MURDOCK „ The Florida International Air Show, uplifting to local charities as well as spectators gazes, is preparing to take ”ight again. The 2017 air show, slated for Oct. 13-15, promises to build upon last yearÂs event, which sought to re-establish momentum after having its 2015 event canceled for lack of a major sponsor. ThatÂs when the County Commission stepped in to make a two-year commitment, providing $100,000 plus in-kind support estimated at $60,000 for public safety services. With the second, and “nal, $50,000 installment going toward this yearÂs event, organizers on Tuesday thanked commissioners and assured them the aviation exhibition is back on track. ÂFrankly, the air show would not have proceeded without your seed money to keep things going,ÂŽ said Dana Carr, sponsor chairman. Last yearÂs revenues of $385,213 exceeded expenses totaling $327,881, allowing $26,081 to be distributed to charity. The air show has raised more than $2.9 million for charitable causes over the last 35 years. But crowd estimates only hovered around 30,000 during the three-day event, far below past air shows. And there were 2017 air show to growBy GARY ROBERTSSTAFF WRITERAIR SHOW | 2PUNTA GORDA Â… After roaring through her quali“cation lap in her battered, sky-blue 1976 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, Ann Marie Ricardi pulled into the pits, doffed her crash helmet and climbed out of the window. She then marched off to have an irate chat with the race trackÂs new owner about a last-minute decision of“cials made that affected her performance. Ricardi, who in her day job works as a “nance director overseeing a $100 million budget for the City of Naples, said she didnÂt perform as well as she expected in the qualifying lap. She wanted to get the engine up to 6,000 rpms, but hesitated at 5,900, she said afterward, adding that would mean sheÂd start back further in the pack, when the checkered ”ag “nally went down. Ricardi was set to race against some 24 other cars in the Bombers class. That was to be one of a half-dozen races at the 4-17 Southern Speedway, located at 8655 Piper Road, near the south end of the Charlotte County Airport, Saturday night. Ricardi blamed a race of“cial for cutting off her practice laps after just “ve; she had been told sheÂd get 10. That threw her off, she said. She voiced her complaint to Joe Gentry who, along with his wife, Janet, had signed a deal in August 2016 to lease the track from the Charlotte County Airport Authority. Since then, the Gentrys and their workers have replaced the grandstands, refurbished track facilities and reopened the track which had been abandoned in a state of disrepair by a previous tenant. Gentry calmly told Ricardi he would talk to the race operations of“cial to see what could be done, she said. Ricardi found out later Gentry merely told the race of“cial, ÂSheÂs irate now, but sheÂll calm down in a little while.ÂŽ Gentry was right; she did calm down. In fact, Ricardi said the episode illustrates why local race drivers, including herself, are so pleased with the calm and steady way the Gentrys have been operating the track since it reopened Jan. 7. ÂI think Joe Gentry has a love for this track and a feel for the drivers,ÂŽ said Ricardi. The Gentrys steady demeanor is particularly important because the track, which was built by the late Leroy Davidson in 1990, has a legacy that is both rich „ because the track has served as a favorite training ground for generations of local racers „ and poor, because it also has a history of turmoil and in“ghting between previous owners, their investors and their landlord, the Airport Authority. ÂWell, itÂs “nally gotten someone to own and operate it who is a business person “rst and a race fan second,ÂŽ said RicardiÂs sister, Pam Seay, who is both an avid fan of her sister and a longtime Airport Authority commissioner. By GREG MARTINSUN CORESPONDENTSpeedway with checkered past off to grand restart SUN PHOTOS BY MICHELE HASKELLStock car driver Ann Marie Ricardi dons her safety equipment inside her 1976 Monte Carlo to head out to the track to qualify on Saturday. Ricardi, of Naples, grew up in Port Charlotte as a fan attending the races with her dad, Perry Seay. Driver Tom Tryor of Naples races his Dwarf mini (69) during a heat lap on Saturday at the 4-17 Speedway in Punta Gorda. Phil Morrison, left, of Punta Gorda has been racing his cars since the track opened in the late Â80s. Here he gets some mechanical help from driver Je Dalva, another longtime driver at the track, before the start of the races Saturday.SPEEDWAY | 4CALL US AT941-206-1000CHARLOTTE SUN Pulitzer Prize winner2016 AN EDITION OF THE SUNVOL. 125 | NO. 102AMERICAÂS BEST COMMUNITY DAILY Partly sunnyHigh 84 Low 63$1.50 www.yoursun.comTodayÂs weather:www.yoursun.comFIND US ONLINE THE SUN: Calendar ..............12 Crosswords ............5 Local Sports ........18 Obituaries ...........16 PoliceBeat ............5 Viewpoint .....14-15 SPORTS: Lotto .....................2 USA TODAY: Money ................5 Nation .............1-4 State ..................7 Weather ............9 CLASSIFIED: Comics ......11-14 DearAbby .....14 TVListings .....15 CHARLIE SAYS ...I wonder why I am always the designated navigator. INSIDE 705252000258Daily Edition $1.50 GOOD MORNING Wednesday, April 12, 2017 LEMON BAY BEAT PORT CHARLOTTELemon Bay breezed to an 11-2 victory over Port Charlotte in a non-district softball game. See Local Sports InsideGOV. SCOTT DECLARES EMERGENCY AS WILDFIRES BURN Wildres are burning on a total of more than 23,800acres of land and have destroyed 19homes. See The Wire My mother and I managed to stuff “ve cats, three dogs and two rabbits into the tiny North Carolina home in which I grew up. Yet I couldnÂt understand why she refused to let me get a pony and put it in our fenced backyard. Never mind that it was only about 5 by 10 yards in size. I still remind her of that slight every now and then, even though itÂs been “ve decades. IÂm pretty sure she is beginning to see the error of her ways. Given that af“nity for all creatures great and small, itÂs no surprise that I ended up at the Big Cat Habitat and Gulf Coast Sanctuary in Sarasota on a recent spring day. The Rosaire family has operated this nonpro“t safe haven for big cats, bears and other animals in need for more than 30 years. Based on the crowd size on the day I was there, the public never tires of taking a walk on the wild side at their 10-acre sanctuary. These animals are truly a part of the Rosaire family. As Clayton Rosaire took me around the property, he stopped at every enclosure and Âbaby talkedÂŽ to each one of the beasts, calling them by name, and they responded. It was obvious they both knew him and cared for him, too. He told me that Big Cat Habitat is not a zoo. ÂThis is a place for animal lovers,ÂŽ he said. ÂAnd if you want to THE BIG CAT HABITAT AND GULF COAST SANCTUARYWHERE: 7101 Palmer Blvd., Sarasota WHEN: It is open Wednesday through Sunday, from noon to 4 p.m. COST: Admission is $18 for adults, $8 for children and includes all shows. For more information and to find out how you can help, visit the website at or call 941-371-6377.Full disclosure: I am an animal lover from way back DebFLESSNERCOLUMNISTDEB | 8
Our Town Page 2 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 FROM PAGE ONEPublisher ...................................Robert E. Lee ...............................941-206-1006 Executive Editor ........................Jim Gouvellis ...............................941-206-1134 Advertising Director ..................Leslee Peth ..................................941-205-6400 Circulation Director ...................Mark Yero ....................................941-206-1300 Arcadian Editor .........................Steve Bauer .................................863-494-0300 Arcadian Publisher ....................Joe Gallimore ..............................863-494-0300 Charlotte Sun Editor ..................Garry Overbey .............................941-206-1127 North Port Sun Publisher ..........Steve Sachkar ..............................941-564-3284 North Port Sun Editor ................Scott Lawson ...............................941-429-3002 Englewood Sun Publisher .........Carol Y. Moore .............................941-681-3031 Englewood Sun Editor .................Chris Porter .................................941-681-3022 Editorial Page Editor ....................Steve Baumann ...........................941-681-3003 SUN NEWSPAPERSMember of Alliance for Audited Media For vacation holds, please call Customer Service at 941-206-1300. The SUN (USPS 743170) is published daily at Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2100. Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the SUN, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100. SUBSCRIPTIONS Home Delivery Rates: Newspaper designated market: City ZoneCarrier home delivered 7 days. Rates as follows plus 7% Florida Sales Tax: Monthly Bank/ Credit Card .........................$40.50 3 Months ..........................$121.50 6 Months ..........................$243.00 1 Year ...............................$485.99Does not include Waterline and TV Times. Above rates do not include sales tax.Mail subscription rates: Rates as follows (advance payment required): 7 Days 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $154.07 $276.35 $492.11 Sunday Only 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $71.89 $144.61 $243.54 Single Copy rates Daily $1.50 Sunday $3.00 Unclaimed account balances under $10, inactive for 15 months, will be used to purchase newspapers for classroom use. Sun Newspapers CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY Delivery should be expected prior to 6:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. Sunday. Redelivery hours: 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Customer Service hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Friday; Saturday 7a.m. to 10 a.m.; and Sunday 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. To subscribe or to report any problems with your service, please call 941-206-1300 or toll-free at 877-818-6204. You may visit our office at: 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. other factors working against the 2016 air show besides the one-year hiatus. Last yearÂs event also was beset by the absence of a major headliner and it marked the “rst time the event was held in the fall, rather than in March during peak season. The shift to October re”ects the Punta Gorda/ Englewood Beach Visitor and Convention BureauÂs goal to hold more events during off-season, when they are most needed by local merchants to drive a year-round economy. To offset the expected attendance drop off, organizers worked in concert with the visitors bureau to expand marketing efforts, reaching out to the Interstate 4 corridor, Jacksonville and between Miami and West Palm Beach on the East Coast. ÂThe results of that have been phenomenal,ÂŽ Carr said. ÂThis is bringing people into our area for mini-vacations.ÂŽ The successful strategy generated about 200 overnight visitor stays during last yearÂs air show, with about half of those being performers. Fortunately, the huge gamble of moving the event to October paid off, he said. ÂLast year we did really well,ÂŽ Carr said. ÂWe proved that an air show will work in Southwest Florida in the fall.ÂŽ And they are con“dent it will work again. This yearÂs show will be bigger than ever, literally, by doubling its footprint at Punta Gorda Airport, said Tyler Ezzi, event chair. By aligning with future airport expansion plans, a new air show layout will signi“cantly increase the spectator viewing area. In addition, the family-friendly event will include a wide array of military and civilian ”ight demonstrations, along with educational displays and a carnival atmosphere. And a new 5K Run will be part of the festivities for the “rst time. Back for the second year in a row, Western Michigan University will host a virtual reality booth and bring in aircraft that will be used for its aviation degree program that starts this fall in Charlotte County. WMU of“cials said the response last year at Punta Gorda Airport was the best they had ever received at such an event. The air show also is coordinating with the Charlotte County Economic Development Of“ce to make the annual event a destination attraction. After all, the air show perfectly complements economic developmentÂs new marketing slogan for Charlotte County, ÂCleared for Takeoff.ÂŽ And, “nally, a crowd favorite from last yearÂs show will return. The Warbird Review, which features local pilots putting on a memorable show in their hometown, also happens to be one of EzziÂs top picks. ÂThey come in and ”y for fuel. They are great guys,ÂŽ he said. ÂIn my opinion, thatÂs what air shows are all about. ItÂs that community.ÂŽ The all-volunteer event, however, needs help. Anyone interested in signing up as a volunteer is asked to visit www.”oridaairshow. com.Email: groberts@sun-herald.comAIR SHOWFROM PAGE 1 SUN FILE PHOTO The Warbird Review will return to the Florida International Air Show later this year. CHARLOTTE COUNTY „ School Board members will make an official step next month to place a school tax referendum on the November 2018 ballot. If approved by voters, the referendum would bring in $15 million a year by placing a tax levy of 1 mill on Charlotte County property owners. A mill equates to $1 in taxes per $1,000 of a propertyÂs taxable value. School Board members have been discussing the referendum at workshops for several months, but the first official step forward will be a board vote on May 9. The meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. in the board meeting room located at 1445 Education Way in Port Charlotte. At TuesdayÂs board workshop, Vice Chairman Bob Segur said he was eager to move forward with an official vote at the next board meeting. ÂThe ship has to start sailing,ÂŽ Segur said. Board members also discussed a stakeholder committee for the referendum with a diverse group of 25 community members, along with smaller citizen finance advisory committee and a political action committee. Board Chairman Ian Vincent said itÂs important for teachers and support staff union representatives to be part of both the stakeholder and the citizen advisory committees, and a full list of members would be announced once selected. The PAC would be a separate, independent entity, Vincent said. Board members said they gave Superintendent Steve Dionisio a list of stakeholder members they would recommend for the committee. Since the stakeholder and citizen advisory committees would report to the superintendent instead of the School Board, it would not be subject to the Sunshine Law, Vincent said. Florida law requires government meetings be open to the public. Sarasota County has a tax referendum, which has resulted in around $50 million a year for employee pay and school programs since 2002. It also has a citizen finance advisory committee that reports to the School Board. This committee reviews the districtÂs budget and spending, including referendum dollars. Its meetings are public in accordance with the Sunshine Law. The list of what the Charlotte County referendum money would be used for if it passes is still in the works, Vincent said. He added that his top priority is to add an extra half hour to the instructional day. He said this could help improve student achievement and increase teacher pay. Board members have also discussed using the referendum money to increase both teacher and support staff pay and make the district more competitive with surrounding counties. A final list of all referendum items and their potential cost has not been released yet. The referendum is needed since the district has lost state per-pupil funds over several years as student enrollment has declined, according to school officials. Enrollment is currently down more than 2,000 students since peak enrollment in 2003-2004 school year. Vincent said this has resulted in a budget hole that the district has to fill each year with minimal increased funding from state. The goal of the referendum is plug this hole and Âprovide everything we want to provide our students. WeÂre not just having to use that [state, local or federal] money to offset previous years loss. We can make our salaries more competitive and our insurance.ÂŽEmail: School Board inches closer to tax referendumBy SOMMER BROKAWSTAFF WRITER PHOTOS PROVIDED BY CCPSSchool Board Chairman Ian Vincent Bob Segur, member, school board YourtrashmaybesomeoneÂstreasure!SellitintheClassifieds!Call941-429-3110tofindouthow! adno=50513231
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 C Our Town Page 3 S a v e $ 1,6 6 4 s ave $1 ,5 2 4 Sa v e $ 1, 827 Sa v e $2, 021! adno=50513198
Our Town Page 4 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 ÂI think Joe and Janet want to be (involved in) racing, but they want it done right.ÂŽ Ricardi was among about a dozen drivers who were asked Saturday night what they thought about the speedway. They each replied they love it. The fans, who still packed the grandstands and grounds Saturday even though the winter ÂsnowbirdÂŽ season was drawing to close, seemed just as enthusiastic, cheering loudly as the racers battled for position, bumper to bumper, on the track below them. The real test, however, will be whether the drivers and fans continue to support the track in the years ahead. After all, the Gentrys lease will come up for renewal in “ve years, and the authority will be seeking new bids that could include ones from enterprises other than a race track.Rough times, tough decisionsOwnership of the track is an odyssey of false starts, broken dreams and disappointments. Leroy Davidson, a residential building contractor, built the track from his own designs, using surplus concrete from a plant then-located on airport property nearby, with the help of numerous volunteers and laborers. He named it Charlotte County Speedway. He stoked up interest by regularly hosting bigticket draws like modi“ed late model and sprint car races, along with an occasional sensational event such as a ÂNew YearÂs Eve of Destruction,ÂŽ monster trucks and motorcycle demolition derbies. At one point, the city shut off the water to the track over an exorbitant impact fee that Davidson had refused to pay. Eventually, Davidson paid the $14,000 fee by dumping a pile of coins „ nickels, dimes and quarters „ onto the utility directorÂs desk. Davidson operated the track until 1995, when he was ousted by several stockholders. The track would change hands a half-dozen times „ through the destruction of Hurricane Charley and the default of one owner who left owning the authority $20,000 in rent and allegedly owing an investor another $40,000 for bleachers. The future of the track was in doubt until the Gentrys came along. Davidson didnÂt live long enough to see his legacy come back to fruition. He was killed Aug. 26 in a car accident in North Florida. He was 69. ÂIn my heart, I knew that the race track was the best thing for that site,ÂŽ said Seay. ÂCharlotte County does support its entertainment venues. And this is their home track.ÂŽThe heart of local racingItÂs Joe GentryÂs home track, too. ÂI used to race my dirt bike there before the track was built,ÂŽ recalled the 48-year-old. He said he raced stock cars in the beginnerÂs class after Davidson built the track. Meanwhile, Gentry graduated from Port Charlotte High School, became a “re“ghter for the city of Punta Gorda and started AA Temperature Services, an air-conditioning company, which is now entering its 20th year in business. ÂSo when the track became available, I just felt there was need for somebody to do something,ÂŽ he said. He said he and his wife named the track 4-17 because April 17, 2000, was the date they met. ItÂs a lucky date, indeed. His wife Âis the backbone of our businesses,ÂŽ said Joe. The track was in a shabby state when they took possession in August. ÂThere was nothing but a couple of empty buildings,ÂŽ Joe recalled. ÂThere were homeless people living there.ÂŽ The couple bought bleachers that reportedly had been salvaged from the back stretch of Daytona Speedway, he said. His air-conditioning company ended up “nishing the installation. Attendance has averaged 1,600 with 45 to 70 drivers. Punta GordaÂs speedway is wide but not banked much and each turn is a little different. Mastering it requires more skill than other tracks, said Bobby Kuykendall, a tech inspector for 4-17 who has raced local tracks since the late 1960s. Â(Davidson) did it right,ÂŽ said Kuykendall, who formerly worked as a tech inspector for Davidson. ÂHe had a dream and he built it. ÂLike Wampus says, ÂWeÂd race awhile, “ght awhile,ÂÂŽ Kuykendall said of the early days. He was referring to a phrase coined by Harold ÂWampusÂŽ Wagner, a fellow avid Dixie racer who went onto a NASCAR stint in the 1970s. Several other NASCAR racers cut their teeth by racing at Punta GordaÂs track including Buzzy Reutimann, Mario Gosselin, Blake Koch and Ross Chastain, he noted. ÂItÂs good to see people return to the place where it all started,ÂŽ said Joe Gentry.SPEEDWAYFROM PAGE 1 SUN PHOTOS BY MICHELE HASKELLStock car driver Ann Marie Ricardi jumps into her car to head out to the track to qualify Saturday. Ricardi, of Naples, grew up in Port Charlotte as a fan attending the races with her dad, Perry Seay. Racing fans 3-year-old Aiden Riddell and his brother Blake, 6, with their mom, Makayla, meet driver Chris Loney, 25, of Naples, before the start of the races Saturday at the 4-17 Southern Speedway in Punta Gorda.ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF SPORTING EVENTSThe 4-17 Southern Speedway, the new name for a stock car race track located near the Punta Gorda Airport that has been operated since 1990, is one of several sporting events that bring in visitors. Their spending on restaurants, lodging and supplies pumps millions of dollars into the local economy. HereÂs a look at their impacts: € Snowbird Baseball Classic: This collegiate tournament held in February and March provides $6.2 million in direct expenditures by participants and their families, most of whom come from out of state. € Tampa Bay Rays spring training: Fans spend $10.3 million coming to the teamÂs games. € Englewood Waterfest: This boat race generated $500,000 in expenditures by race teams and 7,500 hotel room rentals. € A BMX bicycle racing cup held in February: $417,000 in direct expenditures. € Sugarburt Boxing National Qualifer: $500,000 in direct expenditures. The 4-17 SpeedwayÂs impacts have yet to be analyzed by Charlotte County tourism officials. However, the track draws 45 to 70 drivers and 1,500 to 3,500 fans each week from across Southwest Florida and, in some cases, as far away as North Carolina, according to track owner Joe Gentry. ÂThat can all add up,ÂŽ said Sean Doherty, sports marketing specialist for the Charlotte County Visitors and Convention Bureau. ÂOne race night might not be significant, but the fact theyÂre going all year round, particularly during the summer months when we could use the business, I think they could be a major asset.ÂŽ „ Source: Interview with Sean Doherty, sports marketing specialist for Charlotte County FROM PAGE ONEPUNTA GORDA „ The lone female racer at Punta GordaÂs 4-17 Southern Speedway Saturday night canÂt hide her enthusiasm for the track and auto racing. ÂI love this track,ÂŽ said Ann Marie Ricardi, with a beaming smile on her face. ÂMy car and I learned on this track. ItÂs like being home on a Saturday night.ÂŽ She said her father, Perry Seay, “rst took his two girls as toddlers to a local speedway in Flatrock, Michigan, every Saturday night. After the family moved to Southwest Florida more than 25 years ago, the Seays continued the tradition at Punta GordaÂs track, which was then called the Charlotte County Speedway. ÂI would stand up there in the stands at Turn 1 and watch (the lead car) come around and I thought, ÂI need to be in that car!ÂÂŽ Ricardi recalled, as she watched the races Saturday from a lawn chair seated next to her father. Her father said he helped Davidson build the track 25 years ago. He would just show up in the afternoons when Leroy Davidson, a residential building contractor, would arrive with his crew to work on it. Perry Seay would grab a trowel and help “nish a section of concrete, or man a machine to paint the white lines on the pavement. Pam Seay, in a phone interview, recalled her father subsequently also took her and Ann Marie to Cale YarboroughÂs Executive Racing School at a speedway in Lakeland. There, Ricardi got to drive a race car for the “rst time. ÂOn her “rst lap, I watched her go by at about 30 mph,ÂŽ recalled Pam Seay. ÂA few laps later, she was whizzing by at full speed.ÂŽ Ricardi was the only woman in her race Saturday night. She said any differences between the sexes isnÂt a factor in racing. ÂWhen youÂre in a race car, everything is the same,ÂŽ she pointed out. ÂItÂs a challenge,ÂŽ she said of racing. ÂItÂs a thinking-manÂs game. You have to be so alert and so on your toes. It helps to know the other drivers so you can anticipate what theyÂll do.ÂŽ Perry Seay said he saw his “rst stock car race in the 1940s as a youth growing up in Richmond, Virginia. Throughout his life, heÂs watched races at numerous hometown tracks as well as super speedways in Las Vegas, Daytona and Talladega. ÂThis (Punta Gorda track) is the most exciting, by far,ÂŽ he said.Seay family in love with racingBy GREG MARTINSUN CORRESPONDENT PUNTA GORDA Â… In the pits of the 4-17 Southern Speedway, 18-year-old race car driver Jimmy Frazier III of Avon Park stood calmly by, his helmet in hand. He waited for his dad and cousin to accomplish in an hour what few could do in a day. Jimmy explained his rear main seal Âjust let goÂŽ as he was warming up for his quali“cation laps, allowing engine oil to gush out, and threatening to spoil his familyÂs trip to Punta Gorda to compete with his modi“ed mini stock car. His father had to run into town to an auto parts store to get a replacement seal. He then worked with JimmyÂs cousin to remove the drive shaft and transmission from the car and install the seal. With time running out to qualify, his father, Jimmy Jr., emerged grinning from beneath the car, his white T-shirt, face and arms smeared with ground-in grease and dirt. After a few “nal mechanical adjustments, Jimmy jumped in to make his qualifying run. His dad, Jimmy Frazier Jr., said his son loves racing, especially at Punta GordaÂs track. The younger Frazier won his “rst race here three weeks ago, he said. ÂHe loves fast, ”at tracks, and thatÂs what this is,ÂŽ his father said. He must love it a lot, because the youth, who is working to graduate high school this year, also works 40 hours per week with his dad in his business removing diseased citrus trees. After that, they put in countless hours building and repairing his race car. ÂItÂs better to see (kids) doing this than out on the street getting into trouble,ÂŽ said his dad. Jimmy, who drives a modi“ed mini with a Ford 2.3 liter four-cylinder engine, is just one of numerous drivers, young and old, who have enlisted family members as pit crews. And for those teams, it seems, the more that racing gets into their blood, the harder they work, and the tighter their families become. Take Rick Fenical, for example. He said his 14-year-old son works with him in his business, Coastal Erosion Control, in addition to going to school. ÂThatÂs an 80-hour week, and then we work on the cars,ÂŽ he said. Fenical said he thought he had given up racing for good 10 years ago. It got too costly, he said. ÂI was spending $30,000 on a motor to win an $800 purse,ÂŽ he said. Then he moved to Punta Gorda „ Âwithin earshot of the speedway.ÂŽ The roar of the engines acted like a siren to a sailor. ÂI said to my wife, ÂI canÂt sit here and listen to this every Saturday night,ÂŽ he recalled. He and his son went out and bought two race cars. One of the cars, a 1974 Dodge sedan, bent a pushrod Friday during practice, so the father and son team worked until 3 a.m. to put the other car, a Â90s Chevy S-10 pickup, into service. They raced it Saturday night in the trackÂs Bombers class. ÂOh, this place is awesome,ÂŽ Fenical said. ÂItÂs fast, but you donÂt want to be pushing too hard here,ÂŽ warned veteran racer Adam Briggs, 16, of Lakeland. ÂYou learn patience here. If you donÂt youÂll be burning your tires, and your car will start pushing like a dump truck.ÂŽ With his familyÂs support, Briggs has competed in sportsman, truck and mini modi“ed classes. ÂMy goal is to race a super late model by the time IÂm 18,ÂŽ he said. ÂItÂs a family sport,ÂŽ explained dwarf car driver Tom Pryor, 61. ÂIn fact, my grandsonÂs here tonight.ÂŽ He was referring to his crew member, Chris Pryor, 14. Chris helped his grandfather fold his chubby body into the cramped cockpit of the little car. ÂItÂs a “ght to get in,ÂŽ explained Tom. He said racing has always been a part of his family. He and his wife were actually married on the start line of the old Collier County Speedway 36 years ago, he said. Some drivers paint their slogans on the sides of their cars. Chris Loney painted ÂSpecial Thanks DadÂŽ on his. Loney, 25, who works as a roofer based in Naples, said his father (former local racer Mike Loney) took him to races at the 4-17 Speedway Âsince I was knee-high to a grasshopper.ÂŽ ÂI love this track,ÂŽ he added. ÂThis is where I grew up.ÂŽ Asked what itÂs like to drive in a race, he replied, ÂYou canÂt really explain it. ÂWhen I come out of one turn, IÂm already looking down the track at the next,ÂŽ he said. But just as ful“lling is saying hello to fans during meet-and-greet sessions at the speedway. ÂItÂs all about the kids,ÂŽ he said, Âespecially, because now I have one.ÂŽTrack turns families into winnersBy GREG MARTINSUN CORRESPONDENTSPEEDWAY HISTORYApril 1, 1988 Â… The Charlotte County Development Authority entered into a 10-year lease agreement with Charlotte County Speedway Inc. The lease was signed by Leroy Davidson, builder and president. April 1, 1998 Â… A new 10-year lease was signed by Glen Vanhorn as president and majority stockholder. 2003 Â… The authority voted to allow the Charlotte County Speedway to exercise its option to renew the lease for an additional five years. 2003 to 2006 Â… There was a continuous change of management even though the original lease was retained. Vanhorn decided to sell his shares. He negotiated a deal with a company from Naples, which managed the speedway for a short period of time. Davidson maintained that he was the majority stockholder and ousted the Naples corporation. Vanhorn was gone, the Naples company was gone and Davidson remained as the manager. December 2006 Â… Davidson sold his interest in the speedway to Robert Diehl, who then took over the speedway and all of its assets and liabilities. April 2008 Â… The Charlotte County Airport Authority entered into a lease with Fastruck Inc., owned and operated by Robert Diehl. 2010 Â… The authority entered into a lease with the Punta Gorda Speedway Inc., owned and operated by Kevin Williams. The lease expired in 2013 and the authority informed Williams that they would be going out to bid. July 2013 Â… The authority issued a request for proposals for the speedway property. Three Palms Speedway owned by Jamie Haase was awarded the lease in September 2013. October 2015 Â… Three Palms Speedway was evicted for non-payment of rents. February 2016 Â… The authority issued an RFP for the speedway property. Joe Gentry submitted a proposal. Sept. 1, 2016 Â… After direction from the FAA, the Authority entered into a lease with 4-17 Southern Speedway & Events with Joe and Janet Gentry for five years. Â… Source: Charlotte County Airport Authority
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 C Our Town Page 5 Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSENGLEWOOD „ An Englewood man was arrested Tuesday after attempting suicide with a bomb around his neck, according to the Charlotte County SheriffÂs Of“ce. A witness called 911 after 22-year-old George Burfeind arrived at 8315 Woodgate Court in Englewood with a briefcase containing a bomb he was planning to use to kill himself, an arrest af“davit states. The caller said he removed the device from BurfeindÂs neck and placed it on a traf“c cone in the parking lot. When a CCSO deputy arrived, Burfeind was sitting in a chair in front of the building. He stated that he no longer wanted to live, due to rough times in his life, the report stated. He was taken into protective custody in the back of the patrol car, away from the device A perimeter was set up, and the Lee County bomb squad came to conduct an investigation, taking samples of the device to conduct a ”ash test. The test determined that the device did contain destructive material. The State Fire Marshal took samples to be tested in the lab, and the bomb squad collected the device to be placed into evidence. Burfeind was charged with making or possessing a destructive device and held at the Charlotte County Jail with a $50,000 bond. CCSO jail staff was advised that he needed to be placed on suicide watch.Two injured in motorcycle crashPORT CHARLOTTE „ A womanÂs leg was partially amputated in a motorcycle crash on Harborview Road on Tuesday, a Charlotte County EMS of“cial said. The two-person, single-vehicle crash took place at approximately 1:15 p.m. and shut down Harborview Road for about an hour. A man, approximately 50 years of age, had multiple fractures and was transported by Bay”ite to Lee Memorial Hospital. The woman, approximately 40 years of age, was transported by Aeromed to Lee Memorial Hospital. The Florida Highway Patrol and the Charlotte County SheriffÂs Of“ce were called to the scene. No additional information was immediately available. The Charlotte County SheriffÂs Office reported the following arrests: € Peter Harlow Gardner, 73, 1200 block of Taylor Street, Punta Gorda. Charge: out of county warrant. Bond: none. € Hal Mark Wander, 20, 600 block of Norwood St., Port Charlotte. Charges: two counts of violation of probation. Bond: none. € Shane Parker Salmon, 33, 22100 block of Belinda Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: petty theft (2nd degree 1st offense). Bond: none. € Brenda Michele Gates, 40, 19300 block of Midway Blvd., Port Charlotte. Charges: selling synthetic narcotics Schedule I or II and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. Bond: none. € Adam J. Smith, 30, 2200 block of Taunt St., Port Charlotte. Charges: false information to law enforcement during investigation, organizing theft and dealing in stolen property, grand theft property more than $300 but less than $5,000, false reports to law enforcement authorities, and perjury not in an official proceeding. Bond: none. € Debra L. Angeles, 47, 700 block of Merrick Lane NW, Port Charlotte. Charges: trafficking more than 14 grams of amphetamine, possession of cocaine, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: none. € Kayla Rae Sauvageau, 32, 20400 block of Emerald Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: failure of defendant on bail to appear on misdemeanor and two underlying charges. Bond: $24,000. € Steven Anthony Spry, 26, 4600 block of Grobe St., North Port. Charges: reckless driving damage to property or person, aggravated assault with deadly weapon without intent to kill, aggravated fleeing or eluding, resisting officer without violence, fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement officer, driving while license suspended (3rd or subsequent offense), two counts of leaving the scene of a crash involving property damage, and knowingly driving while license suspended or revoked. Bond: none. € Kailey Pauline Vanzoeren, 22, 1500 block of Natrona St., North Port. Charge: resisting officer without violence. Bond: $2,500. € Rebecca Elizabeth Anne Coey, 37, 2800 block of Sally Lane, North Port. Charge: obtaining a controlled substance by forgery. Bond: $5,000. € Timothy William Cortissoz, 25, 3300 block of Log Cabin Blvd., North Port. Charges: two counts of violation of probation. Bond: none. € Kevin Lawrence Bourne, 36, 1500 block of Rival Terrace, North Port. Charges: failure to appear and underlying charge. Bond: none. € Joe Lazaro Niz Jr., 26, 4300 block of Carver St., North Port. Charge: driving without license revoked habitual offender. Bond: $5,000. € Steven Earl Trouten, 23, of Mansfield, Ohio. Charges: possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana. Bond: $5,000. € Michael Shawn Brown, 38, of Lehigh Acres. Charges: littering over 500 pounds commercial or hazardous waste. Bond: none. € Timothy Alonzo Williams, 41, of Fort Myers. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Amanda Peirce, 28, of Fort Myers. Charges: refusal to submit to DUI testing after license suspended and DUI. Bond: none. € Michelle Lee Spittler, 43, 11100 block of Oceanspray Blvd., Englewood. Charge: possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: none. € Melissa Dawn Arthur, 41, 6300 block of Roberta Drive, Englewood. Charges: two counts of possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana. Bond: none. € Robert Shawn Vowell, 26, homeless of Englewood. Charges: possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and three counts of off bond/forfeiture/revocations. Bond: none. € Curtiss Franklin Nance Sr., 57, 11000 block of McFadden Ave., Englewood. Charge: violation of parole. Bond: none. € Nidia Elizabeth Uribe-Ruelas, 28, of Arcadia. Charge: operating a motor vehicle without a valid license. Bond: none. € Kiaeran Stefhon Washington, 20, of Arcadia. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Roger William Labor Jr., 27, 21000 block of Glendale Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: driver present non-current insurance and off bond/forfeiture/ revocations. Bond: $2,000. The Florida Highway Patrol reported the following arrest: € Marison Krisovnik-Ortiz, 29, of Miami. Charge: knowingly driving while license is suspended or revoked. Bond: $1,000. „ Compiled by Anne Easker POLICE BEATThe information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriffÂs office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.CCSO: Suicidal man charged with possession of bombCharlotte County Tourism Hall of Fame nominees soughtTo emphasize the importance of arts and tourism, the Charlotte Harbor Gulf Island Coast tourism community will come together May 12, at the Englewood Event Center to celebrate the importance of a creative community during the annual Tourism Luncheon and Charlotte County Tourism Hall of Fame Induction. The signature annual event of the Punta Gorda/ Englewood Beach Visitor & Convention Bureau will feature Maestro Raffaele Livio Ponti as the keynote speaker. The 2017 inductee into the Charlotte County Tourism Hall of Fame will be honored in a ceremony following the keynote address. Established in 2014, the Charlotte County Tourism Hall of Fame was created to honor people whose body of work in support of Charlotte County tourism has been both exceptional and diverse. Nominations are being accepted through 5 p.m. on April 19 and the inductee will be selected by a panel of six judges composed of representatives from each geographic area of Charlotte County as well as regional and state tourism organizations. The Charlotte County Tourism Hall of Fame is in the Charlotte County Administration Building at 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte. Previous inductees are Becky Bovell (2014), Capt. Marian Schneider (2015) and Capt. Ralph Allen (2016). Members of the tourism industry are invited to attend the luncheon being held at 11 a.m. on Friday, May 12 at the Englewood Event Center, 3069 S McCall Rd., Englewood. The fee to attend is $22. Registration is online at 2017tourismluncheon. or by calling 941-743-1900 no later than May 9. All tickets are general admission and there is no assigned seating.Celebrate Earth DayPeace River Audubon Society will be hosting an Earth Day event at Deep Creek Preserve, 10797 SW Peace River St., on April 22. There will be a hike beginning at 8 a.m. from the parking lot lead by Florida Naturalist, John Phillips. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the grounds in the camping area under the shade of numerous large oak trees. There will be additional walks available throughout the day to explore the pine flatwoods and oak scrub trails. Wildflower seeds will be available to the first 50 participants. Beginning at 4 p.m. there will be a campfire (weather permitting) so bring along an hors dÂoeuvre to share. Hotdogs will be provided. For more information, call Nancy Turner at 941-627-9107. COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFS
Our Town Page 6 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSFlorida U.S. Rep. Thomas Rooney will head up a House intelligence committee probe into potential Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, following Chairman Devin Nunes temporarily stepping away from the investigation. Texas U.S. Rep. Mike Conaway will of“cially lead the investigation, while Rooney, R-Okeechobee, and South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy will assist. Nunes stepped down amid controversy and ethics complaints for reportedly disclosing classi“ed intelligence. Rooney, 46, is a “fth-term congressman and former U.S. Army lawyer. A conservative on most issues, Rooney butted heads with the Freedom Caucus over the handling of the proposed repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act, calling its failure a ÂdebacleÂŽ at an Englewood town hall meeting. Despite the controversy surrounding Nunes, Rooney told USA Today he doesnÂt believe the chairman should have stepped aside. ÂIf this thing has taught me anything, itÂs that we need to focus on the investigation without talking to the media or worried about whether or not thereÂs going to be ethics violations or complaints issued on any given thing thatÂs discussed,ÂŽ Rooney said, according to USA Today. ÂIÂd prefer to just look at the evidence, take the facts where they lead us and come to a conclusion as soon as possible, which is actually going to be a long time, IÂd imagine.ÂŽ Rooney, known for shying away from the spotlight, then released a statement. He said he wouldnÂt address the matter further until the probe is complete. ÂI am con“dent that our Committee will continue to conduct a thorough, bipartisan investigation into this matter,ÂŽ the statement says. ÂI look forward to working with Congressman Mike Conaway (R-TX) and Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) to follow the facts where they lead us and report our “ndings to the American people as soon as possible. I will not be giving further comments until the investigation is concluded in order to protect the sanctity of the process.ÂŽ In January, Conway was the center of controversy when he downplayed potential Russian interference, likening it to Democrats, purportedly, using Mexican soap stars to drum-up support for 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas, according to Dallas Morning News. He said both are Âforeign in”uence,ÂŽ the paper reported. Two close allies of President Donald Trump have offered to appear before the House intelligence committee, probing into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia of“cials. Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and Roger Stone, an informal advisor, are members of the administration whose communications and “nancial records were examined by the FBI as part of its investigation into potential ties to Russian agents, the New York Times reported on Jan. 20. And during a public hearing three weeks ago, FBI Director James Comey con“rmed the agency was investigating possible ties within the Trump campaign to the Russian of“cials and if Moscow intended to in”uence the presidential race. Trump and his administration have repeatedly denounced such claims, shifting blame to the Democratic party and the media. The Russian government also denied allegations of collusion, although the U.S. intelligence community concluded Russia-sponsored internet troubles during the 2016 election that bene“ted Trump and undermined the Democratic party. It included pushing false stories about candidates against Clinton, along with „ during the primary „ Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida. Nunes, who was heading the investigation, recently stepped aside after he announced publicly and to Trump that U.S. intelligence may have uncovered communications on the Trump administration. He did so, however, before informing the committee, prompting calls for his recusal. Congress is slated to reconvene April 25. A timeline for when the investigation will begin has not been established, a spokesperson for Rooney said Tuesday. Email: jscholles@sun-herald.comRooney tapped to lead Russian meddling probeBy JONATHAN SCHOLLESSTAFF WRITER ROONEY A U.S. Senator is fending off threats that could open up the eastern Gulf of Mexico to offshore drilling. Bill Nelson, D-Orlando, told some local leaders Tuesday that heÂs hoping to extend protections that now prohibit drilling offshore of Southwest Florida from 2022 to 2027. He said the Gulf of Mexico doesnÂt need another BP oil spill. ÂThe actual spill itself, when the wind shifted and started taking east, it got to Pensacola beach, blackended the sugary white sand beaches and those photographs went all over the world,ÂŽ said Nelson, speaking at the Page Field airport in Fort Myers. ÂSo all the rest of FloridaÂs Gulf coast, all the way to Marco Island, didnÂt get it. But what did happen is a whole season was lost because our visitors did not come because they thought there was oil on our beaches and oil in the water.ÂŽ The oil industry has pushed lawmakers from other states, Nelson said, to challenge the ban that keeps rigs out of this section of the Gulf. He fears another senator will soon push to have the ban overturned. Nelson and others have contended that there is only a small amount of oil to be had off the Southwest Florida coast. In the end, Nelson said, those wanting to open up the area to drilling simply want to lease those rights out to other companies, or increase the companyÂs value by adding to its list of acquisitions. ÂEven though a potential oil lease gives value to an oil company as an asset, in reality the oil is where the sediments came down the Mississippi River for millions of years and that (oil) is primarily off Louisiana,ÂŽ Nelson said. Nelson said his ace in the hole is that the Gulf of Mexico is used extensively to train some of the nationÂs top military pilots. ÂThe clincher that IÂve been able to use to fight them off is that this area in the Gulf of Mexico off of Florida is the largest testing and training area for the United States military in the world,ÂŽ he said. ÂI would hope at that point weÂd have all the support of the generals, and the admirals and the secretary of defense.ÂŽ Nelson spoke to a receptive crowd. ÂOur estuaries are so delicate and sensitive, and theyÂre the drivers of our economy,ÂŽ said Jennifer Hecker, with the Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program. ÂAnd we canÂt afford to put anymore stressors on them right now. WeÂre really working hard to restore them and weÂre investing millions and millions of dollars to plant sea grasses and rebuild oyster bars. We canÂt risk anything that could undermine the progress weÂve been able to make.ÂŽ Kevin Ruane, mayor of Sanibel, said Southwest FloridaÂs economy relies on clean water. ÂThe economy is really what itÂs about. People lose track of the environment,ÂŽ he said. ÂBut when you talk about the economy it seems to have resonance with the Senate and the House „ conversations about jobs and the trickle-down effect.ÂŽ Ruane added: ÂWeÂve done resolutions and weÂll do whatever we can to assist you.ÂŽ Karen Dwyer, an environmentalist with the Stone Crab Alliance, said protecting FloridaÂs waters should be everyoneÂs priority. ÂWater is FloridaÂs No. 1 natural resource, fueling everything from agriculture to our multi-billion-dollar tourism industry,ÂŽ she said. ÂIÂm glad the senator is watching this to make sure that our protections donÂt get rolled back. We donÂt need another BP oil spill in our gulf because weÂre still suffering the ill effects.ÂŽSen. Nelson fighting offshore drilling on gulf coastBy CHAD GILLIS NEWS-PRESS NELSON Fishing For A New Career? Check Out The Classifieds In The ALL STORES CLOSEDEASTER SUNDAY! DISCOVER THE ANTHONYÂS WOMAN IN YOU. In-Store & OnlineNow through Saturday, April 15Our entire stock of regular & reduced priced Dresses, Shrugs & Accessories**Cannot be combined with any other discounts. 40%OFFTAKE Easter Savings!Find your Perfect Dress!Punta Gorda (in Cross Trail Center) € 941-505-2177 Fort Myers (at College Parkway Center) € 239-275-3111 Nokomis/Venice € 941-488-7643FIND & FOLLOW US: SHOP OUR ONLINE STORE: anthonys” MON Â… FRI 10:00-7:00 € SAT 10:00-6:00 € SUN 11:00-5:00 *Not valid on 90 Degree, Artex, Avalin, Bali, Belldini, Claudia Nichole, Coobie Bras, Foxcroft, IBKUL, Icikuls, Ili, Jag, Krist in Crenshaw, Mary Frances, Nanette Lapore, Neyelle, Not Your DaughterÂs Jeans, PBJ, RBX, Seabreeze, Spanx, SR Squared, Steven and Topanga. Cannot be combined with any other discount. Selection may vary by store. No adjustments made on previously purchased merchandis e. A clearance item is one that has been reduced at least twice. adno=50513182 BEST IN HEARING CARE (941) 505-0400 B EST OF C HARLOTTE THE L AST 14 Y EARS Ricardo Gauthier, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology 100 Madrid Blvd., Suite #214 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 adno=50509582 Sightseeing Tours Fishing Charters 1996-2002 FishermenÂs Village Marina, Punta Gorda Cruises € Out island day trips to Cabbage Key, Cayo Costa, & Boca Grande € Half day cruises to Burnt Store and up the Peace River € Afternoon Harbor Tours € Sunset Cruises da ily 941-639-0969 Fishing € Back Bay Fishing in Charlotte Harbor € Deep Sea Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico adno=50512986 Joseph H. Farag, D.M.D. 3441 Conway Blvd, Port Charlotte (941) 764-9555 N e w P a tie nts W e l c om e Single Visit Crowns Â… Using the Latest in 3D CAD-CAM Dr. Farag has brought state of the art Dentistry to Port Charlotte at an affordable price. adno=50509613
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 C Our Town Page 7 Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement1. Fisher Investments Client-Only Seminars„ e rm puts on about 100 client-only seminars per year in nearly every major city in the country, each hosted by a member of the Investment Policy Committee„including Ken Fisher„or other senior members of the research department. 2. Client Roundtables„ Clients get a chance to talk with Fisher professionals to ask questions about capital markets and to nd out their views on what is likely to happen with stocks. 3. Fisher Friends Lunches„ Fisher sponsors small local events that allow clients to get together, without anyone from Fisher, to discuss whatÂs top of mind. 4. Monthly Webinars„ Because the market is dynamic, Fisher Investments keeps its clients informed with regularly held webinars. is is another opportunity to hear it straight from Fisher research professionals. 5. Dedicated Investment Counselor„ When clients call Fisher Investments they always connect with a person„no ÂPress 1.ÂŽ* Each client is assigned a highly trained personal Investment Counselor. He or she gets to know their clients and their clients needs, concerns, and hopes and dreams. e goal is to marshal the rmÂs resources to help clients achieve their nancial objectives. Investment Counselors can be a godsend during periods of nancial volatility. 6. Capital Markets Update Videos„ Twice a year the Investment Policy Committee, made up of Ken Fisher and 3 other top money managers, participates in a roundtable discussion explaining the last quarterÂs results and expectations for the next 12 months. ese productions help clients really understand what to worry about and what is just media and market noise. 7. Daily Market Commentary„ Each business day Fisher Investments publishes Market Minder a commentary on the major investment news stories of the day. We help our clients understand what is really important and lter out the fear and shallow analysis that are all too common in todayÂs media. Check it out at 8. Regular Written Summaries and Position Papers„ Fisher publishes its Client uarterly Review four times a year and supplements it with updates as conditions dictate. As a client, youÂll always be informed about current market conditions and what to expect in the future.Why Does Renowned Money Manager Ken Fisher Travel Around the Country, Spending Hours with Clients?To educate them, not sell them. 2017 Fisher Investments. 5525 NW Fisher Creek Drive, Camas, WA 98607. Inestments in securities involve the risk of loss. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. During regular business hours. ** Average Private Client Group retention, 1997-2015, calculated by1-[sum of (number of terminations in year/number of clients) ]/number of years. ***As of 12/31/2016.One Simple FeeClients pay a fee to Fisher Investments based on their assets under management with no hidden charges or costs. atÂs true transparency. All of the services mentioned above are free for Fisher Investments clients. Clients can access as much or as few of these as they like. atÂs one reason why, over the last 19 years, more than 9 out of 10 Private Client Group clients have chosen to stay with Fisher Investments.**About Fisher Investments and Ken Fisher Fisher Investments is a respected money management rm serving over 30,000 successful individuals as well as large institutional investors.*** We have been managing portfolios through bull and bear markets for over 30 years. Fisher Investments and its subsidiaries use proprietary research to manage over $71 billion in client assets.*** Ken Fisher, Executive Chairman and Co-Chief Investment O cer, is the author of 11 nance books, 4 of them New York Times bestsellers. €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ e Only ree Questions at Still Count Get Your Free New York Times Best-Selling Book Call 1-888-371-8633If you have $500,000 or more to invest, call now to learn more about how Fisher Investments approaches investing in the stock market. Please request your free copy of e Only ree Questions at Still Count: Investing by Knowing What Others DonÂt YouÂll learn about Ken and his teamÂs unique approach to global diversi cation that goes beyond just stock picking. Even if you already have an investment strategy in place, youÂll nd these insights useful, practical, unconventional and valuable, whether you manage your portfolio yourself or work with a money manager. Request this free book, a New York Time s bestseller, and nd out if some of your beliefs might actually be false!€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€ Call now for your FREE book! Toll-free 1-888-371-8633 Fisher Investments clients listen to Ken Fisher explain what he believes is likely to happen to stocks in 2017. FREE Book O er! Call 1-888-371-8633 to claim your copy. adno=50513223
Our Town Page 8 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSPlay ball and enjoy Networking at Noon today at the 11:05 a.m. Stone Crabs versus Palm Beach Cardinals game. All members who attend must register and your ticket for the game/lunch will be at the will-call box of“ce window. To make your reservation, call our Port Charlotte of“ce at 941-627-2222. Next Wednesday, April 19, at the Third Wednesday Coffee, weÂll hear an update on the Sales Tax projects by Travis Mortimer, manager of capital projects for the county. The Coffee sponsor is the Key Agency. Plan to join your fellow Chamber members from 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at the Event Center in Punta Gorda. Chamber night at the Stone Crabs is Tuesday, April 25. For a $10 ticket, you can get together with members from other chambers, starting at 5 p.m., before the 6:35 game. This also includes a hot dog, chips and a beer or soda. Please call our Port Charlotte of“ce 941627-2222 to order your tickets. The April 27 Business Card Exchange is a Microtel Inn & Suites. Join us from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for great networking and after-hours munchies and beverages. The Leadership Charlotte Class of 2017 will host a Denim & Diamonds Country/ Western themed night on May 20 at the Charlotte County Fairgrounds. Sponsorships are available. There will also be a concert at 8:30 p.m., featuring Nashville artist Logan Dressel. For information, please visit www.leadershipcharlotte. net. Save the date for the June 3 Golf Tournament to bene“t the Junior Leadership Charlotte program. The 9th annual tournament will be held at Kingsway Country Club. More than 60 women attended our eighth annual WomenÂs Networking event last week at the Freeman House, our of“ce in Punta Gorda. It was a very nice evening and everyone suggested that we do it again in the fall. Our thanks to sponsors: the Gilded Grape Winery (for the wine), SonnyÂs BBQ (for the yummy food), DEX Imaging (goody bags), The Millennium Physician Group (hibiscus) and gardenia sponsors, Centennial Bank; Fusion Event & Design Inc.; Guerzo Business Consulting LLC; Korman Relief & Wellness Center; Pampered Chef, Kat Padgett; The Mortgage Firm; Patrice Weston State Farm Insurance and Zaxbys. Thanks to everyone who participated. Have a safe and very Happy Easter weekend! Julie Mathis is executive director of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce. Email her at Chamber events Charlotte County ChamberJulie Mathis support and take care of animals, the best way to do it is to go see them.ÂŽ One of the “rst things you notice when you walk through the front gate are the large habitats on the left that Rosaire and his team have created for bears, servals and some of the larger cats. TheyÂve built rock mountains, waterfalls, and wading pools, and have left trees standing for shade. Coming up soon for the bears in particular, are lounge chairs, made out of large logs, which will be placed by their pools. Basically, these bears are living in your dream backyard. As we made our way further into the sanctuary, we came across a petting zoo, which, had this been 20 years earlier, would have been where I and my three sons would have been spending the whole day. It was full of goats, young children and moms, who were busy taking pictures of all the cuteness. Around the corner is the new aviary, which Rosaire explained to me was donated by a caring local family. Donations and volunteers are what makes a 501(c)(3) run, and Big Cat Habitat is no exception. The interesting thing about this particular aviary, he said, was that it is incredibly high tech. The screen in the front of the structure is an especially strong and tight weave that was made in Australia. Its composition ensures that none of the very strong-billed birds inside can chew their way out and no Nile virus-carrying mosquitoes can make their way in. Walking by the primate enclosures, I met a couple of celebrities. Rosaire channeled Desi Arnaz as he conversed with Ricky and Lucy, the spider monkeys. Lucy is still up to her shenanigans, in case you were wondering. Right in the middle of the sanctuary are a concession area and a show arena, which is where the real education happens. The goal of the Rosaire family is not only to care for and love on the animals, but to educate the public about habitat preservation for these exotic breeds. Many of them, like the Siberian, royal Bengal and white tigers and the African lions, are endangered species and still more are Âthreatened,ÂŽ which means they are at risk for extinction. At 1 p.m. every day, one of the Rosaires conduct a Parrots in Paradise bird show, where they speak for about 20 minutes about the birds, after which itÂs time for the birds to display their intelligence and strength. Then, at 2 p.m., there is the even more popular Big Cat Encounter. ThatÂs a very interesting, and extremely close, look at the intelligence and coolas-a-cucumber demeanor of these magni“cent animals. After we strolled by the wide-open area that held the camels, llamas and zebras and made our way back to the entrance. As I left the Big Cat Habitat, I have to admit it crossed my mind that since the Rosaire family was able to build such a wonderful, interactive space for all those animals on 10 acres, what could I have done in my backyard in North Carolina? IÂm calling my mother right now. Debbie Flessner writes the Live Like a Tourist column for the Sun newspapers. You may contact her at dj@ ” PAGE 1 SUN PHOTOS BY DEBBIE FLESSNER Logan Lauth, who was visiting with his grandparents, Englewood residents John and Aria Catterson, enjoyed taking his own photos of the brown bears. A large white tiger takes a piece of chicken from a visitor. Young Joslyn Carr had fun with the goats at Big Cat Habitat for her second birthday. 3191 Harbor Blvd. Suite D, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 FAMILY DOCTOR € Diabetes € Memory Loss € High Blood Pressure € Hearing Loss Screening € High Cholesterol € Stress Test € Thyroid Problems € Arthritis € Osteoporosis € Cardiac Disease € Heart Problems € Weight Loss € Skin Cancer Surgery 941-613-1919 Tanya Metyk, M.D. Board Certified Internal Medicine SAME DAY SICK APPOINTMENTS Now Accepting Most Insurances Wel coming Self Pay Patients adno=505128 2 Call us today to schedule your own personal tour. 941-766-7991 20480 Veterans Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL 33954 You can rest easy You can rest easy knowing the details knowing the details are taken care of are taken care of so that you can live a so that you can live a carefree lifestyle. carefree lifestyle. Our ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY includes upscale restaurant dining, with many choices. 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ÂNo monthly interest if paid in full within 24 monthsÂŽ 3095 Tamiami Trail, Unit B Port Charlotte, FL (between Olean & Elkcam Blvds) Call 627-0464 Dr. Robert Hooper Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Since 1975 € Affordable $19 69 a month per aid € Free batteries € 5 year loss & damage coverage € 5 year warranty € Replaced every 5 years € Purchase at any time HEARING HEALTH CARE CENTERS LEASE YOUR HEARING AID LEASE YOUR HEARING AID adno=50513286 14 Day Risk Free Trial adno=50509702 Dr. Howard Saslow would like to inform his patients that he is retiring effective May 30th, 2017 All records will reside at Charlotte Orthopaedic Clinic. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of providing your ORTHOPAEDIC CARE or the last 32 years
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 C Our Town Page 9 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSThe contentious religious expression in public schools measure overwhelmingly cleared the Florida Senate, but the House has a different vision. The Senate passed the bill „ S.B. 436 „ by a decisive 114-3 vote late in March, solidifying what is already protected in both the state and U.S. Constitution. A House companion bill was changed to remove some themes. Now, Senate can either make further revisions or move to accept the HouseÂs amendments, sending the measure to Gov. Rick Scott. The bill, sponsored in the Sen. Dennis Baxley, R-Lady Lake, and Reps. Kimberly Daniels, D-Jacksonville and Patricia Williams, D-Lauderdale Lakes, said students are free to express their religious beliefs in written and oral homework, wear clothing, accessories and jewelry that display a religious symbol or message and pray or engage in organized religious activities before, during and after school just as secular groups are allowed to. Both bills, essentially, are the same. Both “ght to free schools from discrimination and clarify the rights that students and staff already have, enshrined by the First Amendment. The Senate-OKÂd bill, however, pushes the envelope further, requiring schools to provide students a Âlimited public forumÂŽ in which they can express their beliefs at assemblies and school events. The legislation would force Florida Department of Education to create policy regarding Âlimited public forum and the voluntary expression of religious viewpoints by students and school personnel in public schoolsÂŽ and post it to its website. The policy then must be implemented by each district in the state. ÂFreedom of Religion is a central right protected by our Constitution,ÂŽ Senate President Joe Negron said in a statement. ÂThe government should not impose a religion, but all too often we see the other extreme where we are taking away peopleÂs right to free speech and their right to practice their faith in a way they believe is appropriate. Students of any faith, or no faith, have a right to free speech. ... We are taking the steps necessary to protect this important constitutional right of public school students, parents, teachers and school administrators.ÂŽ Discussions in both chambers circled around the constitutionality of the measure with many saying it may lead to the promotion of Âreligious agenda.ÂŽ The bill, as passed by the Senate, would require districts to allow religious groups access to school facilities for meetings and events, the same as it does for secular organizations. The House legislation includes similar language. Senate reconvenes today, but S.B. 436 is not immediately slated to be heard. Email: jscholles@sun-herald.comSenate OKs religious expressions bill; House sends it packingBy JONATHAN SCHOLLESSTAFF WRITERGood day to all. Did you know this column, which I am privileged to write for the Charlotte County Historical Center Society, has appeared in this newspaper every other Wednesday for almost seven years? Consequently, I thought it appropriate to revisit the SocietyÂs and Historical CenterÂs evolution. What is now the Charlotte County Historical Center began in March 1969 as the Youth Museum of Charlotte County. Instrumental in those beginnings were then school superintendent Hugh Adams, along with my mom and dad, Vic and Peggy Desguin, and many other supporters. In existence for almost 50 years, the center has evolved from a small, private, all-volunteer organization „ the “rst executive director, Les Wilcox, wasnÂt even hired until 1975 „ to the present collaboration between the nonpro“t Museum Society Inc. and Charlotte CountyÂs Board of County Commissioners. From its start, the goal has been to engage children in learning about this areaÂs heritage. In 1989 the museum changed its name to the Museum of Charlotte County, re”ecting a growing appeal to all ages, and in 1995 adopted the name Florida Adventure Museum. In 2002, it became the Charlotte County Historical Center. The museum has had several location changes over the years, from a vacated “re/ police station on East Marion Avenue where Punta GordaÂs post of“ce now stands, to a former county library building once located at the corner of West Retta Esplanade and U.S. 41 south, an area now part of the Event Center parking lot. For a time, the Historical Center had come Âfull circle,ÂŽ as its previous location, 22959 Bayshore Road, in Charlotte Harbor, was directly across the street from one of the Youth MuseumÂs earliest sites. However, Charlotte CountyÂs Historical Center has entered a new phase of its ever-changing life and is no longer in Charlotte Harbor. Although the center has moved once again, to the former county health department campus at 514 East Grace St., in Punta Gorda, just across from historic Charlotte High School, there is still a lot going on. Call 941-629-7278 or visit the CenterÂs website to “nd out. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to play a small part in preserving and promoting Charlotte CountyÂs rich history. Being a lifelong resident, so far, makes writing the column a lot of fun and it has helped me learn even more about my Âhome.ÂŽ IÂve discovered that friends, whom IÂve known for years, are fourthand “fthgeneration residents, not just of Florida, but this area thatÂs become Charlotte County. What a privilege. I should have known that and am somewhat embarrassed I did not. Throughout time there are those who make history and those who preserve it. So, to the Calusa, Ponce de Leon, Isaac Trabue and everyone making tomorrowÂs history today, thanks for your contribution. Our history is the result of your actions. And, to those who have helped preserve that history, even greater thanks. Some are native Floridians, some are not, and many are no longer with us. Some names youÂll recognize, others perhaps not. But to name just a few, Vernon Peeples, U.S. Cleveland, Diana Harris, Lindsey Williams, Angie Larkin, Byron Rhode, Ed Uhland, Bucky McQueen, Scott Shively, Martha Bireda and members of all area historical societies. Thank you! A special thanks to Vernon, who felt so strongly about our home, worked so diligently to learn its history and passed on that knowledge to others. The SocietyÂs annual Hibiscus Festival is coming up May 19 and 20 at a new location this year, the Punta Gorda History Park, 501 Shreve St. Put it on your calendar and hope to see you there. ÂDid you know?ÂŽ appears every other Wednesday, courtesy of this newspaper and the Charlotte County Historical Center Society. The SocietyÂs mission is to help promote and preserve Charlotte County history and we are always seeking new board members. If not a Society member, please consider joining today. ItÂs the best deal in town. Call 941-833-3828 for more information. Stop by the MidCounty Regional Library on Forrest Nelson Boulevard in Port Charlotte and check out the Historical CenterÂs new exhibit, ÂMurdock, Florida.ÂŽ For more information, call 941-629-7278.The history of the Historical Center Frank Desguin Let The DONÂT BE LEFT IN THE DARK! Light Your Way! Your source for local, national & world news. adno=50513355 ItÂs NOT the Shampoos, Conditioners, Lotions or PotionsItÂs The Water! S a l t -F r e e O p t i o nWE OFFER 12 MONTHS, 0% INTEREST, NO MONEY DOWN Kinetico Water Systems of SWFLYour Authorized Independent Kinetico DealerCALL NOW! 941-244-4854 THESE DISCOUNTS CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS OR DISCOUNTS OFFERS ONLY VALID UNTIL APRIL 30, 2017 10% DISCOUNT OFF ANY ONE UNIT 15% OFF LIST PRICE OF A WHOLE HOUSE REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEM GET A FREE WATER ANALYSIS & QUOTE GOOD FOR SIX MONTHS adno=54513537 Bethany L. Walden, Au. D Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Charlotte Hearing Center, Inc. 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The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 C Our Town Page 11 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSTiffiny Coffey took her Photo 2 class to the skilled nursing home for a lesson in portrait photography. What her students actually did was take a snapshot of how humanity works. The Port Charlotte High School students, mostly sophomores, set up photo shoots and took pictures of residents of Village Place Health and Rehab on Harbor Boulevard. But while doing that, they also talked to their subjects, got to know them a little bit and let themselves be known. The students wound up spending all morning trading stories and listening to jokes from the residents. That communication, that back-and-forth, that laughter, forged a bond between the two ends of the generational spectrum. ÂWhen you look back at the pictures, you see theyÂre more than photos of them,ÂŽ said Faith Hyde, 16, a sophomore. ÂYou see that thereÂs a story behind the photo.ÂŽ The experiment in generational interaction started with Coffey sending two of her students on a scouting mission to Village Place in late February. Getting to know the subject is part of the technique taught by Roland Joynes, a retired professional photographer who helps with the students. His specialty is portrait photography. The girls met and interviewed Emma Hansen, 99, a resident there since December 2015. Hansen became a favorite model. ÂIt was a lot of fun, just you and her,ÂŽ said Taylor Clauser, a 16-year-old sophomore, Âbut there were other residents. We got to meet all kinds of people.ÂŽ In March, Coffey, Joynes and a dozen students went to Village Place to shoot portraits of residents. It was the second such field trip under CoffeyÂs guidance. ÂWeÂre trying to teach portraiture, but weÂre also trying to teach them how to connect with older people,ÂŽ Coffey said. ÂI think young people today are missing a piece of life that I feel is important. ItÂs not all numbers in sequence. ÂI feel itÂs important that young people are exposed to some of the colors and hues around them every day.ÂŽ Coffey and the kids were apprehensive before going. They didnÂt know what to expect. ÂI thought it was a strange place to go at first,ÂŽ Taylor said. ÂBut we got a lot of fun out of it.ÂŽ ÂI was anxious at first,ÂŽ nodded Reese Regets, 15, a sophomore. The kids soon shed their nervousness and became deeply involved with the five residents who took part, listening to their stories, laughing at their jokes. ÂThey were all so animated, so engaged,ÂŽ Coffey said. ÂEveryone was laughing. ÂAs removed as these kids seem at times „ they seem to be in their bubble „ it warmed my heart to be reminded that, ÂOf course they can open up. And it made me happy we gave them that chance.ÂŽ As for Hansen, she said she loved it. ÂIt was very nice. They were nice kids.ÂŽ She was asked if she would do it again. ÂSure,ÂŽ she replied. ÂIt was a good experience.ÂŽ One the kids shared with her.In a flash, a connectionBy RUSTY PRAY SUN CORRESPONDENT PHOTO PROVIDED BY TIFFINY COFFEYThe students surround Emma Hansen. SUN PHOTO BY RUSTY PRAYFrom left, Emily Guilarte, Faith Hyde, Taylor Clauser, Reese R egets, Kennedy Ellis, Roland Joynes, Breana DeMorrow and Tiny Co ey PHOTO PROVIDED BY TIFFINY COFFEYEmma Hansen reacts to a photo with pleasure as Roland Joynes looks on. PHOTO PROVIDED BY TIFFINY COFFEYKennedy Ellis prepares to take the photo of Emma Hansen, 99, a resident of Village Place Health and Rehab in Port Charlotte. PHOTO PROVIDED BY TIFFINY COFFEYNicole Cuellar and Reese Regets talk to a resident of Village Place before starting their photo shoot.
Our Town Page 12 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS TODAY Woodcarving, Woodcarving and Woodburning every Wed. at the Cultural Center 8am to 12pm. Come and have fun Bev 764-6452 TOPS Club, Affordable supportive weight loss 8:45-10:30, S PG Hgts Civic 11200 1ST Av Punta Gorda $4/M $32/Y Fran 941-347-8151 Project Linus, Have fun crochet knit quilt blankets for Charlotte County kids New Day Church 20212 Peachland 9-11am Nancy 627-4364 Stamp Corner, 9-12:30p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Free have your stamps appraised, some for sell. Donations welcomed. Deep Creek Elks, Open@10.lunch 11-2:30.Judi drinkÂŽoriginal Sin MartiniÂŽBBQ on the grill 5;30-7:30 Music by Escape. Reserve@941-249-8067 Stretch N Balance, 1 hr Chinese Stretch n Balance (Dao Yin) every Wed 10AM $8 PGICA Punta Gorda 2001 Shreve St. 407.923.8310 Richard Curtis Am Leg 110 Bingo, Early Birds 10:30 Hot Ball, specials. Am Legion Riders Â… Open to the public Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd PC 941-6291645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 Karaoke by Billy G, Q Hearts 7:30pm Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-10:30 Karaoke with Wam @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606;members & guests Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 Peace River Forum, IYC, 1780 W. Marion, 11:30am, 4/12. Members $20, guests $22. Call Jenn at 916-7224 to register. BCC Joe Tiseo is speaker. Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 Cribbage, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 12:45pm-4p $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Port Charlotte Elks, Game Night/Queen of Hearts 7PM, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Members/ Guests, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Karaoke, 1:45p-3:45p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St., Come listen and/or share your singing talents., $1 or free if you buy lunch. Singer Paul Nagel, Singer Paul Nagel performs 4-7 pm in Center Court at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 PC Kayakers, Mtg every Weds 5PM Higgs Park, 21400 Higgs Dr, PC to pick next paddling site for Sunday morning. ??-941-627-1004. Double Deck Pinochle, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 5:30-8:30p $2.25. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free., Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Ford Mustang Club, Ford Mustang Car Club Meeting 7 pm Upper Sale Room Gasgarth Ford 3156 Tamiami Trl PC. New members welcome. 941-647-7030 Puppet Show Theater, 4/12 7pm Puppet Show Dinner Theater, FREE to all, CLC, 19048 Edgewater PC. Bring a potluck dish to pass. 941-629-0999 Square Dance, 7p-9p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Come have lots of fun dancing the night away. Everyone welcome $5 per person. THURSDAY Murdock Rotary, Club meets Thurs 7:15am weekly at Perkins, 1700 Tamiami Trl. Friendliest club in SWFL. Call 941-624-2353 for info Deep Creek Elks, Opens at 10. Lunch 11-2:30. JudiÂs drink ÂParadise CocktailÂŽ LOE @11. Orientation 6:30. Reserve for weekend 941-249-8067 Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 music by Robert & Wolfie AAUW Â… PG/PC Branch, 11 am Char. Harb Yacht Club, 4400 Lister St, Pt Char. Margie Kane Guardian ad Litem. More info call 941-347-8040 Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-8:30 Charity Bar Bingo @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606;members & guests RW Womans Club Meets, 11:30 am, Amer Legion #113, 3436 Indiana Rd,Rotonda..lunch $10.00-call Diane-828-0119 by 4/7.. program-international Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 Punta Gorda Rotary, Meets weekly at Isles Yacht Club, 1780 W Marion Ave Punt Gorda Fl Singer Paul Roush, Singer Paul Roush performs live music, 12 Noon-3 pm at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 Port Charlotte Elks, Happy Hour prices 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 3 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 625-7571 Holy Thursday, Apr 13 at 6pm. Interactive communion service. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 Square Dance/Rds, SQs 7:30-9:30 early RDs @ 7, 21075 Quaesda Ave 33952, Guest Caller/ cuers info 941-456-2580 $6 person Living Last Supper, Free; 7:30 pm DaVinciÂs painting enacted. Communion open to all. EUMC, 700 E. Dearborn, 473-4133; www. FRIDAY Tops Club takeoff #s, 8am to 10 am at Edgewater UMC 19190 Cochran Blvd, call 941-2582610(Hope) $32 annual, $5 monthly Project Linus, Have fun crochet knit quilt blankets for Charlotte County kids 9-11am FGCU Herald Ct. Punta Gorda Nancy 627-4364 Quarter Bingo, Cultural Center 10a-10:45a 2280 Aaron St. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Qigong or Taichi?, WhatÂs for you? TaiChi or QiGong. Open class PGICA Fri 10am $9. Two weeks per form., Richard Curtis 407-923-8310 Eagles, Eagles 2311 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 music by Ambush Bingo, Cultural Center 10:45a-3:30p 2280 Aaron St. Game Packs start at $13. Over 25 games with payouts up to $250 625-4175. Deep Creek Elks, Opens @11. Dinner 5-8. Prime Rib, Seafood & more. Music by ÂEscapeÂŽ. Reservations 941-249-8067. Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open; 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-9:30 Music by Black Velvet @ 25538 ShorePG637-2606; members & guests Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 Danny Beach, Singer Danny Beach performs 12 noon-3 pm in center court at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 Port Charlotte Elks, BOGO Happy Hour 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, Fl, 629-4545 Kraig Kenning, National Slide Guitar Champion Kraig Kenning, 5-9 pm at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 FC Good Fri Concert, Good Fri. Concert featuring Pastor Garry & FC Band & Praise Singers 5:30pm@140 Rot. Blvd. W. 475-7447 Friday Night Dance, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 7p-10p $10 Full cash bar live entertainment. Band info at 625-4175 Good Friday, Apr 14 at 7pm. Special Tenebrae service. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 SATURDAY Easter Egg Hunt, 9 am; Fellowship Hall come with adult; hunt by age; bring basket. EUMC, 700 E. Dearborn, 473-4133; www. Flea Market, Train Depot Outdoor Flea Market,9-1,Historic Depot Freight Dock,1009 Taylor Rd & Carmalita St.,941-639-6774.. Punta Gorda Elks, 9am C.B.O.D; 11-2 Lunch;3pm Tiki;5-8 Dinner;6pm QnHrts; 6:30-9:30 Music by Heart&Soul@25538 ShorePG637-2606;mbrs&gsts Seagrass Wading Trip, Explore the wild seagrass beds with CHEC. 9am at Ponce de Leon Park. Free with reservations. 941-575-5435 Solar Observing, View sunspots and solar flares/prominences at Ponce deLeon Park from 9am 11:45am, More info at 941-249-8726 Closet of Hope, Free clothing, ID required. 1st & 3rd Saturdays 9:30a-12p. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 FREE Tai Chi, Want serenity, balance, peace? FREE Taichi n qigong w/Richard or Mary Sat @ 9:30am in Gilchrist Park call 407-923-8310 Deep Creek Elks, Open @10. Dinner 5-8. Filet, Seafood & more. Music by ÂQuiet FireÂŽ. Reservations @ 941-249-8067. Quarter Bingo, Cultural Center 10a-10:45a 2280 Aaron St. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 dinner 5-7 Bingo 1-4 Open Mic by S&H Bingo, Cultural Center 10:45a3:30p 2280 Aaron St Game Packs start at $13. Over 25 games with payouts up to $250 625-4175. Pinochle, Cultural Center2280 Aaron St. 1p-3p $1.50. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 5-9 pm at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 SUNDAYFarmers Market, History Park Farmers Market open every Sunday 9am-2pm, 501 Shreve St., between Virginia Ave. & Henry St. 941-639-1887 Chess Club, 11a-3p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Eagles, .Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd, PC, 941-629-1645 Funday/w Linda., NASCAR, ,Pool Table, Happy Easter Deep Creek Elks, Easter Dinner 1-5. Ham or Roast Beef and all the fixins. $13.95. +tax & tip. $9 for kids. Reservations at 941-249-8067. Garden Tour, Guided tour of gardens at History Park, 501 Shreve St., PG, 2pm, $5 suggested donation; Q&A.. Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Eggs after church! April 16, 10 am.118 Sullivan, Punta Gorda. 941-321-7084. @ BeyondTheseWallsMCC MONDAY Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2pm dinner 5-8 Trustee Meet 6pm Aerie 7pm. Nomination of Officers Leslie DaCosta, Dixieland Jazz by Leslie DaCosta 12 Noon-3 pm at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 Bar BingoÂ…Am Leg 110, Bar Bingo Â… Specials, Hot Ball Â… Open to Public Â… Starts at 6:00 TUESDAY MenÂs Fellowship, Gulf Cove Methodist Men meet 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 8am, Bay Pointe Grill, 3502 N Access Rd, Englewood. 697-1747 Charlotte Carvers, All kinds of Wood carving 8-12noon,Punta Gorda Boat Club, W Retta Esplanade. All welcome to visit & enjoy Blood Press Check, 9a-11a Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Licensed RN is available for free Blood Pressure Check 625-4175. Dulcimer Music, 9a-11a Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Listen and play as the Dulcimer Group plays 625-4175. All welcomed. Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2pm dinner 5-8 come Jam with Ambush Chess Club, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 12p-4p $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Singer Jim Daniels, Live music by singer Jim Daniels 12 Noon-3 pm near the Coffee Cafe at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 Danny Beach, Singer Danny Beach performs 1-4 pm in center court at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 BARBERSHOP REHEARSAL, Barbershop Chorus rehearsal every Tues, 7-9:30pm, Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, 11330 Burnt Store Rd PG. 625-1128. Quilt Guild Meeting, Disconnected Piecers Quilt Guild Meeting 6:30 pm. 2230 Hariet St. New members welcome 941-457-6566 American Legion 103, PUBLIC WELCOMED! Auxiliary Bar Bingo 6-9. Big Pots & Great Fun! 2101 Taylor Rd. PG 639-6337 Sierra Club Meeting, 7-9PM, 1532 Forrest Nelson Blvd, Port Charlotte, 941-423-2713 WEDNESDAY, April 19 Woodcarving, Woodcarving and Woodburning every Wed. 8am to 12pm at the Cultural Center. Come and have fun. Bev 764-6452 Kayak Alligator Creek, 8:30AM-1PM, Burnt Store Road, (304) 642-8851 TOPS Club, Affordable supportive weight loss 8:45-10:30, S PG Hgts Civic 11200 1ST Av Punta Gorda $4/M $32/Y Fran 941-347-8151 Project Linus, Have fun crochet knit quilt blankets for Charlotte County kids 9-11am New Day Church 20212 Peachland Blvd Nancy 627-4364 Stamp Corner, 9-12:30p Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. Free have your stamps appraised, some for sell. Donations welcomed. Am Leg 110 Bingo, Early Birds 10:30 Hot Ball, specials. Am Legion Riders Â… Open to the public Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 Karaoke by Billy G, Q Hearts 7:30pm Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm at FishermenÂs Village. 639-8721 Auxiliary Bingo, Post 113, Rotonda W, Every 3rd Wed...Starts 12:30 strips Post 697-3616 info. Open to Public! Cribbage, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 12:45pm-4p $3. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. PG Garden Club MTG, COMMUNITY CALENDAR Chicago author, Author Frank Ardito talks about dealing with social problems of ChicagoÂs inner city communities during the 1960Âs at the Punta Gorda Library on Wednesday, April 12 at 2:00 p.m. Free. 941-613-3192. Sarasota National Cemetery presentation, Get information about the closest national cemetery for veterans from the director of the cemetery. Bring your questions! 2:00 PM on Wed, 4/12, at Military Heritage Museum Conference Center, FishermenÂs Village 941-575-9002. The Charlotte Chorale Concert, The Charlotte Chorale Presents: ÂMade in AmericaÂŽ, music by american composers through the centuries. Presented by Artistic Director Dr. William Dederer and 70 voices. Concert: April 22, 4pm, CPAC, 701 Carmalita St., Punta Gorda. For tickets: 941-204-0033, Adults $20, Students $10. Indian Dance at library, Surapsri performs authentic dances from India on Thursday, April 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the Mid-County Library. Free. No reservations needed. 941-613-3192 Peace River Baptist Choir Easter Cantata, The sanctuary choir of Peace River Bapt. Church will present the Easter cantata ÂLike a LambÂŽ on Thurs. & Friday, 4/13 & 14, at 7pm. 478 Berry St., P.G. 33950. Doors open at 6pm, no tickets required, seating is limited. Call 941-637-6768 or 941-628-9789 for more info. Featured EventsPAID ADVERTISEMENTS The Community Calendar items are entered by the event organizers and are run Âas submitted.ÂŽ To submit an item, go to www.yoursun. com, select an edition and click on the ÂCommunity CalendarÂŽ link on the left. Click ÂSubmit Event,ÂŽ and fill out the appropriate information. adno=50512977 STARTING AT $23,300!! 625-5056 1212 Enterprise Drive Port Charlotte, FL 33953 Lic./Insured Lic.#CPO56749 23 R e a d e r  s Ch o i c e A w a r d s Complete Pool Package including cage 2016 CONSTRUCTION HEATING & SALT SYSTEMS POOL SERVICE & REPAIRS POOL SUPPLY STORE adno=50513442 adno=50513401 Serving Charlotte County for 40 years 941-637-1333 LAWN REPLACEMENT LAWN REPLACEMENT CALL MALONEYÂS CALL MALONEYÂS SOD SOD No job too big or too small! No job too big or too small! Voted Best Ophthalmologist 2011 2015 € 624-4500 adno=50509590 301 W. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda € 575-2273 Former faculty member of Marquette University School of Dentistry G eneral & Implant Dentistry adno=50509586 adno=50509532 REMODELING?...REPLACING?...UPGRADING?OUR VOLUME PURCHASE POWER MEANS DISCOUNTS FOR YOU! WINDOWS FULL LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLY MATERIALS Friendly, knowledgeable pers onnel on hand to answer all your questions and help with your selections. Expert installation available-Ask for details. FREE ESTIMATES C R A N B E R R Y B L VD .COMMERCE PKWY adno=704879 WINDOWS FULL LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLY MATERIALS
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 C Our Town Page 13 adno=715032
Our Town Page 14 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Community support is the lifeblood of nonprofitsOUR POSITION: Now is a good time to support nonpro“ts.ThereÂs no holiday to hang a hat on, no ”ag to rally the troops around. There should not be a need for either, really. Any time is the right time to remind the community to support our nonpro“ts. Now seems a particularly appropriate time because the snowbirds are leaving us, and that creates a gap in volunteers mustering for service. And, well, there are things going on in powerful places that could create a gap in funding. The budget recently proposed by the White House calls for a 16 percent cut to Health and Human Services. It also would eliminate Community Development Block Grants, a $3 billion program that is provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. There are countless nonpro“ts in our region. Some, like the United Way, are big. They have rooves over their heads. They still do the work of an army with a handful of helpers. For instance, the United Way is working to wipe out poverty in Charlotte County. A tall order. Others, like the Young Musicians Education Foundation, are small. Instead of rooves, they have visions. The foundation recently purchased 18 ukuleles for an elementary school and sponsors five students with private lessons on stringed instruments. It wants to expand its programs. Another tall order. All the nonprofits serve a purpose in our society. All are worthy causes. All deserve support. ÂCharlotte CountyÂs nonprofit organizations provide critical services that improve the financial stability, health and wellness of our friends and neighbors,ÂŽ said Angie Matthiessen, the United Way of Charlotte CountyÂs director of resource development. ÂThese nonpro“ts understand the communityÂs needs, the best way to meet these needs, and provide a voice for those they serve.ÂŽ One of Charlotte CountyÂs can-do nonprofits is Meals on Wheels. Recently, it held a combination open house and ribbon-cutting for its revamped program, which includes a new menu for its clients and an enlarged Thrift Store with extended hours. ÂWe have no state or government funding,ÂŽ said Debbie Amaral-Chow, its marketing director. ÂWe rely on community support. ThatÂs the way we stay afloat.ÂŽ Community support at its strongest. Other groups also rely heavily on the community. The Homeless Coalition, for instance, is a Âcommunitydriven organization,ÂŽ said Angela Hogan, its executive director. ÂIt is only through dedicated volunteers and the financial contributions provided by our community that we are able to serve those who are so desperately in need.ÂŽ In all, 25 percent of those who use the coalitionÂs food pantry are seniors. Veterans form a significant percentage of the population it serves. It should go without saying „ but wonÂt „ that these folks deserve to see something other than our backs. ThereÂs a relatively new group in our region called Together Charlotte. ItÂs a collaboration of community and government leaders and social service representatives constructing a communityfirst approach. The idea is to better serve the needy. ÂIt really does take a village „ both in financial support and volunteering „ to move the needle on the issues we face in Charlotte County,ÂŽ Matthiessen said. ÂWe have a very supportive community already, but now more than ever is the time to roll up our sleeves and come to the table to “nd solutions.ÂŽProtests present at Islam lectureEditor: I must correct two parts of your story on the April 6 Paul Stamoulis lecture, ÂThe History of ISIS, al-Qaida and Radical Islam.ÂŽ It was not an audience member who declared that Muslims believe Sharia law supersedes the U.S. Constitution and civil law, but Mr. Stamoulis himself. He was challenged. After being handed the microphone, Hassan Shibly introduced himself as an imam and a Tampa civil rights attorney, and asserted that he defends the rights of all people under our U.S. Constitution, which he defends and holds dear. The statement that Âthere were no protestersÂŽ needs correction. From 6 until 6:30 p.m., a small group of protesters outside the Cultural Center Theater showed signs asking attendees to welcome Islamic visitors. At 6:30, one used a bullhorn to start chants against Islamophobia. One incoming attendee retorted, ÂWhat makes you think I would not welcome Islamic refugees?ÂŽ The outside action was “lmed and reported by WINKTV. During the lecture, the same group of protesters was present at the back of the hall, as were cameras from several press organizations including WESH-TV and Telemundo. I am sorry your writer did not take the time to meet with attorney Shibly to learn his name or con“rm his remarks. Mr. Stamoulis did so during the break, and later acknowledged a pleasant exchange with the imam from the podium. As Mr. Stamoulis concluded, we wound up listening to and talking with one another, in a civil manner, which is an improvement.Jean M. Finks Port CharlotteThrift stores not fullling missionEditor: I am expressing my feelings again after three years. I believed that thrift stores were for low-income families to help keep the costs down for families in need. It is not what I have experienced. I do go into these stores occasionally when on a mission for something I need. The prices are outrageous. Who is getting rich off this stuff, the CEOs? Most of these items will be thrown away after awhile and no one bene“ts from it. I am on a limited income, but not as limited as some families that need the help. Why do these places need to take advantage of our lowerincome families? Items are donated to these stores to help the lower-income families. Please hear me.Chrisie Mogilnicki Punta GordaIs democracy broken in the US?Editor: Is American democracy broken? For those people around the world who looked up to America as the model, many are asking this question. We know the alternatives are communism or dictatorships, and both of these have many negatives especially for their citizens. Some are even trying to undermine our democracy. If we look at our American democracy over the last decade you can see the slow deterioration of our system. Here are just some of the indicators we all should be concerned about: Public con“dence in our governments, less than 20 percent approval rating. Con“dence in our media, less than 20 percent. Cable news networks are divided into two political camps. The two-party system that cannot, or will not, compromise on behalf of the American people. Enormous sums of money spent on elections and much of that by special interest groups. Elections that take over two years to vote and the public is worn out. Politicians tell us whatÂs wrong with the other candidate or party but not what they will do for us. Some 90 million people did not vote in the last federal election. We give a party a majority, but they are not prepared or understand how to govern. We cannot even agree on a Supreme Court nominee. Our leaders openly tell us that their “rst priority is to defeat the newly elected president. Is the two-party system dead in America? Can we save our democracy? ItÂs like Catholics and Protestants. They both believe in God. But?George Baillie North Port Knows goal is US destructionEditor: I was distressed by editor Jim Gouvellis somewhat petulant front-page complaint in the April 11 edition of the Sun regarding our supervisor of electionÂs talk on radical Islam. Apparently, Mr. Gouvellis has a problem with citizens exercising their First Amendment rights. The claim by Hassan Shibly, a supposed Muslim civil rights lawyer and imam, that he did not know any American Muslim who thought Sharia law was above U.S. law is laughable. Respected surveys have shown, sadly, that a signi“cant percentage of American Muslims believe precisely that. I note that CAIR, the terrorist-supporting organization that claims to be in favor of civil rights, has not condemned the slaughter of Coptic Christians in Egypt, nor have the heads of any Muslimrun governments, with the possible exception of Egypt. In fact, any criticism of Islam is condemned and vili“ed by CAIR and its fellow travelers. As an individual who has taught U.S. Constitutional law and civil liberties, as well as U.S. foreign policy, I know that the goal of radical Islam is the destruction of western civilization. All Americans have the right to Âdive deep into religion and politics,ÂŽ even a supervisor of elections.Harvey Goldstein Deep CreekKey exchange misrepresentedEditor: Reporter Bill Jones April 8 report on the lecture by Charlotte County Supervisor of Elections Paul Stamoulis bears little resemblance to what actually transpired last Thursday at the Cultural Center Theater. Most seriously I believe that it is incumbent on the Sun „ and urgent „ to correct the completely inaccurate characterization of the statement by an imam in the audience who challenged Mr. Stamoulis expressed doubt that Muslims in the U.S. Âcan acknowledge the supremacy of civil law over Sharia law.ÂŽ Here is the totality of what the imam said, transcribed from a recording I made of the speech: ÂIÂm a civil rights lawyer and an imam and a Muslim, and I donÂt know any Muslims who disagree that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. God bless you.ÂŽ I hope you can appreciate how very dangerous is the misrepresentation of that exchange. There is very little else in the report that jives with the reality that I observed and recorded. Just for starters, after the imam said, ÂGod bless you,ÂŽ Mr. Stamoulis resumed his lecture. You can hear that in the recording. And, for another example, there were about a dozen peaceful, respectful protesters whose signs expressed the pain many in our community feel when Muslims are hatefully stigmatized.Jane Hunter Englewood Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name „ not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Sun Letters to the Editor, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. Readers may email Letters to the Editor at Further questions or information, call 941-681-3003. HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOREmail letters to letters@sun-herald.comPublisher „ Robert E. Lee Executive editor „ Jim Gouvellis Editorial page editor „ Stephen Baumann Commentary Editor „ John Hackworth V IEWPOINTOUR VIEW LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 C Our Town Page 15 A ceremonial ribbon-cutting is scheduled for 3 p.m., April 18, to commemorate the opening of the Veterans Memorial Park at 3406 Indiana Road, in Rotonda West. The public is invited to attend. The event will include a local veteran honor guard, a ”ag-raising ceremony and a three-volley salute. The park features granite and brass memorials to the countyÂs war dead, informational displays about U.S. wars and a ”ag pavilion featuring the U.S., state and POW/ MIA ”ags, along with the ”ags of the “ve military services. The park also includes a re”ection area, walking paths, an event lawn, a gazebo and a shade pavilion. Funding for the Veterans Memorial Park came from the voterapproved 1 percent local option sales tax.Gasparilla RoadA ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the completion of the Gasparilla Road (County Road 771) widening project is scheduled for 1 p.m. Thursday at 13555 Marathon Boulevard, Port Charlotte. The public is invited to attend. The project widened Gasparilla Road between Rotonda Boulevard East and Cattle Dock Point Road to four lanes. It also included the installation of sidewalks and bicycle facilities, as well as utility improvements. The project was funded by the voterapproved 1 percent local option sales tax.Hero finalistsLeah Williams, a recreation specialist for the Community Services Department, and Building Official Ben Bailey were named finalists for the International County Managers AssociationÂs Life, Well Run Community Heroes Award. Williams was nominated for her outstanding work at South County Regional Park, where she organizes and manages a variety of programs. In 2015, Leah was one of the “rst recipients of the Community Services DepartmentÂs Recreation Rockstar Award. In August 2016, she was recognized as the Charlotte County Employee of the Month. Bailey was nominated for his work streamlining the permitting process in the county and reducing unnecessary regulations. He has been instrumental in the development of online permitting to speed up the review and approval process for builders. Congratulations to Leah and Ben. WeÂre proud of the work you do on behalf of county residents.Water contestThe Charlotte County Utilities Department won the annual Best-Tasting Drinking Water Contest in Region X held by the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association. The contest was held during a FSAWWA luncheon at the Southwest Florida Water Management DistrictÂs Sarasota Service Center on April 7. Charlotte CountyÂs water sample won the best tasting out of the nine utilities that entered the contest. ScholarshipFloodplain Manager and Plans Examiner Hoyie ÂChipÂŽ Hague has been awarded a full scholarship to the Association of State Floodplain Managers conference in Kansas City in May. H ague was one of three recipients awarded this scholarship this year.Duck RaceCharlotte County Community Services partnered with the Port Charlotte Sunrise Kiwanis the 2nd Annual Duck Race and Kids Fest at Kiwanis Park on Saturday, April 1. The family event provided games such as giant Connect Four, ring toss and sack races. Kids built bird houses in the Home Depot Build It Kit tent, jumped around in the bounce house and enjoyed entertainment with Kenny D. Three heats of plastic duck races were held, with the “nal race featuring all the ducks for the grand “nale. The event raised funds for local Kiwanis charities.Tourism summitPunta Gorda/ Englewood Beach Visitor & Convention Bureau staff attended the Simpleview Summit last week in Tucson, Arizona. The event was a tourism marketing and sales conference attended by about 850 representatives from other destination marketing organizations from around the world. Topics focused on digital marketing and introduced new features including C-vent and Meetingmax integration. Ray Sandrock is the Charlotte County administrator. Readers may reach him at Raymond.Sandrock@ Memorial Park ribbon-cutting April 18 Ray Sandrock The Punta Gorda City Council has requested staff provide renderings and a plan to install streetlevel decorative signage in an effort to mitigate future traffic-related accidents in the Marion/Maude intersection area. Many of the accidents in the past year have occurred due to drivers failing to recognize Marion as a one-way street and making a left turn onto Maude from the right lane. There is considerable activity in the area (i.e. FishermenÂs Village, Visual Arts Center, Sandstar Realty, Merrill Lynch, condominiums), and it is the intent that more visible signage along Marion will serve to direct drivers into their proper lane to reach their desired destination. A presentation at a future council meeting is forthcoming. CitizenÂs AcademyCitizenÂs Academy Demonstration/Police Incident Policy & Procedures Review: The Internal Review Team completed its analysis of Police Department policies, procedures and training related to the Knowlton shooting incident and published its findings, which can be viewed at: incident-overview. The report concludes by stating, ÂThe delineation of the errors of the evening on which the incident occurred will be presented in the Internal Affairs investigation report. However, I am able to state, unequivocally, that the errors have been identified and sufficient measures have been taken to bring the department up to date with related policies and procedures, and that any repeat of such an unfortunate incident will be the result of failure to abide by policy and training.ÂŽPublic Forums?Facebook Question of the Week „ subscribe to us at www.facebook. com/CityOfPuntaGorda. In an effort to address security and privacyrelated concerns regarding public access to cityowned, controlled and leased property, and to minimize potential disruptions to the work of city operations, the City Council adopted an emergency Ordinance 1867-17 that designated certain areas which are intended primarily for the use of city employees in the conduct of their business; certain areas that may from time to time be utilized for convening public meetings; areas which may be open to the public while engaging in legitimate business with city employees; and areas primarily intended for convening of public meetings. The city manager also will identify which areas are to be considered designated public forums, limited designated public forums or nonpublic forums. In addition, Council Chambers and conference rooms in City Hall and City Hall Annex are declared nonpublic forums unless or until a public meeting is convened in such areas pursuant to public notice. A person(s) is not permitted to record video and/or sound within city-owned, controlled or leased property except during duly noticed public hearings, or with the consent of all persons whose voice or image is being recorded. The city is in the planning stages implementing enhanced security measures in conjunction with the new ordinance. As customers of City Hall, what are your thoughts regarding our effort to provide a safe working environment for city employees within the context of having an accessible City Hall? Howard Kunik is the Punta Gorda city manager. His column appears Wednesdays. Readers may reach him at Intersection issues and public space rules Howard Kunik SP20001Wanttomakeacomment,say thanks,giveapatonthebackto someone,getsomethingoffyour chest?Writealettertotheeditorand shareyourthoughtswith80,000 ofyourfriendsandneighbors.Submitlettersviae-mailto letters @ ormailthemto 23170HarborviewRoad, CharlotteHarbor,Fla.,33980. TurntotheViewpointpage forletterguidelines andother information. ShareYourThoughts... Fishing For A New Career? Check Out The Classifieds In The Looking for a Friend? Find him in the Classifieds VIEWPOINT adno=54513659 Hospital & Adjustable Bed Packages $ 300 OFF Turn Key Package Bed € Mattress € Bed Rails ALL Li f t Chai r Recli ners 2, 3 & Infinite Position Models Custom Colors & Fabrics $ 150 OFF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT STORE ANY Scoot er ALL PORTABLE OXYGEN CONCENTRATORS Walkers & Wheelchai rs $ 350 OFF $ 50 OFF 1180 Jacaranda Blvd. Veni ce € 9414972273 4265 Tami ami Trai l, Pt Charlott e € 9417436644 Town & Country Pl aza € 41S and Handcock € In with Publix, Pet Supermarket & West Marine *Must present thi s ad for di scounts. Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 9-3. Retai l Sal es Onl y. END OF SEASON BLOWOUT $ 150 OFF Lowest Prices of the Year...Shop NOW before you head back North! 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Our Town Page 16 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSCHARLOTTE Charles BartonCharles Barton, of Punta Gorda, Florida, and Sarasota, Florida, departed this earthly life Friday, Feb. 17, 2017. He was born Nov. 23, 1938, to Wilson Barton and Josephine Munn Logan. Mr. Barton was a United States Army veteran and attended the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Punta Gorda. Mr. Barton was a 1957 graduate of Dunbar High School, Fort Myers, Florida. Mr. Barton is survived by his children; grandchildren; brothers; sisters; nephews; nieces and cousins. He was preceded in death by his parents. The family would like to thank his friends, the staff of Bayfront Health ICU and Tidewell Hospice of Port Charlotte for their loving care of Mr. Barton during his illness. The family is very grateful for the outpouring of love and support from friends and family during this time of loss. To leave an online condolence, please visit www.charlottememorial. com. Interment and military honors will be held at 9:30 a.m. today, Wednesday, April 12, 2017, at Sarasota National Cemetery, Sarasota. Arrangements are by Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home, Cemetery and Crematory. Richard C. BatesRichard C. Bates, 84, of Port Charlotte, Florida, passed away Sunday, April 9, 2017, at Tidewell Hospice house. He was born Sept. 12, 1932, in Long Island, New York, to Richard and Florence Bates. Richard served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He then went on to lead a life of adventure along with his wife of 59 years, Estelle. Richard is survived by his “ve children, Richard Jr. (Mary) of Fanning Springs, Florida, Gary of Costa Mesa, California, James (Denice) of Port Charlotte, JoAnn of Port Charlotte and Keith (Christine) of Colonial Beach, Virgina; siblings, William (Mary) of Punta Gorda, Florida, Howard (Barbara) of Lebanon, Connecticut, Marilyn of Norwich, Connecticut, and David of Hartford, Connecticut; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. A special thank-you to those who cared for Richard at the Palms of Punta Gorda and Tidewell Hospice house. A celebration of life will be held at a later date.Kenneth Noel YorkDr. Kenneth ÂKenÂŽ Noel York, 65, of Port Charlotte, Florida, went home to be with God on Friday, April 7, 2017. Kenneth was born on May 19, 1951, in South Bend, Indiana. He graduated from Plymouth High School and continued on to receive his Doctoral in Chiropractic from National Chiropractic College. Kenneth was married to Sandra I. York on Aug. 13, 1977; they were best friends and life partners for 39 wonderful years. Kenneth worked as a chiropractor for 39 years at Charlotte Chiropractic Clinic in Port Charlotte, Florida. In addition to caring for others, he enjoyed snow skiing, boating, ”ying planes, health and “tness, collecting guns and anything to do with cars, especially Fords! He was also very active in church as a leader, mentor and deacon. Kenneth is survived by his wife, Sandra; brother, James York; sister, Patricia York; daughters, Shannon Stamatis, Brandi Walker and Kasandra Bennett; grandchildren, Kevin Walker, Kaylen Stamatis, Kohner Bennett, Rylee Stamatis, Zoe Walker, Owen Walker, Landyn Bennett and Brielle Bennett; loving sonsin-law; nephews; and extended family. Kenneth was preceded in death by his parents, Roger and June York. The funeral service will be held for Kenneth at 4 p.m. Saturday, April 15, 2017, at Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home in Punta Gorda, Florida. Service will be conducted by Timothy Taylor. There will be a reception immediately following the service at the funeral home. In lieu of ”owers, the family is asking that memorial donations be made to LifeSource Church in Port Charlotte, Florida, or to the Shriners Hospital for Children at www. shrinershospitalfor Arrangements are by Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home, Cemetery and Crematory. To leave an online condolence, please visit www. We love you and will miss you, Papa!DESOTO Vernon Roller Jr.Vernon Roller Jr., 73, passed away Monday, April 10, 2017, in Arcadia, Florida. Vernon was born Oct. 16, 1943, in Baltimore, Maryland. He moved to Arcadia, Florida, in 2013 from Fort Myers, Florida. Vernon was retired from Lee County Mosquito Control. Upon his retirement, VernonÂs pastime was working and buying with his wife Libby and her partner MarciaÂs antique business, Oak Street Treasures, located in Arcadia. Vernon was a member of the Fort Myers Masonic Tropical Lodge 56 and attended the First United Methodist Church, Fort Myers. He also enjoyed going “shing. He was a U.S. Army veteran. Vernon is survived by his beloved wife of 32 years, Libby, of Arcadia; three daughters; three stepdaughters; six grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. A Celebration of Life for Vernon will be held between the hours of 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Friday, April 14, 2017, at the family residence. In lieu of ”owers, donations may be made to the Shriners Hospital, 12502 USF Pine Drive, Tampa, FL 33612, 813-972-2250. Online condolences may be made at Arrangements are by Ponger-Kays-Grady Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Arcadia.ENGLEWOODThere were no deaths reported in Englewood Tuesday. NORTH PORTThere were no deaths reported in North Port Tuesday. OBITUARIESRichard A. HackneyRichard A. Hackney, 67, of Venice, Florida, passed away Saturday, April 8, 2017. Richard was born Jan. 26, 1950, in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. He received his bachelorÂs degree from Penn State in 1971 and his Executive MBA from Florida Gulf Coast University in 2001. He was a kind and thoughtful husband, father and grandfather. He enjoyed traveling, going to Disney with his granddaughter and working on home-remodeling projects. He had many interests, including collecting comic books and reading mysteries and science “ction. Richard loved the Christmas season. He ÂbelievedÂŽ and always made sure everyone had Santa gifts. He enjoyed putting up his ever-growing Christmas Village each year. Richard was a newspaper man. He believed in the printed word. He would say, ÂPrinting is a noble profession.ÂŽ It was what he knew, what he loved and what he did 24/7. He started his career at 14 delivering his hometown paper, The Herald-Standard. He worked for Calkins Newspapers as a district manager while in college, then as the business manager for Standard Printing Company, later becoming Controller for the Herald-Standard. Richard then went on to become the publisher of The South Dade Newsleader in Homestead, Florida. Richard was hired in 1990 by Derek Dunn-Rankin to be the business manager of the production side of Sun Coast Media Group. He later held the position of production manager until “nally becoming president of Sun Coast Press. Richard was frequently seen inserting papers by hand, feeding a hopper, looking inside the workings of the press and sometimes just pushing a broom to clean up. Some thought he wore rose-colored glasses. It was true. Richard thought the best of people, had a can-do attitude and always did the right thing. He was a great salesman. He sold commercial printing with his sales team up and down the state of Florida. He enjoyed being involved with high school and college newspapers, always making himself available to speak and teach his craft. He is survived by his wife of 28 years, Joanne Markus Hackney; their sons, Jason Santore of Louisiana and Benjamin Santore of Venice; granddaughter, Isabella Santore; his corgi, Emerson; sisters, Mary Patricia of Uniontown, Pennsylvania, Susan Mongell and husband, Lewis of Uniontown, Pennsylvania, Barbara Carrara of Grove City, Pennsylvania, and Julie Hackney and “ance, Rob Farquhar of Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania; his brother, William Hackney and wife, Debra of LaPorte, Indiana; nieces and nephews, Johanna, Kathleen, Tim and Ted Mongell, Amanda Bancroft, and Erin and Casey Carrara; his family by marriage, Joseph and Shirley Markus of Fort Myers, Florida, Bernadette Markus of Cape Coral, Florida, Regina Buckley and husband Joel of Falcon, Colorado, Maria Grumley and husband Robert of Bonita Springs, Florida; and nephews Don Hat“eld, Jordan and Samuel Buckley. Richard was preceded in death by his parents, George and Mary Alice Hackney; as well as his beloved corgi, Amelia Braveheart. Services will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, April 14, 2017, at Farley Funeral Home, 265 S. Nokomis Ave., Venice. A celebration of life will follow at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 15, 2017. Friends may visit to extend condolences to the family. In lieu of ”owers, please consider a memorial donation to Vintage Paws Sanctuary,, 7950 State Road 72, Sarasota, FL 34241, or your local SPCA. SUN PHOTO BY MICHELE HASKELLMorgan Draper and Jacob Bergmanis perform as old folks in the Charlotte High School student-directed play, Â30 Reasons Not to Be in a Play,ÂŽ which was held at the Charlotte Performing Arts Center in Punta Gorda last week.Charlotte High students put on a show Shuffleboard Court to close for repairThe Higgs Park Shuffleboard Court will be closed for repairs beginning today. Higgs Park is located at 21400 Higgs Drive, Port Charlotte, and repair work is expected to be completed by May 19. During this time, all other park amenities will be available for use, however, there will be contractors working in or around the area of the courts.Fishing pier to be renovatedThe El Jobean Fishing Pier, located at Gardner Road and River Beach Drive, El Jobean will be closed during the months of May through August for renovation of the fishing pier. Other fishing piers in the area will be open, including Anger Fishing Pier, 1385 Beach Road, Englewood; Boca Grande Fishing Pier, 5810 Gasparilla Road, Gasparilla Island; and Centennial Fishing Pier, 14021 Gasparilla Road, Placida. For more information on our parks, recreation and natural resources please visit our website www. CharlotteCountyFL. gov and click Parks/ Recreation/Aquatics in the Popular Links.Temporary closings for ADA complianceADA projects will be starting in parks on April 17 at Chadwick Park Fishing Pier. The pier is located at 1857 Gulf Boulevard, Englewood, and will be closed through Tuesday, May 30, for deck improvements. Bissett Park, 12455 Path Ave., Punta Gorda, will be closed starting April 18 for a new parking lot and ending on or about June 13. The Placida Fishing Pier, at 13120 Pier Road, Placida, will be closed from Thursday, April 27, for a new walking path ending on or about July 17.STEM Saturday plannedThe Punta Gorda/ Port Charlotte Branch of AAUW (American Association of University Women) will offer the second of its free series for Charlotte County students on April 15. Please note that this monthÂs STEM Saturday will have only the session for 4th-7th graders. It will take place from 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. at the Mid-County Regional Library, 2050 Forest Nelson Blvd., Port Charlotte. The April 15 STEM Saturday will feature Dr. Lisa Bonner, a visiting professor of Chemistry at Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida. Dr. Bonner will present ÂChemistry of Food,ÂŽ a lively presentation including a taste test, for which students will use a chemical made from seaweed to make edible gummy spheres and gummy worms out of fruit juice. Dr. Bonner explains that todayÂs emphasis on eating natural foods should not allow us to forget that all food is made of natural chemicals that can be used to enhance the food. ÂPreparing food is nothing more than chemistry in your kitchen, and understanding this helps us to be more informed about what we eat and have more fun cooking.ÂŽ She will use simple chemical experiments to help the students understand how certain molecules affect the flavor, taste, color and presentation of our foods. Registration is limited, call 941-505-2803 to sign up or to get more information on the program. Include the studentÂs name, school and grade level. If leaving a message, make sure to include phone number and caller name.Bus trip offeredCharlotte County Community Services Department is offering a bus trip to the Broadway Palm Dinner Theater on May 18 to see the off-Broadway play CLUE the Musical. The price of a ticket is $65, and a buffet lunch and round trip transportation is included. The bus will depart Port Charlotte Beach Park, 4500 Harbor Blvd. Port Charlotte at 10 a.m. and returns at 5:15 p.m. Seating is limited „ the last day to reserve tickets is April 15 For more information, call 941-627-1628. COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFS JAMES W. MALLONEE, P.A. LAW OFFICE JAMES W. MALLONEE PROBATE WILLS/TRUSTS GUARDIANSHIPS REAL ESTATE Office Hours Â… Monday thru Friday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM 9 46 Tamiami Trail, #206, Port Charlotte, FL 33953 871 Bonita Bay Blvd. Suite #225, Venice, FL 34285 (941) 207-2223 (941) 206-2223 adno=50512983
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 C Our Town Page 17 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS To view todayÂs legal notices and more visit, To view todayÂs legal notices and more visit, 3000 NOTICES 3112 FICTITIOUS NAME 04/12/2017 N ot i ce U n d er Fictitious Name Law Pursuant to Section 865.09, Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of Super Clean By Evay located at 17103 in the County of Charlotte in the City of Port Char lotte Florida 33948 in tends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at Port Charlotte Florida, this 6th day of April 2017 Ideker R. Johnson Publish: April 12, 2017 110833 3441869 3114 INVITATION TO BID NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF BID SPECIFICATIONS REQUEST FOR BIDS CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA The County of Charlotte will be receiving sealed bids at the Purchasing Division, Suite 344, Charlotte County Administration Center, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, FL 33948-1094, for: BID NO. 2017000279 SPRING LAKE PLUMBING CONTRACT B PHASE 2 Â… ZONES 2-5 It is the intent of Charlotte County t o secure the services of an experienced, professional, licensed Plumber to furnish and install all piping and appurtenances, demolition of existing septic tanks and restoration to successfully connect approximately 216 residential homes in the Spring Lake area to the newly constructed central sewer system in accordance with Florida Plumbing Code, Federal, State and Local rules and regulations. The licenses(s) required to perform the services for this project: Certified Master Plumber, or Registered Master Plumber. PRE-BID CONFERENCE: 10:00 a.m., April 24, 2017 ADMINISTRATION COMPLEX BUILDING B Â… ROOM 106-B BID OPENING: 2:00 p.m., May 10, 2017 PURCHASING DIVISION CONFERENCE ROOM Bid Documents may be obtained b y accessing the Charlotte County Purchasing DivisionÂs website at chasing under ÂPurchasing Bids OnlineÂŽ, document number 172792. Any questions can be answered by contacting Kathleen M. Lindback, CPPB, Contract Specialist at 941.743.1376 or email: kathy.lindback@charlottecoun Notice of Availability Posted: 4/7/2017 Published: April 12, 2017 163352 3441909 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: THE ESTATE OF: DOROTHY AGNES NELSON, Deceased. File No. 17229 -CP NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of DOROTHY AGNES NELSON deceased, whose date of death was February 11, 2017 is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Post Office Box 1687, Punta Gorda, Florida. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorne y are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this Court W ITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS A FTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against deced ent's estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR OCS 3120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS M O RE AFTER THE DE C EDENT' S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is April 12, 2017 A ttorney for Personal Representative John L. Polk Polk Law Firm, P.A. Post Office Box 511221 Punta Gorda, Florida 33951-1221 Telephone: (941) 639-1606 Email: Florida Bar No. 220515 Attorney for Personal Representa tive Personal Representative Nancy Anne Janik 2420 Deborah Drive Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 Publish: April 10, 17, 2017 101395 3441996 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT F O R CHARLOTTE COUNTY,FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION IN RE: ESTATE OF File No. 17-149-CP ROBERT W. EWEN, A/K/ A ROBERT WILLIAM EWEN Deceased. Division Probate NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Robert W. Ewen, a/k/a Robert W illiam Ewen, deceased, whose date of death was January 14, 2017, is pending in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Probate Division, the ad dress of which is 350 E. Mario n A venue, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. The name and address of the personal representative are Barry K. Ewen, 2164 Evans Prairie T rail, The Villages, Florida 32163, a nd the name and address of the personal representative's attorne y are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is r equired to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS N OTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHI N THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication o f this notice is April 10 2017. A ttorney for Personal Representative: SCHWARZ & HARRIS, P.A. Ellie K. Harris, Esquire A ttorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar Number: 0021671 17841 Murdock Circle Port Charlotte, Florida 33948 Telephone: (941) 625-4158 Fax: (941) 625-5460 E-Mail: Secondary E-Mail: Publish: April 12, 19, 2017 117186 3442032 3130 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA LIBERTY SAVINGS BANK, F.S.B., Plaintiff, v. ROBERT JOHNSTON, JR. and JENNIFER L. JOHNSTON, Defendants. Case No. 16-001769-CA NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Final Judgment of Foreclo's"ure ended in the above captioned case, that Roger D. Eaton, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Charlotte County, Florida will sell the following property situated in Charlotte County, Florida, described as: LOT 9, RIVER LANDINGS, A CCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 17, PAGE 60 PUBLIC RECORDS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA LESS THE NORTH 115.01 FEET THEREOF Property located at: 1478 Carswell Street, Port Charlotte, FL 33953. at a public sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, via Internet: at 11:00 a.m. or as soon as possible thereafter, on May 26, 2017 in accordance with Chapter 45, Florida Statutes. The highest bidder shall immediately post with the Clerk, a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The deposit must be online via electronic check (ACH) or in person via cashier's check or money order payable to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Final payment must be made on or before 11:00 a.m. ET the next business day after the date of the sale by cashier's check or money order. IFYOUAREAPERSONCLAIM 3130 NOTICE OF SALE IF YOU ARE A PERSON CLAIM ING A RIGHT TO FUNDS REMAINING AFTER THE SALE, Y OU MUST FILE A CLAIM WITH THE CLERK NO LATER THAN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. IF Y OU FAIL TO FILE A CLAIM, Y OU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY REMAINING FUNDS. A IrI'ER 60 DAYS, ONLY TH E OWNER OF RECORD AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MAY CLAIM THE SURPLUS. Dated this 3rd day of April 2017 ROGER D. EATON CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: Sara Martella Deputy Clerk Respectfully submitted, DUNLAP & MORAN, P.A. Post Office Box 3948 Sarasota, Florida 34230-3948 Telephone: (941) 366-0115 Attorneys for Plaintiff By: _______________ Scott H. Carter Florida Bar No. 0879241 Primary Email Secondary Email Publish: April 5, 12, 2017 131260 3440390 Turn Your Trash Into Cash! Advertise any Item Under $500. for FREE by Going to: www.sun-classieds. com *Limit 5 Ads Per Week Excluding Pets & Firearms T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! ENGLEWOOD „ Scott and Jill Hemmes relaxed at a picnic table overlooking Beach RoadÂs Red“sh Cove. It was 2001. ÂGreat place for a restaurant, huh?ÂŽ Scott said, half in jest. Keyes and Margie Elmore checked out Buck and Marlene PruettÂs old Lock ÂN Key, a 30-by-60foot cinderblock with a screened-in porch, across from Englewood Beach. It was 1984. Keyes, 47, a retired CocaCola distributor, thought to himself: This is great! IÂll have this little place, sell some beer and lunch, sit on the beach, and have a good time. Neither New Jersey couple exactly planned to own a restaurant in Englewood. ÂIt just happened,ÂŽ said Jill, now co-owner of Beach Road Wine Bar & Bistro. After 32 years presiding over Manasota Key establishments, Keyes re”ects, ÂYou get into something and it tends to grow. You see potential, and you just want to keep going.ÂŽBeach Road Bistro grows upThe Hemmeses are about to echo the Elmores history. TheyÂll own, not one, but two, Beach Road restaurants, both with stunning Gulf views, with one „ the Gulf View Grill „ literally named for it. For the last two years, Jill and Scott have quietly planned a multilevel, 9,000-square-foot expansion of Beach Road Wine Bar & Bistro, at the inland end of Beach Road. On Monday, they also sealed a purchase of Gulf View Grill „ owned and operated by Keyes and Margie Elmore and sons Michael and David „ on North Beach Road. Scott and Jill have never stopped making things happen, ever since Scott launched Beach Road Watersports in 2001. After Jet Skis, the couple branched out into boat rentals, a boutique, a wine bar, a bistro and patio dining, then purchased both buildings on their property. Jill laughed, ÂScott goes big, or Scott goes home.ÂŽ Small and spunky, Beach Road Wine Bar & Bistro still looks like an unassuming beachside stop, but its chefs somehow manage to whip up miracles in a kitchen-trailer. Given the gourmet meals it puts out, no one objected to the trailerÂs temporary nature „ except county of“cials. And even they were remarkably magnanimous about a kitchen thatÂs an innocent violation, but a violation nevertheless, of the countyÂs mobile food vending code. In fact, Shaun Cullinan, Charlotte County planning and zoning of“cial, said, ÂWe are very excited to be working with this wonderful local business to expand their operations.ÂŽ The unavoidable need for a proper kitchen started a much bigger ball rolling. ÂIt made more sense for us to knock down and rebuild,ÂŽ explained Jill. ÂBelieve it or not, it will save us a lot. Everything will be new, energy-ef“cient, and exactly what we want.ÂŽ What they want, according to Elaine Miller of EnglewoodÂs Suncoast Architect „ who also designed the new Lighthouse Grill at Stump Pass „ is Âmost accurately put, two stories above grade. The “rst will be their kitchen and interior dining, and the next is a rooftop, with covered bar and deck. TheyÂll have not only the bay view that they already have, but extraordinary Gulf sunsets.ÂŽ Miller added, ÂThe county has been very cooperative working with us over the last couple of years.ÂŽ The groundbreaking horizon is distant, but there was more to consider. Once it sank in that theyÂd be leveling the building, the owners “rst thought was of their Beach Road family: What would happen to their employees? ÂWe wanted someplace to move them once the renovation started. So,ÂŽ said Scott, still thinking big, Âwe “gured we had to open another place. ÂSomehow word reached Keyes and Margie Elmore. We didnÂt know it, but they were planning to retire.ÂŽ Seeing potential on North Beach RoadJust as the Hemmeses will have rebuilt their bistro from the ground up, the Elmores built up North Beach Road from a spunky little breakfast-and-lunch joint. They purchased Lock ÂN Key in 1984, expanded it, snagged a nearby vacant lot as well, and put up a two-story beachfront bar there, called Beaches, in 1999. Beaches bar seated 50, its deck 60, it rocked with bands three nights a week and poured 25-cent drafts and 50-cent well drinks on Wednesday Hump Night. ÂYou couldnÂt move. The police had to direct traf“c,ÂŽ Keyes chortled. After selling Lock ÂN Key, they gutted Beaches to create the now-iconic Gulf View Grill in its place, and kept on going. During the construction boom 12 years ago, they added a large banquet facility and outside deck. Two years ago, Keyes reincarnated the old Beaches as Beaches Downunder, a popular downstairs bar for a beach crowd that might “nd Gulf View too tony. The Elmores wanted Gulf View to go to someone whoÂd take care of it and bring it to the next level. Said Jill, ÂWeÂre so honored that they chose us to be those people. ItÂs a best-case scenario. WeÂll keep everybody working „ our 50 employees as well as theirs „ and everything will stay the same while we add our own ”air. And we both like the name, because it is what it is: a Gulf View Grill!ÂŽ ItÂs clear the Hemmeses will be busy, but whatÂs next for the Elmores? Said Keyes, ÂIÂve worked since I was 13 and done a lot of different things in my life. IÂve got to say IÂve enjoyed the restaurant more than anything. ÂNow itÂs time for me to sit back and let a young guy do it. Or do something else maybe ƒ if it happens.ÂŽThings are happening on Beach RoadBy SUE WADESUN CORRESPONDENT SUN PHOTOS BY SUE WADEBeach RoadÂs new general manager Travis Webster, server Dalton Godjikian, and new manager Riley Fauteaux. Not pictured: new manager Aisha Hilton. Beach Road Boutique, Wine Bar, and Bistro. € Diabetic Care € Foot Pain € Foot Surgery € Heel Pain New Patients Welcome 941-613-1919 3191 Harbor Blvd. Unit D Port Charlotte, FL 33952 adno=50512825 COMPLETE FOOT CARE Dr. Michael Metyk Podiatric Surgery 3440 Conway Blvd. #2A (Behind Post Office) € Port Charlotte DR. SUSAN R. BROOKS Bad Breath, Bleeding Gums New Patients Welcome MY DENTIST USED A LASER TO TREAT MY GUM DISEASE 941-234-3420 General Dentistry Implants € Cosmetic € Nitrous Oxide € Dentures & One Day Repair € Laser Periodontal Therapy Â’ NEW LOW COST DENTURES adno=50509599
Our Town Page 18 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 LOCAL SPORTS Contact usJordan Kroeger € Staff writer jkr or 941-206-1185 Bryan Levine € Staff writer or 941-206-1122 Rick Nolte € Sports editor or 941-206-1175 EMAIL: FAX: 941-629-2085 SunCoast Sports NowWhen news breaks, we blog it at www.suncoast Like us and share our photos on Facebook: SunCoastSports Follow us on Twitter for live updates and breaking news: @SunCoastSports How to ƒSubmit a story idea: Email or call Rick Nolte at 941-206-1175. Must contain name, address and number. Report a high school result: Call 877-818-6204 or 941-206-1175. To report an error: Call the sports department at 941-206-1175 or email PREP SOFTBALL: Lemon Bay 11, Port Charlotte 2 SUN PHOTO BY TIM KERNAimee Holt gets a hit for her lady Manta Rays on Senior Night. PREP SPORTS: Charlotte ENGLEWOOD „ Lemon Bay took advantage of timely hitting and some sloppy Port Charlotte defense to breeze to an 11-2 victory in a non-district softball game Monday night. ÂItÂs always nice to win on Senior Night,ÂŽ Lemon Bay coach Kim Pinkham said. ÂFor how we started, that was a good ending.ÂŽ The “rst three Port Charlotte batters reached base against Lemon Bay starter Logan Johnson, but Johnson got out of the jam by spearing a line drive off the bat of Jaiden Dabney and turning it into a double play before striking out Seaaira Yiengst to end the inning. Lemon Bay got a run in the bottom of the frame as Bailey Grossenbacher reached on an error, stole second and scored on JohnsonÂs single. The Pirates took a brief lead in the top of the third on a two-run single by Ali Eugenius, but the Manta Rays Brooke Kvaternick countered with a two-run double in the bottom of the inning to give Lemon Bay the lead for good. The Manta Rays added three more runs in the fourth and drove Port Charlotte starter Yiengst from the mound with four consecutive hits. Alexis Carpenter came on in relief, but hit Aimee Holt with a pitch to force in one run and walked Kvaternick to force in another. Lemon Bay loaded the bases again in the bottom of the “fth and Yiengst returned to the mound to allow run-scoring hits to Kasi Shaffer, Johnson and Holt. The Manta Rays got a two-run double in the bottom of the sixth from Christain Chandler to make it 11-2 as Lemon Bay “nished with 15 hits on the night, while Johnson held the Pirates to just “ve. ÂThatÂs the “rst complete game Logan has thrown in a while,ÂŽ Pinkham said. ÂWe had a few timely hits and a little bit better heads up base-running today, which was nice to see.ÂŽ Meanwhile, the Pirates play left coach Ryann Baker somewhat perplexed. ÂWe played a great game on Friday. We took a team 11 innings and lost 1-0,ÂŽ Baker said. ÂThen we come out here and weÂre not hitting the ball, weÂre not “elding the ball and weÂre not executing when we have runners on base. You canÂt do that and expect to win a ball game.ÂŽ Lemon BayÂs three seniors „ Shaffer, Holt and Kvaternick „ combined for six hits and seven RBIs on Senior Night as the Manta Rays improved to 9-10 on the season. Port Charlotte fell to 6-14. ÂLemon Bay hit the ball hard,ÂŽ Baker said. ÂBut there were some plays where, if we would have made the plays when we had the opportunity, they wouldnÂt have had that good solid hit because we would have been out of the inning. They played a good game, but we de“nitely didnÂt play up to par. After Friday, I told them, ÂYouÂve only raised the bar for yourselves. Now we expect you to play like this every time. They canÂt take a game off.ÂŽLEMON BAY 11, PORT CHARLOTTE 2Port Charlotte 002 000 0 Â… 2 5 6 Lemon Bay 102 332 X Â… 11 15 1 WP: Logan Johnson. LP: Seaaira Yiengst. Leading hitters: (LB) Bailey Grossenbacher 3-5, 3 R; Kasi Shaer 3-4, 2 R, RBI; Logan Johnson 2-4, 3 RBI; Brooke Kvaternick 1-3, 2B, 3 RBI; (PC) Ali Eugenius 1-2, 2 RBI.Timely hitting helps Lemon Bay beat Port CharlotteBy BRUCE ROBBINSSUN CORRESPONDENTPUNTA GORDA „ Jack Fining has a place in the history books at Charlotte High School. Fining, a three-star athlete for the Tarpons, was named to the Florida Dairy Farmers Academic All-State Team on Monday, making him the “rst Tarpon to ever receive that honor. The senior has a 4.0 unweighted GPA in his high school career and and weighted GPA of 4.591, which is second-highest in his class. The Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) partnered with the Florida Dairy Farmers to recognize seniors from around the state for superb academic and athletic achievement. Fining was one of 24 student-athletes in the state, out of 127 qualifying applications, to receive the honor. Nominees were scored on their academic record, athletic participation, non-athletic activities, community activities and an essay. To be considered, students had to be a graduating senior who received a minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA while earning letters in at least two FHSAA-sanctioned varsity sports their junior and senior years. Fining overachieved in both of those categories. While maintaining a 4.0, Fining lettered in football, weightlifting and track and “eld his sophomore, junior and senior years. As an offensive lineman, he helped lead the football team to back-to-back district title his junior and senior years, including a Class 6A state semi“nal appearance this past fall. In addition to his academics and athletics, the senior still “nds time to excel in the community. Fining represented Charlotte at Florida Gulf Coast UniversityÂs Invitational Mathematics Competition for three years, and has also dedicated a lot of time to community service, even organizing a book drive for the Boys & Girls Club in addition to participating in Relay for Life. Fining will be attending the University of Florida this fall to pursue a career in computer science/ engineering.Contct Jordan Kroeger at 941-206-1175 or email jkroeger@sun-herald.comFining makes history at CharlotteBy JORDAN KROEGERSPORTS WRITER ENGLEWOOD „ For nearly a decade, nobody has been able to approach the excellence the Lemon Bay High School boys and girls tennis teams have achieved. That excellence continued Tuesday at the District 2A-11 tennis tournament at Lemon Bay High School as the Manta Rays easily took the boys and girls championships for the eighth straight year. The boys (21 points) topped Southeast (15), which also earned a regional berth as a runner-up, and the girls scored 21 points to beat out Southeast and Lake Placid, which tied for second with eight points. Those two teams will have a pro-set playoff Thursday at 11 a.m. at Hardee High School. Lemon Bay will host the regional semifinals Tuesday against Cape Coral, and if it wins it will also host the regional finals two days later, likely against Bishop Verot. The Manta Rays won nine of the 10 singles championships up for grabs and all four doubles, losing only in No. 1 girls, where BayshoreÂs Theo Schultz defeated Sarah Lown 6-0, 6-4. Ashley Tormey defeated SoutheastÂs Daria Muklewicz in No. 2 singles 6-2, 6-1, Stephanie Krisinski downed Ivelina Kioutchoukova, also of Southeast, in No. 3 singles 6-1, 6-2, and Linda Conklin beat Robin Shattler of Lake Placid 7-5, 6-1 in No. 5 singles. Only Chloe DiDonato had to go to a third set in No. 4 singles, losing the second set before hanging on for a 6-1, 3-6 (10-4) win over SoutheastÂs Ruby Halfacre. ÂIt was nice to bring home a win. ItÂs fun to play with these people throughout the year. TheyÂre great friends,ÂŽ Krisinski said. ÂIt will be nice playing on hard courts.ÂŽ For girls coach Darrell Roach, it was somewhat bittersweet. His top three girls are graduating, and while in the past he was able to reload, this time it feels different. ÂThis may be our last one for a while. Sarah, Ashley and Stephanie are all leaving and thatÂs going to be a big hole next year,ÂŽ Roach said. ÂI donÂt see us reloading, although something special can happen and weÂve reloaded in the past.ÂŽ The boys werenÂt nearly as dramatic as the Manta Rays cruised in straight sets against their Southeast opponents. No. 1 David Kappleman beat Sebastian Suarez 6-0, 6-4, No. 2 Liam Ryan downed Tyler Teaford 6-2, 6-3, No. 3 Enrique Subero double-bagelled Ben Connors, No. 4 Noatt Pirro took out Jonah Sinclair 7-5, 6-2, and No. 5 Tanner Stewart defeated Alex Kunar 6-0, 6-1. Lown got some revenge in doubles as she and Krisinski beat Schultz and Nicole Llorente of Bayshore in No. 1 doubles 6-2, 6-2. Tormey and DiDonato defeated Abigail Campbell and Aspen Rowe of Lake Placid in No. 2 doubles 6-4, 6-2. In boys doubles, No. 1 team Kappelmann and Ryan beat Suarez and Teaford 6-4, 6-4, and Subero and Pirro took down Connors and Sinclair 6-2, 6-3 in the No. 2 final. ÂIÂve worked really hard this season and as the top seed I came in with high hopes. Things turned out well,ÂŽ Kappelmann said. ÂCape Coral is real good and Bishop Verot is even better, but we have a chance not being on the clay.ÂŽLemon BayÂs tennis teams roll to district titlesBy CHUCK BALLAROSUN CORRESPONDENT PREP TENNIS: Lemon Bay SUN PHOTO BY TIM KERNDavid Kappelmann makes a nice save to win the point for Lemon Bay in the district championship on Tuesday.
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 C Our Town Page 19 Venice 4238 S. Tamiami Trail € Behind Outback near Books-A-Million (941)451-5070 Port Charlotte 1655 Tamiami Trail € Murdock Medical Park across from Taco Bell (941)623-4918 a dno=50512849 4/10/17
Our Town Page 20 C The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS The 3rd annual Blues, Brews and BBQ weekend festivities kicked off with a street party on Friday in front of the Historic Courthouse on Taylor Street in Punta Gorda. Local band the BoogieMen took to the stage for a free admission event that had people dancing in the streets. Adult beverages were available for purchase, with 50 percent of the proceeds going to the Fred Lang Foundation, which is in need of funds for a suicide prevention program for the high school kids of Charlotte County. The fun continued on Saturday at the Four Points By Sheraton with more music, food and craft beers.Blues, Brews and BBQ rocks Punta Gorda SUN PHOTOS BY DONNELL BATES The BoogieMen Frank and Sue Grazier Sherry and Jerry Hardy Lynne Ruel and John Ruel Rich and Pam Bevak John and Betty Hanzl David and Dorothy Turner John Rice and Nancy Rice with Faye Land and Paul Land Leigha Murray and Jenny Miller Mike and Kaelei Hobbs
04.12.17 USA SNAPSHOTS Customers helping outSOURCE Kaspersky Lab survey of 841 business representatives from 15 countriesMICHAEL B. SMITH AND KARL GELLES, USA TODAY financial institutions say cyber threats they faced in 2016 were identified by customers.1 in 4Nearly Dod g e fa n s o n ed g e fo r De m o n I N MO N EYFCA US LLC  Th e Leftove r s g ea r s up fo r t hir d a n d f in a l seaso nJUSTIN THEROUX AND CARRIE COON IN ÂTHE LEFTOVERS BY HBO I N LIFEWASHINGTONThe Department of Veterans Aairs has a new message on public scrutiny: Bring it on.President TrumpÂs pick to lead the agency, VA Secretary David Shulkin, is unveilin g a new Web page that will reveal for the “rst time exactly how care at every VA hospital and clinic across the country compares with nearby private-sector hospitals and national averages. The site set to go live Wednesday,, also will show how satis“ed veterans are with wait times at each facility and how long they are actually waiting on average.Shulkin, the only holdover from the Obama administration in TrumpÂs Cabinet, told USA TODAY that transparency is a crucial step toward “xing the VA, something he said he conveyed to Trump.ÂHe doesnÂt understand why people are waiting this long, and he wants to “x it. My answer to him is, the way you “x this is not by internally motivating people to “x it „ you actually need the external environment, people looking, saying ÂI donÂt understand why itÂs 45 days,ÂÂŽ he said. Shulkin provided a demonstration of the website to USA TODAY on Monday that showed wide variations in wait times. In the g reater Los An g eles area, the average wait for new patients seeking mental health appointments ranged from eight days in Long Beach, Calif., to 87 days at a clinic in Santa Fe Springs. In New York and New Jersey, average waits range from three days at a clinic on Staten Island to 58 days at a clinic in Morristown, N.J. ÂIn my experience in health care „ but itÂs like every other industry „ industries donÂt change from within,ÂŽ Shulkin said. ÂThey change from outside competition, and they change from outside forces.ÂŽ New chief wants beleaguered VA to have nowhere to hideShulkin invites review of hospital wait times Donovan Slack@donovanslack USA TODAY U S A T OD A Y EXCL U SIVE MICHAEL REYNOLDS, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCYDavid Shulkin says he told President Trump only outside pressure can change the VA. Satoshi Tsunakawa, president and CEO of Toshiba Corp., attends a news conference Tuesday where the company warned about its ability to continue as a Âgoing concern.ÂŽ The J apanese electronics giant, which once introduced Americans to high-end televisions and portable computers, projected a $9.2 billion loss for its “scal year. KIMIMASA MAYAMA, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCYToshibaÂs uncertain futureThe CEO of United Airlines apologized again Tuesday amid aglobal uproar sparked when a passenger was dragged screaming from his seat on a ”ight that, it turns out, wasnÂt even overbooked. ÂI continue to be disturbed by what happened on this ”ight, and I deeply apologize to the customer forcibly removed and to all the customers aboard,ÂŽ CEO Oscar Munoz said in a statement. ÂNo one should ever be mistreated this way.ÂŽ United has been under siege since videos of Sunday nightÂs violent confrontation on the plane at ChicagoÂs OÂHare Airport went viral, drawing hundreds of millions of views around the world. Social media outrage rained down on the Chicago-based airline. United spokesman Jonathan Guerin said Tuesday that all 70 seats on United Express Flight 3411 were “lled, but the plane was not overbooked as the airline had reported. Instead, United and regional aliate Republic Airlines, which operated the ”ight, selected four passengers to be removed to accommodate crew members needed in Louisville the next day. The passengers were selected based on a combination of criteria spelled out in UnitedÂs contract of carriage, including frequent-”ier status, fare type, check-in time and connecting ”ight implications, among others, according to United. Three passengers went quietly. The fourth, who was literally pulled out of his seat and o the plane, was David Dao, a physician in Elizabethtown, Ky. Late Tuesday, CNBC reported that a pair of Chicago attorneys, Stephen Golan and Thomas Demetrio, are representing Dao. A statement from Golan said Dao was being treated in a Chicago hospital for unspeci“ed injuries. ÂThe family of Dr. Dao wants the world to know that they are very appreciative of the outpouring of prayers, concern, and support they have received,ÂŽ Golan said in a statement. ÂCurrently, they are focused only on Dr. DaoÂs medical careÂŽ and will not be com-UNITED AIRLINES PR JOURNEY GETS EVER MORE BUMPY John Bacon and Ben MutzabaughUSA TODAY CEO apologizes, then sends letter praising employees for their handling of the situation ... then apologizes againÂI co n t inu e to be d i st ur bed by w h at h a pp e n ed o n t hi s ” igh t, a n d I dee pl y a p o l o gi ze to t h e c u sto m e r fo r c i b l y r e m oved a n d to a ll t h e c u sto m e r s aboa r d.ÂŽOscar Munoz United Airlines CEO v S T ORY CO NT I NU ES O N 2BNEWYORKOf the thousands of lawsuits meandering through Manhattan federal court, few may be more curious than a matter that brings together a major U.S. telecommunications company, a federal regulator, state legal ocials, an attentive judge and $15.14 million up for grabs. Call it the great Case Of Legal Tug-of-War. Starring Sprint, the nationÂs fourth-largest wireless carrier, the court drama opened in 2014 when the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau accused the Kansas-based company of ÂcrammingÂŽ „ allowing third parties to add unauthorized charges to customers cellphone bills. Victims were billed without their consent after they unwittingly clicked on purported ÂfreeÂŽ digital content such as ringtones or daily horoscopes, the bureau said in a federal court “ling. They were then hit with fees for the content. Scene II featured Sprint and the “nancial protection bureau seeking approval of a $50 million proposed settlement designed to repay customers. The deal proposed that any leftover money would go to the U.S. Treasury, where it would bene“t taxpayers. Then came an unexpected plot twist: $15.14 million remained unspent after all customers had been satis“ed and the penalty had been paid. Cue the Connecticut Attor-$15 milli o n a n d c h a ng e? Th at h as a ni ce ring to i tSprint settlement leaves a tidy sum with nowhere to go Kevin McCoy@kmccoynyc USA TODAY v S T ORY CO NT I NU ES O N 2B Th e s ir e n so ng of $15.14 milli o n ... lur ed so m e n ew sa il o r s in to t h e s h oa l s of t hi s li t ig at i o n .ÂŽU.S. District Court Judge William Pauley This is an edition of USA TODAY provided for your local newspaper. An expanded version of USA TODAY is available at newsstands or by subscription, and at For the latest national sports coverage, go to Wildfires scorch parts of Florida; Gov. Scott declares emergency THE WIRE
Page 2 The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 PRESIDENTAND PUBLISHERJohn ZidichEDITOR IN CHIEFJoanne LipmanCHIEF REVENUE OFFICERKevin Gentzel 7950 Jones Branch Dr., McLean, Va. 22108, 703-854-3400 Published by Gannett The local edition of USA TODAYis published daily in partnership with Gannett Newspapers Advertising: All advertising published in USA TODAYis subject to the current rate card; copies available from the advertising department. USA TODAYmay in its sole discretion edit, classify, reject or cancel at any time any advertising submitted. National, Regional: 703-854-3400 Reprint permission, copies of articles, glossy reprints: or call 212-221-9595 USA TODAYis a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to other news services. USA TODAY, its logo and associated graphics are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. USA TODAYis committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones at 800-8727073 or e-mail Please indicate whether youÂre responding to content online or in the newspaper. Corrections & Clarifications ney GeneralÂs oce, which moved to intervene on behalf of the Nutmeg State and attorneys general in Indiana, Kansas, and Vermont. The state legal ocials proposed modifying the proposed settlement by redirecting the unspent cash to the National Association of Attorneys General, where the money would be used to create and fund a new Âcenter for consumer protectionÂŽ at the organizationÂs training and research institute. Started in 2008, the institute provides non-partisan training, research, and other resources to support attorneys general oces and other law enforcement agencies nationwide. It oers about 100 courses a year reaching more than 4,400 people, according to the instituteÂs website. Sprint initially objected. But the company ultimately agreed to amodi“ed proposal that would send $14 million to the training institute and let Sprint direct the remaining $1.14 million to a community organization that provides Internet access to underprivileged high school students. Sprint, the protection bureau and the Connecticut Attorney GeneralÂs oce declined to discuss the case. Enter U.S. District Court Judge William Pauley, who took a star legal turn of sorts by issuing an order Monda y that summarized the push-and-pull. ÂEighteen months later, with redress complete, the siren song of $15.14 million in unexpended funds lured some new sailors into the shoals of this litigation,ÂŽ wrote the judge, who was appointed to the federal bench in 1998 by President Clinton. Despite full restitution to Sprint customers and consultations with several state attorneys general involved with the cramming allegations, the consumer protection bureau Âcould not identify any equitable relief to which $15.14 million in unexpended settlement funds could be applied,ÂŽ Pauley wrote. ÂApparently, the prospect of compl y in g with the consent order by paying the funds into the U.S. Treasury lacked sucient imagination,ÂŽ the judge added. Referring to the Connecticut attorney generalÂs proposal, PauleyÂs order characterized the plan as Âperhaps a noble cause, worthy of consideration.ÂŽ The judge oered a similar preliminary view for the slightly modi“ed proposal favored by Sprint. ÂPerhaps another noble undertaking worthy of consideration,ÂŽ he wrote. Yet, curiously, the protection bureau, the main protagonist of the lawsuit, took no position on the proposed modi“cation, the judge noted. ÂThat leaves this court in a quandar y ,ÂŽ he wrote. For one thing, the federal Miscellaneous Receipts Act requires government ocials and agencies that receive money from the government to deposit that money with the federal Treasury. ÂMoreover, the proposed modi“cation does not appear, at least at “rst blush, to be Âreasonably related to the allegations set forthÂÂŽ in the initial court complaint, Pauley wrote. So whatÂs a judge to do? PauleyÂs order directed the protection bureau and the Justice Department to “le separate responses to the proposed modi“cation. The judge further directed the consumer watchdog to Âadvise this court where the unexpended funds have been depositedÂŽ during the dispute. Given Republican criticism of the consumer bureauÂs track record, as well as a federal appeals court ruling that found the regulatorÂs structure unconstitutional, federal prosecutors now under the Trump administration are likely to reach dierent conclusions than attorneys for the consumer watchdog. The judge also ruled that the attorneys general and Sprint would get a chance to “le their own responses. ÂWhen the submissions are complete, this court will be better positioned to decide the pending application for intervention and modi“cation of the consent order,ÂŽ Pauley wrote. Court ad j ourned, for now.Penalty paid, but case is not quite closedv CONTINUED FROM 1B TOBY TALBOT, APSprint stands accused of ÂcrammingÂŽ „ allowing third parties to add unauthorized charges to customers cellphone bills. menting to the media. Munoz issued his “rst public apology Monday but hours later sent a letter to employees lauding the behavior of the ”ight crew in dealing with a Âdisruptive and belligerentÂŽ passenger. Munoz credited employees with following established procedures on the Louisville-bound ”ight. ÂThis situation was unfortunately compounded when one of the passengers we politely asked to deplane refused, and it became necessary to contact Chicago Aviation Security Ocers to help,ÂŽ the letter says. ÂWhile I deeply regret this situation arose, I also emphatically stand behind all of you, and I want to commend you for continuing to go above and beyond to ensure we ”y right.ÂŽ Chicago aviation ocials placed a security ocer on leave, saying the incident Âwas not in accordance with our standard operating procedure.ÂŽ Eric Schier, CEO of Reputation Management Consultants, called UnitedÂs handling of the incident Âbrand suicide.ÂŽ ÂWhen you go onto a United ”ight, you shouldnÂt have to be concerned there will be blood or you will get slammed in the face,ÂŽ Schier said. ÂI think you will see an eect on sales from those who are disgusted by the gruesome action. And itÂs catastrophic for a brandÂs trust.ÂŽThe incident came two weeks after United was blasted for requiring two girls to change out of leggings before boarding a ”ight in Denver. United explained that leggings are among banned attire for people ”ying with employee pass privileges because they are viewed as representing the company.United spokeswoman Erin Benson said four crew members needed seats on SundayÂs ”ight or another United ”ight was in danger of being canceled. United oered passengers $1,000 in compensation if they agreed to take a dierent plane to Louisville but drew no takers. Passenger Jason Powell said Dao was calm when asked to exit the plane. ÂHe was very polite, matter-of-fact,ÂŽ Powell said. ÂI was 100% with him „ I wouldnÂt have gotten o the plane either.ÂŽ Passenger Audra Bridges said that when United ocials pressed the issue, Dao became Âvery upset,ÂŽ saying he was a doctor who needed to see patients the next morning. Security ocers arrived, and Dao was removed from the plane. Bridges posted a video of the incident online Sunday evening, which shows three security ocers speaking to an unidenti“ed passenger. One of the men grabs the passenger, who screams as he is yanked out of his seat and pulled down the aisle. The man managed to get back on the ”ight after that, Bridges said. She said his face was bloody and he seemed disoriented. Another video on social media appeared to show the man rushing to the back of the plane and repeatedly saying, ÂI have to go home.ÂŽ Contributing: Morgan Watkins, Lucas Aulbach and Bailey Loosemore, The (Louisville) Courier Journal; the Associated Press M O N D AY $70.88MO N O P E N $70.71TUE. C L OSE $68.3611 : 1 3 A .M.TU ESD AY $72.042:54 P .M. UNIT ED AIRLIN ES S T OC K TAK ES A D I VESOU R CE BloombergGEO R GE P ET RA S, US A TOD AY UAL Âs stoc k valu e f e ll $ 3 .6 8 o r 5. 1 %, Tu es day fr o m i ts M o nday high amid a gr o wing co n s um e r ba c kla s h af te r a pa sse ng e r wa s r o ughly r e m o v e d fr o m a Uni te d j et in C hi c ag o o n S unday Stoc k valu es:Handling of incident called Âbrand suicideÂv CONTINUED FROM 1Bthrough contracts of carriage. The deregulation act blocked most lawsuits over routes, pricing or services, Goldberg said. Despite the length of the contracts, lawyers and aviation experts said travelers need to learn what is covered by the agreements and shop around. For example, Southwest Airlines typically doesnÂt charge fees to change ”ights, while other airlines do. ÂIn order to have a marketplace that works, you need informed consumers,ÂŽ Goldberg said. ÂAn informed traveler will have options.ÂŽ Brent Bowen, dean of the aviation college at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityÂs campus in Prescott, Ariz., said airlines risk confusion if they donÂt provide more information about changes such as replacing staers with kiosks to check luggage. On his ”ight Tuesday, Bowen said the airline changed planes and assigned new seats to all passengers, separating family members and causing Âlots of anger and chaos.ÂŽ ÂThe airlines should volunteer to provide passengers information about their rights but they donÂt,ÂŽ Bowen said. ÂWithout a requirement the traveling public will not be informed at the most critical times.ÂŽ All four of the largest airlines „American, Delta, Southwest and United „ have contracts of carriage with similar provisions that allow for denial of boarding Bare feet. Appearing intoxicated. Smelling bad. United Airlines can remove passengers from ”ights for dozens of reasons. And each provision is detailed in the nearly 37,000-word document called a Âcontract of carriageÂŽ that every passenger accepts when buying a ticket. UnitedÂs dispute with a passenger forcibly removed from a Sunday ”ightshines a spotlight on the contracts that set rules and expectations between carriers and travelers. Such agreements are now at the heart of a public relations debacle for United thatÂs sparked outrage across the globe, as the shocking videos of a bloodied, screaming passenger make their way across social media, TV screens and mobile phones. United stock took a $250 million nose dive Tuesday. United CEO Oscar Munoz apologized again on Tuesday and the airline admitted that the passenger was dragged o against his will even though the ”ight wasnÂt overbooked. Munoz latest public comment included an apology to the passenger and an admission that ÂNo one should ever be mistreated this way.ÂŽ But aviation experts say that, legally speaking, United did have the right to remove the passenger. ÂThose contracts are well thought through. They are generally fair and balanced, and they re”ect the market,ÂŽ said Roy Goldberg, a partner at Steptoe & Johnson who practices aviation law in Washington, D.C. ÂAs a general matter, passengers have rights, but airlines have rights, too.ÂŽ After Congress deregulated the airline industry in 1978, there are three things that govern a carrierÂs relationship with its passengers: contracts of carriage, the U.S. Department of Transportation and laws approved by Congress. Lawmakers dictate some policies, such as prohibiting smoking on ”ights. The department sets others under its authority to regulate unfair and deceptive practices, such as forcing an airline to pay a passenger four times the price of a ticket, capped at $1,350, if the passenger will arrive hours later than expected after being bumped. But most of the nuts-and-bolts details of ”ying are left to airlines to determine with passengers to passengers: u who are barefoot or not properly clothed; u who have or cause a malodorous condition; u who appear to be intoxicated or under the in”uence of drugs to the degree that they could endanger other passengers or crew members; u who are unable to sit in a single seat with the seat belt properly secured or are unable to put down armrests between seats for an entire ”ight. ÂThere is no constitutional right to get on a plane,ÂŽ said Anthony Sabino, a lawyer in Mineola, N.Y., and a professor at St. JohnÂs University business school. ÂIf you donÂt want to be searched at the airport, take Amtrak, jump in your car,ÂŽ Sabino said. United warns of the potential to deny boarding for an oversold ”ight even if a passenger doesnÂt want to leave. Still, Goldberg said airlines routinely oversell planes in order to ”y them as full as possible. ÂAnybody who goes to an airport doesnÂt like being bumped,ÂŽ Goldberg said. ÂBut itÂs the only way that the economic system of the airlines in this country can work.ÂŽ Because of the length and complexity of the contracts, lawyers said a passenger could argue the airline was in a superior bargaining position and forced a passenger to sign. This is called a contract of adhesion. But lawyers say it typically doesnÂt work with airline contracts of carriage. ÂWhile thatÂs a legal theory and itÂs valid, it does not work in these situations,ÂŽ Sabino said. ÂYou signed it. YouÂre stuck with it. If you didnÂt read it “rst, thatÂs your problem.ÂŽAirlines have rights in plane removalsPassengers agree to conditions of travel when buying a ticket Bart Jansen@ganjansen USA TODAY SETH WENIG, APAviation experts say United and other air carriers can remove apassenger for speci“ed reasons, including having a bad odor. ÂThere is no constitutional right to get on aplane.ÂŽAnthony Sabino ,a lawyer in Mineola, N.Y., and a professor at St. JohnÂs University business school Astory Monday about Passover foods should have indicated that kosher laws prohibit the eating of leavened items. Abrief about Wentworth Military Academy and College in MondayÂs State-By-State page was located under the wrong state heading. It should have run under Missouri.
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Page 3 IN BRIEFTRUMP CHIMES IN ON KANSAS SPECIAL ELECTIONWhile dealing with foreign policy ”aps involving Syria, Russia and North Korea, President Trump is also keeping his eye on a special congressional election in Kansas. Republican candidate Ron Estes faces a tougher-than-expected race against Democrat James Thompson in the special election to replace Mike Pompeo, who left Congress to become TrumpÂs CIA director. ÂRon Estes is running TODAY for Congress in the Great State of Kansas,ÂŽ Trump tweeted Tuesday. ÂA wonderful guy, I need his help on Healthcare & Tax Cuts (Reform).ÂŽ Though Trump won the Kansas congressional district easily in last yearÂs presidential election, his struggles in the early part of his term have fueled Democratic hopes in the special election.SOUTHERN EGYPT CHURCHES W ILL NOT CELEBRATE EASTEREgyptian churches in the southern city of Minya said on Tuesday that they will not hold Easter celebrations in mourning for 45 Coptic Christians killed this week in twin bombings of churches in two cities during Palm Sunda y ceremonies. The Minya Coptic Orthodox Diocese said that celebrations will be limited to the liturgical prayers Âwithout any festive manifestations.ÂŽ Minya province has the highest Coptic Christian population in the country. Copts traditionally hold Easter church prayers on Saturday evening and then spend Easter Sunday on large meals and family visits.DRUG RING BUSTED AT AIRPORT IN PUERTO RICOFederal law enforcement has broken up a $4 million drug traf“cking ring at Puerto RicoÂs main international airport. The ring relied on bathrooms and garbage chutes to smuggle cocaine to the U.S. mainland, authorities said Tuesday. Indicted in the case are 26 suspects, including airline employees, airport sta and restaurant workers. The majority were arrested before dawn at the Luis Munoz Marin airport in the capital, San Juan. Ocials said drugs were smuggled aboard ”ights headed to New York, Miami, Philadelphia and Orlando. Among the planes targeted were those operated by American, JetBlue and Southwest airlines. Sta and wire reportsREMEMBERING A DAY OF LIBERATION MARTIN SCHUTT, AFP/GETTY IMAGESConcentration camp survivor Alexander Bychok of Kiev, Ukraine pays his respects at the former Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald, in Weimar, eastern Germany, on Tuesday, the 72nd anniversary of the campÂs liberation. AfghanistanÂs military should be able to carry on the “ght against Taliban insurgents mostly without the help of U.S. and other foreign troops by 2020, AfghanistanÂs ambassador to the United States said Tuesday. ÂBy 2020 our security forces will be able to have what they need to carry on the “ght on their own for the most part,ÂŽ Hamdullah Mohib told the USA TODAY editorial board. ÂWeÂre not talking about creating a new military,ÂŽ Mohib said. ÂWhat weÂre talking about is adjusting what we already have.ÂŽ He said the forecast assumes there wonÂt be any major changes in the security threat in Afghanistan. The Islamic State has made some inroads in the country, though is not considered a major threat. Mohib said AfghanÂs ”edgling air force also is growing more self reliant. U.S. troops have been in Afghanistan since 2001, when they overthrew a Taliban regime for providing safe haven to the alQaeda terrorist group behind the Sept. 11 attacks. Even if Afghan forces are mostly self-sucient they will likely require international “nancial support for many years. The United States provides the bulk of the foreign aid, including $67 billion since 2005 just to build up the Afghan security force. It currently has 350,000 members, including the police and army. The local forces are taking heavy casualties in the war against the Taliban. Mohib said they suered 29,000 deaths and injuries last year. Army Gen. John Nicholson, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, told Congress earlier this year that he needed a Âfew thousandÂŽ additional troops to help AfghanistanÂs military turn the tide in the war. No decision has been made. There are currently 8,400 U.S. forces in Afghanistan, down from a peak of nearly 100,000 in 2011. They are not engaged in direct combat but are advising and assisting AfghanistanÂs military. The U.S. military also provides limited air support to Afghan forces. More than 2,200 U.S. troops have died in Afghanistan since the invasion. The latest U.S. combat death, the “rst this year, occurred Saturday, when a U.S. soldier was killed during an operation against an Islamic State oshoot. Nicholson described the war against the Taliban as a stalemate. The Taliban havenÂt been able to take over any major cities, but have made gains in remote parts of the country. Mohib said the Afghan government would like to double the number of its special operations commandos, an elite U.S.trained force that has made signi“cant headway in “ghting the Taliban. The Afghan special operations command currently has about 11,700 personnel, accordin g to the Penta g on.Afghan envoy: May not need U.S. troops by 2020 AREF KARIMI, AFP/GETTY IMAGESANATO soldier from Italy trains Afghan National Army soldiers in February at the Kabul Military Training Center in Afghanistan. Timing estimate for withdrawing doesnÂt include “nancial support, however, which is likely to continue Jim Michaels@jimmichaels USA TODAY USA TODAY NETWORKÂBy 2020 our security forces will be able to have what they need to carry on the “ght on their own for the most part.ÂŽAmbassador Hamdullah Mohib Looking for the best option to suit your loved oneÂ’s physical, intellectual, social and spiritual needs? The Springs at South Biscayne is a new assisted living and memory support community designed to provide gracious oneÂ’s lifestyle with health and happiness. Plus, enjoy affordable residences and quality care to give you the perfect balance of vitality & wellness.LIFE. HEALTH. MIND. SPIRIT.DISCOVERAssisted Living License 12712Assisted Living | Memory Support | Short-Term Stays6235 Hoffman Street | North Port, FL 34287 TheSpringsAtSouthBiscayne.comCall 800-576-4929 to learn more or to schedule a personal tour. Limited-Time Oer & Availability Assisted Living Apartments Starting at $3,300 Â… An All-Inclusive Rate! adno=54511408
Page 4 The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Dennis Kunkle spotted an interesting light bulb glowing dimly in the basement of the Fire Museum of York County on West Market Street in York. Kunkle, director of facilities for the York County History Center, sent pictures and a description of the old bulb to an antique radio forum. ThatÂs how Kunkle learned about the origin of this fully functional dual “lament bulb. The Phelps HYLO, ÂHIGHLOWÂŽ bulb, patented in 1904, was designed to save electricity. According to a period advertisement: ÂOne cent will buy electricity enough to run a HYLO turned down for 12 hours ... It is a lamp which will give you either a 16 candle power light or a 1 candle power light, without any waste of current by simply turning down as easily as turning down a gas jet.ÂŽ This is in reference to gas lighting, popular around 1900. Observing the bulb in operation, low is indeed equal to the light of one candle. A”exible contact on the base of the bulb allows the second “lament to be turned on by screwing it in a little tighter. Kunkle canÂt say how long the bulb has been operating in the basement of the “re museum, but since the building was built in 1903, it is possible that the bulb has been with the building since the beginning. Kunkle went on to say that the smoky coating inside the bulb indicates that it probably contains carbon “laments. Carbon “laments were replaced with tungsten in light bulbs after about 1920. The bulb was removed from the basement socket of the “re museum this week and added to the York County History Center collection. Century old light bulb still shines Paul Kuehnel York Daily Record PHOTOS BY PAUL KUEHNEL, YORK DAILY RECORDThe Fire Museum of York County where a HYLO bulb was found still in service. The building was originally built as a “re station in 1903 with stables for horses. HIGHLIGHT: PENNSYLVANIA The HYLO bulb on high providing Â16 candle powerÂŽ according to the manufacturer. STATE-BY-STATE ALABAMABirmingham: Prosecutors have decided to drop their case against Richard Shahan, a former Alabama pastor who was accused of killing his wife, Karen, saying Monday they donÂt have enough evidence to continue the prosecution. ALASKAPetersburg: Alaska lawmakers have approved legislation that increases the size of the Petersburg BoroughÂs land grant from the state to include more than 14,600 acres. The southeast Alaska borough is entitled only to about 1,400 acres under state law and is looking to develop or sell o some of the additional property approved by the Senate, KFSKFM reported.ARIZONATucson: U.S. Forest Service ocials are asking for the publicÂs help in locating a man they suspect started a brush “re that closed a section of the Catalina Highway. The “re was reported April 4 and burned about 50 acres. Ocials suspect the blaze was related to recreational shooting in the area. ARKANSASBooneville: The Booneville School District is getting paid for turning its school buses into roaming billboards, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported. Superintendent John Parrish said the idea arose with the intention to raise enough scholarship money to pay for the “rst year of college for every graduating Booneville High School senior. CALIFORNIAWoodland: CaliforniaÂs high school graduation rate reached a new high last year. The stateÂs top education ocial announced Tuesday that just more than 83% of students in the class of 2016 graduated on time from public high schools.COLORADODenver: AHouse committee was to put two measures up for debate Tuesday surrounding the issue of sexting among teens. One creates a new crime of posting private images by a juvenile. CONNECTICUTHartford: ConnecticutÂs high school graduation rate has reached an all-time high. The state Department of Education reported the stateÂs four-year graduation rate was 87.4% in 2016. That is up from 87.2% in 2015 and 84.8% in 2011.DELAWAREWilmington: Former Top Chef contestants and rivals John Tesar and Katsuji Tanabe will be cooking for the Celebrity Chefs Brunch April 30 at the DuPont Country Club in Rockland. The two are among the scrum of more than 25 chefswho will participate at the Meals on Wheels Delaware fundraiser.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:Agiant old tree that stood at the perimeter of the White House compound collapsed Sunday afternoon and fell into the street. It struck a lamp post on its way down, but no injuries were reported.FLORIDATampa: Looking to curb abusive puppy mills, Hillsborough County commissioners are moving ahead with a proposal to ban the commercial sale of cats and dogs. The Tampa Bay Times reported under the proposed ordinance, new pet stores would be able to sell only dogs or cats purchased from local animal rescues. GEORGIAColumbus: Two former workers at Columbus Regional Health have admitted embezzling nearly $1 million. The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reported Barbara McFerrin, 55, and Carol Jane Adcock, 57, kept their old corporate cards when the company switched banks in 2011 and used them for unauthorized personal purchases. HAWAIIHonolulu: Maui County is moving forward with a lifesaving initiative that will bring rescue tubes to several beaches on the island. Beachgoers can expect to see them placed on beaches along the islandÂs south shore by the end of the month, KHON-TV reported.IDAHOSandpoint: Amudslide has led to the discovery of two cases of dynamite believed to date back to 1974. The Daily Bee reported it had been buried several feet below the road where a mudslide struck Friday. ILLINOISJacksonville: Illinois College will become one of a small group of higher-education institutions oering scholarshipsfor playing video games. The college has hired coach Christian Matlock to lead two teams.INDIANAGreencastle: Actor Rob Lowe will be speaking next month at DePauw University from which both of his parents graduated. Lowe is set to visit May 1 to give the schoolÂs Ubben Lecture. IOWADes Moines: Iowa Republican lawmakers want the state to foot the bill for a new family planning program that excludes funding for Planned Parenthood, a move that would mean forgoing millions in federal Medicaid funding for the state. KANSASManhattan: Kansas State University is remembering 48 students who died “ghting in World War I. The university will dedicate Memorial Stadiumto the soldiers April 21, the Manhattan Mercury reported. KENTUCKYGeorgetown: Toyota said Monday it is investing $1.33 billion to retool its sprawling factory in Georgetown, where the companyÂs ”agship Camry sedans are built. LOUISIANADeRidder: Alocal police union is raing o the use of a stun gun on one of its ocers. DeRidder Police Chief John Gott said ocers suggested one of their own be stunned April 15 to raise funds for the departmentÂs Christmas toy drive. He told The American Press that a certi“ed instructor will shoot the stun gun under controlled conditions.MAINEPortland: The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention says reported cases of Lyme disease reached an all-time high in the state last year. The agency says the total of 1,464 cases surpassed the previous high of 1,410 in 2014. MARYLANDAnnapolis: Maryland would be the “rst state to empower the stateÂs attorney general to take action to stop pharmaceutical price gouging, under a measure given “nal passage by lawmakers Monday.MASSACHUSETTSBoston: A $40.3 billion state budget unveiled Monday by House leaders puts on hold Republican Gov. Charlie BakerÂs plan for an assessment on employers who donÂt oer health insurance bene“ts to their workers. MICHIGANMount Pleasant: A Central Michigan University student faces a hazing charge for allegedly smearing peanut butter on the face of a classmate with a severe peanut allergy. Dale Merza, 20, was charged with misdemeanor hazing resulting in physical injury. MINNESOTADuluth: Volunteer “re“ghters and residents used a couple of canoes and a tow strap to rescue a 650-pound moose from Hungry Jack Lake, Minnesota Public Radio News reported. MISSISSIPPIDÂIberville: Wind Creek Hospitality, the casino division of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, has acquired 34 more acres for a casino. The Sun Herald reported the company acquired land adjacent to the Royal DÂIberville land. MISSOURIJeerson City: Missouri would legalize and regulate growing industrial hemp under a proposal that passed the state House 126-26. The legislation now goes to the Senate. The bill would legalize the growing of industrial hemp for manufacturing. MONTANAHelena: Montana Gov. Bullock has signed four bills meant to protect children who are in the stateÂs foster care system. NEBRASKALincoln: LincolnÂs bike share program will likely begin this fall with 100 bikes and 17 stations across downtown and its university campuses, The Lincoln Journal Star reported. NEVADALas Vegas: The Las Vegas Strip is getting its “rst space dedicated for competitive gaming when the Luxor hotelcasino transforms its only ni g htclub space into a multilevel esports arena. MGM Resorts International said work on the venue will begin in early June. NEW HAMPSHIREConcord: Republican Gov. Chris Sununu is soon to decide whether New Hampshire schools must give parents two weeks notice before teaching sex education or human sexuality.NEW JERSEYFort Dix: Gov. Christie has marked the reopening of the former Mid-State Correctional Facility as an addiction treatment center for inmates. NEW MEXICOSanta Fe: The SheriÂs oce will increase patrols beginning at noon Thursday in preparation for an annual pilgrimage during which thousands of people walk along roads to Chimayo in observance of the Easter holiday. NEW YORKWest Point: Tevin Long a West Point cadet accused of illegal distribution of prescription drugs has been convicted of drug oenses during court-martial proceedings and dismissed from the Army. NORTH CAROLINAShelby: Authorities say the parents of a 6-month-old girl now hospitalized in critical condition have been charged with child abuse. Steven Dean and Morgan Conn, both 34, are charged with felony child abuse and are jailed on $150,000 bond. NORTH DAKOTABismarck: The North Dakota Game and Fish Department crew is airlifting sage grouse into the state in hopes of saving the native bird. Eorts began last week to capture enough wild birds in Wyoming to bring 40 females and 20 males into the state, The Bismarck Tribune reported. OHIOCincinnati: Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said Briana Benson, 20, who is accused of intentionally hitting an 18-year-old with her car and dragging her has been indicted on murder charges in the death of Madelyn Hart. OKLAHOMAOklahoma City: The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation is searching yards at two homes for evidence in the more than 5-year-old slaying of Carina Saunders, whose dismembered body parts were found in a duel bag. OREGONPortland: State ocials say they will begin a campaign on Monday to kill the destructive Japanese beetle, The Capital Press reported. PENNSYLVANIAPottstown: The Norco Fire Company in North Coventry Township has canceled this yearÂs Easter e gg hunt because of Âunruly crowdsÂŽ in past years. RHODE ISLANDNewport: Construction on a visitors center at The Breakers mansion is scheduled to begin. The Preservation Society of Newport County told The Newport Daily News that the $5.4 million project will provide modern bathroom and ticketing facilities for those visiting the 70-room mansion. SOUTH CAROLINAJenkinsville: Crews have shut down the working reactor at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station to replenish the nuclear fuel that makes power. SCE&G says this is just a routine shutdown. SOUTH DAKOTASioux Falls: James Aboui Majak, 37, was indicted on charges of assaulting a hospital security ocer and trying to deliberately expose the ocer to HIV. TENNESSEENashville: The Tennessee legislature passed the Broadband Accessibility Act, clearing the way for nonpro“t electric co-ops to start providing both Internet and video service.TEXASWichita Falls: ANorth Texas woman has accepted an 18-year prison term in a plea deal for her part in a failed 2015 murder-for-hire plot against her daughterÂs boyfriend. Christina June Peyton pleaded guilty to murder solicitation Monday, an hour before she was to go on trial. UTAHSandy: The Canyons School District is looking out of state to “ll hundreds of teaching positions as schools across the state struggle with teacher recruitment and retention, The Deseret News reported. The districtÂs human resources director, Steve Dimond, has been attending job fairs in search of candidates to “ll 200 teaching jobs.VERMONTBurlington: Vermont legislators are considering proposals aimed at curbing the use of plastic shopping bags the Burlington Free Press reported. VIRGINIACharlottesville: Former U.S. senator John Warner has donated his public papers to the University of Virginia. Warner, 90 graduated from VirginiaÂs School of Law in 1953, and is a veteran of World War II and the Korean War. WASHINGTONPullman: The U.S. Department of EducationÂs Oce for Civil Rights is investigating how Washington State University handled a female studentÂs allegations of sexual assault and harassment to determine whether the school violated federal gender-equity law, the Spokesman-Review reported.WEST VIRGINIACharleston : West Virginia lawmakers have voted to raise water-pollution limits, legalize medical marijuana, end school standardized testing aligned with the Common Core curriculum and hold a voter referendum this year on issuing $1.6 billion in bonds to rebuild state highways and bridges.WISCONSINMadison: Olympic medal winners in Wisconsin wouldnÂt have to pay taxes on their winnings under a proposal from Rep. Joe Sanfelippo and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. Under the bill, neither the medals nor cash winnings would be taxed. If passed, the legislation would retroactively apply to 2016 and would be in place for the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea.WYOMINGCasper: The Wyoming Health Department said the number of gonorrhea cases rose to 279 in 2016, up from 44 reported cases in 2012. Compiled from sta and wire reports News from across the USA
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Page 5 U S A SN A PSHO T S A utomobile accident aftermathSOURCE insuranceQuotes.comJ A E YAN G AN D J AN ET L OEH R KE, US A TOD AY The average automobile insurance premium increase after one $2,000 or higher claim is 44%and 99% after two. MONE Y GOOGLE DIS P UTES SUIT, SAYS IT OFFERS FAIR P AY Goo gl e s a ys i tÂs Ât a ke n aba ckÂŽ b y t h e L ab o r De par t m e n tÂs c laim i t d oes n Ât fairl y co mp e n s a te w o m e n Th e I n te rn et gian t s a ys i t co ndu cts r o bu stsc i e n t i “c anal ys i s to e n s ur e t h e r e i s n o g e nde r pa y gap .A n o ng o ing De par t m e n t o f L ab o r inv est iga t i o n f o und Goo gl e syste ma t i c all y pa ys w o m e n l ess t han m e n a cco rding to d e par t m e n t o ffi c ial s. Th e all e g e d pa y gap wa s un co v e r e d during a r o u t in e audi t o f Goo gl e, whi c h a s a f e d e ral co n t ra cto r i s barr e d fr o m di sc rimina t ing again st e mpl oyees. Th e L ab o r De par tm e n t i s s uing Goo gl e to f o r ce t h e di sc l os ur e o f addi t i o nal co mp e n s a t i on da t a n ee d e d f o r i ts inv est iga t i o n STARBUCKS DEBUTS LU N C H M E N U I N C H ICAGO St ar t ing Tu es da y, St arbu cks r o ll e d o u t n e w lun c h o ff e ring s a t m o r e t han 100 C hi c ag o l oc a t i o n s, par t o f i ts ÂMe r c a toÂŽ m e nu t h e co ff ee c hain h o p es to expand na t i o nall y. Th e graband g o sty l e o ff e ring s will in c lud e a vari ety o f s andwi c h es and s al ad s to pair wi t h t h e co mpan yÂs est abli s h e d co ff ee se l ect i o n Th e co ff ee co mpan y al so plan s to d o na te all l e f to v e r lun c h i te m s to l oc al f oo d ban ks thr o ugh i ts St arbu cks Foo d S har e pr o gram wi t h Fee ding A m e ri c a No da te f o r t h e m e nu Âs na t i o nal r o ll o u t ha s b ee n ann o un ce d U.S. E MP LOYERS P OSTED M ORE JOBS I N FEBRUARY U.S. e mpl oye r s p oste d m o r e o p e n p os i t i o n s in Fe bruar y, bu t t h e numb e r o f p eo pl e g ett ing hir e d and t h e numb e r q ui tt ing j o b s f e ll Th e o v e rall “ gur es s ugg est t h e jo b mar ket r e main s h e al t h y, al t h o ugh i t ha s yet to t a ke o ff during t h e e arl y st ag es o f t h e Trump pr es id e n cy. Th e L ab o r De par t m e n t s aid Tu es da y j o b o p e ning s r ose 2.1% in Fe bru ar y to a se a so nall y ad j u ste d 5.7 milli o n W hil e m o r e e mpl oye r s ar e seek ing w o r ke r s, hiring f e ll 2% co mpar e d to J anuar y to 5.3 milli o n Jo b o p e ning s hav e in c r e a se d 3.2% o v e r t h e pa st 12 m o n t h s. Mo r e t han 2.5 milli o n p eo pl e q ui t t h e ir jo b s in Fe bru ar y, bu t t ha t wa s a s harp 19.6% d ec lin e fr o m J anuar y. Thi s migh t b e a s ign w o r ke r s hav e mi xe d co n “ d e n ce ab o u t t h e eco n o m y, s in ce w o r ke r s ty pi c all y q ui t e i t h e r wh e n t h ey hav e an ot h e r j o b o r ar e o p t imi st i c t h ey c an “ nd o n e. M O N EYLI N E APINDEXCLOSECHGNasdaq composite5866.77 y 14.15 S&P 5002353.78 y 3.38 T-note, 10-year yield2.30% y 0.07 Oil, light sweet crude$53.40 x 0.32 Euro (dollars per euro)$1.0608 x 0.0012 Yen per dollar109.69 y 1.25SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM 20,520 20,5 6 0 20, 6 20 20, 66 0 20,540 20, 6 00 20,580 20, 6 40 DOW J ONES I ND U S TRIAL A VG. -6.72 9 : 3 0 a.m.20,658 4:00 p.m.20,651TUESDAY M ARKETSSANFRANCISCOToshiba introduced millions of Americans to high-end TVs and portable computers. Now, it could be saying goodbye. The 142-year-old Japanese conglomerate, commissioned by that countryÂs Ministry of Engineering to develop telegraphic equipment when Ulysses S. Grant was U.S. president, warned Tuesday there is Âsubstantial doubtÂŽ about its ability to continue as a Âgoing concern.ÂŽ The potential fall of the Toshiba brand comes with more than a dash of bittersweet memories for Americans. Many were weaned on the companyÂs dependable TVs and got their “rst taste of portable computing with the T1100, Âthe worldÂs “rst mass-market laptop computerÂŽ in 1985 „ but have since moved on to Apple iPhones, Samsung TVs and Amazon Echoes. Toshiba doesnÂt sell home appliances in the U.S., and two years ago it said it would stop making and selling its TVs in North America. It still sells laptops, accessories, hard-drives and phone systems here, available through retailers such as Best Buy and Amazon. To patch up its bleeding balance sheet, Toshiba is selling a majority stake in its vaunted computer-chip business. Foxconn, the Taiwan-based components supplier, has oered as much as $27 billion, according to the Wall Street Journal A Toshiba spokesperson in the U.S. declined to comment. ÂThink of the (intellectual property) that could end up in the hands of a company that competes with U.S. companies,ÂŽ says J.P. Gownder, an analyst at market researcher Forrester. ÂThat is sure to get the attention of the Trump administration.ÂŽ Toshiba faces a bleak future after losin g $4.8 billion over the “rst nine months of its “scal year and warning it could balloon to $9.2 billion for the full year. Its “nancial troubles have reduced its credit rating and put in jeopardy akey construction license from the Japanese government. Toshiba also faces the possibility of its stock being delisted on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The nuclear division, which Toshiba won in a heated bidding war in 2006 for $5.4 billion, has been roiled by soaring cost overruns since the March 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima. ÂThis illustrates the dangers of operating in a conglomerate fashion,ÂŽ says Columbia Business School Professor Rita McGrath. The fall, she says, is a cautionary tale of what happens to companies that depend on high-quality knock-os that are priced competitively and distributed aggressively around the world. The strategy worked through the 1980s for the so-called Big Six of Japanese electronics „ Toshiba, Sony, Fujitsu, NEC, Sharp and Mitsubishi „ until competitive cycles grew faster and U.S., Chinese and Korean companies won on innovation, she says. ÂThe Japanese approach was to take existing products like cars and TVs, perfect their quality and then leverage a formidable global reach to distribute them,ÂŽ McGrath says. ÂItÂs hard to compete, however, when next-generation products come alon g .ÂŽTos hiba Âs t ra v ail s und e r sco r e la ck o f spee d in inn ov a t i o nJapanese conglomerateÂs bet on nuclear, failure to keep up with its tech rivals could be downfall Jon Swartz@jswartz USA TODAY SHIZUO KAMBAYASHI, APThe struggles of Toshiba and its Japanese peers is another blow to JapanÂs economy, analysts say.Tos hiba fa ces a bl e a k fu t ur e af te r l os in g a j a wdr opp in g $ 4 .8 billi o n ove r t h e “ r st nin e m o n t h s o f i ts “sc al ye ar and w arnin g i t co uld ball oo n to $ 9 .2 billi o n f o r t h e full ye ar .How hellish? Try 840 horsepower. ÂThatÂs one hell of a car,ÂŽ Pete Toundas, an enthusiast and president of an event management company, said of the new 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon before it was unveiled here Tuesday as part of the New York Auto Show. ÂYou just wonder how much longer the EPA is going to allow car companies to build these streetdriven cars.ÂŽ In the past few years, Dodge „which is owned by Fiat Chrysler Automobiles „ has been recasting its image as a brawny American performance brand, distinguishing itself from auto companies touting eorts to develop electric, hybrid and self-driving vehicle technologies. It sells models such as the Challenger, Charger and Viper. Now comes Demon, a limited-edition car thatÂs so oriented toward the track it doesnÂt come with front passenger or back seats. TheyÂre options „ priced at $1 each. The car is powered by a supercharged 6.2liter Hemi Demon V-8, an even hotter version of the same basic engine that powers the DodgeÂs 707-horsepower Hellcats. It produces 770 foot-pounds of torque, which is a lot, and only 3,000 will be available in the U.S. Two years ago, Dodge oered the Hellcat version of the Challenger with 707 horsepower to top FordÂs Mustang Shelby GT500, which was pushing more than 660 horsepower. When talk surfaced at this yearÂs Detroit auto show on whether Ford would return “re with a more powerful Mustang, an FCA executive hinted at the Demon. Anticipation for the Demon has been so intense that it has set o a frenzy. Potential buyers had never seen the car, much less driven it. They were in the dark about how much it will cost. They just knew they want it. They have taken to the Internet to “nd every scrap of info about it. They ”ooded Dodge dealerships „ some hundreds of miles away from home „ to get on buyer waiting lists. ÂI would buy it,ÂŽ said Toundas of Auburn Hills, Mich. He added that the Demon will be an investment for some buyers. ÂItÂs not something, certainly, youÂd want to drive every day. Everybody says thereÂs no such thing as the collector-car market anymore. But I think these cars will increase in value. It will be highly sought after.ÂŽ An enduring part of American culture, muscle cars tended to be smaller vehicles with bigger engines. ThereÂs no set de“nition for what makes a muscle car, but they were built to be street driven and be aordable to the middle class. According to the National Automobile Dealers Association, the original sticker price for a base-model 1971 Demon was $2,721. Adjusted for in”ation, that would be $16,366 now. ÂThe muscle car was the perfect example of the right car with the right target demographic,ÂŽ said Matt Anderson, curator of transportation at the Henry Ford museum, which has 260 cars in its collection. ÂYou had a lot of young people at that time coming into some money buying cars of their own, looking for something they could, if not race in, pretend to race in.ÂŽ Many consider the mid-1960s to the mid-Â70s the height of the movement. Automakers „ including defunct nameplates AMC, Oldsmobile, Plymouth, Pontiac „ competed to pack the most into their engines, pushing horsepower limits to 450 and beyond. Models sold by the tens of thousands. By the mid-Â70s, rising insurance rates, high gas prices and environmental regulations led to their decline. Yet Americans love for muscle cars never went away, and the past few years there has been a revival of nameplates and retro styling. ÂPeople who bought them as teenagers all those years ago are now adults who can aord to buy these cars,ÂŽ Anderson said. Witsil reported from Detroit and Snavely from New York FIA T CHRYSLERThe 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon, unveiled Tuesday, is the worldÂs “rst production car to lift the front wheels at launch. ADEMON OF UNGODLY SPEED M U SCLE CAR FANS LINE U P FOR DODGEÂS 840H P RACERFrank Witsil and Brent Snavely | Detroit Free PressNEW YORKDodge conjured a powerful Demon and wants it to help bolster sales and enhance its reputation as the wicked child among automakers. O N E DE V IL OF A CAR Th e “ r st De m o n r o ll e d o u t in 1971 a s par t o f t h e Do dg e D ar t lin e up L a te r De m o n m o d e l s s har e d a b o d y wi t h t h e P l ym o u t h D u ste r B u t t h e Dem o n a t w od oo r co up e wi t h a V 8 e ngin e, had i ts o wn grill e and r e ar t ailligh t a sse mbl y. Th e l o g o wa s wi cke d too. It in c lud e d t h e w o rd De m o n in ye ll o w wi t h a c ar too ni s h d e vil and f o r k t ha t mad e t h e M. So m e r e ligi o u s gr o up s ob jecte d to t h e nam e. By 1973, t h e c ar wa s r e nam e d t h e D ar t S p o r t. So far h e r eÂs wha t De m o n fan s k n o w ab o u t t h e n e w v e r s i o n : u Th e e ngin e will radia te p o w e r m o r e t han t h e He ll c a tÂs 6.2li te r s up e r c harg ed V 8 e ngin e t ha t k i cks o u t 707 h o r se p o w e r u Th e h oo d will hav e a fun ct i o nal co ld air in t a ke, t h e larg est e v e r in st all e d o n a pr o du ct i o n v e hi c l e, to b oost air ”o w u So f t war e will all o w t h e drive r to see „ in r e al t im e „ p e rf o rman ce da t a in c luding h o r se p o w e r o n a to u c h sc r ee n m o ni to r FIA T CHRYSLER
Page 6 The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 There isnÂt just one way to sound like a scientist, or to sound like a scholar. Scientists and scholars come from a wide variety of backgrounds and speak in different ways, in different accents, dialects and languages. In classrooms across the U.S., students do, too. No student (or teacher) leaves their language patterns at the door when they enter a classroom „ even classes like math and science, where language is often seen as secondary. For the past decade, as professors who study the role of language and culture in education, weÂve been working to help educators understand these dynamics across all subject areas. As the U.S. student population continues to rapidly diversify along cultural and linguistic lines, the demographics of the teacher population remain stable at roughly 82 percent white and predominantly female. How can educators make sure that teaching and learning in their diverse classrooms is effective and equitable? Understanding how and why culture and communication matter in all areas of education „ from science to the humanities „ is a critical starting point.When students donÂt sound the sameStudents who speak differently can face a number of challenges at school. Studies have found that at all levels of education, instructors often favor students who sound like themselves and can be biased against those who donÂt. Educators might form negative assumptions about a studentÂs intelligence and ability based simply on how he or she talks, which can result in lowered expectations, stereotyping and discrimination. Teachers sometimes also send messages, whether consciously or unconsciously, that a studentÂs language is wrong, dumb or out of place at school. For instance, consider what one mother told us about an interaction she witnessed in her sonÂs “rst-grade classroom. One of the boys, who is African-American, was playing a game and realized he didnÂt have the materials he needed. He raised his hand and said to the teacher, ÂI donÂt got no dice.ÂŽ His teacher immediately responded, ÂJoshua, we speak English in this class!ÂŽ The mother was appalled and felt that this experience could discourage Joshua from speaking up at school. When students absorb and internalize such messages, they can experience what linguist William Labov called Âlinguistic insecurityÂŽ „ feelings of anxiety and apprehension that can take root even at an early age. These negative experiences with language and communication in the classroom can have a direct impact on students academic achievement. As early as kindergarten, students who come to school speaking in similar ways as their teachers are more likely to get ahead, whereas those who speak differently are more likely to fall behind. These language-based educational inequalities disproportionately affect African-American students and other students of color, English language learners and students who come from a social class or regional background that is different from that of their teacher. As JoshuaÂs mother said to us, ÂThere must be a better way to respond.ÂŽPutting language into the equationFor the past decade, weÂve worked not only as scholars but as teacher trainers as well. Some of our professional development workshops are geared toward a particular group of educators: those who teach K-12 science, technology, engineering and mathematics, also known as STEM. In 2011, we began a three-year study with 60 K-12 STEM educators in Maryland and Virginia to explore how language can affect teaching and learning for STEM students, particularly for AfricanAmerican youth. The teachers were eager to learn, but also to share experiences from their own classroom teaching about the role that language can play in STEM „ whether itÂs answering a word problem in math, reading an engineering text or writing a lab report. One of the biggest challenges is that, in STEM, word problems, questions, texts and directions often contain unfamiliar terms, both technical and nontechnical. In fact, nontechnical words can often be as problematic as the more specialist terms of science. ÂItÂs kind of like learning a language twice,ÂŽ a geometry teacher said, because Âthe vocabulary can be so intense.ÂŽ And itÂs not just vocabulary that matters; everyday classroom communication plays an important role, too. ÂWe all use language,ÂŽ one STEM teacher recognized, Âwhether itÂs in the directions we give or the handouts we use.ÂŽWhat can we do right now?How can teachers make an immediate difference in their classes? For educators who want to know how to take this information and apply it directly to their teaching, there are relevant, accessible materials. The Language and Life Project, out of North Carolina State University, hosts a number of videos and podcasts about language. In addition to a comprehensive website, we created a series of webinars about the role of language in teaching and learning across the disciplines, as well as a podcast in which educators themselves describe how this information positively impacted their teaching and their relationships with students. These materials can help teachers learn how to respond to students who speak differently, avoid cultural and linguistic bias on tests and design culturally supportive curricula. In the course of our research, we also created a free iOS app (ÂValuable VoicesÂŽ) for educators. The app provides a year of monthly classroom-ready exercises and activities, adaptable for elementary through high school students. One exercise introduces students to the concept of language change by analyzing the linguistic innovations of William Shakespeare. Another activity invites students to explore Âlinguistic landscapes,ÂŽ or the language found in public places and spaces around them.Language mattersGood teaching relies on effective communication, whether itÂs in English class, biology class or any subject in between. The words that teachers and students use, their meanings and their intentions are central to classroom interactions and dynamics. Ensuring that students, peers and teachers from diverse backgrounds understand and communicate respectfully with each other is often just as important as helping students understand the material in their textbooks. Language matters „ not just for fostering mutual respect, but for making sure that every student has an equal opportunity to succeed. As one high school algebra teacher who participated in our study pointed out: ÂSpending time showing students how their language is respected, and allowing them to have the skills to analyze different ways of speaking and writing, creates a classroom where we celebrate what we can each bring to our learning environment.ÂŽ Simply put, she said, ÂItÂs worth our time.ÂŽ Disclosure: Christine Mallinson has received funding from the National Science Foundation under Grant 1050938/1051056 and the University of MarylandBaltimore County, via a UMBC Dresher Center Summer Faculty Research Fellowship (2013Â…2014), a UMBC Special Research Assistantship/ Initiative Support award (2010Â…2011), and a UMBC Alex Brown Center for Entrepreneurship Course Initiative Grant (2008), as well as from the UMBC Of“ce of the Vice Provost for Research and the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Of“ce of the Dean. Anne Charity Hudley receives funding from the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV) Capstone English Project, Senior English Academy, and Visible Leaders grants; the QEP Mellon Initiative at the College of William & Mary; the College of William & Mary Community Studies Professorship, the William and Mary Class of 1952 Professorship, the National Science Foundation grants BCS105105 and SES 0930522, The Jessie Ball DuPont Charitable Foundation, the Bank of America Charitable Foundation Grant, the College of William and Mary and many generous individual donors to the William and Mary Scholar Undergraduate Research Experience. She is a volunteer with The Democratic Party of Virginia.The sound of inclusion: Why teachers words matterBy CHRISTINE MALLINSONASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LANGUAGE, LITERACY AND CULTURE, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE COUNTYand ANNE CHARITY HUDLEYASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION, ENGLISH AND LINGUISTICS, COLLEGE OF WILLIAM & MARY DGLIMAGES/SHUTTERSTOCK PHOTOSThough STEM teachers receive little training when it comes to teaching and using language, communication is a vital part of everyclassroom. What happens when a teacher doesnÂt sound the same as her students?
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Page 7 ABDiversMunicipal 14.35 +.01 -0.2 SmCpGrA m 45.74 +.22 +27.7AMGYacktmanFocedS d 21.13-.04 +14.7YacktmanI d 22.72 -.03 +13.8AQRMgdFtsStratI 9.20 +.02 -11.4AberdeenIntlSmCpA m 27.05 +.06 +12.8AkreFocRetail m 26.41 +.01 +13.7AlgerSmCpGrB m 5.44 +.01 +24.8AlpinedynDivInstl d 3.77 ... +16.8AmanaMutGrInv b 32.76 +.01 +16.3 MutIncInv b 47.15 +.03 +11.2American BeaconSmCpValInstl 27.72 +.18 +27.6American CenturyCptlValInv 9.03 ... +20.7 EqIncInv 9.15 ... +17.5 GrInv 30.46 ... +15.6 HYMuniInv 9.41 ... +0.7 HeritageInv 21.51 ... +13.6 IntTrmTxFrBdInv 11.23 ... -0.7 UltraInv 38.21 ... +16.0American FundsAMCpA m 28.81 -.03 +15.1 AmrcnBalA m 25.80 +.02 +11.4 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.40 -.01 +15.7 AmrcnMutA m 38.27 -.03 +15.5 BdfAmrcA m 12.86 +.04 +1.2 CptWldGrIncA m 46.76 ... +14.5 CptlIncB ldrA m 59.96 +.16 +8.2 CptlWldBdA m 19.39 +.06 -1.0 EuroPacGrA m 49.28 +.02 +13.3 FdmtlInvsA m 57.84 -.04 +19.7 GlbBalA m 30.67 +.06 +7.6 GrfAmrcA m 45.44 -.06 +20.5 IncAmrcA m 22.29 +.02 +11.6 IntrmBdfAmrA m 13.41 +.02 +0.1 InvCAmrcA m 38.07 -.03 +17.4 NewWldA m 57.09 +.02 +15.4 NwPrspctvA m 38.64 -.01 +14.6 SmCpWldA m 49.93 +.16 +18.3 TheNewEcoA m 39.46 -.04 +16.4 TxExBdA m 12.87 +.02 + 0.2 WAMtInvsA m 42.50 -.02 +16.9ArtisanIntlInv 27.96 -.01 +3.0BairdAggrgateBdInstl 10.82 +.04 +1.8 CorPlusBdInstl 11.15 +.03 +2.9BaronAsstRetail b 63.38 +.13 +20.2 GrRetail b 65.88 +.29 +19.5 PtnrsRetail b 42.09 -.02 +24.1BerkshireFoc d 20.51 -.13 +23.7BlackRockAlCpEngyRsInvA m 10.86+.01 +14.9EqDivInstl 23.18 -.03 +19.7 EqDivInvA m 23.11 -.02 +19.5 GlbAllcIncInstl 19.09 +.03 +9.6 GlbAllcI ncInvA m 18.98+.04 +9.3 GlbAllcIncInvC m 17.24+.03 +8.5 HYBdInstl 7.75 ... +14.9 HYBdK 7.75 -.01 +14.9 HYBdSvc b 7.75 -.01 +14.4 StrIncOppsIns 9.88 ... +5.4 TactOppsInvA m 13.39 ... +2.0BruceBruce 504.53 +.33 +6.1 StratValDivIns 6.20 +.02 +7.7 TtlRetBdInstl 10.87 +.02 +3.6Fidelity500IdxInstl 82.35 -.11 +17.7 500IdxInstlPrm 82.35 -.11 +17.8 500IdxPremium 82.35 -.11 +17.7 AdvLgCpA m 31.42 -.08 +23.5 AdvLtdTrmBdA m 11.47+.01 +1.2AdvNewInsightsA m 28.30-.04 +16.4AdvNewInsightsI 28.88 -.04 +16.7 AsstMgr50% 17.43 +.01 +10.3 Bal 23.18 +.01 +13.5 BalK 23.18 +.02 +13.6 BlueChipGr 75.10 -.23 +19.2 BlueChipGrK 75.2 0 -.23 +19.3 Canada d 50.26 -.06 +12.6 Contrafund 107.33 -.22 +15.9 ContrafundK 107.27 -.23 +16.0 CptlInc d 10.02 -.01 +14.8 DivGr 33.63 -.06 +14.0 DiversIntl 36.08 +.10 +8.3 DiversIntlK 36.01 +.10 +8.5 EmMkts 17.80 -.06 +21.9 EmMkts d 25.36 -.07 +15.2 EmMktsF 17.85 -.06 +22.1 EmergAsia d 35.48 -.14 +18.7 EqDivInc 27.29 -.01 +17.5 EqInc 58.21 -.03 +19.7 ExtndMktIdxPr 57.92 +.27 +23.7 Fidelity 43.51 -.08 +13.7 FltngRtHiInc d 9.65 ... +8.8 FocedStk 19.54 -.03 +10.8 FourinOneIdx 40.25 +.05 +14.5 Frdm2015 12.82 +.01 +11.0 Frdm2020 15.69 +.01 +12.0 Frdm2025 13.48 +.01 +12.8 Frdm2030 16.69 +.01 +15.1 Frdm2035 13.84 +.01 +16.6 Frdm2040 9.71 ... +16.6 FrdmK2020 14.61 +.02 +12.1 FrdmK2025 15.32 +.02 +13.0 FrdmK2030 15.73 +.01 +15.2 FrdmK2035 16.37 ... +16.8 FrdmK2040 16.40 +.01 +16.7 FrdmK2045 16.89 +.01 +16.8 FrdmK2050 17.02 ... +16.7 GNMA 11.45 +.03 +0.6 GrCo 148.92 -.40 +22.8 GrCoF 14.56 -.04 +22.8 GrCoK 148.80 -.40 +22.9 GrInc 33.88 -.07 +21.4 Independence 35.71 -.07 +13.1 IntlDiscv 39.69 +.08 +8.0 IntlGr 14.02 +.05 +8.4 IntlGrF 14.05 +.04 +8.5 IntlIdxPremium 37.94 +.15 +13.2 IntlRlEstt d 10.11 +.07 +2.9 IntlVal 9.64 +.03 +9.5 IntlValF 9.67 +.04 +9.8 InvmGradeBd 11.22 +.04 +2.7 Inv mGradeBd 7.87 +.02 +3.5 InvmGradeBdF 11.22 +.04 +2.8 JapanSmlrCo d 15.73 +.12 +14.2 LatinAmerica d 21.95 -.06 +24.4 LowPricedStk 51.57 +.24 +14.1 LowPricedStkK 51.54 +.24 +14.3 LvrgdCoStk 35.42 -.01 +18.2 Magellan 96.82 -.17 +14.7 MegaCpStk 18.03 -.04 +19.9 MidCpStk 36.21 +.10 +19.2 MidCpVal 25.75 -.03 +17.6 MuniInc 13.00 +.03 -0.1 NYMuniInc 13.16 +.02 -0.3 NewMillennium 37.63 ... +20.3 NewMktsInc d 16.17 +.01 +15.4 Nordic d 46.10 -.04 -3.7 OTC 94.17 -.33 +26.9 Overseas 43.21 +.20 +11.1 Puritan 21.62 -.01 +12.0 PuritanK 21.61 -.01 +12.2 STBd 8.61 ... +0.9 SelBiotech 194.88 -1.03 +12.9 SelEngy 44.14 +.01 +20.7 SelGold 22.24 +.57 +8.9 SelHC 206.31 -.18 +11.8 STInfPrScIdIns 24.84 +.02 +1.8 STInfPrScIdxInv 24.81 +.02 +1.6 STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.67 +.01 +1.8 STInvmGrdIns 10.67 +.01 +1.8 STInvmGrdInv 10.67 +.01 +1.7 STTEAdmrl 15.78 ... +0.7 STTrsAdmrl 10.65 +.01 +0.3 SeledValInv 30.28 +.01 +22.1 SmCpGrIdxAdmrl 49.31+.22 +20.8 SmCpIdxAdmrl 63.74 +.34 +23.1 SmCpIdxIns 63.73 +.33 +23.1 SmCpIdxInsPlus 183.96+.96 +23.1 SmCpValIdxAdmrl 52.74+.31 +25.0 SmCpValIdxIns 29.48 + .17 +25.1 StarInv 24.90 +.03 +11.7 StrEqInv 33.33 +.21 +23.1 TrgtRtr2010Inv 26.03 +.04 +5.9 TrgtRtr2015Inv 15.02 +.02 +8.1 TrgtRtr2020Inv 29.44 +.05 +9.9 TrgtRtr2025Inv 17.10 +.02 +11.3 TrgtRtr2030Inv 30.68 +.05 +12.5 TrgtRtr2035Inv 18.71 +.03 +13.8 TrgtRtr2040Inv 31.98 +.04 +15.0 TrgtRtr2045Inv 20.03 +.03 +15.4 TrgtRtr2050Inv 32.22 +.04 +15.4 TrgtRtrIncInv 13.11 +.03 +5.7 TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.73 +.04 +0.5 TtBMIdxIns 10.73 +.04 +0.5 TtBMIdxInsPlus 10.73 +.04 +0.5 TtBMIdxInv 10.73 +.04 +0.4 TtInBIdxAdmrl 21.71 +.01 +1.3 TtInBIdxIns 32.58 +.01 +1.4 TtInBIdxInv 10.86 +.01 +1.3 TtInSIdxAdmrl 26.57 +.07 +14.7 TtInSIdxIns 106.26 +.29 +14.7 TtInSIdxInsPlus 106.28 +.29 +14.7 TtInSIdxInv 15.89 +.05 +14.6 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 58.89 -.01 +18.8 TtlSMIdxIns 58.90 -.01 +18.8 TtlSMIdxInv 58.87 -.01 +18.6 TxMgCptlAprAdm r 120.32-.10+18.6 ValIdxAdmrl 37.09 -.01 +19.6 ValIdxIns 37.09 -.01 +19.6 WlngtnAdmrl 69.29 +.02 +12.9 WlngtnInv 40.12 +.01 +12.8 WlslyIncAdmrl 62.86 +.12 +6.6 WlslyIncInv 25.95 +.05 +6.6 WndsrAdmrl 72.86 -.09 +22.1 WndsrIIAdmrl 64.98 -.03 +18.6 WndsrIIInv 36.62 -.01 +18.5VictorySpecValA m 22.99 -.01 +10.1VirtusEMOppsI 10.24 ... +13.3WasatchLgCpValInv d 9.59 +.01 +19.1Wells FargoDJTrgt2010Adm 12.60 +.03 +1.7Western AssetCorPlusBdI 11.57 ... +4.1 WAMngdMuniA 16.24 ... -0.2Wintergreen FundInv m 16.52 +.10 +16.9 AsAlModC m 12.01 +.01 +8.8TurnerSmCpGr 12.95 +.06 +18.3Tweedy, BrowneGlbVal d 26.73 ... +15.9U.S. Global InvestorGlbRes m 5.54 +.01 +13.6 GoldPrcMtls m 7.84 +.11 +6.7USAACrnrstnMod 14.72 +.04 +9.1 GrInc 23.07 -.04 +20.9 GvtSec 9.82 +.02 0.0 HiInc d 8.22 ... +17.6 PrcMtlsMnral 14.11 +.31 +8.1 SciTech 23.67 -.08 +20.1 TELngTrm 13.31 +.02 +0.4 TrgtRet2040 13.48 +.02 +14.7 TrgtRet2050 13.46 +.02 +15.1 WldGr 29.25 +.02 +14.0Value LinePremGr b 31.01 +.08 +13.4Vanguard500IdxAdmrl 217.40 -.29 +17.7 500IdxInv 217.39 -.29 +17.6 BalIdxAdmrl 32.16 +.04 +11.2 BalIdxIns 32.16 +.04 +11.2 CAIntTrmTEAdmrl 11.69+.02 -0.2 CnvrtSecInv 13.05 -.01 +11.5 CptlOppAdmrl 133.57 +.02 +23.6 CptlOppInv 57.86 +.01 +23.5 DevMIdxAdmrl 12.57 +.04 +13.7 DevMIdxIns 12.59 +.05 +13.6 DivGrInv 24.68 +.02 +11.6 EMStkIdxAdmrl 33.03 -.02 +19.0 EngyAdmrl 98.03 +.12 +19.1 EqIncAdmrl 70.89 -.02 +16.4 EqIncInv 33.82 -.01 +16.3 ExplorerAdmrl 84.86 +.30 +22.0 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 75.61 +.35 +23.7 ExtMktIdxIns 75.61 +.35 +23.7 ExtMktIdxInsPls 186.59 +.87 +23.7 FAWexUSIIns 93.83 +.26 +14.9 FAWexUSIdxInv 18.79 +.05 +14.8 GNMAAdmrl 10.55 +.02 +0.6 GNMAInv 10.55 +.02 +0.5 GlbEqInv 26.63 +.03 +15.9 GrIdxAdmrl 62.44 -.12 +16.3 GrIdxIns 62.44 -.12 +16.3 GrandIncInv 43.45 -.03 +16.7 HCAdmrl 83.63 +.02 +8.9 HCInv 198.30 +.06 +8.9 HYCorpAdmrl 5.89 ... +11.0 HYTEAdmrl 11.16 +.02 +0.7 HiDivYldIdxInv 30.65 -.01 +16.4 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 11.38 +.04 +0.3 InTrInvGrdAdmrl 9.75 +.03 +1.9 InTrTEAdmrl 14.06 +.02 0.0 InflPrtScAdmrl 25.87 +.06 +1.8 InflPrtScIns 10.54 +.03 +1.8 InsIdxIns 214.49 -.28 +17.7 InsIdxInsPlus 214.50 -.28 +17.7 InsTtlSMIInPls 52.83 -.01 +18.8 IntlGrAdmrl 75.94 -.05 +17.9 IntlGrInv 23.89 -.02 +17.8 IntlValInv 34.27 +.11 +14.3 LTInvmGrdAdmrl 10.21 +.07 +2.5 LTTEAdmrl 11.50 +.02 0.0 LfStrCnsrGrInv 18.98 +.04 +7.1 LfStrGrInv 30.45 +.05 +13.7 LfStrModGrInv 25.21 +.04 +10.4 LgCpIdxInv 43.54 -.05 +17.9 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 10.94 ... +0.4 MdCpGrIdxInv 44.34 +.01 +14.6 MdCpIdxAdmrl 172.20 +.16 +18.2 MdCpIdxIns 38.04 +.04 +18.2 MdCpIdxIn sPlus 187.60+.17 +18.2 MdCpValIdxAdmrl 52.71+.07 +21.2 MorganGrAdmrl 82.15 -.13 +15.7 PrmCpAdmrl 116.98 -.03 +21.9 PrmCpCorInv 23.64 +.02 +21.0 PrmCpInv 112.92 -.03 +21.9 REITIdxAdmrl 119.96 +.83 +6.6 REITIdxIns 18.57 +.13 +6.6 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.46 +.01 +0.4 Northeast InvestorsGr 15.97 -.03 +13.7NorthernStkIdx 28.39 ... +17.5NuveenHYMuniBdI 16.82 +.03 +1.6 NYMnBdI 10.93 ... +0.3Oak AssociatesEmergTech 4.82 -.01 +26.2 LiveOakHlthSci 19.49 -.03 +8.6 PinOakEq 59.89 +.05 +26.6 RedOakTechSel 21.78 -.03 +33.1OakmarkEqAndIncInv 31.43 +.03 +15.8 GlbInv 29.85 -.01 +23.6 IntlInv 24.61 +.02 +25.1 Inv 75.01 -.09 +24.9 SelInv 44.00 +.02 +26.7Old WestburyGlbSmMdCpStrat 16.02+.05 +15.4 LgCpStrats 13.64 -.01 +11.9 StratOpps 7.75 +.01 +11.5OppenheimerDevelopingMktsA m 35.94-.09 +16.8DevelopingMktsY 35.46 -.09 +17.1 GlbA m 82.00 +.01 +19.2 GlbStrIncA m 3.93 ... +6.9 IntlGrY 37.31 +.12 +5.8 MnStrA m 49.53 -.10 +17.0OsterweisStrInc 11.29 ... +12.2PIMCOAlAstAllAthIns 8.76 ... +12.9 AlAstInstl 11.69 ... +13.6 HYInstl 8.91 -.01 +12.1 IncA m 12.24 ... +9.7 IncC m 12.24 ... +8.9 IncD b 12.24 ... +9.8 IncInstl 12.24 ... +10.2 IncP 12.24 ... +10.0 InvmGrdCrpBdIns 10.38 ... +5.9 LowDrInstl 9.86 ... +2.0 RlRetInstl 11.04 ... +2.6 ShrtTrmIns 9.82 ... +3.5 TtlRetA m 10.19 +.04 +2.4 TtlRetIns 10.19 +.04 +2.8PRIMECAP OdysseyAgrsGr 35.77 +.04 +25.0 Gr 30.87 ... +22.3 Stk 27.43 +.01 +20.7ParnassusCorEqInv 40.65 ... +12.9PaxBalIndvInv b 23.14 +.02 +8.9PerkinsGlbValT 13.85 +.01 +9.4 MidCpValL 17.63 +.05 +22.8 MidCpValT 17.27 +.05 +22.2 SmCpValL 23.01 +.11 +26.2PioneerA m 30.42 -.06 +15.1PrincipalDiversIntlIns 11.90 +.03 +11.4 LgCpGrIIns 12.65 -.03 +15.3 SAMgCnsGA m 17.45 +.01 +12.7PrudentialJsnBlndA m 19.82 ... +18.7 JsnUtilityA m 13.79 ... +13.1 QMAIntlEqC m 6.58 +.02 +13.1 QMASmCpValZ 21.35 +.22 +33.2 TtlRetBdZ 14.31 +.05 +3.4PutnamGlbUtlsB m 12.28 +.04 +1.8 IntlGrB m 16.54 +.04 +5.9 SmCpValA m 17.63 +.11 +32.2RainierMidCpEqOriginal b 37.94+.05+12.6ReynoldsBlueChipGr b 52.24 -.12 +9.2RoyceSmCpValSvc m 9.68 +.07 +11.8 QualIncA m 12.12 +.04 +1.1 SmCpEqA m 14.70 +.04 +16.5 TechInv b 38.08 -.10 +22.7IVAWldwideI d 17.97 +.01 +10.8IntechUSCorT 19.38 -.02 +14.4IvyAsstStratB m 20.54 ... +4.4JPMorganCoreBondI 11.59 +.04 +0.7 CoreBondR6 11.60 +.03 +0.8 DisciplinedEqR6 24.97 -.04 +18.4 EquityIncomeI 15.62 -.01 +16.5 HighYieldI 7.45 ... +13.3 InvCnsrvGrA m 12.63 +.02 +6.8 MidCapValueL 37.73 +.05 +16.3 USLgCpCorPlu sI 29.93 -.05 +20.4JanusBalC m 30.21 +.01 +10.1 ContrarianT 19.86 +.02 +18.0 EntprT 100.16 +.12 +17.2 FlexBdS b 10.36 +.03 +1.2 GlbLifeSciT 49.96 +.04 +10.0 HYT 8.52 ... +12.4 OverseasT 27.98 +.02 +14.9 RsrchT 43.36 -.06 +13.5 ShrtTrmBdT 3.03 ... +1.2 T 36.57 -.03 +12.8 VentureT 68.75 +.20 +19.8John HancockDiscpValI 20.00 -.01 +19.0 DiscpValMCI 22.29 +.05 +21.3 MltmgrLsBal1 b 14.87 +.02 +12.2 M ltmgrLsGr1 b 15.53 ... +14.4LazardEMEqInstl 17.45 +.01 +21.7Litman GregoryMtrsIntlInstl 15.84 +.02 +9.4Loomis SaylesBdInstl 13.96 ... +9.4Lord AbbettAffiliatedA m 15.82 -.01 +19.9 FltngRtF b 9.22 ... +9.0 ShrtDurIncA m 4.31 +.01 +3.7 ShrtDurIncC m 4.33 ... +2.8 ShrtDurIncF b 4.30 ... +3.5 ShrtDurIncI 4.30 ... +3.6MFSGrI 81.75 -.16 +14.8 InstlIntlEq 21.94 +.06 +12.5 MAInvsTrustB m 28.96 -.04 +17.3 ValA m 37.47 -.02 +17.0 ValI 37.66 -.02 +17.3MainStayHYCorpBdA m 5.78 ... +14.6Mairs & PowerGrInv 118.91 +.30 +13.7Manning & NapierPrBlndCnsrvTrmS 13.59+.02 +6.1 PrBlndMaxTrmS 19.60 -.02 +11.8Marsico21stCentury b 23.39 -.02 +14.3 FlexCptl b 14.60 +.01 +8.9MatthewsAsianGrIncInv 16.33 ... +7.0MeridianGrLegacy d 37.69 +.10 +22.5Metropolitan WestTtlRetBdI 10.62 +.03 +1.2 TtlRetBdM b 10.62 +.03 +0.9 TtlRetBdPlan 9.99 +.03 +1.1Midas FundsMidas m 1.31 +.03 +12.9 MidasMagic m 16.87 +.02 +15.9NeedhamGrRetail m 43.76 +.10 +12.0Neuberger BermanSmCpGrInv 30.19 +.03 +29.6NicholasNicholas 64.89 -.09 +9.2 SelHCSvcs d 84.99 +.03 +14.5 SelLeisure d 146.36 +.49 +11.3 SelMaterials 81.63 -.05 +21.3 SelMdclEqpndSys 41.58-.06 +23.6 SelNatrlGas d 27.87 +.01 +31.1 SelNatrlRes d 29.30 +.06 +19.4 SelPhrmctcls 18.13 +.02 -1.1 SelSemicons d 102.46 -.97 +42.0 SelWireless d 9.36 -.03 +20.4 SmCpDiscv d 31.95 +.25 +19.9 SmCpGr d 22.19 +.06 +28.0 StkSelorAllCp 39.25 -.05 +20.1 StratInc 10.85 +.01 +8.1 TtlBd 1 0.64 +.03 +4.2 TtlMktIdxF 68.07 -.01 +18.8 TtlMktIdxPrm 68.06 -.01 +18.8 TxFrBd 11.37 +.02 -0.1 USBdIdxInstlPrm 11.57 +.03 +0.4 USBdIdxPremium 11.57+.03 +0.4 Val 115.37 -.03 +20.6 ValDiscv 26.84 ... +18.3First EagleGlbA m 57.26 +.13 +13.2First InvestorsGlbA m 7.82 ... +13.0 TtlRetA m 19.14 ... +8.5FirsthandTechOpps 7.43 -.03 +33.0Franklin TempletonCATxFrIncA m 7.41 +.01 +0.7 EqIncA m 23.35 -.03 +15.1 FdrTFIncA m 12.02 +.01 +0.2 FloridaTFIncA m 10.86 +.02 +0.7 GlbBdA m 12.46 -.09 +12.6 GlbBdAdv 12.41 -.09 +12.9 GlbBdC m 12.49 -.09 +12.1 Gr,IncA m 24.76 -.02 +17.6 GrA m 82.80 -.04 +17.5 GrOppsA m 33.88 -.06 +14.3 IncA m 2.34 ... +17.0 IncAdv 2.32 ... +17.3 IncC m 2.37 ... +16.7 MutGlbDiscvA m 31.85 -.03 +19.9 MutGlbDiscvZ 32.45 -.03 +20.2 MutZ 29.29 -.01 +20.4 RisingDivsA m 54 .75 +.05 +14.9 TtlRetA m 9.75 +.03 +2.6 UtlsC m 18.65 +.01 +10.8GERSPUSEq 52.76 -.11 +20.2GabelliAsstAAA m 56.39 +.08 +16.2 EqIncAAA m 24.98 +.02 +14.2 Val25A m 15.70 ... +17.9GlenmedeSmCpEqAdv 29.48 +.10 +22.6Goldman SachsShrtDurGovtA m 9.99 +.01 +0.6HarborCptlApprecInstl 62.37 -.18 +16.0 IntlInstl 63.45 +.27 +9.4Harding LoevnerIntlEqInstl d 19.59 ... +16.0HartfordSmCoB m 13.18 +.01 +20.7HeartlandValPlusInv m 29.52 +.19 +26.3HennessyCrnrstnGrInv b 20.36 +.14 +9.2HodgesRetail m 46.94 +.24 +31.4INVESCOComStkA m 23.90 -.05 +23.1 DivIncInv b 24.12 +.02 +11.2 DiversDivA m 19.66 +.01 +12.2 EngyA m 26.14 -.07 +10.2 EngyInv b 26.03 -.07 +10.2 EqandIncA m 10.75 -.01 +19.2 EuropeanGrA m 35.70 +.17 +6.2 GlbGrB m 27.35 -.04 +8.7 GrAllcA m 14.78 +.02 +13.0 PacGrB m 24.87 -. 08 +11.1 RydexElectronicsInv 107.55 -.86 +34.8 HCH b 24.55 -.04 +7.3 NASDAQ100Inv 30.46 -.13 +21.0SchwabHC 23.37 +.03 +8.1 SP500Idx 36.39 -.05 +17.6 Schwab1000Idx 56.69 -.05 +17.8 TtlStkMktIdx 41.92 -.01 +18.7SentinelCommonStkA m 42.71 -.01 +16.9State FarmGr 74.02 +.04 +15.9Sterling CapitalStrtonSmCpVlIns 83.11 +.50 +27.2T. Rowe PriceBal 23.07 +.03 +11.6 BlueChipGr 80.07 -.18 +18.9 CorpInc 9.56 +.03 +3. 2 CptlAprc 27.61 ... +12.2 DivGr 38.85 -.02 +15.0 EMStk d 35.52 +.01 +20.2 EqIdx500 d 63.28 -.08 +17.5 EqInc 32.28 -.02 +20.7 FinclSvcs 25.10 +.06 +32.6 GNMA 9.31 +.02 +0.8 GlbTech 15.57 -.04 +31.0 GrStk 59.13 -.14 +20.2 HY d 6.73 -.01 +13.8 HlthSci 64.97 -.15 +12.0 InsLgCpGr 32.38 -.07 +22.7 InsMdCpEqGr 49.45 +.02 +16.8 IntlEqIdx d 12.63 +.05 +13.3 IntlStk d 16.84 +.04 +14.0 IntlValEq d 13. 68 +.06 +10.0 MdCpGr 80.96 +.04 +16.0 MdCpVal 30.00 +.03 +21.4 MediaTeleCms 83.44 -.25 +23.2 NJTFBd 11.94 +.02 +0.1 NewAmericaGr 44.83 -.10 +20.1 NewAsia d 17.42 -.03 +17.3 NewHorizons 47.56 +.13 +24.8 NewInc 9.45 +.03 +1.2 OverseasStk d 9.79 +.03 +13.9 RlEstt d 28.63 +.21 +4.1 Rtr2015 14.79 +.02 +10.2 Rtr2020 21.44 +.03 +11.6 Rtr2025 16.37 +.02 +12.9 Rtr2030 23.90 +.03 +14.1 Rtr2035 17.35 +.02 + 15.0 Rtr2040 24.79 +.03 +15.7 Rtr2045 16.70 +.02 +16.0 Rtr2050 14.04 +.02 +15.9 SciandTech 41.89 -.13 +31.0 SmCpStk 46.34 +.25 +24.6 SmCpVal d 45.69 +.36 +29.2 SpectrumGr 22.53 +.02 +17.6 SpectrumInc 12.58 +.02 +6.5 SummitMnInc 11.77 +.02 -0.2 TFShrtInterm 5.59 ... -0.1 TxEfficientEq d 24.99 +.01 +16.0 Val 35.17 -.03 +16.6TCWTtlRetBdI 9.95 +.03 +0.4TIAA-CREFBdIdxIns 10.80 +.03 +0.3 EqIdxIns 17. 49 -.01 +18.7 IntlEqIdxIns 17.80 +.08 +13.2 LgCpValIdxIns 18.57 -.02 +20.1Third AvenueValIns d 53.04 +.10 +20.5ThompsonBd 11.38 ... +11.9 LgCp 59.78 -.04 +25.3ThornburgInvmIncBldrA m 20.42 +.02 +11.8ThriventIncA m 9.09 ... +4.0TocquevilleGold m 39.05 +.94 +10.9TransamericaAsAlGrC m 14.45 ... +14.6 CGMFoc 44.78 -.22 +27.4CausewayIntlValInstl d 14.84 +.01 +13.9ClearBridgeAggresivGrA m 204.97 ... +19.1ClipperClipper 111.73 -.14 +23.8ColumbiaContrarianCorZ 23.94 -.06 +15.8 DivIncZ 19.95 -.01 +15.7DFAEmMktsCorEqIns 19.66 -.02 +19.6 EmMktsInstl 25.57 -.04 +18.7 EmMktsSmCpInstl 21.24-.01 +20.1 EmMktsValInstl 27.23 -.07 +26.0 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.95 +.02 +0.3 GlbEqInstl 20.45 +.03 +18.9 GlbRlEsttSec 10.81 +.07 +3.7 IntlCorEqIns 12.50 +.04 +15.4 IntlSmCoInstl 18.75 +.06 +15.1 IntlSmCpValIns 20.46 +.05 +18.5 IntlValInstl 17.57 +.05 +20.9 OneYearFIInstl 10.30 ... +0.7 RlEsttSecInstl 35.43 +.24 +6.3 TAUSCorEq2Instl 16.14+.02 +20.7 USCorEq1Instl 20.10 +.01 +19.8 USCorEqIIInstl 19.22 +.02 +20.9 USLgCo 18.31 -.03 +17.7 USLgCpValInstl 36.02 -.04 +23.8 USMicroCpInstl 20.59 +.18 +25.9 USSmCpInstl 33.92 +.24 +24.8 USSmCpValInstl 36.71 +.26 +26.7 USTrgtedValIns 23.89 +.13 +26.5DavisNYVentureA m 31.76 -.05 +23.5Delaware InvestmentsStrategicIncA m 8.28 +.01 +1.3 ValInstl 20.22 ... +16.2DeutscheCorEqA m 24.89 -.02 +17.9 CorEqS 25.14 -.01 +18.3 GNMAS 13.86 +.03 +0.7Dodge & CoxBal 104.71 -.01 +21.0 GlbStk 12.75 ... +28.8 Inc 13.69 +.02 +4.5 IntlStk 41.26 ... +23.6 Stk 188.66 -.19 +29.2DoubleLineCorFII 10.89 ... +2.7 TtlRetBdI 10.66 ... +1.5 TtlRetBdN b 10.65 ... +1.2DreyfusMidCpIdxInvs 36.36 +.20 +22.1 MnBd 11.65 +.03 -0.4 NYTxExBd 14.77 +.03 0.0 OppcSmCpInv 34.99 -.10 +28.3 ShrtTrmIncD 10.36 +.01 +0.9Eaton VanceAtlntCptSMIDCI 29.13 +.10 +13.7 DivBldrA x 13.92 -.04 +11.9 FltngRtInstl 9.01 ... +10.0 GlbMcrAbRtI 9.12 ... +5.6 TxMgdSmCpB m 21.33+.05 +22.3EdgewoodGrInstl 24.98 -.06 +21.4FMICommonStk 26.82 +.13 +18.5 LgCp 20.74 -.02 +17.0FPACptl d 36.64 +.11 +20.7 Crescent d 33.64 +.01 +14.8FederatedHiIncBdA f 7.58 ... +12.9 InsHYBdIns d 10.00 ... +13.7 IntlSmMidCoA m 34.36+.10 +6.2 KaufmannA m 5.29 ... +21.2 MDTMidCpGrB m 28.40+.04+19.0 12-mo Name NAV Chg %RtnMutual Funds 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIV 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIVStocks of Local Interest AV Homes Inc AVHI 10.87 7 19.13 15.95 -.25 -1.5 t t t +0.9 +46.9 3 ... Allegiant Travel Co ALGT 121.70 6 183.91 154.65 -3.40 -2.2 t s t -7.1 -7.6 12 2.80 ArcBest Corp ARCB 14.85 6 33.95 25.85 -.15 -0.6 s t t -6.5 +29.5 38 0.32 Bank of America BAC 12.05 8 25.80 22.92 -.10 -0.4 t t t +3.7 +80.9 18 0.30f Capital One Fncl COF 58.03 7 96.92 83.09 +.32 +0.4 t t t -4.8 +26.5 12 1.60 Carnival Corp CCL 42.94 9 60.24 57.78 -.66 -1.1 t s t +11.0 +17.0 17 1.60f Chicos FAS CHS 9.86 6 16.85 13.52 +.08 +0.6 s t t -6.0 +17.2 19 0.33 Cracker Barrel CBRL 130.15 6 175.04 157.02 -.15 -0.1 t t t -6.0 +8.1 25 4.60 Disney DIS 90.32 0 113.84 113.07 +.64 +0.6 s s t +8.5 +18.1 20 1.56f Eaton Corp plc ETN 54.30 0 76.39 75.39 -.21 -0.3 s s s +12.4 +30.0 17 2.28 Fortune Brds Hm&Sec FBHS 52.05 9 64.47 62.06 +.09 +0.1 s s s +16.1 +10.1 23 0.72f Harris Corp HRS 73.32 0 113.00 109.94 -.12 -0.1 t t t +7.3 +46.2 19 2.12 iShs U.S. Pfd PFF 36.70 6 40.34 38.77 -.07 -0.2 s s s +4.2 +6.6 q 2.15a KC Southern KSU 79.05 5 100.69 88.40 -.55 -0.6 s s s +4.2 +2.7 20 1.32 Lennar Corp A LEN 39.68 9 53.79 51.92 +.44 +0.9 s s s +20.9 +8.5 13 0.16 McClatchy Co MNI 9.10 2 19.77 10.88 +.23 +2.2 s s s -17.5 -5.8 dd ... NextEra Energy NEE 110.49 9 133.28 129.32 -.11 -0.1 s t s +8.3 +13.9 23 3.93f Office Depot ODP 3.01 4 7.68 4.79 -.01 -0.2 s s s +6.0 -36.4 12 0.10 PGT Inc PGTI 9.38 4 12.49 10.45 +.15 +1.5 s t t -9.1 +4.5 22 ... Panera Bread Co PNRA 185.69 0 313.48 313.82 +.52 +0.2 s s s +53.0 +49.4 51 ... Pembina Pipeline PBA 27.10 0 33.24 33.13 +.08 +0.2 s s s +5.8 +28.8 36 1.50 Raymond James Fncl RJF 46.30 8 81.92 74.75 -.61 -0.8 t t t +7.9 +70.7 20 0.88f Reliance Steel Alu RS 65.10 7 88.58 79.47+1.03 +1.3 t t t -0.1 +15.4 18 1.80f Ryder R 56.98 7 85.42 76.69 -.76 -1.0 s s s +3.0 +27.8 14 1.76 St Joe Co JOE 16.30 2 21.90 17.25 +.15 +0.9 s s s -9.2 +3.3 8 ... Sally Beauty Hld SBH 19.23 1 32.26 20.26 +.11 +0.5 s t t -23.3 -35.1 12 ... Simon Property Gp SPG 163.55 2 229.10 173.35+1.86 +1.1 s s s -2.4 -14.0 21 7.00f Stein Mart SMRT 2.57 1 9.23 2.73 +.09 +3.4 s s t -50.2 -55.0 cc 0.30 Suntrust Bks STI 37.71 8 61.69 54.97 +.11 +0.2 t t t +0.2 +56.8 15 1.04 Superior Uniform SGC 15.53 6 21.02 18.56 +.06 +0.3 t s t -5.4 +16.3 19 0.35 Tech Data TECD 61.99 9 96.38 92.26 +.99 +1.1 s t t +9.0 +25.4 15 ... Wendys Co WEN 9.15 9 14.47 13.73 -.02 -0.1 s s s +1.6 +27.8 36 0.28f World Fuel Svcs INT 34.79 1 51.01 36.28 -.02 -0.1 s t s -21.0 -24.0 15 0.24 ALMANACToday is Wednesday, April12 the 102nd day of 2017. There are 263 days left in the year. Today in historyOn April 12, 1945 President Franklin D. Roosevelt died of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Georgia, at age 63; he was succeeded by Vice President Harry S. Truman. On this dateIn 1606 EnglandÂs King James I decreed the design of the original Union Flag, which combined the flags of England and Scotland. In 1776 North CarolinaÂs Fourth Provincial Congress authorized the colonyÂs delegates to the Continental Congress to support independence from Britain. In 1861 the American Civil War began as Confederate forces opened fire on Fort Sumter in South Carolina. In 1961 Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to fly in space, orbiting the earth once before making a safe landing. In 1963 civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. was arrested and jailed in Birmingham, Alabama, charged with contempt of court and parading without a permit. (During his time behind bars, King wrote his ÂLetter from Birmingham Jail.ÂŽ) In 1981 the space shuttle Columbia blasted off from Cape Canaveral on its first test flight. In 1990 in its first meeting, East GermanyÂs first democratically elected parliament acknowledged responsibility for the Nazi Holocaust, and asked the forgiveness of Jews and others who had suffered. TodayÂs birthdaysChildrenÂs author Beverly Cleary is 101. Actor Ed OÂNeill is 71. Former talk show host David Letterman is 70. Singer David Cassidy is 67. Actor Andy Garcia is 61. FLORIDA REPORT TAMPA (AP) „ FloridaÂs governor declared a state of emergency Tuesday in response to the 107 wild“res burning around his state. Gov. Rick Scott said the proclamation will make it easier for state, regional and local agencies to Âquickly work together to protect our families, visitors and communities.ÂŽ Wild“res are burning on a total of more than 23,800 acres of land and have destroyed 19 homes. Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam said this is the most active wild“re season since 2011. A Florida Fire Service map shows most of the “res have sprung up between Lake Okeechobee to the south and the Ocala National Forest to the north. ScottÂs executive order is expected to speed government assistance in hard-hit Polk, Collier, Marion, Nassau, Broward, Hernando and Glades counties. Since February, wild“res have swept across 68,000 acres of the state. That amount is higher than the average acreage burned over the past “ve years. The largest blaze right now is the one known as the Cowbell Fire in South FloridaÂs Big Cypress National Preserve, which has spread to more than 8,000 acres just north of Interstate 75. In Pasco County, north of Tampa, voluntary evacuations were issued Monday and an emergency shelter was opened. The evacuation order was rescinded and the shelter closed later Monday evening but of“cials there are warning residents to be ready in case evacuations are again recommended. One “re near Oviedo in central Florida over the weekend resulted in evacuations of nearly 40 homes and harrowing moments for “re“ghters. And a Hernando County brush “re apparently sparked by lightning on Saturday had widened to 1,100 acres by Monday. The dry conditions mark a sharp contrast to 2016, when the state was drenched by two hurricanes. Many areas are experiencing drought and authorities said thatÂs a big factor in why so many wild“res have ignited. April and May are traditionally FloridaÂs driest months. Putnam said about 90 percent of the “res this year have been sparked by humans. ÂAs we get a little deeper into the year and the rains do come, the “rst few weeks of rain bring in as much lightning as water and thatÂs when the lightning-caused “res really kick up,ÂŽ he said. State health of“cials warn that wild“re smoke affects people with chronic lung and heart problems and asthma. Doctors have advised people with these conditions should limit their outdoor activities if wild“res are burning nearby.Scott declares emergency as wildfires burn around the state HEADLINE NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATE7 special needs students hurt in Florida school bus crashSARASOTA (AP) „ The Florida Highway Patrol says seven special needs students are recovering after the school bus they were riding in was involved in a crash. The bus collided with a car before hitting a traf“c control device pole in Sarasota on Tuesday morning. Troopers say the bus was carrying 12 students from Oak Park School. The report says a car turned in front of the bus at about 9:15 a.m. The report says seven students were taken to hospitals. The bus driver, an aide and two people in the car were also taken to hospitals. Troopers say the injuries were not considered life-threatening.Police: Thieves ram truck through gun storeZEPHYRHILLS (AP) „ Police in Florida say thieves rammed a truck into a Florida gun shop to steal “rearms and ammunition. The Zephyrhills Police Department posted surveillance video on its Facebook page that shows the blue truck smashing through the front of Sunshine State Armory early Sunday. The video shows three people running in after the truck and grabbing guns and ammunition from cases as the truck backs out of the store. They ran to the truck and ”ed before police arrived. The Facebook posting says Pasco County SheriffÂs deputies found the truck on “re in a wooded area. The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is offering a $2,500 reward for information leading to the suspects arrests.Millions donated to state politicians amid 2017 sessionTALLAHASSEE (AP) „ Some of the biggest companies involved in battles at the state Capitol showered campaign contributions to the stateÂs political parties and other top politicians in the “rst few months of the year. Newly “led campaign “nance reports show that the Republican Party of Florida raised $2.46 million during the “rst quarter of the year, while a separate GOP campaign committee that raises money for state Senate candidates raised $1.43 million. The Florida Democratic Party raised slightly more than $843,000 during the same period. The annual session of the Florida Legislature started in early March. That triggered a ”ow of money from groups either pushing legislation or seeking to block bills from passing. Money came from utilities such as Florida Power & Light, companies such as U.S. Sugar and companies in the gambling industry.Man dies after being hit with beer bottle during bar fightST. PETERSBURG (AP) „ Police say a man is dead after another man hit him over the head with a beer bottle while they played pool at a Florida bar. St. Petersburg police tell news outlets that 62-year-old Vincent Hollingsworth began arguing with 32-year-old Marion Stephens on Sunday night and hit him multiple times with a pool cue. They say Stephens came up behind Hollingsworth and hit him with the bottle. Police say bouncers tried to separate the men, but Stephens got around them and hit Hollingsworth several more times. Hollingsworth fell, hitting his head on the pool table. Medics took Hollingsworth to a hospital, where he died early Monday. Stephens left the bar in a cab, but of“cers arrested him Monday. He faces a manslaughter charge. Jail records donÂt list an attorney.
Page 8 The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 ... DeutschBk 16.32 -.15 q DBXEafeEq 29.56 +.04 dd DevonE 42.52 -.54 ... Diageo 115.74 +1.05 DiamOffsh 16.23 -.04 dd DianaShip 5.96 -.07 dd Diebold 29.20 +.40 DigiIntl 12.05 +.30 DigitalRlt 109.42 +.12 Dillards 53.02 +.51 q DirDGlBr rs 25.33 -2.44 q DxGlMBr rs 13.06 -.79 q DirSPBear 9.14 +.03 q DxSCBear rs 18.24 -.45 q DxFnBr rs 19.71 +.01 q DrGMBll s 7.29 +.42 q DxGBull s 10.89 +.89 q DxFnBull s 43.55 ... q DxBiotBear 11.54 +.15 q DrxSCBull 104.09 +2.54 q DirxEnBull 32.94 -.03 Discover 66.03 +.60 DishNetw h 63.55 -.06 Disney 113.07 +.64 DollarGen 69.15 -.41 DollarTree 77.08 -.66 DomRescs 77.48 -.43 Dominos 175.51 +1.76 Donaldson 45.95 +.34 DowChm 62.49 -.78 q DryStrt 8.72 -.03 DryShp rs 1.74 -.74 DuPont 79.14 -.86 q DufPUC 9.25 -.01 DukeEngy 82.19 -.21 DukeRlty 27.57 +.14 dd Dynegy 7.56 -.35 E-Trade 34.08 -.16 eBay s 33.99 -.07 dd EOG Rescs 97.88 -.52 Eaton 75.39 -.21 q EV EEq2 13.72 +.03 q EVTxMGlo 8.73 +.02 Ecolab 125.66 -.21 EdisonInt 79.99 -.09 EdwLfSci s 93.60 -.82 dd EldorGld g 3.56 +.08 EliLilly 85.93 +.46 EllieMae 103.92 +.42 ElmiraSB 21.15 +.08 dd EmergeES 14.26 +.29 EmersonEl 59.73 +.11 EnbrdgEPt 18.52 -.50 ... Enbridge 42.19 -.55 cc EnCana g 12.06 +.04 6 Endo Intl 10.76 -1.11 E gyTrEq s 18.90 -.27 dd EngyTsfr 35.85 -.21 Enerpls g 8.15 +.13 ... EnLinkLLC 19.50 -.20 Ennis Inc 16.40 +.45 ENSCO 9.34 -.01 Entergy 76.60 +.75 EntProdPt 27.91 -.11 ... Ericsson 6.33 -.13 EversrceE 59.21 -.07 dd EvineLive 1.24 +.01 dd Exelixis 20.96 +.68 Exelon 36.14 +.33 Expedia 129.12 +.66 ExpScripts 66.77 -.13 ExtendStay 17.07 +.29 ExxonMbl 82.84 -.29 FMC Corp 75.38 +.15 FNBCp PA 14.36 +.10 Facebook 139.92 -1.12 dd FairmSant 7.32 -.11 Fastenal 50.34 -.09 FedExCp 192.99 -2.77 FedRlty 135.08 +1.13 dd FedNatHld 15.70 ... ... Ferrari n 71.84 -.09 dd Ferrellgs 5.87 -.14 ... FiatChrys 10.19 +.10 FidlNatFn 38.60 +.19 ... FNFV Grp 12.35 +.05 dd FifthStFin 4.42 +.03 FifthThird 24.69 -.11 Finisar 24.22 -.67 dd FireEye 12.13 -.19 ... FstData n 15.01 -.10 FstHorizon 18.44 +.06 37 FMajS ilv g 9.19 +.52 dd FstSolar 28.10 +.13 q FT Engy 15.21 -.05 FirstEngy 31.44 -.16 dd Fitbit n 5.58 -.19 q FlrtyTotR 21.35 +.08 Flex Ltd 16.17 -.05 FlowrsFds 19.49 +.03 Fluor 52.74 +.01 FootLockr 72.48 +.23 FordM 11.28 +.03 ... Fortive n 60.77 -.23 Fortress 7.97 ... FBHmSec 62.06 +.09 FrankRes 41.01 -1.03 dd FrptMcM 13.62 +.10 dd FrontierCm 2.05 -.03 dd FuelCell rs 1.90 +.15 G-H-I GGP Inc 23.28 +.05 GNC 7.42 +.27 ... GW Pharm 118.25 +.32 q GabDvInc 20.83 -.07 q GabMultT 8.25 +.06 q GabUtil 6.90 +.01 GameStop 22.11 +.23 Gam&Lsr n 34.45 +.13 Gap 24.50 +.20 Garmin 49.99 -.55 q GAInv 33.64 -.02 GenDynam 188.38 +.72 GenElec 30.04 +.03 GenMills 57.42 -.10 GenMotors 33.92 -.05 GenesisEn 32.74 -.53 Gentex 20.34 +.17 dd Genworth 4.16 +.02 ... Gerdau 3.18 -.06 dd GeronCp 2.33 -.24 GileadSci 66.02 -.40 ... GlaxoSKln 41.78 +.48 Globalstar 1.69 +.03 GlobusMed 29.81 +.11 dd GluMobile 2.29 +.02 dd GoDaddy n 36.78 -.16 ... GoldFLtd 3.78 +.11 cc Goldcrp g 15.33 +.41 GoldmanS 227.74 -1.15 Goodyear 35.64 +.42 dd GoPro 8.95 +.26 vjGrace 68.58 +.58 GtPlainEn 29.33 +.16 Greif A 55.40 +.58 dd Griffin 31.40 +.63 dd Groupon 3.75 ... ... GuangRy 31.10 -.18 HCP Inc 31.81 -.10 HP Inc 1 7.54 +.18 ... HSBC 41.12 +.30 HainCels lf 36.80 -.24 dd Hallibrtn 50.01 +.04 Hanesbds s 20.85 +.06 HanoverIns 88.08 +.08 HarleyD 62.05 +.21 dd Harmonic 5.55 +.05 ... HarmonyG 2.78 +.14 Harsco 12.85 +.10 HartfdFn 48.21 +.13 HawaiiEl 33.76 +.13 HlthCSvc 42.18 +.80 HeclaM 5.63 +.26 Hershey 108.41 +.09 ... HertzGl 16.08 +.08 dd Hess 51.11 +1.14 HP Ent n 18.18 -.12 HilltopH 27.10 +.04 HimaxTc h 8.64 -.39 HollyFront 27.85 +.57 HomeDp 148.20 -.01 ... Honda 28.76 +.10 HonwllIntl 124.54 +.08 dd HorizPhm 15.13 -.27 Hormel s 34.30 -.10 HospPT 32.56 +.45 HostHotls 18.57 +.14 ... HuanPwr 27.56 -.02 Hubbell 119.88 +.03 Humana 212.90 +.32 HuntBncsh 13.00 ... HuntgtnIng 205.62 +1.73 Huntsmn 24.52 -.12 IAMGld g 4.39 +.19 ... ICICI Bk 8.76 +.14 IdexxLab s 154.69 +.11 ... ING 14.95 +.04 q iS hGold 12.24 +.16 q iShBrazil 37.00 -.10 q iShCanada 27.07 -.03 q iShGerm 28.34 +.01 q iSh SKor 59.11 -.41 q iShMexico 51.90 -.18 q iShSilver 17.31 +.31 q iShSelDiv 91.45 +.30 q iShAsiaexJ 62.59 -.27 q iShChinaLC 38.32 -.19 q iSCorSP500236.55 -.30 q iShUSAgBd 108.89 +.31 q iShEMkts 39.12 -.09 q iShiBoxIG 118.55 +.55 q iSh20 yrT 122.42 +1.15 q iS Eafe 62.04 +.29 q iShiBxHYB 87.34 -.17 q iShNsdqBio 288.37 -1.02 q iShIndia bt 31.81 +.05 q iSR1KVal 114.72 +.01 q iShR2K 136.90 +1.08 q iShCorHiDv 83.83 +.04 q iShUSPfd 38.77 -.07 q iShREst 80.13 +.44 q iShHmCnst 32.19 +.42 q iShCrSPS s 68.69 +.64 q iShCorEafe 57.83 +.32 Idacorp 83.96 +.86 ITW 132.81 +.57 IndBkMI 20.75 +.50 Infosys 15.09 -.08 IngerRd 83.65 +.40 Ingredion 120.86 +1.68 Intel 35.74 -.06 dd InterceptP 108.58 -.44 IntcntlExc s 60.29 -.11 dd Internap 3.34 -.01 IBM 170.58 -.62 ... IntlGmeT n 23.57 -.06 IntPap 50.26 -.19 Interpublic 24.48 +.33 dd Intersectns 4.00 ... IntSurg 764.83 -2.21 dd InvenSense 12.58 +.04 Invesco 30.81 +.06 dd IonisPhm 39.14 +.43 q iShJapan rs 51.21 +.26 q iSTaiwn rs 33.03 -.09 q iSh UK rs 32.74 +.38 q iShCorEM 47.57 -.06 q iSCHeafe 27.48 +.01 ... ItauUnibH 12.03 -.02 J-K-L dd 32.30 -.37 JPMorgCh 85.73 -.15 JacobsEng 54.61 -.33 dd JkksPac 5.10 -.10 JanusCap 13.12 +.23 JetBlue 21.54 +.29 JohnJn 124.22 -.12 JohnContl n 41.22 +.10 JnprNtwk 27.79 -.09 KB Home 20.04 -.01 dd KBR Inc 15.24 -.26 KKR 17.88 -.01 KC Southn 88.40 -.55 KateSpade 19.70 +.22 Kellogg 72.15 -.12 dd KeryxBio 5.73 +.10 Keycorp 17.33 +.02 KimbClk 132.63 +.71 Kimco 22.24 +.31 KindMorg 21.61 -.14 Kinross g 3.72 +.13 KnightTr 33.50 -1.25 Kohls 40.23 +.40 KraftHnz n 90.83 -.06 dd KratosDef 7.95 +.11 Kroger s 29.57 -.62 ... Kulicke 19.81 +.18 L Brands 47.95 +.45 L-3 Tch 167.26 +1.15 LKQ Corp 28.62 +.31 LTC Prp 49.35 +.70 Landstar 86.15 -.25 LaredoPet 14.83 +.05 LVSands 56.15 +.59 LaSalleH 28.80 +.18 LeggPlat 51.53 +.45 dd LendingClb 5.55 +.18 LennarA 51.92 +.44 Level3 59.10 +.10 q LbtyASE 5.48 -.01 dd LibtyGlobA 34.56 -.45 ... LibtyGlobC 33.97 -.42 LibQVC A 21.39 +.18 LibtProp 40.59 +.59 LincElec 87.07 +.60 ... LloydBkg 3.23 +.05 LockhdM 270.27 +1.24 LaPac 26.08 +.18 Lowes 82.41 -.01 lululemn gs 51.70 -.56 ... Luxottica 53.99 +.23 LyonBas A 88.02 -.51 M-N-0 M&T Bk 151.48 -.07 dd MBIA 9.00 -.03 MDC 30.00 +.27 MDU Res 27.68 +.22 MGIC Inv 10.64 +.26 MGM Rsts 27.71 -.06 q MVC Cap 8.93 +.02 Macys 29.71 +.19 Magna g s 40.18 -.05 40 MaidenH 12.75 -1.20 dd Manitowoc 6.19 +.01 ... MannKd rs 1.38 +.12 ... Manulife g 17.38 -.14 dd MarathnO 16.60 +.04 MarathPt s 50.43 +.29 MAR 91.40 +.34 MartinMid 19.25 -.60 cc MarvellTch 14.85 -.23 Masco 33.96 +.3 9 dd MastThera .13 +.00 Mattel 25.73 +.34 MaximIntg 44.31 -.36 McCorm 99.67 -.10 McDrmInt 6.80 +.03 McDnlds 131.20 +1.22 McKesson 145.38 -.11 cc McEwenM 3.25 +.10 MeadJohn 88.73 -.59 MedProp 13.87 +.14 dd MediCo 54.70 +1.86 Medtrnic 80.15 -.15 MelcoResE 19.79 -.08 Merck 62.58 +.03 MercGn 59.25 +.48 Meredith 64.35 +.65 Meritor 17.07 +.27 MetLife 52.77 -.02 cc Microchp 72.66 -.75 MicronT 27.18 -.46 Microsoft 65.48 -.05 dd Microvisn 2.05 -.03 Middleby 136.15 +1.58 MdsxWatr 38.25 +1.24 q MHowHiInc 13.74 +.08 ... MitsuUFJ 6.06 -.02 ... MizuhoFn 3.56 +.01 ... MobileTele 10.68 -.08 cc Mobileye 61.78 +.05 ... Momo 37.37 -.13 Mondelez 44.06 -.34 Moog A 68.67 +1.39 MorgStan 41.58 -.33 cc Mosaic 28.69 -.25 MotrlaSolu 83.45 -.26 MuellerWat 11.89 +.17 dd MurphO 28.38 +.02 Mylan NV 38.45 -.80 NCR Cor p 44.85 +.34 NQ Mobile 3.72 -.08 NRG Egy 18.71 -.05 NRG Yld C 17.75 +.20 ... NTT DOCO 23.79 +.30 ... NXP Semi 103.97 -.20 dd Nabors 14.18 +.23 NatFuGas 54.40 -.60 ... NatGrid 64.28 +.41 NtHlthInv 74.82 +.57 NOilVarco 38.73 -.43 dd NektarTh 18.52 +.02 Neogen 61.16 +.17 NetApp 40.54 +.13 cc Netflix s 144.35 +.50 NwGold g 3.23 +.21 NJ Rscs s 40.35 +.05 NewMedia 14.05 +.29 NewOriEd 59.68 -.41 New Resid 17.25 +.11 NY CmtyB 13.79 +.09 NYMtgTr 6.30 +.11 NewellRub 46.27 -.50 NewmtM 35.13 +.52 NextEraEn 129.32 -.11 NiSource s 23.85 +.11 NikeB s 54.92 +.02 NobleCorp 6.18 -.13 dd NobleEngy 35.24 -.07 ... NokiaCp 5.27 -.04 NordicAm 8.55 -.08 Nordstrm 46.57 +1.17 NorflkSo 115.22 -.27 ... NoAtlDrl rs 2.70 +1.97 ... NDynMn g 1.38 -.01 NorthropG 241.05 +1.71 NwstBcsh 16.72 +.24 NwstNG 60.00 +. 35 dd NovaGld g 4.94 +.06 Novartis 73.96 +.45 dd Novavax .89 -.01 ... NovoNord 36.02 +.17 Nucor 60.50 +.42 ... Nutanix n 18.08 -.50 q NuvDivA 13.76 +.02 q Nv AMT-Fr 16.99 +.03 q NvPfdInco 9.91 +.03 q NuvEqtP 13.50 ... Nvidia 98.12 +.35 dd NxStageMd 26.42 -.17 OGE Engy 34.89 +.23 dd OasisPet 14.29 -.21 dd OcciPet 64.98 +.84 OceanFst 27.63 +.60 ... Oclaro 9.00 -.12 OfficeDpt 4.79 -.01 OldNBcp 16.9 0 +.15 OldRepub 20.24 +.11 Olin 30.89 -.37 OmegaHlt 34.07 +.19 OmegaP 19.55 +.15 OnSmcnd 14.60 -.50 dd OncoGnx h .39 -.01 ONEOK 55.72 -.21 OneokPtrs 54.41 -.16 dd OpkoHlth 7.55 -.04 Oracle 44.17 +.17 Orbotch 30.83 -.35 dd Organovo 3.04 +.02 Orthofix 36.96 +.51 OshkoshCp 70.50 +.42 OtterTail 38.35 +.40 P-Q-R PG&E Cp 67.01 -.06 PNC 118.03 -.34 PNM Res 37.75 +.10 ... POSCO 58.83 -.24 PPG s 106.06 +.27 PPL Corp 37.35 +.07 Paccar 67.53 -.12 dd PaloAltNet 113.47 +1.06 PanASlv 18.09 +.18 dd Pandora 11.14 +.19 PaneraBrd 313.82 +.52 dd ParkDrl 1.70 -.05 ParkerHan 160.81 +.46 cc ParsleyEn 31.72 +.05 dd PattUTI 25.61 +.07 Paychex 58.72 +.48 ... PayData rs 1.85 +.58 PayPal n 42.69 -.36 Pembina g 33.13 +.08 dd PengthE g 1.15 +.01 PnnNtGm 18.91 +.45 ... PennWst g 1.65 -.03 PennantPk 7.93 -.02 dd Penney 6.11 +.08 Penske 45.42 +.14 Pentair 63.44 +.32 PeopUtdF 17.89 +.09 PepsiCo 111.73 -.29 dd PeregrinP .58 -.04 cc Perrigo 69.01 -.76 ... PetrbrsA 9.31 -.16 ... Petrobras 9.73 -.16 Pfizer 33.93 -.11 PhilipMor 113.42 +.37 ... PhilipsNV 31.96 +.14 Phillips66 77.88 -.17 Pier 1 7.26 +.07 q PimIncStr2 10.27 +.07 PinWst 84.79 +.01 dd PioNtrl 189.95 -.39 PitnyBw 13.14 ... PlainsAAP 30.77 -.27 PlanetFit n 19.21 +.17 dd PlugPowr h 2.64 +.19 Polaris 82.08 +1.25 PolyOne 34.12 +.57 Potash 16.85 ... q PS Engy 13.15 +.04 q PwSClnEn 4.16 +.05 q PwShPfd 14.94 -.05 q PwShs QQQ131.45 -.57 Praxair 119.18 -.39 dd PrecDrill 4.99 +.07 ... Pretium g 11.21 +.35 PriceTR 69.99 -.27 Priceline 1768.40 -7.57 PrinFncl 62.90 +.23 ProAssur 60.10 -.05 ProLogis 54.58 +.38 ... ProPetr n 14.58 +.46 q ProUltSP s 84.28 -.19 q PrUltPQ s 86.38 -1.10 q PUVixST rs 20.45 +1.70 q PrUCrude rs 20.91 +.10 q ProVixST rs 14.86 +.65 q ProShtVix 124.08 -6.10 q PrUShCrd s 33.12 -.18 ProctGam 89.80 +.31 ProgsvCp 39.51 -.10 q ProShSP rs 34.59 +.02 q ProUShSP 13.53 +.02 q PrUShDow 12.85 +.03 q PUShtQQQ 19.34 +.17 q PShtQQQ rs 37.81 +.46 q ProUShL20 37.86 -.76 q PUS htR2K 22.55 -.35 q PUShtSPX 17.31 +.07 ProspctCap 9.14 +.04 dd Protalix 1.31 -.03 Prudentl 105.40 -.33 PSEG 45.29 +.63 PubStrg 226.37 +.53 PulteGrp 23.76 +.30 q PMMI 7.39 +.02 dd QEP Res 12.17 -.20 dd Qorvo 70.20 -.44 Qualcom 55.35 -1.17 QstDiag 98.23 +.02 dd RPC 19.55 -.17 RLauren 80.33 -.20 dd RangeRs 29.40 -.48 RavenInds 29.50 +.50 Rayonier 28.75 +.01 Raytheon 152.07 +.84 RltyInco 61.41 +. 66 RedwdTr 16.91 +.15 Regenrn 367.07 -6.19 RegionsFn 14.17 -.05 RelStlAl 79.47 +1.03 RentACt 10.48 +.19 cc Replgn 34.74 +.27 dd ResCap rs 9.58 +.22 RetailOpp 21.57 +.39 ... RetailMNot 11.50 +3.75 dd RexahnPh .62 -.05 ReynAm s 63.97 +.45 cc RiceEngy 23.53 -.11 ... RioTinto 41.44 +.57 RiteAid 4.75 +.14 RockwlAut 156.11 +.06 RockColl 99.35 +.31 Rogers 84.36 +2.97 Roper 206.95 -1.95 Rowan 15. 15 -.26 ... RoyalBk g 72.61 -.30 RylCarb 95.30 -2.65 RoyDShllB 56.82 +.27 RoyDShllA 53.71 +.29 S-T-U S&T Bcp 34.30 +.70 SCANA 65.30 -.22 SLM Cp 12.09 +.14 dd SM Energy 23.60 -.06 q SpdrDJIA 206.33 -.06 q SpdrGold 121.19 +1.73 q SpdrEuro50 35.95 +.08 q SpdrWldxUS 27.69 +.12 q S&P500ETF235.06 -.28 q SpdrBiot s 67.12 -.19 q SpdrS&PBk 42.37 +.19 q SpdrLehHY 36.76 -.07 q SpdrS&P RB 53.58 +.31 q SpdrRetl s 42.50 +.39 q SpdrOGEx 37.89 +.05 q SpdrMetM 31.37 +.61 STMicro 15.06 -.33 SabnR 38.40 +1.05 SabreCorp 21.42 +. 13 Saia Inc 43.90 -.60 StJoe 17.25 +.15 cc Salesforce 83.86 -.38 SallyBty 20.26 +.11 SJuanB 7.54 -.03 dd SanchezEn 9.57 -.09 ... Sanofi 45.17 +.59 Schlmbrg 79.65 +.94 Schwab 38.93 -.37 SeadrillLtd .82 +.01 SeagateT 49.09 +1.49 dd SearsHldgs 13.24 +1.32 Seaspan 6.99 -.05 SempraEn 110.48 -.17 SenHous 21.76 +.43 ... SequansC 3.22 +.48 Sherwin 312.40 +.55 ShipFin 14.30 +.10 ... SiderurNac 2.67 -.01 Si lvStd g 11.32 +.42 SilvWhtn g 21.77 +.69 SimonProp 173.35 +1.86 SiriusXM 5.06 -.04 SkywksSol 100.14 -1.39 Smucker 127.77 +.08 BlkHillsCp 67.66 +.31 dd BlackBerry 7.70 -.01 q BlkHlthSci 34.03 -.14 q BlkMuniast 14.51 +.15 Blackstone 29.24 -.20 BobEvans 63.41 +.32 Boeing 178.57 +1.01 BorgWarn 38.25 +.25 BostBeer 141.45 -.85 BostonSci 24.57 +.05 BoydGm 22.23 +.32 BrigStrat 21.77 +.31 Brinker 43.44 +.62 BrMySq 52.98 -.37 ... BritATob s 67.32 +.90 BrixmorP 21.34 +.34 BroadcLtd 217.55 -.47 BrcdeCm 12.49 -.04 dd Brookdale 13.08 -.05 ... BrkfInfra s 38.49 +.13 Brunswick 58.05 +.42 Buckeye 68.53 -.63 BuffaloWW 151.20 +.80 CBL Asc 9.35 +.16 CBRE Grp 33.36 +.30 CF Inds s 29.65 -.21 CMS Eng 45.30 +.06 dd CNH Indl 9.86 ... CSX 47.21 -.47 CVR Rfng 9.20 -.05 CVS Health 78.17 +.36 CYS Invest 8.1 6 +.03 dd CabotO&G 24.62 -.01 Cadence 31.48 +.13 dd Cal-Maine 38.50 +.50 q CalaCvHi 11.29 +.07 CalAmp 16.19 +.06 Calgon 13.95 +.10 CalifWtr 36.60 +.45 CallonPet 13.61 +.16 Calpine 10.61 ... dd CalumetSp 3.80 +.10 CamdenPT 81.75 +.50 ... Cameco g 11.80 +.20 CampSp 56.64 +.14 ... CdnNR gs 73.96 -.63 ... CdnNRs gs 33.97 -.01 CapOne 83.09 +.32 dd CapSenL 13.96 -.08 CapsteadM 10.71 +.14 dd CpstnTur rs .83 +.02 CardnlHlth 82.30 -.11 CarMax 57.24 +.13 Carnival 57.78 -.66 CarpTech 37.56 +.92 dd Carrizo 28.90 +.05 ... CatalstB rs 5.71 -.07 Caterpillar 97.10 -.04 CedarF 68.43 -.22 Celgene 125.06 -.86 ... Cemex 9.23 -.05 ... Cemig pf 3.11 +.08 dd CenovusE 11.03 -.23 CenterPnt 27.91 -.09 CntryLink 24.90 +.03 ChemFinl 49.14 +.61 cc Chemours n 37.55 +.10 dd ChesEng 6.18 -.05 cc Chevron 108.97 -.46 dd ChicB&I 30.48 -.38 Chicos 13.52 +.08 cc Chipotle 453.00 -1.28 ... ChurchDwt s 50.01 +.13 CienaCorp 21.84 -.09 Cigna 151.57 -.71 CinnFin 71.39 +.15 Cirrus 63.38 -1.31 Cisco 32.92 -.09 ... CgpVelLCrd 22.81 +.19 ... CgpVelICrd 23.06 -.19 Citigroup 59.03 -.25 CitizFincl 34.38 ... CitrixSy s 83.68 +.24 dd CleanEngy 2.58 +.02 CliffsNRs 7.98 +.10 Clorox 134.53 +.82 dd CobaltIEn .57 -.01 CocaCola 42.66 -.03 30 Coeur 9.69 +.74 CognizTch 58.88 -.09 q CohStQIR 12.90 +.01 q CohStSelPf 27.14 +.08 ColgPalm 73.70 -.03 ... ColNrthS n 12.84 +.03 Comcast s 37.23 -.44 Comerica 67.05 -.26 CommScpe 40.63 +.12 CmpTask 5.53 +.09 Comtech 13.58 ... ConAgra 40.50 -.07 dd ConatusPh 6.98 +.88 ConnWtrSv 54.15 +.82 dd ConocoPhil 50.15 ... dd ConsolEngy 16.83 -.30 ... ConsolCom 24.23 +.62 ConEd 77.90 -.11 dd ContlRescs 46.96 +.21 ... ConyPkA n 11.25 +.75 CooperTire 44.45 +.40 dd CorOnDem 37.15 +.02 Corning 26.85 +.06 CorpOffP 34.38 +.30 Costco 170.63 -.59 cc Coty 17.38 +.17 CousPrp 8.45 +.08 q CSVixSh rs 44.35 +3.67 q CSVInvN rs 20.64 +1.22 q CSVelIVST 64.05 -3.21 q CSVLgNG rs20.17 -1.40 ... CredSuiss 14.60 +.08 dd CrestEq rs 26.75 +.05 dd Crocs 6.49 +.10 CrownHold 53.86 +.45 s 48.90 -.95 Cummins 150.48 +1.34 CybrOpt 24.55 -.40 CypSemi 13.75 -.14 dd CytRx h .44 +.00 dd CytoriTh rs 1.12 -.60 D-E-F DCT IndlTr 50.78 +.54 DDR Corp 12.50 +.09 q DNP Selct 10.88 -.05 DR Horton 33.74 +.55 DTE 103.13 -.07 ... DXC Tch n 74.28 -.43 Darden 82.94 +.24 DeVryEd 35.85 +.30 DeanFoods 20.05 +.28 Deere 111.16 +1.53 dd Delcath rs .07 -.00 DeltaAir 45.29 +.32 dd DenburyR 2.50 +.03 A-B-C AES Corp 11.31 +.16 AFLAC 73.75 +.20 AGNC Inv 20.10 +.05 AK Steel 7.11 +.07 AT&T Inc 40.31 -.07 AbbottLab 43.58 +.26 AbbVie 64.18 -.15 dd AberFitc 11.23 +.30 Accenture 116.08 -.55 dd Accuray 4.95 -.05 ActivsBliz 49.08 +.04 ... Adient n 67.51 +.31 AdobeSy 129.95 -.21 AdvEnId 66.46 -.27 dd AMD 13.10 ... AdvisoryBd 47.60 +.10 Aecom 33.83 +.05 ... Aegon 4.93 +.02 dd AeroViron 28.33 +.73 Aetna 129.52 +.72 dd AeviGeno 1.62 -.03 Agilent 52.83 +.11 Aircastle 23.70 +.11 Akorn Inc 32.76 +.26 ... AlamosGld 8.38 +.34 ... AlaskCom 1.95 +.06 ... Alcoa Cp 34.39 +.73 Alexion lf 116.89 -.52 Alibaba 110.44 -1.26 dd AllegTch 18.51 +.28 Allergan 239.11 -1.01 Allete 69.37 +.42 AllnceRes 22.45 +.45 AlliBern 22.35 -.35 AlliantEg s 39.70 -.01 AllisonTrn 35.03 -.21 Allstate 81.17 -.19 AllyFinc l 19.70 +.12 Alphabet C 823.35 -1.38 Alphabet A 839.88 -1.82 q AlpTotDiv 8.31 -.02 q AlpAlerMLP 12.73 -.03 Altria 72.08 +.32 5 AmTrstFn 15.30 -3.57 cc Amazon 902.36 -4.68 Ambarella 53.05 -.81 Ambev 5.57 -.14 dd Amedica rs .39 -.00 Ameren 54.79 +.08 AFMulti 5.65 ... AMovilL 14.72 -.03 AmAirlines 43.93 +1.61 AEagleOut 13.74 +.17 AEP 67.39 -.11 AmExp 77.26 -.23 dd AmIntlGrp 60.79 -.69 AmOutBr 21.91 +.69 AmStsWtr 45.01 +.79 AmTower 122.76 +.28 AmWtrWks 78.30 +.28 Amerigas 46.39 -.30 Ameriprise 129.30 -.07 AmeriBrgn 87.87 -.57 Ametek 54.49 -.02 Amgen 163.11 +.32 Amphenol 69.74 +.10 dd Anadarko 62.90 +.01 AnalogDev 78.08 -1.25 ... AnglogldA 12.51 +.37 ... ABInBev 110.04 -.63 Annaly 11.49 +.10 AnteroRes 23.12 -.32 Anthem 167.43 -.01 Anworth 5.63 +.10 dd Apache 53.87 -.12 ... ApolloI nv 6.68 +.08 Apple Inc 141.63 -1.54 ApldMatl 38.20 -.66 AquaAm 32.75 +.22 ArcBest 25.85 -.15 ArcelorMit 8.04 -.04 ... Arconic 26.59 +.06 AresCap 17.60 +.09 dd ArgosTher .34 -.01 AristaNetw 133.33 +.06 dd ArrayBio 8.43 -.03 ArrowEl 71.11 +.47 AscenaRtl 4.10 +.20 Ashland 126.11 -.17 AstraZen s 30.18 +.28 ATMOS 80.49 +.25 dd AuriniaPh 7.10 +.10 AutoData 102.09 -.05 AveryD 79.67 -.16 dd Avinge r n .60 -1.00 AvisBudg 28.55 +.11 Avista 39.88 +.41 dd Avon 4.57 ... dd Axovant n 20.25 +1.71 dd B2gold g 2.90 +.12 BB&T Cp 43.62 -.17 ... BCE g 45.49 +.18 BGC Ptrs 10.93 +.02 ... BHP BillLt 38.39 +.13 ... BHPBil plc 33.32 +.35 BP PLC 35.37 +.28 4 BP Pru 21.45 -2.50 ... BRF SA 12.28 +.36 Baidu 173.01 -1.21 dd BakrHu 60.87 -.84 Balchem 78.03 -.08 BallCorp 72.25 +.03 dd BallardPw 2.88 +.12 11 BancCalif 21.60 +1.30 ... BcoBrad s 10.21 +.04 ... BcoSantSA 5.96 -.02 ... BcoSBrasil 7.81 +.02 BankMutl 9.65 +.20 BkofAm 22.92 -.10 ... BkMont g 74.12 -.84 BkNYMel 47.26 +.20 BkNova g 58.09 -.18 BkOzarks 49.42 -.22 q BarcGSOil 5.93 +.02 ... Barclay 10.77 +.06 q B iPVxST rs 17.84 +.77 Bard 249.99 +.13 BarnesNob 9.35 +.05 BarrickG 20.09 +.62 dd BasicEnS .45 ... Baxter s 52.97 +.13 cc BeazerHm 12.12 +.11 BectDck 183.78 -.26 BedBath 39.20 -.18 Bemis 48.44 +.24 BerkH B 165.70 -.65 BestBuy 48.65 +.10 BigLots 49.13 +.94 dd Biocryst 7.22 +.06 Biogen 268.65 -.65 dd BioPhrmX .69 -.03P/E Name Last Chg Money & Markets 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400 OA NDJFM 2,320 2,360 2,400 S&P 500Close: 2,353.78 Change: -3.38 (-0.1%) 10 DAYS 4,800 5,100 5,400 5,700 6,000 OA NDJFM 5,800 5,880 5,960 Nasdaq compositeClose: 5,866.77 Change: -14.16 (-0.2%) 10 DAYSAdvanced 1820 Declined 1121 New Highs 90 New Lows 11 Vol. (in mil.) 3,032 Pvs. Volume 2,677 1,740 1,560 1561 1218 64 38 NYSE NASDDOW 20660.03 20512.56 20651.30 -6.72 -0.03% t t s +4.50% DOW Trans. 9142.52 9031.83 9135.58 -43.12 -0.47% s s s +1.01% DOW Util. 701.54 695.74 700.34 -0.18 -0.03% s s s +6.17% NYSE Comp. 11474.67 11393.38 11473.62 +9.28 +0.08% s s s +3.77% NASDAQ 5878.94 5819.29 5866.77 -14.16 -0.24% t s s +8.98% S&P 500 2355.08 2337.25 2353.78 -3.38 -0.14% t t s +5.13% S&P 400 1719.99 1700.55 1719.85 +9.48 +0.55% s s s +3.57% Russell 2000 1377.22 1360.53 1376.95 +9.87 +0.72% s s s +1.46% Toronto TSX 15738.31 15604.10 15727.11 -3.68 -0.02% s s s +2.88%HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD Stocks Recap Combined StocksFrom the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. Interest ratesThe yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.32 percent on Tuesday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG AGO 4.00 3.50 3.50 .88 .38 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill .82 0.80 +0.02 .21 6-month T-bill .94 0.94 ... .32 52-wk T-bill 1.05 1.05 ... .50 2-year T-note 1.24 1.28 -0.04 .70 5-year T-note 1.84 1.90 -0.06 1.15 10-year T-note 2.32 2.36 -0.04 1.73 30-year T-bond 2.93 2.99 -0.06 2.56 NET 1YR BONDS YEST PVS CHG AGO AP Muni Bond Idx 2.48 2.52 -0.04 ... Barclays Glob Agg Bd 1.62 1.62 ... ... Barclays USAggregate 2.60 2.61 -0.01 2.12 Barclays US Corp 3.31 3.33 -0.02 3.15 Barclays US High Yield 5.78 5.78 ... 8.07 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.91 3.93 -0.02 3.61 10-Yr. TIPS .37 0.41 -0.04 .14Commodities U.S. crude oil rose 0.6 percent, while natural gas prices fell sharply. Gold and silver prices each rose slightly less than 2 percent each.Crude Oil (bbl) 53.40 53.08 +0.60 -0.6 Ethanol (gal) 1.65 1.65 +0.12 +2.9 Heating Oil (gal) 1.65 1.65 +0.20 -3.2 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.15 3.24 -2.72 -15.4 Unleaded Gas (gal) 1.76 1.76 -0.02 +5.6 FUELS CLOSEPVS. %CHG%YTD Gold (oz) 1271.20 1251.10 +1.61 +10.5 Silver (oz) 18.23 17.89 +1.89 +14.4 Platinum (oz) 965.90 937.50 +3.03 +7.1 Copper (lb) 2.61 2.60 +0.15 +4.3 Palladium (oz) 802.95 789.85 +1.66 +17.6 METALS CLOSEPVS.%CHG%YTD Cattle (lb) 1.23 1.21 +1.78 +3.6 Coffee (lb) 1.40 1.40 +0.25 +2.3 Corn (bu) 3.67 3.67 -0.14 +4.1 Cotton (lb) 0.75 0.75 -0.19 +6.2 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 403.50 393.80 +2.46 +27.5 Orange Juice (lb) 1.62 1.68 -3.49 -18.4 Soybeans (bu) 9.39 9.42 -0.27 -5.8 Wheat (bu) 4.33 4.29 +1.05 +6.2 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS. %CHG%YTD USD per British Pound1.2491 +.0079 +.63% 1.4236 Canadian Dollar 1.3332 -.0000 -.00% 1.2891 USD per Euro 1.0608 +.0012 +.11% 1.1412 Japanese Yen 109.69 -1.25 -1.14% 107.94 Mexican Peso 18.7693 +.0953 +.51% 17.6001 1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG %CHGAGO Israeli Shekel 3.6591 +.0001 +.04% 3.7622 Norwegian Krone 8.5957 +.0003 +.26% 8.1865 South African Rand 13.8244 +.0004 +.55% 14.6935 Swedish Krona 9.050 3 +.0003 +.27% 8.1064 Swiss Franc 1.0075 +.0011 +.11% .9538 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST Australian Dollar 1.3340 +.0008 +.06% 1.3144 Chinese Yuan 6.9030 -.0021 -.03% 6.4618 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7712 +.0008 +.01% 7.7546 Indian Rupee 64.715 +.133 +.21% 66.320 Singapore Dollar 1.4038 -.0014 -.10% 1.3431 South Korean Won 1147.24 +4.12 +.36% 1142.09 Taiwan Dollar 30.64 +.01 +.03% 32.33 ASIA/PACIFICForeign Exchange The dollar fell against the euro, the British pound and the Japanese yen. The dollar rose against the Mexican peso and was unchanged against the Canadian dollar.YEST6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO ... SnapInc A n 20.70 -.27 SnapOn 165.19 +.82 SodaStrm 51.18 +.56 SolarCap 22.67 +.09 SonocoP 52.22 +.11 ... SonyCp 31.85 -.08 q SourcC 37.44 -.07 SoJerInd s 37.42 +.12 SouthnCo 49.30 -.37 SwstAirl 55.06 +.84 dd SwstnEngy 8.10 -.26 SpiritRltC 10.50 +.16 dd Sprint 8.32 -.04 Sprouts 23.21 +.05 dd Square n 16.92 -.07 q SP Matls 52.46 -.14 q SP HlthC 74.17 -.10 q SP CnSt 54.88 +.02 q SP Consum 87.51 .07 q SP Engy 70.90 +.01 q SPDR Fncl 23.39 -.07 q SP Inds 65.38 +.09 q SP Tech 52.76 -.20 q SP Util 51.47 -.02 StanBlkDk 132.58 +.06 dd Staples 9.68 -.02 StarGas 9.08 -.04 Starbucks s 57.88 -.07 StateStr 78.32 -.10 StlDynam 35.18 +.43 dd StillwtrM 17.48 +.06 Stryker 130.59 -.14 SubPpne 25.68 -.52 SunCmts 82.56 -.18 SunHydrl 36.50 +.66 dd SunPower 6.70 -.35 SunstnHtl 15.22 +.08 SunTrst 54.97 +.11 dd SupEnrgy 14.70 -.20 Supvalu 4.00 +.21 SwiftTrans 23.83 -.94 Symantec 30.40 -.26 Synchrony 33.05 +.18 dd SynrgyPh 4.41 +.06 SynovusFn 40.65 +.38 Sysco 52.08 +.05 T-MobileUS 63.93 +.04 TC PpLn 59.36 -.58 TD Ameritr 37.70 -.25 TJX 76.99 +.97 ... TOP Ship rs .50 -.02 TahoeRes 8.67 +.28 TailorBr 12.94 +.33 ... TaiwSemi 32.40 -.12 TangerFac 32.79 +.19 Target 53.71 -.08 Taubmn 65.77 +.33 ... Te ckRes g 23.65 -.30 ... Teladoc n 24.75 ... ... Tenaris 34.83 +.53 Tenneco 58.46 -.24 Teradata 30.44 +.03 TerraNitro 95.03 -1.44 dd Tesla Inc 308.71 -3.68 Tesoro 81.85 +.92 dd TetraTech 4.26 +.21 TevaPhrm 32.14 -.37 TexInst 79.41 -.72 TexRdhse 45.19 +.36 dd Textainer 16.20 +.15 Textron 48.00 -.16 dd TherapMD 5.75 -.45 cc 3D Sys 14.73 +.44 3M Co 190.07 +.36 Tiffany 92.15 -1.06 TimeWarn 9 8.72 +.03 Timken 44.20 +.30 TollBros 36.58 +1.24 ... TonixPh rs 4.61 +.31 Torchmark 76.23 +.14 ... TorDBk gs 49.62 -.20 ... Total SA 51.86 +.27 ... Toyota 106.40 +.42 Transocn 12.53 -.22 Travelers 121.19 +.08 q TriContl 23.19 -.05 ... TriCntl pf 50.25 +.34 TriNetGrp 28.52 -.08 Trinity 27.41 +.35 TripAdvis 41.45 -.79 TrueBlue 26.00 +.05 TrstNY 7.80 +.05 Tuppwre 63.46 +.58 21stCFoxA 31.15 -.09 ... Twilio n 29.35 +.88 dd Twitter 14.31 -.05 TwoHrbInv 9.78 +.05 dd 2U 42.03 +.68 UDR 36.52 +.16 UGI Corp 49.94 +.09 dd UltraClean 15.69 -.25 UndrArm s 19.42 -.31 ... UnAr C wi 18.04 -.15 UniFirst 137.40 +1.35 ... UnilevNV 50.90 +.11 UnionPac 107.61 -.01 12 Unisys 12.10 -1.00 dd Unit 24.26 +.04 UBSI 40.65 +.15 UtdContl 70.71 -.81 16 UtdNtrlF 41.49 +2.02 UPS B 105.75 -.67 UtdRentals 1 25.93 -.03 US Bancrp 50.89 +.11 q US NGas 7.52 -.16 q US OilFd 11.17 +.03 dd USSteel 34.72 +.96 UtdTech 113.14 +.26 UtdhlthGp 165.83 +.35 UnitGrp 25.75 +.32 UnvslCp 71.25 +1.00 UnumGrp 46.15 -.12 dd UraniumEn 1.56 +.08 UrbanOut 22.82 +.43 V-W-X-Y-Z VF Corp 55.06 +.36 ... Vale SA 9.15 -.09 ... Vale SA pf 8.63 -.14 ValeantPh 9.55 -.30 ValeroE 65.63 +.28 VlyNBcp 11.74 +.15 q VanEGold 24.36 +.71 q VnEkRus 20.29 +.19 q VanE EMBd 18.39 +.02 q VnEkSemi 77.83 -.59 q VEckOilSvc 31.20 -.03 q VanE JrGld 37.50 +.72 q VangTSM 120.99 -.04 q VangREIT 84.61 +.58 q VangDivAp 89.66 ... q VangEmg 39.82 +.04 q VangEur 51.50 +.35 q VangFTSE 39.17 +.16 ... VantEn un 10.00 ... Vectren 59.32 +.10 Ventas 65.47 +.31 Vereit 8.77 +.04 Verisign 87.91 +.80 VerizonCm 48.70 +.16 ViacomB 44.79 -.04 ViadCorp 44.00 +.65 Viavi 9.83 -.12 Vipshop 13.31 -.02 Visa s 88.85 -.01 VishayInt 15.95 +.10 VMware 92.43 -.09 ... Vodafone 25.84 +.11 VoyaFincl 36.99 -.20 VulcanM 121.19 -.15 WD 40 103.90 -.06 WEC Engy 60.64 +.09 WP Carey 63.21 +.67 dd WPX Engy 12.94 -.30 WalMar t 73.43 +.37 WalgBoots 82.68 +.17 WashPrGp 8.93 +.17 WREIT 32.53 +.43 WsteMInc 72.87 -.02 Waters 155.88 -.51 dd WeathfIntl 6.52 ... WebsterFn 48.75 +.35 20 WtWatch 17.84 +.92 WeinRlt 34.25 +.36 WellsFargo 54.16 -.38 Welltower 72.79 -.10 Wendys Co 13.73 -.02 WestarEn 54.48 +.43 q WAstInfSc 11.41 -.04 WDigital 86.05 +1.27 WstnUnion 19.52 +.10 ... WestpacBk 26.13 +.27 ... WestRck 50.99 -.20 We yerhsr 34.64 -.09 Whrlpl 168.30 +.70 WhiteWave 56.24 +.01 dd WhitingPet 9.60 -.03 WholeFood 33.55 -.62 WmsCos 30.36 -.16 dd WillmsPtrs 41.54 -.34 ... WindtreeT h 1.50 +.26 q WT EurHdg 62.93 +.12 23 WisdomTr 8.57 -.53 q WTJpHedg 49.13 -.41 q WT India 24.53 +.13 Woodward 69.52 +.69 WldW Ent 21.83 -.16 dd WrightMed 30.08 -.66 Wynn 116.23 +.05 XcelEngy 44.58 ... Xerox 7.08 ... Xilinx 55.96 -.03 YR C Wwde 10.74 -.25 dd Yahoo 46.79 -.42 Yamana g 2.94 +.06 ... Yandex 22.33 +.66 cc Yelp 33.37 +.63 YorkWater 35.25 +.90 YumBrnds 64.15 +.32 ... Yum China 32.50 +1.15 ... ZTO Exp n 12.63 +.24 dd Zagg 7.05 +.10 ... ZeltiqAes 56.42 -.01 ZimmerBio 119.58 -.45 ZionsBcp 40.94 +.01 Zoetis 52.85 +.11 dd Zynga 2.79 ... Stock Footnotes: Stock Footnotes: cld Issue has been called for redemption by company. d New 52-week low. ec Company formerly listed on the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace. g Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h Does not meet continued-listing standards. lf Late filing with SEC. n Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low figures date onl y from the beginning of trading. pf Preferred stock issue. pr Preferences. pp Holder owes installments of purchase price. rt Right to buy security at a specified price. rs Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year. s Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd When distributed. wt Warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock. u New 52-week high. un Unit,, including more than one security. vj Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. Stocks in bold are worth at least $5 and changed 5 percent or more in price. Underlining for 50 most actively traded stocks of the day. Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. M ost recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. P E Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months. Mutual Fund Footnotes: b Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f front load (sales charges). m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA not available. p previous days net asset value. s fund split shares during the week. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Source :Morningstar and the Associated Press.DOW 20,651.30 -6.72 NASDAQ 5,866.77 -14.16 S&P 500 2,353.78 -3.38 10-YR T-NOTE 2.32% -.04 30-YR T-BOND 2.93% -.06 CRUDE OIL $53.40 +.32 GOLD $1,271.20 +20.10 EURO $1.0608 +.0012q q q q q q q q q q p p p p p p(Previous and change figures reflect current contract.) STOCKS LISTING CHANGE REQUESTS WELCOME!The Sun Newspaper is tweaking the way stocks are listed in the daily paper. We will continue to run a wide range of stocks, but weÂre trying to eliminate stocks our readers donÂt want. If you do not see your stock in the paper, please let us know and we will put it in the listings. Email the name of the company and the symbol to, or call 941-206-1138. You can leave the stock name and symbol on voice mail.
The Sun /Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Page 9 TODAY / TONIGHTPartly sunnyPartly cloudyHIGH 84 LOW 6340% chance of rain 25% chance of rainA thunderstorm in spots in the afternoon84 / 6040% chance of rain THURSDAY GULF WATER TEMPERATUREMostly sunny86 / 625% chance of rain FRIDAYPartly sunny and pleasant87 / 6210% chance of rain SATURDAYDelightful with partial sunshine86 / 6010% chance of rain MONDAYPartly sunny and pleasant88 / 6010% chance of rain SUNDAY 0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource : 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.The higher the UV IndexÂ’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Temperatures Temperatures TemperaturesSource : National Allergy Bureau CONDITIONS TODAY AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEX WEATHER HISTORY WEATHER TRIVIAÂ’ PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRING VENICE637686868679Air Quality Index readings as of TuesdayMain pollutant: OzonePunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Tuesday Sebring through 2 p.m. Tuesday Venice through 2 p.m. Tuesday24 hours through 2 p.m. Tue. 0.00ÂŽ Month to date 1.43ÂŽ Normal month to date 0.81ÂŽ Year to date 4.05ÂŽ Normal year to date 8.32ÂŽ Record 1.49ÂŽ (2010) 24 hours through 2 p.m. Tue. 0.00ÂŽ 24 hours through 2 p.m. Tue. 0.00ÂŽ Month to date 0.63ÂŽ Normal month to date 1.08ÂŽ Year to date 4.21ÂŽ Normal year to date 9.57ÂŽ Record 1.49ÂŽ (1994) High/Low 86/52 Normal High/Low 84/60 Record High 91 (1994) Record Low 45 (1996) High/Low 84/59 High/Low 82/59 Normal High/Low 80/61 Record High 95 (1994) Record Low 45 (1996)Pollen Index readings as of Tuesday MONTHLY RAINFALLMonth 2017 2016 Avg. Record/Year J an. 0.88 9.93 1.80 9.93/2016 Feb. 0.94 4.09 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.80 1.85 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 1.43 0.99 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.46 2.50 9.45/1991 J un. 14.19 8.92 23.99/1974 J ul. 7.68 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.81 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 7.77 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 4.04 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 0.05 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.44 1.78 6.83/2002 Y ear 4.05 62.30 50.65 (since 1931) T otals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES Today Thu.Apalachicola 78 64 pc 79 62 pc Bradenton 82 66 pc 81 64 pc Clearwater 83 67 pc 82 66 pc Coral Springs 83 73 sh 82 71 pc Daytona Beach 78 63 pc 78 65 pc Fort Lauderdale 81 71 pc 81 71 pc Fort Myers 86 68 sh 87 65 pc Gainesville 82 55 pc 82 54 pc Jacksonville 80 56 pc 79 57 pc Key Largo 80 73 pc 79 72 pc Key West 82 74 pc 82 72 pc Lakeland 83 63 pc 82 59 pc Melbourne 80 67 pc 80 68 pc Miami 82 72 sh 82 71 pc Naples 84 66 pc 84 64 pc Ocala 83 58 pc 82 56 pc Okeechobee 77 63 pc 78 61 pc Orlando 84 64 pc 81 62 pc Panama City 79 60 pc 80 60 pc Pensacola 82 63 pc 82 63 pc Pompano Beach 82 72 sh 81 72 pc St. Augustine 77 63 pc 77 65 pc St. Petersburg 85 67 pc 85 65 pc Sarasota 83 63 pc 84 61 pc Tallahassee 84 57 pc 86 57 pc Tampa 85 67 pc 85 66 pc Vero Beach 79 65 sh 79 65 pc West Palm Beach 81 69 pc 80 69 pc Punta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop TIDES MARINEPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORTToday 4:56a 10:31a 4:08p 11:33p Thu. 5:35a 10:51a 4:30p --Today 3:33a 8:47a 2:45p 9:49p Thu. 4:12a 9:07a 3:07p 10:26p Today 2:36a 7:41a 1:46p 8:32p Thu. 3:26a 8:03a 1:54p 9:12p Today 5:28a 11:00a 4:40p --Thu. 6:07a 12:02a 5:02p 11:20a Today 1:48a 7:26a 1:00p 8:28p Thu. 2:27a 7:46a 1:22p 9:05p NE 8-16 1-2 Moderate NE 7-14 1-2 ModerateFt. Myers 86/68 showers afternoon Punta Gorda 85/61 showers afternoon Sarasota 83/63 part cldy none The Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise Set Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLEForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017Last Apr 19 New Apr 26 First May 2 Full May 10 Today 9:17 p.m. 8:09 a.m. Thursday 10:08 p.m. 8:47 a.m. Today 7:07 a.m. 7:51 p.m. Thursday 7:06 a.m. 7:52 p.m. Today 7:08a 12:57a 7:30p 1:19p Thu. 7:56a 1:44a 8:18p 2:07p Fri. 8:45a 2:34a 9:08p 2:57p WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow flurries, sn -snow, i -ice. THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow IceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesPublication date: 04/12/17 Today Thu. Today Thu. Today Thu. Today Thu.Albuquerque 74 50 pc 79 48 s Anchorage 47 30 s 49 28 s Atlanta 81 58 pc 82 59 pc Baltimore 76 47 pc 69 46 s Billings 61 41 pc 71 43 pc Birmingham 82 60 pc 85 61 pc Boise 70 46 pc 57 39 t Boston 65 44 t 59 40 s Buffalo 49 35 pc 56 36 pc Burlington, VT 61 41 pc 54 35 pc Charleston, WV 72 45 pc 77 50 pc Charlotte 78 55 pc 78 55 pc Chicago 61 45 s 62 52 c Cincinnati 70 48 s 76 52 pc Cleveland 59 44 pc 61 46 pc Columbia, SC 81 58 pc 81 55 pc Columbus, OH 69 47 s 73 50 pc Concord, NH 68 40 sh 57 35 pc Dallas 79 64 pc 80 63 pc Denver 74 43 s 78 49 s Des Moines 70 53 pc 74 59 c Detroit 62 44 pc 58 46 c Duluth 56 36 pc 57 39 pc Fairbanks 47 23 pc 47 20 s Fargo 62 36 pc 65 50 pc Hartford 71 42 t 60 37 s Helena 62 40 pc 59 37 sh Honolulu 85 72 pc 84 71 c Houston 80 63 pc 81 63 pc Indianapolis 68 47 s 74 56 pc Jackson, MS 82 57 t 84 58 pc Kansas City 72 58 pc 74 62 t Knoxville 78 53 pc 80 56 pc Las Vegas 84 61 s 78 52 pc Los Angeles 73 55 pc 69 50 pc Louisville 75 50 s 81 56 pc Memphis 79 59 pc 83 62 pc Milwaukee 55 41 pc 49 43 c Minneapolis 58 46 r 61 49 c Montgomery 84 59 pc 86 59 pc Nashville 79 53 pc 84 58 pc New Orleans 81 61 pc 83 61 pc New York City 72 49 pc 62 46 s Norfolk, VA 76 55 pc 64 48 pc Oklahoma City 76 59 pc 74 60 t Omaha 67 53 t 69 60 c Philadelphia 74 48 pc 67 46 s Phoenix 91 63 s 92 61 s Pittsburgh 64 40 pc 66 45 pc Portland, ME 57 41 sh 56 37 pc Portland, OR 57 44 r 52 41 sh Providence 69 45 t 61 42 s Raleigh 80 56 pc 76 51 pc Salt Lake City 72 54 s 73 40 t St. Louis 73 55 s 80 63 pc San Antonio 77 65 c 78 64 pc San Diego 71 61 pc 68 57 pc San Francisco 65 52 r 60 48 sh Seattle 57 44 r 52 42 sh Washington, DC 77 51 pc 71 50 s Amsterdam 54 45 r 53 42 c Baghdad 88 69 pc 95 73 c Beijing 75 42 s 69 48 c Berlin 54 41 r 54 40 pc Buenos Aires 64 46 s 68 49 pc Cairo 88 64 c 79 60 pc Calgary 44 31 r 40 27 sn Cancun 86 72 pc 85 73 pc Dublin 53 38 c 52 42 c Edmonton 45 27 pc 39 26 sn Halifax 45 38 c 51 37 pc Kiev 54 44 pc 56 40 t London 61 41 c 58 43 c Madrid 82 49 s 81 50 pc Mexico City 77 48 pc 77 50 pc Montreal 53 38 c 57 36 s Ottawa 50 34 c 54 33 c Paris 64 45 s 61 43 c Regina 56 36 c 61 46 c Rio de Janeiro 87 74 t 82 72 c Rome 69 49 pc 68 51 s St. JohnÂs 39 30 c 48 32 c San Juan 83 72 pc 82 73 sh Sydney 71 61 pc 71 59 r Tokyo 65 45 pc 61 48 s Toronto 53 34 pc 57 36 c Vancouver 55 44 r 53 43 sh Winnipeg 57 33 s 62 46 pcHigh ...................... 90 at McAllen, TXLow ........................... 9 at Dillon, CO(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday)69The all-time measured wind speed record, a 231-mph gust, was set at Mt. Washington, N.H., on April 12, 1934. Q: Why is the ozone layer so important?A: It reduces the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth. Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Hull Arcadia Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is todayÂs weather. Temperatures are todayÂs highs and tonightÂs lows. North Port 84/63 80/63 83/65 83/65 81/64 84/62 80/63 80/63 81/63 85/67 82/66 84/70 82/65 86/68 84/64 85/61 84/66 84/63 83/64 82/64 83/64 86/63 88/64 85/67 82/64 80/67 81/65 81/65 83/64 86/66 81/65 82/63 83/63 83/67 81/68 84/67 85/67 83/64 adno=50509540
Page 10 The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Stk# 5382375 2 013 KIA SORENTO SX WonÂt Find a Nicer One € 20,308 Miles $19,900 or $309/mo PLATTNERÂS VENICE PRE-OWNED SUPERSTORE Lowest Mile Certified Sale! Arcadi a Chevrolet Bui ck WWW.ARCADIACHEVROLET.COM 888-579-4452 210 S BREVARD AVE., ARCADIA, FL 34266 SHOWROOM HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-8PM € SAT 9AM-5PM SUN CLOSED SERVICE HOURS: MON-FRI 7:30-5:30 € SAT 8AM-12PM SUN CLOSED Prices and payments plus tax, license, tag and $599 dealer fee. Payment based on 72 months, $4.9% APR with approved credit. PLATTNERÂS VENICE PRE-OWNED SUPERSTORE 735 US 41 South Bypass, Venice, FL 34285 (941) 486-3636 Sale Hours: MON.-FRI. 9AM 8PM € SAT. 9AM 6PM € SUN CLOSED adno=715036 0% AND REBATES Only Till 4-30-17 FINANCING & REBATES Yes You Get Both! 0% PLATTNERS ARCADIA SALES HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-8PM SAT 9AM-6PM SUN CLOSED SERVICE HOURS: MON-FRI 7:30AM-5:30PM SAT 8AM-12:30PM SUN CLOSED APPLY FOR PRE-APPROVED CREDIT RIGHT NOW ONLINE! 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Wednesday, April 12, 2017 SPORTS € @SunCoastSportsINDEX | Lottery 2 | NBA 2 | NHL 2 | Golf 3 | MLB 4 | Scoreboard 5 | Soccer 6 By MARC TOPKINTampa Bay TimesNEW YORK „ Speedy Mallex Smith has thus far shown the Rays everything they could have hoped to see, covering extensive turf in the outfield, bunting and battling his way on base, wreaking all kinds of havoc when he gets there. But by this time next week, expect to see him in the minors. The Rays donÂt really have any other choice. Smith has made this decision an interesting topic of conversation, including inside the clubhouse, with his impressive early season play. Acquired in the January trade of Drew Smyly, the 23-year-old has been one of the key contributors and catalysts to the Rays surprising 5-3 start, earning praise from teammates, coaches and front office execs. ÂThe disruption that he causes when he does get on base is what sticks out to me,ÂŽ said centerfielder Kevin Kiermaier. ÂIÂve really enjoyed playing next to him for the first week. Hopefully weÂll see a bunch of him running around all over all season.ÂŽ Outfield/baserunning coach Rocco Baldelli raves about how Smith Âchanges the game.ÂŽ Manager Kevin Cash compares his impact to what Carl Crawford and B.J. (as he was called then) Upton did for the hey-day Rays. Starter Chris Archer praises „ and pushes the hashtag possibilities of „ #TheMallexEffect. ÂThe person, the energy, the type of game he plays, the prep work, everything „ we got with Mallex exactly what we were expecting to get, which doesnÂt always happen,ÂŽ general manager Erik Neander said. ÂWeÂre thrilled by that.ÂŽ But ƒ TheyÂre just not going to have any room for Smith when Colby Rasmus comes off the disabled list, which looks to be early next week. The Rays signed Rasmus, and MLB: RaysDespite play, Smith likely headed to minors TAMPA „ Steven Stamkos isnÂt a kid anymore. He turned 27 in February. He has spent nine seasons in the NHL. Nine. Man, that snuck up fast. He likely has made the turn toward the back nine of his career „ a career headed for the Hall of Fame that has been sabotaged by injury and illness. Once known for being an elite goal-scorer, Stamkos is now known for missing games. Lots of games. Important games. He missed 65 of them this season. The Lightning came up one victory short of the playoffs. Think one of the purest goal scorers on the planet couldÂve made a difference? ÂIt was a frustrating season, obviously, to not make the playoffs,ÂŽ Stamkos said Monday, Âbut for me personally to have an injury like that.ÂŽ Instead of blasting one-timers from the faceoff circle and wearing the captainÂs ÂCÂŽ on his chest, Stamkos spent much of his season wearing a cast and lying on a trainerÂs table. He was injured in November. There was hope he would return by March. He never did come back. He was never really close. He worked his tail off to get to where he is now and he still would not have been ready for the start of the playoffs. In fact, donÂt be shocked if heÂs still feeling some after-effects at the start of next season. ÂIÂm confident it will be 100 percent (again),ÂŽ Stamkos said. ÂIt just takes time.ÂŽ For the past three weeks, we watched his every move, dissected his every turn in practice. We thought he was day to day. ÂI think we got ahead of ourselves,ÂŽ Stamkos COMMENTARYStamkos ÂsickÂŽ of spate of injuries TOM JONES AP PHOTOTampa Bay Rays center fielder Mallex Smith (0) makes notes on his at-bats in the dugout during the game between the New York Yankees and the Tampa Bay Rays at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg on Wednesday. By DOUG FERGUSONAssociated PressDustin Johnson was back on the stationary bike, moving forward without really going anywhere. The good news for golfÂs No. 1 player is that an MRI showed only a deep bruise on the left side of his lower back. If doctors had taken images a little higher up the torso, they also might have seen a slight tear in his heart. ÂOne thing I never want to have to do again,ÂŽ Johnson said Tuesday, Âis watch a major from my couch.ÂŽ At least he watched. And it wasnÂt all bad. He was thrilled to see Sergio Garcia overcome a two-shot deficit in the Masters and two decades of frustrations in the majors. Johnson could relate to that, having been in position to win a major four times before winning the U.S. Open last summer at Oakmont. Good luck finding someone who can relate to JohnsonÂs experience at the 81st Masters. Sure, there have been times when a No. 1 player had to withdraw from a major. But not when the player was coming off three straight victories against the strongest fields of the year. Not when that player GOLFMasters behind him, Johnson puts short memory to workDustin Johnson heads into the clubhouse after deciding not to play in the opening round of the Masters golf tournament at the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Ga., Thursday. The worldÂs No. 1-ranked player was, however, forced to withdraw from the Masters on Thursday because of a lower back injury suffered less than 24 hours earlier in a freak fall at the home he was renting for the week. AP PHOTO Associated PressThere will be final-night intrigue in the NBA. The two remaining playoff berths will be decided, along with the No. 1 seed in the Eastern Conference and the site for Game 1 of the series that starts this weekend between the Utah Jazz and Los Angeles Clippers. Most individual stat races are already sewn up, barring something that would be most improbable. Oklahoma CityÂs Russell Westbrook will become the 16th player in NBA history to win two scoring titles, HoustonÂs James Harden will lead the league in assists for the first time and MiamiÂs Hassan Whiteside should be able to wrap up his first rebounding crown. Golden StateÂs Stephen Curry is a lock to lead the league in 3-pointers made for the fifth straight year, and his Warriors teammate Klay Thompson will finish second in that category for the fourth consecutive season.TOP OF THE EASTBoston controls the race for the top seed in the East playoffs. The Celtics will be No. 1 in the East if they beat Milwaukee, or if Cleveland loses to Toronto. The Cavaliers wonÂt have LeBron James on Wednesday night, and are 0-7 this season when he doesnÂt play. Depending on perspective, James will either be resting, recovering or revving for the start of the playoffs. ItÂs part of his usual playoff preparedness, since he hasnÂt appeared in a regular-season finale in a decade.NBAAP PHOTOCharlotte Hornets Cody Zeller, top, and Boston Celtics Isaiah Thomas, bottom, vie for a loose ball in the second half of an N BA basketball game in Charlotte, N.C., Saturday. Final day of NBA season will decide some seeds, matchupsSEE RAYS, 2 SEE JONES, 2 SEE GOLF, 3 SEE NBA, 2EXPLOSIONS ROCK GERMAN SOCCER TEAM BUSThree explosions went off near the Borussia Dortmund team bus as it set off for a Champions League quarter“ nal match, Page 6
Page 2 SP Wednesday, April 12, 2017 / The Sun GOLF 7 p.m. GOLF „ LPGA Tour, LOTTE Championship, “ rst round, at Kapolei, Hawaii MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, Tampa Bay at N.Y. Yankees OR Minnesota at Detroit 8 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, L.A. Dodgers at Chicago Cubs OR Oakland at Kansas City NBA BASKETBALL 8 p.m. ESPN „ Atlanta at Indiana 10:30 p.m. ESPN „ New Orleans at Portland NHL HOCKEY 7 p.m. NBCSN „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 1, N.Y. Rangers at Montreal NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 1, Boston at Ottawa 7:30 p.m. USA „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Eastern Conference, “ rst round, Game 1, Columbus at Pittsburgh 9:30 p.m. NBCSN „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Western Conference, “ rst round, Game 1, St. Louis at Minnesota 10 p.m. USA „ Stanley Cup Playoffs, Western Conference, “ rst round, Game 1, San Jose at Edmonton SOCCER 12:30 p.m. FS2 „ UEFA Champions League, Quarter“ nal, 1st Leg, Borussia Dortmund vs. AS Monaco 2:30 p.m. FS1 „ UEFA Champions League, Quarter“ nal, 1st Leg, Bayern Munich vs. Read Madrid 2:45 p.m. FS2 „ UEFA Champions League, Quarter“ nal, 1st Leg, Atletico Madrid vs. Leicester CitySPORTS ON TVpaid him „ by their standards „ a hefty amount, $5 million, second most on the $69.5 million team, plus $2 million in incentives, to be a key player. TheyÂre expecting the top-shelf defense and 20-homer power and overall production he has shown throughout his career, especially being reunited with former Toronto hitting coach Chad Mottola. So once he gets back on the field this week and completes a short rehab stint to show heÂs free of restraints from off-season hip and core muscle surgeries, Rasmus, 30, will take SmithÂs spot in the lineup as the leftyswinging leftfielder, and if-needed backup in center. Rasmus also may DH some, giving Corey Dickerson some time in left, where he looked during the spring to be better. TheyÂre not going to keep Smith over Peter Bourjos, who they targeted during the winter and then traded for late spring to have a right-handed batter to play the outfield against lefty starters, of which they eventually will face plenty. (SmithÂs, albeit limited, career numbers vs. lefties, an .078 average and .293 OPS, answer your next question.) Think of Bourjos in the Brandon Guyer role, without all the hit-bypitch bruises, but a much better defensive player, one also can fill in in center should Kevin Kiermiaer get a day off against a tough lefty. Plus, itÂs not as simple as sending Bourjos to the minors anyway, as theyÂd have to risk getting him through waivers (though he has agreed to go if they did). And thereÂs no room on the rest of the bench, as the Rays have Rickie Weeks to split time with Logan Morrison at first, Daniel Robertson to fill in around the infield and catcher Jesus Sucre. Even if they had a way to keep Smith once Rasmus returned, it wouldnÂt make sense to play him „ at least to this point „ over Steven Souza Jr. It needs to be pointed out there is some financial benefit for the Rays in sending down Smith, as with all young players. A few weeks in the minors gives them an additional year of control, delaying his free agency until 2023. A couple months in Durham could knock him off the path for the additional Super 2 year of arbitration eligibility and save millions. But in this case, it seems to be more a matter of sense than dollars. With current management posting two losing seasons, itÂs fair to question their decisionmaking. But itÂs also not logical to suggest they abandon the plan they came into the season with based on SmithÂs six mostly good games. What are they going to do? Dump Rasmus before he ever plays? Expose themselves further to lefty pitchers by ditching Bourjos? Go without a backup infielder, or one less reliever? If the Rays biggest miscalculation to this point was not counting on Smith „ who they had been trying to get directly from the Braves before he was dealt to the Mariners „ having this much impact, thatÂs not so terrible.RAYSFrom Page 1said. ÂWhen it came out Âday to day, I donÂt think I was quite Âday to day.  More like season to season. Three of the past four years, Stamkos has been struck by a bolt of bad luck. He snapped his leg on a goalpost. He suffered a blood clot. He tore up his knee. ÂYou just feel for him because you know how much he wants to play,ÂŽ Lightning coach Jon Cooper said. Stamkos does want to play. No one should dare question his guts or his desire. You canÂt blame him for getting hurt. ThatÂs what happens in hockey. Believe it, Stamkos is more frustrated than anyone. ÂIÂm sick of not being able to be out on the ice with the guys,ÂŽ Stamkos said. For the first five years of his career, he didnÂt miss a single game due to injury. ÂYou go through your career and you donÂt envision these things happening,ÂŽ Stamkos said. ÂYou go through scot-free and you think, ÂThis is great. YouÂre never going to get hurt.  But it has been one thing after another. He hopes injuries come in threes and his days on injured reserve are done. ÂThereÂs nothing tougher than (rehabbing from injury),ÂŽ Stamkos said. ÂThe easy part is playing the game.ÂŽ This was supposed to be the fun season. He had signed that eight-year, $68 million contract last summer. No more questions about free agency. No more questions about staying or leaving, Tampa Bay or Toronto, the Lightning or Red Wings. He started the season playing some of the best hockey of his career. After 17 games, he was on pace for 43 goals and 96 points. That would have made him the NHLÂs second-leading scorer. Then he got hurt. Stamkos said this injury was the worst of his career. He lost 16 pounds. He couldnÂt put any weight on his leg. Even when he was cleared to start working out, he was back at square one. And the team struggled. In the past, the Lightning survived Stamkos absence. Not this time around. ÂStammer is in the prime of his career,ÂŽ Lightning general manager Steve Yzerman said. ÂHeÂs one of the top goal-scorers. HeÂs a dynamic player. ƒ As you go through a season, itÂs nice to be able to look down the bench or look across the locker room and know that guy is going to make a difference here.ÂŽBottom lineÂWe missed him a lot,ÂŽ Yzerman said. Normally, Stamkos takes time off after the season. Not this year. He is already back to work, rehabbing his knee, training, skating, getting ready for next season. After all, he has a knee to mend, a career to resurrect and a Stanley Cup to chase. The clock is ticking. Nine years in. Who knows how many more left?JONESFrom Page 1By BRYAN LEVINESports WriterPORT CHARLOTTE „ The Charlotte Stone Crabs dug themselves quite a hole Tuesday night on the way to a franchise-worst sixth straight loss to begin the season. Allowing seven runs in the second inning, the Stone Crabs fought to come back, but continued to search for their first win of the season after a 12-6 loss to the Palm Beach Cardinals. ÂWeÂve got to get in the strike zone,ÂŽ was the only thing manager Michael Johns had to say after the game about his teamÂs pitching. The night started off great for Charlotte starter Genesis Cabrera, who struck out four of the first five batters he faced, but that was the end of his good night. Cabrera issued three straight walks with one out in the second inning, then the Cardinals struck the first blow with a two-run single by No. 9 hitter Austin Wilson. Palm Beach had seven consecutive batters score a run, as they totaled four walks, two singles, a triple and a double in the inning. Every Cardinals batter reached base that inning except for Luke Dykstra (son of former Major League Baseball player Lenny Dykstra), but he did manage an RBI groundout in his second at-bat of the inning. Things didnÂt get much better for Stone Crab pitchers after that, even though they held the Cardinals to just three more runs. In total, CharlotteÂs pitchers issued nine walks and also hit two batters. A Cardinals batter reached base 26 different times in the game. The Stone Crabs still had its chances in the loss. They left had plenty of players reach base while stranding 13 on the night. ÂOffense did a great job coming back,ÂŽ Johns said. ÂWe were a couple hits away from getting back in it. Defensively we played well, but we have to get in the strike zone. We have to get in the strike zone.ÂŽ Jake Cronenworth continued to be a positive for the Stone Crabs, as he reached base four times to improve his average to .455 with a .607 on-base percentage. Nathan Lukes went 4 for 5 with two RBI. Kevin Padlo went 3 for 5, with two runs, an RBI and was a homer shy of the cycle. „Contact Bryan Levine at Stone CrabsStone Crabs still winlessFlorida Lottery www.flalottery.comPICK 2Apr. 11N ...........................7-6 Apr. 11D ...........................0-0 Apr. 10N ...........................3-4 Apr. 10D ...........................5-3 Apr. 9N .............................8-9 Apr. 9D .............................7-8 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Apr.11N ........................6-9-3 Apr.11D ........................4-6-1 Apr. 10N .......................9-1-2 Apr. 10D .......................4-2-5 Apr. 9N .........................4-7-6 Apr. 9D .........................0-4-6 D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Apr. 11N ....................5-7-4-9 Apr. 11D ....................7-0-4-2 Apr. 10N ....................2-9-2-5 Apr. 10D ....................6-9-2-0 Apr. 9N ......................3-8-9-8 Apr. 9D ......................1-8-8-8 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Apr. 11N .................0-1-9-7-5 Apr. 11D .................7-1-9-5-5 Apr. 10N .................8-5-1-0-4 Apr. 10D .................9-1-6-8-4 Apr. 9N ...................8-6-3-0-3 Apr. 9D ...................3-6-3-4-2 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Apr. 11 .................3-5-6-9-10 Apr. 10 ...........2-19-20-22-29 Apr. 9 .............9-11-13-30-31 PAYOFF FOR APR. 9 2 5-digit winners $97,982.47 267 4-digit winners $118.00 8,716 3-digit winners $10.00CASH FOR LIFEApr. 10 .........20-22-37-55-56 Cash Ball ............................3 Apr. 6 ...............4-6-17-48-53 Cash Ball ............................4 € € € PAYOFF FOR APR. 10 0 5-of-5 CB ........$1,000/Day 0 5-of-5 ...........$1,000/Week 6 4-of-5 CB ................$2,500 9 4-of-5 .........................$500LUCKY MONEYApr. 11 ..............16-26-29-46 Lucky Ball .........................12 Apr. 7 ..................2-28-32-38 Lucky Ball .........................17 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 7 1 4-of-4 LB ............$750,000 3 4-of-4 .................$2,025.50 39 3-of-4 LB ............$341.50 531 3-of-4 ..................$73.50LOTTOApr. 8 ......20-35-36-46-48-53 Apr. 5 ......17-19-24-27-30-47 Apr. 1 ............2-8-9-36-42-48 PAYOFF FOR Apr. 8 1 6-digit winners $8 million 15 5-digit winners $7,781.50 908 4-digit winners ..$92.00POWERBALLApr. 8 ...........23-36-51-53-60 Powerball .........................15 April 5 ............8-20-46-53-54 Powerball .........................13 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 8 0 5 of 5 + PB .....$50 million 0 5 of 5 ................$1 million 2 4 of 5 + PB ...........$50,000 18 4 of 5 .......................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $60 millionMEGA MILLIONSApr. 11 .........19-34-35-38-49 Mega Ball ...........................8 Apr. 7 ...........30-33-43-47-69 Mega Ball .........................15 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 7 0 5 of 5 + MB ....$15 million 0 5 of 5 ...............$1,000,000 2 4 of 5 + MB ............$5,000 5 4 of 5 .........................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $25 millionCleveland can still be No. 1 with a win and a Boston loss.BOTTOM OF THE EASTDwyane Wade helped Miami win three championships. Now, he might help keep the Heat out of the playoffs. ItÂs three teams „ Indiana, Chicago and Miami „ for the last two spots in the East field. Indiana (which plays Atlanta) and Chicago (which plays Brooklyn) control their destinies. If the Pacers win, theyÂre in. If the Bulls win, theyÂre in. If either loses, the door opens for Miami. The Heat would reach the playoffs with a win over Washington, and a loss by either Indiana or Chicago.EAST MATCHUPSThe 1-8 and 2-7 matchups in the East cannot be finalized until Wednesday. Toronto is the No. 3 seed and will face either Milwaukee or Indiana. Washington is the No. 4 seed and will open the playoffs against either Atlanta or Milwaukee. Everything else is still up in the air. Depending on results Tuesday and Wednesday, any of four teams „ Indiana, Atlanta, Chicago or Miami „ could wind up getting the No. 7 spot. And the Pacers might be No. 6, No. 7, No. 8 or out of the playoffs entirely at No. 9.CLIPPERS-JAZZUtah hasnÂt started the playoffs at home since 2001. The Jazz could change that this year, if they beat San Antonio on Wednesday while the Clippers lose at home to Sacramento. ThatÂs the only scenario where the Jazz would be seeded No. 4 in the Western Conference playoffs. Otherwise, the Clippers will get home-court for the first-round series against Utah.NBAFrom Page 1SUN PHOTO BY KAT GODINACharlotte Stone Crabs pitcher Genesis Cabrera pitches against Palm Beach on Tuesday. Associated PressATLANTA „ Dwight Howard had 19 points and 12 rebounds as the resurgent Atlanta Hawks won their fourth straight game, routing the listless Charlotte Hornets 103-76 on Tuesday night to wrap up the No. 5 seed in the Eastern Conference. The Hawks will face the Washington Wizards in the opening round of the playoffs. A week ago, AtlantaÂs playoff hopes were in jeopardy after a dismal stretch that included two losses to Brooklyn, the worst team in the NBA. Then, in a sudden turnaround that epitomized the teamÂs maddening inconsistency this season, the Hawks knocked off East-leading Boston and recorded two straight stunning victories over the defending NBA champion Cleveland Cavaliers, including SundayÂs comeback from a 26-point deficit.NBAHawks rout Hornets to win fourth straight CARDINALS 12, STONE CRABS 6Palm Beach AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Siera CF 5 2 3 2 1 1 .280 Spitz rf 3 1 0 1 3 1 .231 Sosa SS 5 2 2 2 1 1 .333 Chinea 1B 6 1 2 1 0 1 .333 Dykstra 2B 5 0 0 1 0 2 .100 Martinez C 4 1 1 0 1 0 .294 Arozarena LF 3 2 2 2 1 0 .176 Pina 3B 4 1 1 0 1 1 .167 Wilson DH 3 2 1 2 1 1 .111 Charlotte AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Fraley CF 5 0 0 0 1 1 .235 Cronenworth SS 2 1 1 0 3 1 .450 Sullivan C 4 1 0 0 1 0 .250 Padlo 3B 5 2 3 1 0 0 .250 Kelly 1B 4 1 0 0 0 3 .263 Boldt LF 4 0 1 1 0 0 .188 Rodriguez DH 4 1 0 0 1 1 .053 Lukes RF 5 0 4 2 0 0 .500 Lowe 2B 5 0 1 1 0 0 .267 Palm Beach 070 010 022 Â… 1 212 3 Charlotte 000 220 002 Â… 6 10 1 2B: Sosa (1), Chinea (3), Pina (1) Padlo (2). 3B: Sierra Padlo. RBI: Wilson 2 (4), Sierra 2 (3), Sosa 2 (3), Chinea (4), Dykstra (3), Spitz (2), Arozarena 2 (4) Boldt (2), Lowe (1), Padlo (2), Lukes 2 (2). LOB: Palm Beach 10 Charlotte 13. RISP: Palm Beach 6-for-17, Charlotte 4-for-14. E:Chinea (1, “ elding), Sosa 2 (2, throw, throw) Cronenworth (1, “ elding). PITCHING Palm Beach IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA Jones (W, 1-0) 5.0 6 4 2 2 3 0 3.60 Vance 3.0 1 0 0 4 2 0 0.00 Bray 1.0 3 2 2 0 2 0 6.00 Charlotte IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA Cabrera (L, 2-0) 1.1 2 4 4 3 4 0 18.00 Karalus 3.0 6 4 4 1 1 0 9.00 Espinal 2.2 1 0 0 3 3 0 0.00 Brashears 2.0 3 4 3 2 0 0 12.46 WP: Jones Espinal. PB: Sullivan (3). HBP: Arozarena (by Karalus), Wilson (by Espinal) Boldt (by Vance), Kelly (by Vray). Umpires: HP: Greg Roemer. 1B: JC Velez. Time: 3:19. Att: 1,915.
The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 SP Page 3was five minutes and 20 yards from the first tee. And never has an injury to a No. 1 player been so bizarre on so many levels. He had finished his final nine holes of practice Wednesday before the storms rolled in. Johnson had gone to the gym and had just returned to his rented house at Augusta when it started raining and he wanted to move his car. Wearing only socks, he slipped down the staircase, crashing onto his back and left elbow. ÂIt was terrible,ÂŽ Johnson said. ÂAnd the weirdest part is, I never walk around in socks. For some reason if I walk around barefooted, my left foot starts to hurt. ThatÂs why I always have shoes on. But I just got back from the gym and wanted to run down and move the car over. And I slipped.ÂŽ Johnson said it was the worst pain he has ever felt. ÂI thought I broke my back in half,ÂŽ he said. ÂI really thought my back was broken.ÂŽ He still thought about playing when he left the practice range Thursday, only to realize on the putting green that he couldnÂt. Johnson said he was hitting his 4-iron about 200 yards in the air (it usually flies 235 yards) and he had no idea which direction the ball was going until he hit it. Over the next 15 minutes, on the cart ride to the putting green and a few more full swings between putts, reality won out. ÂThe more I thought about it, there was no chance,ÂŽ he said. ÂIt just took a while to convince myself.ÂŽ There was a small measure of relief that tests revealed only a bruise. When he flew home to Florida, he said, his lower back hurt for two days. Now itÂs in a confined area near the bruise. He has returned to a routine, which includes work in the gym. ÂIÂm not really doing much,ÂŽ Johnson said. ÂToday I started moving a little bit. Yesterday I did a little bit of chest and arms. Moving up and down, IÂm fine. If IÂm twisting, itÂs a little sore. And IÂm making some swings, but IÂm not hitting any balls.ÂŽ As bad as the timing was, it could have been worse. Johnson had scheduled the next three weeks off, so there will be no temptation to play before he is fully recovered. His next tournament is the Wells Fargo Championship that starts May 4, the first of three in a row. And while it hurt to watch the Masters on TV, it felt good to see Garcia win. ÂSergio and I are friends,ÂŽ he said. ÂI was rooting for him. It was cool to see him get that first one. I know a little bit of what heÂs been through. HeÂd been close quite a few times, just like I had been close. It took him a lot longer.ÂŽ People talk about how it takes time for that first major to sink in. Johnson might never grasp his unfortunate turn of events, even for someone who has dealt with his share of setbacks. In a 2015 interview, when asked his biggest disappointment, Johnson said, ÂIÂve had a lot of (stuff) happen to be me, but I came out better on the other side.ÂŽ His short memory might be one of his great assets. For all blunders on the golf course that he quickly forgets about, this one shouldnÂt be much different. He is still playing the best golf of his life. He still has a chance at his next tournament for a fourth straight PGA Tour victory, which would be the longest streak since Tiger Woods, who won five straight over six months. ÂOne reason IÂm good at golf is because I try not to let it bother me,ÂŽ Johnson said. ÂIt sucks. It sucks right now. But I woke up this morning, and it was a good day.ÂŽ And he still has a large collection of trophies at home.GOLFFrom Page 1By DOUG FERGUSONAssociated PressAUGUSTA, Ga. „ Lee Westwood already had qualified as the best player to have never won a major even before Sergio Garcia won the Masters. Garcia only made it less of a debate. The focus is sure to shift between now and the U.S. Open over who fits into that category. When the label first became popular in the early 1990s, it was easy to judge the candidates because of their victories, the number of majors they had played and how many times they came close to winning. Tom Kite was the first big name to shed the label when he won the 1992 U.S. Open at age 42. Among those who followed Kite in finally winning majors were Corey Pavin (1995 U.S. Open) and Davis Love III (1997 PGA Championship). The biggest was Phil Mickelson, who won his first major at the 2004 Masters. Colin Montgomerie owned the title for the better part of a decade, and his time is gone. Montgomerie is on the 50-and-older circuit and only gets into majors when he wins the corresponding major on the PGA Tour Champions circuit. Westwood is headed down that path. At age 43, he has 39 victories worldwide and is one of only two players without a major to have been No. 1 in the world ranking. The other is Luke Donald, but what sets them apart is the number of chances Westwood has had in the majors. Westwood had a birdie putt on the final hole at Torrey Pines to get into a playoff with Tiger Woods and Rocco Mediate in the 2008 U.S. Open. A year later, a three-putt bogey from long range (after a magnificent shot from a fairway bunker) kept him out of a British Open playoff between Stewart Cink and Tom Watson. The next year, he was the 54-hole leader at the Masters when Mickelson outplayed him. And in 2013, Westwood was the 54-hole leader at Muirfield when Mickelson beat him at the British Open. Westwood is running out of time. The oldest player to win his first major was Jerry Barber, who was 45 when he won the 1961 PGA Championship. SHORT WEEK AT INDYFive months before the inaugural Indy Women in Tech Championship, the LPGA TourÂs newest tournament is being reduced to 54 holes. The LPGA Tour said the new tournament, to be played at Brickyard Crossing Golf Course in Indianapolis, will be Sept. 7-9, ending on a Saturday. The concern was that top players would skip the event because of travel to France for the fifth and final LPGA event of the year. The Evian Championship is to be played Sept. 14-17. The Indy Women in Tech Championship was announced last year as a 72-hole event on Sept. 7-10. The LPGA Tour said it would try to find the right date for a 72-hole event in the future, provided it matches the LPGA schedule with Indianapolis sporting calendar.FOWLERÂS FOLDRickie Fowler has several top finishes in the majors, which is not to suggest he has finished all that well. The Masters was the latest example. Fowler started the final round one shot behind co-leaders Sergio Garcia and Justin Rose, his best position ever going into the final round at a major. He made a tough par save from the fairway bunker on No. 1 and rolled in an 8-foot birdie putt on No. 3. And that was the extent of his chances Sunday at Augusta. ÂChipping and putting kind of went sideways on me,ÂŽ said Fowler, who closed with three straight bogeys for a 76 to tie for 11th, eight shots behind. ÂEvery time I chipped it close, I missed the putt. Or I didnÂt chip it close enough and IÂd still miss the putt.ÂŽ This was the fourth time Fowler has started the final round of a major within three shots of the lead, and he has broken par only once. That was at rain-softened Valhalla for the 2014 PGA Championship. He was two shots behind Rory McIlroy, shot 68 and finished two shots behind. Fowler was two shots behind Bubba Watson and Jordan Spieth in the 2014 Masters, took himself out of the mix early and shot 73 to finish six behind. He was three shots behind Darren Clarke at Royal St. GeorgeÂs in the 2011 British Open, shot 72 and finished five shots behind. He also was runnerup at the U.S. Open and British Open in 2014, though he never had a serious chance to win. Martin Kaymer at Pinehurst No. 2 and McIlroy at Royal Liverpool both went wire-to-wire those weeks. GOLFBest without a major? Westwood alone in his classPGA TOURRBC HERITAGESite: Hilton Head, S.C. Course: Harbour Town Golf Links. Yardage: 7,099. Par: 71. Purse: $6.5 million (First place: $1,170,000). Television: Thursday-Friday, 3-6 p.m. (Golf Channel); Saturday-Sunday, 1-2:30 p.m. (Golf Channel); 3-6 p.m. (CBS Sports). Defending champion: Branden Grace. Last week: Sergio Garcia won the Masters. Notes: The “ eld includes 34 players who were in the Masters. ... Bernhard Langer in 1985 is the only player to win a week after winning the Masters. Sergio Garcia is not playing this week. ... Tyrrell Hatton of England is the highest-ranked player in the “ eld. ... Arnold Palmer won the “ rst tournament at Hilton Head in 1969 when it was called the Heritage Classic. ... Harbour Town was hit hard by Hurricane Matthew last October, though the course recovered well. ... Luke Donald has been runner-up four times in the last eight years at Hilton Head. ... Bryson DeChambeau made his pro debut at Hilton Head last year and tied for fourth. That remains his best “ nish in a PGA Tour event that offers full FedEx Cup points. ... Davis Love III is a “ ve-time winner at Hilton Head. He is playing for the 29th time, one short of the record held by Jay Haas. ... Ryder Cup captain Jim Furyk has not “ nished higher than 30th this year on the PGA Tour. Next week: Valero Texas Open. Online: www.pgatour.comLPGA TOURLPGA LOTTE CHAMPIONSHIPSite: Kapolei, Hawaii. Course: Ko Olina Golf Club. Yardage: 6,397. Par: 72. Purse: $2 million (First place: $300,000). Television: Wednesday-Saturday, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. (Golf Channel). Defending champion: Minjee Lee. Last tournament: So Yeon Ryu won the ANA Inspiration. Notes: The tournament begins on Wednesday. ... Lexi Thompson, assessed a four-shot penalty that cost her at the ANA Inspiration, is not in the “ eld. ... Michelle Wie is the only American to win the tournament since it began in 2012. ... Minjee Lee won last year by rallying from a “ ve-shot de“ cit in the “ nal round with a closing 64. ... No one has won multiple times on the LPGA Tour this year through seven tournaments. ... Brittany Lincicome at the season-opening PureSilk-Bahamas LPGA Classic is the only American winner this year. ... Wie already has two top 10s this year, after having only one such “ nish the past two years. ... Ariya Jutanugarn leads the LPGA Tour with 126 birdies this year. Her sister, Moriya Jutanugarn, is second with 120 birdies. Next tournament: Volunteers of America Texas Shootout on April 27-30. Online: www.lpga.comEUROPEAN TOURTROPHEE HASSAN IISite: Rabat, Morocco. Course: Royal Golf Dar Es Salam (Red Course). Yardage: 7,615. Par: 73. Purse: 2.5 million euros. Television: Thursday-Friday, 6:30-8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. (Golf Channel); Saturday-Sunday, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. (Golf Channel). Defending champion: Jeunghun Wang. Last week: Sergio Garcia won the Masters. Notes: Two players in the “ eld were at the Masters last week „ Wang, the defending champion, and Mike Weir. ... Erik Compton, who has had two heart transplant, is playing on a sponsor invitation. ... The last six winners of the tournament have come from six countries „ South Korea (Wang), Scotland (Richie Ramsay), Spain (Alejandro Canizares), Germany (Marcel Siem), Northern Ireland (Michael Hoey) and England (David Horsey). ... Wang won his “ rst European Tour title last year by making three birdies on the 18th hole „ an 18-footer to get into a playoff, a 50-footer to extend the playoff and 20-footer for the victory. Next week: Shenzhen International in China. Online: www.europeantour.comPGA TOUR CHAMPIONSMITSUBISIH ELECTRIC CLASSICSite: Duluth, Ga. Course: TPC Sugarloaf. Yardage: 7,259. Par: 72. Purse: $1.8 million (First prize: $270,000). Television: Friday, 12:30-2:30 p.m. (Golf Channel); Saturday-Sunday, 3-6 p.m. (Golf Channel). Defending champion: Woody Austin. Last tournament: Miguel Angel Jimenez won the Mississippi Golf Resort Classic. Notes: The TPC Sugarloaf, designed by Greg Norman, was a regular PGA Tour stop the week before the Masters until 2007. ... Six players from the Masters will be in the “ eld „ Bernhard Langer, Larry Mize, Jose Maria Olazabal, Mark OÂMeara, Tom Watson and Ian Woosnam. Mize is the only player to make the cut. ... Langer won the inaugural tournament in 2013 and was runner-up each of the next two years. ... Langer has shot par or better in his last 35 rounds on the PGA Tour Champions. He shot rounds of 75-78 at the Masters. ... Langer leads the money list with $591,850, with Fred Couples trailing by $50,983. Next week: Bass Pro Shops Legends of Golf. Online: TOURLast tournament: Casey Wittenberg won Chitimacha Louisiana Open. Next week: United Leasing & Finance Championship on April 20-23.OTHER TOURSMENJapan Golf Tour: Token Homemate Cup, Token Tado CC, Nagoya, Japan. Defending championi: K.T. Kim. Online: www.jgto.orgWOMENLadies European Tour: Lalla Meryem Cup, Royal Golf Dar Es Salam (Blue Course), Rabat, Morocco. Defending champion: Nuria Iturrios. Online: Korean LPGA: Samchunli Together Open, 88 Country Club, Gyeonggi, South Korea. Defending champion: Sung Hyun Park. Online: Japan LPGA: KKT Cup Vantelin Ladies Open, Kumamoto Airport CC, Kumamoto, Japan. Last year: Canceled due to earthquake. Online: www.lpga.or.jpGOLF GLANCE AP PHOTOLee Westwood, of England, hits from a bunker on the second hole during the final round of the Masters golf tournament Sunday in Augusta, Ga. Golf Directory 1350 Bobat Trail, North Port Call For Tee Times 941-429-0500 Burnt Store Golf Club 941-637-1577 PUBLIC WELCOME Visit us @ 24315 Vincent Ave., Punta Gorda off Burnt Store Road Call for directions PORT CHARLOTTE GOLF CLUB 22400 Gleneagle Ter. Pt. Charlotte 941-625-4109 The Palms 697-8118 The Links 697-8877 The Hills 697-2414 Long Marsh 698-0918 adno=715404 To place your ad here, please call 941-429-3110 5301 HERON CREEK BLVD., NORTH PORT Between US 41 & I-75 Exit 182 423-6955 € P REMIER P RACTICE F ACILITY N EW T IFEAGLE GREENS Take a tour online at: Call 625-6911 for Tee Times & Lessons ÂNice People, Great GolfÂŽ Open To The Public 27 Holes Lifetime Golf Rates 888-663-2420 TWIN ISLES CC Championship Golf Course Under Age 60 Membership $150 Mo. Accepting Non Member Play While We Fill Our Roster Golf, Seasonal, Tennis & Social Memberships 301 Madrid Blvd., Punta Gorda 941-637-1232 ext. 2 € 1/2 mile south of Burnt Store Rd. on US 41 in Punta Gorda 941-639-5440 Best Value in S.W. Florida Seminole Lakes Country Club Open to the Public A Resident owned Community 2100 KINGS HIGHWAY PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33980 941-629-1666 € PAR 62 EXECUTIVE COURSE € A FUN GOLF EXPERIENCE € ALWAYS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION € MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE 2550 S. River Rd., Englewood 941-474-1753 Brand New Ron Garl Designed Greens 27 H OLES Executive Golf Course Walk 9 holes for $12.00 863-993-2221 or 941-764-6700 12865 SW Hwy. 17, Arcadia Located near Wal-Mart Dist. Center COURSES COURSES Great New Memberships Availablefrom$1,400Opento the Public 1-mi. East I-75 exit 170 Kings Hwy Kingsway Country Club Pure Championship Golf Call for Current Rates
Page 4 SP Wednesday, April 12, 2017 / The SunINDIANS 2, WHITE SOX 1, 10 INNINGS: Michael Brantley doubled home Francisco Lindor with two outs in the 10th inning as the Cleveland Indians celebrated their 2016 AL championship and then beat the Chicago White Sox in their home opener. Brantley could only watch and cheer for his teammates last October during their postseason run after undergoing two surgeries on his right shoulder. But heÂs healthy now, and after playing in just 11 games last season, Brantley made the most of his “ rst home game since May 10 with his game-winning hit. Lindor walked with two outs off Tommy Kahnle (0-1) before Brantley sliced a 3-2 pitch down the left-“ eld line. Lindor was running on the pitch and scored easily while Brantley danced around second base before being mobbed by his teammates. It was the dramatic ending the Indians didnÂt get in their last home game, a 10-inning loss to the Chicago Cubs in Game 7 of the World Series. TIGERS 2, TWINS 1: Matthew Boyd allowed one hit in six outstanding innings and James McCann homered in the “ fth to lift Detroit over Minnesota. Boyd (1-1) took a no-hitter into the sixth before Robbie Grossman broke it up by lining a clean single to left “ eld with two out. The Detroit left-hander struck out six and walked two before turning the game over to the bullpen. Tigers relievers have struggled so far this season, but they were able to close this game out. Francisco Rodriguez allowed a run in the ninth but recovered for his third save in four chances. Pinch-hitter Max Kepler hit a popup with two on to end it. Hector Santiago (1-1) allowed only three hits in 6 1/3 innings, but one of them was a two-run shot by McCann.The Associated Press ROUNDUP TIGERS 2, TWINS 1 MINNESOTA DETROIT ab r h bi ab r h bi Dozier 2b 3 0 0 0 Kinsler 2b 3 0 0 0 Grssman dh 3 0 1 0 Cstllns 3b 4 0 1 0 J.Plnco ss 4 0 0 0 Mi.Cbrr 1b 3 0 1 0 Sano 3b 4 1 1 0 V.Mrtin dh 4 0 1 0 J.Cstro c 4 0 2 1 Upton lf 2 1 0 0 Gimenez 1b 1 0 0 0 Mahtook rf 3 0 0 0 Mauer ph 1 0 1 0 J.McCnn c 3 1 1 2 E.Rsrio lf 4 0 0 0 J.Jones cf 3 0 0 0 Buxton cf 3 0 0 0 D.Mchdo ss 3 0 0 0 Kepler ph 1 0 0 0 Da.Sntn rf 3 0 0 0 Totals 31 1 5 1 Totals 28 2 4 2 Minnesota 000 000 001„1 Detroit 000 020 00x„2 E_J.Polanco (1). DP_Minnesota 1, Detroit 1. LOB_Minnesota 7, Detroit 5. 2B_Sano (3). HR_J. McCann (3). IP H R ER BB SO MINNESOTA Santiago L,1-1 6.1 3 2 2 1 1 Tonkin 1.2 1 0 0 1 1 DETROIT Boyd W,1-1 6 1 0 0 2 6 Greene H,2 .1 1 0 0 1 0 Ryan H,2 .2 0 0 0 0 0 Wilson H,2 1 0 0 0 1 1 Rodriguez S,3-4 1 3 1 1 0 1 HBP_by Santiago (Upton). WP_Wilson. Umpires_Home, Ed Hickox; First, Chris Conroy; Second, Jerry Meals; Third, Ron Kulpa. T_2:39. A_21,237 (41,681).INDIANS 2, WHITE SOX 1, 10 INNINGSCHICAGO CLEVELAND ab r h bi ab r h bi Sladino 2b 4 0 1 0 C.Sntna dh 4 0 0 0 Ti.Andr ss 4 0 0 0 Lindor ss 2 2 1 1 Me.Cbrr lf 4 0 0 0 Brntley lf 3 0 1 1 Abreu 1b 4 0 0 0 Encrnco 1b 4 0 0 0 T.Frzer 3b 4 1 2 1 Jose.Rm 2b 3 0 1 0 Asche dh 4 0 0 0 Y.Diaz 3b 4 0 1 0 A.Grcia rf 4 0 1 0 Naquin cf 4 0 0 0 Soto c 4 0 1 0 Gomes c 4 0 0 0 May cf 2 0 0 0 A.Almnt rf 3 0 1 0 Dvidson ph 1 0 1 0 L.Grcia pr-cf 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 1 6 1 Totals 31 2 5 2 Chicago 000 010 000 0„1 Cleveland 100 000 000 1„2 E„Ti.Anderson (1). DP„Chicago 2. LOB„ Chicago 4, Cleveland 8. 2B„Saladino (2), T.Frazier (1), Davidson (1), Brantley (1), Jose. Ramirez (2), A.Almonte (1). HR„T.Frazier (1), Lindor (4). CS„A.Garcia (2). S„Lindor (1). IP H R ER BB SO CHICAGO Shields 5.1 2 1 1 2 6 Jennings 0 0 0 0 1 0 Putnam 1.2 1 0 0 0 2 Jones 1 0 0 0 3 0 Robertson 1 1 0 0 0 2 Kahnle L,0-1 .2 1 1 1 1 2 CLEVELAND Carrasco 7 4 1 1 0 7 Miller 1 2 0 0 0 1 Allen 1 0 0 0 0 3 Logan .1 0 0 0 0 0 Shaw W,1-0 .2 0 0 0 0 1 Jennings pitched to 1 batter in the 6th WP„Putnam. Umpires„Home, Will Little; First, Jeff Kellogg; Second, Tim Timmons; Third, James Hoye. T„3:37. A„35,002 (38,000).THIS DATE IN BASEBALLAPRIL 121906: Johnny Bates of Boston became the “ rst modern player to hit a home run in his “ rst major league at-bat. Irv Young allowed one hit as Boston beat Brooklyn 2-0. 1912: The Chicago Cubs TinkerEvers-Chance double play combination played its “ nal major league game together. 1955: In their “ rst game in Kansas City, the transplanted Athletics defeated the Detroit Tigers 6-2 at Municipal Stadium. The standing-room crowd of 32,147 was the largest paid crowd for any event in Kansas City. 1965: The “ rst National League home run in the Houston Astrodome was hit by Richie Allen of the Philadelphia Phillies off Bob Bruce in a 2-0 victory over the Astros. 1966: A crowd of 50,671 welcomed the Braves to Atlanta, but Willie Stargell spoiled the occasion with a two-run homer in the 13th inning to give the Pirates a 3-2 victory. 1980: Cecil Cooper and Don Money each hit grand slams in the second inning of MilwaukeeÂs 18-1 rout of the Boston Red Sox. 1992: BostonÂs Matt Young pitched eight no-hit innings at Cleveland but lost 2-1. In the second game, the Indians managed only two hits off Roger Clemens to set a major league record for fewest hits (2) in a doubleheader. 1994: Scott Cooper hit for the cycle and drove in “ ve runs to lead the Boston Red Sox to a 22-11 rout of the Kansas City Royals. 2003: The Detroit Tigers won for the “ rst time this season, getting a three-run homer from Shane Halter to beat the White Sox 4-3. The Tigers (1-9), the only team since 1900 to start back-to-back seasons with nine straight losses, started 0-11 last season. 2011: Dan Haren pitched a one-hitter, allowing only ShinSoo ChooÂs clean single in the fourth inning, and the Los Angeles Angels beat Cleveland 2-0. Haren struck out eight and walked two in his third major league shutout. ChooÂs single to center “ eld came with one out in the fourth. BOX SCORESBy Paul SkribinaChicago TribuneCHICAGO „ The Cubs brought Game 7 of the World Series to Wrigley Field on Monday. And this time not even rain could cause a rain delay. Despite a somber gray sky and occasional sprinkles, fans were able to relive the franchiseÂs first championship since 1908 before the home opener against the Dodgers, thanks to The Park at Wrigley, a plaza that opened Monday afternoon and abuts the still-being-renovated stadium on North Clark Street. A large video screen on the teamÂs new office building facing the plaza showed the Cubs historic 10-inning victory against the Cleveland Indians at Progressive Field and showed off part of the third phase of the $750 million Project 1060. Fans again cheered Dexter FowlerÂs leadoff home run and bemoaned Rajai Davis tying shot. Earlier Monday, Cubs officials, including Chairman Tom Ricketts and president of business operations Crane Kenney, joined Mayor Rahm Emanuel and others for a ribbon-cutting ceremony marking the opening of what the Cubs referred to as WrigleyvilleÂs new town square and a year-round gathering place for neighbors, families, fans and visitors. Ricketts real estate development company designed and built The Park at Wrigley. Members of the Four Star Brass Band huffed ÂGo, Cubs, GoÂŽ into trumpets, saxophones and tubas while marching toward the stage. A construction crew leaned on the concrete guts of the Hotel Zachary, to be completed in 2018 across Clark, while listening to dignitaries talk about the plaza. Everyone watched a 60-second time-lapse video of the plazaÂs construction. ÂSee, Tom, I told you it would be easy,ÂŽ Kenney joked. Kenney also reminded Emanuel that the Cubs did it without public funding like the White Sox and Bears received for their stadiums. But he added that he appreciated the cityÂs support in other areas. Ricketts was all smiles, too, as he took his turn at the microphone. ÂThis park is the embodiment of my familyÂs commitment to being a good neighbor,ÂŽ he said. ÂWe are proud to create this space for the community.ÂŽMLBNew plaza outside Wrigley envisioned as town square LEADERS AMERICAN LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUEBATTING: Garcia, Chicago, .474; Mazara, Texas, .417; Escobar, Los Angeles, .414; Simmons, Los Angeles, .400; Headley, New York, .375; Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, .370; Leon, Boston, .368; Holliday, New York, .364; Castro, Minnesota, .353; 2 tied at .348. RUNS: Haniger, Seattle, 9; Escobar, Los Angeles, 8; Sano, Minnesota, 8; KDavis, Oakland, 7; Headley, New York, 7; Gardner, New York, 6; Mazara, Texas, 6; Segura, Seattle, 6; 13 tied at 5. RBI: Mazara, Texas, 9; Sano, Minnesota, 8; Springer, Houston, 8; Torreyes, New York, 8; Espinosa, Los Angeles, 7; Gallo, Texas, 7; Lindor, Cleveland, 7; Trout, Los Angeles, 7; 10 tied at 6. HITS: Escobar, Los Angeles, 12; KDavis, Oakland, 10; Mazara, Texas, 10; Segura, Seattle, 10; Simmons, Los Angeles, 10; Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, 10; 7 tied at 9. DOUBLES: Moreland, Boston, 5; Cabrera, Chicago, 3; Cano, Seattle, 3; Romine, Detroit, 3; Sano, Minnesota, 3; CSantana, Cleveland, 3; Souza Jr., Tampa Bay, 3; 18 tied at 2. TRIPLES: Andrus, Texas, 1; Bradley Jr., Boston, 1; Carter, New York, 1; Castellanos, Detroit, 1; Davidson, Chicago, 1; RDavis, Oakland, 1; Garcia, Chicago, 1; Kiermaier, Tampa Bay, 1; Sano, Minnesota, 1; Torreyes, New York, 1. ; Trout, Los Angeles, 1. HOME RUNS: KDavis, Oakland, 4; Perez, Kansas City, 4; Springer, Houston, 4; Gonzalez, Houston, 3; Haniger, Seattle, 3; Lindor, Cleveland, 3; McCann, Detroit, 3; Moustakas, Kansas City, 3; Odor, Texas, 3; Soto, Chicago, 3; 14 tied at 2. STOLEN BASES: Gardner, New York, 5; Cain, Kansas City, 3; Dozier, Minnesota, 3; Mondesi, Kansas City, 3; Segura, Seattle, 3; Semien, Oakland, 3; Smith, Tampa Bay, 3; Bogaerts, Boston, 2; Kiermaier, Tampa Bay, 2; Martin, Seattle, 2; 15 tied at 1. PITCHING: Bailey, Los Angeles, 2-0; Graveman, Oakland, 2-0; Ramirez, Los Angeles, 2-0; ESantana, Minnesota, 2-0; 21 tied at 1-0. ERA: Britton, Baltimore, 0.00; Fulmer, Detroit, 0.00; Miley, Baltimore, 0.00; Paxton, Seattle, 0.00; Keuchel, Houston, 0.64; ESantana, Minnesota, 0.69; Devenski, Houston, 1.13; Sale, Boston .NATIONAL LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUEBATTING: Realmuto, Miami, .500; Cozart, Cincinnati, .450; Murphy, Washington, .419; Drury, Arizona, .417; Parra, Colorado, .414; Kendrick, Philadelphia, .400; Wieters, Washington, .400; Zimmerman, Washington, .400; Harper, Washington, .385; Myers, San Diego, .382; 1 tied at .375. RUNS: Bruce, New York, 8; Eaton, Washington, 8; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 8; Lamb, Arizona, 8; Myers, San Diego, 8; Harper, Washington, 7; Hernandez, Philadelphia, 7; 10 tied at 6. RBI: Reynolds, Colorado, 10; Solarte, San Diego, 9; Harper, Washington, 8; Seager, Los Angeles, 8; Belt, San Francisco, 7; Lamb, Arizona, 7; Myers, San Diego, 7; 10 tied at 6. HITS: Murphy, Washington, 13; Myers, San Diego, 13; Parra, Colorado, 12; Crawford, San Francisco, 11; Realmuto, Miami, 11; 11 tied at 10. DOUBLES: Shaw, Milwaukee, 5; JTurner, Los Angeles, 5; Kemp, Atlanta, 4; Russell, Chicago, 4; 15 tied at 3. TRIPLES: Cozart, Cincinnati, 2; 22 tied at 1. HOME RUNS: Bruce, New York, 4; Reynolds, Colorado, 4; Belt, San Francisco, 3; Myers, San Diego, 3; Puig, Los Angeles, 3. ; Zimmerman, Washington, 3; 19 tied at 2. STOLEN BASES: Hamilton, Cincinnati, 4; Nunez, San Francisco, 4; Owings, Arizona, 4; TTurner, Washington, 3; Bryant, Chicago, 2; Diaz, St. Louis, 2; Eaton, Washington, 2; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 2; Gordon, Miami, 2; Peraza, Cincinnati, 2; 15 tied at 1. PITCHING: Arrieta, Chicago, 2-0; Cueto, San Francisco, 2-0; Dunn, Colorado, 2-0; Roark, Washington, 2-0; 21 tied at 1-1. ERA: Nova, Pittsburgh, 0.00; Taillon, Pittsburgh, 0.00; Teheran, Atlanta, 0.00; Syndergaard, New York, 0.69; Hellickson, Philadelphia, 0.90; Finnegan, Cincinnati, 1.00; Leake, St. Louis, 1.13; Chen, Miami, 1.50; Colon, Atlanta, 1.50; deGrom, New York, 1.50; 1 tied at 1.64. STRIKEOUTS: Arrieta, Chicago, 16; Bumgarner, San Francisco, 16; Syndergaard, New York, 16; Kershaw, Los Angeles, 14; Lester, Chicago, 14; Eickhoff, Philadelphia, 13; Finnegan, Cincinnati, 13; Martinez, St. Louis, 13; Volquez, Miami, 13; 3 tied at 12.AP PHOTOFans gather outside Wrigley Field before a game between the Cubs and Dodgers Monday in Chicago.AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUEEAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Baltimore 4 1 .800 „ „ 4-1 L-1 4-1 0-0 Tampa Bay 5 3 .625 „ 5-3 L-1 5-2 0-1 Boston 3 3 .500 1 1 3-3 L-1 2-0 1-3 New York 3 4 .429 2 1 3-4 W-2 1-0 2-4 Toronto 1 5 .167 3 3 1-5 L-3 0-0 1-5 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Detroit 5 2 .714 „ „ 5-2 W-2 4-1 1-1 Minnesota 5 2 .714 „ „ 5-2 L-1 3-0 2-2 Cleveland 4 3 .571 1 4-3 W-1 1-0 3-3 Chicago 2 4 .333 2 2 2-4 L-2 2-3 0-1 Kansas City 2 5 .286 3 2 2-5 L-2 0-1 2-4 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Los Angeles 5 2 .714 „ „ 5-2 W-3 3-0 2-2 Oakland 4 4 .500 1 1 4-4 W-1 2-2 2-2 Houston 4 4 .500 1 1 4-4 L-1 4-3 0-1 Texas 2 4 .333 2 2 2-4 W-1 2-4 0-0 Seattle 2 6 .250 3 3 2-6 W-1 1-0 1-6 EAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY New York 4 3 .571 „ „ 4-3 W-2 3-3 1-0 Washington 4 3 .571 „ 4-3 W-1 3-1 1-2 Miami 3 3 .500 1 3-3 L-1 0-0 3-3 Philadelphia 3 4 .429 1 1 3-4 L-1 2-2 1-2 Atlanta 1 5 .167 2 3 1-5 L-4 0-0 1-5 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Cincinnati 5 2 .714 „ „ 5-2 W-2 2-1 3-1 Chicago 5 2 .714 „ „ 5-2 W-3 1-0 4-2 Pittsburgh 3 3 .500 1 1 3-3 L-1 3-1 0-2 St. Louis 2 5 .286 3 2 2-5 L-2 2-4 0-1 Milwaukee 2 5 .286 3 2 2-5 L-2 2-5 0-0 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Arizona 6 2 .750 „ „ 6-2 L-1 6-1 0-1 Colorado 5 3 .625 1 „ 5-3 L-2 2-2 3-1 Los Angeles 4 4 .500 2 1 4-4 L-1 3-1 1-3 San Diego 4 4 .500 2 1 4-4 W-1 2-1 2-3 San Francisco 3 5 .375 3 2 3-5 W-2 1-0 2-5 AMERICAN LEAGUE Tampa Bay (Snell 0-1) at N.Y. Yankees (Montgomery 0-0), 1:05 p.m. Minnesota (Gibson 0-0) at Detroit (Fulmer 0-0), 1:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Holland 0-1) at Cleveland (Salazar 0-0), 6:10 p.m. Baltimore (Jimenez 0-0) at Boston (Wright 0-0), 7:10 p.m. Oakland (Triggs 1-0) at Kansas City (Hammel 0-0), 8:15 p.m. Texas (Grif“ n 0-0) at L.A. Angels (Chavez 1-0), 10:07 p.m. Houston (Fiers 0-1) at Seattle (Gallardo 0-1), 10:10 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE San Diego (Perdomo 0-0) at Colorado (Freeland 1-0), 3:10 p.m. St. Louis (Leake 0-1) at Washington (Scherzer 1-0), 4:05 p.m. Cincinnati (Garrett 1-0) at Pittsburgh (Nova 1-0), 7:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Wheeler 0-1) at Philadelphia (Velasquez 0-1), 7:05 p.m. Atlanta (Garcia 0-1) at Miami (Koehler 0-0), 7:10 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (McCarthy 1-0) at Chicago Cubs (Lackey 1-0), 8:05 p.m. Arizona (Miller 1-0) at San Francisco (Cain 0-0), 10:15 p.m. INTERLEAGUE Milwaukee (Anderson 0-0) at Toronto (Stroman 1-0), 7:07 p.m. TUESDAYÂS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit 2, Minnesota 1 Cleveland 2, Chicago White Sox 1, 10 inn. Baltimore at Boston, late Texas at L.A. Angels, late Houston at Seattle, late NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, late N.Y. Mets at Philadelphia, late St. Louis at Washington, late Atlanta at Miami, late San Diego at Colorado, late Arizona at San Francisco, late INTERLEAGUE Milwaukee at Toronto, late MONDAYÂS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE N.Y. Yankees 8, Tampa Bay 1 Detroit 2, Boston 1 Oakland 2, Kansas City 0 Seattle 6, Houston 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE San Francisco 4, Arizona 1 Cincinnati 7, Pittsburgh 1 N.Y. Mets 4, Philadelphia 3 Washington 14, St. Louis 6 Chicago Cubs 3, L.A. Dodgers 2 San Diego 5, Colorado 3SCHEDULES TODAYÂS GAMES (All times Eastern)RESULTSMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL
The Sun / Wednesday, April 12, 2017 SP Page 5 BASEBALLMONDAYÂS LATE BOX SCORES REDS 7, PIRATES 1CINCINNATI PITTSBURGH ab r h bi ab r h bi Hmilton cf 5 2 3 0 Mercer ss 3 0 0 0 Peraza ss 5 1 2 0 S.Marte cf 4 0 1 0 Votto 1b 4 1 0 0 McCtchn rf 4 1 1 0 Duvall lf 4 1 1 2 Bstardo p 0 0 0 0 Suarez 3b 2 1 1 2 G.Plnco lf 4 0 1 0 Schbler rf 3 0 0 1 Freese 3b 3 0 0 0 Kvlehan ph-rf 1 0 0 0 Crvelli c 2 0 0 1 Gennett 2b 4 1 1 2 J.Bell 1b 4 0 1 0 Brnhart c 4 0 0 0 A.Frzer 2b 3 0 0 0 Fnnegan p 1 0 0 0 Glasnow p 0 0 0 0 Lrenzen p 1 0 0 0 LeBlanc p 3 0 0 0 C.Reed p 1 0 0 0 Jaso rf 1 0 0 0 Wa.Prlt p 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 7 8 7 Totals 31 1 4 1 Cincinnati 320 010 010„7 Pittsburgh 001 000 000„1 E„Cervelli (1), A.Frazier (1). LOB„Cincinnati 8, Pittsburgh 8. HR„Suarez (2), Gennett (2). SB„ Hamilton 2 (4), Peraza (2), Duvall (1), Suarez (1). S„Finnegan (1). IP H R ER BB SO CINCINNATI Finnegan 2 4 1 1 5 4 Lorenzen W,1-0 3 0 0 0 0 3 Reed 3 0 0 0 0 4 Peralta 1 0 0 0 0 2 PITTSBURGH Glasnow L,0-1 1.2 4 5 5 5 1 LeBlanc 5.1 1 1 1 0 0 Bastardo 2 3 1 1 1 2 Finnegan pitched to 4 batters in the 3rd. Umpires„Home, D.J. Reyburn; First, Mike DiMuro; Second, Tripp Gibson; Third, Brian Gorman. T„3:05. A„28,264 (38,362).NATIONALS 14, CARDINALS 6ST. LOUIS WASHINGTON ab r h bi ab r h bi Fowler cf 4 2 0 0 Eaton cf-lf 4 2 3 3 G.Grcia ph 1 0 1 0 Rendon 3b 6 0 0 1 A.Diaz ss 5 0 0 0 Harper rf 4 2 4 3 Crpnter 1b 4 1 2 0 D.Mrphy 2b 6 0 1 0 Fryer ph 1 0 0 0 Zmmrmn 1b 4 2 3 0 Pscotty rf 4 0 2 2 Werth lf 4 2 2 0 Y.Mlina c 4 1 2 1 M.Tylor cf 0 0 0 0 J.Prlta 3b 3 1 1 0 Drew ss 4 3 3 4 Cecil p 0 0 0 0 Wieters c 4 2 2 1 Bowman p 0 0 0 0 Roark p 1 0 0 0 Rsnthal p 0 0 0 0 Heisey ph 1 0 0 0 M.Adams ph 1 0 0 0 Albers p 0 0 0 0 Segrist p 0 0 0 0 Difo ph 1 0 0 0 J.Brxtn p 0 0 0 0 Glover p 0 0 0 0 Grichuk lf 4 0 0 0 Lind ph 1 1 1 2 Wong 2b 4 0 1 2 Kelley p 0 0 0 0 Wnwrght p 2 0 0 0 Gyorko 3b 2 1 1 1 Totals 39 6 10 6 Totals 40 14 19 14St. Louis 021 020 001„ 6 Washington 110 131 07x„14 E„Rendon (1), D.Murphy (2), Zimmerman (1), Drew (1), Wong (1). DP„St. Louis 1, Washington 2. LOB„St. Louis 6, Washington 11. 2B„Wong (2), Eaton (3), Zimmerman (2), Drew (1), Lind (2). HR„Gyorko (1). SB„Fowler (1), Zimmerman (1). SF„Eaton (1), Drew (1). S„Roark (2). IP H R ER BB SO ST. LOUIS Wainwright L,0-2 4 11 6 5 2 3 Cecil 1 3 1 1 0 1 Bowman 1 1 0 0 0 1 Rosenthal 1 0 0 0 0 3 Siegrist .1 2 4 4 2 0 Broxton .2 2 3 3 2 0 WASHINGTON Roark W,2-0 5 7 5 3 0 3 Albers H,1 2 1 0 0 0 2 Glover H,3 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kelley 1 2 1 1 0 1 Wainwright pitched to 3 batters in the 5th. Cecil pitched to 2 batters in the 6th Umpires„Home, Dale Scott; First, Jim Reynolds; Second, Brian Knight; Third, Lance Barrett. T„3:47. A„27,413 (41,418).METS 4, PHILLIES 3NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA ab r h bi ab r h bi J.Reyes 3b 4 0 0 0 C.Hrnan 2b 4 0 1 0 A.Cbrra ss 3 1 1 0 Kndrick lf 4 1 1 0 Cespdes lf 4 0 0 0 O.Hrrra cf 4 1 1 0 Bruce rf 3 3 2 3 Franco 3b 3 0 2 0 Grndrsn cf 4 0 1 0 Sunders rf 4 0 2 1 N.Wlker 2b 2 0 0 1 Rupp c 3 0 0 1 Duda 1b 2 0 0 0 Stassi 1b 4 1 1 1 T.dÂArn c 4 0 0 0 Galvis ss 4 0 1 0 deGrom p 2 0 0 0 Eckhoff p 2 0 0 0 Flores ph 1 0 0 0 Altherr ph 1 0 0 0 Smoker p 0 0 0 0 E.Ramos p 0 0 0 0 Blevins p 0 0 0 0 Rdrguez p 0 0 0 0 Robles p 0 0 0 0 Nava ph 1 0 1 0 Ad.Reed p 0 0 0 0 Totals 29 4 4 4 Totals 34 3 10 3 New York 000 100 120„4 Philadelphia 200 000 001„3 E„C.Hernandez (1), Rupp (1). DP„New York 2, Philadelphia 1. LOB„New York 4, Philadelphia 8. 2B„A.Cabrera (1). HR„Bruce 2 (4), Stassi (1). SF„N.Walker (1). IP H R ER BB SO NEW YORK deGrom 6 6 2 2 2 3 Smoker .2 1 0 0 1 0 Blevins W,1-0 .2 1 0 0 1 1 Robles H,1 .2 0 0 0 0 0 Reed S,2-2 1 2 1 1 0 2 PHILADELPHIA Eickhoff 7 3 2 2 4 7 Ramos L,0-1 .2 0 1 1 1 1 Rodrig uez 1.1 1 1 1 0 0 PB„Rupp. Umpires„Home, Alan Porter; First, Joe West; Second, Hunter Wendelstedt; Third, Andy Fletcher. T„2:59. A„33,359 (43,651).PADRES 5, ROCKIES 3SAN DIEGO COLORADO ab r h bi ab r h bi Margot cf 3 1 2 0 Blckmon cf 4 0 1 0 Jnkwski lf 4 0 0 0 LMahieu 2b 3 1 2 1 Myers 1b 4 2 4 2 C.Gnzal rf 4 0 1 0 Solarte 2b 3 0 0 1 Arenado 3b 4 0 2 0 Schimpf 3b 3 1 0 0 Parra lf 4 1 1 0 Renfroe rf 4 1 2 2 Story ss 3 0 0 0 Aybar ss 4 0 0 0 Mar.Ryn 1b 3 1 1 2 Torrens c 2 0 0 0 Wolters c 2 0 0 0 Hedges c 1 0 0 0 Garneau ph-c 2 0 0 0 Cosart p 1 0 0 0 Chtwood p 2 0 0 0 Cordoba ph 1 0 1 0 Estevez p 0 0 0 0 M.Diaz p 0 0 0 0 Dunn p 0 0 0 0 J.Trres p 0 0 0 0 Crdullo ph 1 0 0 0 Blash ph 1 0 0 0 Oberg p 0 0 0 0 Buchter p 0 0 0 0 Hand p 0 0 0 0 Srdinas ph 1 0 0 0 Maurer p 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 5 9 5 Totals 32 3 8 3 San Diego 001 003 010„5 Colorado 000 001 002„3 DP„San Diego 3, Colorado 3. LOB„San Diego 4, Colorado 5. 2B„Myers (3), LeMahieu (1). 3B„Myers (1). HR„Myers (3), Renfroe (2), LeMahieu (1), Mar.Reynolds (4). CS„Cordoba (1). SF„Solarte (1). IP H R ER BB SO SAN DIEGO Cosart 4 5 0 0 1 2 Diaz W,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Torres 1 1 1 1 0 1 Buchter H,2 1 0 0 0 1 2 Hand 1 0 0 0 1 1 Maurer 1 2 2 2 0 2 COLORADO Chatwood L,0-2 5.1 7 4 4 3 7 Estevez 1.2 2 1 1 0 1 Dunn 1 0 0 0 0 1 Oberg 1 0 0 0 0 1 Estevez pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. WP„ Chatwood. Umpires„Home, Cory Blaser; First, Jeff Nelson; Second, Laz Diaz; Third, Doug Eddings. T„2:53. A„20,504 (50,398).CUBS 3, DODGERS 2LOS ANGELES CHICAGO ab r h bi ab r h bi Frsythe 2b-3b 5 1 2 0 Schwrbr lf 1 1 0 0 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 Strop p 0 0 0 0 C.Sager ss 4 0 1 1 Uehara p 0 0 0 0 J.Trner 3b 3 0 0 0 W.Davis p 0 0 0 0 Romo p 0 0 0 0 L Stlla ph 1 0 0 0 A.Brnes 3b 0 0 0 0 Bryant 3b 4 0 1 1 Gterrez lf 0 0 0 0 Rizzo 1b 4 0 1 1 Vn Slyk lf 2 0 0 0 Zobrist rf-lf 4 0 0 0 Dayton p 0 0 0 0 Russell ss 4 1 1 0 Utley ph-2b 1 0 0 0 Cntrras c 4 0 1 0 Puig rf 3 0 0 0 Hywrd cf-rf 3 0 0 0 A.Gnzal 1b 3 0 0 0 J.Baez 2b 3 0 0 0 Grandal c 3 0 2 0 Lester p 2 0 0 1 Pderson cf 4 1 1 0 C.Edwrd p 0 0 0 0 A.Wood p 1 0 0 0 Grimm p 0 0 0 0 Strplng p 0 0 0 0 Almora ph-cf 1 0 1 0 K.Hrnan ph 1 0 0 0 Jay ph 1 1 1 0 Fields p 0 0 0 0 Toles ph-lf 2 0 0 0 Totals 32 2 6 1 Totals 32 3 6 3 Los Angeles 000 001 010„2 Chicago 001 100 001„3 E„Bryant (1), Russell (1), Contreras (1), Puig (1), A.Wood (1). DP„Chicago 2. LOB„Los Angeles 8, Chicago 10. 2B„C.Seager (3), Bryant (3), Almora (1). SB„Jay (1). CS„Gutierrez (1). IP H R ER BB SO LOS ANGELES Wood 3.2 3 2 1 5 4 Stripling 1.1 0 0 0 0 1 Fields 1 0 0 0 0 2 Dayton 1 1 0 0 1 1 Romo L,0-1 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 Jansen .1 1 0 0 0 1 CHICAGO Lester 6 4 1 1 1 7 Edwards 0 0 0 0 2 0 Grimm H,1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Strop H,4 .1 1 1 0 0 1 Uehara BS,1 .2 0 0 0 0 1 Davis W,1-0 1 1 0 0 0 1 C.Edwards pitched to 3 batters in the 7th. HBP„by Strop (Turner). Umpires„Home, Sam Holbrook; First, Greg Gibson; Second, Paul Nauert; Third, Dan Iassogna. T„3:37. A„41,166 (41,072).PRO BASKETBALLNBAEASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division W L Pct. GB x-Boston 52 29 .642 „ x-Toronto 50 31 .617 2 New York 30 51 .370 22 Philadelphia 28 53 .346 24 Brooklyn 20 61 .247 32 Southeast Division W L Pct. GB y-Washington 49 32 .605 „ x-Atlanta 43 38 .531 6 Miami 40 41 .494 9 Charlotte 36 46 .439 13 Orlando 28 53 .346 21 Central Division W L Pct. GB y-Cleveland 51 30 .630 „ x-Milwaukee 42 39 .519 9 Indiana 41 40 .506 10 Chicago 40 41 .494 11 Detroit 37 44 .457 14WESTERN CONFERENCESouthwest Division W L Pct. GB y-San Antonio 61 20 .753 „ x-Houston 54 27 .667 7 x-Memphis 43 38 .531 18 New Orleans 33 47 .413 27 Dallas 32 48 .400 28 Northwest Division W L Pct. GB y-Utah 50 31 .617 „ x-Oklahoma City 46 34 .575 3 x-Portland 41 40 .506 9 Denver 38 42 .475 11 Minnesota 31 49 .388 18 Paci“ c Division W L Pct. GB z-Golden State 66 15 .815 „ x-L.A. Clippers 50 31 .617 16 Sacramento 31 49 .388 34 L.A. Lakers 25 55 .313 40 Phoenix 24 57 .296 42 x-clinched playoff spot; y-clinched division; z-clinched conference MondayÂs GamesIndiana 120, Philadelphia 111 Boston 114, Brooklyn 105 Miami 124, Cleveland 121, OT Chicago 122, Orlando 75 Milwaukee 89, Charlotte 79 Washington 105, Detroit 101 Portland 99, San Antonio 98 L.A. Clippers 125, Houston 96 Utah 105, Golden State 99TuesdayÂs GamesAtlanta 103, Charlotte 76 Oklahoma City at Minnesota, late Denver at Dallas, late New Orleans at L.A. Lakers, late Phoenix at Sacramento, lateTodayÂs GamesAtlanta at Indiana, 8 p.m. Brooklyn at Chicago, 8 p.m. Dallas at Memphis, 8 p.m. Denver at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m. Detroit at Orlando, 8 p.m. Milwaukee at Boston, 8 p.m. Minnesota at Houston, 8 p.m. Philadelphia at New York, 8 p.m. Toronto at Cleveland, 8 p.m. Washington at Miami, 8 p.m. San Antonio at Utah, 9 p.m. L.A. Lakers at Golden State, 10:30 p.m. New Orleans at Portland, 10:30 p.m. Sacramento at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m.End of Regular SeasonTUESDAYÂS BOX SCORE: HAWKS 103, HORNETS 76CHARLOTTE (76) Kidd-Gilchrist 4-10 2-2 10, Williams 2-9 2-2 7, Zeller 1-3 2-2 4, Roberts 2-7 0-0 4, Batum 0-3 0-0 0, Wood 2-3 0-2 4, Plumlee 0-5 0-0 0, Kaminsky 3-11 0-1 6, Weber 3-9 3-4 10, Graham 5-10 0-0 10, Lamb 7-18 6-6 21. Totals 29-88 15-19 76. ATLANTA (103) Prince 4-7 0-1 8, Millsap 5-10 0-0 10, Howard 7-9 5-7 19, Schroder 3-5 2-2 8, Hardaway Jr. 3-7 2-2 9, Sefolosha 2-5 0-0 4, Bazemore 3-6 0-0 8, Humphries 1-4 2-2 5, Ilyasova 3-9 3-4 10, Muscala 4-4 0-0 8, Delaney 2-4 0-0 4, Calderon 3-4 0-0 7, Dunleavy 1-5 0-0 3. Totals 41-79 14-18 103. Charlotte 26 18 17 15 „ 76 Atlanta 38 25 21 19 „103 3-Point Goals„Charlotte 3-23 (Weber 1-3, Williams 1-4, Lamb 1-7, Batum 0-1, Graham 0-2, Roberts 0-3, Kaminsky 0-3), Atlanta 7-27 (Bazemore 2-4, Humphries 1-2, Calderon 1-2, Ilyasova 1-4, Dunleavy 1-4, Hardaway Jr. 1-4, Millsap 0-1, Prince 0-2, Sefolosha 0-2, Delaney 0-2). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„ Charlotte 40 (Plumlee 7), Atlanta 50 (Howard 12). Assists„Charlotte 16 (Batum 4), Atlanta 29 (Schroder 9). Total Fouls„Charlotte 17, Atlanta 17. Technicals„Millsap. A„14,205 (18,118).PLAYOFF RACEEASTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB y-Boston 52 29 .642 „ y-Cleveland 51 30 .630 1 x-Toronto 50 31 .617 2 y-Washington 49 32 .605 3 x-Atlanta 42 38 .525 9 x-Milwaukee 42 39 .519 10 Indiana 41 40 .506 11 Chicago 40 41 .494 12 Miami 40 41 .494 12WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB z-Golden State 66 15 .815 „ y-San Antonio 61 20 .753 5 x-Houston 54 27 .667 12 x-L.A. Clippers 50 31 .617 16 y-Utah 50 31 .617 16 x-Oklahoma City 46 34 .575 19 x-Memphis 43 38 .531 23 x-Portland 41 40 .506 25 KEY: x-clinched playoff spot y-clinched division z-clinched conferenceINDIVIDUAL STATISTICSThrough April 9 SCORING AVERAGE LEADERS G FG FT PTS AVGWestbrook, OKC 80 822 710 2553 31.9 Harden, HOU 79 664 731 2315 29.3 Thomas, BOS 74 669 580 2159 29.2 Davis, NOR 75 770 519 2099 28.0 DeRozan, TOR 74 721 545 2020 27.3 Lillard, POR 75 661 488 2024 27.0 Cousins, NOR 72 647 517 1942 27.0 James, CLE 74 736 358 1954 26.4 Leonard, SAN 72 623 465 1856 25.8 Curry, GOL 77 660 318 1951 25.3 Irving, CLE 72 671 297 1816 25.2 Durant, GOL 60 534 330 1510 25.2 Towns, MIN 80 780 351 2007 25.1 Butler, CHI 74 557 570 1774 24.0 Wiggins, MIN 80 695 404 1894 23.7 George, IND 73 599 331 1716 23.5 Walker, CHA 79 643 304 1830 23.2 Wall, WAS 78 647 422 1805 23.1 Antetokounmpo, MIL 79 651 471 1822 23.1 Beal, WAS 76 624 278 1746 23.0FG PERCENTAGE FG FGA PCTJordan, LAC 398 558 .713 Gobert, UTA 401 604 .664 Capela, HOU 351 551 .637 Howard, ATL 381 604 .631 Jokic, DEN 482 834 .578 Gortat, WAS 378 657 .575 Adams, OKC 365 642 .569 Valanciunas, TOR 385 692 .556 Whiteside, MIA 524 942 .556 James, CLE 736 1344 .548REBOUNDS G OFF DEF TOT AVG Whiteside, MIA 75 285 768 1053 14.0 Drummond, DET 79 339 755 1094 13.8 Jordan, LAC 79 287 800 1087 13.8 Gobert, UTA 79 307 701 1008 12.8 Howard, ATL 73 292 636 928 12.7 Towns, MIN 80 291 682 973 12.2 Davis, NOR 75 171 712 883 11.8 Love, CLE 59 147 509 656 11.1 Cousins, NOR 72 152 642 794 11.0 Westbrook, OKC 80 137 722 859 10.7ASSISTS G AST AVG Harden, HOU 79 889 11.3 Wall, WAS 78 831 10.7 Westbrook, OKC 80 832 10.4 Paul, LAC 59 545 9.2 Rubio, MIN 74 671 9.1 James, CLE 74 646 8.7 Teague, IND 80 626 7.8 Holiday, NOR 65 476 7.3 Green, GOL 75 530 7.1 Lowry, TOR 59 413 7.0ODDSPREGAME.COM LINEMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL National LeagueToday Favorite Line Underdog Line at Colorado -140 San Diego +130 at Pittsburgh -152 Cincinnati +142 at Philadelphia -110 NY Mets +100 at Washington -195 St. Louis +180 at Miami -122 Atlanta +112 at Chicago Cubs -135 LA Dodgers +125 at San Francisco -123 Arizona +113American Leagueat Detroit -144 Minnesota +134 at Cleveland -230 Chi. White Sox +210 at NY Yankees -111 Tampa Bay +101 at Boston -140 Baltimore +130 at Kansas City -113 Oakland +103 at LA Angels -130 Texas +120 Houston -115 at Seattle +105Interleagueat Toronto -182 Milwaukee +167NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATIONTodayFavorite Line O/U Underdog at Houston 8 227 Minnesota at Memphis 6 194 Dallas at Oklahoma City Off Off Denver at Cleveland Off Off Toronto at Indiana 9 207 Atlanta at Boston 13 208 Milwaukee at Orlando 2 208 Detroit at New York Off Off Philadelphia at Miami Off Off Washington at Chicago 9 215 Brooklyn at Utah Off Off San Antonio at Portland Off Off New Orleans at Golden State 14 221 LA Lakers at LA Clippers 16 211 SacramentoNATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFSWednesday Favorite Line Underdog Line at Montreal -147 NY Rangers +137 at Pittsburgh -149 Columbus +139 at Minnesota -151 St. Louis +141 at Edmonton -145 San Jose +135 Boston -127 at Ottawa +117 Thursday at Washington -220 Toronto +200 at Chicago -168 Nashville +158 at Anaheim -153 Calgary +143Updated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLAmerican LeagueBOSTON RED SOX „ Placed OF Jackie Bradley Jr. on the 10-day DL. Optioned INF Deven Marrero to Pawtucket (IL). Reinstated SS Xander Bogaerts from the bereavement list and LHP Drew Pomeranz from the 10-day DL. SEATTLE MARINERS „ Placed SS Jean Segura on the 10-day DL. Selected INF Mike Freeman from Tacoma (PCL). Designated LHP Paul Fry for assignment. TORONTO BLUE JAYS „ Claimed INF Ty Kelly off waivers from the N.Y. Mets. Transferred RHP Glenn Sparkman to the 60-day DL. Activated RHP Roberto Osuna from the 10-day DL. Optioned RHP Casey Lawrence to Buffalo (IL).National LeagueATLANTA BRAVES „ Agreed to terms with RHP Jason Motte on a minor league contract. Placed OF Matt Kemp on the 10-day DL, retroactive to Saturday, April 8. Recalled INF Johan Camargo from Gwinnett (IL). COLORADO ROCKIES „ Sent RHP Jairo Diaz to Lancaster (Cal) for a rehab assignment. MIAMI MARLINS „ Sent RHP Odrisamer Despaigne to Jupiter (FSL) for a rehab assignment. MILWAUKEE BREWERS „ Assigned RHP Michael Blazek outright to Colorado Springs (PCL). NEW YORK METS „ Sent OF Juan Lagares to St. Lucie (FSL) for a rehab assignment. SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS „ Placed C Buster Posey on the seven-day DL. Purchased the contract of C Tim Federowicz from Sacramento (PCL). Designated RHP Clayton Blackburn for assignment. WASHINGTON NATIONALS „ Agreed to terms with RHP Joe Nathan on a minor league contract.American AssociationCLEBURNE RAILROADERS „ Signed C Shawn Zarraga. Released INF Gerardo Avila. FARGO-MOORHEAD REDHAWKS „ Released OF Matt Kianka. KANSAS CITY T-BONES „ Signed RHP Kamakani Usui. ST. PAUL SAINTS „ Signed RHP Seth Rosin. Traded OF Alonzo Harris to York for a player to be named. TEXAS AIRHOGS „ Signed OF Charley Thurber. WICHITA WINGNUTS „ Signed INF Matt Chavez. WINNIPEG GOLDEYES „ Signed 1B Shawn Pleffner and C Conor Sullivan. Released INF Stefan Sabol.Can-Am LeagueOTTAWA CHAMPIONS „ Signed INF Ricky Oropesa. TROIS-RIVIERES AIGLES „ Signed RHP Chris Murphy.BASKETBALLNational Basketball AssociationATLANTA HAWKS „ Promoted Malik Rose to general manager of Erie (NBADL).FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueGREEN BAY PACKERS „ Released CB Makinton Dorleant. JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS „ Traded DE Chris Smith to Cincinnati for a conditional 2018 draft pick. Released LB Dan Skuta.Canadian Football LeagueWINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS „ Signed QB Myles Carr and WR Quinshad Davis.HOCKEYUSA HOCKEY „ Named Jeff Blashill coach of the 2017 U.S. MenÂs IIHF National Team.National Hockey LeagueNEW YORK RANGERS „ Assigned G Magnus Hellberg and F Taylor Beck to Hartford (AHL). WASHINGTON CAPITALS „ Reassigned F Chandler Stephenson to Hershey (AHL).American Hockey LeagueAHL „ Suspended San Jose F Zack Stortini two games and Grand Rapids D Dan Renouf one game. BAKERSFIELD CONDORS „ Signed LWs Evan Campbell and Evan Polei to amateur tryout agreements. BRIDGEPORT SOUND TIGERS „ Agreed to terms with F Jeff Kubiak on an amateur tryout agreement. MILWAUKEE ADMIRALS „ Signed F Tyler Moy to an amateur tryout agreement. SPRINGFIELD THUNDERBIRDS „ Returned Fs Matt Leitner and Tony Turgeon and D Colton Saucerman to Manchester (AHL). Recalled F Rihards Bukarts from Manchester.ECHLMANCHESTER MONARCHS „ Announced F Matt Leitner, D Colton Saucerman and D Tony Turgeon were returned to the team by Spring“ eld (AHL). Announced LW Rihards Bukarts was recalled by Spring“ eld.SOCCERMajor League SoccerMLS „ Suspended Orlando City M Matias Perez Garcia one game and “ ned him an undisclosed amount for violent conduct during an April 9 match against New York.COLLEGESCALIFORNIA „ Named Chris Walker menÂs assistant basketball coach and Keith Brown director of menÂs basketball operations. LOUISVILLE „ Announced junior menÂs basketball C Matz Stockman will transfer to Minnesota. NEW MEXICO „ Named Paul Weir menÂs basketball coach. WASHINGTON „ Signed football coach Chris Petersen to a contract extension through the 2023 season.HOCKEYNHLSTANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS FIRST ROUND (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) EASTERN CONFERENCE MONTREAL VS. N.Y. RANGERSToday: New York at Montreal, 7 p.m. Friday: New York at Montreal, 7 p.m. Sunday, April 16: Montreal at New York, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 18: Montreal at New York, 7 p.m. x-Thursday, April 20 : New York at Montreal, TBA x-Saturday, April 22: Montreal at New York, TBA x-Monday, April 24: New York at Montreal, TBAOTTAWA VS. BOSTONToday: Boston at Ottawa, 7 p.m. Saturday: Boston at Ottawa, 3 p.m. Monday, April 17: Ottawa at Boston, 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Ottawa at Boston, 7:30 p.m. x-Friday, April 21: Boston at Ottawa, TBA x-Sunday, April 23: Ottawa at Boston, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: Boston at Ottawa, TBAWASHINGTON VS. TORONTOThursday: Toronto at Washington, 7 p.m. Saturday: Toronto at Washington, 7 p.m. Monday, April 17: Washington at Toronto, 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Washington at Toronto, 7 p.m. x-Friday, April 21: Toronto at Washington, TBA x-Sunday, April 23: Washington at Toronto, TBA x-Tuesday, April 25: Toronto at Washington, TBAPITTSBURGH VS. COLUMBUSToday: Columbus at Pittsburgh, 7:30 p.m. Friday: Columbus at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. Sunday, April 16: Pittsburgh at Columbus, 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 18: Pittsburgh at Columbus, 7:30 p.m. x-Thursday, April 20: Columbus at Pittsburgh, TBA x-Sunday, April 23: Pittsburgh at Columbus, TBA x-Tuesday, April 25: Columbus at Pittsburgh, TBAWESTERN CONFERENCE CHICAGO VS. NASHVILLEThursday: Nashville at Chicago, 8 p.m. Saturday: Nashville at Chicago, 8 p.m. Monday, April 17: Chicago at Nashville, 9:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20: Chicago at Nashville, TBA x-Saturday, April 22: Nashville at Chicago, TBA x-Monday, April 24: Chicago at Nashville, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: Nashville at Chicago, TBAMINNESOTA VS. ST. LOUISToday: St. Louis at Minnesota, 9:30 p.m. Friday: St. Louis at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Sunday, April 16: Minnesota at St. Louis, 3 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Minnesota at St. Louis, 9:30 p.m. x-Saturday, April 22: St. Louis at Minnesota, TBA x-Monday, April 24: Minnesota at St. Louis, TBA x-Wednesday, April 26: St. Louis at Minnesota, TBAANAHEIM VS. CALGARYThursday: Calgary at Anaheim, 10:30 p.m. Saturday: Calgary at Anaheim, 10:30 p.m. Monday, April 17: Anaheim at Calgary, 10 p.m. Wednesday, April 19: Anaheim at Calgary, 10 p.m. x-Friday, April 21 : Calgary at Anaheim, TBA x-Sunday, April 23: Anaheim at Calgary, TBA x-Tuesday, April 25: Calgary at Anaheim, TBAEDMONTON VS. SAN JOSEToday: San Jose at Edmonton, 10 p.m. Friday: San Jose at Edmonton, 10:30 p.m. Sunday, April 16: Edmonton at San Jose, 10 p.m. Tuesday, April 18: Edmonton at San Jose, 10 p.m. x-Thursday, April 20: San Jose at Edmonton, TBA x-Saturday, April 22: Edmonton at San Jose, TBA x-Monday, April 24: San Jose at Edmonton, TBAFINAL REGULAR SEASON STANDINGS EASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA y-Montreal 82 47 26 9 103 226 200 x-Ottawa 82 44 28 10 98 212 214 x-Boston 82 44 31 7 95 234 212 x-Toronto 82 40 27 15 95 251 242 Tampa Bay 82 42 30 10 94 234 227 Florida 82 35 36 11 81 210 237 Detroit 82 33 36 13 79 207 244 Buffalo 82 33 37 12 78 201 237 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA z-Washington 82 55 19 8 118 263 182 x-Pittsburgh 82 50 21 11 111 282 234 x-Columbus 82 50 24 8 108 249 195 x-N.Y. Rangers 82 48 28 6 102 256 220 N.Y. Islanders 82 41 29 12 94 241 242 Philadelphia 82 39 33 10 88 219 236 Carolina 82 36 31 15 87 215 236 New Jersey 82 28 40 14 70 183 244WESTERN CONFERENCECentral Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA z-Chicago 82 50 23 9 109 244 213 x-Minnesota 82 49 25 8 106 266 208 x-St. Louis 82 46 29 7 99 235 218 x-Nashville 82 41 29 12 94 240 224 Winnipeg 82 40 35 7 87 249 256 Dallas 82 34 37 11 79 223 262 Colorado 82 22 56 4 48 166 278 Paci“ c Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA y-Anaheim 82 46 23 13 105 223 200 x-Edmonton 82 47 26 9 103 247 212 x-San Jose 82 46 29 7 99 221 201 x-Calgary 82 45 33 4 94 226 221 Los Angeles 82 39 35 8 86 201 205 Arizona 82 30 42 10 70 197 260 Vancouver 82 30 43 9 69 182 243 x-clinched playoff berth; y-clinched division; z-clinched conferenceFINAL INDIVIDUAL STATISTICSThrough April 9SCORING LEADERS GP G A PTS Connor McDavid, EDM 82 30 70 100 Sidney Crosby, PIT 75 44 45 89 Patrick Kane, CHI 82 34 55 89 Nicklas Backstrom, WAS 82 23 63 86 Nikita Kucherov, TB 74 40 45 85 Brad Marchand, BOS 80 39 46 85 Mark Scheifele, WPG 79 32 50 82 Leon Draisaitl, EDM 82 29 48 77 Brent Burns, SJ 82 29 47 76 Vladimir Tarasenko, STL 82 39 36 75 Artemi Panarin, CHI 82 31 43 74 Blake Wheeler, WPG 82 26 48 74 Ryan Getzlaf, ANH 74 15 58 73GOALS-AGAINST AVERAGE LEADERSMinimum of 17 games Name Team GP MINS GA AVGAaron Dell S.J. 20 1110 37 2.00 Philipp Grubauer Wash. 24 1264 43 2.04 Sergei Bob rovsky Colu. 63 3707 127 2.06 Braden Holtby Wash. 63 3680 127 2.07 Jimmy Howard Det. 26 1396 49 2.10 Peter Budaj L.A.-T.B. 60 3308 120 2.18 John Gibson Ana. 52 2950 109 2.22 Carey Price Mont. 62 3708 138 2.23 Tuukka Rask Bost. 65 3679 137 2.23 Devan Dubnyk Minn. 65 3758 141 2.25 Jonathan Quick L.A. 17 930 35 2.26 Antti Raanta NYR 30 1617 61 2.26 Craig Anderson Ott. 40 2421 92 2.28AHLEASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W L OL SL Pt GF GAWB-Scranton 73 50 19 3 1 104 240 162 Lehigh Valley 73 45 23 5 0 95 249 213 Providence 73 43 21 5 4 95 222 176 Hershey 74 41 22 8 3 93 247 210 Bridgeport 74 44 26 3 1 92 216 200 Spring“ eld 73 29 33 9 2 69 181 202 Hartford 73 24 43 4 2 54 186 264North Division GP W L OL SL Pt GF GAToronto 74 41 28 4 1 87 239 200 Syracuse 73 35 24 7 7 84 216 222 Albany 73 37 31 2 3 79 191 198 St. JohnÂs 74 35 29 8 2 80 209 214 Utica 73 34 30 7 2 77 186 204 Rochester 73 31 40 0 2 64 198 230 Binghamton 73 27 42 2 2 58 185 256WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division GP W L OL SL Pt GF GAChicago 73 42 19 7 5 96 243 193 Grand Rapids 73 44 23 1 5 94 241 186 Milwaukee 73 41 25 4 3 89 216 207 Charlotte 73 39 29 5 0 83 206 199 Cleveland 74 38 28 4 4 84 190 193 Iowa 73 34 30 7 2 77 173 190 Manitoba 74 28 36 5 5 66 192 237 Rockford 73 25 36 9 3 62 170 233 Paci“ c Division GP W L OL SL Pt GF GASan Jose 65 43 15 2 5 93 226 167 San Diego 65 40 20 3 2 85 207 171 Ontario 65 35 20 10 0 80 190 179 Stockton 65 33 25 5 2 73 203 182 Bakers“ eld 65 32 27 5 1 70 195 179 Texas 73 32 36 1 4 69 216 256 Tucson 65 26 31 8 0 60 175 228 San Antonio 73 26 40 5 2 59 175 232Two points for team winning in OT or shootout; team losing in OT/shootout gets 1 point, which is registered in OL or SL columns SundayÂs GamesCharlotte 3, Texas 1 Manitoba 4, Tucson 3 Bridgeport 3, Hartford 2 St. JohnÂs 1, Utica 0 WB-Scranton 2, Providence 1 Bakers“ eld 5, San Antonio 2 Chicago 3, Rockford 1 Cleveland 4, Grand Rapids 3, SO Toronto 4, Rochester 3 Iowa 3, Milwaukee 2, OT San Jose 2, Stockton 1, OTMondayÂs GamesNo games scheduledTuesdayÂs GamesNo games scheduledTodayÂs GamesHartford at Albany, 7 p.m. Charlotte at Grand Rapids, 7 p.m. Syracuse at Utica, 7 p.m. Binghamton at Rochester, 7:05 p.m. Providence at Spring“ eld, 7:05 p.m. Lehigh Valley at WB-Scranton, 7:05 p.m. Milwaukee at Rockford, 8 p.m. San Antonio at Texas, 8:30 p.m. Bakers“ eld at San Diego, 10 p.m. Tucson at San Jose, 10 p.m. Ontario at Stockton, 10 p.m.TENNISATP TOURGRAND PRIX HASSAN ITuesday at Royal Tennis Club de Marrakech Marrakech, Morocco Purse: $572,000 (WT250). Surface: Clay-OutdoorMenÂs Singles First RoundBorna Coric, Croatia, def. Diego Schwartzman (7), Argentina, 6-3, 6-2. Amine Ahouda, Morocco, def. Marcel Granollers (8), Spain, 6-4, 6-4. Reda El Amrani, Morocco, def. Federico Delbonis, Argentina, 7-6 (3), 1-0, retired. Gianluigi Quinzi, Italy, def. Paul-Henri Mathieu, France, 7-6 (8), 6-3.MenÂs Doubles First RoundNicolas Almagro, Spain, and Carlos Berlocq, Argentina, def. Paolo Lorenzi, Italy, and Mischa Zverev, Germany, 3-6, 6-4, 10-6. Jeremy Chardy and Fabrice Martin, France, def. Wesley Koolhof and Matwe Middelkoop, Netherlands, 6-2, 6-7 (2), 10-6. Guillermo Duran and Andres Molteni, Argentina, vs. Yassine Idmbarek and Mehdi Jdi, Morocco, 6-4, 6-0. Marcel Granollers and Marc Lopez (2), Spain, def. Guillermo Garcia-Lopez, Spain, and Diego Schwartzman, Argentina, 3-6, 6-3, 10-3.FAYEZ SAROFIM U.S. MENÂS CLAY COURT CHAMPIONSHIPMonday at River Oaks Country Club, Houston Purse: $600,345 (WT250). Surface: Clay-OutdoorMenÂs Singles First RoundNicolas Kicker, Argentina, def. Noah Rubin, United States, 5-3 retired. Tommy Haas, Germany def. Reilly Opelka, United States, 7-6 (5), 4-6, 6-3. Dustin Brown, Germany, def. Juan Monaco, Argentina, 7-6 (7), 6-3.WTA TOURLADIES OPEN BIEL BIENNETuesday at Halle von Swiss Tennis, Biel, Switzerland Purse: $226,750 (Intl.). Surface: Hard-IndoorWomenÂs Singles First RoundEvgeniya Rodina, Russia, def. Timea Babos (3), Hungary, 7-6 (7), 4-2, retired. Oceane Dodin, France, def. Hsieh Su-wei, Taiwan, 6-2, 6-2. Donna Vekic, Croatia, def. Sorana Cirstea, Romania 6-4, 6-1. Anett Kontaveit, Estonia, def. Heather Watson, Britain, 7-6 (2), 6-2. Julia Goerges (7), Germany, def. Naomi Broady, Britain, 6-4, 6-2. Maketa Vondrousova, Czech Republic, def. Lina Gjorcheska, Macedonia, 7-6 (4), 6-1. Aliaksandra Sasnovich, Belarus, def. Pauline Parmentier, France, 3-6, 6-2, 6-3. Barbora Strycova (1), Czech Republic, def. Marie Bouzkova, Czech Republic, 6-2, 4-6, 6-2. Carina Witthoeft, Germany, def. Belinda Bencic, Switzerland, 6-1, 6-3. Camila Giorgi, Italy, def. Antonia Lottner, Germany, 6-2, 6-2.WomenÂs Doubles First RoundAnnika Beck, Germany, and Renata Voracova, Czech Republic, def. Lesley Kerkhove, Netherlands, and Lidziya Marozava, Belarus, 6-3, 3-6, 10-7. Raluca Olaru, Romania, and Olga Savchuk (3), Ukraine, def. Amandine Hesse, France, and Rebeka Masarova, Switzerland, 3-6, 6-1, 10-6.CLARO OPEN COLSANITASTuesday at Club Campestre el Rancho, Bogota, Colombia Purse: $226,750 (Intl.). Surface: Clay-OutdoorWomenÂs Singles First RoundSara Errani, Italy, def. Ekaterina Alexandrova (7), Russia, 6-2, 6-4. Magda Linette (5), Poland, def. Nadia Podoroska, Argentina, 6-1, 6-3. Dalia Jakupovic, Slovenia, def. Irina Falconi, United States, 6-2, 6-4. Veronica Cepede Royg, Paraguay, def. Beatriz Haddad Maia, Brazil, 2-6, 6-3, 6-4. Kiki Bertens (1), Netherlands, def. Nina Stojanovic, Serbia, 6-4, 6-1. Sara Sorribes Tormo, Spain, def. Denisa Allertova, Czech Republic, 6-1, 7-6 (4). Silvia Soler-Espinosa, Spain, def. Maria Sakkari (8), Greece, 6-3, 7-6 (6). Irina Khromacheva, Russia, def. Emiliana Arango, Colombia, 6-2, 6-2. Katerina Siniakova (2), Czech Republic, def. Jil Teichmann, Switzerland, 6-0, 6-4. Francesca Schiavone, Italy, def. Patricia Maria Tig (6), Romania, 6-2, 6-4.SOCCERMAJOR LEAGUE SOCCEREASTERN CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GA Columbus 3 2 1 10 9 7 Orlando City 3 1 0 9 4 3 Atlanta United FC 2 1 2 8 13 5 Chicago 2 1 2 8 6 7 New England 2 2 1 7 9 6 New York City FC 2 2 1 7 8 5 New York Red Bulls 2 3 1 7 5 9 D.C. United 2 2 1 7 4 8 Toronto FC 1 0 4 7 6 4 Montreal 0 2 3 3 5 8 Philadelphia 0 3 2 2 5 9WESTERN CONFERENCE W L T Pts GF GA Portland 4 1 1 13 16 8 FC Dallas 3 0 1 10 6 2 Houston 3 2 0 9 11 9 Sporting K.C. 2 0 3 9 5 2 San Jose 2 2 1 7 7 7 Los Angeles 2 3 0 6 7 8 Seattle 1 1 3 6 7 6 Real Salt Lake 1 3 2 5 6 8 Colorado 1 2 1 4 4 6 Vancouver 1 3 1 4 6 10 Minnesota United 1 4 1 4 10 22 3 points for victory, 1 point for tieFridayÂs GamesNew York City FC at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Seattle at Vancouver, 10 p.m. FC Dallas at San Jose, 11 p.m.SaturdayÂs GamesAtlanta United FC at Montreal, 1 p.m. Los Angeles at Orlando City, 2:30 p.m. New England at Chicago, 5 p.m. D.C. United at New York, 7:30 p.m. Toronto FC at Columbus, 8 p.m. Minnesota United at Houston, 8:30 p.m. Real Salt Lake at Colorado, 9 p.m. Sporting Kansas City at Portland, 10:30 p.m. COLLEGE BASEBALLCOLLEGIATE BASEBALL POLLThe Collegiate Baseball poll with records through April 9. Voting is done by coaches, sports writers and sports information directors: Record Pts Prv 1. Oregon St. 28-1 498 1 2. Texas Christian 26-5 495 3 3. Louisville 27-4 494 2 4. Clemson 28-5 492 5 5. North Carolina 26-6 490 6 6. Texas Tech 28-7 488 7 7. Arizona 23-8 485 13 8. Cal St. Fullerton 21-10 482 16 9. Auburn 24-10 479 8 10. Louisiana St. 22-11 475 22 11. Arkansas 25-8 474 14 12. St. JohnÂs 22-5 472 4 13. South Carolina 21-10 470 11 14. Oklahoma 27-8 468 12 15. Mississippi St. 22-12 466 19 16. Kentucky 22-11 462 15 17. Virginia 26-8 461 23 18. Florida 21-11 458 10 19. Southern Mississippi 26-7 455 17 20. Vanderbilt 21-12 453 24 21. Maryland 20-10 449 18 22. Wake Forest 23-10 445 21 23. Oregon 21-8 443 28 24. San Diego 21-9 441 20 25. Michigan 25-7 439 25 26. Coastal Carolina 20-11-1 435 26 27. Connecticut 19-10 434 30 28. Missouri St. 21-10 432 „ 29. Sam Houston St. 23-9 429 „ 30. Washington 18-12 426 „BASEBALL AMERICA TOP 25 The top 25 teams in the Baseball America poll through April 9 (selected by the staff of Baseball America): Record Prv 1. Oregon State 28-1 1 2. Louisville 27-4 2 3. Texas Christian 26-5 3 4. North Carolina 26-6 4 5. Clemson 28-5 5 6. Texas Tech 28-7 6 7. Arizona 23-8 10 8. Cal State Fullerton 21-10 12 9. Louisiana State 22-11 15 10. Auburn 24-10 7 11. Oklahoma 27-8 9 12. Long Beach State 20-11 19 13. Mississippi State 22-12 22 14. Virginia 26-8 23 15. Kentucky 22-11 13 16. Florida 21-11 8 17. South Carolina 21-10 11 18. Stanford 17-10 20 19. Arkansas 25-8 16 20. Wake Forest 23-10 17 21. Southern Miss 26-7 21 22. Oregon 21-8 „ 23. Michigan 25-7 „ 24. St. JohnÂs 22-5 14 25. Connecticut 19-10 „CALENDARMLBMay 16-18 „ Owners meetings, New York. June 12 „ Amateur draft starts. July 11 „ All-Star Game, Miami. July 7 „ Last day to sign for amateur draft picks subject to deadline. July 30 „ Hall of Fame inductions, Cooperstown, N.Y. July 31 „ Last day to trade a player without securing waivers. Sept. 1 „ Active rosters expand to 40 players. NBAApril 12-15 „ Portsmouth Invitational Tournament, Portsmouth, Va. April 12 „ Regular season ends. April 14 „ Rosters set for playoffs 2017. April 15 „ Playoffs begin. April 23 „ Early entry eligibility deadline. May 1 „ Conference semi“ nals begin. May 9-14 „ Draft combine, Chicago. May 16 „ Draft lottery. June 1 „ NBA Finals begin. June 12 „ NBA draft early entry withdrawal deadline. June 18 „ NBA Finals latest possible date. June 22 „ NBA draft.NFLApril 21 „ Deadline for restricted free agents to sign offer sheets. April 26 „ Deadline for prior club to exercise right of “ rst refusal to restricted free agents. April 27-29 „ NFL draft, Philadelphia. May 22-24 „ Spring owners meetings, Chicago. Aug. 3 „ Hall of Fame game. Aug. 5 „ Pro Football Hall of Fame inductions.NHLApril 12 „ Stanley Cup Playoffs “ rst round begins. May 28-June 3 „ Draft combine, Buffalo, N.Y. June 14 „ Last possible day for Stanley Cup “ nals June 23-24 „ NHL draft, Chicago July 1 „ Free agency begins.BOXINGSCHEDULE April 14At MGM National Harbor, Oxon Hill, Md. (SHO), Dmitry Bivol vs. Samuel Clarkson, 12, for BivolÂs WBA interim light heavyweight title.April 15At Glasgow, Scotland, Ricky Burns vs. Julius Indongo, 12, for Burns WBA Super World and IndongoÂs IBF and IBO super lightweight titles; Callum Johnson vs. Schiller Hyppolite, 12, for JohnsonÂs Commonwealth light heavyweight title; Charlie Edwards vs. Iain Butcher, 12, for vacant British junior bantamweight title; Scott Cardle vs. Robbie Barrett, 12, for CardleÂs British lightweight title; Charlie Flynn vs. Ryan Collins, 10, lightweights.April 20At Turning Stone Resort Casino, Verona, N.Y. (ESPN2), Michael Perez vs. Marcelino Lopez, 10, super lightweights; Rashidi Ellis vs. John Karl Sosa, 10, for Ellis IBF North American welterweight title.April 22At Barclays Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (SHO), Andre Berto vs. Shawn Porter, 12, welterweights; Jermell Charlo vs. Charles Hatley, 12, for CharloÂs WBC World junior middleweight title; Luis Ortiz vs. Derric Rossy, 10, heavyweights. At StubHub Center, Carson, Calif. (PPV), Oscar Valdez vs. Miguel Marriaga, 12, for ValdezÂs WBO featherweight title; Gilberto Ramirez vs. Max Bursak, 12, for RamirezÂs WBO super middleweight title; Jessie Magdaleno vs. Adeilson Dos Santos, 12, for MagdalenoÂs WBO junior featherweight title.April 23At Osaka, Japan, Kazuto Ioka vs. Noknoi Sitthiprasert, 12, for IokaÂs WBA ” yweight title; Marlon Tapales vs. Shohei Omori, 12, for Tapales WBO bantamweight title.April 25At Horseshoe Casino, Tunica, Miss. (FS1), Oscar Molina vs. Levan Ghvamichava, 10, junior middleweights.April 29At Cebu City, Philippines, Donnie Nietes vs. Komgrich Nantapech, 12, for vacant IBF ” yweight title; Mark Magsayo vs. Issa Nampepeche, 10, featherweights; Jeo Santisima vs. Master Suro, 10, junior featherweights; Virgil Vitor vs. Michael Escobia, 10, junior featherweights. At Wembley Stadium, London, Anthony Joshua vs. Wladimir Klitschko, for JoshuaÂs IBF and the vacant WBA Super World/ IBO heavyweight titles; Luke Campbell vs. Darleys Perez, 12, lightweights; Scott Quigg vs. Viorel Simion, 12, for QuiggÂs WBA International featherweight title. At Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas (FS1), Beibut Shumenov vs. Yunier Dorticos, 12, for ShumenovÂs WBA cruiserweight title; Carlos Zambrano vs. Claudio Marrero, 12, for ZambranoÂs WBA World interim featherweight title.May 5At Ekaterinburg, Russia, Shane Mosley vs. Magomed Kurbanov, 12, junior middleweights; Evgeny Gradovich vs. Hugo Berrio, 12, super bantamweights; Rustam Nugaev vs. Deiner Berrio, 10, lightweights. At Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas (ESPN2), Yuriorkis Gamboa vs. Robinson Castellanos, 10, lightweights; Abraham Lopez vs. Jesus Riojas, 12, for LopezÂs WBA-NABA featherweight title; Yamaguchi Falcao vs. Morgan Fitch, 10, middleweights.May 6At T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas (PPV), Saul Alvarez vs. Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., 12, super middleweights; Lucas Matthysse vs. Emmanuel Taylor, 10, welterweights; David Lemieux vs. Marcos Reyes, 10, middleweights; Joseph Diaz vs. Manuel Avila, 10, featherweights.SCOREBOARD
Page 6 SP Wednesday, April 12, 2017 / The SunIN BRIEFCOLLEGE FOOTBALLOle Miss QB Kelly has surgery on wristFormer Mississippi quarterback Chad Kelly has had surgery on his right wrist just weeks before the NFL draft and wonÂt be able to throw for the next three months. KellyÂs agent, Vance McAllister, said Dr. James Andrews in Pensacola, Florida, performed the surgery Monday to repair a ruptured ligament. McAllister said the surgery went well and Kelly is expected to be ready for training camp, Kelly had a very productive college career for the Rebels, but it remains to be seen whether any NFL teams will want to spend a draft pick on a quarterback who has had multiple injuries and a checkered off-the-field past. Kelly threw about a dozen passes last week at Ole Miss pro day before ending the workout because of the wrist injury. He already is recovering from torn ligaments in his right knee that ended his senior season in November. NFLLeague could “ ne players for arm wrestling at casinoLAS VEGAS „ Current NFL players who participated in the Pro Football Arm Wrestling Championship at a Las Vegas casino could be fined by the league. More than 30 professional football players were scheduled to compete at the weekend event held at the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino, according to a news release. ÂWe are looking into it, and we became aware of it as it was under way,ÂŽ NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a telephone interview Tuesday. ÂA longstanding policy prohibits any NFL personnel from promotional appearances at a casino.ÂŽ Any player who is in the league now would be in violation of that policy, which is laid out in a manual distributed to players and other employees before each season.WashingtonÂs Galette arrested after “ ghtBILOXI, Miss. „ Washington Redskins linebacker Junior Galette has been arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and failure to comply following a fight over the weekend in Mississippi. Sgt. Jackie Rhodes, a Biloxi Police Department spokesman, says an officer saw the 29-yearold Galette strike another man during an altercation at a spring break event Friday night at MGM Park. Rhodes says Galette was told to stop but fled on foot. The officer chased Galette, used a stun gun to subdue him and took him into custody. Galette has missed the past two seasons because of Achilles tendon injuries. The Associated Press By GRAHAM DUNBARAssociated PressGENEVA „ The North American bid to host the 2026 World Cup has asked FIFA for a decision in June 2018, two years ahead of schedule. In a letter seen by The Associated Press, the soccer federations from the United States, Canada and Mexico asked FIFA to consider their request next month in Bahrain at its annual congress. The proposal calls for the North American neighbors to be given a clear run without rival candidates until next year, and is item 14.1 on the congress agenda that FIFA published Tuesday. The bid, launched in New York on Monday, is likely the only realistic option for FIFAÂs 211 member federations who are scheduled to choose the 2026 host in May 2020. That timetable could be fast-tracked on May 11 in Manama. The added agenda item, written in the letter dated March 11, asks FIFA members to make a Âprinciple decisionÂŽ for the 2026 tournament to be Âjointly and cooperatively organizedÂŽ in North America. If approved, FIFA could then ask the bid to show the Zurich-based administration it meets all technical and operational demands by a March 31 deadline. That would allow time to prepare a confirmation of the 2026 hosts at the next congress in Moscow. The Russian capital hosts the annual meeting on the eve of the opening match of the 2018 World Cup. FIFA bidding rules have made the North American bid a strong favorite to win because Europe and Asia cannot present a candidate. Those continents are blocked because they will have staged the previous two editions in Russia and Qatar. South America and Africa can rival the U.S.-led bid, though Brazil hosted in 2014 and South Africa in 2010. It was 16 years earlier that the World Cup last came to the CONCACAF region, when the United States hosted a 1994 edition that set records for total attendance and average per game. Argentina and Uruguay „ the original World Cup host in 1930 „ are focused on a centenary tournament in 2030, however. Although Morocco has been speculated as a potential bidder for a fifth time, Africa is seen as lacking facilities even for a co-hosting bid for an expanded 48-team World Cup. The 16 extra teams from 2026 will add to demand for stadiums, training camps, hotels and transport. ÂShould the cooperative bid ... not satisfy the technical bid requirements, the bidding process will be re-opened to all Member Associations under the conditions set out by the FIFA Council,ÂŽ the North American officials wrote in their letter. SOCCERUS, Canada, Mexico ask FIFA for faster bid process By Martin MeissnerAssociated PressDORTMUND, Germany „ Three explosions went off near the team bus of Borussia Dortmund, one of GermanyÂs top soccer clubs, as it set off for a Champions League quarterfinal match on Tuesday evening. One of DortmundÂs players was injured. Police said they were working on the assumption that the blasts were directed at the Dortmund team and caused by Âserious explosive devices,ÂŽ which may have been hidden in a hedge near a car park. The explosions happened as the team was departing its hotel for a first-leg match against Monaco. The game was called off shortly before kickoff and rescheduled for Wednesday. A letter claiming responsibility was found near the site of the blasts, prosecutor Sandra Luecke told a late evening news conference. She said investigators are examining the authenticity of what was written in the letter, but wouldnÂt reveal more about its contents, citing the ongoing investigation. The case is being investigated as attempted homicide, Luecke said. ÂWe had to assume, and assumed right from the start, that this was a targeted attack against the team of Borussia Dortmund,ÂŽ Dortmund Police Chief Gregor Lange. Investigators are not excluding any possible angles in their investigation, while the Âconcrete backgroundÂŽ to the blasts remains unclear, he said. There were three explosions near the Dortmund bus as the team left the LÂArrivee Hotel and Spa on the outskirts of the western city of Dortmund for the stadium, around 6 miles away, at 7.15 p.m. local time (1715 GMT), police said. A window on the bus was damaged and Spanish defender Marc Bartra was injured. Club spokesman Sascha Fligge said Bartra was operated on late Tuesday for a broken bone in his right wrist and to remove Âforeign objectsÂŽ from his arm. Dortmund goalkeeper Roman Buerki said the team bus had just pulled out of the hotel driveway when an explosion „ a Âhuge bangÂŽ „ happened and sent glass flying. Buerki, who is from Switzerland, told Swiss daily Blick that he was sitting in the last row of the bus, next to Bartra. Bartra was hit by shards from the broken back window, he added. Players ducked for cover, wondering whether there would be more explosions. ÂWeÂre all shocked „ nobody thought about a football match in the minutes after that,ÂŽ Buerki said. Lange said a further Âsuspicious objectÂŽ was found at the scene, but it does not appear to have been another explosive device. Inside the packed stadium, supporters of Monaco, which plays in the French league, chanted ÂDortmund, DortmundÂŽ in sympathy for the German side. Dortmund residents, for their part, used social media to offer accommodation to stranded Monaco supporters ahead of their rescheduled match in EuropeÂs premier soccer club competition. ÂThe team is totally shocked, thatÂs clear. ItÂs our task now to digest this somehow because itÂs only 24 hours before we have to play. ThatÂs our job,ÂŽ Dortmund Chief Executive Officer HansJoachim Watzke said. Watzke added that there was Âno alternativeÂŽ to rescheduling the match for Wednesday, as Monaco also has to play over the weekend and the return Champions League match is scheduled for next week. ÂItÂs a very unfortunate situation, but there was no other way,ÂŽ he said. Stadium spokesman Norbert Dickel informed fans already inside the venue of the cancellation, saying that Âthere is no reason for panic here at the stadium.ÂŽ Police said fans left the stadium without problems. Police chief Lange made clear that authorities will put heavy security in place for WednesdayÂs match, though there was no threat to the stadium on Tuesday. ÂWe are preparing for a major operation tomorrow, and we will do everything humanly possible to ensure that the match tomorrow can occur safely,ÂŽ he said. The president of European soccer governing body UEFA, Aleksander Ceferin, said he was Âdeeply disturbed by the explosionsÂŽ and that the teams had made the correct call by postponing their match. ÂThe thoughts of every one of us at FIFA are with the people of Dortmund, and the fans of both Borussia Dortmund and Monaco following todayÂs troubling events,ÂŽ said world governing body FIFAÂs president, Gianni Infantino. He wished Bartra a Âspeedy recoveryÂŽ and condemned the explosions. Germany has seen matches postponed over security concerns before. In November 2015, GermanyÂs international soccer friendly against the Netherlands in Hannover was canceled just before kickoff because police feared an explosive device might be detonated at the stadium. It came days after devices were detonated outside the Stade de France in Paris as France was playing Germany as part of a coordinated attack on the French capital.Pregame blasts rock soccer team bus SPORTS TICKERAP PHOTOSPolice officers stand in front of DortmundÂs damaged team bus after an explosion before the Champions League quarterfinal soccer match between Borussia Dortmund and AS Monaco Tuesday in Dortmund, western Germany. A window of DortmundÂs team bus is damaged after an explosion on Tuesday. SOCCER
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Wednesday, April 12, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 3 A A Estate Sales Antiques Collectibles Machinery Real Estate Business Liquidation Inventory Reduction Vietnam Veteran Free Verbal AppraisalsJack Robillard President Principal Auctioneer AU3437 € AB2632 A To include your business Call 866.463.1638 or email your ad to classi Paver & Concrete Driveways Stone € Washed Shell Fill Dirt € Grading Peace River Wilderness Eco-Tours € Guided Fishing Trips € Museum & Gift Shops Cozy Cottage Rentals € Boat Slip, Canoe & Kayak Rentals ON THE PEACE RIVER ON THE PEACE RIVER B E S T L I V E M USI C THE COLDEST ICY BEER IN FLORIDA! TRY OUR LONG JOHN SPECIAL! ICELANDIC COD & FRIES. H O M E o f t he B I G F I S H € € Desoto Marina € 9700 SW Riverview Circle € Located just 3 miles east of I-75 just o of Kings Highway in Lake Suzy, FL 34269 D ee p C l ean Y our H ome F rom To p To B ottom I nside O ut S tartin g f romI nitia l C l ean9 41 -20 4 8 057www .mrsc l eanin g u p .com 1st Class Cleaning ServiceHouse Clean Spe cials! $991 0%$20 O D iscount f or S eniors PROFESSIONAL R easonable & R eliablevisit us at: www .Car p etCleanin g S ervices V enice.comPAUL SIMS FLOOR CLEANING AND MORE!941-539-0896We Clean car p ets, f urniture, area ru g s, g rout & more A lso I nterior & E xterior P aintin g & P ressure Washin g BOBÂS CABINET SOLUTIONS941-276-0599Come check us out at the Sun Flea Market We have a Display Booth.Former Owner of A-1 Cabinets Over 40 Years ExperienceLic#22535 First Choice Custom Cabinets Commercial & Residential 941-505-5570 A E C R S Family Owned & OperatedServing Sarasota CountyR esc r eens B uil d in g & R e p ai r s Sc r e w C h an g e O u t s P ain t in g & Pr essu r e Cleanin g o f P ool Ca g es L anaies E n try w a y s e t c .Free Estimates941-915-3381Lic. & Insured All American Renovations The State of Florida Requires all Contractors to be Registered or Certi“ed. Be advised to Check License Numbers with the State by Calling 1-850-487-1395 or on the Web at A SOFFIT € FASCIA € VINYL SIDING CUSTOM ALUMINUM BREAKWORK941-204-5900Serving Southwest Florida Since 1982LIC# CBC059704 A A B A A AnthonyÂs ComputerService & RepairCALL TODAY 941-769-1415All Computer Needs In-Home Repairs Reasonable Rates Free Diagnostic Computer Training Available 7 Days a Week Sr. Discount C C C A C C C C adno=8602785
Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 12, 2017
Wednesday, April 12, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 5 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NORTH PORT 3513 Cuthbert, Spectacular custom-built, energy-saving executive residence with 2400 SF under air, 3bd/2ba + den/office, on lushly landscaped lot in upscale neighborhood close to all amenities. Granite! Walk-in pantry! Central vac! Whole house solar and solar hot water heater. NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! $279,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 6440 Malaluka Road. Enjoy the view of the canal, open concept living, dining and kitchen with two spacious bedrooms. 1,220 square feet. Furniture inclÂd. Motivated Seller. Please contact Kristine Dorward 514-618-0360. C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s NORTH PORT 2509 Cartright LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 1500 SF 3/2/2 WITH ENCLOSED LANAI on FENCED CORNER LOT. Minutes to all amenities, schools, I-75. PAMPERED BEAUTY! ROOMY COMFORT! This house is devoted to everyday enjoyment in a choice neighborhood! $173,000 Patty Gillespie REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NOKOMISCALUSA LAKES PRIVATE3 BEDROOM, 3 FULL& 2 PARTIALBATHS, 2 CARGARAGE, POOL HOMEONGOLFCOURSE! 4100 SF. NEWFLATTILEROOFIN2015! OFFICE& MORE!! $695,000. DOUGPARKS, MICHAELSAUNDERS& CO. 941-400-9087 NORTH PORT LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! 2183 Hopwood Rd Mere minutes from schools, parks, shopping and dining, with quick access to I-75, world-class fishing and golf! Move-in-ready 1300 SF '05 3/2/2 with open split floor plan, NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! OWNER IS SITTING ON A SUITCASE WAITING TO MOVE. HURRY! $167,000 Patty Gillespie, REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 CLASSIFIED WORKS! NORTH PORT 3172 Bellefonte Ave., QUALITYWALKER-BUILT1500 SF 3/2/2/ WITHSOLAR-HEATEDSALT-WATERPOOLONFULLYFENCEDLOT INAGREATFAMILYNEIGHBORHOOD. SECURITYSYSTEM. FRENCHDOORS. NEW $14K SAFE-STEPTUB/SHOWERINMASTERBATH. NEW APPLIANCES, HOTWATER HEATER& WATERSOFTENER. NODEEDRESTRICTIONS! NOTINFLOODZONE! $207,000Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE ENGLEWOOD Built 2006 3/2/2 w/ Family Room, Vaulted Ceiling, New Appliances, Shed, Fenced Yard, No Deed Restrictions or Flood Zone. Community Boat Launch, $223,000 941-474-7030 (Owner/Agent) R REDUCED!! INVESTORS Port Charlotte 3/2/2 Pool, Contractor remodeled, $15,000 Income. 2nd property Sailboat lot 10,000 lb boat lift(possible $3000 income) Price on both properties $389,000 Owner 941-347-7020 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s NORTH PORT 5348 CHAPLIN TER PERFECT, TOP TO BOTTOM, INSIDE & OUT! Custom 2100 SF 3/2.5/2 with top-of-the-line EVERYTHING, on lushly landscaped lot, mere minutes to all amenities, yet with a private "country" setting. Owners doubled the storage, electric & lighting, doubled the RO on drinking water! High impact windows thruout! Gutters all around! Poolplanned, with pool bath and outside shower already in place. Large lanai with porcelain tile overlooking serene backyard setting! NOTHING COMPARABLE AT THIS PRICE! $264,900 PATTY GILLESPIERemax Anchor 941-875-2755 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE DEEP CREEK Golf Course Only available new home on Deep Creek golf course. Gorgeous view, beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 car garage, 2,000 sq.ft. Completion date 5/15/17. $329k, 941-626-7682 ENGLEWOOD 2Br/2Ba/2Cg, w/ Lg. Scr. Lanai. Prestigious Windward, Cape Haze, Storm Shutters, Catherdral Ceilings, Irrigation System. Walk to Shopping! $210,000 Principals 941-214-5285 Findthe newYou intheClassifieds! FEATURED For Sale by Owner Florida Living on 9th Hole Fully Furnished Manufactured home in 55 + Golf Community in Punta Gorda FL 33950 27 X 51, 1603 sqft of Florida living, Move-In ready, Including Golf Cart, and all community amenities. $85,000.00 Showings by apt. call: 443-928-9163 Beautiful Blue Heron Pines Golf Community 29200 Jones Loop Road, LOT 12 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE 4.5 % COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home + You Get 2 Full Time Agents!Jeff Runyan941-979-2843NO Hidden Fees! Re/Max Palm DEEP CREEK 26180 Copiapo Circle 33983. Just Completed! New Construction! 3/2/3 + Den. 1875 sq. ft. Granite, Tile Floors, Wood Cabinets, Crown Moulding, Tray Ceilings. Loaded w/ Upgrades! $269,900. 239-826-5440 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! DEEP CREEK3/2/2 All updated, 2279sq., Pool & Landscape, Travertine floors, Waterfall garden, and much much MORE! Kim McIntyre Remax Anchor 941-661-3153 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $169,900.New Custom Homes From $169,900. on Your Lot or Ours. Custom 3/2/2, 1600+ sf., Classic Series. Pr ompt Delivery. Re liance Project Mgm`t Call Today For Plans & Your Tour! CGC#1512533 941-468-8300 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! Lookingfor Adventure? Findit inthe Classifieds
Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 12, 2017 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Perfect snow bird location. FSBO call for viewing. $209,900 217-369-0436 LAKE SUZY This 3/2.5/3 Spectacular Home is Located in Kingsway Country Club on a Premium Lakefront, Golf Course Lot w/ Over $132K in Upgrades! WOW! Incredible Great Room, Wrap Around Wet Bar Lanai w/ Hot Tub. Quartz Counter Kitchen, Master Suite w/ Jetted Massage & Rain Shower. Pristine Insided & Out! Air Conditioned Workshop w/ Golf Cart Entrance. Lots of Storage! $359,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty LOOKING TO RENT Condo In N. Sarasota Co. June, July, Aug ust. Single Female, Clean & Quiet. No Pets. 216-244-0944 ADVERTISE In TheClassifieds! NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PENDING PORT CHARLOTTE FSBO Oaks IV 2/2, updated appls, stacked W/D, 18ÂŽ ceramic tile. Fully Furn. $85K 941-249-8185 PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2 WATERFRONTINC. DOCK&LIFTQUICKACCESSTOHARBOR! $189,900 BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY PUNTA GORDA ISLES Beautiful 2/2 Waterfront Condo w/ Deeded Dock in the Desirable Gateway Complex! Stunning Split Bedroom Interior w/ Remodeled Kitchen, Lots of Closet Space & Lanai Balcony. Quick Access to Charlotte Harbor & the Peace River! $183,500. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty PUNTA GORDA ISLES Unique 3/3.5/2 3168 sf. Waterfront Condo. 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Spa Tubs, Bamboo Floors, Granite/ Marble Baths. Private Elevator! 3rd Floor Patio! $459,000. 941-505-1492 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE DEEP CREEK LAKE FRONT 2BR/2BA+ den & cp 1250sf, Built in 2005 New tile carpet & paint. Only $139,900. 941-268-6820 DEEP CREEK In Heritage Park 3/3/2 2nd Floor Condo/Villa w/ Phenomenal Lake View. Elevator, Den, Eat-In Kitchen w/ Breakfast Bar, Sizable Master Suites w/ Twin Walk-In Closets. Brand New Carpet! Htd. Pool, Stunning Clubhouse, Fitness Ctr., Tennis & MORE! $239,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty FOR SALE BY OWNER 2/2 Condo w/ Covered Parking. Punta Gorda, Next To Civic Center Between The Bridges, Along Riverwalk. In 55+ Community. $167,000 941-626-5984 FOR SALE BY OWNER Circle Woods of Venice 2br/2ba furnished detached condo. FL room & many upgrades. Many activities including 2 pools and Jacuzzi. 4 Miles to Manasota Beach. Close to shopping. Show By appointment. Asking $169,900. Call 941-4930156 or Cell 941-525-6293 PUNTA GORDA 2/2 55+. Furnished, A/C, Elev., Laundry In Unit, Lanai, Pool, Covered Parking. $164,900 516-742-8837 For Sale By Owner HACIENDADELMARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT LIVING IN CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA.GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLELIVING RIGHTONTHEBAYANDICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW, VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ. FT. 2 BED/2.5BATHS. TOTALLYHURRICANEPROOF,NEWERCONSTRUCTION. DESIGNER TURNKEYFURNISHED& ACCESSORIZED. FULLLAUNDRYAND GARAGE. HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS, FITNESSANDMORE! UNBELIEVABLEMONEY-MAKINGRENTALINCOME. ONLY$359,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOPOSSOWNER FINANCE941-769-0200 HERITAGE OAK PARK-PC 3/3 1463 SQFT. 2NDFLOORENDUNIT. VAULTEDCEILINGS, ONCANAL. LIKENEW. POOL/CLUB-HOUSE. REDUCED $167,900 941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES ROTONDA 3/2/2 Waterfront home with large fenced in yard. Furniture and Appliances included. By Owner $195,000 941-662-6250 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY North Port 5394 White Ibis (Heron Creek), 1638 SF Villa 3/2/2 with screened lanai overlooking wonderfully private view of the lake in gated golf community. Heron Creek just completed a make-over of the 27 hole championship golf course. NOT in flood zone. No CDD fees. YOUR TICKET TO PARADISE! $238,500 Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 PUNTA GORDA Beautiful Seminole Lakes Country Club, low HOA Fees that provide lawn maintenance and 24 hour gate guards. 2 LARGE Bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, 2 car garage w/attic storage, open, spacious kitchen/living/dining. Newer appliances, heat/ac systems, water filtration w/softener, on cul-de-sac for privacy, fruit trees, sprinkler system, gated, golf course, tennis, heated pool, fitness, super neighbors. $244,500 941-916-9866 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESUN1-4 PM ORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLY$179,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. DEEP CREEK 2/2/1 Turn-Key Furn. Condo. Breakfast Area, Large Pantry, Great Room, Large Screened Private Lanai. Home is Located Behind Gated Entrance to Heritage Lakes. Pool, Clubhouse & Community Amentities Galore! $117,900. Diana Hayes, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-740-4899 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES HACIENDADELMARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT LIVING IN CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA.GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLELIVING RIGHTONTHEBAYANDICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW, VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ. FT. 2 BED/2.5BATHS. TOTALLYHURRICANEPROOF,NEWERCONSTRUCTION. DESIGNER TURNKEYFURNISHED& ACCESSORIZED. FULLLAUNDRYAND GARAGE. HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS, FITNESSANDMORE! CALLFORFREE BROCHURE. ONLY$359,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOPOSSOWNER FINANCE941-769-0200 NORTH PORT6289 Morning Ave. This charming well kept home is located on the Big slough canal. Updated electric panel, A/C & roof two years old, still under warranty. $195,000. TERRYL CARL, KW on the Water 941-962-7922 PLACIDA4/2/2+Pool ICW, Big Views,Dock,2 Lifts RV garage,2 Suites,kitchens Granite, Tile, $1,100,000 Sue and Jim RESKE PARSLEY-BALDWIN REALTY 941-276-4219 PORT CHARLOTTESPECTACULAR2/2/2 WATERFRONTPOOL HOMEON THEPELLAMWATERWAY! WELLMAINTAINED! FORMALLIVING& DININGROOMS. UPDATES! NEAT, CLEAN& WELLLANDSCAPED! $349,000 DEBSESTILIO941-391-1873 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARFISHERMEN`SVILLAGEOFFICE Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! PORT CHARLOTTE SPECTACULAR4/3/2 W/ MAGNIFICENTPOOL& SAILBOATHARBORWATERVIEWS!! PRIVATEDOCK, BOATLIFT& SMALLBEACH! 2 MASTERS(POSSIBLEIN-LAWSUITE). $975,000. Polly Green, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-875-3773 PORT CHARLOTTELOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Beautiful Remodeled 3/2/2 Heated POOL Home on 3 Cul-de-Sac Lots w/ Panoramic View of the Myakka River & Paar Waterway! Open Kitchen, Family Room w/ Fireplace, Walk-in Closet in Master Suite. Seawall, Dock & Lift. $570,000 Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty REDUCED! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE I BUY HOUSES. FAST CASH! 941-270-3840 PUNTA GORDA PEACE RIVERSHORES ,163 Dee Pl 33982, 5/8 acre fenced in Shed & Carport, 2+ Bdrms, 1 1/2 Bths, Lg Laundry Rm, New cabinets, Tile countertops. Large Shed wired 240V, $129,000. 941-628-6496 REDUCED ROTONDA3/2/2 POOLHOME. QUIETSTREET$219KCALLTERRYLONGALWAYSLONGONSERVICE TOFINDOUTWHATYOUR HOMEISWORTH. KELLERWILLIAMSREALTYGOLD941-830-2347 PUNTAGORDA, BURNTSTOREMEADOWS. BRANDNEW3/2.5/3 POOLHOME. LOTSOFUPGRADES! REDUCED$339,900BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY SALE PENDING SOUTH VENICE3/2/1, 27`X37` LANAIW/ ADD`LKITCHEN. TILECOUNTERSINHOUSEKITCHEN. FENCEDYARDINPRIVATESETTING. ALLAPPL. INCL. 5 MIN. TOBEACH! LOTSOFROOMTOENTERTAIN! $222,900. 941-497-4030 SOUTH VENICE2 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT! 3/2/2 SPLITPLAN. NEARBEACHYETQUIETAREA! CLOSE TOAMENITIES! STILLTIMETOPICKYOURCOLORS& OPTIONS! $280KSARASOTAREMODELINGINC.941-893-7326 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES ESTATE ON LEMON BAY 4 BED, 3-1/2 BATH, OVERSIZED3-CARGARAGE, ANDLARGE ATTACHEDLUXURYGUEST APARTMENT. 180 DEGREE VIEWSOVERWIDESTPARTOFLEMONBAY. NEWHIGHEST QUALITYDESIGNERPOOLAND SPAWITHCABANABATH. NEWHEAVYDUTYDOCK. THIS DESIGNERINTENSIVEHOME SHOWSLIKEAFEATURED PROPERTYINARCHITECTURALDIGEST. VIEW VIDEO & MORE AT:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFO$1,259,000 SHOWNBYAPPOINTMENTONLY. OWNERFINANCINGPOSSIBLE. 941-769-0200 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE SHANGRI-LA! 1161 Presque Isle Dr. Absolutely STUNNING tranquil low-maintenance back yard highlights this immaculate 2000+ SF 3/2/2 AND detached 1-car garage (with remotes) on 1400 SF fully fenced corner lot in one of Port Charlotte's finest neighborhoods. Totally redone and updated five years ago! NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! City Water! AWESOME ESCAPE FROM THE ORDINARY! $199,900 Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 PENDING PORT CHARLOTTE 12588 Chamberlain Blvd, Light, bright, airy open floor plan in this 2006, 1600 SF 3/2/2 on oversized lot Screened garage and front entry! Hurricane shutters! Extended granite counter tops, and breakfast bar! SS appl!All tile thruout, except bedrooms! Walk-in closets in all bdrms! NEW AC! $199,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 P a r k L i k e S e t t i n g PORT CHARLOTTE 362 LASAYETTEDR. 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATHHOMEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHEN HASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1835 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! PORT CHARLOTTE BRAND NEW 3/2/2 Homes $189,900 $194,900 HENRY GUSTAF A CLEAR CHOICE REALTY941-204-8213 PORT CHARLOTTE FL LIFESTYLE IS EPITOMIZED IN THIS 1700 SF 2/2/2 CANAL-FRONT POOL HOME ON LUSHLY LANDSCAPED LOT IN MUCH SOUGHTAFTER SECTION OF PORT CHARLOTTE! WHOLE-HOUSE ACCORDIAN HURRICANE SHUTTERS! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! Solar-Heated Screened /Caged Pool Overlooking Tranquil Freshwater Canal. Quiet neighborhood featuring beautiful homes with easy access to shopping, restaurants, world-class fishing and golf. $199,900 Patty Gillespie RE/MAX Anchor 941-875-2755 PUNTA GORDA BURNT STORE MEADOWS 7505 CORALTREE. NEW HOME. 3/2/2 POOL, GRANITEANDTILE. $279,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 Seizethesales withClassified!
Wednesday, April 12, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 7 To Reserve Your A d In The Senior Directory, Please Call Mark 941-429-3012 To Reserve Your Ad In The Senior Directory, Please Call Mark 941-429-3012 adno=8602378 2701JacarandaBlvd. Vnic,FL34293941-497-0650 4900S.SumtrBlvd. NorthPort,FL34287AssistdLivingFacilityLic#10843941-423-0658 4950PocatllaAv. NorthPort,FL34287AssistdLivingFacilityLic#7860941-426-9175 24949SandhillBlvd. DpCrk,FL33983AssistdLivingFacilityLic#9905941-764-6577At our premier retirement residences we know that you will feel right at home. Our residences have been designed for the discriminating senior who has planned for their retirement years to enjoy life to its fullest. Our premier retirement residences prestigious locations alone are enough for you to have found the dream of your life. Nestled among beautiful landscaped gardens near the entrances, each resident will relish the lush tropical atmospheres. Uncompromising excellence, aordable resort-style retirement living, delicious country club style dining and spacious accommodations are just a few of the hallmarks that make our residences the premier retirement communities for which we are known. At the areaÂs only gated retirement residences, you will enjoy: € Spacious garden apartments & studios € Large walk-in closets € Walk-in showers with safety bars € Furnishings and appliances € Three delicious meals daily plus snacks € Daily housekeeping services € Personal laundry service with linens provided € Transportation to physicianÂs oces, banks, and shopping € Emergency call system € Security and safety systems € Recreational activities € Qualied nursing sta 24 hours a day € Much, much moreCALLforaFree LunchTour APLACeCALLeDHome adno=8602379 2901 Assisted Living Facility Lic # 12423 Age Safely at Home! SURFSIDE HOME IMPROVEMENT Lee 239-936-0835 Charlotte 941-766-0331 Collier 239-597-2711 FREE HOME ASSESSMENT! Safety Tubs € Ramp-in Showers € Bathrooms € Kitchens € Railings € Screen Rooms € Room Additions € Widened Doorways € Garages € Grab Bars € Windows € Doors € Floors €Hurricane Shutters € Outdoor Kitchens Deal directly with Dad & Son, 30 Years! Senior Discounts & FREE Estimates UP TO $750 OFF with ad Ends Soon 40 Years Local & Family Owned Licensed & Insured Lic# CBC1261010 A Division of MartiniÂs Roofing Inc. adno=8602380 adno=8602381
Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 12, 2017 To place your ad in the Senior Directory Please Call 941-429-3110 With the federally insured Reverse Mortgage program, you may be able to take advantage of the wealth that has been building up in your property. Your home is more than just bricks and mortar, it is your retirement plan.€ Purchase a home € Payo existing mortgage or other debts € Increase monthly cash ”ow € Remodel or repair your home € Delay Social Security and Pension payouts € Cover your healthcare expenses Why not “nd out how you can safely use a Reverse Mortgage to enhance the lifestyle of you and your loved ones. LOCAL YOU YOU2 ACCREDITED BUSINESS R Todd WoodcockLicensed Reverse Mortgage Loan Ocer Certi“ed Reverse Mortgage Professional Specialising in Reverse Mortgages for all SW Florida Phone: 941-624-4804Email: Loan Ocer NMLS #: 455369 RRM NMLS #: 121276513 Years Experience Responsible Reverse Mortgage is a DBA of Responsible Life, Inc. Responsible Life, Inc. is a licensed Mortgage Broker that spec ializes in Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (Reverse Mortgages). NMLS#1212765 You can look us up on the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System website: Responsible Life, Inc is incorporated in th e State of Florida and has its registered address at: 515 N Flagler Drive P300, West Palm Beach, FL 33401. These materials are not from HUD, FHA, the USDA, or the VA. These materials were not approved by any government agenc y. They are independent of any government agency. We are not in any way aliated with any organization listed or referenced within this website, including HUD/FHA/USDA/VA. The inclusion of various education, informati on, web links, or materials are not an endorsement of the Sender or any of its employees or business partners. For information directly from HUD/FHA, visit: For information directly from the VA, visit: www.ben e“ For information directly from the USDA, visit: usda/usdahome?navid=GRANTS_LOANS. RESPONSIBLEREVERSEMORTGAGESNMLS#: 1212765The savings you never knew you had adno=8602779 171830325 Years ExperienceJIM'S BATHROOM GRAB BARSCALL 941.626.4296JimsGrabBars.comLic#123956 € Insured #VGMD1014G5136-1BATHTUB & SHOWERGRAB BARS INSTALLED Don't wait to fall to call!FREE IN-HOME EVALUATIONM OE N adno=8602780 adno=8602782 SECOND OPINIONS WELCOMED Call Today for a Complimentary Consultation: 941.249.4503 Maple Leaf Plaza € 2200 Kings Hwy., Port Charlotte € BOBÂS BETTER HEARING We Service and repair: Starkey, MicroTech, Siemens, Rexton, Oticon, Phonak and many more. If your hearing aids are not working properly, schedule a complimentary analysis. Bedroom drawers donÂt need to hear! Robert Watts, HAS, BC-HIS #5556 National Board Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences International Service Network for Seasonal residents CNA/HHA 15 Years Experience Will Care for Sick or Elderly € Light Housekeeping € Reliable 941-764-8526 € 941-421-4833 adno=8602781 adno=8602980 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,795. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE $59,900! OWNERSAYSSELLIT! MOVEINTODAY! WELLCAREDFOR2/2, COMPLETELYUPDATED. FURNISHED, ALLAPPLIANCESONACORNERLOTINBEAUTIFULRIVERSIDEOAKS941-6266821 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE 2692 NE HIGHWAY 70 ARCADIA 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With Any Home Purchase! Call to Schedule An Appointment For a Tour! Ted 800-538-2590 w CLASSIFIED ADSSELL 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE PUNTA GORDAEmerald Point, Top Floor w/ Outstanding V iews! 2/1 Condo w/ Boat Slip. Access to the Gulf! Totally Remodeled! New A/C, SS Appliances Incl. Washer & Dryer. $139,900. 813-480-7561 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED!
Wednesday, April 12, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 9 adno=8602783 (941) REVERSE MORTGAGE Stay in your home or buy a new home without ever making another Monthly Mortgage Payment* ww w w w B O E F F l o r i d a. c o m F l o r i d a Oday MarogiArea Manager NMLS# 457582Dustin MeshbergerArea Manager dmeshberger@BOEMortgage.comNMLS# 412459Brian MarquetteReverse Mortgage Specialist bmarquette@BOEMortgage.comNMLS# 327095Glenn BarichReverse Mortgage Specialist gbarich@BOEMortgage.comNMLS# 1064156* Consult a Tax Advisor. Homeowner is still responsible for taxes, insurance and maintenance. is is not a commitment to lend o r extend credit. All loans are subject to credit approval including credit worthiness, insurability, and ability to provide acceptable collateral. Not all loans or products are available in all states or counties. A reverse mortgage is a lo an that must be repaid when the home is no longer the primary residence, is sold, or if the property taxes or insurance are not paid. is loan is not a government benet. Borrower(s) must be 62 or older. e home must be maintained to meet FHA Stan dards, and you must continue to pay property taxes, insurance and property related fees or you will lose your home. Bank of England Mortgage and Bank of England are not aliated with any government agency. Bank of England Mortg age is a division of Bank of England. NMLS 418481. Member FDICBank of England Mortgage 235 N. Orange Ave., Ste. 200 | Sarasota, FL 34236 | (941) 361-1280 e Reverse Mortgageis helping thousands of Seniors buy or renance the home that they want, but didnÂt think they could aord. Bank of England is here to show you the details of this incredible Government program. Please contact us today for additional information or to begin the process that allows you to live in and o wn your home while still receiving cash. Call today to get the facts. Reverse Benets Get Tax Free Cash* No mortgage payments Still own and live in your home while receiving cash Pay o existing debt/mortgage Call about our next FREE Educational Seminar Common Misconceptions Dicult to qualify Liable for the loan balances that exceed home value e bank owns your home Reverse Mortgages are expensive (prices vary by product) Qualifying is Easy! At least one borrower must be 62 or older Works for free and clear or mortgaged properties Must be a primary residence Face to Face with your local Reverse Specialist adno=8602439 Reverse Mortgage Call today to get the facts. REVERSE MORTGAGE Purchase or Refinance adno=8602784 1360 ROOMS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE, Clean, Quiet, 1 person, $298/bi-wk or $595 mo FurnÂd, No Pets. 941-743-3070/941-740-2565 VENICE 55+ SHAREBEAUTI-FUL2BR/2BAHOMEWITH MANYAMENITIES. 1 PERSON$200/MOINCLUDESUTILITIESSEMI-RETIREDCOUPLEWEL-COME. NOPETS. REFERENCES REQUIRED941-484-6906 1370 RENTALS TO SHARE PORT CHARLOTTE Waterfront Pool, Large Walk-in Closet, Private Bath. $550/mo plus $100 security. 941-421-2206 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS HACIENDA DEL MARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT VACATION CONDO CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLE LIVINGJUSTINCHESTOTHEBAY& ICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW,VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ.FT., 2 BED/2.5 BATHS, MINUTES TOBOCAGRANDE/GULF BEACHES. NEWERCONSTRUC-TION, DESIGNERTURN-KEYFUR-NISHED. FULLLAUNDRY,GARAGE, HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS,FITNESS& MORE. CALLFOR FREEBROCHURE. PETPOSS. A VAIL : M AY N OVEMBER 2017 CALL813-293-2392 AdvertiseToday! 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT VENICE GULF FRONT BEACH CONDO2/2 TOWERS, Gorgeous Views! Heated Pool, Clubhouse. $2,100 mo. (941)-993-3821 VENICE, Water View. Nicely Furnished & Decorated 2BR/2BA Condo. CentrallyLocated, Near Restaurants & Shopping. Pools & Laundry. May 1st Dec. $950/mo. Jim507-254-2437 1300 DUPLEXES FOR RENT VENICE ISLAND 2/1 Furnished NS/NP Bckrnd Ck Req. Annual Lease $1225. mo + Util. 1st& Last 941-485-2116 1320 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ROTONDA 2/2/1 on Small Lake. No Smoke/No Pets. Available 5/1. $950. Mo. Plus Security. 941-769-7871 VENICE ISLAND EFFICIENCY1 & 2 br, Call for Details. No Pets, 1 Year Lease 941-416-5757or 323-6466 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 1350 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT HARBOUR HEIGHTS close to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, SunnybrookMotel 941-625-6400 1210 HOMES FOR RENT EAST ENGLEWOOD 3/2/2 Avail. 4/15. Annual $1,250/mo Inc. Lawn & Water. 1st, Sec. & References. 941-474-5367 ENGLEWOOD 2Bd/3ba/Carport, Possible 3rd bdrm, Fenced Yard. $950/mo, 1st, last and references. 941-474-3094 NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT LAKE SUZY/PC Lake front 2/2, 1st flr, furnÂd, incls elec & water. Avail May 1st. N/Pets or N/S $1,100/mo 941-769-1111 PUNTA GORDA Isles 2/2, 2nd flr, Pool, W/D, Boat Dock avail, Annual Lease $1000/mo, water incl. No Pets. 941-286-2243 VENICE Condo on Capri Isles Blvd. 3/2/1 Golf, Tennis, 2 Pools. Avail 5/1. $1,400/annual. Call 941952-2241 VENICE Luxury condo for rent 1551 sqft 2 bed, 2 bath, detach garage, pool & club house with fitness room, view over lake, 2nd floor end unit screen lanai, washer -dryer. $1500.00 per month, Brant Jones -678-571-7230 1210 HOMES FOR RENT DEEP CREEK, Large 2 Story 4/2.5/2.5, Summer Kitchen, Master on 1st Flr. $1750. mo. No Pets. 941-204-3197 ENGLEWOOD 2/1/CPONCANALWITHDOCK,LANAI& BONUSROOM$1200 2/2/1 SCREENEDLANAI. WATER& LAWNINC. $950WEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt PORT CHARLOTTE 22096 Bronxville Ave. 3/2/2 CAGEDPOOL, 1817 SQFT, NEWROOF, A/C, ELECTRIC, CARPETS. LOTSOFWINDOWS, RVPARKING. $1500/MO602-524-8608 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s PORT CHARLOTTE Large Beautiful 4/2/2 w/ Encl. Pool! Room for RV, Boat & Trailer in Driveway. New Metal Roof. Granite Kitchen, Fireplace, 3 Jacuzzis! All Tile! Close to Everything! $1,700. mo + Sec. Deposit 941-763-9315 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1750...3/2/2 Pool & Lawn incl....DC $1600..3/2/2 Villa, Comm Pool....NP $1300....3/2/2 Well Srvc Incl.......NP $1250..3/2/2 ScrnÂd Lanai...........NP $1200...3/2/2 1571 SQ FT...........PC941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends 2/2/1 Tile, Bersell Ave., P.C. $950/mo 2/2/2 Corner Lot, Marlin Dr., P.G. $950/mo 2/2/2 Lanai, Spacious, Deep Creek $1200/mo*We Welcome NEW Listings* AWARD WINNINGSUNBELT MGT. SERVICES RENTALS COMPLETE LISTINGS (941) 764-7777 Casa San Juan Bosco I & II Rental Homes USDA housing community, taking apps for low income/rental assisted households with Farm Laborers, retired Farm Laborers, or disabled Farm Laborers only. For more info call 863-884-2123 TTY# 800-955-8771 This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer. 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 1210 HOMES FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/1 Lg lanai Lg great room $1,200. 2/2/2 Split Floor Plan lg den $1,250. PUNTA GORDA 2/2/2 Deep Creek Second Floor Condo $825. NORTH PORT 2/2/1 w/Lanai, 55+ Community $1,100.W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services ASKUS HOWyoucanplaceaPICTUREofyouritem f orsale inyour classifiedad!
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CARRIERS NEEDED MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours, able to work days or evenings. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required SUN COAST PRESSis currently hiring for the following positions in our Venice Print Center.P/T MAILROOM HELP-night shift F/T STACK DOWN PERSONSend Resume 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL NOW HIRING: EXPÂD LINE COOKS Apply in Person: 9am-11 or 2pm-4. 3883 Tamiami Trail, Pt. Char. No Phone Calls Please! 2050 SKILLED TRADES AC INSTALLER/SERVICE TECHMIN. 3 YRSEXP. GOODDRIVINGRECORD.FRANKÂS HEATING& COOLINGVENICE 941-484-0058 CARPENTERS AND CARPENTER HELPERS for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. Call 941-964-2231. CARPENTRY SUPERVISOR for custom residential construction on Boca Grande, full benefits, DFW. CALL 941-964-2231 LUBE & TIRE TECH, Apply BuckÂs Master Car Care 12145 Tamiami Trl S. North Port. 941-426-3242 Experienced Only Need Apply PAINTER for custom high end residential builder on Boca Grande (tolls paid). Must have own tools and valid insurable Florida DriverÂs license clean for prior three years. Drywall patching & texturing experience is a plus. Apply in person 9:00am-3:00pm April 10th 14th at 370 East Railroad Ave, Boca Grande or fax resume 941-964-0025. EmployeeÂs park at our shop in Englewood and ride to Boca Grande in company trucks. Competitive wages, paid holidays, 401(k). DFWP PAINTERS EXPERIENCED ONLY! Must have valid DL & trans. Drug free work place. Call 863-990-1799 or email: PAINTERS EXPERIENCED ONLY! Must have valid DL & trans. Drug free work place. Call 863-990-1799 or email: ROOFING CO. SEEKS Painting, Coating & Pressure Cleaning Help, Driver`s Lic. Preferred. (941)-474-3533 2070 SALES Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. 2010 PROFESSIONAL VENICE COMPANYIS CURRENTLYSEEKINGAN ENTRY LEVEL DATA ENTRY CLERK. MUSTBECOMFORTABLE WORKINGWITHCOMPUTER SOFTWAREANDEXCEL. FULLTIMEWITHBENEFITS. PLEASESENDRESUMETOJOBS SWFLORIDA @ GMAIL COM 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE & RECEIVABLE CLERK F/T Must be Able to Multi Task. Fax Resume to: 941-575-6275 Experienced bookkeeper for Smuggler's Enterprises in Punta Gorda. SundayWednesday. Contact office or call 941-637-1177, ext. 240. 2030 MEDICAL CAREGIVER EXPERIENCED FOR DAYTIME SHIFT Assisted Living Facility. 941-629-4417 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s CNAÂS NEEDED FOR180 BED REHAB FACILITY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS APPLY ONLINE @ CNAÂs, HHAÂs and CaregiversFind New Clients by Advertising Your Services in the Senior Directory Every Wednesday in The Sun Newspapers. This Feature Publishes in Charlotte, Sarasota, and Desoto Counties. Market Yourself Reach 150,000 Readers! Call 941-429-3110 for more information FD/MA/CNA, FT Peds off. Exp. Multitask, EMR, VS, Verify Ins., Appts, Post Pmts 625-4919 www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComÂADVANCE YOUR CAREERÂŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 05/01 LPNCNA-05/01 Med. Asst. 05/01/17 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL COOK, FULL TIME Apply: Courtyard ALS 26455Rampart Blvd, PG. Please bring resume Mon-Fri 9am-12pm 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS WATER FRONT LOT Â… DEEP WATER! LEMONBAY, BIGBOAT DEEPWATER. NEWSEAWALL. BUILDYOURWATERFRONTHOME ONTHIS1/4+ AC LOT. ONLY3.75 MINUTESTOSTUMPPASS,LOWESTPRICEONTHEBAY! WOW! NOWLOWESTPRICED DIRECTBAYACCESSLOTINALL OFCHARLOTTE, SARASOTAORLEECOUNTIES. ONLY $249,900. 941-769-0200 1620 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment GreatDealsin theClassifieds! 2010 PROFESSIONAL EXPÂD 440 LICENSED/ RECEPTIONIST,MON.-FRI., FAXRESUMETO941-206-0036OREMAILRESUME:SUNCLASSIFIEDS 1@ GMAIL COM FISHING CAPTAIN, for year round part time postion. Must have USCG OUPV Lic, operate boats safely, great people skills, & exp catching fishing in Charlotte Harbor. Background check and drug screening required. Boat not reqÂd. 941-916-1689 STYLISTS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY [2 Locations] Great Clips is the #1 hair care brand in the country and we are looking for stylists for 2 BUSY LOCATIONS in North Port and Pt. Charlotte. NO CLIENTELE NEEDED! Hourly pay, productivity, product bonus and more! Stay busy year round and have plenty of hours. F/T and P/T positions available. Set up an interview and see if Great Clips is a fit for you. For questions or to set up an interview, please call Mike @ 239.218.6153 between 9am and 9pm daily. 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE Double lot 160x125 on city water. Holden Ave. Port Charlotte 941-429-8209 THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 WATERFRONT PROPERTY 50 Southwind Dr., Englewood Public Bid sale. Bid closes 5/3/17 Min. Bid $570,000 For info visit: WATERFRONT PROPERTY 800 W. Perry St., Englewood 3 contiguous lots (1.36 acres) Public bid sale. Bid closes 5/3/17 Min. Bid $750,000 For info visit: 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS ENGLEWOOD WATERFRONT LOTS GATED SUBDIVISION with Keywest style homes. Lots with docks, 15 mins to Gulf. $74,900 $150,000.941-475-3366 LEMON BAY LOTVERYLARGE, BUILDUPTO5RESIDENCES, GREATVIEWS&DEEPWATER. NOTHINGLIKE THISOUTTHERE! PLANS&ZONINGINPLACEFOR5-UNIT WATERFRONTTOWNHOMES. $549,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOOWNERFINANCINGPOSS. 941-769-0200 NORTH PORTTWO LOTS Water Front Property 10,889 FT. Access To Gulf Duck Key Premier Comm. Utilities, City Water, Sewer. Cleared & Ready to Go! Quinn Court, $79,900 Debra Villari 609-458-4627 Berkshire Hathaway FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FOR ECON. BUILDS& NOFLOOD INSURANCEREQUIRED,FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS LAKE SUZY Fully furnÂd Condo, Egret Point, W/D, Poolside Villa. Avail from May 1st on. Utils incl $1150 1st & Sec 941-815-5035 PT. CHARLOTTE NEWER 3BR/ 2BA Turn key, Avail NOW for Only $1500/mo 941-223-8019 ROTONDA 1/1 1st Floor in River House Condo Assoc. 2 Pools, Tennis, Shuffle, ETC! Ut ilities & WiFi Incl. 414-614-1162 VENICE ISLAND Near Crows Nest. Condo on Canal w/ 2 Baths. Pool Overlooks Gulf. Jan, Feb, March $2,700/mo. Min 3 Month Rental. Call 941484-7313 Until May 9th, After May 9th 203-375-4151 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! ALI TERRACE, ARCADIA 5+ Acres (or about 6 lots) Bargain at $59,900! Agricultural, Residential, Mobile Homes, RV's Priscilla Perez-McGuire 941-875-5747 RE/MAX Realty CLEARED 80ÂX200Â Building Site on Woodmere Rd. In S. Venice. Requires Well & Septic. Room For Your Home & A Home For Your Toys. $49,900 941-650-3741
2011 by King Features Syndicate YesterdayÂs Challenger Answers Wednesday, April 12, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 11
Page 12 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 12, 2017 DEAR DR. ROACH: A fter I eat breakfast, I feel really tired and just want to lie down and take a nap. I am a 71-year-old woman in good health. A ny ideas? „ D.M. ANSWER: We use the Latin-derived term Âpostprandial somnolenceÂŽ (which just means Âfeeling sleepy after eatingÂŽ) to describe this common situation. Eating changes the mode of the autonomic nervous system (the part that is not under conscious control) from sympathetic (often called the “ght or ”ightÂŽ mode) to parasympathetic (Ârest and digestÂŽ). So, it is normal to feel a bit sleepy after eating. Some people are affected more than others, and meal size (but not meal composition) is a determinant of how powerful this response will be. What is unusual is that you have this at breakfast, which is a time that most people are having a hormonal surge that tends to keep us awake, especially if you have just had a good nightÂs sleep. The fact that you are having these symptoms after breakfast (since thatÂs all you mentioned) makes me concerned that you might not be sleeping well, and whenever I see that, I worry about medical conditions like obstructive sleep apnea. This is when people have very poor sleep due to frequent awakenings that they may be unaware of. So, although I think you are just having a somewhat-greater-than-normal physiological response, the next time you visit your doctor, just have a chat about your sleeping habits. Chest pain after eating, especially in people at risk for blockages in the arteries, is a much more serious and potentially dangerous condition requiring urgent evaluation. From a pharmacological standpoint, many people use caffeine to get over any morning sleepiness. DEAR DR. ROACH: IÂm a female in my 60s who gets about one cold sore a year. My mother had them, but my father did not, and neither did my brother. My two children never get them, either. Is this an inherited condition that I got from my mother? „ B.K.O. ANSWER: What most people mean by Âcold soreÂŽ is an outbreak of oral herpes (itÂs also called a Âfever blisterÂŽ). They arenÂt an inherited condition, but most children will acquire the virus from their parents or siblings. It is possible to transmit the virus even when there are no symptoms. Some people never get outbreaks after the initial infection; some people get them once or twice a year; still others may get them once or twice a month. Sunlight, fever, stress and menstruation in women may cause them to recur. ItÂs possible there may be a family predisposition toward greater recurrence frequency. READERS: The booklet on herpes and genital warts explains these two common infections in detail. Readers can obtain a copy by writing: Dr. Roach Book No. 1202 628 Virginia Dr.Orlando, FL 32803 Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Can. with the recipientÂs printed name and address. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. DEAR DR. ROACH: I have been getting small cysts on my face. The dermatologist said they are sebaceous cysts, and injected them with a steroid, and they disappeared. What causes these? Are there other treatments? „ V.F. ANSWER: This sounds like an epidermoid cyst, sometimes called a sebaceous cyst, which is formed from hair follicles and may be related to trauma or to an acnelike blister. They are “lled with skin protein and fat. Your dermatologist chose the most usual treatment, injection with a steroid, and since they disappeared, IÂd say that was the right treatment. They can come back, in which case surgical removal may be necessary; and they can become infected, in which case they need to be opened and drained.Feel sleepy after eat i ng? YouÂre not aloneDr. Roach BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY adno=8602487
Wednesday, April 12, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 13 Dear Heloise: Here is a great way to peel cloves of garlic: Wet a paper towel, wrap the cloves in it, then place it in a plastic bag overnight. This softens the hard peel, making it much easier to peel with a knife. I love your column! „ Kathy K., Linwood, Neb.Warming eggsDear Heloise: When a recipe calls for eggs to be room temperature, but theyÂre still cold, place them in a warming oven or a regular oven on low heat for 10 minutes. By the time you assemble all the things you need for baking, the eggs will be ready. „ Helen M., Ingram, TexasGerms on the menuDear Heloise: When youÂre at a restaurant, be sure to wash your hands after ordering. The menu generally is the dirtiest thing you can touch. You donÂt know how many other people have handled that menu before you! „ Doris R., Clawson, Mich.The wonderful world of ginger rootDear Heloise: I know ginger root is good for eating, but how do I prepare it, and what dishes should I use it in to enhance the ”avor? „ Caroline R., Portage, Wis. Caroline, there are so many wonderful recipes in which ginger root can be used, and I would encourage you to experiment a little. But one of my favorite ways is to use ginger root in a stir-fry. Below is the recipe I use, which all my friends and family love: 1 clove of garlic, crushed 2 teaspoons of ginger root, chopped very thin 1 cup broccoli crowns 1 cup snow peas3‡4 cup julienned carrots 3 tablespoons soy sauce 2 1‡2 tablespoons water 1 cup mushrooms 1 cup zucchini slices 1 can water chestnuts 1 or 2 chicken breasts, cooked and diced (optional) Combine the ingredients over medium to high heat for 15 to 18 minutes. Do not overcook the vegetables. Readers, do you have a favorite ginger-root recipe that youÂd like to share? Send it to Heloise(at) „ HeloiseHow to give garlic a peelHints from Heloise BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Make your business a part of it! Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602488
Page 14 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 12, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). Labels help us to get organized and make sense of our world. But labels never completely dene anything, especially not a person. Today's cosmic question: Are you overidentifying with a label? TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The pulsing movement of life is like a rushing river today and you really can't help but go with the ow. If you happen not to like where the ow is going, however, there will be shallow spots in which you can get o the raft. GEMINI ( Ma y 21-June 21 ) You don't want the award because it's an honor; you want it because doing what it takes to get there and then knowing that it's where you deserve to be is a fullling consciousness to live inside. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Someone you want to emulate is coming into the picture, and this person may possibly mentor you. Be ready, on the lookout and doing your best to communicate where you are and where you want to go. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Sociability and joy are predicted for the day. People who make you happy are close at hand. You have all you need to do your work and be eective. Life is good. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). An issue is ready to be addressed and resolved so that you can move on. For this reason, you may feel a push at your back, perhaps jarring, but also what's needed to get this going. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The high quality you bring to your work isn't an accident. You make this happen with your intention for excellence and your commitment to nding the most intelligent direction. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You'll say no a good amount of times today. This is the only way to stay focused, protect what you have and keep on track with what you're doing. Of course, "no" doesn't necessarily mean "never." SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The others nd it hard to notice what's right before their eyes. You, not so much. You see it: the smallness of it, the depth, what it really means. Point out what you see. They might not get it today, but someday they will. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There's something a little bizarre about this "normal" situation. Indications are that the game may be rigged. Don't try to win. Don't try to understand. Just try your best. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You have a way about you that people like very much. They feel that you get them. They feel more awake around you, and yet they also feel they've fallen under your spell. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The "What if?" chain is likely to visit your thoughts today, and without a happy agenda. Combat it with its mortal enemy: "So what?" With this simple retort, you can deect anxiety. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (April 12). It's your year to take a position you once envied and decide if it's all you thought it would be. Over the next 10 weeks you provide excellent services and therefore make bank. You'll reconsider past ways of spending and make a new plan in June. A big celebration comes in August. A change of location is featured, too. Capricorn and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 20, 30, 21 and 11. DEAR ABBY: I have been with my husband for 12 years, married for three. I had an affair a little over a year ago that he found out about. He has let me back into the house, but he demeans my character at every opportunity. I donÂt “ght back because I know I am the cause of his pain. We have a 3-year-old daughter, and I am now six weeks pregnant with his child. I do not want to argue with him, because if I had been a better wife, he would not be so angry. But the hurt I feel from his words over the past months is weighing heavy on me, especially with my new hormones. IÂm holding it in, but should I leave? Become a single mother? How can I get him to a counselor? „ NEEDS COUNSELING DEAR NEEDS: I do not mean to minimize your in“delity, but you had better take a stand and give your husband an ultimatum: Heal the marriage through marriage counseling, or you leave. Be prepared to follow through, because without professional intervention nothing will change. The situation you describe is unhealthy not only for you and your unborn child, but also for your little girl. Your daughter should not be raised to think that this toxic environment is normal. DEAR ABBY: IÂm a lesbian and have been in a relationship with a woman for two months now. She never offers to pay for our dates, and she hasnÂt planned or executed one, either. WeÂre both very feminine, although she would be considered slightly more so than I am. I feel this is important because IÂm somehow the more dominant one. How can I address this concern without hurting her? I would like her to reciprocate somewhat. „ DOMINANT IN CALIFORNIA DEAR DOMINANT: Address the imbalance in your relationship by being straightforward about it. Good manners dictate that when someone has been asked out, treated, etc., that person should reciprocate. Because thatÂs not happening, you need to discuss it with her. To do so isnÂt hurtful; itÂs common sense, because unless you do, this pattern will continue. DEAR ABBY: I have been with the same man for six months. He has been separated from his wife for 10 years „ but not legally. When he “nally decided to tell her there is someone else and heÂs moving on, she went crazy. She said she wants alimony and half of everything, plus the house will have to be sold because she will not allow Âthe new womanÂŽ to live in ÂherÂŽ house. ItÂs been a month since he told her. We talked to a lawyer about a divorce, but all he is worried about is paying alimony and losing the house. I am getting sick of hearing about it. All he keeps saying is, ÂI love you, but I donÂt want to lose my house or pay her money.ÂŽ What should I do? „ FIGHT OR FLIGHT IN MASSACHUSETTS DEAR FIGHT OR FLIGHT: Your boyfriend appears to be unwilling to pay the price for a divorce. So what you should do is ”ee. The longer you stick around, the deeper you will become enmeshed in his drama, and the more complicated it will become. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. ÂMy voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.ÂŽ „ Psalm 5:3. Time with God is the greatest way to start the day. Make time in the morning to meet with Him. BIBLEWife punished for infidelity must insist on counselingVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby
Wednesday, April 12, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 15 W e d nes d ay T e l ev i s i onVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDAAPR. 12PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC7 News @ 6pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News at 7 Florida SuncoastÂs news, weather & more. (N)Goldbergs Theater jealousy. (R)Speechless Sled hockey. (R)Modern Family Rude parent. black-ish Career tests.(TVPG)Designated Survivor: Party Lines President Kirkman forms an alliance. ABC7 News @ 11pm (N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (N) ABC E F 26---7117-ABC7 Ne ws @ 6:00pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)The 7 O ÂClock News (N) (HD)Enterta inment Tonight (N) (HD)Goldber gs Theater jealousy. (R)Speechless Sled hockey. (R)Modern Family Rude parent. black-ish Career tests.(TVPG)Designa te d Survi vor : Party Lines President Kirkman forms an alliance. ABC7 News @ 11:00pm(N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (N) CBS E F 11213213-555-WINK News at 6pm (N) (HD)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)WINK News at 7pm (N) (HD)Inside Edition Alternative news. Survivor: Game Changers Tensions escalate. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders Flight attendants.(TV14) (N) (HD)Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: La Huesuda American teen. (TV14)WINK News at 11pm (N) (HD)Late Show Ryan Reynolds. (R) CBS E F 10101010---1010 News, 6pm (N)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)Wheel: AmericaÂs Game (TVG)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)Survivor: Game Changers Tensions escalate. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders Flight attendants.(TV14) (N) (HD)Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: La Huesuda American teen. (TV14)10 News, 11pm (N)Late Show Ryan Reynolds. (R) NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel: AmericaÂs Game (TVG)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Decline and Fall Bartender raped. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Motherly Love Defending mother. Chicago P.D.: DonÂt Bury This Case Severide is brought to the station. NBC2 News @ 11pm (N) (HD) (:35) Tonight Show (TV14) (R) NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChannel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)NewsChannel 8 at 7:00 (N)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Decline and Fall Bartender raped. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Motherly Love Defending mother. Chicago P.D.: DonÂt Bury This Case Severide is brought to the station. NewsChannel 8 at 11:00 (N) (:35) Tonight Show (TV14) (R) FOX E F 36---444-FOX 4 News at Six Community news; weather; traffic; more. (N)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Shots Fired: Hour Four: Truth Team worries about CoryÂs statements. Empire: My Naked Villainy Hakeem plans 21st birthday party. (TV14)FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)FOX 4 News at Eleven (N)TMZ (TVPG) (R) FOX E F 13131313-13-13FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)Access Hollywood(TVPG) (N)TMZ (TVPG) (N)Shots Fired: Hour Four: Truth Team worries about CoryÂs statements. Empire: My Naked Villainy Hakeem plans 21st birthday party. (TV14)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News News, sports, weather and traffic.(N) PBS E F 30-3-333-BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Nature: Viva Puerto Rico Three conservationists in Puerto Rico.(TVG)American Experience: The Great War Nurses, journalists, aviators and American troops tell the story of World War I.(TVPG) (N) (HD)Charlie Rose (N) (HD) PBS E F #3173---3BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Nature: Viva Puerto Rico Three conservationists in Puerto Rico.(TVG)American Experience: The Great War Nurses, journalists, aviators and American troops tell the story of World War I.(TVPG) (N) (HD)Coming Back with Wes Moore: Moving Forward A new mission. (R) CW E F 46---6216-Mike & Molly Alone at party. WINK News at 6:30pm (N) (HD)Big Bang SheldonÂs nemesis. Big Bang SheldonÂs standards. Arrow: Fighting Fire with Fire OliverÂs difficult mayoral task.(TV14) (R)Whose Line(TV14) (R) (HD)Whose Line(TV14) (R) (HD)WINK News @10pm (N) (HD)Mike & Molly: Mike Likes Briefs 2 Broke Girls Dog-sitting. (HD) CW E F 44999---4Mike & Molly Alone at party. Mike & Molly: Mike Likes Briefs 2 Broke Girls Dog-sitting. (HD)2 Broke Girls EarlÂs old band. Arrow: Fighting Fire with Fire OliverÂs difficult mayoral task.(TV14) (R)Whose Line(TV14) (R) (HD)Whose Line(TV14) (R) (HD)Two & Half AlanÂs new home. Two & Half(TV14) (HD)Friends Cat out of bag.(TVPG)Friends Rehearsal dinner. (HD) MYN E F 38111111---14Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)MarvelÂs Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Chaos Theory Protecting Inhumans. MarvelÂs Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Truth about ATCU. (TVPG) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R) IND E F 32121212-38-12Mod Family The wedding day. Mod Family(TVPG) (HD)Big Bang SheldonÂs nemesis. Big Bang SheldonÂs standards. Anger Ed in trouble. (TV14) (HD)Anger House arrest. (TV14)Last Man Standing (TVPG)Last Man Standing (TVPG)Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Con-Text Murder for profit.(TV14) (HD)Family Guy Guys night out. Family Guy Lois at work.(TV14) ION E F 662221326-17Law & Order: Over Here Two homeless men are murdered.(TV14)Law & Order: The Family Hour Former senator suspected of murder. Law & Order: Called Home Rampant suicides committed by injection. Law & Order: Darkness Kidnapping takes place during blackout. (HD)Law & Order: Misbegotten ScientistÂs notorious research exposed. Law & Order: Bottomless Corrupt corporation under investigation. (HD) E L B A CA&E262626263950181Stor. WarsStor. WarsStor. WarsStor. WarsStor. WarsStor. WarsStor. WarsStor. WarsBilly (N)Billy (N)Stor. WarsStor. Wars AMC565656563053231(4:00) The Godfather (Â72, Crime) A relu ctant heir takes over crime family from ailing patriarch. (R)Wyatt Earp (Â94, Western) Kevin Costner. After a young policeman is wi dowed, he turns into a moody, drifting outlaw before becoming famous throughout the West as a stern but good lawman. APL444444443668130Insane (TVPG) (R) (HD)Insane (TVPG) (R) (HD)Insane Mexican resort. Insane (TVPG) (N) (HD)Insane (TVPG) (N) (HD)Insane ClientÂs dream. BBCAM114114114114114114189Doctor Who (TVPG) (R)Doctor Who Restoring. Doctor Who (TVPG) (R)Doctor Who (TVPG) (R)Doctor Who (TVPG) (R)Street (TV14) (N) (HD) BET353535354022270Dear White People (Â14) Ivy League students. Janky Promoters (Â09, Comedy) A rap concert. MartinMartinMartinMartin BRAVO6868686825451185Housewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (N)Housewives (TV14) (R)Watch WhatHousewives COM666666661527190(:20) Futurama AmyÂs home.(TV14) (HD)South Park: 1% (R)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park New fad. Comedy Jam(TV14)South Park(TVMA)Daily Show(TV14)midnight DISC404040402543120Gold Rush (TVPG) (R)Alaskans (TVPG) (R)Alaskans (TVPG) (R)Alaskans (TVPG) (N)Bering Sea (TV14) (N)Alaskan: Pile It On (R) E!464646462726196Total Divas: The Draft E! News (N) (HD)Total Divas: The Draft Total Diva (TV14) (N)Total Diva (TV14) (R)E! News (N) (HD) FOOD3737373718376164Chopped Goat brains. Chopped Beef heart. Cooks/Cons (TVG) (R)Cooks/Cons (TVG) (N)Cooks/Cons (TVG) (R)Cooks/Cons (TVG) (R) FREE555555551046199(4:30) Harry Potter and the De athly Hallows: Part 1 (Â10) Three wizards journey to save the world. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (Â11, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe. Harry, Ron and Hermione search for the three remaining Horcruxes. The 700 Club Christian panel.(TVG) (R) (HD) FX51515151584953Fast & Furious 6 (Â13) Agent Hobbs enlists the help of Dominic and his team to take down a gang. Transformers: Age of Extinction (Â14, Action) Mark Wahlberg, Frank Welker. Automobile mechanic and his daughter come upon a huge discovery. (PG-13)Safe House (Â12) GSN17917917917934179184Cash CabCash CabFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudF am. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudCash CabCash Cab HALL5551713773240Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.The MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleGold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165Buying CoupleÂs hopes. Buying (TVG) (R) (HD)Prop Bro (TVG) (R)Prop Bro (TVG) (R)HuntersHuntersBuying (TVG) (R) (HD) HIST818181813365128(4:00) Fury (Â14, Action) Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (N)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R) LIFE363636365241140Little Women: Man Up Little: Hello! Goodbye! L. Women (TV14) (N)L. Women (TV14) (N)Little EmilyÂs mini bar. Little EmilyÂs mini bar. NICK252525252444252Henry (R)Henry (R)ThundermanThundermanNicky (R)ShakersFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFull HouseFriendsFriends OWN585858584767145For Peete (TV14) (R)Greenleaf (TV14) (R)Greenleaf (TV14) (R)Greenleaf: Revival (R)Greenleaf (TV14) (N)OWN Tonight (N) (HD) QVC14141491413150Barry ManilowIn the Kitchen with David PM Edition: CookÂs Essentials (TVG)Miz Mooz ShoesRe-Body Revolution SPIKE575757572963542 Fast 2 Furious (Â03) Street racing. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (Â06) Dangerous racing. The Mummy (Â99, Adventure) Return of the dead. SYFY6767676725364180Resident Evil 2 (Â04) (:58) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (Â13) G.I. Joes revenge. Magicians (TV14) (N)Expanse Broken crew. Magicians (TV14) (R) TBS59595959326252SeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangFrontal (R)Conan Ludacris. (TV14) TCM656565656574230The Cincinnati Kid A New Orleans poker player challenges a card shark to a high-stakes game. Panic In The Year Zero (Â62) A man and his family start their lives over after a nuclear attack. Beach Party (Â63, Musical) An anthropologist woos DeeDee to study FrankieÂs jealous nature. TLC454545455772139600lb Life (TV14) (N)600lb Life (TV14) (N)My 600-lb Life: Lupe & Ashley D. LupeÂs emotions block her journey. (N)600lb Life (TV14) (R) TNT61616161285551Bones The team in 1950Âs.(TV14) (HD)Bones Psychic helps team.(TV14) (HD)Major Crimes Fight for control. (TV14) (R) (HD)Major Crimes The next target.(TV14) (N) (HD)Major Crimes The next target.(TV14) (R) (HD)Hawaii Five-0 McGarrett gets ring. (TV14) (HD) TOON808080804620257Titans Go!Titans Go!We BareGumballKing HillCleve. ShwA m. DadAm. DadBobÂs BrgrBobÂs BrgrFamily GuyFamily Guy TRAV6969696926066170Bizarre (TVPG) (R) (HD)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG) TRUTV636363635030183CarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroJokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Talk ShowTalk ShowJokers (R)Jokers (R) TVL626262623154241M*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HLoves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.NobodiesLopez (N)QueensQueens USA34343434225250American Ninja Warrior Top competitors. (TVPG) 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: Teams TBA (Live)Team Ninja (TVPG) WE117117117117117117149Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Erin Brockovich (Â00, Drama) A secretaryÂs crusade brings out truth. Erin Brockovich (Â00) SecretaryÂs crusade. (R) WGN16161619411168Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Undergr.: Whiteface (R)Underground: Minty (N)Underground: Minty (R)Underground: Minty (R)Underground: Minty (R) S W E NCNBC393939395937102Mad Money (N) (HD)The Profit (TVPG) (R)Shark Tank (TVPG)Shark Tank (TVPG)Deed The South Side. Shark Tank (TVPG) CNN323232321838100Situation Room (N)Erin Burnett (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)CNN Tonight (N)CNN Tonight (N) CSPAN181818183712109(10:00) Public Affairs Events (R)Politics & Public Policy Today Major political activity around the U.S. (R) FNC646464644871118Special Report (N) (HD)The First 100 Days (N)The OÂReilly Factor (N)Tucker Carlson (N)Hannity (N) (HD)The OÂReilly Factor (R) MSNBC8383838318540103For the Record (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)Chris Hayes (N) (HD)Rachel Maddow (N)Last Word (N) (HD)11th HourHardball SNN66611---SNN EveEve @ 6:30ES.TVCelebrityNewsNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late ESNN Late ECelebrity S T R O P SESPN29292929125870SportsCenter (HD)NBA Countdown (Live)NBA Basketball: Atlanta Hawks at Indiana Pacers (Live) (HD) NBA Basketball (Live) (HD) ESPN23030303065974Horn (HD)InterruptnSportsCenter (HD)We theWe theSpecialSpecialSportsCenter (HD)SportsCenter (HD) FS148484848426983NASCAR (HD)UFC SoundUFC Top 10UFC Tonight (HD)Octagon (HD)UFC Main (HD)MLB Whip Around (HD) FSN72727272725677PolarisMarlinsMLB Baseball: Atlanta Braves at Miami Marlins from Marlins Park (Live)MarlinsMarlinsWrld Poker (Replay) FSSUN38383838455776Reel FishDo FloridaReidInsideMLB Baseball: Tampa Bay vs New York (HD)Florida Keys (R)Lost Treasure (R) GOLF49494949556093Golf Central (HD)LPGA Tour Golf: LOTTE Championship: Round 1 : from Ko Olina Golf Club in Kapolei, Hawaii (HD)LPGA Tour Golf (HD) NBCSN71717171546190 NHL Live (Live) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: New York vs Montreal (Live) NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs: St. Louis vs Minnesota (Live) M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250BUNKÂD LouÂs new puppy. (R)Bizaardvark MMA lessons.(R)Undercover Mission conflict. (R)Good Luck Charlie Date night. Stuck in Middle Garage sale. Andi Mack: Tomorrow Starts Today AndiÂs older sister returns home. Liv Maddie Connection issue. BUNKÂD Eagle egg. (TV G) (R)BUNKÂD Haunted camp. (TV G)Jessie School pet. (TV G) (HD)Jessie BertramÂs mother. (HD) ENC150150150150150150350The Magnificent Seven (Â60)(:31) The Good Son (Â93) Disturbed childÂs fascination with death and terrorizing those around him grows. The White Queen: Long Live the King Henry Tudor returns from exile. Step Brothers (Â08, Comedy) Two grown men are forced to share a bedroom when their parents get married.(:40) Pineapple Express (Â08) Two marijuana-smoking friends run for their lives when a murder is witnessed. HBO302302302302302302400(5:15) Speed Racer (Â08, Action) A talented race car driver battles corrupt businessmen who are fixing races. VICE News Tonight: 4-12-2017 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Â05, Fantasy) Tilda Swinton. Children pass through a magical wardrobe into a world cursed by an evil witch. (PG)A Goodbye to Girls (TVMA) (R)Rock and a Hard Place (Â17) Youth are offered second chance on life. HBO2303303303303303303402(:20) Resident Evil (Â02, Horror) Milla Jovovich. A team of agents must sear ch an underground research complex full of zombies. (R) (HD)Last Week John Oliver(TVMA)Crashing Attend a baptism.(:10) UConn: Madness(TVPG) (:40) Abortion: Stories Women Tell (Â16) Unique look into abortion debate. (NR) (HD) (:15) Independence Day: Resurgence (Â16) Aliens invade once again. HBO3304304304304304304404(:05) The Secret Life of Bees (Â08, Drama) Queen Latifah, Doug Burch. A girl living in So uth Carolina is haunted by the memory of her late mother. Girls Advice from friends.(HD)VICE Islamic laws. (TVMA) (HD)Animals MotherÂs wedding. Mystic River (Â03, Crime) Sean Penn, Tim Robbins. A young womanÂs murder reunites three men who were friends in childhood. (R) (HD)El Cantante (Â07) Hector Lavoe. MAX320320320320320320420(:55) Trainwreck (Â15, Comedy) Amy Schumer, Bill Hader. A woman begins to question her anti-monogamy beliefs. (R) (HD)Stuck on You (Â03, Comedy) Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear. Conjoined twins move to LA so one can become an actor and one can find romance. The 33 (Â15, Drama) Antonio Banderas, Rodrigo Santoro. Members of rescue team work to save trapped miners in mine collapse. (PG-13) (HD) MAX2321321321321321321422(:05) Emelie (Â16, Thriller) Parents unknowingly leave their children in the care of a deranged babysitter. (NR)The Amityville Horror (Â05, Horror) A young coupleÂs dream house holds a dark secret and hellish past. Hellboy II: The Golden Army (Â08, Action) Ron Perlman. Super-powered agents must stop an invincible army from conquering the Earth. (HD)Everest (Â15, Thriller) Jason Clarke. Battle to survive winter storm. SHO340340340340340340365The Family That Preys (Â08, Drama) Kathy Bates, Alfre Woodard. A scandal threatens the lives of two families, so the mothers must save them. American Jihad (Â17, Documentary) The phenomenon of homegrown Jihadism and its effects are explored. Deja Vu (Â06, Science Fiction) Denzel Washington, Paula Patton. Federal agent travels back in time to save a woman and falls in love with her.(:45) Triple 9 (Â16) Rookie cop. TMC350350350350350350385(4:20) The Fifth Estate (Â13) Hidalgo (Â04, Adventure) A Pony Express rider and his horse compete in the annual 3,000-mile race across the Arabian Desert that was previously restricted to royal Arab families. A Perfect Day (Â15, Drama) Benicio Del Toro, Tim Robbins. Aid workers try to retrieve corpse of man from last safe water source. (R)Stander (Â04, Action) A South African policeman robs banks. (R) 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 1 p.m. FSSUN MLB Baseball Tampa Bay Rays at New York Yankees. (L) 2:30 p.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League Soccer Quarter“nal, First Leg Real Madrid at Bayern Munich. (L) 7 p.m. FSN MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Miami Marlins from Marlins Park. (L) GOLF LPGA Tour Golf LOTTE Championship: Round 1. (L) 8 p.m. ESPN NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at Indiana Pacers. (L) USA 2017 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Teams TBA. (L) 10:30 p.m. ESPN NBA Basketball New Orleans Pelicans at Portland Trail Blazers. (L)7:00 a.m. ABC Good Morning America Actress Kate del Castillo; founder Amy Kurtz talks about her book. (N) 9:00 a.m. IND The Steve Wilkos Show A woman wants to prove to her boyfriend that she is not cheating. 10:00 a.m. CW Rachael Ray Actress Helen Hunt discusses her new show; Chef Chris Kimball. (N) 10:00 a.m. FOX Maury Man wants a DNA test to prove he is not the father of two children. 11:00 a.m. ABC The View Executive vice president Sherrie Westin; actress Susan Sarandon. (N) 11:00 a.m. CW Access Hollywood Live ÂDancing with the StarsÂŽ contestants Nick Viall and Peta Murgatroyd. (N) 11:00 a.m. FOX The S teve Wilkos Show Once imprisoned man worries about infidelity; demand proof of child paternity. (N) 11:00 a.m. MYN The Doctors Implants caused sickness; Derek HoughÂs fitness tips; family with AlzheimerÂs. (N) 1:00 p.m. ABC The Chew Actress Jessica Capshaw talks about ÂGreyÂs Anatomy.ÂŽ 1:00 p.m. CW The Robert Irvine Show A mother becomes a part of the adult entertainment industry. 1:00 p.m. IND Jerry Springer Some couples seek JerryÂs help in staying together despite the cheating. 2:00 p.m. CBS The Talk Ludacris discusses ÂThe Fate of the FuriousÂŽ; Krista Smith. (N) 2:00 p.m. IND The Steve Wilkos Show Once imprisoned man worries about infidelity; demand proof of child paternity. (N)2:00 p.m. NBC The Doctors Implants caused sickness; Derek HoughÂs fitness tips; family with AlzheimerÂs. (N) 3:00 p.m. NBC The Dr. Oz Show Ways to sharpen the mind and improve mood; ingredients that can curve hunger. (N) 5:00 p.m. CW Dr. Phil Woman says her husband has lied to and manipulated her for years. (N) 10:30 p.m. TBS Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Host takes a trip across the pond. 11:00 p.m. TBS Conan Ludacris; Ariel Winter; Future Islands. (N) 11:35 p.m. ABC Jimmy Kimmel Live Actor Armie Hammer; writer Judd Apatow; musical guest John Mayer. (N) 11:35 p.m. NBC The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Actor Anthony Anderson; comedy duo Rhett and Link; hip hop group Migos perform.TodayÂs Sports TodayÂs Talk Shows Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV
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The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law 5054 CONTRACTORS EDWARD ROSS CONSTRUCTION Ser vices, Inc. 941-408-8500 pool cages, Scr. lanais, etc... JLS ENTERPRISES INCQuality & Dependability Remodeling Painting Additions Drywall Carpentry Repairs Odd Jobs & more. STATE CERTIFIED LIC #CRC033392941-468-9701 5057 CONCRETE POOL DECKS, Driveway Designs Garage Floors PatioÂs and more. QUALITY Lic 941-375-1103 Insu 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek Bible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and SundayÂs @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 SPIRITUAL BOOK DISCUSSION: ÂHOWTOSUR-VIVESPIRITUALLYINOURTIMES,ÂŽBYHAROLDKLEMP. SAT. APR. 15, 3:30-4:30 P.M. ATTHEMID-COUNTYREGIONALLIBRARY, ROOMA, ONFORRESTNELSONBLVD., PORTCHARLOTTE. COPIES OFBOOKAVAILABLE. FELLOWSHIP. A FREEDISCUSSIONFORPEOPLE OFALLFAITHS. PRESENTEDBYECKANKAR. 941-766-0637.WWW.HEARHU.ORG. 3090 LOST & FOUND FOUND CAT: Female, Jet Black with golden eyes. 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Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 3096 RELIGION CLASSES BE G INY O URDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUDY Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 START YOUR DAY RIGHT Bible Study Thursdays 10:00-11:30 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 3020 PERSONALS ADORABLE TASHA. Relax, Dinin g, Dancing, Travel & More! 941-497-1307 FEMALE HAIRSTYLIST SEEKS SINGLE MALE 45-65for possible relationship. 941-201-9853 FOR ALL YOUR Relaxing Needs Call Paige. (941)-237-1927 RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. 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For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at (941)220-9418 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! 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Page 18 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netWednesday, April 12, 2017 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES 1954 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED 1st issue leatherbound mint coa from SI. $300 941-629-5576 CARNIVAL GLASS 2 pedestal pitchers, 6 goblets, blue grape $130, OBO 941-488-7430 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CIVIL WAR UNION BELT BUCKLE RELIC GETTYSURG BATTLE $135 941-475-1379 COINS GOLD FROM THE U.S.MINT $480 781-956-8891 COINS Silver Dollars 18781935 $35 781-956-8891 COINS U.S. MINTAND PROOF SETS $7 781-956-8891 DEPRESSION GLASS 1937 4 sherberts.ÂŽpatricianÂŽ.ex con. $40, OBO 941-235-2203 FLO BLUE platters, bowl, plates, 2 cups, saucers, cheese cover. $175 941-769-2389 ÂFURNIVALSÂŽ PITCHER Denmark blue pattern made in England $15 941-639-1517 LAMP VINTAGE Cherub W/marble base made in Italy $45 941-214-8188 MEXICAN ARTIFACTS three items $499 781-956-8891 PENNY 1863 Civil War token rare collector $40 941-2148188 PLATES SPODE 2 Ret Cabinet 200 Anniv. $15 ea., OBO 941-830-0524 RONALD REAGAN Republican task force medal of merit orig box $20 941-639-1517 ROYAL COPLEY deer head planter.ex. cond. $25, OBO 941-235-2203 ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINE & character Toby jug. Bargain mint. $65 ea. 941-639-1517 SILVER COINS U.S. silver coins $499 781-956-8891 SUNGLASSES RAYBAN ÂwayfarerÂŽ $60 941-235-2203 TRAY VINTAGE Cromwell hand wrought hammered alum 12x21 handles $15 941-830-0524 6075 FRUITS & VEGETABLES BLUEBERRIES U-Pick Ready for Picking at Ft Ogden. Call For Directions 863-990-6164 6095 MEDICAL 4 WHEEL WALKER w/Basket, Seat & Brakes NICE $75 941268-8951 BEDSIDE COMMODE, LIKE NEW $25 941-268-8951 HOSPITAL BED Invacare Full Electric 2 Side Rails $350 941456-7888 RECLINER Electric Lift Chair can sleep in org 1100 $395 941-580-4460 SAFETY RAIL Stand alone toilet safety rail, new,in box $25 941505-0081 SHOWER CHAIR Like New $30 941-268-8951 SHOWER TRANSFER BENCH Seat, Pivits, Slides, Locks, Portable $35 941-456-7888 VIAGRA!! 52 Pills for only $99 Your #1 Trusted Provider for 10 years Insured & Guaranteed Delivery Call Now 1-800-224-0305 6035 FURNITURE LOVE SEAT, red micro fiber love seat $200 941-766-8562 RECLINER ELECTRIC new this is a steal $225 941-769-2389 RECLINER, LANE LEATHER COMFORTABLE Great Cond $200 obo 941-496-8765 RECLINERS, LA-Z-BOY Match wall huggers, $250 ea. 941-580-4460 ROCKER, Green swiveL rocker $50 941-766-8562 SECTIONAL, 2 piece sage color sectional w/ rocker and ottoman $425 941-766-8562 SOFA & LOVESEAT Lane, Leather, matching, Ex cond. $495 941-268-0917 SOFA 3PC SECTIONAL, Almost new! Off-White! Paid $2500 Asking $375, OBO 941-268-2799 TABLE Victorian/MARBLE TOP 33ÂŽX22ÂŽX28ÂŽ $130 941-6240364 TABLE 30ÂŽX31ÂŽ Mahogany/4 colorful songbirds decorate top $80, OBO 941-624-0364 TABLE 48ÂŽ Glass Breakfast. Gold Base w/ 4 Chairs. $500. John 941-676-2665 TABLE COFFEE/COCKTAIL Wood. Excellent Condition. $45, OBO 941-629-6374 TRUNDLE BED White Metal. Includes 2 Mattresses. $150 941-473-2666 WALL SCONCE 12Âl.17Âh, blk. & gold. decorative. $20 941-235-2203 6038 ELECTRONICS 1PHONE 5S inlocked w/9 cases like new. $175 941-875-2994 HDMI RECEIVER Onkyo, TX-NR616, like new. $185 941-486-0189 MODEM ROUTERS (2) WIFI for Verizon/Frontier Communications, each $50 941-275-5837 6040 TV/STEREO/RADIO SONY TV 52in Sony Bravia LCD black Stereo HDTV like new. $400 941-276-6966 TV FLAT SCREEN 36ÂŽ great HDMI W/ remote $150 941-580-4460 6060 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT MONITOR NEWER 27ÂŽ HD excellent cond. $95 941-6295576 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES COAT Leather womenÂs 3X, black, never worn $60 941-488-7430 JACKET LEATHER, MENS size 42. Excellent Condition. $70, OBO 941-764-1694 LADIES WATCH Pulsar w/Date & Crystals on Face Silver & Gold Band. $100 941-379-5586 LEATHER BOOTS WomenÂs size 11, black, never worn $45 941-488-7430 MENS LEATHER Jacket size 42. Excellent Condition. $70, OBO 941-764-1694 WATCH MOVADO Mens just serviced. Exc. condition. $100 941-629-5576 WATCH ROLEX upscale replica w/box like new $100 941-6295576 WATCH SEIKO high end like new $60 941-629-5576 WEDDING DRESS Halter style straightline, Size 2 detachable train $200 336-471-5595 WRIST WATCH Tag Heuer ALTEREgo WP1410 NICE!! Ladies Preowned $290 941-697-3850 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES 1907 ROLLS SilverGhost 1:24 model w/display case mint COA $75, OBO 941-830-0524 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS MARINE COOLER IGLOOLike new 25QT $15 941-356-0129 MATTRESS PAD Cal King. Very good condition. $40, OBO 941-429-8513 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 REFRIGERATOR Amana, white, 24 cu. $50, OBO 941-488-7430 RUG ORIENTAL clean 6X9 floral design on yellowish background $75 941-275-5837 TOASTER OVEN sunbeam. w/book. grey & white. new cond. $15 941-235-2203 VACUUM BISSELL uprite good cond. venice area $22, OBO 941-492-2252 VACUUM Kenmore Carpet and Carpet Shampoo CleanerSystem $50 336-471-5595 VACUUM Sanitaire Commercial Upright SC886, new belt $75 336-471-5595 WALL PLAQUE 62ÂŽh x 24ÂŽw ivory w/ flowers & floral border $60, OBO 941-624-0364 6035 FURNITURE ADJUSTABLE TWIN Bed Frames w/ Remotes. $50/ea Exc. Cond. 941-628-0727 ARM CHAIR Dark Rattan 2 With 1 end table $135 941-356-0129 BAMBOO TABLE, BEAUTIFUL, GLASS TOP, 4 PRETTY WOODENCHAIRS. VERY PRETTY SET $250 913-952-2951 BED & FRAME w/ Headboard (Full Size). $65 941-504-4178 BEDMATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BEDRM SET Solid Walnut Triple Dresser, w/2 mirrors & nightstand $250, obo 941-249-8228 BEDROOM SET Girls, Twin, All Metal, Exc Cond. $300 941-380-9212 BOOKCASE RATTAN 72X36X12 off white excellent condition $100 941-275-5837 CHAIR &OTTOMAN Matching Tan Microfiber, Comfy & Plush, good cond $100 941-697-3850 CHEST White,2 small draws, can be used for Tv stand $50 941-624-4713 CHINA CABINET Solid Wood 2Pc 80x49 Ashley ÂMillenniumÂŽ Lt Tan $375 941-697-3850 COUCH & LOVESEAT beige 82x38x32 & 64x38x32 fabric $200, OBO 941-275-5837 DINING &LIVING ROOM Sets Like New! Country French Dining Set with 6 chairs $800. Couch and Loveseat, Brand new from HavertyÂs. $900 716-949-0176 DINING SET 66X42X30 oak table 6 hand made round chairs $350, OBO 941-275-5837 DINING SET Class top/wicker trimmed light green chairs on wheels $140 941-505-7463 DINING TABLE Rattan with wood top. 48ÂŽround excellent condition $50 580-618-2237 ENTERTAINMENTCNTR 3Pcs lightcolor I/2ÂŽ thick presswood $75 941-697-7364 HEADBOARD KING White wicker, very sterdy $175, OBO 941-202-9861 I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 LIVING ROOM TABLES $100 941-380-9212 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 RECLINER black power and massage, good condition $100, OBO 941-429-8513 6010 S.VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES SAT. 9-1 610 Cumberland Rd. Tools and Equipment, TV Stands, Microwave Stand and more! NO LARGE BILLS. 6020 AUCTIONS CHINA CABINET Beautiful lighted dark cabinet $250 941505-7463 GOLF CART Batteries Six Used 6-Volt Batteries exchange $125 941-423-3020 LAWNMOWER RIDING CraftsmanRuns great $350 941-830-4347 6025 ARTS AND CRAFTS GLASS GRINDER 2 each available, your choice $20 941-505-0081 6026 SEWING DELUXE SINGER Sewing Machine Mack Cabinet & Bench. Cash Only! $70 941-624-4623 6027 DOLLS ANNALEE 7ÂŽDOLL rare Âbunny kidÂŽ mint w/orig tag $15 941-639-1517 DOLL FROM 1950Âs era Cries, open & closes eyes, beautiful $20 941-356-0129 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS AIR MATTRESS Comparable to Sleep Number, King Size, 2 controls $200 336-471-5595 BED MATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BONE CHINA Gold Trimmed Unused 92pc Royal Gallery Serv for 12 $225 941-697-3850 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CERAMIC FLOORTILE New 12ÂŽ x 12ÂŽ/White. Total 109 tiles. $65 941-697-6884 CHINA MIKASA Cotillion 45pc (8) 5pc Place Setting, 5 Serving Pieces $115 941-697-3850 CHINA TEA Set Rose Bouquet/Japan, Srvs 6, & Dessert Plts $30 941-697-6884 CHINA/ ROSEBouquet/Japan 87 Pieces. Srv for 12 plus serving pcs. $125 941-697-6884 COFFEE TABLE solid wood excellent cond inlayed wood design $35, OBO 941-629-6374 DISHWASHER GE Nautilus, white $40, OBO 941-488-7430 FRAMED PICTURE Large Beach themed 44ÂŽ x 35ÂŽ $35 941-356-0129 LAMP Glass filled w/sea shells & shark teeth $25 941-356-0129 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 6004 NOKOMIS/OSPREY GARAGE SALES Saturday April 15th 9:30AM-3:00PM, 1132 Mallard Marsh Dr. The Woodlands At Rivendell, Osprey. (Located Off Old Venice Rd, 34229).Nice Household, Beautiful Quality Furniture, Antiques, China, Glass & More. See Pics at Sale Conducted by: Palma Sola Sales (Numbers given out at 8:00AM) 6005 NORTH PORT AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 9-1 4444 Baroda Ave. Moving Sale, MUST GO!! Baseball Collectibles, Flea Market Hunters Dream! 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI. 9AM-2PM 109 Sinclair SE, ESTATE SALE! Lots of Furniture 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 8-12 & SAT. 8-10 1605 Albatross. ESTATE SALE Assisted by the Isles Girls and Guys. (Dir: Marion to Bal Harbor; turn left; south of Aqui Esta to Albatross; turn left) Hooker Entertainment Cabinet; 2 Bar Stools; Dining Room Table & 6 Chairs, Buffet; Artificial Plants; Queen Bed; Chest; 2 Chairs; Night Stand; Televisions; Baskets; Linens; Pictures; Large Coffee Table; Leather Chair; Desk; Gun Cabinet; End Table; Coffee Table; Crystal; Bookcase; 2 Wrought Iron Rockers & Table; Gun Cases; Table Saw; Fishing Poles; Craftsman 1.5 Air Compressor; 2 Area Rugs; Bookshelf; Lectern, Wash Stand; Golf Items; Miscelleneous Kitchen & Garage Items. See for more information relative to this sale. Buyers are responsible for the removal of their purchased items. Our casher has information reagarding independent movers. 6010 S.VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 9-4 4256 Wordsworth Way COMBINED 3 Houses, Italy, PA & FL furniture, antiques & home decor. DonÂt Miss this sale! PSYCHIC FAIR2nd & 4th Sat. Every month 10am-3pm TOP READERS $15/15 min ANGEL MINISTRIES 2269 S. Tamiami Trail Venice 941-4 92-4995 5180 PRESSURE CLEANING MR. PRESSURE CLEANINGSAFE, NO PRESSUREROOF Fully Lic & Insured 5185 ROOFING PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 Re Roofs, Repairs, Pressure Cleaning, Roofing Coatings Full Carpentry Services HONEST & RELIABLE 35 Yrs Local Experience CCC1328613. Ph. 941-412-4047 GREEN ROOFING & WATERPROOFINGTECHNOLOGIESWWW.GREENROOFINGONLINE.COM GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! TOM JOYCE ROOFIN G HUGE **FALL SPECIALS**45 Years of Quality Work and Experience 941-484-9804 941-429-1800 lic#1325725 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade
Wednesday, April 12, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 19 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY BELT-SANDER CRAFTSMAN 6ÂŽ model 113-22633 table mount $50 941-214-8188 BRAKE TRIM ALUMINUM Tapco, 10Â6ÂŽ very good condi $500, OBO 941-764-7323 CHIPPER Briggs & Stratton 8 HP $200, OBO 941-268-2799 DRILL PRESS Sears 8ÂŽ drill press. Works good. $50 941475-7150 ELECTRIC SANDER Sand Cat belt sander $20 941-505-0081 ROUTER CRAFTSMAN One & half HP. Like new in the box $25 941-214-8188 ROUTER, CHICAGO 1/4ÂŽ Trimmer, 26,000 rpm, new in box never used $30 941-697-5469 ROUTER, PORTER Cable, mod 690 LR, new in box, never used $90 941-697-5469 6225 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES MEAT SLICER HOBART, Paid $2000 Asking $375 941-268-2799 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6236 PET SUPPLIES & SERVICES BIRD CAGE macaw stainless steel-wooden beautiful $450 941-475-1379 PET STROLLER Never been used $60, OBO 262-492-4739 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 COFFEEMAKER, Keurig deluxe. Orig. $359. p60 Like new gift $125 941-580-4460 FRIDGE, Kenmore w/ Ice Maker $225, RANGE G.E., Spectra, $125. MICRO, Kenmore, $100. Excellent Cond! 941-276-9562 FRIDGE, STOVE,DISHWASHER Excellent Condition!! $400 941-766-7359 GAS RANGE FRIGIDARE GAS RANGE AND OVEN. 2 YRS OLD MUST CHANGE TO ELECTRIC, BECAUSE I AM ON OXYGEN, GAS AND OXYGEN DOES NOT MIX. THANK YOU. $495, OBO 941-626-6509 MICROWAVE 1500W Black over the Range, like new with mountings. $75 941-416-6379 MICROWAVE G.E. Spacemaker XL1800 W/Mounting Bracket $49 941-676-2019 PERCOLATOR G.E. Pot Belly Percolator 10cup 1950s mfg. $35 941-460-8338 RANGE JENN-AIR Slide in glass top $150 941-486-0189 REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE 18.3 cu. White. Good running unit. $125 941-268-0934 REFRIGERATOR Jenn-AirSide by side $150 941-486-0189 REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 REFRIGERATOR, KENMORE, NEW! SIDEBYSIDEW/ ICE& WATERDISPENSER$450 941-456-4773 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 delivery avail. 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES **SPAS & MORE** We take Trade inÂs We Move Hot Tubs & B uy Used Hot Tubs! 941-625-6600 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 SWIMMING POOL filter and cartridge 125cuft, Starite Like new $250 941-769-5693 6160 LAWN & GARDEN 48ÂŽ XMARK walk behind hydrostat, $3,500. 5X8Â Trailer $550 941-483-0138 COMMERCIAL MOWER Ferris 52ÂŽ w/ Mulch. 26HP EFI, 65 Hrs. $7,500 941-284-3076 CUB CADET 48ÂŽ Zero Turn Camo, 24HP. Kohler 7000 Series w/ 42 Hrs. $2,999 941-623-3297 C uddle up by the fire! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 DUMP CART 3Âx4Â tow behind $150, OBO 941-764-7323 ELECTRIC EDGER 2 HP, Each $25 941-268-2799 LEAF SHREDDER Worx leaf shredder on stand 110v $40 941-475-7150 MOWER, RIDING Snapper, Like new $495 941-268-0917 PATIO BLOCKS 300 blocks North Port asking .50 each or less OBO 262-492-4739 PLUG AERATOR 40ÂŽ tow behind $150, OBO 941-764-7323 RIDING MOWER TORO, KOHLER 18hp,46ÂŽ DECK $500, OBO 941-429-9448 ROTARY SPREADER John Deere tow behind, 130lbs $200 941-764-7323 ROTOTILLER TROY Built Horse, 7HP, 26ÂŽ Width, Runs like new $550 941-429-9043 THATCHER TOWBEHIND $60, OBO 941-764-7323 TOP SOILFor Sale! Please call: 941-468-4372 TRAILER for for a Lawn Tractor, Attaches $65 941-624-4713 TROY BUILT, 21ÂŽ 6.5 B & S, High Wheel w/ Bagger, Self Propelled. $95. 941-743-8243 6165 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS WEATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Set Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 6170 BUILDING SUPPLIES CERAMIC FLOORTILE New 12ÂŽ x 12ÂŽ/White. Total 109 tiles. $65 941-697-6884 COPPER PIPE Type L 3ÂŽ Diameter over 6Â Long $120, OBO 941-379-5586 WINDOWS W/SCREENS (7)Aluminum crankout 36X62 $125 336-471-5595 WIRE 50Â NEW 3/0 COPPER THIN WIRE FOR A 200 AMP SERVICE $60 941-626-6879 6128 EXERCISE / FITNESS EXERCISE BIKE good used cond,venice area $29, OBO 941-492-2252 TOTAL GYM 1000 NICE $85 941-268-8951 6130 SPORTING GOODS 2 GUYS GUN SHOWS APRIL 29th & 30th Charlotte County Fairgrounds 2333 El Jobean Rd (776) Port Charlotte, FL Buy-Sell-Trade New-Used FREEParking CWP Classes Avail. Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-4 727-776-3442 DAYTONA 500 1996 EARNHARDT SR. SIGNED PHOTO DOCU. $450 941-475-1379 DICK BUTKIS SIGNED NFL FOOTBALL IN CLEAR CASE MINT $135 941-475-1379 FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 HILLERICH & BRADSBY Louisville Slugger #26 official softball bat $15 941-639-1517 LIFE JACKETS Brand new Onyx 3 buckle boating life vests $15 Each 941-416-6379 MAYS-SNIDER-MANTLE SIGNED FRAMED 16X34 POSTER $425 941-475-1379 PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! 6131FIREARMS COLT M4/AR 223/55.6, Rare. Model LE 6920 $895 Rem 870 Marine 12ga. $495; Glock 21 .45 Cal w/night site $485 (941)-917-0900 NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. ZASTAVA PAP M85NP Pistol/Carbine 5.56mm SB47 Arm Brace. 1.5ÂŽ CNC Spacer For LOP. Hogue Grip, Stained Wood. Faux Suppressor. NIB. $650 941-916-1055 6133 HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES FISHING REEL, PENN 714Z Ultra Sport w/New Line. As New $70, OBO 941-379-5586 TACKLE BOX w/lures, llines, misc. (Englewood) $40, OBO 941-830-2069 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES ADULT TRICYCLE new, still in box! $275 248-796-7605 BICYCLE 26Â MENS breat buy $60 941-268-6858 BIKE RACK ALLEN Brand TRUNK MOUNT Model#103DN $25 941-268-8951 HELLO KITTY BICYCLE With Training Wheels, Like New $25, OBO 941-379-5586 SCHWINN BLACK, 70 X 30CC, Discover MenÂs Bike. $150 941-391-4707 6138 TOYS/GAMES CALL DUTY Legacy Edition for PS4 $30 941-257-5500 6126 GOLF CARTS 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ÂButterscotchÂŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â… 2011 CLUBCARPRECEDENT4 Passenger Custom "Pearl" Spartan Body Brand New Batteries {C7} Deluxe Lights {Head,Tail, Signal, Brake and Horn} Flip Rear Seat Excellent Tires, Brakes, Mirror, Windshield, Top, Chrome SS Caps and Charger $3,995 941-830-4723 DELIVERYINCLUDED{25MI.} NO TEXT PLEASE AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ÂMidnight BlackÂŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â… ÂDEMO SALEÂŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ÂCustom Yellow PaintÂŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â… ÂRED RACERÂŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New ÂCustom PaintedÂŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â… 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES GOLF CLUBS Pingizng2 PTR $25 941-475-8097 TOMMY ARMOUR IRONS 3 through SW w/Titleist Bag $50, OBO 941-270-8009 6126 GOLF CARTS 06 EZGO 4 Passenger Golf Cart PASSION PINK BRAND NEW BATTERIES High Speed New Flip Down Rear Seat New Tires Sunbrella Enclosure New Chrome Wheel Caps New Upholstery 36 Volt Charger Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New ÂYellow JacketÂŽ Cables New Bushings Brakes, Top & Mirror Smooth and FAST! STK#174A $3,325. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â… 2000 Club Car DS ÂPlumb Crazy PurpleÂŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit Â… 2000 CLUB CAR DS Recent "Red" Paint 4 Passenger Golf Cart Brand New Batteries {C7} New Flip Rear Seat New SS Hubcaps New Bushings {front & rear} Head and Tail Lights Great Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Top, Mirror and Charger $2,875. 941-830-4723 Free Delivery {25mi.} Calls Only Please No text 2003 CLUB CAR DS IQ System 4 Passenger 48 Volt "Gold" Golf Cart Speed Setting 4 {+-19/20 mph}. New Flip Rear Seat 6-8 Volt 2016 Batteries {E6} Headlights & taillights New Chrome SS Wheel Caps Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top, Windshield, Mirror and Charger. $3,275 941-830-4723 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only PLEASE NO TEXT 2008 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 10" Rims w/215x50x10 Tires 6 8 Volt 2014 Batteries New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger. $3,795. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 6095 MEDICAL WALKER BREAKS storage lightweight 3 wheels plush $65 941-580-4460 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERÂS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372 AGAVE PINEAPPLE begonia coleus frangipani geranium pepperomia $5 941-202-3696 ALOE VERA devilÂs backbone mexican petunias oyster snake spider lily $5 941-202-3696 BROMELIADS VARIOUS aechmeas neoregelias vriesas starting at $5 941-202-3696 CENTURY PLANT Huge! U dig & haul off in ur truck! PLEASE! $1 941-258-2016 FLORIDA AVOCADO/CITRUS 1-2Â tall seedlings organically grown $5 941-202-3696 LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A ORCHIDS CATTLEYA purple mature potted other plants for less $20 941-202-3696 OYSTER PLANTS Finally dug up for you! Come & get em! Tray of abt 25 $5 941-258-2016 SATURDAY SALE VIBURNUM GREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE, PALMS, MANYOTHERPLANTS ATREASONABLE PRICES! SUIÂSNURSURY941-232-6835 SEEDLINGS KALE, B.choy, parsley, S.chard, egg plant or tomato $1 941-258-2016 STAR JASMINE, justica, crinum, fern, or wh Mex Petunia 3 gal pot $8 941-258-2016 TOMATO PLANTS B.Boy, BeefSteak, JetStar, Extreme Bush, Last call! $1 941-258-2016 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES CALLAWAY WOODS Ft-1 15 deg Rescue 18 deg like new $20 each. $20 941-270-8009 DRIVER CLEVELAND 400 Launcher Titanium RH Reg 9.5* VG Cond $30 941-488-7774 DRIVER, TM DRIVER Good condition. RH stiff 9.5. $50 941-475-7150 GOLF BALLS, Titleist Pro V 1Âs, Excellent condition, per dozen $18 941-488-7774 GOLF CART CHARGERS CLUB CAR, EZGO, YAMAHA Scratch and Dent Starting at $99 WARRANTY 941-769-1431VISIT GOLF CART Utility Box Metal Cargo Box $25 941-423-3020 GOLF CLBS Lynks blk, Cat irons 3-SW, w/ 4woods. $30 941-475-8097 GOLF CLUBS MenÂs Big Bertha RH full set w/ bag. Exc condition. $160, OBO 216-469-9425
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941-475-5297 or 815-228-6801 1996 LINCOLN TOWN-CAR $2,500 Silver/Gray, 102k miles, Clean 516-901-5699 2004 LINCOLN TOWN-CAR $5,500 White, very good condition, 106K miles 941-240-5103 2010 LINCOLN MKS $16,990 RED, 43K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7100 MERCURY 2006 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER 3RDROW SEATING, 92K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7110 OLDSMOBILE 2004 0LDSMOBILE SILOUETTE$16,953 4dr CsP UTIL 116,889mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 7120 PLYMOUTH 1198 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER b $475,, Needs a tune up, 155,K Miles 941-639-8611 7135 SATURN PRO POWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 96 SC2 Coupe$1,199 00 SW2 Wagon$1,950 97 SW2 Wagon $2,158 98 SW2 Wagon $2,195 RV Tow Ready 01 SL2 Sedan$2,395 05 Vue V6 $3,299 05 Vue 6cyl $3,750 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,400 07 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 09 Vue XE $7,188 08 Vue XE $7,800 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $7,995Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 7060 DODGE 2016 DODGE CHALLENGER $19,973 2Dr Cpe, Silver 24,248mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2011 DODGE RAM 1500 $22,896 4x2 Crew Cab1, 20,814 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 DODGE CHALLENGER $26,989 2dr cpe R/t 22,754 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 7070 FORD 2002 FORD F-150 $3,990 4x2 Regular Cab 186,955 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2005 FORD E150 $5,000 CARGO VAN 89,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2009 FORD FOCUS SE $5,993 2DCoupe, Silver, 55,618 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 FORD ESCAPEHYBRID$9,521 4Dr Sp Util wHITE 65,862 m 844-467-9558 Dlr 2007 FORD MUSTANG $10,000 GT California Special. 74K miles. 941-456-9149 2015 FORD FOCUS SE $10,643 4DR SDN, Silver 44,485 Mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 FORD FOCUS SE $10,900, 24,k Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 FORD FOCUS $11,990 4Dr Sdn, Se, Silver. 65,921 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2014 FORD ESCAPE $14,896 4Dr Front-Wheel dr 52,202 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2014 FORD FUSION $14,900, 41k MIL. 844-467-9795 DLR 2012 FORD ESCAPE $14,900, LlIMITED 69k MIL. 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 FORD FOCUS $15,990 4Dr Sdn, Se, Gray. 21,824 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2014 FORD MUSTANG $16,900, 56,000 MILES. 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 FORD FUSION HYBRID $16,989 4Dr Fr-Wheel 57,799 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2014 FORD FUSION $16,989 Hybrid Red 57,799 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 FORD FUSION HYBRID $16,989 4Dr Fr-Wheel 57,799 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2008 FORD EXPEDITION $17,900 EDDIE BAUER 53,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 FORD ESCAPE se $17,996 4Dr Sp Util Black 26,569 m 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 FORD EDGE$19,896 4Dr Front-Wheel dr 64,782 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 FORD ESCAPE $19,989 4Dr Front-Wheel dr 33,277 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 FORD FUSION $19,990 NAV, GRAY, 20K MI 855-280-4707 DLR FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! 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Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 7040 CHEVROLET 2015 BUICK ENCORE $18,989 GRAY, Fr-wheel dr 26,270 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 209 CHEVY TAHOE LT $20,900, 98,K MIl 844-467-9795 DLR 2006 CHEVY CORVETTEBASE$22,907,,2Dr CPE RED, 59,339 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 CHEVY SILVERADO $48,900, 1500 LTZ 4X4 8,000K MIl 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 CHEVROLET CORVETTE $56,990 BLUE, 3,218 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2003 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT, 3rd Row Seating, 4WD MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7050 CHRYSLER 1996 CHRYSLER SEBRING $3,595 OBO, Conv., White, New Roof, runs great, fun to drive. 83,300 mi 651-423-2048 2010 CHRYSLER T&C $11,989 Fr-wh -Wh dr Red 90,280 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2010 CHRYSLER T&C $11,989 Fr-wh -Wh dr Red 90,280 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2008 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE $12,500 Exc. cond. Low mileage! 33K. Yellow w/black interior & top. Located in Englewood 414-322-5650 2013 CHRYSLER T&C $15,898 Fr-wh -Wh dr Red 77,012 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 CHRYSLER 300C $19,989 4dr Rear-Wh blk 45,961 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 CHRYSLER 300C $21,989 4dr Rear-Wh Black 31,291 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 CHRYSLER 300C $22,989 4dr Rear-Wh white 25,963 mi 844-468-0509 DLR WANTED: SEBRING OR MUSTANG CONV. 2003-2007, 50K miles or less and in exc cond. for my granddaughter, (auto a must) GrandmaÂs orders! Cash customer 605-228-6598 2003 CHRYSLER PTCRUISER 76KMI Gold MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7060 DODGE 2006 DODGE DAKOTA $9,900, CLUB CAB 59k Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2011 DODGE CARAVAN RT $12,900, 99k 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 DODGE DART $12,989 4Dr SDN SXT blk 37,541 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 DODGE JOURNEY $13,989 4dr front wheel dr 844-468-0509 2015 DODGE DART SXT $14,900, LMITED 22,k Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 DODGE RAM 1500 $14,900, REG CAB 92k 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 DODGE JOURNEY $14,989 4DR Front Wheel dr, 37,194 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 DODGE CHARGER $15,900, LMITED 64,k Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 DODGE CHALLENGER SXT $16,900, 63,000 MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 DODGE CHALLENGER $17,704 Rear-Wh-Dr Red, 47,500 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 MINI COOPER S $17,900, 22,k Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISC RECORD ALBUMS Some old albums $1 941-4298513 PAPER SHREDDER (In Englewood) $15 941-830-2069 RE CO RD CO LLE C TI O N includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 STORAGE CABINETS, Almost New! Cost $300 Asking $100 941-268-2799 7000TRANSPORTATION 7020 BUICK 2006 BUICK LACROSSE cxl $7,953 4Dr Sedan Red, 40,444 844-467-9558 dlr BUICK LACROSSE LTHRGRP$16,9854Dr SDN 30,785 MI 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 BUICK ENCORE PREM $19,566 4Dr SP UTIL 39,222 MI 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 BUICK ENCLAVE $28,900, 25K MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 BUICK ENCLAVE $35,898 Blue, Fr-wheel dr 17,569 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 7030 CADILLAC 2005 CADILLAC DeVille Base $3,9514dr Sdn Beige 145,321 MI 844-467-9558 Dlr 2009 CADILLAC CTS $10,990 Red, 4dr sdn. 88,958 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2010 CADILLAC CTS $14,990 LOADED, GRAY, 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 CADILLAC SRX $22,990 LOADED, GOLD, 59K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2005 CADILLAC DEVILLE 81K MI. EXTRA CLEAN! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7040 CHEVROLET 2004 CHEVY AVEO LS $1,9954 Dr., 39,700 Mi. Exc. Cond! Good Mileage & Great Commuter Car. 941-429-0942 2007 CHEVY HHR $4,000 204 Engine. New Shocks & Struts. Transmission Just Serviced. Sunroof & Power. High Highway Miles. 515-202-4842 2015 CHEVY CRUZE 1LT $12,866, 4Dr, Sedan Red 44,942 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 CHEVY CRUZE 2LT $12,973,2Dr SDN, GRAY 43,203 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 CHEVY MALIBU LT $14,865,Limited 4Dr SDN, 38,083 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LS $15,233 4Dr, Sp Util, Black. 46,111 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2011 CHEVY SILVERADO $15,900, Crew Cab 129,K MIl 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 CHEVY MALIBU $15,989 Silver ,4Dr Sdn. 46,114 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 CHEVY CRUZE $15,989 Blue,4Dr Sdnltz, 45,529 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 CHEVY IMPALA $16,990 Blue,4Dr Sdn 17,837 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 CHEVY EQUINOX $17,989 All Wheel Dr, Tan 70,871 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 6250 APPLIANCES STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 WASHER & DRYER Kenmore Front Load w/ Bottom Shelves, 2 Years New. $800. Paid. $1900. John 941-676-2665 WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 Now $1200 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Stacked, Kenmore, Great Condition $500 303-596-0880 WASHER WHITE All cycles. Excellent condition. $195, OBO 941-474-9402 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low prices AIR BED used for Camping or House Guests (Englewood) $25, OBO 941-830-2069 BOAT WHEEL (Englewood) $25, OBO 941-830-2069 CHANDELIER TIFFANY Design Single Bulb 20ÂŽ Diameter Nice $75, OBO 941-379-5586 CLOCK, MICKEY MOUSE Englewood, $10 941-830-2069 FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 FREON R12 WANTED: We pick up and pay CA$H for R12. Cylinders or case of cans. EPA certified. KILLS ROACHESGUARANTEED! Buy Harris Roach tablets or spray. Odorless, long lasting available. Hardware stores, The Home Depot, Try Harris Bed Bug Killers too! 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Wednesday, April 12, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 21 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2006 NISSAN FRONTIER $9,999 4x4 crew cab 133,691 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA $15,9894dr sdn 2.5 8,577 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2006 TOYOTA TACOMA $17,500.Dbl. Cab, Long Bed, Only 64K Miles! 941-391-3955 2013 GMC SIERRA 1500 $20,9904x2 extnd Silver 97,788 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2012 NISSAN NV CARGO $23,9893dr rear-wheel 33,005 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 NISSAN FRONTIER $ 26,989 4x4 crew cab 27,567 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 FORD F-150 $28,897 XLT, BLUE, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $34,987 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 DODGE RAM $36,990 LAODED, GRAY, 27K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 FORD F-150 $45,990 PLATINUM, BLACK, 35K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 FORD F-350 $59,990 LARIAT 4X4 DIESEL 9,475 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2003 DODGE DURANGO $2,950obo 100K Miles. Exc. Shape! 941-786-7676 2015 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $31,987 LIMITED, 34K MI 8 55-481-2060 DLR 2015 FORD EXPEDITION $31,987 LTMD, WHITE, 65K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR $42,3314dr, 4x2 select 25,528 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 7330 BOATS-POWERED GRAINEY WHITE Adv. 20W/A Cuddy w/ Trailer. Yahama 200 HPDI. $8,000 941-979-2850 31Â 2006 LOA CRUISERS 280 CX1 Twin Volvos (Low Hours), A/C, 2 Staterooms, Dinette, Galley, Shower, Microwave, TV-VCR, Stereo, GPS, VHS+++ A Must See! $49,500 obo 941-979-8203 28Â LARSON 280 CABRIO Â94: NEW Fuel Tank, Pumps, Starters, Batts, New SB Engine, PT Refurb, Carbs Rebuilt & MUCH More! Can Fax/Email List 2 U. $8,900/obo 941-697-3335 REALLY REDUCED! 24Â 2004 PRINCECRAFT Pontoon 90 HP Yamaha 4 Stroke. 20 MPH, 24Â Galv. Tandum Tailer w/ Front Steps. Turnkey Ready Many Acess REDUCED $6,995 941-875-9654 By Owner 7240 MISC.IMPORTS 2012 PORSCHE CAYMAN $51,990 MODEL-S, GREEN, 10K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7250 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1969 FORD MUSTANG $27,500 Convertible, 351 Engine, Red w/ Black Top & Interior. Complete Restoration! Must Sell! 941-979-2227 7260 AUTOS WANTED W E BUY CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 CASHFOR ALL TRUCKS & CARS ANY COND RUNNING OR NOT. (352)-342-7037 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TIRES (2) Goodyear, 185/65/R15 $45 for both. 941-257-5500 HOLLEY 650 CARB Needs rebuilt $80 941-629-6429 CAMARO Z28 4 GM ALUM 15X7 WHEELS $275 941-6296429 VALVE COVERS, 350 Corvette alum, black finned $160 941697-5469 TRAILER WIRING KIT for Lexus RX 350 & RX 450H $10 941-697-5469 FINNED VALVE COVERS Factory Corvette ALUM GM $175 941-629-6429 CAR RAMPS AND 4 WHEEL CHOCKS STRONG PLASTIC $60 941-391-6211 BIG BLOCK454HEADS Early 70s off a running motor $325, OBO 941-629-6429 7290 VANS 2014 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $21,797 TOURING 29K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $22,987 SILVER, 41K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYESSEY EX-L $24,993 4dr pass van, 30,018 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $25,497 EX-L CERT, BLUE, 40K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $26,997 EX-L, 25K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,477EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,950 EX-L, CERT, WHITE, 41K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,990 TOURING, NAV, 39K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2002 TOYOTA TUNDRA $3,900 OBO, 5spd manual, 6 cyl, work truck, 941-483-0138 7200 NISSAN 2016 NISSAN ROGUE S 16,833 4dr Sp Util 27,419 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 S 13,478 4DR SDN 40,645 MI 844-467-9558DLR 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 S 12,917 4DR SDN 47,813 MI 844-467-9558DLR 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA WS, GREEN, 184K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7206 SAAB 2010 SAAB 9-3 $9,990 SILVER, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7207 SUBARU 2010 SUBARU OUTBACK $8,500 2.51 Black 86,500 miles 508-736-0482 2016 SUBARU FORESTER 2.5I $25,8364Dr, Sp Utility. 2,895 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 SUBARU OUTBACK2.5i $29,985,, limited4D Sp Util 10,725 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 7210 TOYOTA 2013 TOYOTA COROLLA LE $10,900,Limited 61K MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA $12,989 4dr Sdn, blk 43,013 m 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 TOYOTA COROLLA $12,990 4dr SE, Brown 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 TOYOTA COROLLA S $13,8964Dr Sedan, White. 24,052 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2013 TOYOTA AVALON XLE $19,6134Dr Sedan White 25,508 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2012 TOYOTA CAMRY-LE $19,990 Red, 4 door sedan 26483 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2012 TOYOTA TACOMA $22,361 4DR DBL CAB 56,999MI 844-467-9558DLR 2016 TOYOTA TACOMA V6 $25,997, SR5 4d DBL CAB 13,935 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $26,900,Limited 16K MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 TOYOTA AVALON-XLE $26,990 Red, 4 door sedan 9154 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 TOYOTA SIENNA $27,989 4dr Fr wheel 39,643 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2017 TOYOTA CAMRY SE 40,911 mi 4DR SDN WHITE 12,058 MI 844-467-9558 DLR 7220 VOLKSWAGEN 2011 VW TIGUAN S $7,836 4Dr Sp Util, Red 124,437MI 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 VW JETTA 2.0L S $9,506 4D Sdn 54,554MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 VW JETTA 2.5l SE $9,953 4D Sdn 83,394 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT 2.5 s $11,893,, 4d Sdn, Gray 13,900 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 VW JETTA 1.8T se $12,953 4dr Sdn silver, 14,536 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW JETTA 2.0L S 4 Dr $12,966 Sdn, Red 40,994 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 VW JETTA GLI $13,968 4D Sdn 86,340 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT 1.8T s $14,852, 4d Sdn, 52,890 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2012 VW GTIa $15,900 49,k mil 844-467-9795 dlr 2015 VW BEETLE 1.8T $16,971 2dr Conv Blk 39,080mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2017 VW TIGUAN S $26,833 4Dr Sp Utility, Blue 3,000MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 7240 MISC.IMPORTS 2014 PORSCHE CAYENNE $45,990 NAV, AUTO, WHITE, 49K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7177 KIA 2005 KIA SORENTO EX, WHITE, 74K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7178 LEXUS 2005 LEXUS ES-330 $8,990 GOLD, 91K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2005 LEXUS RX330 $10,900, 99K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2006 LEXUS GS-300 $11,990 GRAY, 94K MI 8 55-280-4707 DLR 2007 LEXUS ES-350 $12,990 ULTRA, BLUE, 73K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS CT-200H $15,990 RED, 65K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 LEXUS ES-350 $15,990 GRAY, 67K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2008 LEXUS RX-400H $15,990 NAV, RED, 89K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2002 LEXUS SC-430 $18,990 CONV, WHITE, 71K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS RX-350 $28,990 AWD, CERT, 43K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS ES-300H $30,990 CERT, GRAY, 12K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 LEXUS GX-460 $30,990 NAV, 61K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS GS-450H $36,990 HYBRID, NAV, 36K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7180 MAZDA 2010 MAZDA3 $8,900 79,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2010 MAZDA3 $8,900 79,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2012 MAZDA MAZDA3 $11,989 4dr,SDN, 30,502 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 MAZDA5 $13,900 Wagon 29,K Mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 MAZDA6 i TOURING $17,953 4dr Sedan, Blue 16,203 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 MAZDA MAZDA5 4dr,4Wag Sport 49,751 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 7190 MERCEDES 2014 MERCEDES CLA-250 $25,000ESSENTIALLYBRANDNEW, 3KMI! RED, BLACKINTERIOR, CHECKCARFAX. CANNOTFINDANOTHER DEALLIKETHIS! 941-625-1927 2013 MERCEDES-BENZ S550V $43,990 NAV, BLACK, 33K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7192 MINI COOPER 2014 MINI COUNTRYMAN $18,590 4dr front wheel 49,327 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 7195 MITSUBISHI 2008 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 2DR COUPE GS 73K MI LIKE NEW! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7200 NISSAN 2009 NISSAN CUBE 1.8 $1,695 4D sTATION WG 90,000 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2007 NISSAN SENTRA2.0 S$3,439 4DR Sedan 139,086 MI 844-467-9558dlr 2016 NISSAN VERSA $11,9002,000,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 NISSAN SENTRA $12,690 4dr sdn m6 20,195 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2012 NISSAN ROGUE $14,989, 4dr, all-wheel dr, blk. 52,417 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 7163 HYUNDAI 2015 HYUNDAI ACCENTGLS$10,863 4dr Sedan 39,045 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA gls $10,948 4Dr Sp util Gray 55,685 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRAGT$10,990 4dr hatchback 69,611 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI VELOSTER $11,697 3Dr Htchbck Gray 40,911 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 HYUNDAI ACCENT $11,900, 21,000 MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA $11,900, 86,000 MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA $11,900, 53,000 MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI ACCENT $11,990 4dr sdn gls, Tan 30,746 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA $12,900, 48,K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2012 HYUNDAI SONATA $13,900, HYBRID 31,K MILES 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI SONATA SE $14,683 4dr Sedan, White 41,327 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 HYUNDAI GENESIS $19,990 LOADED, WHITE, 41K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI SONATA SE $23,943 4dr Sedan, White 41,327 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA WAGON. 45K Mi. 1-Owner. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7165 INFINITI 2014 INFINITI QX60 $26,987 HYBRID 66K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7175 JAGUAR 2007 JAGUAR XKR 2dr cpe $20,989,Blue 88,788 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 7177 KIA 2013 KIA RIO $9,900 48,000 mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 KIA RIO LX $9,963 4Door SDN, red. 41,935 mi, 844-467-9558 dlr 2012 KIA FORTE $9,990 4Dr Sdn, 2.0 Gray, 85,863 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 KIA FORTE $12,989 4Dr Sdn, 1.8 Black 36,512 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 KIA OPTIMA $13,900 40,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2016 KIA FORTE $13,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Red, 17,690 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 KIA FORTE $13,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Gray, 9,129 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 KIA OPTIMA LX $14,155 4Dr Sdn, Blk 40,992 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 KIA FORTE LX $14,900745 mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 KIA OPTIMA $14,900 23,000 mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 KIA SPORTAGE $14,90042,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2013 KIA SORENTO $14,90053,K mil 844-467-9795 DLR 2014 KIA OPTIMA EX $14,986 4Door SDN, GRAY 32,225 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 KIA OPTIMA $14,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Silver, 22,720 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2012 KIA SEDONA $14,990 Fr-wheel dr Silver 16,767 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 KIA SORENTO $16,179 4Dr Sp Utility, Red. 35,929 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 KIA SPORTAGE LX $16,752 4Dr, Sp Utility, Red. 25,703 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 7160 HONDA 2012 HONDA PILOT ex-l $16,853, 4D Sp Util Silver 93,512 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HONDA CIVIC EX $17,533 4D SDN, RED 8,200 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 HONDA CR-V EX $17,763 4Dr sport Utility 64,220 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA CIVIC EX-l $17,863 4D SDN 16,366 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HONDA CR-V LX $18,986 4Dr, Sp Utility 13,646 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V EX -l $20,911 4Dr sport Utility 39,409 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V $21,137 EX-L, 21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V EX -l $21,321 4Dr sport Utility 32,863 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $21,477 EX-L21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $21,477 EX-L, WHITE, CERT, 35K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CROSSTOUR $21,477 EX-L, WHITE, 38K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V $21,477 EX-L, SILVER, 30K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V $21,787 EX-L, WHITE, CERT, 24K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $21,897 EX-L, WHITE, CERT, 21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V $21,897 EX-L, CERT, RED, 21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $21,950 EX-L, RED, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V $21,987 EX-L, CERT, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2013 HONDA PILOT EX-L $21,993 4Dr SP UTILITY, 45,703 m 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 HONDA CR-V $22,877 WHITE, CERT, 27K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT Touring $24,336 4Dr Sp Util 82,402 mil 844-467-9558 2016 HONDA CR-V EX-l $24,623 4Dr sport Utility 8,386 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA ACCORD $24,897 TOURING, CERT, 26K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA CR-V $24,989 4Dr sport Utility 45,302 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA CR-V TOURING$25,633 4Dr SP UTILITY, 32,541 m 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA ODYESSEYex-l $26,8564Dr Pass Van w/nav 45,120 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2013 HONDA RIDGELINE $26,900, 4x4 33,000 MIL 844-467-9795 DLR 2015 HONDA PILOT $27,597 EX, BLUE, 22K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYESSEYex-l $29,413 4D Pass Van 19,811 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA ODYSSEYEX-L$30,309 4Dr Pass Van,w/nav. 17,835 MI 844-467-9558dlr 2016 HONDA PILOT LX 27,461 4D Sp Util 21,279 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HONDA CR-V EX-L 23,857 4Dr sport Utility 17,650 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA ACCORD EX 19,694 4D SDN 9,720 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 HONDA ACCOED LX 17,633 4D SDN 9,465 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 7163 HYUNDAI 2005 HYUNDAI SANTA-FE $2,900 Original Owner. Exc. Running Cond! 941-475-9212 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS $4,962 4dr Sedan 104,075 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr
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Your Weekly Guide to Entertainment, Travel and Arts Arcadia € Englewood € Fort Myers € North Port € Port Charlotte € Punta Gorda € Sarasota € Venice APRIL 12, 2017 8th Annual Suncoast BBQ & Bluegrass Bash 1st prize 2550 Ri ver Rd. Engl ewood 19 EST 77 Call 941-474-1753 2550 River Rd., Englewood For more information & Tee Time New Rates Apri l 15 $45* i n Morni ngs $35* af ter Noon plus tax a d no = 5 4 5 107 11 BIG SUMMER CARD Accepted Apri l 15th $5 OFF RACK RATE IN APRIL Charlotte CountyÂs only true GulfView Restaurant! 2095 N. Beach Rd. € 475-3500 Directly opposite Englewood Public Beach Flip Flops and Cover-Ups Welcome!!! Casual Gulf Front dining serving Fresh Seafood, Steaks, Soups, Salads and Burgers. Open Daily from 11 a.m. adno=54511412
2 LetÂs Go! E/N/C/V April 12 18, 2017 OUT AND ABOUT WEDNESDAYOPEN MIC WITH COWBOY JAMES, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Open Road Bar, 4313 NW Highway 70, Arcadia 863-494-0140. ELLIE LEE BAND (live music), 7 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 302 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-7501. MILES BOSWORTH (live music), 6:30 p.m.9:30 p.m., FRANK & SAM JAM 6 p.m.10 p.m. Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. GRAND SLAM (live music), 8 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. OPEN MIC WITH BUD BUCKLEY (music and stand-up), 7 p.m. Common Grounds, 12735 Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-564-8739. KITT MORAN TRIO, (live music), 6:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. JDÂs Bistro and Grille, 1951 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-255-0994. WINE AWAY WEDNESDAY all day, DÂVines Wine & Gift Emporium, 701 JC Center Court #2, Port Charlotte 941-627-9463. MICHAEL HIRST, (live music), 11 a.m.-2 p.m., VLADIMIR, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., PAUL NAGEL, 4 p.m.-7 p.m. FishermenÂs Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade #57A, Punta Gorda TORCHED, (live music), 9 p.m.-1 a.m. DeanÂs South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. GARY & KARRIE, (live music), 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Hurricane CharleyÂs, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. TOMMY C & JUDY LOVE & THE BARSTOOL MOUNTAIN BOYS, (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Rotonda Elks, 303 Rotonda Blvd., E. Rotonda 941-697-2710. CHRIS BRETT, (accordian music), 11:30 a.m.2:30 p.m. Snook Haven Restaurant, 5000 E. Venice Ave., Venice 941-485-7221.THURSDAYENGLEWOOD/DEARBORN ST. FARMERS MARKET, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Dearborn St., Englewood EARS FARMERS MARKET, 9 a.m.6:30 p.m. EARS Thrift Store Lot, 395 W. Dearborn St., Englewood DOUG DEMING & THE JEWEL TONES (live music), 7 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 302 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-7501. DJ MICHAEL (live music), 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. FUSION, (live music), 8 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. MICKEY BASIL TRIO (Spanish, swing, pop, jazz music), 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. JDÂs Bistro and Grille, 1951 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-255-0994. ACOUSTIC & BLUES JAM 6 p.m. top ”oor of Herald Court Parking garage, Herald St., Punta Gorda VLADMIR, (live music), 11 a.m.-3 p.m., PAUL ROUSH, noon3 p.m. FishermenÂs Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade #57A, Punta Gorda REMEDY, (live music), 9 p.m.-1 a.m. DeanÂs South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. BLACK VELVET, (live music), 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Hurricane CharleyÂs, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. TRIVIA WITH KEITH 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Venice-Nokomis Elks, 1021 Discovery Way N., Venice 941-486-1854. GULF COAST BANJO SOCIETY, (live music), 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Snook Haven Restaurant, 5000 E. Venice Ave., Venice 941-485-7221. TEXAS HOLD ÂEM POKER 7 p.m. the Outlook Sports Bar, 889 Venice Bypass South, Venice 941-488-0878.FRIDAYRENECITO AVICH (live music), 6:45 p.m.9:45 p.m. Mango Bistro, 301 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-681-3500. PAISLEY CRAZE BAND (live music), 7 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 302 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-7501. MACDADDY & TRIXIE TRAIN (live music), 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m., CRUISE CONTROL 6 p.m.10 p.m. Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. JOYCE & DOUG (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. LandyÂs Restaurant, 1400 Aqua View Lane, Englewood 941-474-4292. FRANK & SAM, (live music), 6:30 p.m.10:30 p.m. Englewood Eagles 3885, 250 Old Englewood Rd., Englewood 941-474-9802. JOHN RENO (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Nav-A-Gator, 9700 SW Riverview Cir., Lake Suzy 941-627-3474. GYPSY LANE, (live music), 9 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. NORTH PORT FARMERS MARKET 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 4970 City Hall Blvd., North Port 941-391-4856. FRANCESCO (live music), 7:30 p.m. Common Grounds Meeting Hall, 12735 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-564-8739. MICKEY BASIL TRIO FEATURING LYNN RICHARDSON (live music), 6:30 p.m.10 p.m. JDÂs Bistro and Grille, 1951 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-255-0994. MONKEY BUSINESS (live music), 6 p.m.9 p.m. Portside Tavern, 3636 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-629-3055. AMBUSH BAND (live music), 6:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Eagles Club 3296, 23111 Harborview Rd., Port Charlotte 941-629-1645. OPEN MIC, 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Cafe Serendipity, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Charlotte County, 1532 Forest Nelson Blvd., Port Charlotte CRUISÂIN EDDIE ON KEYBOARD WITH VOCALS (live music), 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. In the Cafe at Cultural Center, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte 941-625-4175. SIMON & GARFUNKEL TRIBUTE (live music), 7 p.m., DANCE WITH ERICH, 7 p.m.10 p.m. Cultural Center, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte 941-625-4175. THE GOLDTONES (live music), 6:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Cass Cay Restaurant, 3200 Matecumbe Key Road, Punta Gorda 941-347-7148. THE BOOGIEMEN (live music), 8 p.m.11 p.m. Harpoon HarryÂs, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-637-1177. FARMERS MARKET 8 a.m.-noon, Burnt Store Marina, 3200 Matecumbe Key Road, Punta Gorda 941-637-0083. MICHAEL HIRST, (live music), 11 a.m.2 p.m., DANNY BEACH, noon-3 p.m., KRAIG KENNING, 5 p.m.-9 p.m. FishermenÂs Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade #57A, Punta Gorda CHRIS BRETT (live music), 5 p.m.-9 p.m. SandraÂs German Restaurant, 111 West Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda 941-575-0177. TRIGGERFISH, (live music), 9 p.m.-1 a.m. DeanÂs South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. JOE OÂBRIEN, (live music), 1 p.m.-5 p.m. AMERICAN MADE, 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Hurricane CharleyÂs, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. TIDAL WAVE, (live music), 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Rotonda Elks, 303 Rotonda Blvd., E. Rotonda 941697-2710. SMACK DAB, (live music), 6:30 p.m.10:30 p.m. Rotonda VFW, 3725 Cape Haze Dr. Rotonda West. 727-501-4429. JONPAUL, (live music and dance), sunset. Venice Beach Pavillion, Venice 941-882-3847. MAHJONG 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Venice-Nokomis Elks, 1021 Discovery Way N., Venice 941-486-1854.SATURDAYLATIN RENDEZVOUS (live music), 6:45 p.m.-9:45 p.m. Mango Bistro, 301 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-681-3500. BACK TRACK BLUES BAND (live music), 7 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 302 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-7501. SMACK DAB, (live music), 6:30 p.m.10:30 p.m. Englewood Eagles 3885, 250 Old Englewood Rd., Englewood 941-474-9802. LEE JAMES (live music), 1 p.m.-5 p.m., L&M ACOUSTICS 7 p.m.-11 p.m., EDDIE & THE EDSELS 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. JOYCE & DOUG (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. La Stanza Ristorante, 285 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-1355. LIVE MUSIC 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Vino Loco Wine & Gourmet, 420 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-8466. PLACIDA ART MARKET 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 13020 Fishery Road, Placida 941-698-0603. CHICAGO MOB, (live music), 4 p.m., SPRING CONCERT, 9 p.m. GYPSY LANE, 9 p.m. Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. BIG BAMBOO BAND, (live music), 2 p.m.5 p.m. Nav-A-Gator, 9700 SW Riverview Cir., Lake Suzy 941-627-3474. ALICE & FRIENDS (acoustic music), noon2 p.m. Earth Cafe, 13665 Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-423-6223. ORCA (live music), 7:30 p.m. Common Grounds Meeting Hall, 12735 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-564-8739. DOOWOP DENNY ROCKIN OLDIES SHOW 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Saltwater Cafe, 1071 N. Tamiami Trail, Nokomis 941-488-3775. LOTELA GOLD, (live music), 7 p.m. Cultural Center, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte 941-6254175. TONY BOFFA JAZZ QUARTET (live music), 6:30 p.m.-10 p.m. JDÂs Bistro and Grille, 1951 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-255-0994. PUNTA GORDA FARMERS MARKET 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Taylor Street and W. Olympia Avenue, Punta Gorda 941-391-4856. RITA BEACH (live music), 1 p.m.-4 p.m., MICHAEL HIRST, 5 p.m.-9 p.m. FishermenÂs Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade #57A, Punta Gorda DANNY BEACH, (live music), 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Cold River Saloon, 3149 Duncan Rd., Punta Gorda 941-505-0798. THE BOOGIEMEN (live music), 8 p.m.11 p.m. Harpoon HarryÂs, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-637-1177. CHRIS BRETT (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. SandraÂs German Restaurant, 111 West Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda 941-575-0177. L & M ACOUSTICS, (live music), 1 p.m.5 p.m., 3 CROOKED STEPS, 9 p.m.-1 a.m. DeanÂs South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. JACK MOSLEY, (live music), 1 p.m.-5 p.m. GASHOUSE, 7 p.m.-11 p.m. Hurricane CharleyÂs, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-6399695. ROBERT GARCIA, (live music), 6:30 p.m.10:30 p.m. Venezia Restaurant & Bar, N. 425 U.S. 41 Bypass, Venice. 941-308-7700. KIM JENKINS VENICE OLDIES DANCE WITH SPECIAL GUESTS MEMORIES, (live music, dance), 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Venice Community Center, 326 Nokomis Ave., S. Venice 800-838-3006. VENICE FARMERS MARKET 8 a.m.noon. On Tampa Avenue, between Nokomis and Nassau avenues in Historic Downtown Venice .SUNDAYSAX ON THE BEACH (live music), 11 a.m.-2 p.m. The Zydeco Grille, 8501 Placida Rd., Englewood 941-828-1472. KENNY ROSE, (live music), 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. HIP SQUAD, (live music), noon-4 p.m., EDDIE & THE EDSELS, (live music), 6 p.m.10 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee 239-6581313. TRIBUTE TO FRANKI VALLI, (live music), 6:30 p.m. Visani, 2400 Kings Highway, Port Charlotte 941-629-9191. NICK D (live music), 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Portside Tavern, 3636 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941629-3055. ROBERT GARCIA, (live music), 3 p.m.7 p.m. Nokomos, 690 S. Tamiami Trail, Nokomis. 941-488-1324. FARMERS MARKET, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., History Park, 501 Shreve St., Punta Gorda 941-6391887. GARDEN TOURS 2 p.m. History Park, 501 Shreve St., Punta Gorda 941-639-1887. BILLY BOB, (live music), 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Cold River Saloon, 3149 Duncan Rd., Punta Gorda 941-505-0798. ELLIOTT CHAMBERS, (live music), 1 p.m.5 p.m., JOHN WHITELEATHER DUO, 6:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m. DeanÂs South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. SILENT PARTNERS, (live music), 1 p.m.5 p.m. GYPSY STEW, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Hurricane OUT AND ABOUT | 3 See MORE Packages at AllAboardTravel.comPrices per person plus cruise/package taxes & fees. Subject to availability. Restrictions apply. Check pricing quoted.FL ST#37304 Pr o m o t io n al R a t e s May A pp ly A s k! Se habla Espaol & Wir Sprechen Deutsch 1.866.249.1087 Western Caribbean 4-Day Cruise... fr. $349 WOW of the Week Summer Mediterranean August 2017 7-Day Cruise... fr. $899Summer Caribbean (June 2017) 7-Night Cruise... fr. $799All Aboard TravelÂs 2017 Anniversary Cruise 10-Day Cruise Package... fr. $849London & The Atlantic Coast 18-Day Cruise Package... fr. $1,699 2018 Cruisin With The Goldtones Doo Wop Cruise 9-Night Cruise Package... fr. $929 E x c lu s iv e !MotherÂs Day Cruise (May 13, 2017) Treat Mom to a Cruise! 7-Day Cruise... fr. $589 adno=50513084 DID SOMEONE YELL BINGO ? Some Restrictions Do Apply. Please Call Or Visit Our Website For More Information WHEN YOU WIN, OUR COMMUNITY WINS SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL NON-PROFITS CHARLOTTE HARBOR BINGO 4200 Tamiami Trail Unit A1, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 (In the Baers Plaza, next to ABC Liquor) 941.255.5965 Wed.-Sun. 6PM € Mon. & Tues. Closed BINGO TRAIL 1700 Tamiami Trail Unit A1, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 (In the Perkins Plaza) 941.255.1266 Open 7 Nights a Week at 4PM € Matinees Sun., Fri. & Sat. 10AM Come try it, ITÂS FUN!!! BENEFITS AND OPERATED BY THE FOLLOWING NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AMVETS OF WW2 POST 1999 LADIES AUX., ROBERT E. LISTER MEMORIAL LODGE #66 F.O.P., PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN, PREGNANCY CARELINE, DOUG JACOBSON RESIDENT FUND, AMVETS POST 1999, C.C. ROTARY FOUNDATION, MILITARY ORDER OF COOTIE PT. 56, C.H.C. MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. H.E.L.P. CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FRIENDS OF THE POOR, PORT CHARLOTTE LIONS CLUB, PUNTA GORDA LIONS CLUB, SAN ANTONIO CCW, TIME OUT RESPITE, UNITY CHURCH, CHARLOTTE PLAYERS (IMAGINATION LIBRARY), AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEN ASSOCIATION, ALZHEIMERS, DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS, HEARING IMPAIRED PERSON, GREEK CHURCH, MARINE CORP. LEAGUE, MARINE CORP. LEAGUE LADIES AUX., MILITARY HERITAGE MUSEUM adno=50512976
April 12 18, 2017 E/N/C/V LetÂs Go! 3 OUT AND ABOUT ÂLike us on SunCoastLetsGoYour weekly guide to entertainment, travel and arts in Southwest Florida. President: David Dunn-Rankin Publisher: Carol Moore 941-681-3031 Associate Editor: Marie Merchant 941-206-1135 Associate Editor: Michele Bellue 941-206-1010 LetÂs Go! 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Submit information about your event at least two weeks in advance via email to Please include the time, date, location (including address), cost and description of your event. Also, include a phone number to call for more information. CharleyÂs, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. ALL THAT JAZZ QUINTET (live music), 5:45 p.m.-8:45 p.m. Cassariano Italian Eatery, 313 W. Venice Ave., Venice 941-786-1000.MONDAYCACHET, (live music), 8 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S. 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. WINGS AND SWINGS 5 p.m.-9 p.m. William Garvey VFW Post 8203, 4860 Trott Circle, North Port 941-426-6865. FUN WITH MUSIC (live music), 1 p.m.3:30 p.m. Cultural Center, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte 941-625-4175. FOUR LEAF STRUMMERS, (live music), 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., LESLIE DACOSTA, noon.3 p.m., DELUNA, noon-3 p.m. FishermenÂs Village, 1200 West Retta Esplanade #57A, Punta Gorda GARY & KERI, (live music), 7 p.m.-11 p.m. DeanÂs South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. PATSY & MAJELLA, (live music), 6 p.m.9 p.m. Rotonda Elks, 303 Rotonda Blvd., E. Rotonda 941-697-2710. ROBERT GARCIA, (live music), 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Hurricane CharleyÂs, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. KITT MORAN QUARTET, (live music), 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. ValentiÂs Allegro Bistro, 1740 East Venice Ave., Venice 941-484-1889. MAHJONG 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Venice-Nokomis Elks, 1021 Discovery Way N., Venice 941-4861854.TUESDAYJACK MOSLEY BAND (live music), 6 p.m.9 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 302 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-7501. QUIET FIRE, (live music), 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Englewood Eagles 3885, 250 Old Englewood Rd., Englewood 941-474-9802. FREE BLUEGRASS MUSIC 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Bay Heights Park, 1000 S. Indiana Ave., Englewood TRIVIA 6 p.m. Englewoods on Dearborn, 362 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-475-7501. WONDERAMA, (live music), 8 p.m. Zig Zag Lounge at Seminole Casino Immokalee, 506 S 1st St., Immokalee 239-658-1313. EDDIE & THE EDSELS (live music), 6:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Olde World Restaurant & Lounge, 14415 S. Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-426-1155. JAMBUSH WITH AMBUSH AND OPEN MIC 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m. Eagles Club 3296, 23111 Harborview Road, Port Charlotte 941-629-1645. JIMI BANKS (live music), 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Portside Tavern, 3636 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-6293055. OPEN MIC NIGHT 6 p.m. Lake View Restaurant, 5605 S. McCall Road, Port Charlotte 941-697-9200. OPEN MIC NIGHT 8 p.m.-11 p.m. NemoÂs Sports Cafe at Bowland, 3192 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte PRO JAM (live music), FREE TEXAS HOLD ÂEM POKER 7 p.m. PorkyÂs Roadhouse, 4300 Kings Highway, Port Charlotte 941-629-2114. 3 ROCK SONS, (live music), 8:30 p.m.12:30 a.m. DeanÂs South of the Border, 130 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-6100. JIM DANIELS (live music), noon-3 p.m., DANNY BEACH 1 p.m.-4 p.m. FishermenÂs Village, Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda BRUCE & TIKI D, (live music), 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Hurricane CharleyÂs, 300 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 941-639-9695. ENGLISH COUNTRY DANCE PARTY 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Venice Community Center, Room G, 326 Nokomis Ave. S., Venice 857-342-3253.KARAOKEKARAOKE WITH HEATHER 8 p.m.midnight, Thursday, Saturday „ Open Road Bar, 4313 NW Highway 70, Arcadia 863-494-0140. KARAOKE WITH ANN AND SONNY, 4 p.m.-7 p.m. Sunday „ VFW, 550 N. McCall Road, Englewood 941-474-7516. KARAOKE WITH GIL & RHONDA 6 p.m.9 p.m. Sunday „ Englewood Eagles, 250 Old Englewood Rd., Englewood 941-474-9802. BUZ KARAOKE 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Monday „ Englewood Moose 1933, 55 W. Dearborn St., Englewood 941-473-2670. TOUCHTUNES KARAOKE 9 p.m. Friday „ The New Faull Inn, 2670 Placida Road, Englewood 941-697-8050. KARAOKE WITH RICH AND BARB 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Wednesday „ Englewood Elks, 401 N. Indiana Ave., Englewood KARAOKE WITH ÂWAMÂŽ AL & MARILYN 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Saturday „ American Legion Post 113, 3436 Indiana Rd., Rotonda 941-697-3616. KARAOKE WITH MARK 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Friday „ Family Table Restaurant, 14132 Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-423-0473. KARAOKE 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Friday „ The Olde World Restaurant, 14415 Tamiami Trail, North Port 941-426-1155. KARAOKE, 6 p.m. Thursday „ Sons of Italy, 3725 Easy St., Port Charlotte 941-764-9003. KARAOKE, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Friday „ Port Charlotte Elks, 1700 Tamiami Trail, Unit F-3, Port Charlotte 941-625-7571. KARAOKE, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Wednesday; 9 p.m. Friday-Saturday „ Boomers Sports Bar & Night Club, 2360 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-7434140. KARAOKE, 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Monday, Thursday; 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Saturday „ Portside Tavern, 3636 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-629-3055. KARAOKE WITH THE CONNECTION 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Friday, Saturday „ NemoÂs Sports Cafe at Bowland, 3192 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte 941-625-4794.OUT AND ABOUTFROM PAGE 2 OUT AND ABOUT | 6 A To Z Pinot Grigio . . . . . . . . $11.99 A To Z Pinot Noir . . . . . . . . . . $15.99 Avalon Cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.95 Barefoot Any Type . . . . . . . . . . . $5.47 Blackstone Any Type . . . . . . . . $6.95 Bread & Butter Chardonnay . . . $10.97 Carnivor Cab Sauv . . . . . . . . . $11.95 Estancia Any Type. . . . . . . . . . . . $9.95 Menage A Trois Red . . . . . . . . . . $8.47 Estancia Meritage, Paso Robles $19.95 Freemark Abbey Napa Cab . . $29.99 Gascon Malbec . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.95 Ghost Pine Any Type . . . . . . . $15.99 Kris Pinot Grigio . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.95 La Crema Monterrey Chard . . $15.99 Le Grand Blacksheep Any Type . $7.95 Le Rime Pinot Grigio . . . . . . . . $9.95 Mac Murray Sonoma Chard . . $12.95 Marietta Old Vine Red . . . . . . $11.95 Masciarelli Monte. Or White . . $8.95 Matua Sauv. Blanc . . . . . . . . . $10.99 Mirassou Any Type . . . . . . . . . $7.97 Plungerhead Zinfandel . . . . . . $12.95 Ravenswood Any Type . . . . . . $7.97 Rocca Del Macie Chianti Class $10.97 Rodney Strong Chalk Hill Chard $13.97 Rodney Strong Alex. Valley Cab $20.97 Ruffino Lumina Pinot Grigio . . . $7.45 Sonoma Cutre Chardonnay . . . $20.95 Monkey Bay Sauv. Blanc . . . . . $7.95 Villa Maria Sauv. Blanc . . . . . $10.95 Chandon Brut Classic . . . . . . . . . . $14.97 Freixenet Brut Or Extra Dry . . . . . $8.47 Lamarca Procecco . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.95 Moet & Chandon Imperial Brut . . . $37.95 Moet & Chandon Rose Imperial . . . $67.99 Piper Heidsieck Brut Or Extra . . . $32.99 Ruffino Prosecco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.95 Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label . . . . . $41.95 Zonin Posecco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.95 SPARKLING 750 ML 750 ML WINES Appleton Gold Or Silver Rum . $17.99 Belvedere Reg. Vodka 750ml . $23.99 Benchmark Bourbon . . . . . $16.99 BurnettÂs Vodka . . . . . . . . . $12.99 Bushmills Irish Whiskey . . . $36.99 Cabo Wabo Blanco Tequila . . $26.99 Camarena Sil/ R epo Tequila $31.99 Chivas Regal 12yr 750ml . $25.99 Chopin Vodka 750ml . . . . . $27.99 Christian Brothers Vs . . . . . $18.99 E & J V S Brandy . . . . . . . . . $19.99 El Jimador Sil/ R epo Tequilla . $26.99 Ezra Brook Bourbon . . . . . . $19.99 Finlandia Vodka . . . . . . . . $22.99 Glenfiddich 12yr Single Malt . $69.99 Glenlivet 12 Yr Scotch . . . . $69.99 Glenmorangie 10 Year 750ml $31.99 Grand Marnier Liqueur 750ml $29.99 Grey Goose Vodka . . . . . . . $48.99 Hendricks Gin 750ml . . . . . . $27.99 Hennessy VS Cognac 750 Ml . . . . $28.99 J. Walker Black Label Scotch . . . . $51.99 Jameson Irish Whiskey 750ml $21.99 Jim Beam Black Bourbon . . $33.99 Kahlua Coffee Liqueur . . . . $29.99 Knob Creek Bourbon . . . . . $61.99 Old Smuggler Scotch . . . . . $18.99 Paul Masson VS Brandy . . . $18.99 Patron Silver Tequila 750ml $36.99 Remy Martin V SOP 750ml $31.99 Ron Carlos White Or Gold . $14.99 Ron Rico Silver Or Gold . . . $14.99 Southern Comfort Bourbon $20.99 St. Remy Vsop Brandy . . . $23.99 Svedka Reg. . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.99 Three Olives Plain Vodka . . $22.99 U V Vodka . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99 White & Black Scotch . . . . $24.49 White Horse Scotch . . . . . . $22.99 Zaya 12 Years Rum 750ml . $27.99 Bella Sera Any Type . . . . . . $10.97 Beringer Calif. White Zinf . . . $7.95 Bolla Any Type . . . . . . . . . . $10.95 Cavit Any Type . . . . . . . . . . $10.95 CK Mondavi Any Type . . . . . . $8.95 Fetzer Any Type . . . . . . . . . . $9.95 Franzia Any Type . . . . . . . . . $7.95 Glen Ellen Any Type . . . . . . . $7.95 JacobÂs Creek Any Type . . . . $9.97 Lindemans Any Type . . . . . . . $8.95 Liberty Creek Any Type . . . . . $7.45 Monkey Bay S/ B lanc . . . . . . $14.47 Principato Pinot Grigio . . . . . $8.95 Redwood Creek Any Type . . . $8.95 Ruffino Chianti . . . . . . . . . . $13.95 Yellowtail Any Type . . . . . . . $8.95 1.5 Ltr WINES SPIRITS 1.75 Ltr NEW AMSTERDAM Vodka CUPCAKE Chard, Merlot, S/Blanc, P/Grigio, P/Noir, Cab Sauv 750ML BERINGER Any Type Calif Only 1.75L EARLY TIMES CANADIAN MIST Whiskey ICEBERG Vodka FIREBALL Cinnamon Whiskey PATRON Silver Tequila 1.75L JOHNNIE WALKER Red Label ABSOLUT Vodka STOLICHNAYA KETEL ONE CANADIAN CLUB Whi skey FAMOUS GROUSE Scotch 750 ML 1.5L $ 9 95 BAREFOOT Pinot Grigio or Montepulciano $ 7 97 ZONIN 1.75L $ 16 99 $ 24 99 1.75L $ 26 99 $ 32 99 1.75L Reg Vodka Reg Vodka 1.75L $ 28 99 1.75L SVEDKA Reg. Vodka EVAN WILLIAMS Burbon 1.75L $ 16 99 $ 18 99 $ 15 99 1.75L $ 36 99 $ 21 99 1.75L $ 15 99 1.75L 1.75L PLATINUM Vodka Any Type SKYY Reg. Vodka 1.75L CAPTAIN MORGAN $ 18 99 Spiced TANQUERAY Gin TITOÂS Handmade Vodka OR 750ML CROWN ROYAL Canadian Whiskey $ 39 99 1.75L $ 21 99 750ML 1.5ML WOLFSCHMIDT Vodka $ 11 99 $ 17 99 1.75LTR MIRASSOU Any Type 1.75L Prices Good Through 4/18/17 OR JOEL GOTT Cabernet or Zinf MENAGE A TROIS Red Blend $ 8 47 APOTHIC Red Blend $ 8 45 750ML 750ML 4295 Tamiami Trail South, Venice 4295 Tamiami Trail South, Venice 941-493-8555 941-493-8555 Mon-Sat 9am-9pm € Sun 11am-6pm Mon-Sat 9am-9pm € Sun 11am-6pm JACARANDA CROSSINGS CENTER JACARANDA CROSSINGS CENTER (Next to Staples & Target) (Next to Staples & Target) Closest Wine, Spirits Closest Wine, Spirits & Beer Superstore & Beer Superstore To Venice, North Port, To Venice, North Port, Pt. Charlotte & Englewood Pt. Charlotte & Englewood CUTTY SARK Scotch JIM BEAM Bourbon $ 21 99 MEIOMI Pinot Noir $ 17 95 CANADIAN LTD Whiskey $ 12 99 Whiskey BLACK VELVET OR RICH & RARE $ 13 99 $ 16 99 $ 14 99 750 ML WILLIAM HILL North Coast Chard SIMI Chardonnay $ 12 97 $ 11 95 $ 15 97 $ 7 95 FRONTERA Any Type $ 12 95 WILD TURKEY 101 Burbon $ 30 99 $ 18 99 BEEFEATER Gin MALIBU COCONUT Rum $ 24 99 E & J XO BRANDY $ 25 99 1.75L $ 31 99 SCORESBY Scotch OR SEAGRAMÂS 7 Whiskey $ 18 99 1.75L $ 19 99 $ 23 99 $ 28 99 $ 8 95 $ 7 95 $ 8 95 PINNACLE Reg. Vodka $ 18 99 J&B Blended Scotch $ 31 99 $ 27 99 SAVE $ 3 ON BACARDI SUPERIOR OR GOLD, DEWARÂS WHITE LABEL & BOMBAY SAPPHIRE ON 1.75LT LIMIT 2 BTLS PER COUPON. NOT VALID WITH PROMOTIONS, CLEARANCE & CLOSEOUTS.GOOD THROUGH 4/18/17 MUST PRESENT COUPON $ 1.00 OFF ON UP TO 6 BOTTLES OF WINE 750ML ONLY Good through 4/18/17. *Includes sale items. € Must bring newspaper coupon in store € One Coupon per customer € Not valid on wine $7.99 & under or 1.5 LTR Wines & 3L tr W ines € Not valid with promotions & closeout € Valid only in Venice store KIM CRAWFORD Sauv Blanc $ 11 97 CANE RUN RUM CAMARENA TEQUILA SILVER OR REPOSADO $ 27 99 1.75L ESTANCIA CAB SAUV Merlot or Pinot Noir $ 9 95 JOSH CELLARÂS CAB SAUV $ 10 97 750ML CAMPO VIEJO TEMPRANILLIO BV COASTAL Any Type $ 6 95 $ 5 95 J LOHR RIVER STONE CHARDONNAY $ 9 95 J LOHR CAB SAUV $ 11 95 1.5L YELLOW TAIL or WOODBRIDGE Any Type MEZZ CORONA PINOT GRIGIO $ 8 95 $ 9 97 REDWOOD CREEK Any Type LIBERTY CREEK Any Type $ 8 97 $ 7 45 1.5ML SOUVERAIN Cab Sauv, Merlot or Chard SMOKING LOON Any Type $ 8 97 $ 5 95 750ML BELLA SERA Any Type CK MONDAVI Any T ype $ 10 97 $ 8 95 1.5ML adno=54513723 750ml 10% DISCOUNT ON 12 OR MORE BOTTLES OF WINE € Not valid on wines $7.99 & under, or prices ending in 5 & 7 or 1.5 ltr & 3 liter wines SANTA MARGHERITA Pinot Grigio
4 LetÂs Go! E/N/C/V April 12 18, 2017 COVER STORYBarbecue „ a word that gets many mouths watering. Dierent regions break it down to type of meat preferred, wet vs. dry rubs and the style of sauces. Most people think of Texas and the Carolinas, Memphis and Kansas City as the kings of barbecue. DonÂt count out the state of beaches and sunshine. ThereÂs one festival in your backyard gaining momentum as a top barbecue competition „ the Suncoast BBQ & Bluegrass Festival on April 14-15, at the Venice Municipal Airport festival grounds. ÂWe currently have 51 teams registered to compete on Saturday. We cap our contest at 50 plus or minus entries. We have teams from all over Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas competing,ÂŽ said Don Fisher, event founder and chairman. These teams are competing for $20,000 in prizes, an invitation to the World Food Championships and SonnyÂs Smokin Showdown. It is also a qualier for Jack DanielÂs and American Royal world championships. The eighth annual festival takes place at Venice airportÂs festival grounds, 610 Airport Ave. E. The Kicko Party takes place from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday with bluegrass entertainment, a social cornhole toss and a sunset balloon glow (weather permitting). On Saturday, the bash continues from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. This event is well-attended, and Fisher recommends patience and arriving early to allow for parking. Parking and admission are free. Not only is the festival a major competition in the barbecue world, it is a family-friendly event that includes many extras „ a chili cook-o, cornhole tournament and a Kids Park featuring Shriners clowns, face painting, inatable slides and bounce houses and haystacks for jumping. Volunteers provide fun games like potato-sack and three-legged races. ÂWe are most proud of the fact we have been able to elevate our event to be recognized as one of the best venues in Florida,ÂŽ Fisher said. ÂOur mission to become a special destination for competition barbecuing and bluegrass entertainment has become a reality.ÂŽ The bluegrass entertainment includes Grammynominated artists and top award-winning performers of banjo and mandolin. This yearÂs groups include The Boxcars, The Grascals and Lonesome River Band. According to the festival website, ÂThe Boxcars are known for their tight performances, great vocalist and incredible breaks.ÂŽ The Grascals have a song entitled ÂI am Strong,ÂŽ featuring Dolly Parton. The song and video „ which features the pediatric patients of St. Jude ChildrenÂs Research Hospital in Memphis „ were done to help raise funds and awareness for the Memphis hospital. And the third group is the Lonesome River Band, whose new album, ÂBridging the Tradition,ÂŽ made its debut at No. 2 on BillboardÂs Top 10 Bluegrass Album Chart. Top billing at the bash is great barbecue competitors and bluegrass bands at the top of their industry, but there is more to this festival and it continues to grow and change. ÂOur chili cook-o is best described as Âthe best in townÂ,ÂŽ Fisher said. ÂWe do have a couple of teams from out of the tri-county area competing this year.ÂŽ The chili competitors are vying for a $1,000 prize, an invitation to the World Food Championship and awards for Best Showmanship and PeopleÂs Choice. At the heart of the festival is making the community better by helping nonprots with the Suncoast Foundation for Handicapped Children Inc. leading the way. ÂSFHC is the producer of this event,ÂŽ Fisher said. ÂI am a founding member of the foundation, which was started in 1985, and produced the Suncoast Oshore Grand Prix. Over the many years, the funds raised from this event were dedicated to building over 70,000 square feet of facilities to serve children with disabilities. The Bash is generating funds to maintain these facilities today and in the future.ÂŽ Although this is a free event, nonprots benet from proceeds and donations are accepted. ÂWe also engage nine other nonprot agencies to sta our event which will receive funding for their services. An example is that last year we paid the Sertoma Club of Venice $10,000 in support of their speech clinic,ÂŽ Fisher said. Besides the two-day main event, a ÂMeet Our ChampionsÂŽ event will be held on Thursday, April 13, and a sporting clays fun shoot on Friday, April 14, at the Sarasota Gun Club in Nokomis. Visit for more details. During the festival, attendees can enjoy the Old Town Saloon featuring craft beers and more. Walk the grounds to look at community exhibits, visit the General Store to buy souvenirs and 50/50 rae tickets and go to the Barn to see classic trucks, vintage NASCAR cars and antique tractors. There is something for everyone.Eighth Annual Suncoast BBQ & Bluegrass BashBy MICHELE BELLUELETÂS GO ASSOCIATE EDITOR IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Eighth Annual Suncoast BBQ & Bluegrass Festival € WHEN: Friday and Saturday, April 14-15; 5 to 9 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday € WHERE: Venice Airport, 610 Airport Ave. E. € COST: No admission or parking fees. Donations welcome. Concessions, souvenirs available for purchase. € INFORMATION: For complete event information, visit PHOTO PROVIDEDThe Boxcars make a return appearance at this yearÂs Suncoast BBQ & Bluegrass Bash. 8 8 8 8 8 Family-friendly event is music to your ears, top competition in Florida for barbecue teams YOU NEED TO KNOW€ ALLOWED: Take a comfortable chair or blanket for concerts. € NOT ALLOWED: Pets, coolers and weapons are not permitted. No umbrellas, tents, coolers or backpacks. No soliciting. € PARKING: Because of single-road access to the parking areas there is a limit on the number of cars an hour that can make it in and out of the parking area. During peak hours there will be three lanes to enter the parking at the gate. Stay in designated lanes and follow instructions from the parking attendants. There is shuttle service to the entrance gates. When exiting, follow the marked driveways. Do not cut across; there are numerous soft sand areas. Please be patient and everything will move much faster. € BIKE-FRIENDLY: ÂYes, we are motorcycle friendly with hard-surface parking,ÂŽ event chairman Don Fisher said. „ Source: FILE PHOTODon Fisher of the Suncoast BBQ & Bluegrass Bash kicks back at last yearÂs event to read the Venice Gondolier Sun Boaters welcome € Marker 9A on the Intracoastal € Call for Water Taxi reservations941-697-0566 MenuSmoked Carrot Bisque Strawberry Spinach Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing Caesar Salad € Coleslaw € Carrot and Raisin Salad Assorted Rolls and Butter Roast Leg of Lamb with Rosemary Ju Lie and Mint Jelly Captain Morgan Glazed Ham € Lemon Dill Salmon € Seafood Pasta € Chicken Marsala Rosemary Roasted Potatoes € Macaroni and Cheese € Mashed Potatoes Balsamic Glazed Carrots € Sauted Sugar Snap Peas Assorted Desserts Available Until 1 p.m.: Eggs € Bacon & Sausage € French Toast Fingers€ Home Fries € Fresh Cut Fruit Muffins, Breakfast Breads and Coffee Cake 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.Regular Menu will not be offeredAdults $25 € Children (Ages 4 10) $12 € Under 3 are Free adno=54511452 and up TUESDAY NIGHT COMING SOON April 20th 22nd Amazing One Man Show with AL ERNS T Carnival Cruise Lines ÂEntertainer of the YearÂŽ April 18th The Boxers Tribute to Simon and Garfunkel & WoodstockÂs Tribute to Crosby, Stills and Nash COMEDY ZONE adno=50513310 April 11th 15th Our Most Requested Show RICH GUZZI And His Comedy Hypnotist Show
April 12 18, 2017 E/N/C/V LetÂs Go! 5 UPCOMING EVENTS NORTH PORT EVENTSBloom at ÂTree Fair 2017ÂÂTree Fair 2017,ÂŽ sponsored by People for Trees Inc., will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 22, at the North Port Community Education Center, 4940 Pan Am Blvd. ÂTree Fair 2017ÂŽ will feature hundreds of 3-gallon native trees (approx. 6-8 feet tall) for sale for $12 each. Choose from Florida sweetgum, American elm, bald cypress, slash pine, Southern red cedar, Dahoon holly and pignut hickory. You can find out more information about these trees and how to plant and maintain them by attending a free indoor 30-minute tree workshop at 9:30 a.m. that includes visuals and handouts. The environmental and financial benefits of using cloth diapers instead of disposables will be the topic of the 30-minute workshop ÂUsing Cloth Diapers, itÂs as easy as 1-2-3!ÂŽ that will be presented at noon. There will also be a ÂFairy HouseÂŽ exhibit. Children attending the Tree Fair will have the opportunity to create their own Fairy House! Music will be provided by the ÂRev. FaerieÂŽ Elaine Silver starting at 11 a.m. For more information, contact Alice White at 941-426-9752, or visit House Display and Contest Children of all ages are invited to submit a Fairy House for display in the ÂEnchanted ForestÂŽ and judging at the ÂTree Fair 2017ÂŽ that will be held on Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the North Port Community Center, 4940 Pan Am Blvd., hosted by People for Trees Inc. A Fairy House is a small structure where fairies can live in harmony with nature. It can be of any design that is made entirely from natural materials such as sticks, bark, pine cones, acorns, pebbles, shells, feathers, etc. The house should be built upon a base so it can be transported easily and submitted between 9-10 a.m. the day of the Tree Fair. Judging will take place at 1 p.m. with prizes and ribbons awarded at 1:30 p.m., at which time all entries should be picked up. ÂBest of ShowÂŽ will be given for both an adult and a child entry ($50 cash prize). All fairy houses will receive a ribbon. For more information contact Alice White 941-468-2486 or GORDA EVENTSRotary Satellite Club plans quarter frenzy Rotary Satellite Club will play host to a quarter frenzy from 6 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, at 2421 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda. Profits of the night go to the Rotary Satellite Club of Charlotte Harbor Evening. Bid on auction items and gift baskets with quarters and win prizes. There will be a 50/50 raffle, and a few local business will be selling their products. Food and soft drinks can be purchased; event is BYOB. Admission is free. Bidding paddles are $3 each or three for $7. Take quarters to bid. The Rotary Satellite Club of Charlotte Harbor Evening is a new club based in Punta Gorda.April shows at the Visual Art Center Two new exhibits will open at the Visual Arts Center, 210 Maud St., Punta Gorda. Florida Fruit & Flora „ on display through April 27 in the main gallery „ depicts the flowers, plants, fruits and ecosystems found in Florida with a mixture of paintings, sculpture, photography, pottery, fiber art and more. Goff Gallery will present four dynamic member artists from now through April 27. Jim BeechÂs watercolor and acrylic landscapes capture viewers with a story. Don MelanderÂs watercolor paintings are inspired by nature and interesting man-made forms. Sandy OÂGrady creates pine needle baskets with found shells, agate and pottery pieces. Lois Porter weaves together different textures to create unusual and imaginative fiber art. The public is invited to attend the opening reception at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, to meet the artists and enjoy light refreshments. For information, visit www. or call 941-639-8810.Enjoy plein air painting on the roofJoin Peace River Painters for plein air painting on Monday, April 17, 5:30 p.m. at the rooftop lounge of The Wyvern Hotel Punta Gorda, 101 E. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda, for a sunset paint-out. The event is free; no instruction, no fees; painting starts at 5:30 p.m.; painting review at 7:45 p.m. For information, visit or email peaceriverpainters@ Order online at:(863) 494-9362, info@sunevents.comSaturday, April 15, 2017Cultural Center of Charlotte County Tickets starting at only: $18LAST SHOW OF THE SEASON, DONÂT MISS IT!Join our newsletter to receive event updates! Call or visit the venue: 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte, FL 33952(941) 625-4175, ext 221, Monday Friday 9am 2pm Two ways to get tickets: All seats reserved, 7pm showtime All ticket sales are nal. adno=716610 adno=50512935 April 29, 2016 Noon 7pm After Pride party is at LIQUID with entertainment beginning at 9 pm. Laishley Park 100 Nesbit St. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 w Exclusive Print Media Sponsor Food & Hygiene Pantry will be collecting Hygiene and food items at the entrance. Please bring one. BR ING YOUR CHA IRS! F o od, beverages, music merchandise, and service vendors on site. Donation at the gate. Sorry no coolers or open containers. No pets allowed For more information on any event, please visit our website: or email or call 941-204-3505 Charlotte County Pride presents ENTERTAINMENT LINE UP 12:00 Elysian Sex Drive 4:15 Rickie Lane 1:45 Draq Queens 4:30 Drag Performances 2:00 Opening Ceremony 5:00 Trop Rock Junkies 2:15 Savanna Galloway 6:45 Drag Performances 2:30 The Cheaters
6 LetÂs Go! E/N/C/V April 12 18, 2017 UPCOMING EVENTSOn Saturday, April 15 at 7 p.m., is proud to present Lotela Gold Show Band. Show props, several dress changes and skit performances are some of the entertainment youÂll experience during this live Â50s and Â60s classic hits concert performance. The real beauty is the harmony of the vocalist and the unique sassy sound of the saxophone. Band member Gary Johnson will electrify the audience with the clarity of his sax play. Secure your seats early so you can take in this dynamic group thatÂs been pleasing audiences all over the state. The real magic is in your memory and how you were swept away in a special way to this era of music that still plays nationally and around the world. Tickets range from $18 to $29; buy online at or at The Cultural Center box oce, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte. The box oce is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, and one hour before any show. Lotela Gold Show Band back by popular demandPROVIDED BY THE CULTURAL CENTER IF YOU GO€ WHERE: Lotela Gold Show Band € WHERE: Cultural Center, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte € WHEN: Saturday, April 15 at 7 p.m. € INFORMATION: 941-625-4175 ext. 221 PHOTO PROVIDEDLotelo Gold Show Band performs Â50s and Â60s classic hits including skit performances and several dress changes. G & J KARAOKE 9:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Friday „ ChubbyÂz Tavern, 4109 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte 941-613-0002. KARAOKE Saturday „ Port Charlotte VFW Post 5690, 23204 Freedom Ave., Port Charlotte 941-467-4447. G & J KARAOKE 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Saturday „ SmokeÂn Pit, 2200 Kings Hwy. #3N, Port Charlotte 941-249-9963. KARAOKE WITH ÂWAMÂŽ AL & MARILYN 6:30 p.m-9:30 p.m. Wednesday „ Punta Gorda Elks, 25538 Shore Dr., Punta Gorda 941637-2606. KARAOKE WITH VALLERIE 5:30 p.m.9:30 p.m. Wednesday „ Allegro Bistro, 1740 E. Venice Ave., Venice 941-484-1889. KARAOKE WITH AUSTIN 9 p.m.-midnight, Saturday „ Tap & Cork, 101 W. Venice Ave., Venice 941-488-2337. KARAOKE WITH BRUCE SHELLY 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Sunday „ American Legion NO-VEL Post 159, 1770 Venice E. Blvd., Venice 941-4854748.BINGOBINGO, doors open 3 p.m., lighting 5 p.m., game start 6 p.m., Monday „ Moose Club, 3462 Loveland Blvd., Port Charlotte 941-629-1140. BINGO, 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m., Tuesday „ Holiday Estates III, 2840 Waxwing Lane, Englewood 941-473-9706. BINGO 5:15 p.m. Friday „ Englewood Elks, 401 N. Indiana Ave., Englewood 941-474-1404. BINGO 1 p.m. Saturday „ VFW, 550 N. McCall Rd., Englewood 941-474-7516. BINGO 10 a.m. early bird, 11 a.m. start Thursday „ St. Francis Parish Hall, 5265 Placida Road, Grove City 941-697-4899. BINGO 7 p.m. Thursday „ Rotonda Elks, 303 Rotonda Blvd. East, Rotonda 941-697-2710. BAR BINGO 6 p.m., Tuesday „ American Legion Post 103, 2101 Taylor Road, Punta Gorda 941-639-6337. BINGO 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday „ AMVETS Post 312, 7050 Chancellor Blvd., North Port 941-429-5403. BINGO 10:30 a.m. early bird, 11 a.m. start Wednesday, and 6 p.m. Monday „ American Legion Riders Post 110, 3152 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte 941-629-7446. BINGO 5:30 p.m. Friday „ Port Charlotte VFW Post 5690, 23204 Freedom Ave., Port Charlotte 941-467-4447. BAR BINGO, 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Sunday „ Port Charlotte Elks, 1700 Tamiami Trail, Unit F, Port Charlotte 941-625-7571. BINGO 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday „ Eagles, 621 Colonia Lane, Nokomis 941-484-4470. BINGO 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday „ Venice-Nokomis Elks, 1021 Discovery Way N., Venice 941-486-1854. BAR BINGO 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Wednesday „ American Legion NO-VEL Post 159, 1770 Venice E. Blvd., Venice 941-485-4748. BINGO 1 p.m.-4:15 p.m., Sunday „ Knights of Columbus Hall, 512 Substation Road, Venice 941-375-8414.YOGAFREE YOGA AT ENGLEWOOD BEACH : Daily at 8:30 a.m.; and Wednesday at 6 p.m. 941-473-0135. FREE YOGA AT MANASOTA BEACH: Morning, Monday-Saturday 9 a.m., and sunset, Monday-Thursday at 7 p.m. FREE YOGA AT VENICE BEACH PAVILION : Daily at 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., and Monday-Thursday at 7 p.m.OUT AND ABOUTFROM PAGE 3 PORT CHARLOTTE EVENTSPerformance Series at Mid County Regional Library The Mid County Regional Library, 2050 Forrest Nelson Blvd., Port Charlotte, will present Dance and Drama from India by Surapsari at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 13. Surapsari is an accomplished performing artist specializing in traditional dance and theater from Bali, Java, India and Japan. In this performance, she portrays multiple characters from Hindu myths, with facial expression, posses, movement and dance. For more information, call 941-613-3192.Spring Barn & Crafts Sales at GCUMCOn Friday and Saturday, April 21 and 22, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the MenÂs Club and the Crafty Ladies of Gulf Cove United Methodist Church will hold their spring barn sale and handmade crafts sale. Barn sale questions can be directed to 941-697-8373 and craft questions to 941-697-5533. Gulf Cove UMC is at 1100 McCall Road, Port Charlotte. The church can be reached at 941-697-1747 or or online at The Blue Notes headline Riverwood Music FestThe Blue Notes, featuring the last surviving member of the original lineup, Lloyd Parks, will headline the first Riverwood Music Fest, to be held at Riverwood in Northwest Charlotte County on Sunday, April 23. Gates open at 2 p.m. Show starts at 4 p.m. There will be a VIP reception from 3 to 4 p.m. Tickets, sold in advance only, are $42, $55 for VIP. They can be purchased at Wild Goose Chase, 1101 El Jobean, and the Ice Cream Place, 12456 N. Access Road, both in Port Charlotte. For information, call 303-435-5704, or 207-415-2358.ENGLEWOOD EVENTSLBHS presents ÂDamn YankeesÂLemon Bay High School Theater Troupe 0257 will present ÂDamn YankeesÂŽ with four shows Thursday through Saturday, April 13-15, at the Lemon Bay High School Performing Arts Center, 2201 Placida Road, Englewood. The popular musical first performed in 1955, ÂDamn YankeesÂŽ tells the story of middle-aged Washington Senators fan Joe Boyd who wants nothing more than his team to beat the Âdamn Yankees.ÂŽ Boyd makes a deal with the devilish Applegate to make him a young long-ball hitter who helps the team become a winnner, but at a cost. ÂDamn YankeesÂŽ begins at 7 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, April 13-April 15, with a 2 p.m. matinee show on Saturday. General admission: $20 for adults, $10 for students and staff with ID. Buy tickets at, at the box office or by calling 941-474-7702.Giant trunk sale The GFWC Rotonda West WomanÂs Club will have a giant trunk sale from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, April 15, in the parking lot at Prime Time Restaurant, 5855 Placida Road, Rotonda West. Lots of items to choose including books, handmade jewelry and a bake sale. All proceeds from this sale will go to ARC of Florida, so find a treasure and help a local charity.VENICE EVENTSÂInherit the Wind plays in AprilThe classic drama ÂInherit the WindÂŽ opens on Venice TheatreÂs MainStage and will run through Sunday, April 30. Performances are Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. There is no show on Easter Sunday. Tickets are $28 for adults, $17 for college students and $15 for children and teens through 12th grade. They are available online at or by calling the box office at 941-488-1115. ÂInherit the Wind,ÂŽ written by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee in 1951, was first produced on Broadway in 1955, 30 years after the Scopes ÂMonkey TrialÂŽ on which it is based. There is a school-time performance for educators and students on April 21, at 10:30 a.m. A study guide is provided and there will be a talk with actors and Director Kelly Wynn Woodland after the performance. For more information or to book tickets for the school show, contact Venice TheatreÂs Director of Diversity, Kristofer Geddie, at or 941-584-0639.Free flower showVenice Area Garden Club Flower Show, entitled ÂVenice Film Festival,ÂŽ will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 21-22, at the Venice Community Center, 326 Nokomis Ave. The event is open to the public with free admission. The previous flower shows have won state and national awards. The show is designed to spotlight what club members grow and how they use the results in design. There will be several vendors, including handcrafted soaps, Elings Exotic Plants, Bee Blessed Honey, Garden Club Plant Sale and OutlawÂs Designer Jewelry. Venice Area Garden Club not only promotes horticulture and design, but also supports and contributes to the community in various ways. With the success of the clubÂs March Home Tour, $40,000 in scholarships will be awarded this year to Venice High School graduates and will continue contributing to beautifications projects in Venice. adno=50514131 Physicians FORE a Cause Physicians FORE a Cause April 15 th 8am Kingsway Country Club Golf Tournament Golf Tournament $125 per Player Includes: Lunch, cart and green fees Please call Jenn Collins to register: 941-447-0801 18 local physicians will captain a team chosen themselves and will battle it out to win the Golden Putter and take the championship! All proceeds of this tournament will benefit 2 local organizations that support our community members battling cancer. Thank you all in advance to our physicians and for your support and participation. Dr. Azeem Dr. Rice, Dr. Vakil Dr. Ravid, Dr. Girdwood, Dr. Chupka, Dr. Williams, Dr. Metyk, Dr. Braut, Dr. Castillo, Dr. Melser, Dr. Amontree, Dr. Greenberg, Dr. Anthony, Dr. Chance, Dr. Browne, Dr. Memon The Red Lipstick FOUNDATION
April 12 18, 2017 E/N/C/V LetÂs Go! 7 EASTER EVENTSEgg hunts/bunny sightings€ Photos with the Easter Bunny: 11 a.m.-8 p.m. through April 15 at the Regal Cinema Court at the JCPenney court at Port Charlotte Town Center mall, 1441 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte To book a reservation online, follow the links from www. stream/dont-miss-photos-with-the-easterbunny-3109697. € Eggstravaganza Easter Egg Hunt: 9:30 a.m.11a.m. April 15 at Centennial Park, 200 W. Venice Ave., Venice Prizes, candy and entertainment. Take your own basket and meet the Easter bunny. € Englewood United Methodist Church, 700 E. Dearborn St., Englewood Annual Easter Egg Hunt, April 15. All children of the community and their adults are invited to take their baskets to participate. Themed baskets are being replaced by Easter Basket Blessings. Egg hunts by age group, including adults, will launch from there between 10:40 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Also includes crafts, face painting, balloon animals and games and live music. For more information, www. or 941-474-5588. € Edgewater Church Easter Egg Hunt, 19190 Cochran Blvd., Port Charlotte 10 a.m.-noon April 15. Free event, open to the public. Bounce house, crafts, free popcorn and cotton candy. For more information, call 941-6253039 or email office@edge € Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, 11330 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda : 8:15 a.m., 9:40 a.m. and 11 a.m. Cantata, ÂCome Walk With Me,ÂŽ presented by music ministry; 7p.m. Presentation of ÂThe Last SupperÂŽ with monologues and music followed by Communion service, Maundy Thursday, April 13; 7p.m. Traditional service „ Good Friday, April 14; and 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. traditional services and 9:40 a.m. contemporary service „ Easter Sunday, April 16. Nursery care is available at all services. All are welcome. 941-639-0001, info83@ or € Deep Creek Community Church, 1500 Cooper St., Punta Gorda : Experience Easter, 5 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. „ April 15. Easter services, 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 12:15 p.m. „ April 16. For more information, call 941-235-7325. € Englewood United Methodist Church, 700 E. Dearborn St., Englewood : 7:30 p.m. Living Last Supper (includes Communion) Maundy Thursday, April 13; 7:30 p.m. service in the sanctuary „ Good Friday, April 14; and 7:45 a.m. (least trac) and 11 a.m. traditional services, and 9:15 a.m. contemporary service „ all Easter Sunday, April 16. For more information, or 941-474-5588. € First Baptist Church of Charlotte Harbor, 4506 Church St., Charlotte Harbor 7 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service, April 16. For more information, call 941-629-8101. € First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St., Port Charlotte : Maundy Thursday, April 13; noon joint worship with Wintergarden Presbyterian Church, 18305 Wintergarden Ave. Good Friday, April 14; noon in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian to observe ChristÂs nal three hours on the cross. 6:45 a.m. Sunrise Service, breakfast served, followed by Easter Egg Hunt and 10 a.m. traditional service „ all Easter Sunday, April 16, at First Presbyterian Church. 941-625-5045 or www. € Grace Community Church, 1160 South McCall Road, Englewood 7 a.m. Sunrise celebration service April 16, Easter morning to be held Indian Mound Park. Lawn chair and/or blanket recommended. Continental breakfast served at 8:15 a.m.; activities for children. € Gulf Cove Methodist Church, 1100 McCall Road, Port Charlotte Palm Sunday, 8 a.m., 11 a.m. traditional services, 9:30 contemporary, April 9. Holy Thursday Service, interactive communion service, 6 p.m. April 13. Good Friday, a special Tenebrae service, 7 p.m. April 14. Sunrise meditative service 6:45 a.m., 8 a.m. and 11 am. traditional services, 9:30 a.m. contemporary „ all Easter Sunday, April 16. For more information, call 941-6971747 or, or visit website at € Peace River Baptist Church, 478 Berry St., Punta Gorda : Easter cantata ÂLike a LambÂŽ (Peace River sanctuary choir, under the direction of Jim Reuter): 7 p.m. April 13-14 in the sanctuary. No tickets required, seating is limited. Doors open at 6 p.m. 941-637-6768 or 941-628-9789. € Pilgrim Church, 24515 Rampart Blvd., Port Charlotte Lunch noon, Service 1 p.m. „ Good Friday, April 14; 7 a.m. Sunrise Service at Nav-A-Gator, 8 a.m. Traditional Service, 10 a.m. Contemporary Service „ all Easter Sunday, April 16. Call 941-629-2633 for more information. € The Knights of Columbus Council 8074, sponsor, at Ponce de Leon Park, 3400 Ponce de Leon Parkway (end of West Marion Avenue), Punta Gorda at 7 a.m. Sunrise Mass Easter Sunday, April 16. Take a chair; carpool to reduce the parking overow. All welcome. Rain site: Sacred Heart Church, 211 W. Charlotte Ave., Punta Gorda. € Sonrise Baptist Church, 11050 Willmington Blvd., Englewood : Sunrise Service (Outdoor) 7:30 a.m. April 16 followed by breakfast in the fellowship hall. Resurrection Service at 10:15 a.m. in the church worship center.Holy Week/Easter Services adno=50513450 adno=54511617 SUNSET SPECIALS ... 2PM-5PM Live Music Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday 4pm till closing We specialize in ... Seafood, Steaks and Chicken Outside Dining SEAFOOD € STEAKS € GREEK FOOD 1400 Aqua View Lane, Englewood, FL 34223 (1/4 mile East of Beach Rd. & McDonaldÂs) 941-474-4292 Hours: Tues Sun 11 am 9 pm Make Your Easter Reservations Now! Make Your Easter Reservations Now!
8 LetÂs Go! E/N/C/V April 12 18, 2017 UPCOMING EVENTS The Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall at FSW, 13350 FSW Parkway, Fort Myers, announces the 2017-2018 Fifth Third Bank Broadway Series. The six-show series, with each show having eight performances, consists of: € Andrew Lloyd WebberÂs ÂLove Never Dies „ The Phantom ReturnsÂŽ plays Dec. 5-10. The ultimate love story continues in ÂLove Never Dies,ÂŽ Andrew Lloyd WebberÂs spellbinding sequel to The Phantom of the Opera. The year is 1907. It is 10 years after his disappearance from the Paris Opera House and the Phantom has escaped to a new life in New York where he lives among the screaming joy rides and freak shows of Coney Island. In this new, electrically charged world, he has nally found a place for his music to soar, but he has never stopped yearning for his one true love and musical protegee, Christine Daae. ÂLove Never DiesÂŽ is a dazzling new production, which takes audiences on a thrilling rollercoaster ride of intrigue, obsession and romance. Be seduced by the beautiful; sometimes magical and poetic; sometimes joyful; and occasionally melancholic score. DonÂt miss this magnicent continuation of one of the worldÂs greatest love stories as it makes its Southwest Florida premiere in Fort Myers. € ÂFinding NeverlandÂŽ will play Jan. 9-14, 2018. The winner of Broadway.comÂs Audience Choice Award for Best Musical, this breathtaking smash Âcaptures the kid-at-heart,ÂŽ says Time Magazine. Vogue cheers, ÂItÂs a must-see youÂll remember for years to come!ÂŽ Directed by visionary Tony-winner Diane Paulus and based on the critically-acclaimed Academy Award-winning lm, ÂFinding NeverlandÂŽ tells the incredible story behind one of the worldÂs most beloved characters: Peter Pan. Playwright J.M. Barrie struggles to nd inspiration until he meets four young brothers and their beautiful widowed mother. Spellbound by the boys enchanting make-believe adventures, he sets out to write a play that will astound London theatergoers. With a little bit of pixie dust and a lot of faith, Barrie takes this monumental leap, leaving his old world behind for Neverland, where nothing is impossible and the wonder of childhood lasts forever. The magic of BarrieÂs classic tale springs spectacularly to life in this heartwarming theatrical event. ÂFinding NeverlandÂŽ is Âfar and away the best musical of the year!ÂŽ (NPR). € ÂAn American in ParisÂŽ is scheduled from Jan. 23-28, 2018. ÂAn American in ParisÂŽ is the new Tony Awardwinning musical about an American soldier, a mysterious French girl and an indomitable European city, each yearning for a new beginning in the aftermath of war. Acclaimed director/choreographer and 2015 Tony Award-winner Christopher Wheeldon brings the magic and romance of Paris into perfect harmony with unforgettable songs from George and Ira Gershwin in the show that earned more awards than any other musical in the 2015 season. The New York Times raves, ÂAn American in ParisÂŽ is a triumph! Pure joy!ÂŽ and the Wall Street Journal declares, ÂOnce youÂve seen it, youÂll nd it hard to settle for less ever again.ÂŽ DonÂt miss this stunning Broadway hit when it arrives in Fort Myers on its rst national tour. € ÂMotown The MusicalÂŽ will play March 13-18, 2018. It began as one manÂs story ƒ became everyoneÂs music ƒ and is now BroadwayÂs musical. ÂMotown The MusicalÂŽ is the true American dream story of Motown founder Berry GordyÂs journey from featherweight boxer to the heavyweight music mogul who launched the careers of Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Smokey Robinson and many more. Motown shattered barriers, shaped our lives and made us all move to the same beat. Featuring classic songs such as ÂMy GirlÂŽ and ÂAinÂt No Mountain High Enough,ÂŽ experience the story behind the music in the record-breaking smash hit ÂMotown The Musical!ÂŽ € ÂThe BodyguardÂŽ starring Deborah Cox is set to play March 27-April 1, 2018. Based on the smash hit lm, the award-winning musical will star Grammy Award-nominee and R&B superstar Deborah Cox. Former Secret Service agent turned bodyguard, Frank Farmer, is hired to protect superstar Rachel Marron from an unknown stalker. Each expects to be in charge; what they donÂt expect is to fall in love. A breathtakingly romantic thriller, ÂThe BodyguardÂŽ features a host of irresistible classics including ÂQueen of the Night,ÂŽ ÂSo Emotional,ÂŽ ÂOne Moment in Time,ÂŽ ÂSaving All My Love,ÂŽ ÂRun to You,ÂŽ ÂI Have Nothing,ÂŽ ÂI Wanna Dance with SomebodyÂŽ and one of the biggest selling songs of all time „ ÂI Will Always Love You.ÂŽ € ÂBeautiful, The Carol King Musical,ÂŽ April 3-8, 2018, tells the inspiring true story of KingÂs remarkable rise to stardom, from being part of a hit songwriting team with her husband Gerry Gon, to her relationship with fellow writers and best friends Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann, to becoming one of the most successful solo acts in popular music history. Along the way, she made more than beautiful music, she wrote the soundtrack to a generation. Featuring a stunning array of beloved songs written by Gerry Gon/Carole King and Barry Mann/ Cynthia Weil, including ÂI Feel The Earth Move,ÂŽ ÂOne Fine Day,ÂŽ Â(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman,ÂŽ ÂYouÂve Got A FriendÂŽ and the title song, ÂBeautiful.ÂŽ From Phantom to Motown, see award-winning shows in 2017-18Provided by PEG WELTYBARBARA B. MANN PERFORMING ARTS HALL IF YOU GOBuy tickets now for the 2017-2018 Broadway Series at the Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall € TICKETS: Prices range from $134.82 to $578.96 for the six-show series and can be purchased at the box office, 13350 FSW Parkway, Fort Myers; by phone at 239-481-4849; or online at Single tickets for the 2017-2018 Fifth Third Bank Broadway Series will be available at a later date.Tickets on sale now for Barbara B. Mann series Venice TheatreÂs Board of Directors has approved the docket of productions presented to them by the theaterÂs volunteer play selection committee and Artistic/Executive Director Murray Chase. Directly following the unanimous vote, the theater announced its 68th season to a standing-room-only crowd of sponsors, donors, advertisers, patrons and volunteers. The annual season announcement party included a social hour with hors dÂoeuvres and drinks followed by entertainment on the MainStage. Theater sta Allan Kollar and Kristofer Geddie acted as masters of ceremonies for a program that announced all of the 2017-2018 shows and included performances of songs from several of the 11 musicals on the upcoming schedule. Michelle Kasanofsky sang ÂProud Mary,ÂŽ a number from the Â60s jukebox musical ÂBeehive,ÂŽ which will kick o the 2017-18 Stage II Series. The theater will be consolidating its Cabaret and Stage II Series, which will now feature seven contemporary plays and musicals presented in the black box Pinkerton Theatre. The upcoming Stage II musicals will include a reprise of this seasonÂs sleeper hit, ÂThe Toxic Avenger,ÂŽ represented by the song ÂJersey GirlÂŽ performed by Nancy Denton, Kristofer Geddie and David Walker. Kelly Duyn sang ÂSmall Town Venice Theatre announces 2017-2018 lineupProvided by LAURIE COLTONVENICE THEATRE € See complete lineup on page 9 IF YOU GO€ WHERE: Venice Theatre and box office is at 140 W. Tampa Ave., Venice. € INFORMATION: Visit the website at https:// or call 941-488-1115. € TICKETS AND MORE: Season subscriptions for 2017-2018 are on sale now by calling 941-4881115 or visiting the box office. (Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday and one hour before showtime.) Six different packages are available. Prices range from $104 for a Stage II Pick 4 Pass to $340 for the Golden Ticket, which includes 16 shows and additional discounts on special events and drinks at the bar.VENICE | 9 DEARLYDEPARTEDAPR 19-MAY 27, 2017A COMEDY BY DAVID BOTTRELL AND JESSIE JONES FOR TICKETS! 941-366-1505 OR WESTCOASTBLACKTHEATRE.ORGWESTCOASTBLACKTHEATRETROUPEPaid for in part by Sarasota County Tourist Development Tax Revenues. This project is sponsored in part by the Department of State, Division of Cultural Aairs, the Florida Council of Arts and Culture, and the State of Forida.DEARLY DEPARTED is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York adno=54512626 adno=50513365
April 12 18, 2017 E/N/C/V LetÂs Go! 9 UPCOMING EVENTS MAINSTAGE SERIES€ Sept. 26-Oct. 15. ÂYou CanÂt Take It With YouÂŽ by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman: An eccentric family allows each member to pursue his or her own ambition in the home, but their routine is disrupted when a daughter with a regular job wants to bring her fiance and his Wall Street family to dinner in this Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy. € Nov. 14-Dec. 10. ÂA Christmas Story, The MusicalÂŽ is a classic holiday tale that centers on a mischievous, bespectacled boy, Ralphie, who dreams of getting a BB-gun for Christmas. € Jan. 9-Feb. 4, 2018. ÂSmokey JoeÂs CafeÂŽ features nine powerful performers and nearly 40 of the greatest rock Ân roll and R&B songs ever recorded, including ÂLove Potion No. 9,ÂŽ ÂOn Broadway,ÂŽ ÂIÂm a Woman,ÂŽ ÂYakety YakÂŽ and more. € Feb. 20-March 18, 2018. ÂDreamgirls:ÂŽ An opportunistic show business promoter sets the career of a female trio of black singers soaring as 1960s Motown music becomes popular with both white and black audiences. € April 10-29, 2018. ÂThe Grapes of Wrath:ÂŽ A literary classic concerning the Joads, a family of sharecroppers in Oklahoma, who are driven west by the Depression and the drought of the Dust Bowl. STAGE II SERIES€ Sept. 28Â…Oct. 22. ÂBeehive: The Â60s MusicalÂŽ recalls the days of miniskirts, transistor radios and flower power told from the perspective of six young women who came of age in this enigmatic decade. € Nov. 2-19. ÂFlaming Guns of The Purple Sage:ÂŽ This bodacious and macabre crossover comedy mixes horror and hilarity. A feisty rodeo competitor is a bitter critter, facing foreclosure on the Wyoming ranch where she rehabilitates injured rodeo cowboys. The arrival of a shocking woman and a one-eyed Ukrainian biker ushers in outrageous behavior in this shoot Âem up, knock Âem up, cut Âem up comic romp. € Nov. 30-Dec. 23. ÂThe Santaland Diaries:ÂŽ An out-of-work writer decides to become a MacyÂs elf during the holiday crunch. With thousands of Santa visitors, he becomes battle-weary and bitter, occasionally taking out his frustrations on the children and parents. When a different kind of store Santa enters, he is thrust into an uncharacteristic moment of good will, just before his employment runs out. € Jan. 11-28, 2018. ÂLast Train to Nibroc:ÂŽ On a cross-country train headed back east in 1940, a young serviceman „ recently discharged due to his epilepsy „ is chatting up a traveling small-town girl from Kentucky, recently disappointed in love. € Feb 8-March 4, 2018. ÂThe Toxic AvengerÂŽ is back by popular demand. Winner of the Outer Critics Circle Award for Best Off-Broadway Musical, this charming love story and laugh-out-loud musical has it all: an unlikely hero, his beautiful librarian girlfriend, a corrupt New Jersey mayor and two guys who play ƒ everyone else ƒ bullies, mobsters, old ladies and stiletto-wearing back-up singers. € March 15-April 8, 2018. ÂA Midsummer NightÂs Dream:ÂŽ ShakespeareÂs comedy brings together a group of star-crossed lovers, an inept band of actors led by the pompous Nick Bottom, and the king and queen of the fairies and their impish henchman Puck, who creates romantic and comic havoc for all. € April 26-May 20, 2018. ÂDebbie Does Dallas: The Musical!ÂŽ A modern morality tale told as a comic musical of tragic proportions in the language of the rodeo-porno-football circus. A coming-of-age story of an all-American small-town sweetheart. Debbie is captain of her high-school cheerleading team, but she dreams of making it to the big time by becoming a Texas Cowgirl Cheerleader. GENERATIONS SERIES€ Sept. 7-17. ÂWiley and the Hairy ManÂŽ is a spine-tingling tale set deep within the mysterious Tombigbee Swamp that centers around a young fatherless boy, his conjure-woman mother, his faithful dog and the Hairy Man who haunts WileyÂs days and dreams. € Dec. 15-21. ÂA Christmas CarolÂŽ is a festive annual tradition at Venice Theatre celebrating its 18th year. This musical version of Dickens classic tale follows Ebenezer Scrooge as he reflects on his past, present and possible future. € May 15-20, 2018. ÂStuart Little,ÂŽ based on the book by E.B. White, follows small mouse Stuart when he leaves his human family in New York and travels across the country in search of a bird that helped save his life. SUMMER€ July 6-Aug. 27. ÂThe 5th Annual Summer Cabaret FestivalÂŽ is our areaÂs hottest talent providing entertainment throughout the summer with a variety of music in ÂPinkyÂs Cabaret.ÂŽ € July 13-16. ÂDisneyÂs My Son Pinocchio JR.ÂŽ Join the Blue Fairy, Stromboli and a lively cast of characters as Geppetto journeys beyond his toyshop to discover the meaning of family. When the Blue Fairy grants GeppettoÂs wish to bring his beloved puppet to life, the new father quickly learns about the challenges of fatherhood. € July 28-Aug 12. ÂZombie PromÂŽ is set in the atomic 1950s at Enrico Fermi High, where the law is laid down by a zany, tyrannical principal, a pretty senior has fallen for the class bad boy. A motorcycle accident and nuclear waste complicate the coupleÂs efforts to attend their prom together. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT€ Oct. 27-31. ÂThe Rocky Horror Show:ÂŽ LetÂs Do The Time Warp Again! This time, on the MainStage! Join in the fun (audience participation encouraged) as newlyweds Brad and Janet seek shelter at a mysterious castle on a dark and stormy night, where they encounter Dr. Frank ÂN Furter, his ÂperfectÂŽ creation Rocky, and an assortment of other crazy characters. Venice Theatre reserves the right to change shows, dates and times.GirlÂŽ from ÂDebbie Does Dallas The Musical!ÂŽ (Yes, that Debbie. It is Stage II, after all.) Highlights from the MainStage musicals included Syreeta Banks singing ÂI am ChangingÂŽ from ÂDreamgirlsÂŽ and Geddie, Edwin Watson, Willie Marte and Banks singing ÂStand by MeÂŽ from ÂSmokey Joes Cafe.ÂŽ When asked about whether anything tied together the selections for the new season, Chase said that a theme had emerged. All of the shows, except two English classics, exemplify the American experience. ÂThat experience is as diverse and varied as we are. So, you have everything from ÂThe Toxic Avenger, a satirical look at people ghting toxic waste in New Jersey, to the journey of a ctional family that has become part of our collective American story in ÂThe Grapes of Wrath. I couldnÂt be more pleased with the variety of what we are able to oer,ÂŽ Chase said. Those oerings are included in three series that give audiences the opportunity to see traditional Broadway-style shows (MainStage), contemporary works (Stage II) and family-friendly fare (Generations). Add to this its annual summer oerings, a variety of concerts and special events, classes and outreach projects, and there is rarely a quiet day or night at Venice Theatre.VENICEFROM PAGE 8 Events, restaurants, artists & more! adno=50514130
10 LetÂs Go! E/N/C/V April 12 18, 2017 April 12 18, 2017 E/N/C/V LetÂs Go! 11 All Faiths Food BankÂs Campaign Against Summer Hunger follows the story of Emily and Mia, best friends who do everything together. But this summer, when school ends, hunger begins for one of them. No one can tell by looking at a child that he or she is hungry. Because smiles mask it and hunger muffles it, child hunger is deceptive, and it exists everywhere. Sadly, when school ends, hungetr begins for 40,000 children right here in our community. The Campaign Against Summer Hunger begins April 1 and ends on May 15, 2017. The Campaign features a dollar-for-dollar challenge match and raises funds, food and awareness to feed children and their families in Sarasota and DeSoto counties, all summer long. A community immobilized together can help feed our 40,000. Join the Campaign Against Summer Hunger today. What can you do to support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger? Here is a list of a number of actions of how You can become involved. ALL FAITHS FOOD BANKÂS CAMPAIGN AGAINST SUMMER HUNGER C ONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE adno=54510109 One Block South of Venice Ave. Venice Island Voted #1 Homestyle Cooking 941-451-8261 227 W. Miami Ave., Venice Island breakfast € lunch € dinner take out € catering Best of Venice Award Winning Breakfast, Cafe & Lunch! Open: Mon thru Sat 7:30 am 8:30 pm Sun 7:30 am 2 pm adno=54510099 € Homestyle Cooking € Breakfast € Lunch € Burger € Cafe Voted BEST OF VENICE! BEST OFVENICE Venice Gondolier SunF I R S T BEST OFVENICE Venice Gondolier SunF I R S T BEST OFVENICE Venice Gondolier SunF I R S T EVERY SATURDAY DOWNTOWN VENICE € CENTENNIAL PARK € FREE PARKING OPEN EVERY SATURDAY € 8 AM 1PM BEST OFVENICE 2013 Venice Gondolier Sun € Seasonally Grown Plants & Herbs € Florida Seafood € Handmade Items € Homemade Baked Goods € Live Entertainment And So Much More! Award Winning PRODUCE MARKET Voted #1 adno=54510106 CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Make a donation that is matched dollar-for-dollar. Host a fundraiser, and know that all donations are matched. Put a donation collection can by your register. Host a food drive. Offer discounts at your business with donations of food or funds. Hang a poster in your window. Display a rack of cards on your counter. Support the Campaign on Facebook by liking All Faiths Food BankÂs page. Take a picture of how you are supporting the Campaign Against Summer Hunger, and share it social media. If you tag us, we will share your posts. Take a picture that shows how you are helping to feed hungry children, and send it to us with a caption. We will share it on social media. Anyone can support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger by donating, participating, or advocating. Become a partner today. FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERT April 14, 7pm-9pm Patchouli Centennial Park EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA April 15, 9:30am-11:00am Centennial Park FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERT April 28, 7pm-9pm Robin and the Retros SEAFOOD & MUSIC FESTIVAL May 6-7, 11am-8pm Centennial Park adno=54510110 Visit our website at or contact Elaina Mand, Community Engagement Manager at or call 941-549-8131. € 1600 Harbor Drive S., Venice 34285 € adno=54510101 Only e Best O O O n n l l l l l l l l l l l l y y y y e e e e B B B B B B B B B B B e e e e s s s s t t t t t t t t Black, Blue, Burnt Orange, Stone adno=54510097 Thanks for Voting usBest BBQ and Ribs for 16 Years! 661 S Tamiami Trail, Venice adno=54510148
12 LetÂs Go! E/N/C/V April 12 18, 2017 LETÂS GO PHOTO BY DONNELL BATES Darcy Manos paints a picture on the arm of Makayla Chupka during the Safe Kids/April Pools Day held in Punta Gorda on April 1.LETÂS GO PHOTO BY DONNELL BATESDanee Weir, Theresa Falcone and Katrina Towns at the Englewood Sun Readers Choice awards at the Elks Lodge on March 31.LETÂS GO PHOTO BY DONNELL BATESMegan Magill, Brian Diord and Mike Aldrich enjoy the cocktail hour at the Englewood Sun Readers Choice awards at the Elks Lodge on March 31.LETÂS GO PHOTO BY TAMI GARCIACole Rogers, 3 , participates in a bean bag toss game during KidFest, while his godfather Mark Kemeny looks on.LETÂS GO PHOTO BY TAMI GARCIABob and Pam Fehr look at the gift baskets available to bid on during Popping a Cork on Cancer V.PHOTO PROVIDEDAuthor Donn Fleming displays some of his murder mystery novels at the Sixth Annual Venice Book Fair and Writers Festival in Centennial Park on March 25. His works include ÂSarasota SunriseÂŽ and ÂMangrove Murders.ÂŽLETÂS GO PHOTO BY TAMI GARCIATwo-year old Jack Hardiman points at something interesting while his dad Ed plays the Plinko game during the second annual Duck Race and KidFest at Kiwanis Park in Port Charlotte on April 1. AROUND TOWN OPEN 7 DAYS: MONÂ…SAT 105 PM EASTER SUN 810 AM THURS, FRI, & SAT 105 PM CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY LOBSTERS ALL SIZES AVAILABLE SWORD FISH FREE STEAMING WILD CAUGHT HADDOCK € COD CLAMS € SCALLOPS € LOBSTER MEAT LOBSTER BISQUE € U.S.A. SHRIMP Stuffed Clams or Fish Cakes 2$ 5 00 adno=54511622 Englewood 2700 Placi da Rd. 9416988946 Port Charlot t e 3762 Tami ami Tr. 9417668989 TWIN LOBSTERS New England Seaf ood Markets FAROE ISLAND SALMON BUY 1 GAME € GET 1 FREE VALID EVERYDAY € NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNT 4949 Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41) € Port Charlotte € 941-627-5393 Adults $10.00 18 holes On l y Children 12 & under $9.00 18 holes On l y C. S. adno=50513429 OPEN 7 Days A Week VALID EVERYDAY NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNT. Limit One Discount Per Coupon
April 12 18, 2017 E/N/C/V LetÂs Go! 13 LETÂS GO PHOTO BY DONNELL BATES Heather Boyd, Injury and Violence Prevention coordinator at the Florida Health Department, left, and Andrew Crawford, Charlotte Sports Park Stadium operations assistant, right, with the Stone Crabs new mascot Clawford, pose with a few friends during the Safe Kids/April Pools Day at South County Regional Park on April 1.LETÂS GO PHOTO BY DONNELL BATESBeth Wenrich, Maria Gay, Lucas Gay and Jacob Gay chat with Theresa Abele at the Earth Origins booth during the Safe Kids/April Pools Day at South County Regional Park in Punta Gorda.LETÂS GO PHOTO BY BETSY WILLIAMSEllen Burnett and Bill Gunnin at the Shark Tank event held at the Isles Yacht Club in Punta Gorda.LETÂS GO PHOTO BY TAMI GARCIABrandi Riede, left, and Suzanne Beiner from Florida Weekly attend Popping a Cork on Cancer V at Lexington Manor recently.PHOTO PROVIDED BY NANCY BRACKENTappercise and The Sunshine Strings Dulcimer Band entertain the people at the Senior Friendship Center recently. Pictured, from left, are Phyllis Willems, Kathleen Kinney, Jeannie Richgels, Sharon deMarc and Liz Gies.LETÂS GO PHOTO BY TAMI GARCIANick Dattilo of NickÂs Kids Show provides entertainment for children and adults alike during the second annual Duck Race and KidFest hosted by Charlotte County Community Services and the Port Charlotte Sunrise Kiwanis on April 1, at Kiwanis Park in Port Charlotte.LETÂS GO PHOTO BY TAMI GARCIAKen Johnson, a three-time cancer survivor, sits with Noelle LaPonte, director of sales and marketing at Lexington Manor Assisted Living Facility in Port Charlotte, as they greet guests arriving for the Popping a Cork on Cancer V event on March 30. AROUND TOWN OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SUNDAY BRUNCH SUNDAY BRUNCH S ig na ture Display of Fresh Seasonal Fruit Salad Bar € Shrimp Cocktail € Fresh Vegetables ChefÂs Chicken € Fresh Catch of the Day € Prime Rib & Ham Carving Station Assorted Desserts € Fresh Brewed Coffee, Tea or Ice Tea $22.95 ++ Per Person ~ 11am to 1:30pm € Reservations Required (941) 240-5100 Create Your Own Signature Omelet with Fresh Fillings and Toppings Eggs Benedict € Applewood Smoked Bacon € Country Sausage € Breakfast Potatoes 25% Off Room Charge and More! Expires 4/23/2017 Contact Sara Hartlein for more information and to book your special event! Wedding Ceremonies Rehearsal Dinners Receptions Bridal Showers Special Events Golf & Country Club Golf & Country Club adno=54511457 Beautiful View of Gasparilla Sound Old Florida Waterfront Dining Fresh Seafood COME BY LAND OR SEA 13000 Fi shery Rd € Placi da, FL 33946 ( 941) 6972451 www. thef i sheryrestaurant com Open 7 Days a Week 11:30AM 9 PM Restaurant HAPPY HOUR 2-5 LIVE Music Friday 4-8pm Satday 4-8pm Sunday 1-5pm adno=54511621 Outstanding New Menu Come on out Dine on the Deck Placi da Art Market Apri l 15th 9am4: 00pm
14 LetÂs Go! E/N/C/V April 12 18, 2017 UPCOMING EVENTS A diverse cast delivers a delightful show for Charlotte Players nal production of the season, ÂThings My Mother Taught Me,ÂŽ which continues at the Langdon Playhouse through Saturday, April 15. The romantic comedy by Katherine DiSavino, author of the 1915 Players hit ÂNanaÂs Naughty Knickers,ÂŽ is funny and touching, generating knowing smiles and belly laughs throughout. The story concerns 20-something architect Olivia Keegan (Anaya Maitland) and writer Gabe Lawson (Brandon Butler) moving into their rst apartment together. TheyÂve just packed up all of their belongings and driven halfway across the country to start their new life. Things get complicated when both sets of parents show up to Âhelp.ÂŽ ÂWhat attracted me to this particular play is the truthful and vibrant expression of the relationships that exist between child and parent,ÂŽ said astistic director Willliam Olson. ÂWe can share the same Âlife lessons and yet often have a completely unique experience.ÂŽ Maitland and Butler are both superb, demonstrating good chemistry, emotion and great comic timing while on stage through most of the show. This is MaitlandÂs debut in a featured role for the Players, and she more than holds her own opposite Butler, who follows an impressive performance as Noah ÂHorseÂŽ Simmons in ÂThe Full Monty.ÂŽ Getting the biggest laughs are the fathers, played by veteran performers Bernie Broyles and James Manns. Broyles returns to the Players after having appeared in numerous movies, stage shows and TV programs. Manns has emerged as one of the most reliable members of the Players ensemble, most recently having acted opposite Olson in ÂNot Now Darling.ÂŽ Playing the mothers are Angela Boykin and Jacqueline Wands, relative newcomers whose pitch-perfect performances belie their experience. Boykin, in fact, is making her stage debut, while Wands made her rst appearance in ÂNot Now Darling.ÂŽ Rounding out the ne cast is Victoria Caruso, who has a great time as ÂMax,ÂŽ the building superintendent. Caruso infuses the show with her contagious energy and good will. Scenic designer Chris Smith, who is responsible for more than 30 Players sets, has done his usual outstanding job here. The same must be said for the other backstage artisans: Stage manager Paula Pender, costumer Shirley Noel and property manager Jann Grenier.Catch last performances of Charlotte Players ÂThings My Mother Taught MeÂBy DAN MEARNSLETÂS GO CORRESPONDENT IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Charlotte Players production of ÂThings My Mother Taught MeÂŽ € WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, April 12-15 € WHERE: Langdon Playhouse, 1182 Market Circle, Port Charlotte € TICKETS: $18 for adults, $9 for students; order online at or by calling 941-255-1022 PHOTOS PROVIDEDAnaya Maitland, right, communicates with her mother, played by Angela Boykin. Jacqueline Wands and James Manns, playing ButlerÂs parents, chip in to clean the young coupleÂs new apartment. Anaya Maitland and Brandon Butler in a scene from ÂThings My Mother Taught Me.ÂŽ (941) 621-4612 2705 Tamiami Trail Suite 216, Punta Gorda, FL adno=50513133 Cilantros Restaurant LATIN AMERICAN CUISINE ÂWe CaterÂŽ 2016 KARAOKE EVERY SATURDAY ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET Every Other Sunday Afternoon 941-698-6900 7092 Placida Road € Cape Haze Boaters welcome € Located between markers 7 and 8 on the Intracoastal € Blackened Shrimp Bloody Mary adno=54511450
April 12 18, 2017 E/N/C/V LetÂs Go! 15 UPCOMING EVENTS ÂThe ExoneratedÂŽ tells the haunting stories taken from interviews as well as from the actual court transcripts and interviews of 40 former death-row inmates. All were eventually proven innocent and released after spending as much as 22 years behind bars. FSTÂs Stage III production of ÂThe Exonerated,ÂŽ adapted by Jessica Blank and Erik Jensen, will play from April 19-23, in the Keating Theatre at Florida Studio Theatre, 1241 N. Palm Ave., Sarasota. Imagine spending days, weeks or months in a space that is cold and unfamiliar, with concrete walls and oors and bars that keep you from going where you want. Jails are not welcoming, nor are they meant to be. Imagine spending years in one, especially if you are not guilty of the crime for which youÂve been convicted. ÂThe ExoneratedÂŽ reveals true stories of exonerated prisoners from interviews and court transcripts. Critics have weighed in on this emotional and thought-provoking play. The New York Times calls it ÂintenseÂŽ and Âdeeply aecting.ÂŽ FST associate director and director of ÂThe Exonerated,ÂŽ Kate Alexander, speaks to the reality presented in this production that most never even comprehend. ÂThe stories in this play are true. The words are the true words of men and women who have lived the unimaginable: Years behind bars, years of a life extinguished „ and they are innocent. Is there a way to reconcile? We need to listen to these stories of grit. FST is also partnering with the communityÂs own public defender, Laurence Eger. He will lead the Forum committee planning and also the discussions. This is of particular importance because of his passion and drive to protect the accused. Mr. Eger led the initial discussions when we produced this play years ago, and he has been a champion on the forums ever since. According to Eger, ÂThe topic of exoneration is just as relevant and important now as it has always been. The issue of the death penalty has nothing to do with mercy. It also does not act as a deterrent or create closure for the family of the victim. It only serves the lowest part of our humanity and one purpose „ revenge. IÂd like to think as a culture and a species that we have evolved past this need.ÂŽ The play is comprised of 10 characters including returning FST company members, Susan Greenhill, Bob Mowry, Jerey Plunkett and Katherine Tanner. ÂI am so pleased and honored to be involved with this production of ÂThe Exonerated. I recall so vividly seeing a production in NYC and being deeply moved by these true stories personied by wonderful actors. I am grateful and a little trepidatious, as I always am playing someone who actually exists. ƒ But mostly I am just very happy to be a participant in this theatrical event with the audience at FST who I value so highly after all these years.ÂŽ FST is also partnering with The Innocence Project of Florida for this production. ÂThe Innocence Project of Florida has been nding and freeing innocent people in Florida for fourteen years and, in that time, we have seen a growing awareness of the problem of wrongful conviction,ÂŽ said executive director, Seth Miller. ÂWith almost 2,000 exonerations nationwide since 1989, our movement has made signicant progress in leveraging what we have learned about wrongful convictions into meaningful reforms to prevent them from occurring in the future. I hope that this production can be a catalyst for those who attend to help us continue to progress toward a more just society.ÂŽÂThe Exonerated tells true stories of wrongfully convictedProvided by NICOLE CLAYTONFLORIDA STUDIO THEATRE IF YOU GO€ WHAT: ÂThe ExoneratedÂŽ € WHERE: Keating Theatre at Florida Studio Theatre, 1241 N. Palm Ave., Sarasota € WHEN: April 19-23; many showtimes available € TICKETS: Buy online at www.florida or by calling the box office at 941-366-9000 The interactive, multimedia traveling exhibit, ÂAnne Frank: A History for Today,ÂŽ will be displayed April 17-May 27, at Selby Public Library, 1331 First St., Sarasota. On loan from the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect in Manhattan, this exhibit tells the story of Anne Frank against the background of the Holocaust and World War II. This exhibit is free and sponsored by The Jewish Federation of SarasotaManatee in collaboration with Sarasota County Libraries and Historical Resources, Sarasota County schools and Embracing Our Dierences. ÂAnne Frank: A History for TodayÂŽ shows images of Anne FrankÂs childhood in Frankfurt and in Amsterdam, and portrays the rise of the Nazis, the persecution of the Jews and the way the people responded to what was happening. To enrich this experience, the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect has designed educator workshops and supplementary materials and docent training for area students, educators and community volunteers. ÂVisitors to Selby Library will live AnneÂs story vicariously „ from her birth in 1929 through her death in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in March 1945,ÂŽ said Orna Nissan, director of Holocaust Education and Israel Programs for The Jewish Federation of SarasotaManatee. ÂFamily photographs contrasted with images of historical events will reect events prior to, during, and after Nazi domination, creating an emotional and educational experience that will also challenge visitors to reect on the eects that prejudice, hatred, violence „ and most important, apathy „ can have on society.ÂŽ ÂThe library is the perfect place for these kinds of exhibits, as our libraries are beacons for the community to learn, engage in conversation and build for the future,ÂŽ according to Sarabeth Kalajian, Sarasota CountyÂs director of Libraries and Historical Resources. The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee is a not-for-prot organization whose mission is to save Jewish lives and enhance Jewish life in the SarasotaManatee region, in Israel and throughout the world. In addition, the Federation is responsive when worldwide catastrophes occur. For more information, call 941-3714546 or visit The Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, founded in 1959 by Otto Frank, is a nonsectarian 501(c)(3) educational organization, based in New York City. The center, a partner of the Anne Frank House, uses the diary and spirit of Anne Frank as unique tools to advance her legacy, to educate young people and communities about the dangers of intolerance, anti-Semitism, racism and discrimination, and to inspire the next generation to build a world based on equal rights and mutual respect. Through a variety of innovative education programs and exhibitions, the center teaches Anne Frank as a role model for today. Her insights and courage continue to inspire students, educators and citizens more than 60 years after her diary was rst published. The centerÂs exhibitions about the life and times of Anne Frank have traveled to more than 250 communities and have been viewed by more than 5.5 million people throughout North America. For more information, visitÂAnne Frank: A History for Today on display in SarasotaProvided by SU BYRON IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Multimedia traveling exhibit, ÂAnne Frank: A History for TodayÂŽ € WHEN: April 17-May 27 € WHERE: Selby Public Library, 1331 First St., Sarasota € INFORMATION: Email Orna Nissan at or call 941-552-6305 PHOTO PROVIDEDAnne Frank BRADENTON EVENTSFaculty recital available in AprilState College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota, will present a faculty recital at SCFÂs Neel Performing Arts Center, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton. Flutist Jane Hoffman and Friends will perform at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 13. General admission for both recitals is $8; students and SCF employees $4. Tickets can be purchased at or by calling the box office at 941-752-5252.Picnic at the Pavilion features live jazzState College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota, will be the host for a free jazz concert during a picnic at the pavilion from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, on the grounds of SCF Bradenton, 5840 26th St. W. The concert will include jazz bands from Bayshore and Braden River high schools and the SCF Big Band. The jazz bands from Bayshore and Braden River each will play for about 20 minutes, followed by the SCF Big Band. Pete Carney, SCFÂs jazz instructor, will discuss the history of jazz and respected musicians in the genre. Take chairs or blankets and have a picnic on the lawn during the free event. Take your lunch or buy it at the SCF Cafe, adjacent to the pavilion. For more information, contact Carney at 941-752-5590 or to present thriller ÂGaslightÂStudio 84 Productions at State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota will present ÂAngel Street (Gaslight)ÂŽ at the David S. and Anne V. Howard Studio Theatre at SCF Bradenton, 5840 26th St. W. Performances will be at 8 p.m. April 14-15 and 20-22; and at 2 p.m. April 23. General admission is $12; students and SCF employees, $6. Tickets can be purchased by calling the box office at 941-752-5252.VENICE EVENTSMusical ÂBlood Brothers on Stage IIVenice TheatreÂs Stage II Series will present the dramatic musical ÂBlood BrothersÂŽ now through Sunday, April 23. Performances start at 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays and at 2 p.m. on Sundays. There will be no show on Easter Sunday, April 16. Adult tickets are $32. Student tickets are $15 to $17. Seating is general admission. ÂBlood Brothers,ÂŽ sponsored by Joan Lino Signature SothebyÂs and Salon of Venice, is a gripping story by British playwright Willy Russell (also known for Educating Rita and Shirley Valentine) about twin brothers who are separated at birth, with one raised in wealth and the other in poverty. They grow to be friends and then bitter enemies without ever knowing their blood connection. Tickets are available at the box office, by calling 941-488-1115 or online at Venice Theatre is at 140 W. Tampa Ave., on the island in Venice. Box office hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday; and one hour before showtime.The Mamas and The Papa tributeGet ready for a musical journey through time as monday monday pays tribute to The Mamas and The Papas. The tribute band will appear at the Venice Theatre on April 23-24, for three shows. Showtimes are 8 p.m. on Sunday and 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Monday. Tickets are $32 and are available by calling the box office at 941-4881115 or visiting The show consists of legendary songs made famous by The Mamas and The Papas as well as sure-fire hits from recording industry legends of folk, pop and rock surrounding the Woodstock Era and the early Â70s. Venice Theatre is at 140 W. Tampa Ave., on the island in Venice. Box office hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday; and one hour before showtime. R EGISTRATION 7:30 A M ., S HOTGUN START 8:30 A M E NTRY FEES : $70 PER GOLFER $280 PER FOURSOME I NCLUDES GREEN FEES CARTS GIFT BAG LUNCH H OLE SPONSORSHIP : $60 ($75 W / COLOR LOGO ) S ATURDAY M AY 6, 2017, K INGSWAY C OUNTRY C LUB P RESENTED BY adno=50514134
16 LetÂs Go! E/N/C/V April 12 18, 2017 DonÂt be thrown by the Detroit Lions mentions on the wall of John SkiÂs House of Breakfast and Lunch in Punta Gorda. The owner, John Cwikowski, is not from Michigan. The son of a father who was in the U.S. Navy, he grew up in the Virginia Beach/Norfolk area, but heÂs lived in Southwest Florida for more than 23 years. His love of the Lions comes from his grandfather, though certainly some of the snowbirds who come through his restaurantÂs door probably appreciate seeing that small touch from home. Cwikowski was actually a general manager at Bob Evans for 15 years, prior to opening his own restaurant, rst at the Murdock location and then at the Charlotte Harbor location. It was while working there that he met his future business manager. ÂHe asked me, ÂWhen are you going to open your own restaurant?ÂÂŽ Cwikowski said. ÂWe set up about ve dierent locations to see, but since I was a member at the church across the street (Sacred Heart Catholic), I saw this one and it looked like the right spot. We saw it rst and didnÂt go to any other ones.ÂŽ They opened up their new eatery near the end of season 2012. That gave Cwikowski the whole summer to train his sta and begin developing relationships with the locals. Most of CwikowskiÂs employees have been with him since that day, and he also has his wife Glenna, who is a prep cook and kitchen manager, his son John John, a host/manager and his other two sons Timothy and Richard, who also help out. He says that his goal was to have a small place where people could get a delicious breakfast or lunch and get out as quickly as they needed to. ÂAnyone can cook bacon, eggs and pancakes, but what we make here is something special, with a twist,ÂŽ he said. ÂWe have a great crab cake benedict and crabmeat omelet and we donÂt do anything small here. Our pancakes are as big as a plate.ÂŽ Speaking of large portions, John SkiÂs House is famous for their Fat Boy, and Fat Girl, breakfasts „ most notably, their Fat Boy Breakfast Challenge. Weighing in at 2 pounds of food, the challenge consists of eating two Fat Boy Breakfasts in 20 minutes. That would be an extra-large order of country potatoes, topped with a sausage patty, three strips of bacon and three eggs, smothered with sausage gravy and topped with shredded cheddar cheese and parsley. Times two. If your appetite doesnÂt run quite that big, donÂt worry. There are plenty of options for various benedicts and platters for breakfast and clubs and salads for lunch. Cwikowski says he uses fresh, locally purchased ingredients whenever he can, and he does quite a bit of catering, both in-house and out. He even oers delivery, within a limited radius of the restaurant. Most of all, he says that he is incredibly thankful to have achieved his goal of owning a restaurant. ÂIÂve got a lot of great employees „ IÂd like to say itÂs my great hiring, but it has really been just luck,ÂŽ he said. ÂThis (business ownership) is a 24 hours a day job, but I still enjoy it. ItÂs something I had always wanted to do, and I was able to make it happen.ÂŽJohn SkiÂs House of Breakfast and Lunch: Making something special, with a twistBy DEBBIE FLESSNERLETÂS GO CORRESPONDENT IF YOU GO€ WHAT: John SkiÂs House of Breakfast and Lunch € WHERE: 502 King St., Punta Gorda € HOURS: Open Monday through Saturday, from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. € INFORMATION: Visit the Facebook page at or call 941-347-7645. PHOTO PROVIDEDPunta GordaÂs John SkiÂs House of Breakfast and Lunch recently celebrated its fth anniversary. PHOTO BY DEBBIE FLESSNERJohn Cwikowski is the owner of John SkiÂs House. DINING OUT adno=54511449 adno=716592 Qualy chal music since 1989 Saturday, April 22, 2017 4:00 PM 701 Carmalita Street, Punta Gorda$20 Adults $10 Students American Music through the Centuries adno=50509388
April 12 18, 2017 E/N/C/V LetÂs Go! 17 MOVIES PHOTO BY ALEX BAILEY/ COLUMBIA PICTURES-SONY VIA APIn this image released by Columbia Pictures, Ryan Reynolds appears in a scene from, ÂLife.ÂŽ Life is a box of chocolates, a highway and, alas, a mediocre science-ction thriller. In Daniel EspinosaÂs ÂLife,ÂŽ an international space station orbiting the Earth intercepts an automated capsule returning from Mars with samples: rocks, dust and, as it turns out, a tiny monocellular organism that proves the existence of life on another planet. The thing, though, about those monocellular organisms from Mars is that they grow up. When Dr. Hugh Derry (Arioyon Bakare) injects the cell with glucose, it begins rapidly growing bigger, beyond its petri dish. (Yes, ÂLifeÂŽ is, above all, a lesson in the dangers of too much sugar.) The crew „ including Jake GyllenhaalÂs troubled veteran, Ryan Reynolds cocky engineer, Rebecca FergusonÂs microbiologist and Hiroyuki SanadaÂs new father „ celebrate their remarkable discovery and observe its development. ÂYouÂre going to be a daddy,ÂŽ Reynolds astronaut tells the proud Derry. Derry, the biological expert of the bunch, hopes the organism „ dubbed ÂCalvinÂŽ „ will teach the scientists about the origin, the nature Âand maybe even the meaning of life.ÂŽ Such glories, however, arenÂt in store. The harsh revelation that Calvin brings is that life „ violently striving for survival „ nds a way. Unfortunately, ÂLife,ÂŽ the movie, doesnÂt. Once the alien lifeform strengthens and gets loose, ÂLifeÂŽ surrenders to a tiresome chase away from not just its ravenous creature but from the movies ÂLifeÂŽ so obviously takes it cues from. ÂLifeÂŽ certainly canÂt come anywhere near the well-earned horrors of ÂAlien,ÂŽ nor does it boast anything like the silky splendor of ÂGravity.ÂŽ Espinosa (ÂSafe House,ÂŽ ÂChild 44ÂŽ) claustrophobically encloses the drama in a fairly realistic space station that, lacking suciently cinematic production design, doesnÂt allow for much movement. Unlike HollywoodÂs recent, more ambitious sojourns into space, ÂLifeÂŽ is a grittier, clunkier B-movie monster movie in zero gravity. An extraterrestrial Frankenstein is hunted with implausible dimwittedness by a bickering human crew. Calvin (sadly there is no Hobbes in sight) grows in size and shape, but he mostly looks like a super-powerful, fearfully smart starsh. As he slithers this way and that, he almost resembles the alien cousin of Hank, the equally resourceful octopus of last yearÂs ÂFinding Dory.ÂŽ Penned by Rheet Reese and Paul Wernick (ÂDeadpool,ÂŽ ÂZombielandÂŽ), ÂLifeÂŽ doesnÂt have much of the sarcastic wit the screenwriters have shown before. Instead, itÂs merely a terse, prickly cheap-thrill. Not until the lmÂs nal moments „ nally free of the space station „ does the movie nd its own bite.By JAKE COYLEAP FILM WRITER says ‘DonÂ’t goÂ’ ÂLifeÂOPENING THIS WEEKThe Fate of the FuriousRuntime: 2 hr. 16 min.| Rated PG-13 | Action/ adventure, suspense/thriller The latest installment of the Fast and the Furious franchise welcomes two Oscar-winning actresses: Charlize Theron plays Cipher, the latest villain to torment Dominic Toretto and his crew, while Helen Mirren joins the cast after publicly lobbying for a role to sate her real-life love of racing. MOVIES NOW PLAYINGGoing in Style (2017) Runtime: 1 hr. 36 min.| Rated PG-13 | Comedy Smurfs: The Lost Village Runtime: 1 hr. 30 min.| Rated PG | Animated, action/adventure Boss Baby Runtime: 1 hr. 37 min.| Rated PG | Animated, comedy The ZookeeperÂs Wife Runtime: 2 hr. 5 min.| Rated PG-13 | Drama Ghost in the Shell (2017) Runtime: 1 hr. 42 min.| Rated PG-13 | Action/ Adventure, drama Life Runtime: 1 hr. 43 min. | Rated R | Sci-/fantasy, horror Power Rangers Runtime: 2 hr. 4 min. | Rated PG-13 | Action/ adventure, sci-/fantasy Chips Runtime: 1 hr. 41 min. | Rated R | Action/adventure, comedy Beauty and the Beast (2016) Runtime: 2 hr. 9 min. | Rated PG | Family/music Kong: Skull Island Runtime: 1 hr. 58 min. | Rated PG-13 | Action/ adventure, sci-/fantasy Logan (2017) Runtime: 2 hr. 15 min. | Rated R | Action/ adventure, sci-/fantasy The Shack Runtime: 2 hr. 12 min. | Rated PG-13 | Drama The Lego Batman Movie Runtime: 1 hr. 44 min. | Rated PG | Animated action/adventureLOCAL MOVIE THEATERSPlease check your local theater for listings and showtimes. Information taken from and € Regal Town Center Stadium16 „ PortCharlotte, 1441 Tamiami Trail, in the Town Center Mall. 941-623-0111. € Frank Theatres „ Galleria Stadium 12, 2111 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice. Phone: 941-408-9237. € AMC Sarasota 12 „ 8201 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, in the Sarasota Square Mall. 941-922-4900. € Regal Cinemas Hollywood Stadium 20 „ 1993 Main St., Sarasota. Phone: 941-365-2000. adno=54512539 BILOXI On The Road Again Tours since 1995 Escorted Motorcoach € Groups Welcome! Convenient Pick Ups Mini Vacation Get-Away 1-800-284-1015 (941) 473-1481 Includes 4 Days/ 3 Nights at the NEW GOLDEN NUGGET Casino and 3+ meals $65 Free Play $219 ppdo adno=54511623 Apri l 23rd & May 21st 1380 COLONIAL BLVD, FORT MYERS € 239.278.4422 € SWFLÂS PREMIER DINNER THEATRE NOW MAY 14 This timeless musical phenomenon takes a passionate look at Jesus last days through the eyes of Judas. Propelled by a thrilling score by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, Jesus Christ Superstar illuminates the moving power of the human spirit with its message of hope, peace and the power of love.THE OFF BROADWAY PALMCHILDRENÂS THEATRESELECT MATINEESNOW APR 29NOW MAY 12 adno=50513072
18 LetÂs Go! E/N/C/V April 12 18, 2017 UPCOMING EVENTSSun Events Entertainment is bringing back an evening full of your favorite Simon & Garfunkel music on Friday, April 14, at 7 p.m. for some of AmericaÂs folk-rock music in a Simon & Garfunkel Tribute. Fresh o two January sell-outs at the Cultural Center Theater, The Guthrie Brothers will pay tribute to the iconic Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel. Some of the music you will hear include ÂSound of Silence,ÂŽ ÂBridge Over Troubled Water,ÂŽ ÂMrs. Robinson,ÂŽ ÂScarborough FairÂŽ and more. Tickets range in price from $17 to $29. The Cultural Center box oce is at 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte. Tickets are available online at www.theculturalcenter. com, in person or over the phone at 941-625-4175 ext. 221.Enjoy the sounds of ÂSimon & GarfunkelÂPROVIDED BY THE CULTURAL CENTER IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Simon & Garfunkel Tribute € WHERE: Cultural Center, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte € WHEN: 7 p.m. Friday, April 14 € INFORMATION: 941-625-4175 ext. 221 PHOTO PROVIDED adno=50513413 adno=50513421
April 12 18, 2017 E/N/C/V LetÂs Go! 19 Upbeat focuses on pop and rock music of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. By Tom Lovasko, Sun Correspondent Top of Billboard Chart 1966 Â… Â(YouÂre My) Soul And InspirationÂŽ by the Righteous Brothers 1976 Â… ÂDisco LadyÂŽ by Johnnie Taylor 1986 Â… ÂRock Me AmadeusÂŽ by FalcoFor richer or poorer Ever since the 1930s Great Depression song ÂBrother Can You Spare A DimeÂŽ (Al Jolson & others), songs of both nancial despair and wealth have been recorded. HereÂs a mix of both: ÂMaterial GirlÂŽ (Madonna); ÂPoor Side Of TownÂŽ (Johnny Rivers); ÂBaby YouÂre A Rich ManÂŽ and ÂCanÂt Buy Me LoveÂŽ (The Beatles); ÂKing Of The RoadÂŽ (Roger Miller); YouÂre A Rich GirlÂŽ (Hall & Oates); ÂMoney Changes EverythingÂŽ (Cindi Lauper); ÂIÂm BustedÂŽ (Ray Charles); ÂMoney, Money, MoneyÂŽ (ABBA); ÂDown In The BoondocksÂŽ (Billy Joe Royal); ÂMoney For NothingÂŽ (Dire Straits); ÂPoor Poor Pitiful MeÂŽ (Linda Ronstadt; Â(How To Be A) MillionaireÂŽ (ABC); ÂWe Gotta Get Outta This PlaceÂŽ (Animals); and ÂAllentownÂŽ (Billy Joel). ÂMoneyÂŽ (ThatÂs What I Want)ÂŽ Barrett Strong; ÂFortunate SonÂŽ(Creedence Clearwater Revival); ÂThe GamblerÂŽ (Kenny Rogers); ÂHomelessÂŽ (Paul Simon); ÂOpportunities (LetÂs Make Lots Of Money)ÂŽ (Pet Shop Boys); ÂIn The GhettoÂŽ (Elvis Presley); ÂMoney, MoneyÂŽ (Liza Minnelli); ÂAnother Day In ParadiseÂŽ (Phil Collins); ÂMoneyÂŽ (Pink Floyd); ÂPatchesÂŽ (Clarence Carter); ÂTake The Money And RunÂŽ (Steve Miller Band); ÂFor The Love Of MoneyÂŽ (The OÂJays); ÂDonÂt Worry, Be HappyÂŽ (Bobby McFerrin); and ÂFast CarÂŽ (Tracy Chapman).Last week, the trivia question asked: In this 1961 lm soundtrack, several songs became pop standards, often covered, including ÂSomewhere,ÂŽ ÂTonightÂŽ and ÂMaria.ÂŽ Name the album (movie). Answer: ÂWest Side StoryÂŽ Our weekly winners are: Julie Worth, Rosemarie Cipra, Dave Niemuth, Tony Sternberger, Rick Belisle, Larry Hansen and Geri Neely, Venice; Emma Kolanich and Connie McGrain, Deep Creek; Carol Finkel, Gulf Cove; Carol Paige, Mitch Weaver and Trudy Yukl, Englewood; Vicki and John Hagy, Debbie Marsh, Michael J. McGarry, Judi Migdol, Wayne Hamilton, Karla Kimmey, Dennis Menhart, Cochise Coburn, Jack Melton, Gerry Baker, Darlene Barclay and Colonel Jack, Port Charlotte; Tom Jones, Gail Breidenbach, Barb Wager, Willie Eraca and Judy Spletzer, North Port; Janice Pearson, Tom DePalo, Will Johnson and Dave Klein, Punta Gorda; Mike Barry, Ocala; Karen Stansberry, Arcadia; Lee Stein, Arvada, Colorado; Tom Tissot, Brick, New Jersey; and Katie Kazarian, Elk Rapids, Michigan.This weekÂs question: Complete the title of these Â70s ÂmoonÂŽ songs: ÂMoon_____ÂŽ (Van Morrison), ÂDancing In the Moon___ÂŽ (King Harvest) and ÂMoon ____ÂŽ (Cat Stevens). Bonus: ÂMoon____(theme)ÂŽ (Al Jarreau, 1987)If you think you have the right answer, email it to no later than noon this Friday, and weÂll publish your name as the winner with the correct answer in next weekÂs issue of LetÂs Go! Please include your name and city. READERS ROCK! They ainÂt heavy, theyÂre his brothers. Bob Coleman and his siblings Ron and Norm comprise the classic rock band Smack Dab, which is bringing its popular take on classic rock from the Â60s, Â70s and Â80s to a lot of area venues from Punta Gorda to Sarasota. Coleman said he and his brothers hail from Flushing, Michigan, and all live in Rotonda West and Englewood. He moved here in 2005 and his brothers followed suit in 2012. They began playing together about four years ago as a cover and dance band, featuring tunes of the Rolling Stones, Cream, Tom Petty, Neil Young and Eddie Money, to name a few. ÂRon plays the guitar and handles the lead vocals,ÂŽ Coleman said. HeÂs been playing guitar all his life, for over 50 years. He played professionally in a band called JacobÂs Kelly up north. HeÂs basically our ringleader and director wrapped into one. And Norm owns a recording studio, so music is in our blood.ÂŽ Bob plays bass and contributes vocals as well, while brother Norm handles the drums and vocals. ÂWe like to keep the audience involved with our act,ÂŽ Coleman said. ÂThat includes getting a couple of them up on stage every now and then to help us with background vocals. We also give away T-shirts and wristbands to our fans.ÂŽ He added what sets this band apart from others is that itÂs a family aair. ÂYeah, being brothers really ties us together,ÂŽ he laughed. ÂWeÂve had some rifts from time to time, but blood is thicker than water. We remember that weÂre brothers and we always come right back together again.ÂŽ Coleman added a key to the bandÂs success is that they pay attention to what their followers want. ÂWe, as a band, are always listening to our audience,ÂŽ he said. ÂWe are constantly adding new songs and new artists to our song list so we donÂt get stale.And we like to get our audience involved in our music „ so involved, in fact, that many times the audience is singing our songs louder then we are.ÂŽ Coleman added Smack Dab has a full-time sound man, Rocky Bentley, who makes sure the bandÂs sound stays clean. ÂWe are always keeping our audio equipment up to date and new,ÂŽ he said. ÂNothing but the best for our audiences.ÂŽSmack Dab: Three brothers in the middle of great soundBy STEVEN J. SMITHLETÂS GO CORRESPONDENT UPCOMING SHOWSUpcoming local gigs for Smack Dab include 6:30 p.m. on April 14, at the Rotonda VFW; 6:30 p.m. on April 15, at the Englewood Eagles Post 3885; and 8 p.m. on April 22 at the Placida Pearl. For more information about Smack Dab and its upcoming performances, visit www.smackdab PHOTO PROVIDEDSmack Dab includes, from left, brothers Ron Coleman, 62, Norm Coleman, 60, and Bob Coleman, 58. MUSIC For Reservations please call Stacy at 941-637-6770 Located inside the Four Points by Sheraton 33 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda Join Us for E aster D inner MENU Â… Filet Mignon, Roasted Quarter Chicken, Fresh Grilled Grouper, includes: salad, green beans, fingerling potatoes, and dessert $24.95 per person. Seatings at 12 and 2:30 PM. adno=50512716 H ARRY & E MMY L OEB H OLOCAUST C OMMUNITY R EMEMBRANCE D AY S ERVICE S UNDAY A PRIL 23, 2017 @ 4 PM H ARRY & E MMY L OEB H OLOCAUST C OMMUNITY R EMEMBRANCE D AY S ERVICE O PEN T O T HE C OMMUNITY TEMPLE SHALOM 23190 UTICA AVENUE, PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33949 adno=50513993VENICEÂS WATERFRONT LANDMARK SINCE 1976. T C D 941.484.9551 marina restaurant tavern TAVERN ENTERTAINMENTWEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAYthe best in live, local entertainment VISIT CROWSNESTVENICE.COM FOR SCHEDULE adno=54512232
20 LetÂs Go! E/N/C/V April 12 18, 2017 William Cintron will be performing his tribute to Frankie Valli at Visani on Sunday, April 16, at 6:30 p.m. ÂWilliam is a gifted, dynamic singer and performer who has the ability to hit all the high notes just like Frankie himself ƒ and dare I say maybe even better,ÂŽ owner Eric Andreas stated. ÂOn top of that he could immediately follow with baritone vocals in the next breath. You canÂt believe it until you see it for yourself.ÂŽ Come see why The New York Times said, ÂWilliam sings with a burning passion and astonishing true accuracy to the original artists songs, additionally he changes ris and adlibs melodically to enhance the song.ÂŽ CintronÂs inuences include Motown legends, doowop and oldies, R&B/soul, the best of the Crooners, standards, and even Â70s to pr esent music including Salsa. He went on to perform at the Apollo Theatre winning Amateur Night three times. He has performed with bands such as Legend, Sweet Touch, Rhapsody and Bodacious. Cintron now has his own Frankie Valli tribute band called Sounds of the Seasons that makes the authentic sound of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Cintron has performed and shared the same stage with The Platters, The Temptations, The Delfonics, Chubby Tavares of The Tavares, Larry Chance and the Earls, The New Supremes, The Marcels, The Diamonds, The Coasters, The Drifters, The Mystics, J.T. Carter of The Crests, Eddie Holman, Peter Lemongello, Jimmy Gallagher of The Passions, The Main Ingredient featuring Cuba Gooding Sr. and Ken Brady and The Casinos. This is a dinner and show package which includes a three-course meal, show ticket, tax and gratuity for one all-inclusive price. As always, dinner is available with or without a show for those who would prefer an intimate dining experience with friends or family. Tickets for this show and others are available online at or by calling 941-6299191. Visani Comedy Theater is at 2400 Kings Highway, Port Charlotte.CintronÂs tribute to Frankie Valli comes to Visani on EasterProvided by DREW SHIRBACKVISANI RESTAURANT AND COMEDY THEATER IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Easter tribute to Frankie Vallie featuring William Cintron € WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 16 € WHERE: Visani Comedy Theater, 2400 Kings Highway, Port Charlotte € TICKETS: Starting from $44.95; available online at or by calling 941-629-9191 PHOTO PROVIDEDWilliam Cintron will be at Visani Restaurant on the evening of Easter to perform a tribute to Frankie Valli.Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee will host a spring concert on Saturday, April 15. Admission to this event is free for Seminole Wild Card program members; anyone whoÂs 21 or older can join „ itÂs fast, free and easy. Free tickets will be distributed while supplies last on Saturday, April 15, starting at 7 p.m., with doors opening at 9 p.m. and the show starting at 10 p.m. Entertainers include: € Singer Lam Truong € Singer, songwriter Duy Manh € Pop singer Henry Chuc € Pop star Lam Anh € Ballad singer Luu Bich € Pop stars Truc Lam and Truc Linh Attendees must be 21 years of age or older. Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee is easily accessible to all of Southwest Florida via I-75. Call 800-2180007, visit or seminoleimmokalee.Seminole Casino Hotel to host spring concertProvided by ALINA QUINTANABITNER GROUP IF YOU GO€ WHAT: Spring concert € WHERE: Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee, 506 South 1st St., Immokalee € WHEN: Saturday, April 15, starting at 7 p.m.; doors open at 9 p.m.; show starts at 10 p.m. € INFORMATION: 800-218-0007 UPCOMING EVENTS 25370 Zemel Road, Punta Gorda, FL 33955 ContactUs @ (941) 505-8400 Greenery has always been my favorite color! ...and you can find it here! and Bamboo Farm adno=50513081 adno=50512989 Serving Lunch Mon-Fri 11 AM2:30 PM Daily Lunch Specials & Regular Lunch Menu Available Serving Dinner 7 days a week 4:30 PM 9 PM WWW.RIVERCITYGRILLPG.COM 941-639-9080 131 W. Marion Downtown Punta Gorda COME ENJOY A DELIGHTFUL DINNER Or visit our Ferrari Bar, Featuring Fine Italian Draft Beers and Full Liquor Bar! Check out the bar late night and enjoy something from our limited menu. 941-639-7655 127 W. Marion Ave., Downtown Punta Gorda NOW SERVING DINNER 7 DAYS A WEEK! 5 PM9 PM Come Check Out Our FRESH NEW MENU to go along with our FRESH NEW LOOK! Come Try One of Our New Sunset Dining Specials 4:30-5:45 7 days a week at River City Grill Only Call to Book Your Easter Reservation at Either Location Today! Regular Menu & Easter Specials Available adno=50512717
A -AAC Hldgs AAC ... ... 11 24.38 6.01 56 8.27 +14.2 AAR AIR .30 .9 26 38.75 21.78 173 34.24 +3.6 ABB Ltd ABB .76e 3.3 ... 23.90 18.72 1924 23.06 +9.4 ABM ABM .68 1.6 24 45.03 31.74 187 42.32 +4.1 AES Corp AES .48f 4.2 10 13.32 10.49 8391 11.31 -2.7 AES pfC AESpC 3.38 6.7 ... 52.48 49.95 17 50.41 AFLAC AFL 1.72 2.3 12 74.50 66.42 1878 73.75 +6.0 AFLAC 52 AFSD 1.38 5.3 ... 27.48 23.55 19 25.81 +6.7 AG MtgeIT MITT 1.90 10.3 24 18.85 13.00 199 18.51 +8.2 AG Mtg pfA MITTpA 2.06 8.1 ... 26.01 24.12 3 25.37 +4.0 AG Mtg pfB MITTpB 2.00 8.0 ... 25.30 23.15 6 25.02 +5.0 AGCO AGCO .56f .9 30 64.90 44.68 709 60.78 +5.0 AH Belo AHC .32 5.2 ...dd 7.95 4.75 9 6.10 -3.9 AK Steel AKS ... ... 25 11.39 3.31 20263 7.11 -30.4 AMC Ent AMC .80 2.6 27 35.65 25.75 690 30.70 -8.8 AMCON DIT .72 .7 11 122.90 79.00 5 97.60 -15.4 AMEC FW AMFW .30e 4.2 ... 7.82 4.96 222 7.06 +23.6 AMN Hlth AMN ... ... 18 44.99 26.00 520 39.55 +2.9 ARC Docu ARC ... ... 12 5.55 3.06 78 3.53 -30.5 ASA Gold ASA .04e .3 ...q 17.48 9.83 89 12.72 +15.2 AT&T Inc T 1.96 4.9 16 43.89 36.10 18161 40.31 -5.2 A10 Ntwks ATEN ... ... ...dd 10.87 5.87 175 8.91 +7.2 AU Optron AUO ...e ... ... 4.42 2.47 1269 4.01 +13.3 AVX Cp AVX .44 2.7 14 16.65 12.28 101 16.26 +4.0 AZZ Inc AZZ .68 1.1 24 67.98 51.20 55 59.90 -6.3 Aarons AAN .11 .4 15 34.22 20.51 471 30.89 -3.4 AbbottLab ABT 1.06 2.4 22 45.84 36.76 4778 43.58 +13.5 AbbVie ABBV 2.56 4.0 14 68.12 55.06 5285 64.18 +2.5 AberFitc ANF .80 7.1 ...dd 29.68 10.50 3244 11.23 -6.4 AbdAsPac FAX .48f 9.7 ...q 5.55 4.56 510 4.96 +7.1 AbdAustEq IAF .70e 11.3 ...q 6.35 5.10 45 6.22 +14.8sAbdnChile CH .58e 8.0 ...q 7.24 5.68 35 7.29 +22.3 AbdGlbInc FCO .84 9.8 ...q 9.15 7.64 28 8.61 +8.2 AbdEMSmC ABE .21e 1.6 ...q 13.89 10.90 7 13.44 +19.5 AbdGChina GCH .03e .3 ...q 10.91 7.97 49 10.53 +21.2 AbdnIndo IF .52e ... ...q 7.48 5.55 8 7.31 +14.9 AbdnIsrael ISL .35e 1.2 ...q 18.08 15.53 2 17.39 +8.2 AbdJapnEq JEQ .07e .6 ...q 8.30 7.31 21 8.04 +9.2 AbdnLatA LAQ 1.21e 2.0 ...q 24.44 17.71 5 23.69 +19.7 AbSingaFd SGF 1.09e 10.1 ...q 10.90 8.61 19 10.75 +24.1 AcadIBD50 FFTY ... ... ...q 25.83 19.78 3 25.36 +5.0 AcadiaRlt AKR 1.04 3.4 21 38.01 29.23 671 30.57 -6.5 Accenture ACN 2.31 2.0 19 126.53 108.66 2267 116.08 -.9 AccoBrds ACCO ... ... 16 14.45 8.65 434 13.60 +4.2 AcmeU ACU .40 1.5 17 28.24 15.95 5 27.41 +7.2 AcornInt rs ATV ... ... ... 12.35 4.92 1 9.68 +21.0 AcreRlty AIII ... ... ...dd 1.85 .90 1 1.18 +6.3 ActiniumP ATNM ... ... ...dd 2.19 .86 1780 1.44 +64.6 Actuant ATU .04 .2 26 29.80 20.54 516 25.90 -.2 Acuity AYI .52 .3 22 280.89 169.53 811 177.68 -23.0 Acushnet n GOLF ... ... ... 22.31 16.84 123 17.18 -12.8 AdaDvsEq ADX .92e 1.1 ...q 13.85 12.07 169 13.80 +8.6 AdamsNR PEO 1.38e 2.2 ...q 20.82 18.15 83 19.75 -2.1 AdmRsc AE .88 2.3 63 44.27 29.64 6 37.57 -5.2 AdcareHlt ADK ... ... 3 2.60 1.03 44 1.03 -29.5 Adcare pfA ADKpA 2.72 12.7 ... 25.00 19.44 51 21.40 -8.2 Adecaogro AGRO ... ... ... 13.29 9.38 606 11.60 +11.8 Adeptus ADPT ... ... 1 73.44 .90 1485 1.08 -85.9 Adient n ADNT .28p ... ... 76.09 39.66 558 67.51 +15.2 AdvAuto AAP .24 .2 20 177.83 132.98 754 143.46 -15.2 AdvDisp n ADSW ... ... ... 24.10 18.32 366 22.82 +2.7 AdvDrainS WMS .24 1.1 31 28.49 18.60 135 22.15 +7.5 AdvSemi ASX .25e 3.9 ... 6.64 4.40 997 6.35 +26.0 AdvFood n APFH .64 2.1 ... 31.84 23.43 327 30.06 +.9 Advansx n ASIX ... ... ... 30.21 14.22 127 27.33 +23.4 AdvOil&Gs AAV ... ... 25 7.88 4.97 88 6.80 +.7 AdvClayCv AVK 1.13 7.3 ...q 16.77 13.23 76 15.52 +5.7 AdvCCvII AGC .56 9.1 ...q 6.45 5.25 162 6.15 +4.6 AdvClEnh LCM .84 9.8 ...q 8.76 7.53 40 8.60 +3.6 AdSDorWr AADR .32e .7 ...q 47.25 36.12 29 46.30 +15.2 AdvPerHY HYLD 3.54e 9.9 ...q 36.66 32.04 34 35.69 +.1 AdvSh ef n CWS ... ... ... 28.18 24.34 3 27.46 +5.7 AdvSmCap SCAP ... ... ... 31.99 25.40 0 30.59 +1.9 AdvPacFlt FLRT 1.56e ... ...q 56.89 47.97 0 49.41 -1.3 AdvSSage HOLD .41e .4 ...q 103.39 95.50 99.48 +.2 AdSGldEur GEUR .89e ... ...q 14.92 11.48 26 12.79 +10.3 AdSGldYen GYEN .41e ... ...q 12.51 10.60 3 11.19 +4.5 AdvNtMS MINC 1.34e 2.8 ...q 49.13 48.32 15 48.65 +.2 AdvS QAM QEH .22e .4 ...q 28.69 26.24 28.62 +2.7 AdvSStarG VEGA ... ... ...q 28.63 25.40 28.51 +3.1 AdvGblEch GIVE .59e .2 ...q 63.83 56.95 63.39 +5.7 AdvMorgC GTAA .64e 2.7 ...q 24.05 21.95 0 23.95 +4.5 AdvTrTabs TTFS .41e .6 ...q 67.35 52.36 7 64.71 +1.8 AdvMeidll MATH .18e .6 ...q 30.84 25.53 4 29.71 +1.3 AdMadGBd FWDB .73e 2.9 ...q 26.24 24.75 0 25.56 +1.5 AdMadIntl FWDI .34e 1.3 ...q 26.40 21.05 26.28 +7.2 AdMadDm FWDD .15e .3 ...q 47.80 38.35 2 46.97 +5.7 AdvActBear HDGE ... ... ...q 11.30 8.73 131 8.87 -4.2 Aecom ACM ... ... 12 40.72 26.46 1030 33.83 -7.0 AegeanMP ANW .08 .6 9 13.10 5.00 613 12.35 +21.7 Aegon AEG .29e 5.8 ... 6.09 3.36 2835 4.93 -10.8 Aegon cap AEH 1.59 6.2 ... 26.69 24.67 25 25.77 +2.9 Aegon 6.5 AED 1.63 6.2 ... 26.68 24.71 32 26.20 +4.1 Aegon t AEB .77 3.1 ... 25.39 21.85 6 24.96 +10.8 Aegon42 AEK 2.00 7.7 ... 28.38 25.67 36 25.97 -.3 AerCap AER ... ... 6 49.66 31.45 676 44.02 +5.8 Aerocntry ACY ... ... 13 11.38 8.50 14 10.15 +7.4 AerohiveN HIVE ... ... ...dd 7.45 3.91 73 3.99 -30.0 AerojetR AJRD ... ... ...dd 22.99 16.04 325 21.75 +21.2 Aetna AET 2.00f 1.5 17 136.50 104.59 1780 129.52 +4.4 AffilMgrs AMG ... ... 17 179.85 130.48 290 162.62 +11.9 AffMgrs42 MGR 1.59 6.2 ... 27.69 24.80 8 25.69 +1.7 Agilent A .53 1.0 31 54.82 40.26 1512 52.83 +16.0 Agnico g AEM .40 ... 60.10 35.05 1842 46.36 +10.4 AgreeRlt ADC 1.98 4.0 23 51.33 38.59 155 49.77 +8.1 Agrium g AGU 3.50 3.7 17 111.88 83.01 285 93.81 -6.7 Air Inds AIRI .60 19.6 ... 6.10 2.21 23 3.06 -2.9 AirLease AL .30f .8 7 40.24 24.49 592 36.96 +7.7 AirProd APD 3.80f 2.8 22 157.84 129.00 998 136.42 -5.1 AirPrd wi APD/WI ... ... ... Aircastle AYR 1.04 4.4 11 25.98 18.26 406 23.70 +13.7 AlaPw pfO ALPpO 1.46 5.2 ... 30.93 25.30 2 27.93 +6.4 AlamoGp ALG .40 .5 20 79.59 52.82 26 74.82 -1.7 AlamosGld AGI .02 .2 ... 10.41 5.85 2847 8.38 +22.5 AlaskaAir ALK 1.20f 1.4 12 101.43 54.51 1306 88.84 +.1 AlbnyIn AIN .68 1.5 27 49.50 36.91 104 45.85 -1.0 Albemarle ALB 1.28f 1.2 28 107.56 64.50 640 105.61 +22.7 Alcoa Cp AA ... ... ... 39.78 20.71 3031 34.39 +22.5 Alere ALR ... ... ...dd 50.09 31.47 751 42.49 +9.0 Alere pfB ALRpB 12.00t ... ... 376.50 271.04 344.99 +3.6 AlexB Inc ALEX .28 .6 ...dd 46.43 32.94 125 45.19 +.7 Alexanders ALX 17.00f 3.9 20 451.99 364.01 11 436.21 +2.2 AlexREE ARE 3.32 2.9 25 120.96 90.34 599 113.63 +2.2 AlxRE pfD AREpD 1.75 5.0 ... 37.25 29.98 0 35.15 +2.6 AlxRE pfE AREpE 1.61 6.5 ... 26.85 24.40 24.96 -.5 AlexcoR g AXU ... ... ... 2.54 .99 670 1.56 +15.6 AlgonPw n AQN .23p ... ... 10.18 7.91 85 9.61 +13.3 Alibaba BABA ... ... 35 111.88 73.30 9828 110.44 +25.8 AllegCp Y ... ... 19 667.19 498.63 31 615.57 +1.2 AllegTch ATI ... ... ...dd 23.69 10.93 1677 18.51 +16.2 Allegion ALLE .64 .9 ... 76.50 61.47 749 75.29 +17.6 Allergan AGN ... ... 18 261.27 184.50 2414 239.11 +13.9 Allergn pfA AGNpA 55.00 6.5 ... 920.24 691.00 11 850.19 +11.5sAllete ALE 2.14f 3.1 27 69.15 54.03 415 69.37 +8.1 AlliCAMun AKP .70 5.2 ...q 15.74 13.02 39 13.49 +1.8 AlliData ADS .52p ... 16 254.94 185.02 1792 238.34 +4.3 AlliBNtlMu AFB .75 5.5 ...q 15.21 12.83 47 13.55 +2.5 AlliOne rs AOI ... ... 3 27.23 12.25 19 13.45 -29.9 AlliBGlbHi AWF .97a 7.7 ...q 13.03 11.25 219 12.61 +.3 AlliNYMun AYN .67 4.7 ...q 14.29 AlliBern AB 1.81e 8.1 10 25.13 20.75 616 22.35 -4.7 AlliantEg s LNT 1.22 3.1 21 40.99 34.08 806 39.70 +4.8 AlliGlCvInc NCV .78 11.3 ...q 7.00 5.60 280 6.91 +8.3 AlliGblCv2 NCZ .69 11.2 ...q 6.27 4.93 132 6.15 +7.7 AlliNFJDv NFJ 1.20 9.1 ...q 13.37 11.91 195 13.15 +4.3 AlliGlEqCv NIE 1.52 7.8 ...q 19.80 17.46 54 19.41 +5.4 AllnzgDI&Cv ACV 2.00 9.8 ...q 20.79 16.87 35 20.44 +8.8 AlldCap47 AFC 1.72 6.7 ... 26.28 25.10 4 25.74 +2.0 AlldWldAsr AWH 1.04 2.0 16 54.46 33.20 207 53.13 -1.1 AllisonTrn ALSN .60 1.7 31 38.17 26.36 3012 35.03 +4.0 Allstate ALL 1.48f 1.8 17 83.09 64.36 1503 81.17 +9.5 Allstat pfA ALLpA 1.41 5.4 ... 27.88 24.17 9 25.90 +4.6 Allstate 53 ALLpB 1.28 4.7 ... 28.26 24.66 14 27.20 +8.1 Allstat pfC ALLpC 1.69 6.2 ... 28.61 25.54 7 27.06 +5.0 Allstat pfD ALLpD 1.66 6.1 ... 28.71 25.54 3 27.22 +5.2 Allstat pfE ALLpE 1.66 6.1 ... 28.67 25.51 24 27.24 +5.3 Allstat pfF ALLpF 1.56 5.7 ... 29.16 25.00 8 27.52 +7.3 AllyFincl ALLY .32p 1.6 9 23.62 14.84 3837 19.70 +3.6 AlmadM n AAU ... ... ... 1.88 .75 331 1.37 +41.4 AlonUSA ALJ .60 5.1 ...dd 13.01 5.86 289 11.67 +2.5 AlonUsaLP ALDW .40e 4.4 11 12.44 7.63 99 9.15 -4.7 AlpUSQVal QVAL 1.35e 5.4 ...q 26.07 20.29 13 25.14 +1.6 AlpValuIntl IVAL 1.35e 4.8 ... 29.31 20.99 15 28.16 +9.6 AlpMoIntQ IMOM ... ... ...q 26.81 22.35 2 24.99 +9.6 AlpMoUSQ QMOM ... ... ... 26.70 20.50 5 25.03 +1.3 AlphaPro APT ... ... 15 3.80 1.87 41 2.85 -18.6 AlpGDDiv AGD .78 8.0 ...q 9.88 8.04 54 9.73 +10.9sAlpGPPrp AWP .60 10.2 ...q 5.90 4.84 390 5.90 +15.0 AlpTotDiv AOD .69 8.3 ...q 8.39 6.97 293 8.31 +9.6 AlpsETF GRI 1.52e 3.5 ...q 47.03 40.28 6 43.79 +5.1 AlpsEqSect EQL 1.83e 2.9 ...q 64.11 55.02 8 62.81 +4.7 AlpBzSoMed BUZ ... ... ... 28.14 22.32 27.01 +3.1 AlpsRivFlex RFFC ... ... ... Alps RivDiv RFDA ... ... ... 29.23 24.45 6 27.61 +2.3 AlpRvrCare RFCI ... ... ... 27.89 24.16 9 24.57 +.5 AlpRivUncn RFUN ... ... ... 28.76 24.65 4 25.94 +.7 AlpSprtJG SGDJ ... ... ...q 49.11 28.00 18 36.63 +15.3 AlpMedBrk SBIO ... ... ...q 27.61 19.90 13 25.19 +9.9 AlpSprotG SGDM ... ... ...q 29.85 16.89 53 21.46 +13.8 AlpWkplEq EQLT .46 ... ...q 32.97 25.77 1 31.99 +5.9 AlpEDvDg EDOG .67e 2.9 ...q 26.03 20.21 16 23.13 +6.3 AlpAlerEn ENFR 1.35e 5.5 ...q 24.95 18.80 6 24.43 +2.5 AlpIntDvDg IDOG 1.47e 5.8 ...q 25.71 21.28 37 25.46 +7.7 AlpBarr400 BFOR .26e .7 ...q 37.05 28.66 24 36.24 +3.4 AlpEqHiVol HVPW 1.52e 7.8 ...q 20.49 18.81 2 19.44 +.2 AlpRivStInc RIGS .30e 1.2 ...q 25.50 24.41 30 25.23 +.3 AlpsDvDog SDOG 1.40e 3.3 ...q 44.40 37.53 325 43.05 +2.3 AlpAlerMLP AMLP 1.35e 10.6 ...q 13.31 10.70 5765 12.73 +1.0sAlteryx n AYX ... ... ... 16.85 14.61 407 16.85 +10.6 AltisrcAst AAMC ... ... 8 89.12 11.40 7 69.60 +30.1 AltisResid RESI .60 3.9 ... 15.66 7.81 317 15.21 +37.8 Altria MO 2.44 3.4 24 76.55 59.48 4402 72.08 +6.6 AlumChina ACH ... ... ... 13.85 7.22 14 12.73 +24.7 ATrFn pfA AFSIpA 1.69 7.9 ... 26.00 19.40 99 21.29 -13.4 AmTrF pfB AFSIpB 1.81 8.1 ... 26.49 20.37 85 22.48 -10.2 AmTrF pfC AFSIpC 1.91 8.5 ... 26.89 21.19 119 22.53 -10.5 AmTrF pf F AFSIpF ... ... ... 25.17 19.39 329 21.31 -7.7 AmTrF pfE AFSIpE ... ... ... 27.40 21.03 246 22.90 -10.3 AmTrFn 7.5 AFST ... ... ... 28.75 22.46 156 23.75 -7.7tAmTrFn 55 AFSS 1.81 7.6 ... 26.81 22.84 111 23.83 -5.7 AmTrF pfD AFSIpD 1.88 8.3 ... 26.91 21.00 127 22.50 -10.8 AmberRd AMBR ... ... ...dd 12.30 4.50 107 7.70 -15.2 Ambev ABEV .06e 1.1 5 6.34 4.70 21220 5.57 +13.4 Ameren AEE 1.76f 3.2 20 56.57 46.29 1503 54.79 +4.4 Ameresco AMRC ... ... 23 6.70 3.91 67 6.55 +19.1 AMovilL AMX .66e 4.5 51 15.95 11.02 2585 14.72 +17.1 AmMovl A AMOV ... ... ... 14.78 13.89 4 14.53 AmAssets AAT 1.04f 2.4 28 46.38 37.45 290 43.40 +.7 AmAxle AXL ... ... 5 21.25 12.61 1563 16.78 -13.1 AmCampus ACC 1.68 3.5 25 54.56 43.66 749 47.96 -3.6 AmDGEn ADGE ... ... ...dd .65 .22 8 .30 +7.5 AEagleOut AEO .50 3.6 11 19.55 13.04 4344 13.74 -9.4 AEP AEP 2.36 3.5 17 71.32 57.89 1867 67.39 +7.0 AEqInvLf AEL .24f 1.0 15 28.00 13.03 506 23.62 +4.8 AmExp AXP 1.28 1.7 14 82.00 57.15 4120 77.26 +4.3 AFnclGrp AFG 1.25 1.3 16 97.00 68.25 327 94.94 +7.7 AFnclG6-42 AFW 1.59 6.2 ... 26.96 24.98 23 25.68 +2.2 AFnclG8-42 AFA 1.44 5.7 ... 26.89 24.16 2 25.35 +1.5 AFnclGp 54 AFGE 1.56 5.9 ... 28.28 24.43 7 26.35 +5.3 AFnclGp 55 AFGH 1.50 5.7 ... 28.02 23.58 18 26.23 +4.9 AHm4Rent AMH .20 .9 41 23.98 15.59 1045 23.50 +12.0 AHm4R pfA AMHpA 1.25 4.4 ... 29.37 26.04 2 28.37 +2.8 AHm4R pfB AMHpB 1.25 4.4 ... 29.70 26.32 1 28.50 +4.1 AHm4R pfC AMHpC 1.38 4.9 ... 29.50 26.08 28.00 +3.1 AHm4Rn pfD AMHpD 1.63 6.1 ... 27.58 22.15 5 26.50 +6.0 AHm4R pfE AMHpE 1.59 6.1 ... 26.37 22.55 6 26.20 +6.9 AIG wt AIG/WS ... ... ... 25.26 15.50 61 19.62 -16.4 AmIntlGrp AIG 1.28 2.1 ...dd 67.47 48.41 6106 60.79 -6.9 AmLorain ALN ... ... ...dd 1.30 .47 4 .56 +3.7 AMidstrm AMID 1.65 11.0 ...dd 18.45 7.01 74 15.00 -17.6 AmrRlty ARL ... ... ...dd 9.85 4.44 8.15 +57.6 AmRenAs n ARA ... ... ... 29.65 15.47 114 17.43 -18.1 AmShrd AMS ... ... 27 5.00 1.81 22 4.60 +37.3 AmStsWtr AWR .97 2.2 28 46.39 37.28 100 45.01 -1.2sAmTower AMT 2.48f 2.0 49 122.69 99.72 2421 122.76 +16.2sATowr pfA AMTpA 5.25 4.5 ... 117.25 100.01 102 115.68 +10.4 ATowr pfB AMTpB 5.50 4.8 ... 116.74 99.45 127 114.49 +9.6 AVangrd AVD .06f .3 39 20.00 12.60 110 17.20 -10.2 AmWtrWks AWK 1.50 1.9 27 85.24 68.09 620 78.30 +8.2 AmerSilvr n USAS ... ... ... Amerigas APU 3.76 8.1 42 50.11 40.81 137 46.39 -3.2 Ameriprise AMP 3.00 2.3 14 135.20 84.92 958 129.30 +16.5 AmeriBrgn ABC 1.46 1.7 15 94.50 68.38 1330 87.87 +12.4 Ametek AME .36 .7 24 55.48 43.28 680 54.49 +12.1 AmiraNatF ANFI ... ... ... 9.92 4.71 34 5.40 -12.2 Ampco AP .36 2.1 ...dd 19.22 9.34 98 16.85 +.6 Amphenol APH .64f .9 26 71.98 54.94 771 69.74 +3.8tAmpioPhm AMPE ... ... ...dd 4.32 .54 398 .62 -31.1 AmYdPr5 ef PFV ... ... ... 27.96 24.52 27.50 +3.1 AmpDivOpt DIVO ... ... ... 26.79 24.80 26.07 +4.8 Amplify n BETR ... ... 20 17.53 7.86 705 9.01 +2.3 Ampliphi rs APHB ... ... ...dd 3.72 .32 263 .35 -19.8 Amrep AXR ... ... 10 8.14 4.04 46 6.36 -14.3 Anadarko APC .20 .3 ...dd 73.33 44.81 2831 62.90 -9.8 Anadrk 18 AEUA 3.75 8.5 ... 46.52 33.20 9 44.10 +6.7 AnglogldA AU ... ... ... 22.91 9.28 4776 12.51 +19.0 ABInBev BUD 3.19e 2.9 ... 136.08 98.28 1047 110.04 +4.4 Anixter AXE ... ... 18 88.00 51.50 109 79.55 -1.9sAnnaly NLY 1.20a 10.4 10 11.40 9.83 7600 11.49 +15.2 Annaly pfA NLYpA 1.97 7.7 ... 27.00 24.51 10 25.50 +1.8 Annaly pfC NLYpC 1.91 7.6 ... 26.04 23.77 9 25.27 +4.9 Annaly pfD NLYpD 1.88 7.4 ... 26.29 23.79 22 25.24 +4.6 Annaly pfE NLYpE 1.91 7.6 ... 25.88 23.95 23 25.25 +4.8 AnteroMid AM 1.12f 3.4 29 35.74 20.87 160 33.39 +8.1 AnteroRes AR 1.00 4.3 40 30.66 22.08 2876 23.12 -2.2 Anthem ANTM 2.60 1.6 18 170.79 114.85 973 167.43 +16.5 Anthem un ANTX 2.62e ... ... 51.05 41.00 371 49.74 +5.9sAnworth ANH .60 10.7 10 5.60 4.47 691 5.63 +8.9sAnwrth pfA ANHpA 2.16 8.1 ... 26.40 24.80 82 26.67 +5.5sAnwrth pfB ANHpB 1.56 5.7 ... 27.44 19.91 4 27.49 +7.5 Anwrth pfC ANHpC 1.91 7.7 ... 26.40 23.58 17 24.70 -.1 Aon plc AON 1.32 1.1 20 120.40 100.55 740 119.73 +7.4 AoxingPh AXN ... ... 10 .94 .30 61 .41 +28.1 Apache APA 1.00 1.9 ...dd 69.00 48.05 2779 53.87 -15.1 AptInv AIV 1.44f 3.2 31 47.91 39.14 902 44.81 -1.4 AptInv pfA AIVpA 1.72 6.4 ... 29.47 25.29 26.70 +3.3 ApolloCRE ARI 1.84 9.8 10 19.03 15.43 1177 18.82 +13.2 ApolCR pfA ARIpA 2.16 8.4 ... 26.29 24.90 5 25.55 +.8 ApoCRE pfC ARIpC ... ... ... 25.55 23.80 18 25.30 +2.1 ApolloGM APO 1.42e 5.5 25 25.80 14.25 1292 25.70 +32.7 ApollG pfA APOpA 1.60 6.3 ... 25.37 24.55 208 25.27 +2.6 Apollo 42 AIB 1.66 6.6 ... 26.79 24.20 19 25.32 +.6 ApolloI 43 AIY 1.72 6.5 ... 27.41 24.78 3 26.49 +4.7 ApollSrFlt AFT 1.08a 6.2 ...q 18.08 15.28 50 17.48 +.5 ApolloTact AIF 1.32a 8.0 ...q 16.77 13.66 35 16.55 +7.1 AppHReit n APLE 1.20 6.3 31 20.68 17.32 598 19.14 -4.2 ApldIndlT AIT 1.16f 1.9 25 66.65 42.63 83 61.75 +4.0 Aptargrp ATR 1.28 1.7 24 81.50 70.32 258 76.92 +4.7 AquaAm WTR .74 2.3 25 35.83 28.03 654 32.75 +9.0 Acquavnt n WAAS ... ... ... 26.33 14.30 34 17.80 -27.4 Aramark ARMK .41 1.1 20 38.30 31.38 573 36.50 +2.2sArborRT ABR .68f 7.9 13 8.61 6.61 216 8.65 +16.0 Arbor prA ABRpA 2.06 8.1 ... 26.48 24.10 7 25.38 +1.2 ArborR pfB ABRpB 1.94 7.7 ... 26.00 22.20 4 25.29 +2.9 ArborR pfC ABRpC 2.13 8.3 ... 26.68 24.00 25.60 +1.0 ArborRT 21 ABRN 1.84 7.2 ... 26.15 24.27 6 25.55 +1.0 ArcLogist ARCX 1.76 12.5 17 17.40 10.84 130 14.09 -11.6 ArcelorMit MT ... ... 9 9.37 4.18 18281 8.04 +10.1 ArchC pfC ARHpC 1.69 6.6 ... 27.65 25.02 11 25.43 +1.0 ArchCoal ARCH ... ... ...dd 86.47 59.05 502 74.01 -5.2 ArchDan ADM 1.28f 2.9 21 47.88 36.88 2094 44.54 -2.4 Archrock AROC .48 3.5 ...dd 16.40 5.60 720 13.55 +2.7 Arconic ARNC .15p ... ... 30.69 16.75 3177 26.59 +43.4 Arconic pf ARNCp 3.75 4.3 ... 94.00 85.73 88.06 -1.1 Arconic pfB ARNCpB 2.69 8.9 ... 38.77 28.35 30.23 sArcosDor ARCO ... ... 48 8.25 3.99 1901 8.10 +50.0 Ardaugh n ARD ... ... ... 22.44 20.80 108 21.04 -1.1 ArdmoreSh ASC .71e 8.5 ... 9.96 5.00 240 8.40 +13.5 AresC 10-22 ARU 1.45 5.6 ... 26.33 25.22 13 25.78 +.7 AresCmcl ACRE 1.08f 7.9 10 14.39 11.10 48 13.70 -.2 AresDyCr ARDC 1.40 8.7 ...q 16.12 13.34 54 16.03 +6.3 AresMgmt ARES 1.12f 5.8 15 23.25 12.08 38 19.35 +.8 AresMg pfA ARESpA 1.75 6.7 ... 27.58 21.63 28 26.04 +4.0 Argan AGX .70e ... 12 76.70 32.70 571 70.40 -.2 AristaNetw ANET ... ... 43 135.27 60.51 489 133.33 +37.8 ArkInnova ARKK .47p ... ...q 24.23 17.93 9 24.03 +19.8 ArkIndInno ARKQ .19p ... ...q 24.89 17.97 5 24.74 +12.7 ArkGenom ARKG ... ... ...q 20.88 15.85 1 20.03 +18.3 ArkWebX.O ARKW .53p ... ...q 29.32 20.10 5 29.17 +16.2 Ark 3dPr n PRNT ... ... ... 24.11 19.55 15 22.51 +6.7 ArlingAst AI 2.50 17.6 5 17.13 11.99 362 14.23 -4.0 ArlingAst23 AIW 1.66 6.8 ... 25.00 19.32 24.50 +5.2 ArlingAst25 AIC 1.69 7.3 ... 23.99 19.00 1 23.31 +5.0 ArmadaHof AHH .76f 5.3 16 15.50 11.22 179 14.37 -1.4 ArmrR pfA ARRpA 2.06 8.3 ... 25.00 22.88 9 24.95 +2.7 ArmrR pfB ARRpB 1.97 8.3 ... 23.98 20.72 15 23.68 +2.1sArmourR rs ARR 3.39 14.4 9 23.44 18.63 518 23.55 +8.6 ArmsFloor AFI ... ... ... 22.96 13.75 129 18.85 -5.3 ArmstrWld AWI ... ... 20 48.00 36.33 299 44.60 +6.7 ArmstW wi AWI/WI ... ... ... 41.30 ArrwDJYld GYLD 1.59e 8.6 ...q 19.99 17.67 42 18.58 +.8 ArrowEl ARW ... ... 10 75.88 58.09 412 71.11 -.3 ArrResC n ARCM ... ... ... 20.02 20.00 15 20.01 ArwQVMEq QVM ... ... ...q 24.61 21.07 1 24.20 +1.1 Arrhythm HRT ... ... ...dd 4.83 3.47 4.10 +7.9 ArtisanPtr APAM 2.80a 10.4 13 35.00 24.48 366 26.95 -9.4 AskanoG g AKG ... ... ... 4.68 2.23 1093 2.78 -9.2 AsburyA ABG ... ... 10 71.00 47.50 234 59.80 -3.1 AshHPrm AHP .64f 5.9 6 17.64 9.83 116 10.89 -20.2 AshHPr pfB AHPpB ... ... ... 25.42 17.70 27 19.64 -8.8 AshfordHT AHT .48 7.4 8 8.23 4.79 738 6.49 -16.4 Ashfrd pfA AHTpA 2.14 8.4 ... 26.48 24.10 2 25.52 +.6 Ashfrd pfD AHTpD 2.11 8.3 ... 26.00 24.24 14 25.28 +1.2 AshfHT pfF AHTpF 1.84 7.4 ... 26.33 21.86 3 24.88 +4.2 AshfrH pfG AHTpG 1.84 7.5 ... 24.99 21.69 28 24.45 +5.7 Ashford AINC ... ... 93 64.23 38.11 59.28 +37.4sAshland ASH 1.56 1.2 20 126.36 105.50 721 126.11 +15.4 AsiaPc APB .22e 1.8 ...q 12.35 9.14 4 12.17 +25.2 AsiaTigr GRR .16e 1.4 ...q 11.50 8.76 10 11.37 +24.1 AspenAero ASPN ... ... ...dd 6.71 3.61 94 3.99 -3.4 AspenIns AHL .88 1.7 23 57.80 43.27 408 51.45 -6.5 AspenI pfB AHLpB 1.81 7.1 ... 26.70 25.29 8 25.44 Aspen pfC AHLpC 1.49 5.5 ... 30.32 24.93 8 27.29 +7.8 AscBnc pfC ASBpC 1.53 5.8 ... 27.90 24.49 2 26.28 +4.1 AsscBc pf D ASBpD ... ... ... 25.45 20.55 11 24.14 +10.3 AsscdBanc ASB .48 2.0 19 26.70 15.72 1412 24.05 -2.6 AsdBan wt ASB/WS ... ... ... 2.80 AssocCap n AC ... ... ... 39.35 27.84 25 35.20 +7.2 Assurant AIZ 2.12 2.2 19 101.32 78.43 173 95.21 +2.5 AssuredG AGO .57f 1.5 10 42.94 23.43 666 38.24 +1.2 AsdGMu01 AGOpB 1.72 6.6 ... 26.99 25.33 4 26.20 +2.6 AsdGMu02 AGOpE 1.56 6.0 ... 27.37 23.73 7 25.89 +3.6 AsdGMu03 AGOpF 1.40 5.6 ... 26.13 23.03 13 24.86 +4.6 AsteriasBio AST ... ... ...dd 5.80 2.30 137 3.05 -33.7 Asterias wt AST/WS ... ... ... 1.00 .09 3 .43 -21.1 AstoriaF AF .16 .8 32 21.66 14.11 658 20.31 +8.9 Astoria pfC AFpC 1.63 6.4 ... 27.62 24.50 6 25.51 +1.6 AstraZen s AZN 1.40e 4.6 9 35.04 25.55 2903 30.18 +10.5 AtHomGr n HOME ... ... ... 17.02 10.19 44 15.95 +9.0 Atento SA ATTO ... ... ... 10.31 6.85 24 8.95 +17.0 Athene n ATH ... ... ... 55.00 44.46 831 51.90 +8.1 AtkoreInt n ATRK ... ... ... 27.30 14.17 135 26.04 +8.9 AtlPwr g AT .12 ... ...dd 2.75 2.13 124 2.65 +6.0 ATMOS ATO 1.80f 2.2 23 81.97 68.51 290 80.49 +8.6 AtwoodOcn ATW .30m 3.3 2 15.37 6.12 2072 9.17 -30.2 AutoNatn AN ... ... 10 54.15 39.13 781 40.82 -16.1 Autohome ATHM ... ... ... 36.01 19.32 692 30.67 +21.3 Autoliv ALV 2.32 2.4 20 126.31 93.31 446 97.97 -13.4 AutoZone AZO ... ... 16 819.54 692.90 193 700.59 -11.3 Auxilio n AUXO ... ... ... 6.46 3.60 93 5.85 +42.7 AvalonHld AWX ... ... ...dd 3.41 1.82 7 2.22 -24.7 AvalonBay AVB 5.68f 3.0 24 192.29 158.32 402 187.25 +5.7 Avangrid n AGR 1.73 4.0 ... 46.74 35.42 694 43.00 +13.5 AveICSFd ACP 1.44 10.2 ...q 14.60 10.97 81 14.10 +5.0 AveryD AVY 1.64f 2.1 20 82.11 68.55 451 79.67 +13.5 Avianca AVH .10e 1.3 ... 10.91 5.01 60 7.62 -21.0 AvinoSG g ASM ... ... ... 3.14 1.12 394 1.82 +32.8 Avista AVA 1.43f 3.6 19 45.22 37.78 279 39.88 -.3 Avnet AVT .72f 1.6 11 51.50 38.16 669 44.64 -6.2 Avon AVP ... ... ...dd 6.96 3.52 11290 4.57 -9.3 Axalta AXTA ... ... 33.06 24.27 897 31.66 +16.4 AXIS Cap AXS 1.52f 2.3 12 71.06 51.01 376 66.50 +1.9 AXIS pfD AXSpD 1.38 5.5 ... 27.70 21.96 4 25.12 +10.6 AxisCap pfE AXSpE ... ... ... 24.03 21.04 93 23.93 +10.5 AXIS pfC AXSpC 1.72 6.9 ... 26.97 25.15 24.97 -1.0sAxovant n AXON ... ... ...dd 19.85 10.69 6919 20.25 +63.0 AzurePwr n AZRE ... ... ... 22.00 12.73 24 19.20 +12.9B -B&G Foods BGS 1.86 4.7 22 52.84 32.02 415 39.95 -8.8 B2gold g BTG ... ... ...dd 3.65 1.75 5722 2.90 +22.4 BB&T Cp BBT 1.20 2.8 15 49.88 32.85 5090 43.62 -7.2 BB&T pfD BBTpD ... ... ... 27.33 23.79 48 25.51 +4.0 BB&T pfE BBTpE 1.41 5.5 ... 27.24 23.05 34 25.60 +7.8 BB&T pfF BBTpF 1.30 5.2 ... 26.47 22.00 21 25.08 +10.2 BB&T pfG BBTpG 1.30 5.2 ... 27.43 22.03 13 25.02 +9.7 BB&T pfH BBTpH 1.41 5.5 ... 27.50 23.26 28 25.74 +6.0 BBVABFrn BFR .48e 2.5 ... 23.25 16.20 261 18.88 +8.3 BCE g BCE 2.73 ... ... 49.03 41.83 1036 45.49 +5.2 BG Staffing BGSF 1.00 6.8 27 21.75 11.23 45 14.75 -5.4 BGCPtrs 42 BGCA 2.03 8.0 ... 27.39 25.41 7 25.53 -.7 BGE pfB BGEpB 1.55 5.9 ... 27.15 25.04 8 26.12 +2.4 BHP BillLt BHP 2.48e 6.5 ... 41.79 25.75 3805 38.39 +7.3 BHPBil plc BBL .64m 1.9 ... 37.44 22.37 3488 33.32 +5.9 BP PLC BP 2.38 6.7 42 38.68 29.98 7490 35.37 -5.4 BP Pru BPT 2.43e 11.3 4 32.95 12.68 634 21.45 -9.7 BRF SA BRFS .40e 3.3 ... 18.12 10.60 3213 12.28 -16.8 BRT BRT ... ... 32 8.70 6.93 132 8.08 -1.3 BT Grp s BT .99e 5.0 ... 33.50 19.14 417 19.74 -14.3 BWX Tech BWXT .36 .7 ... 49.11 32.36 478 48.50 +22.2 B&W Ent n BW ... ... ...dd 23.99 8.54 411 9.42 -43.2 BabShDHi BGH 1.84 9.3 ...q 20.49 16.84 115 19.85 +3.2 BadgerMtr s BMI .46f .4 33 39.85 29.30 77 36.50 -1.2 BakrHu BHI .68 1.1 ...dd 68.59 41.74 1327 60.87 -6.3 BallCorp BLL .52 .7 20 82.24 67.51 939 72.25 -3.8 Ballanty BTN ... ... 46 8.10 4.21 7 6.00 -25.0 BanColum CIB 1.27e 3.1 ... 42.58 31.77 136 40.58 +10.6 BancCalif BANC .52 2.4 11 23.24 10.93 2910 21.60 +24.5 BcCalif pfC BANCpC 2.00 7.5 ... 28.39 24.60 26.72 +3.5 BcCalif pfE BANCpE ... ... ... 28.69 23.00 15 26.12 +5.0 BcCal pfD BANCpD 1.84 6.9 ... 28.29 23.00 3 26.61 +4.9 BcBilVArg BBVA .42e 5.6 ... 7.90 5.14 1915 7.50 +10.8 BcoBrades s BBDO .32e 3.2 ... 11.00 6.48 31 9.96 +12.7 BcoBrad s BBD .43e 4.2 ... 11.25 6.10 11669 10.21 +17.4 BcoLatin BLX 1.54 5.4 12 30.51 24.54 103 28.33 -3.8 BcoMacro BMA ... ... ... 89.45 58.72 103 85.03 +32.1 BcoSantSA SAN .23e 3.9 ... 6.23 3.60 4474 5.96 +15.1 BcoSBrasil BSBR .28e 3.6 ... 11.75 4.63 5207 7.81 -12.1 BcSanChile BSAC 1.13e 4.6 ... 25.55 17.83 385 24.80 +13.4 BcoChile BCH 2.98e 4.0 ... 75.28 59.70 33 74.20 +5.3 BcpSouth BXS .50 1.7 21 32.40 20.50 605 30.20 -2.7 Bcp NJ BKJ .24 1.5 25 17.50 10.50 221 16.00 +18.5 BancFd pfA BCVpA 1.34 ... ... BancrftFd BCV 1.08e 5.1 ...q 22.67 17.58 7 21.31 +5.3 BkofAm BAC .30f 1.3 18 25.80 12.05 92657 22.92 +3.7 BkAML pfI BMLpI 1.59 6.2 ... 26.37 24.60 28 25.84 +3.2 BkAML pfJ BMLpJ 1.02 4.3 ... 27.19 21.46 4 23.71 -.3 BkAm pfD BACpD 1.55 6.0 ... 26.24 21.44 26 25.62 +2.1 BkAm pfE BACpE 1.02 5.2 ... 26.68 21.13 17 23.18 +6.2 BkAm pfI BACpI 1.66 6.4 ... 27.45 25.10 21 25.90 +2.3 BkAm pfL BACpL 72.50 6.0 ... 1269.47 1116.00 3 1205.01 +3.3 BkAm pfW BACpW 1.66 6.2 ... 28.10 25.19 25 26.77 +4.1 BkAm pfY BACpY 1.63 6.1 ... 28.60 25.13 33 26.75 +4.8 BkAm wtA BAC/WS/A ... ... ... 13.64 3.01 812 10.66 +7.1 BkAm wtB BAC/WS/B ... ... ... 1.55 .06 768 .83 -13.0 BkAm pfA BACpA ... ... ... 27.10 24.45 62 25.98 +4.3 BkAm pfC BACpC ... ... ... 27.24 24.75 25 26.03 +3.1 BkAML pfL BMLpL 1.02 4.4 ... 24.50 21.18 15 23.40 +3.3 BkAML pfH BMLpH .77 3.5 ... 24.22 17.97 7 21.74 +9.3How to read the stock tablesSTOCK GLOSSARY „ bt primary exchange listing BATS cld issue has been called for redemption by company d new intraday 52-week low g dividends paid in Canadian funds, PE not shown h -Does not meet continued-listing standards lf late ling with SEC n stock was a new issue in the last year the 52-week high and low gures are calculated from their start date pf preferred stock issue pr preferences rs stock has undergone a reverse stock split, decreasing outstanding shares by at least 50 percent within the past year rt right to buy security at a specied price s historical prices have been adjusted for a split or distribution of 20 percent or more in the last 12 months. wi trades will be settled when the stock is issued wd when distributed wt warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock u new intraday 52-week high un unit, including more than one security v Trading halted on primary market vj company in bankruptcy, receivership or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law this appears in front of the name DIVIDEND FOOTNOTES: a: Extra dividend(s) paid, but are not included; b: Annual rate plus stock dividend; c: Dividend from a liquidating company; e: Declared or paid preceding 12 months; f: Annual rate, increased on last declaration. i: Declared or paid after dividend or split; k: Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears; r: Declared or paid in last 12 months plus stock dividend; m: Annual rate, reduced on last declaration. p: Initial dividend, annual rate unknown; yield not shown. t: Paid in stock in preceding 12 months, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date PE footnotes q stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown cc P/E exceeds 99 dd loss in last 12 months 1 „ Name of stock. 2 „ Ticker Symbol company trades under. 3 „ Dividend: A distribution of the companyÂs earnings to shareholders, usually consisting of stock dividends, interest on bonds, or short-term capital gains on the sale of securities usually paid quarterly in the form of cash or stock.4 „ Div. Yield: The dividend divided by the stock price. It helps gauge how well the stock is paying, compared to other investments such as CDs, bonds or savings accounts. 5 „ Price to earnings ratio: The price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. PEs are used to gauge the relative worth of a company stock. When compared to other companies in the same industry, the companies with the lowest PEs are generally earning higher prots.6 „ Range of closing prices in last year.7 „ Sales in thousands (10 = 10,000 shares), and closing price.8 „ Last trading price of the day. 9 „ Percent change for the year. st Arrows, indicate new highs or lows. Underline: indicates top 100 stocks by volume rank. Bold stocks designates which stocks have gone up or down 5% XYZcorp XYZ 1.20 3.6 17 34.09 27.27 2780 33.72 +20.7 Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg 2 1 3 4 5 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg6 7 9 Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg8 Continued on next pageAdvanced 1820 Declined 1121 New Highs 90 New Lows 11 Vol. (in mil.) 3,032 Pvs. Volume 2,677 1,740 1,560 1561 1218 64 38 NYSE NASD Stocks Recap 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 OA NDJFM 20,480 20,700 20,920 Dow Jones industrialsClose: 20,651.30 Change: -6.72 (flat) 10 DAYS 4,800 5,100 5,400 5,700 6,000 OA NDJFM 5,800 5,880 5,960 Nasdaq compositeClose: 5,866.77 Change: -14.16 (-0.2%) 10 DAYSDOW 20660.03 20512.56 20651.30 -6.72 -0.03% t t s +4.50% DOW Trans. 9142.52 9031.83 9135.58 -43.12 -0.47% s s s +1.01% DOW Util. 701.54 695.74 700.34 -0.18 -0.03% s s s +6.17% NYSE Comp. 11474.67 11393.38 11473.62 +9.28 +0.08% s s s +3.77% NASDAQ 5878.94 5819.29 5866.77 -14.16 -0.24% t s s +8.98% S&P 500 2355.08 2337.25 2353.78 -3.38 -0.14% t t s +5.13% S&P 400 1719.99 1700.55 1719.85 +9.48 +0.55% s s s +3.57% Wilshire 5000 24559.69 24379.35 24559.69 -0.90 ...% t t s +4.84% Russell 2000 1377.22 1360.53 1376.95 +9.87 +0.72% s s s +1.46% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD Wednesday, April 12, 2017
BkAML pfG BMLpG .77 3.6 ... 23.30 17.91 3 21.58 +8.0 Bk of But n NTB ...a ... ... 34.92 23.75 238 31.65 +.7 BkHawaii BOH 2.00f 2.5 19 90.80 64.96 257 80.54 -9.2 BkMont g BMO 3.52 ... ... 78.00 60.93 504 74.12 +3.1 BkNYMel BK .68 1.4 15 49.54 35.72 3860 47.26 -.3 BkNYM pfC BKpC 1.30 5.2 ... 27.41 22.74 16 25.22 +9.7 BkNova g BNS 2.74 4.7 11 62.89 47.29 825 58.09 +4.3 Bankrate RATE ... ... ... 11.90 6.91 217 9.80 -11.3 BankUtd BKU .84 2.3 17 41.00 27.85 868 36.40 -3.4 Banro g BAA ... ... ...dd .48 .11 740 .15 -20.9 BarHarbr s BHB ... ... ... 33.41 20.53 36 29.93 Br iPthCrd OILB ... ... ... 58.38 50.35 53.29 -6.8 BarFIEur FEEU ... ... ...q 104.66 66.88 2 102.15 +16.5 BarcFI HY FIGY ... ... ...q 145.47 113.09 2 142.67 +10.1 BarcSPVeq VQT ... ... ...q 145.42 129.99 1 142.56 +4.3 BarSelMLP ATMP 1.17e 4.9 ...q 25.72 18.16 105 23.81 +1.1 BiP Cmdty DJP ... ... ...q 25.50 21.83 399 23.73 -2.1 BarcGSOil OIL ... ... ...q 6.85 4.88 2752 5.93 -6.3 BarcGsci36 GSP ... ... ...q 15.34 12.37 2 14.19 -3.2 BrcEnEu n FLEU ... ... ... 125.35 94.13 5 122.76 +14.7 BiPCop JJC ... ... ...q 32.39 22.95 40 29.83 +3.7 BiPNickel JJN ... ... ...q 14.76 9.90 13 11.75 -2.9 BiPSPBWrt BWV ... ... ...q 72.89 63.94 71.91 +3.1 BiP GCrb GRN ... ... ...q 8.24 4.36 0 5.85 -23.1 BiPGbpUsd GBB ... ... ...q 39.39 31.50 0 32.76 +.8 BiPEurUsd ERO ... ... ...q 43.08 38.67 10 39.62 +1.6 BiP Tin JJT ... ... ...q 50.00 30.06 45.71 -3.7 BiPAg JJA ... ... ...q 42.25 33.27 1 33.72 -3.4 BiP Sugar SGG ... ... ...q 53.69 34.35 71 36.76 -15.3 BiP Softs JJS ... ... ...q 45.63 33.52 36.18 -6.8 BiP PrM JJP ... ... ...q 67.38 51.43 0 58.57 +9.6 BiP Plat PGM ... ... ...q 27.36 17.00 18.69 +.4 BiP Lead LD ... ... ...q 65.80 32.36 48.50 +2.1 BiP Cottn BAL ... ... ...q 51.80 39.85 3 48.40 +4.2 BrcIndiaTR INP ... ... ...q 76.03 60.35 39 75.17 +20.1 BiP Coffee JO ... ... ...q 26.21 17.92 70 19.60 +.2 BiPGrain JJG ... ... ...q 37.37 26.62 34 27.81 -1.2 BiP Cocoa NIB ... ... ...q 40.95 22.90 112 24.23 -9.9 BiP Alum JJU ... ... ...q 17.56 13.10 1 16.95 +12.7 BarcBk prD BCSpD 2.03 7.7 ... 26.71 25.00 153 26.24 +2.7 BiPIndMet JJM ... ... ...q 26.88 18.98 6 24.43 +3.1 BiPOpCur ICI ... ... ...q 41.62 37.41 39.81 -3.2 BiPAsnGulf PGD .11e .2 ...q 49.28 47.32 48.41 +2.3 BiPGems38 JEM 3.18e 10.9 ...q 29.69 27.73 29.09 +4.3 BiPNG GAZ ... ... ...q .76 .39 26 .45 -33.9 BiPLive COW ... ... ...q 24.97 17.38 13 22.72 +1.6 BiPEngy JJE ... ... ...q 7.02 5.13 5.93 -11.5 BarcBk prA BCSpA 1.78 7.1 ... 26.27 24.62 25.01 -1.5 BiP JpyUsd JYN ... ... ...q 56.72 47.50 49.82 +4.9 BiPAsia8 AYT 1.21e 3.0 ...q 42.72 38.30 13 40.87 +2.7 B iPInvVIX XXV ... ... ...q 39.63 33.44 38.01 +1.0 BarcCAPE CAPE ... ... ...q 104.33 79.01 9 102.99 +7.3 BiPSPMLP IMLP 1.47e 7.1 ...q 22.10 17.13 2 20.85 +1.2 Barclay BCS .39e 3.6 ... 12.05 6.76 2609 10.77 -2.1 BiP SPVix XVZ ... ... ...q 29.56 25.81 26.07 -5.9 B iPVxST rs VXX ... ... ...q 71.48 15.30 88863 17.84 -30.1 BrVxMdT rs VXZ ... ... ...q 47.84 25.66 187 26.97 -22.6 BarcWomLd WIL ... ... ...q 62.99 52.85 0 60.90 +3.7 Bard BCR 1.04f .4 24 252.25 203.63 248 249.99 +11.3 BaringsCp s MCI 1.20 7.8 ...q 19.76 14.52 24 15.45 -.2 BaringsPt MPV 1.08a 7.6 ...q 15.97 13.61 3 14.24 +.3 BarcDisab RODI ... ... ...q 55.97 54.70 55.47 B&N Ed n BNED .15p ... 13.15 8.50 147 9.91 -13.6 BarnesNob BKS .60 6.4 49 13.63 8.45 820 9.35 -16.1 Barnes B .52 1.0 21 51.97 31.13 413 51.21 +8.0 Barnwell BRN ... ... ...dd 2.70 1.31 2 1.91 +16.3 Barracuda CUDA ... ... 26.69 13.91 303 23.50 +9.7 BarrickG ABX .12f .6 36 23.47 13.81 17660 20.09 +25.7 BasicEnS XYZ ... ... ...dd 3.25 .30 .45 BasicEn n BAS ... ... ... 44.81 29.06 462 34.25 -3.1 BatsGl n BATS .08p ... ... 36.01 22.62 35.13 +4.8 Baxter s BAX .52 1.0 27 53.18 42.22 2744 52.97 +19.5 BaytexE g BTE ... ... ...dd 7.14 3.01 1887 3.53 -27.7 BeazerHm BZH ... ... 15.80 6.81 636 12.12 -8.9 BectDck BDX 2.92 1.6 33 186.11 157.60 508 183.78 +11.0 Belden BDC .20 .3 13 81.33 54.97 352 67.48 -9.7 Belden pfB BDCpB ... ... ... 98.85 97.83 93.41 -1.8 Bellatrix g BXE ... ... 17 1.30 .72 446 .83 -12.0 Belmond BEL ... ... 49 14.45 8.69 209 12.15 -9.0 Bemis BMS 1.20f 2.5 19 53.88 47.22 432 48.44 +1.3 BenchElec BHE ... ... 23 33.45 18.54 218 31.10 +2.0 Berkley WRB .52 .8 20 73.17 54.56 252 69.19 +4.0 Berkley pfB WRBpB 1.41 5.7 ... 26.73 21.82 16 24.73 +9.4 Berkly pfC WRBpC ... ... ... 27.28 21.72 5 25.91 +8.0 Berkly pfD WRBpD 1.44 5.8 ... 26.39 21.54 23 24.94 +9.0 BerkHa A BRK/A ... ... 16 266445.00 205074.00 0 248601.03 +1.8 BerkH B BRK/B ... ... 17 177.86 136.65 3408 165.70 +1.7 BerkHBcp BHLB .84f 2.4 17 37.45 24.80 138 35.15 -4.6 BerryPlas BERY ... ... 20 52.97 34.98 987 48.20 -1.1 BestBuy BBY 1.36f 2.8 14 49.40 28.76 2688 48.65 +14.0 BigLots BIG 1.00f 2.0 14 56.54 41.61 772 49.13 -2.2 BiglariHld BH ... ... 36 491.74 351.46 2 433.20 -8.5 BBarrett BBG ... ... ...dd 9.38 4.04 1609 4.40 -37.1 BioAmber BIOA ... ... ...dd 6.50 2.00 355 2.69 -51.1 BioAmb wt BIOA/WS ... ... ... 1.62 .03 1 .04 -93.7 BioRadA BIO ... ... 209.50 135.94 175 202.71 +11.2 BioRadB BIO/B ... ... 52 204.00 137.95 199.80 +9.1 BioPhrmX BPMX ... ... ...dd 1.22 .19 2320 .69 +85.3 BioTime BTX ... ... ...dd 4.01 2.26 292 3.42 -5.3 BioTime wt BTX/WS ... ... ... .98 .30 1 .53 -24.3 BirksGrp BGI ... ... ... 5.15 .41 107 1.56 +45.8 BitautoH BITA ... ... ... 33.16 16.56 415 23.80 +25.7 BlkHillsCp BKH 1.78f 2.6 21 67.92 54.76 242 67.66 +10.3 BlkHCp un BKHU ... ... ... 74.98 61.75 3 73.74 +7.1 BlackKnt n BKFS ... ... 49 42.19 28.87 64 39.00 +3.2 BlkStMin n BSM 1.15f 6.9 64 19.86 14.10 54 16.67 -11.2 BlackRock BLK 10.00f 2.6 20 399.46 317.60 437 384.05 +.9 BlkBldAm BBN 1.58 7.0 ...q 25.58 19.50 70 22.62 +4.7 BlkCA18 BJZ .33 2.2 ...q 15.30 14.93 5 15.06 +.2 BlkCAIT BFZ .87 6.0 ...q 17.00 13.81 92 14.32 -1.2 BlkCorBd BHK .85a 6.3 ...q 14.34 12.57 70 13.55 +4.2 BlkCpHiY HYT .84a 7.6 ...q 11.20 9.86 384 11.05 +2.0 BlkCrdAllo BTZ .97 7.3 ...q 13.70 12.05 170 13.21 +1.9 BlkDbtStr rs DSU ... ... ...q 11.75 10.38 151 11.56 +1.9 BlkDefOpp BHL .70a 5.1 ...q 14.01 12.96 22 13.74 -.4 BlkEngyRs BGR 1.32 9.4 ...q 15.01 13.00 110 13.99 -3.1 BlkEnhC&I CII 1.20 8.4 ...q 14.56 12.59 193 14.34 +4.6 BlkEEqDv BDJ .56 6.6 ...q 8.60 7.42 323 8.46 +3.8 BlEnhGvIn EGF .66 5.0 ...q 14.11 13.03 12 13.26 +.5 BlkFltRtInc FRA .81 5.6 ...q 14.85 12.89 90 14.34 -.5 BlkFloatR BGT .78a 5.4 ...q 14.65 12.58 41 14.54 +3.3 BlkFL2020 BFO .37 2.5 ...q 15.48 14.85 2 15.14 +.9 BlkGlbOp BOE 1.16 9.2 ...q 12.66 11.19 285 12.61 +9.0 BlkHlthSci BME 2.40a 7.1 ...q 38.54 30.82 22 34.03 +7.2 BlkIT BKT .37 6.0 ...q 6.67 6.06 74 6.24 -1.4 BlkIntlG&I BGY .59 10.1 ...q 6.13 5.36 438 5.85 +6.2 BlkIQM BKN .92a 6.3 ...q 18.30 13.92 19 14.78 +.6 BlkLtdD BLW 1.19a 7.6 ...q 16.07 14.72 81 15.64 +3.1 BlkLTMu BTA .70a 6.0 ...q 13.44 10.73 19 11.68 +3.5 BlkMDMB BZM .65 3.8 ...q 17.00 13.81 0 14.48 +2.6 BlkMATxE MHE .70a 5.0 ...q 16.72 12.68 1 13.90 -2.3 BlkMultSec BIT 1.40a 8.0 ...q 17.70 15.52 89 17.58 +6.7 BlkMuIntD MUI .79a 5.6 ...q 15.63 13.45 81 13.98 +1.3 BlkMuNYInt MNE .69 5.0 ...q 16.35 13.18 5 13.87 +2.2 BlkMunihCA MUC .81a 5.7 ...q 16.35 13.53 74 14.28 +1.4 BlkMunHIQ MFL .86 5.9 ...q 16.43 13.52 50 14.46 +2.0 BlMunhNYQ MHN .80a 5.8 ...q 15.68 13.13 96 13.68 +2.0 BlMunhNJQ MUJ .89a 6.2 ...q 16.48 13.56 38 14.38 +3.4 BlkMunihQ MUS .81 6.0 ...q 15.59 12.66 14 13.45 -1.0 BlkMunHQ2 MUE .82 6.0 ...q 15.23 12.57 77 13.52 +.2 BlMunyCAQ MCA .88 5.9 ...q 16.87 13.95 63 14.88 +2.6 BlkMunyInv MYF .97 6.2 ...q 17.48 14.32 23 15.58 +4.5 BlkMunyIQ MFT .85 6.1 ...q 16.50 13.23 10 13.97 +.2 BlkMYMIQ MIY .83 6.0 ...q 15.69 13.17 38 13.79 +1.5 BlMunyNYQ MYN .74a 5.7 ...q 14.74 12.50 92 13.08 +3.1 BlkMunyPaQ MPA .86 6.0 ...q 16.66 13.75 10 14.32 +1.6 BlMunyQlty MQY .96 6.4 ...q 17.20 14.21 62 15.04 +2.2 BlkMuniyQ3 MYI .89a 6.3 ...q 15.88 13.23 41 14.05 +2.9 BlkMuniast MUA .72a 5.0 ...q 16.09 12.96 35 14.51 +7.7 Blk2018 BPK .56a 3.7 ...q 15.44 14.93 5 15.08 +.7 BlkMu2020 BKK .54a 3.4 ...q 17.18 15.16 21 15.84 +4.3 BlkMuBdT BBK .90a 5.9 ...q 18.55 14.50 38 15.29 +.2 BlkMuIIQ BAF .82 5.6 ...q 16.67 13.68 19 14.55 +2.0 BlkMunIIT BBF .87 5.8 ...q 17.00 13.46 24 14.87 +6.1 BlkMuIQT BYM .86 6.2 ...q 16.38 13.50 35 14.05 +1.2 BlkMuIT BFK .90a 6.4 ...q 16.02 13.42 147 14.17 +2.4 BlkMuIT2 BLE .95a 6.3 ...q 16.89 13.87 20 15.20 +4.5 BlkMuTTT BTT .96a 4.2 ...q 24.44 21.09 123 22.86 +4.7 BlkMunienh MEN .73a 6.2 ...q 13.21 10.92 38 11.72 +4.0 BlkMunihld MHD 1.03a 6.2 ...q 19.35 15.54 33 16.71 +3.3 BlkMunihd2 MUH .93a 5.9 ...q 17.29 14.36 10 15.87 +8.0 BlkMunvst MVF .64a 6.6 ...q 11.26 9.34 61 9.71 +1.0 BlkMuniv2 MVT 1.00a 6.5 ...q 18.64 14.74 30 15.44 +1.3 BlkMunyAZ MZA .83 5.7 ...q 19.16 13.89 8 14.63 +1.1 BlMunyldCA MYC .89a 5.9 ...q 17.89 14.44 46 14.95 -2.1 BlkMuniyld MYD .92a 6.3 ...q 16.44 13.61 45 14.74 +4.2 BlkMunyNJ MYJ .90a 5.8 ...q 17.62 14.87 8 15.51 +1.2 BlMunQlt2 MQT .80 6.2 ...q 15.06 12.31 20 12.95 +1.1 BlkNJMB BLJ .83a 5.6 ...q 17.75 14.21 6 14.79 +2.4 BlkNJIT BNJ .90a 6.0 ...q 16.98 14.12 12 15.13 +6.3 BlkNY18 BLH .31a 2.1 ...q 15.18 14.72 16 14.84 +.7 BlkNYMB BQH .74 5.1 ...q 16.39 13.56 2 14.46 +3.2 BlkNYIQT BSE .69 5.2 ...q 15.42 12.53 16 13.35 +1.8 BlkNYIT BNY .83 5.6 ...q 16.91 13.29 11 14.66 +5.4 BlkNYMu2 BFY .84 5.6 ...q 18.02 14.05 9 14.93 +3.1 BlkRsCmdy BCX .79 9.0 ...q 8.99 7.18 194 8.73 +5.6 BlkSciTch BST 1.20 5.8 ...q 21.30 15.80 80 20.86 +16.3 BlkStMT BSD .85a 6.3 ...q 15.98 13.03 8 13.59 +.7 BlkU&Inf BUI 1.45 7.0 ...q 20.75 17.24 48 20.61 +12.0 BlkVAMB BHV .83 5.2 ...q 21.50 15.06 4 15.98 +3.8 BlkstFltRt BSL 1.08 6.0 ...q 18.43 15.01 82 18.10 +.1 BlkstGSOSt BGB 1.26 7.9 ...q 16.27 13.58 160 16.04 +4.6 Blackstone BX 1.46 5.0 18 31.69 22.45 2783 29.24 +8.2 BlkstnMtg BXMT 2.48f 8.0 12 31.53 26.46 726 31.18 +3.7 BlkLSCrInc BGX 1.18 7.2 ...q 16.52 13.51 50 16.34 +2.6 BlockHR HRB .88 3.7 16 24.95 19.18 1728 23.61 +2.7 BlonderT BDR ... ... ...dd 1.10 .28 20 .56 +19.6 BlueCapRe BCRH 1.20 6.3 12 20.83 17.01 13 18.95 +2.7 BlueLinx rs BXC ... ... 5 9.70 6.36 39 9.33 +24.9 BluerkRsd BRG 1.16 9.1 35 14.77 10.65 181 12.72 -7.3 BluerkRs pf BRGpA 2.06 7.8 ... 27.58 24.80 3 26.50 +1.7 BluerkR pfD BRGpD 1.78 7.2 ... 25.17 21.85 9 24.80 +6.5 BluerkR pfC BRGpC 1.91 ... ... BdwlkPpl BWP .40 2.1 16 18.95 14.37 395 18.65 +7.4 Boeing BA 5.68f 3.2 21 185.71 122.35 2204 178.57 +14.7sBoiseCasc BCC ... ... 23 30.35 17.80 230 29.90 +32.9 BonanzaCE BCEI ... ... ...dd 4.67 .60 1676 .94 -8.0 BootBarn BOOT ... ... 22 17.26 5.59 192 10.57 -15.6 BoozAllnH BAH .68f 1.9 21 38.54 27.02 934 35.32 -2.1 BorgWarn BWA .56f 1.5 12 44.24 27.52 2675 38.25 -3.0 BostBeer SAM ... ... 21 195.35 137.65 141 141.45 -16.7 BostProp BXP 3.00f 2.2 25 144.02 113.69 619 136.83 +8.8 BosProp pfB BXPpB 1.31 5.1 ... 27.17 22.63 2 25.74 +7.1 BostonSci BSX ... ... 48 25.65 19.34 3946 24.57 +13.6 BldrG&IFd BIF .40a 4.3 ...q 9.59 7.76 150 9.35 +4.6 BovieMed BVX ... ... ...dd 5.75 1.56 15 2.64 -26.5 BowlA BWL/A .68 4.7 40 17.25 14.09 3 14.42 -12.5 Box Inc n BOX ... ... ...dd 18.36 9.86 562 16.82 +21.4sBoydGm BYD ... ... 23 22.10 16.77 1081 22.23 +10.2 BradyCp BRC .82f 2.1 25 40.50 25.98 168 38.55 +2.7 Brandyw BDN .64 3.8 14 17.05 14.04 998 16.98 +2.8 Brandy pfE BDNpE 1.73 6.9 ... 26.50 25.20 24.90 -1.3 BrasilAgro LND ... ... ... 4.11 2.72 1 3.89 +19.7 Braskem BAK .38e 1.8 ... 23.15 10.82 857 21.37 +.8 BridgptEd BPI ... ... 65 11.83 5.38 161 11.75 +16.0 BrigStrat BGG .56 2.6 30 23.73 17.90 147 21.77 -2.2 BrightHrz BFAM ... ... 47 72.80 59.00 331 72.27 +3.2 Brinker EAT 1.36 3.1 14 55.84 40.92 974 43.44 -12.3 Brinks BCO .40 .7 59 55.95 26.86 438 55.40 +34.3 BrMySq BMY 1.56f 2.9 32 77.12 46.01 6700 52.98 -9.3 BristowGp BRS .28 1.9 ...dd 23.62 9.17 562 14.88 -27.3sBritATob s BTI ... ... ... 66.75 52.71 2206 67.32 BrixmorP BRX 1.04f 4.9 12 29.14 20.62 2438 21.34 -11.7 BroadrdgF BR 1.32 1.9 24 71.74 57.92 504 67.79 +2.2 Brookdale BKD ... ... ...dd 19.42 10.65 1206 13.08 +5.3 BrkfdAs g s BAM .56f 1.5 20 37.52 31.80 1084 36.81 +11.5 BrookBus n BBU .25f 1.0 ... 26.87 21.72 4 24.61 +2.3 BrkfCda g BOXC 2.23a ... 7 25.72 18.68 0 23.62 +20.2 BrkfDtla pf DTLAp 1.91 7.8 ... 25.26 18.69 8 24.50 +10.9 BrkGblInf INF 1.40 10.4 ...q 14.13 11.31 75 13.44 +4.8 BrkfInfra s BIP 1.74f 4.5 ... 39.25 27.17 267 38.49 +15.0 BrkdPrp BPY 1.18f 5.2 ... 24.98 20.31 72 22.61 +2.8 BrkRlAs n RA .20p ... ... 23.45 21.54 76 23.31 +4.5 BrkfReEn BEP 1.87f 6.1 ... 31.85 26.61 45 30.75 +3.5 HeliosTR rt HTRr ... ... ... .64 BrwnBrn BRO .54 1.3 23 45.77 34.23 687 42.15 -6.0 BrownFA s BF/A ... ... 28 55.31 45.17 7 46.67 +.9 BrownFB s BF/B ... ... ... 51.55 43.72 655 45.95 +2.3 Brunswick BC .66f 1.1 17 61.74 41.19 662 58.05 +6.4 Buckeye BPL 4.96f 7.2 19 75.10 61.37 368 68.53 +3.6 Buckle BKE 1.00e 5.3 9 31.47 16.00 1030 18.75 -17.8 Buenavent BVN ... ... ...dd 16.45 7.98 2122 11.95 +5.9 BldBear BBW ... ... 29 15.85 8.05 89 9.00 -34.5 BungeLt BG 1.68 2.2 16 82.66 56.69 1365 76.85 +6.4 BurlStrs BURL ... ... 30 98.32 51.19 1192 93.65 +10.5C -C&J Eng n CJ ... ... ... 39.13 32.01 529 34.18 -6.8 CTrkMH23 MLPC 1.19e 6.8 ...q 18.43 14.91 1 17.50 +4.8 CtrMillr n MLPE ... ... ... 27.75 23.41 26.92 +11.2 CAE Inc g CAE .32 ... ... 15.88 11.39 68 15.33 +9.7 CAI Intl CAI ... ... 22 17.92 6.75 39 15.84 +82.7 CBIZ Inc CBZ ... ... 16 14.26 9.30 140 14.10 +2.9 CBL Asc CBL 1.06 11.3 8 14.30 8.72 2495 9.35 -18.7 CBL pfD CBLpD 1.84 7.7 ... 25.60 22.72 96 23.86 -2.4 CBL pfE CBLpE 1.66 7.1 ... 26.50 22.60 5 23.40 +1.9 CBRE GRE IGR .60 7.8 ...q 8.80 7.06 210 7.70 +5.5 CBRE Grp CBG ... ... 16 36.74 24.11 2402 33.36 +5.9 CBS A CBS/A .72f 1.0 20 71.07 49.92 1 69.00 +6.5 CBS B CBS .72 1.1 17 70.10 48.88 1745 68.03 +6.9 CCA Inds CAW ... ... 19 3.99 2.25 1 3.20 +23.1 CDI CDI .52 6.5 ...dd 9.65 4.84 44 8.05 +8.8 CF Inds s CF 1.20 4.0 63 37.17 20.77 4002 29.65 -5.8 CGG rs CGG ... ... ... 32.00 6.57 1 6.99 -50.6 CGI g GIB ... ... ... 50.58 40.88 145 46.98 -2.2 CIT Grp CIT .60 1.4 42 44.59 28.33 1865 43.74 +2.5 CKE Inc CK ... ... ... CKX Lands CKX .12m 1.0 51 14.10 10.20 1 12.15 +10.0 CMS Eng CMS 1.33f 2.9 27 46.25 38.78 1742 45.30 +8.8 CNA Fn CNA 1.00a 2.3 14 44.88 29.38 281 43.64 +5.2 CNH Indl CNHI .12 1.2 ...dd 10.05 6.26 954 9.86 +13.5 CNO Fincl CNO .32 1.5 14 21.70 14.30 1080 20.92 +9.2 CNOOC CEO 4.77e 4.0 ... 138.36 112.32 150 120.59 -2.7 CNX Coal n CNXC .51 ... ... 22.30 7.14 18 16.80 -7.9 CPFL Eng CPL .40t ... ... 16.75 10.02 198 16.35 +6.2 CPI Aero CVU ... ... 9 10.15 4.35 14 6.50 -29.7sCRH Med CRHM ... ... 9.05 2.80 158 9.05 +72.4 CRH CRH .74e 2.1 ... 36.83 25.82 657 34.60 +.6 CsopChiA50 AFTY 2.38p ... ...q 14.28 12.12 1 13.80 +6.5 Csop ChInt CNHX ... ... ...q 28.53 24.05 26.19 +2.7 Csop Csi300 HAHA ... ... ...q 28.16 24.24 27.86 +.1 CSRA n CSRA .40 1.4 24 33.54 21.95 576 28.19 -11.5 CSS Inds CSS .80 3.1 23 29.18 23.16 35 25.84 -4.5 CST Brnds CST .19j ... 37 48.50 36.02 518 48.35 +.4 CTS CTS .16 .8 31 24.80 16.08 92 20.55 -8.3 CVR Engy CVI 2.00 11.1 18 26.57 12.03 1074 18.03 -29.0 CVR Ptrs UAN .71e 14.3 ...dd 9.75 4.05 228 4.95 -17.6 CVR Rfng CVRR 3.12e 33.9 35 13.25 5.50 174 9.20 -11.5 CVS Health CVS 2.00f 2.6 13 106.67 69.30 4633 78.17 -.9 CWA Inco n CWAI ... ... ... 25.18 25.00 0 25.11 +.4 CYS Invest CYS 1.00 12.3 9 9.21 7.42 1647 8.16 +5.6 CYSInv pfA CYSpA 1.94 7.9 ... 25.65 23.05 4 24.56 +3.4 CYSInv pfB CYSpB 1.88 8.0 ... 24.72 22.46 20 23.48 +3.4 CabGS t34 GYB .83 3.7 ... 23.30 19.54 1 22.25 +7.5 CabcoJCP97 PFH 1.91 10.3 ... 21.20 16.40 7 18.59 -6.5 CabAT&T34 GYC .83 3.5 ... 26.05 20.03 2 23.55 +12.4 Cabelas CAB ... ... 20 63.60 45.00 246 53.53 -8.6 CableOne n CABO 6.00 1.0 39 649.79 447.68 44 631.41 +1.6 Cabot CBT 1.20 2.0 17 60.72 42.27 213 59.04 +16.8 CabotO&G COG .08 .3 ...dd 26.74 20.02 3360 24.62 +5.4 CACI CACI ... ... 19 135.35 87.31 69 116.40 -6.4 CalAtlantic CAA .16 .4 11 40.94 30.18 885 37.97 +11.6 Caleres CAL .28 1.1 13 36.61 21.27 268 25.81 -21.4 Calgon CCC .20 1.4 38 18.80 12.70 181 13.95 -17.9 CalifRes rs CRC ... ... ... 25.50 8.79 1499 15.39 -27.7 CalifWtr CWT .72f 2.0 35 37.60 27.05 124 36.60 +8.0 Calix CALX ... ... ...dd 8.20 6.15 122 6.60 -14.3 CallGolf ELY .04 .3 6 12.56 8.96 638 11.53 +5.2 CallonPet CPE ... ... 62 18.53 8.15 4705 13.61 -11.5 Callon pfA CPEpA 5.00 9.5 ... 53.97 46.00 0 52.70 Calpine CPN ... ... 23 16.07 10.39 5476 10.61 -7.2 CambrE rs CEI ... ... ...dd 5.07 .31 834 .43 -65.7 Cambrex CBM ... ... 24 62.50 38.30 209 56.80 +5.3 CambriaYld SYLD 1.42e 1.8 ...q 35.00 26.75 6 33.74 +3.7 CambFgnY FYLD 1.85e 6.5 ...q 22.76 18.45 3 22.47 +7.2 CambGblV GVAL .54e 2.4 ...q 22.51 17.06 14 21.93 +8.6 CamGblMo GMOM .53e 2.2 ...q 24.69 22.25 7 24.47 +5.5 CambGlAss GAA .55e 2.2 ... 25.47 23.68 3 25.42 +3.9 CambrEmS EYLD ... ... ... 32.28 24.83 0 29.20 +10.2 CambSovHi SOVB .50e ... ... sCambTail n TAIL ... ... ... 25.26 24.74 5 25.26 +1.0 CamDhan n JUNE ... ... ... 28.00 22.78 0 26.40 -.4 CamValMom VAMO ... ... ...q 24.64 22.09 2 23.59 -2.2 CamdenPT CPT 3.00 3.7 33 90.91 75.36 452 81.75 -2.8 Cameco g CCJ .40 ... ... 13.50 7.41 3422 11.80 +12.7 CampSp CPB 1.40 2.5 19 67.89 52.59 1250 56.64 -6.3 CampWrl n CWH .08p ... ... 36.60 20.45 226 28.74 -11.8 Can-Fite CANF ... ... ... 3.17 1.74 19 1.88 -21.0 CdaGoose n GOOS ... ... ... 18.40 15.20 1024 16.24 +1.0 CIBC g CM 4.84 ... 10 92.22 72.62 1092 86.15 +5.6 CdnNR gs CNI 1.18 ... ... 75.05 55.73 1312 73.96 +9.7 CdnNRs gs CNQ .82 ... ... 35.28 27.08 2242 33.97 +6.6 CP Rwy g CP 1.64 ... ... 157.34 119.50 792 152.98 +7.2 Canon CAJ ... ... ... 31.68 27.18 286 31.08 +10.4 CantelMed CMD .12f .2 48 88.81 64.52 156 73.44 -6.7 CapOne COF 1.60 1.9 12 96.92 58.03 2321 83.09 -4.8 CapOne wt COF/WS ... ... ... 54.80 18.84 0 39.88 -11.8 CapOne pfC COFpC 1.56 6.0 ... 27.89 24.64 12 26.18 +4.3 CapOne pfD COFpD 1.68 6.1 ... 29.33 25.33 14 27.56 +6.2 CapOne pfF COFpF 1.55 5.9 ... 28.26 24.43 14 26.29 +4.9 CapOne pfB COFpP 1.50 5.9 ... 26.58 24.00 82 25.50 +4.0 CpOne pf H COFpH ... ... ... 25.89 24.05 78 25.73 +3.3 CapOne pfG COFpG ... ... ... 25.89 21.02 163 23.35 +7.7 CapSenL CSU ... ... ...dd 20.85 12.65 178 13.96 -13.0 Capitala 21 CLA 1.78 7.0 ... 26.11 24.26 0 25.60 +.2 CapsteadM CMO .84m 7.8 14 10.96 8.93 600 10.71 +5.1 Capstd pfE CMOpE 1.88 7.6 ... 25.85 23.61 9 24.75 +2.9 CarboCer CRR ... ... ...dd 17.07 5.66 597 11.16 +6.7 CardnlHlth CAH 1.80 2.2 16 87.85 62.70 1033 82.30 +14.4 CareCPrp n CCP 2.28 8.1 ... 31.56 22.70 1047 28.08 +12.3 CRCM ... ... 50 12.97 5.90 229 12.02 +40.3 Carlisle CSL 1.40f 1.3 18 116.40 98.23 758 105.64 -4.2 CarMax KMX ... ... 18 69.11 45.06 2360 57.24 -11.1 Carnival CCL 1.60f 2.8 17 60.24 42.94 3912 57.78 +11.0 CarnUK CUK 1.20 2.1 ... 58.88 43.45 429 57.04 +11.4 CarpTech CRS .72 1.9 35 45.34 28.74 253 37.56 +3.8 CarrSrv CSV .20 .7 19 29.11 21.67 143 27.74 -3.1 Carters CRI 1.32 1.5 18 112.58 77.94 793 89.80 +3.9 CastleBr ROX ... ... ... 1.77 .65 1217 1.52 +100.0 CastlightH CSLT ... ... ...dd 5.50 3.05 124 4.15 -16.2 Catalent CTLT ... ... 34 30.36 20.94 324 28.48 +5.6 CatchMTim CTT .54f 4.6 ...dd 12.58 10.05 146 11.67 +3.6 Caterpillar CAT 3.08 3.2 30 99.46 69.04 4192 97.10 +4.7 CatoCp CATO 1.32 6.0 8 38.88 19.73 421 21.85 -27.4 CedarF FUN 3.42f 5.0 22 69.81 56.17 98 68.43 +6.6 CedarRlty CDR .20 3.8 14 8.08 4.86 1307 5.31 -18.7 CedarR pfB CDRpB 1.81 7.0 ... 27.25 23.81 55 25.85 +6.2 CelSci wt CVM/WS ... ... ... .22 .01 39 .02 +10.5 Cel-Sci CVM ... ... ...dd .59 .06 918 .08 +25.4 Celadon CGI .08 1.6 25 12.03 4.85 575 5.05 -29.4 Celanese CE 1.44 1.6 14 93.06 60.59 567 92.29 +17.2 Celestic g CLS ... ... 10 14.74 8.83 321 14.44 +21.9 Cellcom CEL ... ... 27 11.19 5.70 5 10.29 +29.8 Cementos CPAC .28e 2.5 ... 11.98 8.07 4 11.18 +21.4 Cemex CX .29t ... ... 9.62 5.49 6139 9.23 +14.9 Cemig pf CIG .14e 4.5 ... 3.84 1.40 4694 3.11 +36.4 Cemig CIG/C .14e 4.1 ... 4.75 1.43 0 3.45 +36.4 Cencosud CNCO .36e 3.9 ... 10.13 7.43 114 9.27 +10.4tCenovusE CVE .20 ... ...dd 16.82 10.92 4818 11.03 -27.1 Centene s CNC ... ... 17 75.57 50.00 839 72.20 +27.8 CC MLPInf CEN 1.25 9.8 ...q 13.72 8.93 72 12.76 +6.7 CenterPnt CNP 1.07 3.8 22 28.18 20.46 2869 27.91 +13.3tCentElBr B EBR/B ... ... ... 8.91 6.16 54 6.51 -17.4tCentElecBr EBR ... ... ... 7.70 4.83 170 4.99 -27.3 CnEurRusT CEE .49e 2.3 ...q 21.70 17.48 25 21.09 +2.5 CFCda g CEF .01 .1 ...q 14.88 11.22 627 13.00 +15.1 CenPacFn CPF .64 2.1 20 33.12 21.23 96 30.12 -4.1 CentSecur CET 1.78e .8 ...q 24.08 18.77 30 23.91 +9.7 CentrusEn LEU ... ... ...dd 9.46 2.53 79 6.12 -4.1sCentCmtys CCS ... ... 12 26.45 16.30 780 26.60 +26.7 CntryLink CTL 2.16 8.7 10 33.45 22.33 8819 24.90 +4.7 Cenveo rs CVO ... ... 6 10.50 2.80 55 4.12 -41.1 Cervecer CCU .30e 1.2 ... 26.00 19.31 218 25.59 +22.0 ChannAdv ECOM ... ... ...dd 15.91 10.20 71 11.30 -21.3 ChRvLab CRL ... ... 21 91.57 67.20 183 87.59 +15.0 ChaseCorp CCF .70f .7 25 98.30 54.25 26 97.95 +17.2 ChathLTr CLDT 1.32 6.7 17 24.80 16.45 246 19.80 -3.6 CheetahM CMCM ... ... ... 16.99 8.77 1123 10.42 +9.0 Chegg CHGG ... ... ...dd 8.78 4.26 320 8.16 +10.6 Chemed CHE 1.04 .6 26 189.84 124.78 57 186.41 +16.2 Chemours n CC .12 .3 39.02 5.82 1523 37.55 +70.0 Chemtura CHMT ... ... 33.40 24.62 496 33.40 +.6 CheniereEn LNG ... ... ...dd 50.53 31.02 928 48.40 +16.8 ChenEnLP CQP 1.70 5.3 33.33 25.87 177 32.09 +11.3 ChenEnHld CQH .08 .3 24.74 18.10 82 24.51 +9.6 CherHMtg CHMI 1.96 11.3 5 19.14 14.03 197 17.34 -4.7 ChesEng CHK ... ... ...dd 8.20 3.56 33354 6.18 -12.0 ChesEn pfD CHKpD 4.50 7.5 ... 68.00 20.23 7 59.84 +29.1 ChesGranW CHKR .29e 10.5 2 3.85 1.81 46 2.75 +17.0 ChespkLdg CHSP 1.60 6.7 16 27.08 20.81 257 23.84 -7.8 ChspkL pfA CHSPpA 1.94 7.7 ... 27.50 25.10 3 25.30 -.4 ChespkUtil CPK 1.22 1.7 24 70.70 56.56 37 70.20 +4.9 Chevron CVX 4.32f 4.0 119.00 95.52 3835 108.97 -7.4 ChicB&I CBI .28 .9 ...dd 41.33 26.12 1004 30.48 -4.0 ChiRivet CVR .80 2.0 23 49.34 23.90 39.76 -4.4 Chicos CHS .33 2.4 19 16.85 9.86 1639 13.52 -6.0 Chimera rs CIM 2.00 9.8 8 20.56 13.78 1962 20.38 +19.7 Chimer pfA CIMpA 2.00 7.9 ... 26.00 23.45 10 25.24 +.9 Chimer pfB CIMpB 2.00 7.9 ... 25.44 24.41 226 25.29 +1.4sChiCBlood CO ... ... 15 7.36 4.27 84 6.88 +12.4 ChinaDigtl STV ... ... ...dd 1.73 1.11 28 1.28 -12.3 ChinaDEd DL .45e ... 12 14.68 8.97 78 11.38 +1.8 ChinaEAir CEA ... ... ... 31.59 21.38 7 27.99 +25.2 ChinaFd CHN .47e 2.7 ...q 17.33 13.53 6 17.24 +14.6 ChinaGreen CGA .10e 7.9 2 1.68 1.18 37 1.26 +5.0 ChinaLife s LFC .32e 2.2 ... 16.27 10.07 248 14.78 +14.8 ChinaMble CHL 1.87e 3.4 ... 63.89 51.73 614 54.35 +3.7 ChiNBorun BORN ... ... 1 1.77 .97 7 1.17 -12.7 ChOnlEd n COE ... ... ... 25.24 12.45 154 17.90 +15.1 ChinaPet SNP 3.18e 3.8 ... 84.88 64.61 249 82.77 +16.5 ChinaPhH CPHI ... ... ...dd .35 .15 59 .26 -1.2 ChinaSoAir ZNH .67e 1.9 ... 36.95 25.60 10 34.99 +36.1 ChinaTel CHA 1.28e 2.6 ... 55.44 42.29 14 49.62 +7.6 ChinaUni CHU .32e 2.4 ... 14.48 9.89 170 13.58 +17.6 ChiXFash XNY ... ... ...dd 3.65 .81 21 1.53 +16.8 ChinaYuch CYD .85e 4.6 8 19.15 9.69 68 18.41 +33.3 ChinZenix ZX ... ... ...dd 1.95 .73 4 1.63 +35.9 Chipotle CMG ... ... 468.99 352.96 822 453.00 +20.1 ChoiceHtls CHH .86f 1.4 27 64.00 43.61 293 62.60 +11.7 ChrisBnk CBK ... ... ...dd 3.02 1.13 781 1.39 -40.6 ChubbLtd CB 2.76e 2.0 14 140.55 116.65 897 137.80 +4.3 ChungTel CHT 1.57e 4.7 ... 38.47 31.28 186 33.65 +6.7 ChurchDwt s CHD .76f 1.5 ... 53.68 42.56 827 50.01 +13.2 CIBER CBR ... ... ...dd 2.36 .22 .31 -50.9 CienaCorp CIEN ... ... 27 26.84 15.62 2321 21.84 -10.5 Cigna CI .04 ... 18 154.83 115.03 816 151.57 +13.6 Cimarex XEC .32 .3 146.96 101.04 1118 120.74 -11.2 CincB pfB CBBpB 3.38 6.8 ... 51.47 47.33 7 49.83 +1.9 CinciBell rs CBB ... ... 9 25.65 16.75 129 17.85 -20.1 Cinemark CNK 1.08 2.5 20 44.84 32.60 768 42.79 +11.5 CinerRes CINR 2.27 7.9 14 39.10 26.25 14 28.70 -1.0 Circor CIR .15 .3 57 72.96 46.59 73 58.84 -9.3 CitiStratDv DIVC ... ... ...q 31.59 24.53 30.61 +1.8 Citigp pfN CpN 1.97 7.4 ... 26.75 25.71 94 26.66 +3.3 CgpVelLCrd UWT ... ... ... 29.68 15.90 4351 22.81 -17.6 CgpVelICrd DWT ... ... ... 33.56 20.37 2852 23.06 +5.0 Citigroup C .64 1.1 12 62.53 38.31 15057 59.03 -.7 Citigp wtA C/WS/A ... ... ... .20 .02 238 .14 -11.2 Citigrp pfC CpC 1.45 5.6 ... 26.61 23.90 16 25.72 +3.7 CitiTdecs CpH 7.50 7.2 ... 104.75 Citigp pfJ CpJ 1.78 6.2 ... 30.44 26.79 43 28.90 +3.3 Citigp pfK CpK 1.72 6.0 ... 31.60 26.14 65 28.81 +5.3 Citigrp pfP CpP 2.03 7.3 ... 29.20 26.15 10 27.85 +1.2 Citigrp pfS CpS 1.58 5.9 ... 27.63 24.81 35 26.61 +5.2 Citigrp pfL CpL 1.72 6.2 ... 28.32 25.61 11 27.65 +5.6 CitizFincl CFG .40 1.2 18 39.75 18.34 4079 34.38 -3.5tCitizInc CIA ... ... 11.93 6.61 213 6.57 -33.1 CityOffce g CIO .94 7.6 19 13.93 11.01 81 12.43 -5.6 CityOff pfA CIOpA 1.66 6.6 ... 25.63 21.52 127 25.10 +10.1 Civeo CVEO ... ... ...dd 3.73 1.00 708 3.12 +41.8 CivitasSolu CIVI ... ... 71 23.20 15.90 16 17.80 -10.6 ClaudeR g CGR ... ... ... .18 ClayGSCn GCE 1.43e 8.9 ...q 16.36 14.11 16.09 +2.6 ClayEng CWEI ... ... ...dd 149.86 14.16 126 134.72 +13.0 CleanHarb CLH ... ... 59.17 43.03 244 57.09 +2.6 ClearChan CCO ... ... ...dd 7.31 4.37 66 6.00 +18.8 ClrBrEnTR CTR 1.35e 9.8 ...q 14.15 9.73 94 13.82 +8.1 ClrbrgMLP CBA .80m 8.1 ...q 10.54 6.59 112 9.86 +7.4 ClearEnFd CEM 1.76f 10.3 ...q 17.96 12.70 123 17.04 +9.5 ClrbEOpFd EMO 1.47e 10.7 ...q 14.29 10.67 90 13.73 +4.7 ClearwPpr CLW ... ... 24 69.75 50.30 52 57.15 -12.8 CliffsNRs CLF ... ... 8 12.37 2.77 12677 7.98 -5.1tClipRlty n CLPR .09p ... ... 14.24 12.25 148 11.81 -12.5 Clorox CLX 3.20 2.4 27 140.47 111.24 736 134.53 +12.1 CloudPeak CLD ... ... ...dd 8.04 1.64 935 4.79 -14.6 CloughGA GLV 1.44 10.6 ...q 13.70 10.95 15 13.54 +12.5 CloughGEq GLQ 1.38 11.0 ...q 12.70 10.16 64 12.54 +12.7sClghGlbOp GLO 1.20 11.5 ...q 10.42 8.65 126 10.45 +16.8 ClubCorp MYCC .52 3.4 17.60 10.80 1263 15.45 +7.7 Coach COH 1.35 3.4 24 43.71 34.07 2074 40.06 +14.4 CobaltIEn CIE ... ... ...dd 3.50 .35 7183 .57 -53.3 CCFemsa KOF 1.81e 2.4 ... 87.58 59.44 82 73.90 +16.3 CocaCola KO 1.48f 3.5 26 46.62 39.88 8589 42.66 +2.9 CocaCEur n CCE .89e ... ... 41.29 30.55 739 37.21 +18.5 Coeur CDE ... ... 30 16.41 6.53 6722 9.69 +6.6 TigerM wt IDI/WS ... ... ... .07 sCohSClosed FOF 1.04 8.1 ...q 12.71 10.87 79 12.80 +9.4 CohStGlbI INB 1.12 12.1 ...q 9.35 7.91 94 9.24 +8.3 Cohen&Str CNS 1.12f 2.9 21 43.83 33.16 66 39.11 +16.4 CohStInfra UTF 1.60 7.3 ...q 22.14 19.10 225 22.00 +13.6 C&SLtDP&I LDP 1.87 7.3 ...q 26.05 22.40 48 25.73 +4.8 C&SIncEgy MIE 1.32 11.5 ...q 11.96 7.88 86 11.50 +5.6 CohStQIR RQI .96 7.4 ...q 14.73 11.11 233 12.90 +5.7 CohStRE RNP 1.48 7.5 ...q 21.69 17.91 78 19.77 +3.4 CohStSelPf PSF 2.06a 7.6 ...q 28.50 24.82 34 27.14 +3.8 CohenStTR RFI .96a 7.6 ...q 14.26 11.63 86 12.65 +4.5 Colfax CFX ... ... 30 41.99 24.63 1041 40.01 +11.4 ColgPalm CL 1.60f 2.2 26 75.38 63.43 2477 73.70 +12.6 ColNrthS n CLNS ... ... ... 14.97 12.52 3454 12.84 -11.1 ColNrth pfA CLNSpA 2.19 8.6 ... 25.79 25.05 5 25.51 -.7 ColNrth pfB CLNSpB 2.06 8.1 ... 25.58 24.95 11 25.34 -.1 ColNrth pfC CLNSpC 2.22 8.6 ... 25.99 24.00 3 25.96 +.7 ColNrth pfD CLNSpD 2.13 8.2 ... 26.59 25.18 12 25.90 +.3 ColNrth pfE CLNSpE 2.19 8.3 ... 26.73 25.02 7 26.30 +.8 ColNrth pfF CLNSpF 2.13 8.4 ... 25.73 24.93 12 25.21 -.4 ColNrth pfG CLNSpG 1.88 7.4 ... 25.99 24.15 3 25.35 -.6 ColNrth pfH CLNSpH 1.78 7.1 ... 25.18 23.75 6 25.10 +3.1 ColonyStar SFR .88 2.5 24 35.15 24.22 483 34.95 +21.3 Col Sust n ESGW ... ... ... 28.55 25.24 0 28.32 +5.5 Col SusInt n ESGN ... ... ... 27.73 24.51 27.47 +7.1 Col SusUS n ESGS ... ... ... 29.54 23.45 1 28.68 +4.1 ColuIntMu GMMB 1.22 2.3 ...q 55.22 51.67 52.60 +1.1 ColCoreBd GMTB 1.31e 2.0 ...q 53.39 50.49 51.52 +.8 Col Bey BBRC .27e 1.5 ...q 16.79 14.47 6 16.20 +9.1 ColEmxChi XCEM ... ... ...q 25.61 20.00 1 25.12 +11.2 ColQualDv HILO .99e 7.2 ...q 14.05 11.94 6 13.72 +8.6 ColEMStOp EMDD .28e 1.5 ...q 20.24 16.51 1 18.71 +10.8 Col EMCns ECON .30e 1.2 ...q 25.96 21.08 127 25.00 +12.9 Col EmMkC EMCR .42e 2.2 ...q 19.68 16.36 1 19.40 +12.4 Col IndiaC INCO .03p ... ...q 39.32 30.44 35 39.10 +20.7 Col IndiaInf INXX .04e .3 ...q 13.58 9.99 29 13.43 +27.2sCol IndSC SCIN .08e .4 ...q 18.90 13.00 26 18.99 +34.8 ColumbPT CXP .80m 3.5 22 24.63 20.16 562 23.03 +6.6 ColSelTec STK .58a 2.7 ...q 21.58 15.32 81 21.38 +14.1 Comcst 61 CCV 1.25 4.8 ... 27.72 24.30 11 25.92 +3.3 Comcst29 CCZ 1.58e 3.0 ... 60.95 44.50 0 53.00 +17.0 Comerica CMA .92f 1.4 25 75.00 36.82 1330 67.05 -1.6 Comeric wt CMA/WS ... ... ... 45.50 10.75 3 37.64 -2.9 ComfrtS FIX .28 .8 23 39.67 26.05 243 36.40 +9.3 ComndSec MOC ... ... ...dd 5.73 2.25 16 2.48 -9.8 CmclCred n CCR ... ... ... CmclMtls CMC .48 2.5 44 24.64 14.58 1229 18.83 -13.5 CmtyBkSy CBU 1.28 2.4 23 63.04 38.12 190 53.60 -13.3 CmtyHlt CYH ... ... ...dd 17.59 4.15 1881 9.00 +61.0 CmtyHcT n CHCT 1.55f 6.3 28 25.00 17.87 35 24.69 +7.2 CBD-Pao CBD .38e 2.0 ... 20.23 11.00 471 18.67 +12.8 CompDivHd CODI 1.44 8.4 29 19.50 15.41 255 17.20 -3.9 CompssMn CMP 2.88f 4.1 19 84.40 65.30 425 69.50 -11.3 Compx CIX .20 1.3 17 16.70 10.06 1 15.00 -6.8 ComstkMn LODE ... ... ...dd .50 .19 265 .23 -11.0 ComstkRs rs CRK ... ... ...dd 13.43 2.64 826 9.97 +1.2 ConAgra CAG .80 2.0 21 41.68 33.08 2114 40.50 +2.4 ConchoRes CXO ... ... 147.55 99.24 1141 132.00 -.5 ConcdMed CCM .99e ... 46 5.00 3.51 32 4.55 -1.0 Conduent n CNDT ... ... ... 17.44 13.10 1129 16.07 +7.9 ConeMidst CNNX 1.09f 4.9 14 25.56 13.00 129 22.30 -5.3 ConocoPhil COP 1.06f 2.1 ...dd 53.17 38.80 7280 50.15 ConsolEngy CNX .04 .2 ...dd 22.34 12.12 4059 16.83 -7.7 ConEd ED 2.76f 3.5 20 81.88 68.76 1665 77.90 +5.7 CnsTom CTO .08 .1 19 56.49 44.48 4 54.52 +2.1 ConstellA STZ 2.08f 1.2 23 175.43 144.00 1016 170.35 +11.1 ConstellB STZ/B 1.12 .7 35 175.50 147.95 0 171.94 +12.2 Constellm CSTM ... ... ... 8.85 4.02 726 6.00 +1.7 CnE pfB CMSpB 4.50 4.4 ... 108.75 100.05 103.04 +.1 ContainStr TCS ... ... 10 8.34 3.75 66 4.21 -33.7 Contango MCF ... ... ...dd 14.14 5.62 148 7.52 -19.5 ContlBldg CBPX ... ... 23 26.53 18.35 263 24.30 +5.2 ContMatls CUO ... ... 26 30.90 14.21 4 21.70 -9.4 ContlRescs CLR ... ... ...dd 60.30 31.70 1780 46.96 -8.9 Cnvrgys CVG .36 1.7 12 30.92 20.15 802 21.39 -12.9 CooperCo COO .06 ... 25 202.70 152.09 278 197.40 +12.8 CooperTire CTB .42 .9 10 44.50 29.29 379 44.45 +14.4 CooperStd CPS ... ... 10 118.59 74.33 89 104.63 +1.2 CopaHold CPA 2.04 1.8 24 117.00 48.57 172 115.10 +26.7 Copel ELP .36e 3.7 ... 11.94 6.43 288 9.72 +14.6 CoreLabs CLB 2.20 1.9 63 135.49 96.30 580 117.35 -2.2 CoreMold CMT ... ... 11 19.63 10.65 31 17.73 +3.6 Corecivic CXW 1.68m 5.0 15 35.33 12.99 1308 33.38 +36.5 CoreLogic CLGX ... ... 20 43.43 34.31 653 41.17 +11.8 CorEn pfA CORRpA 1.84 7.3 ... 26.55 20.30 3 25.35 +3.0 CorEnInf rs CORR 3.00 8.5 17q 37.00 19.78 98 35.48 +1.7sCoreSite COR 3.20 3.4 49 92.49 64.81 256 92.95 +17.1 CoreSR pfA CORpA 1.81 7.1 ... 27.30 25.05 5 25.49 +.7 Corindus n CVRS ... ... ...dd 1.80 .40 1018 1.23 +76.2 CorMedix CRMD ... ... ...dd 4.54 .99 488 1.04 -32.0 CrnstTotR CRF 3.35 20.7 ...q 17.65 13.79 129 16.21 +7.6 CrnrstnStr CLM 3.40 20.8 ...q 18.48 13.75 372 16.34 +7.7 Corning GLW .62f 2.3 17 28.36 18.21 4313 26.85 +10.6 CpBT JCP JBN 1.75 11.1 ... 19.79 14.76 44 15.79 -11.3sCorpOffP OFC 1.10 3.2 18 34.33 24.92 555 34.38 +10.1 CorpOf pfL OFCpL 1.84 7.3 ... 26.77 24.85 7 25.33 +.3 Cort1Aon27 KTN 2.05 6.2 ... 34.99 30.55 1 33.18 +3.5 CortsJCP97 KTP 1.91 10.4 ... 21.99 16.40 25 18.39 -11.8 CortsJCP JBR 1.75 10.8 ... 19.98 14.60 9 16.24 -8.8 CortsPE KTH 2.00 6.2 ... 37.17 29.91 0 32.39 +2.3 Cosan Ltd CZZ .26e 3.0 ... 9.50 4.75 1213 8.70 +15.8 Costamre CMRE .40 5.8 ... 10.45 5.07 993 6.87 +22.7 Costam pfB CMREpB 1.91 8.4 ... 24.99 16.90 3 22.69 +11.8 Costmr pfC CMREpC 2.13 9.1 ... 24.44 17.60 10 23.48 +8.4 Costam pfD CMREpD 2.19 9.3 ... 24.44 17.86 18 23.47 +5.7sCotiviti n COTV ... ... ... 42.80 17.00 134 42.45 +23.4 Cott Cp COT .24 1.9 57 17.38 10.10 834 12.64 +11.6 Coty COTY .50 2.9 31.60 16.95 6168 17.38 -5.1 Cntwd pfB CFCpB 1.75 6.8 ... 26.50 25.30 45 25.90 +1.7 CousPrp CUZ .24 2.8 12 8.82 7.04 3172 8.45 -.7 CovantaH CVA 1.00 6.5 ...dd 17.22 13.45 635 15.45 -1.0 CovrAll n COVR ... ... ... Crane CR 1.32 1.7 18 78.94 53.40 176 75.66 +4.9 CrwfdA CRD/A .28 3.4 60 10.50 5.65 29 8.33 -12.0 CrwfdB CRD/B .20 2.0 73 14.37 6.08 10 10.21 -18.7 Credicp BAP 2.19e 1.4 ... 173.80 133.66 284 160.06 +1.4 CS EnEur50 FIEU ... ... ...q 107.65 73.67 2 105.80 +16.3 CSVInvN rs DGAZ ... ... ...q 104.40 13.50 9282 20.64 CS FILgCG FLGE ... ... ...q 164.89 113.12 5 161.39 +16.2 CSCmdyRtn CSCR ... ... ...q 14.06 12.95 13.50 CS LgShLiq CSLS ... ... ...q 27.90 25.14 0 27.32 +1.5 CrSuisInco CIK .26 8.0 ...q 3.46 2.80 73 3.30 +4.4 CS MthlMtg REML ... ... ... 32.21 24.01 1 30.70 +14.6 CS MthlyP AMJL .99e ... ... CSVLgNG rs UGAZ ... ... ...q 54.89 13.66 6788 20.17 -56.3 CS CrdeOil OIIL ... ... ... 36.02 27.09 32.40 -5.2 CS MAsHi MLTI 1.30e ... ... 29.66 26.12 0 28.88 +3.9 CS SP mlp MLPO 1.12e 6.6 ... 17.25 13.39 17.00 +5.8 CS BigCG18 FIBG ... ... ...q 74.89 56.87 70.54 +10.5 CredSuiss CS 1.21e 8.3 ... 16.17 10.01 3705 14.60 +2.0 CrSuiHiY DHY .29 10.5 ...q 2.85 2.17 357 2.75 +3.0 CrescPtE g CPG .28 2.5 18.95 10.23 608 11.17 -17.8 CrestEq rs CEQP 2.40e 9.0 ...dd 28.30 11.76 131 26.75 +4.7 InergyM wi NRGM/WI ... ... ... 22.72 CrossAmer CAPL 2.45f 9.5 61 27.94 22.50 16 25.70 +2.0 CrosTim CRT 1.07e 6.6 15 20.59 14.10 8 16.13 -10.2 CrwnCstle CCI 3.80 4.0 29 102.82 79.38 1818 95.82 +10.4 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next pageMONEY & MARKET$Page 2 The Sun/Wednesday, April 12, 2017
CrownHold CCK ... ... 14 57.49 48.04 1006 53.86 +2.5 Cryolife CRY .12 .8 35 20.15 11.11 168 15.60 -18.5 CrystalRk CRVP ... ... ...dd .95 .63 10 .78 -4.3 CubeSmart CUBE 1.08 4.0 39 32.78 23.65 1255 26.99 +.8 Cubic CUB .27 .5 55.65 37.24 139 50.35 +5.0 CullenFr CFR 2.16f 2.4 19 96.62 57.00 360 89.37 +1.3 CullnF pfA CFRpA 1.34 5.3 ... 27.86 24.24 2 25.44 +3.1 Culp Inc CFI .32f 1.0 16 37.80 25.57 13 31.95 -14.0 Cummins CMI 4.10 2.7 18 155.51 105.33 1409 150.48 +10.1 CurEuro FXE ... ... ...q 112.90 100.46 385 102.80 +.5 CurAstla FXA 1.02 1.4 ...q 78.30 71.64 10 74.96 +3.9 CurBrit FXB ... ... ...q 145.60 117.48 47 121.71 +1.2 CurrCda FXC .03e ... ...q 79.26 72.68 14 74.04 +.6 CurrChina FXCH ... ... ... 76.59 70.11 72.12 +1.1 CurJpn FXY ... ... ...q 96.75 81.33 127 87.81 +6.4 CurSwed FXS ... ... ...q 122.77 102.80 1 106.36 CurSwiss FXF ... ... ...q 101.31 92.37 5 94.44 +.8 CurShSinga FXSG ... ... ...q 74.00 66.86 70.39 +3.5 CurtisWrt CW .52 .6 23 107.61 75.90 238 90.96 -7.5 CushTRet rs SRV 1.08 7.5 ...q 15.08 9.36 23 14.39 +5.9 CushngRen SZC 1.64 8.8 ...q 19.10 14.11 35 18.54 +6.7 CushRoy rs SRF .62 6.4 ...q 10.14 7.44 3 9.65 -1.3 CustomBcp CUBI ... ... 13 36.93 23.80 182 30.53 -14.8 CustBcp 18 CUBS 1.59 6.1 ... 27.74 26.01 4 26.17 -.3 CustBc p C CUBIpC .57p ... ... 27.74 25.25 5 27.25 +4.6 CustBc pfD CUBIpD ... ... ... 29.11 23.68 1 26.85 +4.7 CustBc pfE CUBIpE ... ... ... 27.13 24.69 5 26.24 +2.5 CustoBc pf F CUBIpF ... ... ... 26.00 23.22 8 25.75 +3.0 CypressEn CELP 1.63 18.1 ... 14.27 7.80 32 9.03 -14.4D -DCP Mid DCP 3.12 8.0 19 42.45 28.14 433 38.80 +1.1sDCT IndlTr DCT 1.16 2.3 29 50.57 39.18 773 50.78 +6.1 DDR Corp DDR .76 6.1 14 19.92 12.13 4117 12.50 -18.1 DDR pfJ DDRpJ 1.63 6.4 ... 26.60 24.35 2 25.21 +2.0 DDR pfK DDRpK 1.56 6.2 ... 27.13 23.66 7 25.34 +6.3sDGSE DGSE ... ... ...dd 1.59 .50 45 1.54 +24.2 DHI Grp DHX ... ... 12 8.43 3.90 197 4.70 -24.8 DHT Hldgs DHT .58e 12.6 6.10 3.29 653 4.61 +11.4sDNP Selct DNP .78 7.2 ...q 10.95 9.81 347 10.88 +6.4 DR Horton DHI .32 .9 14 34.56 26.69 3343 33.74 +23.5 Drdgold DRD .08f 1.6 ... 9.10 3.70 270 5.03 -4.9 DST Sys DST 1.40f 1.1 19 128.66 94.52 234 123.48 +15.2 DSW Inc DSW .80 4.0 15 26.50 18.51 1624 19.95 -11.9 DTE DTE 3.30f 3.2 24 103.62 84.77 733 103.13 +4.7 DTEEn 62 DTQ 1.31 5.3 ... 26.07 22.33 6 24.88 +3.9 DTE En76 n DTJ 1.34 5.5 ... 26.60 21.67 27 24.50 +8.7 DTE F76 n DTY 1.50 5.7 ... 26.59 24.24 25 26.29 +2.3 DTE En un DTV ... ... ... 54.49 50.03 104 53.63 +1.2 DTF TxF DTF .84 5.6 ...q 17.05 14.09 11 15.02 +4.1 DXC Tch n DXC ... ... ... 76.24 67.76 2752 74.28 +9.3 DanaInc DAN .24 1.3 10 20.62 9.80 1573 18.10 -4.6 Danaher DHR .56f .6 20 88.01 71.25 1245 86.21 +10.8 Danaos DAC ... ... 1 4.90 1.60 42 1.85 -30.2 DaqoNEn DQ ... ... 4 27.60 18.05 66 19.79 +2.5 Darden DRI 2.24 2.7 21 84.55 59.50 1021 82.94 +14.1 DarlingIng DAR ... ... 24 15.93 11.51 1401 14.84 +14.9 DaVita Inc DVA ... ... 17 78.77 54.50 550 68.31 +6.4 Daxor DXR .04f .6 ... 9.80 6.81 0 7.25 -12.1 DeVryEd DV .36 1.0 13 36.15 15.36 969 35.85 +14.9 DeanFoods DF .36 1.8 13 22.31 15.69 1418 20.05 -7.9 DeckrsOut DECK ... ... 74 69.94 44.00 1295 57.30 +3.4 Deere DE 2.40 2.2 23 112.18 76.73 2833 111.16 +7.9 DE EnhGlb DEX .90 8.2 ...q 11.07 9.16 40 10.94 +8.2 DelaCO VCF .72 4.9 ...q 16.42 14.50 3 14.80 -.6 DelaDvInc DDF .62 6.0 ...q 10.52 9.19 19 10.36 +3.9 DelaNatl VFL .72 5.5 ...q 14.99 12.07 4 13.08 -.5 DelaMN2 VMM .63 4.3 ...q 15.70 13.13 2 14.55 +7.3 DelekLogis DKL 2.72f 8.6 13 36.05 21.30 21 31.80 +11.4 Delek DK .60a 2.6 ...dd 26.06 11.41 862 23.23 -3.5 DellTch n DVMT ... ... ... 65.78 46.64 1484 65.11 +18.4 DelphiAuto DLPH 1.16 1.5 15 83.23 58.04 1902 74.91 +11.2 DeltaAir DAL .81 1.8 8 52.76 32.60 10389 45.29 -7.9 DeltaAprl DLA ... ... 14 25.52 14.85 54 17.97 -13.3 DeltTim DEL .40 .5 85.49 53.21 37 78.75 +2.2 Deluxe DLX 1.20 1.7 14 75.94 59.47 259 69.36 -3.1 DenburyR DNR ... ... ...dd 4.80 2.15 5958 2.50 -32.1 DenisnM g DNN ... ... ...dd .84 .37 498 .65 +26.2 DeutschBk DB .83e ... ... 20.94 11.19 5906 16.32 -9.8 DBDogs22 DOD ... ... ... 29.00 17.00 8 19.20 +3.7 DBWMTR WMW ... ... ... 27.29 21.67 26.47 +7.3 DB Cap pf DTK 1.90 7.3 ... 26.55 22.38 65 26.02 +4.2 DeutBCT2 pf DXB 1.64 6.6 ... 25.72 21.86 71 25.03 +4.4 DeutBCT5 pf DKT 2.01 7.6 ... 27.00 23.01 90 26.56 +5.1 DBCmdyS DDP ... ... ...q 63.65 38.70 52.25 -3.8 DBCmdDL DYY ... ... ...q 4.77 1.82 1 3.65 -5.9 DBCmdDS DEE ... ... ...q 80.00 64.00 77.00 +4.7 DB AgriLg AGF ... ... ...q 13.98 9.72 11.70 DB AgriSh ADZ ... ... ...q 31.24 28.95 31.24 DB AgriDL DAG ... ... ...q 4.98 3.30 29 3.38 -2.9 DB AgDS AGA ... ... ...q 27.50 19.95 24.02 -3.9 DBGoldSh DGZ ... ... ...q 15.72 12.73 17 13.82 -10.0 DBGoldDL DGP ... ... ...q 31.42 19.20 15 24.33 +20.9 DBGoldDS DZZ ... ... ...q 7.15 4.80 264 5.57 -18.7 DBGlbHY23 FIEG ... ... ...q 145.74 113.98 0 143.91 +10.6 Deut GlbHi LBF .54 6.3 ...q 8.88 7.88 15 8.57 +2.9 Deut HiOp DHG .72 4.9 ...q 14.88 13.07 21 14.70 +2.0 Deut Multi KMM .51 5.9 ...q 8.77 7.90 28 8.71 +2.2 Deut Muni KTF .84 6.2 ...q 14.82 12.52 56 13.54 +3.2 Deut StInc KST .66a 5.4 ...q 12.35 11.12 24 12.22 +2.8 Deut StMu KSM .84 6.7 ...q 15.01 11.86 17 12.56 +3.5 DBXEmMkt DBEM .64e 3.1 ...q 20.97 17.93 44 20.71 +7.6 DBXEafeEq DBEF 1.00e 3.0 ...q 29.67 23.35 3239 29.56 +5.3 DBXBrazEq DBBR 2.71e 24.9 ...q 11.85 9.00 3 10.89 +5.9 DBXGerEq DBGR 3.40e 12.6 ...q 27.17 20.48 162 26.91 +6.8 Deu HYBd n HYLB ... ... ... 51.42 50.07 0 50.80 +.8 Dbx Tr etf DESC ... ... ... 32.47 25.98 1 31.12 -2.2 DeutBarI n IFIX ... ... ... 50.04 49.70 50.02 +.6 DeuBrcIn n IGVT ... ... ... 50.01 48.42 48.42 -1.9 DbXR1KECo DEUS ... ... ...q 28.99 24.84 11 28.49 +5.3 DeutEmCo DEMG ... ... ... 27.73 23.03 26.85 +8.8 DBXJapnEq DBJP 2.26e 3.8 ...q 38.72 29.15 255 36.77 -1.2 DbXDvxEU DEEF ... ... ...q 26.27 22.73 2 25.80 +8.0 Deut 300Ch ASHX .74p ... ...q 24.28 18.69 0 19.82 +5.3 DeutSpain n DBSP ... ... ... DbxItalyHE DBIT .22p ... ...q 21.16 16.33 20.92 +14.6 DeutSthE n DBSE ... ... ... DbxAustHE DBAU .85p ... ...q 27.22 22.67 27.22 +4.8 DbxEafeSC DBES .26p ... ...q 26.52 22.06 26.52 +9.6 DbxAllWHiD HDAW .27e ... ...q 26.09 21.64 0 25.70 +4.3 DbxEuroHiD HDEZ .28p ... ...q 26.32 20.78 0 26.18 +5.6 DbxEmMHiD HDEE .79e 1.2 ...q 23.19 20.96 22.68 +5.2 DbxEafeHiD HDEF .43e 1.1 ...q 24.62 21.73 1 24.60 +5.7 DbxJpnHE JPNH .17p ... ... 22.76 19.09 0 22.12 -2.7 DbxNikk400 JPN ... ... ...q 25.79 21.98 1 25.16 +4.2 DBXGlblInf DBIF .60e 2.2 ...q 25.35 22.54 1 25.32 +7.6 DBXIntlRE DBRE .49a 2.2 ...q 24.05 20.89 22.18 +2.0 DBX MSCI DBEZ 1.28e 4.4 ... 29.04 22.01 45 28.95 +8.0 DeuMunInf RVNU .73 2.8 ...q 28.30 24.89 4 26.17 +1.7 DBX EMBd EMIH .87e ... ...q 25.20 23.65 1 24.87 +.1 DBX IGBd IGIH .60e ... ...q 24.92 22.68 1 24.31 +.5 DBXHYCpB HYIH 1.02e ... ...q 23.98 19.46 1 23.30 -.7 DBXChiSC ASHS 3.46e .5 ...q 36.01 30.80 1 34.79 +7.7 DBXHrvChi CN 4.34e ... ...q 31.80 25.90 29.39 +12.2 DBXMexHd DBMX 4.12e 13.5 ...q 22.56 19.28 0 20.72 +6.5 DBXSKorH DBKO .03p ... ...q 26.80 21.85 117 25.87 +5.5 DBXAWxUS DBAW 1.33e 3.4 ...q 25.52 20.54 9 25.38 +5.8 DBXAsiaPH DBAP 2.07e 4.3 ...q 25.26 21.28 25.25 +10.4 DBXEurHgd DBEU 1.28e 4.2 ...q 27.18 22.77 962 27.16 +7.1 DBXUKHdg DBUK 1.63e 7.2 ...q 24.95 19.98 21.15 +4.3 DBXHvChiA ASHR 8.43e 1.3 ...q 26.19 22.61 497 25.38 +8.2 DevonE DVN .24 .6 ...dd 50.69 29.60 7148 42.52 -6.9 ElevWat n WTRX ... ... ... 28.00 25.00 0 27.90 +10.2 Diageo DEO 3.23e 2.8 ... 117.84 99.46 549 115.74 +11.4 DiamOffsh DO .50 3.1 11 26.72 14.48 1433 16.23 -8.3 DiamRk DRH .50 4.5 12 12.00 8.22 1345 11.03 -4.3 DianaShip DSX ... ... ...dd 6.20 2.11 941 5.96 +97.4 DianaS pfB DSXpB 2.22 10.1 ... 22.99 13.25 4 21.90 +33.4 DianaSh20 DSXN 2.13 8.4 ... 25.40 18.50 9 25.40 +23.2 DicksSptg DKS .68f 1.3 16 62.88 37.96 1547 50.52 -4.9 Diebold DBD .40 1.4 ...dd 31.85 21.05 878 29.20 +16.1 DigitalPwr DPW ... ... ...dd 1.75 .35 244 .65 -.5 DigitalRlt DLR 3.72f 3.4 31 113.21 85.50 603 109.42 +11.4 DigitlR pfG DLRpG 1.47 5.7 ... 26.75 23.05 19 25.65 +7.2 DigtlR pfH DLRpH 1.84 6.7 ... 29.49 25.90 13 27.44 +1.1 DigitalR pfI DLRpI 1.59 5.9 ... 28.16 24.50 40 27.13 +8.3 DigitalGlb DGI ... ... 35.95 17.79 264 33.35 +16.4 Dillards DDS .28 .5 11 77.70 46.56 598 53.02 -15.4 Dillard38 DDT 1.88 7.4 ... 27.15 25.02 75 25.43 -2.2 DineEquity DIN 3.88 7.0 9 92.79 49.53 221 55.21 -28.3 DiploPhm DPLO ... ... 28 38.94 12.25 646 14.94 +18.6 DirConBr1x SPLZ ... ... ... Dir7-10TBr TYNS ... ... ...q 29.38 27.19 28.88 -.6 DrxDlySpxB LLSP .10p ... ...q 31.33 24.71 0 30.65 +6.6 DxChiABear CHAD ... ... ...q 46.91 38.73 3 39.13 -8.4 DrxNGBear rs GASX ... ... ...q 69.68 17.73 29 24.88 +8.3 DrxRBkBear WDRW 1.86p ... ...q 41.88 7.45 14 9.78 -1.3 DxSPOGBr rs DRIP ... ... ...q 54.45 10.28 977 15.45 +18.5 DrxRBkBull DPST ... ... ...q 81.77 20.24 22 58.20 -14.4 DirDGlBr rs DUST ... ... ...q 115.00 22.80 11972 25.33 -47.6 DxGlMBr rs JDST ... ... ...q 170.95 11.75 23447 13.06 -62.8 DxSPXBll s SPUU ... ... ...q 42.67 31.54 1 41.09 +10.6 DxEuFnBl EUFL ... ... ... 38.38 24.51 1 34.99 +10.0 DirGlMin n MELT ... ... ... 35.76 22.89 3 24.52 -16.7 DirSCBll s SMLL .40p ... ...q 42.82 25.75 41.24 +4.0 DirxEurFin EUFS ... ... ... 25.13 19.46 19.69 -7.7 DxHiYldBr HYDD ... ... ... 23.58 17.56 20.06 -5.1 DirNsdq100 QQQE .37e .5 ...q 77.33 58.70 6 76.51 +11.3 DrxDlySCB LLSC .10p ... ...q 32.42 23.78 31.13 -.3 DirSPX Br SPDN ... ... ... 21.10 17.25 2 17.58 -5.2 DirxTchBr TECZ ... ... ... 26.51 20.31 20.31 -8.9 DirxFnBr n FAZZ ... ... ... 25.84 17.49 18.37 -2.7 DrxiBillion IBLN .21e .8 ...q 28.05 23.11 1 27.34 +8.9 DirxEnBr n ERYY ... ... ... 23.33 18.77 20.73 +2.6 DxRusBll rs RUSL ... ... ...q 114.71 49.16 160 84.63 -16.2 DiEurBll3x EURL .05e .2 ...q 25.26 14.48 19 24.78 +24.0 DrxEMBll rs EDC ... ... ...q 78.75 40.73 363 72.34 +36.9 Dir MLPHi ZMLP 1.60m 8.6 ...q 20.15 15.50 10 18.65 -1.2 DxLatBll rs LBJ ... ... ...q 130.26 55.20 3 113.35 +45.1 DirTotBBr SAGG ... ... ...q 33.19 30.92 31.60 -1.3 DrxFTSE LLDM ... ... ... DxBrzBull s BRZU ... ... ...q 55.29 15.72 445 39.61 +27.6 DxBiotBll rs LABU ... ... ...q 55.88 21.94 1847 43.09 +37.6 DxIndiBll rs INDL ... ... ...q 75.02 41.00 29 73.26 +63.1 DxNGBll rs GASL ... ... ...q 58.12 27.93 73 36.06 -19.0 DrDevMBr DPK ... ... ...q 35.88 18.98 3 19.54 -19.9 DxSPOGBl rs GUSH ... ... ...q 134.00 55.34 290 73.79 -27.3 DxREBear DRV ... ... ...q 16.90 10.45 177 11.25 -10.9 DirSPBear SPXS ... ... ...q 16.40 8.67 4755 9.14 -15.4 DrxHCreBr SICK ... ... ...q 42.28 20.05 1 28.35 -21.1 DxSPBioBr LABS ... ... ... 52.34 31.65 33.46 -12.8 Dir20yrTBr TYBS ... ... ...q 22.50 18.49 5 21.08 -3.4 DrxFtseEm LLEM .47p ... ...q 25.07 20.41 23.59 DrxJpBull JPNL ... ... ...q 51.93 32.71 3 48.46 +13.4 DxEnBear ERY ... ... ...q 21.45 8.59 1335 10.91 +14.5 DxEMBear EDZ ... ... ...q 42.31 16.28 797 17.65 -30.1 DirPhr Bear PILS 1.50p ... ... 55.43 36.07 43.52 -13.2 DrxCySBull HAKK ... ... ...q 49.01 24.30 0 44.88 +27.2 DrxSKBull KORU ... ... ...q 38.22 19.17 9 31.75 +30.9 DxSCBear rs TZA ... ... ...q 45.06 17.08 15169 18.24 -8.1 DxFnBr rs FAZ ... ... ...q 45.92 17.00 2593 19.71 -9.3 DrGMBll s JNUG ... ... ...q 33.29 3.77 59892 7.29 +30.6 DxGBull s NUGT ... ... ...q 35.80 5.51 55791 10.89 +42.5 DxHmbBear CLAW ... ... ...q 43.32 18.08 1 18.67 -39.5 DrxHmbBull NAIL ... ... ...q 42.85 20.01 4 39.65 +56.3 Dx30TBear TMV ... ... ...q 25.75 15.03 1394 21.33 -11.1 DxFnBull s FAS ... ... ...q 51.11 21.14 3866 43.55 +6.5 DxBiotBear LABD ... ... ...q 55.83 9.33 2877 11.54 -39.1 DrxTcBr rs TECS ... ... ...q 30.55 12.57 198 13.26 -24.7 DrxACInsi KNOW .48e .6 ...q 82.27 68.64 6 78.32 +2.4 DxSOXBr rs SOXS ... ... ...q 40.64 7.34 1898 8.12 -24.7 DxRsaBr rs RUSS ... ... ...q 19.05 5.36 716 6.62 +6.4 DxMCBr rs MIDZ ... ... ...q 39.04 18.10 3 19.38 -12.0 DxChiBear s YANG ... ... ...q 30.01 10.90 311 12.25 -27.6 Drx300Chin CHAU ... ... ...q 20.89 15.60 40 19.77 +16.4 DxHcrBll s CURE ... ... ...q 37.62 24.26 66 34.24 +24.2 DxTcBull s TECL ... ... ...q 68.41 31.48 163 64.89 +29.9 DxRetlBll s RETL ... ... ...q 49.91 27.90 12 31.73 -13.1 DxSOXBll s SOXL .01e ... ...q 79.89 21.10 517 71.87 +25.9 Dir30TrBul s TMF ... ... ...q 31.58 16.87 474 19.64 +8.6 Dir10TrBear TYO ... ... ...q 16.29 12.60 8 14.42 -6.6 Dx10yTBull TYD .73e ... ...q 58.66 39.87 0 43.86 +5.6 DxMCBull s MIDU ... ... ...q 38.56 20.50 22 35.87 +10.4 DrxREBull s DRN ... ... ...q 29.68 16.63 101 23.16 +8.1 DirxChiBull YINN .07e .4 ...q 22.27 10.87 1011 19.77 +32.0 DirxDMBull DZK ... ... ...q 56.99 33.10 3 55.32 +22.8 DrxSCBull TNA .48e ... ...q 113.49 52.71 3483 104.09 +2.9 DrxSPBull SPXL ... ... ...q 132.76 75.33 670 125.21 +16.2 DirxEnBull ERX ... ... ...q 44.55 23.46 2316 32.94 -17.5 Discover DFS 1.20 1.8 11 74.33 50.32 2388 66.03 -8.4 Discov pfB DFSpB 1.63 6.3 ... 26.96 24.91 20 25.95 +1.1 Disney DIS 1.56f 1.4 20 113.84 90.32 5126 113.07 +8.5 DvsRealAst DRA 1.67 9.6 ...q 17.73 15.00 88 17.36 +11.4 Div&Inco DNI 1.63 13.6 ...q 12.56 10.47 30 12.00 +1.3 DrReddy RDY .31e .8 ... 54.73 39.04 186 40.33 -10.9 DocuSec rs DSS ... ... ... 1.64 .42 38 1.15 +72.7 DolbyLab DLB .56 1.1 19 55.02 42.10 276 51.37 +13.7 DollarGen DG 1.00 1.4 16 96.88 66.50 1767 69.15 -6.6 DomDmd g DDC .40 3.1 ...dd 13.31 7.92 467 12.88 +33.1 DomMidst DM 1.04f 3.3 25 34.47 23.17 157 31.80 +7.6 DomRescs D 3.02f 3.9 20 79.36 68.71 1751 77.48 +1.2 DomRes un DCUD ... ... ... 54.16 48.10 95 50.35 -.5 DomRs76 n DRUA ... ... ... 25.98 20.93 94 24.57 +10.7 DomRes 17 DCUC .75 1.5 ... 53.00 48.74 11 50.36 +.6 Dominos DPZ 1.84f 1.0 42 192.01 116.91 761 175.51 +10.2 Domtar g UFS 1.66 4.4 20 44.58 32.74 734 37.86 -3.0 Donaldson DCI .70 1.5 29 47.68 31.52 512 45.95 +9.2 DonlleyRR rs RRD .56 4.9 6 30.77 11.03 967 11.51 -29.5 DonnlyFn n DFIN ... ... ... 29.00 18.03 238 19.18 -16.5 DorianLPG LPG ... ... 8 12.50 5.07 160 10.00 +21.8sDoubIncSol DSL 1.80a 8.8 ...q 20.46 17.10 423 20.54 +8.2 DblLOppCr DBL 2.00a 8.4 ...q 27.75 22.52 30 23.94 +3.6 DougDyn PLOW .96f 3.1 18 35.90 20.00 74 31.05 -7.7 DEmmett DEI .92 2.3 22 40.79 31.14 673 39.51 +8.1 Dover DOV 1.76 2.2 25 82.56 62.89 913 81.11 +8.2 DoverDG DDE ... ... 34 1.21 .92 5 1.02 -1.0 DoverMot DVD .05 2.4 15 2.54 2.00 13 2.10 -8.7 DowChm DOW 1.84 2.9 20 65.42 47.51 4825 62.49 +9.2 DrPepSnap DPS 2.32f 2.4 23 98.80 81.05 692 97.12 +7.1 DryHYSt DHF .35 10.1 ...q 3.60 3.07 213 3.44 +2.4 DrMuBdInf DMB .75 5.7 ...q 14.70 11.96 77 13.13 +7.3 DryfMu DMF .54 6.0 ...q 10.15 8.42 44 9.06 +5.0 DryStrt LEO .52 5.9 ...q 9.63 8.17 183 8.72 +3.8 DrySM DSM .50 5.9 ...q 9.24 7.88 96 8.42 +4.7 Dril-Quip DRQ ... ... 12 69.40 46.90 375 53.80 -10.4 DriveShack DS .48 11.9 2 4.88 3.69 164 4.04 +7.4 DriveS pfB DSpB 2.44 9.6 ... 26.71 24.21 0 25.31 -1.3 DriveS pfC DSpC 2.01 8.1 ... 27.45 19.20 1 24.95 -1.1 DriveS pfD DSpD 2.09 8.4 ... 26.30 22.38 24.91 -2.2 DuPont DD 1.52 1.9 24 82.37 61.12 1927 79.14 +7.8 DuPnt pfA DDpA 3.50 3.9 ... 93.85 83.00 0 89.30 +2.1 DuPnt pfB DDpB 4.50 4.2 ... 111.00 95.09 1 107.50 +7.4 DuPFabros DFT 2.00 3.9 30 52.03 37.54 490 51.25 +16.7 DuPFab pfC DFTpC 1.66 6.3 ... 28.72 24.57 57 26.53 +4.5 Ducomun DCO ... ... 26 33.65 14.85 113 29.67 +16.1 Df&PGblUt DPG 1.40 8.4 ...q 17.70 14.32 103 16.71 +7.8 DufPUC DUC .60 6.5 ...q 9.92 9.07 14 9.25 -2.0 DukeEngy DUK 3.42 4.2 17 87.75 72.34 1821 82.19 +5.9 DukeEn 73 DUKH 1.28 5.0 ... 27.18 23.12 42 25.83 +7.9 DukeRlty DRE .76 2.8 28 28.99 21.11 2076 27.57 +3.8 DunBrad DNB 2.01f 1.9 15 141.57 100.46 398 106.65 -12.1 Dycom DY ... ... 18 98.47 65.79 388 95.68 +19.2 Dynagas DLNG 1.69 9.8 ... 17.84 12.36 85 17.32 +8.4 Dynags pfA DLNGpA 2.25 8.7 ... 26.13 21.68 4 25.89 +2.4 Dynegy DYN ... ... ...dd 22.01 6.67 3857 7.56 -10.6 Dynegy wt DYN/WS ... ... ... .70 .03 15 .04 +2.4 Dynegy pfA DYNpA 1.34 5.0 ... 76.75 25.62 24 26.60 -16.9 Dynegy 7 DYNC 1.75 3.1 ... 113.10 52.74 15 57.11 -8.1 DynexCap DX .72m 10.3 14 7.61 6.33 272 6.99 +2.5 Dynex pfA DXpA 2.13 8.4 ... 25.60 23.85 2 25.21 +.6 Dynex pfB DXpB 1.91 8.0 ... 25.09 22.00 4 23.97 +.3E -ETracBDC BDCS 1.84e 7.9 ...q 24.99 19.50 14 23.43 +3.3 ETrMLPSht MLPS ... ... ...q 14.49 10.66 1 10.97 -5.6 ETrAlerNG MLPG 1.86e 6.9 ...q 28.23 20.25 1 26.95 +4.0 E-TrAlerInf MLPI 1.88e 6.5 ...q 31.00 23.15 332 28.73 +1.1 ETBbgCmd DJCI ... ... ...q 16.99 14.47 2 15.63 -1.5 ETrAlerian AMU 1.45e 7.1 ...q 21.82 16.68 42 20.35 +2.4 E-TrFood FUD ... ... ...q 22.53 19.01 19.16 -3.1 E-TrcEngy UBN ... ... ...q 9.36 5.92 7.13 -7.2 E-TrcIMet UBM ... ... ...q 15.58 11.61 14.86 +2.6 E-TracAg UAG ... ... ...q 23.03 18.72 19.54 -2.2 ETr2xBDC BDCL 3.52e 17.0 ...q 21.81 15.05 187 20.75 +5.3 E-TrcCmci UCI ... ... ...q 14.86 12.35 3 14.19 -.1 ETrLPlat PTM ... ... ...q 12.94 9.21 9.89 +4.5 E-TrcSilv USV ... ... ...q 27.00 20.51 23.41 +11.5 E-TrcGld UBG ... ... ...q 35.99 28.83 31.84 +9.7 E-TrLvstk UBC ... ... ...q 19.44 14.39 17.83 +6.0 ECA MTrI ECT .30e 14.6 5 2.95 1.37 17 2.05 -4.7 EG Comp AGEM ... ... ...q 22.55 EGBasMat LGEM ... ... ...q 10.05 EG CnsGds GGEM ... ... ...q 23.42 EG CnsSvc VGEM ... ... ...q 22.28 EG Fincl FGEM ... ... ...q 20.32 EG HltCre HGEM ... ... ...q 23.77 EG Tech QGEM ... ... ...q 21.71 EG MetMn EMT ... ... ...q 9.98 EG Energy OGEM ... ... ...q 22.23 EG Utils UGEM ... ... ...q 15.87 EG Telecm TGEM ... ... ...q 19.72 ELF Inc n ELF ... ... ... 32.54 24.03 625 27.73 -4.2 EMCOR EME .32 .5 22 73.44 44.27 271 63.78 -9.9 ENI E 2.12e 6.5 ...dd 33.40 26.15 298 32.50 +.8 EOG Rescs EOG .67 .7 ...dd 109.37 73.57 1881 97.88 -3.2 EP Energy EPE ... ... 4 7.49 3.29 756 5.04 -23.1 EPAM Sys EPAM ... ... 41 78.40 54.53 271 75.48 +17.4 EPR Prop EPR 3.84 5.1 17 84.67 64.00 300 75.67 +5.4 EPR pfC EPRpC 1.44 4.9 ... 32.25 25.23 5 29.60 +4.0 EPR pfE EPRpE 2.25 6.1 ... 39.02 33.00 1 36.75 +2.4 EPR pfF EPRpF 1.66 6.5 ... 27.07 24.83 4 25.52 +1.6 EQT Corp EQT .12 .2 80.61 56.33 1509 63.60 -2.8 EQT GP n EQGP .71f 2.6 15 28.53 21.45 55 27.65 +9.7 EQT Mid EQM 3.40f 4.3 16 82.99 69.20 86 78.17 +1.9 ETF SITRis RISE ... ... ...q 24.09 22.17 3 23.24 -2.2 ETF JrSil SILJ ... ... ...q 19.78 10.63 85 13.81 +14.8 ETF Cyber HACK ... ... ...q 29.89 22.09 152 29.08 +10.0 ETF BigD BIGD ... ... ...q 26.12 21.35 0 25.14 +8.5 ETF MobP IPAY ... ... ...q 28.31 22.10 33 27.65 +8.1 ETF LatA LARE ... ... ... 32.50 24.13 1 29.35 +21.3 ETF M Vid GAMR ... ... ... 34.50 25.83 1 33.77 +12.4 ETF Drone IFLY ... ... ... ETF MgT ef WSKY ... ... ... Pure Fintch FINQ ... ... ... 26.71 23.33 25.00 +6.7 ETF Clim ETHO ... ... ...q 29.80 24.65 3 29.17 +5.6 ETFAlpAlt ALFA ... ... ...q 38.64 31.75 4 37.91 +7.7 ETFDeepV DVP .53e 2.0 ...q 28.23 21.77 0 26.98 +2.4 PremisCap TCTL ... ... ... 26.95 25.08 26.82 +4.6 AmCusSat ACSI ... ... ... AptBehMo BEMO ... ... ... 27.67 23.91 4 26.22 +1.4 EtfAlphacln ALFI ... ... ...q 21.31 18.31 21.21 +11.4 EtfUSGblJ JETS ... ... ...q 29.77 19.60 14 28.17 +1.1 ETF Master HIPS 1.29 6.9 ...q 19.49 15.69 4 18.69 +4.4 EtfDiaHVal DHVW .11p ... ...q EtfInfcMLP AMZA 2.08 19.6 ...q 11.93 8.77 683 10.62 -6.3 InfrCpPfd PFFR ... ... ... EtfNwfMSec NFLT .08e ... ...q 26.78 24.88 201 25.63 +1.5 EtfReavUt UTES ... ... ...q 33.23 28.77 0 31.70 +7.5 ETF PrMtl GLTR ... ... ...q 70.35 56.52 34 64.45 +12.0 ETFSGold SGOL ... ... ...q 133.68 109.18 22 123.56 +10.6 ETF Pall PALL ... ... ...q 78.14 50.46 13 76.95 +18.0 ETF Plat PPLT ... ... ...q 113.77 85.31 52 92.63 +7.2 EagleCGr GRF .50e 2.4 ...q 8.83 6.49 2 7.41 +.8 EagleGrInc EGIF 1.31 7.6 ...q 18.00 15.38 22 17.24 +6.3 EagleMat EXP .40 .4 24 110.64 71.11 397 97.53 -1.0sEaglePtCr ECC .80m 3.7 ... 22.05 15.72 101 21.69 +29.8 EagleP pfA ECCA 1.94 7.4 ... 26.67 25.04 4 26.12 +1.5 EaglePt 20 ECCZ 1.75 6.8 ... 26.53 24.99 25.66 -.2 EaglPt pfB ECCB 1.94 7.5 ... 27.75 24.96 2 25.89 +1.7 Earthstone ESTE ... ... ...dd 15.93 7.67 69 14.58 +6.1sEastGvP n DEA .96f 4.5 18 21.07 17.58 399 21.29 +6.3 EstANG wd NGT/WD ... ... ... sEastgrp EGP 2.40 3.1 21 77.08 58.85 248 77.73 +5.3 EastChem EMN 2.04f 2.5 12 82.10 62.70 676 80.17 +6.6 EastCh wt EMN/WS ... ... ... .55 EKodak wt KODK/WS ... ... ... 5.12 .90 0 1.05 -73.1 EKodk wtA KODK/WS/A ... ... ... 4.35 .68 .71 -74.8tEKodak KODK ... ... 38 17.30 10.30 233 10.60 -31.6 Eaton ETN 2.28 3.0 17 76.39 54.30 2032 75.39 +12.4 EatV HiIn21 EHT .60 6.0 ... 10.20 9.71 42 10.08 +1.6 EV CAMu EVM .68 5.9 ...q 14.23 10.83 79 11.54 +1.4 EVCAMu2 EIA .62 5.3 ...q 14.27 11.30 12 11.75 +1.2 EVCAMu CEV .71 5.7 ...q 14.50 11.80 46 12.42 +1.0 EatnVan EV 1.12 2.6 20 47.83 32.97 1125 43.66 +4.3 EV EnEq EOI 1.04 7.8 ...q 13.50 11.60 98 13.24 +6.8 EV EEq2 EOS 1.05 7.7 ...q 13.86 12.49 131 13.72 +7.2 EV FltRt EFT .91 6.0 ...q 15.45 12.98 81 15.14 +1.6 EVFltRtIP EFF 1.13 6.6 ...q 17.38 14.57 40 17.12 -.1 EV LtdDur EVV 1.22 8.8 ...q 14.25 12.82 260 13.93 +1.5 EV MAMu MAB .65 4.8 ...q 16.10 13.11 5 13.66 +1.7 EVMAMu MMV .69 5.1 ...q 15.82 13.05 10 13.52 +3.0 EV MIMu MIW .71 5.2 ...q 16.49 12.34 3 13.53 +1.1 EVMIMu EMI .71 5.4 ...q 14.68 12.41 2 13.10 +2.0 EVMuniBd EIM .77 6.0 ...q 14.48 12.00 135 12.67 +2.1 EVMuni2 EIV .70 5.6 ...q 14.98 11.78 23 12.37 +.6 EVMunTT ETX .85 4.2 ...q 21.68 18.64 46 20.07 +2.3 EV MuIT EVN .85 6.5 ...q 15.00 12.00 35 12.97 +3.3 EV NMuOp EOT 1.03 4.7 ...q 23.47 20.45 27 21.73 +4.5 EV NJMu EMJ .75 5.8 ...q 16.05 12.20 8 12.87 +.5 EVNJMu EVJ .73 6.0 ...q 14.85 11.51 1 12.16 +1.2 EVNYMu2 NYH .69 5.7 ...q 14.50 10.43 6 11.95 +2.6 EV NYMu ENX .72 5.8 ...q 14.65 12.00 56 12.42 +1.0 EVNYMu EVY .74 5.7 ...q 15.64 12.49 8 12.91 -1.0 EV OHMu EIO .70 5.5 ...q 16.99 12.38 3 12.88 -3.8 EVOHMu EVO .73 5.3 ...q 16.30 13.19 4 13.73 +1.1 EV PAMu EIP .77 5.9 ...q 15.50 11.65 9 13.03 +3.3 EVPAMu EVP .73 5.9 ...q 13.74 11.80 1 12.24 +1.1 EVRiskMgd ETJ 1.12 12.1 ...q 9.95 8.60 259 9.23 +3.0 EV SrFlt EFR .95 6.4 ...q 15.58 12.64 95 14.93 +1.4 EV SrInc EVF .42 6.2 ...q 6.98 5.80 63 6.77 +1.3 EVShDur EVG 1.08 7.7 ...q 14.24 12.96 51 14.10 +1.7 EVTxABdO EXD 1.16 10.3 ...q 12.45 10.94 42 11.25 -.7 EV TxAd EVT 1.74 8.1 ...q 22.26 18.62 137 21.53 +4.8 EV TxAG ETG 1.23 7.8 ...q 15.77 13.50 150 15.74 +11.9 EV TxAOp ETO 2.16 9.3 ...q 23.97 19.86 48 23.19 +11.4 EV TxDiver ETY 1.01 9.1 ...q 11.21 9.88 644 11.10 +7.2 EVTxMGlo EXG .98 11.2 ...q 9.05 7.88 1069 8.73 +8.9 EVTxBWIn ETB 1.30 8.0 ...q 17.80 15.48 44 16.27 -1.5 EVTxGBW ETW 1.17 10.6 ...q 11.15 10.00 340 11.03 +9.5 EVTxBWOp ETV 1.33 8.7 ...q 15.57 14.08 170 15.34 +3.4 EclipseRs ECR ... ... ...dd 4.42 1.46 437 2.49 -6.7 Ecolab ECL 1.48 1.2 29 127.06 110.65 609 125.66 +7.2 Ecopetrol EC 1.03e 10.6 ... 10.29 7.65 1088 9.72 +7.4 Edenor EDN ... ... ... 35.73 13.25 42 34.92 +25.4 Edgewell EPC ... ... 27 88.00 69.63 461 70.85 -2.9 EdisonInt EIX 2.17 2.7 20 81.34 67.44 1300 79.99 +11.1 EducRltTr EDR 1.52 3.8 26 48.87 38.59 469 39.55 -6.5 EdwLfSci s EW ... ... 32 121.75 81.12 1287 93.60 -.1 eHiCarSvc EHIC ... ... ... 12.43 8.11 31 10.14 +11.9sElPasoEl EE 1.24 2.4 22 51.30 42.42 130 51.40 +10.5 ElPasE pf EPpC 2.38 4.7 ... 53.75 44.01 0 50.24 +2.5 EldorGld g EGO .02e ... ...dd 5.16 2.54 3815 3.56 +10.6 Electrmed ELMD ... ... 27 6.26 3.38 21 4.60 +18.6sElevCr n ELVT ... ... ... 7.76 7.32 228 7.73 +4.5 EliLilly LLY 2.08f 2.4 28 86.72 64.18 2645 85.93 +16.8 Elk HiQPfd EPRF ... ... ... 27.79 22.79 5 24.29 +4.7 Elkh SPMd XD ... ... ... ElkSPMCons XS ... ... ... Elkh LoVl n LVHB ... ... ... 30.17 24.54 22 29.70 +4.4 Elk SPMdPt XE ... ... ... ElkFdCm ef RCOM ... ... ... 27.00 24.64 25.45 +.6 ElkSPMUt XU ... ... ... ElkSPMCMt XM ... ... ... ElkSPMCInf XK ... ... ... ElkSPMInd XI ... ... ... ElkSPMdHl XH ... ... ... ElkSPMFin XF ... ... ... EllieMae ELLI ... ... 72 109.99 74.11 224 103.92 +24.2 EllingtnF EFC 1.80 11.3 18.20 15.30 63 15.97 +2.9sEllingtRM EARN 1.60 10.8 11 14.84 12.10 34 14.80 +13.8 Ellomay ELLO ... ... ... 9.59 7.01 0 8.15 +.7 EllswthFd ECF .80e 9.2 ...q 8.81 7.55 53 8.71 +5.3 eMagin EMAN ... ... ...dd 3.30 1.68 18 2.40 +11.6sEAndinA AKO/A .55e 2.4 ... 23.14 17.30 4 23.05 +12.3 EAndinB AKO/B .60e 2.4 ... 25.16 18.43 9 24.70 +9.9 Embraer ERJ .18e .8 ... 25.01 17.06 816 21.44 +11.4 EmergeES EMES 2.68m ... ...dd 24.45 3.00 617 14.26 +15.8 EmergBio EBS ... ... 23 44.38 24.47 318 28.64 -12.8 EmrgBio wi EBS.WI ... ... ... EmergCap EMG ... ... ...dd 4.59 .20 .30 -75.2 EmersonEl EMR 1.92 3.2 23 64.36 48.45 2641 59.73 +7.1 EmerR hs MSN ... ... ...dd 1.40 .55 2 1.28 +21.9 EmpOPES ESBA .34 1.6 ... 22.19 17.89 18 21.50 +7.6 EmpOP60 OGCP .34 1.6 ... 21.99 14.77 5 21.25 +8.1 EmpOP250 FISK .34 1.6 ... 22.17 15.47 1 21.24 +6.3 EmpStRTr ESRT .34 1.6 35 22.31 17.79 621 21.43 +6.1 EmployH EIG .36 .9 14 40.55 27.01 116 38.00 -4.0 EElChile EOCC .65e 2.7 ... 28.57 18.35 210 24.30 +25.0 EnLinkLP ENLK 1.56 8.4 ...dd 19.89 11.74 229 18.58 +.9 EnableMid ENBL 1.27 7.8 24 17.36 9.00 167 16.30 +3.6 EnbrdgEM EEQ 2.33t ... ...dd 26.53 16.50 291 18.24 -29.6 EnbrdgEPt EEP 2.33 12.6 30 26.37 16.95 2008 18.52 -27.3 Enbridge ENB 1.66f ... ... 45.77 38.40 2285 42.19 +.2 EnCana g ECA .06 .5 13.85 5.89 12016 12.06 +2.7 EndvSilv g EXK ... ... ...dd 5.95 2.84 2074 3.42 -2.8 EndSp pfC ENHpC 1.59 6.0 ... 28.60 25.05 16 26.40 +3.3 EnduroRT NDRO .27e 7.9 9 4.55 3.18 26 3.45 EnerCre wt ENCR/WS ... ... ... EnerCore n ENCR ... ... ... Energen EGN .08 .1 ...dd 64.44 35.91 915 55.74 -3.3 Energizer n ENR 1.10 1.9 22 58.21 41.62 321 57.80 +29.6 Engy&Exp ENXP ... ... ... EnFuel grs UUUU ... ... ... 2.87 1.29 520 2.25 +37.2 EgyTrEq s ETE 1.14 6.0 20 20.05 8.38 3154 18.90 -2.1 EngyTsfr ETP 4.22 11.8 ...dd 43.50 31.12 1411 35.85 +.1 EnerJexR ENRJ ... ... ...dd 1.15 .23 906 .55 +89.7 Enerpls g ERF .14e 1.7 3 10.33 4.34 943 8.15 -14.0 EnersisAm ENIA .35e 3.3 ... 10.77 7.33 931 10.51 +28.0 EnersAm wi ENIA/WI ... ... ... 8.55 7.80 8.16 EnerChile ENIC .16p ... ... 6.66 4.25 475 5.61 +23.3 EnerSys ENS .70 .9 20 83.70 55.67 246 77.53 -.7 Engility EGL ... ... 18 39.16 18.28 60 27.91 -17.2 EnLinkLLC ENLC 1.02 5.2 ... 20.45 11.40 166 19.50 +2.4 Ennis Inc EBF .70a 4.3 15 20.40 14.40 77 16.40 -5.5 EnovaIntl ENVA ... ... 13 15.40 5.98 446 14.00 +11.6 EnPro NPO .88f 1.3 59 71.82 42.56 68 68.85 +2.2 ENSCO ESV .04 .4 2 12.36 6.50 6870 9.34 -3.9tEnservco ENSV ... ... ...dd .89 .25 226 .25 -55.5 EnSync ESNC ... ... ...dd 1.42 .19 67 .66 -8.2 Entercom ETM .07p .5 14 16.55 10.53 520 13.90 -9.2 EntArk66 n EAI 1.22 5.3 ... 25.04 20.49 24 22.97 +8.5 EntArk 63 EAE 1.19 5.0 ... 26.30 19.35 14 23.63 +12.5 EntArk 52 EAB 1.23 5.0 ... 26.30 20.96 11 24.54 +12.7 Entergy ETR 3.48 4.5 9 82.09 66.71 1119 76.60 +4.3 EntLA 66 ELC 1.22 5.4 ... 23.17 20.48 63 22.74 +7.6 EntgyLA52 ELJ 1.31 5.2 ... 26.74 22.92 2 25.11 +6.9 EntLA 63 ELU 1.18 5.0 ... 26.15 20.25 13 23.53 +14.2 EntMS FtM EMP ... ... ... 25.00 20.57 59 22.80 +7.9 EntgyNO n ENO ... ... ... 28.00 22.31 11 25.02 +7.2 EntgyNO 52 ENJ 1.25 5.0 ... 28.74 22.11 6 24.80 +11.1 EntgyTx64 EZT 1.41 5.3 ... 28.20 24.12 6 26.80 +6.6 EntProdPt EPD 1.66f 5.9 22 30.25 23.56 4473 27.91 +3.2 Entravisn EVC .13 2.0 24 8.31 4.90 159 6.20 -11.4 EntreeGold EGI ... ... ... .72 .22 55 .51 +62.5 Envestnet ENV ... ... 35 41.47 27.59 272 34.40 -2.4 EnviroStr EVI .20e ... 25.00 3.56 10 21.50 +48.3 EnvisnHl n EVHC ... ... ... 74.19 59.01 1146 60.76 -4.0 EnvisnHl pf EVHCp ... ... ... 135.30 110.83 0 112.61 -5.7 Enviva n EVA 2.14f 7.3 41 29.98 19.31 103 29.15 +8.8 EnzoBio ENZ ... ... ...dd 8.74 4.73 128 7.99 +15.1 Equifax EFX 1.56f 1.1 27 137.94 110.87 400 135.74 +14.8sEquityCmw EQC ... ... 33 32.08 26.92 363 32.28 +6.7 EqCm pfD EQCpD 1.63 6.3 ... 27.48 24.98 5 25.97 +1.5 EqCm pfE EQCpE 1.81 ... ... EqCmw 42 EQCO 1.44 5.7 ... 26.21 22.82 3 25.34 +6.1 EqtyLfPrp ELS 1.95f 2.4 30 83.19 65.87 223 79.65 +10.5 EqLfPr pfC ELSpC 1.69 6.6 ... 27.00 23.50 0 25.62 +1.9 EqtyRsd EQR 2.16 3.4 20 73.05 58.28 1511 63.92 -.7 EquusTR EQS ... ... 30q 2.50 1.56 0 2.41 +19.9 EraGroup ERA ... ... ...dd 17.73 6.92 68 13.46 -20.7 ErinEn rs ERN ... ... ...dd 4.10 1.67 41 2.20 -27.9 Eros Intl EROS ... ... ...dd 19.87 8.65 1032 9.15 -29.9 EscoTech ESE .32 .5 35 58.95 37.32 73 58.55 +3.4 Espey ESP 1.00 4.3 23 27.65 22.31 3 23.20 -11.0 Essent ESNT ... ... 16 38.10 19.54 460 37.98 +17.3 EssexPT ESS 7.00f 3.0 32 238.57 200.01 255 236.79 +1.8 EsteeLdr EL 1.36 1.6 27 97.48 75.30 985 84.85 +10.9 Esterline ESL ... ... 19 96.50 56.72 133 88.50 -.8 EtfSilver SIVR ... ... ...q 20.30 15.31 86 17.87 +14.6 EthanAl ETH .76 2.5 17 38.80 27.75 350 30.30 -17.8 Etrac2xMtg MORL 3.31e 18.8 ...q 18.10 12.65 264 17.60 +13.0 Et2xDJDiv DVYL 3.55e 5.6 ...q 66.42 49.45 13 63.30 +5.1 Etr2xHomb HOML ... ... ...q 32.19 17.12 13 30.89 +27.8 EtrCrdOil n OILX ... ... ... 35.48 26.36 30.91 -8.0 EtHiDLwV HDLV 2.57e 7.7 ... 35.25 27.34 22 33.35 +5.8 Etr2xSPX SPLX ... ... ...q 43.12 29.39 41.82 +11.5 Etr2xCEFd CEFL 2.88 16.4 ...q 18.83 14.82 211 17.60 +5.1 EtrcDvsHi DVHL 2.85e 12.5 ...q 23.95 17.27 67 22.86 +5.5 EtrWFxEn LMLP 1.90e 14.2 ... 14.27 8.68 1 13.40 +16.9 EtracReit LRET 2.00e 7.4 ...q 33.34 22.64 5 27.15 +2.4 UBS VlHdg XIVH ... ... ... 55.50 25.50 2 45.85 +30.0 VelShSP46 BSWN ... ... ... UBS VlVIX LSVX ... ... ... 31.21 25.91 1 30.00 +12.1 Etr EnhGl FIHD ... ... ... 141.80 107.16 31 139.18 +11.4 Etr SP MLP MLPZ .06p ... ... 63.32 37.43 59.00 +3.9 Etr MLP In MLPQ .08p ... ... 62.03 38.00 4 54.14 +.4 EtrAlerTRt AMUB .36p ... ...q 21.38 19.42 20.85 +4.7 EtrAlerInf MLPB .99e ... ...q 30.20 27.50 28.97 +5.7 EtrBCmdty UCIB ... ... ...q 16.00 12.71 14.10 -.5 EtrWFBsD BDCZ .91e ... ...q 24.38 19.70 23.41 +3.9 Etr2xLevLg LBDC 2.89e 14.0 ...q 28.71 15.36 20.71 +5.5 EtrMtgReit MRRL 1.70e ... ...q 19.50 11.00 1 17.56 +12.3 EtrSCHiDv SMHD 3.06e 13.7 ...q 24.48 14.50 47 22.32 -1.9 EurasnM g EMX ... ... ... 1.40 .62 149 .92 +3.0 Euronav n EURN 2.41e ... ... 11.73 6.65 740 8.00 +.6sEuroEqFd EEA .17e 2.0 ...q 8.36 7.20 8 8.43 +9.2 EvansBc EVBN .80f 2.2 22 40.95 22.87 4 36.80 +16.6 EverBank EVER .24 1.2 16 19.52 13.37 181 19.45 EverBk pfA EVERpA 1.69 6.7 ... 26.55 25.06 6 25.35 +.6 Evercore EVR 1.24f 1.6 23 83.30 40.36 505 75.85 +10.4 EverestRe RE 5.00 2.1 9 240.51 169.19 141 234.35 +8.3 EveriHldgs EVRI ... ... ...dd 5.96 1.13 1262 5.52 +154.4 EversrceE ES 1.90f 3.2 20 60.44 50.56 1171 59.21 +7.2 Evertec EVTC .40 2.5 ... 18.60 13.11 276 15.85 -10.7 EvolentH n EVH ... ... ...dd 26.84 10.40 774 22.25 +50.3 EvolPetrol EPM .28f 3.4 12 10.20 4.90 44 8.25 -17.5 Exar EXAR ... ... 72 13.05 5.60 448 13.00 +20.6 ETYldShHi YYY 1.92 10.0 ...q 19.80 17.72 58 19.28 +3.8 ExTTactUS HTUS ... ... ...q 27.21 25.73 18 26.72 +3.8 RxVlmxInF VMIN ... ... ... 51.74 17.09 71 30.25 +34.4 RxVlmxWk VMAX ... ... ... 29.75 4.51 20 5.58 -34.1 ExTrGldE GHE ... ... ... 31.20 23.18 0 29.21 +25.7 ExTGldSP GHS ... ... ... 29.49 24.06 29.19 +14.3 ETEMeCmc EMQQ .02p ... ...q 28.60 21.00 12 27.90 +22.2 ExcoRes XCO .07p ... ...dd 1.91 .47 1149 .57 -35.1 Exelon EXC 1.31f 3.6 15 37.70 29.82 4824 36.14 +1.8 Exelon 17 EXCU 3.25 6.5 ... 50.97 43.00 14 49.68 +2.6 ExeterR gs XRA ... ... ... 1.89 .66 1138 1.83 +142.4 Express EXPR ... ... 11 20.32 8.05 1668 8.74 -18.8 ExtendStay STAY .76 4.5 81 17.87 13.00 2710 17.07 +5.7 Exterran n EXTN ... ... ... 34.05 10.83 412 31.49 +31.8 ExtraSpce EXR 3.12 4.0 24 94.81 68.09 544 78.68 +1.9 ExxonMbl XOM 3.00 3.6 37 95.55 80.31 7983 82.84 -8.2F -FB Finl n FBK ... ... ... 35.50 19.81 33 34.59 +33.3 FBL Fn FFG 1.76f 2.7 16 82.60 56.41 20 66.20 -15.3 FCB Fin FCB ... ... 21 50.33 31.98 197 48.05 +.7 FMC Corp FMC .66 .9 27 75.93 39.53 2229 75.38 +33.3 FNBCp PA FNB .48 3.3 18 16.43 11.69 2111 14.36 -10.4 FNB FL pfE FNBpE ... ... ... 33.50 27.01 6 28.89 +2.2 FPL pfC NEEpC 1.47 5.7 ... 27.05 24.92 7 25.72 +2.2 FTFQAntiB BTAL ... ... ...q 24.47 18.06 1 20.01 +1.6 FTFQMom MOM ... ... ...q 27.15 20.25 22.47 -1.3 FTFQuSize SIZ ... ... ...q 22.29 20.50 21.17 -3.6 FTFQValu CHEP ... ... ...q 27.48 22.19 26.23 -4.4 FTFQHgDiv DIVA 1.08e 2.7 ...q 26.61 24.51 0 25.63 -.6 FqfOAsQDv OAPH .65e 2.3 ...q 27.74 24.14 0 27.68 +6.4 FqfOAsiaDv OASI .43e ... ...q 28.00 23.50 1 27.33 +7.6 FqfOEuQDv OEUH .45e ... ...q 29.30 24.11 1 26.65 +8.4 FqfOEurDiv OEUR .15e ... ...q 24.27 20.40 11 23.46 +8.5 FQFO USDv OUSA .20e ... ... 29.15 26.06 94 28.80 +4.8 FS Invest FSIC .89 9.1 26 10.80 8.03 1269 9.80 -4.9 FTI Cnslt FCN ... ... 18 47.12 34.20 360 41.70 -7.5 Fabrinet FN ... ... 13 49.63 30.77 646 38.44 -4.6 FactsetR FDS 2.00 1.2 23 183.64 147.37 328 160.53 -1.8 FairIsaac FICO .08 .1 37 133.14 103.50 115 129.75 +8.8 FairmSant FMSA ... ... ...dd 13.12 2.68 5361 7.32 -37.9 FangHldg SFUN .20e 5.7 ...dd 6.53 2.46 1877 3.50 +6.7 Farmland FPI .51 4.6 18 11.98 10.00 146 11.06 -.9 FedExCp FDX 1.60 .8 17 201.57 145.00 2253 192.99 +3.6 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 3 The Sun/Wednesday, April 12, 2017
FedAgric AGM 1.44f 2.5 ... 64.28 32.31 75 56.56 -1.2 FdAgricA AGM/A 1.44f 2.6 16 70.00 34.60 54.50 -11.4 FAgMt pfA AGMpA 1.47 5.7 ... 28.06 24.63 1 25.71 +3.0 FAgMt pfB AGMpB 1.72 6.4 ... 29.50 24.71 1 27.00 +3.6 FAgMt pfC AGMpC 1.50 5.5 ... 30.60 24.63 27.05 +7.9 FedRlty FRT 3.92f 2.9 24 171.08 126.02 401 135.08 -4.9 FedSignl FSS .28 2.0 20 16.65 11.68 166 13.73 -12.0 FedInvst FII 1.00 3.8 14 33.13 24.52 406 26.39 -6.7 FedPInt FPT .67 5.1 ...q 14.99 12.55 16 13.17 +4.0 FedPMu FMN .88 6.3 ...q 16.77 13.53 16 14.01 +.3 FelCor FCH .24 3.3 11 9.13 5.68 562 7.32 -8.6 FelCor pfA FCHpA 1.95 7.9 ... 25.43 22.82 28 24.54 -1.5 Ferrari n RACE ... ... ... 74.99 38.71 398 71.84 +23.6 Ferrellgs FGP .40 6.8 ...dd 20.85 5.04 524 5.87 -13.3 Ferro FOE ... ... 14 16.17 11.76 619 15.45 +7.8 FiatChrys FCAU ... ... ... 11.63 5.45 6104 10.19 +11.7 FibriaCelu FBR .09e 1.0 ... 10.24 5.79 1236 9.30 -3.2 Fid&GtyLf FGL .26 .9 9 27.95 21.10 83 27.55 +16.2 FidCorpBd FCOR 1.77e 3.5 ...q 53.57 48.72 11 50.29 +1.8 FidLtdTm FLTB .83e 1.7 ...q 52.59 49.66 18 50.29 +.7 FidTotBd FBND 1.54e 3.1 ...q 51.26 49.00 28 50.04 +.5 FidCnsDis FDIS .40e 1.2 ...q 34.75 28.92 61 34.48 +7.2 FidCnsStpl FSTA .87e 2.6 ... 33.63 30.10 31 33.00 +5.8 FidEnergy FENY .53e 2.7 ...q 22.12 17.65 131 19.85 -6.3 FidFinan FNCL .60e 1.7 ...q 37.41 25.75 191 34.67 +.3 FidHlthCre FHLC .70e 2.0 ...q 36.79 31.24 86 35.60 +8.2 FidIndls FIDU .56e 1.7 ...q 34.54 27.35 68 33.65 +4.4 Fid Val n FVAL ... ... ... 29.34 24.89 23 28.43 +4.1 Fid Qual n FQAL ... ... ... 28.49 24.59 53 27.77 +5.7 FidInfoTch FTEC .42e 1.0 ...q 41.35 30.76 280 40.66 +10.2 Fid Moment FDMO ... ... ... 27.69 24.26 5 26.99 +5.7 Fid LowVol FDLO ... ... ... 27.57 24.30 3 26.96 +4.3 Fid RisR n FDRR ... ... ... 28.60 24.56 51 27.65 +4.4 Fid CoreD n FDVV ... ... ... 27.33 24.24 29 26.59 +1.7 FidMsciRE FREL .86e 3.5 ...q 25.98 21.85 87 24.35 +3.8 FidUtils FUTY 1.21e 3.6 ...q 34.34 29.50 50 33.45 +5.9 FidTelecm FCOM .76e 2.4 ...q 33.82 27.80 16 32.14 +.1 FidelMatls FMAT .53e 1.7 ...q 31.22 24.95 41 30.54 +5.9 FidlNatFn FNF 1.00f 2.6 16 39.49 30.62 725 38.60 +13.7 FNFV Grp FNFV ... ... ... 14.50 10.37 91 12.35 -9.9 FidNatInfo FIS 1.16f 1.4 21 83.86 63.92 1165 80.08 +5.9 FidClayOp FMO 1.72f 11.0 ...q 17.63 10.76 119 15.68 +5.3 FieldPnt FPP ... ... ...dd 1.18 .33 412 .42 -41.8 Fieldpt wt FPP/WS ... ... ... .08 .01 17 .02 -42.5 FifthStF 24 FSCE 1.47 5.8 ... 26.01 24.45 6 25.28 +1.6 WUBA ... ... ...dd 59.88 27.58 658 37.36 +33.4 FstAccept FAC ... ... ...dd 2.40 .75 62 1.16 +11.5 FstAFin n FAF 1.36 3.5 13 43.55 35.28 591 38.80 +5.9 FtBcp pfA FBPpA ... ... ... 12.30 FtBcp pfB FBPpB ... ... ... 12.00 FtBcp pfC FBPpC ... ... ... 12.07 FtBcp pfD FBPpD ... ... ... 12.69 FtBcp pfE FBPpE ... ... ... 12.03 FstBcpPR FBP ... ... 13 7.05 3.11 1378 5.59 -15.4 FstCash FCFS .76f 1.6 22 53.95 39.80 252 48.70 +3.6 FstCwlth FCF .32f 2.5 20 14.61 8.46 409 12.91 -9.0 FstData n FDC ... ... ... 16.67 9.90 2881 15.01 +5.8 FstHorizon FHN .36f 2.0 20 20.84 12.46 3231 18.44 -7.8 FstHrz pfA FHNpA 1.55 6.1 ... 27.70 23.38 5 25.57 +2.5 FstInRT FR .84f 3.0 23 29.75 22.26 691 28.27 +.8 FMajSilv g AG ... ... 37 19.15 6.62 5571 9.19 +20.4 FstPotom FPO .40 3.7 60 11.16 8.01 126 10.86 -1.0 FstRepBk FRC .64 .7 26 97.43 63.97 1167 92.09 -.1 FstRep pfB FRCpB 1.55 6.0 ... 26.73 24.74 9 25.64 +.4 FstRep pfC FRCpC 1.41 5.4 ... 27.43 22.36 33 26.19 +12.6 FstRep pfD FRCpD 1.38 5.4 ... 27.20 21.92 6 25.69 +11.7 FstRep pfE FRCpE 1.75 6.5 ... 28.45 26.32 9 27.10 -.4 FstRep pfF FRCpF 1.43 5.5 ... 28.00 22.67 6 26.08 +10.0 FtRpBk pfG FRCpG ... ... ... 27.93 21.85 9 25.61 +12.6 FtTr 22 n FIV ... ... ... 10.29 9.86 74 10.02 -1.0 FtTrGlob FAM .90 7.8 ...q 11.94 10.29 103 11.61 +4.8 FT MCGr FNY .15e .5 ...q 33.86 28.27 23 33.14 +5.6 FT MCVal FNK .40e 1.2 ...q 34.48 26.37 10 33.18 +.8 FT Austrla FAUS .80e 2.5 ...q 32.63 27.23 31.43 +11.6 FT SCGr FYC .07e .2 ...q 36.95 29.31 9 36.02 +4.1 FT SCVal FYT .26e .8 ...q 36.08 26.81 7 34.02 -2.3 FT MegaCp FMK .44e 1.5 ...q 30.16 25.17 1 28.81 +3.0 FTEurSelDv FDD 1.09e 8.9 ...q 12.75 10.73 165 12.29 +3.5 FTDJMic FDM .49e 1.2 ...q 44.93 31.86 12 42.06 -4.6 FT DynEq FDEU 1.45 8.5 ...q 17.38 14.31 57 17.01 +10.5 FT PfdSec FPE 1.02e 5.2 ...q 20.31 18.71 472 19.63 +3.4 FT HeitGl PRME ... ... ... 21.72 18.26 0 19.37 +.1 FT LgShEq FTLS .16e .5 ...q 35.61 30.62 6 34.78 +.8 FTEgyInco FEN 2.32 8.4 ...q 28.48 22.10 34 27.52 +3.7 FTEnInfra FIF 1.32a 6.8 ...q 20.21 15.07 31 19.31 +7.7 FtTrEnEq FFA .96 6.7 ...q 14.57 12.46 54 14.38 +6.4 FTArcaBio FBT .18e .2 ...q 108.01 83.10 39 101.99 +12.2 FTDJInet FDN ... ... ...q 88.82 68.16 192 87.62 +9.8 FT SPTailH VIXH .36e 1.4 ...q 25.41 21.87 25.18 +6.1 FT RNG FCG .22e .9 ...q 28.65 4.24 195 24.72 -5.5 FT ConDis FXD .30e .8 ...q 37.74 31.82 91 36.40 +2.5 FT ConStap FXG .75e 1.6 ...q 49.33 43.48 221 46.49 +1.6 FT Engy FXN .33e 2.2 ...q 17.95 13.79 3256 15.21 -7.9 FT Fincl FXO .65e 2.4 ...q 29.01 21.59 715 27.44 +1.5 FT HlthCr FXH ... ... ...q 63.42 54.51 66 62.33 +8.8 FT IndPrd FXR .16e .5 ...q 35.54 25.86 534 34.24 +4.1 FT Matls FXZ .37e 1.0 ...q 38.79 30.55 572 37.97 +6.0 FT Tech FXL .13e .3 ...q 42.28 30.72 369 41.46 +9.4 FT Utils FXU .67e 2.4 ...q 28.00 24.60 146 27.43 +2.6 FTDJGlDiv FGD 1.42e 5.8 ...q 24.67 20.68 181 24.46 +5.0 FT GlbRE FFR .75e 1.7 ... 48.19 41.29 17 44.59 +5.4 FT NAEngy EMLP .93e 3.7 ...q 25.86 21.50 170 25.47 +.9 FT HiLgSh FSD 1.20 7.1 ...q 17.10 14.38 82 16.93 +5.3 FT USIPO FPX .32e .6 ...q 57.94 47.45 40 56.94 +5.2 FTChnd FNI .19e .6 ...q 32.03 25.60 20 31.79 +16.3sFT EngCn FLM .58e 1.1 ...q 52.55 42.35 0 52.57 +6.9 FT WindEn FAN .46e 3.6 ...q 13.76 11.35 32 12.70 +8.5 FT Wtr FIW .21e .5 ...q 42.43 33.25 16 41.77 +5.6 FT RNG rs FCG/WI ... ... ...q 25.05 21.20 FT IntPfd FPF 1.95 8.2 ...q 23.85 20.67 136 23.68 +4.4 FT LCCore FEX .58e 1.1 ...q 52.64 42.50 496 51.35 +5.3 FT LCGr FTC .24e .5 ...q 53.14 47.21 33 52.28 +6.6 FT LCVal FTA .82e 1.7 ...q 50.51 37.42 36 49.05 +4.7 FT MLP&E FEI 1.42 8.6 ...q 17.60 13.34 80 16.60 +3.6 FT MCCore FNX .51e .9 ...q 59.80 47.51 25 58.02 +2.9 FTMstrDv FDL .79e 2.8 ...q 29.47 25.24 398 28.69 +3.4 FTFutStrt FMF ... ... ... 57.17 44.12 0 45.91 -2.8 FstTrMtg FMY 1.02 7.3 ...q 14.70 13.67 4 14.05 +.2 FT MultCG FAD .20e .4 ...q 56.60 48.45 3 55.57 +6.2 FT MultCV FAB .45e .9 ...q 53.14 40.06 6 51.48 +2.0 FT MLPEn FPL 1.26 9.1 ...q 14.50 10.91 98 13.83 +8.5 FT REIT FRI .39e 1.7 ...q 25.87 21.47 42 23.62 +2.4 FT SCCore FYX .38e .7 ...q 55.88 43.34 26 53.95 +.2 FTSpecFin FGB .70 9.3 ...q 8.43 5.85 20 7.53 +6.7 FTStrHi2 FHY 1.32 10.1 ...q 13.23 11.39 74 13.02 +6.8 FTrVL100 FVL .05e .2 ...q 22.59 18.88 5 21.72 +.5 FTrVLDv FVD .57e 2.0 ...q 29.51 25.39 1073 29.01 +3.5 FT EmOp FEO 1.40 9.0 ...q 16.44 13.23 21 15.50 +11.6 FTrSenFlt FCT .90 6.6 ...q 14.01 12.58 58 13.64 -.9 FirstEngy FE 1.44 4.6 12 36.60 29.33 2452 31.44 +1.5 Fitbit n FIT ... ... ...dd 18.85 5.31 7498 5.58 -23.8 WBAI ... ... ...dd 19.98 10.92 163 14.03 -8.5 FiveOaks OAKS .60m 11.2 ...dd 5.54 3.79 250 5.38 +8.2 FiveOk pfA OAKSpA 2.19 8.8 ... 24.90 18.02 9 24.80 +7.8 FlagstarB FBC ... ... 12 29.64 21.78 123 28.46 +5.6 F&C DynPf DFP 1.92 7.6 ...q 25.37 21.83 46 25.15 +5.8 FlrtyPfdInc PFD 1.08 7.1 ...q 16.34 12.64 20 15.12 +4.3 FlrtyPfdOp PFO .88 7.2 ...q 12.81 10.30 33 12.10 +8.8 FlrtyPfdSc FFC 1.63 7.8 ...q 22.25 18.18 75 20.92 +11.0 FlrtyTotR FLC 1.63 7.6 ...q 22.89 18.41 20 21.35 +7.4 Flanign BDL .20f .8 13 26.65 17.72 1 24.00 -1.4 Fleetcor FLT ... ... 21 176.42 133.64 703 145.56 +2.9 FlexUSTilt TILT 1.17e 1.2 ...q 102.51 81.23 23 99.55 +3.5 FlxEmgTilt TLTE .84e 1.6 ...q 52.92 41.14 49 51.26 +11.5 FlxUpstNR GUNR 1.00e 3.3 ...q 30.66 24.54 595 29.95 +4.5 Flx3yrTips TDTT .02e .1 ...q 25.18 23.43 95 24.83 +.5 Flx5yrTips TDTF .06e .2 ...q 26.19 24.62 184 25.20 +.7 FlexEMTilt TLEH ... ... ...q 27.98 23.10 2 27.25 +8.0 FlxDMTilt TLDH ... ... ...q 28.41 21.13 1 26.38 +3.9 FlxGlbQRE GQRE 1.33e 2.3 ...q 63.88 54.54 22 58.82 +4.3 FlxGblInfr NFRA .95e 2.1 ...q 46.08 41.46 21 45.81 +5.9 FlxDevTilt TLTD 1.41e 2.3 ...q 61.99 49.52 20 60.05 +6.5 FlxIntDvDf IQDE .91e 3.9 ...q 23.61 20.59 5 23.41 +7.4 FlxIntDvDy IQDY .76e 3.0 ...q 26.02 21.08 12 25.71 +7.5 FlxIntlDiv IQDF .94e 3.9 ...q 24.49 20.35 122 24.26 +7.7 FlxQDvDef QDEF .93e 2.3 ...q 40.86 35.11 16 40.08 +3.4 FlxQDvDyn QDYN 1.00e 2.5 ...q 40.86 32.86 1 39.52 +3.5 FlxQualDv QDF 1.01e 2.5 ...q 41.75 34.84 89 40.74 +3.2 FlxRdyAcc RAVI .82e .9 ...q 76.30 74.89 5 75.43 -.1 FlexSolu FSI ... ... 13 2.41 .99 176 1.95 +46.6 Flotek FTK ... ... ...dd 16.93 7.19 391 12.85 +36.8 FlowrsFds FLO .64 3.3 21 21.00 14.35 969 19.49 -2.4 Flowserve FLS .40m .8 19 52.50 39.13 927 49.16 +2.3 Fluor FLR .84 1.6 15 58.37 44.05 796 52.74 +.4 FlyLeasing FLY 1.00 7.7 25 14.45 9.54 60 13.01 -2.2 FEMSA FMX .74e .8 ... 100.57 73.45 218 92.36 +21.2 FootLockr FL 1.24f 1.7 15 79.43 50.90 1662 72.48 +2.2 FordM F .60a 5.3 6 14.22 11.07 35930 11.28 -7.0 ForestCA FCE/A .36f 1.6 18 24.22 17.79 462 22.64 +8.6 ForestCB FCE/B .32f 1.1 23 30.32 18.00 29.00 +7.7 Forestar FOR ... ... 9 14.40 10.60 379 14.40 +8.3 ForsightEn FELP .68m 11.6 ...dd 8.33 1.34 46 5.88 -9.1 Fortis n FTS 1.19 3.6 ... 33.37 29.14 163 33.29 +7.8 Fortive n FTV .28 .5 ... 61.11 46.29 2459 60.77 +13.3 Fortress FIG .32a 4.0 23 8.05 4.23 2519 7.97 +64.0 FortTrInf n FTAI 1.32 8.7 ... 15.91 8.92 51 15.22 +14.4 FortunaSlv FSM ... ... 45 9.75 4.80 1313 5.35 -5.3 FBHmSec FBHS .72f 1.2 23 64.47 52.05 1316 62.06 +16.1 ForumEn FET ... ... ...dd 26.25 13.19 625 21.50 -2.3 FoundBld n FBM ... ... ... 17.91 15.05 138 16.36 +2.3sFourCorP s FCPT .97 4.1 ... 23.37 16.71 424 23.45 +14.3 FrancoN g FNV .88f 1.3 95 81.16 53.31 727 69.48 +16.3 FrankCov FC ... ... ...dd 22.45 13.45 99 21.15 +5.0 FrankFn n FSB .40p ... 18 42.80 26.98 46 38.50 -8.0 FrankLibInt FLQH ... ... ... 26.20 23.28 0 24.85 +5.8 FrankLibEm FLQE ... ... ... 29.83 25.81 3 29.01 +9.0 FrankLibGl FLQD ... ... ... 27.79 24.77 1 27.39 +6.7 FrankLbGlE FLQG ... ... ... 27.70 25.00 0 27.14 +7.0sFrnkLInvGr FLCO ... ... ... 24.40 23.88 23 24.45 +1.1 FrankRes BEN .80 2.0 15 44.35 30.56 3791 41.01 +3.6 FrkShDGv FTSD 1.55e ... ...q FrkStPrp FSP .76 6.1 15 13.27 10.49 254 12.49 -3.6 FrkLtdDur FTF .74 6.2 ...q 12.45 11.23 165 12.02 -.2 FrkUnv FT .47 6.7 ...q 7.10 6.20 29 7.05 +5.5 FranksIntl FI .30 2.9 ... 17.73 9.20 579 10.22 -17.0 FrptMcM FCX ... ... ...dd 17.06 9.24 12226 13.62 +3.3 FresenMd FMS .44e 1.1 ... 47.52 38.05 219 41.74 -1.1 FDelMnt FDP .60 1.0 13 66.86 41.70 143 59.57 -1.7 FriedmInd FRD .04 .6 ...dd 7.29 5.00 77 6.61 -.8 Frontlne rs FRO .10 ... 6 10.41 6.61 1122 6.95 -2.3 FullerHB FUL .56 1.1 20 54.32 41.52 297 51.54 +6.7 FutureFuel FF .24a 1.6 11 16.58 9.77 142 14.60 +5.0G -GAMCO s GBL .08 .3 8 41.67 27.85 16 28.53 -7.6 GATX GATX 1.68f 2.7 10 64.46 40.66 198 62.52 +1.5 GATX 66 GMTA ... ... ... 27.19 21.55 16 25.28 +8.7 GCP ApT n GCP ... ... ... 34.05 20.97 409 33.15 +23.9 GDL Fund GDL .64 6.5 ...q 10.15 9.55 23 9.84 GDLFd pfB GDLpB 1.50 3.0 ... 51.40 50.20 0 50.50 +.3 GGP Inc GGP .88 3.8 13 32.10 22.34 4523 23.28 -6.8 GGP Inc pfA GGPpA 1.59 6.4 ... 27.55 23.88 55 25.01 +.8 GMAC CpT ALLYpA 2.03 8.0 ... 25.99 24.18 300 25.35 -.2 GMS Inc n GMS ... ... 23 35.73 19.28 81 35.02 +19.6 GNC GNC .80 10.8 3 35.90 6.51 3782 7.42 -32.8 GP Strat GPX ... ... 21 30.00 19.59 20 25.50 -10.8 GSE Sy GVP ... ... 20 3.85 2.03 6 3.60 +2.9 GTT Comm GTT ... ... 29.75 14.96 281 25.60 -11.0 GabCvInc GCV .48 9.8 ...q 5.25 4.38 24 4.90 +4.3 GabCv pfB GCVpB 1.50 5.7 ... 28.17 25.40 3 26.18 +2.3 GabDvInc GDV 1.32 6.3 ...q 21.25 18.00 138 20.83 +3.9 GabDiv pfA GDVpA 1.47 5.6 ... 26.98 25.02 4 26.31 +2.5 GabDiv pfD GDVpD 1.50 5.7 ... 27.48 25.37 9 26.30 +1.9 GabDiv pfG GDVpG 1.31 ... ... GabelliET GAB .64e 10.8 ...q 6.15 5.13 337 5.93 +7.4 GabllE pfD GABpD 1.47 5.7 ... 27.09 25.05 2 25.99 +1.8 GabllE pfG GABpG 1.25 5.2 ... 25.79 22.17 16 24.10 +5.1 Gabeli pfJ GABpJ ... ... ... 27.00 23.31 27 25.39 +5.9 GabEq pfH GABpH 1.25 5.1 ... 25.82 22.19 4 24.38 +6.7 GabGSmM GGZ ... ... ... 11.48 9.84 15 11.44 +7.9 GabGSm pfA GGZpA 1.36 5.4 ... 26.23 23.41 4 25.10 +4.8 GabGUtil GLU 1.20 6.5 ...q 18.71 15.21 7 18.49 +10.1 GabGUtil pf GLUpA 3.00 5.9 ... 52.25 50.75 51.04 +.4 GabGoAn n GGO ... ... ... 21.69 17.75 0 18.00 -14.4 GabGo pfA GGOpA ... ... ... GabHlthW GRX .52 5.2 ...q 11.32 9.23 73 9.99 +5.9 GabHW rt GRXr ... ... ... .40 GabHlt pfA GRXpA 1.44 5.6 ... 26.92 25.00 3 25.62 +1.6 GabHlt pfB GRXpB 1.47 5.5 ... 27.42 25.04 26.49 +4.4sGabMultT GGT .94e 11.4 ...q 8.22 6.71 103 8.25 +14.0 GabMT pfB GGTpB 1.50 5.7 ... 27.04 25.43 1 26.26 +3.2 GabUtil GUT .60 8.7 ...q 7.04 5.99 47 6.90 +9.5 GabUt pfA GUTpA 1.41 5.5 ... 26.65 24.41 1 25.53 +1.3 GabUtil pfC GUTpC ... ... ... Gasa rs GFA ... ... ... 24.53 12.45 79 16.07 Gain Cap GCAP .24f 3.0 33 8.75 4.54 385 7.99 +21.4 Gallaghr AJG 1.56f 2.8 22 57.82 43.90 1024 56.30 +8.4 GamGldNR GGN .84 14.7 ...q 7.14 5.07 1014 5.71 +7.7 GamGld pfB GGNpB 1.25 5.2 ... 25.59 21.74 2 23.92 +3.5 GamNRG&I GNT .84 11.8 ...q 8.48 6.53 102 7.11 +6.6 GameStop GME 1.52f 6.9 6 33.72 20.10 2704 22.11 -12.5 Gannett n GCI .64 7.8 6 17.72 7.30 543 8.20 -15.6 Gap GPS .92 3.8 14 30.74 17.00 4357 24.50 +9.2 Gartner IT ... ... 41 112.42 84.54 786 109.70 +8.5 GasNatural EGAS .30 2.4 52 12.85 6.83 5 12.55 GasLogLP GLOP 1.96f 8.2 11 24.85 17.26 47 23.95 +16.5 GasLog GLOG .56 3.7 ... 17.85 11.01 200 15.15 -5.9 GasLog pfA GLOGpA 2.19 8.5 ... 26.99 22.81 4 25.70 +2.3 GastarExp GST ... ... ...dd 2.21 .80 1265 1.62 +4.5 Gastar pfA GSTpA 2.16 10.2 ... 22.70 3.95 10 21.10 +16.3 Gastar pfB GSTpB 2.69 11.5 ... 25.05 3.28 4 23.46 +35.0 GazitGlobe GZT .37e 3.5 ... 10.97 8.30 6 10.52 +21.8 GeeGroup JOB ... ... ...dd 7.00 3.61 23 6.53 +50.7 GencoSh rs GNK ... ... ...dd 14.99 3.62 95 14.03 +90.1 Generac GNRC ... ... 1 44.84 32.34 432 36.61 -10.1 GAInv GAM 1.15e 1.0 ...q 33.93 25.80 41 33.64 +7.9 GAInv pfB GAMpB 1.49 5.7 ... 27.47 25.36 4 26.25 +1.8 GnCable BGC .72 3.9 30 20.80 11.65 304 18.35 -3.7 GenDynam GD 3.36f 1.8 19 194.00 132.68 789 188.38 +9.1 GenElec GE .96 3.2 25 33.00 28.19 21530 30.04 -4.9 GECap5-53 GEK 1.18 4.6 ... 27.14 23.20 35 25.79 +5.0 GECap 1-53 GEH 1.22 4.7 ... 27.60 23.98 20 25.94 +5.7 GEC 10-52 GEB 1.22 4.8 ... 27.04 24.13 20 25.37 +3.2tGenMills GIS 1.92 3.3 19 72.95 57.45 2398 57.42 -7.0 GenMoly GMO ... ... ...dd .72 .21 149 .37 +46.0 GenMotors GM 1.52 4.5 6 38.55 27.34 10252 33.92 -2.6 GMot wtB GM/WSB ... ... ... 20.43 10.00 29 16.50 -3.8 Gener8M n GNRT ... ... 5 8.75 3.52 677 6.02 +34.4 Gensco GCO ... ... 12 74.21 47.66 274 53.00 -14.7 GenesWyo GWR ... ... 22 80.73 52.21 452 67.55 -2.7 GenesisEn GEL 2.84f 8.7 8 40.90 29.96 353 32.74 -9.1 GenesisHlt GEN .12p ... ...dd 4.75 1.38 117 2.38 -44.0 GenieEn n GNE .24 3.2 ... 8.48 5.07 86 7.48 +30.1 GenieE pfA GNEpA .64 8.2 ... 8.40 7.06 1 7.74 +3.8 Genpact G .24p ... 17 28.52 22.58 1251 24.34 GenuPrt GPC 2.70f 3.0 20 105.97 86.61 688 90.61 -5.2 Genworth GNW .44p ... ...dd 5.27 2.26 11550 4.16 +9.2 GeoGrp GEO 2.80f 5.9 21 49.42 16.26 559 47.76 +32.9 GeoPark GPRK ... ... ... 8.00 1.90 146 7.83 +81.7 GaPw pfA GPEpA 1.53 5.5 ... 31.47 25.10 2 27.92 +9.1 Gerdau GGB .02e .6 ... 4.39 1.50 13388 3.18 +1.3sGerNew GF 1.23e .5 ...q 14.94 12.45 43 14.94 +14.3 GettyRlty GTY 1.12 4.2 16 26.71 19.44 119 26.50 +4.0 Gigamon GIMO ... ... 22 61.25 28.43 653 34.05 -25.2 Gildan s GIL .38f 1.4 18 32.20 23.55 397 27.09 +6.8 GlassBr rs GLA ... ... ... 18.10 3.85 39 4.35 Glatfelter GLT .52f 2.4 16 25.59 17.50 365 21.59 -9.6 Glaukos n GKOS ... ... ... 52.49 17.70 517 48.86 +42.4 GlaxoSKln GSK 2.89e 6.9 ... 45.58 37.20 3200 41.78 +8.5 GblBrCopp BRSS .15 .4 16 39.85 22.75 120 34.15 -.4 GlbMed n GMRE .20p ... ... 11.38 6.73 80 9.22 +3.4 GlobNetL n GNL .94 3.9 39 25.25 6.92 474 24.02 +206.8 GlobPtrs GLP 1.85 9.2 ...dd 21.95 12.28 57 20.20 +3.9 GlobPay s GPN .04 .1 33 81.63 64.63 890 77.69 +11.9 GlbShipLs GSL .40 27.8 ...dd 4.50 1.10 161 1.44 -4.0 GlbShip pfB GSLpB 2.19 10.5 ... 22.00 12.42 9 20.80 +2.0 GlbXNordic GXF .85e 4.2 ...q 22.19 18.40 4 20.27 +6.9 GbXSpDvE SDEM .63e ... ...q 19.63 12.44 15 15.63 +6.3 GbXUSRota SCTO .12p ... ...q 25.16 22.74 5 24.65 +2.7 GblXEffic EFFE .16p ... ...q 25.22 22.96 0 25.09 +1.7 GblXGuIntl GURI .11p ... ...q 15.01 12.32 15.01 +12.5 GblXPortgl PGAL .23p ... ...q 10.50 8.77 4 10.23 +9.9 GblXColum GXG .41e 4.3 ...q 10.18 8.19 240 9.61 +5.4 GblXEmFtr EMFM .40e 1.9 ...q 21.90 18.15 5 21.01 +13.8 GbXMLP&E MLPX .60 4.0 ...q 15.54 11.46 105 14.89 +.3 GblXChMat CHIM .21e 1.2 ...q 17.96 11.70 1 17.13 +25.7sGblXArg ARGT .09e .3 ...q 29.07 19.77 29 29.18 +26.5 GblXSDvUS DIV 1.93 7.6 ...q 25.90 23.36 52 25.20 +1.9 GblXJrMlp MLPJ .96e 11.1 ...q 9.46 7.01 5 8.67 +.6 GXSupInPf SPFF .99 7.6 ...q 13.98 12.51 122 12.98 +1.4 GblXGuru GURU .28e 1.1 ...q 26.21 20.86 8 25.80 +7.4 GlblXPerm PERM .23e .9 ...q 26.48 23.76 1 24.87 +2.4 GbXGreece GREK .13e 1.6 ...q 9.06 6.37 254 8.14 +4.5 GblXChCon CHIQ .26e 2.0 ...q 13.55 10.11 5 13.15 +17.4 GblX MLP MLPA .90e 7.7 ...q 12.13 9.50 176 11.64 +.6 GblXFertil SOIL .25e 2.7 ...q 9.87 7.99 5 9.25 +3.0 GblXChiEn CHIE .33e 3.0 ...q 11.09 9.50 11.06 +13.5 GblXSupDv SDIV 1.42e 6.4 ... 21.90 19.68 160 21.47 +3.2 GlbXChiFn CHIX .16e 1.1 ...q 15.01 11.15 7 14.33 +11.9 GbXSEAsia ASEA .42e 2.9 ...q 14.65 12.64 1 14.32 +12.0 GblXAndean AND .20e 2.3 ... 8.96 7.17 1 8.74 +11.5 GblXPakist PAK ... ... ...q 18.36 13.18 43 17.33 -1.0 GblXChiInd CHII .10e .7 ...q 14.62 10.22 6 14.17 +19.3 GblXNorway NORW .83e 7.4 ...q 11.91 9.52 18 11.21 +1.5 GlXBrazMC BRAZ .37e 3.7 ...q 10.53 7.24 10.10 +13.4 GlbXBrazC BRAQ .40e 2.8 ...q 15.09 9.69 2 14.04 +16.5 GblXScUS n SCIU ... ... ...q 28.18 24.29 1 27.69 +5.0 GblXScEu n SCID ... ... ...q 24.18 20.66 0 24.15 +8.8 GblXScAs n SCIX ... ... ...q 24.54 20.94 2 23.65 +12.1 GblXScJp n SCIJ ... ... ... 28.36 24.89 1 27.63 +4.7 GbXNigeria NGE .31e 2.0 ...q 16.43 3.79 77 15.59 +266.0 GbX US Inf PAVE ... ... ... 15.89 14.01 24 14.73 -.1 GblFound n BOSS ... ... ... 15.43 14.77 15.14 GlbXCop rs COPX ... ... ...q 26.47 14.03 33 22.64 +13.2 GlbXSilv rs SIL ... ... ...q 54.34 30.01 156 37.88 +18.0 GlbXLith rs LIT ... ... ...q 29.17 22.50 107 28.86 +18.4 GbX Gold rs GOEX ... ... ...q 45.90 18.23 7 24.80 +19.8 GbXUran rs URA ... ... ...q 19.33 11.68 587 16.10 +25.1 GlblScape GSB .06 1.5 23 4.34 3.20 29 4.12 +1.2 Globalstar GSAT ... ... 15 3.00 .63 5414 1.69 +7.0 GlobantSA GLOB ... ... ... 47.19 30.90 130 33.98 +1.9 GlobusMed GMED ... ... 28 30.12 19.25 386 29.81 +20.2 Glowpoint GLOW ... ... ...dd .47 .14 2 .28 +6.8 GoDaddy n GDDY ... ... ...dd 38.00 28.11 600 36.78 +5.2sGolLinhs rs GOL ... ... ... 31.82 6.00 381 32.90 +141.6 GoldFLtd GFI .02e .5 ... 6.60 2.60 7978 3.78 +25.6 GoldResrc GORO .02m .5 ...dd 8.22 2.77 700 4.38 +.7 GoldStdV g GSV ... ... ... 3.20 1.13 978 2.09 -1.9 Goldcrp g GG .24 1.6 20.38 11.91 9636 15.33 +12.7 GoldenMin AUMN ... ... ...dd 1.16 .31 106 .60 +3.6 GoldStr g GSS ... ... ...dd 1.13 .47 1438 .87 +16.2 GldFld GV ... ... 10 8.65 1.90 958 5.15 +1.0 GoldmS pfI GSpI 1.49 5.8 ... 26.61 24.61 21 25.77 +2.1 GoldS pfJ GSpJ 1.38 5.1 ... 27.64 24.50 32 27.06 +6.7 GS BDC n GSBD 1.80 7.2 25 25.60 19.30 109 25.00 +6.3 GS ActbtInt GSIE ... ... ...q 26.31 22.36 45 26.16 +7.4 GS ActEM GEM ... ... ...q 30.72 24.49 52 29.66 +10.8 GS ActEur GSEU .60e ... ... 32.03 23.23 0 27.45 +7.1 GS ActJpn GSIY ... ... ... 29.27 25.79 0 28.78 +5.5 GS ActLgC GSLC ... ... ...q 47.66 40.26 86 46.59 +5.0 GS Indus n GVIP ... ... ... 46.17 39.08 6 45.32 +7.1 GSCI37 GSC ... ... ...q 23.85 19.72 0 22.61 -3.0 GoldmanS GS 2.60 1.1 14 255.15 138.20 3312 227.74 -4.9 GoldS pfK GSpK 1.59 5.6 ... 29.74 25.69 25 28.61 +5.4 GoldS pfN GSpN ... ... ... 28.30 25.11 41 26.88 +3.1 GoldS pfB GSpB 1.55 5.9 ... 26.81 25.01 23 26.49 +4.2 GoldS pfC GSpC 1.02 4.4 ... 24.32 20.78 11 23.30 +7.0 GoldS pfA GSpA .96 4.1 ... 23.98 19.77 48 23.48 +6.3 GoldS pfD GSpD 1.02 4.5 ... 23.65 20.08 85 22.94 +5.1 GS MLPEn GER .64 7.9 ...q 8.90 5.41 161 8.12 +12.9 GS MLPInc GMZ 1.38 12.8 ... 11.58 7.55 157 10.75 +10.6 GormanR GRC .46f 1.5 31 34.45 22.30 27 29.70 -4.0 vjGrace GRA .84f 1.2 28 80.56 63.37 500 68.58 +1.4sGraco GGG 1.44f 1.5 27 95.10 69.33 218 95.10 +14.5 GrahamCp GHM .36 1.6 15 25.00 17.11 61 21.99 -.7 GrahamH s GHC 5.08 .9 22 609.75 440.55 24 597.10 +16.6 Graingr GWW 4.88f 2.1 20 262.72 201.94 871 229.50 -1.2 Grmrcy pfA GPTpA 1.78 6.7 ... 28.78 25.61 1 26.43 -.2 GrmPrTr rs GPT .38 ... ... 30.09 24.09 867 27.58 +.1 GranTrra g GTE ... ... ...dd 3.49 2.40 2071 2.81 -7.0 GranaMon GRAM .25e 6.0 ... 8.96 2.16 356 4.18 -41.5 GraniteC GVA .52 1.0 43 62.18 40.16 506 53.69 -2.4 GraniteRE GRP/U 2.30 ... ... 35.82 28.36 16 35.25 +5.4 GraphPkg GPK .30 2.3 18 14.70 11.95 2084 12.84 +2.9 GrayTelev GTN ... ... 13 15.10 7.00 488 14.50 +33.6 GrayTvA GTN/A ... ... 20 14.05 7.05 1 12.95 +24.5 GrtAjax n AJX 1.00 7.7 8 14.48 12.50 23 13.02 -1.9 GrtBasG g GBG ... ... ... .09 GtPanSilv g GPL ... ... ... 2.28 1.14 1027 1.60 -3.6 GtPlainEn GXP 1.10 3.8 18 32.24 25.85 1870 29.33 +7.2 GrtPl pfB GXPpB 1.75 3.3 ... 55.34 48.64 5 53.19 +5.1 GrtWstBcp GWB .68 1.6 18 45.61 28.67 444 42.01 -3.6 GreenDot GDOT ... ... ... 33.93 20.79 242 33.17 +40.8 GreenbCos GBX .84f 1.8 14 49.50 25.90 567 47.90 +15.3 Greenhill GHL 1.80 6.8 14 32.45 15.62 904 26.40 -4.7 Greif A GEF 1.68 3.0 22 60.55 33.03 194 55.40 +8.0 Greif B GEF/B 2.51e 3.9 21 74.35 44.23 5 63.95 -5.3 Griffon GFF .24 1.0 28 27.15 15.38 102 23.45 -10.5 Group1 GPI .96f 1.4 9 83.18 47.31 180 68.75 -11.8 GrubHub GRUB ... ... 52 44.58 21.41 1850 34.55 -8.2 GAeroPac PAC 2.78e 2.8 ... 108.24 72.52 52 100.97 +22.4sGpoASur ASR 3.31e ... ... 185.55 131.72 63 183.36 +27.4 GpoAvalAc AVAL .40 4.8 ... 9.04 7.18 66 8.31 +4.7 GpFnSnMx BSMX .30e 3.4 ... 10.13 6.73 1346 8.87 +23.4 GpoRadio RC ... ... ... 11.53 GpoSimec SIM ... ... ... 15.20 6.53 4 12.45 -13.3 GpSuprvi n SUPV ... ... ... 17.35 10.00 69 17.05 +29.8 GpTelevisa TV ... ... ... 29.34 19.69 1195 26.24 +25.6 GuangRy GSH .62e 2.0 ... 33.18 22.00 2 31.10 +2.6 Guess GES .90 8.1 31 18.68 10.29 1758 11.15 -7.9 GuggBAB GBAB 1.66 7.4 ...q 24.75 18.84 26 22.36 +4.4 GugCrdAllo GGM 2.18 9.4 ...q 23.88 18.47 19 23.11 +3.4 GuggChina YAO .87e 3.2 ...q 28.43 21.79 1 27.47 +13.0 GugSPEW RSP 1.31e 1.4 ...q 92.53 75.79 617 90.74 +4.7 GugRus50 XLG 3.03e 1.8 ...q 169.87 140.88 20 166.11 +5.4 GugSPVal RPV 1.18e 2.0 ...q 61.67 47.72 201 58.77 +2.0 GugSPGth RPG .59e .7 ...q 90.06 76.35 130 89.26 +6.8 GugS&P100 OEW ... ... ... 32.61 25.53 3 29.06 +3.1 GuEqWREst EWRE .27e ... ...q 29.00 24.54 5 27.37 +4.0 GugMCVal RFV .86e 1.4 ...q 65.03 48.26 6 62.25 +.9 GugEMk EW EWEM .64e 2.1 ...q 30.94 26.45 1 30.53 +9.6 GugMC400E EWMC ... ... ... 60.61 47.56 8 59.17 +2.8 GugSC600E EWSC ... ... ... 51.38 38.94 2 49.21 -1.4 GugMCGth RFG .75e .6 ...q 136.96 113.86 10 135.16 +4.9 GugSCVal RZV .67e 1.0 ...q 77.26 53.30 46 67.59 -7.4 GugTotRet GTO ... ... ... 52.94 50.33 5 51.61 +2.0 GugUtil RYU 3.00e 3.5 ...q 88.42 75.41 3 84.92 +5.1 Gug US Lg OVLC ... ... ... 27.73 24.61 27.72 +6.9 GugSCGth RZG .56e .6 ...q 101.13 76.91 8 99.19 +2.7 GugTech RYT 1.09e .9 ...q 121.39 88.27 64 119.45 +10.1 RydxMatls RTM 1.19e 1.2 ...q 98.04 79.18 5 95.90 +5.3 GugIndls RGI .84e .8 ...q 107.78 82.94 8 104.52 +5.4 GugHlthC RYH .75e .5 ...q 162.74 140.98 14 159.77 +9.5 GugFncl RYF .93e 2.5 ...q 45.75 30.52 47 37.29 +1.2 GugEngy RYE .79e 1.3 ...q 68.00 49.62 26 60.04 -6.2 GugConStp RHS 2.05e 1.6 ...q 130.44 115.09 18 125.00 +4.7 GugCnsDis RCD 1.12e 1.2 ...q 94.21 79.28 10 91.75 +3.9 GugEnhEq GPM .96 11.7 ...q 8.68 7.09 266 8.19 +2.4 GugChinTc CQQQ .64e 1.5 ...q 43.39 31.82 20 42.02 +19.1sGugWater CGW .45e 1.4 ...q 31.30 27.93 31 31.30 +10.0 GugCdnEn ENY .49e 5.5 ...q 9.47 7.68 6 8.83 -2.9 GugSPHiInf GHII 1.03e 3.7 ...q 27.88 23.68 2 27.75 +6.7 GugSolar TAN .49e 2.8 ...q 24.88 16.45 63 17.50 +5.6 GugShippg SEA 1.48e 12.1 ...q 13.12 10.34 59 12.28 +7.4 GugIntMult HGI .59e 3.7 ...q 16.16 13.55 1 16.00 +6.1 GugFront FRN .20e 1.5 ...q 13.20 10.78 14 13.13 +13.6 GugChinSC HAO .94e 3.8 ...q 25.73 21.08 4 24.96 +12.0 GugChRe TAO .97e 4.1 ...q 24.11 17.92 15 23.90 +22.2 GugGTimb CUT .35e 1.3 ...q 26.81 21.27 6 26.48 +6.9 Gug BRIC EEB .48e 1.5 ...q 32.48 24.39 2 31.41 +9.1 Gug 26CpBd BSCQ ... ... ... 20.24 18.85 9 19.36 +1.1 Gug 24HYBd BSJO ... ... ... 25.70 24.18 3 25.43 +1.3 GuggLCOpt OPD ... ... ... 26.71 24.71 26.43 +.4 GugDJIADv DJD .02p ... ...q 30.87 25.42 4 29.72 +2.7 GugHYBd23 BSJN .15e ... ...q 26.97 25.00 3 26.63 +1.0 GugCpBd25 BSCP ... ... ...q 22.15 19.93 43 20.44 +1.4 GugInsidr NFO .72e 1.3 ...q 53.69 45.03 7 53.56 +8.9 GugBlt22HY BSJM 1.27 5.0 ...q 25.46 23.54 19 25.22 +.9 GugB21HY BSJL 1.27 5.1 ...q 25.12 23.50 23 24.95 +1.0 GugBlt24CB BSCO .58 2.8 ...q 21.72 20.14 31 20.67 +1.2 GugBlt23CB BSCN .65 3.1 ...q 21.56 20.29 58 20.79 +1.6 GugBlt22CB BSCM .58e 2.7 ...q 21.78 20.71 68 21.16 +1.1 GugBlt21CB BSCL .56 2.6 ...q 21.89 20.80 130 21.19 +1.0 ClayWilMic WMCR .43e 1.4 ...q 30.76 23.51 0 29.77 +.1 GugB20HY BSJK 1.30e 5.2 ...q 24.76 23.12 109 24.60 +1.4 GugB19HY BSJJ 1.22e 5.0 ...q 24.53 23.27 180 24.40 +1.1 GugB18HY BSJI 1.28e 4.6 ...q 25.41 24.29 175 25.27 +.4 GugB17HY BSJH 1.08e 4.0 ...q 26.02 25.51 41 25.67 -.6 ClyWUSRE WREI 1.53e 2.9 ...q 52.34 43.73 0 47.55 +1.3 GugMultAs CVY 1.07e 5.2 ...q 21.03 17.93 22 20.67 +2.5 GugCpBd20 BSCK .61e 2.8 ...q 21.79 21.07 267 21.42 +1.0 GugBlt19CB BSCJ .47e 2.2 ...q 21.49 21.00 240 21.22 +.4 GugBlt18CB BSCI .40e 1.8 ...q 21.39 21.11 200 21.22 +.2 GugBlt17CB BSCH .35e 1.5 ...q 22.80 22.54 103 22.61 GugSpinOff CSD 1.00e 2.2 ...q 46.32 37.17 9 45.87 +5.6 GugRJ SB1 RYJ .30e .8 ...q 40.52 31.06 8 39.90 +3.9 GugEShDur GSY .65e 1.3 ...q 50.26 49.87 272 50.20 +.2 GugMCCre CZA .65e 1.1 ...q 58.83 48.05 7 58.02 +6.7 GugGlDiv LVL .52e 4.9 ...q 10.60 8.71 234 10.51 +3.5 GugDefEq DEF 1.15e 2.8 ...q 41.88 36.40 5 41.23 +6.0 GugStrOp GOF 2.19 10.6 ...q 20.85 17.17 68 20.66 +5.2 Guidewire GWRE ... ... 64.00 49.18 289 59.06 +19.7 GulfMrkA GLF ... ... ...dd 7.38 .25 .34 -80.8H -HCA Hldg HCA ... ... 14 91.03 67.00 1059 88.00 +18.9 HCI Grp HCI 1.40f 3.0 18 50.93 24.35 74 45.91 +16.3 HCP Inc HCP 1.48 4.7 12 40.43 27.61 3785 31.81 +7.0sHDFC Bk HDB .37e .5 ... 76.67 59.00 580 76.86 +26.7 HECO pfU HEpU 1.62 5.9 ... 27.85 25.55 0 27.55 +7.6 HFF Inc HF 1.80e ... 14 34.39 24.84 109 27.39 -9.5 HMG HMG .50e ... ...dd 11.90 8.44 0 10.75 +2.3 HNI Corp HNI 1.10 2.3 18 56.96 37.24 175 47.27 -15.5 HP Inc HPQ .53f 3.0 11 17.96 11.31 14258 17.54 +18.2sHRG Grp HRG ... ... ...dd 19.63 12.50 669 19.67 +26.4 HSBC HSBC 1.50e 3.6 ... 44.18 28.62 1854 41.12 +2.3 HSBC prA HSBCpA 1.55 6.0 ... 27.56 25.00 21 25.91 +2.8 HSBC Cap HSEA 2.03 7.5 ... 27.93 25.81 99 26.98 +4.0 HSBC Cap2 HSEB 2.00 7.5 ... 26.95 25.51 118 26.69 +3.4 Haemonet HAE ... ... 27 41.65 25.98 482 40.90 +1.7 HalconRes wt HK/WS ... ... ... 3.77 1.23 1.74 -24.3 HalconRs n HK ... ... ... 12.01 6.42 1495 7.75 -17.0 Hallibrtn HAL .72 1.4 ...dd 58.78 37.25 6707 50.01 -7.5 HalyrdHlt HYH ... ... 19 41.84 26.05 403 37.90 +2.5 HancFinOp BTO 1.48 4.4 ...q 37.48 22.81 73 33.97 -6.3 HanJS JHS .87e 6.1 ...q 14.95 13.60 15 14.24 +1.6 HanJI JHI 1.45e 8.4 ...q 17.84 15.24 11 17.16 +3.4 HanPrmDv PDT 1.08a 6.8 ...q 17.59 13.22 70 15.96 +2.0 HanPfEq HPI 1.68 7.8 ...q 23.32 18.91 46 21.64 +6.3 HanPfd2 HPF 1.68 7.9 ...q 23.24 18.87 27 21.35 +5.4 HanPfd3 HPS 1.47 7.8 ...q 20.26 16.25 46 18.72 +5.5 HanTxAdv HTD 1.45 5.8 ...q 25.48 20.79 36 24.89 +7.8 Hanesbds s HBI .60f 2.9 13 30.42 18.91 3048 20.85 -3.3 HannArms HASI 1.32f 6.5 38 25.21 18.02 416 20.46 +7.7 HanoverIns THG 2.00 2.3 22 92.78 74.06 187 88.08 -3.2 HanovIns53 THGA 1.59 6.2 ... 26.98 24.02 8 25.49 +2.0 HarleyD HOG 1.45f 2.3 17 63.40 41.63 1978 62.05 +6.4 HarmonyG HMY ... ... ... 4.87 1.86 6178 2.78 +25.8 HarrisCorp HRS 2.12 1.9 19 113.00 73.32 420 109.94 +7.3 Harsco HSC .20m 1.6 54 15.25 5.81 318 12.85 -5.5 HarteHnk HHS .34 25.2 ...dd 2.75 .85 78 1.35 -10.6 HartfFn42 HGH 1.97 6.3 ... 32.55 28.21 33 31.05 +4.8 HartfdFn HIG .92 1.9 15 50.26 38.92 2230 48.21 +1.2 HartfFn wt HIG/WS ... ... ... 44.00 31.88 1 41.95 +1.7sHarvNRes rs HNR ... ... ... 7.24 1.67 268 7.27 +17.6 Haverty HVT .48 2.0 18 25.50 16.57 55 23.90 +.8 HavertyA HVT/A .38a 1.6 20 25.40 16.90 23.75 +.6 HawaiiEl HE 1.24 3.7 20 34.98 28.31 404 33.76 +2.1 Hc2 Hldgs HCHC ... ... ...dd 7.27 2.22 253 6.24 +71.4 Headwatrs HW ... ... 24 23.99 16.05 331 23.71 +.8 HlthcrRlty HR 1.20 3.6 21 36.60 26.66 555 33.52 +10.6 HlthcreTr HTA 1.20 3.7 26 34.64 26.34 666 32.36 +11.2 HlthSth wt HLS/WS ... ... ... 4.50 .28 .57 -14.9sHlthSouth HLS .96 2.2 17 43.38 36.28 727 43.87 +6.4 HeclaM HL .01e .2 30 7.64 3.25 6344 5.63 +7.4 HeclaM pfB HLpB 3.50 6.5 ... 66.00 53.65 0 53.75 -2.7 Heico HEI .18f .2 36 89.02 59.07 91 86.28 +11.8 Heico A HEI/A .16f .2 36 75.90 48.72 61 72.80 +7.2 HelixEn HLX ... ... ...dd 11.87 5.91 1375 7.87 -10.8 HelmPayne HP 2.80f 4.1 85.78 55.83 1018 69.08 -10.7 Hemisphrx rs HEB ... ... ... 2.64 .39 1408 .56 -18.8 Herbalife HLF ... ... 12 72.22 47.62 554 58.67 +21.9 HercHld n HRI ... ... ... 52.96 28.66 135 49.37 +22.9 HercTGC HTGC 1.24 8.2 20q 15.50 11.55 340 15.18 +7.6 HercTG 24 HTGX 1.56 6.1 ... 26.47 24.50 14 25.67 +1.1 HeritageIns HRTG .24 2.0 5 16.48 11.25 302 11.95 -23.7 Hersha pfC HTpC 1.72 6.9 ... 27.37 23.97 25.04 +3.1 Hersha rs HT 1.12 5.9 10 22.14 15.36 289 18.84 -10.4 Hersha pfD HTpD 1.63 6.5 ... 25.75 22.26 8 24.98 +11.8 Hersha pfE HTpE ... ... ... 24.85 22.00 35 24.50 +8.8 Hershey HSY 2.47 2.3 26 117.79 87.92 719 108.41 +4.8 HertzGl HTZ ... ... ... 53.14 14.90 5365 16.08 -25.4 Hess HES 1.00f 2.0 ...dd 65.56 45.12 6014 51.11 -17.9 Hess pfA HESpA ... ... ... 80.33 56.27 240 61.01 -17.2 HessMidP n HESM ... ... ... 26.45 25.60 184 25.93 -.5 HP Ent n HPE .26 1.4 9 18.64 11.53 11222 18.18 +4.8 Hexcel HXL .44 .8 21 55.91 38.87 390 54.27 +5.5 Hi-Crush HCLP ... ... ...dd 23.30 5.30 1195 18.05 -8.8 HighwdPrp HIW 1.76 3.4 19 56.23 44.93 786 51.36 +.7 Hill Intl HIL ... ... ...dd 5.70 1.95 255 3.85 -11.5 Hill-Rom HRC .72f 1.0 26 71.64 46.79 276 71.08 +26.6 HillenInc HI .82 2.3 18 39.00 27.89 270 36.30 -5.3 HillmCT pf HLMp 2.90 8.6 ... 34.74 31.65 1 33.75 +4.2 HilltopH HTH ... ... 18 30.60 18.67 356 27.10 -9.1 HilGrVa n HGV ... ... ... 33.00 24.60 233 31.19 +20.0 Hilton HLT .15 ... 22 59.44 41.83 1359 57.48 HoeghLP HMLP 1.65 8.3 22 20.38 16.67 37 19.80 +4.2 HollyEngy HEP 2.43f 6.8 21 38.09 29.53 177 35.97 +12.2 HollyFront HFC 1.32 4.7 13 37.98 22.07 2508 27.85 -15.0 HomeDp HD 3.56f 2.4 23 150.15 119.20 2765 148.20 +10.5 Honda HMC .55e 1.9 ... 32.17 24.04 953 28.76 -1.5 HonwllIntl HON 2.66 2.1 19 127.52 105.25 1881 124.54 +7.5 Honwll wi HON/WI ... ... ... HooperH rs HH ... ... ... 2.70 .65 21 .80 -3.1 HorMan HMN 1.06 2.8 19 44.15 30.87 173 38.25 -10.6 HorizGbl n HZN ... ... 18 26.37 10.60 402 12.32 -48.7 HorizTFn19 HTF 1.84 7.2 ... 26.42 25.20 2 25.48 -.1 RecnCpSr ef USMR ... ... ... 26.02 24.34 26.02 +3.7 HorzSPCvC HSPX 2.52e 4.0 ... 47.97 41.85 2 47.25 +3.8 HorGKWld KLDW ... ... ...q 28.88 24.81 7 28.59 +8.4 HoizWear n WEAR ... ... ... Horz Saba n CEFS ... ... ... 20.37 19.83 2 20.31 +2.1 Hormel s HRL .68 2.0 21 40.54 33.18 1135 34.30 -1.5 Hornbeck HOS ... ... ...dd 12.57 3.00 870 4.02 -44.3 HostHotls HST .80a 4.3 12 20.21 14.30 6429 18.57 -1.4 HoulihnL n HLI .80f 2.4 20 34.95 20.96 209 33.28 +6.9 HstnAEn HUSA ... ... ...dd .43 .16 194 .30 +68.5 HovnanE HOV ... ... 28 2.96 1.51 806 2.20 -19.4 HHughes HHC ... ... 21 123.99 101.03 230 119.57 +4.8 HuanPwr HNP 2.45e 8.9 ... 34.48 22.85 112 27.56 +5.8 Hubbell HUBB 2.80f 2.3 23 125.93 97.35 229 119.88 +2.7 HubSpot HUBS ... ... ...dd 66.10 41.63 173 60.00 +27.7 HudBayM g HBM .02 ... ...dd 9.15 3.27 415 6.70 +17.5 HudBay wt HBM/WS ... ... ... 1.04 .12 0 .46 +27.8 HudsPacP HPP 1.00f 2.9 27 36.75 26.79 850 35.07 +.8 HugotnR HGT .06e 2.6 6 2.75 1.34 299 2.15 Humana HUM 1.60f .8 24 220.49 150.00 804 212.90 +4.3 HuntgUSEq HUSE 1.86e .6 ...q 40.92 35.78 0 37.49 +3.6 HuntgtnEco HECO .47e .2 ...q 46.00 34.95 37.62 +3.0 HuntgtnIng HII 2.40 1.2 19 220.68 142.00 248 205.62 +11.6 Huntsmn HUN .50 2.0 15 25.22 12.40 2175 24.52 +28.5 Hyatt H ... ... 41 58.05 44.30 322 53.94 -2.4 HysterYale HY 1.18 2.1 21 70.19 47.25 30 56.01 -12.2I -IAMGld g IAG ... ... 88 5.87 2.81 7890 4.39 +14.0 ICICI Bk IBN .16e 1.8 ... 8.89 6.30 5556 8.76 +17.0 IDT Cp IDT .76 5.4 ... 23.13 12.03 403 14.20 -23.4 IEC Elec IEC ... ... 16 5.64 3.21 8 3.75 +5.0 ING ING .14e .9 ... 15.80 9.26 2636 14.95 +6.0 ING 6.20 ISP 1.55 6.1 ... 26.52 23.65 21 25.50 +1.8 ING 6.125 ISG 1.53 6.0 ... 26.28 24.88 25 25.44 +1.7 ING 6.375 ISF 1.59 6.2 ... 26.79 24.79 40 25.77 +2.5 ION Geo rs IO ... ... ...dd 9.65 3.87 40 4.65 -22.5 iPInvVix IVOP ... ... ...q 40.59 36.45 38.31 +1.0 IQ HdgMult QAI .39e 1.3 ...q 29.45 28.37 270 29.00 +1.1 IQ Hedge MCRO .34e 1.3 ...q 25.78 22.13 25.27 +2.7 IQ HdgLgS QLS ... ... ...q 20.15 18.69 1 20.10 +3.1 IQ HdgEv QED ... ... ...q 20.55 19.43 0 20.42 +3.7 IQ HiYld n HYLV ... ... ... IQ CorePl n AGGP ... ... ... 21.21 19.51 22 19.91 +1.0 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 4 The Sun/Wednesday, April 12, 2017
IQ CoreBd n AGGE ... ... ... 22.70 19.17 1 19.50 -.2 IQHdgMNt QMN .34e 1.4 ...q 26.61 24.70 2 25.13 IQ GTAA QGTA ... ... ...q 22.52 20.25 22.42 +3.8 IQ 50HJpn HFXJ ... ... ...q 19.50 15.86 18.75 -1.3sIQ 50HgEur HFXE ... ... ...q 18.39 15.76 16 18.41 +6.9 IQ 50HIntl HFXI ... ... ...q 19.88 16.12 19 19.41 +7.1 IQ RealRtn CPI .03e .1 ...q 27.42 25.51 2 27.22 +1.1 IQUSReSC ROOF 1.43e 5.2 ...q 28.94 24.61 19 27.47 +1.0 IQMrgArb MNA ... ... ...q 30.30 26.91 38 30.20 +3.1 IQ AustSC KROO .88e 5.3 ...q 17.47 13.41 2 16.47 +5.8 IQ AgriSC CROP .41e 1.3 ...q 33.33 28.94 6 32.38 +3.0 IQGblOilSC IOIL .29e 2.5 ...q 13.73 9.79 0 11.56 -7.0 IQ CdaSC CNDA .18e 1.0 ...q 18.49 15.07 1 17.59 +6.0 IQ GlbRes GRES .35e 1.3 ...q 26.73 23.31 11 26.39 +5.1 IRSA IRS ... ... ... 26.50 13.43 27 25.39 +37.7 iShGold IAU ... ... ...q 13.25 10.81 7747 12.24 +10.5 iShGSCI GSG ... ... ...q 16.26 13.56 264 15.18 -3.1 iSAstla EWA 1.23e 5.5 ...q 22.91 18.18 1923 22.55 +11.5 iSAstria EWO .25e 1.4 ...q 18.54 13.22 59 18.31 +10.8 iShBelg EWK .36e 1.9 ...q 19.10 16.37 30 18.70 +6.8 iShBrazil EWZ 1.03e 2.8 ...q 40.80 25.15 16807 37.00 +11.0 iShCanada EWC .60e 2.2 ...q 27.92 23.44 2535 27.07 +3.5 iShEMU EZU .95e 2.5 ...q 37.87 29.71 2018 37.28 +7.7 iSFrance EWQ .68e 2.6 ...q 26.59 21.00 948 26.33 +6.7 iShGerm EWG .51e 1.8 ...q 28.91 22.51 3192 28.34 +7.0 iSh HK EWH .49e 2.2 ...q 22.69 18.50 1717 22.50 +15.5 iSh SKor EWY .66e 1.1 ...q 62.78 48.65 3357 59.11 +11.1 iShMexico EWW .93e 1.8 ...q 54.33 41.23 4454 51.90 +18.0 iShNeth EWN .40e 1.5 ...q 27.21 21.43 400 26.81 +11.0 iSPacxJpn EPP 2.08e 4.7 ...q 45.13 36.71 718 44.69 +12.9 iShSoAfr EZA 1.37e 2.5 ...q 61.26 46.65 417 55.30 +5.6 iShSpain EWP 1.62e 5.4 ...q 30.79 22.58 899 30.16 +13.8 iSSwedn EWD 1.40e 4.5 ...q 31.85 25.11 332 31.17 +8.5 iShSwitz EWL .80e 2.5 ...q 32.28 27.70 536 32.05 +8.8siShFrntr100 FM 3.58e 2.6 ...q 28.91 23.90 135 28.98 +16.6 iShGlHiY bt GHYG 2.09e 4.3 ... 49.89 46.54 13 49.07 +1.2 iShxUSH bt HYXU .92e 2.0 ...q 51.51 44.75 6 46.75 +2.0 iShEMCBd bt CEMB 2.28 4.5 ...q 51.30 47.74 2 50.64 +2.2 iShEMkHY EMHY 3.98 7.9 ...q 50.98 47.33 107 50.12 +3.0 iShAsiaPDv DVYA 2.29e 4.7 ...q 49.06 40.10 18 48.45 +7.8 iShEmMDv DVYE 1.83e 4.6 ...q 40.59 30.82 45 39.77 +15.0 iShGblSilv SLVP .19e 1.6 ...q 17.10 9.47 58 12.15 +16.3 iShGblEnP FILL .46e 2.3 ...q 21.26 17.70 5 19.75 -2.8 iShGblAgri VEGI .55e 2.1 ...q 26.61 22.13 26.06 +4.4 iShMsciWld URTH 1.56e 2.0 ...q 79.43 65.57 18 77.82 +6.5 iShEMktSC EEMS 1.29e 2.8 ...q 46.68 38.67 22 45.93 +13.6 iShEMkBd LEMB .42e .9 ...q 46.35 41.68 79 45.27 +5.6 iShWldMnV ACWV 1.47e 1.9 ...q 78.24 71.80 148 77.37 +6.6 iSEMMnVol EEMV 1.42e 2.7 ...q 54.86 47.80 383 53.34 +9.1 iShJpnSC SCJ 1.23e 1.9 ...q 67.82 57.90 17 65.74 +6.8siShThai THD 2.08e 2.7 ...q 78.48 65.27 120 78.45 +8.8 iShIsrael EIS 1.07e 2.1 ...q 52.39 44.45 15 51.19 +10.3 iShChile ECH .62e 1.4 ...q 45.35 34.14 575 44.86 +19.9 iShBRIC BKF .96e 2.7 ...q 36.96 28.27 79 36.17 +13.5 iShsUSA EUSA .67e 1.3 ...q 50.75 41.61 6 49.73 +5.1 iShTurkey TUR 1.10e 3.0 ...q 46.42 28.98 412 36.72 +13.1 iShSilver SLV ... ... ...q 19.71 14.85 7086 17.31 +14.6 iShS&P100 OEF 1.92e 1.8 ...q 106.85 88.37 474 104.23 +5.0 iShMrnLV JKF 2.46e 2.6 ...q 99.69 82.48 21 94.98 +.9 iShAcwiMV HACV ... ... ...q 27.05 25.52 26.91 +2.6 iShMrnLG JKE 1.20e .9 ...q 132.67 111.60 13 131.27 +8.5 iShMrnLC JKD 2.24e 1.6 ...q 143.66 116.19 35 141.61 +6.7 iShBrazSC EWZS .40e 2.9 ...q 14.74 8.30 13 13.57 +23.7 iShIntlPfd IPFF .96e 5.5 ...q 17.51 15.01 60 17.45 +10.9 iShSPTUS s ITOT ... ... ...q 55.08 45.14 694 53.85 +5.0 iShSTNtMu SUB .86 .8 ...q 106.67 104.44 90 105.66 +.6 iShAgcyBd AGZ 1.81 1.6 ...q 117.44 110.31 14 113.30 +.6 iShSelDiv DVY 2.59e 2.8 ...q 93.52 80.03 560 91.45 +3.3 iShTIPS TIP .43e .4 ...q 117.55 110.90 1535 114.63 +1.3 iShChinaLC FXI .76e 2.0 ...q 39.85 31.04 12502 38.32 +10.4 iShTransp IYT 1.70e 1.0 ...q 173.88 125.94 366 164.41 +1.0 iShChinaSC ECNS 1.28e 2.8 ...q 47.90 38.50 5 45.69 +11.4 iSCorSP500 IVV 4.38e 1.9 ...q 241.81 199.79 2673 236.55 +5.1 iSMornMC JKG 2.32e 1.4 ...q 170.02 141.07 11 166.55 +5.9 iShUSAgBd AGG 2.65e 2.3 ...q 113.27 107.06 2200 108.89 +.8 iShEMkts EEM .84e 2.1 ...q 40.23 31.70 45164 39.12 +11.7 iShiBoxIG LQD 3.87 3.3 ...q 124.48 115.55 3533 118.55 +1.2 iSKokusai TOK 1.37e 2.4 ...q 58.51 49.05 60 58.04 +6.7 iShCorUSTr GOVT .33 1.3 ...q 26.45 24.72 513 25.17 +1.0 iSh2017Mu s IBMF .23 .8 ...q 27.64 27.07 23 27.25 +.2 iSGblTelcm IXP 2.14e 3.6 ...q 64.52 55.36 17 59.20 +.8 iShEMBd EMB 5.27e 4.6 ...q 118.14 107.74 1445 113.83 +3.3 iShGblTech IXN 1.11e .9 ...q 125.05 92.35 17 122.83 +11.8 iShAaa-ACp QLTA 1.51e 2.9 ...q 54.39 50.70 6 51.87 +1.0 iSMrnMCG JKH .59e .3 ...q 175.23 147.98 1 173.41 +7.0 iShIndones EIDO .38e 1.5 ...q 27.06 21.36 589 26.09 +8.1 iSSP500Gr IVW 2.03e 1.5 ...q 132.81 110.84 805 131.22 +7.7 iShNYMuni NYF 2.80 2.5 ...q 115.51 107.15 10 110.57 +1.5 iShGblHcre IXJ 2.72e 1.6 ...q 106.25 92.25 302 102.74 +8.4 iShGblFin IXG 1.34e 2.2 ...q 62.46 44.58 41 59.92 +3.7 iShUSAQlt QUAL 1.04e 1.4 ...q 74.29 62.64 150 72.56 +5.0 iSSPGlbEn IXC 1.05e 3.1 ...q 36.16 29.72 145 33.72 -3.1 iShCalMuni CMF 2.72 2.3 ...q 122.50 113.23 40 116.87 +1.2 iSh CMBS CMBS 1.00 1.9 ...q 53.70 50.05 31 51.50 +.9 iShUSASize SIZE 1.26e 1.7 ...q 76.90 64.80 2 75.27 +4.8 iSGblInfra IGF 1.17e 2.8 ...q 42.55 37.33 125 42.49 +8.8 iShNANatR IGE .85e 2.4 ...q 37.62 30.15 155 34.78 -3.3 iSh JPXNik JPXN ... ... ... 56.98 51.22 3 55.64 +4.9 iShUSAVal VLUE 1.49e 2.1 ...q 75.57 58.20 298 72.67 +3.5 iShLatAm ILF .67e 2.1 ...q 33.05 23.34 1403 31.78 +15.2 iShUSAMo MTUM .81e 1.0 ...q 83.26 72.09 127 82.50 +8.8 iShMrnMCV JKI 2.72e 1.8 ...q 152.61 119.16 14 147.82 +2.3 iShPhilpns EPHE .33e .9 ...q 40.48 30.43 152 36.00 +11.0 iSSP500Val IVE 2.14e 2.1 ...q 107.75 87.88 1695 103.71 +2.3 iShNMuBd MUB 2.59 2.4 ...q 115.19 106.30 541 109.38 +1.1 iShUKSC bt EWUS 1.38e 3.7 ...q 40.37 30.40 2 37.24 +9.8 iSRTop200V IWX 1.17e 2.4 ...q 49.94 41.05 9 47.94 +2.0 iShIntlDev WPS 1.16e 3.2 ...q 38.99 33.12 9 36.02 +7.2 iShAsia50 AIA .79e 1.5 ...q 53.78 40.24 82 52.07 +12.6 iSh20 yrT TLT 3.05 2.5 ...q 143.62 116.49 10264 122.42 +2.8 iSRTop200G IWY .82e 1.3 ...q 62.05 51.37 35 61.27 +8.8 iSh7-10yTB IEF 1.96 1.8 ...q 113.91 103.43 1997 106.29 +1.4 iShRTop200 IWL 1.02e 1.9 ...q 54.91 45.54 1 53.61 +5.3 iShIntSelDv IDV 1.51e 4.5 ...q 31.66 26.40 793 31.32 +6.0 iSh1-3yTB SHY .52 .6 ...q 85.35 84.23 561 84.54 +.1 iS Eafe EFA 1.70e 2.7 ...q 62.65 51.93 18393 62.04 +7.5 iShGerSC bt EWGS .69e 1.5 ...q 46.71 37.97 1 46.34 +11.8 iSRusMCV IWS 1.59e 1.9 ...q 85.33 69.96 645 83.22 +3.5 iShCrLTBd ILTB 2.54 4.1 ...q 68.96 59.26 7 62.17 +2.5 iSRusMCG IWP 1.02e 1.0 ...q 104.76 88.29 224 103.07 +5.8 iShNorC bt ENOR .58e 2.6 ...q 23.45 18.33 18 22.00 +1.1 iShRusMid IWR 2.85e 1.5 ...q 190.88 158.50 336 186.97 +4.5 iShMrnSC JKJ 1.78e 1.1 ...q 162.98 127.56 5 158.26 +1.3 iShIreland EIRL .88e 1.6 ...q 41.63 33.37 5 40.14 +7.0 iSCorSPMid IJH 1.89e 1.1 ...q 175.72 140.39 2006 171.42 +3.7 iSh10yCBd CLY 2.67 4.5 ...q 64.42 57.15 331 59.77 +1.8 iShiBxHYB HYG 5.09 5.8 ...q 88.37 82.01 7914 87.34 +.9 iShFinlC bt EFNL .51e 1.5 ...q 35.36 28.71 3 35.01 +6.4 iShSft IGV .12e .1 ...q 127.49 97.83 66 126.17 +15.9 iShDenC bt EDEN .81e 1.4 ...q 59.77 48.00 16 55.87 +9.6 iShNetw IGN .25e .6 ...q 47.91 32.98 2 44.44 +1.9 iShNATch IGM .73e .5 ...q 139.36 104.31 22 136.98 +10.6 iShResRE REZ 2.01e 3.1 ...q 69.29 58.02 16 64.81 +4.5 iSh2019Mun IBMH .27 1.1 ...q 25.98 25.15 40 25.55 +.9 iShC&SRE ICF 2.97e 2.9 ...q 112.45 93.02 235 101.98 +2.3 iShKLDSoc DSI 1.11e 1.3 ...q 88.11 73.22 17 86.56 +5.1 iShGbl100 IOO 2.03e 2.5 ...q 82.62 67.40 13 81.32 +6.0 iSh2018Mu IBMG .23 .9 ...q 25.72 25.29 20 25.46 +.3 iShConsSv IYC 1.50e .9 ...q 161.60 136.88 30 160.89 +6.5 iShMBS MBB 3.04e 2.3 ...q 110.26 105.04 645 106.82 +.5 iShGvCrBd GBF 2.86 2.5 ...q 118.69 111.23 10 113.29 +1.1 iShIndia bt INDA .24e .8 ...q 32.04 25.79 2372 31.81 +18.9siSR1KVal IWD 2.41e 2.1 ...q 118.74 97.59 2552 114.72 +2.4 iSMrnSCG JKK .87e .6 ...q 155.13 126.40 2 150.38 +3.9 iShPoland EPOL .79e 3.7 ...q 22.80 16.02 300 21.64 +19.4 iSMCGth IJK 1.88e 1.0 ...q 194.97 158.83 93 191.09 +4.9 iShIntGvC GVI 1.99 1.8 ...q 114.00 109.01 64 110.50 +.6 iSR1KGr IWF 1.45e 1.3 ...q 114.70 95.45 2065 113.39 +8.1siSIndiaSC bt SMIN .10e .2 ...q 43.16 30.36 147 43.22 +32.3 iShCorUSCr CRED 4.20 3.8 ...q 115.00 107.85 68 110.44 +1.1 iSRus1K IWB 2.36e 1.8 ...q 133.82 110.84 1223 130.94 +5.2 iSR2KVal IWN 1.98e 1.7 ...q 122.47 91.66 949 117.87 -.9 iShIntCrBd CIU 3.09 2.8 ...q 111.85 107.44 681 109.29 +1.0 iSh1-3CrBd CSJ 1.52 1.4 ...q 106.12 104.50 403 105.19 +.2 iSR2KGr IWO 1.36e .8 ...q 163.50 128.24 401 160.43 +4.2 iSh10-20TB TLH 2.99 2.2 ...q 148.75 131.10 37 135.72 +2.1 iShFltRtB FLOT .32 .6 ...q 50.89 50.41 956 50.84 +.2 iShR2K IWM 1.77e 1.3 ...q 140.86 107.99 29425 136.90 +1.5 iSh3-7yTrB IEI 1.78 1.4 ...q 127.80 121.46 402 123.46 +.8 iShCorHiDv HDV 2.90e 3.5 ...q 85.70 77.86 259 83.83 +1.9 iSCorUSVal s IUSV ... ... ...q 52.19 42.39 214 50.28 +2.3 iSCorUSGr s IUSG ... ... ...q 46.78 38.84 195 46.25 +7.8 iShChina MCHI 1.05e 2.1 ...q 51.26 39.24 1515 50.00 +14.3 iShShtTrB SHV .03e ... ...q 110.46 110.23 391 110.27 iShUSPfd PFF 2.15a 5.5 ...q 40.34 36.70 2261 38.77 +4.2 iSEafeMnV EFAV 1.77e 2.7 ...q 69.07 60.63 997 66.23 +8.2 iSRus3K IWV 2.47e 1.8 ...q 142.61 117.47 111 139.52 +4.9 iSGblMatl MXI 1.54e 2.6 ...q 60.38 45.97 6 59.58 +8.7 iShUtils IDU 4.54e 3.5 ...q 132.34 113.89 90 128.97 +5.9 iSUSAMinV USMV .87e 1.8 ...q 48.41 43.45 1712 47.77 +5.6 iSMrnSCV JKL 2.98e 2.1 ...q 149.77 115.00 13 144.41 +1.1 iShMCVal IJJ 2.16e 1.5 ...q 152.99 120.67 423 148.52 +2.3 iShGblUtil JXI 1.73e 3.6 ...q 49.81 42.85 2 48.28 +8.0 iShTelecm IYZ .68e 2.0 ...q 36.74 29.31 256 33.61 -2.6 iShTech IYW 1.20e .9 ...q 136.05 99.51 198 133.56 +11.1 iShGblIndl EXI 1.25e 1.5 ...q 81.05 65.42 6 80.65 +7.0 iShGblCStp KXI 2.09e 2.1 ...q 101.62 89.34 13 100.11 +8.7 iShREst IYR 2.76e 3.4 ...q 85.80 72.11 7711 80.13 +4.1 iSGblCnDis RXI 1.24e 1.3 ...q 96.77 80.26 16 96.01 +6.5 iSh0-5Tips STIP ... ... ...q 101.82 99.89 32 101.38 +.7 iShHmCnst ITB .09e .3 ...q 32.65 25.16 2245 32.19 +17.1 iShInds IYJ 1.65e 1.3 ...q 129.53 103.82 34 125.99 +4.5 iShAerosp ITA 1.31e .9 ...q 154.46 118.73 176 150.74 +7.3 iShHltcare IYH 3.01e 1.9 ...q 160.58 137.30 55 155.24 +7.7 iShFinSv IYG 1.21e 1.1 ...q 116.22 75.41 217 107.29 +1.0 iShRegBks IAT .61e 1.4 ...q 49.24 30.04 402 43.99 -3.1 iShInsur IAK .82e 1.4 ...q 62.87 47.25 5 60.17 +1.4 iShFincls IYF 1.45e 1.4 ...q 109.36 80.64 531 103.43 +1.9 iShBroker IAI .65e 1.3 ...q 53.97 33.93 23 49.98 +1.0 iShUSEngy IYE 1.14e 2.9 ...q 43.31 34.90 543 39.05 -6.0 iShESGSel KLD 1.14e 1.2 ...q 99.26 81.96 24 97.76 +6.2 iShCrSPS s IJR ... ... ...q 70.98 54.61 2554 68.69 iShMedDev IHI 1.57e 1.0 ...q 152.73 127.11 30 150.43 +13.0 iShGlInfLk GTIP ... ... ... iShConsGd IYK 2.43e 2.1 ...q 121.06 107.85 129 118.52 +7.0 iShHltcPrv IHF .24e .2 ...q 137.75 111.40 31 135.18 +7.9 iShCorTInt IXUS 1.42e 2.6 ...q 55.30 45.70 302 54.77 +8.5 iShPharm IHE 3.11e 1.0 ...q 158.11 129.20 6 151.25 +7.0 iShBasM IYM 1.42e 1.6 ...q 90.40 72.44 126 89.36 +7.5 iShPeru EPU .34e 1.0 ...q 36.58 28.55 84 34.27 +4.5 iShCorEafe IEFA 1.55e 2.7 ...q 58.31 48.33 6473 57.83 +7.8 iShOilEq IEZ .86e 2.0 ...q 49.11 34.94 17 42.70 -6.1 iShDJ US IYY 2.01e 1.7 ...q 120.51 99.15 29 117.94 +5.3 iShO&GEx IEO 1.06e 1.7 ...q 70.34 52.45 59 61.87 -5.5 iShAggrAllo AOA .98e 2.0 ...q 50.18 43.77 71 49.77 +5.4 iShCrShUS s ISTB ... ... ... 51.04 49.69 210 50.15 +.3 iShEurope IEV 1.19e 2.8 ...q 42.13 34.52 454 41.76 +7.6 iShGroAllo AOR .81e 1.9 ...q 42.48 38.54 91 42.15 +3.9 iSRusMic IWC 1.08e 1.3 ...q 87.82 66.58 19 84.92 -1.1 iShModAllo AOM .71e 2.0 ...q 36.47 34.25 63 36.36 +3.2 iShMorMl bt IYLD 1.33e 5.1 ... 25.50 23.69 40 25.10 +3.2 iSMsciVal EFV 1.87e 3.7 ...q 50.76 39.87 188 49.94 +5.7 iSSCVal IJS 1.73e 1.3 ...q 144.90 109.93 314 137.78 -1.6 iShConsAllo AOK .64e 1.9 ...q 33.57 32.00 45 33.37 +2.6 iShEafeGr EFG 1.37e 2.0 ...q 69.91 61.05 182 69.59 +9.3 iShSCGrth IJT 1.41e .9 ...q 155.92 120.55 158 151.74 +1.2 iShB3-18xF s IBCC ... ... ...q 25.03 24.58 29 24.66 +.1 iShiB3-20F s IBCD ... ... ...q 25.14 24.31 3 24.70 +.4 iShiB3-23x s IBCE ... ... ...q 25.77 23.90 6 24.39 +.9 iShiB3-16 n IBDA ... ... ... iShBd3-18 s IBDB ... ... ...q 25.86 25.53 4 25.64 +.2 iShBd3-23 s IBDD ... ... ...q 28.39 25.88 3 26.50 +1.0 iShBd3-20 s IBDC ... ... ...q 26.70 25.90 3 26.18 +.3 iStar STAR ... ... 20 12.83 8.74 353 11.94 -3.5 iStar pfD STARpD 2.00 8.1 ... 25.20 21.30 56 24.80 +1.3 iStar pfE STARpE 1.97 8.0 ... 24.92 21.00 18 24.70 +1.9 iStar pfF STARpF 1.95 7.9 ... 24.99 21.00 2 24.70 +1.2 iStar pfG STARpG 1.91 7.9 ... 24.84 20.30 16 24.10 -.2 iStar pfI STARpI 1.87 7.8 ... 24.98 20.81 4 24.00 ITT Inc ITT .50 1.2 21 44.00 30.06 538 40.28 +4.4 iBio IBIO ... ... ...dd .80 .33 56 .41 +3.8sIdacorp IDA 2.20 2.6 21 83.99 69.83 221 83.96 +4.2 IDEX IEX 1.36f 1.4 25 96.24 77.93 293 94.31 +4.7 iGATE PTI ... ... ... 19.52 ITW ITW 2.60 2.0 24 136.03 98.32 1355 132.81 +8.5 Imax Corp IMAX ... ... 65 35.30 26.48 908 32.25 +2.7 ImunC wt rs IMUC/WS ... ... ... 4.08 .38 0 .50 -28.6 ImunoCll rs IMUC ... ... ... 12.40 1.83 55 2.57 +25.4 ImpacMtg IMH ... ... 4 18.50 12.04 54 12.48 -11.0 ImpOil g IMO .60 ... 12 36.85 29.26 250 30.86 -11.2 IncOpR IOT ... ... 18 10.20 6.77 8.63 +18.2 IndCDrillg ICD ... ... ...dd 7.30 3.70 146 5.49 -18.1 IndepHld IHC .12f .7 16 21.23 15.05 1 18.30 -6.4 IndepRT IRT .72a 7.7 8 10.70 7.01 262 9.38 +5.2 IndiaFd IFN 1.82e 1.8 ...q 26.29 20.39 155 26.03 +21.7 IndiaGCap IGC ... ... ...dd .80 .19 222 .52 +85.7 IndoTel s TLK .67 ... ... 34.65 25.86 268 30.97 +6.2 IndBach IBA .87e 1.6 ... 56.10 45.32 21 54.87 +11.9 Infosys INFY .62e 4.1 11 19.76 13.42 4936 15.09 +1.8 InfrREIT n HIFR 1.00 5.5 17 19.50 14.59 307 18.03 +.7 InfuSystem INFU ... ... ... 3.67 1.55 32 2.15 -15.7sIngerRd IR 1.60 1.9 19 83.73 59.10 1798 83.65 +11.5 Ingevity NGVT ... ... ... 62.80 24.50 266 59.26 +8.0 Ingredion INGR 2.00f 1.7 17 140.00 104.24 548 120.86 -3.3 InnovInd n IIPR ... ... ... 20.52 14.50 63 18.13 -.3 Innsuites IHT .01 .5 ...dd 3.09 1.58 2 1.96 -12.9 Inphi IPHI ... ... 20 51.78 25.89 749 45.82 +2.7 InsightS n INSI ... ... ... 19.19 18.64 13 19.11 +1.1 Insperity NSP 1.00 1.2 24 90.55 51.39 65 86.45 +21.8 InspMD wt NSPR.WS ... ... ... .95 .11 .21 -67.4 InspMD rs NSPR ... ... ... 14.50 .65 237 .66 -73.6 InstlldBPd IBP ... ... 43 53.00 26.00 106 51.80 +25.4 InstFnMkts IFMI .08 7.0 6 1.65 .76 4 1.15 -3.4 Instructre n INST ... ... ... 26.92 16.55 114 22.80 +16.6 IntegerHl ITGR ... ... ...dd 41.80 18.10 179 40.35 +37.0 Intellichk IDN ... ... ...dd 3.20 1.20 111 3.08 +12.0 IntellgSys INS ... ... ...dd 4.85 3.17 0 4.69 +10.6 Intelsat I ... ... ... 5.87 2.12 404 4.35 +62.9 InterXion INXN ... ... ... 40.00 32.21 266 39.71 +13.2 IntcntlExc s ICE 2.07e 3.4 11 61.98 47.54 3130 60.29 +6.9 IntCtlHtls IHG 1.28e 2.6 ... 49.22 34.63 70 49.14 +10.9 IBM IBM 5.60 3.3 13 182.79 142.50 4572 170.58 +2.8 IntFlav IFF 2.24 1.7 24 143.64 113.16 314 133.40 +13.2 IntlGmeT n IGT .80 3.4 ... 32.07 16.65 376 23.57 -7.6 IntMktCt n IMC ... ... ... IntPap IP 1.85f 3.7 17 58.86 39.24 1598 50.26 -5.3 IntlSeaw n INSW ... ... ... 20.45 10.66 122 19.20 +36.8 IntTower g THM ... ... ...dd 1.40 .40 394 .53 -2.8 Interpublic IPG .72f 2.9 17 25.33 21.67 3939 24.48 +4.6 IntstP pfD IPLpD 1.28 4.9 ... 29.30 22.70 2 26.20 +7.6 inTestCorp INTT ... ... ... 6.85 3.48 17 6.20 +34.8 IntwstRsts SNOW ... ... 24 25.78 8.23 1043 23.55 +31.9 IntPotash IPI ... ... ...dd 3.04 .85 1973 1.87 -10.1 Intrexon XON ... ... 23 38.54 18.41 1242 19.68 -19.0 Inuvo INUV ... ... 21 2.31 1.00 111 1.07 -35.9 Invacare IVC .05 .5 ...dd 13.95 8.00 199 10.60 -18.8 InvenSense INVN ... ... ...dd 12.92 5.42 790 12.58 -1.6 InvHiIn23 n IHIT ... ... ... 10.50 9.94 46 10.00 -2.2 InvAdvMu2 VKI .78 6.9 ...q 13.57 10.68 78 11.30 +1.1 Inv Bond VBF .83a 4.4 ...q 19.54 17.85 32 18.92 +2.3 InvCAVal VCV .79 6.4 ...q 14.83 11.78 66 12.45 +2.6 InvDynCrd VTA .90 7.4 ...q 12.59 10.63 284 12.13 -1.4 InvHiInc2 VLT 1.24 8.6 ...q 14.87 13.20 22 14.46 +1.5 Invsco iim IIM .84 5.7 ...q 17.92 14.16 102 14.86 +1.6 Invesco IVZ 1.12 3.6 13 33.46 23.02 2816 30.81 +1.5 InvMtgCap IVR 1.60 10.1 10 16.28 12.32 838 15.84 +8.5 InvMtg pfA IVRpA 1.94 7.7 ... 26.39 23.25 8 25.20 +3.6 InvMtg pfB IVRpB 1.94 7.7 ... 26.25 22.74 3 25.29 +5.0 Invsco oia OIA .39 5.0 ...q 8.30 6.91 86 7.81 +8.9 InvMuOpTr VMO .88 6.7 ...q 15.13 12.27 165 13.15 +3.2 InvMuniTr VKQ .82 6.5 ...q 14.34 11.89 154 12.61 +2.9 InvPAVal VPV .79 6.4 ...q 14.69 11.83 39 12.33 +1.4 Invsco iqi IQI .76 6.1 ...q 14.12 12.01 102 12.48 +.6 InvSrInco VVR .31 6.8 ...q 4.77 3.99 690 4.62 -.4 InvTrIG VGM .88 6.7 ...q 14.99 12.34 79 13.11 +2.8 InvTrNY VTN .85 6.3 ...q 16.68 13.01 46 13.55 +2.1 InvTech ITG .28 1.5 43 21.70 15.04 242 19.31 -2.2 InvRlEst IRET .52 8.4 62 7.28 5.60 258 6.17 -13.5 InvRlEst pf IRETp ... ... ... InvRET pfB IRETpB 1.99 7.9 ... 26.54 24.96 5 25.30 -.3 Invitae n NVTA ... ... ...dd 11.88 5.76 275 10.86 +36.8 InvitHm n INVH ... ... ... 22.15 19.80 991 21.55 +7.8 iPBetaCmd BCM ... ... ...q 28.17 24.97 2 27.37 +.4 iPS&PWtd SBV ... ... ...q 21.95 20.06 21.92 iPBtaCocoa CHOC ... ... ...q 47.60 28.28 2 29.75 -6.8 iPBetaCoff CAFE ... ... ...q 17.80 12.56 13.67 +.1 iPBetaCttn CTNN ... ... ...q 32.94 24.27 31.70 +8.4 iPBetaSug SGAR ... ... ...q 36.77 25.03 27.22 -12.5 iPBetaAlu FOIL ... ... ...q 27.05 21.92 0 26.51 +11.8 iPBetaCopp CUPM ... ... ...q 31.00 22.86 0 28.99 +4.5 iPBetaLead LEDD ... ... ...q 41.08 29.55 37.17 +6.2 iPBetaNick NINI ... ... ...q 19.83 14.58 0 16.46 -2.7 iPBetaCrOil OLEM ... ... ...q 18.17 13.76 0 16.25 -6.4 iPBetaNGs DCNG ... ... ...q 21.23 16.20 19.01 -6.4 iPBetaAgri DIRT ... ... ...q 37.53 31.09 31.31 -3.0 iPGrains WEET ... ... ...q 40.89 32.05 32.77 -2.0 iPBetaSfts GRWN ... ... ...q 28.87 22.41 25.10 +1.2 iPBetaIMet HEVY ... ... ...q 28.71 24.35 27.05 iPBetaEgy ONG ... ... ...q 18.62 14.93 16.33 -12.3 iPBtaLvstk LSTK ... ... ...q 43.65 33.31 0 40.78 +3.6 iPBtaPrMt BLNG ... ... ...q 37.74 29.84 32.78 +8.7 iP LXR2K RTLA ... ... ...q 201.05 180.00 201.05 +11.7 iPathLong SFLA ... ... ... 236.94 188.76 214.83 +4.0 iPLgEEmM EMLB ... ... ...q 98.25 62.00 98.25 +58.5 IronMtn IRM 2.20 6.2 26 41.50 30.75 1248 35.50 +9.3 iShItaly rs EWI ... ... ...q 25.98 19.62 500 25.23 +4.2 iShJapan rs EWJ ... ... ...q 52.38 44.60 4953 51.21 +4.8 iSMlasia rs EWM ... ... ...q 36.04 27.58 900 30.55 +8.8 iShSing rs EWS ... ... ...q 22.99 19.86 330 22.67 +13.7 iSTaiwn rs EWT ... ... ...q 33.92 24.70 4317 33.03 +12.5 iSh UK rs EWU ... ... ...q 33.13 27.60 2695 32.74 +6.7 iSh0-5IGCp SLQD .79 1.6 ...q 52.09 49.91 66 50.42 +.4 iShEnUSLCp IELG ... ... ... iShCmdOpT CMDT ... ... ...q 39.52 32.08 0 36.12 -1.4 iShCvBd ICVT .67e ... ...q 51.75 43.37 4 51.28 +5.5 iShCorEM IEMG 1.09e 2.3 ...q 48.74 38.86 10830 47.57 +12.1 iShEnhUSCp IESM ... ... ... iShColomC ICOL .43e 3.1 ...q 14.14 11.50 4 13.95 +7.8 iShFSIntSC ISCF .12p ... ...q 26.76 22.70 1 26.72 +11.4 iShFacSIntl INTF .17p ... ...q 25.26 20.95 122 24.99 +7.6 iShFS USA LRGF .19e ... ...q 28.62 22.96 59 27.85 +4.2 iShFSUsaSC SMLF .23e ... ...q 36.78 28.24 1 35.33 -.2 iShEnhInSC IEIS ... ... ... iShFacSGbl ACWF .11p ... ...q 26.22 22.27 1 25.44 +5.6siShMgRE rs REM ... ... ...q 45.88 38.52 278 46.13 +9.7 iShExpoTc XT .14p ... ...q 29.78 22.88 54 29.40 +9.8 iSh0-5HYCp SHYG 2.38 5.0 ...q 48.04 45.26 492 47.57 +.5 iShsEnhLC IEIL ... ... ... iShDvlValu IVLU ... ... ...q 24.32 18.86 9 23.11 +4.5 iSh 3-10yr n IMTB ... ... ... 50.06 48.36 49.20 +1.0 iShSaudi KSA ... ... ... 25.84 19.81 1 25.12 -.5 iSh MinVl n SMMV ... ... ... 27.11 23.65 1 26.97 +3.9 iShIntDevM IMTM .30p ... ...q 27.44 23.88 4 27.16 +9.5 iShIntDevQ IQLT .55p ... ...q 26.49 23.16 1 26.44 +7.9 iShLwCarb CRBN .94p ... ...q 106.91 87.26 5 103.99 +7.5 iShShMBd bt NEAR .35 ... ...q iShDvlSize ISZE ... ... ...q 25.44 23.42 25.44 +8.6 iShCHdEM HEEM 1.26e 2.1 ... 23.13 19.57 141 22.81 +7.5 iShMsciChA CNYA ... ... ... 27.92 24.52 1 27.09 +9.6 iSh IntDvGr IGRO ... ... ... 53.12 45.50 0 52.67 +7.7 iShMultiTc TCHF ... ... ... 33.74 27.20 1 33.07 +9.6 iShMultInd INDF ... ... ... 29.96 25.42 1 29.18 +4.2 iShMultHl HCRF ... ... ... 28.04 24.50 2 27.37 +9.1 iShiB20Mun IBMI .24 ... ...q iShMultMat MATF ... ... ... 29.53 25.54 1 29.44 +5.9 iSh MultFin FNCF ... ... ... 32.47 24.11 30.71 +2.0 iShMultiEn ERGF ... ... ... 29.12 24.50 26.10 -7.1 iShIntHdHi HYGH 4.56 5.1 ...q 92.18 82.40 30 90.24 +.7 iShCHAust HAUD 1.81p ... ...q 24.31 21.16 1 24.17 +5.6 iShCTotBd s IUSB ... ... ...q 53.76 49.81 77 50.73 +.9 iSh MultCnS CNSF ... ... ... 26.26 23.92 25.74 +6.0 iShCDivGr DGRO .65e 2.1 ...q 31.09 25.87 486 30.31 +4.9 iSh MulConD CNDF ... ... ... 27.72 24.30 27.62 +4.1 iSh MultUt UTLF ... ... ... 27.14 24.10 26.32 +4.1 iShCHEmu HEZU .64e 1.8 ...q 28.77 22.25 680 28.58 +7.4 iShGblReit REET .94e 3.6 ...q 28.84 24.19 62 25.81 +2.3 iSh AdapJp DEWJ .18p ... ... 25.94 22.68 25.05 -3.4 iSh AdapC DEFA .48p ... ... 26.20 21.82 26.20 +6.6 iSh AdapEu DEZU .56p ... ... 25.88 20.92 25.87 +8.4 iShCoreInt IAGG ... ... ... 54.18 50.99 34 51.98 +.3 iShEurSC HEUS ... ... ...q 26.67 22.86 0 26.66 +9.8 iShCorePac IPAC 1.06e 2.0 ...q 53.31 44.91 55 52.47 +7.5 iShEurMV HEUV .98 4.1 ...q 25.92 21.60 23.76 +6.0 iShCHGer HEWG .68e 1.7 ...q 27.88 21.13 941 27.59 +6.8 iShIntHdCp LQDH 2.76 2.9 ...q 95.12 90.50 2 94.45 +.4 iShCHCda HEWC 1.41e 1.8 ...q 25.88 22.03 25.63 +2.6 iShJpMinV JPMV .70e 1.2 ...q 62.56 56.88 1 60.03 +5.5siShEafeMV HEFV ... ... ...q 25.76 23.89 1 25.62 +4.2 iShEuMinV EUMV .67e 2.9 ...q 24.44 20.51 2 22.88 +7.8 iShCHNk400 HJPX .19p ... ...q 26.52 20.30 25.59 -2.6 iShCorEur IEUR 1.18e 2.7 ...q 44.18 36.31 117 43.89 +7.9 iShxJMinV AXJV .84p ... ...q 51.33 28.29 31.76 +9.4 iSh2022Mu IBMK .09e ... ...q 26.54 24.98 23 25.85 +2.0 iShYdOpBd BYLD .75 3.0 ...q 25.35 24.45 2 24.85 +.8 iSh2021Mu IBMJ .07e ... ...q 26.27 24.92 40 25.75 +1.9 iSHgxUSHY HHYX .67e ... ...q 26.66 24.14 0 26.64 +2.0 iShRussia rs ERUS ... ... ...q 35.08 25.30 388 31.27 -6.7 iSCHeafe HEFA .70e 1.7 ...q 27.62 22.42 4934 27.48 +5.2 iShCHMex HEWW 1.41p ... ...q 24.01 19.99 0 21.23 +4.0 iShH10yCBd CLYH .31e ... ...q 25.26 23.59 1 25.00 +.4 iShCHSpain HEWP .31p ... ...q 22.98 16.72 1 22.69 +13.5 iShHEmBd EMBH .30e ... ...q 26.00 24.02 0 25.78 +2.4 iShCHItaly HEWI .55p ... ...q 19.59 13.45 0 15.70 +3.9 iShShMMu MEAR .27e ... ...q 52.06 49.65 1 49.91 +.3 iSCHEafSC HSCZ .19p ... ...q 27.16 21.94 1 26.97 +5.6 iShUSFxBal INC 2.20e ... ...q 99.60 99.00 99.43 iShCHAcxUs HAWX 1.38e 4.3 ...q 24.56 20.80 17 24.43 +5.7 iShGbMM rs PICK ... ... ... 30.75 18.30 18 28.20 +9.6 iShCHAcwi HACW .94e 2.3 ...q 26.39 22.49 0 26.26 +5.8 iShGblGld rs RING ... ... ...q 26.78 15.48 156 20.26 +18.3 iShTrFRBd TFLO .07e .1 ...q 50.21 50.06 3 50.16 iShCH UK HEWU .24p ... ...q 26.21 21.60 21 23.85 +5.4 iSh ESG Sl ESGE ... ... ... 62.38 52.75 3 60.76 +11.9siShCHSwitz HEWL 1.43e 2.4 ...q 25.42 22.04 3 25.49 +8.3 iShEMktMV HEMV ... ... ...q 25.42 23.26 24.63 +4.3 iShLqdty bt ICSH .25e .5 ...q 50.25 49.87 2 50.04 +.2 iShCHJpn HEWJ .74e .6 ...q 29.02 22.14 2128 27.46 -1.2 iShCHSoK HEWY .48p ... ...q 26.58 22.87 26.17 +7.7 iShFacEmg EMGF .13p ... ...q 41.16 32.45 0 39.95 +12.6 iSh iBd26 n IBDR ... ... ... 25.45 23.56 4 24.21 +1.2 iSiBd12-18 s IBDH .30 1.2 ...q 25.49 25.04 47 25.15 +.1 iSiBd12-16 s IBDF .13 .5 ...q 25.17 24.77 25.04 iSiBd12-20 s IBDL .62e 2.4 ...q 26.00 25.03 23 25.43 +.8 iSiBd12-17 s IBDJ .22e ... ...q 25.15 24.80 12 24.82 -.2 iSiBd12-19 s IBDK .37e ... ...q 25.56 24.74 138 24.94 +.2 iSiBd12-23 s IBDO .56e ... ...q 25.99 24.33 18 24.99 +1.1 iSiBd12-22 s IBDN .55e ... ...q 26.00 24.43 37 25.00 +.8 iSiBd12-25 s IBDQ .64e ... ...q 25.99 24.08 27 24.77 +1.8 iSiBd12-24 s IBDP .63e ... ...q 26.10 24.17 25 24.84 +1.5 iSiBd12-21 s IBDM .47e ... ...q 25.66 24.45 50 24.89 +.8 IsoRay ISR ... ... ...dd 1.30 .48 39 .56 -3.4 IsraelChm ICL .27e 6.3 ... 5.02 3.52 42 4.26 +3.6 IssuerDir ISDR .20 1.7 37 11.85 5.27 72 11.50 +27.8 ItauCorpb ITCB 2.48e 17.7 ... 14.65 11.14 92 14.05 +12.9 ItauUnibH ITUB .32e 2.7 ... 13.65 7.91 12553 12.03 +17.1 IvyHiInOp IVH 1.50a 9.7 ...q 15.58 12.60 42 15.47 +4.7J -JAlexHld n JAX ... ... 20 11.00 8.35 24 10.00 -7.0 JJill n JILL ... ... ... 14.40 12.00 115 13.40 +3.5 JMP Grp JMP .36 6.1 12 7.00 4.97 11 5.92 -3.6 JMP Gp 23 JMPB 2.00 7.8 ... 25.87 22.86 3 25.57 +1.3 JMP Grp21 JMPC 1.81 7.2 ... 26.09 23.06 3 25.29 +.7 JPMCh pfE JPMpE 1.58 5.8 ... 28.05 25.21 49 27.17 +4.7 JPMCh pfD JPMpD 1.38 5.4 ... 26.41 23.86 50 25.53 +3.7 JPMDvsRt JPGE .96e 1.8 ...q 54.71 48.24 5 54.15 +6.4 JPMIntEq JPIN 1.08e 2.0 ...q 53.28 46.27 76 52.81 +7.9 JPMDvREm JPEM 1.31p ... ...q 52.09 41.30 9 50.88 +9.9 JPM DREq JPUS .26p ... ...q 63.69 54.60 13 62.88 +6.2 JPM DivInt JPIH ... ... ... 27.74 24.50 21 27.58 +5.2 JPMDsfEu JPEU ... ... ... 53.21 46.48 3 52.66 +7.9 JPM DivEu JPEH ... ... ... 26.72 24.74 25.07 -5.8 JPM DivAlt JPHF ... ... ... 30.69 25.00 32 26.00 +1.3tJPM GlB n JPGB ... ... ... 50.23 50.11 1 50.14 -.1 JPM Disc n JPHY ... ... ... 52.12 49.82 1 51.20 +1.0 JPM USMid JPME ... ... ... 58.00 50.50 2 57.33 +5.9 JPMorgCh JPM 1.92 2.2 15 93.98 57.05 14405 85.73 -.6 JPMCh wt JPM/WS ... ... ... 52.40 16.40 57 44.18 -.2 JPMCh pfA JPMpA 1.36 5.3 ... 26.86 23.90 74 25.58 +3.8 JPMCh pfB JPMpB 1.68 6.1 ... 29.22 25.80 38 27.38 +1.9 JPMAlerian AMJ 2.29 7.1 ...q 34.41 26.32 1178 32.32 +2.2 JPMCh pfY JPMpF 1.53 5.7 ... 27.94 25.00 38 26.80 +5.7 JPMCh pfG JPMpG 1.52 5.7 ... 27.89 24.80 47 26.75 +5.5 JPM FTLgC JFT ... ... ...q 42.00 JPMCh pfH JPMpH 1.54 5.7 ... 28.14 25.18 55 26.93 +5.2 JPM China JFC .97e 1.9 ...q 18.65 13.86 29 18.35 +17.8 JRJR Ntw JRJR ... ... ...dd 1.29 .38 41 .47 -37.3 Jabil JBL .32 1.1 21 29.27 16.78 2046 28.85 +21.9 JacobsEng JEC .15p ... 20 63.42 41.77 804 54.61 -4.2 JaggedPk n JAG ... ... ... 15.08 11.67 951 12.60 -13.1 JHardie s JHX .39e 2.5 73 17.30 13.68 4 15.87 -.2 JanTailRsk TRSK .24e .8 ...q 29.58 25.98 0 29.00 +4.6 AlpVSVolLC SPXH .51e 1.6 ...q 33.34 27.50 1 32.60 +6.4 JanusCap JNS .44 3.4 16 16.62 11.96 2659 13.12 -1.1 JpnSmCap JOF .13e 1.2 ...q 10.94 9.43 17 10.74 +10.4 Jarden JAH ... ... 53 58.97 JeldWen n JELD ... ... ... 33.42 25.60 805 31.31 +20.2 JernignC n JCAP 1.40 6.1 12 23.34 10.10 90 23.13 +9.9 JinkoSolar JKS ... ... 4 24.04 12.72 559 17.25 +13.3 JBeanTch JBT .40 .5 42 93.55 51.20 169 87.20 +1.5 JHMultLgC JHML .10p ... ...q 31.29 25.69 34 30.68 +5.6 JH MultMdC JHMM .08p ... ...q 33.00 24.99 4 30.38 +5.9 JH MultCns JHMC .07p ... ...q 27.69 23.73 1 27.38 +5.4 JH MultFin JHMF .08p ... ...q 33.34 22.86 4 31.19 +1.9 JH MultHltC JHMH .05p ... ...q 33.88 24.50 0 28.07 +8.7 JH MultTch JHMT .09p ... ...q 34.63 25.31 2 33.95 +10.4 JH MultEn JHME ... ... ... 31.57 25.37 4 28.98 -4.6 JH MultMat JHMA ... ... ... 31.46 25.60 0 30.87 +7.3 JH MultDev JHMD ... ... ... 26.93 24.73 1 26.67 +7.0 JH MultUt JHMU ... ... ... 27.60 23.92 27.23 +7.8 JH MulCnSt JHMS ... ... ... 28.33 24.31 1 26.30 +4.9 JH MultInd JHMI ... ... ... 30.75 24.83 29.92 +4.9 JH HedgEq HEQ 1.50 9.1 ...q 17.00 14.27 31 16.57 +5.4 JH TxAdY HTY 1.28 14.1 ...q 11.37 8.47 28 9.11 -6.4 JohnJn JNJ 3.20 2.6 19 129.00 109.32 4001 124.22 +7.8 JohnContl n JCI 1.08e 2.6 28 46.17 34.35 4114 41.22 +.1 JonesEngy JONE ... ... ...dd 4.91 2.20 563 2.35 -48.9 JonesLL JLL .62f .6 13 125.31 86.62 625 105.76 +4.7 Jumei Intl JMEI ... ... 18 6.42 3.45 486 3.46 -30.9 JnprNtwk JNPR .40 1.4 17 29.21 21.18 3194 27.79 -1.7 Jupai n JP .08p ... 9 9.90 7.49 6 8.96 +2.9 JustEngy g JE .41 ... 42 6.77 4.86 126 6.25 +14.5sJustEn pfA JEpA ... ... ... 25.64 24.05 40 25.73 +3.2K -K12 LRN ... ... 60 20.67 9.16 163 19.04 +11.0 KAR Auct KAR 1.28 3.0 22 47.03 35.68 721 42.42 -.5 KB FnclGp KB ... ... ... 46.04 26.45 146 41.62 +17.9sKB Home KBH .10 .5 18 20.15 12.38 2675 20.04 +26.8 KBR Inc KBR .32 2.1 ...dd 17.95 12.08 2745 15.24 -8.7 KCAPFn 19 KAP 1.84 7.2 ... 25.96 24.67 1 25.44 -.3 KCG Hldg KCG ... ... 6 18.71 12.21 1308 17.30 +30.6 KKR KKR 1.31e 7.3 9 18.52 11.63 2174 17.88 +16.2 KKR pfA KKR.PRA ... ... ... 27.63 25.12 47 26.04 +3.0 KKR pf B KKRpB 1.63 ... ... KKR Fn 42 KFI 1.78 7.0 ... 27.95 24.93 25.47 +.4 KKRFn pfS KFNp 1.84 7.1 ... 27.72 25.35 19 26.00 +.2 KKR Inco KIO 1.50a 8.7 ...q 17.24 14.17 53 17.18 +7.2 KMG Chm KMG .12 .3 24 46.80 20.85 51 44.68 +14.9 KT Corp KT ... ... ... 17.24 13.23 1298 16.14 +14.5 Kadant KAI .84f 1.4 19 64.75 45.06 21 59.40 -2.9 Kadmon n KDMN ... ... ... 10.48 2.95 224 3.03 -43.4 Kaman KAMN .80f 1.7 19 53.41 40.43 233 47.40 -3.1 KCSo pf KSUp 1.00 3.6 ... 31.10 25.52 0 27.88 -2.6 KC Southn KSU 1.32 1.5 20 100.69 79.05 1374 88.40 +4.2 KapStoneP KS .40 1.7 21 24.98 12.14 549 23.34 +5.9 KateSpade KATE ... ... 18 26.46 14.02 2809 19.70 +5.5 KaynAEnD KED 1.60m 8.3 ...dd 20.47 15.52 88 19.22 -1.1 KA EngTR KYE 1.32m 10.5 ...q 13.05 7.98 82 12.56 +6.4 KA MLP KYN 2.20 10.6 ...q 22.15 15.36 442 20.85 +6.5 KAMLP pfF KYNpF .88 3.4 ... 26.01 25.06 1 25.43 +.4 KAMidsEn KMF 1.80m 11.1 ...q 17.04 10.45 69 16.19 +1.8 KeanGrp n FRAC ... ... ... 22.93 13.68 1439 15.71 -27.4 Kellogg K 2.08 2.9 18 87.16 70.74 1847 72.15 -2.1 KelsoTch g KIQ .03f 4.0 ... 1.44 .70 5 .75 -22.3 Kemet KEM ... ... 33 12.65 2.11 281 11.18 +68.6 Kemper KMPR .96 2.4 45.95 29.41 173 40.50 -8.6 Kemper 54 KMPA 1.84 6.7 ... 28.60 25.20 1 27.40 +4.8 Kennamtl KMT .80 2.0 33 40.21 20.40 409 39.78 +27.3 KennWil 42 KWN 1.68 6.5 ... 27.70 24.98 25.75 +.5 KennWils KW .68f 3.1 22 23.77 17.29 363 22.20 +8.3 KenonHld n KEN ... ... ... 13.26 7.10 11.55 -.8 KeyEngy KEG ... ... ... 38.00 21.01 81 25.10 -21.4 Keycorp KEY .34 2.0 17 19.53 10.21 7485 17.33 -5.1 Keycorp pfI KEYpI ... ... ... 28.27 25.60 55 27.74 +6.0 Keysight KEYS ... ... 15 39.36 25.49 773 35.79 -2.1 KilroyR KRC 1.50 2.0 16 78.33 59.90 562 75.03 +2.5 Kilroy pfH KRCpH 1.59 6.2 ... 26.29 24.55 2 25.70 +2.7 KimbRoy n KRP ... ... ... 20.89 18.06 50 19.31 -6.4 KimbClk KMB 3.88f 2.9 22 138.87 111.30 1073 132.63 +16.2 Kimco KIM 1.02 4.6 18 32.24 21.43 3581 22.24 -11.6 Kimco pfI KIMpI 1.50 6.0 ... 26.71 24.01 3 25.16 +3.3 Kimco pfJ KIMpJ 1.38 5.5 ... 26.69 22.61 18 25.00 +7.0 Kimco pfK KIMpK 1.41 5.6 ... 26.85 22.56 10 25.34 +8.2 KindMorg KMI .50 2.3 70 23.36 16.63 8227 21.61 +4.3 KindrM wt KMI/WS ... ... ... .04 .00 1757 .00 -66.7 KindM pfA KMIpA ... ... ... 51.40 43.21 229 48.30 -.7 KindredHlt KND .48 6.0 9 15.66 5.65 633 8.00 +1.9 Kingsway KFS ... ... ...dd 6.50 4.27 20 5.55 -11.2 Kinross g KGC ... ... 74 5.82 2.88 11910 3.72 +19.6 KirbyCp KEX ... ... 23 73.40 50.80 315 70.65 +6.2 KiteRlty pf KRGp 2.06 8.2 ... 25.03 KiteRlty KRG 1.21 5.7 7 30.45 19.91 566 21.28 -9.4 KlondexM g KLDX ... ... ... 6.03 3.03 872 3.91 -16.3 KnightTr KNX .24 .7 25 38.80 24.50 6877 33.50 +1.4 Knoll Inc KNL .60 2.5 14 28.40 20.37 214 24.14 -13.6 KnotOffsh KNOP 2.08 9.1 ... 24.68 16.56 35 22.90 -3.0 Knowles KN ... ... 24 19.82 12.06 630 18.85 +12.8 Kohls KSS 2.20f 5.5 14 59.67 33.87 3032 40.23 -18.5 Koppers KOP 1.00 2.3 19 45.85 23.13 72 43.15 +7.1 KoreaElc KEP ... ... ... 28.37 17.36 561 19.39 +4.9 KoreaEqt KEF .30e 1.4 ...q 8.89 7.22 15 8.47 +14.3 KoreaFd KF 4.50e ... ...q 37.30 30.24 16 36.16 +13.4 KornFer KFY .40 1.3 14 32.52 18.57 802 31.31 +6.4 KosmosEn KOS ... ... ...dd 7.39 4.39 1898 6.44 -8.1 KrNwChin s KFYP ... ... ...q 35.33 25.35 33.79 +16.6 KranChinA KBA 9.93e ... ...q 30.55 26.55 27 29.06 +8.6 KraneChCm KCNY .22e .7 ...q 34.15 31.88 0 32.55 +1.9 KranShFtse KEMP ... ... ...q 23.07 20.42 22.82 +11.5 KratonCp KRA ... ... 24 37.50 19.64 489 32.83 +15.3 Kroger s KR .48 1.6 14 37.97 28.29 9572 29.57 -14.3 KronosWw KRO .60 3.6 45 16.77 4.70 487 16.55 +38.6 Kyocera KYO ... ... ... 61.50 46.36 15 54.88 +10.2L -L Brands LB 2.40f 5.0 12 82.15 43.04 3610 47.95 -27.2 L-3 Tch LLL 2.80f 1.7 21 171.24 120.01 379 167.26 +10.0 LCI Inds LCII 2.00e ... 20 117.15 62.49 171 94.80 -12.0 LG Display LPL ... ... ... 14.36 9.84 380 13.37 +4.0 LGL Grp LGL ... ... 18 5.83 3.05 10 4.96 -1.2 LMP CapIn SCD 1.24f 8.7 ...q 14.55 12.16 32 14.32 +7.8 LSB Inds LXU ... ... ...dd 15.50 4.52 471 8.39 -.4 LSC Com LKSD .25p ... ... 37.40 17.00 307 24.94 -16.0 LTC Prp LTC 2.28f 4.6 16 54.20 43.17 120 49.35 +5.0 LaQuinta LQ ... ... 28 15.05 9.73 582 13.79 -3.0 LaZBoy LZB .44 1.6 17 32.90 22.09 339 27.55 -11.3 LabCp LH ... ... 18 145.64 118.25 508 143.34 +11.7 LadderCap LADR 1.20 8.0 10 15.53 11.29 349 14.98 +9.2 LadThalFn LTS ... ... ...dd 2.87 1.63 132 2.48 +1.6 LadTh pfA LTSpA 2.00 8.0 ... 25.20 22.45 13 25.13 +5.0 LambWst n LW .75 1.7 ... 43.48 28.75 1135 42.88 +13.3 Landauer LDR 1.10 2.2 33 55.80 33.01 32 50.20 +4.4 Lannett LCI ... ... 8 39.99 16.75 1139 27.00 +22.4 LaredoPet LPI ... ... 30 16.47 9.08 2773 14.83 +4.9 LVSands LVS 2.92f 5.2 26 63.38 41.45 2853 56.15 +5.1 LaSalleH LHO 1.80 6.3 12 31.87 21.56 1039 28.80 -5.5 LaSalH pfH LHOpH 1.88 7.4 ... 26.11 25.01 25.33 +1.1 LaSalH pfI LHOpI 1.59 6.3 ... 26.93 23.75 1 25.21 +4.6 LaSalHt pfJ LHOpJ 1.58 6.3 ... 27.24 23.21 4 25.18 +8.2 Latam Air LFL ... ... ... 13.48 5.81 828 13.44 +64.3 LatAmDisc LDF .03e .3 ...q 10.94 8.35 43 10.79 +16.1 LattDvMkt RODM .62e 2.4 ...q 25.71 22.09 11 25.65 +7.4 LattEmMkt ROAM .43e 1.9 ...q 23.14 19.49 5 22.65 +10.1 Latt RE n RORE ... ... ... 16.26 13.88 15.23 +1.9 LattUSEqt ROUS .39e ... ...q 27.57 22.51 0 26.58 +2.7 LattGblSC ROGS .57e 2.1 ...q 27.81 23.11 2 27.62 +6.5 LazGlobTR LGI .95 6.3 ...q 15.13 12.30 29 15.02 +9.3 Lazard LAZ 1.52 3.3 6 47.09 26.21 792 45.95 +11.8 LazWldDiv LOR .69 6.5 ...q 10.84 8.54 12 10.64 +7.4 LeafGrp LFGR ... ... ...dd 8.35 5.10 21 7.75 +18.3 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 5 The Sun/Wednesday, April 12, 2017
LearCorp LEA 2.00f 1.5 11 149.00 97.35 761 134.24 +1.4 Lee Ent LEE ... ... 7 3.92 1.74 166 2.55 -12.1 LeggMason LM 1.28f 3.5 38 38.99 27.54 629 36.58 +22.3 LegMas56 n LMHA ... ... ... 27.87 23.51 15 26.17 +4.2 LegM 5,4 56 LMHB ... ... ... 25.38 20.81 97 23.78 +10.0 LMGblInco BWG 1.32a 10.3 ...q 14.11 11.36 183 12.80 +8.2 LM IntLoV LVHI ... ... ... 27.52 23.96 1 27.37 +5.4 LM EM LoV LVHE ... ... ... 28.60 25.18 1 27.19 +5.6 LeggPlat LEG 1.36 2.6 21 54.63 44.02 794 51.53 +5.4 LeGS3.5s34 JBK 1.59 6.7 ... 24.93 20.44 0 23.80 +7.9 LehTOY21 XKE .78 9.8 ... 9.16 6.51 1 7.90 -6.0 LeidosHld LDOS 1.28a 2.5 14 54.97 33.23 690 51.00 -.3 LejuHldgs LEJU .20e ... 15 5.50 2.97 65 3.13 -34.8 LendingClb LC ... ... ...dd 8.41 3.44 6831 5.55 +5.7 LennarA LEN .16 .3 13 53.79 39.68 2560 51.92 +20.9sLennarB LEN/B .16 .4 ... 43.24 32.09 27 43.38 +25.7 Lennox LII 1.72 1.0 24 172.96 131.90 216 167.90 +9.6 LeucNatl LUK .25 1.0 27.34 15.48 1403 26.18 +12.6 Level3 LVLT ... ... 32 60.13 44.01 1244 59.10 +4.9 LexRltyTr LXP .70 6.7 13 11.42 8.63 1740 10.41 -3.6 LexRT pfC LXPpC 3.25 6.4 ... 53.85 49.01 0 50.78 +1.8 Libbey LBY .47f 3.4 11 20.76 13.05 122 13.99 -28.1 LbtyASE USA .52e 9.5 ...q 5.54 4.76 670 5.48 +6.2 LbtyASG ASG .38e 8.3 ...q 4.63 3.88 46 4.58 +9.6 LibtProp LPT 1.60m 3.9 19 42.26 33.89 878 40.59 +2.8 LifeStorg LSI 3.80 4.4 19 116.22 77.00 352 86.35 +1.3 LightInBox LITB ... ... ...dd 3.59 2.40 8 2.89 -2.7 LincNat LNC 1.16 1.8 10 73.31 35.27 1559 65.35 -1.4 LincNtl wt LNC/WS ... ... ... 69.23 27.00 60.20 -1.3 Lindsay LNN 1.16 1.3 65 89.98 65.78 63 87.08 +16.7 LineCp n LN ... ... ... 51.48 30.90 174 37.28 +9.6 LionsGat A LGF/A ... ... ... 29.03 24.27 379 25.21 -6.3 LionsGat B LGF/B ... ... ... 27.14 22.72 485 23.20 -5.5 LiqTech LIQT ... ... ...dd .99 .32 68 .34 -46.9 LithiaMot LAD 1.00 1.2 11 105.32 68.70 196 83.82 -13.4 LiveNatn LYV ... ... ...dd 31.44 21.21 841 31.22 +17.4 LloydBkg LYG .47a 14.6 ... 4.42 2.47 3584 3.23 +4.2 LoanCore n LCRT ... ... ... LoanDpt n LDI ... ... ... LockhdM LMT 7.28 2.7 21 274.57 225.30 736 270.27 +8.1 Loews L .25 .5 21 48.05 38.17 455 47.21 +.8 LaPac LPX ... ... 27 26.31 15.74 3522 26.08 +37.8 Lowes LOW 1.40 1.7 20 84.00 64.87 3077 82.41 +15.9 Lubys LUB ... ... ...dd 5.10 3.04 38 3.23 -24.5 LumberLiq LL ... ... ...dd 23.76 11.07 1042 22.37 +42.1 LuxferHld LXFR .50 4.4 ... 13.60 9.28 36 11.39 +4.6 Luxoft LXFT ... ... 29 66.18 46.58 77 61.20 +8.9 Luxottica LUX .78e 1.4 ... 57.17 44.85 63 53.99 +.5 Lydall LDL ... ... 19 64.85 33.21 67 51.05 -17.5 LyonBas A LYB 3.40 3.9 10 97.64 69.82 2162 88.02 +2.6M -M&T Bk MTB 3.00f 2.0 19 173.72 108.04 608 151.48 -3.2 M&T Bk wt MTB/WS ... ... ... 99.00 35.27 0 76.00 -8.4 M&TBk pfA MTBp 63.75 6.1 ... 1095.55 1015.00 0 1039.98 -5.1 M&TBk pfC MTBpC 63.75 6.0 ... 1215.01 1000.00 1055.00 -.2 MAG Slv g MAG ... ... ...dd 18.12 9.50 346 14.13 +28.1 MBIA MBI ... ... ...dd 11.65 6.34 2257 9.00 -15.9 MDC MDC 1.00 3.3 14 31.24 20.51 342 30.00 +16.9 MDU Res MDU .77 2.8 23 29.92 19.28 738 27.68 -3.8 MFA Fncl MFA .80 9.8 11 8.18 6.69 1489 8.13 +6.6 MFA Fn42 MFO 2.00 7.9 ... 27.87 24.80 15 25.44 -1.0 MFA pfB MFApB 1.88 7.5 ... 26.09 23.36 5 25.12 +3.6 MFC Bcp MFCB ... ... ...dd 2.43 1.43 37 1.60 -17.9 MFS CAMu CCA .60 5.2 ...q 14.99 11.05 18 11.55 +2.6 MCR MCR .72a 8.3 ...q 8.75 8.08 99 8.68 +1.9 MGF MGF .41 8.2 ...q 5.51 4.84 33 4.97 -1.4 MFS HInM CXE .30 5.9 ...q 5.59 4.70 57 5.10 +4.1 MFS HYMu CMU .28 5.9 ...q 5.19 4.27 62 4.66 +5.4 MFS IHI CIF .25 9.3 ...q 2.68 2.38 122 2.67 +3.5 MIN MIN .42 9.7 ...q 4.69 4.21 246 4.34 -2.3 MFS InvG CXH .50 5.2 ...q 10.77 9.09 10 9.74 +3.9 MMT MMT .52 8.4 ...q 6.29 5.62 154 6.16 +1.7 MFM MFM .38 5.4 ...q 7.63 6.51 48 7.08 +6.8 MFV MFV .58 9.8 ...q 5.99 5.22 23 5.88 +5.6 MGIC Inv MTG ... ... 11 11.35 5.36 4466 10.64 +4.4sMGMGrPr n MGP .65 ... ... 28.13 21.75 505 27.92 +10.3 MGM Rsts MGM .39p ... 24 30.62 21.12 6298 27.71 -3.9 MI Homes MHO ... ... 12 26.70 17.00 249 24.40 -3.1 MI Hm pfA MHOpA ... ... ... 26.05 24.03 25.51 -.2 MPG pfA MPGpA ... ... ... 25.85 MPLX LP MPLX 2.06f 5.6 ...dd 39.43 28.68 452 36.71 +6.0 MRC Glbl MRC ... ... ...dd 22.52 11.50 743 19.62 -3.2 MSA Safety MSA 1.28 1.8 27 74.64 44.16 116 69.58 +.4 MSC Ind MSM 1.80 1.9 24 105.70 67.74 840 93.95 +1.7 MSCI Inc MSCI 1.12 1.1 34 109.29 71.51 601 97.50 +23.8 MSG Netw MSGN ... ... 11 24.85 14.73 687 24.55 +14.2 MV OilTr MVO .64e 9.4 5 7.35 4.54 41 6.84 +9.8 MVC Cap MVC .54a 6.0 ...q 9.01 7.12 17 8.93 +4.1 MVCCap 23 MVCB 1.81 7.1 ... 26.00 23.87 5 25.51 +1.3 MacQUtlDv MFD 1.20 9.5 ...q 13.34 10.81 25 12.59 +10.4sMacQGInf MGU 1.48 6.4 ...q 23.20 18.33 32 23.23 +17.7 Macerich MAC 2.84 4.3 20 94.51 62.14 830 65.43 -7.6 MackCali CLI .60 2.1 12 29.70 24.17 817 27.96 -3.2 Macquarie MIC 5.24f 6.5 42 85.45 67.32 481 80.88 -1.0 Macys M 1.51 5.1 10 45.41 27.72 3284 29.71 -17.0 MadCvCall MCN .72 8.9 ...q 8.21 7.28 33 8.06 +4.7 MadSqGd n MSG ... ... ...dd 206.60 156.01 185 200.05 +16.6 MadStSec MSP 1.04 8.6 ...q 12.42 11.09 8 12.07 +1.5 MagellMid MMP 3.42f 4.4 23 81.77 64.25 308 77.01 +1.8 Magna g s MGA 1.10f 2.7 8 47.21 32.76 1787 40.18 -7.4 MagnaChip MX ... ... ...dd 9.70 4.71 235 8.65 +39.5 Maiden prA MHpA 2.06 8.1 ... 26.90 25.25 32 25.37 -1.8 Maiden pfC MHpC 1.78 7.0 ... 27.08 24.35 140 25.43 -1.5 MaidenHld n MHLA .60 2.3 ... 28.60 24.34 28 25.75 +1.7 MaidHld42 MHNB 2.00 7.9 ... 26.83 24.83 46 25.21 -.7 MaidHld 43 MHNC 1.94 7.5 ... 27.80 24.51 46 25.82 -4.4sMainStCap MAIN 2.22a 5.7 19 38.66 30.57 210 38.69 +5.2 MainStC 23 MSCA 1.53 5.8 ... 26.93 25.25 1 26.30 +2.3 MainSDTMu MMD 1.18 6.0 ...q 20.99 17.96 39 19.60 +7.1 Majesco n MJCO ... ... ... 6.50 4.50 9 5.39 -11.3 Mallinckdt MNK ... ... ... 85.83 41.57 1769 43.62 -12.4 MgdDInvG MZF .74 5.5 ...q 15.03 12.75 3 13.36 +1.8 ManchUtd MANU .36 2.1 ... 17.83 14.05 13 16.95 +18.9 Manitowoc MTW .08 1.3 ...dd 7.57 3.65 1262 6.19 +3.5 ManngNap MN .32m 5.6 21 10.34 5.20 94 5.75 -23.8 ManpwrGp MAN 1.72 1.7 16 103.90 57.26 460 100.07 +12.6 Manulife g MFC .74 4.3 ... 19.52 12.55 2220 17.38 -2.5 MarathnO MRO .20 1.2 ...dd 19.28 11.28 9293 16.60 -4.1 MarathPt s MPC 1.44 2.9 10 54.59 32.02 3830 50.43 +.2 MarcusMill MMI ... ... 15 30.31 22.93 66 25.01 -6.4 Marcus MCS .50f 1.6 22 32.60 18.57 43 30.95 -1.7 MarinSoft MRIN ... ... ...dd 3.09 1.45 33 1.85 -21.3 MarineP MPX .28f 2.6 27 14.87 7.61 14 10.98 -20.8 MarineMx HZO ... ... 22 23.50 15.10 336 21.30 +10.1 Markel MKL ... ... 31 992.00 811.05 42 968.34 +7.1 MarriotVac VAC 1.40 1.4 21 101.67 56.33 272 99.91 +17.7 MarshM MMC 1.36 1.9 22 75.52 60.04 1504 73.39 +8.6 MartMM MLM 1.68 .8 33 243.98 164.70 527 219.59 -.9 Masco MAS .40 1.2 22 37.38 29.11 2456 33.96 +7.4 Masonite g DOOR ... ... 81.95 55.60 220 78.05 +18.6 MastThera MSTX ... ... ...dd .71 .07 3777 .13 +50.6 Mastec MTZ ... ... 35 42.00 20.38 731 41.25 +7.8 MastechD MHH ... ... 8 8.35 5.82 38 6.94 +1.9 MasterCrd MA .88 .8 32 113.50 86.65 2000 112.11 +8.6 MatadorRs MTDR ... ... ...dd 28.51 18.56 893 24.10 -6.4 Materion MTRN .38 1.1 26 41.23 22.36 125 34.70 -12.4 MatinasB n MTNB ... ... ... 3.92 1.50 310 2.85 -23.6 Matson MATX .72f 2.3 17 43.00 28.79 177 31.85 -10.0sMauiLand MLP ... ... 18 12.50 5.23 40 13.15 +82.6 Maximus MMS .18 .3 20 62.78 43.69 421 58.81 +5.4 MaxLinear MXL ... ... 41 28.56 15.31 512 27.35 +25.5 McClatch rs MNI ... ... ...dd 19.77 9.10 29 10.88 -17.5 McCorm vot MKC/V 1.88 1.9 ... 108.26 89.14 0 99.36 +6.7 McCorm MKC 1.72f 1.7 27 107.84 88.64 810 99.67 +6.8 McDrmInt MDR ... ... 21 8.33 3.98 1286 6.80 -8.0 McDnlds MCD 3.76 2.9 24 131.96 110.33 3593 131.20 +7.8 McKesson MCK 1.12 .8 13 199.43 114.53 727 145.38 +3.5 McEwenM MUX .01a .3 4.92 2.09 3602 3.25 +11.7 MeadJohn MJN 1.65 1.9 27 94.40 69.25 4173 88.73 +25.4 Mechel pf MTLp ... ... ... 1.35 .19 13 1.03 -8.0 Mechel rs MTL ... ... ... 6.83 1.46 175 5.53 -3.5 Medequit n MRT ... ... ... 12.05 10.28 132 11.76 +5.9 MedProp MPW .96f 6.9 15 15.92 11.54 3506 13.87 +12.8 Medifast MED 1.28 2.9 24 46.36 29.84 56 43.96 +5.6 MedleyCap MCC .88 11.3 8 8.06 6.16 363 7.82 +4.1 Medley 19 MCQ 1.78 7.0 ... 25.90 24.95 25.26 -.5 MedleyC 23 MCV 1.53 6.1 ... 26.24 23.58 25.26 +1.0 MedleyC 21 MCX 1.63 6.3 ... 26.25 23.77 4 25.72 +.5 Medley n MDLX ... ... ... 24.85 22.93 4 24.80 +3.0 Medley24 n MDLQ ... ... ... 25.75 24.73 33 25.25 +1.4 MedleyMgt MDLY .80 10.2 22 10.65 5.11 42 7.85 -20.7 Mednax MD ... ... 18 76.96 59.36 457 68.38 +2.6 Medtrnic MDT 1.72 2.1 18 89.27 69.35 2561 80.15 +12.5 Merck MRK 1.88 3.0 17 66.80 53.06 6358 62.58 +6.3 MercGn MCY 2.49 4.2 29 64.52 49.69 115 59.25 -1.6 Meredith MDP 2.08f 3.2 16 66.25 43.85 233 64.35 +8.8 Meritage MTH ... ... 11 41.22 29.70 333 38.15 +9.6 Meritor MTOR ... ... 3 17.20 6.30 858 17.07 +37.4 MerL pfK MERpK 1.61 6.2 ... 27.00 24.65 15 25.84 +2.9 MerL pfP MERpP 1.84 7.0 ... 27.88 24.05 23 26.16 +1.8 ML CZN46 PIY 2.09 8.3 ... 32.44 25.02 2 25.30 -1.9 MLRRD29 PYS 1.58 6.7 ... 26.20 20.35 5 23.60 +11.3 MLGS t PYT .76 3.7 ... 21.45 19.00 1 20.72 +6.0 MLIdxPl33 IPB 1.51 5.6 ... 29.80 26.10 1 26.90 +1.8 MesaRoyl MTR .99e 7.2 13 14.40 7.45 29 13.65 +25.2 Mesab MSB .64e ... 49 17.42 7.03 20 15.25 +42.5 Methode MEI .36 .8 18 46.40 27.13 175 43.55 +5.3 MetLife MET 1.60 3.0 11 58.09 36.17 4488 52.77 -2.1 MetLfe pfA METpA 1.02 4.1 ... 25.96 23.09 40 24.95 +7.2 MettlerT MTD ... ... 34 489.92 343.61 88 480.04 +14.7 MexcoEn MXC ... ... ...dd 5.61 2.08 7 3.79 -24.2 MexEqt MXE 1.62e .1 ...q 11.82 8.69 2 11.36 +23.9 MexEqt pf MXEp ... ... ... 15.11 MexicoFd MXF .70e 4.2 ...q 18.03 13.28 38 16.73 +11.3 MKors KORS ... ... 9 55.37 34.92 1051 37.76 -12.1 MicrSol n MICR ... ... ... 4.27 3.70 7 3.95 -.5 MidAApt MAA 3.48 3.4 19 110.01 85.04 858 102.85 +5.0 MdAApt pfI MAApI 2.13 3.3 ... 70.00 60.55 64.08 +.8 MidcstEn MEP 1.43 17.9 ...dd 9.89 5.01 12 8.00 +13.5 MidsthBcp MSL .36 2.4 23 15.75 8.22 12 14.85 +9.2 MidstPet MPO ... ... ... 23.25 17.01 97 19.29 -7.0 Milacron n MCRN ... ... ... 19.32 12.43 82 18.39 -1.3 MilestnSci MLSS ... ... ...dd 3.20 1.10 17 1.25 -10.7sMHowHiInc HIE 1.39 10.1 ...q 13.66 10.89 67 13.74 +10.9 MillerInds MLR .72f 3.0 14 28.85 19.79 23 24.00 -9.3 MinTech MTX .20 .3 19 83.85 51.29 102 77.25 MissP pfD MPpD 1.31 5.1 ... 27.90 25.10 0 25.48 -2.4 Mistras MG ... ... 27 26.46 19.49 69 21.21 -17.4 MitsuUFJ MTU ... ... ... 7.01 4.16 1750 6.06 -1.6 MiX Tele MIXT .22e ... ... 8.14 3.95 8 6.17 -.3 MizuhoFn MFG ... ... ... 3.87 2.76 3149 3.56 -.8 MobileTele MBT .88e 8.2 ... 11.59 7.09 3229 10.68 +17.2 Mobileye MBLY ... ... 61.91 33.69 2512 61.78 +62.1 Model N MODN ... ... ...dd 13.98 6.98 56 10.55 +19.2 Modine MOD ... ... 14 16.35 8.45 236 10.90 -26.8 Moelis&Co MC .94a 2.6 20 39.90 21.91 251 36.35 +7.2 Mohawk MHK ... ... 19 233.70 175.52 308 229.93 +15.1 MolinaHlth MOH ... ... 67.87 42.56 1317 47.85 -11.8 MolsCoor A TAP/A 1.64 1.7 ... 110.17 91.86 93.78 -4.2 MolsCoorB TAP 1.64 1.7 30 112.19 89.40 1078 95.58 -1.8 MonRE MNR .64 4.3 20 15.36 11.22 248 14.73 -3.3 MonRE pfB MNRpB 1.97 7.8 ... 27.25 25.24 25.39 -.9 MonRE pfC MNRpC 1.53 6.1 ... 26.50 23.00 13 25.09 +6.4 MonogRes MORE .30 2.9 34 10.97 9.52 403 10.17 -6.0 Monsanto MON 2.16 1.9 21 116.56 88.04 1667 116.00 +10.3 Moodys MCO 1.52f 1.3 24 114.07 87.30 635 113.38 +20.3 Moog A MOG/A ... ... 21 73.05 44.79 67 68.67 +4.6 Moog B MOG/B ... ... 22 71.81 45.79 0 68.82 +4.0 MorgStan MS .80 1.9 14 47.33 23.11 10255 41.58 -1.6 MorgSt pfE MSpE 1.78 6.1 ... 30.78 27.07 60 29.38 +4.4 MorgSt pfF MSpF 1.72 6.0 ... 30.17 25.65 16 28.67 +6.0 MorgSt pfI MSpI 1.59 5.7 ... 28.72 25.49 38 27.69 +7.6 MorgS pfG MSpG 1.66 6.2 ... 28.23 25.33 13 26.75 +4.7 MorgSt pfK MSpK ... ... ... 26.42 24.95 206 26.27 +3.4 MS Asia APF .14e .9 ...q 15.61 12.69 20 15.46 +14.5 MS China CAF 13.33e ... ...q 19.73 16.40 206 19.38 +14.1 MS CushHi MLPY 1.28e 16.3 ...q 8.47 6.17 1 7.86 -3.1 MS EMD MSD .57e 6.0 ...q 9.98 8.74 82 9.57 +5.2 MSEMDDbt EDD .80m 10.5 ...q 8.51 6.94 387 7.63 +6.4 MSEmMkt MSF .05e .3 ...q 15.04 12.52 4 14.93 +13.3 MS icb ICB .54a 3.0 ...q 18.99 17.29 5 18.05 +.6sMS India IIF .04e ... ...q 32.99 23.30 43 32.89 +28.4 MSJCP97 HJV 1.75 11.0 ... 20.50 14.77 13 15.85 -11.2 MkVRMB CNY ... ... ...q 43.00 38.05 4 40.88 +4.7sMkVRupee INR ... ... ...q 40.93 37.05 0 40.46 +6.6 MSDLEur URR ... ... ...q 19.49 12.65 15.26 -.8 MSDSEur DRR ... ... ...q 65.79 52.57 1 63.08 -3.0 MorgSt pfA MSpA 1.01e 4.3 ... 24.40 20.44 33 23.40 +1.7 Mosaic MOS 1.26f 4.4 34.36 22.77 3703 28.69 -2.2 MotrlaSolu MSI 1.88f 2.3 19 87.55 62.76 790 83.45 +.7 Movado MOV .52 2.2 15 31.95 19.14 120 23.70 -17.6 Mueller MLI .40 1.2 20 43.96 29.51 183 34.00 -14.9 MuellerWat MWA .16f 1.3 26 14.20 10.03 3218 11.89 -10.7 Mulesft n MULE ... ... ... 25.60 21.80 1144 22.30 -4.7 MultiPkg n MPSX ... ... 17.98 11.00 45 17.95 +25.9 MurphO MUR 1.00 3.5 ...dd 37.48 24.39 2207 28.38 -8.8 MurphUSA MUSA ... ... 13 80.44 56.92 599 74.49 +21.2 MyersInd MYE .54 3.2 37 17.05 11.35 53 16.95 +18.5 Myovant n MYOV ... ... ... 14.27 10.25 31 11.36 -8.7N -NCI BldSy NCS ... ... 25 18.10 13.80 188 16.55 +5.8 NCR Corp NCR ... ... 15 49.90 25.20 1229 44.85 +10.6 NGL EnPt NGL 1.56 7.3 31 25.80 7.90 243 21.50 +2.4 NL Inds NL ... ... 23 9.60 2.25 81 7.50 -8.0 NQ Mobile NQ ... ... 34 5.35 3.03 883 3.72 +15.5 NRG Egy NRG .12 .6 23 19.07 9.84 2589 18.71 +52.6 NRG Yld A NYLD/A 1.00f 5.8 35 17.78 13.40 207 17.38 +13.2 NRG Yld C NYLD 1.04f 5.9 46 18.56 13.98 388 17.75 +12.3 NTN Buzz rs NTN ... ... ...dd 23.70 4.00 36 7.95 -6.5 NTT DOCO DCM ... ... ... 28.43 21.96 148 23.79 +4.6 NVR NVR ... ... 20 2130.33 1478.04 32 2112.08 +26.5 Nabors NBR .24 1.7 ...dd 18.40 7.61 5628 14.18 -13.5 NACCO NC 1.07f 1.4 10 99.55 49.80 13 78.25 -13.6 NamTai NTP .28 3.7 ...dd 9.59 5.19 42 7.55 +2.0 NanoViric NNVC ... ... ...dd 2.28 1.03 48 1.12 +4.7 Nashville NASH .75e .7 ...q 29.39 22.74 28.21 +5.7 NatBkHldg NBHC .28 .9 39 34.10 19.17 79 32.04 +.5 NatFuGas NFG 1.62 3.0 23 61.25 50.09 1689 54.40 -4.0 NatGrid NGG 3.35e 5.2 ... 74.97 56.50 494 64.28 +10.2 NtHlthInv NHI 3.80f 5.1 17 82.53 65.94 144 74.82 +.9 NHltcre NHC 1.80 2.5 22 78.99 60.81 18 72.01 -5.0 NOilVarco NOV .20 .5 30 43.63 26.86 3774 38.73 +3.4 NatPresto NPK 1.00a 1.0 18 112.00 83.53 41 103.30 -2.9 NatRetPrp NNN 1.82 4.0 21 53.60 39.86 1047 44.95 +1.7 NRetP pfE NNNpE 1.43 5.6 ... 27.13 22.75 3 25.60 +10.8 NtRetP pfF NNNpF 1.30 5.4 ... 24.84 20.65 99 23.95 +11.0sNatlStor n NSA .96 3.8 33 25.38 18.81 297 25.53 +15.7 NtWst pfC NWpC 1.94 7.4 ... 26.90 25.42 8 26.15 +2.0 Nationstar NSM ... ... 10 19.83 10.19 421 16.46 -8.9 NatGsSvcs NGS ... ... 49 34.50 19.85 42 28.80 -10.4 NatrlGroc NGVC ... ... 24 20.63 10.00 70 10.51 -11.6 NatRsPt rs NRP .23 .7 5 45.60 9.81 38 37.45 +15.9sNatuzzi NTZ ... ... ... 3.10 1.39 42 3.06 +35.4 Nautilus NLS ... ... 16 24.99 14.28 399 17.20 -7.0 NavideaBio NAVB ... ... ...dd 1.51 .26 246 .48 -25.5 NavigCons NCI ... ... 18 27.86 15.07 114 22.77 -13.0 NavigatrH NVGS ... ... ... 16.85 6.47 194 14.10 +51.6 NaviosAcq NNA .20 11.5 4 2.11 1.19 423 1.74 +2.4sNavios pfG NMpG 2.19 12.2 ... 17.93 2.82 8 17.98 +138.5 Navios NM ... ... ...dd 2.40 .57 702 1.95 +38.3 NavMH pfH NMpH 2.16 12.2 ... 17.88 2.76 9 17.67 +152.4 NavMMid NAP 1.69 14.4 ... 14.20 9.07 38 11.72 +8.7 NaviosMar NMM 1.27f 58.6 6 2.94 1.14 399 2.17 +53.9 Navistar NAV ... ... ...dd 33.46 10.30 468 25.77 -17.9 Navistr pfD NAVpD ... ... ... 16.25 3.27 10.21 -8.9 NeenahP NP 1.48f 1.9 17 90.23 62.11 94 76.35 -10.4sNeffCorp NEFF ... ... 15 19.70 7.26 103 19.90 +41.1 Nelnet NNI .56f 1.3 9 55.01 31.49 29 44.46 -12.4 NeoPhoton NPTN ... ... 39 18.51 6.90 759 8.22 -24.0 Netw1Tch NTIP ... ... 5.05 1.90 300 4.60 +35.3 NBCAInt NBW .74 5.2 ...q 17.66 13.68 29 14.20 -1.3 NeuB HYld NHS .96 8.0 ...q 12.20 10.53 97 11.98 +2.7 NBIntMu NBH .90 5.9 ...q 17.64 14.37 44 15.13 -6.9 NB MLP NML 1.26 ... ...q NBNYInt NBO .58 4.5 ...q 14.87 12.13 18 12.69 +1.4 NBRESec NRO .36 6.5 ...q 6.00 4.96 305 5.50 +2.4 NeuStar NSR ... ... 7 34.40 21.10 279 33.30 -.3sNevGCas UWN ... ... 31 2.23 1.55 39 2.18 +17.8 NevroCorp NVRO ... ... ...dd 106.93 61.52 212 89.66 +23.4 Nevsun g NSU .04m 1.6 25 3.80 2.29 1107 2.49 -19.4 NewAmHi HYB .78a 8.2 ...q 9.66 8.17 26 9.49 +2.5 NewConcEn GBR ... ... 41 6.10 .78 815 2.06 -4.6 NE Realty NEN 1.00 1.5 2 69.00 53.07 67.25 +10.4 NwGold g NGD ... ... 46 6.04 2.39 8895 3.23 -7.7 NewHome NWHM ... ... 10 12.79 8.62 55 10.61 -9.4 NwIreland IRL 2.15e 1.2 ...q 13.74 10.96 2 13.04 +8.9 NJ Rscs s NJR 1.02 2.5 21 42.65 30.46 418 40.35 +13.7 NewMedia NEWM 1.40 10.0 20 19.89 13.46 428 14.05 -12.1 NwMtnFin NMFC 1.36 9.3 15q 15.00 12.10 648 14.60 +3.5 NewOriEd EDU .40e ... 39 61.96 35.39 757 59.68 +41.8 NewRelic NEWR ... ... ...dd 40.10 23.55 236 38.84 +37.5 NewResid NRZ 1.92f 11.1 9 17.29 11.81 2240 17.25 +9.7 NewSenInv SNR 1.04 9.9 9 12.68 9.02 884 10.46 +6.8 NY&Co NWY ... ... ...dd 3.87 1.34 110 1.72 -24.2 NY CmtyB NYCB .68 4.9 14 17.68 13.48 4952 13.79 -13.3 NYCmty un NYCBpU 3.00 5.9 ... 51.44 48.50 3 50.45 +1.3 NY REIT NYRT .46 4.7 ... 11.07 8.79 806 9.73 -3.9 NY Times NYT .16 1.1 26 16.35 10.60 685 14.60 +9.8 NewellRub NWL .76 1.6 19 55.45 43.20 2898 46.27 +3.6 NewdExp NFX ... ... 32 50.00 33.00 1495 37.01 -8.6 NewMarket NEU 7.00f 1.5 23 455.73 385.66 23 453.06 +6.9 NewmtM NEM .20 .6 28 46.07 28.81 6168 35.13 +3.1 NewpkRes NR ... ... ...dd 8.75 4.26 528 8.25 +10.0 NexPtCr rs NHF 2.88 12.6 ...q 23.93 19.01 60 22.83 +.3sNxPtRsT n NXRT .88f 3.5 ... 25.20 13.66 67 25.17 +12.7 NxtEraLP NEP 1.37f 4.1 18 34.00 23.90 167 33.03 +29.3 NextEC3-72 NEEpG ... ... ... 26.73 23.32 13 25.28 +4.2 NextEC6-72 NEEpH 1.41 5.6 ... 26.46 22.76 7 25.09 +5.3 NextEra 72 NEEpI 1.28 5.2 ... 26.54 21.11 13 24.83 +13.0 NextEra 73 NEEpJ 1.25 5.1 ... 26.34 20.82 11 24.64 +13.1 NextEra76 NEEpK ... ... ... 25.95 21.04 60 24.46 +10.8 NxtEra pfQ NEEpQ 3.19 5.3 ... 64.78 54.44 74 59.87 +4.6 NextEraEn NEE 3.93f 3.0 23 133.28 110.49 845 129.32 +8.3 NxtEra pfR NEEpR ... ... ... 52.70 46.80 116 51.38 +4.9 NiSource s NI .70 2.9 22 26.94 21.17 2668 23.85 +7.7 NiaM pfB NMKpB 3.60 3.8 ... 104.75 87.12 96.00 +.1 NiaM pfC NMKpC 3.90 4.0 ... 113.82 90.25 96.85 Nielsen plc NLSN 1.24 3.0 24 55.94 40.28 2138 41.37 -1.4 NikeB s NKE .84 1.5 23 60.53 49.01 4240 54.92 +8.0 NimbleStg NMBL ... ... ...dd 12.58 6.18 606 12.50 +57.8 NoahHldgs NOAH ... ... 15 29.73 21.33 108 26.49 +20.8 NobilisH n HLTH ... ... ... 4.66 1.25 966 1.40 -33.3 NobleCorp NE .08 1.3 3 12.19 4.45 10676 6.18 +4.4 NobleEngy NBL .40 1.1 ...dd 42.03 30.86 2933 35.24 -7.4 NobleMid n NBLX .43p ... ... 53.29 26.90 84 49.79 +38.3 NokiaCp NOK .17e 3.2 ... 6.31 4.04 8167 5.27 +9.6 NomadF n NOMD ... ... ... 12.97 7.85 636 11.16 +16.6 Nomura NMR ... ... ... 6.80 3.33 146 6.01 +1.9 Norbord n OSB .23e ... ... 30.88 17.94 20 30.88 +22.3sNordAngEd NORD ... ... 59 28.00 19.83 195 28.28 +21.4 NordicAOff NAO .18 18.8 ... 5.69 .90 305 .96 -65.1 NordicAm NAT 1.14e 13.3 23 16.18 7.57 1337 8.55 +1.8 Nordstrm JWN 1.48a 3.2 15 62.82 35.01 2236 46.57 -2.8 NorkSo NSC 2.44f 2.1 20 125.00 78.73 1810 115.22 +6.6 Norsat g rs NSAT ... ... 25 10.15 5.33 15 10.15 +28.5 NortelInv NTL .64e 2.4 ... 30.78 19.75 3 27.00 +3.6 NoAmEn g NOA .08 ... ... 5.70 2.04 101 5.30 +37.7 NoAtlDrl rs NADL ... ... ... 8.08 .65 21890 2.70 -14.8 NEurO NRT .66e 9.0 8 9.90 6.11 11 7.37 +11.7 NoWestCp NWE 2.10f 3.5 18 63.75 53.85 495 59.62 +4.8 NDynMn g NAK ... ... ... 3.45 .28 2409 1.38 -33.3 NthnO&G NOG ... ... 13 5.85 1.55 667 2.45 -10.9 NorthropG NOC 3.60 1.5 22 253.80 199.26 647 241.05 +3.6 NStREur n NRE .60 5.2 ... 13.04 8.50 213 11.46 -8.8 NwstNG NWN 1.88 3.1 25 66.17 49.46 103 60.00 +.3 NovaBay rs NBY ... ... ...dd 5.29 1.92 13 3.75 +13.6 NovaGld g NG ... ... ...dd 7.29 3.79 3058 4.94 +8.3 Novartis NVS 2.75e 3.7 15 83.58 66.93 1669 73.96 +1.5 NovoNord NVO .96e 2.7 ... 57.81 30.89 1511 36.02 +.4 NOW Inc DNOW ... ... ...dd 23.53 15.47 1475 17.72 -13.4 NuSkin NUS 1.44f 2.7 25 66.04 37.09 770 53.83 +12.7 Nucor NUE 1.51 2.5 26 68.00 44.81 1874 60.50 +1.6 Nush EnhYl NUAG ... ... ... 25.26 23.98 5 24.41 +.5 NushLCGr NULG ... ... ... 27.33 25.18 1 26.90 +6.7 NushLCVal NULV ... ... ... 25.94 24.85 25.60 +2.4 NushMCGr NUMG ... ... ... 26.63 24.71 25.98 +4.7 NushMCVal NUMV ... ... ... 26.02 24.78 25.42 +2.6 NushSmCap NUSC ... ... ... 27.07 24.17 1 25.48 +3.4 NushShTrm NURE ... ... ... 25.59 24.74 0 25.39 +1.8 NustarEn NS 4.38 8.5 41 55.64 41.75 77 51.47 +3.4 NustEn pfA NSpA ... ... ... 27.50 26.13 23 26.86 -.4 NustarGP NSH 2.18 7.8 22 31.50 21.45 79 27.90 -3.5 Nustar 43 NSS 1.91 7.4 ... 26.70 22.70 12 25.84 +.2 Nuv Mun21 NHA ... ... ... 10.51 9.48 21 9.75 -1.8 NvDivCom CFD ... ... ... Nuv Pf22 n JPT ... ... ... 25.50 24.85 34 25.11 +.7 NvHiInDc19 JHD ... ... ... 10.50 9.95 17 10.24 +1.3 NvLngShC CTF ... ... ... Nuv RE In JRS ... ... ... 12.08 9.87 35 11.29 +4.8 NuvMO Pr NOM ... ... ... 16.60 14.36 16.28 +8.5 NuvAllCEn JMLP 1.37 12.5 ...q 11.51 6.51 94 10.92 +8.7 NuvAZ NAZ .80 5.7 ...q 17.80 13.33 14 13.97 -.1 NuvBldAm NBB 1.34 6.5 ...q 23.30 19.80 81 20.71 +.4 NBldAmOp NBD 1.30 6.0 ...q 23.49 19.80 7 21.56 +3.0 NCaAMTFr NKX .86 5.9 ...q 17.35 13.78 133 14.75 +3.1 NCADvA NAC .91 6.3 ...q 17.20 13.75 179 14.55 +2.9 NCalMunV NCA .47 4.6 ...q 11.50 9.84 38 10.18 -2.4 NuvCASel NXC .63a 4.2 ...q 17.97 14.25 14 15.04 +2.3 NCTDv2 pfC NGKpC .26 2.6 ... 10.02 NCTPI NTC .68a 5.5 ...q 14.45 11.97 25 12.34 +.5 NuvCorEqA JCE 1.21a 8.7 ...q 14.75 12.69 79 13.92 +6.4 NvCredStr JQC .62 7.0 ...q 9.06 7.76 362 8.81 -.5 NvDvrsDiv JDD 1.04 8.7 ...q 12.48 10.69 37 12.00 +7.4 NuvDivA NAD .85a 6.2 ...q 15.97 13.19 358 13.76 -1.4 NuvEnhM NZF .83a 5.9 ...q 14.09 -1.9 NvDow30DO DIAX 1.06 6.7 ...q 16.25 13.72 99 15.85 +5.7 NuEnMLP JMF 1.35 9.8 ...p 14.55 9.65 140 13.75 +1.6 NEnhMuV NEV .96a 6.7 ...q 17.28 13.56 58 14.23 +1.6 NuvFlxInv JPW 1.42a 8.4 ...q 17.54 15.17 6 17.00 +2.2 NuvFloat JFR .72 6.3 ...q 12.34 9.93 227 11.52 -1.3 NuvFltOp JRO .76a 6.4 ...q 12.93 9.75 108 11.89 -2.5 NvGADiv2 NKG .64a 4.9 ...q 14.88 12.50 5 13.07 +2.8 NuvGblHIn JGH 1.58 9.5 ... 16.89 13.87 72 16.57 +3.6 NuvHi2020 JHY .68 6.7 ...q 11.15 9.99 38 10.12 -.9 NuvHIDec18 JHA ... ... ...q 10.48 10.00 64 10.07 +.1 NuvEnhMu NVG ... ... ... 16.59 13.85 294 14.77 +2.1 NNYAmtF NRK .70 5.4 ...q 14.62 12.44 194 13.06 +2.0 NuvAmtFr NEA .75a 5.5 ...q 15.22 12.94 723 13.57 +1.7 NuvIntMu NID .68 5.2 ...q 14.34 12.19 110 13.05 +2.7 NvIntQMu NIQ .57 4.4 ...q 13.96 12.13 42 12.87 +4.6 NMDPI NMY .67a 5.2 ...q 14.66 12.20 31 12.83 +3.1 NvMAP NMT .71a 5.1 ...q 16.19 12.93 3 13.78 +4.9 NMIQI NUM .74 5.5 ...q 15.80 12.90 25 13.46 +.9 NuvMNMu NMS .80 4.8 ...q 18.22 15.08 7 16.70 +6.4 NuvMtgOp JLS 1.52 6.2 ...q 24.89 22.49 12 24.57 +2.1 NuMtgOp2 JMT 1.53 6.5 ...q 23.84 21.61 5 23.60 +1.9 NuvMultM JMM .48 6.5 ...q 7.64 6.95 1 7.39 +1.2 NMuHiOp NMZ .91a 6.3 ...q 15.42 13.95 14.49 -1.9 NvMuI NMI .50a 3.9 ...q 13.50 10.90 6 12.75 +13.6 NuvMuVal NUV .39a 4.0 ...q 10.88 9.34 255 9.85 +3.0 Nv AMT-Fr NUW .78a 4.6 ...q 19.89 16.00 36 16.99 +4.5 NuvNJDiv NXJ .82a 6.1 ...q 15.63 12.90 74 13.47 +2.4 NuvNJMV NJV .59a 3.9 ...q 17.03 14.36 4 15.06 -9.0 NNYDvA NAN .80a 5.8 ...q 15.95 13.13 51 13.76 +2.5 NNYMV NNY .39a 3.9 ...q 10.69 9.26 22 9.94 +4.9 NuvNYSel NXN .55 4.0 ...q 14.85 12.92 2 13.84 +4.6 NNCPI NNC .59a 4.5 ...q 15.04 12.67 28 13.04 +.8 NOHQI NUO .80 5.4 ...q 17.16 14.27 8 14.95 +2.9 NvPA NQP .81a 6.1 ...q 15.66 12.67 33 13.28 +1.5 NuvPaMV NPN .62a 4.0 ...q 17.67 15.12 2 15.55 -8.6 NuvPf&Inc JPI 1.95a 8.0 ...q 25.27 21.93 25 24.35 +6.2 NvPfdInco JPC .80 8.1 ...q 10.56 8.72 184 9.91 +.7 NuvQPf2 JPS .70 7.2 ...q 9.75 8.21 293 9.67 +3.9 NuvREAst JRI 1.49a 8.5 ...q 18.00 15.16 34 17.53 +11.4 NuvEqtP BXMX 1.00 7.4 ...q 13.57 12.08 157 13.50 +6.1 NEqPrmG SPXX 1.04 6.9 ...q 15.71 13.00 62 15.10 +4.9 NvSMM NIM .31a 3.1 ...q 11.01 9.49 28 10.08 +3.4 NSTFI NXP .55a 3.9 ...q 15.93 13.50 16 14.21 +2.2 NSTFI2 NXQ .53a 3.9 ...q 15.18 12.82 29 13.58 +2.0 NSTFI3 NXR .55a 3.8 ...q 15.98 13.73 22 14.32 +1.1 NuvSnIn NSL .42 6.1 ...q 7.16 5.84 124 6.87 +1.2 NuShDCrd JSD 1.16a 6.4 ...q 18.55 14.91 45 18.06 +3.3 Nv TA Div JTD 1.23 8.2 ...q 15.36 13.52 47 15.01 +7.8 NvTxATR JTA 1.04 8.5 ...q 12.60 10.81 36 12.21 +7.9 NTXQI NTX .65 4.5 ...q 15.90 13.29 7 14.41 +5.0 NVAPI NPV .65a 5.0 ...q 15.23 12.55 13 13.18 +1.6O -OCI Ptrs OCIP .59e 6.2 ...dd 10.35 4.95 9 9.55 +14.4 OFG Bncp OFG .24 2.1 ...dd 14.48 7.02 294 11.55 -11.8 OFG pfA OFGpA 1.78 7.4 ... 25.42 18.00 1 23.98 -5.7 OFG pfB OFGpB 1.75 7.3 ... 25.13 17.56 3 23.91 -4.9 OFG pfD OFGpD 1.78 7.5 ... 24.33 17.81 8 23.67 -.2 OGE Engy OGE 1.21 3.5 21 37.41 27.27 948 34.89 +4.3 OM AsstM OMAM .32 2.1 ... 15.52 12.10 485 15.03 +3.7 ONEGas OGS 1.68f 2.4 26 69.02 55.98 192 68.74 +7.5 OaktreeC OAK 2.32f 5.0 21 49.65 36.95 170 46.75 +24.7 OasisPet OAS ... ... ...dd 17.08 6.56 6509 14.29 -5.6 OcciPet OXY 3.04 4.7 ...dd 78.48 61.01 4766 64.98 -8.8 Oceaneerg OII .60 2.2 29 36.92 22.47 1530 27.59 -2.2 Och-Ziff OZM .87e 38.7 ...dd 4.78 2.15 307 2.25 -32.0 OcwenFn OCN ... ... ...dd 6.15 1.29 1341 5.47 +1.5 Oi SA C OIBR/C ... ... ... 9.19 1.01 433 5.65 +42.3 OilStates OIS ... ... ...dd 41.75 27.07 549 33.50 -14.1 Oil-Dri ODC .84 2.2 26 40.94 29.89 6 37.69 -1.4 OldRepub ORI .76f 3.8 14 21.19 16.51 940 20.24 +6.5 Olin OLN .80 2.6 48 33.88 18.24 4105 30.89 +20.6 Om Asst 31 OMAA 1.28 5.5 ... 25.29 20.15 10 23.27 +7.1 OmegaHlt OHI 2.48f 7.3 10 38.09 28.11 1672 34.07 +9.0 OmegaP OME .05p ... 10 26.99 16.85 115 19.55 -22.0 Omnicom OMC 2.20 2.6 18 89.66 75.61 2126 84.77 -.4 Omnova OMN ... ... 19 10.42 5.90 96 9.65 -3.5 OnAssign ASGN ... ... 20 49.12 32.04 128 47.04 +6.5 OnDeckCap ONDK ... ... ...dd 8.94 3.64 205 4.60 -.6 OncoCyte n OCX ... ... ... 7.95 3.10 6 5.95 -15.6 OneLibrty OLP 1.72f 7.2 13 25.89 21.96 45 23.88 -4.9 OneBeacon OB .84 5.2 18 17.12 12.20 91 16.24 +1.2 OneMain OMF ... ... 9 33.31 16.03 525 24.03 +8.5 ONEOK OKE 3.16 5.7 34 59.47 30.44 1337 55.72 -2.9 OneokPtrs OKS 3.16 5.8 24 57.41 31.13 333 54.41 +26.5sOoma n OOMA ... ... ...dd 10.75 6.22 227 10.90 +21.1 OppLgCap RWL .72e 1.6 ...q 46.43 38.69 49 45.24 +4.1 OppMidCap RWK .59e .8 ...q 58.04 45.22 13 55.36 +2.3 OppSmCap RWJ .48e .6 ...q 69.74 51.95 30 65.62 -2.2 OppUltDiv RDIV 1.15e 3.3 ...q 35.66 29.11 77 34.55 +.8 OppenFin RWW .58e 1.0 ...q 62.51 42.57 3 58.10 +.9 OppenHldg OPY .44 2.7 ...dd 19.65 13.63 10 16.55 -11.0 Oracle ORCL .60 1.4 21 46.99 37.62 15296 44.17 +15.3 Oragenics OGEN ... ... ...dd 1.10 .33 34 .36 -33.3 Orange ORAN .73e 4.8 ... 17.78 13.98 279 15.25 +.7 OrbitATK OA 1.28f 1.3 18 102.72 67.04 387 97.49 +11.1 OrchidIsl ORC 1.68 16.4 6 12.60 9.23 729 10.27 -5.2 OrchidsPP TIS 1.40 5.9 16 36.31 22.60 103 23.61 -9.8 OrientPap ONP .02 2.0 3 1.54 .93 99 .99 -14.8 OrionECarb OEC .72 ... ... 22.20 13.64 114 20.25 +7.4 OrionGpHl ORN ... ... ...dd 11.11 4.57 128 7.82 -21.4 Orix IX ... ... ... 82.58 61.38 34 76.13 -2.2 OrmatTc ORA .28 .5 26 59.63 41.12 165 58.24 +8.6 OshRusS n OUSM ... ... ... 25.85 24.83 14 25.34 -1.6sOshIntQ n ONTL ... ... ... 25.31 25.15 6 25.31 +.5 OshkoshCp OSK .84f 1.2 21 74.16 38.59 439 70.50 +9.1 OsiskoGl n OR .16f ... ... 14.74 8.88 694 11.34 +16.7 OutfrontM OUT 1.44f 5.5 13 27.89 20.72 547 26.16 +5.2 OversSh wi OSG/WI ... ... ... 3.00 2.62 2.75 OverSh rs OSG ... ... ... 5.66 2.69 493 3.66 -4.4 OwensMin OMI 1.03f 3.0 17 41.48 30.43 423 34.67 -1.8 OwensCorn OC .80 1.3 17 62.79 45.46 715 61.03 +18.4 OwensIll OI ... ... 9 20.74 16.18 991 20.41 +17.2 OwensRM ORM .32 1.8 12 19.16 14.95 14 17.75 -4.2 OxfordInds OXM 1.08 1.9 17 76.19 49.50 173 55.75 -7.3P-QPBF Engy PBF 1.20 5.7 14 35.68 19.47 2007 21.17 -24.1 PBF Logist PBFX 1.80f 8.5 11 23.49 17.45 29 21.15 +16.2 PCM Fund PCM .96 9.3 ...q 10.59 9.05 30 10.31 +3.1 PG&E Cp PCG 1.96 2.9 18 68.29 56.39 1210 67.01 +10.3 PGT Inc PGTI ... ... 22 12.49 9.38 210 10.45 -9.1 PHH Corp PHH ... ... ...dd 16.80 11.10 251 13.08 -13.7 PIMCO1-3Tr TUZ .34a .7 ...q 52.58 50.17 27 50.70 +.1 Pimc1-5Tip STPZ .25e .5 ...q 53.10 51.94 67 52.70 +.4 Pim15TIPS LTPZ .42e .6 ...q 72.58 62.52 50 66.63 +2.6 PimBrdTIPS TIPZ .31e .5 ...q 60.68 56.33 51 58.18 +1.3 PimLwDur LDUR 2.82e 2.0 ...q 103.00 99.29 3 100.60 +.2 PimcoTR BOND 6.13e 5.8 ...q 108.25 102.11 75 105.76 +1.6 Pim0-5HYCp HYS 5.21e 5.2 ...q 101.56 93.56 379 100.64 +.8 PimIGBd CORP 3.12a 3.0 ...q 107.50 99.85 26 103.58 +1.3 PimShMat MINT .82e .8 ...q 101.66 100.84 421 101.57 +.2 PimIntMu MUNI 1.26 2.4 ...q 55.48 51.73 25 53.08 +1.3 PimSTMun SMMU .47e .9 ...q 50.87 48.75 16 50.10 +1.4 Pim25yrZro ZROZ 3.07e 2.7 ...q 143.05 105.32 23 112.93 +4.0 PJT Part n PJT .20 .6 22 38.86 21.52 130 33.35 +8.0 PLDT Inc PHI 1.60e 4.5 ... 46.13 25.50 321 35.82 +30.0 PNC pfP PNCpP 1.65 5.6 ... 30.88 26.50 48 29.28 +7.3 PNC pfQ PNCpQ 1.34 5.3 ... 26.37 23.01 30 25.10 +6.3 PNC PNC 2.20 1.9 17 131.83 77.40 3292 118.03 +.9 PNC wt PNC/WS ... ... ... 64.30 14.80 7 50.57 +2.5 PNM Res PNM .97 2.6 23 38.00 30.62 496 37.75 +10.1 POSCO PKX ... ... ... 66.63 40.80 571 58.83 +12.0 PPG s PPG 1.60 1.5 18 117.00 89.64 1031 106.06 +11.9 PPG wd PPG/WD ... ... ... 138.47 PPL Cap 73 PPX 1.48 5.6 ... 27.75 24.01 4 26.19 +4.8 PPL Corp PPL 1.58f 4.2 14 39.92 32.08 2362 37.35 +9.7 PS BusPk PSB 3.00 2.5 33 121.81 94.88 92 120.46 +3.4 PSBPk pfT PSBpT 1.50 5.9 ... 26.89 23.88 12 25.31 +4.1 PSBPk pfU PSBpU 1.44 5.7 ... 26.37 22.85 10 25.13 +7.9 PSBPk pfV PSBpV 1.42 5.6 ... 26.70 22.79 17 25.57 +9.8 PS BsPk pfW PSBpW ... ... ... 23.59 20.58 32 23.50 +9.0 PVH Corp PVH .15 .1 12 115.40 82.10 849 101.36 +12.3 PcrTrnd750 PTLC ... ... ...q 25.98 21.17 56 25.10 +5.4 PcrTrnd450 PTMC ... ... ...q 28.70 23.03 40 27.75 +4.4 PcrTrnd100 PTNQ ... ... ...q 25.82 19.66 18 25.44 +11.2 PacrAutopil PAEU ... ... ... 26.80 23.81 26.80 PacrGlHi n PGHD ... ... ... 28.57 25.13 27.37 +1.9 PacrTrendp PTEU ... ... ... 26.88 22.00 6 25.89 +8.1 PacCashCow COWZ ... ... ... Pacholder PHF .60 7.7 ...q 7.93 6.59 29 7.84 +8.9 PacifCstOil ROYT .26e 12.7 5 2.21 .87 103 2.04 +90.7 PacDrill rs PACD ... ... ... 11.56 1.58 89 1.80 -55.7 PacGE pfA PCGpA 1.50 4.7 ... 33.70 28.89 2 31.95 +4.3 PacGE pfB PCGpB 1.37 4.7 ... 33.00 27.40 0 29.34 +4.0 PacGE pfC PCGpC 1.25 4.5 ... 30.00 24.94 3 27.60 +10.5 PacGE pfD PCGpD 1.25 4.8 ... 27.50 24.74 1 26.24 +2.0 PacGE pfE PCGpE 1.25 4.7 ... 27.25 24.81 1 26.55 +3.7 PacGE pfG PCGpG 1.20 4.8 ... 28.90 23.63 25.25 +1.0 PacGE pfH PCGpH 1.12 4.6 ... 27.06 22.00 24.66 +6.2 PacGE pfI PCGpI 1.09 4.4 ... 25.99 23.31 24.71 +4.0 Pacif pf PPWp 5.00 5.0 ... 100.26 PackAmer PKG 2.52 2.8 19 96.87 61.80 570 91.01 +7.3 PalatinTch PTN ... ... ...dd .90 .29 687 .30 -40.6 PaloAltNet PANW ... ... ...dd 165.69 107.31 1655 113.47 -9.3sPampaEng PAM ... ... ... 59.18 19.80 654 58.73 +68.7 Pandora P ... ... ...dd 14.98 8.40 11823 11.14 -14.6 PanhO&G PHX .16 .8 ...dd 27.70 15.34 10 20.00 -15.1 ParPetr rt PARR/r ... ... ... .16 .01 .06 ParPetrol PARR ... ... ... 20.00 12.18 194 17.02 +17.1 ParTech PAR ... ... 22 7.35 4.30 8 7.34 +31.5 ParaGold n PZG ... ... ... 2.93 1.37 86 1.71 -3.9 ParamtGp PGRE .38 2.2 78 18.28 14.58 1610 17.06 +6.7 Paretem rs TEUM ... ... ... 5.75 .65 81 .69 ParkEl PKE .40a 2.4 29 20.24 13.76 66 16.77 -10.1 ParkHot n PK .43p ... ... 33.40 25.40 1170 26.44 -11.6 ParkNatl PRK 3.76 3.6 20 122.88 85.44 14 103.26 -13.7 ParkDrl PKD ... ... ...dd 3.16 1.35 235 1.70 -34.6 ParkerHan PH 2.64f 1.6 23 163.14 99.10 913 160.81 +14.9 Parkway n PKY ... ... ... 23.17 16.39 485 20.51 -7.8 ParsleyEn PE ... ... 39.82 21.23 3064 31.72 -10.0 PartRe pfF PREpF 1.47 5.8 ... 27.48 22.95 5 25.39 +4.3 PartRe pfG PREpG 1.63 5.9 ... 30.33 25.32 2 27.37 +5.6 PartRe pfH PREpH 1.81 6.3 ... 32.40 25.02 35 28.88 +5.8 PartRe pfI PREpI 1.47 5.7 ... 28.94 22.97 6 25.73 +9.4 PartyCity n PRTY ... ... ... 19.10 12.05 161 14.30 +.7 Patheon n PTHN ... ... ... 32.95 23.72 475 26.16 -8.9 PatriotN n PN 2.50e ... 6 9.95 2.04 95 2.23 -52.0 PaycomSft PAYC ... ... 78 58.81 34.39 333 57.96 +27.4 PeabodyE n BTU ... ... ... 28.62 27.01 593 27.49 -.2 Pearson PSO .80e 10.2 ... 13.20 7.04 840 7.86 -21.3 Pebblebrk PEB 1.52 5.1 16 31.85 23.46 558 29.59 -.5 Pebble pfC PEBpC 1.63 6.4 ... 27.24 23.51 0 25.44 +4.8 Pebbleb pfD PEBpD 2.09 8.2 ... 29.15 23.50 0 25.49 +7.9 Pedevco rs PED ... ... ... 4.08 .84 1.14 Pedevco PED/O ... ... ...dd .41 .08 .10 -10.7sPembina g PBA 1.50 ... 36 33.24 27.10 296 33.13 +5.8 PengthE g PGH .04 ... ...dd 2.08 .96 911 1.15 -19.0 PennWst g PWE ... ... ... 2.05 .61 2070 1.65 -6.8 PennPk 25 PNTA 1.56 6.2 ... 26.20 23.58 4 25.15 +.2 Penney JCP ... ... ...dd 11.30 5.45 9400 6.11 -26.5 PennaRE PEI .84 5.7 10 25.67 13.76 1081 14.81 -21.9 PenRE pfA PEIpA 2.06 8.1 ... 26.50 24.80 10 25.30 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page6 The Sun/Wednesday, April 12, 2017
PenRE pfB PEIpB 1.84 7.2 ... 26.71 22.46 2 25.40 +1.6 PenRE pfC PEIpC 1.80 6.6 ... 27.30 24.72 34 27.30 +8.5 PennyMFn PFSI ... ... 6 19.35 11.10 487 17.10 +2.7 PennyMac PMT 1.88 10.5 17 18.16 12.99 735 17.86 +9.1 Penny pfA PMTpA 2.03 8.0 ... 25.43 24.66 59 25.40 +2.7 Penske PAG 1.16f 2.6 12 56.05 29.29 777 45.42 -12.4 Pentair PNR 1.38f 2.2 22 66.99 53.80 791 63.44 +13.1 Penumbra n PEN ... ... ...dd 84.85 45.88 194 83.15 +30.3 PepsiCo PEP 3.01 2.7 24 112.76 98.50 2961 111.73 +6.8 PerfFood n PFGC ... ... 24 28.13 19.95 217 23.80 -.8 PerkElm PKI .28 .5 21 58.40 45.35 361 57.46 +10.2 Prmian PBT .44e 4.4 28 10.30 5.93 90 10.01 +29.8 Perrigo PRGO .64f .9 132.22 65.47 1736 69.01 -17.1 PetChina PTR .70e 1.0 ... 81.80 63.43 114 72.90 -1.1sPetroArg PZE .07e ... ... 12.17 4.66 49 12.04 +71.5 PetrbrsA PBR/A ... ... ... 11.77 4.29 4888 9.31 +5.7 Petrobras PBR ... ... ... 12.56 5.45 23368 9.73 -3.8 PtroqstE rs PQ ... ... ...dd 4.75 1.71 87 2.86 -13.6tPfenex PFNX ... ... ...dd 11.35 4.69 132 4.62 -49.1 Pzer PFE 1.28f 3.8 14 37.39 29.83 18649 33.93 +4.5 Pzer wd PFE/WD ... ... ... 28.25 PhrmAth PIP 2.91e ... 1 3.50 .47 376 .77 -76.3 Pharmerica PMC ... ... 11 28.72 19.20 194 23.25 -7.6 PhlpsSelEn DSE 1.26 15.9 ... 8.59 5.63 100 7.93 +4.6 PhilaEn n PESC ... ... ... PhilipMor PM 4.16 3.7 23 114.65 86.78 3528 113.42 +24.0 PhilipsNV PHG .88e 2.8 ... 32.31 23.00 1898 31.96 +4.5 Phillips66 PSX 2.52 3.2 12 89.31 73.67 2000 77.88 -9.9 Phill66LP PSXP 2.23f 4.2 25 62.66 42.47 217 53.00 +9.0 PhoenixCo n PFX ... ... ... PhxNMda FENG ... ... 18 4.46 3.11 162 3.59 +14.3 PhysRltTr DOC .90 4.5 26 22.03 17.12 1002 20.19 +7.8 PiedmOfc PDM .84 3.7 14 23.08 18.61 895 22.58 +8.0 Pier 1 PIR .28 3.9 22 9.68 3.73 2946 7.26 -15.0 PimcoCA PCQ .92 5.5 ...q 17.53 14.75 47 16.74 +6.8 PimcoCA2 PCK .65 6.4 ...q 11.25 9.05 121 10.12 +9.8 PimcCA3 PZC .72 5.8 ...q 13.11 10.67 46 12.39 +9.3 PimcoCp&I PCN 1.35 8.3 ...q 16.28 12.64 122 16.26 +10.0 PimCpOp PTY 1.56a 9.9 ...q 15.89 13.27 285 15.77 +10.2 PimDyCrd PCI 1.97 9.1 ...q 21.61 17.54 622 21.57 +6.7 PimDyInco PDI 2.65a 9.2 ...q 29.29 26.06 206 28.83 +4.1 PimcIncStr PFL 1.08 9.5 ...q 11.38 9.58 90 11.32 +7.1 PimIncStr2 PFN .96 9.3 ...q 10.28 8.72 187 10.27 +8.2 PimStPls PGP 2.20 12.4 ...q 20.96 13.82 44 17.70 +25.8 PimcoHiI PHK 1.24 14.4 ...q 10.15 8.26 618 8.61 -6.1 PimIncOpp PKO 2.28a 9.0 ...q 25.55 20.76 57 25.43 +9.8 PimcoMuni PMF .98 7.4 ...q 17.43 12.74 55 13.25 -7.9 PimcoMu2 PML .78 6.1 ...q 14.08 11.57 69 12.88 +5.4 PimcMu3 PMX .75 6.7 ...q 13.05 10.82 65 11.37 PimcoNY PNF .68 5.3 ...q 14.40 11.49 5 12.89 +8.1 PimcoNY2 PNI .80 6.8 ...q 14.61 11.13 7 11.73 -2.3 PimcNY3 PYN .63 6.4 ...q 12.29 9.26 1 9.89 -1.3 PimcoStrIn RCS .96 9.8 ...q 10.56 8.12 122 9.80 +11.5sPinnaclFds PF 1.14f 1.9 29 59.11 41.47 963 59.10 +10.6sPinWst PNW 2.62 3.1 22 85.01 70.11 651 84.79 +8.7 PionDvrsHi HNW 1.38 8.4 ...q 16.83 15.04 98 16.42 +2.5 PionEnSvc PES ... ... ...dd 7.20 2.32 1108 4.40 -35.8sPionFltRt PHD .72 5.8 ...q 12.44 10.95 68 12.40 +4.5 PionHiIn PHT 1.14 11.4 ...q 10.75 9.36 111 10.00 -2.1 PioMuAdv MAV .84 7.4 ...q 14.25 10.61 242 11.31 -4.2 PioMunHi MHI .84 7.0 ...q 14.76 11.31 100 11.92 +.4 PioNtrl PXD .08 ... ...dd 199.83 139.00 1067 189.95 +5.5 PiperJaf PJC .31p ... 17 81.85 35.36 107 61.25 -15.5 PitnyBw PBI .75 5.7 8 21.81 12.31 1304 13.14 -13.5 PitnB pr PBIp 2.12 .8 ... 264.00 PitnyBw 43 PBIpB 1.67 6.4 ... 27.73 25.11 16 26.21 +2.5 PlainsAAP PAA 2.20 7.1 28 33.95 20.53 1319 30.77 -4.7 PlainsGP rs PAGP 1.54 ... 61 36.55 22.15 646 31.56 -9.0 PlanetFit n PLNT ... ... 40 22.13 13.18 2653 19.21 -4.4 Plantron PLT .60 1.1 18 57.79 37.58 105 52.98 -3.3 PlatfmSpc PAH ... ... 32 13.96 6.85 1396 13.27 +35.3 PlatGpM rs PLG ... ... ...dd 3.98 1.40 652 1.56 +9.1 PlyGem PGEM ... ... 17 20.00 12.85 118 18.95 +16.6 PolarStarR PSRT ... ... ... Polaris PII 2.32f 2.8 24 104.25 70.14 635 82.08 -.4 PolyMet g PLM ... ... ...dd 1.14 .71 227 .76 +2.4 PolyOne POL .54 1.6 16 38.41 28.77 463 34.12 +6.5 PortGE POR 1.28 2.8 21 46.05 37.77 425 45.19 +4.3 PostHldg POST ... ... 48 89.00 68.76 684 88.31 +9.9 Potash POT .40 2.4 16 20.27 15.21 6225 16.85 -6.9 PowrREIT PW ... ... ...dd 9.46 4.30 0 6.99 -.4 PwREIT pfA PWpA ... ... ... 27.00 24.56 1 25.70 +2.0 PS AlphaQ PQY ... ... ...q PSActUSRE PSR 2.33e 1.9 ...q 83.62 71.29 1 78.46 +6.9 PS SPXDn PHDG .41e 1.5 ... 25.58 21.43 3 25.06 +4.4 PSCrudeDS DTO ... ... ...q 180.61 100.28 8 109.88 +4.7 PwSBMetS BOS ... ... ...q 29.01 17.83 20.00 -10.5 PSBMetDL BDD ... ... ...q 8.25 4.65 4 7.14 +11.7 PSBMetDS BOM ... ... ...q 24.46 7.96 12.88 -7.3 PSCrudeLg OLO ... ... ...q 6.09 3.76 4 4.50 -5.7 PSCrudeSh SZO ... ... ...q 104.21 73.94 80.04 +2.4 PwshDB DBC ... ... ...q 16.08 13.38 1390 15.56 -1.8 PwShCurH DBV ... ... ...q 26.03 23.02 9 25.28 +1.9 PS Engy DBE ... ... ...q 14.01 10.47 2361 13.15 -4.8 PS PrcMet DBP ... ... ...q 42.74 34.22 3 38.74 +11.2 PS Silver DBS ... ... ...q 32.84 24.46 1 28.46 +14.5 PS Agri DBA ... ... ...q 23.01 19.47 391 19.76 -1.1 PS Oil DBO ... ... ...q 9.91 7.65 564 9.18 -5.2 PS Gold DGL ... ... ...q 44.84 36.22 5 40.75 +10.0 PS BasMet DBB ... ... ...q 16.77 12.21 156 15.83 +6.1 PS USDBull UUP ... ... ...q 26.83 23.96 651 26.02 -1.7 PS USDBear UDN ... ... ...q 22.83 20.18 7 20.75 +1.4 PShPuLgGr PXLG .42e 1.1 ...q 37.58 31.20 8 37.33 +11.1 PShPuLVal PXLV .76e 2.2 ...q 36.75 28.27 5 35.33 +2.8 PSAerDef PPA .50e 1.1 ...q 45.00 35.54 74 43.80 +4.9 PwShBio PBE .57e 1.4 ...q 44.43 34.41 5 41.59 +7.2 PS BldCns PKB .03e .1 ...q 29.78 23.97 77 29.31 +5.2 PwSClnEn PBW .07e 1.7 ...q 4.29 3.41 2828 4.16 +13.0 PS EnEx PXE .50e 2.4 ...q 24.92 18.79 9 21.07 -8.7 PwSFoodBv PBJ .41e 1.2 ...q 34.74 31.53 11 33.41 -.2 PwSLgCG PWB .21e .6 ...q 34.63 29.86 18 34.23 +7.2 PwSLgCV PWV .69e 2.0 ...q 36.44 29.23 72 34.96 +3.7 PwShLeis PEJ .15e .4 ...q 41.57 31.84 6 40.77 +1.9 PowShMkt PWC .97e 1.2 ...q 84.72 67.84 1 82.17 +1.8 PwShMda PBS .27e 1.0 ...q 28.12 23.29 8 27.67 +5.6 PwSMidGr PXMG .19e .6 ...q 34.20 27.86 4 33.74 +8.7 PwSMidVal PXMV .64e 2.0 ...q 32.53 26.24 12 31.53 +1.3 PwShNetw PXQ ... ... ...q 44.09 31.74 1 42.86 +6.2 PS OilSv PXJ .28e 2.4 ...q 14.18 10.14 5 11.78 -7.8 PwSPharm PJP 3.84e 4.5 ...q 69.24 53.55 33 60.27 +7.6 PS Retail PMR .34e 1.0 ...q 38.86 33.52 0 34.81 -3.2 PwSSmGr PXSG .27e 1.0 ...q 27.58 22.17 9 27.39 +5.3 PwSSmVal PXSV .60e 2.1 ...q 31.42 22.64 8 29.11 -4.0 PwSSemi PSI .04e .1 ...q 41.97 23.93 100 40.67 +12.7 PwShSoft PSJ .10e .2 ...q 51.93 41.22 3 51.52 +9.2 PSS&PQlty SPHQ .38e 1.4 ...q 27.73 23.63 193 27.30 +5.0 PwSZMicro PZI .15e .8 ...q 19.45 14.95 1 18.19 -2.6 PSWHPrgE PUW .17e .7 ...q 27.08 20.37 1 26.15 +1.4 PSPrivEq PSP .66e 5.6 ...q 11.97 9.47 42 11.70 +5.3 PSFinPf PGF 1.11 5.9 ...q 19.56 17.65 194 18.84 +4.9 PSCleantch PZD .44e 1.2 ...q 35.71 28.18 3 35.40 +8.3 PSR2KEqW EQWS .41e 1.0 ...q 40.50 31.34 3 39.33 -.3 PSRslMdC EQWM .49e 1.1 ...q 44.28 36.86 1 43.60 +4.5 PSRussl200 EQWL .80e 1.7 ...q 46.78 38.06 3 46.06 +6.7 PS US1K PRF 1.91e 1.9 ...q 105.36 85.56 86 102.24 +2.7 PS EmgInf PXR .50e 1.4 ...q 36.98 27.35 3 35.43 +15.6 PS SP SC n XSHQ ... ... ... 24.62 24.22 24.50 +.2 PS SP Val n SPVM ... ... ... 24.98 24.85 0 24.95 -.1 PS SP IntD IDHD ... ... ... 27.37 25.09 0 27.10 +6.4 PS SC High XSHD ... ... ... 27.33 24.11 2 25.07 -3.0 PS TrCol n CLTL ... ... ... 105.41 105.38 105.41 PS LowVRot DWLV ... ... ... 27.08 24.09 3 26.52 +3.8 PSBldABd BAB 1.31 4.4 ...q 32.33 28.75 75 29.53 +1.5 PSEuCurLV FXEU .35e ... ...q 25.20 20.50 4 22.32 +7.1 PSJpnLwV FXJP .10p ... ...q 27.27 22.92 26.11 -1.8 PSEurpcLV FXEP .43p ... ...q 27.47 24.99 1 27.36 +9.5 PS LowVol XRLV .46 1.6 ...q 29.92 26.09 12 29.42 +5.4 PSR1KEqW EQAL .39e 1.4 ...q 28.70 23.92 33 28.21 +4.8 PS VarPfd VRP 1.20 4.7 ...q 26.05 23.83 320 25.58 +3.9 PS ContrOp CNTR .26e .9 ...q 31.14 23.83 0 30.07 +1.1 PS SCLowV XSLV .73e 1.7 ...q 44.20 34.64 110 42.90 -1.2 PS MCLwV XMLV .64e 1.5 ...q 43.25 36.23 75 42.53 +4.7 PS SPX HiD SPHD 1.30 3.2 ... 41.21 35.60 653 40.52 +3.4 PS EMLwV EELV .60e 2.6 ...q 24.03 20.47 96 22.96 +9.9 PS EMkMom EEMO ... ... ... 16.83 13.98 0 16.37 +13.4 PSS&PMom SPMO ... ... ...q 28.79 25.74 28.37 +4.5 PS IntLwV IDLV 1.11e 3.6 ...q 31.46 27.95 123 30.84 +8.4 PSS&PVal SPVU ... ... ...q 32.15 24.69 1 30.55 +1.9 PSSPIntDv IDMO .59e 2.4 ...q 25.79 22.10 24.58 +9.0 PSShTHYB PGHY 1.08 4.4 ...q 28.83 23.21 98 24.56 +.5 PS YuanDS DSUM .77 3.5 ...q 23.45 21.36 5 22.08 +2.4 PS FdIGBd PFIG .67 2.6 ...q 26.94 24.98 8 25.51 +1.1 PS SrLoan BKLN 1.01 4.7 ...q 23.46 22.69 1838 23.32 -.2 PS SP LwV SPLV .85 1.9 ...q 44.01 39.61 1465 43.50 +4.6 PS SP HiB SPHB .49e 1.3 ...q 38.81 27.17 177 37.51 +2.5 PS IntlBd PICB .57 2.3 ...q 27.41 23.86 12 24.98 +2.0 PS CEFInc PCEF 1.91 8.2 ...q 23.50 21.14 44 23.35 +4.2 PSVrdoTF PVI ... ... ...q 25.01 24.89 0 24.92 -.1 PShCalMu PWZ .80 3.1 ... 27.29 24.80 111 25.52 +.8 PShNYMu PZT .86 3.5 ... 25.74 23.37 8 24.25 +1.4 PShNatMu PZA .87 3.4 ... 26.64 24.41 281 25.25 +1.4 PSHYCpBd PHB .84 4.4 ...q 19.00 17.89 922 18.88 +.5 PwShPfd PGX .86 5.7 ...q 15.50 13.96 2808 14.94 +5.0 PShEMSov PCY 1.50 5.1 ... 30.96 27.71 752 29.21 +3.4 PShGClnEn PBD .17e 1.5 ...q 11.44 9.83 2 11.09 +6.6 PSEmgMkt PXH .49e 2.5 ...q 20.71 14.64 143 19.79 +9.0 PSDvMxUSs PDN .53e 1.8 ...q 29.50 24.47 11 29.15 +8.0 PSDvxUS PXF 1.11e 2.8 ...q 40.37 32.21 22 39.74 +5.8 PShIntlDev IDHQ .33e 1.6 ...q 20.97 18.71 3 20.81 +8.4 PSAsxJ PAF 1.91e 3.6 ...q 55.01 41.80 14 53.70 +13.5 PSIndia PIN .12e .5 ...q 23.22 18.26 273 23.03 +19.5 PSS&PBW PBP 1.07e 3.3 ...q 22.20 20.00 49 21.99 +3.4 Praxair PX 3.15f 2.6 21 125.00 106.31 999 119.18 +1.7 PrecDrill PDS .28 ... ...dd 6.25 3.51 4984 4.99 -8.4 PfdAptCm APTS .88f 6.4 ...dd 15.39 12.02 248 13.82 -7.3sPrestige PBH ... ... 24 58.09 44.64 326 56.69 +8.8 Pretium g PVG ... ... ... 12.53 6.46 2327 11.21 +36.0 Primerica PRI .76f .9 18 84.15 46.24 322 82.95 +20.0 Primero g PPP ... ... ...dd 2.63 .52 752 .56 -29.0 PrinEdgAIn YLD .75e ... ...q 41.75 37.64 0 41.15 +2.2 PrinFncl PFG 1.80f 2.9 14 64.65 38.04 700 62.90 +8.7 PrincREstI PGZ 1.74 10.0 ...q 18.56 15.47 28 17.40 +9.0 PrinEq n PEM ... ... ... PrvtBncp42 PVTD 1.78 6.9 ... 27.98 25.45 1 25.79 -1.9 ProAssur PRA 1.24a 2.1 25 63.53 47.19 142 60.10 +6.9 ProLogis PLD 1.76f 3.2 23 54.87 43.96 3019 54.58 +3.4 ProPetr n PUMP ... ... ... 14.74 12.26 2473 14.58 +1.5 ProShtDow DOG ... ... ...q 22.46 17.69 341 18.10 -4.9 ProShtMC MYY ... ... ...q 15.70 12.28 8 12.57 -4.2 PrUltDow s DDM .79e .9 ...q 96.17 61.70 153 91.31 +9.3 ProUltMC MVV .11e .1 ...q 105.88 68.00 70 101.05 +7.2 PrUltQQQ s QLD .09e .1 ...q 108.97 63.78 1034 105.76 +22.8 ProUltSP s SSO .40e .5 ...q 87.64 59.70 2926 84.28 +10.7 PrUShCnG SZK ... ... ...q 20.61 15.73 1 16.30 -12.8 ProShtHY SJB ... ... ...q 27.46 23.91 141 24.06 -2.4 ProUShBM SMN ... ... ...q 29.56 17.91 5 18.19 -14.6 Pro20 yrT UBT 1.13e 1.5 ...q 107.05 68.50 19 77.25 +5.8 PrUShtMex SMK ... ... ...q 32.79 19.07 0 19.29 -29.9 Pro7-10yrT UST .42e .7 ...q 65.74 54.55 28 57.82 +3.1 ProSShOG DDG ... ... ...q 29.34 21.82 7 24.20 +5.2 ProSShFn SEF ... ... ...q 17.94 12.90 35 13.60 -2.6 ProLCCre s CSM .67e 1.2 ...q 59.19 48.42 43 58.26 +5.4 ProUltTl s LTL ... ... ...q 69.71 42.44 0 55.88 ProHdgRep HDG ... ... ...q 43.95 41.10 19 43.74 +1.9 ProUltEM EET ... ... ...q 67.60 42.25 8 63.81 +23.9 ProRaLS RALS .62e 1.6 ...q 41.26 38.39 5 38.76 -3.2 ProUSL7-10T PST ... ... ...q 23.25 19.56 20 21.69 -3.9 ProUShTip TPS ... ... ... 26.20 23.20 25.29 -3.5 ProUSh3-7y TBZ ... ... ...q 27.91 25.11 26.80 -2.6 ProShtEafe EFZ ... ... ...q 36.11 29.35 8 29.64 -7.1 ProShtEM EUM ... ... ...q 29.03 21.63 150 22.23 -10.9 ProShRgBk KRS ... ... ...q 26.64 15.24 1 17.06 +3.9 PrURgBk s KRU ... ... ...q 94.80 32.87 3 73.46 ProUltEafe EFO ... ... ...q 104.51 70.81 99.57 +13.9 ProUMex UMX ... ... ...q 27.50 15.49 9 23.98 +37.4 ProUEurop UPV ... ... ...q 43.62 29.80 0 42.70 +14.7 ProShtBM SBM ... ... ...q 26.19 20.46 20.58 -6.9 ProUltSEM EEV ... ... ...q 22.68 12.28 147 12.97 -21.0 ProUltRE URE .84e .7 ...q 138.82 98.62 63 125.52 +9.9 ProUltFin s UYG .51e .5 ...q 107.59 58.35 78 96.00 +3.9 ProShtRE REK ... ... ...q 18.93 16.25 9 16.53 -5.3 ProShtChi50 YXI ... ... ...q 32.00 23.35 1 24.37 -9.3 ProUltSem s USD ... ... ...q 79.44 36.00 13 74.25 ProUltUt s UPW ... ... ...q 46.21 34.10 2 44.13 +13.2 PrUltTech s ROM .09e .1 ...q 124.08 66.93 9 119.39 +23.1 ProUltJpn EZJ ... ... ...q 99.23 72.60 94.37 +7.9 ProUltO&G DIG .46e 1.2 ...q 46.90 31.00 156 38.26 -12.3 ProUltInd s UXI ... ... ...q 56.09 35.65 3 52.80 +9.4 PrUltHCr s RXL .63e .9 ...q 74.43 54.41 7 69.48 +15.5 ProUCnsSv s UCC ... ... ...q 65.79 47.60 1 65.29 PrUCnsGd s UGE ... ... ...q 123.99 34.49 0 42.71 +14.5 ProUBasM UYM .15e .3 ...q 57.80 37.35 4 56.28 +14.7 PrUltPR2K URTY ... ... ...q 133.00 61.71 222 122.15 +3.0 PUltM400 s UMDD .03e ... ...q 93.03 48.61 2 86.01 +9.8 ProUltSC s SAA ... ... ...q 86.87 51.39 2 79.26 -2.4 ProUPD30 s UDOW .13e .1 ...q 117.04 60.12 579 108.59 +14.5 ProUltR2K UWM .19e .2 ...q 120.88 71.50 157 114.34 +2.6 ProSht20Tr TBF ... ... ...q 24.49 20.29 483 23.10 -3.3 PUltSP500 s UPRO .21e .2 ...q 100.82 57.00 1983 95.14 +16.3 ProUChin50 XPP ... ... ...q 61.15 36.20 18 56.50 +21.4 PrUSSilv s ZSL ... ... ...q 45.40 25.08 169 28.54 -26.4tPS ShCrd n OILD ... ... ... 18.55 18.28 15 18.07 -1.3sPS Crde n OILU ... ... ... 33.63 32.93 10 33.85 +.7 PUVixST rs UVXY ... ... ...q 462.50 15.16 54784 20.45 PrUCrude rs UCO ... ... ...q 28.32 15.36 7066 20.91 ProVixST rs VIXY ... ... ...q 59.20 12.75 3472 14.86 -30.1 PrUltYen rs YCL ... ... ...q 77.14 53.50 3 62.08 +11.8 PrSUltNG rs BOIL ... ... ...q 20.34 9.30 135 12.06 -36.4 PVixMTFut VIXM ... ... ...q 58.00 31.13 12 32.80 -22.5 PrUltSilv AGQ ... ... ...q 57.26 31.05 143 41.50 +29.3 PrUltShN s KOLD ... ... ...q 65.56 21.44 34 29.22 +26.8 ProUShGld GLL ... ... ...q 95.07 64.91 78 72.98 -19.4 PrSUShAus CROC ... ... ...q 58.37 47.63 2 50.68 -8.3 PrUltShYen YCS ... ... ...q 82.60 58.96 26 70.40 -12.3 ProSUltGold UGL ... ... ...q 48.27 31.67 74 40.01 +20.5 ProShtVix SVXY ... ... ...q 146.00 39.43 5244 124.08 +36.4 PrUShCrd s SCO ... ... ...q 61.39 30.12 2886 33.12 ProShtEuro EUFX ... ... ...q 45.85 41.16 1 44.80 -.7 ProUltEuro ULE ... ... ...q 17.35 13.50 1 14.08 -.1 ProUShEuro EUO ... ... ...q 28.02 22.45 106 26.72 -1.3 ProctGam PG 2.68 3.0 24 92.00 79.10 4850 89.80 +6.8 ProgsvCp PGR .69e 1.7 22 40.74 30.54 2488 39.51 +11.3 ProsHldg PRO ... ... ...dd 25.66 10.87 80 23.02 +7.0 ProShtQQQ PSQ ... ... ...q 55.89 41.87 481 42.52 -10.1 ProShSP rs SH ... ... ...q 41.82 33.98 2789 34.59 -5.3 ProUShSP SDS ... ... ...q 19.82 13.06 9314 13.53 -10.5 PrUShDow DXD ... ... ...q 19.79 12.25 3888 12.85 -9.4 PUShtMdC MZZ ... ... ...q 37.37 22.66 2 23.80 -8.2 PUShtQQQ QID ... ... ...q 33.54 18.75 2765 19.34 -19.2 PrShRs2K rs SRTY ... ... ...q 118.28 45.15 1230 48.20 PrUShD3 rs SDOW ... ... ...q 67.92 32.79 1490 35.20 PUltShtF rs FINZ ... ... ...q 44.18 12.45 1 15.68 PrSUlhGM rs GDXS ... ... ...q 31.28 11.93 89 14.23 -33.3 ProUShL20 TBT ... ... ...q 42.72 29.45 4349 37.86 -7.3 PrShR2K rs RWM ... ... ...q 63.25 46.70 388 47.82 -2.3 PrUShHC rs RXD ... ... ...q 51.90 37.73 1 39.51 -14.9 PrUShCnS rs SCC ... ... ...q 44.45 30.45 30.96 -12.5 PrUShRE rs SRS ... ... ...q 42.13 31.21 142 31.92 -10.5 PUShtR2K TWM ... ... ...q 40.18 21.54 2639 22.55 -4.9 PrUShtSC SDD ... ... ...q 35.72 19.69 1 20.72 -1.0 PUShChi50 FXP ... ... ...q 49.05 25.42 98 27.52 -19.2 PUShtIndl SIJ ... ... ...q 36.57 22.78 0 23.88 -9.7 PrShtSmC SBB ... ... ...q 50.94 38.04 1 39.57 +.7 PUPShtMC SMDD ... ... ...q 29.69 13.86 24 14.80 -11.3 PrSh K1 n OILK ... ... ... 22.94 18.36 5 21.22 -5.3 PUShtEur EPV ... ... ...q 68.19 43.17 4 43.73 -15.0 PUShtSPX SPXU ... ... ...q 30.88 16.41 5661 17.31 -15.2 PrUOGEx rs UOP ... ... ...q 41.31 21.32 28.33 -19.2 PUShtJpn EWV ... ... ...q 52.40 35.89 1 37.50 -9.6 PrUJMin rs GDJJ ... ... ...q 152.62 41.36 13 69.32 +29.5 ProSPDvA NOBL 1.00e 1.8 ...q 57.08 51.23 281 56.25 +4.3 PUltShEafe EFU ... ... ...q 46.46 30.50 0 31.11 -13.8 PrUGMin rs GDXX ... ... ...q 93.85 29.50 31 48.16 +30.4 PrUltBra rs UBR ... ... ...q 85.26 34.01 2 69.67 +20.7 PrSht20yTr TTT ... ... ...q ProGblInf TOLZ 1.63e 3.9 ...q 42.33 37.19 3 42.15 +7.7 PUltShOG DUG ... ... ...q 60.38 34.86 35 41.22 +10.2 PS MngdF FUT ... ... ... 41.69 39.54 2 40.25 -3.1 PrGPrEq bt PEX 1.53e 3.8 ...q 40.72 32.06 0 40.44 +3.7 ProEurDiv EUDV .15p ... ...q 39.98 33.67 3 37.44 +6.4 PHYIntH bt HYHG 3.16 4.6 ...q 70.19 61.69 22 68.42 -.1 ProSPxTch SPXT .23p ... ...q 47.67 41.39 47.01 +3.5 ProSPxHC SPXV .24p ... ...q 50.15 42.71 49.21 +4.5 ProMerger MRGR .12e .3 ...q 36.99 35.06 35.33 -.9 ProSPxFin SPXN .23p ... ...q 48.27 42.08 48.08 +5.3 ProSPxEgy SPXE .22p ... ...q 49.69 41.11 48.87 +6.2 PrUltPFn FINU .29e .5 ...q 136.29 53.54 7 63.07 -50.0 PrUltPFn s FINU/WI ... ... ...q 68.14 26.77 -100.0 ProHgdJpn HGJP .91e ... ...q 38.09 26.63 28.20 -.9 PrIGIntH bt IGHG 2.15 2.8 ... 77.35 71.71 46 75.80 -.6 ProSht7-10y TBX ... ... ...q 29.45 26.94 22 28.36 -2.4sProHgEur HGEU .44e ... ...q 40.55 32.46 4 40.49 +6.8 ProUShHm HDZ ... ... ...q 18.82 13.65 14.35 ProUHome HBU ... ... ...q 21.66 16.76 20.75 PrUSOGEx SOP ... ... ...q 24.80 9.50 1 11.91 +14.9 PrUShBrz s BZQ ... ... ...q 40.95 11.90 438 13.88 -23.8 PrSPMCDv REGL .65e 1.3 ...q 53.04 43.08 107 51.33 +1.9 ProSR2KDv SMDV .47e ... ...q 54.95 42.54 91 53.41 -.6 PSSTEm bt EMSH 4.88e 6.2 ... 80.62 76.31 0 78.22 +1.5 ProUltHY UJB 1.72e 2.8 ...q 65.65 52.59 60.93 +1.2 PrUShtUtl SDP ... ... ...q 39.62 27.75 2 28.35 -12.4 PrUltShtTc REW ... ... ...q 48.95 25.00 0 25.66 -20.7 PrUShtFn SKF ... ... ...q 50.78 26.17 35 28.94 -5.4 PrUSDCvBd COBO 2.19 2.2 ...q 107.41 97.02 101.68 +1.7 PUShtSem SSG ... ... ...q 45.37 18.00 5 19.19 -10.5 ProMornAlt ALTS .38e 1.0 ...q 39.16 37.23 4 39.02 +1.1 Pro30BEI RINF .50e 1.8 ...q 29.80 26.33 9 28.24 -2.9 ProDivGro EFAD .70e ... ...q PS EMkDv EMDV ... ... ... 51.95 42.89 3 50.25 +9.7 ProCdNASh WYDE ... ... ...q 38.30 33.51 33.51 -1.8 ProGermSv GGOV .06e .2 ...q 38.16 33.20 35.23 +1.0 ProsCap 24 PBB 1.56 6.0 ... 26.22 22.57 11 26.00 +3.6 ProspBcsh PB 1.36f 2.0 18 77.87 44.87 450 67.78 -5.6 Protalix PLX ... ... ...dd 1.52 .26 2331 1.31 +194.4 ProtLf5-42 PLpC 1.56 6.1 ... 26.94 24.42 16 25.46 +.2 ProtLf9-42 PLpE 1.50 5.9 ... 26.90 24.61 5 25.48 +1.2 ProtoLabs PRLB ... ... 31 82.06 43.10 256 51.40 +.1 Provect wt PVCT/WS ... ... ... .35 .01 .02 ProvidFS PFS .76f 3.0 19 28.92 18.59 112 25.41 -10.2 ProvMtgC PMCA ... ... ... Prudentl PRU 3.00f 2.8 11 114.55 66.51 2046 105.40 +1.3 Prudentl18 PFK .65 2.5 ... 27.22 25.12 2 25.83 +1.8 PrudFn 52 PJH 1.44 5.6 ... 27.31 23.87 16 25.90 +4.6 PrudtlF 53 PRH 1.43 5.5 ... 28.04 24.10 32 25.77 +4.2 PruSDHiY GHY 1.32 8.8 ...q 15.52 14.15 126 15.06 +1.1 PruUK pf PUKp 1.69 6.5 ... 27.98 25.35 29 26.08 +2.4 PruUK pfA PUKpA 1.63 6.2 ... 28.06 25.22 8 26.31 +4.0 Prud UK PUK 1.49e 3.5 ... 44.21 29.14 307 42.14 +5.9 PruShHiY ISD 1.32 8.5 ...q 16.53 14.65 99 15.44 -.3 PSEG PEG 1.72f 3.8 17 47.28 39.28 4338 45.29 +3.2 PubStrg PSA 6.80 3.0 28 272.91 200.65 489 226.37 +1.3 PubSt pfS PSApS 1.48 5.8 ... 26.15 24.30 7 25.28 +2.4 PubSt pfT PSApT 2.88 11.4 ... 26.48 23.47 5 25.18 +3.7 PubSt pfU PSApU 1.41 5.6 ... 26.95 22.99 3 25.20 +7.1 PubSt pfV PSApV 1.34 5.4 ... 27.25 21.91 19 24.99 +10.6 PubSt pfW PSApW 1.30 5.2 ... 26.64 21.26 36 25.19 +8.3 PubSt pfX PSApX 1.30 5.2 ... 26.84 21.91 5 25.23 +9.2 PubSt pfY PSApY 1.59 5.9 ... 29.23 25.51 9 26.96 +3.1 PubSt pfZ PSApZ 1.50 5.5 ... 29.13 24.75 12 27.20 +7.5 PubSt pfE PSApE 1.23 5.3 ... 23.05 21.28 106 23.00 +6.5 PubSt pfD PSApD 1.24 5.4 ... 25.98 20.61 55 23.26 +9.7 PubSt pfC PSApC ... ... ... 27.00 21.01 33 24.41 +11.9 PubSt pfB PSApB ... ... ... 27.20 22.07 38 25.24 +11.5 PubSt pfA PSApA 1.47 5.6 ... 28.85 23.35 8 26.08 +5.0 PulteGrp PHM .36 1.5 14 24.05 17.58 4274 23.76 +29.3 PureStrg n PSTG ... ... ...dd 15.20 9.12 924 10.20 -9.8 PutHiInSec PCF .37 4.2 ...q 8.79 7.40 30 8.74 +6.6 PMMI PMM .44 5.9 ...q 8.15 6.97 116 7.39 +4.5 PMIIT PIM .31 6.6 ...q 4.78 4.29 69 4.73 +2.6 PMOT PMO .71 5.8 ...q 13.69 11.57 71 12.32 +3.1 PPrIT PPT .31 5.9 ...q 5.37 4.60 274 5.28 +6.2 PzenaInv PZN .41e 4.1 23 11.85 7.06 59 10.10 -9.1 Q2 Hldgs QTWO ... ... ...dd 37.58 21.81 114 35.95 +24.6 QEP Res QEP .08 .7 ...dd 21.12 11.69 4427 12.17 -33.9 QTS RltTr QTS 1.56f 3.0 26 59.41 43.01 406 51.31 +3.3 QuadGrph QUAD 1.20 4.9 23 29.50 11.99 299 24.52 -8.8 QuakerCh KWR 1.38 1.0 32 153.90 81.12 54 138.86 +8.5 QuaCare QCP ... ... ... 24.05 11.57 638 19.63 +26.6 QuanexBld NX .16 .8 24 21.90 15.41 110 19.65 -3.2 QuantaSvc PWR ... ... 23 38.82 21.60 1469 35.62 +2.2 QntmDSS QTM ... ... 81 1.08 .35 431 .81 -2.6sQuaInsp n ISMD ... ... ... 25.49 23.82 2 24.72 +1.0 QuaInsLg n BLES ... ... ... 26.03 25.01 3 25.59 +1.2 QuanReal n QXRR ... ... ... 25.07 24.04 24.37 -2.8 QuanDyn n XUSA ... ... ... 25.96 24.55 25.04 +.2 QuanMulT n QXTR ... ... ... 25.20 24.52 24.72 -1.3 QuanMulIn n QXMI ... ... ... 25.54 24.83 25.54 +2.0 QuanGrw n QXGG ... ... ... 25.56 24.60 24.96 QstDiag DGX 1.80 1.8 21 100.00 73.21 440 98.23 +6.9 QuintIMS Q ... ... 20 83.04 61.21 601 78.76 +3.6 QuormHl n QHC ... ... ... 13.52 3.75 206 4.96 -31.8 QuotientTc QUOT ... ... ...dd 14.36 9.10 742 10.20 -5.1 Qwest 54 CTV 1.72 6.7 ... 27.85 24.11 24 25.57 +5.7 Qwest 9-51 CTW 1.88 7.3 ... 26.68 24.96 13 25.65 +2.4 Qwest 4-52 CTX 1.75 6.9 ... 26.64 24.55 24 25.32 +2.5 Qwest 7-52 CTU 1.75 6.9 ... 27.26 24.48 6 25.37 +3.4 Qwest53 CTY 1.53 6.1 ... 25.97 21.99 44 25.03 +10.3 Qwest 25 CTZ 1.66 6.5 ... 26.84 23.21 29 25.45 +8.3 Qwest 56 CTAA ... ... ... 27.98 24.88 11 26.74 +6.3R -RAIT pfA RASpA 1.94 8.8 ... 23.07 16.82 3 22.00 +8.5 RAIT pfB RASpB 2.09 8.9 ... 24.10 17.62 4 23.40 +10.1 RAIT pfC RASpC 2.22 9.0 ... 25.21 18.48 0 24.57 +8.9 RAIT Fin RAS .36 11.4 ...dd 3.91 2.41 244 3.17 -5.7 RAIT Fn 24 RFT 1.91 7.9 ... 24.88 19.49 0 24.20 +4.2sRAITFn 19 RFTA 1.78 7.0 ... 25.34 22.65 4 25.25 +3.4 RELX NV s RENX .45e 2.4 ... 18.75 14.92 69 18.74 +11.8 RELX plc s RELX .41e 2.0 ... 20.01 16.19 95 20.00 +11.3 RH RH ... ... 30 48.91 24.41 1219 47.49 +54.7 RLI Corp RLI .80 1.4 26 71.46 54.27 108 58.63 -7.1 RLJ LodgT RLJ 1.32 5.6 9 25.10 18.86 761 23.57 -3.8 RPC RES .20 1.0 ...dd 23.36 13.12 2421 19.55 -1.3 RPM RPM 1.20 2.3 34 56.40 46.25 1021 51.84 -3.7 RSP Perm RSPP ... ... ...dd 46.92 28.70 1315 41.76 -6.4 RadianGrp RDN .01 .1 14 19.87 9.29 1137 18.50 +2.9 RadiantLog RLGT ... ... 5.96 2.45 522 5.62 +44.1 RadLog pfA RLGTpA 2.44 9.0 ... 27.91 24.00 1 27.26 +5.2 RLauren RL 2.00 2.5 14 114.00 75.62 627 80.33 -11.1 RamcoG RPT .88 6.2 10 20.24 13.26 528 14.13 -14.8 RamcG pfD RPTpD 3.63 6.6 ... 72.57 52.03 3 54.67 -10.8 RangeRs RRC .08 .3 ...dd 46.96 26.61 3277 29.40 -14.4 RJamesFn RJF .88f 1.2 20 81.92 46.30 812 74.75 +7.9 RayAdvM RYAM .28 2.1 8 17.38 9.59 218 13.34 -13.7 RayAdv pfA RYAMpA 2.00 2.0 ... 104.24 94.94 0 101.04 -2.5 Rayonier RYN 1.00 3.5 51 29.86 24.37 512 28.75 +8.1 Raytheon RTN 3.19f 2.1 24 157.59 124.98 1165 152.07 +7.1 RealityETF DIVY .46p ... ...q 26.95 22.91 6 26.06 +3.2 RltDvcDiv LEAD ... ... ...q 28.25 23.84 2 27.21 +5.3 RealDivc n DFND ... ... ...q 24.35 22.15 24.17 +2.6 RealDivG n GARD ... ... ...q 21.43 19.95 21.37 +2.7 Realogy RLGY .27p .9 18 37.33 21.43 936 29.18 +13.4 RltyInco O 2.53f 4.1 31 72.30 52.72 1741 61.41 +6.8 ReavesUtl UTG 1.82 5.4 ...q 34.41 28.18 79 33.54 +9.2 ReavesU rt UTGr ... ... ... .00 RedHat RHT ... ... 38 88.05 68.54 945 85.16 +22.2 RedLionH RLH ... ... ...dd 9.40 6.23 69 6.80 -18.6 RedwdTr RWT 1.12 6.6 10 17.05 12.40 346 16.91 +11.2 Reeds REED ... ... ...dd 4.74 2.25 65 4.25 +3.7 RegalBel RBC .96 1.2 17 77.80 51.57 157 77.60 +12.1 RegalEnt RGC .88a 4.0 22 24.79 19.35 865 22.14 +7.5 RgcyCtrs REG 2.04f 3.0 24 85.35 61.90 848 67.21 -2.5 RgcyC pfG REGpG 1.50 5.8 ... 27.13 23.37 5 25.70 +6.0 RegnlMgt RM ... ... 10 27.56 13.11 134 20.04 -23.7 RegionsFn RF .26 1.8 16 16.03 7.80 17435 14.17 -1.3 Regions pfA RFpA 1.59 6.1 ... 27.23 24.65 17 26.00 +3.3 Regns pfB RFpB 1.59 5.7 ... 30.10 25.16 17 28.12 +6.0 Regis Cp RGS ... ... 16.12 10.96 135 11.47 -21.0 ReinsGrp RGA 1.64f 1.3 14 132.79 90.17 238 125.81 ReinsGp42 RZA 1.55 5.3 ... 31.23 25.69 16 29.19 +8.2 ReinsG56 n RZB 1.44 5.3 ... 29.52 24.30 15 27.39 +4.2 RelStlAl RS 1.80f 2.3 18 88.58 65.10 398 79.47 -.1 RELM RWC .09p ... 26 5.83 4.26 18 5.10 +7.4 RemaxHld RMAX .72f 1.2 43 63.35 35.39 50 57.75 +3.1 RenaisIPO IPO .02e .1 ...q 23.14 17.93 1 22.75 +10.1 RenIntIPO IPOS .24e 1.2 ...q 20.02 16.77 19.64 +9.1 RenaisRe RNR 1.28f .9 13 150.74 107.27 271 141.94 +4.2 RenRe prE RNRpE 1.34 5.3 ... 27.39 21.96 7 25.12 +11.7 RenRe prC RNRpC 1.52 6.0 ... 26.37 24.45 1 25.48 +1.5 ReneSola rs SOL ... ... ... 7.30 2.15 68 2.67 -16.6 RennFund RCG ... ... ...q 1.52 .97 37 1.36 +11.5tRenren rs RENN ... ... ... 17.45 7.55 81 7.52 -5.4 RepubSvc RSG 1.28f 2.0 30 63.84 45.56 815 62.89 +10.2 ResMed RMD 1.32f 1.9 28 73.46 55.43 602 69.43 +11.9 ResolEn rs REN ... ... ... 49.14 2.50 482 45.00 +9.2 ResoluteF RFP ... ... ...dd 6.95 3.70 212 5.40 +.9 ResCap pfA RSOpA 2.13 8.8 ... 24.80 16.52 1 24.26 -.2 ResCap pfB RSOpB 2.06 8.7 ... 23.90 16.02 7 23.71 +5.6 ResCap pfC RSOpC 2.16 8.9 ... 24.74 16.92 11 24.22 +5.3 ResCap rs RSO .20 2.1 ...dd 13.73 7.57 334 9.58 +15.0 RestBrnds QSR .72f 1.3 38 57.98 39.28 1087 56.42 +18.4 RetailProp RPAI .66 4.6 22 17.78 13.88 1715 14.41 -6.0 RetlPr pfA RPAIpA 1.75 6.9 ... 27.50 22.77 1 25.47 +1.9 RetractTc RVP ... ... ...dd 2.90 .88 30 1.02 +9.7 RevGp n REVG .05p ... ... 29.29 24.87 78 27.57 +7.5 Revlon REV ... ... 21 37.96 26.10 85 26.60 -8.7 RexAmRes REX ... ... 18 102.59 50.90 47 89.46 -9.4 RexahnPh RNN ... ... ...dd .71 .13 12972 .62 +335.2 RexfordIR REXR .58f 2.4 46 24.39 18.33 461 24.24 +4.5 RexfdIn pfA REXRpA ... ... ... 26.19 21.60 6 24.45 +8.4 Rexnord RXN ... ... 20 24.55 15.80 515 23.39 +19.4 Rexnrd pfA RXNpA ... ... ... 56.90 48.52 1 54.20 +10.6sReynAm s RAI 2.04f 3.2 28 63.70 43.38 3141 63.97 +14.2 RiceEngy RICE ... ... 29.36 15.05 4067 23.53 +10.2 RiceMidstr RMP 1.00f 4.1 17 26.42 14.30 197 24.71 +.5 Richmnt g RIC ... ... ... 11.66 5.45 8.00 +23.1sRingCentrl RNG ... ... 28.45 17.46 649 28.70 +39.3 RingEngy REI ... ... ...dd 14.10 5.53 226 12.45 -4.2 RioTinto RIO 2.27e 5.5 ... 47.11 26.95 3908 41.44 +7.7 RitchieBr RBA .68 2.2 27 39.96 27.13 685 30.81 -9.4 RiteAid RAD ... ... 43 8.77 4.15 23265 4.75 -42.4 RivrnOpp n RIV 1.68 8.4 ... 20.92 18.07 20 20.09 +6.3 Riv/Doubl n OPP ... ... ... 20.25 18.00 24 18.88 +2.4 RoadrnTrn RRTS ... ... 10 12.79 6.05 207 6.68 -35.7 RobtHalf RHI .96f 2.1 17 50.98 34.34 930 45.94 -5.8 RockwlAut ROK 3.04 1.9 25 159.78 107.17 631 156.11 +16.2 RockColl COL 1.32 1.3 18 100.24 78.54 826 99.35 +7.1 RogCm gs RCI 1.57 ... 16 45.50 37.03 187 44.66 +15.8 Rogers ROG ... ... 27 90.45 51.98 297 84.36 +9.8 Rollins s ROL .46f 1.2 49 37.29 26.21 662 36.89 +9.2 Roper ROP 1.40f .7 31 214.44 159.28 512 206.95 +13.0 RosettaStn RST ... ... ...dd 11.36 6.80 261 10.87 +22.0 Roundys RNDY ... ... ...dd 3.60 Rowan RDC .40 2.6 7 21.68 12.00 2491 15.15 -19.8 RBCda pfS RYpS 1.38 ... ... 28.64 24.72 1 25.57 +1.5 RBCda pfT RYpT 1.69 ... ... 33.50 26.80 30.45 +10.0 RoyalBk g RY 3.48f ... ... 76.01 57.01 799 72.61 +7.2 RBScotlnd RBS ... ... ... 7.60 3.91 795 5.91 +6.9 RBSct prF RBSpF 1.91 7.3 ... 27.53 25.00 6 26.17 +1.2 RBSct prH RBSpH 1.81 7.0 ... 26.19 24.64 5 25.70 +1.6 RBSct prL RBSpL 1.44 5.7 ... 25.85 23.80 42 25.07 +5.3 RBSct prS RBSpS 1.65 6.5 ... 27.32 24.10 40 25.40 +1.4 RylCarb RCL 1.92 2.0 24 101.11 64.95 2497 95.30 +16.2 RoyDShllB RDS/B 3.76 6.6 86 59.56 48.18 1126 56.82 -2.0 RoyDShllA RDS/A 3.76 7.0 81 56.39 46.57 2783 53.71 -1.2sRoyceGVal RGT .10e ... ... 8.88 7.15 25 8.90 +10.8 RoyceMC RMT .63e 7.5 ...q 8.63 7.00 75 8.43 +3.3 Royce RVT 1.20e 8.5 ...q 14.50 11.25 199 14.15 +5.7 RubiconPrj RUBI ... ... ... 20.37 5.39 953 5.66 -23.7 RubyTues RT ... ... ...dd 4.55 1.69 745 2.61 -19.2 Rudolph RTEC ... ... 23 24.90 13.19 99 21.70 -7.1 Ryder R 1.76 2.3 14 85.42 56.98 497 76.69 +3.0 RyersonH RYI ... ... 21 19.71 6.51 172 13.75 +3.0 RymanHP RHP 3.00 4.8 11 67.97 47.16 297 62.23 -1.2S -S&P Glbl SPGI 1.64f 1.3 21 133.08 97.65 795 129.20 +20.1 SAP SE SAP 1.31e 1.3 ... 98.79 71.39 827 97.06 +12.3 SCANA SCG 2.45f 3.8 17 76.41 64.20 738 65.30 -10.9 SCE TrV n SCEpK ... ... ... 30.81 24.57 16 27.45 +8.7 SCETr pfF SCEpF 1.41 5.5 ... 26.61 23.17 6 25.44 +9.1 SCE II prG SCEpG 1.28 5.1 ... 26.63 20.89 10 25.00 +12.8 SCE Tr pfH SCEpH 1.44 5.3 ... 31.75 24.98 7 27.15 +6.6 SCETr pfJ SCEpJ 1.34 5.0 ... 29.90 23.42 8 26.96 +9.2 SJW SJW .87f 1.7 24 56.93 31.38 50 49.78 -11.1 SK Tlcm SKM ... ... ... 26.07 18.93 1782 23.94 +14.5 SLGreen SLG 3.10f 2.8 16 120.63 93.90 480 109.05 +1.4 SL Grn pfI SLGpI 1.63 6.3 ... 27.53 24.69 15 25.83 +3.6 SM Energy SM .10 .4 ...dd 43.09 20.01 1654 23.60 -31.6sSpd LgGl n GLDW ... ... ... 126.95 120.87 0 127.00 +2.0 SpdrDJIA DIA 3.98e 1.9 ...q 211.59 170.37 3480 206.33 +4.5 SpdrGold GLD ... ... ...q 131.15 107.00 12022 121.19 +10.6 SpdrStxx50 FEU 1.24e 3.9 ...q 32.26 27.43 38 31.97 +6.9 SpdrNoANR NANR ... ... ...q 36.49 30.18 28 34.06 +1.7 SpdrSPIntDv HDWX ... ... ...q 44.27 37.02 44.27 +4.4 SpdrEur50 HFEZ 1.03e ... ...q 38.66 29.47 6 38.38 +7.5 SpdrLwCbn LOWC 1.69e 2.1 ...q 80.69 66.75 1 79.83 +6.8 SpdrEuro50 FEZ 1.18e 3.3 ...q 36.61 28.60 3599 35.95 +7.4 Spd MsciCh XINA ... ... ... 22.96 20.04 1 22.24 +7.5 S&PEAsia GMF 1.22e 1.4 ...q 87.35 69.17 48 86.26 +14.8 Spdr UKS QGBR 1.33e 2.7 ...q 50.83 42.46 5 49.50 +6.8 SpdrSpnS QESP 2.04e 4.5 ...q 46.27 35.92 2 45.75 +12.8 SpdrGermS QDEU 1.17e 2.1 ...q 56.33 45.69 55.63 +7.8 SpdrJpnS QJPN .85e 1.2 ...q 70.03 61.88 0 68.57 +4.9 SpdrCdaS QCAN 1.61e 2.9 ...q 56.40 48.72 55.07 +3.0 SpdrAustS QAUS 2.47e 4.7 ...q 53.10 43.82 2 52.06 +9.6 SpdrEuSmC SMEZ 1.15e 2.2 ...q 51.96 40.77 1 51.48 +10.4 S&PChina GXC 1.30e 1.6 ...q 84.29 64.79 21 82.36 +14.3 SpdrWldQu QWLD 1.30e 1.9 ...q 68.00 59.10 68.00 +7.3 SpdrEMQu QEMM 1.31e 2.4 ...q 56.73 46.96 25 55.42 +10.5 SpdrEafeSt QEFA 1.62e 2.8 ...q 59.99 49.94 3 58.11 +8.2 SpdrMscBey EMBB ... ... ... SpdrGblDv WDIV 3.11e 4.0 ...q 65.53 57.39 14 64.49 +4.3 SpdrMsEm50 EMFT ... ... ... SpAcwiIMI ACIM 1.28e 1.9 ...q 75.00 58.04 3 68.86 +5.1 S&PEMkts GMM 1.33e 2.1 ...q 65.32 51.61 511 64.35 +12.3 SpdrEMDv EDIV 1.68e 5.8 ...q 30.78 24.47 58 29.03 +9.7 SpdrGlbNR GNR 1.30e 3.0 ...q 44.20 34.55 117 42.91 +4.4 SpdrSPRus RBL .67e 3.4 ...q 21.24 15.56 12 19.45 -4.3 S&PEEuro GUR 1.09e 3.8 ...q 29.46 23.50 5 28.49 +2.7 SpdrIUtil IPU .63e 3.9 ...q 17.07 14.20 2 16.04 +8.1 SpdrITelec IST .78e 3.3 ...q 26.30 21.86 5 23.77 +4.9 SpdrIntTech IPK .27e .7 ...q 39.46 28.78 3 38.26 +12.5 SpdrIMatls IRV .49e 2.2 ...q 22.39 16.95 5 21.88 +8.5 SpdrIIndus IPN .54e 1.7 ...q 32.49 26.35 4 32.40 +9.7 SpdrIHlthC IRY .73e 1.6 ...q 50.14 41.38 11 46.71 +7.4 SpdrIFncl IPF .63e 3.1 ...q 21.25 15.76 2 20.22 +4.4 S&PLatAm GML 1.25e 2.4 ...q 52.42 38.81 1 51.53 +16.0 SpdrIEngy IPW .75e 4.0 ...q 19.30 16.13 18 18.55 -.8 SpdrICnStp IPS .78e 1.8 ...q 44.98 38.26 1 42.94 +8.6 SpdrICnDis IPD .75e 2.0 ...q 38.41 31.52 0 37.59 +4.4 SpdrDJ RE RWO 1.57e 3.3 ...q 52.60 44.74 204 48.09 +2.6 SpdrEMSmC EWX 1.17e 2.6 ...q 46.20 36.78 312 45.54 +14.7 SpdrIntDiv DWX 2.22e 5.8 ...q 38.29 32.42 221 38.09 +5.6 Spdr SPBric BIK ... ... ... SpdrEMdE GAF 1.96e 3.3 ...q 64.31 50.91 2 58.53 +5.3 SpdMS xUS CWI .81e 2.4 ...q 34.42 28.36 185 34.03 +8.1 SpdrSPGbl GII 1.37e 2.8 ...q 49.95 42.95 21 48.83 +8.5 SpdrIntRE RWX 1.25e 3.3 ...q 43.15 35.12 408 37.91 +5.1 SpdrIntlSC GWX 3.63e 1.6 ...q 31.71 27.57 125 31.36 +8.1 SpdrWldxUS GWL .75e 2.7 ...q 27.89 23.32 3419 27.69 +7.7 SP Mid MDY 2.94e .9 ...q 320.48 256.08 1697 312.74 +3.6 S&P500ETF SPY 4.13e 1.8 ...q 240.32 198.65 79070 235.06 +5.2 SpdrRRtn RLY .44e 1.8 ...q 25.54 23.35 4 24.82 +1.7 SpdrIncAll INKM 1.08e 3.4 ...q 32.15 30.15 2 31.74 +4.2 SpdrGblAll GAL 1.04e 2.9 ...q 34.70 32.47 15 34.50 +4.5 SpdrSenLn SRLN 1.96 4.1 ...q 47.65 46.47 264 47.46 -.1 SpdrUShBd ULST .16 .4 ...q 41.27 39.92 11 40.32 +.3 SpdrCreEq SYE 1.63e 1.5 ...q 67.96 55.79 0 65.99 +5.5 SpdrDblTac TOTL 1.17e ... ...q 50.28 48.14 418 48.96 +1.2 SpdrValEq SYV 4.21e 1.7 ...q 59.52 50.19 0 58.69 +.3 SpdrGroEq SYG 1.85e .9 ...q 69.15 55.55 1 67.99 +7.5 SpdrBiot s XBI .44e .7 ...q 72.58 48.98 4030 67.12 +13.4 Spdr Div SDY 3.80e 2.1 ...q 89.92 79.13 609 88.13 +3.0 SpdrGbDow DGT 1.52e 2.1 ...q 75.44 60.52 50 74.12 +6.0 SpdrHome XHB .15e .4 ...q 37.75 30.92 1067 37.21 +9.9 SpdrS&PBk KBE .53e 1.3 ...q 47.00 28.01 2233 42.37 -2.5 SpdrS&PCM KCE .91e 2.0 ...q 48.73 33.92 2 45.75 +1.9 SpdrS&PIns KIE 1.24e 1.5 ...q 89.51 66.23 167 85.49 +3.1 SpdrRus1K ONEK 1.79e 1.6 ...q 112.85 93.02 3 110.06 +4.6 SpdrLCapG SPYG 1.49e 1.3 ...q 114.72 96.04 18 113.33 +7.6 SpdrLCapV SPYV 2.39e 2.1 ...q 117.09 95.15 207 112.12 +2.4 Spd SP1000 SMD 3.97e 1.5 ...q 93.57 73.61 3 90.55 +2.0 SpdrMCpG MDYG 2.19e 1.0 ...q 142.23 116.33 12 139.07 +4.5 SpdrMCpV MDYV 3.45e 3.6 ...q 99.22 78.41 15 96.30 +2.5 SpdrMSTch s MTK .41e .6 ...q 69.32 50.00 16 68.44 +13.1 SpdrSemi s XSD .16e .3 ...q 61.81 40.60 328 59.12 +5.4 SpdrSCapG SLYG 8.53e 1.0 ...q 216.39 167.46 26 210.60 +1.2 SpdrSCapV SLYV 7.98e 1.4 ...q 124.31 94.57 36 117.14 -1.6 SpdrRus3K THRK 3.24e 1.9 ...q 181.41 146.61 5 175.10 +4.6 SpdrWilRE RWR 2.90e 3.1 ...q 104.34 86.90 430 94.54 +1.3 SpdrShTTr SST .27 .9 ...q 31.39 29.82 8 30.14 +.3 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next pageMONEY & MARKET$Page 7 The Sun/Wednesday, April 12, 2017
SpFcStIn n XITK ... ... ... 64.85 51.32 5 63.58 +8.8 SPDR SrTr XTH ... ... ... 70.15 52.08 0 69.09 +9.5 SPDR Intrnt XWEB ... ... ... 61.46 51.20 0 60.07 +4.1 Spdr1500VT VLU 4.85e 2.0 ...q 96.00 74.73 91.21 +3.5 SpdrScored CBND .99 3.1 ...q 33.26 31.20 1 31.96 +1.3 SpdrIntCBd IBND .14e .4 ...q 34.03 30.10 63 31.24 +1.2 SpdrIGFlt FLRN .20 .7 ...q 31.03 30.39 222 30.70 +.3 SpdBuildA n BABS ... ... ... SpdrHYMu HYMB 2.55 4.5 ...q 59.93 54.00 80 56.87 +1.6 SpdrWFPf PSK 2.59e 5.8 ...q 47.67 41.35 37 44.44 +5.9 SpdrBarITB BWZ .06e ... ...q 32.32 28.93 11 30.26 +3.4 SpdrBarcCv CWB 3.55e 4.7 ...q 48.29 42.29 828 48.09 +5.3 SpdrLTBd LWC 1.81 4.5 ...q 43.81 38.57 100 40.57 +1.8 SpdrITBd ITR .92 2.7 ...q 35.02 33.64 1556 34.21 +.9 SpdrBarMBB MBG .83 3.2 ...q 27.36 25.30 87 26.30 +.1 SpdrEMBd EBND ... ... ...q 31.51 25.45 140 28.11 +5.8 SpdrShTHiY SJNK 1.58 5.7 ...q 28.17 26.10 1503 27.88 +.7 SpdrLehHY JNK 2.30 6.3 ...q 37.22 34.44 12515 36.76 +.9 SpdrSTCpBd SCPB .40e 1.2 ...q 30.84 30.43 453 30.60 +.2 SP IntTip WIP .41e .3 ...q 57.71 51.41 338 54.99 +5.7 SpdBofaE n EMCD ... ... ... SPLIntTB s BWX ... ... ...q 29.34 25.52 310 26.69 +2.7 SpdrTrans s XTN .25e .5 ...q 57.43 40.57 17 52.86 -2.1 SpdrTelcm XTL .68e 1.0 ...q 74.28 54.61 10 69.74 +.6 SpdrHCSv s XHS .61e .2 ...q 60.15 47.50 5 58.03 +10.6 SpdrHCEq s XHE 3.22e .1 ...q 56.45 42.60 19 55.51 +11.6 SpdrSf&Sv s XSW .19e .3 ...q 59.35 47.22 2 58.15 +6.6 SpdrMLCrs CJNK 1.01e 3.8 ...q 27.40 25.00 3 26.31 +1.7 SpdrAerDf s XAR 1.70e 1.4 ...q 69.94 52.92 84 67.66 +6.8 SpdrLehAgB BNDS 1.48 2.6 ...q 59.85 56.38 574 57.36 +.8 SpdrBarcTip IPE .01e ... ...q 58.93 55.10 259 56.77 +1.0 SpdrLehLTT TLO 1.82 2.6 ...q 82.40 67.44 156 70.72 +2.7 SpdrLehIntTr ITE .74 1.2 ...q 61.96 59.24 35 60.00 +.6 SpdrLe1-3bll BIL ... ... ...q 45.74 45.69 322 45.71 SpdrS&P RB KRE .74e 1.4 ...q 59.68 35.29 9266 53.58 -3.6 Spdr1500MT MMTM 1.61e 1.6 ...q 100.50 86.14 98.21 +4.7 SpdrRetl s XRT .49e 1.2 ...q 48.26 39.50 5333 42.50 -3.6 SpdNuBMu s TFI ... ... ...q 50.98 46.81 174 48.17 +1.5 SpdrPhm s XPH 3.00e .8 ...q 47.82 36.58 107 42.45 +8.6 SpdrOGEx XOP .73e 1.9 ...q 44.97 31.14 14084 37.89 -8.5 SpNuBST rs SHM ... ... ...q 49.25 47.67 398 48.52 +1.2 SpdrGendr SHE ... ... ... 66.98 59.80 6 64.83 +3.7 SpdrOGEq XES .49e 2.4 ...q 24.58 16.50 670 20.36 -8.9 SpdR1KLVF ONEV ... ... ... 70.10 60.63 1 69.06 +5.0 SpdrMetM XME .49e 1.6 ...q 35.21 20.01 5795 31.37 +3.2 SpdrR1KMo ONEO ... ... ... 69.45 58.00 3 68.08 +5.1 SpdrR1KYF ONEY ... ... ... 72.26 60.00 0 69.62 +3.3 SpdSPXHiD SPYD ... ... ...q 36.75 31.25 25 35.44 +1.7 SpdrFosFFr SPYX ... ... ...q 58.18 47.72 5 56.76 +6.0 SpdrR1KLV LGLV 5.40e 2.1 ...q 87.22 75.63 4 84.34 +5.0 SpdrUsaSt QUS .54e ... ...q 69.66 58.79 3 67.86 +4.8 Spd SP600 SLY 3.97e 1.2 ... 127.00 98.21 20 120.53 -.2 SpdrSPXBbk SPYB .41e ... ...q 55.67 43.73 54.55 +4.0 SpdIntHY n IJNK ... ... ... SpdrRus2K TWOK 1.49e 1.8 ...q 83.25 63.77 15 81.02 +1.8 Spdr1-10Tip TIPX .08e .4 ...q 20.25 19.21 2 19.66 +1.6 Spdr0-5yTip SIPE .03e .2 ...q 20.01 19.50 0 19.81 -.3 SpdrR2KLV SMLV 2.16e 2.4 ...q 96.38 73.31 7 91.59 -2.0 SPX Cp SPXC ... ... 20 28.13 14.00 277 23.80 +.3 SPX Flow n FLOW ... ... ...dd 36.83 22.34 197 36.14 +12.7 SRC Eng SRCI ... ... ...dd 10.38 5.34 1877 8.79 -1.3 STMicro STM .40 2.7 44 16.01 5.24 4089 15.06 +32.7 SABESP SBS .39e 3.8 ... 11.22 6.93 2053 10.25 +18.1 SabnR SBR 2.13e 5.5 18 40.99 30.16 31 38.40 +9.2 SachemC n SACH .05p ... ... 5.35 4.79 5 5.15 +3.4 SafeBulk SB .04 1.6 ... 2.60 .86 729 2.44 +112.2 SafeBlk pfB SBpB 2.00 7.8 ... 27.42 21.50 25.72 +6.5 SafeBlk pfC SBpC 2.00 10.1 ... 20.38 11.42 5 19.88 +43.4 SafeB pfD SBpD 2.00 10.2 ... 20.06 10.80 18 19.59 +44.9 SafegdSci SFE ... ... ...dd 14.75 10.60 117 12.30 -8.6 SagaComm SGA 1.20 2.4 16 51.40 36.70 6 51.05 +1.5 StJoe JOE ... ... 8 21.90 16.30 250 17.25 -9.2 Salesforce CRM ... ... 86.42 66.43 2505 83.86 +22.5 SalMidMLP SMM 1.30 9.8 ...q 14.32 7.90 45 13.27 -2.3 SallyBty SBH ... ... 12 32.26 19.23 1314 20.26 -23.3 SamsO&G s SSN ... ... ... .88 .50 60 .59 -18.1 SJuanB SJT .36e 4.8 12 8.00 5.19 76 7.54 +13.9 SanchezEn SN ... ... ...dd 14.39 5.64 2289 9.57 +6.0 SnchzPP rs SPP 1.72f 11.5 ...dd 15.93 9.51 27 15.00 +27.1 SandRidge SD ... ... ... 26.85 15.75 215 19.04 -19.2 SandRMiss SDT .29e 19.7 1 3.75 1.20 89 1.46 +12.3 SandRMs2 SDR .56e 37.6 1 2.90 1.31 135 1.49 +5.7 SandRdgP PER .34e 10.9 3 4.00 2.28 376 3.16 +7.1 SandstG g SAND ... ... ... 6.75 3.20 1733 4.47 +14.6 Sano SNY 1.58e 3.5 ... 45.95 36.81 1192 45.17 +11.7 SantCUSA SC ... ... 6 15.47 9.49 1766 12.31 -8.8 SantFn pfA SANpA 1.70 6.5 ... 26.40 24.55 2 26.02 +2.5 SantFn pfB SANpB 1.03 4.2 ... 24.97 20.00 4 24.37 +2.4 SantFn pfC SANpC 1.63 6.2 ... 26.48 24.65 3 26.06 +3.9 SantFn pfI SANpI 1.60 6.2 ... 28.02 21.82 0 25.79 +3.0 Santand pfC SOVpC 1.83 6.9 ... 27.08 23.47 1 26.30 +2.2 SaratogaI SAR 1.84f 8.8 ... 23.78 15.90 41 20.98 +1.8 Sasol SSL 1.41e 4.7 ... 33.31 24.85 252 29.77 +4.1 SaulCntr BFS 2.04 3.2 21 68.75 50.77 22 64.05 -3.8 SaulCtr pfC BFSpC 1.72 6.7 ... 26.99 24.65 1 25.53 +1.3 Schlmbrg SLB 2.00 2.5 69 87.84 72.00 6430 79.65 -5.1tSchndrNt n SNDR ... ... ... 19.49 18.60 1708 18.69 -1.6 SchwUSMkt SCHB .96e 1.7 ...q 58.17 47.67 574 56.90 +5.0 SchwUSLgC SCHX .98e 1.7 ...q 57.32 47.19 774 56.12 +5.4 SchwLCGr SCHG .63e 1.0 ...q 61.16 49.78 296 60.34 +8.1 SchwLCVal SCHV 1.14e 2.3 ...q 50.96 42.42 373 49.52 +3.0 SchwMCap SCHM .59e 1.2 ...q 48.24 39.60 220 47.30 +4.8 SchUSSmC SCHA .76e 1.2 ...q 64.46 50.85 328 62.82 +2.2 SchwEMkt SCHE .68e 2.8 ...q 24.54 19.45 1099 24.04 +11.5 SchEMLgC FNDE .32e 1.2 ...q 27.06 19.43 250 26.12 +9.3 SchIntSmCo FNDC .41e 1.3 ...q 30.86 25.65 110 30.67 +8.1 SchIntLgCo FNDF .47e 1.8 ...q 26.92 22.04 451 26.65 +6.2 SchUSSmCo FNDA .36e 1.0 ...q 35.55 27.64 221 34.56 +1.3 SchUSLgCo FNDX .54e 1.6 ...q 34.45 28.73 353 33.57 +2.9 SchUSBrd FNDB .61e 1.8 ...q 34.39 28.55 13 33.42 +2.7 SchwUSDiv SCHD 1.13e 2.5 ...q 45.38 39.39 608 44.49 +2.1 SchwIntEq SCHF .84e 2.8 ...q 30.06 25.33 1804 29.78 +7.6 SchwAggBd SCHZ 1.09 2.1 ...q 54.10 51.10 430 51.96 +.9 SchwREIT SCHH .89e 2.1 ...q 45.59 38.03 617 41.75 +1.7 SchIntUSTr SCHR .86 1.6 ...q 56.23 52.89 61 53.88 +1.0 SchSTUSTr SCHO .35 .7 ...q 50.99 50.28 155 50.46 +.1 SchUSTips SCHP ... ... ...q 57.48 54.14 163 55.59 +1.4 SchwIntSC SCHC .75e 2.4 ...q 31.44 27.20 103 31.42 +8.0 Schwab SCHW .32f .8 30 43.65 23.83 9622 38.93 -1.4 Schwb pfB SCHWpB 1.50 5.8 ... 27.27 24.77 30 25.89 +2.5 Schwb pfC SCHWpC 1.50 5.5 ... 28.31 24.52 22 27.35 +8.3 Schwb pfD SCHWpD ... ... ... 28.00 24.35 73 26.81 +7.3 SchwitMau SWM 1.68 4.0 13 47.01 32.46 140 42.49 -6.7 SciApplic SAIC 1.24 1.7 23 89.87 51.26 310 72.91 -14.0 ScorpioB19 SLTB 1.88 7.7 ... 24.70 16.57 8 24.44 +9.3 ScorpBlk rs SALT ... ... ... 10.14 2.64 821 9.55 +89.1 ScorpioTk STNG .04m .9 ... 6.70 3.50 2121 4.43 -2.2 ScorpioT 20 SBNA 1.69 7.0 ... 24.91 21.75 1 24.07 +7.3 ScorpioT17 SBNB 1.88 7.4 ... 26.00 24.85 9 25.25 -.1 Scotts SMG 2.00 2.1 23 98.82 65.80 311 94.11 -1.5 ScrippsEW SSP 1.03e ... 29 24.15 12.16 343 23.58 +22.0 SbdCp SEB 3.00 ... 15 4545.00 2590.00 0 4038.95 +2.2 SeabGld g SA ... ... ... 15.88 7.35 838 11.55 +41.7 SeacorHld CKH ... ... ...dd 76.32 45.49 89 66.27 -7.0 SeadrillLtd SDRL ... ... 1 5.21 .65 15093 .82 -75.8 Seadrill SDLP .40 12.9 ... 6.45 2.70 457 3.10 -26.2 SealAir SEE .64 1.5 21 52.83 42.01 1622 43.00 -5.2 Seaspan SSW .50m 7.2 11 18.07 6.05 1169 6.99 -23.5 Seaspn pfE SSWpE 2.06 9.0 ... 26.50 17.72 13 22.88 +11.7 Seaspan 19 SSWN 1.59 6.3 ... 26.46 23.50 58 25.06 -.4 Seaspn pfD SSWpD 1.99 8.8 ... 26.90 16.19 4 22.50 +10.6 Seaspn pfH SSWpH ... ... ... 25.75 17.50 8 21.66 +11.2 SeaWorld SEAS .40m 2.5 21.04 11.77 2092 16.26 -14.1 SelMedHld SEM ... ... 17 15.15 10.08 498 13.35 +.8 SelctIns 43 SGZA 1.47 5.8 ... 26.82 23.07 9 25.30 +5.9 SemGroup SEMG 1.80 5.1 43.20 23.31 332 35.25 -15.6 SemiMfg SMI ... ... 15 7.74 3.84 103 6.15 -19.3 SempraEn SRE 3.29f 3.0 23 114.66 92.95 766 110.48 +9.8 SensataT ST ... ... 17 45.30 32.07 1449 40.87 +4.9 Senseon n SENS ... ... ... Sensient SXT 1.20 1.5 25 83.38 64.74 123 80.66 +2.6sSequansC SQNS ... ... ... 3.02 1.60 2494 3.22 +72.2 Seritage n SRG 1.00 2.3 ... 56.72 39.60 333 42.91 +.5 ServiceCp SCI .52 1.7 25 32.21 24.90 769 31.05 +9.3 ServiceMst SERV ... ... 29 42.09 32.41 493 40.68 +8.0 ServcNow NOW ... ... 94.72 62.55 934 85.39 +14.9 Servotr SVT .30e 2.8 13.15 7.65 6 10.54 +4.7 ShakeShk n SHAK ... ... 42.94 30.36 513 33.50 -6.4 ShawCm g SJR 1.18 ... ... 21.84 17.92 590 20.62 +2.8 ShellMidst SHLX 1.11f 3.4 26 38.49 25.42 157 32.47 +11.6 Sherwin SHW 3.40f 1.1 25 316.66 239.48 343 312.40 +16.2 ShinhanFn SHG ... ... ... 43.98 30.57 69 40.20 +6.8 ShipFin SFL 1.80 12.6 8 16.28 12.07 829 14.30 -3.7 Shopify n SHOP ... ... ...dd 73.00 24.96 960 69.06 +61.1 Shutterstk SSTK ... ... 56 65.16 38.07 300 43.44 -8.6 SibanyeG SBGL .40e 4.0 ... 20.97 6.16 1708 9.91 +40.4 SiderurNac SID .14e 5.2 ... 4.24 1.73 2788 2.67 -17.3 Sifco SIF ... ... ...dd 11.75 6.25 22 7.55 -1.3 SignetJwlrs SIG 1.04 1.5 9 114.00 62.10 696 67.96 -27.9 SilvBayRT SBY .56 2.4 51 21.85 13.95 182 21.53 +25.6 SilvrSpNet SSNI ... ... ... 15.40 10.18 241 10.97 -17.6 SilvWhtn g SLW .28e ... 27 31.35 16.72 6204 21.77 +12.7 SimonProp SPG 7.00f 4.0 21 229.10 163.55 1768 173.35 -2.4 Simon pfJ SPGpJ 4.19 6.1 ... 81.50 65.00 0 68.44 +1.6 SimpsnM SSD .72 1.7 25 48.41 37.06 288 41.95 -3.7 SinopcShg SHI ... ... ... 64.80 42.64 18 57.43 +6.1 Siteone n SITE ... ... ... 50.04 25.49 193 48.70 +40.2 SixFlags SIX 2.56f 4.4 32 62.69 47.61 566 57.78 -3.6 Skechers s SKX ... ... 16 34.20 18.81 1878 25.18 +2.4 Skyline SKY ... ... ...dd 17.35 7.00 124 8.57 -44.5 Smart&Fnl SFS ... ... 28 16.68 10.65 252 12.20 -13.5 Smith&N SNN .61e 1.9 56 35.38 26.97 630 31.78 +5.7 SmithAO s AOS .56f 1.1 29 52.56 37.74 735 50.80 +7.3 Smucker SJM 3.00f 2.3 16 157.31 122.05 956 127.77 -.2 SnapInc A n SNAP ... ... ... 29.44 18.90 13264 20.70 -15.4 SnapOn SNA 2.84f 1.7 18 181.73 145.17 526 165.19 -3.5 SocQ&M SQM .99e 2.7 ... 37.24 19.46 663 36.92 +28.9 Sol-Wind n SLWD ... ... ... SolarCap 42 SLRA 1.69 6.7 ... 26.37 23.77 3 25.37 +.8 Solitario XPL ... ... ...dd .95 .43 91 .85 +37.1 SonicAut SAH .20 1.0 10 27.45 16.08 193 19.55 -14.6 SonocoP SON 1.48 2.8 21 55.58 45.02 393 52.22 -.9 SonyCp SNE ... ... ... 34.17 23.62 928 31.85 +13.6 Sothebys BID .40 .9 27 49.87 24.96 795 45.94 +15.3 SourcC SOR 1.40a 3.7 ...q 39.23 35.10 32 37.44 +4.1 SoJerInd s SJI 1.09f 2.9 32 38.03 26.29 362 37.42 +11.1sSthcrssEn SXE ... ... ...dd 4.48 1.10 290 4.32 +220.0 SCEd pfB SCEpB 1.02 4.2 ... 25.78 21.64 24.33 +9.1 SCEd pfC SCEpC 1.06 4.4 ... 25.91 22.00 2 24.18 +2.7 SCEd pfD SCEpD 1.08 4.3 ... 26.85 22.40 1 25.13 +3.3 SCEd pfE SCEpE 1.20 4.8 ... 27.00 22.52 1 25.07 -.3 SouthnCo SO 2.24 4.5 17 54.64 46.20 9164 49.30 +.2 SouthCo 75 SOJA 1.56 5.9 ... 28.93 25.00 76 26.22 +.5 SouthCo ef SOJB ... ... ... 25.32 21.28 126 24.43 +12.0 SthnCopper SCCO .23e .6 36 39.50 24.90 997 36.48 +14.2 SwstAirl LUV .40 .7 15 59.68 35.42 5345 55.06 +10.5 SwtGas SWX 1.98f 2.3 27 86.65 62.75 391 84.92 +10.8 SwGA Fn SGB .44 2.0 17 25.00 14.00 1 22.50 +12.6 SwstnEngy SWN ... ... ...dd 15.59 7.20 16220 8.10 -25.1 SwEn dpfB SWNC 3.13 15.9 ... 36.14 18.56 194 19.62 -23.0 SparkNet LOV ... ... ...dd 2.48 .83 6 1.02 +21.4 Sparton SPA ... ... 19 26.43 18.36 56 21.46 -10.0 SpdEmFos EEMX ... ... ... 59.03 51.15 57.86 +11.8 SpdDbShDu STOT ... ... ... 50.59 49.24 19 49.59 +.1 SpdFosFr n EFAX ... ... ... 66.30 58.27 64.23 +6.0 SpdDbEMk EMTL ... ... ... 52.84 48.43 1 49.62 +1.7 SpecOpps SPE 1.19e 2.4 ...q 15.13 13.28 18 14.72 +7.8 SpcOpp pfB SPEpB .88 3.4 ... 25.56 25.37 25.56 SpectraEP SEP 2.76f 6.2 15 50.43 40.19 507 44.35 -3.3 SpectrmB SPB 1.68f 1.2 31 143.20 109.30 307 140.06 +14.5 SpeedM TRK .60 3.1 23 22.29 16.62 30 19.57 -9.7 Spire SR 2.10 3.1 20 71.21 59.54 252 68.75 +6.5 SpiritAero SPR .10 ... 13 62.90 41.27 511 57.84 -.9 SpiritRltC SRC .72 6.9 13 13.97 9.83 5811 10.50 -3.3 SpragueRs SRLP 2.31f 8.8 68 30.35 20.01 19 26.40 -6.0 Sprint S ... ... ...dd 9.65 3.37 10274 8.32 -1.2 SprottSilv PSLV ... ... ...q 8.01 5.97 579 6.93 +14.0 SprottGold PHYS ... ... ...q 11.43 9.19 535 10.48 +11.6 SprottPPP SPPP ... ... ... 8.21 6.16 13 7.86 +13.9 SprottRL g SILU ... ... ... 1.25 Square n SQ ... ... ...dd 18.17 8.42 3177 16.92 +24.1sSTAG Indl STAG 1.39 5.3 38 26.24 19.60 976 26.29 +10.1 STAG pfB STAGpB 1.66 6.4 ... 26.70 24.55 2 25.82 +3.5 STAG pfC STAGpC ... ... ... 28.14 24.95 13 26.41 +2.9 StageStrs SSI .60 23.1 ...dd 7.94 1.80 457 2.60 -40.5 SP Matls XLB .98e 1.9 ...q 53.44 44.22 3906 52.46 +5.6 SP HlthC XLV 1.01e 1.4 ...q 76.75 65.96 5424 74.17 +7.6 SP CnSt XLP 1.28e 2.3 ...q 56.02 49.98 6301 54.88 +6.1 SP Consum XLY 1.12e 1.3 ...q 88.26 74.18 5456 87.51 +7.5 SP Engy XLE 2.04e 2.9 ...q 78.45 62.08 13787 70.90 -5.9 SPDR Fncl XLF .46e 2.0 ...q 25.30 17.31 83073 23.39 +.6 SP Inds XLI 1.12e 1.7 ...q 67.19 52.78 10105 65.38 +5.1 SP Tech XLK .78e 1.5 ...q 53.71 41.26 8247 52.76 +9.1 SpdrRESel XLRE ... ... ...q 34.82 29.07 1627 32.19 +4.7 SP Util XLU 1.55e 3.0 ...q 53.02 45.33 9744 51.47 +6.0 StdMotor SMP .76f 1.6 18 55.37 33.69 118 47.78 -10.2 Standex SXI .64 .7 21 101.24 74.35 45 96.25 +9.6 StanBlkDk SWK 2.32 1.7 21 136.90 103.86 708 132.58 +15.6 StanB&D 52 SWJ 1.44 5.7 ... 26.96 23.95 53 25.33 +4.1 Stantec g STN .45f ... ... 28.05 21.50 9 26.80 +6.1 StarGas SGU .41 4.5 10 11.39 8.19 111 9.08 -15.6 Starret SCX .40 3.9 33 12.89 8.77 4 10.15 +9.1 Startek SRT ... ... ...dd 9.80 3.96 61 8.53 +.9 StarwdPT STWD 1.92 8.4 16 23.46 18.85 1919 22.77 +3.7 StateStr STT 1.52 1.9 15 83.49 50.60 2386 78.32 +.8 StateSt pfC STTpC ... ... ... 27.25 23.01 15 25.15 +7.6 StateSt pfD STTpD ... ... ... 29.54 24.79 22 27.62 +6.8 StaStCp pfG STTpG ... ... ... 27.89 24.25 25 26.51 +6.0 StateSt pfE STTpE ... ... ... 28.70 25.05 18 26.57 +5.0 Statoil ASA STO .88e 5.1 ... 19.27 14.98 978 17.33 -5.0 SteelPtrs SPLP ... ... 4 19.95 13.70 8 18.90 +21.9 SteelPr pfA SPLPpA ... ... ... 24.00 22.08 7 22.50 -2.8 Steelcse SCS .51f 3.0 16 18.14 12.67 498 16.80 -6.1 StellusCap SCM 1.36 9.6 12 14.82 9.62 135 14.16 +17.4 StellusC 19 SCQ 1.63 6.4 ... 26.25 24.38 25.61 +.4 Stepan SCL .82 1.0 21 87.00 55.78 45 79.18 -2.8 Steris plc STE 1.12f 1.6 20 74.63 63.26 297 70.24 +4.2 SterlingBc STL .28 1.2 21 25.85 14.55 1248 23.20 -.9 StewInfo STC 1.20 2.7 19 48.60 33.65 158 44.15 -4.2 StifelFin SF ... ... 18 56.62 28.49 398 47.65 -4.6 Stifel pfA SFpA 1.56 6.0 ... 28.46 24.33 7 26.01 +4.6sStillwtrM SWC ... ... ...dd 17.53 9.02 2238 17.48 +8.5 StneEn wt SGY/WS ... ... ... 4.00 2.50 29 2.77 -21.1 StoneEng rs SGY ... ... ...dd 27.77 2.70 198 21.32 +198.2 StoneHEM EDF 2.16 13.1 ...q 16.68 13.02 173 16.47 +12.5sStonHEmM EDI 1.81 11.3 ...q 15.90 12.37 80 16.00 +16.4 StoneMor STON 1.32 16.8 ...dd 26.90 7.65 190 7.84 -12.0 StonegtMtg SGM ... ... ...dd 7.97 3.16 9 7.95 +33.2 Stonerdg SRI ... ... 13 19.50 13.42 131 17.50 -1.1 StoreCap STOR 1.16 4.7 27 31.44 22.27 1918 24.82 +.4 StrPathCm STRP ... ... ... 92.00 15.06 1253 91.18 +168.9 StratALL36 GJT .29 1.5 ... 18.92 17.48 1 18.75 +4.1 Strat D35 GJP .74 3.5 ... 23.10 20.33 0 21.40 -1.4 StratGS33 GJS .32 1.7 ... 19.00 17.36 0 18.65 +2.1 StratNWS95 GJV 1.75 6.7 ... 26.86 25.06 1 26.27 +4.4 StratPG34 GJR .27 1.2 ... 21.40 19.44 21.40 +3.4 StratUSM GJH .64 6.5 ... 11.21 9.58 0 9.80 -.9 StratWMT GJO .22 1.0 ... 21.95 19.80 21.95 +9.8 Stryker SYK 1.70 1.3 26 133.59 106.48 766 130.59 +9.0 SturmRug RGR 1.96f 3.3 13 70.30 47.15 377 58.90 +11.8 SubPpne SPH 3.55 13.8 44 37.10 24.00 276 25.68 -14.6 SumitMitsu SMFG ... ... ... 8.30 5.43 779 7.03 -8.0 SummitHtl INN .65 4.1 13 16.40 10.99 425 15.98 -.3 SumtH pfB INNpB 1.97 7.6 ... 27.05 25.31 43 25.80 +.2 SumtH pfC INNpC 1.78 7.0 ... 28.19 24.85 25.50 +.7 SummtH pfD INNpD 1.61 6.3 ... 27.00 22.45 4 25.49 +8.2 SumtMtls n SUM .29t ... 26 26.46 17.27 1388 25.03 +5.2 SummitMP SMLP 2.30 9.6 ...dd 26.50 17.19 104 24.05 -4.4 SunCmts SUI 2.68f 3.2 29 85.98 66.73 329 82.56 +7.8 SunCm pfA SUIpA 1.78 6.9 ... 26.83 23.38 1 25.80 +2.4 SunLfFn g SLF 1.68f 4.7 ... 40.57 30.38 311 35.60 -7.3 SunCokeE SXC ... ... 34 13.14 5.14 594 9.54 -15.9 SunCokeEn SXCP 2.38 14.9 7 21.95 8.32 166 15.90 -17.4 Suncor g SU 1.28 ... ... 33.79 25.31 1899 31.11 -4.8 SunLink SSY ... ... ...dd 1.90 .43 1 1.53 +26.9 SunocoLP SUN 3.30 11.0 ...dd 37.25 21.01 1351 29.91 +11.2 SunocoLog SXL 2.08f 8.7 25 31.49 22.07 1635 23.92 -.4 SunstnHtl SHO .20 1.3 13 16.05 11.26 2170 15.22 -.2 SunstHt pfE SHOpE ... ... ... 28.44 24.29 49 25.76 +1.6 SunstHt pfF SHOpF 1.61 6.4 ... 26.65 23.82 2 25.24 +1.5 Suntech STP ... ... ... .54 SunTrst STI 1.04 1.9 15 61.69 37.71 3390 54.97 +.2 SunTr wtB STI/WS/B ... ... ... 18.34 3.15 0 12.27 -7.6 SunTr wtA STI/WS/A ... ... ... 27.83 7.41 21.51 -4.4 SunTr pfA STIpA 1.50 6.1 ... 25.00 21.41 14 24.53 +4.6 SunTr pfE STIpE 1.47 5.7 ... 26.84 24.07 11 25.73 +3.5 SupDrillg SDPI ... ... ...dd 2.72 .73 25 .81 -38.6 SupEnrgy SPN .32 2.2 ...dd 19.83 12.79 3013 14.70 -12.9 SuperiorInd SUP 1.00f 4.2 15 32.12 21.90 175 23.75 -9.2 Supvalu SVU ... ... 7 5.90 3.20 15792 4.00 -14.3 SuprmInd STS .14a .7 19 21.00 10.88 81 20.59 +31.1 SuthrlAs n SLD 1.52 10.5 ... 14.75 12.40 94 14.45 +7.4 SwEBioFu23 FUE ... ... ... 9.50 7.09 1 7.43 -2.9 SwEGrain23 GRU ... ... ... 4.98 3.64 3.72 -1.7 SwRCmETR RJN ... ... ... 2.77 1.94 60 2.56 -5.9 SwRCmMTR RJZ ... ... ... 8.32 6.88 0 8.08 +8.0 SwLgCap22 EEH ... ... ...q 17.85 15.08 17.23 +5.0 SwRCmATR RJA ... ... ... 7.02 6.04 14 6.28 -.5 SwERCmTR RJI ... ... ... 5.35 4.63 98 5.15 -.8 SwiftTrans SWFT ... ... 18 27.18 14.31 8626 23.83 -2.2 SwisHelv SWZ .64e .3 ...q 11.63 9.75 171 11.55 +13.1 Synchrony SYF .26 ... 12 38.06 23.25 6711 33.05 -8.9 Syngenta SYT 2.33e 2.6 ... 90.26 74.52 1098 89.68 +13.4 Synnex SNX 1.00 1.0 14 129.24 77.54 385 103.50 -14.5 Synovs pfC SNVpC 1.97 7.2 ... 30.46 26.26 8 27.45 -.3 SynovusFn SNV .60f 1.5 21 44.09 26.90 584 40.65 -1.0 SynthBiol SYN ... ... ...dd 2.72 .45 606 .51 -33.6 Sysco SYY 1.32 2.5 23 57.07 45.19 2684 52.08 -5.9 Systemax SYX .10 .8 76 12.75 7.05 53 12.22 +39.3T -T3 Mot wtI TTTM/WS/W ... ... ... .01 TAL Educ TAL ... ... 73 108.60 52.03 888 102.33 +45.9 TC PpLn TCP 3.76 6.3 18 65.03 47.12 97 59.36 +.9 TCF Fncl TCB .30f 1.8 11 20.03 11.72 1493 16.61 -15.2 TCF Fn wt TCB/WS ... ... ... 3.96 1.00 0 1.93 -44.9 TCFFn pfB TCBpB 1.88 7.4 ... 27.20 25.17 4 25.53 -.3 TCF F pfC TCBpC 1.61 6.3 ... 26.45 24.60 0 25.70 +2.8 TCW Strat TSI .21 3.8 ...q 5.59 5.12 47 5.43 +1.9 TE Connect TEL 1.48 2.0 16 76.77 54.54 1177 73.29 +5.8 THL Crd21 TCRX ... ... ... 26.80 24.71 0 25.78 +1.8 THLCred22 TCRZ 1.69 6.5 ... 26.49 24.56 2 26.00 +2.4 THLCSenL TSLF 1.32 7.1 ...q 18.77 15.32 68 18.47 -1.4 TIM Part TSU .28e 1.7 ... 16.81 9.15 1682 16.09 +36.4 TJX TJX 1.25f 1.6 22 83.64 71.50 4244 76.99 +2.5 TPG SpLnd TSLX 1.56 7.6 13 20.73 15.91 128 20.59 +10.2 TRC Cos TRR ... ... 34 17.50 5.79 213 17.50 +65.1 TableauA DATA ... ... ...dd 62.53 41.41 611 50.99 +21.0 TahoeRes TAHO .24 2.8 16 17.01 7.12 2350 8.67 -8.0 TailorBr TLRD .72 5.6 26 28.76 10.90 2598 12.94 -49.4 Taiwan TWN ... ... ...q 18.79 13.93 3 18.52 +15.0 TaiwSemi TSM .73e 2.3 ... 33.53 22.75 6244 32.40 +12.7 Takung n TKAT ... ... ... 9.74 6.66 7 7.60 -20.3 TallgEGP n TEGP 1.11f 3.8 32 29.50 16.60 40 28.92 +7.9 TallgrsEn TEP 3.26f 6.1 24 55.50 37.66 150 53.52 +12.8 TangerFac SKT 1.37a 4.2 16 42.20 30.98 2189 32.79 -8.4 TanzRy g TRX ... ... ... 1.49 .25 125 .47 -6.6 TargaRes TRGP 3.64 6.1 ... 61.83 30.76 1382 59.36 +5.9 TargaR pfA NGLSpA 2.25 8.2 ... 28.18 24.02 3 27.55 +.1 Target TGT 2.40 4.5 11 84.14 52.72 4888 53.71 -25.6 TaroPhrm TARO ... ... 10 152.30 92.28 86 117.88 +12.0 Taseko TGB ... ... ... 1.63 .41 468 1.30 +52.6 TataCom TCL ... ... ... 6.62 TataMotors TTM ... ... ... 44.79 27.95 1356 35.89 +4.4 Taubmn TCO 2.50f 3.8 17 81.68 62.67 422 65.77 -11.0 Taub pfJ TCOpJ 1.63 6.3 ... 26.94 24.50 1 25.69 +4.4 Taub pfK TCOpK 1.56 6.1 ... 26.58 24.00 1 25.40 +2.7 TaylorMH TMHC ... ... 15 22.17 13.31 942 21.51 +11.7 Team TISI ... ... ...dd 39.70 23.53 270 26.85 -31.6 Technip FTI ... ... 27 37.09 24.00 1854 33.53 -5.6 TeckRes g TECK .10m ... ... 26.60 8.09 4175 23.65 +18.1 Teekay TK .22 2.2 ...dd 11.85 5.45 917 9.98 +24.3 TeekLNG TGP .56 3.2 ... 19.90 9.47 75 17.70 +22.5 TeekLN pfA TGPpA 2.25 8.9 ... 25.60 22.66 8 25.26 +7.6 TeekOffsh TOO .44 8.0 ... 7.25 4.06 299 5.48 +8.3 TeekOf pfA TOOpA 1.81 8.7 ... 21.94 15.50 6 20.89 +12.3 TeekOf pfB TOOpB 2.13 9.3 ... 23.20 16.75 14 22.89 +14.2 TeekayTnk TNK .21 10.1 ... 4.16 1.90 878 2.08 -8.0 Tegna TGNA .56 2.2 12 26.65 17.91 1135 25.64 +19.9 TejonRnch TRC ... ... 27.99 19.50 20 22.73 -10.6 TeklaHlth HQH 2.85e 11.7 ...q 27.35 19.92 100 24.31 +15.0 TeklaHcrOp THQ 1.35a 7.7 ...q 18.42 14.72 128 17.47 +12.6 TeklaLfSci HQL 1.95e 10.0 ...q 19.98 15.85 46 19.42 +14.3 TeklaWH n THW 1.40 9.8 ...q 15.61 12.64 75 14.35 +11.8 TelInstEl TIK ... ... 17 6.25 3.30 11 4.90 +11.4 Teladoc n TDOC ... ... ... 26.45 9.28 224 24.75 +50.0 TlcmArg TEO .71e 3.2 ... 23.99 17.04 157 22.40 +23.3 TelItalia TI ... ... ... 10.48 6.95 77 8.54 -3.9 TelItaliaA TI/A .30e 4.3 ... 8.48 5.61 245 6.95 -4.7 Teledyne TDY ... ... 24 135.89 89.12 81 127.25 +3.5 Teleex TFX 1.36 .7 40 198.89 136.53 184 196.86 +22.2 TelefBrasil VIV .64e 4.4 ... 15.69 11.28 1648 14.61 +10.1 TelefEsp TEF 1.03e 9.3 ... 11.39 8.15 1194 11.05 +20.1 TelData TDS .62f 2.3 70 32.98 24.12 601 26.72 -7.4 TelData45 TDI 1.66 6.4 ... 28.80 23.60 3 26.02 +6.9 TelData 61 TDA 1.47 5.9 ... 26.26 22.22 28 24.91 +11.0 TelData60 TDJ 1.75 6.8 ... 26.34 24.46 21 25.59 +2.1 TelData59 TDE 1.72 6.7 ... 26.48 24.15 5 25.72 +3.9 Telus gs TU 1.45 ... ... 34.12 30.31 327 33.35 +4.7 TmpDrgn TDF 4.00e 2.6 ...q 19.62 16.00 52 18.97 +15.8 TmpEMF EMF 1.28e 2.2 ...q 14.31 10.42 51 14.14 +17.0 TmpEMI TEI .80a 7.0 ...q 11.75 9.95 189 11.39 +4.4sTmpGlb GIM .30 4.4 ...q 6.72 6.01 372 6.75 +4.2 TempurSly TPX ... ... 13 82.32 41.11 1077 44.38 -35.0 Tenaris TS .75e 2.2 ... 37.21 24.97 2938 34.83 -2.5 TenetHlth THC ... ... 16 34.08 14.06 1889 17.20 +15.9 Tengsco TGC ... ... ...dd 1.59 .37 132 .74 +5.7 Tennant TNC .84 1.2 28 76.80 49.97 40 72.40 +1.7 Tenneco TEN .25p ... 11 70.96 44.55 578 58.46 -6.4 TVA 28 TVC .96 3.8 ... 26.46 24.71 7 25.37 +2.5 TVA 29 TVE .84 3.4 ... 26.20 23.54 10 25.07 +2.1 Teradata TDC ... ... 13 33.32 24.21 796 30.44 +12.0 Teradyn TER .28f .9 23 32.26 18.07 2022 31.80 +25.2 Terex TEX .32f 1.0 39 33.87 18.91 1039 33.01 +4.7 Ternium TX 1.00e 3.8 76 28.04 15.32 409 26.50 +9.7 TerraNitro TNH 7.08e 7.5 13 127.00 91.07 15 95.03 -7.5sTerrenoRlt TRNO .80 2.7 48 29.08 22.26 229 29.62 +4.0 Terreno pfA TRNOpA 1.94 7.6 ... 27.24 24.72 25.45 +.8 Tesoro TSO 2.20 2.7 12 93.06 69.49 2604 81.85 -6.4 TesoroLog TLLP 3.64f 6.7 23 60.14 41.38 109 54.41 +7.1 TetraTech TTI ... ... ...dd 7.75 3.46 3242 4.26 -15.1 TeucrCorn CORN ... ... ...q 23.69 17.68 71 19.05 +1.8 TeucrSug CANE ... ... ...q 15.04 10.41 9 11.75 -9.6 TeucrWht WEAT ... ... ...q 9.67 6.69 108 7.03 +2.2tTeucrSoyb SOYB ... ... ...q 21.95 17.99 39 18.08 -5.3 TeucrmAgs TAGS ... ... ...q 30.95 24.29 24.71 -3.8 TevaPhrm TEVA 1.36e 4.2 11 58.16 31.90 3997 32.14 -11.3 TexPacLd TPL .29f .1 59 336.83 148.30 16 287.02 -3.3 Textainer TGH .96 5.9 ...dd 17.60 6.90 224 16.20 +117.4 Textron TXT .08 .2 18 50.93 34.00 1152 48.00 -1.2sThai TTF .25e ... ...q 8.67 6.86 9 8.67 +14.1 TherapMD TXMD ... ... ...dd 9.29 4.39 8732 5.75 -.3 ThermoFis TMO .60 .4 26 161.66 139.07 961 152.87 +8.3 Thermon THR ... ... 38 21.87 16.50 280 20.53 +7.5 ThirdPtRe TPRE ... ... 47 13.03 10.99 218 11.85 +2.6 ThomsonR TRI 1.38f 3.2 20 45.68 38.23 918 42.92 -2.0 Thor Inds THO 1.32 1.4 16 115.74 60.05 514 91.94 -8.1 3D Sys DDD ... ... 18.99 11.59 2010 14.73 +10.8 3M Co MMM 4.70f 2.5 23 193.50 163.17 1402 190.07 +6.4 Tidwtr TDW 1.00 110.1 ...dd 9.37 .80 991 .91 -73.4 TierREIT n TIER .72 4.0 ...dd 18.80 14.06 144 18.02 +3.6 Tiffany TIF 1.80 2.0 25 97.29 56.99 1348 92.15 +19.0 Tillys TLYS ... ... 20 15.29 5.49 101 8.76 -33.6 Time Inc TIME .76 4.0 ...dd 20.40 12.50 752 18.95 +6.2 TimeWarn TWX 1.61 1.6 17 99.29 68.97 1990 98.72 +2.3 Timken TKR 1.04 2.4 21 46.45 28.72 404 44.20 +11.3 TimknSteel TMST ... ... ...dd 23.00 8.36 690 19.42 +25.5 Timmins g TGD ... ... 1 .63 .23 1523 .41 +29.4 Titan Intl TWI .02 .2 ...dd 14.23 5.60 878 9.67 -13.7 TollBros TOL .08p ... 17 37.28 25.29 3572 36.58 +18.0 Tompkins TMP 1.76f 2.1 21 96.70 61.84 38 82.36 -12.9 TootsieR TR .36b .9 35 40.44 32.88 59 37.90 -1.8 TopBuild n BLD ... ... 24 48.33 28.81 660 47.44 +33.3 Torchmark TMK .60f .8 17 79.53 54.99 483 76.23 +3.3 Torchmk52 TMKpB 1.47 5.8 ... 26.70 24.34 2 25.44 +2.2 Trchmk pfC TMKpC ... ... ... 27.99 24.03 23 26.35 +4.4 Toro Co s TTC .70 1.1 30 63.47 40.43 588 62.73 +12.1 TorDBk gs TD 2.40f 4.8 ... 54.44 41.36 1975 49.62 +.6 MonTNAPpl TPYP .45p ... ...q 30.26 19.56 3 24.37 +2.8 TortWat n TBLU ... ... ... 25.91 24.78 1 25.19 +.2 TortEnInd NDP 1.75 10.5 ...q 17.43 11.54 43 16.63 +.8 TortEnInf TYG 2.62 7.4 ...q 37.11 24.41 124 35.36 +15.2 TortMLP NTG 1.69 8.2 ...q 21.84 15.64 65 20.61 +8.0 TortPplE TTP 1.63m 7.5 ...q 22.51 14.77 59 21.69 +.6 TortPw&E TPZ 1.65 7.2 ...q 23.46 17.39 44 23.07 +4.0 Total SA TOT 2.71e 5.2 ... 52.17 44.06 978 51.86 +1.7 TotalSys TSS .40 .8 19 56.54 46.22 933 52.25 +6.6 TowerIntl TOWR .44 1.7 13 29.05 18.75 94 25.15 -11.3 TownsqMda TSQ ... ... 12 13.01 7.30 37 11.84 +13.7 Toyota TM ... ... ... 123.18 98.02 348 106.40 -9.2 TrCda g TRP 2.50f ... 20 49.77 38.51 977 47.69 +5.6 TransEntx TRXC ... ... ...dd 5.25 1.03 222 1.12 -13.8 TransUn n TRU ... ... 45 38.76 27.32 464 38.52 +24.5 Trnsalta g TAC .23 ... ... 6.25 3.75 28 5.80 +5.5 TrnsatlPet TAT ... ... ...dd 1.52 .60 34 1.49 +34.2 TrnsRty TCI .20p ... ...dd 21.50 8.38 4 19.82 +64.9 TransDigm TDG 24.00 ... 20 294.38 203.72 757 236.48 -5.0 TrnsMont TLP 2.84f 6.4 21 49.31 36.93 18 44.58 +.7 Transocn RIG ... ... 7 16.66 8.68 9285 12.53 -15.0sTrGasSur TGS ... ... ... 15.60 5.85 650 16.00 +77.4 Travelers TRV 2.68f 2.2 12 125.49 103.45 1185 121.19 -1.0 Travelport TVPT .30 2.4 ... 15.15 11.28 1263 12.41 -12.0 TrecoraRs TREC ... ... 14 14.80 9.75 28 11.30 -18.4 Tredgar TG .44 2.5 26 25.60 14.75 40 17.65 -26.5 TreeHseF THS ... ... 31 104.53 62.64 483 88.42 +22.5 TremorVid TRMR ... ... ...dd 2.76 1.45 8 2.03 -18.5 Trex TREX ... ... 31 78.16 39.74 124 68.05 +5.7 TriPointe TPH ... ... 9 14.20 10.35 1339 12.33 +7.4 TriContl TY .82e 3.5 ...q 23.70 19.55 163 23.19 +5.2 TriCntl pf TYp 2.50 5.0 ... 54.39 47.50 0 50.25 +3.6 TrianglCap TCAP 1.80 9.6 ... 21.35 16.00 149 18.67 +1.8 Triangle 22 TCCA 1.59 6.2 ... 26.29 24.52 2 25.45 TriangC 22 TCCB 1.59 6.2 ... 26.71 25.07 6 25.85 +1.7 TribMda A TRCO 1.00a 2.7 ...dd 40.00 24.98 783 37.72 +28.4 TrilogyMtl TMQ ... ... ...dd .86 .35 295 .71 +39.1 TrimShrk n TTAC ... ... ... 28.87 24.36 0 28.15 +4.0 TriNetGrp TNET ... ... 43 30.17 15.43 165 28.52 +11.3 Trinity TRN .44 1.6 11 30.13 16.39 1172 27.41 -1.3 TrinityPlce TPHS ... ... ... 10.37 6.36 29 7.28 -21.5 Trinseo SA TSE 1.20 1.8 ... 72.60 39.45 378 68.35 +15.3 TrioTch TRT ... ... 13 4.48 2.60 3 4.13 +24.5 TriplePtV TPVG 1.44a 10.4 10 14.10 9.80 104 13.82 +17.3 TripPtV20 TPVZ 1.69 6.6 ... 25.96 24.55 0 25.65 +.6 Triple-S GTS ... ... 34 27.70 16.49 55 18.48 -10.7 TritonInt n TRTN 1.80 6.4 ... 28.68 11.50 275 28.21 +78.5 TriumphGp TGI .16 .6 5 40.09 22.40 857 26.05 -1.7 Tronox TROX .18 1.1 ...dd 19.99 3.84 832 16.91 +64.0 TrueBlue TBI ... ... 12 27.85 16.50 255 26.00 +5.5 Trupanion TRUP ... ... ...dd 16.25 11.50 12.98 Tsakos TNP .20 4.0 ... 6.67 3.92 455 4.95 +5.5 TsakE pfB TNPpB 2.00 7.8 ... 25.83 22.94 7 25.57 +1.2 Tsakos pfC TNPpC 2.22 8.6 ... 26.15 24.01 8 25.82 +1.8 Tsakos pfD TNPpD 2.19 8.8 ... 25.10 21.77 16 24.93 +2.1 Tuppwre TUP 2.72 4.3 14 66.90 50.43 463 63.46 +20.6 Turkcell TKC ... ... ... 10.87 6.35 209 8.17 +18.4 Turksh TKF .15e 1.8 ...q 9.63 6.13 27 8.44 +24.5sTurnPtBr n TPB ... ... ... 16.31 6.46 32 16.07 +31.2 TurqHillRs TRQ ... ... 22 3.80 2.57 1893 3.05 -5.6 TutorPerini TPC ... ... 17 33.00 14.94 243 32.15 +14.8 22ndCentry XXII ... ... ...dd 1.71 .73 820 1.35 +23.9 Twilio n TWLO ... ... ... 70.96 23.66 3082 29.35 +1.7 Twitter TWTR ... ... ...dd 25.25 13.73 7400 14.31 -12.2sTwoHrbInv TWO 1.00f 10.2 11 9.82 7.62 2746 9.78 +12.2 TwoHrb pfA TWOpA 2.03 7.8 ... 26.28 25.28 56 26.11 +3.1 TylerTech TYL ... ... 49 175.77 136.96 131 154.78 +8.4 Tyson TSN .90 1.4 14 77.05 55.72 1630 62.86 +1.9 Tyson eq un TSNU 2.38 3.5 ... 84.37 61.55 5 67.77 +.2U -UBS 3xLCr WTIU ... ... ... 24.20 14.90 20 21.34 -11.0 UBS 3xInvC WTID ... ... ... 37.39 24.12 3 25.62 +3.7 UBS FILCG FBGX ... ... ...q 163.87 113.51 3 160.39 +15.8 UBS2xSPDiv SDYL 3.40e 4.8 ...q 73.94 56.44 0 71.23 +4.7 UBS Grp UBS .80f 5.1 ... 17.44 11.93 1680 15.65 -.1 UCP UCP ... ... 10 12.75 6.35 963 11.35 -5.8 UDR UDR 1.24f 3.4 21 37.81 32.79 834 36.52 +.1 UGI Corp UGI .95 1.9 11 50.38 39.20 683 49.94 +8.4sUMH Prop UMH .72 4.6 21 15.54 9.53 132 15.49 +2.9 UMH pfA UMHpA 2.06 8.0 ... 26.50 25.05 1 25.86 +.6 UMH pfB UMHpB 2.00 7.4 ... 28.40 25.90 10 27.00 +.7 UQM Tech UQM ... ... ...dd .90 .42 69 .48 +11.6 US FdsHl n USFD ... ... ... 28.15 22.19 631 27.59 +.4 US Geoth rs HTM ... ... 25 5.40 3.66 36 4.07 -.5 USPhysTh USPH .80f 1.2 35 78.00 48.71 55 65.35 -6.9 US Silica SLCA .25 .5 ...dd 61.49 22.21 2042 49.62 -12.5 USA Cmp USAC 2.10 12.4 56 19.78 12.03 141 16.93 -2.1 USANA s USNA ... ... 14 75.00 54.03 53 57.05 -6.8 USCFStkSp TOFR .81e 1.3 ...q 17.12 14.77 16.47 +.5 USCF Rs ef MENU ... ... ... USD Ptrs USDP 1.32f 9.4 ... 17.50 8.56 92 14.00 -11.4 USG USG ... ... 17 34.67 23.71 1106 31.69 +9.7 Ultrapar UGP .43e 1.9 ... 24.50 18.38 582 22.27 +7.4 UndrArm s UAA ... ... 33 47.95 18.40 4426 19.42 -33.1 UnAr C wi UA ... ... ... 46.53 17.05 2487 18.04 -28.3 Uni UFI ... ... 14 34.70 22.43 70 27.37 -16.1 UniFirst UNF .15 .1 24 147.65 104.86 36 137.40 -4.4sUnilevNV UN 1.40e 2.8 ... 50.98 38.41 1665 50.90 +24.0 Unilever UL 1.40e 2.8 ... 50.61 38.58 1886 50.43 +23.9 UnionPac UNP 2.42 2.2 21 111.38 78.62 2246 107.61 +3.8 UniqueF n UFAB .60 5.0 ... 15.93 10.40 20 12.05 -17.5 Unisys UIS ... ... 12 16.70 6.72 2293 12.10 -19.1 Unit UNT ... ... ...dd 30.63 9.67 1149 24.26 -9.7 UtdContl UAL ... ... 8 76.80 37.41 17420 70.71 -3.0 UtdMicro UMC .09e 4.6 ... 2.11 1.74 812 1.94 +10.9 UPS B UPS 3.32f 3.1 18 120.44 100.05 2820 105.75 -7.8 UtdRentals URI ... ... 14 134.28 56.01 947 125.93 +19.3 USNatGas UNL ... ... ...q 11.93 8.90 2 10.73 -8.2 US12MoOil USL ... ... ...q 20.89 16.15 60 19.35 -5.1 USAntimny UAMY ... ... ... .60 .20 25 .44 +73.3 US Bancrp USB 1.12 2.2 16 56.61 38.48 7183 50.89 -.9 US Bcp pfA USBpA 35.49e 4.1 ... 904.95 804.80 0 865.00 -.6 US Bcp pfH USBpH .89e 3.9 ... 25.05 20.63 28 23.03 +6.8 US Bcp pfM USBpM 1.63 5.7 ... 31.43 27.64 67 28.76 +1.7 US Bcp pfN USBpN 1.50 6.0 ... 26.58 25.17 25.00 -.8 US Bcp pfO USBpO 1.29 4.9 ... 27.65 23.63 14 26.09 +7.6 US Brent BNO ... ... ...q 16.09 12.29 220 15.17 -3.3 US Cellular USM ... ... 70 46.01 33.30 62 38.26 -12.5 US Cellu60 UZA 1.74 6.8 ... 27.05 24.34 6 25.72 +2.9 US Cellu 63 UZB 1.81 6.8 ... 27.85 24.43 15 26.55 +4.5 US Cell64 UZC 1.81 6.8 ... 27.70 24.43 19 26.75 +4.5 USCmdtyFd USCI ... ... ...q 43.86 38.21 39 39.10 -2.3 USDslHtOil UHN ... ... ...q 17.05 12.77 2 15.68 -6.5 US GasFd UGA ... ... ...q 32.03 21.94 28 28.05 -10.4 USCoppFd CPER ... ... ...q 19.00 13.00 7 17.06 +4.3 USAgriFd USAG ... ... ...q 20.80 17.96 17.96 -.6 US NGas UNG ... ... ...q 9.74 6.36 9883 7.52 -19.5 US OilFd USO ... ... ...q 12.45 9.23 23204 11.17 -4.7 US ShrtOil DNO ... ... ...q 87.86 60.41 5 64.00 +3.3 USSteel X .20 .6 ...dd 41.83 12.77 17059 34.72 +5.2 UtdTech UTX 2.64 2.3 17 114.44 96.89 2329 113.14 +3.2 UtdhlthGp UNH 2.50 1.5 21 172.14 126.60 3089 165.83 +3.6 UNITIL UTL 1.44f 3.1 24 46.98 35.37 25 46.12 +1.7 Univar n UNVR ... ... ...dd 33.15 16.07 378 29.97 +5.6 UnvAmr UAM .75e ... ...dd 10.13 6.72 47 9.98 +.3 UnvslCp UVV 2.12f 3.0 17 83.35 52.40 150 71.25 +11.8sUnvHR UHT 2.62f 3.8 40 67.61 51.95 79 68.50 +4.4 UnivHlthS UHS .40 .3 17 139.77 99.72 699 122.87 +15.5 Univ Insur UVE .69 3.0 7 29.20 16.52 153 23.15 -18.5 UnvSecInst UUU ... ... ...dd 4.63 2.80 40 3.05 -21.8 UnivTInst UTI .08 2.3 ...dd 5.38 1.42 32 3.52 +21.0 UnumGrp UNM .80f 1.7 12 50.27 29.79 878 46.15 +5.1 Ur-Energy URG ... ... ...dd .91 .41 262 .72 +34.8 UraniumEn UEC ... ... ...dd 1.92 .69 1512 1.56 +39.3 UrbnEdg n UE .80 2.9 22 30.29 24.10 426 27.33 -.7 UrstdBid UBP 1.06f 6.1 17 22.37 15.95 12 17.30 -9.4 UrsBidA UBA 1.04f 5.0 20 25.43 19.67 235 20.95 -13.1 UrsBid pfF UBPpF 1.78 7.0 ... 27.70 25.18 4 25.55 +.2 UrsBid pfG UBPpG 1.69 6.6 ... 28.72 25.25 0 25.48 -.5V -VF Corp VFC 1.68 3.1 18 66.31 48.05 2380 55.06 +3.2 VOC EnTr VOC .32e 7.6 9 4.29 2.65 40 4.19 +31.8 VTTI Engy VTTI 1.34f 7.1 ... 21.74 15.40 16 19.00 +17.6 VaalcoE EGY ... ... ...dd 1.43 .70 485 1.00 -3.8 VailRsrt MTN 4.21f 2.2 44 194.05 124.00 275 189.91 +17.7 Vale SA VALE .29e 3.2 ... 11.70 3.85 30897 9.15 +20.1 Vale SA pf VALE/P .29e 3.4 ... 11.10 2.99 10835 8.63 +25.3 ValeantPh VRX ... ... 3 38.50 9.44 8876 9.55 -34.2 ValeroE VLO 2.80f 4.3 18 71.40 46.88 3695 65.63 -3.9 ValeroEPt VLP 1.63f 3.4 18 51.00 38.90 35 47.30 +6.8 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 8 The Sun/Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Valhi VHI .08 2.4 41 4.10 1.34 78 3.29 -4.9 Validus VR 1.52f 2.7 13 58.76 44.23 214 55.84 +1.5 Validus pfA VRpA ... ... ... 25.99 21.50 13 25.00 +11.0 VlyNBcp VLY .44 3.7 19 12.82 8.49 2950 11.74 +.9 VlyNB wt18 VLY/WS ... ... ... .40 .03 .27 +22.7 VlyNBc pfA VLYpA 1.56 5.5 ... 30.85 24.86 4 28.23 +9.0 Valmont VMI 1.50 1.0 24 165.20 120.23 315 152.70 +8.4 Valspar VAL 1.48 1.3 24 111.84 97.62 601 111.34 +7.5 Valvoline n VVV .05p ... ... 24.98 18.30 818 23.83 +10.8 VanEMGold OUNZ ... ... ...q 13.61 11.12 33 12.58 +10.4 VanEGold GDX .12e .5 ...q 31.79 18.58 81825 24.36 +16.4 VanE Grn n GRNB ... ... ... 25.30 24.91 1 25.05 +.5 VnEkSteel SLX 1.16e 2.9 ...q 45.39 23.70 51 39.94 +5.7 MV Pharm PPH 1.30e 2.2 ...q 61.12 57.85 58.24 VnEkHiIn rs YMLP ... ... ...q 28.12 20.25 4 26.12 -.2 VanE Env EVX 1.05e 1.4 ...q 78.61 63.71 0 77.14 +2.1 VanEcAm ef ITMS ... ... ... 25.11 23.57 24.22 +2.1 VnEcAmt ef ITML ... ... ... 25.17 22.94 23.79 +1.3 VanE USBd IGEM ... ... ...q 25.32 23.26 23.98 +1.7 VanE EMHi HYEM 1.57 6.4 ...q 24.84 22.96 103 24.62 +2.4 VanEHiYM HYD 1.45 4.7 ...q 32.42 28.33 486 30.72 +3.5 VanE ChiBd CBON .68e ... ...q 24.30 21.85 2 21.89 -.3 VnEkShHY SHYD .81 3.4 ...q 25.50 23.03 13 24.01 +.9 VnEkTrHYld THHY 1.09e 4.6 ...q 24.32 21.28 0 23.66 VnEkRus RSX .64e 3.2 ...q 22.19 16.31 8081 20.29 -4.4 VanE BDC BIZD 1.47e 7.8 ...q 19.34 15.86 46 18.91 +5.0 VEckPfSec PFXF 1.24e 6.2 ...q 21.77 18.96 152 20.08 +4.0 VanE FallA ANGL 1.63e 4.6 ...q 29.64 26.30 221 29.52 +2.6 VanE IntHY IHY 1.26 5.2 ...q 25.00 23.40 24 24.42 +2.5sVanE Reit MORT 2.36e 7.9 ...q 24.11 19.70 589 24.03 +9.9 VnEkCfMun XMPT 1.35 5.1 ...q 29.96 25.10 5 26.52 +2.8 VanE EmM EMAG .92 4.4 ...q 21.82 19.82 0 21.09 +3.6 VanE IGFlt FLTR .15e .6 ...q 25.36 24.58 54 25.16 +.6 VanE EMBd EMLC .98 5.3 ...q 19.40 16.98 2338 18.39 +4.5sVanEAltEn GEX .11e .2 ...q 55.96 46.50 3 55.96 +10.8 VEckMun PRB .15e .6 ...q 24.76 24.12 24.50 +1.3 VnEkSMu SMB .20 1.1 ...q 17.80 16.99 20 17.46 +1.2 VanE LgMu MLN .62 3.2 ...q 21.18 18.66 51 19.65 +1.5 VanEIntMu ITM .54 2.3 ...q 24.94 22.74 262 23.62 +1.8 VnEkHiInInf YMLI 1.20 7.5 ...q 17.35 11.61 26 15.95 +1.3 VanE GenDr GNRX ... ... ... 26.56 21.17 1 22.28 +3.8 VanE OilR CRAK ... ... ...q 22.74 17.66 1 22.67 +8.8 V IntMoat MOTI ... ... ...q 31.68 24.70 3 31.19 +12.3 VEckNucl NLR 1.27e 2.6 ...q 51.10 44.80 49.16 +3.6 VnEkGlSpin SPUN ... ... ...q 23.30 18.31 2 22.73 +7.6 VanEChAMC CNXT ... ... ...q 34.94 28.32 3 30.26 +4.9 VanE Israel ISRA .74e 1.0 ...q 29.63 25.31 2 29.10 +8.5 VanEWMoat MOAT .42e 1.1 ...q 38.31 30.88 45 37.53 +7.8 VanE UncOG FRAK .29e 1.7 ...q 19.94 14.68 48 16.68 -8.5 VnEkSemi SMH .63e .8 ...q 80.05 50.88 6706 77.83 +8.6 VnEkRtl] RTH .29e .4 ...q 82.00 73.15 13 79.27 +4.6 VanE Agri MOO 1.69e 3.2 ...q 54.74 45.95 15 53.58 +4.4 VEckOilSvc OIH .86e 2.8 ...q 36.35 26.10 5651 31.20 -6.4 VnEkRusSC RSXJ .41e 1.0 ...q 42.10 22.76 65 40.28 +5.7 VEckVcREr REMX .50a 2.8 ...q 20.97 15.00 60 17.92 +5.3 VEckChina PEK 1.41e 1.3 ...q 41.33 35.62 9 39.68 +7.5sVnEkIndSC SCIF .44e .8 ...q 54.74 37.89 107 55.20 +35.4 VanE Egyp EGPT 2.76e 9.7 ...q 41.80 24.72 17 28.36 +7.4 VEckPoland PLND .80e 5.1 ...q 16.65 12.22 1 15.76 +17.5 VanE JrGld GDXJ ... ... ...q 52.50 27.37 21257 37.50 +18.9 VanE Coal KOL .37 2.5 ... 14.74 7.54 365 14.59 +19.0 VnEk Viet VNM .51e 3.6 ...q 15.72 12.50 47 14.17 +8.7 VanEBrzSC BRF ... ... ...q 20.80 12.18 22 19.73 +24.2 VanEIndo IDX .50e 2.2 ...q 24.10 18.75 14 22.92 +8.0 VanENatRs HAP .85e 2.5 ...q 34.25 28.83 7 33.62 +3.9 VanE VAfr AFK .76e 3.6 ...q 22.17 18.81 13 20.86 +5.4 VanESolar KWT .45e 1.2 ...q 50.13 33.65 1 36.35 +5.3 VanE Gam BJK 1.88e 4.9 ...q 38.12 30.14 1 38.10 +12.6 VangLTBd BLV 3.92e 4.1 ...q 101.24 87.22 330 90.97 +2.1 VangIntBd BIV 2.17a 2.6 ...q 88.58 82.17 514 84.09 +1.2 VangSTBd BSV 1.08e 1.2 ...q 81.14 79.17 961 79.79 +.4 VangTotBd BND 2.06e 2.2 ...q 84.92 80.02 1340 81.37 +.7 VangExDur EDV 4.81e 3.1 ...q 145.60 106.00 39 113.66 +3.9 VangMegG MGK 1.19e 1.2 ...q 96.44 79.42 133 95.46 +9.6 VangMegV MGV 1.53e 2.2 ...q 70.81 58.32 64 68.24 +1.7 VangMega MGC 1.47e 1.8 ...q 82.19 67.86 35 80.40 +5.3 VanHiDvY VYM 2.10e 2.7 ...q 79.62 67.88 698 77.39 +2.1 VangEMI VXF 1.13e 1.1 ...q 101.94 80.36 363 99.73 +4.0 VangGrth VUG 1.38e 1.1 ...q 122.50 101.87 648 121.28 +8.8 VangLgCp VV 1.84e 1.7 ...q 110.19 90.89 310 107.81 +5.3 VangMidC VO 1.76e 1.3 ...q 141.61 116.51 627 139.04 +5.6 VangSmCp VB 1.63e 1.2 ...q 136.38 108.79 414 133.09 +3.2 VangSCG VBK 1.19e .8 ...q 142.73 116.45 105 140.29 +5.4 VangSCV VBR 1.96e 1.6 ...q 126.68 99.17 251 122.79 +1.5 VangTSM VTI 2.17e 1.8 ...q 123.73 101.51 2687 120.99 +4.9 VangValu VTV 2.05e 2.2 ...q 98.50 80.43 1497 95.10 +2.2 VangSP500 VOO 3.81e 1.8 ...q 220.66 182.27 1761 215.79 +5.1 VangMCVal VOE 1.76e 1.7 ...q 104.31 83.98 194 101.80 +4.7 VangMCGr VOT .82e .7 ...q 113.98 96.13 71 112.80 +6.7 VangREIT VNQ 3.08e 3.6 ...q 92.92 76.98 3831 84.61 +2.5 VangDivAp VIG 1.82e 2.0 ...q 91.68 79.06 624 89.66 +5.3 VangAllWld VSS 2.64e 2.6 ...q 103.20 87.83 88 102.77 +9.3 VangTotW VT 1.53e 2.4 ...q 65.96 54.75 316 65.06 +6.7 VangAllW VEU 1.34e 2.8 ...q 48.40 39.96 1878 47.67 +7.9 VangEmg VWO 1.10e 2.8 ...q 40.63 32.25 9419 39.82 +11.3 VangPacif VPL 1.37e 2.2 ...q 64.01 53.35 550 62.67 +7.8 VangEur VGK 1.71e 3.3 ...q 52.07 42.73 3365 51.50 +7.4 VangTEBd VTEB .28e ... ...q 52.88 49.32 145 50.87 +1.2 Vang500Gr VOOG 1.62e 1.4 ...q 119.04 99.52 65 117.71 +7.8 Van500Val VOOV 2.01e 2.0 ...q 103.78 84.75 27 99.94 +2.4 VanSC600V VIOV 1.24e 1.0 ...q 125.02 94.72 10 118.73 -1.4 VanSC600G VIOG 1.11e .9 ...q 133.67 103.45 6 130.06 +1.3 VangSC600 VIOO 1.25e 1.0 ...q 128.59 98.79 35 124.63 +.1 VanMC400V IVOV 1.47e 1.3 ...q 116.19 91.83 23 113.08 +2.6 VanMC400G IVOG 1.03e .9 ...q 120.03 98.26 12 117.79 +5.2 VanMC400 IVOO 1.36e 1.2 ...q 118.45 94.90 39 115.83 +4.1 VangFTSE VEA 1.10e 2.8 ...q 39.64 33.01 7076 39.17 +7.2 VangCnD VCR 1.62e 1.2 ...q 138.80 115.66 54 137.91 +7.2 VangCnS VDC 3.29e 2.3 ...q 143.71 129.24 56 141.34 +5.5 VangEngy VDE 2.64e 2.7 ...q 109.08 86.35 154 97.96 -6.4 VangFncl VFH .90e 1.5 ...q 64.20 44.25 1153 59.65 +.5 VanHC Etf VHT 1.62e 1.2 ...q 141.68 120.38 110 137.08 +8.1 VangIndl VIS 1.96e 1.6 ...q 127.63 100.03 70 124.20 +4.1 VangInfT VGT 1.39e 1.0 ...q 136.67 101.46 380 134.09 +10.4 VangMat VAW 2.17e 1.8 ...q 121.70 97.34 46 119.17 +6.0 VangUtil VPU 3.41e 3.0 ...q 115.81 99.85 58 113.07 +5.7 VangTel VOX 2.98e 3.1 ...q 104.36 87.29 61 97.03 -3.1 VantageEn VEI ... ... ... Vantiv VNTV ... ... 38 66.24 50.52 871 62.74 +5.2 VarianMed VAR ... ... 22 94.49 68.76 1732 90.04 +13.2 VectorGp VGR 1.60b 7.7 39 23.24 19.33 573 20.81 -8.5sVectren VVC 1.68f 2.8 23 59.32 46.52 349 59.32 +13.7 Vectrus VEC ... ... 11 34.98 12.50 172 23.84 VedantaLtd VEDL 1.20e 7.6 ... 17.34 5.47 310 15.87 +27.8 VeevaSys VEEV ... ... 84 51.95 25.40 1032 51.05 +25.4 Ventas VTR 3.10 4.7 25 76.80 56.20 1159 65.47 +4.7 VentasR 43 VTRB 1.36 5.5 ... 28.30 23.27 96 24.82 +3.4 Vereit VER .55 6.3 11 11.09 7.99 6206 8.77 +3.7 Vereit pf VERpR 1.68 6.5 ... 27.42 24.65 16 25.81 +2.1 VeriFone PAY ... ... 13 29.73 14.94 1405 17.91 +1.0 Veritiv VRTV ... ... 40 62.60 34.10 86 51.60 -4.0 VerizonCm VZ 2.31 4.7 12 56.95 46.01 12872 48.70 -8.8 VerizonC 54 VZA 1.48 5.5 ... 28.47 25.22 49 26.77 +2.6 VermilnE g VET 1.91 ... ... 44.95 27.02 113 38.01 -9.9 Versar VSR ... ... ...dd 2.75 .90 13 1.45 +5.8 Verso Cp VRS ... ... ... 13.60 4.37 88 5.50 -22.5 Versum VSM .05p ... ... 31.31 22.18 469 30.33 +8.1 ViadCorp VVI .40 .9 43 48.30 27.96 47 44.00 -.2 Vicon VII ... ... ...dd 1.80 .26 307 .48 -18.9 VictSCHiD CSB .60e ... ...q 43.71 33.60 1 40.05 -3.4 VinaConc VCO .66e 1.9 ... 36.45 30.61 0 34.18 +3.7 VinceHldg VNCE ... ... 45 7.34 1.25 573 1.35 -66.7 Vipshop VIPS ... ... 28 17.41 10.21 2632 13.31 +20.9 VirnetX VHC ... ... ...dd 6.50 1.70 130 2.15 -2.3 VirDynCr n BLHY ... ... ... 26.98 23.01 149 25.13 +.5 ZweigTR ZTR .97 8.1 ...q 12.49 11.00 148 12.05 +.1 VirtGblMSc VGI 1.87 11.5 ...q 16.37 14.23 48 16.21 +5.7 Visa s V .66 .7 31 92.05 73.25 6875 88.85 +13.9 VishayInt VSH .25 1.6 19 17.00 11.68 649 15.95 -1.5 VishayPrc VPG ... ... 21 19.45 11.75 24 15.80 -16.4 VistaGold VGZ ... ... ...dd 2.09 .60 431 1.07 +11.9 VistaOutd n VSTO ... ... ...dd 52.08 18.32 724 19.17 -48.0 Visteon s VC ... ... 2 103.20 63.04 379 95.68 +19.1 VitaminSh VSI ... ... 9 32.31 18.25 242 19.55 -17.7 VivintSolar VSLR ... ... ... 4.06 2.16 241 2.95 +15.7 VMware VMW ... ... 27 93.05 51.23 915 92.43 +17.4 VoceraCm VCRA ... ... ...dd 25.16 10.46 64 23.98 +29.7 VolarisAv VLRS ... ... ... 21.90 11.33 367 14.09 -6.3 VolitionRX VNRX ... ... ... 5.86 3.05 19 4.10 -10.3 VoltInfoSci VISI ... ... ...dd 8.75 5.50 12 6.20 -9.5 Vonage VG ... ... 19 7.88 3.82 947 6.22 -9.2 Vornado VNO 2.84f 2.8 13 111.72 86.35 688 102.47 -1.8 Vorndo pfA VNOpA 3.25 2.7 ... 121.19 Vorndo pfG VNOpG 1.66 6.4 ... 26.34 24.98 1 25.74 +2.3 Vorndo pfI VNOpI 1.66 6.4 ... 26.45 24.89 1 25.80 +2.9 Vorndo pfK VNOpK 1.43 5.7 ... 26.98 22.51 17 25.22 +7.0 Vorndo pfL VNOpL 1.35 5.4 ... 26.46 21.46 24 24.98 +11.3 Voxeljet VJET ... ... ... 6.50 2.61 47 2.80 -2.4 VoyaAsPcD IAE 1.02 10.2 ...q 10.16 8.04 34 10.02 +15.0 VoyaEmHi IHD .92 10.9 ...q 8.68 6.92 99 8.46 +13.6 VoyaFincl VOYA .04 .1 14 42.96 22.75 2351 36.99 -5.7 VoyaGlAdv IGA 1.12 10.8 ...q 10.50 9.34 79 10.39 +5.7 VoyaGlbDv IGD .91 12.5 ...q 7.34 6.50 224 7.32 +8.0 VoyaInfra IDE 1.46 9.9 ...q 15.31 11.68 63 14.73 +13.5 VoyaIntHD IID .83 12.1 ...q 7.78 6.10 60 6.84 +5.9 VoyaPrRTr PPR .29 5.4 ...q 5.62 4.95 338 5.39 -2.7 VoyaNatRs IRR .81 12.3 ...q 7.18 5.51 134 6.56 +2.5 VulcanM VMC 1.00f .8 40 138.18 105.71 884 121.19 -3.2W -W&T Off WTI .40 14.9 ...dd 3.47 1.31 683 2.69 -2.9 WBI TacGr WBIA .03e .1 ...q 24.40 20.45 7 23.31 +.4 WBI TactV WBIB .08e .3 ...q 25.96 20.56 4 24.65 +.4 WBI TacYd WBIC .28e 1.3 ...q 22.63 19.36 7 22.11 +1.1 WBI TacSel WBID .05e .2 ...q 23.75 19.62 5 23.01 +1.4 WBI LCTG WBIE .25e 1.1 ...q 23.86 20.16 5 23.45 +5.0 WBI LCTV WBIF .22e .9 ...q 25.96 19.54 4 25.43 +4.1 WBI LCTY WBIG .31e 1.4 ...q 22.29 18.75 8 22.12 +6.0 WBI LCTS WBIL .04e .2 ...q 24.90 20.58 4 24.40 +5.2 WBI PwFact WBIY ... ... ... 25.39 23.87 1 24.08 -2.3 WBITacRot WBIR ... ... ... 24.86 23.13 1 24.40 +4.8 WBI TacInc WBII .26e 1.0 ...q 25.60 21.36 22 25.16 +1.5 WBI THiInc WBIH .45e 1.9 ...q 24.35 23.00 14 24.31 +2.1 WCI Cmts WCIC ... ... 17 24.28 15.41 23.45 WEC Engy WEC 2.08 3.4 21 66.10 53.66 1428 60.64 +3.4 WEX Inc WEX ... ... 25 122.91 80.67 291 104.07 -6.7 WGL Hold WGL 1.95 2.4 26 84.08 58.66 197 82.37 +8.0 WNS Hldg WNS ... ... 20 32.71 24.82 402 29.00 +5.3 WP Carey WPC 3.98f 6.3 17 72.89 55.77 337 63.21 +7.0 WPX Engy WPX ... ... ...dd 16.17 6.94 8164 12.94 -11.2 WPX pfA WPXp 1.56 2.7 ... 71.83 36.21 6 58.31 -11.2 Wabash WNC .06 ... 11 22.21 10.74 666 20.66 +31.1 WABCO WBC ... ... 28 118.50 84.48 386 116.31 +9.6 Wabtec WAB .40 .5 23 89.18 65.54 721 81.36 -2.0 WaddellR WDR 1.84 11.0 8 23.59 15.02 906 16.68 -14.5 WageWrks WAGE ... ... 80.50 51.87 358 71.90 -.8 WalMart WMT 2.04f 2.8 16 75.19 62.72 5640 73.43 +6.2 WalkerDun WD ... ... 12 43.28 19.87 298 42.54 +36.3 WalterInv WAC ... ... ...dd 8.47 .64 503 1.23 -74.1 WashPrGp WPG 1.00 11.2 24 14.15 7.90 3028 8.93 -14.2 WashPr pfH WPGpH 1.88 7.5 ... 26.45 24.04 7 25.15 -1.7 WashPr pfI WPGpI 1.72 6.9 ... 26.68 24.04 4 25.00 +.8 WREIT WRE 1.20 3.7 35 34.61 27.65 639 32.53 -.5sWasteCon WCN .72 ... 32 88.68 63.26 436 89.00 +13.2 WsteMInc WM 1.70f 2.3 37 73.90 56.05 1197 72.87 +2.8 Waters WAT ... ... 24 162.53 128.90 261 155.88 +16.0 Watsco WSO 4.20 3.0 28 159.55 127.66 281 140.95 -4.8 WatscoB WSO/B 4.20f 3.0 29 157.72 128.85 142.03 -4.5 WattsWtr WTS .72 1.2 23 71.05 54.22 110 61.85 -5.1 Wayfair W ... ... ...dd 49.34 27.60 948 44.00 +25.5 WeathfIntl WFT ... ... ...dd 8.49 3.73 14738 6.52 +30.7 WebsterFn WBS 1.00 2.1 22 57.50 31.29 669 48.75 -10.2 WbstF pfE WBSpE 1.60 6.3 ... 26.90 24.96 4 25.50 +1.0 WtWatch WTW ... ... 20 19.86 9.37 1854 17.84 +55.8 WeinRlt WRI 1.54f 4.5 14 43.70 31.13 952 34.25 -4.3 WeisMk WMK 1.20 2.0 26 68.88 44.51 39 61.27 -8.3 Welbilt WBT ... ... ... 19.91 14.56 383 19.15 -.9 Wellcare WCG ... ... 25 151.93 86.75 277 146.14 +6.6 WellsF pfJ WFCpJ 2.00 7.6 ... 28.43 26.10 105 26.30 -.5 WellsF pfL WFCpL 75.00 6.0 ... 1381.10 1161.10 6 1255.00 +5.5 WellsF pfN WFCpN 1.30 5.3 ... 26.49 22.61 119 24.67 +6.7 WellsF pfO WFCpO 1.28 5.2 ... 26.48 22.49 32 24.70 +7.4 WellsF pfP WFCpP 1.31 5.3 ... 26.94 22.58 16 24.95 +9.0 WellsF pfQ WFCpQ 1.46 5.4 ... 28.88 23.58 42 26.82 +6.3 WellsF pfR WFCpR 1.66 5.6 ... 32.54 26.45 48 29.58 +9.2 WellsF pfT WFCpT 1.50 5.7 ... 27.89 24.72 25 26.37 +5.1 WellsFargo WFC 1.52 2.8 13 59.99 43.55 27557 54.16 -1.7 WellsF wt WFC/WS ... ... ... 26.45 11.67 83 20.60 -3.4 WellsF pfX WFCpX ... ... ... 27.00 22.16 166 24.88 +8.6 WellsF pfW WFCpW ... ... ... 27.24 22.84 47 25.55 +8.0 WellsF pfV WFCpV ... ... ... 28.33 24.39 33 26.33 +5.0 EvgGlbDiv EOD .54m 9.2 ...q 6.34 5.13 198 5.85 +7.3 WFAdvInco EAD .82 9.6 ...q 8.68 7.53 233 8.51 +.4 WFAdMSec ERC 1.16 8.6 ...q 13.48 11.79 88 13.44 +4.8 WFREI pf WFEpA 1.59 6.0 ... 28.50 25.05 12 26.38 +4.8 WFAdUtlHi ERH .90 6.9 ...q 13.85 11.20 22 13.07 +9.3 Welltower HCN 3.49f 4.8 16 80.19 59.39 1228 72.79 +8.8 Welltwr pfI HCNpI 3.25 5.1 ... 71.19 56.71 106 64.10 +6.5 WescoAir WAIR ... ... 13 15.78 10.90 474 12.10 -19.1 Wesco Intl WCC ... ... 18 76.15 49.67 249 70.60 +6.1 WestPhrm WST .52 .7 42 88.30 69.60 628 79.32 -6.5 WestarEn WR 1.60f 2.9 22 57.50 49.46 567 54.48 -3.3 WstnAlliB WAL ... ... 19 53.84 29.72 982 47.68 -2.1 WstnAll56 WALA 1.56 6.2 ... 26.94 22.13 22 25.11 +4.8 WstACpLn TLI .87 7.6 ...q 12.10 9.82 87 11.38 +1.2 WAstEMkt EMD .84 5.4 ...q 15.63 9.96 247 15.55 +5.7 WsADefOp GDO 1.36 7.7 ...q 17.97 16.41 24 17.64 +3.0 WAstGlbHi EHI 1.16 11.4 ...q 10.43 9.10 63 10.17 +3.5 WstAstHI2 HIX .80 12.0 ...q 7.46 6.53 344 7.36 +4.0 WAHiInOp HIO .43 8.3 ...q 5.22 4.68 459 5.14 +3.0 WAstHYOp HYI 1.32 8.5 ...q 15.75 14.06 39 15.44 +2.7 WstnAsst PAI .69 4.8 ...q 15.98 13.45 22 14.46 +1.0 WstnAsInt SBI .48 4.9 ...q 10.77 9.30 31 9.87 +3.8 WAstDefOp IGI 1.20 5.8 ...q 23.39 19.49 17 20.58 +.9 WAMgdMu MMU .78 5.6 ...q 15.60 13.03 49 13.92 +1.5 WstAstMtg WMC 1.38e 13.5 7 11.18 8.71 332 10.23 +1.6 WAMtDOp DMO 2.82a 11.6 ...q 24.99 20.95 45 24.29 +6.6 WA MunDef MTT 1.01a 4.5 ...q 25.96 21.44 28 22.30 +3.3 WstAMunHi MHF .34 4.5 ...q 8.47 7.00 23 7.42 +3.5 WAMunPrt MNP .87 5.6 ...q 19.25 14.51 17 15.67 +5.2 WAstBdF WEA 1.08 8.0 ...q 14.26 12.26 27 13.53 +4.5 WstAVari GFY .93 5.6 ...q 17.00 15.23 4 16.68 +3.8 WAstInfSc WIA .38 3.4 ...q 11.75 11.09 89 11.41 -.6 WAstInfOpp WIW .40 3.6 ...q 11.40 10.80 114 11.20 +.5 WstC&G gs WRN ... ... ... 1.80 .54 97 1.34 -2.9 WstnGasEq WGP 1.85f 4.1 30 47.82 33.93 80 45.61 +7.7 WstnGasPt WES 3.44f 5.6 35 67.44 43.45 164 61.04 +3.9 WstnRen WNR 1.52 4.3 29 40.09 18.14 1328 35.51 -6.2 WstnRef wi WNR/WI ... ... ... WstRefLog WNRL 1.75f 7.1 20 26.58 18.85 54 24.80 +16.2 WstnUnion WU .70f 3.6 11 22.70 18.07 7066 19.52 -10.1 WestlkChm WLK .76 1.1 22 68.08 39.48 714 67.34 +20.3 WestlkCLP WLKP 1.38f 5.5 17 26.25 17.83 6 25.00 +15.5 WestmRs s WMLP .53 10.3 ...dd 6.90 4.47 6 5.15 -8.6 WestpacBk WBK 1.52e 5.8 ... 27.05 20.32 119 26.13 +11.3 WestRck WRK 1.60f 3.1 ... 56.12 35.77 830 50.99 +.4 WestwdH WHG 2.28 4.2 12 63.99 49.01 17 54.41 -9.3 Weyerhsr WY 1.24 3.6 29 35.18 26.55 5372 34.64 +15.1 Whrlpl WHR 4.00 2.4 12 194.10 145.91 380 168.30 -7.4 WhtMtIns WTM 1.00 .1 ...dd 948.94 790.00 17 877.50 +5.0 WhiteWave WWAV ... ... 47 56.82 39.49 12165 56.24 +1.2 WhiteWB wi WWAV/B/WI ... ... ... WhitestnR WSR 1.14 8.0 17 16.30 12.13 117 14.18 -1.4 WhitingPet WLL ... ... ...dd 14.44 6.38 11753 9.60 -20.1 WidePoint WYY ... ... ...dd .96 .37 119 .42 -48.1 WildhRs n WRD ... ... ... 16.48 10.65 502 12.16 -16.7 WileyJA JW/A 1.20 2.3 18 58.86 47.68 295 52.65 -3.4 WileyJB JW/B 1.20 2.3 18 58.99 46.53 1 52.55 -3.9 Willbros WG ... ... ...dd 3.84 1.42 84 2.66 -17.9 WLyonHm WLH ... ... 14 21.92 12.80 288 20.40 +7.2 WmsCos WMB 1.20f 4.0 51 32.69 15.32 4155 30.36 -2.5 WillmsPtrs WPZ 3.40 8.2 ...dd 42.32 23.28 655 41.54 +9.2 WmsSon WSM 1.56f 2.8 16 61.97 45.96 2020 55.59 +14.9 Winnbgo WGO .40 1.5 14 39.30 20.19 703 26.20 -17.2 Wipro WIT .09e .9 ... 13.08 9.00 694 9.92 +2.5 WirelessT WTT ... ... ...dd 1.99 1.23 23 1.50 -21.5sWT IntQua IQDG ... ... ... 26.40 23.20 0 26.45 +10.5 WT ST HiYl SFHY ... ... ... 51.06 49.44 50.19 -.3 WT ShTr n SFIG ... ... ... 50.24 49.24 49.59 -.4 WT HiYld n WHFY ... ... ... 51.80 49.68 50.80 WT Corp n WFIG ... ... ... 50.75 47.99 48.73 +.8 WT EmMDv DVEM ... ... ... 30.07 24.15 1 29.25 +9.2 WT G exMx XMX ... ... ... 26.10 25.46 5 25.66 +.5 WT DyCEu DDEZ ... ... ... 27.90 23.13 27.90 +7.1 WT DyInEq DDWM ... ... ... 28.12 22.98 10 27.69 +4.7 WT DyInSm DDLS ... ... ... 28.88 24.30 28.58 +6.5 WT DynCJp DDJP ... ... ... 26.97 23.43 0 26.65 +.9 WTBearEq DYB ... ... ...q 25.30 23.37 0 25.23 +1.2 WT LgSEq DYLS ... ... ...q 29.19 25.23 56 28.93 +5.5 WT EuLoc EZR ... ... ... 24.54 20.05 24.37 +4.5 WT GlExUS HDRW ... ... ... 26.40 24.08 26.38 +8.7 WT SCDiv HGSD ... ... ...q 24.88 19.86 24.09 +.4 WT GlSmC GSD ... ... ... 31.04 25.55 2 30.25 +2.5 WTWkDUSE USWD ... ... ...q 28.12 23.21 28.07 +4.7 WT StrDl n EMSD ... ... ... 27.00 22.67 1 26.26 +10.9 WTStDUSE USSD ... ... ...q 29.89 23.95 29.75 +9.8 WT JpnHCr DXJH 4.10e .7 ...q 35.00 29.08 32.29 +.8 WTUSEnYd AGGY 1.44 2.9 ...q 53.41 49.01 12 50.15 +1.1 WTxUSDiv DXUS .04e ... ...q 24.73 20.89 2 24.58 +3.5sWTEurSmC EUSC .53e ... ...q 28.47 21.78 45 28.48 +10.3 WT PutStr PUTW ... ... ... 29.32 25.60 1961 28.23 +3.3 WT EMexSt XSOE .77e 3.1 ...q 25.40 19.89 25.02 +16.4 WT JpDvG JHDG ... ... ...q 25.42 19.87 5 24.31 -.1sWTIntHDv IHDG .70e 1.5 ...q 28.70 24.01 33 28.70 +8.9 WT EurDiv EUDG .51e 2.2 ...q 23.31 19.81 0 23.23 +9.9 WTFltRtTr USFR ... ... ...q 25.03 24.87 24.96 -.2 WT EurHdg HEDJ 3.51e 2.4 ...q 63.16 47.27 2599 62.93 +9.6 WT AsiaDb ALD 1.02 2.3 ...q 46.30 42.29 7 44.19 +3.7 WTEmLDbt ELD 1.74 4.6 ...q 38.95 34.57 22 37.53 +4.9 WT GRRtn RRF .81e .9 ...q 41.92 38.23 40.22 +1.5 WisDynCu n DHDG ... ... ... 22.19 19.92 0 22.18 +9.3 GrnHCmdty GCC ... ... ...q 20.80 18.84 68 19.29 -.2 WT Diefa DWM .74e 1.5 ...q 50.32 41.51 29 49.59 +6.9 WT DefaEq DTH 1.75e 4.3 ...q 40.83 33.54 41 40.37 +5.9 WTDv exF DTN 2.48e 3.0 ...q 84.05 72.40 21 82.41 +2.6 WTEurEq DEW 1.75e 3.9 ...q 45.47 39.37 2 44.81 +3.1sWTEurSC DFE 1.48e 2.5 ...q 59.75 47.40 42 59.78 +9.4 WT EqInco DHS 2.10e 3.1 ...q 69.74 62.18 29 68.60 +1.9 WTIntD exF DOO 2.01e 5.1 ...q 40.14 34.58 15 39.61 +6.0 WT IntLC DOL 1.69e 3.7 ...q 46.00 38.28 39 45.31 +5.8 WTIntMC DIM 1.53e 2.6 ...q 60.61 49.14 21 59.95 +8.3 WTIntSC DLS 1.16e 1.8 ...q 66.31 53.16 43 65.46 +9.1 WTGxUSDv DNL .99e 2.0 ...q 50.86 44.35 8 50.09 +8.7 WTJpnSC DFJ .70e 1.1 ...q 68.33 54.19 69 65.68 +6.1 WTJpHedg DXJ 2.98e 1.5 ...q 52.38 37.05 5670 49.13 -.8 WT LCD DLN 1.84e 2.2 ...q 84.49 72.04 96 82.71 +3.5 WT MCD DON 2.28e 2.3 ...q 99.26 84.41 127 97.72 +3.5 WTAustDiv AUSE 1.46e 2.6 ...q 57.05 45.48 1 55.46 +7.8 WTAsiaPxJ AXJL 2.22e 3.5 ...q 64.75 53.39 0 63.55 +10.8 WT SC DES 1.92e 2.4 ...q 84.36 66.51 65 80.69 -2.5 WT TotDv DTD 2.05e 2.4 ...q 85.70 72.88 40 83.99 +3.4 WT MgdFut WDTI ... ... ...q 43.27 39.15 52 39.99 -3.5 WT EmCur CEW ... ... ...q 18.46 17.21 4 18.27 +4.4 WTChiYuan CYB .10e ... ...q 25.15 22.89 2 24.13 +3.7 WTBrzReal BZF ... ... ...q 18.85 14.48 1 18.30 +7.4 WTESCDv DGS 1.29e 2.9 ...q 45.60 35.70 69 44.60 +14.0 WT EmEq DEM 1.80e 4.4 ...q 41.82 32.66 133 40.55 +8.6 WTGxUSRe DRW 1.22e 4.2 ...q 29.68 24.84 14 28.82 +14.1 WT JpCapG DXJC 3.43e 2.2 ...q 25.85 17.63 536 24.04 -1.4 WT India EPI .22e .9 ...q 24.62 18.65 2595 24.53 +21.4 WT JpHFn DXJF 3.48e 1.2 ...q 25.70 15.65 50 22.75 -5.2 WTUSDBull USDU 1.78e ... ...q 28.53 25.61 14 27.18 -2.8 WT LowPE EZY .90e 1.3 ...q 71.99 59.52 3 69.93 +3.4 WT SCErn EES .95e 3.0 ...q 100.17 30.85 35 32.01 -67.2 WT SCEr s EES/WI ... ... ...q 33.39 24.91 -100.0 WT MCEr s EZM ... ... ...q 36.05 28.71 78 35.13 WT Ern500 EPS 1.36e 1.7 ...q 83.33 66.23 1 80.81 +4.6 WT TotErn EXT 1.49e 1.8 ...q 85.76 67.99 83.34 +4.5 WT JpnRE DXJR 2.14e 3.4 ...q 27.23 13.17 1 13.21 -4.3 WolvWW WWW .24 1.0 18 26.41 16.64 586 24.55 +11.8 WooriBank WF ... ... ... 38.30 23.84 1 36.10 +12.8 Workday WDAY ... ... ...dd 93.35 65.79 1352 81.31 +23.0 Workiva WK ... ... ...dd 19.04 11.14 97 16.15 +18.3 WorldFuel INT .24 .7 15 51.01 34.79 466 36.28 -21.0 WldPntTm WPT 1.20 7.1 17 17.90 14.25 51 16.90 +2.1 WldW Ent WWE .48 2.2 51 23.14 16.14 453 21.83 +18.6 Worthgtn WOR .80 1.8 14 62.44 34.21 321 43.75 -7.8 Wyndham WYN 2.00 2.3 17 86.72 62.60 798 85.80 +12.3X-Y-ZXL Grp XL .88f 2.2 10 41.39 30.33 1701 40.51 +8.7 XO Group XOXO ... ... 37 20.99 14.99 110 16.91 -13.1 XPO Logis XPO ... ... 48 54.70 22.23 1029 47.41 +9.8 Xactly n XTLY ... ... ...dd 16.10 7.10 122 11.50 +4.5 XcelEngy XEL 1.44f 3.2 21 45.42 38.00 1937 44.58 +9.5 XeniaHtls n XHR 1.10 6.4 10 19.87 14.83 482 17.28 -11.0 Xerium XRM ... ... 28 9.16 4.56 14 6.62 +17.8 Xerox XRX .25m 3.5 10 7.69 5.72 5485 7.08 +23.1tXinyuanRE XIN .40 9.3 4 7.06 4.35 130 4.31 -13.1 XtantMed XTNT ... ... ...dd 2.65 .29 192 .51 -7.3 Xylem XYL .72f 1.4 25 54.99 40.95 954 50.67 +2.3 YPF Soc YPF .14e .5 ... 25.99 15.00 1391 25.59 +55.1 Yamana g AUY .02 .7 59 5.99 2.46 9402 2.94 +4.6 Yelp YELP ... ... 43.41 20.19 3691 33.37 -12.5 YingliGr rs YGE ... ... ...dd 5.30 1.85 150 2.82 +8.5 Yirendai n YRD ... ... ... 42.34 10.02 256 24.61 +18.8 YumBrnds YUM 1.20 1.9 18 91.99 59.57 2102 64.15 +1.3 YumBr wi YUM/WI ... ... ... 63.20 60.30 61.79 sYum China YUMC ... ... ... 32.12 23.79 4260 32.50 +24.4 YumaEn rs YUMA ... ... ... 4.50 .02 31 2.28 -32.9 YumaE pfA YUMApA 2.31 46.4 ... 5.10 2.00 4.98 YuMe YUME ... ... ...dd 4.36 3.11 30 3.92 +9.5 ZTO Exp n ZTO ... ... ... 18.45 11.14 2576 12.63 +4.6 ZayoGrp ZAYO ... ... ...dd 35.65 24.39 1379 32.89 +.1 Zedge n ZDGE ... ... ... 7.85 2.56 17 2.87 -8.3 Zendesk ZEN ... ... ...dd 31.88 19.77 665 27.95 +31.8 Zhaopin ZPIN ... ... 32 18.36 13.70 134 17.77 +17.6 ZimmerBio ZBH .96 .8 15 133.21 95.63 490 119.58 +15.9 Zions pfA ZBpA 1.02 4.2 ... 25.99 21.76 6 24.07 +3.6 Zions pfF ZBpF ... ... ... 27.33 25.32 17 25.49 -.6 Zions pfG ZBpG 1.60 5.6 ... 33.00 25.81 8 28.34 +6.2 ZionBc 28 ZBK 1.74 6.1 ... 31.99 27.20 0 28.70 +3.0 ZionBc pfH ZBpH 1.44 5.7 ... 26.41 23.30 2 25.31 +5.2 ZoesKitchn ZOES ... ... 40.60 16.39 213 17.51 -27.0 Zoetis ZTS .42f .8 25 56.50 45.28 1938 52.85 -1.3 ZweigFd ZF 1.01e 8.9 ...q 13.26 10.60 116 11.40 -5.7 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page A -:A-MarkPM AMRK .32f 1.8 18 22.00 14.02 12 17.71 -9.2 AAON AAON .26f .7 40 37.10 25.33 94 35.25 +6.7 AC Immun n ACIU ... ... ... 19.97 9.37 30 10.16 -21.7 ACI Wwde ACIW ... ... 20 22.96 15.11 410 21.13 +16.4 ACNB Cp ACNB .80 2.7 16 32.85 21.75 5 29.80 -4.6 AGNC Inv AGNC 2.16 10.7 7 20.43 17.30 3262 20.10 +10.9 AGNC pfA AGNCP 2.00 7.8 ... 26.80 24.67 6 25.50 +1.0 AGNC pfB AGNCB 1.94 7.5 ... 26.69 24.36 8 25.70 +2.4 ALJ Reg n ALJJ ... ... ... 5.50 3.26 12 3.48 -20.7 AMAG Ph AMAG ... ... 19 36.83 17.92 727 22.95 -34.1 AMC Net AMCX ... ... 16 70.28 46.17 660 59.70 +14.1 ANI Ph h ANIP ... ... 70.92 39.79 138 50.89 -16.1 ARC Grp ARCW ... ... 46 5.95 1.95 3 4.10 -6.8 ARCAbio rs ABIO ... ... ...dd 4.35 2.15 10 2.35 -17.5 ARI Net ARIS ... ... 57 5.59 3.68 10 5.13 -5.2 ASB Bcp ASBB ... ... 39 37.35 24.31 0 34.80 +17.0 ASML Hld ASML 1.27e 1.0 36 134.29 90.43 611 129.81 +15.7 ATA Inc ATAI ... ... 17 6.05 2.96 19 3.83 +3.1 ATN Intl ATNI 1.36 1.9 46 87.82 62.70 38 70.83 -11.6 AV Homes AVHI ... ... 3 19.13 10.87 56 15.95 +.9 AXT Inc AXTI ... ... ... 8.65 2.52 955 5.60 +16.7 Abaxis ABAX .56 1.2 32 55.95 41.89 62 47.79 -9.4 AbeonaTh ABEO ... ... ...dd 9.44 2.27 155 4.85 Abeona wt ABEOW ... ... ... 5.40 .61 2.82 -15.2tAbility h ABIL ... ... ... 8.00 1.37 240 1.38 -50.2 Abiomed ABMD ... ... 132.95 92.03 163 125.87 +11.7 Abraxas AXAS ... ... ...dd 2.99 .95 1160 2.19 -14.8 AcaciaC n ACIA ... ... ... 128.73 27.05 741 54.61 -11.6 AcaciaTc ACTG .50 9.2 ...dd 7.68 3.78 283 5.45 -16.2 AcadiaHlt ACHC ... ... 65.00 32.54 1235 43.31 +30.8 AcadiaPh ACAD ... ... ...dd 42.49 20.68 923 32.90 +14.1 Acasti g rs ACST ... ... ...dd 3.09 1.11 15 1.32 +5.6 AccelrDiag AXDX ... ... ...dd 29.40 10.87 114 24.25 +16.9 Acceleron XLRN ... ... ...dd 41.69 23.07 373 26.42 +3.5 AccessNt ANCX .60 2.1 19 33.18 18.11 43 28.50 +2.7 Accuray ARAY ... ... ...dd 6.39 4.45 789 4.95 +7.6 AcelRx ACRX ... ... ...dd 4.08 2.40 143 2.75 +5.8 AcetoCorp ACET .26 1.7 18 25.98 14.32 207 15.37 -30.0 Achaogen AKAO ... ... ...dd 27.79 2.69 668 21.82 +67.6tAchillion ACHN ... ... ...dd 10.06 3.70 1304 3.67 -11.1 AclarisTh n ACRS ... ... ... 33.25 16.86 95 31.84 +17.3 AcordaTh ACOR ... ... ...dd 33.00 16.40 812 16.95 -9.8 ActivsBliz ATVI .30f .6 41 50.40 33.03 3520 49.08 +35.9 Actua ACTA ... ... 6 15.28 8.56 65 14.00 Acxiom ACXM ... ... 30.40 19.11 299 28.12 +4.9 AdamasPh ADMS ... ... ...dd 19.50 12.10 203 16.23 -4.0 AdamisPh ADMP ... ... ...dd 10.98 2.40 161 4.50 +42.9 Adaptim n ADAP ... ... ...dd 11.59 3.76 134 5.78 +42.7 AddusHmC ADUS ... ... 29 37.35 16.55 54 32.15 -8.3 ADDvtgTch AEY ... ... 4 2.31 1.60 3 1.84 +4.0 AdestoTc n IOTS ... ... ...dd 5.70 1.50 10 4.00 +116.2 AdmaBio ADMA ... ... ...dd 8.00 4.34 18 4.58 -10.5 AdobeSy ADBE ... ... 56 131.33 90.35 2302 129.95 +26.2 Adtran ADTN .36 1.8 27 23.75 17.06 308 19.95 -10.7 AduroBio n ADRO ... ... ...dd 16.43 7.26 1010 9.30 -18.4 AdvAApp n AAAP ... ... ... 40.92 23.50 41 38.09 +42.3 AdvEmis n ADES ... ... 2 12.25 6.21 90 8.92 -3.5 AdvEnId AEIS ... ... 22 70.64 31.98 339 66.46 +21.4 AMD AMD ... ... ...dd 15.55 2.60 58430 13.10 +15.5 Advaxis wt ADXSW ... ... ... 11.70 3.49 1 3.97 +.3 Advaxis ADXS ... ... ...dd 16.30 6.47 353 7.78 +8.7 AdverumBi ADVM ... ... ...dd 6.31 2.50 200 2.75 -5.2 AdvSUncon MAUI ... ... ...q 24.45 22.90 24.29 +2.2 AdvisoryBd ABCO ... ... 19 51.23 24.85 276 47.60 +43.2 Aegion AEGN ... ... 26 26.68 17.18 140 23.24 -1.9 AegleaBio n AGLE ... ... ... 12.05 3.66 17 6.90 +58.6 AehrTest h AEHR ... ... ...dd 6.10 .95 365 4.01 +66.4 Aemetis AMTX ... ... ...dd 2.94 1.01 8 1.17 -15.8 AeriePhm AERI ... ... ...dd 51.85 12.56 310 43.15 +14.0 AeroViron AVAV ... ... ...dd 32.44 22.16 127 28.33 +5.6 AEtern g rs AEZS ... ... ...dd 5.59 2.35 125 3.00 -16.7 Aethlon rs AEMD ... ... ...dd 9.09 2.22 74 2.68 -36.2 AeviGeno GNMX ... ... ...dd 17.75 1.50 302 1.62 -68.7 AffimedNV AFMD ... ... ... 5.00 1.65 104 2.35 +30.6 Agenus AGEN ... ... ...dd 7.49 2.97 956 3.24 -21.4 AgileThera AGRX ... ... ...dd 8.65 1.82 173 3.11 -45.4 Agilysys AGYS ... ... ...dd 12.15 8.17 16 9.40 -9.3 AgiosPhm AGIO ... ... ...dd 67.74 35.84 347 53.64 +28.5 AgroFresh AGFS ... ... ...dd 6.82 1.96 142 5.00 +88.7 AgroFr wt AGFSW ... ... ... .99 .05 45 .44 +144.4 Aimmune n AIMT ... ... ...dd 27.31 9.77 241 19.70 -3.7 AirMethod AIRM ... ... 17 43.95 23.75 1386 42.95 +34.9 AirT Inc AIRT ... ... ...dd 26.99 17.24 0 19.65 -14.6 AirTrnsp ATSG ... ... 44 17.81 12.36 182 16.63 +4.2 AirMedia AMCN ... ... ...dd 5.63 2.35 149 3.14 +27.9 Airgain n AIRG ... ... ... 29.30 7.36 170 15.29 +6.2 AkamaiT AKAM ... ... 26 71.64 47.80 2091 59.01 -11.5 AkariTh rs AKTX ... ... ... 22.20 6.22 1034 17.16 +143.8 AkebiaTher AKBA ... ... ...dd 11.07 7.00 103 9.19 -11.7 AkersBios AKER ... ... ...dd 3.70 1.15 353 1.80 -5.3 Akorn Inc AKRX ... ... 19 35.40 17.61 4061 32.76 +50.1 Akoustis n AKTS ... ... ... 14.00 7.00 133 10.90 +30.5 n ALRM ... ... 86 34.43 19.91 229 30.84 +10.8 AlaskCom ALSK ... ... ... 1.97 1.49 509 1.95 +18.9 AlbnyMlc AMRI ... ... ...dd 19.35 12.45 474 14.33 -23.6 Albireo ALBO ... ... ... 37.69 7.83 32 23.17 +30.7 Alcentra ABDC 1.36a 9.7 12 14.33 11.00 46 14.03 +17.2 Alcobra ADHD ... ... ...dd 5.75 .83 196 1.11 -47.1 AlderBioPh ALDR ... ... ...dd 36.48 18.55 398 19.75 -5.0 AldeyraTh ALDX ... ... ...dd 8.19 4.10 6 4.90 -8.4 Alexion lf ALXN ... ... 46 162.00 109.12 756 116.89 -4.5 Alico ALCO .24 .9 33 32.66 25.01 3 27.85 +2.6 AlignTech ALGN ... ... 49 116.99 70.03 429 114.95 +19.6 AlimeraSci ALIM ... ... ...dd 5.15 1.02 508 1.43 +32.4 Alkermes ALKS ... ... ...dd 62.50 36.71 862 56.98 +2.5 AllgnceBc n ABTX ... ... 22 39.41 17.99 14 38.25 +5.8 AllegiantT ALGT 2.80 1.8 12 183.91 121.70 157 154.65 -7.1sAlliHlthC AIQ ... ... 11 10.50 5.73 297 12.75 +32.8 AlliHold AHGP 2.20 7.7 9 32.70 15.13 83 28.46 +1.3 All MMA n AMMA ... ... ... 5.47 2.48 181 2.68 -26.4 AllnceRes ARLP 1.75 7.8 7 26.65 11.92 322 22.45 AldHlPrd rs AHPI ... ... ...dd 3.82 1.00 2 1.97 -1.6 AlliedMot AMOT .10 .5 24 25.19 15.54 20 21.45 +.3 Alliqua h ALQA ... ... ...dd 1.48 .41 302 .45 -24.2 AllotComm ALLT ... ... ...dd 5.67 4.50 13 4.79 AllscriptH MDRX ... ... 15.17 9.80 1624 12.44 +21.8 AlmostFam AFAM ... ... 30 50.98 35.21 78 47.20 +7.0 AlnylamP ALNY ... ... ...dd 80.11 31.38 704 48.85 +30.5 AlphaOmg AOSL ... ... 52 23.93 12.04 88 16.69 -21.5 Alphabet C GOOG ... ... 25 853.50 663.28 1052 823.35 +6.7 Alphabet A GOOGL ... ... 27 874.42 672.66 955 839.88 +6.0 Alphatc rs ATEC ... ... ... 9.65 1.96 89 2.19 -31.8 AlpsRtSec n SWIN ... ... ... 26.90 24.87 1 25.83 +3.0sAltisrce n ASPS ... ... 24 41.35 21.37 588 41.67 +56.7 AltraIndlM AIMC .60 1.6 29 46.90 25.77 64 38.55 +4.5tAmTrstFn AFSI .34 2.2 5 28.48 16.58 22735 15.30 -44.1 Amarin AMRN ... ... ... 3.65 1.50 705 3.13 +1.6 Amaya g AYA ... ... ... 17.57 12.00 103 16.90 +19.4 Amazon AMZN ... ... 923.72 592.31 2935 902.36 +20.3 AmbacF wt AMBCW ... ... ... 15.50 6.50 3 10.00 -18.4 AmbacFin AMBC ... ... 4 27.25 14.76 258 19.74 -12.3 Ambarella AMBA ... ... 27 74.95 35.26 655 53.05 -2.0 Amdocs DOX .88f 1.4 17 62.65 54.12 310 61.17 +5.0 Amedica rs AMDA ... ... ...dd 2.80 .35 186 .39 -38.9 Amedisys AMED ... ... 46 55.16 34.58 246 52.98 +24.3 AMERCO UHAL 3.00e ... 16 399.16 307.80 55 364.99 -1.2 AFMulti ATAX .50 8.8 16 6.11 5.10 48 5.65 +4.6 AmCarM CRMT ... ... 15 47.75 19.49 110 36.00 -17.7 AmAirlines AAL .40 .9 6 50.64 24.85 10148 43.93 -5.9 ACapSenF ACSF 1.16 8.5 4 14.10 9.75 56 13.70 +15.1 AmElTech AETI ... ... ...dd 5.15 1.50 61 1.70 +9.7 AmerNtl AMNB .96 2.6 20 39.40 24.36 9 36.90 +6.0 AmNatIns ANAT 3.28 2.8 17 131.99 107.44 15 115.74 -7.1 AmOutBr AOBC ... ... 9 31.19 17.50 2735 21.91 +3.9 AmPubEd APEI ... ... 15 30.79 14.75 50 22.35 -9.0 AmRailcar ARII 1.60 3.7 12 51.10 35.43 71 43.42 -4.1 AmrRvr AMRB .05p ... 16 15.99 9.69 68 14.86 -1.7 ASoft lf AMSWA .44 4.1 34 11.94 8.61 81 10.73 +3.9 AmSupr rs AMSC ... ... ...dd 12.50 5.86 86 6.97 -5.4 AWoodmk AMWD ... ... 22 92.25 60.80 84 89.40 +18.8 AmerisBc ABCB .40 .9 22 49.50 27.92 82 44.90 +3.0 Amerisafe AMSF .72a 1.1 15 69.40 50.02 83 64.25 +3.0 AmrSvFin ASRV .06 1.6 13 4.05 2.91 19 3.85 +4.1 AmSvFn pf ASRVP 2.11 7.8 ... 28.94 25.70 26.95 +3.6 AmesNatl ATLO .88f 2.8 19 37.45 24.11 2 30.95 -6.2 Amgen AMGN 4.60f 2.8 15 184.21 133.64 1945 163.11 +11.6 AmicusTh FOLD ... ... ... 9.61 4.41 1173 6.99 +40.5 AmkorTch AMKR ... ... 16 12.48 5.27 1080 11.20 +6.2 Amphastar AMPH ... ... 67 21.75 11.41 198 14.66 -20.4sAmpOnRt ef IBUY ... ... ... 29.87 22.94 20 30.01 +10.3 AmtechSys ASYS ... ... ... 7.10 3.99 94 5.43 +27.8 Amyris AMRS ... ... ...dd 1.43 .31 644 .48 -34.2 AnalogDev ADI 1.80 2.3 28 84.24 52.17 6009 78.08 +7.5 Anlogic ALOG .40 .5 39 95.85 72.25 67 72.80 -12.2 Anaptys n ANAB ... ... ... 29.96 15.17 59 25.00 +47.1 Nasdaq Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 9 The Sun/Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Anavex rs AVXL ... ... ...dd 8.30 2.43 1404 6.31 +59.3 AnchBcWA ANCB ... ... 81 27.50 22.61 1 25.10 -7.7 Andersons ANDE .64 1.6 95 44.90 25.78 106 38.80 -13.2 AndinaAcII ANDA ... ... ... 10.35 9.67 10.11 +1.8 AndinaA un ANDAU ... ... ... 11.10 10.05 2 10.89 +3.7 AndinaII rt ANDAR ... ... ... .80 .16 .52 +33.3 AndinaII wt ANDAW ... ... ... .39 .08 .29 +7.4 AngiesList ANGI ... ... ...dd 10.76 5.22 216 5.66 -31.2 AngioDyn ANGO ... ... ...dd 18.18 10.71 451 15.81 -6.3 AnikaTh ANIK ... ... 20 54.96 41.38 72 43.34 -11.5 Ansys ANSS ... ... 32 108.92 81.41 339 105.94 +14.5 AntaresP ATRS ... ... ...dd 3.10 .79 747 2.80 +20.2 AntheraP h ANTH ... ... ...dd 4.40 .36 956 .40 -38.4 AoxnTia h rs ABAC ... ... ... 4.07 1.51 8 2.68 -25.9 ApogeeE APOG .56f 1.0 20 61.00 39.48 310 57.43 +7.2 ApollEnd rs APEN ... ... ... 32.34 9.24 6 13.30 -17.5sApolloInv AINV .60 9.0 ... 6.67 5.03 1238 6.68 +14.0 AppFolio n APPF ... ... ...dd 28.00 12.07 27 26.00 +9.0 Apple Inc AAPL 2.28 1.6 17 145.46 89.47 29812 141.63 +22.3 ApplRecy h ARCI ... ... ...dd 1.80 .80 8 1.00 -10.7 AplDNA wt APDNW ... ... ... 1.68 .35 .40 -19.4 ApldDNA APDN ... ... ...dd 3.61 1.40 70 1.55 -16.2 AppGenTc AGTC ... ... 11 19.86 6.08 123 6.30 -32.6 ApldMatl AMAT .40 1.0 19 39.81 19.46 10410 38.20 +18.4 ApldOptoel AAOI ... ... 39 60.19 8.08 1950 42.38 +80.8 Approach AREX ... ... ...dd 4.35 1.35 616 2.60 -22.4 Apptio n APTI ... ... ... 24.60 10.77 213 11.34 -38.8 ApricusB rs APRI ... ... ...dd 6.30 1.10 80 1.80 +38.5 AptevoTh n APVO ... ... ... 8.29 1.69 113 1.86 -23.8 AptoseB g APTO ... ... 3 4.30 .83 254 1.00 -28.1 AquaMetal h AQMS ... ... ...dd 22.75 7.54 565 16.53 +26.1 AquaB Tc n AQB ... ... ... 24.78 10.10 4 10.37 -57.1 AquinoxPh AQXP ... ... ...dd 19.97 6.01 222 14.13 -14.4 ArQule ARQL ... ... ...dd 2.17 .92 451 1.10 -12.7 Aradigm ARDM ... ... ...dd 7.19 1.40 15 1.56 -2.5 AralezPh ARLZ ... ... ...dd 6.80 1.48 861 1.71 -61.2 AratanaTh PETX ... ... ...dd 10.73 4.97 239 5.36 -25.3 ArbutusB g ABUS ... ... ...dd 5.48 2.35 322 3.30 +34.7 ArcBest ARCB .32 1.2 38 33.95 14.85 145 25.85 -6.5 ArcadBiosc RKDA ... ... ...dd 2.99 .65 29 .79 -14.6 ArchCap ACGL ... ... 27 96.46 67.50 286 94.73 +9.8 ArchC pfE ACGLP 1.31 5.7 ... 24.90 20.20 145 23.00 +8.8 ArchrkPtrs APLP 1.14 6.9 ...dd 18.55 10.07 55 16.63 +3.7 Ardelyx ARDX ... ... ... 16.30 6.36 105 11.80 -16.9 ArenaPhm ARNA ... ... ...dd 2.16 1.34 950 1.43 +.7 AresCap ARCC 1.52 8.6 13 17.87 13.85 1141 17.60 +6.7 ArgoGp42 AGIIL 1.63 6.3 ... 27.43 23.60 0 25.69 +2.9 ArgoGpInt AGII 1.08f 1.6 16 69.03 49.10 53 66.50 +.9 ArgosTher ARGS ... ... ...dd 13.97 .31 859 .34 -93.0 ArkRst ARKR 1.00 3.9 16 27.02 20.00 0 25.39 +4.7 Arotech ARTX ... ... ...dd 5.00 2.25 440 3.15 -10.0 ArrayBio ARRY ... ... ...dd 13.40 2.70 1805 8.43 -4.1 ArrisIntl ARRS ... ... 10 31.52 20.05 1114 26.64 -11.6 ArrowFn AROW 1.00b 2.9 17 41.70 25.26 12 33.95 -16.2 ArwDWATc DWAT .04p ... ...q 11.02 9.80 1 10.59 +2.8 ArrowPhm ARWR ... ... ...dd 8.22 1.20 267 1.66 +7.1 ArtesRes ARTNA .91 2.5 25 36.84 26.02 23 35.84 +12.2 ArtsWay ARTW .05 1.5 ...dd 4.70 2.50 4 3.40 AscenaRtl ASNA ... ... 37 9.79 3.53 3512 4.10 -33.8 Ascendis n ASND ... ... ... 30.57 11.92 56 27.48 +35.8 AscentCap ASCMA ... ... ... 26.16 11.78 32 13.50 -17.0 AsiaPWire APWC ... ... ... 3.10 1.64 2 2.60 -7.1 AspenTech AZPN ... ... 31 59.86 34.46 238 58.98 +7.9 AssembBio ASMB ... ... ...dd 28.18 4.60 31 24.01 +97.6 AstaFundg ASFI ... ... 17 11.97 7.20 82 7.40 -24.5 Astec ASTE .40 .6 26 73.37 44.72 78 62.41 -7.5 AstroNova ALOT .28 1.9 26 16.41 12.50 23 14.75 +3.5 Astronics ATRO ... ... 18 41.03 25.93 63 32.00 -5.4 Astrotch h ASTC ... ... ...dd 2.23 1.19 55 1.26 -16.0 AsureSftw h ASUR ... ... ...dd 13.00 4.45 20 9.85 +15.7 AtaraBioth ATRA ... ... ...dd 25.73 12.45 247 17.00 +19.7 athenahlth ATHN ... ... 143.85 90.11 150 114.93 +9.3 Athersys ATHX ... ... ...dd 2.60 1.02 1588 1.49 -2.6 AtlantAl hn AAPC ... ... ... 36.50 7.60 0 9.99 +1.5 AtlanAmer AAME .02 .5 35 4.81 3.06 5 3.80 -7.3 AtlCapBc n ACBI ... ... 33 20.20 12.92 39 18.55 -2.4 AtlCstFin ACFC ... ... 13 8.27 5.53 18 7.59 +11.6 AtlanticaYd ABY .45e 2.2 ... 22.87 15.78 526 20.53 +6.1 Atlanticus ATLC ... ... ...dd 3.54 2.30 4 2.58 -9.1 AtlasAir AAWW ... ... 28 59.60 34.22 134 55.65 +6.7 AtlasFin AFH ... ... ...dd 18.67 12.15 44 12.75 -29.4 Atlassian n TEAM ... ... 95 35.16 20.51 681 31.22 +29.7 Atomera n ATOM ... ... ... 10.25 5.50 14 6.48 -4.0tAtossGen rs ATOS ... ... ...dd 6.15 .68 238 .70 -50.2 AtriCure ATRC ... ... ...dd 20.40 13.44 61 19.24 -1.7 Atrion ATRI 4.20 .9 32 522.05 385.00 5 482.75 -4.8 Attunity ATTU ... ... ...dd 10.50 4.15 124 7.53 +25.5 aTyrPhm n LIFE ... ... ...dd 4.45 2.10 16 3.15 +46.5 AubNB AUBN .92f 2.8 15 33.95 26.74 1 32.65 +4.3 Audentes n BOLD ... ... ... 20.74 13.06 11 16.05 -12.2 AudCodes AUDC ... ... 12 7.26 3.68 41 6.91 +8.8 AuriniaPh AUPH ... ... ...dd 10.54 1.74 6556 7.10 +238.1 AurisMed h EARS ... ... ...dd 5.45 .62 169 .75 -29.9 Autobytel ABTL ... ... 27 19.04 10.72 54 12.01 -10.7 Autodesk ADSK ... ... ...dd 89.18 49.82 1343 85.99 +16.2 AutoData ADP 2.28 2.2 27 105.20 84.36 884 102.09 -.7 AvadelPh AVDL ... ... ...dd 15.45 8.61 60 9.75 -6.2 AVEO Ph h AVEO ... ... ...dd 1.15 .50 266 .60 +11.5 Avexis n AVXS ... ... ... 85.98 20.51 313 67.90 +42.3 AviatNet rs AVNW ... ... ...dd 16.46 5.71 26 14.45 +4.5 AvidTech AVID ... ... ... 9.78 3.99 425 4.74 +7.7tAvinger n AVGR ... ... ...dd 14.48 1.45 7338 .60 -83.8 Avirgagen AVIR ... ... ...dd 2.00 .56 76 .59 -51.9 AvisBudg CAR ... ... 10 41.53 21.85 2048 28.55 -22.2 AvistaHl un AHPAU ... ... ... 10.51 9.52 10.25 +1.2 AvistaHl wt AHPAW ... ... ... .58 .35 1 .38 -24.0 AvistaHl n AHPA ... ... ... 10.18 9.75 9.89 +1.4 Aware AWRE ... ... 26 6.70 3.46 11 4.60 -24.6 AxarAcq AXAR ... ... ... 10.90 9.40 10.10 +2.5 AxarAc wt AXARW ... ... ... .15 .01 4 .07 -9.3 AxarAc un AXARU ... ... ... 10.20 9.85 10.10 +1.9 Axcelis rs ACLS ... ... 35 19.00 8.92 149 18.05 +24.1 AxoGen AXGN ... ... ...dd 11.25 5.20 59 10.90 +21.1 AxonEntpr AAXN ... ... 72 30.15 17.18 796 23.18 -4.4 AxsomeT n AXSM ... ... ...dd 12.69 3.55 463 4.00 -40.7 AzurRx n AZRX ... ... ... 5.60 3.44 12 3.97 -16.2B -:B Comm BCOM 3.58e ... ... 25.67 17.99 19.62 -2.8 BRileyFn RILY .28e .7 28 21.30 8.59 25 15.00 -18.7 BRileyF 7.5 RILYL 1.88 7.3 ... 28.96 23.43 2 25.82 +.8 BCB Bc BCBP .56 3.5 22 17.05 9.97 10 15.85 +21.9 B/E Aero BEAV .84 1.3 21 65.26 42.57 422 64.91 +7.8 BFC Cp pf BANFP 1.80 6.2 ... 30.47 26.60 29.15 +7.1 BGC Ptrs BGCP .64 5.9 26 11.85 8.18 1129 10.93 +6.8 BJsRest BJRI ... ... 22 47.55 32.24 143 40.60 +3.3 BldrsAsia ADRA .72e 2.5 ...q 30.11 23.99 1 29.22 +6.8 BldrsDev ADRD .72e 3.4 ...q 21.31 18.10 1 20.91 +4.7 BldrsEmg ADRE .90e 2.5 ...q 37.10 29.08 16 36.35 +12.7 BldrsEur ADRU .78e 3.8 ...q 20.63 17.82 20 20.40 +6.2sBMC Stock BMCH ... ... 36 23.60 15.45 565 23.70 +21.5 BNC Bcp BNCN .20 .6 21 37.15 20.55 116 33.45 +4.9 BOK BOKF 1.76 2.3 22 85.25 51.84 77 76.99 -7.3 BOK 56 n BOKFL 1.34 5.4 ... 26.50 21.25 48 24.95 +12.0 BOS Ltd BOSC ... ... ...dd 4.85 1.82 31 2.04 -3.8 BSB Bcp BLMT ... ... 21 30.05 21.66 21 28.20 -2.6 Baidu BIDU ... ... 11 201.00 155.28 1835 173.01 +5.2 Balchem BCPC .38f .5 45 89.50 56.60 101 78.03 -7.0 BaldwLy BWINA 1.08f 4.6 12 26.50 22.50 3 23.50 -6.0 BaldLyB BWINB 1.08f 4.4 13 27.70 22.60 14 24.50 -2.8sBallardPw BLDP ... ... ...dd 2.79 1.23 3639 2.88 +74.5 BncFstOK BANF 1.52f 1.7 20 98.35 56.30 28 89.45 -3.9 Bancorp34 n BCTF ... ... ... 13.45 11.35 0 12.70 +.9 BncpBnk lf TBBK ... ... ...dd 8.20 4.41 261 5.13 -34.7 BankMutl BKMU .22 2.3 25 10.20 7.31 91 9.65 +2.1sBkCmcCA BOCH .12 1.1 29 11.15 6.05 101 11.25 +18.4 BankMarin BMRC 1.08 1.6 18 75.05 47.16 7 66.35 -4.9 BkMont36 n BMLP .78p ... ... 57.06 51.11 53.06 +1.6 BankSC BKSC .56 2.7 20 23.97 15.50 2 20.65 -1.2 BkofJames BOTJ .24 1.6 15 18.50 11.62 1 14.55 -4.1 BkOzarks OZRK .70f 1.4 19 56.86 33.51 2764 49.42 -6.0 BankFncl BFIN .24f 1.6 37 15.24 11.38 20 14.56 -1.8 BankwellF BWFG .28 .8 24 35.00 19.66 3 33.08 +1.8 Banner Cp BANR 1.00f 1.8 20 60.97 38.77 86 54.56 -2.2 Baozun n BZUN ... ... ... 18.61 5.19 1717 16.71 +38.4 BiPTrLBear DLBS ... ... ...q 21.53 9.62 5 18.27 -9.6 BiP10yTBear DTYS ... ... ...q 21.98 9.95 27 17.58 -11.3 BiP2yrTBull DTUL ... ... ...q 67.98 61.74 63.84 +1.5 BiPTrSteep STPP ... ... ...q 36.00 29.92 5 33.75 -2.5 BiPUrFlat FLAT ... ... ...q 65.46 57.70 60.00 +1.9 BiP10yTBull DTYL ... ... ...q 85.20 73.42 76.61 +3.9 BiP2yrTBear DTUS ... ... ...q 33.61 26.50 0 30.59 -5.5 BiPTrLBull DLBL ... ... ...q 81.65 63.12 74.42 -6.2 BarIvrsUST TAPR ... ... ...q 29.73 14.90 1 24.50 -11.6 BarHilc n BHAC ... ... ... 10.80 9.69 0 10.21 +.5 BarHilc rt BHACR ... ... ... .50 .12 0 .36 +44.0 BarHilc wt BHACW ... ... ... .23 .04 2 .15 +20.3 BarHilc un BHACU ... ... ... 15.93 10.13 12.00 +12.7 BarrettB lf BBSI 1.00f 1.8 22 66.93 27.23 49 55.97 -12.7 BassettF BSET .40a 1.4 20 32.34 22.42 14 28.35 -6.7 BayBncp BYBK ... ... 43 8.25 4.84 5 7.35 +11.4 Bazaarvce BV ... ... ...dd 6.14 3.06 337 4.25 -12.4 BeacnRfg BECN ... ... 30 50.61 39.50 281 49.87 +8.2 BearStFin BSF .12f 1.3 21 10.95 8.65 7 9.30 -8.4 BeasleyB BBGI .18 1.5 7 14.25 3.64 21 12.30 +100.0 BebeStr rs BEBE ... ... ... 9.10 3.13 30 4.08 -19.8 BedBath BBBY .60f 1.5 9 50.57 37.28 2344 39.20 -3.5 BeiGene n BGNE ... ... ... 41.89 24.53 59 38.33 +26.3 BelFuse A BELFA .24 1.2 12 26.97 12.96 1 20.84 -17.7 BelFuseB BELFB .28 1.2 12 33.60 13.72 29 23.30 -24.6 Belleroph n BLPH ... ... ...dd 4.58 .43 448 1.22 +134.6 BellicumP BLCM ... ... ...dd 23.11 8.61 759 12.86 -5.6 BenefBncp BNCL .24 1.5 46 19.00 12.34 117 16.25 -11.7 Benetfoc BNFT ... ... ...dd 44.98 24.55 165 28.05 -5.6 Benitec wt BNTCW ... ... ... 1.09 .03 .34 +240.0 BenitecB n BNTC ... ... ... 5.48 1.20 141 2.81 +83.7 Beyondsp n BYSI ... ... ... 21.91 16.55 2 19.99 +19.0 Big 5Sprt BGFV .60 3.9 19 20.35 8.15 229 15.50 -10.7 Bio-Path BPTH ... ... ...dd 2.91 .60 103 .63 -53.0 BioTechne TECH 1.28 1.3 48 117.42 91.45 175 100.42 -2.3 BioDlvry lf BDSI ... ... ...dd 3.88 1.50 484 1.70 -2.9 BioLifeSol BLFS ... ... ...dd 3.58 1.43 25 2.03 +26.1 BioLneRx h BLRX ... ... ... 1.42 .71 326 .86 -6.1 BioanlySys BASI ... ... ...dd 2.42 .60 116 1.17 +51.9 BioblastP ORPN ... ... ... 3.13 .51 46 .54 -48.0 Biocept rs BIOC ... ... ...dd 4.29 .74 386 1.87 +141.3 Biocryst BCRX ... ... ...dd 9.25 2.49 1094 7.22 +14.1 Biogen BIIB ... ... 15 333.65 223.02 1205 268.65 -5.3 Biolase BIOL ... ... ...dd 1.98 .80 15 1.26 -10.0 BioMarin BMRN ... ... ...dd 102.49 73.45 698 88.53 +6.9 Biomeri n BMRA ... ... ... 3.38 1.53 1 2.29 -.4 BiondVax n BVXV ... ... ... 7.87 3.04 55 6.77 +102.1 BiondVx wt BVXVW ... ... ... 2.02 .37 2 1.19 +220.8 Bioptix rs BIOP ... ... ... 6.65 2.14 9 4.13 +7.6 BioScrip BIOS ... ... ...dd 3.43 .98 1025 1.50 +44.2 BioSpecif BSTC ... ... 35 58.21 32.39 27 52.45 -5.8 Biostage h BSTG ... ... ...dd 2.86 .29 430 .32 -64.0 BiostrPh rs BSPM ... ... ...dd 7.06 1.08 33 2.28 -22.2 BioTelem BEAT ... ... 52 31.70 10.96 561 30.75 +37.6 BiotieTh n BITI ... ... ... 27.96 25.55 25.80 Bioverativ BIVV ... ... ... 58.00 40.00 1041 56.90 +19.8 BlackBox BBOX .48 5.1 ...dd 17.05 8.25 127 9.35 -38.7 BlackDiam BDE ... ... ...dd 6.85 3.93 51 5.45 +1.9sBlackLin n BL ... ... ... 31.40 21.66 403 31.50 +14.0 BlkRkCap BKCC .84 11.5 ...dd 9.92 6.75 327 7.33 +5.3 Blckbaud BLKB .48 .6 69 78.23 55.88 181 77.40 +20.9 BlackBerry BBRY ... ... ...dd 8.46 6.23 6380 7.70 +11.8 BlkhwkNet HAWK ... ... 41.53 28.88 521 39.75 +5.5 BloominBr BLMN .32f 1.6 26 20.04 15.82 635 19.75 +9.5 Blucora BCOR ... ... ...dd 18.00 4.99 322 17.10 +15.9sBlueBird BLBD ... ... ...dd 18.35 9.53 111 18.50 +19.7 BlueBPet n BUFF ... ... 33 27.50 21.60 1105 23.08 -4.0 BlueHBcp BHBK .20f 1.1 42 19.73 13.40 35 18.25 -2.7 BluebBio BLUE ... ... ...dd 100.40 35.37 491 85.15 +38.0 BlueknEP BKEP .58 8.3 ...dd 7.55 4.56 45 6.95 +1.5 Bluekn pf BKEPP .72 9.1 ... 8.75 6.51 2 7.86 -.5 BlueprtM n BPMC ... ... ...dd 46.20 13.27 611 42.66 +52.1 BobEvans BOBE 1.36 2.1 47 65.34 35.63 202 63.41 +19.2 BofI Hld s BOFI ... ... 13 32.57 15.29 1262 24.79 -13.2 BofI pf BOFIL 1.56 6.0 ... 29.95 21.80 4 25.87 +3.5 Boingo WIFI ... ... ...dd 13.38 6.56 207 13.24 +8.6 Bojangles n BOJA ... ... 21 21.85 14.55 123 20.50 +9.9 BonTon BONT .20 32.8 ...dd 2.49 .60 47 .61 -58.5 BonsoElec BNSO ... ... ... 4.25 1.23 39 2.44 +11.4 BostPrv BPFH .44f 2.7 20 17.88 10.77 374 16.25 -1.8 BostPrv wt BPFHW ... ... ... 11.66 4.59 9.90 -5.3 BostPrv pf BPFHP 1.74 6.7 ... 28.71 23.53 2 26.09 +4.0 BttmlnT EPAY ... ... 30 31.24 18.48 295 22.20 -11.3 BlvdAcq n BLVD ... ... ... 10.05 9.54 7 10.02 +1.0 BlvdAcq wt BLVDW ... ... ... .89 .26 10 .79 +49.1 BlvdAcq un BLVDU ... ... ... 10.77 9.67 1 10.42 +2.5 Brainstorm BCLI ... ... ...dd 5.10 2.06 520 3.57 +40.6 BravoBrio BBRG ... ... ...dd 8.68 3.40 88 5.10 +34.2 BridgeBcp BDGE .92 2.8 17 38.95 26.90 45 33.15 -12.5 Bridglne rs BLIN ... ... ...dd 3.47 .43 415 .80 +24.6 BridgfdFds BRID ... ... 13 16.00 10.43 11.15 -1.9 Brightcove BCOV ... ... ...dd 13.80 5.83 154 8.70 +8.1 BroadcLtd AVGO 2.04 .9 56 227.75 139.18 2195 217.55 +23.1 BroadSoft BSFT ... ... 64 48.40 35.01 245 38.65 -6.3 BroadVis BVSN ... ... ...dd 7.03 4.25 2 4.50 -3.3 BrdwyFn h BYFC ... ... 6 2.50 1.42 1 1.79 +9.5sBroadwdE BWEN ... ... 8.54 2.90 966 9.02 +123.0 BrcdeCm BRCD .22 1.8 45 12.55 7.60 4949 12.49 BrklneB BRKL .36 2.4 21 17.45 10.40 227 15.20 -7.3 BrooksAuto BRKS .40 1.8 ...dd 22.81 8.99 618 21.79 +27.7 BrukerCp BRKR .16 .7 23 29.85 19.58 406 22.43 +5.9 BrynMawr BMTC .84 2.1 19 42.60 25.22 34 39.65 -5.9 Bsquare BSQR ... ... ...dd 6.44 3.80 9 5.20 -11.1 BuffaloWW BWLD ... ... 30 175.10 122.25 346 151.20 -2.1 BldrFstSrc BLDR ... ... 17 15.85 9.04 789 15.37 +40.1 Burcon g BUR ... ... ...dd 2.86 1.40 2 1.51 -23.4C -:C&F Fnc CFFI 1.32 2.8 12 53.40 37.64 2 47.50 -4.7 CA Inc CA 1.02 3.2 14 34.99 29.12 1569 31.98 +.7 CAS Med CASM ... ... ...dd 2.15 1.38 9 1.42 -11.8 CASI Phr h CASI ... ... ...dd 1.76 .82 27 1.11 -3.5 CB FnSvcs CBFV .88 3.2 14 29.40 19.60 7 27.85 +7.7 CBAK Eng CBAK ... ... ... 3.33 1.20 62 1.55 +10.2 CBOE CBOE 1.00 1.2 34 81.57 61.22 998 80.59 +9.1 CDK Globl CDK .56 .9 31 67.49 45.21 984 64.91 +8.7 CDW Corp CDW .64 1.1 19 61.00 37.80 676 57.52 +10.4 CEVA Inc CEVA ... ... 49 36.81 21.46 118 34.43 +2.6 CF CpA n CFCO ... ... ... 10.25 9.60 0 10.03 +1.1 CF Cp wt CFCOW ... ... ... 1.70 .61 6 1.45 +16.0 CF Cp un n CFCOU ... ... ... 12.05 9.15 3 10.75 +2.7 CH Robins CHRW 1.80 2.4 21 81.16 65.57 1169 75.75 +3.4 CHS Inc pf CHSCP 2.00 6.6 ... 34.85 28.86 15 30.17 +3.1 CHS pfB CHSCO 1.97 6.9 ... 31.88 28.05 20 28.73 +1.7 CHS pfB2 CHSCN 1.78 6.3 ... 31.58 25.94 9 28.03 +5.7 CHS pfB3 CHSCM 1.69 6.2 ... 29.78 25.36 32 27.10 +3.1 CHS pfB4 CHSCL 1.88 6.6 ... 31.34 26.36 29 28.33 +4.4 CIM CmTr CMCT .88a 5.3 44 20.27 14.54 5 16.45 +6.5 CM Finan CMFN 1.00m 9.7 6 10.50 7.75 14 10.30 +10.8 CME Grp CME 2.64f 2.3 28 127.60 89.46 1238 117.07 +1.5 CNBFnPA CCNE .66 2.8 17 28.43 17.07 32 23.84 -10.8 CPI Card n PMTS .18 ... 46 9.25 3.25 77 4.10 -1.2 CPS Tech CPSH ... ... 29 2.39 1.07 63 1.46 -21.9 CRA Intl CRAI .56 1.5 24 40.00 19.27 40 36.24 -1.0 CRISPR n CRSP ... ... ... 25.00 11.63 31 18.90 -6.7 CSG Sys CSGS .79f 2.1 18 51.34 35.92 122 36.85 -23.9 CSI Comp CCLP 1.51 15.2 ...dd 13.54 6.04 62 9.95 +2.3 CSP Inc CSPI .44 4.3 20 11.95 5.92 3 10.16 -4.0 CSW Ind n CSWI ... ... 41 41.85 29.25 46 35.90 -2.6 CSX CSX .72 1.5 26 50.31 24.36 6116 47.21 +31.4 CTI BioP rs CTIC ... ... ...dd 6.48 3.07 21 4.15 +1.7 CTI Inds CTIB ... ... ... 7.60 5.01 5.89 +.6 CU Bncp CUNB ... ... 27 40.30 20.57 412 38.95 +8.8 CUI Glbl CUI ... ... ...dd 8.40 4.01 13 4.67 -32.6 CVB Fncl CVBF .48 2.3 23 24.63 15.25 475 21.21 -7.5 CVD Eqp CVV ... ... ...dd 10.94 6.25 29 10.61 +22.2 CabotMicro CCMP .80f 1.1 29 77.04 38.37 183 73.62 +16.5 Cadence CDNS ... ... 33 32.19 22.79 2319 31.48 +24.8 Cadiz h CDZI ... ... ...dd 15.65 5.00 220 14.65 +17.2 CaesarStne CSTE .57e ... 17 43.50 26.35 107 36.30 +26.7 CaesarAcq CACQ ... ... 3 15.80 5.69 85 15.40 +14.1 CaesarsEnt CZR ... ... ...dd 10.84 5.39 603 9.80 +15.3 CafePress PRSS ... ... ...dd 3.84 2.80 9 2.90 -1.4 Cal-Maine CALM 2.49e 6.5 ...dd 53.06 35.10 426 38.50 -12.8 Caladriu rs CLBS ... ... ...dd 7.80 2.65 118 4.38 +54.8 CalaCvHi CHY 1.20 10.6 ...q 11.50 9.91 264 11.29 +7.0 CalaCvOp CHI 1.14 10.3 ...q 11.36 9.23 208 11.08 +9.8 CalaCv&Inc CCD 2.00 10.3 ...q 19.70 16.75 50 19.36 +10.4 CalaGDyIn CHW .84 10.6 ...q 7.96 6.56 196 7.90 +13.3 CalaGTR CGO 1.20 9.8 ...q 12.90 10.34 56 12.19 +15.8 CalaStrTR CSQ .99 8.9 ...q 11.25 9.38 192 11.16 +8.7 CalAmp CAMP ... ... 54 17.71 12.13 302 16.19 +11.7 CalavoGr h CVGW .90f 1.4 29 71.48 48.75 236 62.10 +1.1 CalFirst CFNB .46f 2.8 18 16.45 13.27 1 16.15 +3.2 Calithera CALA ... ... ...dd 14.90 2.20 340 10.85 +233.8 Callidus CALD ... ... ...dd 21.55 15.15 250 19.70 +17.3 CalumetSp CLMT .69j ... ...dd 12.40 2.79 230 3.80 -5.0 CambLrn ABCD 1.36 27.9 22 5.86 3.96 15 4.88 -2.2 CamdnN s CAC .92 2.1 18 45.43 26.93 44 42.82 -3.7 Camtek h CAMT ... ... ... 4.10 1.80 16 3.77 +14.6 CdnSolar CSIQ ... ... 8 19.65 10.25 660 13.08 +7.4 CancerGen CGIX ... ... ...dd 5.30 1.10 366 3.55 +163.0 CantbryPk CPHC .35e ... 10 11.21 9.80 0 10.10 +.5 CpStarFn n CSTR ... ... ... 22.35 15.50 11 19.19 -12.6 CapellaEd CPLA 1.64 1.9 24 90.40 48.80 38 86.20 -1.8 CapBkFin CBF .48 1.1 28 45.00 27.71 254 42.65 +8.7 CapCtyBk CCBG .20 1.0 30 23.15 13.16 14 20.91 +2.1 CapProd CPLP .32f 9.2 10 4.05 2.41 423 3.49 +9.6 CapSwst CSWC .53e 3.2 79 17.33 13.49 10 16.62 +2.9 CapitalaF CPTA 1.56 11.1 25 15.80 11.51 109 14.07 +8.8 CapAcIII n CLAC ... ... ... 10.85 9.62 110 10.70 +7.5 CapAcIII wt CLACW ... ... ... 1.95 .32 16 1.91 +119.5 CapAcIII un CLACU ... ... ... 13.51 9.74 0 11.71 +13.7 CapFedFn CFFN .34a 2.3 24 17.04 12.89 365 14.61 -11.2 Capnia CAPN ... ... ...dd 1.57 .55 18 .61 -24.7 Capnia wt CAPNW ... ... ... .52 .02 3 .11 +37.5 Capricor CAPR ... ... ...dd 5.40 2.12 58 3.01 +13.2 CpstnTur rs CPST ... ... ...dd 2.70 .66 1046 .83 +22.1 CaraThera CARA ... ... ...dd 20.90 4.35 2112 18.87 +103.1 Carbonite CARB ... ... ...dd 21.50 7.30 167 19.30 +17.7 CardCon hn CCN ... ... ... 14.65 8.14 172 13.70 +7.9 CardFnc CFNL .52 1.8 18 34.75 19.37 380 28.88 -11.9 Crdiom grs CRME ... ... ...dd 6.36 2.35 95 3.11 +12.7 CardiovSys CSII ... ... ...dd 29.70 12.91 195 28.98 +19.7 Cardtronic CATM ... ... 15 56.00 34.91 431 44.37 -18.7sCareTrust CTRE .74f 4.2 28 17.60 12.47 432 17.61 +14.9 CareDx CDNA ... ... ...dd 6.08 1.10 32 1.25 -53.7 CareerEd CECO .30f 3.3 ...dd 10.53 4.42 186 9.22 -8.6 CarlyleGp CG 1.55e 9.6 17.97 14.35 416 16.20 +6.2 CaroBkHld CLBH ... ... 27 29.25 15.01 27.99 +8.4 CaroFin s CARO .16f .5 23 31.50 16.01 18 29.23 -5.1 CarolTrBk CART ... ... 26 12.00 5.60 2 7.11 +11.1 Carrizo CRZO ... ... ...dd 43.96 26.08 885 28.90 -22.6 CarrolsRst TAST ... ... 14 17.55 9.60 293 13.95 -8.5 Cartesian h CRTN ... ... ...dd 1.96 .50 14 .78 -14.2 CarverBc lf CARV ... ... 35 5.99 2.87 3 3.51 +8.8 CascdeBcp CACB ... ... 32 8.52 5.27 59 7.59 -6.5 CascTher rs CASC ... ... ...dd 10.98 3.49 63 3.91 -9.3 CasellaW CWST ... ... ...dd 14.28 6.42 147 14.08 +13.5 Caseys CASY .96 .9 25 136.22 105.17 440 112.15 -5.7 CassInfo CASS .92 1.4 30 74.83 46.06 10 64.27 -12.6 Catabasis n CATB ... ... ...dd 7.89 1.08 239 1.43 -60.4 CatalstB rs CBIO ... ... ... 50.70 4.61 2675 5.71 -41.4 CatalystPh CPRX ... ... ...dd 2.17 .51 432 1.78 +69.5 CathayGen CATY .84 2.3 17 40.83 26.27 349 37.08 -2.5 CathGn wt CATYW ... ... ... 22.11 7.50 16.77 -5.6 CavcoInd CVCO ... ... 36 121.70 85.56 28 116.85 +17.0 Cavium CAVM ... ... ...dd 73.01 35.90 371 69.71 +11.6 CecoEnv CECE .26 2.4 ...dd 14.88 5.96 181 10.79 -22.7 Celgene CELG ... ... 32 127.64 94.42 2909 125.06 +8.0 Celgene rt CELGZ ... ... ... 1.61 .99 5 1.05 +1.9 CelldexTh CLDX ... ... ...dd 5.13 2.85 1310 3.29 -7.1 CellectBio n APOP ... ... ... 13.50 2.30 25 8.43 +172.8 CellectB wt APOPW ... ... ... 4.80 .25 7 2.01 +286.5 Cellct wt rs CLRBW ... ... ... 1.18 .12 .31 +73.3 Celct wtA CLRBZ ... ... ... 1.88 .25 23 .78 +85.7 Cellectar rs CLRB ... ... ... 4.93 1.00 317 2.07 +69.7 Cellectis n CLLS ... ... ...dd 34.99 16.09 175 22.59 +33.3 CallularBio CBMG ... ... ...dd 20.98 10.05 8 11.80 -9.9 Celsion CLSN ... ... ...dd 1.78 .19 1409 .29 -4.6 Celyad n CYAD ... ... ... 59.50 16.31 7 31.00 +74.5 Cempra CEMP ... ... ...dd 26.95 2.55 520 3.75 +33.9 Cemtrx wt CETXW ... ... ... 1.73 .25 1 .60 -59.7 Cemtrex rs CETX .02p ... 6 8.41 1.84 162 3.06 -58.5 Cemtrx pf CETXP .19p ... ... 10.03 3.13 6 5.81 -41.9 CntRsDvA CDEV ... ... ... 20.97 9.65 1169 20.19 +2.4 CntrStBks CSFL .24f 1.0 28 26.94 14.50 178 24.69 -1.9 CEurMed CETV ... ... ...dd 3.15 2.03 253 3.10 +21.6 CentrlFedl CFBK ... ... ... 3.64 1.25 15 2.22 +26.9 CentGard lf CENT ... ... 31 37.80 14.75 59 36.72 +11.0 CenGrdA lf CENTA ... ... ... 35.35 14.84 125 34.29 +11.0 CntlVyCm CVCY .24 1.3 14 22.44 10.78 50 19.17 -4.0 CentrueF n CFCB ... ... 27 26.52 16.24 9 25.22 +18.4 CentAl CENX ... ... ...dd 16.53 5.53 2025 13.38 +56.3 CntyBcMA CNBKA .48 .8 14 64.87 38.75 1 62.30 +3.8 CentCas CNTY ... ... 21 8.27 5.40 29 7.38 -10.3 CeragonN CRNT ... ... ... 4.23 1.11 359 3.15 +20.2 Cerecor n CERC ... ... ...dd 5.60 .46 201 .54 -38.6 Cerecor wtA CERCW ... ... ... 2.15 .01 .09 -46.3 Cerecor wtB CERCZ ... ... ... 1.03 .01 66 .04 Cerner CERN ... ... 31 67.50 47.01 1535 59.64 +25.9 Cerulean h CERU ... ... ...dd 4.33 .63 703 .65 -8.2 CerusCp CERS ... ... ...dd 7.64 3.79 815 4.17 -4.1 CescaTh rs KOOL ... ... ...dd 7.39 1.85 21 3.27 -5.2 Chaisma n CHMA ... ... ...dd 12.90 1.55 46 1.55 -20.5 ChampOn rs CSBR ... ... ...dd 4.79 1.11 35 2.85 +12.6 Changyou CYOU ... ... 9 31.47 17.43 157 27.23 +28.3 Chantic wt HOTRW ... ... ... .57 .01 44 .05 +100.0 Chanticler h HOTR ... ... ...dd .90 .28 14 .33 -21.4 CharlsColv CTHR ... ... ...dd 1.33 .83 5 .94 -14.5 ChartInds GTLS ... ... 38 40.87 21.80 118 35.63 -1.1 ChartCm n CHTR ... ... 21 341.50 214.06 863 332.30 +15.4sCharterFn CHFN .24f 1.2 25 20.10 12.36 32 20.15 +20.9 ChkPoint CHKP ... ... 24 104.35 74.34 444 103.36 +22.4 CheckCap n CHEK ... ... ... 3.42 .97 28 2.21 -6.0 CheckC wt CHEKW ... ... ... 1.30 .01 0 1.10 +69.2 Cheesecake CAKE .96 1.5 23 65.09 46.93 473 63.02 +5.2 ChefsWhs CHEF ... ... ...dd 20.57 10.31 256 14.00 -11.4 Chembio CEMI ... ... ...dd 9.40 5.05 19 5.80 -14.7 ChemFinl CHFC 1.08 2.2 19 55.55 34.82 299 49.14 -9.3 ChemoCntx CCXI ... ... ...dd 9.10 1.92 69 7.02 -5.1 ChemungF CHMG 1.04 2.7 18 40.50 26.27 2 37.92 +4.3 Cherokee CHKE .20 2.4 16 18.16 7.15 23 8.20 -21.9 ChildPlace PLCE 1.60f 1.4 21 122.95 66.92 1319 113.05 +12.0 Chimerix CMRX ... ... ...dd 6.64 3.50 292 5.73 +24.6 ChAdvCns CADC ... ... ...dd 5.68 1.50 21 3.35 +53.2 ChinAutLog CALI ... ... ...dd 4.69 1.01 322 2.69 -21.6 ChinaAuto CAAS ... ... 7 7.96 3.10 39 4.93 -8.0 ChinaBio CBPO ... ... 25 137.39 96.99 174 106.01 -1.4tChinCer rs CCCL ... ... ...dd 6.07 2.00 133 1.99 -12.7 ChiCmCr h CCCR ... ... ... 3.20 .30 460 1.56 +41.8 ChiCustR n CCRC ... ... ... 22.00 5.54 126 13.63 -20.8 ChiFnOnl JRJC ... ... 6 6.05 3.00 245 3.46 -4.4 ChinaHGS HGSH ... ... 2 3.19 1.45 18 1.73 -9.4 ChinInfoT h CNIT ... ... ...dd 1.78 .57 25 .70 -2.9 ChinaJJ h CJJD ... ... ...dd 2.29 1.53 15 1.72 +1.2 ChinLend h CLDC .28e ... ... 10.25 4.13 5 5.43 -15.2 ChinaLodg HTHT .68p ... 39 64.32 31.71 301 58.24 +12.3 ChinaNRes CHNR ... ... ...dd 5.73 1.20 87 2.41 -2.8 ChiRecy rs CREG ... ... ... 3.20 1.41 9 1.54 +3.3 ChnaTcF rs CNTF ... ... ... 4.35 1.45 110 1.91 +3.5 ChXDPlas CXDC ... ... 4 5.88 3.07 5 4.78 +19.4 ChiCache CCIH ... ... ...dd 9.65 1.45 117 1.50 -41.4 ChinaNt rs CNET ... ... ...dd 2.40 .97 103 1.38 +38.0 ChipMOS IMOS 1.31e 7.6 28 20.40 13.94 255 17.21 +22.0 ChromaDx n CDXC ... ... ... 6.18 2.25 166 2.46 -25.7 ChrchllD CHDN 1.32 .8 25 160.00 118.76 42 158.75 +5.5 ChuysHldg CHUY ... ... 28 37.78 25.87 74 28.70 -11.6 CideraTh n CDTX ... ... ...dd 15.91 6.65 82 6.95 -33.2 Cimpress CMPR ... ... 97 104.18 79.15 197 88.39 -3.5 CinnFin CINF 2.00f 2.8 20 79.60 63.87 370 71.39 -5.8 Cinedigm rs CIDM ... ... ...dd 2.70 .90 190 1.38 -4.2 Cintas CTAS 1.05f .9 26 128.85 88.51 476 122.96 +6.4 Cirrus CRUS ... ... 17 66.10 31.00 2645 63.38 +12.1 Cisco CSCO 1.16 3.5 17 34.53 25.81 18343 32.92 +8.9 CitiTrends CTRN .24 1.3 20 22.73 14.01 153 18.24 -3.2 Citiz&Nthn CZNC 1.04 4.5 17 26.57 19.42 24 23.24 -11.3 CtzCmtyBc CZWI .16f 1.1 20 14.10 8.86 4 14.01 +12.7 CitizFst CZFC .08e ... 13 20.57 13.76 19.65 +9.2 CitizHold CIZN .96 4.0 18 26.61 21.04 0 24.20 -6.4 CitrixSy s CTXS ... ... 22 87.99 60.71 987 83.68 +17.7 CtyHld CHCO 1.76f 2.8 17 69.09 42.98 44 63.83 -5.6 CivistaBcsh CIVB .24 1.1 18 23.75 10.50 37 21.90 +12.7 Civista pf CIVBP 1.63 2.4 ... 78.56 35.99 0 68.00 +10.9 CleanDsl rs CDTI ... ... ...dd 5.21 1.50 57 2.62 +21.9 CleanEngy CLNE ... ... ...dd 4.80 2.38 771 2.58 -9.8 Cleantch rs CLNT ... ... 68 10.70 2.31 791 5.41 +104.9 ClearOne CLRO .20 2.1 38 12.60 9.35 6 9.60 -15.8 Cleareld CLFD ... ... 37 21.60 14.80 41 15.35 -25.8 ClearsBio n CLSD ... ... ... 25.08 5.44 100 7.65 -14.4 ClearSign CLIR ... ... ...dd 6.24 3.00 36 3.65 +7.4 ClearS wt CLIRW ... ... ... 5.00 .65 1.46 +53.6 CleBio hrs CBLI ... ... ...dd 3.31 1.22 23 1.50 +5.6 CliftonBcp CSBK .24 1.5 81 17.49 14.11 37 16.22 -4.1 ClovisOnc CLVS ... ... ...dd 74.94 11.57 1674 54.48 +22.6 CoBizFncl COBZ .20 1.2 20 17.99 10.79 124 16.89 CoStar CSGP ... ... 224.79 174.49 86 205.40 +9.0sCoastwayB CWAY ... ... 48 17.80 12.10 23 17.75 +13.4 CocaBtl COKE 1.00 .5 27 207.40 119.80 23 203.91 +14.0 Codexis CDXS ... ... ...dd 5.29 3.14 242 4.40 -4.3 CdrsVlly CVLY .54b 2.1 16 29.34 18.82 19 26.03 -9.0 CoffeeH JVA ... ... ...dd 6.15 3.50 8 4.67 +.4 CogentC CCOI 1.60f 3.6 44.40 34.23 204 44.15 +6.8 Cogentix h CGNT ... ... ... 2.99 .71 33 1.65 -17.9 Cogint COGT ... ... ... 5.92 2.90 305 5.50 +59.4 Cognex CGNX .30 .4 48 86.88 35.15 930 82.89 +30.3 CognizTch CTSH ... ... 22 63.23 45.44 3578 58.88 +5.1 Coherent COHR ... ... 43 208.62 81.00 197 199.25 +45.0 CoherusBio CHRS ... ... ...dd 31.98 14.00 200 18.80 -33.2 Cohu COHU .24 1.3 45 18.67 10.01 140 18.48 +32.9 CllctUnv CLCT 1.40 5.4 24 28.83 16.47 29 26.09 +22.9 Collegium n COLL ... ... ...dd 20.55 8.24 285 9.79 -37.1 Colliers CIGI .10 .2 24 52.70 32.93 29 48.20 +31.2 ColonyBk CBAN .03p ... 16 14.55 8.80 1 13.65 +3.4 ColBnkg COLB .88f 2.3 22 45.68 26.17 379 38.10 -14.7 ColuSprtw COLM .72 1.2 22 63.55 51.70 215 58.92 +1.1 Colmbus CMCO .16 .6 32 29.23 13.80 53 25.67 -5.1 CmbMtx wt CBMXW ... ... ... 1.35 .09 5 1.17 +172.1 CombMt rs CBMX ... ... ...dd 5.85 2.15 233 4.65 +75.5 Comcast s CMCSA .63f 1.7 21 38.44 29.81 19264 37.23 +7.8 CommScpe COMM ... ... 36 42.34 26.16 2276 40.63 +9.2 CmcBMO CBSH .90b 1.6 20 60.61 41.43 592 54.97 -4.9 CmcBc pfB CBSHP 1.50 5.8 ... 29.85 24.72 45 25.74 +1.2 CmceUnB CUBN .22p ... 22 22.99 14.93 14 21.50 ComHub A CHUBA ... ... ... 17.23 11.92 21 15.12 +.7 ComHub C CHUBK ... ... ... 17.37 11.90 69 15.05 +.1 CmclVehcl CVGI ... ... 43 7.57 2.14 162 7.23 +30.7 CommSys JCS .16 3.9 ...dd 7.49 3.41 50 4.06 -12.3 CmtyBkTr ESXB ... ... 18 8.50 4.86 10 7.90 +9.0 CmtyFinCp TCFC .40 1.1 26 36.90 20.60 2 34.81 +20.4 CmtyHlt rt CYHHZ ... ... ... .02 .00 16 .01 +60.0 CmtyTrBc CTBI 1.28 2.8 17 51.35 32.99 44 45.40 -8.5 CmtyWest CWBC .14 1.4 16 10.65 7.00 3 10.15 +9.9 CmtyOneB COB ... ... 29 14.35 12.21 14.10 CommVlt CVLT ... ... ... 57.55 40.83 216 51.45 +.1 Compugn CGEN ... ... ...dd 7.57 4.00 43 4.15 -18.6 CmptrPr CPSI 1.00e 3.5 50 53.99 18.25 46 28.35 +20.1 CmpTask CTG .24 4.3 14 6.33 3.87 28 5.53 +31.4 CmstkH rs CHCI ... ... ...dd 3.36 1.50 17 2.07 +15.0 Comtech CMTL .40 2.9 11 24.93 9.52 212 13.58 +14.6 ComvrsT wi CMVTV ... ... ... 3.47 sConatusPh CNAT ... ... ...dd 6.90 1.45 2217 6.98 +32.4 ConcertPh CNCE ... ... ...dd 19.11 7.11 151 16.14 +56.9 ConcrdInt g CXRX .30 21.6 1 34.52 1.30 245 1.39 -34.4 ConcurCptr CCUR .48 10.0 ...dd 6.66 4.63 22 4.78 -10.7 CondHos rs CDOR .27e 2.5 ...dd 20.41 9.81 111 10.68 -19.5 Conformis n CFMS ... ... ...dd 13.83 4.35 153 5.12 -36.8 ConiferH n CNFR ... ... ...dd 9.02 6.02 12 8.00 -1.8 Conmed CNMD .80 1.8 25 50.16 37.60 93 45.45 +2.9 Conns CONN ... ... ...dd 15.77 6.54 1071 12.40 -2.0 ConnectOne CNOB .30 1.2 16 26.65 15.09 89 24.05 -7.3 ConnWtrSv CTWS 1.13 2.1 26 59.26 44.10 27 54.15 -3.0 Connecture CNXR ... ... ...dd 3.24 .88 518 1.04 -38.1 ConsolCom CNSL 1.55 6.4 ... 30.23 21.85 442 24.23 -9.8 ConsolWtr CWCO .30 2.6 53 14.69 9.80 50 11.65 +7.4 ConsuPtf CPSS ... ... 5 6.05 3.31 71 4.70 -8.2 ContraFect CFRX ... ... ...dd 4.12 1.35 23 1.70 -2.9 ContraVir CTRV ... ... ...dd 2.65 .81 747 1.60 +33.3 Control4 CTRL ... ... 21 16.17 7.01 188 15.41 +51.1sConyPkA n CPAA ... ... ... 11.00 10.00 4671 11.25 +10.0 ConyPk wt CPAAW ... ... ... 9.50 1.15 539 2.25 ConyPkA un CPAAU ... ... ... 11.95 10.03 1848 11.89 +9.6 Copart s CPRT ... ... 18 31.57 20.35 1135 30.12 +8.7 CorbusPhm CRBP ... ... ...dd 10.78 2.08 817 6.80 -19.5 Corcept CORT ... ... 11.58 4.60 475 10.50 +44.6 CoreMrk s CORE .36f 1.1 27 50.00 30.00 149 31.45 -27.0 Corium CORI ... ... ...dd 8.33 2.67 62 4.70 +15.8 CorOnDem CSOD ... ... ...dd 47.75 30.31 658 37.15 -12.2 Corvel CRVL ... ... 30 53.19 31.00 31 42.40 +15.8 CorvusPh n CRVS ... ... ...dd 22.14 8.27 146 10.09 -29.4 Costco COST 1.80 1.1 31 178.71 138.57 1160 170.63 +6.6 CountrP rs CPAH ... ... ...dd 2.80 1.81 1 2.22 -10.5 CountyBcp ICBK .24f .8 19 35.89 19.34 21 30.68 +13.8 CoupaSft n COUP ... ... ... 41.61 22.50 508 25.47 +1.8 Covenant CVTI ... ... 20 25.22 14.26 70 18.19 -5.9 Covisint h COVS ... ... ... 2.48 1.50 30 1.85 -2.6 Cowen 21 COWNL 2.06 7.7 ... 29.13 25.13 3 26.90 +4.6 CowenGp rs COWN ... ... ...dd 16.75 10.92 317 13.70 -11.6 CrackerB CBRL 4.60 2.9 25 175.04 130.15 375 157.02 -6.0 CraftBrew BREW ... ... 22.40 7.50 86 13.10 -22.5 Cray Inc CRAY ... ... 86 43.40 16.10 276 19.80 -4.3 CreditAcc CACC ... ... 14 221.10 160.63 314 196.11 -9.8 CSVixMd rs TVIZ ... ... ...q 74.25 20.15 12 22.17 -41.0 CSVixSh rs TVIX ... ... ...q 1270.00 32.90 8538 44.35 -53.4 CSVixST rs VIIX ... ... ...q 129.60 25.86 491 30.15 -30.0 CSSilvCC SLVO 1.35e 14.7 ...q 10.91 8.07 26 9.17 +12.0 CSGoldCvC GLDI 1.16e 12.1 ...q 10.96 8.78 95 9.62 +7.6 CSVS3xInSlv DSLV ... ... ...q 42.93 16.93 331 20.59 -35.8 CSVS3xInG DGLD ... ... ...q 69.37 39.17 160 47.29 -26.8 CS VS3xGld UGLD ... ... ...q 15.06 7.79 1039 11.06 +32.3 CSVSVixMT VIIZ ... ... ...q 16.37 8.95 3 9.39 -22.5 CSVelIVST XIV ... ... ...q 75.48 20.21 21520 64.05 +37.0 CSVIVxMT ZIV ... ... ...q 62.44 35.79 110 59.47 +27.8 CS VSSilv USLV ... ... ...q 29.09 10.84 2026 16.49 +44.3 Cree Inc CREE ... ... ... 31.64 20.75 472 24.94 -5.5 Cresud CRESY ... ... ... 21.55 9.57 56 21.23 +34.6 Criteo SA CRTO ... ... ... 52.87 32.83 434 50.16 +22.1 Crocs CROX ... ... ...dd 12.54 6.26 497 6.49 -5.4 CrssCtryHl CCRN ... ... ...dd 16.38 10.54 204 14.23 -8.8 CrossrdCap XRDC .60 27.5 ... 2.73 1.47 11 2.18 +2.3 CrossrdS rs CRDS ... ... ... 11.80 2.60 30 3.47 -18.5 CrownCfts CRWS .32a 4.0 13 10.24 7.05 22 8.00 +3.2 CryoPrt wt CYRXW ... ... ... 1.45 .34 0 .75 -24.2 CryoPort rs CYRX ... ... ...dd 4.07 1.50 162 2.22 -31.5 s CTRP ... ... 83 50.77 37.36 3507 48.90 +22.3 CumbldPh CPIX ... ... 7.48 4.27 3 6.47 +17.6 CumMed rs CMLS ... ... ... 3.95 .26 92 .27 -73.4 Curis CRIS ... ... ...dd 3.72 1.47 282 2.55 -17.2 Cutera CUTR ... ... 22.96 9.83 107 20.70 +19.3 Cyanotch h CYAN ... ... ... 5.80 3.32 1 3.90 -9.3 CybrOpt CYBE ... ... 15 41.18 9.40 84 24.55 -5.9 CyberArk CYBR ... ... 52 59.28 37.00 715 52.84 +16.1 Cyclacel pf CYCCP .60 8.2 ... 11.29 4.21 3 7.35 +18.5 Cyclacel rs CYCC .15p ... ...dd 10.90 3.05 366 6.39 +20.8 CymaBay CBAY ... ... ...dd 4.44 1.15 368 4.21 +143.4 CypSemi CY .44 3.2 27 14.98 8.02 10653 13.75 +20.2 Cyren Ltd CYRN ... ... ...dd 2.60 1.63 4 2.05 -4.7 CyrusOne CONE 1.52 2.9 48 57.00 38.80 1448 52.93 +18.3 CytRx h CYTR ... ... ...dd 3.66 .36 1004 .44 +18.3 Cytokinetic CYTK ... ... 38 13.70 7.18 232 11.40 -6.2 CytomX n CTMX ... ... ...dd 20.02 9.10 167 16.47 +49.9 Cytori wt CYTXW ... ... ... .91 .40 .70 -.3tCytoriTh rs CYTX ... ... ...dd 5.45 1.35 8307 1.12 -25.8 Cytosorbnt CTSO ... ... ... 6.90 4.00 80 4.75 -12.8D -:DBV Tech DBVT ... ... ... 37.98 27.02 53 32.80 -6.6 DHX Mda n DHXM .08f ... 31 7.40 3.80 0 4.36 -16.9 DLH Hldgs DLHC ... ... 18 7.38 3.57 22 5.06 -14.8 DMC Globl BOOM .08 .6 ...dd 17.19 6.15 16 13.00 -18.0 DNB Fncl DNBF .28 .8 17 35.15 23.05 0 33.60 +18.3 DSP Gp DSPG ... ... 45 14.20 8.50 59 12.15 -6.9 DXP Ent DXPE ... ... 40.77 12.67 167 39.12 +12.6 DailyJourn DJCO ... ... 282.48 191.21 1 207.50 -14.2 Daktronics DAKT .28 3.0 66 11.12 5.92 171 9.19 -14.1 DarioHlth DRIO ... ... ... 5.90 2.67 89 2.88 -11.4 DarioHl wt DRIOW ... ... ... 2.00 .11 0 .48 -26.2 DasanZ rs DZSI ... ... ... 10.00 4.25 7 6.03 +22.6 Daseke n DSKE ... ... ... 10.88 9.26 120 9.90 -1.8 Daseke wt DSKEW ... ... ... 1.25 .16 33 1.08 +27.1 Data IO DAIO ... ... 24 5.30 2.07 21 4.95 +18.4 Dataram rs DRAM ... ... ... 5.07 .81 78 1.19 -45.9 Datawatch DWCH ... ... ...dd 8.85 4.46 163 7.20 +30.9 DaveBuster PLAY ... ... 28 63.12 36.83 443 59.73 +6.1 DavidsT g n DTEA ... ... 23 14.30 6.30 29 7.70 +12.4 DavSelFn n DFNL ... ... ... 22.15 19.83 13 20.48 +1.9 DavSelEq n DUSA ... ... ... 21.30 19.79 16 20.32 +.8 DavSelW n DWLD ... ... ... 21.28 20.00 11 21.09 +5.0 DawsonGeo DWSN ... ... ...dd 9.00 4.41 94 5.37 -33.2 DelFriscos DFRG ... ... 24 18.50 13.01 107 18.00 +5.9 DelTaco TACO ... ... 23 15.32 8.43 432 12.50 -11.5 DelTaco wt TACOW ... ... ... 5.70 1.65 16 3.60 -25.8 Delcath rs DCTH ... ... ...dd 6.85 .07 5296 .07 -92.1 DelmarPh n DMPI ... ... ... 9.90 2.88 26 4.15 +30.1 DeltaNGas DGAS .83 2.7 39 31.29 22.06 3 30.35 +3.5 DeltaTch h DELT ... ... ... 3.14 .43 170 1.78 +143.8 DeltaTc wt DELTW ... ... ... .39 .02 .03 -39.3 Dennys DENN ... ... 48 14.25 9.84 157 12.50 -2.6 Dentsply XRAY .35f .6 32 65.83 55.00 889 62.68 +8.6 Depomed DEPO ... ... ...dd 27.02 11.83 1890 12.66 -29.7 Dermira DERM ... ... ...dd 38.75 22.84 101 33.57 +10.7 DescSys DSGX ... ... 70 23.75 18.09 29 22.50 +5.1 DestMatrn DEST .80 20.2 99 8.42 3.93 18 3.97 -23.2 Dest XL DXLG ... ... ...dd 5.57 2.10 135 2.75 -35.3 Deswell DSWL .28f 14.3 ...dd 1.98 1.49 2 1.96 +10.1 Determine DTRM ... ... ...dd 3.79 .82 103 3.57 +83.1 DexCom DXCM ... ... ...dd 96.38 57.68 611 77.09 +29.1 DexteraS rs DXTR ... ... ...dd 3.75 .90 139 1.01 +5.2 DiamHill DHIL 6.00e ... 14 217.68 165.38 8 192.00 -8.7 DiambkEn FANG ... ... ...dd 114.00 77.50 1520 105.96 +4.8tDianaCn h rs DCIX ... ... ...dd 26.17 .74 729 .68 -75.4 DicernaPh DRNA ... ... ...dd 6.10 2.42 501 3.47 +20.5 DifferBr rs DFBG ... ... ...dd 8.42 1.60 6 1.95 -16.8 DiffusPh n DFFN ... ... ... 15.50 1.94 120 2.90 +28.3 DigiIntl DGII ... ... 26 14.15 8.54 48 12.05 -12.4 Digiliti h DGLT ... ... ... 4.50 4.17 48 4.50 +2.3 Digimarc DMRC ... ... ...dd 40.13 24.20 35 28.05 -6.5 Digirad DRAD .20 3.9 7 6.15 4.15 24 5.15 +3.0 DigitalAlly DGLY ... ... ...dd 7.23 3.51 41 3.95 -6.0 DigitlTurb APPS ... ... ...dd 1.56 .56 74 .93 +36.8 DimeCBc DCOM .56 2.8 9 22.48 16.10 157 20.35 +1.2tDimenTh n DMTX ... ... ... 10.47 1.45 138 1.40 -67.8 Diodes DIOD ... ... 75 27.17 16.75 185 23.87 -7.0 DipexiumP DPRX ... ... ...dd 17.75 1.05 29 1.30 -18.8 Nasdaq Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Continued from previous page Continued on next page MONEY & MARKET$Page 10 The Sun/Wednesday, April 12, 2017
DiscCmA DISCA ... ... 15 29.91 23.66 1624 29.04 +5.9 DiscCmB DISCB ... ... ... 30.80 23.85 29.55 +1.4 DiscCmC DISCK ... ... 15 29.12 22.43 1261 28.48 +6.3 DishNetw h DISH ... ... 30 64.74 43.29 2284 63.55 +9.7 Diversicre DVCR .22 2.2 ...dd 12.82 6.41 2 10.06 -3.3 DivrsRest SAUC ... ... ...dd 2.65 .70 223 2.56 +82.9 DixieGrp DXYN ... ... ...dd 5.56 3.00 25 3.50 -2.8 DollarTree DLTR ... ... 21 99.93 72.55 2267 77.08 -.1 DonegalA DGICA .55 3.2 15 18.55 14.19 9 17.44 -.2 DonegalB DGICB .48 3.1 15 22.88 12.67 15.69 -1.4 DorchMin DMLP .90e 5.3 26 19.30 11.75 61 16.95 -3.4 Dorman DORM ... ... 28 82.51 51.16 113 78.51 +7.5 DblEgl un EAGLU ... ... ... 10.62 9.72 3 10.55 +.5 DblEgl wt EAGLW ... ... ... .61 .20 .52 +10.6 DblEagl n EAGL ... ... ... 10.20 9.57 0 10.05 +1.0 DragnW hrs DRWI ... ... ...dd 8.20 1.00 62 1.40 -46.2tDryShp rs DRYS ... ... 1 8908.80 2.32 18324 1.74 -98.5 DuluthH n DLTH ... ... 33 38.19 18.25 209 21.15 -16.7 Dunkin DNKN 1.29f 2.4 24 58.43 41.29 862 54.26 +3.5 DurectCp DRRX ... ... ...dd 2.00 .91 327 .94 -29.6 Dynasil DYSL ... ... 7 1.78 .89 64 1.37 +7.0 Dynatronic DYNT ... ... ...dd 3.35 2.29 34 2.85 +21.3 DynavaxT DVAX ... ... ...dd 23.62 3.20 631 5.20 +31.6E -:E-Trade ETFC ... ... 17 38.61 21.52 2821 34.08 -1.6 eBay s EBAY ... ... 5 34.74 22.30 5088 33.99 +14.5 eBay56 n EBAYL 1.50 5.7 ... 27.50 24.27 74 26.52 +2.2 EDAP TMS EDAP ... ... 5 3.85 2.25 47 2.47 -24.7 eHealth EHTH ... ... ...dd 15.14 6.38 124 10.97 +3.0 EMC Inc s EMCI .84f 3.0 12 31.47 23.45 25 27.94 -6.9 ENGlobal ENG ... ... 6 3.10 .97 88 1.62 -32.2 ESSA Bcp ESSA .36 2.4 21 16.91 12.93 3 14.77 -6.0 PureHthtc n IMED ... ... ... 26.06 23.08 0 25.83 +10.3 ETFBluIsr ITEQ ... ... ... 28.63 22.46 8 28.56 +14.6 EtfVidentInt VIDI .28e 1.2 ...q 24.34 19.41 52 23.83 +10.9 EtfVidentEq VUSE .36e 1.2 ...q 30.34 23.83 31 29.37 +1.3 EtfVidUSB VBND .43e .9 ...q 52.14 48.29 23 49.36 +1.4 EtfLonCanc CNCR ... ... ... 26.47 19.82 12 22.70 +6.9 EtfAlpSmC SMCP ... ... ...q 24.61 19.89 23.98 +7.5 EtfValidea VALX ... ... ...q 27.93 21.98 1 26.78 +1.8 EtfBioPrd BBP .40e ... ...q 38.84 24.00 5 36.47 +11.4 EtfBioClin BBC .15e ... ...q 24.31 16.33 6 21.64 +17.5 E TutUSCor TUTT ... ... ...q 22.65 21.00 10 21.97 +1.2 Etf TuttInc TUTI .39e 1.7 ...q 23.14 21.90 0 22.70 +1.7 EtfReavUt UTES ... ... ...q 33.23 28.60 29.95 IsectPsGr ef PMPT ... ... ... 26.06 22.79 1 24.74 +1.6 EV Engy EVEP .30m 18.3 ...dd 3.59 1.43 133 1.64 -21.5 EXFO g EXFO ... ... 39 6.15 3.07 31 4.65 +5.7 EagleBncp EGBN ... ... 20 64.95 44.55 87 57.95 -4.9 EagBcMT EBMT .32 1.7 24 24.00 11.99 6 19.00 -10.0 EagleBkS rs EGLE ... ... ...dd 23.60 4.06 158 5.47 -6.5 EaglePhm EGRX ... ... 17 88.83 33.02 215 85.66 +8.0 EstWstBcp EWBC .80 1.6 17 56.97 31.34 1004 51.35 +1.0 EastrAcq n EACQ ... ... ... 11.85 9.65 9.96 +1.1 EastrAc wt EACQW ... ... ... .81 .14 .45 +28.6 Easterly un EACQU ... ... ... 12.64 9.60 10.23 +2.3 EasternCo EML .44 1.7 22 26.00 15.74 13 25.95 +24.2 EastVaBk EVBS .12 1.1 24 11.10 6.66 4 10.75 +2.9 EatV StkNx EVSTC ... ... ... 100.02 99.97 6 99.97 EV GlInBu EVGBC .30e ... ... 100.06 99.97 0 99.97 EV 5-15Mu EVLMC .14e ... ... 100.06 99.94 6 99.94 -.1 Ebix Inc s EBIX .30 .5 21 65.10 12.07 139 60.50 +6.0 Echelon rs ELON ... ... ...dd 6.42 4.17 17 6.04 +28.5tEchoGLog ECHO ... ... 45 28.90 20.03 474 19.30 -23.0 EchoStar SATS ... ... 29 57.33 36.43 114 56.79 +10.5 Eco-StimE ESES ... ... ...dd 3.38 .66 42 1.16 +20.8 EcologyEn EEI .40 3.7 ...dd 11.20 8.75 17 10.85 +2.8 EdgeTher n EDGE ... ... ...dd 13.50 7.30 16 8.91 -28.7 Edgewater EDGW ... ... ...dd 9.40 6.22 6 7.29 -2.8 EditasM n EDIT ... ... ... 41.40 12.43 602 20.51 +26.4 EducDevel EDUC .36 4.7 13 15.03 6.25 8 7.65 -23.1 eGain EGAN ... ... ...dd 3.93 1.30 55 1.50 -28.6 EgaletCp EGLT ... ... ...dd 10.00 4.33 162 4.38 -42.7 EigerBio rs EIGR ... ... ...dd 23.10 8.50 35 8.85 -24.0 8x8 Inc EGHT ... ... 16.80 10.05 355 15.05 +5.2 8Point3E n CAFD 1.03f 8.4 12 17.34 11.51 316 12.22 -5.9 EksoBio n EKSO ... ... ... 6.38 2.53 177 3.20 -19.6 ElPolLoc h LOCO ... ... 19 14.98 10.08 119 12.25 -.4 ElbitIm rs EMITF ... ... ... 4.04 2.16 2 3.43 +.6 ElbitSys ESLT 1.76f 1.5 20 121.22 88.45 22 116.59 +14.4 EldorRsts ERI ... ... 50 19.85 10.65 394 19.60 +15.6 ElectSci ESIO ... ... ...dd 7.56 4.50 77 6.36 +7.4 ElectroSen ELSE ... ... 12 4.60 3.05 3.99 +15.3 ElectArts EA ... ... 91.82 61.10 1635 89.68 +13.9sEFII EFII ... ... 43 50.09 38.00 468 49.76 +13.5 ElectrAc n ELEC ... ... ... 10.09 9.58 9.95 +.5 ElectAc wt ELECW ... ... ... .54 .16 1 .43 +53.6 ElctmAc un ELECU ... ... ... 11.72 8.08 10.35 +2.2 ElevenBio EBIO ... ... ...dd 5.97 .31 158 1.99 +4.2 ElkCmRt ef DWAC ... ... ... 26.59 23.61 24.55 -.1 ElmiraSB ESBK .92 4.4 18 22.25 18.13 0 21.15 +3.4 EltekLtd ELTK ... ... ...dd 1.43 .64 1 .64 -19.0 EmclaireF EMCF 1.08f 3.8 15 31.50 23.00 28.25 -3.4 Emcore EMKR 1.50e ... 25 10.50 3.86 283 8.50 -2.3 EmmisC rs EMMS ... ... 2 4.33 1.92 39 2.35 -30.7 EmpirRst rs NYNY ... ... ...dd 25.19 12.89 9 24.55 +7.9 EmpireRes ERS .16 2.3 30 7.47 3.10 7 6.98 +2.8 EnantaPh ENTA ... ... ...dd 37.32 20.79 169 29.82 -11.0 EncoreCap ECPG ... ... 10 35.93 17.66 116 30.85 +7.7 EncorW WIRE .08 .2 28 49.75 33.70 74 45.35 +4.6 Endo Intl ENDP ... ... 6 35.34 9.70 11813 10.76 -34.7 Endocyte ECYT ... ... ...dd 4.33 1.98 250 2.29 -10.2 Endologix ELGX ... ... ...dd 14.50 4.78 1554 6.52 +14.0 EndurIntl EIGI ... ... ...dd 11.19 6.55 489 6.95 -25.3 EnerNOC ENOC ... ... ... 7.83 4.80 144 5.80 -3.3 Energous WATT ... ... ...dd 20.55 9.20 220 14.83 -12.0 EngyFocus EFOI ... ... ...dd 8.54 2.95 27 3.05 -28.2 EnrgyRec ERII ... ... 16.67 7.11 490 8.31 -19.7 EnrgyXXi n EXXI ... ... ... 35.96 27.00 12 29.95 -7.8 Enphase ENPH ... ... ...dd 2.80 .95 469 1.34 +32.7 EnsignGp s ENSG .17 .9 17 23.86 16.76 235 18.81 -15.3 EnstarGp ESGR ... ... 14 209.35 148.91 11 188.60 -4.6 EntegraFn ENFC ... ... 7 24.40 17.16 2 24.10 +17.0 Entegris ENTG ... ... 29 23.85 12.79 1076 23.30 +30.2 Entellus n ENTL ... ... ...dd 22.63 12.31 66 13.51 -28.8 EnteroM rs ETRM ... ... ... 70.70 1.75 1276 5.84 +192.0 EntBcpMA EBTC .54f 1.6 21 39.25 21.36 6 33.93 -9.7 EntFinSv EFSC .44 1.0 18 46.25 25.04 140 42.00 -2.3 EntertG rs EGT ... ... ...dd 3.25 1.20 14 1.71 +23.0 Enzymotec ENZY ... ... ...dd 9.32 5.20 3 8.15 +24.4 Epizyme EPZM ... ... ...dd 17.80 7.02 369 14.55 +20.2 ePlus s PLUS ... ... 18 70.50 36.18 53 65.65 +14.0 Equinix EQIX 8.00f 2.0 404.54 314.55 441 399.84 +11.9 EquitFin n EQFN .20p ... ... 10.50 8.16 0 10.45 +5.6 EqtyBcsh n EQBK ... ... 27 38.03 19.81 14 30.89 -8.2 Ericsson ERIC .11e 1.7 ... 10.20 4.83 7868 6.33 +8.6 ErieInd ERIE 3.13f 2.6 30 125.40 90.28 17 121.89 +9.2 Escalade ESCA .46f 3.5 16 14.70 9.70 6 13.00 -1.5 Esperion ESPR ... ... ...dd 48.21 9.40 1338 37.80 +201.9 EssaPhm g EPIX ... ... ... 3.59 1.50 2.51 +14.6 Essendant ESND .56 3.7 11 34.99 13.81 203 14.95 -28.5 Etsy n ETSY ... ... ...dd 16.05 7.60 1542 10.57 -10.3 EuroTech CLWT ... ... ... 4.45 1.46 2 3.85 +8.5sEuronet EEFT ... ... 25 86.00 65.33 258 85.78 +18.4 Euroseas rs ESEA ... ... ...dd 8.07 1.04 101 1.40 -17.2 Ever-Glory EVK ... ... 6 3.00 1.49 1 2.70 +31.5 Everbrdg n EVBG ... ... ... 21.32 11.76 251 20.55 +11.4 EvrspnTc n MRAM ... ... ... 10.28 6.15 8 8.38 +1.1 EvineLive EVLV ... ... ...dd 2.40 .98 61 1.24 -17.3 Evogene EVGN ... ... ...dd 8.06 4.86 1 5.27 +3.3 EvokePhm EVOK ... ... ...dd 11.11 1.35 85 2.87 +42.1 EvolvgSys EVOL .44 9.5 15 5.85 3.10 21 4.65 +13.4 ExOne XONE ... ... ...dd 16.15 9.03 128 9.63 +3.1 Exa Corp EXA ... ... 16.89 11.12 53 13.25 -13.7 ExactSci h EXAS ... ... ...dd 24.50 5.36 982 22.87 +71.2 Exactech EXAC ... ... 29.00 19.65 17 26.05 -4.6 ExTWStFor FLAG .58e 1.5 ...q 42.00 30.50 0 38.60 +2.4 ExTrRobo ROBO .07e .2 ...q 32.49 23.76 132 31.86 +11.2 Exelixis EXEL ... ... ...dd 23.49 4.19 2350 20.96 +40.6 ExlSvcHld EXLS ... ... 14 54.78 42.00 118 46.45 -7.9 Expedia EXPE 1.12f .9 56 133.55 96.58 2646 129.12 +14.0 ExpdIntl EXPD .80 1.4 24 57.35 46.48 818 55.97 +5.7 Exponent s EXPO .72 1.2 34 64.80 45.00 98 59.50 -1.3 ExpScripts ESRX ... ... 11 80.02 63.22 2389 66.77 -2.9 ExtrOilGs n XOG ... ... ... 25.08 14.76 554 18.61 -7.1 ExtrmNet EXTR ... ... ...dd 8.11 3.07 1652 7.04 +40.0 EyegatePh EYEG ... ... ... 4.00 1.11 158 2.31 +41.7 Eyegate wt EYEGW ... ... ... .85 .03 0 .17 -43.3 Ezcorp EZPW ... ... ...dd 12.00 3.62 356 8.70 -18.3F -:F5 Netwks FFIV ... ... 23 149.50 93.64 794 136.68 -5.6 FBR&Co FBRC .80 4.5 ...dd 20.48 10.57 42 17.80 +36.9 FLIR Sys FLIR .60f 1.7 29 37.44 28.26 1272 35.66 -1.5 FRP Hldgs FRPH ... ... 63 45.50 28.90 2 39.05 +3.6 FS Bncp FSBW .40 1.1 11 39.70 24.32 1 37.61 +4.6 FSB Bcp n FSBC ... ... ... 14.90 12.25 14.31 +.8 FTD Cos FTD ... ... ...dd 28.70 16.86 156 20.00 -16.1 Facebook FB ... ... 33 143.44 106.31 15384 139.92 +21.6 FairptCom FRP ... ... 5 19.60 12.81 209 17.40 -7.0 FalconStor FALC ... ... ...dd 1.45 .27 45 .33 -26.9 FDaves DAVE ... ... 76 6.73 3.75 25 3.80 -23.2 Fanhua FANH ... ... 23 10.35 6.19 31 8.82 +6.5 FarmerBrs FARM ... ... 5 37.55 26.69 83 36.95 +.7 FarmCB FFKT .40 1.0 17 44.65 24.71 15 39.35 -6.4 FarmersNB FMNB .16 1.2 17 15.50 8.54 35 13.25 -6.7 FaroTech FARO ... ... 39 40.15 27.87 54 33.50 -6.9 Fastenal FAST 1.28f 2.5 29 52.74 37.70 3831 50.34 +7.2 FateThera FATE ... ... ...dd 5.68 1.47 153 4.13 +64.5 Fauquier FBSS .48 2.7 10 19.88 14.13 1 17.81 +7.0 FedNatHld FNHC .32 2.0 ...dd 22.93 14.03 90 15.70 -16.0 FemaleHlt FHCO ... ... ...dd 1.65 .72 19 .94 +3.3 FenixPrt lf FENX ... ... ...dd 5.38 1.27 23 1.32 -53.2 Ferrogl n GSM .16 1.5 ... 12.53 7.67 422 10.51 -3.0 Fibrocll rs FCSC ... ... ... 11.33 1.57 52 1.99 +5.3 FibroGen FGEN ... ... ...dd 27.30 14.50 360 25.20 +17.8 FidNasdIdx ONEQ 1.96e .8 ...q 234.01 179.91 30 230.89 +9.1 FidelSo LION .48 2.3 14 24.95 14.45 94 21.31 -10.0 FidusInvst FDUS 1.56a 8.8 11q 17.82 14.33 46 17.79 +13.1 FiestaRst FRGI ... ... 25 36.02 19.40 446 23.70 -20.6 FifthStAst FSAM .50 11.1 ...dd 8.45 3.20 33 4.50 -32.8sFifthSt28 FSCFL 1.53 5.8 ... 26.71 23.90 2 26.19 +6.2 FifthStFin FSC .20 4.5 ...dd 6.32 4.31 980 4.42 -17.7 FifthStSen FSFR .90 11.2 10 10.37 7.25 126 8.07 -7.3 FifthThird FITB .56f 2.3 13 28.97 16.14 7088 24.69 -8.5 FifthT pf FITBI 1.66 5.8 ... 32.71 26.19 30 28.50 +4.6 51job JOBS ... ... 29 39.95 27.56 64 39.76 +17.6 FinTcII n FNTE ... ... ... 11.75 9.70 9.80 +1.0 FinTcII wt FNTEW ... ... ... 1.31 .54 5 1.05 +16.7 FinTcII un FNTEU ... ... ... 12.10 10.01 1 10.36 +3.1 FinclEngin FNGN .28 .7 63 45.75 23.56 162 40.95 +11.4 FnclInst FISI .84 2.6 13 35.40 24.56 41 32.50 -5.0 Finisar FNSR ... ... 21 36.85 15.21 3791 24.22 -20.0 FinLine FINL .44f 3.0 14 24.52 12.63 905 14.51 -22.9 FinjanH FNJN ... ... ...dd 2.35 1.00 32 1.80 +58.9 FireEye FEYE ... ... ...dd 18.73 10.35 5257 12.13 +1.9 FstBcpME FNLC .92a 3.5 16 33.21 18.58 25 26.35 -20.4 FtBcpNC FBNC .32 1.1 22 31.31 17.15 56 28.78 +6.0 FstBcMiss FBMS .15 .5 16 30.80 15.50 16 27.70 +.7 FstBkNJ FRBA .02p ... 34 14.80 6.68 10 12.75 +9.9 FstBusey rs BUSE .68 2.4 20 31.91 19.50 48 28.84 -6.3 FBusnFn s FBIZ .52f 2.0 15 26.47 18.76 4 25.94 +9.4 FrstCap FCAP .84 2.6 16 35.00 26.58 1 32.85 +1.3 FCtzBA FCNCA 1.20 .4 18 384.12 229.51 17 333.68 -6.0 FCmtyBsh FCBC .64 2.6 17 31.94 19.11 28 24.74 -17.9 FCmtyCp FCCO .36f 1.7 21 23.55 13.56 1 20.70 +14.7 FstCmtyFn FCFP ... ... 19 13.85 7.87 9 12.55 +7.3 FtConnBcp FBNK .44f 1.8 24 25.00 15.74 23 23.90 +5.5 1stCnstBn FCCY .20 1.1 15 20.85 11.70 9 18.00 -3.7sFstDeFn FDEF 1.00f 1.9 16 52.31 35.90 35 51.90 +2.3 FFnclOH FFBC .68f 2.5 19 29.80 16.93 147 27.00 -5.1 FstFnB wt FFBCW ... ... ... 18.02 6.55 17.50 -2.8 FstFnBksh FFIN .72 1.8 25 46.70 28.17 242 39.50 -12.6 FstFnIN THFF 1.00 2.1 15 53.49 32.31 12 46.90 -11.2 FstFnNwst FFNW .24 1.4 23 21.29 12.58 13 17.31 -12.3 FstFound s FFWM ... ... 20 17.26 10.00 49 15.48 +8.6 FstGtyBc n FGBI .64b 2.7 ... 25.91 15.50 3 23.75 -.7 FsHawaii n FHB .88f 3.0 ... 35.47 23.00 247 29.11 -16.4 FIntntBcp INBK .24 .8 14 33.00 22.01 7 28.50 -10.9 FIntBc26 n INBKL 1.50 5.6 ... 27.86 16.83 1 26.97 +43.0 FstIntBc A FIBK .96f 2.5 18 45.35 26.44 161 38.85 -8.7 FstMerch FRME .60 1.5 20 42.17 22.63 61 38.80 +3.1 FstMidIll FMBH .60f 1.8 18 36.80 22.95 5 32.95 -3.1 FMidBc FMBI .36 1.6 21 25.83 15.86 570 22.98 -8.9 FstNBC lf FNBC ... ... 1 22.38 3.30 279 3.95 -45.9 FstNwBc n FNWB ... ... 53 16.75 12.42 24 15.49 -.7 FstSavFin FSFG .56f 1.1 17 50.73 32.80 0 49.37 +5.0 FstSolar FSLR ... ... ...dd 63.09 25.56 2841 28.10 -12.4 1stSource SRCE .72 1.6 20 49.11 30.45 110 45.50 +1.9sFstSouthB FSBK .14f 1.1 17 12.72 8.25 23 12.64 +5.8 FTNDXTc QTEC .61e 1.0 ...q 60.61 39.81 298 59.56 +13.1 FtTr AbsRet FAAR ... ... ... 32.00 28.25 1 29.02 +1.0 FT AsiaPc FPA .99e 3.3 ...q 31.40 26.04 9 30.33 +11.6 FT Europe FEP .79e 2.5 ...q 32.18 25.09 59 32.07 +9.9 FT LatAm FLN .43e 2.1 ...q 22.76 14.41 552 20.83 +11.9 FT Brazil FBZ .41e 2.7 ...q 17.26 10.46 31 15.42 +12.8 FT China FCA .69e 3.1 ...q 23.06 17.41 1 22.53 +18.4 FT Japan FJP .41e .8 ...q 51.71 44.24 26 50.08 +5.2 FT SKorea FKO .24e 1.0 ...q 26.59 21.68 0 24.07 +10.2 FT DevMkt FDT .78e 1.5 ...q 52.49 42.63 37 51.87 +9.9 FT EmMkt FEM .68e 3.0 ...q 23.66 17.60 235 22.85 +12.5 FT Germny FGM .41e 1.0 ...q 39.66 32.56 12 39.41 +8.4 FT Canada FCAN .62e 2.6 ...q 24.98 22.27 1 23.62 +1.5 FT UK FKU .94e 2.7 ...q 40.35 29.70 3 35.39 +8.2 FT Switzld FSZ .39e .9 ...q 45.14 36.18 11 44.84 +9.9 FT HKong FHK 1.01e 2.7 ...q 37.30 29.64 1 37.04 +14.9 FT Taiwan FTW 1.25e 3.7 ...q 35.23 26.72 1 34.18 +11.5 FT EmMSC FEMS 1.06e 2.9 ...q 37.05 27.02 98 36.31 +20.5 FTDvMkSC FDTS .76e 2.1 ...q 36.01 30.80 35.79 +7.1 FT EurzAlp FEUZ .35e 1.0 ...q 35.70 27.26 1 35.51 +9.0 FstT BICK BICK .35e 1.5 ...q 24.95 19.11 0 24.06 +10.8 FtTrInOp n FCEF ... ... ... 22.98 18.95 5 21.07 +5.2 FtTrMun n MCEF ... ... ... 20.35 17.93 18.51 +.4 FtTrOpp n FIXD ... ... ... 50.68 49.71 10 50.47 +.9 FTNsdGrid GRID .41e 1.0 ...q 43.79 32.50 103 41.56 +2.6 FTMltAInc MDIV 1.37e 7.0 ...q 19.85 17.90 124 19.59 +2.5 FTNsqTDv TDIV .71e 2.3 ...q 32.11 24.82 57 31.45 +6.3 FTLwDOpp LMBS 1.53 2.9 ...q 53.84 51.04 210 52.24 +.1 FTIntlMltA YDIV .80e 4.6 ...q 17.95 15.49 4 17.41 +9.1 FT HiInco FTHI .96 4.5 ...q 21.95 18.84 6 21.25 FT StratInc FDIV 1.92 3.8 ... 53.07 47.75 28 50.75 +1.4 FT LwBeta FTLB .66 3.1 ...q 22.36 18.56 9 21.01 -.5 FTEnhSht FTSM .29e .5 ...q 60.04 59.82 125 59.99 +.1 FT RisDiv RDVY .38e 1.4 ...q 27.10 19.16 36 26.32 +6.7 FT SSICv FCVT ... ... ...q 29.65 23.67 5 27.00 +3.8 FT DWF5 FV .18e .8 ...q 24.57 21.19 308 23.90 +3.3 FT AmIndR AIRR .06e .2 ...q 25.28 17.16 54 24.20 +2.3 FTNsTrn ef FTXR ... ... ... 24.16 20.21 1 22.59 -.4 FT QualInc QINC 1.07e 4.6 ...q 24.21 21.10 3 23.29 +1.7 FTNsSem ef FTXL ... ... ... 25.68 19.65 20 24.39 +5.9 FsTrNsRt ef FTXD ... ... ... 22.35 18.90 19.69 -2.9 FTNasPh ef FTXH ... ... ... 20.54 18.03 2 19.91 +8.6 FTNsOil ef FTXN ... ... ... 23.21 19.78 20.86 -5.4 FTNaFood ef FTXG ... ... ... 20.87 19.06 1 20.54 +2.8 FTNsBk ef FTXO ... ... ... 28.49 19.95 158 25.47 -2.0 FTDorW n FVC ... ... ... 22.88 19.70 17 22.24 +3.1 FT DWInt IFV .19e 1.0 ...q 19.59 15.54 190 19.07 +12.0 FTEMCur FEMB 1.94e 4.6 ...q 46.72 38.90 11 42.18 +5.1 FT RivAsia RFAP .32e ... ... 55.77 48.26 1 54.18 +5.5 FT RivDev RFDI .70e ... ... 57.89 46.04 36 56.33 +7.2 FT RvfrDyE RFEM ... ... ... 61.38 49.05 6 58.97 +11.7 FT RivEur RFEU .82e ... ... 57.01 45.68 7 56.66 +8.2 FTCapStrn FTCS .55e 1.3 ...q 44.31 37.98 31 43.42 +6.4 FTN100ExT QQXT .16e .4 ...q 44.85 36.58 2 44.50 +10.1 FsTrGrEn QCLN .11e .7 ...q 17.06 13.17 4 16.65 +8.0 FTrTUSAlp TUSA .23e .8 ...q 29.63 23.54 0 28.68 +3.2 FTCloudC SKYY .09e .2 ...q 38.95 28.46 78 38.29 +11.0 FTNdqAuto CARZ .61e 1.7 ...q 37.13 28.79 3 35.06 +1.9 FT GblAg rs FTAG ... ... ...q 25.00 19.26 1 24.60 +7.6 FT GblNRs FTRI .40e 3.6 ...q 11.88 9.90 4 11.17 -3.0 FT Cybersc CIBR ... ... ...q 21.89 15.86 59 21.31 +9.2 FTIntlIPO FPXI .37e 1.3 ...q 29.07 23.36 28.95 +13.1 FTSenLoan FTSL 1.92 4.0 ...q 48.73 47.55 160 48.52 -.1 FTTactHY HYLS 2.88 5.9 ...q 49.29 46.95 101 48.84 +1.3 FT GlbCmd FTGC ... ... ...q 26.54 19.85 18 20.37 -.2 FT MgdMu FMB 1.38 2.6 ...q 54.39 50.56 19 52.08 +1.7 FTNDXEq QQEW .33e .6 ...q 51.85 39.42 29 51.32 +11.1 FT NsdABA QABA .54e 1.1 ...q 54.54 35.21 39 49.64 -6.0 FTSmartph FONE .27e .6 ...q 46.61 34.36 0 45.50 +9.7 FstUSBcsh FUSB .08 .7 37 15.14 7.92 5 12.10 +8.9 FstUtdCp FUNC ... ... 11 16.95 9.58 2 13.90 -12.9 First LI s FLIC .56 2.1 11 29.67 18.47 48 26.50 -7.2 FsthdTech SVVC ... ... ...q 8.60 6.41 16 8.02 +4.6 FstSvc n FSV .49f .8 ... 61.19 39.05 67 60.76 +28.0 Fiserv FISV ... ... 27 118.30 92.81 550 116.26 +9.4 FiveBelow FIVE ... ... 35 52.70 35.03 772 45.50 +13.9 FivePrime FPRX ... ... ...dd 60.98 32.03 375 34.07 -32.0 FiveStar FVE ... ... ...dd 3.04 1.65 50 1.95 -27.8 Five9 FIVN ... ... ...dd 18.93 8.30 346 16.59 +16.9 Flex Ltd FLEX ... ... 15 16.99 11.39 2561 16.17 +12.5 FlexPhm n FLKS ... ... ...dd 13.97 3.75 65 3.85 -27.1 FlxGlbImp ESGG ... ... ... 84.17 74.89 82.74 +5.7 FlxUS Imp ESG ... ... ... 56.58 49.91 0 55.56 +5.5 FlxRAstAlo ASET ... ... ... 27.30 24.58 26.72 +4.8 FlxUSQLgC QLC ... ... ...q 29.90 24.54 2 29.27 +5.4 FlxUSLgCp LKOR .41e ... ...q 57.80 44.54 3 51.48 +2.9 FlxUSCpBd SKOR 1.24 2.5 ... 52.23 49.57 0 50.57 +1.2 FlxDisDur MBSD .62e 2.6 ...q 25.51 23.86 2 24.06 -.3 FlexSh n FPAY ... ... ... 6.75 4.24 6 4.60 -23.3 FlexionTh FLXN ... ... ...dd 29.41 8.16 176 26.59 +39.8 Flexstl FLXS .80 1.5 18 62.99 36.06 21 52.72 -14.5 Fluidigm FLDM ... ... ...dd 11.05 4.31 149 4.95 -32.0 FlushFn FFIC .72f 2.7 12 31.96 18.95 39 26.30 -10.5tFoamix FOMX ... ... ... 11.27 4.25 427 4.20 -62.2 FogoChao n FOGO ... ... 18 17.89 10.50 16 15.65 +9.1 Fonar FONR ... ... 8 23.90 13.79 20 18.05 -5.7 FormsHl rs FH ... ... ...dd 4.05 1.52 77 1.93 -9.4 FormFac FORM ... ... 30 13.15 6.48 234 11.15 -.4 FormulaSy FORTY .82e 2.0 27 42.95 30.51 2 40.38 +1.7 ForrestR FORR .76f 1.9 31 44.40 31.92 38 40.30 -6.2 Forterra n FRTA ... ... ... 22.76 16.24 115 18.38 -15.1 Fortinet FTNT ... ... 39.03 28.08 1302 37.62 +24.9 FortressBio FBIO ... ... ...dd 4.66 1.88 34 3.41 +26.3sForumM un FMCIU ... ... ... 10.04 10.00 24 10.02 ForwrdA FWRD .60 1.2 47 51.51 40.07 114 48.32 +2.0 Forward h FORD ... ... 19 2.11 1.02 13 1.15 -8.0 ForwdPh FWP ... ... ... 33.00 14.89 46 19.50 +30.0 Fossil Grp FOSL ... ... 11 43.79 15.79 585 17.18 -33.6 Foster FSTR .16 1.2 ...dd 20.77 9.25 32 13.85 +1.8 FndtnMed FMI ... ... ...dd 35.30 15.10 197 30.45 +72.0 FoxFactory FOXF ... ... 26 30.15 15.30 241 26.80 -3.4 Francesca FRAN ... ... 14 22.39 9.75 566 15.46 -14.3 FrankElec FELE .40 .9 26 44.55 30.59 223 42.65 +9.6 FredsInc FRED .24 1.5 ...dd 21.77 7.89 661 15.62 -15.8 FrghtCar lf RAIL .36 2.7 7 18.03 10.87 95 13.13 -12.1 FreqElec FEIM ... ... ...dd 11.99 8.60 10 10.66 -1.3 Freshpet FRPT ... ... ...dd 12.00 7.02 89 11.20 +10.3 Fronteo FTEO .06p ... ... 24.57 10.80 1 10.94 -22.8 FrontierCm FTR .42 20.5 ...dd 5.75 1.92 27312 2.05 -39.3 FrontC pf FTRPR 11.13 23.4 ... 107.00 43.84 115 47.50 -33.2 FuelTech FTEK ... ... ...dd 1.80 .91 38 .92 -20.0 FuelCell rs FCEL ... ... ...dd 8.88 1.25 3048 1.90 +8.6 FulgentG n FLGT ... ... ... 13.90 7.59 14 11.07 -4.3 FulingGbl n FORK ... ... ... 3.70 1.68 0 3.10 +23.8 FullHseR FLL ... ... ...dd 2.60 1.42 4 2.45 +2.1 FultonFncl FULT .44f 2.5 19 19.75 12.66 944 17.60 -6.4 Functnx rs FNCX ... ... 1 11.58 .35 284 .44 -81.8 FusionTel FSNN ... ... ...dd 2.46 .96 19 1.50 FuweiF rs FFHL ... ... ...dd 5.20 1.48 23 3.00 +63.9G -:GWilliFood WILC ... ... 16 6.90 3.40 3 5.81 +.7 GDS Hld n GDS ... ... ... 10.76 7.54 66 8.13 -5.5 GP InvAc n GPIA ... ... ... .80 .18 30 .50 +9.6 GP Inv un GPIAU ... ... ... 14.00 8.97 4 10.15 +1.0 GP InvA wt GPIAW ... ... ... 10.15 8.93 9.95 +.4 GSI Tech GSIT ... ... 9.68 3.50 93 8.05 +29.8 GSV Cap GSVC 2.76e ... ...dd 6.06 4.41 75 4.57 -9.1 GTY Tch n GTYH ... ... ... 13.00 9.80 3 9.95 -7.5 GTY Tc un GTYHU ... ... ... 11.36 10.02 1 10.37 -1.2 GTY Tch wt GTYHW ... ... ... 1.36 .82 1.14 +14.0 G-III s GIII ... ... 17 51.81 19.11 1145 24.38 -17.5tGTx Inc rs GTXI ... ... ... 11.19 4.50 8 4.36 -17.4 GW Pharm GWPH ... ... ... 137.88 74.05 251 118.25 +5.8 GWG Hldgs GWGH ... ... ...dd 11.56 5.96 5 10.50 +32.2 GabMedM n MOGLC ... ... ... 100.06 99.95 100.06 GabFood n FOANC ... ... ... 100.06 100.01 100.06 Gaiam A GAIA ... ... ...dd 11.25 5.84 68 10.85 +25.4 Galapag n GLPG ... ... ... 90.50 42.82 90 89.22 +39.0 GalectinTh GALT ... ... ...dd 3.68 .49 1409 3.22 +228.6 GalenaBi rs GALE ... ... ...dd 49.80 .53 873 .58 -70.1 GalmedPh GLMD ... ... 3 7.05 2.78 19 5.04 +43.5 Gam&Lsr n GLPI 2.48f 7.2 22 35.98 29.32 932 34.45 +12.5 GamngPtrs GPIC .12e ... 14 12.34 8.47 1 10.10 -14.6 Garmin GRMN 2.04 4.1 16 56.19 39.24 1081 49.99 +3.1 GarrisnCap GARS 1.12m 11.6 9 10.98 8.75 23 9.68 +3.5 Gemphire n GEMP ... ... ... 13.98 7.25 34 11.35 +44.8 Gencor s GENC ... ... 37 16.60 9.19 18 15.90 +1.3sGenComm GNCMA ... ... 36.44 12.26 540 36.25 +86.4 GenFin GFN ... ... ...dd 5.90 3.99 8 5.10 -8.1 GenFin pfC GFNCP 9.20 9.8 ... 97.85 71.44 0 94.05 +2.7 GenFin 21 GFNSL 2.03 8.0 ... 26.28 21.30 3 25.30 +4.4 GeneticT rs GENE ... ... ... 2.89 1.04 56 1.16 +7.4 GeniusBr n GNUS ... ... ... 7.99 3.63 13 4.66 -13.9 GenMark GNMK ... ... ...dd 13.62 5.13 173 12.82 +4.7sGenoceaB GNCA ... ... ...dd 6.58 3.28 1077 6.44 +56.3 Genomic GHDX ... ... ...dd 33.96 23.57 94 31.07 +5.7 Gentex GNTX .36 1.8 17 22.12 14.66 1300 20.34 +3.3 Gentherm THRM ... ... 17 44.62 26.60 216 35.55 +5.0 GenVec rs GNVC ... ... 2 14.00 2.70 17 5.92 +84.4 GeorgeBcp GTWN .20 .8 34 26.00 19.54 25.85 GeospcT hs GEOS ... ... ...dd 24.37 13.01 35 15.34 -24.7 GerABcp GABC .76f 1.6 20 54.46 30.35 18 47.17 -10.3 GeronCp GERN ... ... ...dd 3.35 1.81 4309 2.33 +12.6 Gevo rs GEVO ... ... ... 27.20 .92 733 1.07 -69.1 Gibraltar ROCK ... ... 31 48.05 24.12 84 40.45 -2.9 GigaTron h GIGA ... ... ...dd 1.53 .60 15 .76 -1.6 GigaMda rs GIGM ... ... 8 3.64 2.31 26 3.01 +3.2 GilatSatell GILT ... ... ...dd 6.19 4.05 3 5.36 +7.0 GileadSci GILD 2.08f 3.2 6 103.10 65.38 7033 66.02 -7.8 GlacierBc GBCI .84f 2.5 21 38.17 24.40 380 33.37 -7.9 GladstnCap GLAD .84 8.7 11 9.92 6.80 402 9.63 +2.6 Gladstne 21 GLADO 1.69 6.6 ... 26.05 24.57 1 25.67 +.7sGladstnCm GOOD 1.50 6.9 ...dd 21.68 15.92 396 21.85 +8.7 GladCm pfA GOODP 1.94 7.5 ... 26.45 25.01 1 26.02 +2.1 Gladstn pfB GOODO 1.88 7.4 ... 25.63 25.00 2 25.45 +1.4 GladCm pfD GOODM 1.75 6.9 ... 26.99 23.00 46 25.22 -.1 GladstInv GAIN .75 8.3 13 9.36 6.65 93 9.09 +7.4 GladInv pfB GAINO 1.69 6.5 ... 26.52 24.46 0 26.07 +1.0 GladInv pfC GAINN 1.63 6.3 ... 29.00 23.66 1 25.66 +1.2 GldsInv pf D GAINM 1.56 6.1 ... 25.80 25.00 0 25.54 +.9 GladstLnd LAND .52f 4.6 36 12.89 9.51 115 11.13 -1.0 GladLnd pfA LANDP 1.59 6.2 ... 27.05 24.62 5 25.82 +1.5 GlenBurnie GLBZ .40 3.3 30 12.55 9.85 1 12.00 +4.3 GblBldT n GBT ... ... ...dd 41.15 13.35 1382 31.45 +117.6 GlblBrkge GLBR ... ... ...dd 12.90 1.45 34 2.30 -67.4 GblEagEnt ENT ... ... ...dd 9.73 2.76 435 3.13 -51.5 GlbIndem GBLI ... ... 24 40.96 20.96 3 38.70 +1.3 GlbIndm 45 GBLIZ 1.94 7.6 ... 26.48 23.14 2 25.48 +2.7 GlbIndem 47 GBLIL 1.97 7.9 ... 25.10 24.70 55 24.85 +.1 GblPtAcq n GPAC ... ... ... 10.50 9.46 0 9.95 +.1 GblPAc wt GPACW ... ... ... .65 .14 9 .32 -8.6 GblPAcq un GPACU ... ... ... 10.65 9.30 10.40 +4.0 GlSlfStor n SELF .26 5.3 ... 5.96 4.26 16 4.91 +2.9 GlblSrcs GSOL ... ... 11 9.48 7.79 13 8.90 +.6 GlWatRs n GWRS .27 3.1 ... 9.29 6.23 6 8.71 -4.3 GbXSpdvRE SRET 1.24 8.2 ...q 15.85 13.70 46 15.13 +5.5 GblXSocM SOCL ... ... ...q 25.81 18.24 15 24.58 +13.7 GbXNsChiT QQQC .07e .3 ...q 24.60 18.88 2 22.68 +6.9 GblXGuAct ACTX ... ... ...q 15.01 12.13 3 14.54 +2.1 GblX SupDv EFAS ... ... ... 16.54 14.69 16.43 +4.6 GblXYldco YLCO .58a 5.0 ...q 11.89 10.09 4 11.68 +7.6 GblX Rob n BOTZ ... ... ... 17.48 14.69 73 17.08 +13.9 GlbXCon ef KRMA ... ... ... 17.13 14.88 1 16.80 +5.1 GblXMilTh MILN ... ... ... 16.63 14.40 1 16.52 +5.8 GbX Longv LNGR ... ... ... 17.22 14.91 17.09 +11.5 GlX Intrn n SNSR ... ... ... 18.06 14.49 83 17.57 +12.6 GbX HlthW BFIT ... ... ... 16.17 14.49 15.22 +4.7 GblXSupdiv ALTY 1.25 8.1 ...q 16.58 14.05 0 15.50 +4.2 GlX Fintc n FINX ... ... ... 16.50 14.53 1 16.24 +10.8 GlXCatholc CATH ... ... ... 29.18 23.95 51 28.58 +5.3 GlobusM rs GLBS ... ... ... 23.60 1.08 960 3.29 -19.4 GluMobile GLUU ... ... ...dd 3.06 1.73 9450 2.29 +18.0tGlycoMim GLYC ... ... ...dd 9.25 4.32 60 4.31 -29.3 Gogo GOGO ... ... ...dd 13.28 7.80 680 11.46 +24.3 GolLNGLtd GLNG .20 .7 ... 29.18 14.32 618 28.20 +22.9 GolLNGPt GMLP 2.31 10.2 ... 25.82 15.11 187 22.64 -5.8 GoldenEnt GDEN ... ... 19 14.31 8.65 33 13.79 +13.9 GoldenOc rs GOGL ... ... ...dd 9.05 3.10 408 8.67 +84.1 GolubCap GBDC 1.28a 6.4 16 20.11 16.70 106 19.97 +8.6 GoodTimes GTIM ... ... ...dd 4.48 2.75 21 3.15 Goodyear GT .40 1.1 10 37.20 24.31 2332 35.64 +15.5 GoPro GPRO ... ... ...dd 17.68 7.15 6456 8.95 +2.8 GorsHl A n GSHT ... ... ... 10.10 10.0 |