... ...dd 9.32 5.20 10 8.95 +36.6 Epizyme EPZM ... ... ...dd 17.80 7.02 207 14.90 +23.1 ePlus s PLUS ... ... 18 70.50 36.18 40 65.00 +12.8 Equinix EQIX 8.00f 2.0 404.54 314.55 270 402.95 +12.7 EquitFin n EQFN .20p ... ... 10.50 8.16 2 10.39 +4.9 EqtyBcsh n EQBK ... ... 27 38.03 19.81 35 30.69 -8.8 Ericsson ERIC .11e 1.7 ... 9.86 4.83 2267 6.34 +8.7 ErieInd ERIE 3.13f 2.6 31 125.40 90.28 26 122.20 +9.4 Escalade ESCA .46f 3.5 16 14.70 9.70 12 13.05 -1.1 Esperion ESPR ... ... ...dd 48.21 9.40 787 37.31 +198.0 EssaPhm g EPIX ... ... ... 3.59 1.50 5 2.16 -1.4 Essendant ESND .56 3.8 11 34.81 13.81 152 14.66 -29.9 Etsy n ETSY ... ... ...dd 16.05 7.77 1608 10.65 -9.6 EuroTech CLWT ... ... ... 4.45 1.46 0 3.65 +2.8 Euronet EEFT ... ... 25 86.35 65.33 237 84.97 +17.3 Euroseas rs ESEA ... ... ...dd 8.07 1.04 26 1.38 -18.3 Ever-Glory EVK ... ... 6 3.00 1.49 2.65 +29.3sEverbrdg n EVBG ... ... ... 21.44 11.76 190 22.19 +20.3 EvrspnTc n MRAM ... ... ... 10.28 6.15 31 8.68 +4.7 EvineLive EVLV ... ... ...dd 2.40 .98 57 1.32 -12.0 Evogene EVGN ... ... ...dd 8.06 4.86 30 5.05 -1.0 EvokePhm EVOK ... ... ...dd 11.11 1.35 95 2.68 +32.7 EvolvgSys EVOL .44 9.3 15 5.83 3.10 29 4.75 +15.9 ExOne XONE ... ... ...dd 16.15 9.03 137 9.72 +4.1 Exa Corp EXA ... ... 16.89 11.12 16 13.03 -15.2 ExactSci h EXAS ... ... ...dd 24.50 5.36 1582 23.99 +79.6 Exactech EXAC ... ... 29.00 21.61 31 26.55 -2.7 ExTWStFor FLAG .58e 1.5 ...q 42.00 30.50 2 38.45 +2.0 ExTrRobo ROBO .07e .2 ...q 32.49 23.76 101 31.51 +10.0 Exelixis EXEL ... ... ...dd 23.49 4.23 1776 20.88 +40.0 ExlSvcHld EXLS ... ... 14 54.78 42.00 132 46.16 -8.5 Expedia EXPE 1.12f .9 56 133.55 96.58 1204 130.47 +15.2 ExpdIntl EXPD .80 1.4 24 57.35 46.48 655 55.87 +5.5 Exponent s EXPO .72 1.2 34 64.80 45.00 77 60.00 -.5 ExpScripts ESRX ... ... 11 80.02 63.22 3586 66.09 -3.9 ExtrOilGs n XOG ... ... ... 25.08 14.76 422 17.73 -11.5 ExtrmNet EXTR ... ... ...dd 8.11 3.07 1368 7.27 +44.5 EyegatePh EYEG ... ... ... 4.00 1.11 127 2.12 +30.1 Eyegate wt EYEGW ... ... ... .85 .03 1 .13 -56.7 Ezcorp EZPW ... ... ...dd 12.00 4.08 242 8.70 -18.3F -:F5 Netwks FFIV ... ... 22 149.50 95.01 646 135.43 -6.4 FBR&Co FBRC .80 4.5 ...dd 20.48 10.57 31 17.65 +35.8 FLIR Sys FLIR .60f 1.7 29 37.44 28.26 433 35.42 -2.1 FNB Bnc n FNBG .64 1.5 ... 20 42.15 FRP Hldgs FRPH ... ... 64 45.50 28.90 11 39.75 +5.4 FS Bncp FSBW .40 1.0 11 39.70 24.32 4 38.10 +6.0 FSB Bcp n FSBC ... ... ... 14.90 12.25 10 14.51 +2.2 FTD Cos FTD ... ... ...dd 28.70 16.86 178 19.08 -20.0 Facebook FB ... ... 33 143.44 106.31 14615 140.96 +22.5 FairptCom FRP ... ... 5 19.60 12.81 138 17.65 -5.6 FalconStor FALC ... ... ...dd 1.45 .27 83 .32 -29.3 FDaves DAVE ... ... 76 6.73 3.75 10 3.80 -23.2 Fanhua FANH ... ... 22 10.35 6.19 19 8.71 +5.2 FarmerBrs FARM ... ... 5 37.55 26.69 50 35.20 -4.1 FarmCB FFKT .40 1.0 17 44.65 24.71 10 39.25 -6.7 FarmersNB FMNB .16 1.2 17 15.50 8.54 37 13.30 -6.3 FaroTech FARO ... ... 38 40.15 27.87 57 32.95 -8.5 Fastenal FAST 1.28f 2.9 25 52.74 37.70 6603 44.26 -5.8 FateThera FATE ... ... ...dd 5.68 1.47 246 4.43 +76.5 Fauquier FBSS .48 2.7 10 19.88 14.13 1 17.75 +6.6 FedNatHld FNHC .32 2.0 ...dd 22.93 14.03 67 16.05 -14.1 FemaleHlt FHCO ... ... ...dd 1.65 .72 23 .95 +4.4tFenixPrt lf FENX ... ... ...dd 5.38 1.20 17 1.16 -58.9 Ferrogl n GSM .16 1.6 ... 12.53 7.67 413 9.81 -9.4 Fibrocll rs FCSC ... ... ... 11.33 1.57 46 2.20 +16.4 FibroGen FGEN ... ... ...dd 27.30 14.50 266 25.30 +18.2 FidNasdIdx ONEQ 1.96e .9 ...q 234.01 179.91 20 230.44 +8.9 FidelSo LION .48 2.4 14 24.95 14.45 114 20.17 -14.8sFidusInvst FDUS 1.56a 8.7 11q 17.98 14.33 69 17.99 +14.4 FiestaRst FRGI ... ... 25 35.88 19.40 279 23.60 -20.9 FifthStAst FSAM .50 11.6 ...dd 8.45 3.20 82 4.30 -35.8 FifthSt28 FSCFL 1.53 6.0 ... 26.75 23.90 1 25.63 +4.0 FifthStFin FSC .20 4.6 ...dd 6.32 4.31 456 4.32 -19.6 FifthStSen FSFR .90 11.1 10 10.37 7.25 88 8.13 -6.7 FifthThird FITB .56f 2.3 12 28.97 16.14 5552 24.01 -11.0 FifthT pf FITBI 1.66 5.8 ... 32.71 26.19 27 28.61 +5.0 51job JOBS ... ... 28 41.76 27.56 163 39.00 +15.4 FinTcII n FNTE ... ... ... 11.75 9.70 25 9.95 +2.6 FinTcII wt FNTEW ... ... ... 1.31 .54 97 1.05 +16.7 FinTcII un FNTEU ... ... ... 12.10 10.01 0 10.50 +4.5 FinclEngin FNGN .28 .7 62 45.75 23.56 132 40.60 +10.5 FnclInst FISI .84 2.6 13 35.40 24.56 42 31.95 -6.6 Finisar FNSR ... ... 20 36.85 15.21 4539 23.84 -21.2 FinLine FINL .44 3.0 14 24.52 12.63 1224 14.77 -21.5 FinjanH FNJN ... ... ...dd 2.35 1.00 443 1.82 +60.6 FireEye FEYE ... ... ...dd 18.73 10.35 3257 12.40 +4.2 FstBcpME FNLC .92a 3.5 16 33.21 18.91 15 25.94 -21.6 FtBcpNC FBNC .32 1.1 22 31.31 17.15 90 28.76 +6.0 FstBcMiss FBMS .15 .5 16 30.80 15.80 10 27.95 +1.6 FstBkNJ FRBA .02p ... 35 14.80 6.68 18 13.10 +12.9 FstBusey rs BUSE .68 2.4 20 31.91 19.75 96 28.79 -6.5 FBusnFn s FBIZ .52f 2.0 15 26.47 18.76 14 25.97 +9.5 FrstCap FCAP .84 2.6 16 35.00 26.58 0 32.85 +1.3 FCtzBA FCNCA 1.20 .4 17 384.12 229.51 11 328.44 -7.5 FCmtyBsh FCBC .64 2.6 17 31.94 19.84 29 24.71 -18.0 FCmtyCp FCCO .36f 1.8 20 23.55 13.56 1 20.00 +10.8 FstCmtyFn FCFP ... ... 19 13.85 7.87 29 12.55 +7.3 FtConnBcp FBNK .44f 1.8 24 25.00 15.74 36 24.00 +6.0 1stCnstBn FCCY .20 1.1 15 20.85 11.70 5 17.55 -6.1sFstDeFn FDEF 1.00 1.9 18 52.49 35.90 67 52.23 +2.9 FFnclOH FFBC .68f 2.6 18 29.80 18.00 211 26.30 -7.6 FstFnB wt FFBCW ... ... ... 18.02 6.80 17.50 -2.8 FstFnBksh FFIN .72 1.9 24 46.70 29.69 164 37.90 -16.2 FstFnIN THFF 1.00 2.2 15 53.49 33.58 24 46.10 -12.7 FstFnNwst FFNW .24 1.4 22 21.29 12.58 16 16.67 -15.6 FstFound s FFWM ... ... 20 17.26 10.00 27 15.35 +7.7 FstGtyBc n FGBI .64b 2.6 ... 25.91 15.51 3 24.47 +2.3 FsHawaii n FHB .88f 3.0 ... 35.47 23.00 340 28.88 -17.1 FIntntBcp INBK .24 .8 14 33.00 22.12 16 28.25 -11.7 FIntBc26 n INBKL 1.50 5.8 ... 27.86 16.83 2 25.70 +36.2 FstIntBc A FIBK .96 2.5 18 45.35 26.44 184 37.85 -11.0 FstMerch FRME .60 1.6 19 42.17 23.54 145 38.28 +1.7 FstMidIll FMBH .60f 1.8 18 36.80 22.95 6 32.95 -3.1 FMidBc FMBI .36 1.6 20 25.83 15.86 502 22.74 -9.9tFstNBC lf FNBC ... ... 1 22.38 3.30 622 3.45 -52.7 FstNwBc n FNWB ... ... 53 16.75 12.42 29 15.46 -.9 FstSavFin FSFG .56f 1.1 17 50.73 32.80 0 49.35 +5.0 FstSolar FSLR ... ... ...dd 62.77 25.56 2125 26.89 -16.2 1stSource SRCE .72 1.6 20 49.11 30.45 30 44.48 -.4 FstSouthB FSBK .14f 1.1 17 12.94 8.25 5 12.41 +3.8 FTNDXTc QTEC .61e 1.0 ...q 60.61 39.81 164 59.32 +12.6 FtTr AbsRet FAAR ... ... ... 32.00 28.25 1 29.09 +1.2 FT AsiaPc FPA .99e 3.3 ...q 31.40 26.04 2 30.18 +11.0 FT Europe FEP .79e 2.5 ...q 32.18 25.09 42 32.03 +9.7 FT LatAm FLN .43e 2.1 ...q 22.76 14.41 20 20.10 +8.0 FT Brazil FBZ .41e 2.7 ...q 17.26 10.46 16 15.18 +11.0 FT China FCA .69e 3.1 ...q 23.06 17.41 0 22.55 +18.6 FT Japan FJP .41e .8 ...q 51.71 44.24 15 49.88 +4.8 FT SKorea FKO .24e 1.0 ...q 26.59 21.68 0 23.79 +8.9 FT DevMkt FDT .78e 1.5 ...q 52.49 42.63 29 51.66 +9.5 FT EmMkt FEM .68e 3.0 ...q 23.66 17.60 144 22.43 +10.4 FT Germny FGM .41e 1.0 ...q 39.66 32.56 5 39.20 +7.8 FT Canada FCAN .62e 2.7 ...q 24.98 22.27 2 23.14 -.6 FT UK FKU .94e 2.6 ...q 40.35 29.70 5 35.66 +9.0 FT Switzld FSZ .39e .9 ...q 45.14 36.18 3 44.86 +9.9 FT HKong FHK 1.01e 2.7 ...q 37.46 29.64 3 36.93 +14.5 FT Taiwan FTW 1.25e 3.7 ...q 35.23 26.72 34.18 +11.5 FT EmMSC FEMS 1.06e 2.9 ...q 37.05 27.02 69 36.00 +19.4 FTDvMkSC FDTS .76e 2.1 ...q 36.01 30.80 35.49 +6.2 FT EurzAlp FEUZ .35e 1.0 ...q 35.70 27.26 0 35.22 +8.1 FstT BICK BICK .35e 1.4 ...q 24.95 19.11 1 24.29 +11.9 FtTrInOp n FCEF ... ... ... 22.98 18.95 3 21.02 +5.0 FtTrMun n MCEF ... ... ... 20.35 17.93 18.79 +1.9sFtTrOpp n FIXD ... ... ... 50.70 49.71 4 50.62 +1.2 FTNsdGrid GRID .41e 1.0 ...q 43.79 32.50 10 41.05 +1.4 FTMltAInc MDIV 1.37e 7.0 ...q 19.85 17.90 137 19.58 +2.5 FTNsqTDv TDIV .71e 2.3 ...q 32.11 24.82 85 31.30 +5.8 FTLwDOpp LMBS 1.53 2.9 ...q 53.84 51.11 74 52.28 +.2 FTIntlMltA YDIV .80e 4.6 ...q 17.95 15.49 3 17.38 +9.0 FT HiInco FTHI .96 4.5 ...q 21.95 18.84 5 21.22 -.2 FT StratInc FDIV 1.92 3.8 ... 53.07 47.80 16 50.75 +1.4 FT LwBeta FTLB .66 3.2 ...q 22.36 18.56 0 20.94 -.8 FTEnhSht FTSM .29e .5 ...q 60.04 59.82 133 60.00 +.1 FT RisDiv RDVY .38e 1.5 ...q 27.10 19.16 53 26.13 +5.9 FT SSICv FCVT ... ... ...q 29.65 23.67 14 26.75 +2.9 FT DWF5 FV .18e .8 ...q 24.57 21.19 990 23.70 +2.4 FT AmIndR AIRR .06e .3 ...q 25.28 17.16 50 23.61 -.2 FTNsTrn ef FTXR ... ... ... 24.16 20.21 1 22.40 -1.2 FT QualInc QINC 1.07e 4.6 ...q 24.21 21.10 3 23.28 +1.6 FTNsSem ef FTXL ... ... ... 25.68 19.65 6 24.15 +4.9 FsTrNsRt ef FTXD ... ... ... 22.35 18.90 19.69 -2.9 FTNasPh ef FTXH ... ... ... 20.54 18.03 1 19.60 +6.9 FTNsOil ef FTXN ... ... ... 23.21 19.78 20.86 -5.4 FTNaFood ef FTXG ... ... ... 20.87 19.06 20.60 +3.1 FTNsBk ef FTXO ... ... ... 28.49 19.95 344 24.89 -4.3 FTDorW n FVC ... ... ... 22.88 19.70 39 22.07 +2.3 FT DWInt IFV .19e 1.0 ...q 19.59 15.54 117 18.92 +11.1 FTEMCur FEMB 1.94e 4.6 ...q 46.72 38.90 69 42.53 +5.9 FT RivAsia RFAP .32e ... ... 55.77 48.26 1 54.12 +5.3 FT RivDev RFDI .70e ... ... 57.89 46.04 13 55.79 +6.2 FT RvfrDyE RFEM ... ... ... 61.38 49.05 4 59.04 +11.8 FT RivEur RFEU .82e ... ... 57.03 45.68 11 56.45 +7.8 FTCapStrn FTCS .55e 1.3 ...q 44.31 37.98 28 43.62 +6.9 FTN100ExT QQXT .16e .4 ...q 44.85 36.58 3 44.17 +9.3 FsTrGrEn QCLN .11e .7 ...q 17.06 13.17 8 16.44 +6.6 FTrTUSAlp TUSA .23e .8 ...q 29.63 23.54 0 28.60 +2.9 FTCloudC SKYY .09e .2 ...q 38.95 28.46 119 38.29 +11.0 FTNdqAuto CARZ .61e 1.8 ...q 37.13 28.79 5 34.72 +.9 FT GblAg rs FTAG ... ... ...q 25.00 19.26 24.40 +6.8 FT GblNRs FTRI .40e 3.6 ...q 11.88 9.90 8 11.11 -3.4 FT Cybersc CIBR ... ... ...q 21.89 15.86 57 21.01 +7.6 FTIntlIPO FPXI .37e 1.3 ...q 29.50 23.36 0 28.98 +13.2 FTSenLoan FTSL 1.92 4.0 ...q 48.73 47.55 108 48.55 FTTactHY HYLS 2.88 5.9 ...q 49.29 46.95 157 48.91 +1.4 FT GlbCmd FTGC ... ... ...q 26.54 19.85 58 20.26 -.7 FT MgdMu FMB 1.38 2.6 ...q 54.39 50.56 14 52.37 +2.3 FTNDXEq QQEW .33e .6 ...q 51.85 39.42 18 50.98 +10.3 FT NsdABA QABA .54e 1.1 ...q 54.54 35.21 41 48.64 -7.9 FTSmartph FONE .27e .6 ...q 46.61 34.36 1 45.15 +8.9 FstUSBcsh FUSB .08 .7 36 15.14 7.92 2 11.74 +5.7 FstUtdCp FUNC ... ... 11 16.95 9.58 2 13.90 -12.9 First LI s FLIC .56 2.1 10 29.67 18.60 60 26.30 -7.9 FsthdTech SVVC ... ... ...q 8.60 6.41 12 8.15 +6.3 FstSvc n FSV .49f .8 ... 61.78 39.05 58 60.11 +26.6 Fiserv FISV ... ... 27 118.30 92.81 465 116.35 +9.5 FiveBelow FIVE ... ... 35 52.70 35.03 1570 45.50 +13.9tFivePrime FPRX ... ... ...dd 60.98 32.03 328 32.97 -34.2 FiveStar FVE ... ... ...dd 3.04 1.65 42 1.85 -31.5 Five9 FIVN ... ... ...dd 18.93 8.49 408 16.84 +18.7 Flex Ltd FLEX ... ... 15 16.99 11.39 3235 15.96 +11.1 FlexPhm n FLKS ... ... ...dd 13.97 3.46 39 3.50 -33.7 FlxGlbImp ESGG ... ... ... 84.17 74.89 82.50 +5.4 FlxUS Imp ESG ... ... ... 56.58 49.91 1 55.26 +4.9 FlxRAstAlo ASET ... ... ... 27.30 24.58 2 26.90 +5.5 FlxUSQLgC QLC ... ... ...q 29.90 24.54 6 28.98 +4.4 FlxUSLgCp LKOR .41e ... ...q 57.80 44.54 3 52.10 +4.1 FlxUSCpBd SKOR 1.24 2.4 ... 52.23 49.57 2 50.70 +1.5 FlxDisDur MBSD .62e 2.6 ...q 25.51 23.86 19 24.11 -.1 FlexSh n FPAY ... ... ... 6.75 4.24 8 4.64 -22.7 FlexionTh FLXN ... ... ...dd 29.41 8.16 310 27.60 +45.1 Flexstl FLXS .80 1.5 18 62.99 36.06 17 53.30 -13.6 Fluidigm FLDM ... ... ...dd 11.05 4.31 129 4.63 -36.4 FlushFn FFIC .72f 2.8 11 31.96 18.95 48 25.53 -13.1 Foamix FOMX ... ... ... 11.27 4.03 97 4.15 -62.6 FogoChao n FOGO ... ... 18 17.89 10.50 11 15.45 +7.7 Fonar FONR ... ... 9 23.90 13.95 23 18.50 -3.4 FormsHl rs FH ... ... ...dd 4.05 1.55 167 1.86 -12.7 FormFac FORM ... ... 29 13.15 6.48 151 10.60 -5.4 FormulaSy FORTY .82e 2.1 26 42.95 30.79 1 39.64 -.2 ForrestR FORR .76f 1.9 32 44.40 31.92 31 40.75 -5.1 Forterra n FRTA ... ... ... 22.76 16.24 142 17.69 -18.3 Fortinet FTNT ... ... 39.03 28.51 1452 38.52 +27.9 FortressBio FBIO ... ... ...dd 4.66 1.88 96 3.22 +19.3 ForumM un FMCIU ... ... ... 10.14 10.00 0 10.12 +1.0 ForwrdA FWRD .60 1.3 46 51.51 40.07 73 47.48 +.2 Forward h FORD ... ... 19 2.11 1.02 40 1.13 -9.6 ForwdPh FWP ... ... ... 33.00 14.89 25 19.70 +31.3 Fossil Grp FOSL ... ... 10 43.79 15.79 668 16.61 -35.8 Foster FSTR .16 1.2 ...dd 20.77 9.25 51 13.45 -1.1 FndtnMed FMI ... ... ...dd 35.30 15.10 363 32.40 +83.1 FoxFactory FOXF ... ... 27 30.15 15.30 122 27.40 -1.3 Francesca FRAN ... ... 13 22.39 9.75 318 14.80 -17.9 FrankElec FELE .40 1.0 25 44.55 30.71 251 41.50 +6.7 FredsInc FRED .24 1.6 ...dd 21.77 7.89 380 15.05 -18.9 FrghtCar lf RAIL .36 2.9 6 18.03 10.87 94 12.52 -16.1 FreqElec FEIM ... ... ...dd 11.99 8.60 64 10.77 -.3 Freshpet FRPT ... ... ...dd 12.00 7.15 884 11.15 +9.9tFronteo FTEO .06p ... ... 24.57 10.80 1 10.71 -24.5 FrontierCm FTR .42 21.6 ...dd 5.75 1.92 14469 1.94 -42.6 FrontC pf FTRPR 11.13 24.3 ... 107.00 43.84 32 45.74 -35.6 FuelTech FTEK ... ... ...dd 1.80 .91 8 .92 -19.9 FuelCell rs FCEL ... ... ...dd 8.88 1.25 851 1.53 -12.9 FulgentG n FLGT ... ... ... 13.90 7.59 23 10.60 -8.4 FulingGbl n FORK ... ... ... 3.70 1.68 4 3.00 +20.0 FullHseR FLL ... ... ...dd 2.60 1.44 10 2.41 +.4 FultonFncl FULT .44f 2.5 19 19.75 12.66 987 17.35 -7.7 Functnx rs FNCX ... ... 1 11.58 .35 2186 .48 -80.1 FusionTel FSNN ... ... ...dd 2.46 .96 4 1.44 -4.0 FuweiF rs FFHL ... ... ...dd 5.20 1.48 29 2.90 +58.5G -:GWilliFood WILC ... ... 16 6.90 3.40 3 5.82 +.9 GDS Hld n GDS ... ... ... 10.76 7.54 110 8.10 -5.8 GP InvAc n GPIA ... ... ... .80 .18 0 .38 -16.7 GP Inv un GPIAU ... ... ... 14.00 8.97 10.10 +.5 GP InvA wt GPIAW ... ... ... 10.15 8.93 0 9.99 +.8 GSI Tech GSIT ... ... 9.68 3.50 81 7.68 +23.9 GSV Cap GSVC 2.76e ... ...dd 6.06 4.41 85 4.71 -6.4 GTY Tch n GTYH ... ... ... 13.00 9.80 9.95 -7.4 GTY Tc un GTYHU ... ... ... 11.36 10.02 10.39 -1.0 GTY Tch wt GTYHW ... ... ... 1.36 .82 1.13 +13.0 G-III s GIII ... ... 16 51.81 19.11 1175 23.21 -21.5 GTx Inc rs GTXI ... ... ... 11.19 4.20 1 4.40 -16.7 GW Pharm GWPH ... ... ... 137.88 74.05 280 113.94 +2.0 GWG Hldgs GWGH ... ... ...dd 11.56 5.96 3 10.69 +34.6 GabMedM n MOGLC ... ... ... 100.06 99.95 100.06 GabFood n FOANC ... ... ... 100.06 100.01 100.06 Gaiam A GAIA ... ... ...dd 12.40 5.84 63 11.25 +30.1 Galapag n GLPG ... ... ... 94.88 43.17 1466 89.31 +39.1 GalectinTh GALT ... ... ...dd 3.68 .49 237 3.06 +212.2 GalenaBi rs GALE ... ... ...dd 49.80 .53 429 .56 -71.3 GalmedP