CONGESTION RELIEF AHEAD? Thousands of drivers have become familiar with the blockedoff lanes, slowed „ or stopped „ traffic and masses of construction workers on Interstate 75 for the past few years. But construction for widening the interstate from four lanes to six lanes is nearing an end. ÂAs we “nish the six-lane (expansion) of all these roads, we think it will be a tremendous bene“t,ÂŽ said Zach Burch, Florida Department of Transportation communications manager for District 1 South, which includes Charlotte County. ÂNot only to residents but visitors.ÂŽ According to the Federal Highway Administration, there has been $73 million invested in total construction to expand the roads to help with the ever-increasing growth in Charlotte and Sarasota counties. ÂOur tourism sets records every year and North Port is one of the fastest-growing cities in the state,ÂŽ said Robin Stublen, the communications specialist for District 1, which includes Sarasota County. ÂIf you donÂt keep up with it, or canÂt, you try and plan ahead. You understand you have to expand roads.ÂŽ Nancy Singer, communications specialist from the Federal Highway Association, said, generally, expansion can help with congestion and has safety benefits. And while Burch said the new expansion may not prevent crashes, he noted it could help keep traffic moving when before it was at a standstill. ÂIt will help spread things out with six lanes (three northbound and three southbound),ÂŽ he said. ÂWe can close one lane and leave two open. We can keep traffic moving and having three lanes gives you more flexibility to keep at least one lane open.ÂŽ Stublen said most of the projects have stayed on track, despite some feelings that the construction was time-consuming.Years of construction on Interstate 75 nearing completion By LAUREN COFFEYSTAFF WRITERThe Bottom Line: Traffic along Interstate 75 in Charlotte and Sarasota counties has been moving at a faster clip in recent months after some lanes have been opened up. Construction along the road continues. DEADLY WORKFrom 2003-2014, 1,435 workers were killed along road construction sites in the United States. During that period, Texas had 156; while Florida was second in that statistic with 102 workers killed. Lane closures FDOT officials remind motorists that lane closures still happen in the region „ and along the entire path of Interstate 75. Most of those lane closures „ not all „ take place at night. LANE CLOSURES WHERE TO?Interstate 75 starts just outside Miami at the interchange with State Road 924 and State Road 826. It goes through major cities, including Gainesville, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Lexington, Cincinnati and Detroit. It continues into the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where it ends at the Canadian border.INTERSTATE 75 | 4SUN PHOTO BY NATHAN LANECHARLOTTE COUNTY „ School Board Chairman Ian Vincent suggested this week that the district create a citizen advisory committee that would not be subject to the Sunshine Law. Vincent said a stakeholder advisory committee is a way to have a conversation with community leaders and get the word out about the districtÂs proposed property tax referendum. He said the 25-member committee would not be subject to the Sunshine Law, which requires open public meetings, because the committee would be reporting to the superintendent and not the School Board. ÂIf itÂs a School Board advisory committee, it will be subject to Sunshine, but if itÂs a superintendentÂs advisory committee, it will not be subject to Sunshine,ÂŽ Vincent said. Still, First Amendment Foundation President Barbara Petersen said the committee may be subject to Sunshine, regardless of composition, if it Charlotte school committee raises open meeting concernBy SOMMER BROKAWSTAFF WRITERMEETING | 4 NORTHSnowbirds face a long trip home. See page 14 Source: Bureau of Labor StatisticsItÂs an unfortunate statement of our times, that US CERT, a cybersecurity division operating under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, has to issue a consumer alert because of the Easter holiday. Crooks and scammers look for any opportunity to make their jobs easier. And major holidays, like Easter, provide just that. So itÂs important to keep your guard up. LetÂs start with Easter gifts. Regardless of whether youÂre expecting any, watch for fake email notices from FedEx, UPS or the U.S. Postal Service that thereÂs trouble delivering a package. These impostor emails look authentic, right down to the logos and copyright notices. But clicking a directed link, or opening an attachment, installs dangerous malware on your computer which can steal personal information. Unless you previously provided your email address, shipping services donÂt contact you this way. As a general rule, never open a link or an attachment in an email from a company you donÂt recognize. With snail mail on the decline, be on the lookout for electronic Easter greeting cards sent by a Âfriend,ÂŽ ÂadmirerÂŽ or even webmaster@ At best, opening them makes you a recipient of unwanted spam emails. At worse, your computer is infected. Because of its religious connections, Easter is often a time for charitable solicitations, especially for childrenÂs causes. Those being emailed are likely phishing scams from non-existent, sound-a-like charities. If coming by phone, assume theyÂre from a third-party solicitor taking most of any contribution made to a legitimate charity. Instead of responding to an unsolicited email or phone call, initiate contact directly with a charity of your choice. But give smart.Keep your guard up during Easter holidayDAVID | 4 David MORRISCOLUMNIST Pulitzer Prize winner2016 AN EDITION OF THE SUNVOL. 125 | NO. 104AMERICAÂS BEST COMMUNITY DAILY 25% chance of rainHigh 85 Low 62$1.50 www.yoursun.comTodayÂs weather:www.yoursun.comFIND US ONLINE THE SUN: Calendar ..............10 Crosswords ............7 Local Sports ........12 Obituaries .............5 Police Beat ............7 Viewpoint .........8-9 SPORTS: Lotto .....................2 USA TODAY: Money ................5 Nation .............1-4 State ..................7 Weather ..........10 CLASSIFIED: Comics ........9-12 Dear Abby .....12 TV Listings ......13 CHARLIE SAYS ...Have a Good Friday! INSIDE 705252000258Daily Edition $1.50 GOOD MORNING Friday, April 14, 2017 U.S. DROPS ÂMOTHER OF ALL BOMBS IN AFGHANISTAN The U.S. military dropped a 21,000-pound munition nicknamed the ÂMother of All BombsÂŽ on an Islamic State tunnel complex in Afghanistan. It marked the rst time it has been used in combat. See The WireCALL US AT941-206-1000CHARLOTTE SUN
Our Town Page 2 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 The SUN (USPS 743170) is published daily at Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2100. Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the SUN, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100. SUBSCRIPTIONS Home Delivery Rates: Newspaper designated market: City ZoneCarrier home delivered 7 days. Rates as follows plus 7% Florida Sales Tax: Monthly Bank/ Credit Card .........................$40.50 3 Months ..........................$121.50 6 Months ..........................$243.00 1 Year ...............................$485.99Does not include Waterline and TV Times. Above rates do not include sales tax.Subscribers residing in outlying areas may incur additional delivery charge. 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Dearborn St., Englewood North Port: 941-429-3000 13487 Tamiami Trail, North Port DeSoto: 863-494-0300 or toll-free at 877-818-6204 108 S. Polk Avenue, Arcadia Publisher ...................................Robert E. Lee ...............................941-206-1006 Executive Editor ........................Jim Gouvellis ...............................941-206-1134 Advertising Director ..................Mike Ruiz ....................................941-205-6402 Circulation Director ...................Mark Yero ....................................941-206-1300 Arcadian Editor .........................Steve Bauer .................................863-494-0300 Arcadian Publisher ....................Joe Gallimore ..............................863-494-0300 Charlotte Sun Editor ..................Garry Overbey .............................941-206-1127 North Port Sun Publisher ..........Steve Sachkar ..............................941-564-3284 North Port Sun Editor ................Scott Lawson ...............................941-429-3002 Englewood Sun Publisher .........Carol Y. Moore .............................941-681-3031 Englewood Sun Editor .................Chris Porter .................................941-681-3022 Editorial Page Editor ....................Steve Baumann ...........................941-681-3003 SUN NEWSPAPERSMember of Alliance for Audited Media For vacation holds, please call Customer Service at 941-206-1300. LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSNORTH PORT „ The City Commission will be taking the next steps toward creating more crosswalks to help North Port safety. The commission approved two crosswalks on Biscayne Drive during a Tuesday meeting. ÂThe reason we chose this particular location was the proximity to the (North Port) library and adjoining neighborhoods,ÂŽ said Ben Newman, project engineer. ÂIt would be inconvenient for them to go to the (U.S.) 41 intersection and back south to the library. ItÂs human nature to cross at Hyde Park to the library and we thought that was the main attractor.ÂŽ One crosswalk would be at Hyde Park and Biscayne and the other would be on the south side of Sydney Avenue and Biscayne, through a median. It will cost $2,807.18 for construction of a crosswalk at the Hyde Park intersection because a drainage pipe would need to be bought. Staff does not have an exact number for the other crosswalk since it was suggested during the meeting. Staff was also told to look further into Pan American Boulevard and Biscayne Drive for any more possible places that may need the crosswalks, as well as any infrastructure necessary to create safe crosswalks. ÂI believe there should be more crosswalks with Biscayne but, to be honest, thatÂs more of a 5-year goal,ÂŽ Vice Mayor Vanessa Carusone said. ÂWhen weÂre done with this I would love to give more direction. As for whatÂs proposed, letÂs move forward with it.ÂŽ Commissioner Debbie McDowell suggested to look into creating a fourway stop and possible crosswalk in front of the Gene Matthews Boys & Girls Club, 6851 S. Biscayne Drive. It would be at the intersection of North Port Boulevard and Biscayne. ÂI would like this to be done much quicker than a study,ÂŽ she said. ÂThis is a huge factor not only for sidewalks but a four-way stop. A lot of people cross the traf“c.ÂŽ The staff will Âstripe and signÂŽ the intersection, creating a pedestrian crosswalk in four weeks. They will also create a Âtraf“c warrant analysisÂŽ to see if a fourway stop is needed. That will be completed in six weeks. City of“cials will also look at the entirety of Pan American Boulevard up to Biscayne along with Biscayne in its entirety up to south of Interstate 75. A crosswalk for the U.S. 41 access road, known as Tamiami Trail and Biscayne Boulevard, may also be added after staff investigates. The next regular City Commission meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on April 25. Email: North Port commissioners to push for more crosswalks, sidewalksBy LAUREN COFFEY STAFF WRITER ENGLEWOOD „ A student raised her hand to ask what is the rarest blood type. An animated Dan ÂThe BloodmanÂŽ Eberts answered AB-negative. He explained to more than 100 L.A. Ainger Middle School students that O-negative blood is the most universal blood used for trauma patients. ÂType O-negative blood is called the universal donor type because it is compatible with any blood type,ÂŽ he said. ÂType ABpositive blood is called the universal recipient type because a person who has it can receive blood of any type.ÂŽ Students learned the importance of giving blood and platelets from Eberts, the community donor relations for OneBlood which has an office in North Port and Port Charlotte. ÂWhen a person gives blood through OneBlood, we do a free wellness check,ÂŽ he said. ÂIt consists of blood pressure, an iron count and cholesterol screening. These checkups have saved peopleÂs lives. We had a man who had an irregular heartbeat. We told him he needed to get his heart checked out.ÂŽ Another donor learned they had leukemia after donating blood for the first time. ÂStudents who are 16 can give blood,ÂŽ he said. ÂStudents also learn that the checkup done before they give blood is beneficial. One donor learned they had a problem with their blood pressure even though they ran track and thought they were completely healthy.ÂŽ Eberts said one of their employees has a son who has a disease and needs constant blood transfusions. As a way to thank the blood center, she came to work there. Eberts fielded more questions which included: ÂIsnÂt giving blood scary because of needles?ÂŽ ÂWe understand excuses like a person doesnÂt like needles,ÂŽ he said. ÂIf you like needles, we donÂt really want your blood. But you know what? A patient who is in a car wreck generally doesnÂt like needles either. Giving blood is like being pinched in the arm. We have a very secure program for blood donations. People have a fear that they can get AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). ItÂs not the case. Giving blood is good for the body.ÂŽ Eberts said giving platelets greatly helps cancer patients who receive them because of the harsh effects of chemotherapy during treatment. He said platelet donations require a process called automation which collects specific components of blood at a larger volume. One automated platelet donation produces one or more complete platelet doses for a patient. He said it would take four to six whole blood donors to pool blood together to produce one complete platelet dose. ÂPlatelets can be given every seven days and be done up to 24 times a year,ÂŽ he said. Eberts said some people love giving blood so much, theyÂve donated more than 100 gallons. He said thereÂs a 92-year-old who is still an active donor. For more information, visit ÂBloodman visits L.A. Ainger studentsBy ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICH COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR SUN PHOTO BY ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICHDan ÂThe BloodmanÂŽ Eberts shows L.A. Ainger Middle School students the secure bags that accumulate blood used by Oneblood. YOUR FREE 7-PIECE GIFTMORE GIFT FOR YOU WITH ANY $35 LANCME PURCHASE (GIFT VALUE: $100 $138*) GET A FREE 10 DAY SUPPLY OF YOUR IDEAL FOUNDATION AT YOUR LANCME COUNTER. CHOOSE YOUR EYE & MOISTURIZER DUO Absolue Premium Bx Eye & Day Creams OR Rnergie Lift Multi-Action Eye & Day Creams OR Visionnaire Eye & Day Creams. CHOOSE YOUR CLEANSER Crme Cleanser OR Crme Mousse Confort Cleanser. CHOOSE YOUR EYE OR FACE DUO Bi-Facil Eye Makeup Remover & Color Design 5 Shadow & Liner Palette OR Bi-Facil Eye Makeup Remover & Blush Subtil Powder Blush. RECEIVE D nicils Mascara & Cosmetic Bag in Your Choice of Black, Pink or Teal. adno=50513232
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Our Town Page 4 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 ÂIt feels like a long time because youÂre driving in it every day,ÂŽ he said. ÂBut honestly when I “rst started working to now, when I know all the hoops you have to jump through, they really do a good job. And weather is the one thing you cannot account for (which may delay construction).ÂŽ The money for the expansion is all given through taxes such as the gas tax and vehicle registration and state funding. ÂThe way itÂs divvied up is complicated,ÂŽ Stublen said. ÂSome of these things seem expensive, but we work really hard to get the most out of it because itÂs our money too.ÂŽ Despite the huge amount of money invested in the roads, FDOT and the state have been behind the decision as a way to help with traveling „ speci“cally, tourism. ÂItÂs a big deal for visitors to have a full six-lane functioning interstate,ÂŽ Burch said. State „ and now county „ representatives have also shown their support for the project. ÂWidening the interstate to six lanes from Alligator Alley to the Florida-Georgia border is a major accomplishment for Florida and will continue to make us an even more attractive destination for our residents, visitors and businesses,ÂŽ former state Sen. Nancy Detert said in a statement. Detert is now a Sarasota County commissioner. As construction winds down for I-75, FDOT has its eye on other projects. ÂNow that weÂre “nishing it up, itÂs the exits (weÂll focus on),ÂŽ Burch said. ÂWeÂll likely end up doing all of them and itÂll be roughly $40 million to $80 million per exit. WeÂve seen explosive growth and weÂre adapting the best we can. Really the buildup happens with people along the coast that need it, but now weÂre seeing it more inland too.ÂŽ Some projects are more in the future than others, Stublen said. ÂWhat weÂre doing now is not the end of it,ÂŽ he said. ÂThere will be express lanes, but it may not be in my lifetime or yours. WeÂre constantly expanding.ÂŽ But the of“cials are excited motorists will soon have a new and improved interstate system. ÂThe interstate is not only a big deal for us (as an agency) but everyone who travels on it,ÂŽ Burch said. ÂWe get so many drivers a day and keeping these roads maintained is very important.ÂŽEmail: INTERSTATE 75FROM PAGE 1 PROJECTS: WHERE, WHEN, HOW MUCH SARASOTA COUNTY Divergent diamond interchange Sarasota-Manatee county borderline $74.5 million Expected completion: fall 2017 Sumter to Peace River Parkway Expected completion: Summer 2017 U.S. 41/Venice Bypass from Gulf Coast Boulevard to Bird Bay Drive 1.9 miles $16.6 million Expected completion: Spring 2018 CHARLOTTE COUNTY I-75 Harborview to Sumter 15.6 miles Expanding to three lanes in each direction $73 million Expected completion: Summer 2017 U.S. 41 from Enterprise Drive to SalfordBoulevard 3.6 miles $31 million Estimated completion date: Spring 2017 Jones Loop to U.S. 17 Expanding to six lanes $38 million Expected start/end: Begin Sept. 2017, end late 2019 or early 2020 ON THE GOFlorida Department of Transportation has a variety of websites for keeping up with traffic and construction. One is, which keeps tabs on Interstate 75 traffic in Southwest Florida. FROM PAGE ONEmakes recommendations. Furthermore, forming a committee just to have a conversation about the referendum sounded ÂsuspiciousÂŽ to her. ÂIf theyÂre going to appoint people just to have conversation, it sounds a little suspicious to me,ÂŽ Petersen said. ÂIt sounds like that maybe theyÂre writing around the Sunshine.ÂŽ FloridaÂs Sunshine Law requires government meetings, such as the workshop, to be open to the public. Public advisory boards that make recommendations will be subject to the law. The exception to the Sunshine Law would be if the groupÂs responsibilities were limited to fact-“nding. School Board Attorney Michael McKinley said in a phone interview the stakeholders do not have to be subject to Sunshine since they wonÂt have to get together and make recommendations. Instead, they can Âreact to what the superintendent has told them individually, not as a body,ÂŽ he said, adding that the group would not really serve as a committee but would be individuals invited to react to a presentation by the superintendent. The “ve-member board discussed the referendum and the advisory ÂcommitteeÂŽ at TuesdayÂs board workshop. The referendum could bring in $15 million a year by placing a tax levy of 1 mill on Charlotte County property owners. A mill equates to $1 in taxes per $1,000 of a propertyÂs taxable value. Board members submitted a list of recommended individuals to Superintendent Steve Dionisio. They said at the board workshop they wanted it to be a committee that reports to the superintendent, which would not be subject to the Sunshine Law. ÂIÂm very much a proponent of Sunshine, but there are some things where you want to include a candor with the superintendent that I donÂt think you would get otherwise,ÂŽ said longtime board member Lee Swift. Vice Chairman Bob Segur added he did not want a board member to serve on the stakeholder committee. ÂI think it would cloud the committee oversight,ÂŽ he said. ÂI would not want one of us (School Board members) trying to direct that committee.ÂŽ Vincent added: ÂWe would dominate the conversation.ÂŽ Under the Sunshine Law, any meeting in which two or more members of the same board gather to discuss something that could come up before the board must be open to the public. Vincent said he did not want to put stakeholders who are community members „ not elected of“cials „ under scrutiny where they ÂcanÂt have any conversation that could conceivably be up for a decision.ÂŽ Board member Kim Amontree brought up the idea of creating a Citizen Finance Committee based on a similar committee in Sarasota County. Sarasota has a tax referendum that has resulted in around $50 million a year for employee pay and school programs since 2002. Its Citizen Finance Advisory Committee reports to the School Board and reviews the districtÂs budget and spending, including referendum money. It has open meetings under the Sunshine Law. Unlike the stakeholders committee, McKinley said, the citizen “nance committee Âprobably would be subject to Sunshine Law because they would be producing different recommendations.ÂŽ Email: sbrokaw@sun-herald.comMEETINGFROM PAGE 1 DIONISIOVINCENTBrowse charities by cause, and search regional charities by ZIP code at Charity Navigator (www. It rates over 8,000 nonpro“t public charities, analyzing criteria including “nancial strength, transparency and results. Then check the Better Business BureauÂs Wise Giving Alliance (www.give. org), where charitable organizations voluntarily provide BBB-requested documentation, and are judged by how they govern their organization and spend their money. Planning to visit family for Easter dinner? This is the time when families take short-notice vacations. Perfect for the unscrupulous scammer offering bogus online rentals and asking full payment up front. The BBB cautions to always carefully check the credentials of any vacation advertiser, and never wire money. US CERT also reminds Easter travelers to avoid using open Wi-Fi networks to conduct personal business, bank or shop online. ÂOpen Wi-Fi networks at places such as airports, coffee shops and other public locations present an opportunity for attackers to intercept sensitive information that you would provide to complete an online transaction,ÂŽ warns US CERT. ÂIf you simply must check your bank balance or make an online purchase while you are traveling, turn off your deviceÂs Wi-Fi connection and use your mobile deviceÂs cellular data internet connection.ÂŽ Finally, buying a present for the grandkids? The BBB warns to watch out for cheap imported Easter eggs, bunnies and other novelties. ÂManufacturers and importers often ignore safety regulations, offering products that may contain lead paint.ÂŽ And beware, some chocolate items may be past their Âsell-byÂŽ date, potentially making children sick. That also includes those offered during the inevitable ÂEaster ClearanceÂŽ sales, which start Monday. David Morris is the SunÂs consumer advocate. Contact him c/o the Sun, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980, email dmorris@, or leave a message at 941-206-1114.DAVIDFROM PAGE 1ÂDamn YankeesÂŽ begins this week at Lemon Bay Performing Arts Center at Lemon Bay High School, 2201 Placida Road. Performances are 7 p.m. today, and 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday. General admission tickets are $20, $10 for staff and students with proper identi“cation, and free for kids under 2. Tickets may be purchased only at, by calling 941-474-7702 or at the box of“ce.LBHS theater troupe opens ÂDamn Yankees SUN PHOTOS BY ALEXANDRA HERRERA Junior Alexis Zaris, who plays Meg Boyd, rehearses with junior Kameron Traxler who plays middle-aged Joe Boyd during the opening act. Sophomore Joseph Misner, as Applegate, runs lines with junior Kameron Traxler on the front porch set of Joe BoydÂs home. Junior Josalynn Smith and freshman Alice Norwood, who play the sisters and friends of Meg, practice a scene during a ÂDamn YankeesÂŽ rehearsal.
The Sun /Friday, April 14, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 5 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS OBITUARIESCHARLOTTE Ruth A. EllisRuth A. Ellis departed for heaven on Monday, April 10, 2017, in her home, surrounded by loved ones. She was born on Aug. 19, 1934, in Berrien County, Michigan, to Carl and Augusta Rudlaff. Ruth was a sister to 10 siblings. She was happily married to Bernie Ellis in 1972 and sadly widowed in 1998. Ruth resided in Port Charlotte, Florida, for 20 years and was an active member of Christ the King Lutheran Church. She is survived by her daughters, Anita Bucha and Rosemarie Roy; sister, Matilda Sonnenberg of Sawyer, Michigan; brothers, John Rudlaff of Tallahassee, Florida, and Robert Rudlaff of Berrien Springs, Michigan; grandchildren, Cody and Dylan Roy, Jessica Hef“ngton, Julie Bucha, Gordon B. Bucha and Jesse Buschalla; and great-grand children, Taylor, Kayla and Brandon Hef“ngton, Carlee and Normandy Sharma and Seralyn DeRosa. She was preceded in death by brothers, Walt, Fritz, Herman, Herb, Art and Ernie Rudlaff; and sister, Clara Hamilton. Visitation will take place from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., today, April 14, 2017, with RuthÂs Christian Victory Celebration of Life service, of“ciated by the Rev. Alan W. Gumm, to follow at 4 p.m., at Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home, 9400 Indian Spring Cemetery Road, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. Memorial donations may be made in RuthÂs memory to Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL 33980, for their organ fund. To leave an online condolence, please visit www. Arrangements are by Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home, Cemetery and Crematory.Peter Andrew LundbladPeter Andrew Lundblad, 74, passed away on Wednesday, April 12, 2017. In lieu of ”owers, donations may be made to Tidewell Hospice.ENGLEWOODThere were no deaths reported in Englewood Thursday. NORTH PORTThere were no deaths reported in North Port Thursday. DESOTOThere were no deaths reported in DeSoto Thursday. NORTH PORT „ The City Commission tackled several language changes in North Port codes and procedures at its meeting Tuesday. The city will be moving forward to possibly create an exemption for approved planned developments for noise regulations. The exemption would apply to pumps, air-conditioning or air handling equipment. According to City Planner Michele Norton, the exemption would be mainly used for communities with homeowner associations, that have homes very close together. ÂIn this particular manner, there was no satisfaction from the (homeowner associations) so it came to the city,ÂŽ Norton said. ÂWe started looking at things and this code is not where we need to be and re”ective of the new city as we continue to grow.ÂŽ Currently, the only time the city can be called upon for a code enforcement issue within these neighborhoods is if the homeowner associations is ÂsilentÂŽ on the noise complaint matter, according to Norton. ÂIf theyÂre silent or want the city to have something to do with it, we will,ÂŽ she said. ÂThe code is 26 years old and hasnÂt been a problem until now because weÂre having new communities coming in.ÂŽ The entire commission was initially concerned about creating exemptions for some and not all. ÂIf you have them and they have their rules, now weÂre changing our rules to accommodate them,ÂŽ Commissioner Debbie McDowell said. ÂItÂs putting it backward.ÂŽ But Assistant City Manager Danny Schultz said the exemption would actually help keep the city out of the dispute. ÂBy exempting these, youÂre actually going to force the HOA to enforce them,ÂŽ he said. ÂBecause then they wonÂt bring the city in because it will become their issue. If theyÂre exempted from ours they wont come to us.ÂŽ The exemption was ordered to be drafted by staff and will come back to the commiss ion for a first and second reading, meaning it will not be implemented until the commission votes during the readings. The commission also approved to move forward on renaming and numbering streets and properties. All the renaming, should it be approved, would be for new subdivisions that come into the city and would be internal. It would not affect any residents. The changes would come to be in compliance with National Emergency Number Association, or NENA. ÂIÂm thankful you want to clean this up,ÂŽ said Sherry Willette, zoning coordinator. ÂIt would rename it, reorganize it, update some definitions, remove outdated language.ÂŽ ItÂs an issue the city has undergone befo re. Willette pointed to one situation where a woman called 911 and officials were unable to find her home. ÂAccuracy is critical because every address helps,ÂŽ she said. ÂWe had a 911 call and thankfully no one died but the city couldnÂt find her. She had to stand outside waving for them to find her.ÂŽ The commissioners also suggested to add language that would not allow future ÂhonoraryÂŽ naming of streets. The main concern was a resident would not know the ÂtrueÂŽ name of the street and give emergency responders the honorary name. ÂFrom this point forward maybe even giving a placard, a medallion,ÂŽ Vice Mayor Vanessa Carusone said. ÂRenaming a street is not the smartest idea and I agreed to it twice (in her past cycle as a commissioner).ÂŽ All the proposed language changes were directed for staff to compile. They would be presented to the commission for a first and second reading, so nothing is implemented yet. The next regular City Commission meeting is at 6 p.m. on April 25. Email: North Port commission cleans up city language By LAUREN COFFEY STAFF WRITER NORTH PORT „ In a move that could save the city hundreds of thousands of dollars, North Port announced it improved its “nancial outlook, according to information released by a premier credit rating agency. North Port increased its long-term issuer default rating from A+ to AA, bettering its “nancial outlook and opening up, potentially, “nancing opportunities as the city seeks to make signi“cant future infrastructure and amenity investments. The rating upgrade re”ects stabilization in the cityÂs “nancial position in recent years, according to Fitch Ratings, a top credit rating agency. According to the agency, ÂThe stable outlook re”ects FitchÂs expectations that the cityÂs “nancial operations will remain sound throughout the economic cycle. ÂThe city unemployment rate continues to decline from the recessionary peak but still exceeds the state and nation,ÂŽ the statement continued. The national unemployment rate fell in March to 4.5 percent and the stateÂs rate remains “rm at 5 percent. However, United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, estimates the North Port-SarasotaBradenton metropolitan areaÂs unemployment rate sank to 4.4 percent in February, the lowest itÂs been since May 2016 when the rate was 4 percent. ÂIncome metrics are below state and national norms, likely due to the service-based economy,ÂŽ Fitch said, further explaining the cityÂs rating upgrade. ÂThe cityÂs tax base experienced a precipitous decline during the Great Recession, but has been since stabilized with annual growth occurring since “scal 2014. Recent tax base has been robust, fueled by the improving economy and new construction.ÂŽ Property tax revenues in North Port are its leading source of revenue, generating 34 percent of its general fund budget, while charges for services and intergovernmental revenues comprise 21 percent of the budget apiece, according to Fitch data. North Port, which has a population of 62,345 people, is slightly below the national median household income average, checking in at $52,571 to $53,889, respectively, according to U.S. Census Bureau. ÂThey looked at our complete “nancial forecast,ÂŽ said Peter Lear, the cityÂs interim city manager, of the Fitch rating upgrade. ÂItÂs like a credit card, if we pay our bills on time and we have no outstanding debt, our credit rating goes up. Now weÂre in a good position to handle the next recession, if that happens.ÂŽ With the rating improvement, the city may move to implement some of its top projects ahead of schedule. North Port has been eyeing a project to widen Price Boulevard, costing $20 million, while the construction of a new aquatic center „ estimated to cost around $10 million „ has been earmarked as another priority. Should the city borrow money in the form of a bond, North Port now would save an additional .25 percent thanks to the rating upgrade. That would equate to a savings of $150,000 for every $5 million borrowed over a 30year term. Using that model, the city would save $300,000 on the aquatic facility project and $600,000 should it decide to borrow to widen Price Boulevard. The city will likely be contributing toward the proposed Atlanta Braves spring training facility, which is in the contract drafting stages and set to be located in North Port at West Villages. According to Lear, North Port may not borrow for the Braves deal. The Braves, along with Sarasota County, announced in midFebruary it entered exclusive negotiation on a $75.3-million facility in a private-public partnership located in North PortÂs West Villages. The county will contribute $22.1 million in hotel bed-tax dollars, while West Villages is donating the land and building roads. A “nal component of the deal is securing $20 million in state funding, speci“cally earmarked for spring training facilities. Lear said its possible to upgrade to AA+, however, the city doesnÂt have a Âroadmap for that yet.ÂŽ ÂWe have a stable outlook as of now,ÂŽ Lear said. North Port issued a $40-million road bond to repave hundreds of miles of city streets a few years ago, and also borrowed money from the state to widen Sumter Boulevard. Both debts are still outstanding, but neither are affected by the rating bump. Email: jscholles@sun-herald.comNorth Port improves financial outlookBy JONATHAN SCHOLLESSTAFF WRITER Southwest Floridians enjoying typical springtime weather can expect more of the same this weekend. ÂThereÂs not too much change in temperatures,ÂŽ said National Weather Service Meteorologist Nicole Carlisle. ÂTemperatures will be in the mid 80s each afternoon and maybe just a few clouds around, lots of sun.ÂŽ The NWS forecast also shows overnight lows in the lower 60s and no rain except for a slight chance of showers on Sunday. Lack of rain during the spring and winter months has led to Southwest Florida being in severe drought, increasing wild“re risk. Gov. Rick Scott declared a state of emergency on Tuesday following recent wild“res across the state. Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam said in a release, ÂWild“res are burning more than 20,000 acres in Florida right now, and we havenÂt seen this active of a season since 2011. From St. George Island in the Panhandle to a wild“re just north of one of the worldÂs most famous tourist attractions in Orlando, weÂre seeing that every area of our state is susceptible to wild“re.ÂŽ Carlisle said people should be cautious of any outdoor burning with the dry conditions. Still, with humidity above 35 percent, according to the NWS, no “re weather hazards have been issued for local counties this weekend. The only hazardous weather in the area posted on the NWS website was the following marine impact statement, ÂAn easterly surge could bring a brief period of 15 to 20-knot winds to the Gulf waters late Friday night into early Saturday morning.ÂŽEmail: More sunny and dry weather over the weekendBy SOMMER BROKAWSTAFF WRITER COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFSCharlotte County League of Women Voters to meetGun Safety is the topic at the next meeting of the Charlotte County League of Women Voters, which will be held at 3 p.m. on Tuesday at the Florida Community Bank, 125 Nesbit St., Punta Gorda. Special guest speaker Carol Hartz, Ph.D., from the Sarasota chapter of the League, is leading local efforts in coordination with the State LWVÂs Gun Safety legislative agenda. She will tell us about the different measures pending in the 2017 state legislative session aimed at reducing gun violence, and how LWV members are lobbying on the issue. A short business meeting will follow the speakerÂs presentation. For more information, see or call Jean Finks at 941-6261070. All are welcome.Wing FestThe Sons of AMVETS Post 2000 has Wing Fest from 1-7 p.m. Saturday, April 15. There will be 10 ”avors of wings with a choice of “ve wings for $4.50, or 10 for $8. Homemade fries will be an additional $2. Carryouts are available. Music begins 7:30 p.m. The post is at 401 Ortiz Blvd. Warm Mineral Springs. For more information, call 941-429-1999.Audubon field trip setThe Peace River Audubon Society will play host to a “eld trip to Fort DeSoto Park on Saturday, April 15. Fort DeSoto Park offers sightings of many migrants during the fall and spring migration „ especially after a front with a northwest wind. Meet at the north carpool location which is off Kings Highway at the Wal-Mart parking lot across from CulverÂs (385 Kings Hwy), off I 75, Exit 170 at 7 a.m. and carpool to Fort DeSoto. Please take a wide brim hat, sunscreen, water, lunch and binoculars if you have them. Return will be after lunch in the early afternoon. For more information, call Mike at 863-244-2652. All meetings, “eld trips and walkabouts are free and open to the public.Lung cancer support groupA support group for people fighting lung cancer meets the third Wednesday of the month from 2-3 p.m. at the Sarasota Memorial Hospital ER located at 2345 Bobcat Village Road, off Toledo Blade Boulevard in North Port. There are no reservations required. The next meetings is April 19. The group helps people facing the challenges of lung cancer, including providing tools needed. For more information, call 941-240-8989 or email marcscohen@aol. com. JAMES W. MALLONEE, P.A. LAW OFFICE JAMES W. MALLONEE PROBATE WILLS/TRUSTS GUARDIANSHIPS REAL ESTATE Office Hours Â… Monday thru Friday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM 9 46 Tamiami Trail, #206, Port Charlotte, FL 33953 871 Bonita Bay Blvd. Suite #225, Venice, FL 34285 (941) 207-2223 (941) 206-2223 adno=50512983
Our Town Page 6 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 To view todayÂs legal notices and more visit, To view todayÂs legal notices and more visit, 3000 NOTICES 3112 FICTITIOUS NAME 04/14/2017 3116 NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT O F THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.: 17-603 DR Division: Family ANA M. KNIGHT, Petitioner, And BRETT A. REPASY, Respondent. NOTICE OF ACTION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE (NO CHILD OR FINANCIAL SUPPORT) TO: BRETT A. REPASY 9510 Denison Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44102 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and that you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on MARK A. CREECH, ESQ. whose address is 1620 Placida Road, Suite A, Englewood, FL 34223 on or before {date} 05/09/2017 and file the original with the clerk of this Court at 350 East Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33950 before service on Petitioner or immediately thereafter. If you fail to do so, a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. The action is asking the court to decide how the following real or p ersonal property should be div ided: {insert ÂnoneÂŽ or, if applica ble, the legal description of real p roperty, a specific description of personal property, and the name of the county in Florida where the property is located} None Copies of all court documents in this case, including o rders, are available at the C lerk of the Circuit CourtÂs off ice. You may review these d ocuments upon request. You must keep the Clerk of t he Circuit CourtÂs office notified of your current address. (You may file Designation o f Current Mailing and E-Mail Address, Florida Supreme Cour t Approved Family Law Form 12.915.) Future papers in this lawsuit will be mailed or emailed to the address(es) on record at the clerkÂs office. WARNING: Rule 12.285, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, requires certain automatic disclosure of documents and information. Failure to comply can result in sanctions, including dismissal or striking of pleadings. Dated: 04/04/2017 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: J Kern Deputy Clerk Publish: April 14, 21, 28, May 5, 2017 395908 3443303 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION PARKHILL, INC., a Florida Profit Corporation, Plaintiff, Case No. 17000169CA vs. ESTATE OF ARTHUR R. BAXTER, EMILY A. BAXTER, GEORGE A. BAXTER, and ANY UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, CREDITORS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, UNKNOWN PARTIES OR OTHERS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER OR AGAINST ARTHUR R. BAXTER, NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Unknown Heirs, Beneficiaries, Devisees, Grantees, Creditors, Successors, Assigns, Unknown Parties or Others Claiming By, Through, Under or Against Arthur R. Baxter or the Estate of Arthur R. Baxter of 10101 Burnt Store Road, Lot 27, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action to foreclose a Claim of Lien for as sessments pursuant to Section 719.108 of the Florida Statutes, and the By-Laws, Rules & Regulations of Parkhill, Inc., on the following described property Charlotte County, Florida: Parcel ID#:412329237907, being Certificate of Shares #27, more particularly described as: 10101 Burnt Store Road, Unit 27, Punta Gorda, Florida 33955, according to t he Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3528, Page 379, of t he Public Records of Charlotte County, Florida. has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of idfifi 3116 NOTICE OF ACTION your wr i tten d e f enses, if any, to i t on Warren R. Ross, Esquire, the Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 1107 W. Marion Avenue, Unit #111, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950, on or before 05/16/2017 and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on the Plaintiffs at torney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief de manded in the Complaint. DATED on this 11th day of April 2017. Roger D. Eaton A s Clerk of the Court By: J Kern As Deputy Clerk Publish: April 14, 21, 2017 100738 3443281 3119 NOTICE OF AUCTION Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at public auction at the storage facility listed below, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property de scribed below belonging to those individuals listed below at location indicated: 902 Taylor St., Punta Gorda, FL 33950, (941)626-9600 on 5/3/2017 at 9:30 AM Eleanor Bovee unit #472 Household goods and seasonal items Purchases must be made with c ash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Publish: April 14, 21, 2017 327454 3443245 N ot i ce i s h ere b y g i ven t h at E xtra Space Storage will sell at public auction at the storage facility listed below, to satisfy the lien of the owner, at public sale by com petitive bidding on 5/3/2017 at 2:00 PM at the Extra Space Stor age facility located at: 17960 Paulson Drive, Port Charlotte, FL 33954 941.764.4085 Tyrone Gibbs Unit #113 Furniture and Household Items Theodore Parabak JR Units #245 Tools, clothes, small goods Shirley Evans Unit #398 Sofa, household goods Sam Luterotty Unit #531 Tools, personal items, construction materials, garage items Jotham Gallant Unit #1933 Tools, household goods, misc goods Yvonne Midlam Unit #1292 Furniture and boxes Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to com plete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses sion of the personal property. Publish: April 14 21, 2017 130345 3443218 N ot i ce o f P u bli c A uct i on 5/1/2017 8:00AM at 5136DuncanRd Punta GordaFL 2002 Yamaha JYARJ04E32A022948 1996 Chevrolet 2G1FP32K8T2162069 2007 Chevrolet 2G1WC58RX79169419 2009 Yamaha JYARJ18E79A000302 Publish: April 14, 2017 302790 3443229 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF A RTHUR E. GRUBE, JR. AKA A RTHUR ELLSWORTH Division Probate GRUBE, JR. Deceased. File No.17-275-CP NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of A rthur E. Grube, Jr. aka Arthur Ellsworth Grube, Jr., deceased, whose date of death was December 13, 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The names and ad dresses of the personal represen tative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. A ll creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with t his court WITHIN 3 MONTHS A FTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. A LL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN T HE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDASTATUTESSECTION 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 14 2017. Attorney for Personal Representative: Jennifer R. Howell Florida Bar Number: 0134740 2705 Tamiami Trail, Suite 412 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Telephone: (941)205-2525 Fax: (941) 205-2507 E-mail: Personal Representative: Arlene Kokoszki 216 Magothy Road Pasadena, Maryland 21122 Publish: April 14, 21, 2017 331499 3443161 3124 NOTICE OF HEARING The Board o f C ounty C ommissioners of Charlotte County proposes to adopt the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-4-41, CHARLOTTE COUNTY CODE; AMENDING THE SPEED LIMITS ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF VARIOUS ROADWAYS IN CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION; PROVIDING THAT THE SPEED LIMIT IS NOT AFFECTED BY NAM E OR ROAD DESIGNATION CHANGE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT WITH OTHER ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION OF EXHIBITS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing on this ordinance will be held at 10AM, or as soon t hereafter as it may be heard, on t he 25th day of April, 2017, in Room 119 of the Charlotte County A dministration Center, 18500 M urdock Circle, Port Charlotte Florida. Copies of the proposed ordinance and the economic impact estimate, if applicable, are available for inspection by the general publ ic in the Charlotte County Attorn eyÂs Office, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida. Interested parties may appear at t he meeting and be heard with re spect to the proposed ordinance. Should any agency or person de cide to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to an y matter considered at such meeting, he will need a record of the proceeding, and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the t estimony and evidence upon w hich the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners does not discriminate on the basis of disability. This nondiscrimination policy involves every aspect of the CountyÂs functions, including access to and participation in meetings, programs and activities. FM Sound Enhancement Units for the Hearing Impaired are available at the Front Security Desk, Building A of the Murdock Administration Complex. Anyone needing other reasonable accommodation or auxiliary aids and services please contact our office at 941.743.1318 TDD/TTY 941.743.1234 or by email to David.Lyles@CharlotteCountyFL.g ov. Reference No: 042517-A Publish: April 14, 23017 163352 3443170 Th e B oar d o f C ounty C omm i ss i oners of Charlotte County proposes to adopt the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA; AMENDING SECTION 2-4-79 OF THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO PROHIBIT PARKING OF VEHICLES ON POINT OF PINES ROAD IN CHARLOTTE COUNTY FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing on this ordinance will be held at 10AM, or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, on the 25th day of April, 2017, in Room 119 of the Charlotte County Administration Center, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida. Copies of the proposed ordinance and the economic impact esti mate, if applicable, are available for inspection by the general pub lic in the Charlotte County AttorneyÂs Office, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida. Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with re spect to the proposed ordinance. Should any agency or person de cide to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to an y matter considered at such meet3124 NOTICE OF HEARING i ng, h e w ill nee d a recor d o f t h e proceeding, and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the t estimony and evidence upon w hich the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners does not discriminate on the basis of disability. This nondiscrimination policy involves every aspect of the CountyÂs functions, including access to and participation in meetings, programs and activities. FM Sound Enhancement Units for the Hearing Impaired are available at the Front Security Desk, Building A of the Murdock Administration Complex. Anyone needing other reasonable accommodation or auxiliary aids and services please contact our office at 941.743.1318 TDD/TTY 941.743.1234 or by email to David.Lyles@CharlotteCountyFL.g ov. Reference No: 042517-B PUBLISH: April 14, 2017 163352 3443182 Th e B oar d o f C ounty C omm i ss i oners of Charlotte County proposes to adopt the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE IV, DIVISION 2, OF CHAPTER 1-2 OF THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES, CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR CHANGES TO THE AGRICUL T URE AND NATURAL RESOURCES A DVISORY COMMITTEEÂS NOMINATION PROCESS AND ADDING A MEMBER ATTENDANCE PROVISION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT W ITH OTHER ORDINANCES; PROV IDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hearing on this ordinance will be held at 10AM, or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, on t he 25th day of April, 2017, in R oom 119 of the Charlotte County Administration Center, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida. Copies of the proposed ordinanc e and the economic impact estimate, if applicable, are available for inspection by the general public in the Charlotte County AttorneyÂs Office, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida. Interested parties may appear at t he meeting and be heard with re s pect to the proposed ordinance. Should any agency or person dec ide to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to an y matter considered at such meet ing, he will need a record of the proceeding, and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the t estimony and evidence upon w hich the appeal is to be based. BOARD OF COUNT Y COMMISSIONERS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners does not discriminate on the basis of disability. This nondiscrimination policy involves every aspect of the CountyÂs functions, including access to and participation in meetings, programs and activities. FM Sound Enhancement Units for the Hearing Impaired are available at the Front Security Desk, Building A of the Murdock Administration Complex. Anyone needing other reasonable accommodation or auxiliary aids and services please contact our office at 941.743.1318 TDD/TTY 941.743.1234 or by email to David.Lyles@CharlotteCountyFL.g ov. Reference No: 042517-C PUBLISH: April 14, 2017 163352 3443194 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA YOU ARE HEREBY notified that the Punta Gorda City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 3, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as ma y be heard, to consider the following request: GA-01-17 An Ordinance relat ing to the provision of services, fa cilities, programs and local improvements in the City of Punta Gorda, Florida; authorizing the imposition and collection of assessments against property within the incorporated area of the City of Punta Gorda; providing certain definitions and defining the terms "assessment," "service assessment" and "capital assessment"; providing for the creation of as sessment areas; establishing the procedures for imposing assessments; establishing procedures f or notice and adoption of assessment rolls; providing that assessments constitute a lien on assessed property upon adoption of the assessment roll; providing t hat the lien for an assessment collected pursuant to Sections 197.3632 and 197.3635, Florida Statutes, upon perfection shall att ach to the property on the prior J anuary 1, the lien date for ad val3124 NOTICE OF HEARING orem taxes; prov idi ng t h at a perfected lien shall be equal in rank and dignity with the liens of all State, County, District or Municipal taxes and assessments and superior in dignity to all other prior liens, mortgages, titles and claims; authorizing exemptions a nd hardship assistance; providing procedures for collection of assessments; providing a mechanism for the imposition of assessments on government property; authorizing the issuance of obligations secured by assess ments and providing for the terms thereof; providing that the City's taxing power shall not be pledged; providing remedies; deeming that pledged revenues shall be considered trust funds; providing for the refunding of obligations; providing for severability; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. Said hearing will be held in City Council Chambers at 326 West Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. Any persons desiring to be heard on this matter may appear at the above time and place. If an appeal is to be made of any decision made at this meeting, a verbatim record of the proceeding may be required. A copy of this notice and the associated public hearing documents are available f or inspection at the Office of the City Clerk located at the above address. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Florida Statute 286.26, the locat ion of this public hearing is accessible to persons with disabilities. If you are a person with disability w ho needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Interpreters for the hearing impaired [TTY (941)575-5013] or non-English speaking citizens and any other special accommodations can be requested by contacting the Human Resources Manager/Non discrimination Coordinator whose address is 326 West Marion Av enue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950, whose telephone number is (941)575-3308 and whose email address is at least two (2) calendars days prior to the meeting. KAREN SMITH, CMC CITY CLERK CITY OF PUNTA GORD A Publish: April 14, 2017 102469 3443206 N O TI C E O F PUBLI C HEARIN G CITY OF PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA Y OU ARE HEREBY notified that the Punta Gorda City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Wednes day, May 3, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as may be h eard, to consider the following re q uest: GA-03-17 An Ordinance of the C ity of Punta Gorda, Florida, amending Chapter 15, Ordinances and Miscellaneous Provisions; adding a new Section 15-48, ÂControl of Access to City-Owned, C ontrolled, and Leased PropertyÂŽ; providing for recognition that certain areas of City-owned, controlled, and leased property may require regulation of public access to provide for the security and pri vacy of public visitors, to provide for the security and privacy of Cit y employees and officials, and to minimize potential disruptions to the work of City government; pro viding the City Manager with the authority to manage public access to City-owned, controlled, and leased property; providing the City Manager with the authority to des ignate which areas of City-owned, controlled, and leased property are to be considered ÂDesignated Public ForumÂŽ, ÂLimited Desig nated Public ForumÂŽ, and ÂNon public ForumÂŽ; authorizing the City Manager to separate designated public forums from nonpublic forums; authorizing the City Manager to develop and implement procedures to regulate and control public access to City-owned, controlled, and leased property; prohibiting the unconsented recording of video and audio within City-owned, controlled, and leased property, except during public meetings; providing for enforcement; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing an effective date. Said hearing will be held in City Council Chambers at 326 West Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. Any persons desiring to be heard on this matter may appear at the above time and place. If an appeal is to be made of any decision made at this meeting, a verbatim record of the proceeding may be required. A copy of this notice and the associated public hearing documents are available f or inspection at the Office of the City Clerk located at the above address. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Florida Statute 286.26, the location of this public hearing is acces sible to persons with disabilities. If you are a person with disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Interpreters fhhiiid[TTY 3124 NOTICE OF HEARING f or t h e h ear i ng i mpa i re d [TTY (941)575-5013] or non-English speaking citizens and any othe r special accommodations can be requested by contacting the Human Resources Manager/Nondiscrimination Coordinator whose address is 326 West Marion Av enue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950, whose telephone number is (941)575-3308 and whose email address is at least two (2) calendars days prior to the meeting. KAREN SMITH, CMC CITY CLERK CITY OF PUNTA GORDA Publish: April 14, 2017 102469 3443216 3130 NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at public auction, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property belonging to those individuals listed below at location indicated: 23215 Harborview Road, Punta Gorda, FL, 33980 (941) 6242962, 05/03/2017 at 11:00 A M. Rock N Rodeo Inc. Â… Blake Zinn Unit 228 Restaurant supplies Erich Collins Unit 341 Household items Gary Winters Unit 915 Household items Ana Alvarez Unit 950 Furniture & household items Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to com plete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses sion of the personal property. Publish: April 14, 21, 2017 111034 3443200 Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at live pub lic auction At the storage facility listed below, to satisfy the lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on Wednesday May 5, 2017 at 12:30 PM at the Extra Space Storage facility located at: 2080 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Office # (941) 625-3597 1. 522 Michelle Cassidy Furniture, couches, & house hold goods 2. 219 Reagan Fields Household goods 3. 316 Edward Smith Household goods Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Publish: April 14, 21, 2017 327465 3443089 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that Stor age America will sell the contents of the Storage units listed belo w at a public auction to satisfy a lien placed on The contents (pursuan t to Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes). The sale Will take place on line at www.StorageStuff.Bid on April 28, 2017 At 10:00AM. The sale will be conducted by Storage Stuff.Bid (AB3482, AU4167) on behalf of the facility's management. The Storage Units are located at Storage America, 1145 Capricorn Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL. Contents will Be sold for Cash Only to the highest bidder. A 10% buyer's premium will be Charged as well as a $50 cleaning deposit per unit. All sales final. No one Under 16 years old permitted. Property sold is described as Misc., Boxes & Household Items. NAME:UNIT: Bryan, Sean David D65 Kaiser, Paul BA23 Kerwin, Kyra BA86 Parker, Lawrence C175, C176 Phillips, Valerie C24 Sandman, Sharron C4 Streeter, Paul C52 Publish: April 7, 14, 2017 114853 3441473
The Sun /Friday, April 14, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 7 Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSPORT CHARLOTTE „ A Port Charlotte man was arrested Tuesday after a K-9 apprehension, following multiple DUI crashes. According to the Charlotte County SheriffÂs Of“ce, the man was driving north on Lakeview Boulevard in a green Dodge truck when he swerved into oncoming traf“c. A southbound driver thought the truck was attempting to pull into a driveway and slowed down, but the truck continued accelerating toward his vehicle. The southbound driver tried to get onto the sidewalk area to avoid a head-on collision, but the next thing he knew, the truck crashed into the left rear side of his vehicle, spinning him so he blocked the entire road. A second southbound driver traveling behind the “rst tried to take evasive action but was also struck on the left rear side of her vehicle by the oncoming truck. The truck then struck a mailbox and post before crashing into the woods. The truckÂs driver, wearing shorts and no shirt, then exited the vehicle and ran into the woods. A K-9 unit from the Charlotte County SheriffÂs Of“ce summoned to the scene tracked down the man, who was identi“ed as Ronny Humphrey, 29. Humphrey sustained a bite during the apprehension and was taken to Fawcett Hospital for treatment. He was found to be under the in”uence of alcohol and narcotics. HumphreyÂs vehicle was searched, and an open beer can was found, along with several green alprazolam pills and a metal spoon with residue from crushed pills. Humphrey, who also had an active felony warrant for narcotics violations, was charged with three counts of DUI with damage to property or person, leaving the scene of a crash involving property damage, driving while license is revoked (habitual offender), two counts of possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia and delivering synthetic narcotics Schedule I or II. He was released from Fawcett Hospital and transported to the Charlotte County Jail, where he was held with a $47,500 bond. The Charlotte County SheriffÂs Office reported the following arrests: € Lernard Nathaniel Boyce, 30, of Sarasota. Charge: out-of-county warrant. Bond: $325. € Mariah Michelle Massad, 20, 2800 block of Suncoast Lakes Blvd., Punta Gorda. Charges: leaving the scene of a crash involving property damage, resisting an officer without violence, possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and eight counts of off bond/forfeiture/revocations. Bond: $8,000. € Gregory James Bores, 51, 15500 block of Lime Drive, Punta Gorda. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: $1,045. € Michael Phillip Brethold, 37, 21200 block of Gaylord Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: dealing in stolen property, burglary of an occupied conveyance unarmed, and grand theft property more than $300 but less than $5,000. Bond: $20,000. € Ray Clifford Addison, 22, 3400 block of Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte. Charge: resisting an officer without violence. Bond: $2,500. € Kyle Lee Bratcher, 31, 3400 block of Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte. Charges: grand theft of property more than $300 but less than $5,000, grand theft of property more than $5,000 less than $10,000, burglary of an unoccupied dwelling unarmed, and resisting officer without violence. Bond: $22,000. € Lizandra Rivera, 31, 2700 block of Starlite Lane, Port Charlotte. Charges: battery and criminal mischief between $200 and $1,000 damage. Bond: $5,000. € Michael Travis Greene Sr., 32, 20300 block of Ladner Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana, fugitive from justice, possession of cocaine, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $9,000. € Shantyl Monique Gainer, 24, 4100 block of Killdeer Terrace, North Port. Charges: possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of cocaine. Bond: $7,000. € Sandra Jean Freiburger, 62, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Charge: DUI with damage to property or person. Bond: $2,500. € Gwendolyn Walker Mikes, 47, 1100 block of Martha Place, Englewood. Charges: two counts of grand theft of property more than $300 but less than $5,000, three counts of violation of probation, and petty theft 3rd subsequent offense. Bond: $21,000. € Marcy Luff Schultz, 47, 200 block of Via De Luna, Englewood. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Luis Fabian Ledesma-Sanchez, 31, of Brandon, Florida. Charge: operating a motor vehicle without a valid license. Bond: $1,000. The Punta Gorda Police Department reported the following arrest: € Aaron C. Platt, 25, 1200 block of Slash Pine Circle, Punta Gorda. Charges: possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $5,000. The Sarasota County SheriffÂs Office reported the following arrests: € Laura Curtiss, 44, 470 Zephyr Road, Venice. Charge: probation violation (original charge: failure to leave information for an unattended vehicle). Bond: none. € Michael Panagiotis, 65, 330 block of San Lorenzo Ave., North Port. Charge: probation violation (original charges: disorderly intoxication and resisting an officer without violence). Bond: $500. € Sandra Verdi, 50, 3200 block of Mount Hope St., North Port. Charge: petty theft. Bond: $120. € Joel Housley, 20, 180 block of Thrall Way, Englewood. Charge: DUI. Bond: $500. € Eric Jones, 35, 9000 block of Kellogg Lane, Venice. Charges: trafficking methamphetamines, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of marijuana and possession or use of narcotics equipment. Bond: $103,500. € Majorie Keen, 68, 210 block of Lakeshore Drive, Nokomis. Charges: DUI and resisting an officer without violence. Bond: $1,000. € James Longlois, 65, 190 block of Brandywine Circle, Englewood. Charge: battery on a person 65 years or older. Bond: $1,500. € Lauri Miller, 37, 9000 block of Kellog Lane, Venice. Charges: trafficking methamphetamines, trafficking hydromorphone, tampering or destroying evidence, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of marijuana, possession or use of narcotics equipment and keeping a structure for drug activity. Bond: $155,500. € Jimmy Nelson, 51, 2500 block of SE Pointer Ave., Arcadia. Charge: contempt of court (original charges: carrying a concealed weapon without a permit and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription). Bond: none. € Joseph Taylor, 22, 440 block of Cedar St., Englewood. Charge: contempt of court (original charge: criminal mischief through property damage). Bond: $2,000. € Shaun Thomas, 30, 7100 block of Carlsbad Trail, Englewood. Charges: curbside drinking and unlawful activity in a closed public park. Bond: $2,000. € Joseph Cirino, 43, 790 block of Kimbel Road, Venice. Charge: out of state from Newton, Georgia. Bond: none. € Adora Knowles, 29, 1400 block of Kew Gardens Blvd., North Port. Charge: driving with a suspended license, failure to register the motor vehicle, failure to have motor vehicle liability insurance, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and smuggling contraband into a detention facility. Bond: $3,360. € Michael Shaver, 24, 330 block of Southland Road, Venice. Charge: possession of heroin with the intent to sell, manufacture or deliver. Bond: $7,500. € Arron Kvamme, 27, 1500 block of Overbrook Road, Englewood. Charge: probation violation (original charges: DUI, possession of marijuana and possession or use of narcotics equipment). Bond: none. € Carlene Burbridge, 58, 8000 block of Cascadas Ave., North Port. Charge: Charlotte County issued warrant for contempt of court (original charge: petty theft). Bond: $10,000. The Sarasota Police Department reported the following arrest: € Jeremy Steffen, 37, 440 block of Sunset Drive, Englewood. Charges: possession or use of narcotics equipment and possession of methamphetamines. Bond: $2,000. The North Port Police Department reported the following arrests: € Sebastian Fraser, 27, 4000 block of Twin Terrace Blvd., North Port. Charges: assault with the intent to commit a felony, smuggling contraband into a facility, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and fleeing or eluding police without stopping. Bond: $5,620. € Roy Wathen, 32, 4100 block of Nettle Road, Port Charlotte. Charge: grand theft from a dwelling. Bond: $1,500. € Anthony Brigitzer, 50, 5700 block of Espanola Ave., North Port. Charges: three counts of possession of weapon or ammunition by a convicted felon. Bond: $22,500. € John Carlson, 34, 10200 block of SW 169th St., Miami. Charges: unarmed burglary of an unoccupied dwelling and petty theft. Bond: $10,120. € Chelsea Jackson, 22, 7000 block of Montauk Crossing, Bradenton. Charge: grand theft auto. Bond: $1,500. € Brian Branchau, 38, 5200 block of Aberback St., North Port. Charge: possession of a weapon or ammo by a convicted felon. Bond: $7,500. € Curtis Wright, 31, 3300 block of South San Mateo Drive, North Port. Charge: driving with an expired license for more than six months. Bond: $120. The Venice Police Department reported the following arrests: € Mallorie Hayes, 24, 610 block of Locarno Drive, Venice. Charges: driving with an expired license over six months and failure to register a motor vehicle. Bond: $240. € Sharon Walker, 58, 8700 block of Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. Charge: DUI and serious bodily injury to another person. Bond: none. The Manatee County SheriffÂs Office reported the following arrest: € Jamarcus Charles, 22, 800 Forest St., Nokomis. Charges: three Manatee County issued warrants for aggravated assault, battery and criminal mischief. Bond: $102,000. „ Compiled by Anne Easker and Lauren CoffeyMan arrested after K-9 search POLICE BEATThe information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriffÂs office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. In the CLASSIFIEDS! Find The Perfect Companion
Our Town Page 8 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 OUR VIEW LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name „ not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Sun Letters to the Editor, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. Readers may email Letters to the Editor at Further questions or information, call 941-681-3003. HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOREmail letters to letters@sun-herald.comPublisher „ Robert E. Lee Executive editor „ Jim Gouvellis Editorial page editor „ Stephen Baumann Commentary Editor „ John Hackworth V IEWPOINTLaw is law; leave the plane City will look like parking lot Airlines get paid, no matter whatEditor: The recent airline passenger removal “asco is emblematic of our societyÂs lack of respect for authority. Passengers are required by federal law to comply with crew instructions. If a crew member says you must get off, you must. In the case of the bumped passenger, he was in violation of federal law when he refused to exit. He was offered compensation north of $1,000 and lodging for his inconvenience. To compound this, he ran back onto the plane after he was removed. I doubt the passengerÂs race was an issue, but we know there are those who will make that case. Anyone refusing to deplane would have been physically removed, except perhaps a 300-pound NFL lineman. In that case, several burly uniformed Chicago police would likely have been dispatched. So the remaining question is: How should the situation have been handled? Good question. This almost certainly will happen again once the Editor: North Port commissioners deem it reasonable and Editor: The policy of the airline industry is to overbook each flight so they wonÂt lose money when ticketed people do not show up for scheduled flights. If I book a flight and pay for my ticket, which I must do before the ticket is issued, if I donÂt show up for the flight, do you mean I will get a full refund, causing the airline to lose money for that empty seat? Of course not. So who are the airlines trying to kid when they use that argument about their Âoverbooking policy to ensure the solvency of the industryÂŽ? Whether I show up or not, they are getting full price for every seat they book.Frank Gallucci Port CharlotteCool response to beach woes on Manasota OUR POSITION: Concern about erosion doesnÂt extend far north on Manasota Key. For some, though, it may be critical.After the damage caused by Tropical Storm Colin last June, momentum quickly built for major beach restoration on bi-county Manasota Key. Public recognition of the need still appears strongest on the Key in Charlotte County, where business and residential density is highest. Manasota Beach is Charlotte CountyÂs premier beach, and the beachfront in Charlotte has been eroding at a particularly alarming rate. Those factors „ a lot of people and not a lot of beach, plus more-severe erosion problems „ make Manasota Key beach renourishment a critical issue in Charlotte. County commissioners have focused on it; they are conducting an in-depth study of methods of paying for beach rebuilding. A taxing district, of some form, may be forthcoming. The same canÂt be said along the northern portion of Manasota Key in Sarasota County. SarasotaÂs portion of the Key is less developed and less densely populated. There is no retail/restaurant district, as there is in Charlotte. And then, Sarasota County in its entirety has far more miles of Gulf beachfront, extending from the southernmost to northernmost end. In the larger context, renourishment does not seem as imminent a threat on that side of the county line. That was reflected in a survey recently conducted by Sarasota County staff. Of the 402 property owners surveyed about the need for renourishment, only 33 percent bothered to respond. County officials said theyÂd take another stab at outreach, but itÂs doubtful the numbers will change much. Obviously, the issue just isnÂt that pressing for that many people. As the staff report summed up in its findings: ÂBased on the low response and results of this survey effort, there does not appear to be overwhelming support from the property owners (for) a publicly initiated beach renourshment project (through fees or a taxing district).ÂŽ That doesnÂt mean erosion isnÂt an issue for some property owners. The numbers went up for people with homes on the Gulf side of the Key, and those nearest the Charlotte County line. Support for a large-scale renourishment project was more than 40 percent of respondents with that category. Again, response wasnÂt overwhelming. But indications are those homeowners see a greater need and would be more interested in tagging along, in some fashion, if Charlotte proceeds, as expected, with its public taxing district and large-scale, longterm renourishment. Commissioners from both counties will discuss the question when they hold a joint meeting next week. We expect Charlotte to move forward with its project in the coming months and to look for a way to keep the door open for small areas of the Key in Sarasota County to participate, if possible. It may be difficult to find a way to make that happen „ and itÂs still far from certain how many property owners actually will want to participate when final costs are determined. Beach renourishment is expensive. For some, though, it may prove cheaper and more reliable than sandbags piled up outside the foundation. issue has been breached, so we will see. All I know is, if the crew ask me to leave the craft, I leave the craft, even if I am very unhappy about doing so. That is the law.Carl A. Hansen Punta GordaFloridaÂs black bears are once again under threat of trophy hunters invading their forest homes and shooting them for no reason. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission may revisit the issue of a Florida statewide hunt on black bears, and it is time for citizens to let them know we want our bears protected „ not shot for a trophy. The issue could come up for discussion fairly soon, possibly at the commissionÂs April 19-20 meeting in Tallahassee. Floridians should urge the Wildlife Commission to listen to the majority of us who want Florida black bears treated humanely and conserved for future generations. FloridaÂs bears are a unique subspecies of the American black bear and were only removed from the stateÂs threatened list in 2012. FloridaÂs bears are slow to reproduce, and females spend up to 18 months raising their cubs. If a mother is killed by a trophy hunter, her cubs could die from starvation, dehydration, predation or exposure. Last year, a group of knowledgeable Florida scientists sent a detailed letter to the Wildlife Commission, warning that allowing the hunt to continue as it did in 2015, coupled with roadkill numbers, nuisance bears killed and poaching, Âmay well plunge multiple subpopulations into sharp decline.ÂŽ No one in modern times needs to hunt bears for food or clothing. They are hunting for thrills, and Floridians donÂt support this. Of more than 40,000 comments sent to the FWC before the 2015 hunt, 75 percent opposed it. A 2015 statewide Remington Research poll found that nearly two-thirds of Floridians oppose bear hunting. The poll showed that Floridians overwhelmingly favor educational outreach (84 percent) and bear-proof garbage cans (81 percent.) Eightyseven percent agreed that neighborhoods near areas where bears roam have a responsibility to avoid attracting bears by securing their garbage and other foods. County commissions in Hillsborough, Miami-Dade, Pinellas, Seminole and Volusia, and city commissions in Davie, St. Petersburg, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Pinecrest, Cutler Bay, Deltona, Clermont, South Miami, Biscayne Park, Eustis, Safety Harbor and Palmetto Bay all passed resolutions opposing a Florida bear hunt. Our state wildlife of“cials publicly acknowledge what the scienti“c research shows „ that bear hunting does not reduce bear-human con”icts, because the bears that hunters kill in deep woods are not the ÂproblemÂŽ bears found rooting in unsecured suburban garbage cans. The FWC has authority to deal with those kinds of bears without holding a hunt. In fact, newly invigorated efforts to provide neighborhoods with training and bearproof garbage bins have already cut the number of nuisance complaints. As development sprawls across Florida, our bears already face threats from highways and genetic isolation from other bear subpopulations. If you oppose a new trophy hunt on our black bears, please take a few minutes to write the Fish and Wildlife Conservation commissioners at Commissioners@ or call them at 850-488-4676. Kate MacFall is the Florida state director for The Humane Society of the United States.Why hold bear hunt? Thrills, trophies Florida Humane SocietyKate MacFall Stamoulis course was excellentEditor: I have taken Paul Stamoulis course on ÂPolitics and Government.ÂŽ I refer to the column, ÂWhen an elected of“cial talks religion.ÂŽ Your column was obviously written to generate a response, rather than to report. It is too bad that you have not attended any of Paul Stamoulis course offerings and informed yourself of his presentations. The dif“culty in writing from a point of ignorance is that you apparently also used, as a reference, a letter-writer, who suffers from the same level of ignorance. She presents herself as one who can judge quali“cations, based on what? That she also is a lawyer and thus is quali“ed to judge the course content of Mr. Stamoulis excellent course. You have reported on this one lecture, and done so in some error. The letter-writer was quoted as saying she thought the class was inappropriate. This clearly was based on no knowledge of the course and its contents. Was this particular lecture appropriate? I think that, had you attended, your criticism would have been more informed. The letter-writer states that Paul has no educational credentials pertaining to the course and the lecture. What does she thinks he needs? A bachelorÂs degree in history or religion, or a masterÂs? Would a Ph.D. be better? Being a lawyer herself does not qualify her to make judgments on a course and its contents without informing herself. Patricia Franks Englewoodpertinent to allow six cars in front of oneÂs property and an unlimited amount in the rear on oneÂs property. I must agree with the letter I read in your opinion section stating that where he was raised this type of behavior was referred to as a slum district. Why on earth would anyone think this policy is acceptable? What possibly could be the motivation for this? I own five properties in North Port. I am now very concerned about the future of these investments. I do not think I would be inclined to rent property that next door the front yard looked like a used car lot. And if that is not enough of an eyesore, the back of the property also looking like a used car lot, since there is an unlimited number of cars that can be kept in back of the property. This certainly is also going to negatively affect the sale value of my property. I hope this narrow-sighted new provision is revisited by the North Port city commissioners very soon and modified to show some respect for our community and also some respect for those of us who have invested deeply in the community.Richard F. Shaw North Port
The Sun /Friday, April 14, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 9 VIEWPOINTI attended a lecture with the title of ÂThe History of ISIS, al-Qaida and Radical IslamÂŽ given by the Charlotte County supervisor of elections. I was not prepared for what followed. Several Muslims and I sat listening while we were ÂinformedÂŽ about Islam and what our faith entailed. Of course, there were the usual images of deserts and camels. A portrait of a man came on the screen and we were told that this is Muhammad, though generally Muslims do not have pictorial depictions of God, angels or prophets. And this person was also depicted as a warrior on a horse. Incidentally, not once was the Prophet accorded the respect of the title. Explaining the spread of Islam through conquest and trade, the supervisor wondered at the speed with which Islam has spread. ÂImagine,ÂŽ said the supervisor, Âtheir faith is so deep they pray “ve times a day while prostrating themselves.ÂŽ So? How is this relevant to voter education? Should praying “ve times a day affect voting? If you had not attended a class on Islam 101, and your knowledge and information had thus far been con“ned to TV news and anti-Muslim emails, you would have come out of this lecture none the wiser. Due to many errors of omission of historical facts when giving such a lecture, it came across that Islam is not part of the Abrahamic tradition and is not related to Judaism and Christianity. A slide was shown on the ÂPre-Iraq Invasion by the U.S., the Iran/Iraq War 1980-1988ÂŽ without any geo-political context. The supervisor explained the whole affair in terms of the Sunni-Shiite divide. The supervisor then showed many slides of Iraq and said, ÂIraq was really never a country,ÂŽ that the country had always been divided along Sunni-Shiite geographic areas, with the Kurds in inaccessible mountains where neither group could get rid of them. He added that the Iraq of today is really an arti“cial creation of the French and the British. So? Relevance? Will we be voting any time soon on a referendum on the division of Iraq along sectarian lines? Suddenly, al-Qaida appeared somewhere in this mix. No explanation of the ÂhistoryÂŽ of its founding in Afghanistan in the context of the Cold War, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan or of the U.S. arming and funding the Mujahideen, which then morphed into the Taliban and al-Qaida. ISIS also suddenly appeared without any ÂhistoryÂŽ of the political context, such as the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which effectively managed to destroy that nation state. The supervisor talked of the founder of ISIS having been vetted while in U.S. custody. No mention of the fact that neither al-Qaida nor ISIS existed in Iraq before the U.S. invasion. A slide showing mosques across the U.S. seemed to elicit gasps from the audience, while we also saw a picture of closed-off streets with a large group of men prostrated and praying on the street. It was not made clear that that picture was of a permitted event on a certain day, and not the norm. Insinuating that our numbers are, apparently, increasing through immigration, not once did the supervisor mention U.S.-born Muslims, and also that many American Muslims are African-American and/or converts. Then came the subject of radical Islam, explained in a single slide as, ÂThe use or advocacy of violence to spread a religion.ÂŽ This is unacceptable in Islam. ÂIntolerance toward other religions.ÂŽ This is again false. And the most egregious message of this lecture by this elected supervisor was to say that Âthe failure to acknowledge the supremacy of civil law over Sharia lawÂŽ is something ÂAmerican Muslims need to face and deal with.ÂŽ ItÂs actually a MuslimÂs religious duty to follow the laws of the land where he or she lives. To suggest the very opposite questions our loyalty as citizens. Does it mean, then, that we Muslim-Americans are not considered full citizens until we somehow identify ourselves by wearing a badge or a sign around our necks, to show our allegiance and our loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and to the law of the land? Again, the relevance to voter education? The inaccuracies we endured for two hours are too many to mention in one article. It would have been more educational and informative to have included a Muslim scholar on the subject to educate the voters. So just imagine that you were in the Cultural Center for two and half hours, with a full house of a few hundred people, being told who you are and what you believe in, and what you need to do to be accepted. Imagine, also, the presence of fully armed law enforcement personnel wearing bulletproof vests, armed men and women in civilian clothes in the hall and you ask yourself: Is this supposed to make me feel safer, or more afraid? Samar Jarrah co-hosts a weekly live radio show on WMNF in Tampa. She is an author and public speaker on Islam and geo-politics of the Middle East.Lecture on Islam filled with inaccuracies ÂJust imagine that you were in the Cultural Center for 21‡2 hours being told who you are and what you believe in, and what you need to do to be accepted.Ž„ Samar Jarrah Guest ColumnSamar Jarrah The following editorial appeared in the Chicago Tribune on April 12:With much of the world „ thanks to social media „ appalled at United Airlines for having a passenger dragged off a Chicago-to-Louisville, Kentucky, flight, weÂre reminded of the story of how an airline put one of its customers first: Kerry Drake was flying from San Francisco to Lubbock, Texas, to visit his dying mother. The flight was delayed and he risked missing his connection „ the last of the night. Drake sobbed in his seat, distraught at the thought of not seeing his mother one last time. Flight attendants noticed, consoled him and notified the pilot, who radioed ahead. When the plane landed, a gate agent was poised: ÂMr. Drake, weÂve been expecting you.ÂŽ Airline employees held the connecting flight, despite the imperative to operate on time, and Drake got to his motherÂs bedside in time. That well-documented event happened in 2013, and the airline was United. So in extraordinary circumstances, employees of any airline can rise to the occasion, treating passengers with respect and kindness, not as chattel. The difference is individual initiative. Whatever motivated United personnel to show compassion to Drake was fully lacking Sunday at OÂHare International Airport, where employees thought only of the need to bump four passengers at random to make room for crew members who needed to get to Louisville. When one man refused to give up his seat, he was told, in effect, Âget out or else,ÂŽ and then was roughed up and hauled away by Chicago aviation officers. It was an unconscionable act of violence in Âthe friendly skiesÂŽ „ captured on smartphones. If only UnitedÂs employees had made a different decision: to offer more than $800 or $1,000 (accounts vary) in compensation, which passengers didnÂt think was enough. Or tell the four employees to drive south. Or get creative and offer four passengers a fancy limo ride to Louisville, plus tickets to ÂHamilton.ÂŽ Anything! (Besides having one passenger beaten up, that is.) Because employees under pressure risk making terrible decisions that alienate customers, companies prioritize customer service and invest heavily in training. Many fail at the job. Everyone is attuned to the difference between good and bad customer service. The best companies work hard at teaching workers to be positive and thoughtful problem-solvers „ to the point that good service becomes part of the culture. When Starbucks in 2008 was going through a period of sloppiness, CEO Howard Schultz shut down his coffee shops for three hours of training, then rebooted with a splashy promise that every barista would make every drink perfect or Âmake it right.ÂŽ We checked in with a recently trained Starbucks barista who said pleasing customers can be challenging. Some are grumpy, some are confused. But when a customer asks for a nonfat latte and then complains because itÂs not an iced cappuccino, a properly trained barista doesnÂt scold the customer for mis-ordering. ÂYou say, ÂIÂm so sorry I made your drink wrong. Let me remake it for you.ÂÂŽ United, by contrast, seemed lost after its disastrous blunder. CEO Oscar Munoz bungled several apologies, making United an international target of scorn, before he finally sounded the right note of contrition Tuesday, declaring, ÂNo one should ever be mistreated this way.ÂŽ This will not be an easy fix. UnitedÂs customer problems run deep, back at least a decade to its stint in bankruptcy court. Then came struggles integrating Continental Airlines after the 2010 merger with United. When Munoz was new on the job in 2015, he visited the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board and acknowledged that flights were arriving late, employees felt beaten down and customers were seething. Munoz vowed to do better by everyone, and we believed him. Now heÂs running out of chances with the flying public. Something went terribly wrong for United at OÂHare, and in managementÂs subsequent attempts at damage control when the situation called for contrition. This will go down in business history as one of the worst-ever customer service experiences. To retrain employees and appease angry customers, Munoz may have to do something as dramatic as the Starbucks shutdown-and-reboot. There are plenty of airlines out there. United has given many flyers an incentive to try them.United, remember when you put customers first? Another ViewChicago Tribune Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding to the advertise ment for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance plans including Freedom Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 adno=50513321 FREE EYE EXAM FOR NEW PATIENTS 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT), ARCADIA 863-993-2020 20600 VETERANS BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Offer Does Not Apply To Freedom And Optimum Health Plan Participants. Coupon Expires 5/17/2017 Thomas Quigley, M.D. formerly Eye Health adno=50509188 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Aquaculture BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND Section 253.69, Florida Statutes Â… Rule 18-21.021, F.A.C. NOTICE OF AQUACULTURE LEASE MODIFICATION APPLICATION NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 253.70, Florida Statutes, that the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund has received a modification request from Barry Hurt, of 1034 Spirit Lake Rd., Winter Haven, Florida. The applicant is requesting approval to modify his current sovereignty submerged land aquaculture lease (08-AQ-166) to a water column lease to allow the use of floating gear for the culture of shellfish. The lease is in the Cape Haze Aquatic Preserve, in Charlotte Harbor, in Charlotte County. A map identifying the location of the proposed activity accompanies this notice. Anyone having any questions or comments regarding the proposed project should file them in writing with the Division of Aquaculture, 600 South Calhoun Street, Suite 217, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, on or before 5:00 p.m. on the 30th day of April, 2017. ADAM H. PUTNAM COMMISSIONER adno=50513355 NEW PATIENTS ARE WELCOME. 575-2626 Please call for an appointment. Jeremy Martin D.M.D. €CROWNS €IMPLANTS €COSMETIC DENTISTRY € RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY €ROOT CANALS € DIGITAL X-RAYS Interest Free Financing with Approved Credit PUNTA GORDA Dental F amily Care NOW AVAILABLE adno=50509596 Z USMAN E YE C ARE C ENTER Voted Best Ophthalmologist 2011-2015 624-4500 Neil B. Zusman, M.D., F.A.C.S. Team Eye Consultant Tampa Bay Rays and Charlotte Stone Crabs 2015 adno=50509591
Our Town Page 10 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS TODAY Tops Club takeoff #s, 8am to 10 am at Edgewater UMC 19190 Cochran Blvd, call 941-2582610(Hope) $32 annual, $5 monthly Project Linus, Have fun crochet knit quilt blankets for Charlotte County kids New Day Church 20212 Peachland 9-11am Nancy 627-4364 Quarter Bingo, Cultural Center 10a-10:45a 2280 Aaron St. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Qigong or Taichi?, WhatÂs for you? TaiChi or QiGong. Open class PGICA Fri 10am $9. Two weeks per form., Richard Curtis 407-923-8310 Eagles, Eagles 2311 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 music by Ambush Bingo, Cultural Center 10:45a3:30p 2280 Aaron St. Game Packs start at $13. Over 25 games with payouts up to $250 625-4175. PCHS Band Car Wash, Big Red Bus, 11-4:30, Charlotte State Bank & Trust, 1100 Tamiami Trail. Free movie ticket, wellness checkup. 624-5400 Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-9:30 Music by Black Velvet @ 25538 ShorePG637-2606; members & guests Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 Danny Beach, Singer Danny Beach performs 12 noon-3 pm in center court at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 Port Charlotte Elks, BOGO Happy Hour 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, Fl, 629-4545 American Legion 103, OPEN TO PUBLIC! Prime Rib Dinner or Fish/Shrimp 5-7 Music by Mike&Cheryl 6-9 2101 Taylor Rd PG 639-6337 Kraig Kenning, National Slide Guitar Champion Kraig Kenning, 5-9 pm at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 FC Good Fri Concert, Good Fri. Concert featuring Pastor Garry & FC Band & Praise Singers 5:30pm@140 Rot. Blvd. W. 475-7447 TODAY Line Dancing, 9-30 to 11-30 American Legion Post 113 3436 Indiana Road Rotonda West. Phone Eve at 941 697 8733 Dessert Card Party, Call for a table of 4 or to sub. Have fun at Lemon Bay WomanÂs Club. 51 N. Maple St. 11:30 3. $5.00 941-473-8270 Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. Dinner & Dance, Special: Coconut Shrimp. Steaks, fish, ribs-more 5-7:30pm. Music:Tidal Wave 7-10pm members&guests Rotonda Elks 697-2710 FISH FRY & MORE, AYCE Fish/Chips $10 & Specialty Items, 4:30-7pm. Music COASTAL JAMZ 6:30pm. Legion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Rotonda Entertainment, VFW Englewood, Music by ÂVincentÂŽ in the lounge 5-8 p.m.! JoleneÂs Fish Fry Dinner Only $7.00 open to the public! Good Friday, Apr 14 at 7pm. Special Tenebrae service. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 SATURDAY BREAKFAST, Breakfast 8am-11:30am. Karaoke starts at 6:30pm, Come and Sing! American Legion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Rotonda Easter Egg Hunt, 9 am; Fellowship Hall come with adult; hunt by age; bring basket. EUMC, 700 E. Dearborn, 473-4133; Closet of Hope, Free clothing, ID required. 1st & 3rd Saturdays 9:30a-12p. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 Meeting & Cornhole, Town Hall Meeting 10am. Members meeting., Cornhole 12:30pm. $2 entry fee, proceeds to charity. Rotonda Elks 697-2710 LEGO Club, LEGO Club Age 5-11 1:30-3:30 pm Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. Easter Sunday, Rotonda Elks wishes you and your loved ones a Happy and Peaceful Easter. Lodge is closed today. SUNDAY Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. KARAOKE, VFW Englewood, ÂKARAOKEÂŽ w/Ann & Sonny 4-7 p.m.! Baked Ham Dinner available w/all the fixins $6.00! 474-7516 Easter BBQ/Baptism, Fellowship Church on Eng. Beach @5:30pm for Easter Baptism/ Communion & Cookout. For info call 475-7447 MONDAYForty Carrots, Forty Carrots 10:15 or 11:15 Mondays Age 0-5 Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. Monday Wings, Wings,wet & dry, burgers, salads,more 5-7pm Music:Patsy& Majella 6-9pm. Rotonda Elks, members&guests 697-2710 TUESDAY MenÂs Fellowship, Gulf Cove Methodist Men meet 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 8am, Bay Pointe Grill, 3502 N Access Rd, Englewood. 697-1747 TODAY Basic Exercise, $3/class 9-10 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Come join Brenda for a good workout and feel better. NP Farmers Market, 9 to 2 city hall blvd. 941-391-4856 Fresh produce organic & domestic, seafood, meats, cheese, olives & more. Music, AlzheimerÂs Resp.Care, 10:30-2:30 every Fri.Living Waters Lutheran Church,12475 Chancellor Blvd.activities,lunch.$30.Info call 941-204-7335. Free Tax Help, 10:30am-2:30pm, AARP Tax-Aide, North Port Senior Center, 4940 Pan American Blvd., NP VFW Post 8203, Fish/Fry Rib Dinners 5 7 pm, Dj Scotty 6 pm -10 Pinochle, $1.50/person 12-3 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Pat Lucia 257-8358 If you enjoy playing then come play Port Charlotte Elks, BOGO Happy Hour 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 AMVETS 312 Dinner, Lunch 11:30-2:00 Dinner 5-7 Friday Fish Fry, Shrimp members&guests 7050 Chancellor Blvd NP 941-423-5409 Pinochle, $2/person 6-9 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Rochelle 429-1887 Friday night fun. Come Join in. Flashlight Egg Hunt, 8pm; City Hall Front Green; 941-429-7275; Take a flashlight & basket to hunt for 5,000 glow in the dark eggs. Age: 6-11 SATURDAY Easter Egg Hunt, 9 am; Fellowship Hall come with adult; hunt by age; bring basket. EUMC, 700 E. Dearborn, 473-4133; www. Closet of Hope, Free clothing, ID required. 1st & 3rd Saturdays 9:30a-12p. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 Egg-normous Hunt, 10am; Mullen Center; 941-429-7275; Bring your basket to hunt for 15,000 eggs. Age: 3-11. AMVETS 2000 Euchre, Euchere11:30am $10 entre fee Lunch available Music by Gil & Rhoda @ 7:30pm 401 Ortiz Blvd NP 941-429-1999 CHARLOTTE EVENTS ENGLEWOOD EVENTS NORTH PORT EVENTS AAUW STEM SATURDAYS FOR KIDS, April 15 ÂChemistry of Food,ÂŽ hosted by AAUW PG/PC Branch. 10 Â… 11:30 AM for GRADES 4 Â… 7 at Mid-County Library, 2050 Forrest Nelson Blvd. Eckerd College chemistry professor Dr. Lisa Bonner will show kids how cooking can be fun & informative. Includes tasting. Pre-registration suggested: 941-505-2803. The Charlotte Chorale Concert, The Charlotte Chorale Presents: ÂMade in AmericaÂŽ, Music by American Composers through the Centuries. Presented by Artistic Director Dr. William Dederer and 70 voices. Concert: April 22, 4PM, CPAC, 701 Carmalita St., Punta Gorda. For tickets: 941-204-0033, Adults $20, Students $10. Peace River Baptist Choir Easter Cantata, The sanctuary choir of Peace River Bapt. Church will present the Easter cantata ÂLike A LambÂŽ on Fri., 4/14 at 7pm. 478 Berry St., P.G. 33950. Doors open at 6pm, no tickets required, seating is limited. Call 941-637-6768 or 941-628-9789 for more info. Featured EventsPAID ADVERTISEMENTS The Community Calendar items are entered by the event organizers and are run Âas submitted.ÂŽ To submit an item, go to www.yoursun. com, select an edition and click on the ÂCommunity CalendarÂŽ link on the left. Click ÂSubmit Event,ÂŽ and fill out the appropriate information. PHOTO BY DEBRA GOUVELLISCindy Breshe is the Zumba Gold Instructor at the North Port YMCA on Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. The program is based on dance moves used in the original Zumba class. The Gold class is a less intensive routine designed for beginners and older adults using modied movements. For more information, call the North Port YMCA at 941-429-2269.Try Zumba Gold By J.K. Roberts Interactive News Media INM „ Now available in the U.S. without a prescription! Approved by U.S. Doctors: U.S. medical doctors are now recommending the powerful new pill FlexJointPlus. Participants in clinical studies reported noticeable results in just days. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement adno=50514079
The Sun /Friday, April 14, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 11 €Offer applies to only single-receipt qualifying purchases. No interest will be charged on promo purchase and equal monthly pay ments are required equal to initial promo purchase amount divided equally by the number of months in promo period until promo is paid in full. The equal monthly payment will be rounded to the next highest whole dollar and may be higher than the mi nimum payment that would be required it the purchase was a non-promotional purchase. Regular account terms apply to non-promotional purchases. For new accounts: Purchase APR is 29.99%; Minimum Interest Charge is $2. Existing cardholders should see their credit card agreement for their applicable terms. Subject to credit approval. Terms of promotions Previous purchase excluded, cannot be combined with any other promotion or discount. Discount offers exclude Hot Buys, ”oor models or cl earance items, sales tax, furniture protection plans, warranty, delivery, or service charge.PT CHARLOTTE1241 El Jobean Rd. S.R. 776 across from SamÂs Club941-764-8700Mon.-Sat. 9-9 Sun. 11-6VENICE550 S. Seaboard Ave. Just North of Venice Nissan on U.S. 41 Bypass941-485-3211Weekdays 9-6 Sat. 9-6 Sun. 11-6SARASOTA4027 N. Washington (US 301) 1 Mile South of University on US 301941-351-8600Mon.-Sat. 9-9 Sun. 11-6BRADENTON1100 West Cortez Rd. Northeast Corner of Cortez Rd & 41941-749-6069Mon.-Sat. 9-9 Sun. 11-6ELLENTON5814 18th St East Across from the Ellenton Outlet Mall941-479-7900Mon.-Sat. 9-9 Sun. 11-6 NO INTEREST IF PAID IN FULL WITHIN 12 MONTHS, BY APRIL 2018. SAME DAY PICK UP OR NEXT DAY DELIVERY!* On Purchases $300 or more with Furniture Warehouse credit card made between April 14, 2017 and April 13, 2018. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the promotional purchase is not paid in full within 12 months, by April 2018. Minimum Monthly Payments req uired. w w w .f u r n w a re h o u se c o m www f u r n w a r e h o u s e c o m Marble Dining Table With Upholstered SeatingYour choice of 4 dining chairs or 2 dining chairs and matching bench.$499 SPECIAL PURCHASE SPECIAL PURCHASEStunning Coastal Tropical Style SofaWill enhance any home! Comfort, style and value. Sleeper and correlated chair also available.$499SofaTwo-Piece, Two-Tone Designer SectionalStyle, Comfort & Value. Features durable 100% Micro-ber fabric with clean lines and super seating.$699 SPECIAL PURCHASE SECTIONAL FLORIDA COASTAL SOFAS YOUR CHOICE $ 499Coastal Florida-styled sofa that offers style, comfort and a price that will not break the bank. Correlated chair and sleeper available. Stunning casual tropical style will enhance any home! Comfort, style and value. Sleeper and correlated chair also available. FRIDAY & SATURDAY!Closed Easter SundayWe Pay The Sales Tax On Your Purchase!Offer cannot be combined with any other discounts. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE BIG!No Interest Until April 2018 Same Day Pick Up or Next Day Delivery!Stunning Coastal Cottage Retreat BedroomStylish detailing. Includes dresser, mirror, queen headboard, footboard & rails Night stand FREE!$799 SPECIAL PURCHASE SPECIAL PURCHASEWhite Accent Pieces$59$69$99SPECIAL PURCHASEDining SetWood & metal table with 4 matching dining chairs.$199 Contemporary Sofa & LoveseatBeautiful upholstered in durable 100% microber fabric. Style, Comfort, and Value.Sofa & Loveseat SPECIAL PURCHASE$599 Espresso SPECIAL PURCHASEPlasma Stands$199Your ChoiceBlack CherryWhite Oak SPECIAL PURCHASELike Floating On A CloudBeautiful leather match sofa. Style, comfort and value! Available in beige and brown.$599Sofa adno=54512582
Our Town Page 12 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 LOCAL SPORTS PUNTA GORDA „ In a tie game in the bottom of the seventh inning, Charlotte shortstop Garrett Dunson sent a deep ”y ball toward the left “eld wall that looked like it would leave the park. Instead, it bounced off the wall for a double, only delaying the dramatics for one more at-bat. After Dunson stole third, Logan Tracy delivered a walk-off single that rolled through the in“eld to send Charlotte to a 2-1 win over rival Port Charlotte at L. Victor Desgun Field. Charlotte sweeps the season series from Port Charlotte, which included a 6-0 win on March 1. ÂI havenÂt been hitting great all season. I was just trying to go up there and get a base hit,ÂŽ said Dunson, who went 2-for-3. ÂI had people up behind that I knew could do something and move me over to get that run in. ÂWhen I hit the ball I looked at it and it started curving and if that wind hadnÂt been blowing I think it wouldÂve been out. But I got to second and my team picked me up and we got the W.ÂŽ It was a thrilling game highlighted by a great pitcherÂs duel between CharlotteÂs Kyle Machado and Port CharlotteÂs Matt LePoint. Both went the distance, with Machado striking out six and LePoint fanning eight. The aces were so on their game that the game itself didnÂt even see an earned run until Dunson crossed the plate. Machado only gave up four hits while LePoint surrendered “ve. ÂIt was a good win and a great pitching duel,ÂŽ Charlotte coach Lavell Cudjo said. ÂThese kids play hard against each other and it was a great game to watch. ÂIÂm glad we came out ahead. You have to tip your hat to Matt, he pitched well and Kyle pitched well. It was a good game all the way around.ÂŽ The game was scoreless until the bottom of the “fth when Charlotte struck for an unearned run. LePoint hit Dustin Thomas to start the frame and later committed a throwing error that moved Thomas to second. His catcher, Romain Reynolds, then committed another error with two outs that allowed Thomas to score from third after he advanced on a sacri“ce bunt. CharlotteÂs defense returned the favor in the top of the seventh when Reynolds reached base on an error. Matt Derocher then tried to bunt Reynolds over, but beat the throw himself at “rst. Jason James then executed a successful sacri“ce bunt to put both runners in scoring position. Machado intentionally walked LePoint before giving up a single to Spencer Burkhart to score one. Port Charlotte then tried to take the lead on a squeeze play with Trevor Bloom at the plate, but Bloom never got his bat on the ball. That left Derocher stranded between third and home plate and he was thrown out trying to retreat. ÂWe were one squeeze away, one bunt away from going ahead 2-1,ÂŽ Port Charlotte coach Rodney Taylor said. ÂWho knows what would have happened if weÂd scored? At that point if we had gone up 2-1 right there it wouldÂve been different but IÂm proud of them because they were down 1-0 and battled back in the seventh. ÂTheyÂve been doing that lately, theyÂve been getting down on the scoreboard but not within themselves. TheyÂve been “nding a way to battle back and if we keep doing that at this time of the year, thatÂs great.ÂŽContact Jordan Kroeger at 941-2061175 or email CHARLOTTE 2, PORT CHARLOTTE 1Port Charlotte 000 000 1 „ 1 4 4 Charlotte 000 010 1 „ 2 5 2 WP: Kyle Machado. LP: Matt LePoint. Leading hitters: (PC) Spencer Burkhart 1-3, RBI. (C) Garrett Dunson 2-3, R; Logan Tracy 1-2, RBI; Dustin Thomas 1-2, R; Records: Charlotte 12-5, Port Charlotte 11-7.Tarpons edge Pirates for season sweepBy JORDAN KROEGERSTAFF WRITER PREP BASEBALL: Tarpons 2, Pirates 1 SUN PHOTO BY JENNIFER BRUNOCharlotteÂs Dustin Thomas tags out Andrew Bennett at second base during Wednesday nightÂs 2-1 Charlotte victory. PREP SOFTBALL: Tarpons 11, Pirates 1Tarpons having fun, winning gamesPORT CHARLOTTE „ Before the Wednesday nightÂs sotball game at Port Charlotte, CharlotteÂs varsity was on the soccer “eld playing kickball and wif”eball. The Tarpons even brought their own music and cranked it up for the Back Street Boys. It was a party atmosphere, for sure. They were so loud that Pirates Coach Ryann Baker went to the “eld and asked the visitors to turn down the music because it was interfering with the junior varisty game that was in progress. ÂThatÂs our new pre-game warmup,ÂŽ Charlotte coach Greg Higgins said. ÂWe just want to relax and have some fun. In our tournament in Ocala last week, we had a lot of fun going bowling and just being together as a team. The girls played well so we decided to continue having fun together before the games.ÂŽ The party continued onto the diamond as the Tarpons roughed up three Pirates pitchers for 11 hits on the way to a 11-1 victory that was shortened to “ve innings by the mercy rule. The win allowed Charlotte (15-9) to sweep its county rival following an 10-0 decision in the “rst meeting on Feb. 23. Tarpons pitcher Tiffany Dodson had a day she wonÂt soon forget. After signing a letter of letter of intent to attend Miami Dade College where to play softball and pursue a career in the medical “eld, the senior left-hander twirled a nifty two-hitter with two walks and four strikeouts. She gave up a two-out single up the middle to Andi Suarez in the second inning. The other hit came off the bat off Olivia Hernandez, who hit a sizzling shot with two outs in the bottom of the “fth that bounced off the glove of third baseman Kaylee Brannon. ÂEvery pitch was working for me tonight. My fastball was working real well, a couple of rise balls were good and a few curves got in there too,ÂŽ said Dodson, who gave up only a third-inning run. ÂI didnÂt throw one changeup tonight.ÂŽ Dodson also swung a big bat, blasting a leadoff triple in the second inning and scoring CharlotteÂs “rst of three runs in the frame. An inning later, after singles by Abby Hayse and Taylor Kirkus, Dodson dropped a chalk-hugging bunt down the third base line for a single that loaded the bases with no outs. Pirates starter and loser Seaaira Yiengst got the next two hitters before Alyssa Opsahl was safe on an error to score Hayse, and Kerstyn Shaw singled in Kirkus and Dodson. Opsahl scored on a wild pitch to make it 7-0. After Port Charlotte (6-17) marked its have of the third, Charlotte put the “nal four on the board in the fourth. With Alexis Carpenter in the circle, the “rst two Tarpons reached base on a walk and error, respectively. After two pop ups, the plate was dancing for Carpenter as she walked four straight hitters to put an end to her night. Yiengst came back in and gave up a bloop single to Erica Barnes that made it 11-1. The defensive play of the night belonged to CharlotteÂs Gabby Innello, who made a diving catch in right “eld on a slicing ”y ball for the “rst out of the “fth inning. Innello went horizontal and made an outstanding catch and even ripped her pants in the process. ÂI didnÂt think IÂd catch it, I KNEW IÂd catch it,ÂŽ Innello said. Dodson wasnÂt the only Tarpon with a big stick. Eight different players dented the dish for Charlotte. Brannon, Hayse and Shaw joined Dodson with two hits. Shaw drove in three runs while Brannon plated a pair when she one hopped the left-“eld fence in the second inning for a double. ÂIt was a good effort. We had hits up and down the lineup and were scoring runs up and down the lineup,ÂŽ Charlotte assistant John Hayse said. ÂTiffany, great job again, and Gabby, I donÂt even know what to say „ good catch out there.ÂŽ Charlotte celebrates its Senior Night on Thursday with a game against North Fort Myers. Port Charlotte entertains DeSoto County on Monday in its “nal home game of the season.CHARLOTTE 11, PORT CHARLOTTE 1Charlotte 034 40 „ 11 1 1 Port Charlotte 001 00 „ 1 2 3 WP: Tiany Dodson; LP: Seaaira Yiengst. Top Hitters: (C) Shaw, 2-2 3 RBI; Dodson 2-2 3 runs; Brannon 2-3 2 RBI; Hayse 2-4, run. Records: Charlotte 15-9; Port Charlotte 6-17.By STEVE KNAPPSUN CORRESPONDENT SUN PHOTO BY MICHELE HASKELLCharlotteÂs Abby Hayse slides safely into home as Port CharlotteÂs catcher Ali Eugenius is late with the tag during four-run th ird inning that helped Charlotte to a 11-1 victory in Wednesday nightÂs game. ÂAn ump, an ump, my diamond for an umpire PREP BASEBALL: No umpires? SUN PHOTO BY TIM KERNWednesday eveningÂs baseball game between Lemon Bay and Southeast in Englewood proved to be a real head-scratcher for Southeast coach Brett Andrzejewski, left, and Lemon Bay counterpart Casey Hanrahan. Despite their teams being ready, the game couldnÂt be played because there were no umpires. To add to the confusion, the teams were not even allowed to scrimmage because it would have been a violation of FSHAA rules. SPORTS CALENDARBASEBALLSenior Men: The South Florida Suns, menÂs over-50 baseball team, is looking for players. All positions needed. Call 941-456-5229.FOOTBALLCharlotte Warriors: The Pop Warner program is accepting registration for players and cheerleaders. Ages 5-14 are eligible. Cost is $200. The program also is seeking coaches. Minimum ages are 21 (head coach), 18 (assistant) and 16 (coach trainee). A letter of intent to the program is required for coaches. Email letters to pjnovo3030@gmail. com for football and llltreen@ for cheering. For more information on registration, check the programÂs facebook page at CharlotteWarriors. GOLFCritter Classic Challenge: The Suncoast Humane SocietyÂs ninth annual tournament will be April 15 at Riverwood Golf Club, 4100 Riverwood Drive, Port Charlotte. Cost is $100 per player. Visit www., or Suncoast Humane SocietyÂs adoption center, 6781 San Casa Drive for more information. Green Living Green Planet: The tournament to benefit the nonprofit organization will be April 22 at Deep Creek Golf Club in Punta Gorda. Cost of the four-player scramble is $65 per player, which includes cart, green fees, breakfast and lunch. Shotgun starts at 8:30 a.m. Rain date is April 29. To register or for information, call 941-585-9968. Lemon Bay TD Club Tournament: The Lemon Bay football boosters organization holds its first benefit tournament May 20 at the Rotonda Golf & Country ClubÂs The Hills Course, 100 Rotonda Circle, Rotonda West. Cost of the four-player scramble is $75 per player. An 8:30 a.m. shotgun start is planned. For more information or to register, call 352 804-6010.MODEL SAILINGClub schedules: Sun Coast club meets Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at South County Regional Park in Punta Gorda. Open to the public. Call Paul, 941-628-8802.RECREATIONMini-Sports Program: Charlotte CountyÂs super Mini Sports Program has resumed at Tringali Park in Englewood. The co-ed program is open to ages 4-6 for multiple sports at 5:30 p.m. The next sport is tennis today. Advance registration is required. For more information, call 941-681-3742 or visit www.charlottecountyfl. gov and click Parks/Pool for more activities.
The Sun /Friday, April 14, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 13 OnlyOnly New 2017 MitsubishiMirageNew 2017 MitsubishiOutlander Sport OVER$6,000OFF MSRP! BRAND NEW UNDER$10,00010 YEAR 100,000 MILE WARRANTY! Stk#SS0272A .............................................................$4493Stk#SS0353 ...............................................................$4645Stk#Y103523Z ...........................................................$5381Stk#SS0351 ...............................................................$5675Stk#YS0085 ...............................................................$5998Stk#SX0348 ................................................................$6569Stk#Z889126A ...........................................................$6691Stk#SS0333 ...............................................................$7060Stk#SX0350 ................................................................$7163Stk#SS0319 ...............................................................$7811Stk#SS0343 ...............................................................$7991Stk#SP0189 ...............................................................$7995Stk#SM0251A ............................................................$8481Stk#SS0341 ...............................................................$8580Stk#SS0223 ...............................................................$8775Stk#SP154A ...............................................................$8872Stk#SP0207 ...............................................................$8895Stk#SS0361 ...............................................................$8961Stk#SS0324 ...............................................................$9451Stk#SP0119 ...............................................................$9645Stk#SP0209A .............................................................$9711Stk#Z125061A ...........................................................$9742Stk#SP0156 ...............................................................$9994Stk#SP0173 ...............................................................$9995 BIGG ER MORE B E TTER Righ t NowUNP ARA LLELE D UNDER $ $ , O FF M S RP! 2016 HyundaiAccent$10,755 Stk#SP0152A 2016 KiaForte$12,971 Stk#SM0301 2013 ChevroletCaptiva$11,495 Stk#SR0247A 2013 ToyotaCamry$13,885 Stk#SP0104 2014 Chrysler200 LX$11,451 Stk#SM0293 2014 ToyotaCorolla$12,995 Stk#SP0128 2012 Chrysler200 Convertible$11,785 Stk#SP0100A 2016 FordFocus$14,161 Stk#SM0288 2014 VolkswagenPassat$12,345 Stk#SP0161 2014 KiaSoul$14,484 Stk#SS0259 CREDIT HELP TO GET YOU APPROVEDSE HABLA ESPANOL! INCLUDING MITSUBISHIÂS adno=54512583
Our Town Page 14 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSAs Southwest Florida snowbirds begin heading home for the summer, they face a long and, at times, weary, trek north on an interstate, primarily I-75 to the Midwest and I-95 to the East. There can be a myriad of problems „ weather, traf“c congestion, safety and vehicle worthiness „ as well as unexpected issues, like a major bridge outage on I-85 in Georgia. The key, according to the AAA Auto Club Group in Tampa, is comprehensive planning. ÂBefore hitting the road, itÂs important to have your vehicle inspected and develop a plan for your trip,ÂŽ said AAA spokesperson Mark Jenkins. ÂThorough planning is necessary because it can save you time and money. ÂOftentimes, people develop a Âgo with the ”ow mentality,ÂŽ he added. ÂHowever, people who take the time to prepare for the trip are less likely to be distracted behind the wheel and more likely to enjoy the trip.ÂŽ Planning can take a variety of forms. One can Google either interstate and get traf“c, weather, accident and road construction reports, as well as services, restaurants, lodging, camping, shopping and attractions at every exit along the entire route „ I-75Âs 1,775 miles from suburban Miami to the Michigan border with Canada, and I-95Âs 1,900 miles from Miami to Canada. AAA recommends that travelers, members and nonmembers alike, download its free AAA Mobile App (from the Apple Store or Google Play) which will recommend routes, estimate drive time, locate hotels and restaurants, “nd lower gas prices and call for emergency roadside services. For AAA members, there is an E-Tourbook Guide for smartphones and tablets, with detailed travel information for a speci“c destination compiled in a format that can be downloaded. The biggest snowbird travel issue at this time may be the bridge outage in Georgia, closing a portion of northbound I-85 from I-75 to State Route 400. According to the Georgia Department of Transportation, motorists traveling North on I-95 will not come anywhere near the bridge outage. Those taking I-85 north can avoid and go around the Atlanta area by exiting on 238B for I-285 toward the Atlanta Airport. Then take exit 20 to get back onto I-75 north of Atlanta. Another option would be to get off I-75 at Interstate 20, head west to I-285, then drive north until you can get back onto I-75 north. Trekking north, snowbirds face the long trip homeBy BILL JONESSUN CORRESPONDENT GRAPHIC PROVIDEDFUEL EFFICIENT DRIVING TIPSAggressive driving, or starts and stops, increase gas consumption by up to 40 percent, or 24 cents to 90 cents per gallon. Every 5 mph over 50 mph equals paying 17 cents more per gallon. Every additional 100 pounds of cargo equals paying at least 2 cents more per gallon. Every underinflated tire increases gas consumption by percent per pound per tire. Excess idling wastes gas. Restarting a car uses less fuel per minute. Cruise control keeps you at a constant speed and helps save gas. TIRE TREADOne way to determine safe tire tread, according to AAA, is to insert a quarter upside down. If you can see the top of WashingtonÂs head, itÂs time for new tires. Also you should look on the side of the tire for TWI in small lettering. There are little marks between the tread. If the tread levels are even with the marks, you should install new tires. HOT WEATHER DRIVING TIPSRunning your carÂs air conditioning is the main contributor to reduced fuel economy in hot weather. It can reduce a vehicleÂs fuel economy by more than 25 percent. Therefore: € Roll the windows down at lower speeds; use the A/C at highway speeds. € DonÂt use the A/C more than needed or set the temperature lower than needed. € Use a sunshade so the cabin doesnÂt get as hot. € Drive with the windows open for a short time before using the A/C. Letting hot air out of the cabin first will help your vehicle cool faster. € DonÂt idle with the A/C running before driving. Most A/C systems will cool the vehicle faster while driving. GAS BUDGETTwo websites „ and „ will help travelers calculate their gas costs by entering various information besides the starting point and destination, including make, model and age of the vehicle. Gas Buddy also breaks down local gas costs by city, state and ZIP code in the USA and Canada. AAA provides a useful tool where travelers, by moving a mouse, can find gas costs in each state throught which they plan to travel, helping to decide where to stop to fill up. AIR PRESSUREDetermine if your vehicle has a spare tire. (Some newer cars do not.) If so, check the air pressure. For regular tires: € Check the pressure recommended on the label inside the door. € DO NOT use the maximum pressure listed. € Use a tire pressure gauge. € Check when you refuel. € Be aware that tires naturally lose 1-2 pounds a month, and PSI (pounds per square inch) changes with every 10-degree shift in outside temperature. DRIVER SAFETY TIPSThe best times to travel are Sunday and Monday. If traveling MondayFriday, avoid rush hours (7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.), especially through major cities. Other tips include: € Share your travel itinerary with a family member or trusted friend, in case you go missing. € Give children a cellphone and a wrist band with your cell number, in case you are separated. € Check weather alerts along your route so you can prepare for potential hazards or delays. € Identify alternative routes before leaving to avoid bad weather or congestion. € Leave early. DonÂt be in a rush. Rushing causes accidents. € If you miss an exit, donÂt slam on your breaks, risking an accident. Move on to the next exit and come back. € Take frequent breaks, at least every 2-3 hours, to stay alert. COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFSBlood drive scheduledOneBlood Inc. is holding a blood drive from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today at the Murdock of“ce of Charlotte State Bank & Trust, 1100 Tamiami Trail. All donors will receive a voucher for a free movie ticket and a wellness checkup including blood pressure, pulse, temperature, iron count and cholesterol screening. Blood donors must be at least 16 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and provide some form of photo identi“cation. Appointments are not required, but for faster service, appointments may be made online at www. using the sponsor code #10388.Microchip and Canine DNA Test clinic plannedThe Animal Welfare League will be offering a ÂMicrochip and Canine DNA TestÂŽ Clinic on from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 23 at the adoption center located at 3519 Drance Street (just off Harborview Road), in Port Charlotte. Both these clinic services are at a reduced fee. The microchip is $25 which also includes registration. The DNA Test is $85. Results from the DNA Test take around two weeks and the full report will be sent directly to your home. Both procedures are safe, simply and fast. They take only a few seconds. It can save your pet from homelessness. For more information, visit www. € Diabetic Care € Foot Pain € Foot Surgery € Heel Pain New Patients Welcome 941-613-1919 3191 Harbor Blvd. Unit D Port Charlotte, FL 33952 adno=50512825 COMPLETE FOOT CARE Dr. Michael Metyk Podiatric Surgery 3191 Harbor Blvd. Suite D, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 FAMILY DOCTOR € Diabetes € Memory Loss € High Blood Pressure € Hearing Loss Screening € High Cholesterol € Stress Test € Thyroid Problems € Arthritis € Osteoporosis € Cardiac Disease € Heart Problems € Weight Loss € Skin Cancer Surgery 941-613-1919 Tanya Metyk, M.D. Board Certified Internal Medicine SAME DAY SICK APPOINTMENTS Now Accepting Most Insurances Wel coming Self Pay Patients adno=505128 2 Bethany L. Walden, Au. D Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Charlotte Hearing Center, Inc. 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Coupon Expires 5/17/2017 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance plans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 20600 VETERANS BLVD., SUITE A PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 2529 TAMIAMI TRAIL PUNTA GORDA 941-639-2020 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT), ARCADIA 863-993-2020 formerly Eye Health adno=50509532
The U.S. military dropped one of its most powerful bombs „ a massive 21,000-pound munition nicknamed the ÂMother of All BombsÂŽ „ on an Islamic State tunnel complex in Afghanistan on Thursday. It marked the “rst time it has been used in combat and re”ected the growing ”exibility of the Pentagon to wage war. The target was in a remote area where the risk of civilian casualties would be low. Gen. John Nicholson, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, said the decision to drop the bomb was made because it was the best “t for the target. Asenior Defense ocial told USA TODAY that Nicholson had the authority to use the bomb under President Obama as well as President Trump. The ocial, who asked not to be named in order to discuss details of the operation, said Trump was told about the bombÂs use but his approval was not required, a point Trump noted, as well. ÂWe have given them total authorization,ÂŽ Trump said. ÂThis was another very, very successful mission.ÂŽ Trump had criticized ObamaÂs management of the war against U.S. SUMMONS ITS MILITARY MIGHT Jim Michaels and Tom Vanden BrookUSA TODAY v STORY CONTINUES ON 2B U.S. AIR FORCE A GBU-43 Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb at an air base in Southwest A sia.21,000-pound ÂMother of All Bombs dropped on ISIS tunnel network ÂWe must deny (Islamic State “ghters) operational space, which we did.ÂŽ White House spokesman Sean Spicer SOURCES USA TODAY research; ESRI NOTE The GBU-43B conventional bomb has the second-largest explosive yield of any non-nuclear U.S. device; Hiroshima bomb was first atomic bomb used.FRANK POMPA AND GEORGE PETRAS, USA TODAYU .S. D R OPS ÂMO T HE R OF ALL B OM B SÂU .S. military forces dropped a 21,000-lb. GB U -43B bomb on suspected I slamic State tunnels in an eastern A fghanistan province Thursday. How the bomb compares: H ir os hima ( A ug. 1945) Explosive yield: 15 kilotons TNT G BU -43 B Explosive yield: 11 tons TNT 30 feet 10 feet 6 feet AFGHANISTANKabul IRAN PAKISTAN UZBEKISTAN TAJIKISTAN TURKMENISTAN Nangahar province100 Miles N A N ALYSIS 0 4 .1 4 .17 U SA S N APSHO T S E a ste r s p e ndingSOURCE National Retail Federation survey of 7,411 consumersMICHAEL B. SMITH AND VERONICA BRAVO, USA TODA Y Consumers will spend an estimated average of celebrating Easter this year.$ 1 52 PAUL J. RIC H ARDS, AFP/GE TT Y I M AGESBurger King ad takes on Google IN M ONEY Billie L ourd, ÂStar Wars cast honor Carrie F isherFOX VIDEO IN L I F E Scientists have found a potential food source for life on a world in our solar system, raising the tantalizing possibility that organisms could thrive in a place besides Earth. The researchers emphasize they did not “nd evidence of life itself. What they did “nd was hydrogen gas in the geyser-like plumes spurting from the surface of SaturnÂs moon Enceladus. On Earth, hydrogen from sea”oor hot springs, also known as hydrothermal vents, is a food stock for microbes and as the base of an elaborate ecosystem. With the new discovery, nearly every item on the list of supplies essential to life has now been found on Enceladus, including carbon-containing molecules called organic compounds, says Hunter Waite of the Southwestern Research Institute in San Antonio, co-author of a new study in this weekÂs Science about the “nd.ÂWaterÂs there „ check. Organics are in the plume „ check. Now we have a chemical source of ener g y for food „ check,ÂŽ Waite says. Two chemicals essential to living organisms „ sulfur and phosphorus „ have not been con“rmed, but still, ÂEnceladus is rising to the top of habitable places that exist in the solar system.ÂŽThough Enceladus looks from adistance like a glimmering ball of ice, research has established that the tiny moon has a salty ocean sloshing underneath its frozen shell. Evidence also suggested the water percolates into “ssures in the rocky sea”oor. On Earth, seawater that follows a similar path is an important player in marine life. Heated and “lled with minerals, the water wafts from the seabed into the open ocean and nourishes bustling ecosystems. In October 2015, NASA sent its Cassini spacecraft diving through the geysers jetting from Enceladusto measure the plumeÂs hydrogen level.Researchers then did a Âcalorie countÂŽ of EnceladusÂs ocean to determine whether the water holds enough hydrogen and other chemicals to keep living things alive, says study co-author Christopher Glein. The team concluded that the answer is yes. NASA plans a mission to Europa in the 2020s, but no new mission to Enceladus is on the books.SaturnÂs moon Enceladus has nearly all ingredients for lifeFrozen water world checking all the boxes Traci WatsonSpecial for USA TODAY N ASAEnceladus frozen shell hides an ocean with the Âcalorie countÂŽ necessary for life. MONTREALThe Canadian government announced Thursday new legislation to legalize marijuana for recreational use, amove that could lure American visitors but create legal headaches when they return home. Possession of small amounts of pot will be legal throughout the country on July 1, 2018, if the legislation passes. The federal government set the minimum age at 18, but will allow each province to determine if it should be higher. The provinces also will decide how the drug will be sold and distributed. Those under 18 found with small amounts of marijuana would not face criminal charges. Canada legalized marijuana for some medicinal uses in 2001. In the United States, voters in California, Massachusetts, Maine and Nevada decided last year to approve the use of recreational marijuana, joining Colorado, Oregon, Washington state, Alaska and Washington, D.C. James Phillips, CEO of the Canadian/American Border Trade Alliance, said the Canadian move could cause problems along the border because marijuana possession is still illegal under U.S. law. Allowing recreational use next year could draw visitors from U.S. where it is still illegal Adam KovacSpecial for USA TODAY C H RIS ROUSSAKIS,AFP/GE TT Y I M AGESCelebrants of National Marijuana Day last year in Ottawa, Canada, are hoping to see the drug become legal for recreational use next summer. v STORY CONTINUES ON 2BCanadaÂs move to legalize pot could hinder border crossings Thi s i s an e di t i o n o f USA T ODAY pr o vid e d f o r y o ur l oc al n e w s pap e r A n ex pand e d v e r s i o n o f USA T ODAY i s availabl e a t n e w sst and s o r by s ub sc rip t i o n and a t u s a to day .co m Fo r t h e la test na t i o nal s p o r ts co v e rag e, g o to s p o r ts. u s a to day .co m In the wake of Syrian missile strike, a look inside RussiaÂs alternate media reality THE CONVERSATION
Page 2 The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 PRESIDENTAND PUBLISHERJohn ZidichEDITOR IN CHIEFJoanne LipmanCHIEF REVENUE OFFICERKevin Gentzel 7950 Jones Branch Dr., McLean, Va. 22108, 703-854-3400 Published by Gannett The local edition of USA TODAYis published daily in partnership with Gannett Newspapers Advertising: All advertising published in USA TODAYis subject to the current rate card; copies available from the advertising department. USA TODAYmay in its sole discretion edit, classify, reject or cancel at any time any advertising submitted. National, Regional: 703-854-3400 Reprint permission, copies of articles, glossy reprints: or call 212-221-9595 USA TODAYis a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to other news services. USA TODAY, its logo and associated graphics are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. USA TODAYis committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones at 800-8727073 or e-mail Please indicate whether youÂre responding to content online or in the newspaper. Corrections & Clarifications Bringing marijuana products across the border could cause confusion for citizens of both countries: Americans who may cross back into the U.S. still under the in”uence, and Canadians who enter the U.S. unwittingly in possession of marijuana. Phillips pointed to the prospect of longer wait times and traf“c backups at border crossings, as inspections for marijuana products become more intense. ÂIf you add 10 or 15 seconds to every car inspection on average at the border, youÂre going to back up the cars a signi“cant amount of distance,ÂŽ he said. Buying marijuana would be legal for travelers over 18 visiting Canada. Canadian Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale defended the legalization, saying current laws have been Âan abject failureÂŽ at keeping minors from using marijuana and organized crime from pro“ting. The measure would legalize possession of up to 30 grams of certain marijuana products and place harsher penalties on selling pot to minors and for driving under the in”uence. Prime Minister Justin TrudeauÂs Liberal Party, which backs legalization, holds a majority of seats in the Canadian Parliament, which means passage is all but assured. One leading marijuana activist said she doubts the new legislation will result in a full-”edged tourism industry springing up around pot in Canada. ÂThe Liberals said their intent is to restrict and limit access to marijuana and introduce tougher penalties, to not normalize the use of it and not promote it with any packaging or advertising,ÂŽ said Jodie Emery, a long-time advocate for legalization. ÂThis will make it very hard for Canadian entrepreneurs to get involved in this industr y .ÂŽSome medicinal pot legal since 2001v CONTINUED FROM 1Bthe Islamic State, also known as ISIS, pledging to ramp up pressure on the terror group and give the military more ”exibility to combat them. Another Obama critic, Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., said Obama micromanaged military decisions from the White House, such as placing strict limits on troop numbers. The bomb used Thursday is called GBU-43, or MOAB for massive ordnance air blast, and costs $16 million. It explodes in the air, creating pressure that can collapse tunnels and buildings. It was dropped from a U.S. aircraft in Nangahar province in eastern Afghanistan. The MOAB has been an option for use against ISIS for some time and was moved to Afghanistan months a g o, the Defense of“cial said. The strike was announced because it was the “rst time the MOAB was used in combat and the size of the blast was certain to raise questions among locals, the ocial said. The bomb not only is capable of destroying a tunnel complex, but it also has a psychological effect on the militants because of its destructive power. The blast can be heard for miles. The military uses less-powerful munitions to hit smaller target and minimize damage to surrounding structures. ÂThis is the right munition to reduce these obstacles and maintain the momentum of our oensiveÂŽ against the Islamic State, Afghanistan commander Nicholson said in statement. ÂU.S. forces took every precaution to avoid civilian casualties with this strike.ÂŽ White House spokesman Sean Spicer said, ÂThe United States takes the “ght against ISIS very seriously, and in order to defeat the group we must deny them operational space, which we did.ÂŽ Fighting between ISIS and Afghan forces has intensi“ed recently. A U.S. Special Forces soldier advising the Afghans was killed in the area Saturday, the “rst U.S. combat death this year. The Islamic State, which is based in Syria and holds territory in Iraq, has emerged over the past year in Afghanistan as a rival to the Taliban, the main insurgent group since they were ousted in the 2001 U.S.-led invasion. When asked whether dropping the bomb sends a message to North Korea as it continues to pursue nuclear and other weapons, Trump said: ÂNorth Korea is aproblem. The problem will be taken care of.ÂŽ Contributing: David JacksonMassive bomb also eective as a psychological weaponv CONTINUED FROM 1B J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE, APGen. John Nicholson, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, said the decision to drop the bomb was made because it was the best “t for the target.ÂThis is the right munition to reduce these obstacles and maintain the momentum of our offensive.ÂŽGen. John Nicholson top U.S. commander in AfghanistanWASHINGTONCongress has found something cute and cuddly to agree on. Plagued by bitter division and “erce in“ghting, Republican and Democratic lawmakers have found rare consensus on legislation to protect dogs, cats, horses, tigers and bunnies from abuse. In the “rst few months of the new 115th Congress, House members and senators have introduced more than a dozen bipartisan bills on animal welfare, including a measure to bar people from keeping tigers, lions, and other big cats as pets, and legislation to outlaw the sale of shark “ns in the United States. About half of those stand a strong chance of passage this session, said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States. ÂI think weÂre positioned for success,ÂŽ Pacelle said. ÂYou have such a diverse group of people „ from conservative Freedom Caucus members to moderate Republicans to liberal Democrats „ who have come together on an issue they know their constituents care about.ÂŽ Americans passion for animals is whatÂs driving Congress to act, said Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., the new co-chairman of the bipartisan Congressional Animal Protection Caucus, which has more than 120 members. ÂThe biggest reason that this issue crosses party lines is that it has so much public support,ÂŽ said Buchanan, who was named the 2015 Âlegislator of the yearÂŽ by the Humane Society. ÂAbout a third of my district is seniors, and most of them have pets that they love. IÂve had dogs and cats and horses myself, but I never realized how much passion there was for animals until I got this job 10 years ago. It comes up at almost every one of my town halls.ÂŽ Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., co-chairman of the caucus, said Americans have become increasingly vocal about how much they care about their pets, wildlife and farm animals. He said members of Congress are realizing that protecting animals is Ânot just the right thing to do,ÂŽ but a potent political issue. Blumenauer said that was underscored last fall in Oklahoma, where animal protection advocates defeated a Âright to farmÂŽ ballot initiative that critics said would have allowed abusive Âpuppy millÂŽ operators to shield themselves from laws against animal cruelty. Residents of the conservative state, which voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in the same election, defeated the initiative by about 20 points. Animal welfare advocates also helped pass a ballot measure in Massachusetts last year to ban extreme con“nement of farm animals and an initiative in Oregon to ban the trade in ivory, rhino hornsand other body parts from wild animals. Those votes have helped persuade members of both parties to support federal animal protection laws, Pacelle said. ÂSupporting animal protection also allows them to soften their image with their constituents and show compassion,ÂŽ he said. ÂAnimals help humanize them.ÂŽ Among the bills that Congress is considering: u Big Cat Safety Act: Reps. Je Denham, R-Calif., Walter Jones, R-N.C., and Niki Tsongas, D-Mass., teamed up to oer this bill to ban the possession and breeding of lions, tigers, leopards and other big cats by private individuals or unquali“ed exhibitors at roadside zoos. Thousands of big cats are being kept in peopleÂs backyards and basements or in poorly maintained roadside zoos, creating a safety hazard for the public while threatening the cats health, the billÂs supporters say. u Pet and Women Safety (PAWS) Act: This bill would provide grants to domestic violence shelters that allow women ”eeing abuse to bring their pets with them. Supporters say women are often reluctant to leave abusers because they fear their pets will be harmed or killed. The legislation is sponsored by Reps. Katherine Clark, D-Mass., and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., and Sens. Gary Peters, D-Mich, and Dean Heller, R-Nev. u Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act: This legislation by Reps. Ted Yoho, R-Fla., and Kurt Schrader, D-Ore., would outlaw ÂsoringÂŽ „ the intentional in”iction of pain on the legs and hooves of Tennessee walking horses to create an exaggerated gait prized in competitions. There is separate legislation to stop the drugging of race horses. u Dog and Cat Meat Prohibition Act: This bill bans the slaughter and trade of dogs and cats for human consumption. Although consumption is low in the U.S., it does exist and is legal in many states. The legislation, sponsored by Buchanan and Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., would ban the practice nationwide. u Shark Fin Trade Elimination Act: The bill by Sens. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and Cory Booker, D-N.J., would ban the sale of shark “ns in the U.S. Shark “ns are sought to “ll the demand for shark “n soup; once the “ns are removed, the sharks are thrown back into the sea to drown, starve or bleed to death. u Humane Cosmetics Act: This bill by Rep. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., which has wide bipartisan support, would ban the testing of cosmetics on rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and other animals. u Prevent Animal Cruelty and Torture Act: This would create the “rst nationwide animal cruelty bill, empowering federal prosecutors to go after people who abuse animals on federal highways, at a federal facility, or as part of a business that sells pets across state lines. It is sponsored by Reps. Lamar Smith, RTexas, and Ted Deutch, D-Fla.ItÂs raining cats-and-dogs bills MARK R. CRISTINO, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCYABengal tiger licks a glass enclosure at a zoo in the Philippines. Congress is considering a bipartisan bill that would prohibit Americans from keeping big cats such as tigers and lions as pets. Erin KellyUSA TODAY ÂAnimals help humanize them.ÂŽWayne Pacelle ,CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, on why animal protection is popular in CongressCongress political foes unite behind measures to help pets, wild animals
The Sun /Friday, April 14, 2017 Page 3 IN BRIEFASSAD: SYRIAN CHEMICAL ATTACK A ÂFABRICATIONÂSyrian President Bashar Assad said an alleged chemical weapons attack that killed at least 86 people last week was a ÂfabricationÂŽ to justify a U.S. military strike. Assad said his army Âgave upÂŽ all chemical weapons and that the attack was Â100% fabricationÂŽ in an interview Wednesday with Agence France-Presse. However, the U.S. military said it intercepted communications between Syrian military ocers and chemical experts discussing preparations for the attack, CNN reported Thursday. ÂDe“nitely, 100% for us, itÂs fabrication. ... Our impression is that the West, mainly the United States, is hand-in-glove with the terrorists. They fabricated the whole story in order to have a pretext for the attack,ÂŽ Assad said, according to AFP. The U.S. and other nations accuse AssadÂs regime of using chemical weapons in an April 4 attack in a rebel-held town in Idlib province.BODY OF N.Y. APPEALS COURT JUDGE FOUND The body of New York State Court of Appeals Justice Sheila Abdus-Salaam, the “rst black woman and “rst Muslim appointed to the stateÂs highest court, was found Wednesda y afternoon ”oating in the Hudson River, according to police. Her fully clothed body was found in the water o 132nd Street, in Harlem, where she lives, one day after she was reported missing. The 65-year-old justice was pronounced dead by emergency medical personnel, police said. There were no signs of trauma on her body and no signs of criminality, according to police, The New York Times reported. ALSO ...uThe United Nations Security Council voted unanimously Thursday to end the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Haiti in midOctober after 13 years, sending a strong signal that the international community believes the impoverished Caribbean nation is stabilizing after successful elections. u An airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition in Syria mistakenly killed 18 soldiers from a U.S.backed rebel force battling the Islamic State, the military said Thursday. The coalition airstrike occurred Tuesday near Tabqah, where U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces are engaged in a key battle against the Islamic State over a strategically important dam. Those troops are the main U.S.-backed force battling the Islamic State in Syria. Sta and wire reportsHOLY THURSDAY CEREMONY GALI TIBBON, AFP/GETTY IMAGESGreek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III, center, leads the traditional Washing of the Feet ceremony during the Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) Easter procession at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in JerusalemÂs Old City. Uncertainty over the Aordable Care ActÂs fate is threatening the future of the market for everyone who buys their own insurance in some areas, as insurers exit public exchanges and individual insurance plans altogether. President Trump escalated fears this week by saying he may not authorize payment of the Affordable Care Act-required subsidies that as many as 7 million people use to help pay their deductibles and co-payments. Trump said the move should prompt Democrats to negotiate on health care reform. But now, a bipartisan group that includes high-level former members of Congress and regulators is “ghting back. In a statement released Thursday by the Bipartisan Policy Center, former Senate majority leaders Bill Frist, R-Tenn.; Tom Daschle, D-S.D.; and others said the uncertainty means higher costs for consumers. The group noted more insurers will leave the exchanges and either stop selling individual insurance plans altogether or signi“cantly boost premiums. Frist, a physician, apparently is the highest-level Republican to come out in favor of the costsharing reduction subsidies, and he was joined by conservative health experts, including Avik Roy, James Capretta and Republican former Health and Human Services ocial Gail Wilensky. ÂIn my conversations with health care executives, insurance CEOs and health policy experts, the number one issue raised to stabilize the market while we make broader improvements to the ACA was continuing to pay CSRs in 2018,ÂŽ Frist said in an emailed statement. These subsidies are available on a sliding scale for consumers with incomes from 100% to 250% of the federal poverty level or from about $24,000 to $97,000 for a family of four. Most of those eligible for the subsidies saw their out-of-pocket expenses dropfrom $1,500 to $1,000 per year, and those with the lowest incomes could have their deductibles lowered by up to $3,500 a year in 2017, the statement said. Real estate agents and other self-employed people who donÂt get insurance through the government or their employers didnÂt have to buy their individual plans on the federal or state ACA exchanges unless they were getting tax credits or subsidies. Some insurers that left the Affordable Care Act exchanges in certain states continued selling these o-exchange plans so they wouldnÂt be prohibited from returning if conditions improved under some states laws. ThatÂs starting to change: u Iowa. ThereÂs only one small insurer „ Medica „ left selling individual insurance plans in Iowa for 2018 with the departure of both Aetna and Wellmark. Medica still hasnÂt committed to selling individual insurance in Iowa for 2018. That means Iowans in most counties could be left with no carriers that oer individual insurance. u Tennessee .Humana no longer sells plans on or o the exchanges in Tennessee for 2018, while 16 counties in the eastern part of the state have no on-exchange plans for next year. Without assurances about the future of the stateÂs marketplace, TennesseeÂs insurance commissioner said it would be dicult to lure insurers back to counties without them. u Arizona .Humana and UnitedHealthcare no longer sell onor o-exchange plans. Six of eight health insurance companies „most citing losses and the unpredictability of the market „ exited ArizonaÂs marketplace for 2017. UnitedHealthcare still sells Âshort-termÂŽ plans in Arizona that donÂt cover a person for the entire year and donÂt comply with the ACA. Some can exclude coverage for existing medical conditions. These plans, which typically last three months, have become a popular option for Arizona consumers. ArizonaÂs benchmark plan had the largest premium increase in the nation this year and is the third most expensive among the 44 states, according to HHS. As deadlines loom between now and June for insurers to “le their rates with states, they need assurance from the Trump administration and Congress that the subsidies will continue to be funded, said Wilensky. Without this, Âmore insurers will drop out of the insurance exchanges, endangering access to care for too many Americans,ÂŽ she said. The House “led a lawsuit against the Obama administration claiming it was illegally reimbursing exchange insurers for reducing cost sharing for low-income customers. The suit is still pending and the 10 people who signed onto the Bipartisan Policy CenterÂs statement didnÂt take a position on it. ÂInsurers are looking for certainty from the administration and Congress to stabilize the individual marketplace. Without committing now to the continuation of CSR payments, many Americans may lose access to much needed health care,ÂŽ Daschle said in an emailed comment. That would be a familiar scenario for Phoenix resident Kim Sertich, 54, who said her insurance has been canceled three times since the ACA exchange launched in 2014. In past years, Sertich managed to “nd a new plan with coverage that “t her needs, but the exodus of insurers from ArizonaÂs individual marketplace this year made that option all but impossible. ÂFor me, opting out of the ACA was a slow build,ÂŽ Sertich said. ÂBasically, every year I had to go through the process all over again.ÂŽ She pays $199 a month for a Liberty HealthShare plan that does not pay for prescription drugs. She is healthy and optimistic that the coverage will meet her needs now, but she worries whatÂs ahead for similar people who donÂt qualify for marketplace subsidies and have few options. Health subsidies may be at risk Jayne OÂDonnell, Holly Fletcher, Tony Leys and Ken AlltuckerUSA TODAY Network Trump hints he may not OK funds for provision of Aordable Care A ct used by millions of people but lawmakers are speaking out CHIP SOMODEVILLA, GETTY IMAGESPresident Trump has said he may not authorize funding for health subsidies as required by the Aordable Care Act. Most of those eligible for the subsidies saw their out-ofpocket expenses drop from $1,500 to $1,000 per year, and those with the lowest incomes could have their deductibles lowered by up to $3,500 a year in 2017, the statement said. CAROLYN KASTER, APBill Frist Adaughter of the Kentucky physician at the center of a global uproar over his forced removal from a United Airlines ”ight said Thursday that the family was Âhorri“ed, shocked and sickenedÂŽ by the incident. ÂWhat happened to my dad should never have happened to any human being, regardless of the circumstances,ÂŽ Crystal Pepper said at a news conference in Chicago. David Dao, 69, suered a concussion, broken nose and damaged sinuses and lost two front teeth when he was dragged o a ”ight Sunday to make room for United personnel, lawyer Thomas Demetrio said. He said Dao has been released from the hospital and is in a ÂsecureÂŽ location. Alawsuit will be “led at some point, and a hearing on preserving evidence is set for Monday in Chicago, Demetrio said. He said United and other airlines have ÂbulliedÂŽ customers for a long time. ÂDr. Dao, I believe to his great credit, has come to understand that he is the guy, heÂs the guy to stand up for passengers going forward,ÂŽ Demetrio said. Social media outrage rained down on the Chicago-based airline after videos emerged of Sunday nightÂs violent confrontation on United Express Flight 3411 at ChicagoÂs OÂHare Airport, drawing hundreds of millions of views around the world. Demetrio called the video Ârather disturbing.ÂŽ He said that neither United CEO Oscar Munoz nor other United ocials have reached out to Dao. He also said he accepted MunozÂs public apology „ even though Demetrio called MunozÂs appearance Wednesday on Good Morning America Âsta g ed.ÂŽ After the news conference, United issued a statement saying Munoz and the company had called Dao Âon numerous occasionsÂŽ to apologize. ÂWe continue to express our sincerest apology to Dr. Dao,ÂŽ the statement said. United has said that all 70 seats on the Louisville-bound ”ight were “lled when four passengers were told they had to give up their seats to accommodate crew members needed in Louisville the next day. The passengers were selected based on a combination of criteria spelled out in UnitedÂs contract of carriage, including frequent-”ier status, fare type, check-in time and connecting ”ight implications, among others, according to United. Three passengers went quietly. Dao, a father of “ve who was ”ying with his wife, balked. Chicago aviation authorities were called and a wild scramble ensued as passengers recorded away. The videos show three security ocers speaking to Dao. One of the men grabs him, and he screams as he is yanked out of his seat and pulled down the aisle. Another video shows him bloodied and saying, ÂI have to go home.ÂŽ ÂHe is a 69-year-old man,ÂŽ Demetrio said. ÂIs that really how we want to treat the aged?ÂŽ Three Chicago Aviation ocers have been placed on leave. Passengers were issued refunds. UnitedÂs apology Thursday promised immediate action. The company said it will no longer ask law enforcement ocers to remove passengers from our ”ights Âunless it is a matter of safety and security.ÂŽ United also is reviewing policies on training and crew movement and how ÂoversoldÂŽ ”ights are handled. Eric Schier, CEO of Reputation Management Consultants, watched DemetrioÂs news conference and said he agreed with much of what DaoÂs lawyer had to say. ÂDao is now the protagonist for people refusing to be bashed in the teeth, horri“ed and bullied for UnitedÂs failure to expect the unexpected,ÂŽ Schier said. ÂDaoÂs attorney is right that ”iers deserve fairness, respect and dignity and not to get clobbered,ÂŽ he said.United ”ierÂs family is Âhorri“ed by incidentLawyer says suit to be “led; says passenger suered broken nose John Bacon@jmbacon USA TODAY JOSHUA LOTT, AFP/GETTY IMAGESDemonstrators protest United Airlines on Tuesday at ChicagoÂs OÂHare International Airport. ÂDr. Dao, I believe to his great credit, has come to understand that he is the guy ... to stand up for passengers going forward.ÂŽ Lawyer Thomas Demetrio
Page 4 The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 More than 150 years ago, some 40 miles north of Memphis, one of the greatest massacres of African-Americans in the nation unfolded. But the way one sign at Fort Pillow tells it, they were just Âsome Negroes.ÂŽ It was one of many signs that members of the Association for the Study of African-American Life and Historysaw while on a “eld trip to Fort Pillow some time ago, Clarence Christian, president of Memphis ASALH, said. It, like many others, did more to glorify the Confederacy than tell gory truths. ÂFor example, one of the signs said that the Southern sharpshooters felled all of the Union leaders at Fort Pillow and some Negroes died,ÂŽ Christian said, Âwhen we know that the majority of those who died, who were massacred, were African-American ƒ they were African-American colored troops and African-American family and folk who worked at Fort Pillow.ÂŽ So Wednesday, Christian, WeAllBe Inc. vice-president Callie Herd, and others gathered at Memphis National Cemetery to shred the shroud of anonymity from those African-Americans who were massacred at Fort Pillow and raise them to the recognition that they deserve. They laid wreaths at the graves of 109 Fort Pillow veterans during a ceremony there „ complete with a military color guard and a 21-gun salute. They also sang songs and heaped ancestral homages upon them and their African ancestors. The ceremony „ one of several events held over two days to honor those slaughtered at Fort Pillow and their descendants „ re”ected a grass-roots approach that Herd embraced to educate the community about the Fort Pillow massacre. On April 12, 1864, Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest led his troops in overtaking the Union garrison of around 600 men at Fort Pillow and slaughtering them after they had surrendered. Half of those whose blood colored the river were AfricanAmerican „ and their deaths have been all but forgotten in the rush to build monuments and name parks after Forrest, who later founded the Ku Klux Klan, or to sanitize the atrocities through marginalizing the victims. Which is precisely what the ceremony „ the second to be held „ was designed to counteract. Fort Pillow African-American victims honored Tonyaa Weathersbee USA TODAY Network JIM WEBER, THE COMMERCIAL APPEALYulanda Burgess, left, and Civil War reenactor Robert Bell, 67, roll up an American ”ag after a ceremony at the Memphis National Cemetery to honor African American Union troops slaughtered by Confederates on April 12, 1864.HIGHLIGHT: TENNESSEESTATE-BY-STATE ALABAMAMobile: For years, Three Mile Creek has been a dumping ground for polluters, and the public was warned about the risks of “shing and swimming there. Now, the Mobile City Council is launching the “rst one-mile section of a proposed 12-mile trail that uses the creek to connect city communities. ALASKAAnchorage: University of Alaska Anchorage Chancellor Tom Case is retiring June 30 from the post he has held for six years. Case is a former dean of the UAA College of Business and Public Policy. ARIZONATucson: AUniversity of Arizona public health expert says recently approved legislation will help students with asthma get help when experiencing respiratory distress at school. The legislation allows school sta to administer asthma medication instead of having to call a parent to get an inhaler or send the child to an emergency room. ARKANSASFort Smith: Ajudge has ordered Arkansas State Police to release dashcam videos in “ve cases that the agency refused to release last year. A police ocial had said the videos were exempt as part of an ongoing investigation. CALIFORNIAStinson Beach: Researchers discovered three 10-day-old mountain lion kittens in Sonoma County, The San Francisco Chronicle reports. The mother had been tracked by an Audubon Canyon Ranch research team. The kittens are in good health. COLORADOGlenwood Springs: AColorado newspaper discovered 40-year-old photos of serial killer Ted Bundy. The Glenwood Springs Post-Independent reports that the photos from 1977 were locked in an antique safe. CONNECTICUTHartford: Selfservice liquor machines may soon be coming to Connecticut. Lawmakers are considering a bill to allow businesses with state liquor permits to oer machines that dispense beer and wine to customers. DELAWAREWilmington: A former Chicago police ocial has been tapped as the new police chief in DelawareÂs largest city. Wilmington Mayor Mike Purzycki says Robert Tracy will succeed Bobby Cummings, who is retiring. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:The National Portrait Gallery has put up a photo of American jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald, ahead of the 100th anniversary of FitzgeraldÂs birth on April 25. Fitzgerald died in 1996. FLORIDAGainesville: On the heels of reduced federal protection for manatees, researchers say FloridaÂs population of the sea cows could double over the next half century if wildlife managers continue protecting them and their habitat. GEORGIAAtlanta: Aload of A tlanta Braves foam tomahawks fell from a truck shortly before noon Wednesday, delaying trac on a freeway near the teamÂs new stadium, The Atlanta JournalConstitution reports. HAWAIIHonolulu: Avoyaging canoe and its sister ship are scheduled to come home to Hawaii after going on a worldwide trip. The vessels are scheduled to arrive in Honolulu on June 17 after the last stop in Tahiti, KBMG-TV reports.IDAHOBoise: Bar owners say Idaho owes them reimbursement after lawmakers tweaked rules on serving alcohol at certain live performances. State law bans serving alcohol during nude or sexually explicit live shows. But the law was amended this year to exempt businesses that donÂt primarily derive income from live adult entertainment.ILLINOISPeoria: Ocials at Bradley University say a campus building has become the “rst to use solar panels as its primary source of energy. Dozens of solar panels were installed over a sixday period to provide Hillel house with nearly all of its electricity. INDIANASouth Bend: South Bend will get a new chocolate production facility and two museums, one with chocolate exhibits and artifacts, The South Bend Tribune reports. IOWACedar Rapids: The Cedar Rapids school district is talking to residents about plans to build 13 schools in “ve years. KCRG-TV reports that estimated costs range between $200 million and $260 million. KANSASTopeka: Fire“ghters rescued a cat from a tree Wednesday. They also rescued its owner, The Topeka Capital-Journal reports. Ocials say both were about 16 feet o the ground when they were plucked out. KENTUCKYFrankfort: Kentucky lawmakers have voted to include the phrase Âin the year of our LordÂŽ on some documents, The Lexington Herald-Leader reports. LOUISIANAHammond: Southeastern Louisiana University received a $10 million bequest from a 1953 graduate, the largest single donation in the institutionÂs 92-year history. MAINEWaterville: AMaine dog that was ordered euthanized for attacking two other dogs is getting another chance, The Morning Sentinel reports. Dakota, an Alaskan husky, was saved Wednesday by an appeal “led with the state supreme court. MARYLANDFrederick: AMaryland jury has awarded $17 million to the families of two helicopter pilots killed in a 2014 midair collision with a small plane, The Frederick News-Post reports. MASSACHUSETTSLynn: AMassachusetts man has a ready answer when asked for his two cents worth: He presents a check for that amount that he got from the government. Bruce Rideout of Lynn tells The Daily Item that he plans to have a frame made for it. The cost? More than $82. MICHIGANEast Lansing: An error by Michigan State University sta will end a longstanding college prep program for Lansing High School students, The Lansing State Journal reports. Federal ocials rejected the universityÂs request to renew its $480,000 Upward Bound grant in February, saying a description of the program was mistakenly left out of the request. MINNESOTASt. Paul: Retired veterans living in Minnesota are getting a big break on this yearÂs taxes. The state legislature exempted military pension payments from the state income tax. MISSISSIPPIJackson: Mississippi politicians will face new limits next year on how they can use campaign cash. A new law bans legislators and other elected ocials from spending such money for any non-campaign purpose. MISSOURIJeerson City: Missouri lawmakers are working on a buyout program targeting homes near a pair of St. Louisarea Superfund sites where Cold War-era nuclear waste was buried in the 1970s. MONTANAMissoula: Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has halted plans to transfer management of MontanaÂs National Bison Range to the Bureau of Indian Aairs. Zinke tells the Missoulian that heÂs committed to not selling or transferring public lands. NEBRASKAOmaha: Bernice Gorecki, 83, was struck in the head by a discus at a 2014 track meet in Nebraska. She has been awarded $350,000 in a settlement, The Omaha World-Herald reports. NEVADALas Vegas: Three Las Vegas vending machines will dispense clean needles to drug users. The machines are part of a joint eort by the Southern Nevada Health District, Nevada AIDS research and Education Society and Trac-B Exchange. NEW HAMPSHIREConcord: The New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission has approved 51 moose hunt lottery permits this year. ThatÂs the lowest number since the state started its current lottery system in 1988.NEW JERSEYBernards: ANew Jersey church has planted an ospring of a now-dead white oak that was believed to be the oldest in the country. reports that the old tree failed to sprout foilage last year and will be cut down soon. NEW MEXICOAlbuquerque: Facets of New MexicoÂs juvenile justice system will go under the microscope as part of a comprehensive task force review launched this week. New Mexico is among states looking for alternatives that respond to youth crime while improving the outcome for oenders. NEW YORKBualo: Authorities are investigating the possible hacking of the computer system at the Erie County Medical Center in Bualo. The hospitalÂs computer system was taken down Sunday after a virus was detected. NORTH CAROLINARaleigh: Some lawmakers want to make North CarolinaÂs public colleges leave their athletic conferences if those leagues boycott the state. Both North Carolina and N.C. State are charter members of the Atlantic Coast Conference, which pulled 10 neutral-site championships from the state in response to a law that limits protections for LGBT people. NORTH DAKOTABismarck: Sanford Health has renegotiated acontract with North Dakota ocials to keep a nursing program open in Bismarck. The new deal keeps a $1 annual lease rate in place for the next two years. OHIOEast Palestine: Acraving for a McDonaldÂs cheeseburger prompted an 8-year-old Ohio boy to take his 4-year-old sister for a ride in his dadÂs van. East Palestine police tell WJWTV that the boy drove about a mile to the restaurant without mishap. He told police he learned to drive by watching YouTube videos. OKLAHOMAEnid: Police in Enid say the body of a newborn was found last weekend in a trash bin. Ocers found the body while investigating reports of an odor. OREGONScottsburg: Atruck hauling empty pallets crashed through a railing on the Scottsburg Bridge, spilling the trailer into the Umpqua River and seending pallets ”oating downstream. The driver was treated for minor injuries. PENNSYLVANIAPhiladelphia: The sign says ÂNo Foul Language.ÂŽ WTXF-TV reports that itÂs at the site of a new library being built on the Temple University campus in Philadelphia. Madison Construction says it was put up so workers will keep it clean around students and anyone else who happens by. RHODE ISLANDPawtucket: The Pawtucket Red Sox and the city have hired consultants to explore the “nancial impact of a new stadium on the cityÂs downtown revitalization eort, The Providence Journal reports. The consultants will study two new potential sites for the team. SOUTH CAROLINAGreenville: Aman working on a South Carolina road died after he was electrocuted during a repaving project. Authorities say a dump truck clipped a power line, which then fell Tuesday on Marty Dale Whitmire of Liberty. The death is under investigation.SOUTH DAKOTAWatertown: A judge has ruled that Watertown is violating federal law by encroaching on the Sioux Rural Water SystemÂs territory. But the city argues that the rural water system doesnÂt have adequate supplies or pressure to provide “re protection, The Argus Leader reports. TENNESSEENashville: ATennessee bill to make the names of people who refuse to pay trac camera “nes con“dential has been withdrawn for the year, WTVF-TV reports. The sponsor had received 13 trac camera tickets. TEXASAustin: Texas health ocials say the state is experiencing its highest incidence of mumps in more than 20 years, including cases possibly linked to the popular spring break destination of South Padre Island. UTAHLogan: Atimber harvesting operation has begun at UtahÂs Beaver Mountain, The HeraldJournal reports. The estimated 36-month operation will harvest 320 acres, focusing on reducing “re potential and clearing areas aected by the mountain pine beetle.VERMONTMontpelier: Key Vermont lawmakers says passing amarijuana legalization bill is unlikely. Senate and House leaders disagree on whether to simply legalize possession and cultivation or tax and regulate sales. VermontÂs constitution doesnÂt allow referendums. VIRGINIAChester“eld: Asuburban Richmond police department has stopped using dozens of new body cameras issued to ocers last week due to overheating concerns. Chester“eld County police say cables between the camera and its controller overheated on several units. WASHINGTONOlympia: Microsoft has struck a deal with Washington stateÂs largest energy utility allowing the software giant to buy its own power on the open market. The company says the agreement would provide more ”exibility and support more carbon-free power in the state. WEST VIRGINIAWin“eld: More than 100 animals were rescued from a West Virginia farm after complaints of suspected neglect and sightings of loose animals. The man who runs the farm said he was going to register as a charity, but a pig ate the paperwork. WISCONSINMadison: Amajority of Conservation Congress hearing attendees say the state should put the brakes on sand mines, large farms and highcapacity wells. They also favor repealing statutes that relax iron mining regulations. The congress surveyed 3,226 attendees at its spring hearings in all 72 Wisconsin counties. WYOMINGCheyenne: Wyoming has been awarded up to $2 million in federal funds to retrain workers who lost their jobs in the coal industry. Workers in Campbell, Converse, Crook, Johnson, Niobrara, Sheridan and Weston counties are eligible. Compiled from sta and wire reports. News from across the USA
The Sun /Friday, April 14, 2017 Page 5 AMERICANS WILL SPEND THE MOST THIS EASTER Americans will spend a record $18.4 billion on Easter this year. The National Retail Federation, in its annual Easter forecast, said that number is 6% larger than the $17.3 billion spent in 2016. The organization credits the late date for Easter for driving spending. People plan to drop an average of $152 per person this year. The biggest expense will be food, with Americans dishing out $5.8 billion, plus $2.6 billion on candy. JCPENNEY DELAYS STORE CLOSURES, LIQUIDATION JCPenney said Thursday it is delaying plans to shutter 138 stores. ÂEver since the company announced its store closure list, those stores have seen betterthan-expected sales and traffic,ÂŽ company spokeswoman Daphne Avila told CNBC. As a result, itÂs Âprudent to continue selling through our spring and summer merchandise at the current promotional levels,ÂŽ Avila said. The chain will postpone liquidation sales until May 22, instead of April 17, as originally planned. Store closures have been pushed back six weeks, to July 31. MASERATI MOVING U.S. OPERATION TO DETROIT Maserati is planning to move its North American headquarters from New Jersey to a former corporate auto museum outside Detroit later this year so it can be closer to its parent company, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. Maserati became affiliated with Chrysler when Fiat acquired a controlling stake in the automaker in 2009. Despite that affiliation, the Italian luxury brand has operated separately from Chrysler in North America. Tom Shanley, head of Maserati North America, said the brand will continue to operate separately from the parent company but decided it was time to be physically closer. MONEYLINEGETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOTO PAUL SANCYA, AP U S A S NAP S H O T S Single paren t pay g a p 3% less t han w o m e n w o rk e r s a nnuall y .1.8%less O n av e ra g e, s in g l e dad s mak e t han m e n w o rk e r s and s ingl e m o m s mak eJAE YANG AND PAUL TRAP, USA TODAY S OURCE PayScale analysis of 300,000 U.S. full-time employees M O N E Y INDEXCLOSECHGNasdaq composite5805.15 y 31.01 S&P 5002328.95 y 15.98 T-note, 10-year yield2.24%unch. Oil, light sweet crude$53.18 x 0.07 Euro (dollars per euro)$1.0612 x 0.0014 Yen per dollar109.16 y 0.55SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM 20, 4 00 20, 44 0 20, 48 0 20,520 20,5 6 0 20, 6 00 DO W J O N ES IN D U S TRIAL AV G. -138.61 9 : 3 0 a m .20,592 4 :00 p m .20,453THURSDAYMARKETSSANFRANCISCOWhen thereÂs no consensus but a lot of conviction, Amazon founder and CEO Je Bezos has this advice: ÂDisagree and commit.ÂŽ ItÂs one of the nuggets of wisdom he oered up in his yearly Letter to Shareholders released this week. Decision-making is clearly a major focus of Bezos, who famously instituted a rule early on that no team at the company should contain more people than could be fed by two pizzas, to speed up communication and decisions. AmazonÂs goal is to make fast, quality decisions, which often can be done when about Â70% of the information you wish you hadÂŽ is available, Bezos wrote. Waiting for 90% means going too slow. He advocates for Âdisagree and commitÂŽ as a way to save time. His teams donÂt have to persuade him to take a particular route, they just have to convince him enough that heÂs willing to take the gamble. ÂIf you have conviction on a particular direction even though thereÂs no consensus, itÂs helpful to say, ÂLook, I know we disagree on this, but will you gamble with me on it? Disagree and commit? By the time youÂre at this point, no one can know the answer for sure, and youÂll probably get a quick yes,ÂŽ he wrote. Amazon has gone stretches without turning a pro“t as it reinvests its sales juggernaut into ventures such as Amazon Studios, cloud computing, enhanced logistics and its now popular Amazon Echo. Those bets have paid o, increasing its stock price by more than 20-fold the last decade,making Bezos the worldÂs second-richest person. Amazon also has come under “re at times for a hard-charging work culture that can be brutal for employees, charges Bezos has rebued. The companyÂs un”agging growth has been a key draw for the insights the Amazon founder drops into his annual letters, which he has been writing to shareholders since 1997. In that “rst one, he famously said it was Day 1 for both the Internet and Amazon, a theme he has returned to again and again. For those looking for a crystal ball into what Bezos sees as the future, itÂs clearly machine learning and arti“cial intelligence. While not as sexy as the arti“cial intelligence that runs AmazonÂs cloud-based AI assistant Alexa, machine learning is key to improving AmazonÂs core operations, even if itÂs happening beneath the surface. It Âdrives our algorithms for demand forecasting, product search ranking, product and deals recommendations, merchandising placements, fraud detection, translations, and much more,ÂŽ Bezos wrote. In this yearÂs letter, Bezos began by saying what Day 2 looks like „ someplace he clearly doesnÂt want Amazon to go. ÂDay 2 is stasis. Followed by irrelevance. Followed by excruciating, painful decline. Followed by death. And that is why it is always Day 1.ÂŽ He oers Âa starter packÂŽ of ways to defend against that decline. Among them, continued obsession with the customer and a skeptical view of proxies. Proxies often show up as processes. These can be good but can sometimes become the thing itself, with the process being the proxy for the results the company wants. Although Bezos didnÂt make the comparison, itÂs one of the reasons things went so wrong for United Airlines this week, following processes for customer service but not actually thinking about customer service. ÂWe can have the scope and capabilities of a large company and the spirit and heart of a small one. But we have to choose it,ÂŽ Bezos wrote. DAVID RYDER,GETTY IMAGESWith Âdisagree and commit,ÂŽ Je Bezos says his teams donÂt have to persuade him to take a particular route, they just have to convince him enough that heÂs willing to take the gamble.ÂDISAGREE AND COMMITÂJEFF BEZOS WORDS TO LIVE BY IN ANNUAL LETTERItÂs always Day 1 for the Amazon CEO, who says itÂs all about customer service Elizabeth Weise@eweise USA TODAY EVAN VUCCI, APÂD ay 2 i s st a s i s. Fo ll owed b y irr e l ev an ce. Fo ll owed b y exc r uc ia t ing pain fu l dec lin e. Fo ll owed b y de a th. A n d th a t i s wh y i t i s al w ay s D ay 1 .ÂŽ Amazon CEO Je Bezos ,aboveNEWYORKTesla CEO Elon Musk said Thursday the electric-car maker would reveal plans for a heavy commercial truck in September and show o a pickup within two years. The plans could stirthe redhot U.S. market for highly profitable pickupsand introduce a new wrinkle into the freighthauling business, which some think is poised for a shakeup with the prospect of self-driving trucks in the next decade. Musk revealed the plans on Twitter, where he also said the company would reveal the production version of its Model 3 mass-market electric car in July. That car is set to roll out later this year. His remarks come three days after Tesla brie”y surpassed General Motors as the most valuable American automaker, upping the ante for a company that must deliver the goods for salivating investors. Tesla shares closed Thursday at $304, up 2.4%, or $7.16. ÂTeam has done an amazing jobÂŽ on the truck he calls the Tesla Semi, he said in his tweet, without revealing details. ÂSeriously next level.ÂŽ In 2016, Musk wrote that the company would Âdeliver a substantial reduction in the cost of cargo transport, while increasing safety and making it really fun to operate.ÂŽ Although the plans are buzzworthy, delivering a large commercial truck to the market wouldbequite a feat. Tesla currently is not equipped to manufacture them. The company also doesnÂt have the capacity to make pickups. Then, thereÂs the issue of building a customer base for them. ÂItÂs a big, big challenge,ÂŽ Jerry Hirsch, editor of, said about TeslaÂs plans. On the commercial truck side, he notes that major truck makers such as GermanyÂs Daimler are already working on electric-powered trucks. Contributing: Chris WoodyardMusk says Tesla has plans for pickup, semi Challenge is coming up with the capacity Nathan Bomey@NathanBomey USA TODAY GETTY IMAGES FOR VANITY FAIRÂSeriously next level,ÂŽ Elon Musk says of the Tesla semi. Burger King could be cooking up a ”ame-broiled ad war with Google. The fast-food restaurant chain is serving up TV commercials that cause GoogleÂs voiceactivated, arti“cial intelligencedriven Google Home speaker to start talking about the Whopper sandwich. In the “rst version of the 15-second ad, which ran Wednesday on TV and is on YouTube, a man dressed as a Burger King worker asks the camera, ÂOK Google, what is the Whopper burger?ÂŽ That question triggered Google Home speakers to read the introduction to WikipediaÂs page devoted to the Whopper. The ploy worked “ne for Burger King until Wikipedia users began editing the Whopper Wikipedia page to include phrases such as: ÂThe ÂWhopper is the worst hamburger product sold by the international fast-food restaurant chain Burger King,ÂŽ and that ingredients included Ârat and toenail clippingsÂŽ and a Âmediumsized child.ÂŽ Wikipedia subsequently locked the Whopper page from new edits. And by Wednesday afternoon, Google had deactivated the adÂs ability to trigger Home devices. But Burger King launched two slightly tweaked versions of the ad late night Wednesday on episodes of NBCÂs The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel Live on ABC in New York, Miami and Los Angeles. By substituting the voice saying the command with a womanÂs voice or a dierent male voice from the man seen in the ad, the new spots again activated Google Home devices. When USA TODAY tried the ads Thursday morning, Home once again started listing Whopper ingredients, courtesy of Wikipedia. For Burger King, the ad served as a way to tap into the growing ownership of home speakers with AI-enhanced digital assistants such as AmazonÂs Alexa and AppleÂs Siri „ and of course, to generate some buzz. The company on Wednesday saw three times the activity on Twitter as it did the previous day, it said in a statement to USA TODAY. Google may not be ocially on board „ the company has declined to comment. Contributing: Jessica Guynn in San FranciscoBu rg e r K ing plan ts Who pp e r o n Goo gl e HomeNew TV ads trigger the devices to chat about hamburger Mike Snider@mikesnider USA TODAY HOME SPEAKER BY GOOGLE; INSET BY GARY GERSHOFF, GETTY IMAGES FOR BURGER KINGGoogle found a way to stop Burger KingÂs ad from setting o its devices, but two new Burger King ads triggered them again.
Page 6 The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 On April 11, the White House released an intelligence report accusing Russia of trying to cover up the use of chemical weapons by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad through a global disinformation campaign replete with Âfalse narratives.ÂŽ As a professor of Soviet history with an interest in media studies, IÂve been following RussiaÂs response to the chemical attack and subsequent U.S. missile strike „ the various television and print news stories, tweets and analyses put forth by RussiaÂs domestic and international media outlets. Together, theyÂre re”ective a larger Russian information strategy: Stress a uni“ed message at home but sow discord abroad.Jumping to the wrong conclusionInside Russia, all staterun media outlets and many independent ones are emphasizing that the Trump administration has wrongfully (or at least prematurely) condemned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for being behind the April 4 attack; has taken military action overseas without congressional or U.N. authorization; and has indirectly helped terrorists by damaging an airbase essential to “ghting ISIS. Their stories echo positions championed by the Russian government. When news of the chemical attack broke, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense posted a YouTube video explaining that the Syrian Air Force hadnÂt dropped chemical bombs on civilians. Rather, it had destroyed a warehouse where militants „ unbeknownst to the Syrian government „ were producing land mines packed with toxic chemicals. And after the U.S. missile strike, the Russian Foreign Ministry published a report detailing numerous cases in which (it claims) terrorist groups have deployed chemical weapons and then blamed Assad.What about Mosul?Meanwhile, RussiaÂs Kremlin-funded, English language media, intended for a foreign audience, are echoing these claims, but with a twist. With its slogan ÂQuestion More,ÂŽ the international television agency Russia Today (RT) is promising to expose its viewers to certain ÂtruthsÂŽ of the Syrian story that, it says, are being clouded by Western spin. For example, RTÂs English website published an editorial deploring the Âabsolutely psychopathic knee-jerk reactionÂŽ of Western media in voicing immediate support for the U.S. decision to retaliate against Assad through military action. In particular, RT is emphasizing the difference between the international outrage over civilians killed in SyriaÂs recent chemical weapons attack, compared to what it casts as the Western worldÂs relatively subdued response to the deaths of between 150 and 200 Iraqi noncombatants in a U.S.-led bombing raid on Mosul in mid-March. ÂMedia, of“cials react to Syria Âtoxic attack, not to Iraqi deaths,ÂŽ read an RT graphic this weekend that scrolled across multiple TV reports.ÂShow us the evidenceÂÂShow us the evidenceÂŽ was another mantra of the weekend, with networks pointing to ÂsuspiciousÂŽ American reliance on secret information to implicate Assad. Between stories, the network repeatedly ran a montage of U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley holding up pictures of young children killed in the chemical attack, followed by a soundbite of President Trump referring to the Âbeautiful babies cruelly murderedÂŽ in Khan Sheikhoun. The sequence then cut to a shot of former Secretary of State Colin Powell speaking to the U.N. Security Council in 2003 and holding up a vial of powder (meant to resemble anthrax), followed by a soundbite of former President George W. Bush warning of IraqÂs vast stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. Such a montage aims to remind viewers that U.S. ÂevidenceÂŽ of Iraqi WMDs was inaccurate, and subsequently deemed a massive intelligence failure. Further, it suggests that U.S. government of“cials can „ and do „ use images to play on the emotions of citizens and conceal lack of concrete proof. ÂWhen we see heart-wrenching images of dying children on our TV screen, itÂs hard not to be moved,ÂŽ a voice off-camera intones. ÂBut we should ask ourselves „ are our better instincts being manipulated?ÂŽSouring on TrumpAnd then thereÂs Trump. During the presidential campaign, most Russian media outlets were staunchly opposed to Hillary Clinton. They often mocked TrumpÂs various foibles, but when he was elected, the Russian Parliament burst into applause. Since then, heÂs been consistently portrayed as a successful pragmatist, a leader with whom the Kremlin could do business. Now some in Russia are branding him a crazy cowboy. ÂTrump „ more insane and dangerous than Obama?ÂŽ one analyst queried. Even Echo Moscow, an independent radio station and staunch critic of the Russian government, tweeted as its Âphoto of the dayÂŽ a caricature originally published by the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. In it, Trump smiles and shoots a mini-missile. The heading reads: ÂThis April, letÂs just do whatever we please.ÂŽ Other sources cast Trump as a great manipulator, trying to win over critics appalled by his earlier rhetoric of nonintervention. Many suggest that heÂs attempting to appear tough on Russia just as heÂs facing congressional scrutiny for his administrationÂs alleged Russian ties. ÂHeÂs not the not the “rst president to use war to de”ect from a troubled domestic situation,ÂŽ a scripted RT piece declared, ”ashing to a picture of former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.ÂQuestion More „ if youÂre not RussianSuch coverage of Trump illustrates how RussiaÂs international media policy expands on its domestic one. Inside Russia, propaganda functions in a more familiar way, with a government bureaucracy working to ensure that the countryÂs three major television stations „ Channel One, Rossiya and NTV „ produce a united political message about a strong Russian state. (The Kremlin watchdogs are so careful to protect Vladimir PutinÂs image that they recently made it illegal to circulate altered pictures of the Russian president wearing makeup.) But RT „ the international network „ is ecumenical in its criticism, rather than rote. The network invites guests from all sides, with varying degrees of legitimacy, to air their views. Essentially, they provide a forum to sow almost any kind of doubt about the American status quo. ItÂs not about controlling a message as much as it is about confusing whatever messages are put out by Western „ especially American „ authorities. Labeled by U.S. intelligence organizations as a Russian propaganda weapon, RT nevertheless casts itself as a voice dedicated to helping viewers become less gullible media consumers. It has even volunteered to help Facebook “ght Âfake news.ÂŽ If it is a weapon, then, it operates by encouraging a lack of trust in the institutions and ideals of a Western-led world order, all under the guise of independent thinking. At the same time, its anchors are quick to shut down or redirect any statements that call RussiaÂs actions into question. When, for example, CNN ran a story about a Pentagon investigation into possible Russian knowledge of AssadÂs chemical attack, RT mentioned CNNÂs coverage „ but only as an example of Western bias. U.S. and Russian journalists both claim to champion the right to criticize, to challenge authority and to investigate potential wrongdoing. However, only one countryÂs major media outlets seem interested in holding leaders accountable to the same degree both at home and abroad. Dependent on Kremlin patronage, RussiaÂs domestic media, with a few courageous exceptions, work to reinforce Kremlin power. RT goes a step further, seeking to turn the strengths of liberal democracy into vulnerabilities. Its programming demonstrates how the right to question authority „ an essential pillar of an open society Â… can also be ÂweaponizedÂŽ by those who are prepared to exploit freedom of speech to undermine their rivals. Cynthia Hooper does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would bene“t from this article, and has disclosed no relevant af“liations beyond the academic appointment above.In the wake of Syrian missile strike, a look inside RussiaÂs alternate media realityBy CYNTHIA HOOPER COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS AP PHOTOSUnited Nations Security Council members show hands for a vote on a resolution condemning SyriaÂs use of chemical weapons at U.N headquarters on Wednesday, April 12, 2017. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, left, and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson attend a news conference following their talks in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, April 12, 2017. Amid a erce dispute over Syria, the United States and Russia agreed Wednesday to work together on an internati onal investigation of a Syrian chemical weapons attack last week.
The Sun /Friday, April 14, 2017 Page 7 ALMANACToday is Good Friday, April 14, the 104th day of 2017. There are 261 days left in the year. Today in historyOn April 14, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was shot and mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth during a performance of ÂOur American CousinÂŽ at FordÂs Theater in Washington. On this dateIn 1775 the first American society for the abolition of slavery was formed in Philadelphia. In 1828 the first edition of Noah WebsterÂs ÂAmerican Dictionary of the English LanguageÂŽ was published. In 1912 the British liner RMS Titanic collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic at 11:40 p.m. shipÂs time and began sinking. (The ship went under two hours and 40 minutes later with the loss of 1,514 lives.) In 1935 the ÂBlack SundayÂŽ dust storm descended upon the central Plains, turning a sunny afternoon into total darkness. In 1939 the John Steinbeck novel ÂThe Grapes of WrathÂŽ was first published by Viking Press. In 1949 the ÂWilhelmstrasse TrialÂŽ in Nuremberg ended with 19 former Nazi Foreign Office officials sentenced by an American tribunal to prison terms ranging from four to 25 years. In 1965 the state of Kansas hanged Richard Hickock and Perry Smith for the 1959 murders of Herbert Clutter, his wife, Bonnie, and two of their children, Nancy and Kenyon. The murders were detailed in the Truman Capote non-fiction novel ÂIn Cold Blood.ÂŽ In 1970 President Richard Nixon nominated Harry Blackmun to the U.S. Supreme Court. (The choice of Blackmun, who was unanimously confirmed by the Senate a month later, followed the failed nominations of Clement Haynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell.) In 1981 the first test flight of AmericaÂs first operational space shuttle, the Columbia, ended successfully with a landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California. In 1986 Americans got word of a U.S. air raid on Libya (because of the time difference, it was the early morning of April 15 where the attack occurred.) TodayÂs birthdaysActor Bradford Dillman is 87. Actress Julie Christie is 77. Retired MLB All-Star Pete Rose is 76. Rock musician Ritchie Blackmore is 72. Actor John Shea is 68. Actor-turned-race car driver Brian Forster is 57. Actor Brad Garrett is 57. Actor Robert Carlyle is 56. Rock singer-musician John Bell (Widespread Panic) is 55. Actor Robert Clendenin is 53. Actress Catherine Dent is 52. Actor Lloyd Owen is 51. Baseball Hall of Famer Greg Maddux is 51. Rock musician Barrett Martin is 50. Actor Anthony Michael Hall is 49. Actor Adrien Brody is 44. TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) „ Firefighters in Kansas rescued a cat from a tree. They also rescued its owner. The Topeka CapitalJournal reports that the woman climbed the tree Wednesday trying to get to her cat but she wasnÂt able to get back down. Topeka Fire Department Shift Commander Todd Williams says the woman and her cat were about 16 feet up in a large tree when they were plucked out. WhatÂs more, he says such rescues arenÂt that uncommon in Topeka. The cat ownerÂs name wasnÂt released.ODD NEWS Topeka firefighters rescue cat caught in tree and its ownerTHE WIRE MIAMI „ A quarter-century after he vanished on the eve of a major drug indictment, the last of MiamiÂs fabled Âcocaine cowboysÂŽ was in custody Thursday, nabbed on a suburban bike ride with his wife near Disney World. Prosecutors say the man living under an assumed name is Gustavo ÂTabyÂŽ Falcon, who was part of a homegrown drug gang that used super-fast speedboats to smuggle 75 tons of cocaine in the 1980s ÂMiami ViceÂŽ era. Falcon, 55, had been on the lam since 1991, when his older brother Augusto ÂWillieÂŽ Falcon and fellow drug kingpin Salvador ÂSalÂŽ Magluta were indicted by a federal grand jury. U.S. Marshals spokesman Barry Golden said investigators were surprised to “nd him living in a typical pink stucco home in a quiet, middle-class Kissimmee suburb. ÂNobody thought Gustavo Falcon was still in the United States,ÂŽ Golden said. At his initial court hearing Thursday in Orlando, Gustavo Falcon agreed to be sent to South Florida to face charges of conspiracy to import cocaine into the U.S. He was ordered held without bond, court records show. Augusto Falcon and Magluta were small-time drug dealers when they dropped out of high school in the late 1970s to begin building their cocaine empire that would amass more than $2 billion, according to trial evidence. They eventually owned world-class ocean racing boats and lived like royalty. Mickey Munday, who did prison time for ”ying cocaine loads for ColombiaÂs Medellin Cartel, said the pair was known for their honesty in business deals „ legal or otherwise „ and the expertise of their boat-building operation. They also drove ”ashy cars and lived in seaside mansions, even when murders and shootings linked to their organization brought police scrutiny. ÂThey were so ”amboyant,ÂŽ Munday said. ÂEverybody in the world knew what they were doing. Why attract attention to yourself?ÂŽ Gustavo Falcon was not viewed as a top leader of the organization, and vanished just ahead of a 1991 indictment that charged him along with his brother, Magluta and others. He had not been seen since until Wednesday, when U.S. marshals surveilling his rented home in Kissimmee watched him and his wife leave their garage for a bike ride. A neighbor, David Pera, said he frequently saw the couple riding their bikes and never saw them in a car. An older model pickup truck sitting in the driveway never moved, he said. ÂIÂd say hi, they would say hi, and that was about it,ÂŽ Pera said Thursday. It took an exhaustive records search to bring the marshals there. Weeks earlier, they discovered a Florida driverÂs license issued to a Luis Reiss, traced back to a South Florida home that had been owned by Gustavo Falcon. Then they found 2013 car accident involving Reiss, which eventually led to the house he was sharing with his wife, Amelia. She also had fake identi“cation, in the name of Maria Reiss. Marshals followed as the couple got on their bikes and headed out Wednesday for what turned into a 40-mile ride. Because they were both wearing helmets and sunglasses, it took a while for investigators to make a positive identi“cation, Golden said. Once they felt sure enough, marshals with guns drawn stopped the couple at an intersection a few blocks from their house. ÂWe had to be 100 percent certain this was the guy,ÂŽ Golden said. After his arrest, Gustavo Falcon told authorities he had been living in the Orlando area since 2009 and in the rental house since 2012. ItÂs not clear where he was during all the other years, but of“cials say itÂs believed he was living overseas for some of that time. Authorities said they did not know if Falcon had a job. His wife was not arrested. His brother and Magluta were acquitted of all charges at their trial in 1996, leading to the resignation of then-Miami U.S. Attorney Kendall Coffey. Despondent at the loss, Coffey and others went to a strip club where he got into an altercation involving the biting of a stripper. Later, it turned out that Augusto Falcon and Magluta had bought off witnesses and at least one member of the jury, a foreman who did 17 years in prison after accepting $400,000. Magluta, now 62, was tried a second time, convicted of drug-related money laundering in 2002 and sentenced to 205 years in prison. That was reduced to 195 years in 2006. Augusto Falcon, now 61, then accepted a plea deal in 2003 on similar charges. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison and is scheduled for release from a Kentucky facility on June 17. Their mansions, boats, cars, planes, bank accounts and other ill-gotten gains are long gone, seized and sold by the government. Munday, the former cartel pilot, said Augusto Falcon and Magluta should have disappeared as well, after their initial not-guilty verdicts. ÂThey were guys who went from nothing to having just about anything they could imagine that they wanted,ÂŽ he said. ÂAs soon as they got the innocent verdict, they should have hauled out of here to Argentina.ÂŽMarshals nab last of Âcocaine cowboys, on lam for 26 yearsBy CURT ANDERSONASSOCIATED PRESS FALCON AP PHOTOThe home of Gustavo ÂTaby Flacon sits vacant in a quiet suburb in Kissimmee, Fla., on Thursday, April 13, 2017, the day after his arrest for drug smuggling. Falcon was arrested and charged with smuggling tons of cocaine into the United States in the 1980Âs.Renowned HIV/ AIDS researcher dies while swimming in Florida Gun maker SCCY announces move from Florida to Tennessee Divided Florida House votes for plan to shift students Florida House: University boosters need to open books FloridaÂs Âstand your ground law could get a tweakMIAMI (AP) „ Police say a 71-year-old Canadian HIV/AIDS researcher died while swimming off a Florida beach with his family. Bal Harbor police Capt. Mike De La Rosa tells the Miami Herald that Dr. Mark Wainberg was in the water Tuesday afternoon when his son lost sight of him. De La Rosa says the son spotted him and began swimming back to shore with him. CPR was started and MiamiDade County Fire Rescue crews took Wainberg to a hospital, where he was declared dead. Red ”ags were ”ying Tuesday due to a National Weather Service report of strong currents. The Herald reports Wainberg was on the “rst team to discover the anti-viral drug Lamivudine to treat HIV/AIDS in 1989. He was inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame in 2015. MARYVILLE, Tenn. (AP) „ Handgun maker SCCY Industries has announced it will move its factory and headquarters to new 68-acre campus in East Tennessee. The Knoxville News Sentinel reports that SCCY is relocating to Maryville from Daytona Beach, Florida, and plans to hire at least 350 people at the new facility over TALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida House is signing off on an ambitious $200 million plan to shift students from chronically failing schools to charter schools run by private organizations. The House on Thursday voted 77-40 for a bill that would offer up money to build ÂSchools of HopeÂŽ in neighborhoods, many of them in urban and poor areas. State senate leaders have said they are willing to consider the proposal. Republicans said the legislation will help children now stuck in failing schools. But Democrats criticized the bill and said the state should be spending money on traditional public schools. The legislation is a top priority for House Speaker Richard Corcoran. The schools would be within 5 miles of or in the zones of existing TALLAHASSEE (AP) „ FloridaÂs college athletic booster groups and university foundations would be forced to open their records to the public under a bill passed by the Florida House. The Florida House voted 115-0 Thursday to change a state law that allows university groups to keep most of their records private. If it becomes law athletic boosters and university foundations could only keep information on the names of donors secret. The bill heads to the Florida Senate. The legislation also prevents colleges and universities from using taxpayer money to pay for people who work for direct support organizations, which usually raise money to help pay for athletics and other university operations. The House has been scrutinizing university spending and requested private records that showed how much university foundations spend on travel and salaries. TALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida Senate passed a bill that would tweak the stateÂs Âstand your groundÂŽ law to make it clear residents | HEADLINES FROM THE STATEthe next “ve years. SCCY founder and CEO Joe Roebuck says the Florida factory will be gradually shut down, and that only a handful of employees will make the move to Tennessee. Construction on the new 75,000-square-foot plant is expected to begin as early as the end of this year, and production is expected to begin in the second half of 2018. Italian gun maker Beretta last year celebrated the opening of its new manufacturing and research facility outside Nashville. traditional public schools that have repeatedly earned low grades. donÂt have to be attacked before using force against someone threatening them in their home. The bill passed on a 22-15 vote Thursday. Republican Sen. David Simmons said his bill was simply a clari“cation and didnÂt substantially change the intent of the law. Still, it was opposed by Democrats who think Âstand your groundÂŽ itself is a bad law. The bill removes the word ÂattackedÂŽ and adds language that residents in their home can use force, including deadly force, if they reasonably believe they or others are in danger of death or great bodily harm. A similar House bill still has one committee stop before it can be heard by the full chamber. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) „ A reservoir system would be built south of Lake Okeechobee to stop toxic algae discharges from fouling coastal communities under a bill that Florida senators sent to the House Wednesday following extensive debate. The Senate voted for the bill (SB 10) 36-3, giving a victory to Senate President Joe Negron who has made it a priority during the Legislative session. The billÂs sponsor, Sen. Rob Bradley, said the project is designed to avoid a repeat outbreak like the one last summer when Âguacamole-waterÂŽ saturated beach communities in Florida, threatening tourism, and the health of residents and marine life. ÂI am not describing a scene from a Third World country, but one of the areas most populated in our state,ÂŽ Bradley said. The bill provides money for the $1.5 billion project, a cost that the state and federal governments would split. The bill would also accelerate the projectÂs completion. ÂItÂs been such a political and “nancial nut to crack, and now we “nally have the political will to get it done,ÂŽ Bradley said. As the proposal inched closer to the Senate ”oor for consideration, it went through a major overhaul including scaling-back the projectÂs size to take less agricultural land out of production. The plan would create at least 240,000 acre feet of storage, and would store about 78 billion gallons. The bill was amended after it received pushback from opponents in the agricultural and sugar industries, but both industries remain hesitant to support the proposal. Florida Sugarcane Farmers said in a statement the plan has improved but Âmassive job lossesÂŽ are still a concern. Bradley said the project could take between 3,000 to 6,000 acres of agricultural land out of production.Florida Senate approves plan to stop toxic algae
Page 8 The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 DHI DR Horton 33.44 -.30 DTE DTE 103.96 +.83 DXC DXC Tch n 76.13 +1.85 DRI Darden 82.49 -.45 DV DeVryEd 34.70 -1.15 DF DeanFoods 19.74 -.31 DE Deere 109.35 -1.81 DCTH Delcath rs .06 -.01 DLPH DelphiAuto 74.28 -.63 DAL DeltaAir 45.05 -.24 DNR DenburyR 2.41 -.09 DB DeutschBk 16.19 -.13 DVN DevonE 41.87 -.65 DEO Diageo 116.36 +.62 DO DiamOffsh 15.63 -.60 DRH DiamRk 10.92 -.11 DSX DianaShip 5.93 -.03 DBD Diebold 28.70 -.50 DGII DigiIntl 11.90 -.15 DLR DigitalRlt 109.92 +.50 DDS Dillards 52.49 -.53 DUST DirDGlBr rs 24.70 -.63 JDST DxGlMBr rs 12.49 -.57 SPXS DirSPBear 9.24 +.10 TZA DxSCBear rs18.94 +.70 FAZ DxFnBr rs 20.11 +.40 JNUG DrGMBll s 7.59 +.30 NUGT DxGBull s 11.18 +.29 FAS DxFnBull s 42.65 -.90 LABD DxBiotBear 11.31 -.23 TNA DrxSCBull 99.89 -4.20 ERX DirxEnBull 32.54 -.40 DFS Discover 65.47 -.56 DISCA DiscCmA 28.69 -.3 5 DISH DishNetw h 63.99 +.44 DIS Disney 113.04 -.03 DG DollarGen 68.96 -.19 DLTR DollarTree 77.14 +.06 D DomRescs 77.93 +.45 DPZ Dominos 175.13 -.38 DCI Donaldson 44.67 -1.28 DOW DowChm 61.92 -.57 LEO DryStrt 8.74 +.02 DRYS DryShp rs 2.17 +.43 DD DuPont 78.43 -.71 DUC DufPUC 9.20 ... DUK DukeEngy 82.78 +.59 DRE DukeRlty 27.76 +.19 DYN Dynegy 7.43 -.13 ETFC E-Trade 33.73 -.35 EBAY eBay s 34.27 +.28 EOG EOG Rescs 97. 49 -.39 ETN Eaton 74.24 -1.15 EOS EV EEq2 13.70 -.02 EXG EVTxMGlo 8.73 ... ECL Ecolab 124.96 -.70 EIX EdisonInt 80.80 +.81 EW EdwLfSci s 93.75 +.15 EGO EldorGld g 3.55 -.01 LLY EliLilly 86.25 +.32 ELLI EllieMae 103.13 -.79 ESBK ElmiraSB 21.15 ... EMES EmergeES 14.34 +.08 EMR EmersonEl 58.42 -1.31 EEP EnbrdgEPt 18.22 -.30 ENB Enbridge 42.51 +.32 ECA EnCana g 11.78 -.28 ENDP Endo Intl 10.76 -.01 ETE EgyTrEq s 18.75 -.15 ETP EngyTsfr 35.66 -.19 ERF Enerpls g 8.09 -.06 ENLC EnLinkLLC 19.65 +.15 EBF Ennis Inc 15.60 -.62 ESV ENSCO 8.72 -.62 ETR Entergy 77.08 +.48 EPD EntProdPt 27.88 -.03 ERIC Ericsson 6.42 +.09 ES EversrceE 59.88 +.67 EVLV EvineLive 1.27 +.03 EXEL Exelixis 20.68 -.28 EXC Exelon 36.19 +.05 EXPE Expedia 129.28 +.16 ESRX ExpScripts 66.54 -.23 XOM ExxonMbl 82.97 +.13 FMC FMC Corp 72.89 -2.49 FNB FNBCp PA 14.21 -.15 FB Facebook 139.58 -.34 FMSA FairmSant 7.03 -.29 FAST Fastenal 46.29 -4.05 FDX FedExCp 186.31 -6.68 FRT FedRlty 134.87 -.21 FNHC FedNatHld 15.97 +.27 RACE Ferrari n 71.66 -.18 FGP Ferrellgs 6.01 +.14 FCAU FiatChrys 10.05 -.14 FNF FidlNatFn 38.53 -.07 FNFV FNFV Grp 12.25 -.10FSC FifthStFin 4.39 -.03 FITB FifthThird 24.33 -.36 FNSR Finisar 24.15 -.07 FEYE FireEye 12.04 -.09 FDC FstData n 14.96 -.05 FHN FstHorizon 1 8.11 -.33 AG FMajSilv g 9.23 +.04 FSLR FstSolar 27.91 -.19 FXN FT Engy 15.01 -.20 FE FirstEngy 31.61 +.17 FIT Fitbit n 5.48 -.10 FLC FlrtyTotR 21.24 -.11 FLEX Flex Ltd 15.98 -.19 FLO FlowrsFds 19.59 +.10 FLR Fluor 51.13 -1.61 FL FootLockr 72.60 +.12 F FordM 11.23 -.05 FBHS FBHmSec 61.71 -.35 BEN FrankRes 40.81 -.20 FCX FrptMcM 12.88 -.74 FTR FrontierCm 2.03 -.02 FCEL FuelCell rs 1.65 -.25 FNCX Functnx rs .56 +.12 G-H-IGGP GGP Inc 23.21 -.07 GNC GNC 7.27 -.15 GWPH GW Pharm117.75 -.50 GDV GabDvInc 20.83 ... GGT GabMultT 8.13 -.12 GUT GabUtil 6.84 -.06 GLPI Gam&Lsr n 34.30 -.15 GPS Gap 24.30 -.20 GRMN Garmin 49.29 -.70 GAM GAInv 33.64 ... GD GenDynam186.34 -2.04 GE GenElec 29.77 -.27 GIS GenMills 57.58 +.16 GM GenMotors 33.94 +.02 GEL GenesisEn 32.25 -.49 GNTX Gentex 20.16 -.18 GNW Genworth 4.14 -.02 GGB Gerdau 3.02 -.16 GILD GileadSci 66.22 +.20 GSK GlaxoSKln 41.86 +.08 GSAT Globalstar 1.70 +.01 GMED GlobusMed 30.60 +.79 GLUU GluMobile 2.25 -.04 GDDY GoDaddy n 36.29 -.49 GFI GoldFLtd 3.83 +.05 GG Goldcrp g 15.50 +.17 GS GoldmanS 225.75 -1.99 GT Goodyear 34.39 -1.25 GPRO GoPro 8.69 -.26 GRA vjGrace 67.90 -.68 GXP GtPlainEn 29.65 +.32 GEF Greif A 53.88 -1.52 GRIF Griffin 31.35 -.05 GRPN Groupon 3.77 +.02 GRUB GrubHub 35.05 +.50 GSH Guan gRy 31.06 -.04 GPOR GulfportE 16.64 -.59 HCP HCP Inc 31.90 +.09 HPQ HP Inc 18.02 +.48 HSBC HSBC 40.97 -.15 HAIN HainCels lf 36.59 -.21 HAL Hallibrtn 49.33 -.68 HBI Hanesbds s 21.11 +.26 THG HanoverIns 86.70 -1.38 HOG HarleyD 61.05 -1.00 HLIT Harmonic 5.60 +.05 HMY HarmonyG 2.75 -.03 HSC Harsco 12.15 -.70 HIG HartfdFn 47.82 -.39 HE HawaiiEl 33.82 +.06 HCSG HlthCSvc 45.55 +3.37 HL HeclaM 5.64 +.01 HLX HelixEn 7.49 .38 HSY Hershey 109.05 +.64 HTZ HertzGl 15.77 -.31 HES Hess 50.57 -.54 HPE HP Ent n 18.05 -.13 HTH HilltopH 26.62 -.48 HIMX HimaxTch 8.39 -.25 HFC HollyFront 27.82 -.03 HD HomeDp 146.54 -1.66 HMC Honda 28.57 -.19 HON HonwllIntl 123.15 -1.39 HZNP HorizPhm 15.18 +.05 HRL Hormel s 34.25 -.05 HPT HospPT 32.28 -.28 HST HostHotls 18.38 -.19 HNP HuanPwr 27.59 +.03 HUBB Hubbell 117.90 -1.98 HUM Humana 212.99 +.09 HBAN Hunt Bncsh 12.86 -.14 HII HuntgtnIng 203.65 -1.97 HUN Huntsmn 23.73 -.79 IAG IAMGld g 4.55 +.16 IBN ICICI Bk 8.69 -.07 IDXX IdexxLab s 154.20 -.49 ING ING 14.79 -.16 IAU iShGold 12.34 +.10 EWA iSAstla 22.49 -.06 EWZ iShBrazil 36.92 -.08 EWC iShCanada 27.05 -.02 EZU iShEMU 37.25 -.03 EWH iSh HK 22.60 +.10 EWY iSh SKor 59.70 +.59 EWW iShMexico 51.39 -.51 SLV iShSilver 17.46 +.15 DVY iShSelDiv 91.21 -.24 FXI iShChinaLC 38 .36 +.04 IVV iSCorSP500235.59 -.96 AGG iShUSAgBd109.13 +.24 EEM iShEMkts 39.31 +.19 LQD iShiBoxIG 118.94 +.39 TLT iSh20 yrT 123.09 +.67 IEF iSh7-10yTB106.62 +.33 EFA iS Eafe 61.99 -.05 HYG iShiBxHYB 87.40 +.06IBB iShNsdqBio288.65 +.28 INDA iShIndia bt 31.69 -.12 IWM iShR2K 135.04 -1.86 HDV iShCorHiDv 83.96 +.13 PFF iShUSPfd 38.77 ... IYR iShREst 79.95 -.18 IJR iShCrSPS s 67.69 -1.00 IEFA iShCorEafe 57.74 -.09 IDA Idacorp 84.84 +.88 ITW ITW 130.87 -1.94 IMNP ImmuneP h .13 -.01 IBCP IndBkMI 20.40 -.35 INFY Infosys 15.26 +.17 IR IngerRd 82.29 -1.36 INGR Ingredion 120.58 -.28 ITEK InotekPh n 2.05 +.10 INTC Intel 35.63 -.11 ICPT InterceptP 105.77 -2.81 ICE IntcntlExc s 59.83 -.46 INAP Internap 3.45 +.11 IBM IBM 170.66 +.08 IGT IntlGmeT n 23.17 -.40 IP IntPap 50.04 -.22 IPG Interpublic 24.50 +.02 INTX Intersectns 4.04 +.04 ISRG IntSurg 764.26 -.57 INVN InvenSense 12.57 -.01 IVZ Invesco 30.48 -.33 ISBC InvestBncp 14.09 -.22 IONS IonisPhm 39.35 +.21 EWJ iShJapan rs 51.04 -.17 EWT iSTaiwn rs 33.27 +.24 IEMG iShCorEM 47.79 +.22 HEWJ iShCHJpn 27.24 -.22 ITUB ItauUnibH 12.03 ... J-K-LJD 32.71 +.41 JPM JPMorgCh 85.40 -.33 JEC JacobsEng 53.11 -1.50 JAKK JkksPac 5.10 ... JBLU JetBlue 21.20 -.34 JNJ JohnJn 125.40 +1.18 JCI JohnContl n 40.90 -.32 JNPR JnprNtwk 27.63 -.16 KBH KB Home 20.04 ... KBR KBR Inc 14.81 -.43 KKR KKR 17.57 -.31 KSU KC Southn 87.51 -.89 KATE KateSpade 19.55 -.15 K Kellogg 72.33 +.18 KERX KeryxBio 5.76 +.03 KEY Keycorp 17.17 -.16 KMB KimbClk 133.10 +.47 KIM Kimco 22 .35 +.11 KMI KindMorg 21.66 +.05 KGC Kinross g 3.85 +.13 KNX KnightTr 31.35 -2.15 KSS Kohls 40.15 -.08 KOS KosmosEn 6.29 -.15 KHC KraftHnz n 91.93 +1.10 KTOS KratosDef 7.59 -.36 KR Kroger s 29.86 +.29 KLIC Kulicke 19.60 -.21 LB L Brands 47.81 -.14 LLL L-3 Tch 166.45 -.81 LKQ LKQ Corp 28.14 -.48 LTC LTC Prp 49.08 -.27 LSTR Landstar 84.10 -2.05 LPI LaredoPet 14.49 -.34 LVS LVSands 56.51 +.36 LHO LaSalleH 28.68 -.12 L EG LeggPlat 51.10 -.43 LC LendingClb 5.52 -.03 LVLT Level3 59.56 +.46 USA LbtyASE 5.45 -.03 LBTYA LibtyGlobA 34.57 +.01 LPT LibtProp 40.54 -.05 LECO LincElec 83.16 -3.91 LYG LloydBkg 3.20 -.03 LMT LockhdM 268.51 -1.76 LOW Lowes 81.87 -.54 LULU lululemn gs 52.08 +.38 LITE Lumentm n 44.25 -1.45 LUX Luxottica 54.80 +.81 LYB LyonBas A 86.34 -1.68 M-N-0MTB M&T Bk 149.82 -1.66 MBI MBIA 8.98 -.02 MDC MDC 29.87 -.13 MDU MDU Res 27.46 -.22 MTG MGIC Inv 10.85 +.21 MGM MGM Rsts 27.57 -.14 MVC MVC Cap 8.93 ... M Macys 29.17 -.54 MGA Magna g s 39.99 -.19 MTW Manitowoc 5.85 -.34 MFC Manulife g 17.23 -.15 MRO MarathnO 16.41 -.19 MPC MarathPt s 49.94 -.49 MAR MAR 91.75 +.35 MMC MarshM 72.72 -.67 MMLP MartinMid 19.35 +.10 MRVL MarvellTch 14.81 -.04 MAS Masco 33.31 -.55 MSTX MastThera .14 +.01 MA MasterCrd 111.47 -.64 MAT Mattel 25.73 ... MXIM MaximIntg 43.69 -.62 MKC McCorm 99.84 +.17 MDR McDrmInt 6.56 -.24 MCD McDnlds 131.26 +.06 MCK McKesson 143.89 -1.49 MUX McEwenM 3.29 +.04 MJN MeadJohn 88.69 -.04 MPW MedProp 13.96 +.09 MDT Medtrnic 80.10 -.05 MLCO MelcoResE 20.01 +.22 MRK Merck 63.05 +.47 MCY MercGn 59.23 -.02 MDP Meredith 63.00 -1.35 MTOR Meritor 16.53 -.54 MET MetLife 51. 97 -.80 MCHP Microchp 72.15 -.51 MU MicronT 26.69 -.49 MSFT Microsoft 65.23 -.25 MVIS Microvisn 2.03 -.02 MIDD Middleby 134.81 -1.34 MSEX MdsxWatr 37.50 -.75 HIE MHowHiInc 13.62 -.12 MTU MitsuUFJ 6.05 -.01 MBT MobileTele 10.52 -.16 MBLY Mobileye 61.76 -.02 MOMO Momo 37.86 +.49 MDLZ Mondelez 44.39 +.33 MOG/AMoog A 66.01 -2.66 MS MorgStan 41.07 -.51 MOS Mosaic 28.15 -.54 MSI MotrlaSolu 82.84 -.61 MUR MurphO 28.10 -. 28 MYL Mylan NV 38.04 -.41 NCR NCR Corp 43.61 -1.24 NQ NQ Mobile 3.82 +.10 NRG NRG Egy 18.73 +.02 NYLD NRG Yld C 17.85 +.10 DCM NTT DOCO 23.81 +.02 NXPI NXP Semi 103.69 -.28 NBR Nabors 13.56 -.62 NFG NatFuGas 54.05 -.35 NGG NatGrid 65.11 +.83 NHI NtHlthInv 74.33 -.49 NOV NOilVarco 37.78 -.95 NAVI Navient 14.67 -.22 NKTR NektarTh 18.22 -.30 NEOG Neogen 60.64 -.52 NTAP NetApp 39.65 -.89 NFLX Netflix s 143.83 -.52NBIX Neurcrine 51.80+10.32NGD NwGold g 3.29 +.06 NJR NJ Rscs s 40.35 ... NEWM NewMedia 13.82 -.23 EDU NewOriEd 59.45 -.23 NRZ NewResid 17.28 +.03 NYCB NY CmtyB 13.72 -.07 NYMT NYMtgTr 6.22 -.08 NWL NewellRub 46.17 -.10 NFX NewfldExp 36.20 -.81 NEM NewmtM 35.08 -.05 NEE NextEraEn 130.51 +1.19 NI NiSource s 23.94 +.09 NLSN Nielsen plc 41.00 -.37 NKE NikeB s 55.57 +.65 NE NobleCorp 5.89 -.29 NBL NobleEngy 35.24 ... NOK NokiaCp 5.28 +.01 NOMD NomadF n 11.26 +.10 NAT NordicAm 8.51 -.04 JWN Nordstrm 46.43 -.14 NSC NorflkSo 111.79 -3.43 NADL NoAtlDrl rs 2.65 -.05 NAK NDynMn g 1.82 +.44 NOC NorthropG 239.36 -1.69 NWBI NwstBcsh 16.52 -.20 NWN NwstNG 60.10 +.10 NG NovaGld g 4.95 +.01 NOVN Novan n 6.29 +1.09 NVS Novartis 74.01 +.05 NVAX Novavax .88 -.01 NVO NovoNord 36.15 +.13 NUAN NuanceCm 16.64 -.32 NUE Nucor 57.88 -2.62 NS NustarEn 47.84 -3.63 NTNX Nutanix n 17.69 -.39 NAD NuvDivA 13.83 +.07 NUW Nv AMT-Fr 16.98 -.01 JPC NvPfdInco 9.93 +.02 BXMX NuvEqtP 13.47 -.03 NVDA Nvidia 97.31 -.81 NXTM NxStageMd 26.21 -.21 OGE OGE Engy 34.76 -.13 OAS OasisPet 13.36 -.93 OXY OcciPet 65.06 +.08 OCFC OceanFst 27.04 -.59 OCLR Oclaro 8.62 -.38 ODP OfficeDpt 4.76 -.03 ONB OldNBcp 16.70 -.20 ORI OldRepub 20.02 -.22 OLN Olin 30.78 -.11 OHI OmegaHlt 34.11 +.04 OM E OmegaP 19.35 -.20 ON OnSmcnd 14.24 -.36 OGXI OncoGnx h .43 +.04 OKE ONEOK 55.33 -.39 OKS OneokPtrs 54.07 -.34 OPK OpkoHlth 7.66 +.11 ORCL Oracle 44.18 +.01 ORBK Orbotch 30.64 -.19 ONVO Organovo 2.84 -.20 OFIX Orthofix 36.94 -.02 OSK OshkoshCp 68.42 -2.08 OTTR OtterTail 38.25 -.10 P-Q-RPCG PG&E Cp 67.52 +.51 PNC PNC 116.00 -1.48 PNM PNM Res 38.10 +.35 PKX POSCO 58.13 -.70 PPG PPG s 105.06 -1.00 PPL PPL Corp 37.78 +.43 PCAR Paccar 65.65 -1.88 PANW PaloAltNet 113.38 -.09 P Pandora 11.02 -.12 PNRA PaneraBrd 314.20 +.38 PKD ParkDrl 1.70 ... PH ParkerHan 155.42 -5.39 PE ParsleyEn 31.46 -.26 PTEN PattUTI 24.95 -.66 PAYX Paychex 58.45 -.27 PYPL PayPal n 42.49 -.20 PBA Pembina g 33.40 +.27 PGH Pengt hE g 1.12 -.03 PENN PnnNtGm 18.76 -.15 PWE PennWst g 1.62 -.03 PNNT PennantPk 7.85 -.08 JCP Penney 6.02 -.09 PAG Penske 44.83 -.59 PNR Pentair 62.35 -1.09 PBCT PeopUtdF 17.69 -.20 PEP PepsiCo 113.61 +1.88 PRGO Perrigo 68.05 -.96 PBR/A PetrbrsA 9.32 +.01 PBR Petrobras 9.66 -.07 PFE Pfizer 33.92 -.01 PM PhilipMor 113.78 +.36 PHG PhilipsNV 31.62 -.34 PSX Phillips66 77.38 -.50 PIR Pier 1 7.25 -.01 PFN PimIncStr2 10.18 -.09 PNW PinWst 85.37 +.58 PXD PioNtrl 186.90 -3.05 PBI PitnyBw 12.91 -.23 PAA PlainsAAP 30.95 +.18 PLUG PlugPowr h 2.32 -.32 PII Polaris 80.61 -1.47 POL PolyOne 33.93 -.19 POT Potash 16.72 -.13 BKLN PS SrLoan 23.31 -.01 QQQ PwShs QQQ130.92 -.53 PX Praxair 118.23 -.95 PDS PrecDrill 4.90 -.09 TROW PriceTR 70.45 +.46 PCLN Priceline 1750.01-18.39 PFG PrinFncl 61.93 -.97 PRA ProAssur 59.70 -.40 PLD ProLogis 54.93 +.3 5 PUMP ProPetr n 14.57 -.01 SSO ProUltSP s 83.58 -.70 TQQQ PrUltPQ s 85.24 -1.14 UVXY PUVixST rs 20.66 +.21 UCO PrUCrude rs20.74 -.17 VIXY ProVixST rs 14.92 +.06 SVXY ProShtVix 123.62 -.46 PG ProctGam 90.31 +.51 PGR ProgsvCp 39.28 -.23 SDS ProUShSP 13.66 +.13 DXD PrUShDow 12.93 +.08 SQQQ PShtQQQ rs38.30 +.49 TBT ProUShL20 37.50 -.36 TWM PUShtR2K 23.13 +.58 SPXU PUShtSPX 17.53 +.22 PSEC ProspctCap 9.17 +.03 PLX Pro talix 1.11 -.20 PRU Prudentl 103.84 -1.56 PEG PSEG 45.61 +.32 PSA PubStrg 224.30 -2.07 PHM PulteGrp 23.77 +.01 PMM PMMI 7.38 -.01 QEP QEP Res 11.77 -.40 QCOM Qualcom 53.39 -1.96 PWR QuantaSvc 34.83 -.79 DGX QstDiag 98.12 -.11 RL RLauren 80.18 -.15 RRC RangeRs 28.54 -.86 RAVN RavenInds 28.45 -.92 RYN Rayonier 28.46 -.29 RTN Raytheon 151.35 -.72 O RltyInco 61.38 -.03 RWT RedwdTr 16.80 -.11 REGN Regenrn 366.33 -.74 RF RegionsFn 13.96 -.21 RS RelStlAl 77.24 -2.23 RCII RentACt 10.53 +.05 RGEN Replgn 35.14 +.40 RSO ResCap rs 9.53 -.05 ROIC RetailOpp 21.52 -.05 RNN RexahnPh .62 -.00 RAI ReynAm s 64.20 +.23 RICE RiceEngy 23.00 -.53 RIO RioTinto 39.28 -2.16RAD RiteAid 4.57 -.18 RTTR RitterPh n 1.06 -.04 ROK RockwlAut 150.23 -5.88 COL RockColl 97.99 -1.36 ROG Rogers 82.89 -1.47 ROP Roper 205.47 -1.48 RDC Rowan 14.65 -.50 RY RoyalBk g 72.40 -.21 RCL RylCarb 94.72 -.58 RDS/B RoyDShllB 56.50 -.32 RDS/A RoyDShllA 53.44 -.27 S-T-USTBA S&T Bcp 33.74 -.56 SCG SCANA 66.22 +.92 SM SM Energy 23.19 -.41 DIA SpdrDJIA 205.67 -.66 GLD SpdrGold 122.02 +.83 FEZ SpdrEuro50 35.93 -.02 SPY S&P500ETF234.03-1.03 XBI SpdrBiot s 67.44 +.32 KBE SpdrS&PBk 41.86 -.51 JNK SpdrLehHY 36.79 +.03 KRE SpdrS&P RB52.83 -.75 XRT SpdrRetl s 42.04 -.46 XOP SpdrOGEx 37.21 -.68 XME SpdrMetM 30.10 -1.27 SRCI SRC Eng 8.66 -.13 STM STMicro 14.75 -.31 SBR SabnR 37.15 -.9 1 SAIA Saia Inc 42.30 -1.60 JOE StJoe 16.90 -.35 CRM Salesforce 83.37 -.49 SBH SallyBty 20.06 -.20 SJT SJuanB 7.51 -.03 SN SanchezEn 9.08 -.49 SNY Sanofi 45.39 +.22 SLB Schlmbrg 79.57 -.08 SNDR SchndrNt n 18.96 +.27 SCHF SchwIntEq 29.76 -.02 SCHW Schwab 38.40 -.53 SDRL SeadrillLtd .78 -.05 STX SeagateT 48.34 -.75 SHLD SearsHldgs 13.35 +.11 SSW Seaspan 6.77 -.22 SRE SempraEn 111.46 +.98 SNH SenHous 21.72 -.04 SHW Sh erwin 312.96 +.56 SFL ShipFin 14.05 -.25 SID SiderurNac 2.45 -.22 SSRI SilvStd g 11.36 +.04 SLW SilvWhtn g 21.87 +.10 SPG SimonProp173.28 -.07 BERY BerryPlas 48.84 +.64 BBY BestBuy 48.36 -.29 BIG BigLots 47.96 -1.17 BCRX Biocryst 6.81 -.41 BIIB Biogen 268.92 +.27 BKH BlkHillsCp 67.83 +.17 BBRY BlackBerry 8.93 +1.23 BME BlkHlthSci 33.99 -.04 MUA BlkMuniast 14.63 +.12 BX Blackstone 29.26 +.02 HRB BlockHR 23.63 +.02 BOBE BobEvans 63.08 -.33 BA Boeing 176.05 -2.52 BWA BorgWarn 38.59 +.34 SAM BostBeer 139.50 -1.95 BSX BostonSci 24.53 -.04 BYD BoydGm 21.69 -.54 BGG BrigStrat 21.28 -.49 EAT Brinker 43.70 +.26 BMY BrMySq 52.99 +.01 BTI BritATob s 67.75 +.43 BRX BrixmorP 21.37 +.03 AVGO BroadcLtd 209.20 -8.35 BRCD BrcdeCm 12.44 -.05 BKD Brookdale 12.96 -.12 BIP BrkfInfra s 38.89 +.40 BC Brunswick 56.38 -1.67 BPL Buckeye 67.91 -.62 BWLD BuffaloWW151.40 +.20 CBG CBRE Grp 33.36 ... CBS CBS B 67.16 -.87 CF CF Inds s 28.62 -1.03 CMS CMS Eng 45.55 +.25 CNHI CNH Indl 9.88 +.02 CSX CSX 46.40 -.81 CVRR CVR Rfng 9.05 -.15 CVS CVS Health 77.96 -.21 CYS CYS Invest 8.08 -.08 COG CabotO&G 24.45 -.17 CALM Cal-Maine 38.60 +.10 CHY CalaCvHi 11.24 -.05 CAMP CalAmp 15.79 -.40 CCC Calgon 13.75 -.20 CRC CalifRes rs 14.15 -1.24 CWT CalifWtr 36.80 +.20 CPE Callon Pet 13.13 -.48 CPN Calpine 10.82 +.21 CLMT CalumetSp 3.65 -.15 CPT CamdenPT 81.52 -.23 CCJ Cameco g 11.33 -.47 CPB CampSp 57.03 +.39 CNI CdnNR gs 73.36 -.60 CNQ CdnNRs gs 33.69 -.28 COF CapOne 82.42 -.67 CSU CapSenL 13.81 -.15 CMO CapsteadM 10.65 -.06 CPST CpstnTur rs .82 -.01 CARA CaraThera 18.18 -.69CAH CardnlHlth 81.71 -.59 KMX CarMax 56.24 -1.00 CCL Carnival 57.73 -.05 CRS CarpTech 35.84 -1.72 CRZO Carrizo 28 .37 -.53 CAT Caterpillar 94.86 -2.24 FUN CedarF 68.25 -.18 CVM Cel-Sci .09 +.01 CELG Celgene 125.15 +.09 CX Cemex 9.00 -.23 CIG Cemig pf 2.99 -.12 CVE CenovusE 10.89 -.14 CNP CenterPnt 28.04 +.13 CENX CentAl 12.06 -1.32 CTL CntryLink 25.14 +.24 CHFC ChemFinl 48.05 -1.09 CC Chemours n35.98 -1.57 LNG CheniereEn 48.01 -.39 CHK ChesEng 6.15 -.03 CVX Chevron 108.97 ... CBI ChicB&I 29.82 -.66 CHS Chicos 13.47 -.05 CNTF C hnaTcF rs 2.79 +.88 CMG Chipotle 458.35 +5.35 CHD ChurchDwt s50.02 +.01 CI Cigna 150.59 -.98 CINF CinnFin 70.87 -.52 CRUS Cirrus 61.91 -1.47 CSCO Cisco 32.62 -.30 UWT CgpVelLCrd 22.48 -.33 DWT CgpVelICrd 23.39 +.33 C Citigroup 58.51 -.52 CFG CitizFincl 33.73 -.65 CTXS CitrixSy s 83.00 -.68 CLNE CleanEngy 2.53 -.05 CLF CliffsNRs 7.37 -.61 CLX Clorox 134.64 +.11 MYCC ClubCorp 13.85 -1.60 COH Coach 40.14 +.08 CIE Cob altIEn .50 -.07 KO CocaCola 42.94 +.28 CDE Coeur 9.68 -.01 CTSH CognizTch 58.66 -.22 RQI CohStQIR 12.88 -.02 PSF CohStSelPf 26.98 -.16 CL ColgPalm 74.00 +.30 CLNS ColNrthS n 12.77 -.07CMCSAComcast s 37.29 +.06CMA Comerica 66.12 -.93 COMM CommScpe 40.16 -.47 CTG CmpTask 5.59 +.06 CMTL Comtech 13.35 -.23 CAG ConAgra 40.62 +.12 CTWS ConnWtrSv 53.81 -.34 COP ConocoPhil 49.44 -.71 CNX ConsolEngy 16.28 -.55 CNSL Conso lCom 24.21 -.02 ED ConEd 78.58 +.68 CLR ContlRescs 45.84 -1.12 CTB CooperTire 43.30 -1.15 CSOD CorOnDem 36.25 -.90 GLW Corning 26.48 -.37 OFC CorpOffP 34.35 -.03 COST Costco 170.17 -.46 COTY Coty 17.60 +.22 COUP CoupaSft n 28.96 +3.49 CUZ CousPrp 8.43 -.02 TVIX CSVixSh rs 44.80 +.45 DGAZ CSVInvN rs 20.42 -.22 XIV CSVelIVST 64.02 -.03 UGAZ CSVLgNG rs20.33 +.16 CS CredSuiss 14.36 -.24 CEQP CrestEq rs 26.50 -.25 CROX Crocs 6.32 -.17 CCK CrownHold 53.55 -.31 CTRP s 48.59 -.31 CMI Cummins 146.92 -3.56 CYBE CybrOpt 23.00 -1.55 CY CypSemi 13.35 -.40 CYTR CytRx h .44 -.01 CYTX CytoriTh rs 1.09 -.03 D-E-FDCT DCT IndlTr 51.04 +.26 DDR DDR Corp 12.62 +.12 DNP DNP Selct 10.93 +.05 A-B-CAES AES Corp 11.37 +.06 AFL AFLAC 73.35 -.40 AGNC AGNC Inv 20.09 -.01 AKS AK Steel 6.58 -.53 T AT&T Inc 40.56 +.25 ABT AbbottLab 43.48 -.10 ABBV AbbVie 64.37 +.19 ANF AberFitc 11.13 -.10 ACN Accenture 115.58 -.50 ARAY Accuray 4.75 -.20 ATVI ActivsBliz 48.64 -.44 ADPT Adeptus 2.25 +1.17 ADNT Adient n 66.55 -.96 ADBE AdobeSy 129.38 -.57 AEIS AdvEnId 65.35 -1.11 AMD AMD 12.76 -.34 ABCO AdvisoryBd 47.15 -.45 ACM A ecom 32.98 -.85 AVAV AeroViron 27.67 -.66 AET Aetna 129.08 -.44 GNMX AeviGeno 1.71 +.09 A Agilent 52.55 -.28 AYR Aircastle 23.04 -.66 AKRX Akorn Inc 32.99 +.23 AGI AlamosGld 8.57 +.19 ALSK AlaskCom 2.12 +.17 AA Alcoa Cp 32.05 -2.34 ALXN Alexion lf 114.57 -2.32 BABA Alibaba 110.63 +.19 ATI AllegTch 17.79 -.72 AGN Allergan 237.83 -1.28 ALE Allete 69.32 -.05 ARLP AllnceRes 21.95 -.50 AB AlliBern 22.95 +.60 LNT Allian tEg s 39.89 +.19 ALL Allstate 80.97 -.20 ALLY AllyFincl 19.58 -.12 AAU AlmadM n 1.65 +.28 GOOG Alphabet C824.32 +.97GOOGLAlphabet A 841.46 +1.58AOD AlpTotDiv 8.30 -.01 AMLP AlpAlerMLP 12.67 -.06 MO Altria 72.16 +.08 AFSI AmTrstFn 16.19 +.89 AMZN Amazon 896.23 -6.13 AMBA Ambarella 51.64 -1.41 ABEV Ambev 5.63 +.06 AMDA Amedica rs .38 -.00 AEE Ameren 55.39 +.60 ATAX AFMulti 5.65 ... AMX AMovilL 14.52 -.20 AAL AmAir lines 43.96 +.03 AEO AEagleOut 13.63 -.11 AEP AEP 67.79 +.40 AXP AmExp 76.68 -.58 AIG AmIntlGrp 60.17 -.62 AWR AmStsWtr 44.86 -.15 AMT AmTower 122.37 -.39 AWK AmWtrWks 78.82 +.52 APU Amerigas 46.57 +.18 AMP Ameriprise 127.54 -1.76 ABC AmeriBrgn 86.82 -1.05 AME Ametek 53.52 -.97 AMGN Amgen 163.05 -.06 APH Amphenol 68.84 -.90 AMRS Amyris .58 +.10 APC Anadarko 62.54 -.36 ADI AnalogDev 76.87 -1.21 AU AnglogldA 12.84 + .33 BUD ABInBev 110.24 +.20 NLY Annaly 11.53 +.04 AR AnteroRes 22.60 -.52 ANTM Anthem 166.43 -1.00 ANH Anworth 5.59 -.04 APA Apache 53.81 -.06 AIV AptInv 44.24 -.57 APO ApolloGM 25.80 +.10 AINV ApolloInv 6.64 -.04 AAPL Apple Inc 141.80 +.17 AMAT ApldMatl 37.77 -.43 WTR AquaAm 32.80 +.05 ARCB ArcBest 24.75 -1.10 MT ArcelorMit 7.49 -.55 ADM ArchDan 44.65 +.11 ARNC Arconic 25.85 -.74 ARCC AresCap 17.53 -.07 ARGS Argos Ther .36 +.02 ANET AristaNetw 131.47 -1.86 ARRY ArrayBio 8.36 -.07 ARRS ArrisIntl 26.39 -.25 ARW ArrowEl 69.97 -1.14 ASH Ashland 123.96 -2.15 ASB AsscdBanc 23.95 -.10 AZN AstraZen s 30.14 -.04 ATO ATMOS 80.49 ... ATOS AtossGen rs .70 -.00 ATW AtwoodOcn 8.52 -.65 AUPH AuriniaPh 6.94 -.16 ADSK Autodesk 85.62 -.37 ADP AutoData 101.95 -.14 AVY AveryD 79.64 -.03 AVGR Avinger n .55 -.05 CAR AvisBudg 27.88 -.67 AVA Avista 39.99 +.11 AVP Avon 4.53 -.04 BTG B2gold g 2.93 +.03 BBT BB&T Cp 43.23 -.39 BCE BCE g 45.87 +.38 BGCP BGC Ptrs 10.85 -.08 BHP BHP BillLt 36.58 -1.81 BBL BHPBil plc 31.90 -1.42 BP BP PLC 35.45 +.08 BPT BP Pru 19.70 -1.75 BRFS BRF SA 12.54 +.26 BIDU Baidu 173.61 +.60 BHI BakrHu 60.34 -.53 BCPC Balchem 76.93 -1.10 BLL BallCorp 71.74 -.51 BLDP BallardPw 2.79 -.09 BBD BcoBrad s 10.08 -.13 SAN BcoSantSA 5.89 -.07 BSBR BcoSBrasil 7.79 -.02 BKMU BankMutl 9.50 -.15 BAC BkofAm 22.65 -.27 BMO BkMont g 74.10 -.02 BK BkNYMel 46.89 -.37 BNS BkNova g 57.83 -.26 OZRK BkOzarks 48.32 -1.10 BCS Barclay 10.68 -.09 VXX B iPVxST rs 17.92 +.08 BCR Bard 249.10 -.89 BKS BarnesNob 9.35 ... ABX BarrickG 20.22 +.13 XYZ BasicEnS .45 ... BAX Baxter s 53.53 +.56 BTE BaytexE g 3.47 -.06 BZH BeazerHm 11.90 -.22BDX BectDck 183.22 -.56 BBBY BedBath 38.46 -.74 BMS Bemis 48.29 -.15 BRK/B BerkH B 165.11 -.59Tkr Name Last Chg Money & Markets 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400 OA NDJFM 2,320 2,360 2,400 S&P 500Close: 2,344.93 Change: -8.85 (-0.4%) 10 DAYS 4,800 5,100 5,400 5,700 6,000 OA NDJFM 5,800 5,880 5,960 Nasdaq compositeClose: 5,836.16 Change: -30.61 (-0.5%) 10 DAYSAdvanced 925 Declined 2017 New Highs 82 New Lows 13 Vol. (in mil.) 3,078 Pvs. Volume 3,032 1,581 1,740 859 1917 64 38 NYSE NASDDOW 20642.54 20553.03 20591.86 -59.44 -0.29% t t s +4.20% DOW Trans. 9163.90 8968.80 8971.84 -163.74 -1.79% t t t -0.80% DOW Util. 705.64 697.27 705.35 +5.01 +0.72% s s s +6.93% NYSE Comp. 11462.51 11405.55 11423.15 -50.47 -0.44% r t s +3.31% NASDAQ 5868.09 5830.44 5836.16 -30.61 -0.52% t t s +8.42% S&P 500 2352.72 2341.18 2344.93 -8.85 -0.38% t t s +4.74% S&P 400 1718.55 1698.40 1699.90 -19.95 -1.16% s t s +2.37% Russell 2000 1376.86 1358.15 1359.20 -17.75 -1.29% s t t +0.15% Toronto TSX 15714.52 15642.96 15648.40 -78.71 -0.50% s s s +2.36%HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD Stocks Recap Combined StocksFrom the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. Interest ratesThe yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.24 percent on Wednesday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG AGO 4.00 3.50 3.50 .88 .38 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill .79 0.82 -0.03 .22 6-month T-bill .93 0.94 -0.01 .34 52-wk T-bill 1.02 1.05 -0.03 .52 2-year T-note 1.20 1.24 -0.04 .74 5-year T-note 1.77 1.84 -0.07 1.21 10-year T-note 2.24 2.32 -0.08 1.78 30-year T-bond 2.89 2.93 -0.04 2.60 NET 1YR BONDS YEST PVS CHG AGO AP Muni Bond Idx 2.47 2.48 -0.01 ... Barclays Glob Agg Bd 1.58 1.62 -0.04 ... Barclays USAggregate 2.54 2.60 -0.06 2.11 Barclays US Corp 3.26 3.31 -0.05 3.15 Barclays US High Yield 5.78 5.78 ... 8.04 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.85 3.91 -0.06 3.61 10-Yr. TIPS .32 0.37 -0.05 .14Commodities U.S. crude oil fell 0.5 percent, while natural gas prices rose more than 1 percent. Gold and silver prices each rose less than 0.5 percent.Crude Oil (bbl) 53.11 53.40 -0.54 -1.1 Ethanol (gal) 1.67 1.65 -0.06 +4.1 Heating Oil (gal) 1.65 1.65 +0.08 -3.1 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.19 3.15 +1.17 -14.4 Unleaded Gas (gal) 1.74 1.76 -0.91 +4.6 FUELS CLOSEPVS. %CHG%YTD Gold (oz) 1275.30 1271.20 +0.32 +10.9 Silver (oz) 18.28 18.23 +0.25 +14.7 Platinum (oz) 964.90 965.90 -0.10 +7.0 Copper (lb) 2.54 2.61 -2.38 +1.9 Palladium (oz) 796.15 802.95 -0.85 +16.6 METALS CLOSEPVS.%CHG%YTD Cattle (lb) 1.24 1.23 +0.77 +4.4 Coffee (lb) 1.38 1.40 -1.36 +0.9 Corn (bu) 3.69 3.67 +0.68 +4.8 Cotton (lb) 0.75 0.75 -0.37 +5.8 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 393.50 403.50 -2.48 +24.3 Orange Juice (lb) 1.61 1.62 -0.37 -18.7 Soybeans (bu) 9.48 9.39 +0.90 -4.9 Wheat (bu) 4.33 4.33 ... +6.2 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS. %CHG%YTD USD per Briti sh Pound1.2493 +.0002 +.02% 1.4273 Canadian Dollar 1.3322 -.0010 -.08% 1.2753 USD per Euro 1.0598 -.0010 -.09% 1.1397 Japanese Yen 109.71 +.02 +.02% 108.53 Mexican Peso 18.7345 -.0348 -.19% 17.4440 1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG %CHGAGO Israeli Shekel 3.6574 +.0001 +.04% 3.7665 Norwegian Krone 8.6031 -.0001 -.09% 8.1654 South African Rand 13.6255 +.0011 +1.50% 14.7027 Swedish Krona 9.0386 + .0001 +.09% 8.0753 Swiss Franc 1.0084 -.0009 -.09% .9549 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST Australian Dollar 1.3378 +.0038 +.28% 1.3008 Chinese Yuan 6.8927 -.0103 -.15% 6.4633 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7711 -.0001 -.00% 7.7544 Indian Rupee 64.732 +.017 +.03% 66.313 Singapore Dollar 1.4012 -.0026 -.19% 1.3434 South Korean Won 1141.32 -5.92 -.52% 1143.09 Taiwan Dollar 30.57 -.07 -.23% 32.33 ASIA/PACIFICForeign Exchange The dollar rose against the euro and Japanese yen but fell against the British pound. The dollar also fell against the Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar.YEST6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO SIRI SiriusXM 5.09 +.03 SWKS SkywksSol 97.59 -2.55 SJM Smucker 128.20 +.43 SNAP SnapInc A n20.22 -.48 SNA SnapOn 162.63 -2.56 SODA SodaStrm 50.41 -.77 SLRC SolarCap 22.59 -.08 SON SonocoP 51.88 -.34 SNE SonyCp 31.48 -.37 SOR SourcC 37.48 +.04 SJI SoJerInd s 37.64 +.22 SO SouthnCo 49.66 +.36 LUV SwstAirl 55.51 +.45 SWN SwstnEngy 7.87 -.23 SRC SpiritRltC 10.45 -.05 S Sprint 8.34 +.02 SQ Square n 17.30 +.38 XLB SP Ma tls 51.81 -.65 XLV SP HlthC 74.17 ... XLP SP CnSt 55.09 +.21 XLY SP Consum 87.16 -.35 XLE SP Engy 70.60 -.30 XLF SPDR Fncl 23.20 -.19 XLI SP Inds 64.48 -.90 XLK SP Tech 52.58 -.18 XLU SP Util 51.85 +.38 SWK StanBlkDk 132.26 -.32 SPLS Staples 9.51 -.17 SGU StarGas 9.03 -.05 SBUX Starbucks s 57.58 -.30 STT StateStr 77.73 -.59 STLD StlDynam 33.84 -1.34 STOR StoreCap 24.88 +.06 SYK Stryker 130.41 -.18 SPH SubPpne 25.9 1 +.23 SUM SumtMtls n 25.04 +.01 SUI SunCmts 82.38 -.18 SNHY SunHydrl 35.83 -.67 SXL SunocoLog 23.87 -.05 SPWR SunPower 6.73 +.03 STI SunTrst 53.99 -.98 SPN SupEnrgy 14.23 -.47 SVU Supvalu 3.78 -.22 SWFT SwiftTrans 22.29 -1.54 SYMC Symantec 30.05 -.35 SYF Synchrony 32.81 -.24 SGYP SynrgyPh 4.50 +.09 SYT Syngenta 91.77 +2.09 SNV SynovusFn 39.98 -.67 SYY Sysco 52.21 +.13 TCP TC PpLn 59.52 +.16 TJX TJX 77.09 +.10 TOPS TOP Ship rs .61 +.11 TAHO TahoeRes 8.72 +.05 TSM TaiwSemi 32.28 -.12 TGT Target 53.40 -.31 TCO Taubmn 65.82 +.05 FTI Technip 33.33 -.20 TECK TeckRes g 22.32 -1.33 TDOC Teladoc n 24.15 -.60 TS Tenaris 33.14 -1.69 THC TenetHlth 17.61 +.41 TEN Tenneco 57.99 -.47 TDC Teradata 30.31 -.13 TNH TerraNitro 94.04 -.99 TSLA Tesla Inc 296.84-11.87 TEVA TevaPhrm 32.12 -.02 TXN TexInst 78.48 -.93 TXRH TexRdhse 44.78 -.41 TGH T extainer 14.80 -1.40 TXT Textron 47.46 -.54 TXMD TherapMD 5.65 -.10 DDD 3D Sys 14.65 -.08 MMM 3M Co 189.70 -.37 TIF Tiffany 91.74 -.41 TIME Time Inc 18.35 -.60 TWX TimeWarn 98.75 +.03 TKR Timken 43.20 -1.00 TMK Torchmark 75.39 -.84 TD TorDBk gs 49.41 -.21 TOT Total SA 51.68 -.18 TM Toyota 105.44 -.96 TSCO TractSupp 64.61 -5.86 RIG Transocn 12.07 -.46 TRV Travelers 121.46 +.27 TY TriContl 23.18 -.01 TYp TriCntl pf 49.99 -.26 TNET TriNetGrp 28.09 -.43 TRN Trinity 26.29 -1.12 TBI TrueBlue 25.85 -.15 TRST TrstNY 7.65 -.15 TUP Tuppwre 64.47 +1.01 TRQ TurqHillRs 2.95 -.10 FOXA 21stCFoxA 30.65 -.50 FOX 21stCFoxB 30.14 -.33 TWLO Twilio n 29.56 +.21TWTR Twitter 14.42 +.11 TWO TwoHrbInv 9.76 -.02 TWOU 2U 42.26 +.23 TSN Tyson 64.26 +1.40 UDR UDR 36.20 -.32 UGI UGI Corp 49.90 -.04 SLCA US Silica 48.81 -.81 UCTT UltraClean 15.32 -.37 U AA UndrArm s 19.28 -.14 UNF UniFirst 135.80 -1.60 UN UnilevNV 51.38 +.48 UNIS Unilife lf .25 +.02 UNP UnionPac 105.57 -2.04 UIS Unisys 11.80 -.30 UNT Unit 23.17 -1.09 UAL UtdContl 69.93 -.78 UPS UPS B 104.23 -1.52 URI UtdRentals121.13 -4.80 USB US Bancrp 50.70 -.19 UNG US NGas 7.54 +.02 USO US OilFd 11.11 -.06 X USSteel 31.26 -3.46 UTX UtdTech 112.24 -.90 UNH UtdhlthGp 165.56 -.27 UNIT UnitGrp 26.04 +.29 UVV Unvsl Cp 71.40 +.15 UNM UnumGrp 45.21 -.94 UEC UraniumEn 1.46 -.10 URBN UrbanOut 22.85 +.03 V-W-X-Y-ZVFC VF Corp 55.04 -.02 VALE Vale SA 8.74 -.41 VALE/PVale SA pf 8.27 -.36 VRX ValeantPh 9.60 +.05 VLO ValeroE 65.13 -.50 VLY VlyNBcp 11.62 -.12 VAL Valspar 112.45 +1.11 GDX VanEGold 24.57 +.21 RSX VnEkRus 19.98 -.31 EMLC VanE EMBd18.54 +.15 SMH VnEkSemi 76.82 -1.01 OIH VEckOilSvc 30.64 -.56 GDXJ VanE JrGld 38.04 +.54 VNQ VangREIT 84.46 -.15 VIG VangDivAp 89.24 -.42 VWO VangEmg 39.96 +.14 VGK VangEur 51.53 +.03 VEA VangFTSE 39.14 -.03 VVC Vectren 59.54 +.22 VTR Ventas 65.64 +.17 VER Vereit 8.77 ... VRSN Verisign 87.94 +.03 VZ VerizonCm 48.92 +.22 VIAB ViacomB 44.34 -.45 VVI ViadCorp 43.45 -.55 VIAV Viavi 9.47 -.36 VIPS Vipshop 13.29 -.02 V Visa s 88.68 -.17 VSH VishayInt 15.70 -.25 VMW VMware 91.22 -1.21 VOD Vodafone 26.01 +.17 VMC VulcanM 117.94 -3.25 WDFC WD 40 103.65 -.25 WEC WEC Engy 61.10 +.46 WPC WP Carey 63.15 -.06 WPX WPX Engy 12.90 -.04 WMT WalMart 73.44 +.01 WBA WalgBoots 82.57 -.11 WPG WashPrGp 9.10 +.17 WRE WREIT 32.45 -.08 WM WsteMInc 72.30 -.57 WAT Waters 155.11 -.77 WFT WeathfIntl 6.33 -.19 WBS WebsterFn 48.06 -.69 WTW WtWatch 17.00 -.84 WRI WeinRlt 34.36 +.11 WFC WellsFargo 53.12 -1.04 HCN Welltower 72.93 +.14 WEN Wendys Co 13.58 -.15 WR WestarEn 54.15 -.33 WIA WAstInfSc 11.40 -.01 WDC WDigital 84.21 -1.84 WU W stnUnion 19.42 -.10 WBK WestpacBk 26.01 -.12 WRK WestRck 49.83 -1.16 WY Weyerhsr 34.58 -.06 WHR Whrlpl 168.27 -.03 WLL WhitingPet 8.93 -.67 WFM WholeFood 34.12 +.57 WMB WmsCos 30.38 +.02 WPZ WillmsPtrs 41.13 -.41 WIN Windstm rs 5.55 -.16 WETF WisdomTr 8.70 +.13 DXJ WTJpHedg 48.62 -.51 EPI WT India 24.40 -.13 WWD Woodward 67.74 -1.78 WDAY Workday 83.45 +2.14 WWE WldW Ent 21.63 -.20 WYN Wyndham 87.12 +1.32 WYNN Wynn 115.39 -.84 XEL XcelEngy 44.90 +.32 XCRA Xcerra 9.70 +.01 XRX Xerox 7.03 -.05 XLNX Xilinx 55.10 -.86 XYL Xylem 49.38 -1.29 YPF YPF Soc 25.90 +.31 YRCW YRC Wwde 10.30 -.44 YHOO Yahoo 46.83 +.04 AUY Yamana g 3.02 +.08 YNDX Yandex 22.78 +.45 YELP Yelp 32.16 -1.21 YORW YorkWater 34.75 -.50 YUM YumBrnds 64.03 -.12 YUMC Yum China 32.64 +.14 ZAGG Zagg 6.65 -.40 ZBH ZimmerBio 119.17 -.41 ZION ZionsBcp 40.19 -.75 ZIOP Ziop harm 7.44 +.67 ZTS Zoetis 53.22 +.37 ZNGA Zynga 2.78 -.01 Stock Footnotes: Stock Footnotes: cld Issue has been called for redemption by company. d New 52-week low. ec Company formerly listed on the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace. g Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h Does not meet continued-listing standards. lf Late filing with SEC. n Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low figures date onl y from the beginning of trading. pf Preferred stock issue. pr Preferences. pp Holder owes installments of purchase price. rt Right to buy security at a specified price. rs Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year. s Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd When distributed. wt Warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock. u New 52-week high. un Unit,, including more than one security. vj Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. Stocks in bold are worth at least $5 and changed 5 percent or more in price. Underlining for 50 most actively traded stocks of the day. Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. M ost recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. P E Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months. Mutual Fund Footnotes: b Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f front load (sales charges). m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA not available. p previous days net asset value. s fund split shares during the week. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Source :Morningstar and the Associated Press.DOW 20,591.86 -59.44 NASDAQ 5,836.16 -30.61 S&P 500 2,344.93 -8.85 10-YR T-NOTE 2.24% -.08 30-YR T-BOND 2.89% -.04 CRUDE OIL $53.11 -.29 GOLD $1,275.30 +4.10 EURO $1.0598 -.0010q q q q q q q q q q q q p p q q STOCKS LISTING CHANGE REQUESTS WELCOME!The Sun Newspaper is tweaking the way stocks are listed in the daily paper. We will continue to run a wide range of stocks, but weÂre trying to eliminate stocks our readers donÂt want. If you do not see your stock in the paper, please let us know and we will put it in the listings. Email the name of the company and the symbol to, or call 941-206-1138. You can leave the stock name and symbol on voice mail.
The Sun /Friday, April 14, 2017 Page 9 TALLAHASSEE „ In a dramatic reversal, the administration of President Donald Trump has agreed to give Florida $1.5 billion to help its hospitals treat the poor and uninsured. Gov. Rick Scott and the Trump administration jointly announced the agreement on Wednesday, a last-minute windfall that could help bridge a gap in the Republican-controlled state Legislature over a new state budget. Some of the details remain unsettled, but the promise is a turnaround from 2015 when the administration of President Barack Obama decided to scale back the amount of hospital money it was providing to the state for what is known as the low-income pool. The federal government at the time argued that the state should instead draw down federal money to expand the number of Floridians who were eligible for Medicaid „ a key part of the health care overhaul pushed into law by President Obama. ÂIt is refreshing to now have a federal government that treats us fairly and does not attempt to coerce us into expanding Medicaid,ÂŽ said Scott, a critic of the health care overhaul who has flipped back and forth on his support for Medicaid expansion. Florida twice in the last four years considered, but did not agree to expand Medicaid, due largely to the staunch opposition of Republicans in the Florida House. It is still not clear what steps Florida will have to take in order to receive the full share of the federal funding, and how much state and local tax dollars will be needed in order to draw down the money. In the past, the state has primarily used local tax dollars as a match. But the proposed infusion comes at a critical time: The House and Senate are about to start budget negotiations with only about three weeks left in the annual legislative session. The Senate this week voted unanimously for an $85-billion budget that has wide differences with the House spending plan that will be approved on Thursday. One key sticking point was that the Senate was counting on receiving $600 million in federal low-income pool money for hospitals. The House, however, did not include any money in its budget since there was not an agreement with the federal government while it was being drawn up. House Speaker Richard Corcoran, the Land OÂLakes Republican who opposed Medicaid expansion and has complained in the past that the state spends too much money on hospital care, cautioned ÂWe donÂt have the money yet. We have an announcement.ÂŽ The House had already proposed deep cuts to hospitals as well as universities in its $81-billion proposed budget. Rep. Carlos Trujillo, the House budget chairman, would not promise if the extra federal money would remove the need to go ahead with cuts. Instead he said the hospital money could free up other state money that could be used for tax cuts or to build up the stateÂs reserve accounts. Senate President Joe Negron called the agreement a Âpositive development for putting our budget togetherÂŽ but he also said he needed to find out more from the Scott and Trump administrations on any conditions that come with the money. ÂI think itÂs too early to determine how we want to deploy those funds,ÂŽ Negron said. The Legislature has slightly less than three weeks left to come up with a new state budget in order to end their annual session on time. There is a $4-billion divide between the rival spending plans and the two sides are not in sync on everything from local property taxes to money for economic development.Florida to get $1.5 billion to help hospitals treat poorBy GARY FINEOUTASSOCIATED PRESSTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ FloridaÂs voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment in November that formally legalized medical marijuana for chronic pain and other ailments, but with less than a month to go in their session, Florida legislators remain far apart on how to implement it. Bills in the Senate and House donÂt agree on the details of expanding access to the drug, from adding pot distributors to deciding whether doctors can prescribe marijuana to people who havenÂt been their patients for at least three months. The Senate bill sponsored by Sen. Rob Bradley (SB 406) is seen as more permissive and has drawn support from medical marijuana advocates, while the House bill sponsored by Rep. Ray Rodrigues (HB 1397) is widely considered more restrictive and is backed by the Drug Free America Foundation. The Senate measure would eliminate a current requirement that a patient be under a doctorÂs care for more than 90 days before being able to get a prescription for marijuana „ a restriction that would be kept in place under the House version. The Senate bill would immediately expand the number of licenses issued for marijuana distributors in the state, while the House version would require that 150,000 patients sign up for medical marijuana use before expanding the existing pool of distributors. Taylor Patrick Biehl, who help runs the Medical Marijuana Business Association of Florida, said BradleyÂs Senate bill is more in line with what voters approved. ÂHeÂs turned out to be a true champion for patients,ÂŽ Biehl said. Disabled veteran Bill Cody called the House bill an ÂabominationÂŽ and said even BradleyÂs bill doesnÂt provide doctors with enough leeway to determine what ailments could qualify for marijuana prescriptions. The amendment passed by voters would expand its use beyond the limited prescriptions for low-strength marijuana allowed under a 2014 law. It also would expand the eligible ailments beyond the current list of cancer, epilepsy and chronic muscle spasms, to include HIV/AIDS, glaucoma, post-traumatic stress disorder, ALS, CrohnÂs disease, ParkinsonÂs disease, multiple sclerosis, or other similar conditions. The state Health Department would issue regulations defining the additional conditions, but Cody said that could be too restrictive. He thinks doctors should be explicitly authorized to decide what conditions should qualify. ÂThere are many cases of chronic pain that are not covered currently,ÂŽ he said. The amendment stipulates that new rules must be adopted by July 3. If lawmakers cannot agree on them by their May 5 end of session, the Health Department would issue regulations on its own, but those would be more vulnerable to legal challenges, essentially leaving the issue up to the courts. Doctors and patients remain in limbo. Sunai Edwards, a lawyer at GrayRobinson in Tampa, has received plenty of calls from doctors and has given them all the same advice: Wait until the new rules are implemented. The bills in each chamber have gone through only one of three scheduled committees. Still, the campaign manager for medical marijuana advocates United for Care, Ben Pollara, remains optimistic a bill will be passed. ÂHopefully all issues can be resolved. We want something done. ItÂs about getting something in place,ÂŽ Pollara said.Florida Legislature makes slow progress on medical pot rulesBy JOE REEDYASSOCIATED PRESS ABDiversMunicipal 14.36 +.01 +1.8 SmCpGrA m 45.24 -.50 +6.2AMGYacktmanFocedS d 21.13... +8.1 YacktmanI d 22.71 -.01 +7.7AQRMgdFtsStratI 9.20 ... +3.1AberdeenIntlSmCpA m 27.22 +.17 +4.0AkreFocRetail m 26.26 -.15 +10.1AlgerSmCpGrB m 5.39 -.05 +4.1AlpinedynDivInstl d 3.76 -.01 +6.6AmanaMutGrInv b 32.51 -.25 +10.0 MutIncInv b 46.88 -.27 +7.1American BeaconSmCpValInstl 27.29 -.43 +8.4American CenturyCptlValInv 8.99 -.03 +9.2 EqIncInv 9.14 -.01 +11.4 GrInv 30.32 -.10 +10.6 HYMuniInv 9.43 +.01 +5.2 HeritageInv 21.42 -.12 +7.9 IntTrmTxFrBdInv 11.25 ... +2.3 UltraInv 37.96 -.15 +11.6American FundsAMCpA m 28.65 -.16 +9.3 AmrcnBalA m 25.75 -.05 +8.0 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.39 -.01 +2.7 AmrcnMutA m 38.15 -.12 +9.4 BdfAmrcA m 12.88 +.02 +2.5 CptWldGrIncA m 46.76 ... +5.3 CptlIncBldrA m 60. 06 +.10 +4.8 CptlWldBdA m 19.47 +.08 -.4 EuroPacGrA m 49.38 +.10 +2.6 FdmtlInvsA m 57.53 -.31 +11.4 GlbBalA m 30.71 +.04 +3.3 GrfAmrcA m 45.21 -.23 +11.4 IncAmrcA m 22.26 -.03 +6.5 IntrmBdfAmrA m 13.42 +.01 +1.2 InvCAmrcA m 37.93 -.14 +10.2 NewWldA m 57.14 +.05 +1.6 NwPrspctvA m 38.59 -.05 +7.6 SmCpWldA m 49.86 -.07 +7.1 TheNewEcoA m 39.35 -.11 +7.5 TxExBdA m 12.87 ... +3.5 WAMtInvsA m 42. 31 -.19 +9.7ArtisanIntlInv 28.01 +.05 -.7BairdAggrgateBdInstl 10.82 ... +3.1 CorPlusBdInstl 11.15 ... +3.3BaronAsstRetail b 62.94 -.44 +9.8 GrRetail b 65.52 -.36 +6.9 PtnrsRetail b 41.48 -.61 +7.9BerkshireFoc d 20.31 -.20 +11.8BlackRockAlCpEngyRsInvA m 10.80-.06 -9.8 EqDivInstl x 22.99 -.19 +9.6 EqDivInvA x 22.94 -.17 +9.3 GlbAllcIncInstl 19.07 -.02 +3.6 GlbAllcIncInvA m 18.96 -.02 +3.3 G lbAllcIncInvC m 17.22 -.02 +2.5 HYBdInstl 7.74 -.01 +4.1 HYBdK 7.75 ... +4.3 HYBdSvc b 7.74 -.01 +3.8 StrIncOppsIns 9.88 ... +2.3 TactOppsInvA m 13.35 -.04 +.6BruceBruce 504.64 +.11 +6.1 StratValDivIns 6.23 +.03 +9.5 TtlRetBdInstl 10.89 +.02 +3.1Fidelity500IdxInstl 82.05 -.30 +11.2 500IdxInstlPrm 82.04 -.31 +11.2 500IdxPremium 82.04 -.31 +11.2 AdvLgCpA m 31.23 -.19 +8.8 AdvLtdTrmBdA m 11.48+.01 +1.3 AdvNewInsightsA m 28.15-.15+9.1 AdvNewInsightsI 28.73 -.15 +9.4 AsstMgr50% 17.42 -.01 +5.1 Bal 23.13 -.05 +7.9 BalK 23.12 -.06 +8.0 BlueChipGr 74.73 -.37 +12.4 BlueChipGrK 74.82 -.38 +12.5 Canada d 50.24 -.02 +.5 Contrafund 106.85 -.48 +11.1 ContrafundK 106.79 -.48 +11.2 CptlInc d 9.99 -.03 +5.8 DivGr 33.52 -.11 +8.5 DiversIntl 36.12 +.04 +2.5 DiversIntlK 36.05 +.04 +2.6 EmMkts 17.86 +.06 +2.2 EmMkts d 25.50 +.14 +2.5 EmMktsF 17.91 +.06 +2.4 EmergAsia d 35.65 +.17 +5.8 EqDivInc 27.17 -.12 +9.1 EqInc 57.99 -.22 +8.0 ExtndMktIdxPr x 56.64-1.28 +8.4 Fidelity 43.23 -.28 +9.7 Fl tngRtHiInc d 9.65 ... +3.0 FocedStk 19.43 -.11 +6.7 FourinOneIdx x 39.93 -.32 +6.9 Frdm2015 12.82 ... +5.4 Frdm2020 15.68 -.01 +5.8 Frdm2025 13.47 -.01 +6.2 Frdm2030 16.66 -.03 +6.9 Frdm2035 13.80 -.04 +7.2 Frdm2040 9.69 -.02 +7.2 FrdmK2020 14.60 -.01 +5.9 FrdmK2025 15.30 -.02 +6.3 FrdmK2030 15.71 -.02 +7.0 FrdmK2035 16.33 -.04 +7.3 FrdmK2040 16.36 -.04 +7.3 FrdmK2045 16.85 -.04 +7.3 FrdmK2050 1 6.98 -.04 +7.3 GNMA 11.47 +.02 +2.4 GrCo 148.38 -.54 +13.4 GrCoF 14.51 -.05 +13.7 GrCoK 148.26 -.54 +13.5 GrInc 33.69 -.19 +9.4 Independence 35.48 -.23 +5.6 IntlDiscv 39.77 +.08 +2.0 IntlGr 14.06 +.04 +3.4 IntlGrF 14.09 +.04 +3.6 IntlIdxPremium x 37.95 +.01 +.9 IntlRlEstt d 10.18 +.07 +3.3 IntlVal 9.63 -.01 -.2 IntlValF 9.65 -.02 InvmGradeBd 11.24 +.02 +3.0 InvmGradeBd 7.88 +.01 +2.8 InvmGradeBdF 11.24 +.02 +3.1 JapanSmlrCo d 15.66 -.07 +11.0 LatinAmerica d 21.94 -.01 -7.2 LowPricedStk 51.40 -.17 +6.7 LowPricedStkK 51.37 -.17 +6.8 LvrgdCoStk 35.05 -.37 +4.6 Magellan 96.16 -.66 +10.4 MegaCpStk 17.95 -.08 +9.4 MidCpStk 35.97 -.24 +7.5 MidCpVal 25.61 -.14 +8.9 MuniInc 13.00 ... +3.7 NYMuniInc 13.16 ... +3.7 NewMillennium 37.39 -.24 +7.2 NewMktsInc d 16.20 +.03 +6.3 Nordic d 46.94 +.84 +1.9 OT C 93.58 -.59 +15.6 Overseas 43.36 +.15 +4.5 Puritan 21.56 -.06 +7.8 PuritanK 21.54 -.07 +7.9 STBd 8.62 +.01 +1.0 SelBiotech 195.10 +.22 +11.4 SelEngy 43.75 -.39 -5.3 SelGold x 22.41 +.17 +3.3 SelHC 205.77 -.54 +11.4 STInfPrScIdIns 24.87 +.03 +.6 STInfPrScIdxInv 24.84 +.03 +.5 STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.68 +.01 +1.9 STInvmGrdIns 10.68 +.01 +1.9 STInvmGrdInv 10.68 +.01 +1.8 STTEAdmrl 15.78 ... +.7 STTrsAdmrl 10.66 +.01 +.9 SeledValInv 30.08 -.20 +8.0 SmCpGrIdxAdmrl 48.88 -.43 +7.0 SmCpIdxAdmrl 63.03 -.71 +8.6 SmCpIdxIns 63.03 -.70 +8.6 SmCpIdxInsPlus 181.93-2.03 +8.6 SmCpValIdxAdmrl 52.05-.69 +9.9 SmCpValIdxIns 29.10 -.38 +9.9 StarInv 24.86 -.04 +6.1 StrEqInv 32.86 -.47 +10.2 TrgtRtr2010Inv 26.04 +.01 +4.2 TrgtRtr2015Inv 15.02 ... +5.0 TrgtRtr2020Inv 29.42 -.02 +5.6 TrgtRtr2025Inv 17.08 -.02 +6.0 TrgtRtr2030Inv 30.63 -.05 +6.3 TrgtRtr2035Inv 18.67 -.04 +6.6 TrgtRtr2040Inv 31.92 -.06 +6.8 TrgtRtr2045Inv 19.98 -.05 +6.9 TrgtRtr2050Inv 32.15 -.07 +6.9 TrgtRtrIncInv 13.11 ... +4.0 TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.75 +.02 +2.6 TtBMIdxIns 10.75 +.02 +2.6 TtBMIdxInsPlus 10.75 +.02 +2.6 TtBMIdxInv 10.75 +.02 +2.5 TtInBIdxAdmrl 21.73 +.02 +4.1 TtInBIdxIns 32.61 +.03 +4.1 TtInBIdxInv 10.87 +.01 +4.1 TtInSIdxAdmrl 26.60 +.03 +1.3 TtInSIdxIns 106.35 +.09 +1.4 TtInSIdxInsPlus 106.37 +.09 +1.4 TtInSIdxInv 15.90 +.01 +1.3 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 58.60 -.29 +10.6 TtlSMIdxIns 58.61 -.29 +10.7 TtlSMIdxInv 58.58 -.29 +10.5 TxMgCptlAprAdmr 119.80-.52+11.0 ValId xAdmrl 36.94 -.15 +10.3 ValIdxIns 36.94 -.15 +10.3 WlngtnAdmrl 69.17 -.12 +7.7 WlngtnInv 40.06 -.06 +7.6 WlslyIncAdmrl 62.89 +.03 +5.9 WlslyIncInv 25.96 +.01 +5.8 WndsrAdmrl 72.32 -.54 +8.4 WndsrIIAdmrl 64.68 -.30 +8.2 WndsrIIInv 36.44 -.18 +8.1VictorySpecValA m 22.86 -.13 +4.0VirtusEMOppsI 10.29 +.06 +2.5WasatchLgCpValInv d 9.56 -.03 +7.6Wells FargoDJTrgt2010Adm 12.60 ... +1.5Western AssetCorPlusBdI 11.61 ... +4.1 WAMngdMuniA 16.25 ... +3.5Wintergreen FundInv m 16.54 +.02 +1.4 AsAlModC m 11.99 -.02 +3.9TurnerSmCpGr 12.80 -.15 +5.0Tweedy, BrowneGlbVal d 26.73 ... +3.8U.S. Global InvestorGlbRes m 5.52 -.02 -14.8 GoldPrcMtls m 7.96 +.12 +5.3USAACrnrstnMod 14.70 -.02 +2.7 GrInc 22.92 -.15 +9.9 GvtSec 9.82 ... +1.8 HiInc d 8.21 -.01 +3.5 PrcMtlsMnral 14.20 +.09 -.4 SciTech 23.53 -.14 +15.2 TELngTrm 13.31 ... +3.6 TrgtRet2040 13.46 -.02 +4.8 TrgtRet2050 13.43 -.03 + 5.0 WldGr 29.28 +.03 +6.0Value LinePremGr b 30.77 -.24 +7.6Vanguard500IdxAdmrl 216.59 -.81 +11.2 500IdxInv 216.58 -.81 +11.1 BalIdxAdmrl 32.09 -.07 +7.5 BalIdxIns 32.09 -.07 +7.5 CAIntTrmTEAdmrl 11.69 ... +3.2 CnvrtSecInv 12.99 -.06 +2.6 CptlOppAdmrl 132.89 -.68 +13.1 CptlOppInv 57.56 -.30 +13.1 DevMIdxAdmrl 12.58 +.01 +1.5 DevMIdxIns 12.59 ... +1.5 DivGrInv 24.62 -.06 +9.6 EMStkIdxAdmrl 33.11 +.08 +1.6 EngyAdmrl 97.46 -.57 -5.4 EqIncAdmrl 70.65 -.24 +10.2 EqIncInv 33.71 -.11 +10.1 ExplorerAdmrl 83.97 -.89 +7.1 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 74.83 -.78 +8.4 ExtMktIdxIns 74.83 -.78 +8.4 ExtMktIdxInsPls 184.67-1.92 +8.5 FAWexUSIIns 93.89 +.06 +1.4 FAWexUSIdxInv 18.80 +.01 +1.2 GNMAAdmrl 10.57 +.02 +2.7 GNMAInv 10.57 +.02 +2.6 GlbEqInv 26.58 -.05 +6.0 GrIdxAdmrl 62.21 -.23 +11.8 GrIdxIns 62.21 -.23 +11.8 GrandIn cInv 43.28 -.17 +11.3 HCAdmrl 83.57 -.06 +12.2 HCInv 198.14 -.16 +12.1 HYCorpAdmrl 5.89 ... +4.6 HYTEAdmrl 11.17 +.01 +4.6 HiDivYldIdxInv 30.57 -.08 +11.0 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 11.41 +.03 +3.2 InTrInvGrdAdmrl 9.77 +.02 +3.4 InTrTEAdmrl 14.07 +.01 +3.0 InflPrtScAdmrl 25.96 +.09 +1.9 InflPrtScIns 10.58 +.04 +2.0 InsIdxIns 213.69 -.80 +11.2 InsIdxInsPlus 213.70 -.80 +11.2 InsTtlSMIInPls 52.56 -.27 +10.7 IntlG rAdmrl 75.99 +.05 +3.4 IntlGrInv 23.91 +.02 +3.2 IntlValInv 34.25 -.02 LTInvmGrdAdmrl 10.25 +.04 +6.0 LTTEAdmrl 11.51 +.01 +4.2 LfStrCnsrGrInv 18.97 -.01 +4.9 LfStrGrInv 30.39 -.06 +6.6 LfStrModGrInv 25.19 -.02 +5.8 LgCpIdxInv 43.37 -.17 +10.8 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 10.95 +.01 +1.2 MdCpGrIdxInv 44.05 -.29 +9.1 MdCpIdxAdmrl 170.93 -1.27 +9.8 MdCpIdxIns 37.76 -.28 +9.9 MdCpIdxInsPlus 186.22-1.38 +9.9 MdCpValIdx Admrl 52.29-.42 +10.3 MorganGrAdmrl 81.74 -.41 +11.4 PrmCpAdmrl 116.50 -.48 +12.8 PrmCpCorInv 23.54 -.10 +12.4 PrmCpInv 112.45 -.47 +12.7 REITIdxAdmrl 119.72 -.24 +10.8 REITIdxIns 18.53 -.04 +10.9 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.47 +.01 +1.3 Northeast InvestorsGr 15.93 -.04 +10.0NorthernStkIdx 28.25 -.10 +11.1NuveenHYMuniBdI 16.83 +.01 +6.9 NYMnBdI 10.96 +.01 +4.3Oak AssociatesEmergTech 4.78 -.04 +10.8 LiveOakHlthSci 19.45 -.04 +10.5 PinOakEq 59.54 -.35 +12.1 RedOakTechSel 21.68 -.10 +15.4OakmarkEqAndIncInv 31.30 -.13 +5.3 GlbInv 29.80 -.05 +3.5 IntlInv 24.67 +.06 +2.3 Inv 74.48 -.53 +9.5 SelInv 43.75 -.25 +8.7Old WestburyGlbSmMdCpStrat 15.98 -.04 +6.2 LgCpStrats 13.64 ... +6.3 StratOpps 7.74 -.01 +3.7OppenheimerDevelopingMktsA m 35.94... -.7 DevelopingMktsY 35.46 ... -.5 GlbA m 81.91 -.09 +6.0 GlbStrIncA m 3.93 ... +2.1 IntlGrY 37.55 +.24 +.9 MnStrA m 49.39 -.14 +11.0OsterweisStrInc 11.29 ... +3.5PIMCOAlAstAllAthIns 8.81 ... -.2 AlAstInstl 11.70 ... +2.2 HYInstl 8.90 -.01 +4.4 IncA m 12.24 ... +5.6 IncC m 12.24 ... +4.8 IncD b 12.24 ... +5.7 IncInstl 12.24 ... +6.0 IncP 12.24 ... +5.9 InvmGrdCrpBdIns 10.41 ... +4.9 LowDrInstl 9.87 ... +1.1 RlRetInstl 11.06 ... +1.4 ShrtTrmIns 9.82 ... +1.6 TtlRetA m 10.20 +.01 +2.4 TtlRetIns 10.20 +.01 +2.8PRIMECAP OdysseyAgrsGr 35.67 -.10 +14.3 Gr 30.81 -.06 +12.9 Stk 27.31 -.12 +11.6ParnassusCorEqInv 40.40 -.19 +9.5PaxBalIndvInv b 23.11 -.03 +5.9PerkinsGlbValT 13.87 +.02 +3.4 MidCpValL 17.48 -.15 +9.2 MidCpValT 17.12 -.15 +8.9 SmCpValL 22.73 -.28 +10.4PioneerA m 30.34 -.08 +9.0PrincipalDiversIntlIns 11.88 -.02 +2.1 LgCpGrIIns 12.59 -.06 +10.4 SAMgCnsGA m 17.40 -.05 +6.1PrudentialJsnBlndA m 19.70 -.12 +7.5 JsnUtilityA m 13.86 +.07 +6.8 QMAIntlEqC m 6.58 ... -1.1 QMASmCpValZ 21.01 -.34 +9.5 TtlRetBdZ 14.31 ... +3.7PutnamGlbUtlsB m 12.28 ... +1.5 IntlGrB m 16.54 ... -1.6 SmCpValA m 17.63 ... +8.5RainierMidCpEqOriginal b 37.59-.35 +5.6ReynoldsBlueChipGr b 51.95 -.29 +4.2RoyceSmCpValSvc m 9.60 -.08 +1.8 QualIncA m 12.14 +.02 +3.0 SmCpEqA m 14.52 -.18 +5.3 TechInv b 37.91 -.17 +11.0IVAWldwideI d 17.98 +.01 +3.6IntechUSCorT 19.26 -.12 +10.3IvyAsstStratB m 20.48 -.05 -4.4JPMorganCoreBondI 11.61 +.02 +2.5 CoreBondR6 11.62 +.02 +2.7 DisciplinedEqR6 24.87 -.10 +9.9 EquityIncomeI 15.55 -.07 +9.8 HighYieldI 7.44 -.01 +3.6 InvCnsrvGrA m 12.62 -.01 +3.7 MidCapValueL 37.53 -.20 +10.0 USLgCpCorPlusI 29.76 -.17 +10.6JanusBalC m 30.14 -.07 +5.2 ContrarianT 19.71 -.15 +3.7 EntprT 99.61 -.55 +11.7 FlexBdS b 10.37 +.01 +1.8 GlbLifeSciT 49.96 ... +12.7 HYT 8.51 -.01 +3.5 OverseasT 28.04 +.06 -6.2 RsrchT 43.16 -.20 +10.5 ShrtTrmBdT 3.03 ... +.7 T 36.43 -.14 +10.7 VentureT 68.14 -.61 +10.1John HancockDiscpValI 19.89 -.11 +7.7 DiscpValMCI 22.11 -.18 +11.3 MltmgrLsBal1 b 14.84 -.03 +4.9 MltmgrLsGr1 b 15.49 -.04 +5.6LazardEMEqInstl 17.51 +.06 -.1Litman GregoryMtrsIntlInstl 15.84 ... -1.5Loomis SaylesBdInstl 13.97 +.01 +2.1Lord AbbettAffiliatedA m 15.76 -.06 +9.3 FltngRtF b 9.22 ... +3.8 ShrtDurIncA m 4.31 ... +2.0 ShrtDurIncC m 4.33 ... +1.3 ShrtDurIncF b 4.30 ... +2.0 ShrtDurIncI 4.30 ... +2.1MFSGrI 81.37 -.38 +10.9 InstlIntlEq 22.03 +.09 +2.1 MAInvsTrustB m 28.86 -.10 +8.7 ValA m 37.34 -.13 +9.7 ValI 37.53 -.13 +9.9MainStayHYCorpBdA m 5.78 ... +4.5Mairs & PowerGrInv 117.91 -1.00 +8.4Manning & NapierPrBlndCnsrvTrmS 13.58-.01 +2.3 PrBlndMaxTrmS 19.54 -.06 +4.1Marsico21stCentury b 23.33 -.06 +7.3 FlexCptl b 14.55 -.05 +6.0MatthewsAsianGrIncInv 16.39 +.06 +1.2MeridianGrLegacy d 37.36 -.33 +10.5Metropolitan WestTtlRetBdI 10.62 ... +2.5 TtlRetBdM b 10.62 ... +2.3 TtlRetBdPlan 9.99 ... +2.6Midas FundsMidas m 1.31 ... -4.4 MidasMagic m 16.74 -.13 +6.1NeedhamGrRetail m 43.43 -.33 +5.9Neuberger BermanSmCpGrInv 30.05 -.14 +7.4NicholasNicholas 64.56 -.33 +7.2 SelHCSvcs d 84.63 -.36 +13.1 SelLeisure d 146.09 -.27 +9.5 SelMaterials x 79.57 -2.06 +2.7 SelMdclEqpndSys 41.39-.19 +17.8 SelNatrlGas d 27.46 -.41 -11.1 SelNatrlRes d 29.06 -.24 -6.6 SelPhrmctcls 18.16 +.03 +5.2 SelSemicons x 97.37 -5.09 +22.3 SelWireless x 9.32 -.04 +7.8 SmCpDiscv d 31.50 -.45 +7.5 SmCpGr d 21.93 -.26 +11.4 StkSelorAllCp 39.06 -.19 +9.7 StratInc 10.86 +.01 +3.4 TtlBd 10. 65 +.01 +3.3 TtlMktIdxF x 67.43 -.64 +10.7 TtlMktIdxPrm x 67.43 -.63 +10.6 TxFrBd 11.37 ... +3.8 USBdIdxInstlPrm 11.59 +.02 +2.6 USBdIdxPremium 11.59+.02 +2.6 Val 114.70 -.67 +7.9 ValDiscv 26.74 -.10 +8.8First EagleGlbA m 57.19 -.07 +5.6First InvestorsGlbA m 7.78 -.02 +6.6 TtlRetA m 19.11 -.06 +4.4FirsthandTechOpps 7.41 -.02 +12.2Franklin TempletonCATxFrIncA m 7.41 ... +4.7 EqIncA m 23.27 -.08 +7.7 FdrTFIncA m 12.02 ... +3.4 FloridaTFIncA m 10.86 ... +3.5 GlbBdA m 12.44 -.02 +2.2 GlbBdAdv 12.40 -.01 +2.4 GlbBdC m 12.47 -.02 +1.8 Gr,IncA m 24.74 -.02 +1.2 GrA m 82.43 -.37 +11.3 GrOppsA m 33.72 -.16 +9.3 IncA m 2.34 ... +3.3 IncAdv 2.32 ... +3.5 IncC m 2.37 ... +2.9 MutGlbDiscvA m 31.76 -.09 +5.7 MutGlbDiscvZ 32.36 -.09 +6.0 MutZ 29.19 -.10 +7.3 RisingDivsA m 54.46 -.29 +8.2 T tlRetA m 9.76 +.01 +2.0 UtlsC m 18.77 +.12 +9.9GERSPUSEq 52.54 -.22 +9.7GabelliAsstAAA m 56.04 -.35 +5.7 EqIncAAA m 24.87 -.11 +5.6 Val25A m 15.60 -.10 +4.5GlenmedeSmCpEqAdv 29.08 -.40 +7.3Goldman SachsShrtDurGovtA m 9.99 ... +.4HarborCptlApprecInstl 62.13 -.24 +11.9 IntlInstl 63.64 +.19 -.8Harding LoevnerIntlEqInstl d 19.62 ... +4.4HartfordSmCoB m 12.98 -.20 +2.5HeartlandValPlusInv m 29.05 -.47 -.7HennessyCrnrstnGrInv b 19.83 -.53 +6.2HodgesRetail m 46.16 -.78 +9.1INVESCOComStkA m 23.72 -.18 +7.3 DivIncInv b 24.11 -.01 +11.2 DiversDivA m 19.64 -.02 +9.4 EngyA m 25.92 -.22 -13.5 EngyInv b 25.81 -.22 -13.5 EqandIncA m 10.71 -.04 +7.6 EuropeanGrA m 35.90 +.20 +1.0 GlbGrB m 27.31 -.04 +3.7 GrAllcA m 14.74 -.04 +4.1 PacGrB m 24.99 +.12 +5.4 RydexElectronicsInv 105.93 -1.62 +16.9 HCH b 24.53 -.02 +8.5 NASDAQ100Inv 30.34 -.12 +16.0SchwabHC 23.38 +.01 +10.8 SP500Idx 36.26 -.13 +11.1 Schwab1000Idx 56.45 -.24 +10.6 TtlStkMktIdx 41.71 -.21 +10.6SentinelCommonStkA m 42.60 -.11 +10.0State FarmGr 73.79 -.23 +8.6Sterling CapitalStrtonSmCpVlIns 81.95-1.16 +6.5T. Rowe PriceBal 23.04 -.03 +6.1 BlueChipGr 79.72 -.35 +12.7 CorpInc 9.58 +.02 +3.5 CptlAprc 27.57 -.04 +10.1 DivGr 38.73 -.12 +10.9 EMStk d 35.66 +.14 +3.9 EqIdx500 d 63.05 -.23 +10.9 EqInc 32.11 -.17 +7.3 FinclSvcs 24.89 -.21 +10.2 GNMA 9.33 +.02 +2.1 GlbTech 15.54 -.03 +23.3 GrStk 58.89 -.24 +13.0 HY d 6.73 ... +4.0 HlthSci 64.97 ... +14.4 InsLgCpGr 32.24 -.14 +12.6 InsMdCpEqGr 49.22 -.23 +12.3 IntlEqIdx d 12.63 ... +.9 IntlStk d 16.86 +.02 +3.8 IntlValEq d 13.70 +.02 .7 MdCpGr 80.59 -.37 +11.6 MdCpVal 29.80 -.20 +10.6 MediaTeleCms 83.37 -.07 +14.3 NJTFBd 11.94 ... +3.6 NewAmericaGr 44.70 -.13 +12.7 NewAsia d 17.40 -.02 +4.6 NewHorizons 47.36 -.20 +11.2 NewInc 9.46 +.01 +2.4 OverseasStk d 9.79 ... +1.7 RlEstt d 28.57 -.06 +10.0 Rtr2015 14.79 ... +5.3 Rtr2020 21.41 -.03 +5.9 Rtr2025 16.34 -.03 +6.3 Rtr2030 23.86 -.04 +6.8 Rtr2035 17.31 -.04 +7.1 Rtr2040 24.73 .06 +7.3 Rtr2045 16.66 -.04 +7.3 Rtr2050 14.00 -.04 +7.3 SciandTech 41.69 -.20 +16.4 SmCpStk 45.90 -.44 +8.9 SmCpVal d 45.20 -.49 +8.1 SpectrumGr 22.46 -.07 +7.7 SpectrumInc 12.60 +.02 +3.2 SummitMnInc 11.78 +.01 +4.0 TFShrtInterm 5.59 ... +1.0 TxEfficientEq d 24.88 -.11 +10.8 Val 35.04 -.13 +8.8TCWTtlRetBdI 9.95 ... +2.5TIAA-CREFBdIdxIns 10.80 ... +2.5 EqIdxIns 17.41 -.08 +10.7 IntlEqIdxIns 17 .80 ... +1.0 LgCpValIdxIns 18.49 -.08 +9.4Third AvenueValIns d 52.73 -.31 +4.2ThompsonBd 11.38 ... +2.6 LgCp 59.33 -.45 +8.7ThornburgInvmIncBldrA m 20.41 -.01 +3.1ThriventIncA m 9.14 +.02 +3.2TocquevilleGold m 39.42 +.37 +.4TransamericaAsAlGrC m 14.41 -.04 +6.5 CGMFoc 44.08 -.70 +5.2CausewayIntlValInstl d 14.86 +.02 -.2ClearBridgeAggresivGrA m 205.08 ... +7.4ClipperClipper 111.18 -.55 +10.9ColumbiaContrarianCorZ 23.85 -.09 +11.2 DivIncZ 19.89 -.06 +10.7DFAEmMktsCorEqIns 19.71+.05 +1.7 EmMktsInstl 25.66 +.09 +1.1 EmMktsSmCpInstl 21.24 ... +4.4 EmMktsValInstl 27.24 +.01 +1.5 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.96 +.01 +1.9 GlbEqInstl 20.45 ... +6.8 GlbRlEsttSec 10.81 ... + 8.2 IntlCorEqIns 12.50 ... +1.8 IntlSmCoInstl 18.75 ... +3.6 IntlSmCpValIns 20.46 ... +3.4 IntlValInstl 17.50 -.07 -.4 OneYearFIInstl 10.30 ... +.5 RlEsttSecInstl 35.36 -.07 +11.1 TAUSCorEq2Instl 16.01 -.13 +9.1 USCorEq1Instl 19.96 -.14 +9.7 USCorEqIIInstl 19.06 -.16 +8.9 USLgCo 18.24 -.07 +11.2 USLgCpValInstl 35.80 -.22 +9.6 USMicroCpInstl 20.29 -.30 +8.0 USSmCpInstl 33.43 -.49 +8.7 USSmCpValInstl 36.07 -.64 +6.7 USTrgtedValIns 23.50 -.39 +7.2DavisNYVentureA m 31.59 -.17 +8.9Delaware InvestmentsStrategicIncA m 8.29 +.01 +2.0 ValInstl 20.17 -.05 +10.0DeutscheCorEqA m 24.77 -.12 +11.7 CorEqS 25.02 -.12 +12.0 GNMAS 13.85 -.01 +1.9Dodge & CoxBal 104.46 -.25 +8.2 GlbStk 12.72 -.03 +6.4 Inc 13.71 +.02 +3.0 IntlStk 41.27 +.01 +.7 Stk 187.72 -.94 +10.3DoubleLineCorFII 10.92 ... +3.3 TtlRetBdI 10.69 ... +3.2 TtlRetBdN b 10.68 ... +3.0DreyfusMidCpIdxInvs 35.94 -.42 +10.1 MnBd 11.65 ... +3.6 NYTxExBd 14.77 ... +3.5 OppcSmCpInv 34.52 -.47 +7.2 ShrtTrmIncD 10.37 +.01 +.5Eaton VanceAtlntCptSMIDCI 28.89 -.24 +12.1 DivBldrA m 13.88 -.04 +9.5 FltngRtInstl 9.01 ... +3.6 GlbMcrAbRtI 9.11 -.01 +3.8 TxMgdSmCpB m 21.13 -.20 +6.7EdgewoodGrInstl 24.89 -.09 +15.8FMICommonStk 26.50 -.32 +6.8 LgCp 20.66 -.08 +9.4FPACptl d 36.25 -.39 -1.8 Crescent d 33.48 -.16 +5.6FederatedHiIncBdA f 7.57 -.01 +4.1 InsHYBdIns d 9.99 -.01 +5.0 IntlSmMidCoA m 34.37+.01 +1.0 KaufmannA m 5.26 -.03 +10.1 MDTMidCpGrB m 28.20-.20 +7.9 3-yr Name NAV Chg %RtnMutual Funds 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/ E DIV 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/ E DIVStocks of Local Interest AV Homes Inc AVHI 10.87 7 19.13 16.30 +.35 +2.2 s t t +3.2 +42.2 3 ... Allegiant Travel Co ALGT 121.70 6 183.91 155.05 +.40 +0.3 t t t -6.8 -9.9 12 2.80 ArcBest Corp ARCB 14.85 6 33.95 24.75 -1.10 -4.3 t t t -10.5 +30.9 36 0.32 Bank of America BAC 12.05 8 25.80 22.65 -.27 -1.2 t t t +2.5 +78.8 18 0.30f Capital One Fncl COF 58.03 7 96.92 82.42 -.67 -0.8 t t t -5.5 +26.0 11 1.60 Carnival Corp CCL 42.94 9 60.24 57.73 -.05 -0.1 t s t +10.9 +16.5 17 1.60f Chicos FAS CHS 9.86 6 16.85 13.47 -.05 -0.4 s t t -6.4 +15.7 19 0.33 Cracker Barrel CBRL 130.15 6 175.04 155.98 -1.04 -0.7 t t t -6.6 +9.5 24 4.60 Disney DIS 90.32 0 113.84 113.04 -.03 ... s s t +8.5 +19.0 20 1.56f Eaton Corp plc ETN 54.30 0 76.39 74.24 -1.15 -1.5 t s s +10.7 +28.2 17 2.28 Fortune Brds Hm&Sec FBHS 52.05 8 64.47 61.71 -.35 -0.6 t s s +15.4 +10.0 23 0.72f Harris Corp HRS 73.32 0 113.00 110.29 +.35 +0.3 s t t +7.6 +46.5 19 2.12 iShs U.S. Pfd PFF 36.70 6 40.34 38.77 ... ... s s s +4.2 +6.2 q 2.15a KC Southern KSU 79.05 4 100.69 87.51 -.89 -1.0 t r s +3.1 +2.0 20 1.32 Lennar Corp A LEN 39.68 9 53.79 51.29 -.63 -1.2 s t s +19.5 +9.9 13 0.16 McClatchy Co MNI 9.10 2 19.77 10.22 -.66 -6.1 s t s -22.5 -6.2 dd ... NextEra Energy NEE 110.49 9 133.28 130.51 +1.19 +0.9 s t s +9.2 +14.4 23 3.93f Office Depot ODP 3.01 4 7.68 4.76 -.03 -0.6 t s s +5.3 -34.9 12 0.10 PGT Inc PGTI 9.38 4 12.49 10.40 -.05 -0.5 s s t -9.6 +5.8 22 ... Panera Bread Co PNRA 185.69 0 316.21 314.20 +.38 +0.1 s s s +53.2 +51.3 51 ... Pembina Pipeline PBA 27.10 0 33.25 33.40 +.27 +0.8 s s s +6.6 +28.8 36 1.50 Raymond James Fncl RJF 46.30 8 81.92 73.76 -.99 -1.3 t t t +6.5 +67.6 20 0.88f Reliance Steel Alu RS 65.10 6 88.58 77.24 -2.23 -2.8 t t t -2.9 +16.2 17 1.80f Ryder R 56.98 7 85.42 74.51 -2.18 -2.8 t t t +0.1 +26.1 14 1.76 St Joe Co JOE 16.30 2 21.90 16.90 -.35 -2.0 t s t -11.1 +3.4 8 ... Sally Beauty Hld SBH 19.23 1 32.26 20.06 -.20 -1.0 s t t -24.1 -34.4 12 ... Simon Property Gp SPG 163.55 2 229.10 173.28 -.07 ... s s s -2.5 -12.9 21 7.00f Stein Mart SMRT 2.57 1 9.23 2.66 -.07 -2.6 s t t -51.5 -53.6 cc 0.30 Suntrust Bks STI 37.71 7 61.69 53.99 -.98 -1.8 t t t -1.6 +55.4 15 1.04 Superior Uniform SGC 15.53 4 21.02 17.60 -.96 -5.2 t t t -10.3 +16.6 18 0.35 Tech Data TECD 61.99 8 96.38 89.40 -2.86 -3.1 t t t +5.6 +28.1 15 ... Wendys Co WEN 9.15 9 14.47 13.58 -.15 -1.1 t s t +0.4 +26.3 36 0.28f World Fuel Svcs INT 34.79 1 51.01 35.97 -.31 -0.9 s t t -21.7 -21.9 15 0.24
Page 10 The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 TODAY / TONIGHTPartly sunnyClearHIGH 85 LOW 6225% chance of rain 10% chance of rainPartly sunny and breezy85 / 6125% chance of rain SATURDAY GULF WATER TEMPERATUREMostly sunny and pleasant86 / 6210% chance of rain SUNDAYDelightful with clouds and sun87 / 6325% chance of rain MONDAYMore sun than clouds87 / 6325% chance of rain WEDNESDAYA thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon88 / 6340% chance of rain TUESDAY 0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource : 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.The higher the UV IndexÂ’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Temperatures Temperatures TemperaturesSource : National Allergy Bureau CONDITIONS TODAY AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEX WEATHER HISTORY WEATHER TRIVIAÂ’ PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRING VENICE627584878780Air Quality Index readings as of ThursdayMain pollutant: OzonePunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Thursday Sebring through 2 p.m. Thursday Venice through 2 p.m. Thursday24 hours through 2 p.m. Thu. Trace Month to date 1.43ÂŽ Normal month to date 0.95ÂŽ Year to date 4.05ÂŽ Normal year to date 8.46ÂŽ Record 0.91ÂŽ (1997) 24 hours through 2 p.m. Thu. 0.00ÂŽ 24 hours through 2 p.m. Thu. 0.00ÂŽ Month to date 0.63ÂŽ Normal month to date 1.25ÂŽ Year to date 4.21ÂŽ Normal year to date 9.74ÂŽ Record 0.91ÂŽ (2000) High/Low 86/62 Normal High/Low 84/61 Record High 94 (2007) Record Low 46 (1971) High/Low 83/63 High/Low 84/66 Normal High/Low 80/61 Record High 91 (1967) Record Low 50 (1971)Pollen Index readings as of Thursday MONTHLY RAINFALLMonth 2017 2016 Avg. Record/Year J an. 0.88 9.93 1.80 9.93/2016 Feb. 0.94 4.09 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.80 1.85 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 1.43 0.99 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.46 2.50 9.45/1991 J un. 14.19 8.92 23.99/1974 J ul. 7.68 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.81 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 7.77 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 4.04 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 0.05 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.44 1.78 6.83/2002 Y ear 4.05 62.30 50.65 (since 1931) T otals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES Today Sat.Apalachicola 78 63 s 78 64 pc Bradenton 82 65 pc 83 66 pc Clearwater 84 67 pc 85 68 pc Coral Springs 81 73 pc 81 73 pc Daytona Beach 79 66 pc 80 66 pc Fort Lauderdale 81 72 sh 80 72 pc Fort Myers 88 68 pc 88 69 pc Gainesville 84 58 pc 85 58 pc Jacksonville 80 60 pc 82 61 pc Key Largo 79 73 pc 79 73 s Key West 82 73 pc 81 74 pc Lakeland 84 61 pc 84 61 pc Melbourne 81 68 pc 82 69 pc Miami 82 72 pc 81 73 pc Naples 86 66 pc 85 67 pc Ocala 83 60 pc 85 60 pc Okeechobee 79 63 pc 79 63 sh Orlando 84 65 pc 84 66 pc Panama City 80 62 s 79 63 pc Pensacola 80 65 s 79 64 pc Pompano Beach 81 73 sh 81 73 pc St. Augustine 78 66 pc 78 65 pc St. Petersburg 86 67 pc 87 68 pc Sarasota 84 62 pc 86 64 pc Tallahassee 85 60 s 85 61 pc Tampa 86 67 pc 88 69 pc Vero Beach 80 66 pc 81 67 sh West Palm Beach 79 71 sh 80 71 sh Punta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop TIDES MARINEPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORTToday 6:18a 12:10a 4:56p 11:13a Sat. 7:07a 12:50a 5:27p 11:37a Today 4:55a 9:29a 3:33p 11:06p Sat. 5:44a 9:53a 4:04p 11:53p Today 4:21a 8:22a 2:01p 9:55p Sat. 5:23a 8:36a 2:21p 10:44p Today 6:50a 12:39a 5:28p 11:42a Sat. 7:39a 1:19a 5:59p 12:06p Today 3:10a 8:08a 1:48p 9:45p Sat. 3:59a 8:32a 2:19p 10:32p NE 8-16 1-3 Light NE 7-14 1-3 LightFt. Myers 88/68 part cldy none Punta Gorda 87/60 part cldy none Sarasota 84/62 part cldy none The Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise Set Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLEForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017Last Apr 19 New Apr 26 First May 2 Full May 10 Today 10:59 p.m. 9:26 a.m. Saturday 11:50 p.m. 10:08 a.m. Today 7:05 a.m. 7:52 p.m. Saturday 7:04 a.m. 7:53 p.m. Today 8:45a 2:34a 9:08p 2:57p Sat. 9:36a 3:25a 9:59p 3:48p Sun. 10:28a 4:16a 10:51p 4:40p WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow flurries, sn -snow, i -ice. THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow IceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesPublication date: 04/14/17 Today Sat. Today Sat. Today Sat. Today Sat.Albuquerque 80 47 s 77 46 s Anchorage 47 33 s 49 32 s Atlanta 82 60 s 82 62 pc Baltimore 66 50 s 68 61 c Billings 59 38 pc 54 33 pc Birmingham 87 64 pc 86 62 pc Boise 48 30 sh 56 38 pc Boston 57 41 s 61 48 s Buffalo 62 45 s 68 56 t Burlington, VT 57 37 s 65 52 r Charleston, WV 81 55 pc 80 60 c Charlotte 81 59 pc 81 60 pc Chicago 66 60 c 80 62 pc Cincinnati 80 59 pc 80 63 s Cleveland 66 55 c 78 63 c Columbia, SC 83 59 s 84 60 pc Columbus, OH 71 56 c 80 63 pc Concord, NH 61 31 s 66 47 pc Dallas 82 63 pc 81 65 pc Denver 77 40 pc 67 41 pc Des Moines 71 61 t 74 51 t Detroit 62 49 c 79 62 t Duluth 55 46 r 65 42 c Fairbanks 48 25 s 41 24 s Fargo 68 47 c 65 41 pc Hartford 65 36 s 65 50 pc Helena 53 32 sh 52 27 pc Honolulu 84 71 pc 85 72 pc Houston 81 64 pc 83 67 pc Indianapolis 78 62 t 79 63 s Jackson, MS 86 57 pc 84 61 pc Kansas City 74 63 t 76 55 t Knoxville 81 59 pc 82 61 pc Las Vegas 77 57 s 81 62 s Los Angeles 73 53 s 75 53 s Louisville 85 63 pc 83 66 s Memphis 85 63 pc 84 65 s Milwaukee 53 50 c 74 57 c Minneapolis 64 58 r 68 47 r Montgomery 88 62 s 87 60 pc Nashville 86 62 pc 85 66 s New Orleans 81 64 c 82 65 pc New York City 64 46 s 59 56 c Norfolk, VA 67 55 s 77 63 pc Oklahoma City 79 61 pc 78 61 c Omaha 72 62 t 75 48 c Philadelphia 67 47 s 68 58 c Phoenix 88 59 s 88 61 s Pittsburgh 69 54 pc 76 61 c Portland, ME 56 35 s 57 46 s Portland, OR 53 39 sh 59 39 c Providence 60 40 s 62 48 pc Raleigh 80 58 s 81 62 pc Salt Lake City 55 34 sh 57 42 pc St. Louis 82 65 c 84 65 s San Antonio 80 65 pc 80 66 pc San Diego 68 56 pc 69 57 s San Francisco 61 46 pc 64 48 pc Seattle 51 42 sh 55 41 c Washington, DC 69 54 pc 74 64 c Amsterdam 55 46 c 52 42 pc Baghdad 87 68 c 79 61 c Beijing 83 51 pc 87 56 s Berlin 56 42 c 54 38 r Buenos Aires 72 53 s 71 54 pc Cairo 76 58 s 78 60 s Calgary 48 29 pc 39 24 sf Cancun 84 70 pc 85 73 s Dublin 54 38 c 51 38 pc Edmonton 36 22 sf 31 13 sf Halifax 49 35 c 51 37 pc Kiev 55 40 sh 54 42 pc London 61 45 pc 57 41 pc Madrid 79 47 pc 80 49 pc Mexico City 76 54 pc 76 53 pc Montreal 57 37 s 64 54 r Ottawa 58 33 s 61 53 r Paris 61 45 c 60 41 c Regina 60 33 pc 50 22 c Rio de Janeiro 84 73 c 86 73 pc Rome 68 52 pc 68 51 pc St. JohnÂs 42 27 c 34 25 pc San Juan 82 70 sh 82 73 sh Sydney 74 59 s 73 60 pc Tokyo 64 57 pc 67 56 pc Toronto 57 40 s 69 60 sh Vancouver 53 42 c 53 38 sh Winnipeg 62 42 r 55 33 sHigh ..................... 86 at Edinburg, TXLow ................... 12 at Champion, MI(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday)72The famous ÂEaster BlizzardÂŽ hit Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota on April 14, 1873. Q: What color is rain?A: Water has no color. Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Hull Arcadia Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is todayÂs weather. Temperatures are todayÂs highs and tonightÂs lows. North Port 85/62 83/63 84/64 84/64 82/64 84/62 83/63 82/62 83/63 86/67 82/65 84/70 83/64 88/68 85/61 87/60 86/65 86/61 85/62 83/61 83/63 86/60 88/61 86/67 83/62 81/66 82/64 82/64 85/62 86/64 82/64 84/61 84/62 84/67 82/67 85/66 87/66 85/62 Florida Senate agrees to smaller cut of prosecutorÂs budget Tax breaks still possible for businesses that use solarTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ The Florida Senate has agreed to scale back cuts it planned for an Orlando prosecutor who is pledging not to seek the death penalty in cases handled by her of“ce. TALLAHASSEE (AP) „ Florida businesses installing renewable energy devices on their properties would get tax breaks under a bill that is moving ahead in the Legislature. A Senate panel on | HEADLINES FROM THE STATEThe Senate voted Wednesday to restore more than $569,000 to the budget of the of“ce of State Attorney Aramis Alaya. But the Senate plan still calls for more than $622,000 in cuts. That money will be shifted to another prosecutor. Ayala has come under “re after she announced she wouldnÂt seek the death penalty in the case of Markeith Loyd or any other case. Gov. Rick Scott wants AyalaÂs murder cases shifted to State Attorney Brad King. But she has “led lawsuits challenging ScottÂs ability to remove her. The Florida House is still proposing a $1.3 million cut to AyalaÂs of“ce. Thursday unanimously advanced the bill (SB 90) to its last committee stop saying it was the Âwill of the people.ÂŽ The bill differs from a house version (HB 1351), which critics say would impede rooftop solar installations by creating consumer protections that would act as barriers for the solar industry. The stateÂs three largest electricity companies have spent $26.9 million on campaign contributions in both the 2016 and the upcoming election cycles. The measures are meant to create a plan for a constitutional amendment approved by voters in 2016 that puts businesses on equal footing with residential properties for property tax exemptions. Order online at:(863) 494-9362, info@sunevents.comSaturday, April 15, 2017Cultural Center of Charlotte County Tickets starting at only: $18LAST SHOW OF THE SEASON, DONÂT MISS IT!Join our newsletter to receive event updates! Call or visit the venue: 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte, FL 33952(941) 625-4175, ext 221, Monday Friday 9am 2pm Two ways to get tickets: All seats reserved, 7pm showtime All ticket sales are nal. adno=716609 adno=716593
Associated PressNEW YORK „ Aaron Hicks homered twice, including a go-ahead, two-run drive in the seventh inning, and the New York Yankees beat the Tampa Bay Rays 3-2 Thursday night to move above .500 for the first time this season. Luis Severino (1-0) struck out a careerhigh 11 in seven innings, including four of his last five batters. The Yankees completed a three-game sweep and won their fourth in a row following a 1-4 start. Hicks homered in the first off Matt Andriese batting left-handed and connected righthanded against Xavier Cedeno to erase a 2-1 deficit. Ronald Torreyes singled with one out in the seventh off Erasmo Ramirez, and Rays manager Kevin Cash brought in Cedeno (1-1), the only lefty in his bullpen. Jacoby Ellsbury grounded into a forceout, and Hicks sent a changeup into the leftfield seats. Acquired from Minnesota in November 2015, Hicks hit .217 with 31 RBIs in a miserable first season with New York. Dellin Betances pitched out of trouble in the eighth after Jesus Sucre walked and took third on Corey DickersonÂs single. Betances froze Kevin Kiermaier and Evan Longoria with sliders for called third strikes, then picked up Brad MillerÂs slow roller to the right side and tagged him just before first base. Aroldis Chapman allowed Logan MorrisonÂs one-out single in the ninth, then threw a called third strike past Daniel Robertson and retired Peter Bourjos on a flyout.TAMPA „ Where are the cameras? USF football coach Charlie Strong has asked that more than once after one of his open spring practices, a fresh slant for him, intended to let the media in to see his Bulls. But the cameras havenÂt been there a lot. Um, same goes for sports columnists. Strong wonders: Where is everybody, anyway? He comes from a short, rough tenure at Texas, a school with a 100,000seat stadium and its own TV network. Those Longhorn Network cameras were always there. As for the rest of the cameras, they were outside looking in. Closed spring workouts. ÂToo many cameras,ÂŽ Strong said with a laugh as he sat in his office at the Selmon Athletic Center. ÂAustin, it was too much. ƒ IÂve never opened practices like this before. I couldnÂt do it in Austin, because everybody would have critiqued every player on every play, this guy is no good.ÂŽ USF holds its spring game Saturday at Corbett Stadium, the schoolÂs oncampus ƒ soccer facility. There is Texas and there is USF. Friday, April 14, 2017 S PORTS € @SunCoastSportsEARLY BIRDBud Cauley shot birdies on four of “ nal “ ve holes for a two-stroke lead Thursday after the opening round of the RBC He ritage. Page 3SEE RAYS 2INDEX | Lottery 2 | NHL 2 | Minor League Baseball 2 | Golf 3 | MLB 4 | Scoreboard 5 | Sports Ticker 6 MARTIN FENNELLY COMMENTARY: USF BullsStrong adjusts to di erent fan base SEE FENNELLY 2 AP PHOTOMiami Heat guard Josh Richardson, left, and Washington Wizards guard Trey Burke battle for a loose ball during the second half Wednesdayin Miami. The Heat defeated the Wizards 110-102. By TIM REYNOLDSAssociated PressMIAMI „ Every team in NBA history that won at least 30 games in the second half of a season headed to the playoffs. That is, until now. Time will tell whether that will be a source of pride or a piece of unwanted history for the Miami Heat, who pulled off a turnaround that defied even their own expectations. They went 30-11 in the final 41 games, a perfect inverse from the 11-30 start to the season and the second-best record in the league in that span, yet wound up missing the playoffs by a game. ÂBy no means did we think we were a perfect team,ÂŽ Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. ÂBut we thought that we had the energy and momentum going in the right direction „ that we would find a way.ÂŽ They almost did. After losing Dwyane Wade in free agency and losing Chris Bosh in September after a failed physical, they knew this would be a season of major challenges. Injuries only made the situation more daunting, and the roster at the end of this season had seven players who werenÂt in Miami a year earlier. Yet when they gathered earlier this week for the final team photo, Hassan Whiteside interrupted the hijinks with a heartfelt message. He told his teammates they started as strangers, then became friends, then a family. ÂThis is one of my favorite teams that I have been a part of,ÂŽ point guard Goran Dragic said. ÂI would go to battle with those guys any day. They can call me anytime.ÂŽNBA: HeatMaking progressBy TERRANCE HARRISAssociated PressORLANDO „ The Orlando Magic have fired general manager Rob Hennigan, saying Thursday it was time to go in a different direction after missing the postseason for five straight seasons. ÂThe facts are we regressed this year and we made the decision that five years under this leadership team was enough to show improvement, which we have not,ÂŽ Magic CEO Alex Martins said Thursday afternoon. ÂI believe we have provided all of the assets, the autonomy and the tools necessary over the past five years in order to build a successful program.ÂŽ Hennigan didnÂt come close to getting it done. At 30, he was the youngest general manager in the NBA when he was hired by the Magic in June 2012. But the Magic never won enough under HenniganÂs direction, missing the postseason all five years of his tenure and posting a 132-278 (.322) record „ the second-worst in the NBA over the five seasons and the worst five-year stretch in team history. The Magic finished this season 29-53 after entering the year with expectations of breaking through to the postseason under firstyear coach Frank Vogel. Magic assistant general manager Matt Lloyd was named the interim GM while the team searches for HenniganÂs replacement. Martins said Lloyd would also be a candidate for the permanent job, but said an exhaustive search for HenniganÂs replacement is in the works. Martins wouldnÂt give specifics on the search, only offering that he will look at some candidates that are currently in the playoffs and that the role could shift to president of basketball operations. ÂThis organization has seen great success over the years but this five-year period has unfortunately not seen that same success,ÂŽ said Martins, who also fired assistant GM Scott Perry. ÂWe feel as if we have fallen behind several of the teams that started this process at the same time that we did or even after we had started.ÂŽ Lloyd is in control for now and will head up the teamÂs NBA draft vetting process next month. Orlando has two first round draft picks. ÂMatt brings solid experience and his appointment as general manager on an interim basis will allow us to seamlessly continue our preparations for the upcoming draft,ÂŽ Martins said. Hennigan has made several moves that didnÂt pan out. The most recent was trading Victor Oladipo to Oklahoma City for veteran power forward Serge Ibaka last June. Hennigan also signed center Bismack Biyombo during free agency, as the team looked to go big in its front-court during a small-ball era. The plan to play two big post players at the same time never was effective and IbakaÂs time in Orlando was short-lived as the season quickly began falling apart NBA: MagicOrlando “ res GM after 5-season playo droughtMLB: Yankees 3, Rays 2Hicks homers twice, Yanks top RaysAP PHOTONew York Yankees pitcher Dellin Betances tags out Tampa Bay Rays Brad Miller during the eighth inning Thursday in New York. Heat saved their season „ without a trip to the postseasonSEE HEAT, 3 Associated PressBOSTON „ Ben Beach was a scrawny 18-yearold who had never run more than 5 miles before he started training for his first Boston Marathon in 1968. A half-century later, at age 67, the Bethesda, Maryland, resident has a chance to set a standard by becoming the first person to complete 50 consecutive trips down the cityÂs hallowed course.BOSTON MARATHONMan eyeing 50th straight “ nishAP PHOTOKathrine Switzer talks with Ben Beach during a media availability at the Copley Plaza Hotel Thursday in Boston. Beach is on the verge of becoming the first person to run the Boston Marathon 50 consecutive times if he completes MondayÂs race. Switzer was the first woman with a bib issued by the Boston Athletic Association to finish the Boston Marathon in 1967. SEE MARATHON 3
And there is Strong, who replaced Willie Taggart after Taggart rode an 11-2 breakout season all the way to Oregon. ÂWeÂre the only college show in town,ÂŽ Strong said. ÂIÂm just wondering: How do we get the fans on board? How do we get this town on board?ÂŽ It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery thatÂs inside, ÂWhy donÂt we go the beach instead?ÂŽ But hereÂs a tip: Keep winning. This isnÂt Austin. This isnÂt Gainesville, where Strong worked for Florida more than once. On the other hand, what Strong inherits from Taggart isnÂt Louisville, which Strong came in and flipped in three years, from 7-6 in his first season as a head coach to an 11-2 record and a Sugar Bowl win over Florida in third season. Then it was on to Texas. Now itÂs back down to USF. Taggart has already flipped USF. Strong needs to keep it flipped. He steps into a team that ended last season nationally ranked and that will enter next season nationally ranked. A look at the USF schedule tells us that StrongÂs team, armed with quarterback Quinton Flowers, should be favored in every game it plays. Period. ÂThereÂs no grace period,ÂŽ Strong said. ÂMe, personally, I donÂt want a grace period.ÂŽ Wish granted. There is still so much out there for USF. The school has never played for a conference championship, much less won one. It is still looking for its first New YearÂs Day bowl game. And there has never been sustained excellence. ThatÂs on the radar. In fact, itÂs in demand. Taggart built a winning culture. Strong is out to add to it. His way. He has instilled precision to USF drills. Meetings begin when they are supposed to begin. Strong closely watches players come to the practice field. ÂI want them running when they hit the grass,ÂŽ he said. He senses a team with something to prove, especially on defense, the weak link last season. Strong has hovered over the defense this spring when not watching Flowers air it out, more vertical, less runnin g from the sensational Q, more passing. ÂThere are some real goals out there,ÂŽ Strong said. ÂYouÂve won 11. ItÂs about sustaining. You canÂt go 7-6 with this (talent).ÂŽ Maybe Strong has something to prove, too. ÂI had success at Louisville, so I know how to coach and win,ÂŽ he said. ÂAnd then at Texas I didnÂt. Now I get another opportunity. A lot of people donÂt get another opportunity.ÂŽ By the way, he doesnÂt think he left the cupboard bare when he was dismissed by Texas. The new coach, Tom Herman, has some talented Strong recruits to work with. ÂI baked the cake,ÂŽ Strong said. ÂI feel the same way here, with what Willie left. He left me a good football team.ÂŽ USF season ticket sales are up compared to this time last year. Strong is doing interviews right and left. And those spring practices, all of them were open to media. There will be some fall practices like that, too. ÂWhatever I need to do, IÂll do it,ÂŽ Strong said. ÂI want our guys to get the recognition. ... We donÂt want to be second fiddle. We donÂt have to be second fiddle.ÂŽ Page 2 SP Friday, April 14, 2017 / The Sun Florida Lottery www.flalottery.comPICK 2Apr. 13N ..........................9-2 Apr. 13D ..........................9-6 Apr. 12N ..........................9-2 Apr. 12D ..........................7-5 Apr. 11N ..........................7-6 Apr. 11D ..........................0-0 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Apr. 13N .......................5-3-9 Apr. 13D .......................4-1-8 Apr. 12N .......................5-3-9 Apr. 12D .......................7-5-3 Apr.11N ........................6-9-3 Apr.11D ........................4-6-1 D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Apr. 13N ...................3-4-4-3 Apr. 13D ...................0-1-4-2 Apr. 12N ...................3-4-4-3 Apr. 12D ...................1-8-3-9 Apr. 11N ...................5-7-4-9 Apr. 11D ...................7-0-4-2 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Apr. 14N ................1-6-1-4-6 Apr. 14D ................2-7-7-0-1 Apr. 12N ................1-6-1-4-6 Apr. 12D ................8-9-7-8-0 Apr. 11N ................0-1-9-7-5 Apr. 11D ................7-1-9-5-5 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Apr. 13 ..........5-12-15-32-34 Apr. 12 ..........1-10-16-26-32 Apr. 11 ................3-5-6-9-10 PAYOFF FOR APR. 12 2..5-digit winners $107,589.84 298..4-digit winners $116.00 8,895..3-digit winners $10.50CASH FOR LIFEApr. 13 ........17-19-49-50-56 Cash Ball ...........................4 Apr. 10 ........20-22-37-55-56 Cash Ball ...........................3 € € € PAYOFF FOR APR. 10 0.......5-of-5 CB ..$1,000/Day 0.......5-of-5.....$1,000/Week 6.......4-of-5 CB ..........$2,500 9.......4-of-5...................$500LUCKY MONEYApr. 11 .............16-26-29-46 Lucky Ball ........................12 Apr. 7 .................2-28-32-38 Lucky Ball ........................17 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 11 1......4-of-4 LB .......$750,000 3......4-of-4............$1,359.50 33.....3-of-4 LB ........$361.00 546....3-of-4 ...............$64.00LOTTOApr. 12 .......2-8-12-15-18-47 Apr. 8 .....20-35-36-46-48-53 Apr. 5 .....17-19-24-27-30-47 PAYOFF FOR Apr. 12 0..6-digit winners $2 million 21..5-digit winners $3,818.50 1,309..4-digit winners $46.50POWERBALLApril 12 .........8-14-61-63-68 Powerball ........................24 Apr. 8 ..........23-36-51-53-60 Powerball ........................15 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 12 0....5 of 5 + PB ..$50 million 1....5 of 5 .............$1 million 1.....4 of 5 + PB .......$50,000 11...4 of 5 .....................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $70 millionMEGA MILLIONSApr. 11 ........19-34-35-38-49 Mega Ball ..........................8 Apr. 7 ..........30-33-43-47-69 Mega Ball ........................15 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 11 0....5 of 5 + MB .$15 million 0.....5 of 5 ...........$1,000,000 3.....4 of 5 + MB ........$5,000 11....4 of 5 ....................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $30 millionFENNELLYFrom Page 1SPORTS ON TVAUTO RACING 11 a.m. NBCSN „ Formula One, Bahrain Grand Prix, practice, at Sakhir, Bahrain BASKETBALL 8 p.m. ESPN2 „ High school, Jordan Brand Classic, East vs. West, at Brooklyn, N.Y. BOXING 10 p.m. SHO „ Dmitry Bivol vs. Samuel Clarkson, for BivolÂs WBA interim light heavyweight title; Carlos Soto vs. Malik Hawkins, welterweights; Glenn Dezurn vs. Leroy Davila, featherweights, at Oxon Hill, Md. COLLEGE BASEBALL 8 p.m. FS1 „ Oklahoma St. at Kansas COLLEGE FOOTBALL 7:30 p.m. SEC „ Kentucky spring game, at Lexington, Ky. COLLEGE GYMNASTICS 1 p.m. ESPN2 „ Women, NCAA Championships, “ rst semi“ nal, at St. Louis 9 p.m. ESPN „ Women, NCAA Championships, second semi“ nal, at St. Louis GOLF 6:30 a.m. GOLF „ European PGA Tour, Trophee Hassan II, second round, at Rabat, Morocco 10:30 a.m. GOLF „ European PGA Tour, Trophee Hassan II, second round, at Rabat, Morocco 12:30 p.m. GOLF „ Champions Tour, Mitsubishi Electric Classic, “ rst round, at Duluth, Ga. 3 p.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour, RBC Heritage, second round, at Hilton Head Island, S.C. 7 p.m. GOLF „ LPGA Tour, LOTTE Championship, third round, at Kapolei, Hawaii MLB BASEBALL 2 p.m. MLB „ Pittsburgh at Chicago Cubs 7 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, St. Louis at N.Y. Yankees OR Baltimore at Toronto NHL HOCKEY 7 p.m. NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, “ rst round, Eastern Conference, Game 2, Columbus at Pittsburgh USA „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, “ rst round, Eastern Conference, Game 2, N.Y. Rangers at Montreal 8 p.m. NBCSN „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, “ rst round, Western Conference, Game 2, St. Louis at Minnesota 10:30 p.m. NBCSN „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, “ rst round, Western Conference, Game 2, San Jose at Edmonton RUGBY 2:30 p.m. NBCSN „ English Premiership, Harlequins vs. Exeter SOCCER 7 p.m. ESPN „ MLS, New York City at Philadelphia By JORDAN KROEGERSports Writer PORT CHARLOTTE „ Through seven games, the Charlotte Stone Crabs couldnÂt take advantage of the opportunities handed to them. They finally did in Game 8. After losing seven straight to begin the season „ their worst start in franchise history „ the Stone Crabs finally got off the schneid with a 9-5 win over the Lakeland Flying Tigers on Wednesday night. Charlotte starting pitcher Jose Mujica set the tone from the beginning, throwing six innings of solid work to pick up the win. He only struck out one, but he threw 45 of his 70 pitches for strikes while giving up only three hits with no runs on his record. ÂWe played good baseball and it started with Jose Mujica on the mound,ÂŽ Stone Crabs manager Michael Johns said. ÂHe threw strikes and he threw strike one. I wish I couldÂve put him back out there for the seventh but his pitch count was too high this early in the year.ÂŽ The Stone Crabs blew the game open with a four-run sixth inning to go up 9-0, but they didnÂt make it easy on themselves down the stretch. Lakeland scored an unearned run in the seventh before plating four in the eighth, highlighted by a basesclearing double by Joe Pankake off reliever Brandon Lawson. Taylor Hawkins shut the door for Charlotte with a perfect ninth inning. ÂScott Lawson is going to be fine,ÂŽ Johns said. ÂThere was a ball where we shouldÂve been out of the inning anyways that he tried to bare hand. The double obviously made it a little interesting but Hawkins came in and finished us out 1-2-3.ÂŽ Kevin Padlo and Brandon Lowe both went 2-for-4 at the plate with two RBI for the Stone Crabs (1-7). Jake Cronenworth, Brett Sullivan, Dalton Kelly and Ryan Boldt also drove in a run apiece on a nine-hit night. Lakeland starting pitcher Spencer Turnbull took the loss, leaving with one out in the fith after allowing five runs. Charlotte went after him early in the first as Cronenworth walked and later scored on an error while KellyÂs RBI single put the Stone Crabs up 2-0 on the Flying Tigers (3-5) after an inning. Two more runs came in the fourth on an RBI single by Boldt and an RBI ground out by Lowe. PadloÂs RBI double in the fifth ended TurnbullÂs night. Zac Reininger didnÂt fare much better in relief as he gave up three more runs in the sixth on LoweÂs RBI triple and an RBI single by Cronenworth, who also drew three walks on the night. He got charged with another run on when Santiago Garrido came in to relieve him and immediately surrendered an RBI double to Sullivan. PadloÂs RBI single finished off the scoring for Charlotte. ÂWe played a really good game,ÂŽ Johns said. ÂWe ran the bases good. We had really good atbats, which weÂve been having all year, so good for the guys. IÂm proud of them. They stayed with it and hopefully we can start another streak now.ÂŽ The teams continue the four-game set at 6:35 today. „Contact Jordan Kroger at 941 206-1175or email jkroeger@sun-herald. com.MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALLStone Crabs end losing skidCharlotte trims Lakeland for “ rst victory of seasonSTONE CRABS 9, FLYING TIGERS 5Lakeland AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Kivett LF 4 0 1 0 0 0 .306 Maddox DH 4 0 1 0 0 1 .240 Latimore LF 4 0 0 0 0 0 .194 Hinkle 1B 4 1 1 1 0 0 .185 Pankake 2B 4 0 1 3 0 1 .150 Azocar CF 4 0 2 1 0 0 .229 Green C 4 0 0 0 0 1 .250 Shepherd 3B 4 1 1 0 0 0 .179 Gonzalez SS 4 1 1 0 0 0 .133 Charlotte AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Fraley CF 5 0 0 0 0 1 .182 Cronenworth SS 2 2 1 1 3 0 .444 Sullivan CF 5 3 2 1 0 0 .267 Padlo 3B 4 0 2 2 0 0 .259 Kelly 1B 4 0 1 1 0 2 .308 Lukes DH 2 1 0 0 2 1 .400 Olmedo-Barrera LF 3 1 0 0 0 0 .190 Boldt RF 4 1 1 1 0 1 .200 Lowe, 2B 4 1 2 2 0 0 .316 Palm Beach 000 000 140 Â… 5 8 2 Charlotte 200 214 00X Â… 9 9 1 2B: Pankake (1) Padlo (3), Sullivan (2). 3B: Azocar (1) Lowe (1). RBI: Azocar (4), Hinkle (5), Pankake 3 (3) Kelly (5), Boldt (3), Lowe 2 (3), Padlo 2 (5), Cronenworth (1), Sullivan (5) SB: Olmedo-Barrera (1), Boldt 2 (2) CS: Olmedo-Barrera (1). LOB: Lakeland 12 Charlotte 15. RISP: Lakeland 3-for-13, Charlotte 5-for-13 Green (1 throw), Pankake (2, “ elding) Fraley (2 “ elding). PITCHING Lakeland IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA Turnbull (L, 0-1) 4.1 4 5 5 5 1 0 4.82 Reininger 1.1 2 3 3 0 2 0 10.13 Garrido 2.1 3 1 1 0 2 0 7.50 Charlotte IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA Mujica (W, 1-0) 6.0 3 0 0 0 1 0 3.18 Lawson 2.0 5 5 4 0 2 0 11.12 Hawkins 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.50 WP: Reininger Mujica. Umpires: HP: Matt Carlyon. 1B: Mike Carroll. Time: 2:32. Att: 1,468. Tampa Bay batters struck out 15 times as the Rays dropped to 5-5. SucreÂs two-out RBI single tied the score in the second and Bourjos homered in the fifth, two innings after Bourjos entered because of Mallex SmithÂs tight right hamstring. Bourjos homer was his first for the Rays. Andriese started 22 of 25 batters with strikes, allowing one run and six hits in six innings. Starlin Castro stranded the bases loaded when he struck out ending the third, and Torreyes hit an inningending flyout in the fourth, leaving runners at second and third.ON FIREThe Yankee Stadium scoreboard flashed flames each time it revealed a velocity of 100 mph or more for Chapman.TAKING RESPONSIBILITYCedeno said he saw a signal that the infield would be back before turning to second on Brett GardnerÂs seventhinning comebacker Wednesday and realizing the fielders had moved in and no one was covering the base. Cedeno bounced a rushed throw to first for an error as Gardner and Rickie Weeks Jr. collided, and the go-ahead run scored. ÂI should have stepped off the rubber and looked back and see where the infielders were,ÂŽ Cedeno said. ÂI totally take the blame for it.ÂŽTRAINERÂS ROOMGardner (bruised jaw, sore neck) and Weeks (bruised right shoulder joint) didnÂt play. Gardner passed a concussion protocol. ÂMy baseline was probably pretty low in the first place,ÂŽ he quipped and then added of Weeks: ÂI picked a bad guy to run into.ÂŽ Weeks, like Gardner, maintained he could play Thursday if needed. ÂIÂm happy to be alive right now,ÂŽ he said. Yankees: 1B Greg Bird started after missing four games because of a sore right ankle and a stomach ailment and went 0 for 4 with three strikeouts, dropping to 1 for 20 this season.UP NEXTRays: Chris Archer (1-0) went ahead of the team by train to Boston for FridayÂs matchup against the Red Sox and RHP Rick Porcello (1-0). Yankees: RHP Masahiro Tanaka (0-1) takes an 11.74 ERA over two starts into Friday nightÂs game against St. Louis and RHP Michael Wacha (1-0).RAYSFrom Page 1 Associated PressToronto native Tom Wilson scored his first NHL playoff goal 5:15 into overtime and the Washington Capitals survived a scare to beat the Maple Leafs 3-2 on Thursday night in Game 1 of their first-round series. The top-seeded Capitals came back from a two-goal deficit to take the early lead in the series and at least momentarily stop the panic about a slip-up. Justin Williams scored twice in regulation, and Washington showed it could handle the adversity of falling behind. Braden Holtby was up to the task in goal, stopping 35 of the 37 shots he faced. Toronto counterpart Frederik Andersen was arguably the best player on the ice with 41 saves before being beaten by Wilson with an absurd shot on the winner.PREDATORS 1, BLACKHAWKS 0: Pekka Rinne made 29 saves, Viktor Arvidsson scored in the “ rst period and the Nashville Predators beat the Chicago Blackhawks Game 1 of their “ rst-round playoff series. RinneÂs second career postseason shutout sent Nashville to just its second playoff win in Chicago in seven tries. The Predators did not have a 1-0 victory during the regular season. Game 2 is Saturday night at the United Center. Corey Crawford had 19 saves for Chicago, which got center Artem Anisimov back from a leg injury that sidelined him for the last part of the season, but struggled to “ nd many good looks. NHL ROUNDUPWilson scores in OT as Caps survive scareAP PHOTOWashington Capitals right wing Tom Wilson (43) celebrates his overtime goal with center Jay Beagle (83) against the Toronto Maple Leafs Thursday in Washington.
The Heat believe they have the core of what will be a contender for big things next season, though they know that the team that gathered for one final huddle in the locker room on Wednesday night when their playoff fate was sealed will not be together when training camp starts in the fall. Josh Richardson said when he was in college, he didnÂt think wins and losses mattered to NBA players. HeÂs learned differently now. ÂBefore I got in, I didnÂt know guys really cared about it that much,ÂŽ Richardson said in an extremely somber locker room ÂI didnÂt know that it meant that much. I thought they were just happy they were rich. Seeing it now, seeing it last year, itÂs a lot deeper than basketball.ÂŽ HereÂs some of what to know going into the Heat offseason: BOSH FUTURE: Chris Bosh spent the entire season on MiamiÂs roster, and now the Heat will decide whether to waive him or try to trade him. ItÂs not even clear if Bosh will be able to play again. When next season starts, heÂll be 20 months removed from his most recent NBA game after his struggles to come back after bouts with blood clots. But this much is certain: His $25.3 million cap space will be occupied by others in Miami next season. WHITESIDE STATS: Heat center Hassan Whiteside led the NBA in blocked shots last season, and got this yearÂs rebounding title. Since the NBA started recording blocks in 1973, only seven other players „ Dwight Howard, Ben Wallace, Dikembe Mutombo, Hakeem Olajuwon, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, David Robinson and Bill Walton „ won league crowns in both categories. FREE AGENCY: The big decisions will be regarding guard Dion Waiters and forward James Johnson, both of whom had big first seasons with the Heat and will be seeking big paydays this summer. Backup center Willie Reed is in a similar spot, and the Heat hold an option on guard Wayne Ellington that figures to be picked up. BoshÂs cap space gives Miami plenty of other options, such as trades. Keeping Udonis Haslem seems critical, if only for his leadership role. DRAFT WATCH: Barring a trade, Miami will make a lottery-level draft pick for just the fifth time in the last 20 years. The Heat will almost certainly emerge from the May 16 draft lottery with the No. 14 selection „ thereÂs about a 1 percent chance of the pingpong balls falling in a way to get Miami up to a top-three pick. BOUNCEBACK FACTOR: The Heat will make the playoffs next season. (At least, thatÂs what history says.) Miami hasnÂt missed the playoffs in consecutive seasons since 2002 and 2003. This was the 19th time in MiamiÂs 29 seasons that the Heat finished with a record of .500 or better, and the first time that wasnÂt good enough to reach the postseason. The current Cal Ripken of the Boston race is one of just 81 people who have current streaks of at least 25 consecutive trips down the 26.2-mile Boston route. Only nine have a streak of at least 40. But BeachÂs love affair with the event actually began on a whim. He was a high school senior flipping through radio stations in his bedroom at a Massachusetts boarding school when he came across a broadcast of the 1967 marathon. The race was run in low 30-degree weather and sleet. Set to attend Harvard the following year, he perked up. ÂThe whole idea of running 26 miles in that kind of weather just kind of appealed to my senses „ the bizarre,ÂŽ he said. ÂI just said to myself that day ... IÂm gonna run that.ÂŽ He signed up in 1968. He walked inside the staging area Âthat reeked of Bengay.ÂŽ The field of 1,014 that year was mostly men, plus a handful of women who had signed up a year after Katherine Switzer became the first woman to officially enter. Beach, who had consumed a steak the night before and run 20 miles only two days prior, said he was naive about marathon prep back then. ÂYou got in line for the doctor and when you got up to the front ... the doctor puts a stethoscope to try to determine if you could make it to the Prudential Building (finish line),ÂŽ Beach said. ÂI donÂt know if anybody got turned down or what.ÂŽ He did finish, in 3 hours, 23 minutes, and after waiting in line to use the only available shower went up to the cafeteria for a bowl of beef stew. He didnÂt finish that, but did get down four glasses of milk. ÂI was lucky that I didnÂt collapse in a heap,ÂŽ he said. He wasnÂt sure heÂd ever do it again. ÂIn fact, my initial feeling was ÂIÂve done it, thatÂs it,ÂŽÂ he said. ÂBut at some point over the next few weeks or months I think I decided I ought to go back... It went better than anything I could have imagined.ÂŽ James Fallows, a friend of BeachÂs at Harvard, ran the race with him the following year and again in 1970. ÂI had no idea that I was witnessing the beginnings of something historic,ÂŽ Fallows said. ÂIt was like having been on hand to see the planting of the seed that became a giant sequoia.ÂŽ It was around Year 10 that Beach said it really started to become a streak. It was also around the time „ in 1977 „ that he met Carol, his future wife, at a road race. She said his drive to run was an instant attraction. ÂHe makes it easy,ÂŽ Carol Beach said. ÂYouÂd think I was dating a professional football player back then. I was so psyched to date a guy thatÂs run the Boston Marathon.ÂŽ Now 37 years of marriage later, he counts her as the streakÂs sustainer. ÂSheÂs always understood how important it is to me,ÂŽ Beach said. ÂShe understands something about the mind of a marathoner ... IÂm sort of a creature of habit.ÂŽ There have been both early and recent challenges to the streak continuing. The first time was on just his fourth race in 1971. He had a knee injury and was just passing the third mile when it started to give him trouble. The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 SP Page 3MARATHONFrom Page 1By PETE IACOBELLIAssociated PressHILTON HEAD ISLAND, S.C. „ Bud Cauley took advantage of pristine, windless conditions at Harbour Town Golf Links with birdies on four of final five holes for an 8-under 63 and a two-shot lead Thursday after the opening round of the RBC Heritage. Cauley hadnÂt made many waves at Harbour Town his first three visits with two missed cuts and only one round in the 60s. This time, though, with mild, 70-degree conditions, practically no wind and abundant sunshine, Cauley made eight birdies in a bogeyfree round, including three straight to finish with a flourish. ÂYou never go out thinking youÂre going to shoot that,ÂŽ Cauley said. ÂI just got into the round and was swinging well and tried to give myself as many looks as I could.ÂŽ The 63 was one shy of the 27-year-old CauleyÂs career low (62 at the McGladney Classic in 2012) and two off the tournament mark of 61 shared by David Frost and Troy Merritt. Cauley was two in front of Luke Donald, Graham DeLaet and Sam Saunders, the grandson of the late Arnold Palmer. Russell Henley continued his recent run of top-flight golf with a 66 to join a group that included former U.S. Open winner Webb Simpson and Ian Poulter. But it was CauleyÂs strong finish that led the way. He rolled in a 5-footer for birdie on No. 16, an 8-footer for another on No. 17 and hit a near perfect approach to the usually wind-swept 18th green off Calibogue Sound to inside 12 feet for the twostroke edge. While the lack of wind certainly helped, Cauley said his shot selection and game plan coming in were essential in his success. ÂThe last five holes I hit every shot just kind of how I was looking,ÂŽ he said. ÂSo that was a nice way to finish.ÂŽ Cauley hasnÂt had the greatest season, missing seven cuts in 12 starts. His best showing was a third at the CareerBuilder Challenge in the California desert. He hopes this start can propel him to bigger things. Cauley knows he couldÂve been elsewhere under different circumstances. He chuckled at pictures of his four good PGA Tour friends, Jordan Spieth, Rickie Fowler, Smylie Kaufman and Justin Thomas, on a spring break jaunt „ including a yacht „ to BakerÂs Bay in the Bahamas. If Cauley continues his strong play at Harbour Town, heÂll have just as good a time as his foursome of pals. ÂI had to keep my shirt on today,ÂŽ he joked. Donald got the ball rolling with his early 65. The former world No. 1 was frustrated at missing his second straight Masters last week and used it as motivation to once again batter Harbour Town. ÂItÂs never fun to be sitting at home,ÂŽ Donald said of the Masters miss. ÂBut in a way, it motivates you. It gets the fire under you and you get a little bit more inspired.ÂŽ Donald has finished second four times and third twice in his past eight appearances at Harbour Town. His 65 was the 20th time in 41 career rounds that Donald shot in the 60s at Harbour Town. It was also his eighth straight round under par here, closing in on the record of 11 in a row he already shares with Larry Nelson. Donald says thereÂs no secret to his success here: Scramblers and those who manage their games well have as much of a chance as any long bomber at Harbour Town. ÂThe long hitters, itÂs taking driver out of their hands a lot,ÂŽ Donald said. ÂSo I feel like the playing fieldÂs leveled out.ÂŽ It also helps when many of the worldÂs best donÂt show up. Just five of the worldÂs top 25 are playing, starting with EnglandÂs Tyrrell Hatton (No. 16) who shot a 69. Matt Kuchar, 17th in the world, is the best Masters finisher at the RBC Heritage, following a fourth at Augusta National with an opening 68. Henley continued his strong recent play. He won in Houston two weeks ago simply to make the Masters, then finished in 11th in the major to earn an invite back to Augusta National in 2018. Henley said he put the clubs away Monday and Tuesday to rest up after arriving from Augusta. ÂItÂs been a whirlwind the last two weeks,ÂŽ he said. LPGA TOUR: Ariya Jutanugarn and In-Kyung Kim each birdied their “ nal hole Thursday to share the lead halfway through the second round of the LPGA Lotte Championship. Jutanugarn had a bogey-free 6-under 66, and Kim shot 64 to reach 9-under 135 at Ko Olina Golf Club. Jutanugarn won “ ve times last season and was the LPGA TourÂs player of the year. Alena Sharp (69) and “ rst-round co-leader Mi Hyang Lee (70) were a stroke back. Among those another shot back were second-ranked So Yeon Ryu (69), coming off a victory in the major ANA Inspiration, and Olympic champion Inbee Park. Paula Creamer, coleader after an opening 66, bogeyed both par 5s on the front nine and had a double bogey on the par-3 eighth in a 74. EUROPEAN TOUR: Gary Stal, Gregory Havret, James Morrison, and Lucas Bjerregaard made 3-under-par 70s to share the lead after the “ rst round of the European TourÂs Trophee Hassan II in Morocco on Thursday. Stal was the early pacesetter while Havret and Morrison also made “ ve birdies and two bogeys to be part of the leading group at the Royal Dar Es Salam club. BjerregaardÂs adventurous round included an eagle, six birdies, and “ ve bogeys. Former Ryder Cup player Edoardo Molinari birdied his last two holes to move a shot off the lead. He was one of nine players on 2 under and just a shot behind. Another of those chasers was Alexander Levy, who “ nished with a birdie, then an eagle after holing his approach, and then a three-putt bogey. On a day where scoring wasnÂt easy and no one shot lower than 70, 52 players were on level par or better and within three shots of the lead. The European Tour said it was the “ rst round in 57 rounds so far this season where no player broke 70.PRO GOLF: RBC HeritageBud Cauley takes lead with strong “ nishAP PHOTOBud Cauley tees off on No. 17 during the first round of the RBC Heritage Presented by Boeing Thursday at Harbour Town Golf Links on Hilton Head Island. AP PHOTOMiami Heat guard Goran Dragic looks for an opening past Washington Wizards forward Daniel Ochefu (32) during the second half Wednesday in Miami. HEATFrom Page 1
Page 4 SP Friday, April 14, 2017 / The SunAMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUEEAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Baltimore 6 2 .750 „ „ 6-2 W-2 4-1 2-1 Boston 5 4 .556 1 5-4 W-1 4-1 1-3 New York 5 4 .556 1 5-4 W-4 3-0 2-4 Tampa Bay 5 5 .500 2 1 5-5 L-3 5-2 0-3 Toronto 1 8 .111 5 4 1-8 L-6 0-3 1-5 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Detroit 6 3 .667 „ „ 6-3 L-1 5-2 1-1 Minnesota 6 3 .667 „ „ 6-3 W-1 3-0 3-3 Chicago 4 4 .500 1 1 4-4 W-2 2-3 2-1 Cleveland 4 5 .444 2 1 4-5 L-2 1-2 3-3 Kansas City 2 6 .250 3 3 2-6 L-3 0-2 2-4 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Los Angeles 6 4 .600 „ „ 6-4 L-2 4-2 2-2 Houston 6 4 .600 „ „ 6-4 W-2 4-3 2-1 Oakland 5 4 .556 5-4 W-2 2-2 3-2 Texas 4 5 .444 1 1 4-5 W-2 2-4 2-1 Seattle 2 8 .200 4 4 2-8 L-2 1-2 1-6CUBS 4, DODGERS 0: Brett Anderson beat his former team with “ ve solid innings, center “ elder Albert Almora Jr. made two outstanding catches against the ivy and the Chicago Cubs beat the Los Angeles Dodgers. Anderson (1-0) won in his Wrigley Field debut for the Cubs. TWINS 11, TIGERS 5: Max Kepler, Miguel Sano and Robbie Grossman homered for Minnesota, and the Twins took advantage of an uncharacteristically wild outing by Jordan Zimmermann. Zimmermann (1-1) allowed “ ve runs and four hits in 4 2/3 innings, walking a career-high “ ve. RANGERS 8, ANGELS 3: Yu Darvish pitched seven scoreless innings and Carlos Gomez hit a leadoff homer in Texas victory over Los Angeles. Nomar Mazara also homered and Robinson Chirinos drove in three runs to help the Rangers take two of three from their AL West rivals. Darvish (1-1) struck out 10 and limited the Angels to “ ve singles and two walks, improving to 8-2 in his career against the Angels. RED SOX 4, PIRATES 3: Xander Bogaerts RBI single capped a three-run rally in the eighth inning, lifting Boston past Pittsburgh in a makeup from a rainout in the opening series. Boston ended up sweeping Pittsburgh in three games after taking the “ rst two games of the season. INDIANS 10, WHITE SOX 4: Tim Anderson homered on the gameÂs “ rst pitch, Matt Davidson added a threerun shot in a “ ve-run “ rst inning and the Chicago White Sox beat the slumping Cleveland Indians. The defending AL champions have lost “ ve of six after sweeping Texas to begin the season and dropped to 4-5. ORIOLES 2, BLUE JAYS 1: Kevin Gausman (1-0) pitched six innings for his “ rst victory in nine career appearances at Rogers Centre. Britton took over in the ninth and Troy Tulowitzki hit a one-out single, Russell Martin followed with a walk and both runners advanced on a wild pitch. BREWERS 5, REDS 1: Ryan Braun and Eric Thames homered, Jimmy Nelson turned in his second straight strong start and the Milwaukee Brewers snapped CincinnatiÂs four-game winning streak, knocking off the Reds. „The Associated Press EAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY New York 6 3 .667 „ „ 6-3 W-4 3-3 3-0 Washington 5 4 .556 1 5-4 L-1 4-2 1-2 Miami 4 4 .500 1 1 4-4 L-1 1-1 3-3 Philadelphia 3 6 .333 3 2 3-6 L-3 2-4 1-2 Atlanta 2 6 .250 3 3 2-6 W-1 0-0 2-6 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Cincinnati 7 3 .700 „ „ 7-3 L-1 2-2 5-1 Chicago 6 3 .667 „ 6-3 W-1 2-1 4-2 Milwaukee 5 5 .500 2 1 5-5 W-3 2-5 3-0 Pittsburgh 3 6 .333 3 2 3-6 L-4 3-3 0-3 St. Louis 3 6 .333 3 2 3-6 W-1 2-4 1-2 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Arizona 7 3 .700 „ „ 7-3 L-1 6-1 1-2 Colorado 6 4 .600 1 „ 6-4 L-1 3-3 3-1 Los Angeles 5 5 .500 2 1 5-5 L-1 3-1 2-4 San Diego 5 5 .500 2 1 5-5 W-1 2-1 3-4 San Francisco 4 6 .400 3 2 4-6 W-1 2-1 2-5 AMERICAN LEAGUE Baltimore (Miley 0-0) at Toronto (Sanchez 0-0), 7:07 p.m. Detroit (Norris 0-0) at Cleveland (Bauer 0-1), 7:10 p.m. Tampa Bay (Archer 1-0) at Boston (Porcello 1-0), 7:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Covey 0-0) at Minnesota (Mejia 0-1), 8:10 p.m. L.A. Angels (Ramirez 2-0) at Kansas City (Duffy 1-0), 8:15 p.m. Houston (Keuchel 1-0) at Oakland (G raveman 2-0), 10:05 p.m. Texas (Perez 1-1) at Seattle (Hernandez 0-1), 10:10 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh (Cole 0-1) at Chicago Cubs (Hendricks 1-0), 2:20 p.m. Philadelphia (Nola 1-0) at Washington (Strasburg 1-0), 4:05 p.m. Milwaukee (Milone 0-0) at Cincinnati (Feldman 1-1), 7:10 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Syndergaard 1-0) at Miami (Conley 1-0), 7:10 p.m. San Diego (Chacin 1-1) at Atlanta (Teheran 0-0), 7:35 p.m. Arizona (Greinke 1-0) at L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw 1-1), 10:10 p.m. Colorado (Anderson 1-1) at San Francisco (Cueto 2-0), 10:15 p.m. INTERLEAGUE St. Louis (Wacha 1-0) at N.Y. Yankees (Tanaka 0-1), 7:05 p.m. THURSDAYÂS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Minnesota 11, Detroit 5 Texas 8, L.A. Angels 3 Chicago White Sox 10, Cleveland 4 N.Y. Yankees 3, Tampa Bay 2 Baltimore 2, Toronto 1 Oakland at Kansas City, late NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago Cubs 4, L.A. Dodgers 0 Milwaukee 5, Cincinnati 1 N.Y. Mets at Miami, late Colorado at San Francisco, late INTERLEAGUE Boston 4, Pittsburgh 3 WEDNESDAYÂS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE N.Y. Yankees 8, Tampa Bay 4 Detroit 5, Minnesota 3 Chicago White Sox 2, Cleveland 1 Milwaukee 2, Toronto 0 Baltimore 12, Boston 5 Oakland 8, Kansas City 3 Texas 8, L.A. Angels 3 Houston 10, Seattle 5 NATIONAL LEAGUE San Diego 6, Colorado 0 St. Louis 6, Washington 1 Cincinnati 9, Pittsburgh 2 N.Y. Mets 5, Philadelphia 4 Atlanta 5, Miami 4 L.A. Dodgers 2, Chicago Cubs 0 San Francisco 6, Arizona 2 INTERLEAGUE Milwaukee 2, Toronto 0ROUNDUP SCHEDULES TODAYÂS GAMES (All times Eastern) TWINS 11, TIGERS 5MINNESOTA DETROIT ab r h bi ab r h bi Dozier 2b 5 1 2 0 Rmne 2b-1b 5 0 0 0 Da.Sntn 2b 0 0 0 0 Cstllns 3b 5 0 0 0 Grssman dh 3 3 1 2 Mi.Cbrr 1b 2 2 1 1 Mauer 1b 5 1 1 1 D.Mchdo 2b 1 0 0 0 Sano 3b 2 2 1 3 V.Mrtin dh 3 0 0 0 Kepler rf 4 2 2 3 Avila ph-dh 1 0 1 0 J.Plnco ss 5 1 1 0 Upton lf 3 1 1 2 Gimenez c 3 0 1 1 Mahtook lf 1 0 0 0 E.Rsrio lf 5 0 1 1 Collins rf 3 1 1 0 Buxton cf 5 1 1 0 J.McCnn c 4 0 0 0 J.Jones cf 3 1 2 0 J.Iglss ss 4 0 3 2 Totals 37 11 11 11 Totals 35 5 9 5 Minnesota 002 135 000„11 Detroit 110 002 001„5 DP„Minnesota 1. LOB„Minnesota 7, Detroit 6. 2B„Kepler (2), J.Iglesias (2). 3B„J.Jones (1). HR„Grossman (1), Sano (3), Kepler (1), Mi.Cabrera (1), Upton (1). SB„Dozier (4), Buxton (1). CS„J.Jones (1). IP H R ER BB SO MINNESOTA Hughes W,2-0 5.2 5 4 4 3 5 Haley S,1-1 3.1 4 1 1 0 6 DETROIT Zimmermann L,1-1 4.2 4 5 5 5 3 Sanchez 1.1 7 6 6 2 1 Greene 2 0 0 0 1 0 Jimenez 1 0 0 0 0 1 WP„Zimmermann, Sanchez. Umpires„Home, Jerry Meals; First, Ron Kulpa; Second, Ed Hickox; Third, Chris Conroy. T„3:31. A„22,573 (41,681).RED SOX 4, PIRATES 3PITTSBURGH BOSTON ab r h bi ab r h bi Mercer ss 4 1 1 0 Pedroia 2b 3 1 0 0 S.Marte cf 3 0 0 0 Bnntndi cf 4 1 1 0 McCtchn rf 4 1 1 2 Betts rf 3 0 1 0 G.Plnco lf 4 1 2 0 H.Rmirz dh 4 1 1 2 Freese dh 1 0 1 0 Mreland 1b 3 1 1 0 Hrrison 3b 4 0 0 0 Bgaerts ss 4 0 2 1 J.Bell 1b 3 0 0 0 M.Hrnan 3b 4 0 1 1 Jaso 1b 1 0 0 0 Vazquez c 3 0 0 0 Gsselin 2b 3 0 0 0 Holt lf 3 0 0 0 A.Frzer ph 1 0 1 0 Chris.Y lf 0 0 0 0 C.Stwrt c 3 0 1 0 Crvelli ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 32 3 7 2 Totals 31 4 7 4 Pittsburgh 200 001 000„3 Boston 010 000 03x„4 E„Vazquez (1), Gosselin (1). LOB„Pittsburgh 7, Boston 6. 2B„G.Polanco (2), C.Stewart (1), H.Ramirez (2), Moreland (8), M.Hernandez (1). HR„McCutchen (1). SB„G.Polanco (3). CS„S. Marte (2), A.Frazier (2). IP H R ER BB SO PITTSBURGH Kuhl 6.1 5 1 1 0 6 Rivero H,3 .2 0 0 0 0 0 Hudson H,3 .1 0 2 1 1 0 Nicasio L,0-2 BS,1 .2 2 1 1 2 1 BOSTON Rodriguez 5.1 4 3 2 4 8 Hembree 1.2 2 0 0 0 2 Barnes W,2-0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Kimbrel S,3-3 1 1 0 0 0 0 Umpires„Home, Gabe Morales; First, Gary Cederstrom; Second, Eric Cooper; Third, Adrian Johnson. T„3:15. A„32,400 (37,499).BREWERS 5, REDS 1 MILWAUKEE CINCINNATI ab r h bi ab r h bi Villar 2b 4 0 0 1 Hmilton cf 4 1 1 0 Thames 1b 3 2 2 2 Peraza 2b-ss 4 0 1 0 Aguilar 1b 0 0 0 0 Votto 1b 3 0 0 1 Braun lf 3 1 1 2 Duvall lf 4 0 0 0 T.Shaw 3b 4 0 0 0 Suarez 3b 4 0 0 0 Do.Sntn rf 4 0 2 0 Schbler rf 3 0 0 0 K.Brxtn cf 4 0 1 0 Cozart ss 3 0 3 0 Pina c 4 1 1 0 Astin p 0 0 0 0 Arcia ss 4 1 3 0 Brnhart c 3 0 0 0 Nelson p 2 0 0 0 Ar royo p 1 0 0 0 C.Trres p 0 0 0 0 Storen p 0 0 0 0 Frnklin ph 1 0 0 0 Alcantr 2b 1 0 0 0 J.Hghes p 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 5 10 5 Totals 30 1 5 1 Milwaukee 004 010 000„5 Cincinnati 100 000 000„1 DP„Cincinnati 1. LOB„Milwaukee 4, Cincinnati 4. 2B„Do.Santana (3). HR„Thames (2), Braun (3). SB„Hamilton (5), Peraza (5). CS„K.Broxton (1), Arcia (1). SF„Votto (1). S„ Nelson (1), Arroyo (1). IP H R ER BB SO MILWAUKEE Nelson W,1-0 7 5 1 1 0 5 Torres 1 0 0 0 0 1 Hughes 1 0 0 0 0 0 CINCINNATI Arroyo L,0-2 6 7 5 5 0 2 Storen 1 1 0 0 0 2 Astin 2 2 0 0 1 1 HBP„by Astin (Thames). Umpires„Home, Brian Gorman; First, D.J. Reyburn; Second, Mike DiMuro; Third, Tripp Gibson. T„02:25. A„13,573 (42,319).CUBS 4, DODGERS 0LOS ANGELES CHICAGO ab r h bi ab r h bi Frsythe 2b 4 0 0 0 Schwrbr lf 3 0 1 1 C.Sager ss 4 0 1 0 Szczur lf 0 0 0 0 J.Trner 3b 2 0 1 0 Bryant 3b 3 0 0 0 Puig rf 3 0 1 0 Rizzo 1b 4 1 2 2 Vn Slyk 1b 2 0 0 0 Russell ss 4 1 1 1 Toles ph-lf 2 0 0 0 Cntrras c 4 0 1 0 Grandal c 4 0 1 0 Almora cf 3 0 1 0 T.Thmps cf 2 0 0 0 Heyward rf 4 0 1 0 Gnzal ph-1b 2 0 0 0 J.Baez 2b 2 1 1 0 Hrnan lf-cf 2 0 1 0 B.Andrs p 1 0 0 0 Pderson ph-cf 2 0 1 0 Jay ph 0 1 0 0 Ryu p 1 0 0 0 C.Edwrd p 1 0 0 0 Fields p 0 0 0 0 Uehara p 0 0 0 0 Dayton p 0 0 0 0 W.Davis p 0 0 0 0 Utley ph 1 0 0 0 Hatcher p 0 0 0 0 A.Brnes ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 32 0 6 0 Totals 29 4 8 4 Los Angeles 000 000 000„0 Chicago 100 120 00x„4 DP„Los Angeles 1, Chicago 1. LOB„Los Angeles 9, Chicago 6. 2B„Grandal (1), K.Hernandez (2), Contreras (2). HR„Rizzo (1), Russell (1). IP H R ER BB SO LOS ANGELES Ryu L,0-2 4.2 6 4 4 2 5 Fields .2 1 0 0 0 0 Dayton .2 0 0 0 1 1 Hatcher 2 1 0 0 1 3 CHICAGO Anderson W,1-0 5 3 0 0 4 2 Edwards 2 1 0 0 0 1 Uehara 1 1 0 0 0 1 Davis 1 1 0 0 0 1 HBP„by Ryu (Jay). Umpires„Home, Paul Nauert; First, Dan Iassogna; Second, Sam Holbrook; Third, Greg Gibson. T„3:01. A„38,379 (41,RANGERS 8, ANGELS 3TEXAS LOS ANGELES ab r h bi ab r h bi C.Gomez cf 5 1 1 1 Y.Escbr 3b 4 0 0 0 Choo dh 5 1 2 1 Calhoun rf 3 0 1 0 Mazara rf 5 1 1 2 Revere cf 1 0 0 0 Napoli 1b 4 0 0 0 Trout cf 2 0 2 0 Rua 1b 0 0 0 0 Cron 1b 1 0 0 0 Odor 2b 5 0 1 0 Pujols dh 4 1 1 0 Andrus ss 4 2 2 0 A.Smmns ss 3 0 1 0 Gallo 3b 3 1 1 0 Pnnngtn ss 0 0 0 0 Chrinos c 4 2 2 3 Maybin lf-rf 3 1 0 0 Profar lf 2 0 1 1 J.Marte 1b-lf 4 0 0 0 Espnosa 2b 4 1 2 3 C.Perez c 4 0 0 0 Totals 37 8 11 8 Totals 33 3 7 3 Texas 122 003 000„8 Los Angeles 000 000 003„3 E„A.Simmons (2), Maybin (1), C.Perez (2). DP„Texas 1, Los Angeles 1. LOB„Texas 6, Los Angeles 6. 2B„Andrus (4), Chirinos (1). HR„C.Gomez (3), Mazara (3), Espinosa (3). SB„Andrus (1), Gallo (2), Trout (1), Maybin (1). CS„Andrus (1). IP H R ER BB SO TEXAS Darvish W,1-1 7 5 0 0 2 10 Hauschild 2 2 3 3 1 1 LOS ANGELES Nolasco L,0-2 5 8 5 5 0 7 Wright 4 3 3 3 3 0 WP„Darvish, Nolasco, Wright. Umpires„Home, Paul Emmel; First, Brian OÂNora; Second, Scott Barry; Third, Stu Scheuwater. T„3:14. A„30,255 (43,250).WHITE SOX 10, INDIANS 4 CHICAGO CLEVELAND ab r h bi ab r h bi Ti.Andr ss 6 2 1 1 C.Sntna 1b 5 0 0 0 Me.Cbrr lf 4 2 2 0 Lindor ss 4 1 1 0 Abreu 1b 4 2 2 1 Brntley lf 5 1 2 1 Asche dh 5 1 1 1 Encrnco dh 3 0 0 0 A.Grcia rf 4 1 3 3 Jose.Rm 2b 4 1 3 1 Dvidson 3b 5 1 1 3 Chsnhll cf 5 0 1 1 Y.Sanch 2b 5 1 1 0 Y.Diaz 3b 3 0 2 0 Narvaez c 4 0 2 1 A.Almnt rf 4 0 2 0 L.Grcia cf 5 0 2 0 Gomes c 4 1 1 1 Totals 42 10 15 10 Totals 37 4 12 4 Chicago 520 000 030„10 Cleveland 100 020 010„ 4 DP„Chicago 1. LOB„Chicago 9, Cleveland 11. 2B„Me.Cabrera (4), Y.Sanchez (1), L.Garcia (2), Brantley (2), Chisenhall (1). HR„ Ti.Anderson (1), Davidson (2), Brantley (1), Gomes (1). SF„Jose.Ramirez (1). IP H R ER BB SO CHICAGO Gonzalez 4.2 8 3 3 4 5 Swarzak W,1-0 1.2 1 0 0 0 0 Jennings 1.2 2 1 1 0 2 Kahnle 1 1 0 0 0 2 CLEVELAND Tomlin L,0-2 1.2 8 7 7 1 0 Armstrong 2.1 1 0 0 2 5 Logan 1 0 0 0 0 0 McAllister 2 2 2 2 1 2 Otero 1 3 1 1 0 0 Martinez 1 1 0 0 0 0 McAllister pitched to 3 batters in the 8th PB„Gomes, Narvaez. Umpires„Home, Tim Timmons; First, James Hoye; Second, Will Little; Third, Jeff Kellogg. T„3:32. A„15,060 (38,000).ORIOLES 2, BLUE JAYS 1 BALTIMORE TORONTO ab r h bi ab r h bi Gentry lf 4 0 0 0 Carrera lf 4 0 0 0 A.Jones cf 4 0 0 0 J.Btsta rf 4 1 1 0 M.Mchdo 3b 3 0 0 0 Dnldson dh 3 0 1 1 Trumbo rf 4 0 0 0 Sltlmcc pr-dh 1 0 0 0 S.Smith rf 0 0 0 0 Morales 1b 2 0 0 0 C.Davis 1b 4 0 0 0 Tlwtzki ss 4 0 2 0 W.Cstll c 4 1 1 0 Ru.Mrtn c 3 0 0 0 Mancini dh 2 0 1 0 Pillar cf 4 0 1 0 Schoop 2b 3 1 2 1 Barney 3b 2 0 1 0 J.Hardy ss 3 0 1 1 Smoak ph 1 0 0 0 Goins 3b 0 0 0 0 Pearce ph 1 0 0 0 Travis 2b 3 0 0 0 Totals 31 2 5 2 Totals 32 1 6 1 Baltimore 000 020 000„2 Toronto 000 001 000„1 DP„Baltimore 1. LOB„Baltimore 4, Toronto 7. 2B„Schoop 2 (2), J.Bautista (2), Donaldson (2), Pillar (1). IP H R ER BB SO BALTIMORE Gausman W,1-0 6 5 1 1 2 3 OÂDay H,1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Brach H,4 1 0 0 0 0 2 Britton S,4-4 1 1 0 0 1 0 TORONTO Liriano L,0-1 6.2 5 2 2 2 10 Biagini 1.1 0 0 0 0 2 Smith 1 0 0 0 0 3 WP„Britton. Umpires„Home, Lance Barrett; First, Dale Scott; Second, Jim Reynolds; Third, Brian Knight. T„2:45. A„32,957 (49,282).YANKEES 3, RAYS 2 TAMPA BAY NEW YORK ab r h bi ab r h bi Dckrson dh 4 0 2 0 Ellsbry cf 3 1 0 0 Krmaier cf 4 0 0 0 A.Hicks lf 3 2 2 3 Lngoria 3b 4 0 1 0 Hlliday dh 3 0 0 0 B.Mller 2b 4 0 0 0 S.Cstro 2b 3 0 1 0 Sza Jr. rf 4 0 0 0 Headley 3b 4 0 1 0 Mrrison 1b 3 1 1 0 Bird 1b 4 0 0 0 Dan.Rbr ss 4 0 0 0 Judge rf 3 0 0 0 M.Smith lf 1 0 1 0 Au.Rmne c 3 0 2 0 Bourjos lf 3 1 1 1 Trreyes ss 3 0 1 0 Sucre c 2 0 1 1 Totals 33 2 7 2 Totals 29 3 7 3 Tampa Bay 010 010 000„2 New York 100 000 20x„3 DP„Tampa Bay 1. LOB„Tampa Bay 6, New York 7. 2B„S.Castro (1), Au.Romine (1). HR„ Bourjos (1), A.Hicks 2 (2). IP H R ER BB SO TAMPA BAY Andriese 6 5 1 1 3 5 Ramirez H,2 .1 1 1 1 0 0 Cedeno L,1-1 BS,2 .1 1 1 1 0 0 Hunter .1 0 0 0 0 0 Farquhar 1 0 0 0 2 2 NEW YORK Severino W,1-0 7 5 2 2 1 11 Betances H,1 1 1 0 0 1 2 Chapman S,2-2 1 1 0 0 0 2 WP„Andriese, Farquhar. Umpires„Home, Todd Tichenor; First, Adam Hamari; Second, Bill Miller; Third, Kerwin Danley. T„2:59. A„34,772 (49,642).BOX SCORESBy CURTIS CRABTREEAssociated PressSEATTLE „ Ken Griffey Jr. is captured in full follow through from his swing, gazing toward an unseen baseball. ItÂs a pose he struck many times during his Hall of Fame career, and itÂs the way heÂs been immortalized in bronze outside Safeco Field. The Seattle Mariners on Thursday unveiled the statue of Griffey, the most recent way theyÂve honored one of the franchiseÂs greatest players. ÂOne of the things IÂm known for is my swing and I think it was pretty much going to be a given (that would be the pose),ÂŽ Griffey said during the unveiling ceremony. ÂThey pretty much nailed it. It was overwhelming to see something like that.ÂŽ The 7-foot-tall statue stands on top of a 4-foot granite base. It includes a Mariners 20th anniversary patch and a patch recognizing the 50th anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in baseball. Griffey helped lead the charge toward all major leaguers wearing RobinsonÂs No. 42 each year in recognition of RobinsonÂs trailblazing career. The statue was sculpted by Lou Cella, who also created a statue of former Mariners broadcaster Dave Niehaus that sits on the right field concourse of the stadium. Griffey became the first Mariners player to be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame last year. The Mariners officially retired his No. 24 in August, making him the first player to have his number retired by the fra nchise. ÂWhen people do things for you, you have to show your appreciation,ÂŽ Griffey said. ÂSeattle has gone over and above my expectations of an organization. ItÂs been a whirlwind for 18 months „ January of last year to even now „ itÂs hard to describe. I just try to sit back and not do anything because I donÂt want to mess it up.ÂŽ Griffey played 22 bigleague seasons with the Mariners, Reds and White Sox. A 13-time All-Star and 10-time Gold Glove Award winner in center field, Griffey hit 630 home runs, sixth all-time, and drove in 1,836 runs. He also was the American League MVP in 1997, drove in at least 100 runs in eight seasons, and won seven Silver Slugger Awards.GRIFFEY HONOREDMariners unveil Gri ey statue LEADERS AMERICAN LEAGUEBATTING: Castillo, Baltimore, .409; Garcia, Chicago, .407; Escobar, Los Angeles, .405; Mazara, Texas, .394; Headley, New York, .393; CDavis, Baltimore, .385; KDavis, Oakland, .353; Simmons, Los Angeles, .344; Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, .344; 3 tied at .333. RBI: Sano, Minnesota, 11; Espinosa, Los Angeles, 9; Gallo, Texas, 9; Mazara, Texas, 9; Springer, Houston, 9; Trout, Los Angeles, 9; Tulowitzki, Toronto, 9; 4 tied at 8. HITS: Escobar, Los Angeles, 15; Mazara, Texas, 13; Beltran, Houston, 12; KDavis, Oakland, 12; 8 tied at 11. HOME RUNS: Springer, Houston, 5; KDavis, Oakland, 4; Lindor, Cleveland, 4; Perez, Kansas City, 4; 10 tied at 3. STOLEN BASES: Gardner, New York, 5; Dozier, Minnesota, 4; Semien, Oakland, 4; Cain, Kansas City, 3; Mondesi, Kansas City, 3; Segura, Seattle, 3; Smith, Tampa Bay, 3; 7 tied at 2. PITCHING: Bailey, Los Angeles, 2-0; Givens, Baltimore, 2-0; Graveman, Oakland, 2-0; Hughes, Minnesota, 2-0; Peacock, Houston, 2-0; Ramirez, Los Angeles, 2-0; Santana, Minnesota, 2-0; Triggs, Oakland, 2-0; 17 tied at 1-0. ERA: Paxton, Seattle, 0.00; Triggs, Oakland, 0.00; Keuchel, Houston, 0.64; Santana, Minnesota, 0.69.NATIONAL LEAGUEBATTING: Murphy, Washington, .450; Suarez, Cincinnati, .429; Cozart, Cincinnati, .417; Realmuto, Miami, .414; Myers, San Diego, .400; Ozuna, Miami, .400; Nunez, San Francisco, .389. RBI: Ozuna, Miami, 12; Lamb, Arizona, 10; Reynolds, Colorado, 10; Solarte, San Diego, 10; Murphy, Washington, 9; Myers, San Diego, 9; 7 tied at 8. HITS: Murphy, Washington, 18; Myers, San Diego, 16; Nunez, San Francisco, 14; Cabrera, New York, 13; Lamb, Arizona, 13; Margot, San Diego, 13; Zimmerman, Washington, 13; 9 tied at 12. HOME RUNS: Bruce, New York, 4; Cespedes, New York, 4; Reynolds, Colorado, 4; 14 tied at 3. STOLEN BASES: Nunez, San Francisco, 5; Hamilton, Cincinnati, 4; Owings, Arizona, 4; Peraza, Cincinnati, 4; Phillips, Atlanta, 3; TTurner, Washington, 3; 9 tied at 2. PITCHING: Arrieta, Chicago, 2-0; Cueto, San Francisco, 2-0; Dunn, Colorado, 2-0; Garrett, Cincinnati, 2-0; Harvey, New York, 2-0; McCarthy, Los Angeles, 2-0; Peralta, Milwaukee, 2-0; Roark, Washington, 2-0; 17 tied at 1-1. ERA: Teheran, Atlanta, 0.00; Leake, St. Louis, 0.60; Anderson, Milwaukee, 0.69; Gonzalez, Washington, 0.69; Syndergaard, New York, 0.69. ; Hellickson, Philadelphia, 0.90; Finnegan, Cincinnati, 1.00; Taillon, Pittsburgh, 1.39; Garrett, Cincinnati, 1.42; 3 tied at 1.50. RESULTSMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL AP PHOTOMariners Hall of Famer Ken Griffey Jr. gestures toward a statue of him that was unveiled Thursday in front of Safeco Field in Seattle.
The Sun / Friday, April 14, 2017 SP Page 5SCOREBOARD BASEBALLWEDNESDAYÂS LATE BOX SCORES DODGERS 2, CUBS 0 LOS ANGELES CHICAGO ab r h bi ab r h bi Toles lf 5 1 2 1 Schwrbr lf 3 0 0 0 C.Sager ss 5 0 1 0 Bryant 3b 2 0 0 0 Frsythe 3b 2 0 0 0 Rizzo 1b 4 0 2 0 A.Gnzal 1b 4 0 1 0 Zobrist 2b 4 0 1 0 Grandal c 3 0 0 0 Russell ss 4 0 0 0 Pderson cf 2 0 0 0 Heyward rf 3 0 1 0 J.Trner ph 1 0 0 0 Cntrras c 3 0 1 0 K.Hrnan cf 0 0 0 0 Lackey p 1 0 0 0 Utley 2b 3 1 0 0 M.Mntgm p 0 0 0 0 Puig rf 4 0 1 0 Almora ph-cf 1 0 0 0 B.McCrt p 1 0 0 0 Jay cf 3 0 0 0 T.Thmps ph 1 0 0 0 Rondon p 0 0 0 0 Strplng p 0 0 0 0 Grimm p 0 0 0 0 Avilan p 0 0 0 0 Vn Slyk ph 1 0 0 0 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 2 5 1 Totals 28 0 5 0 Los Angeles 100 000 001„2 Chicago 000 000 000„0 E„Contreras (2), A.Gonzalez (1). DP„Los Angeles 3, Chicago 1. LOB„L.A. 9, Chicago 5. 2B„C.Seager (4). HR„Toles (2). SB„Heyward (1). CS„Bryant (1). S„Lackey (1). IP H R ER BB SO LOS ANGELES McCarthy W,2-0 6 4 0 0 3 4 Stripling H,1 1.2 0 0 0 0 4 Avilan H,2 .1 0 0 0 0 1 Jansen S,2-2 1 1 0 0 0 0 CHICAGO Lackey L,1-1 6 4 1 1 3 10 Montgomery 2 1 0 0 2 1 Rondon .2 0 1 0 1 2 Grimm .1 0 0 0 0 1 T„3:20. A„40,844 (41,072). ATHLETICS 8, ROYALS 3 OAKLAND KANSAS CITY ab r h bi ab r h bi Semien ss 3 2 0 0 A.Grdon rf 4 0 0 0 Joyce rf 4 0 1 1 Mstakas 3b 4 1 1 0 Lowrie 2b 3 0 1 3 L.Cain cf 4 0 3 1 K.Davis lf 5 1 2 0 Hosmer 1b 4 0 1 1 Vogt c 5 1 2 0 S.Perez c 3 0 1 0 Healy dh 4 1 2 0 Butera c 1 0 0 0 Alonso 1b 5 0 1 1 Moss lf 4 0 0 0 Plouffe 3b 2 2 1 1 Cthbert dh 4 0 0 0 Ra.Dvis cf 4 1 2 2 A.Escbr ss 4 0 1 0 Mondesi 2b 3 2 1 1 Totals 35 8 12 8 Totals 35 3 8 3 Oakland 001 214 000„8 Kansas City 000 000 021„3 E„Triggs (1). DP„Oakland 1, Kansas City 2. LOB„Oakland 8, K.C. 7. 2B„Lowrie (3), Vogt (3), Healy (2), Ra.Davis (3), Moustakas (1), L.Cain (1), S.Perez (1). HR„Mondesi (1). SB„ Semien (4). SF„Lowrie (1), Plouffe (1). IP H R ER BB SO OAKLAND Triggs W,2-0 6 4 0 0 1 3 Dull 1 0 0 0 0 1 Hendriks 1 3 2 2 1 0 Montas 1 1 1 1 0 1 KANSAS CITY Hammel L,0-1 4.2 7 4 4 2 4 Wood .2 1 2 2 1 0 Young .1 3 2 2 1 1 Alexander 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 Junis 1 1 0 0 2 0 WP„Hammel 2. T„3:07. A„24,380 (37,903).RANGERS 8, ANGELS 3 TEXAS LOS ANGELES ab r h bi ab r h bi C.Gomez cf 4 1 1 1 Y.Escbr 3b 4 0 0 0 Choo dh 5 0 1 0 Calhoun rf 4 0 2 0 Mazara rf 4 1 1 0 Trout cf 4 1 1 1 Napoli 1b 4 2 2 1 Pujols dh 4 0 0 0 Odor 2b 5 0 1 2 A.Smmns ss 3 1 1 0 Lucroy c 4 1 1 0 Revere lf 4 1 1 0 Andrus ss 4 2 2 1 Cron 1b 3 0 1 1 Gallo 3b 3 1 1 2 Espnosa 2b 3 0 0 1 Profar lf 4 0 1 1 Mldnado c 3 0 0 0 Totals 37 8 11 8 Totals 32 3 6 3 Texas 020 030 102„8 Los Angeles 021 000 000„3 E„Odor (2). DP„L.A. 1. LOB„Texas 7, L.A. 5. 2B„Calhoun 2 (3), Revere (2). 3B„Odor (1), Gallo (1). HR„C.Gomez (2), Napoli (2), Andrus (3), Trout (3). SF„Cron (1), Espinosa (0). IP H R ER BB SO TEXAS Grif“ n W,1-0 6 4 3 3 1 4 Jeffress H,1 1.1 0 0 0 0 1 Claudio 0 1 0 0 0 0 Leclerc S,1-1 1.2 1 0 0 0 2 LOS ANGELES Chavez L,1-1 4.1 5 5 5 2 3 Alvarez .2 1 0 0 1 1 Parker 1 0 0 0 0 2 Petit 2 2 1 1 2 2 Morin 1 3 2 2 0 0 Claudio pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. T„2:59. A„34,599 (43,250). ASTROS 10, MARINERS 5 HOUSTON SEATTLE ab r h bi ab r h bi Sprnger cf-rf 6 1 1 0 J.Dyson lf 4 1 0 0 Reddick rf-lf 3 3 2 2 Haniger rf 5 0 1 0 Altuve 2b 3 3 3 0 Cano 2b 4 1 1 1 Correa ss 5 1 2 1 Cruz dh 4 0 1 0 Beltran dh 5 0 2 3 K.Sager 3b 4 1 1 1 Bregman 3b 4 0 2 1 Motter ss 4 1 2 2 B.McCnn c 3 0 0 1 Zunino c 4 0 1 0 Y.Grrel 1b 5 0 2 1 M.Frman 1b 4 1 2 1 Aoki lf 4 1 2 0 Martin cf 4 0 0 0 Mrsnick pr-cf 1 1 0 0 Totals 39 10 16 9 Totals 37 5 9 5 Houston 000 220 330„10 Seattle 212 000 000„ 5 E„Correa (1). DP„Seattle 2. LOB„Houston 9, Seattle 6. 2B„Beltran (3), Bregman (2), Aoki (1), Motter (4). HR„Motter (1), M.Freeman (1). SB„J.Dyson (2), Haniger (2). SF„Reddick (1). IP H R ER BB SO HOUSTON Fiers 4 6 5 5 1 5 Sipp 1 0 0 0 0 0 Peacock W,2-0 2 1 0 0 0 2 Gregerson 1 1 0 0 0 0 Gustave 1 1 0 0 0 0 SEATTLE Gallardo 5 7 4 4 4 2 Rzepczynski H,2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Altavilla L,1-1 BS,2 1 4 3 3 1 0 Overton .1 2 3 3 1 0 Marshall 1.2 3 0 0 0 2 WP„Altavilla, Overton. T„3:12. A„14,479 (47,476).GIANTS 6, DIAMONDBACKS 2 ARIZONA SAN FRANCISCO ab r h bi ab r h bi Pollock cf 5 1 1 0 Span cf 5 1 2 1 D.Prlta rf 4 0 2 1 Belt 1b 3 1 0 0 Gldschm 1b 4 0 0 0 Pence rf 5 0 1 1 Lamb 3b 3 1 3 0 Crwford ss 4 1 0 0 Tomas lf 2 0 0 0 Gllspie 3b 4 0 1 1 Drury 2b 4 0 1 1 Hundley c 4 1 1 1 Owings ss 4 0 1 0 Panik 2b 3 1 1 0 Mathis c 4 0 0 0 J.Prker lf 3 0 2 2 S.Mller p 2 0 0 0 M.Cain p 2 1 1 0 Cha“ n p 0 0 0 0 Gearrin p 0 0 0 0 Hzlbker ph 1 0 0 0 A.Hill ph 1 0 0 0 Wlhlmsn p 0 0 0 0 Kontos p 0 0 0 0 Bradley p 0 0 0 0 C.Mrrro ph 1 0 0 0 Hrrmann ph 1 0 0 0 Law p 0 0 0 0 Strckln p 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 2 8 2 Totals 35 6 9 6 Arizona 100 000 010„2 San Francisco 000 030 30x„6 E„Span (1), Owings 2 (5). LOB„Arizona 9, San Francisco 10. 2B„Lamb (3), Span (3), Hundley (3), M.Cain (1). 3B„Pollock (1), J.Parker (1). SB„D.Peralta (2), Lamb (1). SF„D.Peralta (1). IP H R ER BB SO ARIZONA Miller L,1-1 5.1 7 3 3 2 5 Cha“ n .2 0 0 0 0 0 Wilhelmsen .2 2 3 3 2 0 Bradley 1.1 0 0 0 1 2 SAN FRANCISCO Cain W,1-0 5 5 1 1 3 6 Gearrin H,1 1 0 0 0 0 3 Kontos H,1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Law 1 2 1 1 0 1 Strickland 1 0 0 0 0 1 M.Cain pitched to 2 batters in the 6th. WP„ Miller, Wilhelmsen. PB„Mathis. T„3:21. A„41,656 (41,915).PRO BASKETBALLNBAEASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division W L Pct. GB y-Boston 53 29 .646 „ x-Toronto 51 31 .622 2 New York 31 51 .378 22 Philadelphia 28 54 .341 25 Brooklyn 20 62 .244 33 Southeast Division W L Pct. GB y-Washington 49 33 .598 „ x-Atlanta 43 39 .524 6 Miami 41 41 .500 8 Charlotte 36 46 .439 13 Orlando 29 53 .354 20 Central Division W L Pct. GB y-Cleveland 51 31 .622 „ x-Milwaukee 42 40 .512 9 x-Indiana 42 40 .512 9 x-Chicago 41 41 .500 10 Detroit 37 45 .451 14WESTERN CONFERENCESouthwest Division W L Pct. GB y-San Antonio 61 21 .744 „ x-Houston 55 27 .671 6 x-Memphis 43 39 .524 18 New Orleans 34 48 .415 27 Dallas 33 49 .402 28 Northwest Division W L Pct. GB y-Utah 51 31 .622 „ x-Oklahoma City 47 35 .573 4 x-Portland 41 41 .500 10 Denver 40 42 .488 11 Minnesota 31 51 .378 20 Paci“ c Division W L Pct. GB z-Golden State 67 15 .817 „ x-L.A. Clippers 51 31 .622 16 Sacramento 32 50 .390 35 L.A. Lakers 26 56 .317 41 Phoenix 24 58 .293 43 x-clinched playoff spot; y-clinched division; z-clinched conference WednesdayÂs GamesBoston 112, Milwaukee 94 Chicago 112, Brooklyn 73 Dallas 100, Memphis 93 Denver 111, Oklahoma City 105 Houston 123, Minnesota 118 Indiana 104, Atlanta 86 Miami 110, Washington 102 New York 114, Philadelphia 113 Orlando 113, Detroit 109 Toronto 98, Cleveland 83 Utah 101, San Antonio 97 Golden State 109, L.A. Lakers 94 L.A. Clippers 115, Sacramento 95 New Orleans 103, Portland 100ThursdayÂs GamesNone scheduledTodayÂs GamesNone scheduledNBA PLAYOFFS All Times EDT (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) FIRST ROUND EASTERN CONFERENCE BULLS VS. CELTICSSunday: Chicago at Boston, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday: Chicago at Boston, 8 p.m. Friday, April 21: Boston at Chicago, 7 p.m. Sunday, April 23: Boston at Chicago, 6:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Chicago at Boston, TBD x-Friday, April 28: Boston at Chicago, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Chicago at Boston, TBDHAWKS VS. WIZARDSSunday: Atlanta at Washington, 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Atlanta at Washington, 7 p.m. Saturday, April 22: Washington at Atlanta, 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 24: Washington at Atlanta, 8 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Atlanta at Washington, TBD x-Friday, April 28: Washington at Atlanta, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Atlanta at Washington, TBDBUCKS VS. RAPTORSSaturday: Milwaukee at Toronto, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday: Milwaukee at Toronto, 7 p.m. Thursday, April 20: Toronto at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. Saturday, April 22: Toronto at Milwaukee, 3 p.m. x-Monday, April 24 : Milwaukee at Toronto, 7 p.m. x-Thursday, April 27: Toronto at Milwaukee, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Milwaukee at Toronto, TBDPACERS VS. CAVALIERSSaturday: Indiana at Cleveland, 3 p.m. Monday: Indiana at Cleveland, 7 p.m. Thursday, April 20, Cleveland at Indiana, 7 p.m. Sunday, April 23, Cleveland at Indiana, 1 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Indiana at Cleveland, TBD x-Thursday, April 27, Cleveland at Indiana, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Indiana at Cleveland, TBDWESTERN CONFERENCE TRAIL BLAZERS VS. WARRIORSSunday: Portland at Golden State, 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Portland at Golden State, 10:30 p.m. Saturday, April 22 : Golden State at Portland, 10:30 p.m. Monday, April 24: Golden State at Portland, 10:30 p.m. x-Wednesday, April 26: Portland at Golden State, TBD x-Friday, April 28 : Golden State at Portland, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Portland at Golden State, TBDSPURS VS. GRIZZLIESSaturday: Memphis at San Antonio, 8 p.m. Monday: Memphis at San Antonio, 9:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20: San Antonio at Memphis, 9:30 p.m. Saturday, April 22 : San Antonio at Memphis, 8 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Memphis at San Antonio, TBD x-Thursday, April 27: San Antonio at Memphis, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Memphis at San Antonio, TBDROCKETS VS. THUNDERSunday: Oklahoma City at Houston, 9 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Oklahoma City at Houston, 8 p.m. Friday, April 21: Houston at Oklahoma City, 9:30 p.m. Sunday, April 23: Houston at Oklahoma City, 3:30 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Oklahoma City at Houston, TBD x-Thursday, April 27: Houston at Oklahoma City, TBD x-Saturday, April 29: Oklahoma City at Houston, TBDJAZZ VS. CLIPPERSSaturday: Utah at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. Tuesday: Utah at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. Friday, April 21: L.A. Clippers at Utah, 10 p.m. Sunday, April 23: L.A. Clippers at Utah, 9 p.m. x-Tuesday, April 25: Utah at L.A. Clippers, TBD x-Friday, April 28: L.A. Clippers at Utah, TBD x-Sunday, April 30: Utah at L.A. Clippers, TBDFINAL INDIVIDUAL STATISTICSThrough April 12 SCORING AVERAGE LEADERS G FG FT PTS AVGWestbrook, OKC 81 824 710 2558 31.6 Harden, HOU 81 674 746 2356 29.1 Thomas, BOS 76 682 590 2199 28.9 Davis, NOR 75 770 519 2099 28.0 DeRozan, TOR 74 721 545 2020 27.3 Lillard, POR 75 661 488 2024 27.0 Cousins, NOR 72 647 517 1942 27.0 James, CLE 74 736 358 1954 26.4 Leonard, SAN 74 636 469 1888 25.5 Curry, GOL 79 675 325 1999 25.3 Irving, CLE 72 671 297 1816 25.2 Towns, MIN 82 802 356 2061 25.1 Durant, GOL 62 551 336 1555 25.1 Butler, CHI 76 570 585 1816 23.9 George, IND 75 622 336 1775 23.7 Wiggins, MIN 82 709 412 1933 23.6 Walker, CHA 79 643 304 1830 23.2 Wall, WAS 78 647 422 1805 23.1 Beal, WAS 77 637 282 1779 23.1 McCollum, POR 80 692 268 1837 23.0FG PERCENTAGE FG FGA PCTJordan, LAC 412 577 .714 Gobert, UTA 413 625 .661 Capela, HOU 362 563 .643 Howard, ATL 388 613 .633 Gortat, WAS 390 674 .579 Jokic, DEN 494 854 .578 Adams, OKC 374 655 .571 Whiteside, MIA 542 973 .557 Valanciunas, TOR 391 702 .557 James, CLE 736 1344 .548REBOUNDS G OFF DEF TOT AVG Whiteside, MIA 77 293 795 1088 14.1 Drummond, DET 81 345 770 1115 13.8 Jordan, LAC 81 298 817 1115 13.8 Gobert, UTA 81 314 721 1035 12.8 Howard, ATL 74 296 644 940 12.7 Towns, MIN 82 296 711 1007 12.3 Davis, NOR 75 172 712 884 11.8 Love, CLE 60 148 518 666 11.1 Cousins, NOR 72 152 642 794 11.0 Westbrook, OKC 81 137 727 864 10.7ASSISTS G AST AVG Harden, HOU 81 907 11.2 Wall, WAS 78 831 10.7 Westbrook, OKC 81 840 10.4 Paul, LAC 61 563 9.2 Rubio, MIN 75 682 9.1 James, CLE 74 646 8.7 Teague, IND 82 639 7.8 Holiday, NOR 67 488 7.3 Green, GOL 76 533 7.0 Lowry, TOR 60 417 7.0WNBADRAFTThursday at New YorkFirst Round1. San Antonio, Kelsey Plum, G, Washington 2. Chicago (from Washington), Alaina Coates, C, South Carolina 3. Dallas, Evelyn Akhator, F/C, Kentucky 4. Dallas (from Connecticut through Los Angeles), Allisha Gray, G, South Carolina 5. San Antonio (from Phoenix), Nia Coffey, F, Northwestern 6. Washington (from Seattle), Shatori WalkerKimbrough, G, Maryland 7. Atlanta, Brittney Sykes, G, Syracuse 8. Connecticut (from Indiana), Brionna Jones, C, Maryland 9. Chicago, Tori Jankoska, G, Michigan State 10. Dallas (from New York), Kaela Davis, G, South Carolina 11. Los Angeles (from Dallas), Sydney Wiese, G, Oregon State 12. Minnesota, Alexis Jones, G, BaylorSecond Round13. Connecticut (from San Antonio through Phoenix), Shayla Cooper, F, Ohio State 14. New York (from Dallas), Lindsay Allen, G, Notre Dame 15. Seattle (from Washington), Alexis Peterson, G, Syracuse 16. Connecticut, Leticia Romero, G, Florida State 17. Indiana (from Phoenix), Erica McCall, F, Stanford 18. Washington (from Seattle), Jennie Simms, G, Old Dominion 19. Atlanta, Jordan Reynolds, G, Tennessee 20. Indiana, Feyonda Fitzgerald, G, Temple 21. Chicago, Vhantel Osahor, F/C, Washington 22. Indiana (from New York through Atlanta), Ronni Williams, F, Florida 23. Dallas (from Los Angeles), Breanna Lewis, G 24. Minnesota, Lisa Berkani, G, FranceThird Round25. San Antonio, Schaquilla Nunn, F, Tennessee 26. Washington, Saniya Chong, G, Connecticut 27. Dallas, Mehryn Kraker, F, WisconsinGreen Bay 28. Connecticut, Jessica January, G, DePaul 29. Phoenix, Alexis Prince, G, Baylor 30. Seattle, Lanay Montgomery, C, West Virginia 31. Atlanta, Oderah Chidom, F, Duke 32. Indiana, Adrienne Motley, G, Miami 33. Chicago, Makayla Epps, G, Kentucky 34. New York, Kai James, C, Florida State 35. Los Angeles, Saicha Grant-Allen, C, Dayton 36. Minnesota, Tahlia Tupaea, G, AustraliaODDSPREGAME.COM LINEMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL National LeagueToday Favorite Line Underdog Line at Chicago -178 Pittsburgh +166 New York -141 at Miami +131 at Washington -202 Philadelphia +182 at Atlanta -150 San Diego +140 at Cincinnati -130 Milwaukee +120 at Los Angeles -228 Arizona +208 at San Francisco -145 Colorado +135American Leagueat Minnesota -136 Chicago +126 at Cleveland -137 Detroit +127 at Toronto -149 Baltimore +139 at Boston -140 Tampa Bay +130 at Kansas City -144 Los Angeles +134 Houston -139 at Oakland +129 at Seattle -147 Texas +137Interleagueat N.Y. Yankees -142 St. Louis +132NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATIONPlayoffs SaturdayFavorite Line O/U Underdog at Cleveland 8 212 Indiana at Toronto 7 201 Milwaukee at San Antonio 8 191 Memphis at L.A. Clippers 5 200 UtahSundayat Washington 4 211 Atlanta at Golden State 13 223 Portland at Boston 7 206 Chicago at Houston 7 228 Okla. CityNATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Stanley Cup PlayoffsToday Favorite Line Underdog Line at Montreal -145 N.Y. Rangers +135 at Pittsburgh -160 Columbus +150 at Minnesota -195 St. Louis +180 at Edmonton -146 San Jose +136SaturdayBoston -117 at Ottawa +107Updated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLAmerican LeagueBALTIMORE ORIOLES „ Designated RHP Oliver Drake for assignment. Selected the contract of RHP Stefan Crichton from Norfolk (IL). BOSTON RED SOX „ Optioned RHP Ben Taylor to Pawtucket (IL). Reinstated LHP Robbie Ross Jr. from the 10-day DL. CHICAGO WHITE SOX „ Placed C Geovany Soto on the 10-day DL, retroactive to Wednesday. Selected the contract of C Kevan Smith from Charlotte (IL). CLEVELAND INDIANS „ Optioned OF Tyler Naquin to Columbus (IL). Reinstated OF Lonnie Chisenhall from the 10-day DL. KANSAS CITY ROYALS „ Recalled RHP Jake Junis from Omaha (PCL).National LeagueATLANTA BRAVES „ Recalled RHP Jason Hursh from Gwinnett (IL). MIAMI MARLINS „ Sent 3B Martin Prado to Jupiter (FSL) for a rehab assignment. MILWAUKEE BREWERS „ Sent RHP Matt Garza and C Andrew Susac to Colorado Springs (PCL) for rehab assignments. NEW YORK METS „ Optioned RHP Paul Sewald to Las Vegas (PCL). Reinstated OF Juan Lagares from the 10-day DL. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES „ Optioned LHP Adam Morgan to Lehigh Valley (IL). Recalled RHP Luis Garcia to Lehigh Valley.American AssociationCLEBURNE RAILROADERS „ Released RHP Richard Suniga. LINCOLN SALTDOGS „ Claimed LHP Kyle Anderson off waivers from Winnipeg. SIOUX CITY EXPLORERS „ Signed RHPs Stephen Shackleford and James Needy and LHP Ryan Davis. TEXAS AIRHOGS „ Signed LHP Grif“ n Russell. WICHITA WINGNUTS „ Signed INF Christian Stringer.Can-Am LeagueROCKLAND BOULDERS „ Released RHP Pat Butler.BASKETBALLNational Basketball AssociationORLANDO MAGIC „ Fired general manager Rob Hennigan.FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueHOUSTON TEXANS „ Released C Tony Bergstrom. Waived LB Gerald Rivers. INDIANAPOLIS COLTS „ Agreed to terms wigth DT Johnathan Hankins. JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS „ PK Josh Scobee signed a one-day contract and announced his retirement.Canadian Football LeagueWINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS „ Signed WR T.J. Thorpe. HOCKEYUSA HOCKEY „ Named Jack Capuano, Rand Pecknold and Seth Appert named assistant coaches for the 2017 IIHL U.S. MenÂs National Team.National Hockey LeagueCHICAGO BLACKHAWKS „ Recalled G Jeff Glass from Rockford (AHL). DALLAS STARS „ Named Ken Hitchcock coach. VEGAS GOLDEN KNIGHTS „ Named Gerard Gallant coach.COLLEGESCREIGHTON „ Announced the resignation of assistant menÂs basketball coach Steve Lutz to take the same position at Purdue. INDIANA „ Named Bill Comar assistant athletic director for basketball administration. GEORGIA „ Junior F Yante Maten declared for the NBA draft. GONZAGA „ Announced sophomore menÂs basketball G Bryan Alberts will transfer. ILLINOIS „ Named Ron Coleman assistant menÂs basketball coach and Stephen Gentry assistant to the menÂs basketball coach. NORTH CAROLINA „ Junior G Justin Jackson will enter the NBA draft. N.C. STATE „ Announced freshman WR Thaddeus Moss will transfer and sophomore G Maverick Rowan is leaving the menÂs basketball program. OKLAHOMA „ Announced graduate WR Jeff Badet is transferring from Kentucky. STANFORD „ Announced the retirement of associate head womenÂs basketball coach Amy Tucker, who will remain with the program in an administrative capacity. TUSCULUM „ Named Nick Pasqua menÂs basketball coach.HOCKEYNHLSTANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE RANGERS 1, CANADIENS 0Wednesday: New York 2, Montreal 0 Today: New York at Montreal, 7 p.m. Sunday: Montreal at New York, 7 p.m. Tuesday Montreal at New York, 7 p.m. x-Thursday, April 20 : New York at Montreal, TBA x-Saturday, April 22: Montreal at New York, TBA x-Monday, April 24: New York at Montreal, TBABRUINS 1, SENATORS 0Wednesday: Boston 2, Ottawa 1 Saturday: Boston at Ottawa, 3 p.m. Monday: Ottawa at Boston, 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Ottawa at Boston, 7:30 p.m. x-Friday, April 21: Boston at Ottawa, TBA x-Sunday, April 23: Ottawa at Boston, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: Boston at Ottawa, TBACAPITALS 1, MAPLE LEAFS 0Thursday: Washington 3, Toronto 2, OT Saturday: Toronto at Washington, 7 p.m. Monday: Washington at Toronto, 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Washington at Toronto, 7 p.m. x-Friday, April 21: Toronto at Washington, TBA x-Sunday, April 23: Washington at Toronto, TBA x-Tuesday, April 25: Toronto at Washington, TBAPENGUINS 1, BLUE JACKETS 0Wednesday: Pittsburgh 3, Columbus 1 Today: Columbus at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. Sunday: Pittsburgh at Columbus, 6 p.m. Tuesday: Pittsburgh at Columbus, 7:30 p.m. x-Thursday, April 20: Columbus at Pittsburgh, TBA x-Sunday, April 23: Pittsburgh at Columbus, TBA x-Tuesday, April 25: Columbus at Pittsburgh, TBAWESTERN CONFERENCE BLACKHAWKS VS. PREDATORSThursday: Nashville at Chicago, late Saturday: Nashville at Chicago, 8 p.m. Monday: Chicago at Nashville, 9:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20: Chicago at Nashville, TBA x-Saturday, April 22: Nashville at Chicago, TBA x-Monday, April 24: Chicago at Nashville, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: Nashville at Chicago, TBABLUES 1, WILD 0Wednesday: St. Louis 2, Minnesota 1, OT Today: St. Louis at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Sunday: Minnesota at St. Louis, 3 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Minnesota at St. Louis, 9:30 p.m. x-Saturday, April 22: St. Louis at Minnesota, TBA x-Monday, April 24: Minnesota at St. Louis, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: St. Louis at Minnesota, TBADUCKS VS. FLAMESThursday: Calgary at Anaheim, late Saturday: Calgary at Anaheim, 10:30 p.m. Monday: Anaheim at Calgary, 10 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Anaheim at Calgary, 10 p.m. x-Friday, April 21 : Calgary at Anaheim, TBA x-Sunday, April 23: Anaheim at Calgary, TBA x-Tuesday, April 25: Calgary at Anaheim, TBASHARKS 1, OILERS 0Wednesday: San Jose 3, Edmonton 2, OT Today: San Jose at Edmonton, 10:30 p.m. Sunday: Edmonton at San Jose, 10 p.m. Tuesday: Edmonton at San Jose, 10 p.m. x-Thursday, April 20: San Jose at Edmonton, TBA x-Saturday, April 22: Edmonton at San Jose, TBA x-Monday, April 24: San Jose at Edmonton, TBAECHL PLAYOFF GLANCE,0598All Times EDT DIVISIONAL SEMIFINALS (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE North Division Adirondack vs. Manchester Friday, April 14: Adirondack st Manchester, 7 p.m. Saturday, April 15: Adirondack st Manchester, 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 18: Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Thursday, April 20: Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Saturday, April 22: x-Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 26: x-Manchester at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Reading vs. Brampton Thursday, April 13: Brampton at Reading, 7 p.m. Saturday, April 15: Brampton at Reading, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 18: Reading at Brampton, 7:15 p.m. Thursday, April 20: Reading at Brampton, 7:15 p.m. Saturday, April 22: x-Reading at Brampton, 8 p.m. Monday, April 24: x-Brampton at Reading, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Brampton at Reading, 7 p.m. South Division Orlando 1, Florida 0 Orlando 4, Florida 2 Friday, April 14: Orlando at Florida, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20: Florida at Orlando, 7 p.m. Saturday, April 22: Florida at Orlando, 7 p.m. Sunday, April 23: x-Florida at Orlando, 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Orlando at Florida, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 26: x-Orlando at Florida, 7:30 p.m. Greenville vs. South Carolina Thursday, April 13: South Carolina at Greenville, 7 p.m. Friday, April 14: South Carolina at Greenville, 7 p.m. Monday, April 17: Greenville at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. Tuesday, April 18: Greenville at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. Friday, April 21: x-South Carolina at Greenville, 7 p.m. Monday, April 24: x-Greenville at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-South Carolina at Greenville, 7 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division Toledo vs. Kalamazoo Friday, April 14: Kalamazoo at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. Saturday, April 15: Kalamazoo at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. Tuesday, April 18: Toledo at Kalamazoo, 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Toledo at Kalamazoo, 7 p.m. Friday, April 21: x-Kalamazoo at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. Sunday, April 23: x-Toledo at Kalamazoo, 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Kalamazoo at Toledo, 7:35 p.m. Fort Wayne vs. Quad City Friday, April 14: Quad City at Fort Wayne, 8 p.m. Saturday, April 15: Quad City at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Fort Wayne at Quad City, 7:35 p.m. Friday, April 21: Fort Wayne at Quad City, 8:05 p.m. Saturday, April 22: x-Fort Wayne at Quad City, 8:05 p.m. Monday, April 24: x-Quad City at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 26: x-Quad City at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. Mountain Division Allen 1, Utah 0 Allen 4, Utah 3 Friday, April 14: Utah at Allen, 8:05 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Allen at Utah, 9:05 p.m. Friday, April 21: Allen at Utah, 9:05 p.m. Saturday, April 22: x-Allen at Utah, 9:05 p.m. Monday, April 24: x-Utah at Allen, 8:05 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Allen at Utah, 9:05 p.m. Colorado vs. Idaho Friday, April 14: Idaho at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. Saturday, April 15: Idaho at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Colorado at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. Friday, April 21: Colorado at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. Saturday, April 22: x-Colorado at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. Tuesday, April 25: x-Idaho at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. Wednesday, April 26: x-Idaho at Colorado, 9:05 p.m.GOLFPGA TOURRBC HERITAGEThursdayÂs leaders at Harbour Town Golf Links, Hilton Head, S.C. Purse: $6.5 million. Yardage: 7,099. Par: 71 (36-35).First RoundBud Cauley 32-31„63 Luke Donald 33-32„65 Graham DeLaet 34-31„65 Sam Saunders 33-32„65 Shane Lowry 33-33„66 Russell Henley 33-33„66 Danny Lee 34-32„66 Ian Poulter 33-33„66 Ben Crane 35-31„66 Webb Simpson 32-34„66 Jason Bohn 33-34„67 Anirban Lahiri 35-32„67 J.J. Spaun 35-32„67 Grayson Murray 33-34„67 Cameron Smith 35-32„67 Harold Varner III 36-31„67 Francesco Molinari 33-34„67 Hideto Tanihara 35-32„67 Martin Kaymer 33-35„68 Matt Kuchar 35-33„68 Jason Kokrak 34-34„68 Ollie Schniederjans 35-33„68 Andrew Johnston 34-34„68 Rafael Campos 34-34„68 Ryan Palmer 32-36„68 Spencer Levin 34-34„68 Brian Gay 34-34„68 William McGirt 36-32„68 Hunter Mahan 35-33„68 Pat Perez 33-35„68 Jason Dufner 34-34„68 Jim Furyk 34-34„68 Marc Leishman 33-35„68 Branden Grace 35-33„68 Steve Marino 36-33„69 Wesley Bryan 34-35„69 Rod Pampling 34-35„69 K.J. Choi 34-35„69 Billy Hurley III 33-36„69 Brian Stuard 34-35„69 Chad Campbell 37-32„69 Whee Kim 35-34„69 Sung Kang 35-34„69 Mark Anderson 37-32„69 Martin Laird 34-35„69 Tyrrell Hatton 35-34„69 Nick Taylor 35-34„69 Brandt Snedeker 35-34„69 Jonas Blixt 31-38„69 Carl Pettersson 36-33„69 Shawn Stefani 35-34„69 Tommy Gainey 35-34„69 Kyle Reifers 34-36„70 Yuta Ikeda 34-36„70 Patrick Cantlay 36-34„70 John Huh 37-33„70 Charles Howell III 34-36„70 Stewart Cink 36-34„70 Kevin Na 35-35„70 Billy Horschel 36-34„70 Ernie Els 34-36„70 Tyrone Van Aswegen 33-37„70 Ryo Ishikawa 37-33„70 Johnson Wagner 36-34„70 Zac Blair 35-35„70 Chris Kirk 35-35„70 Russell Knox 34-36„70 Vijay Singh 36-34„70 David Hearn 35-35„70 Mark Hubbard 35-35„70 Camilo Villegas 36-34„70 Roberto Castro 36-35„71 Michael Kim 35-36„71 Andrew Loupe 35-36„71 Bill Haas 37-34„71 D.A. Points 35-36„71 Troy Merritt 33-38„71 Steven Bowditch 36-35„71 Danny Willett 37-34„71 Brian Harman 36-35„71 Kyle Stanley 34-37„71 C.T. Pan 34-37„71 Alex Cejka 35-36„71 Ben Martin 33-38„71 Peter Malnati 34-37„71 Vaughn Taylor 37-34„71 Adam Hadwin 37-34„71 Aaron Baddeley 35-36„71 Blayne Barber 37-34„71 Ryan Blaum 36-35„71 Freddie Jacobson 35-37„72 Kelly Kraft 36-36„72 Greg Chalmers 38-34„72 Graeme McDowell 36-36„72 James Hahn 38-34„72 Kevin Kisner 36-36„72 Lucas Glover 36-36„72 Boo Weekley 38-34„72 Brett Stegmaier 35-37„72 Robert Garrigus 37-35„72 Scott Brown 32-40„72 Derek Fathauer 37-35„72 Dominic Bozzelli 37-35„72 Patton Kizzire 36-36„72 John Peterson 36-36„72 Davis Love III 37-35„72 David Lingmerth 34-38„72 John Senden 35-37„72 Matthew Fitzpatrick 37-36„73 J.J. Henry 36-37„73 Charley Hoffman 36-37„73 Geoff Ogilvy 34-39„73 Daniel Summerhays 35-38„73 Ricky Barnes 38-35„73 Bryce Molder 36-37„73 Bryson DeChambeau 36-37„73 Trey Mullinax 39-34„73 Rafa Cabrera Bello 38-36„74 Matt Every 033-41„74 Fabian Gomez 37-37„74 Chez Reavie 40-34„74 Michael Thompson 37-37„74 Harris English 38-36„74 Morgan Hoffmann 38-36„74 Luke List 37-38„75 Keegan Bradley 34-41„75 Ken Duke 36-39„75 Chad Collins 40-36„76 Robert Streb 40-36„76 Jim Herman 37-40„77 Cheng Jin 38-40„78 Brooks Blackburn 40-41„81LPGA TOURLPGA LOTTE CHAMPIONSHIPThursdayÂs leaders at Ko Olina Golf Club, Kapolei, Hawaii. Purse: $2 million. Yardage: 6,397. Par: 72 (adenotes amateur)First RoundMi Hyang Lee 34-32„66 Paula Creamer 32-34„66 Alena Sharp 33-34„67 Su-Yeon Jang 33-34„67 Beth Allen 34-33„67 Eun-Hee Ji 34-33„67 Lizette Salas 35-32„67 a-Hye Jin Choi 35-33„68 Amy Anderson 35-33„68 Mina Harigae 34-34„68 So Yeon Ryu 32-36„68 Katherine Kirk 34-34„68 Nicole Broch Larsen 33-35„68 Wichanee Meechai 34-34„68 Becky Morgan 37-31„68 Stacy Lewis 32-36„68 Kris Tamulis 33-36„69 Ashleigh Buhai 37-32„69 Ai Miyazato 34-35„69 Inbee Park 35-34„69 Amy Yang 35-34„69 Ariya Jutanugarn 35-34„69 Bronte Law 35-34„69 Tiffany Joh 32-37„69 Cydney Clanton 34-35„69 Sandra Changkija 35-34„69 Pannarat Thanapolboonyaras 36-33„69 Danielle Kang 34-35„69 Katie Burnett 34-35„69 Simin Feng 36-33„69 Gaby Lopez 35-35„70 Peiyun Chien 36-34„70 Jodi Ewart Shadoff 34-36„70 Mo Martin 36-34„70 Amelia Lewis 35-35„70 Jackie Stoelting 36-34„70 Marissa L Steen 36-34„70 Angela Stanford 35-35„70 Austin Ernst 34-36„70 Sung Hyun Park 35-35„70 In Gee Chun 34-36„70 Brooke M. Henderson 36-34„70 Joanna Klatten 36-34„70 Hae Rym Kim 36-34„70 Nontaya Srisawang 35-35„70 Annie Park 38-33„71 Sakura Yokomine 36-35„71 Ryann OÂToole 35-36„71 Carlota Ciganda 34-37„71 Kim Kaufman 36-35„71 Jenny Shin 34-37„71 In-Kyung Kim 35-36„71 Cristie Kerr 37-34„71 Haru Nomura 36-35„71 Mariah Stackhouse 34-37„71 Emily Tubert 34-37„71 Aditi Ashok 32-39„71 Belen Mozo 37-34„71 Therese OÂHara 35-36„71 Lindy Duncan 36-35„71 Christina Kim 36-35„71 Jennifer Song 37-34„71 Hyo Joo Kim 36-35„71 Michelle Wie 37-34„71 Kelly Tan 36-35„71 Min Lee 37-34„71 Demi Runas 36-35„71 Ally McDonald 35-37„72 Brooke Pancake 38-34„72 Marina Alex 36-36„72 Caroline Hedwall 36-36„72 Ayako Uehara 34-38„72 Jaye Marie Green 35-37„72 Cheyenne Woods 36-36„72 Sandra Gal 36-36„72 Mi Jung Hur 38-34„72 Chella Choi 35-37„72 Laura Gonzalez Escallon 36-36„72 Laetitia Beck 35-37„72 Nasa Hataoka 36-36„72 Kelly W Shon 35-37„72 Jing Yan 35-38„73 Perrine Delacour 36-37„73 Moriya Jutanugarn 37-36„73 Minjee Lee 38-35„73 Lydia Ko 38-35„73 Mirim Lee 36-37„73 Wei-Ling Hsu 38-35„73 Madelene Sagstrom 37-36„73 Britney K Yada 35-38„73 Megan Khang 37-36„73 Stephanie L Meadow 38-35„73 Mika Miyazato 35-38„73 Katherine Perry 36-37„73 Seong Weon Park 36-37„73 Morgan Pressel 38-35„73 Xiyu Lin 35-38„73 Pernilla Lindberg 37-36„73 Vicky Hurst 35-38„73 Sadena A Parks 35-38„73 Min Seo Kwak 36-38„74 Dori Carter 38-36„74 Jane Park 37-37„74 a-Eun Jeong Seong 37-37„74 Ssu-Chia Cheng 38-36„74 Sarah Jane Smith 38-36„74 Azahara Munoz 37-37„74 Pornanong Phatlum 37-37„74 Angel Yin 36-38„74 Thidapa Suwannapura 35-39„74 Giulia Molinaro 36-38„74 Paula Reto 37-37„74 Beatriz Recari 35-39„74 Daniela Darquea 38-37„75 Brittany Lang 37-38„75 Brittany Lincicome 38-37„75 Maude-Aimee Leblanc 35-40„75 a-Suzuka Yamaguchi 35-40„75 Karen Chung 37-38„75 Hee Young Park 40-35„75 Su Oh 39-36„75EUROPEAN TOURTROPHEE HASSAN IIThursdayÂs leaders Royal Golf Dar Es Salam (Red Course), Rabat, Morocco. Purse: 2.5 million euros. Yardage: 7,615. Par: 73 (36-37).First RoundGary Stal, France 36-34„70 Gregory Havret, France 35-35„70 James Morrison, England 36-34„70 Lucas Bjerregaard, Denmark 35-35„70 Clement Sordet, France 35-36„71 Max Orrin, England 36-35„71 Gregory Bourdy, France 35-36„71 Alexander Levy, France 36-35„71 Dylan Frittelli, South Africa 35-36„71 Jaco van Zyl, South Africa 34-37„71 Trevor Fisher Jnr, South Africa 35-36„71 Pelle Edberg, Sweden 36-36„71 Edoardo Molinari, Italy 34-37„71AlsoDaniel Im, United States 37-37„74 Erik Compton, United States 37-38„75UPCOMING TOURNAMENTSAll Times Eastern PGA TOUR CHAMPIONS MITSUBISIH ELECTRIC CLASSICSite: Duluth, Ga. Course: TPC Sugarloaf. Yardage: 7,259. Par: 72. Purse: $1.8 million ( First prize: $270,000). Television: Today, 12:30-2:30 p.m. (Golf Channel); Saturday-Sunday, 3-6 p.m. (Golf Channel). Defending champion: Woody Austin. Last tournament: Miguel Angel Jimenez won the Mississippi Golf Resort Classic. Notes: The TPC Sugarloaf, designed by Greg Norman, was a regular PGA Tour stop the week before the Masters until 2007. ... Six players from the Masters will be in the “ eld „ Bernhard Langer, Larry Mize, Jose Maria Olazabal, Mark OÂMeara, Tom Watson and Ian Woosnam. Mize is the only player to make the cut. ... Langer won the inaugural tournament in 2013 and was runner-up each of the next two years. ... Langer has shot par or better in his last 35 rounds on the PGA Tour Champions. He shot rounds of 75-78 at the Masters. ... Langer leads the money list with $591,850, with Fred Couples trailing by $50,983. Next week: Bass Pro Shops Legends of Golf. Online: RACINGUPCOMING RACESAll Times Eastern NASCAR MONSTERN ENERGY CUPLast race: Jimmie Johnson won in Martinsville after starting just 24th. It was JohnsonÂs 81st career victory. Next race: Food City 500, April 23, Bristol Motor Speedway, Bristol, Tennessee. Online: www.nascar.comNASCAR XFINITYLast race: Erik Jones grabbed his “ rst win of 2017 and seventh overall in the series. Next race: Fitzgerald Glider Kits 300, April 22, Bristol Motor Speedway, Bristol, Tennessee. Online: www.nascar.comNASCAR CAMPING WORLD TRUCKLast race: Chase Elliott became the third consecutive pole winner to also capture the race at Martinsville on April 1. Next race: Toyota Tundra 250, May 12, Kansas Motor Speedway, Kansas City, Kansas. Online: www.nascar.comVERIZON INDYCARLast race: James Hinchcliffe took “ rst in Long Beach, the second surprise winner in as many races to open 2017. Next race: Honda Indy Grand Prix of Alabama, April 23, Barber Motorsports Park, Birmingham, Alabama. Online: www.indycar.comFORMULA ONE BAHRAIN GRAND PRIXSite: Bahrain Schedule: Today, practice, 7 a.m. and 11 a.m.; Saturday, practice, 8 a.m.; qualifying, 11 a.m.; Sunday, race, 11 a.m. Track: Bahrain International Circuit (circuit, 3.36 miles). Race distance: 191.5 miles, 57 laps. Last year: Nico Rosberg won the second of four straight races to open his 2016 championship season. Last race: Series favorite Lewis Hamilton won from the pole in Shanghai. Fast facts: Formula One will host its third race weekend in Bahrain. Sebastian Vettel and Hamilton have wins so far and are tied atop the table with 43 points. Max Verstappen is third „ 18 points behind the leaders. ...Abu Dhabi and Bahrain are the only Middle East courses on the F1 calendar. Bahrain “ rst hosted the series in 2004. ... Two-time series champion Fernando Alonso will run the Indianapolis 500 later next month. ItÂll be AlonsoÂs “ rst race on a superspeedway. Next race: Russian Grand Prix, April 30, Sochi Autodrom, Sochi, Russia. Online:
Page 6 SP Friday, April 14, 2017 / The SunNBA: Playoff PreviewIN BRIEFFOOTBALLSteelers chairman Rooney dies at 84Dan Rooney, the powerful and popular Pittsburgh Steelers chairman whose name is attached to the NFLÂs landmark initiative in minority hiring, died Thursday. He was 84. The team announced his death but details were not immediately available. Rooney took over operation of the team in the 1960s from his father, Art, who founded the franchise. From there, Dan Rooney oversaw NFL championships for a team that had never even played in a league title game. Over the decades he became one of the most powerful and innovative forces within the game, developing the Rooney Rule under which NFL teams are required to interview minority candidates for coaching and front-of“ ce positions. He was a key “ gure in labor negotiations and league expansion. In 2000, Dan Rooney was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, joining his father. Dan RooneyÂs son, Art II, has been the Steelers president since 2003, with Dan Rooney becoming chairman. ÂMy job is to do whatÂs best for the organization and to make that decision regardless of what the consequences are to me personally,ÂŽ Dan Rooney once said. GOLFJohnson headed back to PGA Tour at Wells FargoDustin JohnsonÂs injured back must be feeling better. The worldÂs No. 1 player said heÂll return to the PGA Tour at the Wells Fargo Championships at Eagle Point Golf Club from May 4-7. The Wells Fargo Championship announced JohnsonÂs status Thursday. Johnson was among the favorites to win the Masters last week after winning three straight tournaments. But a fall at his rental home hurt his back the day before the yearÂs “ rst major was to start. Johnson warmed up last Thursday on the Augusta National practice range and came out to the putting green near the “ rst tee. But he headed off the course and withdrew with a bad back.DOPINGIAAF: ÂLittle progress to secure athletics returnRussiaÂs lack of progress in cleaning up its doping culture and introducing a satisfactory testing regime continues to impede the countryÂs reinstatement to athletics, the IAAF said on Thursday. Providing its latest update on RussiaÂs statesponsored doping system, the IAAF also criticized the countryÂs decision to make Yelena Isinbayeva the head of the countryÂs scandalized anti-doping agency. ÂIt is dif“ cult to see how this helps to achieve the desired change in culture in Russia track and “ eld, or how it helps to promote an open environment for Russian whistleblowers,ÂŽ Russia task force chairman Rune Andersen said in his report to the IAAF Council.„The Associated Press By EDDIE PELLSAssociated PressDENVER „ Only three weeks since opening its doors, the U.S. Center for SafeSport is investigating 21 cases involving sexual misconduct or abuse in Olympic sports. The centerÂs website offers a hotline and an online reporting form for those who have been victims of abuse or know of such cases. In an interview with The Associated Press, CEO Shellie Pfohl (pronounced fole) said the early influx of reports might stem from people waiting for the center to open. The organization operates independently from the U.S. Olympic Committee and organizations governing Olympic sports. The USOC and the 47 national governing bodies help fund the center „ about $13.3 million over five years „ but do not have any say over how it operates or the cases it investigates. The center opened March 23 after a five-year fundraising and organization effort that began following a series of sex-abuse cases at USA Swimming. More recently, USA Gymnastics has been the target of lawsuits alleging misconduct by coaches and a team doctor. Last month, the org anizationÂs CEO, Steve Penny, resigned under pressure after USAG was criticized for its handling of the cases. Some of USA Gymnastics troubles center on the timeline of when it learned about alleged abuse and when it reported the cases to the proper authorities. Under the U.S. Center for SafeSportÂs rules, an NGB that receives information about such a case is required to immediately report to the center. ÂWhat I think weÂre hearing and seeing really points to the need for an independent organization likeÂŽ ours, Pfohl said. ÂWe create a uniform set of codes and policies and procedures, so weÂre all working from the same book.ÂŽ Pfohl said the center has one full-time investigator on staff, another set to start in June and three who work on a contract basis. More will be added. The center is charged with investigating the claims while also reporting them to appropriate law-enforcement authorities. NGBs are required to adhere to any sanctions the center hands down once an investigation is complete. The center is designed to work similarly to the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, which receives funding from the USOC but is not controlled by the federation. OLYMPICSAthlete protection group tells of abuse reports By BRIAN MAHONEYAssociated PressRussell Westbrook against James Harden is a sensational start to the NBA postseason. Golden State against Cleveland no longer looks like the certain finish. The playoffs open this weekend, highlighted by a must-see matchup in the first round between record-setting guards who are former teammates and now leading MVP candidates. They swapped spectacular highlights during the regular season: Westbrook averaging a triple-double in carrying Oklahoma City after Kevin DurantÂs departure; Harden leading the league in assists for a high-octane Houston offense that shattered the NBA record for 3-pointers. ÂAs great a season as LeBron (James) and Kawhi (Leonard) have been having, the two main guys on the card, the main draws, have been James Harden and Russell Westbrook,ÂŽ Hall of Famer and TNT analyst Reggie Miller said. ÂAnd to have both of those guys go at one another in the first round „ former teammates, great friends, two leading scorers „ from our side, this is a dream matchup to sit and have a chance to watch.ÂŽ Now one of them will be gone by May. Super stats give way to tremendous teams in the playoffs, and the Warriors look the part after going 67-15 in their first season with Durant, now healthy after a late-season injury. The question mark is the Cavaliers, the defending champions who were just 10-14 after February, yielding the No. 1 seed in the Eastern Conference to Boston while James sat out the final two games during their late-season slide. The Warriors and Cavs were overwhelming favorites to meet again after splitting the last two NBA Finals, though ClevelandÂs struggles have thrown that into doubt „ outside of Cleveland, anyway. ÂIÂm not going into the playoffs thinking that,ÂŽ coach Tyronn Lue said. ÂIÂm going into it thinking we can win.ÂŽ The answers start arriving Saturday, when the two-month chase for 16 wins begins. The Cavaliers open against No. 7 Indiana, while No. 3 Toronto hosts No. 6 Milwaukee. In the West, itÂs seventh-seeded Memphis at No. 2 San Antonio, and the No. 4 Clippers against the No. 5 Utah Jazz. On Sunday, the Warriors open against Portland, before the third-seeded Rockets and No. 6 Thunder play the other Game 1 in the West. The East openers are Boston against Chicago, and No. 4 Washington against fifth-seeded Atlanta. Just five years ago, Westbrook, Harden and Durant were young guns on an Oklahoma City team that lost to Miami in the NBA Finals. All three may have been worthy MVP winners this season had Durant not hurt his knee in late February. HeÂs back now, with perhaps his best chance yet to win something better than a second MVP award: a first championship. ÂPlaying against the best players in the world, at the biggest stage, thatÂs the goal for every player,ÂŽ Durant said. Some other things to watch in the first round:FANTASTIC FORWAR DS: James and Paul George have had tremendous battles in the both the regular season and postseason. The most recent may have been the best, as James finished with 41 points, 14 rebounds and 11 assists to GeorgeÂs 43 points, nine rebounds and nine assists in ClevelandÂs 135-100 doubleovertime victory on April 2 The Pacers havenÂt lost since, winning their final five to surge into the No. 7 seed.TOO CLOSE TO CALL? The Clippers and Jazz both finished 51-31, with Los Angeles winning the season series 3-1 to earn the tiebreaker and home-court advantage. Should Los Angeles not win the series „ and maybe at least one after it „ count on more questions about whether itÂs time to break up the core of Chris Paul and Blake Griffin.BOSTON BEST? The Celtics are a No. 1 seed for the first time since 2008, when they won their last NBA title. But that was a readyto-win powerhouse with Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen. This team is in some ways still in its building stage, perhaps ahead of schedule for where even the franchise expected, and has to show itÂs ready to take the leap after not winning a playoff series since 2012.RAPTORS READY? Toronto reached the East finals last season in its best season ever and loaded up for another run, fortifying the frontcourt with trades for Serge Ibaka and P.J. Tucker. Knocked off by the Cavs last season, they would get Cleveland one round sooner this time if both advance. But to face King James, the Raptors have to stop the Greek Freak, and MilwaukeeÂs Giannis Antetokounmpo will be a handful.WESTBROOK SPORTS TICKERTop MVP candidates the highlight as NBA playo s open HARDEN
Friday, April 14, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 1 Landscape with House and Ploughman (detail) Vincent van Gogh 20,000 associates | 880 offices worldwide | 70 countries and te rritories globally | 40 Premier SothebyÂs International Realty l ocations S othebyÂs International Realty and the SothebyÂs International Realty logo are registered service marks used with permission. E ach oce is independently owned and operated. Equal Housing Opportunity. Property information herein is derived from various sources including, but not limited to, county records and multiple listing services, and may include approximation s. All information is deemed accurate and neither suggests nor infers that Premier SothebyÂs International Realty participated as either the listing or cooperating agent or broker in the sale or purchase of the properties depicted. Landscape with House and Ploughman (detail) by Vincent van Gogh used with permission.400 Barcelona Avenue | Venice, Florida 34285 941.412.3323 215 West Venice Avenue | Venice, Florida 34285 941.488.2600VENICE OFFICE LOCATIONS OFFERINGS IN VENICE AND SURROUNDING AREAS 120 Alba Street East $334,900 | Web ID N5907811 Kathy Lehner 941.468.3523 5409 Layton Drive $354,900 | Web ID N5912149 Lisa Napolitano & Sharon Lewis 941.993.0025 20605 Pezzana Drive $359,900 | Web ID N5912376 Chris & Betsie Shiparski 941.375.1148 905 Gibbs Road #4 $374,900 | Web ID N5912405 Debbie Sugden 941.223.9363 5840 Jamila River Drive $375,000 | Web ID N5912347 Stephen Lingley 941.809.7580 805 Connemara Circle $397,000 | Web ID N5910196 Stephen Lingley 941.809.7580 1378 Still River Drive $415,000 | Web ID N5912360 Daisy & Daniel Blair 941.525.6525 361 Woodvale Drive $429,000 | Web ID N5912196 Joan Lino 941.416.0140 700 Golden Beach Boulevard #118 $429,900 | Web ID N5909235 Bonnie Price 941.350.3362 832 Amaryllis Lane $569,000 | Web ID N5912323 Chris & Betsie Shiparski 941.375.1148 147 Tampa Avenue East #803 $569,900 | Web ID N5912298 Joe Vuono 941.544.0977 112 Ventana Way $650,000 | Web ID N5912311 Melissa Caldwell & Debi Cohoon 941.266.8829 115 Woodbridge Drive #102 $259,000 | Web ID A4181038 Courtney Green 941.809.8432 1714 Celtic Drive #201 $265,000 | Web ID N5911098 Elke von Oertzen 941.441.7073 1030 Beckley $289,000 | Web ID N5912326 Mike Debitetto 941.525.8111 172 Explorer Drive #101 $292,500 | Web ID N5912302 Lisa Napolitano & Sharon Lewis 941.993.0025 1506 Triano Circle #1506 $299,900 | Web ID N5911722 Gina Hamilton 941.539.6561 1379 Maseno Drive $327,500 | Web ID N5912043 Daisy & Daniel Blair 941.525.6525 adno=8533436 1010 OPEN HOUSE Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 And BAY LAKE ESTATES 1200 COLONIA LN. EAST Nokomis, FL 34275 941-485-2555TWO55+ RESORTSOFFERING AWIDEVARIETYOFHOMES. BOTHLOCATIONSARE2 MILES FROMTHEBEAUTIFULBEACHESBAYLAKEORBAYINDIES,YOUCHOOSEWHICHLIFESTYLEISRIGHTFORYOU!!! ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! 1010 OPEN HOUSE 3280 STEADMAN ST PT. CHARLOTTE 33980 OPEN SAT NOON 3PM Beautiful 3BR/2BA Home 1420sqft, Ceramic tile, Breakfast Bar & eat in kitchen with Large Lanai and gorgeous Grandfather Oaks for Shade. MAXIM Residential & Commercial Realtors Carol Wade 941-585-9599 742-H AVENIDA ESTANCIA #112 VENICE *TURNKEY* OPEN HOUSE BY APPT ESTANCIASOFCAPRIISLESVERYDESIRABLE2BR/2BA ENDUNITWITHLOTSOFSUNLIGHTANDGREATGOLF COURSEVIEWS. REDUCED $172,000 TURNKEYDebra Villari 609-458-4627Berkshire Hathaway Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 1010 OPEN HOUSE OPEN SAT & SUN 12-3 PM 26336 NADIR RD #112/2 Golfer's Dream Condo with magnificent panoramic views of Deep Creek Golf Course. No tunnel vision here this unit is bathed in sunlight from all sides including 20 FT ceiling w/ skylights. $112,500. View By Appointment.FLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! 1010 OPEN HOUSE ROTONDA WEST 10 CADDY RD3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 CG Turnkey furnished golf course beauty. Total updating of this home includes NEW FLOORS, DOORS, IMPACT WINDOWS,A/C, KITCHEN AND BATHS. Located on the 8th hole of the Rotonda Hills Golf Course. Reduced to $197,500 Shown by appointment. $1500 BUYER REBATE if purchased thoughFLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! CLASSIFIED WORKS! 1000REAL ESTATEÂWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.ÂŽ REAL E S T A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches
Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 14, 2017 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE I BUY HOUSES. FAST CASH! 941-270-3840 PORT CHARLOTTE HUGE 4+CAR GARAGE w/14' rollup door included w/this move-in ready home w/new central A/C & oversize lot. $139,900 HOPESAGESUNREALTY941-875-4150 PUNTA GORDA BURNT STORE MEADOWS 7505 CORALTREE. NEW HOME. 3/2/2 POOL, GRANITEANDTILE. $279,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! ROTONDA3/2/2 POOLHOME. QUIETSTREET$219KCALLTERRYLONGALWAYSLONGONSERVICE TOFINDOUTWHATYOUR HOMEISWORTH. KELLERWILLIAMSREALTYGOLD941-830-2347 PUNTAGORDA, BURNTSTOREMEADOWS. BRANDNEW3/2.5/3 POOLHOME. LOTSOFUPGRADES! REDUCED$339,900BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY SALE PENDING SOUTH VENICE2 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT! 3/2/2 SPLITPLAN. NEARBEACHYETQUIETAREA! CLOSE TOAMENITIES! STILLTIMETOPICKYOURCOLORS& OPTIONS! $280KSARASOTAREMODELINGINC.941-893-7326 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES ESTATE ON LEMON BAY 4 BED, 3-1/2 BATH, OVERSIZED3-CARGARAGE, ANDLARGE ATTACHEDLUXURYGUEST APARTMENT. 180 DEGREE VIEWSOVERWIDESTPARTOFLEMONBAY. NEWHIGHEST QUALITYDESIGNERPOOLAND SPAWITHCABANABATH. NEWHEAVYDUTYDOCK. THIS DESIGNERINTENSIVEHOME SHOWSLIKEAFEATURED PROPERTYINARCHITECTURALDIGEST. VIEW VIDEO & MORE AT:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFO$1,259,000 SHOWNBYAPPOINTMENTONLY. OWNERFINANCINGPOSSIBLE. 941-769-0200 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NORTH PORT 6440 Malaluka Road. Enjoy the view of the canal, open concept living, dining and kitchen with two spacious bedrooms. 1,220 square feet. Furniture inclÂd. Motivated Seller. Please contact Kristine Dorward 514-618-0360. NORTH PORT 2509 Cartright LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 1500 SF 3/2/2 WITH ENCLOSED LANAI on FENCED CORNER LOT. Minutes to all amenities, schools, I-75. PAMPERED BEAUTY! ROOMY COMFORT! This house is devoted to everyday enjoyment in a choice neighborhood! $173,000 Patty Gillespie REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED! PORT CHARLOTTE 12588 Chamberlain Blvd, Light, bright, airy open floor plan in this 2006, 1600 SF 3/2/2 on oversized lot Screened garage and front entry! Hurricane shutters! Extended granite counter tops, and breakfast bar! SS appl!All tile thruout, except bedrooms! Walk-in closets in all bdrms! NEW AC! $199,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 P a r k L i k e S e t t i n g PORT CHARLOTTE 362 LASAYETTEDR. 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATHHOMEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHEN HASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1835 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! PORT CHARLOTTE BRAND NEW 3/2/2 Homes $189,900 $194,900 HENRY GUSTAF A CLEAR CHOICE REALTY941-204-8213 PORT CHARLOTTE FL LIFESTYLE IS EPITOMIZED IN THIS 1700 SF 2/2/2 CANAL-FRONT POOL HOME ON LUSHLY LANDSCAPED LOT IN MUCH SOUGHTAFTER SECTION OF PORT CHARLOTTE! WHOLE-HOUSE ACCORDIAN HURRICANE SHUTTERS! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! Solar-Heated Screened /Caged Pool Overlooking Tranquil Freshwater Canal. Quiet neighborhood featuring beautiful homes with easy access to shopping, restaurants, world-class fishing and golf. $189,900 Patty Gillespie RE/MAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE INVESTORS Port Charlotte 3/2/2 Pool, Contractor remodeled, $15,000 Income. 2nd property Sailboat lot 10,000 lb boat lift(possible $3000 income) Price on both properties $389,000 Owner 941-347-7020 NOKOMISCALUSA LAKES PRIVATE3 BEDROOM, 3 FULL& 2 PARTIALBATHS, 2 CARGARAGE, POOL HOMEONGOLFCOURSE! 4100 SF. NEWFLATTILEROOFIN2015! OFFICE& MORE!! $695,000. DOUGPARKS, MICHAELSAUNDERS& CO. 941-400-9087 NORTH PORT 5348 CHAPLIN TER PERFECT, TOP TO BOTTOM, INSIDE & OUT! Custom 2100 SF 3/2.5/2 with top-of-the-line EVERYTHING, on lushly landscaped lot, mere minutes to all amenities, yet with a private "country" setting. Owners doubled the storage, electric & lighting, doubled the RO on drinking water! High impact windows thruout! Gutters all around! Poolplanned, with pool bath and outside shower already in place. Large lanai with porcelain tile overlooking serene backyard setting! NOTHING COMPARABLE AT THIS PRICE! $264,900 PATTY GILLESPIERemax Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 2183 Hopwood Rd. A Small Price You'll pay for this light, bright, open '05-built 1300 SF 3/2/2 with gorgeous tile & laminate floors throughout in great family neighborhood close to schools, shopping, amenities. A REAL GEM FOR ONLY $160K. Patty Gillespie, REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 3172 Bellefonte Ave., QUALITYWALKER-BUILT1500 SF 3/2/2/ WITHSOLAR-HEATEDSALT-WATERPOOLONFULLYFENCEDLOT INAGREATFAMILYNEIGHBORHOOD. SECURITYSYSTEM. FRENCHDOORS. NEW $14K SAFE-STEPTUB/SHOWERINMASTERBATH. NEW APPLIANCES, HOTWATER HEATER& WATERSOFTENER. NODEEDRESTRICTIONS! NOTINFLOODZONE! $207,000Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 3513 Cuthbert, Spectacular custom-built, energy-saving executive residence with 2400 SF under air, 3bd/2ba + den/office, on lushly landscaped lot in upscale neighborhood close to all amenities. Granite! Walk-in pantry! Central vac! Whole house solar and solar hot water heater. NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! $279,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 4.5 % COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home + You Get 2 Full Time Agents!Jeff Runyan941-979-2843NO Hidden Fees! Re/Max Palm DEEP CREEK 26180 Copiapo Circle 33983. Just Completed! New Construction! 3/2/3 + Den. 1875 sq. ft. Granite, Tile Floors, Wood Cabinets, Crown Moulding, Tray Ceilings. Loaded w/ Upgrades! $269,900. 239-826-5440 NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! DEEP CREEK3/2/2 All updated, 2279sq., Pool & Landscape, Travertine floors, Waterfall garden, and much much MORE! Kim McIntyre Remax Anchor 941-661-3153 DEEP CREEK Golf Course Only available new home on Deep Creek golf course. Gorgeous view, beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 car garage, 2,000 sq.ft. Completion date 5/15/17. $329k, 941-626-7682 ENGLEWOOD 2Br/2Ba/2Cg, w/ Lg. Scr. Lanai. Prestigious Windward, Cape Haze, Storm Shutters, Catherdral Ceilings, Irrigation System. Walk to Shopping! $210,000 Principals 941-214-5285 1010 OPEN HOUSE 04/14/17 OPEN SAT. 11-3 143 Tropicana Dr. Unit 1011. Punta Gorda Isles. Waterfront 2/2 w/ Private 2 Car Garage. 2022 Sq. Ft. Quick Sailboat Access! Deeded Dock w/ Lift. $399,000. (913)-269-1007 OPEN SAT. 12PM-2PM 1522 St. Clair Rd. Englewood Built 2006 3/2/2 w/ Family Room, Vaulted Ceilings, New Appliances, Shed, Fenced Yard, No Deed Restrictions or Flood Zone. Community Boat Launch, $223,000 941-474-7030 (Owner/Agent) SABAL TRACE 3/2/2 Villa large lanai $231k MINS TO BEACH 2/2/1 large corner lot $168k GREGORYH. UZZLEPA. BROKERASSOCIATEEST: 1987 DIRECT 727-992-5133 REALTYEXECUTIVESAMERICA, INC. CERTFORECLOSUREAGENTS GreatDealsin theClassifieds! VENICEOPEN SUN. 1-4 OR BY APPOINTMENT 638 Bird Bay Dr. East #109 1st Floor 2/2 Newly Renovated Condo New Cabinets, Upgraded SS Appliances, Sandstone Counter, Sink & Breakfast Bar, Large Neutral Ceramic Tiles Throughout, Plantation Shutters Baths Remodeled! Large Closest, Storage Room, 2 Lanais & Laundry. 1 Covered & Plenty of Parking! Bird Bay Village Offers a VERY Active Community w/ Amenities ie: Executive Golf Course, NEW Clubhouse, Pools, Tennis, Gym, Library & Boardwalk Overlooking Robert`s Bay/Curry Creek! A Must See! $162,900. 941-587-9114 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $150,000.$450,000 ON YOUR LOT OR OURS! Over 30 Sites to Choose From! New Home Builders. C.W. Haber, Inc. 4055 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte (941)-505-2441Lic#CBC125207 0/CCC1327060CCC057703/CRC 057413 $169,900.New Custom Homes From $169,900. on Your Lot or Ours. Custom 3/2/2, 1600+ sf., Classic Series. Prompt Delivery. Reliance Project Mgm`t Call Today For Plans & Your Tour! CGC#1512533 941-468-8300 1010 OPEN HOUSE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESUN1-4 PMORBYAPPT. LRG2B/2BA, ONLY9 YRS OLDBUTTOTALLY REFURBISHEDALL NEW DESIGNERTROPICALFURNITURE,HDWDFLOORS& TILE, FULLY ACCESSORIZEDTOLAST DETAIL. EVERYTHING NEW! TRUETURN-KEY. POO/SPA, TENNIS, CLUBHOUSE. LUXURYRES, VACATION HOME, WINTERRETREATOR RENTALW/UNBELIEVABLE RENTALHISTORY. $179,900. MINUTESTOBEACH/BAY. CALL941-769-0200-DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. ENGLEWOOD EAST 7491 ASHTABULA ST. OPEN HOUSE EVERY SUNDAY 12PM-5PM Completely Renovated 2/2/1! New: Air, Granite Countertops, SS Appliances, Carpet, Bath, Freshly Painted Inside & Out. Fenced Yard. $162,000. 941-408-0507 FIVE STAR REALTY OPEN HOUSESÂStop by Five Star Realty to pick up a home tour flyer with directions.ÂŽFriday, April 14th, 2017 181 Beeney Road SE, Port Charlotte, FL 33952, 1:00PM-4:00PMF OR MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS VISIT : WWW FIVESTARREALTY COM / BLOG / OPEN HOUSE SAT, 12-3PM 18281 OÂHaraDrive, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Sailboat Waterfront! 3/2.5/2 POOL 2006 Built 2210 sqft under air City Water/Sewer! $379,900 BRYAN FRENCH -Re/max Palm Realty 941-661-1183 OPEN HOUSE SAT., 12-3 18149 OHARA DR, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Sailboat Waterfront! 160 ft of Seawall., 30ft Dock, Lift 3/3/3, 3371 sqft City Water/Sewer! $469,800 Donna French Re/max Palm Realty 941-661-1202 OPEN MON.-FRI. 11AM-5PM, SAT. 1PM-5PM 195 HARBOR BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 Oversized Garage, Driveway, Designer Ceiling, Travertine, Solid Wood Cabinetry, Granite, Vessel Sinks, Impact Glass, Spray Foam Insulation & Upgraded Fixtures! MODEL HOME $235,000 Call Janice 941-258-3739 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s
Friday, April 14, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 3 1210 HOMES FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/1 Lg lanai Lg great room $1,200. 2/2/2 Split Floor Plan avail 5/14/17 $1,250. DESOTO CO. 3/2/2 Lake Suzy Home $1,400. NORTH PORT 2/2/1 w/Lanai, 55+ Community $1,100.W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services Casa San Juan Bosco I & II Rental Homes USDA housing community, taking apps for low income/rental assisted households with Farm Laborers, retired Farm Laborers, or disabled Farm Laborers only. For more info call 863-884-2123 TTY# 800-955-8771 This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer. EAST ENGLEWOOD 3/2/2 Avail. 4/15. Annual $1,250/mo Inc. Lawn & Water. 1st, Sec. & References. 941-474-5367 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s ENGLEWOOD 2/1/CPONCANALWITHDOCK,LANAI& BONUSROOM$1200 2/2/1 SCREENEDLANAI. WATER& LAWNINC. $950WEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt ENGLEWOOD 2Bd/3ba/Carport, Possible 3rd bdrm, Fenced Yard. $950/mo, 1st, last and references. 941-474-3094 NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT PORT CHARLOTTE 22096 Bronxville Ave. 3/2/2 CAGEDPOOL, 1817 SQFT, NEWROOF, A/C, ELECTRIC, CARPETS. LOTSOFWINDOWS, RVPARKING. $1500/MO602-524-8608 PORT CHARLOTTE Large Beautiful 4/2/2 w/ Encl. Pool! Room for RV, Boat & Trailer in Driveway. New Metal Roof. Granite Kitchen, Fireplace, 3 Jacuzzis! All Tile! Close to Everything! $1,700. mo + Sec. Deposit 941-763-9315 RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty ROTONDA 3/2/1 Golf Course Water View. End of Cul-de-Sac. Available 7/1. $1100./Month. References. 774-526-7538 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT LAKE SUZY/PC Lake front 2/2, 1st flr, furnÂd, incls elec & water. Avail May 1st. N/Pets or N/S $1,100/mo 941-769-1111 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE Beautiful Blue Heron Pines Golf Community For Sale by Owner Florida Living on 9th Hole Fully Furnished Manufactured home in 55 + Golf Community 27 X 51, 1603 sq ft Move-In ready, Including Golf Cart, and all community amenities. $85,000.00 Showings by apt. call: 443-928-9163 29200 Jones Loop Road, LOT 12 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,795. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 Needanew Home? LookintheClassifieds! 1110 OUT OF AREA HOMES MINONG, WI WATERFRONT handyman Special $300k, log cabin on 6+ wooded acres on Lake gilmore. Subdivideable. Call Andrea 941-713-5776 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1750...3/2/2 Pool & Lawn incl....DC $1600..3/2/2 Villa, Comm Pool....NP $1300....3/2/2 Well Srvc Incl.......NP $1250..3/2/2 ScrnÂd Lanai...........NP $1200...3/2/2 1571 SQ FT...........PC941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE LOOKING TO RENT Condo In N. Sarasota Co. June, July, August. Single Female, Clean & Quiet. No Pets. 216-244-0944 PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2 WATERFRONTINC. DOCK&LIFTQUICKACCESSTOHARBOR! $189,900 BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY PUNTA GORDA ISLES Unique 3/3.5/2 3168 sf. Waterfront Condo. 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Spa Tubs, Bamboo Floors, Granite/ Marble Baths. Private Elevator! 3rd Floor Patio! $459,000. 941-505-1492 PUNTA GORDAEmerald Point, Top Floor w/ Outstanding Views! 2/1 Condo w/ Boat Slip. Access to the Gulf! Totally Remodeled! New A/C, SS Appliances Incl. Washer & Dryer. $139,900. 813-480-7561 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE 2692 NE HIGHWAY 70 ARCADIA 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With Any Home Purchase! Call to Schedule An Appointment For a Tour! Ted 800-538-2590 $59,900! OWNERSAYSSELLIT! MOVEINTODAY! WELLCAREDFOR2/2, COMPLETELYUPDATED. FURNISHED, ALLAPPLIANCESONACORNERLOTINBEAUTIFULRIVERSIDEOAKS941-6266821 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE DEEP CREEK LAKE FRONT 2BR/2BA+ den & cp 1250sf, Built in 2005 New tile carpet & paint. Only $139,900. 941-268-6820 FOR SALE BY OWNER Circle Woods of Venice 2br/2ba furnished detached condo. FL room & many upgrades. Many activities including 2 pools and Jacuzzi. 4 Miles to Manasota Beach. Close to shopping. Show By appointment. Asking $169,900. Call 941-4930156 or Cell 941-525-6293 HERITAGE OAK PARK-PC 3/3 1463 SQFT. 2NDFLOORENDUNIT. VAULTEDCEILINGS, ONCANAL. LIKENEW. POOL/CLUB-HOUSE. REDUCED $167,900 941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Perfect snow bird location. FSBO call for viewing. $209,900 217-369-0436 LAKE SUZY This 3/2.5/3 Spectacular Home is Located in Kingsway Country Club on a Premium Lakefront, Golf Course Lot w/ Over $132K in Upgrades! WOW! Incredible Great Room, Wrap Around Wet Bar Lanai w/ Hot Tub. Quartz Counter Kitchen, Master Suite w/ Jetted Massage & Rain Shower. Pristine Insided & Out! Air Conditioned Workshop w/ Golf Cart Entrance. Lots of Storage! $359,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PENDING PORT CHARLOTTE FSBO Oaks IV 2/2, updated appls, stacked W/D, 18ÂŽ ceramic tile. Fully Furn. $85K 941-249-8185 PUNTA GORDA ISLES Beautiful 2/2 Waterfront Condo w/ Deeded Dock in the Desirable Gateway Complex! Stunning Split Bedroom Interior w/ Remodeled Kitchen, Lots of Closet Space & Lanai Balcony. Quick Access to Charlotte Harbor & the Peace River! $183,500. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY PUNTA GORDA FSBO 10493 Princess Ct. Beautiful Seminole Lakes Country Club, low HOA Fees that provide lawn maintenance and 24 hour gate guards. 2 LARGE Bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, 2 car garage w/attic storage, open, spacious kitchen/living/dining. Newer appliances, heat/ac systems, water filtration w/softener, on cul-de-sac for privacy, fruit trees, sprinkler system, gated, golf course, tennis, heated pool, fitness, super neighbors. $244,500 941-916-9866 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESUN1-4 PM ORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLY$179,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s DE EP CREEK 2/2/1 Turn-Key Furn. Condo. Br eakfast Area, Large Pantry, Gr eat Room, Large Screened Private Lanai. Home is Lo cated Behind Gated Entrance to Heritage Lakes. Poo l, Clubhouse & Community Am entities Galore! $117,900. Di ana Hayes, Coldwell Banker Su nstar 941-740-4899 DEEP CREEK In Heritage Park 3/3/2 2nd Floor Condo/Villa w/ Phenomenal Lake View. Elevator, Den, Eat-In Kitchen w/ Breakfast Bar, Sizable Master Suites w/ Twin Walk-In Closets. Brand New Carpet! Htd. Pool, Stunning Clubhouse, Fitness Ctr., Tennis & MORE! $239,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty FOR SALE BY OWNER 2/2 Condo w/ Covered Parking. Punta Gorda, Next To Civic Center Between The Bridges, Along Riverwalk. In 55+ Community. $167,000 941-626-5984 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES NORTH PORT6289 Morning Ave. This charming well kept home is located on the Big slough canal. Updated electric panel, A/C & roof two years old, still under warranty. $195,000. TERRYL CARL, KW on the Water 941-962-7922 PENDING PLACIDA4/2/2+Pool ICW, Big Views,Dock,2 Lifts RV garage,2 Suites,kitchens Granite, Tile, $1,100,000 Sue and Jim RESKE PARSLEY-BALDWIN REALTY 941-276-4219 PORT CHARLOTTESPECTACULAR2/2/2 WATERFRONTPOOL HOMEON THEPELLAMWATERWAY! WELLMAINTAINED! FORMALLIVING& DININGROOMS. UPDATES! NEAT, CLEAN& WELLLANDSCAPED! $349,000 DEBSESTILIO941-391-1873 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARFISHERMEN`SVILLAGEOFFICE CLASSIFIED ADSSELL PORT CHARLOTTE SPECTACULAR4/3/2 W/ MAGNIFICENTPOOL& SAILBOATHARBORWATERVIEWS!! PRIVATEDOCK, BOATLIFT& SMALLBEACH! 2 MASTERS(POSSIBLEIN-LAWSUITE). $975,000. Polly Green, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-875-3773 PORT CHARLOTTELOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Beautiful Remodeled 3/2/2 Heated POOL Home on 3 Cul-de-Sac Lots w/ Panoramic View of the Myakka River & Paar Waterway! Open Kitchen, Family Room w/ Fireplace, Walk-in Closet in Master Suite. Seawall, Dock & Lift. $570,000 Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty REDUCED! ROTONDA 3/2/2 Waterfront home with large fenced in yard. Furniture and Appliances included. By Owner $195,000 941-662-6250 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY North Port 5394 White Ibis (Heron Creek), 1638 SF Villa 3/2/2 with screened lanai overlooking wonderfully private view of the lake in gated golf community. Heron Creek just completed a make-over of the 27 hole championship golf course. NOT in flood zone. No CDD fees. YOUR TICKET TO PARADISE! $238,500 Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755
Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 14, 2017 2050 SKILLED TRADES CARPENTERS AND CARPENTER HELPERS for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. Call 941-964-2231. CARPENTRY SUPERVISOR for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. CALL 941-964-2231 PAINTERS EXPERIENCED ONLY! Must have valid DL & trans. Drug free work place. Call 863-990-1799 or email: 2060 MANAGEMENT MANAGER ADULTDAY SERVICES FRIENDSHIP CENTERS Manage program operations including staff supervision. Knowledge of dementia/age related disorders. BS degree in Health or Soc. Services & supervisory exper. Email resume to 2070 SALES Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. BaerÂs Furnitureis looking to hire EXPERIENCED SALES PROFESSIONALS & DESIGNERS. This is an incredible opportunity to work for a thriving company with consistent brand advertising. We offer 42 million dollars of inventory available for immediate delivery, and top compensation levels in the marketplace! Please send Resume to: EOE/DFWP SALES PROFESSIONALS& DESIGNERS (Port Charlotte, FL) 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE RECEPTIONIST/ OFFICE MANAGER Immediate Opening Punta Gorda area. Medicaltype setting. Computer skills necessary. Professional appearance & friendly personality a must. Great work environment. 100% employer paid full benefits including medical. Good starting pay plus paid vacation. Call for interview 855-432-7748 2030 MEDICAL CAREGIVER EXPERIENCED FOR DAYTIME SHIFT Assisted Living Facility. 941-629-4417 CNAÂS NEEDED FOR180 BED REHAB FACILITY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS APPLY ONLINE @ FD/MA/CNA, FT Peds off. Exp. Multitask, EMR, VS, Verify Ins., Appts, Post Pmts 625-4919 www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComÂADVANCE YOUR CAREERÂŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 05/01 LPNCNA-05/01 Med. Asst. 05/01/17 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL COOK, FULL TIME Apply: Courtyard ALS 26455Rampart Blvd, PG. Please bring resume Mon-Fri 9am-12pm COOK/BAKER. 40+Hours a Week. Must Have Experience & Be Meticulously Clean & Organized. Apply In Person, Ask For Wayne or Amy. 4678 Tamiami Trl Port Charlotte or Call 941-661-6383 KITCHEN & WAITSTAFF NEEDED, Apply In Person After 3:30pm. Bingo Trail 1700 Tamiami Trl Port Charlotte Or Call 941-255-1266 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! SERVERSBARTENDERS&KITCHENHELPIMMEDIATE OPENINGSFORRESTAURANTINENGLEWOOD. APPLYINPERSONFROMNOON-3:00 AT3754 N ACCESSRDOREMAIL JIM@GOODTIMECHARLIESFL.COM SUBWAY MANAGER, Must have previous experience & have two references, one being from last employer. Interested call 941-809-3158. 2050 SKILLED TRADES PAINTER for custom high end residential builder on Boca Grande (tolls paid). Must have own tools and valid insurable Florida DriverÂs license clean for prior three years. Drywall patching & texturing experience is a plus. Apply in person 9:00am-3:00pm April 10th 14th at 370 East Railroad Ave, Boca Grande or fax resume 941-964-0025. EmployeeÂs park at our shop in Englewood and ride to Boca Grande in company trucks. Competitive wages, paid holidays, 401(k). DFWP 2010 PROFESSIONAL 220 LICENSED AGENTS MONDAY-FRIDAY FAXRESUMETO941-206-0036OREMAILRESUME:SUNCLASSIFIEDS 1@ GMAIL COM FISHING CAPTAIN, for year round part time postion. Must have USCG OUPV Lic, operate boats safely, great people skills, & exp catching fishing in Charlotte Harbor. Background check and drug screening required. Boat not reqÂd. 941-916-1689 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! MATES/DECK HANDS NEEDED PARTTIME. MANDATORYDRUGTESTING. APPLYINPERSON. 10AM-2PM (M-F) 7075 PLACIDAROADENGLEWOOD, FL 33946 MATES/DECK HANDS NEEDED PARTTIME. MANDATORYDRUGTESTING. APPLYINPERSON. 10AM-2PM (M-F) 7075 PLACIDAROADENGLEWOOD, FL 33946 STYLISTS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY [2 Locations] Great Clips is the #1 hair care brand in the country and we are looking for stylists for 2 BUSY LOCATIONS in North Port and Pt. Charlotte. NO CLIENTELE NEEDED! Hourly pay, productivity, product bonus and more! Stay busy year round and have plenty of hours. F/T and P/T positions available. Set up an interview and see if Great Clips is a fit for you. For questions or to set up an interview, please call Mike @ 239.218.6153 between 9am and 9pm daily. VENICE COMPANYIS CURRENTLYSEEKINGAN ENTRY LEVEL DATA ENTRY CLERK. MUSTBECOMFORTABLE WORKINGWITHCOMPUTER SOFTWAREANDEXCEL. FULLTIMEWITHBENEFITS. PLEASESENDRESUMETOJOBS SWFLORIDA @ GMAIL COM 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE & RECEIVABLE CLERK F/T Must be Able to Multi Task. Fax Resume to: 941-575-6275 HERON CREEK GOLF & CC, North Port is seeking a PT Accounting Assistant This position requires maintaining accurate accounting records of all transactions. Must be proficient in Excel, Word and Outlook and 10-key adding machine experience. Education High School/GED & minimum of an AssociateÂs Degree in Accounting. Prior accounting experience preferred. Pay based on experience. Please Send Resume to: or call Ron at 941-429-3285 Classified=Sales 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS ENGLEWOOD WATERFRONT LOTS GATED SUBDIVISION with Keywest style homes. Lots with docks, 15 mins to Gulf. $74,900 $150,000.941-475-3366 NORTH PORTTWO LOTS Water Front Property 10,889 FT. Access To Gulf Duck Key Premier Comm. Utilities, City Water, Sewer. Cleared & Ready to Go! Quinn Court, $79,900 Debra Villari 609-458-4627 Berkshire Hathaway SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FOR ECON. BUILDS& NOFLOOD INSURANCEREQUIRED,FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 WATER FRONT LOT Â… DEEP WATER! LEMONBAY, BIGBOAT DEEPWATER. NEWSEAWALL. BUILDYOURWATERFRONTHOME ONTHIS1/4+ AC LOT. ONLY3.75 MINUTESTOSTUMPPASS,LOWESTPRICEONTHEBAY! WOW! NOWLOWESTPRICED DIRECTBAYACCESSLOTINALL OFCHARLOTTE, SARASOTAORLEECOUNTIES. ONLY $249,900. 941-769-0200 1620 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment 1420 WANTED TO RENT SENIORLADY W/ CARSEEKSROOMFORRENTORSHARE2 BR APART-MENTINSARASOTAORENGLEWOODAREA. NEEDREF. AFTER3 PM. 941-999-0587 330-926-6989 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! ALI TERRACE, ARCADIA 5+ Acres (or about 6 lots) Bargain at $59,900! Agricultural, Residential, Mobile Homes, RV's Priscilla Perez-McGuire 941-875-5747 RE/MAX Realty CLEARED 80ÂX200Â Building Site on Woodmere Rd. In S. Venice. Requires Well & Septic. Room For Your Home & A Home For Your Toys. $49,900 941-650-3741 Double lot 160x125 on city water. Halden Ave. Port Charlotte 941-429-8209 Seizethesales withClassified! THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS LEMON BAY LOTVERYLARGE, BUILDUPTO5RESIDENCES, GREATVIEWS&DEEPWATER. NOTHINGLIKE THISOUTTHERE! PLANS&ZONINGINPLACEFOR5-UNIT WATERFRONTTOWNHOMES. $549,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOOWNERFINANCINGPOSS. 941-769-0200 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT PUNTA GORDA Isles 2/2, 2nd flr, Pool, W/D, Boat Dock avail, Annual Lease $1000/mo, water incl. No Pets. 941-286-2243 V ENICE C ondo on Capri Isles Blvd. 3/2/1 Golf, Tennis, 2 Pools. Avail 5/1. $1,400/annual. Call 941356-2241 VENICE GULF FRONT BEACH CONDO2/2 TOWERS, Gorgeous Views! Heated Pool, Clubhouse. $2,100 mo. (941)-993-3821 VENICE Luxury condo for rent 1551 sqft 2 bed, 2 bath, detach garage, pool & club house with fitness room, view over lake, 2nd floor end unit screen lanai, washer -dryer. $1500.00 per month, Brant Jones -678-571-7230 VENICE, Water View. Nicely Furnished & Decorated 2BR/2BA Condo. CentrallyLocated, Near Restaurants & Shopping. Pools & Laundry. May 1st Dec. $950/mo. Jim507-254-2437 1300 DUPLEXES FOR RENT VENICE ISLAND 2/1 Furnished NS/NP Bckrnd Ck Req. Annual Lease $1225. mo + Util. 1st& Last 941-485-2116 1350 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT HARBOUR HEIGHTS close to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, SunnybrookMotel 941-625-6400 1360 ROOMS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE, Clean, Quiet, 1 person, $298/bi-wk or $595 mo FurnÂd, No Pets. 941-743-3070/941-740-2565 1370 RENTALS TO SHARE PORT CHARLOTTE Waterfront Pool, Large Walk-in Closet, Private Bath. $550/mo plus $100 security. 941-421-2206 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS HACIENDA DEL MARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT VACATION CONDO CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLE LIVINGJUSTINCHESTOTHEBAY& ICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW,VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ.FT., 2 BED/2.5 BATHS, MINUTES TOBOCAGRANDE/GULF BEACHES. NEWERCONSTRUC-TION, DESIGNERTURN-KEYFUR-NISHED. FULLLAUNDRY,GARAGE, HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS,FITNESS& MORE. CALLFOR FREEBROCHURE. PETPOSS. A VAIL : M AY N OVEMBER 2017 CALL813-293-2392 PT. CHARLOTTE NEWER 3BR/2BATurnkey, Avail NOW for Only $1500/mo 941-223-8019
Friday, April 14, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 5 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. 5006 ALUMINUM ALL AMERICAN RENOVATIONS LIC& INSUREDFAMILYOWNED& OPERATEDSPECIALIZINGINRESCREENING,BUILDINGANDREPAIRING. SCREWCHANGEOUTS PRESSUREWASHING& PAINT-INGPOOLCAGES, LANAIS,FRONTENTRYWAYSETC... 941-915-3381 SERVINGSARASOTACOUNTYFREEESTIMATES BRI GON CONSTRUCTION Inc. Soffit, Fascia, Vinyl Siding, Custom Aluminum Breakwork 941-204-5900 lic #CBC059704 SURFSIDE HOME IMPROVEMENTS LanaiÂs, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Windows and more! Lic#cbc1261010 941-766-0331 5008 AIRPORT SHUTTLE FLORIDA AIRPORT SHUTTLE TRANSPORT $35 TO/FROM RSW Arrive @ RSW: 10:45am & 3:45pm Depart @ RSW 11:30am & 4:30pmPickup/Drop-off Locations:NORTHPORTBUDGETINNPORTCHARLOTTEDAYSINN. PUNTAGORDAPG WATERFRONTHOTEL300 941-451-1202 5020 APPLIANCE SERVICE/REPAIR DRYER VENT CLEANING THE VENT DOCTOR Book Your Dryer Vent Cleaning and Save! 10% Off With This Ad! 941-268-9525 Competent, Thorough & Reliable. Lic. Fla. Home Inspector. GARY DRAKE DRYER VENT CLEANING & INSPECTION. 30 yrs. Exp. (941)-889-7596 5051 CHILD CARE ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! FL O RIDA S TATE LAW requires all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law 5054 CONTRACTORS BLUE PARROT CONSTRUCTION Custom Homes Commercial & Residential Renovations 941-662-0366 Cell: www.BlueParrotConstruction.comCBC1258748/Fully Insured 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 SPIRITUAL BOOK DISCUSSION: ÂHOWTOSUR-VIVESPIRITUALLYINOURTIMES,ÂŽBYHAROLDKLEMP. SAT. APR. 15, 3:30-4:30 P.M. ATTHEMID-COUNTYREGIONALLIBRARY, ROOMA, ONFORRESTNELSONBLVD., PORTCHARLOTTE. COPIES OFBOOKAVAILABLE. FELLOWSHIP. A FREEDISCUSSIONFORPEOPLE OFALLFAITHS. PRESENTEDBYECKANKAR. 941-766-0637.WWW.HEARHU.ORG. 3090 LOST & FOUND FOUND CAT: Male Neutered Yelllow Cat. Found in the Vacinity of Hwy. 17 in Punta Gorda on Sunday 4/9. 941740-0348 For Information LOST CAT: Male Tiger w/ White Feet and Under Chest. Friendly! Answers to Junie. Lost in the Vacinity of Gingold Street P.C. REWARD! Please Call 330-937-0079 LOST DOG: Shih-tzu Female, Dark Gray and White, Name is Misty. Near Glendale and Aaron Streets in Port Charlotte. Senior Owner is HEARTBROKEN! 941-979-0274 REWARD LOST LIBRARY BOOK: Clive Cussler The Pirates on March 15th @ Faucett Hospital. Please call 810-292-2168 3095 EXERCISE CLASSES G ULF CO A S T A C UPUN C TURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 3096 RELIGION CLASSES BE G INY O URDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUDY Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 START YOUR DAY RIGHT Bible Study Thursdays 10:00-11:30 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 3097 OTHER CLASSES KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday. FREE; Open to the public. 941-276-0124 4000 FINANCIAL 4050 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES PRIVATE PARTY SEEKS Secured Real Estate Loan on Solid Local Income Property for 138K5.25%, $827. Per Mo. Call Eric (941)-451-7869 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 3020 PERSONALS ADORABLE TASHA. Relax, Dining, Dancing, Travel & More! 941-497-1307 FEMALE HAIRSTYLIST SEEKS SINGLE MALE 45-65for possible relationship. 941-201-9853 FOR ALL YOUR Relaxing Needs Call Paige. (941)-237-1927 RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. Charlotte Trade Center N of 776 941-625-0141 THE GIRL NEXT DOOR941-483-0701 North Port 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES C AL VAR Y BIBLE C HUR C H 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call (941)-979-8239 for Info. Charlotte County House of Prayer Merging Worship, Word, and Prayer Friday Night Watch 8pm 992 Tamiami Trail Unit I Port Charlotte 941 249-8946 CO MMUNITY C ENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 CLASSIFIED WORKS! FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte GATEWAY WORSHIP PRAYER & HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to you every Thursday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek Bible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and SundayÂs @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! 2100 GENERAL Several Full Time & Part Time Positions Available for RESIDENTIAL& COMMUNITYSUPPORTAt Group Home For Developmentally Disabled Adults. Must Have Valid DL & HS Diploma/GED Call 941-426-6591 SUN COAST PRESSis currently hiring for the following positions in our Venice Print Center.P/T MAILROOM HELP-night shift F/T STACK DOWN PERSONSend Resume TREE CLIMBERS AND LABORERS -EXPÂD GOODPAYSTARTIMMED!!941-423-0020 2110 PART TIME/ TEMPORARY "AMBASSADORS" NEEDEDTOSOLICITSUBSCRIPTIONS FORTHEAWARDWINNING LOCALNEWSPAPERS, THESUN, ATSTOREFRONTSINTHEVENICE, NORTHPORTANDENGLEWOODAREAS. CONTACTJIMDEFALLEAT941-786-7676FORMOREINFORMATION. 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at (941)220-9418 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 2100 GENERAL DANCERS WANTEDBIKINISPORTSBAR, PT. CHARL941-457-7077 BOAT DETAILERS,ExpÂd Good pay with experience Call for interview 609-618-0113 or 941-764-7928 Lv Msg. DRIVER NEEDEDNIGHTS Part time Must have CDL with Medical Certificate 20-30 hours a weekTo fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required FISH CUTTER, neededfor Local Seafood Company. EXC Pay!!! 941-380-9212 FLORAL DELIVERY NEEDED Clean Driving Record! Apply At: 2171 Tamiami Tr. P.C. PIZZA COOK DELI PERSON DUNKIN CREWReliable w/transportation.941-883-4790 LANDSCAPE LABORERS & SPRAY TECHS EXPÂD FULLTIME& PERMANENTCALL941-875-8991 EEOC --------------------------EXP. TRABAJADORESDELPAISAJETIEMPOCOMPLETOYPERMANENTELLAMADA863-990-7291 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours, able to work days or evenings. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required PAGE DESIGNERThe Charlotte Sun is looking for part-time layout/design help. InDesign and Photoshop experience is helpful. Job involves evenings and weekend hours. Send resume to The Sun is a drug/ nicotine-free workplace. POOL SERVICE TECH Full Time & Part Time Position Avail. Exp. Preferred But Not Required. Nice Work Environment. 401K, Paid Vacation. Must have 5 year driving record, 3 years clean. Call 941-637-6083 2070 SALES CAREERNIGHTEVERYTUESDAY. CALLFORDETAILS. 941-426-0621 2100 GENERAL $200. HIRING BONUS MERRY MAIDS IS HIRING PART-TIME HOME CLEANERS! Flexible hours, No Nights or Weekends, Good Pay, Must have valid Drivers Lic Experience a plus but Will Train. Call for Details (941)-255-5656 ATTN:HOME MAKERS, RETIREES, STARVING ARTIST, UNEMPLOYED TEENS, CRAFTY KIDS, CLEVER FOLKS & COUNTRYMEN. Lend me your ears! Need artisians for start up retail store catering to ÂSarasota ClientelÂŽ. Merchandise needed for imaginative denim crafts line. Call Andrea 941-713-5776 BLOCK PLANT / WAREHOUSE PERSON for Concrete Block Co. Full time position is physically demanding and consists of lifting concrete block weighing average of 30 lbs. Responsibilities: Bending, squatting, sweeping, and shoveling. Ability to climb conveyors and ladders. Block/masonry experience a plus. Forklift and front wheel loader experience a plus, but will train. Valid drivers license required. EOE, DFWP Fax Resume: 941-505-7010 email: The Venice Gondolier Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. Apply in person: 200 E. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 No Phone Calls Please. CARRIERS NEEDED Crown Orchard Company, LP, LLP in Covesville, VA is accepting referrals through the State Workforce Agencies for 44 FARMWORKERS The job includes duties associated with the planting, cultivation, and harvesting of fruits and vegetables. This work can require standing, walking, stooping, bending, and lifting up to 75 pounds for long periods of time outdoors in all weather conditions. This is a temporary position from 6/03/17 to 11/06/17. Three-fourths of an avg. of 40/hrs/wk guaranteed. Work tools, supplies, equipment provided at no cost. Housing will be provided without cost to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the workday. If applicable, expenses for subsistence & transportation to the worksite w ill be provided. Employment eligibility checked on all applicants. Wage rate $11.27/hr and/or piece rate. Apply for this job at the Virginia Employment Commission 703 E. Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219 job order# 1027191.
Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 14, 2017 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE STEVEÂS TREE & HAULING Tree Removal & Trimming 30 Years Exp. Lic/Insd Free Estimates 941-866-6979 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 5129 MASONRY STUCCO PROS WIRELATHEREPAIR RUSTEDBANDSWINDOWSILLS FIXALLCRACKSMATCHANYTEXTUREÂGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!ÂŽ ÂCHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!ÂŽ941-223-2592 5130 MOVING/HAULING ALLTYPE SO F C LEAN-UP S Same Day Service! 24 Hrs. a Day! 941-764-0982 or 941-883-1231 MOVING HELP $$$ Save $$$ Packing Loading Driving 30 yrs exp. 941-223-6870 ODYSSEY MOVERS Your Journey Begins With Us! Licensed & Insured.941-803-4959Lic. # 2539 ROBÂS ON THEMOVE, inc. Moving and Delivery Honest, Reliable, Courteous! Great Rates! 941-237-1823 SKIPÂS MOVING Local & Long Distance. 1 Item or Whole House! 941-766-1740 Reg.# IM1142 Lic./Ins. 5140 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING Best Prices -Quality Job Best Coast Painting and Pressure Washing Residential/Commercial 10% Off With Ad! 941-815-8184 AAA00101254 STEVENÂS CUSTOM PAINTINGRes/Comm. Int/Ext FREE EST. Lic. & Ins. 941-255-3834 DARINÂSPAINTING& POWERWASHING3RDGENFAMILYBUS. POWERWASHING, PAINTING& WALLPAPERINSTALLS& REMOVALS. FREEESTIMATES941-961-5878 LARRY ESPOSITO PAINTING INC ÂItÂs Not What We Do, ItÂs How We Do It!ÂŽFree Estimates, 941-764-1171 Lic & Insured AAA007825 Nathan Dewey Painting CoCommercial & Residental Interior & Exterior Pressure washing Handyman Services Free Estimates ~ Prompt Service941-484-4576 PAINTING UNLIMITED Where Quality & Value Meet! Family Owned and Operated. Call Now for aFREEEstimate 941-979-7947 Lic. & Ins. AAA-12-00015 We Do It A Shade Better! LARRY BATES PAINTING Free Estimates Locally Owned & Operated Nominated Best Painter Of The Year in 2016! 941-625-1226Lic/Ins #RRR0002261 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE AMERICAN HOME WELLNESSLawn & Tree Care Pressure Washing Paver & Tile Sealing Custom Landscaping Home Watch & MORE! Family Owned & Operated. 844-902-6300 AMERICAN IRRIGATIONCall 941-587-2027 FREE ESTIMATES!!! Licensed & Insured Charlotte Co. lic#AAA-1100010. Serving Charlotte and Sarasota Counties BLACKFORDÂS TOTAL L AWN & LANDSCAPING SVCS Trim Hedges, Multching, Etc. $75 Spring Special! 1/4 Acre or Less. Serving Nokomis, Osprey, North Port, Port Charlotte, Venice & Englewood 941-302-2244 Lic/Ins DP`s ABILITY TREE SERVICE Removals, Stump Grinding, Palm Trimming, Shaping, Oaks Thinned & Raised Up. 19 Yrs. Exp. Free Estimates! 941-889-8147 Lic#00000192 & Insured. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPER Specializing in Weeding, Pruning & Transplanting 941-876-3097 Seizethesales withClassified! FL O RIDA TREE IN C .Tree Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Lawn Service Bucket Service 941-613-3613 pcftree.comLic./Ins. FRESH CUT LAWN N MOREDependable, Reliable Residential/Commercial LAWNS STARTING AT $25! NO CONTRACTS 941-661-1850Free Estimates Call Frank GENERAL LAWN & Landscape services. (941)-426-7844 Wright & Son Landscaping Inc J RIZ TREESERVICESComplete Tree & Palm Service. SPECIALIZING IN DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL.Servicing all Charlotte & Sarasota Counties FREE ESTIMATES 941-306-7532 Lic & Ins Lawn Mowing Reasonable Rates Starting at $20. Discounts for Seniors & Veterans! Call For Free Estimate Len 941-504-4465Serving Osprey-S. Venice LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneyÂs SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota NOW ACCEPTINGNEW LAWNACCOUNTS!941-468-4372ISA Certified Arborist John Cannon FL-6444A South Sarasota & Charlotte Co. RAINSCAPE INC,Irrigation, Maintenance, Repair, Installation. Monthly Maintenance starts at $40. FREE ESTIMATES 941-888-2988 S ANDEFUR S -H O ME & TREE Maintenance Tree trimming, removal. We do it all!License/Insured941-484-6042 SPM TREE TRIMMIMG & LANDSCAPING Specializing inTREE REMOVAL. Call Today for your FREE Estimate.(941)-412-5273 Lic/Insured 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT BOBÂS CABINET SOLUTIONS 40 yrs exp. All your cabinet/counter top needs. (941)-276-0599 Lic22535 GULF COAST REFINISHING YOURBATHTUB, COUNTERTOP& TILEREFINISHINGEXPERTS. VETERAN& SENIORDISCOUNTS! FAST TURNAROUND! 941-380-6199LIC./INS. GULFCOASTREFINISHING@YAHOO.COM GUTTERS, 6ÂŽ Seamless. Ken Violette, Inc. (941) 240-6699Lic.CGC#060662/Ins. HAMMER FIREPROOFING & INSULATION, Inc. for all your insulation needs. 941-268-5615 or Office 941-423-7478 HANDYMANHome repairs. 30+ yrs Exp. Call 941539-1694 J&JHANDYMAN941-525-7967, 941-493-6736Painting, Pressure Washing & Much More! Over 30Years Experience & Satisified CustomersServing Venice & Sarasota AreasNOJOBTOOSMALLORODD CALLFORFREEESTIMATE LICENSED& FULLYINSURED JohnÂs Rescreening & Handyman Service Pressure Washing: Pool Decks, Driveways! No Job To Small, Free EstimatesLic9341./Ins.941-883-1381 CARPENTER, INC. Handyman Rotten wood, doors, soffit, facia, etc. Phil 941-626-9021lic. & ins. TILE Remodel, Baths, Floors. Your Tile or Mine. 941-625-5186 Lic.#AAA006387 WHOLE HOUSE REMODELING Additions, Cabinetry, Kitchens, Baths, Garage Doors, Painting, Tile, Laminate Floors. 941-706-6525 LIC CGC1518335 5108 JUNK REMOVAL MOVE IT JUNK REMOVAL Got Junk? We like to Move It, Move It! 941-803-4959 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C EN SE may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licens ing bureau to verify A JAMISON TREE SERVICE Complete & Professional 15% Sr Discount! FREEEST. LIC. & INSUREDENGL941-475-6611ORN. PORT941-423-0020 SERVINGCHARLOTTEANDSARASOTAFOROVER20 YEARS.JAMISON-TREESERVICEINC.COM AAA LAWN SERVICE Affordable Accountable Anytime Avail For Multiple Counties Professional mowing Lot Clearing & Landscape Sod Installation Tree & Shrub Trimming, Weed Pulling, Tree Removal, Pruning, Mulch & More! 863-244-9109 www.AAALawnServices.comLic & Ins Affordable Lawn Mowing & Ho me Watch Commercial and ResidentalVenice, Englewood, Osprey Nokomis, Rotonda, Gulf Cove, North Port, South Gulf Cove FREE ESTIMATES Meet or Beat any quote. Veteran Owned! 941-447-2428 ALTMANTREESERVICE Tree Trimming, Removal, Stump Grinding. Lic & Ins. Call Mike Altman 941-268-7582 5089 HANDYMAN / GENERAL REPAIR A CARPENTER AROUND THE HOUSE for all your carpentry needs! James M. Okell 941-270-1693 5090 HEATING & AIR S.O.S. A/C & Heat 941-468-4956AIRCONDITIONINGSYSTEMSCOOLINGMADEAFFORDABLE! INSTALLED10 YRWARRANTY ST. LIC#CAC1816023SOSAIRFL.COM 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT $75.00 PER PANEL SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 Call Bob 941-706-6445 Low overhead = Low prices! Clean Your Dryer before it Catches on Fire! Special Rates for multiple clientsAffordable, Lic & Insured. Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! COMPLETE DRYWALL Hang,Finish, Patchwork, All Textures, Paint. Matt Potter 941-232-8667Lic.& Ins CRC1328482 DO YOU HAVE LOOSE, HOLLOW OR BUCKLING TILES?Inject-A-Floor-System can help. Grout Cleaning/Staining, Marble Cleaning, Tile Repair. 941-893-8475 FIRST CHOICE CABINETS Custom Cabinets LLC Kitchens, Baths, Custom Cabinets, Countertops, Hardwood, Laminate, Solid Surface. Commercial, Residental. 941-505-5570 5070 ELECTRICAL DRMELE C TRI C AL SERVICE, ÂPlug Into Personalized ServiceÂŽElectrical Maintenance Repairs Troubleshooting 941-480-0761 941-366-364 6 LUMINOUS ELECTRIC NO JOB TOO SMALL! LIC# EC13007383941-787-2904 5080 EXCAVATING/ BUSH HOG BUSH BUSTERS INC."JUST GRIND IT!ÂŽBrush Mowing Bush Hogging Pepper Trees Invasives Selective Lot Clearing941-456-6332 5083 FLOORING Bill Noland Ceramic Tile, IncAll Phases of FlooringWe Bring Samples To You! Mobile Showcase Tile, Laminates, Carpet & Baseboards. ÂWood-likeÂŽ Tile $1.79/Sq Ft. 18ÂŽ Tiles $1.19/ Sq Ft. 941-423-4054 Cell 941-276-0814Licensed & Insured PGI 9906758 North Port 11546 Charlotte AAA007730 PAUL SIMS FLOOR CLEANING AND MORE!**OWNER OPERATED ** PROFESSIONAL, Reasonable & ReliableWinter Specials!We Clean carpets, furniture, area rugs, grout & more! Also Interior & Exterior Painting & Pressure Washing visit us at: www. CarpetCleaning ServicesVenice.com941-539-0896 5088 HEALTH & BEAUTY Dr. Bill PhilpotOptimum Health Center Oriental Medicine, Acupunture, Massage, Facials, Rehabilitation 2269 S. Tamiami Trl. Venice (North Side of Building) WHERE WE HEAL THE SICK & FIX THE BROKEN 941-587-1288 www.drbillphilpot.comLic.# AP 1393 MA 21017 MM 34484 5089 HANDYMAN / GENERAL REPAIR DAVID J SHEPARD, JR., OVER20 YEARS INCHARLOTTECOUNTY, HANDYMANSVCS, WOODROT, WINDOWS& DOORS, DRYWALL& STUCCOREPAIR, PAINTING,ETC. 941-627-6954 OR941456-6953 LIC# RR282811062 ROCCOÂS RENOVATION & REPAIR Getting the Job Done Wherever, However,No Matter How Big or Small. 941-268-1885 VIRGILÂS HOME MAINTENANCEHandyman ServiceYour To-Do List SpecialistINTERIOR/ Lic#16-00016297 & Ins. 5054 CONTRACTORS Jerusalem Brothers Concrete driveways, sidewalks, lanais, patios, STUCCO, remove/replace sod, tree removal & more! 863-722-8910 269-369-8471 JLS ENTERPRISES INCQuality & Dependability Remodeling Painting Additions Drywall Carpentry Repairs Odd Jobs & more. STATE CERTIFIED LIC #CRC033392941-468-9701 TEDDY`S HANDYMAN & REMODELING, INC. No Job Too Big or Too Small! (941)-629-4966 Lic./Ins. Serving NP, Charlotte & PG CRC 1327653 5057 CONCRETE CONCRETE & PAVER PROS DRIVEWAYS WALKWAYS FOOTINGS POOLDECKS PATIOSCOPING CULVERTS/PERMITTINGÂGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!ÂŽ ÂCHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!ÂŽ941-223-2592 FLORIDA CONCRETEDRIVEWAYSSIDEWALKSADDITIONSRESIDENTIAL& COMMERICALNEWCONSTRUCTION941-628-5965 INS/LICCG034909 GENUINE CONCRETE ENGRAVINGS Transform Your Concrete! DRIVEWAYSPOOLDECKSSIDEWALKS941-628-0251 or 850-210-2772 POOL DECKS, Driveway Designs Garage Floors PatioÂs and more. QUALITY Lic 941-375-1103 Insu PRO PATH CONCRETE Driveways Patios Sidewalks Pads Free Estimates 941-286-6415 Lic #AAA-11-00081 RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. spraycrete & more (941)-497-4553 5060 CLEANING SERVICES MRS. CLEANING UP! 1 st class cleaning Service! Specials Now! $10% Senior Discount! 9 41-204-8057 Lic & Insured ANNIE`S CLEANING SERVICE Home Office Weekly Bi-Weekly Reliable Service Reasonable Rates 941-391-6850 GONZALEZ CLEANING Srv 12 years exp, REASONABLE Rates, FREE Estimates. Servicing all your cleaning needs. Call Linda 941-815-4252 TIRED OF THE SAME OLD SMELL? We will Freshly Clean your home or office. Call Dee 917-378-8432 Licensed 5065 DRYWALL DEPENDABLE DRYWALL & REMODELING PATCHREPAIRS941-639-4440 LIC.#SCC131150207INSUREd Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds!
Friday, April 14, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 7 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES COINS U.S. MINTAND PROOF SETS $7 781-956-8891 DINING TABLE HITCHCOCK48/60ÂŽ Round, Table & 4 chairs Beautiful $195. 941-488-5595 Venice FLO BLUE platters, bowl, plates, 2 cups, saucers, cheese cover. $175 941-769-2389 ÂFURNIVALSÂŽ PITCHER Denmark blue pattern made in England $15 941-639-1517 MEXICAN ARTIFACTS three items $499 781-956-8891 PLATES SPODE 2 Ret Cabinet 200 Anniv. $15 ea., OBO 941-830-0524 RONALD REAGAN Republican task force medal of merit orig box $20 941-639-1517 ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINE & character Toby jug. Bargain mint. $65 ea. 941-639-1517 SILVER COINS U.S. silver coins $499 781-956-8891 TRAY VINTAGE Cromwell hand wrought hammered alum 12x21 handles $15 941-830-0524 YESTERDAYÂSANTIQUES OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY 11AM 5PM ÂAlways Selling Antique ChristmasÂŽ Corner of US 41 & Sibley Bay, Port Charlotte 6075 FRUITS & VEGETABLES BLUEBERRIES U-Pick Ready for Picking at Ft Ogden. Call For Directions 863-990-6164 6090 MUSICAL DEJEMBE ADVENT Remo 10ÂŽ Drum. Shoulder Strap. Like New. $80 941-567-8857 PIANO EVERETT Upright w/bench. excel cond $395, OBO 941-764-9022 6095 MEDICAL RECLINER Electric Lift Chair can sleep in org 1100 $395 941-580-4460 WALKER BREAKS storage lightweight 3 wheels plush $65 941-580-4460 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERÂS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372 AGAVE PINEAPPLE begonia coleus frangipani geranium pepperomia $5 941-202-3696 ALOE VERA devilÂs backbone mexican petunias oyster snake spider lily $5 941-202-3696 BROMELIADS VARIOUS aechmeas neoregelias vriesas starting at $5 941-202-3696 FLORIDA AVOCADO/CITRUS 1-2Â tall seedlings organically grown $5 941-202-3696 LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A MOSES PLANTS 5 for $1 941218-4502 6035 FURNITURE DINING &LIVING ROOM Sets Like New! Country French Dining Set with 6 chairs $800. Couch and Loveseat, Brand new from HavertyÂs. $900 716-949-0176 DINING SET 66X42X30 oak table 6 hand made round chairs $350, OBO 941-275-5837 DININGSET Rattan, $50, SOFA, 7` Lthr., $20., COFFEE TABLE, 4` Square. $25 770-490-2393 DINING SET Wood top, 2 leafs, 8 chairs Nice cond. $175 941457-5724 HEADBOARD KING White wicker, very sterdy $175, OBO 941-202-9861 I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 LIVING ROOM TABLES $100 941-380-9212 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 RECLINER ELECTRIC new this is a steal $225 941-769-2389 RECLINER, LANE LEATHER COMFORTABLE Great Cond $200 obo 941-496-8765 RECLINERS, LA-Z-BOY Match wall huggers, $250 ea. 941-580-4460 SOFA 3PC SECTIONAL, Almost new! Off-White! Paid $2500 Asking $375, OBO 941-268-2799 TABLE 48ÂŽ Glass Breakfast. Gold Base w/ 4 Chairs. $500. John 941-676-2665 TABLE, 42ÂŽ ROUND glass coffee table with multi-brown round rug $60 941-833-5744 TABLE, 5ÂRound, light, folding legs. $75 941-496-9252 TABLE COFFEE/COCKTAIL Wood. Excellent Condition. $45, OBO 941-629-6374 6038 ELECTRONICS MODEM ROUTERS (2) WIFI for Verizon/Frontier Communications, each $50 941-275-5837 WALKIE TALKIE SET never used $60 941-218-4502 6040 TV/STEREO/RADIO TV FLAT SCREEN 36ÂŽ great HDMI W/ remote $150 941-580-4460 6060 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT CABLE MODEM Wifi Router Surfboard. Like new, In Box. Asking $60 941-416-0865 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES COAT Leather womenÂs 3X, black, never worn $60 941-488-7430 JACKET LEATHER, MENS size 42. Excellent Condition. $70, OBO 941-764-1694 LEATHER BOOTS WomenÂs size 11, black, never worn $45 941-488-7430 WATCH WOMANS Preowned genuine diamond bezel Movado Stainless steel with papers and original box. Model #0606498 Asking $600 941-626-7841 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES 1907 ROLLS SilverGhost 1:24 model w/display case mint COA $75, OBO 941-830-0524 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 CARNIVAL GLASS 2 pedestal pitchers, 6 goblets, blue grape $130, OBO 941-488-7430 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 COINS GOLD FROM THE U.S.MINT $480 781-956-8891 COINS Silver Dollars 18781935 $35 781-956-8891 6027 DOLLS ANNALEE 7ÂŽDOLL rare Âbunny kidÂŽ mint w/orig tag $15 941-639-1517 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS BED SPREAD, Home made crochet bed spread. King or Queen $40 941-218-4502 BED MATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CERAMIC FLOORTILE New 12ÂŽ x 12ÂŽ/White. Total 109 tiles. $65 941-697-6884 CHINA TEA Set Rose Bouquet/Japan, Srvs 6, & Dessert Plts $30 941-697-6884 CHINA/ ROSEBouquet/Japan 87 Pieces. Srv for 12 plus serving pcs. $125 941-697-6884 COFFEE TABLE solid wood excellent cond inlayed wood design $35, OBO 941-629-6374 DISHWASHER GE Nautilus, white $40, OBO 941-488-7430 HAIR CLIPPER $10 941-2184502 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MIRROR Large 70x38 $100 obo 941-475-6657 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. REFRIGERATOR Amana, white, 24 cu. $50, OBO 941-488-7430 RUG ORIENTAL clean 6X9 floral design on yellowish background $75 941-275-5837 VACUUM Kenmore Carpet and Carpet Shampoo CleanerSystem $50 336-471-5595 VACUUM Sanitaire Commercial Upright SC886, new belt $75 336-471-5595 6035 FURNITURE ADJUSTABLE TWIN Bed Frames w/ Remotes. $50/ea Exc. Cond. 941-628-0727 BED & FRAME w/ Headboard (Full Size). $65 941-504-4178 BEDMATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BEDROOM SET Girls, Twin, All Metal, Exc Cond. $300 941-380-9212 BOOKCASE RATTAN 72X36X12 off white excellent condition $100 941-275-5837 CHEST White,2 small draws, can be used for Tv stand $50 941-624-4713 COUCH & LOVESEAT beige 82x38x32 & 64x38x32 fabric $200, OBO 941-275-5837 TABLE 45ÂŽ RATTAN. 45ÂŽ ROUND.FORMICATOP$35.00941-4885595 DINETTE TABLE, glass top, no chairs. $40 941-833-5744 5191 SOD RuddyÂs SODINSTALL OR RIP-OUT Call! 863-303-1413 or 269-369-8471 5230 MISCELLANEOUS Clean Your Dryer before it Catches on Fire! Special Rates for Multiple ClientsAffordable, Lic & Insured. Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 6020 AUCTIONS JACK ROBILLARD, Auctioneers & Appraisers (941)-575-9758 LAWNMOWER RIDING CraftsmanRuns great $350 941-830-4347 6026 SEWING DELUXE SINGER Sewing Machine Mack Cabinet & Bench. Cash Only! $70 941-624-4623 5184 SCREENING RESCREENING Special $55 Tops, $30 Sides. Complete $1295(to 1500SF) 941-879-3136 Lic. 22454/Ins. Southwest RescreenComplete Rescreening: $1,249 (up to 1,500 SF)941-465-2318Free Estimates! Insured. 5185 ROOFING Replacement, Repairs, Roofing 30 Years Experience Discounts to Srs. & Vets Free Inspections & Est.Call Lane 941-270-6120RM COATS INC.Lic. CCC#1325731 Ins. LEONARDÂSROOFING&INSULATIONINC.FAMILYOWNED&OPERATED SINCE1969Shingle, Tile, Built-Up, SinglePly, Metal, Full Carpentry, Service Available Reagan Leonard 941-488-7478LIC# RC0066574 PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 Re Roofs, Repairs, Pressure Cleaning, Roofing Coatings Full Carpentry Services HONEST & RELIABLE 35 Yrs Local Experience CCC1328613. Ph. 941-412-4047 GREEN ROOFING & WATERPROOFINGTECHNOLOGIESWWW.GREENROOFINGONLINE.COM ROOF LEAK PATROL, INC. RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Repairs, Reroof, Carpentry, etc... 35 yrs exp. Lic/insured#RCA065387941-474-ROOF (7663) ROOFING by DAD & Son Lic & Ins 40 years local MartiniÂs Roofing 941-766-0331 ccc1330876 TO M JOYCE ROOFIN G HUGE **FALL SPECIALS**45 Ye a rs of Quality Work and Experience 941-484-98 04 941-4 29-1800 lic#1325725 941-483-4630ShinglesSlats MetalTileRepairs Old Roof Removal OurSpecialty Full CarpentryFree EstimatesLic.# CCC068184 Fully Insured 5191 SOD LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneyÂs SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota 5140 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING SUPERIOR PAINTING, INC. Full Spray Shop 941-474-9091Lic # AAA009837 5155 PET CARE DOG CARE by day/week, exercise, fenced, loving home environment. 941-625-0853 5160 PLUMBING DO ALL PLUMBING LLC 40 Gal. Water Heater $650. Installed. Comfort Height Toilets $250. Installed. Badger 5 Disposal $189. Installed 941-626-9353 Lic#CFC1428884 LARRY` S PLUMBIN G Re Pipes (Most in 1 Day) Beat An y Estimate Complete Servic e 941-484-5796 Lic.#CFC1425943 PLUMBER over 30 yrs Exp! Service and Repairs. Installations, Permits & Inspections. $50/per hr Call 508-294-1271 Cell or Office at 941-575-1817 Lic# CFC1427981 & Ins. NEED A WATER HEATER? Call All Pro Water Heaters 941-204-4286www.allprowaterheaters.comLic. CFC-1428339 5180 PRESSURE CLEANING BAILEYÂS PRESSURE CLEANING Complete Exterior House Painting! Call 941-497-1736 FULL HOUSE PRESSURE WASHINGRates Starting At: Tile Roofs $150 Houses $65 Pool Cage/Decks $65 Driveways Exterior Painting, Pool Deck Coatings AND MORE!! 941-451-7550 Lic./Ins Kelly BrownÂs Pressure Washing & trash removal Honest & Reliable, Reasonable Rates & Sr. Special $39.99 Free Est. Lic.# 1413989 941-626-1565 MR. PRESSURE CLEANINGSAFE, NO PRESSUREROOF Fully Lic & Insured PRO SOURCE POWER WASHINGHOT & COLD SERVICES 21012 EXMORE AVE, PC Cell 941-979-6676 or office 941-979-9204 Lic & INSURED 5184 SCREENING ALL ABOUT ALUMINUM & SCREEN: Rescreen & new. 941-876-4779 wescreenflorida.comLic# SA37, AL0511993X CLASSIC ALUMINUM RESCREEN SERVICE INC. ÂYour Florida Outdoor Living ExpertsÂŽ 941-716-3984 www.classicrescreen.comLic# scc131151655Insured & Bonded RESCREENING by NORTHSTAR Free Estimates. 941-725-7599 Lic# CC20597 & Insured
Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 14, 2017 6250 APPLIANCES PERCOLATOR G.E. Pot Belly Percolator 10cup 1950s mfg. $35 941-460-8338 REFRIGERATOR KENMORE27 2door white W/icemaker $100 obo 941-475-6657 REFRIGERATOR New, top freezer, 18cu white $150, OBO 941-423-8243 REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 STOVE G.E Glass top selfcleaning beige works great $150 941-629-3350 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Kenmore Front Load w/ Bottom Shelves, 2 Years New. $800. Paid. $1900. John 941-676-2665 WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 Now $1200 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Stacked, Kenmore, Great Condition $500 303-596-0880 WASHER Kenmore &DRYER Whirlpool $200 941-626-7763 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low prices CHAR-BROIL BBQ 4 burner grill w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 COFFEE POTELECTRIC Corningware Perk $22 941-496-9252 FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 RE CO RD CO LLE C TI O N includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 6160 LAWN & GARDEN MOWER, RIDING, Murray. 12.5HP, 38" Cut. Like Brand New! $400 941-268-0917 MOWER, Self-Propelled Torro. 6.5 w/ Bagger. Like Brand New $150 941-268-0917 PLUG AERATOR 40ÂŽ tow behind $150, OBO 941-764-7323 ROTARY SPREADER John Deere tow behind, 130lbs $200 941-764-7323 ROTOTILLER TROY Built Horse, 7HP, 26ÂŽ Width, Runs like new $550 941-429-9043 THATCHER TOWBEHIND $60, OBO 941-764-7323 TOP SOILFor Sale! Please call: 941-468-4372 TRAILER for for a Lawn Tractor, Attaches $65 941-624-4713 TROY BUILT, 21ÂŽ 6.5 B & S, High Wheel w/ Bagger, Self Propelled. $95. 941-743-8243 6165 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS WE ATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Se t Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 6170 BUILDING SUPPLIES BATHROOM VANITY 4 Solid wood, w/top $50 941-629-5713 CERAMIC FLOORTILE New 12ÂŽ x 12ÂŽ/White. Total 109 tiles. $65 941-697-6884 MISC. CONCRETE BLOCKS Must Pick Up & Take All. FREE! 941-223-3217 WINDOWS W/SCREENS (7)Aluminum crankout 36X62 $125 336-471-5595 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY CHIPPER Briggs & Stratton 8 HP $200, OBO 941-268-2799 6225 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES MEAT SLICER HOBART, Paid $2000 Asking $375 941-268-2799 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 COFFEEMAKER, Keurig deluxe. Orig. $359. p60 Like new gift $125 941-580-4460 DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL Good Condition $80 941-486-0189 FRIDGE, Kenmore w/ Ice Maker $225, RANGE G.E., Spectra, $125. MICRO, Kenmore, $100. Excellent Cond! 941-276-9562 GAS RANGE FRIGIDARE GAS RANGE AND OVEN. 2 YRS OLD MUST CHANGE TO ELECTRIC, BECAUSE I AM ON OXYGEN, GAS AND OXYGEN DOES NOT MIX. THANK YOU. $495, OBO 941-626-6509 MICROWAVE 1500W Black over the Range, like new with mountings. $75 941-416-6379 6130 SPORTING GOODS FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 HILLERICH & BRADSBY Louisville Slugger #26 official softball bat $15 941-639-1517 LIFE JACKETS Brand new Onyx 3 buckle boating life vests $15 Each 941-416-6379 6131FIREARMS BROWNING CITORI, 12 ga. O/U w/ 26ÂŽ Barrels & 5 Choke Tubes, $900. SAVAGE 20 Ga, O/U, 2 3/4 & 3ÂŽ Shells w/ 5 Choke Tubes, Used Twice. $575. REMINGTON 12 Ga., 870 Express Magnum, 2 3/4 & 3ÂŽ Shells, $275. 239-699-7648 MAGNUM Res. Desert Eagle 357 Mag. SS 2 Extra Mags & Case $1,000 941-763-9238 NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. 6133 HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES ALUMINUM FISHING Wagon w/ Rod Holders & Fillet Tray. New. $125 941-223-9800 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES BICYCLE 26 MENS great buy $60 941-268-6858 BIKE Beach Cruisers Lajolla 26ÂŽ ladies Aluminum $65 941-421-2704 SCHWINN BLACK, 70 X 30CC, Discover MenÂs Bike. $150 941-391-4707 6138 TOYS/GAMES HELLICOPTER 4 RADIO RC $125, OBO 941-423-8243 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES **SPAS & MORE** We take Trade inÂs We Move Hot Tubs & Buy Used Hot Tubs! 941-625-6600 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 6160 LAWN & GARDEN CENTURY PLANTS 30 available ea $2 630-790-2948 CHAR-BROIL GRILL 4burner w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 COMMERCIAL MOWER Ferris 52ÂŽ w/ Mulch. 26HP EFI, 65 Hrs. $7,500 941-284-3076 CUB CADET 48ÂŽ Zero Turn Camo, 24HP. Kohler 7000 Series w/ 42 Hrs. $2,999 941-623-3297 C uddle up by the fire! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 DUMP CART 3Âx4 tow behind $150, OBO 941-764-7323 ELECTRIC EDGER 2 HP, Each $25 941-268-2799 LAWN TABLE glass top, alum inum frame, also resin ch airs avail $25 941-497-3250 MOWER, RIDING Snapper, Like new $495 941-268-0917 6126 GOLF CARTS 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ÂMidnight BlackÂŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â… ÂDEMO SALEÂŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ÂCustom Yellow PaintÂŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â… EZ GO 2004. Loaded. $2,495, Make Offer. 941-380-3390 ÂRED RACERÂŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New ÂCustom PaintedÂŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â… 6128 EXERCISE / FITNESS BOWFLEXPR1000, Home Gym. Very New Used 10 times $200 941-833-5744 6130 SPORTING GOODS 2 GUYS GUN SHOWS APRIL 29th & 30th Charlotte County Fairgrounds 2333 El Jobean Rd (776) Port Charlotte, FL Buy-Sell-Trade New-Used FREEParking CWP Classes Avail. Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-4 727-776-3442 Lookingfor Adventure? Findit inthe Classifieds 6126 GOLF CARTS 2000 CLUB CAR DS Recent "Red" Paint 4 Passenger Golf Cart Brand New Batteries {C7} New Flip Rear Seat New SS Hubcaps New Bushings {front & rear} Head and Tail Lights Great Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Top, Mirror and Charger $2,875. 941-830-4723 Free Delivery {25mi.} Calls Only Please No text 2003 CLUB CAR DS IQ System 4 Passenger 48 Volt "Gold" Golf Cart Speed Setting 4 {+-19/20 mph}. New Flip Rear Seat 6-8 Volt 2016 Batteries {E6} Headlights & taillights New Chrome SS Wheel Caps Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top, Windshield, Mirror and Charger. $3,275 941-830-4723 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only PLEASE NO TEXT 2008 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 10" Rims w/215x50x10 Tires 6 8 Volt 2014 Batteries New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger. $3,795. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE Findthe newYou intheClassifieds! 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ÂButterscotchÂŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â… 2011 CLUBCARPRECEDENT4 Passenger Custom "Pearl" Spartan Body Brand New Batteries {C7} Deluxe Lights {Head,Tail, Signal, Brake and Horn} Flip Rear Seat Excellent Tires, Brakes, Mirror, Windshield, Top, Chrome SS Caps and Charger $3,995 941-830-4723 DELIVERYINCLUDED{25MI.} NO TEXT PLEASE 6110 TREES & PLANTS ORCHIDS CATTLEYA purple mature potted other plants for less $20 941-202-3696 SATURDAY SALE VIBURNUM GREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE, PALMS, MANYOTHERPLANTS ATREASONABLE PRICES! SUIÂSNURSURY941-232-6835 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES CALLAWAY WOODS Ft-1 15 deg Rescue 18 deg like new $20 each. $20 941-270-8009 DRIVER CLEVELAND 400 Launcher Titanium RH Reg 9.5* VG Cond $30 941-488-7774 GOLF BALLS, Titleist Pro V 1Âs, Excellent condition, per dozen $18 941-488-7774 GOLF CART CHARGERS CLUB CAR, EZGO, YAMAHA Scratch and Dent Starting at $99 WARRANTY 941-769-1431VISIT GOLF CLBS Lynks blk, Cat irons 3-SW, w/ 4woods. $30 941-475-8097 GOLF CLUBS Pingizng2 PTR $25 941-475-8097 GOLF UMBRELLA, LARGE $15 941-218-4502 TOMMY ARMOUR IRONS 3 through SW w/Titleist Bag $50, OBO 941-270-8009 6126 GOLF CARTS 06 EZGO 4 Passenger Golf Cart PASSION PINK BRAND NEW BATTERIES High Speed New Flip Down Rear Seat New Tires Sunbrella Enclosure New Chrome Wheel Caps New Upholstery 36 Volt Charger Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New ÂYellow JacketÂŽ Cables New Bushings Brakes, Top & Mirror Smooth and FAST! STK#174A $3,325. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â… 2000 Club Car DS ÂPlumb Crazy PurpleÂŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â…
!" #$%& ''!( %! %) *)! +,-+ 2011 by King Features Syndicate YesterdayÂs Challenger Answers Friday, April 14, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 9
Page 10 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 14, 2017 !" #$!%& "!"())$*DEAR DR. ROACH: I have myeloma, and IÂve been treated with melphalan. On thr ee instances, my blood count dropped from 10 to 8, requiring blood transfusion. Is the blood loss unstoppable? Is there anything I can do with diet or other medications? I am worried about the negative effects of so many blood transfusions. „ R.T. ANSWER: Multiple myeloma is a type of blood cell cancer, where plasma cells (which normally make antibodies) grow out of control; this can prevent the other cells of the bone marrow from growing normally. Low red blood cell, white blood cell and platelet cell counts all are common in people with myeloma. Treatment for many cancers includes chemotherapy drugs. Many of these, like melphalan, w ork by targeting fast-growing cells. This is good for fast-growing cancer cells, but it also can damage healthy fast-growing cells like blood cells (causing anemia) or the lining of the gut (causing diarrhea and many other symptoms). In your case, both the cancer and its treatment could be causing your low blood cell count. ItÂs not blood cell loss as much as it is that your body canÂt replace the blood cells as they wear out normally. Those blood cells are particularly important when you are “ghting off cancer, so blood transfusions often are necessary. The blood supply is very, very safe now „ not perfect, but safer than it has ever been. Some people with anemia need iron or vitamin B-12, but because your body isnÂt making a lot of blood now, you probably donÂt need a lot of iron or B-12. People taking chemotherapy often have nausea that limits food consumption, but I agree with most experts recommendations to do oneÂs best to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, avoid high-fat foods from animal sources, try some new foods and try eating smaller amounts more frequently if that helps. DEAR DR. ROACH: My doctor wants me to have another colonoscopy. The last time I did, I noticed some memory loss, which lasted about two weeks. I read that the anesthesia used sometimes causes memory loss. Do you have any information? „ Anon. ANSWER: Medication usually is given to help people relax during a colonoscopy, and memory loss usually occurs „ people have little recollection of the test itself (this is not a bad thing). However, some people do have additional memory loss, both of events that happened before the exam (called retrograde) and after the event (called anterograde). This is uncommon, but since it seems to have happened to you, I would talk to the doctor about the sedation plan before the planned colonoscopy. There are several choices of anesthetic agents, each with different risks of this side effect. You should “nd out which one caused this effect „ my guess would be midazolam (Versed) „ and ask about a different one (such as propofol). Any drug can cause some degree of amnesia, but I think your risk would be lessened by avoiding the drug that caused it previously. Alcohol interacts poorly with these agents, so it should be avoided for a day (at least) both before and after the procedure. Finally, you can have the procedure done without sedation. I donÂt recommend it, but people do so and endure the discomfort. Colonoscopy is an important tool for screening for colon cancer. The booklet on colon cancer provides useful information on the causes and cures of this common malady. Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Roach Book No. 505 628 Virginia Dr. Orlando, FL 32803 Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Can. with the recipientÂs printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery.Low bl oo d counts are common in those with myelomaDr. Roach BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY adno=8602487
Friday, April 14, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 11 Dear Heloise: IÂm a hospice nurse, and IÂve found that most families donÂt understand what hospice is or what it does. WeÂre here to enhance the quality and dignity of the patientÂs life and provide emotional support for the family. Often there also is “nancial relief for the family. Selecting the right hospice is a matter of asking the right questions, asking the doctor for referrals and doing research. Any life-limiting illness is frightening, but hospice is here to follow the patientÂs wishes, to relieve his or her pain, to answer questions and to alleviate fears. „ Betty G. in Detroit Betty, thank you. I know there are misconceptions about hospice, but here are a few questions to ask when selecting a hospice: € Is the hospice provider certi“ed and licensed by the state? € How long has it been in business? € What services are provided, and how often does a nurse see the patient? € How does the hospice handle after-hour emergencies? € How will the referring physician work with the hospice physician? € What happens if the patientÂs illness goes into remission? Nothing makes a hospice happier than to know its care has helped a patient get better or extended his or her life. „ HeloiseTravel tipsDear Readers: Here are a few more travel suggestions that have served me well through the years: € Always pack a pair of slippers to wear in your hotel room. You never know how clean the ”oors are or if there might be sharp objects in the carpeting. € Pack a mini emergency kit with just a few items, such as adhesive bandages, safety pins, alcohol wipes, etc. You might be surprised how often itÂll come in handy. „ HeloiseFoggy windshieldDear Heloise: Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove box of your car. When your windshield fogs up, wipe it with the eraser. Works like a charm. „ Anita W., Pocatello, IdahoHelp from hospiceHints from Heloise BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Make your business a part of it! Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602488
Page 12 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 14, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). The social swirl favors you. Contrastingly, some party animals you know wear themselves out because they miss the secret to maint aining a robust social life: Go home when you're tired. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your purpose will converge with a bit of randomness you can't help but pay attention to. This may involve an exciting someone, and it becomes a part of your shared story. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Don't start with what others want from y ou or who the y want y ou to be. Start with what interests and excites you. What they need most (though they might not know it yet) is to have people around them who are interested and excited. CANCER (June 22-July 22). People will have to come to a decision together. The compromise will either be even better than than the original idea each person brought to the table or it will suit none. Calm communication will be key. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Relationships' ease will have more to do with what's going on outside the relationship. Stressors get lifted today, and the ood of relief makes it so much easier to be present with one another. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Be careful not to let your perfectionism keep you from expanding opportunities. Not everythi ng requires such a high level of attention. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You nd it pretty easy to make rational decisions, unless you are 1) hungry, 2) tired or 3) emotionally involved. Hungry and tired are easy to remedy. Good luck getting your feelings out of it, though! SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Bottom line, the group will be better for your expertise, instinct and involvement. They may not show you often enough how valuable you are, but hang in there, if for no other reason than this: The y need y ou. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Surrender if you feel it's time, if you've been ghting out of stubbornness and ego instead of principle and purpose, if you're ready to stop resisting where life wants to take you. But if this is just about giving up, don't. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You will look for what you nd and, bonus, what you beckon for will come to you. Now all you have to do is direct your energy well, toward loveliness and strictly what you would enjoy in your life. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You can only give what you've got. Actually, you could borrow to give, but that would be a horrible idea today. In fact, make sure y ou don't g ive all y ou've g ot. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You'll wake up and avoid some rather overblown expectations that are being promoted by parts of our culture in the realm of relationships. You recognize that this hype is toxic to your pursuit of love. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (April 14). You have a talent for putting people together who t well, and you'll create scenarios that could never have happened without you. You'll be made an oer that seems so crazy to you but also quite right. Physical strength and mental stamina will be required for the marathon-like situation in June. You'll be proud and richer for the run. Leo and Libra adore you. Your luck y numbers are: 7 4 30 19 and 45. DEAR ABBY: My friend recently had a baby and could really use my daughterÂs old clothes, as our girls are only a year apart and I have saved practically everything. But it will cost a considerable amount to ship several boxes, and I could use the extra money myself if I sold the clothes at a tag sale. Would I be cheap if I asked that when my friend is done with them, she donate the clothes to a charity and send me back the tax donation forms? „ WANTS TO KNOW IN CONNECTICUT DEAR WANTS TO KNOW: First, a gentle reminder that once a gift is given, it belongs to the recipient. And yes, I believe you would come across as cheap. Either give the clothes out of the goodness of your heart, knowing you will reap rewards beyond the “nancial „ or donate them yourself. DEAR ABBY: ÂFull of Feeling in ArizonaÂŽ (Jan. 21) wrote about her husband lacking sympathy, and was worried he may not be there emotionally for her children in the event of her dying before he does. Your answer to her was to Âoutlive him,ÂŽ which had me rolling in laughter. Perhaps another idea might be to write letters to her children now. A heartfelt letter taking family members through the loss of their mom (from their mom) or dad (from their mom who has already passed) may be very comforting to some. Or several letters for different occasions could be a beautiful gift. Just a thought. „ CHRISSY IN CALIFORNIA DEAR CHRISSY: Other readers suggested letter writing (and a personalized video message) as potential solutions to this problem. Read on for a sampling of other comments: DEAR ABBY: Perhaps the mom should identify a relative or family friend to be aware of this issue and ready to step in and provide some support if needed. If the children and this person are alerted beforehand, they will know whom to turn to in case Mom predeceases her husband. Each child may wish to designate his or her own source of support, but the purpose of this exercise is to reassure the mother that her kids will not be alone. „ MAURA IN OREGON DEAR ABBY: This woman needs to know that itÂs OK for her husband to be hard-nosed about death. While he SHOULD be more sympathetic to the feelings of others, he wasnÂt raised that way. His way of handling it is to put up a wall. Some people donÂt have the same depth of feelings as others. Mine are much more matter-offact than my friendsÂ. But I can appreciate that we all grieve in different ways. „ DAVID IN MICHIGAN DEAR ABBY: That womanÂs husband could have AspergerÂs syndrome, a type of high-functioning autism. These individuals, although accomplished and intelligent in many areas, have dif“culty processing empathy. It makes them seem uncaring. This condition makes interaction between spouses extremely frustrating and dif“cult. ItÂs worth considering. „ AUDREY IN PENNSYLVANIA Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. ÂAnd his disciples came to him, and woke him, saying, ÂLord, save us: we perish. And he saith unto them, ÂWhy are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.ÂŽ „ Matthew 8:25-26. Jesus can still the storm of your life. He will do it if you ask and believe. Have faith in God! BIBLEMother can give away baby clothes or donate for tax breakVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby
Friday, April 14, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 13 F r id ay T e l ev i s i onVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDAAPR. 14PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC7 News @ 6pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News at 7 Florida SuncoastÂs news, weather & more. (N)The Toy Box Double-sided book & party piata twist. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Shark Tank A free-photo printing service. (TVPG) (N) (HD) (:01) 20/20 Investigative reporting on world news. (HD)ABC7 News @ 11pm (N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (R) ABC E F 26---7117-ABC7 Ne ws @ 6:00pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)The 7 O ÂClock News (N) (HD)Enterta inment Tonight (N) (HD)The Toy Box Double-sided book & party piata twist. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Shark T ank A free -photo printing service. (TVPG) (N) (HD) (:01) 20/20 Invest igative reporting on world news. (HD)ABC7 Ne ws @ 11:00pm(N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (R) CBS E F 11213213-555-WINK News at 6pm (N) (HD)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)WINK News at 7pm (N) (HD)Inside Edition Alternative news. MacGyver: Cigar Cutter Murdoc recruits his former cellmate. (TV14) (N)Hawaii Five-0: Waimaka ÂEleÂele Murder of Pearl Harbor survivor. (N)Blue Bloods: No Retreat No Surrender Stop drug operation.(TVPG) (N)WINK News at 11pm (N) (HD)Late Show Ewan McGregor. (R) CBS E F 10101010---1010 News, 6pm (N)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)Wheel: AmericaÂs Game (TVG)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)MacGyver: Cigar Cutter Murdoc recruits his former cellmate. (TV14) (N)Hawaii Five-0: Waimaka ÂEleÂele Murder of Pearl Harbor survivor. (N)Blue Bloods: No Retreat No Surrender Stop drug operation.(TVPG) (N)10 News, 11pm (N)Late Show Ewan McGregor. (R) NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel: AmericaÂs Game (TVG)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)First Dates: No Idea What Her Name Is A manÂs date. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Dateline NBC: Nightfall A young mother is discovered dead. (N) (HD)Dateline NBC: Good & Evil WomanÂs body is found in trash facility. (N)NBC2 News @ 11pm (N) (HD) (:35) Tonight Show (TV14) (HD) NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChannel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)NewsChannel 8 at 7:00 (N)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)First Dates: No Idea What Her Name Is A manÂs date. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Dateline NBC: Nightfall A young mother is discovered dead. (N) (HD)Dateline NBC: Good & Evil WomanÂs body is found in trash facility. (N)NewsChannel 8 at 11:00 (N) (:35) Tonight Show (TV14) (HD) FOX E F 36---444-FOX 4 News at Six Community news; weather; traffic; more. (N)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Rosewood: Calliphoridae & Country Roads Small town mayor. (TV14) (:01) You the Jury: Online Racism (TV14) (N)FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)FOX 4 News at Eleven (N)TMZ (TVPG) (R) FOX E F 13131313-13-13FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)Access Hollywood(TVPG) (N)TMZ (TVPG) (N)Rosewood: Calliphoridae & Country Roads Small town mayor. (TV14) (:01) You the Jury: Online Racism (TV14) (N)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News News, sports, weather and traffic.(N) PBS E F 30-3-333-BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Washington Week (N) (HD)The Week(TVG) (N) (HD)My Music: 70s Soul Superstars (TVG) (R) (HD)My Music: Rock Rewind: 1967 PBS E F #3173---3BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Washington Week (N) (HD)Florida This Week (TVG) (N)Great Performances at the Met: Romeo et Juliette (TVPG) (N) (HD) CW E F 46---6216-Mike & Molly Sad Kay returns. WINK News at 6:30pm (N) (HD)Big Bang Gaming weekend. Big Bang Friend procedure. The Originals: I Hear You Knocking Dark magic symptoms. (TV14) (N)Reign: Pulling Strings Lavish affair; saving EnglandÂs power.(TV14) (N)WINK News @10pm (N) (HD)Mike & Molly Change in diet. 2 Broke Girls NYC socialite. CW E F 44999---4Mike & Molly Sad Kay returns. Mike & Molly Change in diet. 2 Broke Girls NYC socialite. 2 Broke Game characters. (HD)The Originals: I Hear You Knocking Dark magic symptoms. (TV14) (N)Reign: Pulling Strings Lavish affair; saving EnglandÂs power.(TV14) (N)Two & Half Unrequited love. Two & Half Alan true identity. Friends Breast milk woes. (HD)Friends Rachel is pregnant. MYN E F 38111111---14Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)American Ninja Warrior: Pittsburgh Qualifying (Hour 1)(TVPG) (HD)American Ninja Warrior: Pittsburgh Qualifying (Hour 2)(TVPG) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R) IND E F 32121212-38-12Modern Family: The Cold (HD)Modern Family Mold treatment. Big Bang Gaming weekend. Big Bang Friend procedure. Anger Tempting a priest. (TV14)Anger Competing.(TV14) (HD)Last Man Standing (TVPG)Last Man Standing (TVPG)Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Suite Sorrow Botox murder.(TV14) (HD)Family Guy Female Stewie. Family Guy PeterÂs chick flick. ION E F 662221326-17Law & Order: Angelgrove Art dealer stoned to death. (TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Burn Card Green becomes a murder suspect. (TV14)Law & Order: Bogeyman NovelistÂs death linked to cult.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Strike A legal aid striker is found murdered.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Personae Non Grata Online relationship. (TV14) (HD)Saving Hope: A Stranger Comes to Town DevÂs nemesis. (TV14) (R) E L B A CA&E262626263950181(5:00) Live PD: Live PD 04.08.17 (R) (HD)Live PD: Rewind #7 (N)Live PD: Live PD 04.14.17 (N) (HD) AMC565656563053231(5:00) Lethal Weapon 2 (Â89) Cops battle a drug-smuggling diplomat. Lethal Weapon 3 (Â92, Action) Mel Gibson. Murtaugh and Riggs try to stop a gun runner from selling deadly weapons. Lethal Weapon 4 Two Los Angeles detectives investigate a Chinese immigrant smuggling ring. APL444444443668130Treehouse (TVPG) (R)Tanked Ultimate tank. Tanked (TVPG) (R) (HD)Tanked: Sea-lebrity: The Prince and the Champ Tanked (TVPG) (R) (HD) BBCAM114114114114114114189Doctor WhoDoctor Who North Pole rescue. (R)Doctor Who (TVPG) (R)Doctor Who (TVPG) (R)Doctor Who (TVPG) (R)Doctor Who: Listen (R) BET353535354022270Dr. Dolittle (Â98) A surgeon finds he can talk to animals. Space Jam (Â96) Jordan teaches cartoons to shoot hoops. Rebel: Chasing Ghost BRAVO6868686825451185HousewivesHousewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (R)Selena (Â97, Drama) Jennifer Lopez. A singer blossoms into a superstar. Selena COM666666661527190(:20) Futurama: Jurassic Bark FryÂs old pet dog. South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)Megamind (Â10, Comedy) A super-villain with an enormous intellect is forced to become a hero. Jim Gaffigan: Obsessed Obsessions. (TV14) DISC404040402543120Alaskan Boat troubles. Gold Rush (TVPG) (R)Gold Rush (TV14) (N)Gold Rush Threatening fall. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Gold Rush (TVPG) (R) E!464646462726196Little Fockers (Â10) E! News (N) (HD)Couples Retreat (Â09) An island resortÂs guests are surprised. KardashianE! News (N) (HD) FOOD3737373718376164Diners Burger joints. (R)Diners Beefy favorites. Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R) FREE555555551046199The Hunger Games (Â12) 24 kids compete in bloody survival game. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (Â13, Action) Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson. Katniss and Peeta are forced to partake in the Hunger Games for a second time. The 700 Club Christian panel.(TVG) (R) (HD) FX51515151584953(5:00) The Wolverine (Â13) Wolverine encounters an enemy from his past in modern-day Japan. Guardians of the Galaxy (Â14, Action) Chris Pr att. Brash adventurer forced into truce with quartet of misfits to evade villain. X-Men: Days of Future Past (Â14) X-Men fight to prevent dooming event. GSN17917917917934179184Cash CabCash CabFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. Feud Fam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. Feud HALL5551713773240Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Home Imp.Home Imp. The MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleGold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165Tiny HouseTiny HouseTiny HouseTiny HouseMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryHuntersHuntersHuntersHunters HIST818181813365128Am. Picker (TV14) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker: Catch-32 Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R) LIFE363636365241140Bring It! (TVPG) (R)Bring It! Trip to L.A. (R)Bring It! (TVPG) (N)Bring It! (TVPG) (N)Pop Game (TVPG) (N)Bring It! (TVPG) (R) NICK252525252444252Henry Trip to space. (R)Thunderman (TVG) (R)Henry Villain meeting. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Mother trouble. FriendsFriends OWN58585858476714520/20 (TV14) (R) (HD)20/20: Murder for Hire 20/20 (TV14) (R) (HD)48 Hours: (TV14) (HD)48 Hours: Hit-and-run. 20/20 (TV14) (R) (HD) QVC14141491413150(5:00) Quacker (TVG)Laura Geller MakeupClever Creation (TVG)Friday Beauty (TVG)Quacker (TVG)Shawn Says (TVG) SPIKE57575757296354Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R) Bellator MMA Live (Live) (HD)Kickboxing: Budapest SYFY6767676725364180(5:00) Faster (Â10) Fast & Furious (Â09, Action) Deadly convoy heist. John Wick KingpinÂs son kills ex-hit manÂs pup. Magicians (TV14) (R) TBS59595959326252SeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldHorrible Bosses 2 (Â14) Friends plan to get back business. The Bounty Hunter (Â10, Comedy) TCM656565656574230(5:45) Picnic (Â55, Drama) A charismati c drifter visits an old college friend and falls for his fiance. Imitation of Life (Â59, Drama) Lana Turner. A struggling actress allows a homeless woman to become her maid. (NR)Magnificent Obsession (Â54) A rich, irresponsible playboy reforms. TLC454545455772139Wedding (TV14) (R)Wedding Settle down. Wedding (TV14) (R)Wedding Unaccepting. Wedding (TV14) (R)Wedding Settle down. TNT61616161285551Castle: Always Buy Retail Vodun ritual murder. Castle Home invasions. (TVPG) (HD)The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (Â14, Adventure) Martin Freeman. Hobbits and allies fight for the future of Middle Earth. (PG-13) (HD)The Island (Â05) Utopian society. (PG-13) TOON808080804620257Titans Go!Titans Go!Titans Go!Titans Go!King HillKing Hi llAm. DadAm. DadBobÂs BrgrBobÂs BrgrFamily GuyFamily Guy TRAV6969696926066170Ghost (TVPG) (R) (HD)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG) TRUTV636363635030183FunniestFunniestCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroGreatest TVL626262623154241M*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HLoves Ray.Love s Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ra y.Loves Ray.QueensQueens USA34343434225250SVU: Resilience (TV14) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: New York vs Montreal (Live)Team Ninja (TVPG) (R)Team Ninja (TVPG) WE117117117117117117149Not to Hot The new look. (TV14) (R)Not to Hot (TV14) (R)Not to HotNot to Hot (TV14) (N)Dr. Miami: Pretty Kitty Not to Hot (TV14) (R) WGN16161619411168Blue Bloods: Brothers Cops (HD)Cops (HD)U.S. Marshals (Â98, Thriller) A marshal seeks an escaped fugitive. U.S. Marshals (Â98) S W E NCNBC393939395937102Undr. Boss Froyo CEO. Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss: ABM (HD)Undr. Boss Infiltrate. Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss (TVPG) CNN323232321838100Situation Room (N)Erin Burnett (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)CNN Tonight (N)CNN Tonight (N) CSPAN181818183712109(10:15) Public Affairs Events (R)Stanford Univer (N) (:15) Justice John Roberts and (N) (:07) Politics Today (R) FNC646464644871118Special Report (N) (HD)The First 100 Days (N)OÂReilly: Factor Friday Tucker Carlson (N)Hannity: Special (N)OÂReilly: Factor Friday MSNBC8383838318540103For the Record (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)Chris Hayes (N) (HD)Rachel Maddow (N)Last Word (N) (HD)Chris Hayes (R) (HD) SNN66611---SNN EveEve @ 6:30ES.TVCelebritySuncoastNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late ESNN Late ECelebrity S T R O P SESPN29292929125870SportsCenter (HD)MLS Soccer: New York City FC vs Philadelphia WnÂs Gym.: NCAA Championships SportsCenter (HD) ESPN23030303065974Horn (HD)InterruptnPlayoff Preview (HD) High School Basketball (Live) (HD)30 for 30: One and Not Done (HD) FS148484848426983 UFC Weigh-In (Live)Fight Mom (HD)College Baseball: Oklahoma State Cowboys at Kansas Jayhawks (Live)MLB Whip Around (HD) FSN72727272725677UEFA Mag.MarlinsMLB Baseball: New York Mets at Miami Marlins from Marlins Park (Live)MarlinsMarlinsWrld Poker (Replay) FSSUN38383838455776AccessRays LIVE! MLB Baseball: Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox (Live) (HD)Rays LIVE!InsideInsideWaves GOLF49494949556093Golf Central (HD)LPGA Tour Golf: LOTTE Championship: Round 3 : from Ko Olina Golf Club in Kapolei, Hawaii (HD)PGA Tour Golf (HD) NBCSN71717171546190NASCAR K&N (Taped) NHL Live (Live) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: St. Louis vs Minnesota (Live) Playoffs: San Jose vs Edmonton M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250BUNKÂD Annual competition. Stuck Mid. Holiday traditions. Tangled: Series Royal guard. Tangled (TVY7) (N)Stuck in Middle Shocking truth. Andi Mack Falling asleep.(N)Hop (Â11, Family) Man must take on the responsibility of nursing the Easter Bunny back to health. (PG) (:40) Tangled(TVY7) (R)Stuck in Middle Shocking truth. Andi Mack Falling asleep.(R) ENC150150150150150150350(:17) Bad Girls (Â94) Madeleine Stowe, Mary Stuart Masterson. Four former prostitutes become outlaws in the Old West after a deadly encounter. The White Queen: The Final Battle Throne at stake. (TVMA) (HD) (:06) National Treasure: Book of Secrets (Â07, Comedy) Ben Gates attempts to unlock the mystery behind Abraham LincolnÂs assassination.(:14) Face/Off (Â97, Action) Fed alters looks to pursue a criminal. (R) HBO302302302302302302400(5:20) 42 (Â13, Drama) A tale nted player and a heroic manager exude bravery and courage against racism. VICE Islamic laws. (TVMA) (R)Criminal (Â16, Crime) Kevin Costner, Gary Oldman. An incarcerated crimin al must finish a dead CIA agentÂs final mission. (R) (HD)Real Time with Bill Maher Jelani Cobb. (TVMA) (R) (HD)VICE Thawing permafrost. (R)Animals Cure virus. (TVMA) (N) HBO2303303303303303303402(5:50) Live Free or Die Hard (Â07, Thriller) Bruce Willis, Timothy Olyphant. A detective trie s to foil a terrorist bent on destroying the U.S. economy. Crashing Attend a baptism.(:35) Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie (Â16, Comedy) Jennifer Saun ders. Women hide out in French Riviera.(:10) My Cousin Vinny (Â92, Comedy) Joe Pesci. An inept New York lawyer defends a cousin charged with murder in the Deep South. (R) (HD) HBO3304304304304304304404(5:15) The Good Guy (Â10) (:50) Criminal Activities (Â15, Crime) Michael Pitt. Four young men must face a cold-blooded crime boss after an investment goes bad. (NR) (HD)Last Week John Oliver(TVMA) (:10) Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (Â04, Comedy) BridgetÂs relationship para noia is making her romance with Mark uncomfortable. (R)How to Be Single (Â16) Young woman guided by wild co-worker. (R) MAX320320320320320320420(5:45) The Ninth Gate (Â00, Mystery) Johnny Depp, Frank Langella. A rare-book dealer is hired to find a lost tome written by the devil himself. Black Mass (Â15, Crime) Johnny Depp, Joel Edgerton. Deals between the FBI and Irish mobster ÂWhiteyÂŽ Bulger spin out of control. (R) (HD) (:05) Marauders (Â16, Action) Christopher Meloni, Bruce Willis. An elaborate bank heis t leads FBI investigators to a widespread conspiracy. (R) MAX2321321321321321321422(5:20) Our Brand Is Crisis (Â15) Strategist competes with nemesis.(:10) Cirque du Freak: The VampireÂs Assistant (Â09, Action) Youth encounters myst erious man at unique circus and makes a drastic decision. Dark Water (Â05, Horror) A womanÂs new apartment unexpectedly comes to life with frightening occurrences.(:50) The Other Side of the Door (Â16, Horror) A grief-stricken mother upsets balance between life and death. SHO340340340340340340365A Bronx Tale (Â93, Drama) Robert De Niro, Chazz Palminteri. A Â60s bus driver struggles to bring up his son right amid temptations. (R) (HD)The Man Who Knew Infinity (Â16, Drama) Dev Patel. Guided by a professor, an Indian math genius becomes a pioneer in math theories. (HD) ShoBox: The New Generation: Dimitry Bivol, Glenn Duzurn, Malik Hawkins : from MGM National Harbor in Oxon Hill, Maryland (Live) (HD) TMC350350350350350350385(:15) Meet the Browns (Â08, Comedy) Angela Bassett. A single mother of three meet s quirky family members she never knew existed. (PG-13)Love Actually (Â03, Romance) Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson. People deal with their love lives during the frantic weeks before Christmas. (R) (HD) (:15) Carol (Â15, Romance) Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara. Two women meet, and th eir instant connection soon develops into a deep love. (R) 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 6:30 a.m. GOLF European Tour Golf Trophee Hassan II: Round 2. (L) 12:30 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour Champions Golf Mitsubishi Electric Classic: Round 1. (L) 1 p.m. ESPN2 WomenÂs College Gymnastics NCAA Championships: Semi“nal 1. (L) 3 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour Golf RBC Heritage: Round 2. (L) 6 p.m. FS1 UFC Fight Night Weigh-In Johnson vs Reis. (L) 7 p.m. ESPN MLS Soccer New York City FC at Philadelphia Union. (L) FSN MLB Baseball New York Mets at Miami Marlins. (L) FSSUN MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox. (L) GOLF LPGA Tour Golf LOTTE Championship: Round 3. (L) USA 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Eastern Conference First Round, Game 2 New York Rangers at Montreal Canadiens. (L) 8 p.m. ESPN2 High School Basketball 2017 Jordan Brand Classic. (L) FS1 College Baseball Oklahoma State at Kansas. (L) 9 p.m. ESPN WomenÂs College Gymnastics NCAA Championships. (L) 10 p.m. SHO ShoBox: The New Generation Dimitry Bivol, Glenn Duzurn, Malik Hawkins. (L)7:00 a.m. ABC Good Morning America Sportscaster Ernie Johnson talks about his book; Josh Groban performs. (N) 9:00 a.m. FOX Jerry Springer Woman stays faithful to cheating boyfriend; man begins to feel cold feet. (N) 10:00 a.m. CW Rachael Ray Chef Anne Burrell and Chef Marc Murphy holiday cook-off; designer Camila Alves. (N) 10:00 a.m. IND Jerry Springer Woman stays faithful to cheating boyfriend; man begins to feel cold feet. (N) 11:00 a.m. ABC The View Jackie Evancho and her sister Juliet Evancho talk about transgender rights. (N) 11:00 a.m. CW Access Hollywood Live ÂBeverly Hills Dog ShowÂŽ correspondents Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski. (N) 11:00 a.m. FOX The Steve Wilkos Show Daughter claims mother sold sister to killer; family blames man for burned land. (N) 11:00 a.m. MYN The Doctors Viral videos that put the internet in frenzy; mother photographs her delivery; (N) 1:00 p.m. ABC The Chew Actress Rita Moreno from ÂOne Day at a Time.ÂŽ 2:00 p.m. CBS The Talk Ariel Winter discusses ÂSmurfs: The Lost VillageÂŽ; Aldis Hodge. (N) 3:00 p.m. CBS Harry Tyrese Gibson; tips to help remove clutter from oneÂs home for springtime. (N) 3:00 p.m. NBC The Dr. Oz Show Leah Remini discusses her time as a member of the Church of Scientology. 4:00 p.m. IND Steve Harvey Caroline & Albert Manzo give parental advice; couple worries about relationship. (N) 5:00 p.m. CW Dr. Phil Wife worries about the extreme cost of her husbandÂs search for enlightenment. (N)5:00 p.m. MYN Maury Woman says boyfriend is a Casanova; boyfriend doubts his childÂs paternity. (N)TodayÂs Live Sports TodayÂs Talk Shows Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV
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PORT CHARLOTTE, FL S UN C LASSIFIED 7160 HONDA 2015 HONDA CR-V LX $18,986 4Dr, Sp Utility 13,646 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V EX -l $20,911 4Dr sport Utility 39,409 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V $21,137 EX-L, 21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V EX -l $21,321 4Dr sport Utility 32,863 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $21,477 EX-L21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $21,477 EX-L, WHITE, CERT, 35K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CROSSTOUR $21,477 EX-L, WHITE, 38K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V $21,477 EX-L, SILVER, 30K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V $21,787 EX-L, WHITE, CERT, 24K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $21,897 EX-L, WHITE, CERT, 21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V $21,897 EX-L, CERT, RED, 21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $21,950 EX-L, RED, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V $21,987 EX-L, CERT, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2013 HONDA PILOT EX-L $21,993 4Dr SP UTILITY, 45,703 m 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 HONDA CR-V $22,877 WHITE, CERT, 27K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT Touring $24,336 4Dr Sp Util 82,402 mil 844-467-9558 2015 HONDA ACCORD $24,897 TOURING, CERT, 26K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA CR-V $24,989 4Dr sport Utility 45,302 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA CR-V TOURING$25,633 4Dr SP UTILITY, 32,541 m 844-467-9558 dlr 2013 HONDA RIDGELINE $26,000, 4x4 33,000 MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYESSEYex-l $26,8564Dr Pass Van w/nav 45,120 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA PILOT $27,597 EX, BLUE, 22K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYESSEYex-l $29,413 4D Pass Van 19,811 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA ODYSSEYEX-L$30,309 4Dr Pass Van,w/nav. 17,835 MI 844-467-9558dlr 2015 HONDA ODYSSEYEX-L$30,309 4Dr Pass Van,w/nav. 17,835 MI 844-467-9558dlr 2016 HONDA PILOT LX 27,461 4D Sp Util 21,279 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HONDA CR-V EX-L 23,857 4Dr sport Utility 17,650 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA ACCORD EX 19,694 4D SDN 9,720 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 HONDA ACCORD LX 17,633 4D SDN 9,465 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 7163 HYUNDAI 2003 HYUNDAI SONATA LX $4,900, 89,K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS $4,962 4dr Sedan 104,075 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS $4,962 4dr Sedan 104,075 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRAGT $7,911 91K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 HYUNDAI GENESIS $9,990 TAN, 94K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI ACCENTGLS$10,863 4dr Sedan 39,045 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 7147 AUDI 2012 AUDI Q5 2.0T $19,953 Prem Quattro 4DR 72,592 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2011 AUDI Q532PP $22,911 SILVER, 31K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7148 BMW 2007 BMW X3 AWD $10,900 93K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 BMW 320I $17,990 BLUE, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 BMW 328IC $17,990 CONV, SILVER, 51K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 BMW 3SERIES 328I $20,422,4Dr Sedan, Black. 14,952 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 7160 HONDA 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY LX $10,98 4Dr Pass 650 mi 844467-9558 dlr 2002 HONDA ACCORD $2,400 Loaded, Owned since 2004, well cared for. 941-426-5126 2008 HONDA CIVIC EX $4,982 W/NAV 4D SDN 167,531mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2008 HONDA ACCORD LX 2.4 $6,996 4D SDN RED 126,913 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2010 HONDA FIT $8,900, 87,000 MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2008 HONDA CR-V EX $9,636 4Dr sport Utility 100,999 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2008 HONDA CR-VEX$9,636 4Dr Sport Util. 844-467-9558dlr 2010 HONDA CR-V $11,990 GRAY, 96K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 HONDA ACCORD $13,750 4 Door LX. 24K+ MI. Dark Red, Ivory Interior, 2.4L, Dohc, 4Cyl. 941-764-7566 2015 HONDA CIVIC LX $14,322 4Dr Sedan, 21,571 m 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA FIT EX $14,356 4Dr Htchbck 52,343 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HONDA FIT $14,684 4Dr Htchbck Blue 21,262 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 HONDA ACCORD LX $14,922 4Dr SE 26,084 MI 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 HONDA ACCORD LX $14,922 4Dr SE 26,084 MI 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HONDA CIVIC SE $15,366 4D SDN 24,278 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 HONDA ACCORD sp $15,422 4Dr Sdn, gray 52,446 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2013 HONDA ACCORD $15,990 GRAY, 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD lx $15,992 4Dr Sdn, gray 28,192mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HONDA CIVIC EX $16,436 4D SDN 18,800 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2012 HONDA PILOT ex-l $16,853, 4D Sp Util Silver 93,512 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2012 HONDA PILOT ex-l $16,853, 4D Sp Util Silver 93,512 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HONDA CIVIC EX $17,533 4D SDN, RED 8,200 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 HONDA CR-V EX $17,763 4Dr sport Utility 64,220 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA CIVIC EX-l $17,863 4D SDN 16,366 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 7080 JEEP 2012 JEEP PATRIOT $11,900, 41K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2012 JEEP LIBERTY $11,900, 86K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 JEEP COMPASS $16,989 4x4 4dr Limited 41,675 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 JEEP CHEROKEE $18,989 4dr Fr-Wh Silver 48,253 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2014 JEEP WRANGLER $28,950 LMTD, BLUE, 47K MI 855-481-2060 DLR PRO POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd. Port Charlotte 1996 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,000 1998 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,199 2000 Cherokee 4X4,auto, air $3,895 2001 Wrangler Sport $7,500 2001 Wrangler Sport, Lifted $10,999 2011 Wrangler Sport, $16,899 941-627-8822 2010 JEEP UNLIMITED SAHARA 4X4 56K, Hardtop, Beautiful. 941-883-6088 2009 JEEP WRANGLERUNLIM22,989 4x4 4dr Sahara 90,854 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2008 JEEP LIBERTY 4X4 Sport, 64K miles, Estate Car, Nice! 941-883-6088 7090 LINCOLN 2000 LINCOLN TOWN-CAR $1,200 Good Tires, Cold A/C, 167K miles, needs body work but runs great! 941-475-5297 or 815-228-6801 1996 LINCOLN TOWN-CAR $2,500 Silver/Gray, 102k miles, Clean 516-901-5699 2004 LINCOLN TOWN-CAR $5,500 White, very good condition, 106K miles 941-240-5103 2004 LINCOLN TOWN-CAR $6,990 BLUE, 84K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2007 LINCOLN TOWN CAR $9,997,4Dr Sdn 844-467-9558 DLR 2010 LINCOLN MKS $16,990 RED, 43K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7100 MERCURY 2006 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER 3RDROW SEATING, 92K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2002 MERCURY Gr-Marquis LS, Ultimate, 70K, Estate Car, Leather. 941-883-6088 7110 OLDSMOBILE 2004 0LDSMOBILE SILOUETTE$16,953 4dr CsP UTIL 116,889mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 7120 PLYMOUTH 1998 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER $475, Needs a tune up, 155K Miles 941-639-8611 7135 SATURN PRO POWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 96 SC2 Coupe$1,199 00 SW2 Wagon$1,950 97 SW2 Wagon $2,158 98 SW2 Wagon $2,195 RV Tow Ready 01 SL2 Sedan$2,395 05 Vue V6 $3,299 05 Vue 6cyl $3,750 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,400 07 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 09 Vue XE $7,188 08 Vue XE $7,800 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $7,995Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 2008 SATURN VUE $8,995 XE 85K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7070 FORD 2008 FORD MUSTANG V6 $10,90047,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2011 FORD ESCAPE $11,989 4Dr Front-Wheel dr 78,772 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2006 FORD MUSTANG 2DR $12,989 Conc 35,576 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2012 FORD ESCAPE $13,900, LlIMITED 69k MIL. 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 FORD FOCUS $13,989 4Dr Sedan SE Gray. 21,824 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2014 FORD FOCUS $13,989 4Dr Sedan SE White. 42,090 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2014 FORD MUSTANG $14,900, 56,000 MILES. 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 FORD FUSION $14,900, 41k MIL. 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 FORD FUSION $15,989 Hybrid Red 57,799 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2008 FORD EXPEDITION $16,900 EDDIE BAUER 53,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 FORD ESCAPE se $17,996 4Dr Sp Util Black 26,569 m 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 FORD MUSTANG 2DR $18,989 Conv, White. 36,896 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2013 FORD EDGE$19,896 4Dr Front-Wheel dr 64,782 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2012 FORD MUSTANG 2DR $22,990 cpe gt 63,590 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2010 FORD F250 $26,900, King Ranch Crew Cab Diesel 142,000 844-467-9795 dlr 2013 FORD F-150 4X2 $29,989 Supercan S, Blue 123,966 MI 844-468-0509 dlr FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2016 FORD MUSTANG 22,946 EcoBoost Prem. 32,300 Mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2008 FORD FOCUS 4Dr SE. 78K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7075 GMC 2011 GMC TERRAIN SLT-2 $15,966 ,4Dr, Sp Util Red, 66,795 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 GMC ACADIA DENALI $32,836 ,4Dr, Sp Util Red, 21,779 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 GMC TERRAIN, SLE-2, EXCCONDITION, REDUCED$16,995 941-626-7682 Dlr 7080 JEEP 2009 JEEP GR-CHEROKEE $9,900, 4X4 844-467-9795 DLR 2010 JEEP Gr-CHEROKKE $10,900, 99K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 7050 CHRYSLER 2010 CHRYSLER T&C $11,989 Fr-wh -Wh dr Red 90,280 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2008 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE $12,500 Exc. cond. Low mileage! 33K. Yellow w/black interior & top. Located in Englewood 414-322-5650 2015 CHRYSLER 200 $14,989,, 4dr Fr-wh-dr White 42,173 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 CHRYSLER T&C $15,898 Fr-wh -Wh dr Red 77,012 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 CHRYSLER T&C $16,900, CAB 52,K MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2003 CHRYSLER PTCRUISER 76KMI Gold MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7060 DODGE 2006 DODGE RAM $11,900, CAB 136,000 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 DODGE DART $11,989 4Dr SDN SXT blk 37,541 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2011 DODGE CARAVAN RT $12,900, 99k 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 DODGE RAM 1500 $14,900, REG CAB 92k 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 MINI COOPER S $15,900, 22,k Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 DODGE JOURNEY $15,989 4DR Front Wheel dr, 37,194 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 DODGE CHALLENGER $19,973 2Dr Cpe, Silver 24,248mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2011 DODGE RAM 1500 $21,989 4x2 Crew Cab1, 20,814 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 DODGE CHALLENGER $26,989 2Dr Cpe r/t, red 22,754 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 7070 FORD 2006 FORD FREESTYLE $4,900 123,000 MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2009 FORD FOCUS SE $5,993 2DCoupe, Silver, 55,618 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 FORD ESCAPEHYBRID$9,521 4Dr Sp Util wHITE 65,862 m 844-467-9558 Dlr 2010 FORD ESCAPEHYBRID$9,521 4Dr Sp Util wHITE 65,862 m 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 FORD FOCUS SE $10,643 4DR SDN, Silver 44,485 Mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 7040 CHEVROLET 2003 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER &Impala. Good Cond. $1,500/ea 941-286-1519 2006 CHEVY SILVERADO $9,900, 2500HD 4X4 8,000K 156,000 mil 844-467-9795 dlr 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LS $9,992,4Door Sedan 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 CHEVROLET CRUZE $10,900 Silver, 1 owner, 24K miles, 941-661-1061 2004 CHEVY TAHOE $10,989 4x4 Z71 Black 86,110 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 CHEVY CRUZE 1LT $12,866, 4Dr, Sedan Red 44,942 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2009 CHEVY TRAVESE $12,900, CAB 97,K MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 CHEVY CRUZE 2LT $12,973, 4Dr, Sedan Gray 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 CHEVY CRUZE 2LT $12,973,2Dr SDN, GRAY 43,203 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 CHEVY MALIBU LT $14,865,Limited 4Dr SDN, 38,083 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2011 CHEVY SILVERADO $14,900, Crew Cab 129,K MIl 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LS $15,233 4Dr, Sp Util, Black. 46,111 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 CHEVY MALIBU $15,989 Silver,4Dr Sdn ltz, 46,114 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 CHEVY CRUZE $15,989 Blue,4Dr Sdn ltz, 45,529 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX $16,308 All Wheel Dr, Tan 70,871 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 BUICK ENCORE $16,990 GRAY, Fr-wheel dr 51,767 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 BUICK ENCORE $18,991 GRAY, Fr-wheel dr 26,270 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 CHEVROLET CAMARO $19,990 RED, 39K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 CHEVY CAMARO 2DR $21,989 Coupe 2ss Gray 66,401mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2006 CHEVY CORVETTEBASE$22,907,,2Dr CPE RED, 59,339 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2003 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT, 3rd Row Seating, 4WD MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR
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Trailer. $9,975 941-467-4320 16Â 2004 CAPE CRAFT Yamaha 50 HP Many Updates & Repairs $5,495 941-356-6305 7331 SAILBOATS 26' 1998 MACGREGOR X Sailboat Loaded 2012 Tohatsu 4 stroke, 30 HP, Low Hours, Tandem Trailer $8,500 574-583-4992 7333 MISC.BOATS MOTORGUIDE deck mount trolling motor, 35lbs thrust, 40ÂŽ shaft $75 419-360-0014 7336 BOAT STORAGE/ DOCKING BOAT & TRAILER STORAGEBoat Storage WET/DRY FREE Boat Ramp! Gulf Access! Great Fishing!NAV-A-GATOR Bar & Grill on property!DESOTO MARINAOn the Peace River941-627-3474 41Â BOAT SLIP Access To Harbor, No Bridges. Water & Electric. 941-883-1953 7339 CANOES/KAYAKS OLD TOWN KAYAKS, 2 12` Dirigos& 2 10` Otters Including Paddles & Trailer. $1,900. 231828-5448 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2012 NISSAN NV CARGO $22,9893dr rear-wheel 33,005 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 FORD F-150 $28,897 XLT, BLUE, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 TOYOTA TUNDRA $32,990 SR5 4X4 BLUE, 29K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $34,987 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 DODGE RAM $36,990 LAODED, GRAY, 27K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 FORD F-150 $45,990 P LATINUM, BLACK, 35K MI 8 55-280-4707 DLR 2016 FORD F-350 $52,911 4X4 DIESEL 9,475 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2017 RAM 2500 Diesel, 4X4, CREW CAB, SLT, 14K, Loaded 941-883-6088 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2003 DODGE DURANGO $2,950obo 100K Miles. Exc. Shape! 941-786-7676 2015 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $31,987 LIMITED, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 FORD EXPEDITION $31,987 LTMD, WHITE, 65K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR $419894dr, 4x2 select 25,528 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 7330 BOATS-POWERED GRAINEY WHITE Adv. 20W/A Cuddy w/ Trailer. Yahama 200 HPDI. $8,000 941-979-2850 31Â 2006 LOA CRUISERS 280 CX1 Twin Volvos (Low Hours), A/C, 2 Staterooms, Dinette, Galley, Shower, Microwave, TV-VCR, Stereo, GPS, VHS+++ A Must See! $49,500 obo 941-979-8203 28Â LARSON 280 CABRIO Â94: NEW Fuel Tank, Pumps, Starters, Batts, New SB Engine, PT Refurb, Carbs Rebuilt & MUCH More! Can Fax/Email List 2 U. $8,000/obo 941-697-3335 REALLY REDUCED! 28Â 1983OUTTER REEF Lady Fisher is an Extremely Sturdy, Capable Trawler with a Single Diesel. She Does Extremely Well in Weather and Heavy Seas. It is aDowneaster Design. Her Fuel Consumption is Less than 2 Gallons Per Hour. Many Upgrades! $18,900. 860-729-0630 22.5Â2001 AQUASPORT Explorer, 225 HP Evinrude. Color GPS/fish finder, full canvas, Extended bimini. Fishbox and livewell. All cushions and bolsters, chemical toilet, transom shower. Dual batteries. $9,950. 941-268-4532 7260 AUTOS WANTED WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 CASHFOR ALL TRUCKS & CARS ANY COND RUNNING OR NOT. (352)-342-7037 WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES HOLLEY 650 CARB Needs rebuilt $80 941-629-6429 CAMARO Z28 4 GM ALUM 15X7 WHEELS $275 941-6296429 FINNED VALVE COVERS Factory Corvette ALUM GM $175 941-629-6429 BIG BLOCK454HEADS Early 70s off a running motor $325, OBO 941-629-6429 7290 VANS 2005 FORD CONVERSION VAN $8,700 Lthr. Seats & Bed, Back Up Camera, TV, Chrome Wheels & Michelin Tires, 50,700. Miles! 419-602-7182 2014 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $21,797 TOURING 29K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $22,987 SILVER, 41K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYESSEY EX-L $24,993 4dr pass van, 30,018 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $25,497 EX-L CERT, BLUE, 40K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $26,997 EX-L, 25K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,477EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,950 EX-L, CERT, WHITE, 41K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,990 NAV, 30K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan WHEELCHAIR Van, 10ÂŽ lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2000 FORD F-150 XLT $3,500125K MI. Full Tow. Cold A/C Well Maintained, Good Mechanical Cond 941-697-6076 2002 TOYOTA TUNDRA $3,900 OBO, 5spd manual, 6 cyl, work truck, 941-483-0138 2015 NISSAN VERSA $12,9894dr sdn 1.6 White 18,118 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2011 NISSAN CUBE $13,9894dr Fr-wheel 10,579 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA $16,9894dr sdn 2.5 8,577 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 GMC SIERRA 1500 $20,9894x2 extnd Silver 97,788 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 7207 SUBARU 2016 SUBARU OUTBACK2.5i $29,985,, limited4D Sp Util 10,725 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 7210 TOYOTA 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA $12,989 4dr Sdn, blk 43,013 m 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 TOYOTA COROLLA S $13,8964Dr Sedan, White. 24,052 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2012 TOYOTA CAMRY $16,989 4dr Sdn,Red 26,843 m 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 TOYOTA AVALON XLE $19,6134Dr Sedan White 25,508 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2012 TOYOTA TACOMA $22,361 4DR DBL CAB 56,999MI 844-467-9558DLR 2014 TOYOTA AVALON $24,989 4dr sdn red 9,154 mi 844-468-0509 DLr 2016 TOYOTA TACOMA V6 $25,997, SR5 4d DBL CAB 13,935 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2016 TOYOTA TACOMA V6 $25,997, SR5 4d DBL CAB 13,935 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $26,900,Limited 16K MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 TOYOTA SIENNA $26,989 4dr Fr wheel 39,643 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2017 TOYOTA CAMRY SE 40,911 mi 4DR SDN WHITE 12,058 MI 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 TOYOTA CAMRY SE 35K miles, loaded, auto, like new! 941-883-6088 2011 TOYOTA AVALON LTD 73K miles, 1 owner, Navi, Roof Pearl. 941-883-6088 7220 VOLKSWAGEN 2011 VW TIGUAN S $7,836 4Dr Sp Util, Red 124,437MI 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 VW JETTA 2.0L S $9,506 4Dr Sedan. White.. 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 VW JETTA 2.0L S $9,506 4D Sdn 54,554MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 VW JETTA 2.5L se $9,953 4dr Sdn silver, 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 VW JETTA 2.5l SE $9,953 4D Sdn 83,394 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT 2.5 s $11,893,, 4d Sdn, Gray 13,900 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 VW JETTA 1.8T se $12,953 4dr Sdn silver, 14,536 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW JETTA 2.0L S 4 Dr $12,966 Sdn, Red 40,994 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT $13,900 39,k mil 844-467-9795 dlr 2014 VW JETTA GLI $13,968 4D Sdn 86,340 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT 1.8T s $14,852, 4d Sdn, 52,890 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT 1.8T s $14,852, 4d Sdn, 52,890 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2012 VW GTI $14,900 49,k mil 844-467-9795 dlr 2015 VW BEETLE 1.8T $16,971 2dr Conv Blk 39,080mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2017 VW TIGUAN S $26,833 4Dr Sp Utility, Blue 3,000MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 VW BEETLE2.5L $,9698 2dr Htchback, Red. 844-467-9558 Dlr 7250 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1969 FORD MUSTANG $27,500 Convertible, 351 Engine, Red w/ Black Top & Interior. Complete Restoration! Must Sell! 941-979-2227 7178 LEXUS 2008 LEXUS RX-400H $15,990 NAV, RED, 89K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS RX-350 $17,911 CERT, 90K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2002 LEXUS SC-430 $18,990 CONV, WHITE, 71K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS RX-350 $19,990 RED, 69K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 LEXUS RX-450H $24,990 BLACK, 55K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS IS-250 $26,911 CERT, BLACK, 18K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS ES-350 $26,911 CERT, WHITE, 23K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS RX-350 $28,990 AWD, CERT, 43K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2007 LEXUS ES350, LOADED, EXCELLENTCONDITION, REDUCED$10,995 941-626-7682 dlr 7180 MAZDA 2010 MAZDA3 $8,900 79,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2010 MAZDA3 $8,900 79,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 MAZDA6 i TOURING $17,953 4dr Sedan, Blue 16,203 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 7190 MERCEDES 2010 MERCEDES-BENZ GL450 $19,990 BLACK, 92K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 MERCEDES-BENZ $21,989 4dr,E350,Rear 50,127 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 MERCEDES CLA-250 $25,000ESSENTIALLYBRANDNEW, 3KMI! RED, BLACKINTERIOR, CHECKCARFAX. CANNOTFINDANOTHER DEALLIKETHIS! 941-625-1927 7195 MITSUBISHI 2008 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 2DR COUPE GS 73K MI LIKE NEW! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7200 NISSAN 2016 NISSAN VERSA $10 10,9002,000,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2009 NISSAN CUBE 1.8 $1,695 4D sTATION WG 90,000 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2007 NISSAN SENTRA2.0 S$3,439 4DR Sedan 139,086 MI 844-467-9558dlr 2014 NISSAN SENTRA $12,989 4dr sdn m6 20,195 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2012 NISSAN ROGUE $14,989, 4dr, all-wheel dr, blk. 52,417 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 NISSAN ROGUE S 16,833 4dr Sp Util 27,419 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 S 13,478 4DR SDN 40,645 MI 844-467-9558DLR 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 S 12,917 4DR SDN 47,813 MI 844-467-9558DLR 7206 SAAB 2010 SAAB 9-3 $9,990 SILVER, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7207 SUBARU 2010 SUBARU OUTBACK $8,500 2.51 Black 86,500 miles 508-736-0482 2016 SUBARU FORESTER 2.5I $25,8364Dr, Sp Utility. 2,895 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 7163 HYUNDAI 2016 HYUNDAI ACCENT $10,900, 21,000 MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA $10,900, 53,000 MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA gls $10,948 4Dr Sp util Gray 55,685 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI VELOSTER $11,697 3Dr Htchbck Gray 40,911 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI VELOSTER $11,697 3Dr Htchbck Gray 40,911 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GT $11,900, 86,000 MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI ACCENT $11,989 4dr sdn gls, Tan 30,746 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA $12,900, 48,K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA $12,900, 48,K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 HYUNDAI ELANTRA SE$13,900, 19,K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI SONATA SE $14,683 4dr Sedan, White 41,327 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 HYUNDAI SONATA $14,989 4dr sdn gls, Gray 30,331 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI GENESIS $19,990 LOADED, WHITE, 50K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI SONATA SE $23,943 4dr Sedan, White 41,327 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA WAGON. 45K Mi. 1-Owner. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7165 INFINITI 2015 INFINITI Q50 $19,900, 45K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 INFINITI QX60 $26,987 HYBRID 66K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2012 INFINITI QX56 $35,990 SILVER 64K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7177 KIA 2015 KIA RIO LX $9,963 4Door SDN, red. 41,935 mi, 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 KIA RIO LX $9,963 4Door SDN, red. 41,935 mi, 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 KIA FORTE $12,989 4Dr Sdn, 1.8 Blue 36,512 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2012 KIA SEDONA ,$12,989 Fr-Wheel Dr Silver, 16,767 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 KIA OPTIMA $13,900 23,000 mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 KIA OPTIMA LX $14,155 4Dr Sdn, Blk 40,992 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 KIA SPORTAGE $14,90042,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 KIA SORENTO $14,90053,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 KIA OPTIMA EX $14,986 4Door SDN, GRAY 32,225 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 KIA FORTE $14,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Red, 17,690 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 KIA FORTE $14,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Gray, 9,129 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 KIA SORENTO $16,179 4Dr Sp Utility, Red. 35,929 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 KIA SPORTAGE LX $16,752 4Dr, Sp Utility, Red. 25,703 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 KIA OPTIMALX $16,90023,000 mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 KIA FORTE EX 9K miles, Estate Car, Loaded, Perfect. 941-883-6088 2005 KIA SORENTO EX, WHITE, 74K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR
Friday, April 14, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 17 6000 MERCHANDISE 6002 ENGLEWOOD AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 8-? 873 E 7th St Moving Sale. Furniture, Household Items, Tools, Linens, Christmas, & Much More. FRI-SAT. 8-3 2132 Oyster Creek Dr. Lots of Good Stuff! Household, Printers, Bait Tank, Push Pole etc. FRI-SAT. 8AM-2PM 1842 Neptune Dr. A Mans DREAM! Lots of Tools, Saws, Machinery etc! FRI-SAT. 9-1 6167 Cavan St. Household items, Some Furniture, Bar Table and four chairs for Lanai and much more! FRI-SAT. 9-2 On the Key 2600 N. Beach Rd. Western Boots, Shoes, Clothes, Furn, TV, VCR/DVD recorder, Home items 6002 ENGLEWOOD AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 9-2 7122 Parnell Terr. Lawn Mower w/ Bagger, Microwave, Rototiller, Tools, Kitchen Appliances. A little bit of everything! FRIDAY ONLY 8-2 816 E. 7th Street, Household, collectibles (Dan Marino Signed football in case) MUSH MORE. 6004 NOKOMIS/OSPREY GARAGE SALES Saturday April 15th 9:30AM-3:00PM, 1132 Mallard Marsh Dr. The Woodlands At Rivendell, Osprey. (Located Off Old Venice Rd, 34229).Nice Household, Beautiful Quality Furniture, Antiques, China, Glass & More. See Pics at Sale Conducted by: Palma Sola Sales (Numbers given out at 8:00AM) 6005 NORTH PORT AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 9-1 4444 Baroda Ave. Moving Sale, MUST GO!! Baseball Collectibles, Flea Market Hunters Dream! FRI-SUN. 9-5 4230 Palisades Ave Household items, NIB, Clothes, Christmas, Lots of misc. Great Stuff! 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI-SAT 8-2 3446 Dunkirk St, 33980 LOTS OF MENS ITEMS, household, tools, clothes, fishing & much more. FRI-SAT 9-3 2738 Auburn Blvd. Lawn tractor,Clothing, Tools, household & misc. FRI. 9AM-2PM 109 Sinclair SE, ESTATE SALE! Lots of Furniture FRI.-SAT. 8AM-2PM 167 Easton Dr. NW. MOVING IN SALE!! Stereo Equipment, A/C, Luggage, Coffee Pot, Household & MUCH MORE!!! SAT. 8AM-NOON 21234 Gladis Ave. MOVING SALE! Furniture, Yard Tools, Small Appliances & MUCH MORE!! 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI.-SAT.8AM-3PM 103 Tocopilla St. Deep Creek (Sandhill, LDeep Creek, L-Aysen, R-Tocopilla) BIG VARIETY! SAT. 8-12 4303 Albacore Cir. Impact Windows, Hurricane Shutters, Tools, Furniture, Household Items, Children Items, & Much More! THURS-SAT. 9AM-4PM 27281 Voyageur Dr. Harbour Heights. MOVING! King BR set, Fridge, Washer/Dryer, TV oil paintings household, tools & fasteners, more. 941-235-9207 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT 8AM-NOON Partridge Dr. PGI,STREET SALEBBQÂs, kayak, Nautical, camping, LPÂs, CDÂs, Art, books, Sat. Phone, China, wine making kit, speakers ETC FRI.-SAT. 8AM-2PM 27103 Fairway Dr. Dresser, Household, Vintage Barbie Dream House & MUCH MORE! 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 8-12 & SAT. 8-10 1605 Albatross. ESTATE SALE Assisted by the Isles Girls and Guys. (Dir: Marion to Bal Harbor; turn left; south of Aqui Esta to Albatross; turn left) Hooker Entertainment Cabinet; 2 Bar Stools; Dining Room Table & 6 Chairs, Buffet; Artificial Plants; Queen Bed; Chest; 2 Chairs; Night Stand; Televisions; Baskets; Linens; Pictures; Large Coffee Table; Leather Chair; Desk; Gun Cabinet; End Table; Coffee Table; Crystal; Bookcase; 2 Wrought Iron Rockers & Table; Gun Cases; Table Saw; Fishing Poles; Craftsman 1.5 Air Compressor; 2 Area Rugs; Bookshelf; Lectern, Wash Stand; Golf Items; Miscelleneous Kitchen & Garage Items. See for more information relative to this sale. Buyers are responsible for the removal of their purchased items. Our casher has information reagarding independent movers. Seizethesales withClassified! 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES SAT. 9AM-1PM 11291 Grapefruit Lane. Small appliances, some furniture, and misc household items. 6008 ROTONDA AREA GARAGE SALES SAT. 8-? 414 Rotonda Circle MOVING SALE furniture, 5 pc glass/wood Dining set, exercise mach, household, more. SATURDAY 8-12 289 Rotonda Blvd. W. Estate Sale. Many new items added. Household, Twin Bed, Dresser, MORE NEEDCASH? 6010 S.VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 9-4 4256 Wordsworth Way COMBINED 3 Houses, Italy, PA & FL furniture, antiques & home decor. DonÂt Miss this sale! SAT. 9-1 610 Cumberland Rd. Tools and Equipment, TV Stands, Microwave Stand and more! NO LARGE BILLS. 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs WANTED All Motor Homes, TTÂs, 5th whls,Vans conversion & passenger, cars & Diesel trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 954-789-7530 I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 2005 CLASSCToyhauler lots of new parts, great cond. Must See $28,000 obo 941-468-1606 2000 31Â WINNEBAGO BRAVE Low Miles! Loaded. Good Condition! $15,500. 941-426-5126 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,000. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. 2009 Smart Car, Ready to Tow!! $5,349 THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. CLASS B HEADQUARTERS LARGEST SELECTIONINUSA!ROADTREK MIDWESTPLEASUREWAYWINNEBAGO/COACHMENLEISURETRAVELREGENCYANDMORE! NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYÂS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs TURN YOUR RV INTO CASHSell it! Consign it! Trade it!NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYÂS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM MOTORHOMESHUGESELECTION TOPBRANDSFORESTRIVERCOACHMENTHOR& WINNEBAGONOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYÂS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS Huge Selection Top Brands Forest River Coachmen Heartland Dutchmen Palomino PumaTab CrossroadsGERZENYÂS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM 2005 30Â 5TH WHEEL by Forrest River 2 Slides, Garage Kept. Exc. Cond. $12,500 941-625-3870 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS HARBOR SCOOTERS for all your scooter needs... 3315 Tamiami Trl. PG We Repair Scooters too! 941-347-8705 SALES SERVICE PARTS 2008 HARLEY SPORTSTER 1200 Stage1 w/ Voyager Trike Kit. 11,000 Miles. Nice! $7,500. 941-544-1975 GreatDealsin theClassifieds! 7339 CANOES/KAYAKS INFLATABLE KAYAK. West Marine Scamper 1. Model AE3031. 1 person kayak, 8'4", weighs 21lbs. $175. 903-814-2572 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES TRAILERSNewPre-Owned CargoUtility Trailers Parts Repairs-Tires Welding. We BUY Trailers! Trades Welcome. RoyÂs Trailer Country 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Rd P.G. NEEDCASH? NEW SHIPMENT! 2017 LARK ENCLOSED TRAILERS MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR
Page 18 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 14, 2017 Dear Car Talk: I went to a big-box store to replace my tires. They removed my hubcaps and placed them in my back seat. I did not notice until I was home. I am going back to have them added to my new wheels. Is there a reason why they would not put my hubcaps back on? Thank you. „ Pat There are a couple of possibilities, Pat. One is that they forgot. TheyÂll typically put the wheel covers in the back seat when they remove them so they donÂt lose track of them or confuse them with the 78 other wheel covers lying around on the garage ”oor. And itÂs possible that whoever was working on your car just spaced. You would think he (or you) would have noticed the absence of the wheel covers, because the car looks pretty un“nished without them. But maybe he was daydreaming about “nding a rare, “rst-edition 1963 AMC Rambler Shop Manual in a barn somewhere, and wasnÂt thinking straight? The other possibility is that they sold you new wheels that donÂt use wheel covers. You mentioned getting both tires and wheels. If you bought a set of alloy wheels, for instance, you wouldnÂt need wheel covers at all. Alloy wheels, which are forged out of aluminum alloys, are designed as Âone-pieceÂŽ wheels. The design of the wheel itself is part of its appeal. And they look good „ and “nished „ just the way they are. In that case, the mechanic may have tossed your wheel covers in the back seat just to return them to you: He “gured they were yours, and rather than throw them away, heÂd let you decide how to dispose of them, or include them in your estate planning. ThereÂs a small possibility that the store sold you a new set of wheels that your wheel covers donÂt “t. But thereÂs only about a 1 percent chance of that. So take a walk around your car. If you look at the wheels and see a big, black, industrial-looking steel maw in the middle of each wheel, then they probably forgot to put your wheel covers back on. But if the wheels look good, and they look shiny and “nished, then you probably bought alloy wheels, and you can use those old wheel covers to start some tomato plants.Is this a case of a bad battery, or evaporating gas?Dear Car Talk: I have a 1986 Toyota two-wheel-drive pickup with a four-speed manual transmission, no power steering and a carburetor. To start, the old beast requires cranking for at least two minutes before it will “re up. Usuall y I need to j ump the battery, as the old battery doesnÂt last long enough. After starting, it runs “ne, so a tune-up is not needed. If I stop the engine and restart it, itÂll start right up. Is the gas in my carburetor evaporating? ThereÂs never any gas smell or gas on the ground. Any idea what else could be causing the need to crank the engine so much? „ Dave This sounds like a real beauty, Dave. IÂm surprised the Pebble Beach Concourse dÂElegance folks havenÂt been hounding you for it. You could be right about the gasoline evaporating. But before you go down that road, make sure itÂs not just a weak battery. If the battery is weak, or your starter motor is drawing too much current, then maybe the engine just isnÂt cranking fast enough to start. That could explain why itÂll crank for two minutes without starting, and then start up after you give it a jump from a healthy battery. So donÂt crank it “rst with your existing battery. Try jump-starting the engine right away next time, and see what happens. If you still canÂt get the truck to start, then the gasoline probably is evaporating. ItÂs likely leaking out of the ”oat chamber into the intake manifold, and evaporating overnight while youÂre dreaming of 2017 Tundras. Then, when you try to start it the next day, thereÂs no fuel left in the reservoir. So the mechanical fuel pump has to draw fuel all the way from the gas tank at the back of the truck. That takes a while. Especially with the starter motor turning the engine at 100 rpm (versus 1,000 rpm when the engine is idling). HereÂs how you test this theory: You are fortunate to have a carburetor so old that it has a glass observation window in it, so you may be able to see if thereÂs gasoline in there in the morning. When the truck is cold, remove the air cleaner, locate the glass window in the carburetor and push down a little bit on the fender. If thereÂs gasoline in there, you often can see it sloshing around. My guess is you wonÂt see any. Then crank it for a couple of minutes until the truck starts, shut it off and check again. Once you know thereÂs gasoline in the ”oat chamber (because the truck has just been running), shake the fender and look again. If you see gasoline sloshing around, you have your answer. Then youÂll have two options: Y ou can either visit some local assisted-living centers and see if you can “nd someone who remembers how to rebuild an '86 Toyota carburetor, or you can buy yourself a new one. ItÂll probably cost you a few hundred bucks, but thanks to the miracle of the worldwide web these days, you can order it in your pajamas, Dave. Got a question about cars? Write to Car Talk write to Ray in care of King Features, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803, or email by visiting the Car Talk website at tire place forget to replace hubcaps, or were they left off on purpose? Ask Ray Magliozzi Got a question about cars? Acura likes to boast that its powerful, precise NSX is Âthe only supercar designed, developed and manufactured in the U.S.ÂŽ With no apologies to ChevroletÂs Corvette, FordÂs Mustang GT or DodgeÂs Charger, Challenger or Viper, the Acura folks say their second-generation NSX, new for 2017, combines classic sports car sensibilities with cutting-edge car technology to create an entirely unique driving experience. That may be overstating things. But the 2017 NSX is one awesome automobile. Assembled at AcuraÂs high-performance plant in Marysville, Ohio, the NSX chassis uses a space-age combination of ultra-high-strength steel and very lightweight aluminum, married to a largely aluminum body, driven by a hybrid drivetrain with a 3.5-liter, twin-turbo V-6 engine and three direct-drive electric motors. Together, through a nine-speed dual-clutch transmission and the NSXÂs Âsport hybrid super handling AWD,ÂŽ those attributes make a combined 573 horsepower and 476 pound-feet of torque, on a nimble vehicle that weighs just over 3,800 pounds. Result: Zero to 60 mph in under three seconds. ItÂs a mesmerizing mix. The NSX is fast without being furious, and fun to drive „ right up to the point at which you gain the attention of law enforcement. With a reported top speed of 191 mph, the NSX is begging to be street-raced or taken to the track. Built with great attention to aerodynamics and air ”ow, the NSX sits low to the ground, with only 5 inches of clearance at the nose and no hydraulic system for maneuvering steep driveways or tall speed bumps. That requires a slight limbo move to get into and out of the car. But once inside, the NSX cabin is tidy, neat and not terribly cramped. The race seats are comfortable and the visibility is much better than many low-slung sports cars. The driving mode selections are Sport, Sport +, Track and Quiet. There is no Normal, or Standard, or Boring. In Sport mode, the acceleration is snappy but smooth, and the car is very quick. Because of the electric motors, there is turbo boost but no turbo lag. The power comes on low and builds beautifully. In Sport +, increased acceleration teams with the AWD system „ which monitors and manages steering, acceleration and braking „ to create the grabby sensation of being pulled through the turns and twisties. But even in Sport +, the power feels entirely manageable and undramatic, without any of the intoxicating audio track that accompanies the exhaust report of a Ferrari, Aston Martin or Lamborghini. Quiet mode is, in fact, very quiet. You wonÂt wake up the neighbors “ring up the NSX for a predawn run, and you wonÂt disturb the sound system, even on the freeway „ where you also may not have the sensation of going very fast. At 80 mph, the NSX may not have even gotten to eighth or ninth gear. The interior comes equipped with upto-the-minute tech „ including Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, Pandora radio interface, LCD touch screen and rearview cameras „ and was designed with utility in mind. The layout is spare, and the ergonomics allow for minimal distractions. Everything is within easy reach and helps keep the driverÂs attention on the road. That will be necessary. The NSX, while docile on the freeway and around town, creates a deeply involved driving experience. It demands and rewards engagement. Like most supercars, it made me feel like a better driver than I am. It also made me long for a track day, where I could really experience how much more the car can do than I can. The 2017 model, about 370 of which have been sold in the U.S. since the mid-2016 introduction, has been a winner on the awards circuit, taking prizes in such disparate competitions as Road & TrackÂs ÂPerformance Car of the Year,ÂŽ Automobile magazineÂs ÂAll-StarÂŽ and Green Car JournalÂs ÂLuxury Green Car of the Year.ÂŽ And though the electric motor and hybrid system were built in Japan, as were about 30 percent of the parts, the vehicleÂs roots are pure American. The look and feel of the rebooted NSX came from the pen of designer Michelle Christensen. The “rst-generation car, sold in North America from 1991 to 2005, was a much-loved alternative to more expensive European supercars. Long seen as a bargain for classic car collectors, the “rst-gen cars are hot again. The auction house Gooding & Co. sold a 1991 model at its Scottsdale, Ariz., sales event in January for $66,000 „ about what the cars sold for when new, and double what they were selling for a decade ago. But itÂs harder to see the second-generation car as an inexpensive ticket into supercar status. The base NSX costs $157,800. The model I borrowed, laden with carbon “ber roof, engine cover and exterior and interior sport packages, ran $201,500.Auto review: Acura unveils a powerful rebootBy CHARLES FLEMINGLOS ANGELES TIMES TNS PHOTO2017 Acura NSX.
Friday, April 14, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 19 The “rst part of todayÂs column is devoted to motorcycle riders, especially those with ÂHawgs.ÂŽ Many of our readers have motorcycles and probably 20 percent of those featured over the past nine years either have or had bikes or are Âwannabes.ÂŽ I myself was one, even raced special magnesium-framed Triumphs in the early '50s. I also had a collection of 15 vintage British, German, Italian, Japanese, Czechoslovakian, plus a Henderson, Indian with a sidecar and two Harleys, all at the same time. I sold the last one, a Vincent Black Shadow, built to lightning specs, in 1995. Bert King, dealer/ operator of BertÂs Black Widow Harley-Davidson located 5 miles west of U.S. 41 on State Road 776 (2224 El Jobean Rd.), is expanding by acquiring 5 acres just east of their present facility. These extra acres will be used for the expansion of the size of the training coarse of the riding academy, adding a themed restaurant and to construct a cooled parking area for riders. First on tap is the riding academy, which follows federal, state and Harley-Davidson standards. Classes are to be priced as the lowest in Florida. Training will be available for novice and advanced riders as well as Trike riders. ÂI donÂt look at it as a pro“t center but as a service to the community,ÂŽ said Bert, who offers classes free to veterans, “rst responders and anyone who buys a motorcycle from this dealership. The larger coarse is set to open next fall. The expansion is slated to be complete by summer 2018. BertÂs Black Widow will also expand and cover its parking area and install large fans inside it to create a space for riders to escape the heat and rain. People can cruise in and park underneath, enjoy free music and beer plus come and go as they please; that is BertÂs message for the future. Currently they offer free live music and free food each weekend and free beer everyday. It now ranks with the new location in St. Petersburg, Florida, known as BertÂs Black Barracuda Harley-Davidson, the eighth largest HarleyDavidson dealership in the USA across all departments. BertÂs earned the prestigious Silver Bar and Shield Circle of Achievement Award for 2016 presented by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. This honor is given to dealers who excel across the board. King plans to bring the same excellence, entertainment and clubhouse setting to BertÂs Black Barracuda Harley-Davidson. Visit BertÂs Black Widow on Facebook for a listing of music and events. Since Lee and I “rst met Bert and his wife Grace in 2015, a week after they became owners of the existing Black Widow dealership, we realized how serious he was about improving and upgrading it to become the best in Southwest Florida. There were 21 employees; currently that number is 90, including part-timers, exceeding his dream. Under his personal Âhands-onÂŽ leadership and Nate Newhouse, the general manager, Molly Beaudin, marketing director, as well as the many enthusiastic employees, the Port Charlotte dealership ranks No.1 in used cycle sales and seventh in new motorcycle sales in the USA. Bert is a transplant from the Dallas/Fort Worth area where he was owner of a Toyota and Nissan dealerships. Two longtime friends in that area helped him from the transition of being a successful car dealer to becoming a Harley dealer. They themselves own cycle dealerships so their knowledge and experience helped guide Bert to ful“ll his dream. They saw the potential in Port Charlotte and became partners. I met those gentlemen and their wives, “nding them to be realists and business-wise, which is rare in this day and age. For Bert the businesses are very important, however family comes “rst and his lovely wife Grace will attest to that. When I asked Bert what he liked best about Southwest Florida, especially Charlotte, Sarasota and Lee counties, he replied the weather, the lifestyle of being able to boat and golf most every day and the people, including his customers and devoted employees. WeÂve covered Bert King and the Black Widow Harley-Davidson expansion, now IÂll move on to one of his employees, 60-year-old Alan Woolf, nicknamed ÂWoolfy,ÂŽ who collects vintage motorcycles. His job description at the dealership is technician in the service department since October 2015. Alan has, since he was a boy, been interested in two-wheel anything starting with pedal bicycles proceeding to his “rst motorcycle, a 1971 Suzuki TS90, then other more powerful machines, all the time working after school on peopleÂs motorcycles. He attended the America Motorcycle Institute in Daytona, Florida, graduating AMI Â75ÂŽ Â… thatÂs equal to a college degree for technicians. He saved his money and used $2,950 of it to buy a new 1975 HarleyDavidson Electric Glide from Northside Harley in Indianapolis. Currently it has a modi“ed 1450-cc inch, 90-plus HP with hand-shifter lever for its tranny. ÂWoolfyÂŽ has ridden ÂBlackieÂŽ (the big HarleyÂs nickname) for approximately 750,000 miles in 45 states over 42 years. He personally rebuilt this Harley seven times plus a “x-up after a garage “re. ÂIt looks and sounds good, able to keep up with the best of them. ItÂs a keeper like family, with no plans to ever sell Blackie,ÂŽ Alan said proudly. Alan is also factory trained on Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and has worked on many makes, years and models of other brands, thus BertÂs can handle most any product for service. Job-wise, Mr. Woolf was employed by HarleyDavidson in Indiana starting 1978 until moving to Naples in 2006 to get away from the cold weather and snow. He worked for a private cycle shop six years followed by four years with Naples Harley-Davidson prior to coming to BertÂs in October 2015. He likes it at Black Widow because of the way Bert and the management treat employees with respect and ÂWoolfyÂŽ enjoys his fellow employees and the quality customers he meets. ÂItÂs more than a job!" This fellow was married and divorced in the '80s and has two sons plus three grandchildren, all in Indiana. He promised to bring the highest mileage motorcycle IÂve ever heard of to some of our collector car events, should there be any free time off. Being an old Âbiker,ÂŽ he and I talked the same language about two-wheelers of yesteryear. Lee and I would like to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Easter and Passover. Sadly I report the death of John Ryder, well-known in the collector car hobby in Punta Gorda and Charlotte County since 2007. He and his wife, Eva, moved to this area from Lakeland during 1996 where John was transferred to while working for Johnson Controls at their headquarters in New Jersey in the Newark area where he was born and raised. He was always employed in the electronics and pharmaceutical industries, retiring in 2007 as maintenance supervisor of Johnson Controls in Lakeland. This talented manÂs most responsible position was with Thycol Corp. helping build engines for the Apollo Space Mission, something he was very proud of. HeÂs been an old or unusual car buff all his life, owning and rebuilding a dozen that today would be as valuable as collector vehicles. His most interesting is an all-electric 1998 Ford Ranger pickup he bought as a surplus truck from Broward County Florida that did not run. It was towed to Lakeland and after many hours of labor, plus much money, this unique truck became a magnet for fellow enthusiasts and spectators. Of course a big mirror under the running gear and a thick, loose-leaf book with laminated pages mounted on the fender telling its story helped spread the w ord. Plus gracious John an swered questions for hour s at any show where it was displayed. This unit came with every option made by F ord for deluxe trucks incl uding A/C. John, 72, was born Nov. 26, 1944 „ thus his birthday was easy to remember due to the Thanksgiving holiday. He and his wife Eva parented six chi ldren, Walter, Wayne, Wesley, Vicky, Wendy and John Jr., and are grandparents to 12. John was preceded in death by his son, Wayne; and his wife, Eva, who died Sept. 30, 2011. For those who wonder what will happen to the beloved electric truck, all parts and service manuals, etc. will be taken to Mountain View, Colorado (near Pikes Peak), to John Jr.Âs 12-bay garage business to be made roadworthy again. It shall be kept inde“nitely and passed on to his sons. John was very active since 2007 in our SW Florida Region of the Veteran Motor Car Club of America (now known as Vintage Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region). He organized the Punta Gorda Tire Kingdom Annual Car Show for “ve years with great success plus assisted without being asked at other VMCCA events. ThatÂs the kind of person this well-respected gentleman was. John Ryder truly will be missed and remembered far into the future! Don Royston is president and co-founder of the Veteran Motor Car Club of America SW Florida Region (now known as Vintage Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region) and may be reached at 941-6264452 orÂs Harley-Davidson expands and an employee collects old motorcycles UPCOMING EVENTSToday, 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. McDonaldÂs Friday Night Cruise In, Promenades Parkside, Port Charlotte. Trophies, door prizes, 50/50, all proceeds benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities. Music by Randy Wright of TomÂs Traveling Tunes. Information: 941-380-0650. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Muscle Car City Monthly Car Show, 3811 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda. Free to show car owners and the public. Top 6 trophies awarded, DJ music by TomÂs Traveling Tunes. Diner, Memorabilia Store, Speed Shop & Indoor Car Corral open free. Information: April Patchell, general manager, 941-575-5959 Thursday, 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Punta Gorda Downtown Merchants ÂAlive After FiveÂŽ Collector Car display, (Between JackÂs on Marion & the Turtle Club) by Vintage Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region. Our only location for the past nine years. Lots to see and do including live music and food samples. Non-modified and special interest vehicles welcome. Info: Don & Lee Royston, 941-626-4452. Save these dates: April 22, Spring Home & Garden Show, Charlotte Event & Conference Center, 75 Taylor St. Punta Gorda. Vintage Motor Car Club of America may display some collector cars. 941-626-4452. April 23, KIX Country Annual Country Fest Charlotte County Fairgrounds/S.R. 776, Port Charlotte. Featuring Clay Walker, Jack Michael Band and Andy Pursell Band. The Vintage Motor Car Club of America (formerly Veteran) of America, SW Fl, Region invites owners and passengers in any make or model car/truck collector vehicle at least 23 years old including modified to attend free of charge. No preregistration, simply arrive on the driveway of the Sports Park driveway by 9:30 a.m. Radio station personnel will escort us to reserved, inside the fence free parking. Please no coolers or animals. Take your lawn chairs and camera. Info: MaryEllen and Roger Sasseville, 603-759-0274 or 941-626-4452. This is a good deal, donÂt miss it! Every Monday, 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ApplebeeÂs Cruizin at Merchants Crossing, N. Fort Myers. Door prizes, 50/50 drawing, games, 15 percent discount at ApplebeeÂs for show car participants. (Night of show only) DJ music by Randy Wright of TomÂs Traveling Tunes. Information: 941-380-0650. Every Thursday, 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Shell Factory. Free Open Cruise In, 2787 Tamiami Trail, N. Fort Myers, Lots of benefits, 50/50 drawing. Register your car free for a chance of $100 cash prize, must be present with car to win. Free spectator parking. Info: Richard, 239-992-9360. Information for collector car events: Larry Day of Lee County has Cruise In and show information from Naples to Sarasota. Access his website for all the details. Also for similar but somewhat different hobby happenings log o nto You may also contact the DJs at TomÂs Traveling Tunes 941-815-6204. 1961 Emerald Green Schwin Jaguar 26-inch bicycle Schwin bike luggage rack and four unique reectors This sign along S.R. 776 says it all about BertÂs Black Widow H-D Happy and proud Bert King, dealer/ operator of Bert KingÂs Black Widow Harley-Davidson Sunglow Red 1983 Harley-Davidson 1000cc Ironhead Sportster RiderÂs view from the saddle, note the hand shifter lever on the left. Alan WoolfÂs 1975 Black Electra Glide H-D he bought new now having 750,000 miles and 7 rebuilds nicknamed ÂBlackieÂŽ having been in 45 states in 42 years. PHOTOS BY DON ROYSTONAlan ÂWoolfyÂŽ Woolf Technician in Service Dept. of BertÂs Black Widow H-D.
Page 20 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, April 14, 2017 H o n d a Â14 Honda CR-V LX Â15 GMC Acadia Denali Â15 Hyundai Accent GLS Â15 Chevy Cruze 2LT Â13 Honda Fit Base Â16 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT Â15 Subaru Forester 2.5i Premium Â14 Mazda3 i Sport Â14 Chevy Camaro 2LS Â15 Nissan Altima 2.5 S Â16 Ford Fusion SE Â16 Nissan Rogue S Â14 Honda Accord LX Â17 Toyota Camry SE Â12 Toyota Tacoma PrRunner V6 Â13 BMW 328i Â06 Chevy Corvette Base Â16 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport V6 Â14 VW Jetta 2.0L S Â11 Chevy Impala LS Â08 Honda Civic EX Â08 Honda Accord LX 2.4 Â06 Buick LaCrosse CXL Â10 Ford Escape Hybrid Â14 VW Jetta GLI Â16 Chevy Malibu Limited LT Â14 Kia Optima EX Â13 Toyota Avalon XLE Premium Â12 Audi Q5 2.0T Premium quattro Â16 Dodge Challenger SXT f o r E a s t e r f or E as t er adno=8601833
Friday, April 14, 2017 € Since 1893 LIKE THE PUNTA GORDA HERALD ON HERALDPUNTA GORDA CHS JV BASEBALL INSIDELessons learned in the game P | 10 P | 13 P | 7Block Party sets entertainment schedule€ € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € €Peace River Picklers give back to schools rtist Skip Dyrda has just “nished the larger of the two Punta Gorda Historic Mural Society panels going on the big walls inside the cavernous Punta Gorda Fire Department bay. This 43-foot by 18-foot panel offered the artist a chance to demonstrate his considerable technical and creative skills and introduced a boost of pride in heritage for the department. Stunningly beautiful and just as informative, it recreates the “rst “re station located in the northwest side of old City Hall, showing the cityÂs “rst “re truck and a crew of volunteers returning from a call. Firehouse muralBy GORDON BOWERPG HERALD CORRESPONDENT HERALD PHOTOS BY GORDON BOWERArtist Skip DyrdaÂs rst panel of the rehouse mural at re station No. 1 is rich with historic detail and already drawing a stream of visitors.Reconnecting with Punta Gorda historycontinued on page 8 Right: Artist Skip Dyrda painted badge numbers of retired reghters on the City Hall bricks that appear to be carved into the bricks. Former chief Henry Koon peers out the window of what was his residence on the second oor of City Hall. A Good Friends, Good Food, Good Times 1975 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-7575 2016 MonÂ…Thurs & Sun 11Â…9 Fri & Sat 11Â…10 adno=50513238 Happy Easter Nuclear Medicine € Bone Scan € Hepatobiliary Scan € Thyroid Scan € Parathyroid Scan € MIBG € Lung Scan € Renal Scans € Lymphoscintigraphy € Gastric Emptying Scans € Neurologic Scans € Cardiac imaging € Infection Studies € Octreoscan € Thyroid TherapyFor scheduling, please adno=5050968 8
Herald Page 2 Friday, April 14, 2017 Jason Cooper, a senior at Port Charlotte High School, is the winner of Charlotte ChoraleÂs 2017 scholarship. Each year the Charlotte Chorale offers talented high school students a $1,000 scholarship to assist them in continuing their higher education in either voice or keyboard. The Chorale shares this information about this yearÂs winner: Cooper has won multiple awards as a classical pianist, “rstand second-place prizes in the Venice Musicale, as well as multiple ÂSuperior with DistinctionÂŽ ratings at the Florida Bandmasters AssociationÂs State Solo and Ensemble Musical Performance Assessments. Cooper has studied the piano for six years with his current teacher, George Mancini. Cooper is planning to attend Boston University to pursue a degree in piano performances. He has been able to perform with and hold leadership offices in every one of his schoolÂs high performing ensembles. This includes leading and organizing a percussion ensemble, the percussion section in the wind orchestra, rhythm section in the jazz ensemble, bass section in the Honors Chorus, front ensemble in marching band and Tri-Music Honor Society as president at different times throughout his high school career. Charlotte Chorale is proud and honored to have Cooper perform as a guest pianist at its April 22 concert. He will perform ÂMaple Leaf RagÂŽ by Scott Joplin. Come and enjoy the presentation by this talented student. Email your calendar items to pgherald Please submit your listings in the following format: Event, day, time, place, address, description, cost and contact info. Earlier is better; please submit events two weeks or more in advance.FRIDAY, APRIL 14Live music at FishermenÂs Village: Singer Michael Hirst from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee, Danny Beach from noon to 3 p.m. and Kraig Kenning from 5 to 9 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.SATURDAY, APRIL 15Join the Peace River Audubon Society for a “eld trip to Fort DeSoto Park which offers sightings of many migrants during the fall and spring migration, especially after a front with a northwest wind. We will meet at 7 a.m. at the north carpool location at the Wal-Mart parking lot across from CulverÂs (385 Kings Highway), off I-75, exit 170. Take a wide-brim hat, sunscreen, water, lunch and binoculars, if you have them. We will return after lunch in the early afternoon. For any questions, call Mike Krzyzkowski at 863-244-2652. All PRAS meetings, “eld trips and walkabouts are free and open to the public. For information, visit “eld-trip-fort-desoto/. Punta Gorda Farmers Market, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. corner of Olympia Avenue and Taylor Street, Punta Gorda. Sponsored by the Punta Gorda Downtown Merchants Association Inc. Vendors, live entertainment and artists painting on-site. Free parking at the garage a half block from the market, behind Wotitzky Law Firm, and street parking. Call Jerry at 941-391-4856 or email jerry@ Bicycle ride departs at 8:30 a.m. from Acme Bicycle Shop, 615 Cross St., Suite 1116, Punta Gorda. All riders welcome. Helmet required. Details: 941-639-2263. The ÂPrideÂŽ of Port Charlotte Marching Band is holding a car wash from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. on the far side of the Peachland of“ce parking lot of Charlotte State Bank & Trust, 24163 Peachland Blvd., Port Charlotte. The young musicians are raising money to help fund upcoming trips to perform in various locations. They are requesting a minimum of $5 for a car wash, but will accept donations in any amount. For additional information, contact the PCHS Band Boosters at 941-286-3722, email treasurer or call the Peachland of“ce at 941-627-0038. Live music at FishermenÂs Village: Singer Rita Beach from 1 to 4 p.m. and singer Michael Hirst from 5 to 9 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.SUNDAY, APRIL 16Farmers Market, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Punta Gorda Historical SocietyÂs History Park, 501 Shreve St. (between Virginia Avenue and Henry Street). Garden tours begin at 1 p.m., after the market wraps up. For information, call 941-639-1887.MONDAY, APRIL 17Live music at FishermenÂs Village: Four Leaf Strummers banjo group performs from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Center Court, Leslie DaCosta performs from noon to 3 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee and harpist DeLuna performs from noon to 3 p.m. in the third section of the village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.TUESDAY, APRIL 18 TAX dAYCardiac Diet Nutrition Class from 9 to 10 a.m. at Bayfront Health Wellness & Rehab Center, 733 E. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda. Learn heart-healthy, low-fat and low-sodium food options. Free. Call 941-637-2450 to register. Paddle Lower Peace River from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Join Master Naturalists Rick Fried and Bill Schuyler for a bird-watching paddle. Loop down to a rookery and then up Deep Creek to the Nav-A-Gator for lunch. Return via a different Peace River route. Participants must provide PFD, watercraft and be able to swim. Voluntary donations to the Sierra Club are gratefully accepted. Reserve at 941-637-8805. ÂCauses and Treatments of Belly PainÂŽ free seminar from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Punta Gorda Isles Civic Association, 2001 Shreve St., Punta Gorda. Guest speaker: Geoffrey Roelant, M.D., general surgeon. Just about everybody will experience belly pain. Most causes are not serious and can be readily diagnosed and treated. However, this pain can also be the sign of a serious illness, and it is important that you learn to recognize which symptoms HERALD PHOTO BY BILL JONESPunta Gorda Mayor Rachel Keesling, center, presents the City of Punta Gorda Golf Championship trophy to this yearÂs menÂs champion Scott Harvey, boys basketball coach at Charlotte High School; and two-time former winner Pam Solinger, standing in for this yearÂs womenÂs champion, Suzee Yohe of Twin Isles Country Club. The fourth annual charity tournament raised $13,800 this year for Punta Gorda nonprots and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The trophy is stored permanently in Punta Gorda City Hall. TABLE OF CONTENTSActive & Outdoors ................10 Art Scene ................................9 Business News .....................4-6 Community Beat .................7, 11 Nonpro“t News ...........4, 12, 14 Sports ..............................13-15 40 Years Ago ........................12 HAPPENINGS ON THE HARBOR Robert E. Lee Charlotte Sun Publisher ...206-1006 Leslee Peth Sun Advertising Director ......205-6400 Jim Gouvellis Exec. Editor .......................206-1134 Garry Overby Charlotte Sun Editor ..........206-1143 Michele Bellue Herald Editor, designer ......206-1010 ADVERTISING Mike Ruiz, Retail Advertising Manager.............................................. 205-6402 Lori White, Advertising Account Executive........................................ 205-6404 Laura Speer Advertising Account Executive........................................205-6405 Anthony Feroce, Advertising Account Executive..................................258-9527 Dan Dykes, Advertising Account Executive...........................................205-6409 CIRCULATIONMark Yero, Circulation Director ........................................................ 206-1317 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980 € 206-1000PUNTA GORDA HERALD MEMBER of the Audit Bureau of Circulation. USPS 743170 The Sun is published daily by Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2198. Michele Bellue PGH EditorMichele Bellue is editor of the Punta Gorda Herald. Contact her at or call 941-206-1010.Scholarship news: Recipient to play in Charlotte Chorale concert JASON COOPER CONCERT INFORMATION€ WHAT: Charlotte Chorale concert featuring scholarship winner Jason Cooper € WHEN: 4 p.m. Saturday, April 22 € WHERE: Charlotte Performing Arts Center, 701 Carmalita St., Punta Gorda € TICKETS: To order, call 941-204-0033HAPPENINGS | 4 Thomas Quigley, M.D. Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Offer Does Not Apply To Freedom And Optimum Health Plan Participants. Coupon Expires 5/17/2017 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding t o the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance pl ans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 adno=50513097 20600 VETERANS BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT) ARCADIA 863-993-2020 formerly Eye Health
Friday, April 14, 2017 Herald Page 3 WHERE YOU GROW UP IS A REALLY BIG DEAL.Your room. Your house. Your street. The place you learned to ride. The place you learned to throw. The place you learned to climb and drive and be a good friend. The place that molds you is the place that stays with you your whole life. ThatÂs why we created Babcock Ranch „ to make not just growing up, but growing old, making friends, exploring and enjoying life easier than ever before. So that if you ever do leave this town, this town will never leave you.Broker participation is welcome. Prices, plans, speci“cations and community design are subject to change. Oral representations cannot be relied up on as correctly stating the representations of the developer. For correct information regarding Babcock Ranch, interested par ti es should refer to written materials provided by the developer, legislative acts related to Babcock Ranch and the covenants and restrictions of the Babcock Ranch Residential Association, Inc. The information provided above is no t intended to be an oering and should be considered as infor mational only. A better lifeBABCOCKRANCH.COM 888-940-0685 adno=50512799
Herald Page 4 Friday, April 14, 2017 John R. Wright PG ChamberJohn R. Wright is president of the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce. Contact him at jrwright@ Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Merchants Association completed a brand-new partnership recently, whereby the DMA will become fully integrated into the Chamber as a committee, which still maintains oversight to the current DMA events and programs that include the Saturday Farmers Market, the ArtisanÂs Atelier, Alive After 5 (third Thursdays) and events like Oktoberfest and the Downtown Bash. No longer will DMA membership dues be levied. It also will give opportunity to expand both the governing committee membership and the program of work it undertakes. By merging together, all current members of the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce who operate in the DMA footprint area „ Harvey in the West to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to the East, Charlotte to the South and the water to the North „ are now covered for participation in the DMA events listed above. Events, such as Alive After 5 on Thursday, April 20, from 5 to 8 p.m., may now include many more businesses, which, if persuaded to get involved, will really make these monthly gatherings much more exciting for everyone involved. If you are a PGCC member and new to the DMA programs, please consider being part of this new committee and getting your business fully involved in the events we now host. Our monthly meetings are the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Chamber of“ce at 8 a.m. „ the more the merrier, so give us a call at 941-639-3720 if you are able to be part of this enhanced group. Together we can truly make much more happen for our city.DonÂt miss trolley, boat toursOur series of trolley and boat combo tours around Punta Gorda is wrapping up for seasonÂs end. This narrated boat/trolley combo tour sets out at 3 p.m., and the trolley-only tour departs at 4:30 p.m. The combo tour is $46 per person and the trolley-only is $26. Reservations are required. To reserve (space is limited so book early), call us at 941-639-3720. Tours depart every Friday through May 5. All aboard!Networking funFor networking next week, join us on Tuesday, April 18, at 5:30 p.m. for our April Business After Hours, hosted by Gettel of Charlotte County „ at the Lincoln Dealership on U.S. 41Âs southbound side. To RSVP, call 941-639-3720 or email New members are always welcome to join and try us out. If you are attending, donÂt forget to bring a gift to promote your company name in our fun drawing.Take me out to the ballgameOn Tuesday, April 25, you are all invited to join us for Chamber Night with the Charlotte Stone Crabs starting at 5 p.m. Your special $10 ticket includes a joint Chamber mixer on the boardwalk in left center “eld, a box-level seat and a food voucher for a large hot dog, chips and a 12 oz. soda/ beer. These tickets must be purchased 48 hours prior to the game, by calling 941-639-3720 during of“ce hours. We can accept check or cash payment, so call ahead or drop by 252 W. Marion Ave., to get on the ticket list. WeÂll let you know when the tickets can be collected.Downtown Merchants Association, Chamber create partnershipCONTACT THE CHAMBERFor more information about events listed in this column, contact the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce at 941-639-3720 or visit www. While on the chamberÂs website, donÂt forget to sign up for the ÂFriday FactsÂŽ newsletter. business news are severe and when to call a doctor. Lunch provided. RSVP required; call 941-637-1655. Live music at FishermenÂs Village: Singer Jim Daniels from noon to 3 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee, and Danny Beach from 1 to 4 p.m. in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. ÂChill Out Day,ÂŽ presented by Kona Ice of Punta Gorda and Charlotte State Bank & Trust, celebrates the end of income tax season with the second annual event at the bankÂs Punta Gorda of“ce, 2331 Tamiami Trail. The Kona Ice truck will distribute free, 9-ounce Kiddie Kona shaved-ice treats from 1 to 4:30 p.m. in the bank parking lot.WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19Paddle Alligator Creek, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Paddle down the south branch of Alligator Creek through hardwoods, sabal palms and mangroves. Travel through mangrove tunnels and smaller streams to Charlotte Harbor, enjoy views of the bay and return. Your guides will be Florida Master Naturalists Les and Mary Caraher, who live on the creek. Participants must provide their own watercraft, PFD and be able to swim. Take plenty of water, sunscreen, hat and a snack or lunch. Reservations are required and are limited to 10 people; call 304-642-8851. ÂLaw Enforcement and the Baker Act,ÂŽ the second in a four-part ÂLunch & LearnÂŽ series on the Florida Baker Act, will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Bayfront Health Medical Plaza 4th ”oor conference center, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. The Baker Act or Florida Mental Health Act allows the involuntary examination and hospitalization of an individual. The act can be initiated by judges, law enforcement of“cials, physicians or mental health professionals. This series is free and open to the public. Lunch provided. Seating is limited. Register at Live music at FishermenÂs Village: Singer Michael Hirst from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee and singer Chris G. from noon to 3 p.m. in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.THURSDAY, APRIL 20Live music at FishermenÂs Village: Singer Paul Roush from noon to 3 p.m. and musician John McDonald from 5 to 8 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.FRIDAY, APRIL 21Live music at FishermenÂs Village: Singer Michael Hirst from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee, Danny Beach from noon to 3 p.m. and singer Paul Roush from 5 to 9 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.SATURDAY, APRIL 22Bark in the Park, 8 a.m. to noon in Founders Square at Babcock Ranch. All pets and owners welcome. Food and beer trucks available until 2 p.m. Enjoy free activities, contests and prizes, 1-mile dog jog, agility course, awards for Best Dressed and Owner/Pet Lookalike, and a petting zoo. Free admission. If you are interested in participating in contests, register at https://www.babcockranch. com/event/bark-in-the-park/. Punta Gorda Farmers Market, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. corner of Olympia Avenue and Taylor Street, Punta Gorda. Sponsored by the Punta Gorda Downtown Merchants Association Inc. Vendors, live entertainment and artists painting on-site. Free parking at the garage a half block from the market, behind Wotitzky Law Firm, and street parking. Call Jerry at 941-3914856 or email jerry@puntagordafarmers Bicycle ride departs at 8:30 a.m. from Acme Bicycle Shop, 615 Cross St., Suite 1116, Punta Gorda. All riders welcome. Helmet required. Details: 941-639-2263. Celebrate Earth Day 2017 with yoga from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center, 10941 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda. CHEC and The Yoga Sanctuary offers this donation-based outdoor class on the grassy area outside the Caniff Visitor Center. Take your children for a special class for them at the same time. After class, there will be a sunset walk along one the CHEC trails to see “rst-hand the protection and preservation of natural areas. All donations collected will go directly to support CHECÂs work. Everyone is welcome, no experience is necessary. Live music at FishermenÂs Village: Musician John McDonald performs from noon to 3 p.m. and Yard Dog Charlie performs from 5 to 9 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.HAPPENINGSFROM PAGE 2 PHOTO PROVIDEDTen-year-old Lola was found under a tree when she was a kitten.She was in the Trap/Neuter/Release program indicated by her tipped ear.A wonderful lady took her in and loved her for 10 years. LolaÂs owner recently died and Lola has now found herself homeless again. She has lived with other cats but likes her space. The Animal Welfare League of Charlotte County is at 3519 Drance St., Port Charlotte. All animals are microchipped, spayed or neutered and are current with their shots prior to adoption, including rabies. The shelter is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. seven days a week. To view some of the adoptable pets, visit www. Pet of the Week SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORES Open: Mon. Sat. 9am 5pm 1048 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda Call To Schedule A Pickup For Large Furniture & Appliances (941) 637-1981 DONATIONS NEEDED! ÂYour donation makes a big differenceÂŽ Please Donate Clean, Usable Items. adno=50513241 Now accepting pick up in Arcadia. All money received from donations in Arcadia will be utilized to assist DeSoto County residents in need. Charlotte County to assist people in need in Charlotte County.
Friday, April 14, 2017 Herald Page 5 The Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce held a WomenÂs Networking event at the Freeman House in Punta Gorda on April 6. Women from all business areas renewed friendships, met new friends and business associates, networked and caught up during the event.Women enjoy Charlotte County Chamber event HERALD PHOTOS BY DONNELL BATES Ashley Maher, director of Marketing & Development at Charlotte County Community Foundation, Tami Sender, CEO at Charlotte County Community Center, and Stacy Jones from Kays, Uselton & Ponger Funeral Home and Cremation Services. Independent director for Pampered Chef Kat Padgett chats with MOM CEO Sue Howell. Right: Christy Feinberg, owner of Your Story For You, and Tanyah Lockett from Royal Palm Retirement Centre. Ellen Vercruysse, managing director of Charlott e Chorale with Dr. Laura Korman of Korman Relief and Wellness Center and Brianna Korman. Patti Guerzo of Guerzo Business Consulting LLC chats with Ava Sadowski of Ava Sadowski Marketing. Denise Fowlie from Lakewood Ranch Telecom, Ashley Bacon from Friendly Floors and Lauren Gomes from JasonÂs Deli. Donnell Bates PhotojournalistDonnell Bates is a freelance photographer. Contact her at business news adno=50513367 S O p e n f o r B r e a k f a s t L u n c h & D i n n e r F e e l s L i k e F a m i l y T a s t e s L i k e H o m e 3941 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda, FL (Burnt Store Plaza by Publix) 941-575-2757 Ham with Sweet Potato Casserole, Mashed Potatoes, and Green Beans. Dinner rolls and your choice of Cream of Broccoli Soup or a Salad. $14.99 Dinner Starts at 3 p.m. Kids Eat Free on Sundays with an adult purchase. There will be a drawing to give away a Kids Easter Basket! Easter Sunday Dinner
Herald Page 6 Friday, April 14, 2017 The Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce was busy in the “rst quarter of 2017 with several ribbon-cuttings. These photos include many of the business events held from February through April.Punta Gorda Chamber ribbon-cuttings Creative Nails and Spa, 16520 Burnt Store Road, Suite 106, Punta GordaPHOTOS PROVIDED Life Changing Counseling has an executive suite in the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce oce at 252 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Pho Saigon, 318 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda Nix & Associates, 403 Sullivan St., Punta Gorda Meals on Wheels of Charlotte County, 3082 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte The rst-year anniversary ribbon-cutting held April 5, for Punta Gorda Chocolate & Wine in Herald Court, downtown Punta Gorda. The Punta Gorda Housing Authority had a ribbon-cutting on April 11 for its Verandas seniorhousing complex. For details, visit business news Celebrate Earth DayPeace River Audubon Society will be hosting an Earth Day event at Deep Creek Preserve, 10797 S.W. Peace River St., in DeSoto County, on April 22. There will be a hike beginning at 8 a.m. from the parking lot led by Florida Naturalist John Phillips. Take a picnic lunch and enjoy the grounds in the camping area under the shade of numerous large oak trees. There will be additional walks available throughout the day to explore the pine ”atwoods and oak scrub trails. Wild”ower seeds will be available to the “rst 50 participants. Beginning at 4 p.m. there will be a camp“re (weather permitting) so take some snacks to share. Hot dogs will be provided. For more information, call Nancy Turner at 941-627-9107. COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEF H ARRY & E MMY L OEB H OLOCAUST C OMMUNITY R EMEMBRANCE D AY S ERVICE S UNDAY A PRIL 23, 2017 @ 4 PM H ARRY & E MMY L OEB H OLOCAUST C OMMUNITY R EMEMBRANCE D AY S ERVICE O PEN T O T HE C OMMUNITY TEMPLE SHALOM 23190 UTICA AVENUE, PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33949 adno=50513994
Friday, April 14, 2017 Herald Page 7 Downtown Punta Gorda will belong to the Punta Gorda Block Party again on April 29, when the popular celebration comes back from a 2-year hiatus and returns to Marion Avenue, the cityÂs Main Street. Tens of thousands of revelers have attended the biggest and best street festival in Southwest Florida each year to enjoy the food and drink, and the 2017 entertainment lineup is among the best ever. And, returning to its roots, you can see all these national and local groups for free; entry gates will ask only for a donation so that the Block Party can return next year. Gates open at 11 a.m. Many famous entertainers have performed on the stages of the Block Party over its 30 years, including the Luvin Spoonful, Hank Williams III, Peter Noone of HermanÂs Hermits, the Outlaws, Grass Roots, Edgar Winter and Mark Lindsay of Paul Revere and the Raiders. Block Party entertainment director Mike Dallenbach has added to this collection of past talent by signing Gary Puckett to headline the April 29 comeback of the cityÂs most popular street festival. Led by his unmistakable voice, Puckett and his Union Gap rolled out hits like ÂYoung Girl,ÂŽ ÂWoman Woman,ÂŽ ÂLady Willpower,ÂŽ ÂOver YouÂŽ and ÂThis Girl Is A Woman Now,ÂŽ winning six consecutive gold records. He will appear on the main stage at 6:15 p.m. Dallenbach said of Puckett, ÂHe has one of the most distinctive voices in the music world. He has had a long list of hit songs over the years and is still performing all around the country.ÂŽ If you want an up-close view of Puckett and other acts on the main stage and donÂt want to arrive early to claim stage-side seats, email vipseat@ to get access to the Main Stage Club tent away from the crowd and close to the stage. ItÂs perfect for picture-taking, an unobstructed view, tables and chairs, free food and drink including wine and beer for $100 a seat or an entire table of six seats for $500. Dallenbach has signed a particularly strong group of other national and popular local bands for the three music stages, including BrigidÂs Cross, a true-to-heritage traditional Celtic/ Irish folk group which has a strong following during its frequent stops in Punta Gorda, perennial reggae favorite Democracy and strong local bands like American Made and The BoogieMen. Dozens of vendors selling reasonably priced food ranging from barbecue to ice cream will line Taylor and Marion. Vendor spots are still available at www. As always, several brands of Budweiser, wine and Coke products will be available to accompany the many food choices. The Block Party has been a family affair for many years. Sullivan Street is set aside for children under 12, and NickÂs Kids Show will present three shows during the afternoon. Another area will contain entertainment like a climbing wall for children of all ages. Proceeds go to nonpro“ts. Free entry guarantees everyone can attend this yearÂs Block Party, but please donate what you can afford at the gates if you would like to see this cherished Punta Gorda street party continue. Many of the dollars you donate or spend will go to local charities, school groups and nonpro“ts that count on the Block Party for a major part of their annual funding. Go to www.puntagordablock for more information.Block Party entertainment schedule setPROVIDED BY PUNTA GORDA BLOCK PARTY FILE PHOTOAn enthusiastic Marion Avenue crowd applauds the opening ceremony at a past Punta Gorda Block Party. The 29th running of the downtown street festival on April 29 features free entry to hours of live music on three stages, many childrenÂs activities and dozens of vendors serving a variety of reasonably priced food and drink. ItÂs a celebration of the good life in Punta Gorda you donÂt want to miss. Gates open at 11 a.m. 2017 PUNTA GORDA BLOCK PARTY SCHEDULE€ West Marion Avenue Stage 1 p.m. Charlotte High School Jazz Band 2:45 p.m. Gotta Love it Band 4 p.m. The Apocalypse Blues Review 5:15 p.m. Fortunate Sun 6:30 p.m. Gotta Love it Band 7:45 p.m. The Apocalypse Blues Review 9 p.m. Fortunate Sun € Retta Esplanade Stage 2 p.m. Gary and Kerri 3 p.m. BrigidÂs Cross 4:15 p.m. Opening Ceremony 4:30 p.m. American Made 6:15 p.m. Gary Puckett and the Union Gap 8:30 p.m. The BoogieMen € East Marion Avenue Stage 4 p.m. Charlotte High School Jazz Band 5:15 p.m. Democracy 6:30 p.m. Copperhead 7:45 p.m. Democracy 9 p.m. Copperhead € Sullivan Street Stage 2:30 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. NickÂs Kids Show Schedule subject to change adno=50514124
Herald Page 8 Friday, April 14, 2017 It honors past members of the department, ties current “re“ghters to a history they knew little about and, through close cooperation between Dyrda and Fire Chief Ray Briggs “re“ghters, adds details that will provide many teachable moments for the 500 to 800 students and many adults who tour the department every year. Dyrda is pleased with the result but a little annoyed by the length of time he painted on the huge mural. ÂIt went a little slower than I expected, but weÂve added a lot of detail stuff to it as it evolved,ÂŽ he said. ÂThe people here had a lot of good ideas, and I have added them. Everyone here has been great; they really made me feel at home.ÂŽ Those include hidden objects, badge numbers of retired “re“ghters painted as if they are carved into the bricks, the bifold engine bay doors, a historically correct “re extinguisher, names of past chiefs and even then-chief Henry Koon peering out from the window of his upstairs living quarters. Some are teaching tools, like the little gear key on the running board near the rear wheel, or items like a frayed fan cord or loose matches to keep students interested, or even a thought-provoking pair of “re helmets with the numbers 846 and 343 on them and a clock face with the hands at a few minutes past 4:30. Hint: All are relevant to our cityÂs “re“ghters. ÂThe helmet numbers, thatÂs the time the “rst plane hit the tower on 9/11 and the number of “re“ghters who died. The clock „ thatÂs when Hurricane Charley hit,ÂŽ Briggs said. The muralÂs historical details are important to Briggs and also to the departmentÂs retired “re“ghters, who have been stopping by to view the muralÂs progress. ÂChief KoonÂs family still lives south of town. I actually ran into his granddaughter at a CPR class. They are coming up for the ribbon-cutting,ÂŽ Briggs said. ÂOlder retirees are coming by and telling stories. Vic Desguin (former volunteer “re“ghter) was here and talked about the “re alarm ringing, and he would run out of the movie theater (on Marion Avenue). Chief Koon wouldnÂt stop; Vic would have to run alongside and jump on when the chief slowed down. ÂThe mural has really revitalized our connection to the retirees and to our history, something we have not done enough of over the years. ItÂs bringing back history and linking it to the present. We hope to have many of them at the ribbon-cutting.ÂŽ Briggs gives much of the credit to Dyrda for the way the mural has been received. ÂHe is practically a member of our department. He was here every day exchanging ideas, and the guys looked forward to seeing him. It will be a sad day when he leaves,ÂŽ Briggs said. That wonÂt be for a while. At press time, he was starting on the second panel, which will be painted in trompe-lÂoeil style and turn a blank wall above gear lockers into a balcony full of “re“ghters through the ages. ThereÂs nothing about the mural that Briggs doesnÂt like, but his favorite feature is the badge numbers. ÂThatÂs what gets me,ÂŽ he said. ÂYears from now IÂll be gone, but my grandkids can come in and “nd my badge number. ThatÂs super special for those who came before us.ÂŽFROM PAGE 1COVER STORY DONÂT MISS THE DEDICATIONThe best time to view the firehouse mural is the scheduled dedication ceremony at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, May 25, at fire station No. 1 on U.S. 41. The ribbon will be officially cut at 4 p.m., and food and drink will be served afterward. ItÂs a chance to visit with the retirees who will be in attendance. Visitors are welcome at any time while Dyrda is working on the second mural, which will portray the evolution of firefighting through the years. After Dyrda finishes his firehouse labors, he will move north a few blocks to the Ladies Remembered mural on the Bayside Eye Center building at the corner of Olympia. Mural society president Kelly Gaylord said fundraising is going well, but another $10,000 is needed. Painting is scheduled to start in September as the rainy season is dying down. You can help with the remainder by visiting, where you can donate with a credit card, or send a check to the society at P.O. Box 510506, Punta Gorda, FL 339510506. You can also call Gaylord at 941-979-2786 for information or to donate. PHOTO PROVIDED BY KELLY GAYLORDFormer chief Henry Koon is at the wheel surrounded by volunteer reghters in this undated photo. The mural society made good use of old photos, mostly from former reghters, to supply historical detail on the rst mural pane. HERALD PHOTO BY GORDON BOWERUnder the watchful eye of a Dalmatian, Skip Dyrda puts some nishing touches on the Punta Gorda Fire Department history panel. DyrdaÂs rst panel shows o his mastery of technical detail and abundant creativity as an artist. PHOTO PROVIDED BY KELLY GAYLORDFormer volunteer reghter Vic Desguin takes a peek at a reman rolling up a hose after a call. ThatÂs his helmet hanging on the re engine. Desguin was one of many retirees who have been by to view the mural in progress. HERALD PHOTO BY GORDON BOWERChief Ray Briggs said he has to look hard to nd the door to the inside of the re station. Artist Skip Dyrda is a master of disguising real-life objects on the walls of his mural. HERALD PHOTO BY GORDON BOWERLeft: As a result of the give and take between the artist and reghters, the rehouse mural provides teachable moments, like these loose matches, as part of the departmentÂs educational programs. Gordon Bower Punta GordyGordon Bower is a freelance writer and photographer. Contact him at, April 14, 2017 Herald Page 9 Artist Gabriele Childs held a reception in March for her new works of art entitled Transformations, at her gallery, 251 E. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda. For those wishing to see her newest works, the collection is on display through Wednesday, April 26, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mondays through Wednesdays. For information, email or call the studio at 941-575-1711.First art show in nine years for artist Childs John Wright, Beth and John Magnin Jerry and Patti Presseller with Jaha CummingsPHOTOS PROVIDED BY NANETTE LEONARDCity Council member Jaha Cummings, Gabriele Childs and John Wright, president of the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce Above: Van Lupo, Adeline Seakwood and Lee McGraw Liz Pitt, left, and Kathy Kresge pose next to GabrieleÂs ÂTiles.ÂŽ Above and below: The Transformations pieces are smaller than Childs typical works. They come in three sizes „ 12x16, 16x16 and 20x20. Right: City Councilwoman Nancy Prafke and Punta Gorda Chamber President John Wright art scene Nanette Leonard, Virginia McLewin and Diane Hoer 239-334-7474 Located Downtown Fort Myers Yacht Basin adno=50513333 MotherÂs Day Luncheon PER PERSON + taxes & gratuity $48 SIGHTSEEING LUNCHEON CRUISES Cruise on the Caloosahatchee River, cash bars, narration, sightseeing & Music Call for dates and times. EASTER LUNCHEON CRUISE SUNDAY APRIL 16TH 12 NOON TO 2:30 PM PER PERSON + taxes & gratuity $50 Most Advanced Technique in Cataract Surgery No Needles € No Stitch € No Patch Quick Recovery Christopher Stelly, MD Board Certified € Eye Physician & Surgeon Punta Gorda 3665 Tamiami Trail, Suite #101 575-9300 Accepting Medicare Assignment Over 5,000 cataract and laser surgeries performed. EYECARE & SURGERY CENTER of Southwest Florida adno=50509578 adno=716921 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES AVAILABLE IN PORT CHARLOTTE AND ARCADIA COUNSELING SUPPORT PSYCHIATRY Twin Rivers Pathways 4161 Tamiami Trail, Suite 302 Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Life Improvement Program Located on 3rd floor at DMH 900 N. Robert Ave. Arcadia, FL 34266 Call (941) 766-0171 to learn more! € Grooming € Intake € Adoption € Full Line of Bird Supplies € Food € Toys € Cages Tues-Thurs 10Â…5, Sat 10-4, Fri, Sun and Mon by appt only 1205 Elizabeth St., Unit I Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941 -347-8876 www Exotic Bird Rescue 501c3 Non-Profit adno=50513273 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED CAN YOU SPARE JUST 3 HOURS PER WEEK?
Herald Page 10 Friday, April 14, 2017 The Second Annual Peace River Pickleball Tournament was held on the weekend of March 3-5, and drew 353 players from Canada and 15 different states. A check was presented by the Peace River Board members „ Joel Shaffer, Sue Nelson, Linda Huber, Doug Gammi and Gloria Reilly „ to Lacey Solomon, senior program director, and Leah Williams, recreation specialist, of Charlotte County Community Services, at the second annual club pickleball marathon and meeting on March 19. The money for the donation was raised at the clubÂs annual pickleball tournament. The money will be used to purchase much needed school supplies for local families. We would like to thank our generous sponsors for helping to hold a successful event: Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce, Beef ÂO BradyÂs, Culligan Water, CulverÂs, Grand Slam Tennis, Hurricane CharleyÂs, Paddletek, Pickleball Channel, Pickleball Central, Scott Tingley (IPTPA), ScottyÂs Brewhouse, Selkirk Sport, T-Mobile, Waste Management, WrigleyÂs Tennis and Chuck Taylor with Your Pickleball Place. Peace River Picklers play, give backPROVIDED BY GLORIDA REILLY Above: A player reaches for the ball during the tournament. Right: A pickleball player dives for the ball during the Second Annual Peace River Pickleball Tournament in March. A group of pickleball players stand on the podium during a pickleball tournament at the beginning of March.PHOTOS PROVIDEDA group gathers around the $1,500 check donated by the Peace River Picklers to Charlotte County Community Services. The Peace River Picklers gather around a check they donated to the Community Services Department. Pickleballers stand at the ready during the Second Annual Peace River Pickleball Tournament in & outdoors (941) 621-4612 2705 Tamiami Trail Suite 216, Punta Gorda, FL adno=50513136 Cilantros Restaurant LATIN AMERICAN CUISINE ÂWe CaterÂŽ 2016 KARAOKE EVERY SATURDAY ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET Every Other Sunday Afternoon adno=50513094
Friday, April 14, 2017 Herald Page 11 The Daughters of the American Revolution, Hickory Bluff Chapter, played host to an afternoon tea at the Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club on Lister Street in Port Charlotte on April 5. The guest speaker, Leigh Anne Brown, presented ÂPortrait of a Bride: The Evolving Silhouette,ÂŽ complete with vintage wedding gowns.Saying ÂI do to vintage wedding gowns HERALD PHOTOS BY SUE PAQUINRight: Carol Leonard and Nikki Midzio look at the vintage wedding gowns. Midzio is getting married next month. Below: Some of the gowns on display at the DAR afternoon tea. Right: Debi Allen, DAR organizing vice regent; speaker Leigh Anne Brown and Valerie Colbert, DAR organizing regentCommunity beat Sue Paquin PhotojournalistSue Paquin is a freelance photographer. Contact her at adno=50513452
Herald Page 12 Friday, April 14, 2017 Excerpts from 40 years ago Punta GordaDo you remember when?FROM OUR ARCHIVES Janine Smith 40 Years AgoJanine Smith writes about Punta GordaÂs historic past. Contact her at janinehs1@ from the Daily Herald-News from April 14-20, 1977:GilchristÂs impact still feltContributions to the welfare of the community by Albert W. Gilchrist, whose name the new bridge over the Peace River bears, are still being enjoyed today. He served as Florida governor from 1909 to 1913. Years before that, he was one of the incorporators of Punta Gorda, then named Trabue. He was concerned with preserving the beauty of the area, planting and giving away many trees. He loved people and gave generously of his time, talents and “nancial resources to childrenÂs charities, Sunday schools, civic organizations and fraternities. Gilchrist died in 1926. His will provided for the continuation of many good works, among others the Punta Gorda High School and the giving of his free ice cream on Halloween to children. The city received $5,000, the interest was to be used for constant beauti“cation of the auditorium grounds and the approaches to the old bridge, that now bears his name. Gilchrist came to the area in 1885. He was one of the founders of Punta Gorda when 30 men met in a house on Taylor Street and decided to incorporate. Gilchrist was a member of the state house of representatives during the late 1800s and early 1900s before being elected governor. He served as delegate to the Democratic National Convention meeting three times. He obtained much publicity for Punta Gorda when he suggested the convention recess convene in the city. His will requested that he be buried in Indian Springs Cemetery, South Punta Gorda.City Hall plans are movingThe Punta Gorda City Council gave architect Willard Bowman the go-ahead to “nish plans for a two-story addition to City Hall. Bowman told the Council it would not be wise to imitate the design of the existing building. It was hard to “nd materials used when City Hall was constructed more than 50 years ago. The two-story structure will be a simple box design with a stucco “nish. The “rst ”oor includes council chambers, seating 80 people, of“ce space for the mayor and councilmen. The second ”oor will be dedicated to the engineering department.Military rescue takes 300th patientRoyce and Elizabeth Bowling, the parents of St. Joseph Hospital patient Michael Bowling, know the value of the Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic (MAST) program Â… first-hand. On April 9, Michael, who was born that day, became the 300th area patient and the 31st from St. Joseph Hospital to be transported by military helicopter participating in the West-Central Florida MAST project when he had to be taken from St. Joseph to John Hopkins All ChildrenÂs Hospital in St. Petersburg. ÂThe baby needed an especially difficult type of exchange blood transfusion,ÂŽ explained Dr. Dominic Santiago, the babyÂs pediatrician. ÂWe are fortunate in West-Central Florida,ÂŽ said Richard Holt, assistant administrator for West-Central Florida and MAST Charlotte County coordinator. Mrs. Bowling lives in Port Charlotte and her husband is on duty with the Army in Okinawa. This areaÂs MAST program started in 1974. ÂMany lives have been saved,ÂŽ according to Holt. Proper course of actionThe Charlotte County Commission took the only logical action at TuesdayÂs meeting, in supporting construction of a privately “nanced nursing home in Charlotte Harbor. The nursing home bed shortage and the “nancial burden placed on families who must put someone in a custodial care facility is quite severe. Building a nursing home would be treating the symptom and not the problem. County Commissioner Robert Shedd, physician by profession, said the state agencies have done Âlittle or nothingÂŽ for the county. 104 and still partyingMarguerite McGuire of Windmill Village Mobile Home Park celebrated her 104th birthday yesterday. A party was given in her honor, attended by hundreds of friends and dozens of relatives from several parts of the country. Her five children were by her side.Letter to the editor: ÂSunlife good issueÂTo the editor: Too often we are too busy to give praise when and where praise is due for an outstanding contribution to community welfare. I think such a contribution was made in the March 28 ÂSunlife Â77ÂŽ edition. Any resident who did not read it thoroughly, and then save it, certainly should have done so if they want to know what Charlotte County is all about. It was really spelled out that it is people working together to build a better community. Hats off to the paper and to the advertisers who made it possible. Thank you!ÂŽ „ Betty Pauli, Port CharlotteTodayÂs almanac€ April 1513: Ponce de Leon, of Spain, landed at what is now St. Augustine, Florida, on his search for the ÂFountain of Youth.ÂŽ € April 1927: The “rst successful demonstration of long-distance television was made between Washington, D.C., and New York City.Calcium aids soft bones by Dr. Lawrence L. LambDear Dr. Lamb: My doctor says I have osteoporosis. My questions are: Is shoulder support bene“cial, or is taking calcium tablets better? I am 61 years. Dear Reader: The purpose of drinking milk is to give you 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day. You need to get at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily. Either from milk or tablets. I am not enthusiastic about shoulder support. But a program of exercises to strengthen the muscles between your shoulders could be helpful „ the type of exercise swimmers get doing back strokes.Easter diningNote: These are restaurants prices for Easter dinners in 1977: € Village Restaurant, 139 W. Marion Ave., opposite the Punta Gorda Mall „ full prime rib dinner, $3.95 € Ramada Inn, U.S. 41, Port Charlotte „ roast of lamb, roast turkey, baked ham dinners, $4.95 € Holiday Inn, on the Bay, Punta Gorda „ ham, roast turkey dinners, $5.50Real estate „ homes for saleNote: These are listing prices for homes in 1977: € Port Charlotte: For sale by owner: Need a family size home? Large three0bedroom/two-bath house. 1,600 square feet of living area, loaded with extras, custom-built. Excellent value at $33,900. € Punta Gorda: Beautiful home, practically new, well-manicured. Homeowner is moving out of town. Walking distance to everything. Special buy at $40,000. PHOTO BY INGRID SIMKEMeet Milo, a 2-year-old domestic shorthair weighing 13 lbs. He sports a black-andwhite ÂtuxedoÂŽ coat with identical white moustache patches under his nose. HeÂs a very cool-looking cat. Milo has lived happily with adults and another female cat. He likes to play with laser lights, and he uses a scratch pole. Milo likes to lay out in the lanai and watch the world around him. He enjoys the comfort of a multilayered kitty condo. Milo is a very sweet cat, aectionate and receptive to all the attention bestowed upon him. HeÂs a very good-natured boy. For more information, contact Suncoast Humane Society at 941-474-7884, visit www.humane. org, or stop by the adoption center at 6781 San Casa Drive, Englewood.Suncoast Pet of the Week Amberg Insurance Center, Inc. 1900 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda (across from Palm Chevrolet) (941) 639-7050 € (800) 940-7688 17801 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte (next to BaconÂs Furniture) (941) 743-5300 € (866) 743-5300 PERSONAL BUSINESS HEALTH and LIFE ESTABLISHED, EXPERIENCED INSURANCE SERVICES adno=50513125 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016; Finalist 2011 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, and 2014; Finalist 2011 & 2016 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 2016 THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN FOR YOUR VOTE
Friday, April 14, 2017 Herald Page 13 The Charlotte JV baseball team learned a few things about themselves in their 13-7 win over Island Coast. If they didnÂt believe it before the game, they do now: this team can play ball. They were hampered with a short roster as Coach Kevin TracyÂs troops have been hit by the injury bug. Four players were out of the game with injuries and another missed the game for being sick. Before Tyler McQueen could even get up to bat for the “rst time he injured his ring “nger on his throwing hand after catching a long ”y ball in left “eld. ÂI just looked down and it was bleeding. I donÂt even know how it happened,ÂŽ McQueen said. He couldnÂt get the bleeding to stop and had to leave the game with a big bandage wrapped around his “nger. Another player didnÂt run out a pop-up in the second inning and Tracy pulled him from the lineup. ÂIÂve got to dance with the ones that brung me now,ÂŽ Tracy said. With a depleted bench it was a risky move but one that he had to make. The message was sent. If youÂre going to play ball for Tracy, youÂre going to hustle all the time. The Tarpons learned that even though their starter Bryce Hayse got beat up in the “rst inning with some well-hit balls, they could come back from a three-run de“cit. Hayse shut out the Gators over the next three innings with Eric Hassier “nishing up the “nal three innings. The Tarpons learned that even if the top half of the batting order didnÂt produce as well as they were capable of, the bottom three in the order would pick up the slack. Of the 11 hits the Tarpons picked up, seven came from the bottom three men and “ve of the RBIs and four of the runs scored came from the combination of Billy Brumbaugh, Carlo Tiseo and Mikey Thomas. Brumbaugh was the designated hitter and never played defensively but he swung a big bat going 3-3 with three RBIs and a run scored. Tiseo and Thomas didnÂt play the entire game either as Tiseo was the player who failed to run out the second inning pop-up, and Thomas was the man who replaced the injured McQueen. Thomas crushed a slow curve for a screamer down the line for his “rst hit and followed that up with two more well-hit balls. Thomas went 3-4, scored twice and drove in a run. ÂIÂve been taking extra bp (batting practice) after practice and sometimes after games. IÂve been working hard to get better,ÂŽ Thomas said. ÂCarlo is a good kid and a good player. He is his own harshest critic and was disappointed in himself when he hit that pop-up and didnÂt run it out. I put him back in to hit in the seventh inning because he had learned his lesson,ÂŽ said Tracy. Even TiseoÂs girlfriend learned a lesson as she left the ballpark once Tiseo was pulled out of the game and missed his last at-bat. ÂAfter I hit that triple I looked up in the stands and she was already gone. I learned a lesson tonight and that is to run all the way to “rst even if I get out before I get there,ÂŽ Tiseo said. TiseoÂs triple down the right-“eld line scored Brumbaugh, and Tiseo then rode home for the “nal Tarpons run on Thomas hit. That capped a seven-run outburst in the sixth inning to give the Tarpons some breathing room. Charlotte had scored two in the second to cut the Gator lead to 3-2. The Tarpons took the lead with three in the third on two hits, two walks, a hit batter and a sacri“ce ”y. Hayse hit the “rst of his two sacri“ce ”ies for a run in the 4th to give the Tarpons a 6-3 lead. The Gators had a mini comeback with two in the sixth to cut the Tarpons lead to one. After the seven-run Tarpons sixth inning, Island Coast got two garbage runs in the seventh to make the “nal score 13-7. Props need to be given to Hal Turner, who was playing the day after his great-grandfather Eugene Henry Turner died. The elder Turner was an icon in Arcadia as one of the business leaders who started several successful businesses that are still going on today. He was very close to his 93-year-old great-grandfather and is actually named Eugene Henry Turner IV. After his double to lead off the third inning, Turner stood on second and pointed to the sky as if to say ÂthatÂs for you.ÂŽ ÂI was very close to him and used to hang out with him. He died yesterday morning and used to come to my games until he got too old. I tried to hit one out for him that last time at-bat. I had a double, a walk and I got hit by a pitch. I was thinking about him when I was jogging out to the out“eld and back in, but I focused on the game once I got out there. I dedicated this game to him,ÂŽ Turner said. ÂIÂm super proud of these guys, they all contributed today. I canÂt tell you how proud I am of these guys. They are a talented and special bunch of young men,ÂŽ Tracy said.Tarpons learn lessons in win Hal Turner is congratulated by his teammates after the 13-7 win over Island Coast. Turner dedicated the game to his great-grandfather, who had passed away the day before the game. Turner got on base three times, including a double, and scored twice. HERALD PHOTOS BY STEVE KNAPPCharlotte outelder Mikey Thomas looks to Coach Tracy for a sign as he steps in the batterÂs box. Thomas hit three frozen ropes while scoring twice and knocking in a run. Kris Dillow steals second base with a head-rst slide as the throw bounces o his batting helmet. Dillow had two hits and scored twice and drove in a run in the 13-7 Charlotte win over Island Coast. Steve Knapp Sports WriterSteve Knapp is a sports writer and photographer. Contact him at SPORTS adno=50513141 1205 Elizabeth Street, Suite D, Punta Gorda 637-9800 € Lic. # CAC 1814055 Since 1988 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 2011, 2013, 2014 *The Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, an Equa l Housing Lender. Special terms apply to qualifying purchases charged with approved cr edit. The special terms APR will continue to apply until all qualifying purchases are paid in full The monthly payment for this purchase will be the amount that will pay for the purchase in full in equal payments during the promotional (special terms) period. The APR for Purchases will app ly to certain fees such a s a late payment fee or if you use the card for other transactions. For new accounts, the APR for Purchases is 28.99%. If you are charge d interest in any billing cycle, the minimum interest cha rge will be $1.00. This information is accurate as of 3/1/2017 and is subject to change. For current information, call us at 1-800-431-5921. Offer expires 6/15/201 7. *See your independent Trane dealer for complete program eligibility, dates, details and restrictions. Special financing offers OR trade-in allowances from $100 up to $1,000 valid on qu alifying systems only. Of fers vary by equipment. All sales must be to homeowners in the United States. Void where prohibited.
Herald Page 14 Friday, April 14, 2017 The Charlotte Flying Fish youth volleyball tournament was the host for 11 club teams, including “ve from the Flying Fish Club. Teams from North Port, DeSoto County and Port Charlotte participated in the daylong tournament. The Flying Fish 11U and 12U teams played for the championship of their division with an exciting game. After the 12U team took the “rst game of the match, the 11U bounced back to even the match at one set apiece. In the “nal game the 11U team was a point away from winning as they held a 14-10 lead. The 12U team rallied to pull out an exciting 17-15 win.11 teams compete in Flying Fish Tournament Right: The 12U Flying Fish team, coached by Jill Damico, line up and wait for their game against the 11U team to begin. Right: Braelyn Tuck ducks as her teammate returns the ball for the 12U team in the championship match.HERALD PHOTOS BY STEVE KNAPPThe 11U Flying Fish team listens to Coach Jaime Zaharuk before beginning the championship match. Lea Massey, No. 3; Chloe Mills, No. 4; and Kylie Vasquez, No. 11, celebrate as they score a point against the 12U team in the championship match. SPORTS Steve Knapp Sports WriterSteve Knapp is a sports writer and photographer. Contact him at PHOTO PROVIDEDThis nestling barred owl is getting ready to be reunited with his family. Sometimes it is impossible to put a displaced baby back into its own nest, but a substitute basket can be used to create a new nest. That is then placed as close to the original nest as possible, and the parents take over caring for the baby again. This works well for raptors as well as songbirds. Peace River Wildlife Center is a nonprot organization dedicated to the care, preservation and protection of Charlotte CountyÂs native wildlife since 1978. They are open seven days a week, year-round, including holidays. Tours are oered from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Injured animal intake is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PRWC receives no federal or state funding and relies entirely on private donations. For more information, visit, email PeaceRiver, call 941-637-3830 or visit them at 3400 Ponce de Leon Pkwy. (GPS address: 3400 W. Marion Ave.), Punta Gorda.PRWC Rescue of the Week ÂIf you can fix a problem that you have, why wouldnÂt you? ÂŽ ÂFrantz EyeCare fixed my vision problem and did an outstanding job.ÂŽMike Ditka adno=50513063
Friday, April 14, 2017 Herald Page 15 Outlaws and Benchwarmers battle in Miss Charlotte Softball Logun Midgett, a student at Punta Gorda Middle School, puts the tag on Kalei Lawler of the Benchwarmers in an unsuccessful steal attempt of third. Libby Wilkinson drives the ball for a base hit for the Benchwarmers in their loss to the Outlaws. Seventh-grader Alyssa Rajnish of the Outlaws dives for a pop-up down the rst-base line. Rajnish gave a great eort but couldnÂt catch up with the ball in the win. HERALD PHOTOS BY STEVE KNAPPThe Outlaws and Benchwarmers are two of the four local teams in the Miss Charlotte 14U division. CAYO COSTA DENTAL FREDERICK J. FOX III, DMD PA State-Of-The-Art Dentistry In Historic Punta Gorda 941-575-1446 316 W. Helen Ave., Punta Gorda ( 3/10 miles S. of Charlotte Harbor on US 41 Southbound) Mon.-Thurs. 8:00-4:00 € Fri. 9:00-12:00 Frederick J. Fox III, DMD PA Comprehensive Dental Examination (D0150), Full Mouth X-rays (D0210) and Consultation (D9310) *FREE 5 day whitening kit (D9972) after initial visit of exam, full set of x-rays and recommended cleaning. Does Not Include Panoramic Xray (D0330) and CT Scan (D3260) No cash value. Not to be used with any other offer. Call for details. Expires 4/30/2017 $ 99 SPRING NEW PATIENT SPECIAL FOR ADULTS $ 99 SPRING NEW PATIENT SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN Child Examination (D0150), X-rays (D0272 or D0274) and Child Prophy (D1120) Does Not Include Panoramic Xray (D0330) and CT Scan (D3260) New patients only, offer not valid with other discounts. (Please bring coupon). Expires 4/30/2017 UP TO 15 YEARS OF AGE FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION (D0485) Does Not Include Panoramic Xray (D0330) and CT Scan (D3260) New patients only, offer not valid with other discounts. (Please bring coupon). Expires 4/30/2017 0% financing with approved credit. adno=50509572 Preventive/Restorative € Periodontal Therapy € Crown & Bridge Root Canal Therapy € Teeth Whitening € Nitrous Oxide Available Laser Gum Therapy € Extractions € Dental Implants € Treatment of Halitosis € Oral Sedation/Anxiolysis D9230 Children Welcome New & Emergency Patients Welcome
Herald Page 16 Friday, April 14, 2017 adno=50509541
Joshua Boak; J. Paschke € AP Source: Bureau of Labor StatisticsIn recent years, job gains in the United States have disproportionately benefited immigrants. Yet the employment report for March that the government issued last week showed a slowdown in hiring for this group. Over the past 12 months, the number of foreign-born workers in the country rose just 0.5 percent. During the same period of 2016, the rate of job growth had been six times as large. In 2015, the rate was nearly 10 times as large. The pace of hiring for foreign-born workers began to slow in October. Similar declines have occurred before because the government doesnÂt adjust its data on the hiring of immigrants to account for seasonal changes, so the figures can be volatile. But the recent setback may be concerning because statements and policies by President Donald Trump on visas and illegal immigration have left some foreign workers feeling unwelcome. Economists say the growth of the U.S. workforce has been slowing, so an influx of immigrants would help offset the decline and help drive a healthier economy.Immigrant hiring slowsImmigrant dip: In recent months, there has been a slowdown in the annual rate of job growth for foreign-born workers. Employment level, foreign-born12-month percent change -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6% Â17 Â16 Â15 Â14 Â13 Â12 Â11 Â10 Â09 Â08 March: 0.5% Jan: 0.9% Source: FactSet Mae Anderson; Alex Nieves € APTimes are tough for Viacom. The once-legendary Paramount Pictures movie studio has struggled to produce hits, and ViacomÂs TV networks such as MTV and Comedy Central are facing increases in costs to produce and license programs. This comes amid a power struggle that led to the ouster of ViacomÂs longtime CEO, Philippe Dauman. Sumner Redstone, the billionaire who controls Viacom and CBS, abandoned a plan to combine the companies in December. But FBR analyst Barton Crockett sees glimmers of improvement. On the television side, Crockett expects the programming expenses will be countered by cost-cutting, stable advertising and a modest rise in fees that cable and satellite TV companies pay to carry Viacom channels. And thereÂs fresh blood at Paramount with the appointment of Jim Gianopulos as CEO in March. Crockett says ParamountÂs losses should diminish over the next two years as the company shares costs with outside investors and develops more movies based on popular shows on Nickelodeon and other networks, a new mandate by Viacom CEO Bob Bakish. ThatÂs key because TV networks are an increasingly bigger part of ViacomÂs revenue. ThereÂs a Âpotential for improved performance from a new focus on core brands and cross-promotion,ÂŽ Crockett said in a client note.Viacom: Improving picture? 2 4 6 8 10 $12 billion Â07 Â08 Â09 Â10 Â11 Â12 Â13 Â14 Â15 Â16Revenue TV networks ParamountNew planA growing share of ViacomÂs revenue comes from TV networks rather than Paramount movies. A new mandate by ViacomÂs new CEO calls for making more movies based on popular TV shows.Top Weekly Exchange Traded Funds $0$550$1,100 Oil Small-cap stocks Investment-grade bonds Copper High-yield bonds REITs S&P 500 European stocks Utilities stocks Health care stocks Asian stocks Technology stocks Gold Emerging-market stocks 1-week percent change $1,000 invested at the end of last year ... ... today is worthPerformance benchmarks: industries sectors of the Standard & PoorÂs 500 index; international stocks MSCI indexes; bond returns Barclays Capital and BofA Merrill Lynch indexes. Source: FactSet Data through Apr. 12-1.1 2.4 -1.1 -0.5 0.1 0.2 0.0 -0.3 1.9 0.1 -5.0 0.4 0.5 3.8A big week for gold and oil, while most stocks and bonds treaded water. Copper was the weekÂs biggest loser and oil kept its last-place position for the year.$1,000Derby StocksBonds Commodities% $1,115 1,110 1,109 1,092 1,081 1,076 1,069 1,054 1,032 1,031 1,016 1,014 1,005 989AP CS VS 2x Vix ShTm TVIX 46.49 +8.57 +22.6 +28.1 -96.1 ProShs Ultra VIX ST UVXY 21.46 +3.96 +22.6 +28.5 -95.9 Dir Dly Gold Bull3x NUGT 11.15 +1.31 +13.3 +23.3 -35.1 Rex Vol Lg Vx Wk Fut VMAX 5.63 +0.65 +13.1 +17.7 ... Direx SOX Bear 3X SOXS 8.69 +0.95 +12.3 +13.0 -75.1 CS VS Vix ShtTerm VIIX 30.85 +3.05 +11.0 +14.1 -75.3 Barc iPath Vix ST VXX 18.26 +1.81 +11.0 +14.1 -75.3 ProShs Vix ST Fut VIXY 15.22 +1.50 +10.9 +14.1 -75.1 PrSh Ultra Gold Min GDXX 48.82 +4.14 +9.3 +15.1 -7.9 Direx Reg Banks Bear WDRW 10.70 +0.90 +9.2 +27.5 -74.3 CS Velocity 3xSilver USLV 17.11 +1.43 +9.1 +21.4 +14.8 ProShs UltProShtFin FINZ 16.23 +1.35 +9.1 +25.7 -61.2 Direxion NatGas Bear GASX 27.27 +2.19 +8.7 -4.8 -56.9 CS Velocity 3x Gold UGLD 11.43 +0.86 +8.1 +15.3 -5.5 Global X Super Div EFAS 17.75 +1.32 +8.0 +7.7 ... Direx Russia Bear3x RUSS 6.83 +0.48 +7.6 +3.5 -57.0 ProSh UltSh Semi SSG 19.85 +1.35 +7.3 +7.5 -51.6 Direxion 30-Yr 3x Sh TMF 20.15 +1.34 +7.1 +15.3 -16.6 Direx S&P O&G Bear DRIP 17.39 +1.12 +6.9 -1.4 -63.7 ProShs Ultra Silver AGQ 42.54 +2.39 +6.0 +13.9 +16.7 ProSh UltSht BasMat SMN 19.15 +0.99 +5.4 +3.9 -35.5 Direx Biotech Bull LABU 45.85 +2.30 +5.3 -13.1 +35.1 ProShs UltSh O&G Exp SOP 12.62 +0.63 +5.3 -2.6 -45.0 ProShs Ultra Gold UGL 40.95 +2.05 +5.3 +9.9 -1.3 Direxion FinBear 3x FAZ 20.71 +1.03 +5.2 +15.2 -52.9 iShares SoAfrica EZA 57.18 +2.81 +5.2 -3.6 +10.1 DB Gold DoubLong DGP 24.87 +1.21 +5.1 +10.0 -2.9 UBS 3x Long Crude WTIU 21.16 +1.00 +5.0 +23.1 ... ProShUlt 20+yr Treas UBT 78.75 +3.68 +4.9 +9.6 -9.9 Citigp Vel Long Crde UWT 22.60 +1.04 +4.8 +22.9 ... ProShs UltSht Brazil BZQ 14.56 +0.65 +4.7 +8.4 -59.7 PowShs Global Gold PSAU 21.06 +0.94 +4.7 +8.6 +7.6 Direxion MCapBear3x MIDZ 20.58 +0.93 +4.7 +7.9 -48.2 Pro UltPro ShtMid400 SMDD 15.69 +0.68 +4.6 +7.7 -47.7 VanE Vect Gld Miners GDX 24.54 +1.04 +4.4 +7.8 +7.6 CS VS 2x Vix MidTm TVIZ 22.24 +0.93 +4.4 -5.9 -67.6 Alps Sprott GoldMnrs SGDM 21.60 +0.91 +4.4 +7.4 +1.1 Direxion EngyBear 3x ERY 11.64 +0.48 +4.3 +1.8 -43.9 ProShs Ultra Yen YCL 62.79 +2.48 +4.1 +7.6 -5.6 Direx Homebld Bull NAIL 39.24 +1.56 +4.1 -4.2 +44.6 $CHG PCT RETURN FUNDS TICKER FRI 1WK 1WK 1MO 1YR The Food and Drug Administration sent the company a warning about problems with several heart implants. The regional bankÂs first-quarter profit and revenue were far greater than analysts expected. Warren BuffettÂs Berkshire Hathaway said it will sell a relatively small portion of its stake in the bank. U.S. stocks fell for the third day in a row Thursday and closed at two-month lows as energy companies plunged and banks again fell along with interest rates. Investors continued to react to international events by buying bonds while gold set a five-month high. 50 55 $60 JA FM Wells FargoWFC Close: $51.35 -1.77 or -3.3% $43.55$59.99 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 48.0m (2.7x avg.) $256.95 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 12.9 3.0% 110 120 130 $140 JA FM PNC Financial ServicesPNC Close: $115.80 -0.20 or -0.2% $77.40$131.83 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 5.1m (2.0x avg.) $56.3 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 15.9 1.9% 40 42 44 $46 JA FM Abbott LaboratoriesABT Close: $42.67 -0.81 or -1.9% $36.76$45.84 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 11.4m (1.5x avg.) $73.73 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 60.1 2.5% Best Stocks One MonthBEST LARGE-CAP STOCKS Vertex Pharm VRTX 113.80 -1.8 23.2 37.8 cc ... FMC Corp FMC 72.56 -3.6 20.2 93.6 26 0.9 Tesla Inc TSLA 304.00 0.5 16.0 19.8 dd ... Chipotle Mex Grill CMG 463.62 3.6 15.6 3.1 cc ... Whole Foods WFM 33.96 9.3 15.2 17.0 23 1.6 Jazz Pharmaceuticals JAZZ 153.11 -0.4 12.7 9.0 24 ... DXC Technology Co DXC 76.51 0.8 12.6 131.0 ... ... Grifols SA GRFS 19.53 1.8 12.5 30.0 ... 2.8 Melco Resorts Enter MLCO 19.79 1.9 11.0 34.6 64 7.1 Soc Q&M Chile SQM 36.99 1.9 11.0 77.6 ... 2.7 TAL Education Grp TAL 106.24 0.0 11.0 96.0 76 ... Agnico Eagle Mines AEM 46.62 4.6 10.3 15.6 cc ... New Oriental Educ EDU 59.39 -2.7 9.6 72.4 39 ... YPF Sociedad YPF 25.78 2.0 9.5 44.3 ... 0.5 Duke Realty Corp DRE 27.74 1.6 8.9 26.9 28 2.7 Illumina Inc ILMN 173.68 0.7 8.9 0.9 55 ... LG Display Co Ltd LPL 13.54 3.0 8.9 12.2 ... ... EQT Corp EQT 62.62 -0.6 8.8 -8.0 cc 0.2 FRIDAY %CHG %CHG %RTN COMPANY TICKER CLOSE 1WK 1MO 1YR PE YLDBEST MID-CAP STOCKS Straight Path Comm STRP 91.70 151.4 179.6 187.5 ... ... General Commun GNCMA 35.59 0.2 80.4 109.5 cc ... Axovant Sciences AXON 22.00 45.4 45.8 66.4 dd ... Sears Holdings Corp SHLD 13.04 15.0 45.5 -10.7 dd ... Dominion Diamond DDC 12.56 -1.6 42.4 9.4 cc 3.2 Akorn Inc AKRX 32.42 8.9 42.1 33.3 19 ... Panera Bread Co PNRA 315.44 1.1 33.8 52.3 51 ... RH RH 47.03 0.1 30.0 7.8 30 ... Sibanye Gold Ltd SBGL 10.56 9.4 25.7 -36.9 ... 3.8 MiMedx Group MDXG 10.74 10.6 24.0 19.9 54 ... Coeur Mining CDE 9.82 13.7 22.3 44.0 31 ... Coupa Software Inc COUP 28.98 16.6 22.3 0.0 ... ... Petrobras Argentina PZE 12.11 5.7 22.2 84.1 ... ... Globalstar Inc GSAT 1.73 6.8 21.8 1.2 16 ... Sunoco LP SUN 29.85 1.5 21.4 -1.8 dd 11.1 BlackBerry Ltd BBRY 8.64 10.6 20.5 25.9 dd ... Anglogold Ashanti AU 12.99 8.8 19.8 -18.1 ... ... Theravance Biopharm TBPH 37.84 4.2 19.6 75.1 dd ...BEST SMALL-CAP STOCKS Plug Power Inc PLUG 2.24 10.3 100.0 13.2 dd ... Grana y Montero GRAM 3.90 -13.3 78.1 -27.8 ... 6.4 Almaden Minerals AAU 1.72 33.3 65.4 36.4 ... ... TRC Cos TRR 17.55 0.3 60.3 124.7 34 ... Akoustis Technologie AKTS 12.39 19.1 59.4 444.0 ... ... Conatus Pharma CNAT 7.24 14.9 57.7 129.3 dd ... AgroFresh Solutions AGFS 4.87 0.4 52.2 -25.2 dd ... Altisource Pt Sol ASPS 42.61 8.9 49.4 63.0 24 ... Exeter Resource XRA 1.83 5.2 48.8 137.4 ... ... Galectin Therap GALT 3.16 10.1 48.4 129.0 dd ... NovoCure Ltd NVCR 10.45 -7.9 46.2 -30.5 dd ... ConnÂs Inc CONN 13.00 12.6 46.1 10.9 dd ... SteadyMed Ltd STDY 6.20 -11.4 45.9 56.6 ... ... Cogint Inc COGT 5.60 12.0 45.5 9.4 ... ... Performant Financial PFMT 2.26 -7.0 41.3 27.2 ... ... Safe Bulkers Inc SB 2.43 -3.2 40.5 144.8 ... 1.6 Impax Labs IPXL 13.35 -2.9 39.8 -61.4 dd ... RetailMeNot SALE 11.55 49.0 39.2 44.7 ... ...Industry Rankings 1. Utilities -0.1 1.3 6.0 | 9843 6.6 2. Consumer Services -0.9 -0.2 2.9 | 9962 9.1 3. Oil & Gas -2.0 -0.7 -7.4 | 965432 5.3 4. Technology -1.5 -1.7 7.0 | 999995 21.6 5. Consumer Goods -0.0 -1.9 6.2 | 97543 5.8 6. Health Care -0.2 -2.2 4.5 | 9843 6.6 DJ Total Market index -1.2 -2.2 2.4 | 998762 12.3 7. Basic Material -2.7 -2.3 1.7 | 99985 15.2 8. Industrials -1.7 -2.6 1.2 | 9997542 14.3 9. Telecommunications -0.1 -3.4 -3.7 | 74 1.2 10. Financials -1.9 -4.9 -0.5 | 9999643 17.8 PERCENT CHANGE %RTN INDUSTRY 1WK 1MO 1QTR 1YR Pipelines -1.2 0.9 -1.0 (*&^% | 94 33.1 Southcross Energy SXE +4.1 +27.0 +96.3 (*&^% | 9996 +133.0 Delek Logisitcs DKL +0.2 +6.3 -7.4 (*&^% | 7432 +9.8 Cheniere EnPtrsHldgs CQH +1.4 +5.4 +10.2 (*&^% | 87531 +26.7 Williams Cos WMB -0.6 +5.0 +4.7 (*&^% | 997654 +79.1 Cheniere EngyPtrsLP CQP +1.3 +4.6 +16.3 (*&^% | 7654 +15.1 Exploration & Production -1.7 0.0 -7.9 (*&^% | 65432 7.8 Contango O&G MCF -0.5 +21.6 -11.8 *&%$@9532 | -34.8 S Juan Bas SJT -2.3 +14.1 +12.2 (*&^% | 975421 +43.4 EP Energy Corp EPE +0.6 +13.8 -18.4 (*&^% | 641 +5.2 Gastar Exploration GST +0.6 +13.1 +2.6 (*&^% | 765321 +14.9 BP Prudhoe BPT -13.3 +12.5 -35.5 (*&^% | 98742 +57.3 Integrated Oil & Gas -1.5 -0.8 -6.7 (*&^#@42 | -1.3 ConocoPhillips COP -2.4 +6.1 -3.1 (*&^% | 8 +16.1 Midcoast Energy Ptrs MEP +0.6 +1.9 +5.9 (*&^% | 998654 +87.1 Par Petroleum Corp PARR -0.7 +1.8 +21.6 (*&^% | 0.0 Hess Corp HES +2.5 +1.7 -16.0 (*^75 | -10.1 Exxon Mobil Corp XOM -1.6 -0.5 -5.4 (*&^% | 4321 +1.9 Oil Equipment & Services -1.9 -2.1 -10.0 (*&^% |743 9.6 Civeo Corp CVEO +4.3 +15.6 +33.1 (*&^% | 9996 +148.8 Teekay Offshore Ptrs TOO +2.1 +12.6 -5.0 (*&^% | 321 +0.9 Newpark Resc NR -2.5 +8.9 0.0 (*&^% | 998753 +90.6 Hornbeck Offsh Svcs HOS -5.5 +6.8 -52.4 98765 | -62.1 Nat Gas Svcs Grp NGS +1.8 +6.5 -6.5 (*&^% | 8765 +30.0Oil & Gas sectors (best performers)Excludes stocks with market values less than $100 million. Bar chart for stocks with annual returns of more than 100 percent not shown to scale. Friday, April 14, 2017
A -:A-MarkPM Q AMRK .32f 1.8 18 22.00 14.02 4 17.56 30 17.98 17.05 -.43 -9.9 AAC Hldgs N AAC 10 24.38 6.01 79 8.08 306 8.51 8.03 -.22 +11.6 AAON Q AAON .26f .8 38 37.10 25.33 94 33.95 374 35.30 33.90 -.35 +2.7 AAR N AIR .30 .9 25 38.75 21.78 137 33.01 560 34.38 32.57 -.60 -.1 ABB Ltd N ABB .76e 3.4 23.90 18.72 2288 22.63 8076 23.22 22.62 -.66 +7.4 ABM N ABM .68 1.6 24 45.03 31.74 460 41.97 1544 42.85 41.62 +.07 +3.2 AC Immun n Q ACIU 19.97 9.37 16 10.10 90 10.49 9.82 +.02 -22.2 ACI Wwde Q ACIW 19 22.96 15.11 372 20.55 1454 21.39 20.54 -.60 +13.2 ACNB Cp Q ACNB .80 2.7 16 32.85 21.75 3 29.30 16 30.40 29.30 -.45 -6.2 AES Corp N AES .48 4.2 11 13.32 10.49 5011 11.36 30237 11.41 11.01 +.32 -2.2 AES pfC N AESpC 3.38 6.7 52.48 49.95 5 50.45 37 51.24 50.35 +.29 +.1 AFLAC N AFL 1.72 2.4 12 74.50 66.42 1484 73.00 9341 73.89 72.92 +.10 +4.9 AFLAC 52 N AFSD 1.38 5.3 27.48 23.55 16 25.90 87 25.94 25.67 +.13 +7.0 AG MtgeIT N MITT 1.90 10.4 24 18.85 13.00 169 18.34 649 18.61 18.10 +.16 +7.2 AG Mtg pfA N MITTpA 2.06 8.1 26.01 24.12 12 25.35 20 25.61 25.25 +.15 +3.9 AG Mtg pfB N MITTpB 2.00 8.0 25.30 23.15 3 24.90 26 25.07 24.83 -.05 +4.5 AGCO N AGCO .56f 1.0 29 64.90 44.68 513 58.03 2418 61.35 58.01 -2.92 +.3 AGNC Inv Q AGNC 2.16 10.7 7 20.43 17.30 2919 20.27 10778 20.35 19.88 +.22 +11.8 AGNC pfA Q AGNCP 2.00 7.8 26.80 24.67 8 25.62 25 25.73 25.50 +.04 +1.5 AGNC pfB Q AGNCB 1.94 7.6 26.69 24.36 31 25.52 46 25.86 25.31 -.31 +1.7 AH Belo N AHC .32 5.2 7.95 4.75 8 6.20 59 6.20 6.03 +.15 -2.4 AK Steel N AKS 22 11.39 3.31 18618 6.38 106068 7.70 6.37 -1.27 -37.5 ALJ Reg n Q ALJJ 5.50 3.26 71 3.35 192 3.64 3.30 -.28 -23.7 AMAG Ph Q AMAG 19 36.83 17.92 989 23.40 3244 23.90 22.50 +.80 -32.8 AMC Ent N AMC .80 2.6 26 35.65 25.75 1086 30.20 3703 30.85 29.95 -.15 -10.3 AMC Net Q AMCX 15 70.28 46.17 767 58.09 3699 59.96 57.78 -2.17 +11.0 AMCON N DIT .72 .7 11 122.90 79.00 0 96.05 27 101.35 96.05 -1.95 -16.7 AMEC FW N AMFW .30e 4.2 7.82 4.96 35 7.13 347 7.30 6.98 +.18 +24.9 AMN Hlth N AMN 19 44.99 26.00 508 40.10 2025 40.30 38.55 +.45 +4.3 ANI Ph h Q ANIP 70.92 39.79 114 51.22 474 52.21 49.68 -.02 -15.5 ARC Docu N ARC 12 5.55 3.06 108 3.48 339 3.72 3.41 -.07 -31.5 ARC Grp Q ARCW 45 5.95 1.95 23 4.05 33 4.25 3.85 -.20 -8.0 ARCAbio rs Q ABIO 4.35 2.15 7 2.40 39 2.45 2.30 +.05 -16.0 ARI Net Q ARIS 57 5.59 3.68 28 5.10 93 5.22 5.07 -.09 -5.7 ASA Gold N ASA .04e .3 17.48 9.83 145 12.93 454 13.11 12.26 +.57 +17.1 ASB Bcp Q ASBB 39 37.35 24.31 2 34.80 4 35.45 34.75 -.20 +17.0 ASML Hld Q ASML 1.27e 1.0 36 134.29 90.43 569 128.38 2702 130.79 128.30 -2.80 +14.4 AT&T Inc N T 1.96 4.9 15 43.89 36.10 17150 40.28 77081 40.76 40.07 -.31 -5.3 ATA Inc Q ATAI 17 6.05 2.96 0 3.67 51 4.15 3.65 -.22 -1.2 ATN Intl Q ATNI 1.36 1.9 45 87.82 62.70 41 69.95 165 72.13 69.65 -.18 -12.7 A10 Ntwks N ATEN 10.87 5.87 150 8.72 861 9.01 8.72 -.19 +4.9 AU Optron N AUO e 4.42 2.47 1808 4.13 7559 4.21 3.93 +.24 +16.7 AV Homes Q AVHI 3 19.13 10.87 27 16.30 155 16.65 15.75 +.05 +3.2 AVX Cp N AVX .44 2.7 14 16.65 12.28 152 16.13 568 16.28 15.99 +.09 +3.2 AXT Inc Q AXTI 8.65 2.52 491 5.75 3289 6.18 5.50 -.25 +19.8 AZZ Inc N AZZ .68 1.2 23 67.98 51.20 72 57.35 281 59.95 57.20 -1.40 -10.3 Aarons N AAN .11 .4 14 34.22 20.51 427 30.41 2066 31.13 30.17 +.02 -4.9 Abaxis Q ABAX .56 1.2 31 55.95 41.89 68 46.51 295 48.11 46.29 -.92 -11.9 AbbottLab N ABT 1.06 2.5 21 45.84 36.76 11282 42.67 25250 43.96 42.39 -.89 +11.1 AbbVie N ABBV 2.56 4.0 14 68.12 55.06 3819 64.13 22479 65.78 63.32 -.77 +2.4 AbeonaTh Q ABEO 9.44 2.27 128 4.85 636 5.15 4.75 -.20 AberFitc N ANF .80 7.4 29.68 10.50 2421 10.82 10597 11.30 10.64 +.20 -9.8 AbdAsPac N FAX .48f 9.6 5.55 4.56 373 5.00 2086 5.00 4.96 +.03 +8.0 AbdAustEq N IAF .70e 11.4 6.35 5.10 56 6.15 203 6.23 6.14 +.02 +13.5sAbdnChile N CH .58e 8.0 7.29 5.68 70 7.22 217 7.29 7.17 -.01 +21.1 AbdGlbInc N FCO .84 9.7 9.15 7.64 17 8.62 94 8.67 8.52 +.07 +8.3 AbdEMSmC N ABE .21e 1.6 13.89 10.90 13 13.36 40 13.57 13.32 -.04 +18.8 AbdGChina N GCH .03e .3 10.91 7.97 13 10.55 90 10.65 10.50 -.06 +21.4 AbdnIndo N IF .52e 7.48 5.55 8 7.33 42 7.33 7.25 +15.3 AbdnIsrael N ISL .35e 1.1 18.08 15.53 2 17.65 14 17.87 17.39 +.20 +9.8 AbdJapnEq N JEQ .07e .6 8.30 7.31 5 8.00 43 8.06 7.97 +.01 +8.6sAbdnLatA N LAQ 1.21e 2.0 24.44 17.71 3 23.59 15 24.44 23.59 -.18 +19.2 AbSingaFd N SGF 1.09e 10.1 10.90 8.61 2 10.76 44 10.76 10.72 +24.2tAbility h Q ABIL 8.00 1.05 38 1.20 395 1.70 1.05 -.57 -56.7 Abiomed Q ABMD 132.95 92.03 144 124.61 635 126.39 124.27 -.88 +10.6 Abraxas Q AXAS 2.99 .95 1282 1.96 4455 2.25 1.96 -.24 -23.7 AcaciaC n Q ACIA 128.73 27.05 1088 54.07 3421 56.38 53.25 -1.93 -12.4 AcaciaTc Q ACTG .50 9.8 7.68 3.78 225 5.10 883 5.60 5.10 -.45 -21.5 AcadIBD50 N FFTY 25.83 19.78 10 24.99 21 25.60 24.80 -.39 +3.5 AcadiaHlt Q ACHC 65.00 32.54 978 42.61 4574 44.42 42.50 -.85 +28.7 AcadiaPh Q ACAD 42.49 20.68 1039 33.48 3768 34.10 32.30 +1.12 +16.1 AcadiaRlt N AKR 1.04 3.3 22 38.01 29.23 1009 31.21 2992 31.40 29.77 +1.27 -4.5 Acasti g rs Q ACST 3.09 1.11 37 1.33 80 1.39 1.28 +6.4 AccelrDiag Q AXDX 29.40 10.87 201 23.05 530 25.37 23.00 -1.70 +11.1 Acceleron Q XLRN 41.69 23.07 484 28.69 1421 28.76 26.00 +2.24 +12.4 Accenture N ACN 2.31 2.0 19 126.53 108.66 1800 114.86 8490 118.56 114.82 -1.37 -1.9 AccessNt Q ANCX .60 2.2 18 33.18 18.11 54 27.54 190 28.72 27.50 -1.14 -.8 AccoBrds N ACCO 15 14.45 8.65 573 13.45 2265 13.75 13.25 -.10 +3.1 Accuray Q ARAY 6.39 4.45 1168 4.60 6041 5.20 4.55 -.05 AcelRx Q ACRX 4.08 2.40 207 2.75 1042 2.80 2.50 +5.8 AcetoCorp Q ACET .26 1.8 18 25.98 14.32 164 14.75 748 15.56 14.66 -.48 -32.9 Achaogen Q AKAO 27.79 2.69 708 20.94 2870 23.00 20.57 -1.54 +60.8tAchillion Q ACHN 10.06 3.61 1042 3.62 4477 3.88 3.60 -.10 -12.3 AclarisTh n Q ACRS 33.25 16.86 76 32.25 398 32.78 31.13 -.20 +18.8 AcmeU N ACU .40 1.5 17 28.24 15.95 2 27.39 18 28.13 26.51 -.55 +7.1 AcordaTh Q ACOR 33.00 16.40 642 16.80 3502 17.65 16.46 +.20 -10.6 AcornInt rs N ATV 12.35 4.92 0 9.38 3 9.75 9.38 -.30 +17.3 ActiniumP N ATNM 2.19 .86 344 1.47 2736 1.55 1.40 -.03 +68.0 ActivsBliz Q ATVI .30f .6 40 50.40 33.03 3832 48.42 15295 49.64 48.41 -1.19 +34.1 Actua Q ACTA 6 15.28 8.56 67 13.95 356 14.25 13.85 -.15 -.4 Actuant N ATU .04 .2 25 29.80 20.54 492 25.00 2037 26.05 24.98 -.50 -3.7 Acuity N AYI .52 .3 22 280.89 169.53 605 172.72 3699 177.99 172.72 -.27 -25.2 Acushnet n N GOLF 22.31 16.84 152 17.54 555 17.72 17.05 +.44 -11.0 Acxiom Q ACXM 30.40 19.11 310 26.93 1086 28.29 26.92 -.88 +.5 AdamasPh Q ADMS 19.50 12.10 51 16.16 466 17.06 15.96 -.61 -4.4 AdamisPh Q ADMP 10.98 2.40 236 4.55 813 4.70 4.40 -.10 +44.4 AdaDvsEq N ADX .92e 1.1 13.85 12.07 139 13.65 582 13.85 13.65 -.12 +7.4 AdamsNR N PEO 1.38e 2.2 20.82 18.15 142 19.60 350 19.85 19.55 -.06 -2.8 AdmRsc N AE .88 2.3 63 44.27 29.64 5 37.80 32 38.98 36.92 -.45 -4.7 Adaptim n Q ADAP 11.59 3.76 98 5.72 568 5.90 5.58 +.02 +41.2tAdcareHlt N ADK 3 2.60 1.02 15 1.06 162 1.19 1.02 -.02 -27.4 Adcare pfA N ADKpA 2.72 12.4 25.00 19.44 5 21.95 75 22.68 21.38 -.30 -5.9 AddusHmC Q ADUS 28 37.35 16.55 14 31.60 130 32.51 30.70 -.80 -9.8 ADDvtgTch Q AEY 3 2.31 1.60 17 1.80 44 1.92 1.80 -.04 +1.7 Adecaogro N AGRO 13.29 9.38 1836 11.48 4503 11.80 11.38 +.11 +10.6 Adeptus N ADPT 2 73.44 .90 12093 2.33 46975 3.70 .90 +1.29 -69.5 AdestoTc n Q IOTS 5.70 1.50 134 4.45 221 4.49 4.00 +.35 +140.5 Adient n N ADNT .28p 76.09 39.66 676 67.18 2856 68.18 66.09 +.33 +14.6 AdmaBio Q ADMA 8.00 4.34 27 4.60 152 4.84 4.38 -.09 -10.2 AdobeSy Q ADBE 56 131.33 90.35 1731 129.05 8403 130.42 128.21 -1.17 +25.4 Adtran Q ADTN .36 1.9 26 23.75 17.06 284 19.10 995 20.15 18.93 -.95 -14.5 AduroBio n Q ADRO 16.43 7.26 746 9.40 2634 9.55 8.80 +.55 -17.5 AdvAuto N AAP .24 .2 20 177.83 132.98 472 140.89 2546 143.92 140.89 -1.16 -16.7 AdvAApp n Q AAAP 40.92 23.50 33 37.42 151 39.50 37.18 -1.91 +39.8 AdvDisp n N ADSW 24.10 18.32 325 22.47 1284 24.03 22.36 -.82 +1.1 AdvDrainS N WMS .24 1.1 30 28.49 18.60 163 21.65 608 22.40 21.65 -.60 +5.1 AdvEmis n Q ADES 2 12.25 6.21 65 8.19 364 9.84 8.14 -1.27 -11.4 AdvEnId Q AEIS 21 70.64 31.98 333 64.45 1150 67.65 64.27 -2.26 +17.7 AMD Q AMD 15.55 2.60 51600 12.31 194911 13.59 12.22 -1.21 +8.6 AdvSemi N ASX .25e 4.0 6.64 4.40 794 6.25 4134 6.47 6.25 -.17 +24.0sAdvFood n N APFH .64 2.0 31.84 23.43 1141 31.73 3140 32.69 29.40 +2.24 +6.5 Advansx n N ASIX 30.21 14.22 142 25.24 640 27.39 25.20 -1.64 +14.0 AdvOil&Gs N AAV 24 7.88 4.97 60 6.55 269 6.85 6.53 -.20 -3.0 Advaxis wt Q ADXSW 11.70 3.49 1 4.24 3 4.25 3.97 +.14 +7.0 Advaxis Q ADXS 16.30 6.47 461 7.86 1623 8.07 7.55 +.02 +9.8 AdvClayCv N AVK 1.13 7.3 16.77 13.23 64 15.39 366 15.55 15.30 +.06 +4.8 AdvCCvII N AGC .56 9.1 6.45 5.25 105 6.13 739 6.19 6.06 +.08 +4.3 AdvClEnh N LCM .84 9.8 8.76 7.53 38 8.54 135 8.62 8.46 +.03 +2.9 AdverumBi Q ADVM 6.31 2.50 98 2.65 706 2.80 2.50 +.10 -8.6 AdSDorWr N AADR .32e .7 47.25 36.12 12 45.76 78 46.77 45.76 -.84 +13.9 AdvPerHY N HYLD 3.54e 9.9 36.66 32.04 27 35.64 99 35.94 35.57 -.12 AdvSh ef n N CWS 28.18 24.34 2 27.23 12 27.53 27.00 -.25 +4.8 AdSGldEur N GEUR .89e 14.92 11.48 16 12.94 123 12.95 12.54 +.32 +11.6 AdSGldYen N GYEN .41e 12.51 10.60 2 11.25 28 11.25 11.09 +.09 +5.0 AdvNfltMS N MINC 1.34e 2.8 49.13 48.32 106 48.60 162 48.76 48.47 -.05 +.1 AdvSStarG N VEGA 28.63 25.40 28.36 7 28.51 28.36 -.08 +2.6sAdvGblEch N GIVE .59e .2 63.83 56.95 63.39 3 63.83 63.11 -.17 +5.7 AdvTrTabs N TTFS .41e .6 67.35 52.36 4 63.95 20 65.17 63.95 -.76 +.6 AdvMeidll N MATH .18e .6 30.84 25.53 1 29.30 5 29.85 29.30 -.31 -.1 AdMadGBd N FWDB .73e 2.8 26.24 24.75 25.72 3 25.72 25.56 +.19 +2.2 AdMadDm N FWDD .15e .3 47.80 38.35 0 46.56 5 47.30 46.56 -.74 +4.8 AdvActBear N HDGE 11.30 8.73 426 8.99 1275 8.99 8.84 +.06 -2.8 AdvisoryBd Q ABCO 18 51.23 24.85 215 46.85 1231 47.85 46.65 -.40 +40.9 Aecom N ACM 11 40.72 26.46 1552 32.61 4717 34.21 32.50 -.41 -10.3 AegeanMP N ANW .08 .7 9 13.10 5.00 459 11.75 2878 13.00 11.60 -.65 +15.8 Aegion Q AEGN 24 26.68 17.18 141 21.97 571 23.40 21.96 -1.11 -7.3 AegleaBio n Q AGLE 12.05 3.66 21 7.44 92 7.55 6.54 +.19 +71.0 Aegon N AEG .29e 5.9 6.09 3.36 1528 4.83 7010 4.94 4.80 -.06 -12.7 Aegon cap N AEH 1.59 6.1 26.69 24.67 36 25.87 123 25.87 25.72 +.08 +3.3 Aegon 6.5 N AED 1.63 6.2 26.68 24.71 18 26.15 85 26.26 25.95 +.23 +3.9 Aegon flt N AEB .77 3.1 25.39 21.85 7 25.03 26 25.13 24.88 +11.1 Aegon42 N AEK 2.00 7.7 28.38 25.67 35 25.97 137 26.04 25.95 -.01 -.3 AehrTest h Q AEHR 6.10 .95 2165 4.45 3237 4.63 3.37 +.17 +84.6 Aemetis Q AMTX 2.94 1.01 15 1.19 30 1.27 1.17 +.01 -14.4 AerCap N AER 6 49.66 31.45 1454 43.03 4209 44.49 42.85 -.35 +3.4 AeriePhm Q AERI 51.85 12.56 931 43.00 1830 45.13 42.01 -1.35 +13.6 Aerocntry N ACY 13 11.38 8.50 6 10.00 23 10.15 9.78 +.32 +5.8tAerohiveN N HIVE 7.45 3.91 86 3.90 367 4.07 3.89 -.13 -31.6 AerojetR N AJRD 22.99 16.04 256 21.20 1491 21.85 21.07 -.30 +18.1 AeroViron Q AVAV 32.44 22.16 108 27.41 456 28.37 27.07 -.55 +2.2 AEtern g rs Q AEZS 5.59 2.35 161 2.98 609 3.05 2.90 +.03 -17.4 Aethlon rs Q AEMD 9.09 2.22 27 2.58 156 3.08 2.35 +.23 -38.6 Aetna N AET 2.00f 1.6 17 136.50 104.59 1891 128.63 6525 129.95 128.19 +.77 +3.7 AeviGeno Q GNMX 17.75 1.50 594 1.77 1480 1.86 1.60 +.08 -65.8 AffilMgrs N AMG 17 179.85 130.48 289 161.28 1131 163.77 159.18 +.47 +11.0 AffMgrs42 N MGR 1.59 6.2 27.69 24.80 11 25.71 53 25.73 25.64 +.03 +1.8 AffimedNV Q AFMD 5.00 1.65 90 2.40 408 2.45 2.25 +.05 +33.3 Agenus Q AGEN 7.49 2.97 2310 3.47 4901 3.67 3.20 +.09 -15.8 AgileThera Q AGRX 8.65 1.82 137 2.98 471 3.20 2.93 +.04 -47.7 Agilent N A .53 1.0 30 54.82 40.26 772 52.33 4576 53.26 52.31 -.51 +14.9 Agilysys Q AGYS 12.15 8.17 26 9.17 79 9.48 9.13 -.12 -11.5 AgiosPhm Q AGIO 67.74 35.84 327 55.33 1208 56.37 52.48 +1.49 +32.6 Agnico g N AEM .40 60.10 35.05 1859 46.62 6527 47.45 43.89 +2.03 +11.0 AgreeRlt N ADC 1.98 4.0 23 51.33 38.59 113 50.12 491 50.26 48.54 +1.49 +8.8 Agrium g N AGU 3.50 3.8 16 111.88 83.01 266 92.46 1308 94.28 92.36 -1.31 -8.0 AgroFresh Q AGFS 6.82 1.96 72 4.87 564 5.37 4.79 +.02 +83.8 AgroFr wt Q AGFSW .99 .05 8 .45 80 .54 .31 +.10 +149.4 Aimmune n Q AIMT 27.31 9.77 272 19.57 962 20.25 19.22 -.45 -4.3 Air Inds N AIRI .60 19.5 6.10 2.21 12 3.08 63 3.30 3.02 -.12 -2.2 AirLease N AL .30f .8 7 40.24 24.49 517 35.54 2766 37.51 35.51 -1.14 +3.5 AirMethod Q AIRM 17 43.95 23.75 2861 43.05 6937 43.08 42.90 +.05 +35.2 AirProd N APD 3.80f 2.8 21 157.84 129.00 621 134.30 3384 136.48 134.17 -.71 -6.6 AirTrnsp Q ATSG 43 17.81 12.36 146 16.27 801 16.65 16.10 +.18 +1.9 AirMedia Q AMCN 5.63 2.35 222 3.16 1294 3.30 3.02 +.13 +28.7 Aircastle N AYR 1.04 4.6 11 25.98 18.26 193 22.71 1161 23.79 22.65 -.08 +8.9 Airgain n Q AIRG 29.30 7.36 63 15.02 392 15.55 14.51 +.20 +4.3 AkamaiT Q AKAM 26 71.64 47.80 1404 58.80 6920 59.23 57.99 +.70 -11.8sAkariTh rs Q AKTX 22.20 6.22 194 16.02 3592 22.20 15.38 -2.48 +127.6 AkebiaTher Q AKBA 11.07 7.00 86 9.07 451 9.38 9.05 -.11 -12.9 AkersBios Q AKER 3.70 1.15 84 1.60 828 1.90 1.60 -.03 -15.8 Akorn Inc Q AKRX 19 35.40 17.61 2708 32.42 25135 33.58 31.36 +2.65 +48.5 Akoustis n Q AKTS 14.00 7.00 33 12.39 296 13.01 9.87 +1.99 +48.4 AlaPw pfO N ALPpO 1.46 5.2 30.93 25.30 0 28.25 9 28.78 27.89 -.07 +7.6 AlamoGp N ALG .40 .6 19 79.59 52.82 25 72.22 94 75.07 71.72 -1.84 -5.1 AlamosGld N AGI .02 .2 10.41 5.85 4026 8.20 11293 8.57 7.92 +.19 +19.9 n Q ALRM 86 34.43 19.91 182 31.04 831 31.31 30.22 +.44 +11.5 AlaskaAir N ALK 1.20f 1.4 12 101.43 54.51 1560 86.33 5466 90.05 86.30 -2.84 -2.7sAlaskCom Q ALSK 2.13 1.49 502 2.15 1796 2.24 1.85 +.30 +31.1 AlbnyIn N AIN .68 1.5 26 49.50 36.91 137 43.90 428 46.05 43.85 -1.65 -5.2 AlbnyMlc Q AMRI 19.35 12.45 899 15.45 4248 15.71 14.04 +1.11 -17.6 Albemarle N ALB 1.28f 1.2 28 107.56 64.50 493 103.62 2813 106.21 103.42 -2.32 +20.4 Albireo Q ALBO 37.69 7.83 50 20.82 169 23.93 19.98 -3.20 +17.4sAlcentra Q ABDC 1.36a 9.4 12 14.33 11.00 104 14.48 231 14.73 13.46 +.19 +21.0 Alcoa Cp N AA 39.78 20.71 5976 30.99 19225 34.46 30.99 -2.74 +10.4 Alcobra Q ADHD 5.75 .83 227 1.08 741 1.16 1.07 -.04 -48.6 AlderBioPh Q ALDR 36.48 18.55 688 21.70 1976 21.90 19.30 +1.80 +4.3 AldeyraTh Q ALDX 8.19 4.10 7 4.84 24 5.05 4.75 -.26 -9.6 Alere N ALR 50.09 31.47 727 42.31 2600 43.24 42.20 -.74 +8.6 Alere pfB N ALRpB 12.00t 376.50 271.04 1 340.98 1 349.81 340.00 -1.02 +2.4 AlexB Inc N ALEX .28 .6 46.43 32.94 76 43.95 378 45.22 43.95 -.68 -2.1 Alexanders N ALX 17.00f 3.9 20 451.99 364.01 4 434.60 24 440.00 429.53 +2.35 +1.8 AlexREE N ARE 3.32 2.9 25 120.96 90.34 767 113.54 2628 114.38 111.64 +1.87 +2.2 AlxRE pfD N AREpD 1.75 5.0 37.25 29.98 1 35.06 2 35.60 34.77 -.06 +2.3 AlexcoR g N AXU 2.54 .99 295 1.54 1395 1.57 1.50 +14.1 Alexion lf Q ALXN 46 162.00 109.12 1684 118.35 5004 118.64 114.32 +2.73 -3.3 AlgonPw n N AQN .23p 10.18 7.91 64 9.66 315 9.73 9.53 +.09 +13.9sAlibaba N BABA 35 111.88 73.30 6770 110.21 39444 111.88 108.84 +1.22 +25.5 Alico Q ALCO .24 .9 33 32.66 25.01 4 27.60 15 27.90 26.80 +.80 +1.7 AlignTech Q ALGN 49 116.99 70.03 443 113.73 1848 115.50 113.40 -1.01 +18.3 AlimeraSci Q ALIM 5.15 1.02 352 1.41 2264 1.53 1.36 -.03 +30.6 Alkermes Q ALKS 62.50 36.71 742 57.16 2586 58.70 56.64 -1.53 +2.8 AllegCp N Y 19 667.19 498.63 31 598.75 114 616.87 598.75 -12.98 -1.5 AllegTch N ATI 23.69 10.93 2909 17.14 8761 18.65 17.07 -1.07 +7.6 AllgnceBc n Q ABTX 21 39.41 17.99 27 36.45 168 38.50 36.45 -1.65 +.8 AllegiantT Q ALGT 2.80 1.8 12 183.91 121.70 114 152.05 574 158.40 151.40 -3.30 -8.6 Allegion N ALLE .64 .9 76.50 61.47 925 75.11 2961 75.55 74.40 +.42 +17.4 Allergan N AGN 17 261.27 184.50 1237 237.83 6267 241.26 236.38 -1.02 +13.2 Allergn pfA N AGNpA 55.00 6.5 920.24 691.00 7 849.36 45 855.64 845.00 +5.85 +11.4sAllete N ALE 2.14f 3.1 26 69.58 54.03 257 68.82 1246 69.58 68.13 +.12 +7.2 AlliCAMun N AKP .70 5.2 15.74 13.02 23 13.58 91 13.62 13.40 +.20 +2.5 AlliData N ADS .52p 16 254.94 185.02 476 234.91 3587 252.16 234.78 -16.13 +2.8sAlliHlthC Q AIQ 11 13.05 5.73 43 12.85 412 13.05 10.00 +2.75 +33.9 AlliHold Q AHGP 2.20 7.8 9 32.70 15.13 49 28.09 305 28.65 27.88 -.48 tAll MMA n Q AMMA 5.47 2.42 58 2.24 306 3.38 1.87 -.36 -38.5 AlliBNtlMu N AFB .75 5.5 15.21 12.83 28 13.61 175 13.61 13.46 +.16 +3.0 AlliOne rs N AOI 3 27.23 12.25 21 12.60 83 13.50 12.30 +.20 -34.4 AllnceRes Q ARLP 1.75 8.0 6 26.65 11.92 144 21.75 867 22.75 21.60 -.80 -3.1 AlliBGlbHi N AWF .97a 7.7 13.03 11.25 157 12.65 904 12.68 12.55 +.08 +.6 AlliBern N AB 1.81e 7.9 11 25.13 20.75 321 22.95 2278 23.15 22.15 +.30 -2.1 AlliantEg s N LNT 1.22 3.1 21 40.99 34.08 1151 39.62 4186 39.97 39.36 -.08 +4.6 AlliGlCvInc N NCV .78 11.4 7.00 5.60 341 6.83 1618 6.95 6.80 +.04 +7.1 AlliGblCv2 N NCZ .69 11.4 6.27 4.93 246 6.05 1047 6.20 5.96 -.01 +6.0 AlliNFJDv N NFJ 1.20 9.2 13.37 11.91 196 13.03 952 13.15 13.01 -.01 +3.3 AlliGlEqCv N NIE 1.52 7.9 19.80 17.46 85 19.26 352 19.43 19.20 -.09 +4.6sAllnzgDI&Cv N ACV 2.00 9.8 20.79 16.87 29 20.41 159 20.79 20.29 -.08 +8.7 AlldCap47 N AFC 1.72 6.7 26.28 25.10 2 25.73 22 25.79 25.48 -.06 +2.0 AldHlPrd rs Q AHPI 3.82 1.00 2 1.98 9 2.04 1.97 -.06 -1.1 AlliedMot Q AMOT .10 .5 24 25.19 15.54 30 21.00 103 21.87 20.79 -.92 -1.8 AlldWldAsr N AWH 1.04 2.0 16 54.46 33.20 205 53.10 1860 53.34 52.98 +.11 -1.1tAlliqua h Q ALQA 1.48 .41 796 .41 2224 .49 .35 -.05 -30.8 AllisonTrn N ALSN .60 1.8 30 38.17 26.36 2014 34.13 9558 35.59 34.11 -1.13 +1.3 AllotComm Q ALLT 5.67 4.50 20 4.75 1485 4.80 4.71 +.01 -.8 AllscriptH Q MDRX 15.17 9.80 1365 12.07 6681 12.71 12.05 -.39 +18.2 Allstate N ALL 1.48f 1.8 16 83.09 64.36 1174 80.58 6060 81.67 80.10 -.53 +8.7 Allstat pfA N ALLpA 1.41 5.4 27.88 24.17 9 25.90 38 26.06 25.86 +4.6 Allstate 53 N ALLpB 1.28 4.6 28.26 24.66 18 27.45 60 27.46 27.12 +.02 +9.1 Allstat pfC N ALLpC 1.69 6.3 28.61 25.54 7 27.01 32 27.06 26.84 +.10 +4.8 Allstat pfD N ALLpD 1.66 6.1 28.71 25.54 19 27.04 34 27.39 26.99 -.21 +4.5 Allstat pfE N ALLpE 1.66 6.1 28.67 25.51 26 27.30 97 27.43 27.15 -.12 +5.5 Allstat pfF N ALLpF 1.56 5.7 29.16 25.00 16 27.45 56 27.79 27.30 -.29 +7.0 AllyFincl N ALLY .32p 1.7 9 23.62 14.84 5152 19.17 16721 19.77 19.14 -.41 +.8 AlmadM n N AAU 1.88 .75 1228 1.72 4608 1.75 1.23 +.43 +77.5 AlmostFam Q AFAM 29 50.98 35.21 55 46.90 296 47.80 46.53 -.40 +6.3 AlnylamP Q ALNY 80.11 31.38 927 49.85 2871 50.72 47.70 +1.34 +33.1 AlonUSA N ALJ .60 5.3 13.01 5.86 297 11.22 1143 11.75 11.21 -.17 -1.4 AlonUsaLP N ALDW .40e 4.4 11 12.44 7.63 77 9.03 324 9.29 8.80 +.21 -5.9 AlphaOmg Q AOSL 50 23.93 12.04 43 16.12 316 16.95 16.08 -.62 -24.2 AlpUSQVal N QVAL 1.35e 5.4 26.07 20.29 6 24.91 25 25.17 24.91 -.09 +.7 AlpValuIntl N IVAL 1.35e 4.8 29.31 20.99 4 28.06 26 28.17 27.92 -.04 +9.2 AlpMoIntQ N IMOM 26.81 22.35 1 24.64 6 25.46 24.64 -.26 +8.1 AlpMoUSQ N QMOM 26.70 20.50 1 24.45 7 25.35 24.45 -.78 -1.1 AlphaPro N APT 14 3.80 1.87 11 2.75 86 2.95 2.70 -.05 -21.4 Alphabet C Q GOOG 25 853.50 663.28 1079 823.56 4035 829.35 817.02 -1.11 +6.7 Alphabet A Q GOOGL 27 874.42 672.66 1038 840.18 4190 846.74 834.60 -1.92 +6.0 Alphatc rs Q ATEC 9.65 1.96 185 2.13 554 2.49 2.04 +.01 -33.6 AlpGDDiv N AGD .78 8.0 9.88 8.04 61 9.72 257 9.77 9.68 +.04 +10.8sAlpGPPrp N AWP .60 10.2 5.91 4.84 282 5.88 1422 5.91 5.84 +14.6sAlpTotDiv N AOD .69 8.3 8.39 6.97 326 8.28 1187 8.39 8.05 +9.2 AlpsETF N GRI 1.52e 3.5 47.03 40.28 3 43.93 23 44.11 43.46 +.41 +5.4 AlpsEqSect N EQL 1.83e 2.9 64.11 55.02 7 62.34 73 63.13 62.34 -.54 +3.9 AlpsRtSec n Q SWIN 26.90 24.87 1 25.51 6 25.96 25.51 -.33 +1.8 Alps RivDiv N RFDA 29.23 24.45 6 27.27 52 27.81 27.27 -.44 +1.1 AlpRvrCare N RFCI 27.89 24.16 2 24.64 45 24.64 24.50 +.15 +.8 AlpRivUncn N RFUN 28.76 24.65 2 25.98 16 26.05 25.94 -.03 +.9 AlpSprtJG N SGDJ 49.11 28.00 18 36.16 57 37.03 34.95 +.83 +13.9 AlpMedBrk N SBIO 27.61 19.90 19 25.80 67 25.88 24.98 +.52 +12.6 AlpSprotG N SGDM 29.85 16.89 53 21.60 224 21.92 20.44 +.91 +14.5 AlpWkplEq N EQLT .46 32.97 25.77 1 31.93 4 32.03 31.93 -.04 +5.7 AlpEDvDg N EDOG .67e 2.9 26.03 20.21 18 23.20 70 23.33 23.01 +.03 +6.6 AlpAlerEn N ENFR 1.35e 5.6 24.95 18.80 136 24.19 157 24.75 24.15 -.29 +1.5 AlpIntDvDg N IDOG 1.47e 5.8 25.71 21.28 59 25.23 232 25.48 25.23 -.13 +6.8 AlpBarr400 N BFOR .26e .7 37.05 28.66 6 35.66 38 36.34 35.66 -.50 +1.8 AlpEqHiVol N HVPW 1.52e 7.9 20.49 18.81 4 19.39 11 19.66 19.36 -.03 -.1 AlpRivStInc N RIGS .30e 1.2 25.50 24.41 36 25.23 145 25.37 25.16 +.03 +.3 AlpsDvDog N SDOG 1.40e 3.3 44.40 37.53 411 42.55 1255 43.19 42.53 -.32 +1.1 AlpAlerMLP N AMLP 1.35e 10.7 13.31 10.70 7616 12.62 26860 12.85 12.61 -.16 +.2sAlteryx n N AYX 17.18 14.61 260 17.00 1124 17.24 16.35 +.31 +11.6 AltisrcAst N AAMC 8 89.12 11.40 2 72.00 21 72.60 65.50 +5.00 +34.6sAltisrce n Q ASPS 24 44.19 21.37 855 42.61 2705 46.45 39.17 +3.48 +60.2 Market profile NYSE MKT Nasdaq AMD 51,600,400 12.31 -.45 FrontierCm 35,433,100 1.94 -.09 MicronT 25,687,800 26.74 +.05 DryShp rs 23,619,000 2.01 -.16 PwShs QQQ 21,694,300 130.40 -.52 SiriusXM 21,274,400 5.10 +.01 Apple Inc 17,092,900 141.05 -.75 Comcast s 17,065,000 37.14 -.15 CSVelIVST 16,912,000 62.76 -1.26 Microsoft 16,737,400 64.95 -.28 WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg2526.84 -26.64NwGold g 9,514,700 3.30 +.01 NDynMn g 9,006,300 1.64 -.18 B2gold g 5,422,800 2.89 -.04 TherapMD 4,998,800 5.51 -.14 Protalix 4,257,400 1.05 -.06 iShIndia bt 3,953,400 31.42 -.27 NovaGld g 2,981,000 4.70 -.25 GtPanSilv g 2,924,000 1.50 -.09 Globalstar 2,187,600 1.73 +.03 GoldStdV g 1,888,600 2.00 -.04 RexahnPh 75,037,700 .46 -.21 NDynMn g 37,929,800 1.64 +.37 TherapMD 34,012,600 5.51 -2.19 NwGold g 26,039,200 3.30 +.27 Protalix 25,241,500 1.05 -.17 AMD 194,911,300 12.31 -1.21 PlugPowr h 127,640,000 2.24 +.21 MicronT 116,034,900 26.74 -1.78 FrontierCm 109,972,000 1.94 -.12 DryShp rs 103,876,600 2.01 -.79 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg 11324.53 -98.64 NYSE Advanced Declined Unchanged WEEKLY CHANGE WEEKLY CHANGE WEEKLY CHANGE SPDR Fncl 118,453,800 22.90 -.30 BkofAm 85,724,100 22.34 -.31 B iPVxST rs 72,686,500 18.26 +.34 DrGMBll s 69,787,000 6.80 -.79 S&P500ETF 68,476,900 232.51 -1.52 VanEGold 55,513,700 24.54 -.03 DxGBull s 46,642,100 11.15 -.03 WellsFargo 46,558,600 51.35 -1.77 iShEMkts 45,924,700 39.14 -.17 PUVixST rs 43,141,700 21.46 +.80 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg SPDR Fncl 333,272,400 22.90 -.62 BkofAm 318,331,300 22.34 -.82 B iPVxST rs 299,711,800 18.26 +1.81 S&P500ETF 273,192,100 232.51 -2.69 VanEGold 240,000,500 24.54 +1.04 NoAtlDrl rs 2.10 +204.3 Adeptus 2.33 +124.0 Axovant n 22.00 +45.4 VaalcoE 1.08 +19.9 UCP 11.05 +18.2 Oi SA C 6.73 +17.2 EveriHldgs 5.56 +15.8 Natuzzi 3.07 +15.8 WEEKÂS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg BP Pru 19.30 -18.2 HalconRes wt 1.45 -16.7 AK Steel 6.38 -16.6 SiderurNac 2.34 -15.2 WellsF wt 18.20 -15.0 Unisys 11.25 -14.4 SunTr wtA 20.09 -14.1 WEEKÂS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chg StrPathCm 91.70 +151.4 AlmadM n 1.72 +33.3 NDynMn g 1.64 +29.1 YumaEn rs 2.62 +18.3 Zedge n 3.04 +12.6 ContMatls 22.53 +11.8 Auxilio n 6.30 +10.8 BirksGrp 1.55 +10.7 WEEKÂS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg RxVlmxInF 20.36 -40.4 TherapMD 5.51 -28.4 ErinEn rs 2.00 -14.9 NTN Buzz rs 7.25 -14.7 Taseko 1.15 -14.2 Protalix 1.05 -13.9 StneEn wt 2.66 -13.6 Nexvet n 6.62 +67.3 RetailMNot 11.55 +49.0 ConyPk wt 2.55 +37.8 CrossrdS rs 3.94 +35.9 StreamHlth 1.31 +34.2 PayData rs 1.67 +33.6 Neurcrine 53.39 +30.6 WindtreeT h 1.39 +27.5 Trovag un 2.70 -73.6 SkyPFtJc lf 2.94 -49.7 OncoMed 4.84 -44.7 SorrentoTh 1.80 -41.0 MoSys rs 1.25 -39.0 ChiCmCr h 1.45 -38.6 Ability h 1.20 -32.25805.15 -31.01How to read the weekend stock tables STOCK GLOSSARY „ cc: PE greater than 99. d: New 52-week low; dd: Loss in last 12 mos. g: Stock trades in U.S. money but dividend and earnings in Canadian money, and no yield or PE unless stated in U.S. money; n: New issue in past 52 weeks, with high-low range from start of trading; s: A split or stock dividend of 25 percent or more in the past 52 weeks, with the 52-week high-low adjusted. Dividend begins with the date of split or dividend; q: Closed-end fund; no PE calculated. u: New 52-week high; v: Trading halted on primary market; vj: In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized, or securities assumed by such companies; z: Sales in full, not in hundreds. SPECIAL TYPES: pf: Preferred stocks, which get priority when dividends are paid; pp: Holder owes two installments of purchase price; rs: Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50 percent within the past year; rt: Rights to buy new issues below market; un: Sold in units that may include bonds or warrants; wt: Warrants, or options granted by the company; xw: Without warrants; ww: With warrants; wd: When distributed by holder; wi: When stock is issued. DIVIDEND FOOTNOTES: a: Extra dividend(s); b: Annual rate plus stock dividend; c : Dividend from a liquidating company; e: Declared or paid preceding 12 months; f: Annual rate, increased on last declaration. i: Declared or paid after dividend or split; j: Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred or no action taken at last meeting; k: Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears; r: Declared or paid in last 12 months plus stock dividend; m: Annual rate, reduced on last declaration. p: Initial dividend, annual rate unknown; yield not shown. t: Paid in stock in preceding 12 months, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date; X: Buyers arenÂt entitled to next dividend (ex-dividend) or rights (ex-rights); y: ex-dividend and sales in full. 1 „ Name of stock. 2 „ Market: N = NYSE, Q = NASDAQ. 3 „ Ticker Symbol company trades under. 4 „ Dividend: A distribution of the companyÂs earnings to shareholders, usually consisting of stock dividends, interest on bonds, or short-term capital gains on the sale of securities usually paid quarterly in the form of cash or stock.5 „ Div. Yield: The dividend divided by the stock price. It helps gauge how well the stock is paying, compared to other investments such as CDs, bonds or savings accounts. 6 „ Price to earnings ratio: The price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. PEs are used to gauge the relative worth of a company stock. When compared to other companies in the same industry, the companies with the lowest PEs are generally earning higher profits.7 „ Range of closing prices in last year.8 „ Trading for the day, with sales in thousands (10 = 10,000 shares), and closing price.9 „ Weekly sales volume, High, low, and change from previous weekÂs close.10 „ Percent change for the year. st Arrows, indicate new highs or lows during the week. Underline: indicates weekly volume surge equal to or more than 5%. Bold stocks designates which stocks have gone up or down 10% for the week. XYZcorp Q ABC .35m 1.3 26 32.17 22.26 2 26.97 13 28.18 24.92 +.98 -14.00 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg 2 3 1 4 5 6 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg 7 8 9 10 Continued on next page WEEKÂS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg WEEKÂS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chg WEEKÂS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chgqq q 833 2,078 133 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,044 59 26 Advanced Declined Unchanged 142 191 30 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 363 8 6 Advanced Declined Unchanged 859 1,922 254 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,035 40 54 Advanced Declined Unchanged 1,346 1,687 67 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,100 209 43 Advanced Declined Unchanged 194 177 20 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 391 22 11 Advanced Declined Unchanged 1,017 1,964 115 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,096 146 107 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 2 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
AltisResid N RESI .60 4.0 15.66 7.81 377 15.00 1283 15.37 14.99 -.24 +35.9 AltraIndlM Q AIMC .60 1.6 28 46.90 25.77 135 36.75 342 38.60 36.50 -1.10 -.4 Altria N MO 2.44 3.4 24 76.55 59.48 5056 71.30 20227 72.30 71.28 -.41 +5.4 AlumChina N ACH 13.85 7.22 17 12.37 92 12.93 12.37 -.58 +21.2tAmTrstFn Q AFSI .34 2.2 5 28.48 13.51 3357 15.55 38468 19.18 13.51 -3.33 -43.2 ATrFn pfA N AFSIpA 1.69 7.8 26.00 19.40 28 21.67 190 24.11 20.75 -2.06 -11.8 AmTrF pfB N AFSIpB 1.81 7.9 26.49 20.37 61 22.78 268 24.79 21.61 -1.79 -9.0 AmTrF pfC N AFSIpC 1.91 8.4 26.89 21.19 23 22.80 197 24.90 21.70 -1.81 -9.4 AmTrF pf F N AFSIpF 25.17 19.39 63 21.67 531 23.72 19.90 -1.91 -6.1 AmTrF pfE N AFSIpE 27.40 21.03 38 23.25 441 25.25 22.00 -1.60 -8.9 AmTrFn 7.5 N AFST 28.75 22.46 59 24.13 302 25.71 22.81 -1.17 -6.3tAmTrFn 55 N AFSS 1.81 7.5 26.81 22.57 46 24.05 247 25.24 22.57 -1.09 -4.8 AmTrF pfD N AFSIpD 1.88 8.2 26.91 21.00 25 22.84 242 24.99 21.71 -1.76 -9.4 Amarin Q AMRN 3.65 1.50 572 3.11 2530 3.21 3.07 -.04 +1.0 Amaya g Q AYA 17.57 12.00 200 16.85 506 17.05 16.60 +.20 +19.1 Amazon Q AMZN 923.72 592.31 3087 884.67 11623 911.24 884.49 -10.21 +18.0 AmbacF wt Q AMBCW 15.50 6.50 3 9.70 15 10.08 9.50 -.10 -20.8 AmbacFin Q AMBC 4 27.25 14.76 245 19.32 1008 19.84 19.13 +.10 -14.1 Ambarella Q AMBA 26 74.95 35.26 798 50.71 3131 54.75 50.46 -3.82 -6.3 AmberRd N AMBR 12.30 4.50 93 7.26 1069 7.72 7.04 +.12 -20.0 Ambev N ABEV .06e 1.1 5 6.34 4.70 14478 5.62 64085 5.74 5.50 -.07 +14.5 Amdocs Q DOX .88f 1.5 17 62.65 54.12 492 60.44 1506 61.58 60.41 -.61 +3.8 Amedica rs Q AMDA 2.80 .35 345 .39 1146 .41 .38 -.01 -38.1 Amedisys Q AMED 46 55.16 34.58 340 52.11 1156 53.03 50.94 +.88 +22.2 AMERCO Q UHAL 3.00e 16 399.16 307.80 32 359.99 211 370.79 359.47 -1.20 -2.6 Ameren N AEE 1.76f 3.2 20 56.57 46.29 1857 54.99 6779 55.42 54.19 +.47 +4.8 Ameresco N AMRC 21 6.70 3.91 33 6.20 205 6.60 6.20 +12.7 AFMulti Q ATAX .50 8.7 16 6.11 5.10 191 5.75 394 5.75 5.55 +.15 +6.5 AMovilL N AMX .66e 4.5 51 15.95 11.02 1955 14.65 9648 14.88 14.34 +.25 +16.5sAmMovl A N AMOV 14.78 13.89 2 14.64 12 14.81 14.20 +.53 AmCarM Q CRMT 15 47.75 19.49 133 34.85 517 37.65 34.45 -2.25 -20.3 AmAirlines Q AAL .40 .9 6 50.64 24.85 5409 43.35 30136 45.35 41.62 +1.54 -7.2 AmAssets N AAT 1.04f 2.4 28 46.38 37.45 315 43.84 1662 44.40 41.72 +1.89 +1.8 AmAxle N AXL 5 21.25 12.61 1866 16.68 6509 16.99 16.47 -.28 -13.6 AmCampus N ACC 1.68 3.5 25 54.56 43.66 444 48.00 2492 48.47 47.44 +.23 -3.6 ACapSenF Q ACSF 1.16 8.5 4 14.10 9.75 49 13.70 199 13.85 13.60 -.05 +15.1 AmDGEn N ADGE .65 .22 15 .33 155 .33 .30 +.01 +16.1 AEagleOut N AEO .50 3.8 11 19.55 13.04 3335 13.30 14429 13.92 13.30 -.28 -12.3 AEP N AEP 2.36 3.5 17 71.32 57.89 1882 67.54 7772 67.90 66.99 +.22 +7.3 AmElTech Q AETI 5.15 1.50 40 1.70 516 1.85 1.65 +9.7 AEqInvLf N AEL .24f 1.1 15 28.00 13.03 422 22.52 1858 24.02 22.50 -1.11 -.1 AmExp N AXP 1.28 1.7 13 82.00 57.15 3590 75.80 13504 78.11 75.70 -1.97 +2.3 AFnclGrp N AFG 1.25 1.3 15 97.00 68.25 293 93.29 1125 95.00 93.27 -.67 +5.9 AFnclG6-42 N AFW 1.59 6.2 26.96 24.98 8 25.62 56 25.72 25.56 -.04 +2.0 AFnclG8-42 N AFA 1.44 5.6 26.89 24.16 4 25.50 11 25.50 25.35 +.11 +2.1 AFnclGp 54 N AFGE 1.56 5.9 28.28 24.43 3 26.22 37 26.97 26.08 -.36 +4.8 AFnclGp 55 N AFGH 1.50 5.7 28.02 23.58 21 26.13 66 26.72 26.09 -.47 +4.5 AHm4Rent N AMH .20 .9 40 23.98 15.59 1799 23.23 5895 23.75 23.09 -.52 +10.7 AHm4R pfA N AMHpA 1.25 4.4 29.37 26.04 2 28.53 18 28.64 28.21 +.33 +3.4 AHm4R pfB N AMHpB 1.25 4.4 29.70 26.32 0 28.36 4 29.40 27.99 -.13 +3.6 AHm4R pfC N AMHpC 1.38 4.8 29.50 26.08 10 28.45 12 28.46 28.00 +.32 +4.8 AHm4Rn pfD N AMHpD 1.63 6.2 27.58 22.15 15 26.35 39 26.63 26.05 -.05 +5.4 AHm4R pfE N AMHpE 1.59 6.1 26.37 22.55 2 26.19 49 26.25 25.89 +.01 +6.9 AIG wt N AIG/WS 25.26 15.50 133 18.78 621 21.69 18.77 -1.26 -19.9 AmIntlGrp N AIG 1.28 2.1 67.47 48.41 5913 59.55 24333 61.89 59.50 -1.79 -8.8 AmLorain N ALN 1.30 .47 298 .56 310 .56 .53 +3.7 AMidstrm N AMID 1.65 11.4 18.45 7.01 83 14.50 357 15.10 14.50 -.45 -20.3 AmerNtl Q AMNB .96 2.7 19 39.40 24.36 13 35.75 42 37.33 35.50 -1.05 +2.7 AmNatIns Q ANAT 3.28 2.9 17 131.99 107.44 20 113.34 79 116.90 113.14 -3.89 -9.0 AmOutBr Q AOBC 9 31.19 17.50 1222 21.16 7683 21.99 20.60 +.53 +.4 AmPubEd Q APEI 14 30.79 14.75 26 21.05 206 22.90 20.65 -1.45 -14.3 AmRailcar Q ARII 1.60 3.9 11 51.10 35.43 83 41.22 328 44.20 41.00 -2.50 -9.0 AmrRlty N ARL 9.85 4.44 2 8.14 7 8.22 7.53 +.16 +57.4 AmRenAs n N ARA 29.65 15.47 116 17.32 425 17.98 16.81 -.01 -18.6 AmrRvr Q AMRB .05p 16 15.99 9.69 2 14.84 139 15.14 13.70 +.03 -1.8 AmShrd N AMS 27 5.00 1.81 22 4.55 109 4.85 4.48 -.15 +35.8 ASoft lf Q AMSWA .44 4.1 34 11.94 8.61 96 10.74 295 10.90 10.35 +.30 +4.0 AmStsWtr N AWR .97 2.2 28 46.39 37.28 94 44.79 351 45.23 43.54 +.81 -1.7 AmSupr rs Q AMSC 12.50 5.86 62 6.82 287 7.09 6.71 +.11 -7.5sAmTower N AMT 2.48f 2.0 48 124.40 99.72 1880 122.60 8793 124.40 121.57 +1.10 +16.0sATowr pfA N AMTpA 5.25 4.5 117.28 100.01 1 115.89 360 117.28 115.27 +1.44 +10.6 ATowr pfB N AMTpB 5.50 4.8 116.74 99.45 44 114.30 272 115.39 112.50 +2.05 +9.4 AVangrd N AVD .06f .4 38 20.00 12.60 128 16.90 543 17.50 16.40 -.60 -11.7 AmWtrWks N AWK 1.50 1.9 28 85.24 68.09 573 78.57 2757 78.95 77.48 +.67 +8.6 AWoodmk Q AMWD 21 92.25 60.80 80 86.05 363 89.50 85.95 -2.15 +14.4 Amerigas N APU 3.76 8.1 42 50.11 40.81 59 46.34 343 47.21 46.22 -.60 -3.3 Ameriprise N AMP 3.00 2.4 13 135.20 84.92 776 126.23 3264 130.45 126.19 -3.07 +13.8 AmerisBc Q ABCB .40 .9 21 49.50 27.92 179 43.20 535 45.05 43.15 -1.15 -.9 Amerisafe Q AMSF .72a 1.1 15 69.40 50.02 91 63.70 366 64.35 61.05 +2.45 +2.2 AmrSvFin Q ASRV .06 1.5 13 4.05 2.91 2 3.90 28 3.90 3.80 +.05 +5.4 AmSvFn pf Q ASRVP 2.11 7.8 28.94 25.70 2 27.06 2 27.38 27.06 +.11 +4.0 AmeriBrgn N ABC 1.46 1.7 15 94.50 68.38 774 86.67 5119 89.25 86.14 -.95 +10.8 AmesNatl Q ATLO .88f 2.9 19 37.45 24.11 3 30.40 12 31.30 30.40 -7.9 Ametek N AME .36 .7 23 55.48 43.28 1721 53.20 5602 54.86 53.19 -.95 +9.5 Amgen Q AMGN 4.60f 2.8 15 184.21 133.64 2482 161.61 8491 164.24 161.33 -1.77 +10.5 AmicusTh Q FOLD 9.61 4.41 1388 7.13 4572 7.20 6.76 +.14 +43.5 AmiraNatF N ANFI 9.92 4.71 52 5.19 215 5.43 5.11 -.10 -15.6 AmkorTch Q AMKR 16 12.48 5.27 968 10.90 4680 11.61 10.90 -.61 +3.3 Ampco N AP .36 2.3 19.22 9.34 50 15.50 360 17.00 14.55 +1.09 -7.5 Amphastar Q AMPH 67 21.75 11.41 231 14.80 826 14.95 14.35 +.19 -19.7 Amphenol N APH .64f .9 25 71.98 54.94 854 68.65 3619 70.26 68.57 -1.12 +2.2tAmpioPhm N AMPE 4.32 .52 198 .59 1485 .65 .52 -.04 -34.6sAmpOnRt ef Q IBUY 30.26 22.94 13 29.83 50 30.26 29.58 +.38 +9.7 AmYdPr5 ef N PFV 27.96 24.52 1 27.25 2 27.50 27.25 -.67 +2.2 AmpDivOpt N DIVO 26.79 24.80 1 25.90 2 26.07 25.90 -.25 +4.1 Amplify n N BETR 19 17.53 7.86 248 8.81 1930 9.14 8.51 +.17 Ampliphi rs N APHB 3.72 .32 43 .35 664 .38 .33 -.01 -20.0 Amrep N AXR 10 8.14 4.04 3 6.84 52 6.84 6.12 +.62 -7.8 AmtechSys Q ASYS 7.10 3.99 13 5.26 159 5.50 5.22 -.09 +23.8 Amyris Q AMRS 1.43 .31 9815 .68 16284 .70 .48 +.18 -6.8 Anadarko N APC .20 .3 73.33 44.81 4636 61.09 12209 63.55 60.84 -1.34 -12.4 Anadrk 18 N AEUA 3.75 8.4 46.52 33.20 9 44.50 80 44.99 43.67 +.38 +7.6 AnalogDev Q ADI 1.80 2.4 27 84.24 52.17 2192 76.51 14041 80.12 76.47 -3.50 +5.4tAnlogic Q ALOG .40 .6 38 95.85 72.05 76 71.20 255 74.00 71.20 -1.95 -14.2 Anaptys n Q ANAB 29.96 15.17 11 24.74 166 25.92 23.51 +.05 +45.5 Anavex rs Q AVXL 8.30 2.43 502 6.13 2871 6.49 5.85 +.27 +54.8 AnchBcWA Q ANCB 80 27.50 22.61 90 24.67 212 25.35 24.60 -.58 -9.3 Andersons Q ANDE .64 1.7 90 44.90 25.78 75 37.10 397 39.35 37.10 -.40 -17.0 AndinaA un Q ANDAU 11.10 10.05 10.89 2 10.89 10.88 +.04 +3.7 AndinaII rt Q ANDAR .80 .16 6 .51 8 .52 .50 +.00 +31.5 AngiesList Q ANGI 10.76 5.22 370 5.29 1188 5.76 5.28 -.30 -35.7 AngioDyn Q ANGO 18.18 10.71 570 15.19 1833 16.34 15.13 -1.02 -10.0 AnglogldA N AU 22.91 9.28 5119 12.99 18065 13.21 11.93 +1.05 +23.6 ABInBev N BUD 3.19e 2.9 136.08 98.28 726 109.03 3660 110.98 109.03 -.91 +3.4 AnikaTh Q ANIK 20 54.96 41.38 71 43.04 308 43.75 42.85 -.33 -12.1 Anixter N AXE 17 88.00 51.50 143 75.80 448 79.95 75.55 -3.20 -6.5sAnnaly N NLY 1.20a 10.3 10 11.56 9.83 8790 11.63 30245 11.67 11.28 +.32 +16.6 Annaly pfA N NLYpA 1.97 7.7 27.00 24.51 19 25.47 42 25.69 25.46 +.01 +1.7 Annaly pfC N NLYpC 1.91 7.6 26.04 23.77 15 25.23 44 25.30 25.20 -.08 +4.7 Annaly pfD N NLYpD 1.88 7.4 26.29 23.79 19 25.32 91 25.32 25.16 +.12 +4.9 Annaly pfE N NLYpE 1.91 7.6 25.88 23.95 9 25.27 65 25.30 25.20 +.02 +4.9 Ansys Q ANSS 32 108.92 81.41 204 105.37 1076 106.91 104.65 -.22 +13.9 AntaresP Q ATRS 3.10 .79 935 2.86 3429 2.96 2.76 -.07 +22.7 AnteroMid N AM 1.12f 3.5 28 35.74 20.87 170 32.43 949 33.64 32.30 -.86 +5.0tAnteroRes N AR 1.00 4.5 38 30.66 22.08 1764 22.06 9820 23.56 22.02 -1.08 -6.7 Anthem N ANTM 2.60 1.6 17 170.79 114.85 1058 164.99 4232 168.72 164.65 -1.27 +14.8 Anthem un N ANTX 2.62e 51.05 41.00 20 49.39 531 50.71 48.66 -.31 +5.2 AntheraP h Q ANTH 4.40 .36 1007 .39 4450 .42 .37 -.00 -39.6sAnworth N ANH .60 10.7 10 5.63 4.47 419 5.59 3527 5.63 5.48 +.06 +8.1sAnwrth pfA N ANHpA 2.16 8.1 26.88 24.80 1 26.64 139 26.88 25.84 +.69 +5.4sAnwrth pfB N ANHpB 1.56 5.7 27.49 19.91 27.49 4 27.49 27.28 +.26 +7.5 Anwrth pfC N ANHpC 1.91 7.7 26.40 23.58 9 24.66 47 24.70 24.66 -.3 Aon plc N AON 1.32 1.1 19 120.40 100.55 592 118.10 3261 120.31 118.10 -1.54 +5.9 AoxnTia h rs Q ABAC 4.07 1.51 17 2.46 61 2.90 2.40 -.20 -32.0 AoxingPh N AXN 10 .94 .30 21 .38 129 .41 .38 -.01 +20.0 Apache N APA 1.00 1.9 69.00 48.05 4405 52.37 15208 54.64 52.21 -.27 -17.5 AptInv N AIV 1.44f 3.3 30 47.91 39.14 1442 43.99 5812 45.12 43.70 -.93 -3.2 AptInv pfA N AIVpA 1.72 6.4 29.47 25.29 1 26.80 2 26.80 26.70 +.25 +3.7 ApogeeE Q APOG .56f 1.1 18 61.00 39.48 2061 50.72 3118 59.47 50.40 -7.15 -5.3 ApolloCRE N ARI 1.84 9.8 10 19.03 15.43 1183 18.72 4096 18.89 18.69 -.04 +12.6 ApolCR pfA N ARIpA 2.16 8.4 26.29 24.90 7 25.61 27 25.68 25.51 -.04 +1.1 ApoCRE pfC N ARIpC 25.55 23.80 13 25.40 60 25.43 25.18 +.19 +2.5 ApollEnd rs Q APEN 32.34 9.24 2 12.27 25 13.48 11.71 -1.20 -23.9sApolloGM N APO 1.42e 5.5 25 26.22 14.25 2800 25.62 7726 26.22 25.22 +.32 +32.3sApollG pfA N APOpA 1.60 6.3 25.41 24.55 155 25.29 745 25.41 25.10 +.01 +2.7sApolloInv Q AINV .60 9.1 6.69 5.03 1025 6.60 3848 6.69 6.56 +12.6 Apollo 42 N AIB 1.66 6.6 26.79 24.20 2 25.29 38 25.47 25.26 +.5 ApolloI 43 N AIY 1.72 6.6 27.41 24.78 4 26.15 23 26.76 26.15 -.46 +3.4 ApollSrFlt N AFT 1.08a 6.2 18.08 15.28 38 17.40 202 17.56 17.38 +.08 ApolloTact N AIF 1.32a 8.1 16.77 13.66 31 16.36 224 16.58 16.34 +5.8 AppFolio n Q APPF 28.00 12.07 21 25.40 104 26.68 25.05 -.60 +6.5 AppHReit n N APLE 1.20 6.3 31 20.68 17.32 525 19.03 2855 19.20 18.88 +.13 -4.8 Apple Inc Q AAPL 2.28 1.6 17 145.46 89.47 17093 141.05 86507 143.88 140.06 -2.29 +21.8 ApplRecy h Q ARCI 1.80 .80 3 .99 31 1.06 .99 -.01 -11.6 AplDNA wt Q APDNW 1.68 .35 3 .40 7 .40 .39 -.00 -20.0 ApldDNA Q APDN 3.61 1.40 54 1.65 162 1.70 1.50 +.05 -10.8tAppGenTc Q AGTC 11 19.86 5.95 124 6.15 547 6.60 5.95 -.45 -34.2 ApldIndlT N AIT 1.16f 2.0 24 66.65 42.63 90 58.90 366 61.75 58.70 -1.75 -.8 ApldMatl Q AMAT .40 1.1 18 39.81 19.46 5621 37.52 30298 39.20 37.41 -1.41 +16.3 ApldOptoel Q AAOI 41 60.19 8.08 12838 45.30 18630 50.00 40.28 +.62 +93.3 Approach Q AREX 4.35 1.35 1109 2.49 3693 2.72 2.40 -.13 -25.7 Apptio n Q APTI 24.60 10.77 282 11.61 1264 11.77 11.09 +.32 -37.3 ApricusB rs Q APRI 6.30 1.10 187 1.94 997 2.45 1.65 +.24 +49.2 Aptargrp N ATR 1.28 1.7 24 81.50 70.32 165 75.80 908 76.97 75.76 -.36 +3.2 AptevoTh n Q APVO 8.29 1.69 96 1.91 386 2.05 1.82 +.04 -21.7 AptoseB g Q APTO 3 4.30 .83 145 .98 548 1.03 .98 -.02 -29.5 AquaAm N WTR .74 2.3 25 35.83 28.03 527 32.70 2451 32.87 32.22 +.34 +8.9 AquaMetal h Q AQMS 22.75 7.54 327 17.36 1535 17.64 16.10 -.27 +32.4tAquaB Tc n Q AQB 24.78 10.00 13 9.80 43 11.22 9.80 -1.04 -59.5 Acquavnt n N WAAS 26.33 14.30 55 17.45 264 18.01 17.39 -.59 -28.9 AquinoxPh Q AQXP 19.97 6.01 134 14.25 561 15.47 13.80 -1.00 -13.7 ArQule Q ARQL 2.17 .92 39 1.09 735 1.13 .94 +.13 -13.5 Aradigm Q ARDM 7.19 1.40 25 1.51 67 1.64 1.45 -.08 -5.6 AralezPh Q ARLZ 6.80 1.48 889 1.67 6087 1.88 1.54 +.06 -62.1 Aramark N ARMK .41 1.1 20 38.30 31.38 755 36.11 2552 36.69 36.06 -.35 +1.1 AratanaTh Q PETX 10.73 4.97 389 5.56 1283 5.64 5.25 +.17 -22.6sArborRT N ABR .68f 8.0 13 8.66 6.61 195 8.50 777 8.66 8.40 +.05 +13.9 Arbor prA N ABRpA 2.06 8.0 26.48 24.10 3 25.68 13 25.98 25.27 +.18 +2.4 ArborR pfB N ABRpB 1.94 7.7 26.00 22.20 2 25.18 8 25.34 25.15 -.03 +2.4 ArborRT 21 N ABRN 1.84 7.2 26.15 24.27 10 25.52 26 25.69 25.52 -.16 +.9 ArbutusB g Q ABUS 5.48 2.35 100 3.30 861 3.40 3.20 +.05 +34.7 ArcLogist N ARCX 1.76 12.6 17 17.40 10.84 77 13.95 312 14.35 13.86 -.10 -12.4 ArcBest Q ARCB .32 1.3 36 33.95 14.85 162 24.55 738 26.40 24.10 -.50 -11.2 ArcadBiosc Q RKDA 2.99 .65 17 .78 83 .84 .70 -.02 -15.2 ArcelorMit N MT 8 9.37 4.18 18935 7.35 73782 8.18 7.33 -.82 +.7 ArchCap Q ACGL 26 96.46 67.50 276 93.07 1005 94.95 92.92 -.70 +7.9 ArchC pfC N ARHpC 1.69 6.6 27.65 25.02 5 25.46 32 25.46 25.38 +.11 +1.2 ArchC pfE Q ACGLP 1.31 5.7 24.90 20.20 453 23.14 712 23.29 22.90 +.21 +9.5 ArchCoal N ARCH 86.47 59.05 745 70.76 2320 77.59 69.85 -3.99 -9.3 ArchDan N ADM 1.28f 2.9 20 47.88 36.88 2172 44.28 8665 45.20 44.18 -.61 -3.0 Archrock N AROC .48 3.9 16.40 5.60 370 12.45 2228 13.65 12.35 -.80 -5.7 ArchrkPtrs Q APLP 1.14 7.0 18.55 10.07 100 16.40 364 17.04 16.30 -.42 +2.2 Arconic N ARNC .15p 30.69 16.75 4622 25.90 15876 26.84 25.68 -.51 +39.7sArcosDor N ARCO 47 8.40 3.99 682 8.00 3923 8.40 7.55 +.25 +48.1tArdaugh n N ARD 22.44 20.80 238 21.00 803 21.84 20.80 -.86 -1.3 Ardelyx Q ARDX 16.30 6.36 134 12.00 485 12.15 11.40 -.10 -15.5 ArdmoreSh N ASC .71e 9.2 9.96 5.00 342 7.75 1072 8.55 7.75 -.60 +4.7 ArenaPhm Q ARNA 2.16 1.34 1525 1.43 4404 1.45 1.39 +.02 +.7 AresCap Q ARCC 1.52 8.7 12 17.87 13.85 1235 17.47 5595 17.65 17.45 -.13 +5.9 AresC 10-22 N ARU 1.45 5.6 26.33 25.22 11 25.73 41 25.98 25.70 -.14 +.5 AresCmcl N ACRE 1.08f 7.9 10 14.39 11.10 119 13.73 345 13.76 13.50 +.07 sAresDyCr N ARDC 1.40 8.7 16.14 13.34 76 16.14 375 16.19 15.92 +.20 +7.0 AresMgmt N ARES 1.12f 5.8 15 23.25 12.08 102 19.30 321 19.45 18.75 +.10 +.5 AresMg pfA N ARESpA 1.75 6.7 27.58 21.63 23 26.10 119 26.18 25.90 -.08 +4.2 Argan N AGX .70e 11 76.70 32.70 221 64.85 1382 72.70 63.95 +.90 -8.1 ArgoGp42 Q AGIIL 1.63 6.4 27.43 23.60 2 25.45 15 25.80 25.30 -.30 +2.0 ArgoGpInt Q AGII 1.08f 1.7 15 69.03 49.10 61 64.40 212 66.60 64.40 -1.10 -2.3 ArgosTher Q ARGS 13.97 .31 680 .39 3036 .42 .33 -.04 -92.0 AristaNetw N ANET 43 135.27 60.51 318 131.36 1963 134.25 130.09 -1.09 +35.7sArkInnova N ARKK .47p 24.23 17.93 5 23.85 21 24.23 23.75 -.09 +19.0sArkIndInno N ARKQ .19p 24.90 17.97 9 24.41 30 24.90 24.35 -.25 +11.1 ArkGenom N ARKG 20.88 15.85 1 20.13 4 20.48 19.97 -.07 +18.9 sArkWebX.O N ARKW .53p 29.32 20.10 2 28.84 18 29.32 28.84 -.25 +14.9 Ark 3dPr n N PRNT 24.11 19.55 19 22.23 44 22.66 22.21 -.27 +5.4 ArkRst Q ARKR 1.00 4.0 16 27.02 20.00 4 25.05 6 25.51 24.85 +.10 +3.3 ArlingAst N AI 2.50 17.8 5 17.13 11.99 180 14.02 1095 14.29 13.95 -5.4 ArlingAst23 N AIW 1.66 6.8 25.00 19.32 24.40 2 24.50 24.36 -.10 +4.7 ArlingAst25 N AIC 1.69 7.3 23.99 19.00 0 23.25 5 23.31 23.25 +.25 +4.8 ArmadaHof N AHH .76f 5.3 16 15.50 11.22 183 14.29 669 14.44 13.87 +.35 -1.9sArmrR pfA N ARRpA 2.06 8.3 25.00 22.88 6 24.77 26 25.00 24.50 +.10 +1.9 ArmrR pfB N ARRpB 1.97 8.3 23.98 20.72 12 23.74 63 23.76 23.61 +.27 +2.3sArmourR rs N ARR 3.39 14.5 9 23.65 18.63 311 23.31 1775 23.65 23.05 +.46 +7.5 ArmsFloor N AFI 22.96 13.75 225 18.05 870 18.90 17.90 -.58 -9.3 ArmstrWld N AWI 20 48.00 36.33 458 44.75 1473 45.20 44.00 +.40 +7.1 Arotech Q ARTX 5.00 2.25 369 3.10 1748 3.30 3.05 -.10 -11.4 ArrayBio Q ARRY 13.40 2.70 2617 8.46 9084 8.60 8.25 -.08 -3.8 ArrisIntl Q ARRS 9 31.52 20.05 1165 25.97 5563 27.21 25.97 -.44 -13.8 ArrwDJYld N GYLD 1.59e 8.6 19.99 17.67 70 18.45 180 18.74 18.43 +.02 +.1 ArrowEl N ARW 9 75.88 58.09 782 70.28 2014 71.61 69.67 -.48 -1.4 ArrowFn Q AROW 1.00b 3.1 16 41.70 25.26 18 32.60 61 34.35 32.55 -1.00 -19.5sArrResC n N ARCM 20.02 20.00 0 20.04 40 20.04 20.04 +.03 +.1 ArwQVMEq N QVM 24.61 21.07 24.20 1 24.35 24.20 +.07 +1.1 ArwDWATc Q DWAT .04p 11.02 9.80 1 10.53 2 10.60 10.51 -.15 +2.2 ArrowPhm Q ARWR 8.22 1.20 802 1.58 2171 1.69 1.57 -.08 +1.9 ArtesRes Q ARTNA .91 2.6 25 36.84 26.02 16 35.77 62 36.16 34.89 +.07 +12.0 ArtisanPtr N APAM 2.80a 10.2 14 35.00 24.48 854 27.55 2309 28.05 26.70 +.55 -7.4 ArtsWay Q ARTW .05 1.5 4.70 2.50 1 3.25 6 3.55 3.25 -.14 -4.4 AskanoG g N AKG 4.68 2.23 1635 2.67 4555 2.83 2.56 +.04 -12.7 AsburyA N ABG 9 71.00 47.50 182 57.55 956 59.95 57.50 -.45 -6.7 AscenaRtl Q ASNA 35 9.79 3.53 2694 3.82 10961 4.13 3.76 -.02 -38.3 Ascendis n Q ASND 30.57 11.92 11 27.91 141 27.99 26.89 +.51 +37.9 AscentCap Q ASCMA 26.16 11.78 33 13.34 119 13.95 13.07 -.29 -18.0 AshHPrm N AHP .64f 5.9 6 17.64 9.83 173 10.82 709 10.93 10.62 +.01 -20.7 AshHPr pfB N AHPpB 25.42 17.70 32 19.92 112 19.99 19.30 +.33 -7.5 AshfordHT N AHT .48 7.5 7 8.23 4.79 864 6.40 3847 6.52 6.19 +.23 -17.5 Ashfrd pfA N AHTpA 2.14 8.4 26.48 24.10 4 25.50 10 25.53 25.45 +.05 +.5 Ashfrd pfD N AHTpD 2.11 8.3 26.00 24.24 6 25.37 37 25.38 25.23 +.07 +1.5 AshfHT pfF N AHTpF 1.84 7.3 26.33 21.86 13 25.09 97 25.09 24.68 +.30 +5.1 AshfrH pfG N AHTpG 1.84 7.5 24.99 21.69 7 24.38 90 24.45 24.19 -.02 +5.3sAshland N ASH 1.56 1.3 19 126.52 105.50 441 122.24 2150 126.52 122.16 -2.84 +11.8 AsiaPc N APB .22e 1.8 12.35 9.14 5 12.25 21 12.30 12.08 +.06 +26.0 AsiaPWire Q APWC 3.10 1.64 2.61 7 2.81 2.60 -.14 -6.8 AsiaTigr N GRR .16e 1.4 11.50 8.76 1 11.42 12 11.47 11.34 +.05 +24.7 AspenAero N ASPN 6.71 3.61 132 3.98 339 4.25 3.97 -.22 -3.6 AspenIns N AHL .88 1.8 22 57.80 43.27 230 50.20 1127 51.55 50.15 -.65 -8.7 AspenI pfB N AHLpB 1.81 7.1 26.70 25.29 2 25.46 41 25.47 25.41 -.01 +.1 Aspen pfC N AHLpC 1.49 5.4 30.32 24.93 11 27.41 32 27.44 27.20 +.07 +8.3 AspenTech Q AZPN 31 59.86 34.46 271 58.50 1240 59.27 57.94 +.36 +7.0 AssembBio Q ASMB 28.18 4.60 53 23.89 204 24.37 23.04 -.32 +96.6 AscBnc pfC N ASBpC 1.53 5.8 27.90 24.49 1 26.45 10 26.70 26.04 +.41 +4.8 AsscBc pf D N ASBpD 25.45 20.55 21 24.33 61 24.42 24.10 +.18 +11.2 AsscdBanc N ASB .48 2.1 18 26.70 15.72 1282 23.25 5503 24.10 23.15 -.50 -5.9 AssocCap n N AC 39.35 27.84 47 33.70 189 36.05 33.70 -.70 +2.6 Assurant N AIZ 2.12 2.3 19 101.32 78.43 444 92.68 1233 95.94 92.35 -2.01 -.2 AssuredG N AGO .57f 1.5 10 42.94 23.43 569 37.67 3106 38.92 37.66 -1.03 -.3 AsdGMu01 N AGOpB 1.72 6.6 26.99 25.33 1 26.17 14 26.31 25.90 +.58 +2.4 AsdGMu02 N AGOpE 1.56 6.1 27.37 23.73 10 25.60 34 26.42 25.47 -.66 +2.4 AsdGMu03 N AGOpF 1.40 5.6 26.13 23.03 1 24.86 24 25.04 24.84 -.17 +4.6tAstaFundg Q ASFI 19 11.97 7.20 38 8.00 238 8.38 7.20 +.40 -18.4 Astec Q ASTE .40 .7 25 73.37 44.72 80 60.02 328 62.92 60.01 -2.19 -11.0 AsteriasBio N AST 5.80 2.30 193 3.05 730 3.10 2.83 +.10 -33.7 Asterias wt N AST/WS 1.00 .09 1 .43 10 .45 .38 +.05 -21.1 AstoriaF N AF .16 .8 31 21.66 14.11 1785 19.46 3883 20.31 19.46 -.68 +4.3 Astoria pfC N AFpC 1.63 6.4 27.62 24.50 5 25.55 18 25.60 25.51 +.02 +1.7 AstraZen s N AZN 1.40e 4.6 9 35.04 25.55 2584 30.14 11649 30.24 29.83 -.16 +10.3 AstroNova Q ALOT .28 1.9 26 16.41 12.50 3 14.80 39 15.00 14.35 +.05 +3.9 Astronics Q ATRO 17 41.03 25.93 179 30.50 399 32.10 30.41 -1.08 -9.9 Astrotch h Q ASTC 2.23 1.19 63 1.32 206 1.42 1.19 +.13 -12.0 AsureSftw h Q ASUR 13.00 4.45 31 9.92 181 10.02 9.47 +.22 +16.6 AtHomGr n N HOME 17.02 10.19 90 14.92 293 16.09 14.90 -.59 +2.0 AtaraBioth Q ATRA 25.73 12.45 152 17.30 839 17.65 16.50 +.20 +21.8 Atento SA N ATTO 10.31 6.85 52 8.75 93 9.25 8.70 -.30 +14.4 athenahlth Q ATHN 143.85 90.11 256 110.17 1023 115.20 109.48 -3.28 +4.8 Athene n N ATH 55.00 44.46 1333 51.69 3965 52.38 50.91 -.31 +7.7 Athersys Q ATHX 2.60 1.02 1172 1.51 5280 1.53 1.38 +.03 -1.3 AtkoreInt n N ATRK 27.30 14.17 201 25.08 816 26.06 24.95 -.81 +4.9 AtlanAmer Q AAME .02 .5 35 4.81 3.06 1 3.80 9 4.03 3.80 -.16 -7.3 AtlCapBc n Q ACBI 33 20.20 12.92 26 18.25 254 19.10 18.20 -.65 -3.9 AtlCstFin Q ACFC 13 8.27 5.53 25 7.60 93 7.63 7.47 +.01 +11.8 AtlPwr g N AT .12 2.75 2.13 414 2.50 887 2.70 2.50 -.15 AtlanticaYd Q ABY .45e 2.2 22.87 15.78 356 20.56 1763 21.01 20.08 +.16 +6.3 Atlanticus Q ATLC 3.54 2.30 1 2.61 12 2.63 2.57 -.04 -7.9 AtlasAir Q AAWW 27 59.60 34.22 97 53.90 686 56.10 53.80 +.05 +3.4 AtlasFin Q AFH 18.67 12.15 29 12.75 278 13.05 12.50 -.20 -29.4 Atlassian n Q TEAM 95 35.16 20.51 559 31.23 2416 31.69 30.83 -.09 +29.7 ATMOS N ATO 1.80f 2.2 23 81.97 68.51 312 80.15 1106 80.65 79.52 +.03 +8.1 Atomera n Q ATOM 10.25 5.50 12 6.36 41 6.75 6.25 -.32 -5.8tAtossGen rs Q ATOS 6.15 .66 894 .63 3814 .81 .60 -.08 -55.2 AtriCure Q ATRC 20.40 13.44 77 19.20 592 19.58 18.76 +.01 -1.9 Atrion Q ATRI 4.20 .9 32 522.05 385.00 4 477.80 23 482.75 467.45 +10.85 -5.8 Attunity Q ATTU 10.50 4.15 23 7.56 213 7.85 7.15 -.23 +26.0 AtwoodOcn N ATW .30m 3.7 2 15.37 6.12 3160 8.11 10253 9.43 8.06 -.98 -38.2 aTyrPhm n Q LIFE 4.45 2.10 38 3.15 99 3.35 3.10 -.10 +46.5 AubNB Q AUBN .92f 2.8 15 33.95 26.74 0 32.70 2 33.26 32.65 -.55 +4.4 Audentes n Q BOLD 20.74 13.06 10 15.66 67 16.83 15.48 -.50 -14.3 AudCodes Q AUDC 12 7.26 3.68 36 6.77 217 7.02 6.73 -.07 +6.6 AuriniaPh Q AUPH 10.54 1.74 2166 6.83 15808 7.48 6.77 -.22 +225.2 AurisMed h Q EARS 5.45 .62 391 .75 1141 .82 .66 -29.9 AutoNatn N AN 10 54.15 39.13 1350 39.43 3936 40.99 39.28 -.71 -19.0 Autobytel Q ABTL 27 19.04 10.72 55 11.82 253 12.24 11.70 -.31 -12.1 Autodesk Q ADSK 89.18 49.82 1938 84.91 6999 86.65 84.10 +.12 +14.7 Autohome N ATHM 36.01 19.32 1213 28.90 3632 31.58 28.80 -.65 +14.3 Autoliv N ALV 2.32 2.4 19 126.31 93.31 302 96.27 1742 98.28 96.08 -.13 -14.9 AutoData Q ADP 2.28 2.3 27 105.20 84.36 1176 101.26 4877 102.68 101.24 -.93 -1.5tAutoZone N AZO 16 819.54 692.34 198 688.46 916 707.45 688.46 -11.98 -12.8sAuxilio n N AUXO 6.46 3.60 459 6.30 1081 6.72 5.60 +.61 +53.8 AvadelPh Q AVDL 15.45 8.61 274 9.57 543 10.37 9.37 -.49 -7.9 AvalonHld N AWX 3.41 1.82 52 2.34 103 2.43 2.10 +.17 -20.7 AvalonBay N AVB 5.68f 3.0 24 192.29 158.32 435 186.48 1904 188.61 184.65 +1.71 +5.3 Avangrid n N AGR 1.73 4.0 46.74 35.42 471 43.25 2155 43.65 42.85 +.10 +14.2 AveICSFd N ACP 1.44 10.4 14.60 10.97 101 13.86 420 14.20 13.82 -.15 +3.2 AVEO Ph h Q AVEO 1.15 .50 560 .57 1421 .62 .57 -.02 +5.6 AveryD N AVY 1.64f 2.1 20 82.11 68.55 1056 79.48 2834 80.24 79.13 -.06 +13.2 Avexis n Q AVXS 85.98 20.51 172 70.75 1079 71.94 65.23 +1.28 +48.2 Avianca N AVH .10e 1.3 10.91 5.01 48 7.49 251 7.77 7.42 -.20 -22.3 AviatNet rs Q AVNW 16.46 5.71 9 14.30 55 14.86 14.15 -.06 +3.4 AvidTech Q AVID 9.78 3.99 256 4.61 1355 4.80 4.50 +.03 +4.8tAvinger n Q AVGR 14.48 .50 2867 .61 12691 1.60 .50 -.89 -83.4 AvinoSG g N ASM 3.14 1.12 360 1.84 1273 1.84 1.75 +.05 +34.3 Avirgagen Q AVIR 2.00 .56 28 .58 239 .63 .57 -.03 -52.8 AvisBudg Q CAR 9 41.53 21.85 1267 27.76 7762 29.06 27.31 +.27 -24.3 Avista N AVA 1.43f 3.6 19 45.22 37.78 247 40.01 1053 40.30 39.25 +.60 +.1 AvistaHl un Q AHPAU 10.51 9.52 10.23 17 10.30 10.22 +.03 +1.0tAvistaHl wt Q AHPAW .58 .35 .38 20 .40 .35 -.07 -24.0 AvistaHl n Q AHPA 10.18 9.75 9.89 12 9.89 9.82 +.04 +1.4 Avnet N AVT .72f 1.7 11 51.50 38.16 1131 43.60 3513 45.08 43.53 -1.00 -8.4 Avon N AVP 6.96 3.52 2652 4.40 36979 4.74 4.31 +.09 -12.7 Aware Q AWRE 26 6.70 3.46 21 4.70 92 4.70 4.60 -23.0 Axalta N AXTA 33.06 24.27 1412 31.00 5003 32.15 30.81 -.28 +14.0 AxarAc wt Q AXARW .15 .01 0 .08 34 .08 .06 +.01 Axcelis rs Q ACLS 35 19.00 8.92 263 18.15 715 18.60 17.70 +.20 +24.7 AXIS Cap N AXS 1.52f 2.3 11 71.06 51.01 427 65.04 1505 66.81 65.03 -1.10 -.4 AXIS pfD N AXSpD 1.38 5.5 27.70 21.96 9 25.21 37 25.21 24.96 +.17 +11.0sAxisCap pfE N AXSpE 24.03 21.04 71 23.96 338 24.04 23.84 +.09 +10.6sAxoGen Q AXGN 11.45 5.20 272 11.30 817 11.70 10.65 +.45 +25.6 AxonEntpr Q AAXN 69 30.15 17.18 850 22.04 4704 24.58 22.02 -1.23 -9.1sAxovant n N AXON 21.33 10.69 2175 22.00 15227 22.09 17.85 +6.87 +77.1 AxsomeT n Q AXSM 12.69 3.55 293 3.90 1509 4.15 3.65 +.20 -42.2stAzul n N AZUL 913 21.88 913 22.18 21.68 AzurRx n Q AZRX 5.60 3.44 94 3.73 146 4.20 3.45 -.22 -21.3 AzurePwr n N AZRE 22.00 12.73 5 18.45 47 19.95 18.32 -.80 +8.5B -:B Comm Q BCOM 3.58e 25.67 17.99 0 19.93 2 20.00 19.17 -.23 -1.2 B&G Foods N BGS 1.86 4.7 21 52.84 32.02 444 39.70 1650 40.00 39.30 +.20 -9.4 BRileyFn Q RILY .28e .7 28 21.30 8.59 18 14.90 121 15.13 14.70 +.10 -19.2 BRileyF 7.5 Q RILYL 1.88 7.3 28.96 23.43 25.88 10 26.55 25.55 -.26 +1.0 B2gold g N BTG 3.65 1.75 5423 2.89 18268 2.96 2.71 +.13 +21.9 BB&T Cp N BBT 1.20 2.8 15 49.88 32.85 3676 42.62 16252 44.32 42.61 -1.45 -9.4 BB&T pfD N BBTpD 27.33 23.79 21 25.55 123 25.56 25.44 +4.2 BB&T pfE N BBTpE 1.41 5.5 27.24 23.05 38 25.62 127 25.72 25.55 +.02 +7.9 BB&T pfF N BBTpF 1.30 5.2 26.47 22.00 10 25.01 56 25.09 24.95 -.03 +9.9 BB&T pfG N BBTpG 1.30 5.2 27.43 22.03 22 25.04 92 25.15 24.97 +.06 +9.8 BB&T pfH N BBTpH 1.41 5.5 27.50 23.26 110 25.77 200 25.83 25.59 +.07 +6.1 BBVABFrn N BFR .48e 2.6 23.25 16.20 135 18.18 858 19.24 18.18 -.93 +4.3 BCB Bc Q BCBP .56 3.5 22 17.05 9.97 8 15.80 41 16.05 15.75 -.15 +21.5 BCE g N BCE 2.73 49.03 41.83 707 45.68 3346 45.99 44.94 +.62 +5.6 B/E Aero Q BEAV .84 1.3 21 65.26 42.57 64.47 1210 65.00 64.40 -.26 +7.1 BG Staffing N BGSF 1.00 6.7 28 21.75 11.23 13 14.90 97 15.00 14.32 +.22 -4.5 BGC Ptrs Q BGCP .64 6.0 26 11.85 8.18 937 10.72 4453 11.11 10.72 -.30 +4.8 BGCPtrs 42 N BGCA 2.03 8.0 27.39 25.41 9 25.51 37 25.55 25.47 -.03 -.7 BGE pfB N BGEpB 1.55 6.0 27.15 25.04 4 26.02 24 26.46 25.93 +.02 +2.0 BHP BillLt N BHP 2.48e 6.9 41.79 25.75 2292 36.09 17674 38.50 36.08 -.88 +.9 BHPBil plc N BBL .64m 2.0 37.44 22.37 1711 31.50 11125 33.44 31.46 -.35 +.1 BJsRest Q BJRI 22 47.55 32.24 326 41.25 1225 41.40 40.05 +1.15 +5.0 BldrsAsia Q ADRA .72e 2.5 30.11 23.99 1 28.90 7 29.22 28.87 -.33 +5.6 BldrsDev Q ADRD .72e 3.5 21.31 18.10 2 20.69 5 20.91 20.69 -.18 +3.6 BldrsEmg Q ADRE .90e 2.5 37.10 29.08 1 36.43 24 36.70 36.11 -.18 +13.0 BldrsEur Q ADRU .78e 3.9 20.63 17.82 2 20.23 26 20.48 20.23 -.21 +5.3sBMC Stock Q BMCH 36 23.90 15.45 608 23.25 2969 23.90 22.95 +.05 +19.2 BNC Bcp Q BNCN .20 .6 20 37.15 20.55 230 31.75 582 33.75 31.70 -1.70 -.5 BOK Q BOKF 1.76 2.4 21 85.25 51.84 99 74.75 406 77.35 74.61 -1.77 -10.0 BOK 56 n Q BOKFL 1.34 5.4 26.50 21.25 8 24.59 112 25.21 24.30 -.04 +10.4 BOS Ltd Q BOSC 4.85 1.82 11 2.05 114 2.18 1.98 +.07 -3.3 BP PLC N BP 2.38 6.8 42 38.68 29.98 8284 34.99 27339 35.69 34.80 +.14 -6.4 BP Pru N BPT 2.43e 12.6 3 32.95 12.68 280 19.30 2508 24.65 19.23 -4.30 -18.7 BRF SA N BRFS .40e 3.2 18.12 10.60 1930 12.52 12215 12.80 11.74 +.53 -15.2 BRT N BRT 32 8.70 6.93 22 8.05 273 8.41 8.05 -.33 -1.7 BSB Bcp Q BLMT 21 30.05 21.66 7 28.40 64 28.65 27.85 -1.9 BT Grp s N BT .99e 5.0 33.50 19.14 437 19.70 1638 19.93 19.48 +.28 -14.5 BWX Tech N BWXT .36 .8 49.11 32.36 500 47.78 2228 48.58 47.68 -.30 +20.4 B&W Ent n N BW 23.99 8.54 378 8.83 1695 9.51 8.81 -.29 -46.8 BabShDHi N BGH 1.84 9.3 20.49 16.84 84 19.88 466 20.01 19.76 +.11 +3.4 BadgerMtr s N BMI .46f .4 32 39.85 29.30 60 35.35 295 36.70 35.25 -.90 -4.3 Baidu Q BIDU 11 201.00 155.28 1325 172.61 6071 175.24 172.17 +.17 +5.0 BakrHu N BHI .68 1.1 68.59 41.74 1406 59.46 5894 62.20 59.30 -1.82 -8.5 Balchem Q BCPC .38f .5 43 89.50 56.60 71 75.59 333 78.82 75.56 -2.39 -9.9 BaldwLy Q BWINA 1.08f 4.6 12 26.50 22.50 6 23.28 15 23.50 23.15 -.34 -6.9 BaldLyB Q BWINB 1.08f 4.4 13 27.70 22.60 20 24.30 74 24.55 24.05 -.05 -3.6 BallCorp N BLL .52 .7 20 82.24 67.51 1259 71.53 4397 72.64 71.29 -.70 -4.7 Ballanty N BTN 48 8.10 4.21 9 6.20 437 6.45 5.95 -.10 -22.5sBallardPw Q BLDP 2.91 1.23 3325 2.92 12805 3.00 2.56 +.35 +77.0 BanColum N CIB 1.27e 3.2 42.58 31.77 180 39.12 666 40.68 39.11 -1.10 +6.7 BancCalif N BANC .52 2.5 11 23.24 10.93 1163 21.05 6131 21.88 20.00 +.80 +21.3 BcCalif pfC N BANCpC 2.00 7.5 28.39 24.60 2 26.67 3 26.72 26.61 -.05 +3.3 BcCalif pfE N BANCpE 28.69 23.00 21 26.17 59 26.28 25.81 +.24 +5.2 BcCal pfD N BANCpD 1.84 6.9 28.29 23.00 8 26.56 17 26.74 26.33 -.04 +4.6 BncFstOK Q BANF 1.52f 1.8 19 98.35 56.30 16 86.50 78 92.95 86.50 -2.05 -7.0 BcBilVArg N BBVA .42e 5.8 7.90 5.14 2110 7.29 8048 7.51 7.25 -.24 +7.7 BcoBrades s N BBDO .32e 3.2 11.00 6.48 1 9.95 196 10.10 9.91 +.16 +12.6 BcoBrad s N BBD .43e 4.4 11.25 6.10 12753 9.79 44681 10.28 9.77 -.30 +12.5 BcoLatin N BLX 1.54 5.6 12 30.51 24.54 149 27.60 465 28.34 27.51 -.26 -6.3 BcoMacro N BMA 89.45 58.72 59 84.57 419 88.45 84.24 -3.67 +31.4 BcoSantSA N SAN .23e 4.0 6.23 3.60 3777 5.78 14994 6.02 5.74 -.28 +11.6 BcoSBrasil N BSBR .28e 3.7 11.75 4.63 5766 7.55 23423 7.99 7.55 -.34 -15.1 BcSanChile N BSAC 1.13e 4.5 25.55 17.83 422 24.91 1594 25.07 24.55 -.12 +13.9sBcoChile N BCH 2.98e 4.0 75.28 59.70 21 74.37 181 75.39 73.66 +.03 +5.6 Bancorp34 n Q BCTF 13.45 11.35 3 12.70 3 12.73 12.65 +.05 +.9 BncpBnk lf Q TBBK 8.20 4.41 307 4.90 1052 5.17 4.70 +.12 -37.7 BcpSouth N BXS .50 1.7 20 32.40 20.50 488 28.95 2108 30.35 28.90 -1.10 -6.8 Bcp NJ N BKJ .24 1.5 25 17.50 10.50 2 16.15 223 16.55 15.71 +.10 +19.6 BancrftFd N BCV 1.08e 5.2 22.67 17.58 5 20.96 45 21.39 20.96 -.21 +3.6 BankMutl Q BKMU .22 2.4 25 10.20 7.31 62 9.35 312 9.75 9.30 -.35 -1.1 BkofAm N BAC .30f 1.3 18 25.80 12.05 85724 22.34 318331 23.28 22.34 -.82 +1.1 BkAML pfI N BMLpI 1.59 6.2 26.37 24.60 19 25.79 84 25.94 25.75 +.01 +3.0 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 3 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
BkAML pfJ N BMLpJ 1.02 4.3 27.19 21.46 5 23.69 31 23.80 23.60 -.05 -.3 BkAm pfD N BACpD 1.55 6.0 26.24 21.44 14 25.64 108 25.65 25.54 +.03 +2.2 BkAm pfE N BACpE 1.02 5.1 26.68 21.13 19 23.31 63 23.38 23.10 -.03 +6.8 BkAm pfI N BACpI 1.66 6.4 27.45 25.10 5 25.95 67 26.09 25.85 -.13 +2.5 BkAm pfL N BACpL 72.50 6.0 1269.47 1116.00 4 1207.78 13 1213.50 1203.59 +4.82 +3.5 BkAm pfW N BACpW 1.66 6.2 28.10 25.19 38 26.80 137 26.89 26.76 +.04 +4.2 BkAm pfY N BACpY 1.63 6.1 28.60 25.13 33 26.74 223 26.87 26.70 +4.8 BkAm wtA N BAC/WS/A 13.64 3.01 318 10.21 3051 10.95 10.20 -.70 +2.6 BkAm wtB N BAC/WS/B 1.55 .06 695 .75 2433 .90 .73 -.15 -21.9 BkAm pfA N BACpA 27.10 24.45 33 26.02 211 26.07 25.84 +.14 +4.5 BkAm pfC N BACpC 27.24 24.75 151 25.94 657 26.08 25.92 -.01 +2.8 BkAML pfL N BMLpL 1.02 4.4 24.50 21.18 13 23.38 68 23.73 23.28 -.13 +3.2 BkAML pfH N BMLpH .77 3.5 24.22 17.97 21 21.82 54 22.01 21.56 -.18 +9.7 BkAML pfG N BMLpG .77 3.6 23.30 17.91 22 21.45 65 21.75 21.42 -.30 +7.3 Bk of But n N NTB a 34.92 23.75 229 30.69 981 32.00 30.58 -1.14 -2.4sBkCmcCA Q BOCH .12 1.1 28 11.35 6.05 19 11.10 169 11.35 10.70 +.15 +16.8 BkHawaii N BOH 2.00f 2.6 18 90.80 64.96 177 77.57 804 81.60 77.51 -2.78 -12.5 BankMarin Q BMRC 1.08 1.7 17 75.05 47.16 10 63.60 32 67.43 62.60 -2.80 -8.8 BkMont g N BMO 3.52 78.00 60.93 435 73.05 1702 75.13 73.00 -1.70 +1.6 BkNYMel N BK .68 1.5 14 49.54 35.72 3776 46.42 14660 47.40 46.37 -.73 -2.0 BkNYM pfC N BKpC 1.30 5.1 27.41 22.74 20 25.29 89 25.39 25.18 +.04 +10.0 BkNova g N BNS 2.74 4.8 11 62.89 47.29 905 57.01 3315 58.47 56.95 -1.23 +2.4 BankSC Q BKSC .56 2.7 20 23.97 15.50 7 20.65 22 22.00 20.20 -.32 -1.2 BkofJames Q BOTJ .24 1.6 15 18.50 11.62 14.71 2 15.30 14.50 -1.04 -3.0 BkOzarks Q OZRK .70f 1.5 17 56.86 33.51 1891 46.81 8327 50.35 46.81 -2.80 -11.0 BankFncl Q BFIN .24f 1.7 37 15.24 11.38 39 14.33 122 14.60 13.43 +.01 -3.3 Bankrate N RATE 11.90 6.91 271 9.70 1108 9.85 9.45 +.15 -12.2 BankUtd N BKU .84 2.4 17 41.00 27.85 923 34.55 3792 36.69 34.49 -1.62 -8.3 BankwellF Q BWFG .28 .9 24 35.00 19.66 39 32.91 53 33.87 32.53 -.84 +1.3 Banner Cp Q BANR 1.00f 1.9 20 60.97 38.77 141 52.51 390 54.76 52.44 -1.81 -5.9 Banro g N BAA .48 .11 401 .15 1943 .15 .14 +.00 -20.3 Baozun n Q BZUN 18.61 5.19 1422 14.98 6648 17.58 14.91 -.58 +24.1 BarHarbr s N BHB 33.41 20.53 36 28.16 127 30.89 28.15 -2.46 BarFIEur N FEEU 104.66 66.88 3 100.50 13 102.38 100.39 -.95 +14.6 BarcFI HY N FIGY 145.47 113.09 10 141.55 25 143.64 141.28 -1.12 +9.2 BarcSPVeq N VQT 145.42 129.99 0 141.92 2 142.56 141.92 -.67 +3.9 BarSelMLP N ATMP 1.17e 5.0 25.72 18.16 23 23.54 249 24.15 23.54 -.52 BiP Cmdty N DJP 25.50 21.83 90 23.80 757 23.85 23.55 +.17 -1.8 BarcGSOil N OIL 6.85 4.88 1776 5.92 8101 6.00 5.85 +.13 -6.5 BarcGsci36 N GSP 15.34 12.37 15 14.14 41 14.24 14.06 +.13 -3.5 BrcEnEu n N FLEU 125.35 94.13 4 121.19 26 123.10 121.19 -1.23 +13.2 BiPCop N JJC 32.39 22.95 21 29.27 161 29.94 28.92 -.98 +1.8 BiPNickel N JJN 14.76 9.90 4 11.53 36 12.20 11.51 -.79 -4.7 BiPEurUsd N ERO 43.08 38.67 39.62 11 39.62 39.27 -.48 +1.6 BiPAg N JJA 42.25 33.27 1 33.98 4 34.23 33.55 +.55 -2.7 BiP Sugar N SGG 53.69 34.35 86 36.27 223 37.29 35.35 -.26 -16.4 BiP Cottn N BAL 51.80 39.85 3 48.40 32 48.79 47.85 +.81 +4.2 BrcIndiaTR N INP 76.03 60.35 3 74.79 49 75.63 74.53 -.99 +19.5 BiP Coffee N JO 26.21 17.92 115 19.29 492 19.87 19.18 -.27 -1.4 BiPGrain N JJG 37.37 26.62 88 28.05 299 28.28 27.44 +.59 -.3 BiP Cocoa N NIB 40.95 22.90 149 23.31 602 24.44 23.26 -1.43 -13.3 BiP Alum N JJU 17.56 13.10 1 17.10 6 17.10 16.75 -.06 +13.7 BarcBk prD N BCSpD 2.03 7.7 26.71 25.00 60 26.24 411 26.29 26.18 +.02 +2.7 BiPIndMet N JJM 26.88 18.98 1 24.22 17 24.84 22.74 -.85 +2.3 BiPNG N GAZ .76 .39 18 .42 58 .46 .42 -.04 -37.6 BiPLive N COW 24.97 17.38 17 22.67 52 22.88 22.37 +.30 +1.4 BiPAsia8 N AYT 1.21e 2.9 42.72 38.30 25 41.20 94 41.65 40.26 +.37 +3.5 BiPTrLBear Q DLBS 21.53 9.62 4 17.80 23 18.82 17.73 -.80 -11.9 BiP10yTBear Q DTYS 21.98 9.95 32 16.74 90 18.40 16.69 -1.71 -15.5 BiPTrSteep Q STPP 36.00 29.92 24 33.39 50 34.24 33.34 -.72 -3.5 BiPUrFlat Q FLAT 65.46 57.70 59.92 2 60.21 59.80 -.29 +1.8 BarcCAPE N CAPE 104.33 79.01 6 102.14 22 103.59 102.14 -1.16 +6.4 BiPSPMLP N IMLP 1.47e 7.1 22.10 17.13 2 20.56 41 21.09 20.56 -.48 -.2 Barclay N BCS .39e 3.7 12.05 6.76 3175 10.50 10384 10.78 10.49 -.18 -4.5 B iPVxST rs N VXX 71.48 15.30 72687 18.26 299712 18.40 16.32 +1.81 -28.4 BrVxMdT rs N VXZ 47.84 25.66 168 27.02 734 27.27 26.35 +.59 -22.5 BarIvrsUST Q TAPR 29.73 14.90 0 23.60 2 24.98 23.60 -1.84 -14.8 Bard N BCR 1.04f .4 24 252.25 203.63 280 248.81 1161 250.46 248.08 -.58 +10.7 BaringsCp s N MCI 1.20 7.8 19.76 14.52 12 15.40 85 15.64 15.23 +.10 -.5 BaringsPt N MPV 1.08a 7.6 15.97 13.61 12 14.28 34 14.33 14.12 +.09 +.6 BarHilc rt Q BHACR .50 .12 15 .36 16 .36 .30 +44.0 BarHilc wt Q BHACW .23 .04 2 .15 34 .17 .13 -.00 +15.6 B&N Ed n N BNED .15p 13.15 8.50 137 9.62 651 10.15 9.48 -.24 -16.1 BarnesNob N BKS .60 6.6 48 13.63 8.45 506 9.15 2974 9.45 8.90 +.15 -17.9 Barnes N B .52 1.1 20 51.97 31.13 139 49.32 778 51.48 49.31 -1.73 +4.0 Barnwell N BRN 2.70 1.31 2 1.81 29 1.97 1.80 -.07 +10.4 Barracuda N CUDA 26.69 13.91 584 23.16 1649 23.81 22.84 -.20 +8.1 BarrettB lf Q BBSI 1.00f 1.8 22 66.93 27.23 40 54.68 189 56.04 53.95 -.22 -14.7 BarrickG N ABX .12f .6 35 23.47 13.81 15325 19.83 56540 20.37 18.89 +.69 +24.1 BasicEnS N XYZ 3.25 .30 .45 BasicEn n N BAS 44.81 29.06 1298 33.88 3299 35.84 32.34 +1.59 -4.2 BassettF Q BSET .40a 1.4 19 32.34 22.42 16 27.65 80 28.45 27.30 +.35 -9.0sBaxter s N BAX .52 1.0 27 53.54 42.22 3896 53.25 15384 53.54 52.65 +.46 +20.1 BayBncp Q BYBK 41 8.25 4.84 7 7.01 40 7.45 7.01 -.27 +6.1 BaytexE g N BTE 7.14 3.01 1795 3.36 7554 3.63 3.33 -.05 -31.1 Bazaarvce Q BV 6.14 3.06 296 4.30 1649 4.48 4.15 -11.3 BeacnRfg Q BECN 29 50.61 39.50 306 48.60 1218 50.00 47.02 -.54 +5.5 BearStFin Q BSF .12f 1.3 20 10.95 8.65 10 9.13 52 9.50 9.08 -.22 -10.0 BeasleyB Q BBGI .18 1.4 7 14.25 3.64 21 12.90 67 13.45 11.90 +.85 +109.8 BeazerHm N BZH 15.80 6.81 318 11.87 1785 12.19 11.78 -.03 -10.8 BebeStr rs Q BEBE 9.10 3.13 67 3.74 138 4.25 3.66 -.55 -26.6 BectDck N BDX 2.92 1.6 32 186.11 157.60 493 182.59 2765 185.07 182.46 -1.52 +10.3 BedBath Q BBBY .60f 1.6 8 50.57 37.28 2181 38.39 10339 40.19 38.05 -1.10 -5.5 BeiGene n Q BGNE 41.89 24.53 88 37.90 217 38.54 37.10 +.68 +24.8 BelFuse A Q BELFA .24 1.2 11 26.97 12.96 2 20.30 3 20.84 20.09 -.54 -19.8 BelFuseB Q BELFB .28 1.3 12 33.60 13.72 20 22.30 100 23.40 21.85 -.43 -27.8 Belden N BDC .20 .3 12 81.33 54.97 235 64.68 1499 67.62 64.64 -1.56 -13.5 Bellatrix g N BXE 17 1.30 .72 436 .83 1544 .85 .78 +.06 -12.1 Belleroph n Q BLPH 4.58 .43 207 1.18 1676 1.35 1.15 -.14 +126.9 BellicumP Q BLCM 23.11 8.61 525 13.39 2965 13.61 12.19 +1.21 -1.7 Belmond N BEL 48 14.45 8.69 256 11.95 922 12.25 11.83 -.05 -10.5 Bemis N BMS 1.20f 2.5 19 53.88 47.22 494 47.79 1717 48.58 47.78 -.36 -.1 BenchElec N BHE 22 33.45 18.54 193 30.35 747 31.50 30.30 -.60 -.5 BenefBncp Q BNCL .24 1.5 45 19.00 12.34 193 15.85 548 16.35 15.80 -.15 -13.9 Benefitfoc Q BNFT 44.98 24.55 165 27.65 744 28.30 27.40 -.30 -6.9 BenitecB n Q BNTC 5.48 1.20 100 2.85 487 3.14 2.76 -.34 +86.3 Berkley N WRB .52 .8 20 73.17 54.56 282 67.99 1030 69.25 67.99 -.64 +2.2 Berkley pfB N WRBpB 1.41 5.7 26.73 21.82 20 24.60 84 25.15 24.56 +.14 +8.8 Berkly pfC N WRBpC 27.28 21.72 4 25.70 33 26.00 25.70 -.22 +7.1 Berkly pfD N WRBpD 1.44 5.8 26.39 21.54 10 24.92 74 25.07 24.81 -.07 +8.9 BerkH B N BRK/B 17 177.86 136.65 3529 162.90 13449 167.00 162.87 -3.27 BerkHBcp N BHLB .84f 2.5 16 37.45 24.80 134 33.65 500 35.20 33.60 -1.35 -8.7 BerryPlas N BERY 21 52.97 34.98 2117 48.99 5978 49.79 47.81 +1.19 +.5 BestBuy N BBY 1.36f 2.8 13 49.40 28.76 3147 48.27 11650 49.09 48.17 +.05 +13.1 Beyondsp n Q BYSI 21.91 16.55 14 20.50 22 20.94 19.80 +.40 +22.0 Big 5Sprt Q BGFV .60 3.9 19 20.35 8.15 183 15.20 991 15.70 15.15 -.15 -12.4 BigLots N BIG 1.00f 2.1 14 56.54 41.61 733 47.19 3272 49.29 47.18 -.79 -6.0 BiglariHld N BH 35 491.74 351.46 1 423.74 9 442.10 420.06 -11.50 -10.5tBBarrett N BBG 9.38 4.04 1691 4.02 7142 4.47 4.02 -.16 -42.5 BioAmber N BIOA 6.50 2.00 136 2.32 837 2.73 2.15 +.15 -57.8tBioAmb wt N BIOA/WS 1.62 .03 191 .01 194 .04 .01 -.02 -98.4tBio-Path Q BPTH 2.91 .54 278 .64 979 .74 .54 -.08 -52.9 BioRadA N BIO 209.50 135.94 99 202.73 539 206.50 200.65 +.17 +11.2 BioTechne Q TECH 1.28 1.3 48 117.42 91.45 118 99.85 615 101.67 98.35 -.86 -2.9 BioDlvry lf Q BDSI 3.88 1.50 469 1.70 1614 1.85 1.69 -.08 -2.9 BioLifeSol Q BLFS 3.58 1.43 6 2.04 74 2.13 2.02 -.00 +26.7 BioLneRx h Q BLRX 1.42 .71 470 .88 1920 .89 .83 +.01 -4.3 BioanlySys Q BASI 2.42 .60 175 1.27 355 1.34 1.12 +.11 +64.9 BioblastP Q ORPN 3.13 .51 62 .54 429 .66 .51 -.01 -48.1 Biocept rs Q BIOC 4.29 .74 507 1.79 1583 1.95 1.79 -.15 +131.0 Biocryst Q BCRX 9.25 2.49 731 6.75 4165 7.45 6.67 -.51 +6.6 Biogen Q BIIB 15 333.65 223.02 1154 271.88 4320 273.14 267.10 +3.15 -4.1 Biolase Q BIOL 1.98 .80 171 1.34 345 1.39 1.19 +.07 -4.3 BioMarin Q BMRN 102.49 73.45 845 89.91 3295 90.50 87.34 +1.96 +8.5 Biomeri n Q BMRA 3.38 1.53 2 2.33 43 2.64 2.24 +.13 +1.3 BiondVax n Q BVXV 7.87 3.04 10 6.47 89 7.17 6.33 -.62 +93.1 BiondVx wt Q BVXVW 2.02 .37 1 1.27 5 1.48 1.19 -.22 +242.3 BioPhrmX N BPMX 1.22 .19 913 .70 8328 .76 .63 +.05 +87.2 Bioptix rs Q BIOP 6.65 2.14 16 4.02 53 4.24 3.64 +4.7 BioScrip Q BIOS 3.43 .98 863 1.41 3858 1.53 1.39 -.01 +35.6 BioSpecif Q BSTC 35 58.21 32.39 24 51.89 122 54.93 50.88 -1.61 -6.8tBiostage h Q BSTG 2.86 .29 979 .30 2507 .33 .28 -.02 -66.7 BiostrPh rs Q BSPM 7.06 1.08 14 2.28 66 2.35 2.20 +.06 -22.2sBioTelem Q BEAT 52 31.70 10.96 221 30.45 3002 31.70 29.45 +3.15 +36.2 BioTime N BTX 4.01 2.26 296 3.26 1043 3.45 3.17 -.11 -9.7 BioTime wt N BTX/WS .98 .30 8 .51 30 .55 .51 -.01 -26.7sBioverativ Q BIVV 58.00 40.00 948 56.83 4318 58.00 55.10 -.05 +19.6 BirksGrp N BGI 5.15 .41 37 1.55 282 1.66 1.35 +.15 +44.9 BitautoH N BITA 33.16 16.56 250 23.60 1413 24.75 23.30 +.12 +24.6 BlackBox Q BBOX .48 5.1 17.05 8.25 86 9.40 477 9.55 8.75 +.70 -38.4 BlackDiam Q BDE 6.85 3.93 28 5.40 232 5.55 5.25 +.05 +.9sBlkHillsCp N BKH 1.78f 2.6 21 67.96 54.76 219 67.25 970 67.96 67.00 -.14 +9.6 BlkHCp un N BKHU 74.98 61.75 3 73.12 244 74.88 73.03 -.15 +6.2 BlackKnt n N BKFS 48 42.19 28.87 56 38.30 315 39.40 38.25 -.50 +1.3 BlkStMin n N BSM 1.15f 7.0 63 19.86 14.10 53 16.48 195 16.83 16.33 -.11 -12.2sBlackLin n Q BL 32.78 21.66 391 30.40 1322 32.78 29.60 +.36 +10.0 BlkRkCap Q BKCC .84 11.6 9.92 6.75 215 7.25 1321 7.35 7.17 -.05 +4.2 Blckbaud Q BLKB .48 .6 69 78.23 55.88 194 77.00 868 77.73 76.52 +.19 +20.3sBlackBerry Q BBRY 9.19 6.23 14385 8.64 67034 9.19 7.51 +.83 +25.4 BlkhwkNet Q HAWK 41.53 28.88 477 38.80 1743 39.80 38.60 -.25 +3.0 BlackRock N BLK 10.00f 2.6 20 399.46 317.60 360 379.00 1570 389.03 378.01 -7.02 -.4 BlkBldAm N BBN 1.58 7.0 25.58 19.50 260 22.48 544 22.66 22.40 +.02 +4.1 BlkCA18 N BJZ .33 2.2 15.30 14.93 2 15.07 27 15.16 15.05 +.03 +.3 BlkCAIT N BFZ .87 6.0 17.00 13.81 83 14.37 345 14.43 14.31 +.14 -.8 BlkCorBd N BHK .85a 6.2 14.34 12.57 108 13.63 338 13.65 13.51 +.10 +4.8 BlkCpHiY N HYT .84a 7.6 11.20 9.86 265 11.05 1566 11.07 10.98 +.11 +2.0 BlkCrdAllo N BTZ .97 7.3 13.70 12.05 89 13.25 518 13.25 13.14 +.12 +2.2 BlkDbtStr rs N DSU 11.75 10.38 60 11.54 603 11.64 11.51 +.02 +1.8 BlkDefOpp N BHL .70a 5.1 14.01 12.96 15 13.71 45 13.77 13.68 +.02 -.6 BlkEngyRs N BGR 1.32 9.6 15.01 13.00 103 13.77 430 14.16 13.73 -.09 -4.6 BlkEnhC&I N CII 1.20 8.4 14.56 12.59 100 14.28 539 14.40 14.23 +.02 +4.2 BlkEEqDv N BDJ .56 6.6 8.60 7.42 345 8.44 1538 8.54 8.43 +3.6 BlEnhGvIn N EGF .66 5.0 14.11 13.03 23 13.22 57 13.29 13.16 +.2 BlkFltRtInc N FRA .81 5.6 14.85 12.89 143 14.33 467 14.38 14.28 +.11 -.6 BlkFloatR N BGT .78a 5.4 14.65 12.58 35 14.46 236 14.63 14.38 +.14 +2.7 BlkFL2020 N BFO .37 2.5 15.48 14.85 0 15.10 17 15.15 15.10 +.01 +.6sBlkGlbOp N BOE 1.16 9.2 12.66 11.19 223 12.61 1075 12.66 12.48 +.12 +9.0 BlkHlthSci N BME 2.40a 7.0 38.54 30.82 26 34.21 76 34.41 33.86 +.19 +7.7 BlkIT N BKT .37 6.0 6.67 6.06 38 6.25 355 6.25 6.20 +.05 -1.3 BlkIntlG&I N BGY .59 10.1 6.13 5.36 463 5.85 1859 5.89 5.82 +.04 +6.2 BlkIQM N BKN .92a 6.2 18.30 13.92 22 14.88 80 15.09 14.69 +.18 +1.3 BlkLtdD N BLW 1.19a 7.6 16.07 14.72 65 15.68 321 15.74 15.60 +.15 +3.4 BlkLTMu N BTA .70a 6.0 13.44 10.73 24 11.65 99 11.78 11.63 +.09 +3.3 BlkMDMB N BZM .65 3.7 17.00 13.81 1 14.52 2 14.57 14.40 +.21 +2.9 BlkMATxE N MHE .70a 5.1 16.72 12.68 0 13.57 1 13.90 13.57 -.11 -4.5sBlkMultSec N BIT 1.40a 8.0 17.70 15.52 85 17.50 591 17.70 17.35 +.16 +6.2 BlkMuIntD N MUI .79a 5.6 15.63 13.45 55 14.04 356 14.06 13.89 +.19 +1.7 BlkMuNYInt N MNE .69 5.0 16.35 13.18 0 13.86 19 13.93 13.76 +.09 +2.1 BlkMunihCA N MUC .81a 5.6 16.35 13.53 69 14.34 350 14.39 14.18 +.23 +1.8 BlkMunHIQ N MFL .86 5.9 16.43 13.52 30 14.49 153 14.53 14.37 +.19 +2.2 BlMunhNYQ N MHN .80a 5.8 15.68 13.13 62 13.73 220 13.83 13.64 +.16 +2.4 BlMunhNJQ N MUJ .89a 6.1 16.48 13.56 79 14.46 227 14.49 14.28 +.24 +4.0 BlkMunihQ N MUS .81 6.0 15.59 12.66 15 13.46 112 13.46 13.33 +.16 -.9 BlkMunHQ2 N MUE .82 6.0 15.23 12.57 95 13.62 315 13.62 13.28 +.40 +1.0 BlMunyCAQ N MCA .88 5.9 16.87 13.95 49 14.95 178 14.97 14.71 +.31 +3.1 BlkMunyInv N MYF .97 6.2 17.48 14.32 8 15.66 81 15.73 15.45 +.27 +5.0 BlkMunyIQ N MFT .85 6.1 16.50 13.23 11 14.01 58 14.09 13.90 +.16 +.5 BlkMYMIQ N MIY .83 6.0 15.69 13.17 36 13.89 145 13.90 13.71 +.24 +2.2 BlMunyNYQ N MYN .74a 5.7 14.74 12.50 67 13.09 254 13.12 13.00 +.10 +3.2 BlkMunyPaQ N MPA .86 6.0 16.66 13.75 7 14.36 48 14.38 14.26 +.14 +1.8 BlMunyQlty N MQY .96 6.4 17.20 14.21 42 15.06 189 15.15 14.94 +.02 +2.3 BlkMuniyQ3 N MYI .89a 6.3 15.88 13.23 74 14.13 255 14.19 14.03 +.17 +3.5 BlkMuniast N MUA .72a 4.9 16.09 12.96 20 14.56 115 14.68 14.38 +.21 +8.1 Blk2018 N BPK .56a 3.7 15.44 14.93 62 15.05 116 15.10 15.03 +.01 +.5 BlkMu2020 N BKK .54a 3.4 17.18 15.16 73 15.80 164 15.94 15.76 -.03 +4.0 BlkMuBdT N BBK .90a 5.9 18.55 14.50 9 15.38 102 15.43 15.17 +.24 +.8 BlkMuIIQ N BAF .82 5.7 16.67 13.68 20 14.54 90 14.58 14.43 +.15 +2.0 BlkMunIIT N BBF .87 5.8 17.00 13.46 17 14.85 74 15.06 14.83 +.04 +6.0 BlkMuIQT N BYM .86 6.2 16.38 13.50 43 14.08 149 14.12 14.04 +.11 +1.4 BlkMuIT N BFK .90a 6.4 16.02 13.42 68 14.11 413 14.23 14.09 +.04 +2.0 BlkMuIT2 N BLE .95a 6.3 16.89 13.87 13 15.20 119 15.28 15.12 +.13 +4.5 BlkMuTTT N BTT .96a 4.2 24.44 21.09 73 22.94 423 23.06 22.74 +.29 +5.1 BlkMunienh N MEN .73a 6.2 13.21 10.92 24 11.77 128 11.81 11.67 +.15 +4.4 BlkMunihld N MHD 1.03a 6.2 19.35 15.54 19 16.74 83 16.81 16.67 +.19 +3.5 BlkMunihd2 N MUH .93a 5.9 17.29 14.36 8 15.81 43 15.94 15.66 +.16 +7.6 BlkMunvst N MVF .64a 6.6 11.26 9.34 44 9.74 337 9.75 9.63 +.13 +1.4 BlkMuniv2 N MVT 1.00a 6.4 18.64 14.74 14 15.55 161 15.55 15.31 +.31 +2.0 BlkMunyAZ N MZA .83 5.6 19.16 13.89 14 14.78 29 14.97 14.63 -.05 +2.1 BlMunyldCA N MYC .89a 5.9 17.89 14.44 54 15.06 222 15.06 14.85 +.28 -1.4 BlkMuniyld N MYD .92a 6.3 16.44 13.61 33 14.68 172 14.78 14.68 +.08 +3.8 BlkMunyNJ N MYJ .90a 5.8 17.62 14.87 17 15.58 71 15.66 15.42 +.25 +1.7 BlMunQlt2 N MQT .80 6.2 15.06 12.31 38 13.03 134 13.03 12.84 +.22 +1.7 BlkNJMB N BLJ .83a 5.6 17.75 14.21 5 14.81 21 15.27 14.69 +.14 +2.5 BlkNJIT N BNJ .90a 5.9 16.98 14.12 11 15.30 56 15.30 14.89 +.51 +7.4 BlkNY18 N BLH .31a 2.1 15.18 14.72 9 14.80 38 14.87 14.78 -.02 +.5 BlkNYMB N BQH .74 5.2 16.39 13.56 4 14.30 11 14.52 14.30 -.01 +2.0 BlkNYIQT N BSE .69 5.2 15.42 12.53 14 13.29 46 13.38 13.27 +.07 +1.4 BlkNYIT N BNY .83 5.6 16.91 13.29 26 14.68 74 14.86 14.57 +.19 +5.5 BlkNYMu2 N BFY .84 5.7 18.02 14.05 11 14.80 29 15.02 14.74 -.05 +2.2 BlkRsCmdy N BCX .79 9.1 8.99 7.18 160 8.65 667 8.80 8.65 -.05 +4.6sBlkSciTch N BST 1.20 5.9 21.30 15.80 79 20.50 360 21.30 20.44 -.51 +14.3 BlkStMT N BSD .85a 6.2 15.98 13.03 14 13.66 76 13.69 13.55 +.17 +1.3sBlkU&Inf N BUI 1.45 7.0 20.75 17.24 50 20.71 207 20.75 20.52 +.15 +12.5 BlkVAMB N BHV .83 5.1 21.50 15.06 3 16.21 14 16.39 15.95 +.28 +5.3 BlkstFltRt N BSL 1.08 6.0 18.43 15.01 36 18.04 234 18.13 18.01 +.03 -.2 BlkstGSOSt N BGB 1.26 7.9 16.27 13.58 136 16.05 564 16.11 15.95 +.09 +4.6 Blackstone N BX 1.46 5.1 18 31.69 22.45 3651 28.86 11262 29.59 28.85 -.53 +6.8 BlkstnMtg N BXMT 2.48f 8.0 12 31.53 26.46 499 31.07 2394 31.32 30.90 +.13 +3.3 BlkLSCrInc N BGX 1.18 7.3 16.52 13.51 41 16.20 246 16.41 16.16 +.03 +1.8 BlockHR N HRB .88 3.7 16 24.95 19.18 1588 23.50 10756 23.75 23.29 +.10 +2.2 BlonderT N BDR 1.10 .28 2 .53 34 .61 .51 -.08 +11.7 BloominBr Q BLMN .32f 1.6 26 20.04 15.82 1059 19.55 3357 19.95 19.45 -.02 +8.4 Blucora Q BCOR 18.00 4.99 315 17.00 1488 17.55 16.65 -.25 +15.3sBlueBird Q BLBD 18.55 9.53 55 17.65 315 18.55 17.60 -.05 +14.2 BlueBPet n Q BUFF 32 27.50 21.60 734 22.85 4028 23.33 22.83 -.06 -5.0 BlueCapRe N BCRH 1.20 6.4 11 20.83 17.01 10 18.70 47 19.00 18.60 -.15 +1.4 BlueHBcp Q BHBK .20f 1.1 41 19.73 13.40 70 17.80 182 18.30 17.80 -.35 -5.1 BluebBio Q BLUE 100.40 35.37 562 86.20 1944 90.20 83.60 -1.20 +39.7 BlueknEP Q BKEP .58 8.7 7.55 4.56 30 6.65 132 7.05 6.65 -.10 -2.9 Bluekn pf Q BKEPP .72 9.1 8.75 6.51 33 7.89 39 7.92 7.85 -.06 -.1 BlueLinx rs N BXC 5 9.70 6.36 17 9.24 97 9.42 8.62 +.54 +23.7 BlueprtM n Q BPMC 46.20 13.27 453 45.59 1624 45.80 42.14 +.83 +62.5 BluerkRsd N BRG 1.16 9.2 35 14.77 10.65 157 12.57 593 12.78 12.46 -.06 -8.4 BluerkRs pf N BRGpA 2.06 7.8 27.58 24.80 5 26.38 18 26.50 26.02 +.15 +1.3 BluerkR pfD N BRGpD 1.78 7.2 25.17 21.85 6 24.85 28 24.95 24.75 +.02 +6.7 BdwlkPpl N BWP .40 2.2 15 18.95 14.37 143 18.21 962 18.78 18.18 -.31 +4.9 BobEvans Q BOBE 1.36 2.1 47 65.34 35.63 94 63.38 865 63.86 62.79 -.06 +19.1 Boeing N BA 5.68f 3.2 20 185.71 122.35 1988 175.62 9479 179.97 175.56 -3.23 +12.8 BofI Hld s Q BOFI 13 32.57 15.29 950 24.71 3636 25.25 23.82 +.56 -13.5 BofI pf Q BOFIL 1.56 6.0 29.95 21.80 1 25.81 11 26.11 25.77 -.29 +3.2 Boingo Q WIFI 13.38 6.56 163 13.20 702 13.29 12.88 +.09 +8.3sBoiseCasc N BCC 22 30.48 17.80 211 28.80 1097 30.48 28.78 -.50 +28.0 Bojangles n Q BOJA 20 21.85 14.55 104 19.90 553 20.55 19.70 -.60 +6.7 BonTon Q BONT .20 33.2 2.49 .60 47 .60 263 .66 .60 -.01 -59.0 BonanzaCE N BCEI 4.67 .60 786 .87 5830 1.08 .86 -.09 -14.6 BonsoElec Q BNSO 4.25 1.23 24 2.40 160 2.65 2.36 -.17 +9.6 BootBarn N BOOT 22 17.26 5.59 244 10.25 723 10.66 9.80 +.42 -18.1 BoozAllnH N BAH .68f 2.0 20 38.54 27.02 744 34.34 3236 35.35 34.32 -.56 -4.8 BorgWarn N BWA .56f 1.5 12 44.24 27.52 1500 38.01 8756 38.92 37.64 -.02 -3.6tBostBeer N SAM 20 195.35 137.65 130 139.05 565 143.65 135.10 -.85 -18.1 BostPrv Q BPFH .44f 2.8 19 17.88 10.77 493 15.55 1654 16.40 15.48 -.50 -6.0 BostPrv pf Q BPFHP 1.74 6.7 28.71 23.53 1 26.09 3 26.09 25.77 +.35 +4.0 BostProp N BXP 3.00f 2.2 24 144.02 113.69 637 135.52 3023 137.35 134.13 +.84 +7.7 BosProp pfB N BXPpB 1.31 5.1 27.17 22.63 5 25.75 14 25.90 25.42 +.33 +7.1 BostonSci N BSX 48 25.65 19.34 3365 24.44 18599 24.79 24.39 -.21 +13.0 BttmlnT Q EPAY 29 31.24 18.48 288 21.74 1221 22.48 21.55 -.64 -13.1 BldrG&IFd N BIF .40a 4.3 9.59 7.76 127 9.30 556 9.39 9.28 -.04 +4.0 BlvdAcq n Q BLVD 10.05 9.54 2 10.03 23 10.03 9.96 +.02 +1.1 BlvdAcq wt Q BLVDW .89 .26 49 .74 60 .82 .73 -.07 +39.8 BlvdAcq un Q BLVDU 10.77 9.67 7 10.45 12 10.45 10.28 +.00 +2.9 BovieMed N BVX 5.75 1.56 16 2.62 92 2.72 2.61 -.04 -27.0 BowlA N BWL/A .68 4.7 40 17.25 14.09 14.40 4 14.74 14.40 -.31 -12.6 Box Inc n N BOX 18.36 9.86 1261 16.98 3353 17.22 16.44 +.30 +22.5sBoydGm N BYD 22 22.36 16.77 856 21.38 4015 22.36 21.36 -.47 +6.0 BradyCp N BRC .82f 2.2 24 40.50 25.98 97 37.15 575 38.55 37.00 -.75 -1.1 Brainstorm Q BCLI 5.10 2.06 136 3.65 1294 4.34 3.50 -.36 +43.7sBrandyw N BDN .64 3.8 13 17.12 14.04 756 16.73 3186 17.12 16.54 +.14 +1.3 BrasilAgro N LND 4.11 2.72 0 3.83 6 3.92 3.73 -.05 +17.8 Braskem N BAK .38e 1.9 23.15 10.82 850 20.33 3058 21.84 20.20 -.72 -4.1 BravoBrio Q BBRG 8.68 3.40 97 4.90 415 5.30 4.70 +28.9 BridgeBcp Q BDGE .92 2.8 16 38.95 26.90 34 32.35 287 33.75 32.35 -1.25 -14.6 Bridglne rs Q BLIN 3.47 .43 64 .76 613 .88 .76 -.02 +18.4sBridgptEd N BPI 62 11.83 5.38 46 11.10 461 11.83 10.99 -.46 +9.6 BridgfdFds Q BRID 13 16.00 10.43 11.40 3 11.40 10.96 +.26 +.3 BrigStrat N BGG .56 2.7 29 23.73 17.90 223 20.81 655 21.82 20.81 -.61 -6.5 BrightHrz N BFAM 46 72.80 59.00 183 71.53 922 72.30 70.79 +.67 +2.2 Brightcove Q BCOV 13.80 5.83 132 8.20 539 8.75 8.10 -.25 +1.9 Brinker N EAT 1.36 3.2 14 55.84 40.92 534 42.98 3530 43.97 42.74 -.13 -13.2sBrinks N BCO .40 .7 60 56.48 26.86 365 56.15 1657 56.70 54.25 +1.50 +36.1 BrMySq N BMY 1.56f 3.0 31 77.12 46.01 7061 52.83 28655 53.71 52.75 -.59 -9.6 BristowGp N BRS .28 2.0 23.62 9.17 369 14.09 2343 15.13 13.96 -.24 -31.2sBritATob s N BTI 67.75 52.71 1729 67.24 7561 67.75 66.32 +.80 tBrixmorP N BRX 1.04f 4.9 12 29.14 20.62 1178 21.37 10137 21.47 20.62 +.57 -11.5 BroadcLtd Q AVGO 2.04 1.0 54 227.75 139.18 4213 211.32 14327 219.05 208.44 -6.93 +19.5 BroadrdgF N BR 1.32 2.0 24 71.74 57.92 406 67.03 1630 67.96 66.50 +.37 +1.1 BroadSoft Q BSFT 63 48.40 35.01 235 37.95 1056 39.10 37.78 -.50 -8.0tBroadVis Q BVSN 7.03 4.25 1 4.40 23 4.65 4.25 -.20 -5.4 BrdwyFn h Q BYFC 6 2.50 1.42 11 1.78 14 1.79 1.64 -.01 +8.9sBroadwdE Q BWEN 9.69 2.90 367 8.11 2448 9.69 7.74 -.13 +100.5 BrcdeCm Q BRCD .22 1.8 44 12.55 7.60 4832 12.41 18318 12.53 12.40 -.10 -.6 Brookdale N BKD 19.42 10.65 2066 12.93 6919 13.35 12.74 -.13 +4.1 BrkfdAs g s N BAM .56f 1.5 19 37.52 31.80 687 36.35 3225 37.16 36.29 -.44 +10.1 BrookBus n N BBU .25f 1.0 26.87 21.72 3 24.20 14 24.70 24.20 -.23 +.6 BrkfCda g N BOXC 2.23a 7 25.72 18.68 2 23.79 6 23.95 23.53 +.31 +21.1 BrkfDtla pf N DTLAp 1.91 7.7 25.26 18.69 5 24.79 22 24.89 24.09 +.27 +12.2 BrkGblInf N INF 1.40 10.4 14.13 11.31 57 13.45 289 13.59 13.44 -.01 +4.8 BrkfInfra s N BIP 1.74f 4.5 39.25 27.17 566 39.09 1391 39.22 37.86 +1.10 +16.8 BrkfldPrp N BPY 1.18f 5.2 24.98 20.31 71 22.66 342 23.00 22.19 +.54 +3.0 BrkRlAs n N RA .20p 23.45 21.54 92 23.42 471 23.44 23.04 +.36 +5.0 BrkfReEn N BEP 1.87f 6.1 31.85 26.61 37 30.83 209 31.06 30.21 +.67 +3.8 BrklneB Q BRKL .36 2.5 20 17.45 10.40 284 14.55 1066 15.30 14.50 -.50 -11.3 BrooksAuto Q BRKS .40 1.9 22.81 8.99 357 21.29 2139 22.39 21.23 -.73 +24.7 BrwnBrn N BRO .54 1.3 22 45.77 34.23 527 41.32 2440 42.27 41.31 -.49 -7.9 BrownFA s N BF/A 28 55.31 45.17 6 46.36 41 47.18 46.35 -.28 +.2 BrownFB s N BF/B 51.55 43.72 523 45.47 2317 46.24 45.47 -.20 +1.2 BrukerCp Q BRKR .16 .7 22 29.85 19.58 312 21.90 1754 22.91 21.83 -.80 +3.4 Brunswick N BC .66f 1.2 17 61.74 41.19 703 55.97 3013 58.13 55.78 -1.83 +2.6 BrynMawr Q BMTC .84 2.2 18 42.60 25.22 34 38.60 152 40.00 38.50 -.75 -8.4 Bsquare Q BSQR 6.44 3.80 1 5.10 24 5.30 5.05 -.20 -12.8 Buckeye N BPL 4.96f 7.3 18 75.10 61.37 186 67.62 1390 69.76 67.48 -1.70 +2.2 Buckle N BKE 1.00e 5.6 9 31.47 16.00 298 17.90 2558 19.08 17.40 +.65 -21.5 Buenavent N BVN 16.45 7.98 2435 12.36 6753 13.09 11.73 +.34 +9.6 BuffaloWW Q BWLD 30 175.10 122.25 223 150.75 1203 153.25 149.00 -1.05 -2.4 BldBear N BBW 27 15.85 8.05 265 8.30 689 9.18 8.30 -.50 -39.6 BldrFstSrc Q BLDR 17 15.85 9.04 737 14.78 3264 15.44 14.59 -.31 +34.7 BungeLt N BG 1.68 2.2 16 82.66 56.69 689 76.51 4590 77.98 75.59 +.52 +5.9 Burcon g Q BUR 2.86 1.40 3 1.51 15 1.55 1.51 -.02 -23.4 BurlStrs N BURL 29 98.32 51.19 934 91.20 3623 95.31 91.13 -3.65 +7.6C -:C&F Fnc Q CFFI 1.32 2.8 12 53.40 37.64 7 47.25 22 48.55 46.75 +.25 -5.2 C&J Eng n N CJ 39.13 32.01 34.18 1933 34.86 33.63 +.68 -6.8 CTrkMH23 N MLPC 1.19e 6.9 18.43 14.91 1 17.28 6 17.66 17.26 -.45 +3.5 CA Inc Q CA 1.02 3.2 14 34.99 29.12 1591 31.65 7208 32.04 31.61 -.23 -.4 CAE Inc g N CAE .32 15.88 11.39 121 15.15 486 15.47 15.11 +.01 +8.4 CAI Intl N CAI 21 17.92 6.75 79 14.57 217 16.43 14.51 -1.56 +68.1tCAS Med Q CASM 2.15 1.38 36 1.42 98 1.48 1.36 -.08 -11.8 CASI Phr h Q CASI 1.76 .82 88 1.22 214 1.24 1.05 +.10 +6.1 CB FnSvcs Q CBFV .88 3.1 14 29.40 19.60 0 28.35 9 28.45 27.25 +.65 +9.7 CBAK Eng Q CBAK 3.33 1.20 85 1.35 299 1.85 1.30 -.40 -4.1 CBIZ Inc N CBZ 16 14.26 9.30 105 13.95 646 14.20 13.90 -.10 +1.8 CBL Asc N CBL 1.06 11.3 8 14.30 8.72 1422 9.37 7411 9.51 8.97 +.27 -18.5 CBL pfD N CBLpD 1.84 7.7 25.60 22.72 26 23.84 257 24.05 23.73 +.01 -2.5 CBL pfE N CBLpE 1.66 7.0 26.50 22.60 5 23.76 34 23.78 23.35 +.39 +3.4sCBOE Q CBOE 1.00 1.2 34 81.63 61.22 654 81.29 3429 82.16 80.00 +.21 +10.0 CBRE GRE N IGR .60 7.8 8.80 7.06 325 7.68 1030 7.73 7.52 +.11 +5.2 CBRE Grp N CBG 16 36.74 24.11 2028 32.64 10061 33.58 32.53 -.30 +3.7 CBS A N CBS/A .72f 1.1 20 71.07 49.92 2 68.20 6 69.56 68.20 -1.36 +5.2 CBS B N CBS .72 1.1 17 70.10 48.88 2298 66.46 8072 68.98 66.45 -2.21 +4.5 CCA Inds N CAW 19 3.99 2.25 2 3.20 5 3.25 3.20 +.05 +23.1 CDI N CDI .52 6.5 9.65 4.84 26 8.05 136 8.70 7.80 +.30 +8.8 CDK Globl Q CDK .56 .9 31 67.49 45.21 765 64.22 2986 65.28 64.04 -.16 +7.6 CDW Corp Q CDW .64 1.1 18 61.00 37.80 495 56.78 2666 58.52 56.57 -1.16 +9.0 CEVA Inc Q CEVA 48 36.81 21.46 87 33.45 386 35.20 33.10 -1.30 -.3 CF CpA n Q CFCO 10.25 9.60 1 10.02 2 10.04 10.01 +.01 +1.0 CF Cp wt Q CFCOW 1.70 .61 0 1.40 17 1.45 1.36 -.04 +12.0 CF Cp un n Q CFCOU 12.05 9.15 10.73 4 10.80 10.73 -.02 +2.5 CF Inds s N CF 1.20 4.2 60 37.17 20.77 2683 28.42 14034 30.07 28.28 -1.09 -9.7 CGG rs N CGG 32.00 6.57 2 7.05 8 7.14 6.86 +.18 -50.2 CGI g N GIB 50.58 40.88 106 46.54 507 47.37 46.50 -.58 -3.1 CH Robins Q CHRW 1.80 2.4 21 81.16 65.57 1521 74.46 5076 76.67 74.15 -1.27 +1.6 CHS Inc pf Q CHSCP 2.00 6.6 34.85 28.86 13 30.16 49 30.50 30.11 -.05 +3.0 CHS pfB Q CHSCO 1.97 6.8 31.88 28.05 24 28.80 84 28.99 28.70 +1.9 CHS pfB2 Q CHSCN 1.78 6.4 31.58 25.94 8 27.88 32 28.40 27.70 -.37 +5.2 CHS pfB3 Q CHSCM 1.69 6.2 29.78 25.36 15 27.22 84 27.42 26.92 -.05 +3.6 CHS pfB4 Q CHSCL 1.88 6.6 31.34 26.36 21 28.52 70 28.78 28.20 -.03 +5.1 CIM CmTr Q CMCT .88a 5.3 45 20.27 14.54 4 16.52 14 16.60 16.00 +.50 +6.9 CIT Grp N CIT .60 1.4 41 44.59 28.33 1449 42.86 6728 44.05 42.64 -.57 +.4 CM Finan Q CMFN 1.00m 9.8 6 10.50 7.75 27 10.25 76 10.35 10.10 +10.2 CME Grp Q CME 2.64f 2.3 28 127.60 89.46 940 115.87 4840 118.53 115.82 -2.12 +.5 CMS Eng N CMS 1.33f 2.9 27 46.25 38.78 2149 45.21 9077 45.77 44.74 +.26 +8.6 CNA Fn N CNA 1.00a 2.3 14 44.88 29.38 148 43.30 707 44.07 43.15 -.48 +4.3 CNBFnPA Q CCNE .66 2.9 16 28.43 17.07 35 22.63 168 24.40 22.50 -1.53 -15.4 CNH Indl N CNHI .12 1.2 10.05 6.26 1606 9.82 5495 10.00 9.70 -.13 +13.0 CNO Fincl N CNO .32 1.6 14 21.70 14.30 838 20.11 3766 21.11 20.10 -.82 +5.0 CNOOC N CEO 4.77e 4.0 138.36 112.32 60 119.92 430 122.31 119.51 -2.52 -3.3 CNX Coal n N CNXC .51 22.30 7.14 15 16.25 102 16.95 16.00 -.50 -11.0 CPFL Eng N CPL .40t 16.75 10.02 206 16.27 928 16.50 16.27 -.09 +5.6 CPI Aero N CVU 9 10.15 4.35 14 6.40 91 6.70 6.27 +.10 -30.8 CPI Card n Q PMTS .18 42 9.25 3.25 81 3.80 536 4.20 3.75 -.15 -8.4 CPS Tech Q CPSH 28 2.39 1.07 14 1.41 176 1.61 1.40 -.12 -24.6 CRA Intl Q CRAI .56 1.5 24 40.00 19.27 26 36.29 165 36.59 35.12 +.91 -.8sCRH Med N CRHM 9.25 2.80 77 8.90 777 9.25 8.60 +.35 +69.5 CRH N CRH .74e 2.2 36.83 25.82 467 33.61 1721 34.68 33.59 -1.15 -2.2 CRISPR n Q CRSP 25.00 11.63 38 19.41 148 19.59 18.56 +.12 -4.2 CSG Sys Q CSGS .79f 2.2 17 51.34 35.92 133 36.08 595 36.91 36.01 -.44 -25.5 CSI Comp Q CCLP 1.51 15.8 13.54 6.04 210 9.58 532 10.11 9.51 -.04 -1.5 CsopChiA50 N AFTY 2.38p 14.28 12.12 13.82 13 13.90 13.77 -.08 +6.7 CSP Inc Q CSPI .44 4.2 20 11.95 5.92 23 10.36 66 10.39 10.00 +.16 -2.1 CSRA n N CSRA .40 1.4 24 33.54 21.95 427 27.68 2357 28.43 27.65 -.39 -13.1 CSS Inds N CSS .80 3.1 22 29.18 23.16 19 25.41 85 26.00 24.31 +.81 -6.1 CST Brnds N CST .19j 37 48.50 36.02 369 48.23 1549 48.39 48.22 -.05 +.2 CSW Ind n Q CSWI 40 41.85 29.25 29 34.95 141 35.95 34.80 -.20 -5.2 CSX Q CSX .72 1.6 26 50.31 24.36 4532 46.42 21992 47.93 46.04 -1.01 +29.2 CTI BioP rs Q CTIC 6.48 3.07 198 4.04 411 4.20 4.00 -.08 -1.0 CTI Inds Q CTIB 7.60 5.01 5.89 7 5.91 5.58 +.31 +.6 CTS N CTS .16 .8 29 24.80 16.08 72 19.40 260 20.60 19.30 -.90 -13.4 CU Bncp Q CUNB 26 40.30 20.57 195 37.65 958 39.30 37.55 -1.25 +5.2 CUI Glbl Q CUI 8.40 4.01 28 4.55 74 4.80 4.53 -.01 -34.3 CVB Fncl Q CVBF .48 2.4 22 24.63 15.25 377 20.31 1564 21.36 20.27 -.85 -11.4 CVD Eqp Q CVV 10.94 6.25 4 10.49 47 10.74 10.04 +.19 +20.9 CVR Engy N CVI 2.00 11.3 17 26.57 12.03 642 17.67 2920 18.52 17.53 -.15 -30.4 CVR Ptrs N UAN .71e 15.0 9.75 4.05 220 4.72 1175 5.08 4.61 -.03 -21.5 CVR Rfng N CVRR 3.12e 34.7 35 13.25 5.50 282 9.00 734 9.40 8.95 -.15 -13.5 CVS Health N CVS 2.00f 2.6 13 106.67 69.30 3332 77.96 17764 78.36 76.96 +.88 -1.2sCWA Inco n N CWAI 25.23 25.00 15 25.24 20 25.25 25.19 +.13 +1.0 CYS Invest N CYS 1.00 12.3 9 9.21 7.42 1841 8.12 6857 8.20 8.02 +.05 +5.0 CYSInv pfA N CYSpA 1.94 7.9 25.65 23.05 11 24.50 22 24.71 24.26 +3.2 CYSInv pfB N CYSpB 1.88 7.9 24.72 22.46 23 23.76 99 23.86 23.42 +.20 +4.7 CabGS flt34 N GYB .83 3.7 23.30 19.54 0 22.22 17 22.50 22.15 +.10 +7.4 CabcoJCP97 N PFH 1.91 10.2 21.20 16.40 9 18.70 39 18.70 17.74 +.98 -5.9 CabAT&T34 N GYC .83 3.5 26.05 20.03 23.59 3 23.60 23.30 +.16 +12.6 Cabelas N CAB 20 63.60 45.00 369 53.39 1009 53.70 52.81 +.43 -8.8 CableOne n N CABO 6.00 .9 39 649.79 447.68 42 636.55 165 642.89 628.12 -.34 +2.4 Cabot N CBT 1.20 2.1 16 60.72 42.27 198 56.97 796 59.46 56.90 -1.60 +12.7 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 4 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
CabotMicro Q CCMP .80f 1.1 28 77.04 38.37 159 70.44 678 75.56 70.24 -3.81 +11.5 CabotO&G N COG .08 .3 26.74 20.02 3794 24.00 15011 24.81 23.93 -.41 +2.7 CACI N CACI 18 135.35 87.31 92 112.35 362 116.60 112.10 -2.50 -9.6 Cadence Q CDNS 33 32.19 22.79 1208 31.11 6777 31.56 30.92 -.07 +23.4 Cadiz h Q CDZI 15.65 5.00 63 14.95 610 15.25 14.40 -.40 +19.6 CaesarStne Q CSTE .57e 17 43.50 26.35 138 36.10 573 36.50 35.55 +.15 +26.0 CaesarAcq Q CACQ 3 15.80 5.69 157 15.25 521 15.55 14.95 -.10 +13.0 CaesarsEnt Q CZR 10.84 5.39 431 9.50 2215 9.90 9.50 -.15 +11.8tCafePress Q PRSS 3.84 2.80 61 2.89 227 3.09 2.78 -1.7 Cal-Maine Q CALM 2.49e 6.5 53.06 35.10 260 38.58 1344 38.81 37.01 +1.38 -12.7 Caladriu rs Q CLBS 7.80 2.65 31 4.27 187 4.77 4.10 -.42 +50.9 CalaCvHi Q CHY 1.20 10.7 11.50 9.91 155 11.24 1122 11.34 11.18 +.03 +6.5 CalaCvOp Q CHI 1.14 10.3 11.36 9.23 192 11.02 1079 11.10 10.85 +.10 +9.2 CalaCv&Inc Q CCD 2.00 10.3 19.70 16.75 71 19.41 288 19.51 19.03 +.11 +10.7sCalaGDyIn Q CHW .84 10.6 7.96 6.56 274 7.91 1060 7.96 7.85 +.04 +13.5 CalaGTR Q CGO 1.20 10.0 12.90 10.34 52 12.06 265 12.56 11.85 -.16 +14.5 CalaStrTR Q CSQ .99 8.9 11.25 9.38 295 11.11 1098 11.25 11.03 -.08 +8.2 CalAmp Q CAMP 52 17.71 12.13 247 15.72 1017 16.33 15.64 -.57 +8.4 CalAtlantic N CAA .16 .4 11 40.94 30.18 662 37.38 2885 38.12 37.34 +.02 +9.9 CalavoGr h Q CVGW .90f 1.4 30 71.48 48.75 319 63.70 902 64.15 61.05 +1.00 +3.7 Caleres N CAL .28 1.1 13 36.61 21.27 478 26.03 1416 26.15 25.28 +.42 -20.7 Calgon N CCC .20 1.5 37 18.80 12.70 105 13.60 551 14.23 13.60 -.60 -20.0 CalFirst Q CFNB .46f 2.9 18 16.45 13.27 13 16.00 15 16.15 15.80 -.05 +2.2 CalifRes rs N CRC 25.50 8.79 3025 13.32 8261 15.84 12.98 -1.23 -37.4 CalifWtr N CWT .72f 2.0 35 37.60 27.05 109 36.35 446 36.90 35.75 +.45 +7.2 Calithera Q CALA 14.90 2.20 230 10.95 1117 11.35 10.60 -.30 +236.9 Calix N CALX 8.20 6.15 135 6.40 626 6.65 6.30 -16.9 CallGolf N ELY .04 .3 6 12.56 8.96 1214 11.49 3503 11.57 11.30 +.14 +4.8 Callidus Q CALD 21.55 15.15 256 19.75 1176 20.15 19.25 +.15 +17.6 CallonPet N CPE 57 18.53 8.15 7797 12.51 21569 13.73 12.48 -.60 -18.6 Callon pfA N CPEpA 5.00 9.5 53.97 46.00 7 52.60 12 52.91 52.57 -.10 -.2 Calpine N CPN 23 16.07 10.39 3484 10.69 15412 10.84 10.40 +.16 -6.5 CalumetSp Q CLMT .69j 12.40 2.79 292 3.65 986 3.80 3.65 -.05 -8.8 CambrE rs N CEI 5.07 .31 728 .35 3165 .46 .34 -.04 -71.6 CambLrn Q ABCD 1.36 28.6 22 5.86 3.96 12 4.76 58 4.90 4.76 -.12 -4.6 Cambrex N CBM 23 62.50 38.30 160 55.00 822 57.60 54.90 -1.75 +1.9 CambriaYld N SYLD 1.42e 1.9 35.00 26.75 349 33.05 373 33.80 33.04 -.55 +1.6 CambFgnY N FYLD 1.85e 6.5 22.76 18.45 3 22.32 12 22.53 22.27 -.17 +6.5 CambGblV N GVAL .54e 2.4 22.51 17.06 7 21.78 66 22.03 21.76 -.29 +7.8 CamGblMo N GMOM .53e 2.2 24.69 22.25 11 24.25 48 24.47 24.25 -.18 +4.5 CambGlAss N GAA .55e 2.2 25.47 23.68 6 25.45 26 25.45 25.29 +.06 +4.0 CambrEmS N EYLD 32.28 24.83 28.65 2 29.20 28.65 -.55 +8.1sCambTail n N TAIL 25.35 24.74 1 25.49 15 25.49 24.97 +.54 +2.0 CamDhan n N JUNE 28.00 22.78 0 26.30 2 26.40 26.30 -.30 -.8 CamValMom N VAMO 24.64 22.09 2 23.11 9 23.59 23.11 -.33 -4.2 CamdnN s Q CAC .92 2.2 17 45.43 26.93 36 41.10 248 43.30 41.08 -.98 -7.5 CamdenPT N CPT 3.00 3.7 33 90.91 75.36 377 81.19 1687 82.17 80.63 +.32 -3.4 Cameco g N CCJ .40 13.50 7.41 1875 11.11 11581 11.91 11.11 -.05 +6.1 CampSp N CPB 1.40 2.5 19 67.89 52.59 1209 56.14 6032 57.15 56.05 +.08 -7.2 CampWrl n N CWH .08p 36.60 20.45 239 29.28 1341 29.35 28.21 +.65 -10.2 Camtek h Q CAMT 4.10 1.80 18 3.73 93 3.94 3.66 -.09 +13.4 Can-Fite N CANF 3.17 1.74 25 1.84 104 1.89 1.83 -.04 -22.7 CdaGoose n N GOOS 18.40 15.20 539 16.15 3771 17.23 15.82 -.60 +.4 CIBC g N CM 4.84 10 92.22 72.62 749 84.16 3547 86.72 84.14 -2.01 +3.1 CdnNR gs N CNI 1.18 75.05 55.73 985 72.89 4953 74.98 72.83 -.50 +8.1 CdnNRs gs N CNQ .82 35.28 27.08 2459 33.29 7878 34.31 33.15 +4.4 CP Rwy g N CP 1.64 157.34 119.50 769 150.01 2753 153.55 149.89 -.10 +5.1 CdnSolar Q CSIQ 8 19.65 10.25 414 12.72 2682 13.35 12.57 +.04 +4.4 CancerGen Q CGIX 5.30 1.10 200 3.50 1142 3.75 3.35 -.10 +159.3 Canon N CAJ 31.68 27.18 304 30.80 968 31.30 30.79 -.52 +9.5 CantelMed N CMD .12f .2 46 88.81 64.52 109 71.41 528 74.90 71.33 -2.56 -9.3 CantbryPk Q CPHC .35e 10 11.21 9.80 0 10.10 5 10.40 10.00 -.21 +.5 CpStarFn n Q CSTR 22.35 15.50 17 19.02 42 19.39 19.00 -.08 -13.4 CapellaEd Q CPLA 1.64 1.9 23 90.40 48.80 29 84.85 150 86.70 83.50 +.10 -3.4 CapBkFin Q CBF .48 1.1 28 45.00 27.71 192 41.80 993 43.20 41.50 -1.10 +6.5 CapCtyBk Q CCBG .20 1.0 30 23.15 13.16 39 20.66 84 21.12 20.24 +.28 +.9 CapOne N COF 1.60 2.0 11 96.92 58.03 3368 81.02 10500 83.82 80.90 -2.52 -7.1 CapOne wt N COF/WS 54.80 18.84 1 39.32 8 41.27 39.25 -2.83 -13.0 CapOne pfC N COFpC 1.56 5.9 27.89 24.64 17 26.24 65 26.27 26.15 +.07 +4.5 CapOne pfD N COFpD 1.68 6.1 29.33 25.33 24 27.52 74 27.64 27.47 -.05 +6.0 CapOne pfF N COFpF 1.55 5.9 28.26 24.43 13 26.43 62 26.44 26.23 +.05 +5.5 CapOne pfB N COFpP 1.50 5.8 26.58 24.00 58 25.65 199 25.65 25.41 +.20 +4.7 CpOne pf H N COFpH 25.89 24.05 111 25.74 703 25.82 25.64 +.04 +3.4 CapOne pfG N COFpG 25.89 21.02 91 23.60 602 23.61 23.17 +.21 +8.9 CapProd Q CPLP .32f 9.4 10 4.05 2.41 380 3.39 1807 3.57 3.37 -.07 +6.6 CapSenL N CSU 20.85 12.65 269 13.53 813 14.17 13.46 -.37 -15.7 CapSwst Q CSWC .53e 3.3 77 17.33 13.49 41 16.20 110 17.04 16.11 -.50 +.3 CapitalaF Q CPTA 1.56 11.1 25 15.80 11.51 132 14.04 593 14.17 13.94 -.06 +8.6 Capitala 21 N CLA 1.78 7.0 26.11 24.26 4 25.41 13 25.60 25.40 -.16 -.5 CapAcIII n Q CLAC 10.85 9.62 134 10.60 503 10.85 10.45 -.25 +6.5 CapAcIII wt Q CLACW 1.95 .32 19 1.89 121 1.95 1.80 +117.2 CapFedFn Q CFFN .34a 2.4 23 17.04 12.89 392 14.30 1585 14.63 14.30 -.19 -13.1 Capnia Q CAPN 1.57 .55 38 .62 179 .68 .56 +.05 -23.5 Capnia wt Q CAPNW .52 .02 2 .11 11 .12 .10 +.01 +35.0 Capricor Q CAPR 5.40 2.12 22 3.15 165 3.21 2.89 +.27 +18.5 CapsteadM N CMO .84m 7.9 14 10.96 8.93 333 10.64 2555 10.76 10.50 +.11 +4.4 Capstd pfE N CMOpE 1.88 7.6 25.85 23.61 26 24.74 52 24.83 24.63 +.04 +2.9 CpstnTur rs Q CPST 2.70 .66 491 .79 2948 .88 .76 +.02 +15.4 CaraThera Q CARA 20.90 4.35 2369 17.53 9128 19.15 17.52 -.67 +88.7 CarboCer N CRR 17.07 5.66 901 10.17 2741 11.28 10.02 -.72 -2.8 Carbonite Q CARB 21.50 7.30 254 18.75 847 19.90 18.20 -.93 +14.3 CardCon hn Q CCN 14.65 8.14 16 13.80 389 14.40 13.68 -.25 +8.7 CardFnc Q CFNL .52 1.9 18 34.75 19.37 391 27.39 1471 29.18 27.35 -1.43 -16.5 CardnlHlth N CAH 1.80 2.2 16 87.85 62.70 1071 81.43 4542 82.80 81.04 -.92 +13.1 Crdiom grs Q CRME 6.36 2.35 148 3.15 512 3.33 2.99 -.05 +14.1 CardiovSys Q CSII 29.70 12.91 152 28.80 790 29.19 28.62 -.07 +19.0 Cardtronic Q CATM 15 56.00 34.91 465 43.08 1471 45.32 42.96 -1.47 -21.1 CareCPrp n N CCP 2.28 8.3 31.56 22.70 498 27.43 2877 28.12 27.16 +.26 +9.7sCareTrust Q CTRE .74f 4.3 28 17.71 12.47 469 17.33 2002 17.84 17.30 -.18 +13.1 N CRCM 48 12.97 5.90 110 11.57 912 12.31 11.50 -.22 +35.0tCareDx Q CDNA 6.08 1.10 18 1.20 331 1.35 1.10 -.05 -55.6 CareerEd Q CECO .30f 3.3 10.53 4.42 198 9.05 827 9.28 8.89 -.16 -10.3 Carlisle N CSL 1.40f 1.4 18 116.40 98.23 401 102.86 2037 105.77 102.74 -1.06 -6.7 CarlyleGp Q CG 1.55e 9.6 17.97 14.35 320 16.15 1365 16.25 15.75 +.30 +5.9 CarMax N KMX 17 69.11 45.06 1906 55.37 9283 57.89 55.37 -1.13 -14.0 Carnival N CCL 1.60f 2.8 17 60.24 42.94 3169 57.47 13902 58.99 57.43 -1.14 +10.4 CarnUK N CUK 1.20 2.1 58.88 43.45 366 56.93 1398 58.06 56.82 -.77 +11.2 CaroFin s Q CARO .16f .6 22 31.50 16.01 26 28.56 98 29.24 28.50 -.60 -7.2 CarolTrBk Q CART 26 12.00 5.60 0 7.02 11 7.80 7.02 -.48 +9.7 CarpTech N CRS .72 2.1 33 45.34 28.74 250 34.66 891 37.82 34.59 -2.21 -4.2 CarrSrv N CSV .20 .7 19 29.11 21.67 50 27.06 377 27.74 26.96 +.20 -5.5 Carrizo Q CRZO 43.96 26.08 1753 28.00 4944 29.10 27.85 -.13 -25.0 CarrolsRst Q TAST 14 17.55 9.60 208 13.75 1088 14.25 13.50 -.30 -9.8 Carters N CRI 1.32 1.5 17 112.58 77.94 703 88.26 2927 90.58 88.09 -.06 +2.2 Cartesian h Q CRTN 1.96 .50 8 .79 65 .83 .77 -.03 -13.1 CarverBc lf Q CARV 33 5.99 2.87 2 3.32 8 3.51 3.11 -.08 +2.9 CascdeBcp Q CACB 31 8.52 5.27 168 7.34 370 7.65 7.34 -.25 -9.6 CascTher rs Q CASC 10.98 3.49 84 4.00 305 4.09 3.76 +.12 -7.2 CasellaW Q CWST 14.28 6.42 178 13.91 782 14.11 13.71 -.12 +12.1 Caseys Q CASY .96 .9 25 136.22 105.17 351 112.01 1647 112.94 111.73 +.19 -5.8 CassInfo Q CASS .92 1.5 29 74.83 46.06 16 61.46 59 65.55 61.46 -2.51 -16.5 CastleBr N ROX 1.77 .65 610 1.46 3331 1.65 1.45 -.14 +92.1 CastlightH N CSLT 5.50 3.05 357 3.85 1201 4.20 3.75 -.15 -22.2 Catabasis n Q CATB 7.89 1.08 317 1.45 1507 1.57 1.38 +.02 -59.8 Catalent N CTLT 33 30.36 20.94 334 27.66 1275 28.82 27.48 -.74 +2.6 CatalstB rs Q CBIO 50.70 4.61 539 5.41 5123 7.08 5.20 -.04 -44.5 CatalystPh Q CPRX 2.17 .51 428 1.76 1737 1.81 1.67 +.01 +67.6 CatchMTim N CTT .54f 4.6 12.58 10.05 112 11.65 534 11.74 11.50 -.01 +3.5 Caterpillar N CAT 3.08 3.3 28 99.46 69.04 4606 93.10 18750 97.89 93.09 -2.42 +.4 CathayGen Q CATY .84 2.4 16 40.83 26.27 402 35.70 1461 37.34 35.68 -1.06 -6.1 CatoCp N CATO 1.32 6.2 8 38.88 19.73 282 21.34 1331 21.99 20.67 +.76 -29.1 CavcoInd Q CVCO 35 121.70 85.56 14 114.80 81 117.00 114.40 -1.70 +15.0 Cavium Q CAVM 73.01 35.90 762 67.26 2076 71.14 67.14 -3.12 +7.7 CecoEnv Q CECE .26 2.5 14.88 5.96 183 10.44 718 10.86 10.42 -.26 -25.2 CedarF N FUN 3.42f 5.0 22 69.81 56.17 60 68.35 336 69.05 67.67 -.33 +6.5 CedarRlty N CDR .20 3.8 14 8.08 4.86 455 5.31 2626 5.36 5.11 +.16 -18.7 CedarR pfB N CDRpB 1.81 7.0 27.25 23.81 26 25.79 299 26.06 25.50 +.40 +5.9 CelSci wt N CVM/WS .22 .01 109 .02 265 .02 .02 +10.5 Cel-Sci N CVM .59 .06 7503 .10 12469 .11 .08 +.02 +55.2tCeladon N CGI .08 1.7 23 12.03 4.75 448 4.65 2215 5.75 4.40 -.45 -35.0 Celanese N CE 1.44 1.6 13 93.06 60.59 999 89.16 3088 92.89 89.00 -3.06 +13.2 Celestic g N CLS 10 14.74 8.83 277 14.23 1220 14.69 14.20 -.23 +20.1 Celgene Q CELG 32 127.64 94.42 2374 124.45 11995 126.45 124.11 -1.13 +7.5 Celgene rt Q CELGZ 1.61 .99 30 1.04 65 1.18 1.04 -.06 +1.4 Cellcom N CEL 26 11.19 5.70 10 9.71 44 10.39 9.66 -.62 +22.4 CelldexTh Q CLDX 5.13 2.85 1386 3.28 4282 3.35 3.20 -.02 -7.3 CellectBio n Q APOP 13.50 2.30 25 8.25 143 8.80 8.12 -.44 +167.0 CellectB wt Q APOPW 4.80 .25 4 2.00 18 2.21 1.88 -.23 +284.6 Celct wtA Q CLRBZ 1.88 .25 4 .80 49 .85 .70 +90.5 Cellectar rs Q CLRB 4.93 1.00 94 2.14 781 2.25 2.00 -.03 +75.4 Cellectis n Q CLLS 34.99 16.09 27 22.63 276 23.65 22.26 -.75 +33.5 CallularBio Q CBMG 20.98 10.05 56 11.30 97 12.50 11.18 +.20 -13.7 Celsion Q CLSN 1.78 .19 6460 .31 14869 .35 .28 +.03 +.3 Celyad n Q CYAD 59.50 16.31 2 29.50 32 32.59 28.05 +.19 +66.1 Cementos N CPAC .28e 2.5 11.98 8.07 4 11.28 16 11.33 10.87 +.15 +22.5 Cemex N CX .29t 9.62 5.49 8274 8.77 28044 9.41 8.70 -.57 +9.2 Cemig pf N CIG .14e 5.0 3.84 1.40 6586 2.80 26062 3.13 2.80 -.29 +22.8 Cempra Q CEMP 26.95 2.55 588 3.70 3238 4.00 3.70 -.15 +32.1 Cemtrx wt Q CETXW 1.73 .25 .66 10 .75 .60 +.01 -55.6 Cemtrex rs Q CETX .02p 6 8.41 1.84 107 3.10 1217 3.74 3.02 -58.0 Cemtrx pf Q CETXP .19p 10.03 3.13 0 5.80 11 6.15 5.80 -.10 -42.0 Cencosud N CNCO .36e 4.0 10.13 7.43 100 9.09 406 9.44 8.95 -.23 +8.2tCenovusE N CVE .20 16.82 10.68 3248 10.70 19345 11.29 10.64 -.26 -29.3 Centene s N CNC 16 75.57 50.00 756 70.56 3772 72.31 70.04 -.48 +24.9 CntRsDvA Q CDEV 20.97 9.65 1503 19.79 4303 20.44 19.02 +.77 +.4 CC MLPInf N CEN 1.25 10.1 13.72 8.93 91 12.37 294 12.84 12.36 -.42 +3.4sCenterPnt N CNP 1.07 3.8 22 28.18 20.46 1937 27.94 9908 28.19 27.73 +.04 +13.4 CntrStBks Q CSFL .24f 1.0 27 26.94 14.50 135 23.74 679 24.96 23.72 -.88 -5.7tCentElBr B N EBR/B 8.91 6.07 93 6.20 392 6.51 6.07 -.19 -21.3tCentElecBr N EBR 7.70 4.79 59 4.86 411 5.04 4.79 -.11 -29.2sCEurMed Q CETV 3.25 2.03 280 3.15 1045 3.25 2.95 +.20 +23.5 CnEurRusT N CEE .49e 2.3 21.70 17.48 4 20.88 125 21.20 20.86 -.40 +1.5 CentrlFedl Q CFBK 3.64 1.25 21 2.14 84 2.40 2.12 -.25 +22.2 CFCda g N CEF .01 .1 14.88 11.22 877 13.21 3026 13.23 12.73 +.41 +17.0 CentGard lf Q CENT 30 37.80 14.75 43 36.47 230 37.09 35.76 +.31 +10.2 CenGrdA lf Q CENTA 35.35 14.84 105 34.22 514 34.79 33.37 +.38 +10.7 CenPacFn N CPF .64 2.2 19 33.12 21.23 80 28.76 352 30.29 28.75 -1.10 -8.5 CentSecur N CET 1.78e .8 24.08 18.77 12 23.75 65 24.07 23.75 -.27 +9.0 CntlVyCm Q CVCY .24 1.3 14 22.44 10.78 26 18.64 134 19.62 17.62 -.27 -6.6 CentrueF n Q CFCB 28 26.52 16.24 15 25.40 34 25.68 24.87 +.14 +19.2 CentrusEn N LEU 9.46 2.53 45 5.84 191 6.45 5.62 -.08 -8.5 CentAl Q CENX 16.53 5.53 2594 11.64 8265 13.49 11.62 -1.19 +36.0 CntyBcMA Q CNBKA .48 .8 14 64.87 38.75 4 63.30 22 64.70 61.59 +1.95 +5.5 CentCas Q CNTY 20 8.27 5.40 75 7.21 371 7.70 7.17 -.38 -12.4sCentCmtys N CCS 11 27.65 16.30 70 25.55 1226 27.65 25.05 -.65 +21.7 CntryLink N CTL 2.16 8.6 10 33.45 22.33 9734 25.12 37553 25.32 24.58 +.58 +5.6 Cenveo rs N CVO 6 10.50 2.80 43 4.00 138 4.42 3.94 -.42 -42.8 CeragonN Q CRNT 4.23 1.11 159 3.15 1076 3.33 3.11 -.04 +20.2 Cerecor n Q CERC 5.60 .46 88 .52 538 .60 .48 +.00 -40.9 Cerecor wtB Q CERCZ 1.03 .01 7 .04 116 .06 .03 -.03 +14.3 Cerner Q CERN 30 67.50 47.01 1417 58.61 7164 59.78 58.48 -.99 +23.7 Cerulean h Q CERU 4.33 .63 1723 .66 3546 .74 .64 -.03 -6.8 CerusCp Q CERS 7.64 3.79 556 4.11 2454 4.34 4.07 -.19 -5.5sCervecer N CCU .30e 1.1 26.90 19.31 258 26.49 836 26.90 25.30 +1.00 +26.3 CescaTh rs Q KOOL 7.39 1.85 25 3.06 87 3.28 3.01 -.08 -11.3 Chaisma n Q CHMA 12.90 1.55 42 1.60 207 1.70 1.55 -.03 -17.9 ChampOn rs Q CSBR 4.79 1.11 23 2.80 90 3.08 2.71 -.16 +10.7 Changyou Q CYOU 9 31.47 17.43 73 27.35 578 27.78 26.72 +.20 +28.9 ChannAdv N ECOM 15.91 10.20 187 11.30 401 11.45 10.98 +.20 -21.3 Chantic wt Q HOTRW .57 .01 26 .05 148 .07 .05 -.01 +100.0tChanticler h Q HOTR .90 .28 97 .30 462 .33 .28 -.03 -28.6 CharlsColv Q CTHR 1.33 .83 37 .92 126 .96 .90 -.03 -16.4 ChRvLab N CRL 21 91.57 67.20 232 87.38 799 88.01 86.60 -.11 +14.7 ChartInds Q GTLS 35 40.87 21.80 170 33.44 604 35.65 33.23 -1.41 -7.2 ChartCm n Q CHTR 21 341.50 214.06 685 330.00 3589 335.70 328.00 -.65 +14.6sCharterFn Q CHFN .24f 1.2 24 20.28 12.36 25 19.66 171 20.28 19.44 -.07 +17.9 ChaseCorp N CCF .70f .7 24 98.30 54.25 16 96.00 88 98.25 93.00 -.10 +14.9 ChathLTr N CLDT 1.32 6.7 16 24.80 16.45 142 19.61 783 19.84 19.22 +.26 -4.6sChkPoint Q CHKP 24 104.41 74.34 886 103.53 2807 104.64 102.18 +.37 +22.6 CheckCap n Q CHEK 3.42 .97 9 2.18 63 2.28 2.15 +.00 -7.4 CheckC wt Q CHEKW 1.30 .01 1 .65 2 1.10 .60 -.45 Cheesecake Q CAKE .96 1.6 23 65.09 46.93 610 61.67 2319 63.77 61.52 -1.75 +3.0 CheetahM N CMCM 16.99 8.77 489 10.22 2926 11.30 9.85 -.57 +6.9 ChefsWhs Q CHEF 20.57 10.31 122 13.60 608 14.18 13.20 -.40 -13.9 Chegg N CHGG 8.78 4.26 198 8.05 1165 8.40 8.04 -.33 +9.1 Chembio Q CEMI 9.40 5.05 8 6.00 52 6.00 5.25 +.55 -11.8sChemed N CHE 1.04 .6 25 190.32 124.78 55 182.02 208 190.32 181.12 -.94 +13.5 ChemFinl Q CHFC 1.08 2.3 18 55.55 34.82 221 46.76 959 49.62 46.76 -2.36 -13.7 ChemoCntx Q CCXI 9.10 1.92 79 7.02 296 7.23 6.90 +.01 -5.1 Chemours n N CC .12 .3 39.02 5.82 2259 35.12 6987 38.03 34.98 -2.62 +59.0 Chemtura N CHMT 33.40 24.62 150 33.40 1212 33.40 33.35 +.6 ChemungF Q CHMG 1.04 2.8 18 40.50 26.27 3 37.54 13 38.73 36.73 +.19 +3.3 CheniereEn N LNG 50.53 31.02 1888 46.84 6138 49.20 46.68 -.59 +13.1sChenEnLP N CQP 1.70 5.2 33.33 25.87 286 32.70 874 33.47 31.82 +.59 +13.5sChenEnHld N CQH .08 .3 24.87 18.10 78 24.77 291 25.36 24.14 +.33 +10.7 Cherokee Q CHKE .20 2.4 17 18.16 7.15 52 8.50 177 8.60 7.70 +.85 -19.0 CherHMtg N CHMI 1.96 11.3 5 19.14 14.03 114 17.36 618 17.43 17.02 +.36 -4.6 ChesEng N CHK 8.20 3.56 37213 5.89 142934 6.39 5.88 -.31 -16.1 ChesEn pfD N CHKpD 4.50 7.5 68.00 20.23 3 59.95 25 60.50 58.75 -.50 +29.3 ChesGranW N CHKR .29e 10.5 2 3.85 1.81 51 2.75 171 2.75 2.65 +.05 +17.0 ChespkLdg N CHSP 1.60 6.7 16 27.08 20.81 233 23.81 974 23.92 23.18 +.59 -7.9 ChspkL pfA N CHSPpA 1.94 7.7 27.50 25.10 0 25.30 6 25.30 25.25 +.02 -.4sChespkUtil N CPK 1.22 1.8 24 70.85 56.56 37 69.20 185 70.85 68.65 -.45 +3.4 Chevron N CVX 4.32f 4.1 119.00 95.52 6794 106.10 20611 110.20 105.93 -2.76 -9.9 ChicB&I N CBI .28 1.0 41.33 26.12 1901 28.94 5331 31.05 28.87 -1.42 -8.9 ChiRivet N CVR .80 2.0 23 49.34 23.90 1 39.70 2 39.70 39.50 -.06 -4.6 Chicos N CHS .33 2.5 18 16.85 9.86 2044 13.17 8054 13.61 13.11 -.05 -8.5 ChildPlace Q PLCE 1.60f 1.5 20 122.95 66.92 317 109.95 2553 114.15 105.90 +.40 +8.9sChimera rs N CIM 2.00 9.7 9 20.56 13.78 1192 20.58 5848 20.64 20.12 +.39 +20.9 Chimer pfA N CIMpA 2.00 7.9 26.00 23.45 6 25.25 36 25.35 25.12 -.01 +.9 Chimer pfB N CIMpB 2.00 7.9 25.44 24.41 127 25.37 707 25.40 25.22 +.03 +1.8 Chimerix Q CMRX 6.64 3.50 208 5.63 990 5.78 5.52 +.05 +22.4 ChAdvCns Q CADC 5.68 1.50 13 3.10 80 3.70 3.10 -.05 +41.8 ChinAutLog Q CALI 4.69 1.01 5148 2.99 6175 3.35 2.25 -.16 -12.9 ChinaAuto Q CAAS 7 7.96 3.10 48 4.87 133 5.05 4.77 -.05 -9.1 ChinaBio Q CBPO 26 137.39 96.99 175 108.34 645 108.56 103.89 +4.61 +.8tChinCer rs Q CCCL 6.07 1.80 90 1.73 767 2.35 1.66 -.32 -24.1 ChiCmCr h Q CCCR 3.20 .30 603 1.45 2600 2.23 1.31 -.91 +31.8sChiCBlood N CO 17 7.40 4.27 969 8.01 1253 8.06 6.26 +.65 +30.9 ChiCustR n Q CCRC 22.00 5.54 116 13.12 495 14.37 13.03 -.33 -23.8 ChinaDigtl N STV 1.73 1.11 14 1.27 112 1.29 1.27 -13.0 ChinaDEd N DL .45e 11 14.68 8.97 45 10.82 211 11.40 10.34 +.47 -3.2 ChinaEAir N CEA 31.59 21.38 16 27.94 50 28.47 27.81 -1.57 +25.0 ChiFnOnl Q JRJC 6 6.05 3.00 153 3.26 621 3.56 3.05 -.04 -9.9sChinaFd N CHN .47e 2.7 17.33 13.53 21 17.16 77 17.33 17.15 -.13 +14.0 ChinaGreen N CGA .10e 7.9 2 1.68 1.18 23 1.27 163 1.34 1.25 -.05 +5.8 ChinaHGS Q HGSH 2 3.19 1.45 30 1.73 113 1.80 1.60 -.02 -9.4 ChinInfoT h Q CNIT 1.78 .57 17 .70 187 .75 .68 -.02 -2.9 ChinaJJ h Q CJJD 2.29 1.53 8 1.73 81 1.87 1.72 -.09 +1.8 ChinLend h Q CLDC .28e 10.25 4.13 8 5.83 28 6.55 5.19 -.17 -8.9 ChinaLife s N LFC .32e 2.2 16.27 10.07 249 14.60 1265 14.99 14.60 -.59 +13.4 ChinaLodg Q HTHT .68p 40 64.32 31.71 159 58.90 1125 61.77 57.89 -2.51 +13.6 ChinaMble N CHL 1.87e 3.4 63.89 51.73 315 54.25 1667 55.17 53.97 -.92 +3.5 ChinaNRes Q CHNR 5.73 1.20 205 2.42 595 2.90 2.26 -.06 -2.4 ChiNBorun N BORN 1 1.77 .97 24 1.14 56 1.20 1.12 -.02 -14.9 ChOnlEd n N COE 25.24 12.45 51 18.09 406 20.31 17.80 -2.09 +16.3 ChinaPet N SNP 3.18e 3.9 84.88 64.61 66 81.70 574 83.92 81.64 -2.80 +15.0 ChinaPhH N CPHI .35 .15 90 .26 228 .28 .24 +.01 +1.9 ChiRecy rs Q CREG 3.20 1.41 11 1.54 96 1.73 1.48 -.04 +3.3 ChinaSoAir N ZNH .67e 1.9 36.95 25.60 13 34.92 75 35.54 34.75 -1.50 +35.8 ChnaTcF rs Q CNTF 4.35 1.45 428 2.41 3366 3.45 1.85 +.44 +30.3 ChinaTel N CHA 1.28e 2.6 55.44 42.29 17 49.94 66 50.50 49.19 +.02 +8.3 ChinaUni N CHU .32e 2.4 14.48 9.89 159 13.58 937 13.70 13.41 -.52 +17.6 ChXDPlas Q CXDC 3 5.88 3.07 24 4.65 105 4.80 4.65 -.13 +16.3 ChiXFash N XNY 3.65 .81 26 1.47 103 1.61 1.45 -.02 +12.2sChinaYuch N CYD .85e 4.8 7 19.15 9.69 56 17.64 308 19.15 17.54 -.96 +27.7 ChinZenix N ZX 1.95 .73 14 1.56 100 1.70 1.50 -.01 +30.1 ChiCache Q CCIH 9.65 1.45 22 1.47 392 1.55 1.46 -.02 -42.6 ChinaNt rs Q CNET 2.40 .97 70 1.28 344 1.44 1.11 +.09 +28.0 ChipMOS Q IMOS 1.31e 7.6 28 20.40 13.94 263 17.35 1170 17.80 17.13 -.27 +23.0 Chipotle N CMG 468.99 352.96 959 463.62 3306 466.77 445.25 +16.28 +22.9 ChoiceHtls N CHH .86f 1.4 27 64.00 43.61 126 62.45 672 63.10 62.00 +.15 +11.4 ChrisBnk N CBK 3.02 1.13 321 1.35 1420 1.44 1.30 +.06 -42.3 ChromaDx n Q CDXC 6.18 2.25 133 2.32 517 2.51 2.28 -.12 -29.9 ChubbLtd N CB 2.76e 2.0 14 140.55 116.65 1106 136.72 4932 138.42 136.25 -.75 +3.5 ChungTel N CHT 1.57e 4.6 38.47 31.28 125 33.87 823 33.99 33.00 -.04 +7.4 ChurchDwt s N CHD .76f 1.5 53.68 42.56 1072 49.80 4614 50.15 49.41 +.25 +12.7 ChrchllD Q CHDN 1.32 .9 24 160.00 118.76 38 155.00 162 159.50 154.65 -1.40 +3.0 ChuysHldg Q CHUY 28 37.78 25.87 103 28.35 433 29.15 28.30 -.35 -12.6tCideraTh n Q CDTX 15.91 6.65 70 6.70 317 7.25 6.55 -.50 -35.6 CienaCorp N CIEN 27 26.84 15.62 2804 21.66 10133 22.22 21.43 -.30 -11.3 Cigna N CI .04 18 154.83 115.03 743 150.41 3855 153.19 149.77 -1.63 +12.8 Cimarex N XEC .32 .3 146.96 101.04 1151 119.06 4677 123.92 118.25 +.84 -12.4 Cimpress Q CMPR 94 104.18 79.15 131 85.90 665 89.49 81.07 -2.33 -6.2 CincB pfB N CBBpB 3.38 6.8 51.47 47.33 1 49.72 13 49.96 49.50 +.08 +1.7 CinciBell rs N CBB 8 25.65 16.75 175 17.60 639 17.95 17.40 +.15 -21.3 CinnFin Q CINF 2.00f 2.8 20 79.60 63.87 395 70.46 1860 71.57 70.28 +.22 -7.0 Cinedigm rs Q CIDM 2.70 .90 196 1.41 1430 1.69 1.35 +.01 -2.1 Cinemark N CNK 1.08 2.6 19 44.84 32.60 728 42.05 3268 43.00 41.98 -.17 +9.6 CinerRes N CINR 2.27 8.0 14 39.10 26.25 10 28.43 73 29.34 27.94 +.36 -2.0 Cintas Q CTAS 1.05f .9 26 128.85 88.51 299 121.68 1697 123.79 121.48 -.88 +5.3 Circor N CIR .15 .3 54 72.96 46.59 47 56.14 221 59.18 56.07 -1.95 -13.5 Cirrus Q CRUS 16 66.10 31.00 1137 61.64 6614 65.50 60.96 -2.99 +9.0 Cisco Q CSCO 1.16 3.6 17 34.53 25.81 15328 32.42 74479 33.22 32.42 -.54 +7.3 CitiTrends Q CTRN .24 1.4 19 22.73 14.01 71 17.59 490 18.35 15.54 +.95 -6.6 Citigp pfN N CpN 1.97 7.4 26.75 25.71 153 26.71 486 26.74 26.58 +.06 +3.4 CgpVelLCrd N UWT 29.68 15.90 2784 22.60 15253 23.45 22.10 +1.04 -18.3 CgpVelICrd N DWT 33.56 20.37 1938 23.22 10038 23.85 22.45 -1.20 +5.7 Citigroup N C .64 1.1 12 62.53 38.31 31217 58.04 73690 59.98 57.68 -1.39 -2.3 Citigp wtA N C/WS/A .20 .02 3029 .11 3422 .14 .10 -.03 -30.3 Citigrp pfC N CpC 1.45 5.7 26.61 23.90 50 25.61 121 26.07 25.60 -.03 +3.2 Citigp pfJ N CpJ 1.78 6.1 30.44 26.79 115 29.06 340 29.08 28.85 +.13 +3.9sCitigp pfK N CpK 1.72 6.0 31.60 26.14 50 28.87 292 31.60 28.62 +.14 +5.6 Citigrp pfP N CpP 2.03 7.4 29.20 26.15 1 27.60 21 27.91 27.60 -.35 +.3 Citigrp pfS N CpS 1.58 5.9 27.63 24.81 20 26.69 153 26.78 26.53 +5.5 Citigrp pfL N CpL 1.72 6.2 28.32 25.61 27 27.76 72 27.79 27.56 +.04 +6.0 Citiz&Nthn Q CZNC 1.04 4.5 17 26.57 19.42 27 22.99 111 23.38 22.78 +.29 -12.3sCtzCmtyBc Q CZWI .16f 1.1 20 14.15 8.86 4 14.13 79 14.15 13.93 +.21 +13.7 CitizFincl N CFG .40 1.2 17 39.75 18.34 3862 33.24 16015 35.09 33.24 -1.39 -6.7 CitizFst Q CZFC .08e 13 20.57 13.76 2 18.54 2 19.62 18.45 -1.11 +3.0tCitizInc N CIA 11.93 6.11 95 6.17 671 6.99 6.10 -.70 -37.2 CitrixSy s Q CTXS 21 87.99 60.71 729 82.96 3355 83.89 82.76 -.19 +16.7 CtyHld Q CHCO 1.76f 2.9 16 69.09 42.98 58 61.34 193 64.10 61.34 -1.65 -9.3 CityOffce g N CIO .94 7.6 19 13.93 11.01 107 12.33 449 12.47 12.24 -.04 -6.4 CityOff pfA N CIOpA 1.66 6.6 25.63 21.52 8 25.25 243 25.42 25.03 +.12 +10.7 Civeo N CVEO 3.73 1.00 717 3.18 3224 3.24 3.07 +.07 +44.5 CivistaBcsh Q CIVB .24 1.1 18 23.75 10.50 13 21.85 110 22.38 21.07 -.09 +12.5 Civista pf Q CIVBP 1.63 2.3 78.56 35.99 70.00 2 70.00 68.00 +2.98 +14.2 CivitasSolu N CIVI 69 23.20 15.90 30 17.20 77 18.00 16.95 -.50 -13.6 ClayEng N CWEI 149.86 14.16 157 133.60 631 136.23 132.88 +1.11 +12.0 CleanDsl rs Q CDTI 5.21 1.50 43 2.66 159 2.71 2.50 +.09 +23.7 CleanEngy Q CLNE 4.80 2.38 1531 2.48 3451 2.62 2.46 -.03 -13.3 CleanHarb N CLH 59.17 43.03 194 55.66 948 57.29 55.60 -.90 Cleantch rs Q CLNT 59 10.70 2.31 462 4.75 2462 6.70 4.60 -1.97 +79.9 ClearChan N CCO 7.31 4.37 96 6.05 299 6.15 5.80 +.05 +19.8 ClrBrEnTR N CTR 1.35e 9.9 14.15 9.73 152 13.59 442 13.90 13.55 -.23 +6.3tClearOne Q CLRO .20 2.1 39 12.60 9.35 7 9.75 50 9.99 9.10 -.15 -14.5 ClrbrgMLP N CBA .80m 8.1 10.54 6.59 154 9.84 620 9.99 9.79 -.07 +7.2 ClearEnFd N CEM 1.76f 10.3 17.96 12.70 103 17.07 551 17.36 16.90 -.17 +9.7 ClrbEOpFd N EMO 1.47e 10.8 14.29 10.67 63 13.57 357 13.87 13.56 -.19 +3.5 Clearfield Q CLFD 37 21.60 14.80 34 15.25 147 15.50 14.80 -26.3 ClearsBio n Q CLSD 25.08 5.44 42 7.71 356 8.26 7.41 -.30 -13.8 ClearSign Q CLIR 6.24 3.00 30 3.68 148 3.85 3.55 -.03 +8.1 ClearS wt Q CLIRW 5.00 .65 5 1.35 7 1.50 1.35 -.12 +42.1 ClearwPpr N CLW 23 69.75 50.30 68 54.50 251 57.25 54.00 -1.70 -16.9 CleBio hrs Q CBLI 3.31 1.22 38 1.56 136 1.65 1.42 -.06 +9.9 CliffsNRs N CLF 7 12.37 2.77 15453 7.12 70463 8.22 7.10 -.99 -15.3 CliftonBcp Q CSBK .24 1.5 80 17.49 14.11 52 15.90 207 16.28 15.88 -.30 -6.0tClipRlty n N CLPR .09p 14.24 11.16 223 11.14 628 12.75 10.90 -1.56 -17.5 Clorox N CLX 3.20 2.4 27 140.47 111.24 808 133.86 2627 134.94 132.96 +.64 +11.5 CloudPeak N CLD 8.04 1.64 930 4.34 3667 4.94 4.31 -.43 -22.6 CloughGA N GLV 1.44 10.9 13.70 10.95 41 13.18 102 13.54 13.16 -.10 +9.5 CloughGEq N GLQ 1.38 11.2 12.70 10.16 44 12.33 180 12.59 12.30 -.06 +10.8sClghGlbOp N GLO 1.20 11.6 10.45 8.65 227 10.32 1013 10.45 10.27 +.11 +15.3 ClovisOnc Q CLVS 74.94 11.57 1931 56.17 5854 57.68 53.10 +.71 +26.5 ClubCorp N MYCC .52 3.8 17.60 10.80 1689 13.80 9167 15.70 13.35 -1.95 -3.8 CoBizFncl Q COBZ .20 1.2 19 17.99 10.79 64 16.10 416 16.99 16.07 -.51 -4.7 CoStar Q CSGP 224.79 174.49 137 204.52 492 208.87 201.43 -2.12 +8.5 Coach N COH 1.35 3.4 24 43.71 34.07 1681 39.73 9375 40.27 39.36 +.10 +13.4sCoastwayB Q CWAY 48 18.00 12.10 1 17.90 38 18.00 17.70 +.20 +14.3 CobaltIEn N CIE 3.50 .35 7273 .45 40471 .69 .45 -.18 -63.1 CCFemsa N KOF 1.81e 2.5 87.58 59.44 55 72.98 287 74.02 72.51 -.39 +14.9 CocaBtl Q COKE 1.00 .5 27 207.40 119.80 23 202.18 102 205.70 199.46 +2.97 +13.0 CocaCola N KO 1.48f 3.5 26 46.62 39.88 9670 42.79 41415 43.08 42.51 +.18 +3.2 CocaCEur n N CCE .89e 41.29 30.55 934 37.35 3928 37.43 37.00 +.36 +18.9 Codexis Q CDXS 5.29 3.14 224 4.30 1025 4.70 4.25 -.20 -6.5 CdrsVlly Q CVLY .54b 2.1 16 29.34 18.82 18 25.58 48 26.32 25.50 -.60 -10.6 Coeur N CDE 31 16.41 6.53 6751 9.82 21308 10.24 8.55 +1.18 +8.0 CoffeeH Q JVA 6.15 3.50 8 4.63 77 4.81 4.55 +.07 -.4sCogentC Q CCOI 1.60f 3.7 44.75 34.23 237 43.50 982 44.75 43.40 -.10 +5.2 Cogentix h Q CGNT 2.99 .71 27 1.62 179 1.71 1.55 -.01 -19.4 Cogint Q COGT 5.92 2.90 413 5.60 1697 5.90 5.05 +.60 +62.3 Cognex Q CGNX .30 .4 46 86.88 35.15 722 79.83 2958 85.26 79.64 -4.39 +25.5 CognizTch Q CTSH 22 63.23 45.44 3749 58.35 14451 59.20 58.20 -.08 +4.1sCohSClosed N FOF 1.04 8.3 12.84 10.87 171 12.60 449 12.86 12.51 -.03 +7.7 CohStGlbI N INB 1.12 12.2 9.35 7.91 97 9.18 320 9.26 9.18 -.02 +7.6 Cohen&Str N CNS 1.12f 2.8 21 43.83 33.16 170 39.90 388 40.18 38.38 +1.41 +18.8 CohStInfra N UTF 1.60 7.3 22.14 19.10 216 21.95 891 22.10 21.85 +.02 +13.4 C&SLtDP&I N LDP 1.87 7.3 26.05 22.40 75 25.63 235 25.90 25.56 -.04 +4.4 C&SIncEgy N MIE 1.32 11.5 11.96 7.88 163 11.44 479 11.56 11.40 -.02 +5.1 CohStQIR N RQI .96 7.5 14.73 11.11 356 12.82 1224 12.92 12.70 +.02 +5.0 CohStRE N RNP 1.48 7.5 21.69 17.91 117 19.86 463 19.93 19.67 +.17 +3.9 CohStSelPf N PSF 2.06a 7.7 28.50 24.82 21 26.83 137 27.20 26.82 -.22 +2.6 CohenStTR N RFI .96a 7.6 14.26 11.63 73 12.60 384 12.73 12.55 +.07 +4.1 Coherent Q COHR 41 208.62 81.00 333 192.79 951 201.50 191.01 -6.86 +40.3 CoherusBio Q CHRS 31.98 14.00 552 19.35 1346 20.05 18.50 -.20 -31.3 Cohu Q COHU .24 1.3 44 18.67 10.01 107 17.95 638 18.53 17.86 -.05 +29.1 Colfax N CFX 29 41.99 24.63 603 38.29 3407 40.56 38.25 -1.68 +6.6 ColgPalm N CL 1.60f 2.2 26 75.38 63.43 2248 73.66 9813 74.10 73.21 +.21 +12.6 CllctUnv Q CLCT 1.40 5.5 23 28.83 16.47 21 25.23 150 27.15 25.02 -1.66 +18.8 Collegium n Q COLL 20.55 8.24 207 9.99 1109 10.28 9.52 +.18 -35.8 Colliers Q CIGI .10 .2 24 52.70 32.93 20 47.50 99 48.60 47.35 +29.3 ColonyBk Q CBAN .03p 16 14.55 8.80 1 13.60 3 13.85 13.60 -.20 +3.0 ColNrthS n N CLNS 14.97 12.52 2010 12.88 11653 12.97 12.71 +.16 -10.8 ColNrth pfA N CLNSpA 2.19 8.6 25.79 25.05 2 25.51 15 25.68 25.48 +.02 -.7 ColNrth pfB N CLNSpB 2.06 8.1 25.58 24.95 63 25.35 100 25.51 25.28 +.01 ColNrth pfC N CLNSpC 2.22 8.6 25.99 24.00 8 25.84 18 25.96 25.75 +.09 +.2 ColNrth pfD N CLNSpD 2.13 8.2 26.59 25.18 15 25.90 153 25.99 25.64 +.3 ColNrth pfE N CLNSpE 2.19 8.3 26.73 25.02 2 26.36 93 26.40 26.26 +.01 +1.0 ColNrth pfF N CLNSpF 2.13 8.5 25.73 24.93 3 25.20 29 25.24 25.12 -.5 ColNrth pfG N CLNSpG 1.88 7.5 25.99 24.15 4 25.10 18 25.35 25.00 +.03 -1.6 ColNrth pfH N CLNSpH 1.78 7.1 25.18 23.75 10 25.05 43 25.12 24.88 -.04 +2.9 ColonyStar N SFR .88 2.6 24 35.15 24.22 454 34.28 2109 35.02 34.23 -.65 +19.0 ColBnkg Q COLB .88f 2.4 21 45.68 26.17 333 37.02 1345 38.34 36.89 -.70 -17.1 Col SusUS n N ESGS 29.54 23.45 28.62 4 28.77 28.62 -.09 +3.9 Col Bey N BBRC .27e 1.5 16.79 14.47 5 16.32 25 16.38 16.11 +.10 +9.9 ColEmxChi N XCEM 25.61 20.00 1 25.09 8 25.45 25.00 -.14 +11.0 ColQualDv N HILO .99e 7.2 14.05 11.94 0 13.79 13 13.80 13.61 +.10 +9.2 ColEMStOp N EMDD .28e 1.5 20.24 16.51 18.71 3 18.81 18.60 -.00 +10.8 Col EMCns N ECON .30e 1.2 25.96 21.08 131 25.13 606 25.33 24.81 +.08 +13.5 Col EmMkC N EMCR .42e 2.2 19.68 16.36 0 19.08 2 19.47 19.07 +.13 +10.5 Col IndiaC N INCO .03p 39.32 30.44 27 38.83 88 39.31 38.72 -.41 +19.9sCol IndiaInf N INXX .04e .3 13.58 9.99 32 13.27 122 13.58 13.25 -.22 +25.7sCol IndSC N SCIN .08e .4 18.99 13.00 10 18.72 63 18.99 18.69 +.10 +32.9 ColumbPT N CXP .80m 3.5 21 24.63 20.16 356 22.68 2207 23.27 22.61 -.27 +5.0sColSelTec N STK .58a 2.8 21.58 15.32 53 20.92 306 21.58 20.92 -.28 +11.6 ColuSprtw Q COLM .72 1.2 21 63.55 51.70 123 58.06 662 59.25 57.90 -.08 -.4 Colmbus Q CMCO .16 .6 31 29.23 13.80 109 24.65 340 26.54 24.38 -1.78 -8.8 CmbMtx wt Q CBMXW 1.35 .09 2 1.05 8 1.30 .92 -.24 +144.2 CombMt rs Q CBMX 5.85 2.15 87 4.55 429 5.43 4.45 -.85 +71.7 Comcast s Q CMCSA .63f 1.7 21 38.44 29.81 17065 37.14 67227 38.07 36.99 -.89 +7.6 Comcst 61 N CCV 1.25 4.8 27.72 24.30 18 26.06 52 26.06 25.85 +.20 +3.9 Comerica N CMA .92f 1.4 24 75.00 36.82 1493 65.21 5789 68.55 64.87 -2.93 -4.3 Comeric wt N CMA/WS 45.50 10.75 1 36.00 5 38.43 36.00 -2.32 -7.1 ComfrtS N FIX .28 .8 22 39.67 26.05 98 34.95 615 36.65 34.67 -.20 +5.0 CommScpe Q COMM 35 42.34 26.16 1529 39.98 7880 41.23 39.95 -1.06 +7.5 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 5 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
ComndSec N MOC 5.73 2.25 2.48 83 2.56 2.41 -.08 -9.8 CmcBMO Q CBSH .90b 1.7 20 60.61 41.43 945 52.91 2442 55.75 52.02 -2.53 -8.5 CmcBc pfB Q CBSHP 1.50 5.7 29.85 24.72 26 26.19 192 26.59 25.61 +.23 +2.9 CmceUnB Q CUBN .22p 22 22.99 14.93 4 21.79 20 21.79 21.40 +.18 +1.3 ComHub A Q CHUBA 17.23 11.92 36 15.01 106 15.53 14.94 -.30 ComHub C Q CHUBK 17.37 11.90 74 15.00 283 15.53 14.85 -.33 -.2 CmclMtls N CMC .48 2.7 41 24.64 14.58 2366 17.67 6332 18.87 17.57 -.90 -18.9sCmclVehcl Q CVGI 41 7.57 2.14 132 6.95 1013 7.57 6.92 +.04 +25.7 CommSys Q JCS .16 3.7 7.49 3.41 17 4.29 124 4.47 4.02 +.14 -7.3 CmtyBkSy N CBU 1.28 2.5 22 63.04 38.12 227 51.66 740 53.72 51.62 -1.55 -16.4 CmtyBkTr Q ESXB 17 8.50 4.86 43 7.85 84 8.00 7.72 -.10 +8.3 CmtyFinCp Q TCFC .40 1.2 25 36.90 20.60 3 34.00 10 34.99 33.50 -1.00 +17.6 CmtyHlt N CYH 17.59 4.15 1802 9.10 7088 9.28 8.73 +.24 +62.8 CmtyHlt rt Q CYHHZ .02 .00 0 .01 128 .01 .01 +.00 +60.0 CmtyHcT n N CHCT 1.55f 6.3 28 25.00 17.87 43 24.50 175 24.99 24.43 -.24 +6.4 CmtyTrBc Q CTBI 1.28 2.9 16 51.35 32.99 38 43.55 166 45.53 43.55 -1.80 -12.2 CmtyWest Q CWBC .14 1.4 16 10.65 7.00 4 10.10 16 10.25 10.10 +.05 +9.3 CommVlt Q CVLT 57.55 40.83 285 49.75 1004 51.50 49.75 -.95 -3.2 CBD-Pao N CBD .38e 2.1 20.23 11.00 277 18.43 1509 19.04 18.26 -.51 +11.4 CompDivHd N CODI 1.44 8.5 28 19.50 15.41 281 16.85 939 17.20 16.75 +.10 -5.9 CompssMn N CMP 2.88f 4.2 19 84.40 65.30 323 67.95 1512 69.85 67.90 -1.25 -13.3 Compugn Q CGEN 7.57 4.00 77 4.25 300 4.25 4.10 +.15 -16.7 CmptrPr Q CPSI 1.00e 3.7 47 53.99 18.25 64 26.85 262 29.30 26.85 -1.15 +13.8 CmpTask Q CTG .24 4.3 14 6.33 3.87 12 5.59 114 5.72 5.30 +.19 +32.8 Compx N CIX .20 1.4 17 16.70 10.06 3 14.35 6 15.00 14.25 +.05 -10.9 CmstkH rs Q CHCI 3.36 1.50 10 2.04 94 2.11 2.00 -.02 +13.3 ComstkMn N LODE .50 .19 366 .22 1110 .24 .20 +.01 -18.3 ComstkRs rs N CRK 13.43 2.64 148 9.31 1480 10.28 9.08 +.16 -5.5 Comtech Q CMTL .40 3.0 11 24.93 9.52 275 13.25 981 13.90 13.18 -.06 +11.8 ConAgra N CAG .80 2.0 21 41.68 33.08 2382 40.32 10012 40.71 40.31 -.17 +1.9sConatusPh Q CNAT 7.10 1.45 1345 7.24 7145 7.34 5.97 +.94 +37.4 ConcertPh Q CNCE 19.11 7.11 177 15.61 748 16.67 15.43 -.81 +51.7 ConchoRes N CXO 147.55 99.24 1479 130.14 5196 133.84 129.03 +.92 -1.9 ConcdMed N CCM .99e 47 5.00 3.51 55 4.66 238 4.70 4.52 +.03 +1.4 ConcrdInt g Q CXRX .30 22.4 1 34.52 1.30 245 1.34 857 1.42 1.33 -.04 -36.8 ConcurCptr Q CCUR .48 9.8 6.66 4.63 4 4.91 57 4.94 4.65 +.22 -8.2 CondHos rs Q CDOR .27e 2.5 20.41 9.81 202 10.56 479 11.25 10.56 -.18 -20.4 Conduent n N CNDT 17.44 13.10 1044 15.78 4553 16.45 15.73 -.60 +5.9 ConeMidst N CNNX 1.09f 5.2 13 25.56 13.00 124 21.01 467 23.02 20.99 -1.68 -10.8 Conformis n Q CFMS 13.83 4.35 148 5.18 621 5.34 5.06 -36.0 ConiferH n Q CNFR 9.02 6.02 0 8.05 22 8.20 7.50 +.65 -1.2 Conmed Q CNMD .80 1.8 25 50.16 37.60 125 45.21 489 45.53 40.92 +.22 +2.4 Conns Q CONN 15.77 6.54 1099 13.00 3579 13.20 11.46 +1.45 +2.8 ConnectOne Q CNOB .30 1.3 15 26.65 15.09 85 22.60 359 24.15 22.55 -1.22 -12.9 ConnWtrSv Q CTWS 1.13 2.1 26 59.26 44.10 17 53.33 79 54.72 52.97 -.48 -4.5 Connecture Q CNXR 3.24 .88 242 1.07 852 1.17 .91 +.16 -36.3 ConocoPhil N COP 1.06f 2.2 53.17 38.80 8697 48.62 30448 50.62 48.54 -.92 -3.0 ConsolEngy N CNX .04 .3 22.34 12.12 1795 15.87 11640 17.21 15.84 -1.16 -12.9 ConsolCom Q CNSL 1.55 6.5 30.23 21.85 309 23.86 1432 24.33 23.54 +.09 -11.1 ConEd N ED 2.76f 3.5 20 81.88 68.76 1560 78.53 6321 78.82 77.31 +.71 +6.6 CnsTom N CTO .08 .2 19 56.49 44.48 8 53.23 17 54.90 53.23 -.89 -.4 ConsolWtr Q CWCO .30 2.7 51 14.69 9.80 45 11.25 208 11.80 11.20 -.25 +3.7 ConstellA N STZ 2.08f 1.2 22 175.43 144.00 1340 168.95 5059 171.87 168.44 -1.42 +10.2 Constellm N CSTM 8.85 4.02 1909 5.55 4627 6.05 5.50 -.45 -5.9 ConsuPtf Q CPSS 5 6.05 3.31 21 4.61 206 4.80 4.48 -.05 -10.0 ContainStr N TCS 10 8.34 3.75 154 4.03 530 4.26 3.96 -.04 -36.5 Contango N MCF 14.14 5.62 127 7.42 519 7.67 7.30 +.06 -20.6 ContlBldg N CBPX 22 26.53 18.35 404 23.90 1134 24.45 23.50 +.15 +3.5 ContMatls N CUO 27 30.90 14.21 0 22.53 9 23.50 20.06 +2.38 -5.9 ContlRescs N CLR 60.30 31.70 2823 44.97 8717 47.48 44.86 -1.04 -12.7 ContraFect Q CFRX 4.12 1.35 10 1.75 100 1.85 1.65 -.10 ContraVir Q CTRV 2.65 .81 485 1.53 2200 1.68 1.50 -.07 +27.5 Control4 Q CTRL 21 16.17 7.01 138 15.09 712 15.59 15.05 -.30 +47.9 Cnvrgys N CVG .36 1.7 12 30.92 20.15 608 21.24 2924 21.62 21.19 -.05 -13.5sConyPkA n Q CPAA 11.86 10.00 1308 11.60 6256 11.86 10.55 +1.10 +13.4 ConyPk wt Q CPAAW 9.50 1.15 50 2.55 632 2.60 1.62 +.70 +13.3sConyPkA un Q CPAAU 12.28 10.03 132 12.50 2256 12.50 11.05 +1.40 +15.2 CooperCo N COO .06 24 202.70 152.09 201 196.29 972 200.15 195.73 -.71 +12.2 CooperTire N CTB .42 1.0 9 44.50 29.29 665 43.05 1977 44.50 43.05 -.60 +10.8 CooperStd N CPS 10 118.59 74.33 89 102.55 364 104.97 100.70 +1.40 -.8 CopaHold N CPA 2.04 1.8 23 117.00 48.57 169 114.57 782 116.32 112.02 -.36 +26.1 Copart s Q CPRT 18 31.57 20.35 1727 29.65 4128 30.65 29.64 -.19 +7.0 Copel N ELP .36e 3.8 11.94 6.43 235 9.39 1096 9.86 9.38 -.47 +10.7 CorbusPhm Q CRBP 10.78 2.08 564 6.85 3342 7.35 6.65 -.35 -18.9 Corcept Q CORT 11.58 4.60 446 10.62 1851 10.92 10.45 -.03 +46.3 CoreLabs N CLB 2.20 1.9 62 135.49 96.30 296 114.53 1534 118.50 114.33 -.82 -4.6 CoreMold N CMT 11 19.63 10.65 10 17.42 89 18.08 16.92 -.35 +1.8 CoreMrk s Q CORE .36f 1.2 26 50.00 30.00 163 30.82 646 31.83 30.71 -.03 -28.4 Corecivic N CXW 1.68m 5.1 15 35.33 12.99 703 33.18 3466 33.48 31.85 +1.25 +35.7 CoreLogic N CLGX 20 43.43 34.31 710 40.51 3114 41.46 40.09 +.31 +10.0 CorEn pfA N CORRpA 1.84 7.4 26.55 20.30 260 24.72 2252 25.39 24.61 -.66 +.4 CorEnInf rs N CORR 3.00 8.7 16 37.00 19.78 75 34.66 333 35.51 34.00 +.62 -.6sCoreSite N COR 3.20 3.5 48 92.97 64.81 200 91.66 891 92.97 91.18 -.32 +15.5 CoreSR pfA N CORpA 1.81 7.1 27.30 25.05 5 25.65 14 25.89 25.46 -.08 +1.4 Corindus n N CVRS 1.80 .40 583 1.19 2943 1.30 1.15 +.02 +70.5 Corium Q CORI 8.33 2.67 36 4.50 249 4.82 4.28 -.07 +10.8 CorMedix N CRMD 4.54 .99 264 1.22 1979 1.24 1.02 +.10 -20.3 CorOnDem Q CSOD 47.75 30.31 962 35.73 2374 37.73 35.66 -1.77 -15.6 CrnstTotR N CRF 3.35 20.8 17.65 13.79 110 16.08 569 16.40 16.00 -.26 +6.7 CrnrstnStr N CLM 3.40 21.1 18.48 13.75 305 16.10 1522 16.47 16.10 -.09 +6.1 Corning N GLW .62f 2.4 17 28.36 18.21 3915 26.32 18457 27.07 26.32 -.49 +8.4 CpBT JCP N JBN 1.75 10.6 19.79 14.76 36 16.52 150 16.93 15.43 +1.12 -7.2sCorpOffP N OFC 1.10 3.2 18 34.56 24.92 436 34.07 2045 34.56 33.86 +.07 +9.1 CorpOf pfL N OFCpL 1.84 7.3 26.77 24.85 2 25.28 19 25.59 25.28 -.18 +.1 Cort1Aon27 N KTN 2.05 6.2 34.99 30.55 1 33.18 6 33.20 33.00 +.03 +3.5 CortsJCP97 N KTP 1.91 10.1 21.99 16.40 10 18.87 62 18.89 17.84 +1.07 -9.5 CortsJCP N JBR 1.75 10.3 19.98 14.60 5 17.00 30 17.00 15.36 +1.50 -4.5 CortsPE N KTH 2.00 6.2 37.17 29.91 2 32.16 5 32.39 31.75 +.01 +1.6 Corvel Q CRVL 29 53.19 31.00 23 41.30 107 42.70 41.10 -.60 +12.8 CorvusPh n Q CRVS 22.14 8.27 93 10.09 821 10.49 9.59 +.55 -29.4 Cosan Ltd N CZZ .26e 3.2 9.50 4.75 967 8.17 3993 8.87 8.15 -.43 +8.8 Costamre N CMRE .40 5.8 10.45 5.07 1508 6.89 4334 6.98 6.15 +.66 +23.0 Costam pfB N CMREpB 1.91 8.4 24.99 16.90 1 22.61 9 23.80 21.58 -.35 +11.4 Costmr pfC N CMREpC 2.13 9.1 24.44 17.60 3 23.30 22 24.01 22.77 -.14 +7.5 Costam pfD N CMREpD 2.19 9.3 24.44 17.86 10 23.64 56 24.40 23.10 +.01 +6.5 Costco Q COST 1.80 1.1 31 178.71 138.57 1384 168.84 5997 171.57 168.80 -1.78 +5.5sCotiviti n N COTV 43.00 17.00 291 41.07 925 43.00 40.71 -.68 +19.4 Cott Cp N COT .24 1.9 58 17.38 10.10 1108 12.65 3136 12.81 12.28 +.33 +11.7tCoty N COTY .50 2.8 31.60 16.95 9393 17.89 24713 17.93 16.95 +.84 -2.3 CountrP rs Q CPAH 2.80 1.81 0 2.35 4 2.35 2.20 -5.4 Cntwd pfB N CFCpB 1.75 6.7 26.50 25.30 61 26.08 185 26.08 25.83 +.11 +2.4 CountyBcp Q ICBK .24f .8 18 35.89 19.34 37 29.31 103 32.83 28.03 -2.98 +8.7 CoupaSft n Q COUP 41.61 22.50 1405 28.98 9866 29.18 24.27 +4.12 +15.9 CousPrp N CUZ .24 2.9 12 8.82 7.04 1825 8.37 9041 8.54 8.31 +.04 -1.6 CovantaH N CVA 1.00 6.5 17.22 13.45 968 15.35 2995 15.68 15.30 -.20 -1.6 Covenant Q CVTI 19 25.22 14.26 63 17.29 346 18.79 17.03 -.66 -10.6 Covisint h Q COVS 2.48 1.50 18 1.95 79 2.00 1.85 +2.6 Cowen 21 Q COWNL 2.06 7.6 29.13 25.13 1 26.96 5 26.98 26.76 +.26 +4.9 CowenGp rs Q COWN 16.75 10.92 672 13.30 1741 14.15 13.25 -.60 -14.2 CrackerB Q CBRL 4.60 3.0 24 175.04 130.15 157 155.88 983 160.45 154.79 -2.45 -6.6 CraftBrew Q BREW 22.40 7.50 150 12.60 402 13.20 12.50 -.50 -25.4 Crane N CR 1.32 1.8 17 78.94 53.40 153 73.25 750 75.74 73.22 -1.48 +1.6 CrwfdA N CRD/A .28 3.4 59 10.50 5.65 30 8.26 116 8.51 8.24 -.12 -12.8 CrwfdB N CRD/B .20 2.0 70 14.37 6.08 50 9.77 106 10.29 9.64 -.35 -22.2 Cray Inc Q CRAY 83 43.40 16.10 216 19.00 913 19.90 18.80 -.15 -8.2 Credicp N BAP 2.19e 1.4 173.80 133.66 281 152.86 1013 162.13 152.72 -7.32 -3.2 CreditAcc Q CACC 14 221.10 160.63 127 192.56 797 196.64 188.50 -1.43 -11.5 CS EnEur50 N FIEU 107.65 73.67 1 104.04 5 105.83 104.04 -1.09 +14.4 CSVixMd rs Q TVIZ 74.25 20.15 17 22.24 45 22.55 21.21 +.93 -40.8 CSVixSh rs Q TVIX 1270.00 32.90 6954 46.49 27498 47.19 37.29 +8.57 -51.2 CSVixST rs Q VIIX 129.60 25.86 416 30.85 1515 31.07 27.60 +3.05 -28.4 CSVInvN rs N DGAZ 104.40 13.50 5851 19.50 23397 21.14 19.01 +.38 CS FILgCG N FLGE 164.89 113.12 25 159.02 47 163.27 154.83 -3.11 +14.5 CSSilvCC Q SLVO 1.35e 14.6 10.91 8.07 54 9.27 165 9.30 8.92 +.22 +13.2 CSGoldCvC Q GLDI 1.16e 12.0 10.96 8.78 29 9.64 173 9.67 9.48 +.13 +7.8 CSVS3xInSlv Q DSLV 42.93 16.93 243 19.82 1109 22.57 19.64 -1.92 -38.2 CSVS3xInG Q DGLD 69.37 39.17 72 45.70 382 50.24 45.69 -3.83 -29.2 CS VS3xGld Q UGLD 15.06 7.79 633 11.43 2656 11.43 10.40 +.86 +36.7 CSVSVixMT Q VIIZ 16.37 8.95 25 9.37 43 9.39 9.15 +.22 -22.7 CSVelIVST Q XIV 75.48 20.21 16912 62.76 80695 70.41 62.28 -6.91 +34.2 CSVIVxMT Q ZIV 62.44 35.79 82 59.31 322 60.86 58.66 -1.39 +27.4 CS LgShLiq N CSLS 27.90 25.14 2 27.25 7 27.51 26.85 +.32 +1.3 CrSuisInco N CIK .26 8.0 3.46 2.80 41 3.30 445 3.31 3.28 +4.4 CS MthlMtg N REML 32.21 24.01 1 30.95 7 31.56 29.00 +1.04 +15.5 CSVLgNG rs N UGAZ 54.89 13.66 3944 21.26 15810 22.03 19.66 -.65 -54.0 CS CrdeOil N OIIL 36.02 27.09 32.64 2 32.80 32.37 +1.12 -4.5 CS MAsHi N MLTI 1.30e 29.66 26.12 0 28.86 1 29.10 28.81 +.03 +3.8 CS VSSilv Q USLV 29.09 10.84 1282 17.11 6711 17.24 15.02 +1.43 +49.7 CredSuiss N CS 1.21e 8.6 16.17 10.01 3646 14.13 14361 14.64 14.10 -.29 -1.3 CrSuiHiY N DHY .29 10.3 2.85 2.17 172 2.80 1070 2.80 2.72 +.08 +4.9 Cree Inc Q CREE 31.64 20.75 654 24.10 2401 25.10 24.02 -.59 -8.7 CrescPtE g N CPG .28 2.6 18.95 10.23 692 10.70 3380 11.40 10.66 +.03 -21.3 CrestEq rs N CEQP 2.40e 9.2 28.30 11.76 114 26.05 449 27.20 25.90 -.80 +2.0 Cresud Q CRESY 21.55 9.57 71 20.90 341 21.47 20.50 +.30 +32.5 Criteo SA Q CRTO 52.87 32.83 246 49.92 2009 51.34 49.10 -.13 +21.5tCrocs Q CROX 12.54 6.26 758 6.09 2490 6.58 6.03 -.40 -11.2 CrossAmer N CAPL 2.45f 9.5 61 27.94 22.50 32 25.72 106 25.96 25.60 +.04 +2.1 CrssCtryHl Q CCRN 16.38 10.54 156 14.09 688 14.37 13.59 +.24 -9.7 CrosTim N CRT 1.07e 6.6 15 20.59 14.10 8 16.26 56 16.60 15.48 +.79 -9.5 CrossrdCap Q XRDC .60 27.6 2.73 1.47 16 2.17 69 2.20 2.15 -.03 +1.9 CrossrdS rs Q CRDS 11.80 2.60 23 3.94 114 3.95 2.95 +1.04 -7.5 CrwnCstle N CCI 3.80 4.0 29 102.82 79.38 2038 96.00 6987 96.49 94.51 +1.50 +10.6 CrownCfts Q CRWS .32a 4.1 13 10.24 7.05 8 7.80 82 8.15 7.75 +.05 +.6 CrownHold N CCK 14 57.49 48.04 739 53.34 4026 53.98 52.69 +.44 +1.5 Cryolife N CRY .12 .8 33 20.15 11.11 600 14.80 1225 15.90 14.45 -1.10 -22.7 CryoPrt wt Q CYRXW 1.45 .34 0 .80 6 .80 .75 +.07 -19.2 CryoPort rs Q CYRX 4.07 1.50 307 2.21 716 2.35 2.15 +.06 -31.8 CrystalRk N CRVP .95 .63 9 .82 33 .85 .78 +.03 +.6 s Q CTRP 82 50.77 37.36 1908 48.29 11884 50.61 48.24 -1.80 +20.7 CubeSmart N CUBE 1.08 4.0 39 32.78 23.65 845 27.06 4434 27.31 26.74 +.27 +1.1 Cubic N CUB .27 .6 55.65 37.24 105 48.80 460 50.50 48.25 -.50 +1.8 CullenFr N CFR 2.16f 2.5 19 96.62 57.00 346 85.90 1215 89.92 85.71 -2.99 -2.6 CullnF pfA N CFRpA 1.34 5.3 27.86 24.24 3 25.42 10 25.46 25.35 +.04 +3.1 Culp Inc N CFI .32f 1.0 16 37.80 25.57 37 30.95 155 32.50 30.95 -.70 -16.7 CumbldPh Q CPIX 7.48 4.27 6 6.50 13 6.67 6.43 -.18 +18.2 Cummins N CMI 4.10 2.8 17 155.51 105.33 1550 144.57 5770 151.56 144.54 -4.87 +5.8tCumMed rs Q CMLS 3.95 .26 242 .27 907 .36 .26 -.05 -73.7 Curis Q CRIS 3.72 1.47 240 2.55 1085 2.68 2.48 -.05 -17.2 CurEuro N FXE 112.90 100.46 503 102.89 1944 103.42 102.59 +.23 +.6 CurAstla N FXA 1.02 1.3 78.30 71.64 10 75.71 41 75.89 74.77 +.71 +4.9 CurBrit N FXB 145.60 117.48 41 121.89 169 122.24 120.94 +1.31 +1.4 CurrCda N FXC .03e 79.26 72.68 114 74.09 479 74.63 73.85 +.44 +.7 CurJpn N FXY 96.75 81.33 131 88.28 509 88.39 86.51 +1.69 +7.0 CurSwed N FXS 122.77 102.80 1 106.51 4 107.29 106.08 +.38 +.2 CurSwiss N FXF 101.31 92.37 2 94.63 11 94.78 94.31 +.32 +1.0 CurtisWrt N CW .52 .6 22 107.61 75.90 163 87.72 762 90.99 87.66 -1.75 -10.8 CushTRet rs N SRV 1.08 7.7 15.08 9.36 17 14.11 73 14.50 14.04 -.23 +3.8 CushngRen N SZC 1.64 9.0 19.10 14.11 19 18.18 77 18.59 18.16 -.14 +4.6 CushRoy rs N SRF .62 6.6 10.14 7.44 6 9.44 34 9.69 9.44 -.10 -3.5 CustomBcp N CUBI 13 36.93 23.80 145 29.43 668 30.60 29.38 -.68 -17.8 CustBcp 18 N CUBS 1.59 6.1 27.74 26.01 3 26.20 21 26.39 26.15 -.30 -.2 CustBc p C N CUBIpC .57p 27.74 25.25 3 27.07 12 27.30 27.01 +.06 +4.0 CustBc pfD N CUBIpD 29.11 23.68 1 26.78 17 26.85 26.38 +.41 +4.4 CustBc pfE N CUBIpE 27.13 24.69 1 26.60 7 26.71 26.23 -.11 +3.9 CustoBc pf F N CUBIpF 26.00 23.22 15 25.86 40 25.95 25.58 +.14 +3.4 Cutera Q CUTR 22.96 9.83 67 20.60 378 21.25 19.85 +.70 +18.7 Cyanotch h Q CYAN 5.80 3.32 0 3.92 3 3.92 3.85 -.08 -8.8 CybrOpt Q CYBE 14 41.18 9.40 154 23.10 527 25.65 22.70 -2.55 -11.5 CyberArk Q CYBR 51 59.28 37.00 617 51.95 2253 53.29 51.90 -.21 +14.2 Cyclacel pf Q CYCCP .60 8.2 11.29 4.21 7.35 3 7.58 6.47 +.05 +18.5 Cyclacel rs Q CYCC .15p 10.90 3.05 262 5.87 3301 7.27 5.60 -.05 +11.0 CymaBay Q CBAY 4.44 1.15 232 4.22 1283 4.40 3.99 +.14 +143.9 CypressEn N CELP 1.63 17.8 14.27 7.80 20 9.18 112 9.27 8.70 +.48 -13.0 CypSemi Q CY .44 3.3 26 14.98 8.02 3718 13.14 27374 13.98 13.14 -.45 +14.9 Cyren Ltd Q CYRN 2.60 1.63 28 2.00 47 2.10 1.91 -.05 -7.0 CyrusOne Q CONE 1.52 2.9 48 57.00 38.80 1118 52.42 5719 53.38 51.76 +.55 +17.2 CytRx h Q CYTR 3.66 .36 757 .44 3093 .45 .42 +.00 +16.9 Cytokinetic Q CYTK 39 13.70 7.18 170 11.60 942 11.85 11.03 +.18 -4.5 CytomX n Q CTMX 20.02 9.10 259 15.68 877 17.35 15.63 -1.46 +42.7 Cytori wt Q CYTXW .91 .40 2 .49 9 .73 .46 -.18 -30.0tCytoriTh rs Q CYTX 5.45 1.07 918 1.07 28272 2.08 1.05 -.30 -29.1 Cytosorbnt Q CTSO 6.90 4.00 298 4.55 1922 5.05 4.50 -.05 -16.5 D -:DBV Tech Q DBVT 37.98 27.02 37 32.68 204 33.45 32.30 -.63 -7.0 DCP Mid N DCP 3.12 8.3 19 42.45 28.14 359 37.80 1300 39.42 37.80 -.76 -1.5sDCT IndlTr N DCT 1.16 2.3 29 51.20 39.18 375 50.61 2616 51.20 49.86 +.71 +5.7 DDR Corp N DDR .76 6.0 14 19.92 12.13 4777 12.65 16096 12.68 12.18 +.41 -17.2 DDR pfJ N DDRpJ 1.63 6.4 26.60 24.35 0 25.21 6 25.30 25.21 +.00 +2.0 DDR pfK N DDRpK 1.56 6.1 27.13 23.66 0 25.42 17 25.42 25.30 +.07 +6.7sDGSE N DGSE 1.60 .50 52 1.61 152 1.61 1.47 +.15 +29.8 DHI Grp N DHX 11 8.43 3.90 414 4.10 1648 4.70 3.95 -.40 -34.4 DHT Hldgs N DHT .58e 12.9 6.10 3.29 715 4.50 2836 4.66 4.45 +8.7 DHX Mda n Q DHXM .08f 31 7.40 3.80 0 4.40 2 4.45 4.36 +.10 -16.2 DLH Hldgs Q DLHC 17 7.38 3.57 8 4.87 100 5.71 4.78 -.75 -18.0 DMC Globl Q BOOM .08 .6 17.19 6.15 79 12.50 162 13.05 12.30 +.05 -21.1 DNB Fncl Q DNBF .28 .8 17 35.15 23.05 2 34.00 33 34.05 33.25 +.05 +19.7sDNP Selct N DNP .78 7.2 10.97 9.81 194 10.88 1394 10.97 10.83 +.06 +6.4 DR Horton N DHI .32 .9 14 34.56 26.69 3427 33.69 11152 33.88 33.04 +.57 +23.3 Drdgold N DRD .08f 1.6 9.10 3.70 502 4.93 1110 5.18 4.90 -.08 -6.8 DSP Gp Q DSPG 44 14.20 8.50 60 11.90 272 12.45 11.80 -.40 -8.8 DST Sys N DST 1.40f 1.2 19 128.66 94.52 181 120.97 774 123.65 120.93 +.01 +12.9 DSW Inc N DSW .80 4.1 15 26.50 18.51 1226 19.58 5702 19.99 19.37 +.23 -13.6sDTE N DTE 3.30f 3.2 24 104.09 84.77 809 103.51 3419 104.10 102.33 +.54 +5.1 DTEEn 62 N DTQ 1.31 5.3 26.07 22.33 85 24.88 105 24.95 24.72 +.01 +3.9 DTE En76 n N DTJ 1.34 5.4 26.60 21.67 32 24.64 114 24.64 24.42 +.22 +9.3 DTE F76 n N DTY 1.50 5.7 26.59 24.24 17 26.23 121 26.47 26.20 -.10 +2.1 DTE En un N DTV 54.49 50.03 2 53.80 217 54.30 53.25 -.05 +1.5 DTF TxF N DTF .84 5.6 17.05 14.09 5 15.06 68 15.11 14.93 +.16 +4.4sDXC Tch n N DXC 76.75 67.76 2952 76.51 12649 77.34 73.54 +.64 +12.6 DXP Ent Q DXPE 96 40.77 12.67 84 35.46 491 39.55 35.42 -1.63 +2.1 DailyJourn Q DJCO 282.48 191.21 1 206.16 4 209.95 203.70 -1.84 -14.7 Daktronics Q DAKT .28 3.1 64 11.12 5.92 66 8.97 437 9.29 8.93 -.23 -16.2 DanaInc N DAN .24 1.4 9 20.62 9.80 1283 17.57 4883 18.41 17.53 -.55 -7.4 Danaher N DHR .56f .7 20 88.01 71.25 1944 85.78 6467 86.41 85.44 -.29 +10.2 Danaos N DAC 1 4.90 1.60 9 1.80 89 1.85 1.75 +.05 -32.1 DaqoNEn N DQ 4 27.60 18.05 37 18.76 278 20.46 18.73 -.69 -2.8 Darden N DRI 2.24 2.7 21 84.55 59.50 948 81.97 4624 83.30 81.87 -.87 +12.7 DarioHlth Q DRIO 5.90 2.67 58 2.70 268 2.94 2.70 -.19 -16.9 DarioHl wt Q DRIOW 2.00 .11 2 .49 4 .50 .33 -.01 -24.6 DarlingIng N DAR 24 15.93 11.51 982 14.79 4619 14.89 14.20 +.57 +14.6 DasanZ rs Q DZSI 10.00 4.25 24 6.05 57 6.25 5.89 -.15 +23.0 Daseke n Q DSKE 10.88 9.26 99 9.93 527 10.24 9.61 -.29 -1.5 Daseke wt Q DSKEW 1.25 .16 115 1.09 265 1.17 1.00 -.07 +28.2 Data IO Q DAIO 23 5.30 2.07 11 4.80 281 5.10 4.72 -.18 +14.8 Dataram rs Q DRAM 5.07 .81 50 1.17 318 1.24 1.12 -.02 -46.8 Datawatch Q DWCH 8.85 4.46 176 7.15 441 7.40 7.00 -.05 +30.0 DaveBuster Q PLAY 29 63.12 36.83 438 59.90 1887 60.49 59.13 +.23 +6.4tDavidsT g n Q DTEA 14.30 6.30 474 6.25 575 7.75 6.20 -1.30 -8.8 DavSelFn n Q DFNL 22.15 19.83 24 20.18 79 20.68 20.18 -.46 +.4 DavSelEq n Q DUSA 21.30 19.79 16 20.01 55 20.42 20.01 -.28 -.7 DavSelW n Q DWLD 21.28 20.00 29 20.89 72 21.19 20.86 -.08 +4.0 DaVita Inc N DVA 17 78.77 54.50 525 67.78 3016 68.86 67.23 +.74 +5.6 DawsonGeo Q DWSN 9.00 4.41 95 5.29 348 5.55 5.19 -.14 -34.2 DeVryEd N DV .36 1.1 13 36.15 15.36 768 34.25 2695 35.95 33.85 -1.30 +9.8 DeanFoods N DF .36 1.8 12 22.31 15.69 737 19.52 4310 20.10 19.48 -.03 -10.4 DeckrsOut N DECK 73 69.94 44.00 376 56.04 2969 58.21 55.46 +.26 +1.2 Deere N DE 2.40 2.2 23 112.18 76.73 2310 108.00 8284 111.38 107.96 -1.32 +4.8 DelFriscos Q DFRG 24 18.50 13.01 90 17.95 390 18.15 17.65 +5.6 DelTaco Q TACO 23 15.32 8.43 557 12.58 3071 13.04 11.58 -.29 -10.9 DelTaco wt Q TACOW 5.70 1.65 0 3.43 24 4.25 3.25 -.28 -29.3 DE EnhGlb N DEX .90 8.3 11.07 9.16 70 10.87 275 11.04 10.85 -.04 +7.5 DelaCO N VCF .72 4.8 16.42 14.50 3 14.92 21 15.07 14.75 +.21 +.1 DelaDvInc N DDF .62 6.0 10.52 9.19 13 10.32 74 10.42 10.32 -.04 +3.5 DelaNatl N VFL .72 5.5 14.99 12.07 9 13.21 43 13.26 13.05 +.24 +.4 DelaMN2 N VMM .63 4.3 15.70 13.13 13 14.60 27 14.68 14.55 +.05 +7.7tDelcath rs Q DCTH 6.85 .06 7815 .06 35656 .08 .06 -.01 -93.6 DelekLogis N DKL 2.72f 8.7 13 36.05 21.30 36 31.40 90 32.10 31.10 +10.0 Delek N DK .60a 2.7 26.06 11.41 784 22.32 3442 23.35 22.29 -.28 -7.3 DellTch n N DVMT 65.78 46.64 1052 63.92 5837 65.26 63.71 -.95 +16.3 DelmarPh n Q DMPI 9.90 2.88 573 3.04 679 4.45 2.95 -1.14 -4.7 DelphiAuto N DLPH 1.16 1.6 15 83.23 58.04 1136 73.75 6958 76.21 73.74 -1.39 +9.5 DeltaAir N DAL .81 1.8 8 52.76 32.60 14518 44.03 48988 47.17 43.81 -1.14 -10.5 DeltaAprl N DLA 14 25.52 14.85 17 17.16 115 18.87 16.95 -1.44 -17.2 DeltaNGas Q DGAS .83 2.7 39 31.29 22.06 19 30.24 34 30.50 30.24 -.23 +3.1 DeltaTch h Q DELT 3.14 .43 295 1.68 940 1.90 1.67 -.08 +130.3 DeltaTc wt Q DELTW .39 .02 .03 15 .03 .03 -.01 -39.3 DeltTim N DEL .40 .5 98 85.49 53.21 33 75.25 117 78.75 74.63 -2.15 -2.4 Deluxe N DLX 1.20 1.8 14 75.94 59.47 251 67.94 1036 69.37 67.86 -.56 -5.1 DenburyR N DNR 4.80 2.15 6028 2.32 25283 2.57 2.32 -.05 -37.0 DenisnM g N DNN .84 .37 423 .61 2043 .66 .61 +.00 +17.9 Dennys Q DENN 47 14.25 9.84 311 12.17 914 12.52 12.16 -.19 -5.1 Dentsply Q XRAY .35f .6 31 65.83 55.00 839 61.80 3613 62.99 61.66 -.66 +7.1 Depomed Q DEPO 27.02 11.83 1501 12.69 7218 13.88 12.44 -1.06 -29.6 Dermira Q DERM 38.75 22.84 153 34.17 600 35.76 32.97 +.31 +12.7 DescSys Q DSGX 70 23.75 18.09 18 22.40 82 22.73 22.35 -.28 +4.7tDestMatrn Q DEST .80 21.4 93 8.42 3.93 77 3.73 185 4.03 3.67 -.20 -27.9 Dest XL Q DXLG 5.57 2.10 88 2.60 507 2.80 2.60 -.15 -38.8 Deswell Q DSWL .28f 14.7 1.98 1.49 12 1.91 29 1.98 1.91 -.07 +7.3 Determine Q DTRM 3.79 .82 5 3.50 152 3.73 3.03 +.31 +79.5 DeutschBk N DB .83e 20.94 11.19 6430 15.86 22357 16.57 15.85 -.60 -12.4 DBDogs22 N DOD 29.00 17.00 22 18.93 63 19.78 18.60 -.56 +2.3 DBWMTR N WMW 27.29 21.67 26.37 2 26.47 26.37 +.17 +6.9 DB Cap pf N DTK 1.90 7.3 26.55 22.38 52 26.07 314 26.18 25.92 +.02 +4.4 DeutBCT2 pf N DXB 1.64 6.5 25.72 21.86 33 25.08 278 25.17 24.93 +.12 +4.6 DeutBCT5 pf N DKT 2.01 7.6 27.00 23.01 65 26.62 333 26.73 26.43 +.02 +5.4 DBCmdDL N DYY 4.77 1.82 2 3.66 4 3.74 3.65 -.01 -5.7 DB AgriDL N DAG 4.98 3.30 33 3.39 67 3.51 3.30 +.09 -2.6 DBGoldSh N DGZ 15.72 12.73 11 13.64 31 14.06 13.64 -.38 -11.2 DBGoldDL N DGP 31.42 19.20 31 24.87 84 24.91 23.40 +1.21 +23.6 DBGoldDS N DZZ 7.15 4.80 302 5.44 780 5.80 5.44 -.30 -20.6 DBGlbHY23 N FIEG 145.74 113.98 143.91 2 143.96 143.68 -.22 +10.6 Deut GlbHi N LBF .54 6.3 8.88 7.88 1 8.54 47 8.59 8.51 +2.5 Deut HiOp N DHG .72 4.9 14.88 13.07 21 14.65 123 14.82 14.58 +.08 +1.7 Deut Multi N KMM .51 5.8 8.77 7.90 128 8.76 224 8.77 8.66 +.05 +2.8 Deut Muni N KTF .84 6.2 14.82 12.52 34 13.53 283 13.60 13.39 +.13 +3.1 Deut StInc N KST .66a 5.4 12.35 11.12 24 12.26 104 12.27 12.13 +.10 +3.1 Deut StMu N KSM .84 6.7 15.01 11.86 22 12.63 79 12.69 12.52 +.07 +4.0 DBXEmMkt N DBEM .64e 3.1 20.97 17.93 23 20.67 161 20.79 20.62 -.12 +7.4 DBXEafeEq N DBEF 1.00e 3.0 29.67 23.35 1506 29.21 8169 29.59 29.20 -.37 +4.1 DBXBrazEq N DBBR 2.71e 25.3 11.85 9.00 1 10.70 5 10.95 10.70 -.18 +4.1 DBXGerEq N DBGR 3.40e 12.7 27.17 20.48 4 26.70 205 26.97 26.69 -.28 +6.0 Deu HYBd n N HYLB 51.42 50.07 2 50.77 43 50.86 50.76 -.06 +.7 Dbx Tr etf N DESC 32.47 25.98 0 30.52 2 31.12 30.52 -.41 -4.0 DbXR1KECo N DEUS 28.99 24.84 27 28.12 68 28.54 28.12 -.31 +4.0 DBXJapnEq N DBJP 2.26e 3.9 38.72 29.15 526 36.05 1477 37.10 36.05 -1.11 -3.1 DbXDvxEU N DEEF 26.27 22.73 25.82 4 25.82 25.70 +.08 +8.1sDbxEafeHiD N HDEF .43e 1.1 24.64 21.73 1 24.55 4 24.64 24.55 -.05 +5.5 DbxNikk400 N JPN 25.79 21.98 0 24.97 3 25.16 24.97 -.18 +3.4sDBXGlblInf N DBIF .60e 2.2 25.39 22.54 1 25.37 5 25.39 25.23 +.02 +7.8 DBX MSCI N DBEZ 1.28e 4.5 29.04 22.01 14 28.70 83 28.98 28.65 -.32 +7.0 DeuMunInf N RVNU .73 2.8 28.30 24.89 3 26.21 17 26.30 26.09 +.14 +1.8 DBX EMBd N EMIH .87e 25.20 23.65 24.87 2 24.94 24.59 -.04 +.1 DBX IGBd N IGIH .60e 24.92 22.68 0 24.22 3 24.32 24.08 +.04 +.1 DBXHYCpB N HYIH 1.02e 23.98 19.46 0 23.30 3 23.40 23.27 -.03 -.7 DBXChiSC N ASHS 3.46e .5 36.01 30.80 1 34.80 3 34.84 34.24 +.14 +7.8 DBXMexHd N DBMX 4.12e 13.7 22.56 19.28 3 20.41 3 20.72 20.41 -.35 +4.9 DBXSKorH N DBKO .03p 26.80 21.85 3 26.03 121 26.10 25.85 -.14 +6.2 DBXAWxUS N DBAW 1.33e 3.5 25.52 20.54 13 25.21 33 25.43 25.08 -.26 +5.1 DBXAsiaPH N DBAP 2.07e 4.3 25.26 21.28 3 25.14 3 25.14 24.98 -.11 +9.9 DBXEurHgd N DBEU 1.28e 4.2 27.18 22.77 730 26.94 3427 27.18 26.91 -.20 +6.2 DBXHvChiA N ASHR 8.43e 1.3 26.19 22.61 341 25.40 1711 25.46 25.23 -.04 +8.3 DevonE N DVN .24 .6 50.69 29.60 4481 40.65 18877 43.22 40.47 -1.89 -11.0 DexCom Q DXCM 96.38 57.68 985 76.06 2512 79.03 72.62 -2.70 +27.4 DexteraS rs Q DXTR 3.75 .90 39 1.02 242 1.10 .96 +.06 +6.3 Diageo N DEO 3.23e 2.8 117.84 99.46 235 115.61 1417 116.46 114.25 +1.61 +11.2 DiamHill Q DHIL 6.00e 14 217.68 165.38 9 188.34 34 194.62 187.20 -4.26 -10.5 DiamOffsh N DO .50 3.3 11 26.72 14.48 2103 15.23 7414 16.40 15.12 -.56 -14.0 DiamRk N DRH .50 4.5 12 12.00 8.22 2267 11.04 8430 11.08 10.72 +.30 -4.2 DiambkEn Q FANG 114.00 77.50 1500 105.04 5733 107.95 103.29 +.66 +3.9tDianaCn h rs Q DCIX 26.17 .60 565 .65 4321 .90 .60 -.13 -76.8 DianaShip N DSX 6.20 2.11 817 5.49 5813 6.16 5.45 -.43 +81.8 DianaS pfB N DSXpB 2.22 10.3 22.99 13.25 11 21.47 28 22.65 21.23 -.67 +30.8 DianaSh20 N DSXN 2.13 8.4 25.40 18.50 2 25.18 25 25.40 25.03 +.18 +22.1 DicernaPh Q DRNA 6.10 2.42 110 3.17 1374 3.85 3.12 -.17 +10.1 DicksSptg N DKS .68f 1.4 16 62.88 37.96 1371 49.66 6751 50.96 49.53 -.31 -6.5 Diebold N DBD .40 1.4 31.85 21.05 586 28.00 2845 29.45 27.85 -.90 +11.3 DifferBr rs Q DFBG 8.42 1.60 4 2.00 13 2.05 1.90 -14.7 DiffusPh n Q DFFN 15.50 1.94 48 2.69 336 3.40 2.67 -.73 +19.0 DigiIntl Q DGII 26 14.15 8.54 45 11.80 197 12.15 11.60 +.15 -14.2 Digiliti h Q DGLT 4.50 4.17 1 4.25 60 4.50 4.25 -.15 -3.4 Digimarc Q DMRC 40.13 24.20 22 27.15 131 29.00 26.75 -.60 -9.5 Digirad Q DRAD .20 3.9 7 6.15 4.15 16 5.15 128 5.20 4.95 +.15 +3.0 DigitalAlly Q DGLY 7.23 3.51 52 3.85 140 4.10 3.85 -.10 -8.3 DigitalPwr N DPW 1.75 .35 17 .65 468 .76 .62 -.08 -.8 DigitalRlt N DLR 3.72f 3.4 31 113.21 85.50 556 109.61 2945 110.11 108.40 +.91 +11.6 DigitlR pfG N DLRpG 1.47 5.8 26.75 23.05 9 25.50 54 25.90 25.40 -.07 +6.6 DigtlR pfH N DLRpH 1.84 6.7 29.49 25.90 14 27.50 53 27.50 27.33 +.16 +1.3 DigitalR pfI N DLRpI 1.59 5.9 28.16 24.50 4 27.06 91 27.15 26.86 +.03 +8.0 DigitlTurb Q APPS 1.56 .56 101 .93 260 .95 .91 -.01 +36.2 DigitalGlb N DGI 35.95 17.79 273 32.75 1029 33.45 32.70 -.10 +14.3 Dillards N DDS .28 .5 11 77.70 46.56 443 52.19 2424 53.39 50.52 +1.67 -16.7 Dillard38 N DDT 1.88 7.3 27.15 25.02 5 25.69 118 25.88 25.22 +.58 -1.2 DimeCBc Q DCOM .56 2.9 9 22.48 16.10 161 19.60 585 20.35 19.55 -.55 -2.5tDimenTh n Q DMTX 10.47 1.35 69 1.50 353 1.60 1.35 -.03 -65.5 DineEquity N DIN 3.88 7.1 9 92.79 49.53 168 54.59 796 55.50 54.11 -.02 -29.1 Diodes Q DIOD 72 27.17 16.75 138 23.03 766 24.80 23.03 -1.14 -10.3 DipexiumP Q DPRX 17.75 1.05 29 1.35 246 1.40 1.25 -.05 -15.6 DiploPhm N DPLO 27 38.94 12.25 502 14.72 2593 15.08 14.00 +.66 +16.8 DrxDlySpxB N LLSP .10p 31.33 24.71 7 30.26 7 30.65 30.24 +.09 +5.2 DxChiABear N CHAD 46.91 38.73 8 39.06 25 39.34 38.93 +.08 -8.6 DrxNGBear rs N GASX 69.68 17.73 22 27.27 83 27.41 23.97 +2.19 +18.7 DrxRBkBear N WDRW 1.86p 41.88 7.45 16 10.70 44 10.78 9.57 +.90 +8.0 DxSPOGBr rs N DRIP 54.45 10.28 1198 17.39 4042 17.50 14.88 +1.12 +33.4 DrxRBkBull N DPST 81.77 20.24 39 52.63 109 60.00 52.62 -6.17 -22.6 DirDGlBr rs N DUST 115.00 22.80 14105 24.72 40531 29.32 23.66 -3.52 -48.9 DxGlMBr rs N JDST 170.95 11.75 21642 13.77 78530 14.63 12.48 -.33 -60.8 DxSPXBll s N SPUU 42.67 31.54 40.83 3 41.18 40.75 -.32 +9.9 DxEuFnBl N EUFL 38.38 24.51 0 34.04 3 34.99 34.04 -1.23 +7.0 DirGlMin n N MELT 35.76 22.89 2 24.20 8 25.66 24.11 -1.22 -17.8 DirxEurFin N EUFS 25.13 19.46 0 20.24 2 20.24 20.10 +.55 -5.2 DxHiYldBr N HYDD 23.58 17.56 1 20.09 3 20.13 20.06 +.02 -4.9 DirNsdq100 N QQQE .37e .5 77.33 58.70 7 75.72 41 76.96 75.64 -.89 +10.2 DrxDlySCB N LLSC .10p 32.42 23.78 1 30.71 3 31.28 30.71 +.13 -1.6 DirSPX Br N SPDN 21.10 17.25 5 17.77 16 17.77 17.48 +.20 -4.2 DirxFnBr n N FAZZ 25.84 17.49 1 18.86 2 18.88 18.37 +.40 -.1 DrxiBillion N IBLN .21e .8 28.05 23.11 27.19 5 27.61 27.19 -.27 +8.3 DxRusBll rs N RUSL 114.71 49.16 167 81.80 982 85.00 77.91 -6.99 -19.0 DiEurBll3x N EURL .05e .2 25.26 14.48 14 24.33 54 24.86 24.27 -.11 +21.8 DrxEMBll rs N EDC 78.75 40.73 332 72.40 1386 74.28 70.93 -1.28 +37.0 Dir MLPHi N ZMLP 1.60m 8.7 20.15 15.50 14 18.40 38 18.90 18.39 -.43 -2.5 DxLatBll rs N LBJ 130.26 55.20 2 105.51 11 115.88 105.51 -8.16 +35.1 DxBrzBull s N BRZU 55.29 15.72 409 36.66 1328 40.54 36.53 -2.88 +18.1 DxBiotBll rs N LABU 55.88 21.94 2641 45.85 7259 46.55 41.50 +2.30 +46.4 DxIndiBll rs N INDL 75.02 41.00 40 70.86 157 74.25 70.85 -3.61 +57.7 DxNGBll rs N GASL 58.12 27.93 87 32.58 312 37.19 32.26 -3.01 -26.8 DrDevMBr N DPK 35.88 18.98 1 19.99 9 20.00 19.54 +.23 -18.0 DxSPOGBl rs N GUSH 134.00 55.34 557 64.99 1640 76.27 64.44 -5.27 -36.0 DxREBear N DRV 16.90 10.45 99 11.37 444 11.75 11.13 -.33 -10.0 DirSPBear N SPXS 16.40 8.67 6171 9.43 17517 9.43 9.00 +.30 -12.7 DrxHCreBr N SICK 42.28 20.05 0 28.16 1 28.60 28.01 -.03 -21.6 Dir20yrTBr N TYBS 22.50 18.49 20.97 6 21.12 20.97 -.26 -3.9 DrxJpBull N JPNL 51.93 32.71 2 46.73 10 48.46 46.69 -1.33 +9.4 DxEnBear N ERY 21.45 8.59 1620 11.64 5750 11.72 10.66 +.48 +22.1 DxEMBear N EDZ 42.31 16.28 473 17.61 2543 17.98 17.17 +.29 -30.3 DrxSKBull N KORU 38.22 19.17 9 33.05 28 33.58 31.55 -.80 +36.3 DxSCBear rs N TZA 45.06 17.08 13080 19.56 50348 19.56 18.23 +.76 -1.5 DxFnBr rs N FAZ 45.92 17.00 2987 20.71 9024 20.71 19.36 +1.03 -4.7 DrGMBll s N JNUG 33.29 3.77 69787 6.80 220517 7.60 6.50 +.06 +21.9 DxGBull s N NUGT 35.80 5.51 46642 11.15 181740 11.62 9.46 +1.31 +45.9 DxHmbBear N CLAW 43.32 18.08 1 19.01 22 19.10 18.47 -.59 -38.4 DrxHmbBull N NAIL 42.85 20.01 0 39.24 13 40.00 37.03 +1.56 +54.7 Dx30TBear N TMV 25.75 15.03 897 20.77 4388 22.08 20.64 -1.47 -13.4 DxFnBull s N FAS 51.11 21.14 5000 41.45 15452 44.32 41.40 -2.20 +1.3 DxBiotBear N LABD 55.83 9.33 5009 10.77 14000 11.94 10.61 -.62 -43.2 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 6 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
DrxTcBr rs N TECS 30.55 12.57 105 13.54 488 13.57 12.93 +.50 -23.1 DrxACInsi N KNOW .48e .6 82.27 68.64 18 76.74 46 78.68 76.74 -1.39 +.3 DxSOXBr rs N SOXS 40.64 7.34 922 8.69 4874 8.70 7.71 +.95 -19.4 DxRsaBr rs N RUSS 19.05 5.36 825 6.83 4207 7.15 6.59 +.48 +9.8 DxMCBr rs N MIDZ 39.04 18.10 8 20.58 26 20.60 19.24 +.93 -6.5 DxChiBear s N YANG 30.01 10.90 205 12.30 1016 12.45 11.98 +.44 -27.3 Drx300Chin N CHAU 20.89 15.60 30 19.82 150 19.88 19.56 -.06 +16.7 DxHcrBll s N CURE 37.62 24.26 33 34.00 200 34.83 33.65 -.50 +23.3 DxTcBull s N TECL 68.41 31.48 166 63.46 449 66.50 63.23 -2.54 +27.1 DxRetlBll s N RETL 49.91 27.90 12 30.27 62 31.83 29.81 +.37 -17.1 DxSOXBll s N SOXL .01e 79.89 21.10 322 66.77 1629 75.62 66.72 -8.64 +16.9 Dir30TrBul s N TMF 31.58 16.87 423 20.15 2026 20.25 18.95 +1.34 +11.4 Dir10TrBear N TYO 16.29 12.60 58 14.26 88 14.69 14.22 -.47 -7.7 Dx10yTBull N TYD .73e 58.66 39.87 1 44.61 2 44.66 43.86 +1.54 +7.4 DxMCBull s N MIDU 38.56 20.50 45 33.40 154 35.87 33.40 -1.58 +2.8 DrxREBull s N DRN 29.68 16.63 75 22.86 362 23.39 22.15 +.59 +6.7 DirxChiBull N YINN .07e .4 22.27 10.87 671 19.68 2733 20.18 19.40 -.70 +31.4 DirxDMBull N DZK 56.99 33.10 12 54.00 20 55.32 53.96 -.72 +19.9 DrxSCBull N TNA .48e 113.49 52.71 4448 96.84 16606 104.09 96.79 -4.23 -4.3 DrxSPBull N SPXL 132.76 75.33 931 121.21 2731 127.10 121.19 -4.23 +12.5 DirxEnBull N ERX 44.55 23.46 2965 30.71 9345 33.66 30.52 -1.49 -23.1 Discover N DFS 1.20 1.9 11 74.33 50.32 1849 64.77 8912 66.22 64.75 -1.21 -10.2 Discov pfB N DFSpB 1.63 6.2 26.96 24.91 29 26.02 108 26.05 25.90 +.05 +1.3 DiscCmA Q DISCA 14 29.91 23.66 2439 28.29 8526 29.44 28.22 -.92 +3.2 DiscCmC Q DISCK 14 29.12 22.43 1191 27.73 5370 28.83 27.68 -.84 +3.5 DishNetw h Q DISH 30 64.74 43.29 4510 62.38 13611 64.48 62.29 -.17 +7.7sDisney N DIS 1.56f 1.4 20 113.84 90.32 6332 113.20 19682 114.25 112.04 +.62 +8.6 Diversicre Q DVCR .22 2.2 12.82 6.41 8 10.22 19 10.38 9.80 +.50 -1.7 DvsRealAst N DRA 1.67 9.6 17.73 15.00 33 17.35 210 17.62 17.26 +.01 +11.3 DivrsRest Q SAUC 2.65 .70 129 2.43 808 2.65 2.31 +.12 +73.6 Div&Inco N DNI 1.63 13.7 12.56 10.47 17 11.86 114 12.05 11.86 -.11 +.1 DixieGrp Q DXYN 5.56 3.00 19 3.55 65 3.55 3.35 +.15 -1.4 DrReddy N RDY .31e .8 54.73 39.04 123 40.47 616 41.02 40.20 -.61 -10.6 DocuSec rs N DSS 1.64 .42 58 1.12 144 1.23 1.12 -.06 +68.2 DolbyLab N DLB .56 1.1 19 55.02 42.10 267 50.95 1141 52.35 50.75 -1.10 +12.7 DollarGen N DG 1.00 1.5 15 96.88 66.50 1523 68.74 8689 70.07 68.61 -.59 -7.2 DollarTree Q DLTR 21 99.93 72.55 1825 76.46 7599 78.65 76.41 -1.15 -.9 DomDmd g N DDC .40 3.2 13.31 7.92 749 12.56 1865 12.98 12.49 -.21 +29.8 DomMidst N DM 1.04f 3.3 25 34.47 23.17 204 31.85 659 32.65 31.75 -.05 +7.8 DomRescs N D 3.02f 3.9 20 79.36 68.71 2482 77.53 8322 78.00 77.01 -.06 +1.2 DomRes un N DCUD 54.16 48.10 261 50.68 514 50.91 50.35 -.01 +.2 DomRs76 n N DRUA 25.98 20.93 104 24.68 394 24.69 24.48 +.22 +11.2 DomRes 17 N DCUC .75 1.5 53.00 48.74 3 50.25 189 50.49 50.11 +.03 +.4 Dominos N DPZ 1.84f 1.1 42 192.01 116.91 670 174.04 3286 176.45 173.00 -1.12 +9.3 Domtar g N UFS 1.66 4.5 20 44.58 32.74 565 36.72 2486 38.25 36.50 -.12 -5.9 Donaldson N DCI .70 1.6 28 47.68 31.52 380 44.06 2161 45.96 44.06 -1.02 +4.7 DonegalA Q DGICA .55 3.2 15 18.55 14.19 10 17.22 43 17.51 17.08 +.10 -1.5 DonlleyRR rs N RRD .56 5.0 6 30.77 11.03 1059 11.21 4091 12.25 11.03 -.57 -31.3 DonnlyFn n N DFIN 29.00 18.03 131 19.42 672 19.51 18.95 +.35 -15.5 DorchMin Q DMLP .90e 5.5 25 19.30 11.75 45 16.50 197 17.60 16.15 -.80 -6.0 DorianLPG N LPG 8 12.50 5.07 186 9.70 778 10.35 9.56 -.21 +18.1 Dorman Q DORM 27 82.51 51.16 86 77.14 504 79.07 76.40 -.62 +5.6 DblEgl un Q EAGLU 10.62 9.72 5 10.55 24 10.60 10.41 +.00 +.5 DblEgl wt Q EAGLW .61 .20 6 .57 7 .59 .52 +.05 +21.3 DblEagl n Q EAGL 10.20 9.57 1 10.05 19 10.05 10.05 +.01 +1.0sDoubIncSol N DSL 1.80a 8.7 20.69 17.10 320 20.63 1349 20.70 20.34 +.28 +8.6 DblLOppCr N DBL 2.00a 8.2 27.75 22.52 48 24.32 154 24.35 23.82 +.48 +5.3 DougDyn N PLOW .96f 3.1 18 35.90 20.00 123 30.75 406 31.45 30.50 -.20 -8.6 DEmmett N DEI .92 2.4 21 40.79 31.14 532 38.95 2538 39.58 38.76 -.13 +6.5 Dover N DOV 1.76 2.2 24 82.56 62.89 755 78.52 3679 81.41 78.41 -1.61 +4.8 DoverDG N DDE 35 1.21 .92 9 1.04 25 1.04 1.02 -.01 +1.0 DoverMot N DVD .05 2.4 15 2.54 2.00 9 2.10 84 2.15 2.00 +.05 -8.7 DowChm N DOW 1.84 3.0 19 65.42 47.51 5136 61.06 18955 63.44 61.03 -2.13 +6.7 DrPepSnap N DPS 2.32f 2.4 23 98.80 81.05 641 97.21 3174 97.81 96.17 +.66 +7.2 DragnW hrs Q DRWI 8.20 1.00 32 1.35 201 1.40 1.35 -48.1 DryHYSt N DHF .35 10.1 3.60 3.07 95 3.43 834 3.46 3.41 +.05 +2.1 DrMuBdInf N DMB .75 5.8 14.70 11.96 57 13.00 332 13.36 12.99 -.07 +6.2 DryfMu N DMF .54 5.9 10.15 8.42 20 9.11 138 9.15 9.02 +.05 +5.6 DryStrt N LEO .52 5.9 9.63 8.17 52 8.77 347 8.79 8.67 +.06 +4.4 DrySM N DSM .50 5.9 9.24 7.88 42 8.43 226 8.49 8.38 +.06 +4.9 Dril-Quip N DRQ 12 69.40 46.90 549 53.20 1990 54.70 53.00 +.20 -11.4 DriveShack N DS .48 11.9 2 4.88 3.69 325 4.02 1151 4.07 3.96 +.04 +6.9 DriveS pfB N DSpB 2.44 9.6 26.71 24.21 1 25.35 8 25.49 25.29 -.03 -1.2 DriveS pfC N DSpC 2.01 8.1 27.45 19.20 24.95 3 25.10 24.51 -.09 -1.1 DriveS pfD N DSpD 2.09 8.4 26.30 22.38 24.91 2 25.04 24.90 -.29 -2.2tDryShp rs Q DRYS 1 8908.80 1.62 23619 2.01 103877 2.60 1.62 -.79 -98.3 DuPont N DD 1.52 2.0 23 82.37 61.12 2518 77.44 9403 80.19 77.34 -2.61 +5.5 DuPnt pfA N DDpA 3.50 3.9 93.85 83.00 1 89.90 2 89.95 89.23 +.87 +2.7 DuPnt pfB N DDpB 4.50 4.3 111.00 95.09 1 104.32 6 107.50 103.37 -1.63 +4.2 DuPFabros N DFT 2.00 3.9 29 52.03 37.54 264 50.66 1514 51.25 50.54 -.13 +15.3 DuPFab pfC N DFTpC 1.66 6.2 28.72 24.57 3 26.67 88 26.91 26.33 +.15 +5.0 Ducomun N DCO 25 33.65 14.85 63 28.49 419 29.88 28.00 -.26 +11.5 Df&PGblUt N DPG 1.40 8.4 17.70 14.32 89 16.71 507 16.79 16.50 +.24 +7.8 DufPUC N DUC .60 6.4 9.92 9.07 83 9.31 140 9.32 9.19 +.13 -1.4 DukeEngy N DUK 3.42 4.1 17 87.75 72.34 2365 82.59 9036 82.90 81.76 +.33 +6.4 DukeEn 73 N DUKH 1.28 4.9 27.18 23.12 19 25.90 143 26.25 25.74 +.27 +8.2 DukeRlty N DRE .76 2.7 28 28.99 21.11 2307 27.74 7442 27.93 27.28 +.43 +4.4 DuluthH n Q DLTH 32 38.19 18.25 152 20.62 711 21.48 20.30 +.05 -18.8 DunBrad N DNB 2.01f 1.9 14 141.57 100.46 433 105.01 1729 107.55 104.68 -1.29 -13.4 Dunkin Q DNKN 1.29f 2.4 24 58.43 41.29 901 53.50 3982 54.38 53.03 +.39 +2.0tDurectCp Q DRRX 2.00 .91 257 .90 1012 1.00 .89 -.06 -33.2 Dycom N DY 18 98.47 65.79 741 96.14 2014 96.80 92.90 +1.61 +19.7 Dynagas N DLNG 1.69 9.6 17.84 12.36 192 17.57 478 17.70 17.11 +.42 +9.9 Dynags pfA N DLNGpA 2.25 8.7 26.13 21.68 4 25.90 21 25.95 25.85 +.03 +2.4 Dynasil Q DYSL 7 1.78 .89 29 1.37 185 1.48 1.32 +.06 +7.0 Dynatronic Q DYNT 3.35 2.29 2 2.85 38 2.90 2.85 -.10 +21.3 DynavaxT Q DVAX 23.62 3.20 1085 5.60 3228 5.65 5.05 +.35 +41.8 Dynegy N DYN 22.01 6.67 2770 7.19 11685 7.94 7.15 -.57 -15.0 Dynegy wt N DYN/WS .70 .03 2 .04 45 .04 .04 -.00 -7.3tDynegy pfA N DYNpA 1.34 5.3 76.75 25.60 18 25.47 89 29.29 25.34 -2.18 -20.4 Dynegy 7 N DYNC 1.75 3.2 113.10 52.74 0 55.54 48 59.01 55.54 -2.83 -10.6 DynexCap N DX .72m 10.3 14 7.61 6.33 245 6.96 1068 7.03 6.86 +.06 +2.1 Dynex pfA N DXpA 2.13 8.4 25.60 23.85 1 25.27 5 25.27 25.15 +.06 +.8 Dynex pfB N DXpB 1.91 8.0 25.09 22.00 6 23.83 94 23.99 23.75 +.02 -.3E -:ETracBDC N BDCS 1.84e 7.9 24.99 19.50 11 23.17 106 23.49 23.17 -.10 +2.1 ETrAlerNG N MLPG 1.86e 7.0 28.23 20.25 1 26.70 3 27.03 26.70 -.36 +3.0 E-TrAlerInf N MLPI 1.88e 6.6 31.00 23.15 192 28.30 1231 29.16 28.25 -.72 -.4 ETBbgCmd N DJCI 16.99 14.47 4 15.64 15 15.69 15.55 +.08 -1.5 ETrAlerian N AMU 1.45e 7.2 21.82 16.68 18 20.10 112 20.85 20.07 -.37 +1.2 ETr2xBDC N BDCL 3.52e 17.0 21.81 15.05 81 20.70 545 20.97 20.65 -.04 +5.1 E-TrcCmci N UCI 14.86 12.35 41 14.21 498 14.26 14.13 +.03 +.1 E-TrLvstk N UBC 19.44 14.39 6 18.12 9 18.17 17.84 +.29 +7.7 E-Trade Q ETFC 17 38.61 21.52 2343 33.22 10887 34.98 33.20 -1.66 -4.1 eBay s Q EBAY 5 34.74 22.30 7575 34.33 29455 34.70 33.72 +.42 +15.6 eBay56 n Q EBAYL 1.50 5.6 27.50 24.27 42 26.63 237 26.95 26.50 +.18 +2.7 ECA MTrI N ECT .30e 14.0 6 2.95 1.37 24 2.15 94 2.15 2.00 +.15 EDAP TMS Q EDAP 5 3.85 2.25 17 2.54 170 2.65 2.45 -22.6 eHealth Q EHTH 15.14 6.38 276 10.74 776 11.57 10.41 -.64 +.8 ELF Inc n N ELF 32.54 24.03 711 27.58 2149 28.09 27.05 +.47 -4.7 EMC Inc s Q EMCI .84f 3.1 12 31.47 23.45 12 27.10 63 27.97 27.06 -.21 -9.7 EMCOR N EME .32 .5 21 73.44 44.27 285 60.39 1250 63.79 60.31 -2.31 -14.7 ENGlobal Q ENG 5 3.10 .97 122 1.49 386 1.88 1.45 -.29 -37.7 ENI N E 2.12e 6.7 33.40 26.15 222 31.77 1156 32.60 31.71 -.53 -1.5 EOG Rescs N EOG .67 .7 109.37 73.57 2818 95.64 9922 99.43 95.33 -1.55 -5.4 EP Energy N EPE 4 7.49 3.29 856 4.87 3708 5.27 4.84 +.08 -25.6 EPAM Sys N EPAM 40 78.40 54.53 258 74.71 1148 75.62 74.08 -.67 +16.2 EPR Prop N EPR 3.84 5.1 17 84.67 64.00 334 75.05 1163 76.35 73.96 +.70 +4.6 EPR pfC N EPRpC 1.44 4.9 32.25 25.23 1 29.35 81 29.60 29.25 +.15 +3.1 EPR pfE N EPRpE 2.25 6.1 39.02 33.00 14 36.76 15 36.76 36.20 +.76 +2.5 EPR pfF N EPRpF 1.66 6.5 27.07 24.83 0 25.74 6 25.90 25.52 -.17 +2.4 EQT Corp N EQT .12 .2 80.61 56.33 1791 62.62 6084 64.14 62.47 -.38 -4.3 EQT GP n N EQGP .71f 2.6 14 28.53 21.45 22 27.36 140 27.98 26.92 -.02 +8.5 EQT Mid N EQM 3.40f 4.4 16 82.99 69.20 111 76.86 416 79.04 76.81 -1.63 +.2 ESSA Bcp Q ESSA .36 2.5 20 16.91 12.93 6 14.62 20 14.90 14.54 -.23 -7.0 ETF SITRis N RISE 24.09 22.17 140 23.06 145 23.32 23.05 -.32 -3.0 ETF JrSil N SILJ 19.78 10.63 62 13.78 270 14.02 13.09 +.33 +14.5 ETF Cyber N HACK 29.89 22.09 186 28.50 891 29.20 28.50 -.56 +7.8 ETF BigD N BIGD 26.12 21.35 2 24.71 5 25.14 24.70 -.29 +6.6 ETF MobP N IPAY 28.31 22.10 29 27.35 138 27.79 27.33 -.28 +6.9 ETF LatA N LARE 32.50 24.13 0 29.05 8 29.42 29.05 -.10 +20.0 ETF M Vid N GAMR 34.50 25.83 2 33.89 4 34.06 33.56 -.04 +12.8 ETFBluIsr Q ITEQ 28.63 22.46 17 28.28 56 28.62 28.28 -.26 +13.4 ETF Clim N ETHO 29.80 24.65 3 28.83 12 29.45 28.83 -.24 +4.3 ETFAlpAlt N ALFA 38.64 31.75 1 37.49 9 38.01 37.49 -.39 +6.5 EtfVidentInt Q VIDI .28e 1.2 24.34 19.41 32 23.72 141 23.96 23.71 -.06 +10.4 EtfVidentEq Q VUSE .36e 1.3 30.34 23.83 34 28.77 100 29.41 28.74 -.42 -.8 EtfVidUSB Q VBND .43e .9 52.14 48.29 20 49.67 99 49.67 49.28 +.48 +2.1 ETFDeepV N DVP .53e 2.0 28.23 21.77 1 26.70 19 27.41 26.70 -.10 +1.3 AptBehMo N BEMO 27.67 23.91 13 25.71 21 26.37 25.71 -.63 -.6 EtfLonCanc Q CNCR 26.47 19.82 8 22.78 45 23.16 22.55 -.00 +7.2 EtfAlpSmC Q SMCP 24.61 19.89 1 24.03 4 24.08 23.96 +.16 +7.8 EtfUSGblJ N JETS 29.77 19.60 20 27.72 84 28.67 27.65 -.08 -.5 ETF Master N HIPS 1.29 6.9 19.49 15.69 1 18.60 16 18.85 18.52 +.07 +3.9 EtfValidea Q VALX 27.93 21.98 5 26.38 16 27.75 26.00 -.30 +.3 EtfInfcMLP N AMZA 2.08 19.8 11.93 8.77 853 10.49 2696 10.75 10.48 -.22 -7.4 EtfBioPrd Q BBP .40e 38.84 24.00 4 36.84 15 36.95 36.11 +.12 +12.5 EtfBioClin Q BBC .15e 24.31 16.33 11 21.94 31 22.25 21.36 +.17 +19.2 E TutUSCor Q TUTT 22.65 21.00 6 21.88 57 22.02 21.81 -.15 +.8 Etf TuttInc Q TUTI .39e 1.7 23.14 21.90 1 22.64 7 22.71 22.54 -.07 +1.5 EtfNwfMSec N NFLT .08e 26.78 24.88 35 25.73 314 25.74 25.44 +.23 +1.9 ETF PrMtl N GLTR 70.35 56.52 27 65.12 130 65.22 63.02 +1.53 +13.1 ETFSGold N SGOL 133.68 109.18 73 125.01 135 125.02 121.35 +3.22 +11.9 ETF Pall N PALL 78.14 50.46 23 76.19 74 77.11 75.36 -.34 +16.8 ETF Plat N PPLT 113.77 85.31 16 93.20 137 93.53 89.70 +1.87 +7.9 EV Engy Q EVEP .30m 19.4 3.59 1.43 74 1.55 331 1.68 1.53 -25.8 EXFO g Q EXFO 38 6.15 3.07 20 4.60 113 4.73 4.55 -.05 +4.5 EagleBncp Q EGBN 19 64.95 44.55 99 55.05 324 58.85 55.00 -3.35 -9.7 EagBcMT Q EBMT .32 1.8 23 24.00 11.99 5 18.10 52 19.60 17.78 -.98 -14.2 EagleBkS rs Q EGLE 23.60 4.06 138 5.22 783 5.58 5.11 -.07 -10.8 EagleCGr N GRF .50e 2.4 8.83 6.49 3 7.50 26 7.52 7.30 +.12 +2.0 EagleGrInc N EGIF 1.31 7.7 18.00 15.38 32 17.02 104 17.30 17.02 -.05 +4.9 EagleMat N EXP .40 .4 22 110.64 71.11 428 93.13 1398 97.56 93.12 -3.79 -5.5sEaglePhm Q EGRX 17 88.83 33.02 227 87.28 798 88.83 84.88 +.16 +10.0sEaglePtCr N ECC .80m 3.9 22.11 15.72 63 20.59 421 22.11 20.40 -.53 +23.2 EagleP pfA N ECCA 1.94 7.5 26.67 25.04 3 25.93 10 26.18 25.81 +.10 +.7 EaglePt 20 N ECCZ 1.75 6.8 26.53 24.99 1 25.72 27 25.91 25.65 -.10 +.1 EaglPt pfB N ECCB 1.94 7.5 27.75 24.96 1 25.90 5 26.08 25.85 +.05 +1.8 Earthstone N ESTE 15.93 7.67 88 13.53 306 14.95 13.32 -1.45 -1.5 EstWstBcp Q EWBC .80 1.6 17 56.97 31.34 1376 49.43 4157 52.16 49.42 -2.23 -2.8sEastGvP n N DEA .96f 4.6 17 21.38 17.58 218 20.85 1073 21.38 20.54 +.15 +4.1sEasternCo Q EML .44 1.8 22 26.00 15.74 15 25.00 83 26.00 23.80 +1.20 +19.6 EastVaBk Q EVBS .12 1.1 23 11.10 6.66 4 10.45 35 10.81 10.40 -.18 sEastgrp N EGP 2.40 3.1 20 78.60 58.85 182 77.33 1115 78.60 76.07 +1.18 +4.7 EastChem N EMN 2.04f 2.6 12 82.10 62.70 579 77.93 2857 80.73 77.78 -2.41 +3.6tEKodak N KODK 35 17.30 10.25 184 9.75 948 11.05 9.75 -1.25 -37.1sEaton N ETN 2.28 3.1 17 76.39 54.30 1354 73.51 9737 76.39 73.51 -1.06 +9.6 EatV HiIn21 N EHT .60 6.0 10.20 9.71 40 10.06 185 10.09 10.01 +.08 +1.4 EatV StkNx Q EVSTC 100.02 99.97 5 99.97 21 99.97 99.97 EV GlInBu Q EVGBC .30e 100.06 99.97 0 99.97 25 99.97 99.97 EV CAMu N EVM .68 5.9 14.23 10.83 48 11.58 256 11.60 11.45 +.12 +1.8 EVCAMu2 N EIA .62 5.3 14.27 11.30 13 11.77 35 11.81 11.67 +.12 +1.4 EVCAMu N CEV .71 5.6 14.50 11.80 25 12.55 113 12.57 12.41 +.19 +2.0 EatnVan N EV 1.12 2.6 20 47.83 32.97 745 42.42 3527 43.78 42.37 -.93 +1.3 EV EnEq N EOI 1.04 7.9 13.50 11.60 80 13.15 340 13.27 13.12 -.02 +6.0 EV EEq2 N EOS 1.05 7.7 13.86 12.49 156 13.67 567 13.72 13.62 +.06 +6.8 EV FltRt N EFT .91 6.1 15.45 12.98 61 15.06 339 15.17 15.05 +.02 +1.1 EVFltRtIP N EFF 1.13 6.7 17.38 14.57 52 16.97 157 17.18 16.94 -.03 -1.0 EV LtdDur N EVV 1.22 8.8 14.25 12.82 218 13.89 1041 14.11 13.89 +.06 +1.2 EV MAMu N MAB .65 4.7 16.10 13.11 1 13.72 23 13.72 13.55 +.14 +2.2 EVMAMu N MMV .69 5.0 15.82 13.05 12 13.60 55 14.21 13.38 +.30 +3.7 EV MIMu N MIW .71 5.2 16.49 12.34 4 13.64 12 13.64 13.47 +.18 +1.9 EVMIMu N EMI .71 5.4 14.68 12.41 2 13.14 12 13.14 13.04 +.14 +2.4 EVMuniBd N EIM .77 6.0 14.48 12.00 92 12.68 494 12.74 12.57 +.11 +2.2 EVMuni2 N EIV .70 5.6 14.98 11.78 27 12.40 87 12.48 12.31 +.09 +.8 EVMunTT N ETX .85 4.2 21.68 18.64 63 20.30 254 20.81 19.83 +.49 +3.5 EV MuIT N EVN .85 6.5 15.00 12.00 25 13.04 136 13.06 12.92 +.14 +3.9 EV NMuOp N EOT 1.03 4.7 23.47 20.45 28 21.93 103 21.93 21.65 +.28 +5.4 EV NJMu N EMJ .75 5.8 16.05 12.20 4 12.91 23 12.97 12.66 +.26 +.8 EVNJMu N EVJ .73 6.0 14.85 11.51 7 12.18 25 12.30 12.03 +.18 +1.4 EVNYMu2 N NYH .69 5.7 14.50 10.43 3 11.98 15 12.03 11.86 +.14 +2.9 EV NYMu N ENX .72 5.8 14.65 12.00 44 12.46 171 12.56 12.37 +.08 +1.3 EVNYMu N EVY .74 5.7 15.64 12.49 19 12.97 54 12.97 12.85 +.16 -.5 EV 5-15Mu Q EVLMC .14e 100.06 99.94 6 99.94 22 99.94 99.94 -.1 EV OHMu N EIO .70 5.4 16.99 12.38 8 12.95 25 12.95 12.75 +.17 -3.3 EVOHMu N EVO .73 5.3 16.30 13.19 13.69 8 13.73 13.66 +.05 +.8 EV PAMu N EIP .77 5.9 15.50 11.65 1 13.03 23 13.08 12.81 +.09 +3.3 EVPAMu N EVP .73 5.9 13.74 11.80 2 12.28 11 12.29 12.18 +.18 +1.4 EVRiskMgd N ETJ 1.12 12.2 9.95 8.60 156 9.17 972 9.23 9.14 -.03 +2.3 EV SrFlt N EFR .95 6.4 15.58 12.64 122 14.85 520 15.00 14.85 -.02 +.8 EV SrInc N EVF .42 6.3 6.98 5.80 67 6.71 273 6.77 6.71 +.4 EVShDur N EVG 1.08 7.7 14.24 12.96 53 14.01 213 14.17 13.94 -.07 +1.1 EVTxABdO N EXD 1.16 10.3 12.45 10.94 11 11.26 116 11.30 11.07 +.19 -.6 EV TxAd N EVT 1.74 8.1 22.26 18.62 136 21.45 524 21.53 21.27 +.15 +4.4sEV TxAG N ETG 1.23 7.8 15.78 13.50 115 15.76 560 15.81 15.63 +.13 +12.0 EV TxAOp N ETO 2.16 9.4 23.97 19.86 53 23.02 217 23.37 22.86 +.18 +10.6 EV TxDiver N ETY 1.01 9.1 11.21 9.88 420 11.15 2354 11.21 11.06 +.05 +7.7 EVTxMGlo N EXG .98 11.2 9.05 7.88 940 8.73 3674 8.76 8.67 +.04 +8.9 EVTxBWIn N ETB 1.30 7.9 17.80 15.48 53 16.35 171 16.48 16.21 +.03 -1.0 EVTxGBW N ETW 1.17 10.6 11.15 10.00 297 11.06 1291 11.12 10.95 +.10 +9.8 EVTxBWOp N ETV 1.33 8.7 15.57 14.08 98 15.35 528 15.43 15.16 +.17 +3.4 Ebix Inc s Q EBIX .30 .5 21 65.10 12.07 82 59.75 454 60.55 59.55 +.15 +4.7 Echelon rs Q ELON 6.42 4.17 3 5.98 51 6.32 5.92 -.17 +27.2tEchoGLog Q ECHO 44 28.90 18.85 270 19.00 1342 20.83 18.85 -1.30 -24.2 EchoStar Q SATS 29 57.33 36.43 85 55.41 404 57.15 55.37 -1.17 +7.8 EclipseRs N ECR 4.42 1.46 507 2.28 1715 2.53 2.28 -.16 -14.6 Eco-StimE Q ESES 3.38 .66 28 1.16 139 1.21 1.13 +.01 +20.8 Ecolab N ECL 1.48 1.2 28 127.06 110.65 593 124.47 2816 126.35 124.46 -.78 +6.2 EcologyEn Q EEI .40 3.8 11.20 8.75 2 10.56 22 11.10 10.55 -.10 +.1 Ecopetrol N EC 1.03e 11.1 10.29 7.65 1360 9.28 4291 9.76 9.27 -.28 +2.5sEdenor N EDN 35.73 13.25 45 35.33 238 36.46 34.00 +1.28 +26.9 EdgeTher n Q EDGE 13.50 7.30 35 8.82 142 8.99 8.36 -.07 -29.4 Edgewater Q EDGW 9.40 6.22 390 7.32 400 7.38 6.96 +.23 -2.4 Edgewell N EPC 27 88.00 69.63 593 70.41 2218 72.48 69.72 -1.30 -3.5 EdisonInt N EIX 2.17 2.7 20 81.34 67.44 1235 80.31 4946 80.85 79.52 +.06 +11.6 EditasM n Q EDIT 41.40 12.43 826 20.48 2426 21.75 19.12 -.42 +26.2 EducRltTr N EDR 1.52 3.8 26 48.87 38.59 326 39.74 2108 40.14 38.85 -.20 -6.1 EducDevel Q EDUC .36 4.6 13 15.03 6.25 18 7.90 40 8.00 7.45 +.35 -20.6 EdwLfSci s N EW 33 121.75 81.12 1180 94.30 4794 95.19 92.90 -.16 +.6 eGain Q EGAN 3.93 1.30 10 1.35 90 1.65 1.30 -.30 -35.7tEgaletCp Q EGLT 10.00 4.16 255 4.23 954 4.61 4.04 -.26 -44.7 eHiCarSvc N EHIC 12.43 8.11 17 9.95 110 10.20 9.91 -.20 +9.8 EigerBio rs Q EIGR 23.10 8.50 34 8.50 154 9.34 8.50 -.25 -27.0 8x8 Inc Q EGHT 16.80 10.05 265 14.80 1309 15.35 14.75 -.40 +3.5 8Point3E n Q CAFD 1.03f 8.4 12 17.34 11.51 421 12.21 1868 12.54 11.85 +.33 -5.9 EksoBio n Q EKSO 6.38 2.53 211 3.00 713 3.40 2.95 -.42 -24.6sElPasoEl N EE 1.24 2.4 21 51.70 42.42 263 51.10 669 51.70 50.60 +.20 +9.9 ElPolLoc h Q LOCO 18 14.98 10.08 285 11.95 733 12.40 11.85 -.35 -2.8 ElbitIm rs Q EMITF 4.04 2.16 1 3.47 4 3.50 3.41 +.05 +1.8 ElbitSys Q ESLT 1.76f 1.5 20 121.22 88.45 30 114.18 104 118.14 114.03 -2.91 +12.1 EldorGld g N EGO .02e 5.16 2.54 11450 3.69 23716 3.78 3.41 +.22 +14.6 EldorRsts Q ERI 47 19.85 10.65 263 18.50 1081 19.70 18.35 -.70 +9.1 ElectSci Q ESIO 7.56 4.50 66 6.25 290 6.47 6.17 -.07 +5.6 ElectroSen Q ELSE 12 4.60 3.05 13 4.03 15 4.10 4.03 +.04 +16.5 Electrmed N ELMD 27 6.26 3.38 13 4.52 65 4.79 4.48 -.23 +16.5 ElectArts Q EA 91.82 61.10 2925 89.02 8021 90.20 88.33 +.29 +13.0sEFII Q EFII 43 50.17 38.00 457 49.44 1680 50.17 48.73 +.54 +12.7 ElectrAc n Q ELEC 10.09 9.58 208 9.99 210 10.00 9.95 +.04 +.9 ElectAc wt Q ELECW .54 .16 16 .40 82 .45 .38 -.03 +42.9stElevCr n N ELVT 7.91 7.32 72 7.59 511 7.91 7.32 +.19 +2.6 ElevenBio Q EBIO 5.97 .31 213 1.92 705 2.03 1.91 -.06 +.5 EliLilly N LLY 2.08f 2.4 28 86.72 64.18 2128 85.88 9366 86.34 85.23 +.56 +16.8 Elk HiQPfd N EPRF 27.79 22.79 5 24.33 20 24.57 24.27 -.01 +4.9 Elkh LoVl n N LVHB 30.17 24.54 13 29.55 76 29.73 29.54 +3.8 ElkCmRt ef Q DWAC 26.59 23.61 24.40 2 24.62 24.25 -.14 -.7 ElkFdCm ef N RCOM 27.00 24.64 25.51 3 25.81 25.45 +.07 +.9 EllieMae N ELLI 71 109.99 74.11 194 103.39 871 104.52 102.50 -.11 +23.6 EllingtnF N EFC 1.80 11.3 18.20 15.30 50 15.99 190 16.04 15.68 +.29 +3.0sEllingtRM N EARN 1.60 10.9 11 14.85 12.10 21 14.70 309 14.85 14.40 +.03 +13.0 Ellomay N ELLO 9.59 7.01 1 7.80 2 8.25 7.76 -.20 -3.6 EllswthFd N ECF .80e 9.1 8.81 7.55 18 8.76 174 8.76 8.58 +.05 +5.9 ElmiraSB Q ESBK .92 4.3 18 22.25 18.13 0 21.20 1 21.20 21.07 +.05 +3.7 EltekLtd Q ELTK 1.43 .64 30 .67 34 .68 .64 +.03 -15.2 eMagin N EMAN 3.30 1.68 34 2.40 111 2.50 2.30 +.05 +11.6sEAndinA N AKO/A .55e 2.4 23.36 17.30 2 22.98 6 23.36 22.85 -.02 +11.9sEAndinB N AKO/B .60e 2.4 25.16 18.43 24 24.52 93 25.16 24.32 -.44 +9.1 Embraer N ERJ .18e .9 25.01 17.06 1902 20.01 4043 22.07 19.91 -1.96 +3.9 Emcore Q EMKR 1.50e 25 10.50 3.86 489 8.50 1729 8.65 8.10 -.15 -2.3 EmergeES N EMES 2.68m 24.45 3.00 669 13.63 3256 15.05 13.02 +.29 +10.7 EmergBio N EBS 24 44.38 24.47 263 29.16 1181 29.47 28.04 +.66 -11.2 EmersonEl N EMR 1.92 3.3 23 64.36 48.45 3449 57.87 11654 60.23 57.86 -1.49 +3.8 EmerR hs N MSN 1.40 .55 19 1.27 24 1.32 1.15 -.01 +21.0 EmmisC rs Q EMMS 2 4.33 1.92 22 2.30 107 2.43 2.16 +.03 -32.2 EmpirRst rs Q NYNY 25.19 12.89 1 23.90 15 24.90 23.40 -.30 +5.1 EmpireRes Q ERS .16 2.3 30 7.47 3.10 2 6.96 245 7.00 6.94 +.01 +2.5 EmpOPES N ESBA .34 1.6 22.19 17.89 10 21.21 92 21.50 21.09 +.15 +6.2 EmpOP60 N OGCP .34 1.6 21.99 14.77 5 21.25 28 21.37 21.02 +.16 +8.1 EmpOP250 N FISK .34 1.6 22.17 15.47 8 21.19 11 21.34 20.98 +.09 +6.1 EmpStRTr N ESRT .34 1.6 34 22.31 17.79 423 21.32 2077 21.57 21.05 +.10 +5.6 EmployH N EIG .36 1.0 13 40.55 27.01 60 36.85 347 38.05 36.50 -.05 -6.9 EElChile N EOCC .65e 2.8 28.57 18.35 30 23.40 505 24.45 23.28 +.09 +20.4 EnLinkLP N ENLK 1.56 8.6 19.89 11.74 207 18.10 855 18.82 18.05 -.51 -1.7 EnableMid N ENBL 1.27 7.8 24 17.36 9.00 119 16.27 535 17.05 16.09 -.62 +3.4 EnantaPh Q ENTA 37.32 20.79 198 30.69 674 30.87 29.30 +.89 -8.4 EnbrdgEM N EEQ 2.33t 26.53 16.50 158 17.62 898 18.81 17.59 -.87 -32.0 EnbrdgEPt N EEP 2.33 13.0 29 26.37 16.95 923 17.99 6919 19.34 17.95 -1.09 -29.4 Enbridge N ENB 1.66f 45.77 38.40 2308 42.26 11120 42.87 42.04 -.09 +.3 EnCana g N ECA .06 .5 13.85 5.89 9792 11.60 45895 12.22 11.54 -.01 -1.2 EncoreCap Q ECPG 10 35.93 17.66 189 30.60 620 31.60 30.10 -.55 +6.8 EncorW Q WIRE .08 .2 26 49.75 33.70 78 42.65 288 45.95 41.85 -2.05 -1.6 EndvSilv g N EXK 5.95 2.84 2280 3.32 7501 3.53 3.29 -.11 -5.7 Endo Intl Q ENDP 6 35.34 9.70 6317 10.75 33598 12.69 10.30 -1.08 -34.7 Endocyte Q ECYT 4.33 1.98 242 2.24 974 2.48 2.22 -.11 -12.2 Endologix Q ELGX 14.50 4.78 965 6.31 4374 6.72 6.21 -.34 +10.3 EndurIntl Q EIGI 11.19 6.55 453 6.80 2073 7.18 6.77 -.20 -26.9 EndSp pfC N ENHpC 1.59 6.1 28.60 25.05 12 26.24 63 26.50 26.09 -.07 +2.7 EnduroRT N NDRO .27e 8.0 9 4.55 3.18 32 3.40 98 3.55 3.40 -.05 -1.4 EnerNOC Q ENOC 7.83 4.80 147 5.60 577 6.20 5.55 -.55 -6.7 Energen N EGN .08 .1 64.44 35.91 1305 53.36 4349 56.67 53.29 -1.18 -7.5sEnergizer n N ENR 1.10 1.9 22 58.46 41.62 457 57.51 1676 58.46 57.13 -.09 +28.9 Energous Q WATT 20.55 9.20 285 14.41 879 14.97 14.39 -.14 -14.5 EngyFocus Q EFOI 8.54 2.95 17 3.11 80 3.25 3.03 +.01 -26.8 EnFuel grs N UUUU 2.87 1.29 282 2.12 1716 2.29 2.02 +.06 +29.3 EnrgyRec Q ERII 16.67 7.11 562 8.05 1985 8.37 8.00 -.08 -22.2 EgyTrEq s N ETE 1.14 6.2 20 20.05 8.38 4597 18.40 11793 19.43 18.17 -.87 -4.7 EngyTsfr N ETP 4.22 11.9 43.50 31.12 1751 35.56 7919 36.56 35.33 -.79 -.7 EnrgyXXi n Q EXXI 35.96 27.00 43 28.54 136 30.30 28.17 -1.46 -12.2sEnerJexR N ENRJ 1.15 .23 190 .50 5777 1.15 .41 +.12 +72.4 Enerpls g N ERF .14e 1.8 3 10.33 4.34 748 7.84 3226 8.25 7.82 +.01 -17.3 EnersisAm N ENIA .35e 3.3 10.77 7.33 585 10.51 3054 10.65 10.39 +.04 +28.0 EnerChile N ENIC .16p 6.66 4.25 63 5.53 1213 5.67 5.51 -.08 +21.5 EnerSys N ENS .70 .9 20 83.70 55.67 223 75.91 841 78.63 75.35 -1.75 -2.8 Engility N EGL 17 39.16 18.28 61 26.34 270 27.97 26.31 -1.20 -21.8 EnLinkLLC N ENLC 1.02 5.3 20.45 11.40 248 19.30 1094 20.00 19.15 -.10 +1.3 Ennis Inc N EBF .70a 4.6 14 20.40 14.40 65 15.35 314 16.50 15.20 -.52 -11.5 EnovaIntl N ENVA 12 15.40 5.98 251 13.50 1116 14.15 13.00 -.40 +7.6 Enphase Q ENPH 2.80 .95 253 1.31 1381 1.41 1.30 -.05 +29.7 EnPro N NPO .88f 1.4 55 71.82 42.56 119 64.09 405 69.26 64.03 -3.89 -4.9 ENSCO N ESV .04 .5 2 12.36 6.50 10403 8.33 33636 9.50 8.25 -.84 -14.3tEnservco N ENSV .89 .23 286 .26 795 .28 .23 -.03 -53.9 EnsignGp s Q ENSG .17 .9 16 23.86 16.76 323 18.55 1146 19.17 18.47 +.05 -16.5 EnstarGp Q ESGR 14 209.35 148.91 31 184.60 74 188.90 183.05 -3.85 -6.6 EnSync N ESNC 1.42 .19 92 .71 394 .75 .63 +.03 -1.4 EntegraFn Q ENFC 7 24.40 17.16 7 24.05 20 24.25 24.00 -.20 +16.7 Entegris Q ENTG 28 23.85 12.79 728 22.55 3305 23.70 22.45 -.95 +26.0 Entellus n Q ENTL 22.63 12.31 68 13.53 311 13.94 13.02 -.21 -28.7 Entercom N ETM .07p .6 13 16.55 10.53 578 13.10 1404 13.95 13.00 -.60 -14.4 EntArk66 n N EAI 1.22 5.3 25.04 20.49 35 23.13 162 23.23 22.82 +.06 +9.3 EntArk 63 N EAE 1.19 5.0 26.30 19.35 25 23.88 52 24.03 23.56 -.02 +13.7 EntArk 52 N EAB 1.23 5.0 26.30 20.96 13 24.50 38 24.78 24.25 -.43 +12.5 Entergy N ETR 3.48 4.5 9 82.09 66.71 1406 76.99 4458 77.16 75.51 +1.04 +4.8 EntLA 66 N ELC 1.22 5.3 23.17 20.48 70 22.89 355 23.05 22.70 -.11 +8.3 EntgyLA52 N ELJ 1.31 5.3 26.74 22.92 15 24.81 30 25.28 24.72 -.28 +5.6 EntLA 63 N ELU 1.18 5.0 26.15 20.25 6 23.65 45 23.68 23.38 +.15 +14.8 EntMS FtM N EMP 25.00 20.57 28 22.92 180 23.05 22.69 -.02 +8.5 EntgyNO n N ENO 28.00 22.31 26 25.03 63 25.10 24.91 +7.2 EntgyNO 52 N ENJ 1.25 5.0 28.74 22.11 25.05 7 25.05 24.63 +.31 +12.2 EntgyTx64 N EZT 1.41 5.3 28.20 24.12 3 26.75 19 27.23 26.55 -.21 +6.4 EnteroM rs Q ETRM 70.70 1.75 426 5.66 2334 6.38 5.40 -.04 +183.0 EntBcpMA Q EBTC .54f 1.6 20 39.25 21.36 12 33.23 32 34.68 33.01 -1.51 -11.5 EntFinSv Q EFSC .44 1.1 17 46.25 25.04 137 40.10 475 42.90 40.03 -1.70 -6.7 EntProdPt N EPD 1.66f 6.0 22 30.25 23.56 3226 27.64 13294 28.26 27.61 -.22 +2.2 EntertG rs Q EGT 3.25 1.20 3 1.71 34 1.83 1.62 -.11 +23.0 Entravisn N EVC .13 2.0 23 8.31 4.90 337 6.10 1082 6.50 6.05 -.35 -12.9 EntreeGold N EGI .72 .22 9 .49 233 .53 .48 -.03 +55.6 Envestnet N ENV 34 41.47 27.59 487 33.80 1239 34.70 33.35 +.15 -4.1 EnviroStr N EVI .20e 25.00 3.56 26 21.55 58 22.00 20.63 -.10 +48.6 EnvisnHl n N EVHC 74.19 59.01 1388 60.07 5218 60.85 59.61 -.07 -5.1 EnvisnHl pf N EVHCp 135.30 110.83 112.81 75 112.96 112.61 +.01 -5.5 Enviva n N EVA 2.14f 7.6 40 29.98 19.31 87 28.20 415 29.35 27.95 +.25 +5.2 EnzoBio N ENZ 8.74 4.73 306 7.95 702 8.10 7.76 -.07 +14.6 Enzymotec Q ENZY 9.32 5.20 26 8.70 38 9.00 7.90 +.68 +32.8 Epizyme Q EPZM 17.80 7.02 299 15.10 1073 15.45 14.03 +.45 +24.8 ePlus s Q PLUS 18 70.50 36.18 36 64.25 167 66.10 63.76 -.60 +11.5 Equifax N EFX 1.56f 1.2 27 137.94 110.87 318 134.86 1609 136.67 134.71 -1.36 +14.1 Equinix Q EQIX 8.00f 2.0 404.54 314.55 349 399.11 1706 402.50 396.94 -2.63 +11.7sEquitFin n Q EQFN .20p 10.50 8.16 6 10.25 6 10.50 10.25 +3.5 EqtyBcsh n Q EQBK 26 38.03 19.81 46 29.60 96 31.31 29.52 -1.50 -12.0sEquityCmw N EQC 32 32.45 26.92 384 32.01 1710 32.45 31.59 +.37 +5.9 EqCm pfD N EQCpD 1.63 6.3 27.48 24.98 25.87 12 25.97 25.61 +.22 +1.1 EqCmw 42 N EQCO 1.44 5.7 26.21 22.82 3 25.25 16 25.52 24.87 -.10 +5.7 EqtyLfPrp N ELS 1.95f 2.5 30 83.19 65.87 199 79.35 988 80.24 78.85 -.19 +10.1 EqLfPr pfC N ELSpC 1.69 6.6 27.00 23.50 2 25.48 4 25.98 25.27 -.17 +1.3 EqtyRsd N EQR 2.16 3.4 20 73.05 58.28 1293 63.24 5392 64.20 62.82 +.20 -1.7 EquusTR N EQS 31 2.50 1.56 2 2.46 16 2.48 2.37 +.03 +22.4 EraGroup N ERA 17.73 6.92 48 13.09 250 13.57 12.87 -22.9 Ericsson Q ERIC .11e 1.7 10.20 4.83 2584 6.36 19359 6.49 6.29 -.11 +9.1 ErieInd Q ERIE 3.13f 2.6 30 125.40 90.28 35 120.16 100 123.11 119.41 -1.16 +7.6 ErinEn rs N ERN 4.10 1.67 62 2.00 247 2.35 2.00 -.35 -34.4 Eros Intl N EROS 19.87 8.65 250 9.65 2061 10.00 8.85 +.20 -26.1 Escalade Q ESCA .46f 3.6 16 14.70 9.70 9 12.80 31 13.20 12.40 -.25 -3.0 EscoTech N ESE .32 .6 34 58.95 37.32 66 56.70 289 58.75 56.60 -1.20 +.1 Esperion Q ESPR 48.21 9.40 744 39.03 5281 39.75 35.67 +3.21 +211.7 Espey N ESP 1.00 4.2 23 27.65 22.31 2 23.62 11 24.18 23.16 +.32 -9.3 EssaPhm g Q EPIX 3.59 1.50 1 2.28 8 2.51 2.26 -.37 +3.9 Essendant Q ESND .56 3.9 11 34.99 13.81 108 14.30 736 15.06 14.19 -.21 -31.6sEssent N ESNT 15 38.53 19.54 548 36.82 2127 38.53 36.44 +.21 +13.7 EssexPT N ESS 7.00f 3.0 31 238.57 200.01 352 233.57 1339 237.75 232.27 +.15 +.5 EsteeLdr N EL 1.36 1.6 27 97.48 75.30 1038 84.94 4042 85.31 84.05 +.79 +11.0 Esterline N ESL 18 96.50 56.72 98 84.15 445 88.55 84.15 -1.45 -5.7 EtfSilver N SIVR 20.30 15.31 136 18.11 395 18.15 17.34 +.53 +16.2 EthanAl N ETH .76 2.6 17 38.80 27.75 199 29.20 1026 30.40 29.00 -.50 -20.8 Etrac2xMtg N MORL 3.31e 18.8 18.10 12.65 441 17.61 1267 17.81 17.14 +.30 +13.0 Et2xDJDiv N DVYL 3.55e 5.7 66.42 49.45 2 62.15 22 63.44 62.15 -.59 +3.2 Etr2xHomb N HOML 32.19 17.12 30.57 17 30.97 30.30 +.53 +26.5 EtHiDLwV N HDLV 2.57e 7.7 35.25 27.34 2 33.32 32 33.52 31.91 +.07 +5.7 Etr2xCEFd N CEFL 2.88 16.4 18.83 14.82 202 17.60 844 17.69 17.28 +.23 +5.1 EtrcDvsHi N DVHL 2.85e 12.6 23.95 17.27 14 22.69 113 23.05 22.65 -.13 +4.7 EtrWFxEn N LMLP 1.90e 14.4 14.27 8.68 9 13.23 37 13.56 13.21 -.11 +15.4 EtracReit N LRET 2.00e 7.4 33.34 22.64 1 27.06 21 27.24 26.75 +.33 +2.1 UBS VlHdg N XIVH 55.50 25.50 0 45.50 6 49.04 45.50 -3.55 +29.0 UBS VlVIX N LSVX 31.21 25.91 29.95 4 30.00 29.95 -.32 +12.0 Etr EnhGl N FIHD 141.80 107.16 7 138.13 54 140.21 137.79 -.52 +10.5 Etr SP MLP N MLPZ .06p 63.32 37.43 56.54 2 59.00 56.54 -2.10 -.4 Etr MLP In N MLPQ .08p 62.03 38.00 2 52.75 10 56.14 52.75 -2.40 -2.1 Etr2xLevLg N LBDC 2.89e 14.0 28.71 15.36 1 20.63 3 20.97 20.63 -.11 +5.1 EtrMtgReit N MRRL 1.70e 19.50 11.00 73 17.63 79 17.79 17.07 +.46 +12.7 EtrSCHiDv N SMHD 3.06e 13.8 24.48 14.50 18 22.15 107 22.41 21.54 +.61 -2.6 Etsy n Q ETSY 16.05 7.60 2855 10.29 7252 10.74 10.19 -.18 -12.6 EurasnM g N EMX 1.40 .62 49 .93 261 .96 .90 -.03 +3.6 EuroTech Q CLWT 4.45 1.46 4 3.60 26 4.15 3.60 -.35 +1.4 Euronav n N EURN 2.41e 11.73 6.65 303 7.80 2259 8.15 7.73 -1.9sEuronet Q EEFT 24 86.35 65.33 220 84.58 1139 86.35 84.52 -.32 +16.8sEuroEqFd N EEA .17e 2.0 8.45 7.20 9 8.35 26 8.45 8.31 +.04 +8.2 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 7 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
Euroseas rs Q ESEA 8.07 1.04 113 1.43 566 1.50 1.31 +.08 -15.4 EvansBc N EVBN .80f 2.2 21 40.95 22.87 1 36.40 13 37.65 35.10 -1.20 +15.4 Ever-Glory Q EVK 6 3.00 1.49 2.70 2 2.70 2.50 +.01 +31.7 EverBank N EVER .24 1.2 16 19.52 13.37 457 19.45 1036 19.47 19.44 +.01 EverBk pfA N EVERpA 1.69 6.7 26.55 25.06 2 25.37 22 25.40 25.34 -.00 +.6sEverbrdg n Q EVBG 21.44 11.76 515 20.74 1373 21.44 19.91 +.36 +12.4 Evercore N EVR 1.24f 1.7 23 83.30 40.36 514 73.80 2060 76.10 73.73 -1.60 +7.4 EverestRe N RE 5.00 2.2 9 240.51 169.19 243 230.63 665 235.40 230.52 -1.99 +6.6sEveriHldgs N EVRI 5.96 1.13 817 5.56 7340 5.96 5.03 +.76 +156.2 EversrceE N ES 1.90f 3.2 20 60.44 50.56 1047 59.62 4578 59.92 58.85 +.22 +7.9 EvrspnTc n Q MRAM 10.28 6.15 6 8.46 37 8.92 8.12 -.24 +2.1 Evertec N EVTC .40 2.6 18.60 13.11 133 15.45 1132 16.30 15.45 -.60 -13.0 EvineLive Q EVLV 2.40 .98 163 1.39 496 1.39 1.11 +.22 -7.3 Evogene Q EVGN 8.06 4.86 3 5.17 9 5.49 5.17 -.07 +1.4 EvokePhm Q EVOK 11.11 1.35 100 2.80 424 2.97 2.77 -.13 +38.6 EvolentH n N EVH 26.84 10.40 859 21.00 2732 22.35 20.75 -1.05 +41.9 EvolPetrol N EPM .28f 3.5 11 10.20 4.90 85 7.95 323 8.44 7.90 -.20 -20.5 EvolvgSys Q EVOL .44 9.3 15 5.85 3.10 5 4.71 51 4.75 4.50 +.06 +14.9 ExOne Q XONE 16.15 9.03 65 9.43 366 9.71 9.29 -.16 +1.0 Exa Corp Q EXA 16.89 11.12 94 12.95 272 13.36 12.79 -.25 -15.7 ExactSci h Q EXAS 24.50 5.36 1497 23.27 4719 23.84 22.46 +.48 +74.2 Exactech Q EXAC 29.00 19.65 23 24.95 71 26.20 24.90 -.50 -8.6 Exar N EXAR 72 13.05 5.60 2536 12.97 4081 13.03 12.97 -.02 +20.3 ETYldShHi N YYY 1.92 10.0 19.80 17.72 88 19.29 253 19.30 19.11 +.14 +3.9 ExTWStFor Q FLAG .58e 1.5 42.00 30.50 1 38.60 1 38.60 38.60 -.30 +2.4 ExTrRobo Q ROBO .07e .2 32.49 23.76 226 31.25 672 32.05 31.22 -.66 +9.1 ExTTactUS N HTUS 27.21 25.73 3 26.58 46 26.85 26.58 -.23 +3.2 RxVlmxInF N VMIN 51.74 17.09 45 20.36 179 34.76 20.11 -13.78 -9.6 RxVlmxWk N VMAX 29.75 4.51 38 5.63 118 5.68 4.92 +.65 -33.5sExTGldSP N GHS 29.49 24.06 1 29.70 2 29.76 29.12 +.47 +16.3 ETEMeCmc N EMQQ .02p 28.60 21.00 14 28.18 71 28.40 27.80 +.11 +23.4 ExcoRes N XCO .07p 1.91 .47 768 .54 4056 .66 .53 -.03 -38.6 Exelixis Q EXEL 23.49 4.19 2886 21.29 9448 21.78 20.14 +.82 +42.8 Exelon N EXC 1.31f 3.6 15 37.70 29.82 3482 35.97 18656 36.31 35.57 +1.4 Exelon 17 N EXCU 3.25 6.5 50.97 43.00 7 49.85 546 49.91 49.43 +.38 +3.0 ExeterR gs N XRA 1.89 .66 401 1.83 3051 1.85 1.72 +.09 +142.4 ExlSvcHld Q EXLS 14 54.78 42.00 353 45.70 803 46.92 45.50 -.01 -9.4 Expedia Q EXPE 1.12f .9 55 133.55 96.58 1634 128.13 8379 129.88 126.85 +1.64 +13.1 ExpdIntl Q EXPD .80 1.4 23 57.35 46.48 833 55.35 3715 56.56 55.35 -.42 +4.5 Exponent s Q EXPO .72 1.2 33 64.80 45.00 81 58.00 318 59.80 57.75 -.25 -3.8 Express N EXPR 10 20.32 8.05 1346 8.20 6072 8.78 8.15 -.14 -23.8 ExpScripts Q ESRX 11 80.02 63.22 2276 66.47 11823 67.28 66.25 -.04 -3.4 ExtendStay N STAY .76 4.5 81 17.87 13.00 1045 17.02 7512 17.13 16.34 +.66 +5.4 Exterran n N EXTN 34.05 10.83 208 28.35 1034 31.93 28.31 -2.70 +18.6 ExtraSpce N EXR 3.12 4.0 24 94.81 68.09 821 78.10 3534 79.49 77.51 +.03 +1.1 ExtrOilGs n Q XOG 25.08 14.76 536 17.66 2752 18.95 17.63 -.33 -11.9 ExtrmNet Q EXTR 8.11 3.07 1340 7.05 5762 7.07 6.83 +.07 +40.2 ExxonMbl N XOM 3.00 3.7 36 95.55 80.31 8339 81.69 35240 83.47 81.57 -1.07 -9.5 EyegatePh Q EYEG 4.00 1.11 24 2.25 253 2.39 2.15 -.03 +38.0 Eyegate wt Q EYEGW .85 .03 .15 1 .18 .15 -.02 -50.0 Ezcorp Q EZPW 12.00 3.62 197 8.45 1353 8.90 8.30 +.10 -20.7F -:F5 Netwks Q FFIV 22 149.50 93.64 970 134.43 3360 137.84 134.30 -2.60 -7.1 FB Finl n N FBK 35.50 19.81 26 32.99 146 34.75 32.92 -1.24 +27.1 FBL Fn N FFG 1.76f 2.8 15 82.60 56.41 24 63.60 79 66.20 63.50 -1.10 -18.6 FBR&Co Q FBRC .80 4.5 20.48 10.57 16 17.85 90 18.10 17.55 +.15 +37.3 FCB Fin N FCB 20 50.33 31.98 176 46.75 752 49.10 46.65 -2.10 -2.0 FLIR Sys Q FLIR .60f 1.7 29 37.44 28.26 379 34.97 2761 36.03 34.92 -.78 -3.4 FMC Corp N FMC .66 .9 26 75.93 39.53 1904 72.56 9887 75.50 72.06 -2.68 +28.3 FNBCp PA N FNB .48 3.5 17 16.43 11.69 2522 13.85 9709 14.49 13.85 -.48 -13.6 FNB FL pfE N FNBpE 33.50 27.01 7 29.02 24 29.52 28.69 +.24 +2.7 FPL pfC N NEEpC 1.47 5.7 27.05 24.92 7 25.75 26 25.84 25.69 +.05 +2.3 FTFQAntiB N BTAL 24.47 18.06 3 20.31 8 20.31 19.95 +.51 +3.1 FqfOAsQDv N OAPH .65e 2.4 27.74 24.14 0 27.22 2 27.68 27.01 -.19 +4.7 FqfOAsiaDv N OASI .43e 28.00 23.50 1 27.30 4 27.54 27.25 -.10 +7.5 FqfOEuQDv N OEUH .45e 29.30 24.11 3 26.52 9 26.80 26.49 +.10 +7.9 FqfOEurDiv N OEUR .15e 24.27 20.40 10 23.20 37 23.47 23.08 -.03 +7.3 FQFO USDv N OUSA .20e 29.15 26.06 50 28.69 245 28.89 28.67 -.13 +4.4 FRP Hldgs Q FRPH 62 45.50 28.90 6 38.60 15 40.23 38.15 -.10 +2.4 FS Bncp Q FSBW .40 1.1 11 39.70 24.32 4 37.70 8 38.20 36.65 -.16 +4.9 FS Invest N FSIC .89 9.3 25 10.80 8.03 3438 9.60 7228 9.80 9.38 -.15 -6.8 FTD Cos Q FTD 28.70 16.86 96 19.36 496 20.10 19.02 +.30 -18.8 FTI Cnslt N FCN 18 47.12 34.20 185 40.65 919 41.76 40.51 -.55 -9.8 Fabrinet N FN 13 49.63 30.77 548 37.89 2158 39.75 37.19 -1.51 -6.0 Facebook Q FB 33 143.44 106.31 10701 139.39 47890 141.43 138.81 -1.39 +21.2 FactsetR N FDS 2.00 1.3 23 183.64 147.37 254 157.92 1080 160.99 157.63 -1.99 -3.4 FairIsaac N FICO .08 .1 36 133.14 103.50 73 126.03 396 130.04 125.99 -2.47 +5.7 FairmSant N FMSA 13.12 2.68 8687 6.49 23409 7.66 6.41 -.73 -45.0 FairptCom Q FRP 4 19.60 12.81 163 17.15 591 17.60 16.90 -.10 -8.3 FalconStor Q FALC 1.45 .27 16 .34 331 .36 .28 +.01 -25.6 FDaves Q DAVE 78 6.73 3.75 36 3.90 87 4.00 3.75 +.05 -21.2 FangHldg N SFUN .20e 5.8 6.53 2.46 927 3.45 7433 3.64 3.33 +.08 +5.2 Fanhua Q FANH 23 10.35 6.19 44 9.00 326 9.01 8.53 +.12 +8.7 FarmerBrs Q FARM 5 37.55 26.69 82 36.15 389 37.35 36.15 -.65 -1.5 FarmCB Q FFKT .40 1.0 17 44.65 24.71 14 38.15 67 39.90 38.00 -1.55 -9.3 FarmersNB Q FMNB .16 1.2 17 15.50 8.54 52 12.90 179 13.43 12.65 -.25 -9.2 Farmland N FPI .51 4.6 18 11.98 10.00 164 11.07 543 11.15 10.91 +.08 -.8 FaroTech Q FARO 37 40.15 27.87 53 32.00 209 34.20 31.90 -1.75 -11.1 Fastenal Q FAST 1.28f 2.8 26 52.74 37.70 4738 45.54 23518 50.64 45.53 -4.69 -3.1 FateThera Q FATE 5.68 1.47 163 4.20 594 4.29 4.04 +.06 +67.3 FedExCp N FDX 1.60 .9 16 201.57 145.00 2587 183.73 9558 197.23 183.71 -11.92 -1.3 FedAgric N AGM 1.44f 2.7 64.28 32.31 22 54.14 188 56.59 54.01 -.78 -5.5 FdAgricA N AGM/A 1.44f 2.7 16 70.00 34.60 0 53.50 2 54.50 52.02 +1.00 -13.0 FAgMt pfA N AGMpA 1.47 5.7 28.06 24.63 3 25.79 10 25.80 25.58 +.14 +3.3 FAgMt pfB N AGMpB 1.72 6.4 29.50 24.71 1 27.08 5 27.09 26.90 +4.0 FedRlty N FRT 3.92f 2.9 24 171.08 126.02 343 134.74 1525 135.79 132.32 +2.01 -5.2 FedSignl N FSS .28 2.1 19 16.65 11.68 106 13.15 565 13.77 13.11 -.39 -15.8 FedInvst N FII 1.00 3.8 14 33.13 24.52 746 26.24 2512 26.80 26.05 +.08 -7.2 FedNatHld Q FNHC .32 2.1 22.93 14.03 56 15.44 331 16.32 15.43 -.75 -17.4 FedPInt N FPT .67 5.0 14.99 12.55 17 13.24 45 13.25 13.17 +.07 +4.6 FedPMu N FMN .88 6.3 16.77 13.53 26 14.08 75 14.11 14.00 +.04 +.8 FelCor N FCH .24 3.3 11 9.13 5.68 748 7.27 2627 7.35 7.18 +.05 -9.2 FelCor pfA N FCHpA 1.95 8.0 25.43 22.82 27 24.50 102 24.93 24.30 +.15 -1.6 FemaleHlt Q FHCO 1.65 .72 58 1.03 303 1.06 .93 +.07 +13.2tFenixPrt lf Q FENX 5.38 1.26 77 1.24 164 1.40 1.20 -.13 -56.0 Ferrari n N RACE 74.99 38.71 482 70.63 1606 72.29 69.59 -1.26 +21.5 Ferrellgs N FGP .40 6.7 20.85 5.04 248 5.97 1261 6.12 5.80 -.07 -11.8 Ferro N FOE 14 16.17 11.76 683 15.05 2574 15.53 14.96 -.38 +5.0 Ferrogl n Q GSM .16 1.6 12.53 7.67 490 9.93 1912 10.64 9.92 -.62 -8.3 FiatChrys N FCAU 11.63 5.45 5310 9.70 19175 10.30 9.66 -.42 +6.4 FibriaCelu N FBR .09e 1.0 10.24 5.79 2356 9.12 6202 9.42 9.10 -.04 -5.1 Fibrocll rs Q FCSC 11.33 1.57 1105 2.35 1322 2.85 1.92 +.27 +24.3 FibroGen Q FGEN 27.30 14.50 421 25.25 1708 26.35 24.25 -.90 +18.0 Fid&GtyLf N FGL .26 .9 9 27.95 21.10 314 27.50 567 27.85 27.30 -.15 +16.0 FidCorpBd N FCOR 1.77e 3.5 53.57 48.72 8 50.50 65 50.50 49.80 +.55 +2.3 FidLtdTm N FLTB .83e 1.6 52.59 49.66 16 50.41 77 50.45 50.20 +.21 +.9 FidTotBd N FBND 1.54e 3.1 51.26 49.00 62 50.33 190 50.42 49.89 +.45 +1.1 FidCnsDis N FDIS .40e 1.2 34.75 28.92 42 34.14 179 34.64 34.13 -.26 +6.1 FidCnsStpl N FSTA .87e 2.6 33.63 30.10 26 33.00 115 33.19 32.89 +.09 +5.8 FidEnergy N FENY .53e 2.7 22.12 17.65 172 19.38 570 20.00 19.33 -.33 -8.5 FidFinan N FNCL .60e 1.8 37.41 25.75 251 33.94 795 34.97 33.91 -.87 -1.9 FidHlthCre N FHLC .70e 2.0 36.79 31.24 46 35.55 277 35.84 35.41 -.15 +8.1 FidIndls N FIDU .56e 1.7 34.54 27.35 52 32.95 336 33.82 32.95 -.57 +2.2 Fid Val n N FVAL 29.34 24.89 28 28.10 83 28.53 28.10 -.28 +2.9 Fid Qual n N FQAL 28.49 24.59 6 27.50 270 27.86 27.50 -.24 +4.7 FidInfoTch N FTEC .42e 1.0 41.35 30.76 169 40.30 815 41.01 40.30 -.58 +9.2 Fid Moment N FDMO 27.69 24.26 14 26.72 35 27.34 26.70 -.43 +4.6 Fid LowVol N FDLO 27.57 24.30 3 26.80 20 27.10 26.80 -.18 +3.7 Fid RisR n N FDRR 28.60 24.56 19 27.48 196 27.81 27.48 -.21 +3.7 Fid CoreD n N FDVV 27.33 24.24 12 26.40 146 26.80 26.40 -.19 +1.0 FidMsciRE N FREL .86e 3.5 25.98 21.85 59 24.27 425 24.45 24.05 +.19 +3.5 FidUtils N FUTY 1.21e 3.6 34.34 29.50 38 33.53 176 33.70 33.22 +.15 +6.1 FidTelecm N FCOM .76e 2.4 33.82 27.80 26 32.05 110 32.27 31.92 +.98 -.2 FidelMatls N FMAT .53e 1.8 31.22 24.95 44 29.82 163 30.63 29.77 -.73 +3.4 FidNasdIdx Q ONEQ 1.96e .9 234.01 179.91 19 228.97 130 232.78 228.70 -2.63 +8.2 FidlNatFn N FNF 1.00f 2.6 16 39.49 30.62 673 38.38 2662 38.82 38.13 +.16 +13.0 FNFV Grp N FNFV 14.50 10.37 142 12.20 533 12.45 12.05 -.25 -10.9 FidNatInfo N FIS 1.16f 1.4 21 83.86 63.92 1038 80.16 5730 80.86 79.52 +.29 +6.0 FidelSo Q LION .48 2.3 14 24.95 14.45 57 20.47 322 21.76 20.40 -.82 -13.5 FidClayOp N FMO 1.72f 11.1 17.63 10.76 73 15.58 358 15.87 15.51 +.03 +4.6sFidusInvst Q FDUS 1.56a 8.8 10 17.87 14.33 84 17.65 320 17.87 17.50 +.02 +12.2 FieldPnt N FPP 1.18 .33 65 .40 1658 .69 .33 -44.6 Fieldpt wt N FPP/WS .08 .01 11 .02 66 .03 .02 -42.5 FiestaRst Q FRGI 25 36.02 19.40 155 23.55 1115 24.25 23.30 -.30 -21.1 FifthStAst Q FSAM .50 11.2 8.45 3.20 44 4.45 157 4.65 4.35 +.05 -33.6 FifthStF 24 N FSCE 1.47 5.9 26.01 24.45 7 24.98 22 25.29 24.95 -.23 +.4sFifthSt28 Q FSCFL 1.53 6.0 26.75 23.90 1 25.56 12 26.75 25.56 +.10 +3.7 FifthStFin Q FSC .20 4.6 6.32 4.31 478 4.36 2667 4.42 4.35 -.04 -18.8 FifthStSen Q FSFR .90 11.1 10 10.37 7.25 118 8.10 469 8.18 7.95 +.05 -7.0 FifthThird Q FITB .56f 2.3 12 28.97 16.14 6712 23.93 25341 25.18 23.91 -1.08 -11.3 FifthT pf Q FITBI 1.66 5.8 32.71 26.19 17 28.50 128 28.66 28.41 -.10 +4.6s51job Q JOBS 29 40.62 27.56 125 40.52 604 41.76 38.99 +1.56 +19.9 N WUBA 59.88 27.58 386 36.11 3262 38.15 36.02 -.65 +29.0 FinTcII wt Q FNTEW 1.31 .54 1.05 5 1.05 1.05 +16.7 FinclEngin Q FNGN .28 .7 61 45.75 23.56 187 39.60 740 40.95 39.50 -1.00 +7.8 FnclInst Q FISI .84 2.7 12 35.40 24.56 27 31.50 130 32.60 31.34 -.60 -7.9 Finisar Q FNSR 21 36.85 15.21 4825 24.10 13855 25.30 23.97 -.78 -20.4 FinLine Q FINL .44f 3.0 14 24.52 12.63 1353 14.48 5342 15.13 14.21 -.41 -23.0 FinjanH Q FNJN 2.35 1.00 30 1.79 232 1.86 1.75 -.02 +58.0 FireEye Q FEYE 18.73 10.35 3723 12.00 15035 12.50 11.82 -.39 +.8 FstAccept N FAC 2.40 .75 14 1.14 152 1.25 1.08 -.05 +9.6 FstAFin n N FAF 1.36 3.6 13 43.55 35.28 274 38.29 1519 38.82 38.15 +.13 +4.5 FstBcpPR N FBP 12 7.05 3.11 1150 5.33 4345 5.61 5.32 -.21 -19.4 FstBcpME Q FNLC .92a 3.7 15 33.21 18.58 21 25.12 88 26.57 25.04 -.99 -24.1 FtBcpNC Q FBNC .32 1.1 22 31.31 17.15 297 28.62 434 29.08 27.95 -.07 +5.5 FstBcMiss Q FBMS .15 .5 16 30.80 15.50 5 27.70 76 28.30 27.27 -.30 +.7 FstBkNJ Q FRBA .02p 36 14.80 6.68 52 13.30 188 13.75 12.20 +1.05 +14.7 FstBusey rs Q BUSE .68 2.4 20 31.91 19.50 157 28.05 411 29.26 28.03 -.73 -8.9 FBusnFn s Q FBIZ .52f 2.0 15 26.47 18.76 12 25.38 30 26.00 25.23 -.15 +7.0 FstCash N FCFS .76f 1.6 21 53.95 39.80 104 47.70 746 48.80 47.60 -.35 +1.5 FCtzBA Q FCNCA 1.20 .4 17 384.12 229.51 15 322.97 63 336.95 322.34 -5.68 -9.0 FstCwlth N FCF .32f 2.6 19 14.61 8.46 621 12.28 1730 12.96 12.28 -.67 -13.4 FCmtyBsh Q FCBC .64 2.6 17 31.94 19.11 19 24.30 95 24.95 24.20 -.29 -19.4 FCmtyCp Q FCCO .36f 1.8 20 23.55 13.56 3 20.20 16 21.40 20.05 -1.00 +11.9 FstCmtyFn Q FCFP 19 13.85 7.87 28 12.20 67 12.65 12.20 -.25 +4.3 FtConnBcp Q FBNK .44f 1.9 24 25.00 15.74 29 23.75 91 24.20 23.25 -.15 +4.9 1stCnstBn Q FCCY .20 1.1 15 20.85 11.70 6 18.05 29 18.50 17.60 -.50 -3.5 FstData n N FDC 16.67 9.90 5285 14.81 15572 15.21 14.72 -.19 +4.4sFstDefiFn Q FDEF 1.00f 2.0 16 52.35 35.90 72 49.93 166 52.35 49.73 -.59 -1.6 FFnclOH Q FFBC .68f 2.6 18 29.80 16.93 150 26.00 570 27.15 25.95 -.90 -8.6 FstFnBksh Q FFIN .72 1.9 23 46.70 28.17 441 36.95 1072 39.55 36.90 -1.90 -18.3 FstFnIN Q THFF 1.00 2.2 15 53.49 32.31 37 45.55 88 47.00 45.45 -1.20 -13.7 FstFnNwst Q FFNW .24 1.4 22 21.29 12.58 18 16.75 74 17.55 16.65 -.76 -15.1 FstFound s Q FFWM 20 17.26 10.00 57 15.32 257 15.67 15.20 -.18 +7.5 FstGtyBc n Q FGBI .64b 2.7 25.91 15.50 6 23.85 11 23.90 22.12 +.15 -.3 FsHawaii n Q FHB .88f 3.1 35.47 23.00 601 28.44 1315 29.41 28.21 -.69 -18.3 FstHorizon N FHN .36f 2.0 19 20.84 12.46 6387 17.61 18124 19.07 17.43 -.76 -12.0 FstHrz pfA N FHNpA 1.55 6.1 27.70 23.38 0 25.40 12 25.69 25.33 -.02 +1.8 FstInRT N FR .84f 3.0 22 29.75 22.26 544 27.95 2447 28.38 27.69 +.19 -.4 FIntntBcp Q INBK .24 .9 14 33.00 22.01 16 27.70 42 29.05 27.70 -.90 -13.4 FIntBc26 n Q INBKL 1.50 5.6 27.86 16.83 1 26.67 17 26.97 25.60 +1.06 +41.4 FstIntBc A Q FIBK .96f 2.6 17 45.35 26.44 145 37.10 542 39.20 37.05 -1.70 -12.8 FMajSilv g N AG 37 19.15 6.62 7016 9.35 19564 9.59 8.38 +.60 +22.5 FstMerch Q FRME .60 1.6 19 42.17 22.63 98 37.10 342 38.90 37.09 -1.40 -1.5 FstMidIll Q FMBH .60f 1.9 18 36.80 22.95 10 31.76 32 33.23 31.73 -.57 -6.6 FMidBc Q FMBI .36 1.6 20 25.83 15.86 863 22.33 2540 23.13 22.27 -.61 -11.5 FstNBC lf Q FNBC 1 22.38 3.30 185 3.65 849 4.10 3.60 -.20 -50.0 FstNwBc n Q FNWB 53 16.75 12.42 48 15.23 106 15.86 15.00 -.47 -2.4 FstPotom N FPO .40 3.7 59 11.16 8.01 96 10.69 462 10.87 10.55 +.13 -2.6 FstRepBk N FRC .68f .8 25 97.43 63.97 3150 90.18 6909 92.57 88.21 -1.79 -2.1 FstRep pfB N FRCpB 1.55 6.1 26.73 24.74 9 25.60 36 25.73 25.50 +.2 FstRep pfC N FRCpC 1.41 5.3 27.43 22.36 30 26.30 170 26.37 25.90 +.60 +13.1 FstRep pfD N FRCpD 1.38 5.3 27.20 21.92 5 25.85 42 25.93 25.50 +.23 +12.4 FstRep pfE N FRCpE 1.75 6.4 28.45 26.32 9 27.18 39 27.18 27.05 +.08 -.1 FstRep pfF N FRCpF 1.43 5.5 28.00 22.67 1 25.96 28 26.11 25.69 +.13 +9.5 FtRpBk pfG N FRCpG 27.93 21.85 4 25.56 42 25.70 25.47 +.03 +12.4 FstSavFin Q FSFG .56f 1.2 16 50.73 32.80 1 48.16 3 49.50 48.16 -.13 +2.5 FstSolar Q FSLR 63.09 25.56 2417 27.42 12688 28.24 26.81 +.61 -14.6 1stSource Q SRCE .72 1.6 20 49.11 30.45 33 43.81 270 46.34 43.74 -2.10 -1.9sFstSouthB Q FSBK .14f 1.1 18 12.94 8.25 4 12.80 36 12.94 12.55 +.26 +7.1 FTNDXTc Q QTEC .61e 1.0 60.61 39.81 233 58.81 812 60.09 58.67 -1.10 +11.7 FtTr AbsRet Q FAAR 32.00 28.25 1 28.93 11 29.04 28.88 -.07 +.7 FtTr 22 n N FIV 10.29 9.86 70 9.94 226 10.08 9.88 -.10 -1.8 FtTrGlob N FAM .90 7.8 11.94 10.29 46 11.60 288 11.65 11.51 -.03 +4.7 FT MCGr N FNY .15e .5 33.86 28.27 7 32.47 57 33.29 32.47 -.63 +3.4 FT AsiaPc Q FPA .99e 3.2 31.40 26.04 8 30.61 29 30.64 30.15 +.03 +12.6 FT Europe Q FEP .79e 2.5 32.18 25.09 34 31.87 178 32.15 31.84 +.04 +9.2 FT LatAm Q FLN .43e 2.1 22.76 14.41 13 20.10 1309 21.05 20.10 -.66 +8.0 FT Brazil Q FBZ .41e 2.8 17.26 10.46 12 14.83 65 15.42 14.83 -.48 +8.5 FT China Q FCA .69e 3.0 23.06 17.41 1 22.78 2 22.78 22.53 -.04 +19.8 FT Japan Q FJP .41e .8 51.71 44.24 25 49.56 83 50.08 49.50 -.48 +4.1 FT DevMkt Q FDT .78e 1.5 52.49 42.63 27 51.60 115 52.03 51.58 -.17 +9.3 FT EmMkt Q FEM .68e 3.0 23.66 17.60 50 22.65 408 22.89 22.65 -.28 +11.5 FT Germny Q FGM .41e 1.1 39.66 32.56 5 39.04 26 39.41 39.00 -.23 +7.4 FT MCVal N FNK .40e 1.2 34.48 26.37 7 32.59 40 33.22 32.59 -.43 -1.0 FT Canada Q FCAN .62e 2.7 24.98 22.27 2 23.30 7 23.68 23.30 -.09 +.1 FT UK Q FKU .94e 2.7 40.35 29.70 9 35.23 16 35.39 34.92 +.59 +7.7 FT Switzld Q FSZ .39e .9 45.14 36.18 2 44.85 19 45.09 44.45 +.31 +9.9sFT HKong Q FHK 1.01e 2.7 37.30 29.64 1 37.32 4 37.46 37.04 +.02 +15.8 FT SCGr N FYC .07e .2 36.95 29.31 15 35.03 94 36.10 35.03 -.82 +1.2 FT EmMSC Q FEMS 1.06e 2.9 37.05 27.02 51 36.26 223 36.51 36.08 -.29 +20.3 FT SCVal N FYT .26e .8 36.08 26.81 12 33.18 228 34.02 33.14 -.33 -4.7 FT EurzAlp Q FEUZ .35e 1.0 35.70 27.26 2 35.29 5 35.56 35.23 -.15 +8.3 FT MegaCp N FMK .44e 1.5 30.16 25.17 1 28.61 4 28.93 28.60 -.29 +2.2 FTEurSelDv N FDD 1.09e 9.0 12.75 10.73 189 12.17 745 12.29 12.16 -.06 +2.5 FTDJMic N FDM .49e 1.2 44.93 31.86 12 40.94 36 42.16 40.92 -.87 -7.2 FT DynEq N FDEU 1.45 8.5 17.38 14.31 58 17.17 216 17.17 16.94 +.07 +11.5 FtTrInOp n Q FCEF 22.98 18.95 3 20.97 20 21.08 20.96 +.06 +4.7 FtTrMun n Q MCEF 20.35 17.93 3 18.79 4 18.79 18.76 +.28 +1.9stFtTEqCom N ERM 14 19.81 14 19.93 19.81 stFtT EqTact N TERM 16 19.81 16 19.99 19.80 FtTrOpp n Q FIXD 50.68 49.71 1 50.56 80 50.56 50.19 +.39 +1.1 FTNsdGrid Q GRID .41e 1.0 43.79 32.50 5 41.00 114 42.48 40.88 -.56 +1.2 FTMltAInc Q MDIV 1.37e 7.0 19.85 17.90 121 19.53 460 19.63 19.50 -.03 +2.2 FT PfdSec N FPE 1.02e 5.2 20.31 18.71 523 19.63 1869 19.67 19.60 +.02 +3.4 FTNsqTDv Q TDIV .71e 2.3 32.11 24.82 79 31.12 267 31.69 31.11 -.49 +5.2 FTLwDOpp Q LMBS 1.53 2.9 53.84 51.04 130 52.27 450 52.28 52.16 +.03 +.2 FTIntlMltA Q YDIV .80e 4.6 17.95 15.49 1 17.25 9 17.61 17.18 -.28 +8.2 FT HiInco Q FTHI .96 4.5 21.95 18.84 3 21.12 23 21.26 21.08 -.08 -.7 FT StratInc Q FDIV 1.92 3.8 53.07 47.75 10 50.80 58 51.08 50.49 +.17 +1.5 FT LwBeta Q FTLB .66 3.2 22.36 18.56 0 20.84 18 21.07 20.76 -.12 -1.3 FTEnhSht Q FTSM .29e .5 60.04 59.82 60 59.99 452 60.01 59.97 +.01 +.1 FT RisDiv Q RDVY .38e 1.5 27.10 19.16 71 25.96 198 26.47 25.94 -.38 +5.2 FT SSICv Q FCVT 29.65 23.67 9 26.93 24 27.11 26.76 -.35 +3.6 FT DWF5 Q FV .18e .8 24.57 21.19 349 23.50 1261 24.02 23.50 -.38 +1.6 FT HeitGl N PRME 21.72 18.26 0 19.37 2 19.38 19.29 +.12 +.1 FT AmIndR Q AIRR .06e .3 25.28 17.16 244 23.28 378 24.20 23.28 -.69 -1.6 FTNsTrn ef Q FTXR 24.16 20.21 1 22.50 1 22.59 22.43 +.07 -.8 FT QualInc Q QINC 1.07e 4.6 24.21 21.10 9 23.20 26 23.33 23.20 +.05 +1.3 FTNsSem ef Q FTXL 25.68 19.65 7 23.93 36 24.88 23.89 -.90 +3.9 FTNasPh ef Q FTXH 20.54 18.03 19.93 2 19.93 19.52 +.12 +8.7 FTNaFood ef Q FTXG 20.87 19.06 2 20.50 5 20.62 20.43 -.03 +2.6 FTNsBk ef Q FTXO 28.49 19.95 185 24.71 1008 25.79 24.71 -.90 -5.0 FTDorW n Q FVC 22.88 19.70 63 21.89 114 22.37 21.88 -.35 +1.4 FT DWInt Q IFV .19e 1.0 19.59 15.54 193 18.78 673 19.09 18.78 -.26 +10.3 FT LgShEq N FTLS .16e .5 35.61 30.62 13 34.48 43 34.87 34.43 -.16 -.1 FTEMCur Q FEMB 1.94e 4.6 46.72 38.90 3 42.43 28 42.54 41.72 +.35 +5.7 FT RivAsia Q RFAP .32e 55.77 48.26 2 53.90 9 54.49 53.90 -.62 +4.9 FT RivDev Q RFDI .70e 57.89 46.04 83 55.99 175 56.94 55.86 -.01 +6.6 FT RvfrDyE Q RFEM 61.38 49.05 9 59.16 17 59.56 58.76 -.27 +12.1 FT RivEur Q RFEU .82e 57.01 45.68 7 56.59 40 56.88 56.45 +.14 +8.1 FTEgyInco N FEN 2.32 8.4 28.48 22.10 57 27.60 179 27.88 27.52 +.07 +4.0 FTEnInfra N FIF 1.32a 6.9 20.21 15.07 45 19.15 156 19.38 19.02 -.04 +6.8 FtTrEnEq N FFA .96 6.7 14.57 12.46 60 14.41 213 14.55 14.37 -.08 +6.7 FTCapStrn Q FTCS .55e 1.3 44.31 37.98 27 43.26 114 43.67 43.18 -.26 +6.0 FTArcaBio N FBT .18e .2 108.01 83.10 32 104.09 136 104.56 100.90 +1.34 +14.5 FTDJInet N FDN 88.82 68.16 143 86.86 677 88.11 86.84 -.67 +8.8 FTN100ExT Q QQXT .16e .4 44.85 36.58 35 44.12 40 44.72 44.10 -.44 +9.2 FsTrGrEn Q QCLN .11e .7 17.06 13.17 12 16.29 29 16.76 16.28 -.21 +5.7 FT SPTailH N VIXH .36e 1.4 25.41 21.87 3 25.07 5 25.25 24.84 +.01 +5.6 FTrTUSAlp Q TUSA .23e .8 29.63 23.54 1 28.60 9 28.93 28.56 -.20 +2.9 FT RNG N FCG .22e .9 28.65 4.24 307 23.92 924 24.98 23.85 -.67 -8.6 FT ConDis N FXD .30e .8 37.74 31.82 130 35.92 423 36.47 35.90 -.21 +1.2 FT ConStap N FXG .75e 1.6 49.33 43.48 58 46.34 509 46.63 46.02 +.26 +1.3 FT Engy N FXN .33e 2.2 17.95 13.79 1477 14.68 7323 15.36 14.67 -.32 -11.1 FT Fincl N FXO .65e 2.4 29.01 21.59 325 27.04 2154 27.58 27.04 -.37 FT HlthCr N FXH 63.42 54.51 43 62.07 274 62.66 61.93 -.28 +8.3 FT IndPrd N FXR .16e .5 35.54 25.86 480 33.31 1861 34.36 33.31 -.72 +1.3 FT Matls N FXZ .37e 1.0 38.79 30.55 111 36.96 1057 38.02 36.94 -.85 +3.2 FT Tech N FXL .13e .3 42.28 30.72 96 40.89 874 41.88 40.88 -.80 +7.9 FT Utils N FXU .67e 2.4 28.00 24.60 226 27.38 805 27.61 27.28 +.07 +2.4 FTCloudC Q SKYY .09e .2 38.95 28.46 242 37.97 463 38.43 37.97 -.30 +10.1 FTDJGlDiv N FGD 1.42e 5.8 24.67 20.68 49 24.29 341 24.49 24.27 +4.2 FTNdqAuto Q CARZ .61e 1.8 37.13 28.79 4 34.60 25 35.07 34.58 -.43 +.5 FT GblNRs Q FTRI .40e 3.6 11.88 9.90 1 11.13 6 11.35 11.13 -.23 -3.3 FT Cybersc Q CIBR 21.89 15.86 66 20.96 210 21.47 20.94 -.35 +7.3 FT GlbRE N FFR .75e 1.7 48.19 41.29 1 44.41 34 44.65 43.93 +.23 +5.0 FT NAEngy N EMLP .93e 3.7 25.86 21.50 199 25.28 773 25.55 25.26 -.15 +.2 FTSenLoan Q FTSL 1.92 4.0 48.73 47.55 121 48.52 598 48.54 48.45 +.06 -.1 FTTactHY Q HYLS 2.88 5.9 49.29 46.95 104 48.79 427 48.97 48.70 +1.2 FT GlbCmd Q FTGC 26.54 19.85 20 20.39 72 20.42 20.21 +.15 -.1 FT HiLgSh N FSD 1.20 7.1 17.10 14.38 72 16.90 322 16.93 16.75 +.15 +5.1 FT USIPO N FPX .32e .6 57.94 47.45 143 56.48 266 57.19 56.48 -.45 +4.3sFTChnd N FNI .19e .6 32.03 25.60 8 31.53 54 32.03 31.53 -.20 +15.4 FT WindEn N FAN .46e 3.7 13.76 11.35 52 12.54 117 12.70 12.50 -.08 +7.2 FT Wtr N FIW .21e .5 42.43 33.25 52 40.85 95 41.84 40.85 -.72 +3.2 FT IntPfd N FPF 1.95 8.2 23.85 20.67 119 23.65 624 23.72 23.43 +.08 +4.2 FT LCCore N FEX .58e 1.1 52.64 42.50 77 50.74 1008 51.54 50.70 -.58 +4.0 FT LCGr N FTC .24e .5 53.14 47.21 43 51.63 182 52.68 51.63 -.88 +5.3 FT LCVal N FTA .82e 1.7 50.51 37.42 223 48.49 382 49.19 48.49 -.36 +3.5 FT MLP&E N FEI 1.42 8.6 17.60 13.34 76 16.47 307 16.64 16.40 +.01 +2.8 FT MgdMu Q FMB 1.38 2.7 54.39 50.56 47 52.06 101 52.22 51.85 +.10 +1.7 FT MCCore N FNX .51e .9 59.80 47.51 43 56.83 145 58.14 56.82 -.78 +.8 FTMstrDv N FDL .79e 2.8 29.47 25.24 198 28.46 1260 28.81 28.45 -.26 +2.5 FTFutStrt N FMF 57.17 44.12 2 45.65 5 46.09 45.65 -.35 -3.3 FstTrMtg N FMY 1.02 7.2 14.70 13.67 11 14.10 32 14.10 14.02 +.05 +.6 FT MultCG N FAD .20e .4 56.60 48.45 4 54.65 20 55.99 54.65 -1.03 +4.4 FT MultCV N FAB .45e .9 53.14 40.06 4 50.61 20 51.59 50.61 -.62 +.3 FTNDXEq Q QQEW .33e .6 51.85 39.42 49 50.78 166 51.66 50.75 -.63 +9.9 FT NsdABA Q QABA .54e 1.1 54.54 35.21 95 47.84 378 49.81 47.84 -1.62 -9.4 FTSmartph Q FONE .27e .6 46.61 34.36 0 45.53 7 46.03 45.38 -.29 +9.8 FT MLPEn N FPL 1.26 9.2 14.50 10.91 96 13.75 379 13.94 13.75 -.05 +7.8 FT REIT N FRI .39e 1.7 25.87 21.47 37 23.52 141 23.67 23.28 +.22 +2.0 FT SCCore N FYX .38e .7 55.88 43.34 54 52.53 130 53.98 52.53 -.84 -2.4 FTSpecFin N FGB .70 9.4 8.43 5.85 7 7.46 67 7.55 7.46 -.01 +5.7 FTStrHi2 N FHY 1.32 10.1 13.23 11.39 11 13.06 157 13.09 12.94 +.12 +7.1 FTrVL100 N FVL .05e .2 22.59 18.88 3 21.32 20 21.85 21.32 -.18 -1.4 FTrVLDv N FVD .57e 2.0 29.51 25.39 701 28.73 2740 29.04 28.72 -.21 +2.5 FT EmOp N FEO 1.40 8.8 16.44 13.23 41 15.90 140 15.99 15.33 +.50 +14.5 FstUSBcsh Q FUSB .08 .7 35 15.14 7.92 5 11.62 25 12.31 11.60 -.70 +4.6 FstUtdCp Q FUNC 11 16.95 9.58 3 13.90 11 14.10 13.90 -12.9 First LI s Q FLIC .56 2.2 10 29.67 18.47 71 25.85 201 26.55 25.60 -.30 -9.5 FTrSenFlt N FCT .90 6.6 14.01 12.58 62 13.64 251 13.72 13.59 +.11 -.9 FirstEngy N FE 1.44 4.6 12 36.60 29.33 3305 31.27 11847 31.72 31.20 -.05 +1.0 FsthdTech Q SVVC 8.60 6.41 17 8.10 93 8.23 7.97 +.01 +5.6sFstSvc n Q FSV .49f .8 61.78 39.05 41 59.77 179 61.78 59.69 -.85 +25.9 Fiserv Q FISV 27 118.30 92.81 633 115.19 2625 116.58 115.12 -.63 +8.4 Fitbit n N FIT 18.85 5.31 7274 5.37 28103 5.79 5.32 -.14 -26.6 FiveBelow Q FIVE 35 52.70 35.03 544 45.12 3241 45.75 44.28 +1.02 +12.9 N WBAI 19.98 10.92 256 13.96 793 14.24 13.58 -.23 -8.9 FiveOaks N OAKS .60m 11.3 5.54 3.79 79 5.30 629 5.40 5.22 +.07 +6.6sFiveOk pfA N OAKSpA 2.19 8.8 25.00 18.02 8 24.92 31 25.00 24.75 +.25 +8.3 FivePrime Q FPRX 60.98 32.03 301 33.00 1552 34.65 32.65 +.12 -34.1 FiveStar Q FVE 3.04 1.65 37 1.95 176 2.05 1.90 -.10 -27.8 Five9 Q FIVN 18.93 8.30 260 16.46 1146 17.21 16.30 -.68 +16.0 FlagstarB N FBC 12 29.64 21.78 142 27.59 558 28.61 27.56 -.50 +2.4 F&C DynPf N DFP 1.92 7.6 25.37 21.83 46 25.15 197 25.24 24.77 +.26 +5.8 FlrtyPfdInc N PFD 1.08 7.1 16.34 12.64 14 15.11 61 15.27 14.99 +.00 +4.3 FlrtyPfdOp N PFO .88 7.3 12.81 10.30 23 11.97 75 12.11 11.90 -.02 +7.6 FlrtyPfdSc N FFC 1.63 7.9 22.25 18.18 58 20.76 320 20.95 20.66 +.07 +10.2 FlrtyTotR N FLC 1.63 7.7 22.89 18.41 28 21.16 101 21.42 21.15 -.07 +6.5 Flanign N BDL .20f .8 13 26.65 17.72 1 23.75 8 24.02 23.50 -.75 -2.5 Fleetcor N FLT 21 176.42 133.64 856 142.36 4309 147.99 142.30 -3.91 +.6 Flex Ltd Q FLEX 15 16.99 11.39 2125 15.93 8644 16.48 15.87 -.42 +10.9tFlexPhm n Q FLKS 13.97 3.46 45 3.54 276 4.17 3.46 -.55 -33.0 FlexUSTilt N TILT 1.17e 1.2 102.51 81.23 10 98.13 69 99.90 98.13 -1.29 +2.1 FlxEmgTilt N TLTE .84e 1.6 52.92 41.14 15 51.27 127 51.83 50.95 -.36 +11.5 FlxUpstNR N GUNR 1.00e 3.4 30.66 24.54 603 29.46 2067 29.96 29.46 -.20 +2.8 Flx3yrTips N TDTT .02e .1 25.18 23.43 66 24.87 362 24.97 24.78 +.06 +.7 Flx5yrTips N TDTF .06e .2 26.19 24.62 46 25.32 490 25.43 25.14 +.16 +1.2 FlxGlbImp Q ESGG 84.17 74.89 3 82.45 4 82.74 82.36 -.43 +5.3 FlxUS Imp Q ESG 56.58 49.91 1 55.42 2 55.75 55.35 -.29 +5.2 FlexEMTilt N TLEH 27.98 23.10 10 27.28 18 27.49 27.19 -.20 +8.1 FlxDMTilt N TLDH 28.41 21.13 4 26.18 5 26.43 26.11 -.27 +3.1 FlxRAstAlo Q ASET 27.30 24.58 1 26.77 4 26.89 26.71 +.06 +5.0 FlxUSQLgC Q QLC 29.90 24.54 2 28.81 7 29.34 28.81 -.43 +3.7 FlxUSLgCp Q LKOR .41e 57.80 44.54 4 51.55 10 51.75 49.92 +.78 +3.0 FlxUSCpBd Q SKOR 1.24 2.5 52.23 49.57 1 50.55 4 50.59 50.31 +.27 +1.2 FlxDisDur Q MBSD .62e 2.6 25.51 23.86 13 24.08 31 24.13 24.02 +.09 -.2 FlxGlbQRE N GQRE 1.33e 2.3 63.88 54.54 2 58.96 28 59.13 58.39 +.41 +4.6 FlxGblInfr N NFRA .95e 2.1 46.08 41.46 960 45.66 1091 45.95 45.53 -.05 +5.5 FlxDevTilt N TLTD 1.41e 2.4 61.99 49.52 10 59.57 80 60.14 59.57 -.19 +5.6 FlxIntDvDf N IQDE .91e 3.9 23.61 20.59 2 23.38 11 23.44 23.27 +.09 +7.2 FlxIntDvDy N IQDY .76e 3.0 26.02 21.08 7 25.52 28 25.76 25.52 -.09 +6.7 FlxIntlDiv N IQDF .94e 3.9 24.49 20.35 116 24.11 447 24.28 24.11 -.07 +7.1 FlxQDvDef N QDEF .93e 2.3 40.86 35.11 9 39.71 50 40.20 39.70 -.30 +2.4 FlxQDvDyn N QDYN 1.00e 2.6 40.86 32.86 2 39.09 16 39.78 39.09 -.45 +2.4 FlxQualDv N QDF 1.01e 2.5 41.75 34.84 81 40.35 294 40.95 40.35 -.37 +2.3 FlxRdyAcc N RAVI .82e .9 76.30 74.89 7 75.46 33 75.60 75.32 +.02 -.1 FlexSh n Q FPAY 6.75 4.24 2 4.70 12 4.70 4.50 +.10 -21.7 FlexSolu N FSI 12 2.41 .99 40 1.83 541 2.00 1.77 +.11 +37.6 FlexionTh Q FLXN 29.41 8.16 423 27.97 1222 28.03 25.94 +1.55 +47.1 Flexstl Q FLXS .80 1.6 17 62.99 36.06 15 51.00 67 53.12 50.13 -1.23 -17.3 Flotek N FTK 16.93 7.19 799 12.09 1969 13.06 12.04 -.36 +28.8 FlowrsFds N FLO .64 3.3 21 21.00 14.35 1050 19.27 3842 19.67 19.27 -.15 -3.5 Flowserve N FLS .40m .9 18 52.50 39.13 921 47.00 4277 49.42 46.91 -1.64 -2.2 Fluidigm Q FLDM 11.05 4.31 143 4.62 532 5.17 4.55 -.54 -36.5 Fluor N FLR .84 1.7 14 58.37 44.05 2039 50.18 5170 52.97 50.10 -1.72 -4.5 FlushFn Q FFIC .72f 2.9 11 31.96 18.95 52 24.69 236 26.61 24.69 -1.43 -16.0 FlyLeasing N FLY 1.00 7.9 24 14.45 9.54 96 12.68 487 13.18 12.52 -.05 -4.7tFoamix Q FOMX 11.27 4.03 112 4.22 3097 4.49 4.03 -.22 -62.0 FogoChao n Q FOGO 18 17.89 10.50 17 15.35 51 15.95 15.10 -.65 +7.0 FEMSA N FMX .74e .8 100.57 73.45 227 91.36 910 93.00 90.36 -1.01 +19.9 Fonar Q FONR 8 23.90 13.79 17 17.85 98 18.20 17.20 +.20 -6.8 FootLockr N FL 1.24f 1.7 15 79.43 50.90 1462 72.09 7194 73.65 71.63 +.14 +1.7 FordM N F .60a 5.4 6 14.22 11.07 32358 11.11 150906 11.35 11.11 -.12 -8.4 ForestCA N FCE/A .36f 1.6 18 24.22 17.79 945 22.44 3062 22.78 22.30 +.18 +7.7 ForestCB N FCE/B .32f 1.1 23 30.32 18.00 29.24 3 29.40 28.95 +.34 +8.6sForestar N FOR 9 14.40 10.60 225 14.15 1243 14.40 13.90 +6.4 FormsHl rs Q FH 4.05 1.52 167 1.82 406 2.09 1.82 -.05 -14.6 FormFac Q FORM 29 13.15 6.48 350 10.70 1090 11.65 10.46 -.75 -4.5 FormulaSy Q FORTY .82e 2.0 27 42.95 30.51 40.38 2 41.00 40.20 +.65 +1.7 ForrestR Q FORR .76f 1.9 31 44.40 31.92 23 39.70 122 40.40 38.95 +.35 -7.6 ForsightEn N FELP .68m 11.7 8.33 1.34 100 5.82 403 6.16 5.23 -.23 -10.0 Forterra n Q FRTA 22.76 16.24 237 17.73 624 18.50 17.52 +.14 -18.1 Fortinet Q FTNT 39.03 28.08 993 37.32 5575 37.91 36.93 -.10 +23.9sFortis n N FTS 1.19 3.6 33.71 29.14 226 33.27 677 33.71 32.78 +.41 +7.7sFortive n N FTV .28 .5 61.11 46.29 1201 60.33 6449 61.11 60.23 -.14 +12.5 FortressBio Q FBIO 4.66 1.88 170 3.28 318 3.47 3.20 -.07 +21.5 Fortress N FIG .32a 4.0 23 8.05 4.23 2372 7.97 9207 7.99 7.96 +64.0 FortTrInf n N FTAI 1.32 8.7 15.91 8.92 258 15.11 509 15.30 15.08 -.14 +13.6 FortunaSlv N FSM 44 9.75 4.80 1813 5.23 5377 5.45 5.18 -.08 -7.4 FBHmSec N FBHS .72f 1.2 23 64.47 52.05 1484 61.50 6009 62.62 60.32 -.36 +15.0 ForumEn N FET 26.25 13.19 879 20.30 2947 21.68 20.10 -.45 -7.7sForumM un Q FMCIU 10.10 10.00 5 10.10 133 10.10 10.00 +.08 +.8 ForwrdA Q FWRD .60 1.3 45 51.51 40.07 74 46.45 368 48.42 46.35 -.73 -2.0 Forward h Q FORD 19 2.11 1.02 10 1.16 63 1.21 1.13 -7.2 ForwdPh Q FWP 33.00 14.89 44 19.65 255 20.10 18.92 +.65 +31.0 Fossil Grp Q FOSL 10 43.79 15.79 879 16.80 2997 17.27 16.46 -.10 -35.0 Foster Q FSTR .16 1.2 20.77 9.25 40 13.60 179 14.05 12.85 +.30 FoundBld n N FBM 17.91 15.05 136 15.94 616 16.59 15.83 -.26 -.4 FndtnMed Q FMI 35.30 15.10 172 32.30 690 32.40 30.13 +1.95 +82.5sFourCorP s N FCPT .97 4.2 23.53 16.71 178 23.25 1147 23.53 22.98 +.19 +13.3 FoxFactory Q FOXF 26 30.15 15.30 192 26.70 970 27.55 26.40 -.85 -3.8 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 8 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
Francesca Q FRAN 13 22.39 9.75 1064 14.53 3483 15.55 14.37 -.51 -19.4 FrancoN g N FNV .88f 1.3 95 81.16 53.31 718 69.33 2448 70.30 66.74 +2.14 +16.0 FrankCov N FC 22.45 13.45 61 20.65 319 21.40 20.45 -.25 +2.5 FrankElec Q FELE .40 1.0 25 44.55 30.59 180 41.80 777 44.45 41.55 -.35 +7.5 FrankFn n N FSB .40p 17 42.80 26.98 40 37.35 174 38.65 37.25 -1.10 -10.8 FrankLibInt N FLQH 26.20 23.28 7 24.89 18 24.99 24.83 -.34 +5.9 FrankLibEm N FLQE 29.83 25.81 20 29.21 29 29.28 28.93 -.15 +9.8 FrankLibGl N FLQD 27.79 24.77 0 27.25 3 27.39 27.25 +.01 +6.2 FrankLbGlE N FLQG 27.70 25.00 1 27.13 3 27.19 26.98 -.05 +7.0sFrnkLInvGr N FLCO 24.45 23.88 24.45 24 24.45 24.33 +.06 +1.1 FrankRes N BEN .80 2.0 15 44.35 30.56 2100 40.59 11139 42.23 40.48 -1.19 +2.6 FrkStPrp N FSP .76 6.1 15 13.27 10.49 205 12.43 940 12.54 12.16 +.16 -4.1 FrkLtdDur N FTF .74 6.2 12.45 11.23 144 12.03 599 12.05 11.96 +.05 -.1 FrkUnv N FT .47 6.7 7.10 6.20 80 7.07 163 7.10 7.05 +.02 +5.8 FranksIntl N FI .30 3.0 17.73 9.20 692 9.87 2514 10.37 9.83 -.25 -19.8 FredsInc Q FRED .24 1.6 21.77 7.89 693 15.03 3375 15.82 14.55 +.55 -19.0 FrptMcM N FCX 17.06 9.24 14631 12.72 60661 13.65 12.61 -.65 -3.6 FrghtCar lf Q RAIL .36 2.9 6 18.03 10.87 99 12.53 484 13.25 12.36 -.54 -16.1 FreqElec Q FEIM 11.99 8.60 2 10.64 45 11.05 10.60 -.14 -1.5 FresenMd N FMS .44e 1.0 47.52 38.05 147 42.35 677 42.71 41.56 +.72 +.3 FDelMnt N FDP .60 1.0 12 66.86 41.70 203 58.42 585 60.02 58.39 -.84 -3.6 Freshpet Q FRPT 12.00 7.02 77 11.00 316 11.35 10.55 -.05 +8.4 FriedmInd N FRD .04 .6 7.29 5.00 215 6.16 523 6.80 5.98 -.57 -7.5tFronteo Q FTEO .06p 24.57 10.80 10.94 2 11.32 10.80 -1.74 -22.8 FrontierCm Q FTR .42 21.6 5.75 1.92 35433 1.94 109972 2.12 1.93 -.12 -42.6 FrontC pf Q FTRPR 11.13 24.2 107.00 43.84 68 45.98 281 48.73 45.69 -1.69 -35.3 Frontlne rs N FRO .10 6 10.41 6.61 734 6.65 3580 6.96 6.65 -.04 -6.5tFuelTech Q FTEK 1.80 .91 19 .99 107 .99 .91 +.04 -14.0 FuelCell rs Q FCEL 8.88 1.25 1104 1.65 8666 1.98 1.60 +.05 -5.7 FulgentG n Q FLGT 13.90 7.59 55 10.85 110 11.10 10.85 -.19 -6.2 FulingGbl n Q FORK 3.70 1.68 9 3.10 9 3.15 3.00 +.10 +24.0 FullHseR Q FLL 2.60 1.42 33 2.42 94 2.50 2.35 -.08 +.8 FullerHB N FUL .56 1.1 20 54.32 41.52 276 49.78 1249 51.72 49.60 -.88 +3.0 FultonFncl Q FULT .44f 2.6 18 19.75 12.66 923 17.00 3576 17.63 16.85 -.40 -9.6 Functnx rs Q FNCX 1 11.58 .35 1641 .46 7441 .73 .42 +.04 -80.9 FusionTel Q FSNN 2.46 .96 23 1.45 72 1.61 1.45 -.13 -3.3 FutureFuel N FF .24a 1.7 11 16.58 9.77 63 14.05 354 14.61 13.95 -.23 +1.1 FuweiF rs Q FFHL 5.20 1.48 42 2.82 108 3.13 2.81 -.08 +54.1G -:GWilliFood Q WILC 16 6.90 3.40 5.81 4 5.83 5.62 -.16 +.7tGAMCO s N GBL .08 .3 8 41.67 27.85 70 27.83 138 29.12 27.55 -1.01 -9.9 GATX N GATX 1.68f 2.8 10 64.46 40.66 317 59.11 975 62.81 59.09 -2.75 -4.0 GATX 66 N GMTA 27.19 21.55 12 25.18 82 25.70 25.05 -.06 +8.3 GCP ApT n N GCP 34.05 20.97 398 32.85 1446 33.30 32.28 +.40 +22.8 GDL Fund N GDL .64 6.5 10.15 9.55 29 9.85 107 9.87 9.81 -.01 +.1 GDLFd pfB N GDLpB 1.50 3.0 51.40 50.20 2 50.53 7 50.55 50.46 +.07 +.3 GDS Hld n Q GDS 10.76 7.54 322 8.19 497 8.59 8.05 +.08 -4.8 GGP Inc N GGP .88 3.8 13 32.10 22.34 4047 23.15 20376 23.56 22.90 +.31 -7.3 GGP Inc pfA N GGPpA 1.59 6.3 27.55 23.88 51 25.16 216 25.85 24.70 -.62 +1.4 GMAC CpT N ALLYpA 2.03 8.0 25.99 24.18 212 25.38 1050 25.43 25.32 -.1 GMS Inc n N GMS 23 35.73 19.28 146 34.22 457 35.10 34.03 -.57 +16.9 GNC N GNC .80 11.0 3 35.90 6.51 2615 7.30 13156 7.51 6.60 +.65 -33.9 GP InvAc n Q GPIA .80 .18 763 .36 825 .50 .32 -.16 -21.1 GP Inv un Q GPIAU 14.00 8.97 9 10.10 163 10.15 10.10 -.04 +.5 GP InvA wt Q GPIAW 10.15 8.93 1 9.98 51 9.98 9.98 +.03 +.7 GP Strat N GPX 21 30.00 19.59 22 24.80 91 25.60 24.40 +.50 -13.3 GSE Sy N GVP 19 3.85 2.03 8 3.45 22 3.70 3.45 -.25 -1.4 GSI Tech Q GSIT 9.68 3.50 309 7.63 695 8.31 7.50 -.55 +23.1 GSV Cap Q GSVC 2.76e 6.06 4.41 43 4.55 277 4.68 4.46 +.04 -9.5 GTT Comm N GTT 29.75 14.96 235 25.50 1139 26.53 24.95 +.35 -11.3 GTY Tch n Q GTYH 13.00 9.80 9.95 3 9.95 9.95 -7.4 GTY Tc un Q GTYHU 11.36 10.02 22 10.39 35 10.95 10.25 +.14 -1.0 G-III s Q GIII 17 51.81 19.11 719 24.33 3515 24.93 23.71 -.10 -17.7tGTx Inc rs Q GTXI 11.19 4.20 2 4.37 25 4.63 4.20 -.13 -17.2 GW Pharm Q GWPH 137.88 74.05 155 117.07 850 120.37 115.91 +.76 +4.8 GWG Hldgs Q GWGH 11.56 5.96 7 10.54 15 10.88 9.66 -.03 +32.7 GabCvInc N GCV .48 9.8 5.25 4.38 22 4.90 62 4.96 4.88 +4.3 GabCv pfB N GCVpB 1.50 5.7 28.17 25.40 26.19 12 26.40 26.06 -.15 +2.3 GabDvInc N GDV 1.32 6.4 21.25 18.00 144 20.72 571 21.10 20.72 -.01 +3.4 GabDiv pfA N GDVpA 1.47 5.6 26.98 25.02 3 26.22 13 26.35 26.12 -.02 +2.2 GabDiv pfD N GDVpD 1.50 5.7 27.48 25.37 0 26.31 17 26.40 26.27 +.08 +2.0 GabelliET N GAB .64e 10.8 6.15 5.13 348 5.92 1431 5.97 5.91 -.02 +7.2 GabllE pfD N GABpD 1.47 5.6 27.09 25.05 1 26.10 5 26.10 25.84 +.26 +2.2 GabllE pfG N GABpG 1.25 5.2 25.79 22.17 4 24.14 30 24.33 24.09 +5.3 Gabeli pfJ N GABpJ 27.00 23.31 9 25.05 57 25.46 24.87 +.04 +4.5 GabEq pfH N GABpH 1.25 5.1 25.82 22.19 8 24.42 21 24.53 24.37 -.02 +6.9 GabGSmM N GGZ 11.48 9.84 17 11.40 54 11.47 11.40 -.04 +7.5 GabGSm pfA N GGZpA 1.36 5.4 26.23 23.41 3 25.14 12 25.45 24.88 +.18 +5.0 GabGUtil N GLU 1.20 6.5 18.71 15.21 8 18.52 32 18.63 18.41 +.05 +10.2 GabHlthW N GRX .52 5.2 11.32 9.23 41 10.01 221 10.05 9.97 +.01 +6.1 GabHlt pfA N GRXpA 1.44 5.6 26.92 25.00 0 25.67 5 25.72 25.53 +.18 +1.8sGabMultT N GGT .94e 11.5 8.25 6.71 72 8.16 385 8.25 8.08 +.02 +12.7sGabMedM n Q MOGLC 100.06 99.95 100.06 11 100.06 100.06 +.02 GabFood n Q FOANC 100.06 100.01 100.06 12 100.06 100.06 GabUtil N GUT .60 8.8 7.04 5.99 73 6.81 240 6.96 6.80 -.06 +8.1 GabUt pfA N GUTpA 1.41 5.6 26.65 24.41 1 25.37 8 25.55 25.33 -.10 +.7 Gafisa rs N GFA 24.53 12.45 43 16.07 240 16.54 15.83 -.48 sGaiam A Q GAIA 11.25 5.84 71 11.30 285 11.40 10.75 +.45 +30.6 Gain Cap N GCAP .24f 3.2 31 8.75 4.54 397 7.44 1822 8.22 7.44 -.78 +13.1 Galapag n Q GLPG 90.50 42.82 54 89.96 338 90.44 87.95 +1.84 +40.1sGalectinTh Q GALT 3.68 .49 664 3.16 7038 3.68 2.75 +.29 +222.4 GalenaBi rs Q GALE 49.80 .53 580 .57 3204 .62 .55 -.01 -70.6 Gallaghr N AJG 1.56f 2.8 22 57.82 43.90 504 55.51 3782 56.54 55.47 -.82 +6.8 GalmedPh Q GLMD 3 7.05 2.78 16 4.91 247 5.49 4.69 +.16 +39.9 GamGldNR N GGN .84 14.6 7.14 5.07 654 5.75 3737 5.84 5.70 +.10 +8.5 GamGld pfB N GGNpB 1.25 5.2 25.59 21.74 0 23.83 22 24.00 23.65 -.06 +3.1 GamNRG&I N GNT .84 11.8 8.48 6.53 83 7.13 361 7.23 7.05 +.12 +6.9 GameStop N GME 1.52f 6.8 6 33.72 20.10 3619 22.38 10564 22.44 21.56 +.72 -11.4 Gam&Lsr n Q GLPI 2.48f 7.3 22 35.98 29.32 864 34.15 3301 34.78 34.05 -.05 +11.5 GamngPtrs Q GPIC .12e 14 12.34 8.47 10.10 3 10.68 9.65 +.10 -14.6 Gannett n N GCI .64 8.0 6 17.72 7.30 559 8.02 2639 8.24 7.97 +.04 -17.4 Gap N GPS .92 3.9 14 30.74 17.00 5166 23.69 16100 24.71 23.68 -.34 +5.6 Garmin Q GRMN 2.04 4.2 16 56.19 39.24 1043 48.69 3794 50.97 48.60 -1.68 +.4 GarrisnCap Q GARS 1.12m 11.7 9 10.98 8.75 30 9.61 102 9.73 9.54 -.04 +2.8 Gartner N IT 41 112.42 84.54 510 108.93 2659 111.03 108.44 -1.15 +7.8 GasNatural N EGAS .30 2.4 53 12.85 6.83 59 12.60 123 12.65 12.55 +.4 GasLogLP N GLOP 1.96f 8.4 11 24.85 17.26 87 23.40 375 24.15 23.35 -.30 +13.9 GasLog N GLOG .56 4.0 17.85 11.01 345 14.10 1325 15.35 14.05 -.55 -12.4 GasLog pfA N GLOGpA 2.19 8.5 26.99 22.81 5 25.72 15 25.90 25.63 +.11 +2.4 GastarExp N GST 2.21 .80 1022 1.55 4958 1.66 1.51 +.04 Gastar pfA N GSTpA 2.16 10.5 22.70 3.95 7 20.65 35 21.32 20.62 -.49 +13.8 Gastar pfB N GSTpB 2.69 11.6 25.05 3.28 5 23.25 23 23.86 22.75 -.64 +33.8 GazitGlobe N GZT .37e 3.7 10.97 8.30 4 10.03 22 10.67 10.03 -.33 +16.1sGeeGroup N JOB 7.00 3.61 4 6.30 93 7.00 6.21 -.08 +45.4 Gemphire n Q GEMP 13.98 7.25 29 11.65 203 12.06 10.61 +1.38 +48.6sGencoSh rs N GNK 14.99 3.62 73 13.09 622 14.99 12.67 -1.31 +77.4 Gencor s Q GENC 36 16.60 9.19 21 15.45 95 15.90 15.35 -.25 -1.6 Generac N GNRC 1 44.84 32.34 405 35.05 1525 36.67 34.90 -.84 -14.0 GAInv N GAM 1.15e 1.0 33.93 25.80 18 33.38 81 33.85 33.38 -.29 +7.1 GAInv pfB N GAMpB 1.49 5.7 27.47 25.36 3 26.34 9 26.47 26.20 +.19 +2.2 GnCable N BGC .72 4.4 27 20.80 11.65 580 16.25 1648 18.38 16.13 -1.40 -14.7sGenComm Q GNCMA 36.93 12.26 376 35.59 2591 36.93 35.42 +.08 +83.0 GenDynam N GD 3.36f 1.8 19 194.00 132.68 1160 186.73 4003 188.94 185.64 -1.31 +8.1 GenElec N GE .96 3.2 24 33.00 28.19 19523 29.56 87046 30.23 29.55 -.43 -6.5 GECap5-53 N GEK 1.18 4.6 27.14 23.20 37 25.74 144 25.86 25.63 -.13 +4.8 GECap 1-53 N GEH 1.22 4.7 27.60 23.98 21 25.93 104 25.97 25.77 +.13 +5.6 GEC 10-52 N GEB 1.22 4.8 27.04 24.13 28 25.40 142 25.69 25.25 +.12 +3.3 GenFin Q GFN 5.90 3.99 23 5.10 48 5.15 5.05 -.05 -8.1 GenFin pfC Q GFNCP 9.20 9.5 97.85 71.44 2 96.50 4 96.50 94.00 +2.28 +5.4 GenFin 21 Q GFNSL 2.03 8.1 26.28 21.30 7 25.14 21 25.75 24.92 +.20 +3.8tGenMills N GIS 1.92 3.4 19 72.95 57.14 2202 57.17 10407 57.88 57.14 -.48 -7.4 GenMoly N GMO .72 .21 63 .39 677 .42 .35 -.02 +54.8 GenMotors N GM 1.52 4.6 5 38.55 27.34 9421 33.39 48169 34.29 33.37 -.32 -4.2 GMot wtB N GM/WSB 20.43 10.00 39 16.20 111 16.95 16.20 -.23 -5.6 Gener8M n N GNRT 4 8.75 3.52 581 5.37 2017 6.07 5.33 -.21 +19.9 Gensco N GCO 12 74.21 47.66 271 50.85 965 53.10 50.40 -.45 -18.1 GenesWyo N GWR 21 80.73 52.21 539 64.80 1799 68.72 64.69 -2.56 -6.6 GenesisEn N GEL 2.84f 8.9 8 40.90 29.96 383 31.77 1721 33.52 31.56 -1.49 -11.8 GenesisHlt N GEN .12p 4.75 1.38 123 2.30 555 2.47 2.23 -.13 -45.9 GeneticT rs Q GENE 2.89 1.04 138 1.12 489 1.18 1.11 -.01 +3.7 GenieEn n N GNE .24 3.3 8.48 5.07 65 7.21 270 7.49 7.08 -.04 +25.4 GenieE pfA N GNEpA .64 8.2 8.40 7.06 1 7.75 11 7.77 7.73 +3.9 GeniusBr n Q GNUS 7.99 3.63 13 4.59 57 4.80 4.50 +.08 -15.2 GenMark Q GNMK 13.62 5.13 212 12.42 826 13.09 12.30 -.57 +1.5sGenoceaB Q GNCA 6.78 3.28 316 6.36 2068 6.78 5.76 +.38 +54.4 Genomic Q GHDX 33.96 23.57 57 30.66 423 32.83 30.08 -.67 +4.3 Genpact N G .24p 16 28.52 22.58 587 23.83 4693 24.46 23.77 -2.1 Gentex Q GNTX .36 1.8 16 22.12 14.66 1207 19.95 5277 20.46 19.93 -.08 +1.3 Gentherm Q THRM 17 44.62 26.60 261 34.65 1121 35.70 34.31 -.65 +2.4 GenuPrt N GPC 2.70f 3.0 19 105.97 86.61 610 88.94 2682 91.05 88.88 -.92 -6.9 GenVec rs Q GNVC 2 14.00 2.70 1 5.92 60 6.25 5.81 -.03 +84.4 Genworth N GNW .44p 5.27 2.26 5545 4.00 33607 4.23 3.99 -.04 +5.0 GeoGrp N GEO 2.80f 5.9 21 49.42 16.26 653 47.80 2150 48.20 46.67 +1.19 +33.0 GeoPark N GPRK 8.00 1.90 85 7.63 587 7.89 7.40 +.33 +77.0 GeorgeBcp Q GTWN .20 .8 34 26.00 19.54 26.00 6 26.00 25.80 +.15 +.6 GaPw pfA N GPEpA 1.53 5.5 31.47 25.10 27.73 14 28.45 27.53 -.81 +8.4 GeospcT hs Q GEOS 24.37 13.01 32 14.95 116 15.67 14.80 -.34 -26.6 Gerdau N GGB .02e .7 4.39 1.50 10560 2.96 39651 3.35 2.96 -.36 -5.7 GerABcp Q GABC .76f 1.6 20 54.46 30.35 33 46.24 94 47.23 45.62 -.21 -12.1sGerNew N GF 1.23e .5 14.98 12.45 18 14.96 106 14.98 14.86 +.10 +14.5 GeronCp Q GERN 3.35 1.81 1389 2.34 21365 2.73 2.30 +.19 +13.0 GettyRlty N GTY 1.12 4.3 16 26.71 19.44 116 26.22 433 26.69 25.97 +.13 +2.9 Gevo rs Q GEVO 27.20 .92 242 1.04 1632 1.11 1.00 -.02 -69.9 Gibraltar Q ROCK 28 48.05 24.12 286 37.30 612 40.45 37.30 -2.40 -10.4 GigaTron h Q GIGA 1.53 .60 18 .81 72 .83 .76 +.02 +4.9 GigaMda rs Q GIGM 8 3.64 2.31 46 2.92 104 3.11 2.90 -.17 Gigamon N GIMO 22 61.25 28.43 526 33.80 2478 34.70 33.50 -.90 -25.8 GilatSatell Q GILT 6.19 4.05 4 5.18 11 5.45 5.18 -.25 +3.4 Gildan s N GIL .38f 1.4 18 32.20 23.55 523 26.99 1557 27.33 26.42 +.54 +6.4 GileadSci Q GILD 2.08f 3.1 7 103.10 65.38 5845 66.51 27527 67.24 65.79 -.07 -7.1 GlacierBc Q GBCI .84f 2.6 20 38.17 24.40 260 32.06 1242 33.50 32.05 -.85 -11.5 GladstnCap Q GLAD .84 8.7 12 9.92 6.80 100 9.66 1085 9.74 9.31 +.24 +2.9 Gladstne 21 Q GLADO 1.69 6.6 26.05 24.57 4 25.49 7 25.67 25.49 -.13 sGladstnCm Q GOOD 1.50 6.6 23.12 15.92 782 22.88 2581 23.35 20.74 +2.02 +13.8 GladCm pfA Q GOODP 1.94 7.4 26.45 25.01 6 26.20 9 26.27 25.84 +.25 +2.8 Gladstn pfB Q GOODO 1.88 7.3 25.63 25.00 2 25.56 6 25.57 25.40 +.16 +1.8 GladCm pfD Q GOODM 1.75 6.9 26.99 23.00 5 25.41 67 25.55 25.17 +.10 +.6sGladstInv Q GAIN .75 8.0 13 9.38 6.65 318 9.39 805 9.49 8.97 +.42 +11.0 GladInv pfB Q GAINO 1.69 6.6 26.52 24.46 1 25.80 7 26.07 25.69 +.00 GladInv pfC Q GAINN 1.63 6.4 29.00 23.66 4 25.56 8 25.71 25.56 +.00 +.8 GldsInv pf D Q GAINM 1.56 6.1 25.80 25.00 6 25.54 15 25.56 25.32 +.06 +.9 GladstLnd Q LAND .52f 4.6 36 12.89 9.51 37 11.27 206 11.30 11.06 +.14 +.3 GladLnd pfA Q LANDP 1.59 6.2 27.05 24.62 2 25.66 7 25.84 25.60 -.04 +.9 GlassBr rs N GLA 18.10 3.85 61 4.37 219 4.79 4.16 +.25 Glatfelter N GLT .52f 2.6 15 25.59 17.50 84 20.02 888 21.76 19.91 -1.12 -16.2 Glaukos n N GKOS 52.49 17.70 1300 44.28 3720 50.50 43.50 -7.22 +29.1 GlaxoSKln N GSK 2.89e 6.9 45.58 37.20 2655 41.81 9668 41.94 41.27 +.34 +8.6 GlenBurnie Q GLBZ .40 3.5 29 12.55 9.85 0 11.48 3 12.00 11.48 -.16 -.2 GblBldT n Q GBT 41.15 13.35 1343 28.90 4012 33.10 28.75 -3.60 +100.0 GblBrCopp N BRSS .15 .5 15 39.85 22.75 93 32.25 427 34.55 32.20 -1.50 -6.0 GlblBrkge Q GLBR 12.90 1.45 8 2.18 73 2.33 1.90 +.18 -69.1 GblEagEnt Q ENT 9.73 2.76 298 3.03 1798 3.32 3.03 -.16 -53.1 GlbIndem Q GBLI 23 40.96 20.96 8 37.60 22 39.48 37.52 -.68 -1.6 GlbIndm 45 Q GBLIZ 1.94 7.8 26.48 23.14 60 25.00 113 25.55 24.95 -.45 +.8stGlbIndem 47 Q GBLIL 1.97 7.9 25.10 24.70 116 24.83 485 25.10 24.70 GlbMed n N GMRE .20p 11.38 6.73 46 9.08 256 9.27 8.77 -.03 +1.8 GlobNetL n N GNL .94 4.0 39 25.25 6.92 255 23.89 1368 24.35 23.85 -.27 +205.1 GblPtAcq n Q GPAC 10.50 9.46 9.94 6 9.96 9.94 -.06 GblPAc wt Q GPACW .65 .14 .29 275 .35 .29 -.06 -17.1 GlobPtrs N GLP 1.85 9.5 21.95 12.28 19 19.50 172 20.30 19.20 -.30 +.3 GlobPay s N GPN .04 .1 33 81.63 64.63 970 77.54 3356 78.38 76.47 -.39 +11.7 GlSlfStor n Q SELF .26 5.3 5.96 4.26 8 4.91 71 5.00 4.76 +.11 +2.9 GlbShipLs N GSL .40 28.6 4.50 1.10 48 1.40 408 1.47 1.37 -6.7sGlbShip pfB N GSLpB 2.19 10.5 22.00 12.42 4 20.82 30 22.00 20.65 +.16 +2.1 GlblSrcs Q GSOL 11 9.48 7.79 5 8.75 41 9.06 8.70 -.05 -1.1 GlWatRs n Q GWRS .27 3.1 9.29 6.23 5 8.80 25 8.99 8.61 +.21 -3.3 GlbXNordic N GXF .85e 4.2 22.19 18.40 5 20.30 17 20.42 20.15 +.15 +7.0 GbXSpDvE N SDEM .63e 19.63 12.44 28 15.65 53 15.75 15.44 +.08 +6.5 GbXSpdvRE Q SRET 1.24 8.2 15.85 13.70 39 15.18 128 15.24 14.91 +.22 +5.9 GbXUSRota N SCTO .12p 25.16 22.74 2 24.56 12 24.70 24.53 -.23 +2.4 GblXPortgl N PGAL .23p 10.50 8.77 29 10.20 86 10.29 10.17 -.04 +9.6 GblXColum N GXG .41e 4.3 10.18 8.19 121 9.57 670 9.66 9.52 +.01 +4.9 GblXEmFtr N EMFM .40e 1.9 21.90 18.15 1 20.92 14 21.05 20.74 +.01 +13.3 GbXMLP&E N MLPX .60 4.1 15.54 11.46 86 14.74 336 15.02 14.72 -.15 -.7 GblXChMat N CHIM .21e 1.2 17.96 11.70 2 17.02 10 17.30 16.98 -.16 +25.0sGblXArg N ARGT .09e .3 29.20 19.77 28 28.66 212 29.20 28.65 -.17 +24.3 GblXSDvUS N DIV 1.93 7.7 25.90 23.36 100 25.17 314 25.26 25.02 +.14 +1.8 GblXJrMlp N MLPJ .96e 11.3 9.46 7.01 6 8.48 19 8.69 8.46 -.13 -1.6 GXSupInPf N SPFF .99 7.6 13.98 12.51 120 13.00 379 13.07 12.97 -.03 +1.6 GblXGuru N GURU .28e 1.1 26.21 20.86 6 25.51 28 25.87 25.51 -.21 +6.2 GlblXPerm N PERM .23e .9 26.48 23.76 2 25.05 3 25.05 24.87 +.33 +3.1 GbXGreece N GREK .13e 1.6 9.06 6.37 196 8.03 1153 8.18 8.01 -.16 +3.1 GblXChCon N CHIQ .26e 2.0 13.55 10.11 13 13.20 83 13.40 13.10 -.11 +17.9 GblXSocM Q SOCL 25.81 18.24 14 24.61 62 24.83 24.46 -.08 +13.8 GblX MLP N MLPA .90e 7.8 12.13 9.50 282 11.53 1064 11.72 11.51 -.15 -.3 GblXFertil N SOIL .25e 2.7 9.87 7.99 1 9.18 33 9.26 9.18 -.04 +2.3 GblXChiEn N CHIE .33e 3.0 11.09 9.50 11.06 2 11.06 11.06 -.03 +13.5 GblXSupDv N SDIV 1.42e 6.4 21.90 19.68 203 21.39 652 21.52 21.21 +.19 +2.8 GlbXChiFn N CHIX .16e 1.1 15.01 11.15 20 14.40 55 14.49 14.29 -.10 +12.4sGbXSEAsia N ASEA .42e 2.9 14.65 12.64 9 14.54 72 14.65 14.21 +.30 +13.7sGblXAndean N AND .20e 2.2 8.96 7.17 7 8.92 14 8.97 8.71 +.17 +13.8 GblXPakist N PAK 18.36 13.18 14 17.16 75 17.43 17.10 +.10 -1.9 GblXChiInd N CHII .10e .7 14.62 10.22 1 14.28 7 14.34 14.16 -.13 +20.2 GblXNorway N NORW .83e 7.4 11.91 9.52 97 11.16 193 11.27 11.12 +.07 +1.1 GlXBrazMC N BRAZ .37e 3.8 10.53 7.24 2 9.84 2 10.05 9.84 -.26 +10.6 GbXNsChiT Q QQQC .07e .3 24.60 18.88 13 22.72 17 23.19 22.68 -.50 +7.1 GlbXBrazC N BRAQ .40e 2.9 15.09 9.69 3 13.78 8 14.12 13.78 +.05 +14.3 GblXScUS n N SCIU 28.18 24.29 13 27.46 22 27.81 27.46 -.23 +4.1sGblXScEu n N SCID 24.18 20.66 3 24.17 5 24.21 24.11 +.07 +8.9 GblXScAs n N SCIX 24.54 20.94 0 23.78 5 23.78 23.63 +.10 +12.7 GblXScJp n N SCIJ 28.36 24.89 0 27.49 3 27.69 27.49 -.15 +4.2 GblXGuAct Q ACTX 15.01 12.13 1 14.40 5 14.55 14.40 -.35 +1.1 GbXNigeria N NGE .31e 2.0 16.43 3.79 10 15.67 190 16.08 15.51 -.41 +267.8 GbX US Inf N PAVE 15.89 14.01 32 14.12 105 14.80 14.12 -.55 -4.3 GblXYldco Q YLCO .58a 5.0 11.89 10.09 4 11.70 11 11.74 11.48 +.20 +7.8 GblX Rob n Q BOTZ 17.48 14.69 45 16.92 273 17.20 16.90 -.28 +12.8 GlbXCon ef Q KRMA 17.13 14.88 2 16.64 9 16.84 16.64 -.11 +4.1 GblXMilTh Q MILN 16.63 14.40 4 16.47 12 16.59 16.45 +.03 +5.5 GlX Intrn n Q SNSR 18.06 14.49 26 17.21 175 17.81 17.21 -.54 +10.2 GblXSupdiv Q ALTY 1.25 8.1 16.58 14.05 12 15.50 14 15.56 15.49 +.07 +4.2 GlX Fintc n Q FINX 16.50 14.53 1 16.17 6 16.26 16.17 +.01 +10.4 GlbXCop rs N COPX 26.47 14.03 44 21.63 160 22.82 21.63 -1.16 +8.1 GlbXSilv rs N SIL 54.34 30.01 94 38.09 389 38.55 36.28 +1.17 +18.6sGlbXLith rs N LIT 29.17 22.50 42 28.28 345 29.17 28.17 -.59 +16.0 GbX Gold rs N GOEX 45.90 18.23 5 24.67 29 25.14 23.94 +.52 +19.2 GbXUran rs N URA 19.33 11.68 526 15.38 2598 16.17 15.26 +.18 +19.5 GlXCatholc Q CATH 29.18 23.95 2 28.60 59 28.81 28.57 -.02 +5.4 GlblScape N GSB .06 1.5 22 4.34 3.20 4 4.01 82 4.21 3.91 +.10 -1.5 Globalstar N GSAT 16 3.00 .63 2188 1.73 24082 1.88 1.62 +.11 +9.5 GlobantSA N GLOB 47.19 30.90 145 33.83 565 34.09 33.56 -.16 +1.4 GlobusM rs Q GLBS 23.60 1.08 753 2.97 6811 4.96 2.93 -.45 -27.2sGlobusMed N GMED 28 31.27 19.25 437 30.43 2196 31.27 29.48 +.81 +22.7 Glowpoint N GLOW .47 .14 1 .30 15 .30 .27 +.01 +11.3 GluMobile Q GLUU 3.06 1.73 10653 2.25 40711 2.32 2.21 -.02 +16.0tGlycoMim Q GLYC 9.25 4.09 37 4.24 185 4.64 4.09 -.26 -30.5 GoDaddy n N GDDY 38.00 28.11 306 36.09 1856 37.59 36.03 -1.23 +3.3 Gogo Q GOGO 13.28 7.80 534 11.29 2178 11.57 11.06 +.09 +22.5sGolLinhs rs N GOL 33.43 6.00 152 30.89 898 33.43 29.10 +1.53 +126.8 GolLNGLtd Q GLNG .20 .7 29.18 14.32 725 26.67 3283 28.48 26.63 -.77 +16.3 GolLNGPt Q GMLP 2.31 10.5 25.82 15.11 205 21.92 714 22.85 21.90 -.15 -8.8 GoldFLtd N GFI .02e .5 6.60 2.60 18905 4.05 38247 4.24 3.63 +.32 +34.6 GoldResrc N GORO .02m .5 8.22 2.77 1290 4.17 3410 4.47 4.12 -.12 -4.1 GoldStdV g N GSV 3.20 1.13 1889 2.00 5085 2.14 1.91 +.01 -6.1 Goldcrp g N GG .24 1.6 20.38 11.91 6171 15.39 26913 15.63 14.55 +.64 +13.2 GoldenEnt Q GDEN 18 14.31 8.65 28 13.29 137 13.85 13.03 +.03 +9.7 GoldenMin N AUMN 1.16 .31 134 .60 662 .62 .55 +.02 +3.3sGoldenOc rs Q GOGL 9.05 3.10 384 8.18 2049 9.05 8.10 -.52 +73.7 GoldStr g N GSS 1.13 .47 2347 .83 5944 .88 .82 -.02 +10.6 GldFld N GV 10 8.65 1.90 432 4.85 2259 5.48 4.85 -.35 -4.9 GoldmS pfI N GSpI 1.49 5.7 26.61 24.61 81 25.98 188 25.98 25.71 +.16 +2.9 GoldS pfJ N GSpJ 1.38 5.1 27.64 24.50 29 27.13 171 27.23 26.86 +.11 +7.0 GS BDC n N GSBD 1.80 7.2 25 25.60 19.30 56 25.04 332 25.10 24.87 -.05 +6.5 GS ActbtInt N GSIE 26.31 22.36 33 25.99 136 26.17 25.96 +6.7 GS ActEM N GEM 30.72 24.49 95 29.81 298 30.03 29.50 -.03 +11.4 GS ActEur N GSEU .60e 32.03 23.23 3 27.50 6 27.58 27.45 +.09 +7.2 GS ActLgC N GSLC 47.66 40.26 89 46.19 328 46.80 46.16 -.43 +4.1 GS Indus n N GVIP 46.17 39.08 5 44.92 15 45.62 44.92 -.59 +6.2 GSCI37 N GSC 23.85 19.72 22.63 3 22.77 22.61 +.70 -2.9 GoldmanS N GS 2.60 1.2 14 255.15 138.20 3601 223.32 12563 229.79 223.08 -4.56 -6.7 GoldS pfK N GSpK 1.59 5.5 29.74 25.69 17 28.82 116 28.84 28.48 +.32 +6.2 GoldS pfN N GSpN 28.30 25.11 35 26.92 132 26.97 26.77 +.06 +3.2 GoldS pfB N GSpB 1.55 5.8 26.81 25.01 34 26.59 117 26.61 26.38 +.15 +4.5 GoldS pfC N GSpC 1.02 4.4 24.32 20.78 23 23.27 60 23.37 23.10 +.07 +6.9 GoldS pfA N GSpA .96 4.1 23.98 19.77 16 23.54 148 23.65 23.16 +.12 +6.6 GoldS pfD N GSpD 1.02 4.4 23.65 20.08 82 23.09 283 23.15 22.78 +.19 +5.8 GS MLPEn N GER .64 8.1 8.90 5.41 256 7.94 728 8.19 7.92 -.16 +10.4 GS MLPInc N GMZ 1.38 13.1 11.58 7.55 82 10.57 516 10.93 10.55 -.28 +8.7 GolubCap Q GBDC 1.28a 6.5 16 20.11 16.70 102 19.80 456 20.01 19.76 -.17 +7.7 GoodTimes Q GTIM 4.48 2.75 9 3.35 38 3.40 3.15 +.05 +6.3stGoodrPet n N GDP 10 15.36 10 15.50 15.20 Goodyear Q GT .40 1.2 10 37.20 24.31 2787 34.14 11068 35.76 34.07 -1.04 +10.6 GoPro Q GPRO 17.68 7.15 1270 8.63 11911 9.31 8.52 +.08 -.9sGorsHl A n Q GSHT 10.10 10.00 10.10 1 10.10 10.10 +.10 +1.0 GoresHl un Q GSHTU 10.49 10.15 51 10.40 51 10.40 10.28 +.01 +1.5 GormanR N GRC .46f 1.6 29 34.45 22.30 30 28.13 121 29.95 27.87 -1.59 -9.1 GovPrpIT Q GOV 1.72 7.7 24.61 16.55 394 22.21 1962 22.58 21.46 +.66 +16.5 GovPrpIT46 Q GOVNI 1.47 5.9 26.38 22.20 56 25.02 175 25.18 24.94 -.03 +6.2 vjGrace N GRA .84f 1.3 27 80.56 63.37 352 67.16 2116 68.75 67.16 -.53 -.7sGraco N GGG 1.44f 1.6 26 95.19 69.33 180 92.52 957 95.19 92.41 -1.18 +11.3 GrahamCp N GHM .36 1.7 15 25.00 17.11 66 21.35 203 22.34 20.65 -.67 -3.6 GrahamH s N GHC 5.08 .9 21 609.75 440.55 16 586.95 74 602.80 585.75 -10.68 +14.6 Graingr N GWW 4.88f 2.2 19 262.72 201.94 883 221.50 3898 231.45 221.25 -7.77 -4.6 Grmrcy pfA N GPTpA 1.78 6.7 28.78 25.61 23 26.44 68 26.50 26.36 +.06 -.2 GrmPrTr rs N GPT .38 30.09 24.09 560 27.70 2906 27.83 26.75 +.91 +.6 GranTrra g N GTE 3.49 2.40 1860 2.64 6615 2.82 2.62 -.02 -12.6 GranaMon N GRAM .25e 6.4 8.96 2.16 181 3.90 2100 4.60 3.50 -.60 -45.5 GrCanyEd Q LOPE 22 72.31 37.94 311 69.33 1004 71.18 69.03 -1.82 +18.6 GraniteC N GVA .52 1.0 42 62.18 40.16 493 51.65 2389 54.84 51.54 -2.17 -6.1sGraniteRE N GRP/U 2.30 36.40 28.36 11 36.37 51 36.72 35.17 +1.01 +8.8 GraphPkg N GPK .30 2.3 17 14.70 11.95 5917 12.77 11338 12.94 12.68 -.08 +2.3 Gravity rs Q GRVY 39.00 3.08 21 18.72 150 20.01 18.07 -1.08 +77.4 GrayTelev N GTN 13 15.10 7.00 676 14.50 2704 14.73 14.25 +.10 +33.6 GrtAjax n N AJX 1.00 7.6 8 14.48 12.50 29 13.09 130 13.16 12.84 +.18 -1.4 GrElmCp n Q GECC 1.00e 8.8 12.37 10.35 20 11.34 110 11.37 11.29 +.02 -2.8 GrtElm 20 Q FULLL 2.06 8.1 26.25 25.08 1 25.55 3 25.67 25.45 -.01 +.6 GrElm hn Q GEC 4.10 2.95 86 3.30 143 3.33 3.25 -12.0 GrLkDrge Q GLDD 5.45 3.05 191 4.45 585 4.70 4.35 -.20 +6.0 GtPanSilv g N GPL 2.28 1.14 2924 1.50 5708 1.64 1.48 -.12 -9.6 GtPlainEn N GXP 1.10 3.7 18 32.24 25.85 1486 29.54 7559 29.68 28.87 +.60 +8.0 GrtPl pfB N GXPpB 1.75 3.3 55.34 48.64 7 53.53 84 53.71 52.56 +1.01 +5.8 GrtSoBc Q GSBC .88 1.9 15 56.70 34.48 19 47.50 133 49.55 47.40 -1.10 -13.1 GrtWstBcp N GWB .68 1.7 18 45.61 28.67 279 40.52 1150 42.14 40.49 -1.12 -7.0 GreenBncp Q GNBC 18.28 6.97 145 16.25 841 17.65 16.18 -.50 +6.9 GreenBrick Q GRBK 21 10.85 6.57 107 10.20 235 10.54 9.60 +.20 +1.5 GreenDot N GDOT 33.93 20.79 153 32.77 960 33.28 32.22 +.31 +39.2 GreenPlns Q GPRE .48 2.1 91 29.85 14.46 803 22.65 2312 24.30 22.55 -.90 -18.7 GrnP LP n Q GPP 1.72f 8.5 21.75 13.38 48 20.15 128 20.34 19.50 +1.8 GreenbCos N GBX .84f 1.9 13 49.50 25.90 628 44.10 2442 48.35 44.05 -3.53 +6.1 GrCB NY s Q GCBC .38 1.7 19 25.20 15.40 1 22.30 4 23.40 22.30 -1.05 -2.6 Greenhill N GHL 1.80 6.9 14 32.45 15.62 391 26.10 2452 26.75 25.60 -.60 -5.8 Greenlight Q GLRE 14 24.10 18.79 132 21.25 352 22.05 21.05 -.45 -6.8 Greif A N GEF 1.68 3.1 22 60.55 33.03 282 53.49 880 55.49 53.05 -1.35 +4.2 Greif B N GEF/B 2.51e 4.1 20 74.35 44.23 10 61.70 20 64.75 61.15 -2.30 -8.7 GrdsmHld n Q GSUM 18.29 9.90 11 12.90 56 13.04 12.52 -.06 +26.6 Griffin Q GRIF .30f 1.0 33.32 25.00 4 31.25 9 31.47 30.16 +.24 -1.5 Griffon N GFF .24 1.1 27 27.15 15.38 112 22.45 466 23.60 22.25 -.85 -14.3sGrifolsSA s Q GRFS .55e 2.8 19.92 14.27 1169 19.53 4572 20.01 18.99 +.35 +21.5 Group1 N GPI .96f 1.4 9 83.18 47.31 159 66.31 793 68.97 66.26 -.08 -14.9 Groupon Q GRPN 5.94 2.92 7750 3.66 30752 3.87 3.65 -.08 +10.2 GrubHub N GRUB 53 44.58 21.41 1739 34.93 9445 36.34 33.82 +1.07 -7.2 GAeroPac N PAC 2.78e 2.8 108.24 72.52 44 100.60 199 101.98 97.07 -.30 +21.9 GpAeroCN Q OMAB 1.60e 3.6 53.58 30.05 83 44.33 252 45.44 43.06 -.52 +28.3sGpoASur N ASR 3.31e 188.39 131.72 47 182.61 194 188.39 178.86 +2.44 +26.9 GpoAvalAc N AVAL .40 4.9 9.04 7.18 58 8.16 418 8.40 8.13 -.05 +2.8 GrpoFin Q GGAL .08e .2 40.41 23.23 140 38.78 875 39.69 38.55 -.75 +44.1 GpFnSnMx N BSMX .30e 3.4 10.13 6.73 627 8.75 3531 9.06 8.73 -.30 +21.7 GpoSimec N SIM 15.20 6.53 1 12.80 10 13.00 12.35 +.17 -10.8 GpSuprvi n N SUPV 17.35 10.00 51 17.15 462 17.22 16.73 +.16 +30.5 GpTelevisa N TV 29.34 19.69 879 25.77 4079 26.50 25.65 -.24 +23.4 GuangRy N GSH .62e 2.0 33.18 22.00 1 31.28 9 31.41 31.04 -.16 +3.2 GuarntyBc Q GBNK .50f 2.0 22 25.70 15.10 179 24.40 526 24.75 23.65 +.35 +.8 GuarFBc Q GFED .40 2.0 16 21.95 15.34 0 20.00 2 20.43 19.08 +1.50 -5.6 Guess N GES .90 8.3 30 18.68 10.29 1024 10.88 5131 11.25 10.69 +.15 -10.1 GuggBAB N GBAB 1.66 7.4 24.75 18.84 31 22.40 93 22.42 22.26 +.28 +4.6 GugCrdAllo N GGM 2.18 9.5 23.88 18.47 11 23.00 97 23.62 23.00 -.10 +3.0 GuggChina N YAO .87e 3.2 28.43 21.79 0 27.45 5 27.74 27.40 -.33 +13.0 GugSPEW N RSP 1.31e 1.5 92.53 75.79 605 89.55 2256 91.03 89.54 -.95 +3.4 GugRus50 N XLG 3.03e 1.8 169.87 140.88 14 164.87 50 167.21 164.87 -1.92 +4.7 GugSPVal N RPV 1.18e 2.0 61.67 47.72 178 57.84 718 58.98 57.80 -.64 +.4 GugSPGth N RPG .59e .7 90.06 76.35 99 88.11 414 89.71 88.10 -1.26 +5.4 GugS&P100 N OEW 32.61 25.53 2 28.93 8 29.23 28.92 -.20 +2.6 GuEqWREst N EWRE .27e 29.00 24.54 1 27.30 13 27.49 26.97 +.23 +3.8 GugMCVal N RFV .86e 1.4 65.03 48.26 6 60.78 31 62.51 60.78 -.77 -1.5 GugEMk EW N EWEM .64e 2.1 30.94 26.45 1 30.67 2 30.81 30.53 +.05 +10.1 GugMC400E N EWMC 60.61 47.56 22 57.90 50 59.18 57.70 -.65 +.6 GugSC600E N EWSC 51.38 38.94 2 48.25 11 49.21 48.25 -.44 -3.4 GugMCGth N RFG .75e .6 136.96 113.86 7 132.93 30 135.42 132.93 -1.57 +3.2 GugSCVal N RZV .67e 1.0 77.26 53.30 12 65.48 89 67.61 65.39 -.88 -10.3 GugTotRet N GTO 52.94 50.33 25 51.80 37 51.83 51.45 +.28 +2.4 GugUtil N RYU 3.00e 3.5 88.42 75.41 13 85.26 88 85.59 84.43 +.53 +5.5 GugSCGth N RZG .56e .6 101.13 76.91 4 96.71 29 99.21 96.71 -1.31 +.1 GugTech N RYT 1.09e .9 121.39 88.27 60 118.34 237 120.42 118.33 -1.68 +9.1 RydxMatls N RTM 1.19e 1.3 98.04 79.18 8 93.49 28 96.34 93.42 -2.41 +2.6 GugIndls N RGI .84e .8 107.78 82.94 12 102.08 46 104.90 102.08 -1.81 +3.0 GugHlthC N RYH .75e .5 162.74 140.98 11 158.92 57 160.58 158.73 -1.11 +8.9 GugFncl N RYF .93e 2.5 45.75 30.52 298 36.59 532 37.59 36.58 -.81 -.7 GugEngy N RYE .79e 1.4 68.00 49.62 16 58.44 84 60.59 58.37 -1.00 -8.7 GugConStp N RHS 2.05e 1.6 130.44 115.09 11 124.99 60 125.60 124.47 +.44 +4.7 GugCnsDis N RCD 1.12e 1.2 94.21 79.28 5 90.57 30 91.95 90.57 -.73 +2.5 GugEnhEq N GPM .96 11.8 8.68 7.09 146 8.12 910 8.19 8.08 -.01 +1.5 GugChinTc N CQQQ .64e 1.5 43.39 31.82 16 41.68 56 42.35 41.68 -.42 +18.2sGugWater N CGW .45e 1.4 31.42 27.93 37 31.09 154 31.42 31.07 -.12 +9.3 GugCdnEn N ENY .49e 5.6 9.47 7.68 19 8.68 34 8.88 8.67 +.01 -4.6 GugSPHiInf N GHII 1.03e 3.7 27.88 23.68 6 27.58 29 27.84 27.41 +.07 +6.0 GugSolar N TAN .49e 2.8 24.88 16.45 89 17.31 604 17.57 17.15 +.11 +4.5 GugShippg N SEA 1.48e 12.3 13.12 10.34 29 12.06 201 12.32 12.02 +.02 +5.5sGugFront N FRN .20e 1.5 13.21 10.78 10 13.07 76 13.21 13.02 -.05 +13.1 GugChinSC N HAO .94e 3.8 25.73 21.08 13 25.00 26 25.17 24.94 -.31 +12.2sGugChRe N TAO .97e 4.0 24.11 17.92 14 24.24 54 24.50 23.80 +.24 +24.0 GugGTimb N CUT .35e 1.3 26.81 21.27 12 26.31 55 26.60 26.30 -.09 +6.2 Gug BRIC N EEB .48e 1.5 32.48 24.39 8 31.01 43 31.58 31.01 -.52 +7.7 Gug 26CpBd N BSCQ 20.24 18.85 153 19.47 187 19.48 19.24 +.23 +1.7 Gug 24HYBd N BSJO 25.70 24.18 4 25.35 32 25.50 25.35 -.03 +1.0 GugDJIADv N DJD .02p 30.87 25.42 10 29.49 33 29.99 29.49 -.29 +1.9 GugHYBd23 N BSJN .15e 26.97 25.00 19 26.60 36 26.73 26.59 -.05 +.9 GugCpBd25 N BSCP 22.15 19.93 15 20.50 92 20.52 20.29 +.19 +1.7sGugInsidr N NFO .72e 1.4 53.69 45.03 3 53.13 11 53.69 53.13 -.23 +8.0 GugBlt22HY N BSJM 1.27 5.0 25.46 23.54 45 25.17 285 25.34 25.17 -.05 +.7 GugB21HY N BSJL 1.27 5.1 25.12 23.50 77 24.91 316 25.07 24.87 -.03 +.8 GugBlt24CB N BSCO .58 2.8 21.72 20.14 193 20.77 274 20.79 20.54 +.19 +1.7 GugBlt23CB N BSCN .65 3.1 21.56 20.29 34 20.87 149 20.92 20.69 +.17 +2.0 GugBlt22CB N BSCM .58e 2.7 21.78 20.71 147 21.21 379 21.27 21.09 +.13 +1.4 GugBlt21CB N BSCL .56 2.6 21.89 20.80 75 21.23 418 21.29 21.12 +.10 +1.1 ClayWilMic N WMCR .43e 1.4 30.76 23.51 2 29.72 5 30.10 29.68 -.24 -.1 GugB20HY N BSJK 1.30e 5.2 24.76 23.12 151 24.63 515 24.66 24.54 +.03 +1.5 GugB19HY N BSJJ 1.22e 5.0 24.53 23.27 147 24.40 729 24.51 24.40 -.04 +1.1 GugB18HY N BSJI 1.28e 4.6 25.41 24.29 159 25.26 635 25.33 25.25 -.04 +.3 GugB17HY N BSJH 1.08e 4.0 26.02 25.51 95 25.69 493 25.74 25.65 +.03 -.5 ClyWUSRE N WREI 1.53e 2.9 52.34 43.73 0 48.15 2 48.47 47.44 +1.04 +2.6 GugMultAs N CVY 1.07e 5.2 21.03 17.93 46 20.47 252 20.72 20.47 -.07 +1.5 GugCpBd20 N BSCK .61e 2.8 21.79 21.07 235 21.45 931 21.47 21.35 +.07 +1.2 GugBlt19CB N BSCJ .47e 2.2 21.49 21.00 171 21.25 894 21.25 21.16 +.04 +.5 GugBlt18CB N BSCI .40e 1.8 21.39 21.11 516 21.21 1101 21.24 21.19 -.01 +.1 GugBlt17CB N BSCH .35e 1.5 22.80 22.54 82 22.60 448 22.61 22.59 +.01 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 9 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
GugSpinOff N CSD 1.00e 2.2 46.32 37.17 7 45.24 36 45.94 45.22 -.47 +4.2 GugRJ SB1 N RYJ .30e .8 40.52 31.06 4 39.16 23 40.07 39.13 -.55 +2.0 GugEShDur N GSY .65e 1.3 50.26 49.87 72 50.21 627 50.23 50.20 +.2 GugMCCre N CZA .65e 1.1 58.83 48.05 6 57.34 32 58.16 57.34 -.67 +5.4 GugGlDiv N LVL .52e 5.0 10.60 8.71 41 10.47 298 10.55 10.44 +3.2 GugDefEq N DEF 1.15e 2.8 41.88 36.40 6 40.97 30 41.33 40.95 -.20 +5.3 GugStrOp N GOF 2.19 10.6 20.85 17.17 48 20.65 351 20.77 20.55 +.19 +5.1 GuidSoft h Q GUID 7.80 4.19 32 5.88 194 6.25 5.85 -.19 -16.9 Guidewire N GWRE 64.00 49.18 296 58.42 1185 59.41 58.42 -.66 +18.4 GulfIsland Q GIFI .04 .4 46 13.95 6.34 84 11.10 287 11.30 10.25 +.90 -6.7 GulfRes Q GURE 2 2.75 1.38 28 1.78 299 1.90 1.75 -.03 -8.7 GulfportE Q GPOR 34.67 15.66 7020 15.85 14681 17.55 15.78 -1.41 -26.8H -:H&E Eqp Q HEES 1.10 4.8 22 27.54 12.72 159 23.12 614 24.94 23.02 -1.18 -.6 HCA Hldg N HCA 14 91.03 67.00 1037 87.72 4989 88.55 87.02 -.18 +18.5 HCI Grp N HCI 1.40f 3.2 18 50.93 24.35 54 44.35 276 46.14 43.82 -.51 +12.3 HCP Inc N HCP 1.48 4.6 12 40.43 27.61 2594 31.90 11949 32.12 31.61 +.11 +7.3 HD Supply Q HDS 15 44.73 30.05 1872 39.55 6399 41.12 39.33 -.49 -7.0sHDFC Bk N HDB .37e .5 77.34 59.00 599 77.21 2517 77.43 75.93 +.69 +27.2sHECO pfU N HEpU 1.62 5.8 27.85 25.55 3 28.00 5 28.47 27.25 +.93 +9.4 HFF Inc N HF 1.80e 13 34.39 24.84 62 26.59 341 27.49 26.41 -.02 -12.1 HMG N HMG .50e 11.90 8.44 3 10.55 6 11.48 10.55 -.22 +.4 HMN Fn Q HMNF 14 18.70 11.25 1 18.10 6 18.30 17.85 +.20 +3.4 HMS Hldgs Q HMSY 37 24.00 13.80 192 19.58 931 20.30 19.57 -.25 +7.8 HNI Corp N HNI 1.10 2.4 17 56.96 37.24 197 45.15 685 47.28 45.13 -.69 -19.3sHP Inc N HPQ .53f 2.9 11 18.37 11.31 12561 18.20 52890 18.37 17.29 +.83 +22.6sHRG Grp N HRG 19.70 12.50 1686 19.58 4155 19.70 19.24 +.14 +25.8 HSBC N HSBC 1.50e 3.7 44.18 28.62 2671 40.16 7157 41.15 40.14 -.41 HSBC prA N HSBCpA 1.55 6.0 27.56 25.00 36 26.00 105 26.11 25.84 +.03 +3.2 HSBC Cap N HSEA 2.03 7.5 27.93 25.81 40 27.14 278 27.18 26.98 +.06 +4.6 HSBC Cap2 N HSEB 2.00 7.5 26.95 25.51 136 26.80 471 26.80 26.57 +.20 +3.9 HSN Inc Q HSNI 1.40 3.9 14 54.79 30.75 650 35.75 1712 37.85 35.68 -1.60 +4.2 HTG Mol h Q HTGM 13.25 1.20 607 5.81 4352 6.65 5.75 -.70 +159.4 HV Bcp n Q HVBC 14.58 13.08 8 13.95 11 14.08 13.95 -.03 +2.0 HabitRest Q HABT 61 20.01 13.20 187 17.55 631 17.90 17.45 +1.7 HackettGp Q HCKT .26 1.3 26 20.69 13.06 130 19.40 485 19.75 19.06 -.02 +9.9 Haemonet N HAE 27 41.65 25.98 270 40.15 1349 41.03 39.60 -.53 -.1 Hailiang n Q HLG 10.51 7.35 9.25 13 9.72 8.83 -.10 +25.9 HainCels lf Q HAIN 18 56.99 32.87 663 36.60 3859 37.35 36.00 -.16 -6.2 HalconRes wt N HK/WS 3.77 1.23 2 1.45 8 1.95 1.35 -.29 -37.0 HalconRs n N HK 12.01 6.42 1119 7.25 5587 8.09 7.23 -.57 -22.4 HalladorE Q HNRG .16 2.0 20 10.40 3.95 196 8.12 545 8.42 7.90 +.18 -10.7 Hallibrtn N HAL .72 1.5 58.78 37.25 6641 48.38 26352 50.23 48.18 -1.30 -10.6 HallmkFn Q HALL 14 12.09 9.50 81 10.41 245 10.99 10.36 -.53 -10.5 Halozyme Q HALO 15.20 7.70 626 12.81 2342 13.05 12.32 +.17 +29.7 HalyrdHlt N HYH 19 41.84 26.05 522 37.08 1776 38.74 37.06 -2.10 +.3 HamilLa n Q HLNE 19.66 17.32 93 18.62 1021 18.91 18.00 +.17 +3.3 HancHld Q HBHC .96 2.2 23 49.50 22.47 768 43.00 2305 45.68 42.93 -2.25 -.2 HancHld 45 Q HBHCL 1.49 5.8 27.75 23.61 3 25.80 20 26.48 25.78 +.04 +5.8 HancFinOp N BTO 1.48 4.4 37.48 22.81 67 33.37 264 34.54 33.17 -.79 -8.0 HanJS N JHS .87e 6.1 14.95 13.60 17 14.29 62 14.30 14.16 +.11 +1.9 HanJI N JHI 1.45e 8.4 17.84 15.24 9 17.21 56 17.26 17.10 +.10 +3.7 HanPrmDv N PDT 1.08a 6.7 17.59 13.22 65 16.20 279 16.24 15.85 +.35 +3.5 HanPfEq N HPI 1.68 7.8 23.32 18.91 29 21.58 143 21.75 21.53 +.03 +6.0 HanPfd2 N HPF 1.68 7.8 23.24 18.87 32 21.41 116 21.43 21.22 +.27 +5.7 HanPfd3 N HPS 1.47 7.8 20.26 16.25 45 18.68 168 18.75 18.57 +.11 +5.3 HanTxAdv N HTD 1.45 5.8 25.48 20.79 61 25.03 290 25.11 24.56 +.53 +8.4 Handy&H Q HNH 29.85 19.00 1 27.00 7 27.40 27.00 -.45 +5.7 Hanesbds s N HBI .60f 2.8 13 30.42 18.91 9107 21.26 18586 21.80 20.68 +.44 -1.4 HanmiFin Q HAFC .76 2.7 16 35.85 20.70 144 28.45 599 29.85 28.25 -1.05 -18.5 HannArms N HASI 1.32f 6.3 39 25.21 18.02 333 20.93 1821 21.03 20.15 +.75 +10.2 HanoverIns N THG 2.00 2.3 21 92.78 74.06 295 86.08 923 88.40 86.03 -1.45 -5.4 HanovIns53 N THGA 1.59 6.2 26.98 24.02 3 25.45 56 25.50 25.35 -.04 +1.8 Hanwha rs Q HQCL 15.33 6.50 18 6.71 179 7.09 6.68 -.14 -17.8 HarbrOne n Q HONE 20.19 12.53 22 18.79 88 19.36 18.52 +.16 -2.8 Hardinge Q HDNG .08 .8 57 13.72 8.24 46 10.33 119 11.48 10.21 -.16 -6.8 HarleyD N HOG 1.45f 2.4 16 63.40 41.63 4330 59.70 13725 62.95 59.37 -1.21 +2.3 Harmonic Q HLIT 6.18 2.51 974 5.50 2741 5.80 5.35 +10.0 HarmonyG N HMY 4.87 1.86 6393 2.69 20451 2.78 2.57 +.04 +21.7 Harmony n Q HRMN 10.50 9.83 10.24 5 10.24 10.21 +.03 +1.2 Harmny wt Q HRMNW 1.00 .17 1 .49 31 .55 .45 -.03 +40.0 HarrisCorp N HRS 2.12 1.9 19 113.00 73.32 650 110.02 2104 111.36 109.25 -.15 +7.4 Harsco N HSC .20m 1.7 49 15.25 5.81 341 11.80 1302 12.90 11.75 -.75 -13.2 HarteHnk N HHS .34 26.6 2.75 .85 96 1.28 533 1.39 1.23 -.02 -15.2 HartfFn42 N HGH 1.97 6.3 32.55 28.21 41 31.40 122 31.40 30.90 +.22 +6.0 HartfdFn N HIG .92 1.9 15 50.26 38.92 2870 47.73 10889 48.31 47.50 -.10 +.2 HartfFn wt N HIG/WS 44.00 31.88 41.95 2 42.11 41.65 +.01 +1.7 HrvrdBio Q HBIO 80 3.90 2.25 78 2.40 771 2.55 2.35 +.05 -21.3 HarvCapCr Q HCAP 1.35 9.8 8 14.89 11.92 23 13.83 104 13.93 13.62 +.14 +.6 HarvCCr20 Q HCAPL 1.75 6.9 26.74 24.90 1 25.50 4 25.54 25.36 -.04 +.2sHarvNRes rs N HNR 7.35 1.67 800 6.82 1327 7.35 6.37 -.30 +10.4 Hasbro Q HAS 2.28f 2.4 22 101.08 76.14 906 95.50 3478 96.99 94.76 -.25 +22.8 Haverty N HVT .48 2.1 17 25.50 16.57 30 23.35 208 24.20 23.25 -.60 -1.5 HawaiiEl N HE 1.24 3.7 19 34.98 28.31 347 33.60 1409 33.93 33.40 -.04 +1.6 HawHold Q HA 9 60.90 34.69 645 48.35 3564 49.90 46.70 +2.60 -15.2 HawaiiTel Q HCOM 27.28 19.00 8 23.95 42 24.31 23.74 -.09 -3.3 Hawkins Q HWKN .84 1.9 20 54.80 35.44 30 44.85 83 47.56 43.10 -2.15 -16.9 HawthornB Q HWBK .24 1.3 15 23.25 13.36 3 18.90 8 21.40 18.90 -1.87 +6.8 HaynesIntl Q HAYN .88 2.4 48.37 25.53 72 37.00 299 39.01 36.95 -.82 -13.9 Hc2 Hldgs N HCHC 7.27 2.22 199 6.21 929 6.35 5.97 -.04 +70.6 Headwatrs N HW 24 23.99 16.05 336 23.57 1418 23.73 23.55 -.01 +.2sHlthCSvc Q HCSG .75f 1.7 40 46.87 34.83 815 44.90 3181 46.87 41.05 +3.59 +14.6 HlthInsInn Q HIIQ 15 21.00 3.72 266 15.10 1413 17.00 15.00 -1.35 -15.4 HlthcrRlty N HR 1.20 3.6 21 36.60 26.66 778 33.37 2432 33.73 32.63 +.57 +10.1 HlthcreTr N HTA 1.20 3.7 26 34.64 26.34 735 32.28 3264 32.62 31.64 +.46 +10.9 HealthEqty Q HQY 90 49.25 22.26 238 43.09 1662 44.34 42.61 -.06 +6.3sHlthSouth N HLS .96 2.2 17 43.89 36.28 447 43.55 2543 43.89 42.66 +.93 +5.6 HlthStrm Q HSTM 28.84 19.95 52 23.83 187 24.33 23.39 +.23 -4.9 HrtlndEx Q HTLD .08 .4 25 22.69 16.55 768 19.00 3370 20.18 18.95 -.63 -6.7 HeartFn Q HTLF .44f .9 15 51.70 29.58 90 47.10 268 49.45 46.95 -2.10 -1.9 HeatBiolog Q HTBX 3.35 .40 422 .77 1623 .84 .73 -.06 -9.9 HebronTc n Q HEBT 7.02 2.62 12 3.54 54 3.67 3.19 +.19 -28.5 HeclaM N HL .01e .2 32 7.64 3.25 15341 6.00 31719 6.17 5.30 +.60 +14.5 Heico N HEI .18f .2 35 89.02 59.07 94 84.20 377 87.75 84.14 -2.12 +9.1 Heico A N HEI/A .16f .2 35 75.90 48.72 46 71.30 260 73.75 71.10 -2.10 +5.0 HeidrkStr Q HSII .52 2.1 31 26.50 16.23 65 25.35 304 25.95 25.10 +.30 +5.0 HelenTroy Q HELE 13 106.18 77.50 79 90.55 555 91.78 89.69 +.75 +7.2 HeliMAn h Q HMNY 17.00 1.03 22 2.70 84 2.80 2.63 -.04 -18.2 HelixEn N HLX 11.87 5.91 1828 7.32 6551 7.94 7.25 -.22 -17.0 HelmPayne N HP 2.80f 4.2 85.78 55.83 1319 67.35 5050 69.97 67.07 +.03 -13.0 HemisMda Q HMTV 13.40 10.35 44 11.65 181 12.03 11.50 -.15 +4.0 Hemisphrx rs N HEB 2.64 .39 216 .55 2041 .70 .50 +.05 -20.3 HennesAd s Q HNNA 9 26.33 16.07 20 16.41 75 16.99 16.25 -.53 -22.5 HSchein Q HSIC 27 183.00 146.23 209 167.85 1450 170.30 166.22 +.30 +10.6 Herbalife N HLF 12 72.22 47.62 335 58.14 2267 59.31 58.00 +.05 +20.8 HercHld n N HRI 52.96 28.66 103 47.08 710 50.29 47.03 -1.31 +17.2 HercTGC N HTGC 1.24 8.2 20 15.50 11.55 221 15.10 1149 15.23 15.01 +.09 +7.0 HercTG 24 N HTGX 1.56 6.1 26.47 24.50 17 25.45 88 25.83 25.30 -.22 +.2 HrtgeCo Q HTBK .40f 3.0 19 14.70 9.85 104 13.39 293 13.88 13.39 -.38 -7.2 HrtgeFn Q HFWA .48a 2.0 18 26.98 16.40 119 23.90 332 24.85 23.80 -.85 -7.2 HeritageIns N HRTG .24 2.1 5 16.48 11.25 220 11.41 1097 12.57 11.28 -1.07 -27.2 HeritCryst Q HCCI 34 16.75 9.61 26 14.40 140 15.40 14.35 -.65 -8.3 HernTher h Q HRTX 25.46 12.21 656 14.85 1979 15.00 14.05 +.75 +13.4 Hersha pfC N HTpC 1.72 6.9 27.37 23.97 25.04 4 25.30 25.04 +.12 +3.1 Hersha rs N HT 1.12 6.0 10 22.14 15.36 251 18.74 1022 18.90 18.45 +.27 -10.8 Hersha pfD N HTpD 1.63 6.5 25.75 22.26 13 25.04 47 25.10 24.62 +.13 +12.1sHersha pfE N HTpE 24.85 22.00 24 24.70 77 24.88 24.39 -.05 +9.7 Hershey N HSY 2.47 2.3 26 117.79 87.92 565 108.20 3324 109.79 107.77 -1.32 +4.6 HertzGl N HTZ 53.14 14.90 2374 15.73 15333 16.45 15.23 +.25 -27.0 HerzfldCrb Q CUBA .16e 7.47 5.80 7 6.95 47 6.99 6.87 -.04 +3.4 HeskaCorp Q HSKA 71 107.18 26.26 60 101.64 290 104.34 97.57 -1.46 +42.0 Hess N HES 1.00f 2.0 65.56 45.12 3444 49.44 20074 52.10 48.55 +1.39 -20.6 Hess pfA N HESpA 80.33 56.27 28 59.89 743 62.35 59.89 +1.74 -18.7stHessMidP n N HESM 26.45 25.60 304 25.45 1607 26.45 25.08 -.44 -2.4 HP Ent n N HPE .26 1.4 9 18.64 11.53 16202 17.99 63298 18.51 17.94 -.29 +3.7 Hexcel N HXL .44 .8 20 55.91 38.87 448 52.70 1605 54.92 52.60 -1.50 +2.4 Hi-Crush N HCLP 23.30 5.30 1508 16.75 6431 18.20 16.50 -.95 -15.4 Hibbett Q HIBB 10 45.85 27.25 343 28.20 1324 29.20 28.10 -.45 -24.4sHighpwrInt Q HPJ 12 5.40 1.74 102 4.85 1606 5.40 4.61 +.15 +106.4 HghwyH Q HIHO .28m 7.2 4.86 3.10 2 3.90 39 4.00 3.85 +.05 +20.0 HighwdPrp N HIW 1.76 3.5 19 56.23 44.93 552 50.94 2370 51.61 50.82 +.01 -.1 Hill Intl N HIL 5.70 1.95 112 3.75 1087 4.10 3.75 -.15 -13.8 Hill-Rom N HRC .72f 1.0 25 71.64 46.79 461 69.88 1331 71.11 69.65 -.42 +24.5 HillenInc N HI .82 2.3 17 39.00 27.89 238 34.90 1065 36.35 34.75 -.75 -9.0 HillmCT pf N HLMp 2.90 8.6 34.74 31.65 2 33.89 14 33.98 33.51 +.17 +4.7 HilltopH N HTH 17 30.60 18.67 201 25.93 924 27.56 25.90 -1.32 -13.0 HilGrVa n N HGV 33.00 24.60 670 31.64 1686 32.00 30.53 +1.03 +21.7 Hilton N HLT .15 22 59.44 41.83 2115 57.11 8064 57.76 56.88 +.51 HimaxTch Q HIMX .13e 1.5 35 11.50 4.88 3466 8.40 19806 9.37 7.95 -.89 +39.1 HingmSv Q HIFS 1.28 .8 15 203.01 118.65 17 170.63 39 174.25 166.45 -1.98 -13.3 Histogenics Q HSGX 4.47 1.39 26 1.78 184 1.83 1.73 +.05 +6.6 HoeghLP N HMLP 1.65 8.3 22 20.38 16.67 33 19.90 140 20.05 19.60 +.05 +4.7 HollyEngy N HEP 2.43f 6.8 21 38.09 29.53 87 35.88 420 36.46 35.72 -.17 +11.9 HollyFront N HFC 1.32 4.8 13 37.98 22.07 2970 27.35 11032 28.27 26.63 +.75 -16.5tHollysys Q HOLI .20e 1.3 11 23.55 15.53 263 15.71 943 16.12 15.53 -.12 -14.2 Hologic Q HOLX 27 43.08 32.64 999 42.42 6202 42.85 42.24 -.33 +5.7 HomeBLA Q HBCP .52f 1.6 14 39.75 24.76 9 32.60 27 34.17 32.58 -.89 -15.6 HomeBcs s Q HOMB .36 1.4 19 29.69 18.32 397 24.92 1666 26.24 24.89 -.97 -10.3 HomeDp N HD 3.56f 2.4 23 150.15 119.20 2263 145.91 14593 149.00 145.87 -1.22 +8.8 HomeStreet Q HMST 11 33.70 18.74 106 26.60 528 27.50 26.40 -.60 -15.8 HometBk n Q HMTA 11.00 8.81 9.60 2 9.92 9.60 -.32 +3.8 HomeTrBc Q HTBI 29 27.05 17.28 25 23.15 91 24.10 23.15 -.75 -10.6 Honda N HMC .55e 1.9 32.17 24.04 904 28.45 3654 28.84 28.44 -.32 -2.5 HonwllIntl N HON 2.66 2.2 19 127.52 105.25 1639 122.50 8535 125.17 122.49 -1.77 +5.7sHookerFu Q HOFT .48 1.2 18 41.30 20.29 61 39.90 294 41.30 39.00 +1.20 +5.1 HooperH rs N HH 2.70 .65 11 .81 53 .89 .73 -.04 -1.5 HopeBcp Q HOPE .48 2.7 16 22.99 13.99 354 17.99 1463 18.97 17.96 -.70 -17.8 HopFedBc Q HFBC .16 1.1 31 15.45 10.82 0 14.39 3 14.44 14.21 +.03 +6.9 HorMan N HMN 1.06 2.9 18 44.15 30.87 137 37.15 841 39.45 37.15 -2.90 -13.2 HorizBcp s Q HBNC .44f 1.8 18 28.63 15.83 44 24.73 208 26.24 24.72 -1.01 -11.7 HorizGbl n N HZN 18 26.37 10.60 304 12.61 1642 13.50 11.80 +.05 -47.5 HorizPhm Q HZNP 23.44 13.05 2101 15.33 20402 15.55 14.62 +.35 -5.3 HorizTFn Q HRZN 1.38 11.9 9 13.95 9.64 101 11.55 277 11.62 11.18 +.35 +9.7 HorizTFn19 N HTF 1.84 7.2 26.42 25.20 25.53 2 25.53 25.45 +.08 +.1 Hor OEXcc Q QYLD 2.26e 9.8 23.35 20.77 49 23.10 98 23.34 23.10 -.19 +3.4 HorzDAX Q DAX .35e 1.3 27.37 21.51 5 26.62 7 26.87 26.62 -.24 +6.1 HorzSPCvC N HSPX 2.52e 4.0 47.97 41.85 3 47.06 10 47.59 47.00 -.33 +3.4 HorGKWld N KLDW 28.88 24.81 31 28.35 50 28.59 28.35 -.13 +7.5sHorz Saba n N CEFS 20.37 19.83 17 20.23 46 21.06 20.23 +.04 +1.7 Hormel s N HRL .68 2.0 21 40.54 33.18 1400 34.04 7546 34.49 33.97 -.04 -2.2 Hornbeck N HOS 12.57 3.00 768 3.60 3294 4.08 3.51 +.04 -50.1 Hortonwks Q HDP 13.12 6.42 198 10.62 1428 11.07 10.48 -.05 +27.8sHospPT Q HPT 2.08f 6.5 9 32.68 24.62 418 32.12 1780 32.68 31.88 +.20 +1.2 HostHotls N HST .80a 4.3 12 20.21 14.30 5519 18.45 23416 18.59 18.24 +.15 -2.1 HostessBr n Q TWNK 16.48 9.50 15542 15.68 19409 15.97 14.93 -.14 +20.6 Hostess wt Q TWNKW 3.00 .16 49 2.79 520 2.86 2.43 +.01 +59.4 HoughMH Q HMHC 21.08 9.15 797 10.60 3735 10.90 10.20 +.05 -2.3 HoulihnL n N HLI .80f 2.5 20 34.95 20.96 385 32.63 1013 33.68 32.61 -.99 +4.9 HstnAEn N HUSA .43 .16 389 .35 2094 .42 .27 +.06 +96.6 HoustWC Q HWCC .12m 1.8 8.05 5.10 8 6.50 190 6.65 6.25 +.15 HovnEn pf A Q HOVNP 8.40 2.20 2 6.71 3 7.03 6.13 -.29 -10.5 HovnanE N HOV 27 2.96 1.51 616 2.16 3064 2.25 2.15 -.03 -20.9 HowardBcp Q HBMD 46 19.00 12.10 23 18.50 54 18.95 18.40 -.35 +22.5 HHughes N HHC 21 123.99 101.03 143 119.33 884 120.53 118.27 +.50 +4.6 HuanPwr N HNP 2.45e 8.9 34.48 22.85 59 27.46 334 27.80 27.31 +.37 +5.5 HubGroup Q HUBG 17 52.50 34.35 813 38.95 3542 47.80 38.90 -7.45 -11.0 Hubbell N HUBB 2.80f 2.4 22 125.93 97.35 216 116.95 871 120.54 116.85 -2.39 +.2 HubSpot N HUBS 66.10 41.63 323 61.10 932 62.50 58.85 +1.50 +30.0 HudBayM g N HBM .02 9.15 3.27 550 6.25 2212 6.80 6.20 -.40 +9.6 HudBay wt N HBM/WS 1.04 .12 12 .42 15 .48 .39 -.05 +16.7 HudsonGbl Q HSON .20 15.4 2.74 1.00 14 1.30 65 1.30 1.22 +.04 -4.4 HudsPacP N HPP 1.00f 2.9 27 36.75 26.79 884 34.46 3424 35.21 34.38 -.20 -.9 HudsonTc Q HDSN 20 8.50 3.09 123 6.51 1108 6.75 6.40 -.08 -18.7 HugotnR N HGT .06e 2.7 6 2.75 1.34 160 2.10 883 2.35 2.00 -.10 -2.3 Humana N HUM 1.60f .8 24 220.49 150.00 569 211.80 3098 214.40 210.95 +1.05 +3.8 HuntJB Q JBHT .92f 1.0 23 102.38 75.71 1447 89.14 5004 94.08 88.94 -1.94 -8.2 HuntMar un Q HUNTU 10.91 9.75 3 10.18 3 10.20 10.15 -.01 +.3 HunterMar Q HUNT 10.50 9.75 1 9.75 2 9.80 9.75 -.05 HuntMar wt Q HUNTW 1.03 .68 26 .79 32 .79 .70 +.02 +5.3 HuntBncsh Q HBAN .32 2.5 19 14.74 8.05 9597 12.59 39337 13.22 12.59 -.53 -4.8 HuntBc pf Q HBANP 85.00 6.2 1500.00 1345.00 0 1367.00 9 1375.25 1367.00 +1.75 -3.4 HuntBcs pf Q HBANO 1.56 5.9 28.97 24.81 32 26.31 132 26.32 26.05 +.08 +4.0 HuntB pfC Q HBANN 1.47 5.8 27.40 22.67 1 25.19 7 25.35 25.19 -.18 +4.5 HuntgUSEq N HUSE 1.86e .6 40.92 35.78 1 37.26 3 37.51 37.26 -.23 +3.0sHuntAct n Q SQZZ 25.42 24.90 1 24.94 2 26.00 24.94 -.25 +.1 HuntgtnIng N HII 2.40 1.2 19 220.68 142.00 234 202.97 987 207.76 202.25 -.83 +10.2 Huntsmn N HUN .50 2.1 14 25.22 12.40 2766 23.38 9666 24.91 23.26 -1.30 +22.5 Hurco Q HURC .40f 1.5 18 34.55 24.80 15 27.30 74 30.30 27.15 -2.15 -17.5 HuronCon Q HURN 24 65.00 39.15 111 41.95 363 42.78 41.35 +.05 -17.2 HutChMd n Q HCM 21.77 9.80 9 20.14 82 20.61 19.80 -.13 +48.4 HuttigBld Q HBP 6 9.02 3.83 103 8.09 290 8.18 7.87 -.05 +22.4 Hyatt N H 41 58.05 44.30 683 53.90 2217 54.37 53.11 +.61 -2.5 Hydrognc Q HYGS 10.33 3.90 63 7.10 377 7.62 6.95 -.15 +61.4 HysterYale N HY 1.18 2.2 21 70.19 47.25 39 54.03 203 56.33 53.87 -1.54 -15.3I -:IAC Inter Q IAC 1.36 1.8 25 77.46 45.55 313 74.76 1799 75.39 74.05 +.13 +15.4 IAMGld g N IAG 89 5.87 2.81 8708 4.44 35466 4.57 4.11 +.24 +15.3 ICAD Q ICAD 6.49 2.82 27 5.20 144 5.50 5.05 -.18 +60.7 ICC Hld n Q ICCH 17.51 14.20 15.30 34 15.50 15.13 +.04 +6.3 ICF Intl Q ICFI 20 59.55 35.06 66 41.60 331 42.35 41.50 -.20 -24.6 ICICI Bk N IBN .16e 1.8 8.89 6.30 2951 8.65 13487 8.77 8.58 +.01 +15.5 ICU Med Q ICUI 41 159.95 98.10 74 147.00 315 153.10 146.80 -4.50 -.2 ID Syst Q IDSY 7.34 4.26 8 6.37 68 6.52 6.11 +.18 +17.5 IdexxLab s Q IDXX 63 157.03 78.87 360 153.60 1643 156.36 153.38 -1.88 +31.0 IDT Cp N IDT .76 5.2 23.13 12.03 448 14.63 1633 14.75 13.12 +1.42 -21.1 IEC Elec N IEC 16 5.64 3.21 6 3.70 41 3.90 3.70 -.10 +3.6 IES Hldgs Q IESC 20 23.00 11.00 28 18.05 164 19.25 18.00 -.80 -5.7 IF Bancp Q IROQ .32 1.6 23 20.75 17.70 19.80 3 19.95 19.79 -.11 +7.0 IFresh n Q IFMK 28.88 11.88 2 14.37 15 14.98 13.25 +1.11 +19.8sIHS Mark Q INFO 59 42.62 30.38 2064 42.21 6503 42.62 41.43 +.03 +19.2 II-VI Q IIVI 30 41.10 17.76 726 31.50 2968 33.50 31.10 -1.45 +6.2sILG Inc Q ILG .48 2.3 25 21.64 11.79 649 21.32 3290 21.64 20.99 +.13 +17.3 INC Resc h Q INCR 21 57.11 36.70 874 42.95 4103 44.25 42.60 -.85 -18.3 ING N ING .14e 1.0 15.80 9.26 2676 14.60 14982 15.00 14.57 -.35 +3.5 ING 6.20 N ISP 1.55 6.1 26.52 23.65 16 25.55 66 25.56 25.48 +.02 +2.0 ING 6.125 N ISG 1.53 6.0 26.28 24.88 25 25.55 82 25.55 25.43 +.05 +2.2 ING 6.375 N ISF 1.59 6.1 26.79 24.79 45 25.88 154 25.93 25.71 -.01 +2.9 INTLFCStn Q INTL 12 44.71 25.10 51 35.22 245 36.86 34.87 -1.34 -11.1 ION Geo rs N IO 9.65 3.87 69 4.30 169 4.75 4.30 -.25 -28.3 IPG Photon Q IPGP 24 124.27 76.22 184 117.17 850 122.97 116.82 -3.81 +18.7 iPass Q IPAS 1.89 .98 132 1.31 402 1.32 1.21 +.10 -20.6 IQ HdgMult N QAI .39e 1.3 29.45 28.37 177 28.94 735 29.10 28.92 -.05 +.9 IQ HdgLgS N QLS 20.15 18.69 5 20.15 6 20.15 20.09 +.04 +3.3 IQ CorePl n N AGGP 21.21 19.51 9 19.95 62 19.97 19.85 +.05 +1.2 IQ CoreBd n N AGGE 22.70 19.17 4 19.56 15 19.87 19.45 +.09 +.1 IQHdgMNt N QMN .34e 1.4 26.61 24.70 1 25.12 9 25.17 24.90 +.00 sIQ 50HgEur N HFXE 18.43 15.76 1 18.29 17 18.43 18.29 -.07 +6.2 IQ 50HIntl N HFXI 19.88 16.12 9 19.18 42 19.41 19.18 -.20 +5.8 IQ RealRtn N CPI .03e .1 27.42 25.51 5 27.22 17 27.27 27.19 +.04 +1.1 IQUSReSC N ROOF 1.43e 5.2 28.94 24.61 17 27.37 75 27.50 27.00 +.36 +.6sIQMrgArb N MNA 30.32 26.91 68 30.20 185 30.34 30.13 +.02 +3.1 IQ AustSC N KROO .88e 5.4 17.47 13.41 1 16.39 5 16.51 16.38 -.06 +5.3 IQ AgriSC N CROP .41e 1.3 33.33 28.94 22 32.32 35 32.40 32.23 -.06 +2.8 IQ CdaSC N CNDA .18e 1.0 18.49 15.07 0 17.63 10 17.80 17.50 +.24 +6.2 IQ GlbRes N GRES .35e 1.3 26.73 23.31 28 26.10 64 26.45 26.10 -.02 +3.9sIRSA N IRS 26.50 13.43 14 25.50 153 26.50 25.33 -.33 +38.3 IRSA Prop Q IRCP .77e 1.8 54.45 32.66 43.50 2 45.00 42.48 -1.50 -8.2 IRhythm n Q IRTC 40.48 22.16 217 34.93 617 39.34 34.34 -1.52 +16.4siRobot Q IRBT 44 67.30 33.90 377 65.13 1453 67.30 65.00 -1.32 +11.4 iShGold N IAU 13.25 10.81 4354 12.40 35267 12.40 12.02 +.32 +11.9 iShGSCI N GSG 16.26 13.56 125 15.17 639 15.25 15.06 +.15 -3.2 iSAstla N EWA 1.23e 5.5 22.91 18.18 2028 22.43 8319 22.58 22.36 +.12 +10.9 iSAstria N EWO .25e 1.4 18.54 13.22 91 18.14 231 18.41 18.10 -.20 +9.7 iShBelg N EWK .36e 1.9 19.10 16.37 67 18.61 195 18.72 18.57 -.08 +6.3 iShBrazil N EWZ 1.03e 2.9 40.80 25.15 13842 36.09 56876 37.33 36.06 -.91 +8.2 iShCanada N EWC .60e 2.2 27.92 23.44 3362 26.69 9811 27.17 26.69 -.18 +2.1 iShEMU N EZU .95e 2.6 37.87 29.71 2375 36.97 15864 37.34 36.89 -.42 +6.8 iSFrance N EWQ .68e 2.6 26.59 21.00 1406 26.11 3646 26.37 26.04 -.32 +5.8 iShGerm N EWG .51e 1.8 28.91 22.51 3433 28.15 10685 28.43 28.08 -.28 +6.3 iSh HK N EWH .49e 2.2 22.69 18.50 1165 22.54 7178 22.65 22.37 -.06 +15.7 iSh SKor N EWY .66e 1.1 62.78 48.65 2936 59.92 13526 60.30 58.90 -.43 +12.6 iShMexico N EWW .93e 1.8 54.33 41.23 2285 51.19 13109 52.24 51.05 -.88 +16.4 iShNeth N EWN .40e 1.5 27.21 21.43 215 26.73 959 26.88 26.68 -.03 +10.7 iSPacxJpn N EPP 2.08e 4.7 45.13 36.71 654 44.50 2027 44.80 44.37 +.11 +12.5 iShSoAfr N EZA 1.37e 2.4 61.26 46.65 361 57.18 1677 57.75 53.95 +2.81 +9.2 iShSpain N EWP 1.62e 5.4 30.79 22.58 792 29.79 3949 30.21 29.66 -.65 +12.4 iSSwedn N EWD 1.40e 4.5 31.85 25.11 311 31.16 1371 31.44 30.97 +.11 +8.5 iShSwitz N EWL .80e 2.5 32.28 27.70 658 31.98 2406 32.21 31.75 +.16 +8.6siShFrntr100 N FM 3.58e 2.6 29.03 23.90 106 28.83 642 29.03 28.56 +.03 +16.0 iShGlHiY bt N GHYG 2.09e 4.3 49.89 46.54 13 49.08 85 49.17 48.93 +.02 +1.2 iShxUSH bt N HYXU .92e 2.0 51.51 44.75 10 46.86 22 47.01 46.63 +.19 +2.2 iShEMCBd bt N CEMB 2.28 4.5 51.30 47.74 2 50.85 9 50.85 50.52 +.21 +2.6 iShEMkHY N EMHY 3.98 7.9 50.98 47.33 145 50.26 383 50.36 49.95 +.22 +3.2 iShAsiaPDv N DVYA 2.29e 4.8 49.06 40.10 6 48.18 43 48.57 48.16 -.18 +7.2 iShEmMDv N DVYE 1.83e 4.6 40.59 30.82 55 39.75 242 40.02 39.49 -.17 +15.0 iShGblSilv N SLVP .19e 1.6 17.10 9.47 90 12.24 250 12.40 11.68 +.40 +17.1 iShGblEnP N FILL .46e 2.4 21.26 17.70 4 19.39 14 19.85 19.32 -.35 -4.6 iShGblAgri N VEGI .55e 2.1 26.61 22.13 1 26.01 7 26.20 26.01 -.04 +4.2 iShMsciWld N URTH 1.56e 2.0 79.43 65.57 38 76.98 79 77.90 76.95 -.68 +5.3 iShEMAsia Q EEMA 1.23e 2.1 61.16 48.00 7 59.95 184 60.22 59.40 -.30 +14.5 iShEMktSC N EEMS 1.29e 2.8 46.68 38.67 10 46.01 101 46.33 45.79 -.35 +13.8 iShEMkBd N LEMB .42e .9 46.35 41.68 20 45.59 175 45.69 45.23 +.25 +6.4 iShWldMnV N ACWV 1.47e 1.9 78.24 71.80 848 77.24 1299 77.56 77.03 -.04 +6.4 iSEMMnVol N EEMV 1.42e 2.6 54.86 47.80 396 53.60 1233 53.85 53.11 -.10 +9.6 iShJpnSC N SCJ 1.23e 1.9 67.82 57.90 30 65.17 70 65.74 65.12 -.41 +5.8siShThai N THD 2.08e 2.6 78.80 65.27 164 78.65 550 79.14 77.77 +.52 +9.1 iShIsrael N EIS 1.07e 2.1 52.39 44.45 20 50.85 200 51.43 50.83 -.62 +9.6siShChile N ECH .62e 1.4 45.35 34.14 828 45.13 2293 45.35 44.09 +.28 +20.6 iShBRIC N BKF .96e 2.7 36.96 28.27 150 35.98 314 36.38 35.95 -.49 +12.9 iShsUSA N EUSA .67e 1.4 50.75 41.61 6 49.13 22 49.85 49.11 -.46 +3.8 iShTurkey N TUR 1.10e 3.0 46.42 28.98 418 36.37 1754 37.18 36.18 +1.12 +12.0 iShSilver N SLV 19.71 14.85 7527 17.53 26315 17.59 16.80 +.50 +16.0 iShS&P100 N OEF 1.92e 1.9 106.85 88.37 637 103.24 2292 104.89 103.24 -1.22 +4.0 iShMrnLV N JKF 2.46e 2.6 99.69 82.48 6 94.20 36 95.75 94.14 -1.16 +.1 iShIntlTBd Q IGOV .19e .2 102.17 88.19 23 92.20 620 92.42 91.11 +.90 +2.6 iShMrnLG N JKE 1.20e .9 132.67 111.60 16 130.56 51 132.11 130.44 -.88 +7.9 iShNewZea Q ENZL 2.01e 4.8 49.93 39.22 31 42.31 241 42.55 41.85 +.16 +6.5 iSh1-3yITB Q ISHG .20e .3 84.37 75.36 6 78.77 10 78.77 78.11 +.68 +3.3 iShMrnLC N JKD 2.24e 1.6 143.66 116.19 35 140.35 155 142.30 140.35 -1.49 +5.8 iShBrazSC N EWZS .40e 3.0 14.74 8.30 11 13.35 86 13.65 13.34 -.16 +21.7siShIntlPfd N IPFF .96e 5.5 17.53 15.01 28 17.44 229 17.59 17.31 +.14 +10.8 iShSPTUS s N ITOT 55.08 45.14 761 53.21 2239 54.09 53.21 -.64 +3.7 iShSTNtMu N SUB .86 .8 106.67 104.44 98 105.75 296 105.75 105.52 +.14 +.6 iShAgcyBd N AGZ 1.81 1.6 117.44 110.31 36 113.63 99 113.74 113.01 +.65 +.9 iShSelDiv N DVY 2.59e 2.9 93.52 80.03 652 90.50 2266 91.50 90.44 -.38 +2.2siShGTimb Q WOOD .79e 1.4 58.35 42.80 10 57.73 47 58.35 57.66 -.38 +7.7 iShTIPS N TIP .43e .4 117.55 110.90 2326 115.23 5664 115.46 114.41 +.88 +1.8 iShEurFn Q EUFN .74e 3.8 20.73 14.31 1298 19.56 2777 20.00 19.56 -.42 +3.2 iShAsiaexJ Q AAXJ 1.30e 2.1 63.85 50.53 906 62.79 4852 63.17 62.29 -.35 +14.3 iShChinaLC N FXI .76e 2.0 39.85 31.04 9422 38.26 43335 38.61 38.11 -.48 +10.2 iShTransp N IYT 1.70e 1.1 173.88 125.94 423 159.66 1527 165.77 159.63 -4.15 -2.0 iShChinaSC N ECNS 1.28e 2.8 47.90 38.50 9 45.61 26 46.66 45.35 -.40 +11.2 iSCorSP500 N IVV 4.38e 1.9 241.81 199.79 2899 234.03 10756 237.73 234.02 -2.65 +4.0 iSMornMC N JKG 2.32e 1.4 170.02 141.07 17 164.71 45 167.16 164.62 -1.66 +4.7 iShEMInfr Q EMIF .93e 2.9 32.15 27.12 4 31.78 15 31.91 31.37 +.03 +13.5 iShGClnEn Q ICLN .33e 3.9 9.68 7.73 27 8.46 139 8.59 8.44 -.04 +7.4 iShUSAgBd N AGG 2.65e 2.3 113.27 107.06 2339 109.27 8872 109.39 108.49 +.83 +1.1 iShEMkts N EEM .84e 2.1 40.23 31.70 45925 39.14 176521 39.50 38.89 -.23 +11.8 iShACWX Q ACWX 1.00e 2.3 43.95 36.36 318 43.24 1746 43.55 43.22 -.19 +7.4 iShiBoxIG N LQD 3.87 3.2 124.48 115.55 3287 119.14 12470 119.21 117.91 +1.36 +1.7 iSh ACWI Q ACWI 1.43e 2.3 63.87 52.92 1792 62.59 6020 63.24 62.59 -.51 +5.8 iSKokusai N TOK 1.37e 2.4 58.51 49.05 1 57.50 69 58.05 57.50 -.39 +5.7 iShCorUSTr N GOVT .33 1.3 26.45 24.72 1107 25.28 3787 25.28 25.06 +.22 +1.4 iSh2017Mu s N IBMF .23 .8 27.64 27.07 20 27.24 213 27.27 27.22 -.01 +.1 iSEafeSC Q SCZ 1.24e 2.3 54.57 45.48 1481 53.97 4373 54.18 53.78 +.17 +8.3 iSGblTelcm N IXP 2.14e 3.6 64.52 55.36 12 58.93 47 59.37 58.82 -.36 +.4 iShEMBd N EMB 5.27e 4.6 118.14 107.74 2277 114.11 6805 114.34 113.59 +.46 +3.5 iShGblTech N IXN 1.11e .9 125.05 92.35 23 122.34 108 123.74 121.87 -1.27 +11.3 iShAaa-ACp N QLTA 1.51e 2.9 54.39 50.70 5 51.95 21 52.06 51.53 +.41 +1.1 iSMrnMCG N JKH .59e .3 175.23 147.98 2 172.02 7 173.72 172.02 -1.15 +6.2 iShIndones N EIDO .38e 1.5 27.06 21.36 569 26.01 3242 26.30 25.89 -.23 +7.8 iSSP500Gr N IVW 2.03e 1.6 132.81 110.84 581 130.04 2434 131.91 130.04 -1.30 +6.8 iShNYMuni N NYF 2.80 2.5 115.51 107.15 2 110.96 27 111.00 110.36 +.44 +1.9 iShGblHcre N IXJ 2.72e 1.6 106.25 92.25 12 102.32 343 102.88 102.23 -.42 +7.9 iShGnmaBd Q GNMA .75e 1.5 51.33 48.97 11 49.94 43 50.00 49.67 +.34 +.5 iShGblFin N IXG 1.34e 2.3 62.46 44.58 34 58.84 117 60.18 58.84 -1.20 +1.8 iShUSAQlt N QUAL 1.04e 1.4 74.29 62.64 81 71.96 499 72.84 71.96 -.59 +4.1 iSSPGlbEn N IXC 1.05e 3.2 36.16 29.72 80 33.03 400 33.88 32.98 -.48 -5.1 iShCalMuni N CMF 2.72 2.3 122.50 113.23 13 116.97 119 116.98 116.43 +.64 +1.3 iSh CMBS N CMBS 1.00 1.9 53.70 50.05 53 51.35 260 51.58 51.04 +.22 +.6 iShUSASize N SIZE 1.26e 1.7 76.90 64.80 4 74.84 29 75.56 74.75 -.46 +4.2siSGblInfra N IGF 1.17e 2.7 42.67 37.33 223 42.55 902 42.71 42.26 +.18 +9.0 iShNANatR N IGE .85e 2.5 37.62 30.15 215 33.98 737 34.96 33.93 -.44 -5.5 iSh JPXNik N JPXN 56.98 51.22 1 55.07 7 55.64 55.07 -.23 +3.9 iShUSAVal N VLUE 1.49e 2.1 75.57 58.20 155 71.73 1442 73.08 71.71 -.97 +2.2 iShLatAm N ILF .67e 2.2 33.05 23.34 1623 31.03 5692 32.04 31.03 -.75 +12.5 iShUSAMo N MTUM .81e 1.0 83.26 72.09 187 81.80 784 82.87 81.80 -.81 +7.8 iShMrnMCV N JKI 2.72e 1.9 152.61 119.16 10 145.04 52 148.38 145.04 -2.33 +.4 iShPhilpns N EPHE .33e .9 40.48 30.43 84 36.00 712 36.23 35.81 +.14 +11.0 iSSP500Val N IVE 2.14e 2.1 107.75 87.88 1536 102.38 4654 104.21 102.38 -1.28 +1.0 iShNMuBd N MUB 2.59 2.4 115.19 106.30 339 109.64 1697 109.67 109.14 +.52 +1.3 iShUKSC bt N EWUS 1.38e 3.7 40.37 30.40 2 37.60 8 37.60 36.64 +.96 +10.8 iSRTop200V N IWX 1.17e 2.5 49.94 41.05 11 47.47 39 48.31 47.42 -.68 +1.0 iShIntlDev N WPS 1.16e 3.2 38.99 33.12 5 36.29 22 36.31 35.67 +.51 +8.0 iShAsia50 N AIA .79e 1.5 53.78 40.24 44 52.45 175 52.76 51.82 -.15 +13.4 iSh20 yrT N TLT 3.05 2.5 143.62 116.49 7858 123.47 34058 123.74 121.00 +2.76 +3.6 iSRTop200G N IWY .82e 1.3 62.05 51.37 28 60.95 128 61.65 60.91 -.47 +8.2 iSh7-10yTB N IEF 1.96 1.8 113.91 103.43 1751 106.94 7714 107.01 105.70 +1.33 +2.0 iShRTop200 N IWL 1.02e 1.9 54.91 45.54 7 53.27 37 54.06 53.27 -.67 +4.6 iShIntSelDv N IDV 1.51e 4.5 31.66 26.40 812 31.15 3135 31.32 31.04 +.08 +5.4 iSh1-3yTB N SHY .52 .6 85.35 84.23 961 84.64 2704 84.64 84.44 +.22 +.2 iS Eafe N EFA 1.70e 2.8 62.65 51.93 16331 61.59 70762 62.07 61.53 -.23 +6.7siShGerSC bt N EWGS .69e 1.5 46.71 37.97 1 46.29 6 46.71 46.17 -.07 +11.7 iShEurRE Q IFEU .87e 2.5 39.41 31.43 2 34.98 3 35.03 34.55 +.40 +5.1 iSRusMCV N IWS 1.59e 1.9 85.33 69.96 501 81.84 2173 83.36 81.82 -.97 +1.8 iShCrLTBd N ILTB 2.54 4.1 68.96 59.26 8 62.61 28 62.61 61.49 +1.32 +3.2 iSRusMCG N IWP 1.02e 1.0 104.76 88.29 230 101.81 828 103.34 101.80 -.96 +4.5 iShIntlRE Q IFGL 1.09e 3.9 30.99 25.78 106 28.08 345 28.18 27.63 +.29 +6.8siShEuroSC Q IEUS 1.08e 2.2 48.22 38.46 8 48.05 24 48.22 47.70 +.50 +9.7 iShNorC bt N ENOR .58e 2.6 23.45 18.33 42 21.90 98 22.22 21.85 +.04 +.7 iShRusMid N IWR 2.85e 1.5 190.88 158.50 183 184.22 1014 187.32 184.20 -2.01 +3.0 iShMrnSC N JKJ 1.78e 1.1 162.98 127.56 2 155.77 17 158.42 155.77 -1.42 -.3 iShIreland N EIRL .88e 1.6 41.63 33.37 8 40.16 24 40.37 39.88 +.20 +7.0 iSCorSPMid N IJH 1.89e 1.1 175.72 140.39 2140 167.43 7030 171.44 167.43 -2.60 +1.3 iSh10yCBd N CLY 2.67 4.4 64.42 57.15 218 60.01 1058 60.21 59.30 +.83 +2.2 iShiBxHYB N HYG 5.09 5.8 88.37 82.01 10379 87.22 34778 87.62 87.16 -.17 +.8 iShFinlC bt N EFNL .51e 1.4 35.36 28.71 0 35.23 23 35.34 34.90 +.29 +7.1 iShSft N IGV .12e .1 127.49 97.83 59 125.17 220 126.48 124.92 -.82 +15.0 iShDenC bt N EDEN .81e 1.5 59.77 48.00 37 55.85 85 56.05 55.43 +.61 +9.5 iShs SOX Q SOXX 1.15e .9 137.96 84.83 429 129.91 1799 135.33 129.86 -5.28 +5.9 iShIndia50 Q INDY .15e .5 32.81 26.09 117 32.35 486 32.79 32.35 -.40 +18.3 iShNetw N IGN .25e .6 47.91 32.98 7 43.78 23 44.78 43.78 -.81 +.4 iShNATch N IGM .73e .5 139.36 104.31 23 135.85 67 138.19 135.85 -1.84 +9.7 iShNsdqBio Q IBB .09e 303.74 240.30 758 290.59 2490 292.29 285.85 +.07 +9.5 iShResRE N REZ 2.01e 3.1 69.29 58.02 12 64.44 67 65.00 63.97 +.27 +3.9 iSh2019Mun N IBMH .27 1.1 25.98 25.15 61 25.58 221 25.58 25.47 +.04 +1.0 iShC&SRE N ICF 2.97e 2.9 112.45 93.02 151 101.59 714 102.28 100.57 +.85 +2.0 iShKLDSoc N DSI 1.11e 1.3 88.11 73.22 39 85.67 97 86.88 85.67 -.80 +4.0 iShGbl100 N IOO 2.03e 2.5 82.62 67.40 6 80.72 741 81.49 80.72 -.61 +5.2 iSh2018Mu N IBMG .23 .9 25.72 25.29 43 25.48 329 25.51 25.42 +.03 +.3 iShConsSv N IYC 1.50e .9 161.60 136.88 10 159.21 134 161.33 159.21 -1.09 +5.4 iShMBS N MBB 3.04e 2.3 110.26 105.04 456 107.09 1979 107.24 106.44 +.71 +.7 iShGvCrBd N GBF 2.86 2.5 118.69 111.23 2 113.75 33 113.91 112.90 +.90 +1.5 iShIndia bt N INDA .24e .8 32.04 25.79 3953 31.42 13404 31.97 31.42 -.54 +17.4siSR1KVal N IWD 2.41e 2.1 121.24 97.59 2118 113.11 8126 121.24 113.11 -1.50 +1.0 iSMrnSCG N JKK .87e .6 155.13 126.40 2 150.10 7 151.66 149.92 -.68 +3.7 iShPoland N EPOL .79e 3.7 22.80 16.02 227 21.54 1268 21.92 21.47 -.42 +18.9 iSMCGth N IJK 1.88e 1.0 194.97 158.83 114 187.05 337 191.09 187.04 -2.60 +2.7 iShIntGvC N GVI 1.99 1.8 114.00 109.01 48 110.81 263 110.85 110.13 +.67 +.9 iSR1KGr N IWF 1.45e 1.3 114.70 95.45 1985 112.48 6589 113.93 112.45 -.91 +7.2siSIndiaSC bt N SMIN .10e .2 43.41 30.36 140 42.81 632 43.41 42.76 -.14 +31.0 iShCorUSCr N CRED 4.20 3.8 115.00 107.85 44 110.82 188 110.89 109.87 +1.01 +1.5 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 10 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
iSRus1K N IWB 2.36e 1.8 133.82 110.84 1898 129.47 5055 131.53 129.47 -1.43 +4.0 iSR2KVal N IWN 1.98e 1.7 122.47 91.66 804 114.63 2879 117.90 114.63 -1.93 -3.6 iShIntCrBd N CIU 3.09 2.8 111.85 107.44 357 109.60 1648 109.62 108.91 +.76 +1.3 iSh1-3CrBd N CSJ 1.52 1.4 106.12 104.50 500 105.27 1474 105.30 105.06 +.20 +.3 iSR2KGr N IWO 1.36e .9 163.50 128.24 447 157.41 1504 160.66 157.38 -1.60 +2.3 iSh10-20TB N TLH 2.99 2.2 148.75 131.10 32 136.48 152 136.80 134.77 +1.91 +2.7 iShFltRtB N FLOT .32 .6 50.89 50.41 717 50.85 3061 50.86 50.81 +.02 +.2 iShR2K N IWM 1.77e 1.3 140.86 107.99 28151 133.72 103565 136.92 133.66 -1.80 -.8 iSh3-7yTrB N IEI 1.78 1.4 127.80 121.46 340 123.91 1423 123.96 123.05 +.94 +1.1 iShCorHiDv N HDV 2.90e 3.5 85.70 77.86 325 83.34 1030 84.14 83.31 -.51 +1.3 iSCorUSVal s N IUSV 52.19 42.39 294 49.61 912 50.53 49.61 -.68 +1.0 iSCorUSGr s N IUSG 46.78 38.84 194 45.84 735 46.47 45.80 -.44 +6.8 iShChina N MCHI 1.05e 2.1 51.26 39.24 1191 49.97 4873 50.42 49.71 -.42 +14.3 iShShtTrB N SHV .03e 110.46 110.23 158 110.30 1188 110.30 110.25 +.05 iShUSPfd N PFF 2.15a 5.6 40.34 36.70 1767 38.72 7724 38.89 38.68 +.01 +4.1 iSEafeMnV N EFAV 1.77e 2.7 69.07 60.63 629 66.10 2991 66.47 65.75 +.16 +8.0 iSRus3K N IWV 2.47e 1.8 142.61 117.47 130 137.79 465 140.08 137.79 -1.60 +3.6 iSGblMatl N MXI 1.54e 2.6 60.38 45.97 30 58.36 232 59.62 58.36 -.82 +6.4 iShUtils N IDU 4.54e 3.5 132.34 113.89 218 129.27 519 129.84 128.11 +.54 +6.1 iSUSAMinV N USMV .87e 1.8 48.41 43.45 1615 47.53 6195 47.80 47.51 -.12 +5.1 iSMrnSCV N JKL 2.98e 2.1 149.77 115.00 4 140.56 32 144.74 140.56 -2.43 -1.6 iShMCVal N IJJ 2.16e 1.5 152.99 120.67 271 144.84 1071 148.55 144.84 -2.27 -.3 iShGblUtil N JXI 1.73e 3.6 49.81 42.85 9 48.38 34 48.59 48.04 +.17 +8.2 iShTelecm N IYZ .68e 2.0 36.74 29.31 438 33.43 1891 33.82 33.24 +.21 -3.1 iShTech N IYW 1.20e .9 136.05 99.51 129 132.46 573 134.77 132.38 -1.88 +10.2 iShGblIndl N EXI 1.25e 1.6 81.05 65.42 9 79.67 22 80.74 79.67 -.81 +5.7 iShGblCStp N KXI 2.09e 2.1 101.62 89.34 21 99.94 60 100.47 99.41 +.54 +8.5 iShREst N IYR 2.76e 3.5 85.80 72.11 3278 79.79 22066 80.31 78.86 +.65 +3.7 iSGblCnDis N RXI 1.24e 1.3 96.77 80.26 14 95.13 40 96.04 95.10 -.36 +5.5 iSh0-5Tips N STIP 101.82 99.89 33 101.55 129 101.58 101.28 +.26 +.8 iShHmCnst N ITB .09e .3 32.65 25.16 1776 31.82 7950 32.21 31.65 +.17 +15.8 iShInds N IYJ 1.65e 1.3 129.53 103.82 47 123.50 332 126.68 123.50 -2.17 +2.4 iShAerosp N ITA 1.31e .9 154.46 118.73 152 147.71 780 150.90 147.70 -1.87 +5.1 iShHltcare N IYH 3.01e 1.9 160.58 137.30 50 155.10 190 156.16 154.43 -.52 +7.6 iShFinSv N IYG 1.21e 1.2 116.22 75.41 286 104.98 876 108.46 104.98 -2.89 -1.2 iShRegBks N IAT .61e 1.4 49.24 30.04 536 42.76 1579 44.48 42.75 -1.44 -5.8 iShInsur N IAK .82e 1.4 62.87 47.25 9 59.29 32 60.49 59.29 -.87 -.1 iShFincls N IYF 1.45e 1.4 109.36 80.64 835 101.67 2058 103.98 101.67 -1.75 +.2 iShBroker N IAI .65e 1.3 53.97 33.93 53 49.01 150 50.72 48.98 -1.45 -.9 iShUSEngy N IYE 1.14e 3.0 43.31 34.90 1088 38.08 2910 39.31 38.02 -.64 -8.3 iShESGSel N KLD 1.14e 1.2 99.26 81.96 18 96.99 81 98.31 96.99 -.86 +5.4 iShCrSPS s N IJR 70.98 54.61 3076 66.90 11053 68.69 66.85 -.94 iShMedDev N IHI 1.57e 1.1 152.73 127.11 42 149.35 141 151.00 149.14 -1.16 +12.2 iShConsGd N IYK 2.43e 2.1 121.06 107.85 11 118.09 375 118.87 118.06 +.01 +6.7 iShHltcPrv N IHF .24e .2 137.75 111.40 8 134.01 59 135.18 133.97 -.03 +7.0 iShCorTInt N IXUS 1.42e 2.6 55.30 45.70 442 54.48 1592 54.81 54.36 -.15 +7.9 iShPharm N IHE 3.11e 1.0 158.11 129.20 4 151.06 27 153.22 150.32 -1.34 +6.8 iShBasM N IYM 1.42e 1.6 90.40 72.44 158 86.88 606 89.56 86.84 -2.45 +4.5 iShPeru N EPU .34e 1.0 36.58 28.55 105 33.75 276 34.59 33.75 -.64 +2.9 iShCorEafe N IEFA 1.55e 2.7 58.31 48.33 3805 57.40 22010 57.83 57.35 -.17 +7.0 iShOilEq N IEZ .86e 2.1 49.11 34.94 28 40.77 74 42.94 40.69 -1.29 -10.3 iShDJ US N IYY 2.01e 1.7 120.51 99.15 13 116.57 72 118.42 116.57 -1.27 +4.0 iShO&GEx N IEO 1.06e 1.8 70.34 52.45 38 60.05 178 62.37 59.92 -1.03 -8.2 iShAggrAllo N AOA .98e 2.0 50.18 43.77 34 49.41 240 49.77 49.39 -.26 +4.6 iShCrShUS s N ISTB 51.04 49.69 63 50.25 447 50.28 50.06 +.14 +.5 iShEurope N IEV 1.19e 2.9 42.13 34.52 424 41.42 2023 41.76 41.39 -.13 +6.7 iShGroAllo N AOR .81e 1.9 42.48 38.54 46 42.00 344 42.24 42.00 -.16 +3.5 iSRusMic N IWC 1.08e 1.3 87.82 66.58 21 83.11 101 85.05 82.93 -.94 -3.2 iShModAllo N AOM .71e 2.0 36.47 34.25 48 36.31 235 36.41 36.18 +.06 +3.1 iShMorMl bt N IYLD 1.33e 5.0 25.50 23.69 37 25.15 168 25.18 25.00 +.16 +3.5 iSMsciVal N EFV 1.87e 3.8 50.76 39.87 358 49.34 974 49.94 49.30 -.35 +4.4 iSSCVal N IJS 1.73e 1.3 144.90 109.93 239 134.12 904 137.80 133.90 -1.77 -4.2 iShConsAllo N AOK .64e 1.9 33.57 32.00 37 33.38 169 33.40 33.24 +.12 +2.6 iShEafeGr N EFG 1.37e 2.0 69.91 61.05 85 69.38 726 69.73 69.10 +.12 +8.9 iShSCGrth N IJT 1.41e 1.0 155.92 120.55 125 148.03 517 151.74 148.00 -2.12 -1.3 iShB3-18xF s N IBCC 25.03 24.58 3 24.69 44 24.69 24.60 +.05 +.2 iShiB3-20F s N IBCD 25.14 24.31 7 24.72 14 24.72 24.61 +.08 +.4 iShiB3-23x s N IBCE 25.77 23.90 5 24.55 15 24.56 24.32 +.24 +1.6 iShBd3-18 s N IBDB 25.86 25.53 13 25.60 31 25.64 25.60 -.02 iShBd3-23 s N IBDD 28.39 25.88 10 26.67 16 26.67 26.40 +.26 +1.7 iShBd3-20 s N IBDC 26.70 25.90 3 26.26 78 26.26 26.13 +.09 +.6 iStar N STAR 20 12.83 8.74 872 12.36 2357 12.45 11.68 +.64 -.1 iStar pfD N STARpD 2.00 8.1 25.20 21.30 21 24.77 94 24.90 24.76 -.02 +1.1 iStar pfE N STARpE 1.97 8.0 24.92 21.00 0 24.73 25 24.80 24.65 +.06 +2.0 iStar pfF N STARpF 1.95 7.9 24.99 21.00 2 24.59 15 24.70 24.32 -.01 +.8 iStar pfG N STARpG 1.91 7.9 24.84 20.30 3 24.21 23 24.38 24.01 -.18 +.2 iStar pfI N STARpI 1.87 7.7 24.98 20.81 1 24.24 14 24.25 23.90 +.24 +1.0 ITT Inc N ITT .50 1.3 20 44.00 30.06 424 38.29 1629 40.51 38.26 -1.30 -.7 Itus Cp hrs Q ITUS 6.82 2.10 15 2.15 175 2.45 2.15 -.18 -60.2 IaoKunGrp Q IKGH .03e 11.5 4 1.74 .16 10 .26 127 .28 .26 +.01 -6.8 Iberiabnk Q IBKC 1.44 1.9 17 91.10 48.81 349 74.70 1136 79.00 74.60 -3.20 -10.8 Iberia pfB Q IBKCP 1.66 6.0 28.20 25.09 14 27.70 41 27.90 27.00 +.62 +3.6 Iberiab pfC Q IBKCO 1.61e 5.9 30.00 25.28 3 27.10 18 27.54 26.98 +.36 +2.1 iBio N IBIO .80 .33 15 .42 131 .43 .41 +.01 +6.3 Icahn Ent Q IEP 6.00 12.5 64.80 45.42 109 48.00 532 50.47 47.57 -1.98 -19.9 IchorHld n Q ICHR 20.37 9.76 196 17.14 615 19.54 17.11 -2.39 +58.4 Icon PLC Q ICLR 27 88.90 62.31 176 77.58 855 80.31 77.38 -2.58 +3.2 IconixBrnd Q ICON 8 10.80 6.26 350 7.35 1568 7.73 7.35 -.04 -21.3sIdacorp N IDA 2.20 2.6 22 84.94 69.83 318 84.71 860 85.11 82.60 +1.89 +5.2 IdealPower Q IPWR 6.63 2.00 11 2.73 83 2.85 2.54 -.04 -17.3 Identive lf Q INVE 7.81 1.61 47 6.65 484 7.58 6.55 -.03 +109.1 IderaPhm Q IDRA 3.33 1.19 1037 2.25 4115 2.38 2.16 +.09 +50.0 IDEX N IEX 1.36f 1.5 25 96.24 77.93 242 91.72 917 94.33 91.60 -1.61 +1.8 Ignyta Q RXDX 9.90 4.15 121 7.60 675 8.50 7.54 -.40 +43.4 iKangHlth Q KANG 20 22.47 13.72 158 14.38 456 14.74 14.21 +.05 -17.0 Ikonics Q IKNX 13.95 9.50 1 10.08 3 10.14 9.73 +.33 -10.4 ITW N ITW 2.60 2.0 23 136.03 98.32 733 130.17 4514 132.84 130.17 -1.56 +6.3 Illumina Q ILMN 55 186.88 119.37 1120 173.68 4335 178.99 171.10 +1.29 +35.6 ImageSens Q ISNS 6.39 2.10 9 2.85 54 3.00 2.85 -.05 -23.0 Imax Corp N IMAX 64 35.30 26.48 1182 31.90 3294 32.40 31.50 -.05 +1.6 Immersn h Q IMMR 11.92 5.90 141 8.29 517 8.70 8.19 -.34 -22.0 ImmuCell Q ICCC 41 8.24 4.76 1 5.35 5 5.35 5.24 -.08 -10.1 ImmuneDs Q IMDZ 16.94 4.50 77 5.75 265 6.85 5.70 -.95 +4.5tImmuneP rs Q IMNP 12.80 2.44 315 2.55 7045 3.01 2.41 -.27 -29.9 ImunoCll rs N IMUC 12.40 1.83 49 2.55 153 2.78 2.52 -.08 +24.4 ImunoGn Q IMGN 9.47 1.51 5046 3.24 8526 3.36 2.84 +.12 +58.8 Imunmd Q IMMU 7.15 1.95 1677 5.95 6048 6.12 5.73 +.10 +62.1 ImpacMtg N IMH 3 18.50 12.04 36 12.36 165 12.58 12.20 +.11 -11.8 ImpaxLabs Q IPXL 37.20 7.75 1656 13.35 6332 14.10 12.95 -.40 +.8 ImpOil g N IMO .60 12 36.85 29.26 203 30.04 1097 31.14 30.00 -.29 -13.6 Imperva Q IMPV 57.24 31.11 174 41.95 1238 42.75 41.10 +.15 +9.2 Impinj n Q PI 41.91 16.36 342 31.89 1471 32.49 29.55 +2.37 -9.8 ImprimisP Q IMMY 4.69 1.65 150 3.77 1043 4.35 3.73 -.20 +50.8 IncOpR N IOT 18 10.20 6.77 8.63 1 8.63 8.50 +.08 +18.2 Incyte Q INCY 153.15 68.03 2048 140.84 6574 142.45 134.16 +.73 +40.5 IndCDrillg N ICD 7.30 3.70 112 5.34 611 5.71 5.33 -.26 -20.3 IndepHld N IHC .12f .7 16 21.23 15.05 5 17.80 15 18.30 17.70 -.30 -9.0 IndepRT N IRT .72a 7.8 8 10.70 7.01 274 9.27 1031 9.40 9.19 +.03 +3.9 IndBkMA Q INDB 1.28f 2.1 20 71.95 42.44 67 60.90 264 63.15 60.80 -1.15 -13.6 IndBkMI Q IBCP .40 2.0 20 22.40 13.42 60 20.20 206 20.80 20.00 -.20 -6.9 IndepBkTX Q IBTX .44f .8 20 66.85 26.39 64 58.25 210 61.55 58.25 -2.70 -6.7 IndiaFd N IFN 1.82e 1.8 26.29 20.39 100 25.68 477 26.09 25.67 -.17 +20.1 IndiaGCap N IGC .80 .19 321 .53 1125 .58 .45 +.03 +89.3 IndoTel s N TLK .67 34.65 25.86 164 30.83 795 31.22 30.59 -.21 +5.7 IndSvAm lf Q IDSA 3.35 1.10 38 1.45 75 1.50 1.26 +.10 -19.0 IndBach N IBA .87e 1.6 56.10 45.32 8 53.54 108 55.00 53.23 -.75 +9.2 Infinera Q INFN 15.71 7.23 1441 9.45 5386 9.87 9.32 -.42 +11.3 InnityPh Q INFI 6.63 .84 2053 1.84 6503 2.52 1.83 -.58 +36.3 InfPrCas Q IPCC 2.32f 2.5 25 99.55 73.80 26 93.25 188 95.70 92.93 -.05 +6.1 InfoSvcs Q III .20f 6.6 22 4.32 2.95 104 3.05 456 3.20 3.01 -.07 -16.2 InfoSonic h Q IFON 1.00 .35 13 .51 67 .55 .45 +.01 +34.2 Infosys N INFY .62e 4.3 11 19.76 13.42 17459 14.48 39474 15.27 14.48 -.79 -2.4 InfrREIT n N HIFR 1.00 5.6 17 19.50 14.59 132 17.93 859 18.10 17.92 -.11 +.1 InfuSystem N INFU 3.67 1.55 18 2.10 75 2.30 2.10 -.10 -17.6sIngerRd N IR 1.60 2.0 18 83.99 59.10 2387 81.86 8225 83.99 81.82 -.76 +9.1 Ingevity N NGVT 62.80 24.50 269 59.45 1122 60.58 57.00 +2.18 +8.4 InglesMk h Q IMKTA .66 1.5 16 52.40 33.50 24 43.55 119 45.45 43.35 -.35 -9.5 Ingredion N INGR 2.00f 1.7 17 140.00 104.24 324 119.32 1648 120.98 119.00 -.45 -4.5 InnerWkgs Q INWK 11.00 7.59 305 9.92 1005 10.02 9.65 -.07 +.7 Innocoll Q INNL 12.94 .53 344 2.00 3162 2.10 1.92 -.10 +189.1 Innodata Q INOD 2.80 1.90 25 2.05 102 2.15 1.95 -.05 -16.3 Innophos Q IPHS 1.92 4.2 18 58.22 31.96 115 45.22 644 46.35 45.07 -.16 -13.5 Innospec Q IOSP .68f 1.1 18 74.75 42.72 41 60.40 285 63.15 60.25 -1.80 -11.8 InnovInd n N IIPR 20.52 14.50 10 18.25 142 18.40 17.99 +.25 +.3 InnovSolu Q ISSC 60 4.36 2.55 30 3.01 377 3.25 2.92 -.07 -9.7sInnoviva Q INVA 1.00 7.0 22 14.55 8.67 877 14.19 8777 14.55 13.52 +.57 +32.6 Innsuites N IHT .01 .5 3.09 1.58 1 1.99 5 2.00 1.89 -.01 -11.6 Inogen Q INGN 98 79.94 43.16 111 75.21 447 77.81 74.89 -1.65 +12.0 InotekPh n Q ITEK 10.90 1.50 752 2.15 4377 2.30 1.75 +.35 -64.8 Inovalon n Q INOV .12p 35 20.05 8.60 296 11.95 2183 12.90 11.85 -.45 +16.0 InovioPhm Q INO 11.69 5.83 486 6.09 2110 6.32 5.97 -.17 -12.2 Inphi N IPHI 20 51.78 25.89 877 44.46 2919 46.63 44.40 -1.94 -.4 Inpixon rs Q INPX 11.09 2.40 79 2.83 111 3.09 2.60 -.01 -22.7 InseegoCp Q INSG 3.80 1.06 90 2.23 406 2.37 2.20 -8.6 InsightEnt Q NSIT 17 46.00 23.31 137 40.60 839 42.09 40.31 -.99 +.4sInsightS n N INSI 19.19 18.64 16 19.20 58 19.24 19.08 +.14 +1.5 Insignia s Q ISIG .70e 2.12 1.23 4 1.31 58 1.38 1.30 -.02 -25.4 Insmed Q INSM 17.95 9.02 365 17.01 1038 17.25 16.46 +.18 +28.6 Insperity N NSP 1.00 1.2 24 90.55 51.39 74 85.30 272 87.05 84.60 -.70 +20.2tInspMD rs N NSPR 14.50 .60 308 .66 1306 .74 .60 -.04 -73.6 InstlldBPd N IBP 42 53.00 26.00 75 50.60 341 51.85 50.55 -.85 +22.5 Insteel Q IIIN .12a .3 18 42.81 22.50 72 34.57 336 36.79 34.55 -1.45 -3.0 InstFnMkts N IFMI .08 7.0 6 1.65 .76 2 1.15 13 1.21 1.15 -.01 -3.4 Instructre n N INST 26.92 16.55 176 22.55 573 23.00 22.10 -.35 +15.3 Insulet Q PODD 48.23 26.50 401 41.37 1494 42.91 40.28 -1.38 +9.8 InsysTher s Q INSY 58 19.96 8.70 572 11.02 3128 11.55 10.55 +.66 +19.8 IntecPhm n Q NTEC 6.36 3.03 1 5.60 57 5.75 5.10 +.20 -1.8 IntegerHl N ITGR 41.80 18.10 505 38.10 933 40.80 37.93 -2.10 +29.4 IntegLfSc s Q IART 25 45.87 32.05 405 41.14 1894 41.49 40.68 +.28 -4.1 IntgDv Q IDTI 20 26.66 18.49 1322 23.24 5992 23.79 22.94 -.13 -1.4 Intel Q INTC 1.09f 3.1 15 38.45 29.50 15010 35.25 76799 36.09 35.21 -.78 -2.8 Intellia n Q NTLA 30.40 10.83 112 13.92 723 14.67 13.25 +.25 +6.2sIntellichk N IDN 3.20 1.20 96 3.19 408 3.24 2.95 +.24 +16.0 Intelliph Q IPCI 3.35 1.41 72 2.14 1208 2.19 1.81 -.14 -24.6 Intelsat N I 5.87 2.12 471 4.18 1937 4.52 4.17 -.09 +56.6 IntParfum Q IPAR .68 1.9 32 38.20 27.05 64 34.90 346 35.45 34.65 -.40 +6.6sInterXion N INXN 40.02 32.21 415 39.84 1417 40.07 39.23 +.47 +13.6 InteractB Q IBKR .40 1.2 27 41.40 31.97 750 33.98 2733 34.92 33.75 -.72 -6.9 InterceptP Q ICPT 177.93 96.63 491 107.33 1282 111.53 105.08 -1.38 -1.2 IntcntlExc s N ICE 2.07e 3.5 11 61.98 47.54 1616 59.42 9911 61.11 59.42 -1.36 +5.3sIntCtlHtls N IHG 1.28e 2.6 49.27 34.63 75 49.00 293 49.30 48.56 +.34 +10.5 InterDig Q IDCC 1.20 1.4 9 102.30 51.97 278 83.05 1185 87.10 83.00 -2.40 -9.1 Interface Q TILE .24 1.3 17 19.93 14.56 416 18.60 1734 19.35 18.25 +.20 +.3 Intermolec Q IMI 2.57 .78 10 .88 96 .91 .80 +.02 -7.2 Internap Q INAP 3.86 .80 345 3.43 2471 3.53 3.30 -.09 +122.7 IntlBcsh Q IBOC .66f 2.0 17 42.25 23.69 167 33.35 794 35.40 33.35 -1.40 -18.3 IBM N IBM 5.60 3.3 13 182.79 142.50 3147 169.53 15071 172.56 168.98 -2.61 +2.1 IntFlav N IFF 2.24 1.7 24 143.64 113.16 226 131.94 1418 133.81 131.77 -.31 +12.0 IntlGmeT n N IGT .80 3.7 32.07 16.65 2270 21.84 3526 23.72 21.83 -1.47 -14.4 IntPap N IP 1.85f 3.7 16 58.86 39.24 1916 49.64 8684 50.84 49.60 -.87 -6.4 IntlSeaw n N INSW 20.45 10.66 72 18.63 370 19.36 18.45 -.23 +32.7 IntlSpdw Q ISCA .43f 1.2 22 40.31 30.05 137 37.35 501 38.60 37.15 -.55 +1.5 IntTower g N THM 1.40 .40 676 .57 1568 .59 .51 +.05 +4.6 IntrntInitJ Q IIJI .11e 1.3 11.13 6.70 1 8.64 4 8.91 8.27 -.25 +16.0 IntrpDia rs Q IDXG 19.80 .70 446 2.16 1393 2.34 2.12 -.05 -50.9 Interpublic N IPG .72f 2.9 17 25.33 21.67 4296 24.54 17097 24.74 24.09 +.31 +4.8 IntersENT Q XENT 20.64 7.65 90 16.20 424 16.63 15.90 -.15 +33.9 Intersectns Q INTX 4.23 1.70 10 4.03 86 4.09 3.86 +.07 +1.0 IntstP pfD N IPLpD 1.28 4.9 29.30 22.70 2 26.10 9 26.27 25.65 +.35 +7.2 inTestCorp N INTT 6.85 3.48 11 6.28 79 6.35 6.00 +.08 +36.4sIntevac Q IVAC 13.20 4.33 155 12.70 877 13.20 12.50 +.15 +48.5 IntraCellu Q ITCI 45.20 10.43 189 13.78 1830 14.64 13.62 -.35 -8.7 IntwstRsts N SNOW 24 25.78 8.23 417 23.67 4380 24.09 23.46 -1.63 +32.6 IntPotash N IPI 3.04 .85 1281 1.81 5521 1.95 1.70 +.02 -13.0 Intrexon N XON 23 38.54 18.41 890 19.67 4380 20.43 19.15 +.45 -19.1sIntriCon Q IIN 9.20 4.12 58 9.15 146 9.50 8.25 +.65 +32.6 Intuit Q INTU 1.36 1.2 35 128.45 99.20 1092 117.89 6578 119.30 117.38 -.57 +2.9 IntSurg Q ISRG 37 775.91 610.71 249 764.79 999 769.55 760.63 -2.33 +20.6 Inuvo N INUV 25 2.31 1.00 55 1.24 393 1.35 1.07 +.10 -25.7 Invacare N IVC .05 .5 13.95 8.00 149 10.50 853 10.90 10.20 +.10 -19.5 InvenSense N INVN 12.92 5.42 993 12.52 2977 12.62 12.49 +.01 -2.1 Inventrgy rs Q INVT 2.33 .20 575 .25 3416 .37 .22 +.02 -66.3 Inventure Q SNAK 10.15 3.69 106 3.88 600 4.49 3.87 -.44 -60.6 InvHiIn23 n N IHIT 10.50 9.94 45 9.95 178 10.05 9.95 -.04 -2.7 InvAdvMu2 N VKI .78 6.9 13.57 10.68 58 11.36 341 11.38 11.25 +.13 +1.6 Inv Bond N VBF .83a 4.4 19.54 17.85 41 19.02 104 19.05 18.85 +.23 +2.9 InvCAVal N VCV .79 6.3 14.83 11.78 62 12.50 350 12.51 12.37 +.18 +3.0 InvDynCrd N VTA .90 7.4 12.59 10.63 317 12.14 1310 12.25 12.06 +.08 -1.3 InvHiInc2 N VLT 1.24 8.5 14.87 13.20 23 14.51 83 14.55 14.41 +.13 +1.8 Invsco iim N IIM .84 5.6 17.92 14.16 154 14.93 467 14.94 14.81 +.17 +2.1 Invesco N IVZ 1.12 3.7 13 33.46 23.02 2455 30.03 11568 31.01 30.02 -.34 -1.0 InvMtgCap N IVR 1.60 10.1 10 16.28 12.32 575 15.77 2617 15.94 15.44 +.30 +8.0 InvMtg pfA N IVRpA 1.94 7.7 26.39 23.25 1 25.25 21 25.34 25.10 +.19 +3.8 InvMtg pfB N IVRpB 1.94 7.7 26.25 22.74 2 25.28 15 25.33 25.15 +.07 +5.0 Invsco oia N OIA .39 5.1 8.30 6.91 47 7.75 208 7.84 7.64 +.13 +8.1 InvMuOpTr N VMO .88 6.7 15.13 12.27 74 13.16 462 13.27 13.11 +.06 +3.3 InvMuniTr N VKQ .82 6.5 14.34 11.89 98 12.65 476 12.68 12.58 +.13 +3.2 InvPAVal N VPV .79 6.4 14.69 11.83 36 12.38 137 12.39 12.26 +.17 +1.8 Invsco iqi N IQI .76 6.1 14.12 12.01 47 12.49 336 12.55 12.46 +.06 +.7 InvSrInco N VVR .31 6.7 4.77 3.99 398 4.63 2082 4.65 4.61 +.04 -.2 InvTrIG N VGM .88 6.7 14.99 12.34 115 13.16 525 13.19 13.03 +.20 +3.2 InvTrNY N VTN .85 6.3 16.68 13.01 48 13.60 173 13.63 13.49 +.15 +2.5 Investar Q ISTR .08f .4 22 22.50 14.81 21 22.10 46 22.10 21.80 +.05 +18.5 InvTech N ITG .28 1.5 42 21.70 15.04 187 18.93 945 20.15 18.87 -1.06 -4.1 InvestBncp Q ISBC .32 2.3 22 15.11 10.67 3779 13.83 9792 14.36 13.83 -.44 -.9 InvRlEst N IRET .52 8.6 61 7.28 5.60 374 6.05 1333 6.19 6.05 -.07 -15.1 InvRET pfB N IRETpB 1.99 7.9 26.54 24.96 8 25.30 17 25.34 25.21 -.06 -.3 InvTitl Q ITIC .80 .5 15 174.10 82.13 2 158.15 6 160.00 158.00 +.15 Invitae n N NVTA 11.88 5.76 362 10.48 1514 11.52 10.33 -.91 +32.0 InvitHm n N INVH 22.15 19.80 963 21.29 3155 21.77 21.19 -.32 +6.4tInVivoTh rs Q NVIV 7.94 3.50 468 3.55 1083 3.80 3.30 -.15 -15.5 Invuity n Q IVTY 14.25 4.50 29 7.75 144 8.00 7.45 +34.8 IonisPhm Q IONS 57.00 19.59 1697 42.27 4081 42.73 38.42 +3.42 -11.6 iPBetaCmd N BCM 28.17 24.97 6 27.46 47 27.46 27.16 +.35 +.8 iPBtaCocoa N CHOC 47.60 28.28 2 28.86 9 29.84 28.61 -1.37 -9.6 iPBetaCoff N CAFE 17.80 12.56 1 13.61 12 13.86 13.61 -.08 -.3 iPBetaCttn N CTNN 32.94 24.27 0 31.64 4 31.70 31.54 -.23 +8.2 iPBetaCopp N CUPM 31.00 22.86 0 28.57 1 28.99 28.42 -.76 +3.0 iPBetaNick N NINI 19.83 14.58 16.25 2 16.49 16.25 -.76 -4.0 iPBetaCrOil N OLEM 18.17 13.76 16.35 3 16.37 16.18 +.37 -5.8 iPBetaSfts N GRWN 28.87 22.41 24.41 1 24.44 24.41 -.69 -1.6 iRadimed Q IRMD 11 22.53 7.85 21 8.25 138 8.50 8.10 +.05 -25.7 Iridex Q IRIX 16.64 9.90 24 10.22 164 11.39 10.21 -.87 -27.3 IridiumCm Q IRDM 11 11.54 6.80 728 10.00 3489 10.45 9.90 -.03 +4.2 IronMtn N IRM 2.20 6.2 26 41.50 30.75 1180 35.29 4790 35.63 35.11 -.23 +8.7 IronwdPh Q IRWD 18.53 9.06 1087 15.55 5583 16.66 15.45 -.91 +1.7 iShItaly rs N EWI 25.98 19.62 740 24.75 2123 25.26 24.67 -.63 +2.2 iShJapan rs N EWJ 52.38 44.60 3642 50.61 16089 51.22 50.58 -.46 +3.6 iSMlasia rs N EWM 36.04 27.58 1041 30.70 3293 30.90 30.37 +.18 +9.4 iShSing rs N EWS 22.99 19.86 564 22.64 1656 22.78 22.60 -.01 +13.6 iSTaiwn rs N EWT 33.92 24.70 3880 33.18 17165 33.47 32.85 -.06 +13.0 iSh UK rs N EWU 33.13 27.60 1527 32.42 7013 32.74 32.32 +.12 +5.6 iSh0-5IGCp N SLQD .79 1.6 52.09 49.91 38 50.51 212 50.51 50.32 +.16 +.6 iShCvBd N ICVT .67e 51.75 43.37 5 50.94 19 51.60 50.87 -.41 +4.8 iShCorEM N IEMG 1.09e 2.3 48.74 38.86 5108 47.64 32646 48.02 47.27 -.22 +12.2 iShColomC N ICOL .43e 3.1 14.14 11.50 2 13.87 38 13.95 13.81 +.02 +7.2siShFSIntSC N ISCF .12p 26.80 22.70 26.80 1 26.80 26.72 +.14 +11.7 iShFacSIntl N INTF .17p 25.26 20.95 17 24.97 166 25.10 24.85 +.13 +7.5 iShFS USA N LRGF .19e 28.62 22.96 27 27.55 163 27.92 27.54 -.26 +3.1 iShFSUsaSC N SMLF .23e 36.78 28.24 2 34.64 12 35.50 34.55 -.57 -2.2 iShFacSGbl N ACWF .11p 26.22 22.27 18 25.52 27 25.59 25.44 -.09 +5.9siShMgRE rs N REM 46.24 38.52 451 46.28 1297 46.43 45.55 +.72 +10.0 iShExpoTc N XT .14p 29.78 22.88 44 29.25 213 29.59 29.21 -.23 +9.2 iSh0-5HYCp N SHYG 2.38 5.0 48.04 45.26 272 47.51 1311 47.68 47.49 -.08 +.4 iShDvlValu N IVLU 24.32 18.86 8 22.81 28 23.13 22.81 -.28 +3.1 iShSaudi N KSA 25.84 19.81 8 25.32 11 25.54 25.07 +.05 +.3siSh MinVl n N SMMV 27.17 23.65 1 26.71 8 27.17 26.71 -.02 +2.8 iShIntDevM N IMTM .30p 27.44 23.88 3 26.98 20 27.19 26.95 -.02 +8.7siShIntDevQ N IQLT .55p 26.49 23.16 2 26.50 21 26.50 26.28 +.20 +8.2 iShLwCarb N CRBN .94p 106.91 87.26 6 103.46 26 104.13 103.46 -.57 +7.0 iShFallAn n Q FALN 27.60 24.79 0 27.32 7 27.44 27.32 -.06 +2.1 iShCHdEM N HEEM 1.26e 2.1 23.13 19.57 65 22.68 257 22.91 22.65 -.22 +6.9 iSh ESG Opt Q ESGD 60.53 53.81 4 59.43 17 60.01 59.42 -.16 +6.6 iSh IntDvGr N IGRO 53.12 45.50 5 51.97 12 52.91 51.92 -.53 +6.3 iSh GlImp n Q MPCT .23p 51.72 45.35 7 51.37 12 51.63 51.34 -.08 +7.7 iShMultiTc N TCHF 33.74 27.20 0 33.07 2 33.36 33.07 -.22 +9.6 iShMultInd N INDF 29.96 25.42 4 28.83 5 29.19 28.83 -.29 +3.0 iShMultHl N HCRF 28.04 24.50 0 27.33 3 27.37 27.19 +9.0 iShMultMat N MATF 29.53 25.54 29.44 2 29.45 29.44 +5.9 iShIntHdHi N HYGH 4.56 5.1 92.18 82.40 48 90.00 100 90.71 90.00 -.75 +.5siShCHAust N HAUD 1.81p 24.31 21.16 2 24.08 4 24.31 24.08 -.09 +5.2 iShCTotBd s N IUSB 53.76 49.81 75 50.86 264 50.91 50.52 +.34 +1.2 iShCDivGr N DGRO .65e 2.2 31.09 25.87 489 29.98 1929 30.46 29.96 -.35 +3.7 iShCHEmu N HEZU .64e 1.8 28.77 22.25 953 28.33 3243 28.64 28.27 -.38 +6.5 iShGblReit N REET .94e 3.6 28.84 24.19 174 25.83 380 25.94 25.52 +.26 +2.3 iShCoreInt N IAGG 54.18 50.99 24 52.03 90 52.05 51.83 +.16 +.4 iShCorePac N IPAC 1.06e 2.0 53.31 44.91 91 51.99 613 52.47 51.99 -.32 +6.5 iShCHGer N HEWG .68e 1.7 27.88 21.13 513 27.39 2453 27.67 27.31 -.31 +6.0 iShIntHdCp N LQDH 2.76 2.9 95.12 90.50 7 94.33 17 94.65 94.16 -.03 +.3 iShCHCda N HEWC 1.41e 1.8 25.88 22.03 2 25.32 3 25.63 25.31 -.24 +1.3 iShJpMinV N JPMV .70e 1.2 62.56 56.88 3 59.75 6 60.03 59.58 -.12 +5.0siShEafeMV N HEFV 25.77 23.89 3 25.67 7 25.77 25.59 -.09 +4.4 iShEuMinV N EUMV .67e 2.9 24.44 20.51 2 22.93 26 23.06 22.72 +.20 +8.1 iShCorEur N IEUR 1.18e 2.7 44.18 36.31 198 43.60 632 43.94 43.56 -.05 +7.2 iSh2022Mu N IBMK .09e 26.54 24.98 12 25.89 124 25.90 25.75 +.13 +2.2 iSh UAE Q UAE .53e 3.1 18.00 15.34 8 16.95 33 17.22 16.95 -.18 +2.5 iSh Qatar Q QAT .85e 21.11 17.55 19.93 200 19.93 19.42 +.20 +4.6 iShYdOpBd N BYLD .75 3.0 25.35 24.45 1 24.93 11 24.94 24.83 +.11 +1.1 iSh2021Mu N IBMJ .07e 26.27 24.92 18 25.76 175 25.77 25.65 +.07 +1.9 iShRussia rs N ERUS 35.08 25.30 290 30.88 2689 31.37 30.44 -1.02 -7.9 iSCHeafe N HEFA .70e 1.7 27.62 22.42 1978 27.18 9409 27.53 27.17 -.34 +4.1 iShH10yCBd N CLYH .31e 25.26 23.59 24.94 3 25.05 24.91 -.06 +.2 iShCHSpain N HEWP .31p 22.98 16.72 13 22.41 41 22.79 22.33 -.56 +12.1 iShCHItaly N HEWI .55p 19.59 13.45 3 15.36 5 15.70 15.35 -.41 +1.7 iShShMMu N MEAR .27e 52.06 49.65 58 50.08 79 50.10 49.89 +.10 +.6 iSCHEafSC N HSCZ .19p 27.16 21.94 0 27.00 4 27.08 26.95 -.01 +5.7 iShCHAcxUs N HAWX 1.38e 4.3 24.56 20.80 8 24.22 41 24.49 24.19 -.24 +4.8 iShGbMM rs N PICK 30.75 18.30 185 26.93 312 28.25 26.92 -1.03 +4.6 iShCmdSel Q COMT .39e 1.1 35.41 29.12 13 34.27 105 34.60 34.05 +.28 -.1 iShCHAcwi N HACW .94e 2.3 26.39 22.49 26.10 2 26.30 26.10 -.14 +5.1 iShGblGld rs N RING 26.78 15.48 164 20.29 502 20.66 19.34 +.74 +18.4 iShTrFRBd N TFLO .07e .1 50.21 50.06 1 50.19 5 50.19 50.16 +.01 +.1 iShCH UK N HEWU .24p 26.21 21.60 22 23.63 80 23.92 23.63 -.13 +4.4 iSh ESG Sl N ESGE 62.38 52.75 3 60.82 12 61.88 60.30 -.32 +12.1siShCHSwitz N HEWL 1.43e 2.4 25.53 22.04 1 25.48 5 25.53 25.35 +.10 +8.2 iShEMktMV N HEMV 25.42 23.26 0 24.60 2 24.66 24.55 -.20 +4.1 iShLqdty bt N ICSH .25e .5 50.25 49.87 1 50.02 6 50.06 50.02 -.05 +.2 iShCHJpn N HEWJ .74e .6 29.02 22.14 1863 26.94 10211 27.73 26.94 -.83 -3.1 iShFacEmg N EMGF .13p 41.16 32.45 2 40.35 22 40.35 39.95 -.17 +13.7 iSh iBd26 n N IBDR 25.45 23.56 8 24.33 24 24.34 24.04 +.35 +1.7 iSiBd12-18 s N IBDH .30 1.2 25.49 25.04 90 25.16 489 25.17 25.14 +.02 +.1 iSiBd12-20 s N IBDL .62e 2.4 26.00 25.03 83 25.49 260 25.50 25.38 +.11 +1.0 iSiBd12-17 s N IBDJ .22e 25.15 24.80 15 24.82 259 24.83 24.80 +.01 -.2 iSiBd12-19 s N IBDK .37e 25.56 24.74 86 24.96 391 24.97 24.88 +.04 +.3 iSiBd12-23 s N IBDO .56e 25.99 24.33 30 25.12 280 25.15 24.85 +.24 +1.6 iSiBd12-22 s N IBDN .55e 26.00 24.43 44 25.03 225 25.10 24.90 +.19 +1.0 iSiBd12-25 s N IBDQ .64e 25.99 24.08 21 24.90 91 24.91 24.61 +.30 +2.3 iSiBd12-24 s N IBDP .63e 26.10 24.17 36 24.86 97 25.00 24.70 +.17 +1.6 iSiBd12-21 s N IBDM .47e 25.66 24.45 52 24.97 261 24.97 24.79 +.21 +1.1 IsleCapri Q ISLE 16 26.89 13.99 119 26.06 547 26.88 25.93 -.41 +5.5 IsoRay N ISR 1.30 .48 68 .55 451 .58 .52 +.01 -5.9 IsraelChm N ICL .27e 6.4 5.02 3.52 182 4.19 403 4.33 4.19 -.11 +1.9 Isramco Q ISRL 129.05 72.97 0 114.10 6 121.70 114.10 -3.95 -8.2 IssuerDir N ISDR .20 1.7 38 11.85 5.27 1 11.65 104 11.75 11.40 +.30 +29.4sItauCorpb N ITCB 2.48e 17.6 14.65 11.14 98 14.12 574 14.70 14.01 -.13 +13.5 ItauUnibH N ITUB .32e 2.7 13.65 7.91 7458 11.78 41518 12.17 11.78 -.26 +14.7sIteris Q ITI 6.15 2.20 149 5.55 1012 6.15 5.44 -.11 +52.5 Itron Q ITRI 30 66.45 39.01 71 59.15 446 61.55 59.10 -.70 -5.9 IturanLoc Q ITRN .86e 2.9 19 32.35 19.67 20 29.75 129 31.75 29.65 -1.60 +12.3 IvyHiInOp N IVH 1.50a 9.8 15.58 12.60 53 15.34 224 15.56 15.20 +.18 +3.9 Ixia Q XXIA 19.65 9.10 745 19.65 1272 19.65 19.60 +.05 +22.0 IxysCp Q IXYS .16 1.2 22 14.60 9.59 55 13.60 237 14.25 13.50 -.35 +14.3 Izea n Q IZEA 7.95 2.99 1 3.56 51 3.76 3.33 -.07 -21.1J -:J&J Snack Q JJSF 1.68 1.3 33 143.22 97.73 26 132.67 163 134.19 131.05 -.66 -.6 JAlexHld n N JAX 20 11.00 8.35 21 9.80 73 10.20 9.65 -.25 -8.8 JJill n N JILL 14.40 12.00 149 12.92 746 13.80 12.80 -.45 -.2 j2Global Q JCOM 1.46f 1.8 26 90.88 59.43 243 81.55 1036 82.60 81.00 -.06 -.3 JA Solar Q JASO 7 9.10 4.42 436 6.73 1901 7.04 6.58 +.03 Q JD 33.28 19.51 3004 32.47 26135 33.28 32.15 +.46 +27.6 JMP Grp N JMP .36 6.2 12 7.00 4.97 36 5.80 128 6.03 5.79 -.24 -5.6 JMP Gp 23 N JMPB 2.00 7.8 25.87 22.86 0 25.58 6 25.59 25.40 +.08 +1.3 JMP Grp21 N JMPC 1.81 7.2 26.09 23.06 6 25.28 14 25.45 25.19 +.03 +.6tJMU Ltd Q JMU 6.00 2.22 20 2.29 37 2.51 2.14 -.13 -39.1 JPMCh pfE N JPMpE 1.58 5.8 28.05 25.21 89 27.28 253 27.29 27.07 +.07 +5.1 JPMCh pfD N JPMpD 1.38 5.3 26.41 23.86 78 25.73 210 25.73 25.52 +.18 +4.6 JPMDvsRt N JPGE .96e 1.8 54.71 48.24 4 54.01 10 54.22 53.97 -.16 +6.2 JPMIntEq N JPIN 1.08e 2.0 53.28 46.27 48 52.71 281 52.94 52.48 -.02 +7.7 JPMDvREm N JPEM 1.31p 52.09 41.30 11 50.80 32 51.29 50.57 -.21 +9.7 JPM DREq N JPUS .26p 63.69 54.60 13 62.44 52 63.20 62.43 -.47 +5.5 JPM DivInt N JPIH 27.74 24.50 9 27.38 36 27.60 27.38 -.14 +4.5 JPMDsfEu N JPEU 53.21 46.48 0 52.53 4 52.67 52.32 +.17 +7.6 JPM DivAlt N JPHF 30.69 25.00 17 25.96 76 26.06 25.93 -.05 +1.1stJPM GlB n N JPGB 50.23 50.10 50.14 5 50.23 50.10 -.03 -.1 JPM Disc n N JPHY 52.12 49.82 0 51.20 1 51.20 51.19 +.03 +1.0 JPM USMid N JPME 58.00 50.50 12 56.85 32 57.56 56.85 -.39 +5.0 JPMorgCh N JPM 1.92 2.3 14 93.98 57.05 29665 84.40 74058 86.99 84.40 -1.78 -2.2 JPMCh wt N JPM/WS 52.40 16.40 42 43.30 141 45.72 43.30 -1.57 -2.2 JPMCh pfA N JPMpA 1.36 5.3 26.86 23.90 21 25.69 161 25.79 25.56 -.01 +4.2 JPMCh pfB N JPMpB 1.68 6.1 29.22 25.80 61 27.59 154 27.60 27.34 +.17 +2.7 JPMAlerian N AMJ 2.29 7.2 34.41 26.32 697 31.93 3126 32.69 31.88 -.62 +1.0 JPMCh pfY N JPMpF 1.53 5.7 27.94 25.00 101 27.00 257 27.00 26.68 +.18 +6.5 JPMCh pfG N JPMpG 1.52 5.7 27.89 24.80 124 27.00 369 27.08 26.71 +.25 +6.5 JPMCh pfH N JPMpH 1.54 5.7 28.14 25.18 61 27.07 268 27.12 26.85 +.14 +5.8 JPM China N JFC .97e 1.9 18.65 13.86 70 18.44 158 18.56 18.21 -.11 +18.3 JRJR Ntw N JRJR 1.29 .38 51 .50 390 .52 .45 +.01 -33.5 Jabil N JBL .32 1.1 20 29.27 16.78 1661 28.24 7802 29.15 28.23 -.48 +19.3 JackHenry Q JKHY 1.24f 1.3 28 95.64 79.00 197 93.03 1239 94.16 91.79 +1.06 +4.8 JackInBox Q JACK 1.60 1.6 27 113.30 64.30 541 98.84 2175 102.28 98.59 -3.31 -11.5 JacobsEng N JEC .15p 19 63.42 41.77 930 52.97 3267 55.20 52.82 -1.54 -7.1 JaggedPk n N JAG 15.08 11.67 250 12.44 2094 13.23 12.19 -.21 -14.2 JaguarAH h Q JAGX 3.79 .50 234 .86 691 .94 .86 -.08 +20.1 JkksPac Q JAKK 9.75 4.63 429 5.10 835 5.25 5.05 -.15 -1.0tJamba Q JMBA 13.62 8.55 80 8.56 407 8.83 8.51 -.10 -16.9 JHardie s N JHX .39e 2.5 73 17.30 13.68 6 15.74 29 16.00 15.73 -.12 -1.0 JRiverGrp Q JRVR 1.20 3.0 17 46.20 25.86 66 40.41 319 42.38 40.36 -1.07 -2.7 JanSmMid Q JSMD 33.17 26.58 6 31.80 12 32.78 31.80 -.59 +1.6 JanLTCar n Q OLD 27.57 22.17 0 25.33 6 25.43 25.24 +.26 +8.0 JanOrgan n Q ORG 37.52 23.82 0 26.14 6 26.53 25.75 +.37 +6.7 JanTailRsk N TRSK .24e .8 29.58 25.98 0 29.08 3 29.14 29.00 +.03 +4.9 AlpVSVolLC N SPXH .51e 1.6 33.34 27.50 25 32.41 37 32.83 32.39 -.28 +5.8 JanGlQua n Q SGQI 27.69 25.60 1 27.10 4 27.32 26.92 -.12 +5.9 JanusCap N JNS .44 3.4 15 16.62 11.96 1306 13.00 6393 13.28 12.83 +.19 -2.0 JpnSmCap N JOF .13e 1.2 10.94 9.43 12 10.63 52 10.76 10.63 -.03 +9.3 Jason Inds Q JASN 4.20 1.15 21 1.25 97 1.31 1.21 +.01 -30.6 Jason wt Q JASNW .35 .04 5 .05 36 .06 .05 -.00 -16.7 JazzPhrm Q JAZZ 24 160.00 95.80 329 153.11 1842 154.38 151.15 -.67 +40.4 JeldWen n N JELD 33.42 25.60 331 31.20 1920 32.17 30.58 +.04 +19.8 JensynAc wt Q JSYNW .42 .08 5 .29 15 .32 .29 -.03 +23.4 JernignC n N JCAP 1.40 6.1 12 23.34 10.10 69 23.00 318 23.30 22.41 +.62 +9.3 JetBlue Q JBLU 9 23.15 14.76 5521 20.73 25401 21.87 20.73 -.37 -7.5 JetPay Q JTPY 3.25 1.89 5 2.05 31 2.25 2.05 -.10 -8.9 JewettCam Q JCTCF 17 14.95 9.64 12.55 2 12.56 12.05 +.40 -2.7 JinkoSolar N JKS 4 24.04 12.72 429 17.25 2295 17.53 16.60 +.56 +13.3 JiveSoftw Q JIVE 4.59 3.50 376 4.45 1340 4.55 4.32 +.05 +2.3 JBeanTch N JBT .40 .5 41 93.55 51.20 175 85.50 866 89.60 85.43 +.40 -.5 JHMultLgC N JHML .10p 31.29 25.69 41 30.42 121 30.87 30.37 -.34 +4.7 JH MultMdC N JHMM .08p 33.00 24.99 15 29.89 106 30.43 29.88 -.34 +4.1 JH MultCns N JHMC .07p 27.69 23.73 2 27.11 12 27.53 27.11 -.23 +4.3 JH MultFin N JHMF .08p 33.34 22.86 3 30.72 9 31.41 30.61 -.58 +.3 JH MultTch N JHMT .09p 34.63 25.31 2 33.81 11 34.33 33.80 -.51 +9.9 JH MultEn N JHME 31.57 25.37 28.98 5 29.12 28.98 +.25 -4.6 JH MultDev N JHMD 26.93 24.73 2 26.43 5 26.67 26.41 -.14 +6.1sJH MultUt N JHMU 27.60 23.92 27.17 5 27.60 27.03 +.10 +7.6 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 11 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
JH MultInd N JHMI 30.75 24.83 1 29.34 2 29.92 29.32 -.47 +2.9 JH HedgEq N HEQ 1.50 9.0 17.00 14.27 44 16.68 185 16.73 16.45 -.05 +6.1 JH TxAdY N HTY 1.28 14.0 11.37 8.47 30 9.17 124 9.17 9.02 +.10 -5.8 JohnJn N JNJ 3.20 2.6 19 129.00 109.32 5113 124.99 19424 125.65 123.95 +.07 +8.5 JohnContl n N JCI 1.08e 2.7 28 46.17 34.35 2485 40.60 13399 41.46 40.60 -.39 -1.4 JohnsnOut Q JOUT .36 1.1 25 45.35 20.55 19 33.38 115 35.36 32.98 -1.92 -15.9 JointCorp Q JYNT 4.74 1.85 12 3.85 31 3.94 3.70 +.02 +45.3 JonesEngy N JONE 4.91 2.20 1291 2.30 3794 2.45 2.30 -50.0 JonesLL N JLL .62f .6 13 125.31 86.62 363 105.31 1797 107.66 104.15 +.18 +4.2 JounceTh n Q JNCE 26.75 16.33 181 21.53 593 23.25 21.51 -.96 +24.8 Jumei Intl N JMEI 19 6.42 3.45 569 3.55 1750 3.63 3.45 +.08 -29.1 JnprNtwk N JNPR .40 1.5 16 29.21 21.18 3438 27.56 11945 28.02 27.50 -.31 -2.5tJunprPhm Q JNP 5 8.00 4.05 92 3.85 163 4.30 3.65 -.35 -31.3 JunoThera Q JUNO 49.72 17.52 1255 24.01 6486 25.20 23.45 +.21 +27.4 Jupai n N JP .08p 9 9.90 7.49 14 9.00 24 9.04 8.92 -.03 +3.3 JustEngy g N JE .41 42 6.77 4.86 82 6.23 520 6.34 6.14 +.12 +14.1sJustEn pfA N JEpA 25.85 24.05 42 25.79 154 25.96 25.35 +.46 +3.4K -:K12 N LRN 58 20.67 9.16 154 18.69 656 19.33 18.43 -.41 +8.9 K2M Grp Q KTWO 23.10 10.10 232 20.64 1321 21.39 20.53 -.46 +3.0 KAR Auct N KAR 1.28 3.1 21 47.03 35.68 816 41.92 3390 42.60 41.85 -.28 -1.6 KB FnclGp N KB 46.04 26.45 164 41.99 652 42.93 41.10 -.95 +19.0sKB Home N KBH .10 .5 18 20.19 12.38 3130 20.09 10465 20.40 19.74 +.35 +27.1 KBR Inc N KBR .32 2.2 17.95 12.08 1703 14.62 9499 15.66 14.62 -.18 -12.4 KBS Fash rs Q KBSF 18.00 2.16 9 5.53 71 5.90 5.14 +.05 +31.7 KCAP Fin Q KCAP .48 12.5 4.89 3.15 168 3.83 821 3.90 3.78 -.07 -3.8 KCAPFn 19 N KAP 1.84 7.2 25.96 24.67 25.44 2 25.46 25.40 +.06 -.3 KCG Hldg N KCG 6 18.71 12.21 630 17.60 3111 17.75 16.75 +.04 +32.8 KEYW Hld Q KEYW 13.57 6.23 219 8.79 1182 9.12 8.71 -.09 -25.4 KKR N KKR 1.31e 7.6 9 18.52 11.63 1322 17.27 7315 17.93 17.23 -.18 +12.2 KKR pfA N KKR.PRA 27.63 25.12 77 26.08 208 26.20 26.00 +.08 +3.2 KKRFn pfS N KFNp 1.84 7.1 27.72 25.35 11 25.94 120 26.00 25.85 -.05 -.1 KKR Inco N KIO 1.50a 8.8 17.24 14.17 39 17.09 230 17.21 17.01 +.17 +6.6 KLA Tnc Q KLAC 2.16 2.3 17 97.49 66.88 1087 95.33 5006 96.97 93.61 -1.21 +21.2 KLREn A n Q KLRE 10.65 9.90 0 10.30 58 10.40 10.26 -.09 -.8 KLR En wt Q KLREW 1.75 .15 30 1.43 104 1.43 1.25 +.08 +2.1 KLX Q KLXI 33 52.40 28.65 295 44.52 1494 46.78 44.14 -1.40 -1.3 KMG Chm N KMG .12 .3 23 46.80 20.85 57 42.63 193 45.56 42.18 -2.55 +9.6 KT Corp N KT 17.24 13.23 464 16.09 3068 16.70 15.91 -.64 +14.2 KVHInd Q KVHI 12.75 7.31 186 8.05 655 8.20 7.70 +.05 -31.8 Kadant N KAI .84f 1.5 19 64.75 45.06 34 57.70 111 59.70 57.55 -1.24 -5.7tKadmon n N KDMN 10.48 2.75 216 2.69 1060 3.11 2.67 -.39 -49.7 KaiserAlu Q KALU 2.00f 2.6 16 96.06 69.41 127 77.02 485 81.25 76.89 -2.21 -.9 Kalvista rs Q KALV 20.02 6.09 4 7.32 17 7.55 7.11 -.18 +3.5 Kamada Q KMDA 7.25 3.60 0 6.90 6 7.10 6.90 -.20 +26.6 Kaman N KAMN .80f 1.7 19 53.41 40.43 226 46.16 738 47.57 46.02 -.94 -5.7 KandiTech Q KNDI 8.24 3.40 86 4.15 690 4.45 3.95 -.20 -15.3 KC Southn N KSU 1.32 1.5 20 100.69 79.05 1460 88.00 5226 89.31 87.08 +.37 +3.7 KapStoneP N KS .40 1.8 20 24.98 12.14 1491 22.07 3880 23.45 21.85 -.96 +.1 Karyophm Q KPTI 14.63 6.27 227 10.96 1041 11.74 10.32 -.40 +16.6 KateSpade N KATE 18 26.46 14.02 2085 19.38 10944 19.95 19.28 -.35 +3.8sKayneAn un Q KAACU 10.17 10.00 3 10.01 381 10.17 10.00 +.01 +.1 KaynAEnD N KED 1.60m 8.4 20.47 15.52 44 19.05 287 19.75 19.04 -.13 -2.0 KA EngTR N KYE 1.32m 10.7 13.05 7.98 86 12.37 326 13.03 12.36 -.26 +4.7 KA MLP N KYN 2.20 10.7 22.15 15.36 228 20.55 1381 21.64 20.49 -.50 +5.0 KAMLP pfF N KYNpF .88 3.4 26.01 25.06 5 25.40 9 25.45 25.30 +.07 +.3 KAMidsEn N KMF 1.80m 11.2 17.04 10.45 61 16.04 311 16.75 15.98 -.28 +.9 KeanGrp n N FRAC 22.93 13.68 943 15.42 5904 16.40 14.51 +.82 -28.8 KearnyF s Q KRNY .12f .8 70 16.10 12.14 345 14.65 991 15.15 14.65 -.20 -5.8 Kellogg N K 2.08 2.9 18 87.16 70.74 1674 71.95 7928 72.76 71.91 -.64 -2.4 KellySA Q KELYA .30 1.5 7 23.61 17.81 76 20.48 530 21.03 20.32 +.13 -10.6 KelsoTch g N KIQ .03f 4.0 1.44 .70 27 .75 58 .80 .75 -.01 -21.9 Kemet N KEM 32 12.65 2.11 519 10.95 1850 11.29 10.79 -.23 +65.2 Kemper N KMPR .96 2.4 45.95 29.41 220 39.20 684 40.75 39.20 -.75 -11.5 Kemper 54 N KMPA 1.84 6.7 28.60 25.20 1 27.40 5 27.40 27.06 +.38 +4.8 KemPhm n Q KMPH 19.48 2.90 7 4.70 70 4.85 4.45 -.05 +59.3sKennamtl N KMT .80 2.2 31 40.21 20.40 1095 36.43 3477 40.21 36.40 -2.88 +16.5 KennWils N KW .68f 3.1 21 23.77 17.29 205 21.70 956 22.45 21.65 -.55 +5.9 KenonHld n N KEN 13.26 7.10 0 11.71 3 12.01 11.54 -.32 +.5 KY FstFd Q KFFB .40 4.1 70 10.15 8.00 0 9.75 11 9.90 9.55 -.14 +8.5 KeryxBio Q KERX 7.80 4.03 621 5.79 2470 5.89 5.51 +.07 -1.2 KewnSc Q KEQU .60 2.6 14 27.60 16.20 3 22.75 18 23.40 22.15 +.15 -7.0 KeyEngy N KEG 38.00 21.01 46 23.78 247 25.63 23.48 -1.36 -25.6 KeyTech Q KTEC 87 13.95 7.40 1 13.11 57 13.45 12.92 -.04 +13.4 KeyTrn Q KTCC 11 8.97 6.99 2 7.17 12 7.31 7.15 -.02 -8.3 Keycorp N KEY .34 2.0 17 19.53 10.21 13490 17.00 39858 17.53 16.91 -.44 -7.0 Keycorp pfI N KEYpI 28.27 25.60 51 27.89 193 27.94 27.42 +.49 +6.6 Keysight N KEYS 15 39.36 25.49 726 35.30 3087 36.15 35.05 -.64 -3.5 Kforce Q KFRC .48 2.2 17 26.95 15.78 128 21.35 468 22.65 21.35 -.75 -7.6 KilroyR N KRC 1.50 2.0 16 78.33 59.90 327 73.75 1707 75.23 72.92 +.62 +.7 Kilroy pfH N KRCpH 1.59 6.2 26.29 24.55 2 25.54 5 25.70 25.54 +.04 +2.0 KimballEl Q KE 16 19.00 9.98 48 16.05 213 16.55 15.90 -.40 -11.8 KimballInt Q KBAL .24 1.4 22 18.00 10.71 85 16.89 446 17.49 16.74 -.11 -3.8 KimbRoy n N KRP 20.89 18.06 54 19.56 160 19.75 19.25 -.09 -5.2 KimbClk N KMB 3.88f 2.9 22 138.87 111.30 1228 132.67 5597 133.39 131.24 +1.34 +16.3tKimco N KIM 1.02 4.6 18 32.24 21.43 2038 22.34 13143 22.46 21.43 +.84 -11.2 Kimco pfI N KIMpI 1.50 6.0 26.71 24.01 7 25.14 36 25.30 25.14 -.04 +3.2 Kimco pfJ N KIMpJ 1.38 5.5 26.69 22.61 10 25.09 61 25.18 24.90 +.13 +7.3 Kimco pfK N KIMpK 1.41 5.6 26.85 22.56 3 25.25 27 25.34 25.11 +.10 +7.8 KindMorg N KMI .50 2.3 69 23.36 16.63 9768 21.39 35371 21.85 21.35 -.17 +3.3 KindrM wt N KMI/WS .04 .00 1390 .00 7575 .00 .00 -66.7 KindM pfA N KMIpA 51.40 43.21 46 48.13 507 48.75 47.90 -.17 -1.1 KindredBio Q KIN 7.55 3.12 33 7.15 241 7.40 6.95 -.15 +68.2 KindredHlt N KND .48 6.2 9 15.66 5.65 700 7.75 2836 8.05 7.60 -.10 -1.3 KingldJw Q KGJI 1 2.84 1.00 572 1.24 2562 1.27 1.06 +.15 -3.9sKingstone Q KINS .25 1.6 16 16.10 8.34 25 15.20 256 16.10 15.00 -.55 +10.5 Kingsway N KFS 6.50 4.27 14 5.50 45 5.74 5.48 -.25 -12.0 KingtoneW Q KONE 13.85 1.15 6 3.56 69 4.13 3.50 -.30 -15.8 Kinross g N KGC 76 5.82 2.88 10467 3.80 43699 3.89 3.50 +.22 +22.2 KinsaleCp n Q KNSL .24f .7 35.08 18.00 25 32.39 116 32.72 31.75 +.21 -4.8 KirbyCp N KEX 21 73.40 50.80 308 66.75 1267 72.20 66.75 -4.35 +.4 Kirklands Q KIRK 1.50e 18 17.41 10.10 70 12.19 447 12.55 11.89 -.12 -21.4 KitePharm Q KITE 88.58 39.82 1142 82.25 3805 82.74 77.30 +3.99 +83.4 KiteRlty N KRG 1.21 5.7 7 30.45 19.91 360 21.24 1862 21.41 20.61 +.54 -9.5 KitovPh n Q KTOV 6.95 1.51 9 2.02 73 2.08 1.95 -.01 -34.9 KitovPh wt Q KTOVW 3.00 .39 7 .54 64 .58 .49 +.04 -59.7 KlondexM g N KLDX 6.03 3.03 1402 3.76 3916 4.01 3.74 -.15 -19.5 KnightTr N KNX .24 .8 23 38.80 24.50 2999 31.00 32291 36.15 30.85 +.35 -6.2 Knoll Inc N KNL .60 2.5 14 28.40 20.37 568 23.55 1332 24.16 23.50 -.01 -15.7 KnotOffsh N KNOP 2.08 9.2 24.68 16.56 37 22.55 134 23.10 22.50 -.35 -4.4 Knowles N KN 24 19.82 12.06 584 18.51 2619 19.23 18.31 -.35 +10.8 Kohls N KSS 2.20f 5.6 13 59.67 33.87 2895 39.45 13441 40.61 39.16 +.25 -20.1 KonaGrill Q KONA 14.44 5.35 35 5.45 204 5.70 5.45 -.20 -56.6sKongZhg Q KZ 12 7.50 4.70 417 7.50 1667 7.50 7.41 +.08 +8.0 KopinCp Q KOPN 4.21 1.58 218 3.65 1297 3.83 3.57 -.18 +28.5 Koppers N KOP 1.00 2.5 18 45.85 23.13 93 40.40 336 43.30 40.25 -1.80 +.2 KoreaElc N KEP 28.37 17.36 1061 19.84 4118 19.97 19.02 +.29 +7.4 KoreaEqt N KEF .30e 1.4 8.89 7.22 119 8.70 415 8.70 8.43 +.06 +17.4 KoreaFd N KF 4.50e 37.30 30.24 40 36.63 87 36.75 36.11 -.14 +14.9 KornFer N KFY .40 1.3 14 32.52 18.57 433 30.53 2080 31.74 30.35 +.36 +3.7 KornitDig n Q KRNT 89 19.75 8.10 116 18.65 497 19.35 18.05 -.60 +47.4 KosmosEn N KOS 7.39 4.39 2614 6.02 9356 6.65 5.99 -.55 -14.1 Koss h Q KOSS 12 3.69 1.93 15 2.10 20 2.11 2.02 +.01 -7.9 KraftHnz n Q KHC 2.40 2.6 41 97.77 76.64 1687 91.50 8588 92.14 90.16 +.80 +4.8 KrNwChin s N KFYP 35.33 25.35 0 33.60 1 34.29 33.60 -.90 +15.9 KraChiItnt Q KWEB .12e .3 43.04 31.80 91 42.19 429 42.98 42.14 -.12 +21.5 KranChinA N KBA 9.93e 30.55 26.55 48 28.96 167 29.11 28.85 -.12 +8.3 KraneChCm N KCNY .22e .7 34.15 31.88 1 32.59 3 32.60 32.50 +.07 +2.0 KratonCp N KRA 22 37.50 19.64 464 30.76 1898 32.83 30.69 -.22 +8.0 KratosDef Q KTOS 9.19 3.75 1263 7.39 4250 8.00 7.37 -.45 -.1 Kroger s N KR .48 1.6 14 37.97 28.29 7722 29.97 34556 30.40 29.49 +.11 -13.2 KronosWw N KRO .60 4.0 41 16.77 4.70 446 15.13 2056 16.62 15.11 -1.21 +26.7 Kulicke Q KLIC 21.23 10.62 260 19.36 1551 19.97 19.33 -.30 +21.4sKuraOnc n Q KURA 10.60 2.50 45 10.10 219 10.60 9.45 +.65 +71.2 Kyocera N KYO 61.50 46.36 38 54.10 96 55.00 53.91 -.48 +8.7L -:L Brands N LB 2.40f 5.1 12 82.15 43.04 2942 47.46 12933 48.26 47.01 +.23 -27.9 L-3 Tch N LLL 2.80f 1.7 21 171.24 120.01 329 166.29 1885 167.27 165.48 +.49 +9.3 LCI Inds N LCII 2.00e 20 117.15 62.49 98 92.75 660 95.00 92.05 -1.55 -13.9 LCNB Corp Q LCNB .64 2.9 19 25.00 15.69 9 22.10 116 23.00 21.15 +.10 -4.9 LG Display N LPL 14.36 9.84 465 13.54 1688 13.64 13.17 +.40 +5.4 LGI Homes Q LGIH 10 40.47 23.86 205 30.07 1119 31.21 29.92 -.80 +4.7 LGL Grp N LGL 19 5.83 3.05 50 5.09 118 5.28 4.85 -.12 +1.4 LHC Grp Q LHCG 25 54.98 32.04 91 52.35 379 53.63 52.00 -.27 +14.6 LKQ Corp Q LKQ 19 36.35 27.85 1626 27.94 9280 28.62 27.93 -.12 -8.8 LMI Aer Q LMIA 13.94 7.01 46 13.83 192 13.85 13.76 +.08 +60.4 LMP CapIn N SCD 1.24f 8.6 14.55 12.16 50 14.36 191 14.41 14.25 +.01 +8.1 LPL Fincl Q LPLA 1.00 2.6 18 42.86 20.51 375 37.80 1497 39.79 37.78 -1.61 +7.4 LRAD h Q LRAD .04 2.7 2.18 1.38 40 1.47 97 1.52 1.39 +.03 -14.0 LSB Inds N LXU 15.50 4.52 757 7.53 1818 8.83 7.34 -.98 -10.6 LSC Com N LKSD .25p 37.40 17.00 413 24.91 1446 25.11 24.15 +.68 -16.1 LSI Ind lf Q LYTS .20 2.2 37 13.45 8.12 52 9.13 224 9.79 9.12 -.43 -6.3 LTC Prp N LTC 2.28f 4.7 16 54.20 43.17 90 48.89 464 49.50 48.25 +.40 +4.1 LaJollaPh Q LJPC 39.28 14.24 732 27.92 2429 28.48 25.01 +.98 +59.3 LaQuinta N LQ 27 15.05 9.73 391 13.46 2085 13.85 13.42 -.04 -5.3 LaZBoy N LZB .44 1.7 16 32.90 22.09 265 26.55 1081 27.65 26.45 -.85 -14.5 LabCp N LH 18 145.64 118.25 492 142.10 1920 144.53 141.81 -1.29 +10.7 LadderCap N LADR 1.20 8.0 10 15.53 11.29 286 14.95 1197 15.08 14.63 +.22 +9.0 LadThalFn N LTS 2.87 1.63 129 2.43 450 2.67 2.38 -.01 -.4 LadTh pfA N LTSpA 2.00 8.0 25.20 22.45 7 25.09 40 25.19 25.01 +.14 +4.8 LakeShBc h Q LSBK .32f 2.0 27 16.59 12.97 15.65 1 15.67 15.65 -.07 -3.8 LakeldB Q LBAI .38 2.1 19 20.88 10.25 84 18.50 458 19.30 18.50 -.50 -5.1 Lakelnd s Q LKFN .88f 2.1 20 48.88 29.06 50 41.73 234 44.35 41.71 -.65 -11.9 LakeInd Q LAKE 50 12.17 8.00 9 10.05 77 10.85 9.95 -.40 -3.4 LamResrch Q LRCX 1.80 1.4 20 130.13 72.00 1339 125.17 5223 129.75 124.91 -4.13 +18.4 LamarAdv Q LAMR 3.32f 4.6 24 79.09 58.68 369 72.11 1955 73.86 72.05 -.71 +7.2 LambWst n N LW .75 1.8 43.48 28.75 532 41.87 3657 43.01 41.87 -1.12 +10.6 LancastrC Q LANC 2.20 1.7 26 149.30 107.29 79 126.32 290 129.76 126.09 -1.28 -10.7 Landauer N LDR 1.10 2.3 32 55.80 33.01 19 48.55 132 50.50 47.05 +1.50 +.9 Landcad wt Q LCAHW .75 .50 .67 2 .67 .66 -.01 -4.3 Landcad un Q LCAHU 12.28 9.95 0 10.66 4 10.66 10.61 -.02 +2.6 Landec Q LNDC 29 15.50 9.85 120 13.70 370 14.40 13.55 -.55 -.7 LandBncp Q LARK .80 2.6 11 32.40 23.62 1 30.90 6 31.00 30.38 -.09 +10.2 LandmInfr Q LMRK 1.40f 9.0 44 18.44 12.55 61 15.50 209 15.60 15.25 +.10 +1.6 LandIn pfA Q LMRKP 2.00 8.0 26.41 24.01 2 25.10 45 25.15 25.00 +.03 +1.0 LndInf un B Q LMRKO 1.98 7.8 25.89 22.53 3 25.25 31 25.25 24.90 +.27 +3.9 LandsEnd Q LE 27.30 14.03 30 20.70 133 21.35 20.40 +.20 +36.6 Landstar Q LSTR .36 .4 26 90.80 62.38 225 83.05 1142 87.55 83.00 -2.55 -2.6 Lannett N LCI 7 39.99 16.75 774 25.40 4755 27.90 23.65 +1.80 +15.2 Lantheus n Q LNTH 13 14.25 1.82 701 10.85 1859 12.30 10.65 -1.40 +26.2 Lantronix Q LTRX 4.09 .86 109 3.30 607 3.69 3.21 -.16 +94.1 LaredoPet N LPI 29 16.47 9.08 3209 14.22 12797 15.11 14.12 -.23 +.6 LVSands N LVS 2.92f 5.2 26 63.38 41.45 2502 55.90 12940 56.94 55.18 -.30 +4.7 LaSalleH N LHO 1.80 6.3 12 31.87 21.56 2024 28.74 5153 28.94 28.29 +.29 -5.7 LaSalH pfI N LHOpI 1.59 6.2 26.93 23.75 4 25.51 12 25.71 25.16 +.50 +5.9 LaSalHt pfJ N LHOpJ 1.58 6.2 27.24 23.21 2 25.25 18 25.29 25.10 +.14 +8.5sLatam Air N LFL 13.49 5.81 309 13.14 2245 13.49 12.95 -.17 +60.6 LatAmDisc N LDF .03e .3 10.94 8.35 6 10.62 81 10.93 10.62 -.22 +14.3 LattDvMkt N RODM .62e 2.4 25.71 22.09 15 25.50 50 25.70 25.42 +.01 +6.7 LattEmMkt N ROAM .43e 1.9 23.14 19.49 8 22.65 39 22.82 22.61 -.07 +10.1 Latt RE n N RORE 16.26 13.88 1 15.43 1 15.44 15.43 +.20 +3.2 LattGblSC N ROGS .57e 2.1 27.81 23.11 21 27.45 24 27.62 27.36 -.01 +5.9 Lattice Q LSCC 7.99 4.89 322 6.78 2099 6.96 6.76 -.12 -7.9sLaureatE n Q LAUR 15.00 12.19 443 14.60 1912 15.00 14.42 +.14 +12.3 Lawsn Q LAWS 28.10 15.28 25 19.15 135 19.95 19.10 -.80 -19.5 Layne Q LAYN 11.42 6.40 134 8.10 604 8.94 7.88 -.73 -25.5 LazGlobTR N LGI .95 6.4 15.13 12.30 16 14.96 113 15.09 14.92 -.04 +8.9 Lazard N LAZ 1.52 3.4 6 47.09 26.21 710 44.61 3228 46.03 44.36 -.79 +8.6 LazWldDiv N LOR .69 6.5 10.84 8.54 15 10.63 49 10.66 10.52 -.01 +7.3 LeMaitreV Q LMAT .22f .9 46 27.04 13.52 62 25.05 405 25.29 24.55 +.14 -1.1 LeadgBr g Q LBIX 3.34 1.31 27 1.78 964 2.49 1.72 +.01 +16.6 LeafGrp N LFGR 8.35 5.10 57 8.10 92 8.10 7.40 +.50 +23.7 LeapTh n Q LPTX 10.10 6.01 2 7.90 43 8.54 7.83 -.54 +.5 LearCorp N LEA 2.00f 1.5 11 149.00 97.35 426 132.08 2474 135.34 132.01 -2.28 -.2 Lee Ent N LEE 8 3.92 1.74 122 2.70 438 2.80 2.50 +.10 -6.9 LegacyRes Q LGCY .60m 26.7 3.89 1.03 51 2.25 440 2.36 2.25 -.07 +6.1 LegcyR pf Q LGCYP 2.00 20.8 12.44 2.85 6 9.60 17 10.04 9.26 -.25 +21.8 LegcyR pfB Q LGCYO 2.00 21.8 12.14 2.87 21 9.17 71 10.10 9.17 -.57 +15.5 LegacyTxF Q LTXB .60 1.6 18 44.94 17.99 160 36.87 660 39.23 36.86 -1.73 -14.4 LeggMason N LM 1.28f 3.5 38 38.99 27.54 624 36.78 2694 37.19 36.11 +.49 +23.0 LegMas56 n N LMHA 27.87 23.51 18 26.36 63 26.36 26.10 +.13 +5.0 LegM 5,4 56 N LMHB 25.38 20.81 70 23.94 414 23.95 23.75 +.13 +10.8 LMGblInco N BWG 1.32a 10.2 14.11 11.36 54 12.96 360 12.99 12.78 +.11 +9.6 LM DevDvr Q DDBI 26.46 23.17 1 25.79 5 25.96 25.79 -.08 +6.5 LM EMDvr Q EDBI 29.49 25.12 2 28.91 8 28.99 28.77 -.12 +11.8 LM USDvrs Q UDBI 28.80 25.29 0 28.41 3 28.64 28.41 -.35 +5.0 LM LoVHiD Q LVHD 30.25 26.41 48 29.61 159 29.79 29.57 -.06 +3.7 LM IntLoV N LVHI 27.52 23.96 1 27.22 3 27.42 27.22 -.11 +4.8 LM Gl Inf n Q INFR 27.43 25.12 19 27.15 19 27.35 27.15 -.28 +7.5 LeggPlat N LEG 1.36 2.7 20 54.63 44.02 617 50.67 3422 51.72 50.63 -.24 +3.7 LeGS3.5s34 N JBK 1.59 6.6 24.93 20.44 24.11 3 24.11 23.55 +.32 +9.3 LehTOY21 N XKE .78 9.8 9.16 6.51 7.90 4 8.01 7.83 -.09 -6.0 LeidosHld N LDOS 1.28a 2.5 14 54.97 33.23 684 50.64 2756 51.07 50.38 +.01 -1.0 LejuHldgs N LEJU .20e 15 5.50 2.97 41 3.11 258 3.25 3.06 -.05 -35.2 LendgTree Q TREE 40 130.20 64.07 105 116.80 437 123.50 116.70 -5.85 +15.2 LendingClb N LC 8.41 3.44 3883 5.46 21026 5.65 5.30 +.11 +4.0 LennarA N LEN .16 .3 13 53.79 39.68 2579 51.79 9289 52.44 50.91 +1.11 +20.6sLennarB N LEN/B .16 .4 43.38 32.09 29 43.08 114 43.53 41.73 +.85 +24.9 Lennox N LII 1.72 1.0 24 172.96 131.90 287 165.23 970 167.99 164.62 +.62 +7.9 LeucNatl N LUK .25 1.0 27.34 15.48 1117 25.52 4760 26.46 25.51 -.77 +9.8 Level3 N LVLT 33 60.13 44.01 3637 59.54 10643 59.87 58.59 +1.00 +5.6 LexiPhm rs Q LXRX 19.62 11.52 857 15.08 3394 15.10 13.91 +1.15 +9.0 LexRltyTr N LXP .70 6.7 13 11.42 8.63 634 10.41 4912 10.56 10.18 +.22 -3.6 LexRT pfC N LXPpC 3.25 6.4 53.85 49.01 20 50.75 21 50.78 50.51 +.33 +1.7 LianlouSm Q LLIT 2.88 .79 1 1.52 32 1.58 1.50 -.01 +1.3 Libbey N LBY .47f 3.4 11 20.76 13.05 88 13.82 351 14.19 13.55 -.18 -29.0 LbtyASE N USA .52e 9.6 5.54 4.76 401 5.43 2258 5.53 5.43 -.07 +5.2 LbtyASG N ASG .38e 8.4 4.63 3.88 86 4.55 286 4.59 4.53 +8.9 LibBrdbdA Q LBRDA 14 88.57 54.53 34 85.54 182 87.10 85.51 -1.04 +18.1 LibBrdbdC Q LBRDK 14 89.75 54.45 234 86.55 1203 88.36 86.51 -1.38 +16.8sLibExpA n Q LEXEA 47.85 35.96 118 46.33 643 47.85 45.81 +.68 +16.8 LibtyGlobA Q LBTYA 37.69 26.16 1678 34.26 8452 35.58 34.23 -1.07 +12.0 LibtyGlobC Q LBTYK 38.74 25.86 1973 33.68 8707 35.00 33.67 -.95 +13.4 LibGLiLA n Q LILA 42.63 19.10 111 22.34 581 22.94 22.24 -.13 +1.7 LibGLiC n Q LILAK 44.95 19.33 505 23.25 2647 23.86 23.09 -.14 +9.8 LibQVC A Q QVCA 37 27.25 17.24 1878 21.02 9814 21.51 20.66 +.28 +5.2 LibQVC B Q QVCB 20 26.98 17.62 21.43 2 21.43 21.16 +.13 +5.8sLibVentA Q LVNTA 14 52.92 34.26 722 50.87 4638 52.92 50.85 -.81 +38.0 LibMSirA n Q LSXMA 40.18 28.00 242 39.00 668 39.59 38.69 -.52 +13.0 LibMSirC n Q LSXMK 39.80 28.04 314 38.91 1079 39.49 38.56 -.53 +14.7 LibMBrA n Q BATRA 36.00 14.23 57 24.18 159 24.25 22.87 +.87 +18.0 LibMCFor Q FWONK 35.20 17.47 455 32.87 1552 34.14 31.82 -1.16 +4.9 LibMAFor Q FWONA 33.63 17.72 516 31.29 1572 32.37 30.48 -.98 -.2 LibMBrC n Q BATRK 27.00 13.51 93 23.93 447 24.00 22.66 +.80 +16.2 LibtProp N LPT 1.60m 4.0 19 42.26 33.89 689 40.43 2976 40.94 39.68 +.70 +2.4 LibertyTax Q TAX .64 4.5 13 19.30 9.95 19 14.25 115 14.35 14.00 +.11 +6.3 LibTripA A Q LTRPA 24.64 12.98 728 13.15 3205 14.00 13.05 -.60 -12.6 LifeStorg N LSI 3.80 4.5 19 116.22 77.00 202 85.26 1186 86.63 84.45 +1.28 LifePtHlth Q LPNT 20 75.70 50.60 346 63.95 958 65.10 63.14 +.45 +12.6 LifetimeBr Q LCUT .17 .8 19 21.20 12.03 20 20.20 98 20.75 19.80 +.10 +13.8 Lifevant rs Q LFVN 28 15.97 4.61 95 4.83 246 5.18 4.65 -.01 -40.7 LifewayFds Q LWAY 18.48 8.68 13 9.53 127 10.36 9.20 -.68 -17.2 LigandPh Q LGND 139.79 87.50 122 105.34 599 107.60 104.67 -.92 +3.7 LightPath Q LPTH 20 3.25 1.21 123 2.56 660 2.80 2.52 -.13 +66.2 Lightbrdg rs Q LTBR 3.65 .86 101 1.29 738 1.46 1.14 +.04 +13.2 LightInBox N LITB 3.59 2.40 11 2.86 34 2.91 2.81 +.02 -3.7 LilisEn n Q LLEX 5.22 3.41 54 3.70 416 3.79 3.56 +.15 -16.7 Limbach n Q LMB 16.05 12.65 17 13.49 36 13.57 13.13 -.07 -4.3 LimelghtN Q LLNW 2.90 1.17 239 2.46 731 2.58 2.41 -.04 -2.4 Limoneira Q LMNR .22 1.1 32 21.78 14.60 23 19.70 115 20.17 19.44 -.28 -8.4 LincEdSv Q LINC .08 2.9 3.11 1.30 18 2.77 130 2.97 2.70 -.04 +44.3 LincElec Q LECO 1.40f 1.7 28 88.73 56.02 399 81.90 1262 87.61 81.85 -4.57 +6.8 LincNat N LNC 1.16 1.8 10 73.31 35.27 1454 63.23 6561 66.10 63.05 -2.38 -4.6 LindbladEx Q LIND 91 10.70 7.75 34 9.13 457 9.42 8.95 +.13 -3.4 Lindblad wt Q LINDW 2.60 1.50 1 1.97 2 2.00 1.97 -.03 -10.3 Lindsay N LNN 1.16 1.4 63 89.98 65.78 67 83.92 329 87.85 83.90 -2.02 +12.5 LineCp n N LN 51.48 30.90 761 36.28 1419 38.02 36.12 -2.08 +6.7 LionBiotch Q LBIO 9.58 4.81 150 6.05 738 6.60 5.95 -.50 -12.9 LionsGat A N LGF/A 29.03 24.27 461 25.35 1779 25.63 24.94 +.30 -5.8 LionsGat B N LGF/B 27.14 22.72 407 23.32 1665 23.63 22.97 +.04 -5.0 Lipocine Q LPCN 12.58 2.51 60 3.75 292 3.85 3.64 -.01 +1.9tLiqTech N LIQT .99 .31 34 .34 211 .38 .31 -.02 -46.9 Liquidity Q LQDT 11.49 5.15 42 7.25 319 7.55 7.05 -.10 -25.6 LithiaMot N LAD 1.00 1.2 11 105.32 68.70 224 81.77 867 84.60 81.14 -1.22 -15.6 Littelfuse Q LFUS 1.32 .9 29 167.21 106.26 76 149.83 413 154.35 149.81 -1.21 -1.3 LivaNova n Q LIVN 52 63.21 40.84 250 50.71 1106 52.76 49.68 +.27 +12.8 LiveNatn N LYV 31.44 21.21 726 30.67 3541 31.36 30.63 -.55 +15.3 LiveOakB n Q LOB .07e .3 24.59 12.68 109 21.35 281 21.90 20.95 -.05 +15.4 LiveVent rs Q LIVE 4 32.98 8.70 7 15.38 35 15.67 15.07 +.32 -36.0 LivePrsn Q LPSN 8.85 5.43 222 6.90 851 7.00 6.60 +.25 -8.6 LloydBkg N LYG .47a 14.9 4.42 2.47 2810 3.17 19858 3.23 3.17 +2.3 LockhdM N LMT 7.28 2.7 21 274.57 225.30 752 268.00 3241 271.36 268.00 -2.23 +7.2 Loews N L .25 .5 21 48.05 38.17 873 46.13 2982 47.55 46.06 -1.11 -1.5 Logitech Q LOGI .57e 1.8 65 32.17 14.36 183 31.01 795 31.74 31.00 -.55 +25.2 LogMeIn Q LOGM .50p 110.10 47.36 476 102.15 2106 103.55 99.60 +1.75 +5.8 Lombard Q EVAR 1.94 .50 37 .69 251 .72 .66 -.02 +14.5 LoneRs n Q LONE 16.00 4.48 117 4.99 192 5.52 4.95 -.34 -41.6tLI IcedT n Q LTEA 5.91 3.54 36 3.73 235 3.90 3.54 +.11 -10.6 LoralSpac Q LORL 30 42.20 32.04 72 36.85 215 39.05 36.85 -1.75 -10.2sLaPac N LPX 26 26.31 15.74 2925 25.00 10558 26.31 24.94 -.79 +32.1 Lowes N LOW 1.40 1.7 20 84.00 64.87 3794 81.06 13603 82.99 81.05 -1.08 +14.0sLoxoOncol Q LOXO 49.80 17.14 107 45.70 594 49.80 44.30 -2.10 +42.3 Lubys N LUB 5.10 3.04 44 3.10 156 3.29 3.08 -.07 -27.6 lululemn gs Q LULU 23 81.81 49.40 2206 51.22 18146 53.35 50.85 +.59 -21.2 LumberLiq N LL 23.76 11.07 1130 21.56 4585 23.12 21.10 -1.14 +37.0 Lumentm n Q LITE 57 55.93 20.80 1511 44.10 7003 48.44 43.85 -4.10 +14.1 Luminex Q LMNX .06p 21 23.75 17.64 164 18.05 820 18.83 17.93 -.44 -10.8sLumosNtw Q LMOS .56 3.1 17.84 10.67 114 17.83 502 17.85 17.76 +.03 +14.1 LunaInn h Q LUNA 2.33 .97 42 1.73 117 1.75 1.66 -.01 +17.7 LuxferHld N LXFR .50 4.4 13.60 9.28 45 11.32 144 11.62 11.09 -.05 +3.9 Luxoft N LXFT 29 66.18 46.58 57 61.10 322 61.85 60.05 -.50 +8.7 Luxottica N LUX .78e 1.4 57.17 44.85 28 54.77 215 55.04 53.62 +.91 +2.0 Lydall N LDL 18 64.85 33.21 133 48.10 308 51.10 47.70 -1.70 -22.2 LyonBas A N LYB 3.40 4.0 10 97.64 69.82 3540 84.91 10373 89.90 84.68 -3.88 -1.0M -: M III Aq wt Q MIIIW .35 .18 .34 3 .34 .33 +.03 +41.7sM III Ac un Q MIIIU 10.16 9.63 1 10.16 7 10.16 10.06 +.07 +2.9 M&T Bk N MTB 3.00f 2.0 18 173.72 108.04 1496 147.93 3731 153.81 147.55 -5.09 -5.4 MACOM Q MTSI 53.80 29.56 501 50.76 1841 51.95 49.95 -.62 +9.7 MAG Slv g N MAG 18.12 9.50 420 13.73 1332 14.48 13.63 -.16 +24.5 MAM Soft Q MAMS 22 7.77 5.21 5 6.39 9 6.42 5.93 -.03 -1.1 MB Fncl Q MBFI .76 1.9 17 48.47 31.18 381 39.51 1934 41.65 39.50 -1.76 -16.3 MB Finl pf Q MBFIP 2.00 7.5 27.97 26.35 10 26.59 20 26.62 26.47 +.05 -1.2 MBIA N MBI 11.65 6.34 1514 8.69 6121 9.17 8.64 -.24 -18.8 MBT Fnl Q MBTF .20f 1.8 18 12.25 6.96 24 11.10 98 11.53 11.05 -.40 -2.2 MCBC n Q MCFT 4.30e 14 17.51 8.71 65 15.74 435 16.45 15.66 -.43 +8.0 MDC N MDC 1.00 3.4 14 31.24 20.51 226 29.74 1098 30.17 29.50 +.18 +15.9 MDC Pr gs Q MDCA .84 10.0 23.90 2.75 320 8.40 1195 9.10 8.38 -.65 +28.2 MDU Res N MDU .77 2.8 23 29.92 19.28 674 27.14 2394 27.70 27.14 -.46 -5.7 MEI Phrm Q MEIP 2.28 1.23 98 1.56 380 1.63 1.51 -.03 +8.3 MER Tele Q MTSL 1.45 .50 5 .56 13 .66 .55 -.10 -38.5 MFA Fncl N MFA .80 9.8 11 8.18 6.69 1260 8.14 5966 8.18 8.06 +.06 +6.7 MFA Fn42 N MFO 2.00 7.8 27.87 24.80 4 25.53 27 25.91 25.26 +.21 -.7 MFA pfB N MFApB 1.88 7.4 26.09 23.36 11 25.30 30 25.30 25.02 +.22 +4.4 MFC Bcp N MFCB 2.43 1.43 43 1.56 173 1.66 1.56 -20.0 MFS CAMu N CCA .60 5.2 14.99 11.05 6 11.62 63 11.65 11.54 +.15 +3.2 MCR N MCR .72a 8.3 8.75 8.08 74 8.68 488 8.71 8.62 +.04 +1.9 MGF N MGF .41 8.2 5.51 4.84 46 4.97 140 5.00 4.96 -1.4 MFS HInM N CXE .30 5.9 5.59 4.70 80 5.08 218 5.13 5.04 +.02 +3.7 MFS HYMu N CMU .28 6.0 5.19 4.27 42 4.62 168 4.66 4.61 +.01 +4.5sMFS IHI N CIF .25 9.3 2.68 2.38 129 2.67 566 2.69 2.65 +.01 +3.5 MIN N MIN .42 9.7 4.69 4.21 188 4.34 888 4.36 4.33 -.01 -2.3 MFS InvG N CXH .50 5.1 10.77 9.09 23 9.85 55 9.85 9.70 +.16 +5.1 MMT N MMT .52 8.5 6.29 5.62 194 6.12 899 6.18 6.11 -.01 +1.0 MFM N MFM .38 5.4 7.63 6.51 42 7.08 238 7.15 7.04 +.01 +6.8 MFV N MFV .58 9.8 5.99 5.22 16 5.89 122 5.91 5.82 +.05 +5.7 MGC Diag Q MGCD .70e 10.60 5.20 2 8.21 7 8.35 8.00 -.03 +4.1 MGE Engy Q MGEE 1.23 1.9 31 67.20 47.90 120 64.50 287 65.85 64.00 -.20 -1.2 MGIC Inv N MTG 11 11.35 5.36 3128 10.60 16019 10.90 10.10 +.54 +4.0sMGMGrPr n N MGP .65 28.25 21.75 285 27.99 1612 28.25 27.55 +.12 +10.6 MGM Rsts N MGM .39p 24 30.62 21.12 4610 27.19 22089 28.09 27.16 -.92 -5.7 MGP Ing Q MGPI .16f .3 29 56.17 24.69 120 51.94 795 54.86 51.83 -.76 +3.9 MI Acq n Q MACQ 10.25 9.80 10.12 253 10.12 10.06 -.08 +1.2 MI Acq wt Q MACQW .48 .17 .32 8 .35 .32 -.00 +27.0sMI Acq un Q MACQU 10.32 9.97 2 10.50 2 10.50 10.48 +.25 +3.3 MI Homes N MHO 12 26.70 17.00 144 24.61 744 24.75 23.99 +.66 -2.3 MI Hm pfA N MHOpA 26.05 24.03 4 25.69 7 25.80 25.43 +.12 +.6 MKS Inst Q MKSI .70f 1.1 21 70.40 35.02 402 64.85 1499 68.50 64.75 -3.45 +9.2 MMA Cap Q MMAC 4 23.50 15.59 1 23.40 8 23.41 23.10 -.10 +23.2 MOCON Q MOCO .48f 2.2 25 22.75 13.02 4 21.65 20 22.70 21.65 -.70 +11.0 MPLX LP N MPLX 2.06f 5.7 39.43 28.68 662 36.31 2200 37.84 36.15 -1.28 +4.9 MRC Glbl N MRC 22.52 11.50 569 18.16 2789 19.80 18.16 -.94 -10.4 MRV Com Q MRVC 13.09 7.05 6 9.90 11 10.25 9.90 -.40 +21.5 MSA Safety N MSA 1.28 1.9 26 74.64 44.16 112 66.79 471 69.66 66.78 -1.39 -3.7 MSB Fin Q MSBF 17.00 12.82 5 16.80 15 16.92 16.60 +14.3 MSC Ind N MSM 1.80 2.0 23 105.70 67.74 913 89.23 3425 96.31 89.22 -5.85 -3.4 MSCI Inc N MSCI 1.12 1.2 34 109.29 71.51 322 96.26 1617 98.34 95.01 -1.67 +22.2sMSG Netw N MSGN 11 24.90 14.73 479 24.30 2858 24.90 23.65 +.10 +13.0 MTGE Inv Q MTGE 1.80f 10.6 20 17.77 14.49 314 16.95 1747 17.00 16.55 +.25 +8.0 MTGE pfA Q MTGEP 2.03 7.9 26.24 23.85 1 25.75 5 25.88 25.49 +.03 +3.2 MTS Q MTSC 1.20 2.6 27 59.56 41.53 144 46.25 1517 53.85 44.65 -7.00 -18.4sMV OilTr N MVO .64e 9.1 5 7.35 4.54 13 7.00 168 7.35 6.75 +.10 +12.4 MVC Cap N MVC .54a 6.1 9.01 7.12 14 8.90 46 8.95 8.83 +3.7 MVCCap 23 N MVCB 1.81 7.1 26.00 23.87 0 25.50 9 25.56 25.40 +.09 +1.2 MYOS Q MYOS 6.98 1.02 38 2.35 1156 2.90 2.17 -.18 +99.2 MYR Grp Q MYRG 19 43.77 21.84 122 40.27 357 41.77 40.11 -.51 +6.9tMabVxTh n Q MBVX 6.05 1.80 11 1.99 289 2.60 1.80 -.01 -41.1 MacQUtlDv N MFD 1.20 9.5 13.34 10.81 46 12.60 145 12.65 12.47 +.01 +10.5sMacQGInf N MGU 1.48 6.4 23.30 18.33 28 23.21 131 23.34 23.07 +.10 +17.6 Macatawa Q MCBC .16f 1.7 20 10.67 6.52 154 9.59 251 9.78 9.56 -.15 -7.9 Macerich N MAC 2.84 4.3 20 94.51 62.14 727 65.48 3448 65.98 63.94 +1.41 -7.6 MackCali N CLI .60 2.2 12 29.70 24.17 904 27.58 3125 28.04 27.09 +.37 -4.5 MackFn Q MFNC .48f 3.6 18 14.07 10.00 1 13.25 8 13.72 13.25 -.38 -1.6 Macquarie N MIC 5.24f 6.6 41 85.45 67.32 428 78.88 1993 80.98 78.84 -.86 -3.5 MacroGen Q MGNX 33.30 16.28 194 18.82 972 18.83 17.20 +.80 -7.9 Macys N M 1.51 5.2 10 45.41 27.72 4109 29.17 17705 29.81 28.82 +.07 -18.5 MadCvCall N MCN .72 9.0 8.21 7.28 39 8.02 171 8.08 7.98 +.03 +4.2 MadSqGd n N MSG 206.60 156.01 145 197.08 697 205.60 196.19 -7.50 +14.9 MadStSec N MSP 1.04 8.7 12.42 11.09 6 11.97 25 12.16 11.97 -.07 +.7 MadrigP rs Q MDGL 18.24 6.60 2 15.75 38 15.97 14.77 +.71 +5.7 Magal Q MAGS 8.00 4.08 77 6.53 642 7.49 6.51 -.75 +28.8 MagellnHlt Q MGLN 17 84.71 49.50 132 67.95 465 68.45 66.40 +1.45 -9.7 MagellMid N MMP 3.42f 4.4 23 81.77 64.25 450 77.04 1334 78.00 76.75 -.16 +1.9 MagicSft Q MGIC .19e 2.5 19 8.15 6.35 15 7.55 58 8.15 7.55 -.60 +13.2 MagicJack Q CALL 8.90 5.27 33 8.45 173 8.65 8.35 -.05 +23.4 Magna g s N MGA 1.10f 2.8 8 47.21 32.76 1255 39.58 5808 40.48 39.55 -.39 -8.8 MagnaChip N MX 9.70 4.71 215 8.40 985 9.10 8.40 -.65 +35.5tMagneGas Q MNGA 1.14 .27 492 .35 4318 .38 .27 -.01 -22.9 MagyarBc Q MGYR 70 14.95 9.65 4 12.55 4 12.66 12.55 +4.6 MaidenH Q MHLD .56 4.6 38 18.95 11.64 915 12.15 5212 14.00 11.80 -1.70 -30.4tMaiden prA N MHpA 2.06 8.0 26.90 25.22 9 25.62 82 25.83 25.22 -.24 -.9 Maiden pfC N MHpC 1.78 7.0 27.08 24.35 73 25.31 337 26.19 24.85 -.78 -2.0 MaidenHld n N MHLA .60 2.3 28.60 24.34 16 25.55 89 26.24 25.35 -.56 +.9 MaidHld42 N MHNB 2.00 7.9 26.83 24.83 12 25.41 72 25.48 25.16 -.05 MaidHld 43 N MHNC 1.94 7.5 27.80 24.51 15 25.81 106 27.04 25.25 -1.09 -4.4sMainStCap N MAIN 2.22a 5.8 19 39.00 30.57 293 38.54 1030 39.00 38.28 +.20 +4.8 MainStC 23 N MSCA 1.53 5.8 26.93 25.25 1 26.30 6 26.30 26.18 +.14 +2.3 MainSrce Q MSFG .64 2.0 18 35.64 19.98 96 31.66 382 33.24 31.63 -.67 -8.0 MainSDTMu N MMD 1.18 6.0 20.99 17.96 41 19.55 154 19.65 19.40 +.24 +6.8 Majesco n N MJCO 6.50 4.50 4 5.25 21 5.45 5.25 -.15 -13.7sMMyTrip Q MMYT 37.45 13.69 328 38.05 1738 38.70 35.60 +2.10 +71.4sMalibuBoat Q MBUU 19 23.09 11.38 95 21.75 858 23.09 21.55 +.15 +14.0 Mallinckdt N MNK 85.83 41.57 1284 44.16 6220 46.00 43.25 -.86 -11.4 MalvernBc Q MLVF 27 22.00 15.00 1 21.90 16 22.00 21.50 +.05 +3.5 MamEngy n Q TUSK 24.54 11.91 141 19.65 564 21.75 19.31 -1.56 +29.3 ManTech Q MANT .84 2.4 23 45.52 30.80 193 34.39 798 35.32 33.70 -.01 -18.6 MgdDInvG N MZF .74 5.5 15.03 12.75 9 13.37 23 13.41 13.30 +.09 +1.9 ManchUtd N MANU .36 2.1 17.83 14.05 14 16.85 63 16.95 16.75 +.05 +18.2 ManhAssc Q MANH 28 68.57 46.11 329 49.22 2286 50.09 48.34 +.48 -7.2 ManhBrCa Q LOAN .40 7.3 16 7.65 4.11 47 5.50 140 5.85 5.50 -.20 -27.6 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 12 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
Manitex Q MNTX 9.89 4.98 38 6.35 309 6.69 6.33 -.31 -7.4 Manitowoc N MTW .08 1.4 7.57 3.65 1692 5.53 6074 6.24 5.52 -.39 -7.5 MannKd rs Q MNKD 10.15 1.16 1163 1.33 6729 1.40 1.21 -58.2 Mannatech Q MTEX .13e .8 8 23.80 14.35 1 16.35 23 16.60 15.85 +.80 -19.5 ManngNap N MN .32m 5.7 20 10.34 5.20 93 5.65 458 5.95 5.65 -.02 -25.2 ManpwrGp N MAN 1.72 1.7 16 103.90 57.26 471 98.54 2143 101.17 97.76 +1.00 +10.9 Manulife g N MFC .74 4.3 19.52 12.55 1992 17.02 8494 17.59 17.00 -.34 -4.5 MarathnO N MRO .20 1.3 19.28 11.28 15143 15.91 52723 16.90 15.82 -.35 -8.1 MaraPatnt Q MARA 3.44 .63 77 .84 313 .90 .82 +.01 -51.3 MarathPt s N MPC 1.44 2.9 10 54.59 32.02 3282 49.24 14576 50.94 49.10 -.78 -2.2 MarchxB Q MCHX 4.37 2.46 92 2.60 335 2.74 2.60 -.06 -1.9 MarcusMill N MMI 15 30.31 22.93 106 24.72 380 25.50 24.26 +.35 -7.5 Marcus N MCS .50f 1.6 22 32.60 18.57 60 30.60 176 31.06 30.16 -.20 -2.9 MarinSoft N MRIN 3.09 1.45 39 1.80 138 1.95 1.75 -.10 -23.4 MarPet Q MARPS .33e 7.9 9 6.00 2.91 0 4.13 5 4.55 3.81 -.20 -5.9 MarineP N MPX .28f 2.7 25 14.87 7.61 10 10.43 48 11.16 10.37 -.61 -24.8 MarineMx N HZO 22 23.50 15.10 105 20.70 789 21.55 20.55 -.40 +7.0 MarinusPh Q MRNS 6.76 .82 349 1.38 1601 1.57 1.35 -.20 +36.6 Markel N MKL 31 992.00 811.05 27 961.82 125 978.99 958.60 -12.48 +6.3 MktAxess Q MKTX 1.32f .7 53 200.90 117.60 127 178.07 499 184.39 177.90 -4.66 +21.2 MarlinBs Q MRLN .56 2.3 18 26.70 14.00 20 24.75 74 25.94 24.75 -.30 +18.4 MAR Q MAR 1.20 1.3 25 95.42 60.87 2213 91.55 10513 92.12 90.66 +.34 +10.7 MarriotVac N VAC 1.40 1.4 21 101.67 56.33 138 99.28 795 100.81 98.17 +.63 +17.0 Marrone Q MBII 2.79 .60 18 1.83 78 2.00 1.77 +.08 -14.5 MarshM N MMC 1.36 1.9 22 75.52 60.04 1653 72.07 6674 73.84 72.04 -1.35 +6.6 MartenTrn Q MRTN .10 .4 22 27.05 17.05 80 22.40 519 24.45 22.35 -.50 -3.9 MartMM N MLM 1.68 .8 32 243.98 164.70 492 210.11 2208 222.03 210.09 -11.30 -5.2 MartinMid Q MMLP 2.00 10.4 29 25.38 15.58 53 19.15 439 20.00 19.15 -.50 +4.4 MarvellTch Q MRVL .24 1.6 16.72 9.05 7318 14.68 29990 15.25 14.58 -.46 +5.8 Masco N MAS .40 1.2 22 37.38 29.11 2442 33.09 10436 33.97 33.05 -.31 +4.6 Masimo Q MASI 17 96.68 41.19 502 92.56 2038 94.74 92.52 -.43 +37.3 Masonite g N DOOR 81.95 55.60 111 76.70 535 78.15 75.90 -.40 +16.6 MastThera N MSTX .71 .07 5932 .14 21498 .14 .13 +.01 +60.9sMastec N MTZ 35 42.00 20.38 1163 41.45 3673 42.35 39.50 +1.20 +8.4 MastechD N MHH 8 8.35 5.82 15 6.84 94 7.33 6.58 -.23 +.4 MasterCrd N MA .88 .8 32 113.50 86.65 2611 111.22 9171 113.07 111.01 -1.02 +7.7 MatadorRs N MTDR 28.51 18.56 1389 22.36 4177 24.35 22.25 -1.33 -13.2 Match n Q MTCH 19.74 10.06 660 17.22 4657 17.50 16.76 +.50 +.7 Materialise Q MTLS 9.50 6.07 30 9.00 365 9.50 8.81 -.11 +17.2 Materion N MTRN .38 1.1 25 41.23 22.36 146 33.50 540 34.90 33.05 -1.20 -15.4 MatinasB n N MTNB 3.92 1.50 125 2.95 852 3.00 2.76 +.09 -20.9 MatlnPrt un Q MPACU 10.08 10.00 177 10.01 259 10.08 10.00 -.01 MatrixSv Q MTRX 16 23.45 14.07 146 16.35 562 16.85 16.30 -28.0 Matson N MATX .72f 2.3 17 43.00 28.79 142 30.74 704 32.08 30.73 -.48 -13.1 Mattel Q MAT 1.52 6.1 23 34.76 24.60 4021 25.01 14643 25.97 24.92 +.09 -9.2 Mattersight Q MATR 4.65 3.00 12 3.55 95 3.70 3.45 +.05 -4.1 MatthInt Q MATW .68 1.1 23 77.85 49.51 95 64.75 346 66.80 64.01 -.65 -15.7sMauiLand N MLP 19 13.70 5.23 35 13.80 154 13.83 12.20 +1.85 +91.7 MaximIntg Q MXIM 1.32 3.0 25 46.22 33.38 1329 43.77 6006 45.00 43.35 -1.25 +13.5 Maximus N MMS .18 .3 19 62.78 43.69 193 57.62 1441 59.21 57.40 +.20 +3.3 MaxLinear N MXL 40 28.56 15.31 712 26.62 1924 28.12 26.48 -1.37 +22.1 MaxPoint n Q MXPT 11.94 1.68 12 5.66 31 5.92 5.61 -.01 -5.7 MaxwellT Q MXWL 6.72 4.20 166 5.83 1266 6.09 5.34 +.20 +13.9sMazorRbt Q MZOR 31.73 10.00 367 31.05 1768 31.73 28.00 +3.23 +41.7 McClatch rs N MNI 19.77 9.10 19 9.83 118 11.20 9.44 +.16 -25.4 McCorm vot N MKC/V 1.88 1.9 108.26 89.14 1 99.30 3 100.09 99.30 -.22 +6.7 McCorm N MKC 1.72f 1.7 27 107.84 88.64 458 99.19 3229 100.57 98.98 -.40 +6.3 McDrmInt N MDR 20 8.33 3.98 1981 6.29 6288 6.82 6.27 -.33 -14.9 McDnlds N MCD 3.76 2.9 24 131.96 110.33 2341 130.76 11907 131.56 129.52 +.80 +7.4 McGrathR Q MGRC 1.04f 3.2 21 39.86 23.16 56 32.74 217 34.00 32.65 -.36 -16.5 McKesson N MCK 1.12 .8 12 199.43 114.53 828 143.20 4447 145.86 142.86 -.71 +2.0 McEwenM N MUX .01a .3 4.92 2.09 4181 3.13 13090 3.30 3.10 -.06 +7.6 MeadJohn N MJN 1.65 1.9 27 94.40 69.25 3272 88.67 11491 89.38 88.52 -.66 +25.3 Mechel pf N MTLp 1.35 .19 7 1.24 141 1.24 .99 +.15 +10.7 Mechel rs N MTL 6.83 1.46 138 5.49 688 5.68 5.39 -.18 -4.2 MedalFin Q MFIN .20 9.9 3 9.20 1.60 61 2.03 483 2.15 1.85 +.19 -32.8 MedalF 9 21 Q MFINL 2.25 13.5 28.40 13.20 6 16.70 35 17.74 16.36 -.55 -9.6 Medequit n N MRT 12.05 10.28 128 11.72 534 11.93 11.43 +.15 +5.6 MedProp N MPW .96f 6.9 15 15.92 11.54 2864 13.90 12930 14.04 13.56 +.27 +13.0tMedTrBil h Q MTBC 1.33 .42 137 .39 292 .55 .35 -.17 -46.2tMedTBill pf Q MTBCP 2.75 11.9 40.03 23.46 28 23.06 54 25.50 22.90 -2.34 -9.5sMediCo Q MDCO 55.95 30.80 1277 54.07 6657 55.95 51.32 +2.20 +59.3tMediciNova Q MNOV 10.16 4.85 23 5.00 223 5.73 4.85 -.62 -17.1sMedidata Q MDSO 91 64.52 37.96 270 60.30 2428 64.52 60.20 -3.39 +21.4 Medifast N MED 1.28 2.9 23 46.36 29.84 55 43.47 268 43.97 42.83 +.25 +4.4tMedigus rs Q MDGS 32.50 2.91 31 2.93 85 3.14 2.84 -.21 -48.1 MediWound Q MDWD 8.90 4.25 9 6.75 16 6.75 6.42 +.30 +47.4 MedleyCap N MCC .88 11.4 8 8.06 6.16 189 7.72 1106 7.82 7.65 +.06 +2.8 MedleyC 23 N MCV 1.53 6.0 26.24 23.58 2 25.30 3 25.30 25.24 +.03 +1.2 MedleyC 21 N MCX 1.63 6.4 26.25 23.77 0 25.57 13 26.20 25.50 -.02 -.1sMedley n N MDLX 24.88 22.93 4 24.87 37 24.89 24.46 +.14 +3.3 Medley24 n N MDLQ 25.75 24.73 9 25.22 72 25.63 25.12 +.23 +1.3 MedleyMgt N MDLY .80 9.6 24 10.65 5.11 31 8.30 155 8.35 7.55 +.65 -16.2 Mednax N MD 18 76.96 59.36 430 67.86 1643 68.55 67.40 -.01 +1.8 Medovex h Q MDVX 2.48 1.00 75 1.43 420 1.51 1.37 -.01 +7.5 Medov wt h Q MDVXW 1.10 .02 24 .19 28 .24 .14 +123.5 Medpace n Q MEDP 59 38.94 26.01 90 28.44 779 30.16 28.40 -1.27 -21.2 Medtrnic N MDT 1.72 2.1 18 89.27 69.35 3367 80.01 12228 80.61 79.65 -.36 +12.3 MeetGrp Q MEET 16 8.11 2.77 1464 5.59 3887 5.69 5.46 -.05 +13.4sMelcoResE Q MLCO 1.40e 7.1 64 20.34 11.91 2303 19.79 16564 20.34 19.35 +.36 +24.5 Mellanox Q MLNX 35 55.45 38.75 449 49.95 1381 52.15 49.80 -1.85 +22.1 MemorialP Q MEMP .12 90.2 3.07 .10 687 .13 3187 .14 .13 -.00 +6.4 Menus n Q MRUS 33.63 7.26 23 19.38 129 21.48 19.11 -1.12 -8.2 MercadoL Q MELI .60 .3 57 221.98 116.09 371 215.46 1416 221.35 214.00 -3.64 +38.0 MercBank Q MBWM .72f 2.3 16 38.68 21.05 47 31.88 173 33.54 31.70 -1.44 -15.4 MercerIntl Q MERC .46 4.0 22 12.98 7.03 304 11.45 775 11.85 11.30 +7.5 MerchBsh Q MBVT 1.12 2.4 19 54.80 28.16 24 46.80 72 48.00 46.72 -.68 -13.7 Merck N MRK 1.88 3.0 17 66.80 53.06 5778 62.61 29078 63.33 62.18 -.52 +6.4 MercGn N MCY 2.49 4.2 29 64.52 49.69 79 58.67 392 59.85 58.22 +.44 -2.6 MercSys Q MRCY 49 40.86 19.78 442 38.22 1638 39.68 38.05 -.56 +26.5 Meredith N MDP 2.08f 3.3 15 66.25 43.85 553 62.10 1689 65.15 62.05 -1.80 +5.0 MeridBcp Q EBSB .16f .9 28 20.55 13.41 106 17.90 408 18.50 17.90 -.40 -5.3 MeridBio Q VIVO .50m 3.7 17 21.49 10.75 234 13.40 848 13.70 13.25 -.10 -24.3 MeridWs wt Q MRDNW .71 .39 0 .62 8 .63 .58 +.02 -4.6 MeridWs n Q MRDN 4.00 2.22 15 3.56 93 4.00 3.25 +.06 +9.5 MeritMed Q MMSI 36 31.70 18.08 159 28.20 1016 28.80 28.05 -.10 +6.4 Meritage N MTH 11 41.22 29.70 216 37.95 1125 38.50 37.10 +.85 +9.1 Meritor N MTOR 3 17.20 6.30 716 16.11 3251 17.12 16.10 -.71 +29.7 MerL pfK N MERpK 1.61 6.2 27.00 24.65 16 25.82 73 25.95 25.58 +.15 +2.8 MerL pfP N MERpP 1.84 7.0 27.88 24.05 50 26.20 120 26.35 26.13 +.07 +1.9 ML CZN46 N PIY 2.09 8.3 32.44 25.02 10 25.20 27 25.34 25.05 -.04 -2.3 MLRRD29 N PYS 1.58 6.9 26.20 20.35 6 23.04 22 24.93 22.82 -.88 +8.7 MLGS flt N PYT .76 3.6 21.45 19.00 20.87 3 21.05 20.71 +.12 +6.8 MLIdxPl33 N IPB 1.51 5.6 29.80 26.10 1 26.91 7 27.34 26.71 +.16 +1.8 MerrimkP Q MACK 1.08p 8.69 2.83 2235 3.11 6570 3.12 3.00 +.03 -23.8 MerusLb hg Q MSLI 1.76 .70 18 .80 57 .86 .80 -.06 -8.0 MesaLabs Q MLAB .64 .5 36 137.20 93.10 11 131.00 44 131.85 127.03 +2.58 +6.7 MesaRoyl N MTR .99e 7.2 13 14.40 7.45 7 13.70 53 14.20 13.20 -.20 +25.7 Mesab N MSB .64e 48 17.42 7.03 84 15.02 211 15.40 13.70 -.13 +40.4sMesoblast n Q MESO 11.66 3.50 33 10.98 281 11.66 9.92 +1.43 +105.2 MetaFincl Q CASH .52 .6 23 106.90 45.11 21 83.65 110 88.60 83.65 -4.35 -18.7 Methanx Q MEOH 1.10 2.4 53.35 26.83 846 45.75 2509 48.48 45.68 -1.70 +4.5 Methode N MEI .36 .9 17 46.40 27.13 262 42.30 823 43.95 42.00 -1.46 +2.3 MetLife N MET 1.60 3.1 11 58.09 36.17 6298 51.12 20575 53.19 51.08 -1.49 -5.1 MetLfe pfA N METpA 1.02 4.1 25.96 23.09 25 25.07 133 25.08 24.77 +.23 +7.7 MettlerT N MTD 34 489.92 343.61 111 473.87 576 488.46 472.44 -9.02 +13.2 MexcoEn N MXC 5.61 2.08 67 4.25 97 4.25 3.68 +.35 -15.0 MexEqt N MXE 1.62e .1 11.82 8.69 11 11.22 25 11.46 11.18 -.22 +22.4 MexicoFd N MXF .70e 4.2 18.03 13.28 110 16.65 247 16.82 16.53 -.10 +10.8 MKors N KORS 9 55.37 34.92 1239 37.56 5058 37.95 36.96 +.01 -12.6 Michaels Q MIK 12 31.37 19.00 1408 22.99 5616 23.36 22.59 +.08 +12.4 Microbot rs Q MBOT 39.85 2.97 7 5.10 96 5.28 5.00 -.19 -16.4 Microchp Q MCHP 1.44 2.0 76.50 46.98 2695 72.24 11346 74.37 71.40 -1.82 +12.6 MicrSol n N MICR 4.27 3.70 4 4.10 14 4.23 3.75 -.12 +3.3 MicronT Q MU 32 29.87 9.35 25688 26.74 116035 28.49 26.36 -1.78 +22.0 MicronetE Q MICT 2.80 1.11 270 1.30 322 1.38 1.19 -.00 -2.6 Micronet wt Q MICTW .72 .05 .15 4 .16 .15 -.00 +78.6 MicroSemi Q MSCC 57.97 29.68 845 46.81 4164 49.96 46.76 -2.76 -13.3 Microsoft Q MSFT 1.56 2.4 28 66.35 48.04 16737 64.95 70542 65.86 64.85 -.73 +4.5 MicroStr Q MSTR 23 207.28 161.90 32 181.61 135 187.17 181.55 -1.19 -8.0 Microvisn Q MVIS 2.75 .89 459 2.05 2352 2.24 2.00 -.16 +62.7 MidPenn Q MPB .52 1.9 15 28.95 15.05 1 27.85 2 27.85 26.81 +.65 +16.9 MidAApt N MAA 3.48 3.4 19 110.01 85.04 717 101.09 3282 103.49 100.80 +.03 +3.2 MidConEn Q MCEP 4.05 1.40 81 2.49 233 2.49 2.32 +.14 -4.2 Midatech n Q MTP 5.28 2.40 7 2.62 66 2.81 2.55 -.09 -5.1 MidcstEn N MEP 1.43 17.8 9.89 5.01 1467 8.05 1549 8.05 7.98 +.05 +14.2 Middleby Q MIDD 27 150.87 102.87 271 134.18 840 136.69 133.48 -.32 +4.2 MiddlefldB Q MBCN 1.08 2.4 13 46.00 31.31 3 45.70 5 45.70 44.10 +1.65 +18.1 MdsxWatr Q MSEX .84 2.3 27 44.48 32.16 26 37.04 120 38.37 36.74 -.21 -13.7 MidlStBc n Q MSBI .80f 2.5 15 37.58 20.80 34 31.91 133 33.20 31.40 -1.26 -11.8 MidsthBcp N MSL .36 2.5 22 15.75 8.22 9 14.35 63 15.10 14.08 -.60 +5.5 MidstPet N MPO 23.25 17.01 38 19.18 404 19.75 18.42 +.70 -7.5 MidWOne Q MOFG .66f 2.0 13 39.20 25.61 35 33.44 185 34.73 33.19 -.68 -11.1 Milacron n N MCRN 19.32 12.43 152 17.56 545 18.89 17.47 -.95 -5.7 MilestnSci N MLSS 3.20 1.10 10 1.30 71 1.35 1.20 -7.1 MillerHer Q MLHR .68 2.2 15 36.46 26.99 235 30.85 1202 32.35 30.85 -.70 -9.8sMHowHiInc N HIE 1.39 10.1 13.79 10.89 105 13.70 300 13.86 13.40 +.26 +10.6 MillerInds N MLR .72f 3.0 14 28.85 19.79 25 23.65 97 24.20 23.35 -10.6 Mimecast n Q MIME 24.60 7.08 578 22.97 955 23.25 21.65 +1.30 +28.3sMiMedx Q MDXG 54 10.02 6.64 4503 10.74 6466 10.77 9.60 +1.03 +21.2 Mind CTI Q MNDO .27m 11.3 11 2.68 1.78 9 2.40 103 2.45 2.37 -.01 +9.7 Mindbody n Q MB 28.25 11.91 216 26.65 1006 27.35 26.22 +.05 +25.1 MinTech N MTX .20 .3 18 83.85 51.29 102 73.15 411 77.30 73.10 -3.40 -5.3 MinervaN Q NERV 15.84 3.45 94 7.25 328 7.45 7.15 -.15 -38.3 Miragen rs Q MGEN 18.00 1.80 37 13.00 176 13.50 11.87 +.58 +159.5tMiratiTher Q MRTX 23.65 4.13 79 4.25 699 4.90 4.13 -.60 -10.5 MirnaTh n Q MIRN 4.94 1.12 14 2.08 91 2.10 1.99 +.05 +15.6 Misonix Q MSON 42 12.00 3.83 14 11.45 21 11.60 11.03 +.36 +9.6 MissP pfD N MPpD 1.31 5.2 27.90 25.10 25.43 2 25.52 25.40 +.04 -2.6 Mistras N MG 26 26.46 19.49 44 20.54 237 21.53 20.34 -.50 -20.0 Mitcham Q MIND 5.14 2.65 6 4.73 148 4.87 4.59 -.06 +14.0 Mitchm pfA Q MINDP 2.25 9.5 24.99 22.21 1 23.72 6 24.50 22.88 +.48 +3.2 MitekSys Q MITK 79 9.49 5.26 287 7.15 1416 7.55 6.95 -.35 +16.3 MitelNet g Q MITL 8.52 5.81 258 6.80 1037 6.90 6.75 -.04 MitsuUFJ N MTU 7.01 4.16 1264 5.96 6211 6.12 5.94 -.08 -3.2 MiX Tele N MIXT .22e 8.14 3.95 46 6.46 119 6.46 6.02 +.29 +4.4 MizuhoFn N MFG 3.87 2.76 288 3.49 3788 3.57 3.47 -.02 -2.8 MobileMini Q MINI .91f 3.2 25 38.13 23.40 106 28.30 653 30.15 28.10 -.80 -6.4 MobileTele N MBT .88e 8.4 11.59 7.09 2673 10.47 13324 10.89 10.37 -.37 +14.9 MobileIron Q MOBL 5.00 2.56 150 4.35 661 4.45 4.20 -.05 +16.0 Mobileye N MBLY 61.91 33.69 2009 61.84 10130 61.90 61.66 +.10 +62.2 Model N N MODN 13.98 6.98 66 10.35 231 10.60 10.18 -.05 +16.9 Modine N MOD 13 16.35 8.45 353 10.30 1403 11.15 10.10 -.45 -30.9 ModSysIntl Q MDSY 2.25 .62 13 .70 29 .83 .70 -.12 -22.2 ModusLink Q MLNK 2.08 1.05 33 1.60 327 1.65 1.50 +9.6 Moelis&Co N MC .94a 2.7 19 39.90 21.91 170 34.85 843 36.55 34.65 -1.55 +2.8sMohawk N MHK 19 233.86 175.52 354 229.75 1343 233.86 227.06 +1.40 +15.1tMoleculin n Q MBRX 9.58 .80 167 .88 836 .95 .80 +.04 -61.6 MolinaHlth N MOH 67.87 42.56 749 47.67 3190 47.86 46.29 +1.20 -12.1 MolsCoorB N TAP 1.64 1.7 30 112.19 89.40 847 94.56 3601 96.10 94.56 -.81 -2.8 Momenta Q MNTA 19.90 8.82 523 13.25 2049 13.65 13.05 -.25 -12.0sMomo Q MOMO 39.25 8.88 3333 38.18 24579 39.25 35.20 +3.25 +107.7 MonarCas h Q MCRI 22 30.09 18.54 26 29.00 107 29.96 28.71 -.03 +12.5 Mondelez Q MDLZ .76 1.7 31 46.40 40.50 3851 44.04 20852 44.56 43.79 -.14 -.7 MoneyGrm Q MGI 46 17.13 5.81 212 16.51 1749 16.75 16.02 +.22 +39.8 MonRE N MNR .64 4.4 20 15.36 11.22 315 14.65 934 14.74 14.36 +.24 -3.9 MonRE pfB N MNRpB 1.97 7.8 27.25 25.24 1 25.41 3 25.44 25.36 -.01 -.9 MonRE pfC N MNRpC 1.53 6.1 26.50 23.00 5 25.08 33 25.19 25.00 +.03 +6.3 MonogRes N MORE .30 3.0 34 10.97 9.52 793 10.12 2704 10.23 9.93 +.15 -6.5 MonPwSys Q MPWR .80 .9 71 94.49 60.02 197 88.97 1182 92.24 88.19 -2.76 +8.6 Monotype Q TYPE .45f 2.3 33 25.37 17.31 112 19.50 532 19.98 19.40 -.45 -1.8 MonroMuf Q MNRO .68 1.3 26 73.33 49.70 585 52.45 1640 52.65 49.90 +2.45 -8.3 MonroeCap Q MRCC 1.40 9.0 10 16.37 13.08 37 15.50 181 15.71 15.45 -.13 +.8sMonsanto N MON 2.16 1.9 21 116.59 88.04 1528 115.77 6469 116.60 115.77 -.39 +10.0 MonstrBv s Q MNST 38 55.50 40.30 1282 44.90 6440 45.99 44.84 -.95 +1.3 MnstrDg wt Q MSDIW 2.39 .12 .18 3 .21 .17 +.02 -51.4 MonsterDg n Q MSDI 4.15 .95 102 1.10 1192 1.33 1.04 -.05 -37.1 Moodys N MCO 1.52f 1.4 23 114.07 87.30 500 112.43 2511 113.55 111.94 -.85 +19.3 Moog A N MOG/A 20 73.05 44.79 49 64.92 244 69.10 64.86 -2.30 -1.2 Moog B N MOG/B 20 71.81 45.79 0 64.87 1 69.00 64.87 -1.12 -1.9 MorgStan N MS .80 2.0 14 47.33 23.11 10394 40.69 39820 42.15 40.50 -1.26 -3.7 MorgSt pfE N MSpE 1.78 6.0 30.78 27.07 24 29.59 132 29.59 29.35 +.14 +5.2 MorgSt pfF N MSpF 1.72 6.0 30.17 25.65 29 28.74 128 28.79 28.63 -.01 +6.3 MorgSt pfI N MSpI 1.59 5.7 28.72 25.49 98 27.70 344 27.77 27.64 -.02 +7.7 MorgS pfG N MSpG 1.66 6.2 28.23 25.33 12 26.80 63 26.80 26.66 +.04 +4.9sMorgSt pfK N MSpK 26.42 24.95 172 26.32 928 26.42 26.18 +3.6 MS Asia N APF .14e .9 15.61 12.69 2 15.40 36 15.59 15.39 -.18 +14.1 MS China N CAF 13.33e 19.73 16.40 78 19.35 578 19.44 19.26 -.11 +13.9 MS CushHi N MLPY 1.28e 16.4 8.47 6.17 7.80 4 7.98 7.80 -.27 -3.8 MS EMD N MSD .57e 5.9 9.98 8.74 87 9.62 407 9.65 9.44 +.18 +5.7 MSEMDDbt N EDD .80m 10.3 8.51 6.94 271 7.76 1217 7.79 7.59 +.12 +8.2 MSEmMkt N MSF .05e .3 15.04 12.52 9 14.94 41 15.02 14.84 -.01 +13.4 MS icb N ICB .54a 3.0 18.99 17.29 4 18.12 26 18.13 17.95 +.12 +1.0sMS India N IIF .04e 34.50 23.30 17 32.65 128 34.50 32.65 -.20 +27.4 MSJCP97 N HJV 1.75 10.9 20.50 14.77 12 16.00 46 16.48 15.22 +.33 -10.3 MkVRMB N CNY 43.00 38.05 7 41.02 57 41.50 40.57 -.05 +5.0sMkVRupee N INR 41.05 37.05 0 40.48 2 41.05 40.46 -.12 +6.6 MSDSEur N DRR 65.79 52.57 63.12 4 63.29 62.83 +.01 -2.9 MorgSt pfA N MSpA 1.01e 4.3 24.40 20.44 48 23.34 216 23.61 23.21 -.17 +1.5 Mornstr Q MORN .92f 1.2 20 88.86 67.74 35 76.40 208 78.49 76.21 -1.26 +3.9 Mosaic N MOS 1.26f 4.6 34.36 22.77 4162 27.46 14564 29.13 27.42 -1.39 -6.4tMoSys rs Q MOSY 8.30 1.75 992 1.25 1126 2.10 .98 -.80 -45.7sMotifBio n Q MTFB 7.35 5.15 3 7.15 20 7.35 6.94 +.22 +15.5 MotifBi un Q MTFBW 1.95 .72 1.80 9 1.80 1.70 +.11 +39.5 MotorcarP Q MPAA 15 36.69 21.75 99 28.49 681 29.08 28.00 +.05 +5.8 MotrlaSolu N MSI 1.88f 2.3 19 87.55 62.76 819 82.34 2929 84.38 82.29 -1.91 -.7 MtnPDia g Q MPVE 5.53 3.05 36 3.43 161 3.50 3.30 +.08 -32.2 Movado N MOV .52 2.3 14 31.95 19.14 120 22.95 600 23.95 22.65 -.15 -20.2 Moxian n Q MOXC 4.39 2.53 2 2.67 43 2.83 2.60 -.04 -16.0 Mueller N MLI .40 1.2 19 43.96 29.51 136 32.21 589 34.01 32.20 -1.34 -19.4 MuellerWat N MWA .16f 1.4 25 14.20 10.03 896 11.70 7029 11.99 11.45 +.04 -12.1tMulesft n N MULE 25.60 21.80 916 22.20 3161 23.73 21.60 -1.10 -5.1 MultiPkg n N MPSX 17.98 11.00 140 17.93 504 17.97 17.93 -.01 +25.7 MultiColor Q LABL .20 .3 22 81.20 49.43 68 70.95 255 72.15 70.05 +.60 -8.6 MurphO N MUR 1.00 3.6 37.48 24.39 2387 27.56 9894 29.09 27.46 -.29 -11.5 MurphUSA N MUSA 13 80.44 56.92 332 74.14 1647 74.77 72.64 +.60 +20.6 MutualFst Q MFSF .64 2.0 18 36.75 24.55 7 31.30 15 32.50 31.11 -.80 -5.4 MySize n Q MYSZ 16.70 1.95 35 2.13 180 2.33 2.10 -.13 -60.9 MyersInd N MYE .54 3.4 34 17.05 11.35 73 15.70 260 17.00 15.65 -.75 +9.8 Mylan NV Q MYL 8 50.40 33.60 2911 37.67 18927 40.07 37.10 -1.93 -1.3 MyoKard n Q MYOK 22.83 10.55 117 11.15 624 12.30 11.00 -.55 -13.9 Myovant n N MYOV 14.27 10.25 40 11.49 121 11.95 11.00 +.48 -7.6 MyriadG Q MYGN 21 39.74 15.15 630 18.15 2593 18.82 18.00 -.54 +8.9N -:NBT Bcp Q NBTB .92 2.6 20 42.56 25.98 110 35.56 363 37.04 35.56 -1.11 -15.1 NCI BldSy N NCS 24 18.10 13.80 280 16.10 941 16.80 15.95 -.50 +2.9 NCI Inc Q NCIT .15e 13 15.31 10.98 14 12.70 74 13.05 11.95 +.60 -9.0 NCR Corp N NCR 14 49.90 25.20 1243 43.26 4160 44.99 43.07 -1.19 +6.7 NETgear Q NTGR 19 60.82 38.25 343 49.35 1569 50.50 48.50 +.25 -9.2 NF EngSv Q NFEC 2.19 .66 17 1.11 198 1.22 1.08 -.08 +28.3 NGL EnPt N NGL 1.56 7.2 31 25.80 7.90 277 21.70 1048 21.90 21.20 +.15 +3.3sNI Hldg n Q NODK 16.30 14.00 26 15.74 128 16.30 15.26 +.34 +6.7 NIC Inc Q EGOV .73e 25 25.90 17.06 203 20.35 997 20.75 20.15 -.15 -14.9 NICE Ltd Q NICE .64 1.0 15 70.84 59.07 91 66.61 495 68.22 66.57 -1.22 -3.1 NII Hldg n Q NIHD 5.65 .88 500 1.20 1594 1.25 1.00 +.10 -44.2 NL Inds N NL 22 9.60 2.25 60 6.95 319 7.70 6.75 +.20 -14.7sNMI Hldg h Q NMIH 11 12.55 4.62 186 12.20 1519 12.55 11.70 +.65 +14.6 NN Inc Q NNBR .28 1.1 33 25.75 12.69 207 25.05 642 25.75 24.90 -.05 +31.5 NQ Mobile N NQ 34 5.35 3.03 433 3.72 2416 3.99 3.67 -.25 +15.5 NRG Egy N NRG .12 .7 23 19.07 9.84 2616 18.39 12270 18.88 18.35 -.12 +50.0 NRG Yld A N NYLD/A 1.00f 5.9 34 17.78 13.40 231 16.87 671 17.64 16.87 -.25 +9.8 NRG Yld C N NYLD 1.04f 6.0 45 18.56 13.98 1085 17.20 2263 18.05 17.15 -.15 +8.9 NTN Buzz rs N NTN 23.70 4.00 39 7.25 140 8.73 7.15 -1.25 -14.7 NTT DOCO N DCM 28.43 21.96 140 23.63 605 23.83 23.49 -.10 +3.9 NV5 Global Q NVEE 29 41.80 24.03 49 36.55 344 38.50 36.50 -3.40 +9.4 NVE Corp Q NVEC 4.00 5.0 31 88.34 52.16 14 79.74 48 82.61 78.59 -1.78 +11.6sNVR N NVR 20 2130.43 1478.04 19 2118.20 98 2136.53 2045.00 +51.79 +26.9 NXP Semi Q NXPI 107.54 73.62 2679 103.23 10107 104.68 103.19 -1.32 +5.3 Nabors N NBR .24 1.9 18.40 7.61 4862 12.83 23436 14.28 12.82 -.84 -21.8 Nabriva n Q NBRV 12.75 3.52 23 11.08 141 11.54 10.56 +.12 +85.9 NACCO N NC 1.07f 1.4 10 99.55 49.80 9 76.80 46 79.10 75.45 +1.30 -15.2 NakedBr n Q NAKD 4.75 .82 170 2.07 3597 2.65 2.03 -.19 +107.0 NamTai N NTP .28 3.8 9.59 5.19 38 7.35 181 7.55 7.10 +.25 -.7 NanoDim n Q NNDM 8.95 5.10 2 6.49 22 6.81 6.40 -.36 +9.0 NanoString Q NSTG 23.45 11.89 65 19.28 354 20.16 19.07 -.52 -13.5 NanoViric N NNVC 2.28 1.03 59 1.14 166 1.15 1.08 +.03 +6.5 Nanomtr Q NANO 16 30.82 14.85 188 28.03 855 29.69 27.96 -1.33 +11.9tNantHlth n Q NH 18.79 3.86 236 3.86 1268 5.24 3.76 -1.34 -61.2tNantKwst n Q NK 10.26 2.83 308 3.43 1674 3.49 2.83 +.31 -40.0 Napco Q NSSC 32 10.95 5.57 33 10.20 120 10.35 9.85 +.15 +20.0 Nasdaq Q NDAQ 1.28 1.9 19 72.52 61.19 751 68.11 2816 69.71 67.92 -1.11 +1.5tNatera n Q NTRA 13.80 7.47 142 7.50 993 8.55 7.35 -.94 -36.0 Nathans s Q NATH 25.00e 40 66.80 40.28 5 63.50 24 64.70 62.70 +.60 -2.2 NatAmUnv Q NAUH .18 7.1 2.88 1.48 1 2.53 15 2.76 2.42 +.04 +29.7 NatBkHldg N NBHC .28 .9 38 34.10 19.17 106 31.13 392 32.24 31.13 -.84 -2.4 NatlBnksh Q NKSH 1.16e 3.0 18 45.35 32.32 6 38.60 23 39.00 37.90 +.50 -11.2sNatlBevrg Q FIZZ 42 87.14 39.14 241 85.60 1229 87.14 84.74 +.55 +67.6 NatCineM Q NCMI .88 7.3 29 16.10 11.52 505 12.09 1367 12.49 11.98 -.17 -17.9 NatlCmce n Q NCOM 22 39.99 21.37 21 35.70 64 36.95 35.55 -1.00 -3.9 NatFuGas N NFG 1.62 3.0 23 61.25 50.09 942 53.32 7541 57.58 53.18 -7.37 -5.9 NatGenHld Q NGHC .16f .7 14 26.99 18.04 225 21.45 1865 23.55 21.15 -1.89 -14.2 NatGnH pfA Q NGHCP 1.88 7.5 26.95 24.25 5 25.10 30 25.46 24.60 -.32 +.1 NatGnH pfB Q NGHCO 1.88 7.6 26.96 24.12 19 24.80 211 25.29 24.21 -.33 tNatGnH pfC Q NGHCN 1.88 7.6 26.49 24.11 12 24.73 160 25.28 24.11 -.37 -1.0 NatGnH 55 Q NGHCZ 1.91 7.7 26.59 23.99 14 24.73 76 25.21 24.60 -.34 -1.2 NatGrid N NGG 3.35e 5.2 74.97 56.50 422 64.71 1833 65.22 63.58 +1.10 +10.9 NtHlthInv N NHI 3.80f 5.1 17 82.53 65.94 123 74.19 543 75.09 73.49 +.58 NHltcre N NHC 1.80 2.6 22 78.99 60.81 11 70.31 66 72.13 68.69 -.54 -7.2 NatlHld wt Q NHLDW 1.21 .28 .65 3 .78 .65 -.01 -13.3 NatlHld rs Q NHLD 3.88 1.88 17 2.59 58 2.75 2.52 -.10 -3.4 NatInstrm Q NATI .84f 2.6 39 32.91 25.90 213 31.79 893 32.44 31.78 -.38 +3.1 NOilVarco N NOV .20 .5 29 43.63 26.86 4736 37.71 16942 39.36 37.46 -1.18 +.7 NatPresto N NPK 1.00a 1.0 18 112.00 83.53 32 99.50 215 103.90 98.05 -1.10 -6.5sNatResh A Q NRCIA .40 1.9 36 22.00 12.53 8 20.60 48 22.00 20.19 -.50 +8.4 NatlReshB Q NRCIB 2.40 6.0 18 46.37 32.18 1 39.74 3 41.00 39.67 -1.76 -4.6 NatRetPrp N NNN 1.82 4.1 21 53.60 39.86 1093 44.76 4190 45.28 43.95 +.62 +1.3 NRetP pfE N NNNpE 1.43 5.6 27.13 22.75 12 25.56 37 25.74 25.45 -.08 +10.6 NtRetP pfF N NNNpF 1.30 5.4 24.84 20.65 47 23.95 249 24.10 23.80 -.11 +11.0 NSecGrp Q NSEC .20f 1.2 9 20.84 14.36 0 16.83 7 17.05 16.50 +.79 -5.2sNatlStor n N NSA .96 3.8 33 25.67 18.81 233 25.39 1070 25.68 24.95 +.21 +15.0 NatWstnLf Q NWLI .36 .1 11 331.70 184.60 13 300.91 45 307.30 298.85 -4.41 -3.2 NtWst pfC N NWpC 1.94 7.4 26.90 25.42 4 26.12 29 26.17 26.06 +.00 +1.9 Nationstar N NSM 10 19.83 10.19 404 16.09 1558 16.67 15.81 +.24 -10.9 NaturlAlt Q NAII 5 14.50 8.25 8 9.30 86 9.60 9.10 -.20 -17.7 NatGsSvcs N NGS 47 34.50 19.85 111 28.00 256 29.00 27.10 -.30 -12.9 NatrlGroc N NGVC 24 20.63 10.00 37 10.53 343 10.77 10.08 +.46 -11.4 NatHlTr n Q NHTC .32f 1.1 6 38.98 20.59 105 28.09 269 29.65 27.21 -.54 +13.0 NatRsPt rs N NRP .23 .7 5 45.60 9.81 27 35.15 139 37.65 35.00 -1.85 +8.8 NaturesSun Q NATR .40 4.2 79 16.45 8.50 10 9.50 54 10.05 9.50 -.50 -36.7 NatusMed Q BABY 30 44.39 29.54 164 38.75 734 39.30 38.20 +.20 +11.4sNatuzzi N NTZ 3.15 1.39 13 3.07 214 3.15 2.65 +.42 +35.8 Nautilus N NLS 16 24.99 14.28 275 17.00 1309 17.30 16.75 +.20 -8.1 NavideaBio N NAVB 1.51 .26 221 .48 1094 .50 .46 -.01 -25.4 NavCpi18 Q ISM 1.05 4.2 27.86 23.37 6 25.10 19 25.37 25.04 -.02 -.6 Nav43 Q JSM 1.50 6.4 24.92 17.67 24 23.29 76 23.40 22.78 +.51 +5.1 Navient Q NAVI .64 4.4 8 17.95 11.01 2280 14.68 8200 14.95 14.46 -10.7 NavigCons N NCI 17 27.86 15.07 94 22.21 405 22.79 22.19 -.17 -15.2 NavigatrH N NVGS 16.85 6.47 94 13.50 770 14.55 13.50 -.40 +45.2 NavgGp s Q NAVG .04p 20 62.04 40.08 73 51.30 305 53.60 51.30 -.95 -12.9 NaviosAcq N NNA .20 12.0 4 2.11 1.19 391 1.66 1367 1.75 1.65 +.01 -2.4sNavios pfG N NMpG 2.19 12.4 18.00 2.82 0 17.60 45 18.00 16.71 -.02 +133.4 Navios N NM 2.40 .57 905 1.78 3499 1.97 1.77 -.16 +26.2sNavMH pfH N NMpH 2.16 12.6 17.88 2.76 7 17.20 64 17.88 16.75 -.10 +145.7 NavMMid N NAP 1.69 14.6 14.20 9.07 29 11.55 125 11.82 11.50 +.16 +7.1 NaviosMar N NMM 1.27f 61.4 6 2.94 1.14 419 2.07 2237 2.28 2.01 -.08 +46.8 Navistar N NAV 33.46 10.30 1266 22.89 2739 25.82 22.89 -2.18 -27.0 NeenahP N NP 1.48f 2.0 16 90.23 62.11 43 74.00 296 77.00 73.60 -1.76 -13.1sNeffCorp N NEFF 14 20.00 7.26 60 18.70 473 20.00 18.55 -.50 +32.6 NektarTh Q NKTR 24.88 11.41 2097 18.73 9681 20.22 18.00 -1.38 +52.6 Nelnet N NNI .56f 1.3 9 55.01 31.49 67 43.12 225 44.66 42.63 -1.14 -15.0 Neogen Q NEOG 55 69.09 46.14 118 59.66 440 62.58 59.61 -2.28 -9.6 NeoGenom Q NEO 70 9.88 6.56 157 7.74 738 8.00 7.74 -.17 -9.7 Neonode Q NEON 2.19 .96 66 1.46 286 1.55 1.43 +.02 -20.7 NeoPhoton N NPTN 39 18.51 6.90 1506 8.10 3866 8.64 8.00 -.41 -25.1 NeosTher n Q NEOS 11.35 4.85 94 6.80 800 7.30 6.75 -.55 +16.2 Neothetics Q NEOT 2.59 .58 143 1.97 1356 2.14 1.70 +.22 +75.9 Neovasc g Q NVCN 4.31 .37 254 1.66 2864 1.83 1.61 -.01 -4.0 NeptuneT g Q NEPT 1.53 .91 23 1.01 148 1.03 1.00 -.01 +3.9 Net1UEPS Q UEPS 6 13.81 8.37 136 11.08 391 11.85 11.04 -.63 -3.5 NetElem rs Q NETE 4.60 .70 66 .83 271 .85 .80 -.03 +10.0 NetApp Q NTAP .76 1.9 36 43.14 22.50 2628 39.49 11161 41.00 39.47 -1.31 +12.0 NetEase Q NTES 3.30e 1.2 19 308.66 130.82 956 265.68 4115 278.91 262.72 -11.54 +23.4 Netflix s Q NFLX 148.29 84.50 3521 142.92 18287 145.74 141.21 -.19 +15.4 Netlist Q NLST 2.19 .83 89 .99 985 1.06 .94 +.04 -2.9 NtScout Q NTCT 38.45 20.99 296 36.15 1856 37.95 36.05 -1.35 +14.8stNetshoes n N NETS 1246 14.50 1246 16.10 14.40 NetSolTch Q NTWK 7.46 4.35 65 5.10 100 5.55 5.00 -.35 -1.9 Netw1Tch N NTIP 5.05 1.90 129 4.65 766 4.85 4.41 -.20 +36.8 NBCAInt N NBW .74 5.2 17.66 13.68 19 14.29 81 14.29 14.04 +.26 -.6 NeuB HYld N NHS .96 8.1 12.20 10.53 29 11.83 212 11.98 11.79 +.02 +1.4 NBIntMu N NBH .90 5.9 17.64 14.37 12 15.23 105 15.24 14.98 +.24 -6.3 NBNYInt N NBO .58 4.5 14.87 12.13 15 12.75 56 12.75 12.58 +.11 +1.8 NBRESec N NRO .36 6.6 6.00 4.96 336 5.48 1134 5.50 5.41 +.09 +2.0 Neuralst rs Q CUR 10.27 2.47 20 4.80 214 5.00 4.60 +.05 +35.2 NeuroDerm Q NDRM 30.45 14.38 72 26.15 420 26.35 25.45 +17.8 NeuM wt rs Q NUROW .38 .01 0 .05 20 .05 .02 +.02 -28.6 NeuroMx rs Q NURO 2.36 .52 17 .60 73 .60 .54 +.00 -18.9 Neurcrine Q NBIX 55.15 37.35 4181 53.39 19972 54.72 39.98 +12.51 +38.0sNeurotrpe n Q NTRP 21.40 16.90 136 19.84 430 21.40 19.20 +.56 +7.2 NeuStar N NSR 7 34.40 21.10 435 33.20 1595 33.30 33.15 -.6sNevGCas N UWN 31 2.25 1.55 8 2.20 198 2.25 2.11 -.02 +18.9 NevroCorp N NVRO 106.93 61.52 222 87.50 1038 92.08 86.85 -3.82 +20.4 Nevsun g N NSU .04m 1.6 25 3.80 2.29 314 2.49 2253 2.56 2.45 -.07 -19.4 NewAgeB n Q NBEV 4.67 3.50 50 3.88 318 4.24 3.75 -.33 NewAmHi N HYB .78a 8.3 9.66 8.17 52 9.35 153 9.53 9.34 -.03 +1.0 NewConcEn N GBR 37 6.10 .78 121 1.84 1246 2.21 1.71 +.17 -14.8 NE Realty N NEN 1.00 1.5 2 69.00 53.07 2 67.25 4 67.89 66.05 +10.4 NwGold g N NGD 47 6.04 2.39 9515 3.30 26039 3.43 2.97 +.27 -5.7 NewHome N NWHM 10 12.79 8.62 40 10.49 246 10.97 10.38 -.18 -10.4 NwIreland N IRL 2.15e 1.2 13.74 10.96 51 13.09 82 13.15 13.02 +.10 +9.4 NJ Rscs s N NJR 1.02 2.6 21 42.65 30.46 626 39.70 1953 40.70 39.60 -.90 +11.8 NewLink Q NLNK 25.17 9.23 483 15.50 2634 17.15 15.17 -.69 +50.8 NewMedia N NEWM 1.40 10.2 20 19.89 13.46 213 13.66 1153 14.08 13.65 -14.6 NwMtnFin N NMFC 1.36 9.4 15 15.00 12.10 1688 14.40 3684 14.80 14.30 -.10 +2.1 NewOriEd N EDU .40e 39 61.96 35.39 1094 59.39 3684 61.28 58.47 -1.67 +41.1 NewRelic N NEWR 40.10 23.55 435 38.34 1159 39.52 37.31 -.94 +35.7sNewResid N NRZ 1.92f 11.0 9 17.38 11.81 3750 17.42 10616 17.44 17.02 +.43 +10.8 NewSenInv N SNR 1.04 9.9 9 12.68 9.02 320 10.50 2411 10.64 10.21 +.28 +7.3 NY&Co N NWY 3.87 1.34 65 1.72 323 1.75 1.58 +.16 -24.2tNY CmtyB N NYCB .68 5.1 13 17.68 13.48 5566 13.43 19394 13.80 13.42 -.21 -15.6 NYCmty un N NYCBpU 3.00 5.9 51.44 48.50 3 50.45 12 50.55 50.20 +.40 +1.3 NYMtgTr Q NYMT .80m 12.9 12 7.04 4.62 432 6.21 4092 6.34 6.15 +.06 -5.9 NYMtT pfB Q NYMTP 1.94 8.1 24.41 20.00 3 23.99 11 24.05 23.80 -.05 +1.1 NYMtT pfC Q NYMTO 1.97 8.3 24.24 19.89 5 23.87 22 23.87 23.61 +.12 +4.2 NY REIT N NYRT .46 4.8 11.07 8.79 853 9.68 4039 9.80 9.67 -.09 -4.3 NY Times N NYT .16 1.1 25 16.35 10.60 541 14.25 2364 14.70 14.15 -.20 +7.1 NewStarFn Q NEWS .02p 17 11.37 6.53 40 10.49 212 10.93 10.38 -.25 +13.4 NewellRub N NWL .76 1.7 19 55.45 43.20 1655 46.02 10507 46.83 45.98 -.20 +3.1 NewfldExp N NFX 31 50.00 33.00 2423 35.39 7677 37.43 35.27 -.96 -12.6 NewMarket N NEU 7.00f 1.6 22 455.73 385.66 15 444.99 71 453.55 442.65 -6.76 +5.0 NewmtM N NEM .20 .6 27 46.07 28.81 4814 34.50 19406 35.53 33.84 +.19 +1.3 NewpkRes N NR 8.75 4.26 755 7.95 3189 8.28 7.83 -.10 +6.0 NewsCpA Q NWSA .20 1.6 14.68 10.54 1835 12.33 7066 12.63 12.32 -.18 +7.6 NewsCpB Q NWS .20 1.6 15.22 10.90 318 12.70 1417 13.05 12.70 -.20 +7.6 NewtekBsn Q NEWT 1.53e 9.7 17.58 11.83 302 15.74 621 16.60 15.68 -.71 -1.0 Newtek 22 Q NEWTZ 1.88 7.0 27.40 24.95 26.80 3 26.80 26.41 +.33 +2.7 Newtek21 n Q NEWTL 1.75 6.8 25.96 24.65 4 25.61 4 25.61 25.40 +.21 +.3 Nexeo Sol Q NXEO 10.39 7.13 37 8.84 346 9.36 8.76 -.36 -5.0 Nexeo wt Q NXEOW .98 .30 1 .67 68 .75 .62 -.03 -4.3 NexPtCr rs N NHF 2.88 12.7 23.93 19.01 47 22.70 263 23.00 22.60 -.34 -.3sNxPtRsT n N NXRT .88f 3.5 25.38 13.66 85 24.91 297 25.38 24.58 +.07 +11.5 NexstarM Q NXST 1.20f 1.8 23 73.90 44.75 410 66.00 1433 69.60 65.41 -2.80 +4.3sNxtEraLP N NEP 1.37f 4.2 18 34.00 23.90 121 32.70 594 34.00 32.52 -.63 +28.0 NextEC3-72 N NEEpG 26.73 23.32 17 25.34 80 25.34 25.22 +.06 +4.5 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 13 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
NextEC6-72 N NEEpH 1.41 5.6 26.46 22.76 6 25.12 89 25.40 25.07 -.24 +5.4 NextEra 72 N NEEpI 1.28 5.2 26.54 21.11 10 24.84 52 24.97 24.71 -.08 +13.0 NextEra 73 N NEEpJ 1.25 5.1 26.34 20.82 9 24.62 71 25.02 24.55 -.01 +13.0 NextEra76 N NEEpK 25.95 21.04 82 24.53 314 24.54 24.37 +.11 +11.1 NxtEra pfQ N NEEpQ 3.19 5.3 64.78 54.44 3 60.56 153 60.73 59.23 +1.05 +5.8 NextEraEn N NEE 3.93f 3.0 23 133.28 110.49 1914 130.77 5488 131.50 128.31 +1.84 +9.5 NxtEra pfR N NEEpR 52.70 46.80 11 51.63 279 52.50 50.84 +.40 +5.4sNexvet n Q NVET 5.70 2.61 1673 6.62 1710 6.76 3.96 +2.66 +77.4 NiSource s N NI .70 2.9 22 26.94 21.17 2065 23.78 8841 23.97 23.54 +.10 +7.4 NichFncl h Q NICK 9 12.50 8.56 6 10.05 45 10.97 9.78 -.51 -15.5 NicoletBc n Q NCBS 49.75 33.72 15 46.71 49 47.98 46.12 -1.04 -2.1 Nielsen plc N NLSN 1.24 3.0 23 55.94 40.28 2445 41.03 9717 41.86 40.55 -.65 -2.2 NikeB s N NKE .84 1.5 23 60.53 49.01 5184 55.34 23466 55.62 54.50 +.23 +8.9 NimbleStg N NMBL 12.58 6.18 3012 12.49 5552 12.50 12.48 +.01 +57.7 Nivalis n Q NVLS 9.35 2.00 48 2.76 247 2.89 2.74 -.08 +23.2 NoahHldgs N NOAH 15 29.73 21.33 112 25.92 528 27.27 25.76 -.73 +18.2 NobilisH n N HLTH 4.66 1.25 406 1.30 4186 1.55 1.30 -.20 -38.1 NobleCorp N NE .08 1.4 3 12.19 4.45 13931 5.59 40709 6.36 5.53 -.48 -5.6 NobleEngy N NBL .40 1.1 42.03 30.86 4819 34.92 15675 35.74 34.66 +.34 -8.3 NobleMid n N NBLX .43p 53.29 26.90 59 50.00 305 51.50 49.00 +.11 +38.9 NokiaCp N NOK .17e 3.3 6.31 4.04 7329 5.22 31677 5.35 5.21 -.06 +8.5 NomadF n N NOMD 12.97 7.85 798 11.26 5887 11.45 11.05 +.01 +17.7 Nomura N NMR 6.80 3.33 157 5.86 469 6.03 5.85 -.13 -.7 Noodles Q NDLS 11.86 3.16 93 5.80 612 6.00 5.45 -.05 +41.5sNorbord n N OSB .23e 31.29 17.94 3 29.95 55 31.29 29.95 -.16 +18.6sNordAngEd N NORD 58 28.40 19.83 50 27.68 442 28.40 26.95 -.22 +18.8 NordicAOff N NAO .18 19.5 5.69 .90 479 .93 2465 .97 .90 -.03 -66.4 NordicAm N NAT 1.14e 14.0 21 16.18 7.57 1158 8.14 5256 8.68 8.05 +.09 -3.1 Nordson Q NDSN 1.08 .9 26 127.50 74.49 180 118.95 971 123.15 118.77 -3.27 +6.2 Nordstrm N JWN 1.48a 3.2 15 62.82 35.01 2746 46.57 10201 46.82 44.72 +2.04 -2.8 NorflkSo N NSC 2.44f 2.2 20 125.00 78.73 1329 111.58 7114 117.00 111.07 -4.32 +3.2sNorsat g rs N NSAT 25 10.15 5.33 1 10.10 64 10.15 10.05 +27.8 NorSys Q NSYS 5.52 1.69 20 3.68 100 3.86 3.55 +.07 -5.4 NortelInv N NTL .64e 2.4 30.78 19.75 2 27.20 29 27.50 26.48 +1.20 +4.4 NoAmEn g N NOA .08 5.70 2.04 49 5.10 320 5.35 5.05 -.15 +32.5tNoAtlDrl rs N NADL 8.08 .65 2661 2.10 41255 3.89 .65 +1.41 -33.8 NEurO N NRT .66e 8.8 9 9.90 6.11 11 7.47 47 7.60 7.25 +.05 +13.2 NoWestCp N NWE 2.10f 3.5 18 63.75 53.85 416 59.78 2417 60.03 58.83 +.80 +5.1 NorestB Q NBN .04 .3 16 15.90 10.39 12 15.30 109 15.65 15.20 +.20 +16.8 NDynMn g N NAK 3.45 .28 9006 1.64 37930 1.85 1.28 +.37 -20.8 NthnO&G N NOG 12 5.85 1.55 670 2.30 2633 2.55 2.30 -.20 -16.4 NthnTech Q NTIC 19.30 10.00 1 18.00 5 18.25 17.55 -.17 +30.9 NorTrst Q NTRS 1.52 1.8 20 91.14 61.32 684 85.03 3737 86.67 85.00 -1.06 -4.5 NthnTr pfC Q NTRSP 1.46 5.4 28.12 24.84 3 27.15 47 27.25 26.96 +.01 +8.3 NorthfldBc Q NFBK .32 1.8 29 20.59 14.31 172 17.41 566 18.19 17.37 -.25 -12.8 Nthrim Q NRIM .80 2.7 15 33.00 23.53 13 29.95 65 30.65 29.80 -.30 -5.2 NorthropG N NOC 3.60 1.5 22 253.80 199.26 727 240.20 2679 241.79 237.99 +1.39 +3.3 NStREur n N NRE .60 5.3 13.04 8.50 133 11.26 711 11.50 11.23 -.10 -10.4 NwstBcsh Q NWBI .64f 3.9 33 19.10 13.16 414 16.25 1626 16.75 16.24 -.25 -9.9 NwstNG N NWN 1.88 3.2 24 66.17 49.46 100 59.55 351 60.35 59.00 +.05 -.4 NwstPipe Q NWPX 19.55 8.54 60 13.05 349 13.95 12.81 -.80 -24.2 NorwCruis Q NCLH 18 55.24 34.16 1703 48.03 6621 48.94 46.96 -.28 +12.9 NorwoodFn Q NWFL 1.28 3.2 21 42.95 27.46 1 40.00 13 40.40 39.00 +.32 +20.7 NovaLfstyl Q NVFY 43 5.15 .38 109 1.71 546 1.92 1.65 -.21 -11.4 NovaMeas Q NVMI 18 19.11 10.53 59 17.87 439 18.32 17.68 -.28 +35.8 NovaBay rs N NBY 5.29 1.92 7 3.70 30 3.85 3.70 -.05 +12.1 Novadaq g Q NVDQ 13.22 6.00 156 7.55 1037 8.00 7.40 -.09 +6.5 NovaGld g N NG 7.29 3.79 2981 4.70 9262 5.00 4.70 -.19 +3.1 Novan n Q NOVN 30.90 3.52 727 5.94 5259 7.85 5.06 +.27 -78.0 Novanta Q NOVT 32 27.70 13.14 87 26.40 348 27.50 26.40 -.75 +25.7 Novartis N NVS 2.75e 3.8 15 83.58 66.93 2272 73.15 7622 74.19 73.12 -.57 +.4 Novavax Q NVAX 8.49 .73 4437 .90 21008 .94 .82 +.01 -28.4 Novelion rs Q NVLN 13.80 6.10 98 10.36 426 10.79 10.31 -.28 +23.0 NovoNord N NVO .96e 2.7 57.81 30.89 1255 35.75 6550 36.27 35.70 +.35 -.3 NovoCure n Q NVCR 16.25 5.95 433 10.45 2526 11.45 10.30 -.90 +33.1 Novogen h Q NVGN 2.67 .85 16 .98 144 1.08 .88 -.06 -33.1 NOW Inc N DNOW 23.53 15.47 906 16.65 4533 18.01 16.63 -.91 -18.7 NuSkin N NUS 1.44f 2.7 25 66.04 37.09 377 54.01 2039 54.53 53.29 +.16 +13.0 NuVasive Q NUVA 80 76.31 48.74 435 71.70 1838 73.67 71.10 -1.39 +6.4 NuanceCm Q NUAN 61 19.27 13.44 1909 16.38 7085 16.99 16.36 -.51 +9.9 Nucor N NUE 1.51 2.7 25 68.00 44.81 2812 56.96 9073 61.10 56.90 -3.81 -4.3tNumerex Q NMRX 9.01 4.05 58 4.35 243 4.92 4.05 -.21 -41.2 Nush EnhYl N NUAG 25.26 23.98 4 24.50 21 24.51 24.35 +.13 +.9 NushSmCap N NUSC 27.07 24.17 4 25.25 13 26.01 25.24 +.00 +2.4 NustarEn N NS 4.38 9.2 37 55.64 41.75 1201 47.39 6488 51.89 47.12 -3.82 -4.8 NustEn pfA N NSpA 27.50 26.13 93 26.94 279 27.24 26.41 -.05 -.1 NustarGP N NSH 2.18 7.9 21 31.50 21.45 62 27.45 370 28.20 26.81 +.35 -5.0 Nustar 43 N NSS 1.91 7.3 26.70 22.70 19 26.01 61 26.20 25.39 -.16 +.8 Nutanix n Q NTNX 46.78 17.07 1991 17.21 8467 18.82 17.13 -1.42 -35.2 Nutractl Q NUTR .13 .4 15 37.90 22.03 18 30.75 79 31.75 30.50 -12.0 NutriSyst Q NTRI .70 1.3 45 56.25 19.75 187 53.80 1049 55.15 53.20 -.50 +55.3 Nuvectra Q NVTR 9.95 4.63 42 6.69 110 6.71 6.31 +.33 +33.0 Nuv Mun21 N NHA 10.51 9.48 12 9.80 56 9.80 9.65 +.10 -1.2 Nuv Pf22 n N JPT 25.50 24.85 6 25.24 60 25.50 25.10 +.10 +1.2 NvHiInDc19 N JHD 10.50 9.95 51 10.30 171 10.30 10.18 +.08 +1.9 Nuv RE In N JRS 12.08 9.87 47 11.30 228 11.31 11.15 +.07 +4.9 NuvMO Pr N NOM 16.60 14.36 1 16.02 2 16.07 16.00 -.26 +6.7sNuvAllCEn N JMLP 1.37 12.4 11.51 6.51 81 11.02 288 11.51 10.71 +.02 +9.7 NuvAZ N NAZ .80 5.7 17.80 13.33 24 13.98 81 14.09 13.85 +.18 -.1 NuvBldAm N NBB 1.34 6.5 23.30 19.80 103 20.82 287 21.05 20.70 +.02 +.9 NBldAmOp N NBD 1.30 6.1 23.49 19.80 2 21.49 17 21.57 21.45 +.13 +2.7 NCaAMTFr N NKX .86 5.8 17.35 13.78 76 14.89 408 14.89 14.68 +.26 +4.1 NCADvA N NAC .91 6.2 17.20 13.75 163 14.63 788 14.65 14.47 +.20 +3.5 NCalMunV N NCA .47 4.6 11.50 9.84 74 10.21 298 10.24 10.10 +.15 -2.1 NuvCASel N NXC .63a 4.2 17.97 14.25 8 15.03 51 15.17 14.88 +.20 +2.2 NCTPI N NTC .68a 5.5 14.45 11.97 13 12.45 73 12.45 12.31 +.20 +1.4 NuvCorEqA N JCE 1.21a 8.8 14.75 12.69 85 13.80 286 13.98 13.80 -.05 +5.5 NvCredStr N JQC .62 7.0 9.06 7.76 567 8.84 2012 8.90 8.73 +.13 -.1 NvDvrsDiv N JDD 1.04 8.6 12.48 10.69 79 12.08 198 12.15 11.95 +.09 +8.1 NuvDivA N NAD .85a 6.1 15.97 13.19 280 13.87 1616 13.89 13.73 +.20 -.6 NvDow30DO N DIAX 1.06 6.7 16.25 13.72 96 15.81 452 16.00 15.77 -.10 +5.4 NuEnMLP N JMF 1.35 9.9 14.55 9.65 194 13.59 618 14.14 13.46 -.46 +.4 NEnhMuV N NEV .96a 6.7 17.28 13.56 51 14.32 280 14.32 14.14 +.24 +2.3 NuvFlxInv N JPW 1.42a 8.3 17.54 15.17 17 17.11 64 17.29 16.97 +.12 +2.8 NuvFloat N JFR .72 6.3 12.34 9.93 159 11.48 845 11.54 11.41 +.15 -1.6 NuvFltOp N JRO .76a 6.4 12.93 9.75 97 11.75 544 11.93 11.70 +.13 -3.6 NvGADiv2 N NKG .64a 4.9 14.88 12.50 9 13.04 26 13.18 13.04 +.02 +2.5 NuvGblHIn N JGH 1.58 9.6 16.89 13.87 48 16.53 217 16.67 16.48 +.19 +3.4 NuvHi2020 N JHY .68 6.7 11.15 9.99 99 10.11 229 10.18 10.10 +.05 -1.0 NuvHIDec18 N JHA 10.48 10.00 71 10.08 271 10.13 10.05 +.02 +.2 NuvEnhMu N NVG 16.59 13.85 524 14.86 1668 14.90 14.72 +.22 +2.8 NNYAmtF N NRK .70 5.4 14.62 12.44 94 13.11 483 13.17 13.00 +.15 +2.3 NuvAmtFr N NEA .75a 5.5 15.22 12.94 344 13.60 1981 13.60 13.40 +.29 +1.9 NuvIntMu N NID .68 5.2 14.34 12.19 55 13.11 416 13.12 12.99 +.09 +3.1 NvIntQMu N NIQ .57 4.4 13.96 12.13 18 12.84 144 12.90 12.79 +.07 +4.4 NMDPI N NMY .67a 5.2 14.66 12.20 27 12.93 115 12.93 12.75 +.23 +3.9 NvMAP N NMT .71a 5.1 16.19 12.93 25 13.83 63 13.84 13.49 +.17 +5.3 NMIQI N NUM .74 5.5 15.80 12.90 57 13.52 127 13.54 13.39 +.21 +1.3 NuvMNMu N NMS .80 4.8 18.22 15.08 2 16.67 21 16.89 16.59 +.04 +6.2sNuvMtgOp N JLS 1.52 6.1 24.90 22.49 43 24.79 127 24.90 24.40 +.27 +3.0 NuMtgOp2 N JMT 1.53 6.5 23.84 21.61 16 23.62 36 23.75 23.46 +.14 +2.0 NuvMultM N JMM .48 6.5 7.64 6.95 16 7.40 41 7.47 7.39 +.02 +1.3 NvMuI N NMI .50a 4.0 13.50 10.90 16 12.58 56 13.05 12.58 -.36 +12.1 NuvMuVal N NUV .39a 3.9 10.88 9.34 206 9.88 988 9.91 9.81 +.12 +3.3 Nv AMT-Fr N NUW .78a 4.6 19.89 16.00 28 17.05 111 17.13 16.92 +.14 +4.9 NvNq100Dy Q QQQX 1.40 6.8 21.58 16.91 83 20.50 361 20.88 20.50 -.22 +10.5 NuvNJDiv N NXJ .82a 6.0 15.63 12.90 38 13.56 229 13.57 13.43 +.21 +3.0 NuvNJMV N NJV .59a 3.9 17.03 14.36 0 15.23 18 15.23 14.84 +.50 -8.0 NNYDvA N NAN .80a 5.8 15.95 13.13 39 13.81 166 13.81 13.67 +.22 +2.9 NNYMV N NNY .39a 3.9 10.69 9.26 9 9.88 50 10.00 9.77 +.15 +4.2 NuvNYSel N NXN .55 4.0 14.85 12.92 2 13.80 5 13.93 13.74 +.07 +4.3 NNCPI N NNC .59a 4.5 15.04 12.67 34 13.11 130 13.12 13.04 +.06 +1.3 NOHQI N NUO .80 5.3 17.16 14.27 12 15.00 54 15.00 14.88 +.20 +3.2 NvPA N NQP .81a 6.1 15.66 12.67 27 13.36 158 13.40 13.23 +.21 +2.1 NuvPaMV N NPN .62a 4.0 17.67 15.12 3 15.52 10 15.55 15.35 +.09 -8.8 NuvPf&Inc N JPI 1.95a 8.0 25.27 21.93 36 24.30 142 24.41 24.20 +.24 +6.0 NvPfdInco N JPC .80 8.1 10.56 8.72 282 9.94 986 9.97 9.86 +.10 +1.0sNuvQPf2 N JPS .70 7.2 9.75 8.21 281 9.71 1341 9.75 9.64 +.09 +4.3 NuvREAst N JRI 1.49a 8.5 18.00 15.16 27 17.47 121 17.72 17.36 -.14 +11.0sNuvEqtP N BXMX 1.00 7.4 13.57 12.08 185 13.47 779 13.57 13.40 +5.9 NEqPrmG N SPXX 1.04 7.0 15.71 13.00 51 14.96 233 15.15 14.90 -.21 +3.9 NvSMM N NIM .31a 3.1 11.01 9.49 10 10.09 83 10.14 9.99 +.13 +3.5 NSTFI N NXP .55a 3.9 15.93 13.50 21 14.21 143 14.25 14.09 +.09 +2.2 NSTFI2 N NXQ .53a 3.9 15.18 12.82 17 13.61 107 13.65 13.55 +.07 +2.3 NSTFI3 N NXR .55a 3.8 15.98 13.73 30 14.41 105 14.41 14.27 +.13 +1.7 NuvSnIn N NSL .42 6.1 7.16 5.84 92 6.87 555 6.88 6.81 +.06 +1.2 NuShDCrd N JSD 1.16a 6.5 18.55 14.91 25 17.95 144 18.17 17.91 +.15 +2.6 Nv TA Div N JTD 1.23 8.2 15.36 13.52 55 14.97 206 15.07 14.85 +7.5 NvTxATR N JTA 1.04 8.6 12.60 10.81 20 12.10 134 12.21 12.07 -.05 +6.9 NTXQI N NTX .65 4.5 15.90 13.29 5 14.38 26 14.44 14.31 +.12 +4.8 NVAPI N NPV .65a 5.0 15.23 12.55 18 13.18 74 13.22 13.08 +.17 +1.6 Nvidia Q NVDA .56 .6 36 120.92 34.40 12355 95.49 56834 100.63 95.49 -4.84 -10.5 NxStageMd Q NXTM 29.99 14.23 251 26.00 920 27.06 25.80 -.38 -.8 Nxt-ID wt Q NXTDW .40 .11 1 .19 5 .20 .19 -.01 -30.7tNxt-ID rs Q NXTD 6.49 1.60 101 1.60 723 1.88 1.51 -.12 -41.8 NymoxPh Q NYMX 5.79 1.62 144 4.44 605 4.50 4.01 +.36 +66.3O -:O2Micro Q OIIM 2.80 1.37 19 2.27 233 2.38 2.18 -.03 +26.1 OCI Ptrs N OCIP .59e 6.4 10.35 4.95 9 9.15 30 10.05 9.10 -.79 +9.6 OFG Bncp N OFG .24 2.3 14.48 7.02 243 10.65 1058 11.65 10.60 -.55 -18.7 OFG pfB N OFGpB 1.75 7.3 25.13 17.56 23.91 5 24.00 23.73 +.52 -4.9 OFG pfD N OFGpD 1.78 7.5 24.33 17.81 17 23.80 30 23.97 23.58 -.17 +.4 OFS Cap Q OFS 1.36 9.6 15.23 11.83 88 14.19 408 14.40 14.12 -.18 +3.1 OGE Engy N OGE 1.21 3.5 21 37.41 27.27 796 34.53 3810 34.92 34.51 -.28 +3.2 OHA Inv Q OHAI .08m 5.2 3.33 1.43 35 1.55 91 1.60 1.53 -.03 -10.4 OM AsstM N OMAM .32 2.2 15.52 12.10 195 14.63 1374 15.22 14.62 -.52 +.9 ONEGas N OGS 1.68f 2.5 26 69.02 55.98 125 68.22 587 68.96 67.67 -.13 +6.7 OReillyAu Q ORLY 23 292.84 248.02 757 251.99 3040 257.40 250.54 -1.20 -9.5 OSI Sys Q OSIS 49 81.55 48.76 145 71.03 723 72.47 69.08 +1.23 -6.7 OakVlyBcp Q OVLY .24e 1.7 15 15.28 9.32 0 14.05 26 14.10 13.90 -.03 +11.9 OaktreeC N OAK 2.32f 5.1 20 49.65 36.95 111 45.50 649 46.85 45.35 -.75 +21.3 OasisPet N OAS 17.08 6.56 10389 13.06 35208 14.62 12.84 -.92 -13.7 OasmiaPh n Q OASM 5.15 1.39 4 2.20 8 2.20 1.89 +.14 -21.8 ObalonT n Q OBLN 15.88 8.27 20 10.65 106 10.90 10.27 +.24 +20.3tObsEva n Q OBSV 14.70 7.60 44 7.40 83 8.98 7.20 -1.10 -36.5 OcciPet N OXY 3.04 4.7 78.48 61.01 4635 64.09 20060 65.73 63.24 +1.10 -10.0 OceanBio Q OBCI .06e 5.15 2.02 2 4.71 26 4.95 4.64 -.04 +25.3 OceanPw rs Q OPTT 15.65 1.37 37 1.83 875 1.97 1.68 -.32 -38.0 OceanRig Q ORIG 3.38 .17 799 .24 3999 .28 .22 -.00 -86.2 Oceaneerg N OII .60 2.2 28 36.92 22.47 1031 27.05 5444 28.21 26.96 -.25 -4.1 OceanFst Q OCFC .60 2.3 25 30.70 16.77 107 26.05 478 27.78 26.04 -1.08 -13.3 OceraTher Q OCRX 3.27 .52 6127 1.32 7643 1.62 1.17 +.09 -37.1 Och-Ziff N OZM .87e 39.5 4.78 2.15 387 2.20 1689 2.32 2.20 -.15 -33.5 Oclaro Q OCLR 11.30 4.25 12343 8.57 57126 9.26 8.50 -.51 -4.2 OconeeFed Q OFED .40 1.6 28 25.75 18.58 0 25.68 2 25.68 24.56 +1.12 +9.3 OcularTher Q OCUL 14.50 4.04 344 8.52 1596 8.68 8.22 +.16 +1.8 OcwenFn N OCN 6.15 1.29 2210 5.35 5819 5.56 5.31 -.7 OdysMr rsh Q OMEX 5.79 1.85 39 3.66 135 3.90 3.51 -.01 +7.0 OfficeDpt Q ODP .10 2.2 12 7.68 3.01 2481 4.65 10648 4.86 4.64 -.13 +2.9 OhioValB Q OVBC .84 2.9 18 29.50 21.40 1 28.85 3 28.85 28.25 +.70 +6.1 OhrPharm Q OHRP 4.05 .60 803 .80 1725 .84 .65 +.14 -46.7 Oi SA C N OIBR/C 9.19 1.01 19 6.73 1117 6.73 5.33 +.99 +69.5 OilStates N OIS 41.75 27.07 462 32.35 2080 33.75 32.25 +.15 -17.1 Oil-Dri N ODC .84 2.3 26 40.94 29.89 4 37.31 18 38.05 37.02 +.02 -2.4sOkta n Q OKTA 24.50 22.60 1455 24.49 4003 24.96 22.80 +.98 +4.2 OldDomFrt Q ODFL .10p 23 94.97 56.74 609 80.60 1848 85.13 80.56 -2.64 -6.0 OldLnBc Q OLBK .32f 1.2 22 29.26 17.11 18 27.06 84 28.35 27.01 -1.00 +12.8 OldNBcp Q ONB .52 3.2 15 18.95 11.58 766 16.30 3001 17.05 16.25 -.55 -10.2sOldPoint Q OPOF .44f 1.5 23 30.74 18.30 6 30.20 48 30.74 29.30 +.33 +20.8 OldRepub N ORI .76f 3.8 14 21.19 16.51 804 19.80 3463 20.25 19.80 -.11 +4.2 OldSecBc Q OSBC .04 .4 21 11.64 6.37 111 11.05 287 11.30 11.00 -.10 OlScCTrI pf Q OSBCP .78 7.6 10.87 10.05 0 10.32 4 10.36 10.28 +.04 +1.4 Olin N OLN .80 2.6 47 33.88 18.24 2011 30.30 14650 31.98 30.17 -1.50 +18.3 Ollies n Q OLLI 35 35.80 22.25 347 33.30 1554 34.65 33.23 -.30 +17.0 OlympStl Q ZEUS .08 .4 31.19 16.94 281 18.10 846 19.99 17.69 -1.24 -25.3 Om Asst 31 N OMAA 1.28 5.5 25.29 20.15 10 23.40 42 23.54 23.18 +.16 +7.7 OmegaFlex Q OFLX .85e 32 64.91 31.53 6 47.03 25 48.48 46.07 -1.17 -15.7 OmegaHlt N OHI 2.48f 7.3 10 38.09 28.11 1220 34.06 5781 34.30 33.67 +.31 +9.0 OmegaP N OME .05p 10 26.99 16.85 116 19.40 459 19.65 19.02 +.20 -22.6sOmeros Q OMER 17.19 7.20 582 15.42 2777 17.19 15.24 -1.06 +55.4 Ominto n Q OMNT 20.00 8.20 21 13.58 102 14.00 12.50 +.31 -5.2 Omnicell Q OMCL 41.15 26.77 138 39.55 454 40.90 39.50 -.80 +16.7 Omnicom N OMC 2.20 2.6 18 89.66 75.61 1496 84.46 7222 86.09 84.13 -1.26 -.8 Omnova N OMN 18 10.42 5.90 135 9.10 512 9.80 9.00 -.30 -9.0 OnAssign N ASGN 20 49.12 32.04 220 46.07 695 47.07 45.71 -.17 +4.3 OnDeckCap N ONDK 8.94 3.64 468 4.46 1172 4.66 4.34 +.04 -3.7 OnSmcnd Q ON 26 16.06 8.11 6948 14.11 39696 15.30 14.09 -1.04 +10.6 OnTrack Q OTIV 2.09 .80 57 1.59 396 1.75 1.55 -8.6tOncoMed Q OMED 15.49 4.68 585 4.84 6984 6.23 4.68 -3.92 -37.2 Oncobio n Q ONS 5.49 1.80 44 2.05 202 2.74 2.05 -.37 -31.9 Oncobi wtA Q ONSIW 1.67 .05 2 .80 16 .83 .70 -.08 +323.3 Oncobi wtB Q ONSIZ 1.90 .15 24 .35 25 .40 .33 -.09 -55.7 OncoCyte n N OCX 7.95 3.10 2 5.95 17 6.00 5.85 -15.6 OncoGnx h Q OGXI 1.42 .33 160 .42 1051 .45 .38 +.03 -16.2 Onconov wt Q ONTXW 1.30 .50 2 .80 2 .80 .80 Onconva rs Q ONTX 8.17 2.11 21 2.81 115 2.85 2.69 +.04 +23.8 OncoSec rs Q ONCS 3.49 1.03 148 1.16 654 1.25 1.10 -.04 -5.7 OneGpHosp Q STKS 7 3.43 1.47 34 2.15 1576 2.41 1.95 +.14 -3.2 OneHoriz h Q OHGI 1.27 .22 96 .28 378 .31 .27 -.01 -6.3 180 DgrCap Q TURN 1.81 1.18 58 1.44 188 1.47 1.40 +.02 +4.3 OneLibrty N OLP 1.72f 7.3 13 25.89 21.96 30 23.69 177 23.99 23.23 +.12 -5.7 1800Flowrs Q FLWS 24 11.40 7.13 99 9.90 350 10.33 9.80 -.30 -7.5 OneBeacon N OB .84 5.3 18 17.12 12.20 51 15.83 315 16.31 15.45 +.33 -1.4 OneMain N OMF 9 33.31 16.03 354 23.36 1926 24.62 23.03 -.91 +5.5 ONEOK N OKE 3.16 5.8 33 59.47 30.44 1487 54.62 6695 56.50 54.56 -1.57 -4.9 OneokPtrs N OKS 3.16 5.9 24 57.41 31.13 425 53.42 1893 55.18 53.31 -1.47 +24.2 Onvia Inc Q ONVI 5.25 3.35 9 4.30 10 4.65 4.30 -.05 -3.4sOoma n N OOMA 11.10 6.22 199 11.45 776 11.50 10.45 +.75 +27.2 OpenText s Q OTEX 25 35.07 25.92 312 33.31 1748 33.78 33.03 +.31 +7.8 OpexaTh wt Q OPXAW .14 .01 132 .01 666 .02 .01 -25.0 OpexaTh rs Q OPXA 4.93 .50 156 .70 689 .80 .66 +.01 -23.8 OpGen n Q OPGN 4.65 .87 852 1.18 2082 1.25 1.06 +.12 +2.2 OpGen wt Q OPGNW .68 .06 2 .08 30 .09 .06 -50.0tOphthotech Q OPHT 65.96 2.83 695 2.92 3775 3.26 2.83 -.29 -39.5 OpkoHlth Q OPK 12.15 7.13 2994 7.62 13112 7.77 7.45 +.03 -18.1 OppLgCap N RWL .72e 1.6 46.43 38.69 62 44.72 223 45.44 44.72 -.48 +2.9 OppMidCap N RWK .59e .8 58.04 45.22 29 54.00 67 55.36 54.00 -.78 -.2 OppSmCap N RWJ .48e .6 69.74 51.95 33 63.84 210 65.69 63.74 -.80 -4.9 OppUltDiv N RDIV 1.15e 3.4 35.66 29.11 118 34.29 327 34.61 34.26 +.05 +.1 OppenFin N RWW .58e 1.0 62.51 42.57 3 57.16 11 58.70 57.16 -1.58 -.8 OppenHldg N OPY .44 2.7 19.65 13.63 25 16.15 88 16.85 16.10 -.20 -13.2 OptCable Q OCC .08 3.0 3.80 2.14 43 2.70 82 2.90 2.56 +.05 -10.4tOptimB rs Q OPHC 6.45 2.91 4 2.82 34 3.37 2.62 -.16 -25.3 OpusBank Q OPB .80f 4.1 19 38.19 18.21 416 19.45 1310 19.83 18.75 +.45 -35.3 Oracle N ORCL .60 1.4 21 46.99 37.62 10879 44.00 46352 44.45 43.76 -.10 +14.9 Oragenics N OGEN 1.10 .33 23 .40 367 .46 .35 -.02 -25.9 OramedPh Q ORMP 10.51 5.70 9 6.26 58 6.48 6.19 -.09 +2.3 Orange N ORAN .73e 4.9 17.78 13.98 411 15.02 1542 15.32 15.01 -.11 -.8 OraSure Q OSUR 35 13.03 5.57 785 12.35 3306 12.61 12.03 -.16 +40.7 Orbcomm Q ORBC 10.98 7.15 308 9.50 2016 9.77 9.37 +.05 +14.9 OrbitATK N OA 1.28f 1.3 18 102.72 67.04 215 95.31 1128 99.08 95.22 -3.28 +8.6 Orbotch Q ORBK 16 36.86 23.41 141 30.59 1008 31.58 30.49 -.59 -8.4 OrchidIsl N ORC 1.68 16.1 6 12.60 9.23 902 10.46 3078 10.48 10.02 +.41 -3.4tOrchidsPP N TIS 1.40 6.1 15 36.31 22.60 133 22.93 444 23.88 22.50 -.09 -12.4 Orexign rs Q OREX 6.49 1.65 194 2.61 809 2.72 2.45 -.04 +50.0 Organovo Q ONVO 4.35 2.01 1284 2.83 4763 3.12 2.80 -.24 -16.5 OrientPap N ONP .02 2.0 3 1.54 .93 44 .00 196 1.03 .94 -.01 -14.1 OriginAg Q SEED 3.19 1.61 968 1.98 1118 2.35 1.96 -.26 -16.1 OrigoAc wt Q OACQW .43 .04 19 .10 59 .13 .09 -.02 -66.7 OrigoAc rt Q OACQR .50 .05 0 .16 5 .18 .15 -.01 -61.9 OrionEngy Q OESX 2.57 1.04 11 1.83 157 1.94 1.80 -.04 -15.7 OrionECarb N OEC .72 22.20 13.64 208 19.30 596 20.40 19.15 -.65 +2.4 OrionGpHl N ORN 11.11 4.57 133 7.57 477 7.85 7.38 -.01 -23.9 Oritani Q ORIT 1.03a 6.2 16 19.00 15.27 114 16.55 694 17.10 16.45 -.10 -11.7 Orix N IX 82.58 61.38 20 74.91 137 76.54 74.90 -.64 -3.8 OrmatTc N ORA .28 .5 26 59.63 41.12 135 57.24 596 59.26 57.14 -.20 +6.8 OrrstownF Q ORRF .40f 2.0 22 23.75 17.05 7 20.20 24 20.51 19.85 +.15 -9.8 Orthofix Q OFIX 75 48.25 32.51 137 36.94 616 37.12 36.10 +.54 +2.1 OshRusS n N OUSM 25.85 24.83 23 24.99 54 25.34 24.95 -.15 -2.9sOshIntQ n N ONTL 25.36 25.15 9 25.25 40 25.37 25.18 +.05 +.3 OshkoshCp N OSK .84f 1.3 20 74.16 38.59 804 66.72 2137 70.59 66.66 -2.64 +3.3 OsiskoGl n N OR .16f 14.74 8.88 691 11.27 2362 11.50 11.03 +.09 +15.9 OssenInn rs Q OSN 10 3.54 1.92 2 2.05 149 2.33 2.02 -.09 -.5 Otelco Q OTEL 5 7.35 3.76 3 7.09 38 7.15 6.85 +.04 +11.7 Otonomy Q OTIC 19.38 10.50 85 12.50 598 13.23 12.30 -.10 -21.4 OttawaBc n Q OTTW .04e .3 13.99 11.00 3 13.46 7 13.60 13.40 +.03 +5.7 OtterTail Q OTTR 1.28f 3.4 24 42.55 27.77 75 37.85 313 38.50 37.50 -.05 -7.2 OutfrontM N OUT 1.44f 5.7 13 27.89 20.72 624 25.45 2172 26.22 25.39 -.53 +2.3 OvaScience Q OVAS 11.66 1.30 618 1.56 1977 1.62 1.48 +.03 +2.0 OverSh rs N OSG 5.66 2.69 394 3.55 2244 3.76 3.50 +.05 -7.3 Overstk Q OSTK 36 20.50 13.05 38 17.80 159 18.15 17.35 +.40 +1.7 OwensMin N OMI 1.03f 3.1 16 41.48 30.43 461 33.71 2209 34.77 33.34 -.48 -4.5 OwensCorn N OC .80 1.3 17 62.79 45.46 619 60.38 2460 61.27 60.32 +.04 +17.1 OwensIll N OI 9 20.74 16.18 946 19.87 3696 20.51 19.86 -.37 +14.1 OwensRM N ORM .32 1.8 11 19.16 14.95 7 17.52 31 17.78 17.49 -.26 -5.4 Oxbridge Q OXBR .48 7.8 15 6.90 4.38 1 6.15 17 6.50 6.15 -.05 +2.5 Oxbrdge wt Q OXBRW .96 .16 0 .55 18 .65 .55 -.09 +69.2 OxfordImm Q OXFD 16.13 7.73 61 15.35 165 15.52 15.00 -.01 +2.7 OxfordInds N OXM 1.08 2.0 17 76.19 49.50 143 54.78 683 55.80 54.34 +.37 -8.9 OxfordLn Q OXLC 2.40 22.1 11.80 7.53 104 10.85 466 11.07 10.80 -.19 +3.2 Oxford 23pf Q OXLCO 1.88 7.3 25.85 24.75 1 25.70 1 25.72 25.57 +.15 +.5 Oxford 24pf Q OXLCN 2.03 7.9 26.05 25.00 3 25.70 12 25.75 25.60 +.13 -.8P-Q:tP&F Inds Q PFIN .20a 3.0 3 10.00 6.50 5 6.74 88 7.45 6.50 -.10 -18.5tPAM Q PTSI 6 28.43 14.51 15 14.79 94 16.21 14.51 -.22 -43.1 PB Bncp Q PBBI .16f 1.5 10.85 8.35 2 10.35 12 10.40 10.20 +.10 +4.6 PBF Engy N PBF 1.20 5.8 13 35.68 19.47 1517 20.71 7242 21.59 20.57 -.10 -25.7 PBF Logist N PBFX 1.80f 8.7 10 23.49 17.45 72 20.80 218 21.65 20.65 -.65 +14.3 PC Cnnctn Q CNXN .34e 15 30.48 21.59 20 28.21 123 29.76 28.08 -1.43 +.4 PC-Tel Q PCTI .20 2.9 7.38 4.36 132 6.94 442 7.31 6.86 -.13 +29.0 PCM Fund N PCM .96 9.4 10.59 9.05 35 10.20 110 10.36 10.20 -.05 +2.0 PCM Inc Q PCMI 17 29.85 8.10 50 26.30 307 27.60 25.98 -.90 +16.9 PDC Engy Q PDCE 84.88 50.12 1321 63.43 3531 65.99 62.50 +1.06 -12.6 PDF Sol Q PDFS 55 24.44 12.12 157 22.04 496 22.99 21.99 -.56 -2.3 PDL Bio Q PDLI .20 9.8 4 3.84 1.93 1328 2.04 6749 2.13 2.00 -.02 -3.8 PG&E Cp N PCG 1.96 2.9 18 68.29 56.39 1396 67.14 6063 67.55 66.55 +.13 +10.5 PGT Inc N PGTI 22 12.49 9.38 253 10.30 838 10.50 10.15 -10.4 PHH Corp N PHH 16.80 11.10 327 12.85 1835 13.40 12.65 +.17 -15.2tPHI nv Q PHIIK .20 1.7 22.79 11.54 61 11.80 169 12.56 11.41 -.24 -34.5 PICO Hld Q PICO 16.20 8.47 189 15.25 888 15.40 13.50 +1.65 +.7 PIMCO1-3Tr N TUZ .34a .7 52.58 50.17 15 50.75 76 50.75 50.65 +.10 +.2 Pimc1-5Tip N STPZ .25e .5 53.10 51.94 122 52.74 309 52.82 52.62 +.10 +.5 Pim15TIPS N LTPZ .42e .6 72.58 62.52 7 67.22 134 67.50 66.24 +1.03 +3.5 PimBrdTIPS N TIPZ .31e .5 60.68 56.33 1 58.53 105 58.92 58.04 +.48 +1.9 PimLwDur N LDUR 2.82e 2.0 103.00 99.29 4 100.76 39 100.89 100.60 +.07 +.4 PimcoTR N BOND 6.13e 5.8 108.25 102.11 87 106.07 319 106.27 105.30 +.65 +1.9 Pim0-5HYCp N HYS 5.21e 5.2 101.56 93.56 355 100.52 2269 100.96 100.47 +.04 +.7 PimIGBd N CORP 3.12a 3.0 107.50 99.85 70 103.70 367 103.94 102.84 +.68 +1.4 PimShMat N MINT .82e .8 101.66 100.84 482 101.61 1780 101.61 101.54 +.06 +.3 PimIntMu N MUNI 1.26 2.4 55.48 51.73 12 53.23 138 53.28 52.87 +.18 +1.6 PimSTMun N SMMU .47e .9 50.87 48.75 20 50.09 45 50.35 50.03 +.05 +1.4 Pim25yrZro N ZROZ 3.07e 2.7 143.05 105.32 28 114.16 155 114.41 110.78 +3.69 +5.1 PJT Part n N PJT .20 .6 22 38.86 21.52 129 32.63 465 33.95 32.61 -.98 +5.7 PLDT Inc N PHI 1.60e 4.5 46.13 25.50 72 35.26 663 35.96 34.56 +.64 +28.0 PNC pfP N PNCpP 1.65 5.7 30.88 26.50 59 29.14 209 29.42 28.80 +.27 +6.8 PNC pfQ N PNCpQ 1.34 5.3 26.37 23.01 69 25.05 134 25.13 25.03 -.01 +6.1 PNC N PNC 2.20 1.9 16 131.83 77.40 5011 115.80 13468 120.65 115.60 -2.82 -1.0 PNC wt N PNC/WS 64.30 14.80 212 50.09 234 52.33 49.00 -1.59 +1.6sPNM Res N PNM .97 2.6 23 38.20 30.62 750 37.40 2272 38.20 37.35 -.15 +9.0 POSCO N PKX 66.63 40.80 354 57.49 1808 59.43 57.48 -1.94 +9.4 PPG s N PPG 1.60 1.5 18 117.00 89.64 851 104.42 4210 106.41 104.27 -1.63 +10.2 PPL Cap 73 N PPX 1.48 5.6 27.75 24.01 10 26.27 33 26.50 25.94 +.04 +5.1 PPL Corp N PPL 1.58f 4.2 14 39.92 32.08 2723 37.58 11027 37.80 37.01 +.31 +10.4 PRA Grp Q PRAA 17 42.70 21.93 177 31.55 1058 32.20 31.30 -.30 -19.3 PRA Hlth Q PRAH 63 66.04 39.25 319 63.75 1147 64.85 63.14 -.87 +15.7 PRGX Glbl Q PRGX 6.59 4.25 43 6.50 99 6.50 6.15 +.30 +10.2 PS BusPk N PSB 3.00 2.5 33 121.81 94.88 78 118.88 328 121.26 118.87 -.43 +2.0 PSBPk pfT N PSBpT 1.50 5.9 26.89 23.88 19 25.29 83 25.34 25.25 -.03 +4.0 PSBPk pfU N PSBpU 1.44 5.7 26.37 22.85 2 25.19 43 25.33 25.13 +.02 +8.2 PSBPk pfV N PSBpV 1.42 5.6 26.70 22.79 6 25.42 53 25.69 25.36 +.02 +9.1sPS BsPk pfW N PSBpW 23.59 20.58 42 23.67 134 23.67 23.47 +.09 +9.8 PTC Inc Q PTC 45 56.73 31.96 1155 51.54 4328 53.02 51.39 -.35 +11.4 PTC Thera Q PTCT 16.50 4.03 1439 10.38 4406 10.96 9.67 +.54 -4.9 PVH Corp N PVH .15 .2 12 115.40 82.10 1326 99.81 3934 103.71 99.47 -2.09 +10.6 PacWstBc Q PACW 2.00 4.0 17 57.53 35.56 762 50.08 2881 53.26 50.08 -2.68 -8.0 Paccar Q PCAR .96a 1.5 44 70.12 48.17 1866 64.63 6651 68.03 64.59 -2.53 +1.1 PcrTrnd750 N PTLC 25.98 21.17 135 24.92 304 25.31 24.92 -.29 +4.7 PcrTrnd450 N PTMC 28.70 23.03 57 27.31 165 27.83 27.27 -.32 +2.7 PcrTrnd100 N PTNQ 25.82 19.66 19 25.29 52 25.67 25.24 -.28 +10.6 PacrTrendp N PTEU 26.88 22.00 2 25.66 12 26.13 25.62 -.29 +7.1 Pacholder N PHF .60 7.6 7.93 6.59 9 7.85 76 7.86 7.80 +.05 +9.0 PacBiosci Q PACB 10.75 3.76 587 4.85 3117 5.17 4.78 -.25 +27.6 PacifCstOil N ROYT .26e 13.1 5 2.21 .87 166 1.98 455 2.08 1.91 +85.0 PacifCntl Q PCBK .44 1.9 25 26.85 14.35 128 23.35 407 24.15 23.30 -.45 +6.9 PacDrill rs N PACD 11.56 1.58 65 1.79 441 1.94 1.66 -.03 -55.9 PacEthanol Q PEIX 10.95 3.74 495 6.95 2401 7.20 6.75 -.10 -26.8 PacGE pfA N PCGpA 1.50 4.6 33.70 28.89 2 32.39 8 32.41 31.95 +.37 +5.7 PacGE pfB N PCGpB 1.37 4.7 33.00 27.40 29.40 1 29.48 29.40 +.06 +4.3 PacGE pfC N PCGpC 1.25 4.5 30.00 24.94 3 27.70 6 27.70 26.11 +.70 +10.9 PacGE pfD N PCGpD 1.25 4.8 27.50 24.74 0 26.18 6 26.47 26.15 +.04 +1.7 PacGE pfI N PCGpI 1.09 4.4 25.99 23.31 1 24.75 1 24.75 24.39 +.04 +4.2 PacMerc Q PMBC 7.91 5.30 7 7.45 70 7.60 7.15 +.05 +2.1 PacPreBc Q PPBI 23 41.90 20.05 183 34.70 811 36.75 34.65 -1.70 -1.8 PacSpec n Q PAAC 13.00 10.02 4 10.35 5 10.40 10.30 -.05 PacSpec rt Q PAACR .55 .09 54 .48 62 .48 .38 +.01 -9.4 PacSpec wt Q PAACW .51 .05 17 .36 41 .40 .33 -.01 +28.6 PacSpAc un Q PAACU 13.63 10.20 11.25 2 11.26 11.00 +.15 +1.8 PaciraPhm Q PCRX 65.64 29.95 967 45.90 2702 47.70 44.85 -.25 +42.1 PackAmer N PKG 2.52 2.8 18 96.87 61.80 708 90.02 2543 91.63 89.73 -1.02 +6.1 PainTher h Q PTIE 3.00 .51 208 .82 2034 .95 .80 -.07 +44.6 PalatinTch N PTN .90 .29 2191 .31 5543 .32 .29 +.00 -38.6 PaloAltNet N PANW 165.69 107.31 1706 112.21 6668 114.20 111.00 +.01 -10.3sPampaEng N PAM 60.36 19.80 141 58.27 1863 60.36 55.97 +2.25 +67.4 PanASlv Q PAAS .10f .5 36 21.59 12.00 4189 18.89 9379 19.43 17.61 +.87 +25.3 Pandora N P 14.98 8.40 11799 10.71 38936 11.47 10.58 -.73 -17.9sPaneraBrd Q PNRA 51 316.21 185.69 619 315.44 4325 316.21 312.00 +3.44 +53.8 PangaeaL Q PANL 5 4.44 2.22 35 3.43 164 3.70 3.35 +.03 +.9 PanhO&G N PHX .16 .9 27.70 15.34 13 18.60 39 20.00 18.55 -1.00 -21.0 PapaJohns Q PZZA .80 1.0 31 90.49 54.00 554 78.61 2331 81.58 78.60 -.94 -8.1 PapaMurph Q FRSH 12.96 3.56 1170 5.66 2752 6.80 5.26 -.09 +34.1 ParPetrol N PARR 20.00 12.18 165 16.38 688 17.10 16.30 -.37 +12.7sParTech N PAR 22 7.38 4.30 89 7.42 148 7.49 7.20 +.16 +33.0 ParagCm n Q PBNC 54.20 33.65 2 50.20 13 53.24 50.13 -2.36 +14.8 ParaGold n N PZG 2.93 1.37 64 1.80 213 1.83 1.56 +.15 +1.1 ParamtGp N PGRE .38 2.3 76 18.28 14.58 781 16.81 5415 17.14 16.58 +.18 +5.1 ParatekPh Q PRTK 25.00 9.80 589 21.90 2283 22.80 21.34 -.58 +42.2tParetem rs N TEUM 5.75 .62 295 .65 570 .77 .57 -.07 Parexel Q PRXL 21 72.32 51.16 616 61.10 2281 62.31 60.86 -.76 -7.0 ParkCity Q PCYG 82 17.00 8.35 26 12.30 179 12.45 11.95 -3.1 ParkEl N PKE .40a 2.5 28 20.24 13.76 22 16.27 179 17.16 16.23 -.62 -12.8 ParkHot n N PK .43p 33.40 25.40 2185 26.21 5741 26.62 25.88 -.22 -12.3 ParkNatl N PRK 3.76 3.8 19 122.88 85.44 32 98.40 80 103.40 97.85 -4.35 -17.8 ParkOh Q PKOH .50 1.4 14 47.00 23.21 29 35.85 138 38.75 35.85 -1.65 -15.8 ParkStrlg Q PSTB .16 1.4 31 12.37 6.53 689 11.71 1274 12.13 11.60 -.27 +8.5 ParkeBcp Q PKBK .40 1.9 10 21.83 12.52 13 21.40 19 21.55 21.30 +6.2 ParkDrl N PKD 3.16 1.35 282 1.65 908 1.80 1.65 -.15 -36.5 ParkerHan N PH 2.64f 1.7 22 163.14 99.10 1289 153.59 5342 162.64 153.47 -7.43 +9.7 ParkrVs rs Q PRKR 8.18 1.60 466 2.04 2299 2.32 1.87 +.09 +10.9 Parkway n N PKY 23.17 16.39 117 20.68 1299 20.91 19.93 +.66 -7.1 ParsleyEn N PE 39.82 21.23 3680 30.70 12542 32.16 30.55 -.70 -12.9 PrtnrCm Q PTNR 66 6.41 4.00 1 5.26 3 5.49 5.23 -.11 +12.2 PartRe pfF N PREpF 1.47 5.8 27.48 22.95 4 25.37 15 25.45 25.22 +.16 +4.2 PartRe pfG N PREpG 1.63 6.0 30.33 25.32 3 27.20 8 27.44 26.77 -.04 +4.9 PartRe pfH N PREpH 1.81 6.3 32.40 25.02 24 28.94 107 29.00 28.57 +.16 +6.0 PartRe pfI N PREpI 1.47 5.7 28.94 22.97 2 25.83 21 25.95 25.65 -.02 +9.8 PartyCity n N PRTY 19.10 12.05 185 14.20 723 14.60 13.80 +.25 Patheon n N PTHN 32.95 23.72 241 25.78 1393 26.84 25.63 -.90 -10.2 PathfdBcp Q PBHC .20 1.4 21 15.19 11.10 11 14.67 25 15.10 14.50 +.07 +8.7 PatrkInd s Q PATK 17 86.10 43.36 108 60.20 520 63.80 60.10 -3.45 -21.1 PatriotN n N PN 2.50e 5 9.95 2.04 105 2.10 420 2.38 2.10 -.10 -54.8 PatriotTr n Q PATI 15 27.32 17.89 0 22.10 3 22.44 22.10 -.60 +.8 PatternEn Q PEGI 1.63f 7.7 25.13 18.00 593 21.15 2595 21.39 20.60 +.53 +11.4 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 14 The Sun/Friday, April 14, 2017
Patterson Q PDCO 1.04f 2.4 21 50.40 36.46 516 43.55 2767 44.67 43.50 -.70 +6.1 PattUTI Q PTEN .08 .3 29.76 16.72 4449 23.80 12528 25.75 23.77 -1.04 -11.6 Pavmed n Q PAVM 15.24 4.50 23 4.90 62 5.40 4.80 -.10 -29.0 Pavmed wt Q PAVMW 8.00 2.00 2 2.00 2 2.20 2.00 -.20 -65.5 Paychex Q PAYX 1.84 3.2 26 63.03 51.06 1592 57.89 7078 58.72 57.89 -.30 -4.9sPaycomSft N PAYC 78 58.81 34.39 277 57.74 1292 58.87 57.24 -.11 +26.9 Paylocity Q PCTY 49.65 29.69 168 38.46 661 39.34 37.66 -.05 +28.2 PayData rs Q PYDS 3.80 1.01 83 1.67 4837 2.65 1.21 +.42 -9.7 PayPal n Q PYPL 34 44.52 34.00 3496 42.55 18693 43.55 42.06 -.49 +7.8 pdvWirelss Q PDVW 43.04 18.60 7 21.90 64 22.80 21.50 +.65 -2.9tPeabodyE n N BTU 28.62 25.48 3659 23.82 6072 28.47 23.28 -3.75 -13.5 PeakRsts Q SKIS .28 4.9 6.20 2.78 84 5.70 260 5.95 5.60 +.07 +2.7 PeapkGl Q PGC .20 .7 20 33.30 16.67 88 29.50 191 30.59 28.59 +.22 -4.5 Pearson N PSO .80e 10.2 13.20 7.04 473 7.83 1983 7.95 7.78 -.01 -21.6 Pebblebrk N PEB 1.52 5.1 16 31.85 23.46 1248 29.59 3446 29.71 28.62 +.81 -.5 Pebbleb pfD N PEBpD 2.09 8.3 29.15 23.50 0 25.20 2 25.59 25.20 +.03 +6.7 Pedevco rs N PED 4.08 .84 63 1.10 549 1.69 .93 +.10 Pegasyst Q PEGA .12 .3 99 45.50 24.11 220 43.60 955 44.80 43.40 +.25 +21.1sPembina g N PBA 1.50 36 33.43 27.10 310 33.12 1130 33.52 32.65 +.58 +5.7 Pendrell rs Q PCO 7.61 4.80 14 6.19 245 6.37 6.16 -.06 -8.3 PengthE g N PGH .04 2.08 .96 841 1.09 4738 1.18 1.06 +.03 -23.2sPnnNtGm Q PENN 25 18.99 11.93 873 18.32 5007 18.99 18.31 -.23 +32.8 PennVa n Q PVAC 61.97 41.40 12 46.96 79 50.00 45.67 -1.87 -4.2 PennWst g N PWE 2.05 .61 1780 1.55 6041 1.70 1.54 -.10 -12.4 PennantPk Q PNNT .72m 9.2 8 8.68 6.01 326 7.80 988 8.00 7.79 -.17 +1.8 PennPk 25 N PNTA 1.56 6.2 26.20 23.58 3 25.20 10 25.45 25.10 +.23 +.4 PenPkFR Q PFLT 1.14 8.3 12 14.22 11.48 141 13.68 538 13.87 13.65 -.11 -3.0 Penney N JCP 11.30 5.45 19862 5.91 51473 6.17 5.68 +.09 -28.9 PennsWd Q PWOD 1.88 4.6 16 52.65 37.81 8 41.23 26 43.24 41.23 -1.76 -18.4 PennaRE N PEI .84 5.6 10 25.67 13.76 806 14.93 3668 15.14 14.40 +.43 -21.3 PenRE pfA N PEIpA 2.06 8.1 26.50 24.80 6 25.35 31 25.48 25.28 +.09 +.2 PenRE pfB N PEIpB 1.84 7.2 26.71 22.46 5 25.40 24 25.50 25.30 +.10 +1.6sPenRE pfC N PEIpC 1.80 6.5 27.78 24.72 31 27.58 159 27.78 27.10 +.28 +9.7 PennTex n Q PTXP 1.18 6.9 29 18.00 9.94 35 17.00 107 17.49 16.95 -.14 +13.4 PennyMFn N PFSI 6 19.35 11.10 134 16.45 1099 17.35 15.85 +.35 -1.2sPennyMac N PMT 1.88 10.7 17 18.16 12.99 470 17.60 2636 18.16 17.43 +.19 +7.5sPenny pfA N PMTpA 2.03 8.0 25.45 24.66 46 25.48 275 25.48 25.24 +.13 +3.0 Penske N PAG 1.16f 2.6 12 56.05 29.29 420 44.06 1998 45.83 44.05 -.16 -15.0 Pentair N PNR 1.38f 2.2 21 66.99 53.80 770 62.16 3208 63.59 62.06 -.63 +10.9 Penumbra n N PEN 84.85 45.88 161 81.45 701 83.45 81.05 -.25 +27.7 PeopUtdF Q PBCT .68 3.9 19 20.13 13.80 4153 17.29 12105 17.98 17.27 -.55 -10.7 PeopUtd pf Q PBCTP 28.20 24.06 10 26.70 71 26.99 26.21 +.20 +3.3 PeBcOH Q PEBO .80f 2.6 18 33.56 18.43 27 31.10 102 31.92 30.31 -.42 -4.2 PeopBNC Q PEBK .48f 1.7 18 31.40 18.41 11 28.90 25 30.00 27.36 -.84 +15.3 PplsFnMS Q PFBX .20 1.4 16.40 8.92 6 14.55 15 14.92 14.05 -.45 -9.9 PeopFSvc Q PFIS 1.24 3.1 16 50.54 35.26 4 40.65 15 42.19 40.65 -.60 -16.5 PeopUtah n Q PUB .32 1.3 20 27.85 15.45 22 25.05 94 26.25 24.75 -1.00 -6.7sPepsiCo N PEP 3.01 2.7 24 113.77 98.50 3140 112.68 15294 113.77 111.35 +1.07 +7.7 Percptr Q PRCP .15 1.8 8.87 4.18 50 8.54 131 8.72 8.26 -.05 +28.6 PeregrinP Q PPHM .77 .28 4790 .54 10834 .65 .48 -.11 +74.7 PeregP pfE Q PPHMP 2.63 12.0 23.98 9.75 3 21.97 23 22.50 21.62 -.42 +10.3 Perficient Q PRFT 24 22.66 14.15 74 16.96 392 17.33 16.90 -.12 -3.0 PerfFood n N PFGC 24 28.13 19.95 220 23.55 1101 23.90 23.25 +.25 -1.9 Performnt Q PFMT 4.07 1.50 60 2.26 145 2.45 2.25 -.17 -3.8tPerfuman lf Q PERF 3.00 1.15 3 1.10 10 1.21 1.10 -.10 -26.7 PerionNwk Q PERI 2.38 .94 9 1.89 156 1.99 1.83 -.07 +33.1 PerkElm N PKI .28 .5 21 58.40 45.35 431 56.95 1698 58.08 56.91 -.83 +9.2 PermaFix Q PESI 5.64 2.85 28 3.60 50 3.60 3.05 +.60 -7.7 PermaPip Q PPIH 9.30 6.06 3 8.00 8 8.25 8.00 -.10 -1.2sPrmian N PBT .44e 4.5 27 10.30 5.93 189 9.81 503 10.30 9.72 -.29 +27.2 PernixT rs Q PTX 13.90 1.83 99 3.48 389 3.88 3.48 -.25 +79.4 Perrigo N PRGO .64f .9 132.22 65.47 926 67.65 6477 70.99 67.17 -1.11 -18.7 PerryEllis Q PERY 13 29.00 16.24 87 20.13 441 20.81 20.02 -.17 -19.2 PershGld rs Q PGLC 5.02 2.67 79 2.87 336 3.00 2.82 -.06 -12.2 PetMed Q PETS .76 3.5 20 23.78 17.24 189 21.45 758 21.73 21.11 +.11 -7.0 PetChina N PTR .70e 1.0 81.80 63.43 76 72.42 481 73.93 72.34 -1.48 -1.7sPetroArg N PZE .07e 12.48 4.66 7 12.11 150 12.48 11.42 +.65 +72.5 PetrbrsA N PBR/A 11.77 4.29 4240 8.94 23873 9.49 8.93 -.37 +1.5 Petrobras N PBR 12.56 5.45 25467 9.26 90180 9.97 9.24 -.50 -8.4 PtroqstE rs N PQ 4.75 1.71 74 2.67 366 2.93 2.65 -.05 -19.3tPfenex N PFNX 11.35 4.47 89 4.48 384 5.00 4.40 -.26 -50.6 Pfizer N PFE 1.28f 3.8 14 37.39 29.83 11185 33.88 70978 34.22 33.71 -.22 +4.3 PFSweb Q PFSW 81 15.87 5.83 84 6.51 392 6.65 6.02 +.40 -23.4 PhrmAth N PIP 2.91e 1 3.50 .47 520 .78 2170 .80 .75 -.00 -76.1 Pharmerica N PMC 11 28.72 19.20 116 23.00 605 23.65 22.50 +.50 -8.5 PhaseRx n Q PZRX 5.77 .96 19 1.31 157 1.44 1.28 -.07 -15.5 PhlpsSelEn N DSE 1.26 16.3 8.59 5.63 116 7.75 443 7.99 7.74 -.14 +2.2 PhibroAH Q PAHC .40 1.5 13 30.85 16.80 37 27.20 159 28.20 26.75 -.85 -7.2 PhilipMor N PM 4.16 3.7 23 114.65 86.78 3038 113.06 15738 113.97 112.83 -.54 +23.6 PhilipsNV N PHG .88e 2.8 32.31 23.00 1173 31.43 6629 31.96 31.40 -.38 +2.8 Phillips66 N PSX 2.52 3.3 11 89.31 73.67 2313 76.67 8866 78.65 76.46 -.48 -11.3 Phill66LP N PSXP 2.23f 4.3 25 62.66 42.47 142 52.36 623 53.88 52.28 -.99 +7.6 PhxNMda N FENG 18 4.46 3.11 47 3.57 302 3.68 3.52 +.02 +13.7 PhotMdx rs Q PHMD 5.60 .90 31 1.65 306 1.74 1.36 +.13 -25.0 PhotrIn Q PLAB 27 12.10 8.20 309 10.65 1112 11.00 10.60 -.15 -5.8 PhysRltTr N DOC .90 4.5 26 22.03 17.12 1657 19.98 5531 20.23 19.89 +.02 +6.7 PiedmOfc N PDM .84 3.8 13 23.08 18.61 408 22.21 2629 22.74 22.05 +.11 +6.2 Pier 1 N PIR .28 4.2 15 9.68 3.73 16032 6.59 28112 7.45 6.23 -.55 -22.8 PierisPhm Q PIRS 3.09 1.30 107 2.33 417 2.47 2.26 -.04 +65.8 PilgrimsP Q PPC 2.75e 12 26.50 17.15 946 22.82 2799 22.90 22.58 +.13 +20.2 PimcoCA N PCQ .92 5.5 17.53 14.75 25 16.65 99 16.74 16.50 +.16 +6.2 PimcoCA2 N PCK .65 6.4 11.25 9.05 28 10.04 224 10.19 9.92 +.18 +8.9 PimcCA3 N PZC .72 5.9 13.11 10.67 14 12.27 102 12.45 12.03 +.31 +8.2 PimcoCp&I N PCN 1.35 8.3 16.28 12.64 89 16.18 416 16.27 16.10 +.13 +9.5sPimCpOp N PTY 1.56a 9.9 15.89 13.27 305 15.77 1067 15.89 15.69 +.11 +10.2sPimDyCrd N PCI 1.97 9.2 21.61 17.54 423 21.49 2329 21.61 21.39 +.25 +6.3 PimDyInco N PDI 2.65a 9.1 29.29 26.06 147 29.02 782 29.08 28.76 +.25 +4.8sPimcIncStr N PFL 1.08 9.5 11.38 9.58 113 11.31 344 11.40 11.21 +.10 +7.0sPimIncStr2 N PFN .96 9.4 10.28 8.72 100 10.23 623 10.28 10.17 +.08 +7.8 PimStPls N PGP 2.20 12.5 20.96 13.82 25 17.66 199 18.08 17.50 +.02 +25.5 PimcoHiI N PHK 1.24 14.4 10.15 8.26 290 8.60 2305 8.79 8.53 -.05 -6.2sPimIncOpp N PKO 2.28a 9.0 25.55 20.76 67 25.24 218 25.55 25.11 +.06 +9.0 PimcoMuni N PMF .98 7.3 17.43 12.74 38 13.37 268 13.43 13.25 +.14 -7.1 PimcoMu2 N PML .78 6.1 14.08 11.57 168 12.86 477 12.91 12.82 +.11 +5.2 PimcMu3 N PMX .75 6.6 13.05 10.82 21 11.44 183 11.50 11.36 +.07 +.6 PimcoNY N PNF .68 5.3 14.40 11.49 7 12.85 40 12.92 12.75 +.15 +7.7 PimcoNY2 N PNI .80 6.8 14.61 11.13 18 11.71 66 11.76 11.66 +.11 -2.5 PimcNY3 N PYN .63 6.4 12.29 9.26 9 9.77 27 10.00 9.72 +.09 -2.5 PimcoStrIn N RCS .96 9.8 10.56 8.12 104 9.80 547 9.84 9.67 +.18 +11.5 PingtanM Q PME .04 .9 5.18 .84 502 4.65 1521 4.73 4.26 +.42 +167.2sPinnclEnt Q PNK 20.12 9.72 196 19.41 1394 20.12 19.36 -.12 +33.9 PinnaclFn Q PNFP .56 .9 21 71.85 44.61 399 60.90 1112 64.40 60.70 -2.75 -12.1sPinnaclFds N PF 1.14f 1.9 28 59.49 41.47 479 58.71 3213 59.49 58.37 +.70 +9.8sPinWst N PNW 2.62 3.1 22 85.50 70.11 686 85.23 2919 85.53 83.98 +.97 +9.2 PionDvrsHi N HNW 1.38 8.4 16.83 15.04 23 16.50 183 16.50 16.23 +.27 +3.0 PionEnSvc N PES 7.20 2.32 849 3.95 4148 4.50 3.90 -42.3sPionFltRt N PHD .72 5.8 12.45 10.95 43 12.39 229 12.45 12.34 +.05 +4.4 PionHiIn N PHT 1.14 11.4 10.75 9.36 73 9.98 340 10.00 9.92 +.05 -2.3 PioMuAdv N MAV .84 7.4 14.25 10.61 177 11.42 921 11.46 11.12 +.30 -3.3 PioMunHi N MHI .84 7.1 14.76 11.31 51 11.91 270 11.96 11.75 +.17 +.3 PioNtrl N PXD .08 199.83 139.00 1366 182.06 5395 192.93 181.23 -7.77 +1.1 PioneerPw Q PPSI 17 9.40 4.40 3 7.00 12 7.34 6.85 +17.6 PiperJaf N PJC .31p 16 81.85 35.36 88 58.75 409 62.30 58.25 -3.00 -19.0 PitnyBw N PBI .75 5.8 8 21.81 12.31 1959 12.91 6985 13.27 12.76 -.08 -15.0 PitnyBw 43 N PBIpB 1.67 6.4 27.73 25.11 16 26.33 64 26.46 26.11 -.13 +3.0 Pixelwrks Q PXLW 4.89 1.55 128 4.26 543 4.52 4.25 -.21 +52.1 PlainsAAP N PAA 2.20 7.2 28 33.95 20.53 880 30.72 5849 31.26 30.55 -.32 -4.9 PlainsGP rs N PAGP 1.54 60 36.55 22.15 558 31.26 2771 31.77 31.18 +.08 -9.9 PlanetFit n N PLNT 39 22.13 13.18 948 18.92 5830 19.31 18.32 -.32 -5.9 PlanetP h Q PLPM 9 4.97 2.75 211 4.00 500 4.34 3.97 -.29 -2.1 Plantron N PLT .60 1.2 17 57.79 37.58 102 51.47 378 53.29 51.45 -1.30 -6.0 PlatfmSpc N PAH 31 13.96 6.85 1614 12.80 6270 13.54 12.74 -.51 +30.5 PlatGpM rs N PLG 3.98 1.40 324 1.53 2054 1.59 1.46 +.03 +7.0 PlayaHot n Q PLYA 12.00 9.86 32 10.30 655 10.45 10.20 -.15 -3.3 PlayaH wt Q PLYAW .80 .71 17 .72 108 .75 .71 -4.0 Plexus Q PLXS 20 58.74 38.22 148 56.89 571 58.00 56.68 -.39 +5.3sPlugPowr h Q PLUG 2.70 .83 13001 2.24 127640 2.70 1.97 +.21 +86.7 PlumasBc Q PLBC .20 1.1 14 19.50 8.60 11 17.50 29 18.00 17.50 -.45 -7.9 PluristemT Q PSTI 6 1.85 1.04 323 1.46 1101 1.51 1.43 -.01 +2.1 PlyGem N PGEM 16 20.00 12.85 81 18.10 455 19.00 18.10 -.40 +11.4 PointrTel h Q PNTR 16 9.75 5.23 12 9.20 36 9.50 9.01 +.05 +35.3 PointsInt g Q PCOM 9.99 6.28 101 8.29 366 8.73 7.49 +.68 +8.5 PolarPwr n Q POLA 11.50 7.09 77 8.10 162 9.18 8.00 -1.01 -9.5 Polaris N PII 2.32f 2.9 23 104.25 70.14 1103 78.82 2933 82.42 77.91 -.98 -4.3 Polarity rs Q COOL 18.90 2.61 131 13.10 413 15.20 12.75 -1.75 +304.3 PolyMet g N PLM 1.14 .71 139 .75 691 .77 .73 -.01 +1.1 PolyOne N POL .54 1.6 16 38.41 28.77 764 33.65 2344 34.18 33.25 +.08 +5.0 Pool Corp Q POOL 1.24 1.1 34 121.31 85.89 213 116.43 641 119.96 116.35 -2.09 +11.6 Popular Q BPOP 1.00f 2.6 19 45.96 26.52 653 38.54 2009 40.37 38.35 -1.54 -12.0 Popular pf Q BPOPN 1.68 6.9 24.87 20.41 13 24.44 36 24.54 24.25 +.22 +1.9 PopCpII pf Q BPOPM 1.53 6.8 24.42 18.29 3 22.60 12 22.70 22.29 +.17 +.7 PorterBc rs Q PBIB 13.75 6.25 1 9.28 5 9.49 9.25 -.20 -24.7 PortGE N POR 1.28 2.8 21 46.05 37.77 254 45.43 1136 45.69 44.66 +.50 +4.8 PortolaPh Q PTLA 41.27 15.68 977 38.01 3389 38.21 35.22 +1.50 +69.4 PostHldg N POST 47 89.00 68.76 523 87.10 2184 88.93 87.08 -.44 +8.3 Potash N POT .40 2.4 16 20.27 15.21 3405 16.55 17045 16.96 16.53 -.28 -8.5 Potbelly Q PBPB 43 14.99 11.58 124 13.65 406 13.85 13.40 -.05 +5.8sPotlatch Q PCH 1.50 3.2 48.85 31.29 351 46.90 1485 48.85 45.85 -.95 +12.6 PowellInds Q POWL 1.04 3.2 23 47.24 26.22 23 32.44 108 34.49 32.27 -1.34 -16.8 PwrInteg Q POWI .56f .9 34 72.65 44.81 79 62.70 277 65.45 62.15 -2.30 -7.6 PowrREIT N PW 9.46 4.30 1 6.92 2 6.99 6.87 +.16 -1.4 PowerSolu lf Q PSIX 20.97 2.76 34 9.03 290 9.50 8.61 -.36 +20.4 PSActUSRE N PSR 2.33e 1.9 83.62 71.29 78.49 14 78.53 78.07 +.85 +6.9 PS SPXDn N PHDG .41e 1.5 25.58 21.43 2 25.00 12 25.16 24.91 -.11 +4.2 PS VarRate Q VRIG 25.24 24.97 12 25.18 50 25.21 25.14 +.02 +.7 PS MStrAlt Q LALT 23.20 20.60 2 22.25 2 22.42 22.19 -.04 -1.3 PSCrudeDS N DTO 180.61 100.28 3 109.80 40 112.78 108.00 -4.69 +4.6 PSBMetDL N BDD 8.25 4.65 7.14 5 7.41 7.14 -.43 +11.7 PSCrudeLg N OLO 6.09 3.76 1 4.60 9 4.64 4.50 +.12 -3.6 PwshDB N DBC 16.08 13.38 2123 15.61 5887 15.65 15.44 +.20 -1.5 PwShCurH N DBV 26.03 23.02 33 25.32 64 25.50 25.15 +.03 +2.1 PS Engy N DBE 14.01 10.47 365 13.17 2867 13.24 13.03 +.22 -4.6 PS PrcMet N DBP 42.74 34.22 3 39.19 17 39.23 37.98 +1.06 +12.5 PS Silver N DBS 32.84 24.46 3 28.76 7 28.80 27.61 +.77 +15.7 PS Agri N DBA 23.01 19.47 219 19.70 962 19.82 19.56 +.12 -1.4 PS Oil N DBO 9.91 7.65 593 9.20 2212 9.26 9.08 +.20 -5.0 PS Gold N DGL 44.84 36.22 61 41.26 160 41.27 40.03 +1.04 +11.4 PS BasMet N DBB 16.77 12.21 228 15.82 890 16.06 15.67 -.40 +6.0 PS USDBull N UUP 26.83 23.96 808 25.98 3635 26.13 25.87 -.17 -1.8 PS USDBear N UDN 22.83 20.18 16 20.79 48 20.86 20.66 +.13 +1.6 PShPuLgGr N PXLG .42e 1.1 37.58 31.20 3 37.14 24 37.55 37.14 -.28 +10.6 PSOpYCmd Q PDBC 18.45 15.46 180 17.03 1585 17.09 16.87 +.18 -1.4 PShPuLVal N PXLV .76e 2.2 36.75 28.27 29 34.87 67 35.58 34.87 -.53 +1.5 PSAerDef N PPA .50e 1.2 45.00 35.54 77 43.14 324 43.89 43.14 -.49 +3.4 PwShBio N PBE .57e 1.3 44.43 34.41 11 42.41 35 42.51 41.08 +.96 +9.3 PS BldCns N PKB .03e .1 29.78 23.97 65 28.59 251 29.35 28.57 -.40 +2.6 PwSGDrChi Q PGJ .20e .6 34.50 26.57 14 33.81 42 34.35 33.70 -.28 +18.3 PwSClnEn N PBW .07e 1.7 4.29 3.41 44 4.01 3009 4.16 4.01 +.01 +9.0 PwShDiv Q PFM .50e 2.1 24.15 21.46 44 23.57 135 23.84 23.57 -.20 +3.0 PS EnEx N PXE .50e 2.4 24.92 18.79 4 20.61 23 21.24 20.61 -.40 -10.7 PwSFoodBv N PBJ .41e 1.2 34.74 31.53 51 33.14 82 33.48 33.12 -.24 -1.0 PwShHiYD Q PEY .51 3.0 17.46 13.84 294 16.83 1252 17.13 16.83 -.17 -.6 PwSIntlDv Q PID .65e 4.4 15.19 13.14 145 14.93 691 15.11 14.92 -.01 +3.6 PwSLgCG N PWB .21e .6 34.63 29.86 16 33.99 64 34.46 33.96 -.34 +6.4 PwSLgCV N PWV .69e 2.0 36.44 29.23 150 34.54 374 35.19 34.54 -.52 +2.4 PwShLeis N PEJ .15e .4 41.57 31.84 5 40.06 19 40.88 40.06 -.67 +.1 PowShMkt N PWC .97e 1.2 84.72 67.84 2 80.92 8 82.68 80.92 -1.60 +.2 PwShMda N PBS .27e 1.0 28.12 23.29 5 27.26 19 27.75 27.24 -.39 +4.0 PwSMidGr N PXMG .19e .6 34.20 27.86 2 33.62 8 33.94 33.53 -.07 +8.4 PwSMidVal N PXMV .64e 2.1 32.53 26.24 7 30.82 29 31.63 30.82 -.53 -1.0 PwShNetw N PXQ 44.09 31.74 1 42.41 4 43.17 42.34 -.56 +5.1 PS OilSv N PXJ .28e 2.5 14.18 10.14 62 11.23 733 11.87 11.21 -.32 -12.1 PwSNsdMo Q DWAQ .06e .1 85.56 68.12 0 81.77 3 83.00 81.77 -1.43 +4.5 PwSPharm N PJP 3.84e 4.5 69.24 53.55 27 59.92 132 60.56 59.83 +.20 +6.9 PS Retail N PMR .34e 1.0 38.86 33.52 34.76 2 34.81 34.65 +.34 -3.3 PwSSmGr N PXSG .27e 1.0 27.58 22.17 1 26.99 12 27.40 26.98 -.09 +3.8 PwSSmVal N PXSV .60e 2.1 31.42 22.64 4 28.35 24 29.17 28.25 -.34 -6.5 PwSSemi N PSI .04e .1 41.97 23.93 62 39.72 253 41.38 39.70 -1.58 +10.1 PwShSoft N PSJ .10e .2 51.93 41.22 0 51.41 7 51.67 51.19 +.07 +9.0 PwS Utils Q PUI .63e 2.3 28.17 23.94 93 27.49 217 27.72 27.31 +.09 +7.3 PSS&PQlty N SPHQ .38e 1.4 27.73 23.63 149 27.05 575 27.41 27.04 -.26 +4.1 PwSWtr Q PHO .18e .7 26.45 21.50 24 25.62 121 26.18 25.59 -.33 +4.2 PwSZMicro N PZI .15e .8 19.45 14.95 3 17.87 20 18.32 17.87 -.22 -4.3 PSNasIntnt Q PNQI 95.17 72.03 10 93.52 71 94.68 93.52 -.55 +13.2 PSMoment Q PDP .11e .2 45.75 39.84 52 44.12 234 44.96 44.12 -.60 +5.0 PSWHPrgE N PUW .17e .7 27.08 20.37 1 25.20 4 26.27 25.20 -.74 -2.3 PSPrivEq N PSP .66e 5.7 11.97 9.47 142 11.64 326 11.74 11.61 +.02 +4.8 PSFinPf N PGF 1.11 5.9 19.56 17.65 203 18.77 789 18.89 18.75 -.06 +4.5 PSCleantch N PZD .44e 1.3 35.71 28.18 13 35.00 27 35.48 34.97 -.24 +7.1 PSBuybk Q PKW .52e 1.0 53.41 42.53 73 50.92 249 51.95 50.92 -.66 +.9 PSh Tech Q PTF .26e .6 44.78 35.00 16 43.05 46 43.89 42.97 -.65 +7.8 PSh Hlthcr Q PTH 54.87 41.22 1 52.11 30 52.58 51.63 -.01 +8.6 PSh Inds Q PRN .19e .4 53.30 44.35 5 50.05 35 51.08 50.05 -.65 +.2 PSh Fincl Q PFI .14e .5 32.78 28.69 12 29.61 59 30.62 29.59 -.89 -3.4 PSh Engy Q PXI .69e 1.8 47.35 30.89 67 37.88 163 39.75 37.79 -.92 -12.9 PSh CnsStp Q PSL .67e 1.1 59.15 52.31 3 58.51 21 59.12 58.46 -.27 +9.1 PSh CnsCyc Q PEZ .30e .7 44.89 39.37 2 42.35 13 42.90 42.27 -.34 +.5 PSh BasM Q PYZ .61e 1.0 65.30 49.23 4 59.57 29 62.21 59.43 -2.44 +.6 PSR2KEqW N EQWS .41e 1.1 40.50 31.34 8 38.56 17 39.36 38.46 -.30 -2.2 PSRslMdC N EQWM .49e 1.1 44.28 36.86 0 42.92 4 43.62 42.92 -.40 +2.8 PSRussl200 N EQWL .80e 1.7 46.78 38.06 24 46.01 33 46.30 45.86 -.12 +6.6 PwShSMid Q PRFZ 1.30e 1.1 119.83 91.65 12 113.72 110 116.51 113.72 -1.48 -1.4 PS US1K N PRF 1.91e 1.9 105.36 85.56 79 100.93 369 102.73 100.90 -1.22 +1.4 PSDvMom Q PIZ .26e 1.1 24.17 21.02 26 23.31 181 23.39 23.20 +.05 +9.0 PSEmMom Q PIE .12e .7 16.86 14.43 18 16.38 175 16.45 16.12 +.07 +11.1 PS EmgInf N PXR .50e 1.4 36.98 27.35 0 35.16 5 35.68 35.16 -.58 +14.7 PS SP IntD N IDHD 27.37 25.09 27.10 1 27.20 27.10 -.04 +6.4 PS SC High N XSHD 27.33 24.11 5 24.70 10 25.15 24.64 -.01 -4.4 PS LowVRot N DWLV 27.08 24.09 0 26.41 7 26.55 26.37 -.18 +3.4 PShTact n Q DWIN 28.86 25.51 28 28.06 81 28.28 28.00 +.05 +2.5 PSBldABd N BAB 1.31 4.4 32.33 28.75 91 29.56 272 29.64 29.40 +.20 +1.6 PS Rs1KLB Q USLB 28.62 25.00 4 28.31 14 28.39 28.28 -.01 +4.4 PS IntlLB Q IDLB 26.42 23.45 6 26.33 46 26.35 25.98 +.13 +7.6 PS DWAtac Q DWTR 26.00 23.03 21 23.83 276 24.37 23.80 -.37 -1.7 PS SC CnDs Q PSCD .35e .7 55.75 45.02 2 50.85 8 51.95 50.85 -.43 -2.8 PSEuCurLV N FXEU .35e 25.20 20.50 1 22.31 6 22.44 22.23 -.04 +7.1 PS LowVol N XRLV .46 1.6 29.92 26.09 17 29.15 49 29.55 29.15 -.27 +4.4 PSR1KEqW N EQAL .39e 1.4 28.70 23.92 47 27.82 169 28.29 27.80 -.29 +3.4 PShLadR0-5 Q LDRI .41a 1.6 25.53 24.70 0 24.93 12 24.96 24.90 -.02 +.4 PS VarPfd N VRP 1.20 4.7 26.05 23.83 344 25.54 1330 25.64 25.49 -.01 +3.8 PS SC CnSt Q PSCC 1.34e 2.0 70.99 57.49 2 68.60 12 69.00 67.81 +.85 -.7 PS ContrOp N CNTR .26e .9 31.14 23.83 30.07 3 30.07 29.90 +.62 +1.1 PS IntBybk Q IPKW .29e .9 31.17 24.69 77 30.63 214 31.00 30.62 -.26 +8.3 PS SCLowV N XSLV .73e 1.7 44.20 34.64 126 42.02 445 42.90 42.02 -.28 -3.2 PS MCLwV N XMLV .64e 1.5 43.25 36.23 159 41.97 464 42.54 41.96 -.15 +3.3 PS SPX HiD N SPHD 1.30 3.2 41.21 35.60 733 40 |