Charlotte sun herald

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Charlotte sun herald
Uniform Title:
Charlotte sun herald (Charlotte Harbor, Fla. : 1995)
Running title:
Sun herald
Place of Publication:
Charlotte Harbor, FL
Suncoast Media Group- Phil Fernandez - Editor
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Subjects / Keywords:
Newspapers -- Charlotte Harbor (Fla.) ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Charlotte County (Fla.) ( lcsh )
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Spatial Coverage:
United States -- Florida -- Charlotte -- Port Charlotte
26.966141 x -82.068026


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Also issued on microfilm from Crest Technologies.
Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 103, no. 225 (Aug. 13, 1995)-
General Note:
"An edition of The Sun Herald."

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University of Florida
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DeSoto sun herald
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Englewood sun herald
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North Port sun herald
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Sun herald (Charlotte Harbor, Fla. : Charlotte ed.)


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SUN PHOTO BY BETSY WILLIAMSDiagnosed with strain A, Jackie Kroll leaves the walk-in clinic, and heads to the pharmacy to pick up medication. The u can be deadly, killing nearly 8,000 Floridians from 2013 through 2015, the most recent years for which full data was available.GRAPHIC PROVIDEDA look at the most recent inuenza activity in Florida for the week of March 26-April 1, according to the Florida Department of Health. Sarasota County was among the state leaders in the number of u outbreaks. The ”u sickens, hospitalizes and, on occasion, kills. The good news is as we are into April, in”uenza activity has “nally peaked this season, the Florida Department of Health said. The percentage of emergency department and urgent care center visits for in”uenza-like illness has declined as well. Still, Sarasota County continues at the top of the Florida list for ”u outbreaks, according to the state, which released the latest statistics Thursday. Six in”uenza-associated pediatric deaths have been reported this season across Florida, the health department said. That includes at least two children who died near the end of March and a 7and 17-yearold in January. Florida receives reports of in”uenza-associated pediatric deaths each season, typically from October to May. Overall, 165 people in Charlotte County died in the most recent three years of record-keeping, 2013-15. During those same years, 7,973 died in Florida, including 244 in Sarasota County, 168 in Lee and 19 in DeSoto, according to Department of Health data. Top killers remain cancer and heart disease, responsible for nearly half of the deaths every year in Southwest Florida and the state. Heart disease killed 131,195 in Florida from 2013-15; cancer, 128,557.Flu seasonMichael Drennon, disease intervention services manager, said Sarasota Countys ”u season peaked in March. Epidemiologist Nathalie Moise, with the Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County, said there have been no reports of serious outbreaks this season, and the worst of it has subsided. Still, Moise said people need to take the recommendation for a ”u shot seriously. Drennon said his agency looks into pediatric deaths related to in”uenza, and also deaths that happen at a school or institution, like an assisted-living facility. Otherwise, most of the deaths tend to be older the silent killerBy ANDREW JAROSHSTAFF WRITER The Spanish fluŽ pandemic of 1918-19 caused the deaths of 583,135 Americans, according to public health authorities at the time. From the 1976-77 season to the 2006-07 season, flu-associated deaths in this country ranged from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The annual average is currently about 36,000 in the United States. Worldwide, the flu kills about 250,000-500,000 annually. More than 200,000 are hospitalized nationally every year, according to the CDC. FLU IN THE UNITED STATES The flu,Ž which is marked by high fever, muscle aches, malaise, cough and sore throat, is transmissible through airborne droplets and is so infectious that after an airplane sat for three hours with its engines off and no air circulating, within three days, 39 of the 54people on board contracted the flu, infected by a single passenger. HOW CONTAGIOUS IS THE FLU? 1. Get yourself and your family vaccinated. 2. Take preventive actions to stop the spread of viruses. 3. Take antiviral drugs if your doctor prescribes them. 3 ACTIONS TO FIGHT THE FLU FLU | 4 FLU INFORMATION The flu kills up to a half-million people in the world every year, and Charlotte and Sarasota counties have their share. Even as cases subside going into April, residents are still getting sick, and doctors are still recommending a flu shot. BOTTOM LINE TOP 10 CAUSES OF DEATH in Charlotte, Sarasota & DeSoto countiesSee page 4 Is it a cold or the flu? Source: CDC See page 5They keep on coming „ those unsolicited calls, which immediately disconnect after you say yes.Ž In the seven weeks since I “rst wrote a column about them, Ive had countless emails, phone calls and letters, all reporting the same scenario. Readers say they are concerned and scared, asking what they should do. For those hearing about this for the “rst time, these calls „ mostly automated robocallsŽ „ attempt to elicit a yesŽ answer to questions like, Can you hear me?Ž or Are you there?Ž The calls are supposedly being recorded to falsely establish verbal authorization to fraudulent charges. Its widespread enough that the Federal Communications Commission issued a national consumer alert last week on the matter. Yet there havent been any reports of victims with veri“ed related attacks. Yet. The endgame is still to be determined,Ž explained Bryan Oglesby at the BBB Serving West Florida. We tell consumers if they said yes, and their af“rmation was recorded, the caller may later use that recording to authorize unwanted charges onto their credit card account or just send a bill claiming they ordered goods or services. They could also place unauthorized charges on a telecommunication subscribers home or mobile telephone bill.Ž The FCC warns that wireless consumers should be particularly vigilant, since smartphones let consumers shop online or charge app purchases to their phone bills. The more your mobile phone bill begins to resemble a credit card bill, the more dif“cult it may become to spot unauthorized charges.Ž To avoid getting snared in this potential scam, its better to be safe than sorry, and dont answer a call if you dont recognize the number. If you have voicemail, and theres no message, its not worth calling back. If you do answer, and are asked a question that would normally elicit a yesŽ answer, take a moment, and ask the caller a question instead, like why youre being called. And if you say, yes,Ž dont panic. Be extra watchful, reviewing your credit card, bank and phone statements, looking for „ and immediately reporting „ any unrecognized charges. Many of these say yesŽ calls Just dont answer yes. Better be safe than sorryDAVID | 2 David MORRISCOLUMNISTSource: The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health Source: State Health Department, Forbes, CDC PARKSIDE „ The Charlotte County Sheriffs Of“ce is investigating a suspicious death that occurred on the 3400 block of Westlund Terrace in the Parkside area of Port Charlotte. CCSO Road Patrol deputies arrived around 11:30 a.m. Thursday, responding to a reported domestic disturbance. Upon arrival, one individual was located and pronounced deceased. A second subject was transported to the District 3 Of“ce of the Sheriffs Of“ce for questioning. The death investigation is classi“ed as suspicious in nature, but there is no danger or concern to area residences. The Major Crimes Unit is investigating. Nearby neighbors described the area as fairly safe.Ž Yvonne Ashworth, who lives a few houses down, said she was up all night but didnt hear any sort of disturbance. She frequently sees law enforcement patrolling the area but hasnt seen them stop at anyones house. This is surprising in a workingclass neighborhood,Ž she said. You dont expect something like this.Ž No additional information was immediately available.Email: Suspicious death investigation in Parkside neighborhoodBy ANNE EASKERSTAFF WRITER Pulitzer Prize winner2 0 1 6 AN EDITION OF THE SUNVOL. 125 | NO. 97AMERICAS BEST COMMUNITY DAILY Sunny and breezyHigh 76 Low 48$1.50 www.yoursun.comTodays weather:www.yoursun.comFIND US ONLINE THE SUN: Calendar ..............10 Crosswords ............7 Local Sports ........12 Obituaries .............5 PoliceBeat ............7 Viewpoint .........8-9 SPORTS: Lotto .....................2 USA TODAY: Money ................5 Nation .............1-4 State ..................7 Weather ..........10 CLASSIFIED: Comics ...........9-12 DearAbby .......12 TVListings .......13 CHARLIE SAYS ...Hockey puck! INSIDE 705252000258Daily Edition $1.50 GOOD MORNING Friday, April 7, 2017 Due to issues with our servers, the Thursday classified ads are running again today. The Sun apologizes for any inconvenience. The You Auto Know column can be found on page 19 of the classified section. CALL US AT941-206-1000CHARLOTTE SUN


Our Town Page 2 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 FROM PAGE ONEThe SUN (USPS 743170) is published daily at Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2100. Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the SUN, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100.Publisher ...................................Robert E. Lee ...............................941-206-1006 Executive Editor ........................Jim Gouvellis ...............................941-206-1134 Advertising Director ..................Leslee Peth ..................................941-205-6400 Circulation Director ...................Mark Yero ....................................941-206-1300 Arcadian Editor .........................Steve Bauer .................................863-494-0300 Arcadian Publisher ....................Joe Gallimore ..............................863-494-0300 Charlotte Sun Editor ..................Garry Overbey .............................941-206-1127 North Port Sun Publisher ..........Steve Sachkar ..............................941-564-3284 North Port Sun Editor ................Scott Lawson ...............................941-429-3002 Englewood Sun Publisher .........Carol Y. Moore .............................941-681-3031 Englewood Sun Editor .................Chris Porter .................................941-681-3022 Editorial Page Editor ....................Steve Baumann ...........................941-681-3003 SUN NEWSPAPERSMember of Alliance for Audited Media For vacation holds, please call Customer Service at 941-206-1300. SUBSCRIPTIONS Home Delivery Rates: Newspaper designated market: City ZoneCarrier home delivered 7 days. Rates as follows plus 7% Florida Sales Tax: Monthly Bank/ Credit Card .........................$40.50 3 Months ..........................$121.50 6 Months ..........................$243.00 1 Year ...............................$485.99Does not include Waterline and TV Times. Above rates do not include sales tax.Subscribers residing in outlying areas may incur additional delivery charge. Mail subscription rates: Rates as follows (advance payment required): 7 Days 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $154.07 $276.35 $492.11 Sunday Only 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $71.89 $144.61 $243.54Above rates do not include sales tax.Single Copy rates Daily $1.50 Sunday $3.00 Unclaimed account balances under $10, inactive for 15 months, will be used to purchase newspapers for classroom use. Sun Newspapers CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY Delivery should be expected prior to 6:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. Sunday. Redelivery hours: 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Customer Service hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Friday; Saturday 7a.m. to 10 a.m.; and Sunday 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Call Customer Service for our current specials. To subscribe or to report any problems with your service, please call or visit your local office. Charlotte: 941-206-1300 23170 Harborview Road, Port Charlotte Englewood: 941-681-3000 120 W. Dearborn St., Englewood North Port: 941-429-3000 13487 Tamiami Trail, North Port DeSoto: 863-494-0300 or toll-free at 877-818-6204 108 S. Polk Avenue, Arcadia The internal investigation team for the community demonstration incident in which Mary Knowlton lost her life is nearly “nished with a policy and procedure review. Once complete, the teams “ndings will be made public on the citys website devoted to the incident, Punta Gorda City Manager Howard Kunik said at the April Coffee with the CityŽ event held this week at Burnt Store Grille. The city also recently scheduled the appeal hearing for former of“cer Lee Coel, who was terminated from his position on March 9 after being charged with negligent manslaughter. Despite a request from Coels attorneys for an independent arbitrator, Kunik will be the one making the “nal decision as to whether or not to end Coels employment with the city. The hearing will take place on April 20 at 11 a.m. at the City Hall Annex. The hearing is not open to the public, but the audio will be recorded, and a court reporter will provide transcripts. Kunik said the decision to close the hearing was one he made so the parties could better focus on the personnel matter. Kunik has asked each party to identify any witnesses on or before April 13. During the hearing, each party will have the opportunity to present direct testimony from those witnesses, cross-examine and do a brief redirect examination. Kunik will also be able to ask questions of witnesses presenting testimony or evidence at any time during the proceeding. During the Tuesday CoffeeŽ event, Acting Police Chief Jason Ciaschini also addressed the departments recent statement that private fundraising for Police Chief Tom Lewiss legal fees does not violate the police departments policy prohibiting gifts or gratuities. Ciaschini said that based on current information, the fundraising is not a quid-pro-quo situation like the policy is designed to prevent. When asked whether a quid-pro-quo situation could develop out of the fundraising in the future, Ciaschini said simply, Were not going to speculate on what could happen in the future.ŽEmail: Former officers appeal hearing scheduled for April 20By ANNE EASKERSTAFF WRITER SUN PHOTO BY ANNE EASKERActing Police Chief Jason Ciaschini answered questions at the monthly Coee with the CityŽ event held Tuesday at Burnt Store Grille. are robocalls. Being on the do-not-call registry doesnt make a difference to a crook. So, the best advice if answering any robocall is just hang up. The Federal Trade Commission warns not to press ANY key, including one to take your name off a calling list. All that does is verify a working number, which will probably lead to more robocalls. Report scam phone calls to the FCC at www. consumercomplaints. and the BBBs Scam Tracker at scamtracker/us. Finally, consider stopping robocalls at the source. Ask you phone service provider if it offers a blocking service. It may involve inputting the numbers you want to block. The FCC has information and resources on currently available robocall blocking tools for land and wireless lines at unwanted-calls. In addition, Nomorobo,, offers free protection for VoIP landlines including Comcast, Frontier and Vonage. Traditional landline service providers, like CenturyLink, dont participate. Apple iPhones can also be protected for $1.99 a month. There are also a number of highly-reviewed, free, robocall-blocking apps which stop known blacklisted numbers in their tracks. Available for Apple and Android phones, they include True Caller, Mr. Number and Hiya. David Morris is the Suns consumer advocate. Contact him c/o the Sun, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980; email dmorris@; or leave a message at 941-206-1114. DAVIDFROM PAGE 1 WARM MINERAL SPRINGS „ North Port, Sarasota County and Florida Forestry “re“ghters were working against a stubborn brush “re just west of North Port. Authorities with the Sarasota County Sheriffs Of“ce were evacuating some homes in the area of De Leon Drive, De Miranda Avenue and Toledo Road. The majority of the blaze was burning in Deer Prairie Creek Preserve. A haze was visible through much of the west side of North Port, with some ash falling more than a mile from the head of the “re. The “re had not been put out as of deadline. The “re started around 3:30 p.m. in the De Leon and De Miranda intersection after lightning struck the dry area. Were trying to keep it cool with the air (helicopter),Ž said Patrick Mahoney, public information of“cer for the Florida Forest Service. The “re is right behind the homes right now so we had to evacuate.Ž It soon spread due to wind, according to of“cials; the three homes had to be evacuated because of the close proximity to the ”ames. I came home thinking I was going to chill and (my landlord) comes and knocks on my door saying, Theres a “re,Ž Richard Miller said. Theres a swamp in the back and I cant imagine it would be bone-dry even this time of year so I wasnt worried at “rst.Ž Water sprayed down as a helicopter continued to swing around the smoke to help cool the “re while the street became blocked to drivers. Its one of those things that you always think may happen but we never talked about, one of those things that shall not be named,Ž Miller, who has lived in the home for more than a year, said. I have faith in the department and Im sure theyve handled these before.Ž Michael Fear, spokesperson for North Port, said late Wednesday much of the “re was under control with about 2 acres still burning. He said the city had 15 units assisting the county and forestry of“cials “ghting the blaze. Its a scene that will likely continue as lightning strikes become more common and create a dangerous combination when mixed with the dry ground. Im sure well be chasing “res for the next week,Ž Mahoney said. Email: lcoffey@sun-herald.comHomes evacuated in brush fireBy LAUREN COFFEYSTAFF WRITER SUN PHOTO BY LAUREN COFFEYA helicopter drops water on a re in Deep Prairie Creek Preserve on Thursday evening. adno=471554 BOATING WITHOUT OWNING HARBOR AT LEMON BAY 941-475-7100 900 S. McCall Rd, Englewood, FL 34223 Join NOW and get $1000 OFF O N L Y $ 1 9 9 P E R M O N T H Over 300 Boats at 54 Locations. € No Cleaning € New Fleet € No Maintenance € No Storage Fees € No Insurance Costs *1 Time Membership Fee $1000 Discount Off Entry of $3995 Expires 4/1/17 Call 941-460-6340 adno=50513244 Now Only $2995


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Our Town Page 4 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 people or those with compromised immune systems, where the ”u leads to other complications, such as pneumonia. Their immune system has a hard time responding to all else,Ž Drennon said. Marilyn Smith-Mooney, former Punta Gorda mayor, said she lost her husband after he was sickened by the ”u. One day in February 2015, Jack Mooney, 69, told her he wasnt feeling well with no appetite. The next morning, he was worse with a fever, so Smith-Mooney said he was taken to the hospital, where he was treated with ”u medication and sent back home. The morning after, his conditioned worsened, and he was taken back to the hospital, suffering from pneumonia and sepsis, Smith-Mooney said. It was all downhill from there.Ž He died a few days later, she said. And, oh, he had a ”u shot that year.ŽCausesFlu is a term used for a variety of illnesses, but it applies only to the upper respiratory disease caused by the in”uenza virus, the state health department said. Estimates are 15 to 40 percent of the population will develop illness from in”uenza every year. An average of about 36,000 in the United States die from it, the state health department said. Factors make it dif“cult to determine accurate numbers of deaths from the ”u regardless of reporting, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention said. Those include volume of deaths to be counted, not everyone who dies with an in”uenza-like illness is tested, and those deaths are often the result of complications secondary to underlying medical problems. Since the start of the 2016-17 season, in”uenza A (H3) has been most common. Seasons when in”uenza A predominates have been associated with more severe illness, particularly in young children and adults 65 and older, the CDC said. According to the U.S. Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Network, interim estimates show the vaccine has been 48 percent effective in preventing in”uenza A and B illness. Dr. Chris Kunis, area medical director for community health care provider MedExpress, said ”u shots make sense even with the lateness of the season. A vaccine is still a very good thing to do, he said. Jennifer S. Sexton, public information of“cer for the Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County, said residents should call the of“ce at 941-624-7200 to “nd out the availability of ”u shots. That information also can be found on the departments website, charlotte.”oridahealth. gov. On Google, search the keywords locate ”u shot Florida,Ž and then click the link to the Florida Department of Health site, which will likely be the “rst result of your inquiry. Other ways to protect yourself are with antiviral drugs, hand-washing and isolating sick people. That means people stay away from work, Kunis said.Email: 2015 CHARLOTTE COUNTYCause of Death Deaths % of Total DeathsALL CAUSES 2,582 100 CANCER 646 25.0 HEART DISEASE 576 22.3 CHRONIC LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE 175 6.8 STROKE 120 4.6 ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 119 4.6 UNINTENTIONAL INJURY 83 3.2 INFLUENZA AND PNEUMONIA 65 2.5 DIABETES 64 2.5 SEPTICEMIA 59 2.3 NEPHRITIS, NEPHROTIC SYNDROME & NEPHROSIS 53 2.1 2014 CHARLOTTE COUNTYCause of Death Deaths % of Total DeathsALL CAUSES 2,410 100 CANCER 564 23.4 HEART DISEASE 525 21.8 CHRONIC LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE 172 7.1 STROKE 134 5.6 UNINTENTIONAL INJURY 70 2.9 ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 63 2.6 INFLUENZA AND PNEUMONIA 52 2.2 DIABETES 51 2.1 CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE AND CIRRHOSIS 45 1.9 SEPTICEMIA 43 1.8 2013 CHARLOTTE COUNTYCause of Death Deaths % of Total DeathsALL CAUSES 2,355 100 CANCER 541 23 HEART DISEASE 529 22.5 CHRONIC LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE 171 7.3 STROKE 110 4.7 UNINTENTIONAL INJURY 68 2.9 ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 61 2.6 DIABETES 51 2.2 NEPHRITIS, NEPHROTIC SYNDROME & NEPHROSIS 50 2.1 INFLUENZA AND PNEUMONIA 48 2 CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE AND CIRRHOSIS 42 1.8 2015 SARASOTA COUNTYCause of Death Deaths % of Total DeathsALL CAUSES 5,494 100 CANCER 1,345 24.5 HEART DISEASE 1,091 19.9 CHRONIC LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE 372 6.8 STROKE 303 5.5 ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 298 5.4 UNINTENTIONAL INJURY 249 4.5 CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE AND CIRRHOSIS 96 1.7 SUICIDE 96 1.7 PARKINSONS DISEASE 95 1.7 DIABETES 92 1.7 2014 SARASOTA COUNTYCause of Death Deaths % of Total DeathsALL CAUSES 5,265 100 CANCER 1,220 23.2 HEART DISEASE 1,160 22 STROKE 287 5.5 CHRONIC LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE 266 5.1 UNINTENTIONAL INJURY 187 3.6 ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 158 3 NEPHRITIS, NEPHROTIC SYNDROME & NEPHROSIS 98 1.9 PARKINSONS DISEASE 94 1.8 CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE AND CIRRHOSIS 89 1.7 DIABETES 89 1.7 2013 SARASOTA COUNTYCause of Death Deaths % of Total DeathsALL CAUSES 5,078 100 CANCER 1,289 25.4 HEART DISEASE 1,056 20.8 CHRONIC LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE 298 5.9 STROKE 241 4.7 UNINTENTIONAL INJURY 194 3.8 ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 131 2.6 NEPHRITIS, NEPHROTIC SYNDROME & NEPHROSIS 106 2.1 DIABETES 92 1.8 SUICIDE 85 1.7 INFLUENZA AND PNEUMONIA 80 1.6 2015 DESOTO COUNTYCause of Death Deaths % of Total DeathsALL CAUSES 343 100 CANCER 94 27.4 HEART DISEASE 72 21 CHRONIC LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE 21 6.1 STROKE 19 5.5 UNINTENTIONAL INJURY 17 5 DIABETES 12 3.5 CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE AND CIRRHOSIS 7 2 SUICIDE 7 2 SEPTICEMIA 6 1.7 INFLUENZA AND PNEUMONIA 5 1.52014 DESOTO COUNTYCause of Death Deaths % of Total DeathsALL CAUSES 274 100 HEART DISEASE 66 24.1 CANCER 58 21.2 UNINTENTIONAL INJURY 13 4.7 CHRONIC LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE 12 4.4 STROKE 12 4.4 DIABETES 10 3.6 SUICIDE 7 2.6 NEPHRITIS, NEPHROTIC SYNDROME & NEPHROSIS 7 2.6 ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 6 2.2 HYPERTENSION 5 1.8 2013 DESOTO COUNTYCause of Death Deaths % of Total DeathsALL CAUSES 297 100 HEART DISEASE 79 26.6 CANCER 62 20.9 CHRONIC LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE 22 7.4 DIABETES 17 5.7 NEPHRITIS, NEPHROTIC SYNDROME & NEPHROSIS 13 4.4 UNINTENTIONAL INJURY 11 3.7 INFLUENZA AND PNEUMONIA 9 3 CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE AND CIRRHOSIS 8 2.7 STROKE 8 2.7 SUICIDE 5 1.7 The state health department continues to recommend Floridians get the vaccine to protect against infection and help prevent the spread of seasonal flu, even now as the season subsides. The annual flu vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older, including pregnant women. It takes about two weeks after vaccination to develop protection against the flu. New U.S. research has found that when children die of the flu, it is likely that they have not been vaccinated, the journal Pediatrics reported this week. Researchers with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said they looked at 291 of 358 U.S. children between ages 6 months to 17 who died of the flu between 2010 and 2014 and found 26 percent of those who died had been vaccinated against influenza. In fact, the study concluded even children with underlying high-risk medical conditions, such as asthma, blood and endocrine disorders, or neurological problems also had a better chance of survival with the shot. The studys authors concluded the flu vaccine is linked to a reduced risk of flu-associated deaths among kids and highlights the importance of annual influenza vaccination for children, especially those with underlying high-risk medical conditions,Ž which they noted puts young people at higher risk of severe complications and influenza-associated deaths.Source: Florida Department of Health, CTV News, Pediatrics journal Charlotte County 2015: 65 2014: 52 2013: 48 Sarasota County 2015: 88 2014: 76 2013: 80 DeSoto County 2015: 5 2014: 5 2013: 9 Lee County 2015: 62 2014: 55 2013: 51 Florida 2015: 2,666 2014: 2,633 2013: 2,644 Jack MooneyFLUFROM PAGE 1 GETTING THE SHOT LIKELY IMPROVES CHANCE OF SURVIVAL INFLUENZA DEATHS Source: Florida Department of Health data for the most recent years with complete dataFrom vitamin C and echinacea to warm clothes and antibacterial soap, theres no shortage of ideas about how to prevent and manage colds and the flu. Unfortunately, many of these are not based on solid scientific evidence. In fact, medical researchers are only starting to unravel the range of factors that affect our susceptibility to getting an infection. Now we have discovered that our body clock plays an important role „ making us more prone to get infected at certain times of the day. It is perhaps easy to forget that we have co-evolved on this planet with micro-organisms, including bacteria, which may be either beneficial or harmful to us. Similarly, viruses cannot copy themselves without help from our cells. Without us, they simply wouldnt exist. So what happens when a virus encounters a cell? First, it has to get in through a protective barrier called the cell membrane. Then it has to hijack the interior of the hostŽ cell to subvert it and divert all resources to copy itself millions of times. Once an army of identical clones is formed, it breaks out of the cell, usually destroying it in the process. Imagine millions of these new viruses then being able to do exactly the same to other cells nearby. The cycle goes on, with often rapid amplification of the virus through a tissue, and then through the body. Thats if the virus had it all its own way. ƒ But there is always a battle in play between invading organisms and our bodies. Our immune system counteracts the invading organisms and will invoke mechanisms to stop the virus entering, replicating and spreading. This defense system works at the level of individual cells in the body, but also in specialized tissues of the body that are designed to mount a response to such invasions. It now turns out that our body clock is also an important gatekeeper of viral infections. The body clock is an amazing piece of evolutionary biology. Its thought that most organisms on our planet have a biological clock that keeps track of the 24-hour day. It can do this by orchestrating chemical reactions and genetic switches that rhythmically control thousands of genes in the cell „ turning about 15 percent of all genes on and off across the day and night.Timely experimentSo why might viruses care about our body clock? Since our cells are miniature factories, making things that the virus must have to copy itself, the virus is less likely to succeed when the production line is shut down. This is what we tested in the laboratory, by infecting cells and mice at different times of the day. We found that viruses are less able to infect in the late afternoon. In contrast, in the early morning, our cells are hives of biosynthetic activity, at least from the virus viewpoint. So, if a virus tries to take over a cell in the early day, it is far more likely to succeed, and spread faster, than if it encounters a rather less favorable climate in the evening. Perhaps even more interestingly, when the clockwork is disrupted, viruses are more prolific at taking over cells and tissues. Such clock misalignmentŽ can happen when we do shift work, get jet lag, or experience the phenomenon of social jet lag,Ž which is caused by changes in our sleep schedule on our days off. Therefore, its important to know about these interactions because it will undoubtedly help us to find ways to ensure better health for ourselves. For example, since we know shift workers are more likely to get infections, it might be a good idea to give them flu vaccinations. Knowing about the clock and viruses could also help us to design better public health measures to combat virus spread. You could imagine that during a pandemic limiting exposure during the early daytime could be a small but important intervention to try to prevent viral infection from taking hold. Indeed, a recent study by a team at the University of Birmingham showed that vaccinating people against the flu in the morning is more effective than in the evening. This principle could be the same for many unrelated viruses. The research could also help us crack a longstanding enigma „ why do virus infections like the flu happen more commonly in the winter months? It turns out that the very same molecular switch „ called Bmal1 „ that goes up and down in the day and night also changes according to the seasons, going up in the summer and down in the winter. When we artificially lower Bmal1 levels in mice and cells, the virus is able to infect more. As occurs on a daily basis, the waxing and waning of Bmal1 in our bodies could be a reason why were less likely to cope with viruses like flu in the winter. So, if youre desperate to avoid catching a the flu virus thats been going around the office, rather than trying to boost your immune system with various vitamins, you may want to try to simply work from home in the mornings.How your body clock helps determine if youll get illBy AKHILESH REDDYUNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE TOP 10 CAUSES OF DEATH, 20132015 FROM PAGE ONESource:, with the most recent years that full data is available


The Sun /Friday, April 7, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 5 FROM PAGE ONEFlu hits hard and fast like a Mack Truck. If youve had it, you know what Im talking about „ the body aches, pains, fever, chills and headache. For most sane people, when to, or rather not to, exercise is an easy answer. Yet for a select crowd, missing a workout is almost sacrilegious. Therefore, you plod along, fearful that if you skip a single day youll gain weight or lose some of the “tness youve achieved. However, exercising with anything more than a mild cold is a counterproductive process. Remember that rest gives your body a chance to recover and your immune system an opportunity to do its job. That is a hard pill for some people to swallow „ those who thrive on the sweat and exhilaration of a good run or the way your muscles feel after a great strength-training session. But, if you are any sicker than a stuffy nose, the stress of a workout can be more than your immune system can handle. When youre ill: € Do not exercise with a fever, respiratory illness or infection or when you have symptoms such as muscle aches or chills. In fact, exercising when you have a fever can raise your body temperature further, making you even more sick and putting you at dangerous risk for heat illness as well. € Do not ignore symptoms that could be related to your heart such as shortness of breath, chest pain or lightheadedness. € Do keep performance expectations in check when coming back from an illness. You will not feel as strong or as fast when you “rst return so be patient and allow yourself time to get back in the groove. € Do practice active restraint. Wait until your body and mind are both well and motivated before you return to training. When youre sick and your muscles ache, there is a reason. During an illness or infection, people go through a process of protein catabolism or, more simply, a breakdown of muscle protein. That means that while youre ill, all that aching and soreness you feel in your muscles is greatly due to the breakdown of the muscle tissue. The degree to which your body breaks down muscle protein is related to the length or duration of illness and the severity of your infection. Therefore, its easy to understand why trying to exercise through or sweat out an illness is detrimental to your health and “tness. You are prolonging the infection and recovery time and aiding in the continual breakdown of muscle protein, which can eventually attack the heart muscle as well. Also, when youre ill, aerobic metabolism becomes impaired so you cant even use fat as an energy source to fuel your body. This means that muscle tissue becomes the primary energy source for healing. If you add the demands of a workout to an ailing body that is already using muscle tissue to fuel its recovery, it is evident how this stress leads to the breakdown of lean muscle tissue. The bottom line is, when youre sick, take a break or youll be paying a greater price later.Exercising when ill is counterproductiveBy ANGIE FERGUSONNEWS-PRESSGoing on vacation, having a fun night out with friends or simply relaxing at home with a good book „ these activities make us feel good. Now, for the “rst time, we have evidence that they also do us good. Our latest study shows that our surroundings and lifestyle can have a big impact on our immune system. We sent lab mice on holidayŽ for two weeks. Our results, published in Frontiers in Immunology, showed that simply housing mice in a cage that is about three times bigger than the standard one and adding toys (an experimental system called enriched environmentŽ), has a signi“cant impact on their ability to “ght infections. Indeed, the T cells of the mice in the enriched environment showed major changes in their genes, with 56 speci“c genes upregulated (made more active) and four downregulated (made less active). There was also an improved ability to respond to infections and “ght pathogens „ no drugs, no gene therapies, just two weeks in a more stimulating and engaging environment.Why it mattersYou might ask what this means if we translate it to humans. Well, we all naturally seek more enriched environments and we are empowered with the ability to change place or company when we do not like it. We constantly strive to improve our daily lives and environments. With these new “ndings, we might feel even more encouraged to do so knowing that it is good for our immune system. But what about all those who cannot change their environment so easily? What about the growing aging population that lives in care homes with limited mobility and lower chances of interaction? A seminal study by Ellen Langer in 1978 showed that just providing nursing-home residents with a plant to take care of led to a signi“cant increase in the length of their life. Over an 18-month follow up, those who werent given a plant to care for (the control group) were twice as likely to die as those who were given a plant to care for. The results of our study might help revisit the idea that living conditions have a signi“cant impact on our health. As we grow old, our immune system also grows old and tired. The common ”u or infections that are manageable for most of us in our 20s to 50s become life-threatening diseases for most elderly. Is this true only for the old population? Not necessarily. Again, eminent scientists like Donald Winnicott in the 1970s clearly showed the importance of playfulness as an indicator of psychological health. If he were alive today, he would have most certainly have demonstrated the importance of play and fun for the immune system „ with or without mice. I think that we should never wait for someone else to tell us when we need to have a break or have some fun. However, I hope that our work will prompt people to consider that sometimes the cure is not just in the pill. Fulvio DAcquisto is a professor of Immunopharmacology.Want to boost your immune system? Take a vacationBy FULVIO DACQUISTOUNIVERSITY OF LONDON Is it a cold or the flu?SHUTTERSTOCKCHARLOTTE John Ambrose Fitzpatrick John Ambrose Fitzpatrick of Port Charlotte, Florida, went to his rest Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017, just short of his 84th year. He was born on April 8, 1933, in Spring“eld, Massachusetts, to John Ambrose Fitzpatrick Sr. and Florence Ollis Fitzpatrick. John grew up in Longmeadow, Massachusetts. A graduate of Classical High School, he went on to serve as an airborne medic with the 104th Screaming Eagles during the Korean War. Jack, as he was known to his friends, retired from the USPS after 33 years, moving to Port Charlotte in 2000. He loved Florida, golf and cribbage and was an avid fan of both the Tigers and the Patriots. Jack was a grateful member of AA, working on his 40th year of recovery. He was passionately active, serving many years with the Correction Committee, Public Information and CPC He was particularly dedicated to the Hotline Service, where his talent of reaching people touched numerous lives, literally saving a number of callers. Jack credited his Higher Power, vowing he was never tired the next day after a night on the hotline. Jack adored all 12 of his combined grandchildren and took particular enjoyment in his seven great-grandchildren; the most recent great-grandson was named Jack in his honor. Jack is survived by his devoted and beloved wife of 34 years, Debbye Adams Fitzpatrick; and their combined cherished children, Kathleen Fitzpatrick Boisvert Cyranowski, Colleen Fitzpatrick Cave Cote, Noreen Fitzpatrick Scaccia, Michael Fitzpatrick and Rebecca Adams Jarnot; 12 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. A memorial service will be held from 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Friday, April 14, 2017, at the Port Charlotte Harbor Beach Center, 4500 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL 33952.Jerry E. KellyJerry E. Kelly, 77, of Port Charlotte, Florida, passed away Wednesday, April 5, 2017, at Fawcett Memorial Hospital in Port Charlotte. Jerry was born on Nov. 23, 1939, in South Bend, Indiana, to Elden and Vivian Kelly. He moved to Port Charlotte in 1983. Jerry was a U.S. Army Reserve veteran. He served as a volunteer for the Charlotte County Sheriffs Of“ce for 12 years. He was a truck driver for many years for Young Trucking. Jerry was a kindhearted man who enjoyed life to the fullest and will forever be missed by all who loved and knew him. Survivors include his loving wife of 28 years, Etta; his daughters, Michele DeLao of San Diego, California, Angela Saunders of St. Augustine, Florida, and Sarah Cutrona of Gunnison, Colorado; his sister, Judy Young of Port Charlotte; three grandchildren, Brooke, Destiny and Jordan; three great-grandchildren, Harlow, Hendrix and Helina; a niece, Cindy; and nephew, Jerry. A funeral service will be held at 11 a.m., Tuesday, April 11, 2017, at Roberson Funeral Home, Port Charlotte Chapel. Interment with military honors will follow to Restlawn Memorial Gardens in Port Charlotte. Friends may visit online at to extend condolences to the family. Arrangements are by Roberson Funeral Home, Port Charlotte Chapel.ENGLEWOOD Randall Curtis MooreRandall Curtis Moore, 82, of Port Charlotte, Florida, passed away on Thursday, March 30, 2017, at Venice Memorial Bayfront Hospital. He was born March 11, 1935, in Attalla, Alabama, to Hezzie and Leona Moore. Randy graduated from Hubbertville High School in 1953. He went to work for the FBI in Washington, D.C., retiring after 35 years. Randy became Worship Master of Sojourners Lodge 51 in the District of Columbia in 1969; and was a member of the Oxon Hill Maryland Lions Club until his retirement and move to Florida in 1990. He was a member of the Gulf Cove United Methodist Church, where he remained active in church affairs and numerous committees. Randy is survived by his beloved wife of 60 years, Lois Wilson Moore; two children, Michael Moore of Baxter, Tennessee, and Deborah Monn (Tim) of Waldorf, Maryland; eight grandchildren, Julie Stallard (Matt), Brandon Monn (Erin), Amanda Daniels (Ryan), Lyndsay Herron (Curtis), Christian Monn, Kaitlin Monn, Matthew Moore and Jonathan Moore; one great-granddaughter, Ella Stallard; and one sister, Connie Wallace of Fayette, Alabama. He is preceded in death by his parents; and one brother, Rayford Moore. Friends and family may gather at 11 a.m. Thursday, April 20, 2017, at Gulf Cove United Methodist Church, 1100 McCall Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33981, for a Celebration of Life service. Burial will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 22, 2017, at Fayette Memorial Gardens, Fayette, Alabama. In lieu of ”owers, the family is asking donations be made to Shriners Hospital for Children, 2900 North Rocky Point Dr., Tampa, FL 33607.Brian J. SplanBrian J. Splan, 69, of Englewood, Florida, passed away peacefully with his family by his side on Sunday, April 2, 2017. Brian was born on Dec. 29, 1947, in South Amboy, New Jersey, to Joseph and Mary. He had a bachelors degree in Accounting from Christian Brothers University, he was a CPA, and was extremely proud to be an Army veteran. He was an executive in the medical-device industry for many years. He was wonderfully kind and loving with a twinkle in his eye and quick smile. Brian was a wonderful husband and father. He will be forever missed by all who loved and knew him. Brian is survived by his loving wife of 47 years, Barbara DeLoach Splan; his daughters, Lisa Splan Bracken (Earl Bracken) of Spring, Texas, and Laura Splan (Reuben LorchMiller) of Brooklyn, New York. Brian was preceded in death by his precious Baby Kitty and Delila; his parents; and his motherin-law, Ann DeLoach, who always treated him as her own. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, April 11, 2017, at Lemon Bay Funeral Home in Englewood. Family and friends may visit www. to extend condolences to the family. The family would like for you to please feel free to honor Brian in whatever way you wish.NORTH PORT Barbara V. Peloquin-LandryBarbara V. PeloquinLandry, 75, of North Port, Florida, passed away Monday, April 3, 2017.She was born Oct. 11, 1942, in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Barbara moved to this area in 2004 from Woonsocket. She was a caregiver, a foster mother to 34 children, adopted one son and also had permanent custody of three children. She was a member of St. Nathaniels Episcopal Church in North Port. Survivors include her husband, Bert; daughters, Debra Nadeua, Donna Landry, Keri Lapiere, Laura Heurteau; sons, Michael Peloquin, Marc Peloquin, Marc Heurteau, Kevin Heurteau and Brian Peolquin; sister, Carol Liendau; 19 grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Barbara was preceded in death by her “rst husband, Ronald O. Peloquin; sister, Nancy Patenaude; and her loving dog, Brandi. A celebration of Barbaras life will be held on Saturday, April 29, 2017, at St. Nathaniels Episcopal Church. In lieu of ”owers, memorial donations may be made to St. Nathaniels Episcopal Church, for the upkeep of the Memorial Garden, at 4200 S. Biscayne drive, North Port, FL 34287, or Humane Society of Sarasota County, 2331 15th St., Sarasota, FL 34287.DESOTOThere were no deaths reported in DeSoto Thursday. OBITUARIES adno=50513444 TAYLOR FUNERAL and Cremation Services L a r r y € Now Available to you 24 hrs A Day At Your Convenience Old Fashioned Service at a Price You Can Afford A sk Larry: Im a veteran, but can we still use a National Cemetery if my wife dies first? Yes, you can, and the cost is still free for the cemetery lot, marker, vault, and opening/ closing. We believe in giving straight answers to your questions. Nobody likes unexpected surprises. 1515 Tamiami Trl, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (941) 833-0600 2002-2016


Our Town Page 6 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS To view todays legal notices and more visit, To view todays legal notices and more visit, 3000 NOTICES 3112 FICTITIOUS NAME 0 4/ 0 7/ 20 17 N ot i ce U n d er Fictitious Name Law Pursuant to Section 865.09, Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of Carolyn Catt Cleaning located at 4510 Oakley Dr. in the County of Charlotte in the City of Punta Gorda Florida 33980 in tends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at Punta Gorda Florida, this 23rd day of March 2017 Carolyn Catt Cleaning Publish: April 7, 2017 110833 3441548 Notice Under Fictitious Name Law Pursuant to Section 865.09, Florida Statutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of Kelting Inspections located at PO Box 510058 in the County of Charlotte in the City of Punta Gorda Florida 33951 in tends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. Dated at Punta Gorda Florida, this 3rd day of April 2017 Kelting Home Inspections & Serv ices LLC Publish: April 7, 2017 110833 3441529 3114 INVITATION TO BID INVITATI O N T O BID Charlotte County Public Schools … Fire Alarm System Upgrades Deep Creek Elementary School … 26900 Harbor View Rd, Pt. Charlotte, FL Myakka River Elementary School … 12650 Willmington Blvd, Pt. Charlotte, FL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Owen-Ames-Kimball Company will receive qualified bids at its office located at 2765 Tamiami Trail, Unit D, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 or via email to Rick Mercer, Project Manager at no later than 2:00pm Tuesday, April 11, 2017 f or the above referenced project. Drawings and Specifications wil l be made available via CD at the Owen-Ames-Kimball offices or may be downloaded from our online plan room at w To receive instructions on how to down l oad from Procore, bidders may contact Robin Dailey at 239-561 4141 or The scope of work for this project will include, but is not limited t o: €Installation of new fire alarm systems in accordance with the plans and specifications as prepared by OCI Associates, Inc dated 10-12-16. €Installation of all com ponents in accordance with the latest applicable requirements of NEC, Local & State Codes, NFPA, ANSI and NEMA. €Installation of Gamewell / FCI equipment by an EliteŽ level subcontractor/dealer. No substitutions permitted. Work is to be accomplished during summer break however, all workers must be in conformance with the Jessica Lunsford Act Level II Security Clearance and display CCPS badges at all times while on CCPS property. All costs for CCPS security background screening and badging must be included in Subcontractor bids. A non-mandatory pre-bid site v isit will be held on Wednesday, A pril 5, 2017 at 10:00am at the main entrance of Deep Creek Ele mentary School located at 26900 Harbor View Rd, Pt. Charlotte. Publish: March 31, April 7, 2017 102791 3438646 3126 NOTICE OF MEETING Ch ar l otte C ounty Punta Gorda Metropolitan Planning Organization C A L E N D A R The Public is Invited to Attend Charlotte County-Punta Gorda Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Board Meeting and Public Meeting to consider amending the Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPOs 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) adding a project of widening Aqui Esta Drive from Bal Harbor Boulevard to US 41 (Tamiami Trail): Monday, May 1, 2017, 1:30 p.m. at the Murdock Administrative Building, Room #119, 18500 Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte, Florida. No stenographic record by a certified court reporter is made of these meetings. Accordingly, any one seeking to appeal any deciiilihhi 3126 NOTICE OF MEETING s i ons i nvo l v i ng t h e matters h ere i n will be responsible for making a verbatim record of the meeting/testimony and evidence upon which any appeal is to be based. (F.S. 286.0105) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE A MERICANS WITH DISABILITIES A CT AND CHAPTER 286.26 FLORIDA STATUTES, PERSONS NEEDING SPECIAL ACCOMMODA TIONS TO PARTICIPATE IN THI S PROCEEDING SHOULD CONTACT THE CHARLOTTE COUNTY-PUNTA GORDA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION AT LEAST FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING. CALL (941) 883-3535 BETWEEN 8:00 A.M. AND 5:00 P.M., MONDA Y THROUGH FRIDAY. The MPOs planning process is conducted in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes. An y person or beneficiary who be lieves he or she has been discrim inated against because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or familial status may file a complaint with the Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPO Title VI Coordinator Wendy W. Scott at (941) 883-3535 or by writing her at 25550 Harbor View Road, Suite 4, Port Charlotte, FL 33980. For more information call: Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPO 25550 Harbor View Road, Suite 4, Port Charlotte, Florida 33980 Tel:(941) 883-3535 Publish: April 7, 24, 2017 163352 3441575 3128 NOTICE OF PERMIT NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE PERMIT The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice of its in tent to issue Environmental Resource Permit #0347059-001 EI to the City of Punta Gorda, 326 West Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 to construct a 60-foot wide access channel linking the in terior waterway (River Bay Canal) of Punta Gorda Isles with an un named canal north of Sea Edge Drive, connecting to the dredged channel in Alligator Creek. The Department will issue the environmental resource permit and letter of consent to use sover eign submerged lands, unless a t imely petition for an administrat ive proceeding is filed pursuant to t he provisions of Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. The actual terms of the letter of consent will be formally executed at a later date and shall include provisions for rents and such other pro visions as normally are included in such letter of consent. On the fil ing of a timely and sufficient peti tion, this action will not be final and effective until further order of the Department. Because the ad ministrative hearing process is de signed to formulate final agenc y action, the hearing process ma y result in a modification of the agency action or even denial o f the application. The application file is available online and can be accessed through the Departments Information Portal at: epNexus/public/search-portal If you have any questions or are experiencing difficulty viewing the electronic application, please call Patricia Clune at 239-344-5639 or by email at A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Departments action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S. Pursuant to Rule 28106.201, F.A.C., a petition for an administrative hearing must contain the following information: (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agencys file or identification number, if known; (b) The name, address, any email address, any facsimile number, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioners representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioners substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency determination; (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. I f there are none, the petition must so indicate; (e) A concise state ment of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant re versal or modification of the agencys proposed action; (f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agencys proposed action, including an ex planation of how the alleged facts relate to the specific rules or statutes; and ()Afh 3128 NOTICE OF PERMIT ( g ) A statement o f t h e relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agencys proposed action. The petition must be filed (received by the Clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Depart ment at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Also, a copy of the petition shall be mailed to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. In accordance with Rule 62110.106(3), F.A.C., petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 14 days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice under Section 120.60(3), F.S., must be filed within 14 day s of publication of the notice or within 14 days of receipt of the written notice, whichever occurs first. Under Section 120.60(3), F.S., however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petit ion within 14 days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication. The failure to f ile a petition within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determina tion (hearing) under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., or to intervene in this proceeding and participate as a party to it. Any subsequent intervention (in a pro ceeding initiated by another party) will be only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with Rule 2 8-106.205, F.A.C. Under Rule 62-110.106(4) F.A.C., a person whose substantial interests are affected by the De partments action may also re quest an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time m ust be filed with the Office of G eneral Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Talla hassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline for filing a petition for an administrative hearing. A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. Mediation is not available in this proceeding. The applicant, or any party within the meaning of Section 373.114(1)(a) or 373.4275, F.S., may also seek appellate review of this order before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission under Section 373.114(1) or 373.4275, F.S. Requests for review before the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission and served on the Department within 20 days from the date when this order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. Publish: April 7, 2017 102469 3441560 3130 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Big J im Self Storage intends to sell t he personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under the Florida Self Storage Facility Act statutes (section 83.801-83.809). The owner will sell at Public Sale on or after 4-12-2017 at 2:00 PM at Big Jim Self Storage, 1001 Executive Ave. North Port, Florida 34289.... Wilder Henry A102 HHG Alberto A Figueredo C149 HHG Mishelle Smith G119 HHG Publish: March 31, April 7, 2017 309823 3437839 N ot i ce o f P u bli c S a l e o f Personal Property Pursuant to the lien granted by the Florida Self-Storage Facility Act, Fla. Stat. Ann. § 83.801, et. seq., Metro Storage, LLC, as managing agent for Lessor, will sell by public auction (or otherwise dispose) personal property (in its entirety) belonging to the tenants listed below t o the highest bidder to satisfy the lien of the Lessor for rental and other charges due. The said property has been stored and is located at the respective address below. Units up for auction will be listed for public bidding on-line at beginning five days prior to the scheduled auction date and time. The terms of the sale will be cash only. A 10% buyers premium will be charged per unit. All sales are final. Metro Self Storage, LLC reserves the right to withdraw any or all units, partial or entire, from the sale at any time before the sale or to refuse any bids. The property to be sold is described as general household itemsŽ unless otherwise 3130 NOTICE OF SALE note d All contents must b e removed completely from the property within 48 hours or sooner or are deemed abandoned by bidder/buyer. Sale rules and regulat ions are available at the time of sale. Metro Self Storage 1231 Kings Hwy Port Charlotte, FL 33980 Tel: 941-623-9150 Bidding will close on the website on A pril 19, 2017 at 10AM 10015 Bobbi DiGregorio Household Goods 12004 Joseph Drahos Household Goods Publish: March 31, April 7, 2017 108437 3437962 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT O F THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 13-002793-CA NCP FUND I HOLDINGS, INC., as assignee of the FEDERAL DE POSIT INSURANCE CORP., acting as Receiver for FLORIDA COMMU NITY BANK, Plaintiff, vs. SUNSET BAY, LLC, an inactive Florida Company; VICTOR G. MEL LOR, an Individual (Guarantor); PERRY S. LAWRENCE, an Individ ual (Guarantor); RANDY KNAPP, a n Individual (Guarantor); PAUL BIGNESS, an Individual (Guarantor), UNKNOWN PERSONS in possession; plus all others who may claim any interest in this property, Defendants. NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE PURSUANT TO 445.031, FLA.STAT. PUBLISHED WITH CHARLOTTE SUN TO ALL DEFENDANTS AND ALL OTHERS WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Consent Final Judgment as to Counts I, II and III, Against Defendant Sunset Bay, L LC recorded on March 23, 2017 as Instrument # 2509682, in Case No.: 13-002793 of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit in and for Charlotte County, Florida, in which NCP Fund I Holdings, LLC, is the Plaintiff, and SUNSET BAY, LLC, is t he Defendant. The Charlotte County Clerk of Courts will sell at public sale the following described r eal property: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" Lot 3, Block "B", Sunset Bay, a subdivision according to the plat t hereof recorded in Plat Book 2, page 63, of the Public Records of Charlotte County, Florida, LESS State Road Right-of-Way; TOGETHER WITH that strip of land described as: Begin at the intersection of the South R/W line of Bay Heights A venue (25-foot R/W) and the Southerly line of Lot 2, Block "B", SUNSET BAY, recorded in Plat Book 2, page 63, Public Records of Charlotte County, Florida; thence southwesterly along said Southerly lot line, 437 feet, more or less, to the Point of intersection of the said Southerly lot line, and the Southeasterly extension of an existing seawall along the Southwesterly side of said Lot 2; thence Northwesterly along the line of said seawall, extended Southeasterly, a distance of 5.0 feet; thence Northeasterly 87 feet, more or less, to a point on an existing seawall on the Easterly side of a boat basin, said point being 10 feet, measured perpendicular, from said Southerly line of Lot 2; thence Northeasterly, parallel to said Southerly line of Lot 2, and 10 feet therefrom, a distance of 334.72 feet to the Point of Intersection of said line and the Southerly R/W line of Bay Heights Avenue; thence Easterly along said R/W line, 16.26 feet to the Point of Beginning. All lying and being in Section 6, Township 41 South, Range 20 East, Charlotte County, Florida. The sale will be held on April 13, 2017 at 11:00 A.M to the highest bidder or bidders for cash in accordance with §45.031, Fla.Stat. At: www.charlotte.real the Clerk's website for on-line auctions at 11:00 A .M. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of this Lis Pendens must file a claim within sixty (60) days after the sale. (Court Seal) Roger D. Eaton Clerk of Court By: Sara Martella Dated: 3/24/17 Publish: March 31, April 7, 2017 350371 3438663 NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with the provisions of State Law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned is entitiled to satisfy an owner and/or managers lien of the goods hereinafter described and stored at the Life Storage formerly Uncle Bobs Self Storage location(s) listed below. And, due notice having been given, to the owner of said property and all part ies known to claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such having expired, the goods will be sold at public auction at the below stated location(s) to the highest 3130 NOTICE OF SALE biddd er or ort h erw i se di spose d o f on Monday, 04/17/17 at 1:00 pm Life Storage, formerly Uncle Bobs Self Storage 12560 Tami ami Trail S., North Port, Sarasota County, of Florida 34287. The fol lowing: NameContents Stephen Michael MacleodHsld gds Kris Johnson Hsld gds LeightonDwayne JohnsonHsld gds James Walsh Hsld gds Shane Pointon Hsld gds Paige Moltzan Hsld gds Page Robert Anthony Hsld gds Anthony P. Robert Hsld gds Page R. Anthony Hsld gds Robert Gates Phone: 941-423-7793 Fax: 941-423-5963 Publish: March 31; April 7, 2017 200317 3429341 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that Stor age America will sell the contents of the Storage units listed belo w at a public auction to satisfy a lien placed on The contents (pursuan t to Chapter 83 of the Florida Statutes). The sale Will take place on line at www.StorageStuff.Bid on April 28, 2017 At 10:00AM. The sale will be conducted by Storage Stuff.Bid (AB3482, AU4167) on behalf of the facility's management. The Storage Units are located at Storage America, 1145 Capricorn Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL. Contents will Be sold for Cash Only to the highest bidder. A 10% buyer's premium will be Charged as well as a $50 cleaning deposit per unit. All sales final. No one Under 16 years old permitted. Property sold is described as Misc., Boxes & Household Items. NAME:UNIT: Bryan, Sean David D65 Kaiser, Paul BA23 Kerwin, Kyra BA86 Parker, Lawrence C175, C176 Phillips, Valerie C24 Sandman, Sharron C4 Streeter, Paul C52 Publish: April 7, 14, 2017 114853 3441473 3138 OTHER NOTICES Ch ar l otte C ounty Punta Gorda Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board (LCB) Public Notice Volunteer Charlotte County resident is being sought to serve on the TRANSPORTATION DISADV ANTAGED LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD (LCB) The purpose of the LCB is to identify local service needs and to provide information, advice, and direction t o the Community Transportation Coordination of services to be provided to the transportation disadvantaged The position is for: € one Citizen Advocate User … The applicant must be a user of the Transportation Disadv antaged (TD) Program The deadline for submitting application isWednesday, April 19, 2017 Please go online at or contact the MPO for an application: Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPO 25550 Harbor View Road, Suite 4, Port Charlotte, FL 33980 Phone: 941-883-3535 Fax: 941-883-3534 Email: The MPO Board will elect the above positions at their Monday, May 1, 2017 Meeting. For more information call: Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPO (941) 883-3535 Publish: April 17, 2017 163352 3441571 PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! Southwest Floridians will get some relief over the weekend from abnormally high temperatures. The weather has been hot and sticky, with temperatures soaring to around 90, but a weekend front will bring in a cool breeze and drier air. Its just going to be breezier, cooler,Ž said National Weather Service Meteorologist Charles Paxton. You wont have to worry as much about heat exhaustion.Ž With a normal high of 82 and an overnight low of 61, according to the NWS, temperatures will run around 8 to 12 degrees cooler today. The forecast shows sunny weather this weekend. Highs are in the low 70s today with overnight lows around 50. On Saturday, highs are in the mid 70s with overnight lows in the low 50s. By Sunday, highs return closer to normal, with a high around 80 and low around 60. Today will also be breezy with northwest winds of 10 to 15 mph, gusting to around 20 mph. This may lead to a hazardous boating conditions through tonight for small craft operators, Paxton said. No rain is expected this weekend. Charlotte County is in severe drought and Sarasota County is in moderate drought as of the latest report from the U.S. Drought Monitor. Some possible impacts of moderate drought are: damage to crops, streams or wells running low and voluntary water restrictions, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. At severe drought, crop or pasture losses, water shortages and water restrictions are possible. Paxton said Thursdays rain helps with making “re weather due to low humidity less of a threat as the cooler and drier weather comes into the area this weekend. But its not clear how much it affected the overall drought at this point. Some areas of Charlotte County got over an inch of rain, but some parts (of southwest Florida) didnt get as much. Most areas got close to a half an inch at least. That de“nitely helps,Ž he said. When the next drought assessment comes out next week, well see how its changed things.Ž Email: sbrokaw@sun-herald.comCooler and drier weather ahead this weekendBy SOMMER BROKAWSTAFF WRITER


The Sun /Friday, April 7, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 7 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. To combat a recent rise in stolen vehicles, Sheriff Bill Prummell and his Crime Prevention Unit are reviving an anti-vehicle theft program called C.A.T., or Combat Auto Theft. Under the program, participants sign an application form authorizing law enforcement to perform a traf“c stop if their vehicle is on the road during unusual hours. Participants sign the application and receive a decal, which will be af“xed to the inside lower-left rear window or lower-left front window. When law enforcement see the decal, they have reasonable suspicion that the driver is in possession of the vehicle without the owners consent. For standard vehicles, law enforcement will pull over drivers between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m., while commercial vehicles will be pulled over between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. The national program is one the Sheriffs Of“ce used to participate in but discontinued. Vehicle owners can register at any of the Charlotte County Sheriffs Of“ce locations throughout the county during normal business hours. Email: Charlotte Sheriff revives vehicle theft prevention programBy ANNE EASKERSTAFF WRITER NORTH PORT „ Between 5,000 and 6,000 books are for sale at the Friends of the Library sale at the North Port Library until Saturday. The books for this weekends sale came from donations to the group throughout the year, and from some of the librarys own purge of books. All of the proceeds from the sale go back into the library and to help fund kids and teen programs. (Weve) been putting money into the discovery lab,Ž said Charlotte Leonard-Braun, Friends of the Library board of directors. Leonard-Braun said they have put $5,600 into the discovery lab in the last year and plan to put another $5,000 in this year. The discovery lab in the childrens area houses the maker area that contains a 3-D printer, robotic building lab and computers. In addition to the discovery lab, Leonard-Braun and the Friends of the Library also help fund the summer reading program. Leonard-Braun said through their funding they work to create a safe environment for kids at the library. While Friends of the Library takes donations, a lot of the money comes from the book sale, which is held again in August. This is a major source of our income,Ž LeonardBraun said. The group not only raises money through the book sales, but throughout the year it takes donations and sells books in its book store. Were the everyday funding,Ž Leonard-Braun said. That funding has helped not only equip the discovery lab, but also furniture for the childrens area and the summer reading program. Board member Matilda Lang said not only do they help the library, they price childrens and young adult books to help area teachers provide books for their classrooms. Teachers come and take advantage of the books,Ž Lang said. Children and young adult books are priced at 20 for $5 to help teachers stock their own classroom libraries, and for families who need books for their kids. Its about getting the kids and families into the library,Ž she said.Email: aherrera@sun-herald.comNorth Port Library hosts annual book saleBy ALEXANDRA HERRERA STAFF WRITER SUN PHOTO BY ALEXANDRA HERRERA Friends of the Library board member Elaine Berryhill helps Donna Mills pack her bag of purchases during the librarys book sale.HOW TO HELP€ Friends of the Library book sale is open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today and Saturday at the North Port Library, 13800 Tamiami Trail, North Port. € To find out how to donate to the North Port Friends of the Library visit the bookstore. € Gently used book donations are accepted at the Friends bookstore or to schedule a large pickup, call Charlotte Leonard-Braun at 305-304-3002. The Charlotte County Sheriffs Office reported the following arrests: € Matthew Johnathon Gilliard, 44, of Wauchula. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Bryan Trevor Perry, 25, 200 block of Allamanda Circle, Venice. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Christopher Paul Fitzgerald, 27, 2800 block of Dixie Drive, Punta Gorda. Charges: violation of probation and battery second or subsequent offense. Bond: $5,000. € Michelle Lynn Monroe, 33, 11000 block of South Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda. Charges: failure to register motor vehicle and failure to notify HSMV of change of address. Bond: $10,000. € Joseph William Boisvert, 37, 2300 block of Pinegrove Circle, Punta Gorda. Charge: battery. Bond: $2,500. € James Anthony Popivich, 29, 2300 block of Pinegrove Circle, Punta Gorda. Charges: false ID given to law enforcement officer, resisting officer with violence, trespass failure to leave property upon order by owner, possession of drug paraphernalia, contributing to delinquency by causing a child to commit a delinquent act, and four counts of off bond/forfeiture/ revocations. Bond: $13,000. € Robert Charles Dano Sr., 67, 5900 block of Purdy Lane, Punta Gorda. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Jocelyne Zanussi, 62, 25800 block of Aysen Drive, Punta Gorda. Charge: DUI Bond: $2,000. € Wendy Marie Updike, 40, 22300 block of New York Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: grand theft of property more than $300 but less than $5,000, grand theft more than $5,000 less than $10,000, and burglary of an unoccupied dwelling unarmed. Bond: $10,000. € Michael Lee Raynor, 39, 212100 block of Gladys Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. Bond: $10,000. € Paul Joseph Beaulieu, 65, homeless of Port Charlotte. Charge: county ordinance violations. Bond: $5,000. € John Aaron Solomon, 28, 4000 block of Rowland Drive, Port Charlotte. Charge: out of county warrant. Bond: none. € Scott Charles Clemmons, 46, 12000 block of Gladiola Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: driving without license revoked habitual offender and battery. Bond: $7,000. € Antoine Edwardo Robinson Jr., 26, 21100 block of Meehan Ave., Port Charlotte. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € William Nevadowski, 53, 10600 block of Ayear Road, Port Charlotte. Charges: grand theft of property more than $300 but less than $5,000 and two counts of contractor presents license of another subsequent offense. Bond: none. € Jorge Luis Oliver, 45, 2600 block of Lakeshore Circle, Port Charlotte. Charge: battery. Bond: $2,000. € Nicholas Alexander Finol, 32, 5300 block of Cromey Road, North Port. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Timothy Alan Igneri, 29, 1400 block of Dixie Lane, North Port. Charges: fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement officer, possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $10,000. € Harvey Leroy Darasaw Jr., 19, homeless of Fort Myers. Charges: grand theft of motor vehicle and three counts of off bond/ forfeiture/revocations. Bond: $5,000. € Christina Lynn Williams, 20, of Fort Myers. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Joseph Jacob Arthur Taylor, 22, homeless of Englewood. Charge: out of county warrant. Bond: none. € Ronald Bouke Gentis, 55, 3200 block of Cindy Lane, Englewood. Charge: battery. Bond: $2,000. The Florida Highway Patrol reported the following arrest: € Eddie Acosta Jr., 31, of Davenport, Fla. Charges: possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $9,000. The Sarasota County Sheriffs Office reported the following arrests: € Stephen Carlson, 55, 480 block of Substation Road, Nokomis. Charge: DUI with a person under 18. Bond: $500. € Lawrence Deshane, 49, 100 block of S. Jessica St., Nokomis. Charges: possession of methamphetamines, possession or use of narcotics equipment and failure to notify Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles change of address. Bond: $2,120. € Brian Jones, 32, 2600 block of Englewood Road, Englewood. Charge: battery. Bond: none. € Linda Williams, 60, 214000 block of Sheldon Ave., Port Charlotte. Charge: fraud by swindling property worth $50,000 or more and exploiting an elderly person over $50,000. Bond: none. The Venice Police Department reported the following arrest: € Michael McGlinchey, 49, 1400 block of 10th St., Sarasota. Charge: open container. Bond: $120. The Charlotte County Sheriffs Office reported the following arrests: € Timothy Coritissoz, 25, 3300 block of Log Cobin Blvd., North Port. Charges: two Charlotte County issued warrants for DUI and possession of marijuana. Bond: none. € Pamela George, 35, 500 block of Albee Farm Road, Venice. Charge: Charlotte County issued warrant for petty theft and resisting merchants efforts. Bond: $5,000. The Citrus County Sheriffs Office reported the following arrest: € Scott Hermann, 31, 8200 block of Bessemer Ave., North Port. Charge: Citrus County issued warrant for four counts of giving falsification of ownership to pawnbroker. Bond: $8,000. „ Compiled by Anne Easker and Lauren Coffey POLICE BEATThe information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriffs office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.


Our Town Page 8 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name „ not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Sun Letters to the Editor, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980, or fax to 941-629-2085. Readers may email Letters to the Editor at HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOREmail letters to letters@sun-herald.comPublisher „ Robert E. Lee Executive editor „ Jim Gouvellis Editorial page editor „ Stephen Baumann Commentary Editor „ John Hackworth V IEWPOINTRallying the part-time fools Use ballpark for other purposes Harmony Showcase an amazing show This Social Security plan would work Military spending seems unnecessary Someone selling my contact infoEditor: Up at Tallahassee the Legislature is in session for 60 days. Also at Tallahassee lurks a group of gifted, talented, smart people with a “st full of dollars. They are the dreaded lobbyists who represent various special interests and to whom some politicians owe their very existence. The saving grace for public interest is not statesmanship but the constitutional requirement that the budget must be balanced. The national legislature is open for business 365 days a year. United States congressmen havent the will or desire to balance the national budget. The political games they all play are the oldest tricks in the book, divide and conquer for their special interest. They are not as stupid as they seem, quite the contrary. Abraham Lincoln said these are two types of people.:The part-time fools and the fulltime fools. As a part-time fool, I cant help but to feel chosen. I ask all part-time fools to join me in 2018 and not re-elect any United States congressman.Larry Bierma Punta GordaEditor: Charlotte County should utilize the baseball stadium for everyone, not just for the handful of people that go to minor league games. How about concerts and different events that everyone can enjoy? Maybe the county can make enough money from these events to put up a pedestrian bridge across State Road 776 and alleviate the traf“c problem.Danny Caprario Port CharlotteEditor: On March 26 I attended, along with about 600 others, the Suncoast Statesmen Harmony Showcase 2017.Ž The venue was held at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church in Punta Gorda. Under the direction of Ray Danley, these talented barber shoppers entertained and left the audience with that good feeling of music in their hearts Editor: The federal government currently spends $4 trillion a year, of which nearly $1 trillion is committed to Social Security. With a $20-trillion Editor: Every day some presidential spokesperson or media outlet reminds us to be fearful. But, do we really need to spend so much money for defense? Currently, we spend nearly $580 billion per year which is more than half of our total budget. Thats a lot, and seems like even more when we consider what our oldest rivals spend: China, $129 billion; Russia, $70 billion; and North Korea, a whopping $4 billion. Of course, there are those foreign countries that threaten us with small planes, homemade bombs and suicidal young people. All three of which should be feared. But, really, are big-ticket weapons or huge troop deployments going to keep us safe from them? And then there is the nuclear question. Apparently, Russia Editor: I recently purchased a used car from a friend and registered it in Sarasota County. I should add I am a snowbird who only pays taxes in this county and my permanent address and other two vehicles are registered in Massachusetts. After registering my car I started receiving warranty extension offers from unof“cial companies. They were not from Toyota, which is understandable since the warranty had long expired. I received between 4 and 6 offers in the mail over a month time frame. I found this curious since I have never received such notices in Massachusetts except from the dealer when the manufacturers warranty actually expired, and then only one letter. The car is insured with Amica Mutual, as are my two Massachusettsregistered cars. The only people that know I bought this car are Amica, the previous owner who has since moved to Kansas and the DMV. The owner knows nothing about warranty offers and Amica has never caused such letters to come to me in the past 40 years I have insured automobiles with them. This week I actually received a telephone offer on my cellular phone. That was truly the frosting on the cake. The only conclusion is that the DMV sold my contact information to these warranty offer companies. I would think it is illegal and more than just a violation of my privacy to sell my contact information, but the DMV doesnt seem to care.Romeo Farese Sarasota OUR VIEW LETTERS TO THE EDITORDrilling in Gulf remains contentious issueOUR POSITION: We support U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanans efforts to protect our shores from the dangers related to drilling for oil.Drilling. Its been a hotand-cold issue for years in Florida and other states with shorelines. The topic has been dormant for the past couple of years, but with a new administration in Washington, D.C., the possibility of opening our oceans and the Gulf of Mexico to drilling is being discussed once again. U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Sarasota, has been a solid opponent of drilling in the Gulf. Recently, he threw his support to a bipartisan group in Congress that is lobbying Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to block any drilling off the Florida coast. Floridas representatives have basically opposed drilling but there have been cracks in their coalition. U.S. Rep. Tom Rooney, R-Okeechobee, seemed to leave the door open as to his stance in a comment he emailed the Sun : As we move forward to develop our domestic energy policies in the new administration, I look forward to working with by former colleague, Secretary Zinke, to establish the best and safest offshore drilling policies for Florida.Ž There is no uncertainty in Buchanans feelings. The concern came after the Trump administration released a proposal to possibly open up 70 million acres off the coast of Florida to oil and gas drilling over the next “ve years. This comes just as the “nal payments from the infamous Deepwater Horizon catastrophic explosion and oil spill are “ltering into county and city coffers to settle lawsuits and pay for environmental damage. Just last week Charlotte County commissioners discussed spending a portion of an $852,620 settlement with Transocean Ltd., which owned the ill-fated Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig. The money is nice, it may even help pay for our sewer expansion, but the cost in human lives and damage to our environment were a high price to pay. We certainly would not wish another catastrophe like Deepwater Horizon on anyone. And, despite assurances by oil companies, there are never guarantees it could not happen again. The congressional coalition, in its letter to Zinke, said: Floridas beaches and economy are at risk. Drilling in this area threatens Floridas multibillion-dollar, tourism-driven economy. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill nearly seven years ago spewed more than 4 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, claimed the lives of 11 workers, decimated the regions iconic wildlife and severely damaged our “shing and tourism industries.Ž Buchanan says Floridas coast communities should not face the threat of an oil spill that could devastate the economy. He supports the 2016 Interior Department rules that list well-safety requirements that include frequent testing of blowout preventers. In a press release, he said he has co-sponsored the Preserving Floridas Coastal Communities Act, which would prohibit drilling within 125 miles of our shores in the Gulf of Mexico until 2027. Currently, drilling is prohibited until 2022. The Sarasota-based congressman has also sponsored legislation that would stop Cuba from drilling within 50 miles of Florida. Oil production in the U.S. has been approaching or exceeding record output for years now. Our dependency on foreign oil is not nearly as severe as it was a decade ago. Floridas congressional delegation should present a united front when it comes to drilling off our coast. We see no need to push for a policy that could jeopardize our shorelines when there is no urgent need. and minds. The afternoon showcased not only the talented Suncoast Statesmen Barbershop Chorus,Ž but the talents of the EnharmonicsŽ from Port Charlotte High School, Sweet Adeline Quartet Tamiami Sound,Ž the Chapter QuartetsŽ and SignatureŽ the 2016 International Quartet Medalists. The afternoon was amazing, talents abounded and everyone in attendance was so supportive of these awesome performers, often giving them standing ovations. I would like to thank our friends and neighbors at our complex, Deep Creek Gardens,Ž who purchased tickets. Their love and support of two of our residents who are in the chorus, Joe Levatino and Phil Chabot, is much appreciated. I think about three-quarters of the complex attended the afternoon performance. I personally cant wait for Sunday, March 25, 2018, for Harmony Showcase 2018.Dorothy Chabot Punta Gordade“cit increasing yearly, Trumps hopes of balancing the budget without restructuring SS is improbable. Economists believe SS is unsustainable. Reform ideas are being ”oated, but few Americans are listening. One offered by the Association of Mature American Citizens, a conservative alternative to AARP, preserves the fund for 75 years without raising taxes. AMAC proposes to increase bene“ts for those with lower income earnings by implementing a tiered approach in calculating Cost-Of-Living Adjustments. Lower-income earners would get a higher COLA than higher earners. To achieve solvency and ensure bene“ts continue, it further recommends increasing full retirement eligibility by two months a year of age starting in 2022 to age 69. Also in 2022 future lower-income-earner bene“ts would remain the same but higher earners would be lowered. AMAC also recommends a means for earners to have more income at retirement in addition to SS. A voluntary and portable early retirement account is suggested for both employees and employers similar in concept to current tax-free IRA Roths. An average wage earner entering the workforce today could accumulate between $250,000 and $500,000 by the time they retire with their ERA. may have about 300 more weapons of mass destruction in their nuclear arsenal than we have stock-piled, 7,500-7,200. North Korea, which is once again making headlines, has less than 10. But, really, those numbers are irrelevant when you consider 100 nuclear detonations, by whomever and wherever, would make the Earth uninhabitable, even if people managed to survive them. So, I have a suggestion as budget discussions get underway. How about we take a time-out and follow the money thats already being spent? Lets see what its really buying and from whom. Who knows, we might be able to “nd enough waste in current spending to promote health care, not warfare.Lee Chambers North PortFifty-million have no retirement plans and the average person collects only $16,000 a year in retirement bene“ts „ mostly SS. In considering reform think big, as AMAC has done, because Social Security is doomed if we dont.Frank Mazur Punta Gorda


The Sun /Friday, April 7, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 9 VIEWPOINTCharlotte County is expected to experience a substantial population growth in the coming years. How will the Charlotte County Sheriffs Of“ce handle this growth and what should the citizens of Charlotte County expect from their sheriff? The current estimated population of Charlotte County, according to the United States Census Bureau (July 2016) is 165,783 people. By the year 2045, there will be a projected population of 216,035 people, a nearly 23 percent increase. This suggests Charlotte County will see a steady increase of approximately 7,000 to 9,000 people every “ve years. The two areas of the county that will have the most signi“cant increase in population are projected to be Babcock Ranch and Murdock Village. The developers of Babcock Ranch have indicated they expect to have 50,000 new residents, with 19,000 new established households and 20,000 permanent jobs. The residential area is expected to consist of four villages and “ve hamlets. The downtown area will contain of“ces, business parks, a hospital care center, shopping, restaurants, entertainment and lodges. Additionally, it is reported that there will be eight schools, including a high school. In November 2016, a 452-acre portion of Murdock Village was sold to a development group. The agreement puts in motion a development project that is estimated to create up to 2,400 residential units, 200,000 square feet of retail and commercial space and a 150-room hotel. This project is also reportedly expected to add over 4,000 new residents to the county. As you read this, you may be asking yourself, how will the Sheriffs Of“ce respond to all of this growth and how will it affect operations? The obvious answer to those questions is to increase staf“ng. But there are many issues that must be addressed before that happens. Increasing staff can be costly. Careful thought and a comprehensive approach will be conducted. The national average for police staf“ng is 1.7 to 1.8 of“cers per 1,000 people. However, that simple formula has been shown to not always be the best approach. Calls for service, the nature of those calls, time consumed on each call and performance objectives should all be factored in before deciding on staf“ng levels. The provision of police service is very dependent upon the type and level of work demands emanating from the community. The effort to determine future staf“ng will require a comprehensive assessment of workload through both calls for service and other sustained operational commitments placed on the department so that our community receives the most effective and ef“cient services possible. As your sheriff, I will make adjustments to meet service demands to maintain good relationships between law enforcement and the community. I will adapt the organizational structure to meet operational needs. I will prioritize our immediate needs and “scal capabilities and will organize long-range plans to accomplish agreed upon objectives. One way that we do this is through our Intelligence Led Policing philosophy. Through the collection and analysis of data, the Charlotte County Sheriffs Of“ce is capable of tracking crime trends and commonalities. We are then able to align and manage our resources to better combat crime. Thus far, we have found this to be very successful. The Charlotte County Sheriffs Of“ce is committed to conserving where appropriate and highlighting ef“ciency gains before justifying a need for growth within the agency. We will continue to review our strategic plan to ensure we stay ahead of new challenges and maintain the proactive philosophy of Intelligence Led Policing while building upon our community relationships. As your sheriff, I am committed to ensuring the safety of each and every one of our citizens and visitors. Together, we can make a difference. Bill Prummell is the Charlotte County sheriff.Impact of population growth on Sheriffs Office Bill Prummell Career and technical education is a term applied to schools, institutions and educational programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied sciences, modern technologies and career preparation. It was formerly called vocational education.Ž However, this term has become outdated. Career and technical programs offer both academic and career-oriented courses, and provide students with the opportunity to gain work experience through internships, job shadowing, on-the-job training and industry-certi“cation opportunities. Career and technical programs provide a wide range of learning experiences spanning many different career tracks, “elds and industries, from skilled trades „ such as automotive technology, building construction or air conditioning „ to “elds as diverse as culinary arts, cosmetology, criminal justice, aerospace technologies, paramedic, practical nursing, emergency medical technician, personal training, computer systems and information technology, network support and digital design. Charlotte Technical College hosts 21 different programs available for adults and career dual-enrolled students ready to learn to earn.Ž Career and technical education is an underutilized learning pathway that can help increase the educational engagement, achievement and attainment of students who wish to enter the workforce in a highskilled, high-wage paying position. The practical learning experiences that are often provided in career and technical programs appeal to many students. Common elements focus on critical thinking, new technologies, real-world settings, hands-on activities and the application of learning to practical problems. These common elements align to the growing emphasis on 21st-century skills. Students gain practical, relevant, marketable skills that will make them more employable adults after graduation. Charlotte Technical College is the place in Charlotte County to gain those practical learning experiences and earn a career certi“cate and state licensure or industry-standard certi“cation. There are valuable and applied learning experiences in every program and course offered at the college. Automotive SkillsJust recently, “ve of our high school automotive technology students participated in the premier Gulf Coast Classic Car Auction at the Charlotte Harbor Event Center. Their participation in this event gave the students practical knowledge of how to run an auction, engaged them in learning about all different types of cars and allowed the students to network with others in the industry. This was a large BarrettJackson type auction with everything from model As to modern Corvettes on the block. The students were honorary members of the car club for the day and were asked to create a trophy/display item to auction at the event. The trophy built by the students raised close to $10,000 dollars for Skills USA. Skills USA is the career and technical organization that co-aligns with each program at the college. Skills USA improves the quality of Americas skilled workforce through a structured program of citizenship, leadership, employability, technical and professional skills training. Skills USA enhances the lives and careers of students, instructors and industry representatives as they strive to be champions at work. In late April, Charlotte Technical College will be sending 52 students to the state competition in Lakeland to compete with others within the same career “eld. Paramedic ProgramCharlotte Technical College is proud to announce the opening of our paramedic program, which will begin in August. Please contact Jennifer Truman (Program specialist) or BJ Holbach (career specialist) at 255-7500 or check us out at www. for additional information about this program and many others. New to CTC is our Instructional Service Center the Englewood Fire Training Center. If interested in becoming a trained, skilled “re“ghter, please contact us at Charlotte Technical College for information about enrollment. Deelynn Bennett is the director of Charlotte Technical College.CTC: Learning beyond vocational education School NotesDeelynn Bennett Cant find it anywhere?Dont give up … check the Classifieds! SP20001Wanttomakeacomment,say thanks,giveapatonthebackto someone,getsomethingoffyour chest?Writealettertotheeditorand shareyourthoughtswith80,000 ofyourfriendsandneighbors.Submitlettersviae-mailto letters @ ormailthemto 23170HarborviewRoad, CharlotteHarbor,Fla.,33980. TurntotheViewpointpage forletterguidelines andother information. ShareYourThoughts... Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding to the advertise ment for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance plans including Freedom Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 adno=50513321 FREE EYE EXAM FOR NEW PATIENTS 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT), ARCADIA 863-993-2020 20600 VETERANS BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Offer Does Not Apply To Freedom And Optimum Health Plan Participants. Coupon Expires 5/17/2017 Thomas Quigley, M.D. formerly Eye Health 3191 Harbor Blvd. Suite D, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 FAMILY DOCTOR € Diabetes € Memory Loss € High Blood Pressure € Hearing Loss Screening € High Cholesterol € Stress Test € Thyroid Problems € Arthritis € Osteoporosis € Cardiac Disease € Heart Problems € Weight Loss € Skin Cancer Surgery 941-613-1919 Tanya Metyk, M.D. Board Certified Internal Medicine SAME DAY SICK APPOINTMENTS Now Accepting Most Insurances Wel coming Self Pay Patients adno=505128 2 € Diabetic Care € Foot Pain € Foot Surgery € Heel Pain New Patients Welcome 941-613-1919 3191 Harbor Blvd. Unit D Port Charlotte, FL 33952 adno=50512825 COMPLETE FOOT CARE Dr. Michael Metyk Podiatric Surgery adno=50509188 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Aquaculture BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND Section 253.69, Florida Statutes … Rule 18-21.021, F.A.C. NOTICE OF AQUACULTURE LEASE MODIFICATION APPLICATION NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 253.70, Florida Statutes, that the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund has received a modification request from Barry Hurt, of 1034 Spirit Lake Rd., Winter Haven, Florida. The applicant is requesting approval to modify his current sovereignty submerged land aquaculture lease (08-AQ-166) to a water column lease to allow the use of floating gear for the culture of shellfish. The lease is in the Cape Haze Aquatic Preserve, in Charlotte Harbor, in Charlotte County. A map identifying the location of the proposed activity accompanies this notice. Anyone having any questions or comments regarding the proposed project should file them in writing with the Division of Aquaculture, 600 South Calhoun Street, Suite 217, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, on or before 5:00 p.m. on the 30th day of April, 2017. ADAM H. PUTNAM COMMISSIONER Having Problems With Your Dentures? Difficulty Eating? 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Our Town Page 10 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS TODAY Easy Does It Club, The Easy Does It Club offers daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please call 941-624-0110 Tops Club takeoff #s, 8am to 10 am at Edgewater UMC 19190 Cochran Blvd, call 941-2582610(Hope) $32 annual, $5 monthly Kayak Myrtle Slough, 9AM-1PM, Shell Creek, 941-505-8904 Quarter Bingo, Cultural Center 10a-10:45a 2280 Aaron St., Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Eagles, Eagles 2311 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 music It Takes Two Bingo, Cultural Center 10:45a3:30p 2280 Aaron St. Game Packs start at $13. Over 25 games with payouts up to $250 625-4175. Deep Creek Elks, Lodge opens @ 11. Dinner 5-8. Prime Rib, Seafood. Music by Quiet Fire. 941-249-8067. Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open, 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-9:30 Music by Verceal @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606;members & guests Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG, 637-2606, ext. 451 Danny Beach, Singer Danny Beach performs 12 noon-3 pm in center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Port Charlotte Elks, BOGO Happy Hour 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 3 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 625-7571 American Legion #103, Open To Public! Chicken Piccata or Fish/Shrimp Dinner 5-7 Music by Birdie Lee 6-9 2101 Taylor Rd PG 639-6337 Singer Dan Meadows, Singer Dan Meadows performs 5-9 pm center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Free Easter Basket, Adults just come, only at 6-8pm for 1 per child; EU Methodist Church, 700 E. Dearborn; 473-4133; www. Friday Night Dance, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 7p-10p $10 Full cash bar live entertainment. Band info at 625-4175. SATURDAY SVDP golf outing, St. Vincent golf outing, 7 a.m.-5 p.m., St. Andrews South Golf Club, Punta Gorda, 941-202-2216. Easy Does It Club, The Easy Does It Club offers daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please Call 941-624-010 PG Farmers Market, 8 to 1, taylor st. & Olympia, 941-391-4856, 70 asst. vendors & music for a relaxed, shopping experience., Fresh Produce. Free Easter Basket, Adults just come, only at 9am-noon for 1 per child; EU Methodist Church, 700 E. Dearborn; 473-4133; www. KidX Bunny Brunch, 9 10 a.m. at Port Charlotte Town Center. Free. TODAY Line Dancing, 9:30 to 11:30 American Legion Post 113 3436 Indiana Road Rotonda West. Phone Eve at 941 697 8733 Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. Dinner & Dance, Chef special Lasagna. Fish, steak, ribs,more 5-7:30pm Music by: Jay Smith 7-10pm Rotonda Elks 697-2710 FISH FRY & MORE, AYCE Fish/Chips $10 & Specialty Items 4:307pm. Music MOMENTS TO REMEMBER 6:30pm. Legion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Entertainment, VFW Englewood, Music by DAVE GRAHNŽ in, the lounge! Food avail. 4-7 p.m.! Public, welcome! 474-7516 Free Easter Basket, Adults just come, only at 6-8pm for 1 per child; EU Methodist Church, 700 E. Dearborn; 473-4133; www. SATURDAY COUNTRY BREAKFAST, Country Breakfast & Crafts 4/8 at Holiday Estates I&II, 1445 Seagull, Engwd. 7:30-10:30am $5, ph#586-246-9812. BREAKFAST, Breakfast 8am to 11:30am. Karaoke starts at 6:30pm, Come and Sing!! American Legion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Rotonda Free Easter Basket, Adults just come, only at 9am-noon for 1 per child; EU Methodist Church, 700 E. Dearborn; 473-4133; www. Easter Festival, Sat Apr 8, 10am. Egg hunt, family games & prizes, crafts, food, bounce house. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 FC 40, 000 Egg Hunt, FC 40,000 Egghunt@Church campus 10:00am. Games, prizes & pizza FREE for kids up to 12yrs. old For info call 475-7447 FL Lighthouse Day, FL Lighthouse Day 10-4 880 Belcher Boca Grande 941-964-0060 $5 per person Corn Hole 12:30PM, Corn Hole sign up 12:30 $2 entry fee per game., Proceeds to charity. Rotonda Elks, members & guests. Rain or shine Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. Gatsby Fundraiser, Fundraiser for local food banks Gatsby Style 5-9pm Music JR Bradford 6-9pm., Rotonda Elks, call for details 697-2710 SUNDAY BREAKFAST, Breakfast 8am to 11:30am. Bar Bingo in the Lounge 6:30pm, Get Lucky!! AmericanLegion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Rotonda Emerging Artisan, Local Art, Live Music and delicious food in the backyard gardens of The Open Studio, Sunday 10-2 Chicken BBQ, Masonic Lodge Chicken BBQ. 11:30 am 1 pm, 265 Pine St. $10 donation. 941-525-7212 Best Chicken BBQ in town. Sunday Dinner, Best Broasted Chicken Dinner 2-4pm (NEW TIME) Members & guests Rotonda Elks, 941-697-2710 Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. KARAOKE, VFW Englewood, KARAOKEŽ w/Ann & Sonny, 4 to 7 p.m.! Blue Plate Special will be Meatloaf, $6.00! Public Welcome 474-7516 MONDAY Crafting Help us to craft items; bring lunch, we supply dessert at Lemon Bay Womans Club, 51 N. Maple St. 9:30 12:30 681-2048 Forty Carrots, Forty Carrots 10:15 or 11:15 Mondays Age 0-5 Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 Osteoporosis Support, Side Effects of Osteoporosis Medicines by Larry Lloyd, Pharm. D, 11:00 at Suncoast Aud. RSVP 473-3919 Read with Dogs, Read with the Dogs Age 5-11 3:30-4:30 pm Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 Ballroom Classes, April 3 thru May 1, Beginner/Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692. Dinner & E.B. Bingo, Come and Join us for dinner and Early Bird Bingo at Holiday Estates I&II, 1445 Seagull Dr., Engwd. 4-6pm 4/10 Monday Wings, Wings, wet and dry, burgers, salads, more 5-7p, Music: Escape 6-9pm. Rotonda Elks, 697-2710 Members&guests TODAY Basic Exercise, $3/class 9-10 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Come join Brenda for a good workout and feel better. NP Farmers Market, 9 to 2 city hall blvd. 941-391-4856 Fresh produce organic & domestic, seafood, meats, cheese, olives & more. Music, Blood Pressure, 9:30-10:30 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 BP is done by Lorna DeRiggs, RN Get yours done NP Friends Book Sale, Book sale, NP Library, 13800 TamiamiTrail, 10-5. Hardbacks 8 for $5.00. Childrens 20 for $5.00. Info: 305-304-3002. Pierogies Take-Out, Pierogies/Kielbasa, Every Fri.10am-6pm, St. Andrew Ukrainian Center. 4100 S.Biscayne Dr. North Port 941 786-5256 Alzheimers Resp.Care, 10:30-2:30 every Fri.Living Waters Lutheran Church,12475 Chancellor Blvd.activities,lunch.$30.Info call 941-204-7335. Free Tax Help, 10:30am=2:30pm, AARP Tax-Aide, North Port Senior Center, 4940 Pan American Blvd., NP Life AFTER Downton, North Port library, Friday 10:30-12, Join us for a lively discussion of current PBS programs!. Ques-861-1307. St. Marys Takeout, Pierogie/Stuffed Cabbage/Borsh, 11am-6pm, St. Marys, 941-423-2427. VFW Post 8203, Fish/Fry Rib Dinners 5 7, Dance out with Dj Scotty 6 10 Pinochle, $1.50/person 12-3 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Pat Lucia 257-8358 Come and have a good time. Port Charlotte Elks, BOGO Happy Hour 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 Ukrainian Dinners, Pierogie/Stuffed Cabbage/Borsch, 4-6pm, St. Marys, 941-423-2427 AMVETS 312 Dinner, Lunch 11:30-2:00 Dinner 5-7 Friday Fish Fry, Shrimp members&guests 7050 Chancellor Blvd NP 941-423-5409 Holy Name Bingo, 5-9pm San Pedro Activity Center, Up to $1300.00 in cash prizes. Non-Smoking Refreshments Open to all 429-6602 Free Easter Basket, Adults just come, only at 6-8pm for 1 per child; EU Methodist Church, 700 E. Dearborn; 473-4133; www. Pinochle, $2/person 6-9 PM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Rochelle 429-1887 Friday nights are fun, so come join in. SATURDAY Free Easter Basket, Adults just come, only at 9am-noon for 1 per child; EU Methodist Church, 700 E. Dearborn; 473-4133; www. Easter Festival, Sat Apr 8, 10am. Egg hunt, family games & prizes, crafts, food, bounce house. Gulf Cove UMC, 1100 McCall, PC. 697-1747 FC 40, 000 Egg Hunt, FC 40,000 Egg Hunt @ Church prop. 10:00am. Games, prizes & pizza FREE for kids up to 12yrs. old For info call 475-7447 NP Friends Book Sale, Book sale, NP Library, 13800 TamiamiTrail, 10-5. Hardbacks 8 for $5.00. Childrens 20 for $5.00. Info: 305-304-3002. Tea Time, Held at the George Mullen Activity Center, Saturday 11am-12pm. $10 per pair, $3 add child. 941-429-7275. Port Charlotte Elks, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 AMVETS 312 Dinner, 5:00-7:00 Spagetti&meatballs/ sauce $9.00 Music by Tim&Rosanne 6:00-9:00 SUNDAY AMVETS 312 Breakfast, 9:00-11:00 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT incl bev only $7.00 large selection members&guests 7050 Chancellor Blvd NP 941-429-5403 VFW Post 8203, Nascar Sunday Texas 1:30 pm, Bring a snack to share Port Charlotte Elks, Charity Bingo Doors Open 12 Noon, Members & Guests, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 629-4545 FC BLAST KIDS, BLAST Middle School Youth Group meets Sun. 5-7pm@140 Rot. Blvd. W. Join us for fun, food, games & Bible Study. 475-7447 MONDAY Basic Exercise, $3/class 9-10 AM NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Come join Brenda for a good workout and feel CHARLOTTE EVENTS ENGLEWOOD EVENTS NORTH PORT EVENTS Easter Fest!, Easter Fest! Saturday, April 8th, from 10am to 1pm at Port Charlotte United Methodist Church; 625-4356. Bounce houses, food, music, games and the Easter Bunny ... all FREE! Fund Raising Auction, 4/8, Open @ 10, begins @11. Time Out Respite Care, 24246 Harborview Road. 100s of items from local businesses to corporate. Items include Theme Park tickets, Sunset Cruises, celebrity items, sky diving, various merchandise, gift baskets and gift certificates. Contact Jami, 941-473-3883. Easter Egg Hunt, April8, 10:00 a.m.-11:30, sponsored by the Punta Gorda Historical Society, Punta Gorda History Park, 501Shreve St. Egg hunt, face painting, music with Rayla, seed planting, scavenger hunt and more! 1st United Methodist Egg-Stravaganza, 1st United Methodist Church, 507 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Sat., April 8th. Registration 11:00 AM. Egg Hunt & Prizes, Music, Pictures with the Easter Bunny, Free Hot Dogs and Snow Cones for Kids. For more information contact Tammy Youngblood at 941-639-3842 Ext 213. Pt Charlotte Family Discovery Day, Apr 8, 12:30to 4:30 pm. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1303 Forest Nelson. Info: 703-4705940. Free, Public Welcome, Refreshments Served. Learn about your family roots. Get pack of free genealogy aids. Collector Car Display, Fri., Apr 7, 4 to 7 p.m. Collector Car Display hosted by Perkins Rest. 1700 Tamiami Trail, Murdock, & assisted by the Vintage Motor Car Club of America SW Fl Region. The public is invited to see these cars of yesteryear. Info 941-626-4452. Spaghetti Dinner, Spaghetti Dinner at CCUMC, 27000 Sunnybrook Road., P.G. (Hbr.Hgts.) 941-629-1593 on Fri., Apr. 7th, from 4 pm to 7 pm. Homemade sauce and meatballs, garlic bread, salad, drink and dessert $10.00. We cook „ we clean up. You enjoy. Please join us. Peace River Baptist choir Easter Cantata, The sanctuary choir of Peace River Bapt. Church will present the Easter cantata Like a LambŽ on Thurs & Friday, 4/13 & 14, at 7pm. 478 Berry St., P.G. 33950. Doors open at 6pm, no tickets required, seating is limited. Call 941-637-6768 or 941-628-9789 for more info. Observatory Open House, Astronomy Open House at the Moore Observatory, FSW, 26300 Airport Road, PG Tonight 8:00 to 11:00. Free to the public. Use the big 16Ž scope to see Jupiter, double stars, galaxies and star clusters. Try out 4 smaller scopes on the balcony, chat with observatory staff. Info 941-769-1441 Orchid Show & Sale, Orchid Show & Sale, April 7 & 8, 10 am 5 pm. presented by the Englewood Area Orchid Society. Show to be held at, Englewood United Methodist Church, 700 E. Dearborn St., Englewood. Plenty of parking. Info 941-697-9237. African Drums with Mangue Sylla, 4/7, Two workshops 6-7:15pm Djembe, 7:30-9pm Dun Dun Dance, African rhythm & movement with Mangue Sylla from West Africa, Duns provided., 6-8:30pm Dance Etc., Englewood, 941-460-8972 Featured Events Featured EventsPAID ADVERTISEMENTS PAID ADVERTISEMENTS The Community Calendar items are entered by the event organizers and are run as submitted.Ž To submit an item, go to www.yoursun. com, select an edition and click on the Community CalendarŽ link on the left. Click Submit Event,Ž and fill out the appropriate information. *Featured sale may not be substituted with 40% off coupon.ENTIRE STOCK OF30%OFF TAKE DISCOVER THE ANTHONYS WOMAN IN YOU. MON … FRI 10:00-7:00 € SAT 10:00-6:00 € SUN 11:00-5:00 Super Savings!PLUS, IN-STORE ONLY BONUS COUPONS! 40% OFF BONUS COUPONTAKEANY ONE REGULARPRICED ITEMValid 4/7/17 4/9/17Must have coupon to receive discount. Cannot be combined with any other oer. Limit (1) 40% o regular priced coupon per customer. 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No adjustments made on previously purchased merchandise. A clearance item is one that has been reduced at least twice.FIND & FOLLOW US: SHOP OUR ONLINE STORE: anthonys” SATURDAYApril 8SUNDAYApril 9 FRIDAYApril 7€€ 40% OFF IN-STORE & ONLINE,TAKE AN ADDITIONALAll CLEARANCE Merchandise.ALL SALES FINAL. In-Store & Online SPORT-ELLEformerly ONQUE CASUALS adno=50513180 adno=50513047


The Sun /Friday, April 7, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 11 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSNORTH PORT „ Its that time of year when Sarasota Countys Of“ce of Housing and Community Development begis to solicit comments on the agencys action plan for the next year. And for interested residents of North Port and Venice, they will have an opportunity to offer their comments to housing of“cials during a public meeting on May 3 in North Port. The meeting will take place beginning at 6 p.m. at the North Port Library, 13800 S. Tamiami Trail. Each year, the agency receives community development block-grant funding from the federal government, and a requirement of that funding is the preparation of an action plan detailing how the agency plans to spend those funds. According to the draft of the plan, the agency has identi“ed four high priorities: € Create a coordinated entry system for chronic homeless individuals that may include a shelter and/or triage center (homeless outreach); € Provide rapid rehousing for the chronic homeless; € Create additional permanent supportive housing for the chronic homeless; € Create additional support teams to address the needs of the mentally ill and/or those with addictions; € Create additional affordable rental units for individuals and families; € Maintain the existing housing stock to prevent the loss of any additional affordable units; and € Increase the number of Housing Choice Vouchers in the community. The draft action plan does note that one obstacle to attaining the goal of affordable housing is the lack of funding for the effort. Combined with the effects of in”ation, the effect of the funding reductions makes it dif“cult to initiate meaningful programs to meet the needs of the underserved. At the same time, HUD is initiating new administrative burdens on grantees (for example the new Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Tool Kit, the computerized Consolidated Plan) without providing any additional “nancial resources to implement these administrative requirements,Ž as noted in the plan. In addition, the state has effectively decreased its funding by moving dedicated affordable housing funds into the states general revenue funds. This allows the legislature to appropriate these funds for other purposes. A complete copy of the plan is available at OHCD/Index.cfm or at all Sarasota County libraries. Comments on the plan will be accepted until 5 p.m. May 18. Staff will then take those comments, and incorporating them into plan before bringing the plan to the county commission and the Sarasota City Commission for action later this summer.Email: jondaltonwr@gmail.comHousing office seeks comments on action planBy WARREN RICHARDSONSUN CORRESPONDENT NORTH PORT „ April is child abuse and neglect prevention month, and the Florida Center for Early Childhood, Inc. is promoting its Healthy Families program, which aims at stopping child abuse before it starts. Kaitlyn Kramer, director of marketing and communications for the Florida Center, which oversees the Healthy Families program in Sarasota, Charlotte and DeSoto/Hardee counties, said her organization has been in existence since 1979 and operates campuses in North Port and Sarasota. At each campus we have our Star“sh Academy, which is early childhood education from six weeks of age until the child is ready to go to kindergarten at age 5,Ž Kramer said. Those campuses offer mental health therapies for kids aged 0-9 and developmental therapies „ speech therapy and occupational therapy „ for them as well, along with the states fetal alcohol syndrome diagnostic clinic.Ž Kramer added Healthy Families is a home-visit service. Mothers are identi“ed to them before giving birth by their prenatal physicians as possible candidates for child abuse or neglect. That doesnt mean they have any history of abusing a child,Ž she said. Its just that there are occasionally certain factors like income level and stress level or if its a teenage parent, for example, that give the physician reason to identify them as at risk. Mothers, who may have been abused as children themselves, are given information about Healthy Families, which offer resources and skills to make sure that they can parents well and get them out of that cycle of child abuse.Ž Kramer added family support workers visit with them once a week until the child is ready for kindergarten. As families progress in the program, visits occur less often. Our workers go over such topics as healthy attachments for infants, potty training and basic parenting skills,Ž she said. If its a mothers “rst child, they may have a lot of questions „ especially about that childs development and how they can get the child enrolled in school. If the mother is experiencing postpartum depression, we have a mental health worker who can help with any kind of anxiety, stress or depression they might be feeling.Ž The Florida Centers website advertises their success: 526 children in Sarasota, Charlotte and DeSoto/Hardee counties reaching their developmental goals, 127 children ready for kindergarten and beyond, 92 children getting along better with friends and family and 700 families less stressed with improved parent-child relationships and improved child behavior through the Healthy Families program. Weve had some really great outcomes,Ž Kramer said. Its a statewide program that gets state and county funding, but doesnt cost eligible families anything.Ž Eligibility for the program is determined by “lling out a questionnaire with the mothers prenatal physician, at which time they are recommended for it. We also work with other nonpro“ts that address families needs, such as job searches and housing requirements,Ž Kramer said. If someone is involved in those programs, they can be recommended into ours.Ž The Florida Center for Early Childhoods North Port of“ce is at 6929 Outreach Way. For more information, call 941-371-8820, extension 1244, visit www. the” healthy-families or log on to their Facebook page at TheFloridaCenter.Healthy Families program works to prevent child abuseBy STEVEN J. SMITHSUN CORRESPONDENT PHOTO PROVIDEDKaitlyn Kramer is director of marketing and communications for the Florida Center, which oversees the Healthy Families program in Sarasota, Charlotte, DeSoto/Hardee and Manatee counties. THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. RESULTS MAY VARY FROM PERSON TO PERSON. NO INDIVIDUAL RESULT SHOULD BE SEEN AS TYPICAL. Theres no denying that people „ mostly women „ are on a mission to discover the best way to eliminate “ ne lines and wrinkles permanently. The $14 billion dollars spent on aesthetic procedures in 2016 alone is a clear indication of that fact. But now science appears to be offering a simpler solution. Its a special delivery technology adapted for skincare that gets superior results. Known as advanced liposome technology, this powerful distribution system ensures that vital nutrients are delivered exactly where your skin needs them the most, providing your skin with maximum anti-aging bene“ ts. New Age-Defying Dermal Filler Cream in High DemandAl Sears, MD, of Palm Beach, Florida, recently released an anti-aging cream that adapts this breakthrough medical technology into the realm of skincare, and hes struggling to keep up with consumer demand. Dr. Sears is South Floridas leading anti-aging pioneer. He has authored over 500 reports, scienti“ c papers, and books on anti-aging. A frequent lecturer at global anti-aging conferences, Dr. Sears recently spoke at the WPBF 25 Health & Wellness Festival featuring Dr. Oz, along with special guest, Suzanne Somers. Thousands of people were in attendance as Dr. Sears discussed his latest anti-aging breakthroughs. This powerful cream, known as Restore, keeps selling out faster than its produced „ and people are raving about the effect its having on their skin. Within a few minutes of applying the cream, it visibly plumps out the under-eye area and my cheeks as well as those annoying lines that deepen as we age between the nose and lips. It also felt like it was tightening and smoothing my skin at the same time. I de“ nitely feel I look younger whenever I use it,Ž said Amy B., of Montville, New Jersey. The lines around my mouth and eyes are “ lled in and my skin is tightened. I love having younger-looking skin, so I will continue using RestoreŽ raves Cathy C., of Florida. The best part is that this cream has no adverse side effects, doesnt require a doctors visit or prescription, and is 100% natural. Powerful Delivery System Ensures Nutrients Penetrate Deep into Your SkinThe dermis is the underlying layer of skin that supplies nourishment and oxygen, and removes waste. In other words, its responsible for keeping your outer layer of skin healthy. Liposome technology is designed to support and nourish this deeper layer of skin by delivering nutrients directly to it. All of Restores powerful ingredients are encapsulated in a liposome shell „ an organic container that carries the beautifying agents deep into the skin cells,Ž explained Dr. Sears. Restores liposome shell is composed of phosphatidylcholine or PC for short. While cell membranes repel water, they absorb PC because theyre actually made of it. As a result, Restore is delivered deep into the cell for maximum “ rming and volume.Ž When you apply liposome cream to your face, the liposomes in the skin cream work their way inside your skin, fuse with the skin cell membranes and then release their contents directly to the cells. Regular skin creams dont have this capability. A Formula Designed to Take 10 Years off Your Face in Just 10 MinutesOnce its penetrated the deeper layer of skin, Restore releases a unique blend of botanicals, vitamins and essential oils that reduces the appearance of “ ne lines and wrinkles, gives skin a more even tone, and moisturizes the interior layers of your dermal cells, “ rming and plumping your skin. Restores “ rst skin-enhancing agent is Madonna lily leaf stem cell extract. It helps produce an even-toned complexion. In a clinical study reported in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology participants treated with this extract for 28 days showed improvements in skin luminance and tone around the eyes. Restore is also loaded with vitamin C, which British researchers have found reduces both wrinkles and dryness. In Restore we use magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, a more stable form of vitamin C that doesnt break down in liquid as does ordinary C,Ž explains Dr Sears. That means the antioxidant molecules stay intact within your skin cells where they can prevent damage from dangerous free radicals.Ž This powerful formula also features guarana seed extract, coenzyme Q10, and avocado oil. Japanese researchers have also found that coenzyme Q10 supports production of the thin membrane that separates layers of your skin, and French studies have shown that avocado oil improves skin cell metabolism and enhances skin thickness. Where To Get RestoreRight now the only way to get this powerful age-defying delivery technology is through Dr. Sears. To get life-changing results like Amy and Cathy, buyers should contact the Sears Health Hotline at 1-888-362-6921 within the next 48 hours. We simply dont have enough supply to get Restore shipped directly to stores,Ž said Dr. Sears. The hotline allows us to ship the product directly to the customer … the one who really wants it.Ž Dr. Sears feels so strongly about this product, that he offers a 100% moneyback guarantee on every order. Just send back the bottle and any unused product within 90 days, and Ill send you your money back,Ž said Dr. Sears. The hotline will be taking orders for the next 48 hours. After that, the phone number will be shut down to allow them to restock. Call 1-888-362-6921 to secure your limited supply of Restore. You dont need a prescription, and those who call in the “ rst 24 hours qualify for a signi“ cant discount. To take advantage of this great offer use Promo Code NPRS7CA2 when you call in. Dr. Al Sears with fellow physician Dr. Oz in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. BETTER THAN BOTOX: Takes 10 Years Off Your Face in Just 10 MinutesWomen are raving about the life-changing effects of this powerful formula. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement adno=50513193


Our Town Page 12 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 LOCAL SPORTS Contact usJordan Kroeger € Staff writer jkr or 941-206-1185 Bryan Levine € Staff writer or 941-206-1122 Rick Nolte € Sports editor or 941-206-1175 EMAIL: FAX: 941-629-2085 SunCoast Sports NowWhen news breaks, we blog it at www.suncoast Like us and share our photos on Facebook: SunCoastSports Follow us on Twitter for live updates and breaking news: @SunCoastSports How to ƒSubmit a story idea: Email or call Rick Nolte at 941-206-1175. Must contain name, address and number. Report a high school result: Call 877-818-6204 or 941-206-1175. To report an error: Call the sports department at 941-206-1175 or email PREP SOFTBALL: Palmetto 11, Port Charlotte 1Palmetto pops PiratesPORT CHARLOTTE „ Maybe Port Charlottes softball team needs to play more district opponents since its non-district schedule has been a house of horrors for them all season. While the Pirates are a respectable 6-5 in District 6A-11 play, including some strong losing efforts against teams like North Fort Myers and Mariner, they have yet to notch a victory in non-district games in seven tries. The latest disappointment came Wednesday against Palmetto, which slugged the ball early and often to notch an 11-1 victory that ended after “ve innings on the mercy rule. It was the Pirates fourth straight defeat, and with the remainder of its schedule coming against teams that already own a victory against them this season, wins could be hard to come by the rest of the way. Kyria Holcomb was 3-for-4 with three runs batted in and two runs scored. Ashley Price and Taylor Davis also had three hits as Palmetto (78) lashed out 16 hits and took advantage of four Pirates errors. Morgan Simpson went the distance for the Tigers, allowing just three hits while striking out “ve. We have three weeks left until districts, so were just working on stuff. We worked well together as a team, Morgan pitched well and we moved things around and did a really good job,Ž Palmetto coach Tammy Stinton said. The Tigers jumped to a 4-0 lead, aided by four doubles from Megan Levins, Holcomb, Price and Serenity Vega off Pirates starter Ali Eugenius, who was knocked out after two innings, having surrendered eight runs. Alexis Carpenter came in and promptly allowed three more in the third to build the lead to 11-1, but was able to get out of a bases-loaded jam with nobody out in the fourth and pitched a scoreless “fth. The only hitting highlights for Port Charlotte (6-12) came in the “rst when Suzanne Holt drove in Eugenius with an RBI single. It was the “rst run they had scored in 19 innings. The Pirates loaded the bases in the third, but a grounder to second ended the threat. They hit and we didnt. Alexis did OK, but you still have to throw strikes. And when you dont hit or score runs, things like that happen and we lose,Ž Port Charlotte coach Ryann Baker said.PALMETTO 11, PORT CHARLOTTE 1Palmetto 443 00 … 11 16 1 Port Charlotte 100 00 … 1 3 4 WP: Morgan Simpson LP: Ali Eugenius. Top hitters: (PA) Kyria Holcomb 3-4, 2 2B, 3 RBI, 2 runs; Taylor Davis 3-4, 3 RBI. Records: Palmetto 7-8; Port Charlotte 6-12.By CHUCK BALLAROSUN CORRESPONDENTPort Charlotte remains winless out of district SUN PHOTO BY MICHELE HASKELLPalmettos Taylor Davis slides in ahead of the tag of Brittany Ferrentino during Wednesday nights 11-1 win against Port Charlotte. Davis had three hits and knocked in three runs for the visitors. Shane Otway has a cause to run. The Port Charlotte High School junior regularly competes in area races benefitting causes, such as the Southwest Florida Lung Cancer 5K. Its a side hobby,Ž he said. I like to run, and I like to help out.Ž He started running the summer before his sophomore year when he realized he wasnt being active during his free time. He decided to do something instead of playing video games so much. His mother, Shelby Otway, already had been competing, so he joined her in running 5Ks. He completed the 2015 Moes Terrier Trot 5K in 40 minutes, 17.5 seconds. Over time, he lowered his times and started placing in his age division. He ran the Scrub Jay 5K in February with his mother. He finished in 28:52.5, she in 28:52.6. Every time I run, it seems my time gets better,Ž he said. In addition to school, Otway works part time. He trains sometimes but said, I run when I can.Ž Though he competes mostly in 5Ks, he placed first in the male age 1519 group in the recent St. Paddys Day 8K. He was 84th among 190 finishers, finishing in 48:23.4. His mother finished in 44:51.5, third in the womens 40-44 age group and 56th overall. I didnt stop once,Ž he said. Im pretty strong. That makes it a little easy. I kind of have that runners body.Ž Because of school and work, Otway doesnt participate in school sports, although coaches are interested. In the meantime, hes content to support the causes as time permits. Its all fun,Ž he said. Share an accomplishment with Barbara Boxleitner at jdanddoc@gmail. com.Benefitting causes spur Port Charlotte student to compete RECREATIONBy BARBARA BOXLEITNERGUIEST COLUMNISTIan Davis scored a hole-in-one on March 20 at Calusa Lakes Golf Club. Davis used a 5-wood to ace the 148-yard seventh hole at the course. His shot was witnessed by Ray Roukin.Davis has Calusa aceSTAFF REPORT YOUTH FOOTBALL: Charlotte 41, Tampa 6Warriors advance PHOTO SUBMITTED BY CHARLOTTE WARRIORSThe Charlotte Warriors defeated Next Level Football 41-6 on Saturday to advance to this weekends Florida Spring Youth Football League state seminals. The win over the Tampa team in Mulberry advanced the local unit of boys ages 8-10 into the regional championship Saturday against the Brandon Broncos.Lemon Bays boys tennis upped its record to 9-4 Wednesday evening with a 7-0 shutout of Bayshore. The Manta Rays lost only seven games combined between the “ve singles and two doubles matches playing a pro-set format.LEMON BAY 7, BAYSHORE 0Singles: Liam Ryan d. Alan Macowan 8-1; Noah Pirro d. Josh Kapellan 8-1; Tanner Stewart d. Cameron Whitford 8-1; Josh Hutcherson d. Isaiah Welborn 8-0; Eric Schaer d. Hugo Arreola 8-1. Doubles: Ryan/Stewart d. Gonzalez/Macowan 8-3; Pirro/Hutcherson d. Kapellan/ Whitford 8-0. Records: Lemon Bay 9-4.Lemon Bay boys blank Bayshore PREP TENNIS: Lemon Bay 7, Bayshore 0STAFF REPORT(all games at 7 p.m. unless noted) TODAYBaseball Mariner at Port Charlotte Fort Myers at North Port Softball Fort Myers at North Port Track & Field Wally Keller Invitational (Charlotte, Port Charlotte, Lemon Bay, North Port), 3 p.m. Weight lifting Boys 2A state meet in Deland, 10 a.m. SATURDAYWeightlifting Boys 1A state meet in Deland, 10 a.m. PREP SCHEDULE SPORTS CALENDARBASEBALLSenior Men: The South Florida Suns, mens over-50 baseball team, is looking for players. All positions needed. Call 941-456-5229.FOOTBALLCharlotte Warriors: The Pop Warner program is accepting registration for players and cheerleaders. Ages 5-14 are eligible. Cost is $200. The program also is seeking coaches. Minimum ages are 21 (head coach), 18 (assistant) and 16 (coach trainee). A letter of intent to the program is required for coaches. Email letters to pjnovo3030@gmail. com for football and llltreen@ for cheering. For more information on registration, check the programs facebook page at CharlotteWarriors. GOLFBenefit scramble: A fourplayer scramble will be held April 8 at St. Andrews South Golf Club in Punta Gorda to benefit St. Vincent de Paul, Sacred Heart Conference. Cost is $75 per player, which includes golf, cart, continental breakfast and lunch. Cash prizes to the top finishers with various skill prizes also scheduled. It is a handicapped event. Sponsorships are available and donations will be accepted. Registration forms are available at the golf club or by email at or 941-202-2216. Critter Classic Challenge: The Suncoast Humane Societys ninth annual tournament will be April 15 at Riverwood Golf Club, 4100 Riverwood Drive, Port Charlotte. Cost is $100 per player. Visit www., or Suncoast Humane Societys adoption center, 6781 San Casa Drive for more information. Green Living Green Planet: The tournament to benefit the nonprofit organization will be April 22 at Deep Creek Golf Club in Punta Gorda. Cost of the four-player scramble is $65 per player, which includes cart, green fees, breakfast and lunch. Shotgun starts at 8:30 a.m. Rain date is April 29. To register or for information, call 941-585-9968. Lemon Bay TD Club Tournament: The Lemon Bay football boosters organization holds its first benefit tournament May 20 at the Rotonda Golf & Country Clubs The Hills Course, 100 Rotonda Circle, Rotonda West. Cost of the four-player scramble is $75 per player. An 8:30 a.m. shotgun start is planned. For more information or to register, call 352 804-6010. The Community Calendar appears daily as space permits. To have your activity published, fax (941-629-2085) or email ( event details to the Sports Department at least one week in advance. Phone calls will not be accepted. Submissions suitable for publication will be edited for length and clarity.


The Sun /Friday, April 7, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 13 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSENGLEWOOD „ As many as 60 teams and more than 120 anglers will be wetting their lines this weekend for a Florida Pro Redfish Series tournament in Englewood. Weigh-ins and award ceremonies will be held at Buchans Landing Resort, 599 W. Dearborn St., Englewood. Team anglers are competing for $10,000 in prize money on Saturday, while individual anglers can win $10,000 in prizes on Sunday. The public is welcome to attend the team weigh-ins from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. The Florida Pro Redfish Series will also post live feeds on its Facebook page. Anglers competing in the individual competition Sunday will be immediately releasing redfish. Each angler will be equipped with the same digital scale to determine the winners. The individual anglers will be checking in at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at Buchans Landing. The Florida Pro Redfish Series is a nonprofit organization, formed in 2009, tournament director Kent Hickman said. All the money and donations goes back out to the anglers,Ž Hickman said. Its all for the sport.Ž Originally, the organizers limited tournaments to Floridas West Coast, but the Florida Pro Redfish Series „ now made up of 600 anglers and 300 teams „ sponsors divisional tournaments throughout the state. The series will be returning to Buchans Landing in October for a second tournament. For more information, visit www. floridaproredfishseries. com.Email: reilly@sun-herald.comRedfish anglers hooked on DearbornBy STEVE REILLYSTAFF WRITER PROVIDED BY FLORIDA PRO REDFISH SERIESFlorida Pro Redsh Series tournament winners, Justin Leak, left, and Fred Myers, right, share their victory with Joshua Blevins, a Panama City youth. The redsh series is staging a tournament Saturday and Sunday at Buchans Landing Resort in Englewood. IF YOU GO: Florida Pro Redfish Series at Buchans Landing € Saturday, 2:30-4 p.m. weigh-ins for teams € Sunday, 3:30 p.m. for individual anglers ENGLEWOOD „ Englewood Pioneer Days Planning Committee members are ready to put pen to paper and work out details for the 61st annual Labor Day weekend celebration. What theyre missing, in some cases, are the volunteers and groups who are ready to run some of the key events. This year the committee is likely organizing the cardboard boat race itself. The event features boats creatively made of cardboard, a whole lot of duct tape and not much more. Competitors of all ages paddle their homemade boats across Lemon Bay to compete for prizes. Businesses often throw down a gauntlet and challenge others for bragging rights. We were hoping to get the (Englewood) sailing group or the Coast Guard Auxiliary to help this year, but they only have a skeleton crew of volunteers,Ž said Chris Phelps, Englewood Pioneer Days Planning Committee president, during this weeks planning meeting. We will need volunteers for this one. After the races get going, its pretty smooth „ but there are a lot of categories that have to be managed.Ž The committee is also struggling with “nding volunteers to set up tents for the chalk festival. Members learned Ringling College of Arts & Design is funding some of the festival this year. We have a real opportunity to grow the event like the chalk festival in Venice,Ž Phelps said. They (organizers) decided to charge $10 to get into the (Venice) festival, but we will never do that. We want to keep it free for everyone.Ž The group learned through the Englewood Art Center that several artists will be working on chalk creations. They would like to do a giant drawing in the middle of West Dearborn Street in the area shut down to traf“c. The event will be for adults as well as children of all ages. We are hoping to get teenagers from the high school to help out,Ž Phelps said. We donate to the school. It would be nice to have students come help and then enjoy the festival.Ž Plans are in the works for a Shipwreck Dance, the Fish-a-thon, The Lemon Bay Womans Clubs Diaper Derby, the photo contest, the Miss Englewood pageant and park festivals and the 61st Englewood Pioneer Days parade. The Womens Club told the group a brief history of the diaper derby that used to be held at the old Kmart in Englewood. It was there for about three years back in the 1970s. The derby was discontinued for a couple of years, but was brought back as a part of Pioneer Days festivities. Its been going strong ever since with grandmothers and guests attending to see which toddler wiggles fastest across the “nish line. The derby is planned for 2 p.m. on Sept. 3 at Lemon Bay High School. We really have something for every cross-section in this town,Ž Phelps said. We have “shing and dances for kids and the chalk festival and other festivals with beer for adults. We have a photography contest. We are including many organizations like the Lemon Bay Historical Society, the Historic Green Street Church and Lemon Bay Womans Club, the Lemon Bay Garden Club. We want the Friends of the Englewood Archives to come join us. Everyone is helping each other out.Ž Other items discussed include a sing-along at the Historic Green Street Church, with a new Englewood song. Historical tours will be given. This year, the committee is looking for a volunteer to redesign the brochure to include more information about each of the sites on the tour and possible guest speakers. The committee plans to have Taste of EnglewoodŽ where restaurants can sell up to three items from $3 to $5 for patrons to sample. This is a small community,Ž Phelps said. This is how we can touch everyone here. We can make it fun for all.Ž Email: Pioneer Days planning includes quest for volunteersBy ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICHCOMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR PIONEER DAYS 2 017: GOT AN IDEA FOR A THEME?The Englewood Pioneer Days Planning Committee is looking to the community for the 2017 Pioneer Days theme. Englewood residents, this is your chance to make a suggestion. There arent really any rules for this contest,Ž but it is recommended that the suggestion have some type of tie to Englewood or the year. This year is the 61st annual parade. To submit an entry, email with the subject Theme.Ž Forms for parade and vendors for the Sept. 4 celebration will be available at just before summer. Keep up with us on Facebook as well. Participation in these events is limited, so getting an application in early is important. The site will also be the link to all Englewood Pioneer Days events and community participation. New events and information will be added regularly, so check often. Volunteers are needed to help with all events. OVER 400 CARS IN THE WEDNESDAY CLASSIFIEDS AND FRIDAY WHEELS/CLASSIFIED SECTIONS! adno=715029 Bethany L. Walden, Au. D Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Charlotte Hearing Center, Inc. Hearing Evaluations & Hearing Aids Since 1984Ž 766-8886 Most Major Brands Available 21216 Olean Blvd., Suite 4 Port Charlotte Across from AAA Bldg. adno=50512822 Where Shopping Makes Cents adno=50509535 REMODELING?...REPLACING?...UPGRADING?OUR VOLUME PURCHASE POWER MEANS DISCOUNTS FOR YOU! WINDOWS FULL LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLY MATERIALS Friendly, knowledgeable pers onnel on hand to answer all your questions and help with your selections. Expert installation available-Ask for details. 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Coupon Expires 5/17/2017 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance plans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 20600 VETERANS BLVD., SUITE A PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 2529 TAMIAMI TRAIL PUNTA GORDA 941-639-2020 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT), ARCADIA 863-993-2020 formerly Eye Health


Our Town Page 14 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSPatrick Ryan Kasprik hoped to gain perspective on life when he went to Syria to help freedom “ghters. The North Fort Myers man found it while patching up victims of land mines. He found it sitting in a prison in Iraq. He found it even as he sat in a Lee County jail cell. It should be our jobs as Americans to reach out and help the world,Ž he said of his yearlong odyssey in the Middle East, hopping borders illegally to help the Kurds “ght the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, in northern Syria. Back in the humble neighborhood where he grew up, Kasprik, 25, talked to The News-Press this week about his experiences as a combat medic, spending 22 days in an overcrowded Iraq jail cell, his subsequent return home and role in an upcoming documentary. I had a really normal childhood,Ž he said, recalling lazy days playing soldier, spy and tag and riding bikes with his neighborhood friends. It was while attending college, planning to work in sports management or sports medicine, that he decided he wanted to do something more altruistic with the skills gleaned from his “rst-aid and kinesiology classes. I watch the news and have an interest in other cultures and empathy with people around the world,Ž he said. He was aghast as the 2014 Sinjar Massacre of 5,000 Kurdish men prompted U.S. air strikes. Peoples Protection Unit, the group Kasprik would eventually join, helped 50,000 Kurds evacuate the Yazidi region. Its also known as YPG International. The Kurds, the largest ethnic group without a state,Ž straddle Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria. The CIA estimates there about 28 million Kurds living in the region, with about 2 million in Syria. Sitting in his backyard as the sun set, Kasprik recalled following the uprisings on Reddit and the internet, seeing that other Americans, Canadians, Australians, Germans, Swedes and Chinese joined the effort. He realized he could, too. More than 100 Americans have fought with YPG. I had a desire to do something great and have an adventure,Ž he said. I was frustrated, angry at the world. I was hoping this would help alleviate that and give me a new perspective on my family and country.ŽBeginning the journeyOn Jan. 14, 2016, his parents drove him to an Orlando bus station, thinking he was going to study in Berlin. As he waited for the bus, he said he was nervous. Its the only time during the journey I was doubtful,Ž he said. It took him two days to reach Washington, D.C., and then his international ”ights took him to Iceland before Germany. He had a vague plan, and, when he reached Doha, Qatar, the phone number of a contact. It was a little sketchy,Ž Kasprik admited, knowing nothing of the language and at the mercy of those he trusted from the internet. He gave a piece of paper with instructions written in Kurdish and the phone number to his cab driver who made the call. The driver took him to a safe house, arriving at midnight. He stayed there for three days and bought military gear, including “rst-aid supplies for treating the wounded. Then, he spent 30 days in training, learning Arabic phrases and northern Kurdish „ also called Kurmanji „ how to “re a Russian-made AK47, survival techniques and Kurdish political ideology. Theyre among the most progressive people in the Middle East,Ž he said, and theyre seeking democracy.Ž He notes that the volunteers werent paid and shouldnt be called mercenaries. They received a small stipend „ about $60 per month „ for food, energy drinks and cigarettes. They also spent it on supplies to treat the wounded. Within weeks, Kasprik caught up to the unit where he would round out a four-member medical team which included River Hagg, a documentary “lmmaker from Woodland Hills, California.Life as a war medicHagg “lmed thousands of hours with Kasprik and the others as they fought alongside the YPG and treated the wounded. Its the most effective partner on the ground,Ž Kasprik said, noting the YPG has little infrastructure, no ambulances or combat medics. You have to believe in what youre doing.Ž The YPG is mostly an ethnically Kurdish group that includes Arabs, Western volunteers and the Syriac Military Council. Formed in 2004, by early 2015 the group won a major victory at the Siege of Kobani with air and ground support from the U.S. and coalition nations. We all came together to “ght the Islamic State,Ž Kasprik said. The medics typically stayed about 100 meters behind the front lines, waiting for word on casualties. The worst day, he said, was when they received two trucks of people injured by landmines near the city of Manbig. ISIS “ghters had ringed the city with landmines and brutalized its 100,000 residents. Weary with no place to go, Hagg said a small group attempted to clear the landmines using their bodies across an apocalyptic terror zone.Ž The “rst truck had 21 people, 12 of them children with horri“c injuries. Kasprik and a fellow medic started on a 3-year-old boy. He was pale as a ghost, his tongue puffy,Ž he said. Kasprik performed CPR until his partner told him to stop; he was gone. The next child, a girl, had her shoulder blade exposed and major chest injuries. People get caught in the middle,Ž he said, adding that hes been able to put the worst of the experiences behind him. Its one group of innocents after another.Ž That awful day is part of Haggs two-part tactical medical unit documentary set to air on DirectTVs Audience Channel this fall. Conceived, directed and shot by Hagg, it shows the medics in action, weary from the constant toll of war. Theres nothing worse than trying to save a little kid and having them die in your arms,Ž he said. Hagg said Kasprik should be considered a hero, helping treat 26 cases in 24 hours, and traveling with a soldier who had his foot blown off to the hospital across dirt “elds „ a three-hour round trip. We were brothers,Ž Kasprik said about the men he served with while reliving the moments shown in the “lm.Arrested in IraqBy November, Kasprik was planning his return to North Fort Myers, hoping to spend Christmas and New Years with his family and answer a Lee County warrant for his arrest that accused him of missing a hearing for assaulting a law enforcement of“cer. A Southwest Florida Crime Stoppers release said he spit in an of“cers face; a charge he denies. En route to Erbil, Iraq, where the American consulate was, he, two Germans and two Canadians were stopped by Iraqi of“cials. Asked for their passports, Kasprik turned over his, showing his visa had expired 11 months prior. Police arrested them, took all their possessions and left them to stew in a room for hours in Dahuk, Iraq. When police returned, they ended up in a scuf”e, Kasprik said. Police put them in taxis and ordered them con“ned to a hotel for “ve days. As the days dragged on, the men returned to the police station and asked to talk to the American consulate. Police arrested them and put them in a 20-foot by 30-foot prison cell with 85 people. It was an American prison at one point, Kasprik said, with signs written in English. The cells capacity, it said, was 36. At night, the guards lined the men up on the ”oor, head to foot, to sleep on their sides. The days passed the same: political prisoners were taken away for questioning, some returning bloody and bruised. Guards let prisoners in the yard for an hour three times a day and served them awfulŽ food. Being bored takes the biggest toll,Ž Kasprik said. He and his German and Canadian counterparts knew that if they didnt get called out by noon for a phone call, they wouldnt be released that day. By day 22, I woke up and I was pretty optimistic. I knew people were out there advocating for us,Ž he said. Still, noon approached, and no one came to get him. A groundswell of support through Facebook and other social media asked people to call their congressional representatives to intervene on Kaspriks behalf. While congressional of“ces dont comment on individual constituent cases, Kaspriks family had regular updates from them on his status. As lunch approached, a guard offered him one two-minute call: to his parents or the consulate. He chose to call his parents. He told them he didnt know when hed be getting out. And they said, your ”ight is booked for this evening,Ž he said. My hands were shaking so bad.Ž After processing by the FBI, he was soon on a ”ight to Boston.Back in the USA Upon landing, law enforcement authorities met him, ready to begin extradition proceedings to return him to Lee County. Lodged in the Lee County Jail for 72 days, he accepted a plea for assaulting an of“cer. Kasprik said he pleaded guilty to avoid having a felony on his record and losing his chance at a future in the military. In February, a judge sentenced him to 90 days in jail on two charges: battery on a law enforcement of“cer and resisting or obstructing an of“cer without violence. Kasprik will pay in excess of $1,000 in court “nes and reimbursement, serve 100 hours of community service and be on probation for two years. Family and supporters “lled two rows during the hearing, noting how dif“cult it was for Kasprik to admit his guilt. He served another four days, and was released about two weeks ago. He said the differences between an American jail cell and the one in Iraq were eye-opening. Prisoners here make things much harder on themselves,Ž he said. I felt so far removed; I was able to see the ludicrousness.Ž Kasprik got a job working with his uncle and is planning his future. I feel really good about today,Ž he said. He hopes to complete EMT training and enlist in the Army as a combat medic once his probation is complete. Hes ready to return to the battle“eld. I made magni“cent friendships with awesome, humble people,Ž he said. We all want to do something great for someone else. I saw an opening, and I took it.ŽNorth Fort Myers man fights ISIS, treats woundedBy STACEY HENSONNEWS-PRESS North Fort Myers resident Patrick Ryan Kasprik displays an image of himself as a combat medic in Syria where he volunteered to help combat ISIS. Kasprik created an international incident after heading to Syria as a combat medic and was arrested by Iraqi police, where he was held in a jail there for three weeks. Once he returned home, he was arrested on an outstanding warrant for asssulting an ocer prior to his departure. He spent about 75 days in the Lee County jail. NEWS-PRESS PHOTOS PROVIDED BY PATRICK RYAN KASPRIKAn image from Patrick Ryan Kaspriks experiences ghting ISIS as a combat medic in the Middle East. Local organizations held A Night of Remembrance & HopeŽ at Laishley Park on Wednesday evening in honor of National Crime Victims Rights Week. The event was hosted by the Center for Abuse & Rape Emergencies, the Punta Gorda Police Department and Charlotte County Green Dot. Local organizations offered information, and families placed ”owers and origami on a wreath in remembrance of loved ones during a candlelight vigil. Chris Hall, of Charlotte County Green Dot, and Sheriff Bill Prummell spoke.A Night of Remembrance & Hope for crime victims and families Sheri Bill Prummell spoke at the event honoring crime victims and their families. Candles were lit in remembrance of lost loved ones. SUN PHOTOS BY ANNE EASKERTherapy K9s of Southwest Florida was one of many community resources available at the event.


04.07.17 A irport transi t 8 4 % of Am e ri ca n s w ou l d u se rail transit i f it could get them to the airport and back more e ff icientl y than a car. S OURCE HNTB surve y of 1,05 4 adults M ICHAEL B. S M ITH AND PAUL TRAP, USA TODAY M A TT ROURKE, A PComc a st r oll in g out X“ ni ty Mob i le se r v i ce IN MONEY P an e ra f in ds successful ni cheSCOTT OLSON, GETTY IMAGES IN MONEYWASHINGTONRepublicans voted Thursday to invoke the nuclear optionŽ to strip Democrats of their power to block Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch from being con“rmed „ a victory with farreaching consequences that could forever chan g e the wa y justices are approved and shatter the Senates bipartisan traditions. The dramatic action, approved b y a part y line vote, cleared the way for the Republican majority to end the Democrats “libuster of Gorsuchs nomination immediately afterward. Senators voted 55-45 to end debate and advance Gorsuchs nomination to a “nal up-or-down con“rmation vote Friday. Democratic Sens. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Joe Manchin of West Virginia joined the chambers 52 Republicans in voting to end debate. All three are moderates from swing states that President Trump won in last falls election. Earlier in the da y those three lawmakers and Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., joined Republicans in the “rst attempt to stop the Democratic “libuster. The vote to approve the nuclear option changed the Senate “libuster rule for Supreme Court nominees, so only a simple majority of senators are needed to end debate and move to a “nal con“rmation vote. Before that change, it took 60 votes „ three“fths of the 100-member chamber „ to end debate. The action came nearly 14 months after the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Feb. 13, 2016.Re p ubl i c an s go  n ucle ar  fo r Go r suchHigh court nominee closer to con“rmation Erin Kelly and Richard WolfUSA TODAY J. SCOTT A PPLEWHITE, A PSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., warned Democrats against a “libuster. WASHINGTONPresident Trump ordered a cruise missile strike against Syria early Friday in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack against a Syrian town that killed 86 people Tuesday, according to the Pentagon. The attack, the “rst conventional assault on another country ordered by Trump, came a day after he declared that the chemical weapons assault had crossed many, many lines,Ž including the deaths of 27 children. It is in the vital national security interest of the United states to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons,Ž Trump said Thursday night at Mar-a-Lago, the resort he owns in Palm Beach, Fla. Tonight I call on all civilized nations to join us in seeking to end the slaughter and bloodshed in Syria.Ž Trump condemned Syrian President Bashar Assad, saying he choked out the lives of helpless men, women and children.Ž The missiles, “red from a U.S. Navy vessel in the Mediterranean Sea, struck multiple sites, including the air“eld where Syria based the warplanes used in the chemical attack, a Defense ocial said. The attack essentially follows a plan the Pentagon set in September 2013, according to a senior Defense ocial not authorized to speak publicly about the operation. That plan was devised after President Obama set a red lineŽ on the use of chemical weapons. Syrian President Bashar Assad used the weapons that killed 1,400 civilians, but Obama did not order an attack. Instead, Assad U.S. LAUNCHES STRIKES ON SYRIA Navy “res cruise missiles in response to this weeks chemical weapons attack Tom Vanden Brook@tvandenbrook USA TODAY To ni ght I c a ll o n a ll c i v i l i zed na t i o n s to jo in us in seek in g to e n d the sl a ughte r an d bloodshed in Sy ria .ŽPresident Trump A PSyrian President Bashar Assad has led a brutal war against rebels in his country.v STORY CONTINUES ON 2BNEWS A N A LYSISBlame game: Trump lays it in Obamas lap Susan Page@susanpage USA TODAY Nearly every president faults the one before him, but his talk of the mess he was left turns it up a notch ROBYN BECK, A FP/GETTY IM A GESPresident Trump has been especially vocal about criticizing his predecessor, Barack Obama. WASHINGTONPresident Trump seems to have a pretty clear idea who to blame for many of the problems that cross his desk in the Oval Oce. Its President Obama. From the civil war in Syria and the nuclear showdown with North Korea to the loss of manufacturing jobs in the Rust Belt and problems with health care, the 45th president has blasted the 44th for misguided policies and weak leadership that have left him with a multitude of troubles to “x. He even accused Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower during the campaign. I have to just say that the world is a mess,Ž Trump lamented at a Rose Garden news conference Wednesday with Jordanian King Abdullah II. Whether its the Middle East, whether its North Korea, whether its so many other things, whether its in our country „ horrible trade deals „ I inherited a mess.Ž Just about every president is v STORY CONTINUES ON 2BDon Rickles, or Mr. Warmth as he was known to a generation of comics, died Thursday at age 90 in his Los Angeles home. Rickles, who headlined casinos and nightclubs for more than half a century, was the king of insult comedy, and he spared no one from his verbal assaults. MASTER OF THE PUT-DOWNM A RK M A INZ, GETTY IM A GES FOR A FI DON RICKLES, 1926-2017 On Medicaid? You may soon have to work for it in Florida THE WIRE


Page 2 The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017


The Sun /Friday, April 7, 2017 Page 3 IN BRIEFEL NIO TO DELIVER CALMER HURRICANE YEARAdeveloping El Nio is likely to bring a quieter-than-average A tlantic hurricane season, top forecasters announced Thursday. Meteorologists from Colorado State University predict 11 tropical storms will form, with four becoming hurricanes. Atypical year averages about 12 tropical storms, with seven spinning into hurricanes, based on weather records that date to 1950. The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30.PRITZKER ANNOUNCES RUN FOR ILLINOIS GOVERNORBillionaire businessman J.B. Pritzker announced Thursday that he is launching a campaign to try to unseat Illinois Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner, setting the stage for what could be one of the most expensive races of the 2018 election cycle. Pritzker, an heir to his familys Hyatt Hotel chain and investor who Forbes estimates is worth $3.4 billion, has the ability to self“nance a campaign that is expected to shatter the more than $100million spent by the wealthy venture capitalist Rauner and former Democratic governor Pat Quinn in the 2014 race. Pritzker, who served as cochairman of Hillar y Clintons 2008 campaign for the White House, will join a crowded Democratic “eld seeking the nomination that includes businessman Chris Kennedy, the son of late attorney general Robert F. Kennedy. ALSO ...u The United Nations Security Council on Thursday condemned North Koreas latest ballistic missile launch and demanded a halt to all missile tests, stressing again that they violate U.N. sanctions and are signi“cantly increasing tension in the region and beyond.Ž A press statement agreed to by all 15 members expresses utmost concernŽ at North Koreas highly destabilizing behavior and ”agrant and provocative de“ance of the Security CouncilŽ by conducting the latest launch less than three weeks after the previous test. u Gambians voted Thursday in aparliamentary election that was expected to end two decades of domination by the party of former leader Yahya Jammeh. The vote was crucial for the transition promised by President Adama Barrow, who beat Jammeh in December elections. Barrow has promised a path toward reconciliation and greater freedoms. Jammehs government was long accused of rights abuses. Sta and wire reportsFLYOVER MARKS WWI CEREMONY DAVE KAUP, AFP/GETTY IMAGES A ircraft with the Patrouille de France ”y by the Liberty Memorial at the National World War I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, Mo. Thousands attended the ceremony Thursday that marked the centennial of the U.S. entry into the war. If the “rst three months of the year are any indication, 2017 is shaping up as a disastrous and costly one because of weather in the USA. Five weather disasters this year have caused at least $1billion each in damage, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said in a report released Thursday. Thats the highest tally on record for so early in the year and twice the average of 2.4 disasters, said NOAA, which has data going back to 1980. The disasters includethe California ”oods in February and the Southeast freeze last month. The severe weather and tornado outbreak in the South in January that killed 24 people marks the deadliest event so far this year. A severe weather outbreak in the Midwest in early March that caused $1.5 billion in damage is the costliest. The Storm Prediction Center con“rms 2017 has been an unusually stormy year: As of Wednesday, the center has tallied 486 reports of tornadoes in the USA, almost double the to-date average of 252.Another marker of extreme weather, the U.S. Climate Extremes Index, was also the highest on record for January through March and more than double the average, NOAA said. The climate extremes index tracks extremes in temperature, precipitation and drought across the contiguous 48 states.The nation is seeing its secondwarmest start to the year on record, with a nationwide average temperature of 40.3 degrees, 5.1 degrees above average. Only 2012, at 41.4 degrees, tops that. Six states „ New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina „ are experiencing their warmest year since records began in 1895. No state has seen record cold, and only Washington is having a cooler-than-average start to the y ear. GERALD HERBERT,APAnthony Brown walks through the debris of his neighbors house Wednesday, a day after a tornado ripped through New Orleans as severe storms swept through the South this week. 2017 comes in like a lion, setting records for stormsFew years have begun with as many costly events or tornadoes Doyle Rice@usatodayweather USA TODAY 13 12141516175 4 1 1 1 1 Number of billion-dollar disasters from January to M arch in each year: BILLI O N -DO LLAR D I S A S T E R SSOURCE NO AAJ I M SE R GENT, US A TOD AYlead to a framework for future discussions. The economic and national security issues are intertwined: Trump says he wants to use trade as a lever to get China to cut o North Koreas access to outside markets. China is North Koreas biggest trading partner, and North Korean coal exports to China are an important source of cash for its nuclear and missile programs. We have been treated unfairly and have made terrible deals, trade deals with China for many, many years. So thats one of the things were going to be talking about. The other thing, of course, is going to be North Korea, and somehow they will mix. They really do mix,Ž Trump said. That could force other issues to the back burner, as the two leaders size each other up and “gure out if they can do business. Its what comes after this meeting that matters,Ž said Harry Kazianis of the Center for the National Interest, the foreign policy think tank formerly known as the Nixon Center. And for the Chinese, that could mean long after. The way Western diplomats think of things is the oneor two-PALMBEACH, FLA.President Trump said Thursday he will focus on trade and North Korea in his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago this week „ and hes optimistic about progress on North Korea. I think China will want to be stepping up,Ž he told reporters aboard Air Force One as he headed to Palm Beach for his “rst face-to-face meeting with the Chinese leader. Trump landed Thursday with most of his top economic and national security ocials in tow, then greeted the Chinese president and his wife for a formal dinner at the Palm Beach resort he owns. In a day-and-a-half of meetings, the two leaders will set the tone for their relationship going forward. White House aides insist theres no set script, but there is a long list of issues: In addition to the trade imbalance and North Koreas nuclear provocations, the United States is expected to bring up Chinese attempts to exert control over the South China Sea. On areas of disagreement, including human rights and religious freedom, the United States will be “rm in upholding our core values,Ž Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said. But in keeping with Trumps past practice of treading softly on those issues, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said, There are some things well discuss in private.Ž The White House has tried to tamp down any expectations for any major agreements, characterizing the meeting as an introductory session that could, at best, or, God forbid, “ve-year horizon,Ž he said. The Chinese are thinking 50, 100, 200 years out. The Chinese goal is very clear, and that is to make sure they are the dominant power over the AsiaPaci“c and, eventually over time, over the United States. To do those things, they really need to get a measure of who is Donald Trump,Ž he said. Who is this guy? Is he ... a guy who we can deal with on a transactional basis, or is he crazy?Ž For Xi, its important that the Chinese see him as going on equal termsŽ with the American president, said Anthony Saich of Harvard Universitys Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation and Daewooprofessor of International Aairs. President Xi needs to be able to show that he can deal with President Trump. There is more risk of a downside for Xi than for Trump,Ž he said. Both men would bene“t from a close working relationship, but it remains to be seen whether their egos will allow it, Saich said. I do not expect a Reagan-Gorbachev moment,Ž he said. The postmeeting tweets will be indicative.ŽTrump, Chinas Xi to size each other up in talks U.S. president says he wants to intertwine trade, North Korea Gregory Korte@gregorykorte USA TODAY J OE RAEDLE, GETTY IMAGESSecretary of State Rex Tillerson walks with Chinese President Xi Jinping upon arrival in West Palm Beach, Fla. WASHINGTONHouse intelligence committee Chairman Devin Nunes withdrawal from leading the committees probe of Russian meddling in last years election removes some of the controversy Nunes brought with him, but it is not clear how else the leadership change will eect the probe. For one, the Senate intelligence committee has established itself as taking the lead in the congressional investigations of Russian election activities. And for another, Nunes made clear in his announcement Thursday that he is giving up control of the House probe temporarily while he attempts to answer ethics complaints “led against him as a result of his conduct in the investigation. Several left-wing activist groups have “led accusations against me with the Oce of Congressional Ethics,Ž the California Republican said in a statement released by the committee. The charges are entirely false and politically motivated,Ž Still, he decided it was in the best interestsŽ of the committee for him to have Rep. Mike Conaway take over the probe with help from fellow Republican committee members Reps. Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney. Nunes said he will continue to run the other activities of the committee and has asked to speak to the Ethics Committee as soon as possible in hopes of having the claims dismissed. The groups Democracy 21, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and have “led complaints with the Oce of Congressional Ethics claiming Nunes violated House rules by disclosing classi“ed information regarding the unmasking of President Trumps associates caught up in incidental surveillance of intelligence agency targets. Nunes then briefed Trump without “rst disclosing his information to the committees ranking member, California Rep. Adam Schi, or other members of the committee. Schi has since reviewed the documents. The Committee on Ethics chairwoman, Susan W. Books of Indiana, and its ranking Democrat, Theodore E. Deutch of Florida, released a statement Thursday morning acknowledging the committee is investigating and gathering more information regarding these allegationsŽ about Nunes releasing classi“ed information to the public in violation of his oath of oce. The groups “led their complaint March 28 and then supplemented the request Wednesday. House ethics rules allow the Ethics Committee to take over an investigation and order the Oce of Congressional Ethics to stand down. OCE operates under transparency rules that make it much more likely an investigation report will be released to the public.House intel chair exits from probe on Russian meddling Ethics complaints “led against Nunes Bartholomew D. SullivanUSA TODAY N ICHOLAS KAMM, AFP/GETTY IMAGESRep. Devin Nunes, chairman of the House intelligence committee, stepped down from leading the Russia inquiry.


Page 4 The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 ALABAMA Montgomery: The Alabama Supreme Court has set an execution date for an inmate who has had seven previous execution dates postponed. Tommy Arthur is scheduled to be put to death by lethal injection on May 25 for the 1982 murder of Troy Wicker. ALASKAFairbanks: Atribal nonpro“t organization plans to open a sobering center in Fairbanks as an alternative to a hospital or jail stay for severely intoxicated people. ARIZONAPhoenix: Legislation providing lawsuit protections for aperson who breaks into a car to rescue a child or animal has passed the state Senate for the second time and is headed back to the House.ARKANSASLittle Rock: The state Parole Board has recommended that Gov. Asa Hutchinson grant mercy to an inmate who directed the torture and murder of a teenager more than two decades ago. Jason McGehee, 40, is one of eight inmates scheduled to die this month. Until Wednesday, the board had rejected every death row clemency request since 1990. CALIFORNIAAuburn: Placer County authorities say a woman who fell 60 feet while taking a sel“e on a Northern California bridge will not be charged with trespassing. The woman was airlifted to a hospital and is expected to survive.COLORADODenver: Afederal judge has ruled that a landlord who refused to rent property in Gold Hill to a same-sex couple over concerns about their relationship violated the Federal Housing Act and the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act. CONNECTICUTBridgeport: James Berrien, 64, a former Forbes magazine publisher accused of scaring elementary school children on a school bus in acase of alleged road rage, will go into a probation program that could result in misdemeanor charges being erased. DELAWAREDover: An opening prayer reading from the Quran at the state Senate drew a sharp rebuke Wednesday from a Republican lawmaker, who said the Muslim holy book calls for the death of Americans. Two GOP senators walked out before the prayer was given. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA:High winds tore o part of the roof at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Church near Union Station on Thursday afternoon, WTOP radio reports. The building has stood since before the Civil War. FLORIDAJacksonville: An April 26 trial date has been set for a former congresswoman on fraud charges. An indictment says Corrine Brown, a Democrat, raised $800,000 through a charity, gave out two scholarships for $1,200 and used the rest for personal expenses. GEORGIASavannah: Celebrity cook Paula Deen is opening a seafood restaurant on the same waterfront property where an eatery she co-owned with her brother closed three years ago.HAWAIIWailuku: Maui health ocials say six cases of rat lungworm disease have been reported in the past three months, three times the number the island had seen in a decade. The disease is a condition in which parasitic worm larvae infect peoples brains. It is carried by rats and transmitted by snails and slugs. IDAHOBoise: A61-year-old man charged in the killing of Sierra Bush, an 18-year-old Boise State University student, has been extradited from New York to Idaho. Bruce Marchant is charged with murder, rape and kidnapping.ILLINOISSpring“eld: Illinois has failed to provide enough money to public schools to produce the high-quality educationŽ the state requires, forcing districts to cut programs, lay o sta and borrow money to keep the doors open, 17 schools superintendents allege in a lawsuit “led Wednesday.INDIANAWarsaw: Asheri accused of giving special privileges to a jail inmate in exchange for $40,000 will plead guilty to an intimidation charge. Kosciusko County Sheri Aaron Rovenstine reached the plea deal on Wednesday, when his trial on bribery and other counts was to begin. The Republican will lose his job and could get up to 2 1‡2years in prison when he is sentenced May 23.IOWADes Moines: State agriculture ocials say the emerald ash borer, a beetle that infects and eventually kills ash trees, has been found in Fayette and Madison counties, bringing the total to 45 counties. KANSASTopeka: The state House approved, 116-9, a bill that would prohibit the state from awarding contracts to any company boycotting Israel. KENTUCKYLouisville: Agrand jury in Louisville has indicted a man on murder charges in the death of a police ocer during a vehicle chase last week. Wathaniel Lamont Woods was also charged with “rst-degree wanton endangerment, ”eeing and weapons and drug charges. LOUISIANANew Orleans: The sole competitive bid for the contract to remove monuments to Confederate President Jeerson Davis and Gens. Robert E. Lee and P.G.T. Beauregard far exceeds the citys budget of $170,000. The the sole bid was $600,000, The Times-Picayune reports. MAINEAugusta: Lawmakers could make changes to a voterapproved minimum wage law that requires employers to pay tipped workers the minimum wage, regardless of how much they make in tips. MARYLANDAnnapolis: The General Assembly has voted to require “ve paid sick leave days at businesses with 15 or more employees. The House voted 87-53 on Wednesday to agree with chan g es made by the Senate. MASSACHUSETTSBoston: A Harvard University professor who introduced Americans to the concept of designated drivers to prevent drunken driving is now taking on the deadly problem of motorists distracted by cellphones and other electronics. Jay Winsten is consulting with federal and Massachusetts ocials to develop a new generation of public awareness messages. MICHIGANGrand Marais: A popular overlook at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in Michigans Upper Peninsula is closed after a viewing platform slid about 100 feet down the face of a sand dune. MINNESOTASt. Paul: An arbitrator has ruled that a St. Paul police ocer who was “red after being shown on video kicking a man should be reinstated but suspended for 30 days. The City Council approved a record $2million settlement with Frank Baker, who was kicked by Brett Palkowitsch and badly bitten by a police dog last June. MISSISSIPPIJackson: Eleven inmates at the South Mississippi Correctional Institution in Leakesville have been refusing meals since Monday in what the wife of one prisoner says is a hunger strike over conditions there. Department of Corrections spokeswoman Grace Simmons Fisher says inmates began refusing food Monday after being encouraged by an inmate caught with contraband. MISSOURISt. Louis: Afourth person has died from injuries suered when a boiler exploded at a business and crashed through the roof of a nearby business. Cliord Lee, 53, died Wednesday at St. Louis University Hospital.MONTANAHelena: Republican lawmakers are taking steps to kill a proposed increase in Montanas tobacco tax. NEBRASKALincoln: Gov. Pete Ricketts has signed a law creating anti-abortion license plates, saying the Choose LifeŽ plates celebrate Nebraskas prolifeŽ culture.NEVADAReno: The owners have “nished converting the former Siena Hotel Casino in downtown Reno into a non-gambling hotel. NEW HAMPSHIREDover: A former chief of enforcement with the New Hampshire Liquor Commission says hes running for Congress. Eddie Edwards, a Republican, is running for the 1st Congressional District held by Democrat Carol Shea-Porter. NEW JERSEYMays Landing: New Jersey bicyclists are gearing up for a silent ride Sunday to honor Michael Dare-Gentile, an elementary school teacher who was struck and killed by a car in October. NEW MEXICOAlbuquerque: Davon Lymon, who was awaiting trial in state court in the fatal 2015 shooting of Albuquerque police ocer Daniel Webster, has been sentenced to 20 years in prison on federal convictions for weapons crimes. NEW YORKNew York: The city will launch the “rst two routes on its new ferry service on May 1, a month ahead of schedule. The 22-stop service, named NYC Ferry, will link Manhattan with waterfront neighborhoods in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx. NORTH CAROLINARaleigh: A temporary elections worker has been charged with fraud after allegations she tried to change voter registrations of about 250 convicted felons so they could cast ballots in last years election. NORTH DAKOTAFargo: Doctors who organized a protest Thursday at North Dakota State University are oering to pay for a $3,235 surgical simulator if the school and Sanford Health stop using live pigs for a trauma-life support training course. OHIOColumbus: Afederal appeals court on Thursday rejected Ohios new three-drug lethal injection process, jeopardizing the upcoming executions of several condemned killers. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati found the proposed use of the sedative midazolam unconstitutional. OKLAHOMAOklahoma City: A police ocer alleges in a lawsuit that workers at a Taco Bell put cologne and spicy chipotle in his steak quesadilla, causing severe burns to his throat. Shawn Byrne and his wife, Amanda, are seeking more than $75,000 in damages, The Oklahoman reports.OREGONPortland: An investigative report has found that Roland Iparraguirre, a former deputy director of the Oregon Lottery, harassed subordinates, tried to have his boss “red and repeatedly attempted to mislead investigators looking into his conduct. PENNSYLVANIADoylestown: A couple accused of giftingŽ their young daughters to a cult-like “gure who considered the girls wives have entered pleas on child endangerment charges. Savilla Stoltzfus pleaded g uilty Thursday, and her husband, David, entered a no-contest plea. Lee Kaplan will be tried next month on charges of sexually assaulting six of the couples nine daughters. RHODE ISLANDProvidence: The Coast Guard says more than 400 icebergs have drifted into the North Atlantic shipping lanes over the past week in an unusually large swarm for this early in the season. It is forcing vessels to slow to a crawl or take detours of hundreds of miles. SOUTH CAROLINAColumbia: An 18-year-old man told an undercover FBI agent that he wanted to “ght for the Islamic State and torture an American on a propaganda video, authorities said. Zakaryia Abdin was arrested last week in Charleston as he tried to board a plane to Jordan.SOUTH DAKOTARapid City: Nearly 100 doctors at Rapid City Regional Hospital are calling for the removal of CEO Brent Phillips. Dr. Stephen Eckrich tells the Rapid City Journal many physicians think the hospital hasnt prioritized improving mental health services and other programs. TENNESSEENashville: Aplan by Democrats to expand the Medicaid program in Tennessee appeared dead Wednesday after the sponsor of the measure pulled the bill. TEXASLumberton: Police say a wreck that sent about two dozen elementary school students to hospitals Wednesday afternoon began when their school bus struck a tractor-trailer and a pickup before running into a ditch. One child and one teacher remained hospitalized Thursday.UTAHSalt Lake City: Thomas S. Monson, the 89-year-old president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has left a Salt Lake City hospital and is expected to return to his normal schedule. He was admitted Monday after saying he didnt feel well. VERMONTSt. Johnsbury: The state Health Department says tests have found elevated levels of cancer-causing chemicals PCE and TCE in the air in two state oce buildings. One building also had slightly high levels of chloroform. About 85 state Human Services employees were moved from the buildings last week.VIRGINIARichmond: Virginia Republicans have rejected again a bid to expand Medicaid, saying the state cant aord to extend its public health coverage to thousands of poor adults. WASHINGTONKennewick: A former Kennewick school superintendent has been charged with arranging to have sex with two girls at a Richland hotel. A federal criminal complaint says Paul Rosier, 75, of Olympia planned to pay a 13-year-old girl for sex and pay her 16-year-old friend for setting it up. He was arrested Saturday in the hotel lobby. WEST VIRGINIACharleston: The state Senate on Wednesday advanced a budget that would cut about $160 million of state spending, including a 15 percent cut in support for West Virginia University.WISCONSINMadison: Gov. Scott Walkers Medicaid director defended a plan to test Medicaid recipients for drugs, telling lawmakers Wednesday he believed it would be constitutional despite opponents who say its clearly illegal.WYOMINGRiverton: Ocials say a house “re that killed a 71year-old Riverton woman was caused by a cigarette she was smoking while on oxygen therapy. Compiled from sta and wire reports WANAQUEJimmy the tabby is back with his human family after going missing more than 2 yearsago. The now-15-year-old brownstriped boy was found on St. Patricks Day about 10 miles from his home here and brought to the West Milford Animal Shelter Society. Volunteers took a photo and posted it on the shelters lost-cat Facebook page, where the Zelitsky family found it. If it wasnt for the wonderful people at WMASS, we would have never had this happy reunion,Ž Susan Zelitsky said. Because Jimmy liked sneaking into parked cars through open windows, his family thinks he accidentally hitched a ride out of town rather than walking the whole way. On Sept. 13, 2014, the night Jimmy left, Zelitsky said her husband let him go outside. But the cat that theyve had since he was 6 weeks old didnt return as usual when she called for him, Zelitsky said. Susan Zelitsky called for Jimmy around midnight that mid-September night, and the family still couldnt “nd him the next day when they searched the neighborhood. They hung missing-cat posters and reached out to police departments and shelters. We were devastated,Ž she said. In the months that followed, Susan Zelitsky never gave up the search, and sometimes she would call out for Jimmy when she walked the dog. Not only me, but my kids and husband, too,Ž she said. Jimmy was found March 17, three days after the late winter blizzard that hit the Northeast. Shortly after he was brought to the shelter, volunteers placed pictures on their Facebook page called Real Cats at West Milford Animal Shelter. In short order, the post was viewed nearly 27,000 times and was shared 600 times. Five days later, Susan Zelitsky saw her long lost Jimmy. Susan Zelitsky contacted the shelter, found out more information and went there the next morning with her neighbor. When they opened the crate door, I said, Jimmy is that you, bud? and he walked over and head butted me, she said. I immediately started to sob. I called my husband and he came to the shelter. When he saw Bob, he did the same head butt.Ž Cat reunited with family after 2 years Jai AgnishThe (Bergen County) Record COURTESY OF WEST MILFORD ANIMAL SHELTER SOCIETYSusan Zelitsky of Wanaque looks on as Jimmy the tabby cat, missing for 2 years, gives a head butt to her husband, Bob, last month at a shelter 10 miles from home.HIGHLIGHT: NEW JERSEYSTATE-BY-STATE News from across the USA


The Sun /Friday, April 7, 2017 Page 5 COMCASTThe unlimited plan starts at $45 a month. NEWYORKComcast is set to go mobile. The cable and Internet provider spelled out the details Thursday on the wireless service that CEO Brian Roberts announced in September. The newly branded X“nity Mobile service leverages Verizon Wireless network and launches mid-year. It will be con“ned to Comcast customers who already pay for home Internet service, as well as potential new Internet subscribers who reside within Comcasts footprint. That area covers markets across the nation but is missing in places such as New York City and Los Angeles. Its really anchored around value-add for the Comcast customer. Were not taking on the entire wireless industry,Ž says Sam Schwartz, chief business development ocer for Comcast Cable. Comcast has 29 million customer relationships, he says, and is the largest residential Internet service provider in the country. Even without tackling an entire industry, it makes sense that a cable giant like Comcast would want to plunge into the ”uid and “ercely competitive wireless business. The largest traditional cellphone combatants, Verizon and AT&T, are also powerhouses in media, entertainment, tech and broadband, and these companies have wide ambitions that often overlap with Comcasts. Theyre all jockeying for the mindshare of the consumer, leading to a smorgasbord of compelling but sometimes confusing services that range from blazing-fast Internet to fresh streaming mobile content. Whenever possible, X“nity Mobile will tap Comcasts more than 16 million Wi-Fi hotspots. Service will be supplemented by cellular network coverage supplied by Verizon Wireless, which entered a so-called MVNO (mobile virtual network operator) partnership with Comcast that dates to about 2011. Though Comcast is open about this relationship, the Verizon brand is not part of the direct pitch to consumers, with Comcast only saying it uses the most reliable 4G LTE network.Ž Schwartz says every inch of their network will be available to our subscribers, as well.Ž Comcast is promising that its customers will be on equal footing with Verizon customers when accessing that network. (Verizon gains some incremental business.) But Schwartz adds that more than 80% of the data that people consume on their smartphones is over Wi-Fi. X“nity Mobile, in fact, will automatically connect your smartphone to Wi-Fi when it is available, though consumers have the option to turn Wi-Fi o in places where cellular might be faster or more reliable. At launch, phones that work will be an iPhone, or top phones from Samsung or LG. Out of the gate you wont be able to bring your own phone to the service. By way of comparison, Googles Project Fi, part of an MVNO partnership Google has with Sprint and T-Mobile, is limited to Googles own Pixel, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6 and Nexus 5X devices. X“nity Mobile customers will have two main pricing choices, an unlimited data plan or a pay-by-the gig plan. The unlimited price will either be $45 or $65 per month per line up to “ve lines, with the lower monthly price reserved for customers on Comcasts bestŽ X1 video packages, typically those that start around $150 per month. Unlimited talkand text is included, and theres no per line access fee. The pay-bythe-gig monthly option costs $12 per GB of cellular data across all lines on an account, and you only pay for what you use. JEFF FUSCO,AP IMAGES FOR COMCASTComcasts X“nity Mobile joins the WIRELESS WAR But service available only for Comcast Internet subscribers Edward C. Baig@edbaig USA TODAY US A SN A PSHOTS Maximum spendingSOURCE survey of 750 U.S. adults who live with a spouse/partnerJAE YANG AND VERONICA BRAVO, USA TODAY Nearly halfs ay t h e ma x im u m am ou n t of m o n e y t h e i r spouse/p a rt n er c an spe n d w i t h out l ett in g t h e m k n ow i s l ess t han $200 MONE Y T WI TT ER CO-FO UN DER T O UN LOAD 30% OF S H ARES T w itte r cof o u n d e r Evan Williams has anno u nce d he is sellin g a la rg e ch u n k o f his sha r es. Williams sol d abo u t $4million w o r th o f T w itte r stoc k this w ee k acco rd in g to a “lin g w ith the Sec ur ities an d E x chan g e Commission. Williams inten d s to sell as m u ch as 30% o f his sha r es ove r the ne x t f e w months, r e ducin g his sta k e in the San F r ancisco-base d com p any to less than 4% fr om abo u t 5%, acco rd in g to a r e p o r t in B u siness Insi d e r .Ž A M AZO N SA Y S I T WILL H IRE 30,000 P AR T T I M ERS I N 17 Amazon anno u nce d Th ur s d ay it p lans to a dd 30,000 p a r t-time p ositions in the U.S. ove r the ne x t yea r ,incl ud in g 5,000 jobs in Vi r t u al C u stome r Se r vice, w hich w o u l d allo w em p loyees to w o rk as a c u stome r se r vice a g ent fr om home. The r emainin g 25,000 jobs w o u l d be at Amazon wa r eho u ses. O UT DOORS RE T AILER REI CO-FO UN DER DIES A T 107 Ma r y An d e r son, a climbin g enth u siast w ho hel p e d sta r t the o u t d oo r r etaile r REI, has d ie d at 107. REI sai d she d ie d Ma r ch 27, the Seattle TimesŽ r e p o r te d An d e r son an d he r h u sban d Lloy d alon g w ith 21 othe r mo u ntainee r in g fr ien d s, sta r te d the cons ume r coo p e r ative in 1938. M O N E Y LI N EINDEXCLOSECHGNasdaq composite5878.95 x 14.47 S&P 5002357.49 x 4.54 Tnote, 10-year yield2.34%unch. Oil, light sweet crude$51.70 x 0.55 Euro (dollars per euro)$1.0646 y 0.0021 Yen per dollar110.78 y 0.08SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM DO W JONES I NDUST RIAL A VG. 1 4.80 20,550 20,600 20,650 20, 7 00 20, 7 50 20, 8 00 9 : 3 0 a m .20,648 4 :00 p. m .20,663THU RSDA YM ARKE T SCOLORADOSPRINGSAmazon founder Je Bezos is the secondrichest person on Earth. But he may be willing to forgo that title in order to leave his home planet. He said Wednesday that he plans to sell $1 billion in Amazon stock yearly to invest in his space”ight services company, Blue Origin. Bezos made the statement at the 33rd annual Space Symposium in Colorado Springs. Bezos told the audience his hope is that the space industry will help create a new world by sparking the same kind of intense creativity and dynamism that the Internet has. While spending down his formidable fortune „ currently estimated to be $78.4 billion by Bloomberg„ to fund reusable rocket research and space tourism might seem an odd choice, Bezos said last year that its all part of a long-held dream. When he was at Princeton University, Bezos was a chapter leader of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space. According to SEDS co-founder Peter Diamandis,Bezos told him in the 1990s that his plan was to “rst create an Internet book business, then use the pro“ts to invest in space exploration, according to Air & Space magazine. When he was awarded the 2016 Heinlein Prize for advancing commercial space activity, Bezos joked that it has all been part of a simple, two-step plan.Ž That planning has paid o. According to Bezos, Blue Origin will begin carrying its “rst passengers to above the Krmn line, the boundary between Earths atmosphere and outer space, sometime next year. There they will be weightless and look out on the vastness of space and life-changing views of our blue planet,Ž according to the company. As for his place on the richest humans list, Bezos is currently $3.8 billion ahead of number three on the list, Warren Buffett. Where hell be on the list, and in the solar system, four years from now isnt known.Bezos to spend $1B yearly on space plans Amazon founder to sell company stock to invest in his dream Elizabeth Weise and J ames DeanUSA TODAY NETWORK BLUE ORIGINJe Bezos has a simple, two-step planŽ to leave planet Earth. In the hyper-competitive restaurant industry, Panera won by eating everyone elses lunch. The St. Louis-based companys focus on cleanŽ eating and embrace of technology made it into a success story, underscored by this weeks news that JAB „ which controls the Krispy Kreme doughnut chain and coee brands like Keurig Green Mountain and Caribou Coee „will buy Panera for more than $7 billion. Panera found a cozy niche that bypassed both fast-food titans, like McDonalds and KFC, and fast-casual chains, such as Olive Garden and Applebees. It blends the pace of the former with the more sophisticated menus of the latter, with a dash of aspiration tossed in. Instead of a hamburger and fries, Panera won fans with upscale, distinctive lunch oerings like roast turkey and caramelized kale paninis, vegetarian summer corn chowder and frozen agave lemonade. Our complete focus is on where the world is going,Ž CEO Ron Shaichtold USA TODAY hours after the JAB deal was announced. We have continued to evolve our customers experience.Ž Shaich, who is also chairman and co-founder, pointed to how Panera moved ahead of rivals with what it terms its 2.0 plan,Ž launched in 2014. It included advanced technology for customer ordering and payment; the chains commitment to 100% cleanŽ food, meaning no weird preservatives, arti“cial ”avors or other additives; and its delivery system. Now, 24% of Paneras sales are digital. In this space, theres only one thing that matters, and that is competitive advantage „ being a place where people want to walk past your competitors to come in,Ž Shaich said. Two years ago, Panera made alist of 150 ingredients, such as arti“cial smoke ”avor and highfructose corn syrup, that it would no longer allow in its bakery-cafes and grocery products. The chain has adopted policies related to animal welfare, such as no gestation crates for pregnant sows and no antibiotics for chickens and turkeys. In January, it declared its menu 100% clean.Ž Panera has so far avoided some of the mistakes that tripped up competitors. Chipotle, for instance, reeled from an E. coli outbreak that sickened 55 people in 11 states in 2015. Bob Derrington, managing director and senior research analyst at TelseyAdvisory Group, pointed to how Panera created a brand that customers seem to crave that has remained on solid “nancial footing with good cash ”ow. They can serve consumers well and keep them coming back,Ž he sa y s.Why Panera thrived as competitors struggled Casual-fast chain found a cozy niche others couldnt “ll Zlati Meyer and Charisse JonesUSA TODAY 2013 PHOTO BY BLOOMBERG VIA GETTY O ur co mpl ete f oc u s i s o n w h e r e t h e wo rld i s g o ing ,Ž s ay s CEO Ro n S hai c h a bove.


Page 6 The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 The U.S. and China together account for onethird of global economic output, so there is a lot at stake as President Donald Trump meets with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, not least is the fate of the world economy over the next few years. And it is precisely the magnitude of the stakes involved that has led some observers to assume that both countries will play it safe and focus on the areas of the relationship that are win-winŽ relative to the areas that are more likely to produce con”ict. But there is no guarantee that this will happen. In fact, Trump may have already dealt himself a poor hand thanks to his past rhetoric on trade, which has heightened the political risk that he faces in negotiating with Xi. Perhaps more worryingly, Trumps focus on achieving short-term victories could also tip the balance against the U.S. At the end of the day the two countries not only drive the world economy but also rely critically on one another, a fact that should moderate the decisions of these two strong-willed leaders. In fact, my research (with fellow economists Giovanni Peri and Gianmarco Ottaviano) has highlighted the economic risks of miscalculating on trade deals, particularly those with developing countries.A tricky trade balanceTrump has a difficult political balancing act to maintain. On the one hand, 85 percent of Republicans believe that trade has cost more U.S. jobs than it has created. This group will presumably expect results in raising barriers to U.S. imports, particularly those from China. In fact, there is perhaps no other issue more salient to Trumps base than the perceived harm done to U.S. workers due to international trade, and Trump has been unequivocal in his promises to scale back trade agreements, from NAFTA to the now-rejected Trans-Paci“c Partnership. On the other hand, Trumps more moderate advisers, such as Gary Cohn, head of the National Economic Council, have likely cautioned him that trade is ultimately good for economic growth. And any disruption would be bad both for the U.S. and for Trumps political future. Having repeatedly (and unrealistically) promised at least 4 percent to 5 percent annual economic growth, Trump must be careful not to inadvertently push the economy into a ditch by abandoning the free-trade principles that have made the U.S. one of the richest countries in the world.Who will win?Another potential pitfall for Trump is that the search for a perceived victoryŽ in the negotiations „ something the president typically prizes above all else „ is actually more likely to favor Xi. This is because Xis grip on power is such that he does not need headline-grabbing wins to the extent that Trump does. Instead, he can try to extract more substantive concessions behind the scenes. This suggests that a possible outcome is that the status quo will be effectively maintained. For instance, Xi may be able to walk away with a win by simply avoiding a trade war while also obtaining an implicit promise that the U.S. will look the other way on human rights issues and Chinese regional expansion. This isnt to say that Trump does not have leverage „ his campaign promise to raise import tariffs on China to 45 percent would be a serious blow to the Chinese economy. And of course the U.S. can always ”ex its political and military strength in opposition to Chinese interests. But perhaps most unnerving for the Chinese is Trumps unpredictability which, despite its downsides, keeps his counterparts off balance. The concern is that Trump may use his leverage in order to obtain tweetableŽ victories that do not amount to much. For instance, a likely outcome is that Trump obtains promises of future investments in the U.S. of several billions of dollars. In fact, Chinese and U.S. commentators have suggested that these investments may come as part of a larger U.S. infrastructure program. However, as with other investments that Trump has taken credit for, most of these would be made in any case (China invested $45 billion in the U.S. last year) and so come at little cost to the Chinese.A misguided focus on trade deficitsBut as with the imposition of trade barriers, Chinese investments do not come without political risk. In this case, it is the Trump administrations obsession with the trade de“cit in goods as the key metric by which it views success or failure on trade that will make life harder. The trade de“cit with China „ $347 billion in 2016 „ is simply the difference between U.S. exports to China and U.S. imports from China, and this value ”uctuates for a variety of reasons. When the U.S. runs a trade de“cit it means that, on net, the U.S. is sending dollars to China in exchange for Chinese goods. As a simple fact of accounting, those dollars must then end up back in the U.S. as investments in U.S. assets. So investments in U.S. assets are the ”ip side of a trade de“cit. As a result, inviting greater Chinese investment in U.S. assets will necessarily increase the trade de“cit with China. While most economists believe that the trade de“cit is a poor measure of the success of a country in the world economy, National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro has repeatedly pressed the case for trade de“cits as a proxy for the overall health of the U.S. economy, as has Trump. And so, however inadvisable it may be to focus on the trade de“cit, Trump is sure to pay a political price if it were to grow over the course of his tenure.Forging a bond before the clashes aheadIn the end, the most consequential outcome of Xis visit may be the extent to which a bond is forged between the two leaders. This is because Trump tends to personalize policy choices, and many of the most important issues on which the U.S. and China will need to “nd common ground will arise over the next few months. For instance, although Trump has not yet formally labeled China as a currency manipulator (which he promised to do on day oneŽ), later in the spring the Treasury Department will publish its analysis of international currencies and may choose to place that label on China. While the Chinese would likely simply ignore such a designation, it would require the U.S. to take some form of punitive action if negotiations with China did not resolve the dispute. But, of course, this may be small beer compared with the more pressing geopolitical issues that will be in play. These include dealing with North Korea, whether or not to confront internal repression within China and the threat of Chinese regional expansion. It would not be surprising to “nd that American cooperation on these fronts comes with a price tag denominated in U.S. jobs. Finally, it is worth noting that reducing the level of trade with China will do little to help U.S. workers. This is something that nearly all economists agree on, but that politicians rarely embrace. This is because while the economy can be easily cured of a proliferation of trade agreements by simply withdrawing from, or rewriting, those accords, there is no easy cure for the proliferation of new technologies, which are the real culprits in the decline of U.S. industrial production. And so, since trade is a policy lever that can be easily pulled, politicians inevitably rush to do so. Greg Wright does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would bene“t from this article, and has disclosed no relevant af“liations beyond the academic appointment above.Whats at stake as President Trump sits down with Chinas XiBy GREG WRIGHTASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, MERCED PHOTO PROVIDEDA lot is riding on the rst head-to-head meeting between Trump and Xi. Forty-“ve years ago last February, U.S. President Richard Nixon returned from a visit to China that shocked the world and unsettled leaders in Moscow, who were awaiting a visit from Nixon a few months later. Soviet leaders wondered if they were “nally witnessing the birth of a U.S.-China alliance that they had feared ever since the breakdown of the Sino-Soviet alliance in the early 1960s. As Washington and the media convulse over every new outrage emanating from Moscow, while President Trump repeatedly asks, Wouldnt it be nice if we actually got along with Russia?Ž U.S. policymakers are faced with the same choice between Russia and China, though this time the stakes might be even higher. The history of persistent tensions between Russia and China suggests two choices: Accommodate and reconcile with Russia to balance against the greater power „ China. Or, align with China to defend a rules-based international order from its most powerful antagonist „ Russia. It should be clear by now that we can no longer oppose Russia and China at the same time. Though that route might seem tempting and natural, given the historical aspirations of U.S. foreign policy to protect territorial sovereignty, promote human rights and provide a framework for free trade; we are no longer equal to the task. At a minimum, that would require decisive U.S. action in Syria, “rm military support for the government in Kiev, a drastic military buildup of NATO forces across Eastern Europe and a more confrontational posture in the South and East China seas. Doing that would further stretch a U.S. military that is already facing a personnel shortage. It would also represent a burden that the American people apparently no longer wish to carry. Lost in the discussion of whether Trumps America FirstŽ bravado re”ects militarism or isolationism are the ways in which our options have been shaped by the administration that preceded him. We have only begun to reckon with the foreign policy legacy of Barack Obama, but he has clearly done more to shape the current global predicament than Trump has. When the Russian, Iranian and Turkish foreign ministers met in Moscow in the “nal weeks of the Obama administration to solve the Syrian crisis by themselves without inviting the U.S., they were making a startling declaration: The nation that had once declared itself to be indispensableŽ was now very clearly dispensable. It would have been unthinkable at any point since Pearl Harbor for American interests to be discounted so brazenly in solving the most pressing international crisis. It is hard to separate the factors that brought us to this point. Is this simply an inevitable product of relative, or even absolute, American decline? Is it a product of a president who sought to lead from behindŽ and whose fundamental foreign policy principle was that sins of commission are always worse than sins of omission? Or did Obama conclude he was dealing with a country, already exhausted by wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that was no longer willing to shoulder the burden of defending the free world? Either way, Trump has inherited a country that is no longer willing and able to play the leadership role it once did in world affairs. So where do we go from here? If we cannot oppose both Russia and China, then we need to compromise with at least one of them.Make friends with Russia?Arguing for a Russian alignment is the notion that China already does more damage to American interests around the globe than Russia does. China damages U.S. economic interests through unfair trade practices, our standing in Asia by undermining our alliances, and our ability to promote democracy, particularly in Africa, by offering aid and investment without good governance conditions. As China grows more powerful and assertive, its efforts to drive the U.S. out of East Asia, coupled with increasing challenges to American interests around the globe, will amount to a full-spectrum challenge to the current U.S. position in the world. In contrast, Russias challenges to American interests are relative pinpricks. Russia does not have the ability to turn either Eastern Europe or the Middle East into its own sphere of in”uence. It is even losing the competition for economic in”uence in Central Asia, its own post-Soviet backyard, to China. Putin might not be an evil dictator bent on doing as much damage to the West as possible, but rather a spurned pragmatist with a realistic view of Russias position in the world who had initially hoped to cooperate with Western leaders, but has been embittered by poor treatment by them. Putins Russia, therefore, would represent not a mortal threat to the international world order, but rather a missed opportunity, one that can still perhaps be salvaged.Or choose China instead?Alternatively, we could align with China against Russia. This approach makes sense if you believe Putin began as a pragmatist, but that was only a temporary tack, given his KGB background and nationalist authoritarian inclinations. But now that he has seen how weak his opponents are and how much havoc he can wreak, he has set his sights higher. Fifteen years ago he might not have imagined he could break NATO or the EU, but now that seems within reach, and nothing will deter him from this chance to realize the fondest dreams of his Soviet predecessors. What could we possibly offer him to match such dreams? He would revel in the chaos that would follow. Chaos, however, is precisely the opposite of what the leaders in Beijing desire. Chinas resurgence is built on a world of peace and trade, a world ultimately sustained by American military strength. For China to seek to challenge such an order, it would have to imagine that it could not only “ll the role the U.S. currently “lls, but manage the transition in such a way as to avoid a chaotic interlude. Chinese leaders are far too clear-headed for such a gambit, and in any case they see no need to rush such a transition before conditions for it have matured. President Xi Jinping is anyway preoccupied with ensuring the inde“nite continuation of Communist Party rule. What could jeopardize that more than a world in chaos and economic disaster?Is the choice even ours?With Russia against China? With China against Russia? There is no question such a choice is unpalatable. Not only would either alternative involve morally difficult concessions, but having to make the choice at all implies that the United States is no longer capable of defending the world order it has long sponsored. This is a difficult reality to accept. And broaching the possibility of such a choice leads to more dif“cult questions. Could Russia even be persuaded to align with the U.S. against China or China against Russia? What would we have to offer either side? What would this mean for our allies, especially in Europe and East Asia? The latter question might not be as insoluble as it may seem, because our allies have long since begun anticipating such a scenario. But if we are no longer able and willing to perform the role we once did, we need to reckon with the consequences. Jeremy Friedman does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would bene“t from this article, and has disclosed no relevant af“liations beyond the academic appointment above.Who is a better ally for the US … Russia or China?By JEREMY FRIEDMANASSISTANT PROFESSOR, BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT AND THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY, HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL WWW.SHUTTERSTOCK.COM


The Sun /Friday, April 7, 2017 Page 7 FLORIDA REPORT ALMANACToday is Friday, April 7 the 97th day of 2017. There are 268 days left in the year. Today in historyOn April 7, 1917 American entertainer and songwriter George M. Cohan, galvanized by Americas entry into World War I the day before, wrote his rousing call to arms, Over There.Ž On this dateIn 1788 an expedition led by Gen. Rufus Putnam established a settlement at present-day Marietta, Ohio. In 1862 Union forces led by Gen. Ulysses S. Grant defeated the Confederates at the Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee. In 1927 the image and voice of Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover were transmitted live from Washington to New York in the first successful long-distance demonstration of television. In 1957 shortly after midnight, the last of New Yorks electric trolleys completed its final run from Queens to Manhattan. In 1962 nearly 1,200 Cuban exiles tried by Cuba for their roles in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion were convicted of treason. In 1967 The Death of a President,Ž William Manchesters detailed reconstruction of the events surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, was published in book form by Harper & Row after being serialized in Look magazine. In 1978 President Jimmy Carter announced he was deferring development of the neutron bomb, a high-radiation weapon. In 1984 the Census Bureau reported Los Angeles had overtaken Chicago as the nations second cityŽ in terms of population. In 2001 NASAs Mars Odyssey spacecraft took off on a six-month, 286-million-mile journey to the Red Planet. Todays birthdaysMedia commentator Hodding Carter III is 82. Country singer Bobby Bare is 82. Rhythm-andblues singer Charlie Thomas (The Drifters) is 80. California Gov. Jerry Brown is 79. Movie director Francis Ford Coppola is 78. Actress Roberta Shore is 74. Singer Patricia Bennett (The Chiffons) is 70. Singer John Oates is 69. Former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels is 68. Singer Janis Ian is 66. Country musician J ohn Dittrich is 66. Actor Jackie Chan is 63. College and Pro Football Hall-of-Famer Tony Dorsett is 63. Actor Russell Crowe is 53. Christian/jazz singer Mark Kibble (Take 6) is 53. Actor Bill Bellamy is 52. Rock musician Dave YorkieŽ Palmer (Space) is 52. Former football player-turned-analyst Tiki Barber is 42. Actress Heather Burns is 42. Christian rock singer-musician John Cooper (Skillet) is 42. Actor Kevin Alejandro is 41. Rock musician Ben McKee (Imagine Dragons) is 32. Actor Ed Speleers is 29. FORT MYERS, Fla. (AP) „ Wildlife officials say theyve issued warnings to three Florida Gulf Coast University students who took a dead alligator to a dorm room and posted pictures of it on social media. The News-Press reports that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission sent an officer to the college after getting a call from school police about the alligator. School spokesperson Brian Norris says the students claimed to have found the reptile dead on the side of the road. Wildlife officers took possession of the carcass and confirmed it had been road kill. The school gave the three students warnings for possession of an alligator without proper permits.ODD NEWS Dead gator in florida dorm room means warning for studentsTALLAHASSEE „ Medicaid recipients in Florida could soon have to meet work requirements and pay a premium to stay in the government-funded health care program. The Florida House is moving ahead with a plan to force able-bodied Medicaid recipients to prove they are employed, participating in job training or searching for work in order to receive bene“ts, the same requirements the state puts on welfare recipients. The House also wants to require most Medicaid recipients pay $10 or $15 a month, depending on their income. Failure to meet the requirements within a 60-day grace period would result in a loss of Medicaid coverage for a year. Its an effort to encourage people to work and to take their health care more seriously, says health and human services chairman Rep. Travis Cummings, R-Orange Park. He said he has heard from health care providers that complain of patients missing appointments or avoiding preventive care entirely and only using the emergency room. Medicaid eats up roughly 30 percent or so of our budget and just keeps rising tremendously,Ž Cummings said. We just feel that when someone has a little skin in the game, even if its just 10 bucks a month, that they may take that more seriously, that it can help the system function better and help control cost.Ž The Houses Health and Human Services Committee passed Cummings proposal 14-2 Thursday as part of broader legislation making a series of changes to Floridas Medicaid system “ve years after the state turned it over to private health plans, or so-called Medicaid managed care.Ž Florida already has one of the most restrictive Medicaid programs in the nation. It is open only to adults with dependent children, pregnant women, low-income seniors and people with disabilities. For adults to be eligible, they must make less than $6,652 in annual income for a family of three, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. In states that have expanded Medicaid, the eligibility limits are close to $30,000 for a family of three. Florida covers children whose parents earn almost $30,000. Some Democrats and progressive activists opposed Cummings bill, saying it would be a burden on the poor and could make it more dif“cult to escape poverty. Its onerous,Ž said Rep. Lori Berman, D-Lantana. We have these people who are in such dire “nancial shape.Ž Karen Woodall, executive director of the Florida Center for Fiscal and Economic Policy and an outspoken advocate for programs such as Medicaid, said that the proposed premiums may sound inexpensive but that they can be cost-prohibitive to low-income families. I understand that for many, paying $10 a month or $15 a month for your health care doesnt sound that bad,Ž she told lawmakers. But (for people making) $500 a month or $1,000 a month, every little bit matters.Ž The Senate would have to sign on to the work requirements and premiums, and so far it has not. Additionally, the federal government would have to okay the changes, something it has been reluctant to do in the past. But the new Trump administration has brought in health of“cials who appear more willing to consider changes like those the House is proposing. Last month, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price sent a letter to governors urging them to make changes to Medicaid. More than half of the money in the health care program comes from the federal government, but states get to decide how it is spent „ assuming Washington gives its approval. In the letter, Price recommended reasonable, enforceableŽ premiums as a way to prepare Medicaid recipients for commercial health insurance. He also urged states to pursue innovations that build on the human dignity that comes with training, employment and independence.Ž One key component of the Houses plan is negotiable, Cummings said: the length of time people could get kicked off the Medicaid program if they dont meet work requirements or pay up. Twelve months is pretty darn extreme,Ž he said, acknowledging the number is arbitrary.Ž Still, Cummings wants some sort of waiting period. He was not convinced by arguments that removing people from Medicaid could have worse effects longterm. Without coverage, opponents say poor people might forgo less costly preventive care and end up in more expensive emergency rooms when theyre really sick. That could rack up costs that hospitals push onto patients with commercial health plans from their employers or the Obamacare exchanges. We just feel theres some inef“ciency there so we wanted to put some teeth in to ensure prompt payment,Ž Cummings said.On Medicaid? You may soon have to work for it in FloridaBy MICHAEL AUSLENTIMES/HERALD TALLAHASSEE BUREAU AP PHOTORep. Travis Cummings, R-Orange Park | HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE STATETALLAHASSEE (AP) „ A southwest Florida prosecutor assigned by the governor to investigate a bribery complaint against President Donald Trump and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has found insuf“cient evidence to move forward. Fort Myers-area State Attorney Stephen Russell presented Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday with the results of an investigation. The complaint stemmed from scrutiny last year over a $25,000 campaign contribution Bondi received from Trump in 2013. Bondi asked for the donation about the same time her of“ce was being asked about a New York investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University. The investigation came after numerous complaints “led against Bondi by a Massachusetts attorney. A prosecutor working for Russells of“ce concluded that there is no reasonable suspicion that Trump or Bondi broke Floridas bribery law. TALLAHASSEE (AP) „ Children testifying in court in abuse, abandonment and neglect cases would be allowed the help of therapy animals under a bill heading to Florida Gov. Rick Scott. The Senate passed the bill unanimously Thursday a week after the House also TALLAHASSEE (AP) „ Florida could put into law police lineup guidelines that the states top law enforcement agency developed six years ago. The Senate voted unanimously for a bill that would require law enforcement agencies to use the lineup standards to avoid eyewitness mistakes that could lead to wrongful convictions. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement encouraged agencies to adopt the standards, but agencies arent required to do so. Eyewitness mistakes are to blame in 64 percent of cases in which defendants are later exonerated by DNA evidence. The current guidelines suggest lineups be conducted by an administrator who does not know the suspect in order to ensure impartiality. Also, witnesses should be told that suspects may or may not be in a photo or in-person lineup and that they are not required to make an identi“cation. TAMPA (AP) „ Paul ONeill, who founded the progressive metal band Trans-Siberian Orchestra, has died at 61. University of South Florida police spokesperson Renna Reddick tells The Associated Press that ONeill was found dead in his room by hotel staff at a Tampa Embassy Suites late Wednesday afternoon. She says there were no obvious signs of foul play, and a medical examiner is working to determine an of“cial cause. The band says in a statement that ONeill died from a chronic illness.Ž The band calls his death a profound and indescribable loss for us all.Ž ONeill was a rock producer and manager who began putting together Trans-Siberian Orchestra GAINESVILLE (AP) „ A 10-year-old pug named Cookie is safe and sound after falling into a giant sinkhole following a heavy rainstorm in north Florida. Crews from multiple agencies worked “ve hours to lift her to safety Tuesday night near Gainesville. The Gainesville Sun reports Cookie followed owner Patricia Langston to her barn on Tuesday evening. The dog stopped to scratch. As she took a step forward, the ground opened up and Cookie tumbled into the hole. Laurel Johanson, Cookies other owner, says the dog disappeared from sight into the 30-footdeep sinkhole. ORANGE PARK (AP) „ A Florida city is saying NEW SMYRNA BEACH (AP) „ A 51-year-old Georgia woman is recovering after authorities say a shark bit her on the thigh as she swam off of Floridas Atlantic coast. Melanie Lawson told Orlando television station WESH she had told her children not to go deeper than 3 feet as they swam off New Smyrna Beach on Wednesday. She said she felt something hit her, knocking her over in the water, and then felt the pain. Lawson, who lives in Marietta north of Atlanta, was taken to a hospital for treatment. She said shell go back in the ocean again, but added it will probably be a long time. Lawson said she and her family are heading home Thursday. Volusia County beach safety spokesperson Tammy Marris said its the second shark bite reported this year.Not enough evidence found for Bondi, Trump bribery complaint Florida passes bill to allow therapy animals in court Florida could put police lineup standards into law Trans-Siberian Orchestra founder Paul ONeill dies at 61 Cookie doesnt crumble after falling into Florida sinkhole Florida city says game over to inflatable Super Mario Shark bites Georgia woman off Floridas Atlantic coast AP PHOTOIn this undated photo provided by the Institute for Justice, Scott Fisher stands outside his video game store in Orange Park, Florida, a suburb of Jacksonville. game overŽ to a business owners decision to in”ate a 9-foot-tall Super Mario outside his shop. Scott Fisher owns a video game store in the city of Orange Park, a suburb of Jacksonville. He says the city is acting like the Super Mario Bros. game villain Bowser. Fisher “led a federal lawsuit on Thursday arguing that the towns ban violates his free speech. Lawyers with the conservative law organization Institute for Justice are representing Fisher. They argue that the city is discriminating by allowing in”atables to be displayed as holiday decorations or creative displays, but not to promote businesses. Fisher says the in”atable Mario helps people “nd his small store. Town Manager Jim Hanson says the city has not seen the suit and could not comment. The University of Floridas Veterinary Emergency Treatment Service and other crews dug for hours until fourth-year veterinary student Jennifer Groover was “nally lowered into the hole to get Cookie. She says the dog scrambled into her lap and they were hoisted to safety. AP PHOTOIn this Oct. 20, 2006, le photo, Paul ONeill of Trans-Siberian Orchestra poses in New York. in 1996. The band is best known for its hard rock takes on Christmas staples like Carol of the Bells.Ž unanimously passed it. It expands a law that already allows therapy animals for victims testifying in sexual offense cases. A legislative analysis of the bill says that research has shown animals reduce stress in children, and three Florida district courts that have allowed them have reported positive results. AP PHOTOPam Bondi and Donald Trump


Page 8 The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 +14.6 DeVryEd 35.75 +.35 -10.9 DeanFoods 19.40 +.01 +7.2 Deere 110.44 +1.19 -91.8 Delcath rs .08 -.00 +11.5 DelphiAuto 75.12 +.03 -8.0 DeltaAir 45.26 +.18 -31.5 DenburyR 2.52 +.11 -8.3 DeutschBk 16.60 +.10 +5.0 DBXEafeEq29.45 +.11 -6.1 DevonE 42.88 +1.36 +10.9 Diageo 115.25 +.26 -7.9 DiamOffsh 16.31 +.25 +74.8 DianaShip 5.28 +.36 -6.4 DicksSptg 49.69 +1.60 +15.3 Diebold 29.00 +.45 -14.9 DigiIntl 11. 70 ... +10.1 DigitalRlt 108.23 +1.35 -18.7 Dillards 50.95 +1.53 -41.4 DirDGlBr rs 28.35 +.08 -60.3 DxGlMBr rs 13.94 +.20 +36.1 DxBiotBll rs 42.61 -.16 -15.7 DirSPBear 9.10 -.06 -5.4 DxSCBear rs18.78 -.52 +22.6 DrGMBll s 6.84 -.12 +28.4 DxGBull s 9.81 ... +7.4 DxFnBull s 43.91 +.64 -38.6 DxBiotBear 11.64 +.04 ... DrxSCBull 101.18 +2.77 -7.7 Discover 66.53 +.41 +6.9 DiscCmA 29.30 -.06 +8.5 Disney 113.05 +.05 -6.1 DollarGen 69.55 +1.05 +1.1 DollarTree 78.05 +1.00 +2.1 DomRescs 78.21 +.25 +16.8 Dominos 186.00 +.86 +7.3 Donaldson 45.16 +.56 +11.2 DowChm 63.61 +.09 +3.7 DryStrt 8.71 -.01 -96.5 DryShp rs 1.03 ... +9.9 DuPont 80.64 +.17 -2.4 DufPUC 9.21 -.03 +6.4 DukeEngy 82.59 -.28 +2.7 DukeRlty 27.28 +.19 -4.7 Dynegy 8.06 +.05 +15.1 eBay s 34.16 +.35 -3.0 EOG Rescs98.05 +.47 -2.9 EQT Corp 63.4 9 +1.27 +11.4 Eaton 74.73 +.08 +5.9 EV EEq2 13.56 +.03 +7.0 EVTxMGlo 8.58 +.04 +6.8 Ecolab 125.21 +.38 +11.8 EdisonInt 80.46 -.13 -.3 EdwLfSci s 93.40 +.31 +7.1 EldorGld g 3.45 +.03 +16.1 EliLilly 85.36 -.27 +23.7 EllieMae 103.50 +.28 +5.1 ElmiraSB 21.50 -.20 +9.4 EmergeES 13.47 +.16 +7.1 EmersonEl 59.69 +.13 -24.0 EnbrdgEPt 19.36 +.39 +.1 Enbridge 42.16 +.68 +.8 EnCana g 11.83 +.18 -31.6 Endo In tl 11.27 +.33 +.6 EgyTrEq s 19.43 +.34 +1.9 EngyTsfr 36.49 +.18 -15.6 Enerpls g 8.00 +.01 +3.4 EnLinkLLC 19.70 +.35 -8.4 Ennis Inc 15.90 +.10 -4.2 ENSCO 9.31 +.40 +3.3 Entergy 75.88 -.25 +2.9 EntProdPt 27.83 +.33 +10.6 Ericsson 6.45 +.07 +13.1 Everbrdg n 20.87 +.52 +7.8 EversrceE 59.54 +.13 -20.0 EvineLive 1.20 +.02 +36.7 Exelixis 20.38 -.12 +2.2 Exelon 36.27 +.21 +10.9 Expedia 125.67 +.70 -22.0 E xpress 8.39 +.33 -4.4 ExpScripts 65.79 -.28 -8.0 ExxonMbl 83.01 +.48 -9.3 FNBCp PA 14.54 +.22 +22.7 Facebook 141.17 -.68 -38.2 FairmSant 7.29 +.27 +.9 FangHldg 3.31 -.04 +8.5 Fastenal 50.95 -.76 +5.3 FedExCp 195.99 +.14 -6.3 FedRlty 133.11 ... -13.1 FedNatHld 16.24 +.14 +24.9 Ferrari n 72.61 +.19 -9.5 Ferrellgs 6.13 +.12 +12.6 FiatChrys 10.27 +.16 +23.4 FibroGen 26.40 +3.45 +12.9 FidlNatFn 38.33 -.1 4 -6.9 FNFV Grp 12.75 ... +5.2 FidNatInfo 79.60 +.10 -17.3 FifthStFin 4.44 +.06 -6.6 FifthThird 25.18 +.28 -16.9 Finisar 25.14 +.12 +3.9 FireEye 12.36 +.13 +4.7 FstData n 14.86 +.02 -7.9 FstHorizon 18.42 +.36 +14.3 FMajSilv g 8.72 +.06 -17.0 FstSolar 26.62 +.04 +2.6 FirstEngy 31.76 -.02 -22.7 Fitbit n 5.66 -.05 +6.6 FlrtyTotR 21.19 +.07 +2.8 Fleetcor 145.47 +3.42 -2.2 FlowrsFds 19.53 +.31 -.4 Fluor 52.32 +.52 +2.0 FootLockr 72.29 +1.09 -7.1 FordM 11.27 +.01 +15.7 FBHmSec 61.85 +1.37 -23.0 FredsInc 14.29 +1.74 +2.8 FrptMcM 13.56 +.12 -37.9 FrontierCm 2.10 -.02 G-H-I -7.8 GGP Inc 23.04 +.06 -38.4 GNC 6.80 +.04 +3.8 GW Pharm115.98 -1.11 +3.5 GabDvInc 20.75 ... +11.9 GabMultT 8.10 +.03 +9.7 GabUtil 6.91 +.03 -13.5 GameStop 21.84 +.08 +10.6 Gam&Lsr n 33.87 +.24 +7.2 Gap 24.05 +1.15 +3.3 Garmin 50.08 +.26 +7.6 GAInv 33.55 +.05 +7.9 GenDynam186.30 +.45 -5.3 GenElec 29.93 -.04 -6.6 GenMills 57.69 -.08 -2.0 GenMotors 34.16 +.16 -7.6 GenesisEn 33.29 +.46 +2. 3 Gentex 20.14 +.08 +6.3 Genworth 4.05 +.10 +4.5 Gerdau 3.28 -.09 -7.2 GileadSci 66.48 +.01 +7.6 GlaxoSKln 41.42 -.51 +3.8 Globalstar 1.64 +.03 +18.4 GlobusMed 29.38 +.26 +17.5 GluMobile 2.28 +.04 +6.3 GoDaddy n 37.15 +.07 +21.3 GoldFLtd 3.65 -.08 +8.9 Goldcrp g 14.81 -.04 -4.5 GoldmanS228.64 +.98 +14.1 Goodyear 35.21 +.31 -2.3 GoPro 8.51 +.08 +.3 vjGrace 67.84 -.32 +4.0 GraphPkg 12.98 -.02 +6.6 GtPlainEn 29.15 -.10 +7.3 Greif A 55.05 +.67 -2.2 Griffin 31.02 -.11 +14.5 Groupon 3.80 +.08 +4.1 GuangRy 31.55 +.33 +19.9 HCA Hldg 88.72 +.25 +5.7 HCP Inc 31.40 +.26 +18.3 HP Inc 17.56 -.13 +1.2 HSBC 40.65 -.03 +223.2 HTG Mol h 7.24 +1.74 -4.8 HainCels lf 37.17 +.06 -7.3 Hallibrtn 50.15 +.30 -3.9 Hanesbds s20.72 +.38 -3.4 HanoverIns 87.88 -.35 +4.3 HarleyD 60.84 +.82 +11.0 Harmonic 5.55 +.15 +2 0.8 HarmonyG 2.67 -.02 -7.4 Harsco 12.60 +.40 +.9 HartfdFn 48.08 +.32 +1.9 HawaiiEl 33.70 -.10 +5.8 HlthCSvc 41.43 -.01 +3.1 HeclaM 5.40 +.02 +5.3 Hershey 108.88 -.19 -27.2 HertzGl 15.69 +.18 -22.6 Hess 48.24 +1.03 +3.9 HP Ent n 18.02 +.12 -8.8 HilltopH 27.18 +.21 +52.2 HimaxTch 9.19 +.18 -19.5 HollyFront 26.38 -.51 +9.8 HomeDp 147.24 +.60 -1.6 Honda 28.72 -.31 +6.9 HonwllIntl 123.83 +.26 -10 .8 HorizPhm 14.43 +.24 -1.2 Hormel s 34.38 -.08 +2.0 HospPT 32.39 +.48 -1.7 HostHotls 18.52 +.26 +5.1 HuanPwr 27.38 +.29 +1.6 Hubbell 118.54 +2.05 +4.2 Humana 212.60 +2.53 -.2 HuntBncsh 13.20 +.13 +8.8 HuntgtnIng200.44 +1.77 +29.2 Huntsmn 24.65 +.20 +9.4 IAMGld g 4.21 -.07 +15.0 ICICI Bk 8.61 -.03 +31.8 IdexxLab s154.56 -.16 +6.5 ING 15.01 +.12 +8.8 iShGold 12.05 -.05 +10.3 iShBrazil 36.78 -.63 +8.3 iShEMU 37.47 +.19 +14.2 iShSilver 17.26 -.06 +2.9 iShSelDiv 91.12 +.45 +11.6 iShChinaLC38.72 -.18 +5.3 iSCorSP500236.90 +.62 +12.7 iShEMkts 39.44 -.07 +1.7 iSh20 yrT 121.20 -.18 +7.2 iS Eafe 61.86 +.01 +1.0 iShiBxHYB 87.43 +.11 +8.6 iShNsdqBio288.22 +.80 +19.6 iShIndia bt 32.00 +.38 +2.5 iSR1KVal 114.82 +.46 +5.3 iSRus1K 131.00 +.36 +.5 iShR2K 135.58 +1.25 +1.9 iShCorHiDv 83.81 -.11 +2.5 iSCorUSVal s50.34 +.18 +4.2 iShUSPfd 38.76 +.16 +2.7 iShREst 79.05 +.54 +15.5 iShHmCnst 31.75 +.16 ... iShCrSPS s67.85 +.65 +7.4 iShCorEafe 57.62 +.02 +3.5 Idacorp 83.39 -.09 +44.7 IderaPhm 2.17 -.04 +7.5 ITW 131.62 +.56 -22.0 ImmuneP h .14 +.01 +61.0 Imunmd 5.91 +.03 -4.8 IndBkMI 20.65 +.50 +17.0 Infinera 9.93 +.30 +3.6 Infosys 15.36 ... +10.2 IngerRd 82.67 +.80 -3.7 Ingredion 120.37 -.56 +207.2 Innocoll 2.12 -.07 -.7 Intel 36.03 -.19 ... InterceptP 108.70 -.64 +6.8 IntcntlExc s 60.24 +.27 +135.1 Internap 3.62 +.03 +3.9 IBM 172.45 -.43 -6.6 IntlGmeT n 23.84 +.39 -4.0 IntPap 50.95 +.37 +4.1 Interpublic 24.36 -.07 +.8 Intersectns 4.02 +.02 +2.8 Intuit 117.81 +1.60 +20.3 IntSurg 762.77 -.03 -2.0 InvenSense12.53 +.09 -20.6 IonisPhm 37.96 +.05 +4.3 iShJapan rs50.96 -.26 +13.8 iSTaiwn rs 33.41 -.19 +5.3 iSh UK rs 32.31 +.01 +12.9 iShCorEM 47.93 -.04 +16.0 ItauUnibH 11.91 -.21 J-K-L+26.7 32.23 +.70 +.2 JPMorgCh 86.48 +.29 +21.9 Jabil 28.86 +.86 -4.2 JacobsEng 54.58 +.27 +1.9 JkksPac 5.25 ... +41.1 JazzPhrm153.88+13.23 -6.7 JetBlue 20.91 +.34 +8.5 JohnJn 125.05 +.25 ... JohnContl n41.18 +.20 -1.6 JnprNtwk 27.81 -.01 +25.7 KB Home 19.88 +.44 +14.9 KKR 17.68 ... +2.8 KC Southn 87.24 +.81 +5.7 KateSpade 19.73 +.26 -32.3 KeanGrp n 14.66 +.47 -1.8 Kellogg 72.41 -.34 5.3 KeryxBio 5.55 -.11 -4.1 Keycorp 17.52 +.32 +14.9 KimbClk 131.11 -.59 -13.8 Kimco 21.68 -.18 +5.0 KindMorg 21.75 +.28 +14.8 Kinross g 3.57 -.03 -19.8 Kohls 39.59 +2.08 -.7 KosmosEn 6.96 +.12 +4.2 KraftHnz n 90.95 -.47 +6.5 KratosDef 7.88 +.11 -14.5 Kroger s 29.51 +.20 +22.9 Kulicke 19.60 -.06 -27.3 L Brands 47.85 +4.75 +7.1 L-3 Tch 162.90 +.49 -8.3 LKQ Corp 28.11 +.16 +2.4 LTC Prp 48.12 +.2 2 +14.0 LambWst n 43.14 +1.40 +1.1 Landstar 86.20 +.05 +2.5 LaredoPet 14.49 +.55 +6.1 LVSands 56.68 +.51 -5.1 LaSalleH 28.93 +.42 +4.1 LeggPlat 50.90 +.09 +1.7 LendingClb 5.34 +.10 +3.9 Level3 58.53 +.44 +5.6 LbtyASE 5.45 +.01 +16.3 LibtyGlobC 34.55 +.09 +3.4 LibQVC A 20.65 +.18 +.2 LibtProp 39.57 +.31 +12.0 LincElec 85.84 +.71 -.9 LincNat 65.70 +1.45 +3.9 LloydBkg 3.22 +.01 +6.9 LockhdM 26 7.11 +.13 +35.9 LaPac 25.73 +.47 +15.3 Lowes 81.97 +.35 -21.9 lululemn gs 50.78 +1.35 +.8 Luxottica 54.15 +.17 +4.0 LyonBas A 89.19 +.79 M-N-0 -2.0 M&T Bk 153.37 +.99 -15.3 MBIA 9.06 +.46 +15.4 MDC 29.61 +.39 -4.7 MDU Res 27.43 +.17 -1.1 MGIC Inv 10.08 +.20 -1.4 MGM Rsts 28.43 +.83 +4.3 MSC Ind 96.33 -6.34 +3.8 MVC Cap 8.91 +.02 -17.8 Macys 29.42 +.60 -8.2 Magna g s 39.84 +.05 -10.5 Mallinckdt 44.57 +.39 -2.7 Manitowoc 5.82 +.18 -2.2 Manulife g 17.43 +.08 -5.8 MarathnO 16.31 +.33 -1.0 MarathPt s 49.84 +.40 +11.0 MAR 91.77 -.19 +7.9 MartinMid 19.80 +.50 +8.9 MarvellTch 15.10 +.11 +7.0 Masco 33.83 +.75 +49.4 MastThera .13 ... -8.1 Mattel 25.33 +.19 +15.3 MaximIntg 44.49 +.12 +7.2 McCorm 100.08 -.09 -9.9 McDrmInt 6.66 +.20 +6.9 McDnlds 130.15 -.26 +3.1 McKesson144.84 +.09 +9.0 MedProp 13.41 +.06 +12.6 Medtrnic 80.22 -.02 +22.0 MelcoResE 19.40 +.43 +7.4 Merck 63.24 -.33 -2.7 MercGn 58.57 +.19 +7.9 Meredith 63.80 +.55 +34.9 Mer itor 16.76 +.32 -20.8 MerrimkP 3.23 +.10 -2.3 MetLife 52.67 +.77 +12.8 Michaels 23.07 +.61 +30.6 MicronT 28.62 +.36 +5.8 Microsoft 65.73 +.17 +76.2 Microvisn 2.22 ... +3.5 Middleby 133.30 +.05 -14.0 MdsxWatr 36.91 -.10 +8.1 MHowHiInc 13.39 +.02 -1.5 MitsuUFJ 6.07 -.01 +24.1 MobileTele 11.31 +.23 +62.0 Mobileye 61.74 +.44 +88.0 Momo 34.56 +1.67 -.5 Mondelez 44.11 +.10 +10.3 Monsanto 116.00 +.69 +1.5 Moog A 66.67 +.81 -.4 MorgStan 42.09 +.35 -.5 Mosaic 29.19 +.19 +1.6 MotrlaSolu 84.20 +.37 +2.1 Mylan NV 38.96 +.14 +8.8 NCR Corp 44.13 +.29 +26.4 NQ Mobile 4.07 +.08 +54.2 NRG Egy 18.90 +.21 +10.8 NRG Yld C 17.50 ... +3.7 NTT DOCO23.59 -.30 +6.5 NXP Semi 104.40 -.40 -16.0 Nabors 13.77 +.31 +7.4 NatFuGas 60.83 +.77 +9.1 NatGrid 63.61 +.20 -1.1 NtHlthInv 73.37 +.30 +5.2 NOilVarco 39.40 +.33 -11.0 Navie nt 14.62 +.19 +71.5 NektarTh 21.04 -.04 -6.6 Neogen 61.63 -.20 +16.4 NetApp 41.05 +.15 +16.1 Netflix s 143.74 +.12 -14.0 NwGold g 3.01 -.03 +14.6 NJ Rscs s 40.70 +.05 -14.6 NewMedia 13.66 +.04 +46.0 NewOriEd 61.45 +.72 +8.8 NewResid 17.10 +.11 -14.0 NY CmtyB 13.69 +.10 -6.5 NYMtgTr 6.17 +.10 +3.2 NewellRub 46.10 +.20 +.3 NewmtM 34.17 -.14 +8.6 NextEraEn129.76 -.88 +7.7 NiSource s 23.84 +.06 +8.5 Nik eB s 55.14 +.16 +5.1 NobleCorp 6.22 +.16 -8.9 NobleEngy 34.69 +.65 +8.7 NokiaCp 5.23 +.05 -3.8 NordicAm 8.08 +.08 -6.7 Nordstrm 44.72 +1.28 +7.2 NorflkSo 115.88 +1.15 +1.8 NorthropG 236.67 +.57 -8.8 NwstBcsh 16.45 +.06 ... NwstNG 59.80 +.55 +2.6 NovaLfstyl 1.98 +.43 +1.2 Novartis 73.71 -.06 -28.5 Novavax .90 -.13 -1.4 NovoNord 35.36 -.33 +39.5 NovoCure n10.95 +.70 +1.0 Nucor 60.11 +.39 -31.2 Nutanix n 18.28 +.82 -1.9 NuvDivA 13.70 +.02 +4.2 Nv AMT-Fr 16.94 +.04 +.2 NvPfdInco 9.86 +.01 +4.8 NuvEqtP 13.33 -.02 -5.6 Nvidia 100.76 +.73 -1.7 NxStageMd25.77 -.48 +4.7 OGE Engy 35.01 +.03 -6.4 OasisPet 14.17 +.20 -11.2 OcciPet 63.28 -.15 -86.1 OceanRig .24 -.01 -9.2 OceanFst 27.26 +.25 ... Oclaro 8.95 +.30 +6.9 OfficeDpt 4.83 +.14 -6.6 OldNBcp 16.95 +.25 +5.2 OldRepub 19.98 -.09 +24.4 Olin 31.87 +.55 +7.1 OmegaHlt 33.47 -.15 -24.0 OmegaP 19.05 -.20 +18.2 OnSmcnd 15.08 +.29 -21.6 OncoGnx h .39 -.02 -1.9 ONEOK 56.33 +.40 +27.9 OneokPtrs 54.99 +.39 -18.2 OpkoHlth 7.61 ... +15.4 Oracle 44.18 -.31 -5.7 Orbotch 31.50 -.15 -9.7 Organovo 3.06 +.09 +.8 Orthofix 36.48 -.14 +6.3 OshkoshCp68.66 +1.24 -7.1 OtterTail 37.90 +.10 P-Q-R -26.5 PBF Engy 20.48 -.20 +10.8 PG&E Cp 67.36 -.12 +2.0 PNC 119.26 +.97 +10.1 PNM Res 37.75 +.20 +13.9 POSCO 59.88 -1.12 +11.1 PPG s 105.27 +.27 +9.9 PPL Corp 37.41 -.10 +5.1 Paccar 67.16 +.41 -11.3 PaloAltNet110.88 +2.87 -8.1 Pandora 11.98 +.16 +52.4 PaneraBrd312.55 -.39 -30.8 ParkDrl 1.80 ... +14.4 ParkerHan160.23 +.42 -10.2 ParsleyEn 31.66 +.06 -6.1 PattUTI 25.29 +.63 -4.5 Paychex 58.15 -.15 + 8.7 PayPal n 42.90 +.01 +3.5 Pembina g 32.42 +.32 -27.5 PengthE g 1.03 +.01 +34.4 PnnNtGm 18.54 +.43 -4.0 PennWst g 1.70 +.02 +5.4 PennantPk 8.07 +.07 -28.4 Penney 5.95 +.27 -14.2 Penske 44.47 +.55 +12.0 Pentair 62.82 +.44 -7.4 PeopUtdF 17.93 +.21 +6.6 PepsiCo 111.58 -.36 -18.8 Perrigo 67.60 +.99 +4.3 PetrbrsA 9.19 -.13 -4.4 Petrobras 9.67 -.12 +5.0 Pfizer 34.11 -.08 +23.1 PhilipMor 112.59 -.60 +4.0 PhilipsNV 31.78 +.01 -11.0 Phillips66 76.88 -.69 +4.9 PhysRltTr 19.65 +.11 +7.4 PimIncStr2 10.19 +.04 +8.3 PinWst 84.48 +.46 +5.8 PioNtrl 190.44 +2.14 -13.8 PitnyBw 13.09 +.10 -3.0 PlainsAAP 31.33 -.03 +78.3 PlugPowr h 2.14 -.11 -2.5 Polaris 80.37 -.13 +4.7 PolyOne 33.56 +.23 -7.0 Potash 16.82 -.03 -3.0 PwshDB 15.37 +.04 -.2 PS SrLoan 23.31 ... +11.4 PwShs QQQ132.04 +.07 +1.9 Praxair 119.37 +1.24 -11.0 PrecDrill 4.85 +.13 +21.0 Priceline 1773.52+11.75 +8.4 PrinFncl 62.73 +.57 +6.8 ProAssur 60.00 -.10 +.5 ProLogis 53.06 +.39 +11.0 ProUltSP s 84.52 +.39 +37.5 PrUltPQ s 87.48 +.07 ... PUVixST rs 16.30 -.64 ... PrUCrude rs19.77 +.61 +53.9 ProShtVix 140.03 +2.42 +6.3 ProctGam 89.40 -.57 +10.6 ProgsvCp 39.25 ... -10.7 ProUShSP 13.49 -.07 -20.0 PUShtQQQ19.15 -.03 -28.4 PShtQQQ rs37.33 -.06 -5.3 P roUShL20 38.64 +.06 -3.0 PUShtR2K 23.00 -.44 -15.6 PUShtSPX 17.22 -.15 +8.6 ProspctCap 9.07 ... +162.9 Protalix 1.17 -.07 +2.1 Prudentl 106.29 +.81 +2.3 PSEG 44.89 +.47 -.4 PubStrg 222.64 +.35 +27.1 PulteGrp 23.36 +.07 +3.7 PMMI 7.33 +.05 -33.3 QEP Res 12.28 +.05 -13.3 Qualcom 56.53 +.06 +6.5 QstDiag 97.86 -.03 -2.0 RPC 19.41 +.45 -3.8 RPM 51.77 -1.92 -10.6 RLauren 80.71 +1.19 -13.0 RangeRs 29. 90 +.50 +14.9 RavenInds 28.95 +.60 +7.7 Rayonier 28.65 +.31 +6.2 Raytheon 150.75 +.80 +4.7 RltyInco 60.17 +.42 +9.4 RedwdTr 16.64 +.28 +3.4 Regenrn 379.48 +2.12 +1.2 RegionsFn 14.53 +.16 -1.2 RelStlAl 78.57 +.33 -15.0 RentACt 9.50 +.39 +9.7 Replgn 33.81 +.17 +12.6 ResCap rs 9.38 +.01 -.9 RetailOpp 20.94 +.09 +354.2 RexahnPh .65 +.03 +13.0 ReynAm s 63.33 -.24 +10.1 RiceEngy 23.51 +.30 +6.6 RioTi nto 40.98 +.23 -44.3 RiteAid 4.59 +.33 +16.0 RockwlAut155.88 +.70 +7.7 RockColl 99.87 +1.53 +7.1 Rogers 82.24 +.64 +13.7 Roper 208.11 +1.03 -3.3 RossStrs s 63.45 +.92 -17.8 Rowan 15.53 +.46 +7.7 RoyalBk g 72.91 +.68 +20.4 RylCarb 98.78 +.62 -3.2 RoyDShllB 56.11 +.47 -2.4 RoyDShllA 53.10 +.45 S-T-U -13.1 S&T Bcp 33.93 +.47 -9.5 SCANA 66.30 -.45 +8.0 SLM Cp 11.90 +.33 -32.4 SM Energy 23.32 +.42 +4.5 SpdrDJIA 206.45 +.19 +8.7 SpdrGold 119.18 -.44 +7.9 SpdrEuro5036.12 +.14 +5.3 S&P500ETF235.44 +.66 +12.9 SpdrBiot s 66.84 -.09 -2.2 SpdrS&PBk42.50 +.46 +.9 SpdrLehHY 36.76 +.05 -3.1 SpdrS&P RB53.83 +.71 -5.5 SpdrRetl s 41.65 +.83 -9.7 SpdrOGEx 37.41 +.51 +.5 SpdrMetM 30.56 +.27 +35.6 STMicr o 15.39 +.20 +21.0 SABESP 10.50 -.40 +3.8 SabnR 36.50 +1.30 -16.0 SabreCorp 20.96 +.46 +109.6 SafeBulk 2.41 +.33 -.8 Saia Inc 43.80 +.30 -11.1 StJoe 16.90 +.15 +24.2 Salesforce 85.00 -.34 -25.1 SallyBty 19.79 +.44 +13.6 SJuanB 7.52 +.13 +5.3 SanchezEn 9.51 +.22 +12.0 Sanofi 45.31 +.03 -7.5 SantCUSA 12.49 +.26 -6.3 Schlmbrg 78.62 +.32 +11.9 SchwEMkt 24.13 -.03 +1.5 Schwab 40.06 +.58 -5.5 ScorpioTk 4.28 +.12 -79.6 SeadrillLtd .70 +.00 +21.2 SeagateT 46.25 +.25 +25.4 SearsHldgs 11.65 +.26 -27.2 Seaspan 6.65 +.15 -9.9 SeaWorld 17.05 -.89 +9.1 SempraEn109.75 +.31 +11.5 SenHous 21.11 +.16 +15.5 Sherwin 310.47 +1.19 -7.4 ShipFin 13.75 -.10 +.7 Shire 171.55 -3.51 -4.4 SimonProp169.80 -.49 +15.3 SiriusXM 5.13 +.02 +4.0 Skechers s 25.57 -.52 +33.2 SkywksSol 99.42 +.53 +1.1 Smucker 129.44 -.58 -4.3 BigLots 48. 07 +1.20 +17.1 Biocryst 7.41 -.10 -4.5 Biogen 270.94 +.50 +60.4 BioPhrmX .60 +.08 +10.2 BlkHillsCp 67.58 +.03 +14.9 BlackBerry 7.92 ... +7.6 BlkHlthSci 34.16 -.12 +6.5 BlkMuniast 14.35 +.11 +10.1 Blackstone 29.76 +.29 +2.6 BlockHR 23.58 +.63 +19.4 BobEvans 63.55 +.75 +13.9 Boeing 177.37 +.29 -3.7 BorgWarn 37.99 -.19 -16.8 BostBeer 141.40 +1.05 +13.7 BostonSci 24.60 +.18 +21.4 Box Inc n 16.82 -.30 +8.2 BoydGm 21.83 +.51 -3.5 BrigStrat 21.47 +.16 -13.9 Brinker 42.64 +1.07 -8.8 BrMySq 53.29 +.21 ... BritATob s 66.20 -.29 +6.6 Brookdale 13.24 +.13 +13.7 BrkfInfra s 38.07 -.21 +7.0 Brunswick 58.34 +.11 +4.9 Buckeye 69.43 +1.05 -.6 BuffaloWW153.45 +.10 +6.7 BungeLt 77.05 -.27 -20.8 CBL Asc 9.11 +.11 +4.7 CBRE Grp 32.96 +.48 +8.3 CBS B 68.88 -.63 -5.8 CF Inds s 29.66 +.86 +8.4 CMS Eng 45.10 -.16 +1 2.9 CNH Indl 9.81 +.18 +32.8 CSX 47.71 +.57 -12.0 CVR Rfng 9.15 -.05 -2.4 CVS Health77.01 -.02 +4.5 CYS Invest 8.08 +.11 +7.0 CabotO&G 24.99 +.55 +23.6 Cadence 31.17 +.32 -14.7 Cal-Maine 37.70 +1.05 +7.9 CalaCvHi 11.38 +.01 +12.6 CalAmp 16.32 -.09 -17.4 Calgon 14.05 +.10 +6.2 CalifWtr 36.00 -.05 -13.6 CallonPet 13.28 +.14 -4.9 Calpine 10.87 -.15 -6.3 CalumetSp 3.75 ... -3.3 CamdenPT 81.28 +.10 +6.2 Cameco g 11.12 +.24 -6.4 CampSp 56.59 -.18 +9.6 CdnNR gs 73.88 +.45 +4.8 CdnNRs gs 33.40 +.26 -3.5 CapOne 84.23 +.10 -12.8 CapSenL 14.00 +.17 +3.8 CapsteadM 10.58 +.11 +17.6 CpstnTur rs .80 +.03 +100.8 CaraThera 18.65 +1.07 +14.9 CardnlHlth 82.71 +2.18 -9.9 CarMax 58.00 +1.34 +13.4 Carnival 59.06 +.26 +.8 CarpTech 36.46 +.16 -23.6 Carrizo 28.52 +.60 +3.3 Caterpillar 95.82 +1.58 +7.2 CedarF 68 .85 +.81 +7.4 Celgene 124.30 +.12 +15.3 Cemex 9.26 -.04 +32.9 Cemig pf 3.03 -.06 -25.4 CenovusE 11.28 +.03 +13.2 CenterPnt 27.90 +.06 +2.9 CntryLink 24.46 +.25 -9.1 ChemFinl 49.23 +.63 +70.8 Chemours n37.72 +.21 -10.5 ChesEng 6.28 +.17 -7.1 Chevron 109.29 +.65 -4.2 ChicB&I 30.42 +.10 -8.0 Chicos 13.24 +.38 +19.3 Chipotle 450.29 -2.15 +12.6 ChurchDwt s49.76 +.19 -9.6 CienaCorp 22.07 +.07 +13.4 Cigna 151.21 +1.30 -6.5 CinnFin 70.85 +.04 +12.5 Cirrus 63.63 +.69 +9.5 Cisco 33.08 +.08 -24.3 CgpVelLCrd20.94 +.95 +14.6 CgpVelICrd 25.17 -1.25 +.8 Citigroup 59.89 +.30 -2.0 CitizFincl 34.92 +.54 +16.8 CitrixSy s 83.06 +.10 -11.2 CleanEngy 2.54 ... +154.5 Cleantch rs 6.72 +3.79 +.5 CliffsNRs 8.45 +.26 +10.8 Clorox 132.95 -1.32 +27.9 ClovisOnc 56.83 -2.82 +14.3 Coach 40.04 +.70 -61.0 CobaltIEn .48 +.04 +2.9 CocaCola 42.67 +.10 -6.5 Coeur 8.50 +.05 +3.8 CognizTch 58.14 +.08 +3.4 CohStQIR 12.63 +.02 +2.8 CohStSelPf 26.88 +.02 +11.8 ColgPalm 73.13 -.33 -12.4 ColNrthS n 12.65 -.38 +10.4 Comcast s 38.13 +.79 -.1 Comerica 68.01 +.75 +59.9 CmtyHlt 8.94 -.07 +29.0 CmpTask 5.43 +.11 +15.2 Comtech 13.65 -.03 +2.4 ConAgra 40.48 +.08 -3.0 ConnWtrSv 54.16 +.32 -.7 ConocoPhil 49.81 +.70 -6.4 ConsolEngy17.06 +.44 11.5 ConsolCom23.77 +.25 +6.3 ConEd 78.33 -.20 +12.0 ConstellA 171.77+10.37 -10.2 ContlRescs 46.26 +.37 +12.1 CooperTire 43.55 +.45 -10.7 CorOnDem 37.78 +.40 +10.3 Corning 26.78 +.08 +7.2 CorpOffP 33.47 +.34 +6.2 Costco 170.02 +3.02 -5.6 Coty 17.29 +.13 -1.9 CousPrp 8.35 +.08 -62.8 CSVixSh rs 35.40 -1.34 ... CSVInvN rs18.49 -.47 +54.7 CSVelIVST 72.30 +1.21 -50.7 CSVLgNG rs22.75 +.51 +1.1 CredSuiss 14. 47 +.09 +6.5 CrestEq rs 27.20 +.65 -4.4 Crocs 6.56 -.01 +.8 CrownHold 53.01 +.11 +9.7 Cummins 149.98 +.16 -4.2 CybrOpt 25.00 +.50 +17.2 Cyclacel rs 6.20 -.48 +15.2 CypSemi 13.18 -.13 +18.0 CytRx h .44 +.01 D-E-F +3.5 DCT IndlTr 49.56 +.32 -19.7 DDR Corp 12.26 ... +5.9 DNP Selct 10.83 ... +21.8 DR Horton 33.29 +.06 +4.5 DTE 102.97 -.16 +9.9 DXC Tch n 74.68 +2.89 +14.7 Darden 83.38 +1.06 A-B-C -4.0 AES Corp 11.16 ... +4.8 AFLAC 72.95 +.76 +10.8 AGNC Inv 20.09 -.10 -30.9 AK Steel 7.06 +.23 -4.5 AT&T Inc 40.60 -.42 +8.5 AU Optron 3.84 +.06 +13.7 AbbottLab 43.67 -.13 +3.9 AbbVie 65.08 +.12 -11.4 AberFitc 10.63 +.01 +3.3 Accuray 4.75 +.05 +36.7 ActivsBliz 49.36 +.16 +13.7 Adient n 66.62 +.07 +21.8 AdvEnId 66.66 -.12 +17.0 AMD 13.27 -.90 +41.4 AdvisoryBd 47.00 +.20 -2.7 Aecom 35.39 +.38 +6.1 AerCap 44.16 -1.30 +3.4 AeroViron 27.73 +.45 +3.9 Aetna 128.84 +1.56 -67.4 AeviGeno 1.69 +.01 +16.7 Agilent 53.15 +.44 +34.7 AirMethod 42.90 -.15 +11.4 Aircastle 23.23 +.04 +107.4 AkariTh rs 14.60 +2.90 +15.5 Akorn Inc 25.22 +1.26 +15.2 AlaskCom 1.89 +.04 +19.8 Alcoa Cp 33.65 -.20 -41.9 Alcobra 1.22 +.17 -5.6 Alexion lf 115.49 -.72 +23.0 Alibaba 108.04 +.60 +11.4 AllegTch 17.74 +.23 +13.5 Allergan 238 .34 +.57 +6.6 Allete 68.44 +.43 +2.7 AllnceRes 23.05 +.40 -2.6 AlliBern 22.85 +.40 +5.2 AlliantEg s 39.87 -.11 +22.6 AllscriptH 12.52 +.11 +9.9 Allstate 81.44 +.02 +3.0 AllyFincl 19.60 +.52 +7.3 Alphabet C827.88 -3.53 +6.6 Alphabet A845.10 -3.82 +8.2 AlpTotDiv 8.20 +.03 +1.6 AlpAlerMLP12.80 +.09 +5.6 Altria 71.42 -.51 -29.7 AmTrstF h 19.25 -.93 +19.8 Amazon 898.28 -11.00 +1.4 Ambarella 54.90 +.17 +15.1 Ambev 5.65 -.07 -39.0 Amedica rs .38 -.01 +4.3 Ameren 54.71 -.34 +4.6 AFMulti 5.65 -.05 +12.6 AMovilL 14.15 -.06 -10.6 AmAirlines 41.72 +.41 -12.3 AEagleOut 13.30 +.22 +7.4 AEP 67.62 -.21 +5.2 AmExp 77.92 +.16 -5.3 AmIntlGrp 61.84 +.22 -3.6 AmStsWtr 43.92 -.19 +7.7 AmWtrWks 77.94 -.35 -1.5 Amerigas 47.18 -.13 +16.9 Ameriprise129.71 +1.69 +12.1 AmeriBrgn 87.64 +.46 +11.5 Ametek 54.21 +.52 +1 1.0 Amgen 162.25 +.01 +37.8 AmicusTh 6.85 -.12 +4.1 Amphenol 69.93 +.36 -9.8 Anadarko 62.89 +.04 +10.6 AnalogDev 80.32 +.28 +12.7 AnglogldA 11.85 ... +4.8 ABInBev 110.49 +.01 +13.4 Annaly 11.31 ... -2.5 AnteroRes 23.07 +.32 +15.4 Anthem 165.92 +1.17 -40.5 AntheraP h .39 -.02 +7.5 Anworth 5.56 +.07 -16.6 Apache 52.96 +1.26 +31.2 ApolloGM 25.40 +.43 +13.7 ApolloInv 6.66 +.16 +24.0 Apple Inc 143.66 -.36 +1 9.6 ApldMatl 38.58 +.20 +97.6 ApldOptoel 46.31 +1.63 +7.7 AquaAm 32.36 -.14 -64.6 AralezPh 1.56 -.21 -6.7 ArcBest 25.80 -.05 +12.9 ArcelorMit 8.24 +.05 -.9 ArchDan 45.25 -.01 +7.0 AresCap 17.64 +.09 -91.2 ArgosTher .43 +.02 +38.9 AristaNetw134.40 +.40 -3.4 ArrayBio 8.49 +.01 -.3 ArrowEl 71.10 +.15 -38.6 AscenaRtl 3.80 +.16 +14.3 Ashland 124.94 +.43 +11.4 AstraZen s 30.44 -.02 +2.0 Athersys 1.56 +.02 +8.4 ATMOS 80.35 +.32 -28.5 AtwoodOcn 9.39 +.16 +213.8 AuriniaPh 6.59 -.16 -17.1 AutoNatn 40.32 +.66 -1.0 AutoData 101.75 -.18 +13.7 AveryD 79.85 -.23 -24.6 AvisBudg 27.66 +.56 -1.5 Avista 39.41 +.21 -13.1 Avon 4.38 +.05 -4.8 AxonEntpr 23.08 +1.18 +18.6 B2gold g 2.81 -.03 -5.8 BB&T Cp 44.31 +.33 +3.0 BCE g 44.55 +.12 +8.0 BGC Ptrs 11.05 +.09 +3.9 BHP BillLt 37.16 +.04 +1.4 BHPBil plc 31.91 +.04 -7.1 BP PLC 34.73 +.14 -6.3 BP Pru 22.25 +.65 +5.5 Baidu 173.38 +.46 -6.2 BakrHu 60.94 +.58 -6.1 Balchem 78.77 +.50 -3.6 BallCorp 72.40 -.25 +57.6 BallardPw 2.60 +.22 +11.7 BcBilVArg 7.56 +.10 +15.6 BcoBrad s 10.06 -.17 +17.4 BcoSantSA 6.08 +.09 -11.1 BcoSBrasil 7.90 -.46 +2.1 BankMutl 9.65 +.05 +5.2 BkofAm 23.26 +.09 +3.5 BkMont g 74.44 +.24 -.1 BkNYMel 47.31 +.31 +5.4 BkNova g 58.70 +.52 -9.6 BarcGSOi l 5.72 +.12 -2.2 Barclay 10.76 -.04 -37.7 B iPVxST rs15.89 -.28 +10.8 Bard 249.03 +.14 -20.2 BarnesNob 8.90 +.05 +20.7 BarrickG 19.28 -.08 ... BasicEnS .45 ... +18.5 Baxter s 52.53 -.02 -11.5 BeazerHm 11.77 +.11 +10.8 BectDck 183.40 +.09 -3.8 BedBath 39.08 +1.28 +.9 Bemis 48.25 +.11 +2.1 BerkH B 166.47 +.64 +12.5 BestBuy 47.99 +.02YTD Name Last Chg Money & Markets 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400 ONDJFM 2,320 2,360 2,400 S&P 500Close: 2,357.49 Change: 4.54 (0.2%) 10 DAYS 4,800 5,100 5,400 5,700 6,000 ONDJFM 5,760 5,860 5,960 Nasdaq compositeClose: 5,878.95 Change: 14.47 (0.2%) 10 DAYSAdvanced 2219 Declined 708 New Highs 72 New Lows 25 Vol. (in mil.) 3,084 Pvs. Volume 3,648 1,765 2,082 1916 872 42 64 NYSE NASDDOW 20746.46 20612.17 20662.95 +14.80 +0.07% t t s +4.56% DOW Trans. 9165.18 9076.45 9134.17 +38.19 +0.42% t t s +1.00% DOW Util. 703.63 699.99 703.03 -1.14 -0.16% s s s +6.58% NYSE Comp. 11485.38 11410.45 11457.29 +33.93 +0.30% t r s +3.62% NASDAQ 5889.58 5856.22 5878.95 +14.47 +0.25% t s s +9.21% S&P 500 2364.16 2349.26 2357.49 +4.54 +0.19% t t s +5.30% S&P 400 1710.71 1691.18 1708.05 +13.26 +0.78% t s s +2.86% Russell 2000 1364.51 1349.33 1364.43 +12.29 +0.91% t s t +0.54% Toronto TSX 15728.61 15659.75 15697.18 +54.19 +0.35% s s s +2.68%HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD Stocks Recap Combined StocksFrom the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. Interest ratesThe yield on the 10-year Treasury was unchanged at 2.34 percent on Thursday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG AGO 4.00 3.50 3.50 .88 .38 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill .80 0.80 ... .21 6-month T-bill .93 0.92 +0.01 .26 52-wk T-bill 1.03 1.02 +0.01 .54 2-year T-note 1.24 1.24 ... .74 5-year T-note 1.86 1.87 -0.01 1.20 10-year T-note 2.34 2.34 ... 1.76 30-year T-bond 2.99 2.99 ... 2.58 NET 1YR BONDS YEST PVS CHG AGO AP Muni Bond Idx 2.54 2.55 -0.01 ... Barclays Glob Agg Bd 1.61 1.61 ... ... Barclays USAggregate 2.58 2.58 ... 2.14 Barclays US Corp 3.31 3.31 ... 3.16 Barclays US High Yield 5.80 5.85 -0.05 8.22 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.94 3.93 +0.01 3.63 10-Yr. TIPS .39 0.37 +0.02 .13Commodities U.S. crude oil prices rose more than 1 percent and natural gas prices rose 2 percent. Gold and silver prices rose slightly.Crude Oil (bbl) 51.70 51.15 +1.08 -3.8 Ethanol (gal) 1.62 1.65 -1.82 +0.6 Heating Oil (gal) 1.61 1.60 +0.59 -5.4 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.33 3.27 +1.99 -10.6 Unleaded Gas (gal) 1.73 1.72 +0.83 +3.9 FUELS CLOSEPVS. %CHG%YTD Gold (oz) 1250.30 1245.40 +0.39 +8.7 Silver (oz) 18.23 18.17 +0.32 +14.4 Platinum (oz) 955.70 956.40 -0.07 +6.0 Copper (lb) 2.66 2.68 -0.75 +6.3 Palladium (oz) 803.95 807.75 -0.47 +17.8 METALS CLOSEPVS.%CHG%YTD Cattle (lb) 1.19 1.18 +0.45 -0.2 Coffee (lb) 1.38 1.37 +0.33 +0.5 Corn (bu) 3.61 3.65 -1.10 +2.5 Cotton (lb) 0.75 0.75 -0.48 +5.5 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 389.60 379.60 +2.63 +23.1 Orange Juice (lb) 1.62 1.61 +0.81 -18.2 Soybeans (bu) 9.41 9.44 -0.29 -5.5 Wheat (bu) 4.23 4.30 -1.51 +3.7 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS. %CHG%YTD USD per British Pound1.2475 -.0011 -.09% 1.4127 Canadian Dollar 1.3413 +.0005 +.04% 1.3107 USD per Euro 1.0646 -.0021 -.20% 1.1410 Japanese Yen 110.78 -.08 -.07% 109.62 Mexican Peso 18.7623 +.0648 +.35% 17.6500 1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG %CHGAGO Israeli Shekel 3.6445 +.0005 +.18% 3.7956 Norwegian Krone 8.6219 -.0003 -.26% 8.3093 South African Rand 13.7847 +.0002 +.28% 15.1700 Swedish Krona 9.0168 .0005 -.45% 8.1395 Swiss Franc 1.0053 -.0008 -.08% .9553 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST Australian Dollar 1.3257 +.0070 +.53% 1.3166 Chinese Yuan 6.9002 +.0043 +.06% 6.4815 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7702 -.0001 -.00% 7.7570 Indian Rupee 64.631 -.403 -.62% 66.498 Singapore Dollar 1.4021 +.0016 +.11% 1.3484 South Korean Won 1131.30 +3.62 +.32% 1158.01 Taiwan Dollar 30.54 +.18 +.59% 32.43 ASIA/PACIFICForeign Exchange The dollar rose against the euro and the British pound but fell against the Japanese yen. The dollar also rose against the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso.YEST6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO -16.0 SnapInc A n20.57 -.13 -4.0 SnapOn 164.41 +1.27 +29.5 SodaStrm 51.11 +1.12 +9.5 SolarCap 22.79 +.10 -.8 SonocoP 52.27 +.30 +14.9 SonyCp 32.21 -.55 +4.3 SourcC 37.50 +.12 +11.0 SoJerInd s 37.39 +.44 +1.9 SouthnCo 50.13 -.30 +7.1 SwstAirl 53.38 +.03 -21.4 SwstnEngy 8.50 +.16 -4.5 SpiritRltC 10.37 +.08 -.4 Sprint 8.39 -.02 +21.5 Sprouts 22.98 +.33 +24.7 Square n 17.00 +.25 -4.2 Stamps.cm109.85 -3.00 +5.9 SP Matls 52.64 +.28 +7.7 SP HlthC 74.28 +.13 +5.5 SP CnSt 54.55 ... +7.5 SP Consum87.52 +.27 -6.2 SP Engy 70.63 +.56 +1.6 SPDR Fncl 23.62 +.15 +4.6 SP Inds 65.06 +.18 +9.8 SP Tech 53.09 +.01 +6.3 SP Util 51.62 -.13 +15.5 StanBlkDk 132.41 +1.31 +8.5 Staples 9.82 +.06 -14.5 StarGas 9.20 +.01 +4.3 Starbucks s57.92 -.30 +1.5 StateStr 78.88 +.27 -3.1 StlDynam 34.49 +.39 -.4 StoreCap 24.6 2 +.51 +9.2 Stryker 130.84 -.34 -11.0 SubPpne 26.76 +.52 +6.6 SunCmts 81.64 +.64 -10.7 SunHydrl 35.68 +.63 +6.7 SunocoLP 28.69 +4.83 +2.0 SunocoLog 24.49 +.23 -5.9 SunPower 6.22 +.04 -80.6 SunshHrt rs 2.04 +.23 +.8 SunstnHtl 15.37 +.16 +1.3 SunTrst 55.56 +.76 +41.5 SupercdT rs 1.74 +.28 -13.6 SupEnrgy 14.58 +.23 -19.5 Supvalu 3.76 +.03 -17.4 SwiftTrans 20.13 -.38 +27.9 Symantec 30.56 +.28 +12.9 S ynacor 3.50 -.65 -8.4 Synchrony 33.23 -.03 -32.8 SynrgyPh 4.09 -.23 -.7 SynovusFn 40.79 +.47 -6.7 Sysco 51.64 +.08 +10.0 T-MobileUS63.24 -.26 +1.7 TC PpLn 59.83 +.77 -14.8 TCF Fncl 16.70 +.36 -12.3 TD Ameritr 38.25 +.67 +2.2 TJX 76.80 +.87 -71.1 TOP Ship rs .65 -.21 -10.7 TahoeRes 8.41 +.29 -47.0 TailorBr 13.53 -.22 +14.3 TaiwSemi 32.86 -.04 -25.8 Target 53.57 +.82 -12.4 Taubmn 64.79 +.16 -5.3 Te chnip 33.63 +.67 +19.0 TeckRes g 23.83 +.66 +53.3 Teladoc n 25.30 +.05 -34.4 TempurSly 44.80 +.86 -4.5 Tenaris 34.11 +.84 -74.2 TenaxTher .50 +.03 -5.8 Tenneco 58.85 +.27 +11.3 Teradata 30.24 +.16 +25.3 Teradyn 31.83 +.10 -6.8 TerraNitro 95.75 -.67 -62.2 TerraVia .44 -.04 +39.8 Tesla Inc 298.70 +3.70 -9.3 Tesoro 79.32 +.49 -10.8 TevaPhrm 32.35 +.42 +9.8 TexInst 80.10 +.02 -7.5 TexRdhse 44.60 +.47 + 100.7 Textainer 14.95 +.45 -2.3 Textron 47.42 +.48 +40.2 TherapMD 8.09 +.12 +8.6 3D Sys 14.43 +.12 +6.3 3M Co 189.89 -.35 +21.0 Tiffany 93.69 +.92 +1.8 TimeWarn 98.30 -.07 +9.9 Timken 43.65 +.30 +3.4 Torchmark 76.26 +.23 +.2 TorDBk gs 49.45 +.11 +1.8 Total SA 51.87 +1.03 -10.0 Toyota 105.50 -.64 -8.3 TractSupp 69.53 +1.28 -14.4 Transocn 12.62 +.18 -1.5 Travelers 120.54 -.37 +5.1 TriContl 23. 17 +.09 +4.2 TriCntl pf 50.55 ... +11.7 TriNetGrp 28.61 +.56 -2.6 Trinity 27.04 +.60 -8.8 TripAdvis 42.30 +.54 +7.1 TrueBlue 26.40 -.10 +16.4 TrueCar 14.55 -.09 -10.3 TrstNY 7.85 ... +18.4 Tuppwre 62.29 +.27 +11.0 21stCFoxA 31.12 -.26 +12.1 21stCFoxB 30.55 -.28 -11.7 Twitter 14.39 -.14 +35.4 2U 40.81 +.64 +1.5 Tyson 62.62 +.67 -1.2 UDR 36.04 +.21 +8.3 UGI Corp 49.92 -.01 +60.8 UltraClean 15.60 -.06 -30 .2 UndrArm s 20.27 +.65 -24.4 UnAr C wi 19.04 +.48 -4.4 UniFirst 137.35 +1.15 +21.8 UnilevNV 50.00 +.43 -86.1 Unilife lf .32 +.01 +3.3 UnionPac 107.07 +.31 -10.8 Unit 23.98 +.58 -7.0 UPS B 106.67 -.07 +17.4 UtdRentals124.00 +2.94 ... US Bancrp 51.35 +.31 -16.3 US NGas 7.82 +.05 -7.3 US OilFd 10.86 +.18 -.3 USSteel 32.90 +.26 +2.5 UtdTech 112.41 -.09 +3.3 UtdhlthGp 165.34 -.03 +.5 UnitGrp 25.53 -.0 1 +10.0 UnvslCp 70.15 +.54 +5.9 UnumGrp 46.52 +.46 +29.5 UraniumEn 1.45 +.06 +37.2 UranmRs rs 1.88 +.10 -21.7 UrbanOut 22.31 +.30 V-W-X-Y-Z +1.6 VF Corp 54.19 +.35 +20.2 Vale SA 9.16 -.27 +25.4 Vale SA pf 8.64 -.26 -33.7 ValeantPh 9.63 +.13 -4.8 ValeroE 65.07 -.02 +.4 VlyNBcp 11.69 +.16 +12.4 VanEGold 23.51 +.03 +.3 VnEkRus 21.28 -.02 -7.0 VEckOilSvc 31.02 +.52 +16.4 VanE JrGld 36.71 -.19 +1.0 VangREIT 83.39 +.44 +5.0 VangDivAp 89.47 +.17 +11.7 VangEmg 39.98 -.07 +7.0 VangEur 51.30 +.17 +6.9 VangFTSE 39.06 +.03 +13.1 Vectren 58.98 +.16 +3.5 Ventas 64.71 +.13 +2.4 Vereit 8.66 +.08 +14.7 Verisign 87.26 -.41 -9.3 VerizonCm 48.43 -.01 +29.9 ViacomB 45.58 +.26 -.6 ViadCorp 43.85 +.25 +25.4 Viavi 10.26 +.34 -16.4 Vicon .49 -.47 +22.5 Vipshop 13.49 +.76 +14.2 Visa s 89.09 +.06 -2.2 VishayInt 15.85 +.05 +16.2 VMware 91.52 +.37 +5.6 Vodafone 25.81 -.27 -4.6 VulcanM 119.35 +1.13 -8.5 WD 40 106.95 +.45 +3.7 WEC Engy 60.82 -.45 +5.6 WP Carey 62.41 +.39 -9.2 WPX Engy 13.23 +.05 +3.3 WalMart 71.43 -.22 -1.3 WalgBoots 81.66 +.49 -16.0 WashPrGp 8.74 +.11 -2.8 WREIT 31.76 +.35 +3.1 WsteMInc 73.09 -.18 +16.0 Waters 155.94 +.57 +31.7 WeathfIntl 6.57 +.02 -9.1 WebsterFn 49.35 +.71 +38.8 WtWatch 15.89 +.42 -6.2 WeinRlt 33.58 +.09 +.5 WellsFargo 55.37 +.39 +6.9 Welltower 71.58 +.28 +1.7 Wendys Co 13.75 +.22 -3.5 WestarEn 54.35 -.31 ... WAstInfSc 11.48 ... +23.8 WDigital 84.09 +1.39 -9.8 WstnUnion 19.59 -.07 +10.5 WestpacBk 25.94 -.17 +2.2 WestRck 51.87 +.27 +14.4 Weyerhsr 34.41 +.44 -8.0 Whrlpl 167.17 +1.57 +1.1 WhiteWave 56.23 +.02 -22.0 WhitingPet 9.37 +.21 +.2 WholeFood 30.81 +.56 -2.9 WmsCos 30.25 +.59 +9.9 WillmsPtrs 41.78 +.67 +12.4 WmsSon 54.39 +.65 -24.1 Windstm rs 5.56 ... -15.8 Winnbgo 26.65 -.70 ... WTJpHedg 49.5 2 -.16 +21.7 WT India 24.58 +.29 -.4 Woodward 68.77 +.86 +21.4 WldW Ent 22.34 +.32 +36.2 Wynn 117.85 +1.17 +9.6 XcelEngy 44.59 -.23 +24.0 Xerox 7.13 -.03 -6.7 Xilinx 56.34 -.31 -19.8 YRC Wwde10.65 -.02 +19.7 Yahoo 46.28 -.10 +1.1 Yamana g 2.84 -.03 -12.3 Yelp 33.43 +.21 -9.0 YorkWater 34.75 -.15 +1.9 YumBrnds 64.55 +.68 +17.8 Yum China30.76 +2.58 -.1 ZTO Exp n 12.06 -.34 -.7 Zagg 7.05 +.05 +29.7 Zelti qAes 56.44 +.79 +16.5 ZimmerBio120.20 +.02 -3.6 ZionsBcp 41.50 +.45 -1.6 Zoetis 52.67 ... +8.9 Zynga 2.80 +.02 Stock Footnotes: Stock Footnotes: cld Issue has been called for redemption by company. d New 52-week low. ec Company formerly listed on the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace. g Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h Does not meet continued-listing standards. lf Late filing with SEC. n Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low figures date onl y from the beginning of trading. pf Preferred stock issue. pr Preferences. pp Holder owes installments of purchase price. rt Right to buy security at a specified price. rs Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year. s Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd When distributed. wt Warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock. u New 52-week high. un Unit,, including more than one security. vj Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. Stocks in bold are worth at least $5 and changed 5 percent or more in price. Underlining for 50 most actively traded stocks of the day. Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. M ost recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. P E Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months. Mutual Fund Footnotes: b Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f front load (sales charges). m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA not available. p previous days net asset value. s fund split shares during the week. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Source :Morningstar and the Associated Press.DOW 20,662.95 +14.80 NASDAQ 5,878.95 +14.47 S&P 500 2,357.49 +4.54 10-YR T-NOTE 2.34% ... 30-YR T-BOND 2.99% ... CRUDE OIL $51.70 +.55 GOLD $1,250.30 +4.90 EURO $1.0646 -.0021p p p p p p n n n n p p p p q q(Previous and change figures reflect current contract.) STOCKS LISTING CHANGE REQUESTS WELCOME!The Sun Newspaper is tweaking the way stocks are listed in the daily paper. We will continue to run a wide range of stocks, but were trying to eliminate stocks our readers dont want. If you do not see your stock in the paper, please let us know and we will put it in the listings. Email the name of the company and the symbol to, or call 941-206-1138. You can leave the stock name and symbol on voice mail.


The Sun /Friday, April 7, 2017 Page 9 ABSmCpGrA m 45.47 +.39 +9.9AMGYacktmanFocedS d 21.19-.10 +10.7YacktmanI d 22.75 -.03 +10.6AQRMgdFtsStratI 9.20 ... +2.9AberdeenIntlSmCpA m 26.92 ... +7.2AkreFocRetail m 26.34 +.13 +13.2AlgerSmCpGrB m 5.43 +.04 +6.9AlpinedynDivInstl d 3.78 +.01 +7.9AmanaMutGrInv b 32.77 +.05 +10.3 MutIncInv b 47.12 +.02 +10.6American BeaconSmCpValInstl 27.48 +.31 +13.0American CenturyCptlValInv 9.04 +.03 +12.6 EqIncInv 9.14 +.02 +12.2 GrInv 30.46 +.07 +11.1 HYMuniInv 9.39 ... +4.7 HeritageInv 21.48 +.15 +9.3 IntTrmTxFrBdInv 11.22 ... +2.2 UltraInv 38.17 +.08 +12.5American FundsAMCpA m 28.77 +.09 +13.0 AmrcnBalA m 25.79 +.04 +10.1 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.40 ... +5.2 AmrcnMutA m 38.30 +.08 +12.0 BdfAmrcA m 12.84 ... +2.4 CptWldGrIncA m 46.77+.02 +9.6 CptlIncBldrA m 59.83 +.07 +7.3 CptlWldBdA m 19.36 -.01 +0.8 EuroPacGrA m 49.25 -.06 +6.6 FdmtlInvsA m 57.88 +.14 +13.5 GlbBalA m 30.62 +.02 +6.7 GrfAmrcA m 45.44 +.11 +13.9 IncAmrcA m 22.28 +.03 +9.1 IntrmBdfAmrA m 13.41 ... +1.1 InvCAmrcA m 38.09 +.05 +13.2 NewWldA m 57.06 -.05 +4.3 NwPrspctvA m 38.65 -.01 +10.5 SmCpWldA m 49.62 +.11 +10.2 TheNewEcoA m 39.41 +.04 +13.3 TxExBdA m 12.84 +.01 +3.6 WAMtInvsA m 42.55 +.14 +12.7ArtisanIntlInv 27.96 -.01 +5.3BairdAggrgateBdInstl 10.79 +.01 +3.4 CorPlusBdInstl 11.12 ... +3.5BaronAsstRetail b 63.34 +.37 +12.3 GrRetail b 65.73 +.40 +11.7 PtnrsRetail b 41.85 +.25 +13.8BerkshireFoc d 20.55 -.02 +10.7BlackRockAlCpEngyRsInvA m 10.77+.09 -3.5 EqDivInstl 23.24 +.08 +11.3 EqDivInvA m 23.17 +.08 +11.0 GlbAllcIncInstl 19.06 +.01 +5.4 GlbAllcIncInvA m 18.95+.01 +5.1 GlbAllcIncInvC m 1 7.22+.01 +4.4 HYBdInstl 7.74 -.01 +7.0 HYBdK 7.75 ... +7.0 HYBdSvc b 7.75 ... +6.6 StrIncOppsIns 9.89 ... +3.6 TactOppsInvA m 13.45 ... +3.3BruceBruce 502.49 -.60 +9.2 MDTMidCpGrB m 28.33+.18+10.5 StratValDivIns 6.18 -.01 +11.8 TtlRetBdInstl 10.86 ... +3.0Fidelity500IdxInstl 82.96 +.19 +13.4 500IdxInstlPrm 82.96 +.18 +13.4 500IdxPremium 82.95 +.18 +13.4 AdvLgCpA m 31.55 +.16 +13.6 AdvLtdTrmBdA m 11.47 ... +1.7AdvNewInsightsA m 28.33+.08 +11.4AdvNewInsightsI 28.91 +.09 +11.7 AsstMgr50% 17.46 +.02 +6.8 Bal 23.24 +.06 +9.4 BalK 23.24 +.06 +9.5 BlueChipGr 75.22 + .17 +13.9 BlueChipGrK 75.31 +.17 +14.0 Canada d 49.88 +.19 +2.9 Contrafund 107.57 +.16 +12.4 ContrafundK 107.51 +.16 +12.5 CptlInc d 10.01 +.01 +7.5 DivGr 33.72 +.12 +11.4 DiversIntl 35.95 -.01 +7.1 DiversIntlK 35.88 -.01 +7.2 EmMkts 17.97 -.06 +2.9 EmMkts d 25.54 ... +2.7 EmMktsF 18.02 -.06 +3.1 EmergAsia d 35.72 -.02 +5.9 EqDivInc 27.49 +.10 +12.0 EqInc 58.43 +.25 +11.7 ExtndMktIdxPr 57.52 + .48 +12.5 Fidelity 43.64 +.20 +11.4 FltngRtHiInc d 9.65 ... +3.6 FocedStk 19.58 +.03 +10.6 FourinOneIdx 40.20 +.07 +9.8 Frdm2015 12.82 +.01 +6.4 Frdm2020 15.69 +.02 +6.8 Frdm2025 13.48 +.01 +7.6 Frdm2030 16.69 +.03 +8.2 Frdm2035 13.84 +.02 +8.9 Frdm2040 9.71 +.01 +8.9 FrdmK2020 14.60 +.01 +6.9 FrdmK2025 15.31 +.01 +7.7 FrdmK2030 15.73 +.02 +8.3 FrdmK2035 16.37 +.02 +9.0 FrdmK2040 16.40 +.03 +9.1 F rdmK2045 16.89 +.03 +9.2 FrdmK2050 17.02 +.02 +9.2 GNMA 11.44 ... +1.9 GrCo 149.23 +.41 +14.0 GrCoF 14.59 +.04 NA GrCoK 149.11 +.41 +14.1 GrInc 34.08 +.16 +12.9 Independence 35.78 +.18 +10.9 IntlDiscv 39.63 -.02 +7.0 IntlGr 13.98 -.01 +6.9 IntlGrF 14.01 -.01 +7.1 IntlIdxPremium 37.80 -.07 +6.4 IntlRlEstt d 10.04 -.01 +9.2 IntlVal 9.63 ... +6.2 IntlValF 9.65 ... +6.4 InvmGradeBd 11.20 ... +2.8 Inv mGradeBd 7.86 ... +2.8 InvmGradeBdF 11.20 ... +2.9 JapanSmlrCo d 15.50 -.21 +14.4 LatinAmerica d 21.88 -.18 -9.0 LowPricedStk 51.20 +.04 +11.3 LowPricedStkK 51.17 +.04 +11.4 LvrgdCoStk 35.39 +.21 +11.1 Magellan 97.01 +.41 +12.9 MegaCpStk 18.10 +.06 +12.8 MidCpStk 36.08 +.24 +12.1 MidCpVal 25.74 +.11 +14.0 MuniInc 12.96 +.01 +3.6 NYMuniInc 13.12 +.01 +3.3 NewMillennium 37.58 +.21 +11.9 NewMktsInc d 16.15 +.03 +6.0 Nordic d 46.02 -.17 +10.9 OTC 94.05 +.26 +16.1 Overseas 42.99 -.03 +9.6 Puritan 21.72 +.04 +9.2 PuritanK 21.71 +.04 +9.3 STBd 8.61 ... +1.1 SelBiotech 195.53 -.09 +20.0 SelEngy 43.97 +.44 +1.7 SelGold 21.54 ... -10.1 PrmCpCorInv 23.69 +.09 +15.8 PrmCpInv 113.19 +.39 +16.4 REITIdxAdmrl 118.19 +.66 +10.2 REITIdxIns 18.29 +.10 +10.2 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.46 ... +1.2 STInfPrScIdIns 24.85 -.01 NA STInfPrScIdxInv 24.82 -.01 NA STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.67 ... +2.2 STInvmGrdIns 10.67 ... +2.2 STInvmGrdInv 10.67 ... +2.1 STTEAdmrl 15.78 +.01 +0.7 STTrsAdmrl 10.65 ... +0.7 SeledValInv 30.30 +.21 +13.5 SmCpGrIdxAdmrl 49.00+.38 +11.3 SmCpI dxAdmrl 63.28 +.54 +13.0 SmCpIdxIns 63.28 +.54 +13.0 SmCpIdxInsPlus 182.64+1.55+13.0 SmCpValIdxAdmrl 52.32+.47 +14.3 SmCpValIdxIns 29.25 +.27 +14.3 StarInv 24.88 +.04 +8.3 StrEqInv 33.08 +.30 +14.9 TrgtRtr2010Inv 26.00 +.01 +5.4 TrgtRtr2015Inv 15.01 +.01 +6.6 TrgtRtr2020Inv 29.41 +.03 +7.5 TrgtRtr2025Inv 17.09 +.02 +8.1 TrgtRtr2030Inv 30.65 +.04 +8.7 TrgtRtr2035Inv 18.69 +.02 +9.3 TrgtRtr2040Inv 31.9 6 +.04 +9.6 TrgtRtr2045Inv 20.02 +.03 +9.7 TrgtRtr2050Inv 32.20 +.05 +9.7 TrgtRtrIncInv 13.09 ... +4.7 TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.71 ... +2.3 TtBMIdxIns 10.71 ... +2.3 TtBMIdxInsPlus 10.71 ... +2.3 TtBMIdxInv 10.71 ... +2.2 TtInBIdxAdmrl 21.68 ... NA TtInBIdxIns 32.54 +.01 NA TtInBIdxInv 10.84 ... NA TtInSIdxAdmrl 26.54 -.05 +5.3 TtInSIdxIns 106.13 -.19 +5.3 TtInSIdxInsPlus 106.15 -.18 +5.3 TtInSIdxInv 15.87 -.02 +5.2 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 58.88 +.19 +13.2 TtlSMIdxIns 58.89 +.19 +13.2 TtlSMIdxInv 58.87 +.20 +13.1TxMgCptlAprAdmr 120.40+.33 +13.5ValIdxAdmrl 37.14 +.10 +13.7 ValIdxIns 37.14 +.10 +13.7 WlngtnAdmrl 69.36 +.15 +9.9 WlngtnInv 40.16 +.08 +9.8 WlslyIncAdmrl 62.75 +.04 +7.2 WlslyIncInv 25.90 +.01 +7.1 WndsrAdmrl 72.96 +.32 +13.4 WndsrIIAdmrl 65.04 +.17 +11.9 WndsrIIInv 36.65 +.10 +11.8VictorySpecValA m 22.98 +.06 +7.6VirtusEMOppsI 10.23 -.03 +2.0WasatchLgCpValInv d 9.59 +.02 +9.7Wells FargoDJTrgt2010Adm 12.58 ... +2.4Western AssetCorPlusBdI 11.58 ... +4.1 WAMngdMuniA 16.21 ... +3.3Wintergreen FundInv m 16.38 +.01 +5.0 TocquevilleGold m 37.96 +.08 -10.2TransamericaAsAlGrC m 14.44 +.03 +8.6 AsAlModC m 12.00 +.02 +5.3TurnerSmCpGr 12.84 +.11 +8.4Tweedy, BrowneGlbVal d 26.73 +.01 +8.2U.S. Global InvestorGlbRes m 5.50 +.03 -9.2 GoldPrcMtls m 7.69 ... -7.7USAACrnrstnMod 14.69 +.01 +4.9 GrInc 23.12 +.09 +12.2 GvtSec 9.81 ... +1.4 HiInc d 8.21 ... +6.6 PrcMtlsMnral 13.75 +.04 -12.1 SciTech 23.76 +.02 +16.9 T ELngTrm 13.28 +.01 +3.8 TrgtRet2040 13.46 +.02 +7.2 TrgtRet2050 13.44 +.02 +7.4 WldGr 29.22 +.02 +10.5Value LinePremGr b 30.86 +.14 +9.9Vanguard500IdxAdmrl 217.71 +.49 +13.4 500IdxInv 217.70 +.48 +13.3 BalIdxAdmrl 32.13 +.06 +8.9 BalIdxIns 32.13 +.06 +8.9 CAIntTrmTEAdmrl 11.66+.01 +3.4 CnvrtSecInv 13.04 +.02 +6.7 CptlOppAdmrl 133.80 +.63 +17.6 CptlOppInv 57.96 +.28 +17.5 DevMIdxAdmrl 12.53 -.02 +6.7 DevMIdxIns 12.55 -.02 +6.8 DivGrInv 24.62 +.08 +12.1 EMStkIdxAdmrl 33.22 -.07 +1.2 EngyAdmrl 97.64 +.83 +0.7 EqIncAdmrl 70.92 +.16 +13.2 EqIncInv 33.84 +.08 +13.1 ExplorerAdmrl 84.36 +.70 +11.6 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 75.09 +.62 +12.6 ExtMktIdxIns 75.09 +.63 +12.6 ExtMktIdxInsPls 185.31+1.54 +12.7 FAWexUSIIns 93.73 -.16 +5.2 FAWexUSIdxInv 18.77 -.03 +5.1 GNMAAdmrl 10.55 ... +2.1 GNMAInv 10.55 ... +2.0 GlbE qInv 26.60 +.03 +10.1 GrIdxAdmrl 62.49 +.13 +12.9 GrIdxIns 62.49 +.13 +12.9 GrandIncInv 43.50 +.12 +13.5 HCAdmrl 83.67 +.07 +17.5 HCInv 198.37 +.14 +17.5 HYCorpAdmrl 5.89 ... +6.2 HYTEAdmrl 11.13 +.01 +4.3 HiDivYldIdxInv 30.69 +.05 +13.4 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 11.36 ... +3.0 InTrInvGrdAdmrl 9.73 -.01 +3.7 InTrTEAdmrl 14.02 +.01 +3.0 InflPrtScAdmrl 25.89 -.03 +1.0 InflPrtScIns 10.55 -.01 +1.0 InsIdxIns 214. 79 +.48 +13.4 InsIdxInsPlus 214.80 +.48 +13.4 InsTtlSMIInPls 52.82 +.18 +13.3 IntlGrAdmrl 75.91 +.09 +7.4 IntlGrInv 23.88 +.03 +7.2 IntlValInv 34.17 -.05 +5.6 LTInvmGrdAdmrl 10.14 ... +5.9 LTTEAdmrl 11.47 +.01 +4.0 LfStrCnsrGrInv 18.95 +.01 +5.8 LfStrGrInv 30.42 +.04 +9.0 LfStrModGrInv 25.18 +.02 +7.4 LgCpIdxInv 43.59 +.11 +13.1 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 10.93 ... +1.3 MdCpGrIdxInv 44.23 +.30 +11.1 MdCpIdxAdmrl 171.77 +1.07 +13.0 MdCpIdxIns 37.94 +.23 +13.0 MdCpIdxInsPlus 187.13+1.16+13.0 MdCpValIdxAdmrl 52.58+.30 +14.5 MorganGrAdmrl 82.24 +.23 +12.2 PrmCpAdmrl 117.27 +.42 +16.5 NicholasNicholas 64.94 +.12 +12.6Northeast InvestorsGr 16.00 +.01 +9.0NorthernStkIdx 28.39 +.06 +13.3NuveenHYMuniBdI 16.75 ... +7.1 NYMnBdI 10.92 +.01 +3.6Oak AssociatesEmergTech 4.83 +.03 +9.9 LiveOakHlthSci 19.48 +.07 +14.9 PinOakEq 59.98 +.09 +14.8 RedOakTechSel 21.83 +.02 +17.0OakmarkEqAndIncInv 31.41 +.09 +8.2 GlbInv 29.90 +.04 +9.4 IntlInv 24.64 ... +9.6 Inv 75.18 +.34 +14.0 SelInv 44.06 +.32 +13.7Old WestburyGlbSmMdCpStrat 15.93+.03 +9.0 LgCpStrats 13.63 ... +8.8 StratOpps 7.74 ... +6.0OppenheimerDevelopingMktsA m 36.34+.04+2.3 DevelopingMktsY 35.86+.05 +2.6 GlbA m 82.20 +.23 +10.0 GlbStrIncA m 3.93 ... +3.4 IntlGrY 37.20 +.04 +6.9 MnStrA m 49.61 +.09 +12.4OsterweisStrInc 11.28 +.01 +4.9PIMCOAlAstAllAthIns 8.79 ... +1.5 AlAstInstl 11.72 ... +3.9 HYInstl 8.91 ... +6.2 IncA m 12.25 ... +8.0 IncC m 12.25 ... +7.2 IncD b 12.25 ... +8.1 IncInstl 12.25 ... +8.4 IncP 12.25 ... +8.3 InvmGrdCrpBdIns 10.38 ... +5.5 LowDrInstl 9.86 ... +1.6 RlRetInstl 11.10 ... +1.1 ShrtTrmIns 9.83 ... +1.7 TtlRetA m 10.16 ... +2.6 TtlRetIns 10.16 ... +3.0PRIMECAP OdysseyAgrsGr 35.89 +.21 +19.4 Gr 31.01 +.19 +16.0 Stk 27.53 +.12 +14.8ParnassusCorEqInv 40.70 +.09 +13.5PaxBalIndvInv b 23.12 +.04 +7.0PerkinsGlbValT 13.84 -.02 +7.6 MidCpValL 17.53 +.12 +10.8 MidCpValT 17.17 +.11 +10.6 SmCpValL 22.89 +.17 +12.2PioneerA m 30.50 +.03 +11.5PrincipalDiversIntlIns 11.88 ... +6.2 LgCpGrIIns 12.62 ... +11.8 SAMgCnsGA m 17.40 ... +8.5PrudentialJsnBlndA m 19.83 +.09 +9.9 JsnUtilityA m 13.80 +.04 +12.3 QMAIntlEqC m 6.58 ... +4.8 QMASmCpValZ 21.11 +.25 +12.9 TtlRetBdZ 14.27 +.01 +4.1PutnamGlbUtlsB m 12.30 ... +5.2 IntlGrB m 16.55 ... +4.0 SmCpValA m 17.31 ... +12.4RainierMidCpEqOriginal b 37.85+.32 +8.0ReynoldsBlueChipGr b 52.26 +.06 +7.3 PacGrB m 24.95 -.14 +5.3 QualIncA m 12.10 -.01 +2.5 SmCpEqA m 14.62 +.12 +9.3 TechInv b 38.15 -.04 +8.5IVAWldwideI d 17.97 -.02 +6.2IntechUSCorT 19.42 +.13 +13.0IvyAsstStratB m 20.59 +.02 +1.7JPMorganCoreBondI 11.56 ... +2.3 CoreBondR6 11.57 -.01 +2.5 DisciplinedEqR6 25.03 +.07 +13.2 EquityIncomeI 15.64 +.05 +12.6 HighYieldI 7.43 -.01 +5.9 InvCnsrvGrA m 12.62 +.01 +4.8 MidCapValueL 37.68 +.25 +13.9 USLgCpCorPlusI 30.03 +.09 +13.8JanusBalC m 30.22 +.06 +7.1 ContrarianT 19.79 +.08 +10.9 EntprT 100.09 +.55 +13.3 FlexBdS b 10.34 ... +2.5 GlbLifeSciT 49.96 +.08 +19.0 HYT 8.51 ... +5.9 OverseasT 27.93 -.06 -2.9 RsrchT 43.40 +.15 +12.7 ShrtTrmBdT 3.03 ... +1.2 T 36.61 +.09 +11.4 VentureT 68.30 +.54 +12.6John HancockDiscpValI 20.04 +.07 +12.4 DiscpValMCI 22.24 +.13 +15.2 MltmgrLsBal1 b 14.86 +.03 +7.2 MltmgrLsGr1 b 15.53 +.03 +8.4LazardEMEqInstl 17.57 -.06 +1.0Litman GregoryMtrsIntlInstl 15.85 +.01 +4.3Loomis SaylesBdInstl 13.95 ... +4.7Lord AbbettAffiliatedA m 15.83 +.04 +12.5 FltngRtF b 9.22 ... +4.8 ShrtDurIncA m 4.31 ... +2.6 ShrtDurIncC m 4.33 ... +1.9 ShrtDurIncF b 4.30 ... +2.7 ShrtDurIncI 4.30 ... +2.8MFSGrI 81.86 +.25 +12.7 InstlIntlEq 21.90 ... +6.4 MAInvsTrustB m 28.98 +.08 +11.5 ValA m 37.49 +.07 +13.0 ValI 37.69 +.08 +13.2MainStayHYCorpBdA m 5.78 +.01 +6.3Mairs & PowerGrInv 118.66 +.36 +12.9Manning & NapierPrBlndCnsrvTrmS 13.58+.02 +4.3 PrBlndMaxTrmS 19.58 +.05 +8.8Marsico21stCentury b 23.44 +.16 +9.8 FlexCptl b 14.58 +.08 +9.6MatthewsAsianGrIncInv 16.35 ... +4.9MeridianGrLegacy d 37.56 +.35 +10.3Metropolitan WestTtlRetBdI 10.60 +.01 +3.7 TtlRetBdM b 10.60 +.01 +3.5 TtlRetBdPlan 9.97 ... +3.8Midas FundsMidas m 1.27 ... -16.3 MidasMagic m 16.84 +.09 +10.0NeedhamGrRetail m 43.66 +.36 +8.9Neuberger BermanSmCpGrInv 30.03 +.24 +10.2 SelHC 206.12 +.79 +19.1 SelHCSvcs d 89.14 +.41 +13.3 SelLeisure d 146.76 +.50 +11.5 SelMaterials 81.78 +.34 +7.7 SelMdclEqpndSys 41.86+.09 +19.2 SelNatrlGas d 27.73 +.36 -1.0 SelNatrlRes d 29.11 +.27 -0.1 SelPhrmctcls 18.13 +.05 +12.6 SelSemicons d 103.59 +.33 +19.7 SelWireless d 9.38 -.01 +11.4 SmCpDiscv d 31.50 +.23 +13.0 SmCpGr d 22.11 +.13 +14.0 StkSelorAllCp 39.24 +.15 +12.8 StratInc 1 0.84 ... +4.2 TtlBd 10.62 ... +3.3 TtlMktIdxF 68.06 +.23 +13.2 TtlMktIdxPrm 68.05 +.23 +13.2 TxFrBd 11.34 +.01 +3.7 USBdIdxInstlPrm 11.55 ... +2.3 USBdIdxPremium 11.55 ... +2.3 Val 114.94 +.86 +13.4 ValDiscv 26.86 +.05 +13.2First EagleGlbA m 57.12 -.03 +7.6First InvestorsGlbA m 7.83 ... +8.6 TtlRetA m 19.14 +.05 +7.0FirsthandTechOpps 7.49 +.01 +13.0Franklin TempletonCATxFrIncA m 7.38 +.01 +4.3 EqIncA m 23.39 +.07 +10.8 FdrTFIncA m 11.99 ... +3.3 FloridaTFIncA m 10.83 +.01 +2.4 GlbBdA m 12.47 +.01 +3.6 GlbBdAdv 12.42 ... +3.9 GlbBdC m 12.50 +.01 +3.2 Gr,IncA m 24.82 -.03 +8.9 GrA m 82.73 +.25 +12.4 GrOppsA m 33.92 +.08 +10.3 IncA m 2.34 ... +7.4 IncAdv 2.33 +.01 +7.6 IncC m 2.37 ... +6.9 MutGlbDiscvA m 31.86+.08 +9.7 MutGlbDiscvZ 32.46 +.08 +10.0 MutZ 29.28 +.11 +11.1 RisingDi vsA m 54.64 +.15 +11.0 TtlRetA m 9.73 ... +2.6 UtlsC m 18.66 -.01 +11.3GERSPUSEq 52.88 +.13 +12.7GabelliAsstAAA m 56.22 +.25 +10.5 EqIncAAA m 24.95 +.07 +9.8 Val25A m 15.75 +.06 +9.8GlenmedeSmCpEqAdv 29.27 +.24 +13.0Goldman SachsShrtDurGovtA m 9.99 ... +0.4HarborCptlApprecInstl 62.48 +.13 +12.1 IntlInstl 63.36 +.12 +4.3Harding LoevnerIntlEqInstl d 19.63 ... +7.1HartfordSmCoB m 13.11 +.08 +7.6HeartlandValPlusInv m 29.24 +.21 +6.3HennessyCrnrstnGrInv b 20.28 +.22 +11.2HodgesRetail m 46.49 +.64 +16.9INVESCOComStkA m 23.98 +.14 +12.3 DivIncInv b 24.15 +.06 +12.8 DiversDivA m 19.66 +.05 +13.0 EngyA m 25.84 +.35 -4.6 EngyInv b 25.73 +.35 -4.6 EqandIncA m 10.77 +.04 +10.5 EuropeanGrA m 35.54 ... +6.9 GlbGrB m 27.38 +.04 +7.9 GrAllcA m 14.76 +.03 +6.7 RoyceSmCpValSvc m 9.60 +.08 +5.8RydexElectronicsInv 108.49 +.41 +15.4 HCH b 24.52 +.08 +13.3 NASDAQ100Inv 30.59 +.01 +14.5SchwabHC 23.34 ... +15.9 SP500Idx 36.44 +.08 +13.3 Schwab1000Idx 56.73 +.16 +13.0 TtlStkMktIdx 41.91 +.14 +13.2SentinelCommonStkA m 42.75 +.07 +12.2State FarmGr 73.98 +.13 +11.0Sterling CapitalStrtonSmCpVlIns 82.53 +.81 +12.8T. Rowe PriceBal 23.05 +.03 +8.3 BlueChipGr 80.12 +.12 +13.7 CorpInc 9.54 ... +4.2 CptlAprc 27.58 +.04 +11.7 DivGr 38.88 +.12 +13.0 EMBd d 12.63 +.02 +5.4 EMStk d 35.78 -.03 +2.9 EqIdx500 d 63.37 +.14 +13.1 EqInc 32.32 +.14 +11.3 FinclSvcs 25.15 +.18 +14.2 GNMA 9.31 ... +1.6 GlbTech 15.62 +.03 +20.7 GrStk 59.15 +.08 +13.4 HY d 6.73 ... +6.7 HlthSci 65.15 +.06 +20.1 InsLgCpGr 32.40 +.04 +14.2 InsMdCpEqGr 49.43 +.27 +14.4 IntlEqIdx d 12.60 .. +6.0 IntlStk d 16.83 +.01 +6.1 IntlValEq d 13.65 +.01 +5.1 MdCpGr 80.93 +.43 +13.8 MdCpVal 29.91 +.19 +14.3 MediaTeleCms 83.45 +.17 +15.8 NJTFBd 11.90 ... +3.5 NewAmericaGr 44.89 +.12 +13.5 NewAsia d 17.56 +.03 +5.0 NewHorizons 47.45 +.27 +14.6 NewInc 9.43 ... +2.4 OverseasStk d 9.77 ... +6.5 RlEstt d 28.18 +.13 +9.3 Rtr2015 14.78 +.02 +7.2 Rtr2020 21.42 +.03 +8.0 Rtr2025 16.35 +.02 +8.7 Rtr20 30 23.88 +.05 +9.3 Rtr2035 17.33 +.03 +9.8 Rtr2040 24.77 +.05 +10.0 Rtr2045 16.69 +.04 +10.1 Rtr2050 14.03 +.03 +10.1 SciandTech 41.93 +.08 +14.8 SmCpStk 46.00 +.38 +12.8 SmCpVal d 45.31 +.41 +12.0 SpectrumGr 22.51 +.05 +10.5 SpectrumInc 12.57 ... +4.3 SummitMnInc 11.74 +.01 +3.9 TFShrtInterm 5.58 ... +1.1 TxEfficientEq d 24.93 +.10 +11.8 Val 35.25 +.14 +13.9TCWTtlRetBdI 9.93 +.01 +4.0TIAA-CREFBdIdxIns 10.78 ... +2.2 EqIdxIns 17.49 +.06 +13.2 IntlEqIdxIns 17.74 +.01 +6.5 LgCpValIdxIns 18.59 +.06 +13.3Third AvenueValIns d 52.93 +.33 +9.0ThompsonBd 11.37 ... +3.7 LgCp 59.93 +.29 +12.7ThornburgInvmIncBldrA m 20.44 +.01 +6.9ThriventIncA m 9.10 ... +4.0 CGMFoc 45.32 +.13 +9.1CausewayIntlValInstl d 14.87 -.05 +6.2ClearBridgeAggresivGrA m 203.41 ... +13.6ClipperClipper 111.81 +.34 +13.7Cohen & SteersRltys 66.71 +.42 +10.1ColumbiaContrarianCorZ 24.00 +.06 +13.9 DivIncZ 19.97 +.03 +12.4DFAEmMktsCorEqIns 19.78 -.06 +2.1 EmMktsInstl 25.74 -.07 +1.5 EmMktsSmCpInstl 21.37-.06 +4.9 EmMktsValInstl 27.43 -.06 +1.4 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.94 ... +2.0 GlbEqInstl 20.41 +.07 +10.7 GlbRlEsttSec 10.70 +.07 +9.2 IntlCorEqIns 12.44 ... +7.3 IntlSmCoInstl 18.64 -.03 +9.1 IntlSmCpValIns 20.37 -.03 +10.5 IntlValInstl 17.52 +.04 +5.9 OneYearFIInstl 10.30 ... +0.5 RlEsttSecInstl 34.92 +.20 +10.2 TAUSCorEq2Instl 16.11+.08 +13.3 USCorEq1Instl 20.08 +.09 +13.3 USCorEqIIInstl 19.19 +.11 +13.3 USLgCo 18.34 +.04 +13.3 USLgCpValInstl 36.09 +.18 +14.9 USMicroCpInstl 20.39 +.22 + 13.5 USSmCpInstl 33.60 +.34 +13.5 USSmCpValInstl 36.34 +.43 +13.0 USTrgtedValIns 23.70 +.25 +13.5DavisNYVentureA m 31.79 +.10 +11.9Delaware InvestmentsStrategicIncA m 8.27 ... +2.5 ValInstl 20.20 +.03 +13.8DeutscheCorEqA m 24.91 +.10 +13.5 CorEqS 25.16 +.10 +13.9 GNMAS 13.85 +.01 +1.2Dodge & CoxBal 104.90 +.30 +12.2 GlbStk 12.78 +.02 +12.4 Inc 13.67 ... +3.5 IntlStk 41.36 -.04 +7.8 Stk 189.34 +.86 +15.6DoubleLineCorFII 10.89 ... +3.6 TtlRetBdI 10.67 ... +3.7 TtlRetBdN b 10.67 ... +3.4DreyfusMidCpIdxInvs 36.11 +.28 +12.9 MnBd 11.61 ... +3.4 NYTxExBd 14.72 +.01 +2.7 OppcSmCpInv 35.41 +.43 +13.4 ShrtTrmIncD 10.36 ... +1.1Eaton VanceAtlntCptSMIDCI 28.98 +.19 +13.5 DivBldrA m 13.95 +.01 +10.9 FltngRtInstl 9.01 +.01 +4.1 TxMgdSmCpB m 21.25+.17 +10.5EdgewoodGrInstl 25.04 +.07 +15.5FMICommonStk 26.69 +.10 +10.1 LgCp 20.74 +.09 +12.4FPACptl d 36.24 +.37 +3.9 Crescent d 33.65 +.07 +8.7FederatedHiIncBdA f 7.60 ... +6.0 InsHYBdIns d 9.99 -.01 +6.9 IntlSmMidCoA m 34.21 -.07 +5.6 KaufmannA m 5.30 +.02 +12.4 5-yr Name NAV Chg %RtnMutual Funds 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIV 52-WK RANGE CLOSE YTD 1YR NAME TICKER LO HI CLOSE CHG %CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN P/E DIVStocks of Local Interest AV Homes Inc AVHI 10.72 7 19.13 16.05 +.15 +0.9 t t t +1.6 +44.7 3 ... Allegiant Travel Co ALGT 121.70 6 183.91 157.60 -.25 -0.2 t t t -5.3 -6.5 12 2.80 ArcBest Corp ARCB 14.85 6 33.95 25.80 -.05 -0.2 t t t -6.7 +29.6 38 0.32 Bank of America BAC 12.05 9 25.80 23.26 +.09 +0.4 t t t +5.2 +77.7 18 0.30f Capital One Fncl COF 58.03 7 96.92 84.23 +.10 +0.1 t t t -3.5 +25.1 12 1.60 Carnival Corp CCL 42.94 0 60.24 59.06 +.26 +0.4 s s s +13.4 +16.9 17 1.40 Chicos FAS CHS 9.86 5 16.85 13.24 +.38 +3.0 t t t -8.0 +4.5 18 0.33f Cracker Barrel CBRL 130.15 7 175.04 158.97+1.15 +0.7 t t t -4.8 +10.4 25 4.60 Disney DIS 90.32 0 113.84 113.05 +.05 ... t s t +8.5 +18.0 20 1.56f Eaton Corp plc ETN 54.30 0 76.36 74.73 +.08 +0.1 s s s +11.4 +27.4 17 2.28 Fortune Brds Hm&Sec FBHS 52.05 8 64.47 61.85+1.37 +2.3 s s s +15.7 +10.3 23 0.72f Harris Corp HRS 73.32 0 113.00 109.49 +.44 +0.4 t r t +6.9 +48.1 19 2.12 iShs U.S. Pfd PFF 36.70 6 40.34 38.76 +.16 +0.4 s s s +4.2 +6.2 q 2.15a KC Southern KSU 79.05 4 100.69 87.24 +.81 +0.9 s t s +2.8 +1.4 20 1.32 Lennar Corp A LEN 39.68 8 53.79 50.91 +.27 +0.5 t t t +18.6 +8.6 13 0.16 McClatchy Co MNI 9.10 1 19.77 9.77 +.28 +3.0 s t s -25.9 -16.0 dd ... NextEra Energy NEE 110.49 9 133.28 129.76 -.88 -0.7 s s s +8.6 +15.4 23 3.93f Office Depot ODP 3.01 4 7.91 4.83 +.14 +3.0 s s s +6.9 -37.0 12 0.10 PGT Inc PGTI 9.38 4 12.49 10.35 +.15 +1.5 t s t -10.0 +4.3 22 ... Panera Bread Co PNRA 185.69 0 313.41 312.55 -.39 -0.1 s s s +52.4 +50.4 50 ... Pembina Pipeline PBA 26.71 9 33.24 32.42 +.32 +1.0 s s s +3.5 +30.4 35 1.50 Raymond James Fncl RJF 44.94 9 81.92 75.64+1.13 +1.5 t t t +9.2 +63.7 20 0.88f Reliance Steel Alu RS 65.10 6 88.58 78.57 +.33 +0.4 t t t -1.2 +16.5 18 1.80f Ryder R 56.98 7 85.42 76.09 +.98 +1.3 s s s +2.2 +23.0 14 1.76 St Joe Co JOE 16.30 2 21.90 16.90 +.15 +0.9 t s t -11.1 +3.6 8 ... Sally Beauty Hld SBH 19.23 1 32.26 19.79 +.44 +2.3 t t t -25.1 -40.1 12 ... Simon Property Gp SPG 163.55 1 229.10 169.80 -.49 -0.3 t s t -4.4 -14.5 21 7.00f Stein Mart SMRT 2.57 1 9.23 2.72 +.09 +3.4 t t t -50.4 -57.0 cc 0.30 Suntrust Bks STI 35.79 8 61.69 55.56 +.76 +1.4 s t s +1.3 +56.1 15 1.04 Superior Uniform SGC 15.53 5 21.02 18.21 ... ... t s t -7.2 +11.3 19 0.35 Tech Data TECD 61.99 9 96.38 90.01 +.53 +0.6 t t t +6.3 +18.8 15 ... Wendys Co WEN 9.15 9 14.47 13.75 +.22 +1.6 s s s +1.7 +25.5 36 0.28f World Fuel Svcs INT 34.79 1 51.01 35.73 -.25 -0.7 t t t -22.2 -23.8 15 0.24WASHINGTON „ The flag-draped casket of John Glenn, the first American to orbit the Earth, was covered in plastic to protect it from a steady rain as it was carried on a horse-drawn caisson to his final resting place at Arlington National Cemetery. Later, his widow, Annie, gave a kiss on the cheek to the Marine who presented her with the folded-up flag. Glenn, who died Dec. 8 at age 95, was laid to rest Thursday in a private burial at Arlington attended by relatives and invited guests. His family scheduled the service for what would have been John and Annie Glenns 74th wedding anniversary. The former fighter pilot, history-making astronaut and longtime Democratic U.S. senator from Ohio had already been remembered in his home state, with a procession through the heart of downtown Columbus and a memorial service that drew roughly 2,500 people, including then-Vice President Joe Biden. Thousands of mourners also visited his casket as it lay in repose at the Ohio Statehouse for a longer period than assassinated President Abraham Lincoln and others in history. Those close to the family said they felt a sense of duty in allowing the public to mark Glenns passing with the Ohio events, but Thursdays burial service was intended as a more personal mourning. It was closed to the public and the news media, although the military made a portion of it available for viewing via livestream. Annie Glenn, 97, wore a red dress and held a single red rose as she sat under a tent at the gravesite, next to the couples two children, John David and Carolyn. She spoke with apparent warmth to the Marine who presented her the flag, and their faces nearly touched before she planted a kiss on him. Six Marine pallbearers in dress uniforms carried Glenns casket to the gravesite and set it down before carefully folding the flag. A military trumpeter played Taps,Ž Marines fired three ceremonial rounds from their rifles and mourners recited the 23rd Psalm. No one from the family made any remarks during the portion of the service that was livestreamed. Glenns pioneering Mercury flight in 1962 made him an instant national hero. He became the oldest man in space when he returned aboard the space shuttle Discovery in 1998 at age 77. He had many accomplishments outside of his career as an astronaut. He flew 149 missions as a Marine fighter pilot in World War II and Korea, broke the transcontinental air speed record, served 24 years in the U.S. Senate and founded the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at Ohio State University. In Glenns honor, President Donald Trump ordered flags at federal entities and institutions flown at half-staff Thursday, and Ohio Gov. John Kasich did the same at public grounds and buildings across Glenns home state.Famed astronaut John Glenn laid to rest at ArlingtonBy BEN NUCKOLSASSOCIATED PRESS AP PHOTOSIn this Jan. 25, 2012, le photo, former astronaut and Sen. John Glenn poses for a photo during an interview at his oce in Columbus, Ohio. Glenn died on Dec. 8, 2016, at age 95. He was interred Wednesday, April 5, 2017, in a small private ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. The remains of astronaut and Sen. John Glenn accompanied by a police escort pass through the town of Camden, Delaware, Thursday, April 6, 2017, as they make their way to Arlington National Cemetery. Family and invited guests gathered at the cemetery on Thursday to say their nal goodbyes. Glenn, the rst American to orbit Earth, died Dec. 8, 2016, at age 95.


Page 10 The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 TODAY / TONIGHTSunny and breezyMainly clear and coolHIGH 76 LOW 480% chance of rain 0% chance of rainPleasant with sunshine76 / 470% chance of rain SATURDAY GULF WATER TEMPERATUREPleasant with plenty of sun83 / 560% chance of rain SUNDAYBeautiful with plenty of sun85 / 590% chance of rain MONDAYSunny and pleasant87 / 5910% chance of rain WEDNESDAYMostly sunny and pleasant87 / 5910% chance of rain TUESDAY 0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource : 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.The higher the UV Index’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Temperatures Temperatures TemperaturesSource : National Allergy Bureau CONDITIONS TODAY AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEX WEATHER HISTORY WEATHER TRIVIA’ PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRING VENICE556673787769Air Quality Index readings as of ThursdayMain pollutant: ParticulatesPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Thursday Sebring through 2 p.m. Thursday Venice through 2 p.m. Thursday24 hours through 2 p.m. Thu. 1.43Ž Month to date 1.43Ž Normal month to date 0.47Ž Year to date 4.05Ž Normal year to date 7.98Ž Record 1.59Ž (2008) 24 hours through 2 p.m. Thu. 0.00Ž 24 hours through 2 p.m. Thu. 0.63Ž Month to date 0.63Ž Normal month to date 0.63Ž Year to date 4.21Ž Normal year to date 9.12Ž Record 1.59Ž (2008) High/Low 84/71 Normal High/Low 83/60 Record High 90 (1999) Record Low 45 (2000) High/Low 84/73 High/Low 79/73 Normal High/Low 79/60 Record High 90 (2003) Record Low 42 (1975)Pollen Index readings as of Thursday MONTHLY RAINFALLMonth 2017 2016 Avg. Record/Year J an. 0.88 9.93 1.80 9.93/2016 Feb. 0.94 4.09 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.80 1.85 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 1.43 0.99 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.46 2.50 9.45/1991 J un. 14.19 8.92 23.99/1974 J ul. 7.68 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.81 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 7.77 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 4.04 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 0.05 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.44 1.78 6.83/2002 Y ear 4.05 62.30 50.65 (since 1931) T otals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES Today Sat.Apalachicola 71 48 s 71 52 s Bradenton 72 54 s 72 54 s Clearwater 71 57 s 72 57 s Coral Springs 77 56 s 78 62 s Daytona Beach 71 47 s 71 51 s Fort Lauderdale 77 58 s 77 66 s Fort Myers 79 54 s 79 57 s Gainesville 71 40 s 73 40 s Jacksonville 70 42 s 72 43 s Key Largo 76 61 s 74 66 s Key West 76 65 s 74 68 s Lakeland 72 45 s 75 46 s Melbourne 76 49 s 75 57 s Miami 78 58 s 77 65 s Naples 75 54 s 75 58 s Ocala 71 42 s 72 43 s Okeechobee 74 45 s 75 48 s Orlando 74 49 s 75 49 s Panama City 71 47 s 71 53 s Pensacola 73 49 pc 74 55 s Pompano Beach 76 58 s 77 67 s St. Augustine 71 49 s 69 51 s St. Petersburg 73 56 s 74 57 s Sarasota 72 51 s 72 54 s Tallahassee 71 41 s 74 42 s Tampa 73 56 s 74 57 s Vero Beach 75 48 s 74 56 s West Palm Beach 75 54 s 75 62 s Punta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop TIDES MARINEPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORTToday 12:56a 8:17a 2:45p 8:24p Sat. 2:00a 8:53a 3:04p 9:10p Today 1:22p 6:33a --6:40p Sat. 12:37a 7:09a 1:41p 7:26p Today 11:51a 5:09a 11:24p 4:57p Sat. 12:15p 5:45a --5:48p Today 1:28a 8:46a 3:17p 8:53p Sat. 2:32a 9:22a 3:36p 9:39p Today 11:37a 5:12a 10:52p 5:19p Sat. 11:56a 5:48a 11:44p 6:05p NNW 12-25 2-3 Moderate NW 12-25 3-5 ModerateFt. Myers 79/54 sun afternoon Punta Gorda 77/46 sun none Sarasota 72/51 sun none The Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise Set Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLEForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017Full Apr 11 Last Apr 19 New Apr 26 First May 2 Today 4:49 p.m. 5:05 a.m. Saturday 5:44 p.m. 5:44 a.m. Today 7:13 a.m. 7:49 p.m. Saturday 7:12 a.m. 7:49 p.m. Today 3:31a 9:43a 3:56p 10:08p Sat. 4:14a 10:26a 4:37p 10:49p Sun. 4:56a 11:07a 5:19p 11:30p WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow flurries, sn -snow, i -ice. THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow IceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesPublication date: 04/7/17 Today Sat. Today Sat. Today Sat. Today Sat.Albuquerque 78 46 pc 77 46 pc Anchorage 46 29 s 47 27 s Atlanta 61 41 s 70 46 s Baltimore 51 36 c 59 38 s Billings 73 46 pc 59 38 c Birmingham 66 39 s 72 48 s Boise 65 43 r 52 34 r Boston 53 39 c 49 35 pc Buffalo 38 28 c 45 35 pc Burlington, VT 49 34 r 43 32 sf Charleston, WV 46 32 r 59 39 s Charlotte 59 36 pc 67 41 s Chicago 56 37 s 68 55 s Cincinnati 52 32 pc 62 47 s Cleveland 44 34 c 57 46 s Columbia, SC 65 39 s 69 45 s Columbus, OH 48 31 c 62 44 s Concord, NH 51 36 r 45 33 c Dallas 79 59 pc 85 65 s Denver 73 46 pc 74 40 pc Des Moines 61 46 s 74 60 s Detroit 49 31 sf 60 46 s Duluth 56 39 s 62 44 s Fairbanks 35 14 s 35 14 s Fargo 64 46 s 70 45 pc Hartford 50 36 sh 51 33 pc Helena 64 35 c 56 37 c Honolulu 85 73 pc 85 71 pc Houston 80 56 pc 83 64 s Indianapolis 52 33 pc 64 51 s Jackson, MS 68 41 s 76 51 s Kansas City 62 50 s 75 65 s Knoxville 58 34 c 64 41 s Las Vegas 82 63 pc 75 52 pc Los Angeles 72 57 c 68 49 pc Louisville 58 36 pc 68 50 s Memphis 65 44 s 74 57 s Milwaukee 52 39 s 61 52 s Minneapolis 61 46 s 73 55 s Montgomery 69 40 s 74 45 s Nashville 62 35 s 71 50 s New Orleans 73 53 s 75 56 s New York City 50 38 sh 55 40 pc Norfolk, VA 60 42 pc 62 46 s Oklahoma City 71 54 pc 80 64 s Omaha 64 50 s 76 57 s Philadelphia 50 37 c 58 37 s Phoenix 91 63 c 87 58 pc Pittsburgh 39 31 sn 55 39 s Portland, ME 50 37 c 48 34 pc Portland, OR 55 43 t 52 38 sh Providence 54 38 c 51 35 pc Raleigh 60 37 pc 65 39 s Salt Lake City 68 47 pc 56 37 r St. Louis 60 44 s 74 60 s San Antonio 79 60 pc 82 65 pc San Diego 69 58 pc 67 54 sh San Francisco 64 49 t 58 46 sh Seattle 55 43 t 51 40 sh Washington, DC 53 38 c 62 41 s Amsterdam 54 40 c 56 40 pc Baghdad 87 58 s 84 61 s Beijing 70 56 pc 64 42 c Berlin 54 46 sh 57 44 c Buenos Aires 78 65 pc 75 63 t Cairo 79 61 s 83 64 pc Calgary 54 30 pc 53 29 c Cancun 82 70 pc 82 69 s Dublin 56 37 pc 61 43 s Edmonton 52 32 c 44 26 r Halifax 46 36 r 41 34 pc Kiev 53 42 sh 55 36 r London 60 43 pc 66 46 s Madrid 73 42 s 73 44 s Mexico City 80 54 pc 80 52 pc Montreal 46 33 r 44 30 sf Ottawa 39 27 r 43 28 pc Paris 63 42 s 67 44 s Regina 69 44 pc 61 34 pc Rio de Janeiro 87 75 r 87 75 sh Rome 65 46 pc 67 47 pc St. Johns 34 30 c 44 39 r San Juan 86 73 s 86 74 pc Sydney 73 61 pc 75 62 pc Tokyo 66 60 r 67 60 r Toronto 39 28 c 53 36 pc Vancouver 55 43 sh 51 40 r Winnipeg 56 43 pc 62 40 cHigh ......................... 91 at Miami, FLLow ........... 6 at Antero Reservoir, CO(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday)78Lightning struck an oil re“ nery on April 7, 1926, at San Luis Obispo, Calif. The resulting “ re lasted “ ve days. Q: Flowers can sprout even when the air is still cold, why?A: Increased solar radiation warms the soil. Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Hull Arcadia Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is todays weather. Temperatures are todays highs and tonights lows. North Port 76/48 75/45 76/49 76/49 73/47 76/46 76/45 76/44 77/45 73/56 72/54 75/60 74/53 79/54 74/45 77/46 77/50 76/46 76/46 72/46 72/47 74/45 75/46 73/56 73/46 71/55 74/54 72/52 75/45 74/52 73/53 72/45 72/51 71/57 74/58 76/53 77/53 75/49 AP PHOTOHay bales in a pasture along U.S. Highway 80 in Morton, Mississippi, are underwater from Pelahatchie Creek ooding Monday. Severe storms dropped signicant amounts of rain throughout the South over the weekend and caused several deaths in Louisiana and Mississippi.Severe weather Order online at:(863) 494-9362, info@sunevents.comSaturday, April 15, 2017Cultural Center of Charlotte County Tickets starting at only: $18LAST SHOW OF THE SEASON, DONT MISS IT!Join our newsletter to receive event updates! Call or visit the venue: 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte, FL 33952(941) 625-4175, ext 221, Monday Friday 9am 2pm Two ways to get tickets: All seats reserved, 7pm showtime All ticket sales are nal. adno=716609 adno=716593


By BRYAN LEVINESports WriterPORT CHARLOTTE „ There are still 139 chances left for the Charlotte Stone Crabs to get on the winning side of things as they dropped game No. 1 Thursday night. The Bradenton Marauders took the opener of the Florida State League season 8-4 in front of 3,665 fans at Charlotte Sports Park. Game 2 of the series begins at 6:35 p.m. today at Charlotte Sports Park. Blake Bivens will take the mound for Charlotte, with Pedro Vasquez pitching for Bradenton. Things began well for Thursdays Stone Crabs starter Genesis Cabrer, but by the end of his debut, turned into a rough outing. The left-hander didnt make it out of the fourth inning, surrendering five runs in the frame. Cabrera was plagued by three walks and a run-scoring wild pitch before Alfredo Reyes and Michael Tolman each hit two-run singles for the Marauders. His final line on the evening was 3.2 innings pitched, five hits, three walks, three strikeouts and six earned runs. I think overall, his stuff was good for three innings,Ž Manager Michael Johns said. I dont know If he ran out of gas, but his command on all those pitches (in the fourth inning) were just a little bit erratic. ƒ Its a learning process. His first time in the Florida State League. Im sure the adrenaline got to him.ŽBy DREW DAVISONTribune News ServiceJimmie Johnson secured his place among the all-time greats in November when he won his seventh NASCAR Cup Series championship. The others in that fraternity? Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt Sr. And Johnson isnt done. Nobody would be surprised to see him win an eighth championship before he walks away. Hes completely not appreciated for what hes accomplished. Hes awesome,Ž Texas Motor Speedway President Eddie Gossage said. Hes just awesome.Ž More than an eighth championship, though, Johnson has an outside chance at 100 wins in the modern era (1972 to present). Johnson, 41, could very well notch his 81st victory at the OReilly Auto Parts 500, which begins at 12:30 p.m. Sunday at TMS. Johnson has taken the No. 48 Chevrolet to Victory Lane a TMS-record six times in Cup races, including wins in five of the last nine. Hes a guy you always go, Well, then, of course theres Jimmie, when talking about favorites,Ž Gossage said. Not only at this track, but every track. Thats one of the most amazing things about him. Hes just been so good everywhere.Ž Friday, April 7, 2017 S PORTS € @SunCoastSportsSEE CRABS, 2INDEX | Lottery 2 | NBA 2 | NHL 2 | Golf 3 | MLB 4 | Scoreboard 5 | Sports Ticker 6 MLB ROUNDUPCoverage of Thursdays MLB action with box scores and statistical leaders. Page 4By DOUG FERGUSONAssociated PressAUGUSTA, Ga. „ Dustin Johnson withdrawing from the Masters was shocking enough. Then Charley Hoffman delivered a surprise of his own. In a raging wind that left most players celebrating anything around par, Hoffman ran off seven birdies over his last 11 holes Thursday for a 7-under 65 that gave him a four-shot lead over Masters newcomer William McGirt. So tough was Augusta National in gusts that approached 40 mph that Hoffman and McGirt were the only players who broke 70. Hoffman didnt have reason to believe he would be one of them after a pair of three-putt bogeys early in the round. After that, I cant remember missing a putt,Ž he said. Hoffmans four-shot lead was the largest at the Masters for the opening round since Jack Burke Jr. had a four-shot lead in 1955. Lee Westwood, who has the credentials as the best player to have never won a major, ran off five straight birdies late in the afternoon and salvaged a 70. Only eight other players broke par, a group that included Phil Mickelson, Olympic gold medalist Justin Rose and Sergio Garcia.PRO GOLF: The MastersBig surprises at Augusta NationalAP PHOTOCharley Hoffman waves after fishing the first round of the Masters Thursday in Augusta, Ga. Ho man tames raging wind; Johnson withdrawsUpcoming raceWhat : OREILLY AUTO PARTS 500 Site: Fort Worth, Texas TV: Sunday, 1:30 p.m., FOX.LeadersFirst round Charley Hoffman 34-31„65 William McGirt 35-34„69 Lee Westwood 39-31„70 Russell Henley 35-36„71Todays roundWhat: The Masters, second round, at Augusta, Ga. When: 3 p.m. TV: ESPN SEE MASTERS, 3AUTO RACING: NASCARJohnson on track for NASCAR history SEE NASCAR, 3 BASEBALL: Stone CrabsMarauders spoil Stone Crabs openerSUN PHOTO BY TOM ONEILLCharlotte Stone Crabs second baseman Brandon Lowe (5) advances to third on a sacrifice fly against Bradenton during the fifth inning Thursday at Charlotte Sports Park. Bradenton doubles up Charlotte, 8-4By MARK DIDTLERAssociated PressST. PETERSBURG, „ Kendrys Morales hit his fourth career grand slam, Marcus Stroman pitched 6 effective innings and the Toronto Blue Jays beat the Tampa Bay Rays 5-2 on Thursday night. Morales homered off Blake Snell (0-1) in the third. Stroman (1-0), the MVP of last months World Baseball Classic, allowed one run and six hits in his 2017 debut. Snell gave up five runs and four hits in 6 innings. The lefty struck out five and walked five. Darwin Barney had a one-out single in the third, and Josh Donaldson and Jose Bautista both drew two-out walks before Morales sent an 0-1 pitch into left-center field seats for a 4-0 lead. Toronto didnt homer in losing both games during a season-opening series at Baltimore. The Blue Jays have never gone homerless in their first three games of a season. The Blue Jays signed Morales to a $33 million, three-year contract during the offseason to fill the offensive void left by the departure of Edwin Encarnacion, who joined Cleveland as a free agent. Morales hit 30 homers and drove in 93 runs last season for Kansas City. Toronto went up 5-0 on Barneys RBI bunt single in the seventh. Barney had three hits and walked once. Stroman, who induced three double plays, left after giving up Logan Morrisons run-scoring single in the seventh. Joe Biagini replaced Stroman and got an inning-ending double play from Tim Beckham. Jason Grilli came in for Joe Smith with two on and one out in the ninth and threw a run-scoring wild pitch before getting his first save.MLB: RaysMorales grand slam leads Jays past RaysAP PHOTOTampa Bay Rays Steven Souza Jr. grabs his knee after he was hurt sliding into Toronto Blue Jays catcher Russell Martin while trying to score on a fielders choice during the fifth inning Thursday in St. Petersburg. SEE RAYS, 2 Associated PressTORONTO „ Brayden Point scored two goals and the Tampa Bay Lightning kept their slim playoff hopes alive by beating the Toronto Maple Leafs. Nikita Kucherov and Michael Bournival also scored for the Lightning, who prevented the Maple Leafs from clinching their first postseason berth in four years. There is only one spot remaining in the Eastern Conference after Ottawa clinched a berth with a 2-1 shootout win at Boston. Toronto, which would have clinched with a win, needs two points over its final two games to beat out the Lightning and Islanders for the last spot. AP PHOTOTampa Bay Lightning goalie Andrei Vasilevskiy (88) makes a save on Toronto Maple Leafs center Auston Matthews (34) during the second period Thursday in Toronto. NHL: LightningBolts topple Maple Leafs, 4-1


Associated PressINDIANAPOLIS „ Paul George had 23 points and 10 rebounds and the Indiana Pacers beat the Milwauvkee Bucks 104-89 on Thursday night to keep their playoff hopes alive. Point guard Jeff Teague added 15 points and seven assists for the Pacers, Thaddeus Young had 12 points. and Lance Stephenson nine in his third game back with Indiana. Giannis Antetokounmpo led Milwaukee with 25 points, seven rebounds and six assists. He scored 16 points in the first half to help the Bucks keep pace, but Indiana kept him in check in the second half and pulled away. Mirza Teletovic added 15 points for the Bucks. Milwaukee has lost three straight after winning seven of previous eight.MAGIC 115, NETS 107: Elfrid Payton had 22 points, 11 assists and “ ve rebounds to help the Orlando Magic beat the Brooklyn Nets. Aaron Gordon added 21 points, Jodie Meeks had 20, and Nikola Vucevic “ nished with 18 points and 12 rebounds. The Magic had lost “ ve straight. Jeremy Lin led Brooklyn with 32 points, and Caris LeVert had 20. The Nets had won a season-high three games in a row. Orlando outscored Brooklyn 36-21 in the third quarter. Meeks, who was scoreless in the “ rst half, had 18 points, including 13 straight in the middle of the period. Payton had eight assists in the quarter. The Nets outscored Orlando 12-2 to start the fourth quarter to cut it to 88-83, but the rallied died quickly. Marcus Georges-Hunt, signed Monday by Orlando from the D-League, hit a layup, followed that with a 3-pointer and the Magic lead was safe. BULLS 102, 76ERS 90: Jimmy Butler had 19 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists and helped give Chicagos playoff hopes a needed boost in the Bulls victory over the Philadelphia 76ers. The Bulls, Miami and Indiana entered the night with 38-40 records and in a three-way tie for seventh in the Eastern Conference playoff race. Butler had his fourth career tripledouble. Rajon Rondo sat out with a sprained right wrist and Dwyane Wade missed another game with a fractured right elbow. Wade, who scrimmaged on Wednesday for the “ rst time since he was injured on March 15, could return as early as Saturdays game at Brooklyn. Wade, who averaged 18.6 points in his “ rst season with his hometown team, had been ruled out for the season. But Wade was worked hard at joining the team minus any serious setbacks. Rondo was hurt Tuesday night in a loss to New York. With Rondo and Wade sidelined, the Bulls still cruised against the lowly Sixers. Jerian Grant scored 15 points starting for Rondo, Nikola Mirotic scored 22 and the Bulls took a 14-point lead in the “ rst half. Tampa Bay Rays outfielder Colby Rasmus was on a rehab assignment with the Stone Crabs Thursday night. The 30-year-old, who is recovering from offseason hip and sports hernia surgery, never made it into the field in spring training, despite serving as a designated hitter in a handful of games with the Rays. On the first batter of the game, Rasmus collided with centerfielder Ryan Boldt, but neither player appeared to be hurt, as Boldt caught the fly ball. Those kinds of things are going to happen,Ž (It) woke me up early,Ž Rasmus said. We ran into each other, so no telling what Im going to wake up in the morning feeling like, but as of now Im feeling good.Ž In total, Rasmus caught one fly ball in the outfield, and went 0-for-3 with the bat, including an RBI ground out to tie the game at 1-1 in the third inning. Each of his outs were productive, at least moving a runner over one base. Rasmus says theres no timetable yet for his return to the major leagues, and will be taking it day by day. As for every day Stone Crabs players, catcher David Rodriguez put his arm on full display in the game, catching a pair of Marauders trying to steal second. Both throws came at crucial times and ended the innings. I was just trying to help the team win,Ž Rodriguez said. Its alsways good to help the pitcher and the team. Thats what I was trying to do tonight.Ž Brett Sullivan plated two runs for the Stone Crabs in the fifth inning with a triple to make it 6-4. Sullivan also had a sacrifice fly in the third inning, which gave Charlotte a 2-1 lead at the time. Returning Stone Crab shortstop Jake Cronenworth began his night with three hits in his first three at-bats, including a double and two runs scored. That was kind of the idea we had with Jake. He obviously played here last year, so maybe hit him at the top of the lineup because hes not going to be intimidated by the league,Ž Johns said. He had really good at-bats, and hit three ropes.Ž „Contact Bryan Levine at blevine@sun-herald. com. Page 2 SP Friday, April 7, 2017 / The Sun Florida Lottery www.flalottery.comPICK 2Apr. 6N .............................4-1 Apr. 6D .............................2-2 Apr. 5N .............................7-7 Apr. 5D .............................1-6 Apr. 4N .............................8-3 Apr. 4D .............................3-5 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Apr. 6N .........................7-8-3 Apr. 6D .........................5-4-1 Apr. 5N .........................2-9-4 Apr. 5D .........................4-8-7 Apr. 4N .........................4-8-6 Apr. 4D .........................3-6-2 D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Apr. 6N ......................7-6-4-1 Apr. 6D ......................9-9-0-5 Apr. 5N ......................1-9-9-1 Apr. 5D ......................2-1-5-1 Apr. 4N ......................6-5-7-4 Apr. 4D ......................1-3-5-9 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Apr. 6N ...................9-5-7-4-7 Apr. 6D ...................9-4-2-4-1 Apr. 5N ...................5-2-4-3-2 Apr. 5D ...................5-5-6-8-9 Apr. 2N ...................7-8-8-1-5 Apr. 2D ...................7-5-8-5-7 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Apr. 6 ............................Late Apr. 5 .............2-13-14-22-32 Apr. 4 ...............8-9-12-19-24 PAYOFF FOR APR. 5 3..5-digit winners $73,353.02 355..4-digit winners ..$99.50 8,896..3-digit winners $11.00CASH FOR LIFEApr.. 6 ...........................Late Cash Ball ......................Late Apr. 3 ...........12-15-28-46-57 Cash Ball ............................2 PAYOFF FOR APR. 3 0...5-of-5 CB .......$1,000/Day 0.......5-of-5......$1,000/Week 2......4-of-5 CB ............$2,500 24.....5-of-5....................$500LUCKY MONEYApr. 4 ....................1-6-23-37 Lucky Ball ...........................4 Mar. 31 ................6-12-42-43 Lucky Ball .........................10 € € € PAYOFF FOR MAR. 4 0.......4-of-4 LB .......$550,000 4.......4-of-4............$1,930.00 46.....3-of-4 LB .........$275.50 658....3-of-4 ................$56.50LOTTOApr. 5 ......17-19-24-27-30-47 Apr. 1 ............2-8-9-36-42-48 Mar. 29 ........1-8-21-23-31-36 PAYOFF FOR Apr. 5 0..6-digit winners $7 million 38..5-digit winners $2,253.00 1,165..4-digit winners $58.50POWERBALLApril 5 ............8-20-46-53-54 Powerball .........................13 Apr. 1 .............9-32-36-44-65 Powerball ...........................1 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 5 0.....5 of 5 + PB ..$40 million 1.....5 of 5 ............$1,000,000 1.....4 of 5 + PB ........$50,000 26....4 of 5 .....................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $50 millionMEGA MILLIONSApr. 4 ...........13-24-34-35-55 Mega Ball ...........................9 Mar. 31 .........17-24-27-32-58 Mega Ball .........................10 € € € PAYOFF FOR Apr. 4 0...5 of 5 + MB ...$15 million 0...5 of 5 ..............$1,000,000 2....4 of 5 + MB ..........$5,000 14...4 of 5 ......................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $20 millionSPORTS TVAUTO RACING Noon FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, OReilly Auto Parts 500, practice, at Fort Worth, Texas 2:30 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, My Bariatric Solutions 300, practice, at Fort Worth, Texas 5 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, My Bariatric Solutions 300, “ nal practice, at Fort Worth, Texas NBCSN „ IndyCar, Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, practice, at Long Beach, Calif. 6 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, OReilly Auto Parts 500, qualifying, at Fort Worth, Texas 3 a.m. (Saturday) NBCSN „ Formula One, Chinese Grand Prix, qualifying, at Shanghai BASKETBALL 10 p.m. ESPN2 „ USA Junior Team, Nike Hoop Summit, at Portland, Ore. COLLEGE BASEBALL 8 p.m. FS1 „ Oklahoma at Texas GOLF 3 p.m. ESPN „ The Masters, second round, at Augusta, Ga. COLLEGE BASKETBALL 8 p.m. ESPN2 „ 2017 College Basketball Awards, at Los Angeles COLLEGE FOOTBALL 7:30 p.m. SEC „ Florida spring game, at Gainesville, Fla. MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, Boston at Detroit OR Atlanta at Pittsburgh 4 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, L.A. Dodgers at Colorado OR Washington at Philadelphia (joined in progress) 7 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, N.Y. Yankees at Baltimore OR San Diego at San Diego (6:30 p.m.) 10 p.m. MLB „ Regional coverage, Seattle at L.A. Angels OR Cleveland at Arizona (9:30 p.m.) NBA BASKETBALL 7:30 p.m. NBA „ Atlanta at Cleveland 10 p.m. NBA „ Oklahoma City at Phoenix NHL HOCKEY 7:30 p.m. NBCSN „ Tampa Bay at Montreal RUGBY 2:30 p.m. NBCSN „ English Premiership, Sale vs. Worcester SOCCER 2:20 p.m. FS2 „ Bundesliga, Eintracht Frankfurt vs. Werder Br emen MARAUDERS 8, STONE CRABS 4 Bradenton AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Tolman 2B 4 0 2 2 0 0 .500 Tucker SS 4 0 0 1 1 1 .000 Craig 1B 5 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Hill LF 4 1 2 0 0 0 .500 Hayes 3B 3 2 1 0 1 0 .333 George DH 3 2 1 1 1 2 .333 Hughston CF 4 0 2 1 0 2 .500 Kelley C 3 1 0 0 1 1 .000 Reyes RF 4 2 2 2 0 0 .500 Charlotte AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Cronenworth SS 5 2 3 0 1 0 .600 Rasmus LF 3 0 0 1 0 0 .000 Lukes PH 2 0 1 0 0 0 .500 Sullivan DH 3 0 1 3 0 0 .333 Padlo 3B 4 0 0 0 0 2 .000 Kelly 1B 2 0 0 0 2 0 .000 Rodriguez C 4 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Boldt CF 4 0 1 0 0 1 .250 Olmedo-B. RF 4 0 1 0 0 2 .250 Lowe 2B 4 2 1 1 0 1 .250 Bradenton 010 500 110 … 8 10 2 Charlotte 002 020 000 … 4 8 1 E: Tucker (1, “ elding), Hayes (1, “ elding) Lowe (1, “ elding). 2B: Hughston (1), Hill (1) Cronenworth (1). 3B: Sullivan (1). HR: George (1). RBI: Hughston (1), Reyes 2 (2), Tolman 2 Tucker (1), George (1) Rasmus (1), Sullivan 3 (3). SF: Sullivan. LOB: Bradenton 4, Charlotte 7. RISP: Bradenton 2-for-6, Charlotte 1-for-7. SB: Reyes (1). CS: Tolman 2 (2). PITCHING Bradenton IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA Agrazal 4.2 6 4 4 1 2 0 7.71 Montero (W, 1-0) 1.1 1 0 0 1 4 0 0.0 Sendelbach (H,1) 2.0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0.00 Amedee 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Charlotte IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA Cabrera (L, 0-1) 3.2 5 6 6 3 3 0 10.80 Cabrera 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Karalus 3.0 5 2 2 0 3 0 6.00 Santos 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0.00 WP: Cabrera. HBP: Tolman (by Cabrera). Umpires: HP: JC Velez. 1B: Greg Roemer. Time: 2:33. Att: 3,665.SUN PHOTO BY TOM ONEILLCharlotte Stone Crabs shortstop Jake Cronenworth (2) tags out Marauders second baseman Mitchell Tolman (5) during the fourth inning Thursday at Charlotte Sports Park. Tampa Bay right fielder Steven Souza Jr. remained in the game after colliding with Blue Jays catcher Russell Martin during the fifth while trying to score on Beckhams grounder to Stroman. Souza needed assistance after appearing to hurt his left leg, but was back out to play defense in the sixth. Souza had three hits, including a pair of doubles.TRAINERS ROOMBlue Jays: Closer Roberto Osuna (neck spasms) will throw in a simulated game Saturday and is expected to be ready for Torontos home opener Tuesday night against Milwaukee. Rays: OF Colby Rasmus, coming back from hip surgery, started a rehab assignment with Class A Charlotte and was hitless in three at-bats.UP NEXTBlue Jays: LHP Francisco Liriano will make his first start of the season Friday night against the Rays. Lirianos lone outing at Tropicana Field last year came out of the bullpen Sept. 2 when he allowed three runs without recording an out. Rays: RHP Matt Andriese, Friday nights starter, was 8-8 last year after starting the season by winning his first six decisions.RAYSFrom Page 1NBA ROUNDUPGeorge scores 23 points as Pacers upend BucksAP PHOTOIndiana Pacers guard Jeff Teague (44) drives on Milwaukee Bucks guard Tony Snell (21) during the second half Thursday in Indianapolis. Associated PressNEWARK, N.J. „ The Pittsburgh Penguins clinched home-ice advantage for their firstround playoff series against the Columbus Blue Jackets with a 7-4 victory over the New Jersey Devils on Thursday night. The Penguins got goals from seven players, two assists from Sidney Crosby „ including a spectacular no-look, backhand pass to give Conor Sheary a shot into an open net „ and 34 saves from Matt Murray in picking up their 50th win of the season.ISLANDERS 3, HURRICANES 0: Jaroslav Halak stopped 29 shots in his second shutout of the season, and the fast-starting New York Islanders beat the Carolina Hurricanes. Brock Nelson and Scott May“ eld scored early goals 3 minutes, 12 seconds apart, and Andrew Ladd added a power-play goal to help the Islanders win their fourth straight and preserve their long-shot playoff hopes for a little while longer. Eddie Lack stopped 20 shots for the Hurricanes, who lost their fourth straight overall, a slide that coincides with their mathematical elimination from the playoff race for the eighth straight year the longest active postseason drought in the NHL. JETS 5, BLUE JACKETS 4: Jacob Trouba scored twice and Eric Comrie had 35 saves in his NHL debut as the Winnipeg Jets beat the slumping Columbus Blue Jackets. Mark Scheifele, Mathieu Perreault and Bryan Little also scored for the Jets, who held off a late Columbus rally to win their sixth straight game. SENATORS 2, BRUINS 1, SO: Craig Anderson stopped 28 shots in regulation and overtime and three more in the shootout to help the Ottawa Senators beat Boston, snapping the Bruins six-game winning streak and pulling ahead of them in the Atlantic Division standings. BLUES 6, PANTHERS 3: Jaden Schwartz had a goal and two assists to lead the surging St. Louis Blues over the Florida Panthers. David Perron, Vladimir Tarasenko and Alex Pietrangelo each had a goal and an assist, and Patrick Berglund and Ryan Reaves also scored as the Blues improved to 13-2-2 in their last 17 games. NHL ROUNDUPPenguins clinch home ice for “ rst round CRABSFrom Page 1


Johnson will reach 100 wins if he matches the next four seasons at the same pace he has won the past four years. Jeff Gordons 93 victories are the closest to the century mark in the modern era. Petty (200 wins) and David Pearson (105) won only 60 and 45 in the modern era. Ive been in this business for a long time and looking at getting to triple digits in wins is virtually impossible,Ž Gossage said. Its very hard to win races, but its entirely possible with Jimmie. He completely defies any of those standards because hes just so incredible.Ž Its arguable that this is an even more difficult generation to do it in, too. Just look at the start to this season „ the first five races produced five winners until Brad Keselowski won for the second time this season Sunday at Martinsville. Another parity point is seeing powerhouse teams such as Hendrick Motorsports „ Johnsons team „ and Joe Gibbs Racing g o winless throu g h the first six races. I think its fair in any sport that the competition of how many good athletes or how many good cars, whatever the sport might be, you cant argue that,Ž Johnson said. Now, I dont think I couldve survived in Richard Pettys era. Thats just not the kind of driver I am. I cant work on it. I can take it apart, but I cant fix it. So I dont think I couldve succeeded in his era, so I dont want to take anything away from the earlier generations. I do think the competition is closer now than its ever been.Ž That is shown in Johnsons start to the season, which he says has been frustrating.Ž Johnson has only one top-10 finish, a ninth at Phoenix, and sits 14th in points. Largely because its been more about execution than anything,Ž Johnson said. Were just not executing. Its frustrating because I know were much better than where our results are. We just have to stop making mistakes.Ž Maybe Texas is where Johnson will jump-start his season. But Johnson is cautious to go in feeling too good because the track was repaved and the banking was changed on two turns during the offseason. Its hard for me to like any change at that place,Ž Johnson said, laughing. But I saw Chris Buescher in a street car and, man, Turns 1 and 2 are different. Way different. I was smiling, Wow, that looks cool. That looks fun. So Ive had good vibes so far.Ž With his track record, Johnson should be feeling positive every time he goes to a race. For Johnson, thou g h, it has never been about the numbers. Whenever racing isnt fun anymore, hell walk away. Ive really felt like 100 wins wasnt achievable,Ž Johnson said. I feel that Jeffs mark (of 93 wins) is damn hard to beat. Then we won seven, so I dont know. I guess it depends on how long I do it. Ive never been driven by stats. I dont feel like its a mark that Ill feel like I have to chase. Same with eight (championships) for that matter.Ž He may get both without feeling as though he chasedŽ them. Rory McIlroy, needing only a green jacket to complete the career Grand Slam, used a nifty short game to stay in the mix. He saved two tough pars after missing the green in the wrong spots on Nos. 10 and 11, ran off three birdies in the middle of the back nine, and closed with another good par save for a 72. Johnson never got a chance to see how he would fare. Just under 24 hours before the worlds No. 1 player was to set out in search of a fourth straight victory, he was headed downstairs at the home he is renting to move his car in a downpour when he slipped while wearing socks and landed on his left elbow and lower back. He tried to play. He wanted to play. Even after warming up, when he felt pain upon impact on two out of every three swings, he headed to the putting green to give it a shot. But thats as far as Johnson got. Instead of going to the first tee, he took a sharp right toward the clubhouse and soon was on his way home. I cant do it,Ž Johnson said. I dont feel theres any chance of competing.Ž There have been four other players at No. 1 in the world who didnt play a major. But none as abruptly as this when at the top of their game. Johnson had won his last three tournaments and was the betting favorite at the Masters. Worse yet, he expects his back to feel good enough to play by the weekend. If it would have happened on Monday, I dont think wed have any issues. But it happened Wednesday,Ž he said. To have a freak accident happen, it sucks. It sucks really bad.Ž Not having Johnson around didnt make the Masters any easier. The wind was so strong that it blew golf balls some 6 feet on the greens as Adam Scott and defending champion Danny Willett were getting ready to putt. The par-5 15th hole, historically the easiest at Augusta National, was the ninth hardest because of strong gusts and a back pin. No need to explain that to Jordan Spieth. One shot spun back into the water. Another shot went well over the green. He made a quadruple-bogey 9 and shot 75. If you catch the wrong gust at the wrong time, then you look stupid, like I did on 12,Ž Thomas Pieters said. But thats just Augusta, I guess.Ž Pieters reached 5 under until a pair of double bogeys on the back nine, including the par-3 12th, that sent him to a 72. The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 SP Page 3NASCARFrom Page 1AP PHOTOCharley Hoffman shakes hands with his caddie Brett Waldman after finishing the first round of the Masters Thursday in Augusta, Ga. By DOUG FERGUSONAssociated PressAUGUSTA, Ga. „ The Masters began Thursday with two ceremonial tee shots and one empty chair. In a somber tribute to Arnold Palmer, who died in September, Augusta National chairman Billy Payne escorted Palmers widow to the first tee for the honorary start. Payne also carried Palmers green jacket and draped it over a chair where Palmer had sat last April. This is the first Masters without the King since 1954. The almost unbearable sadness we feel at the passing of Arnold is surpassed only by the love and affection for him that will always reside in our heart,Ž Payne said as thousands crammed around the first tee on a crisp morning full of sunshine and wind. Every fan through the gate received a button that said, I am a member of Arnies Army.Ž Payne asked for a moment of silence so everyone could remember their own experience with Palmer „ did anyone in golf have more friends? „ and then turned it over to Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player for the ceremonial tee shots. Player, who jokingly asked for a mulligan at age 81, drilled one down the middle. Nicklaus got him by about 5 yards, though Player was quick to announce it as a tie. Thats how it was among the Big ThreeŽ „ Palmer, Nicklaus and Player, whose 34 majors among them included one stretch in the 1960s in which they combined to win the Masters seven straight times. They were best of friends off the course and hated losing to one another on the course. Palmer had been part of the honorary start since 2007. He was so feeble a year ago that he did not hit a drive, though he still came out to the first tee and watched from a chair. Thats what stood out the most to Player. Arnold was a great stickler for manners, and Ill never forget, which really reminded me on the first tee this morning,Ž Player said. Arnold could hardly walk to the first tee and he put his arms like this, and he stood up like this.Ž To demonstrate, Player placed his hands on the side of his chair and lifted himself up. Because he had been taught to stand up,Ž Player said. And he gave a little wave, and that was very touching to me, and I could see him doing it in that chair today.Ž Brad Dalke, the U.S. Amateur runner-up, didnt tee off until 11:30 a.m. and wanted to be sure he was out under the oak tree to see the honorary start. Rickie Fowler and William McGirt were among the players who came out to watch. I wouldnt want to miss this,Ž Dalke said. The Big ThreeŽ has been referenced in recent years whenever three players separate themselves, if only briefly. The original concept had as much to do with marketing because Palmer, Nicklaus and Player were managed by Mark McCormack at IMG and would travel the world competing in exhibitions. But it was as much about friendship. There will be other Big Threes, but I dont know if youll ever have another Big Three that will live together like we did,Ž Player said. I was in Jacks home for weeks, and Arnold was in my home and Jack visited my farm time and time again. I was in their airplane. We really lived our life together. ... Now, will that happen again with three guys? Possibly, I dont know. Its hard to be highly competitive against people and have a great friendship,Ž Player said. And yet I sit here today and Jack Nicklaus is my best friend in the world.Ž And they still are competitive, even after one shot. Nicklaus was asked if he hit his driver farther than Player. Well, the official word was that it was a little past,Ž Nicklaus said But Gary is claiming a tie.ŽPRO GOLF: The Masters NotebookA somber tribute to Arnold Palmer as Masters beginsAP PHOTOArnold Palmer gives a thumbs up before the ceremonial first tee before the first round of the 2016 Masters in Augusta, Ga. The King turned up one last time at the Masters, in ill health but still flashing that familiar thumbs-up sign. Now, its time to carry on without Arnold Palmer, whose death left a giant void at Augusta National and golfs first major championship. By PAUL NEWBERRYAssociated PressAUGUSTA, Ga. „ Dustin Johnson arrived at Augusta National on quite a roll, having won his last three tournaments. He never even took a shot at the first major of the year. The worlds No. 1-ranked player was forced to withdraw from the Masters on Thursday because of a lower back injury suffered less than 24 hours earlier in a freak fall at the home he was renting for the week. I want to play,Ž Johnson said. I just cant swing.Ž He certainly tried, arriving at the club about two hours before he was scheduled to tee off in the final group of the opening round with two-time Masters champion Bubba Watson and PGA Championship winner Jimmy Walker. Johnson took some easy swings on the practice range, headed back inside for additional treatment, and then br oke out his longer irons and the driver to see how the back reacted. He was clearly in pain, rubbing the area several times and letting his caddie tee up the ball so he didnt have bend over. After an extended conversation with his coach, Butch Harmon, Johnson started walking toward the first tee. His intention was to play. His back wouldnt let him. It sucks,Ž Johnson said. Im playing the best golf of my career. This is one of my favorite tournaments of the year. Then a freak accident happened (Wednesday) when I got back from the course. It sucks. It sucks really bad.Ž Johnson got as far as the putting green between the clubhouse and the first tee. After about a half-dozen putts, he pulled out an iron and took a few more half-hearted practice swings. Walker and Watson headed toward the tee. Johnson went the opposite way. I was doing everything I could to try to play,Ž he said. Last night, it was ice, heat, ice. I was up pretty much all night trying to get it ready for today. I had it worked on all morning. Obviously, I can make some swings. But I cant make my normal swing.Ž This Masters was over for Johnson before it even began, a stunning development that removed the favorite for the green jacket Its disappointing, for sure, for everybody,Ž 2013 champion Adam Scott said. To pull out of the Masters when youre in the kind of form hes in, it must be a very difficult decision to make. Hopefully he gets better quick.Ž Two-time major champion Jordan Spieth realized Johnson was out of the tournament when his name was removed from the scoreboard. As a friend of his and somebody whos played a lot of golf with him, I know this: It must really, really not be good in order for him not to tee it up,Ž Spieth said. The injury occurred Wednesday after Johnson returned to his rental home from a morning practice session at Augusta National. On the way outside to move his car, and wearing socks but no shoes, he slipped on a short staircase. It would have been better if it was full set of stairs. I would have slid all the way down,Ž Johnson said. But there were only three steps. I landed on my left side. My left elbow is sore and bruised. My lower left back took the brunt of it.Ž He doesnt think the injury is serious. In fact, if it had happened earlier in the week, he probably wouldve been able to play. I feel like in two days, Ill be fine,Ž Johnson said. He had been scheduled to attend the Golf Writers Association of America annual dinner Wednesday night to accept its award as male player of the year. Johnson was coming off a season in which he captured his first major at the U.S. Open was voted PGA Tour player of the year for the first time, won the PGA Tour money title and captured the Vardon Trophy for the lowest adjusted scoring average. Freak injuries are not unprecedented in golf.Two years ago, Rory McIlroy was playing soccer when he ruptured ligaments in his ankle a few weeks before he was to defend his title in the British Open at St. Andrews as the No. 1 player in the world.PRO GOLF: The MastersDJ withdraws with back injuryAP PHOTODustin Johnson heads into the clubhouse after deciding not to play in the opening round of the Masters Thursday in Augusta, Ga. MASTERSFrom Page 1


Page 4 SP Friday, April 7, 2017 / The Sun American League National League AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston (Wright 0-0) at Detroit (Fulmer 0-0), 1:10 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Severino 0-0) at Baltimore (Jimenez 0-0), 7:05 p.m. Toronto (Liriano 0-0) at Tampa Bay (Andriese 0-0), 7:10 p.m. Oakland (Alcantara 0-0) at Texas (Grif“ n 0-0), 8:05 p.m. Kansas City (Vargas 0-0) at Houston (Fiers 0-0), 8:10 p.m. Minnesota (Hughes 0-0) at Chicago White Sox (Holland 0-0), 8:10 p.m. Seattle (Gallardo 0-0) at L.A. Angels (Chavez 0-0), 10:07 p.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Atlanta (Foltynewicz 0-0) at Pittsburgh (Nova 0-0), 1:05 p.m. Washington (Scherzer 0-0) at Philadelphia (Velasquez 0-0), 3:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Ryu 0-0) at Colorado (Freeland 0-0), 4:10 p.m. San Francisco (Bumgarner 0-0) at San Diego (Perdomo 0-0), 6:40 p.m. Miami (Chen 0-0) at N.Y. Mets (Wheeler 0-0), 7:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Anderson 0-0) at Milwaukee (Nelson 0-0), 8:10 p.m. Cincinnati (Garrett 0-0) at St. Louis (Leake 0-0), 8:15 p.m. INTERLEAGUE Cleveland (Tomlin 0-0) at Arizona (Miller 0-0), 9:40 p.m. STANDINGS ROUNDUP STANDINGS SCHEDULES TODAYS GAMES (All times Eastern)MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL REDS 7, PHILLIES 4 PHILADELPHIA CINCINNATI ab r h bi ab r h bi C.Hrnan 2b 4 1 1 0 Hmilton cf 5 0 1 0 Nava lf 3 2 2 3 Peraza 2b 5 1 1 0 O.Hrrra cf 3 1 2 0 Votto 1b 4 0 1 0 Franco 3b 4 0 0 0 Duvall lf 4 2 2 2 Sunders rf 4 0 0 0 Suarez 3b 3 2 2 0 Knapp c 2 0 0 0 Schbler rf 3 1 0 0 Stassi 1b 2 0 0 0 Cozart ss 3 0 2 2 Morgan p 0 0 0 0 S.Trner c 3 0 0 1 E.Ramos p 0 0 0 0 Ro.Dvis p 1 0 1 0 Blanco ph 1 0 1 0 Wa.Prlt p 0 0 0 0 Galvis ss 3 0 0 0 Gennett ph 1 0 0 1 Bchholz p 2 0 0 0 C.Reed p 0 0 0 0 T.Jseph 1b 2 0 0 0 Lrenzen ph 1 1 1 1 Cngrani p 0 0 0 0 B.Wood p 0 0 0 0 Kvlehan ph 1 0 1 0 Storen p 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 4 6 3 Totals 34 7 12 7 Philadelphia 103 000 000„4 Cincinnati 010 301 20x„7 E„C.Hernandez (1). DP„Philadelphia 1, Cincinnati 2. LOB„Philadelphia 5, Cincinnati 7. 2B„O.Herrera (2), Suarez (1), Ro.Davis (1). HR„Nava 2 (2), Duvall (1), Lorenzen (1). SB„ Peraza (1). SF„Cozart (1), S.Turner (1). IP H R ER BB SO PHILADELPHIA Buchholz 5 7 4 4 2 3 Morgan L,0-1 2.1 4 3 3 0 3 Ramos .2 1 0 0 0 0 CINCINNATI Davis 3 5 4 4 2 4 Peralta 1 0 0 0 0 2 Reed W,1-0 2 0 0 0 4 1 Cingrani H,1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Wood H,1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Storen S,1-1 1 1 0 0 0 2 WP„Davis. Umpires„Home, Vic Carapazza; First, Mark Ripperger; Second, Tom Hallion; Third, Phil Cuzzi.TWINS 5, ROYALS 3 KANSAS CITY MINNESOTA ab r h bi ab r h bi A.Grdon lf 5 0 0 0 Dozier 2b 5 1 1 0 Mstakas 3b 5 1 2 1 Kepler rf 4 0 2 1 L.Cain cf 3 0 1 0 Buxton cf 4 0 0 0 Hosmer 1b 4 0 1 0 Mauer 1b 5 0 0 0 S.Perez c 4 1 2 1 Sano 3b 3 2 2 0 Moss dh 3 0 0 0 J.Cstro c 3 2 1 1 Orlando rf 3 1 1 0 J.Plnco ss 3 0 2 2 A.Escbr ss 4 0 1 0 E.Rsrio dh 2 0 0 1 Mondesi 2b 4 0 1 0 Da.Sntn lf 4 0 1 0 Totals 35 3 9 2 Totals 33 5 9 5 Kansas City 000 021 000„3 Minnesota 020 010 20x„5 DP„Minnesota 1. LOB„Kansas City 9, Minnesota 11. 2B„A.Escobar (1), Kepler (1), J.Castro (1), J.Polanco (1). HR„Moustakas (2), S.Perez (1). SB„Mondesi (1), Dozier (3), E.Rosario (1). IP H R ER BB SO KANSAS CITY Hammel 5 6 3 3 4 2 Wood .1 0 0 0 1 1 Moylan .2 0 0 0 1 1 Minor L,0-1 1 3 2 2 0 1 Soria 1 0 0 0 1 2 MINNESOTA Gibson 5 5 3 3 2 5 Breslow .1 1 0 0 1 0 Pressly .2 0 0 0 0 0 Rogers W,1-0 1 1 0 0 1 2 Belisle H,2 1 2 0 0 0 2 Kintzler S,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Gibson pitched to 2 batters in the 6th Hammel pitched to 1 batter in the 6th WP„Belisle. Umpires„Home, Rob Drake; First, Pat Hoberg; Second, Gerry Davis; Third, Tony Randazzo. T„3:14. A„16,078 (39,021).ROCKIES 2, BREWERS 1 COLORADO MILWAUKEE ab r h bi ab r h bi Blckmon cf 4 0 0 0 Villar 2b 4 0 0 0 LMahieu 2b 4 0 0 0 Thames lf 3 0 1 0 C.Gnzal rf 4 0 1 0 Aguilar 1b 3 0 2 0 Arenado 3b 3 1 1 1 T.Shaw 3b 2 0 0 0 Story ss 4 0 0 0 Do.Sntn rf 4 0 0 0 Parra lf 4 0 0 0 H.Perez ss 3 0 0 0 Mar.Ryn 1b 4 1 1 1 K.Brxtn cf 0 0 0 0 Garneau c 2 0 2 0 Nwnhs pr-cf 3 1 1 1 Snztela p 0 0 0 0 Bandy c 4 0 0 0 Estevez p 0 0 0 0 C.Andrs p 2 0 0 0 Amrista ph 1 0 0 0 J.Brnes p 0 0 0 0 Ottvino p 0 0 0 0 Pina ph 1 0 1 0 Dunn p 0 0 0 0 Knebel p 0 0 0 0 G.Hllnd p 0 0 0 0 N.Feliz p 0 0 0 0 Braun ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 30 2 5 2 Totals 30 1 5 1 Colorado 001 000 001„2 Milwaukee 000 000 100„1 DP„Colorado 2. LOB„Colorado 5, Milwaukee 8. 2B„C.Gonzalez (2), Garneau (1), Aguilar (1). HR„Arenado (1), Mar.Reynolds (2), Nieuwenhuis (1). S„Senzatela 2 (2). IP H R ER BB SO COLORADO Senzatela 5 2 0 0 3 6 Estevez H,2 1 0 0 0 1 1 Ottavino BS,1 .2 2 1 1 0 0 Dunn W,1-0 1.1 1 0 0 1 1 Holland S,3-3 1 0 0 0 0 2 MILWAUKEE Anderson 6 3 1 1 2 4 Barnes 1 1 0 0 0 1 Knebel 1 0 0 0 0 1 Feliz L,0-1 1 1 1 1 0 1 HBP„by Senzatela (Broxton). PB„Bandy. Umpires„Home, Alan Porter; First, Joe West; Second, Hunter Wendelstedt; Third, Andy Fletcher. T„3:07. A„23,828 (41,900).CUBS 6, CARDINALS 4 CHICAGO ST. LOUIS ab r h bi ab r h bi Schwrbr lf 4 1 1 3 Fowler cf 5 0 1 0 Strop p 0 0 0 0 A.Diaz ss 5 2 2 0 C.Edwrd p 0 0 0 0 Crpnter 1b 3 1 1 0 W.Davis p 0 0 0 0 Y.Mlina c 2 1 0 2 Bryant 3b 4 1 0 0 M.Adams lf 3 0 1 1 Rizzo 1b 5 1 2 0 Bowman p 0 0 0 0 Zobrist 2b-lf 5 0 1 0 Cecil p 0 0 0 0 Russell ss 5 0 0 2 Sclvich p 0 0 0 0 Heyward rf 4 1 2 0 G.Grcia ph 1 0 0 0 M.Mntro c 4 0 0 0 Tvilala p 0 0 0 0 Lackey p 2 0 2 0 Grichuk rf-lf 4 0 1 1 Szczur ph 1 1 0 0 Gyorko 3b 4 0 0 0 Rondon p 0 0 0 0 Wong 2b 3 0 1 0 J.Baez ph-2b 1 0 0 0 Lynn p 2 0 0 0 Jay cf 3 1 2 1 Pscotty rf 2 0 0 0 Totals 38 6 10 6 Totals 34 4 7 4 Chicago 000 011 400„6 St. Louis 300 010 000„4 E„Grichuk (1), Strop (1), Zobrist (1). DP„Chicago 1. LOB„Chicago 9, St. Louis 7. 2B„Rizzo (1), A.Diaz (2), Wong (1). HR„ Schwarber (1). SF„Y.Molina (1). IP H R ER BB SO CHICAGO Lackey W,1-0 6 6 4 3 2 7 Rondon H,1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Strop H,2 .1 0 0 0 1 0 Edwards H,1 .2 0 0 0 0 2 Davis S,2-2 1 1 0 0 0 1 ST. LOUIS Lynn 5.1 5 2 2 1 4 Bowman H,1 .2 1 0 0 0 0 Cecil L,0-1 BS,1 0 2 4 4 2 1 Socolovich 2 1 0 0 0 1 Tuivailala 1 1 0 0 0 1 Cecil pitched to 6 batters in the 7th HBP„by Socolovich (Heyward). WP„Lackey, Cecil. Umpires„Home, Quinn Wolcott; First, Chris Segal; Second, Paul Emmel; Third, Brian ONora.WHITE SOX 11, TIGERS 2 DETROIT CHICAGO ab r h bi ab r h bi Kinsler 2b 2 0 0 0 Sladino 2b 3 0 0 0 D.Mchdo 2b 1 0 0 0 Ti.Andr ss 5 1 2 1 Cstllns 3b 4 1 1 0 Me.Cbrr lf 3 1 1 0 Mi.Cbrr 1b 3 0 0 0 L.Grcia ph-lf 1 0 0 0 An.Rmne 1b 1 0 0 0 Abreu 1b 5 0 2 1 V.Mrtin dh 2 0 0 0 T.Frzer 3b 4 1 0 0 Avila ph-dh 1 0 1 1 A.Grcia rf 5 2 2 1 Upton lf 1 0 0 0 Dvidson dh 3 3 2 3 Mahtook lf 1 0 0 0 Soto c 3 2 2 4 Collins rf 4 1 1 1 May cf 2 1 0 1 J.McCnn c 3 0 1 0 J.Jones cf 3 0 0 0 J.Iglss ss 4 0 0 0 Totals 30 2 4 2 Totals 34 11 11 11 Detroit 010 000 010„ 2 Chicago 023 401 10x„11 E„A.Garcia (1), Boyd (1). DP„Chicago 2. LOB„Detroit 7, Chicago 7. 2B„Castellanos (1), Avila (1), Me.Cabrera (3). 3B„Davidson (1). HR„Collins (1), Davidson (1), Soto 2 (2). SB„Upton (1). CS„Saladino (1). S„May (1). IP H R ER BB SO DETROIT Boyd L,0-1 2.1 5 5 5 4 2 Sanchez 3.2 5 5 5 2 4 Wilson 1 1 1 1 0 1 Hardy 1 0 0 0 0 2 CHICAGO Shields W,1-0 5.1 2 1 1 5 5 Jennings .2 0 0 0 0 0 Ynoa 2 1 1 0 1 2 Kahnle 1 1 0 0 0 2 HBP„by Wilson (May). WP„Shields, Sanchez. PB„McCann. Umpires„Home, Dan Iassogna; First, Mike DiMuro; Second, Tripp Gibson; Third, Brian Gorman. T„3:31. A„10,842 (40,615).DODGERS 10, PADRES 2 SAN DIEGO LOS ANGELES ab r h bi ab r h bi Jnkwski lf 4 1 1 0 Toles lf-cf 4 1 0 1 Margot cf 4 0 0 0 C.Sager ss 3 0 2 2 Myers 1b 4 1 1 2 Frsythe 3b 4 0 0 0 Solarte 2b 3 0 1 0 A.Gnzal 1b 4 0 1 0 Maurer p 0 0 0 0 Pderson cf 3 1 0 0 Schimpf 3b 4 0 0 0 Hatcher p 0 0 0 0 Renfroe rf 4 0 3 0 Utley 2b 5 1 1 0 H.Sanch c 3 0 0 0 Puig rf 3 3 2 4 Torrens c 1 0 0 0 A.Brnes c 3 2 0 0 Aybar ss 3 0 0 0 B.McCrt p 2 0 1 0 J.Waver p 1 0 0 0 K.Hrnan ph 1 1 1 1 Cordoba ph 1 0 0 0 Avilan p 0 0 0 0 Cosart p 0 0 0 0 Vn Slyk ph-lf 0 1 0 0 Stammen p 0 0 0 0 Bthncrt ph-p 1 0 0 0 Hand p 0 0 0 0 Srdinas 2b 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 2 6 2 Totals 32 10 8 8 San Diego 000 002 000„ 2 Los Angeles 020 202 40x„10 LOB„San Diego 6, Los Angeles 10. 2B„Solarte (1), Renfroe (1), C.Seager (2), K.Hernandez (1). HR„Myers (1), Puig 2 (3). SB„Renfroe (1), C.Seager (1), Puig (1), K.Hernandez (1). IP H R ER BB SO SAN DIEGO Weaver L,0-1 5 5 4 4 3 2 Cosart .2 1 2 2 3 0 Stammen .1 1 0 0 0 1 Hand .2 1 0 0 1 2 Maurer 1 0 0 0 0 0 LOS ANGELES McCarthy W,1-0 6 4 2 2 1 4 Avilan 1 1 0 0 1 1 Hatcher 2 1 0 0 0 3 HBP„by Weaver (Pederson). PB„Torrens. Umpires„Home, Dave Rackley; First, Larry Vanover; Second, Alfonso Marquez; Third, Chad Fairchild.ATHLETICS 5, ANGELS 1 LOS ANGELES OAKLAND ab r h bi ab r h bi Y.Escbr 3b 3 1 1 0 Ra.Dvis cf 4 0 0 0 Calhoun rf 4 0 0 0 Semien ss 3 1 1 0 Trout cf 3 0 0 0 Lowrie dh 3 1 0 0 Pujols dh 4 0 0 1 K.Davis lf 2 1 1 1 Cron 1b 4 0 1 0 Healy 1b 3 1 1 2 Revere lf 4 0 1 0 Alonso 1b 0 0 0 0 A.Smmns ss 4 0 2 0 Plouffe 3b 4 0 1 1 Pnnngtn 2b 2 0 0 0 Canha rf 3 0 0 0 Espnosa ph 1 0 0 0 Phegley c 3 0 0 0 C.Perez c 3 0 0 0 Rosales 2b 3 1 1 0 Totals 32 1 5 1 Totals 28 5 5 4 Los Angeles 001 000 000„1 Oakland 004 001 00x„5 E„Ra.Davis (1), Canha (1), Trout (1). LOB„Los Angeles 7, Oakland 4. 2B„K.Davis (1). HR„ Healy (2). SB„Semien (1). SF„K.Davis (1). IP H R ER BB SO LOS ANGELES Skaggs L,0-1 5.1 5 5 5 3 5 Parker .2 0 0 0 0 2 Petit 2 0 0 0 1 4 OAKLAND Triggs W,1-0 5.2 4 1 0 3 1 Hendriks H,1 1.1 0 0 0 0 2 Casilla 1 0 0 0 0 1 Doolittle 1 1 0 0 0 3 WP„Parker. Umpires„Home, John Tumpane; First, Ted Barrett; Second, Angel Hernandez; Third, Lance Barksdale.METS 6, BRAVES 2 ATLANTA NEW YORK ab r h bi ab r h bi Incarte cf 4 0 1 0 J.Reyes 3b 4 1 1 0 Swanson ss 4 0 0 0 A.Cbrra ss 4 0 1 1 Freeman 1b 4 0 0 0 Cespdes lf 3 1 1 0 M.Kemp lf 4 2 2 2 Flores 1b 4 1 1 2 Mrkakis rf 4 0 1 0 Grndrsn cf 4 0 1 0 Bra.Phl 2b 3 0 0 0 N.Wlker 2b 4 1 2 0 Ad.Grca 3b 3 0 1 0 Bruce rf 3 1 0 0 Flowers c 3 0 1 0 T.dArn c 3 0 1 2 Jai.Grc p 2 0 0 0 Harvey p 2 0 0 0 Roe p 0 0 0 0 Blevins p 0 0 0 0 E.Bnfco ph 1 0 0 0 Cnforto ph 0 1 0 0 OFlhrt p 0 0 0 0 Salas p 0 0 0 0 Ad.Reed p 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 2 6 2 Totals 31 6 8 5 Atlanta 000 010 100„2 New York 000 022 20x„6 E„Swanson (1). DP„Atlanta 1, New York 1. LOB„Atlanta 3, New York 4. 2B„Cespedes (1), N.Walker (1), T.dArnaud (1). HR„M.Kemp 2 (2), Flores (1). IP H R ER BB SO ATLANTA Garcia L,0-1 6 6 4 4 2 0 Roe 1 2 2 1 0 1 OFlaherty 1 0 0 0 0 1 NEW YORK Harvey W,1-0 6.2 3 2 2 0 4 Blevins H,1 .1 0 0 0 0 1 Salas 1 3 0 0 0 2 Reed 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP„by Roe (Conforto). WP„Garcia. Umpires„Home, Will Little; First, Clint Fagan; Second, Jeff Kellogg; Third, James Hoye. T„02:28. A„23,100 (41,922).MARLINS 4, NATIONALS 3, 10 INNINGS MIAMI WASHINGTON ab r h bi ab r h bi D.Grdon 2b 5 0 1 0 T.Trner ss 5 0 1 0 Rojas 3b 3 0 1 0 Eaton cf 5 1 1 1 I.Szuki ph 1 0 0 0 Harper rf 3 0 0 0 Brrclgh p 0 0 0 0 D.Mrphy 2b 5 0 2 0 Tazawa p 0 0 0 0 Zmmrman 1b 5 1 2 1 T.Moore ph 1 0 1 1 Rendon 3b 4 0 0 0 Phelps p 0 0 0 0 Werth lf 4 1 2 1 A.Ramos p 0 0 0 0 Wieters c 2 0 0 0 Yelich cf 4 1 2 0 G.Gnzal p 2 0 0 0 Stanton rf 5 0 2 0 Glover p 0 0 0 0 Ozuna lf 5 0 1 0 Drew ph 1 0 0 0 Ralmuto c 4 2 3 2 Kelley p 0 0 0 0 Bour 1b 4 0 1 1 Solis p 0 0 0 0 Hchvrra ss 4 1 1 0 Treinen p 0 0 0 0 Koehler p 2 0 0 0 Lind ph 0 0 0 0 Ziegler p 0 0 0 0 Blanton p 0 0 0 0 Detrich ph-3b 2 0 1 0 Totals 40 4 14 4 Totals 36 3 8 3 Miami 000 000 021 1„4 Washington 100 000 110 0„3 DP„Miami 2, Washington 4. LOB„Miami 10, Washington 9. 2B„Bour (1), Zimmerman (1). HR„Realmuto (2), Eaton (1), Zimmerman (2), Werth (1). SB„D.Gordon (2), T.Turner (2). IP H R ER BB SO MIAMI Koehler 5 4 1 1 3 4 Ziegler 1 0 0 0 0 1 Barraclough 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tazawa 1 1 1 1 0 0 Phelps W,1-1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Ramos S,1-1 1 1 0 0 1 1 WASHINGTON Gonzalez 6 7 0 0 1 7 Glover H,1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Kelley BS,1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Solis H,2 .2 1 1 1 1 0 Treinen BS,1 .1 1 0 0 0 1 Blanton L,0-1 1 3 1 1 0 0 HBP„by Gonzalez (Bour). WP„Kelley. PB„Wieters. Umpires„Home, Ed Hickox; First, Chris Conroy; Second, Jerry Meals; Third, Ron Kulpa. T„3:26. A„19,418 (41,418).BLUE JAYS 5, RAYS 2 TORONTO TAMPA BAY ab r h bi ab r h bi Pearce lf 4 0 0 0 C.Dckrs dh 4 0 2 0 Carrera lf 1 0 0 0 Krmaier cf 3 0 0 0 Dnldson 3b 3 1 0 0 Lngoria 3b 3 1 1 0 J.Btsta rf 2 1 0 0 B.Mller 2b 3 1 1 0 Morales dh 4 1 1 4 Sza Jr. rf 4 0 3 0 Tlwtzki ss 4 0 0 0 Mrrison 1b 4 0 1 1 Ru.Mrtn c 3 1 0 0 Beckham ss 3 0 0 0 Smoak 1b 4 0 1 0 Wks Jr. ph 1 0 0 0 Pillar cf 4 0 1 0 M.Smith lf 3 0 0 0 Barney 2b 3 1 3 1 Sucre c 3 0 0 0 Totals 32 5 6 5 Totals 31 2 8 1 Toronto 004 000 100„5 Tampa Bay 000 000 101„2 DP„Toronto 4, Tampa Bay 1. LOB„Toronto 5, Tampa Bay 5. 2B„C.Dickerson (1), Souza Jr. 2 (2). HR„Morales (1). IP H R ER BB SO TORONTO Stroman W,1-0 6.1 6 1 1 2 5 Biagini H,1 1.2 1 0 0 0 0 Smith .1 1 1 1 1 0 Grilli S,1-1 .2 0 0 0 0 2 TAMPA BAY Snell L,0-1 6.2 4 5 5 5 5 Hunter 1.1 0 0 0 0 3 Farquhar 1 2 0 0 0 0 WP„Grilli. Umpires„Home, Stu Scheuwater; First, Mike Winters; Second, Mark Wegner; Third, Mike Muchlinski.BOX SCORESTeam must adjust to new responsibilitiesBy PAUL SULLIVANChicago TribuneIn an report on baseballs relative lack of superstars compared to other sports, a question was posed asking whether a team could be considered the face of the game. You probably can guess the answer. I really think the Cubs are The Face,Ž Bill Sutton, director of the Sports and Entertainment Management MBA program at South Florida told Jayson Stark. Ive never said this in baseball before „ or at least not since the 50s and 60s, when the Yankees just dominated and they were the Face of Baseball. But now its back, except this is for a totally different reason. Now its a different world, and you have a team that did something extraordinary ... and they have created something. Now everybody wants to emulate it.Ž Be Like MikeŽ was a catchy jingle in a 1990s ad campaign centered around Michael Jordan, the sports worlds biggest superstar. Could Be Like CubsŽ be the next mantra? Commissioner Rob Manfred said Sunday in St. Louis that the Cubs World Series triumph energizedŽ the sport, citing Anthony Rizzo and Kris Bryant as a pair of young stars who can grow the game with young fans. That sort of personality is really crucial to marketing the game, and marketing the game to young people,Ž Manfred said. Thats a lot of pressure to put on the Cubs, who already have enough on their plate just trying to repeat. Remember, this is still a young team for the most part, with Bryant and Addison Russell starting only their second full seasons. And if you ask veteran Jon Lester, the Cubs dont have to bear the responsibility of having to grow the game. Lester said the game is perfectly fine, thank you.NL SPOTLIGHTYoung Cubs need growth spurt LEADERS AMERICAN LEAGUEBATTING: Kinsler, Detroit, .667; Polanco, Minnesota, .667; Headley, New York, .636; Leon, Boston, .625; Mazara, Texas, .583; Abreu, Chicago, .500; Cabrera, Chicago, .500; Castro, Minnesota, .500; Garcia, Chicago, .500; Saladino, Chicago, .500; 2 tied at .455. RBI: Lindor, Cleveland, 6; Springer, Houston, 6; Espinosa, Los Angeles, 5; Sano, Minnesota, 5; Escobar, Minnesota, 4; Odor, Texas, 4; JoRamirez, Cleveland, 4; CSantana, Cleveland, 4; Trout, Los Angeles, 4; 9 tied at 3. HOME RUNS: KDavis, Oakland, 2; Lindor, Cleveland, 2; Moustakas, Kansas City, 2; Odor, Texas, 2; Springer, Houston, 2; 20 tied at 1. PITCHING: Archer, Tampa Bay, 1-0; Armstrong, Cleveland, 1-0; Bailey, Los Angeles, 1-0; Bundy, Baltimore, 1-0; Carrasco, Cleveland, 1-0; Cobb, Tampa Bay, 1-0; Graveman, Oakland, 1-0; Kelly, Boston, 1-0; Keuchel, Houston, 1-0; McCullers, Houston, 1-0; Miller, Cleveland, 1-0; Peacock, Houston, 1-0; Porcello, Boston, 1-0; J.Ramirez, Los Angeles, 1-0; Rogers, Minnesota, 1-0; Sabathia, New York, 1-0; ESantana, Minnesota, 1-0; Santiago, Minnesota, 1-0; Verlander, Detroit, 1-0; Wilson, Baltimore, 1-0.NATIONAL LEAGUEBATTING: Wieters, Washington, .667; Parra, Colorado, .546; Reynolds, Colorado, .546; Nunez, San Francisco, .539; Bruce, New York, .500; Cozart, Cincinnati, .500; Murphy, Washington, .500; Pollock, Arizona, .500; Realmuto, Miami, .500; Turner, Los Angeles, .462; 2 tied at .455. RBI: Pederson, Los Angeles, 5; Reynolds, Colorado, 5; Shaw, Milwaukee, 5; Hernandez, San Francisco, 4; Parra, Colorado, 4; Villar, Milwaukee, 4; 14 tied at 3. HOME RUNS: Bumgarner, San Francisco, 2; Grandal, Los Angeles, 2; Nava, Philadelphia, 2; 22 tied at 1. PITCHING: Anderson, Colorado, 1-0; Arrieta, Chicago, 1-0; Cueto, San Francisco, 1-0; Estevez, Colorado, 1-0; Finnegan, Cincinnati, 1-0; Hellickson, Philadelphia, 1-0; Hill, Los Angeles, 1-0; Johnson, Atlanta, 1-0; Kershaw, Los Angeles, 1-0; Oh, St. Louis, 1-0; Peralta, Milwaukee, 1-0; Reed, Cincinnati, 1-0; Richard, San Diego, 1-0; Roark, Washington, 1-0; Robles, New York, 1-0. RESULTSAP PHOTOCubs shortstop Addison Russell is unable to catch a foul ball by the Cardinals Stephen Piscotty in the fifth inning Tuesday at Busch Stadium in St. Louis. EAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Baltimore 2 0 1.000 „ „ 2-0 W-2 2-0 0-0 Boston 2 0 1.000 „ 2-0 W-2 2-0 0-0 Tampa Bay 2 1 .667 1 2-1 W-1 2-1 0-0 Toronto 1 2 .333 1 2 1-2 W-1 0-0 1-2 New York 1 2 .333 1 2 1-2 L-1 0-0 1-2 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Cleveland 3 0 1.000 „ „ 3-0 W-3 0-0 3-0 Minnesota 3 0 1.000 „ „ 3-0 W-3 3-0 0-0 Chicago 1 1 .500 1 1 1-1 W-1 1-1 0-0 Detroit 1 1 .500 1 1 1-1 L-1 0-0 1-1 Kansas City 0 3 .000 3 3 0-3 L-3 0-0 0-3 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Houston 3 0 1.000 „ „ 3-0 W-3 3-0 0-0 Los Angeles 2 2 .500 1 1 2-2 L-1 0-0 2-2 Oakland 2 2 .500 1 1 2-2 W-1 2-2 0-0 Seattle 0 3 .000 3 3 0-3 L-3 0-0 0-3 Texas 0 3 .000 3 3 0-3 L-3 0-3 0-0MARLINS 4, NATIONALS 3, 10 INNINGS: Justin Bour doubled in the go-ahead run with two outs in the 10th inning after the Marlins erased two leads against a shaky Nationals bullpen, and Miami earned its “ rst win of the season by beating Washington. CUBS 6, CARDINALS 4: In a most sticky situation, Cardinals catcher Yadier Molina couldnt “ nd a ball that clung to his chest protector and the Chicago Cubs turned the bizarre play into a late rally, beating St. Louis. REDS 7, PHILLIES 4: Relief pitcher Michael Lorenzen connected for a pinch-hit homer that put Cincinnati ahead and the Reds overcame a rough major league debut by Rookie Davis to beat Philadelphia. Adam Duvall also homered as the Reds rallied from an early three-run de“ cit to take the opening series, winning two of three. DODGERS 10, PADRES 2: Yasiel Puig homered twice to help Los Angeles rout San Diego. Puig was 2 for 3 with two walks, two runs, four RBIs and a stolen base. TWINS 5, ROYALS 3: Jason Castro and Jorge Polanco hit consecutive RBI doubles in the seventh inning, and Minnesota dented Kansas Citys bullpen again to sweep the season-opening series. After dropping their “ rst nine games last season on the way to a major league-most 103 losses, the Twins are 3-0 for the “ rst time since 2007. The Royals have their “ rst 0-3 start since 2001. ROCKIES 2, BREWERS 1: Nolan Arenado and Mark Reynolds homered and Antonio Senzatela pitched “ ve strong innings in his major league debut to help Colorado beat Milwaukee. WHITE SOX 11, TIGERS 2: Matt Davidson had his “ rst career triple and “ rst home run with Chicago. Geovany Soto, the catcher who joined the White Sox as a free agent this offseason, added his “ rst two home runs for Chicago to help give Rick Renteria his “ rst victory as the teams manager. ATHLETICS 5, ANGELS 1: Andrew Triggs pitched into the sixth inning for his second major league win, Ryon Healy homered to cap a four-run third and Oakland beat Los Angeles for an opening four-game split. METS 6, BRAVES 2: Matt Harvey dominated with a fastball in the mid-90 mph range and uncommon ef“ ciency in his return from major surgery, beating the Atlanta Braves and giving the New York Mets hope his injury woes are behind him.„The Associated PressEAST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY New York 2 1 .667 „ „ 2-1 W-1 2-1 0-0 Washington 2 1 .667 „ „ 2-1 L-1 2-1 0-0 Philadelphia 1 2 .333 1 1 1-2 L-2 0-0 1-2 Miami 1 2 .333 1 1 1-2 W-1 0-0 1-2 Atlanta 1 2 .333 1 1 1-2 L-1 0-0 1-2 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Cincinnati 2 1 .667 „ „ 2-1 W-2 2-1 0-0 Chicago 2 1 .667 „ „ 2-1 W-2 0-0 2-1 St. Louis 1 2 .333 1 1 1-2 L-2 1-2 0-0 Milwaukee 1 3 .250 1 1 1-3 L-1 1-3 0-0 Pittsburgh 0 2 .000 1 1 0-2 L-2 0-0 0-2 WEST DIVISION TEAM W L PCT. GB WCGB L10 STR HOME AWAY Los Angeles 3 1 .750 „ „ 3-1 W-2 3-1 0-0 Colorado 3 1 .750 „ „ 3-1 W-1 0-0 3-1 Arizona 2 1 .667 „ 2-1 W-1 2-1 0-0 San Francisco 1 2 .333 1 1 1-2 L-1 0-0 1-2 San Diego 1 3 .250 2 1 1-3 L-2 0-0 1-3 THURSDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Minnesota 5, Kansas City 3 Pittsburgh at Boston, ppd. Chicago White Sox 11, Detroit 2 Oakland 5, L.A. Angels 1 Toronto 5, Tampa Bay 2 Seattle at Houston, late NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati 7, Philadelphia 4 Pittsburgh at Boston, ppd. Colorado 2, Milwaukee 1 Chicago Cubs 6, St. Louis 4 L.A. Dodgers 10, San Diego 2 Miami 4, Washington 3, 10 innings N.Y. Mets 6, Atlanta 2 San Francisco at Arizona, late WEDNESDAYS GAMES AMERICAN LEAGUE Minnesota 9, Kansas City 1 Detroit at Chicago White Sox, ppd. Baltimore 3, Toronto 1 Tampa Bay 4, N.Y. Yankees 1 Cleveland 9, Texas 6 Houston 5, Seattle 3, 13 innings L.A. Angels 5, Oakland 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago Cubs at St. Louis, ppd. Washington 6, Miami 4 Atlanta 3, N.Y. Mets 1, 12 innings Cincinnati 2, Philadelphia 0 Milwaukee 6, Colorado 1 Arizona 8, San Francisco 6 L.A. Dodgers 3, San Diego 1 INTERLEAGUE Boston 3, Pittsburgh 0, 12 innings


The Sun / Friday, April 7, 2017 SP Page 5SCOREBOARD BASEBALLWEDNESDAYS LATE BOX SCORES BREWERS 6, ROCKIES 1 COLORADO MILWAUKEE ab r h bi ab r h bi Blckmon cf 3 0 0 0 Villar 2b 4 1 2 2 LMahieu 2b 2 0 0 0 Thames 1b 4 1 2 1 C.Gnzal rf 4 0 0 0 Braun lf 3 2 1 0 Arenado 3b 4 0 1 0 T.Shaw 3b 4 1 1 2 Story ss 4 1 1 0 H.Perez rf 3 0 1 1 Parra lf 2 0 1 0 Nwnhuis cf 3 0 0 0 C.Admes ph 1 0 0 0 Pina c 3 0 0 0 Mar.Ryn 1b 4 0 2 1 Arcia ss 3 0 1 0 Wolters c 3 0 0 0 Wi.Prlt p 2 0 1 0 Lyles p 0 0 0 0 C.Trres p 0 0 0 0 Crdullo ph 0 0 0 0 Knebel p 0 0 0 0 Chtwood p 1 0 0 0 Aguilar ph 1 1 1 0 Garneau c 1 0 0 0 Jngmann p 0 0 0 0 N.Feliz p 0 0 0 0 Totals 29 1 5 1 Totals 30 6 10 6 Colorado 000 000 001„1 Milwaukee 000 301 02x„6 DP„Colorado 2, Milwaukee 1. LOB„Colorado 9, Milwaukee 1. 2B„Story (2), Mar.Reynolds (3), H.Perez (1). 3B„Arcia (1). HR„Villar (1), Thames (1), T.Shaw (1). CS„Parra (1), Villar (1). S„Chatwood (1). IP H R ER BB SO COLORADO Chatwood L,0-1 6 7 4 4 1 5 Lyles 2 3 2 2 0 2 MILWAUKEE Peralta W,1-0 5 3 0 0 1 5 Torres H,2 2 0 0 0 3 1 Knebel 1 0 0 0 1 1 Jungmann .2 2 1 1 1 1 Feliz S,1-1 .1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP„by Jungmann (Cardullo). WP„Torres. Umpires„Home, Andy Fletcher; First, Alan Porter; Second, Joe West; Third, Hunter Wendelstedt. T„3:03. A„21,824 (41,900).BRAVES 3, METS 1, 12 INNINGSATLANTA NEW YORK ab r h bi ab r h bi Incarte cf 5 1 0 0 J.Reyes 3b-ss 5 0 0 0 Swanson ss 6 0 1 0 A.Cbrra ss 4 0 0 0 Freeman 1b 5 0 0 0 Smoker p 0 0 0 0 M.Kemp lf 5 0 3 2 Cespdes lf 4 0 1 0 Mrkakis rf 5 1 1 0 Grndrsn cf 5 0 0 0 Bra.Phl 2b 4 0 1 0 N.Wlker 2b 5 0 0 0 Ad.Grca 3b 4 0 1 1 Bruce rf 5 1 3 1 J.Jhnsn p 0 0 0 0 Duda 1b 4 0 0 0 K.Szuki c 4 0 1 0 T.dArn c 4 0 1 0 C.dArn pr 0 1 0 0 deGrom p 2 0 0 0 Recker c 0 0 0 0 Robles p 0 0 0 0 B.Colon p 2 0 0 0 Blevins p 0 0 0 0 E.Bnfco ph 1 0 0 0 Salas p 0 0 0 0 Krol p 0 0 0 0 Cnforto ph 1 0 0 0 Vzcaino p 0 0 0 0 Ad.Reed p 0 0 0 0 Flowers ph 1 0 0 0 Edgin p 0 0 0 0 Jose.Rm p 0 0 0 0 T.Kelly ph 1 0 0 0 J.Ptrsn 3b 1 0 0 0 R.Mntro p 0 0 0 0 Flores 3b 0 0 0 0 Totals 43 3 8 3 Totals 40 1 5 1 Atlanta 000 000 100 002„3 New York 000 010 000 000„1 E„Reyes (1). DP„Atlanta 1, N.Y. 2. LOB„Atl. 11, N.Y. 6. 2B„M.Kemp 3 (4), A.Garcia (1), Bruce (1). 3B„Markakis (1). HR„Bruce (1). IP H R ER BB SO ATLANTA Colon 6 2 1 1 1 6 Krol 1 0 0 0 0 1 Vizcaino 1 1 0 0 0 0 Ramirez 2 1 0 0 2 2 Johnson W,1-0 2 1 0 0 0 3 NEW YORK deGrom 6 2 0 0 1 6 Robles BS,1 .1 2 1 1 1 0 Blevins .2 0 0 0 0 1 Salas 1 1 0 0 1 1 Reed 1 0 0 0 0 1 Edgin 1 0 0 0 0 1 Montero L,0-1 1.2 3 2 2 3 1 Smoker .1 0 0 0 0 1 Umpires„Home, James Hoye; First, Will Little; Second, Clint Fagan; Third, Jeff Kellogg. T„3:51. A„28,113 (41,922).INDIANS 9, RANGERS 6 CLEVELAND TEXAS ab r h bi ab r h bi C.Sntna dh 4 2 1 1 DShelds dh 2 0 0 0 Lindor ss 4 3 3 5 Rbinson ph 2 0 0 0 Guyer lf 2 0 0 0 Choo rf 2 2 0 0 Brntley ph-lf 2 0 0 0 Rua pr-lf 0 0 0 0 Encrnco 1b 4 0 0 0 Mazara lf-rf 4 1 3 3 Jose.Rm 2b 4 0 1 2 Napoli 1b 4 0 0 0 Y.Diaz 3b 4 2 2 0 Odor 2b 4 0 1 0 A.Jcksn cf 2 0 0 0 C.Gomez cf 2 0 0 0 Naquin ph-cf 2 1 1 0 Lucroy c 4 1 1 0 R.Perez c 2 0 1 1 Gallo 3b 3 1 0 0 M.Mrtin pr 0 0 0 0 Andrus ss 4 1 2 1 Gomes c 1 0 0 0 A.Almnt rf 3 1 0 0 Totals 34 9 9 9 Totals 31 6 7 4 Cleveland 000 211 005„9 Texas 200 030 100„6 E„Hamels (1), Lindor (1). DP„Cleveland 1. LOB„Cleveland 4, Texas 4. HR„Lindor 2 (2), Mazara (1), Andrus (1). SB„Lindor (1). CS„ Odor (1). SF„R.Perez (1). S„DeShields (1). IP H R ER BB SO CLEVELAND Salazar 5.2 5 5 4 4 9 Otero 1 2 1 1 1 1 McAllister 1 0 0 0 0 0 Armstrong W,1-0 .1 0 0 0 0 1 Shaw S,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 TEXAS Hamels 6 5 4 3 1 4 Barnette H,1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Bush H,1 1 0 0 0 1 2 Dyson L,0-2 BS,1 .1 3 5 5 2 0 Jeffress .2 0 0 0 0 0 HBP„by Hamels (Guyer). WP„Hamels, Barnette. Umpires„HP, Mike Muchlinski; First, Stu Scheuwater; Second, Mike Winters; Third, Mark Wegner. T„3:25. A„24,649 (48,114).RED SOX 3, PIRATES 0, 12 INNINGSPITTSBURGH BOSTON ab r h bi ab r h bi Mercer ss 5 0 0 0 Pedroia 2b 4 0 1 0 S.Marte cf 5 0 1 0 Bnntndi lf 5 0 1 0 McCtchn rf 5 0 0 0 Bgaerts ss 5 0 0 0 G.Plnco lf 5 0 0 0 H.Rmirz dh 4 0 1 0 Freese 3b 4 0 1 0 Mreland 1b 5 0 0 0 Crvelli c 5 0 1 0 Chris.Y rf 3 0 0 0 Hrrison 2b 4 0 1 0 Brdly J cf 4 1 2 0 J.Bell 1b 3 0 0 0 Sndoval 3b 4 1 0 0 Jaso 1b 0 0 0 0 Leon c 5 1 3 3 Gsselin ph-1b 1 0 0 0 A.Frzer dh 4 0 1 0 Totals 41 0 5 0 Totals 39 3 8 3 Pittsburgh 000 000 000 000„0 Boston 000 000 000 003„3 E„Sandoval (2). DP„Pittsburgh 2, Boston 1. LOB„Pittsburgh 6, Boston 8. 2B„Leon (1). HR„Leon (1). SB„Bradley Jr. (1). IP H R ER BB SO PITTSBURGH Taillon 7 5 0 0 3 6 Hudson 1 0 0 0 0 0 Rivero 1 0 0 0 0 1 Watson 1 2 0 0 1 1 Nicasio 1 0 0 0 0 2 Bastardo L,0-1 .1 1 3 3 2 0 BOSTON Sale 7 3 0 0 1 7 Barnes 1 0 0 0 0 1 Kimbrel 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hembree .2 1 0 0 0 0 Scott .1 0 0 0 0 1 Kelly W,1-0 2 1 0 0 0 0 WP„Taillon. Umpires„Home, Paul Nauert; First, Chris Guccione; Second, Carlos Torres; Third, Dana DeMuth. T„3:53. A„36,137 (37,499).ASTROS 5, MARINERS 3, 13 INNINGS SEATTLE HOUSTON ab r h bi ab r h bi Segura ss 6 1 2 2 Sprngr rf-cf 7 1 2 5 Haniger rf 4 1 0 0 Bregman 3b 5 0 1 0 Cano 2b 5 0 0 0 Altuve 2b 6 0 0 0 Cruz dh 5 0 1 0 Correa ss 6 0 2 0 K.Sager 3b 3 0 0 1 Beltran dh 6 0 2 0 Vlencia 1b 6 0 0 0 Y.Grrel 1b 6 1 1 0 Zunino c 6 0 1 0 Gattis c 5 2 2 0 J.Dyson lf 6 0 1 0 Redick lf-rf 6 0 1 0 Martin cf 4 1 1 0 Mrsnick cf 2 0 0 0 Ma.Gnza ph 1 0 1 0 Aoki lf 1 1 1 0 Totals 45 3 6 3 Totals 51 5 13 5 Seattle 000 020 000 000 1„3 Houston 000 000 200 000 3„5 E„Segura (1). DP„Seattle 2. LOB„Seattle 11, Houston 12. 2B„Cruz (1), Zunino (1), Springer (1), Bregman (1), Gattis (1), Reddick (1). HR„Segura (1), Springer (2). SB„Haniger (1), J.Dyson (1), Martin (1). S„Aoki (1). IP H R ER BB SO SEATTLE Paxton 6 2 0 0 1 5 Scribner 0 2 2 2 0 0 Rzepczynski H,1 .1 0 0 0 0 0 Altavilla BS,1 .2 2 0 0 0 1 Pazos .1 2 0 0 0 0 Fien .2 0 0 0 0 1 Diaz 2 1 0 0 1 2 Vincent 2 2 0 0 0 0 De Jong L,0-1 BS,1 .2 2 3 3 1 0 HOUSTON Morton 6 5 2 2 2 4 Sipp .1 0 0 0 1 0 Feliz .2 0 0 0 0 1 Devenski 4 0 0 0 1 7 Harris 1 1 0 0 0 0 Gustave 0 0 1 1 3 0 Peacock W,1-0 1 0 0 0 1 2 Scribner pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. Gustave pitched to 3 batters in the 13th. WP„ Paxton 3. Umpires„Home, Doug Eddings; First, Cory Blaser; Second, Jeff Nelson; Third, Laz Diaz. T„4:26. A„20,303 (42,060).DODGERS 3, PADRES 1 SAN DIEGO LOS ANGELES ab r h bi ab r h bi Margot cf 3 0 0 0 Toles lf 2 0 0 0 Myers 1b 4 0 2 0 Vn Slyk ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Solarte 2b 4 0 0 0 C.Sager ss 4 1 1 0 Renfroe rf 4 1 1 1 J.Trner 3b 4 0 2 0 Schimpf 3b 4 0 0 0 A.Gnzal 1b 3 1 1 1 Hedges c 2 0 0 0 Frsythe 2b 4 0 0 0 Aybar ss 2 0 0 0 Pderson cf 3 0 0 0 Cahill p 1 0 0 0 Grandal c 4 0 0 0 J.Trres p 0 0 0 0 Puig rf 3 1 2 1 Srdinas ph 1 0 0 0 R.Hill p 1 0 0 0 M.Diaz p 0 0 0 0 Romo p 0 0 0 0 Buchter p 0 0 0 0 Utley ph 1 0 0 0 Jnkwski lf 2 0 0 0 A.Wood p 0 0 0 0 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 Totals 27 1 3 1 Totals 30 3 6 2 San Diego 000 100 000„1 Los Angeles 200 100 00x„3 E„Myers (1). DP„San Diego 1, Los Angeles 1. LOB„San Diego 4, Los Angeles 7. 2B„Myers (1), C.Seager (1), J.Turner (3), A.Gonzalez (2). HR„Renfroe (1), Puig (1). SB„J.Turner (1). CS„Myers (1). S„Cahill (1). IP H R ER BB SO SAN DIEGO Cahill L,0-1 5.2 5 3 2 3 7 Torres 1.1 1 0 0 0 3 Diaz .1 0 0 0 0 1 Buchter .2 0 0 0 0 1 LOS ANGELES Hill W,1-0 5 2 1 1 3 5 Romo H,1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Wood H,1 2 0 0 0 1 1 Jansen S,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP„by Cahill (Hill). Umps„HP, Chad Fairchild; 1B, Dave Rackley; 2B, Larry Vanover; 3B, Alfonso Marquez. T„2:43. A„38,373 (56,000).DIAMONDBACKS 8, GIANTS 6 SAN FRANCISCO ARIZONA ab r h bi ab r h bi G.Hrnan cf 5 0 0 0 Pollock cf 5 1 3 1 Belt 1b 5 2 2 1 Owings rf 3 1 2 1 Pence rf 5 1 2 1 Gldschm 1b 3 1 0 0 Posey c 3 1 2 0 Lamb 3b 5 1 1 0 Crwford ss 3 1 1 1 Tomas lf 4 0 2 1 E.Nunez 3b 4 1 2 0 Hrrmann pr 0 1 0 0 J.Prker lf 3 0 0 0 Drury 2b 4 1 1 1 Ne.Rmrz p 0 0 0 0 Innetta c 4 1 1 0 Gllspie ph 0 0 0 0 Ahmed ss 4 0 1 1 A.Hill ph-lf 0 0 0 1 T.Wlker p 2 0 0 0 Panik 2b 4 0 1 1 Hzlbker ph 1 1 1 1 M.Moore p 2 0 0 0 D L Rsa p 0 0 0 0 Gearrin p 0 0 0 0 Dscalso ph 1 0 0 0 C.Mrrro lf 2 0 0 0 Hoover p 0 0 0 0 Kontos p 0 0 0 0 Cha“ n p 0 0 0 0 Wlhlmsn p 0 0 0 0 Rodney p 0 0 0 0 Totals 36 6 10 5 Totals 36 8 12 6 San Francisco 012 010 020„6 Arizona 001 032 20x„8 E„Belt (1). LOB„San Francisco 6, Arizona 8. 2B„Pollock 2 (2), Owings (1), Lamb (1), Tomas (1), Ahmed (1), Hazelbaker (1). 3B„ Belt (1), Pence (1). HR„Belt (1). SB„E.Nunez (3), Owings 2 (2), Goldschmidt (1). CS„ Pollock (1), Ahmed (1). SF„Crawford (1). IP H R ER BB SO SAN FRANCISCO Moore L,0-1 5.1 8 6 3 2 3 Gearrin .1 1 0 0 2 0 Ramirez 1.1 2 2 2 0 4 Kontos 1 1 0 0 0 0 ARIZONA Walker W,1-0 6 7 4 4 1 7 De La Rosa H,1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Hoover .1 3 2 2 0 0 Cha“ n H,1 .1 0 0 0 1 1 Wilhelmsen H,1 .1 0 0 0 0 0 Rodney S,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 WP„Ramirez, Wilhelmsen. PB„Posey. Umpires„Home, Jim Wolf; First, D.J. Reyburn; Second, Greg Gibson; Third, Tim Timmons. T„3:15. A„14,675 (48,633).ANGELS 5, ATHLETICS 0 LOS ANGELES OAKLAND ab r h bi ab r h bi Y.Escbr 3b 4 1 0 0 Joyce rf 2 0 1 0 Calhoun rf 5 1 3 0 Canha ph-rf 2 0 0 0 Trout cf 5 0 2 1 Lowrie 2b 4 0 0 0 Pujols dh 5 0 1 1 Healy 3b 4 0 0 0 Cron 1b 4 1 2 0 K.Davis lf 3 0 1 0 Maybin lf 3 1 1 0 Vogt c 4 0 1 0 A.Smmns ss 4 1 2 1 Plouffe dh 4 0 1 0 Espnosa 2b 3 0 1 2 Alonso 1b 4 0 1 0 Mldnado c 4 0 1 0 Semien ss 3 0 1 0 Ra.Dvis cf 3 0 0 0 Totals 37 5 13 5 Totals 33 0 6 0 Los Angeles 030 020 000„5 Oakland 000 000 000„0 DP„Oakland 2. LOB„Los Angeles 8, Oakland 7. 2B„Trout (2), A.Simmons (1), Maldonado (1), Vogt (1). CS„Espinosa (1). IP H R ER BB SO LOS ANGELES Richards 4.2 3 0 0 1 4 Alvarez .2 0 0 0 0 1 Ramirez W,1-0 2.2 2 0 0 0 2 Petit 1 1 0 0 0 0 OAKLAND Cotton L,0-1 4.1 8 5 5 2 4 Montas 2.2 2 0 0 0 0 Coulombe 2 3 0 0 0 1 HBP„by Montas (Espinosa). WP„Richards, Cotton. Umpires„Home, Lance Barksdale; First, John Tumpane; Second, Ted Barrett; Third, Angel Hernandez. T„3:15. A„13,405 (37,090).PRO BASKETBALLNBAAll Times Eastern EASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division W L Pct. GB x-Boston 50 28 .641 „ x-Toronto 48 31 .608 2 New York 30 49 .380 20 Philadelphia 28 51 .354 22 Brooklyn 19 60 .241 31 Southeast Division W L Pct. GB y-Washington 48 31 .608 „ Atlanta 39 38 .506 8 Miami 38 40 .487 9 Charlotte 36 43 .456 12 Orlando 28 51 .354 20 Central Division W L Pct. GB y-Cleveland 51 27 .654 „ Milwaukee 40 39 .506 11 Chicago 39 40 .494 12 Indiana 39 40 .494 12 Detroit 35 43 .449 16WESTERN CONFERENCESouthwest Division W L Pct. GB z-San Antonio 60 18 .769 „ x-Houston 53 25 .679 7 x-Memphis 42 37 .532 18 New Orleans 33 45 .423 27 Dallas 32 46 .410 28 Northwest Division W L Pct. GB x-Utah 48 30 .615 „ x-Oklahoma City 45 33 .577 3 Portland 38 40 .487 10 Denver 37 41 .474 11 Minnesota 31 46 .403 16 Paci“ c Division W L Pct. GB z-Golden State 65 14 .823 „ x-L.A. Clippers 48 31 .608 17 Sacramento 31 47 .397 33 L.A. Lakers 23 55 .295 41 Phoenix 22 57 .278 43 x-clinched playoff spot; z-clinched division; y-clinched divisionWednesdays GamesMiami 112, Charlotte 99 Toronto 105, Detroit 102 Cleveland 114, Boston 91 Houston 110, Denver 104 Oklahoma City 103, Memphis 100 L.A. Lakers 102, San Antonio 95 Golden State 120, Phoenix 111 L.A. Clippers 112, Dallas 101Thursdays GamesChicago 102, Philadelphia 90 Indiana 104, Milwaukee 89 Orlando 115, Brooklyn 107 Washington 106, New York 103 Boston at Atlanta, late Minnesota at Portland, lateTodays GamesAtlanta at Cleveland, 7:30 p.m. Miami at Toronto, 7:30 p.m. Detroit at Houston, 8 p.m. New York at Memphis, 8 p.m. San Antonio at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. Minnesota at Utah, 9 p.m. New Orleans at Denver, 9 p.m. Oklahoma City at Phoenix, 10 p.m. Sacramento at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m.Saturdays GamesChicago at Brooklyn, 5 p.m. Boston at Charlotte, 6 p.m. Indiana at Orlando, 6 p.m. Miami at Washington, 7 p.m. Milwaukee at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. L.A. Clippers at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. Utah at Portland, 10 p.m. New Orleans at Golden State, 10:30 p.m.THURSDAYS BOX SCORES BULLS 102, 76ERS 90CHICAGO (102)Zipser 3-8 0-0 7, Mirotic 8-11 0-0 22, Lopez 4-13 1-2 9, Grant 5-10 4-4 15, Butler 5-12 9-9 19, Felicio 0-0 0-0 0, Portis 6-8 0-0 12, Lauvergne 6-10 2-2 14, Carter-Williams 1-7 0-0 2, Canaan 0-1 0-0 0, Payne 0-0 0-0 0, Morrow 1-7 0-0 2, Valentine 0-4 0-0 0. Totals 39-91 16-17 102.PHILADELPHIA (90)Holmes 4-11 1-1 10, Saric 3-8 2-4 9, McConnell 4-12 1-1 9, Luwawu-Cabarrot 6-15 5-5 18, Anderson 6-11 3-4 17, Long 2-9 0-0 4, Poythress 1-6 2-2 4, Splitter 1-3 0-0 2, Stauskas 4-10 3-4 13, Henderson 2-6 0-1 4. Totals 33-91 17-22 90. Chicago 27 26 27 22 „ 102 Philadelphia 17 30 20 23 „ 90 3-Point Goals„Chicago 8-25 (Mirotic 6-8, Zipser 1-3, Grant 1-4, Portis 0-1, Butler 0-1, Lauvergne 0-1, Canaan 0-1, Morrow 0-3, Valentine 0-3), Philadelphia 7-33 (Anderson 2-5, Stauskas 2-6, Saric 1-3, Holmes 1-4, Luwawu-Cabarrot 1-7, Long 0-2, McConnell 0-3, Poythress 0-3). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Chicago 57 (Portis 11), Philadelphia 50 (Holmes, Saric 10). Assists„Chicago 27 (Butler 10), Philadelphia 19 (McConnell 8). Total Fouls„Chicago 19, Philadelphia 19. A„15,177 (20,328).PACERS 104, BUCKS 89MILWAUKEE (89)Snell 3-8 0-0 8, Antetokounmpo 7-14 11-13 25, Maker 2-4 0-0 4, Dellavedova 3-8 0-0 8, Middleton 4-10 1-1 10, Beasley 1-2 0-0 3, Hawes 1-2 0-0 2, Teletovic 5-8 0-0 15, Monroe 2-4 0-0 4, Terry 2-3 0-0 4, Payton 1-4 0-0 2, Vaughn 2-4 0-0 4. Totals 33-71 12-14 89.INDIANA (104)George 9-14 3-4 23, Turner 3-8 4-5 10, T.Young 6-13 0-0 12, Teague 5-12 5-6 15, Ellis 3-6 1-4 8, Miles 2-7 0-0 6, Seraphin 4-8 3-3 11, Christmas 0-0 0-0 0, J.Young 0-1 0-0 0, Brooks 3-5 2-2 10, Stephenson 3-6 2-2 9. Totals 38-80 20-26 104. Milwaukee 21 29 23 16 „ 89 Indiana 25 31 29 19 „ 104 3-Point Goals„Milwaukee 11-24 (Teletovic 5-8, Snell 2-2, Dellavedova 2-5, Beasley 1-1, Middleton 1-2, Maker 0-1, Antetokounmpo 0-1, Payton 0-2, Vaughn 0-2), Indiana 8-25 (Brooks 2-2, George 2-6, Miles 2-6, Stephenson 1-2, Ellis 1-4, T.Young 0-1, Teague 0-4). Fouled Out„Middleton. Rebounds„ Milwaukee 32 (Antetokounmpo 7), Indiana 44 (T.Young 11). Assists„Milwaukee 21 (Antetokounmpo 6), Indiana 20 (Teague 7). Total Fouls„Milwaukee 22, Indiana 12. A„17,010 (18,165).MAGIC 115, NETS 107BROOKLYN (107)Lopez 4-13 2-5 10, Lin 11-20 5-6 32, Foye 0-1 0-0 0, Hollis-Jefferson 3-8 0-0 6, LeVert 7-12 4-4 20, Acy 1-4 0-0 2, Hamilton 4-9 1-2 10, Whitehead 3-7 3-3 10, Dinwiddie 4-6 1-2 11, Goodwin 3-7 0-0 6. Totals 40-87 16-22 107.ORLANDO (115)Ross 2-6 0-0 5, Gordon 9-15 3-4 21, Vucevic 9-18 0-0 18, Payton 8-14 5-6 22, Meeks 7-12 2-2 20, Garino 0-4 0-0 0, Georges-Hunt 2-4 3-4 8, Zimmerman 0-4 0-0 0, Biyombo 1-1 3-4 5, Augustin 1-8 2-2 5, Hezonja 3-4 4-4 11. Totals 42-90 22-26 115. Brooklyn 25 25 21 36 „ 107 Orlando 22 28 36 29 „ 115 3-Point Goals„Brooklyn 11-30 (Lin 5-9, Dinwiddie 2-2, LeVert 2-4, Hamilton 1-3, Whitehead 1-4, Foye 0-1, Acy 0-1, Goodwin 0-1, Lopez 0-5), Orlando 9-25 (Meeks 4-7, Georges-Hunt 1-1, Hezonja 1-1, Payton 1-2, Augustin 1-3, Ross 1-4, Vucevic 0-1, Garino 0-3, Gordon 0-3). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Brooklyn 39 (Hollis-Jefferson, Lopez, Acy, Lin, Goodwin 5), Orlando 48 (Vucevic 12). Assists„Brooklyn 21 (HollisJefferson 4), Orlando 24 (Payton 11). Total Fouls„Brooklyn 19, Orlando 20. Technicals„ Orlando defensive three second, Garino. A„18,095 (18,846).INDIVIDUAL STATISTICSThrough April 5 SCORING AVERAGE LEADERS G FG FT PTS AVGWestbrook, OKC 78 799 690 2480 31.8 Harden, HOU 77 645 713 2247 29.2 Thomas, BOS 72 649 562 2092 29.1 Davis, NOR 74 759 516 2074 28.0 DeRozan, TOR 72 696 522 1947 27.0 Cousins, NOR 72 647 517 1942 27.0 Lillard, POR 73 636 467 1943 26.6 James, CLE 72 713 347 1895 26.3 Leonard, SAN 71 613 462 1828 25.7 Curry, GOL 77 660 318 1951 25.3 Durant, GOL 59 528 326 1494 25.3 Irving, CLE 70 647 290 1753 25.0 Towns, MIN 77 743 334 1911 24.8 Butler, CHI 72 540 557 1722 23.9 George, IND 71 576 323 1656 23.3 Wiggins, MIN 77 660 375 1792 23.3 Wall, WAS 76 633 415 1765 23.2 McCollum, POR 78 680 268 1810 23.2 Walker, CHA 78 636 297 1807 23.2 Antetokounmpo, MIL 77 637 454 1777 23.1FG PERCENTAGE FG FGA PCTJordan, LAC 390 548 .712 Gobert, UTA 389 589 .660 Capela, HOU 343 543 .632 Howard, ATL 369 587 .629 Jokic, DEN 465 805 .578 Adams, OKC 357 623 .573 Gortat, WAS 367 643 .571 Valanciunas, TOR 378 675 .560 Whiteside, MIA 508 909 .559 Kanter, OKC 382 692 .552REBOUNDS G OFF DEF TOT AVG Whiteside, MIA 73 276 755 1031 14.1 Drummond, DET 77 328 746 1074 13.9 Jordan, LAC 78 282 788 1070 13.7 Howard, ATL 71 290 625 915 12.9 Gobert, UTA 77 305 687 992 12.9 Towns, MIN 77 279 644 923 12.0 Davis, NOR 74 169 708 877 11.9 Cousins, NOR 72 152 642 794 11.0 Love, CLE 57 141 485 626 11.0 Westbrook, OKC 78 129 702 831 10.7ASSISTS G AST AVG Harden, HOU 77 862 11.2 Wall, WAS 76 815 10.7 Westbrook, OKC 78 814 10.4 Paul, LAC 58 537 9.3 Rubio, MIN 71 643 9.1 James, CLE 72 629 8.7 Teague, IND 78 606 7.8 Holiday, NOR 63 459 7.3 Green, GOL 74 527 7.1 Lowry, TOR 57 396 6.9ODDSPREGAME.COM LINEMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL National LeagueToday Favorite Line Underdog Line Chicago -129 at Milwaukee +119 at Pittsburgh -139 Atlanta +129 Washington -155 at Phila. +145 at Colorado -105 Los Angeles -105 San Francisco -125 at San Diego +115 at New York -137 Miami +127 at St. Louis -159 Cincinnati +149American Leagueat Chicago -115 Minnesota +105 at Detroit -115 Boston +105 at Baltimore -120 New York +110 Toronto -120 at Tampa Bay +110 at Texas -149 Oakland +139 at Houston -151 Kansas City +141 at Los Angeles -120 Seattle +110InterleagueCleveland -130 at Arizona +120 NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATIONTodayFavorite Line O/U Underdog at Toronto 5 206 Miami at Cleveland 10 214 Atlanta at Houston Off Off Detroit at Memphis Off Off New York San Antonio Off Off at Dallas at Utah Off Off Minnesota at Denver Off Off New Orleans Oklahoma City 8 226 at Phoenix at L.A. Lakers Off Off SacramentoNATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUEToday Favorite Line Underdog Line at Montreal Off Tampa Bay OffUpdated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLOFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BASEBALL „ Suspended San Francisco minor league RHP Jose Dominguez (SacramentoPCL) 142 games after testing positive for metabolites of Stanozolol, a second positive test. Suspended New York Yankees minor league LHP Miguel Sulbaran (Trenton-EL) 25 games following a violation of the program. Suspended Seattle minor league RHPs Frank Encarnacion and Andy Taveras (Dominican Summer League) and Detroit minor league RHP Jose Ramirez (DSL) 72 games each, after testing positive for metabolites of Stanozolol violations of the Minor League Drug Prevention and Treatment Program.American LeagueBOSTON RED SOX „ Placed RHP Matt Barnes on the bereavement list. Recalled RHP Noe Ramirez from Pawtucket (IL). Placed LHP Robbie Ross Jr. on the 10-day DL, retroactive to April 3. Recalled INF Deven Marrero from Pawtucket (IL). CHICAGO WHITE SOX „ Placed RHP Jake Petricka on the 10-day DL, retroactive to April 5. Recalled RHP Tommy Kahnle from Charlotte (IL). SEATTLE MARINERS „ Activated LHP Dillon Overton from the paternity list. Optioned RHP Chase De Jong to Tacoma (PCL).National LeagueATLANTA BRAVES „ Agreed to terms with 1B Ryan Howard to minor league contract.American AssociationFARGO-MOORHEAD REDHAWKS „ Signed LHP Clint Terry. GARY SOUTHSHORE RAILCATS „ Signed LHP Jeff McKenzie. KANSAS CITY T_BONES „ Signed RHP Stephen Johnson. LAREDO LEMURS „ Signed RHPs Trey Masek and Johnny Omahen. SIOUX CITY EXPLORERS „ Signed INF Alan Ahmady. SIOUX FALLS CANARIES „ Signed RHP Scott Weismann. TEXAS AIRHOGS „ Signed INF Brian Ragira. WICHITA WINGNUTS „ Signed RHP Collin Balester.Atlantic LeagueLONG ISLAND DUCKS „ Signed INF Marc Krauss and RHPs Tim Melville and Dennis OGrady. Traded LHP Jarret Leverett to Lancaster for a player to be named.Can-Am LeagueNEW JERSEY JACKALS „ Signed RHP Johnny Hellweg. QUEBEC CAPITALES „ Signed RHP Andrew Elliott. Released 1B Jordan Lennerton.Frontier LeagueEVANSVILLE OTTERS „ Signed LHP Hunter Ackerman to a contract extension. Signed C Sam Roberson. GATEWAY GRIZZLIES „ Promoted Richard Barrett to pitching coach. JOLIET SLAMMERS „ Signed UTL Blaise Lezynski. WASHINGTON WILD THINGS „ Signed LHP Hunter Williams.FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueWASHINGTON REDSKINS „ Signed OL John Kling.Canadian Football LeagueWINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS „ Named Marty Costello offensive line coach.HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueNHL „ Suspended Boston F Brad Marchand two games for spearing Tampa Bay D Jake Dotchin during an April 4 game. ANAHEIM DUCKS „ Recalled D Jaycob Megna from San Diego (AHL). DALLAS STARS „ Signed F Nicholas Caamano to a three-year entry level contract beginning in the 2017-18 season. ST. LOUIS BLUES „ Signed F Vladimir Sobotka to a three-year contract extension that will begin with the 2017-18 season.COLLEGESAUBURN „ Promoted Steven Pearl to mens assistant basketball coach. DELAWARE „ Announced the resignation of wide receivers coach and recruiting coordinator Fontel Mines. FAU „ Named Jim Jabir womens basketball coach. GEORGIA TECH „ Released mens freshman basketball G-F Christian Matthews from his scholarship so he can transfer. KANSAS „ Announced mens sophomore basketball F Carlton Bragg Jr. is transferring. KENTUCKY „ Announced sophomore G Isaiah Briscoe will enter the NBA draft. MONTANA STATE „ Suspended junior CB Naijiel Hale and senior redshirt DB Darren Gardenhire inde“ nitely after being charged with distributing prescription drugs. MOUNT OLIVE „ Named Joelle Mafo womens volleyball coach. NORTHWESTERN „ Named Deonte Gibson and Erik Frazier, Jr. graduate assistant football coaches. ST. JOHNS „ Announced mens freshman basketball F Richard Freudenberg will pursue a professional basketball career in Europe. SYRACUSE „ Named Allen Grif“ n mens assistant basketball coach. UC DAVIS „ Named Brandon Huffert defensive line coach.HOCKEYNHLEASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA y-Montreal 80 46 25 9 101 221 194 Ottawa 80 43 27 10 96 207 209 x-Boston 81 44 30 7 95 233 209 Toronto 79 39 25 15 93 243 232 Tampa Bay 79 39 30 10 88 222 222 Buffalo 80 33 35 12 78 199 230 Florida 80 33 36 11 77 205 237 Detroit 80 32 36 12 76 201 240 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA z-Washington 80 54 18 8 116 260 179 x-Pittsburgh 80 50 19 11 111 277 226 x-Columbus 80 49 23 8 106 244 189 x-N.Y. Rangers 80 47 27 6 100 252 215 N.Y. Islanders 80 39 29 12 90 233 238 Philadelphia 80 38 33 9 85 212 230 Carolina 80 35 31 14 84 207 228 New Jersey 80 28 38 14 70 180 236WESTERN CONFERENCECentral Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA z-Chicago 80 50 22 8 108 242 206 x-Minnesota 80 47 25 8 102 259 204 x-St. Louis 80 44 29 7 95 227 212 x-Nashville 80 40 28 12 92 232 219 Winnipeg 81 39 35 7 85 247 255 Dallas 80 33 36 11 77 216 252 Colorado 79 22 54 3 47 158 267 Paci“ c Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Anaheim 80 44 23 13 101 215 197 x-Edmonton 79 44 26 9 97 235 206 x-San Jose 80 45 28 7 97 216 196 x-Calgary 80 44 32 4 92 221 217 Los Angeles 79 38 34 7 83 194 195 Vancouver 79 30 40 9 69 175 231 Arizona 80 29 41 10 68 192 254 2 points for win, 1 point for OT/shootout loss; x-clinched playoff berth; y-clinched division; z-clinched conferenceWednesdays GamesBuffalo 2, Montreal 1 Washington 2, N.Y. Rangers 0Thursdays GamesN.Y. Islanders 3, Carolina 0 Winnipeg 5, Columbus 4 Pittsburgh 7, New Jersey 4 Ottawa 2, Boston 1, SO St. Louis 6, Florida 3 Tampa Bay at Toronto, late Nashville at Dallas, late Minnesota at Colorado, late Chicago at Anaheim, late Vancouver at Arizona, late Edmonton at San Jose, late Calgary at Los Angeles, lateTodays GameTampa Bay at Montreal, 7:30 p.m.Saturdays GamesColumbus at Philadelphia, 12:30 p.m. N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, 12:30 p.m. Washington at Boston, 3 p.m. N.Y. Islanders at New Jersey, 6 p.m. Chicago at Los Angeles, 6 p.m. Nashville at Winnipeg, 7 p.m. St. Louis at Carolina, 7 p.m. Pittsburgh at Toronto, 7 p.m. Montreal at Detroit, 7 p.m. Buffalo at Florida, 7 p.m. Colorado at Dallas, 8 p.m. Minnesota at Arizona, 9 p.m. Calgary at San Jose, 10 p.m. Edmonton at Vancouver, 10 p.m.THURSDAYS SUMMARIES ISLANDERS 3, HURRICANES 0N.Y. Islanders 2 1 0 „ 3 Carolina 0 0 0 „ 0 First Period„1, N.Y. Islanders, Nelson 19, 1:27. 2, N.Y. Islanders, May“ eld 2 (Beauvillier, Lee), 4:39. Penalties„Lee, NYI, (tripping), 1:48; May“ eld, NYI, (cross checking), 11:26; Rask, CAR, major (high sticking), 17:59. Second Period„3, N.Y. Islanders, Ladd 22 (Bailey, Leddy), 0:39 (pp). Penalties„Ladd, NYI, (delay of game), 17:04; Ryan, CAR, (hooking), 17:56. Third Period„None. Penalties„Hani“ n, CAR, (holding), 7:29. Shots on Goal„N.Y. Islanders 11-6-6„23. Carolina 6-15-8„29. Power -play opportunities„N.Y. Islanders 1 of 4; Carolina 0 of 3. Goalies„N.Y. Islanders, Halak 11-9-5 (29 shots-29 saves). Carolina, Lack 7-7-3 (23-20). A„9,769 (18,680). T„2:17. Referees„Jean Hebert, Tom Kowal. Linesmen„Scott Driscoll, Brian Murphy.JETS 5, BLUE JACKETS 4Winnipeg 2 1 2 „ 5 Columbus 1 2 1 „ 4 First Period„1, Columbus, Foligno 26, 6:58. 2, Winnipeg, Trouba 7 (Armia, Little), 13:54 (pp). 3, Winnipeg, Scheifele 32 (Wheeler, Copp), 15:25. Penalties„Harrington, CBJ, major (high sticking), 10:14. Second Period„4, Winnipeg, Perreault 13 (Little), 3:49. 5, Columbus, Saad 23 (Bjorkstrand), 7:12. 6, Columbus, Saad 24 (Wennberg), 12:35. Penalties„None. Third Period„7, Winnipeg, Trouba 8 (Perreault, Little), 4:06 (pp). 8, Winnipeg, Little 21 (Melchiori, Perreault), 9:35. 9, Columbus, Jenner 17 (Bjorkstrand, Hartnell), 14:00. Penalties„Calvert, CBJ, (hooking), 3:26. Shots on Goal„Winnipeg 8-12-12„32. Columbus 15-11-13„39. Power -play opportunities„Winnipeg 2 of 3; Columbus 0 of 0. Goalies„Winnipeg, Comrie 1-0-0 (39 shots-35 saves). Columbus, Korpisalo 6-5-1 (32-27). A„16,447 (18,144). T„2:22. Referees„Eric Furlatt, Frederick LEcuyer. Linesmen„Steve Miller, Mark Wheler.PENGUINS 7, DEVILS 4Pittsburgh 2 3 2 „ 7 New Jersey 1 3 0 „ 4 First Period„1, New Jersey, Noesen 8 (Bennett, Josefson), 4:59. 2, Pittsburgh, Rust 15 (Bonino), 14:24. 3, Pittsburgh, Guentzel 15 (Schultz, Bonino), 17:07. Penalties„Cole, PIT, (slashing), 11:14; Thomson, NJ, (boarding), 14:53. Second Period„4, New Jersey, Moore 11 (Henrique, Palmieri), 0:10. 5, Pittsburgh, Archibald 3 (Rowney, Wilson), 2:09. 6, Pittsburgh, Sheary 23 (Crosby, Guentzel), 3:05. 7, New Jersey, Hall 20 (Greene, Zajac), 5:34 (pp). 8, Pittsburgh, Hornqvist 21 (Crosby, Kessel), 7:45 (pp). 9, New Jersey, Palmieri 26 (Zajac), 18:36. Penalties„Hainsey, PIT, (tripping), 4:14; Hall, NJ, (slashing), 6:24. Third Period„10, Pittsburgh, Cullen 13 (Kuhnhackl, Hainsey), 1:56 (sh). 11, Pittsburgh, Bonino 17 (Dumoulin, Ruhwedel), 16:53 (pp). Penalties„Guentzel, PIT, (slashing), 0:52; Henrique, NJ, (roughing), 15:11. Shots on Goal„Pittsburgh 8-12-8„28. New Jersey 12-16-10„38. Power -play opportunities„Pittsburgh 2 of 3; New Jersey 1 of 3. Goalies„Pittsburgh, Murray 32-10-4 (38 shots-34 saves). New Jersey, Schneider 2026-11 (28-21). A„14,012 (17,625). T„2:30. Referees„Trevor Hanson, Tim Peel. Linesmen„Michel Cormier, Bryan Pancich.INDIVIDUAL STATISTICSThrough April 5SCORING LEADERS GP G A PTS Connor McDavid, EDM 79 29 66 95 Patrick Kane, CHI 80 34 54 88 Sidney Crosby, PIT 73 43 43 86 Brad Marchand, BOS 80 39 46 85 Nicklas Backstrom, WAS 80 23 62 85 Nikita Kucherov, TB 71 38 43 81 Mark Scheifele, WPG 77 31 49 80 Leon Draisaitl, EDM 79 28 47 75 Brent Burns, SJ 80 28 46 74 Artemi Panarin, CHI 80 30 43 73 Evgeni Malkin, PIT 62 33 39 72 Blake Wheeler, WPG 80 25 47 72 Erik Karlsson, OTT 77 17 54 71GOALS-AGAINST AVERAGE LEADERSMinimum of 19 games Name Team GP MINS GA AVGSergei Bob rovsky Colu. 62 3649 123 2.02 Aaron Dell S.J. 19 1050 36 2.06 Philipp Grubauer Wash. 22 1185 41 2.07 Braden Holtby Wash. 62 3640 126 2.08 Jimmy Howard Det. 25 1336 48 2.15 Peter Budaj L.A.-T.B. 60 3308 120 2.18 Carey Price Mont. 61 3650 134 2.20 Devan Dubnyk Minn. 64 3698 138 2.24 John Gibson Ana. 51 2890 109 2.26 Antti Raanta NYR 30 1617 61 2.26 Tuukka Rask Bost. 63 3595 136 2.27 Carter Hutton StL 29 1394 54 2.32 Juuse Saros Nash. 20 1139 44 2.32GOLFAUGUSTA NATIONAL GOLF CLUBTHE MASTERSThursdays leaders at Augusta National Golf Club, Augusta, Ga. Purse: TBA ($10 million in 2016). Yardage: 7,435. Par: 72 (36-36) (a-denotes amateur)First RoundCharley Hoffman 34-31„65 William McGirt 35-34„69 Lee Westwood 39-31„70 Russell Henley 35-36„71 Kevin Chappell 35-36„71 Andy Sullivan 35-36„71 Matthew Fitzpatrick 35-36„71 Phil Mickelson 35-36„71 Justin Rose 34-37„71 Jason Dufner 35-36„71 Sergio Garcia 35-36„71 Soren Kjeldsen 36-36„72 Thomas Pieters 32-40„72 Paul Casey 36-36„72 Ernie Els 39-33„72 Matt Kuchar 39-33„72 Shane Lowry 35-37„72 Rory McIlroy 39-33„72 Scott Piercy 34-39„73 Fred Couples 36-37„73 Rickie Fowler 34-39„73 Danny Willett 38-35„73 Jon Rahm 35-38„73 Marc Leishman 35-38„73 Justin Thomas 37-36„73 Daniel Summerhays 38-36„74 Brendan Steele 37-37„74 a-Stewart Hagestad 37-37„74 Larry Mize 38-36„74 Kevin Kisner 37-37„74 Brooks Koepka 35-39„74 Jason Day 37-37„74 Rod Pampling 36-38„74 Pat Perez 39-35„74 Ryan Moore 36-38„74 Charl Schwartzel 40-34„74 Yuta Ikeda 38-36„74 Chris Wood 36-38„74 Alex Noren 39-35„74 Bubba Watson 38-36„74 Billy Hurley III 36-39„75 Adam Hadwin 38-37„75 Gary Woodland 38-37„75 Adam Scott 37-38„75 Jordan Spieth 36-39„75 Rafa Cabrera Bello 39-36„75 Si Woo Kim 37-38„75 Brandt Snedeker 37-38„75 James Hahn 35-40„75 Webb Simpson 35-40„75 Steve Stricker 38-37„75 Bernhard Langer 36-39„75 Bill Haas 35-40„75 Mike Weir 39-37„76 Sean OHair 36-40„76 Kevin Na 39-37„76 Russell Knox 36-40„76 Hideki Matsuyama 39-37„76 Branden Grace 41-35„76 Ian Woosnam 37-39„76 Byeong-Hun An 37-39„76 Ross Fisher 36-40„76 Patrick Reed 38-38„76 Hideto Tanihara 38-38„76 Jimmy Walker 39-37„76 Brian Stuard 39-38„77 Sandy Lyle 36-41„77 Zach Johnson 39-38„77 Louis Oosthuizen 38-39„77 Daniel Berger 36-41„77 Hudson Swafford 38-39„77 Jose Maria Olazabal 37-40„77 Bernd Wiesberger 38-39„77 Henrik Stenson 40-37„77 Jhonattan Vegas 38-40„78 Jim Furyk 40-38„78 Tommy Fleetwood 37-41„78 J.B. Holmes 36-42„78 Francesco Molinari 39-39„78 Jeung-hun Wang 37-41„78 Martin Kaymer 36-42„78 Mark OMeara 38-40„78 a-Brad Dalke 39-39„78 a-Curtis Luck 38-40„78 Vijay Singh 39-39„78 Trevor Immelman 40-39„79 Roberto Castro 38-41„79 Emiliano Grillo 40-39„79 Angel Cabrera 38-41„79 Mackenzie Hughes 39-40„79 Tyrrell Hatton 40-40„80 a-Toto Gana 42-39„81 a-Scott Gregory 41-41„82MASTERS TEE TIMES At Augusta National Golf Club, Augusta, Ga.All Times EDT (a-amateur) Today8 a.m. „ Rod Pampling, William McGirt 8:11 a.m. „ Mark OMeara, Hudson Swafford, Roberto Castro 8:22 a.m. „ Ian Woosnam, James Hahn, a-Brad Dalke 8:33 a.m. „ Ross Fisher, Pat Perez, Byeong Hun An 8:44 a.m. „ Jose Maria Olazabal, Ryan Moore, Webb Simpson 8:55 a.m. „ Ernie Els, Jason Dufner, Bernd Wiesberger 9:06 a.m. „ Danny Willett, Matt Kuchar, a-Curtis Luck 9:17 a.m. „ Vijay Singh, Emiliano Grillo, a-Toto Gana 9:28 a.m. „ Angel Cabrera, Henrik Stenson, Tyrrell Hatton 9:39 a.m. „ Charl Schwartzel, Steve Stricker, Mackenzie Hughes 10:01 a.m. „ Charley Hoffman, Chris Wood, Yuta Ikeda 10:12 a.m. „ Sergio Garcia, Lee Westwood, Shane Lowry 10:23 a.m. „ Bernhard Langer, Alex Noren, Patrick Reed 10:34 a.m. „ Rory McIlroy, Hideto Tanihara, Jon Rahm 10:45 a.m. „ Marc Leishman, Bill Haas, Justin Thomas 10:56 a.m. „ Bubba Watson, Jimmy Walker 11:07 a.m. „ Daniel Summerhays, Russell Henley 11:18 a.m. „ Trevor Immelman, Brendan Steele, Jhonattan Vegas 11:29 a.m. „ Mike Weir, Billy Hurley III, Scott Piercy 11:40 a.m. „ Larry Mize, Brian Stuard, aStewart Hagestad 11:51 a.m. „ Soren Kjeldsen, Kevin Chappell, Jim Furyk 12:13 p.m. „ Sandy Lyle, Sean OHair, a-Scott Gregory 12:24 p.m. „ Zach Johnson, Louis Oosthuizen, Adam Hadwin 12:35 p.m. „ Tommy Fleetwood, Gary Woodland, J.B. Holmes 12:46 p.m. „ Adam Scott, Kevin Kisner, Andy Sullivan 12:57 p.m. „ Francesco Molinari, Daniel Berger, Thomas Pieters 1:08 p.m. „ Fred Couples, Paul Casey, Kevin Na 1:19 p.m. „ Russell Knox, Rickie Fowler, Hideki Matsuyama 1:30 p.m. „ Branden Grace, Brooks Koepka, Jeung-hun Wang 1:41 p.m „ Jordan Spieth, Martin Kaymer, Matt Fitzpatrick 1:52 p.m. „ Phil Mickelson, Rafa Cabrera Bello, Si Woo Kim 2:03 p.m. „ Brandt Snedeker, Justin Rose, Jason DayUPCOMING TOURNAMENTSLPGA TOURLast week: So Yeon Ryu won the ANA Inspiration. Next tournament: LOTTE Championship in Hawaii. Online : www.lpga.comEUROPEAN TOURLast tournament: Dustin Johnson won the WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play. Next week: Trophee Hassan. Online: www.europeantour.comPGA TOUR CHAMPIONSLast week: Miguel Angel Jimenez won the Mississippi Golf Resort Classic. Next week: Mitsubishi Electric Classic. Online: TOURLast tournament: Casey Wittenberg won Chitimacha Louisiana Open. Next tournament: United Leasing & Finance Championship on April 20-23.AUTO RACINGUPCOMING RACESAll Times Eastern NASCAR MONSTER ENERGY CUP OREILLY AUTO PARTS 500Site: Fort Worth, Texas Schedule: Today, practice, noon (FS1), qualifying, 6:15 p.m. (FS1); Saturday, practice, 9:30 a.m., (FS1), practice, noon (FS2); Sunday, race, 1:30 p.m., FOX. Track: Texas Motor Speedway (oval, 1.5 miles). Race distance: 501 miles, 334 laps. Last year: Kyle Busch, starting 15th, won for the second consecutive week. Last week: Brad Keselowski became the “ rst driver in 2017 with multiple wins, taking “ rst in Martinsville. It was also Fords “ rst win at Martinsville since 2002. Fast facts: Keselowski is 34 points behind Kyle Larson in the standings but leads the series with 10 playoff points. ... Chase Elliott already has three top-“ ve “ nishes, and he was “ fth and fourth in races at Texas last year. ...Texas was repaved in the offseason, and the banking in the “ rst two turns was reduced from 24 degrees to 20 degrees. Next race: Food City 500, April 23, Bristol Motor Speedway, Bristol, Tennessee. Online: www.nascar.comNASCAR XFINITY MY BARIATRIC SOLUTIONS 300Site: Fort Worth, Texas Schedule: Today, practice, 2:30 p.m. (FS1), practice, 5 p.m. (FS1); Saturday, qualifying, 10:35 a.m., (FS1), race, 1:30 p.m., FOX. Track: Texas Motor Speedway (oval, 1.5 miles). Race distance: 300 miles, 200 laps. Last year: Kyle Busch swept in Texas after starting from the pole. Last race: Kyle Larson won two weeks ago at Fontana, holding off Joey Logano and Busch. Fast facts: For the “ rst time in the history of the series, a single team owns the top three positions in the driver standings. JR Motorsports drivers Elliott Sadler, William Byron and Justin Allgaier head to Texas “ rst, second and third in points. ... Darrell Wallace has posted four straight top-10 “ nishes, a career “ rst. Wallace has been sixth in each of those events. ... Joey Logano and Kevin Harvick head a list of seven Cup regulars expected to race on Saturday. Next race: Fitzgerald Glider Kits 300, April 22, Bristol Motor Speedway, Bristol, Tennessee. Online:


Page 6 SP Friday, April 7, 2017 / The Sun86.1 Percent of Division I coaches who are white, according to 2016 numbers.NUMBER TO KNOW A SNAPSHOT OF THE DAY IN SPORTS: New coordinators on the college football scene. ƒ Colleges still struggling with minority hiri ng.SPORTS TICKER IN BRIEFNBADurant cleared for todays practiceOAKLAND, Calif. „ The anticipated was of“ cially announced by the Warriors on Thursday morning: Kevin Durant has been fully cleared for todays team practice and is likely to play in Saturdays game against the Pelicans. Following multiple workout sessions in recent days „ including 2-on-2, 3-on-3 and 4-on-4 scrimmages „ forward Kevin Durant has been cleared by the teams medical and athletic training staffs to return to full-team practices,Ž the release said. If he does not suffer any setbacks following tomorrows practice, it is anticipated that Durant will play in Saturdays game against the New Orleans Pelicans at Oracle Arena.Ž Durant suffered a sprained MCL and tibial bone bruise back on Feb. 28. He has missed the past 19 games. He returns to a scorching hot Warriors team that has won 13 in a row. The playoffs begin a week from Saturday.MLBHoward gets deal with B raves systemNEW YORK „ After learning Ryan Howard had agreed to a contract with Atlanta, Braves “ rst baseman Freddie Freeman texted the slugger an emoji of clapping hands. When he walks up to the plate, he can still change the game with one swing of the bat,Ž Freeman said Thursday when Howards minor league deal was announced. If added to the 40-man roster, Howard would get a contract paying a $750,000 salary in the major leagues this year and $120,000 in the minors. He would have the chance to earn $750,000 in performance bonuses based on plate appearances: $150,000 each for 100, 175, 250, 325 and 400.SOCCERBrazil takes over top of FIFA rankingsZURICH „ Brazil has taken over at the top of the FIFA rankings for the “ rst time since 2010. After losing Lionel Messi to a four-match ban, Argentina lost 2-0 at Bolivia last week and dropped to No. 2. World Cup winner Germany is still No. 3, followed by Chile and Colombia. South American teams tallied more ranking points last month by playing two World Cup quali“ ers. European teams played one. European champion Portugal is No. 8, while Switzerland entered the top 10, up two to ninth, one ahead of above Spain. Mexico rose one to No. 16 and leads CONCACAF teams. The United States climbed seven to No. 23. No. 19 Egypt leads African teams, and No. 28 Iran is Asias best. World Cup host Russia fell one to No. 61.„ From wire reports By STEVE REEDAssociated PressThe number of African-Americans and women hired in college sports declined in 2016, according to a diversity report released Thursday. The annual report card from The Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport gave college sports a C+ for racial hiring by earning 78.5 points, a decrease from 83.6 points in 2016. College sports received a C grade (73.5 points) for gender hiring, down from 78.8 from points in 2015. The combined grade of a C+ overall for racial and gender hiring was the lowest among all sports covered by the institute. Richard Lapchick, the primary author of the report and director of University of Central Florida institute, called the report disheartening.Ž Lapchick attributes the decline to a lack of punishment. There is no price that you pay if you continue to hire all white men, and this is overwhelmingly what were looking at at the college level,Ž Lapchick said. Lapchick has been in favor of the Eddie Robinson rule, named after the former Grambling State coach, that would be comparable to the NFLs Rooney rule, requiring teams to interview minorities for jobs. Likewise, he believes the Judy Sweet rule, which similarly applies to requirements to interview women, would help. We do the report cards to move whoever it is we are looking at to hire more women and people of color,Ž Lapchick said. The fact is that we have regressed in racial and gender hiring.Ž The only area drawing high grades was the NCAA headquarters. The NCAA received a B for race in both senior leadership and professional positions and an Aand A+ for gender in those respective areas. Lapchick said while the NCAAs numbers are not perfect, they are far ahead of its member institutions.Ž Lapchick said the most depressingŽ figure in his study is that 45 years after the passage of Title IX, more than 60 percent of all womens sports teams are still coached by men. He hopes that might change, with Dawn Staley leading South Carolina to the womens NCAA basketball championship. For now, the study finds, opportunities for coaches of color remain a significant concern.COLLEGE SPORTSRacial, gender hiring decline in 2016COLLEGE FOOTBALL: New Coordinators AP PHOTOIn this Nov. 26 file photo, Indiana coach Kevin Wilson calls a timeout during the first half of a game against Purdue in Bloomi ngton, Ind. Wilson steps in as co-offensive coordinator at Ohio State by title. Make no mistake, though, Wilson was brought in by Urban Meyer to fix the offense. New coordinators who could boost incumbent coachesBy RALPH D. RUSSOAssociated PressHiring a new coordinator can at times be as impactful to a college football program as making a head coaching change. Take Penn State, for example, where head coach James Franklins hiring of Joe Moorhead last season helped get the Nittany Lions back in the top 10. Hire two new coordinators and, well, that can look like a major rebuild. Six teams that have an intriguing new coordinator „ or two.Coordinated e ortsArizona State Coming off a 5-7 season, coach Todd Graham moved to “ x a defense that was last in the Pac-12 (7.07 yards per play allowed) by bringing in veteran coordinator Phil Bennett to replace Keith Patterson, who was bumped down to linebacker coach. Arizona State has always taken a high-risk approach with Graham that produces lots of negative plays. Bennett uses similar schemes, but might back off some blitzes to protect an inexperienced secondary. On the other side of the ball, offensive coordinator Chip Lindsey left to join Gus Malzahn at Auburn. Graham chose Alabama wide receiver coach Billy Napier as a replacement. How much of what the Crimson Tide was doing under Lane Kif“ n moves with Napier to Tempe?MississippiHugh Freeze had to do some house cleaning after the Rebels went 5-7. Out went veteran assistants Dave Wommack (defense) and Dan Werner (offense). In comes Wesley McGriff (defense) and Phil Longo (offense). Longo is from the Mike Leach tree and had spent the last three season at FCS power Sam Houston State, coordinating record-setting offenses. McGriff is a former Ole Miss assistant under Freeze who returns after stints with the New Orleans Saints and Auburn, where he was co-defensive coordinator of one of the SECs best defenses last season. The Rebels Land Sharks lost their bite last season and “ nished 10th in the SEC in yards per play allowed (6.18).Notre DameBrian Kellys reboot after a 4-8 season stars offensive coordinator Chip Long from Memphis and defensive coordinator Mike Elko from Wake Forest. Kelly moved out some veteran coaches he has worked with for a while and replaced them with two rising coordinators. With Kelly trying to take a more big-picture approach, Long should be able to take hold of the offense in a way no coordinator has under Kelly. Kansas The Jayhawks took some baby steps toward respectability last season under second-year coach David Beaty. His big offseason move was luring Doug Meacham away from TCU to be offensive coordinator. From Oklahoma State to Houston to TCU, Meacham has been cutting up defenses across the Southwest for a decade. This will be his biggest challenge yet.NebraskaBob Diacos three seasons as head coach at Connecticut did not go well, but his resume as defensive coordinator at Notre Dame was pretty good, so Mike Riley brought him in to remake the Cornhuskers D. Scheme-wise, that means a switch from the 4-3 to a 3-4. If you have heard one new defensive coordinator talk about wanting to be more aggressive, you have heard them all, but in reality, Diacos best defenses at Notre Dame were known for being sound and limiting big plays. More controlling than attacking. Ohio StateFormer Indiana coach Kevin Wilson steps in as co-offensive coordinator by title. Make no mistake, though, Wilson was brought in by Urban Meyer to “ x the offense. The shutout loss to Clemson in the College Football Playoff exposed issues Ohio State had generating big plays against top-level opposition. Wilsons treatment of players was a large part of why he was let go by the Hoosiers „ he denied any mistreatment after some players complained of being forced to play through injuries, among other things. There is no doubting his ability to run a highpowered offense, though. Going back to his days as a coordinator at Northwestern and Oklahoma, Wilsons spread has been giving defenses “ ts for years.


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 1 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NOKOMISCALUSA LAKES PRIVATE3 BEDROOM, 3 FULL& 2 PARTIALBATHS, 2 CARGARAGE, POOL HOMEONGOLFCOURSE! 4100 SF. NEWFLATTILEROOFIN2015! OFFICE& MORE!! $695,000. DOUGPARKS, MICHAELSAUNDERS& CO. 941-400-9087 NORTH PORT LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! 2183 Hopwood Rd Mere minutes from schools, parks, shopping and dining, with quick access to I-75, world-class fishing and golf! Move-in-ready 1300 SF '05 3/2/2 with open split floor plan, NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! OWNER IS SITTING ON A SUITCASE WAITING TO MOVE. HURRY! $167,000 Patty Gillespie, REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 3172 Bellefonte Ave., QUALITYWALKER-BUILT1500 SF 3/2/2/ WITHSOLAR-HEATEDSALT-WATERPOOLONFULLYFENCEDLOT INAGREATFAMILYNEIGHBORHOOD. SECURITYSYSTEM. FRENCHDOORS. NEW $14K SAFE-STEPTUB/SHOWERINMASTERBATH. NEW APPLIANCES, HOTWATER HEATER& WATERSOFTENER. NODEEDRESTRICTIONS! NOTINFLOODZONE! $207,000Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! NORTH PORT 3513 Cuthbert, Spectacular custom-built, energy-saving executive residence with 2400 SF under air, 3bd/2ba + den/office, on lushly landscaped lot in upscale n eighborhood close to all a menities. Granite! Walk-in p antry! Central vac! Whole h ouse solar and solar hot water heater. NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! $279,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 6440 Malaluka Road. Enjoy the view of the canal, open concept living, dining and kitchen with two spacious bedrooms. 1,220 square feet. Furniture incld. Motivated Seller. Please contact Kristine Dorward 514-618-0360. 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE DEEP CREEK3/2/2 All updated, 2279sq., Pool & Landscape, Travertine floors, Waterfall garden, and much much MORE! Kim McIntyre Remax Anchor 941-661-3153 DEEP CREEK Golf Course Only available new home on Deep Creek golf course. Gorgeous view, beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 car garage, 2,000 sq.ft. Completion date 5/15/17. $329k, 941-626-7682 ENGLEWOOD Built 2006 3/2/2 w/ Family Room, Vaulted Ceiling, New Appliances, Shed, Fenced Yard, No Deed Restrictions or Flood Zone. Community Boat Launch, $229,000 941-474-7030 (Owner/Agent) FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! FOR SALE $29,995 Oakview Estates 6 Months discounted Rent $199 a month All Offers Expire 06/30/17 844-8372393 EHO INVESTORS Port Charlotte 3/2/2 Pool, Contractor remodeled, $15,000 Income. 2nd property Sailboat lot 10,000 lb boat lift(possible $3000 income) Price on both properties $389,000 Owner 941-347-7020 NORTH PORT 5348 CHAPLIN TER PERFECT, TOP TO BOTTOM, INSIDE & OUT! Custom 2100 SF 3/2.5/2 with top-of-the-line EVERYTHING, on lushly landscaped lot, mere minutes to all amenities, yet with a private "country" setting. Owners doubled the storage, electric & lighting, doubled the RO on drinking water! High impact windows thruout! Gutters all around! Poolplanned, with pool bath and outside shower already in place. Large lanai with porcelain tile overlooking serene backyard setting! NOTHING COMPARABLE AT THIS PRICE! $264,900 PATTY GILLESPIERemax Anchor 941-875-2755 1010 OPEN HOUSE 04/05/17 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $169,900.New Custom Homes From $169,900. on Your Lot or Ours. Custom 3/2/2, 1600+ sf., Classic Series. Prompt Delivery. Reliance Project Mgm`t Call Today For Plans & Your Tour! CGC#1512533 941-468-8300 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 4.5 % COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home + You Get 2 Full Time Agents!Jeff Runyan941-979-2843NO Hidden Fees! Re/Max Palm DEEP CREEK 26180 Copiapo Circle 33983. Just Completed! New Construction! 3/2/3 + Den. 1875 sq. ft. Granite, Tile Floors, Wood Cabinets, Crown Moulding, Tray Ceilings. Loaded w/ Upgrades! $269,900. 239-826-5440 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 1010 OPEN HOUSE DEEPCREEKBANKOWNEDTAKINGBIDSon this 3/2/2 pool home. 1,969 living sq ft. large lanai GREGORYH. UZZLEPA. BROKERASSOCIATEEST: 1987 DIRECT 727-992-5133 REALTYEXECUTIVESAMERICA, INC. CERTFORECLOSUREAGENTS ENGLEWOOD EAST 7491 ASHTABULA ST. OPEN HOUSE EVERY SUNDAY 12PM-5PM Completely Renovated 2/2/1! New: Air, Granite Countertops, SS Appliances, Carpet, Bath, Freshly Painted Inside & Out. Fenced Yard. $162,000. 941-408-0507 OPEN MON.-FRI. 11AM-5PM, SAT. 1PM-5PM 195 HARBOR BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 Oversized Garage, Driveway, Designer Ceiling, Travertine, Solid Wood Cabinetry, Granite, Vessel Sinks, Impact Glass, Spray Foam Insulation & Upgraded Fixtures! MODEL HOME $235,000 Call Janice 941-258-3739 OPEN SUN. 12-3 29200 Jones Loop Rd. Lot 115 Punta Gorda 55+ 2013 Palm Harbor 2/2/1 Home in Blue Heron Pines. Pool & Club House! $79,900. 937-287-4980 VENICEOPEN SUN. 1-4 OR BY APPOINTMENT 638 Bird Bay Dr. East #109 1st Floor 2/2 Newly Renovated Condo New Cabinets, Upgraded SS Appliances, Sandstone Counter, Sink & Breakfast Bar, Large Neutral Ceramic Tiles Throughout, Plantation Shutters Baths Remodeled! Large Closest, Storage Room, 2 Lanais & Laundry. 1 Covered & Plenty of Parking! Bird Bay Village Offers a VERY Active Community w/ Amenities ie: Executive Golf Course, NEW Clubhouse, Pools, Tennis, Gym, Library & Boardwalk Overlooking Robert`s Bay/Curry Creek! A Must See! $162,900. 941-587-9114 Lookingfor Adventure? Findit inthe Classifieds 1010 OPEN HOUSE OPEN SAT & SUN FROM 12PM-3PM ROTONDA WEST 10 CADDY RD3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 CG Turnkey furnished golf course beauty. Total updating of this home includes NEW FLOORS, DOORS, IMPACT WINDOWS,A/C, KITCHEN AND BATHS. Located on the 8th hole of the Rotonda Hills Golf Course. Reduced to $197,500 Shown by appointment. $1500 BUYER REBATE if purchased thoughFLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 OPEN SAT & SUN 12-3 PM 26336 NADIR RD #112/2 Golfer's Dream Condo with magnificent panoramic views of Deep Creek Golf Course. No tunnel vision here this unit is bathed in sunlight from all sides including 20 FT ceiling w/ skylights. $112,500FLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 3280 STEADMAN ST PT. CHARLOTTE 33980 OPEN SAT NOON 3PM Beautiful 3BR/2BA Home 1420sqft, Ceramic tile, Breakfast Bar & eat in kitchen with Large Lanai and gorgeous Grandfather Oaks for Shade. MAXIM Residential & Commercial Realtors Carol Wade 941-585-9599 CLASSIFIED WORKS! Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 And BAY LAKE ESTATES 1200 COLONIA LN. EAST Nokomis, FL 34275 941-485-2555TWO55+ RESORTSOFFERING AWIDEVARIETYOFHOMES. BOTHLOCATIONSARE2 MILES FROMTHEBEAUTIFULBEACHESBAYLAKEORBAYINDIES,YOUCHOOSEWHICHLIFESTYLEISRIGHTFORYOU!!! 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.Ž REAL E S T A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! Friday, April 7, 2017


Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE VENICE BEAUTIFULHOMEINVENE-TIAOFFJACARANDABLVD, 3/2/2PLUSLOTSOFEXTRAS. $399,000 BYOWNER941-218-4502 VENICE2/2/2 in East Gate REDUCED! Great Opportunity! City Utilities. Many Upgrades! Enclosed Yard w/ RV Parking. $218,500. Elzia Phillips, Gulf Shores Realty 941-223-3344 ADVERTISE! 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES ESTATE ON LEMON BAY 4 BED, 3-1/2 BATH, OVERSIZED3-CARGARAGE, ANDLARGE ATTACHEDLUXURYGUEST APARTMENT. 180 DEGREE VIEWSOVERWIDESTPARTOFLEMONBAY. NEWHIGHEST QUALITYDESIGNERPOOLAND SPAWITHCABANABATH. NEWHEAVYDUTYDOCK. THIS DESIGNERINTENSIVEHOME SHOWSLIKEAFEATURED PROPERTYINARCHITECTURALDIGEST. VIEW VIDEO & MORE AT:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFO$1,259,000 SHOWNBYAPPOINTMENTONLY. OWNERFINANCINGPOSSIBLE. 941-769-0200 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE 1 to 2 bedroom home, 1 bath, carport with attached shed. Close to PC Middle $70,000 941-875-7600 ROTONDA3/2/2 POOLHOME. QUIETSTREET$219KCALLTERRYLONGALWAYSLONGONSERVICE TOFINDOUTWHATYOUR HOMEISWORTH. KELLERWILLIAMSREALTYGOLD941-830-2347 SOUTH VENICE3/2/1, 27`X37` LANAIW/ ADD`LKITCHEN. TILECOUNTERSINHOUSEKITCHEN. FENCEDYARDINPRIVATESETTING. ALLAPPL. INCL. 5 MIN. TOBEACH! LOTSOFROOMTOENTERTAIN! $222,900. 941-497-4030 SOUTH VENICE2 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT! 3/2/2 SPLITPLAN. NEARBEACHYETQUIETAREA! CLOSE TOAMENITIES! STILLTIMETOPICKYOURCOLORS& OPTIONS! $280KSARASOTAREMODELINGINC.941-893-7326 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE BRAND NEW 3/2/2 Homes $189,900 $194,900 HENRY GUSTAF A CLEAR CHOICE REALTY941-204-8213 PUNTA GORDA BURNT STORE MEADOWS 7505 CORALTREE. NEW HOME. 3/2/2 POOL, GRANITEANDTILE. $279,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 PUNTA GORDA PEACE RIVERSHORES ,163 Dee Pl 33982, 5/8 acre fenced in Shed & Carport, 2+ Bdrms, 1 1/2 Bths, Lg Laundry Rm, New cabinets, Tile countertops. Large Shed wired 240V, $129,000. 941-628-6496 REDUCED GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! PUNTAGORDA, BURNTSTOREMEADOWS. BRANDNEW3/2.5/3 POOLHOME. LOTSOFUPGRADES! REDUCED$339,900BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE 362 LASAYETTEDR. 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATHHOMEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHEN HASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1835 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! PORT CHARLOTTE Sec 15 143 Appian Street 3/2.5/2 Pool Home, 2282 sqft., New Paint, Tile, Bathrooms, Cabinets, Lighting, S.S. Appliances, Large Fenced Lot, .50 acre, Hurricane shutters. Newer A/C. Was $314,000, Now $278,000 801-776-0059 $40,000 Improvements PORT CHARLOTTE Squeakly Clean 3/2/1 with New Roof! Quick Access to What You Need! Great Starter Home or 2nd Home For Snowbirds. All Appliances Stay. Nice Screened Lanai, Partially Fenced. $134,595. Richard Lundgren, Horizon Realty International of Venice 941-276-0029 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE I BUY HOUSES. FAST CASH! 941-270-3840 PORT CHARLOTTE 12588 Chamberlain Blvd, Light, bright, airy open floor plan in this 2006, 1600 SF 3/2/2 on oversized lot Screened garage and front entry! Hurricane shutters! Extended granite counter tops, and breakfast bar! SS appl!All tile thruout, except bedrooms! Walk-in closets in all bdrms! NEW AC! $199,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 P a r k L i k e S e t t i n g PORT CHARLOTTE FL LIFESTYLE IS EPITOMIZED IN THIS 1700 SF 2/2/2 CANAL-FRONT POOL HOME ON LUSHLY LANDSCAPED LOT IN MUCH SOUGHTAFTER SECTION OF PORT CHARLOTTE! WHOLE-HOUSE ACCORDIAN HURRICANE SHUTTERS! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! Solar-Heated Screened /Caged Pool Overlooking Tranquil Freshwater Canal. Quiet neighborhood featuring beautiful homes with easy access to shopping, restaurants, world-class fishing and golf. $199,900 Patty Gillespie RE/MAX Anchor 941-875-2755 AdvertiseToday! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE ENGLEWOOD 2Br/2Ba/2Cg, w/ Lg. scr. lanai. Prestigious Windward, Cape Haze, $210,000 Principals 941-214-5285 NORTH PORT 2509 Cartright LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 1500 SF 3/2/2 WITH ENCLOSED LANAI on FENCED CORNER LOT. Minutes to all amenities, schools, I-75. PAMPERED BEAUTY! ROOMY COMFORT! This house is devoted to everyday enjoyment in a choice neighborhood! $173,000 Patty Gillespie REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED! PORT CHARLOTTE SHANGRI-LA! 1161 Presque Isle Dr. Absolutely STUNNING tranquil low-maintenance back yard highlights this immaculate 2000+ SF 3/2/2 AND detached 1-car garage (with remotes) on 1400 SF fully fenced corner lot in one of Port Charlotte's finest neighborhoods. Totally redone and updated five years ago! NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! City Water! AWESOME ESCAPE FROM THE ORDINARY! $199,900 Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 PENDING GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! Friday, April 7, 2017


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 3 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE NOKOMIS2/2 Doublewide, Den, 55+ Park. Large Rooms, W/D, AC, Shed, Newer Updates. $18,000 OBO 574-333-8496 NORTH PORT 2/2/CP in 55+ Harbor Cove. Screened in Lanai, 1064 sq. ft. $79,000. Negotiable. 941-423-8263 SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1750...3/2/2 Pool & Lawn incl....DC $1600..3/2/2 Villa, Comm Pool....NP $1300....3/2/2 Well Srvc Incl.......NP $1250..3/2/2 Scrnd Lanai...........NP $1200...3/2/2 1571 SQ FT...........PC941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/1 Lg lanai Lg great room $1,200. 2/2/2 Split Floor Plan lg den $1,250. PUNTA GORDA 2/2/2 Deep Creek Second Floor Condo $825. NORTH PORT 2/2/1 w/Lanai, 55+ Community $1,100.W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services Casa San Juan Bosco I & II Rental Homes USDA housing community, taking apps for low income/rental assisted households with Farm Laborers, retired Farm Laborers, or disabled Farm Laborers only. For more info call 863-884-2123 TTY# 800-955-8771 This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer. GreatDealsin theClassifieds! 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE ROTONDA 2/2/1,Villa On Small Lake. Screened Lanai & patio. Nicely Furnished $149,400. 941-769-7871 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE 2692 NE HIGHWAY 70 ARCADIA 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With Any Home Purchase! Call to Schedule An Appointment For a Tour! Ted 800-538-2590 $59,900! OWNERSAYSSELLIT! MOVEINTODAY! WELLCAREDFOR2/2, COMPLETELYUPDATED. FURNISHED, ALLAPPLIANCESONACORNERLOTINBEAUTIFULRIVERSIDEOAKS941-6266821 $89,900 Owner Says Sell Now! Like New Custom 2014 Jacobsen Sectional 2/2 + Bonus Room. Laminate Floors, Every Applianc. Completely Furnished! Located in Beautiful Riverside Oaks Community. Call 941-356-5308 Or NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,795. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE PUNTA GORDA 2/2 Fully Furnished Condo w/ Community Pool! Now is the Time to Buy! Supurb Location, Walk to Fishermen`s Village, Watch the Sunsets, Walk to Gilchrist Park. $244,000. Elaine Martin, Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2 WATERFRONTINC. DOCK&LIFTQUICKACCESSTOHARBOR! $189,900 BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2/1 FIRST FLOOR Waterfront Condo w/ Tray Ceilings, Crown Moulding, Granite Counters, Custom Paint, Deeded Dock w/ 10K Lb. Boat Lift, Hurricane Shutters, New A/C, Community Pool, Preserve View & Great Sunsets! $295,000. Elaine Martin, Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 PUNTA GORDA ISLES Beautiful 2/2 Waterfront Condo w/ Deeded Dock in the Desirable Gateway Complex! Stunning Split Bedroom Interior w/ Remodeled Kitchen, Lots of Closet Space & Lanai Balcony. Quick Access to Charlotte Harbor & the Peace River! $183,500. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s PUNTA GORDA ISLES Unique 3/3.5/2 3168 sf. Waterfront Condo. 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Spa Tubs, Bamboo Floors, Granite/ Marble Baths. Private Elevator! 3rd Floor Patio! $459,000. 941-505-1492 PUNTA GORDA ISLES Unique 3/3.5/2 3168 sf. Waterfront Condo. 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Spa Tubs, Bamboo Floors, Granite/Marble Baths. Private Elevator! 3rd Floor Patio! $459,000. 941-505-1492 PUNTA GORDAEmerald Point, Top Floor w/ Outstanding Views! 2/1 Condo w/ Boat Slip. Access to the Gulf! Totally Remodeled! New A/C, SS Appliances Incl. Washer & Dryer. $139,900. 813-480-7561 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE DEEP CREEK LAKE FRONT 2BR/2BA+ den & cp 1250sf, Built in 2005 New tile carpet & paint. Only $139,900. 941-268-6820 FOR SALE BY OWNER Circle Woods of Venice 2br/2ba furnished detached condo. FL room & many upgrades. Many activities including 2 pools and Jacuzzi. 4 Miles to Manasota Beach. Close to shopping. Show By appointment. Asking $169,900. Call 941-4930156 or Cell 941-525-6293 PUNTA GORDA 2/2 55+. Furnished, A/C, Elev., Laundry In Unit, Lanai, Pool, Covered Parking. $164,900 516-742-8837 For Sale By Owner HERITAGE OAK PARK-PC 3/3 1463 SQFT. 2NDFLOORENDUNIT. VAULTEDCEILINGS, ONCANAL. LIKENEW. POOL/CLUB-HOUSE. REDUCED $169,900 941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Perfect snow bird location. FSBO call for viewing. $209,900 217-369-0436 LAKE SUZY This 3/2.5/3 Spectacular Home is Located in Kingsway Country Club on a Premium Lakefront, Golf Course Lot w/ Over $132K in Upgrades! WOW! Incredible Great Room, Wrap Around Wet Bar Lanai w/ Hot Tub. Quartz Counter Kitchen, Master Suite w/ Jetted Massage & Rain Shower. Pristine Insided & Out! Air Conditioned Workshop w/ Golf Cart Entrance. Lots of Storage! $359,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PENDING PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2.5 Fully Furnished Waterfront Condo Boasting Private Gated Grounds, Pool, Spa, Tropical Landscape. Close to All! Wood Cabinets, Granite Counters, 1831 sf. Private Waterfront Lanai. Private Docks Available. $299,000. Elaine Martin, Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 PENDING!! 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY North Port 5394 White Ibis (Heron Creek), 1638 SF Villa 3/2/2 with screened lanai overlooking wonderfully private view of the lake in gated golf community. Heron Creek just completed a make-over of the 27 hole championship golf course. NOT in flood zone. No CDD fees. YOUR TICKET TO PARADISE! $238,500 Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESAT& SUN1-4PMORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLY$179,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. DEEP CREEK 2/2/1 Turn-Key Furn. Condo. Breakfast Area, Large Pantry, Great Room, Large Screened Private Lanai. Home is Located Behind Gated Entrance to Heritage Lakes. Pool, Clubhouse & Community Amentities Galore! $117,900. Diana Hayes, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-740-4899 DEEP CREEK Rarely & Lightly Used 3/2/CP End Unit Condo Shows Like New! Spacious, Nicely Appointed Kitchen Offers Lots of Counter & Cabinet Space. Volumn Ceilings, Tile Balcony Lanai, Heated Pool, Clubhouse, Fitness Center, Walking Paths & MORE! $149,750. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty DEEP CREEK In Heritage Park 3/3/2 2nd Floor Condo/Villa w/ Phenomenal Lake View. Elevator, Den, Eat-In Kitchen w/ Breakfast Bar, Sizable Master Suites w/ Twin Walk-In Closets. Brand New Carpet! Htd. Pool, Stunning Clubhouse, Fitness Ctr., Tennis & MORE! $239,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES NORTH PORT6289 Morni ng Ave. T his charming well kept home is located on the B ig slough canal. Updated elec tric panel, A/C & roof two y ears old, still under warranty. $195,000. TERRYL CARL, K W on the Water 941-962-7922 PLACIDA4/2/2+Pool ICW, Big Views,Dock,2 Lifts RV garage,2 Suites,kitchens Granite, Tile, $1,100,000 Sue and Jim RESKE PARSLEY-BALDWIN REALTY 941-276-4219 PORT CHARLOTTESPECTACULAR2/2/2 WATERFRONTPOOL HOMEON THEPELLAMWATERWAY! WELLMAINTAINED! FORMALLIVING& DININGROOMS. UPDATES! NEAT, CLEAN& WELLLANDSCAPED! $349,000 DEBSESTILIO941-391-1873 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARFISHERMEN`SVILLAGEOFFICE T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! PORT CHARLOTTE SPECTACULAR4/3/2 W/ MAGNIFICENTPOOL& SAILBOATHARBORWATERVIEWS!! PRIVATEDOCK, BOATLIFT& SMALLBEACH! 2 MASTERS(POSSIBLEIN-LAWSUITE). $975,000. Polly Green, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-875-3773 PORT CHARLOTTELOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Beautiful Remodeled 3/2/2 Heated POOL Home on 3 Cul-de-Sac Lots w/ Panoramic View of the Myakka River & Paar Waterway! Open Kitchen, Family Room w/ Fireplace, Walk-in Closet in Master Suite. Seawall, Dock & Lift. $570,000 Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty REDUCED! ROTONDA 3/2/2 Waterfront home with large fenced in yard. Furniture and Appliances included. By Owner $195,000 941-662-6250 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! Friday, April 7, 2017


Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE ADMIN ACCOUNTING A SSISTANT Crown Roof Tiles in Arcadia is s eeking Admin Accounting Assistant, must have general a ccounting and QuickBooks experience. Please send r esume to d ainsworth@ Ex p erienced bookkeeper for Smuggler's Enterprises in Punta Gorda. SundayWednesday. Contact office or call 941-637-1177, ext. 240. HERON CREEK GOLF & CC, North Port is seeking a PT Accounting Assistant This position requires maintaining accurate accounting records of all transactions. Must be proficient in Excel, Word and Outlook and 10-key adding machine experience. Education High School/GED & minimum of an Associates Degree in Accounting. Prior accounting experience preferred. Pay based on experience. Please Send Resume to: or call Ron at 941-429-3285 2030 MEDICAL CNA Opportunities!Would you like to have your nights, weekends, and holidays free? Care for seniors in our Port Charlotte PACE Center (Program for All Inclusive Care of the Elderly) Personal care, Activities, home visits Apply online at Visit our site for specifics and other career opportunities!Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Vet Drug Free T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! DIETARY AIDES HOUSEKEEPER PLease apply QUALITY HEALTH CARE 6940 Outreach Way North Port (941)426-8411 or FAX Resume to 941-423-1572 or Email qhccnp5 EOE Drug free work place F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 2010 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMERS, No experience needed, Will Train, Busy salon, Venice area. 941-266-3405 MARKETING/OPERATIONS COORD.RESPONSIBLEFORDAILYOPERATIONS, MARKET-ING/PUBLICRELATIONSIONS. MUSTHAVESTRONGCOMMUNICATIONSKILLS, KNOWLEDGEOFQUICKBOOKS, EXCEL& GRAPHICDESIGNSOFT-WAREA+, STARTINGHOURS2530 PERWEEK. COMPENSATIONCOMMENSURATEWITHEXP. SENDRESUMETO: INFO@CHARLOTTEPLAYERS.ORG VENICE COMPANYIS CURRENTLYSEEKINGAN ENTRY LEVEL DATA ENTRY CLERK. MUSTBECOMFORTABLE WORKINGWITHCOMPUTER SOFTWAREANDEXCEL. FULLTIMEWITHBENEFITS. PLEASESENDRESUMETOJOBS SWFLORIDA @ GMAIL COM 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE CLERICAL/CUSTOMER SERVICEBUSYOFFICEHASAN OPPORTUNITYFORTHE CANDIDATEWHOHAS EXCELLENTCOMPUTER SKILLS, OFFERSACCURACY,FOLLOWTHROUGHAND WANTSTOGROW. YOUWILLNEEDTOPRO-VIDEINFORMATIONTO CUSTOMERSBY VERIFYINGUNDERSTAND-INGOFREQUESTS, PROCESSINGORDERSAS REQUESTED, ANDFOLLOW-INGTHROUGHTOMAKE SUREINFORMATIONIS CORRECT. THISJOBWILL OFFERYOUANOPPORTU-NITYTOLEARNMULTIPLE JOBS, WORKASASSIGNED,ANDTHROUGHTHIS LEARNINGYOUWILLGROW. WEARELOOKINGFORA SELF-STARTERWHOHAS GOODVERBAL COMMUNICATION, EXCELLENTLISTENING SKILLS, ISABLETOMULTI-TASK, HASGENERALMATH SKILLSANDISTHOROUGH. WEOFFERANENVIRON-MENTTHATISFRIENDLY ANDHASAFAMILIAL FEELING. THEFOLKSWHO WORKHEREAREREALLY GOODPEOPLEWHOWANT TODOTHERIGHTTHING;MOSTARESEASONED PROFESSIONALSWHOARE ALWAYSWILLINGTOHELP ASNEEDSARISE. OURCOMPANYISWELL-ESTABLISHEDANDOFFERS ASALARYCOMMENSURATE WITHSKILLLEVELAND EXPERIENCE, HEALTHCARE,ANDPAIDTIMEOFF. OURFOCUSISOUR CUSTOMERSANDWE DESIRETOSERVETHECOM-MUNITIESWEREPRESENT. PLEASEFORWARDYOURRESUME TOGKOTZ @ SUNLETTER COM WEAREADRUGANDNICOTINE FREEWORKPLACEPRE-EMPLOYEMENTDRUGAND NICOTINETESTING REQUIRED. 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS WATER FRONT LOT … DEEP WATER! LEMONBAY, BIGBOAT DEEPWATER. NEWSEAWALL. BUILDYOURWATERFRONTHOME ONTHIS1/4+ AC LOT. ONLY3.75 MINUTESTOSTUMPPASS,LOWESTPRICEONTHEBAY! WOW! NOWLOWESTPRICED DIRECTBAYACCESSLOTINALL OFCHARLOTTE, SARASOTAORLEECOUNTIES. ONLY $249,900. 941-769-0200 1620 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY PORT CHARLOTTE7460 SAWYER CIRCLE 33981 OPPORTUNITY...OPPORTUNITY!!Zoned Low Intensity Industrial. 300`+ Road Frontage & 298` Deep. 2100 SF Office Reception Area, Conferance Room, Open Office Space, Kitchen, Storage Rm. Fenced on 3 Lots. Asphalt Parking Area, & MORE! Seller Wants Offers!Sue Ellen Fumich, 941-276-2894 or Sandi Kettler 941-276-5534Remax Anchor Realty THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment 2010 PROFESSIONAL EXPD 440 LICENSED/ RECEPTIONIST,MON.-FRI., FAXRESUMETO941-206-0036OREMAILRESUME:SUNCLASSIFIEDS 1@ GMAIL COM BARBER NEEDED Experienced & Reliable. Full Time Position. (941)-423-7484 FISHING CAPTAIN, for year round part time postion. Must have USCG OUPV Lic, operate boats safely, great people skills, & exp catching fishing in Charlotte Harbor. Background check and drug screening required. Boat not reqd. 941-916-1689 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE ALI TERRACE, ARCADIA 5+ Acres (or about 6 lots) Bargain at $59,900! Agricultural, Residential, Mobile Homes, RV's Priscilla Perez-McGuire 941-875-5747 RE/MAX Realty THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! WATERFRONT PROPERTY 50 Southwind Dr., Englewood Public Bid sale. Bid closes 5/3/17 Min. Bid $570,000 For info visit: WATERFRONT PROPERTY 800 W. Perry St., Englewood 3 contiguous lots (1.36 acres) Public bid sale. Bid closes 5/3/17 Min. Bid $750,000 For info visit: 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS E NGLEWOOD WATERFRONT LOTS GATED SUBDIVISION with Keywest style homes. Lots with docks, 15 mins to Gulf. $74,900 $150,000.941-475-3366 LEMON BAY LOTVERYLARGE, BUILDUPTO5RESIDENCES, GREATVIEWS&DEEPWATER. NOTHINGLIKE THISOUTTHERE! PLANS&ZONINGINPLACEFOR5-UNIT WATERFRONTTOWNHOMES. $549,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOOWNERFINANCINGPOSS. 941-769-0200 SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FOR ECON. BUILDS& NOFLOOD INSURANCEREQUIRED,FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 1340 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT ENGLEWOOD 2/2, A/C in 55+ Holiday Estates 111. Pool & Clubhouse!$800 mo.+ Dep. Water & Elect. Incl. 941-208-5955 1350 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT H ARBOUR HEIGHTS c lose to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, Sunnyb rookMotel 941-625-6400 1360 ROOMS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Clean Furnished Room w/ Kitchen Privileges$ 305-340-7261 Seizethesales withClassified! PORT CHARLOTTE, Clean, Quiet, 1 person, $298/bi-wk or $595 mo Furnd, No Pets. 941-743-3070/941-740-2565 1370 RENTALS TO SHARE NORTH PORT CHARLOTTE, 55+. Furnished Room w/ Attached Full Bath Avail. May 1st. If Interested. 941-625-0692 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS ENGLEWOOD 2/1/1 Close to Beach, Updated. Available April 9th. 941-769-4949 LAKE SUZY Fully furnd Condo, Egret Point, W/D, Poolside Villa. Avail from May 1st on. Utils incl $1150 1st & Sec 941-815-5035 PORT CHARLOTTE 55+ Gated King`s Gate Comm. 2/2/2 + Den. Golf, Htd. Pool, Clubhouse ETC! 248-701-8870 ROTONDA 1/1 1st Floor in River House Condo Assoc. 2 Pools, Tennis, Shuffle, ETC! Ut ilities & WiFi Incl. 414-614-1162 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 1210 HOMES FOR RENT DEEP CREEK, Large 2 Story 4/2.5/2.5, Summer Kitchen, Master on 1st Flr. $1800. mo. No Pets. 941-204-3197 EAST ENGLEWOOD 3/2/2 Avail. 4/15. Annual $1,250/mo Inc. Lawn & Water. 1st, Sec. & References. 941-474-5367 Findthe newYou intheClassifieds! ENGLEWOOD 2/1/CPONCANALWITHDOCK,LANAI& BONUSROOM$1200 2/2/1 SCREENEDLANAI. WATER& LAWNINC. $950WEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Large Beautiful 4/2/2 w/ Encl. Pool! Room for RV, Boat & Trailer in Driveway. New Metal Roof. Granite Kitchen, Fireplace, 3 Jacuzzis! All Tile! Close to Everything! $1,700. mo + Sec. Deposit 941-763-9315 RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT VENICE Condo on Capri Isles Blvd. 3/2/1 Golf, Tennis, 2 Pools. Avail 5/1. $1,400/annual. Call 941952-2241 VENICE, Water View. Nicely Furnished & Decorated 2BR/2BA Condo. CentrallyLocated, Nea r Restaurants & Shop ping. Pools & Laundry. May 1st Dec. $950/mo. Jim507-254-2437 1320 APARTMENTS FOR RENT NOKOMIS Upper Level 1 Br Mother in Law Suite. Fully Furnished. Dish TV, High Spd Internet, Utilites Inc., W/D. Lrg Yard. 10 Minutes To Beach $1,250/mo 941-416-7179 ROTONDA 2/2/1 on Small Lake. No Smoke/No Pets. Available 5/1. $950. Mo. Plus Security. 941-769-7871 V ENICE 2 /2 1050 Capri Isles B lvd Take over lease. Must pass credit check. S ave $500.00 on security d eposit. Move in May 1. Base monthly rent, $1,030.00 330-351-4994 VENICEDOWNTOWN, 1 BR unfurn. No Smoke/dogs $795/mo Lease + $1000 Sec. Dep. (941)-484-6022 Friday, April 7, 2017


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 5 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES Charlotte County House of Prayer Merging Worship, Word, and Prayer Friday Night Watch 8pm 992 Tamiami Trail Unit I Port Charlotte 941 249-8946 CO MMUNITY C ENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte GATEWAY WORSHIP PRAYER & HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to y ou every Thursday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek Bible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and Sundays @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 3090 LOST & FOUND FOUND CAT: Female, Jet Black with golden eyes. Found on Azure Rd. in Venice Call 941-493-1469 FOUND SUNGLASSES: Rayban. In the Vacinity of Bolivar Dr., Deep Creek. Call941-258-8730 LOST CAT: Male Tiger w/ White Feet and Under Chest. Friendly! Answers to Junie. Lost in the Vacinity of Gingold Street P.C. REWARD! Please Call 330-937-0079 LOST DIAMOND RING: Round cut in Punta Gorda. Owner is HEARTBROKEN! 410-456-8118 REWARD LOST DOG: Male, Brown & Black Lab & Boxer mix, answers to Dexter has white on his chest and paws and nose, very friendly, lost near Toledo Blade, Hillsborough & Haberland area. Please call 941-313-4960 LOST DOG: Shih-tzu Female, Dark Gray and White, Name is Misty. Near Glendale and Aaron Streets in Port Charlotte. Senior Owner is HEARTBROKEN! 941-979-0274 REWARD LOST KEYS: with key chain that says our place. Lost in Englewood area Between S. Mccall and Indiana ave. 941-474-0163 LOST PURSE: Grey Leather. Lost around the Torch in Punta Gorda (Parking Lot). Handicapped Senior Citizen REWARD!!! 941-505-1776 3095 EXERCISE CLASSES G ULF CO A S T A C UPUN C TURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay Wi th Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 3020 PERSONALS ADORABLE TASHA. Relax, Dining, Dancing, Travel & More! 941-497-1307 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! FEMALE HAIRSTYLIST SEEKS SINGLE MALE 45-65for possible relationship. 941-201-9853 FOR ALL YOUR Relaxing Needs Call Paige. (941)-237-1927 RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. Charlotte Trade Center N of 776 941-625-0141 3040 CARD OF THANKS MAY THE SACRED Heart of Jesus be Adored, Glorified, Loved and Preserved Throughout the World Now and Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus Pray for Us. St. Jude Worker of Miracles Pray For Us. St. Jude Helper of Hopeless Pray For Us. Say This Prayer Nine Times a Day. By the Ninth Day Your Prayers Will be Answered. P.H. 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES C AL VAR Y BIBLE C HUR C H 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call (941)-979-8239 for Info. 2100 GENERAL FISH CUTTER, neededfor Local Seafood Company. EXC Pay!!! 941-380-9212 PART TIMETHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER is seeking reliable, flexible, Customer Retention Representitives. Computer and outbound calling experience required. Must be able to work in a fast-paced environment. E-mail resume to or Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required POOL SERVICE TECH Full Time & Part Time Position Avail. Exp. Preferred But Not Required. Nice Work Environment. 401K, Paid Vacation. Must have 5 year driving record, 3 years clean. Call 941-637-6083 SCREENER NEEDED, Pay by Square Foot. Must have Transportation. 941-883-1381 SUN COAST PRESSis currently hiring for the following positions in our Venice Print Center.P/T MAILROOM HELP-night shift F/T STACK DOWN PERSONSend Resume TREE CLIMBERS AND LABORERS -EXPD GOODPAYSTARTIMMED!!941-423-0020 TRIMMER/CLIMBER NEEDED Full Time for Tree Company Hard Working only Need Apply. (941)-889-8147 WHEELCHAIR TRANSPORT DRIVERS. MUSTHAVECLEANBACK-GROUNDANDDRIVINGRECORD. NOEXPERIENCENECESSARYPLSAPPLY ATAMEDITRANS.COM GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 2110 PART TIME/ TEMPORARY "AMBASSADORS" NEEDEDTOSOLICITSUBSCRIPTIONS FORTHEAWARDWINNING LOCALNEWSPAPERS, THESUN, ATSTOREFRONTSINTHEVENICE, NORTHPORTANDENGLEWOODAREAS. CONTACTJIMDEFALLEAT941-786-7676FORMOREINFORMATION. 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at 941-662-6904 2100 GENERAL ASPHALT SEAL COATING & STRIPING, PT/FT, Exp. Pref. Valid DL. 941-276-1466 ASTON GARDENSISINNEEDOFTHEFOLLOWING: SERVERS, & DISHWASHERSAPPLY IN PERSON AT:1000 ASTONGARDENSDRIVEVENICE, FL 34292 941-240-1010 The Venice Gondolier Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. Apply in person: 200 E. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 No Phone Calls Please. CARRIERS NEEDED DANCERS WANTEDBIKINISPORTSBAR, PT. CHARL941-457-7077 NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! DOCK MASTER NEEDED PART-TIME 2 DAYS A WEEK FOR BOAT CLUBS IN ENGLEWOOD & VENICE. CLEANING, SCRUBBING, AND LIGHT MAINTENANCE WORK REQUIRED. AGE 21+. WEEKENDS ARE EXPECTED. GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND FRIENDLY CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUIRED. MUST BE ABLE TO PASS A BACKGROUND CHECK AND DRUG SCREENING. PLEASE EMAIL RESUME TO ENGLEWOOD: TSULLIVAN@ FREEDOMBOATCLUB.COM OR VENICE: ABANKS@ FREEDOMBOATCLUB.COM OR BDUVAL@FREEDOMBOATCLUB.COM. PIZZA COOK DELI PERSON DUNKIN CREWReliable w/transportation.941-883-4790 MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours, able to work days or evenings. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required PAGE DESIGNERThe Charlotte Sun is looking for part-time layout/design help. InDesign and Photoshop experience is helpful. Job involves evenings and weekend hours. S end resume to The Sun is a drug/ nicotine-free workplace. 2060 MANAGEMENT OFFICE MANAGERProficiency w/ QuickBooks & Microsoft applications. Excellent customer service, verbal, writing & social media skills & some accounting experience. Full time. Send resume with references & cover letter to: exec.dir@ 2070 SALES Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all im portant, we would like to talk to you. Th e successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission V acation Health insurance Sick and short term di sability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Plea se send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadC harlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: Lpe We are an Equal Op portunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. CAREERNIGHTEVERYTUESDAY. CALLFORDETAILS. 941-426-0621 DESOTO AUTOMALLis a leader in automotive retail and we are looking to add qualifiedAUTOMOTIVE SALES PROFESSIONALSto our team. Due to extremely rapid growth, we are in need of New & Pre-Owned sales Consultants. NO EXPERIE NCE NEEDED! Apply in person: DeSoto Automall 3039 SE Hwy 70 Arcadia, FL SALES SUPPORT/CLERICAL for energetic person in fast paced sales environment. Send Resumes to Jennifer@ AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! 2030 MEDICAL CNAS NEEDED FOR180 BED REHAB FACILITY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS APPLY ONLINE @ Detail-oriented multitasker for Englewood doctors FRONT OFFICE Experience r equired. Full-time benefits. Email resume to: PART TIME OPENING IN DR.`S OFFICE AS FRONT DESK RECEPTIONIST Email Resume: job2015Portcharlotte@ LIVE-IN HOME CNA/HHA Background, Mature, Reliable, Pleasant. 954-290-5367 www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREERŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 04/03/17 LPN-04/03 CNA-04/03 Med. Asst. 04/03/17 CLASSIFIED WORKS! 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL NOW HIRING: EXPD LINE COOKS Apply in Person: 9am-11 or 2pm-4. 3883 Tamiami Trail, Pt. Char. No Phone Calls Please! 2050 SKILLED TRADES A/C SERVICE TECH,Must have 5 years experience, own tools, FLDL. Perm FT. Benefits Avail. APPLY IN PERSON 24700 Sandhill Blvd, Deep Creek, or send resume to NO PHONE CALLS CARPENTERS, for custom h igh end residential builder on Boca Grande (tolls paid). Must have own tools and valid insurable Florida Drivers license clean for prior three years. Apply in person 9:00am-3:00pm only April 3rd thru 7th 370 East Railroad Ave, Boca Grande. Bridge toll reimbursed to apply for position (need receipt) or Fax resume 941-964-0025. Employees park at our shop i n Englewood and ride to B oca Grande in company trucks. Competitive wages, paid holidays, 401(k). DFWP GOLF COURSE MECHANIC NEEDED.EXPERIENCENECESSARY. COMPUTERSKILLSAMUST. PLEASECALL941-815-0805 LUBE & TIRE TECH, Apply Bucks Master Car Care 12145 Tamiami Trl S. North Port. 941-426-3242 Experienced Only Need Apply PAINTERS EXPERIENCED ONLY! Must have valid DL & trans. Drug free work place. Call 863-990-1799 or email: ROOFING CO. SEEKS Painting, Coating & Pressure Cleaning Help, Driver`s Lic. Preferred. (941)-474-3533 Friday, April 7, 2017


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Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 7 5130 MOVING/HAULING ODYSSEY MOVERS Your Journey Begins With Us! Licensed & Insured.941-803-4959Lic. # 2539 ROBS ON THEMOVE, inc. Moving and Delivery Honest, Reliable, Courteous! Great Rates! 941-237-1823 SKIPS MOVING Local & Long Distance. 1 Item or Whole House! 941-766-1740 Reg.# IM1142 Lic./Ins. 5140 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING Best Prices -Quality Job Best Coast Painting and Pressure Washing Residential/Commercial 10% Off With Ad! 941-815-8184 AAA00101254 STEVENS CUSTOM PAINTINGRes/Comm. Int/Ext FREE EST. Lic. & Ins. 941-255-3834 DARINSPAINTING& POWERWASH ING3RDGENFAMI LYBUS. POWERWASHING, PAINTING& WALLPAPERINSTALLS& REMOVALS. FREEESTIMATES941-961-5878 LARRY ESPOSITO PAINTING INC Its Not What We Do, Its How We Do It!ŽFree Estimates, 941-764-1171 Lic & Insured AAA007825 Nathan Dewey Painting CoCommercial & Residental Interior & Exterior Pressure washing Handyman Services Free Estimates ~ Prompt Service941-484-4576 PAINTING UNLIMITED Where Quality & Value Meet! Family Owned and Operated. Call Now for aFREEEstimate 941-979-7947 Lic. & Ins. AAA-12-00015 SUPERIOR PAINTING, INC. Full Spray Shop 941-474-9091Lic # AAA009837 We Do It A Shade Better! LARRY BATES PAINTING Free Estimates Locally Owned & Operated Nominated Best Painter Of The Year in 2016! 941-625-1226Lic/Ins #RRR0002261 5155 PET CARE DOG CARE by day/week, exercise, fenced, loving home environment. 941-625-0853 5160 PLUMBING DO ALL PLUMBING LLC 40 Gal. Water Heater $650. Installed. Comfort Height Toilets $250. Installed. Badger 5 Disposal $189. Installed 941-626-9353 Lic#CFC1428884 LARRY` S PLUMBIN G Re Pipes (Most in 1 Day) Beat An y Estimate Complete Servic e 941-484-5796 Lic.#CFC1425943 PLUMBER over 30 yrs Exp! Service and Repairs. Installations, Permits & Inspections. $50/per hr Call 508-294-1271 Cell or Office at 941-575-1817 Lic# CFC1427981 & Ins. NEED A WATER HEATER? Call All Pro Water Heaters 941-204-4286www.allprowaterheaters.comLic. CFC-1428339 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE J RIZ TREESERVICESComplete Tree & Palm Service. SPECIALIZING IN DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL.Servicing all Charlotte & Sarasota Counties FREE ESTIMATES 941-306-7532 Lic & Ins Lawn Mowing Reasonable Rates Starting at $20. Discounts for Seniors & Veterans! Call For Free Estimate Len 941-504-4465Serving Osprey-S. Venice LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota LAWN SERVICE HONEST AFFORDABLE & RELIABLE $25. most lawns includes Cut, trim, Edging, weed mitigation and blown free of debris @ 1 low price. NO CONTRACTS Low Cash pricing, BEST FREE estimates for Pruning, mulching, fertilizing, hedge clipping, pressure washing and exterior painting. Thank you for your business! Jonathan 941-220-8067 NOW ACCEPTINGNEW LAWNACCOUNTS!941-468-4372ISA Certified Arborist John Cannon FL-6444A South Sarasota & Charlotte Co. RAINSCAPE INC,Irrigation, Maintenance, Repair, Installation. Monthly Maintenance starts at $40. FREE ESTIMATES 941-888-2988 S ANDEFUR S -H O ME & TREE Maintenance Tree trimming, removal. We do it all!License/Insured941-484-6042 SPM TREE TRIMMIMG & LANDSCAPING Specializing inTREE REMOVAL. Call Today for your FREE Estimate.(941)-412-5273 Lic/Insured STEVES TREE & HAULING Tree Removal & Trimming 30 Years Exp. Lic/Insd Free Estimates 941-866-6979 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 5129 MASONRY AST MASONRY, 941-525-2435Over 20 yrs exp. in pavers, brickwork, concrete, stucco, stone & decorative concrete.NO JOB TOO SMALL!LICENSED, INSURED & BONDED STUCCO PROS WIRELATHEREPAIR RUSTEDBANDSWINDOWSILLS FIXALLCRACKSMATCHANYTEXTUREGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!Ž CHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!Ž941-223-2592 5130 MOVING/HAULING ALLTYPE SO F C LEAN-UP S Same Day Service! 24 Hrs. a Day! 941-764-0982 or 941-883-1231 MOVING HELP $$$ Save $$$ Packing Loading Driving 30 yrs exp. 941-223-6870 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C EN SE may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licens ing bureau to verify A JAMISON TREE SERVICE Complete & Professional 15% Sr Discount! FREEEST. LIC. & INSUREDENGL941-475-6611ORN. PORT941-423-0020 SERVINGCHARLOTTEANDSARASOTAFOROVER20 YEARS.JAMISON-TREESERVICEINC.COM AAA LAWN SERVICE Affordable Accountable Anytime Avail For Multiple Counties Professional mowing Lot Clearing & Landscape Sod Installation Tree & Shrub Trimming, Weed Pulling, Tree Removal, Pruning, Mulch & More! 863-244-9109 www.AAALawnServices.comLic & Ins Affordable La w n Mowing & Ho me Watch Commercial and ResidentalVenice, Englewood, Osprey Nokomis, Rotonda, Gulf Cove, North Port, South Gulf Cove FREE ESTIMATES Meet or Beat any quote. Veteran Owned! 941-447-2428 ALTMANTREESERVICE Tree Trimming, Removal, Stump Grinding. Lic & Ins. Call Mike Altman 941-268-7582 AMERICAN HOME WELLNESSLawn & Tree Care Pressure Washing Paver & Tile Sealing Custom Landscaping Home Watch & MORE! Family Owned & Operated. 844-902-6300 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! AMERICAN IRRIGATIONCall 941-587-2027 FREE ESTIMATES!!! Licensed & Insured Charlotte Co. lic#AAA-1100010. Serving Charlotte and Sarasota Counties BLACKFORDS TOTAL LAWN & LANDSCAPING SVCS Trim Hedges, Multching, Etc. $75 Spring Special! 1/4 Acre or Less. Serving Nokomis, Osprey, North Port, Port Charlotte, Venice & Englewood 941-302-2244 Lic/Ins DP`s ABILITY TREE SERVICE Removals, Stump Grinding, Palm Trimming, Shaping, Oaks Thinned & Raised Up. 19 Yrs. Exp. Free Estimates! 941-889-8147 Lic#00000192 & Insured. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPER Specializing in Weeding, Pruning & Transplanting 941-876-3097 FLORIDA LIVING LAWNS & Pressure Washing. Free Estimates. Call 941-661-8522 FL O RIDA TREE IN C .Tree Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Lawn Service Bucket Service 941-613-3613 pcftree.comLic./Ins. FRESH CUT LAWN N MOREDependable, Reliable Residential/Commercial LAWNS STARTING AT $25! NO CONTRACTS 941-661-1850Free Estimates Call Frank GENERAL LAWN & Landscape services. (941)-426-7844 Wright & Son Landscaping Inc 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT BOBS CABINET SOLUTIONS 40 yrs exp. All your cabinet/counter top needs. (941)-276-0599 Lic22535 Clean Your Dryer before it Catches on Fire! Special Rates for multiple clientsAffordable, Lic & Insured. Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 Complete Clean Pressure Washing 941-460-4936 Residential & Commercial COMPLETE DRYWALL Hang,Finish, Patchwork, All Textures, Paint. M att Potter 941-232-8667Lic.& Ins CRC1328482 DO YOU HAVE LOOSE, HOLLOW OR BUCKLING TILES?Inject-A-Floor-System can help. Grout Cleaning/Staining, Marble Cleaning, Tile Repair. 941-893-8475 FIRST CHOICE CABINETS Custom Cabinets LLC Kitchens, Baths, Custom Cabinets, Countertops, Hardwood, Laminate, Solid Surface. Commercial, Residental. 941-505-5570 GULF COAST REFINISHING YOURBATHTUB, COUNTERTOP& TILEREFINISHINGEXPERTS. VETERAN& SENIORDISCOUNTS! FAST TURNAROUND! 941-380-6199LIC./INS. GULFCOASTREFINISHING@YAHOO.COM GUTTERS, 6Ž Seamless. Ken Violette, Inc. (941) 240-6699Lic.CGC#060662/Ins. HAMMER FIREPROOFING & INSULATION, Inc. for all your insulation needs. 941-268-5615 or Office 941-423-7478 HANDYMANHome repairs. 30+ yrs Exp. Call 941539-1694 J&JHANDYMAN941-525-7967, 941-493-6736Painting, Pressure Washing & Much More! Over 30Years Experience & Satisified CustomersServing Venice & Sarasota AreasNOJOBTOOSMALLORODD CALLFORFREEESTIMATE LICENSED& FULLYINSURED Johns Rescreening & Handyman Service Pressure Washing: Pool Decks, Driveways! No Job To Small, Free EstimatesLic9341./Ins.941-883-1381 CARPENTER, INC. Handyman Rotten wood, doors, soffit, facia, etc. Phil 941-626-9021lic. & ins. TILE Remodel, Baths, Floors. Your Tile or Mine. 941-625-5186 Lic.#AAA006387 WHOLE HOUSE REMODELING Additions, Cabinetry, Kitchens, Baths, Garage Doors, Painting, Tile, Laminate Floors. 941-706-6525 LIC CGC1518335 5108 JUNK REMOVAL MOVE IT JUNK REMOVAL Got Junk? We like to Move It, Move It! 941-803-4959 5089 HANDYMAN / GENERAL REPAIR A CARPENTER AROUND THE HOUSE for all your carpentry needs! James M. Okell 941-270-1693 DAVE THE HANDYMAN Rescreening, Power Washing, Tree Trimming, Floor Installation & Home Cleaning. 941-286-6799 DAVID J SHEPARD, JR., OVER20 YEARS INCHARLOTTECOUNTY, HANDYMANSVCS, WOODROT, WINDOWS& DOORS, DRYWALL& STUCCOREPAIR, PAINTING,ETC. 941-627-6954 OR941456-6953 LIC# RR282811062 NEEDCASH? PREFERRED HANDYMAN Over 30 Years Experience! For All Your Small Home Repairs NO JOB TOO SMALL! Call Steve 760-403-3709 ROCCOS RENOVATION & REPAIR Getting the Job Done Wherever, However,No Matter How Big or Small. 941-268-1885 VIRGILS HOME MAINTENANCEHandyman ServiceYour To-Do List SpecialistINTERIOR/ Lic#16-00016297 & Ins. 5090 HEATING & AIR S.O.S. A/C & Heat 941-468-4956AIRCONDITIONINGSYSTEMSCOOLINGMADEAFFORDABLE! INSTALLED10 YRWARRANTY ST. LIC#CAC1816023SOSAIRFL.COM 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT $75.00 PER PANEL SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 Call Bob 941-706-6445 Low overhead = Low prices! 5060 CLEANING SERVICES MRS. CLEANING UP! 1st class cleaning Service! Specials Now! $10% Senior Discount! 941-204-8057 Lic & Insured DESIREE R House Cleaning Full Service Lic Residential House cleaning & Lawn Care Services. Call 401-390-8871 or 401-516-3968 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s GONZALEZ CLEANING Srv 12 years exp, REASONABLE Rates, FREE Estimates. Servicing all your cleaning needs. Call Linda 941-815-4252 5065 DRYWALL DEPENDABLE DRYWALL & REMODELING PATCHREPAIRS941-639-4440 LIC.#SCC131150207INSUREd 5070 ELECTRICAL DRMELE C TRI C AL SERVICE, Plug Into Personalized ServiceŽElectrical Maintenance Repairs Troubleshooting 941-480-0761 941-366-364 6 LUMINOUS ELECTRIC NO JOB TOO SMALL! LIC# EC13007383941-787-2904 5080 EXCAVATING/ BUSH HOG BUSH BUSTERS INC."JUST GRIND IT!ŽBrush Mowing Bush Hogging Pepper Trees Invasives Selective Lot Clearing941-456-6332 5083 FLOORING Bill Noland Ceramic Tile, IncAll Phases of FlooringWe Bring Samples To You! Mobile Showcase Tile, Laminates, Carpet & Baseboards. Wood-likeŽ Tile $1.79/Sq Ft. 18Ž Tiles $1.19/ Sq Ft. 941-423-4054 Cell 941-276-0814Licensed & Insured PGI 9906758 North Port 11546 Charlotte AAA007730 PAUL SIMS FLOOR CLEANING AND MORE!**OWNER OPERATED ** PROFESSIONAL, Reasonable & ReliableWinter Specials!We Clean carpets, furniture, area rugs, grout & more! Also Interior & Exterior Painting & Pressure Washing visit us at: www. CarpetCleaning ServicesVenice.com941-539-0896 5088 HEALTH & BEAUTY Dr. Bill PhilpotOptimum Health Center Oriental Medicine, Acupunture, Massage, Facials, Rehabilitation 2269 S. Tamiami Trl. Venice (North Side of Building) WHERE WE HEAL THE SICK & FIX THE BROKEN 941-587-1288 www.drbillphilpot.comLic.# AP 1393 MA 21017 MM 34484 Friday, April 7, 2017


Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS CEILING FAN White 52Ž with light $45, OBO 239-220-9948 CHINA MIKASA Cotillion 45pc (8) 5pc Place Setting, 5 Serving Pieces $115 941-697-3850 CHINA SIMPLICITY/GOLD trim 45 pcs never used ex. pcs. $200, OBO 941-240-5540 COFFEE TABLE solid wood excellent cond inlayed wood design $35, OBO 941-629-6374 COMFORTER SET, with bed skirt, shams, Queen size, shell pattern. $25 716-598-2406 COOLER IGLOO 48 Red Good Cond. $18 941-423-9371 CROCK POT 6 quart $15 941-218-4502 DECORATOR TABLE w/20Ždia custom glass top, free tablecloth $15 941-276-1881 DRESSER, Off White. Mirror & End Table Excellent Condition! $150, OBO 419-438-7738 FIREPLACE ELECTRIC Green/28ŽH18W-heat switch $125 941-505-7463 FISH TANK 20 gal w cabinet, heater, filter, covers $125 518-339-3388 FLATWARE LENOX Vintage Jewel 40+ pcs. new in tray. $200, OBO 941-240-5540 FRAMED PICTURE Large Beach themed 44Ž x 35Ž $35 941-356-0129 GLASS BOX w/cover, Vera Wang Vase, Hurricane Lamp All clear glass $5 941-276-1881 GLASS MIRROR STRIPS, 2 pieces, beveled edges each 4Ž by 52Ž $15 941-575-7793 HAIR CLIPPER $10 941-2184502 KITCHEN SINK w/faucet Franke-stainless steel good cond. $100 941-743-3258 LAMP CERAMIC Conch, Lovely $25 941-423-9371 LAMP Glass filled w/sea shells & shark teeth $25 941-356-0129 MARINE COOLER IGLOOLike new 25QT $15 941-356-0129 MATTRESS PAD Cal King. Very good condition. $40, OBO 941-429-8513 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS 2 in orig pd $125 yours $25 9 41-286-1170 MICROWAVE Small, Counter Top Sunbeam $25, OBO 419-438-7738 MIRROR Wicker headboard Tall hamper Mirror White $100, OBO 941-883-1470 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. PATIO SET Very nice with 6 roller chairs. White PVC. $100 715-439-0459 PERCOLATOR G.E. Pot Belly Percolator 10cup 1950s mfg. $35 941-460-8338 6014 S. GULF COVE GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT.8AM-5PM GARDENS OF GULF COVE COMMUNITY SALE. OFF 776. 1,000 Homes! Lots of Fishing equip, Household, Tools. FRI.-SAT. 8AM-1PM 9437 Little Rock St. Furniture, Asst. Household Items, Treadmill, Ceiling Fan, DVDs & CDs, Books & MORE!! 6020 AUCTIONS BICYCLE CARRIER holds 2 bikes $26 941-426-1088 CHINA CABINET Beautiful lighted dark cabinet $250 941505-7463 GOLF CART Batteries Six Used 6-Volt Batteries exchange $125 941-423-3020 JACK ROBILLARD, Auctioneers & Appraisers (941)-575-9758 STEEL CABINET 4 draw w runners $27 941-426-1088 6025 ARTS AND CRAFTS GLASS GRINDER 2 each available, your choice $20 941-505-0081 HARDWOOD FRAME 26x26, INSIDE 24X24, WITH GLASS & MAT $30 941-575-8881 6027 DOLLS ANNALEE 7ŽDOLL rare bunny kidŽ mint w/orig tag $15 941-639-1517 COMPOSE DOLL Old collectible nice clothing not perfect please call $10 716-374-2950 DOLL FROM 1950s era Cries, open & closes eyes, beautiful $20 941-356-0129 GORGEOUS, new in orig box, 15Žtall, collectible bisque porcelain. $10 941-575-7793 ICE SKATING Pair S GIBSON La Petite Pateneuse. 70s? New in box. $20 803-624-8039 TY BEANNIE Kids Sm collection. Original clothing. Each only $3 803-624-8039 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS A/C COMPRESSOR-TON 2 TON w/ Handler Frigidaire GREAT! $495 239-980-7887 AEROBED Full size & full height $75, OBO 941-429-1573 APPLIANCE PKG 4 PC ALL BISQUE GE..LIKE NEW $500, OBO 941-875-3143 BARBEQUE MASTER FORGE, 5 BURNER, ROTISSERIE, 2 TANKS $125 obo 941-505-4693 BATH TOWELS, New w/tags, Vase,S. Hooks, Basket, all lavender 6 pcs $18 941-276-1881 BED SPREAD, Home made crochet bed spread. King or Queen $40 941-218-4502 BED MATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BLINDS 2Žhorizontal white color. Excellent cond. Call for sizes $10 941-585-8149 BONE CHINA Gold Trimmed Unused 92pc Royal Gallery Serv for 12 $225 941-697-3850 CABINET PULLS 42 Rooster kitchen pulls $50, OBO 239220-9948 CANVAS SAILBOAT painting SQ 52Ž Org. $199+tx for $50 651-491-7549 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen stag handle SS NIB $85, OBO 941-830-0524 CHAIRS Sport Beach Folding w/carrying case $40, OBO 941-429-1573 CHANDELIER PENDANT DINING, ISLAND, SINK LIGHTS Brown $20 651-491-7549 6005 NORTH PORT AREA GARAGE SALES THUR-SAT. 9-5 1493 Franklin Ln. ESTATE SALE! Entire Contents of home! All MUST GO! Priced to SELL! 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI & SAT. 8:30 -? 2195 Abscott PC. No early birds, furniture, clothing & shoes, household items, art, tools FRI-SAT. 8AM-?? 20297 Mount Prospect St. Misc Furniture, Dishes, Easter items, & Tools. FRI-SAT. 9-5 200 N Waterway Dr. Nascar Collectibles, Tools, Household Items, Teddy Bears, Fishing. FRI-SAT. 9AM-3PM 26140 Dunedin Ct DC. Books clothing furn. tools etc. SAT.8-1HUGE YARD SALE at US 41 & Harbor Blvd. Near Dairy Queen in Port Charlotte. To Benefit Community Cats of Charlotte, A Nonprofit Trap, Spay, Neuter, Return Program. Donate a Bag of Food for the Cats. SAT. ONLY 8-2 20407 Mt. Prospect Ave. TO BENEFIT RELAY FOR LIFE. Housewares, Clothes & more! THURS.-SAT., 9:30AM 4PM St. Vincent De Paul Resale Shop, Toledo Blade Blvd. & 776. MONTHLY MEGA SALE!50% OFF STOREWIDE! All Clothing $1.00, Ladies Shoes & Purses $1.00, Framed Art is Buy 1 Get 1 Free. Non Fiction & Cookbooks: 5 for $1.00! TIME OUT RESPITE CARES 27TH ANNUAL FUNDRAISING AUCTION Saturday Doors Open 10am Auction Beings 11am 24246 Harborview Rd. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TUES-THURS. 8-2PM 460 Cory St.. Arts & Crafts Supplies, A little of Everything! Jewelry, Household, & More! 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRIDAY-SATURDAY APRIL7-8. 8:00AM-2:00PM 3000 Shannon Drive. SAT. 8AM-NOON PG CHAMBER CITY WIDE GARAGE SALE 809 E. MARION AVE COVERED PARKING LOT OF BAYFRONT HOSPITAL THUR-SAT. 8-2 503 Palm Ave. Furniture, Tools, Golf Clubs, Gift Items, Books, Childrens Toys, & Clothing. GreatDealsin theClassifieds! 6008 ROTONDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 9:00AM2:00PM 44 Medalist Road. Household Goods, Books, Aviation Equipment. Great Stuff! FRI.-SAT. 8AM-2PM 56 Long Meadow Ct. MOVING IN SALE!! Table & Chairs, Pics, Pots & Pans & MUCH MORE!! FRI.-SAT. 8AM-4PM 69 Caddy Rd. Rotonda West. Antiques, Tools, Glass, Household & MUCH MORE!! SAT. ONLY 9AM-4PM 33 Oakland Hills Place Cricket, Serger, Tom Tom GPS, Shop Vac, Tools & Electrical, Dolls and LOTS of Misc!!! SATURDAY 9-1 289 Rotonda Blvd. W. Estate Sale. TVs, Household, Mens, Medical Items & Misc. 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade 6002 ENGLEWOOD AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 8-2 242 N. Broadway. (off 776/Dearborn). HO Trains, Hallmark Ornaments NIB 300+,Vintage Toys, Tools, Cameras, DVDs 500+, Housewares & Much More! FRI-SAT. 8-3 1431 Overbrook Rd. ESTATE SALE! Everything MUST GO! All reasonable offers considered. FRI-SAT. 9-2 1625 Lemon Ave.. MOVING garden, tools, toys, hshld, furn, nautical, no early birds. GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! FRI-SUN. 10-4 6181 Magee St. Nascar Collectibles, Hotwheel Collectibles, Flat bed equipment & misc item. FRI. 8AM-?? 2850 Ave of the Americas. Boat Parts, Props, Engines, Generators, Household and Jewelry. FRI. 9AM-3PM 6689 Gasparilla Pines Blvd. Something for Men and Women. Nice Clean Sale! FRI.-SAT 8:AM-4:PM 331 Tarpon Ave, BOCA GRANDE 33921. Moving/Yard Sale. Antiques, vintage, household, furniture, art, garden. Everything must go! Cash only. SAT. 8-3 645 N. Elm St. Household items, Computer Equip. Riding Mowers, Clothes, Misc., Outboard Motor. THU-FRI 9-5 SAT 9-11. 8400 Osprey Rd. BARN SALE. Proceeds Go To Missions Guatemala. Tools, Household. 5185 ROOFING LEONARDSROOFING&INSULATIONINC.FAMILYOWNED&OPERATED SINCE1969Shingle, Tile, Built-Up, SinglePly, Metal, Full Carpentry, Service Available Reagan Leonard 941-488-7478LIC# RC0066574 PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! Re Roofs, Repairs, Pressure Cleaning, Roofing Coatings Full Carpentry Services HONEST & RELIABLE 35 Yrs Local Experience CCC1328613. Ph. 941-412-4047 GREEN ROOFING & WATERPROOFINGTECHNOLOGIESWWW.GREENROOFINGONLINE.COM ROOF LEAK PATROL, INC. RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Repairs, Reroof, Carpentry, etc... 35 yrs exp. Lic/insured#RCA065387941-474-ROOF (7663) ROOFING by DAD & Son Lic & Ins 40 years local Martinis Roofing 941-766-0331 ccc1330876 TOM JOYCE ROO FIN G HUGE **FALL SPECIALS** 4 5 Years of Qualit y Work and Experience 941-484-9804 941-4 29-1800 lic#1325725 941-483-4630ShinglesSlats MetalTileRepairs Old Roof Removal OurSpecialty Full CarpentryFree EstimatesLic.# CCC068184 Fully Insured 5191 SOD LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota 5230 MISCELLANEOUS Clean Your Dryer before it Catches on Fire! Special Rates for Multiple ClientsAffordable, Lic & Insured. Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 5180 PRESSURE CLEANING BAILEYS PRESSURE CLEANING Complete Exterior House Painting! Call 941-497-1736 FULL HOUSE PRESSURE WASHINGRates Starting At: Tile Roofs $150 Houses $65 Pool Cage/Decks $65 Driveways Exterior Painting, Pool Deck Coatings AND MORE!! 941-451-7550 Lic./Ins Kelly Browns Pressure Washing & trash removal Honest & Reliable, Reasonable Rates & Sr. Special $39.99 Free Est. Lic.# 1413989 941-626-1565 MR. PRESSURE CLEANINGSAFE, NO PRESSUREROOF Fully Lic & Insured PRO SOURCE POWER WASHINGHOT & COLD SERVICES 21012 EXMORE AVE, PC Cell 941-979-6676 or office 941-979-9204 Lic & INSURED 5184 SCREENING ALL ABOUT ALUMINUM & SCREEN: Rescreen & new. 941-876-4779 wescreenflorida.comLic# SA37, AL0511993X CLASSIC ALUMINUM RESCREEN SERVICE INC. Your Florida Outdoor Living ExpertsŽ 941-716-3984 www.classicrescreen.comLic# scc131151655Insured & Bonded ADVERTISE In TheClassifieds! RESCREENING by NORTHSTAR Free Estimates. 941-725-7599 Lic# CC20597 & Insured RESCREENING Special $55 Tops, $30 Sides. Complete $1295(to 1500SF) 941-879-3136 Lic. 22454/Ins. Southwest RescreenComplete Rescreening: $1,249 (up to 1,500 SF)941-465-2318Free Estimates! Insured. WRIGHTS RESCREENINGQuality Work at Great Prices! Specializing in: Pool Cages, Entryways, Lanais, Power Washing. FREE ESTIMATES! 15 Years Experience Locally Owned & Operated 941-286-3700 5185 ROOFING Replacement, Repairs, Roofing 30 Years Experience Discounts to Srs. & Vets Free Inspections & Est.Call Lane 941-270-6120RM COATS INC.Lic. CCC#1325731 Ins. Friday, April 7, 2017


by"King" fr\000\000)Tj/T1_2 1 Tf4.058 0 Td(b\002r\001nfftt \t Friday, April 7, 2017 "2011"by"King"Features"Syndicate Yesterday's Challenger Answers


r\005 b\002r\001nfftt fn BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY L ook f or th e g r ea t dea ls in th e B usin e ss & Se rvi ce D ir ec tory pu b lishin g S un da ys Wed n e s da ys a n d adno=8602487 Friday, April 7, 2017 DEAR DR.ROACH: I am a72-year-old woman ingood health, generally. Three months ago,I woke one morning witha very soreneck that I attributed tosleeping wrong. As Imassaged it,I found a rm lumpabout 1 cm in size that Iassumed wasa lymph node,located on the rightside of the back of my neck,about 6 cm from my earlobe.I did not have a fever. Over time,the soreness inmy neck faded,but it never completely disappears, waxing and waning inintensity from dayto day or hour tohour. The lumpneverdisappears either,and also waxesand wanesin sizeand degree of tenderness.It's never seriously painful,and probably never as large as 2 cm.My doctor ordered X-rays thatshowed age-related degenerative changes,butnothing else. He recommended physical therapy.Heseems completely unconcerned withthe lump, but I wonder whether it's safe toignoreitindenitely. A.R. ANSWER: An enlarged lymph nodein the neck rarely turnsout to bea seriousdisease.Lymph nodesare normal structuresin the body thatcan enlarge undercertain circumstances, especially infection.Cancer isthe big worry for patients and physicians alike. However, it soundslike his being completely unconcernedmakes you feel like he isn't taking you seriously. I doubt the initial neck pain was associated with the lymph node. But it served toget you tonotice what was there, and it may have been there for days oreven weeks. Althoughthe older you are, the more likely it is tobe worrisome, I am reassured by its small size. Cervical (in the neck) lymph nodes normally are up to1 cm(in fact, inone large study, no person with a lymph node smaller than 1 cm had cancer). Tender nodes are less likely tobecancer. I would have hoped your GP would have done a thoroughexam of all of your lymph nodes, such as inthe groin andarmpit, as thepossible diagnoses aremuchdifferent for people withmultiple areas of enlarged lymph nodes, compared with justone. A nodelarger than normal,that ispresent for more than four weeks, should make a physician consider doing a biopsy. Thisisdone under local anestheticand without admission tothehospital. Only about 1percent of people whosaw their doctor for enlarged lymph node had a diagnosisof cancer,butsometimes gettingthe biopsy helps both patient and the physician sleep better at night. DEAR DR. ROACH: Can you please explain why every winter causes dry, chapped lipsformany people?Every winter my lipsturn painfully dry and chapped.Lip balms and creamsgive short,temporary relief, but they need to beappliedon a regular basisand certainly are not a cure. Why isit that the lips areproneto being affectedasthey are, when no other body partseems to beaffected in that same way? M.G. ANSWER: Lipsare unique inseveral ways. Thethin layerof skin sits on intensely vascularized tissue underneath (that's why they are red),and it doesn't haveoil glands protecting it from the drying effectsof cold,dry air. If your nose is congested, that worsensthe situation becauseof mouth breathing,and once the lipsstart to get dry, we moisten them with saliva, which actually worsens moisture lossdueto the chemical effectsof saliva. You also needtobe cautious with lip balms andcreams. Many contain phenol,camphor or menthol,all of whichcan damagethe ability of the lipstostay moist. READERS: The booklet on diverticulitis explains thiscommon disorder and its treatments. Readers canorderacopy by writing: Dr. Roach Book No.502 628 VirginiaDr. Orlando, FL 32803 Enclose a check or money order (nocash) for $4.75U.S./$6Can. with the recipient's printed name and address.Please allow four weeks for delivery.Neck pain makes swollen lymph node noticeableDr. Roach


fn\000\000)Tj/T1_1 1 Tf4.058 0 Td(b\002r\001nfftt r\005 BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Make your business a part of it! Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602488 Friday, April 7, 2017 Dear Heloise: Now that we're getting close to strawberry season, I have a recipe that I use whenever I have company, and everyone loves it. My husband and I were introduced to it while we were traveling through France a few years ago, and every time I use this recipe, I'm reminded of that old French country inn. 1. Clean strawberries and remove the green caps. Allow to dry on a paper towel. 2. Arrange the strawberries in a bowl or on a plate. 3. Roll the strawberries, one at a time, in sour cream, then roll them in brown sugar. 4. Eat and enjoy! Most people enjoy the ceremony as much as the b erries. Anita W. in Dallas Anita, that sounds delicious! For some additional dessert recipes, try my pamphlet Heloise's Cake Recipes. To order one, go to, or send a business-size, stamped (70 cents), self-addressed envelope, along with $3, to: Heloise/ Cake, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Nearly every one loves a rich, moist cake. Tell us what is your favorite cake recipe and why you like it so much. HeloiseA jolt through the phoneDear Readers: I've received several letters about using telephones during an electrical storm. Anything that conducts electricity can provide a pathway for an electrical surge, including such things as corded telephones, plumbing, refrigerators, TVs and even metal doors. While a surge protector is helpful, even the best can't provide protection from a direct hit. So my best advice is to stay off the landline telephone during a storm. As for cellphones, it's less likely to receive a lightning strike because radio waves do not conduct electricity very well. Still, it's better to use a cellphone indoors during an electrical storm. Heloise.Peppermint oil useDear Readers: Spiders and mice hate the scent of peppermint. Put a tablespoon of peppermint oil in a spray bottle with 212 cups of water, and spray the garage and cupboards inthe house. Repeat every other month,or as needed. HeloiseStrawberries on a rollHints from Heloise


r\005 b\002r\001nfftt fn Venice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Friday, April 7, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). Itwill be a pretty ordinary day until you suddenly get a very palpable feeling of generosity. Youll give something that matters to you greatly. Youll give something that makes a di!erence. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You might have to root around for something to look forward to. Its sad that you have to look this hard; then again, your options will be better because youmade the e!ort. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Youre not always your own best babysitter. Enlist the care of others. The in"uence of someone you admire will keep you accountable to goals that would not be reached otherwise. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You want aplace that shines from ceiling to "oor. Bonus bene$t: With each sweeping gesture of the broom, cobwebs of your mind will be simultaneously whisked away. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Fix it. Fix it% It needs $xing and youre the one to do it. &How?& is the question. You wont know the answer, but your sincere intention is nearly enough to $x it all. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You are super-capable. Youhave more energy than others, and you dont mind doing extra work. This is why you become the superstar of your group today, a well-earned scenario. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You identify with a group, but not in allregards. Di!erentiate. If you align yourself falsely, it will cause problems down the line. Clarify. Take a stand. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). If you were wrong,it only means that you are wiser today than you were yesterday. Youll accept it and move accordingly.Like a drummer settling into a favorite beat, youll hit your groove. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.21). Its been suggested that the present moment is all we ever have. But isnt that a lot of pressure, really? What about the less impulsive people around who need time to process and frame things? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You dont want to interrupt people, and yet youre going to have to. Your message is important. Your purpose is strong. Go ahead and say what you need to say. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Youve a need to gripe about whats been bothering you. Once you get it o! of your mind, the stress will be over. Thekey is speaking to the right people discreet people who wont give it another thought. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Its said thatnothing consideredis lost. If you thought about it, it had an e!ect. It meant something. And the same goes for the art you made that didnt have the intended impact. It still did something. Move on and grow. TODAYSBIRTHDAY (April 7). To some, silence is a hobby. Consider it yours and this year will have a magical tint to it. There is something so wonderful about what you $nd in your own mind this solar return. You will do the thing that the others cant. In June you will be the reason a whole system is changed. In Mayit becomes about something else. Cancer and Capricorn adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 30, 4, 7 and17. DEAR ABBY: I was married for more than 20 years. My ex and I divorced ve years ago. During that time I stayed busy focusing on my children and their needs. About seven months ago I met a nice guy. We saw each other for about ve months, then out of nowhere, he broke things off. I was devastated. He said his reason for the breakup was he needed time to nd himself. He w as recently divorced and has sole custody of his kids. He has been under a great deal of stress and started seeing a therapist a couple of months ago. I understand why he needs this time, but I also wish he would let me help. He said he wants to remain friends. I avoided contact with him for several weeks, but now I am drawn back to him. My friends keep telling me to forget him, but I can't get him off my mind. We talk almost daily and have even gotten together again a couple of times. I keep telling myself all the reasons it won't work. Should I run away, stay friends only, or hope to work things out? HOPELESS ROMANTIC IN WISCONSIN DEAR HOPELESS ROMANTIC: When a man says he needs time to nd himself and breaks things off, it usually means he's no longer i nterested or ready for the kind of relationship you're looking for. This man is newly divorced and parenting solo, so he has as much on his plate as he can handle right now. That he's seeing a therapist is a wise move, so give him credit for that. But the kind of problems he is trying to work through are not ones you can help him with. At a later date things may work out, but clearly not now. A friendship may be possible, but only if you are strong enough to disengage emotionally until he is ready which could take a very long time. DEAR ABBY: I have noticed a trend at children's birthday parties. The children aren't opening their presents at the party. Instead, the parents collect t he gifts and take them home for the child to open later. To me, this seems rude and inconsiderate to the children who are attending the party. Part of the enjoyment of giving a gift is seeing the recipient's response. Please let me know the rule of etiquette in this matter. Am I correct in thinking that presents should be opened at children's birthday parties in front of their guests? GIFT ETIQUETTE DEAR G.E.: No rule of etiquette decrees that gifts must be opened at the birthday party. Because this trend bothers you, ask the parent of the birthday child why she or he has chosen to have the gifts opened afterward, because there may be more than one reason for it. One that occurs to me might be that it's a way of preventing embarrassment on the part of children who might not be able to afford a gift as expensive as some of the other children's. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. To receive a collection of Abby's most memorable and most frequently requested poems and essays, send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby Keepers Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. Shipping and handling are included in the price. Know ye that the Lord he is God: It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:3 This one verse gives a lot of perspective to life. The Lord is God and there is none other. He made us and He redeemed us. Without Him we are hopelessly lost. BIBLEMan trying to find himself may be lost cause for datingVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 13 Th urs d ay T e l ev i s i onVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDAAPR. 6PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC7 News @ 6pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News at 7 Florida Suncoasts news, weather & more. (N)Greys Anatomy: Whats Inside Maggie undertakes a big case. (TV14)Scandal: Dead in the Water OPA investigates the conspiracy. (TV14)The Catch: The Bad Girl The AVI team explores Margots past. (TV14)ABC7 News @ 11pm (N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (N) ABC E F 26---7117-ABC7 News @ 6:00pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)The 7 OClock News (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Greys Anatomy: Whats Inside Maggie undertakes a big case. (TV14)Scandal: Dead in the Water OPA investigates the conspiracy. (TV14)The Catch: The Bad Girl The AVI team explores Margots past. (TV14)ABC7 News @ 11:00pm(N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (N) CBS E F 11213213-555-WINK News at 6pm (N) (HD)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)WINK News at 7pm (N) (HD)Inside Edition(TVPG) (N) (HD)Big Bang Sheldon helps many. The Great Indoors: Party Paul Mom Mothers secret. (TV14)Pieces Lark rejects Greg. (N)The Amazing Race: Scared Spitless Team rivalry. (TVPG) (N) (HD)WINK News at 11pm (N) (HD)Late Show Comedic talk show. CBS E F 10101010---1010 News, 6pm (N)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)Wheel (TVG) (N) (HD)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)Big Bang Sheldon helps many. The Great Indoors: Party Paul Mom Mothers secret. (TV14)Pieces Lark rejects Greg. (N)The Amazing Race: Scared Spitless Team rivalry. (TVPG) (N) (HD)10 News, 11pm (N)Late Show Comedic talk show. NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel (TVG) (N) (HD)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)Superstore A day at the store. Powerless Dr. Psycho. (TVPG)Chicago Med: Ctrl Alt A hacker demands a ransom payment. (TV14)The Blacklist: Redemption: Whitehall Unexpected ally. (TV14) (N) (HD)NBC2 News @ 11pm (N) (HD)Tonight Show Jay Leno. (TV14) NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChannel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)NewsChannel 8 at 7:00 (N)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Superstore A day at the store. Powerless Dr. Psycho. (TVPG)Chicago Med: Ctrl Alt A hacker demands a ransom payment. (TV14)The Blacklist: Redemption: Whitehall Unexpected ally. (TV14) (N) (HD)NewsChannel 8 at 11:00 (N)Tonight Show Jay Leno. (TV14) FOX E F 36---444-FOX 4 News at Six Community news; weather; traffic; more. (N)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)MasterChef Junior: Scouts Honor Pork chop & sides. (TV14) (N) (HD)Kicking & Screaming: Rumble in the Jungle Emotions flare. (TV14) (N)FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)FOX 4 News at Eleven (N)TMZ (TVPG) (R) FOX E F 13131313-13-13FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)Access Hollywood(TVPG) (N)TMZ (TVPG) (N)MasterChef Junior: Scouts Honor Pork chop & sides. (TV14) (N) (HD)Kicking & Screaming: Rumble in the Jungle Emotions flare. (TV14) (N)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News News, sports, weather and traffic.(N) PBS E F 30-3-333-BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Antiques Roadshow: Derby 25 Antiques Rd WW2 parachute. Doc Martins Portwenn Behind the scenes. (TVPG) (R) (HD)Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries: Cocaine Blues Smuggling ring. (R)Charlie Rose (N) (HD) PBS E F #3173---3BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)WEDU Arts Plus (TVG) (N)Gulf Coast Journal (TVG) (R)Antiques Roadshow: Salt Lake City Hot Wheels car. (TVG) (R) (HD)Agatha Christies Miss Marple: Murder at the Vicarage, Part 1 Unpopular colonel is found dead. Royal Wives at War (TVPG) (R) CW E F 46---6216-Mike & Molly Peggy retires. WINK News at 6:30pm (N) (HD)Big Bang Leonards dinner. Big Bang Theory Grad student. Supernatural: The British Invasion Information about Kelly Kline. (N)Riverdale: Chapter Nine: La Grande Illusion Ready for revenge. (N)WINK News @10pm (N) (HD)Mike & Molly: Mike Likes Cake 2 Broke Girls Sophies test. CW E F 44999---4Mike & Molly Peggy retires. Mike & Molly: Mike Likes Cake 2 Broke Girls Sophies test. 2 Broke Girls Trapped in room. Supernatural: The British Invasion Information about Kelly Kline. (N)Riverdale: Chapter Nine: La Grande Illusion Ready for revenge. (N)Two & Half Alans discipline. Two & Half Men Reconnecting. Friends Barrys back, baby. Friends Gellers cousin.(TVPG) MYN E F 38111111---14Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)Bones: The Gamer in the Grease Sour business deals; movie tickets. Bones: Goop On the Girl Santa Claus blow up; holiday plans.(TVPG)Family Feud(TVPG) (R) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R) IND E F 32121212-38-12Modern Family: iSpy(TVPG)Modern Family: The Feud (HD)Big Bang Leonards dinner. Big Bang Theory Grad student. Anger Management Relations. Anger Charlie arrested. (TV14)Last Man Stand. Eves love life. Last Man Standing Hunting trip. Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Malignant Drug tampering.(TV14) (HD)Family Guy Peter the agent. Family Guy Stewies future. ION E F 662221326-17Blue Bloods: Moonlighting Ex-mobster helps Danny find bodies. (TV14)Blue Bloods: Whistle Blower Erins informant is suddenly murdered. Blue Bloods: The Uniform Uniformed officer flees murder scene. (HD)Blue Bloods: The Job Dannys family caught in crossfire. (TV14) (HD)Blue Bloods: Leap of Faith Eccentric daughter receives message. (HD)Blue Bloods: Parenthood Mans family is beaten in front of him. (TV14) E L B A CA&E26262626395018148 Dallas man dead. 48 (TV14) (R) (HD)First 48 (TV14) (N) (HD)60 Days In (TV14) (N)Nightwatch (TV14) (N)Nightwatch (TV14) (N) AMC565656563053231(4:00) The Rock (96) Man seizes Alcatraz. Forrest Gump (94, Drama) Tom Hanks, Sally Field. A slow-witted man grows to adulthood amid the hist oric events of four decades. (PG-13)Forrest Gump A slow-witted man grows to adulthood amid the historic even ts of four decades. APL444444443668130North Wood (TVPG) (R)Lone Star: Game On Lone Star (TV14) (N)Lone Illegal hunting. (N)Lone Injured owl. (N)Lone Star (TV14) (R) BBCAM114114114114114114189Frozen: Summer (HD)Frozen Planet: Autumn Frozen Planet: Winter Frozen (TVPG) (HD)Frozen Best highlights. Frozen Polar animals. BET353535354022270(4:20) Coach Carter (05) Season jeopardized. Beyond the Lights (14, Drama) Young musician faces newfound stardom. (PG-13)Martin BRAVO6868686825451185Top Chef: Finale (R)Housewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (R)Watch WhatSthn Charm COM666666661527190(:20) Futurama Brain invasion.(TV14) (HD)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park: The List Tosh.0 (TV14) (R)Tosh.0 (TV14) (R)Tosh.0 (TV14) (R)South Park(TVMA)Daily Show(TV14)South Park(TVMA) DISC404040402543120Nkd & Afrd (TV14) (R)Nkd & Afrd (TV14) (R)Nkd & Afrd (TV14) (R)Nkd & Afrd (TV14) (N)Nkd & Afrd (TV14) (N)Nkd & Afrd (TV14) (R) E!464646462726196Botched Nose job. (R)E! News (N) (HD)Kardashian (TV14) (R)Kardashian (TV14) (R)Total Divas: The Draft E! News (N) (HD) FOOD3737373718376164Chopped (TVG) (R)Chopped Sardines. (R)Chopped Rock candy. Chopped (TVG) (R)Beat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat BobbyBeat Bobby FREE555555551046199(4:30) Cinderella (04) 10 Things I Hate About You (99, Comedy) Julia Stiles. Girl seeks date for older sister. (PG-13)Last Holiday (06, Comedy) A clerk learns that she only has weeks to live so she goes on a European spree. (PG-13)The 700 Club Health and wellness. (TVG) (R) FX51515151584953We Bought a Zoo (11) A father moves his family to a rundown zoo with hope s of starting over. Despicable Me 2 (13) An anti-villain league recruits Gru to help them hunt down a super-criminal. Despicable Me 2 (13) An anti-villain league recruits Gru to help them hunt down a super-criminal. GSN17917917917934179184Cash CabCash CabFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudDividedDividedIdiotestIdiotestCash CabCash Cab HALL5551713773240Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand. Man Stand.Man Stand.The Midd leThe MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleGold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165Flip/FlopFlip/FlopFlip/FlopFlip/Fl opFlip/FlopFlip/FlopFlop VegasFlip/FlopHuntersHuntersHuntersHunters HIST818181813365128Swamp Ppl (TVPG) (R)Swamp Ppl (TVPG) (R)Swamp Ppl (TVPG) (N)Swamp Ppl (TVPG) (N)Swamp Ppl (TVPG) (R)Swamp Ppl (TVPG) (R) LIFE363636365241140Grey Anat. (TV14) (HD)Grey Anat. (TV14) (HD)The Holiday (06, Comedy) Two women swap homes over Christmas. L. Women (TV14) (N) NICK252525252444252Henry (R)Henry (R)Hunter (N)ThundermanTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (14, Action) Turtles fight evil. Full HouseFriendsFriends OWN58585858476714520/20 (TV14) (R) (HD)20/20 (TV14) (R) (HD)20/20 (TV14) (R) (HD)20/20 Kidnapped girl. 20/20 (TV14) (N) (HD)20/20 (TV14) (R) (HD) QVC14141491413150Vicenza Style Italian Jewelry Italian jewelry. Patio & Garden (TVG)Shoe Shopping (TVG)Spring Home Fair with David & Jane SPIKE57575757296354The Expendables 3 (14) New blood. The Expendables Mercenaries try to ta ke down a dictator. (R)The Expendables 3 (14, Action) New blood. SYFY6767676725364180G.I. JoeThe Legend of Hercules (14) Son of Zeus. The Goonies (85) A group of kids finds buried treasure. The Goonies (85) TBS59595959326252SeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSein feldBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangConan Diego Luna. (R) TCM656565656574230(5:45) The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (48, Adventure) Suspicions divide gold prospectors. One Mans Journey (33, Drama) A doctor dedicates his life to medicine.(:45) Sing and Like It (34) Mobster hears off-key singer rehearsing.(:15) David Copperfield (35) An orphans life. TLC454545455772139Say YesSay Yes600lb Life (TV14) (R)My 600-lb Life Weight loss program. (TV14) (N)Skin Tight (TV14) (N)600lb Life (TV14) (R) TNT61616161285551Bones: The High in the Low Art school dropout. Bones: The Cold in the Case Frozen murder. NBA Basketball: Boston Celtics at Atlanta Hawks from Philips Arena (Live) (HD) NBA Basketball: Minnesota vs Portland (Live) (HD) TOON808080804620257Titans Go!Titans Go!We BareWe BareKing HillCleve. ShwAm. DadAm. DadBobs BrgrBobs BrgrFamily GuyFamily Guy TRAV6969696926066170Mysteries (TVPG) (R)Mysteries (TVPG) (R)Mysteries (TVPG) (R)Mysteries (TVPG) (N)Mysteries (TVPG) (R)Mysteries (TVPG) (R) TRUTV636363635030183Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (TV14) (N) (HD)Talk ShowJokers (R) TVL626262623154241M*A*S*HA GriffithA GriffithA GriffithA GriffithLoves Ray. (TVPG)Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.QueensQueens USA34343434225250SVU Girl in coma. (HD)SVU Johnny D on trial. SVU The SVU returns. SVU Yates Fiancee. Colony Difficult choice.(:04) SVU (TV14) (HD) WE117117117117117117149Wedding Planner (01)(:55) Braxton (TV14) (R)Braxton The big fight. Braxton (TV14) (N) (HD)Hustle (TV14) (N) (HD) (:02) Braxton (TV14) (R) WGN16161619411168Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Outsiders (TV14) (R) S W E NCNB C393939395937102Mad Money (N) (HD)Partner (R) (HD)Shark Tank New ideas. Shark Tank (TVPG)Shark Tank (TVPG)Shark Tank (TVPG) CNN323232321838100Situation Room (N)Erin Burnett (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)CNN Tonight (N)CNN Tonight (N) CSPAN181818183712109(4:00) Public Affairs Events (R)Politics & Public Policy Today Major political activi ty around the U.S. (R) FNC646464644871118Special Report (N) (HD)The First 100 Days (N)The OReilly Factor (N)Tucker Carlson (N)Hannity (N) (HD)The OReilly Factor (R) MSNBC8383838318540103For the Record (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)Chris Hayes (N) (HD)Rachel Maddow (N)Last Word (N) (HD)11th HourHardball SNN66611---SNN EveEve @ 6:30ES.TV (R)CelebrityNewsNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late ESNN Late ECelebrity S T R O P SESPN29292929125870Masters Golf Tournament: Round 1 SC (HD)Masters Golf Tournament: Round 1 Encore Presentation (Taped) (HD)SportsCenter (HD) ESPN23030303065974NCAA Hockey Championship: Harvard vs Minnesota Duluth NCAA Update (HD) NCAA Hockey Championship: Notre Dame vs Denver (Live) FS148484848426983NASCAR (HD)NASCAR Masters (HD)Pregame Womens Intl Soccer: Russia at United States (Live) (HD)MLB Whip Around (HD) FSN72727272725677 MLB Baseball (Live)MarlinsSpotlightUnleashed (TV14) (R)UFC (HD)PolarisGolf LifeWrld Poker (Replay) FSSUN38383838455776Florida (N)Rays LIVE! MLB Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays at Tampa Bay Rays (Live) (HD)Rays LIVE!Florida Insider Fishing Report (R) GOLF49494949556093Tin Cup (96) Golfer loves woman. Live from The Masters (HD)Live from The Masters (HD) NBCSN71717171546190NASCARNHL Live NHL Hockey: Ottawa Senators at Boston Bruins from TD Garden (Live) NHL Hockey: Chicago vs Anaheim (Live) (HD) M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250BUNKD Lous new puppy. (R)Bizaardvark VidView nerves. K.C. Undercover Spy hunt. (R)Good Luck Left for Tennessee. Stuck in Middle Garage sale. Good Luck 14-year-old Charlie. Liv Maddie(TVG) (R) (HD)Liv Maddie Charm bracelet. (R)BUNKD Sneaking out.(TVG)BUNKD Treasure hunt.(TVG)Jessie Jessie volunteers. (HD)Jessie Personality swap. (TVG) ENC150150150150150150350(:52) An Officer and a Gentleman (82, Drama) Richard Gere. An undisciplined loner enters basic training to become a U.S. Navy pilot. (R) (HD)The White Queen: The Bad Queen Unlikely alliance. (TVMA) (HD)How Stella Got Her Groove Back (98, Comedy) Angela Bassett. A womans ro mance with a sexy younger man meets with disapproval. (R) (:07) Hancock (08, Action) A superhero gets an image makeover. HBO302302302302302302400(5:50) Sixteen Candles (84) A girls family overlooks her 16th birt hday as her sisters wedding approaches. VICE News Tonight: 4-06-2017 Lomachenko(TVPG) (R) (HD)Men in Black II (02, Action) Agents Kay and Jay foil an alien lingerie models plans of intergalactic evil. Big Little Lies: You Get What You Need Celeste gets bold.(TVMA) (R)Crashing: Julie Leifs spouse.(:45)Neighbors 2: Sorority (16) HBO2303303303303303303402(:20) The Boss (16, Comedy) Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Bell. Industry mogul must depend on former assistant when shes rejected by everyone. Animals Love triangle. (TVMA)Animals Spirit quest. (TVMA)Animals Avoid extermination. Girls News with Hannah.(HD)VICE College athletics. (TV14)Bullet to the Head (13, Action) A hit man and a detective work together to bring down a dangerous enemy. HBO3304304304304304304404Sleepers Men seek revenge.(:45) Girls News with Hannah.(:20) Mr. Right (16, Action) Sam Rockwell, Anna Kendrick. Young woman learns boyfriend is hitman who kills people ordering the hits. (R) (HD)Airheads (94, Comedy) A metal band tries to break into the business by taking over a radio station. (HD) (:35) Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HD) (:35) Ride Along 2 (16) (HD) MAX320320320320320320420The Bone Collector (99, Thriller) Denzel Washington, Angelina Jolie. A gifted, thou gh disabled, detective tries to get inside the mind of a murderer. The Exorcist (73, Horror) Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow. An aging priest is called in to drive a demon from the body of a 12-year-old. (R) (HD) (:05) The Order (03) A priest from a secret order is sent to Rome to investigate a mysterious murder. (R) (:50) The Dead Pool (88) (R) MAX2321321321321321321422(5:25) The Other Side of the Door (16) Life and death. (R) (HD) (:05) Monsters Ball (02) Billy Bob Thornton, Halle Berry. A racist prison guard falls in love with an African-American woman. (R) (HD)Our Brand Is Crisis (15) Strategist tries to help Bolivian presidential candidate and beat her nemesis. (R) (:50) Shoot Em Up (07) A man with an unknown past takes care of a baby he delivered during a shootout. SHO340340340340340340365Crash Individuals from differe nt social and ethnic backgrounds have their judg ment and actions tested by prejudice in post-9/11 Los Angeles. (R)Homeland: R is for Romeo Carrie and Quinn find something. (TV14) (R)Billions: Victory Lap A setback leads to a war room. (TVMA) (R) (HD)Dark Net: My Mind Sex robot. Penn and Teller: BS: Orgasms Gigolos Customer issue. (R)Dark Net: My Mind Sex robot. TMC350350350350350350385(5:30) Bridge of Spies (15, Drama) Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance. Lawyer tasked with negotiating release of American pilot in Soviet Union. Carol (15, Romance) Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara. Two women meet, and their instant connection soon develops into a deep love. (R)The Crying Game (92, Drama) Stephen Rea, Miranda Richardson. An IRA recruit s assignment leads him to forge a bond that changes his life. (R) 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 3 p.m. ESPN 2017 Masters Golf Tournament Round 1 from Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia. (L) 4 p.m. FSN MLB Baseball Miami Marlins at Washington Nationals. (L) 6 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Hockey Championship Semi“nal 1 Harvard Crimson vs Minnesota Duluth Bulldogs from United Center in Chicago. (L) 7 p.m. FSSUN MLB Baseball Toronto Blue Jays at Tampa Bay Rays from Tropicana Field. (L) 8 p.m. TNT NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Atlanta Hawks from Philips Arena. (L) 8:30 p.m. FS1 Womens International Soccer Russia at United States from Toyota Stadium in Frisco, Texas. (L) 9:30 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Hockey Championship Semi“nal 2 Notre Dame Fighting Irish vs Denver Pioneers from United Center in Chicago. (L) 10:30 p.m. TNT NBA Basketball Minnesota Timberwolves at Portland Trail Blazers. (L)7:00 a.m. ABC Good Morning America Actor Chris Evans from GiftedŽ; actor Zach Wood from Silicon Valley.Ž (N) 9:00 a.m. CBS LIVE with Kelly Scott Wolf co-hosts; Pierce Brosnan; Mandy Patinkin. (N) 9:00 a.m. IND The Steve Wilkos Show A woman believes he ex brother inappropriately touched her daughter. 9:00 a.m. MYN The 700 Club An 8 Week Health and Wellness challenge with Dr. David Perlmutter. (N) 10:00 a.m. CW Rachael Ray Josh Duhamel; Daym Drops is given lessons on becoming a butcher. (N) 11:00 a.m. ABC The View Actors Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine and Alan Arkin appear. (N) 11:00 a.m. FOX The Steve Wilkos Show Kybia was accused of molesting his four year old daughter by her mother Keina. 11:00 a.m. MYN The Doctors An interview with Lamar Odom about his near-death experience. 12:00 p.m. CW The Wendy Williams Show Tamar Braxton and Vince Herbert; Wendys hot topics. 1:00 p.m. ABC The Chew Actress Octavia Spencer from GiftedŽ joins Carla to make a dish. (N) 2:00 p.m. CBS The Talk Zach Braff; Jaime Pressly; Chrissy Metz. (N) 2:00 p.m. CW T.D. Jakes T.D. attempts to help a couple whose relationship was affected by car accident. 3:00 p.m. FOX Lauren Lakes Paternity Court Two grandmothers dispute the paternity of a two year old child. 3:00 p.m. NBC The Dr. Oz Show 28-day food plan to help thyroids; Mama June talks about transformation. (N) 4:00 p.m. IND Steve Harvey Woman threatens to end relationship; Danica McKellar discusses TV show. (N) 5:00 p.m. CW Dr. Phil Man and ex-husband try to rekindle relationship, but his mother kicks them out. (N) 11:00 p.m. TBS Conan Diego Luna; Billy Eichner; The Pretenders. 11:35 p.m. ABC Jimmy Kimmel Live Actor and comic Adam Sandler from Sandy WexlerŽ; actress Nathalie Emmanuel. (N) 11:35 p.m. NBC The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Comic Jay Leno; actress Kate Upton; Jason Derulo and Ty Dolla $ign perform. (N)Todays Live Sports Todays Talk Shows Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV Friday, April 7, 2017 F r id ay T e l ev i s i onVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDAAPR. 7PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC7 News @ 6pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News at 7 Florida Suncoasts news, weather & more. (N)The Toy Box A singing doll and a peculiar worm. (N) (HD)Shark Tank A wine for cats is shared. (TVPG) (N) (HD) (:01) 20/20 Investigative reporting on world news. (HD)ABC7 News @ 11pm (N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (R) ABC E F 26---7117-ABC7 News @ 6:00pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)The 7 OClock News (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)The Toy Box A singing doll and a peculiar worm. (N) (HD)Shark Tank A wine for cats is shared. (TVPG) (N) (HD) (:01) 20/20 Investigative reporting on world news. (HD)ABC7 News @ 11:00pm(N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (R) CBS E F 11213213-555-WINK News at 6pm (N) (HD)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)WINK News at 7pm (N) (HD)Inside Edition(TVPG) (N) (HD)MacGyver: Hole Puncher Mac saves assassination target.(TV14) (N)Hawaii Five-0: Ua Maloo Ka Wai Taken captive; Grover testifies. (N)Blue Bloods: Love Lost Battle ex in court; mom blames police. (TVPG)WINK News at 11pm (N) (HD)Late Show Comedic talk show. CBS E F 10101010---1010 News, 6pm (N)CBS Evening News (N) (HD)Wheel (TVG) (N) (HD)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)MacGyver: Hole Puncher Mac saves assassination target.(TV14) (N)Hawaii Five-0: Ua Maloo Ka Wai Taken captive; Grover testifies. (N)Blue Bloods: Love Lost Battle ex in court; mom blames police. (TVPG)10 News, 11pm (N)Late Show Comedic talk show. NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel (TVG) (N) (HD)Jeopardy!(TVG) (N) (HD)First Dates: Wine Makes Me Crazy A flip phone. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Dateline NBC A man sits down for first interview since his plea deal for his wifes death. (N) (HD)NBC2 News @ 11pm (N) (HD)Tonight Show Jennifer Lopez. NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChannel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)NewsChannel 8 at 7:00 (N)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)First Dates: Wine Makes Me Crazy A flip phone. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Dateline NBC A man sits down for first interview since his plea deal for his wifes death. (N) (HD)NewsChannel 8 at 11:00 (N)Tonight Show Jennifer Lopez. FOX E F 36---444-FOX 4 News at Six Community news; weather; traffic; more. (N)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Rosewood: Naegleria & Neighborhood Watch Vigilante suspect. (N) (:01) You the Jury: Aruba(TV14) (N)FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)FOX 4 News at Eleven (N)TMZ (TVPG) (R) FOX E F 13131313-13-13FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)Access Hollywood Terra Jole. TMZ (TVPG) (N)Rosewood: Naegleria & Neighborhood Watch Vigilante suspect. (N) (:01) You the Jury: Aruba(TV14) (N)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News News, sports, weather and traffic.(N) PBS E F 30-3-333-BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Washington Week (N) (HD)The Week(TVG) (N) (HD)Great Performances: Young Men Dance film about WWI soldiers. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Brit Floyd: The Worlds Greatest Pink Floyd Tribute Show Pink Floyd tribute band performs. (TVG) PBS E F #3173---3BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Washington Week (N) (HD)Florida This Week (TVG) (N)Great Performances: Young Men Dance film about WWI soldiers. (TVPG) (N) (HD)Art Basel: A Portrait (TVG) (R)Rick Steves Special: European Easter Easter traditions. (TVG) (R) CW E F 46---6216-Mike & Molly Book sales. (HD)WINK News at 6:30pm (N) (HD)Big Bang Date experiment. Big Bang Penny gets banned. The Originals: Keepers of the House Joining the search. (TV14) (N)Reign: Unchartered Waters Tragedy occurs with Mary and Darnley. WINK News @10pm (N) (HD)Mike & Molly Baby planning. 2 Broke Girls False cupcakes. CW E F 44999---4Mike & Molly Book sales. (HD)Mike & Molly Baby planning. 2 Broke Girls False cupcakes. 2 Broke Girls Irregular man. The Originals: Keepers of the House Joining the search. (TV14) (N)Reign: Unchartered Waters Tragedy occurs with Mary and Darnley. Two & Half Men NFL neighbor Two & Half Accidental pimp. Friends Credit thief. (TVPG)Friends Scandalous kiss. (HD) MYN E F 38111111---14Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)American Ninja Warrior: Orlando Qualifying (Hour 1)(TVPG) (HD)American Ninja Warrior: Orlando Qualifying (Hour 2)(TVPG) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R) IND E F 32121212-38-12Modern Family Spring dance. Modern Family Manly wisdom. Big Bang Date experiment. Big Bang Penny gets banned. Anger Treating the devil. (TV14)Anger Method of payment.(HD)Man Stand. Mike returns home. Man Stand. Walk home alone. Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Tomorrow Children murdered.(TV14)Family Guy Peters promise. Family Guy Peters new dad. ION E F 662221326-17Law & Order: Deadlock McCoy seeks death penalty for murderer. (HD)Law & Order: Corner Office Attorney connected to escort service. (HD)Law & Order: Remains of the Day Organ harvester.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Charity Case Shooting involving an adoption.(TV14)Law & Order: Talking Points Student shot during pundits speech. (HD)Saving Hope: Birthday Blues Dr. Maggie Lin organizes a party. (TV14) E L B A CA&E262626263950181(5:00) Live PD: Live PD 03.11.17 (R) (HD)Live PD: Rewind #5 (N)Live PD: Live PD 04.07.17 (N) (HD) AMC565656563053231(4:00) Gladiator (00, Drama) Romes greatest general turns gladiator. (R)Gladiator In ancient Rome, a deposed yet courageous general becomes a successful gladiator and seeks revenge against the man who had his wife and son murdered. The Walking Dead Intricate plan. (TVMA) (R) APL444444443668130Treehouse: Bird Nest Tanked (TVPG) (R) (HD)Tanked (TVPG) (N) (HD)Tanked: Sea-lebrity Edition: Baseball Legends Tanked (TVPG) (R) (HD) BBCAM114114114114114114189Star Trek Escorting woman. (TVPG)Star Trek (TVPG)(:40) Star Trek (TVPG)Star Trek Overpopulation. (TVPG)Star Trek Speeding up. BET353535354022270(5:00) Barbershop (02, Comedy) Facing change. Rebel (TV14) (R) (HD)Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor (13) Dangerous affair. BRAVO6868686825451185Housewives (TV14) (R)Housewives (TV14) (R)Fast & Furious (09, Action) Deadly convoy heist. National Lampoons Vacation Disastrous trip. (R) COM666666661527190(:20) Futurama Leelas second eye. (TV14) (HD)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)Tosh.0 Bond girl. (R)Tosh.0 Talking sci-fi. Kevin Hart: Im a Grown Little Man (TV14) (R)Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain Comedy routine. (R) DISC404040402543120Alaskan (TV14) (R) (HD)Alaskan (TV14) (R) (HD)Gold Rush (TV14) (N)Gold Rush (TVPG) (N)Gold Rush (TVPG) (R)Gold Rush (TVPG) (R) E!464646462726196Prks & RecPrks & RecE! News (N) (HD)Dear John (10, Drama) A woman falls for a soldier on leave. BotchedE! News (N) (HD) FOOD3737373718376164Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (N)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R) FREE555555551046199Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (09, Comedy) Ben Stiller. Museum exhibits battle a crafty pharaoh. Free Willy (93, Adventure) At a marine theme park, a boy befriends an orca whale and becomes his trainer. (PG) (HD)The 700 Club Atheist husband. (TVG) (R) (HD) FX51515151584953(5:00) This Is 40 (12) Life of frustratio n nearly ruins a couples desire to celebrate their birthdays. Grown Ups 2 (13) Family man Lenny and the gang prove their glory days arent over yet. Grown Ups 2 (13) Family man Lenny and the gang prove their glory days arent over yet. GSN17917917917934179184Cash CabCash CabFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. Feud Fam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. Feud HALL5551713773240Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Meow Madness Bracket Champion (TVG) (N)The MiddleThe MiddleGold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165Fixer Uppr (TVG) (R)Fixer Uppr (TVG) (R)My LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryHuntersHuntersHuntersHunters HIST818181813365128Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Ancient Battle victory. Ancient: Total Dictators(:03) Ancient (TV14) (N)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R) LIFE363636365241140Bring It! (TVPG) (R)Bring It! (TVPG) (R)Bring It! Trip to L.A. (N)Bring It! (TVPG) (N)Rap Game (TVPG) (N)Pop Game (TVPG) (N) NICK252525252444252Henry (R)Henry (R)Hunter (N)ThundermanTh underman (TVG) (R)Cheaper by the Dozen (03) Careers and 12 kids. FriendsFriends OWN58585858476714520/20 (TV14) (R) (HD)20/20: Out of Bounds 20/20 (TV14) (R) (HD)48 Hours: (TV14) (HD)48 Hours: (TV14) (HD)20/20 (TV14) (R) (HD) QVC14141491413150Rivers Classics (TVG)Alegria FootwearDenim & Co. (TVG)Friday Beauty (TVG)Shawn Says, Accessorize!Ž: Alegria (TVG) SPIKE57575757296354Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R) SYFY6767676725364180Shutter Island (10) (R)Friday the 13th (09, Horror) Madman terrorizes. Carrie Shy teen with powers is pushed too far. Magicians (TV14) (R) TBS59595959326252SeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldTower Heist Stealing from a Wall Street thief. ELEAGUE: Street Fighter V Group A (TV14) TCM656565656574230The Goddess (58, Drama) A poverty-stricken woman uses her sexual appeal to become a star. Love Letters (45) A soldier convinces his friend to write his love letters for him during WW II.(:15) The Best Years of Our Lives (46, Drama) Myrna Loy. Veterans adjust to life after the war. TLC454545455772139Say YesSay YesWedding (TV14) (R)Wedding (TV14) (R)Wedding (TV14) (R)Wedding (TV14) (R)Wedding (TV14) (R) TNT61616161285551Castle: Crossfire Unforseen twists. (TVPG) (HD)Castle Novelist murder. (TVPG) (HD)The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (02, Fantasy) Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen. Frodo and Sam continue their quest to destroy the One Ring in Mordor. (PG-13) (HD) TOON808080804620257Titans Go!Titans Go!We BareWe BareKing HillCleve. ShwCleve. ShwAm. DadBobs BrgrBobs BrgrFamily GuyFamily Guy TRAV6969696926066170Ghost Tenant attacked. Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG) TRUTV636363635030183FunniestCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroJokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Greatest TVL626262623154241A GriffithA GriffithA GriffithA GriffithA GriffithLoves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.QueensQueens USA34343434225250Mod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod Family Mod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod Family WE117117117117117117149Not to HotNot to Hot June must lose. (TV14)Not to Hot (TV14) (R)Not to Hot (TV14) (N)Dr. Miami (TV14) (N)Not to Hot (TV14) (R) WGN16161619411168Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Broken City (13) An ex-cop deals with a public scandal. Broken (R) S W E NCNBC393939395937102Mad Money (N) (HD)Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undercover Boss: ADT CNN323232321838100Situation Room (N)Erin Burnett (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)CNN Films: Unseen Enemy Viruses & bacteria. Cooper 360 (R) (HD) CSPAN1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 3 7 1 2 1 09(10:00) Public Affairs Events (R)Politics & Public Policy Today Major political activity around the U.S. (R) FNC646464644871118Special Report (N) (HD)The First 100 Days (N)The OReilly Factor (N)Tucker Carlson (N)Hannity (N) (HD)The OReilly Factor (R) MSNBC8383838318540103For the Record (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)Chris Hayes (N) (HD)Rachel Maddow (N)Last Word (N) (HD)Chris Hayes (R) (HD) SNN66611---SNN EveEve @ 6:30ES.TV (R)CelebritySuncoastNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late ESNN Late ECelebrity S T R O P SESPN29292929125870Masters Golf Tournament: Round 2 SC (HD)Masters Golf Tournament: Round 2 Encore Presentation (Taped) (HD)SportsCenter (HD) ESPN23030303065974SportsCenter (HD)30 for 30College Basketball Awards (Live)Sports 2017 Nike Hoop Summit (Live) (HD) FS148484848426983 NASCAR Cup Qualifying: Texas Rollin College Baseball: Oklahoma Sooners at Texas Longhorns (Live) (HD)MLB Whip Around (HD) FSN72727272725677UEFA Mag.MarlinsMLB Baseball: Miami Marlins at New York Mets from Citi Field (Live) (HD)MarlinsWrld Poker (Replay)Access FSSUN38383838455776AccessRays LIVE! MLB Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays at Tampa Bay Rays (Live) (HD)Rays LIVE!InsideInsideWaves GOLF49494949556093The Legend of Bagger Vance (00) Live from The Masters (HD)Live from The Masters (HD) NBCSN71717171546190IndyCar NHL Live (Live) NHL Hockey: Tampa Bay vs Montreal (Live) (HD) NHL Overtime (Live)Curling (Taped) M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250BUNKD Camp for geniuses. Stuck in Middle Garage sale. Tangled Rapunzels critic. (R)Tangled: Fitzherbert P.I.(TVY7)Stuck Mid.(TVG) (N) (HD)Andi Mack: Tomorrow Starts Today (TVG) (N) (HD)Ramona and Beezus (10) An imaginative and accident-prone third grader tries to save the family home.(:20) Andi Mack: Tomorrow Starts Today (TVG) (R) (HD) ENC150150150150150150350(:10) That Thing You Do! (96, Drama) Tom Everett Scott. The musicians in a garage band deal with the price of fame in the early 1960s. (PG)The White Queen: War At First Hand Throne challenged.(TVMA) (HD)Sweet Home Alabama (02, Comedy) Reese Witherspoon. A New York fashion designer tries to divorce her redneck Alabama husband. (HD) (:51) Jerry Maguire (96) A sports agent starts his own company. (R) HBO302302302302302302400(4:5 5) Batm an v Superman: Dawn of Justice (16, Action) Ben Affleck. Batman decides to take Superman on. VICE (TVM A) (N) (HD) (:15 ) Mike and Da ve N eed We ddin g Dates (16 Comedy) Zac Efron. Reckless brothers post an ad online to find dates to their sisters wedding. Real Time with Bill Maher(TVMA) (N) (HD)VICE (TVM A) (N) (HD)Animals Mothers wedding. (N) HBO2303303303303303303402(:05) 28 Days Later (02, Horror) Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris. A young man awak es from a coma to find the country infested with zombies. Big Little Lies: You Get What You Need Celeste gets bold.(TVMA)Crashing: Julie Leifs spouse. X-Men: Apocalypse (16, Action) Professor X and his team must save mankind when the first and most powerful mutant awakens and decides to wipe out all of humanity. (PG-13) HBO3304304304304304304404Cop Car (15) Deadly game(:50) The Breakfast Club (85, Drama) Emilio Estevez. Five very different st udents learn about each other during a weekend de tentio n. (R) (HD)Last Week John Oliver(TVMA)Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie (16, Comedy) Jennifer Saunders. Women hide out in French Riviera. (R)My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (16) Shocking family secret comes out that the whole family must deal with. MAX320320320320320320420The 33 (15) Trapped miners.(:35) The Strangers (08, Thriller) A couple is terrorized by three, masked, unknown assailants at their home. The Purge: Election Year (16) Senator, stranded in streets of Washington, D.C., must survive latest Purge.(:50) Minority Report (02) A detective in the year 2054 attempts to countermand destiny after his depa rtments crime-pred iction technology indicates he will commit a murder. (HD) MAX2321321321321321321422(4:40) National Treasure (04) Treasure hunter protects history. (PG) (:55) In the Heart of the Sea (15, Adventure) Chris Hemsworth, Benjamin Walker. The ordeal of the sailors aboard the Essex is recalled. (HD)Trapped (02, Thriller) A husband and wife team kidnaps an asthmatic child and holds her for ransom. (R) (:50) Wanted (08, Action) An ordinary accountant is recruited by an ancient league of assassins. (R) (HD) SHO340340340340340340365(:55) 3:10 to Yuma (07, Western) Russell Crowe, Christian Bale. A rancher escort s an infamous outlaw to the train station for trial elsewhere. The Beach Boys: Making Pet Sounds Successful record. (TV14) (N)Steve Byrne: Tell The Damn Joke Stand-up event. (TVMA) (N) (HD) (:05) American Jihad (17) The phenomenon of homegrown Jihadism and its effects are explored. (NR)Circus President thoughts. (R) TMC350350350350350350385(5:00) The Ladies Man (00) Boulevard (14, Drama) An older man comes to terms with his true self after a life-altering drive home. (R)Love the Coopers (15, Comedy) Alan Arkin, John Goodman. The Cooper fami lys annual Christmas Eve celebration turns chaotic. (PG-13)Don Jon (13, Comedy) A dissatisfied, young man addicted to porn tries to change after meeting a girl. Hesher (11) Disturbed loner. (R) 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 12 p.m. FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Practice Texas from Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas. (L) 2:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR X“nity Series Practice Texas from Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas. (L) 3 p.m. ESPN 2017 Masters Golf Tournament Round 2 from Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia. (L) 4 p.m. FS1 UFC Fight Night Weigh-In UFC 210: Cormier vs Johnson 2 from Buffalo, N.Y. (L) 5 p.m. FS1 NASCAR X“nity Series Final Practice Texas from Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas. (L) 6 p.m. FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Qualifying Texas from Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas. (L) 7 p.m. FSN MLB Baseball Miami Marlins at New York Mets from Citi Field. (L) FSSUN MLB Baseball Toronto Blue Jays at Tampa Bay Rays from Tropicana Field. (L) 8 p.m. FS1 College Baseball Oklahoma Sooners at Texas Longhorns from Disch-Falk Field. (L) 10 p.m. ESPN2 2017 Nike Hoop Summit from Moda Center in Portland, Ore. (L)7:00 a.m. ABC Good Morning America Actress Julia Roberts from Smurfs: The Lost VillageŽ; Marian Hill performs. (N) 9:00 a.m. CBS LIVE with Kelly Scott Wolf serves as co-host; Jason Statham talks about a “lm. (N) 9:00 a.m. IND The Steve Wilkos Show A mother of six has gotten engaged to a 17-year-old. 9:00 a.m. MYN The 700 Club Atheist mans quest to prove his Christian wife wrong turns into motion picture (N) 10:00 a.m. CW Rachael Ray Nate Berkus and husband discuss TV show; Sarah Michelle Gellar features recipe. (N) 10:00 a.m. FOX Maury Sentoria and Lisa both want to prove that a man names Antione is the dad. 11:00 a.m. ABC The View Actor Kurt Russell from The Fate Of The FuriousŽ appears. (N) 11:00 a.m. FOX The Steve Wilkos Show Wife questions husbands faithfulness; man claims cheating admission was a lie. (N) 11:00 a.m. MYN The Doctors Lamar Odoms team reacts; San Bernardino victims visit one year after. 12:00 p.m. CW The Wendy Williams Show Ice Cube; Tia Mowry. 1:00 p.m. ABC The Chew WWE superstar Nikki Bella joins Michael to prepare a dish for the holiday. (N) 1:00 p.m. CW The Robert Irvine Show Two exotic dancers compete for the same man by participating in a strip off. 2:00 p.m. CBS The Talk Matthew Perry; Sarah Michelle Gellar; Wendi McLendon-Covey; Chrissy Metz. (N) 2:00 p.m. IND The Steve Wilkos Show Wife questions husbands faithfulness; man claims cheating admission was a lie. (N) 3:00 p.m. ABC Rachael Ray Nate Berkus and husband discuss TV show; Sarah Michelle Gellar features recipe. (N) 4:00 p.m. IND Steve Harvey Nancy Grace discusses a 10-day RV trip; Tia Mowry makes special pancakes. (N) 5:00 p.m. CW Dr. Phil Woman believes sons biological mother is trying to sabotage their relationship. (N)Todays Live Sports Todays Talk Shows Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV


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Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 15 SP20720 To Place, Correct, or Cancel Ad C ALL Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM F ax : 866-949-1426 941-429-3110 Check Out More SUN Classified Ads Online UPDATED DAILY!!! 23170 HA RBORVIEW RD. PORT CHARLOTTE, FL S UN C LASSIFIED 6090 MUSICAL G UITAR CASE 1 978 ovation excellent $499 786-306-6335 GUITAR, GRETSCH Model 5120, new condition $450 941-764-9169 GUITARS Rogue 12string acou. & 6 string acou. W/cases new $275, OBO 941-408-7535 HAMMOND ORGAN in good condition. Asking$150 814-267-3058 MANDOLIN MELLON BACK, C.F. Martin no cracks, great playing cond. $400 716-523-0463 TENOR SAX by Bundy, Good Condition $450 941-763-0343 VICTROLA TALKING machine records & needles plays fine $225 941-214-8188 6095 MEDICAL BEDSUDE/SHOWER/TOILET COMMODE XL, sturdy. White. New. $23 803-624-8039 COMMODE DRIVER-DELUXE Adjustable,Gaurd/Bucket. Excellent $40, OBO 941-766-1899 HOSPITAL BED Drive power bed, remote, rails, 2 new mattresses $425, OBO 810-513-0209 HOSPITAL BED Invacare Full Electric 2 Side Rails $350 941456-7888 KNEE SCOOTER (KneeWalker HX59JP) 4 wheels, nice $125 585-755-9982 LIFT CHAIR Power lift chair almost new red tweed cloth $350 810-513-0209 MOBILITY SCOOTER Buzz Around Lite Go Go Elite Traveler. Hardly Used! Make Offer! 941-488-0100 SAFETY RAIL Stand alone toilet safety rail, new,in box $25 941505-0081 WALKER SEAT MERITSDELUXESEAT, HEAVIER. EXCELLENT!! $75 OBO 941-766-1899 WHEELCHAIR DRIVER:VIPER PLUS GT. EXCELLENT..!! $325, OBO 941-766-1899 WHEELCHAIR PUSHES EASY $50 941-235-8976 6100 HEALTH/BEAUTY MASSAGE CHAIR Portable Massage chair, excellent condition $85 941-627-0901 MASSAGE/ FACIALCHAIR LIKE NEW WITH ADJUSTABLE BACK $69 941-763-2581 TALKINGWATCHREIZEN For Sight Impaired Mens or Ladies $45 941-662-9228 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372 AGAVE PINEAPPLE begonia coleus frangipani geranium pepperomia $5 941-202-3696 ALOE VERA devils backbone mexican petunias oyster snake spider lily $5 941-202-3696 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CHILDS TOY 23x13Ž Pinball Circa 1920s. Glass top, wood sides. $75 941-258-0512 CHINA STEUBENVILLE Rose Point China set of 7 plus $95 941-416-1585 CIVIL WAR UNION BELT BUCKLE RELIC GETTYSURG BATTLE $135 941-475-1375 CLOCKS MCCLINTOCK $35, OBO 941-697-8598 COIN 1858 LL Flying Eagle penny fine collector $75 941214-8188 COLLECTOR PLATE Wedgwood Bone China Old London Views.Ž $40 941-258-0512 DECO PHONE Bench 30s 40s Hotel style Deco gossip bench etc... $225 724-234-5142 DEPRESSION GLASS 1937 4 sherberts.ŽpatricianŽ.ex con. $40, OBO 941-235-2203 DREAMSICLE CHERUB Teddy Figurines Small collection. Delightful Each $3 803-624-8039 EARLY 1900S Art Three English Manor pictures in original frames. $150 941-258-0512 FURNIVALSŽ PITCHER Denmark blue pattern made in England $15 941-639-1517 HAND PAINTED HURRICANE LAMP Local artist.Exquisite. Only $30 803-624-8039 HESS TRUCKS EACH 19932014 NEW IN BOX $20, OBO 239-220-9948 HOCKEY CARD SETS 1979 1980 $85 1990 MINT sets!! $12, OBO 810-210-9553 LAMP Vintage cherub w/ marble base made in Italy $45 941-214-8188 LICENSE-PLATES 60S, 70S, &more NY, CT, ME, TX, FL. $10 941-214-8188 M&M CASINOMACHINE 8Ž x5Ž lever releases candy $10 716-374-2950 MISC ANTIQUE GLASSWARE $10 & up. Also crystal. 941716-1558 RONALD REAGAN Republican task force medal of merit orig box $20 941-639-1517 ROYAL COPLEY deer head planter.ex. cond. $25, OBO 941-235-2203 ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINE & character Toby jug. Bargain mint. $65 ea. 941-639-1517 ROYAL WORCESTER ODETTEŽ BEAUTIFUL DINNER SET, 8 SETTINGS, 24 PIECE $325, OBO 941-505-4693 SPODE BUTTERCUP Creamer & Sugar Bowl. Perfect Old Brown Mark $75 401-300-1326 SUNGLASSES RAYBAN wayfarerŽ $60 941-235-2203 TAPA CLOTH ART from Fiji framed/under glass 42ŽX42Ž $200 941-585-8149 TRAY VINTAGE Cromwell hand wrought hammered alum 12x21 handles $15 941-830-0524 VICTROLA VV100 floor model circa 1923 records & ex needles $225 941-214-8188 6075 FRUITS & VEGETABLES BLUEBERRIES U-Pick Ready for Picking at Ft Ogden. Call For Directions 863-990-6164 6090 MUSICAL ACCOUSTIC AMP Peavy E208, works perfect $80 941764-9169 BANJO HARMONY, Model H5835, like new condition with case. $170 716-523-0463 GUITAR ACOUSTIC Hal Leonard, Solid Spruce Top, Mahogany back and sides. New strings. 8 years old. Never used. $300 941-205-2277 GUITAR AMPLIFIER, 10w also for keyboard or PA, 8Žspeaker. $30 941-575-7793 6038 ELECTRONICS NETGEAR ROUTER DUO WIRELESS N EX COND $15 941-391-6377 WALKIE TALKIE SET never used $60 941-218-4502 6040 TV/STEREO/RADIO BOSE, Sound Dock, portableremote control $100, OBO 941-575-1897 SAMSUNG 45 3D TV W/2 PAIR GLASSES $130 941-505-7463 SONY TV 52in Sony Bravia LCD black Stereo HDTV like new. $400 941-276-6966 STEREO, PIONEER Speakers 35Ž & Glass Front Stereo. Four Consoles & Much More. $150 941-496-9873 TV & STAND 57Ž Mitsubishi TV & Stand $350 817-658-7949 TV 32Ž TOSHIBA SLIM21/2Ždeep10Žbase $75, OBO 972-369-2498 TV SONY 52Ž Projector. Excellent condition. $99 941-763-2581 6060 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT COMPUTER LAPTOP Lenovo windows10 $75 941-979-5592 DESK 3 TIERED New 41ŽX 68Ž BLK/SS $100 941-408-7535 DESKTOP COMPUTER, HP. Works Perfect $250, OBO 941-404-1822 MONITOR NEWER 27Ž HD excellent cond. $95 941-6295576 PRINT/COPY/SCAN/FAX MACHINE Epson Black Like New $45 941-276-1881 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES AMETRINE RING, NEWsz-7 RG ovr .925 TGW 3.83cts $85 941-554-2140 CROSS PENDANT w/chain Tanzanite TGW 3.7.cts $185 941-554-2140 EARRINGS, New, larimar & blue topaz .925 silver $55 941554-2140 LADIES WATCH Pulsar w/Date & Crystals on Face Silver & Gold Band. $100 941-379-5586 MINK STOLE, oversize blonde $250, OBO 941-429-1573 TORY BUSCH, 2pr flats ea, others & clothes, Venice area $72, OBO 941-492-2252 TURQUISE CROSS PENDANT new w/chain .925 sterling 1.35 cts $60 941-554-2140 WATCH MOVADO Mens just serviced. Exc. condition. $100 941-629-5576 WATCH ROLEX upscale replica w/box like new $100 941-6295576 WATCH SEIKO high end like new $60 941-629-5576 WRIST WATCH Tag Heuer ALTEREgo WP1410 NICE!! Ladies Preowned $290 941-697-3850 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES 1807 BOOK German Bible. Very good condition. $100 941-258-0512 1907 ROLLS SilverGhost 1:24 model w/display case mint COA $75, OBO 941-830-0524 1954 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED 1st issue leatherbound mint coa from SI. $300 941-629-5576 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 BASEBALL CARDS 5132 Colectables!!! $35, OBO 810-2109553 BEER STEIN 1876-1976 Budweiser 100 Years stein with lid. $40 941-258-0512 BRASS GEESE, pair 4.5Ž tall beautiful polished brass, decorative. $12 941-575-7793 CADILLAC DESK Table fair to good condition $200 941-8158818 6035 FURNITURE RECLINER TAUPE recliner with footstool. Very good condition. $50, OBO 401-439-9522 ROCKER Mauve, Swivel, Like New! $85. SOFA, Floral Print, Broyhill $200 941-408-8889 ROCKER, Green swiveL rocker $50 941-766-8562 ROCKING CHAIR Ethan Allen Cape Cod Rocker $125 941-627-6542 ROCKING CHAIR VA House Solid dark wood. Exc. cond. $75 941-391-6334 ROLLTOP DESK dark oak color 25 years old 5 drawers 8 cubbyholes $85 217-433-5044 SECTIONAL, 2 piece sage color sectional w/ rocker and ottoman $425 941-766-8562 SLEEPER SOFA 77X34X30 clean Queen size light color plaid fabric $100 941-202-3437 SOFA & LOVESEAT Lane, Leather, matching, Ex cond. $495 941-268-0917 SOFA BLACK LEATHER Dual reclining ends.Minor wear $75 269-313-0070 SOFA TABLE Thomasville 3 drawers 52Žx15Ž x 27Ž $75 941-416-1585 SOFABED Floral Nice off white wicker ends & floral cushions. $90 269-313-0070 TABLE &6 Chairs Oak, $125. China Cabinet Oak $75. Grandmothers Clock $125. Lift Chair, Brown $125 941-429-9474 TABLE MARBLE TOP Mahogany 33ŽX22ŽX28Ž $130 941-624-0364 TABLE 30ŽX31Ž Mahogany/4 colorful songbirds decorate top $80, OBO 941-624-0364 TABLE 36ŽH x 40Ž round granite top $200 941-914-1770 TABLE SET, WickerOutdoor Resin. w/4chairs Round with glass top. $450 860-810-4174 TABLE, 42Ž ROUND glass coffee table with multi-brown round rug $100 941-833-5744 TABLE, 48Ž rataan, round w/ formica top $80 941-488-5595 TABLE, 5Round, light, folding legs. $75 941-496-9252 TABLE COFFEE/COCKTAIL Wood. Excellent Condition. $45, OBO 941-629-6374 TABLE, High Top & chairs 42Žsq high top table with 4 chairs $125,obo 941-457-4867 TABLE/NIGHTSTAND ETHAN Allen 24Žx15Žx28Ž $55 941416-1585 TABLES SIDE(2) TV CARTS(2) wall art (4) starting at $10, OBO 9 41-202-3437 TABLES, 2 Dark Wood end tables Vintage, Heritage furn $125 941-627-6542 TABLES, Coffee and End Set Glass Coffee and two end tables $90, OBO 401-338-8750 TIKI BAR ALL TEAK,PORTABLE GREAT FOR PATIO $125 941505-4693 WALL SCONCE 12l.17h, blk. & gold. decorative. $20 941-235-2203 WICKER SET Outdoor Resin Love seat, matching coffee & end table. $200 860-810-4174 6038 ELECTRONICS ACER LAPTOP Works Great 4GB 1T-Harddrive $175, OBO 941-404-1822 ANTENNA, MOBILE, mag. base w/cable, includes SWR meter. $10 941-575-7793 DESKTOP SPEAKERS, Hardon Kardon. Reduced again! $40, OBO 941-697-8598 HDMI RECEIVER Onkyo, TX-NR616, like new. $185 941-486-0189 IPHONE 6 Unlocked. Works Perfect. $350, OBO 941-404-1822 JITTERBUG SMART PHONE by GREAT CALL. $75 941-889-7592 MODEM ROUTERS (2) WIFI for Verizon/Frontier Communications, each $50 941-275-5837 6035 FURNITURE DINING TABLE Solid wood lt. oak 41x54 rect.expandable PC $25 269-313-0070 DRESSER TRIPLE w/framed mirror White like new $95 941391-6334 DUTCH DRESSER/CHINA CABINET PINE/GLASS $250, OBO 941-505-4693 ENT CTR 7Hx89ŽWx22ŽD, custom 3pc solid oak ltd 40ŽTV pd.4K LN $495 941-697-0501 ENTERTAINMENTCNTR 3Pcs lightcolor I/2Ž thick presswood $75 941-697-7364 FILING CABINET Sauder LateralOak finish, 2 drawers $50 941-662-9228 HEAD BOARD Queen, white wicker 1/3 orig.cost $175 941-408-7535 I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 LAMP TABLE with nice details $50 941-914-1770 LIVING ROOM TABLES $100 941-380-9212 LOVE SEAT couch 3yrs old ex cond $125 941-627-5732 LOVE SEAT Flexsteel Beige. 2 Recliners. Excellent cond. $425, OBO 941-697-8598 LOVE SEAT very good condition, blue and cream color $100 941-258-6493 LOVE SEAT, brown lather, good shape $60 941-244-8138 LOVE SEAT, red micro fiber love seat $200 941-766-8562 MATTRESS KING size 2 box springs & frame ex cond $250 941-391-6334 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 PATIO BAR metal/slate+2swl chrs 53Lx28Wx39H $75, OBO 972-369-2498 PATIO SET beige aluminum 2 chairs 2 ottomans 1 bench 4 tables $100, OBO 941-202-3437 PATIO SET White PVC table 6 cushioned roller chairs. Exc.. cond. $100 715-439-0459 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 RECLINER black power and massage, good condition $100, OBO 941-429-8513 RECLINER CHAIR Gray linen manual recliner chair (new) $75, OBO 941-457-4867 RECLINER Dark Green, leather look vinyl, good condition. $30 716-598-2406 6035 FURNITURE CHAIR WROUGHT Iron Chair, nice details $45 941-914-1770 CHINA CABINET Solid Wood 2Pc 80x49 Ashley MillenniumŽ Lt Tan $375 941-697-3850 CHINA SET Johnson Brothers, Tulip Time pattern, 59 pieces, nice $79, OBO 716-598-2406 CLUB CHAIR swirl & rock. Like NEW. $60 941-889-7592 COFFEE TABLE Thomasville oval 50Žx25Žx17Ž Exc Cond $65 941-416-1585 COFFEE TABLES(6) various sizes and shapes starting at $10, OBO 941-202-3437 COMPUTER ARMOIRE Desk Sauder, Oak Finish $25 941-662-9228 COMPUTER DESK glass/metal 44Lx30Wx29H $50, OBO 972369-2498 COUCH & LOVESEAT beige 82x38x32 & 64x38x32 fabric $200, OBO 941-275-5837 COUCH &LOVESEAT Floral print ask less 1/3 original cost $325, OBO 941-408-7535 COUCH & MATCHING chair Cinnamon colored microfiber couch with matching chair in pastel colors w/pillows. In very good condition. Text message only please. $200, OBO 941467-5296 COUCH 86Ž, loveseat 62Ž ottoman beige microfiber brass nail heads. Call for photo $500 941-295-7674 CUB CADET 48Ž Zero Turn Camo, 24HP. Kohler 7000 Series w/ 42 Hrs. $2,999 941-623-3297 DINETTE SET like new all wood 30Ž table top & 2 handmade chairs $150 941-202-3437 DINETTE SET, 45Ž glass top w/4 white naugahyde caster chairs $100 941-833-5744 DINING SET 66X42X30 oak table 6 hand made round chairs $350, OBO 941-275-5837 DINING SET BEAUTIFUL SOLID WOOD TABLE, 8 CHAIRS, BUFFET. MARQUETRY SURFACES $550, OBO 941-505-4693 DINING SET Class top/wicker trimmed light green chairs on wheels $140 941-505-7463 DINING SET Outdoor dining set. Bridgeport 68x38 with 6 chairs. $300 941-474-1640 DINING SET SOLID PINE TABLE, 8 CHAIRS $325, OBO 941-505-4693 DINING SET, American Drew 6 chairs. Tropical look, man size seats $499 941-627-6542 DINING TABLE 62Ž table & 2 leafs with 6 chairs $300, OBO 941-457-4867 Friday, April 7, 2017


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 17 6160 LAWN & GARDEN 48Ž XMARK walk behind hydrostat, $3,500. 5X8 Trailer $550 941-483-0138 CHAIN SAW Poulin Pro 18Ž NEW in box $150, OBO 941-485-0681 CHAIN SAW: Homelite, 14Ž NEW $120, OBO 941-485-0681 CHAR-BROIL GRILL 4burner w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 C uddle up by the fire! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 DUMP CART 3x4 tow behind $150, OBO 941-764-7323 FERTILIZER 50 LB, for Grass and Plants $25 941-257-5500 GARDEN WATER FOUNTAIN Works. Venice $50 941-2861170 LAWN MOWER B&S push with large wheels on back. Used very little. $65 715-439-0459 LAWN MOWER MTD 20ŽPush Like New $75, OBO 941-485-0681 LAWN MOWER Toro 6.5 hp 22Ž self propelled recent tuneup A-1 $125 941-266-2040 LAWN TABLE glass top, aluminum frame, also resin chairs avail $25 941-497-3250 LAWN TRACTOR PoulanXT Model 12530 Needs battery $300 941-474-2062 LAWN TRACTOR, Craftsman LT1000 17.5 HP 42Ž cut. New battery. $375 941-266-4731 LEAF SHREDDER Worx leaf shredder on stand 110v $40 941-475-7150 LINE TRIMMER: Troybuilt, 25cc, straight shaft, New. $110, OBO 941-485-0681 MOWER Toro Self-Propelled. 6.5 HP. 22Ž Cut. Good Cond. $125/obo 847-567-4634 Nokomis. Ask For Stan. MOWER, RIDING Snapper, Like new $495 941-268-0917 PATIO BLOCKS 300 blocks North Port asking .50 each or less OBO 262-492-4739 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 PLUG AERATOR 40Ž tow behind $150, OBO 941-764-7323 PRESSURE WASHER Troybuilt 3000psi New Pump $300, OBO 941-485-0681 RIDING MOWER TORO, KOHLER 18hp,46Ž DECK $500, OBO 941-429-9448 ROTARY SPREADER John Deere tow behind, 130lbs $200 941-764-7323 LAWN TRACTOR Gravley, 42Ž Zero Turn, Like New! Kohler 24HP engine. Low Hours, home owner used only. Asking $2,000 815-216-6402 Rotonda STOCK PHOTO THATCHER TOWBEHIND $60, OBO 941-764-7323 TOP SOILFor Sale! Please call: 941-468-4372 WEEDWACKER CRAFTMAN GAS W17Ž/25CC TRIMMER $60, OBO 941-391-6377 6165 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS WEATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Set Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 6133 HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES CARGO CARRIER Gal. 20Žx60Ž W/ lights fit 2Ž rec. Exc. cond. $65, OBO 941-204-7013 CLAM RAKE, metal Excellent cond. 5.5 long $40 941-585-8149 FISHING REEL, PENN 714Z Ultra Sport w/New Line. As New $70, OBO 941-379-5586 HUNTING BOOTS 17Ž 10W camo Redwing irish setter like new $60 941-629-6374 TACKLE BOX w/lures, llines, misc. (Englewood) $40, OBO 941-830-2069 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES ADULT TRICYCLE new, still in box! $275 248-796-7605 BICYCLE CLEAN Jeep Comanche XHT 21 speed Shimano orange $165 724-234-5142 BICYCLE ROSS Mt. St. Helens 18 Shimano. Low weight, low price $195 724-234-5142 BICYCLE SCHWINN GTX dualsport 21 Shimano aluminum blue $165 724-234-5142 BICYCLE TOWNIE Ball, roll brake, fen, rks, 3 spd, int hub. Exc. $495 518-339-3388 BICYCLE TREK Hyb, 700B, ozXT gears, sure fire shifters. $495 518-339-3388 BIKE AVALON 7SPALLOY HYBRID CRUISER CLEAN LADIES LG SEAT $50 941-544-0042 BIKE GIRLS pink, 18 inches, training wheels, + helmet $25 941-235-8299 BIKE LADIES 7-SPD COMFORT AS NEW, NICE $75 941-4567560 BIKE ladies hybrid CRUISER Very Clean 21 SP New Basket & Seat $75 941-544-0042 BIKE VINTAGE SCHWINNWorld Sport Tall 65cm 80s Racer NEW tires $75 941-544-0042 BIKE, JAMIS LADIESALLOY HYBRID CRUISER WHITE 8 sp VERY CLEAN! $125 941-544-0042 HELLO KITTY BICYCLE With Training Wheels, Like New $25, OBO 941-379-5586 TRI-BIKE Industrial, heavy duty. Like new. $200, OBO 440-5061312 TRICYCLE MIAMI SUN Adult Rides Good 24Ž lg seat lg basket $60 941-544-0042 6138 TOYS/GAMES CALL DUTY Legacy Edition for PS4 $30 941-257-5500 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES **SPAS & MORE** We take Trade ins We Move Hot Tubs & Buy Used Hot Tubs! 941-625-6600 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 LANAI BAR metal/slate+2swl chrs53Lx28Wx39H $75, OBO 972-369-2498 POOL CLEANER, AUTOMATIC Great White automatic pool cleaner. Good condition. $200, OBO 330-338-6522 POOL TUBE & SEAT BOTH LG.TUBE W/NET & POOL SEAT FLOAT $20 941-451-8793 SOLAR POOL panels 14 panels,pipe and connectors. No leaks $250 941-391-1829 SWIMMING POOL filter and cartridge 125cuft, Starite Like new $250 941-769-5693 6126 GOLF CARTS GOLF CART 4-seater; 2 yr batt. charger; mirror; Good Condition. $1,250, OBO 518-423-0119 6128 EXERCISE / FITNESS BOWFLEX EXTREME 2 SE New Condition! $450. Originally $1400. 941-270-1245 BOWFLEXPR1000, Home Gym. Very New Used 10 times $250 941-833-5744 CHUCK NORRIS Total Gym Set Training Deck, Wall Chart & Much More. $300 Firm, Never Used. 941-496-9873 ELLIPTICAL EXERCISE MACHINE Pro-Form Elliptical 520E Like New Port Charlotte location. $350, OBO 941-875-1001 EXERCISE BIKE Good cond. Venice area $35, OBO 941492-2252 EXERCISE BIKE good used cond,venice area $29, OBO 941-492-2252 INVERSION TABLE Lifegear, Excellent condition. $95 941627-0901 TREADMILL Like New Pro-form Performance 400i $499 941-889-7592 TREADMILL PRO-FORM 300X w/ incline$125 941505-7463 TREADMILL PRO-FORM 515S cross walk, $200 OBO 941-625-0132 6130 SPORTING GOODS 2 GUYS GUN SHOWS APRIL 29th & 30th Charlotte County Fairgrounds 2333 El Jobean Rd (776) Port Charlotte, FL Buy-Sell-Trade New-Used FREEParking CWP Classes Avail. Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-4 727-776-3442 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! BOOTS 17Ž H camao 10 W Insulated waterproof like new $60 941-629-6374 DAYTONA 500 1996 EARNHARDT SR. SIGNED PHOTO DOCU. $450 941-475-1379 DICK BUTKIS SIGNED NFL FOOTBALL IN CLEAR CASE MINT $135 941-475-1375 FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 HELMET, LADIES SMALL M/C New. Never used. Sacrifice. $50 941-716-1558 HILLERICH & BRADSBY Louisville Slugger #26 official softball bat $15 941-639-1517 MAYS-SNIDER-MANTLE SIGNED FRAMED 16X34 POSTER $425 941-475-1375 SENATOR H114 Rod & Reel $125 & other misc poles $10$30 each 941-625-0132 6131FIREARMS AR-15 Bushmaster, 270 Winchester, 308 Winchester. Ammo & Scopes 941-629-3970 NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. ZASTAVA PAP M85NP Pistol/Carbine 5.56mm SB47 Arm Brace. 1.5Ž CNC Spacer For LOP. Hogue Grip, Stained Wood. Faux Suppressor. NIB. $650 941-916-1055 6126 GOLF CARTS 2011 CLUBCARPRECEDENT4 Passenger Custom "Pearl" Spartan Body Brand New Batteries {C7} Deluxe Lights {Head,Tail, Signal, Brake and Horn} Flip Rear Seat Excellent Tires, Brakes, Mirror, Windshield, Top, Chrome SS Caps and Charger $3,995 941-830-4723 DELIVERYINCLUDED{25MI.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Midnight BlackŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … DEMO SALEŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Custom Yellow PaintŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s EZGO 2 PASSENGER GOLF CART Older Cart in Mint Condition Brand New Batteries New Folding Windshield Yellow Jacket Cables & Bushings. 36 Volt Charger Chrome Wheel Covers Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top & Mirror Fully Serviced Runs Great! STK#172A $1787. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … RED RACERŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New Custom PaintedŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES PING EYE 2 full set 1 to lob (12 clubs) matching #s metal stiff v good $199 941-875-5983 TOMMY ARMOUR IRONS 3 through SW w/Titleist Bag $50, OBO 941-270-8009 6126 GOLF CARTS 2000 CLUB CAR DS 4 PASSENGERGOLFCARTCUSTOM"SUNBURSTORANGE" PAINTNEWREARSEAT{FOLDSTOACARGODECK}. NEWHEAVYDUTYSPRINGSANDBUSHINGSNEWTINTEDWINDSHIELDTROJAN875 BATTERIES6-8 VOLTHEADLIGHTS& TAILLIGHTSPOLISHEDALUMINUM12" RIMS& 215X30X12 TIRESFULLYSERVICEDGREATBRAKES, TOPANDCHARGER$3,275 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2000 Club Car DS Plumb Crazy PurpleŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2000 CLUB CAR DS Recent "Red" Paint 4 Passenger Golf Cart Brand New Batteries {C7} New Flip Rear Seat New SS Hubcaps New Bushings {front & rear} Head and Tail Lights Great Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Top, Mirror and Charger $2,875. 941-830-4723 Free Delivery {25mi.} Calls Only Please No text 2008 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 10" Rims w/215x50x10 Tires 6 8 Volt 2014 Batteries New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger. $3,795. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ButterscotchŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6110 TREES & PLANTS BROMELIADS VARIOUS aechmeas neoregelias vriesas starting at $5 941-202-3696 CENTURY PLANT Huge! U dig & haul off in ur truck! PLEASE! $1 941-258-2016 FERTILIZER 50 LB, for Grass and Plants $25 941-257-5500 FLORIDA AVOCADO/CITRUS 1-2 tall seedlings organically grown $5 941-202-3696 LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A MOSES PLANTS 5 for $1 941218-4502 ORCHIDS CATTLEYA purple mature potted other plants for less $20 941-202-3696 OYSTER PLANTS Finally dug up for you! Come & get em! Tray of abt 25 $5 941-258-2016 SATURDAY SALE VIBURNUM GREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE, PALMS, MANYOTHERPLANTS ATREASONABLE PRICES! SUISNURSURY941-232-6835 SEEDLINGS KALE, B.choy, parsley, S.chard, egg plant or tomato $1 941-258-2016 STAR JASMINE, justica, crinum, fern, or wh Mex Petunia 3 gal pot $8 941-258-2016 TOMATO PLANTS B.Boy, BeefSteak, JetStar, Extreme Bush, Last call! $1 941-258-2016 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 6120 BABY ITEMS BIKE TRAILER SCHWINN Model SC765 good condition $60 313-655-8667 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES CALLAWAY WOODS Ft-1 15 deg Rescue 18 deg like new $20 each. $20 941-270-8009 DRIVER, TM DRIVER Good condition. RH stiff 9.5. $50 941-475-7150 GOLF BALLS, Good, Used. $2. Per dozen. 941-235-2613 GOLF CART CHARGERS CLUB CAR, EZGO, YAMAHA Scratch and Dent Starting at $99 WARRANTY 941-769-1431VISIT GOLF CART Utility Box Metal Cargo Box $25 941-423-3020 GOLF CLBS Odysy PTR $30,Pingizng2 PTR $30 Tylr Made BRNR irons 3-9 S PW $40 $100 941-475-8097 GOLF CLUBS Mens Big Bertha RH full set w/ bag. Exc condition. $160, OBO 216-469-9425 GOLF CLUBS Tour, Complete Set $50. 863-491-0674 GOLF UMBRELLA, LARGE $15 941-218-4502 IRONS CALLAWAY Razr, 4 thru PW $150 941-456-2016 KING COBRA Like new Gravity back 3-pw+sw metal-med flex $119 941-875-5983 PING EYE 2 2 to pw(+sw)zz lite red dot metal iron set-v.good $109 941-875-5983 Friday, April 7, 2017 Page 16 e Sun Classi ed


Page 18 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 7100 MERCURY 2004 MERCURY GRANDMARQUIS MUST SEE CAR! ONLY 30K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7135 SATURN PRO POWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 96 SC2 Coupe$1,199 00 SW2 Wagon$1,950 97 SW2 Wagon $2,158 98 SW2 Wagon $2,195 RV Tow Ready 01 SL2 Sedan$2,395 05 Vue V6 $3,299 05 Vue 6cyl $3,750 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,400 07 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 09 Vue XE $7,188 08 Vue XE $7,800 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $7,995Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 7145 ACURA 1999 ACURA 2.5TL $5,990 SILVER, 77K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 ACURA MDX $38,911 RED, 14K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7148 BMW 2011 BMW 328ICV $17,990 SILVER, 51K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 BMW 335ICV $30,990 CONV, WHITE, 32K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7160 HONDA 2002 HONDA ACCORD $2,400 Loaded, Owned since 2004, well cared for. 941-426-5126 2006 HONDA CIVIC $6,500 4 DR EX, 5 Spd. Manual Shift 941-815-2199 or 629-3188 2013 HONDA ACCORD $15,990 GRAY, 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $25,477 TOURING, CERT, 26K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $25,950TOURING, CERT, RED 15K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,977 EX-L BLUE, 16K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT $26,977 EX-L, CERT, BLACK, 43K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $29,897 TOURING, BLACK, 5,982 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA PILOT $33,497 EX-L, WHITE, 21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2017 HONDA CR-V $33,984 TOURING, RED 698 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2017 HONDA PILOT $44,877 BLACK, ELITE, 5,668 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7163 HYUNDAI 2005 HYUNDAI SANTA-FE $2,900 Original Owner. Exc. Running Cond! 941-475-9212 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA $8,990 RED, 91K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI VELOSTER $12,990 BLACK 18K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA WAGON. 45K Mi. 1-Owner. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7165 INFINITI 2016 INFINITI G35 $9,990 GRAY, 89K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 INFINITI QX60 $26,987 HYBRID 66K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7070 FORD 2007 FORD MUSTANG $10,000 GT California Special. 74K miles. 941-456-9149 2015 FORD FUSION $19,990 NAV, GRAY, 20K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 FORD MUSTANG $31,497 GT PREMIUM, RED, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2008 FORD FOCUS 4Dr SE. 78K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7075 GMC 2012 GMC TERRAIN $18,990 GOLD 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 GMC TERRAIN, SLE-2, EXCCONDITION, REDUCED$16,995 941-626-7682 Dlr 7080 JEEP 2014 JEEP WRANGLER $28,950 LMTD, BLUE, 47K MI 855-481-2060 DLR PRO POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd. Port Charlotte 1996 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,000 1998 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,199 2000 Cherokee 4X4,auto, air $3,895 2001 Wrangler Sport $7,500 2001 Wrangler Sport, Lifted $10,999 2011 Wrangler Sport, $16,899 941-627-8822 7090 LINCOLN 2000 LINCOLN TOWN-CAR $1,200 Good Tires, Cold A/C, 167K miles, needs body work but runs great! 941-475-5297 or 815-228-6801 2010 LINCOLN MKS $16,990 RED, 43K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7100 MERCURY 2009 MERCURY MILAN $8,000 Exc. Cond. 4 Cyl. Moon Roof. 57K Mi 954-554-2745 2005 MERCURY GRANDMARQUIS ULTIMA LS, $3,699 OBO, all power, all leather, serviced every 4K mi. Runs Great!! 941-457-2468 CLASSIFIED WORKS! 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 RECORD COLLECTION includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 SUMP PUMP w/auto float $30, OBO 314-609-1540 TABLE, multi-purposefolds Used for computer or sewing machine $22 941-496-9252 THULE ROOF Racks Traverse 480 Foot packs + 50 inch bars $150, OBO 941-661-7092 VINYL FLOOR TILES NEXUS, self-adhesive, 20 sq.ft & gift card $1 828-341-0815 6270 WANTED TO BUY/TRADE WANTED: ANTIQUE CLOCKS Send Pic & Price 812-322-6771 7000TRANSPORTATION 7030 CADILLAC 2011 CADILLAC STS $13,990 SILVER, 78K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2005 CADILLAC DEVILLE 81K MI. EXTRA CLEAN! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7040 CHEVROLET 2003 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER $4,995 4WD 144K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA $7,495 LT, FLEX FUEL, 92K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7050 CHRYSLER 1998 CHRYSLER CIRRUS $2,000 CASH! 45K Mi. 419-957-4375 1996 CHRYSLER SEBRING $3,595 OBO, Conv., White, New Roof, runs great, fun to drive. 83,300 mi 651-423-2048 2006 CHRYSLER PTCRUISER $3,995 102K Mi. Very Clean! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRING $4,500 obo GTC Conv. Silver w/ Black Top & Silver & Black Interior, 2.7 V6 Engine, Auto Trans, Total Repair Costs $3810. Over Last Year. New Timing Chain, Water Pump, 4 Tires, 6 Fuel Injectors, Front & Rear Brakes, Rear Struts, Rear Glass Window. 941-240-1071 WANTED: SEBRING OR MUSTANG CONV. 2003-2007, 50K miles or less and in exc cond. for my granddaughter, (auto a must) Grandmas orders! Cash customer 605-228-6598 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE ONLY 46K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 6250 APPLIANCES STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low pr i ces A/C COMP. 3ton Rheme,R22 $400 786-306-6335 AIR BED used for Camping or House Guests (Englewood) $25, OBO 941-830-2069 BAMBOO POLES 8-16FT LONG X 2.5Ž-1.0ŽDIA. 6 $3, $4, $6 941-426-6759 BOAT WHEEL (Englewood) $25, OBO 941-830-2069 BOOKS used novels $1, OBO 941-460-9026 CHANDELIER 9light beautiful, perfect $99 941-496-9252 CHANDELIER TIFFANY Design Single Bulb 20Ž Diameter Nice $75, OBO 941-379-5586 CHAR-BROIL BBQ 4 burner grill w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 CLOCK, MICKEY MOUSE Englewood, $10 941-830-2069 COFFEE POTELECTRIC Corningware Perk $22 941-496-9252 DISHES Palm leaf patter n 16 PC. Like new. $40 941-202-9172 ELKS LODGE PINS PINS FROM ALL OVER must see $75, OBO 941-391-6377 FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 HUBSAN H105D QUAD W/CAMERA,SCREEN & RETURN $75 941-451-8793 LIGHT BOX Great for any ad display $69 941-763-2581 MIRROR BEVELEDDECORATIVE SILVER LEAF DESIGN 29Wx42L $35 941-202-9172 MISC RECORD ALBUMS Some old albums $1 941-4298513 NINE EAGLES 1Si DRONE CAMERA & AUTO RETURN $85, OBO 941-451-8793 PAPER SHREDDER (In Englewood) $15 941-830-2069 6232 CATS KITTENS AVAILABLE. Good Homes. About 2 Months Old. All Black. 941-766-1284 SPRING CAT CLEARANCE EXTRAVAGANZA!! Beautiful long haired Orange Maine Coon! Very handsome white male. Black kitten SpookŽ. Life needs Meows. Call 941-270-2430. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6236 PET SUPPLIES & SERVICES BIRD CAGE macaw stainless steel-wooden beautiful $ 450 941-475-1379 DOG CRATE 21ŽH 24ŽD $45 941-256-0147 DOG LIFE Jacket Large. New. Neon yellow $20, OBO 941697-8598 DOG LIFEJACKET Large. Paws Aboard. New. Neon yellow $25, OBO 941-697-8598 PET STROLLER Never been used $60, OBO 262-492-4739 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 COFFEEMAKER, Keurig deluxe. Orig. $359. p60 Like new gift $125 941-580-4460 DISHWASHER HOTPOINT color white.Call after 4PM $100 941-257-8921 DISHWASHER Me more whiteworks perfectly $125 941-5057463 DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL Good Condition $80 941-486-0189 DRYER MAYTAG .Super nice.Call after 4PM $120 941-257-8921 FRIDGE, STOVE,DISHWASHER Excellent Condition!! $400 941-766-7359 ICE MAKER Magic Chef counter top ice maker. Seldom used. $60 941-255-2191 MEAT SLICER Berkel,10Ž Bld,knife grd,sharpener 115V 1/4 hp. $495 518-339-3388 MICROWAVE G.E. Spacemaker XL1800 W/Mounting Bracket $49 941-676-2019 MIXER KITCHENAID white with tilt back head. Used once $200, OBO 941-429-1573 RANGE JENN-AIR S lide in glass top $150 941-486-0189 REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE 18.3 $125 941-268-0934 REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE 18.3 cu. White. Good running unit. $125 941-268-0934 REFRIGERATOR Jenn-AirSide by side $150 941-486-0189 REFRIGERATOR MAGIC CHEF mini 4.4 cu. ft. Like new $75, OBO 941-202-9861 REFRIGERATOR W/bottom freezer Amana/white $200, OBO 941-429-1573 REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 REFRIGERATOR, KENMORE, NEW! SIDEBYSIDEW/ ICE& WATERDISPENSER$450 941-456-4773 VACUUM CLEANER KIRBY Good Cond. $55 941-4239371 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 Now $1200 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER WHITE All cycles. Excellent condition. $195, OBO 941-474-9402 6170 BUILDING SUPPLIES BALL VALVES, new 1/2 and 3/4Ž $5 314-609-1540 C ARPET N EW, NYLON, HIGH q uality Commercial/13.6x94 $500 941-769-6377 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! CEILING FAN White with light kit. $30 941-889-7592 COPPER PIPE Type L 3Ž Diameter over 6 Long $120, OBO 941-379-5586 MENS LEATHER Jacket size 42. Excellent Condition. $70, OBO 941-764-1694 PLUMBING SUPPLIES valves, seat cutters, faucet+toilet parts etc. $25 941-585-8149 WIRE 50 NEW 3/0 COPPER THIN WIRE FOR A 200 AMP SERVICE $60 941-626-6879 6180 HEAVY/CONST. EQUIPMENT ACE ARM & Flange plus auto gift card $1 828-341-0815 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY A/C RECLAIM SET w/hoses and tank. $120, OBO 314-609-1540 BRAKE TRIM ALUMINUM Tapco, 106Ž very good condi $500, OBO 941-764-7323 CHAIN WRENCH 24Ž Rigid Ex cond $25, OBO 314-609-1540 COMPRESSOR, Campbell Hausfeld, PowerPro 2hp, 20 gallon. $200 860-810-4174 DRILL PRESS Sears 8Ž drill press. Works good. $50 941475-7150 ELECTRIC SANDER Sand Cat belt sander $20 941-505-0081 FLARING TOOLSET Craftsman 6 pcs $20 941-451-3958 GAS CHAIN SAW Craftsman gas chain saw & hard case 14Ž $50 941-697-5469 HAND TOOLS Carpenter $25 941-451-3958 JACK STANDS Craftsman 21/4 ton $20 941-451-3958 LADDER, 24` ALUMINUM, Extension $90 941-629-9169 LADDER, Gorilla 4 in 1 $90 941-629-9169 MASTER MECHANIC NEW Adj Workbench drill sander jigsaw $100, OBO 941-408-7535 MUFFLER CUTOFFTOOL Craftsman 13/8 to 21/2 inches $20 941-451-3958 PIPE WRENCH, Delta 24Ž. Aluminum $35, OBO 314-609-1540 SANDER CRAFTSMAN 4x36 Belt and 6Ž disk sander $90, OBO 941-473-3317 SHOP VAC 16 gallon Wet Dry vac. $35 860-810-4174 TOOL BOX SET Real nice top and bottom. $60 715-4390459 6220 OFFICE/BUSINESS EQUIP./SUPPLIES CARPET BERBER, NEW, Earth tones 15.46 sq yds/13.6x94 $150, OBO 941-769-6377 COMPUTER DESK Glass/metal 44Lx30Wx29H $50, OBO 972-369-2498 LATERAL FILE Wood 2 drawer. Excellent condition. $35 941-626-1332 OFFICE CORNER DESK Corner gray desk & cabinet $125 941-505-7463 PAPER SHREDDER tan $22 941-426-1088 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. Friday, April 7, 2017 Page 17 e Sun Classi ed


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 19 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs WANTED All Motor Homes, TTs, 5th whls,Vans conversion & passenger, cars & Diesel trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 954-789-7530 TURN YOUR RV INTO CASHSell it! Consign it! Trade it!NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM MOTORHOMESHUGESELECTION TOPBRANDSFORESTRIVERCOACHMENTHOR& WINNEBAGONOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 CLASS B HEADQUARTERS LARGEST SELECTIONINUSA!ROADTREK MIDWESTPLEASUREWAYWINNEBAGO/COACHMENLEISURETRAVELREGENCYANDMORE! NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 25 2014 WINNEBAGOVIA Class A, Mercedes Benz Chasis, 15-18 MPG, 16,000 miles, 1 owner $82,500, MUST SELL!! Tow Car Avail. 941-773-2730 2000 31 WINNEBAGO BRAVE Low Miles! Loaded. Good Condition! $15,500. 941-426-5126 7382 RV/CAMPER PARTS RV 50 AMP 30 Ext Cord almost new $80 651-491-7549 RV COVER up to 40. Never used. $500, OBO 610-2074720 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! REESE HITCH 10K adjustable with camper hookup bars $275, OBO 941-256-0147 EXTERIOR MAT Snowbird RV black and tan, approx 10 X 30 $40 651-491-7549 CARGO CARRIER Gal 20Žx60Ž w/lights fits 2Ž rec. Exc. cond. $65, OBO 941-204-7013 5TH WHEEL VENTED TAIL Gate 1995-2001 Dodge PickUp. 2002 2500 & 3500 Series. $125 903-814-2572 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES UTILITY TRAILER Like new 4x6 $350. Call Jack 941-830-4347 BOAT TRAILER Tandem Axle, Galvanized. 19`-21`. New Axles & Hubs. $500 941-800-7555 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS HARBOR SCOOTERS for all your scooter needs... 3315 Tamiami Trl. PG We Repair Scooters too! 941-347-8705 SALES SERVICE PARTS 2014 H.D, Limited Ultra Classic. 12,500 Miles w/ Extras! $18,000. 215-840-2743 1996 HONDASHADOW1100CCW SADDLEBAGS, W/S, EXC. COND. LOW MILES! $1500/OBO941-505-2810 1987 HONDA Helix Restored. In Good Shape. 14K Orig. MI $1,500 616-485-4288 7 361M OTORCYLCE ACCESS. HELMET, LADIES SMALL. New. Never used. Sacrifice. $50 941-716-1558 HD New Seat Shocks exhaust pipes seat $400, OBO 989701-0214 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS Huge Selection Top Brands Forest River Coachmen Heartland Dutchmen Palomino PumaTab CrossroadsGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM 2015 RIVERSIDE RV Retro 24. Exc. Cond. Large Bathroom $16,500 941-232-1276 2011 BIG HORN 40, 5 slides, 1.5 bath, 3 tvs, fireplace, fully loaded $28K, OBO 941-208-5185 2006 SUNNYBROOK TITAN 3 Slides. Exc. Cond! Moving, Must Sell! $17K obo 505-917-3531 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,000. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. 2009 Smart Car, Ready to Tow!! $5,349 THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. 7330 BOATS-POWERED 18 SEAARK Mod V w/ Tunnel. 90 HP Etech w/ Jet Drive. Trailer. $9,975 941-467-4320 16 2004 CAPE CRAFT Yamaha 50 HP Many Updates & Repairs $5,495 941-356-6305 14 SYLVAN ALUM w/ 20hp Mercury. Fresh bottom paint, bimini top, cover, new galv trailer $2,500 810-241-0847 7331 SAILBOATS 22 71 MORGAN Main sail Genoa, main sail cover, bimini, & swing keel, solid day sailor, weekender or possible handicapped racer. No motor or trailer, $1,500, OBO Port Charlotte 410-310-2543 7333 MISC.BOATS 10 AVON needs repair no title $100, OBO 772-828-9423 12 ALUM. JON BOAT oars, trailer $0 941-421-4946 7334 OUTBOARD/ MARINE ENGINES YAMAHA 2.5 HP, 4 stroke OB Runs great. $400 OBO 772828-9423 50S MOTOR. 7.5 Corsair Navigator.$130 7336 BOAT STORAGE/ DOCKING BOAT & TRAILER STORAGEBoat Storage WET/DRY FREE Boat Ramp! Gulf Access! Great Fishing!NAV-A-GATOR Bar & Grill on property!DESOTO MARINAOn the Peace River941-627-3474 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 41 BOAT SLIP Access To Harbor, No Bridges. Water & Electric. 941-883-1953 7338 MARINE SUPPLY & EQUIP. ANCHOR MUSHROOM Black Exc Cond $25 941-423-9371 ANCHOR CLAW 18Ž Good Cond. $25 941-423-9371 TRIM TABS, Nauticus Adjustable, Manual 9 1/4Žx9 3/4Ž. $75 317-750-7051 7339 CANOES/KAYAKS 14.9 KAYAK Scupper Pro Ocean, Sit-On top, lots of storage, rod holder & paddle. $375 941-204-4196 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES TRAILERSNewPre-Owned CargoUtility Trailers Parts Repairs-Tires Welding. We BUY Trailers! Trades Welcome. Roys Trailer Country 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Rd P.G. NEW SHIPMENT! 2017 LARK ENCLOSED TRAILERS MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7290 VANS 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $25,497 EX-L CERT, BLUE, 40K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $26,997 EX-L, 25K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,477EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,950 EX-L, CERT, WHITE, 41K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,950TOURING ELITE, 5,738 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,975 TOURING, CERT, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ODYSSEY $39,987 TOURING, CERT, 10K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan WHEELCHAIR Van, 10Ž lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2002 TOYOTA TUNDRA $3,900 OBO, 5spd manual, 6 cyl, work truck, 941-483-0138 2004 DODGE DAKOTA $5,500 Long Bed w/ Fiberglass Top. 136K Mi. Runs Great, Looks Good. 941-639-6450 2006 TOYOTA TACOMA $17,500.Dbl. Cab, Long Bed, Only 64K Miles! 941-391-3955 2015 TOYOTA TACOMA $23,911 ACCESS CAB BLACK 24K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 TOYOTA TACOMA $24,990 P-RUNNER, SILVER, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 FORD F-150 $28,897 XLT, BLUE, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 TOYOTA TUNDRA $31,000 15K miles, V8, Excellent Condition. 941-204-0936 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $34,987 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 CHEVYSILVERADO-3500 HD $49,987HIGH COUNTRY, 51K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2015 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $31,987 LIMITED, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 FORD EXPEDITION $31,987 LTMD, WHITE, 65K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7330 BOATS-POWERED 28 LARSON 280 CABRIO 94: NEW Fuel Tank, Pumps, Starters, Batts, New SB Engine, PT Refurb, Carbs Rebuilt & MUCH More! Can Fax/Email List 2 U. $8,900/obo 941-697-3335 REALLY REDUCED! 22 SEAFOX 2006 Bought new 2008, Twin 90HP Mercury, Dual batteries, Lg. baitwell, Power Steering, Depth/fish finder 165 hours, Alum. tandem trailer (Cost $4,000) Professionally Maint. $21,500 941-347-7020 7250 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1929 FORD ROADSTER $37,500 Conv. Fully Restored Street Rod 941-391-6211 7260 AUTOS WANTED WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 CASHFOR ALL TRUCKS & CARS ANY COND RUNNING OR NOT. (352)-342-7037 WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TIRES (2) Goodyear, 185/65/R15 $45 for both. 941-257-5500 METAL CAR ramps heavy duty $56 786-306-6335 TOW BAR $75, OBO 941-629-6165 HOLLEY 650 CARB Needs rebuilt $80 941-629-6429 ENGINE STAND H.Duty big block,etc $90 786-306-6335 WHEELS 4 CAMARO Z28 GM ALUM 15X7 $275 941-629-6429 CAMARO Z28 4 GM ALUM 15X7 WHEELS $275 941-6296429 283 CHEVY engine runs,vintage $490 786-306-6335 WHEEL 16 Mercedes Includes cap and tire $109 941-763-2581 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s LEXUS RX 350 SUV trailer hitch with all accessaries. $175 941-697-5469 G M Rally Wheels complete set (4) used most cars $375 941697-5469 FINNED VALVE COVERS Factory Corvette ALUM GM $175 941-629-6429 CAR RADIO GM with CD player. Like new. $40 941-698-9798 BIG BLOCK454HEADS Early 70s off a running motor $325, OBO 941-629-6429 ALUMINUM TOOL BOX, Husky, For Full size P/U. Good cond. $125 941-266-4731 7290 VANS 2001 DODGE VAN 1500 $2,000 Work Van, NewBrakes,Rotors, Drums, Front Tires. Runs Great! 941-200-2226 2008 DODGE CARAVAN $8,990 SILVER, 40K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $11,990 GOLD, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7178 LEXUS 2005 LEXUS ES-330 $9,990 BLUE, 74K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2005 LEXUS RX-330 $10,990 AWD, NAV, 119K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 LEXUS RX-350 $14,990 AWD, BLACK, 110K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS ES-350 $16,990 GRAY, 57K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS CT-200H $24,990 CERT, NAV, WHITE, 12K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS IS-350 $25,990 NAV, WHITE, 9,999 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS IS-250 $26,911 CERT, NAV, WHITE, 23K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS ES-350 $31,990 CERT, WHITE, 9,203 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS RX-350 $34,911 CERT, NAV, WHITE 22K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 LEXUS RX-350 $39,911 CERT, BLACK 8,183 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS IS-250C $39,990 CERT, NAV, SILVER, 25K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2007 LEXUS ES350, LOADED, EXCELLENTCONDITION, REDUCED$10,995 941-626-7682 dlr 7190 MERCEDES 2010 MERCEDES-BENZ GL450 $19,990 BLACK, 92K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 MERCEDES CLA-250 $25,000ESSENTIALLYBRANDNEW, 3KMI! RED, BLACKINTERIOR, CHECKCARFAX. CANNOTFINDANOTHER DEALLIKETHIS! 941-625-1927 7195 MITSUBISHI 2008 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 2DR COUPE GS 73K MI LIKE NEW! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7200 NISSAN 2009 NISSAN VERSA $5,995 Auto, Air, 83K MI. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7207 SUBARU 2017 SUBARU OUTBACK $32,990 NAV, WHITE, 925 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7210 TOYOTA 2011 TOYOTA CAMRY $10,990 WHITE, 55K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS $11,990 IV, NAV, SILVER 58K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 TOYOTA SIENNA $11,990 WHITE, 54K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 TOYOTA AVALON $26,987 XLE PREM, GRAY 14K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7220 VOLKSWAGEN 2014 VW JETTA GLI $14,936 4D Sdn 86,340 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 7240 MISC.IMPORTS 2009 PORSCHE CAYENNE $28,497 BLACK, 32K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7250 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1977 CHEVY CORVETTE $17,500 redŽ T-top Coupe, new paint. 941-391-6211 Friday, April 7, 2017 Page 18 e Sun Classi ed


fr\000\000)Tj/T1_1 1 Tf4.058 0 Td(b\002r\001nfftt \005t )-310.2(r$#)-30.7())-28.8((%$))-30.2($')-33.8(&* )]TJETQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 634.4999 1063.733 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -131 l0 -131 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq634.5 1063.733 112.5 -131 reW* nq598.52 1099.733 1034.68 -1620 reW nq634.52 932.733 112.46 131 reW* n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 634.52 932.7329 cm0 0 m0 131 l112.46 131 l112.46 0 lhf*Q0.989 1 1 rgq 1 0 0 1 635.52 1062.733 cm0 0 m110.46 0 l110.46 -129 l0 -129 lhf*Q0.989 1 1 RG2 w [4.9 0.95 4.9 10.699]0 d q 1 0 0 1 635.52 939.739 cm0 0 m0 116.988 lSQ0.209 0.153 0.119 RG[11.699 3.9 1.95 3.9]11.699 d q 1 0 0 1 635.52 939.739 cm0 0 m0 116.988 lSQ0.989 1 1 RG[5.018 1.009 5.018 11.052]0 d q 1 0 0 1 641.537 1062.733 cm0 0 m98.426 0 lSQ0.209 0.153 0.119 RG[12.052 4.018 2.009 4.018]12.052 d q 1 0 0 1 641.537 1062.733 cm0 0 m98.426 0 lSQ0.989 1 1 RG[4.9 0.95 4.9 10.699]0 d q 1 0 0 1 745.98 1056.7271 cm0 0 m0 -116.988 lSQ0.209 0.153 0.119 RG[11.699 3.9 1.95 3.9]11.699 d q 1 0 0 1 745.98 1056.7271 cm0 0 m0 -116.988 lSQ0.989 1 1 RG[5.018 1.009 5.018 11.052]0 d q 1 0 0 1 739.963 933.733 cm0 0 m-98.426 0 lSQ0.209 0.153 0.119 RG[12.052 4.018 2.009 4.018]12.052 d q 1 0 0 1 739.963 933.733 cm0 0 m-98.426 0 lSQ[]0 d q 1 0 0 1 641.537 933.733 cm0 0 m-6.017 0 l-6.017 6.006 lSQq 1 0 0 1 635.52 1056.7271 cm0 0 m0 6.006 l6.017 6.006 lSQq 1 0 0 1 739.963 1062.733 cm0 0 m6.017 0 l6.017 -6.006 lSQq 1 0 0 1 745.98 939.739 cm0 0 m0 -6.006 l-6.017 -6.006 lSQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBT0.209 0.153 0.119 rg/GS1 gs/T1_3 1 Tf11 0 0 11 642 1051.5 Tm[(r)-36.2(fr)-33.3(r tf)-34.8(bnn)-26.5(t)-27.5(ftb)-27.7(t)23.9(r)-25.4(trfr rfrn)]TJ/T1_6 1 Tf8.75 0 0 8.75 650.01 993.24 Tm[(ntbt )-28()-29.7()-25.3(nb)Tj6.75 0 0 6.75 688.74 966.12 Tm(b !r! )Tj6.75 0 0 6.75 701.7 860.94 Tm[(rtfnrb )-28(n)-27.2()-30.5()-27.1( )34(! # b)Tj6.75 0 0 6.75 701.7 609.48 Tm[(tbbr)-1724.8(t)-25.2(fn)-29("rn )-22.5()-72()-76(r )49.8( r)44.5()47.6()44( \001\000tbfnbf )-236( )-305(r)-305.1()-304.9(bf tfb b)-137.2(b r!b!)39.8()41.2( 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS fr %')-30.5("")-31.7(+%*' (%%)' )-32(&!')-31.3(%%)'()]TJET0.989 1 1 rg/GS2 gsq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 541.27 1017.006 cm0 0 m6.25 0 l16.191 0 24.25 -8.059 24.25 -18 c24.25 -24.001 l24.25 -33.942 16.191 -42.001 6.25 -42.001 c-6.25 -42.001 l-16.191 -42.001 -24.25 -33.942 -24.25 -24.001 c-24.25 -18 l-24.25 -8.059 -16.191 0 -6.25 0 chf*QQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq513 1020.504 112.5 -142 reW* nq477.02 1056.504 1034.68 -1620 reW nq513.02 878.504 112.46 142 reW* nq541.27 1017.006 m547.52 1017.006 l557.461 1017.006 565.52 1008.947 565.52 999.006 c565.52 993.005 l565.52 983.064 557.461 975.005 547.52 975.005 c535.02 975.005 l525.079 975.005 517.02 983.064 517.02 993.005 c517.02 999.006 l517.02 1008.947 525.079 1017.006 535.02 1017.006 chW* nq/GS0 gs47.22 0 0 41.64 516.81 974.88 cm/Im3 DoQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq513 1020.504 112.5 -142 reW* nq477.02 1056.504 1034.68 -1620 reW nq513.02 878.504 112.46 142 reW* n0.209 0.153 0.119 rg/GS3 gsq 1 0 0 1 515.02 972.0038 cm0 0 m109 0 l109 -52 l0 -52 lhf*Q1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBT0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gs/T1_23 1 Tf10 0 0 10 559.98 936.9601 Tm(f )-1093.8( )-83.5(tb )-202.5(f)]TJETQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 512.9999 722.508 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -20.016 l0 -20.016 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq513 722.508 112.5 -20.016 reW* nq477.02 758.508 997 -1620 reW nq513.02 702.492 112.46 20.016 reW* n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 513.02 702.492 cm0 0 m0 20.016 l112.46 20.016 l112.46 0 lhf*Q0.989 1 1 rgq 1 0 0 1 513.02 722.508 cm0 0 m112.46 0 l112.46 -20.016 l0 -20.016 lhf*Q0.209 0.153 0.119 RG2 w /GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 514.0201 720.508 cm0 0 m110.46 0 lSQq 1 0 0 1 514.0201 705.476 cm0 0 m110.46 0 lSQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBT0.209 0.153 0.119 rg/GS1 gs/T1_28 1 Tf9 0 0 10 548.82 709.47 Tm[(ftb)-573(brr )-733.8(b ff)]TJ0 -1.006 TD(\000tbn )]TJ/T1_32 1 Tf1.811 0 Td[(f)-110.7()]TJ-1.811 -1.006 Td[()-230.8()-231.2( b TRAILERS '()-29.3()&* )Tj/T1_33 1 Tf1.131 0 Td[(f'"% & )Tj/T3_0 1 Tf0 -1.042 Td()Tj/T1_33 1 Tf1.131 0 Td[(r,+"% & )Tj/T1_33 1 Tf4.018 -1.042 Td( *bf r)]TJ/T1_6 1 Tf8.75 0 0 8.75 528.51 474.45 Tm(nrftbt )-28()-29.7(t)TjETQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 512.9999 408.996 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -83 l0 -83 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq513 408.996 112.5 -83 reW* nq477.02 444.996 1034.68 -1620 reW nq513.02 325.996 112.46 83 reW* n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 513.02 325.996 cm0 0 m0 83 l112.46 83 l112.46 0 lhf*Q1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBT0.209 0.153 0.119 rg/GS1 gs/T1_36 1 Tf8.5 0 0 8.5 518.97 345.36 Tm(\bnbt\b bn\021\020\022\017 )-74.8( f )16.5(t)]TJ12.127 0 Td( )-246.8(ntb )-813.3( !\r\020\032\ )-456.7()-460.2()-456.7( \001bn\000fbtft TS #!!\001\021f\000 )-31.7( \rfr\000ttnnb )-183(brt)-182.9(nf n nfr\001\000ttb 7334 OUTBO ARD/ t DOCKING n\001\027nr)]TJ13 0 0 13 412.71 668.31 Tm(nr!\016!\021br trbb\006!\rnn\037\024\025 / \005b\nt \004tb nr\002 f\013\001\000ttb )-560.7(b n)-516.8(r f\001b\000t b)-762(b )33.7()34.6(f)]TJETQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 391.5 318.133 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -20 l0 -20 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq391.5 318.133 112.5 -20 reW* nq391.75 298.133 112 20 reW n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 391.75 298.133 cm0 0 m112 0 l112 20 l0 20 lhfQ0.988 1 1 rg/GS3 gsq 1 0 0 1 391.75 298.133 cm0 0 m112.46 0 l112.46 20 l0 20 lhfQ0.209 0.153 0.119 RG2 w /GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 392.7499 316.133 cm0 0 m110.46 0 lSQq 1 0 0 1 392.7499 301.103 cm0 0 m110.46 -0 lSQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBT0.209 0.153 0.119 rg/GS1 gs/T1_22 1 Tf-0.0002 Tc 0.0228 Tw 9 0 0 10 473.1 305.1 Tm(AKS )Tj/T1_59 1 Tf1.609 0 Td[(!\020 \021 \032 \034\037 \036\030\002\035 tr\000nbnnf 7341 TRAILER & A CCESSORIES nfr \000ffn\r VEHICLES \025\017fr ntb rrf\006\020r nbbnt\013 n\023fr\b TS-PO WERED t)-1100.7(r)-1100.7(nf )]TJ/T1_66 1 Tf2.269 0 Td[(tn UTOS ANTED f Friday, April 7, 2017 Today's featured vehicles technically are Jeeps, however they are very different in body styles and year of manufacture. As usual I write about the oldest rst, which is a one-owner 1967 Kaiser-built Jeep Wagoneer that has a four-door station wagon design built in Toledo, Ohio. This particular vehicle was purchased new in September 1966 in Collinsville, Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh. That buyer was Port Charlotte resident Keith Stewart, now 83, and he's had it all these years, driving it for 303,000 miles. Those miles came from daily transportation from Pennsylvania to New York state where his wife of 56 years, Betty, had family relatives. This couple have two sons, ve grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Keith's occupation was working for, then operating, his family business of sales and service of automobile radios of all kinds. They also performed warranty and maintenance of special sound systems that came in new cars for dealers for many years. He also worked in a glass factory plus in the food service industry until retiring. Betty was an educator teaching in public schools followed by being a professor at the college level for over 35 years. They moved to Charlotte County during 1995 to escape the cold snowy weather and expensive heating costs, however a few weeks are spent up north in the summer to be with the children/grandchildren. Back to Nellie, their nickname for the Wagoneer. It was designed by Brooks Stevens and produced in 1962-1991 as a full-size SUV. The engine is a 327-cubic-inch V8 and uses (in this case) a manual three-speed column shifter lever transmission. It's overall length is 186.4 inches and it's heavy, weighing over 4300 pounds. Keith keeps a log book of the mileage, repairs, etc. A son, Brent, is very familiar with the Wagoneer as he grew up riding in it. Perhaps someday it will be his as there are no plans to ever sell this reliable four-wheeled family member.Look for Mr. Stewart and Nellie at the NAPA Punta Gorda Store Car Show Sunday, 11 a.m. to2 p.m., opposite Gettel Toyota. The other Jeep is a rather rare 1984 CJ8 Scrambler pickup truck. Back inthe early 90s I bought one from the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company that was in with their surplus vehicles sales. They only had one that a local dealer sold to them at cost just to get exposure for the brand. This model was rare even then, thus today's pickup is a scarce truck. Mine was used to push a snowplow driven by the son of a nearby neighbor who had been an ofcer on the Nautilus submarine. The young man and I split the income he and the Jeep made mostly from commercial businesses and wealthy people with long driveways. After that snowy winter I sold it to a foreman of a pile driving company expanding the Inner Harbor. My partner received an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy, graduated captain of his class, married his high school sweetheart and last I heard, he was assigned to the Pentagon. As the late Derek DunnRankin, Chairman of the Board for the Sun newspapers, would say the above tale was folksy. He ought to know as he was the best folksy writer to ever pen unusual articles. Regular readers of his column would agree. Now back to thiscolumn of The Scrambler, a nickname given to it by the owner, Venice resident for 70 years, Ed Evett, an 87-year-old gentleman. He inherited the Jeep after the death of his only son Archie, who willed it to Ed after being diagnosed with severe bone cancer. This son had it for ve years and before he died Ed promised to restore and keep it indenitely and that's what he did and is proud of the Jeep, beaming when talking of The Scrambler. A brief background of CJ8 Scramblers is they were a take off the regular CJ7 but had 10 inches to the wheelbase and 2 feet to their overall length. The passenger cabin was a short version of a CJ7 regular hardtop. The result; a proven standard four-wheel drive, various engines of four and six cylinders. Ed's has a 258-cubic-inch, six-cylinder engine and four-speed automatic transmission, power steering, brakes, AM/FM radio plus factory A/C. The backing of the gauges is chrome and the dash is covered with genuine imitation alligator hide. With special wheels this is one neat and sporty truck! During the ve years, 1981-'85, production was only 27,792 units making originals rare as most rusted into junk or were modied for off-road use. Mr. Evett's personal life was and is very interesting, starting at age 17, he joined the Army, spending fourand-a-half years in tanks throughout Europe. He re-enlisted for three more years, ending up at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, as a tank instructor When he was discharged and got back to Venice with Betty Jean, his wife, they built a new house in Nokomis. Three years later this couple became parents to a son. Ed spent seven years working with his wife's uncle water well drilling. He took a test for water well contractors, passed with ying colors and continued drilling wells for 20 more years. Ed also built some houses and developed land before retiring. When Betty Jean passed away, Mr. Evett began using the pickup to attend auto shows and for pleasure drives. Currently the mileage is 53,000. Look for him and the Scrambler at the NAPA Store Show in Punta Gorda on the ninth from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Country Fest April 23.Two Jeep products, one with 300,000 miles UPCOMINGEVENTSToday, Friday, April 7, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Perkins Restaurant, 1700 Tamiami Trail, Murdock/Port Charlotte will be host to a limited number of collector cars on display. Limited parking, preregistration required. The public is invited to view transportation of yesteryear. Phone 941-626-4452. On Sunday, April 9, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. NAPA Palm Sunday Car Show, 1810 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda ( across from Gettel Toyota) assisted by the Vintage Motor Car Club of America, SW Fl. Region (formerly Veteran). Open to any year, make or model collector type car, truck or motorcycle. Limited parking, must preregister: 941-426-4452. Door prizes, special discounts, food/beverage to show car participants. Public welcome free! On Tuesday, April 11, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Free Open Cruise In, Monty's Pizzeria, 2515 S. Tamoami Trail, PG (south of Airport Rd.) assisted by the Vintage Motor Car Club of America, SW. Florida Region (formerly Veteran) Open to any year, make or model collector type car or truck. BOGO dinner to show car participants. Info 941-626-9359. Save this date: Sunday, April 23, KIX County 92.9 Country Fest, Charlotte County Fairgrounds/S.R. 776, Port Charlotte. Featuring Clay Walker, Jack Michael Band and Andy Pursell Band. The Vintage Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region invites owners and passengers in any year, make or model car/truck collector vehicle at least 23 years old including modified to attend free of charge. No preregistration, simply arrive on the driveway of the Sports Park by 9:30 a.m. Radio station personnel will escort us to reserved free parking inside the fence. Please no animals or coolers, Bring lawn chairs. Info MaryEllen & Roger Sasseville 603-759-0274 or Don & Lee Royston 941-626-4452. Every Monday, 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Applebee's Cruizin at Merchants Crossing, N. Ft. Myers. Door prizes, 50/50 drawing, games, 15% discount at Applebee's (night of show only), DJ music by Randy Wright of Tom's Traveling Tunes. Info 941-380-0650. Every Thursday, 4 p.m. to7:30 p.m. shellFactory Free OpenCruise In, 2787 Tamiami Trail, N. Ft. Myers. Lots of benefits, 50/50 drawing. Register your car for a chance of $100 cash prize, must be present with car to win. Free spectator parking. Info: Richard, 239-992-9360. Information for Collector Car Events: Larry Day of Lee County has Cruise In and show informationm from Naples to Sarasota. Access his website www. for all the details. Also for similar but somewhat different hobby happenings log onto You may contact DJ Tommy Brooks of Tom's Traveling Tunes 941-815-6204. Don Royston is president and co-founder of the Veteran Motor Car Club of America SW Florida Region (now Vintage Car Club of America, SW Florida Region) and may be reached at 941-626-4452 or leekr42@ PHOTO BY DON ROYSTONA maze of wires and hoses is semi-normal under the hood of most vehicles and of this 1967 Jeep Wagoneer. PHOTO BY DON ROYSTONA V8-327 identi"cation is on each front fender of the 1967 Wagoneer. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONEd Evett, 70-year Venice resident, now 87 years of age, is the proud owner of the 1984 Jeep Scrambler Pickup. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONScrambler original engine compartment PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONThe Jeep Scrambler's dash with genuine imitation gator hide dash pad. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONEd Evett's 1984 Jeep Scrambler CJ8, nicknamed The Scrambler PHOTO BY DON ROYSTONSon Brent Stewart and Father Keith PHOTO BY DON ROYSTONSide view of the blue, full-size 1967 Jeep Wagoneer owned since new by Keith Stewart, and nicknamed Nellie. PHOTO BY DON ROYSTONInstrument panel and modern velour seats of the Jeep


Page 20 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 Friday, April 7, 2017 adno=8602991


Friday, April 7, 2017 € Since 1893 LIKE THE PUNTA GORDA HERALD ON HERALDPUNTA GORDA TAROT READING INSIDEProfessional reader visits P | 89Coastal Conservation Association Banquet€ € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € € €Enjoying St. Patricks Day GET YOUR KUDU KLIP€ You can order online at www. € Patti Bookout van Tonder also travels to arts and crafts festivals throughout the United States. The next show will be the 15th Annual Downtown Sarasota Art and Craft Festival on Saturday and Sunday, April 8-9, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 1 Central Ave., Sarasota. € The van Tonders make the Kudu Klips in their Punta Gorda home studio and welcome people to come by and buy their hair accessories. Contact them at 954-465-3855 or email to schedule a time to shop. € A portion of the proceeds from Kudu Klip purchases goes to support Build on Hope, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit promoting animal conservation efforts. If you would like to learn more or donate to Build on Hope, visit PHOTOS PROVIDEDPatti Bookout van Tonder of Punta Gorda travels throughout the United States selling the Kudu Klip. She and her husband Tiny are the creators of the handmade hair accessory, shown at left. Out of Africa Out of Africa Kudu Klip creators solve hair woes while taking on animal conservation atti Bookout van Tonder says she has retired four times, but she and her husband, Tiny, keep “nding new ways to stay busy „ and make a difference. The couple, who now call Punta Gorda their home, have created the Original Kudu Klip, the greatest hair accessory on the planet,Ž and are using a portion of the proceeds to support Build on Hope, a 501(c)(3) nonpro“t promoting animal conservation in Africa. Why Africa? A native of South Africa, Tiny By MICHELE BELLUEPG HERALD EDITORcontinued on page 10 P P | 89 P | 13 Nuclear Medicine € Bone Scan € Hepatobiliary Scan € Thyroid Scan € Parathyroid Scan € MIBG € Lung Scan € Renal Scans € Lymphoscintigraphy € Gastric Emptying Scans € Neurologic Scans € Cardiac imaging € Infection Studies € Octreoscan € Thyroid TherapyFor scheduling, please adno=5050969 7 Good Friends, Good Food, Good Times 1975 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-7575 2016 Mon…Thurs & Sun 11…9 Fri & Sat 11…10 adno=50513237 Make your Easter Reservations Early!


Herald Page 2 Friday, April 7, 2017 It breaks my heart each week when I see the animals „ from either the Animal Welfare League or Suncoast Humane Society „ that need homes. Running these shelters takes a lot of help from volunteers and donations of food, money and more. I found an email from the AWL that offers a chance to double your donation to its Emergency Medical Fund. The Pat Moran Family Foundation has generously offered to double your gift up to $100 until April 17, so if youre looking for a worthy cause and the opportunity for your donation to be doubled, this is a great offer. This matching opportunity could not be needed more. The AWL provides emergency medical care to homeless, abandoned and abused animals in its care. This expensive, nonroutine care makes happily-ever-afters possible for animals who have no one to speak for them. Animals like Flynn, Jake, Achilles, Murphy, Victoree ( see her today on page 3 ) and many more depend on the tremendous kindness of friends „ friends like you. Consider a donation to the Emergency Medical Fund in any amount during the Pat Moran Family Foundation Challenge. You may donate through the AWL website at, click on the sliding banner „ $$ Matching Gift Challenge $$Ž which will take you to the page where you can access a secure PayPal site to donate. If you would prefer to donate by check, make it payable to Animal Welfare League with a notation that your donation is for the EMF Challenge. Mail checks to Animal Welfare League, 3519 Drance St., Port Charlotte, FL 33980. Remember to donate by April 17 to make your donation worth double „ and help those animals in need of special care. Email your calendar items to pgherald Please submit your listings in the following format: Event, day, time, place, address, description, cost and contact info. Earlier is better; please submit events two weeks or more in advance.FRIDAY, APRIL 7Paddle Myrtle Slough from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Florida Master Naturalist Jim Story leads the group through a freshwater jungle to tidal Shell Creek waterfall and dam. Participants must provide their own watercraft, PFD and be able to swim. Voluntary donations to the Sierra Club are always gratefully accepted. For reservations, call 941-505-8904. Live music at Fishermens Village: Vladimir Gorodkin performs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Michael Hirst from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee, Danny Beach from noon to 3 p.m. and Dan Meadows from 5 to 9 p.m. in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. The Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce, working with the Fred Lang Foundation, is the host for a fundraiser to ensure a suicide prevention program is made available to our countywide high school system. The Boogiemen will be strutting their stuff at the preBlues, Brews and BBQ opener, starting at 6 p.m. on Taylor Street, in front of the Old Historic Courthouse in downtown Punta Gorda, with beer, food and wine for sale. Admission is free, so take a chair and some cash to have a cold one or two, enjoy great music and dance until 9:30 p.m.SATURDAY, APRIL 8Punta Gorda Farmers Market, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. corner of Olympia Avenue and Taylor Street, Punta Gorda. Sponsored by the Punta Gorda Downtown Merchants Association Inc. Vendors, live entertainment and artists painting on-site. Free parking at the garage a half block from the market, behind Wotitzky Law Firm, and street parking. Call Jerry at 941-391-4856 or email jerry@punta Bicycle ride departs at 8:30 a.m., from Acme Bicycle Shop, 615 Cross St., Suite 1116, Punta Gorda. All riders welcome. Helmet required. Details: 941-639-2263. Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer Olivia Gruber from 1 to 3 p.m., Vladimir Gorodkin from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Bruce Neumann and Tiki D from 5 to 9 p.m., in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. Salty Paws Easter Bone Hunt will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Fishermens Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.SUNDAY, APRIL 9Farmers Market, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Punta Gorda Historical Societys History Park, 501 Shreve St. (between Virginia Avenue and Henry Street). Garden tours begin at 1 p.m., after the market wraps up. For information, call 941-639-1887. Live music by Vladimir Gorodkin from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Fishermens Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.MONDAY, APRIL 10Introduction to Yoga Series from noon to 1:15 p.m. on Mondays, now through May 15, at The Yoga Sanctuary, 112 Sullivan St., Punta Gorda. Cost: $99. Details: 941-505-9642 or visit http:// Live music at Fishermens Village: Waterhigh performs from noon to 3 p.m. in Center Court, harpist DeLuna performs from noon to 3 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee and singer Paul Nagel performs from 4 to 7 p.m. in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.TUESDAY, APRIL 11Pulmonary Diet Nutrition Class, 9 to 10 a.m. at Bayfront Health Wellness & Rehab Center, 733 E. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda. Learn how to take control of pulmonary arterial hypertension by making healthy choices and staying dedicated to a routine. Free. Call 941637-2450 to register. Paddle Shell Creek from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is the longer upstream paddle to the shallows and Cypress Knee Garden. Take your lunch. Escorted by Florida Master Naturalist Rick Fried. Participants must provide PFD, watercraft and be able to swim. Voluntary donations to Sierra Club are gratefully accepted. Reserve: 941-637-8805. Live music at Fishermens Village: Vladimir Gorodkin from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., singer Jim Daniels from noon to 3 p.m., near Good Ol Days Coffee, and Danny Beach from 1 to 4 p.m. in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. Lung Cancer Support Group, 2 to 3 p.m. at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Of“ce Plaza, 4th Floor Conf. Room, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Find out what support and assistance is available to you and your family, and how others are coping. No registration required. For details, call 941-637-9575. PHOTO PROVIDEDThe Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon-cutting for Creekside RV Resort, 27005 Jones Loop Road, Punta Gorda, in February. For details on the resort, call 941-833-3334 or visit TABLE OF CONTENTSActive & Outdoors .................12 Business News .........................4 Community Beat ...........7-9, 13 Nonpro“t News ............3, 6, 14 Sports ..............................14-15 40 Years Ago .........................6 HAPPENINGS ON THE HARBOR Robert E. Lee Charlotte Sun Publisher ...206-1006 Leslee Peth Sun Advertising Director ......205-6400 Jim Gouvellis Exec. Editor .......................206-1134 Garry Overby Charlotte Sun Editor ..........206-1143 Michele Bellue Herald Editor, designer ......206-1010 ADVERTISING Mike Ruiz, Retail Advertising Manager.............................................. 205-6402 Lori White, Advertising Account Executive........................................ 205-6404 Laura Speer Advertising Account Executive........................................205-6405 Anthony Feroce, Advertising Account Executive..................................258-9527 Dan Dykes, Advertising Account Executive...........................................205-6409 CIRCULATIONMark Yero, Circulation Director ........................................................ 206-1317 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980 € 206-1000PUNTA GORDA HERALD MEMBER of the Audit Bureau of Circulation. USPS 743170 The Sun is published daily by Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2198. Michele Bellue PGH EditorMichele Bellue is editor of the Punta Gorda Herald. Contact her at or call 941-206-1010.Get double for your donation to homeless animalsHAPPENINGS | 4 Thomas Quigley, M.D. Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Offer Does Not Apply To Freedom And Optimum Health Plan Participants. Coupon Expires 5/17/2017 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding t o the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance pl ans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 adno=50513097 20600 VETERANS BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT) ARCADIA 863-993-2020 formerly Eye Health


Friday, April 7, 2017 Herald Page 3 PAINTING BY ROBIN LEONARDVictoree „ shown at right in a painting, and left in a photo „ is a special girl with a very special story. When she was brought in to us she was in pretty bad shape. After receiving a lot of love and care she has recovered beautifully. She has received an AKC Good Citizens Award. This amazing dog has been at the Animal Welfare League for 16 months. When a dog has been at the shelter for a long time, volunteer Robin Leonard does a portrait of the animal and that usually leads to adoption. Will you be Victorees happy ending? Read her whole story at www. victoree/. The Animal Welfare League of Charlotte County is at 3519 Drance St., Port Charlotte. All animals are microchipped, spayed or neutered and are current with their shots prior to adoption, including rabies. The shelter is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. seven days a week. To view some of the adoptable pets, visit Pet of the Week PHOTO PROVIDED Your TRADITIONSYour RETIREMENT Shell Point takes care of what you need...your healthcare, your home, and your retirement you can enjoy what matters most. 15 15 15 15 1 5 15 1 15 1 10 10 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sh Sh S Sh Sh Sh S Sh S Sh S el el el l l el l el l l l l l l l l l l Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po P P P in in i in in i t t t t t t t t t Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo B B l ul l ul l ul ev ev ev ev ev ev ev v v v v v v ar a ar ar a a a a a a a d d d d d d d d € € Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo F r r rt rt r M M M M M M M M M ye ye ye ye ye ye ye y y y y y rs r rs , , Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl l or or o o or or or o id id id d id a a a a a a a a 33 33 33 33 33 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 90 90 90 90 90 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh h h h h h el el el el el l l e l l l l l l l l l l P Po Po Po Po P in in in in in i i n n t t t t t t t is is is is s s is s s l l l l l oc oc oc oc a at at at at at at t a a ed ed ed ed ed d ed d ed d ed j j j j us us us us s s t t t t t t t t o o o o o o o o S S S S S um um m um um m u m m me me me me me e m m m m m rl rl rl rl in in in in n in n n n n R R R R R R oa oa oa oa oa o oa o o d d d d d in in in in in in in i n n n Fo Fo Fo Fo o Fo Fo Fo Fo F F r rt rt rt rt M M M M M M M M M M M M M ye ye ye ye ye ye e ye y y y y rs rs r r rs r r rs , , 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 mi mi mi mi mi mi i mi mi i i i le le le le le le le e l s s s s be be be be be be be be be e b e e fo fo fo fo fo fo o o o re re re re r re r r r r r t t t t he he he he he he he he he e e e S S S S S S an an an an an a a a a a a a ib ib ib ib b el el el el el el e el e el el el C C C C C C C C C C au au au au a au au au se e e e se e e wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa w a y. y y. y y y y y y. She Sh She She She She S S Sh he ll ll l l Poi Poi Poi Poi oi oi i oi o nt nt nt nt nt nt n n is is is is s a n a n a n a n a a a a onp onp onp onp p p np p p p ro“ ro“ ro“ ro“ ro“ ro ro ro r t m t m t m m m tm m m m m ini ini in ini i str str str str str y o y o y o y o y o y o y o o y f T f T f T fT T T T T he he he he he he h h e h h Chr Chr Chr Chr r ist ist ist ist ist ist ist ist st s ian ian ian ian ian an i an an a an an an a a d M d M d M d M iss iss iss iss iss iss is s is i ion ion ion n on ion n ary ary ary ar ary a a a r Al Al Al Al Al lia lia lia lia lia ia a ia ia ia nc nce nce nce nce nce c n Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo F F F und und und und ati ati ati ati ati ati at t at at on, on, on, on, n In In In In In In n I I c. c. c. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 2 2 2 16 16 16 16 16 6 She She She She S S S S S ll ll ll Poi Poi Po Poi Poi Po Poi Po P nt. nt. nt. nt. t Al Al Al Al A A A A A A l r l r l r l igh igh igh h h h h h ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts t t t res res es res res s s s e erv erv erv e e e ed. ed. ed. ed. SL SL SL SL SL SL S S S S-3 S-3 S-3 S-3 S-3 S-3 3 -3 327 327 327 3 327 3 3 -17 -17 -17 -17 -17 17 7 7 7 7 7 7 Seating is limited, so reserve today; call (239) 228-4075 or 1-800-780-1131, and press 1 for Sales. If you prefer, you can reserve online at REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED CHOOSE THE DATE THAT WORKS BEST FOR YOUExplore Shell Point Today!Attend a Discovery Seminar S S ea a t t Wednesday, April 12 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 18 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 25 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 26 9:30 a.m. adno=50511299


Herald Page 4 Friday, April 7, 2017 John R. Wright PG ChamberJohn R. Wright is president of the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce. Contact him at jrwright@, our Third Annual Blues, Brews and BBQ event kicks off with our BoogieMen street party on Taylor in front of the Old Historic Courthouse. Then, on Saturday, April 8, starting at 1 p.m., Randy McAllister will be returning for an encore headliner performance on our main stage on the Tiki Bar lawn. Randy is a master of the blues and his barefoot, multi-instrument performances are quite a sight to be seen. Joining him will be Mike Imbasciani and the Bluez Rockerz and Deb and the Dynamics „ a great Blues lineup of three incredible bands. At the festival, you also will get to sample an abundance of craft ales, listen to incredible music and savor both the views and the barbecue selections that are brought into the festival. The ticket price is $30, which includes all your beer samples and great entertainment by the three acts. Food and extras are for your own purchase. Tickets are available at the festival gate tomorrow or by calling the of“ce at 941639-3720 today (purchased tickets will be left at will-call). The event will once again be on the great lawn next to the Tiki Bar at the Four Points by Sheraton, Punta Gorda. Our partner, Peace River Distributing, is promising 90-plus craft ales to sample. Itll be quite a day. Thank you to our event sponsors: Four Points by Sheraton Punta Gorda, The Charlotte Sun, iHeart Media, Peace River Distributing, Smugglers Enterprises (Laishley Crab House, Harpoon Harrys and The Captains Table), State Farm Insurance/Mike Martin, Gettel of Charlotte County, Creative Window Treatments, Rideout Commercial Group of Keller Williams and Waste Management. Its a Friday night street partyAs an opener to Saturdays festivities, tonight we welcome you to a very special Friday night street party, which will take place in front of the Historic Courthouse steps on Taylor Street starting at 6 p.m., as we bring the BoogieMen to our stage, for a free event, that will surely lead to dancing and revelry in the streets. Beer and wine will be available for purchase, with 50 percent of our proceeds going to the Fred Lang Foundation to fund a suicide prevention program for the high school students of Charlotte County. Come and join us for some dancing under the stars in full knowledge that your contribution to the evening will be going to an incredibly important local cause. Please spread the word, gather your friends together and boogieŽ on down to join us for this very special musical event. Well be singing and dancing until 9:30 p.m., with the gracious support of our Downtown Merchants. Dont miss Friday trolley, boat toursTry our 2017 series of trolley and boat combo tours around Punta Gorda. The narrated boat/trolley combo tour sets out at 3 p.m., and the trolley-only tour departs at 4:30 p.m. The combo tour is $46 per person and the trolley-only is $26. Reservations are required. To reserve (space is limited so book early), call us at 941-639-3720. Tours depart every Friday through May 5. All aboard!Quick look at whats going on this monthOn Saturday, April 8, from 8 a.m. to noon „ Citywide Garage Sale in the covered parking lot at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda off Booth Street, between Marion and Olympia. On Monday, April 10, from 6 to 8 p.m. „ CorksnCanvas at the Visual Arts Center. For $40, you can turn into your very own master painter. Come and share a fun evening as you are tutored to paint your very own creation, accompanied by wine and nibbles. Reservations „ either online at in the shop chamber link, or by calling 941-6393720. If the event is no longer listed online, it means we are sold out for this time, but call anyway for the next date in May! On Tuesday, April 11, at 11:30 a.m. „ Join us for the ribbon-cutting of the Punta Gorda Housing Authoritys Verandas at the corner of Airport Road and Cooper at 24500 Airport Road, Punta Gorda. On Wednesday, April 12, at 7:15 a.m. … Join us for our next networking event hosted at the Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home, 9400 Indian Springs Cemetery Road, Punta Gorda. To RSVP your attendance, call 941-639-3720 before 3 p.m. on Tuesday. New members are always welcome to attend and try us out.The weekend has arrived for Third Annual Blues, Brew and BBQCONTACT THE CHAMBERFor more information about events listed in this column, contact the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce at 941-639-3720 or visit www.puntagorda While on the chambers website, dont forget to sign up for the Friday FactsŽ newsletter. business news Events, restaurants, artists & more!, APRIL 12Are You Prepared With a Will or Trust? free seminar, 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Charlotte State Bank & Trusts Punta Gorda of“ce, 2331 Tamiami Trail. Vice President Christine A. Hause will compare and discuss these vital documents, examining details considering need, relevance and probate avoidance techniques that can help people maximize their estate by reducing expenses. Open to the public; reservations may be made by contacting Francine Wargo at 941-6241944 or fwargo@csbt”.com. Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer Michael Hirst from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Center Court, Vladimir Gorodkin from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and singer Paul Nagel from 4 to 7 p.m. in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. One-on-One with Dr. Davis, noon to 1 p.m. at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Of“ce Plaza, 4th Floor Conf. Room, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Mark Davis, M.D., orthopedic surgeon, answered questions about all your hip and knee ailments. Free. Lunch provided. Register at www. Are You Prepared for Stock Market Fluctuations? free seminar, 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Charlotte State Bank & Trusts Punta Gorda of“ce, 2331 Tamiami Trail. Portfolio Manager Samuel A. Kiburz tells how to analyze investments in order to understand how they will react to changes in the market. He will describe ways through active selection to invest in higher-quality and lower-duration non-annuity assets to stabilize a portfolio during turbulent times. Open to the public; reservations may be made by contacting Francine Wargo at 941-624-1944 or fwargo@csbt”.com. Frank Ardito book-signing and presentation for The Street SweeperŽ at 2 p.m. at the Punta Gorda Public Library, 424 W. Henry St.THURSDAY, APRIL 13Paddle from Ponce de Leon Park, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Explore mangrove tunnels and the shoreline of Charlotte Harbor with Florida Master Naturalists Helen Buonviri and Bill Schuyler. Facilities available. Participants are required to wear a PFD. Take your kayak/canoe (no in”atables), water, bug spray, lunch/snack. Donations to the Sierra club are gratefully accepted. Reserve at 941-467-0974 (Helen) or 941-763-9248 (Bill). Live music at Fishermens Village: Vladimir Gorodkin performs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and singer Paul Roush from noon to 3 p.m. in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.FRIDAY, APRIL 14Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer Michael Hirst from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee, Danny Beach from noon to 3 p.m. and Kraig Kenning from 5 to 9 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.SATURDAY, APRIL 15Punta Gorda Farmers Market, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. corner of Olympia Avenue and Taylor Street, Punta Gorda. Sponsored by the Punta Gorda Downtown Merchants Association Inc. Vendors, live entertainment and artists painting on-site. Free parking at the garage a half block from the market, behind Wotitzky Law Firm, and street parking. Call Jerry at 941391-4856 or email jerry@puntagorda Bicycle ride departs at 8:30 a.m., from Acme Bicycle Shop, 615 Cross St., Suite 1116, Punta Gorda. All riders welcome. Helmet required. Details: 941-639-2263. Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer Rita Beach from 1 to 4 p.m. and singer Michael Hirst from 5 to 9 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.HAPPENINGSFROM PAGE 2 SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORES Open: Mon. Sat. 9am 5pm 1048 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda Call To Schedule A Pickup For Large Furniture & Appliances (941) 637-1981 DONATIONS NEEDED! Your donation makes a big differenceŽ Please Donate Clean, Usable Items. adno=50513241 Now accepting pick up in Arcadia. All money received from donations in Arcadia will be utilized to assist DeSoto County residents in need. Charlotte County to assist people in need in Charlotte County.


Friday, April 7, 2017 Herald Page 5 Twenty-four members of the Punta Gorda Garden Club embarked on a “eld trip recently to the horticultural section of the Avon Park Correctional Institution. Club members enjoyed a tour of the green houses and shade houses where the inmates were proud to show off their hard work and to answer questions about various plants. The tour was led by Of“cer Thomas Sauls, Nursery Supervisor. The local garden club and other garden clubs throughout District 9 of the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs fully fund the Avon Park facilitys Therapy Through Plants program through annual donations. Selected inmates take a multipart course developed by Florida Nursery Growers and Landscaping Association. It is a specialized program that teaches inmates planting and gardening skills. If they earn the certi“cate in those areas, they are offered a chance to take pest management which also includes a test in order to obtain certi“cation. This training and certi“cation helps them to be more employable after they are paroled. In past years, some of the plants used in the PG Garden Clubs local community gardens were provided by the Avon Park facility. In addition, the program holds two plant sales for the public in the spring and fall.Blossoms behind barsProvided by BONNIE VERMINSKI PHOTO PROVIDED BY BONNIE VERMINSKITwenty-four members of the Punta Gorda Garden Club visited Avon Park Correctional Facility recently and checked out their innovative gardening program. Charity golf tournament scheduledThe Deep Creek Elks 2763 is hosting a Charity Golf Tournament at the Deep Creek Golf Course, 1260 San Cristobal Ave., Punta Gorda, on Saturday, April 9. Shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. Cost is $55 per person and includes green fees and cart, buffet lunch with one draft beer or well drink plus golfer gift bag. Prizes will be awarded for “rst, second and third places. Additional prize giveaways and a 50/50 raf”e. Hole sponsorship are $25 per hole. All proceeds go the scholarship fund for local high school. For more information, contact Peggy Jordan at Deep Creek Elks, 941-764-6825.Dinner meeting scheduledHickory Bluff Chapter NSDAR will hold its monthly dinner meeting with a social time of 5:45 p.m. and meeting time of 6:15 p.m. on April 13 at Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club, 4400 Lister St., Port Charlotte. Cost is $25 per person. Reservations must be made in advance. For more information or to make reservations, call 941-628-6428.Enjoy plein air painting on the roofJoin Peace River Painters for plein air painting on Monday, April 17, 5:30 p.m. at the rooftop lounge of The Wyvern Hotel Punta Gorda, 101 E. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda, for a sunset paint-out. The event is free; no instruction, no fees; painting starts at 5:30 p.m.; painting review at 7:45 p.m. For information, visit peaceriver or email peacerivert miss the Punta Gorda Block PartyDowntown Punta Gorda will belong to the Punta Gorda Block Party again on April 29, when the popular street festival comes back from a two-year hiatus and returns to Marion Avenue, the citys main street. Three music stages will feature hours of live entertainment from Gary Puckett and his Union Gap and a strong lineup of national and local groups. Dozens of vendors selling reasonably priced food and drink and a childrens area add to the fun-filled day. Gates open at 11 a.m. and music ends at 10 p.m. Entry is free; donations solicited. Go to for more information and the entertainment schedule. COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFS EASTER EGG HUNTS€ Easter Egg Hunt EggstravaganzaŽ „ 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 8, at First United Methodist Church of Punta Gorda, 507 W. Marion Ave. Egg hunt on the church campus, prizes, music and photos with the Easter Bunny. Complimentary hot dogs and snow cones for kids ages under 12. For more information, contact Tammy Youngblood at 941-639-3842 ext. 213 or email tammy.youngblood € The Punta Gorda Historical Society is the host for an Easter Egg Hunt and party from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 8, at the Punta Gorda History Park, 501 Shreve St., Punta Gorda. The event is free and open to the public. There will be an egg hunt and other fun activities. For more information, call 941-815-7127. € Easter Eggstravaganza, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, April 9, at Pilgrim Church, 24515 Rampart Blvd., Port Charlotte. Egg hunt, free pizza, cotton candy, bake sale, bounce house, pony rides, petting zoo, face painting, crafts and more. For more information, 941-629-2633. Less waiting where it matters most … our emergency room.The 30-Minutes-Or-Less E.R. Service Pledge … only at *Medical professionals may include physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners.In a medical emergency, every minute matters. So, at Bayfront Health Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda, youll “nd faster care in the emergency room. We work diligently to have you initially seen by a medical professional* in 30 minutes … or less. And, with a team of dedicated medical specialists, we can provide a lot more care, if you need it. adno=50513337


Herald Page 6 Friday, April 7, 2017 Excerpts from 40 years ago Punta GordaDo you remember when?FROM OUR ARCHIVES Janine Smith 40 Years AgoJanine Smith writes about Punta Gordas historic past. Contact her at janinehs1@ from the Daily Herald-News from April 7-13, 1977:Fitzgerald quits business groupCity Councilman B.C. Fitzgerald has resigned from the Punta Gorda Businessmen Advisory Committee. He said he has done all he can do. The Committee was formed three years ago by Former Mayor Phil Laishley. The purpose was to advise the City Council on how the downtown business area could be improved. I dont know what more we can do, making our recommendations, unless the Committee, we, are given more power to carry out our plans.Ž The four recommendations in 1976 are: 1) To set up a taxing district among downtown businessmen. 2) To sell the Herald Court parking lot to the County to obtain more parking. 3) To use the proceeds of the sale to buy land near the Church of the Good Shepherd, used for parking, and a Punta Gorda Cultural center. 4) Buy land near Wood Street/ Marion Avenue for parking space for businesses in that area. We have made people aware of the problems our downtown has and what has to be done to improve,Ž concluded Fitzgerald.County backs nursing home issueNoting the acute shortage of Medicaid nursing home beds in Charlotte County, the Board of County Commissioners vowed earlier this week to support the construction of a private nursing home for Charlotte Harbor. Harold Hymans is consultant for Florida Living Care Inc. told the Board that before his company can begin work on their planned nursing home they must “rst be granted approval from state and federal governments and showing the need for an increase of facilities. The structure, eventually will be at least a 100-bed home with the possibility of expanding to 200 beds. Charlotte County patients are now transferred to nursing homes out of the area. The county does not have a large population, but a wide majority of the residents is over 65. Commissioner Robert Shedd said, the Board should support the Florida Living Care proposed home.Working the fieldsSheriff Alan LeBeau took to a tractor today as an effort to halt erosion and reclaim Sheriffs Lake. LeBeau is forsaking his of“ce for the tractor himself, without the money to correct the situation. Rain runoff has created ravines around the arti“cial lake, deepening ruts near Airport Road. It is happening before the summer rains and will need to be corrected before then. In a time when politics is courting the common image, the Sheriff will have another “eld day tomorrow.Canals pose problemsA canal ”ows serenely behind your house in Punta Gorda Isles, providing good “shing, access to the harbor and a place to lose yourself in sweet contemplation. Then you “nd your stretch of canal “lled in with silt and clogged with aquatic weeds. Who is responsible for cleaning up the waterway? The city property owner, the developer? The fact is, nobody knows for sure. As it now stands, Punta Gorda Isles Inc. maintains the waterways. But the canals will be there long after PGI Inc. is gone. Then what? The public owns the canals, since they have been dedicated to the city. City Manager Robert Hollander believes that eventually the city will assume responsibility, the duty of maintaining the canals. Where does the money come from? Tax money? Someone living in East Punta Gorda might object to the city using his or her tax money since they do not derive from the canals. There are a lot of pros and cons. For the time being, city of“cials are content to sit back and see what happens. Right now there is little or no legal precedent to follow.On-the-job trainingOn-the-job training paid off for some of the students in Charlotte High Schools Cooperative Training Program. They spend a half day in school. The other half they are working and competing against Naples High School. Nancy Carlson took “rst place in shorthand and transcription; Kim Wright placed “rst in job interviewing; Lana Moye won the sales demonstration competition; Linda Skay placed “rst in bookkeeping and James Keeney took “rst in health-related “elds.Letter to the editor: Nursing homesTo the Editor: The good support expressed in your editorial for a nursing home for Charlotte County residents has already made a dent in the consciousness of local residents. That is great, thank you. We hope you will continue to publicize the effort to build community support by informing the residents here of the need for different kinds of care for the elderly. It offers more hope for the people already in nursing homes. A congregate facility run by an authority an offering more social contacts is an idea whose time has come locally and nationally. Thank you.Ž „ Ruth S. Jones, social worker, Department of Health and Rehabilitative ServiceRailroad weighs halting businessThe Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company is considering abandoning its business at Port Boca Grande. The company is also contemplating to halt the rail line from the Port to Arcadia. This is what the Charlotte County Commission was informed about via a letter to Commission Chairman Frank Byron from General Agent for Charlotte County Michael Museal. The declining business done at the port is the reason. There has been a constant drop over the years except for the phosphate shippingŽ according to Museal.Charlotte Players ends season with The MousetrapThe Charlotte Players are deep in rehearsals of The Mousetrap,Ž considered the most successful mystery melodrama, written by Agatha Christie, creator of the famous Hercule Poirot. The play, the last of the Players 1976-77 season is scheduled to begin a “ve-night run April 13, at the Charlotte Cultural Center Theatre. This eerie story, set in a snowbound guest house, was “rst presented in London in 1952 and is still going strong more than 24 years later. It stands as the longest-running stage hit in all theatrical history.Todays almanac€ April 1932: Charles Lindbergh left $50,000 in bills in a New York cemetery, hoping to regain his kidnapped son. Bruno Hauptman subsequently was found guilty of the kidnapping of the Lindbergh child. € April 24, 1938: Daylight saving time went into effect in the United States for the “rst time.QuoteI expect to pass through life but once. If therefore be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now. Do not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.Ž „ William Penn, Quaker founder of Pennsylvania (1644-1718) PHOTO BY INGRID SIMKEMeet Buddy, an 11-year-old miniature poodle/terrier mix weighing 25 lbs. He sports a soft white coat, forward-folding ears and a whiskered face. Buddy walks very well on a leash and travels well in a car. He is a smart dog and will look you in the eye as he tries to understand what you are saying to him. He engages with people very easily. Buddy loves to be scratched underneath his chin. For more information, contact Suncoast Humane Society at 941-474-7884, visit, or stop by the adoption center at 6781 San Casa Drive, Englewood.Suncoast Pet of the Week If you can fix a problem that you have, why wouldnt you? Ž Frantz EyeCare fixed my vision problem and did an outstanding job.ŽMike Ditka adno=50513062


Friday, April 7, 2017 Herald Page 7 The Charlotte Harbor Sailing for Singles held its Change of Watch Party earlier this year at The Captains Table Restaurant in Fishermens Village, Punta Gorda.Sailing for Singles has Change of Watch Allen Schaus and Sara Cole Pictured, standing, are Nancy Myers and Buzz Mitchell; seated, Doug and Shelley Ward. A special cake for the occasion. Patty Reed, Lynn Sabin, John Simms and Arlene Perrini Susan Schulstrom, Kenny Gilley, Bob Semer and Nancy WarnerHERALD PHOTOS BY SUE PAQUINBuzz Mitchell, member-at-large; Sandra Radtke, secretary; Sherry Wintour, commodore; John Simms, member-at-large; Diane Sutphin, treasurer; and Lynn Sabin, rear commodore. Rick Stager, vice commodore, was not present for the photo. Sue Paquin PhotojournalistSue Paquin is a freelance photographer. Contact her at beat adno=50514061


Herald Page 8 Friday, April 7, 2017 The Coastal Conservation Association held its 27th Annual Banquet and Auction sponsored by Ingman Marine on March 23. More than 300 guests attended the event. The fundraiser will provide aid to the conservation of Florida coastlines. CCA Florida is a nonpro“t, statewide marine conservation organization which works to help maintain and protect Floridas marine wildlife and resources. For additional information about CCA, visit www.cca” Conservation Association h a HERALD PHOTOS BY SUE PAQUINMike Turbeville, Steve Bair and Jay and Amy Withers Left: Hunter Schwint and Steven Sorrentino Stacey and Kenneth Roberts Josh Greer and Kate Couzins Lisa and Ray Harvey Sue Paquin PhotojournalistSue Paquin is a freelance photographer. Contact her at beat Copper“sh Books held A Taste of TarotŽ with professional tarot card reader Pamela Jones on March 28. Participants learned tarot card reading basics, plus tips about shuf”ing, spreads, deck selection and storage and more. A few lucky audience members received public readings during the event.Learning the basics of tarot cards HERALD PHOTOS BY SUE PAQUINCoppersh Books has a variety of books on tarot card reading. Left: Pamela Jones provides a tarot reading for Donna Gillson. Right: Professional tarot card reader Pamela Jones speaks to the audience. Friday, April 7, 2017 Herald Page 9 a s 27th Annual Banquet and Auction Phyllis and Scott Walker with Susan and Tom Klein Below: Artist Anastasia Musick with her parents, Slava and Olga Khabinov Left: Joe Gallo and Don Gasgarth Amy and Henry Stanley with Scott Robertson, auctioneer HERALD PHOTOS BY SUE PAQUINAbove: Denis Wyssvrod checks out one of the rae items. Left: Pamela Jones reads cards for Leslie Arens. Professional tarot card reader Pamela Jones Pamela Jones explains the meaning of the cards chosen by Diane Simone. ON THE COVER: Linda Wolf was one of the lucky audience members to receive a public reading.Cathy Graham holds up one of the books about tarot cards available at Coppersh Books. adno=716921 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES AVAILABLE IN PORT CHARLOTTE AND ARCADIA COUNSELING SUPPORT PSYCHIATRY Twin Rivers Pathways 4161 Tamiami Trail, Suite 302 Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Life Improvement Program Located on 3rd floor at DMH 900 N. Robert Ave. Arcadia, FL 34266 Call (941) 766-0171 to learn more! Full service grooming at no charge.We provide intake and adoption. We carry a full line of bird supplies from food to toys and cages. Tues…Fri 10…5, Sat 10…4, Sun & Mon by appointment only 1205 Elizabeth St., Unit I Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941-347-8876 Exotic Bird Rescue 501c3 Non-Profit Adopt! adno=50513236 Most Advanced Technique in Cataract Surgery No Needles € No Stitch € No Patch Quick Recovery Christopher Stelly, MD Board Certified € Eye Physician & Surgeon Punta Gorda 3665 Tamiami Trail, Suite #101 575-9300 Accepting Medicare Assignment Over 5,000 cataract and laser surgeries performed. EYECARE & SURGERY CENTER of Southwest Florida adno=50509578 adno=5051299 8 1801 Shreve St. Punta Gorda, 33950 at Elan Salon & Spa Debbie Fantin, Clinical Aesthetician Voted Readers Choice Best Aesthetician! Call Today To Book Your Next Appointment! Specialty Facials ~ Advanced Corrective Treatments ~ Permanent Makeup Valid through 4/30/17 941-875-3096 2016 $25 OFF any facial or advanced treatment


Herald Page 10 Friday, April 7, 2017 was visiting Florida when he met Patti. They married in 2003. When Tiny took Patti to his home country she was touched by the many people who lived in poverty. Her life gained a new purpose in helping others. Together, they have used the skills of their careers to make a difference in Tinys home country. Tiny is a craftsman and farmer while Patti is a retired executive from Estee Lauder. Through their nonpro“t they have built an orphanage in Africa, provided sustainable agriculture techniques in Haiti through Farming Gods Way and now are focusing efforts on animal conservation through antipoaching efforts and education through wildlife ranger courses. Patti travels the country selling Kudu Klips at many arts and crafts festival. The hair accessory can also be found in salons and spas in exclusive resorts in Florida. Patti came up with the name Kudu Klip when a majestic antelope called a kudu appeared in their yard in South Africa. Its amazing, beautiful horns were the inspiration for naming the hair accessory. And since the word rhymed with hairdo and updo, it was the perfect name. Last weekend, visitors to the Sullivan Street Craft Festival were able to see the Kudu Klips and try them in their hair. Lynne Laucella and Carol Slifka were among those having fun creating hairstyles with the clip. And, of course, they both purchased a clip. Patti said, Several hundred Kudu Klips are sold each weekend. We have our online sales and we sell in boutiques and “ve-star hotels.Ž The clips range in price from $20 to $25. Military personnel get a 10 percent discount with military ID. Some people think $20-$25 is expensive for a hair accessory, but it lasts,Ž Patti said. Not only is it beautiful, it is very functional.Ž This is not a mass-produced accessory; Tiny creates each clip in the couples studio workshop „ from choosing the beads to stringing each clip. Making the clips is a lot of work,Ž Patti said. Tiny goes on the internet and chooses the best beads and it takes him hours. Sometimes beads are no longer available, and he has to change the design. We had 15 or 20 designs so we had to make new ones.Ž With Pattis background in the cosmetics industry, she is aware that each season brings new fashion trends and the Kudu Klip designs re”ect those changes. We are very fashion-conscious. We look at the colors for the season and make clips that have the colors that will be popular for the season,Ž she said. And with the humidity and windy days in Florida, this clip is a natural for our tropical climate. Women try it on and it meets their needs, especially here in South Florida with the challenging needs of our hair,Ž Patti said. It is great for athletes, busy moms and travelers, too. If youve got a busy lifestyle, you want something quick and easy,Ž she said. You can lean back in the car or on the airplane since we designed it to be ”at.Ž When you visit the Kudu Klip tent at a festival, it is like a grown-up slumber party with friends creating hairstyles. Every single woman who has put the Kudu Klip in her hair, goes away with it.Ž Although Patti says that traveling to festivals can be tiring, she loves meeting people and “nds it rewarding to help people. One woman cried when she tried the Kudu Klip. She had “ne, thin hair after chemo treatments, and she actually cried because it stayed in her hair. It was very touching. It is enjoyable to me and its not work to me. I get to meet so many people all across the country,Ž she added. With the animal photos from their home in South Africa on display, children also “nd it interesting to visit the booth. A little boy came in and said, Do you live at the zoo? Do you live at Animal Kingdom? You are so lucky.Ž And Patti agrees.FROM PAGE 1 Michele Bellue PGH EditorMichele Bellue is editor of the Punta Gorda Herald. Contact her at or call 941-206-1010.COVER STORY PHOTO PROVIDEDThis kudu was photographed in the yard of Patti and Tiny van Tonder in South Africa. The Kudu Klip is named after this species of antelope. PHOTO BY MICHELE BELLUEKudu Klips are available in many colors. PHOTO BY MICHELE BELLUELadies have fun trying the Kudu Klip in their hair at the Sullivan Street Arts and Crafts Festival in Punta Gorda on April 1. PHOTO BY MICHELE BELLUELynne Laucella shows how her hair looks after putting in a Kudu Klip. PHOTO BY MICHELE BELLUELynne Laucella puts a Kudu Klip in her hair while visiting the booth at the Sullivan Street Arts and Crafts Festival in Punta Gorda on April 1. PHOTOS PROVIDEDAnimal conservation is an important cause to Patti and Tiny van Tonder. Above: A girae eats from a tree in the van Tonders yard in South Africa. Above left: a zebra also makes a nighttime visit. Below: Warthogs stop by to check out the property. adno=50513094 (941) 621-4612 2705 Tamiami Trail Suite 216, Punta Gorda, FL adno=50513135 Cilantros Restaurant LATIN AMERICAN CUISINE We CaterŽ 2016 KARAOKE EVERY SATURDAY ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET Every Other Sunday Afternoon


Friday, April 7, 2017 Herald Page 11 WHAT WE ARENT BUILDING IS AS IMPORTANT AS WHAT WE ARE. First, we drew a circle around the land we wouldnt touch. The open prairie. The wetlands. The pine forests. The homes of hawk s and panthers herons and bass. The places where youll run, walk, bike, think, exhale. On what was left, we planned a town. But not just any town. A town where neighbors sustain each other and the suns energy sustains us all. A town where you can have a connected life. A purposeful life. An engaged life. Broker participation is welcome. Prices, plans, speci“cations and community design are subject to change. Oral representations cannot be relied up on as correctly stating the representations of the developer. For correct information regarding Babcock Ranch, interested par ti es should refer to written materials provided by the developer, legislative acts related to Babcock Ranch and the covenants and restrictions of the Babcock Ranch Residential Association, Inc. The information provided above is no t intended to be an oering and should be considered as infor mational only. A better lifeBABCOCKRANCH.COM 888-940-0685 adno=50512798


Herald Page 12 Friday, April 7, 2017 A Safe Kids/April Pools Day was held for kids of all ages in Charlotte County at South County Regional Park on Cooper Street in Punta Gorda on April 1. The event was to promote childrens injury prevention awareness, promote good health and save lives. A guest appearance was made by Clawford, the Stone Crabs new mascot, and 9-1-1 Red E. Fox. A bounce house, music, water polo, splash contest, face painting, art and more made for a great afternoon of fun and learning.Children learn about safety, have fun at April Pools Day Mark Schaible, Maria Torres, Mike Bailey and Kaylee Bailey play some Plinko. Abby Burt takes a turn on the waterslide. A rousing game of water basketball with nearly a dozen kids was going on at the end of the pool.HERALD PHOTOS BY DONNELL BATESCassandra Susemihl holds daughter Bailey Susemihl with Viera Moretti by her side. Charlie Bryant Jr. and Charlie Bryant III enjoy their day. Charlotte Harbor Rotary member Connie Payne enjoys the afternoon at South County Regional Park with her granddaughter Sydney George, who is visiting from Maryland. Right: The Oates family „ mom Alicia, Ava and Jace „ swim in the pool during the Safe Kids/April Pools Day on April 1. At the Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies booth Samuel Whitesides gets his face painted by Darcy & outdoors Donnell Bates PhotojournalistDonnell Bates is a freelance photographer. Contact her at adno=50512980 24 HOUR WATER REMOVAL € Tile & Grout Cleaning € Air Duct Cleaning € Carpet Repair & Stretching € Oriental & Wool Rug Cleaning Specialist € Steam Cleaning € Rotary Scrub € Dry Cleaning CARPET, UPHOLSTERY & TILE CLEANING Punta Gorda/Port Charlotte 941.766.0115 WWW .H APPY H OME S ERVICES NET 10% OFF


Friday, April 7, 2017 Herald Page 13 Fishermens Village and The Celtic Ray were among the many places where folks went to celebrate on St Patricks Day.Still seeing green and shamrocks Dawn Gallagher, Kris Livek and Dave Porosky Deborah Owen, Janet and John Carrick and John Fitzgerald Mike and Kathie Hayes with Kim HeimruchHERALD PHOTOS BY SUE PAQUINKeith and Dana Boyd, Jan Barton, David Land, Gary Boyd, Ron Barton and Judy Boyd Pam and Jim Shopbell with Bebe Shirley Mattice, Laura Mattice and Avary Verhoeven Diane Danaher, Scott Slaughter and Carolyn Otakan Right: Lee County Pipes & Drums entertained at Fishermens Village. Some even sported a bit of green in their mustaches.Community beat Sue Paquin PhotojournalistSue Paquin is a freelance photographer. Contact her at Join the Art Explorers Club! Each day is a dierent project. Drawing, Pottery, Jewelry, Clay, Watercolor & More. Lots of fun and age appropriate!Space is Limited, so Register Today! 210 Maud St | Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Across from Fishermens Village (941) 639-8810 | www.visualartcenter.orgDates:June 5 June 9 June 12 June 16 June 19 June 23 June 26 June 30 egisterToday! Times:Ages 8 to 10: Mon Fri, 9am to 12pm Ages 11 to 15: Mon Fri, 1 to 4pmTeen Art WorkshopsAsk about Summer Workshops for ages 15 20! adno=50513419


Herald Page 14 Friday, April 7, 2017 Fans were beginning to wonder if the Charlotte Tarpons were going to run out of chances to come back against Fort Myers as they trailed 3-0 at the end of three innings, but they “nally got a couple of big hits and clutch pitching to pull out a 4-3 win over the visiting Green Wave. This was a team effort. In and out of the dugout they supported each other. Cam (Koch) did a nice job, there were no heroes in this game. Im very proud of these boys,Ž said Coach Kevin Tracy. In the “rst inning, Anthony Squintorys leadoff double that landed at the base of the left-“eld fence proved to be futile. The second hitter in Tracys lineup hit the ball to the right side, but it was in the air as the second baseman made the play, which didnt allow Squintory to advance. With the meat of the lineup coming up, both the threeand four-hole hitters were guilty of excessive window shoppingŽ and were called out on strikes. Trailing 1-0 in the second, Tanner Reinne drew a two-out walk but was cut down at the plate on a close play to end the inning. After the Tarpons gave up two more runs in the top of the third, Bryce Hayse banged a two-out double but was left in scoring position as another whiff ended the third inning. The baseball godsŽ “nally smiled on the Tarpons in the fourth inning. Kris Dillow was safe on an error to start the inning. Daniel Reinne ran for him and circled the bases when pinch hitter Tyler McQueen hit a triple to right center. McQueen scored on a base hit by “rst sacker Billy Brumbaugh. By the end of the inning the game was tied at three. The Tarpons pushed across the game winner in the “fth as Dillow had a twoout single. Reinne again ran for Dillow and stole second base. McQueen became the only Tarpon with two hits as his base knock scored Reinne and gave the Tarpons their “rst lead of the game. Fort Myers failed to score in the top of the sixth. Charlotte put their “rst two men on base in the home half of the inning. Mikey Thomas was safe on an error then Eric LePage laid down a beautiful bunt and beat it out to put a pair of Tarpons on base with no outs. Thats when the umpires called the game since the time limit had been reached and the “eld had to be prepared for the varsity game that followed. Cameron Koch started on the bump for Charlotte and gave up all three runs. The big southpaw was pulled with one out in the third and replaced by Eric Hassier, who fanned two of the three batters he faced to put out the “re. Hassier pitched for the next two innings to get the win while Jake Guthridge closed out the game and picked up a save for his one inning of work. McQueen, who drove in two runs and scored once, said, Weve got con“dence in each other and we just competed throughout the whole game.Ž This game showed a lot of heart and character to me. We just stuck together and never quit,Ž said Brumbaugh, who scored a run and knocked in one. Tanner Reinne had gone 11 straight at-bats without an of“cial at-bat. He either had a walk or was hit by a pitch every time he was up. Against Fort Myers he drew a second-inning walk and dropped a nice sacri“ce bunt in the fourth to put Brumbaugh in scoring position. His streak seemed safe as he worked a 3-0 count in his “nal at-bat with “rst base open and a probable walk in the near future. Reinne had two runners in scoring position and hit a sinking liner to left “eld that looked like it was going to give the Tarpons a couple of insurance runs. I didnt see him diving. I was watching the “rst base coach and I saw him put his hands on his head and then I saw the left “elder holding the ball up in the air. I was really mad, but we won, so thats what matters,Ž Reinne said.Tarpons comeback tops Green Wave Eric LePage beats out an outstanding bunt in the sixth inning. The game was called after he reached rst because of the time limit, giving Charlotte a 4-3 win over Fort Myers. Tarpons rst baseman Billy Brumbaugh reaches for a foul ball down the line. Brumbaugh knocked in a run and scored once in the 4-3 win. HERALD PHOTOS BY STEVE KNAPPCameron Koch res to the plate in the rst inning in the Charlotte Tarpons 4-3 win over Fort Myers. Steve Knapp Sports WriterSteve Knapp is a sports writer and photographer. Contact him at PHOTO PROVIDEDThis 7-week-old eastern grey squirrel was attacked by a cat and ended up with multiple puncture wounds and a broken wrist. He is recovering in home care on antibiotics, has a cast on his front leg and will eventually be released. Peace River Wildlife Center is a nonprot organization dedicated to the care, preservation and protection of Charlotte Countys native wildlife since 1978. They are open seven days a week, year-round, including holidays. Tours are oered from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Injured animal intake is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PRWC receives no federal or state funding and relies entirely on private donations. For more information, visit PeaceRiverWildlifeCenter. org, email, call 941-637-3830 or visit them at 3400 Ponce de Leon Pkwy. (GPS address: 3400 W. Marion Ave.), Punta Gorda.PRWC Rescue of the Week adno=50512992 C O M E O N E C O M E A L L C O M E O N E C O M E A L L For information Call: Jerry Presseller 941-391-4856 LOCATED AT TAYLOR STREET AND W. OLYMPIA AVE. Every Saturday 8am tO 1PM S N A P /E BT Ca r d s w e l c ome. C h e c k i n a t c h e e s e boot h TO THE # 1 SMALL TO THE # 1 SMALL FARMERS MARKET FARMERS MARKET IN FLORIDA IN FLORIDA Live Entertainment Est. 2008 R a i n o r S hi ne O VE R 4 0 V E N D O R S E B T D o u b l e $ $ B u y F l o r i d a P r o d u c e Join Us on Saturday, Join Us on Saturday, April 8th 6-10 PM for April 8th 6-10 PM for CAPTAIN RICK CAPTAIN RICK Enjoy Live Music, Enjoy Live Music, Drink Specials from our full service Drink Specials from our full service bar & Dinner Specials featuring bar & Dinner Specials featuring Upstate New York Upstate New York Italian-American Cuisine Italian-American Cuisine Reservations Suggested Reservations Suggested Please call 941-505-7897 Please call 941-505-7897 Open for Lunch Tues. Sat. 11amOpen for Lunch Tues. Sat. 11am2:30pm 2:30pm Open for Dinner Tue.-Thurs. 4pmOpen for Dinner Tue.-Thurs. 4pm9pm 9pm Fri. & Sat. 4pm-10pm Sun. 4pm-8pm Fri. & Sat. 4pm-10pm Sun. 4pm-8pm 258 W. Marion Ave. 258 W. Marion Ave. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 adno=50513008


Friday, April 7, 2017 Herald Page 15 There sure was a lot of activity going on in the Charlotte JV softball dugout before the game against Venice. Krystle Byrne was wearing a cast on her right hand to protect her broken knuckle on her ring “nger. While she was in uniform, she wasnt allowed to play and her season may be through as the doctor said it would take 4-5 weeks to heal. She injured it during warmups in the previous game. Brooke Barrett raced to the dugout after arriving late and missing pregame warmups. She had just returned from the dentist and had her braces removed. Of course, all of her teammates wanted to see her teeth without the metal. Jaedyn Stevens was in a particularly good mood as she was celebrating her 15th birthday that day. Kailey Scott was talking about her Sweet SixteenŽ birthday party coming up next weekend. Oh, and the Tarpons won another game. That really didnt seem like anything new since the 10-0 shutout over the Indians was the 15th win of the season. They run-ruled their opponents for the 13th time this season with Riverdale losing by two and the Naples team avoiding it by losing 7-1 to Charlotte. In every other game this season the Tarpons have invoked the mercy rule through a combination of excellent pitching, timely hitting and solid defense. Their record stands at 15-1-1 with their only loss coming in the championship game at the JV Wars to begin the season. That loss to Palmetto took extra innings to stop the Tarpons. The tie game came against Fort Myers. As of the writing of this story, the Tarpons have outscored their opponents 188-32 this season. In their last four games they have outscored their opponents 47-1. The Tarpons jumped out to a 4-0 lead in the “rst with the big hit coming from Scott, who drove in Stephanie Vullo and Lauren Bell after Bell had singled in her batterymate Sydney Thomas for the “rst run of the game. Scott rode home on a base knock from Lea Hendrickson. Scott again delivered the big blow in the second inning as the Tarpons tacked on three more runs. Scotts base hit scored Bell and Thomas. Thomas was on base with a single that had scored Paige Thompson. After going down in order in the third, Charlotte came up with three more in the fourth inning. Thompson led off the inning with a walk and scored on Thomas double. Thomas crossed the plate on Vullos single. Scott got her second double of the game and “fth RBI to score Vullo. That was the “nal Charlotte hit as the Indians went down in order for the second straight inning in the “fth to end the game. The Indians had two opportunities to score against Thomas, who went the distance. In the “rst inning two singles and a popup that dropped in the middle of the Tarpons in“eld loaded the bases. The next hitter hit a line drive to center “eld that Cheyenne Torres hauled in. Two innings later, Venice had two on and two outs when another ”y ball was hit deep to center. Torres casually drifted back like she was playing catch with a friend and put it away to end the inning. The Tarpons had 11 hits with Thomas and Scott leading the way going 3-3. Thomas scored three times and drove in two while Scott scored once but drove in “ve runs. I was seeing the ball real good today. I guess it was just more con“dence at bat. I was nervous because we lost to them last year and I didnt know how good they were this year,Ž Scott said. Everyone knows how good the Tarpons are, and their 15-1-1 record backs it up.Braces, birthdays and another Tarpons win HERALD PHOTO BY STEVE KNAPPTarpons shortstop Kailey Scott doubled in the nal Charlotte run on this swing. Scott had a big game, going 3-3 as she drove in ve runs in the 10-0 shutout over Venice. HERALD PHOTO BY STEVE KNAPPCharlottes Jaedyn Stevens is enjoying the game as she celebrates her 15th birthday with a 10-0 win over Venice. PHOTO BY KRYSTLE BYRNEPaige Thompson is thrown out while attempting to steal second in the rst inning. Thompson had a pair of walks and a single and scored twice in Charlottes 10-0 win over Venice. Steve Knapp Sports WriterSteve Knapp is a sports writer and photographer. Contact him at SPORTS and see up to a thousand used cars. adno=715358


Herald Page 16 Friday, April 7, 2017 adno=50509541


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Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 And BAY LAKE ESTATES 1200 COLONIA LN. EAST Nokomis, FL 34275 941-485-2555TWO55+ RESORTSOFFERING AWIDEVARIETYOFHOMES. BOTHLOCATIONSARE2 MILES FROMTHEBEAUTIFULBEACHESBAYLAKEORBAYINDIES,YOUCHOOSEWHICHLIFESTYLEISRIGHTFORYOU!!! 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. 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Vehiclesmaynotbeaspictured.SERVICEHOURS: MON-FRI7:30AM-5:00PM SAT.7:30AM-NOON SALESHOURS: MON-FRI8:30AM-7:00PM SAT9:00AM-6:00PM€CLOSEDSUNDAY7745S.TAMIAMITRAILSARASOTA941.922.2400ST06610123 SCOS O SAT 9:00AM-6:00PM 3.6L V6, 8-Speed Automatic, Rear BackUp Camera & Park Assist, Keyless Entry & GO, Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Voice Command w/Bluetooth, Aluminum Wheels, Deep Tint Sunscreen Glass, Fog Lamps, Speed Control, Theft Deterrent, Tire Pressure Monitoring and much more NEW 2017 CHRYSLER PACIFICA Ventilated Leather Seats, Navigation, Blind Spot/ Cross Path Detection, Front And Rear Park Assist, Heated Power Seats, Sat Radio W/ Beats Audio 10 Prem Speakers Incl. Subwoofer, 552 Watt Amp, Voice Command W/ Bluetooth, 20Ž Aluminum Wheels, Keyless Go W/ Remote Start. NEW 2017 CHRYSLER 300 S #C17181 SALE $ 30,999 SALE $ 30,999 SALE $ 30,999 Se habla Espaola, Bill Wagner 941-705-9095 adno=8534652 *Vehicle Prices Listed Are Plus Tax, Tag And Title. Prices Include Rebates. Dealer Also Charges A Pr e-Delivery Service Fee Of $599 Which Represents Cost And Profit To The Dealer For Items Such As Cleaning, Inspecting And Adjusting New An d Used Vehicles And Prepa ring Documents Related To The Sale Or Lease. Dealer Not Responsible For Typographical Errors. Vehicles Ma y Not Be As Pictured And Are Subject To Prior Sale. Financing Is With Approved Credit. Residency Rules May Apply. See Dealer For Details. Uconnect Voice Command w/Bluetooth, Satellite Radio, Deep Tint Sunscreen Glass, Fog Lamps, Speed Control, Theft Deterrent System, Tilt Steering, Halogen Headlamps & much more Sunset Alf a Romeo FIAT of Sarasot a 7641 S. Tami ami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34231 ( 941)9248822 € www. f i atusaof sarasota. com 2016 SUBARU IMPREZA 2.0i 5-door Premium GFA-01 U1659 FORESTER 2016 SUBARU 2.5i € Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive € Bluetooth connectivity € SUBARU STARLINK 6.2Ž Multimedia Audio System € Back-up camera Buy For Prices are plus tax, tag, title & include rebates which are subject to change. Dealer also charges a pre-delivery service fee of $599 which represents cost & profit to the dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting & adjusting vehicles & preparing documents related to the sale or lease. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Vehicles may not be as pictured & are subject to prior sale. F inancing is with approved credit. Residency rules may apply. See dealer for details. *Vehicle Prices Listed Are Plus Tax, Tag And Title. Prices Include Rebates. Dealer Also Charges A Pr e-Delivery Service Fee Of $599 Which Represents Cost And Profit To The Dealer For Items Such As Cleaning, Inspecting And Adjusting New And Used Vehicles And Preparing Documents R elated To The Sale Or Lea se. Dealer Not Responsible For Typographical Errors. Vehicles May Not Be As Pictured And Are Subject To Prior Sale. Financing Is With Approved Cr edit. Residency Rules May Apply. See Dealer For Details. Offers Exp. 4/30/17 941-925-1234 € 7611 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231 Sale s: Mon-Fri 8:30A 7P Sat. 9A-6P € Service: Mon.-Fri. 7:30A-5P € Sat. 8AM-Noon 2017 Subar u FORESTER 2.5i 2017 Subaru LEGACY 2.5 I Premium w ith moonroof 2017 Subaru CROSSTREK 5dr 2.0i Premium Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Automatic, Power Windows, Locks, Mirrors, Backup Camera, Speed Control, Bluetooth Phone Connectivity, Tilt Telescoping Steering Wheel, Remote Keyless Entry, MP3/CD, 6Speakers, & Much More! Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Back-up Camera, Bluetooth Wireless Phone Connectivity, Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Remote Keyless Entry, Heated Front Seats, Speed Control,Tilt/Telescoping Steering Wheel, MP3/CD with six speaker sound system, Fog Lamps and more. HRC-12 #U17621 HDD-11 #U17678 HFA-01 #U17617 HAD-12 #U17131 #F1708 Sale $ 14,999 Sale $ 14,999 2017 FIAT 500 2017 FIAT 500 NEW NEW Sale $ 18,999 Sale $ 18,999 2017 FIAT 500X Pop 2017 FIAT 500X Pop Sale $ 23,999 #F1773 Trade a Honda or Toyota, Save another $1,000Ž 2017 FIAT 124 Spider Classica 2017 FIAT 124 Spider Classica NEW NEW From $ 26,999 From $ 26,999 #C1762 SALE $ 24,999 3.6l V-6, Power Windows/locks/mirrors/seat, 9-speed Automatic, Stow N Go Seating, Rear A/c, Aluminum Wheels, Back-up Camera, Speed Control, Sunscreen Glass, Keyless Go, Voice Command W/ Bluetooth And More. Symmetrical AllWheel Drive, Emergency communication system, DualZone Automatic Climate Control, Power Moonroof, Keyless remote and much more. Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Automatic, Power Windows, Locks, Mirrors, Back up Camera, Speed Control, Bluetooth Phone Connectivity, Tilt Telescoping Steering Wheel, Remote Keyless Entry, Security System, CD Player, Starlink, Dual Zone Climate Control & Much More! 2017 Subaru OUTBACK 2.5i P remium FROM $ 39,995 FROM $ 39,995 ALFA ROMEO IS WRITING A NEW CHAPTER IN ITS HISTORY, INTRODUCING A FUTURE WHERE ONCE AGAIN THE DRIVER IS AT THE CENTER OF THE DESIGN. HERE IS THE ALPH ROMEO GIULIA. Turbo Charged Rear Wheel Drive with near perfect 50/50 weight distribution, Remote Proximity Keyless Entry, Bluetooth Connectivity and Hands-Free Voice Command, Speed Control, Powe r Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Aluminum Wheels and more Sale $ 27,999 Three at This Price Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Speed Control, Remote Keyless Go, 6-Speaker Sound System, Sunscreen Glass, Tilt/Telescoping Steering Wheel with Audio Controls, Fold Flat Rear Seats, Tire Pressure Monitoring, Theft deterrent, Rear Window Defroster and More. #J1740 Pop Model with power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Speed Control, Aluminum Wheels, Keyless Remote Entry, Premium Audio System with Integrated Voice Command, Bluetooth, Steering Wheel Mounted Controls and More. SALE $ 27,999 SALE $ 27,999 Back-Up Camera, Park Assist, Sat Radio w/6-Speaker Sound System, Voice Command w/Bluetooth, Power Windows/Locks/ Mirrors, Remote Proximity Keyless Entry, Alloy Wheels, Security Alarm and Much More. SALE $ 16,599 NEW 2017 DODGE JOURNEY SE M SRP $22,240 Sale $ 22,999 NEW 2017 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 3.6L V6, Automatic, Command-Trac Shift-on-the-fly 4 WD, Speed Control, 8-Speaker Sound System, Tilt Steering Wheel w/Audio Controls, Full Sunrider Soft Top, Fog Lamps, Theft Deterrent System, A/C, Sports Bar with Full Padding, Tire Pressure Monitoring and more. BETTER PRICES BIGGER SELECTION Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years of 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2017 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility. 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1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq391.5 401.988 112.5 62.699 reW nq391.5 410.483 112.555 45.709 reW nq391.5 410.483 112.555 45.709 reW nq392.47 411.432 110.5 43.999 reW nq/GS0 gs111.99 0 0 -45.48 391.5 455.97 cm/Im15 DoQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq391.5 401.988 112.5 62.699 reW nq391.5 410.483 112.555 45.709 reW nq391.5 410.483 112.555 45.709 reW n1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBTET0.48 w /GS0 gsq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 398.793 447.821 cm0 0 m0.416 -0.064 0.64 -0.272 0.848 -0.784 c0.896 -0.928 0.944 -1.12 0.944 -1.344 c0.96 -1.728 l0.96 -1.888 l0.96 -5.392 l0.96 -8.848 l0.96 -8.96 l0.944 -9.44 l0.928 -9.728 0.896 -9.872 0.848 -10 c0.656 -10.512 0.416 -10.72 0.016 -10.784 c-0.048 -10.8 -0.112 -10.8 -0.176 -10.8 c-0.176 -11.152 l5.36 -11.152 l5.36 -10.8 l5.296 -10.8 5.232 -10.8 5.168 -10.784 c4.768 -10.72 4.544 -10.512 4.336 -10 c4.288 -9.872 4.256 -9.696 4.24 -9.44 c4.224 -9.104 l4.224 -8.88 l4.224 -5.76 l4.784 -5.76 l4.912 -5.76 5.024 -5.776 5.136 -5.776 c6.304 -5.856 6.768 -6.32 6.832 -7.424 c6.848 -7.472 6.848 -7.536 6.848 -7.584 c7.168 -7.584 l7.168 -2.88 l6.848 -2.88 l6.848 -2.928 6.848 -2.992 6.848 -3.04 c6.72 -4.416 6.192 -4.832 4.832 -4.832 c4.208 -4.832 l4.208 -0.608 l5.888 -0.608 l7.552 -0.608 8.272 -1.152 8.544 -2.496 c8.56 -2.576 8.576 -2.656 8.592 -2.72 c8.864 -2.72 l8.64 0.368 l-0.192 0.368 l-0.192 0.016 l-0.128 0.016 -0.064 0.016 0 0 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 407.585 436.669 cm0 0 m4.832 0 l4.848 0.224 l4.72 0.224 4.592 0.256 4.48 0.32 c4.256 0.416 4.112 0.576 4 0.864 c3.92 1.024 3.872 1.296 3.84 1.776 c3.824 1.92 3.824 2.064 3.824 2.224 c3.824 6.56 l3.824 6.768 3.84 6.96 3.872 7.136 c3.904 7.264 l3.936 7.376 l3.36 7.248 2.768 7.136 2.192 7.04 c1.456 6.912 0.736 6.816 0 6.736 c0 6.512 l0.128 6.512 0.256 6.496 0.368 6.448 c0.624 6.368 0.784 6.224 0.896 6.064 c1.024 5.872 1.056 5.728 1.056 5.264 c1.056 3.456 l1.056 2.304 l1.04 1.408 0.992 1.104 0.88 0.864 c0.736 0.512 0.496 0.32 0.176 0.256 c0.112 0.24 0.048 0.224 -0.016 0.224 ch2.4 8.544 m2.816 8.544 3.232 8.704 3.536 9.008 c4.144 9.6 4.144 10.592 3.52 11.2 c3.232 11.488 2.832 11.664 2.416 11.664 c1.552 11.664 0.848 10.96 0.848 10.112 c0.832 9.248 1.52 8.56 2.4 8.544 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 412.729 436.669 cm0 0 m4.608 0 l4.624 0.224 l4.544 0.256 l4.48 0.288 l4.256 0.4 4.112 0.56 4 0.832 c3.936 0.992 3.872 1.264 3.84 1.76 c3.824 1.904 3.824 2.048 3.824 2.192 c3.824 4.96 l3.824 5.712 4.032 6.064 4.48 6.208 c5.12 6.416 5.648 6.048 5.68 5.472 c5.68 5.408 l5.68 5.008 l5.68 2.192 l5.68 1.408 5.632 1.072 5.536 0.832 c5.424 0.56 5.264 0.4 5.04 0.288 c4.96 0.256 l4.88 0.224 l4.88 0 l9.488 0 l9.488 0.224 l9.376 0.24 9.248 0.256 9.136 0.32 c8.944 0.416 8.784 0.576 8.672 0.864 c8.592 1.072 8.512 1.536 8.512 2.224 c8.512 5.168 l8.512 6.656 7.504 7.552 5.568 7.312 c5.12 7.248 4.688 7.088 4.288 6.832 c4.112 6.72 3.952 6.592 3.808 6.448 c3.792 6.8 l3.824 7.136 l3.84 7.264 l3.84 7.376 l2.56 7.088 1.296 6.864 0 6.736 c0 6.512 l0.128 6.512 0.256 6.496 0.368 6.448 c0.624 6.368 0.8 6.224 0.896 6.064 c1.024 5.872 1.056 5.712 1.056 5.264 c1.056 4.528 l1.056 3.456 l1.056 2.304 l1.024 1.44 0.96 1.088 0.864 0.864 c0.72 0.512 0.496 0.32 0.176 0.256 c0.112 0.24 0.048 0.224 -0.016 0.224 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 424.433 443.373 cm0 0 m-0.192 -0.128 -0.368 -0.272 -0.544 -0.448 c-1.072 -0.976 -1.408 -1.616 -1.536 -2.352 c-1.968 -4.768 -0.688 -6.624 1.168 -6.88 c2.016 -6.992 2.752 -6.816 3.408 -6.368 c3.472 -6.336 3.52 -6.288 3.584 -6.256 c3.584 -6.944 l7.376 -6.336 l7.376 -6.096 l7.232 -6.08 7.088 -6.016 6.96 -5.952 c6.56 -5.712 6.384 -5.392 6.352 -4.912 c6.352 -4.576 l6.336 -4.256 l6.336 4.24 l6.336 4.432 6.368 4.64 6.4 4.816 c6.416 4.928 l6.448 5.04 l5.504 4.864 4.544 4.72 3.584 4.576 c3.216 4.528 2.848 4.496 2.48 4.448 c2.48 4.208 l2.512 4.208 2.56 4.208 2.608 4.192 c2.88 4.176 3.072 4.096 3.248 3.936 c3.472 3.712 3.552 3.488 3.552 2.96 c3.552 0.128 l2.656 0.8 1.2 0.832 0 0 ch3.552 -2.24 m3.552 -3.824 l3.552 -3.904 3.552 -4 3.552 -4.096 c3.504 -5.168 3.36 -5.536 3.04 -5.824 c2.64 -6.208 2.032 -6.144 1.696 -5.712 c1.488 -5.424 1.36 -4.976 1.28 -3.6 c1.264 -3.296 1.264 -3.008 1.28 -2.704 c1.344 -1.168 1.52 -0.704 1.904 -0.416 c2.416 -0.032 3.12 -0.256 3.344 -0.864 c3.456 -1.136 3.504 -1.424 3.552 -1.92 c3.552 -2.032 3.552 -2.128 3.552 -2.24 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 437.137 436.669 cm0 0 m4.832 0 l4.848 0.224 l4.72 0.224 4.592 0.256 4.48 0.32 c4.256 0.416 4.112 0.576 4 0.864 c3.92 1.024 3.872 1.296 3.84 1.776 c3.824 1.92 3.824 2.064 3.824 2.224 c3.824 6.56 l3.824 6.768 3.84 6.96 3.872 7.136 c3.904 7.264 l3.936 7.376 l3.36 7.248 2.768 7.136 2.192 7.04 c1.456 6.912 0.736 6.816 0 6.736 c0 6.512 l0.128 6.512 0.256 6.496 0.368 6.448 c0.624 6.368 0.784 6.224 0.896 6.064 c1.024 5.872 1.056 5.728 1.056 5.264 c1.056 3.456 l1.056 2.304 l1.04 1.408 0.992 1.104 0.88 0.864 c0.736 0.512 0.496 0.32 0.176 0.256 c0.112 0.24 0.048 0.224 -0.016 0.224 ch2.4 8.544 m2.816 8.544 3.232 8.704 3.536 9.008 c4.144 9.6 4.144 10.592 3.52 11.2 c3.232 11.488 2.832 11.664 2.416 11.664 c1.552 11.664 0.848 10.96 0.848 10.112 c0.832 9.248 1.52 8.56 2.4 8.544 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 443.209 443.005 cm0 0 m0 -3.504 l0 -3.904 -0.016 -4.128 -0.016 -4.32 c-0.128 -5.952 0.208 -6.432 2.016 -6.56 c2.368 -6.592 2.72 -6.576 3.04 -6.528 c3.936 -6.384 4.464 -6.08 4.832 -5.584 c4.896 -5.488 4.96 -5.376 5.008 -5.264 c4.768 -5.104 l4.72 -5.168 l4.672 -5.248 l4.464 -5.488 4.208 -5.616 3.92 -5.664 c3.216 -5.744 2.8 -5.392 2.768 -4.672 c2.768 -4.512 l2.768 -3.968 l2.768 0.016 l4.72 0.016 l4.72 0.8 l2.768 0.8 l2.768 3.088 l2.272 3.088 l2 2.32 1.424 1.632 0.576 1.184 c0.096 0.928 -0.432 0.784 -0.976 0.768 c-0.976 0 lhSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 453.145 436.669 cm0 0 m4.832 0 l4.848 0.224 l4.72 0.224 4.592 0.256 4.48 0.32 c4.256 0.416 4.112 0.576 4 0.864 c3.92 1.024 3.872 1.296 3.84 1.776 c3.824 1.92 3.824 2.064 3.824 2.224 c3.824 6.56 l3.824 6.768 3.84 6.96 3.872 7.136 c3.904 7.264 l3.936 7.376 l3.36 7.248 2.768 7.136 2.192 7.04 c1.456 6.912 0.736 6.816 0 6.736 c0 6.512 l0.128 6.512 0.256 6.496 0.368 6.448 c0.624 6.368 0.784 6.224 0.896 6.064 c1.024 5.872 1.056 5.728 1.056 5.264 c1.056 3.456 l1.056 2.304 l1.04 1.408 0.992 1.104 0.88 0.864 c0.736 0.512 0.496 0.32 0.176 0.256 c0.112 0.24 0.048 0.224 -0.016 0.224 ch2.4 8.544 m2.816 8.544 3.232 8.704 3.536 9.008 c4.144 9.6 4.144 10.592 3.52 11.2 c3.232 11.488 2.832 11.664 2.416 11.664 c1.552 11.664 0.848 10.96 0.848 10.112 c0.832 9.248 1.52 8.56 2.4 8.544 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 458.289 436.669 cm0 0 m4.608 0 l4.624 0.224 l4.544 0.256 l4.48 0.288 l4.256 0.4 4.112 0.56 4 0.832 c3.936 0.992 3.872 1.264 3.84 1.76 c3.824 1.904 3.824 2.048 3.824 2.192 c3.824 4.96 l3.824 5.712 4.032 6.064 4.48 6.208 c5.12 6.416 5.648 6.048 5.68 5.472 c5.68 5.408 l5.68 5.008 l5.68 2.192 l5.68 1.408 5.632 1.072 5.536 0.832 c5.424 0.56 5.264 0.4 5.04 0.288 c4.96 0.256 l4.88 0.224 l4.88 0 l9.488 0 l9.488 0.224 l9.376 0.24 9.248 0.256 9.136 0.32 c8.944 0.416 8.784 0.576 8.672 0.864 c8.592 1.072 8.512 1.536 8.512 2.224 c8.512 5.168 l8.512 6.656 7.504 7.552 5.568 7.312 c5.12 7.248 4.688 7.088 4.288 6.832 c4.112 6.72 3.952 6.592 3.808 6.448 c3.792 6.8 l3.824 7.136 l3.84 7.264 l3.84 7.376 l2.56 7.088 1.296 6.864 0 6.736 c0 6.512 l0.128 6.512 0.256 6.496 0.368 6.448 c0.624 6.368 0.8 6.224 0.896 6.064 c1.024 5.872 1.056 5.712 1.056 5.264 c1.056 4.528 l1.056 3.456 l1.056 2.304 l1.024 1.44 0.96 1.088 0.864 0.864 c0.72 0.512 0.496 0.32 0.176 0.256 c0.112 0.24 0.048 0.224 -0.016 0.224 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 474.129 443.005 cm0 0 m0 -3.504 l0 -3.904 -0.016 -4.128 -0.016 -4.32 c-0.128 -5.952 0.208 -6.432 2.016 -6.56 c2.368 -6.592 2.72 -6.576 3.04 -6.528 c3.936 -6.384 4.464 -6.08 4.832 -5.584 c4.896 -5.488 4.96 -5.376 5.008 -5.264 c4.768 -5.104 l4.72 -5.168 l4.672 -5.248 l4.464 -5.488 4.208 -5.616 3.92 -5.664 c3.216 -5.744 2.8 -5.392 2.768 -4.672 c2.768 -4.512 l2.768 -3.968 l2.768 0.016 l4.72 0.016 l4.72 0.8 l2.768 0.8 l2.768 3.088 l2.272 3.088 l2 2.32 1.424 1.632 0.576 1.184 c0.096 0.928 -0.432 0.784 -0.976 0.768 c-0.976 0 lhSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 478.889 436.669 cm0 0 m4.464 0 l4.464 0.224 l4.272 0.224 4.128 0.336 4.016 0.608 c4 0.64 3.984 0.688 3.984 0.72 c3.936 0.864 l3.92 0.976 l3.888 1.136 l3.872 1.328 l3.856 1.616 3.84 1.904 3.84 2.224 c3.84 4.832 l3.84 5.072 l3.856 5.328 l3.888 5.76 4.112 6.032 4.496 6.144 c5.12 6.336 5.584 5.984 5.568 5.392 c5.568 5.04 l5.568 2.224 l5.568 1.392 5.568 1.232 5.52 0.976 c5.488 0.864 l5.456 0.72 l5.44 0.688 5.424 0.64 5.408 0.608 c5.296 0.336 5.12 0.224 4.912 0.224 c4.912 0 l9.36 0 l9.376 0.224 l9.312 0.224 9.248 0.24 9.184 0.256 c8.88 0.32 8.672 0.512 8.528 0.864 c8.432 1.088 8.368 1.504 8.368 2.224 c8.368 5.136 l8.368 6.464 7.84 7.104 6.512 7.28 c5.888 7.376 5.184 7.264 4.544 6.96 c4.288 6.832 4.048 6.688 3.84 6.512 c3.84 10.944 l3.84 11.136 3.856 11.344 3.904 11.52 c3.92 11.632 l3.952 11.744 l3.376 11.648 2.768 11.536 2.192 11.44 c1.472 11.328 0.72 11.232 0 11.152 c0 10.912 l0.048 10.912 0.08 10.912 0.128 10.896 c0.48 10.88 0.736 10.736 0.912 10.448 c1.056 10.24 1.072 10.16 1.072 9.664 c1.072 5.76 l1.072 2.304 l1.072 1.776 1.04 1.44 0.992 1.232 c0.848 0.624 0.592 0.352 0.176 0.256 c0.112 0.24 0.048 0.224 -0.016 0.224 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 496.625 441.261 cm0 0 m-0.256 1.984 -2.288 3.312 -4.944 2.56 c-6.096 2.24 -6.928 1.536 -7.392 0.528 c-8.544 -1.984 -7.008 -4.56 -4.288 -4.8 c-2.272 -4.992 -0.88 -4.32 -0.256 -3.136 c-0.16 -2.976 -0.096 -2.8 -0.032 -2.64 c-0.4 -2.64 l-0.592 -3.072 -0.944 -3.472 -1.408 -3.744 c-1.616 -3.856 -1.84 -3.936 -2.064 -3.984 c-3.824 -4.32 -4.96 -3.168 -4.832 -0.608 c-4.816 -0.496 -4.816 -0.368 -4.8 -0.256 c0.032 -0.256 l0.016 -0.16 0.016 -0.08 0 0 ch-4.72 0.544 m-4.688 0.768 -4.64 0.992 -4.56 1.2 c-4.448 1.472 -4.368 1.616 -4.256 1.744 c-3.936 2.144 -3.376 2.144 -3.056 1.76 c-2.896 1.552 -2.784 1.2 -2.752 0.704 c-2.752 0.656 -2.752 0.608 -2.768 0.544 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 416.694 431.48 cm0 0 m-0.144 -0.368 -0.544 -0.496 -1.28 -0.192 c-2.496 0.288 -3.104 0.416 -4.16 0.4 c-7.2 0.4 -9.632 -1.552 -10.192 -4.336 c-11.008 -8.4 -8.512 -11.52 -4.304 -11.568 c-1.696 -11.584 -0.112 -10.416 0.496 -8.32 c0.528 -8.208 0.56 -8.096 0.576 -7.984 c-0.096 -7.744 l-0.176 -7.968 l-0.288 -8.288 l-0.576 -9.104 -0.912 -9.568 -1.408 -9.936 c-1.824 -10.24 -2.304 -10.432 -2.88 -10.496 c-5.504 -10.784 -7.76 -8.512 -6.912 -3.6 c-6.512 -1.312 -5.024 -0.208 -3.072 -0.528 c-2.864 -0.576 -2.672 -0.624 -2.496 -0.688 c-1.328 -1.072 -0.48 -1.936 0.128 -3.536 c0.176 -3.664 0.224 -3.792 0.256 -3.92 c0.608 -3.872 l0.384 0.32 l0.032 0.32 l0.048 0.208 0.048 0.096 0 0 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 417.735 430.952 cm0 0 m0.368 -0.016 0.608 -0.16 0.784 -0.448 c0.928 -0.672 0.944 -0.784 0.944 -1.232 c0.944 -5.024 l0.944 -8.48 l0.944 -8.528 l0.944 -8.704 l0.912 -9.44 0.848 -9.744 0.768 -9.904 c0.624 -10.272 0.4 -10.464 0.08 -10.528 c0.016 -10.544 -0.048 -10.56 -0.112 -10.56 c-0.096 -10.784 l4.8 -10.784 l4.816 -10.56 l4.736 -10.56 4.672 -10.544 4.608 -10.528 c4.272 -10.464 4.048 -10.272 3.904 -9.92 c3.792 -9.696 3.712 -9.28 3.712 -8.56 c3.712 -0.064 l3.712 0.128 3.728 0.336 3.776 0.624 c3.808 0.832 l3.84 0.96 l3.536 0.88 3.248 0.8 2.96 0.736 c1.952 0.496 0.912 0.336 -0.128 0.256 c-0.128 0 l-0.08 0 -0.048 0 0 0 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 428.313 427.288 cm0 0 m-0.16 0.048 -0.304 0.08 -0.48 0.096 c-1.52 0.272 -2.368 0.208 -3.008 0.016 c-3.92 -0.288 -4.368 -0.624 -4.544 -0.96 c-4.88 -1.584 -4.624 -2.208 -4.048 -2.368 c-3.472 -2.528 -2.976 -2.272 -2.848 -1.888 c-2.8 -1.776 -2.784 -1.664 -2.784 -1.552 c-2.816 -1.264 l-2.816 -1.168 l-2.816 -0.768 -2.688 -0.592 -2.32 -0.464 c-2.208 -0.432 -2.064 -0.416 -1.936 -0.432 c-1.36 -0.496 -1.136 -0.832 -1.152 -1.712 c-1.168 -2.192 l-1.184 -2.816 -1.392 -2.992 -2.544 -3.248 c-2.672 -3.264 -2.8 -3.296 -2.928 -3.328 c-4.864 -3.824 -5.456 -4.56 -5.248 -5.712 c-5.216 -5.824 -5.184 -5.936 -5.152 -6.048 c-4.768 -7.088 -3.728 -7.6 -2.272 -7.248 c-1.696 -7.12 -1.296 -6.912 -0.928 -6.592 c-0.848 -6.688 l-0.752 -6.784 l-0.448 -7.104 -0.08 -7.28 0.432 -7.328 c2.096 -7.488 2.992 -6.96 3.232 -6.176 c2.96 -6.112 l2.912 -6.208 2.848 -6.304 2.768 -6.384 c2.368 -6.752 1.888 -6.656 1.712 -6.272 c1.664 -6.128 1.632 -6 1.632 -5.856 c1.616 -5.776 l1.616 -5.344 l1.616 -1.968 l1.616 -0.848 1.248 -0.352 0 0 ch-1.168 -3.408 m-1.168 -5.088 l-1.168 -5.248 l-1.184 -5.52 l-1.184 -5.68 -1.216 -5.84 -1.248 -5.952 c-1.376 -6.288 -1.76 -6.448 -2.096 -6.272 c-2.352 -6.144 -2.464 -5.92 -2.48 -5.408 c-2.48 -5.2 l-2.496 -4.88 l-2.496 -4.4 -2.384 -4.112 -2.112 -3.84 c-1.984 -3.712 -1.84 -3.616 -1.712 -3.568 c-1.696 -3.552 l-1.36 -3.472 l-1.312 -3.456 lhSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 431.515 419.896 cm0 0 m0.224 0 l0.224 0.048 0.224 0.08 0.224 0.128 c0.256 0.528 0.416 0.608 0.88 0.496 c0.928 0.48 0.976 0.464 1.024 0.448 c1.84 0.16 l1.92 0.128 l2.496 -0.016 3.072 -0.032 3.632 0.08 c4.976 0.352 5.744 1.136 5.888 2.048 c6.016 2.88 5.776 3.456 5.024 4.144 c4.816 4.32 4.56 4.512 4.16 4.752 c3.504 5.152 l3.472 5.184 l2.944 5.536 2.736 5.76 2.608 6.064 c2.432 6.48 2.656 6.864 3.088 6.928 c3.36 6.976 3.728 6.896 4.064 6.672 c4.384 6.48 4.656 6.16 4.88 5.664 c4.96 5.472 5.024 5.296 5.056 5.072 c5.296 5.088 l5.12 7.552 l4.88 7.552 l4.896 7.504 4.896 7.456 4.896 7.424 c4.848 7.104 4.672 7.024 4.368 7.168 c4.112 7.28 l3.984 7.344 l3.648 7.488 3.344 7.568 3.008 7.584 c2.288 7.632 1.696 7.488 1.264 7.232 c0.688 6.88 0.336 6.4 0.224 5.888 c0.016 4.912 0.32 4.208 1.616 3.184 c1.824 3.024 2.048 2.864 2.4 2.64 c2.912 2.336 l3.184 2.16 3.312 2.064 3.392 1.968 c3.744 1.6 3.664 1.056 3.248 0.8 c2.976 0.64 2.56 0.576 2.032 0.656 c1.536 0.736 1.072 1.008 0.672 1.472 c0.432 1.744 0.288 2.032 0.064 2.72 c0.048 2.784 0.032 2.864 0 2.928 c-0.224 2.912 lhSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 438.22 419.896 cm0 0 m0.224 0 l0.224 0.048 0.224 0.08 0.224 0.128 c0.256 0.528 0.416 0.608 0.88 0.496 c0.928 0.48 0.976 0.464 1.024 0.448 c1.84 0.16 l1.92 0.128 l2.496 -0.016 3.072 -0.032 3.632 0.08 c4.976 0.352 5.744 1.136 5.888 2.048 c6.016 2.88 5.776 3.456 5.024 4.144 c4.816 4.32 4.56 4.512 4.16 4.752 c3.504 5.152 l3.472 5.184 l2.944 5.536 2.736 5.76 2.608 6.064 c2.432 6.48 2.656 6.864 3.088 6.928 c3.36 6.976 3.728 6.896 4.064 6.672 c4.384 6.48 4.656 6.16 4.88 5.664 c4.96 5.472 5.024 5.296 5.056 5.072 c5.296 5.088 l5.12 7.552 l4.88 7.552 l4.896 7.504 4.896 7.456 4.896 7.424 c4.848 7.104 4.672 7.024 4.368 7.168 c4.112 7.28 l3.984 7.344 l3.648 7.488 3.344 7.568 3.008 7.584 c2.288 7.632 1.696 7.488 1.264 7.232 c0.688 6.88 0.336 6.4 0.224 5.888 c0.016 4.912 0.32 4.208 1.616 3.184 c1.824 3.024 2.048 2.864 2.4 2.64 c2.912 2.336 l3.184 2.16 3.312 2.064 3.392 1.968 c3.744 1.6 3.664 1.056 3.248 0.8 c2.976 0.64 2.56 0.576 2.032 0.656 c1.536 0.736 1.072 1.008 0.672 1.472 c0.432 1.744 0.288 2.032 0.064 2.72 c0.048 2.784 0.032 2.864 0 2.928 c-0.224 2.912 lhSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 444.67 420.168 cm0 0 m4.832 0 l4.848 0.224 l4.72 0.224 4.592 0.256 4.48 0.32 c4.256 0.416 4.112 0.576 4 0.864 c3.92 1.024 3.872 1.296 3.84 1.776 c3.824 1.92 3.824 2.064 3.824 2.224 c3.824 6.56 l3.824 6.768 3.84 6.96 3.872 7.136 c3.904 7.264 l3.936 7.376 l3.36 7.248 2.768 7.136 2.192 7.04 c1.456 6.912 0.736 6.816 0 6.736 c0 6.512 l0.128 6.512 0.256 6.496 0.368 6.448 c0.624 6.368 0.784 6.224 0.896 6.064 c1.024 5.872 1.056 5.728 1.056 5.264 c1.056 3.456 l1.056 2.304 l1.04 1.408 0.992 1.104 0.88 0.864 c0.736 0.512 0.496 0.32 0.176 0.256 c0.112 0.24 0.048 0.224 -0.016 0.224 ch2.4 8.544 m2.816 8.544 3.232 8.704 3.536 9.008 c4.144 9.6 4.144 10.592 3.52 11.2 c3.232 11.488 2.832 11.664 2.416 11.664 c1.552 11.664 0.848 10.96 0.848 10.112 c0.832 9.248 1.52 8.56 2.4 8.544 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 449.711 420.168 cm0 0 m4.976 0 l4.976 0.224 l4.896 0.224 4.816 0.224 4.736 0.24 c4.384 0.304 4.144 0.496 3.984 0.864 c3.856 1.12 3.776 1.52 3.776 2.304 c3.776 3.456 l3.776 6.336 l5.888 6.336 l5.888 7.136 l3.776 7.136 l3.776 9.984 l3.776 10.336 l3.808 10.8 4 11.024 4.32 11.056 c4.624 11.104 4.88 10.88 4.864 10.56 c4.864 10.464 4.848 10.352 4.816 10.128 c4.752 9.824 4.8 9.616 4.944 9.408 c5.168 9.136 5.536 9.024 5.952 9.152 c6.48 9.328 6.784 10.064 6.4 10.736 c6.112 11.232 5.504 11.6 4.416 11.696 c4.112 11.728 3.808 11.728 3.52 11.68 c1.888 11.488 1.008 10.512 1.008 9.024 c1.008 7.136 l-0.016 7.136 l-0.016 6.336 l1.024 6.336 l1.024 5.232 l1.04 3.456 l1.04 3.056 l1.04 2.304 l1.04 1.472 0.976 1.104 0.88 0.864 c0.736 0.512 0.512 0.32 0.176 0.256 c0.112 0.24 0.048 0.224 -0.016 0.224 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 455.265 420.168 cm0 0 m4.832 0 l4.848 0.224 l4.72 0.224 4.592 0.256 4.48 0.32 c4.256 0.416 4.112 0.576 4 0.864 c3.92 1.024 3.872 1.296 3.84 1.776 c3.824 1.92 3.824 2.064 3.824 2.224 c3.824 6.56 l3.824 6.768 3.84 6.96 3.872 7.136 c3.904 7.264 l3.936 7.376 l3.36 7.248 2.768 7.136 2.192 7.04 c1.456 6.912 0.736 6.816 0 6.736 c0 6.512 l0.128 6.512 0.256 6.496 0.368 6.448 c0.624 6.368 0.784 6.224 0.896 6.064 c1.024 5.872 1.056 5.728 1.056 5.264 c1.056 3.456 l1.056 2.304 l1.04 1.408 0.992 1.104 0.88 0.864 c0.736 0.512 0.496 0.32 0.176 0.256 c0.112 0.24 0.048 0.224 -0.016 0.224 ch2.4 8.544 m2.816 8.544 3.232 8.704 3.536 9.008 c4.144 9.6 4.144 10.592 3.52 11.2 c3.232 11.488 2.832 11.664 2.416 11.664 c1.552 11.664 0.848 10.96 0.848 10.112 c0.832 9.248 1.52 8.56 2.4 8.544 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 468.403 424.76 cm0 0 m-0.256 1.984 -2.288 3.312 -4.944 2.56 c-6.096 2.24 -6.928 1.536 -7.392 0.528 c-8.544 -1.984 -7.008 -4.56 -4.288 -4.8 c-2.272 -4.992 -0.88 -4.32 -0.256 -3.136 c-0.16 -2.976 -0.096 -2.8 -0.032 -2.64 c-0.4 -2.64 l-0.592 -3.072 -0.944 -3.472 -1.408 -3.744 c-1.616 -3.856 -1.84 -3.936 -2.064 -3.984 c-3.824 -4.32 -4.96 -3.168 -4.832 -0.608 c-4.816 -0.496 -4.816 -0.368 -4.8 -0.256 c0.032 -0.256 l0.016 -0.16 0.016 -0.08 0 0 ch-4.72 0.544 m-4.688 0.768 -4.64 0.992 -4.56 1.2 c-4.448 1.472 -4.368 1.616 -4.256 1.744 c-3.936 2.144 -3.376 2.144 -3.056 1.76 c-2.896 1.552 -2.784 1.2 -2.752 0.704 c-2.752 0.656 -2.752 0.608 -2.768 0.544 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 470.756 426.872 cm0 0 m-0.192 -0.128 -0.368 -0.272 -0.544 -0.448 c-1.072 -0.976 -1.408 -1.616 -1.536 -2.352 c-1.968 -4.768 -0.688 -6.624 1.168 -6.88 c2.016 -6.992 2.752 -6.816 3.408 -6.368 c3.472 -6.336 3.52 -6.288 3.584 -6.256 c3.584 -6.944 l7.376 -6.336 l7.376 -6.096 l7.232 -6.08 7.088 -6.016 6.96 -5.952 c6.56 -5.712 6.384 -5.392 6.352 -4.912 c6.352 -4.576 l6.336 -4.256 l6.336 4.24 l6.336 4.432 6.368 4.64 6.4 4.816 c6.416 4.928 l6.448 5.04 l5.504 4.864 4.544 4.72 3.584 4.576 c3.216 4.528 2.848 4.496 2.48 4.448 c2.48 4.208 l2.512 4.208 2.56 4.208 2.608 4.192 c2.88 4.176 3.072 4.096 3.248 3.936 c3.472 3.712 3.552 3.488 3.552 2.96 c3.552 0.128 l2.656 0.8 1.2 0.832 0 0 ch3.552 -2.24 m3.552 -3.824 l3.552 -3.904 3.552 -4 3.552 -4.096 c3.504 -5.168 3.36 -5.536 3.04 -5.824 c2.64 -6.208 2.032 -6.144 1.696 -5.712 c1.488 -5.424 1.36 -4.976 1.28 -3.6 c1.264 -3.296 1.264 -3.008 1.28 -2.704 c1.344 -1.168 1.52 -0.704 1.904 -0.416 c2.416 -0.032 3.12 -0.256 3.344 -0.864 c3.456 -1.136 3.504 -1.424 3.552 -1.92 c3.552 -2.032 3.552 -2.128 3.552 -2.24 chSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 478.646 419.896 cm0 0 m0.224 0 l0.224 0.048 0.224 0.08 0.224 0.128 c0.256 0.528 0.416 0.608 0.88 0.496 c0.928 0.48 0.976 0.464 1.024 0.448 c1.84 0.16 l1.92 0.128 l2.496 -0.016 3.072 -0.032 3.632 0.08 c4.976 0.352 5.744 1.136 5.888 2.048 c6.016 2.88 5.776 3.456 5.024 4.144 c4.816 4.32 4.56 4.512 4.16 4.752 c3.504 5.152 l3.472 5.184 l2.944 5.536 2.736 5.76 2.608 6.064 c2.432 6.48 2.656 6.864 3.088 6.928 c3.36 6.976 3.728 6.896 4.064 6.672 c4.384 6.48 4.656 6.16 4.88 5.664 c4.96 5.472 5.024 5.296 5.056 5.072 c5.296 5.088 l5.12 7.552 l4.88 7.552 l4.896 7.504 4.896 7.456 4.896 7.424 c4.848 7.104 4.672 7.024 4.368 7.168 c4.112 7.28 l3.984 7.344 l3.648 7.488 3.344 7.568 3.008 7.584 c2.288 7.632 1.696 7.488 1.264 7.232 c0.688 6.88 0.336 6.4 0.224 5.888 c0.016 4.912 0.32 4.208 1.616 3.184 c1.824 3.024 2.048 2.864 2.4 2.64 c2.912 2.336 l3.184 2.16 3.312 2.064 3.392 1.968 c3.744 1.6 3.664 1.056 3.248 0.8 c2.976 0.64 2.56 0.576 2.032 0.656 c1.536 0.736 1.072 1.008 0.672 1.472 c0.432 1.744 0.288 2.032 0.064 2.72 c0.048 2.784 0.032 2.864 0 2.928 c-0.224 2.912 lhSQQBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 489.127 430.424 cm0 0 m0.176 0.816 -0.176 1.264 -1.312 1.408 c-1.584 1.44 -1.84 1.44 -2.112 1.408 c-3.232 1.264 -3.584 0.816 -3.424 0 c-3.232 -0.96 l-2.144 -6.256 l-1.28 -6.256 l-0.176 -0.96 lh-1.728 -10.48 m-1.296 -10.496 -0.896 -10.336 -0.592 -10.032 c0.032 -9.424 0.032 -8.416 -0.592 -7.808 c-0.88 -7.504 -1.28 -7.344 -1.712 -7.344 c-2.576 -7.36 -3.28 -8.064 -3.28 -8.928 c-3.264 -9.792 -2.576 -10.48 -1.728 -10.48 chSQQ2 w q1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 392.47 411.432 cm0 0 m110.5 0 l110.5 43.999 l0 43.999 lhSQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 391.5 398.325 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -127 l0 -127 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq391.5 398.325 112.5 -127 reW* nq355.52 434.325 1034.68 -1620 reW nq391.52 271.325 112.46 127 reW* n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 391.5201 271.325 cm0 0 m0 127 l112.46 127 l112.46 0 lhf*Q0.209 0.153 0.119 RG/GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 392.02 397.825 cm0 0 m111.46 0 l111.46 -126 l0 -126 lhSQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBTET0.989 1 1 rgq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 393.52 396.325 cm0 0 m108.46 0 l108.46 -54 l0 -54 lhf*QQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq391.5 398.325 112.5 -127 reW* nq355.52 434.325 1034.68 -1620 reW nq391.52 271.325 112.46 127 reW* nq393.52 396.325 108.46 -54 reW* nq/GS0 gs108.48 0 0 54 393.51 342.33 cm/Im16 DoQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 391.5 267.6631 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -118 l0 -118 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq391.5 267.663 112.5 -118 reW* nq355.52 303.663 1034.68 -1620 reW nq391.52 149.663 112.46 118 reW* n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 391.5201 149.6629 cm0 0 m0 118 l112.46 118 l112.46 0 lhf*Q0.209 0.153 0.119 RG/GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 392.02 267.163 cm0 0 m111.46 0 l111.46 -117 l0 -117 lhSQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBTET0.989 1 1 rgq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 393.52 265.663 cm0 0 m108.46 0 l108.46 -54 l0 -54 lhf*QQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq391.5 267.663 112.5 -118 reW* nq355.52 303.663 1034.68 -1620 reW nq391.52 149.663 112.46 118 reW* nq393.52 265.663 108.46 -54 reW* nq/GS0 gs108.48 0 0 54 393.51 211.65 cm/Im17 DoQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 391.5 146 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -119 l0 -119 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq391.5 146 112.5 -119 reW* nq355.52 182 1034.68 -1620 reW nq391.52 27 112.46 119 reW* n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 391.5201 27 cm0 0 m0 119 l112.46 119 l112.46 0 lhf*Q0.209 0.153 0.119 RG/GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 392.02 145.5 cm0 0 m111.46 0 l111.46 -118 l0 -118 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1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq148.5 586.314 112.5 -154 reW* nq112.5 622.314 1034.68 -1620 reW nq148.5 432.314 112.499 154 reW* nq152 582.814 105.499 -54 reW* nq/GS0 gs105.27 0 0 54.66 152.49 528.54 cm/Im28 DoQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 148.5 428.643 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -183 l0 -183 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq148.5 428.643 112.5 -183 reW* nq112.52 464.643 1034.68 -1620 reW nq148.52 245.643 112.46 183 reW* n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 148.52 245.6431 cm0 0 m0 183 l112.46 183 l112.46 0 lhf*Q0.989 1 1 rgq 1 0 0 1 149.27 427.8931 cm0 0 m110.96 0 l110.96 -181.5 l0 -181.5 lhf*Q0.209 0.153 0.119 RG1.5 w /GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 149.27 427.8931 cm0 0 m110.96 0 l110.96 -181.5 l0 -181.5 lhSQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 152.02 425.1431 cm0 0 m105.46 0 l105.46 -54 l0 -54 lhf*QQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq148.5 428.643 112.5 -183 reW* nq112.52 464.643 1034.68 -1620 reW nq148.52 245.643 112.46 183 reW* nq152.02 425.143 105.46 -54 reW* nq/GS0 gs105.45 0 0 54 152.01 371.13 cm/Im29 DoQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 148.5 241.971 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -183 l0 -183 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq148.5 241.971 112.5 -183 reW* nq112.52 277.971 1034.68 -1620 reW nq148.52 58.971 112.46 183 reW* n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 148.52 58.971 cm0 0 m0 183 l112.46 183 l112.46 0 lhf*Q0.989 1 1 rgq 1 0 0 1 149.27 241.221 cm0 0 m110.96 0 l110.96 -181.5 l0 -181.5 lhf*Q0.209 0.153 0.119 RG1.5 w /GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 149.27 241.221 cm0 0 m110.96 0 l110.96 -181.5 l0 -181.5 lhSQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBTETq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 152.02 238.471 cm0 0 m105.46 0 l105.46 -54 l0 -54 lhf*QQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq148.5 241.971 112.5 -183 reW* nq112.52 277.971 1034.68 -1620 reW nq148.52 58.971 112.46 183 reW* nq152.02 238.471 105.46 -54 reW* nq/GS0 gs105.45 0 0 54.72 152.01 184.05 cm/Im30 DoQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 148.5 55.3001 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -28.3 l0 -28.3 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq148.5 27 112.5 28.3 reW nq160.765 28.15 87.97 26 reW n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 160.765 28.1499 cm0 0 m87.97 0 l87.97 26 l0 26 lhfQq 1 0 0 1 204.735 53.6499 cm0 0 m31 0 l37.904 0 43.5 -5.596 43.5 -12.5 c43.5 -19.404 37.904 -25 31 -25 c-31 -25 l-37.904 -25 -43.5 -19.404 -43.5 -12.5 c-43.5 -5.596 -37.904 0 -31 0 cf*Q1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBTETQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq148.5 27 112.5 28.3 reW nq160.765 28.15 87.97 26 reW nq204.735 54.15 m235.735 54.15 l242.915 54.15 248.735 48.33 248.735 41.15 c248.735 33.97 242.915 28.15 235.735 28.15 c173.735 28.15 l166.555 28.15 160.735 33.97 160.735 41.15 c160.735 48.33 166.555 54.15 173.735 54.15 c204.735 54.15 lW* n2 w /GS5 gsq 1 0 0 1 204.735 54.1499 cm0 0 m31 0 l38.18 0 44 -5.82 44 -13 c44 -20.18 38.18 -26 31 -26 c-31 -26 l-38.18 -26 -44 -20.18 -44 -13 c-44 -5.82 -38.18 0 -31 0 chSQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 27 1144 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -20 l0 -20 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 1144 112.5 -20 reW* nq27.25 1124 112 20 reW n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 27.25 1124 cm0 0 m112 0 l112 20 l0 20 lhfQ0.988 1 1 rg/GS3 gsq 1 0 0 1 27.25 1124 cm0 0 m112.46 0 l112.46 20 l0 20 lhfQ0.209 0.153 0.119 RG2 w /GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 28.25 1142 cm0 0 m110.46 0 lSQq 1 0 0 1 28.25 1126.97 cm0 0 m110.46 0 lSQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBTETQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 27 1120.338 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -129 l0 -129 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 1120.338 112.5 -129 reW* nq-8.98 1156.338 1034.68 -1620 reW nq27.02 991.338 112.46 129 reW* n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 27.02 991.338 cm0 0 m0 129 l112.46 129 l112.46 0 lhf*Q0.209 0.153 0.119 RG2 w /GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 28.02 1119.338 cm0 0 m110.46 0 l110.46 -127 l0 -127 lhSQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBT0.209 0.153 0.119 rg/GS1 gs/T1_25 1 Tf8.5 0 0 8.5 29.01 1054.71 Tm[()-172.6()-172.5(r )-200.7(b %$ !)-188.4(( $%)-38(")-36.7(%&)-34.8('!$)-3601.3( !!!"nnn 2 1 117 Hawks Nest Ct. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 The Aruba Model 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3-car garage 3795 SF a d no=8532873 Hours: Mon-Sat 10-4 Sun 12-4 After Hours Appointment Call: 941-629-8886 or 941-628-6197 4465 Duncan Rd. (Hwy 17N), Punta Gorda, off Exit 164 Prestige HOME CENTERS INC 941-6371 122 877-5071 122 Monday-Friday 9-6 Saturday 9-5 Sunday 12-5 *Includes delivery, setup, steps, skirting, air conditioning & 7-year warranty. Bank Financing & Insurance available. MILEY from $ 63,695 /1378 sq.ft. adno=8535660 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Mobile Home Wind Zone III # # #& W hether & !'(*+,-& buyingor $ / /*+, .$//*+,0! selling, !/$%! 1$!#$/ /$1$#$/ letmehelp )-(! 3&* ) 3&* y ouwrite )-(&!+$ 4 ) &+$4 y ournext 5 # 5#62%$&7 chapter... Sheila Bell, PA 941-787-4005 Cell 941-473-7399 Office adno=8535546 REAL ESTATE / CLASSIFIED For Advertising Information call 941-205-6406 adno=XNSP47085 adno=XNSP47085 Calling all REALTORS Builders Brokers Management Companies Your advertising in our Real Estate/Classifieds will reach Arcadia, Englewood, North Port, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, and Venice. REAL ESTATE Since 1991 941-484-7644 Let Us Manage Your Property adno=8533440 Specializing In... Annual Rentals Venice Island Apartment 1/1, close to beach, incl. water . . . . . . . . .. $690 mo Venice Bay Mobile Home 1/1, waterfront, incl water/lawn service . . . . . . .. $750 mo Venice Island Condo 2/2, lanai, community pool, no pets . . . . . . . . . .. $975 mo Venice Centre Condo 2/2, community pool, no pets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RENTED Plantation Home 3/2/2, Community Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1,450 mo adno=8532874 Call today to schedule a free marketing evaluation with your local marketing consultant. 941-205-6402 23170 Harborview Rd., Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980!REAL!ESTATE!AGENTS! Want to sell more houses? !REAL!ESTATE!AGENTS! Want to sell more houses? adno=8535521 Saturday, April 8, 2017


\007 b\002r\001nfftt fr CHARLOTTE COUNTY/NORTH PORTCOURTESY OF PUNTA GORDA, PORT CHARLOTTE, NORTH PORT ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ML# Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft.List Price Pool Sold Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold DateSP/SqFt SP/LP RatioC7236754 Sold428 SHOWALTER AVE 33950 PUNTA GORDA49,000648 None49,000 2 10 1960 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 75.62 1 T2865602 Sold3412 CROTON TER 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 52,000783 None52,000 2 10 1958 Single Family Home All Cash 3/30/2017 43.96 1 C7232417 Sold21300 BRINSON AVE #10333952 PORT CHARLOTTE 59,900919 Community54,000 2 20 1972 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 58.76 0.9015 C7223117 Sold22302 VICK ST #109 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 64,000931Community61,000 2 20 1976 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 65.52 0.95313 C7235037 Sold21532 OLEAN BLVD 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 65,000772 None53,000 2 10 1960 Single Family Home All Cash 3/30/2017 39.97 0.81538 C7237217 Sold19505 QUESADA AVE #M207 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 65,000689 Community61,500 110 1985 Condo All Cash 4/5/201789.26 0.94615 C7234729 Sold2486 CARING WAY #10A33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 72,500992 None69,000 2 20 1981Condo New Conventional3/31/2017 65.16 0.95172 C7232575 Sold820 KINGS CT #F 33950 PUNTA GORDA74,900600 None72,000110 1980 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 120 0.96128 A4171291Sold25100 SANDHILL BLVD #S102 33983PUNTA GORDA79,999859 Community78,0002 20 1987 Condo New Conventional4/4/201790.80.97501 C7231350 Sold26485 RAMPART BLVD #B133983PORT CHARLOTTE 84,000884 Community72,000 2 20 1988 Condo All Cash 4/3/201781.45 0.85714 C7236617 Sold20383 MIDWAY BLVD 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 87,0002037 None 90,777320 1979 Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/30/2017 34.86 1.04341 C7234726 Sold25100 SANDHILL BLVD #N104 33983PUNTA GORDA89,000859 Community87,0002 20 1987 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 101.28 0.97753 C7233749 Sold2272 PICNIC ST 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 89,889932 None85,000 2 10 1962 Single Family Home New Conventional3/31/2017 67.410.94561 A4178095Sold2516 STARLITE LN 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 112,000 962 None 112,000 2 10 1961Single Family HomeNew FHA 3/31/2017 71.79 1 C7235659 Sold3356 PINETREE ST 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 114,900 1163None 114,900 2 20 1972 Single Family HomeNew FHA 4/4/201770.75 1 C7235966 Sold480 RIDGECREST D R 33982 PUNTA GORDA115,000 1240 None 117,225 3 20 1960 Single Family Ho me New VA 3/31/2017 67.56 1.01935 C7232831Sold2159 GERARD CT 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 119,900 1606 None 112,500 3 20 1961Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/31/2017 54.010.93828 D5916400Sold26336 NADIR RD #4 33983PUNTA GORDA119,900 1087Community112,500 2 20 1986 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 103.5 0.93828 C7235301Sold1148 LYLE ST 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 119,900 1344 None 127,000 2 20 1978 Single Family HomeAssume FHA/VA 3/30/2017 67.77 1.05922 N5911771Sold5055 N BEACH RD #21534223ENGLEWOOD 123,900 360 Community108,000 0 10 1973Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 300 0.87167 C7235778 Sold26552 ANGELICA RD 33955 PUNTA GORDA124,700 1136 None 124,700 3 111974 Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/3/201768.14 1 D5915586Sold13504 MARTHA AVE 33981PORT CHARLOTTE 124,900 927 Community124,900 2 20 1974 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 76.48 1 C7230163 Sold410 SAILFISH LN 33982 PUNTA GORDA127,500 1650 None 130,000 3 20 1973Single Family HomeNew VA 3/31/2017 60.411.01961 C7234356 Sold15091 COMMUNITY AVE 33953PORT CHARLOTTE 129,900 978 None 127,500 2 20 1985 Single Family HomeNew VA 4/3/201782.79 0.98152 C7235708 Sold19355 WATER OAK DR #20333948 PORT CHARLOTTE 129,900 1024 Community125,900 2 20 2004 Condo New Conventional4/4/2017122.95 0.96921 C7230788 Sold1358 BIRCHCREST BLVD 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 137,500 1039 None 137,500 2 20 1979 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/31/2017 73.49 1 C7235512 Sold1006 CHEVY CHASE ST NW33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 137,900 1400 None 135,900 2 20 1983Single Family HomeNew FHA 3/30/2017 57.78 0.9855 C7233922 Sold7221 TOTEM AVE 34291NORTH PORT 139,900 1409 None 140,000 3 20 1995 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/30/2017 63.72 1.00071 D5916953Sold1290 MANOR RD 34223ENGLEWOOD 148,000 939 None 140,000 2 10 1970 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/4/2017104.4 0.94595 C7234602 Sold1657 YALTA TER 34286 NORTH PORT 148,200 1547Private142,100 3 20 2003Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/30/2017 66.530.95884 C7235776 Sold22457 VALE AVE 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 149,000 1510 None 145,000 2 20 1985 Single Family HomeNew FHA 3/31/2017 57.84 0.97315 C7236245 Sold1295 SAXONY CIR #2104 33983PUNTA GORDA149,000 1151Community143,000 2 20 2004 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 124.240.95973 C7234992 Sold613 ROSE APPLE CIR 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 149,900 1375Community147,500 3 20 2006 Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/30/2017 65.79 0.98399 C7235956 Sold240 WEST END DR #12233950 PUNTA GORDA149,900 1519 Community149,900 3 20 2006 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 98.68 1 N5911884 Sold7493 FORKLAND ST 34224 ENGLEWOOD 149,900 920 None 150,000 2 20 1981Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/31/2017 110.291.00067 C7235859 Sold1359 ROCK DOVE CT #2-4 33950 PUNTA GORDA150,000 1012Community144,000 2 20 1980 Condo New Conventional3/31/2017 142.290.96 D5915780Sold2773 VOGLER LN 34286 NORTH PORT 153,900 1213None 150,000 3 20 1999 Single Family HomeNew FHA 3/30/2017 85.76 0.97466 T2864485 Sold4321 AROBEA AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 156,900 1176 None 156,000 2 20 1981Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/3/201798.110.99426 C7235351Sold4878 DRAGON ST 34288 NORTH PORT 159,900 1212None 157,900 3 20 2004 Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/4/201785.26 0.98749 D5917865Sold16890 TOLEDO BLADE BLVD 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 160,000 1935None 160,000 3 20 2003Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/3/201782.05 1 N5910534 Sold5743 SABAL TRACE DR #103BD534287 NORTH PORT 160,900 1168 Community158,000 2 20 2007 Condo New Conventional4/3/2017114.83 0.98198 C7230111Sold240 W END DR #82333950 PUNTA GORDA164,900 1586 Community154,500 3 20 2006 Condo New Conventional4/4/201797.410.93693 D5916687Sold2565 ENSENADA LN 34286 NORTH PORT 164,900 1452None 169,000 3 20 2006 Single Family HomeNew FHA 3/31/2017 82 1.02486 C7231684 Sold3381 S SAN MATEO DR 34288 NORTH PORT 167,500 1431None 167,500 3 20 2006 Single Family HomeNew FHA 3/31/2017 81.911 C7236371Sold1 PIRATES LN #13B 33955 PUNTA GORDA168,500 1516 Community160,000 2 20 1979 Condo All Cash 4/3/2017105.540.94955 C7236651Sold4607 N CHAMBERLAIN BLVD 34286 NORTH PORT 169,000 1642None 164,000 3 20 2006 Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/30/2017 71.87 0.97041 C7233312 Sold27051 CURITIBA DR 33983PUNTA GORDA169,900 1482Private160,000 3 20 1986 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/5/201779.210.94173 C7231606 Sold5044 KINGSLEY RD 34287 NORTH PORT 170,000 1577None 163,000 3 20 1979 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/4/201767.55 0.95882 D5914856Sold3510 YARROW ST 33981PORT CHARLOTTE 170,000 1413Private160,000 3 20 1987 Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/5/201779.330.94118 C7226901Sold14355 PALMER AVE 33953PORT CHARLOTTE 173,400 1512None 173,400 3 20 2016 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/31/2017 1 C7227977 Sold14383 ALLENSWORTH AVE 33981PORT CHARLOTTE 177,900 1755None 177,900 4 20 2017 Single Family HomeNew FHA 4/1/2017 1 C7233856 Sold2126 MACARIS AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 179,900 1741None 182,900 3 20 2005 Single Family HomeNew VA 4/3/201778.331.01668 C7235757 Sold22420 OLEAN BLVD 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 179,900 2046 None 175,750 3 211984 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/3/201750.34 0.97693 C7237676 Sold1166 ZINNEA ST 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 185,000 1983None 185,000 3 20 1986 Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/30/2017 70.08 1 C7227985 Sold4145 NAHKODA AVE34286 NORTH PORT 188,200 1820 None 188,200 4 20 2017 Single Family HomeNew FHA 4/1/2017 1 C7234879 Sold4397 OAKLEY RD 34288 NORTH PORT 189,900 1600 None 184,000 3 20 2001Single Family HomeNew FHA 3/30/2017 80.84 0.96893 C7229472 Sold4427 HOUSTON LN 34287 NORTH PORT 193,450 1590 None 193,450 3 20 2017 Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/1/2017 1 C7226437 Sold285 WYLER ST 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 193,700 2240 None 193,700 4 20 2016 Single Family HomeNew FHA 4/4/2017 1 C7235596 Sold431 GASPAR KEY LN #52 33955 PUNTA GORDA194,900 1162None 190,000 2 20 1996 Condo New Conventional4/3/2017163.510.97486 C7226447 Sold22468 CLEVELAND AVE33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 195,150 2169 None 195,150 4 20 2016 Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/4/2017 1 C7232688 Sold32600 WASHINGTON LOOP RD 33982 PUNTA GORDA197,000 2823Private198,100 4 30 1978 Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/31/2017 44.811.00558 N5911627 Sold3372 CIRCLEVILLE ST 34286 NORTH PORT 199,000 1803None 199,000 3 20 2005 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/31/2017 77.95 1 D5917580Sold7416 QUARRY ST 34224 ENGLEWOOD 199,800 1428 Private199,800 2 20 1981Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/30/2017 97.56 1 C7228898 Sold3191 MATECUMBE KEY RD #204 33955 PUNTA GORDA205,000 1215Community195,000 2 20 2003Condo All Cash 4/4/2017142.860.95122 C7231963 Sold10154 WINDING RIVER RD 33950 PUNTA GORDA205,000 1821None 194,000 3 212014 Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/31/2017 76.830.94634 N5910717 Sold276 AVANTI ST 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 205,000 2086 None 197,500 3 20 2006 Single Family HomeNew VA 3/31/2017 70.510.96341 C7231136 Sold9979 SPRING GULCH LN33950 PUNTA GORDA209,000 1349 None 209,000 3 20 2016 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/3/2017 1 C7234890 Sold3776 MARKLE AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 209,888 1824 None 205,000 3 20 2007 Single Family HomeNew VA 4/3/2017 80.68 0.97671 C7235394 Sold2697 PARROT ST 34286 NORTH PORT 209,900 1745None 200,000 3 20 2006 Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/3/2017810.95283 N5911579 Sold4192 PINCUSHION ST 34286 NORTH PORT 209,900 1686 None 205,000 3 20 2002 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/3/201780.90.97666 S4841049 Sold2264 HOPWOOD RD 34287 NORTH PORT 210,000 1591Private200,000 3 20 2001Single Family HomeNew VA 4/4/201786.47 0.95238 C7235637 Sold47 RAMBLEWOOD ST 33953PORT CHARLOTTE 212,000 1376 None 200,000 3 20 1986 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/31/2017 84.18 0.9434 C7231551Sold2601 W MARION AVE #47B 33950 PUNTA GORDA219,000 1168 Community210,000 2 20 1986 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 179.790.9589 C7226589 Sold601 SHREVE ST #22B 33950 PUNTA GORDA219,750 1398 Community200,000 2 20 1980 Condo Combination3/31/2017 143.06 0.91013 C7236627 Sold23079 LANGDON AVE33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 220,000 2087None 197,000 2 20 1995 Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/30/2017 69.22 0.89545 C7227978 Sold10130 AUDREY ST 33981PORT CHARLOTTE 220,725 2320 None 220,725 4 20 2017 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/31/2017 1 C7227174 Sold0 ROCKWELL AVE 34291NORTH PORT 221,700 2265None 221,700 4 20 2016 Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/4/2017 1 C7233592 Sold4058 LAGOON TER 34286 NORTH PORT 223,900 1852None 218,000 3 20 2009 Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/4/201786.37 0.97365 C7224045 Sold2030 KING TARPON DR 33955 PUNTA GORDA224,900 1425Community210,000 2 20 1994 Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/30/2017 99.10.93375 C7232884 Sold4017 CAPE COLE BLVD33955 PUNTA GORDA224,900 1653Community 224,900 3 20 1996 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/5/201793.67 1 D5917397Sold920 LORD ST 34223ENGLEWOOD 224,900 1713None 216,000 2 20 1981Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/30/2017 95.910.96043 C7231746 Sold23194 FAWN AVE 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 225,000 2064 Private228,000 3 20 1989 Single Family HomeNew FHA 4/3/201781.49 1.01333 C7232550 Sold17806 HIBISCUS COVE CT #1333955 PUNTA GORDA225,000 1172None 210,000 2 20 2000 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/3/2017106.490.93333 C7233080 Sold364 CORRIENTES CIR 33983PUNTA GORDA225,000 2201Private220,000 4 20 1991Single Family HomeAssume Conventional3/31/2017 78.29 0.97778 C7233246 Sold6386 RICHARD RD 33982 PUNTA GORDA225,000 2843Private200,000 4 20 1976 Single Family HomeNew FHA 3/31/2017 52.19 0.88889 D5916650Sold1030 E 2ND ST 34223ENGLEWOOD 225,000 1462Private200,000 3 111957 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/3/2017112.870.88889 T2873266 Sold25724 BOYSEN BERRY AVE 34223ENGLEWOOD 226,016 1404 Community226,016 2 20 2017 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/31/2017 1 C7226674 Sold1926 COCONUT PALM CIR 34288 NORTH PORT 226,500 1798 Community225,000 3 20 2006 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/3/201789.14 0.99338 N5911051Sold3803 RAGEN ST 34287 NORTH PORT 229,900 2163Private220,000 3 20 1993Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/31/2017 77.06 0.95694 T2840276 Sold2599 SHERMAN OAK DR 34289 NORTH PORT 234,470 1684 Community229,470 3 20 2016 Single Family HomeNew VA 3/30/2017 0.97868 C7232876 Sold18710 MACGILL AVE33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 234,900 1363Private223,000 3 20 1971Single Family HomeNew VA 3/31/2017 116.150.94934 N5911296 Sold3167 PARADE TER 34286 NORTH PORT 239,000 1983Private234,500 3 20 2004 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/31/2017 87.430.98117 D5916470Sold2955 N BEACH RD #B824 34223ENGLEWOOD 239,000 1185Community233,000 2 20 1981Condo New Conventional3/30/2017 196.620.9749 C7235727 Sold24491 JULIAN CT 33955 PUNTA GORDA239,000 2913None 225,000 4 212005 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/31/2017 61.58 0.94142 N5911238 Sold3027 RIDGEWOOD DR 34287 NORTH PORT 239,900 1724 Private230,000 3 20 2002 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/3/201797.05 0.95873 C7237847 Sold208 COMPTON ST 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 239,900 1772None 232,000 3 30 1992 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/30/2017 90.80.96707 N5910696 Sold853 E 7TH ST 34223ENGLEWOOD 240,000 1332Private230,000 3 20 1969 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/3/2017126.10.95833 O5407300Sold17408 MUSCAT LN 33955 PUNTA GORDA244,900 2232Private235,000 3 20 2006 Single Family HomeNew VA 3/31/2017 69.10.95958 C7233585 Sold24241 WESTGATE BLVD 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 244,900 1389 Community230,000 2 20 2000 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/31/2017 104.070.93916 C7235942 Sold16396 PERICO WAY 33955 PUNTA GORDA245,000 1800 None 225,000 3 20 2004 Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/31/2017 94.14 0.91837 C7232908 Sold2002 BAL HARBOR BLVD #132133950 PUNTA GORDA249,000 1517Community240,000 3 20 2002 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 150 0.96386 C7228455 Sold18737 KLINGLER CIR 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 249,900 2180 Private265,000 4 20 1982 Single Family HomeNew FHA 4/3/201788.75 1.06042 C7229461Sold2366 MAURITANIA RD 33983PUNTA GORDA249,900 2056 Private 240,000 3 20 1990 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/4/201783.830.96038 C7234836 Sold601 SHREVE ST #44C33950 PUNTA GORDA249,900 1398 Community242,500 2 20 1981Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 173.460.97039 C7234913 Sold26331 GUAYAQUIL DR 33983PUNTA GORDA255,500 1851Private248,000 3 20 1990 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/31/2017 92.36 0.97065 C7233715 Sold2451 MONTPELIER RD 33983PUNTA GORDA259,000 2155Private250,000 3 20 1997 Single Family HomeNew Conventional3/30/2017 81.35 0.96525 C72293 72 Sold1342 A QUI ESTA DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 259,90 0 1748 Privat e 254,95 0 3 20 1972 Single Family Home New VA 3/30/2 017 89.99 0.9809 5 C7232497 Sold1735 BOCA RATON CT33950 PUNTA GORDA260,000 1642Private235,000 2 211963Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/31/2017 92.89 0.90385 C7234684 Sold26365 SEMINOLE LAKES BLVD 33955 PUNTA GORDA264,900 1635Community255,000 3 20 1997 Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/5/2017106.65 0.96263 C7228243 Sold5181 LAUREL OAK CT 34287 NORTH PORT 266,900 1809 None 259,000 3 20 2003Single Family HomeAll Cash 3/30/2017 101.490.9704 C7236331Sold250 DURRANCE ST 33950 PUNTA GORDA274,900 1448 Private255,000 2 20 1960 Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/3/2017155.490.92761 D5915299Sold3086 STONE ST 33981PORT CHARLOTTE 284,900 1940 None 275,000 320 1988 Single Family HomeNew Conventional4/4/2017101.44 0.96525 C7233648 Sold2270 CHARLESTON PARK DR34287 NORTH PORT 288,500 1836 Private280,000 320 2001Single Family HomeAll Cash 4/5/2017112.360.97054AREAPROPERTY TRANSFERS Saturday, April 8, 2017


fr\000\000)Tj/T1_1 1 Tf4.058 0 Td(b\002r\001nfftt \007 AREAPROPERTY TRANSFERSCONTINUED ML# Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft. List Price Pool Sold Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold TermsSold Date SP/SqFtSP/LP RatioC7234375 Sold2474 ABSCOTT ST 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 289,900 2006 Private 279,900 3 20 1972 Single Family Home All Cash3/31/2017 84.310.96551 C7231212 Sold21476 VOLTAIR AVE 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 290,000 2249 None 275,000 4 20 2001Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 81.68 0.94828 C7234941Sold26239 STILLWATER CIR 33955 PUNTA GORDA295,000 1797Community303,000 2 20 1994 Single Family Home All Cash3/31/2017 119.39 1.02712 C7233508 Sold5116 MELBOURNE ST #B-20333980 PUNTA GORDA299,000 1831Community275,000 3 212006 Condo All Cash3/31/2017 23 0.91973 C7232256 Sold23072 AMBASSADOR AVE 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 299,900 2601Private 299,900 4 211999 Single Family Home New VA4/4/2017 82.31 D5916282 Sold15763 APPLEWHITE CIR 33981PORT CHARLOTTE 299,900 2178 Private 285,000 3 212007 Single Family Home All Cash3/30/2017 87.8 0.95032 A4176209Sold5160 PINE SHADOW LN34287 NORTH PORT 306,000 2020 Private 282,000 3 20 2002 Single Family Home All Cash3/30/2017 104.950.92157 C7233151Sold400 MATARES DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA309,000 1592Private 304,500 3 20 1971Single Family Home New VA 3/31/2017 121.070.98544 C7232169 Sold12384 MELLON AVE 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 315,000 3160 Private 300,000 4 20 1989 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 70.39 0.95238 C7234510 Sold2759 SUNCOAST LAKES BLVD33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 315,000 2043Community, Private 290,000 3 20 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 106.970.92063 C7229312 Sold2109 CHARLESTON PARK DR34287 NORTH PORT 318,888 2810 Private 305,000 5 30 2001Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 88.15 0.95645 C7237026 Sold917 BAL HARBOR BLVD 33950 PUNTA GORDA320,000 1396 Private 320,000 2 20 1980 Single Family Home All Cash3/31/2017 148.29 1 C7234290 Sold24439 RIVERFRONT DR 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 329,900 4067Community327,500 5 412007 Single Family Home New VA 3/31/2017 64.84 0.99273 D5914744 Sold9300 NASTRAND CIR 33981PORT CHARLOTTE 344,900 2012Private 325,000 3 20 2001Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 112.150.9423 C7231838 Sold21260 KNOLLWOOD AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 345,000 3450 Private 319,000 5 311984 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 73.27 0.92464 C7234190 Sold1021 JUNO DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA349,000 1698 Private 315,000 2 20 1971Single Family Home Other 4/4/2017 138.520.90258 C7229874 Sold300 VIA ESPLANADE33950 PUNTA GORDA349,900 1880 Private 325,000 3 20 1973 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 111.950.92884 C7235632 Sold3340 WOOD THRUSH DR #13333950 PUNTA GORDA370,000 2250 Community355,000 3 30 2007 Condo All Cash3/31/2017 157.78 0.95946 D5914460 Sold13817 LONG LAKE LN33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 374,900 2602Community, Private 361,000 4 30 1995 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/3/2017 105.430.96292 D5913770 Sold10843 TROPHY DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD375,000 2230 Community370,000 3 212015 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 125.38 0.98667 A4176923Sold3229 JESSICA TER 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 387,000 2144 Private 370,000 3 212003 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 125.76 0.95607 C7234024 Sold5201 LAUREL OAK CT 34287 NORTH PORT 387,900 2285Private 373,000 3 312002 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 124.170.96159 D5916352 Sold640 VIRIDIAN ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD389,500 1857Private 365,000 3 20 1994 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/4/2017 142.86 0.9371 C7235870 Sold3720 TOULOUSE CT 33950 PUNTA GORDA399,900 1483Private 380,000 2 20 1986 Single Family Home All Cash3/31/2017 155.99 0.95024 D5914365 Sold8228 TECUMSEH CIR 33981PORT CHARLOTTE 412,000 2498 Private 399,000 3 212004 Single Family Home All Cash4/3/2017 121.24 0.96845 N5910320Sold8260 BURWELL CIR 33981PORT CHARLOTTE 419,900 2383Private 400,000 3 211995 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 117.610.95261 C7234446 Sold537 MONACO DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA419,900 2249 Private 405,000 3 20 1989 Single Family Home All Cash3/31/2017 120.18 0.96452 D5907199 Sold1170 BAYSHORE DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD449,900 2340 Private 382,000 3 30 1981Single Family Home All Cash3/31/2017 109.210.84908 A4162902Sold3166 DELOR AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 485,000 2577Private 466,000 3 212000 Single Family Home New Conventional 4/4/2017 122.89 0.96082 C7231827 Sold3919 MADRID CT 33950 PUNTA GORDA499,990 2222Private 482,000 3 20 1999 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 152.820.96402 A4172609Sold1750 QUEEN PALM WAY34288 NORTH PORT 524,888 3186 Private 490,000 4 42 2001Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 100.08 0.93353 D5911683 Sold2169 DEBORAH DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA639,900 2472Private 600,000 3 30 2015 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 0.93765 C7222887 Sold2201 RYAN BLVD 33950 PUNTA GORDA644,900 3523Private 575,000 4 312001Single Family Home Other 3/31/2017 118.750.89161 N5906902Sold4074 N BEACH RD 34224 ENGLEWOOD750,000 2016 Private 750,000 3 40 1968 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 226.721 D5915929 Sold220 MOCKINGBIRD LN34223 ENGLEWOOD759,000 3272None 725,000 3 311992 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 154.350.9552 C7233188 Sold23971 VINCENT AVE 33955 PUNTA GORDA765,000 3063Private 737,500 3 30 2003 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 125.530.96405 C7233683 Sold5644 BLACKJACK CT S 33982 PUNTA GORDA775,000 4949 Private 745,000 3 212007 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 109.54 0.96129 D5914054 Sold165 SAND DOLLAR LN34223 ENGLEWOOD899,000 2408 None 869,000 3 212002 Single Family Home All Cash4/4/2017 143.210.966631ENGLEWOODCOURTESY OF ENGLEWOOD AREA BOARD OF REALTORSML#Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft. Community Price BE FBHB Built Pool Property StyleSold Terms SoldDate SP/SqFt SP/LP Ratio C7233024 SLD 66 BOUNDARY BLVD #274 33947ROTONDA WEST780RIVERHOUSE $67,750 110 1973 Community Condo All Cash3/31/2017 $88.46 0.98 O5497185 SLD 7307 SUNNYBROOK BLVD34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,080PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 064 $90,100 22 0 1979 None Single Family HomeAll Cash3/27/2017 $81.02 1.03 N5911419 SLD 420 CAMINO REAL 34224 ENGLEWOOD 960MOBILE GARDENS$87,000 2 2 0 1972 None Manufactured/Mobile HomeAll Cash3/31/2017 $98.28 0.92 C7233819 SLD 13361 CARTER AVE 33981PORT CHARLOTTE988PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 095$86,000 22 0 1989 Community Single Family HomeAll Cash3/29/2017 $100.20 0.87 D5917384 SLD 13100 S MCCALL RD#107 33981PORT CHARLOTTE930PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 95 02 $95,000 22 0 1984 None Condo All Cash3/28/2017 $107.42 0.95 N5911771SLD 5055 N BEACH RD #21534223ENGLEWOOD 360TIKI APTS BLDG 02 $108,000 010 1973 Community Condo All Cash3/31/2017 $344.17 0.87 D5915586 SLD 13504 MARTHA AVE33981PORT CHARLOTTE927PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 066 $124,900 22 0 1974 Community Single Family HomeAll Cash3/31/2017 $134.74 1 D5916904 SLD 13539 ROMFORD AVE33981PORT CHARLOTTE1,052PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 066 $135,000 22 0 1979 Community Single Family HomeAll Cash3/28/2017 $128.231 D5917118 SLD 6800 PLACIDA RD#249 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,092FIDDLERS GREEN 02 PH 02 BLDG 01 $133,00022 0 1986 Community Condo New Conventional 3/27/2017 $124.450.98 D5916074 SLD 13591 MARTHA AVE33981PORT CHARLOTTE1,298PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 066 $150,000 32 0 1974 Community, Private Single Family HomeAssume FHA/VA 3/27/2017 $114.79 1.01 C7234853 SLD 6038 GILLOT BLVD 33981PORT CHARLOTTE1,144 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 052 $144,500 32 0 1996 None Single Family HomeNew FHA 3/28/2017 $131.030.96 N5911884 SLD 7493 FORKLAND ST34224 ENGLEWOOD 920PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 074 $150,000 22 0 1981None Single Family HomeAll Cash3/31/2017 $162.931 D5913528 SLD 241 PK FOREST BLVD#154 34223ENGLEWOOD 1,833PARK FOREST $159,000 22 0 1990 Community Condo All Cash3/27/2017 $92.69 0.94 D5915715 SLD 553 BOUNDARY BLVD33947ROTONDA WEST1,172ROTONDA WEST PINEHURST $167,000 32 0 1997 None Single Family HomeNew Conventional 3/27/2017 $147.530.97 D5915957 SLD 6172 GRANDEUR ST 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,410PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 063$170,000 32 0 2004 None Single Family HomeNew Conventional 3/28/2017 $124.04 0.97 D5916516 SLD 1891 NEPTUNE DR34223ENGLEWOOD 1,212OVERBROOK GARDENS$170,000 22 0 1973 None Single Family HomeAll Cash3/29/2017 $144.39 0.97 C7227977 SLD 14383 ALLENSWORTH AVE 33981PORT CHARLOTTE1,755PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 87$177,900 4 2 0 2017 None Single Family HomeNew FHA 4/1/2017 $101.37 1 D5915421SLD 12400 BIRTLE AVE33981PORT CHARLOTTE1,612PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 095$179,900 32 0 2017 None Single Family HomeAll Cash3/28/2017 $111.60 1 D5916141SLD 9374 FRUITLAND AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 2,080PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 074 $175,000 32 0 1988 None Single Family HomeNew Conventional 3/29/2017 $86.49 0.97 D5917580 SLD 7416 QUARRY ST 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,428PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 064 $199,800 22 0 1981PrivateSingle Family HomeAll Cash3/30/2017 $139.92 1 C7233737 SLD 13298 ALLENTOWN AVE 33981PORT CHARLOTTE1,755PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 085$204,900 4 2 0 2017 None Single Family HomeNew FHA 3/27/2017 $116.751 D5915649 SLD 15117 LYNEBURG AVE 33981PORT CHARLOTTE2,126PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 082 $205,000 4 2 0 2005 None Single Family HomeAll Cash3/27/2017 $103.48 0.93 C7227978 SLD 10130 AUDREY ST33981PORT CHARLOTTE2,320PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 87$220,725 4 2 0 2017 None Single Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $95.14 1 D5917397 SLD 920 LORD ST34223ENGLEWOOD 1,713BAY VISTA BLVD $216,000 2 2 0 1981None Single Family HomeAll Cash3/30/2017 $131.29 0.96 T2873266 SLD 25724 BOYSEN BERRY AVE34223ENGLEWOOD 1,404 KEYWAY PLACE $226,016 22 0 2017 Community Single Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $160.98 1 D5916374 SLD 302 SWEETWATER DR 33947ROTONDA WEST1,734 ROTONDA HEIGHTS $225,000 32 0 2006 PrivateSingle Family HomeAll Cash3/31/2017 $132.64 0.98 D5916088 SLD 7434 MAMOUTH ST34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,564 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 074 $222,500 32 0 1997 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/28/2017 $150.19 0.95 D5913763 SLD 167 JADE ST 33947ROTONDA WEST1,581ROTONDA LAKES SEGMENT 01$232,500 32 0 2015 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $150.47 0.98 D5916470 SLD 2955 N BEACH RD#B824 34223ENGLEWOOD 1,185TAMARIND GULF & BAY BLDG B-8 $233,000 22 0 1981Community Condo New Conventional 3/30/2017 $201.69 0.97 A4174070 SLD 127 THELMA DR33947ROTONDA WEST1,892ROTANDA LAKES $230,000 3 2 0 2017 None Single Family HomeAssume Conventional3/27/2017 $126.80 0.96 D5915808 SLD 171 BROADMOOR LN33947ROTONDA WEST2,330ROTONDA WEST BROADMOOR$239,900 4 2 0 2016 None Single Family HomeAssume Conventional3/29/2017 $107.250.96 C7234959 SLD 27183 IPSWICH DR 34223ENGLEWOOD 1,431ARLINGTON COVE $240,000 2 2 0 2013 Community 1/2 Duplex New Conventional 3/29/2017 $174.70 0.96 D5904794 SLD 13113 GASPARILLA#A302 33946PLACIDA 1,456BOCA VISTA HARBOR BLDG A $244,000 22 0 2003 Community Condo All Cash3/31/2017 $177.88 0.94 D5916612 SLD 1113 BOUNDARY BLVD33947ROTONDA WEST2,060ROTONDA WEST PINE VALLEY $259,000 4 30 2007 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew VA 3/31/2017 $125.731 D5910452 SLD 1977 BEACH RD Unit#8634223ENGLEWOOD 1,044 ENGLEWOOD BEACH CONDO$255,000 2111971Community Villa All Cash3/31/2017 $253.830.96 D5914772 SLD 1954 OREGON TRL S#2J34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,397VILAGE AT OYSTER CREEK PH 01 B $261,500 2 2 0 2002 Community Townhouse All Cash3/31/2017 $192.56 0.97 D5916327 SLD 249 BROADMOOR LN33947ROTONDA WEST1,848ROTONDA WEST BROADMOOR$264,900 330 2004 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/28/2017 $148.76 0.96 D5915412 SLD 8 LONG MEADOW LN33947ROTONDA WEST1,746ROTONDA WEST LONG MEADOW $262,000 330 2006 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/28/2017 $157.50 0.95 D5914927 SLD 193 BROADMOOR LN33947ROTONDA WEST1,874 ROTONDA WEST BROADMOOR$270,000 32 0 1992 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $150.69 0.96 D5916659 SLD 85 PINEHURST PL 33947ROTONDA WEST2,244 ROTONDA WEST PINEHURST $278,000 32 0 1990 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $132.80 0.93 D5915859 SLD 799 YALE ST 34223ENGLEWOOD 1,476ENGLEWOOD OF $279,000 22 0 1926 None Single Family HomeOwner Financing3/28/2017 $202.57 0.93 D5916282 SLD 15763 APPLEWHITE CIR 33981PORT CHARLOTTE2,178SOUTH GULF COVE $285,000 32 12007 PrivateSingle Family HomeAll Cash3/30/2017 $137.70 0.95 D5914651SLD 246 BROADMOOR LN33947ROTONDA WEST1,955ROTONDA WEST BROADMOOR$329,900 32 0 2016 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/28/2017 $168.751 D5915741SLD 61 PINEHURST CT 33947ROTONDA WEST1,926ROTONDA WEST PINEHURST $334,900 32 0 2017 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $173.88 1 D5916961SLD 260 MARINER LN 33947ROTONDA WEST1,900ROTNONDA PINEHURST$339,200 32 0 2017 PrivateSingle Family HomeAll Cash3/27/2017 $178.89 1 D5914744 SLD 9300 NASTRAND CIR 33981PORT CHARLOTTE2,012PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 71$325,000 32 0 2001PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $171.42 0.94 N5909632 SLD 1820 WHISPERING PINES 34223ENGLEWOOD 2,213ENGLEWOOD PINES$349,900 3 2 0 1986 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/29/2017 $158.111 D5913770 SLD 10843 TROPHY DR 34223ENGLEWOOD 2,230BOCA ROYALE UNIT 11 PH 2 & 3$370,000 32 12015 Community Single Family HomeNew Conventional 3/30/2017 $168.16 0.99 D5917209 SLD 7470 PALM ISLAND#281333946PLACIDA 1,232PALM ISLAND VILLAGE PH 02 $381,000 22 0 1984 Community Condo All Cash3/31/2017 $315.750.98 N5910320 SLD 8260 BURWELL CIR 33981PORT CHARLOTTE2,383PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 093$400,000 32 11995 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/30/2017 $176.210.95 D5907199 SLD 1170 BAYSHORE DR 34223ENGLEWOOD 2,340ENGLEWOOD GARDENS UNIT 3 $382,000 3 30 1981PrivateSingle Family HomeAll Cash3/31/2017 $192.26 0.85 C7227786 SLD 15586 ARON CIR33981PORT CHARLOTTE2,299PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 082 $509,000 3 30 2016 Private Single Family HomeNew Conventional 3/26/2017 $221.791 D5916879 SLD 5000 GASPARILLA RD#302 33921BOCA GRANDE 828DUNES CHALET $485,000 12 0 1985 Community Condo Not Applicable 3/29/2017 $621.98 0.94 N5906902 SLD 4074 N BEACH RD 34224 ENGLEWOOD 2,016MANASOTA SHORES $750,000 34 0 1968 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $372.02 1 D5915929 SLD 220 MOCKINGBIRD LN34223ENGLEWOOD 3,272CHADWICKS RE $725,000 3 311992 None Single Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $231.97 0.96 C7229883 SLD 385 GREEN DOLPHIN DR33946PLACIDA 2,860CAPE HAZE $735,000 4 30 1962 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $277.97 0.92 D5912480 SLD 7312 PALM ISLAND DR 33946PLACIDA 2,406ISLAND HARBOR BEACH CLUB $879,900 330 2001Community Single Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $386.330.95 D5901345 SLD 13110 FISHERY RD SW 33946PLACIDA 2,186ROTONDA SANDS $800,000 4 30 1948 None Single Family HomeAll Cash3/31/2017 $434.58 0.84 D5915478 SLD 100 BUCCANEER BND 33946CAPE HAZE3,002CAPE HAZE $1,300,000 32 12004 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/31/2017 $462.69 0.94 D5912056 SLD 8101 MANASOTA KEY RD34223ENGLEWOOD 3,242NOT PART OF A SUBDIVISION$1,405,000 34 0 1995 PrivateSingle Family HomeNew Conventional 3/28/2017 $522.830.83 D5912190 SLD 152 CARRICK BEND LN33921BOCA GRANDE 3,284 NORTH VILLAGE SUB $1,875,000 4 4 0 1990 Community Single Family HomeAll Cash3/27/2017 $592.27 0.96 D5916209 SLD 18 SEAWATCH DR33921BOCA GRANDE 2,809SEAWATCH BOCA GRANDE $1,965,000 3311989 Community Villa All Cash3/30/2017 $756.50 0.92 D5916092 SLD 2 SEAWATCH DR 33921BOCA GRANDE 2,772SEAWATCH/BOCA GRANDE$2,112,500 3311988 Community Villa All Cash3/28/2017 $802.67 0.95 D5914419 SLD 165 1ST ST E 33921BOCA GRANDE 3,445HARBOR DRIVE WATERWAYS$2,400,000 4 311984 PrivateSingle Family HomeAll Cash3/31/2017 $740.20 0.944 Saturday, April 8, 2017


r\007 b\002r\001nfftt fn AREAPROPERTY TRANSFERSCONTINUED SOUTH SARASOTA COUNTY COURTESY OF VENICE AREA BOARD OF REALTORSML# Status Address Subdivision Name Sq. Ft. Pool Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP/SqFt SP/LP RatioN5909916 Sold 1860 FAUN RD South Venice None 75,000 1 1 0 1989 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 110.29 0.75758 N5910338 Sold 708 TAMIAMI TRL S #111 Holiday Apts Community 95,000 2 2 0 1971 Condo All Cash 3/27/2017 97.84 0.86442 N5911112 Sold 105 OGBURN ST Ogburns T B Add To Osprey None 112,000 2 1 1 1925 Single Family Home New FHA 3/29/2017 115.7 0.97476 A4179718 Sold 744 WHITE PINE TREE #103 Bird Bay Village Community 119,900 2 2 0 1983 Condo All Cash 3/29/2017 135.02 1 N5911598 Sold 437 CERROMAR LN #319 Farmington Vistas Community 125,000 2 2 0 1982 Condo All Cash 3/29/2017 132.14 0.8935 A4176662 Sold 4788 POMPANO RD South Venice None 132,500 3 2 0 2001 Single Family Home All Cash 3/30/2017 114.82 0.98954 N5911593 Sold 647 WHITE PINE TREE #34 Bird Bay Village Community 137,500 2 2 0 1973 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 138.89 0.94828 N5911817 Sold 930 DUQUESNE RD South Venice None 139,000 2 2 0 1995 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 150.27 0.93289 N5911013 Sold 812 PINELAND AVE Edgewood Sec Of Venice None 141,850 3 1 0 1959 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 151.55 1.01394 N5911534 Sold 920 CAPRI ISLES BLVD #214 Golfview Community 144,000 2 2 0 1986 Condo All Cash 3/28/2017 142.29 0.99379 N5911251 Sold 200 PARK BLVD N #105 Bristol House Community 153,000 2 2 0 1970 Condo New Conventional 3/30/2017 192.94 0.95685 N5911381 Sold 1187 MOHAWK RD South Venice None 160,000 2 2 0 2002 Single Family Home All Cash 3/30/2017 166.67 0.98765 A4177983 Sold 1116 CUMBERLAND RD South Venice None 163,500 2 2 0 1986 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 153.67 0.9646 N5911426 Sold 435 CERROMAR LN #329 Farmington Vistas Community 165,500 2 2 0 1984 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 149.1 0.9741 N5908876 Sold 831 WATERSIDE DR #102 Waterside At Bird Bay Community 177,000 2 2 0 1994 Condo All Cash 3/29/2017 154.99 0.88945 N5911703 Sold 821 WATERSIDE DR #202 Bird Bay Community 183,000 2 2 0 1994 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 160.25 0.96367 D5916115 Sold 720 CYPRESS RD South Venice Private 187,870 2 2 0 1971 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/28/2017 175.74 0.99931 D5914480 Sold 450 SUNNYSIDE DR Venice East None 188,000 2 3 0 1973 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 119.44 0.98999 N5911026 Sold 5923 ELTON RD South Venice None 189,400 2 2 0 1985 Single Family Home New VA 3/28/2017 152.01 1.00271 N5910120 Sold 290 PADOVA WAY Venetian Golf And River Community 195,000 2 2 0 2005 Single Family Home All Cash 3/27/2017 153.3 0.97549 A4176825 Sold 1761 VALENCIA DR Venice Gardens Community 196,000 3 2 0 1963 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 131.54 0.9561 N5910514 Sold 2120 CAMBRIDGE DR Venice Gardens Community 198,000 3 2 0 1973 Single Family Home All Cash 3/30/2017 113.73 0.88 N5911736 Sold 831 WATERSIDE DR #101 Bird Bay Village Community 199,400 2 2 0 1994 Condo New Conventional 3/31/2017 153.38 0.9296 N5908515 Sold 1804 AUBURN LAKES #4 Auburn Lakes Community 200,000 3 2 0 2001 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 144.61 0.97609 A4169045 Sold 323 SUNSET LAKE #323 Villas Of Waterside Community 205,000 2 2 0 1996 Condo All Cash 3/30/2017 171.12 0.97666 N5910218 Sold 1722 CELTIC DR #202 Knsngtn Pres St Andrws E Community 206,000 2 2 0 2006 Condo New Conventional 3/27/2017 132.65 0.94495 N5910028 Sold 422 SUNSET LAKE #203 South Preserve Waterside Community 212,000 2 2 0 2004 Condo New Conventional 3/27/2017 156.11 0.97248 A4162296 Sold 5240 HERON RD South Venice Private 223,500 3 2 0 1977 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 164.34 0.99113 N5910452 Sold 1021 BEACH MANOR #50 Beach Manor Villas South Community 225,000 2 2 0 1970 Condo All Cash 3/28/2017 203.62 0.97869 N5911461 Sold 508 S NEPONSIT DR Venice Gardens Community 225,000 2 2 0 1968 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/29/2017 173.48 0.97826 N5908056 Sold 4328 SUMMERTREE RD Southwood Community 225,000 2 2 0 1995 Single Family Home All Cash 3/27/2017 132.35 0.90036 A4177615 Sold 1281 COVEY CT Quail Lake Community 233,000 3 2 0 1991 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 128.37 0.91373 N5912127 Sold 119 WOODBRIDGE #201 Frway Glen St Andrews Pk Community 234,000 3 2 0 2004 Condo All Cash 3/27/2017 141.82 0.93788 N5910560 Sold 1952 COVE POINTE DR Cove Pointe None 234,533 2 2 0 1990 Single Family Home Combination 3/30/2017 124.82 0.88536 A4161785 Sold 756 COLGATE RD South Venice Private 235,000 4 2 0 1980 Single Family Home New FHA 3/31/2017 137.19 0.95567 A4178036 Sold 3071 SUNSET BEACH DR Sunset Beach Private 235,000 3 2 1 1987 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 169.19 0.94378 D5916750 Sold 1361 PORPOISE RD South Venice None 238,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 148.38 0.95238 A4177345 Sold 309 MESTRE PL Venetian Golf & River Club Community 240,000 2 2 0 2006 Single Family Home All Cash 3/30/2017 142.6 0.96 D5915922 Sold 254 WOODINGHAM TRL Chestnut Creek Estates Private 249,900 3 2 0 1986 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/27/2017 145.71 1 N5910743 Sold 1221 LUCAYA AVE Pinebrook South Private 250,000 2 2 0 1978 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 161.5 0.92937 A4170907 Sold 988 HARBOR TOWN DR Chestnut Creek Villas Community 250,000 3 2 1 1990 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 130.68 0.89318 N5912410 Sold 8980 MONDIAL CT Rapalo Community 252,900 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 144.93 1 A4168863 Sold 19119 MANGIERI ST Islandwalk At W Villages Community 254,000 2 2 0 2015 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/29/2017 177.25 0.99608 A4173136 Sold 2165 LAKEWOOD DR Lake In The Woods None 257,500 3 2 0 1969 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 165.49 0.95406 N5911334 Sold 525 BARCELONA AVE #203 La Brisa Community 259,000 2 2 0 1985 Condo All Cash 3/30/2017 222.7 0.98106 A4178823 Sold 1726 CLAW CT Jacaranda West Country Private 263,000 2 2 0 1977 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 146.85 0.98539 N5911477 Sold 2947 ARGYLE RD South Venice None 265,000 3 2 0 1964 Single Family Home New FHA 3/29/2017 146.01 0.98513 A4174259 Sold 101 BELLA VISTA TER #1B Venetian Golf & River Club Community 265,000 3 2 0 2005 Condo Combination 3/29/2017 151.17 0.96399 A4176774 Sold 1600 HAMMOCK DR Spoonbill Hammock None 270,000 4 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New FHA 3/28/2017 156.16 0.98182 N5911009 Sold 1358 BERKSHIRE CT Berkshire Place Community 272,500 2 2 0 1996 Single Family Home All Cash 3/30/2017 154.04 0.97356 N5911463 Sold 19101 LAPPACIO ST Islandwalk West Villages Community 274,000 2 2 0 2014 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 195.99 0.97892 A4136612 Sold 385 N POINT RD #403 Meridian Oaks Preserve Community 275,000 3 3 0 2000 Condo All Cash 3/29/2017 124.83 0.91667 A4178232 Sold 2790 SIESTA DR South Venice None 280,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home All Cash 3/27/2017 132.08 0.97256 N5909884 Sold 105 GOLF CLUB LN Venice Country Club Estates Private 280,000 4 3 0 1970 Single Family Home All Cash 3/28/2017 120.95 0.94915 N5910706 Sold 980 COOPER ST #202 Island Park Community 282,000 3 2 0 2006 Condo All Cash 3/30/2017 192.23 0.97275 N5911444 Sold 1415 ROOSEVELT DR Gulf View Estates Private 282,000 3 2 0 1984 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 153.85 0.97275 N5909809 Sold 5120 LAYTON DR Ventura Village Community 285,385 3 2 0 2010 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 158.02 0.98443 N5910533 Sold 2338 CARAWAY DR Stoneybrook At Venice Community 289,000 2 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New FHA 3/27/2017 150.21 1 N5909033 Sold 1649 LISCOURT DR Waterford Private 290,000 3 2 0 1992 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/27/2017 135.58 0.96699 N5911879 Sold 369 PINE TREE RD Venice Gardens Community 290,000 2 2 0 2014 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 183.78 0.96699 A4175787 Sold 813 OAK POND DR Bay Oaks Estates None 298,900 3 2 0 1996 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/27/2017 150.88 0.99667 N5911808 Sold 1172 SOUTHLAKE CT Lakeside Woods South Private 299,995 3 3 0 1997 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 146.55 1 N5910347 Sold 408 LIME DR Limes The None 310,000 3 2 0 1974 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 200.52 0.94225 T2829754 Sold 2135 SNAPDRAGON LN Stoneybrook At Venice Community 312,500 3 2 0 2014 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 154.32 0.96312 N5911143 Sold 129 VALENCIA LAKES DR Valencia Lakes Community, Private 319,000 3 3 0 2004 Single Family Home Arm 3/31/2017 163.59 0.98184 N5910113 Sold 355 FAUN RD South Venice Private 320,000 3 2 0 1992 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/29/2017 137.63 0.94145 N5911414 Sold 11830 GRANITE WOODS Stoneybrook At Venice Community 325,000 4 3 0 2006 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/29/2017 144.44 0.97044 N5910031 Sold 700 GOLDEN BEACH #229 Macarthur Beach Community 325,000 1 1 0 1976 Condo Combination 3/31/2017 403.73 0.9299 A4165983 Sold 1895 BATELLO DR Venetian Falls Community 327,000 2 2 0 2005 Single Family Home All Cash 3/28/2017 171.38 0.97612 C7233505 Sold 1015 RIVER OAKS CT Venice Gardens Private 330,000 3 3 0 1977 Single Family Home Owner F inancing 3/27/2017 165 0.97087 A4174912 Sold 2270 LAKEWOOD CT Sorrento East Private 334,500 3 2 0 1979 Single Family Home All Cash 3/27/2017 175.68 0.99851 A4170480 Sold 1097 ANCORA BLVD Willow Chase Community 334,900 3 2 0 2014 Single Family Home New VA 3/31/2017 178.8 0.98529 N5910048 Sold 1896 BATELLO DR Venetian Falls Community 335,000 2 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 161.91 0.97242 N5912048 Sold 212 CORAL ST VeneziaPark Private 340,000 2 2 0 1969 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 206.94 0.87202 N5911355 Sold 130 CIPRIANI WAY Venetian Golf & River Club Community 345,000 2 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 182.64 0.986 A4168937 Sold 116 PESARO DR Venetian Golf & River Club Community, Private 349,000 3 2 1 2012 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 152.94 0.89717 A4171725 Sold 1461 BRENNER PARK DR Brenner Park Community, Private 350,000 3 2 0 1994 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 158.23 0.97493 A4174493 Sold 5664 SEMOLINO ST Not Applicable Community 350,000 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 207.22 0.94387 A4166225 Sold 1084 EISENHOWER DR Laurel Woodlands Private 369,750 4 2 0 1993 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/29/2017 175.99 1.01329 N5911648 Sold 20330 PEZZANA DR #64 Venetian Falls Community 375,000 2 2 0 2009 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/29/2017 179.51 0.96179 N5911642 Sold 1375 YACHT CLUB DR South Venice None 380,000 2 2 0 1976 Single Family Home All Cash 3/29/2017 193.98 0.92683 N5911137 Sold 1967 MESIC HAMMOCK Stoneybrook At Venice Community, Private 395,000 4 3 0 2012 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 175.24 0.96341 N5908486 Sold 5320 LAYTON DR Ventura Village Community, Private 405,000 5 3 0 2010 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 142.86 0.94406 N5911394 Sold 1018 GROUSE WAY Pelican Pointe G & CC Private 409,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home All Cash 3/27/2017 203.89 0.95338 N5910328 Sold 700 GOLDEN BEACH #226 Macarthur Beach Community 412,500 2 2 0 1976 Condo All Cash 3/31/2017 383.72 0.91871 A4172717 Sold 12256 STUART DR Grand Palm Community 419,306 4 3 1 2016 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/27/2017 123.4 0.96394 O5490420 Sold 108 CORTE DEL ROSA Bellagio At Venice Island Community 420,000 3 3 0 2001 Single Family Home Other 3/30/2017 221.87 0.95476 A4136055 Sold 11768 ALTAMONTE CT Grand Palm Community 439,050 3 2 1 2015 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/29/2017 191.89 0.9956 N5909724 Sold 513 VILLAS DR Golden Beach None 450,000 3 2 0 1971 Single Family Home All Cash 3/30/2017 282.31 0.93946 A4169054 Sold 278 MARTELLAGO DR Venetian Golf & River Club Community 485,000 3 3 1 2013 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/27/2017 176.68 0.97194 U7805118 Sold 1074 ANCORA BLVD Willow Chase Private 495,000 3 2 1 2014 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/30/2017 184.91 0.9904 N5908314 Sold 147 TAMPA AVE E #703 Waterfront Venice Island Community 510,000 2 2 0 2004 Condo All Cash 3/29/2017 299.12 0.92727 N5900642 Sold 641 APALACHICOLA RD Venice Gulf View Private 550,000 3 2 1 1963 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/29/2017 221.15 0.93379 N5911188 Sold 19875 COBBLESTONE CIR Stone Walk Private 565,000 3 3 0 2012 Single Family Home All Cash 3/28/2017 206.2 0.98278 N5906719 Sold 284 SANTA MARIA ST #2 Santa Maria Place None 828,000 3 2 1 2004 Single Family Home All Cash 3/31/2017 280.87 0.96391 A4168703 Sold 917 KEY WAY Casey Key Estates None 1,350,000 4 4 1 1962 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/31/2017 386.82 0.87097 Saturday, April 8, 2017


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 1 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NOKOMISCALUSA LAKES PRIVATE3 BEDROOM, 3 FULL& 2 PARTIALBATHS, 2 CARGARAGE, POOL HOMEONGOLFCOURSE! 4100 SF. NEWFLATTILEROOFIN2015! OFFICE& MORE!! $695,000. DOUGPARKS, MICHAELSAUNDERS& CO. 941-400-9087 NORTH PORT LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! 2183 Hopwood Rd Mere minutes from schools, parks, shopping and dining, with quick access to I-75, world-class fishing and golf! Move-in-ready 1300 SF '05 3/2/2 with open split floor plan, NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! OWNER IS SITTING ON A SUITCASE WAITING TO MOVE. HURRY! $167,000 Patty Gillespie, REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 3172 Bellefonte Ave., QUALITYWALKER-BUILT1500 SF 3/2/2/ WITHSOLAR-HEATEDSALT-WATERPOOLONFULLYFENCEDLOT INAGREATFAMILYNEIGHBORHOOD. SECURITYSYSTEM. FRENCHDOORS. NEW $14K SAFE-STEPTUB/SHOWERINMASTERBATH. NEW APPLIANCES, HOTWATER HEATER& WATERSOFTENER. NODEEDRESTRICTIONS! NOTINFLOODZONE! $207,000Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! NORTH PORT 3513 Cuthbert, Spectacular custom-built, energy-saving executive residence with 2400 SF under air, 3bd/2ba + den/office, on lushly landscaped lot in upscale n eighborhood close to all a menities. Granite! Walk-in p antry! Central vac! Whole h ouse solar and solar hot water heater. NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! $279,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 NORTH PORT 6440 Malaluka Road. Enjoy the view of the canal, open concept living, dining and kitchen with two spacious bedrooms. 1,220 square feet. Furniture incld. Motivated Seller. Please contact Kristine Dorward 514-618-0360. 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE DEEP CREEK3/2/2 All updated, 2279sq., Pool & Landscape, Travertine floors, Waterfall garden, and much much MORE! Kim McIntyre Remax Anchor 941-661-3153 DEEP CREEK Golf Course Only available new home on Deep Creek golf course. Gorgeous view, beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 car garage, 2,000 sq.ft. Completion date 5/15/17. $329k, 941-626-7682 ENGLEWOOD Built 2006 3/2/2 w/ Family Room, Vaulted Ceiling, New Appliances, Shed, Fenced Yard, No Deed Restrictions or Flood Zone. Community Boat Launch, $229,000 941-474-7030 (Owner/Agent) FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! FOR SALE $29,995 Oakview Estates 6 Months discounted Rent $199 a month All Offers Expire 06/30/17 844-8372393 EHO INVESTORS Port Charlotte 3/2/2 Pool, Contractor remodeled, $15,000 Income. 2nd property Sailboat lot 10,000 lb boat lift(possible $3000 income) Price on both properties $389,000 Owner 941-347-7020 NORTH PORT 5348 CHAPLIN TER PERFECT, TOP TO BOTTOM, INSIDE & OUT! Custom 2100 SF 3/2.5/2 with top-of-the-line EVERYTHING, on lushly landscaped lot, mere minutes to all amenities, yet with a private "country" setting. Owners doubled the storage, electric & lighting, doubled the RO on drinking water! High impact windows thruout! Gutters all around! Poolplanned, with pool bath and outside shower already in place. Large lanai with porcelain tile overlooking serene backyard setting! NOTHING COMPARABLE AT THIS PRICE! $264,900 PATTY GILLESPIERemax Anchor 941-875-2755 1010 OPEN HOUSE 04/05/17 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE $169,900.New Custom Homes From $169,900. on Your Lot or Ours. Custom 3/2/2, 1600+ sf., Classic Series. Prompt Delivery. Reliance Project Mgm`t Call Today For Plans & Your Tour! CGC#1512533 941-468-8300 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 4.5 % COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home + You Get 2 Full Time Agents!Jeff Runyan941-979-2843NO Hidden Fees! Re/Max Palm DEEP CREEK 26180 Copiapo Circle 33983. Just Completed! New Construction! 3/2/3 + Den. 1875 sq. ft. Granite, Tile Floors, Wood Cabinets, Crown Moulding, Tray Ceilings. Loaded w/ Upgrades! $269,900. 239-826-5440 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 1010 OPEN HOUSE DEEPCREEKBANKOWNEDTAKINGBIDSon this 3/2/2 pool home. 1,969 living sq ft. large lanai GREGORYH. UZZLEPA. BROKERASSOCIATEEST: 1987 DIRECT 727-992-5133 REALTYEXECUTIVESAMERICA, INC. CERTFORECLOSUREAGENTS ENGLEWOOD EAST 7491 ASHTABULA ST. OPEN HOUSE EVERY SUNDAY 12PM-5PM Completely Renovated 2/2/1! New: Air, Granite Countertops, SS Appliances, Carpet, Bath, Freshly Painted Inside & Out. Fenced Yard. $162,000. 941-408-0507 OPEN MON.-FRI. 11AM-5PM, SAT. 1PM-5PM 195 HARBOR BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 Oversized Garage, Driveway, Designer Ceiling, Travertine, Solid Wood Cabinetry, Granite, Vessel Sinks, Impact Glass, Spray Foam Insulation & Upgraded Fixtures! MODEL HOME $235,000 Call Janice 941-258-3739 OPEN SUN. 12-3 29200 Jones Loop Rd. Lot 115 Punta Gorda 55+ 2013 Palm Harbor 2/2/1 Home in Blue Heron Pines. Pool & Club House! $79,900. 937-287-4980 VENICEOPEN SUN. 1-4 OR BY APPOINTMENT 638 Bird Bay Dr. East #109 1st Floor 2/2 Newly Renovated Condo New Cabinets, Upgraded SS Appliances, Sandstone Counter, Sink & Breakfast Bar, Large Neutral Ceramic Tiles Throughout, Plantation Shutters Baths Remodeled! Large Closest, Storage Room, 2 Lanais & Laundry. 1 Covered & Plenty of Parking! Bird Bay Village Offers a VERY Active Community w/ Amenities ie: Executive Golf Course, NEW Clubhouse, Pools, Tennis, Gym, Library & Boardwalk Overlooking Robert`s Bay/Curry Creek! A Must See! $162,900. 941-587-9114 Lookingfor Adventure? Findit inthe Classifieds 1010 OPEN HOUSE OPEN SAT & SUN FROM 12PM-3PM ROTONDA WEST 10 CADDY RD3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 CG Turnkey furnished golf course beauty. Total updating of this home includes NEW FLOORS, DOORS, IMPACT WINDOWS,A/C, KITCHEN AND BATHS. Located on the 8th hole of the Rotonda Hills Golf Course. Reduced to $197,500 Shown by appointment. $1500 BUYER REBATE if purchased thoughFLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 OPEN SAT & SUN 12-3 PM 26336 NADIR RD #112/2 Golfer's Dream Condo with magnificent panoramic views of Deep Creek Golf Course. No tunnel vision here this unit is bathed in sunlight from all sides including 20 FT ceiling w/ skylights. $112,500FLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 3280 STEADMAN ST PT. CHARLOTTE 33980 OPEN SAT NOON 3PM Beautiful 3BR/2BA Home 1420sqft, Ceramic tile, Breakfast Bar & eat in kitchen with Large Lanai and gorgeous Grandfather Oaks for Shade. MAXIM Residential & Commercial Realtors Carol Wade 941-585-9599 CLASSIFIED WORKS! Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 And BAY LAKE ESTATES 1200 COLONIA LN. EAST Nokomis, FL 34275 941-485-2555TWO55+ RESORTSOFFERING AWIDEVARIETYOFHOMES. BOTHLOCATIONSARE2 MILES FROMTHEBEAUTIFULBEACHESBAYLAKEORBAYINDIES,YOUCHOOSEWHICHLIFESTYLEISRIGHTFORYOU!!! 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.Ž REAL E S T A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! Saturday, April 8, 2017 e Sun Classi ed Page 7


Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE VENICE BEAUTIFULHOMEINVENE-TIAOFFJACARANDABLVD, 3/2/2PLUSLOTSOFEXTRAS. $399,000 BYOWNER941-218-4502 VENICE2/2/2 in East Gate REDUCED! Great Opportunity! City Utilities. Many Upgrades! Enclosed Yard w/ RV Parking. $218,500. Elzia Phillips, Gulf Shores Realty 941-223-3344 ADVERTISE! 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES ESTATE ON LEMON BAY 4 BED, 3-1/2 BATH, OVERSIZED3-CARGARAGE, ANDLARGE ATTACHEDLUXURYGUEST APARTMENT. 180 DEGREE VIEWSOVERWIDESTPARTOFLEMONBAY. NEWHIGHEST QUALITYDESIGNERPOOLAND SPAWITHCABANABATH. NEWHEAVYDUTYDOCK. THIS DESIGNERINTENSIVEHOME SHOWSLIKEAFEATURED PROPERTYINARCHITECTURALDIGEST. VIEW VIDEO & MORE AT:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFO$1,259,000 SHOWNBYAPPOINTMENTONLY. OWNERFINANCINGPOSSIBLE. 941-769-0200 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE 1 to 2 bedroom home, 1 bath, carport with attached shed. Close to PC Middle $70,000 941-875-7600 ROTONDA3/2/2 POOLHOME. QUIETSTREET$219KCALLTERRYLONGALWAYSLONGONSERVICE TOFINDOUTWHATYOUR HOMEISWORTH. KELLERWILLIAMSREALTYGOLD941-830-2347 SOUTH VENICE3/2/1, 27`X37` LANAIW/ ADD`LKITCHEN. TILECOUNTERSINHOUSEKITCHEN. FENCEDYARDINPRIVATESETTING. ALLAPPL. INCL. 5 MIN. TOBEACH! LOTSOFROOMTOENTERTAIN! $222,900. 941-497-4030 SOUTH VENICE2 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT! 3/2/2 SPLITPLAN. NEARBEACHYETQUIETAREA! CLOSE TOAMENITIES! STILLTIMETOPICKYOURCOLORS& OPTIONS! $280KSARASOTAREMODELINGINC.941-893-7326 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE BRAND NEW 3/2/2 Homes $189,900 $194,900 HENRY GUSTAF A CLEAR CHOICE REALTY941-204-8213 PUNTA GORDA BURNT STORE MEADOWS 7505 CORALTREE. NEW HOME. 3/2/2 POOL, GRANITEANDTILE. $279,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 PUNTA GORDA PEACE RIVERSHORES ,163 Dee Pl 33982, 5/8 acre fenced in Shed & Carport, 2+ Bdrms, 1 1/2 Bths, Lg Laundry Rm, New cabinets, Tile countertops. Large Shed wired 240V, $129,000. 941-628-6496 REDUCED GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! PUNTAGORDA, BURNTSTOREMEADOWS. BRANDNEW3/2.5/3 POOLHOME. LOTSOFUPGRADES! REDUCED$339,900BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE 362 LASAYETTEDR. 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATHHOMEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHEN HASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1835 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! PORT CHARLOTTE Sec 15 143 Appian Street 3/2.5/2 Pool Home, 2282 sqft., New Paint, Tile, Bathrooms, Cabinets, Lighting, S.S. Appliances, Large Fenced Lot, .50 acre, Hurricane shutters. Newer A/C. Was $314,000, Now $278,000 801-776-0059 $40,000 Improvements PORT CHARLOTTE Squeakly Clean 3/2/1 with New Roof! Quick Access to What You Need! Great Starter Home or 2nd Home For Snowbirds. All Appliances Stay. Nice Screened Lanai, Partially Fenced. $134,595. Richard Lundgren, Horizon Realty International of Venice 941-276-0029 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE I BUY HOUSES. FAST CASH! 941-270-3840 PORT CHARLOTTE 12588 Chamberlain Blvd, Light, bright, airy open floor plan in this 2006, 1600 SF 3/2/2 on oversized lot Screened garage and front entry! Hurricane shutters! Extended granite counter tops, and breakfast bar! SS appl!All tile thruout, except bedrooms! Walk-in closets in all bdrms! NEW AC! $199,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 P a r k L i k e S e t t i n g PORT CHARLOTTE FL LIFESTYLE IS EPITOMIZED IN THIS 1700 SF 2/2/2 CANAL-FRONT POOL HOME ON LUSHLY LANDSCAPED LOT IN MUCH SOUGHTAFTER SECTION OF PORT CHARLOTTE! WHOLE-HOUSE ACCORDIAN HURRICANE SHUTTERS! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! Solar-Heated Screened /Caged Pool Overlooking Tranquil Freshwater Canal. Quiet neighborhood featuring beautiful homes with easy access to shopping, restaurants, world-class fishing and golf. $199,900 Patty Gillespie RE/MAX Anchor 941-875-2755 AdvertiseToday! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE ENGLEWOOD 2Br/2Ba/2Cg, w/ Lg. scr. lanai. Prestigious Windward, Cape Haze, $210,000 Principals 941-214-5285 NORTH PORT 2509 Cartright LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 1500 SF 3/2/2 WITH ENCLOSED LANAI on FENCED CORNER LOT. Minutes to all amenities, schools, I-75. PAMPERED BEAUTY! ROOMY COMFORT! This house is devoted to everyday enjoyment in a choice neighborhood! $173,000 Patty Gillespie REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED! PORT CHARLOTTE SHANGRI-LA! 1161 Presque Isle Dr. Absolutely STUNNING tranquil low-maintenance back yard highlights this immaculate 2000+ SF 3/2/2 AND detached 1-car garage (with remotes) on 1400 SF fully fenced corner lot in one of Port Charlotte's finest neighborhoods. Totally redone and updated five years ago! NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! City Water! AWESOME ESCAPE FROM THE ORDINARY! $199,900 Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 PENDING GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 8 e Sun Classi ed


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 3 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE NOKOMIS2/2 Doublewide, Den, 55+ Park. Large Rooms, W/D, AC, Shed, Newer Updates. $18,000 OBO 574-333-8496 NORTH PORT 2/2/CP in 55+ Harbor Cove. Screened in Lanai, 1064 sq. ft. $79,000. Negotiable. 941-423-8263 SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1750...3/2/2 Pool & Lawn incl....DC $1600..3/2/2 Villa, Comm Pool....NP $1300....3/2/2 Well Srvc Incl.......NP $1250..3/2/2 Scrnd Lanai...........NP $1200...3/2/2 1571 SQ FT...........PC941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/1 Lg lanai Lg great room $1,200. 2/2/2 Split Floor Plan lg den $1,250. PUNTA GORDA 2/2/2 Deep Creek Second Floor Condo $825. NORTH PORT 2/2/1 w/Lanai, 55+ Community $1,100.W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services Casa San Juan Bosco I & II Rental Homes USDA housing community, taking apps for low income/rental assisted households with Farm Laborers, retired Farm Laborers, or disabled Farm Laborers only. For more info call 863-884-2123 TTY# 800-955-8771 This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer. GreatDealsin theClassifieds! 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE ROTONDA 2/2/1,Villa On Small Lake. Screened Lanai & patio. Nicely Furnished $149,400. 941-769-7871 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE 2692 NE HIGHWAY 70 ARCADIA 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With Any Home Purchase! Call to Schedule An Appointment For a Tour! Ted 800-538-2590 $59,900! OWNERSAYSSELLIT! MOVEINTODAY! WELLCAREDFOR2/2, COMPLETELYUPDATED. FURNISHED, ALLAPPLIANCESONACORNERLOTINBEAUTIFULRIVERSIDEOAKS941-6266821 $89,900 Owner Says Sell Now! Like New Custom 2014 Jacobsen Sectional 2/2 + Bonus Room. Laminate Floors, Every Applianc. Completely Furnished! Located in Beautiful Riverside Oaks Community. Call 941-356-5308 Or NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,795. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE PUNTA GORDA 2/2 Fully Furnished Condo w/ Community Pool! Now is the Time to Buy! Supurb Location, Walk to Fishermen`s Village, Watch the Sunsets, Walk to Gilchrist Park. $244,000. Elaine Martin, Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2 WATERFRONTINC. DOCK&LIFTQUICKACCESSTOHARBOR! $189,900 BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2/1 FIRST FLOOR Waterfront Condo w/ Tray Ceilings, Crown Moulding, Granite Counters, Custom Paint, Deeded Dock w/ 10K Lb. Boat Lift, Hurricane Shutters, New A/C, Community Pool, Preserve View & Great Sunsets! $295,000. Elaine Martin, Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 PUNTA GORDA ISLES Beautiful 2/2 Waterfront Condo w/ Deeded Dock in the Desirable Gateway Complex! Stunning Split Bedroom Interior w/ Remodeled Kitchen, Lots of Closet Space & Lanai Balcony. Quick Access to Charlotte Harbor & the Peace River! $183,500. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s PUNTA GORDA ISLES Unique 3/3.5/2 3168 sf. Waterfront Condo. 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Spa Tubs, Bamboo Floors, Granite/ Marble Baths. Private Elevator! 3rd Floor Patio! $459,000. 941-505-1492 PUNTA GORDA ISLES Unique 3/3.5/2 3168 sf. Waterfront Condo. 2 Master Bedrooms, 2 Spa Tubs, Bamboo Floors, Granite/Marble Baths. Private Elevator! 3rd Floor Patio! $459,000. 941-505-1492 PUNTA GORDAEmerald Point, Top Floor w/ Outstanding Views! 2/1 Condo w/ Boat Slip. Access to the Gulf! Totally Remodeled! New A/C, SS Appliances Incl. Washer & Dryer. $139,900. 813-480-7561 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE DEEP CREEK LAKE FRONT 2BR/2BA+ den & cp 1250sf, Built in 2005 New tile carpet & paint. Only $139,900. 941-268-6820 FOR SALE BY OWNER Circle Woods of Venice 2br/2ba furnished detached condo. FL room & many upgrades. Many activities including 2 pools and Jacuzzi. 4 Miles to Manasota Beach. Close to shopping. Show By appointment. Asking $169,900. Call 941-4930156 or Cell 941-525-6293 PUNTA GORDA 2/2 55+. Furnished, A/C, Elev., Laundry In Unit, Lanai, Pool, Covered Parking. $164,900 516-742-8837 For Sale By Owner HERITAGE OAK PARK-PC 3/3 1463 SQFT. 2NDFLOORENDUNIT. VAULTEDCEILINGS, ONCANAL. LIKENEW. POOL/CLUB-HOUSE. REDUCED $169,900 941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Perfect snow bird location. FSBO call for viewing. $209,900 217-369-0436 LAKE SUZY This 3/2.5/3 Spectacular Home is Located in Kingsway Country Club on a Premium Lakefront, Golf Course Lot w/ Over $132K in Upgrades! WOW! Incredible Great Room, Wrap Around Wet Bar Lanai w/ Hot Tub. Quartz Counter Kitchen, Master Suite w/ Jetted Massage & Rain Shower. Pristine Insided & Out! Air Conditioned Workshop w/ Golf Cart Entrance. Lots of Storage! $359,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PENDING PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2.5 Fully Furnished Waterfront Condo Boasting Private Gated Grounds, Pool, Spa, Tropical Landscape. Close to All! Wood Cabinets, Granite Counters, 1831 sf. Private Waterfront Lanai. Private Docks Available. $299,000. Elaine Martin, Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 PENDING!! 1035 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY North Port 5394 White Ibis (Heron Creek), 1638 SF Villa 3/2/2 with screened lanai overlooking wonderfully private view of the lake in gated golf community. Heron Creek just completed a make-over of the 27 hole championship golf course. NOT in flood zone. No CDD fees. YOUR TICKET TO PARADISE! $238,500 Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESAT& SUN1-4PMORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLY$179,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. DEEP CREEK 2/2/1 Turn-Key Furn. Condo. Breakfast Area, Large Pantry, Great Room, Large Screened Private Lanai. Home is Located Behind Gated Entrance to Heritage Lakes. Pool, Clubhouse & Community Amentities Galore! $117,900. Diana Hayes, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-740-4899 DEEP CREEK Rarely & Lightly Used 3/2/CP End Unit Condo Shows Like New! Spacious, Nicely Appointed Kitchen Offers Lots of Counter & Cabinet Space. Volumn Ceilings, Tile Balcony Lanai, Heated Pool, Clubhouse, Fitness Center, Walking Paths & MORE! $149,750. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty DEEP CREEK In Heritage Park 3/3/2 2nd Floor Condo/Villa w/ Phenomenal Lake View. Elevator, Den, Eat-In Kitchen w/ Breakfast Bar, Sizable Master Suites w/ Twin Walk-In Closets. Brand New Carpet! Htd. Pool, Stunning Clubhouse, Fitness Ctr., Tennis & MORE! $239,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES NORTH PORT6289 Morni ng Ave. T his charming well kept home is located on the B ig slough canal. Updated elec tric panel, A/C & roof two y ears old, still under warranty. $195,000. TERRYL CARL, K W on the Water 941-962-7922 PLACIDA4/2/2+Pool ICW, Big Views,Dock,2 Lifts RV garage,2 Suites,kitchens Granite, Tile, $1,100,000 Sue and Jim RESKE PARSLEY-BALDWIN REALTY 941-276-4219 PORT CHARLOTTESPECTACULAR2/2/2 WATERFRONTPOOL HOMEON THEPELLAMWATERWAY! WELLMAINTAINED! FORMALLIVING& DININGROOMS. UPDATES! NEAT, CLEAN& WELLLANDSCAPED! $349,000 DEBSESTILIO941-391-1873 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARFISHERMEN`SVILLAGEOFFICE T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! PORT CHARLOTTE SPECTACULAR4/3/2 W/ MAGNIFICENTPOOL& SAILBOATHARBORWATERVIEWS!! PRIVATEDOCK, BOATLIFT& SMALLBEACH! 2 MASTERS(POSSIBLEIN-LAWSUITE). $975,000. Polly Green, Coldwell Banker Sunstar 941-875-3773 PORT CHARLOTTELOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Beautiful Remodeled 3/2/2 Heated POOL Home on 3 Cul-de-Sac Lots w/ Panoramic View of the Myakka River & Paar Waterway! Open Kitchen, Family Room w/ Fireplace, Walk-in Closet in Master Suite. Seawall, Dock & Lift. $570,000 Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty REDUCED! ROTONDA 3/2/2 Waterfront home with large fenced in yard. Furniture and Appliances included. By Owner $195,000 941-662-6250 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! Saturday, April 8, 2017 e Sun Classi ed Page 9


Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE ADMIN ACCOUNTING A SSISTANT Crown Roof Tiles in Arcadia is s eeking Admin Accounting Assistant, must have general a ccounting and QuickBooks experience. Please send r esume to d ainsworth@ Ex p erienced bookkeeper for Smuggler's Enterprises in Punta Gorda. SundayWednesday. Contact office or call 941-637-1177, ext. 240. HERON CREEK GOLF & CC, North Port is seeking a PT Accounting Assistant This position requires maintaining accurate accounting records of all transactions. Must be proficient in Excel, Word and Outlook and 10-key adding machine experience. Education High School/GED & minimum of an Associates Degree in Accounting. Prior accounting experience preferred. Pay based on experience. Please Send Resume to: or call Ron at 941-429-3285 2030 MEDICAL CNA Opportunities!Would you like to have your nights, weekends, and holidays free? Care for seniors in our Port Charlotte PACE Center (Program for All Inclusive Care of the Elderly) Personal care, Activities, home visits Apply online at Visit our site for specifics and other career opportunities!Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Vet Drug Free T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! DIETARY AIDES HOUSEKEEPER PLease apply QUALITY HEALTH CARE 6940 Outreach Way North Port (941)426-8411 or FAX Resume to 941-423-1572 or Email qhccnp5 EOE Drug free work place F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 2010 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMERS, No experience needed, Will Train, Busy salon, Venice area. 941-266-3405 MARKETING/OPERATIONS COORD.RESPONSIBLEFORDAILYOPERATIONS, MARKET-ING/PUBLICRELATIONSIONS. MUSTHAVESTRONGCOMMUNICATIONSKILLS, KNOWLEDGEOFQUICKBOOKS, EXCEL& GRAPHICDESIGNSOFT-WAREA+, STARTINGHOURS2530 PERWEEK. COMPENSATIONCOMMENSURATEWITHEXP. SENDRESUMETO: INFO@CHARLOTTEPLAYERS.ORG VENICE COMPANYIS CURRENTLYSEEKINGAN ENTRY LEVEL DATA ENTRY CLERK. MUSTBECOMFORTABLE WORKINGWITHCOMPUTER SOFTWAREANDEXCEL. FULLTIMEWITHBENEFITS. PLEASESENDRESUMETOJOBS SWFLORIDA @ GMAIL COM 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE CLERICAL/CUSTOMER SERVICEBUSYOFFICEHASAN OPPORTUNITYFORTHE CANDIDATEWHOHAS EXCELLENTCOMPUTER SKILLS, OFFERSACCURACY,FOLLOWTHROUGHAND WANTSTOGROW. YOUWILLNEEDTOPRO-VIDEINFORMATIONTO CUSTOMERSBY VERIFYINGUNDERSTAND-INGOFREQUESTS, PROCESSINGORDERSAS REQUESTED, ANDFOLLOW-INGTHROUGHTOMAKE SUREINFORMATIONIS CORRECT. THISJOBWILL OFFERYOUANOPPORTU-NITYTOLEARNMULTIPLE JOBS, WORKASASSIGNED,ANDTHROUGHTHIS LEARNINGYOUWILLGROW. WEARELOOKINGFORA SELF-STARTERWHOHAS GOODVERBAL COMMUNICATION, EXCELLENTLISTENING SKILLS, ISABLETOMULTI-TASK, HASGENERALMATH SKILLSANDISTHOROUGH. WEOFFERANENVIRON-MENTTHATISFRIENDLY ANDHASAFAMILIAL FEELING. THEFOLKSWHO WORKHEREAREREALLY GOODPEOPLEWHOWANT TODOTHERIGHTTHING;MOSTARESEASONED PROFESSIONALSWHOARE ALWAYSWILLINGTOHELP ASNEEDSARISE. OURCOMPANYISWELL-ESTABLISHEDANDOFFERS ASALARYCOMMENSURATE WITHSKILLLEVELAND EXPERIENCE, HEALTHCARE,ANDPAIDTIMEOFF. OURFOCUSISOUR CUSTOMERSANDWE DESIRETOSERVETHECOM-MUNITIESWEREPRESENT. PLEASEFORWARDYOURRESUME TOGKOTZ @ SUNLETTER COM WEAREADRUGANDNICOTINE FREEWORKPLACEPRE-EMPLOYEMENTDRUGAND NICOTINETESTING REQUIRED. 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS WATER FRONT LOT … DEEP WATER! LEMONBAY, BIGBOAT DEEPWATER. NEWSEAWALL. BUILDYOURWATERFRONTHOME ONTHIS1/4+ AC LOT. ONLY3.75 MINUTESTOSTUMPPASS,LOWESTPRICEONTHEBAY! WOW! NOWLOWESTPRICED DIRECTBAYACCESSLOTINALL OFCHARLOTTE, SARASOTAORLEECOUNTIES. ONLY $249,900. 941-769-0200 1620 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY PORT CHARLOTTE7460 SAWYER CIRCLE 33981 OPPORTUNITY...OPPORTUNITY!!Zoned Low Intensity Industrial. 300`+ Road Frontage & 298` Deep. 2100 SF Office Reception Area, Conferance Room, Open Office Space, Kitchen, Storage Rm. Fenced on 3 Lots. Asphalt Parking Area, & MORE! Seller Wants Offers!Sue Ellen Fumich, 941-276-2894 or Sandi Kettler 941-276-5534Remax Anchor Realty THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment 2010 PROFESSIONAL EXPD 440 LICENSED/ RECEPTIONIST,MON.-FRI., FAXRESUMETO941-206-0036OREMAILRESUME:SUNCLASSIFIEDS 1@ GMAIL COM BARBER NEEDED Experienced & Reliable. Full Time Position. (941)-423-7484 FISHING CAPTAIN, for year round part time postion. Must have USCG OUPV Lic, operate boats safely, great people skills, & exp catching fishing in Charlotte Harbor. Background check and drug screening required. Boat not reqd. 941-916-1689 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE ALI TERRACE, ARCADIA 5+ Acres (or about 6 lots) Bargain at $59,900! Agricultural, Residential, Mobile Homes, RV's Priscilla Perez-McGuire 941-875-5747 RE/MAX Realty THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! WATERFRONT PROPERTY 50 Southwind Dr., Englewood Public Bid sale. Bid closes 5/3/17 Min. Bid $570,000 For info visit: WATERFRONT PROPERTY 800 W. Perry St., Englewood 3 contiguous lots (1.36 acres) Public bid sale. Bid closes 5/3/17 Min. Bid $750,000 For info visit: 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS E NGLEWOOD WATERFRONT LOTS GATED SUBDIVISION with Keywest style homes. Lots with docks, 15 mins to Gulf. $74,900 $150,000.941-475-3366 LEMON BAY LOTVERYLARGE, BUILDUPTO5RESIDENCES, GREATVIEWS&DEEPWATER. NOTHINGLIKE THISOUTTHERE! PLANS&ZONINGINPLACEFOR5-UNIT WATERFRONTTOWNHOMES. $549,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOOWNERFINANCINGPOSS. 941-769-0200 SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FOR ECON. BUILDS& NOFLOOD INSURANCEREQUIRED,FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 1340 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT ENGLEWOOD 2/2, A/C in 55+ Holiday Estates 111. Pool & Clubhouse!$800 mo.+ Dep. Water & Elect. Incl. 941-208-5955 1350 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT H ARBOUR HEIGHTS c lose to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, Sunnyb rookMotel 941-625-6400 1360 ROOMS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Clean Furnished Room w/ Kitchen Privileges$ 305-340-7261 Seizethesales withClassified! PORT CHARLOTTE, Clean, Quiet, 1 person, $298/bi-wk or $595 mo Furnd, No Pets. 941-743-3070/941-740-2565 1370 RENTALS TO SHARE NORTH PORT CHARLOTTE, 55+. Furnished Room w/ Attached Full Bath Avail. May 1st. If Interested. 941-625-0692 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS ENGLEWOOD 2/1/1 Close to Beach, Updated. Available April 9th. 941-769-4949 LAKE SUZY Fully furnd Condo, Egret Point, W/D, Poolside Villa. Avail from May 1st on. Utils incl $1150 1st & Sec 941-815-5035 PORT CHARLOTTE 55+ Gated King`s Gate Comm. 2/2/2 + Den. Golf, Htd. Pool, Clubhouse ETC! 248-701-8870 ROTONDA 1/1 1st Floor in River House Condo Assoc. 2 Pools, Tennis, Shuffle, ETC! Ut ilities & WiFi Incl. 414-614-1162 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 1210 HOMES FOR RENT DEEP CREEK, Large 2 Story 4/2.5/2.5, Summer Kitchen, Master on 1st Flr. $1800. mo. No Pets. 941-204-3197 EAST ENGLEWOOD 3/2/2 Avail. 4/15. Annual $1,250/mo Inc. Lawn & Water. 1st, Sec. & References. 941-474-5367 Findthe newYou intheClassifieds! ENGLEWOOD 2/1/CPONCANALWITHDOCK,LANAI& BONUSROOM$1200 2/2/1 SCREENEDLANAI. WATER& LAWNINC. $950WEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Large Beautiful 4/2/2 w/ Encl. Pool! Room for RV, Boat & Trailer in Driveway. New Metal Roof. Granite Kitchen, Fireplace, 3 Jacuzzis! All Tile! Close to Everything! $1,700. mo + Sec. Deposit 941-763-9315 RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT VENICE Condo on Capri Isles Blvd. 3/2/1 Golf, Tennis, 2 Pools. Avail 5/1. $1,400/annual. Call 941952-2241 VENICE, Water View. Nicely Furnished & Decorated 2BR/2BA Condo. CentrallyLocated, Nea r Restaurants & Shop ping. Pools & Laundry. May 1st Dec. $950/mo. Jim507-254-2437 1320 APARTMENTS FOR RENT NOKOMIS Upper Level 1 Br Mother in Law Suite. Fully Furnished. Dish TV, High Spd Internet, Utilites Inc., W/D. Lrg Yard. 10 Minutes To Beach $1,250/mo 941-416-7179 ROTONDA 2/2/1 on Small Lake. No Smoke/No Pets. Available 5/1. $950. Mo. Plus Security. 941-769-7871 V ENICE 2 /2 1050 Capri Isles B lvd Take over lease. Must pass credit check. S ave $500.00 on security d eposit. Move in May 1. Base monthly rent, $1,030.00 330-351-4994 VENICEDOWNTOWN, 1 BR unfurn. No Smoke/dogs $795/mo Lease + $1000 Sec. Dep. (941)-484-6022 Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 10 e Sun Classi ed


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 5 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES Charlotte County House of Prayer Merging Worship, Word, and Prayer Friday Night Watch 8pm 992 Tamiami Trail Unit I Port Charlotte 941 249-8946 CO MMUNITY C ENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte GATEWAY WORSHIP PRAYER & HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to y ou every Thursday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek Bible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and Sundays @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 3090 LOST & FOUND FOUND CAT: Female, Jet Black with golden eyes. Found on Azure Rd. in Venice Call 941-493-1469 FOUND SUNGLASSES: Rayban. In the Vacinity of Bolivar Dr., Deep Creek. Call941-258-8730 LOST CAT: Male Tiger w/ White Feet and Under Chest. Friendly! Answers to Junie. Lost in the Vacinity of Gingold Street P.C. REWARD! Please Call 330-937-0079 LOST DIAMOND RING: Round cut in Punta Gorda. Owner is HEARTBROKEN! 410-456-8118 REWARD LOST DOG: Male, Brown & Black Lab & Boxer mix, answers to Dexter has white on his chest and paws and nose, very friendly, lost near Toledo Blade, Hillsborough & Haberland area. Please call 941-313-4960 LOST DOG: Shih-tzu Female, Dark Gray and White, Name is Misty. Near Glendale and Aaron Streets in Port Charlotte. Senior Owner is HEARTBROKEN! 941-979-0274 REWARD LOST KEYS: with key chain that says our place. Lost in Englewood area Between S. Mccall and Indiana ave. 941-474-0163 LOST PURSE: Grey Leather. Lost around the Torch in Punta Gorda (Parking Lot). Handicapped Senior Citizen REWARD!!! 941-505-1776 3095 EXERCISE CLASSES G ULF CO A S T A C UPUN C TURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay Wi th Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 3020 PERSONALS ADORABLE TASHA. Relax, Dining, Dancing, Travel & More! 941-497-1307 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! FEMALE HAIRSTYLIST SEEKS SINGLE MALE 45-65for possible relationship. 941-201-9853 FOR ALL YOUR Relaxing Needs Call Paige. (941)-237-1927 RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. Charlotte Trade Center N of 776 941-625-0141 3040 CARD OF THANKS MAY THE SACRED Heart of Jesus be Adored, Glorified, Loved and Preserved Throughout the World Now and Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus Pray for Us. St. Jude Worker of Miracles Pray For Us. St. Jude Helper of Hopeless Pray For Us. Say This Prayer Nine Times a Day. By the Ninth Day Your Prayers Will be Answered. P.H. 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES C AL VAR Y BIBLE C HUR C H 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call (941)-979-8239 for Info. 2100 GENERAL FISH CUTTER, neededfor Local Seafood Company. EXC Pay!!! 941-380-9212 PART TIMETHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER is seeking reliable, flexible, Customer Retention Representitives. Computer and outbound calling experience required. Must be able to work in a fast-paced environment. E-mail resume to or Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required POOL SERVICE TECH Full Time & Part Time Position Avail. Exp. Preferred But Not Required. Nice Work Environment. 401K, Paid Vacation. Must have 5 year driving record, 3 years clean. Call 941-637-6083 SCREENER NEEDED, Pay by Square Foot. Must have Transportation. 941-883-1381 SUN COAST PRESSis currently hiring for the following positions in our Venice Print Center.P/T MAILROOM HELP-night shift F/T STACK DOWN PERSONSend Resume TREE CLIMBERS AND LABORERS -EXPD GOODPAYSTARTIMMED!!941-423-0020 TRIMMER/CLIMBER NEEDED Full Time for Tree Company Hard Working only Need Apply. (941)-889-8147 WHEELCHAIR TRANSPORT DRIVERS. MUSTHAVECLEANBACK-GROUNDANDDRIVINGRECORD. NOEXPERIENCENECESSARYPLSAPPLY ATAMEDITRANS.COM GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 2110 PART TIME/ TEMPORARY "AMBASSADORS" NEEDEDTOSOLICITSUBSCRIPTIONS FORTHEAWARDWINNING LOCALNEWSPAPERS, THESUN, ATSTOREFRONTSINTHEVENICE, NORTHPORTANDENGLEWOODAREAS. CONTACTJIMDEFALLEAT941-786-7676FORMOREINFORMATION. 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at 941-662-6904 2100 GENERAL ASPHALT SEAL COATING & STRIPING, PT/FT, Exp. Pref. Valid DL. 941-276-1466 ASTON GARDENSISINNEEDOFTHEFOLLOWING: SERVERS, & DISHWASHERSAPPLY IN PERSON AT:1000 ASTONGARDENSDRIVEVENICE, FL 34292 941-240-1010 The Venice Gondolier Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. Apply in person: 200 E. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 No Phone Calls Please. CARRIERS NEEDED DANCERS WANTEDBIKINISPORTSBAR, PT. CHARL941-457-7077 NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! DOCK MASTER NEEDED PART-TIME 2 DAYS A WEEK FOR BOAT CLUBS IN ENGLEWOOD & VENICE. CLEANING, SCRUBBING, AND LIGHT MAINTENANCE WORK REQUIRED. AGE 21+. WEEKENDS ARE EXPECTED. GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND FRIENDLY CUSTOMER SERVICE REQUIRED. MUST BE ABLE TO PASS A BACKGROUND CHECK AND DRUG SCREENING. PLEASE EMAIL RESUME TO ENGLEWOOD: TSULLIVAN@ FREEDOMBOATCLUB.COM OR VENICE: ABANKS@ FREEDOMBOATCLUB.COM OR BDUVAL@FREEDOMBOATCLUB.COM. PIZZA COOK DELI PERSON DUNKIN CREWReliable w/transportation.941-883-4790 MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours, able to work days or evenings. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required PAGE DESIGNERThe Charlotte Sun is looking for part-time layout/design help. InDesign and Photoshop experience is helpful. Job involves evenings and weekend hours. S end resume to The Sun is a drug/ nicotine-free workplace. 2060 MANAGEMENT OFFICE MANAGERProficiency w/ QuickBooks & Microsoft applications. Excellent customer service, verbal, writing & social media skills & some accounting experience. Full time. Send resume with references & cover letter to: exec.dir@ 2070 SALES Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all im portant, we would like to talk to you. Th e successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission V acation Health insurance Sick and short term di sability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Plea se send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadC harlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: Lpe We are an Equal Op portunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. CAREERNIGHTEVERYTUESDAY. CALLFORDETAILS. 941-426-0621 DESOTO AUTOMALLis a leader in automotive retail and we are looking to add qualifiedAUTOMOTIVE SALES PROFESSIONALSto our team. Due to extremely rapid growth, we are in need of New & Pre-Owned sales Consultants. NO EXPERIE NCE NEEDED! Apply in person: DeSoto Automall 3039 SE Hwy 70 Arcadia, FL SALES SUPPORT/CLERICAL for energetic person in fast paced sales environment. Send Resumes to Jennifer@ AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! 2030 MEDICAL CNAS NEEDED FOR180 BED REHAB FACILITY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS APPLY ONLINE @ Detail-oriented multitasker for Englewood doctors FRONT OFFICE Experience r equired. Full-time benefits. Email resume to: PART TIME OPENING IN DR.`S OFFICE AS FRONT DESK RECEPTIONIST Email Resume: job2015Portcharlotte@ LIVE-IN HOME CNA/HHA Background, Mature, Reliable, Pleasant. 954-290-5367 www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREERŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 04/03/17 LPN-04/03 CNA-04/03 Med. Asst. 04/03/17 CLASSIFIED WORKS! 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL NOW HIRING: EXPD LINE COOKS Apply in Person: 9am-11 or 2pm-4. 3883 Tamiami Trail, Pt. Char. No Phone Calls Please! 2050 SKILLED TRADES A/C SERVICE TECH,Must have 5 years experience, own tools, FLDL. Perm FT. Benefits Avail. APPLY IN PERSON 24700 Sandhill Blvd, Deep Creek, or send resume to NO PHONE CALLS CARPENTERS, for custom h igh end residential builder on Boca Grande (tolls paid). Must have own tools and valid insurable Florida Drivers license clean for prior three years. Apply in person 9:00am-3:00pm only April 3rd thru 7th 370 East Railroad Ave, Boca Grande. Bridge toll reimbursed to apply for position (need receipt) or Fax resume 941-964-0025. Employees park at our shop i n Englewood and ride to B oca Grande in company trucks. Competitive wages, paid holidays, 401(k). DFWP GOLF COURSE MECHANIC NEEDED.EXPERIENCENECESSARY. COMPUTERSKILLSAMUST. PLEASECALL941-815-0805 LUBE & TIRE TECH, Apply Bucks Master Car Care 12145 Tamiami Trl S. North Port. 941-426-3242 Experienced Only Need Apply PAINTERS EXPERIENCED ONLY! Must have valid DL & trans. Drug free work place. Call 863-990-1799 or email: ROOFING CO. SEEKS Painting, Coating & Pressure Cleaning Help, Driver`s Lic. Preferred. (941)-474-3533 Saturday, April 8, 2017 e Sun Classi ed Page 11


Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 5057 CONCRETE FLORIDA CONCRETEDRIVEWAYSSIDEWALKSADDITIONSRESIDENTIAL& COMMERICALNEWCONSTRUCTION941-628-5965 INS/LICCG034909 GENUINE CONCRETE ENGRAVINGS Transform Your Concrete! DRIVEWAYSPOOLDECKSSIDEWALKS941-628-0251 or 850-210-2772 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! POOL DECKS, Driveway Designs Garage Floors Patios and more. QUALITY Lic 941-375-1103 Insu PRO PATH CONCRETE Driveways Patios Sidewalks Pads Free Estimates 941-286-6415 Lic #AAA-11-00081 RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. spraycrete & more (941)-497-4553 5054 CONTRACTORS Jerusalem Brothers Concrete driveways, sidewalks, lanais, patios, STUCCO, remove/replace sod, tree removal & more! 863-722-8910 269-369-8471 JLS ENTERPRISES INCQuality & Dependability Remodeling Painting Additions Drywall Carpentry Repairs Odd Jobs & more. STATE CERTIFIED LIC #CRC033392941-468-9701 C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s TEDDY`S HANDYMAN & REMODELING, INC. No Job Too Big or Too Small! (941)-629-4966 Lic./Ins. Serving NP, Charlotte & PG CRC 1327653 5057 CONCRETE CONCRETE & PAVER PROS DRIVEWAYS WALKWAYS FOOTINGS POOLDECKS PATIOSCOPING CULVERTS/PERMITTINGGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!Ž CHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!Ž941-223-2592 5051 CHILD CARE ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. FL O RIDA S TATE LAW requires all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law Seizethesales withClassified! 5054 CONTRACTORS BLUE PARROT CONSTRUCTION Custom Homes Commercial & Residential Renovations 941-662-0366 Cell: www.BlueParrotConstruction.comCBC1258748/Fully Insured EDWARD ROSS CONSTRUCTION Services, Inc. 941-408-8500 pool cages, Scr. lanais, etc... 5006 ALUMINUM SURFSIDE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Lanais, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Windows and more! Lic#cbc1261010 941-766-0331 5008 AIRPORT SHUTTLE FLORIDA AIRPORT SHUTTLE TRANSPORT $35 TO/FROM RSW Arrive @ RSW: 10:45am & 3:45pm Depart @ RSW 11:30am & 4:30pmPickup/Drop-off Locations:NORTHPORTBUDGETINNPORTCHARLOTTEDAYSINN. PUNTAGORDAPG WATERFRONTHOTEL300 941-451-1202 5020 APPLIANCE SERVICE/REPAIR DRYER VENT CLEANING THE VENT DOCTOR Book Your Dryer Vent Cleaning and Save! 10% Off With This Ad! 941-268-9525 Competent, Thorough & Reliable. Lic. Fla. Home Inspector. GARY DRAKE DRYER VENT CLEANING & INSPECTION. 30 yrs. Exp. (941)-889-7596 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. 5006 ALUMINUM ALL AMERICAN RENOVATIONS LIC& INSUREDFAMILYOWNED& OPERATEDSPECIALIZINGINRESCREENING,BUILDINGANDREPAIRING. SCREWCHANGEOUTS PRESSUREWASHING& PAINT-INGPOOLCAGES, LANAIS,FRONTENTRYWAYSETC... 941-915-3381 SERVINGSARASOTACOUNTYFREEESTIMATES CLASSIFIED ADSSELL BRI GON CONSTRUCTION Inc. Soffit, Fascia, Vinyl Siding, Custom Aluminum Breakwork 941-204-5900 lic #CBC059704 3096 RELIGION CLASSES BEGINYOURDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUDY Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 START YOUR DAY RIGHT Bible Study Thursdays 10:00-11:30 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 3097 OTHER CLASSES KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday. FREE; Open to the public. 941-2760124 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 12 e Sun Classi ed


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FREEESTIMATES941-961-5878 LARRY ESPOSITO PAINTING INC Its Not What We Do, Its How We Do It!ŽFree Estimates, 941-764-1171 Lic & Insured AAA007825 Nathan Dewey Painting CoCommercial & Residental Interior & Exterior Pressure washing Handyman Services Free Estimates ~ Prompt Service941-484-4576 PAINTING UNLIMITED Where Quality & Value Meet! Family Owned and Operated. Call Now for aFREEEstimate 941-979-7947 Lic. & Ins. AAA-12-00015 SUPERIOR PAINTING, INC. Full Spray Shop 941-474-9091Lic # AAA009837 We Do It A Shade Better! LARRY BATES PAINTING Free Estimates Locally Owned & Operated Nominated Best Painter Of The Year in 2016! 941-625-1226Lic/Ins #RRR0002261 5155 PET CARE DOG CARE by day/week, exercise, fenced, loving home environment. 941-625-0853 5160 PLUMBING DO ALL PLUMBING LLC 40 Gal. Water Heater $650. Installed. Comfort Height Toilets $250. Installed. Badger 5 Disposal $189. Installed 941-626-9353 Lic#CFC1428884 LARRY` S PLUMBIN G Re Pipes (Most in 1 Day) Beat An y Estimate Complete Servic e 941-484-5796 Lic.#CFC1425943 PLUMBER over 30 yrs Exp! Service and Repairs. Installations, Permits & Inspections. $50/per hr Call 508-294-1271 Cell or Office at 941-575-1817 Lic# CFC1427981 & Ins. NEED A WATER HEATER? Call All Pro Water Heaters 941-204-4286www.allprowaterheaters.comLic. CFC-1428339 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE J RIZ TREESERVICESComplete Tree & Palm Service. SPECIALIZING IN DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL.Servicing all Charlotte & Sarasota Counties FREE ESTIMATES 941-306-7532 Lic & Ins Lawn Mowing Reasonable Rates Starting at $20. Discounts for Seniors & Veterans! Call For Free Estimate Len 941-504-4465Serving Osprey-S. Venice LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota LAWN SERVICE HONEST AFFORDABLE & RELIABLE $25. most lawns includes Cut, trim, Edging, weed mitigation and blown free of debris @ 1 low price. NO CONTRACTS Low Cash pricing, BEST FREE estimates for Pruning, mulching, fertilizing, hedge clipping, pressure washing and exterior painting. Thank you for your business! Jonathan 941-220-8067 NOW ACCEPTINGNEW LAWNACCOUNTS!941-468-4372ISA Certified Arborist John Cannon FL-6444A South Sarasota & Charlotte Co. RAINSCAPE INC,Irrigation, Maintenance, Repair, Installation. Monthly Maintenance starts at $40. FREE ESTIMATES 941-888-2988 S ANDEFUR S -H O ME & TREE Maintenance Tree trimming, removal. We do it all!License/Insured941-484-6042 SPM TREE TRIMMIMG & LANDSCAPING Specializing inTREE REMOVAL. Call Today for your FREE Estimate.(941)-412-5273 Lic/Insured STEVES TREE & HAULING Tree Removal & Trimming 30 Years Exp. Lic/Insd Free Estimates 941-866-6979 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 5129 MASONRY AST MASONRY, 941-525-2435Over 20 yrs exp. in pavers, brickwork, concrete, stucco, stone & decorative concrete.NO JOB TOO SMALL!LICENSED, INSURED & BONDED STUCCO PROS WIRELATHEREPAIR RUSTEDBANDSWINDOWSILLS FIXALLCRACKSMATCHANYTEXTUREGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!Ž CHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!Ž941-223-2592 5130 MOVING/HAULING ALLTYPE SO F C LEAN-UP S Same Day Service! 24 Hrs. a Day! 941-764-0982 or 941-883-1231 MOVING HELP $$$ Save $$$ Packing Loading Driving 30 yrs exp. 941-223-6870 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C EN SE may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licens ing bureau to verify A JAMISON TREE SERVICE Complete & Professional 15% Sr Discount! FREEEST. LIC. & INSUREDENGL941-475-6611ORN. 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All your cabinet/counter top needs. (941)-276-0599 Lic22535 Clean Your Dryer before it Catches on Fire! Special Rates for multiple clientsAffordable, Lic & Insured. Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 Complete Clean Pressure Washing 941-460-4936 Residential & Commercial COMPLETE DRYWALL Hang,Finish, Patchwork, All Textures, Paint. M att Potter 941-232-8667Lic.& Ins CRC1328482 DO YOU HAVE LOOSE, HOLLOW OR BUCKLING TILES?Inject-A-Floor-System can help. Grout Cleaning/Staining, Marble Cleaning, Tile Repair. 941-893-8475 FIRST CHOICE CABINETS Custom Cabinets LLC Kitchens, Baths, Custom Cabinets, Countertops, Hardwood, Laminate, Solid Surface. Commercial, Residental. 941-505-5570 GULF COAST REFINISHING YOURBATHTUB, COUNTERTOP& TILEREFINISHINGEXPERTS. VETERAN& SENIORDISCOUNTS! FAST TURNAROUND! 941-380-6199LIC./INS. GULFCOASTREFINISHING@YAHOO.COM GUTTERS, 6Ž Seamless. Ken Violette, Inc. (941) 240-6699Lic.CGC#060662/Ins. HAMMER FIREPROOFING & INSULATION, Inc. for all your insulation needs. 941-268-5615 or Office 941-423-7478 HANDYMANHome repairs. 30+ yrs Exp. Call 941539-1694 J&JHANDYMAN941-525-7967, 941-493-6736Painting, Pressure Washing & Much More! Over 30Years Experience & Satisified CustomersServing Venice & Sarasota AreasNOJOBTOOSMALLORODD CALLFORFREEESTIMATE LICENSED& FULLYINSURED Johns Rescreening & Handyman Service Pressure Washing: Pool Decks, Driveways! No Job To Small, Free EstimatesLic9341./Ins.941-883-1381 CARPENTER, INC. Handyman Rotten wood, doors, soffit, facia, etc. Phil 941-626-9021lic. & ins. TILE Remodel, Baths, Floors. Your Tile or Mine. 941-625-5186 Lic.#AAA006387 WHOLE HOUSE REMODELING Additions, Cabinetry, Kitchens, Baths, Garage Doors, Painting, Tile, Laminate Floors. 941-706-6525 LIC CGC1518335 5108 JUNK REMOVAL MOVE IT JUNK REMOVAL Got Junk? We like to Move It, Move It! 941-803-4959 5089 HANDYMAN / GENERAL REPAIR A CARPENTER AROUND THE HOUSE for all your carpentry needs! James M. Okell 941-270-1693 DAVE THE HANDYMAN Rescreening, Power Washing, Tree Trimming, Floor Installation & Home Cleaning. 941-286-6799 DAVID J SHEPARD, JR., OVER20 YEARS INCHARLOTTECOUNTY, HANDYMANSVCS, WOODROT, WINDOWS& DOORS, DRYWALL& STUCCOREPAIR, PAINTING,ETC. 941-627-6954 OR941456-6953 LIC# RR282811062 NEEDCASH? PREFERRED HANDYMAN Over 30 Years Experience! For All Your Small Home Repairs NO JOB TOO SMALL! Call Steve 760-403-3709 ROCCOS RENOVATION & REPAIR Getting the Job Done Wherever, However,No Matter How Big or Small. 941-268-1885 VIRGILS HOME MAINTENANCEHandyman ServiceYour To-Do List SpecialistINTERIOR/ Lic#16-00016297 & Ins. 5090 HEATING & AIR S.O.S. A/C & Heat 941-468-4956AIRCONDITIONINGSYSTEMSCOOLINGMADEAFFORDABLE! INSTALLED10 YRWARRANTY ST. LIC#CAC1816023SOSAIRFL.COM 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT $75.00 PER PANEL SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 Call Bob 941-706-6445 Low overhead = Low prices! 5060 CLEANING SERVICES MRS. CLEANING UP! 1st class cleaning Service! Specials Now! $10% Senior Discount! 941-204-8057 Lic & Insured DESIREE R House Cleaning Full Service Lic Residential House cleaning & Lawn Care Services. Call 401-390-8871 or 401-516-3968 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s GONZALEZ CLEANING Srv 12 years exp, REASONABLE Rates, FREE Estimates. Servicing all your cleaning needs. Call Linda 941-815-4252 5065 DRYWALL DEPENDABLE DRYWALL & REMODELING PATCHREPAIRS941-639-4440 LIC.#SCC131150207INSUREd 5070 ELECTRICAL DRMELE C TRI C AL SERVICE, Plug Into Personalized ServiceŽElectrical Maintenance Repairs Troubleshooting 941-480-0761 941-366-364 6 LUMINOUS ELECTRIC NO JOB TOO SMALL! LIC# EC13007383941-787-2904 5080 EXCAVATING/ BUSH HOG BUSH BUSTERS INC."JUST GRIND IT!ŽBrush Mowing Bush Hogging Pepper Trees Invasives Selective Lot Clearing941-456-6332 5083 FLOORING Bill Noland Ceramic Tile, IncAll Phases of FlooringWe Bring Samples To You! Mobile Showcase Tile, Laminates, Carpet & Baseboards. Wood-likeŽ Tile $1.79/Sq Ft. 18Ž Tiles $1.19/ Sq Ft. 941-423-4054 Cell 941-276-0814Licensed & Insured PGI 9906758 North Port 11546 Charlotte AAA007730 PAUL SIMS FLOOR CLEANING AND MORE!**OWNER OPERATED ** PROFESSIONAL, Reasonable & ReliableWinter Specials!We Clean carpets, furniture, area rugs, grout & more! Also Interior & Exterior Painting & Pressure Washing visit us at: www. CarpetCleaning ServicesVenice.com941-539-0896 5088 HEALTH & BEAUTY Dr. Bill PhilpotOptimum Health Center Oriental Medicine, Acupunture, Massage, Facials, Rehabilitation 2269 S. Tamiami Trl. Venice (North Side of Building) WHERE WE HEAL THE SICK & FIX THE BROKEN 941-587-1288 www.drbillphilpot.comLic.# AP 1393 MA 21017 MM 34484 Saturday, April 8, 2017 e Sun Classi ed Page 13


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Mirror & End Table Excellent Condition! $150, OBO 419-438-7738 FIREPLACE ELECTRIC Green/28ŽH18W-heat switch $125 941-505-7463 FISH TANK 20 gal w cabinet, heater, filter, covers $125 518-339-3388 FLATWARE LENOX Vintage Jewel 40+ pcs. new in tray. $200, OBO 941-240-5540 FRAMED PICTURE Large Beach themed 44Ž x 35Ž $35 941-356-0129 GLASS BOX w/cover, Vera Wang Vase, Hurricane Lamp All clear glass $5 941-276-1881 GLASS MIRROR STRIPS, 2 pieces, beveled edges each 4Ž by 52Ž $15 941-575-7793 HAIR CLIPPER $10 941-2184502 KITCHEN SINK w/faucet Franke-stainless steel good cond. $100 941-743-3258 LAMP CERAMIC Conch, Lovely $25 941-423-9371 LAMP Glass filled w/sea shells & shark teeth $25 941-356-0129 MARINE COOLER IGLOOLike new 25QT $15 941-356-0129 MATTRESS PAD Cal King. Very good condition. $40, OBO 941-429-8513 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS 2 in orig pd $125 yours $25 9 41-286-1170 MICROWAVE Small, Counter Top Sunbeam $25, OBO 419-438-7738 MIRROR Wicker headboard Tall hamper Mirror White $100, OBO 941-883-1470 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. PATIO SET Very nice with 6 roller chairs. White PVC. $100 715-439-0459 PERCOLATOR G.E. Pot Belly Percolator 10cup 1950s mfg. $35 941-460-8338 6014 S. GULF COVE GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT.8AM-5PM GARDENS OF GULF COVE COMMUNITY SALE. OFF 776. 1,000 Homes! Lots of Fishing equip, Household, Tools. FRI.-SAT. 8AM-1PM 9437 Little Rock St. Furniture, Asst. Household Items, Treadmill, Ceiling Fan, DVDs & CDs, Books & MORE!! 6020 AUCTIONS BICYCLE CARRIER holds 2 bikes $26 941-426-1088 CHINA CABINET Beautiful lighted dark cabinet $250 941505-7463 GOLF CART Batteries Six Used 6-Volt Batteries exchange $125 941-423-3020 JACK ROBILLARD, Auctioneers & Appraisers (941)-575-9758 STEEL CABINET 4 draw w runners $27 941-426-1088 6025 ARTS AND CRAFTS GLASS GRINDER 2 each available, your choice $20 941-505-0081 HARDWOOD FRAME 26x26, INSIDE 24X24, WITH GLASS & MAT $30 941-575-8881 6027 DOLLS ANNALEE 7ŽDOLL rare bunny kidŽ mint w/orig tag $15 941-639-1517 COMPOSE DOLL Old collectible nice clothing not perfect please call $10 716-374-2950 DOLL FROM 1950s era Cries, open & closes eyes, beautiful $20 941-356-0129 GORGEOUS, new in orig box, 15Žtall, collectible bisque porcelain. $10 941-575-7793 ICE SKATING Pair S GIBSON La Petite Pateneuse. 70s? New in box. $20 803-624-8039 TY BEANNIE Kids Sm collection. Original clothing. Each only $3 803-624-8039 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS A/C COMPRESSOR-TON 2 TON w/ Handler Frigidaire GREAT! $495 239-980-7887 AEROBED Full size & full height $75, OBO 941-429-1573 APPLIANCE PKG 4 PC ALL BISQUE GE..LIKE NEW $500, OBO 941-875-3143 BARBEQUE MASTER FORGE, 5 BURNER, ROTISSERIE, 2 TANKS $125 obo 941-505-4693 BATH TOWELS, New w/tags, Vase,S. Hooks, Basket, all lavender 6 pcs $18 941-276-1881 BED SPREAD, Home made crochet bed spread. King or Queen $40 941-218-4502 BED MATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BLINDS 2Žhorizontal white color. Excellent cond. Call for sizes $10 941-585-8149 BONE CHINA Gold Trimmed Unused 92pc Royal Gallery Serv for 12 $225 941-697-3850 CABINET PULLS 42 Rooster kitchen pulls $50, OBO 239220-9948 CANVAS SAILBOAT painting SQ 52Ž Org. $199+tx for $50 651-491-7549 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen stag handle SS NIB $85, OBO 941-830-0524 CHAIRS Sport Beach Folding w/carrying case $40, OBO 941-429-1573 CHANDELIER PENDANT DINING, ISLAND, SINK LIGHTS Brown $20 651-491-7549 6005 NORTH PORT AREA GARAGE SALES THUR-SAT. 9-5 1493 Franklin Ln. ESTATE SALE! Entire Contents of home! All MUST GO! Priced to SELL! 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI & SAT. 8:30 -? 2195 Abscott PC. No early birds, furniture, clothing & shoes, household items, art, tools FRI-SAT. 8AM-?? 20297 Mount Prospect St. Misc Furniture, Dishes, Easter items, & Tools. FRI-SAT. 9-5 200 N Waterway Dr. Nascar Collectibles, Tools, Household Items, Teddy Bears, Fishing. FRI-SAT. 9AM-3PM 26140 Dunedin Ct DC. Books clothing furn. tools etc. SAT.8-1HUGE YARD SALE at US 41 & Harbor Blvd. Near Dairy Queen in Port Charlotte. To Benefit Community Cats of Charlotte, A Nonprofit Trap, Spay, Neuter, Return Program. Donate a Bag of Food for the Cats. SAT. ONLY 8-2 20407 Mt. Prospect Ave. TO BENEFIT RELAY FOR LIFE. Housewares, Clothes & more! THURS.-SAT., 9:30AM 4PM St. Vincent De Paul Resale Shop, Toledo Blade Blvd. & 776. MONTHLY MEGA SALE!50% OFF STOREWIDE! All Clothing $1.00, Ladies Shoes & Purses $1.00, Framed Art is Buy 1 Get 1 Free. Non Fiction & Cookbooks: 5 for $1.00! TIME OUT RESPITE CARES 27TH ANNUAL FUNDRAISING AUCTION Saturday Doors Open 10am Auction Beings 11am 24246 Harborview Rd. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TUES-THURS. 8-2PM 460 Cory St.. Arts & Crafts Supplies, A little of Everything! Jewelry, Household, & More! 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRIDAY-SATURDAY APRIL7-8. 8:00AM-2:00PM 3000 Shannon Drive. SAT. 8AM-NOON PG CHAMBER CITY WIDE GARAGE SALE 809 E. MARION AVE COVERED PARKING LOT OF BAYFRONT HOSPITAL THUR-SAT. 8-2 503 Palm Ave. Furniture, Tools, Golf Clubs, Gift Items, Books, Childrens Toys, & Clothing. GreatDealsin theClassifieds! 6008 ROTONDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 9:00AM2:00PM 44 Medalist Road. Household Goods, Books, Aviation Equipment. Great Stuff! FRI.-SAT. 8AM-2PM 56 Long Meadow Ct. MOVING IN SALE!! Table & Chairs, Pics, Pots & Pans & MUCH MORE!! FRI.-SAT. 8AM-4PM 69 Caddy Rd. Rotonda West. Antiques, Tools, Glass, Household & MUCH MORE!! SAT. ONLY 9AM-4PM 33 Oakland Hills Place Cricket, Serger, Tom Tom GPS, Shop Vac, Tools & Electrical, Dolls and LOTS of Misc!!! SATURDAY 9-1 289 Rotonda Blvd. W. Estate Sale. TVs, Household, Mens, Medical Items & Misc. 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade 6002 ENGLEWOOD AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 8-2 242 N. Broadway. (off 776/Dearborn). HO Trains, Hallmark Ornaments NIB 300+,Vintage Toys, Tools, Cameras, DVDs 500+, Housewares & Much More! FRI-SAT. 8-3 1431 Overbrook Rd. ESTATE SALE! Everything MUST GO! All reasonable offers considered. FRI-SAT. 9-2 1625 Lemon Ave.. MOVING garden, tools, toys, hshld, furn, nautical, no early birds. GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! FRI-SUN. 10-4 6181 Magee St. Nascar Collectibles, Hotwheel Collectibles, Flat bed equipment & misc item. FRI. 8AM-?? 2850 Ave of the Americas. Boat Parts, Props, Engines, Generators, Household and Jewelry. FRI. 9AM-3PM 6689 Gasparilla Pines Blvd. Something for Men and Women. Nice Clean Sale! FRI.-SAT 8:AM-4:PM 331 Tarpon Ave, BOCA GRANDE 33921. Moving/Yard Sale. Antiques, vintage, household, furniture, art, garden. Everything must go! Cash only. SAT. 8-3 645 N. Elm St. Household items, Computer Equip. Riding Mowers, Clothes, Misc., Outboard Motor. THU-FRI 9-5 SAT 9-11. 8400 Osprey Rd. BARN SALE. Proceeds Go To Missions Guatemala. Tools, Household. 5185 ROOFING LEONARDSROOFING&INSULATIONINC.FAMILYOWNED&OPERATED SINCE1969Shingle, Tile, Built-Up, SinglePly, Metal, Full Carpentry, Service Available Reagan Leonard 941-488-7478LIC# RC0066574 PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! Re Roofs, Repairs, Pressure Cleaning, Roofing Coatings Full Carpentry Services HONEST & RELIABLE 35 Yrs Local Experience CCC1328613. Ph. 941-412-4047 GREEN ROOFING & WATERPROOFINGTECHNOLOGIESWWW.GREENROOFINGONLINE.COM ROOF LEAK PATROL, INC. RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Repairs, Reroof, Carpentry, etc... 35 yrs exp. Lic/insured#RCA065387941-474-ROOF (7663) ROOFING by DAD & Son Lic & Ins 40 years local Martinis Roofing 941-766-0331 ccc1330876 TOM JOYCE ROO FIN G HUGE **FALL SPECIALS** 4 5 Years of Qualit y Work and Experience 941-484-9804 941-4 29-1800 lic#1325725 941-483-4630ShinglesSlats MetalTileRepairs Old Roof Removal OurSpecialty Full CarpentryFree EstimatesLic.# CCC068184 Fully Insured 5191 SOD LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota 5230 MISCELLANEOUS Clean Your Dryer before it Catches on Fire! Special Rates for Multiple ClientsAffordable, Lic & Insured. Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 5180 PRESSURE CLEANING BAILEYS PRESSURE CLEANING Complete Exterior House Painting! Call 941-497-1736 FULL HOUSE PRESSURE WASHINGRates Starting At: Tile Roofs $150 Houses $65 Pool Cage/Decks $65 Driveways Exterior Painting, Pool Deck Coatings AND MORE!! 941-451-7550 Lic./Ins Kelly Browns Pressure Washing & trash removal Honest & Reliable, Reasonable Rates & Sr. Special $39.99 Free Est. Lic.# 1413989 941-626-1565 MR. PRESSURE CLEANINGSAFE, NO PRESSUREROOF Fully Lic & Insured PRO SOURCE POWER WASHINGHOT & COLD SERVICES 21012 EXMORE AVE, PC Cell 941-979-6676 or office 941-979-9204 Lic & INSURED 5184 SCREENING ALL ABOUT ALUMINUM & SCREEN: Rescreen & new. 941-876-4779 wescreenflorida.comLic# SA37, AL0511993X CLASSIC ALUMINUM RESCREEN SERVICE INC. Your Florida Outdoor Living ExpertsŽ 941-716-3984 www.classicrescreen.comLic# scc131151655Insured & Bonded ADVERTISE In TheClassifieds! RESCREENING by NORTHSTAR Free Estimates. 941-725-7599 Lic# CC20597 & Insured RESCREENING Special $55 Tops, $30 Sides. Complete $1295(to 1500SF) 941-879-3136 Lic. 22454/Ins. Southwest RescreenComplete Rescreening: $1,249 (up to 1,500 SF)941-465-2318Free Estimates! Insured. WRIGHTS RESCREENINGQuality Work at Great Prices! Specializing in: Pool Cages, Entryways, Lanais, Power Washing. FREE ESTIMATES! 15 Years Experience Locally Owned & Operated 941-286-3700 5185 ROOFING Replacement, Repairs, Roofing 30 Years Experience Discounts to Srs. & Vets Free Inspections & Est.Call Lane 941-270-6120RM COATS INC.Lic. CCC#1325731 Ins. Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 14 e Sun Classi ed


2011 by King Features Syndicate Yesterdays Challenger Answers Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 9 2011 by King Features Syndicate Yesterdays Challenger Answers Saturday, April 8, 2017 e Sun Classi ed Page 15


fn Seek second opinion f BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY L ook f or th e g r ea t dea ls in th e B usin e ss & Se rvi ce D ir ec tory pu b lishin g S un da ys Wed n e s da ys a n d adno=8602487 Contracting a disease. Losing a job. Being obese. Having a bad credit rating. Coping with family problems. Not being ableto afford themedical care you need. Life's biggest challenges oftenare centered around your physical and scal health and those two issues have profound effects on one another.Money worries cantorpedo your health,social relationships, happiness and longevity. Health problems may make it impossible to work and can quickly drain your bank account. That's why we are so committed to helping you reduce your stress response to both physical and nancial problems by offering sure-re ways to upgrade your health and your wallet. You knowthat stress whether physical, psychological or nancial can be a pain in the neck (literally); gives you chronic headaches, lower-back pain, insomnia and depression; contributes to interpersonal conicts; derails your sex life; fuels obesity; upsets your digestivesystem; taxes your heart;and triggers abuse of alcohol or drugs. There's almost no one who hasn't had to deal with one ofthose life-damaging repercussions of stress at one time oranother. But research showsthat chronically elevated levels of stress hormones(epinephrine and cortisol)contribute to a far wider range of health problems than you might suspect. Macular degeneration (a leading cause of vision loss inolder folks)is an inammatory disease, and research indicates that inammation-triggering chronic stress may worsen thecondition. Stress worsens upper respiratory illness and increases susceptibility to colds. Chronic stressshortens thedendrites (pathways for sending information and making memory connections) that are on the ends of brain neurons. That reduces your brain's ability to process information and store new memories. Chronic stress promotes development of age-related diseases and can makes your RealAge up to 32 years older, by shortening your telomeres, the ends of your DNA strands. You have the abilityto turn off the stress spigot! How? By understanding how worries about health and wealth intersect, and taking steps to make choices that will upgrade both. In short, by following the simple steps below, you'll be keeping your body young and your nances secure enough to go the distance. A wonderful onetwo stress buster for sure! All the info you need is in Dr.Mike's new book, Age-Proof: Living Longer Without Running Out of Money or Breaking a Hip, written with Today show nancial editor Jean Chatzkyand with a foreword by Dr. Oz. Here's how you get started: 1. Assess where you stand. Get a thorough physical and nancial checkup from trustedexperts. Knowing the bottom line lets you set realisticgoals and start to move forward. 2.Budget your nances and your calories. Take time to write out a very specic plan for your week's food intake and cash outow. (Talk with a nutritionist and a nancial planner for guidance.) 3.Erase mistakes.Even if you're in bad shape physicallyor nancially, it's nevertoolate to make improvements. Adopting small changes (give up allsugary beverages; lose just 5 percentof your body weight; lock away 10 percentof every paycheck; eliminate frivolous, impulse spending) will help you see results. 4.Create strong environments at workand at home to make these dual goals easier. You can do that by letting family and colleagues know of your commitment to improved health both physicallyand nancially. And make sure that at home and at work you stick with your new, good habits:that means less screen time, moretimemovin'around and eating healthfully, as wellas saying no to excessive work hours and nding collaborators to team up with. 5.Speaking of teaming up, build strongteams: One of the biggest mistakes people makein both areas is trying to go at it alone. Having theproperteam around you (including family and professionals) is key to helping you achieve optimum levels in health and wealth. Turn top stressors from hazardous to healthy Dr. Mehmet Oz & Dr. Michael Roizen Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 16 e Sun Classied


fn\000\000)TjET0.209 0.153 0.119 RG4.25 w q1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 27 1151.2531 cm0 0 m720 0 lSQQq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 27 1151.2531 cm0 0 m720 0 lSQQ/Document /MC2 BDC QQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW n0.989 1 1 rg/GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 271.6775 985.8422 cm0 0 m475.332 0 l475.332 -139.567 l0 -139.567 lhfQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW nq271.678 846.277 475.332 139.567 reW nq475.38 0 0 139.59 271.65 846.27 cm/Im0 DoQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW n0.989 1 1 rg/GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 271.6775 998.987 cm0 0 m220.622 0 l220.622 -11.909 l0 -11.909 lhfQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBTET/GS3 gsq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 271.6775 828.7969 cm0 0 m475.332 0 l475.332 -137.092 l0 -137.092 lhfQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW nq271.678 691.705 475.332 137.092 reW nq475.38 0 0 137.13 271.65 691.68 cm/Im1 DoQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW n0.989 1 1 rg/GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 271.6775 842.1951 cm0 0 m323.19 0 l323.19 -11.91 l0 -11.91 lhfQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBTET/GS3 gsq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 271.3861 511.9697 cm0 0 m475.34 0 l475.34 -147.069 l0 -147.069 lhfQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW nq271.387 364.9 475.339 147.07 reW nq475.35 0 0 147.09 271.38 364.89 cm/Im2 DoQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW n0.989 1 1 rg/GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 271.3861 527.6016 cm0 0 m323.189 0 l323.189 -11.91 l0 -11.91 lhfQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBT0.209 0.153 0.119 rg/GS1 gs/C2_0 1 Tf9.4613 0 0 10.04 304.291 517.02 Tm[<0025002F0038002800360003>-31.5<0025005C0003>-34<0035004C0046004E0003>-31.5<002E004C0055004E0050004400510003>-30.8<0044005100470003>-32.4<002D004800550055005C0003>-39.3<00360046005200570057>]TJET0.989 1 1 rg/GS3 gsq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 271.3861 676.1332 cm0 0 m475.624 0 l475.624 -146.126 l0 -146.126 lhfQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW nq271.387 530.008 475.624 146.127 reW nq475.65 0 0 146.16 271.38 529.98 cm/Im3 DoQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW n0.989 1 1 rg/GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 271.3861 688.7886 cm0 0 m220.619 0 l220.619 -11.91 l0 -11.91 lhfQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBTET/GS3 gsq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 271.3861 349.8174 cm0 0 m475.34 0 l475.34 -148.34 l0 -148.34 lhfQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW nq271.387 201.476 475.339 148.34 reW nq475.35 0 0 148.38 271.38 201.45 cm/Im4 DoQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW n0.989 1 1 rg/GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 271.3861 362.4922 cm0 0 m278.894 0 l278.894 -11.91 l0 -11.91 lhfQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBT0.209 0.153 0.119 rg/GS1 gs/C2_0 1 Tf9.4613 0 0 10.0402 342.6115 351.9 Tm[<0025005C0003>-34<002A004400550055005C0003>-34<0037005500580047004800440058>]TJET0.989 1 1 rg/GS3 gsq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 271.3861 183.4379 cm0 0 m475.34 0 l475.34 -156.458 l0 -156.458 lhfQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW nq271.387 26.981 475.339 156.457 reW nq475.35 0 0 156.48 271.38 26.97 cm/Im5 DoQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq27 999 720 -972 reW* nq27 998.972 719.978 -971.974 reW nq27 26.998 719.978 971.974 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq26.972 26.985 720.034 972 reW nq9.065 10.471 756.894 1153.667 reW n0.989 1 1 rg/GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 271.3861 199.0696 cm0 0 m323.189 0 l323.189 -11.91 l0 -11.91 lhfQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBT0.209 0.153 0.119 rg/GS1 gs/C2_0 1 Tf9.4613 0 0 10.04 341.8996 188.49 Tm[<003200350003>-33.8<0029003200350003>-33.2<003A00320035003600280003>-34.3<0025005C0003>-33.9<002F005C005100510003>-30.1<002D0052004B00510056005700520051>]TJET0.989 1 1 rg/GS3 gsq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 27.0912 998.9842 cm0 0 m241.451 0 l241.451 -389.713 l0 -389.713 lhfQQQQQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 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Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602488 Dear Heloise: To all you cat lovers, let's not forget the feral catsthatmay need our help. Yes, they areout there;I havesome that comearound at night. Remember to leave fresh water and some cat food outside to help our fu rry feline friends. There is excellent information on the internet about how to make shelters for themas well. Just type in How to care for feral cats. Thanks for your hints. Darleen C.,Omaha, Neb. Greatinformation, Darleen. Even with the spring thaw, feral cats still need food,water and shelter. Here are a couple of hints from the Humane Society(www. Inside whatever cat home you build/use/construct,a pillowcase stuffed with foam peanuts makes good bedding (replace as needed). Keep drinking water and food available, but away from the shelter;it can spilland dampensleeping quarters. HeloiseNo bubble troubleDear Heloise: For a fun spring activity when the grandkids visit, we make soap bubbles! I shave 2 ounces of Castile soap, which is good quality but not too expensive. I place it in a pint jar and ll it with water which I've boiled and cooled. I shake thoroughly, and let sit until the top of the water is clear. Then I pour off the clear water and add a spoonful of glycerin. Sometimes I add food coloring! To deliver the bubbles, we use a straw (supervise young children) or an empty thread spool. We play in the yard, or at bath time! Harold C., Garden Grove, Calif.No-mess meshDear Heloise: The mesh bagsthatonions comein make stro ng and sturdy totebags for the beach. I put all the kids' toysin one. When we are ready t o leave for the day, I rinse off sand, rightthroughthe bag no sand in the car or house! Karen S., Fort Wayne, Ind.Flea fightingDear Heloise: WhenI'm ghting eas in the house, I vacuum thoroughly after spraying or ea-bombing, and thenthrow away the vacuum bag.I pop in a couple of mothballs to eliminate any stragglers. BenB., Tulsa, Okla.Caring for feral catsHints from Heloise Saturday, April 8, 2017 e Sun Classied Page 17


fn Venice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section ARIES (March 21-April 19). Maybe you forgot something simple. Did you? Such good news. All yo u have to do is !gure out what you missed, supply it, and thenput one foot in front of the other. This willbe easy# TAURUS (April 20-May 20). This is anincredibly special situation. Happiness is seeingit in the way that happy people do. Can you see it that way? Walk around it. You probably can. Its a matter of perspective. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Yourneed to please is strong these days. Who else will be pleased when you get to the goal? Tie other people into your plans. This is how great things will get accomplished. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Dont give your trust or your money to an unproven entity. What people say doesnt matter at all unless its backed up by what they do. Time will tell. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Make quick decisions. Navigate the day. This is the kind of scene that you probably invented, and thereby should un-invent in the moment it doesnt suit you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). If there isnt a deadline, the job wont be accomplished. Also, how about involving a person andsetting a date? Time and place stamps matter. By a lot. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). How will the thing work? Not like you want it to. This is where compassion comes in. Someone will be your hero in a strange moment. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Youll get someone to open up by making it feel safe for him or her to do so. Stay pleasantly neutral and make it known that you wont judge. Soon the truth will come out. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Eventually, all those who stand on the pedestals will have to come down. Thats just the way it is. They will, at some point, need to do the inelegant, creaturely things. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Laughingleads to laughing. This is the secret and the remedy. Dont wait until youre feeling bad to look for the funny. Comic treasures are everywhere. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Youve earned your network, one relationship at a time. The people you k now trust and respect you. You have connections that another person wants. PISCES (Feb.19-March 20). Accomplishments need to be acknowledged immediately. Youll receive timely compliments, and they will have great power. The same words said in anuntimely fashion wouldnt have counted. TODAYSBIRTHDAY (April 8). Your belief is profound. You willmake it happen. Your life will explode, fantasy-style, in 2018. Up until then, you need to be extremely vigilant, keepingup with your commitments and being strongly self-possessed. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 45, 39, 29 and 44. DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have been married 11 years, but together for 15. We've had our ups and downs as normal couples do, but lately it seems like everything she does, I try and nd something to nitpick and argue over. In fact, I kind of enjoy it. There was a recent misunderstanding that led to an awakening of a jealous side to me that I never had, and now I can't seem to turn it off. When she goes to her chiropractor appointment, I call to make sure she has the appointment for the time she told me. She spent time visiting her dad and aunt, and even that made me jealous. I feel like if I keep this up, I may lose her. We had a baby ve months ago, and he's very needy, much more than our older child was, so that's also putting a strain on our relationship. What can I do to be a better husband and not get angry at her for the dumbest and smallest things? FRUSTRATED HUSBAND IN CALIFORNIA DEAR FRUSTRATED: You say this new behavior started because of a recent misunderstanding. I wish you had mentioned what it was, because it would have been helpful to know. Did the misunderstanding make you feel insecure, or just angry and punitive? Or is the fact that your wife needs to share her time caring for the new baby what's bothering you? If you haven't already talked this through with your wife, you should. The arrival of a new baby can result in not only the arrival of a bundle of joy, but also bring with it postpartum depression, fatigue, physical aches and pains and lack of physical desire. If these are what's setting you off, you should both discuss what's happening with her doctor. If that's not the cause, some sessions with a licensed psychotherapist may help you nd the answer you're looking for. DEAR ABBY: My17-yearold son has always been very shy. I don't think it helps that he's now 6 feet 6 inches tall and obviously stands out. Recently at a sports event which his team won, there were celebrations that were caught on video, and I could see him milling around outside of the celebratory circle of his teammates. It seemed very sad that he didn't feel comfortable enough to jump into the huddle. When he was asked to join his teammates for lunch, he said he wasn't hungry. He has known many of the kids on his team for more than six years and has hung out and been on sleepovers with some of them on many occasions, so it's not like they are strangers. My husband thinks we should just let him nd his own way in life. I desperately want to talk to him and see if I can't get him to be more sociable, but I'm not sure how to achieve this. What would you suggest, Abby? Leave him alone or intervene, and if so, how? MOTHER OF A SHY GUY DEAR MOTHER: I would suggest a little of both. Because you are concerned that your son is isolating himself, talk to him about it and try to nd out why. However, you should not push him into doing anything he's not comfortable with. And if he appears to be happy with his life, let him live it and, as your husband says, nd his own way. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. But if our gospel be hid,it is hid to them that are lost. 2 Corinthians 4:3. Christianity was never meant to be a secret or closed society. We have good news to tell a world that is desperately searching. Share Jesus with a friend. BIBLEFrustrated husband seeks solution for his jealousyVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 18 e Sun Classied


Page 14 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 Venice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section 6035 FURNITURE BEDROOM, 3 Piece. mahogany, sleigh bed, dresser, chest $300 732-814-0181 BEDS twin 2 sets ea. w/frame & brass hdbd, bedding avail. each $50 269-313-0070 BOOKCASE RATTAN 72X36X12 off white excellent condition $100 941-275-5837 BUFFET WOOD veneer $10 941-451-3958 AdvertiseToday! CHAIR &OTTOMAN Matching Tan Microfiber, Comfy & Plush, good cond $100 941-697-3850 CHAIR Grey leather w/ wheels. Perfect condition. $40 941-763-2581 6035 FURNITURE BEDMATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BEDRM SET Solid Walnut Triple Dresser, w/2 mirrors & nightstand $250, obo 941-249-8228 BEDROOM 3 pc mahoganY, sleigh bed, chest, dresser good cond. $300 732-814-0181 BEDROOM SET Girls, Twin, All Metal, Exc Cond. $300 941-380-9212 BEDROOM SET Mission Style. Bed, 2 dressers, night stand. $400, OBO 603-723-1994 BEDROOM SET Queen W/frame, dressers & end table $490 941-423-3349 6035 FURNITURE ARM CHAIR Dark Rattan 2 With 1 end table $135 941-356-0129 BAMBOO TABLE, BEAUTIFUL, GLASS TOP, 4 PRETTY WOODENCHAIRS. VERY PRETTY SET $250 913-952-2951 BARSTOOLS Wicker Swivel seat counter height 2/$30 or each $20 269-313-0070 Classified=Sales 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS TRASH CARRIER white $24 941-426-1088 VINTAGE CARD table & chairs $18 941-286-1170 WALL PLAQUE 62ÂŽh x 24ÂŽw ivory w/ flowers & floral border $60, OBO 941-624-0364 WATER TREATMENT SYS. rev. osomosis under sink 4 stage nib $225, OBO 941-240-5540 W INE COOLER, H aier, 16 bot tle capacity, 17X17, Hardly used! $35 941-697-8347 6031 HOLIDAYITEMS EASTER BASKETS Wicker,asst sizes&colors:pink,aqua,lime,lila c,etc.NEW $20 941-276-1881 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS TOASTER OVEN sunbeam. w/book. grey & white. new cond. $15 941-235-2203 VACUUM BISSELL uprite good cond. venice area $22, OBO 941-492-2252 VACUUM BISSELL Used, good cond, upright. Venice area $24, OBO 941-492-2252 VACUUM Kirby 5 YR. ALL ACCESS. INC. PLUS SHAMPOOER $250, OBO 941-451-8793 VACUUM. ELECTROLUX, SANITAIRE $59, OBO 941486-8388 VERTICAL BLINDS 108ÂŽL X 84ÂŽH NIB cost 240 cream color $100 941-585-8149 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS PICTURE Hardwood frame, 26X26 lovely blue print $30 941-575-8881 PICTURES,SEVEN 14 X 19 Great for office. $28 941-889-7592 ROOM DIVIDER BLACK WITH DRAGON LARGE $50, OBO 239-220-9948 RUG ORIENTAL clean 6X9 floral design on yellowish background $75 941-275-5837 SHEET, MICROFIBER, FULL SHEET. NEVER OPENED. PEACH. $8 941-391-6377 SILVERWARE, WOODEN Chest, tarnish proof lined $10 941-627-6542 Venice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 20 e Sun Classi ed


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 15 SP20720 To Place, Correct, or Cancel Ad C ALL Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM F ax : 866-949-1426 941-429-3110 Check Out More SUN Classified Ads Online UPDATED DAILY!!! 23170 HA RBORVIEW RD. PORT CHARLOTTE, FL S UN C LASSIFIED 6090 MUSICAL G UITAR CASE 1 978 ovation excellent $499 786-306-6335 GUITAR, GRETSCH Model 5120, new condition $450 941-764-9169 GUITARS Rogue 12string acou. & 6 string acou. W/cases new $275, OBO 941-408-7535 HAMMOND ORGAN in good condition. Asking$150 814-267-3058 MANDOLIN MELLON BACK, C.F. Martin no cracks, great playing cond. $400 716-523-0463 TENOR SAX by Bundy, Good Condition $450 941-763-0343 VICTROLA TALKING machine records & needles plays fine $225 941-214-8188 6095 MEDICAL BEDSUDE/SHOWER/TOILET COMMODE XL, sturdy. White. New. $23 803-624-8039 COMMODE DRIVER-DELUXE Adjustable,Gaurd/Bucket. Excellent $40, OBO 941-766-1899 HOSPITAL BED Drive power bed, remote, rails, 2 new mattresses $425, OBO 810-513-0209 HOSPITAL BED Invacare Full Electric 2 Side Rails $350 941456-7888 KNEE SCOOTER (KneeWalker HX59JP) 4 wheels, nice $125 585-755-9982 LIFT CHAIR Power lift chair almost new red tweed cloth $350 810-513-0209 MOBILITY SCOOTER Buzz Around Lite Go Go Elite Traveler. Hardly Used! Make Offer! 941-488-0100 SAFETY RAIL Stand alone toilet safety rail, new,in box $25 941505-0081 WALKER SEAT MERITSDELUXESEAT, HEAVIER. EXCELLENT!! $75 OBO 941-766-1899 WHEELCHAIR DRIVER:VIPER PLUS GT. EXCELLENT..!! $325, OBO 941-766-1899 WHEELCHAIR PUSHES EASY $50 941-235-8976 6100 HEALTH/BEAUTY MASSAGE CHAIR Portable Massage chair, excellent condition $85 941-627-0901 MASSAGE/ FACIALCHAIR LIKE NEW WITH ADJUSTABLE BACK $69 941-763-2581 TALKINGWATCHREIZEN For Sight Impaired Mens or Ladies $45 941-662-9228 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372 AGAVE PINEAPPLE begonia coleus frangipani geranium pepperomia $5 941-202-3696 ALOE VERA devils backbone mexican petunias oyster snake spider lily $5 941-202-3696 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES CARVING SET 3pc Solingen SS German bone handle stag knife print NIB $85 941-830-0524 CHILDS TOY 23x13Ž Pinball Circa 1920s. Glass top, wood sides. $75 941-258-0512 CHINA STEUBENVILLE Rose Point China set of 7 plus $95 941-416-1585 CIVIL WAR UNION BELT BUCKLE RELIC GETTYSURG BATTLE $135 941-475-1375 CLOCKS MCCLINTOCK $35, OBO 941-697-8598 COIN 1858 LL Flying Eagle penny fine collector $75 941214-8188 COLLECTOR PLATE Wedgwood Bone China Old London Views.Ž $40 941-258-0512 DECO PHONE Bench 30s 40s Hotel style Deco gossip bench etc... $225 724-234-5142 DEPRESSION GLASS 1937 4 sherberts.ŽpatricianŽ.ex con. $40, OBO 941-235-2203 DREAMSICLE CHERUB Teddy Figurines Small collection. Delightful Each $3 803-624-8039 EARLY 1900S Art Three English Manor pictures in original frames. $150 941-258-0512 FURNIVALSŽ PITCHER Denmark blue pattern made in England $15 941-639-1517 HAND PAINTED HURRICANE LAMP Local artist.Exquisite. Only $30 803-624-8039 HESS TRUCKS EACH 19932014 NEW IN BOX $20, OBO 239-220-9948 HOCKEY CARD SETS 1979 1980 $85 1990 MINT sets!! $12, OBO 810-210-9553 LAMP Vintage cherub w/ marble base made in Italy $45 941-214-8188 LICENSE-PLATES 60S, 70S, &more NY, CT, ME, TX, FL. $10 941-214-8188 M&M CASINOMACHINE 8Ž x5Ž lever releases candy $10 716-374-2950 MISC ANTIQUE GLASSWARE $10 & up. Also crystal. 941716-1558 RONALD REAGAN Republican task force medal of merit orig box $20 941-639-1517 ROYAL COPLEY deer head planter.ex. cond. $25, OBO 941-235-2203 ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINE & character Toby jug. Bargain mint. $65 ea. 941-639-1517 ROYAL WORCESTER ODETTEŽ BEAUTIFUL DINNER SET, 8 SETTINGS, 24 PIECE $325, OBO 941-505-4693 SPODE BUTTERCUP Creamer & Sugar Bowl. Perfect Old Brown Mark $75 401-300-1326 SUNGLASSES RAYBAN wayfarerŽ $60 941-235-2203 TAPA CLOTH ART from Fiji framed/under glass 42ŽX42Ž $200 941-585-8149 TRAY VINTAGE Cromwell hand wrought hammered alum 12x21 handles $15 941-830-0524 VICTROLA VV100 floor model circa 1923 records & ex needles $225 941-214-8188 6075 FRUITS & VEGETABLES BLUEBERRIES U-Pick Ready for Picking at Ft Ogden. Call For Directions 863-990-6164 6090 MUSICAL ACCOUSTIC AMP Peavy E208, works perfect $80 941764-9169 BANJO HARMONY, Model H5835, like new condition with case. $170 716-523-0463 GUITAR ACOUSTIC Hal Leonard, Solid Spruce Top, Mahogany back and sides. New strings. 8 years old. Never used. $300 941-205-2277 GUITAR AMPLIFIER, 10w also for keyboard or PA, 8Žspeaker. $30 941-575-7793 6038 ELECTRONICS NETGEAR ROUTER DUO WIRELESS N EX COND $15 941-391-6377 WALKIE TALKIE SET never used $60 941-218-4502 6040 TV/STEREO/RADIO BOSE, Sound Dock, portableremote control $100, OBO 941-575-1897 SAMSUNG 45 3D TV W/2 PAIR GLASSES $130 941-505-7463 SONY TV 52in Sony Bravia LCD black Stereo HDTV like new. $400 941-276-6966 STEREO, PIONEER Speakers 35Ž & Glass Front Stereo. Four Consoles & Much More. $150 941-496-9873 TV & STAND 57Ž Mitsubishi TV & Stand $350 817-658-7949 TV 32Ž TOSHIBA SLIM21/2Ždeep10Žbase $75, OBO 972-369-2498 TV SONY 52Ž Projector. Excellent condition. $99 941-763-2581 6060 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT COMPUTER LAPTOP Lenovo windows10 $75 941-979-5592 DESK 3 TIERED New 41ŽX 68Ž BLK/SS $100 941-408-7535 DESKTOP COMPUTER, HP. Works Perfect $250, OBO 941-404-1822 MONITOR NEWER 27Ž HD excellent cond. $95 941-6295576 PRINT/COPY/SCAN/FAX MACHINE Epson Black Like New $45 941-276-1881 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES AMETRINE RING, NEWsz-7 RG ovr .925 TGW 3.83cts $85 941-554-2140 CROSS PENDANT w/chain Tanzanite TGW 3.7.cts $185 941-554-2140 EARRINGS, New, larimar & blue topaz .925 silver $55 941554-2140 LADIES WATCH Pulsar w/Date & Crystals on Face Silver & Gold Band. $100 941-379-5586 MINK STOLE, oversize blonde $250, OBO 941-429-1573 TORY BUSCH, 2pr flats ea, others & clothes, Venice area $72, OBO 941-492-2252 TURQUISE CROSS PENDANT new w/chain .925 sterling 1.35 cts $60 941-554-2140 WATCH MOVADO Mens just serviced. Exc. condition. $100 941-629-5576 WATCH ROLEX upscale replica w/box like new $100 941-6295576 WATCH SEIKO high end like new $60 941-629-5576 WRIST WATCH Tag Heuer ALTEREgo WP1410 NICE!! Ladies Preowned $290 941-697-3850 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES 1807 BOOK German Bible. Very good condition. $100 941-258-0512 1907 ROLLS SilverGhost 1:24 model w/display case mint COA $75, OBO 941-830-0524 1954 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED 1st issue leatherbound mint coa from SI. $300 941-629-5576 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 BASEBALL CARDS 5132 Colectables!!! $35, OBO 810-2109553 BEER STEIN 1876-1976 Budweiser 100 Years stein with lid. $40 941-258-0512 BRASS GEESE, pair 4.5Ž tall beautiful polished brass, decorative. $12 941-575-7793 CADILLAC DESK Table fair to good condition $200 941-8158818 6035 FURNITURE RECLINER TAUPE recliner with footstool. Very good condition. $50, OBO 401-439-9522 ROCKER Mauve, Swivel, Like New! $85. SOFA, Floral Print, Broyhill $200 941-408-8889 ROCKER, Green swiveL rocker $50 941-766-8562 ROCKING CHAIR Ethan Allen Cape Cod Rocker $125 941-627-6542 ROCKING CHAIR VA House Solid dark wood. Exc. cond. $75 941-391-6334 ROLLTOP DESK dark oak color 25 years old 5 drawers 8 cubbyholes $85 217-433-5044 SECTIONAL, 2 piece sage color sectional w/ rocker and ottoman $425 941-766-8562 SLEEPER SOFA 77X34X30 clean Queen size light color plaid fabric $100 941-202-3437 SOFA & LOVESEAT Lane, Leather, matching, Ex cond. $495 941-268-0917 SOFA BLACK LEATHER Dual reclining ends.Minor wear $75 269-313-0070 SOFA TABLE Thomasville 3 drawers 52Žx15Ž x 27Ž $75 941-416-1585 SOFABED Floral Nice off white wicker ends & floral cushions. $90 269-313-0070 TABLE &6 Chairs Oak, $125. China Cabinet Oak $75. Grandmothers Clock $125. Lift Chair, Brown $125 941-429-9474 TABLE MARBLE TOP Mahogany 33ŽX22ŽX28Ž $130 941-624-0364 TABLE 30ŽX31Ž Mahogany/4 colorful songbirds decorate top $80, OBO 941-624-0364 TABLE 36ŽH x 40Ž round granite top $200 941-914-1770 TABLE SET, WickerOutdoor Resin. w/4chairs Round with glass top. $450 860-810-4174 TABLE, 42Ž ROUND glass coffee table with multi-brown round rug $100 941-833-5744 TABLE, 48Ž rataan, round w/ formica top $80 941-488-5595 TABLE, 5Round, light, folding legs. $75 941-496-9252 TABLE COFFEE/COCKTAIL Wood. Excellent Condition. $45, OBO 941-629-6374 TABLE, High Top & chairs 42Žsq high top table with 4 chairs $125,obo 941-457-4867 TABLE/NIGHTSTAND ETHAN Allen 24Žx15Žx28Ž $55 941416-1585 TABLES SIDE(2) TV CARTS(2) wall art (4) starting at $10, OBO 9 41-202-3437 TABLES, 2 Dark Wood end tables Vintage, Heritage furn $125 941-627-6542 TABLES, Coffee and End Set Glass Coffee and two end tables $90, OBO 401-338-8750 TIKI BAR ALL TEAK,PORTABLE GREAT FOR PATIO $125 941505-4693 WALL SCONCE 12l.17h, blk. & gold. decorative. $20 941-235-2203 WICKER SET Outdoor Resin Love seat, matching coffee & end table. $200 860-810-4174 6038 ELECTRONICS ACER LAPTOP Works Great 4GB 1T-Harddrive $175, OBO 941-404-1822 ANTENNA, MOBILE, mag. base w/cable, includes SWR meter. $10 941-575-7793 DESKTOP SPEAKERS, Hardon Kardon. Reduced again! $40, OBO 941-697-8598 HDMI RECEIVER Onkyo, TX-NR616, like new. $185 941-486-0189 IPHONE 6 Unlocked. Works Perfect. $350, OBO 941-404-1822 JITTERBUG SMART PHONE by GREAT CALL. $75 941-889-7592 MODEM ROUTERS (2) WIFI for Verizon/Frontier Communications, each $50 941-275-5837 6035 FURNITURE DINING TABLE Solid wood lt. oak 41x54 rect.expandable PC $25 269-313-0070 DRESSER TRIPLE w/framed mirror White like new $95 941391-6334 DUTCH DRESSER/CHINA CABINET PINE/GLASS $250, OBO 941-505-4693 ENT CTR 7Hx89ŽWx22ŽD, custom 3pc solid oak ltd 40ŽTV pd.4K LN $495 941-697-0501 ENTERTAINMENTCNTR 3Pcs lightcolor I/2Ž thick presswood $75 941-697-7364 FILING CABINET Sauder LateralOak finish, 2 drawers $50 941-662-9228 HEAD BOARD Queen, white wicker 1/3 orig.cost $175 941-408-7535 I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 LAMP TABLE with nice details $50 941-914-1770 LIVING ROOM TABLES $100 941-380-9212 LOVE SEAT couch 3yrs old ex cond $125 941-627-5732 LOVE SEAT Flexsteel Beige. 2 Recliners. Excellent cond. $425, OBO 941-697-8598 LOVE SEAT very good condition, blue and cream color $100 941-258-6493 LOVE SEAT, brown lather, good shape $60 941-244-8138 LOVE SEAT, red micro fiber love seat $200 941-766-8562 MATTRESS KING size 2 box springs & frame ex cond $250 941-391-6334 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 PATIO BAR metal/slate+2swl chrs 53Lx28Wx39H $75, OBO 972-369-2498 PATIO SET beige aluminum 2 chairs 2 ottomans 1 bench 4 tables $100, OBO 941-202-3437 PATIO SET White PVC table 6 cushioned roller chairs. Exc.. cond. $100 715-439-0459 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 RECLINER black power and massage, good condition $100, OBO 941-429-8513 RECLINER CHAIR Gray linen manual recliner chair (new) $75, OBO 941-457-4867 RECLINER Dark Green, leather look vinyl, good condition. $30 716-598-2406 6035 FURNITURE CHAIR WROUGHT Iron Chair, nice details $45 941-914-1770 CHINA CABINET Solid Wood 2Pc 80x49 Ashley MillenniumŽ Lt Tan $375 941-697-3850 CHINA SET Johnson Brothers, Tulip Time pattern, 59 pieces, nice $79, OBO 716-598-2406 CLUB CHAIR swirl & rock. Like NEW. $60 941-889-7592 COFFEE TABLE Thomasville oval 50Žx25Žx17Ž Exc Cond $65 941-416-1585 COFFEE TABLES(6) various sizes and shapes starting at $10, OBO 941-202-3437 COMPUTER ARMOIRE Desk Sauder, Oak Finish $25 941-662-9228 COMPUTER DESK glass/metal 44Lx30Wx29H $50, OBO 972369-2498 COUCH & LOVESEAT beige 82x38x32 & 64x38x32 fabric $200, OBO 941-275-5837 COUCH &LOVESEAT Floral print ask less 1/3 original cost $325, OBO 941-408-7535 COUCH & MATCHING chair Cinnamon colored microfiber couch with matching chair in pastel colors w/pillows. In very good condition. Text message only please. $200, OBO 941467-5296 COUCH 86Ž, loveseat 62Ž ottoman beige microfiber brass nail heads. Call for photo $500 941-295-7674 CUB CADET 48Ž Zero Turn Camo, 24HP. Kohler 7000 Series w/ 42 Hrs. $2,999 941-623-3297 DINETTE SET like new all wood 30Ž table top & 2 handmade chairs $150 941-202-3437 DINETTE SET, 45Ž glass top w/4 white naugahyde caster chairs $100 941-833-5744 DINING SET 66X42X30 oak table 6 hand made round chairs $350, OBO 941-275-5837 DINING SET BEAUTIFUL SOLID WOOD TABLE, 8 CHAIRS, BUFFET. MARQUETRY SURFACES $550, OBO 941-505-4693 DINING SET Class top/wicker trimmed light green chairs on wheels $140 941-505-7463 DINING SET Outdoor dining set. Bridgeport 68x38 with 6 chairs. $300 941-474-1640 DINING SET SOLID PINE TABLE, 8 CHAIRS $325, OBO 941-505-4693 DINING SET, American Drew 6 chairs. Tropical look, man size seats $499 941-627-6542 DINING TABLE 62Ž table & 2 leafs with 6 chairs $300, OBO 941-457-4867 Saturday, April 8, 2017 e Sun Classi ed Page 21


Page 16 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 22 e Sun Classi ed


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 17 6160 LAWN & GARDEN 48Ž XMARK walk behind hydrostat, $3,500. 5X8 Trailer $550 941-483-0138 CHAIN SAW Poulin Pro 18Ž NEW in box $150, OBO 941-485-0681 CHAIN SAW: Homelite, 14Ž NEW $120, OBO 941-485-0681 CHAR-BROIL GRILL 4burner w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 C uddle up by the fire! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 DUMP CART 3x4 tow behind $150, OBO 941-764-7323 FERTILIZER 50 LB, for Grass and Plants $25 941-257-5500 GARDEN WATER FOUNTAIN Works. Venice $50 941-2861170 LAWN MOWER B&S push with large wheels on back. Used very little. $65 715-439-0459 LAWN MOWER MTD 20ŽPush Like New $75, OBO 941-485-0681 LAWN MOWER Toro 6.5 hp 22Ž self propelled recent tuneup A-1 $125 941-266-2040 LAWN TABLE glass top, aluminum frame, also resin chairs avail $25 941-497-3250 LAWN TRACTOR PoulanXT Model 12530 Needs battery $300 941-474-2062 LAWN TRACTOR, Craftsman LT1000 17.5 HP 42Ž cut. New battery. $375 941-266-4731 LEAF SHREDDER Worx leaf shredder on stand 110v $40 941-475-7150 LINE TRIMMER: Troybuilt, 25cc, straight shaft, New. $110, OBO 941-485-0681 MOWER Toro Self-Propelled. 6.5 HP. 22Ž Cut. Good Cond. $125/obo 847-567-4634 Nokomis. Ask For Stan. MOWER, RIDING Snapper, Like new $495 941-268-0917 PATIO BLOCKS 300 blocks North Port asking .50 each or less OBO 262-492-4739 PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 PLUG AERATOR 40Ž tow behind $150, OBO 941-764-7323 PRESSURE WASHER Troybuilt 3000psi New Pump $300, OBO 941-485-0681 RIDING MOWER TORO, KOHLER 18hp,46Ž DECK $500, OBO 941-429-9448 ROTARY SPREADER John Deere tow behind, 130lbs $200 941-764-7323 LAWN TRACTOR Gravley, 42Ž Zero Turn, Like New! Kohler 24HP engine. Low Hours, home owner used only. Asking $2,000 815-216-6402 Rotonda STOCK PHOTO THATCHER TOWBEHIND $60, OBO 941-764-7323 TOP SOILFor Sale! Please call: 941-468-4372 WEEDWACKER CRAFTMAN GAS W17Ž/25CC TRIMMER $60, OBO 941-391-6377 6165 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS WEATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Set Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 6133 HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES CARGO CARRIER Gal. 20Žx60Ž W/ lights fit 2Ž rec. Exc. cond. $65, OBO 941-204-7013 CLAM RAKE, metal Excellent cond. 5.5 long $40 941-585-8149 FISHING REEL, PENN 714Z Ultra Sport w/New Line. As New $70, OBO 941-379-5586 HUNTING BOOTS 17Ž 10W camo Redwing irish setter like new $60 941-629-6374 TACKLE BOX w/lures, llines, misc. (Englewood) $40, OBO 941-830-2069 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES ADULT TRICYCLE new, still in box! $275 248-796-7605 BICYCLE CLEAN Jeep Comanche XHT 21 speed Shimano orange $165 724-234-5142 BICYCLE ROSS Mt. St. Helens 18 Shimano. Low weight, low price $195 724-234-5142 BICYCLE SCHWINN GTX dualsport 21 Shimano aluminum blue $165 724-234-5142 BICYCLE TOWNIE Ball, roll brake, fen, rks, 3 spd, int hub. Exc. $495 518-339-3388 BICYCLE TREK Hyb, 700B, ozXT gears, sure fire shifters. $495 518-339-3388 BIKE AVALON 7SPALLOY HYBRID CRUISER CLEAN LADIES LG SEAT $50 941-544-0042 BIKE GIRLS pink, 18 inches, training wheels, + helmet $25 941-235-8299 BIKE LADIES 7-SPD COMFORT AS NEW, NICE $75 941-4567560 BIKE ladies hybrid CRUISER Very Clean 21 SP New Basket & Seat $75 941-544-0042 BIKE VINTAGE SCHWINNWorld Sport Tall 65cm 80s Racer NEW tires $75 941-544-0042 BIKE, JAMIS LADIESALLOY HYBRID CRUISER WHITE 8 sp VERY CLEAN! $125 941-544-0042 HELLO KITTY BICYCLE With Training Wheels, Like New $25, OBO 941-379-5586 TRI-BIKE Industrial, heavy duty. Like new. $200, OBO 440-5061312 TRICYCLE MIAMI SUN Adult Rides Good 24Ž lg seat lg basket $60 941-544-0042 6138 TOYS/GAMES CALL DUTY Legacy Edition for PS4 $30 941-257-5500 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES **SPAS & MORE** We take Trade ins We Move Hot Tubs & Buy Used Hot Tubs! 941-625-6600 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 LANAI BAR metal/slate+2swl chrs53Lx28Wx39H $75, OBO 972-369-2498 POOL CLEANER, AUTOMATIC Great White automatic pool cleaner. Good condition. $200, OBO 330-338-6522 POOL TUBE & SEAT BOTH LG.TUBE W/NET & POOL SEAT FLOAT $20 941-451-8793 SOLAR POOL panels 14 panels,pipe and connectors. No leaks $250 941-391-1829 SWIMMING POOL filter and cartridge 125cuft, Starite Like new $250 941-769-5693 6126 GOLF CARTS GOLF CART 4-seater; 2 yr batt. charger; mirror; Good Condition. $1,250, OBO 518-423-0119 6128 EXERCISE / FITNESS BOWFLEX EXTREME 2 SE New Condition! $450. Originally $1400. 941-270-1245 BOWFLEXPR1000, Home Gym. Very New Used 10 times $250 941-833-5744 CHUCK NORRIS Total Gym Set Training Deck, Wall Chart & Much More. $300 Firm, Never Used. 941-496-9873 ELLIPTICAL EXERCISE MACHINE Pro-Form Elliptical 520E Like New Port Charlotte location. $350, OBO 941-875-1001 EXERCISE BIKE Good cond. Venice area $35, OBO 941492-2252 EXERCISE BIKE good used cond,venice area $29, OBO 941-492-2252 INVERSION TABLE Lifegear, Excellent condition. $95 941627-0901 TREADMILL Like New Pro-form Performance 400i $499 941-889-7592 TREADMILL PRO-FORM 300X w/ incline$125 941505-7463 TREADMILL PRO-FORM 515S cross walk, $200 OBO 941-625-0132 6130 SPORTING GOODS 2 GUYS GUN SHOWS APRIL 29th & 30th Charlotte County Fairgrounds 2333 El Jobean Rd (776) Port Charlotte, FL Buy-Sell-Trade New-Used FREEParking CWP Classes Avail. Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-4 727-776-3442 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! BOOTS 17Ž H camao 10 W Insulated waterproof like new $60 941-629-6374 DAYTONA 500 1996 EARNHARDT SR. SIGNED PHOTO DOCU. $450 941-475-1379 DICK BUTKIS SIGNED NFL FOOTBALL IN CLEAR CASE MINT $135 941-475-1375 FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 HELMET, LADIES SMALL M/C New. Never used. Sacrifice. $50 941-716-1558 HILLERICH & BRADSBY Louisville Slugger #26 official softball bat $15 941-639-1517 MAYS-SNIDER-MANTLE SIGNED FRAMED 16X34 POSTER $425 941-475-1375 SENATOR H114 Rod & Reel $125 & other misc poles $10$30 each 941-625-0132 6131FIREARMS AR-15 Bushmaster, 270 Winchester, 308 Winchester. Ammo & Scopes 941-629-3970 NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. ZASTAVA PAP M85NP Pistol/Carbine 5.56mm SB47 Arm Brace. 1.5Ž CNC Spacer For LOP. Hogue Grip, Stained Wood. Faux Suppressor. NIB. $650 941-916-1055 6126 GOLF CARTS 2011 CLUBCARPRECEDENT4 Passenger Custom "Pearl" Spartan Body Brand New Batteries {C7} Deluxe Lights {Head,Tail, Signal, Brake and Horn} Flip Rear Seat Excellent Tires, Brakes, Mirror, Windshield, Top, Chrome SS Caps and Charger $3,995 941-830-4723 DELIVERYINCLUDED{25MI.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Midnight BlackŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … DEMO SALEŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Custom Yellow PaintŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s EZGO 2 PASSENGER GOLF CART Older Cart in Mint Condition Brand New Batteries New Folding Windshield Yellow Jacket Cables & Bushings. 36 Volt Charger Chrome Wheel Covers Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top & Mirror Fully Serviced Runs Great! STK#172A $1787. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … RED RACERŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New Custom PaintedŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES PING EYE 2 full set 1 to lob (12 clubs) matching #s metal stiff v good $199 941-875-5983 TOMMY ARMOUR IRONS 3 through SW w/Titleist Bag $50, OBO 941-270-8009 6126 GOLF CARTS 2000 CLUB CAR DS 4 PASSENGERGOLFCARTCUSTOM"SUNBURSTORANGE" PAINTNEWREARSEAT{FOLDSTOACARGODECK}. NEWHEAVYDUTYSPRINGSANDBUSHINGSNEWTINTEDWINDSHIELDTROJAN875 BATTERIES6-8 VOLTHEADLIGHTS& TAILLIGHTSPOLISHEDALUMINUM12" RIMS& 215X30X12 TIRESFULLYSERVICEDGREATBRAKES, TOPANDCHARGER$3,275 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2000 Club Car DS Plumb Crazy PurpleŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2000 CLUB CAR DS Recent "Red" Paint 4 Passenger Golf Cart Brand New Batteries {C7} New Flip Rear Seat New SS Hubcaps New Bushings {front & rear} Head and Tail Lights Great Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Top, Mirror and Charger $2,875. 941-830-4723 Free Delivery {25mi.} Calls Only Please No text 2008 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 10" Rims w/215x50x10 Tires 6 8 Volt 2014 Batteries New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger. $3,795. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ButterscotchŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6110 TREES & PLANTS BROMELIADS VARIOUS aechmeas neoregelias vriesas starting at $5 941-202-3696 CENTURY PLANT Huge! U dig & haul off in ur truck! PLEASE! $1 941-258-2016 FERTILIZER 50 LB, for Grass and Plants $25 941-257-5500 FLORIDA AVOCADO/CITRUS 1-2 tall seedlings organically grown $5 941-202-3696 LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A MOSES PLANTS 5 for $1 941218-4502 ORCHIDS CATTLEYA purple mature potted other plants for less $20 941-202-3696 OYSTER PLANTS Finally dug up for you! Come & get em! Tray of abt 25 $5 941-258-2016 SATURDAY SALE VIBURNUM GREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE, PALMS, MANYOTHERPLANTS ATREASONABLE PRICES! SUISNURSURY941-232-6835 SEEDLINGS KALE, B.choy, parsley, S.chard, egg plant or tomato $1 941-258-2016 STAR JASMINE, justica, crinum, fern, or wh Mex Petunia 3 gal pot $8 941-258-2016 TOMATO PLANTS B.Boy, BeefSteak, JetStar, Extreme Bush, Last call! $1 941-258-2016 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 6120 BABY ITEMS BIKE TRAILER SCHWINN Model SC765 good condition $60 313-655-8667 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES CALLAWAY WOODS Ft-1 15 deg Rescue 18 deg like new $20 each. $20 941-270-8009 DRIVER, TM DRIVER Good condition. RH stiff 9.5. $50 941-475-7150 GOLF BALLS, Good, Used. $2. Per dozen. 941-235-2613 GOLF CART CHARGERS CLUB CAR, EZGO, YAMAHA Scratch and Dent Starting at $99 WARRANTY 941-769-1431VISIT GOLF CART Utility Box Metal Cargo Box $25 941-423-3020 GOLF CLBS Odysy PTR $30,Pingizng2 PTR $30 Tylr Made BRNR irons 3-9 S PW $40 $100 941-475-8097 GOLF CLUBS Mens Big Bertha RH full set w/ bag. Exc condition. $160, OBO 216-469-9425 GOLF CLUBS Tour, Complete Set $50. 863-491-0674 GOLF UMBRELLA, LARGE $15 941-218-4502 IRONS CALLAWAY Razr, 4 thru PW $150 941-456-2016 KING COBRA Like new Gravity back 3-pw+sw metal-med flex $119 941-875-5983 PING EYE 2 2 to pw(+sw)zz lite red dot metal iron set-v.good $109 941-875-5983 Saturday, April 8, 2017 e Sun Classi ed Page 23


Page 18 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 7100 MERCURY 2004 MERCURY GRANDMARQUIS MUST SEE CAR! ONLY 30K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7135 SATURN PRO POWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 96 SC2 Coupe$1,199 00 SW2 Wagon$1,950 97 SW2 Wagon $2,158 98 SW2 Wagon $2,195 RV Tow Ready 01 SL2 Sedan$2,395 05 Vue V6 $3,299 05 Vue 6cyl $3,750 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,400 07 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 09 Vue XE $7,188 08 Vue XE $7,800 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $7,995Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 7145 ACURA 1999 ACURA 2.5TL $5,990 SILVER, 77K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 ACURA MDX $38,911 RED, 14K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7148 BMW 2011 BMW 328ICV $17,990 SILVER, 51K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 BMW 335ICV $30,990 CONV, WHITE, 32K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7160 HONDA 2002 HONDA ACCORD $2,400 Loaded, Owned since 2004, well cared for. 941-426-5126 2006 HONDA CIVIC $6,500 4 DR EX, 5 Spd. Manual Shift 941-815-2199 or 629-3188 2013 HONDA ACCORD $15,990 GRAY, 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $25,477 TOURING, CERT, 26K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $25,950TOURING, CERT, RED 15K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,977 EX-L BLUE, 16K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT $26,977 EX-L, CERT, BLACK, 43K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $29,897 TOURING, BLACK, 5,982 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA PILOT $33,497 EX-L, WHITE, 21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2017 HONDA CR-V $33,984 TOURING, RED 698 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2017 HONDA PILOT $44,877 BLACK, ELITE, 5,668 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7163 HYUNDAI 2005 HYUNDAI SANTA-FE $2,900 Original Owner. Exc. Running Cond! 941-475-9212 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA $8,990 RED, 91K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI VELOSTER $12,990 BLACK 18K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA WAGON. 45K Mi. 1-Owner. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7165 INFINITI 2016 INFINITI G35 $9,990 GRAY, 89K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 INFINITI QX60 $26,987 HYBRID 66K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7070 FORD 2007 FORD MUSTANG $10,000 GT California Special. 74K miles. 941-456-9149 2015 FORD FUSION $19,990 NAV, GRAY, 20K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 FORD MUSTANG $31,497 GT PREMIUM, RED, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2008 FORD FOCUS 4Dr SE. 78K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7075 GMC 2012 GMC TERRAIN $18,990 GOLD 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 GMC TERRAIN, SLE-2, EXCCONDITION, REDUCED$16,995 941-626-7682 Dlr 7080 JEEP 2014 JEEP WRANGLER $28,950 LMTD, BLUE, 47K MI 855-481-2060 DLR PRO POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd. Port Charlotte 1996 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,000 1998 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,199 2000 Cherokee 4X4,auto, air $3,895 2001 Wrangler Sport $7,500 2001 Wrangler Sport, Lifted $10,999 2011 Wrangler Sport, $16,899 941-627-8822 7090 LINCOLN 2000 LINCOLN TOWN-CAR $1,200 Good Tires, Cold A/C, 167K miles, needs body work but runs great! 941-475-5297 or 815-228-6801 2010 LINCOLN MKS $16,990 RED, 43K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7100 MERCURY 2009 MERCURY MILAN $8,000 Exc. Cond. 4 Cyl. Moon Roof. 57K Mi 954-554-2745 2005 MERCURY GRANDMARQUIS ULTIMA LS, $3,699 OBO, all power, all leather, serviced every 4K mi. Runs Great!! 941-457-2468 CLASSIFIED WORKS! 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 RECORD COLLECTION includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 SUMP PUMP w/auto float $30, OBO 314-609-1540 TABLE, multi-purposefolds Used for computer or sewing machine $22 941-496-9252 THULE ROOF Racks Traverse 480 Foot packs + 50 inch bars $150, OBO 941-661-7092 VINYL FLOOR TILES NEXUS, self-adhesive, 20 sq.ft & gift card $1 828-341-0815 6270 WANTED TO BUY/TRADE WANTED: ANTIQUE CLOCKS Send Pic & Price 812-322-6771 7000TRANSPORTATION 7030 CADILLAC 2011 CADILLAC STS $13,990 SILVER, 78K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2005 CADILLAC DEVILLE 81K MI. EXTRA CLEAN! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7040 CHEVROLET 2003 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER $4,995 4WD 144K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA $7,495 LT, FLEX FUEL, 92K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7050 CHRYSLER 1998 CHRYSLER CIRRUS $2,000 CASH! 45K Mi. 419-957-4375 1996 CHRYSLER SEBRING $3,595 OBO, Conv., White, New Roof, runs great, fun to drive. 83,300 mi 651-423-2048 2006 CHRYSLER PTCRUISER $3,995 102K Mi. Very Clean! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRING $4,500 obo GTC Conv. Silver w/ Black Top & Silver & Black Interior, 2.7 V6 Engine, Auto Trans, Total Repair Costs $3810. Over Last Year. New Timing Chain, Water Pump, 4 Tires, 6 Fuel Injectors, Front & Rear Brakes, Rear Struts, Rear Glass Window. 941-240-1071 WANTED: SEBRING OR MUSTANG CONV. 2003-2007, 50K miles or less and in exc cond. for my granddaughter, (auto a must) Grandmas orders! Cash customer 605-228-6598 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE ONLY 46K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 6250 APPLIANCES STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low pr i ces A/C COMP. 3ton Rheme,R22 $400 786-306-6335 AIR BED used for Camping or House Guests (Englewood) $25, OBO 941-830-2069 BAMBOO POLES 8-16FT LONG X 2.5Ž-1.0ŽDIA. 6 $3, $4, $6 941-426-6759 BOAT WHEEL (Englewood) $25, OBO 941-830-2069 BOOKS used novels $1, OBO 941-460-9026 CHANDELIER 9light beautiful, perfect $99 941-496-9252 CHANDELIER TIFFANY Design Single Bulb 20Ž Diameter Nice $75, OBO 941-379-5586 CHAR-BROIL BBQ 4 burner grill w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 CLOCK, MICKEY MOUSE Englewood, $10 941-830-2069 COFFEE POTELECTRIC Corningware Perk $22 941-496-9252 DISHES Palm leaf patter n 16 PC. Like new. $40 941-202-9172 ELKS LODGE PINS PINS FROM ALL OVER must see $75, OBO 941-391-6377 FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 HUBSAN H105D QUAD W/CAMERA,SCREEN & RETURN $75 941-451-8793 LIGHT BOX Great for any ad display $69 941-763-2581 MIRROR BEVELEDDECORATIVE SILVER LEAF DESIGN 29Wx42L $35 941-202-9172 MISC RECORD ALBUMS Some old albums $1 941-4298513 NINE EAGLES 1Si DRONE CAMERA & AUTO RETURN $85, OBO 941-451-8793 PAPER SHREDDER (In Englewood) $15 941-830-2069 6232 CATS KITTENS AVAILABLE. Good Homes. About 2 Months Old. All Black. 941-766-1284 SPRING CAT CLEARANCE EXTRAVAGANZA!! Beautiful long haired Orange Maine Coon! Very handsome white male. Black kitten SpookŽ. Life needs Meows. Call 941-270-2430. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. 6236 PET SUPPLIES & SERVICES BIRD CAGE macaw stainless steel-wooden beautiful $ 450 941-475-1379 DOG CRATE 21ŽH 24ŽD $45 941-256-0147 DOG LIFE Jacket Large. New. Neon yellow $20, OBO 941697-8598 DOG LIFEJACKET Large. Paws Aboard. New. Neon yellow $25, OBO 941-697-8598 PET STROLLER Never been used $60, OBO 262-492-4739 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 COFFEEMAKER, Keurig deluxe. Orig. $359. p60 Like new gift $125 941-580-4460 DISHWASHER HOTPOINT color white.Call after 4PM $100 941-257-8921 DISHWASHER Me more whiteworks perfectly $125 941-5057463 DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL Good Condition $80 941-486-0189 DRYER MAYTAG .Super nice.Call after 4PM $120 941-257-8921 FRIDGE, STOVE,DISHWASHER Excellent Condition!! $400 941-766-7359 ICE MAKER Magic Chef counter top ice maker. Seldom used. $60 941-255-2191 MEAT SLICER Berkel,10Ž Bld,knife grd,sharpener 115V 1/4 hp. $495 518-339-3388 MICROWAVE G.E. Spacemaker XL1800 W/Mounting Bracket $49 941-676-2019 MIXER KITCHENAID white with tilt back head. Used once $200, OBO 941-429-1573 RANGE JENN-AIR S lide in glass top $150 941-486-0189 REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE 18.3 $125 941-268-0934 REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE 18.3 cu. White. Good running unit. $125 941-268-0934 REFRIGERATOR Jenn-AirSide by side $150 941-486-0189 REFRIGERATOR MAGIC CHEF mini 4.4 cu. ft. Like new $75, OBO 941-202-9861 REFRIGERATOR W/bottom freezer Amana/white $200, OBO 941-429-1573 REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 REFRIGERATOR, KENMORE, NEW! SIDEBYSIDEW/ ICE& WATERDISPENSER$450 941-456-4773 VACUUM CLEANER KIRBY Good Cond. $55 941-4239371 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 Now $1200 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER WHITE All cycles. Excellent condition. $195, OBO 941-474-9402 6170 BUILDING SUPPLIES BALL VALVES, new 1/2 and 3/4Ž $5 314-609-1540 C ARPET N EW, NYLON, HIGH q uality Commercial/13.6x94 $500 941-769-6377 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! CEILING FAN White with light kit. $30 941-889-7592 COPPER PIPE Type L 3Ž Diameter over 6 Long $120, OBO 941-379-5586 MENS LEATHER Jacket size 42. Excellent Condition. $70, OBO 941-764-1694 PLUMBING SUPPLIES valves, seat cutters, faucet+toilet parts etc. $25 941-585-8149 WIRE 50 NEW 3/0 COPPER THIN WIRE FOR A 200 AMP SERVICE $60 941-626-6879 6180 HEAVY/CONST. EQUIPMENT ACE ARM & Flange plus auto gift card $1 828-341-0815 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY A/C RECLAIM SET w/hoses and tank. $120, OBO 314-609-1540 BRAKE TRIM ALUMINUM Tapco, 106Ž very good condi $500, OBO 941-764-7323 CHAIN WRENCH 24Ž Rigid Ex cond $25, OBO 314-609-1540 COMPRESSOR, Campbell Hausfeld, PowerPro 2hp, 20 gallon. $200 860-810-4174 DRILL PRESS Sears 8Ž drill press. Works good. $50 941475-7150 ELECTRIC SANDER Sand Cat belt sander $20 941-505-0081 FLARING TOOLSET Craftsman 6 pcs $20 941-451-3958 GAS CHAIN SAW Craftsman gas chain saw & hard case 14Ž $50 941-697-5469 HAND TOOLS Carpenter $25 941-451-3958 JACK STANDS Craftsman 21/4 ton $20 941-451-3958 LADDER, 24` ALUMINUM, Extension $90 941-629-9169 LADDER, Gorilla 4 in 1 $90 941-629-9169 MASTER MECHANIC NEW Adj Workbench drill sander jigsaw $100, OBO 941-408-7535 MUFFLER CUTOFFTOOL Craftsman 13/8 to 21/2 inches $20 941-451-3958 PIPE WRENCH, Delta 24Ž. Aluminum $35, OBO 314-609-1540 SANDER CRAFTSMAN 4x36 Belt and 6Ž disk sander $90, OBO 941-473-3317 SHOP VAC 16 gallon Wet Dry vac. $35 860-810-4174 TOOL BOX SET Real nice top and bottom. $60 715-4390459 6220 OFFICE/BUSINESS EQUIP./SUPPLIES CARPET BERBER, NEW, Earth tones 15.46 sq yds/13.6x94 $150, OBO 941-769-6377 COMPUTER DESK Glass/metal 44Lx30Wx29H $50, OBO 972-369-2498 LATERAL FILE Wood 2 drawer. Excellent condition. $35 941-626-1332 OFFICE CORNER DESK Corner gray desk & cabinet $125 941-505-7463 PAPER SHREDDER tan $22 941-426-1088 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 24 e Sun Classi ed


Thursday, April 6, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 19 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs WANTED All Motor Homes, TTs, 5th whls,Vans conversion & passenger, cars & Diesel trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 954-789-7530 TURN YOUR RV INTO CASHSell it! Consign it! Trade it!NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM MOTORHOMESHUGESELECTION TOPBRANDSFORESTRIVERCOACHMENTHOR& WINNEBAGONOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 CLASS B HEADQUARTERS LARGEST SELECTIONINUSA!ROADTREK MIDWESTPLEASUREWAYWINNEBAGO/COACHMENLEISURETRAVELREGENCYANDMORE! NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 25 2014 WINNEBAGOVIA Class A, Mercedes Benz Chasis, 15-18 MPG, 16,000 miles, 1 owner $82,500, MUST SELL!! Tow Car Avail. 941-773-2730 2000 31 WINNEBAGO BRAVE Low Miles! Loaded. Good Condition! $15,500. 941-426-5126 7382 RV/CAMPER PARTS RV 50 AMP 30 Ext Cord almost new $80 651-491-7549 RV COVER up to 40. Never used. $500, OBO 610-2074720 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! REESE HITCH 10K adjustable with camper hookup bars $275, OBO 941-256-0147 EXTERIOR MAT Snowbird RV black and tan, approx 10 X 30 $40 651-491-7549 CARGO CARRIER Gal 20Žx60Ž w/lights fits 2Ž rec. Exc. cond. $65, OBO 941-204-7013 5TH WHEEL VENTED TAIL Gate 1995-2001 Dodge PickUp. 2002 2500 & 3500 Series. $125 903-814-2572 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES UTILITY TRAILER Like new 4x6 $350. Call Jack 941-830-4347 BOAT TRAILER Tandem Axle, Galvanized. 19`-21`. New Axles & Hubs. $500 941-800-7555 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS HARBOR SCOOTERS for all your scooter needs... 3315 Tamiami Trl. PG We Repair Scooters too! 941-347-8705 SALES SERVICE PARTS 2014 H.D, Limited Ultra Classic. 12,500 Miles w/ Extras! $18,000. 215-840-2743 1996 HONDASHADOW1100CCW SADDLEBAGS, W/S, EXC. COND. LOW MILES! $1500/OBO941-505-2810 1987 HONDA Helix Restored. In Good Shape. 14K Orig. MI $1,500 616-485-4288 7 361M OTORCYLCE ACCESS. HELMET, LADIES SMALL. New. Never used. Sacrifice. $50 941-716-1558 HD New Seat Shocks exhaust pipes seat $400, OBO 989701-0214 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS Huge Selection Top Brands Forest River Coachmen Heartland Dutchmen Palomino PumaTab CrossroadsGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM 2015 RIVERSIDE RV Retro 24. Exc. Cond. Large Bathroom $16,500 941-232-1276 2011 BIG HORN 40, 5 slides, 1.5 bath, 3 tvs, fireplace, fully loaded $28K, OBO 941-208-5185 2006 SUNNYBROOK TITAN 3 Slides. Exc. Cond! Moving, Must Sell! $17K obo 505-917-3531 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,000. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. 2009 Smart Car, Ready to Tow!! $5,349 THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. 7330 BOATS-POWERED 18 SEAARK Mod V w/ Tunnel. 90 HP Etech w/ Jet Drive. Trailer. $9,975 941-467-4320 16 2004 CAPE CRAFT Yamaha 50 HP Many Updates & Repairs $5,495 941-356-6305 14 SYLVAN ALUM w/ 20hp Mercury. Fresh bottom paint, bimini top, cover, new galv trailer $2,500 810-241-0847 7331 SAILBOATS 22 71 MORGAN Main sail Genoa, main sail cover, bimini, & swing keel, solid day sailor, weekender or possible handicapped racer. No motor or trailer, $1,500, OBO Port Charlotte 410-310-2543 7333 MISC.BOATS 10 AVON needs repair no title $100, OBO 772-828-9423 12 ALUM. JON BOAT oars, trailer $0 941-421-4946 7334 OUTBOARD/ MARINE ENGINES YAMAHA 2.5 HP, 4 stroke OB Runs great. $400 OBO 772828-9423 50S MOTOR. 7.5 Corsair Navigator.$130 7336 BOAT STORAGE/ DOCKING BOAT & TRAILER STORAGEBoat Storage WET/DRY FREE Boat Ramp! Gulf Access! Great Fishing!NAV-A-GATOR Bar & Grill on property!DESOTO MARINAOn the Peace River941-627-3474 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 41 BOAT SLIP Access To Harbor, No Bridges. Water & Electric. 941-883-1953 7338 MARINE SUPPLY & EQUIP. ANCHOR MUSHROOM Black Exc Cond $25 941-423-9371 ANCHOR CLAW 18Ž Good Cond. $25 941-423-9371 TRIM TABS, Nauticus Adjustable, Manual 9 1/4Žx9 3/4Ž. $75 317-750-7051 7339 CANOES/KAYAKS 14.9 KAYAK Scupper Pro Ocean, Sit-On top, lots of storage, rod holder & paddle. $375 941-204-4196 7341 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES TRAILERSNewPre-Owned CargoUtility Trailers Parts Repairs-Tires Welding. We BUY Trailers! Trades Welcome. Roys Trailer Country 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Rd P.G. NEW SHIPMENT! 2017 LARK ENCLOSED TRAILERS MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7290 VANS 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $25,497 EX-L CERT, BLUE, 40K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY $26,997 EX-L, 25K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,477EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,950 EX-L, CERT, WHITE, 41K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,950TOURING ELITE, 5,738 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,975 TOURING, CERT, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ODYSSEY $39,987 TOURING, CERT, 10K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan WHEELCHAIR Van, 10Ž lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2002 TOYOTA TUNDRA $3,900 OBO, 5spd manual, 6 cyl, work truck, 941-483-0138 2004 DODGE DAKOTA $5,500 Long Bed w/ Fiberglass Top. 136K Mi. Runs Great, Looks Good. 941-639-6450 2006 TOYOTA TACOMA $17,500.Dbl. Cab, Long Bed, Only 64K Miles! 941-391-3955 2015 TOYOTA TACOMA $23,911 ACCESS CAB BLACK 24K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 TOYOTA TACOMA $24,990 P-RUNNER, SILVER, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 FORD F-150 $28,897 XLT, BLUE, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 TOYOTA TUNDRA $31,000 15K miles, V8, Excellent Condition. 941-204-0936 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $34,987 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 CHEVYSILVERADO-3500 HD $49,987HIGH COUNTRY, 51K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2015 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $31,987 LIMITED, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 FORD EXPEDITION $31,987 LTMD, WHITE, 65K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7330 BOATS-POWERED 28 LARSON 280 CABRIO 94: NEW Fuel Tank, Pumps, Starters, Batts, New SB Engine, PT Refurb, Carbs Rebuilt & MUCH More! Can Fax/Email List 2 U. $8,900/obo 941-697-3335 REALLY REDUCED! 22 SEAFOX 2006 Bought new 2008, Twin 90HP Mercury, Dual batteries, Lg. baitwell, Power Steering, Depth/fish finder 165 hours, Alum. tandem trailer (Cost $4,000) Professionally Maint. $21,500 941-347-7020 7250 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1929 FORD ROADSTER $37,500 Conv. Fully Restored Street Rod 941-391-6211 7260 AUTOS WANTED WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 CASHFOR ALL TRUCKS & CARS ANY COND RUNNING OR NOT. (352)-342-7037 WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES TIRES (2) Goodyear, 185/65/R15 $45 for both. 941-257-5500 METAL CAR ramps heavy duty $56 786-306-6335 TOW BAR $75, OBO 941-629-6165 HOLLEY 650 CARB Needs rebuilt $80 941-629-6429 ENGINE STAND H.Duty big block,etc $90 786-306-6335 WHEELS 4 CAMARO Z28 GM ALUM 15X7 $275 941-629-6429 CAMARO Z28 4 GM ALUM 15X7 WHEELS $275 941-6296429 283 CHEVY engine runs,vintage $490 786-306-6335 WHEEL 16 Mercedes Includes cap and tire $109 941-763-2581 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s LEXUS RX 350 SUV trailer hitch with all accessaries. $175 941-697-5469 G M Rally Wheels complete set (4) used most cars $375 941697-5469 FINNED VALVE COVERS Factory Corvette ALUM GM $175 941-629-6429 CAR RADIO GM with CD player. Like new. $40 941-698-9798 BIG BLOCK454HEADS Early 70s off a running motor $325, OBO 941-629-6429 ALUMINUM TOOL BOX, Husky, For Full size P/U. Good cond. $125 941-266-4731 7290 VANS 2001 DODGE VAN 1500 $2,000 Work Van, NewBrakes,Rotors, Drums, Front Tires. Runs Great! 941-200-2226 2008 DODGE CARAVAN $8,990 SILVER, 40K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $11,990 GOLD, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7178 LEXUS 2005 LEXUS ES-330 $9,990 BLUE, 74K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2005 LEXUS RX-330 $10,990 AWD, NAV, 119K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 LEXUS RX-350 $14,990 AWD, BLACK, 110K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS ES-350 $16,990 GRAY, 57K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS CT-200H $24,990 CERT, NAV, WHITE, 12K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS IS-350 $25,990 NAV, WHITE, 9,999 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS IS-250 $26,911 CERT, NAV, WHITE, 23K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS ES-350 $31,990 CERT, WHITE, 9,203 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS RX-350 $34,911 CERT, NAV, WHITE 22K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 LEXUS RX-350 $39,911 CERT, BLACK 8,183 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS IS-250C $39,990 CERT, NAV, SILVER, 25K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2007 LEXUS ES350, LOADED, EXCELLENTCONDITION, REDUCED$10,995 941-626-7682 dlr 7190 MERCEDES 2010 MERCEDES-BENZ GL450 $19,990 BLACK, 92K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 MERCEDES CLA-250 $25,000ESSENTIALLYBRANDNEW, 3KMI! RED, BLACKINTERIOR, CHECKCARFAX. CANNOTFINDANOTHER DEALLIKETHIS! 941-625-1927 7195 MITSUBISHI 2008 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 2DR COUPE GS 73K MI LIKE NEW! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7200 NISSAN 2009 NISSAN VERSA $5,995 Auto, Air, 83K MI. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7207 SUBARU 2017 SUBARU OUTBACK $32,990 NAV, WHITE, 925 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7210 TOYOTA 2011 TOYOTA CAMRY $10,990 WHITE, 55K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS $11,990 IV, NAV, SILVER 58K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 TOYOTA SIENNA $11,990 WHITE, 54K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 TOYOTA AVALON $26,987 XLE PREM, GRAY 14K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7220 VOLKSWAGEN 2014 VW JETTA GLI $14,936 4D Sdn 86,340 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 7240 MISC.IMPORTS 2009 PORSCHE CAYENNE $28,497 BLACK, 32K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7250 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1977 CHEVY CORVETTE $17,500 redŽ T-top Coupe, new paint. 941-391-6211 Saturday, April 8, 2017 e Sun Classi ed Page 25


Page 20 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 26 e Sun Classi ed


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fn \001 \tbb"\000trr & %)&"! ONT HOMES '&)%$) tt )45.3()48.4()]TJ2.311 -1.006 Td[()44.5( )39.8()40.2()41.5()39( rb)-30.8()-32.8()]TJET0.989 1 1 rg/GS2 gsq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 517.02 1017.768 cm0 0 m104.46 0 l104.46 -76 l0 -76 lhf*QQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq513 1021.768 112.5 -157 reW* nq477.02 1057.768 1034.68 -1620 reW nq513.02 864.768 112.46 157 reW* nq517.02 1017.768 104.46 -76 reW* nq/GS0 gs104.22 0 0 76.5 517.53 941.52 cm/Im5 DoQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* n0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 513 859.152 cm0 0 m112.5 0 l112.5 -128 l0 -128 lhf*QQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq513 859.152 112.5 -128 reW* nq477.02 895.152 1034.68 -1620 reW nq513.02 731.152 112.46 128 reW* n1 g/GS0 gsq 1 0 0 1 513.02 731.152 cm0 0 m0 128 l112.46 128 l112.46 0 lhf*Q0.209 0.153 0.119 RG/GS2 gsq 1 0 0 1 513.52 858.652 cm0 0 m111.46 0 l111.46 -127 l0 -127 lhSQ1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBT0.209 0.153 0.119 rg/GS1 gs/T1_10 1 Tf6.375 0 0 6.375 587.88 760.32 Tm( "!# t)54.3($)46.2( !\021 ntt ! !#\032! \016r\026\b)Tj1.846 -1.002 Td(\r\026" bn\024$$!\021$")Tj-1.454 -1.002 Td(f\(&)\023+\024 #)\ )' ) #\025\r%%! #( '\020#\022$)\003n\030' \021 )Tj-0.842 -1.004 Td(r)Tj-1.12 -1.004 Td()Tj-0.664 -1.002 Td[(f\016f btnb bnff\020#'" $\017"+\000 )\031' )\030 '-%&$\035"%%' &"$ $\\b\007\ tbb%$%+'( .\000"%) '$\036'\030$\035'%$) $)'-\023*'' $\(*))'(\021, )$\036'$ )\032%*$)'\ $\031'!()\031'\026\030&&""" ) "\%%#( \016\000rrr ##%\r" \022$)TjET0.989 1 1 rg/GS2 gsq1 0 0 1 -0.0000002 0 cmq 1 0 0 1 152.52 1029.55 cm0 0 m104.46 0 l104.46 -54 l0 -54 lhf*QQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq148.5 1033.55 112.5 -180 reW* nq112.52 1069.55 1034.68 -1620 reW nq148.52 853.55 112.46 180 reW* nq152.52 1029.55 104.46 -54 reW* nq/GS0 gs104.46 0 0 54 152.52 975.54 cm/Im16 DoQQQQQQQQQQq1 0 0 1 -0 0 cm0 1206 774 -1206 reW nq27 1179 m27 27 l747 27 l747 1179 l27 1179 lhW nq27 1179 720 -1152 reW nq9 1197 756 -1188 reW nq27 27 720 1152 reW* nq148.5 1033.55 112.5 -180 reW* nq112.52 1069.55 1034.68 -1620 reW nq148.52 853.55 112.46 180 reW* n1 0 0 1 0.0000002 0 cmBT0.989 1 1 rg/GS0 gs/T1_18 1 Tf8.4992 0.1122 -0.1122 8.4992 160.02 1019.46 Tm( b )Tj0.35 -1.006 Td[( n r b\034\ntt \021 \026rr\000.-\022 \027)-21&0."++ ",&-)1)&0$(..+0\025f)Tj-0.371 -1.006 Td(r\016r!\033! \035()0\(.20&\ )-"$(.)$&-&)'(#./(..% %%&\017$"\025\ C G H D H C D To include your business Call 866.463.1638 or email your ad to classi 941-662-0366 Direct cell: 941-662-0266Email: Visit: CBC1258748/Fully Insured O ering!Custom!Home!Design!&!Building Expert!Residential!and!Commercial!Renovations Kitchens!and!Baths Well-Established!&!Many!References Rescreening Roof Coating Drywall Repair Gutter Cleaning Poly-Pebble Sealing Plumbing Fixtures Int./Ext. Painting Rotten Wood Repairs Pressue Cleaning Mobile Home Repair Electrical Fixtures Dryer Vent Cleaning Serving Sarasota CountyLicensed and Insured D We Bring Samples To You Mobile Showcase H H Call 866.463.1638 or email Classi! with your ad inthe C PRO PATH CONCRETE florida concrete C C C H H Serving South of Venice No Job Too Big or Too Small!Licensed & Insured CRC 1327653(941) 629-4966 E The State of Florida Requires all Contractors to be Registered or Certied. Be advised to Check License Numbers with the State by Calling1-850-487-1395 or on the Web at Patch RepairsLic. # SCC131150207 Insured Special Rates for Multiple Clients #1 Cause of Fires in the Country! A" ordableLicensed / Insured Roger P. Frechette, Sr.941-661-2020 Dryer Vent Cleaning And InspectionPrevent Fires Go GREEN!Phone 941-204-6468Over 30 Years ExperienceGARY DRAKE Lic#773-00006427 / Ins. D C Jerusa lem Brothers CONCRETE Driveways, Sidewalks,Lanais, Patios, Slabs, STUCCO, Rusted Bands, Wire Lathe, Repair Stucco Block, Remove & Replace Sod, Tree Removal,and much more.863-722-8910 269-369-8471 C D D D E F F G adno=8602810 Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 28 e Sun Classied


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Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE VENICE BEAUTIFULHOMEINVENE-TIAOFFJACARANDABLVD, 3/2/2PLUSLOTSOFEXTRAS. $399,000 BYOWNER941-218-4502 VENICE2/2/2 in East Gate REDUCED! Great Opportunity! City Utilities. Many Upgrades! Enclosed Yard w/ RV Parking. $218,500. Elzia Phillips, Gulf Shores Realty 941-223-3344 ADVERTISE! 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES ESTATE ON LEMON BAY 4 BED, 3-1/2 BATH, OVERSIZED3-CARGARAGE, ANDLARGE ATTACHEDLUXURYGUEST APARTMENT. 180 DEGREE VIEWSOVERWIDESTPARTOFLEMONBAY. NEWHIGHEST QUALITYDESIGNERPOOLAND SPAWITHCABANABATH. NEWHEAVYDUTYDOCK. THIS DESIGNERINTENSIVEHOME SHOWSLIKEAFEATURED PROPERTYINARCHITECTURALDIGEST. VIEW VIDEO & MORE AT:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFO$1,259,000 SHOWNBYAPPOINTMENTONLY. OWNERFINANCINGPOSSIBLE. 941-769-0200 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE 1 to 2 bedroom home, 1 bath, carport with attached shed. Close to PC Middle $70,000 941-875-7600 ROTONDA3/2/2 POOLHOME. QUIETSTREET$219KCALLTERRYLONGALWAYSLONGONSERVICE TOFINDOUTWHATYOUR HOMEISWORTH. KELLERWILLIAMSREALTYGOLD941-830-2347 SOUTH VENICE3/2/1, 27`X37` LANAIW/ ADD`LKITCHEN. TILECOUNTERSINHOUSEKITCHEN. FENCEDYARDINPRIVATESETTING. ALLAPPL. INCL. 5 MIN. TOBEACH! LOTSOFROOMTOENTERTAIN! $222,900. 941-497-4030 SOUTH VENICE2 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT! 3/2/2 SPLITPLAN. NEARBEACHYETQUIETAREA! CLOSE TOAMENITIES! STILLTIMETOPICKYOURCOLORS& OPTIONS! $280KSARASOTAREMODELINGINC.941-893-7326 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE BRAND NEW 3/2/2 Homes $189,900 $194,900 HENRY GUSTAF A CLEAR CHOICE REALTY941-204-8213 PUNTA GORDA BURNT STORE MEADOWS 7505 CORALTREE. NEW HOME. 3/2/2 POOL, GRANITEANDTILE. $279,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 PUNTA GORDA PEACE RIVERSHORES ,163 Dee Pl 33982, 5/8 acre fenced in Shed & Carport, 2+ Bdrms, 1 1/2 Bths, Lg Laundry Rm, New cabinets, Tile countertops. Large Shed wired 240V, $129,000. 941-628-6496 REDUCED GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! PUNTAGORDA, BURNTSTOREMEADOWS. BRANDNEW3/2.5/3 POOLHOME. LOTSOFUPGRADES! REDUCED$339,900BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE 362 LASAYETTEDR. 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATHHOMEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHEN HASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1835 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! PORT CHARLOTTE Sec 15 143 Appian Street 3/2.5/2 Pool Home, 2282 sqft., New Paint, Tile, Bathrooms, Cabinets, Lighting, S.S. Appliances, Large Fenced Lot, .50 acre, Hurricane shutters. Newer A/C. Was $314,000, Now $278,000 801-776-0059 $40,000 Improvements PORT CHARLOTTE Squeakly Clean 3/2/1 with New Roof! Quick Access to What You Need! Great Starter Home or 2nd Home For Snowbirds. All Appliances Stay. Nice Screened Lanai, Partially Fenced. $134,595. Richard Lundgren, Horizon Realty International of Venice 941-276-0029 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE I BUY HOUSES. FAST CASH! 941-270-3840 PORT CHARLOTTE 12588 Chamberlain Blvd, Light, bright, airy open floor plan in this 2006, 1600 SF 3/2/2 on oversized lot Screened garage and front entry! Hurricane shutters! Extended granite counter tops, and breakfast bar! SS appl!All tile thruout, except bedrooms! Walk-in closets in all bdrms! NEW AC! $199,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 P a r k L i k e S e t t i n g PORT CHARLOTTE FL LIFESTYLE IS EPITOMIZED IN THIS 1700 SF 2/2/2 CANAL-FRONT POOL HOME ON LUSHLY LANDSCAPED LOT IN MUCH SOUGHTAFTER SECTION OF PORT CHARLOTTE! WHOLE-HOUSE ACCORDIAN HURRICANE SHUTTERS! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! Solar-Heated Screened /Caged Pool Overlooking Tranquil Freshwater Canal. Quiet neighborhood featuring beautiful homes with easy access to shopping, restaurants, world-class fishing and golf. $199,900 Patty Gillespie RE/MAX Anchor 941-875-2755 AdvertiseToday! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE ENGLEWOOD 2Br/2Ba/2Cg, w/ Lg. scr. lanai. Prestigious Windward, Cape Haze, $210,000 Principals 941-214-5285 NORTH PORT 2509 Cartright LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 1500 SF 3/2/2 WITH ENCLOSED LANAI on FENCED CORNER LOT. Minutes to all amenities, schools, I-75. PAMPERED BEAUTY! ROOMY COMFORT! This house is devoted to everyday enjoyment in a choice neighborhood! $173,000 Patty Gillespie REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED! PORT CHARLOTTE SHANGRI-LA! 1161 Presque Isle Dr. Absolutely STUNNING tranquil low-maintenance back yard highlights this immaculate 2000+ SF 3/2/2 AND detached 1-car garage (with remotes) on 1400 SF fully fenced corner lot in one of Port Charlotte's finest neighborhoods. Totally redone and updated five years ago! NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! City Water! AWESOME ESCAPE FROM THE ORDINARY! $199,900 Patty Gillespie, Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 PENDING GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! P P R P R P P R R R € Honest € Reliable € FREE EstimatesLic. #1413989 A s k A b o u t S e n io r S p e c ia ls Lic. & InsuredCell (941)979-6676Oce (941)979-9204Pro Source Power Washing Hot & Cold ServicesSENIOR DISCOUNTS Serving Charlotte County21012 EXMORE AVE PORT CHARLOTTE, FL Call 866.463.1638 or email Classi with your ad in the Lic. # CCC1329187 Paul Deao RoofingP rotectin g Y our B i gg est I n v est m ent .Ž941-441-8943 Serving Sarasota & Charlotte c ounty f or over 22 years $55 Tops, $30 Sides Complete RescreensUp to 1500 Sq FeetLicensed & Insured(941) 879-3136$1,295 Free EstimatesSCREEN MACHINE Roof Leak Patrol Inc. Full Service Roo ng Contractor 604 C olon i a L n Nokom i s, F L 3 4 27 5( 9 41) 41 2 -404 7 State Lic. #CCC 1 328 61 3 R S RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC.( 941 ) 497-4553New Construction & Remodels Rusted bands & Wire Lath Repair.Spraycrete & More! S S T Roofs, Exteriors, Pools, Cages, Decks, & Driveways 941-460-4936 Cell: 941-468-2744completecleanpw.comLic. #CCC1328319 y Senior Citizens Discount Residential & Commercial 941-257-8624MR. PRESSURECLEANINGSoft Wash Roof Cleaning! P Johns Rescreening R T R R R R R R R R LARRYS PLUMBING941-484-5796 P P adno=8602814 Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 30 e Sun Classi ed


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Built with impact glass windows, metal roof, 42 inch upper cabinets and granite in kitchen. Ceiling in great room 11. Heated swimming pool in complex. Can rent a boat dock for a reasonable monthly fee. CALL941-429-3110TODAY!!SP29849 Openthedoortonew andexcitingjob opportunitiesinthe Can'tfinditanywhere?Don'tgiveupcheck theClassifieds! Saturday, April 8, 2017 e Sun Classi ed Page 31


Page 20 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netThursday, April 6, 2017 LONGBOAT KEY 593 Rountree Drive Linda Driggs 941-374-2920 A4172941 $2,649,000 PUNTA GORDA 203 5 Jamaica Way Jennifer Calenda 941-916-0798 C7217690 $1,499,000 VENICE 790 N River Road Michelle Hupp 941-773-5464 N5911596 $1,600,000 LOCALLY KNOWN. GLOBALLY CONNECTED. ENGLEWOOD 1925 Georgia Avenue Ellen Baker & Michael Hollenbeck 941-268-4999 D5910371 $2,100,000 NOKOMIS/NORTH VENICE 418 Palmetto Crescent Karen Scott 941-223-7620 N5908513 $815,000 PUNTA GORDA 3967 Crooked Island Drive Debra Gurin 941-875-3242 C7232658 $973,500 OSPREY 1156 Beachcomber Court 16 Kathleen Griffin 941-302-3979 A4164818 $365,000 PUNTA GORDA 806 Islamorada Boulevard Jennifer Taberski 585-300-9483 C7237456 $359,000 VENICE 1100 San Lino Circle 1134 Jo-Anne Sckowska & Nell Taylor 941-321-8975 N5910364 $350,000 VENICE 523 Warwick Drive Bambi Utton 941-228-4881 N5912085 $339,000 PORT CHARLOTTE 13978 Royal Pointe Drive Dee Dee Zor 614-330-2210 D5912286 $700,000 PLACIDA 30 Buccaneer Bend Carol Stewart 941-276-1162 D5914455 $647,500 VENICE 167 Tampa Avenue E 513 Robert Goldman 941-400-2756 N5911190 $499,500 NORTH PORT 1602 Bobcat Trail Karen Brown 941-380-2820 C7223570 $465,000 VENICE 580 Mossy Creek Drive Kristina Rain 941-320-2639 A4167069 $429,900 VENICE 810 Wood Sorrel Lane Robin Vaccai 941-716-9867 N5912233 $419,000 PUNTA GORDA 133 Acalypha Jennifer Calenda 941-916-0798 C7237826 $299,000 PUNTA GORDA 2332 Mauritania Road Debra Gurin 941-875-3242 C7234250 $253,000 PUNTA GORDA 3191 Matecumbe Key Road 404 Ken & Sue Parr 941-916-1252 C7235116 $250,000 PORT CHARLOTTE 2613 Lake View Boulevard Bob Lorence 239-682-2106 N5911552 $157,900 PLACIDA 225 Capstan Drive Christina Sexton 941-270-2154 D5917355 $339,000 ROTONDA WEST 14 Sportsman Terrace Elizabeth Burr 941-855-1142 D5917407 $339,000 VENICE 1830 Raintree Lane Robert Brooker 941-445-0861 N5911409 $338,000 PUNTA GORDA 1890 Deborah Drive 24 Sally Lewis 941-916-2934 C7237753 $310,000 ENGLEWOOD 790 Buckskin Court Jim Litton 941-822-9648 D5916653 $987,700 ENGLEWOOD 1760 Bayshore Drive Ron Paul 941-483-0866 N5909349 $1,249,500 MSC MORTGAGE | MSC TITLE | MS&C COMMERCIAL NEW HOMES & CONDOMINIUMS | RENTAL888.552.5228 michaelsaunders.comLICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKEROPEN HOUSES SUNDAYS 1Â…4 SUNDAY'S OPEN HOUSESENGLEWOOD 1063 Newton Street. $417,900. Robin Sullivan. 941-485-5421. N5912221 1192 Brown Street. $319,000. Christina Sexton. 941-270-2154. D5916584 200 Brandywine Circle. $309,000. Sherrey Welch. 941223-6318. N5911303 NOKOMIS/NORTH VENICE 516 Tamiami Trail S 202. $399,000. Wellman/Moffatt Team. 941-232-3370. A4125646 233 Monet Drive. $345,000. Wayne Ruby. 941-258-2276. N5911777 102 Savona Way. $337,000. Stephanie Silva. 941-448-8100. N5911129 PUNTA GORDA 10256 Windsong Road. $220,000. Millie Walker. 717576-0489. C7236821 VENICE 357 Turtleback Crossing. $539,500. Martha Pike. 941-7164392. N5910782 630 Sawgrass Bridge Road. $519,900. Martha Pike. 941-7164392. N5910210 609 Lakescene Drive. $389,900. Michelle Hupp. 941-773-5464. N5910700 4967 Bella Terra Drive. $374,900. Troy Haynes. 941-306-7541. N5910772 704 Riviera Street. $337,000. Carol Elliott. 941-451-4033. N5910105 1935 Innisbrook Court. $329,000. Robert Brooker. 941445-0861. N5910522 5020 Whitestone Drive. $279,000. Magda Cetta Whelton. 941-408-4047. N5911802 107 Hourglass Drive. $259,900. Tammy Kitt. 941-284-7274. N5909977 827 Harrington Lake Lane 35. $239,000. Patty Stewart. 941544-7403. N5912124 5363 Syracuse Road. $229,900. Katie Malloy. 941-468-2483. N5912346 1184 Bird Bay Way 308. $209,500. Robin Sullivan. 941485-5421. N5912312 931 Wexford Boulevard 931. $189,900. Bambi Utton. 941441-7765. N5912397 947 Wexford Boulevard 947. $185,000. Ford Utton. 941-2284881. N5912001 416 Cerromar Court 154. $179,900. Amy Wilson-Moghina. 941-275-9353. N5912071 458 Cerromar Road 384. $150,000. Katherine Dahl. 941786-4996. N5910385 adno=8533431 Saturday, April 8, 2017 Page 32 e Sun Classi ed


A -AAC Hldgs AAC ... ... 11 24.38 6.01 125 8.43 +16.4 AAR AIR .30 .9 25 38.75 21.78 199 33.48 +1.3 ABB Ltd ABB .76e 3.3 ... 23.90 18.72 1914 23.31 +10.6 ABM ABM .68 1.6 24 45.03 31.69 224 42.10 +3.5 AES Corp AES .48f 4.3 10 13.32 10.49 5906 11.16 -4.0 AES pfC AESpC 3.38 6.6 ... 52.48 49.95 3 51.15 +1.5 AFLAC AFL 1.72 2.4 12 74.50 63.92 3366 72.95 +4.8 AFLAC 52 AFSD 1.38 5.3 ... 27.48 23.55 25 25.82 +6.7 AG MtgeIT MITT 1.90 10.5 24 18.85 12.85 117 18.18 +6.3 AG Mtg pfA MITTpA 2.06 8.2 ... 26.01 24.12 2 25.20 +3.3 AG Mtg pfB MITTpB 2.00 8.0 ... 25.30 22.99 8 25.00 +5.0 AGCO AGCO .56f .9 31 64.90 44.68 410 61.38 +6.1 AH Belo AHC .32 5.5 ...dd 7.95 4.75 14 5.80 -8.7 AK Steel AKS ... ... 24 11.39 3.31 26340 7.06 -30.9 AMC Ent AMC .80 2.6 27 35.65 25.75 919 30.80 -8.5 AMCON DIT .72 .7 11 122.90 79.00 0 98.00 -15.0 AMEC FW AMFW .30e 4.4 ... 7.82 4.96 148 6.87 +20.3 AMN Hlth AMN ... ... 18 44.99 26.00 740 39.60 +3.0 ARC Docu ARC ... ... 12 5.55 3.06 88 3.62 -28.7 ASA Gold ASA .04e .3 ...q 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11.38 8.50 9.68 +2.4tAerohiveN HIVE ... ... ...dd 7.45 3.93 288 4.02 -29.5 AerojetR AJRD ... ... ...dd 22.99 15.52 342 21.35 +18.9 Aetna AET 2.00f 1.6 17 136.50 104.59 2186 128.84 +3.9 AffilMgrs AMG ... ... 17 179.85 130.48 257 160.63 +10.6 AffMgrs42 MGR 1.59 6.2 ... 27.69 24.80 18 25.69 +1.7 Agilent A .53 1.0 31 54.82 39.34 1505 53.15 +16.7 Agnico g AEM .40 ... 60.10 35.05 1106 44.92 +7.0 AgreeRlt ADC 1.98 4.1 22 51.33 38.54 140 48.49 +5.3 Agrium g AGU 3.50 3.7 17 111.88 81.17 268 93.93 -6.6 Air Inds AIRI .60 18.5 ... 6.10 2.21 24 3.24 +2.9 AirLease AL .30f .8 8 40.24 24.49 1258 37.20 +8.4 AirProd APD 3.80f 2.8 21 157.84 129.00 851 135.19 -6.0 AirPrd wi APD/WI ... ... ... Aircastle AYR 1.04 4.5 11 25.98 18.26 368 23.23 +11.4 AlaPw pfO ALPpO 1.46 5.2 ... 30.93 25.30 6 28.32 +7.9 AlamoGp ALG .40 .5 20 79.59 52.82 29 74.36 -2.3 AlamosGld AGI .02 .3 ... 10.41 5.74 1605 7.95 +16.2 AlaskaAir ALK 1.20f 1.3 12 101.43 54.51 1490 89.43 +.8 AlbnyIn AIN .68 1.5 27 49.50 36.91 74 45.65 -1.4 Albemarle ALB 1.28f 1.2 28 107.56 64.43 701 106.03 +23.2 Alcoa Cp AA ... ... ... 39.78 20.71 3496 33.65 +19.8 Alere ALR ... ... ...dd 50.49 31.47 1374 43.00 +10.3 Alere pfB ALRpB 12.00t ... ... 376.50 271.04 343.20 +3.1 AlexB Inc ALEX .28 .6 ...dd 46.43 32.94 78 44.40 -1.0 Alexanders ALX 17.00f 4.0 20 451.99 364.01 8 427.74 +.2 AlexREE ARE 3.32 3.0 25 120.96 90.34 844 112.18 +.9 AlxRE pfD AREpD 1.75 5.0 ... 37.25 29.25 0 35.12 +2.5 AlxRE pfE AREpE 1.61 6.5 ... 26.85 24.40 24.96 -.5 AlexcoR g AXU ... ... ... 2.54 .97 259 1.58 +17.0 AlgonPw n AQN .23p ... ... 10.18 7.91 80 9.50 +12.0 Alibaba BABA ... ... 34 110.45 73.30 5174 108.04 +23.0 AllegCp Y ... ... 19 667.19 482.85 47 611.63 +.6 AllegTch ATI ... ... ...dd 23.69 10.93 1296 17.74 +11.4 Allegion ALLE .64 .9 ... 76.50 61.47 513 74.70 +16.7 Allergan AGN ... ... 18 261.27 184.50 1499 238.34 +13.5 Allergn pfA AGNpA 55.00 6.5 ... 920.24 691.00 1 846.56 +11.0sAllete ALE 2.14f 3.1 26 68.40 54.03 160 68.44 +6.6 AlliCAMun AKP .70 5.3 ...q 15.74 13.02 29 13.32 +.5 AlliData ADS .52p ... 17 254.94 185.02 406 253.36 +10.9 AlliBNtlMu AFB .75 5.6 ...q 15.21 12.83 64 13.38 +1.2 AlliOne rs AOI ... ... 3 27.23 12.25 16 12.80 -33.3 AlliBGlbHi AWF .97a 7.7 ...q 13.03 11.25 129 12.56 -.1 AlliNYMun AYN .67 4.7 ...q 14.29 AlliBern AB 1.81e 7.9 11 25.13 20.75 262 22.85 -2.6 AlliantEg s LNT 1.18 3.0 21 40.99 34.08 637 39.87 +5.2 AlliGlCvInc NCV .78 11.4 ...q 7.00 5.43 306 6.86 +7.5 AlliGblCv2 NCZ .69 11.3 ...q 6.27 4.84 178 6.12 +7.2 AlliNFJDv NFJ 1.20 9.2 ...q 13.37 11.91 218 13.01 +3.2 AlliGlEqCv NIE 1.52 7.9 ...q 19.80 17.46 125 19.33 +4.9sAllnzgDI&Cv ACV 2.00 9.8 ...q 20.75 16.87 89 20.50 +9.2 AlldCap47 AFC 1.72 6.7 ... 26.28 25.10 3 25.85 +2.5 AlldWldAsr AWH 1.04 2.0 16 54.46 33.20 463 53.05 -1.2 AllisonTrn ALSN .60 1.7 31 38.17 26.21 1107 35.50 +5.4 Allstate ALL 1.48f 1.8 17 83.09 64.36 1547 81.44 +9.9 Allstat pfA ALLpA 1.41 5.5 ... 27.88 24.17 19 25.87 +4.5 Allstate 53 ALLpB 1.28 4.7 ... 28.26 24.66 17 27.16 +7.9 Allstat pfC ALLpC 1.69 6.3 ... 28.61 25.54 21 26.91 +4.4 Allstat pfD ALLpD 1.66 6.1 ... 28.71 25.54 4 27.20 +5.1 Allstat pfE ALLpE 1.66 6.1 ... 28.67 25.51 43 27.25 +5.3 Allstat pfF ALLpF 1.56 5.6 ... 29.16 25.00 19 27.67 +7.9 AllyFincl ALLY .32p 1.6 9 23.62 14.84 5896 19.60 +3.0 AlmadM n AAU ... ... ... 1.88 .75 554 1.35 +39.3 AlonUSA ALJ .60 5.3 ...dd 13.01 5.86 426 11.28 -.9 AlonUsaLP ALDW .40e 4.5 10 12.66 7.63 124 8.83 -8.0 AlpUSQVal QVAL 1.35e 5.4 ...q 26.07 20.29 6 24.96 +.8 AlpValuIntl IVAL 1.35e 4.8 ... 29.31 20.99 6 28.05 +9.2 AlpMoIntQ IMOM ... ... ...q 26.81 22.35 7 24.92 +9.3 AlpMoUSQ QMOM ... ... ... 26.70 20.50 16 25.20 +2.0 AlphaPro APT ... ... 14 3.80 1.85 22 2.70 -22.9 AlpGDDiv AGD .78 8.1 ...q 9.88 8.04 61 9.68 +10.4 AlpGPPrp AWP .60 10.3 ...q 5.90 4.84 362 5.83 +13.6 AlpTotDiv AOD .69 8.4 ...q 8.35 6.97 277 8.20 +8.2 AlpsETF GRI 1.52e 3.5 ...q 47.03 40.28 2 43.39 +4.1 AlpsEqSect EQL 1.83e 2.9 ...q 64.11 55.02 4 62.84 +4.8 AlpBzSoMed BUZ ... ... ... 28.14 22.32 1 27.01 +3.1 AlpsRivFlex RFFC ... ... ... Alps RivDiv RFDA ... ... ... 29.23 24.45 23 27.72 +2.7 AlpRvrCare RFCI ... ... ... 27.89 24.16 9 24.56 +.5 AlpRivUncn RFUN ... ... ... 28.76 24.65 3 26.05 +1.1 AlpSprtJG SGDJ ... ... ...q 49.11 28.00 7 35.61 +12.1 AlpMedBrk SBIO ... ... ...q 27.61 19.90 21 24.96 +8.9 AlpSprotG SGDM ... ... ...q 29.85 16.89 34 20.72 +9.9 AlpWkplEq EQLT .46 ... ...q 32.97 25.77 1 31.96 +5.8 AlpEDvDg EDOG .67e 2.9 ...q 26.03 20.21 13 23.21 +6.7 AlpAlerEn ENFR 1.35e 5.5 ...q 24.95 18.25 3 24.50 +2.8 AlpIntDvDg IDOG 1.47e 5.8 ...q 25.71 21.28 39 25.40 +7.5 AlpBarr400 BFOR .26e .7 ...q 37.05 28.66 4 36.10 +3.0 AlpEqHiVol HVPW 1.52e 7.8 ...q 20.49 18.81 6 19.44 +.2 AlpRivStInc RIGS .30e 1.2 ...q 25.50 24.41 50 25.25 +.3 AlpsDvDog SDOG 1.40e 3.3 ...q 44.40 37.53 261 42.97 +2.1 AlpAlerMLP AMLP 1.35e 10.5 ...q 13.31 10.70 8249 12.80 +1.6sAlteryx n AYX ... ... ... 16.37 14.61 526 16.63 +9.2 AltisrcAst AAMC ... ... 8 89.12 11.40 2 64.75 +21.0 AltisResid RESI .60 3.9 ... 15.66 7.81 233 15.20 +37.7 Altria MO 2.44 3.4 24 76.55 59.48 5341 71.42 +5.6 AlumChina ACH ... ... ... 13.85 7.22 24 12.85 +25.9 ATrFn pfA AFSIpA 1.69 7.1 ... 26.00 19.40 9 23.68 -3.7 AmTrF pfB AFSIpB 1.81 7.4 ... 26.49 20.37 34 24.30 -2.9 AmTrF pfC AFSIpC 1.91 7.8 ... 26.89 21.19 15 24.53 -2.5 AmTrF pf F AFSIpF ... ... ... 25.17 19.39 21 23.36 +1.2 AmTrF pfE AFSIpE ... ... ... 27.40 21.03 64 24.80 -2.8 AmTrFn 7.5 AFST ... ... ... 28.75 22.46 24 25.32 -1.7 AmTrFn 55 AFSS 1.81 7.3 ... 26.81 22.84 42 24.90 -1.4 AmTrF pfD AFSIpD 1.88 7.7 ... 26.91 21.00 21 24.45 -3.1 AmberRd AMBR ... ... ...dd 12.30 4.50 158 7.00 -22.9 Ambev ABEV .06e 1.1 5 6.34 4.70 16783 5.65 +15.1 Ameren AEE 1.76f 3.2 20 56.57 46.29 2245 54.71 +4.3 Ameresco AMRC ... ... 21 6.70 3.91 69 6.20 +12.7 AMovilL AMX .66e 4.7 49 15.95 11.02 2097 14.15 +12.6 AmMovl A AMOV ... ... ... 3 14.02 AmAssets AAT 1.04f 2.5 27 46.38 37.45 255 42.02 -2.5 AmAxle AXL ... ... 5 21.25 12.61 1631 17.00 -11.9 AmCampus ACC 1.68 3.5 25 54.56 43.66 469 48.10 -3.4 AmDGEn ADGE ... ... ...dd .65 .22 7 .31 +10.4 AEagleOut AEO .50 3.8 11 19.55 13.04 4378 13.30 -12.3 AEP AEP 2.36 3.5 17 71.32 57.89 2044 67.62 +7.4 AEqInvLf AEL .24f 1.0 16 28.00 12.97 413 23.83 +5.7 AmExp AXP 1.28 1.6 14 82.00 57.15 2769 77.92 +5.2 AFnclGrp AFG 1.25 1.3 16 97.00 67.06 209 94.72 +7.5 AFnclG6-42 AFW 1.59 6.2 ... 26.96 24.98 108 25.57 +1.8 AFnclG8-42 AFA 1.44 5.7 ... 26.89 24.16 3 25.41 +1.7 AFnclGp 54 AFGE 1.56 5.9 ... 28.28 24.43 15 26.60 +6.3 AFnclGp 55 AFGH 1.50 5.6 ... 28.02 23.58 11 26.78 +7.1 AHm4Rent AMH .20 .8 41 23.98 15.36 2009 23.62 +12.6 AHm4R pfA AMHpA 1.25 4.4 ... 29.37 25.66 1 28.30 +2.5 AHm4R pfB AMHpB 1.25 4.4 ... 29.70 26.25 1 28.49 +4.0 AHm4R pfC AMHpC 1.38 4.9 ... 29.50 26.00 3 28.21 +3.9 AHm4Rn pfD AMHpD 1.63 6.2 ... 27.58 22.15 21 26.35 +5.4sAHm4R pfE AMHpE 1.59 6.1 ... 26.33 22.55 51 26.14 +6.7 AIG wt AIG/WS ... ... ... 25.26 15.50 53 20.79 -11.4 AmIntlGrp AIG 1.28 2.1 ...dd 67.47 48.41 3646 61.84 -5.3 AmLorain ALN ... ... ...dd 1.30 .47 6 .56 +3.7 AMidstrm AMID 1.65 11.1 ...dd 18.45 6.53 51 14.90 -18.1 AmrRlty ARL ... ... ...dd 9.85 4.44 7.98 +54.4 AmRenAs n ARA ... ... ... 29.65 15.47 70 17.71 -16.8 AmShrd AMS ... ... 26 5.00 1.81 66 4.40 +31.3 AmStsWtr AWR .97 2.2 27 46.39 37.28 88 43.92 -3.6sAmTower AMT 2.48f 2.0 48 121.90 99.72 1837 121.95 +15.4 ATowr pfA AMTpA 5.25 4.6 ... 117.25 100.01 194 114.40 +9.1 ATowr pfB AMTpB 5.50 4.9 ... 116.74 99.45 27 112.00 +7.2 AVangrd AVD .06f .4 38 20.00 12.60 120 16.85 -12.0 AmWtrWks AWK 1.50 1.9 27 85.24 68.09 650 77.94 +7.7 AmerSilvr n USAS ... ... ... Amerigas APU 3.76 8.0 43 50.11 40.81 172 47.18 -1.5 Ameriprise AMP 3.00 2.3 14 135.20 84.92 671 129.71 +16.9 AmeriBrgn ABC 1.46 1.7 15 94.50 68.38 1577 87.64 +12.1 Ametek AME .36 .7 24 55.48 43.28 1036 54.21 +11.5 AmiraNatF ANFI ... ... ... 11.23 4.71 22 5.27 -14.3 Ampco AP .36 2.7 ...dd 19.22 9.34 32 13.55 -19.1 Amphenol APH .64f .9 26 71.98 54.94 785 69.93 +4.1 AmpioPhm AMPE ... ... ...dd 4.32 .59 426 .63 -30.6 AmYdPr5 ef PFV ... ... ... 27.96 24.52 27.92 +4.7 AmpDivOpt DIVO ... ... ... 26.79 24.80 3 26.15 +5.1 Amplify n BETR ... ... 18 17.53 7.86 238 8.35 -5.2tAmpliphi rs APHB ... ... ...dd 4.84 .36 288 .38 -13.9 Amrep AXR ... ... 10 8.14 4.04 3 6.31 -15.0 Anadarko APC .20 .3 ...dd 73.33 44.81 2621 62.89 -9.8 Anadrk 18 AEUA 3.75 8.5 ... 46.52 33.10 3 44.10 +6.7 AnglogldA AU ... ... ... 22.91 9.28 2131 11.85 +12.7 ABInBev BUD 3.19e 2.9 ... 136.08 98.28 1026 110.49 +4.8 Anixter AXE ... ... 18 88.00 50.05 90 79.25 -2.2 Annaly NLY 1.20a 10.6 10 11.37 9.83 7948 11.31 +13.4 Annaly pfA NLYpA 1.97 7.7 ... 27.00 24.51 14 25.72 +2.7 Annaly pfC NLYpC 1.91 7.6 ... 26.04 23.77 30 25.24 +4.7 Annaly pfD NLYpD 1.88 7.5 ... 26.29 23.79 35 25.14 +4.1 Annaly pfE NLYpE 1.91 7.6 ... 25.88 23.95 4 25.21 +4.6 AnteroMid AM 1.12f 3.3 29 35.74 20.87 225 33.82 +9.5 AnteroRes AR 1.00 4.3 40 30.66 22.08 2767 23.07 -2.5 Anthem ANTM 2.60 1.6 17 170.79 114.85 985 165.92 +15.4 Anthem un ANTX 2.62e ... ... 51.05 41.00 92 50.17 +6.9 Anworth ANH .60 10.8 10 5.60 4.47 488 5.56 +7.5 Anwrth pfA ANHpA 2.16 8.3 ... 26.28 24.80 27 26.05 +3.0 Anwrth pfB ANHpB 1.56 5.7 ... 27.44 19.91 6 27.35 +6.9 Anwrth pfC ANHpC 1.91 7.7 ... 26.40 23.35 6 24.68 -.2 Aon plc AON 1.32 1.1 19 120.40 100.55 764 119.39 +7.0 AoxingPh AXN ... ... 10 .94 .30 158 .41 +27.8 Apache APA 1.00 1.9 ...dd 69.00 48.05 3108 52.96 -16.6 AptInv AIV 1.44f 3.2 31 47.91 39.14 1205 44.86 -1.3 AptInv pfA AIVpA 1.72 6.4 ... 29.47 25.29 1 26.92 +4.2 ApolloCRE ARI 1.84 9.8 10 19.03 15.43 613 18.79 +13.1 ApolCR pfA ARIpA 2.16 8.4 ... 26.29 24.71 6 25.59 +1.0 ApoCRE pfC ARIpC ... ... ... 25.55 23.80 8 25.26 +1.9sApolloGM APO 1.42e 5.6 25 25.32 14.25 2507 25.40 +31.2 ApollG pfA APOpA 1.60 6.3 ... 25.30 24.55 136 25.27 +2.6 Apollo 42 AIB 1.66 6.6 ... 26.79 24.20 25 25.32 +.6 ApolloI 43 AIY 1.72 6.4 ... 27.41 24.78 7 26.76 +5.8 ApollSrFlt AFT 1.08a 6.2 ...q 18.08 15.21 59 17.43 +.2 ApolloTact AIF 1.32a 8.1 ...q 16.77 13.66 45 16.36 +5.8 AppHReit n APLE 1.20 6.3 31 20.68 17.32 853 19.07 -4.6 ApldIndlT AIT 1.16f 1.9 24 66.65 42.63 157 60.80 +2.4 Aptargrp ATR 1.28 1.7 24 81.50 70.32 293 76.53 +4.2 AquaAm WTR .74 2.3 25 35.83 28.03 502 32.36 +7.7 Acquavnt n WAAS ... ... ... 26.33 14.30 89 18.25 -25.6 Aramark ARMK .41 1.1 20 38.30 31.38 1068 36.65 +2.6 ArborRT ABR .68f 8.1 13 8.61 6.61 275 8.43 +13.0 Arbor prA ABRpA 2.06 8.1 ... 26.48 24.02 3 25.50 +1.7 ArborR pfB ABRpB 1.94 7.7 ... 26.00 21.88 4 25.09 +2.1 ArborR pfC ABRpC 2.13 8.3 ... 26.68 23.99 1 25.75 +1.6 ArborRT 21 ABRN 1.84 7.2 ... 26.15 24.27 4 25.54 +.9 ArcLogist ARCX 1.76 12.5 17 17.40 9.72 142 14.10 -11.5 ArcelorMit MT ... ... 9 9.37 4.18 21562 8.24 +12.9 ArchC pfC ARHpC 1.69 6.7 ... 27.65 25.02 18 25.38 +.8 ArchCoal ARCH ... ... ...dd 86.47 59.05 508 74.69 -4.3 ArchDan ADM 1.28f 2.8 21 47.88 35.97 2264 45.25 -.9 Archrock AROC .48 3.7 ...dd 16.40 5.60 452 13.05 -1.1 Arconic ARNC .15p ... ... 30.69 16.75 1570 26.16 +41.1 Arconic pf ARNCp 3.75 4.3 ... 94.00 85.55 88.06 -1.1 Arconic pfB ARNCpB 2.69 8.9 ... 38.77 28.35 30.23 ArcosDor ARCO ... ... 46 8.25 3.55 375 7.80 +44.4tArdaugh n ARD ... ... ... 22.44 21.18 73 21.14 -.6 ArdmoreSh ASC .71e 9.1 ... 9.96 5.00 74 7.80 +5.4 AresC 10-22 ARU 1.45 5.6 ... 26.33 25.22 13 25.70 +.4 AresCmcl ACRE 1.08f 8.0 9 14.39 11.10 89 13.42 -2.3 AresDyCr ARDC 1.40 8.8 ...q 16.12 13.33 69 15.90 +5.4 AresMgmt ARES 1.12f 6.0 14 23.25 12.08 131 18.55 -3.4 AresMg pfA ARESpA 1.75 6.7 ... 27.58 21.63 45 26.20 +4.6 Argan AGX .70e ... 15 76.70 30.62 204 64.25 -8.9sAristaNetw ANET ... ... 43 134.65 60.51 917 134.40 +38.9 ArkInnova ARKK .47p ... ...q 24.13 17.93 6 23.77 +18.5 ArkIndInno ARKQ .19p ... ...q 24.89 17.97 5 24.59 +12.0 ArkGenom ARKG ... ... ...q 20.88 15.85 4 20.00 +18.2 ArkWebX.O ARKW .53p ... ...q 29.30 20.10 4 29.00 +15.6 Ark 3dPr n PRNT ... ... ... 24.11 19.55 16 22.48 +6.5 ArlingAst AI 2.50 17.7 5 17.13 11.99 286 14.11 -4.8sArlingAst23 AIW 1.66 6.8 ... 24.99 19.30 11 24.40 +4.7 ArlingAst25 AIC 1.69 7.3 ... 23.99 19.00 0 23.00 +3.6 ArmadaHof AHH .76f 5.4 15 15.50 11.22 152 14.00 -3.9 ArmrR pfA ARRpA 2.06 8.3 ... 24.89 22.62 2 24.80 +2.1 ArmrR pfB ARRpB 1.97 8.3 ... 23.98 20.70 17 23.64 +1.9 ArmourR rs ARR 3.39 14.7 8 23.40 18.63 325 23.11 +6.5 ArmsFloor AFI ... ... ... 22.96 12.93 171 18.50 -7.1 ArmstrWld AWI ... ... 20 48.00 36.33 396 44.95 +7.5 ArmstW wi AWI/WI ... ... ... 41.30 ArrwDJYld GYLD 1.59e 8.6 ...q 19.99 17.61 14 18.52 +.5 ArrowEl ARW ... ... 10 75.88 58.09 387 71.10 -.3 ArrResC n ARCM ... ... ... 20.02 20.00 11 20.01 ArwQVMEq QVM ... ... ...q 24.61 21.07 24.13 +.8 Arrhythm HRT ... ... ...dd 4.83 3.47 4.10 +7.9 ArtisanPtr APAM 2.80a 10.4 13 35.00 24.48 457 27.00 -9.2 AskanoG g AKG ... ... ... 4.68 2.23 945 2.66 -13.1 AsburyA ABG ... ... 10 71.00 47.50 414 58.40 -5.3 AshHPrm AHP .64f 5.9 6 17.64 9.83 277 10.78 -21.0 AshHPr pfB AHPpB ... ... ... 25.42 17.70 20 19.55 -9.2 AshfordHT AHT .48 7.5 7 8.23 4.79 764 6.38 -17.8 Ashfrd pfA AHTpA 2.14 8.4 ... 26.48 24.10 1 25.40 +.1 Ashfrd pfD AHTpD 2.11 8.3 ... 26.00 24.24 5 25.27 +1.1 AshfHT pfF AHTpF 1.84 7.4 ... 26.33 21.86 4 24.85 +4.1 AshfrH pfG AHTpG 1.84 7.6 ... 24.99 21.69 19 24.15 +4.4 Ashford AINC ... ... 93 64.23 38.11 59.28 +37.4 Ashland ASH 1.56 1.2 19 126.11 105.50 625 124.94 +14.3 AsiaPc APB .22e 1.8 ...q 12.35 9.14 6 12.15 +25.0 AsiaTigr GRR .16e 1.4 ...q 11.50 8.76 3 11.35 +23.9 AspenAero ASPN ... ... ...dd 6.71 3.61 13 4.23 +2.4 AspenIns AHL .88 1.7 23 57.80 43.27 488 51.25 -6.8 AspenI pfB AHLpB 1.81 7.1 ... 26.70 25.29 10 25.42 Aspen pfC AHLpC 1.49 5.4 ... 30.32 24.93 8 27.59 +9.0 AscBnc pfC ASBpC 1.53 5.9 ... 27.90 24.49 2 26.05 +3.2 AsscBc pf D ASBpD ... ... ... 25.45 20.55 18 24.18 +10.4 AsscdBanc ASB .48 2.0 19 26.70 15.72 878 23.90 -3.2 AsdBan wt ASB/WS ... ... ... 2.80 AssocCap n AC ... ... ... 39.35 27.84 23 34.10 +3.8 Assurant AIZ 2.12 2.2 19 101.32 77.71 663 94.79 +2.1 AssuredG AGO .57f 1.5 10 42.94 23.43 1790 38.05 +.7 AsdGMu01 AGOpB 1.72 6.6 ... 26.99 25.33 3 26.18 +2.5 AsdGMu02 AGOpE 1.56 5.9 ... 27.37 23.73 8 26.44 +5.8 AsdGMu03 AGOpF 1.40 5.6 ... 26.13 23.03 11 25.08 +5.6 AsteriasBio AST ... ... ...dd 5.80 2.30 256 2.95 -35.9 Asterias wt AST/WS ... ... ... 1.00 .09 7 .42 -22.9 AstoriaF AF .16 .8 32 21.66 14.11 592 20.24 +8.5 Astoria pfC AFpC 1.63 6.3 ... 27.62 24.50 6 25.64 +2.1 AstraZen s AZN 1.40e 4.6 9 35.04 25.55 3813 30.44 +11.4 AtHomGr n HOME ... ... ... 17.02 10.19 73 15.21 +4.0 Atento SA ATTO ... ... ... 10.31 6.85 7 9.00 +17.6 Athene n ATH ... ... ... 55.00 44.46 1676 51.81 +8.0 AtkoreInt n ATRK ... ... ... 27.30 14.17 131 25.67 +7.4 AtlPwr g AT .12 ... ...dd 2.75 2.13 286 2.65 +6.0 ATMOS ATO 1.80f 2.2 23 81.97 68.51 221 80.35 +8.4 AtwoodOcn ATW .30m 3.2 2 15.37 6.12 2135 9.39 -28.5tAutoNatn AN ... ... 10 54.15 39.28 2252 40.32 -17.1 Autohome ATHM ... ... ... 36.01 19.32 629 30.53 +20.8 Autoliv ALV 2.32 2.4 19 126.31 93.31 546 96.48 -14.7 AutoZone AZO ... ... 17 819.54 692.90 223 702.29 -11.1 Auxilio n AUXO ... ... ... 6.46 3.60 339 5.80 +41.5 AvalonHld AWX ... ... ...dd 3.41 1.82 42 2.10 -28.8 AvalonBay AVB 5.68f 3.1 23 192.29 158.32 510 185.83 +4.9 Avangrid n AGR 1.73 4.0 ... 46.74 35.42 380 43.10 +13.8 AveICSFd ACP 1.44 10.3 ...q 14.60 10.80 87 14.03 +4.5 AveryD AVY 1.64f 2.1 20 82.11 68.55 513 79.85 +13.7 Avianca AVH .10e 1.3 ... 10.91 5.01 87 7.67 -20.4 AvinoSG g ASM ... ... ... 3.14 1.12 120 1.82 +32.5 Avista AVA 1.43f 3.6 19 45.22 37.78 225 39.41 -1.5 Avnet AVT .72f 1.6 11 51.50 38.16 929 44.80 -5.9 Avon AVP ... ... ...dd 6.96 3.52 6828 4.38 -13.1 Axalta AXTA ... ... 33.06 24.27 878 31.49 +15.8 AXIS Cap AXS 1.52f 2.3 12 71.06 51.01 425 66.70 +2.2 AXIS pfD AXSpD 1.38 5.5 ... 27.70 21.96 9 25.21 +11.0 AxisCap pfE AXSpE ... ... ... 24.03 21.04 152 23.85 +10.1 AXIS pfC AXSpC 1.72 6.9 ... 26.97 25.15 24.97 -1.0 Axovant n AXON ... ... ...dd 17.66 10.69 430 14.94 +20.3 AzurePwr n AZRE ... ... ... 22.00 12.73 18 19.98 +17.5B -B&G Foods BGS 1.86 4.8 21 52.84 31.81 634 39.05 -10.8 B2gold g BTG ... ... ...dd 3.65 1.68 2297 2.81 +18.6 BB&T Cp BBT 1.20 2.7 16 49.88 32.56 4737 44.31 -5.8 BB&T pfD BBTpD ... ... ... 27.33 23.79 21 25.55 +4.2 BB&T pfE BBTpE 1.41 5.5 ... 27.24 23.05 64 25.71 +8.3 BB&T pfF BBTpF 1.30 5.2 ... 26.47 22.00 21 25.04 +10.0 BB&T pfG BBTpG 1.30 5.2 ... 27.43 22.03 28 25.04 +9.8 BB&T pfH BBTpH 1.41 5.5 ... 27.50 23.26 55 25.63 +5.5 BBVABFrn BFR .48e 2.5 ... 23.25 16.20 132 19.09 +9.5 BCE g BCE 2.73 ... ... 49.03 41.83 1236 44.55 +3.0 BG Staffing BGSF 1.00 6.9 27 21.75 11.23 10 14.43 -7.5 BGCPtrs 42 BGCA 2.03 8.0 ... 27.39 25.41 32 25.51 -.7 BGE pfB BGEpB 1.55 5.9 ... 27.15 25.04 5 26.40 +3.5 BHP BillLt BHP 2.48e 6.7 ... 41.79 25.47 2248 37.16 +3.9 BHPBil plc BBL .64m 2.0 ... 37.44 22.17 1490 31.91 +1.4 BP PLC BP 2.38 6.9 41 38.68 29.98 5274 34.73 -7.1 BP Pru BPT 2.43e 10.9 4 32.95 12.15 303 22.25 -6.3 BRF SA BRFS .40e 3.3 ... 18.12 10.60 2048 12.06 -18.3 BRT BRT ... ... 34 8.70 6.93 9 8.44 +3.1 BT Grp s BT .99e 5.0 ... 33.50 19.14 463 19.68 -14.5 BWX Tech BWXT .36 .8 ... 49.11 32.24 615 47.95 +20.8 B&W Ent n BW ... ... ...dd 23.99 8.54 779 9.10 -45.1 BabShDHi BGH 1.84 9.3 ...q 20.49 16.66 127 19.72 +2.5 BadgerMtr s BMI .46f .4 33 39.85 29.30 96 36.40 -1.5 BakrHu BHI .68 1.1 ...dd 68.59 40.35 1377 60.94 -6.2 BallCorp BLL .52 .7 20 82.24 67.51 1395 72.40 -3.6 Ballanty BTN ... ... 48 8.10 4.21 6 6.20 -22.5 BanColum CIB 1.27e 3.1 ... 42.58 31.77 243 40.39 +10.1 BancCalif BANC .52 2.5 11 23.24 10.93 1323 20.55 +18.4 BcCalif pfC BANCpC 2.00 7.5 ... 28.39 24.60 1 26.80 +3.8 BcCalif pfE BANCpE ... ... ... 28.69 23.00 15 26.00 +4.5 BcCal pfD BANCpD 1.84 6.9 ... 28.29 23.00 10 26.64 +5.0 BcBilVArg BBVA .42e 5.6 ... 7.90 5.14 2095 7.56 +11.7 BcoBrades s BBDO .32e 3.2 ... 11.00 6.48 1 10.11 +14.4 BcoBrad s BBD .43e 4.3 ... 11.25 6.10 10540 10.06 +15.6 BcoLatin BLX 1.54 5.5 12 30.51 22.56 90 27.93 -5.1sBcoMacro BMA ... ... ... 89.00 57.88 73 86.79 +34.9 BcoSantSA SAN .23e 3.8 ... 6.23 3.60 3751 6.08 +17.4 BcoSBrasil BSBR .28e 3.5 ... 11.75 4.63 37805 7.90 -11.1 BcSanChile BSAC 1.13e 4.5 ... 25.55 17.83 454 24.91 +13.9 BcoChile BCH 2.98e 4.0 ... 75.28 59.70 51 74.08 +5.2 BcpSouth BXS .50 1.7 21 32.40 20.50 567 30.05 -3.2 Bcp NJ BKJ .24 1.6 24 17.50 10.50 5 15.35 +13.7 BancFd pfA BCVpA 1.34 ... ... BancrftFd BCV 1.08e 5.1 ...q 22.67 17.58 14 21.14 +4.4 BkofAm BAC .30f 1.3 18 25.80 12.05 81118 23.26 +5.2 BkAML pfI BMLpI 1.59 6.1 ... 26.37 24.60 44 25.94 +3.6 BkAML pfJ BMLpJ 1.02 4.3 ... 27.19 21.46 5 23.79 +.1 BkAm pfD BACpD 1.55 6.0 ... 26.24 21.44 34 25.62 +2.1 BkAm pfE BACpE 1.02 5.1 ... 26.68 21.13 23 23.40 +7.2 BkAm pfI BACpI 1.66 6.4 ... 27.45 25.10 26 25.92 +2.4 BkAm pfL BACpL 72.50 6.0 ... 1269.47 1116.00 5 1202.64 +3.1 BkAm pfW BACpW 1.66 6.2 ... 28.10 25.19 61 26.84 +4.4 BkAm pfY BACpY 1.63 6.1 ... 28.60 25.13 65 26.76 +4.9 BkAm wtA BAC/WS/A ... ... ... 13.64 3.01 222 11.02 +10.8 BkAm wtB BAC/WS/B ... ... ... 1.55 .06 195 .90 -6.4 BkAm pfA BACpA ... ... ... 27.10 24.45 115 25.91 +4.1 BkAm pfC BACpC ... ... ... 27.24 24.75 72 26.03 +3.1 BkAML pfL BMLpL 1.02 4.3 ... 24.50 21.00 13 23.52 +3.8 BkAML pfH BMLpH .77 3.5 ... 24.22 17.96 19 22.10 +11.1How to read the stock tablesSTOCK GLOSSARY „ bt primary exchange listing BATS cld issue has been called for redemption by company d new intraday 52-week low g dividends paid in Canadian funds, PE not shown h -Does not meet continued-listing standards lf late ling with SEC n stock was a new issue in the last year the 52-week high and low gures are calculated from their start date pf preferred stock issue pr preferences rs stock has undergone a reverse stock split, decreasing outstanding shares by at least 50 percent within the past year rt right to buy security at a specied price s historical prices have been adjusted for a split or distribution of 20 percent or more in the last 12 months. wi trades will be settled when the stock is issued wd when distributed wt warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock u new intraday 52-week high un unit, including more than one security v Trading halted on primary market vj company in bankruptcy, receivership or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law this appears in front of the name DIVIDEND FOOTNOTES: a: Extra dividend(s) paid, but are not included; b: Annual rate plus stock dividend; c: Dividend from a liquidating company; e: Declared or paid preceding 12 months; f: Annual rate, increased on last declaration. i: Declared or paid after dividend or split; k: Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears; r: Declared or paid in last 12 months plus stock dividend; m: Annual rate, reduced on last declaration. p: Initial dividend, annual rate unknown; yield not shown. t: Paid in stock in preceding 12 months, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date PE footnotes q stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown cc P/E exceeds 99 dd loss in last 12 months 1 „ Name of stock. 2 „ Ticker Symbol company trades under. 3 „ Dividend: A distribution of the companys earnings to shareholders, usually consisting of stock dividends, interest on bonds, or short-term capital gains on the sale of securities usually paid quarterly in the form of cash or stock.4 „ Div. Yield: The dividend divided by the stock price. It helps gauge how well the stock is paying, compared to other investments such as CDs, bonds or savings accounts. 5 „ Price to earnings ratio: The price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. PEs are used to gauge the relative worth of a company stock. When compared to other companies in the same industry, the companies with the lowest PEs are generally earning higher prots.6 „ Range of closing prices in last year.7 „ Sales in thousands (10 = 10,000 shares), and closing price.8 „ Last trading price of the day. 9 „ Percent change for the year. st Arrows, indicate new highs or lows. Underline: indicates top 100 stocks by volume rank. Bold stocks designates which stocks have gone up or down 5% XYZcorp XYZ 1.20 3.6 17 34.09 27.27 2780 33.72 +20.7 Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg 2 1 3 4 5 NYSE Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg6 7 9 Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg Ticker 52-week Vol YTD Name Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last %Chg8 Continued on next pageAdvanced 2219 Declined 708 New Highs 72 New Lows 25 Vol. (in mil.) 3,084 Pvs. Volume 3,648 1,765 2,082 1916 872 42 64 NYSE NASD Stocks Recap 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 ONDJFM 20,400 20,660 20,920 Dow Jones industrialsClose: 20,662.95 Change: 14.80 (0.1%) 10 DAYS 4,800 5,100 5,400 5,700 6,000 ONDJFM 5,760 5,860 5,960 Nasdaq compositeClose: 5,878.95 Change: 14.47 (0.2%) 10 DAYSDOW 20746.46 20612.17 20662.95 +14.80 +0.07% t t s +4.56% DOW Trans. 9165.18 9076.45 9134.17 +38.19 +0.42% t t s +1.00% DOW Util. 703.63 699.99 703.03 -1.14 -0.16% s s s +6.58% NYSE Comp. 11485.38 11410.45 11457.29 +33.93 +0.30% t r s +3.62% NASDAQ 5889.58 5856.22 5878.95 +14.47 +0.25% t s s +9.21% S&P 500 2364.16 2349.26 2357.49 +4.54 +0.19% t t s +5.30% S&P 400 1710.71 1691.18 1708.05 +13.26 +0.78% t s s +2.86% Wilshire 5000 24602.68 24435.11 24549.49 +73.43 +0.30% t t s +4.80% Russell 2000 1364.51 1349.33 1364.43 +12.29 +0.91% t s t +0.54% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTD Friday, April 7, 2017


BkAML pfG BMLpG .77 3.5 ... 23.30 17.91 5 22.06 +10.4 Bk of But n NTB ...a ... ... 34.92 23.75 171 31.91 +1.5 BkHawaii BOH 2.00f 2.5 19 90.80 64.96 153 80.26 -9.5 BkMont g BMO 3.52 ... ... 78.00 60.48 335 74.44 +3.5 BkNYMel BK .68 1.4 15 49.54 35.64 3140 47.31 -.1 BkNYM pfC BKpC 1.30 5.2 ... 27.41 22.74 30 25.24 +9.7 BkNova g BNS 2.74 4.7 11 62.89 47.29 810 58.70 +5.4 Bankrate RATE ... ... ... 11.90 6.91 212 9.60 -13.1 BankUtd BKU .84 2.3 18 41.00 27.85 781 36.69 -2.7 Banro g BAA ... ... ...dd .48 .11 500 .15 -21.9 BarHarbr s BHB ... ... ... 33.41 20.53 82 30.43 Br iPthCrd OILB ... ... ... 58.38 50.35 53.29 -6.8 BarFIEur FEEU ... ... ...q 104.66 66.88 4 101.99 +16.3 BarcFI HY FIGY ... ... ...q 145.47 113.09 5 143.02 +10.3 BarcSPVeq VQT ... ... ...q 145.42 129.99 1 142.59 +4.4 BarSelMLP ATMP 1.17e 4.8 ...q 25.72 18.16 9 24.15 +2.5 BiP Cmdty DJP ... ... ...q 25.50 21.59 120 23.59 -2.6 BarcGSOil OIL ... ... ...q 6.85 4.88 2232 5.72 -9.6 BarcGsci36 GSP ... ... ...q 15.34 12.37 4 13.93 -5.0 BrcEnEu n FLEU ... ... ... 125.35 94.13 3 122.63 +14.6 BiPCop JJC ... ... ...q 32.39 22.95 43 30.44 +5.8 BiPNickel JJN ... ... ...q 14.76 9.90 1 12.16 +.5 BiPSPBWrt BWV ... ... ...q 72.89 63.94 0 71.91 +3.1 BiP GCrb GRN ... ... ...q 8.24 4.36 0 5.86 -23.0 BiPGbpUsd GBB ... ... ...q 39.39 31.50 1 32.76 +.8 BiPEurUsd ERO ... ... ...q 43.08 38.67 40.10 +2.8 BiP Tin JJT ... ... ...q 50.00 30.06 45.25 -4.7tBiPAg JJA ... ... ...q 42.25 33.38 0 33.37 -4.4 BiP Sugar SGG ... ... ...q 53.69 32.00 65 35.98 -17.1 BiP Softs JJS ... ... ...q 45.63 32.06 36.03 -7.2 BiP PrM JJP ... ... ...q 67.38 51.43 58.83 +10.0 BiP Plat PGM ... ... ...q 27.36 17.00 19.58 +5.2 BiP Lead LD ... ... ...q 65.80 32.36 48.50 +2.1 BiP Cottn BAL ... ... ...q 51.80 39.14 1 48.31 +4.0sBrcIndiaTR INP ... ... ...q 75.53 60.35 13 75.80 +21.1 BiP Coffee JO ... ... ...q 26.21 17.92 117 19.20 -1.8 BiPGrain JJG ... ... ...q 37.37 26.62 19 27.38 -2.7 BiP Cocoa NIB ... ... ...q 40.95 22.90 92 25.66 -4.6 BiP Alum JJU ... ... ...q 17.56 12.90 3 17.20 +14.4 BarcBk prD BCSpD 2.03 7.7 ... 26.71 25.00 152 26.23 +2.7 BiPIndMet JJM ... ... ...q 26.88 18.88 1 25.07 +5.8 BiPOpCur ICI ... ... ...q 41.62 37.41 39.81 -3.2 BiPAsnGulf PGD .11e .2 ...q 49.28 47.32 48.41 +2.3 BiPGems38 JEM 3.18e 10.9 ...q 29.69 27.73 29.09 +4.3 BiPNG GAZ ... ... ...q .76 .39 34 .48 -29.3 BiPLive COW ... ... ...q 24.97 17.38 8 22.20 -.7 BiPEngy JJE ... ... ...q 7.02 5.13 5.93 -11.5 BarcBk prA BCSpA 1.78 7.1 ... 26.27 24.62 25.01 -1.5 BiP JpyUsd JYN ... ... ...q 56.72 47.50 49.82 +4.9 BiPAsia8 AYT 1.21e 3.0 ...q 42.72 38.30 14 40.74 +2.4 B iPInvVIX XXV ... ... ...q 39.63 33.44 38.01 +1.0 BarcCAPE CAPE ... ... ...q 104.33 79.01 5 103.23 +7.6 BiPSPMLP IMLP 1.47e 7.0 ...q 22.10 16.62 9 21.09 +2.4 Barclay BCS .39e 3.6 ... 12.05 6.76 2631 10.76 -2.2 BiP SPVix XVZ ... ... ...q 29.56 25.81 1 26.20 -5.4 B iPVxST rs VXX ... ... ...q 76.76 15.30 53138 15.89 -37.7 BrVxMdT rs VXZ ... ... ...q 47.84 25.66 61 26.14 -25.0 BarcWomLd WIL ... ... ...q 62.99 52.85 0 60.98 +3.8 Bard BCR 1.04f .4 24 252.25 202.34 358 249.03 +10.8 BaringsCp s MCI 1.20 7.8 ...q 19.76 14.52 7 15.31 -1.1 BaringsPt MPV 1.08a 7.6 ...q 15.97 13.61 7 14.18 -.1 BarcDisab RODI ... ... ...q 55.97 54.70 55.47 B&N Ed n BNED .15p ... 13.15 8.50 234 9.48 -17.3 BarnesNob BKS .60 6.7 47 13.63 8.45 738 8.90 -20.2 Barnes B .52 1.0 21 51.97 31.13 152 51.12 +7.8 Barnwell BRN ... ... ...dd 2.70 1.31 1 1.74 +6.1 Barracuda CUDA ... ... 26.69 13.91 376 23.22 +8.4 BarrickG ABX .12f .6 34 23.47 13.81 7188 19.28 +20.7 BasicEnS XYZ ... ... ...dd 3.25 .30 .45 BasicEn n BAS ... ... ... 44.81 29.06 469 32.92 -6.9 BatsGl n BATS .08p ... ... 36.01 22.40 35.13 +4.8 Baxter s BAX .52 1.0 27 53.18 41.72 2515 52.53 +18.5 BaytexE g BTE ... ... ...dd 7.14 3.01 1962 3.46 -29.1 BeazerHm BZH ... ... 15.80 6.81 427 11.77 -11.5 BectDck BDX 2.92 1.6 33 186.11 153.55 597 183.40 +10.8 Belden BDC .20 .3 13 81.33 54.97 270 65.80 -12.0 Belden pfB BDCpB ... ... ... 98.85 97.83 93.41 -1.8 Bellatrix g BXE ... ... 16 1.30 .72 330 .78 -17.2 Belmond BEL ... ... 48 14.45 8.69 397 12.05 -9.7 Bemis BMS 1.20f 2.5 19 53.88 47.22 493 48.25 +.9 BenchElec BHE ... ... 23 33.45 18.54 225 31.15 +2.1 Berkley WRB .52 .8 20 73.17 54.56 332 69.18 +4.0 Berkley pfB WRBpB 1.41 5.6 ... 26.73 21.82 17 25.19 +11.4 Berkly pfC WRBpC ... ... ... 27.28 21.72 6 25.87 +7.8 Berkly pfD WRBpD 1.44 5.8 ... 26.39 21.54 33 25.00 +9.3 BerkHa A BRK/A ... ... 16 266445.00 205074.00 0 250290.00 +2.5 BerkH B BRK/B ... ... 17 177.86 136.65 3519 166.47 +2.1 BerkHBcp BHLB .84f 2.4 16 37.45 24.80 112 35.05 -4.9 BerryPlas BERY ... ... 20 52.97 34.98 848 47.68 -2.2 BestBuy BBY 1.36f 2.8 13 49.40 28.76 4338 47.99 +12.5 BigLots BIG 1.00f 2.1 14 56.54 41.61 2046 48.07 -4.3 BiglariHld BH ... ... 36 491.74 351.46 5 428.51 -9.4 BBarrett BBG ... ... ...dd 9.38 4.04 1402 4.28 -38.8 BioAmber BIOA ... ... ...dd 6.50 2.00 182 2.13 -61.3 BioAmb wt BIOA/WS ... ... ... 1.71 .03 12 .04 -94.3 BioRadA BIO ... ... 209.50 135.44 168 201.02 +10.3 BioRadB BIO/B ... ... 52 204.00 136.15 199.80 +9.1 BioPhrmX BPMX ... ... ...dd 1.22 .19 4312 .60 +60.4 BioTime BTX ... ... ...dd 4.01 2.26 391 3.38 -6.4 BioTime wt BTX/WS ... ... ... .98 .30 3 .53 -24.3 BirksGrp BGI ... ... ... 5.15 .41 6 1.41 +31.8 BitautoH BITA ... ... ... 33.16 16.56 509 23.88 +26.1 BlkHillsCp BKH 1.78f 2.6 21 67.73 54.76 284 67.58 +10.2sBlkHCp un BKHU ... ... ... 74.56 61.75 86 74.61 +8.3 BlackKnt n BKFS ... ... 48 42.19 28.67 142 38.65 +2.2 BlkStMin n BSM 1.15f 6.9 64 19.86 14.10 78 16.62 -11.5 BlackRock BLK 10.00f 2.6 20 399.46 317.60 327 384.10 +.9 BlkBldAm BBN 1.58 7.0 ...q 25.58 19.50 134 22.51 +4.2 BlkCA18 BJZ .33 2.2 ...q 15.30 14.93 14 15.04 +.1 BlkCAIT BFZ .87 6.1 ...q 17.00 13.81 72 14.25 -1.7 BlkCorBd BHK .85a 6.3 ...q 14.34 12.57 80 13.57 +4.3 BlkCpHiY HYT .84a 7.6 ...q 11.20 9.86 361 10.99 +1.5 BlkCrdAllo BTZ .97 7.3 ...q 13.70 12.05 124 13.18 +1.6 BlkDbtStr rs DSU ... ... ...q 11.75 10.29 93 11.54 +1.8 BlkDefOpp BHL .70a 5.1 ...q 14.01 12.96 8 13.75 -.3 BlkEngyRs BGR 1.32 9.5 ...q 15.01 13.00 90 13.88 -3.9 BlkEnhC&I CII 1.20 8.4 ...q 14.56 12.59 142 14.29 +4.2 BlkEEqDv BDJ .56 6.6 ...q 8.60 7.42 406 8.47 +3.9 BlEnhGvIn EGF .66 5.0 ...q 14.11 13.03 19 13.24 +.4 BlkFltRtInc FRA .81 5.7 ...q 14.85 12.84 291 14.29 -.8 BlkFloatR BGT .78a 5.4 ...q 14.65 12.53 69 14.42 +2.4 BlkFL2020 BFO .37 2.5 ...q 15.48 14.85 11 15.15 +.9sBlkGlbOp BOE 1.16 9.3 ...q 12.48 11.19 394 12.54 +8.4 BlkHlthSci BME 2.40a 7.0 ...q 38.54 30.82 31 34.16 +7.6 BlkIT BKT .37 6.0 ...q 6.67 6.06 90 6.22 -1.7 BlkIntlG&I BGY .59 10.1 ...q 6.13 5.36 392 5.84 +6.0 BlkIQM BKN .92a 6.3 ...q 18.30 13.92 8 14.62 -.5 BlkLtdD BLW 1.19a 7.7 ...q 16.07 14.61 65 15.56 +2.6 BlkLTMu BTA .70a 6.0 ...q 13.44 10.73 49 11.56 +2.5 BlkMDMB BZM .65 3.8 ...q 17.00 13.81 1 14.35 +1.7 BlkMATxE MHE .70a 5.1 ...q 16.72 12.68 0 13.73 -3.4 BlkMultSec BIT 1.40a 8.1 ...q 17.64 15.52 121 17.38 +5.5 BlkMuIntD MUI .79a 5.7 ...q 15.63 13.45 50 13.90 +.7 BlkMuNYInt MNE .69 5.0 ...q 16.35 13.18 6 13.79 +1.6 BlkMunihCA MUC .81a 5.7 ...q 16.35 13.53 88 14.14 +.4 BlkMunHIQ MFL .86 6.0 ...q 16.43 13.52 77 14.35 +1.2 BlMunhNYQ MHN .80a 5.9 ...q 15.68 13.13 25 13.63 +1.6 BlMunhNJQ MUJ .89a 6.2 ...q 16.48 13.56 48 14.29 +2.7 BlkMunihQ MUS .81 6.0 ...q 15.59 12.66 37 13.39 -1.4 BlkMunHQ2 MUE .82 6.2 ...q 15.23 12.57 93 13.22 -2.0 BlMunyCAQ MCA .88 5.9 ...q 16.87 13.95 65 14.74 +1.7 BlkMunyInv MYF .97 6.3 ...q 17.48 14.32 11 15.31 +2.7 BlkMunyIQ MFT .85 6.2 ...q 16.50 13.23 22 13.85 -.6 BlkMYMIQ MIY .83 6.1 ...q 15.69 13.17 41 13.68 +.7 BlMunyNYQ MYN .74a 5.7 ...q 14.74 12.50 52 13.01 +2.5 BlkMunyPaQ MPA .86 6.0 ...q 16.66 13.75 14 14.22 +.9 BlMunyQlty MQY .96 6.4 ...q 17.20 14.21 43 15.01 +2.0 BlkMuniyQ3 MYI .89a 6.4 ...q 15.88 13.23 81 13.97 +2.3 BlkMuniast MUA .72a 5.0 ...q 16.09 12.96 71 14.35 +6.5 Blk2018 BPK .56a 3.7 ...q 15.44 14.93 47 15.07 +.6 BlkMu2020 BKK .54a 3.4 ...q 17.18 15.16 35 15.82 +4.1 BlkMuBdT BBK .90a 6.0 ...q 18.55 14.50 17 15.10 -1.0 BlkMuIIQ BAF .82 5.7 ...q 16.67 13.68 22 14.39 +.9 BlkMunIIT BBF .87 5.8 ...q 17.00 13.46 22 14.98 +6.9 BlkMuIQT BYM .86 6.2 ...q 16.38 13.50 30 13.96 +.5 BlkMuIT BFK .90a 6.4 ...q 16.02 13.42 74 14.07 +1.7 BlkMuIT2 BLE .95a 6.3 ...q 16.89 13.87 53 15.09 +3.8 BlkMuTTT BTT .96a 4.2 ...q 24.44 21.09 105 22.69 +3.9 BlkMunienh MEN .73a 6.2 ...q 13.21 10.92 80 11.62 +3.1 BlkMunihld MHD 1.03a 6.2 ...q 19.35 15.54 27 16.58 +2.5 BlkMunihd2 MUH .93a 5.9 ...q 17.29 14.36 19 15.65 +6.5 BlkMunvst MVF .64a 6.6 ...q 11.26 9.34 67 9.67 +.6 BlkMuniv2 MVT 1.00a 6.5 ...q 18.64 14.74 54 15.29 +.3 BlkMunyAZ MZA .83 5.7 ...q 19.16 13.89 1 14.51 +.3 BlMunyldCA MYC .89a 6.0 ...q 17.89 14.44 63 14.81 -3.0 BlkMuniyld MYD .92a 6.3 ...q 16.44 13.61 72 14.65 +3.6 BlkMunyNJ MYJ .90a 5.9 ...q 17.62 14.87 26 15.37 +.3 BlMunQlt2 MQT .80 6.3 ...q 15.06 12.31 69 12.78 -.2 BlkNJMB BLJ .83a 5.7 ...q 17.75 14.21 10 14.73 +1.9 BlkNJIT BNJ .90a 6.0 ...q 16.98 14.12 12 14.95 +5.0 BlkNY18 BLH .31a 2.1 ...q 15.18 14.72 8 14.88 +1.0 BlkNYMB BQH .74 5.2 ...q 16.39 13.56 6 14.23 +1.5 BlkNYIQT BSE .69 5.2 ...q 15.42 12.53 6 13.23 +.9 BlkNYIT BNY .83 5.8 ...q 16.91 13.29 7 14.40 +3.5 BlkNYMu2 BFY .84 5.6 ...q 18.02 14.05 12 14.92 +3.0 BlkRsCmdy BCX .79 9.1 ...q 8.99 7.13 149 8.65 +4.6 BlkSciTch BST 1.20 5.7 ...q 21.16 15.80 79 21.07 +17.4 BlkStMT BSD .85a 6.3 ...q 15.98 13.03 6 13.49 sBlkU&Inf BUI 1.45 7.1 ...q 20.59 17.24 82 20.48 +11.2 BlkVAMB BHV .83 5.3 ...q 21.50 15.06 14 15.80 +2.6 BlkstFltRt BSL 1.08 6.0 ...q 18.43 15.01 62 18.07 -.1 BlkstGSOSt BGB 1.26 7.9 ...q 16.27 13.46 129 15.89 +3.6 Blackstone BX 1.46 4.9 18 31.69 22.45 2948 29.76 +10.1 BlkstnMtg BXMT 2.48f 8.0 12 31.53 26.46 700 30.83 +2.5 BlkLSCrInc BGX 1.18 7.3 ...q 16.52 13.51 76 16.09 +1.1 BlockHR HRB .88 3.7 16 25.12 19.18 3535 23.58 +2.6 BlonderT BDR ... ... ...dd 1.10 .28 2 .58 +23.4 BlueCapRe BCRH 1.20 6.3 12 20.83 17.01 9 18.90 +2.4 BlueLinx rs BXC ... ... 5 9.70 6.36 18 8.93 +19.5 BluerkRsd BRG 1.16 9.3 35 14.77 10.65 212 12.52 -8.7 BluerkRs pf BRGpA 2.06 7.9 ... 27.58 24.80 2 25.96 -.3 BluerkR pfD BRGpD 1.78 7.2 ... 25.17 21.85 6 24.74 +6.2 BluerkR pfC BRGpC 1.91 ... ... BdwlkPpl BWP .40 2.2 16 18.95 14.37 422 18.60 +7.1 Boeing BA 5.68f 3.2 21 185.71 122.35 2323 177.37 +13.9 BoiseCasc BCC ... ... 23 29.95 17.80 397 29.25 +30.0 BonanzaCE BCEI ... ... ...dd 4.67 .60 1245 .95 -7.4 BootBarn BOOT ... ... 21 17.26 5.59 322 9.88 -21.1 BoozAllnH BAH .68f 2.0 20 38.54 27.02 928 34.62 -4.0 BorgWarn BWA .56f 1.5 12 44.24 27.52 2959 37.99 -3.7 BostBeer SAM ... ... 21 195.35 139.45 129 141.40 -16.8 BostProp BXP 3.00f 2.2 24 144.02 113.69 668 134.56 +7.0 BosProp pfB BXPpB 1.31 5.1 ... 27.17 22.63 4 25.60 +6.5 BostonSci BSX ... ... 48 25.65 19.11 8660 24.60 +13.7 BldrG&IFd BIF .40a 4.3 ...q 9.59 7.76 100 9.32 +4.3 BovieMed BVX ... ... ...dd 5.75 1.56 52 2.65 -26.2 BowlA BWL/A .68 4.6 41 17.25 14.09 0 14.71 -10.7 Box Inc n BOX ... ... ...dd 18.36 9.86 2466 16.82 +21.4 BoydGm BYD ... ... 22 22.10 16.77 1010 21.83 +8.2 BradyCp BRC .82f 2.2 24 40.50 25.98 220 37.30 -.7 Brandyw BDN .64 3.9 13 17.05 13.83 1605 16.61 +.6 Brandy pfE BDNpE 1.73 6.9 ... 26.58 25.20 24.90 -1.3 BrasilAgro LND ... ... ... 4.11 2.72 3.88 +19.4 Braskem BAK .38e 1.8 ... 23.15 10.82 501 20.77 -2.1 BridgptEd BPI ... ... 64 11.58 5.38 124 11.46 +13.1 BrigStrat BGG .56 2.6 29 23.73 17.90 124 21.47 -3.5 BrightHrz BFAM ... ... 46 72.80 59.00 253 71.04 +1.5 Brinker EAT 1.36 3.2 14 55.84 40.92 1350 42.64 -13.9 Brinks BCO .40 .7 57 54.98 26.86 281 53.90 +30.7 BrMySq BMY 1.56f 2.9 32 77.12 46.01 7316 53.29 -8.8 BristowGp BRS .28 1.9 ...dd 23.62 9.17 352 14.64 -28.5 BritATob s BTI ... ... ... 66.75 52.71 1342 66.20 BrixmorP BRX 1.04f 4.9 12 29.14 20.66 1373 21.12 -12.6 BroadrdgF BR 1.32 2.0 24 71.74 57.92 314 66.95 +1.0 Brookdale BKD ... ... ...dd 19.42 10.65 1903 13.24 +6.6 BrkfdAs g s BAM .56f 1.5 20 37.52 31.80 1456 36.86 +11.7 BrookBus n BBU .25f 1.0 ... 26.87 21.72 5 24.45 +1.6 BrkfCda g BOXC 2.23a ... 7 25.72 18.68 0 23.45 +19.3 BrkfDtla pf DTLAp 1.91 7.8 ... 25.26 18.69 9 24.56 +11.2 BrkGblInf INF 1.40 10.4 ...q 14.13 11.22 125 13.41 +4.5 BrkfInfra s BIP 1.74f 4.6 ... 39.25 27.13 474 38.07 +13.7 BrkdPrp BPY 1.18f 5.3 ... 24.98 20.31 75 22.19 +.9 BrkRlAs n RA .20p ... ...