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Time is running out for state grant funding for derelict boat removal from Florida waters. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission only has about 20 percent or less of $1.4 million in grant money left for statewide derelict vessel removal in this years budget. Its unknown if the state will provide more funding in the future as areas deal with the challenge of abandoned boats, a serious pollution and health threat. There is a statewide problem with derelict boats,Ž said Phil Horning, FWC derelict vessel program administrator. Having a derelict boat is a crime in progress.Ž The “rst-come-“rst-served application deadline is April 30 or when the funding is gone. Grants are open to state, county and city governments. The grant could be helpful to Charlotte and Sarasota county government leaders who receive ongoing complaints from residents about derelict or abandoned boats in Lemon Bay, Charlotte Harbor and the Gulf of Mexico. The FWC will pay for 75 percent of the vessel removal, and the applicant must pay the other 25 percent,Ž Horning said. Horning said recently that no applications from Charlotte or Sarasota have been received for the grant money. Traditionally, those two counties use funding from the West Coast Inland Navigation District,Ž he said of the WCIND, which receives money through a tax district. That doesnt mean that these governments cant apply for our funding. Theres still a commitment necessary from the local governments to pay the 25 percent, but it should be helpful that the majority of the removal is covered with the state funding.Ž FWC applied for a new $1.4 million allotment from state legislators this session. Horning said FWC wont know if it receives the new funding until May or June. While the issue perhaps dates back to when early man ditched the “rst dugout canoe, authorities By ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICHCOMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR SUN PHOTO BY BETSY WILLIAMSA capsized boat in Charlotte Harbor near Gilchrist Park, PuntaGorda. Derelict vessels are an eyesore, sometimes dangerous to navigate around, cause environmental issues and are costly to remove. State and local agencies are combating the problem slowly by setting aside funding for derelict vessel KEY WEST, Fla. „ Marine salvors have been racing to get 32 abandoned boats off the bottom in Marquesas Keys waters before birds arrive. A crew removed seven deteriorating vessels, many holding hazardous materials, oily residue, fuels and other pollutants. The Keynoter reports the $61,200 project is aimed at helping protected species like green and hawksbill sea turtles, the Miami blue butter”y and the piping plover. The Marquesas, six islands about 17 miles west of Key West, lie within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and the Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuges Complex. Most of the derelict boats ended in waters and shores of the Marquesas as Cuban migrants ”ed north. The removal project aims to conclude before bird-nesting season on the remote islands begins April 1. However, strong winds and high seas Officials crackdown on abandoned boats before arrival of birdsTHE ASSOCIATED PRESSBIRDS | 4 DERELICT | 4€ The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators have tabbed this as Spring Aboard Week: € The Sun s weekly WaterLine Magazine, which publishes every Thursday and readers can subscribe to by calling 941-206-1300. Its website: € In todays The Conversation piece, USA Today page 6, find out about another kind of pollution in the waters that probably isnt obvious to most folks. € Derelict boats, derelict owners: See viewpoint, page 8.I could feel Paul Cokers distress in his email. While the 87-yearold Deep Creek resident was away, his wife said shed received a phone call having something to do with Medicare.Ž The caller called her by name, and she remembers saying yesŽ when being asked whether she wished to con“rm.Ž Paul has been unsuccessful in reaching anyone at the number displayed on his Caller ID. Is there some way, please, that you can determine whether we have gotten ourselves into trouble?Ž Searching the Mississippi-based number on Pauls Caller ID on, I found many entries from consumers saying callers from this number claimed they were Medicare providers,Ž and that their recordsŽ showed a history of back pain. More likely than not, Pauls wife was called by a Medicare scammer, offering a free service, or medical equipment, and requesting Medicare insurance information. The recipient either gets nothing, or something of little value. Either way, Medicare is billed. The fraudulent callers arent always easy to identify, especially since they often already have some basic information, including your “rst and last name and mailing address,Ž explains Agingcare. com. Some reports suggest these callers are very empathetic and knowledgeable, which makes them appear credible.Ž Although an exact “gure is impossible to measure, the consensus is Medicare loses billions of dollars each year due to fraud, errors and abuse. We all end up paying for it. For example, AARP describes a telemarketing scheme offering lightweight, high-tech osteoarthritis braces specially designed for arthritic knees, backs, ankles, hands and elbows. You wind up getting some assorted Velcro wraps, and Medicare is billed $3,000. Diabetic-related products are also popular. Then theres a fraudulent durable medical equipment company using an unsuspecting physicians stolen identity to medically certify that a bene“ciary needs a wheelchair or respiratory nebulizer. Hello? A Medicare scammer is callingDAVID | 10 David MORRISCOLUMNIST Money to combat the problem drying up LEARN ABOUT BOATING, THE OCEANS THE BOTTOM LINE Pulitzer Prize winner2 0 1 6 AN EDITION OF THE SUNVOL. 125 | NO. 83AMERICAS BEST COMMUNITY DAILY Mostly sunnyHigh 82 Low 59$1.50 www.yoursun.com1. Florida cities among the biggest population gainers 2. Senate advances bill aimed at gotcha public records requestsSEEUSA TODAY 3. Bauers baseball future is brightSEESPORTS3TOP STORIES FROM USA TODAY & SPORTS Patience is whats needed to get onto and off Manasota Key on Beach Road. But patience is whats running thin as traffic backs up onto South McCall Road.SEEPAGE 5A brush fire shut down Harborview Road west of Interstate 75 for a few hours on Thursday afternoon.SEEPAGE 2Bridge work stacking up Englewood traffic Brush fire shuts down Harborview Road Todays weather:A Premier Auction event drew hundreds of bidders to the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center.SEECLASSIFIED, PAGES 2223Auction and car show draws crowds www.yoursun.comFIND US ONLINE THE SUN: Calendar ..............11 Crosswords ............7 Local Sports ........12 Obituaries .............5 PoliceBeat ............7 Viewpoint .........8-9 SPORTS: Lotto .....................2 USA TODAY: Money ................5 Nation .............1-4 State ..................7 Weather ..........10 CLASSIFIED: Comics .........11-14 DearAbby .......14 TVListings .......15 CHARLIE SAYS ...I have a sinking feeling about this. INSIDEONLY IN TODAYS SUN 705252000258Daily Edition $1.50 GOOD MORNING Friday, March 24, 2017 CALL US AT941-206-1000CHARLOTTE SUN


Our Town Page 2 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, March 24, 2017 The SUN (USPS 743170) is published daily at Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2100. Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the SUN, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100.Publisher ...................................Robert E. 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Mail subscription rates: Rates as follows (advance payment required): 7 Days 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $154.07 $276.35 $492.11 Sunday Only 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $71.89 $144.61 $243.54Above rates do not include sales tax.Single Copy rates Daily $1.50 Sunday $3.00 Unclaimed account balances under $10, inactive for 15 months, will be used to purchase newspapers for classroom use. Sun Newspapers CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY Delivery should be expected prior to 6:30 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. Sunday. Redelivery hours: 6:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Customer Service hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Friday; Saturday 7a.m. to 10 a.m.; and Sunday 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Call Customer Service for our current specials. To subscribe or to report any problems with your service, please call or visit your local office. Charlotte: 941-206-1300 23170 Harborview Road, Port Charlotte Englewood: 941-681-3000 120 W. Dearborn St., Englewood North Port: 941-429-3000 13487 Tamiami Trail, North Port DeSoto: 863-494-0300 or toll-free at 877-818-6204 108 S. Polk Avenue, Arcadia LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSA brush “re shut down Harborview Road west of Interstate 75 for a few hours on Thursday afternoon. The ”ames moved quickly across an estimated seven acres, a Charlotte County Fire/ EMS of“cial said. Fire/EMS crews arrived shortly after noon, assisted by the Charlotte County Sheriffs Of“ce, utilizing a helicopter and Bambi Bucket to contain the “re. There were no injuries or damage to structures reported, though the Environmental Center on Harborview Road was brie”y evacuated. The Florida Forest Service was on scene, and is investigating the cause of the “re. Interstate 75 had no closures or delays caused by the “re. Harborview Road reopened around 3 p.m.Email: Brush fire shuts down Harborview RoadBy ANNE EASKERSTAFF WRITER SUN PHOTOS BY MICHELE HASKELLA helicopter dumps water to assist with the fast-moving re on Harborview Road, along the I-75 Southbound side of Exit 167 in Port Charlotte. A helicopter helps reghters battle a wind-driven brush re at Southbound I-75 and Harborview Road on Thursday. The re consumed several acres. Fire ocials evacuated the East Port Environmental Campus, a Charlotte County government building at 25550 Harborview Road, according to Charlotte County Fire and EMS. Fireghters work to battle the brush re Thursday along Harborview Road in Port Charlotte. Fire ocials set up a command post on Harborview Road on Thursday as the wind-driven re begins to rage out of control. Flames send thick black smoke across I-75 at Exit 167 as the re quickly spreads due to windy conditions. adno=50513162 Music by Patchouli Sunday Where Shopping Makes Cents adno=715929 PLUS, IN-STORE ONLY BONUS COUPONS! 40% OFF BONUS COUPONTAKEANY ONE REGULARPRICED ITEMValid 3/24/17 3/26/17Must have coupon to receive discount. Cannot be combined with any other oer. Limit (1) 40% o regular priced coupon per customer. Exclusions apply.* 25% OFF BONUS COUPONTAKEANY ONE REGULARPRICED ITEMValid 3/24/17 3/26/17Must have coupon to receive discount. Cannot be combined with any other oer. Limit (2) 25% o regular priced coupons per customer. Exclusions apply.* 25% OFF BONUS COUPONTAKEANY ONE REGULARPRICED ITEMValid 3/24/17 3/26/17Must have coupon to receive discount. Cannot be combined with any other oer. Limit (2) 25% o regular priced coupons per customer. 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Our Town Page 4 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, March 24, 2017 slowed efforts after Monday, with work continuing through this weekend to remove the derelict chugs,Ž boats rigged with old engines. Most are between 18 and 25 feet long. Removal of these vessels and marine debris is critical for the continued conservation of these rare animals and their habitats because if left as is, they would likely continue to impact this important habitat,Ž said Daniel Clark, manager of the Keys wildlife refuge system. We are pleased to be a part of this multi-agency effort and thank the county, state and other federal partners as we work together to ensure these precious ecosystems remain in good condition for future generations.Ž Several are completely submerged. Others are strewn along sandy beaches and mangrovesŽ considered essential nesting areas for sea turtles and birds, county information of“cer Cammy Clark said. Cof“n Marine Services will use a 60-foot barge with a boom crane and other resources to remove the boats.Ž The project is logistically complicated due to the remote location and specialized boats and equipment necessary to perform the job, said Marine Resources senior administrator Rich Jones. Jones said the county uses some of the local share of state Boating Improvement Funds to remove derelict boats throughout the Keys, usually about 80 a year. This is the “rst project of its type in the Marquesas. Some of the funding will come from federal “nes levied on boaters who damaged resources in the Keys national marine sanctuary.BIRDSFROM PAGE 1have noticed orphan boats showing up in greater numbers in recent years, according to BoatUS Magazine. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration held the “rst national workshop to bring the problem to the surface in 2009, the magazine reported. NOAA, which advises agencies on the potential pollution threats for shorelines and marshes, describes how the ”attened landscape of wild greens and blues is occasionally punctuated by the unnatural texture of human in”uence of a certain type: rusting hills, broken masts, boats half-submerged in the muddy waters.Ž A vessel is considered derelict if its in danger of breaking or has already broken loose from its anchor. In 2016, the state law further de“ned a derelict vessel as one that is left or stored aground unattended in such a state that would prevent it from getting underway, is listing due to water intrusion, or is sunk or partially sunk. We have a database we created to log derelict boats,Ž said Horning, who concedes there could be more going unrecorded. Its a voluntary program used by 59 law enforcement agencies in Florida.Ž Recent FWC data shows 191 derelict vessels are hazards to navigation and 297 are not hazards but are still considered derelict. Of the 488 derelict boats, eight are in Charlotte County and six in Sarasota County „ no local derelict vessels are deemed hazardous. A new law helps local law enforcement identify at riskŽ vessels of becoming derelict. Now a FWC commission of“cer or other law enforcement agency can decide if a vessel is at risk of becoming derelict. Risk factors include: if the vessel is taking on or has water without an effective means to dewater or if the spaces on the vessel „ designed to be enclosed „ are incapable of being sealed off or remain open to the elements for extended periods. The owner of an at-risk boat can be “ned a non-criminal citation and given time to pay the “ne or “x the violations. No county legally has to remove derelict vessels,Ž Horning said, but it having them in local waters doesnt promote safe marine navigation, is an eyesore and can impact tourism. Its a costly endeavor. Funding has to be allocated by a county, which makes decisions on marine projects.Ž Prior to 2010, the law only allowed law enforcement to give a reminder to remove a derelict boat. Today, a boat owner can be cited and even serve jail time over a vessel that is beyond at riskŽ and is considered derelict, Horning said. FWC works with local governments and law enforcement to investigate, locate owners and help with vessel removal. FWC gives authority so a local sheriffs of“ce or municipal police department can do their own investigations,Ž Horning said. We are just one agency who does investigations. We oversee the operation for the state. ... We help modify or make laws that helps to regulate vessel guidelines. We help train of“cers and the investigation and give law enforcement agencies use of our database. We also assist in preventative measures to help prevent derelict vessels. Its our mandate.Ž A new Charlotte County ordinance now mirrors state language making it easier for of“cials to remove abandoned boats and water crafts from all public waterways. It gives us broader ability to remove all these boats,Ž said Roger DeBruler Jr., marine resource program assistant for the countys natural resources division. DeBruler said the owners of these vessels cant be found in about 80 percent of the cases. When a boat owner can be tracked down through the registration with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, a letter is sent seeking reimbursement for removal. County of“cials deemed abandoned boats pose a navigational hazard. Last year, Charlotte removed 26 boats abandoned off county shores. The countys contractor charges $89 per foot, so a 33-foot vessel, for example, would cost about $3,000. Last year, the county spent from $35,000 to $45,000 to pick up other peoples discarded boats, he said. Possessing a derelict boat is punishable as a “rst-degree misdemeanor,Ž Horning said. We are trying to stop the problem before it becomes a hazard on the water.ŽDERELICTFROM PAGE 1 FWC PHOTODerelict vessels, like this one, are hazardous to navigation, safety and the environment. Where the boats areWhile Florida is known for its boating lifestyle, there are few places in the state that really live it like Charlotte County. At the most recent count in 2015, there were 20,026,564 Floridians and 915,713 boats registered here. Thats about one boat per 22 people. But in Charlotte, there are 21,662 boats. Thats about one boat per eight people. Thats a higher ratio than any other Southwest Florida county. Sarasota County has virtually the same number of boats as Charlotte at 21,783, but a much larger population, resulting in about one boat per 18 people. DeSoto and Lee counties both have one boat per 15 people. Only a handful of sparsely populated coastal Panhandle counties „ Dixie, Franklin, Gulf, Liberty, Taylor and Wakulla „ and the Florida Keys, can boast a higher rate of boat ownership. Monroe County, where the Keys are located, is the champ, with about one boat per three people. You might be a bad boat owner if ƒ After hurricanes and major storms, a surprising number of recreational vessels that were totaled were never salvaged by their owners, according BoatUS Magazine. Some insurance companies have written checks for the insured amount plus a percentage of the value that the owner was supposed to use to salvage the boat. There were cases of owners attempting to obliterate the boats registration and hull identification numbers to duck their responsibilities. Thats felony dumping in Florida, punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. Other potential ramifications: restitution to cover salvaging costs, community service, probation and loss of motor vehicle as well as boat-registration privileges. „ Source: BoatUS Magazine A newer source for addressing abandoned boatsLast year, the West Coast Inland Navigation District began to address the issue of funding derelict vessel removal in the region „ including Charlotte, Sarasota and Manatee counties.The tax district offer grants to local law enforcement and counties for vessel removal programs. This year, the Venice-based organization received $1.6million in grant requests for everything from youth sailing programs in Englewood, Venice and Sarasota to law enforcement asking for vessel-removal funds or tools to remove boats. According to a grant application submitted from Sarasota County, there are more than 21,000 vessels registered in the county with thousands more visiting boats. Keeping the public waterways safe from derelict vessels and other navigation hazards,Ž and maintaining the critically important aids to navigation, including channel markers, swim buoys, manatee protection signs, speed zone and hazard warning signage is the primary effort of the waterway management program, according to the $28,000 vessel removal request from the county. Longboat Key also asked for $10,000 for removal of sunk, wrecked and derelict vessels from the Gulf of Mexico. All counties in the region are doing a good job focusing on vessel removal,Ž said Justin McBride, executive director of the West Coast Inland Navigation District. We are seeing theres more of a concern in being proactive instead of reactive in trying to stop the problem before a vessel becomes derelict. We may have to look at changes in the law as far as storage or mooring that will stop the vessels from becoming abandoned.Ž Those grants will be issued in the fall. Abandoned boats typically come from two sources, said Roger DeBruler Jr., marine resource program assistant for the Charlotte Countys natural resources division. Some owners simply grow tired of boating, or the cost associated with the recreational activity. And sometimes a storm or hurricane forces a vessels anchor line to break, causing the boat to suffer significant damage or to sink. Abandoned vessels pose a danger because they may contain hazardous materials, such as a battery or fuel, which could cause the vehicle to explode upon impact. Phil Horning, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissions derelict boat program administrator, said each vessel removal is different based on if its grounded or is listing or cant operate under its own power, if theres fuel in the boat, or has hatches open to elements. Towing broken vessels can require significant effort. A sunken boat must first be brought to the surface with large air bags inflated under the vessel. The hole or crack in the boat then has to be plugged before it is towed to a marina, busted up and taken to the landfill. PHOTO PROVIDED PHOTO PROVIDED Pilot programSarasota and St. Petersburg are two of five communities in the state taking part in a pilot program to fast-track the removal of boats, which presents a dicey issue in itself. Declaring a boat derelict isnt so easy, as it turns out. Boat owners who tend to do the bare minimum in maintenance are often very simply squatters, using their boat as a floating crash pad. They camp out for extended periods in waterways where they can live off the grid and not be bothered. Other boats are used as floating storage units. Either way, many boats tend to be unregistered, untitled and change hands often, eluding local and state law enforcement. As long as a boat is floating, its hard for officials to haul it off, even if it has broken free of its mooring and winds up beached on someones multimillion-dollar property. This is where the problem starts. I understand the publics concern,Ž said Officer Randy Bibler of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. But much of the public doesnt understand how the process has to be handled.Ž Since 2009, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, St. Augustine and Monroe and Martin counties have been the five locations in the Anchoring and Mooring Pilot Program, overseen by the fish and wildlife commission. At the end of the program, which is due to expire in July, state authorities are supposed to come up with legislation that will restrict anchoring that local governments will enforce or allow local governments to come up with their own ordinances. I would like to see the state severely restrict or eliminate altogether the storing of boats on the waterways,Ž said Mike Robertson, who heads up St. Petersburgs marine unit and its two patrol boats. „ Source: Tampa Bay Times „ Source: WaterLineFROM PAGE ONE A NEW SOURCE FOR ADDRESSING ABANDONED BOATS WHERE THE BOATS ARE You might be a bad boat owner if ƒ PILOT PROGRAM


The Sun /Friday, March 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 5 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS OBITUARIESCHARLOTTE Elizabeth Anne CouncillElizabeth Anne Betty AnneŽ Councill, 82, of Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina, went home to be with the Lord on Monday, March 13, 2017. She was born to John C. McCandless and Lucille McCandless. Betty Anne grew up in Rutledge and then Media, Pennsylvania, where she graduated from Media High School. She was a loving wife and mother, dedicated to serving her church. She enjoyed bowling and tennis. She worked as a secretary for various companies including Bradford Insurance Co., the Presbyterian Lay Committee, The Sun Co. and others. Later, she moved with Don to Punta Gorda, Florida, where they enjoyed many years of retirement. She is survived by sons, Gary (Sandra) Councill and Keith (Sherri) Councill; grandchildren, Jesse Councill, Caroline Councill, Matthew (Christina) Councill and Katelyn (Troy) Councill Smith; and one great-granddaughter, Vera Councill. She is preceded in death by her husband, William Donald DonŽ Councill; and her parents. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m., on Saturday, April 22, 2017, at the First United Methodist Church, 507 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33950. Donations, in lieu of ”owers, may be sent to Samaritans Purse at www. HubbardRichard Hubbard, 87, passed away Saturday, March 18, 2017. Arrangements are by Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home, Cemetery and Crematory. Pay respects at www.charlottememorial. com.Raymond Carl McGuireRaymond Carl McGuire, 75, died on Monday, March 20, 2017. Arrangements are by Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home, Cemetery and Crematory. Pay respects at Arthur OlsenRobert Arthur Olsen of Port Charlotte, Florida, born Nov. 3, 1926, died Tuesday, March 21, 2017. Arrangements are by Charlotte Memorial Funeral Home, Cemetery and Crematory. Visit www. ENGLEWOOD Ruth A. HunterRuth Ann Hunter, 79, of Rotonda West, Florida, was ushered into the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Tuesday, March 21, 2017. Ruth was born May 5, 1937, in Monroe County, Ohio, to Wallace and Ruth (Foutty) Dimit. She has been a resident of Charlotte County for 38 years, coming from Uniontown, Ohio. A loving wife, mother and home maker for her family, she was the hostess extraordinaire who loved entertaining her family and friends. She will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her. Ruth was a member of the Berean Baptist Church in Port Charlotte. She is survived by her loving husband for 62 years, Robert S. Hunter of Rotonda West, Florida; one daughter, Kimberly (Joseph) Knox of Venice, Florida; one son, Robert (Debra) Hunter of Beavercreek, Ohio; one brother, Gary (Barb) Dimit of Copley, Ohio; six grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. Visitation will be from 12:30 p.m. until service time at 2 p.m., Monday, March 27, 2017, at Englewood Community Funeral Home, 3070 South McCall Road, Englewood, Florida, with Pastor Fred Cowardin of“ciating. Burial will follow at Venice Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Venice. You may share a memory with the family at www. Edward SmedleyNorman Edward Smedley of Englewood, Florida, passed away on Saturday, March 18, 2017. Norman was born in Greenville, Indiana, on Nov. 24, 1932. He was married to Pat on Nov. 27, 1954; they were married 62 years. Norman worked as an electronic technician for the federal government for 33 years; three of those years were served in the Navy. He was also actively involved in the Lemon Bay Isles Homeowners Association. Norman is survived by his wife, Pat; three children, Randy, Dale and Sandy; and other family and friends. He was preceded in death by his father, Paul in 2004; and mother, Sabre, in 2009. The funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. today, March 24, 2017, at Lemon Bay Funeral Home, 2 Buchans Landing, Englewood, FL 34223. The Rev. Don R. Burlock of Englewood United Methodist Chruch will be of“ciating. In lieu of ”owers, memorial donations may be given to Tidewell Hospice. The family of Norman Smedley wishes to thank Tidewell Hospice for the premium and loving care they provided. Arrangements are by Lemon Bay Funeral Home and Cremation Services.NORTH PORTThere were no deaths reported in North Port Thursday. DESOTOThere were no deaths reported in DeSoto Thursday. SUN PHOTO BY ANDREW JAROSHProtesters representing Indivisible groups fr om throughout Southwest Florida gathered in front of the old courthouse in Punta Gorda Thursday. They were protesting proposed cuts and changes to the Aordable Care Act, also know as Obamacare. Peg Millikin, a protester from Punta Gorda, said the gr oup was going to drop o their complaints at the courthouse oce of U.S. Rep. Thomas Rooney, R-Okeechobee.Protesters against health care cuts draw attention in Punta GordaSARASOTA „ Laura Kingsley has been named the assistant superintendent/chief academic of“cer of Sarasota County Schools. Kingsley, 59, was named by Superintendent Todd Bowden on Wednesday following the 4-1 approval of his 2017-18 school budget Tuesday. Prior to her appointment Kingsley served as the districts executive director of elementary education since February 2015. Before Bowdens appointment in January, he stressed he wanted to reinstate the assistant superintendent position to provide him with support in K-12 education. As executive director, Kingsley worked on a task force to close the achievement gap between white and minority students. She also worked closely with foundations, teachers and administrators to help students strengthen their reading skills and supporting community programs to help bolster school attendance. Kingsley began working in the school district in 1985 where she taught at Emma E. Booker Elementary, and served as supervising teacher for interns and a mentor for new teachers until 1995. In 1995 and again in 2000, she served as assistant principal of Emma E. Booker, and in 1997 she was named assistant principal of Laurel Nokomis School, a position she held until 1999. From 1999 to 2014, Kingsley served as principal of Fruitville Elementary, where she was named Sarasota County Principal of the Year in 2012. Kingsley has also been awarded the Council for Exceptional Children Principal of the Year and Florida Studio Theater Educator of the Year. In 1990 and 1993, she was named Teacher of the Year at Emma E. Booker. The School Board is expected to formally appoint Kingsley at 6:30 p.m. during its April 4 meeting, at North Port City Hall, 4790 City Hall Blvd., North Port. Email: aherrera@sun-herald.comNew Sarasota County Schools assistant superintendent named By ALEXANDRA HERRERA STAFF WRITER ENGLEWOOD „ Patience is whats needed to get onto or off Manasota Key via Beach Road. But patience is whats running thin as traf“c backs up onto South McCall Road (State Road 776). Quinn Construction crews working on the bridge have been closing one lane at the Tom Adams Bridge, alternating traf“c on and off the barrier island between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. The time was partially chosen to allow school buses access to Manasota Key without delays. Weve had tons of complaints,Ž said Ed Hill, executive director of the Englewood Florida Chamber of Commerce. Theres a lot of frustration.Ž The winter season with its additional motorists is aggravating the situation. Even though the chamber is located nearly a mile north from the South McCall-Beach Road intersection, Hill said hes seen traf“c stacking up to turn right onto Beach Road. Traf“c from the south, wanting to make a left turn onto Beach Road, is also stacking up. Lock N Key general manager Scott Barber said the restaurant has seen a slight drop of repeat business from locals and other patrons. He believes its partially due to the inconvenience motorists are experiencing. But its not just the businesses „ its about the people here,Ž Barber said, citing how not only residents, but six-month, three-month, one-month visitors and tourists have to deal with the delays on Manasota Key. The periodic lane closures are expected to continue to April 21. From June 15 to July 15, the Tom Adams Bridge will be closed completely, allowing construction crews to pour and set new concrete slabs at the base of the drawbridge. The contractor is required to give a two-week notice in advance for that closure. Motorists will have to head to the north bridge on Manasota Beach Road if they want to get on and off the island.Difficult situationCharlotte County Public Works project manager Chuck Koons said, Its a very dif“cult situation.Ž Jack Knowlton agrees. We understand the problem,Ž said Knowlton, the spokesperson for American Consulting Engineering, the “rm thats acting as the project manager for the improvements to the 53-year-old bridge. But by the same token, that bridge is in desperate need of repairs,Ž Knowlton said. The construction work is running on schedule, he said, and should be completed this summer. This is a one (winter) season problem,Ž he said. The $10-million project „ paid with Charlotte Countys share of gas taxes „ called for the construction of a new and higher bridge tender house, electrical and mechanical repairs, new sidewalks and other work to the bridge. The bridge tender house is completed. Some asked why the work couldnt be at night, so as to minimize traf“c con”icts, but Knowlton said that could add $2 million to the existing budget. Koons described the bridge project as having a pretty tight budgetŽ as it is. Night work requires higher pay for the crews and more individuals onsite. Knowlton suggested, too, safety hazards increase. While lighting would be directed away from traf“c, lights create blinding bright spots and darken blind spots for workers, compounding the danger due to the lack of visibility. More people could be injured,Ž he said. Also, just as more motorists are on the road during the winter season, more boaters are traveling along the Intracoastal Waterway on Lemon Bay. That means more times the drawbridge is opened and closed. Until recently, the Tom Adams Bridge opened and closed on a prede“ned schedule. But now, the bridge is open upon demand.Ž Late Wednesday morning, Knowlton was on-site and said he saw the bridge open and close three times within 20 minutes. The opening and closing of the bridge takes anywhere from three to “ve minutes to complete. When the bridge goes up, it really stacks up traf“c,Ž he said. The bridge operator is doing the best he can.Ž When it comes to directing traf“c through the closures, Koons said its better to allow longer lines of vehicles, rather than a dozen or fewer vehicles, to pass onto or off Manasota Key. Koons also pointed out it takes time for the last vehicle to clear the onelane closure before vehicles are ”agged to proceed from the other direction. It takes a long time for (traf“c) to clear out,Ž he said.Email: reilly@sun-herald.comBridge work stacking up Englewood traffic By STEVE REILLYSTAFF WRITER SUN PHOTO BY SANDY MACYSTrac backing up on Beach Road from the Tom Adams Bridge to State Road 776 is a daily sight in Englewood. Its the height of the winter season, combined with construction on the bridge, that contribute to the long waits on sunny days. Not to mention, the bridge goes up to let boats pass on the Intracoastal Waterway. PHOTO PROVIDED BY CHARLOTTE COUNTYQuinn Construction, the contractor for Tom Adams Bridge improvements, took this aerial photograph showing how trac straggles through the lane closure on Beach Road. Between winter season trac and an increase in drawbridge openings and closings, trac has been stacking up onto South McCall Road (State Road 776). The project is expected to be completed this summer. PET HAVEN Cemetery & Cremation Services adno=50511292 27200 Jones Loop Rd. 941-637-0332 A Special Place To Honor & Visit Your Pet Forever Pre-planning Available


Our Town Page 6 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, March 24, 2017 To view todays legal notices and more visit, To view todays legal notices and more visit, 3000 NOTICES 3112 FICTITIOUS NAME 03 / 2 4/ 20 17 3116 NOTICE OF ACTION A P et i t i on f or Di sc h arge h as b een filed in the Guardianship of WOODROW W. HOUCK (the Ward), case number 15-1934-CP, a guardianship in the Circuit Court for Charlotte County, Florida, Pro bate Division, the address of which is 350 East Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33950, on the grounds of a change in domicile of the Ward. The names and addresses of the Guardian and the Guardians attorney are set forth below A foreign guardianship ha s been established in the Probate Court, District of Ellington, State of Connecticut. The names and addresses of the foreign guardians and the foreign guardians attorney are set forth below. The guardian has filed her final accounting and will apply for discharge as of March 20, 2017, and the jurisdiction of the Ward will be transferred to the foreign juris diction. Any object ion must be in writin g and must state with particularity each item to which the objection is directed and the grounds on which the objection is based. Any objection to the petition for dis charge shall be filed within the later of 30 days from the date of service of the petition for dis charge or the date of first publica tion of this notice. The objection is abandoned unless a notice of hearing is serve d on the guardia n and other interested persons within 90 days after the objection is filed. The date of first publica tion of this notice is March 24, 2017 Attorney for Guardian: CARRIE M. LEONTITSIS Attorney for JEAN A. HOUCK Florida Bar Number: 48055 Olmsted & Wilson, P.A. 17801 Murdock Circle, Suite A Port Charlotte, Florida 33948 Telephone: (941) 624 2700 Fax: (941) 624 5151 Email: Secondary Email: Gaurdian: JEAN A. HOUCK 7562 Ratan Circle Port Charlotte, FL 33981 Attorney for Foreign Guardian: JOHN A. BOND, JR. 11 South Road P. O. Box 400 Somers, CT 06071 Foreign Guardian: PAMELA A. PARKER 17 Greentree Lane Somers, CT 06071 Publish: March 24, 31, 2017 125062 3434905 3119 NOTICE OF AUCTION O n 0 4/ 0 7/ 20 17 at 11: 00 AM an auction will take place at 6483 San Casa Drive, Englewood, Florida 34224. The vehicle that will be auctioned is: 1J8HG58237C529333 2007 Jeep Commander Publish: March 24, 2017 395500 3435048 Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at public auction at the storage facility listed below, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property de scribed below belonging to those individuals listed below at location indicated: 902 Taylor St., Punta Gorda, FL 33950, (941)626-9600 on 4/5/2017 at 9:30 AM Derick Jones Unit 313 Couch, king bed, boxes Purchases must be made with cash only and p aid at the abov e referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Publish: March 17, 24, 2017 327454 3432599 N ot i ce i s h ere b y g i ven t h at E xtra Space Storage will sell at public auction, to satisfy the lien of the owner, personal property belonging to those individuals listed below at location indicated: 23215 Harborview Road, Port Charlotte, FL, 33980 (941) 624 2962, 04/05/2017 at 11:00 AM. Dona Smith Unit 139 Furniture & household items Anne Marie Peterson Unit 1040 Clothes and personal items Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses sion of the personal property. Publish March 17, 24, 2017 111034 3431644 NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Extra Space Storage 2080 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, FL 33948 (941) 625-3597 Notice is hereby given that Extra Space Storage will sell at live pub lic auction At the storage facility listed below, to satisfy the lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding on 4/5/17 at 12:30 PM at the Extra Space Storage facility located at: 2080 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 941625-3597 GldBk 3119 NOTICE OF AUCTION G era ld B a k er 143 Files, car parts, hardware items Peter Brauch 423 Household goods Amy Rollins 74 Household goods Felisha Creary 272 Household goods, furniture Theresa Dill 125 Couch sectional, 2 dressers, coffee table, and 20 boxes Mark Daniels 123 5x10 mics, extras around house one small table Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above re ferenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property. Publish: March 17, 24, 2017 327465 3432582 3124 NOTICE OF HEARING N O TI C E O F PUBLI C HEARIN G CITY OF PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA Y OU ARE HEREBY notified that t he Punta Gorda City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, April 5, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard, to consider the following request: GA-02-17 An Ordinance of the City of Punta Gorda amending the City of Punta Gorda Police Offi cers Retirement System, restated pursuant to Ordinance #164410 amending Section 1, Definitions, by amending the definitions of Actuarial EquivalentŽ, Credited ServiceŽ and SpouseŽ; amending Section 4, Finances and Fund Management; amending Section 5, Contributions; amending Section 6, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility; amending Section 8, Disability; amending Section 15, Maximum Pension; amending Sect ion 27, Prior Police Service; amending Section 28, Deferr e d Retirement Option Plan; adding S ection 30, Supplemental Benefit C omponent for Special Benefits; Chapter 185 Share Accounts; prov iding for severability of provisions; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith and providing an effective date. Said hearing will be held in City Council Chambers at 326 West Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950. Any persons desiring to be heard on this matter may appear at the above time and place If an appeal is to be made of any decision made at this meeting, a verbatim record of the proceeding may be required. A copy of this notice and the associated public hearing documents are available f or inspection at the Office of the City Clerk located at the above address. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Florida Statute 286.26, the locat ion of th is public hearing is acces sible to persons with disabilities. If you are a person with disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Interpreters for the hearing impaired [TTY (941)575-5013] or non-English speaking citizens and any other special accommodations can be requested by contacting t he Human Resources Manager/Non discrimination Coordinator whose address is 326 West Marion Av enue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950, whose telephone number is (941)575-3308 and whose email address is at l east two (2) calendars days prior t o the meeting. Publish: March 24, 2017 102469 3435033 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 3128 NOTICE OF PERMIT N ot i ce i s h ere b y g i ven t h at t h e Southwest Florida Water Management District has received Environmental Resource permit application number 742748 from Sered Cranberry, LLC, 250 Miron Drive, Southlake, TX 76092 Application received: March 3, 2017 Proposed activity: commercial development Project name: 7-Eleven Cranberry Boulevard Project size: 2.94 acres Location: Section(s) 12 Township 39 South, Range 21 E ast, in Sarasota County. Outstanding Florida Water: no Aquatic preserve: no The applica tion is available for public inspec tion Monday through Friday at 7601 U.S. Highway 301 North, Tampa, Florida 33637 or through the Application & Permit Search ToolsŽ function on the Districts website a t Interested persons may inspect a copy of the application and submit written comments concerning the application. Comments must include the permit application number and be received within 14 days from the date of this notice. If you wish to be notified of intended agency action or an opportunity to request an administrative hearing regarding the application, you must send a written request referencin g the permit application number to the Southwest Florida W ater Management District, Regulation Bureau, 7601 U.S. Highw ay 301 North, Tampa, Florida 33637 or submit your request through the Districts website at w The District does not discriminate based on disability. Anyone requiring accommodation under the ADA should contact the Regulation Bureau at (813)985-7481 or 1(800)836-0797 TDD only 1(800)231-6103 Publish: March 24, 2017 395486 3434858 3130 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CHARLOTTE COUNTY SELF STORAGE at 4201 Whidden Blvd, Pt Charlotte, Florida 33980 will sell out otherwise dispose of the contents of the following units to satisfy deliquient ammounts due and enforce a lein imposed under the FLORIDA SELF STORAGE FACILITY ACT (Section 83.80183.809). Sale will be conducted at the above address on Wed. April 12th @ 10:30 A.M. on said pre mises. A ll property sold is CASH ONLY, in as isŽ condition and must be removed at time of sale. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids and to cancel the sale in the event of settlement with obligated party(ies). UNIT NUMBER B130 NAME Leander Tice CONTENTS Household Items Publish: March 24, 31, 2017 121140 3433402 N O TI C E O F S ALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under The Florida Self Storage Facility Act Statutes (Section 83.801-83.809). The undersigned will sell at public sale Thursday, April 13th 2017 at 10:00am EST on where said property is stored at: iStorage Gasparilla, 10500 W inborough Drive, Port Char lotte, FL 33981, Charlotte County The following: Name: Michelle Hunter Unit #: 0GR22 Contents: Washing Machine, Dryer, Curio Cabinet Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase by cash only. All purchased items are sold as is, where is, and must be removed a t the time of the sale. Sale is sub j ect to cancellation in the event o f settlement between owner and ob ligated party. Publish: March 24, 31, 2017 106889 3432092 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under The Florida Self Storage Facility Act Statutes (Section 83.801-83.809). The un dersigned will sell at public sale Thursday, April 13th 2017 at 10:00am EST on where said property is stored at: iStorage Port Charlottel, 7001 Gasparilla Road, Port Char lotte, FL 33981, Charlotte County The following: Name: Elexas Vazquez Unit #: 754 Contents: Sofa, Love Seat, Washing Machine and Dryer Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase by cash only. All purchased items are sold as is, where is, and must be removed a t the time of the sale. Sale is sub ject to cancellation in the event o f settlement between owner and ob ligated party. Publish: March 24, 31, 2017 106889 3432102 Turn Your Trash Into Cash! Advertise any Item Under $500. for FREE by Going to: www.sun-classieds. com *Limit 5 Ads Per Week Excluding Pets & Firearms ASKUS HOWyoucanplaceaPICTUREofyourite m forsale inyour classifiedad! LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSFifty-two women shouted, Leave me alone!Ž while striking a punching bag with one knee, held by a partner. It was part of a free self-defense class and hosted by the Charlotte County Sheriffs Of“ce, in partnership with Al Shumans ATA Black Belt Academy at the Port Charlotte Beach Complex on Wednesday night. Women learned stun and runŽ techniques, designed to help them get away from a situation long enough to get help. Every woman needs to feel con“dent and self-empowered to be able to do something should they come across a situation where they are being violated physically or otherwise,Ž said Crime Prevention Specialist Dale Phillips, who organized the class. Women learned different pressure points to exploit weaknesses and escape an aggressor, as well as basic safety tips like being aware of surroundings and using their voice to show force. Youre not going to kill anyone,Ž Phillips said. Youre just going to stun them enough to get away.Ž Al Shuman, who has partnered with the Sheriffs Of“ce to teach womens self-defense classes for 14 years, said the point is empowerment. Women learn basic ideas of self-defense and gain con“dence in ways they can carry themselves so they can escape a dangerous situation. One attendee, Connie, who asked to not be identi“ed by her last name, said shes typically more of a deer in the headlightsŽ person, but the class made her feel more con“dent that she could take control of a situation. She had never taken anything like it before. Michele Ross said shes taken Taekwondo, but it didnt include the safety tips and pressure points that can help women get away from attackers. One of the most important things she learned was to yell, so others realize they should get involved to help. She said the twohour class was fun as well as educational. Everyone should know how to do this stuff,Ž Ross said. In concluding the class, Phillips told all of the women to never give up. You can do anything you have to do to get out of a situation,Ž she said. CCSO schedules the free defense classes for women a few times a year, but theres typically a waiting list, Phillips said. The next class is tentatively scheduled for September. Anyone interested can get more information on Facebook, or stop at any district of“ce to register. Space will be limited to the “rst 50 women who sign up. Email: Charlotte Sheriffs Office holds free self-defense class for womenBy ANNE EASKERSTAFF WRITER SUN PHOTOS BY ANNE EASKER A black belt instructor from Al Shumans ATA Black Belt Academy teaches how to use pressure points to escape an aggressors hold. Women learned how to defend themselves from attackers at the Port Charlotte Beach Complex Wednesday. COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFSManta Pride Run or RideThe Lemon Bay Touchdowns annual Manta Pride Run or Ride is set for 7:30 a.m. April 8 at Rotonda Park, 100 Rotonda Blvd. E., Rotonda West. The bikes rides will include distances of 15 and 35 miles. The run routes will be 5K and 10K. Cost is $20 for adults and $10 for children and students. T-shirts will be provided to all who preregister and pay by March 30. Registration the day of the event begins at 6:30 a.m. All proceeds bene“t the LBHS Manta Rays football team. Get a ”yer or drop one off at Real Bikes of Englewood, 461 S. Indiana Ave., Hinck Wealth Management, 699 S. Indiana Ave., or the Englewood Sun 120 W. Dearborn St., Englewood. Flyers and sponsorship forms are available at the LB Touchdown Clubs Facebook page.EES garage saleThe Englewood Elementary School Parent Teacher Association will have a community garage sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the school. The PTA members invite all of the Englewood community to take advantage of this opportunity to either sell your items or to shop for new ones. Please contact Sherry Rogers at or at 941-391-1206. Englewood cleanup is SaturdaySarasota County will hold its annual free community cleanup in the Englewood area from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday. Dumpsters will be available for your convenience at the following locations: € West Cowles Street and South New York Avenue. € Rear of the Elks Lodge at North Broadway and Englewood Heights Road (accessible only from North Broadway Road). € Old Englewood Road at Buchan Airport. Hazardous materials including paint, auto parts, electronics, televisions and computers will only be accepted the Buchan Airport location. Hazardous waste may be taken to the Sarasota County Chemical Collection Center, 8750 Bee Ridge Road, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. For more information, call 941-861-5000 or visit collection for Helping HandLiberrty Tax Service is collecting unexpired, non-perishable goods for Englewood Helping Hand from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday in Libertys parking lot, 1720 S. McCall Road. Just drive up to drop off your donations. You dont even have to get out of your car. Look for Lady Liberty directing the cars, and receive treat bags as our way of thanking you.Big Band BarbershopThe Lemon Bay Chord Co. will present the Big Band Barbershop, under the direction of Dr. Sarah Rideout Sight, with special guests Dewey, Singum & Howe. The show will be 2 p.m. Saturday at the Englewood Event Center, 3069 S. McCall Road, Englewood. For tickets, call 941-270-3324.


The Sun /Friday, March 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 7 Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSThe Florida Highway Patrol is searching for a hit-and-run driver who rear-ended a Hyundai XG350 stopped in traf“c on southbound Interstate 75 on Thursday around 7:05 a.m. Multiple collisions followed, but no injuries were reported. The vehicle was traveling southeast at the overpass of U.S. 17 and should have an unknown extent of damage to the front portion. Anyone with information regarding the vehicle or its driver should contact FHP at 239-938-1800 or CrimeStoppers. The Charlotte County Sheriffs Office reported the following arrests: € Nicholas Aaron Schneck, 23, 200 block of Albatross Road, Rotonda West. Charges: possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $7,500. € Bernice Ann Douglas, 51, 2000 block of Cypress St., Punta Gorda. Charges: possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription. Bond: $7,500. € Leeann Marie Chiasson, 30, 700 block of Agabedis Ave., Punta Gorda. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: none. € Anna Rosy Bonilla, 33, 2500 block of Luther Road, Punta Gorda. Charges: violating non-resident exemption from registration and nonresident driver license required. Bond: $2,000. € Preston Landez Sesler, 35, 600 block of East Charlotte Ave., Punta Gorda. Charges: leaving the scene of a crash involving property damage, driving without license revoked habitual offender, aggravated fleeing or eluding, failure to stop vehicle as ordered by law enforcement officer, and reckless driving first offense. Bond: $82,500. € Tina Lou Price, 61, 5400 block of Wilson Drive, Punta Gorda. Charges: possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of drug paraphernalia, and selling other controlled substance scheduled III or IV. Bond: $22,500. € Graham Chandler Ginter, 44, 100 block of Morgan Lane Southeast, Port Charlotte. Charges: DUI and refusal to submit to testing. Bond: $2,500. € Roy Walter Larsen Jr., 28, 2000 block of Kendis St., Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of not more than 20 grams of marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $23,500. € Sabrina Lee Fisher, 32, 12400 block of Marathon Blvd., Port Charlotte. Charges: uttering counterfeit bills, checks, drafts, or notes, petty theft 1st degree property $100 to under $300, and two counts of off bond/forfeiture/revocations. Bond: $25,000. € Desiree Lee Wilson, 31, 1400 block of Lullaby St., Port Charlotte. Charge: out-of-county warrant. Bond: none. € Lenworth Escorffrey Bartley Jr., 31, homeless of Port Charlotte. Charge: nonsupport of dependents. Bond: $355. € Daniel Nicholas Bennett, 29, 1600 block of Maracaibo St., Port Charlotte. Charge: out-of-county warrant. Bond: $50,000. € Ramon Abel Cardenas, 25, 23100 block of Seneca Ave., Port Charlotte. Charge: loitering or prowling. Bond: $1,000. € Jacob H. Peachey, 62, 21300 block of Gladis Ave., Port Charlotte. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: $845. € Jesse Jack Alligood, 33, 11200 block of Waterford Ave., Englewood. Charge: petty theft 1st degree property $100 to under $300. Bond: $3,500. € John Lee Eichler, 23, 1200 block of Drury Lane, Englewood. Charge: battery. Bond: $5,000. € Shane Vernon Fick, 40, 22100 block of Montrose Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of harmful new legend drug without a prescription. Bond: $7,500. The Punta Gorda Police Department reported the following arrests: € Shawn David Wilson, 37, of North Fort Myers. Charges: disorderly intoxication and resisting an officer without violence. Bond: $2,000. € Shane Robert Wilson, 37, of Fort Myers. Charge: out-of-county warrant. Bond: none. The Sarasota County Sheriffs Office reported the following arrests: € Jeromy Broadbent, 39, 350 block of Villanova Ave., Venice. Charge: contempt of court (original charge: trespassing). Bond: $2,000. € Tiffany Stoltz, 25, 500 block of Briarwood Road, Venice. Charge: battery. Bond: none. € Kody Wagner, 26, 201000 block of Midway Blvd., Port Charlotte. Charges: disorderly intoxication in a public place and resisting an officer without violence. Bond: $620. The North Port Police Department reported the following arrests: € Dennis Adkins, 46, 7070 Odom Place, North Port. Charge: battery. Bond: none. € Justin Bible, 18, 221000 block of Catherine Ave., Port Charlotte. Charge: battery. Bond: none. € Jeremy Miller, 35, 6300 block of Safford Trail, North Port. Charges: four counts of selling synthetic narcotics within 1000 feet of a place of worship or business. Bond: $80,000. € James Barrett, 26, 150 block of N. Osceola Ave., Arcadia. Charges: carrying an unlicensed electric weapon or device, possession of heroin, possession of morphine, possession of marijuana and two counts of possession or use of narcotics equipment. Bond: $6,500. € Tristan Felix, 27, 1100 block of Ohana Way, North Port. Charges: DUI with a person under 18 years old, two counts of DUI and property damage and driving with a suspended license. Bond: $1,620. € Frank Kessler, 51, 2100 block of Alliance Ave., North Port. Charges: possession of methamphetamines and possession or use of narcotics equipment. Bond: none. The Venice Police Department reported the following arrests: € Laura Curtis, 44, 470 block of Zephyr Road, Venice. Charges: DUI, possession of marijuana and two counts of possession or use of narcotics equipment. Bond: $2,000. € Mark Semro, 53, 820 block of Wiggins Pass Road, Venice. Charges: disorderly intoxication, simple assault with the threat to do violence and assault on an officer, firefighter or EMT. Bond: none. The Manatee County Sheriffs Office reported the following arrest: € James Wilson, 45, 600 block of Oceola Ave., Nokomis. Charge: Manatee County issued warrant for violation of probation (original charges: uttering a forged instrument and organized fraud). Bond: none. „ Compiled by Anne Easker and Lauren CoffeyI-75 traffic delayed after seven-vehicle collision POLICE BEATThe information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriffs office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. SUN PHOTO BY ELAINE ALLEN-EMRICHCrime-scene tape surrounds a home at Lighthouse Street in Englewood Thursday morning as Charlotte County sheris investigators and a foresnics unit inspected a toddler who nearly drowned. According to a neighbor, the woman at the home yelled call 911Ž while near the pool. He heard her and called. The CCSO said the toddler was airlifted to a hospital for treatement but would not release any other details.Toddler hospitalized after falling in a pool COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFSFourth Friday free movieThe public is invited to enjoy this months fourth Friday free movie, The Danish Girl,Ž presented by Women Against Racism & Discrimination, at 1 p.m. today at FGCUs Renaissance Academy … Punta Gorda, at 117 Herald Court (between Olympia and Marion Avenues). A free snack and beverage will be available. Then, feel free to remain after the movie for a lively and thought-provoking discussion. Redmayne is incredibly believable in his role, as is Vikander, who won the 2015 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. The Danish GirlŽ is loosely based on the life of Danish painter Lili Elbe, one of the earliest recipients of gender reassignment surgery, and Danish painter Gerda Wegener. For more information, call 941-380-2408.Car wash plannedThe PrideŽ of Port Charlotte Marching Band will hold a car wash from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, at the Peachland of“ce of Charlotte State Bank & Trust, 24163 Peachland Blvd., Port Charlotte. The young musicians are raising money to help fund upcoming trips to perform in various locations. They are requesting a minimum of $5 for a car wash, but will accept donations in any amount. For more information, contact the PCHS Band Boosters at 941-2863722, email treasurer@ or call the Peachland of“ce at 941-627-0038.


Our Town Page 8 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, March 24, 2017 OUR VIEW LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name „ not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Sun Letters to the Editor, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980, or fax to 941-629-2085. Readers may email Letters to the Editor at HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOREmail letters to letters@sun-herald.comPublisher „ Robert E. Lee Executive editor „ Jim Gouvellis Editorial page editor „ Stephen Baumann Commentary Editor „ John Hackworth V IEWPOINTEra of Trump, at what cost? Tendentious drivel from the left Trump stirs strife in Republican Party Make Sable Trace a par-three course Send criminals to Germany Trac too heavy at Peachland corner Conservatives have reason for hope Sell White House to pay down debtEditor: What will the cost be of the era of Trump? Assuming the legitimacy of cause and effect, shall we dare to predict? Will the operating principle of America FirstŽ lead to global cooperation and collaboration, assuming we believe in win-win end products? Will signi“cantly building the military muscle of the worlds only superpower lead to more cooperation and collaboration worldwide, assuming we believe in peaceful coexistence? Will signi“cantly decreasing support for our environmental health and well-being improve living conditions domestically and internationally, assuming we value clean water and clean air and our grandchildren? Will signi“cantly cutting people programsŽ lead to a more responsible citizenry and equitable distribution of goods and services, assuming we value all people? Will supporting the return of the mining and manufacturing jobs of yesteryear cause the return of prosperity, assuming we accept the current economic, technological and global trends? Will supporting the news that we like and discounting all that does not “t our notion of truth lead to a well -informed populace, assuming we accept the primacy of objective evidence over subjective opinion? Will seeking a larger piece of the pieŽ for those who look like me, speak my language, worship my God or accept my secular world view, at the expense of those who differ from me, enrich me, assuming I believe all men/women, wherever, are deserving?ŽMickey DesCheneaux North PortEditor: In the world I live in people are peacefully going about their affairs as usual. Donald Trump Editor: The Trump and Ryan focus on a health care plan has ripped the Republican Party in Congress into three pieces. The first piece is Trump and people like his press spokesman. Trump has already disassociated himself from Ryan, and now refers to his number one item on his agenda as Ryan Care. We now know the proposed legislation would throw off seniors, and provide meaningless tax credits of $2,000 for younger participants and $4,000 tax credits for older citizens. The truth is younger participants would probably not participate, and seniors could not afford to participate in the later years of the bill, which means at least 14 million non-participants in the “rst allay, and in the later years almost double. This leaves Trump and company, Ryan and his cohorts pushing a bill Democrats detest, but now we see there is an additional group „ we can call them compassionate Republicans „ that with the above knowledge will not support the new version „ which could mean the legislation is dead on arrival (DOA). Editor: We are snowbirds from Indianapolis and have a winter home here in North Port. It is really sad that Sable Trace Golf Course is such a mess and no one is doing anything about it. We are not avid golfers, but we would play golf if there was a par-three golf course. I believe there are many seniors and year-round residents who would love a par-three golf course. Sable Trace could be a nine-hole, par-three and also have a miniature golf course for family recreation. We believe it would de“nitely be pro“table.Judy McEvoy North PortEditor: How stupid are we? Ill tell you how stupid we are. We dont secure our borders. We are overridden with trespassers. When those trespassers commit a serious crime we try to send them back to their home country. They refuse to take them. We release them onto our streets, because we have laws against holding them inde“nitely. I ask you, do we release our citizens who are arrested for serious crimes? Yes and no. We have a system of bonding out and tracking criminals until their court dates. With the trespassers, its a get-out-ofjail-free card. The refusal to deal with trespassers appropriately endangers our citizens. Had we not let them in, or allowed them to stay in the “rst place, we wouldnt be facing this problem. Just enforce our laws and protect our people. Its not rocket science, it is the law. And, hey, lets send all our criminals to a country with the same open-border policy as us. The Netherlands or Germany come to mind.Wilma Howe EnglewoodEditor: I have to admit that I am one of the opponents of development at the east end of Peachland. But for other reasons than that of not in my neighborhood.Ž The proposed location is already congested with traf“c. Just stand at the intersection of Peachland and Veterans at 4 p.m. and witness the chaos. Will there be a traf“c study done prior to any permitting? Repeated calls to people at the county administration building go unanswered over and over. Seems like the invention of recorded messages, Leave a message and well get back to you,Ž gives the workers a way of not having to deal with the public. Richard Sajdak Port CharlotteEditor: I never thought Id see the day when liberal Democrat Alan Derschowitz and I agreed on anything, much less that he would support President Trumps travel ban. It has even been reported that he said if President Obama issued the exact same ban, it would have been upheld. That is a stunning admission that once again gives conservatives hope for the future. It is exciting to “nd common ground and gives us a platform to build on.R. Earl Warren EnglewoodEditor: Just a thought: Since Donald Trump wants to play golf every weekend, and his wife doesnt want to live in the White House, why not sell the White House and they can live in Mar-a-Lago year-round? Thus saving us taxpayers the expense of running him back and forth from D.C. to Mara-Lago and the expense of upkeep on the White House, and use all the money saved to pay down the national debt.Larry L. Betz Port CharlotteThe ears have it: Disney workers get restitution Derelict boats, derelict ownersIts easy to get caught up in the magic of Disney World and forget about the mega entertainment conglomerate behind the theme park mecca in Orlando. The Walt Disney Co. has its hand on a number of other companies and projects that go way beyond the theme-park experience. And, with that in mind, there are shareholders that must be kept happy. Sometimes the penny-pinching to make a pro“t is troubling and to many of us „ especially those who shell out the cash for the Disney experience „ it seems tri”ing. A good example came to light recently when the Disney Co. agreed to pay $3.8 million in back wages to Florida workers for violating minimum wage and overtime rules as part of an agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor. It seems the company requires employees who dress up in those cute costumes to foot the bill for those out“ts. Unlike the guy at the local garage whose shirts might be supplied, complete with his name over the pocket, Disneys cast of characters must pay for their more elaborate costumes. And, when they deducted the price of the costume from paychecks it pushed most workers pay below minimum wage. The problem impacted 16,000 workers at the Disney Vacation Club Management Corp. and Walt Disney Parks and Resorts in Florida. It is dif“cult to imagine employees at such a successful industry „ and one that charges more than $100 on average to visit and another $20 for parking „ have to pay for costumes. It takes some of the glitter off the magic for us.Since man (and woman) “rst “gured out how to ”oat a boat, humanity has been maneuvering around the ”otsam of wrecks and vessels abandoned for one reason or another. Not much of a problem hundreds of years ago, when there werent all that many humans crammed along the shoreline. More now that we are so crammed. Derelict vessels are hazards. They may be unhealthful. Sitting in the water, decaying, they may be considered unsightly. Florida is a boating state with hundreds of miles of Gulf and Atlantic shoreline. Weve got dinghies and yachts, sailboats and speedboats. And, like decrepit old cars left in a parking lot, weve got to deal with derelict vessels abandoned by their owners. So we do. As noted in a Page 1 story today, the state has laws de“ning what is derelictŽ and what isnt. Law enforcement agencies maintain a database showing there are 488 out there now. The estimate probably is low. Of that, though, eight are in Charlotte and six in Sarasota County. Not many, which is a good thing. But still, they pose a hazard for the boating public. And cleaning up costs money. Last year, Charlotte County hauled away 26 abandoned boats. The cost of removal? More than $35,000. The public ends up holding the tab. Thats because, unfortunately, its dif“cult to track down owners. One in “ve are typically found. Talk about derelicts. is president and there has been no apocalypse. Employment is up, the stock market is up, illegal immigration is down and future prospects seem to be improving for the neglected middle class. But rabid leftist elements of the Democrat-media complex relentlessly portray America as a dystopian hell-hole where privileged white people are oppressing all others. That nonsense is taken up and further promoted by disaffected leftist academics, puerile college kids suffering from acute 1960s-envy, a few thousand riotous ignoramuses and the like, all of whom have been utterly unable to convince responsible people their professed outrage is justi“ed „ or even genuine. This has descended into farce. Recently, in the White House brie“ng room (of all places), one intrepid journalistŽ invoked his freedom of the press and hilariously accused another of being a white supremacist and a Nazi. Good grief! Theyre pulling our chain, folks, but take heart. All the tendentious leftist drivel and anti-American claptrap has become tediously repetitive and will inevitably plop down into a steaming pile of ennui.Bill Hart Punta Gorda On the sidelines are Republican governors like Kasich in Ohio who support the mandates on Medicaid expansion and the growing numbers signing up for Obamacare. Utah and Kentucky also are showing growing numbers on Obamacare. If this legislation continues, Republicans could lose majorities in both houses, making Trumps trip for four years a tough one. Trump is losing on this promise. Tell me who you walk with and Ill tell you who you are.Ž „ Cervantes. We are beginning to know.Bill Weightman North Port


The Sun /Friday, March 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 9 VIEWPOINTThe East Coast Technical Assistance Center recently identi“ed Vineland Elementary School as one of 21 elementary schools in the state to be an Exceeding Expectations Award School. ECTAC is a network of 43 school districts in Florida. ECTAC staff provide assistance to member school districts in the development and implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act Title I program. The Exceeding Expectations Project, now in its “rth year, is an initiative of ECTAC to identify Title I schools in Florida that are exceeding expectations in improving student achievement. School performance was compared overall to 1,833 public elementary schools (including charters), of which 1,195 are Title I schools. Exceeding Expectations Schools were identi“ed using data in the following areas: € English language arts and math achievement; € ELA and math learning gains and lower quartile learning gains; € Science achievement; € School grade. Schools identi“ed as Exceeding Expectations maintained or improved their pro“ciency in both ELA and math from the 2014-2015 school year to the 2015-2016 school year. VES improved pro“ciency in ELA by 1 percent, increasing from 62 percent to 63 percent. Pro“ciency in the area of math at VES increased by 9 percent, from 63 percent to 72 percent. VES was in the top 10 percent statewide in pro“ciency in both ELA and math as ranked among all Title I schools. Improvement in math achievement was particularly notable, ranking in the top 10 percent statewide as compared not only to all Title I schools and elementary schools, but also when ranked among all schools. Learning gains at VES were at or above the state median for both ELA and math. This was the “rst year ECTAC took science achievement into consideration for Exceeding Expectations recognition. Pro“ciency in science achievement had to be greater than 50 percent. At VES, science achievement of students scoring satisfactory or higher was 73 percent, signi“cantly above the 50 percent requirement. VES is ranked 47 out of 1,759 Title I schools in the area of science achievement. This is also in the top 10 percent statewide for this category. Vineland Elementary School, also a FranklinCovey Leader in Me Lighthouse School, has maintained a school grade of A for 15 consecutive years. It is the only school in Charlotte County to sustain this record. In addition to being identi“ed based on Florida Standards Assessment and school grade data, a team from ECTAC visited potential award schools for one day each to interview school stakeholders and observe practices that are contributing to the schools success. The ECTAC team visited VES in early February to conduct these rigorous interviews. Panels of teachers, support staff, students, parents and community members were interviewed. The ECTAC team also walked through all classrooms in the building conducting informal observations. At the conclusion of the site visit VES was noti“ed there was no question they were indeed an Exceeding Expectations Award School. As a celebration of this accomplishment, a team from VES will participate in the Exceeding Expectations Conference in September. Each award school is asked to present two sessions at this annual conference. Presentation topics will be based on speci“c strengths that were identi“ed by visitation teams during the school site visits. Collaborative leadership and an in-house ongoing professional development model were identi“ed as de“nite strengths at VES. It is quite an honor to be recognized as an Exceeding Expectations Award School. This acknowledgment could not have been realized without the continued hard work and synergy of all stakeholders at VES. Laura C. Blunier is the principal of Vineland Elementary School in Englewood.Vineland gets Exceeding Expectations Award School NotesLaura C. Blunier Depending on your point of view, red-light cameras in Florida are either: A) Of great bene“t to public safety by making drivers think twice when approaching a changing traf“c light; or B) a cash grab by communities that amounts to a back-door tax. Just so were clear, Im on the side of Option B. While several communities throughout the state have discontinued use of the cameras for reasons best explained by Option B, the Legislature has never mustered enough support for a complete ban on them. Bless em, though, House members keep trying. They are scheduled once again to take up a proposal (HB 6007) by Rep. Bryan Avila, a Hialeah Republican, and Spring Hill Republican Rep. Blaise Ingoglia to repeal laws that permit the cameras. Maybe they will succeed this time. I wish they wouldnt stop there, though. I wish that, for once, lawmakers could “nally put their foot down on the practice of texting while driving. Currently, it is only a secondary offense, punishable by a “ne only if of“cers can stop a violator on another charge. The state transportation committee will consider whether to recommend toughening the law by making it a primary offense „ meaning that if an of“cer sees someone obviously texting while driving, they can be pulled over for that. Sadly, even something so obvious is complicated after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it takes a warrant to search a cellphone. Its unlikely a motorist about to be hit with a big “ne for texting would voluntarily turn over their phone. I appreciate the complication. Its worth the battle, though. So why the battle against cameras but support for a texting ban? Simple. In 2015, the state reported nearly 46,000 accidents due to distracted driving. Thats more than 12 percent of all crashes in Florida, and weve all had the experience of watching drivers weave in and out of highway lanes while theyre focused on their phones instead of the road. Red-light cameras, on the other hand, appear to contribute to crashes as well as being the aforementioned cash grab. The News Service of Florida reported in a four-year study of 148 intersections with cameras, across the state, crashes increased by more than 10 percent. Rear-end collisions were the main culprit. Add to that the fact that cameras are operated by an out-of-state “rm and that appealing the “ne can result in even heavier costs and points on your drivers license. People usually give in and pay, and thats not what a law like this should be doing. Get rid of the cameras. Joe Henderson has had a 45-year career in newspapers, including the last nearly 42 years at the Tampa Tribune, where he covered sports, politics and city government. The column moved on website Florida Politics.Kill cameras, but turn up heat on texting Florida PoliticsJoe Henderson SP20001Wanttomakeacomment,say thanks,giveapatonthebackto someone,getsomethingoffyour chest?Writealettertotheeditorand shareyourthoughtswith80,000 ofyourfriendsandneighbors.Submitlettersviae-mailto letters @ ormailthemto 23170HarborviewRoad, CharlotteHarbor,Fla.,33980. TurntotheViewpointpage forletterguidelines andother information. ShareYourThoughts... G A R A G E S A L E 1 B L O C K B N 2 1 5 I B R A K E F O R G A R A G E S A L E S GONESHOPPINGI2 SHOPSHOP LOCALLY SAVE GASMY FAVORITE STORELOCAL SHOPSHOMERESTAURANT FOR LUNCHFINE DININGGROCERIES Find it in the CLASSIFIEDS! LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? 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Our Town Page 10 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, March 24, 2017 NORTH PORT „ Residents will have a chance to see what health services the city has to offer on Saturday. North Port Parks and Recreation Department will offer its “rst Community Health and Wellness Fair, which touts 36 vendors ranging from nonpro“ts to health care providers and businesses. I think its very important the community is aware of all the community and speci“cally North Port has to offer,Ž said Jonathan Wheatley, recreation supervisor. We just want everyone to be aware of the organizations and all they offer and pair them with the people.Ž Various screenings and educational information will be provided at the fair regarding health, but also covers topics such as legal and “nancial services. The Parks and Rec Advisory Board suggested it and it seemed like something we could help them out with,Ž Wheatley said. The free event will be held from 10-1 p.m. on Saturday at the George Mullen Activity Center gymnasium, 1602 Kramer Way. Email: North Port to host first Health and Wellness fair By LAUREN COFFEY STAFF WRITER NORTH PORT „ It may soon be a more beautiful day in some North Port neighborhoods. North Port city planners are hosting a public input meeting to discuss five of the citys original neighborhoods from the 1950s and 1960s. The scope of the meeting and task is to talk to the neighborhood residents and create a plan,Ž City Planner Michele Norton said. We chose these neighborhoods because they have some of the oldest structures.Ž The neighborhoods include Biscayne Gardens, Hyde Park, Spearman, Highland Ridge and Fabien. Roughly 1,800 residents live in the area. The meeting aims to identify strengths and weaknesses of the neighborhoods and Norton said no one is more qualified than the residents themselves. Its their neighborhood, no one knows them like they do,Ž she said. Planners cant sit and look at aerials and demographics and find what makes it tick. (Residents) need to tell us what we can do for its long-term quality.Ž The meeting is also open to the public. Norton added depending on the resources available and need, this could soon extend to other neighborhoods as well. Depending on the input and funding, well reach out to other developments,Ž she said. Were a city of neighborhoods, so for me thats an important way to look at things, and not just from an overall city perspective.Ž The meeting will be from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, March 30, at the Gene Matthews Boys & Girls Club, 6851 S. Biscayne Drive. Email: Oldest North Port neighborhoods set to be revitalized By LAUREN COFFEY STAFF WRITER MAP PROVIDED The ve neighborhoods that will be up for discussion at next weeks community meeting. Using a stolen Medicare bene“ciary number, the equipment is never delivered. The bene“ciary may not even be aware of the scam. Thats why its important to keep records of your health care visits, services and equipment provided, and lab tests. The “rst line of defense against Medicare fraud is reviewing all Medicare Summary Notices. Because the MSN isnt a bill, many dont pay much attention to it. Look for three things: Charges for something you didn't get, billing for the same thing twice or services that were not ordered by your doctor. Instead of waiting 90 days between quarterly statements, go to www. and track your claims. If you suspect you might be a victim of Medicare fraud, theres help available. The Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) program, operating under the U.S. Administration on Aging, works to resolve bene“ciary complaints of potential fraud. SMP program manager Sonja Landry explains it can immediately ”ag a possible compromisedŽ account while it investigates and corrects any errors. Florida residents can call 877-272-8720. Nationally, call 877808-2468. In addition, the SMP website, www., offers help on how to read a MSN, and describes the various Medicare fraud schemes out there. Call and request a free health record journal! Finally, its illegal for a medical supplier to make unsolicited telephone calls to those with Medicare. To report attempted Medicare fraud or abuse, call the Medicare fraud tip line at 800-HHS-TIPS (800447-8477) and press 5, or email the incident to David Morris is the Suns consumer advocate. Contact him c/o the Sun, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980; email dmorris@; or leave a message at 941-206-1114. DAVIDFROM PAGE 1 Orderphotosfromthe SunVisit ,chooseanedition,suchas Charlotte,NorthPortorEnglewood;lookforthe PublishYourPhotosŽboxandclickWeCaptureŽtobe linkedtothepagefororderingphotographs.FROM PAGE ONE NEW YORK Its hard to believe that in America today an affordable pill that could improve the sex lives of millions of men is in danger of being yanked from the shelves. And its just because big drug companies fear for their pro“ts. The pharmaceutical industry is desperately trying to stop shipments of the remarkable new JackedUpŽ pill. Big Pharma is worried because men are reporting increased sex drive, stronger erections and more stamina all without the side-effects and $40-per-pill price tag associated with drugs like Viagra. Clinical results show men feel these bene“ts within just a few weeks of taking JackedUps active ingredient. The pill, made for men over 50, was released early last month. Despite Big Pharmas efforts, sales have already exceeded expecta tions.Exciting Bene“tsThere are very good reasons why sales are booming and drug companies want it gone. Apart from costing just two dollars per daily dose, the clinical results con“rm JackedUps active ingredient is very impressive. It greatly boosts a mans ability to get and keep erections. Stamina during sex also improves. The product also has a unique ability to help men feel more passion, desire, and sex drive. These impressive bene“ts come from boosting testosterone levels by up to a whopping 193%. Doctors are astounded by its effects. Why do drug companies want this pill stopped? Since the JackedUpŽ pill is natural, drug companies cant patent it (like they did with Viagra) and make big pro“ts. Plus, if youre over 50 and suffering from low sex drive, decreased stamina and inability to perform, low testosterone is the biggest factor. If you can safely boost your testosterone, you wont need their expensive pills. Thats the very reason big business is trying to have it pulled from the shelves.Strong Clinical Results Worry Big PharmaRecent clinical trials on JackedUps active ingredient have made the drug companies more desperate. The trial results were published in major medical journals, and doctors are now recommending JackedUp to patients. The testing was done on men 40 … 65 years old, and the results were remarkable. The men who took the active ingredient in JackedUp reported major improvements in their sex lives. Their ability to get and keep erections went up by over 200%. Libido and sex drive surged. Even staying power and stamina during sex more than doubled! Head of product development, Dave McNeill, said the big drug companies werent worried at “rst. They didnt care because the active ingredient can take a few weeks before many men really feel the bene“ts. But these awesome clinical trials really got their attention. Theyre learning A LOT of men will wait a few weeks if it means avoiding negative side effects and saving money.ŽHow It WorksThe JackedUpŽ pill works by helping older men produce more testosterone. It doesnt force dangerous fake testosterone into your body like injections do. Instead, it works with your body to produce testosterone naturally. And the results have been extraordinary. Its like your body reboots itself to feel like it did in the prime of your life.Initial Users Are ThrilledƒAnd WorriedJackedUp has been awesome for my sex drive and performance! Im worried it may not be av ailable in the future. The idea that it may be taken away just to secure some big drug companys pro“ts is very frustrating.Ž Rob H., 49 years old, Colorado Springs, CO My wife and I were both sexually vibrant until I had prostate cancer. After my surgery we tried everything my doctor recommended but nothing worked. Within a few weeks of taking JackedUp, everythin g has been functioning beautifully and weve been riding high ever since!Ž Ken S., 78 years old, Phoenix, AZDoctors Speak OutDrug companies are also concerned that doctors are now recommending JackedUp. The active ingredient has strong clinical results and lacks the side effects seen in current drugs on the market. This makes it an easy option for doctors to suggest. Dr. Laguna-Bedia, a specialist in internal medicine says, A lot of men think their lack of interest and inability to perform are simply parts of aging. This is just not true. JackedUp can help these men regain a healthy appetite for sex and the physical ability to perform.Ž JackedUp works by boosting key male hormones without side effects. The bene“ts of these hormones to sexual health are well known, but they actually do more than that. Men also report more energy, less body fat and higher motivation,Ž said Dr. G. Pereira, a renowned surgeon in Fl orida. Dr. Jacob Moss notes, I recommend JackedUp if youre struggling with getting and keeping erections or low libido. Its also a great option for men who want to last longer and have more c ontrol over when they orgasm.ŽHow T o Get JackedUpDrug companies are “ghting hard to get rid of this product. This is making inventory disappear fast. Thankfully, a special discounted supply has been reserved for Charlotte Sun Herald readers. But only for those who call within the next 48 hours. This is the best opportunity to try JackedUp risk-free with their 100% results guarantee. A Regional Order Hotline has been set up for local readers to call. This gives all men an equal chance to try JackedUp. Starting at 6:00 am today the order hotline will be open for the next 48 hours. All you have to do is call TOLL FREE 1-800-886-7162 an d the company will do the rest. Due to the possibility of JackedUp being pulled from the shelf, phone lines are often busy. If you call and do not immediately get through, please be patient and call back. Current supplies of JackedUp are limited, and callers that dont get through to the order ho tline within the next 48 hours will be forced to wait for more inventory to be produced. This can take as long as 6 weeks. If youre over 50 and suffering from low sex drive, decreased stamina and inability to perform, low testosterone is the biggest factor. Drug companies do NOT want men to know about this affordable new pillƒŽClinical Study Con“rms Drug Companies Biggest Fear; New $2 Sex Pill Really Works Men rush to get affordable new sex pill as big Pharma tries to stop shipments nationwide; clinical study shows it boosts sexual desire and performance without side effects Big Pharma Worried: Older men are having better sex after taking the newly released $2 pill called JackedUp. Clinical trials show active ingredient triggers surge in desire, strength of erections, and sexual activity in older men. adno=50512892 Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement


The Sun /Friday, March 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 11 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS TODAY Easy Does It Club, The Easy Does It Club offers daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please Call 941-624-0110 Tops Club takeoff #s, 8am to 10 am at Edgewater UMC 19190 Cochran Blvd, call 941-2582610(Hope) $32 annual, $5 monthly Project Linus, Have Fun crochet knit quilt blankets for Charlotte County kids FGCU Herald Court Punta Gordo 9-11am Nancy 627-4364 Quarter Bingo, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St 10am-10:45am. Quarter Bingo Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Eagles, Eagles 2311 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 lunch 11-2 pm dinner 5-8 music by Boomers Bingo, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 10:45a-3:30p Game Packs Start at $13. Over 25 games with payouts up to $250 625-4175. Deep Creek Elks, Dinner 5-8, Reservation 249-8067, Prime Rib, Fish And More, Music WithTato 2 6:30-9:30 Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 3pm Tiki open, 5-8 Dinner; 6:30-9:30 Music by Sensations @ 25538 Shore,PG,637-2606; members & guests Singer Michael Hirst, Singer Michael Hirst performs live music 11 am-2 pm Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Punta Gorda Elks, Elkettes Thrift Shop Open to the Public from 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr.,PG,637-2606, ext. 451 GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN, LAST DAY for $9 tickets. 3 pc Dinner 5-7pm, Chefs, Terry Corson & Jerry Mathews on Sat, 3/25 NP Amvets 429-5403 Singer Danny Beach, Singer Danny Beach performs live music 12 Noon-3 pm center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Free Movie Friday, Free Movie: The Danish Girl, 1 pm, 3/24, FGCU Renaissance Academy, 117 Herald Court, Punta Gorda Port Charlotte Elks, BOGO Happy Hour 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 625-7571 American Legion 103, PUBLIC WELCOMED! Prime Rib Dinner or Fish/Shrimp 5-7 Live Music & Dancing 6-9 2101 Taylor Rd. PG 639-6337 Singer Paul Roush, Singer Paul Roush performs live music 5 9 pm at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 Bridge, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 6p-8p $1.50 Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Euchre, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 6p-9p $2.25. Cultural Center MembersPLUS free. Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Friday Night Dance, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. $10. Full Cash Bar Live Entertainment info at 625-4175. SATURDAY Easy Does It Club, The Easy Does It Club offers daily AA meetings between the hours of 7:30am and 9:00pm. Please call 941-624-0110. PG Farmers Market, 8 to 1, taylor st. & Olympia, 941-391-4856, 70 asst. vendors & music for a relaxed, shopping experience., Fresh Produce. Charity Car Wash, Charity Car Wash ($5/Car) @ 9am-1pm., 2000 Rio de Janeiro Blvd, PG, FL 33983. 9415859968. Farmers Market Fest, Farmers Market Fest + Car Wash SATURDAY, March 25 @ 9 am-1pm. 2000 Rio de Janeiro Blvd, PG, FL 33983. 9414567949. Punta Gorda Elks, 9am BocceTourney;11-2Lunch;1pm Tiki;5-8 Dinner;6pm QnHrts;6:309:30 Music/ThreeOFa Kind@25538 ShorePG637-2606;mbrs&gsts FREE Tai Chi, Want serenity, balance, peace? FREE Taichi n qigong w/Richard or Mary Sat @ 9:30AM in Gilchrist Park call 407-923-8310 Bonsai Club & Class, Tiny Trees Sat. morn, 10:00am~12:00pm. 23400 Har old Ave., Port Charlotte, Deep Creek Elks, Philly CheeseSteaks With Captain Ron 12-2, Dinner 5-8, Filet, Fish And More, Music With Quiet Fire 6:30-9:30 Quarter Bingo, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St 10am-10:45am. Quarter Bingo Everyone welcomed 625-4175. Eagles, Eagles 23111 Harborview Rd PC 941-629-1645 dinner 5-7 Bingo 1-4 Show by Eddie & Edsels $10.00 Bingo, Cultural Center 2280 Aaron St. 10:45a-3:30p Game Packs Start at $13. Over 25 games with payouts up to $250 625-4175. Punta Gorda Elks, 11-2 Lunch; 1pm Tiki open, 5-8 Dinner; 6pm QnHrts; 6:30-9:30 Music/Three of a Kind@25538 ShorePG637-2606;members&guests Singer Chris G, Singer Chris G performs live music 12 Noon-3 pm center court at Fishermens Village. 639-8721 TODAY Line Dancing, 9-30 to 11-30 American Legion Post 113 3436 Indiana Road, Rotonda West Phone Eve at 941 697 8733 GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN, LAST DAY for $9 tickets. 3 pc Dinner 5-7pm, Chefs, Terry Corson & Jerry Mathews on Sat, 3/25 NP Amvets 429-5403 Standard Flower Show, A Day At the Zoo Standard Flower Show & Plant Sale, Fri March 24, 2-5 pm Lemon Bay Garden Club 480 Yale St Englewood. Ballroom Classes, Every Monday thru March 29 Beginner/ Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692 FISH FRY & MORE, AYCE FISH/ CHIPS $10 & Specialty Items 4:30-7pm. MusicTIDAL WAVE -6:30pm. Legion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Rotonda Entertainment, VFW Englewood, Entertainment by VINCENTŽ, 5-8 p.m.! Jolenes Fish Fry Avail. 5-8 p.m.!, Public Welcome.474-7516 Prime Rib Friday, Chef Choice: Prime Rib. Fish, salads & more 5-7:30pm. Music: Twice As Nice 7-10pm members&guests Rotonda Elks 697-2710 SATURDAY BREAKFAST, Breakfast 8am -Noon. Karaoke 6:30pm, Come and Sing!! American Legion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Rotonda Edible Garden Tour, Tour seven sustainable-method food growing properties, and more; The Open Studio; 9:00AM; $15 adv. don.; 603-558-8394 New & Used Book Sale, Huge Sale. Benefit Englewood Elementary School; 9 3 Lemon Bay Womans Club, 51 N. Maple St; 941-473-8270. Standard Flower Show, A Day At the Zoo Standard Flower Show & Plant Sale, Sat March 25 10am-3 pm Lemon Bay Garden Club 480 Yale St Englewood. Spanish Storytime, Spanish Storytime Age 3-11 10:30-11:30 pm Elsie Quirk Library 100 W Dearborn St 941-861-5000 CORNHOLE 12:30, Cornhole sign-in 12:30pm. Fee $2.00 per game. Proceeds to Elk charities. Rotonda Elks, members&guests. Ballroom Classes, Every Monday thru March 29 Beginner/ Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692 FRIED CHICKEN@ AMVETS, Golden Fried 3 pc dinner $10. Music & Dessert. Served 5-7pm. Chefs Terry Corson & Jerry Mathews NP AMVETS 429-5403 SUNDAY BREAKFAST, Breakfast 8am -Noon. Bar Bingo in the Lounge at 6:30pm, Get Lucky!! Legion 113, 3436 Indiana Rd. Rotonda Easter Cantata, Come to the Cross & RememberŽ, moving musical images 9:15 & 11 am; EUMC, 700 E Dearborn; 474-5588; Sunday Dinner !, Best broasted chicken dinner available 2-5 pm. Rotonda Elks, members & guests 697-2710. Lodge closes at 6pm. BINGO, Every Sunday 2 pm $12 & $24 paper pksQueen of Hearts, Horse Races. Tiffany Square 2828 S McCall Rd 941-208-5999 LM Acoustics At TOS, LM Acoustics … high energy vocals and blistering guitar duets returns to The Open Studio; 3pm; $10; 603-558-8394 Ballroom Classes, Every Monday thru March 29 Beginner/ Intermediate Class Englewood Sports Complex for info call 941-496-9692 FC BLAST KIDS, BLAST Middle School Youth Group meets Sun. 5-7pm@140 Rot. Blvd. W. Join us for fun, food, games & Bible Study. 475-7447 MONDAY Crafting, Help us to craft items; bring lunch, we supply dessert at Lemon Bay Womans Club, 51 N. Maple St. 9:30 12:30 681-2048 TODAY Rummage Sale, North Port Community UCC, 3450 S. Biscayne, 8-9am, Call MaryAnn, 426-8458,, 8am-1pm, Fundraiser for local missions. Basic Exercise, $3/class 9-10 am NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd 426-2204 Join Brenda for a good workout and feel great. NP Farmers Market, 9 to 2 city hall blvd. 941-391-4856 Fresh produce organic & domestic, seafood, meats, cheese, olives & more. Music, Yogarobics, Held at the Morgan Family Community Center, Fridays 9am-10am, $5 per class. Call 941-429-7275. St Mary EasterBazaar, Ukrainian Food, Arts & Crafts, 10-6, St. Marys, 941-423-2427. Public Welcome. Alzheimers Resp.Care, 10:30-2:30 every Fri.Living Waters Lutheran Church,12475 Chancellor Blvd.activities,lunch.$30.Info call 941-204-7335. Free Tax Help, 10:30am-2:30pm, every Fri., AARP Tax-Aide, North Port Senior Center, 4940 Pan American Blvd., NP VFW Post 8203, fish fry/rib dinners 5 7 pm, Dj Scotty 6 10 pm GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN, LAST DAY for $9 tickets. 3 pc Dinner 5-7pm, Chefs, Terry Corson & Jerry Mathews on Sat, 3/25 NP Amvets 429-5403 Pinochle, $1.50/person 12-3pm NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Pat Lucia 257-8358 Join in with others who like Pinochle. Lunch Time Crunch, Offered at the Morgan Family Community Center, Fridays 12:10p -12:50p. $5 per Class. 941-429-7275. Port Charlotte Elks, BOGO Happy Hour 4:30 to 6:30, Visit with Members & Guests, Open 1 to 7:30, 1700 Tamiami Trail F3, Murdock, FL, 625-7571 AMVETS 312 Dinner, Lunch 11:30-2:00 Dinner 5-7 Fish Friday, members&guests 7050 Chancellor Blvd NP 941-429-5403 Holy Name Bingo, 5-9pm San Pedro Activity Center Up to $1300.00 in cash priz es Non-S moking Refreshments Open to all 429-6602 North Port Moose, Chili dogs for lunch! Prime rib dinner special and fish dinner! Karaoke with Gil and Rhonda at 7 Pinochle, $2/person 6-9pm NP Senior Center 4940 Pan American Blvd Rochelle Munroe 429-1887. Come have a great evening. CHARLOTTE EVENTS ENGLEWOOD EVENTS NORTH PORT EVENTS Yacht Club Tent Sale, Satuday, 3/25/17. Covered vendor tables $10. 9 AM-2 PM. 22445 Glass Lane, Port Charlotte. 352-267-3318. Hearty Fish Fry this Friday, 4 to 7pm. Beer-battered haddock fillet or 8 jumbo butterfly fried shrimp, or shrimp- fish, or baked fish 9-10 oz fillet (4-5:30pm only) w. fr. fries, c. slaw. $10 adults, $5 kids. Clam chowder $2, w adult platter only. Drinks available. Sacred Heart Hall, 211 W. Charlotte Ave., Punta Gorda, 258-2822 SUNCOAST STATESMEN BARBERSHOPPERS, Present their Annual Show, HARMONY SHOWCASE, on Sun. March 26, at 4:00pm at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, 11330 Burnt Store Road PG 33955 featuring the multi talented & very entertaining guest quartet, Signature & the Sweet Adeline quartet Tamiami Sound. $15 call 941-625-1128. Faure and More Concert by Bion Cantorum, Enjoy beautiful choral music at Faure and MoreŽ concert by Bion Cantorum at First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St., Port Charlotte, on Friday, March 24, 2017, at 7:30 pm. Tickets at or call 941-625-4945. Rummage Sale, Relay For Life Rummage Sale. Mark your calendar for March 25, from 8-1. Sale will be held at Christ Lutheran Church, 701 N. Indiana Ave., Englewood, FL. Lots of great bargains. New & Used Book Sale, Benefit for Englewood Elementary School sponsored by Lemon Bay Womans Club Saturday, March 25, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at 51 N. Maple St. (corner of Maple and Cocoanut). Hardcover books for $1, paperbacks 3 for $1.00, $2.50 for audio books and varying prices for coffee table books. 941-626-4797. A Day At The Zoo Standard Flower Show, A Day At the Zoo, Standard Flower Show and Plant Sale will be held Fri. March 24, from 2-5pm and Sat. March 25, from 10am-3pm. Come view this years award-winning Design, Horticultural and Special Exhibits at Lemon Bay Garden Club 480 Yale St., Englewood. For more info. visit; www. GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN@AMVETS POST 312, Sons of AMVETS sponsor EDS GOLDEN FRIED CHICKEN on, Sat, March 25, cooked by Celebrity Chefs TERRY CORSON & JERRY MATHEWS, Chicken dinner, Potatoes/gravy, corn, roll & dessert for $10 at the door. Advance ticket only $9 Today Chicken to go Raffle & 50/50 game. Benefits to Veterans NP AMVETS 429-5403. Featured Events Featured Events Featured EventPAID ADVERTISEMENTS PAID ADVERTISEMENTS PAID ADVERTISEMENT The Community Calendar items are entered by the event organizers and are run as submitted.Ž To submit an item, go to www.yoursun. com, select an edition and click on the Community CalendarŽ link on the left. Click Submit Event,Ž and fill out the appropriate information. BOATING WITHOUT OWNING HARBOR AT LEMON BAY 941-475-7100 900 S. McCall Rd, Englewood, FL 34223 Join NOW and get $1000 OFF O N L Y $ 1 9 9 P E R M O N T H Over 300 Boats at 54 Locations. € No Cleaning € New Fleet € No Maintenance € No Storage Fees € No Insurance Costs *1 Time Membership Fee $1000 Discount Off Entry of $3995 Expires 4/1/17 Call 941-460-6340 adno=50511017 Now Only $2995 Sunday, April 2Cultural Center of Charlotte CountyJoin our newsletter to receive event updates! Two ways to get tickets:ENJOY SONGS SUCH AS: Order online 1 Call or visit the venue:Cultural Center of Charlotte County2280 Aaron Street 2All sales are nal.RockFolk & Country CSNSongsCelebrating the music ofCrosby, Stills, Nash & Young$1800Tickets starting at: Showtime: 7:30pm adno=716555 Bethany L. Walden, Au. D Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Charlotte Hearing Center, Inc. Hearing Evaluations & Hearing Aids Since 1984Ž 766-8886 Most Major Brands Available 21216 Olean Blvd., Suite 4 Port Charlotte Across from AAA Bldg. adno=50510939 adno=715930 Voted Best Ophthalmologist 2011 2015 € 624-4500 adno=50509590 adno=50511134 Thomas Quigley, M.D. Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for catar acts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Offer does not apply to Freedom and Optimum health plan participants. Coupon Expires 4/17/2017 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance plans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 20600 VETERANS BLVD., SUITE A PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 2529 TAMIAMI TRAIL PUNTA GORDA 941-639-2020 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT), ARCADIA 863-993-2020 formerly Eye Health adno=54510751 HOURS: 8-4pm Mon-Fri 8-1pm Sat 4/15/17 PICKUP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE DISCOUNT ROCK and KUSTOMIZED KURBING


Our Town Page 12 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, March 24, 2017 LOCAL SPORTS NORTH PORT … It took a while, but the North Port High School baseball team put it together and took a 6-1 victory over visiting Port Charlotte in a non-district game on Wednesday. The Pirates took a 1-0 lead in the top of the “rst inning and held that lead up until the bottom of the fourth inning. The Bobcats (7-5) scored three times, all of them coming on a three-run double down the left-“eld line by Logan Poiston. Dominic LeFever led off the inning with a walk, followed by a single by Patrick Smith and another walk to Tyler OBoyle. Kody Brittain popped out but then Poiston followed with his big hit. The Bobcats put the game away with three more runs in the bottom of the “fth inning. An error, a walk, a sacri“ce bunt and two singles accounted for the runs. Meanwhile, Bobcats starting pitcher Charlie Davidson was setting the Pirates down after the “rst inning. He went the distance, allowing “ve hits, but only one came after the “rst inning. He struck out four batters and walked three. Charlie had a great game,Ž North Port coach Dan Pavlue said. He was pounding the strike zone and had control of his pitches.Ž The Pirates got their only run in the “rst inning when Roman Reynolds belted a single to score Jordan Pelcolle. The Pirates had a chance to score another runner the inning but he was thrown out at the plate. The Pirates (6-7) used three pitchers in the game. Matt Defoe started and went three-plus innings. Damian Ashley went two innings and Jason James “nished up. Defoe took the loss. North Port “nished with eight hits to “ve for the Pirates. Poiston and Smith both had two hits to lead the winners attack. We did well at “rst,Ž Port Charlotte coach Rodney Taylor said. They (North Port) found a way to get their offense going in the fourth and “fth innings. Weve done well so far this season. Its a long season and we have a way to go.Ž North Port lost pitcher Charlie Topp possibly for the season due to an off-“eld probable broken collarbone recently. North Port will play visiting Dublin Coffman from Ohio at 7 p.m. Monday. The Pirates will play at North Fort Myers in a 7 p.m. game Tuesday.NORTH PORT 6, PORT CHARLOTTE 1Port Charlotte 100 000 0 … 1 5 3 North Port 000 330 x6 8 1 WP: Charlie Davidson. LP: Matt Defoe. Leading hitters: (NP) Logan Poliston 2-3, 2B, 3 RBI; Patrick Smith 2-4, 2 R.Hot bats, Davidson propel North Port over Port CharlotteBy GARY BROWNSUN CORRESPONDENT PREP BASEBALL: North Port 6, Port Charlotte 1 PREP SOFTBALL: North Port 18, Port Charlotte 4 PREP ROUNDUP PREP WEIGHTLIFTING: Region 2A-7 Championship SUN PHOTO BY JOHN KERSTENNorth Ports Charlie Davidson throws a pitch against a Port Charlotte batter on Wednesday night in North Port. SUN PHOTO BY MICHELE HASKELLPort Charlottes Devin Leacock steadies as he prepares to clean and jerk 390 pounds during Wednesdays Region 2A-7 meet at Charlotte High School. PORT CHARLOTTE „ The sixth inning was an ugly one Wednesday night between North Port and Port Charlotte. It was especially ugly for Port Charlotte. The frame saw North Port send 15 batters to the plate, 11 runs come across, parents from the opposing teams chirping at one another and even North Port coach Dennis Bell getting tossed from the game. But when it was all said and done, North Port earned its “rst 10-win season under Bells tenure, defeating Port Charlotte 18-4 in a six-inning game shortened by the mercy rule. Bell was ejected by the home plate umpire after Ashley Nelson was hit in the head by a pitch from Port Charlottes Seaaira Yiengst. It was right after Yiengst had come into the game to replace Alexis Carpenter after Yiengst had been pulled earlier in the night, and Bell angrily thought Yiengst was throwing at his own pitcher, Nelson. But the umpire wasnt having any of it. He quickly tossed Bell with North Port comfortably ahead, 8-2. He wasnt going to take my answer. I think he was oblivious to the whole situation and I dont think he understood what I was talking about but I knew what I was talking about. I think everybody on this “eld knew what I was talking about,Ž Bell said. Its sad that it goes that route but its this game. It is what it is. But we were competitive. Im glad the girls responded. That made me feel good as a coach that they responded in the manner that they did. It was a good win.Ž The Bobcats responded by scoring 10 more runs in the inning to put the nail in the cof“n. Eight of 11 runs for North Port in the sixth were unearned and 11 of its 18 total for the game were unearned thanks to eight Port Charlotte errors. The Pirates actually led the game at one point, taking a 2-0 lead after an inning thanks to a 2-RBI single by Andi Suarez, who went 1 for 3. But they wouldnt score again until putting one run on an error and another on an RBI single by Ali Eugenius in the sixth. Nelson pitched the entire game for the Bobcats, giving up four runs (two earned) on six hits while striking out “ve, walking four and hitting two batters. Not that we ever want to lose a game, but as far as our bats go, we were hitting the ball a lot better tonight than we did last night (against Cape Coral),Ž Port Charlotte coach Ryann Baker said. Errors yet again, thats been the story of our life this year, theyre just killing us. Its not really the hard-hit balls either. Its the soft stuff were not playing. Were not “elding it clean. Once we misplay it, we dont know what to do with it afterwards.Ž The top four hitters in North Ports line did most of the damage against Yiengst and Carpenter. Brianna Mitchell led the way, scoring twice and going 2 for 5 with “ve RBI, all of which came in the sixth inning. She had a 2-run single and a bases-clearing double for North Ports “nal runs of the night. Lead-off hitter Kylie Murray went 2 for 5 with an RBI triple and four runs scored. Nelson went 2 for 3 with 2 RBI and three runs scored in the two-hole. Taylor Koohns went 2 for 4 with an RBI triple and a run scored in the cleanup spot. But Bell was pleased with his entire lineup. Our lead-off hitter Kylie is doing great. Shes been doing great all year but the bottom of the order though, 5-6-7-8, those girls are coming up big,Ž Bell said. I know my 3-4-5 hole hitters will get their stroke down but coming into this season I knew 1-9 we werent going to have a weak batter. (Opponents) were going to have to pitch to all nine of my batters. Theres no easy outs. Im very pleased.Ž Yiengst took the loss for Port Charlotte, giving up 15 runs (only four earned) on nine hits with two strikeouts, “ve walks and two hit batters in 4 2‡3 innings.Contact Jordan Kroeger at 941-206-1175 or email PORT 18, PORT CHARLOTTE 4North Port 004 3011 x … 18 11 2 Port Charlotte 200 002 x … 4 6 8 WP: Ashley Nelson. LP: Seaaira Yiengst. Top hitters: (NP) Brianna Mitchell 2-5, 5 RBI, 2 R, 2B; Kylie Murray 2-5, RBI, 4 R, 3B; Ashley Nelson 2-3, 2 RBI, 3 R, BB, HBP; Taylor Koohns 2-4, RBI, 3B, R; (PC) Andi Suarez 1-3, 2 RBI; Ali Eugenius 1-2, RBI, 2 BB. Records: North Port 10-4, Port Charlotte 5-10.One big inning leads to North Port blowout over Port CharlotteBy JORDAN KROEGERSPORTS WRITER Sarasota came away with a 3-1 win over the Tarpons Wednesday night at Charlotte High School. Taryn Darley and Lindsay Richmond each hit RBI singles for the Sailors, with Lexi Johnson also scoring a run on a groundout to help Sarasota build a 3-0 lead in the sixth inning. Marissa Stack had an RBI single for Charlotte in the bottom of the sixth. Sarasota starter Amanda Bush had 11 strikeouts on her way to a win. Tiffany Dodson was the losing pitcher for Charlotte, allowing just six hits.SARASOTA 3, CHARLOTTE 1Sarasota 100 002 0 3 6 1 Charlotte 000 0010 1 5 1 WP: Amanda Bush. LP: Tiany Dodson. Leading hitters: (S) Lexi Johns 1-3 2 R; Taryn Darley 1-3, RBI, R; (CH) Alyssa Opsahl 1-2, R; Marissa Stack 1-3, RBI.BOYS TENNISBishop Verot 6, Lemon Bay 1Singles: Matt Palmon (BV) d. David Kappelmann 6-1, 6-0; Christian Kearn (BV) d. Liam Ryan 6-0, 6-1; Jacob Williams (BV) d. Enrique Subero 6-3, 7-5; Andrew Takais (BV) d. Noah Pirro 7-5, 3-6, 10-2; Josh Hutcherson (LB) d. Chris Brine 6-3, 6-3. Doubles: Palmon/Chris Lee (BV) d. Kappelmann/Ryan 8-2; Kearns/Williams (BV) d. Subero/Josh Hutcherson 8-0.Lady Tarpons lose pitchers duelSTAFF REPORTS PUNTA GORDA „ Once again, all eyes were on Port Charlotte boys weightlifter Devin Leacock. Once again, he did not disappoint. The junior clean and jerked 390 pounds, which added to the 430 pounds he lifted in the bench, giving him 820 pounds to tie a state record in his weight class and give himself the regional championship in the heavyweight class at the Region 2A-7 weightlifting championship at Charlotte High School on Wednesday. Leacock was one of three regional winners for a small Port Charlotte squad, on a day where all the area school represented well. Charlotte was the regional team champ with two regional winners, while North Port will also send at least one lifter to states with a regional win. All eight regional winners automatically qualify for states. The remaining 12 at-large berths will go to those who had the highest scores, which wont be determined until next week. Charlotte, with 43 points, bested runner-up Sarasota (31). Port Charlotte and Manatee “nished tied for third at 25 points. Leacocks “rst clean and jerk lift of 350 pounds won him the regional championship. The only drama left would be if he could tie the record, and when he failed on his second lift at 375, the pressure mounted even more. About the only one who wasnt concerned was Leacock. I wanted to hit my numbers and get the 820, which I got,Ž Leacock said. I knew I could do 390 because I did 380 at districts two weeks ago. It was just bad form that cost me.Ž Leacocks successful “nal lift tied him with Cody Hughes, who lifted 820 for Lakewood Ranch in 2005. The state record is held by Lamar Lyles, who lifted 830 for Lake Region in 2004 in the 219-pound weight class. Leacocks performance overshadowed great performances from Sabian Levasseur, who won at 199, and Jeanty Luidson, who was regional champ at 239. Jaden Hunter was third at 169, putting him on the bubble. Considering there are just eight men on the team, thats a pretty good percentage. Weve sacri“ced so much to get here. We all came to school at 5:30 every morning to work out and get where we are now,Ž Levasseur said. As a small team we have to put up big numbers to get our names out there. At the end of the day, we do it.Ž Charlottes Kaden Howell (119) and Shekina Ayemperoumal (183) were regional winners. Devin Markstahler was second in 219, while Gage Strelau was third at 139. I came out and did what I came to do. I knew if I hit my openers I would win. I wish I had done better on bench, but its all right,Ž said Howell, who cruised in his weight class. A tan, rested and ready Alex Jen was the regional champ at 129 for North Port, which “nished “fth as a team. Joseph McDonald was second at 183, while Gregg Pardue was third at 154. Both will have to wait to see if their numbers add up to a state bid. I had a huge lead on my opponents, so I thought I could win. I took a week off to snowboard in Colorado, but I managed to PR on the bench and clean and jerk. The rest helped me out.ŽRegion 2A-7 meetAt Charlotte High Teams Charlotte 43, Sarasota 31, Port Charlotte 25, Manatee 25, North Port 18, Sebring 15, Cape Coral 15, Riverview 13, Palmetto 12, Lakewood Ranch 9. Individuals 119: 1. Kaden Howell (CHS) 175-150-325, 2. Isaiah Lewis (RVD) 145-115-260, 3. Xavier Pantig (FM) 120135-255; 129: Alex Jen (NP) 250-215-465, 2. Michael Rozmus (SAR) 205-200-405, 3. Kyran Bryant (SAR) 215185-400; 139: Dylan Wemhauer (SAR) 250-195-445, 2. Ricky Ochoa (PAL) 210-220-430, 3. Gage Strelau (CHS) 215-205-420; 154: Jernard Porter (MAN) 295-250-545, 2. Phillip Hamilton (SEB) 300-190-490, 3. Gregg Pardue (NP) 240-235-495; 169: Sammy Smith (SEB) 275-220495, 2. Ben Tibbs (SAR) 215-275-490, 3. Jaden Hunter (PC) 260-230-490; 183: Shekina Ayemperoumal (CHS) 315-260-575, 2. Joseph McDonald (NP) 335-235-570, 3. Ricky Anderson (CC) 290-230-520; 199: Sabian Levasseur (PC) 355-270-625, 2. Isaac Washington (CC) 285-265-550, 3. Kevin Townsend (MAN) 270-265-535; 219: Joshua Booker (MAN) 370-280-650, 2. Devin Markstahler (CHS) 345-260-605, 3. Kyle Todd (CC) 285285-570; 238: Jeanty Luidson (PC) 345-300-645, 2. Kyle Powers (RVV) 335-305-640, 3. Seth Waiter (MAN) 295330-625; HWT: 1. Devin Leacock (PC) 430-390-820, 2. Jared Grith (RVV) 405-315-720, 3. Jordan Bush (SAR) 390-310-700.Port Charlottes Leacock ties state record as Charlotte takes regional titleBy CHUCK BALLAROSUN CORRESPONDENT


The Sun /Friday, March 24, 2017 E/N/C Our Town Page 13 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSWhen Taylor Petrizzo was a high school student in New York in 2014, a close friend and a relative died within six months of each other. Petrizzos cousin died from anaphylactic shock. Cancer took her friends life. Petrizzo took home a cat two months after her cousin died. The cat, whose name is Junior, turned out to be just what Petrizzo needed. He would come up and just kiss my face,Ž said Petrizzo, 18, a Florida SouthWestern State College freshman. He would come up and comb my hair with his hand or his tongue. He would lick the tears off my face or sit on my shoulder. It just made me not want to cry anymore.Ž Junior is Petrizzos emotional support animal. He lives in a dormitory with Petrizzo and her roommates on FSWs Fort Myers campus. Colleges and universities nationwide started allowing students to have emotional support animals in their dorm rooms in recent years as a result of a ruling in a lawsuit. Junior is the only emotional support animal living in FSWs Lighthouse Commons. Another student is trying to get the OK to have a rabbit as an emotional support animal. At Florida Gulf Coast University, 73 emotional support animals live in its three student housing facilities. Of the animals, 41 are cats, 31 are dogs, and one is a guinea pig. Im coming back to the chillest cat in the world, just laying down, just reminding me ... take it easy, you know,Ž Petrizzo said. Petrizzo said Junior helps her deal with anxiety, including when she ”ies, and depression. When I lost my cousin, I was with her the day she passed away,Ž she said. I had really just clicked the switch off and said, I cant really deal with this now.ŽWhat are emotional support animals?Emotional support animals are not considered pets. They provide comfort for people suffering from mental and emotional conditions. Students typically have to provide schools with a letter from a psychologist, psychiatrist or licensed counselor that explains their disability and their need for the animal. The animals dont qualify as service animals. Federal guidelines de“ne a service animal as a dog or miniature horse trained to do work or tasks for a person with a disability. Junior was the runt in a box of kittens when Petrizzo “rst laid eyes on him. He will turn 2 years old in April and has ballooned to 18 pounds. Petrizzo said she had Junior certi“ed as an emotional support animal after learning about the difference between emotional support and service animals in a veterinarian technician course when she was in high school in New York. Petrizzo said deadlines and fears that consume her when she ”ies are anxiety triggers for her. Junior travels with Petrizzo. He helps me catch my breath instead of drowning almost in anxiety,Ž she said. Petrizzo said Junior has been a help to more than just her. Its helped me and my roommates deal with a few of our girl issues, whether crying over a guy or whatever,Ž she said.Legal fightStudents have had to “ght for their right to have emotional support animals in dorm rooms. Schools nationwide began to reconsider allowing emotional support pets in dorms after a 2013 ruling in a federal lawsuit against the University of Nebraska at Kearney. The U.S. Department of Justice sued the university after it denied a students request to allow a miniature pinscher to live with her in a dorm room and help with her anxiety attacks. The Fair Housing Act requires that reasonable accommodations be made for people with disabilities to have emotional support animals. A judge in the Kearney case ruled the act applies to the universitys student housing facilities. Thats what really had universities reacting swiftly and quickly to begin to implement some form of approval process to allow for not only service animals but emotional support animals too,Ž said Brian Fisher, director of University Housing at FGCU. The Nebraska school settled the federal lawsuit in 2015, agreeing to pay the student and a second student $140,000 and change its policy regarding emotional support animals. At FSW and FGCU, emotional support animals are confined to dorm facilities. The schools talk to students roommates to see if they have any concern with living with an animal. We are trying to address everyones rights, everyones concerns and build a community spirit,Ž said Angie Hartsell, director of Adaptative Services at FSW. Schools have faced some challenges as they have tried to implement emotional support animal policies. One is that the law is not crystal clear on what animals can be used as emotional support animals, Fisher said. Fisher said FGCUs most unusual request for an emotional support animal was for a micro pig. The request was approved, he said. Fisher recently attended a Southeastern Association of Housing Officers regional conference, and one of the topics was emotional support animals. For a lot of us in our profession, this is a ... new topic, and it continues to evolve and change as the law has changed,Ž Fisher said. And our profession is doing our very best to follow that law and make sure we are responsive to what the students are asking us to do on our college campuses.ŽMeet Junior, one of 73 emotional support animals in dormsBy THYRIE BLANDNEWS-PRESS NEWS-PRESS PHOTO BY THYRIE BLANDFlorida SouthWestern State College freshman Taylor Petrizzo, 18, pets Junior, her emotional support animal. Junior helps Petrizzo deal with anxiety and depression. COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFCSO Composers luncheon setThe Phantoms of the Orchestra, a volunteer group which supports the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, is holding its last monthly Composers Luncheon of this concert season from noon to 1 p.m. on April 6, at the Punta Gorda Womans Club, 118 Sullivan St., and is open to the public. The luncheon program presenter will be Regina Buckley, Executive Director of the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra, who will provide a preview of the upcoming 2017-2018 CSO concert season. Following the program, a slideshow recapping this past concert season will be shown, accompanied by music provided by pianist Judy Kaff. Also, awards will be presented to Phantoms who volunteered the most hours during the past season. The cost for the luncheon is $15, which covers the menu of vegetable beef soup, “recracker grilled chicken salad and banana nut bread, catered by Bob Evans Farms. A complimentary glass of wine will be provided. Reservations are required and may be made by calling the Symphony Of“ce at 941-205-9743 by noon, April 4 50s 80s Classic Hit Songspresented by The J3 Vocal BandSaturday, March 25North Port Performing Arts CenterOrder online North Port Performing Arts Center All tickets sales are nal Two ways to order tickets: Roy Orbison Ricky Nelson Tanya Tucker Chuck Berry Roy Hamilton Buddy Holly Billy Joel Sam Cookeand many more!Carl Perkins Del Shannon Johnny Rivers Ben E. King The Everly Brothers The Coasters The Beach Boys ElvisTickets starting at $1500 adno=716858 adno=716553


Our Town Page 14 E/N/C The Sun / Friday, March 24, 2017 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWSThe United Way of Charlotte County held a cocktail reception at South Port Square in Port Charlotte, Hearts of Gold,Ž for their volunteers. Dozens of volunteers attended and shared some of their experiences, met new friends and chatted with old friends. United Way honors Hearts of Gold United Way board member Vanesssa Oliver, Manager of Resource Development at the United Way; Angie Matthiessen and oce manager Jennifer Coalwell Blair Lovejoy and Julie Mathis Debbie Harrington of the United Way Community Impact panel and United Way Resource Development Chair Kevin Russell Debbie Fitzgerald, Bill Klassner, Kevin Graham and Kim Pennell Marie Labrosse, Cer Westria and James West SUN PHOTOS BY DONNELL BATES Bob White and Nicholas Worden Sandy and Bob Armstrong Right: Nancy Suarez, Nancy Sharpless, Doug Lowndes, Lynda Freas and Nancy Haines Executive Director of United Way Carrie Hussey, Ashley Maher, Marie Peleck and board member Teri Ashley Peter Keating, Dianne Tufts, Kendall Ellingson and Sandie Uhlir adno=SP47098 Pitch. Learn. Connect SWFLs Live Shark Tank Show in Punta Gorda Thursday, March 30, 2017 5:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Isles Yacht Club Five of Southwest Floridas most dynamic entrepreneurs will pitch their business plans to a seasoned, local investor panel for up to of Equity Investments. For Tickets, visit Title Sponsor Brought you by Community Partners Adrenaline Venture Fund Enterprise Charlotte Economic Development Council Farr Law Firm North Port Economic Development Corporation Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce SCORE SOLD OUT! adno=50513031 Order online at:(863) 494-9362, info@sunevents.comSaturday, April 15, 2017Cultural Center of Charlotte County Tickets starting at only: $18LAST SHOW OF THE SEASON, DONT MISS IT!Join our newsletter to receive event updates! Call or visit the venue: 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte, FL 33952(941) 625-4175, ext 221, Monday Friday 9am 2pm Two ways to get tickets: All seats reserved, 7pm showtime All ticket sales are nal. adno=716609


By BRYAN LEVINESports WriterPORT CHARLOTTE „ If you didnt know who Jake Bauers was prior to spring training, you certainly know his name now. Bauers made a big splash in the Tampa Bay Rays camp this month with his tape-measure home runs, patience at the plate and what some players refer to as big-league hair. Its been awesome and good to get my name out there,Ž Bauers said. Trying to get some people excited about what I can potentially bring to the team. Not just to the fans, but to the front office and maybe some coaches around here.Ž The 21-year-old had an 11-game on-base streak within his first 13 games of the spring. That included three home runs of more than 425 feet in one week, plus five consecutive plate appea rances where he drew a walk. Bauers strong spring showed the Rays a glimpse of what their future holds, but it came to an end Thursday morning, as his name was on a list of youngsters reassigned to the minor leagues. Were excited about him,Ž manager Kevin Cash. He obviously had a good camp. I think just his overall approach to hitting is what stood out more than anythingŽ. A Huntington Beach, Calif. native, Bauers was drafted by the San Diego Padres, who play about an hour and a half away from his hometown. Theoretically, being close to home would be a good thing, but for Bauers, he was actually glad to get sent to the Rays. It wouldve been nice to make it up down there, but I think it could have been a distraction at times being so close (to home),Ž Bauers said. Im happy being over here on the east coast. San Diego would have been a great opportunity to be near friends and family.Ž Although Bauers time with the big club this spring was limited, it provided him with some valuable learning lessons. Mostly being how to carry yourself as a professional. Friday, March 24, 2017 SPORTS € @SunCoastSportsINDEX | Lottery 2 | NBA 2 | NHL 2 | College Basketball 3 | Sports Ticker 4 | Scoreboard 5 | Baseball 6 The Florida Gators take on Wisconsin tonight headlining another slate of Sweet 16 matchups. Preview on page 3MADNESS CONTINUES T t S M SEE BAUERS, 6MLB: RaysBright future for BauersSUN PHOTO BY KATHERINE GODINA Tampa Bays Jake Bauers sprints down the first-base line during Thursdays game against the New York Yankees. 21-year-old has made an early splash with patience at the plateAssociated PressBOSTON „ Nikita Kucherov had his third career hat trick to lead Tampa Bay to a 6-3 victory over the Boston Bruins on Thursday night, snapping the Lightnings three-game losing streak. Jonathan Drouin had a goal and two assists, Brayden Point had a goal and an assist and Anton Stralman also scored to help the Lightning pull three points behind the Bruins for the second wild card in the Eastern Conference. Peter Budaj finished with 28 saves for the Lightning to earn his 29th win of the season. Ondrej Palat had three assists, and Jake Dotchin and Victor Hedman added two each. Riley Nash had a goal and an assist for Boston, and David Pastrnak and Zdeno Chara also scored. Tuukka Rask stopped 23 shots as Boston, which won seven of the first eight games under interim coach Bruce Cassidy, has now lost four straight and six of 11. After a scoreless first period, both teams alternated scoring three times in the second with the Lightning responding to Boston goals 44 seconds, 24 seconds and 1:35 later, respectively. Nash gave Boston a 3-2 lead with 6:42 left in the middle period, but Stralman roofed a shot over Rasks left shoulder to tie it with 5:07 remaining. Drouin put Tampa Bay ahead for good when his slap shot beat Rask at 4:12 of the third. Kucherov followed with two goals, including his second on the power play and an empty-netter with 1:57 remaining to cap the scoring.NHL: LightningKucherov leads Lightning past Bruins Tampa Bay Lightnings Nikita Kucherov (86), of Russia, celebrates his goal with Victor Hedman (77) during the third period against the Boston Bruins Thursday in Boston.AP PHOTO SEE LIGHTNING, 2By ERIC OLSONAssociated PressKANSAS CITY, Mo. „ Tyler Dorsey scored 20 points and made the go-ahead layup with 1:08 left, and thirdseeded Oregon ended No. 7 Michigans dramatic postseason run with a 69-68 victory in a Midwest Regional semifinal on Thursday night. Dorsey, the man the Ducks call Mr. March,Ž had his sixth straight game scoring 20 or more points. The Wolverines (2711) had one more chance to extend their run after Dylan Ennis missed a free throw with 15 seconds left. But Derrick Walton, who had carried the Wolverines the last three weeks, was off with his long jumper just before the buzzer. Jordan Bell had a double-double for the Ducks (32-5), with 16 points and 13 rebounds. Pac-12 player of the year Dillon Brooks added 12 points and Dylan Ennis had 10. Walton led the Wolverines with 20 points, eight assists and five rebounds. Zak Irvin had 14 of his 19 points in the second half and DJ Wilson had 12 points. Oregon plays Kansas or Purdue on Saturday in the regional final. The Ducks are going to the Elite Eight for the second year in a row, and they made it without big man Chris Boucher, who went out in the Pac-12 Tournament semifinals with a season-ending knee injury. Oregon still had plenty of inside game without Boucher, outscoring the Wolverines 34-16 in the pain and outrebounding them 36-31.COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Sweet 16Ducks end Michigans run with 69-68 winAP PHOTOMichigan guard Muhammad-Ali Abdur-Rahkman (12) passes the ball between Oregons Dylan Ennis (31), Payton Pritchard and Jordan Bell, right, during the second half Thursday, in Kansas City, Mo. SEE DUCKS, 3By JOSH DUBOWAssociated PressSAN JOSE, Calif. „ Jordan Mathews hit the go-ahead 3-pointer with under a minute to play and top-seeded Gonzaga survived a rough shooting night for both teams to beat No. 4 seed West Virginia 61-58 Thursday night to advance to the West Regional final. On a night that featured 51 fouls and only 34 made baskets, Mathews delivered the big shot that sent the Bulldogs (35-1) to their third Elite Eight in school history. It didnt come easily. West Virginia (29-8) had three shots to tie the game but Tarik Phillip missed a shot from the lane and Jevon Carter missed two 3-pointers after Silas Melson made one foul shot. The Mountaineers rebound both misses but couldnt get another shot off before the buzzer. Despite shooting 26.7 percent for the game, West Virginia stayed close and took a 58-55 lead on a 3-pointer by Carter with 1:47 to play. Nigel Williams-Goss answered with two free throws. After Daxter Miles Jr. missed two fouls shots and Nathan Adrian was blocked by Josh Perkins on the putback, Williams-Goss found Mathews in the corner for the open 3-pointer that proved the game-winner. Mathews, Przemek Karnowski and Johnathan Williams all had 13 points to lead the Bulldogs. Carter led the Mountaineers with 21 points. The game was tied at 30 after a first half that was far from an aesthetic masterpiece with 27 fouls and just 16 baskets. The teams combined for 29 percent shooting, including 2 for 16 from 3-point range.COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Sweet 16Top-seeded Gonzaga survives for 61-58 win over West Virginia AP PHOTOGonzaga guard Jordan Mathews (4) celebrates after scoring during the second half against West Virginia Thursday in San Jose, Calif. SEE GONZAGA, 3


Page 2 SP Friday, March 24, 2017 / The Sun Florida Lotterywww.flalottery.comPICK 2Mar. 23N ........................9-2 Mar. 23D ........................7-2 Mar. 22N ........................2-7 Mar. 22D ........................7-6 Mar. 21N ........................7-3 Mar. 21D ........................3-3 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Mar. 23N .....................2-6-1 Mar. 23D .....................3-7-8 Mar. 22N .....................6-7-2 Mar. 22D .....................2-6-6 Mar. 21N .....................5-8-2 Mar. 21D .....................7-9-7 D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Mar. 23N .................8-7-7-4 Mar. 23D .................2-2-2-7 Mar. 22N .................6-2-1-2 Mar. 22D .................5-9-6-2 Mar. 21N .................9-6-1-0 Mar. 21D .................2-3-1-9 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Mar. 23N ..............5-7-9-1-3 Mar. 23D ..............4-0-5-8-8 Mar. 22N ..............7-9-5-8-2 Mar. 22D ..............5-1-2-3-4 Mar. 21N ..............5-6-4-9-0 Mar. 21D ..............8-1-8-9-7 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Mar. 23 .........14-1-20-35-17 Mar. 22 .......30-31-19-17-36 Mar. 21 .......14-19-21-28-34 PAYOFF FOR MAR. 22 3..5-digit winners.. $72,849.27 301..4-digit winners ..$117.00 8,690..3-digit winners ..$11.00LUCKY MONEYMar. 21 .............30-31-43-46 Lucky Ball......................... 9 Mar. 17 .............10-32-27-17 Lucky Ball......................... 2 € € € PAYOFF FOR MAR. 21 0......4-of-4 LB ....$2,000,000 3......4-of-4...........$5,460.00 44.....3-of-4 LB .......$814.00 675...3-of-4 .............$157.00LOTTOMar. 22 ....13-32-42-3-21-30 Mar. 18 ..17-23-27-35-36-40 Mar. 15 ....14-45-28-20-16-9 PAYOFF FOR MAR. 22 0..6-digit winners.. $3 million 13..5-digit winners ..$3,850.00 1,001..4-digit winners.. $64.50POWERBALLMarch 22........2-9-27-29-42 Powerball .........................9 March 18....13-25-44-54-67 Powerball .........................5 € € € PAYOFF FOR MAR. 22 1..5 of 5 + PB ..$155 million 2..5 of 5 ..............$1,000,000 4....4 of 5 + PB .......$50,000 55...4 of 5 ....................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $40 millionMEGA MILLIONSMar. 21 .........4-45-53-73-75 Mega Ball.......................... 7 Mar. 17 .......11-27-31-58-60 Mega Ball ...................... 10 € € € PAYOFF FOR Mar. 21 0..5 of 5 + MB .$140 million 0..5 of 5 ..............$1,000,000 2...4 of 5 + MB .........$5,000 17..4 of 5 .....................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $151 million SPORTS ON TVAUTO RACING 1:30 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Auto Club 400, practice, at Fontana, Calif. 3 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, NXS 300, practice, at Fontana, Calif. 5 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, NXS 300, “ nal practice, at Fontana, Calif. 7 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Auto Club 400, qualifying, at Fontana, Calif. 2 a.m. (Saturday) NBCSN „ Formula One, Australian Grand Prix, qualifying, at Melbourne, Australia COLLEGE BASKETBALL 7:09 p.m. CBS „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, North Carolina vs. Butler, at Memphis, Tenn. 7:29 p.m. TBS „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, Baylor vs. South Carolina, at New York 9:39 p.m. CBS „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, Kentucky vs. UCLA, at Memphis, Tenn. 10:00 p.m. TBS „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, Florida vs. Wisconsin, at New York COLLEGE HOCKEY 3 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, West Regional, semi“ nal, North Dakota vs. Boston U., at Fargo, N.D. GOLF 10:30 a.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour, Puerto Rico Open, second round, at Rio Grande, Puerto Rico 2 p.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour-WGC, Dell Match Play, Day 3, at Austin, Texas 8:30 p.m. GOLF „ LPGA Tour, Kia Classic, second round, at Carlsbad, Calif. (same-day tape) MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB „ Spring training, Boston vs. Toronto, at Dunedin, Fla. 4 p.m. MLB „ Spring training, San Francisco vs. Colorado, at Scottsdale, Ariz. 7 p.m. MLB „ Spring training, Baltimore vs. Minnesota, at Fort Myers, Fla. NBA BASKETBALL 8 p.m. NBA „ Atlanta at Milwaukee RUGBY 3:30 p.m. NBCSN „ English Premiership, Bristol vs. Gloucester SPECIAL OLYMPICS 6 p.m. ESPN2 „ Special Olympics World Winter Games, at Schladming and Rohrmoos, Austria (same-day tape) SOCCER 12:45 p.m. FS2 „ FIFA, World Cup 2018 qualifying, Turkey vs. Finland, at Antalya, Turkey 3:30 p.m. FS2 „ FIFA, World Cup 2018 qualifying, Italy vs. Albania, at Palermo, Italy 8:30 p.m. FS2 „ FIFA, World Cup 2018 qualifying, Mexico vs. Costa Rica, at Mexico City 10:30 p.m. FS1 „ FIFA World Cup 2018 qualifying, United States vs. Honduras, at San Jose, Calif. WOMENS COLLEGE BASKETBALL 7 p.m. CBSSN „ NCAA Division II Tournament, championship, Ashland vs. Virginia Union, at Columbus, Ohio 7:06 p.m. ESPN „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, Ohio St. vs. Notre Dame, at Lexington, Ky. 7:11 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, Washington vs. Mississippi St., at Oklahoma City 9 p.m. ESPN „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, Texas vs. Stanford, at Lexington, Ky. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, Louisville vs. Baylor, at Oklahoma City By BARRY WILNERAssociated PressNEW YORK „ NFL owners will consider proposals next week to cut regular-season overtime from 15 minutes to 10; eliminate players leaping over the line on kick plays; and expansion of coaches challenges and what can be reviewed by officials. In what promises to be a busy annual meeting next week in Phoenix that will include discussing the Raiders potential relocation from Oakland to Las Vegas, the 32 owners also will vote on changing the mechanics on replay reviews and other items intended to reduce downtime during games. The Eagles proposed four rules changes, including abolishing the leaping techniques that league football operations director Troy Vincent said Thursday dont belong in the game.Ž Seattle and Buffalo co-authored a proposal allowing a coach to challenge any officiating decision, whether a foul is called or not. That is a significant change to our current replay rule and it is something that will be on the floor and will be debated next week,Ž NFL officiating chief Dean Blandino said. Another major change would be the reduction of overtime in-season; the extra period in the playoffs would remain at 15 minutes. The powerful competition committee, of which Vincent and Blandino are members, believed its a player safety issue, noting that number of snaps for games going to OT „ especially deep into the overtime „ is excessive. Especially if a team has a quick turnaround. We dont know where a team is going to be playing the next week, it could be four days later,Ž said committee chairman Rich McKay, president of the Atlanta Falcons. We felt we should put an end to it. We dont think it will lead to more ties. Could it? It could, but we are not concerned with that.Ž As for changing the format of overtime to ensure both teams always get a possession „ a popular topic after how the Super Bowl ended „ Blandino said the leagues wants to keep the element of sudden death in the extra period.NFL: Proposed changesOwners mull cut of regular-season OT timeKucherov now has 16 goals and 11 assists in the last 15 games, most in the NHL since Feb. 21. NOTES: Tampa Bay avoided a seasonsweep by the Bruins. ... Bostons Patrice Bergeron has one goal in his last 12 games. ... The Lightning have won four straight on the road and are 7-1-3 in their last 11. ... Bruins F Brad Marchand has gone three straight without a goal but is still second overall in the NHL with 37.Associated PressMIAMI „ DeMar DeRozan scored 40 points, marking the first time hes had that many in consecutive games, and the Toronto Raptors pulled off their 19th double-digit comeback of the season to beat the Miami Heat 101-84 on Thursday night. DeRozan shot 14 for 25 from the field and 12 for 13 from the line. He needed 38 shots to score 42 against Chicago on Tuesday. Norman Powell scored 14 and Delon Wright added 13 for Toronto, which never led until midway through the third quarter. The Raptors allowed 33 points in the first quarter, then held Miami to 35 points over the next 27 minutes. Playing with 13 stitches in his right hand, Hassan Whiteside scored 16 points and grabbed 14 rebounds for Miami. Rodney McGruder and Goran Dragic each had 13 points for the Heat, with Dragic shooting just 5 for 18. He wasnt the only Miami player to struggle. The Heat shot only 39 percent, 26 percent from 3-point range. The 84 points tied for Miamis second-lowest total of the season, and was the first time the Heat failed to reach 90 at home. The Raptors trailed by 15 points early and eventually led by as many as 17 „ a 32-point turnaround. No one in the NBA has been better at pulling off big comebacks than the Raptors, who have come from behind six times since the All-Star break alone. It talks about toughness, heart,Ž Raptors coach Dwane Casey said. Our give-a-crap level is pretty high, and its one of those things where when you count us out, we find a way. My thing is just find five men who are going to play hard.Ž Neither team moved in the Eastern Conference playoff standings. Toronto (43-29) remained in the No. 4 spot, pulling within a half-game of No. 3 Washington. Miami (35-37) stayed No. 8, now just a game ahead of No. 9 Chicago and No. 10 Detroit.NETS 126, SUNS 98: Brook Lopez scored 19 points, K.J. McDaniels had a seasonhigh 16 and the Brooklyn Nets beat the Phoenix Suns 126-98 on Thursday night to give them consecutive victories for the “ rst time this season. Trevor Booker added 14 points for the league-worst Nets, who beat Detroit on Tuesday. Devin Booker scored 28 points and Marquese Chriss had 21 points and 10 rebounds for the Suns. Alex Len had 11 points and 11 rebounds. Brooklyn took a commanding 84-65 lead into the fourth quarter as Lopez scored 12 points in the third quarter. Brooklyn held Phoenix to 15 points, the fewest points the Nets have allowed in the third quarter this season.NBA ROUNDUPDeRozan gets 40, Raptors rally again to upend HeatAP PHOTOMiami Heat guard Tyler Johnson (8) shoots over Toronto Raptors guard DeMar DeRozan (10) in the second half Thursday in Miami. Toronto won the game 101-84. LIGHTNINGFrom Page 1 Associated PressSUNRISE „ Jonathan Marchessault scored two goals and James Reimer made 38 saves to lift the Florida Panthers over the Arizona Coyotes 3-1 on Thursday night. Shawn Thornton also scored a goal as the Panthers snapped a two-game losing streak. The Panthers are seven points behind the Boston Bruins for the final wildcard spot in the Eastern Conferences Atlantic Division. Tobias Rieder scored for Arizona, and Mike Smith stopped 21 shots. The Coyotes lost for the fourth time in five games. With the score tied at 1 in the second period, Marchessault scored two goals 26 seconds apart to put the Panthers ahead 3-1. Aleksander Barkov skipped a pass to Marchessault in front and he redirected the puck into the net with 2:22 left in the period. Marchessaults next goal came on a shot from the left circle that went high over Smiths shoulder on the stick side with 1:56 left. Marchessault leads the Panthers with 25 goals. Thornton recorded his second goal of the season to tie the game at 1 in bizarre fashion. Smith was caught out of position to the side of the net and as he tried to get back in the crease, he pulled on the right side of the net with his blocker hand just as Arizonas Jordan Martinook hit the left side of the net with his stick. As the net was falling, Thorntons first shot bounced off Smiths back in the crease but Thornton slid the rebound across the goal line and through the crease as the net was coming down on top of Smith but still on its moorings. After a review, the goal was awarded to the Panthers with 12:22 left in the second. Arizona took a 1-0 lead on Rieders goal 3:20 in. Rieder picked off an errant pass by Panthers defenseman Mark Pysyk and skated in on Reimer, beating him on the stick side.HURRICANES 4, CANADIENS 1: Lee Stempniak scored twice and the Carolina Hurricanes defeated the Montreal Canadiens 4-1 on Thursday night to extend their point streak to nine games and keep their playoff hopes alive. Elias Lindholm and Jeff Skinner also scored for the Hurricanes, while Eddie Lack stopped 21 shots. CAPITALS 2, BLUE JACKETS 1, SO: T.J. Oshie scored the shootout winner as the Washington Capitals overcame a stellar performance from Columbus goaltender Sergei Bobrovsky to beat the Blue Jackets. Despite 44 saves from Bobrovsky, the Capitals reached 104 points and extended their lead atop the Metropolitan Division and NHL standings. Oshie engendered memories of his Sochi Olympic shootout performance by again beating Bobrovsky, the goalie he scored on four times in six chances that day. Dmitry Orlov “ nally cracked Bobrovsky early in the third period on Washingtons 35th shot of the game. NHL ROUNDUPMarchessault scores twice in Panthers win AP PHOTOFlorida Panthers center Aleksander Barkov (16) and goalie James Reimer (34) defend against Arizona Coyotes left wing Jamie McGinn (88) during the third period Thursday in Sunrise.


The Sun / Friday, March 24, 2017 SP Page 3COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Sweet 16 PreviewBy JIM OCONNELLAssociated PressNEW YORK „ The folks at Madison Square Garden were drooling at the thought of a Duke-Villanova regional final. Two schools that consider the Garden a home away from home in a No. 1 seed vs. No. 2 seed dream matchup that would make MSG the place to be this weekend. Instead, there are four football schools fighting for a berth in basketballs Final Four. On Friday night, eighth-seeded Wisconsin plays fourth-seeded Florida, while thirdseeded Baylor meets seventh-seeded South Carolina. No team left in the NCAA Tournament is as used to being in the Sweet 16 as Wisconsin. The Badgers are in their fourth straight regional semifinal, a feat no other team can claim. They have also been in the round 16 six of the last seven years. Florida is making its fifth straight Sweet 16 appearance, but its over a seven-year span. Baylor is making its fourth regional semifinal appearance since 2010. South Carolina? The Gamecocks won an NCAA Tournament game for the first time since 1973. Last year, South Carolina was mistakenly told on Selection Sunday that it was in the field. Privately, in my own home with my wife, when I spoke to my mom, when I spoke to guys that raised me, I let them know, This aint right, these kids deserve to be there,Ž South Carolina coach Frank Martin said Thursday. But being around guys like (Sindarius) Thornwell allowed me to understand, I got a responsibility here to get them in for the next opportunity. Its here and its been an unbelievable ride. Im happy theyre experiencing it right now.Ž The Gamecocks came into the NCAA Tournament having lost two straight and five of seven. Now theyre on a roll that includes wins over Marquette and Duke. It means a lot. For us, for our first time and our last time playing at the university means a lot, because when we came in our ultimate goal was to make it to the tournament,Ž said Thornwell, the Southeastern Conference player of the year. We didnt get that chance our first three years and for us to get this opportunity this year heading out is a blessing for us, and its good for the basketball program, and also for us to still be playing and make it to the tournament. Making a run is huge for everybody.Ž Wisconsin, which many felt was underseeded as a No. 8, comes in having just beaten the overall No. 1 seed, Villanova. They had a great year. We never talked about in preparation for Villanova about playing the defending national champions,Ž Wisconsin coach Greg Gard said. We just talked about playing a really good team and that we were going to have to play really well in order to have a chance in that game.Ž And now the Badgers are back in the Sweet 16. You have to be playing some of your best basketball late,Ž Gard said of the four-year run. I think having upperclassmen, as our program has predominantly been in that position where weve relied on upperclassmen leadership. Sometimes you have star power and upperclassmen leadership. Sometimes its just matter of guys whove had experience. You draw on that and you have to play well. You cant afford an 8or 10-minute stretch of inconsistent basketball and I think our guys have handled that the right way.Ž Some things to consider about the East Regional: BEEN THERE, DONE THAT: South Carolina played at Madison Square Garden this season and the Gamecocks have to hope the result is different Friday. They lost 67-66 to Seton Hall on Dec. 12. It was South Carolinas first loss of the season and started the Gamecocks on a stretch when they lost three of five. Definitely I think its good for us that we have played in this arena before,Ž South Carolinas PJ Dozier said. I think that it works in our favor. But first game, second game, third game, I feel like youre always going to be kind of nervous playing here, just due to the history of basketball in this arena.Ž JOHN WHO?: Florida lost starting center John Egbunu to a torn ACL on Feb. 14. Egbunu was averaging 7.8 points and 6.6 rebounds and was becoming a real force in the middle for the Gators. Sophomore Kevarrius Hayes was called on to replace Egbunu and since he moved into the starting lineup he has averaged 5.5 points and 5.5 rebounds, establishing himself as one of the SECs leading shot blockers. BAYLORS BENCH: During the season Baylors bench accounted for 20.2 points per game. That number has shot up to 33.5 points in the two NCAA Tournament games. EXTRA TIME: Wisconsin has won eight straight overtime games and only one of them has been at home.COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Sweet 16 PreviewNot what was expected in East Regional semi“ nalsAP PHOTOFlorida forward Kevarrius Hayes (13), right, and guard Kasey Hill (0) cheer Justin Leon (23), during the second half against Virginia in the NCAA mens college basketball tournament Saturday, in Orlando. By CLAY BAILEYAssociated PressMEMPHIS, Tenn. „ Three of college basketballs blue bloods, along with a blue bulldog from Indiana that has had lots of success of its own, have gathered in Memphis for a marquee showdown in the Sweet 16. North Carolina, Kentucky and UCLA are joined by upstart Butler in the South Regional „ the only region where the top four seeds all advanced after the opening weekend. Top-seeded North Carolina plays Butler Friday night, followed by No. 2 seed Kentucky and third-seeded UCLA facing off in the second game. The glamour names areŽ here, North Carolina coach Roy Williams said. At stake is a spot in the Elite Eight and chance to earn a berth in the Final Four. These iconic programs have plenty of championship banners hanging from the rafters as they look to add yet another, with Butler hoping to capture its first. UCLA (31-4) has the most national championships with 11 „ 10 from legendary coach John Wooden. Kentucky (31-5) of the Southeastern Conference has eight „ a quartet from Adolph Rupp with one each from Joe B. Hall, Rick Pitino, Tubby Smith and John Calipari. North Carolina (29-7) of the Atlantic Coast Conference is tied for third with five championships and has been to more Final Fours (19) than any other school. And then theres Butler (25-8) of the Big East. The Bulldogs may lack titles, but they have become the tournament darlings in recent seasons reaching the national championship game in 2010 and 2011. I happen to think right now, Butler is better than any of them, and thats the team were getting ready to play,Ž Williams said. The Bulldogs battle against the trio of historic programs is only one of the subplots of this region. There are well-established coaches, like Calipari and Williams. Then there is Steve Alford, who hopes coach UCLA to its 12th title, but won a national crown playing at Indiana. There is Chris Holtmann, 45, in only his third year as a head coach at Butler. Between (Williams) and I, we have eight Final Fours, two national championships, about 15 Sweet Sixteens and a ton of conference championships and over 900 wins,Ž Holtmann quipped. So, somebody is going to be really calm come opening tip, and somebody is going to be really nervous. Ill let you figure that out.Ž Here are some other things to watch in the South: CHALK BRACKET: Obviously theres opinions and arguments, but we feel like this is obviously the toughest region,Ž Alford said. And youre probably going to have to play to play very good basketball because all four of these teams are capable of advancing to the Final Four.Ž PRESIDENTIAL TIES: Vice President Mike Pence might in attendance for the first semifinal to watch Butler play North Carolina. Pence was governor of Indiana before becoming President Donald Trumps running mate and worked in Indianapolis„ home of the Bulldogs. Oh, and Pences wife, Karen, attended Butler, and the family lived near campus. Anytime you have an elected official come to a game and support your program, youre excited about that,Ž Holtmann said. HIGH-OCTANE POTENTIAL: Theres a possibility of some highscoring games Friday night with three of the top 10 teams in points scored part of the South Region. UCLA leads the nation in scoring at 90.2 points a game, while Kentucky is ninth at 85.2, only slightly ahead of North Carolina at 85.1. Butler averages 76.2 points a game 105th in the nation. But North Carolina players know there is a balance. I remember the scouting report, they told us early, they was like: Dont think youre not going to be guarded,  junior swingman Theo Pinson recalled. Every time you catch the ball, theyre going to be there. Its just how they are.Ž GONE FISHING: Butler guard Avery Woodson transferred for his final season of eligibility after graduating from Memphis. Woodson didnt immediately respond when Butler called to recruit him. I was actually fishing with one of my friends from here in Memphis,Ž Woodson said. I looked at the phone, and it had a 317 area code, and it said Indianapolis, Indiana. I thought about it: Well, that could be Butler. But, I was fishing, so obviously, Im not going to answer the phone.Ž GOOD MEMORIES: This isnt North Carolinas first time in Memphis for a regional semifinal as the No. 1 seed. In 2009, the Tar Heels beat Gonzaga and Oklahoma on the way to their last national championship. Memphis is one of my favorite places,Ž Williams said with a big grin.Crme de la crme: Hoop royalty meet in Memphis AP PHOTOKentuckys Bam Adebayo dunks the ball during the second half of a second-round game against Wichita State in the mens NCAA college basketball tournament Sunday in Indianapolis. The Bulldogs created some space early in the second when Mathews hit 3s on consecutive trips and added a free throw for a four-point play on the second to make it 41-34. But the Mountaineers fought back and the game stayed tight until the end.BIG PICTUREWest Virginia: The Mountaineers could get nothing going offensively most of the night but a pair of 3-pointers by Carter in the second half helped them fight back from an eight-point deficit to briefly take the lead in the second half. The rest of the team made just 10 baskets all game. Gonzaga: The Bulldogs struggled to get into their offense all game. When they managed to beat the Mountaineers relentless press, they couldnt capitalize in the halfcourt. WCC Player of the Year Williams-Goss was held to 10 points on 2-for-10 shooting with five turnovers and was sent to the bench for a stretch with four fouls after committing two pushoffs on the offensive end.UP NEXTGonzaga plays the winner of the game between second-seeded Arizona and No. 11 seed Xavier for a spot in the Final Four. Its biggest play in the post c ame after Walton had made a jumper to give Michigan a 68-65 lead. Ennis got fouled and went to the line for a one-andone. He missed, and Bell swooped in for the offensive rebound and put it in to make it a one-point game. After Walton missed a layup, Dorsey gave the Ducks the lead. Ennis missed another free throw with 15 seconds left, giving Michigan one more chance. Oregon had fouls to give but failed to get a hand on anyone, allowing Walton to put up one more shot. The teams struggled to find their offensive rhythm early, and Michigan had uncharacteristic problems with turnovers against a Ducks defense that switched between man-to-man and matchup zone.BIG PICTUREMichigan: The Wolverines got on a roll late in the season, and they became a tournament favorite after their plane skidded off the run way as they attempted to take off for the Big Ten Tournament. They ended up winning four games in four days to claim the conference tournament title and two more in the NCAA Tournament. But they shot just 39.3 percent against the Ducks, and fatigue might have been a factor. Oregon: The Ducks set the school record with their 32nd win and are off to the Elite Eight for the second straight year thanks to a big-time performance from Dorsey.UP NEXTMichigans season is over. Oregon plays Kansas or Purdue in a regional final Saturday.DUCKSFrom Page 1GONZAGAFrom Page 1


Page 4 SP Friday, March 24, 2017 / The SunI think we did all right here. Had some good times.Ž „ John CalipariQUOTE OF THE DAY A SNAPSHOT OF THE DAY IN SPORTS: John Calipari returns to Memphis „ sort of. ... NHL asked for decision on Olympics.SPORTS TICKER IN BRIEFGOLFWild outcomes and wind at Match PlayAUSTIN, Texas „ Soren Kjeldsen and Alex Noren won their groups in the Dell Technologies Match Play, one round before group play is even “ nished. Rory McIlroy took the day off, and hes already guaranteed the weekend off. Thursday was as wild as it gets in this tournament, even without wind ripping so hard through the edge of Hill Country that Phil Mickelson chipped into the water. Holes were won with bogeys. Andy Sullivan had a putt roll up to a foot, only for the wind to blow it back nearly 7 feet. His opponent, Brandt Snedeker, conceded the putt out of respect to the rough conditions.COLLEGE BASKETBALLHoyas “ re John Thompson IIIJohn Thompson III was “ red as Georgetowns basketball coach on Thursday after two consecutive losing seasons at the school his father led to a national championship. School president John DeGioia told Thompson on Thursday he would not be brought back next year at a basketball program strongly associated with his last name. Our tradition of excellence as a university will forever be inextricably linked with John and his family,Ž DeGioia said in a statement announcing the move. We are committed to taking the necessary steps to strengthen our program and maintaining the highest levels of academic integrity and national competitiveness.ŽCOLLEGESJury fails to reach verdict PSU caseHARRISBURG, Pa. „ Jurors in the criminal trial of former Penn State University president Graham Spanier spent more than six hours deliberating Thursday without reaching a verdict regarding the child endangerment and conspiracy charges he faces in the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal. The panel got the case after Spaniers attorneys declined to call any witnesses to counter accusations he acted illegally in handling a 2001 complaint about Sandusky, a former assistant football coach, showering with a boy. Deliberations were scheduled to resume today. In a closing argument, Spanier attorney Sam Silver said there was no evidenceŽ and the case involved judgment calls by high-ranking university administrators in dealing with the complaint Sandusky had been seen naked with the boy in a team locker room. They made judgment calls,Ž Silver said.„ The Associated Press By Larry LageAssociated PressThe NHL may be nearing a deadline to decide whether to allow the worlds best hockey players to participate in the Winter Olympics next year in South Korea. I hope we can find a compromise in the next two or three weeks,Ž International Ice Hockey Federation President Rene Fasel told The Associated Press on Thursday in a telephone interview from Russia. We need to know by the end of April if theyre coming, or not.Ž Fasel said leaders of national teams, including those in Canada and Russia, have recently told him they need to know next month if it is time for them to assemble their Plan B rosters. The IIHF is the games international governing body and runs hockey tournaments, including those at the Olympics. NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman has made it clear league owners dont want to stop their season for three weeks again and put their stars at risk of injury without what they consider a tangible return. The reluctance has come up in the past and yet the NHL has participated in every Winter Olympics since 1998. Four years ago, the discussions werent settled until midsummer 2013 ahead of the Sochi Games. This time, however, there seems to be an impasse. After the International Olympic Committee indicated it did not want to cover costs for travel and insurance expenses to get NHL players to South Korea as it did in the past, including about $14 million for the 2014 Olympics, the IIHF came up with the $10 million necessary to do it. That, however, does not appear to be enough to appease the NHL. The league seems to want more, including the rights to put Olympic highlights on its TV network, website and social media platforms. In the absence of any material change to the current status quo, NHL players will not be participating in the 2018 Winter Olympics,Ž NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly wrote in an email to AP. Don Fehr, the head of the NHL Players Association, said all players in the league want to participate. He believes the NHL should choose to take advantage of the chance to market the game in Asia, which will host the next two Winter Olympics. Playing in an Olympic games is fundamentally different than playing in other tournaments, other hockey events, because its an opportunity to play for your country on a global stage with fans watching who never otherwise watch hockey games,Ž Fehr said. HOCKEYNHL asked for decision on Olympics by end of AprilNCAA TOURNAMENT South RegionalBy Teresa M. WalkerAssociated PressMEMPHIS, Tenn. „ John Calipari knows people in Memphis are still pretty upset with how he abandoned their Tigers to take the Kentucky coaching job and that nothing will ever soothe the hurt feelings. In case they still dont understand why he left back in 2009, Calipari made it as clear as possible Thursday. I had been talked to probably by six other universities during my time here, and three had offered jobs, and a couple I considered,Ž Calipari said. But Kentucky is one that you leave for. It just is.Ž Now, with an assist from the NCAA Tournament selection committee, Calipari will coach his first game in Memphis since leaving eight years ago. Its a town where some fans still hate him for departing, a move all the more painful because the coachs best season at the school was wiped off the books just months later. This isnt Caliparis first trip back to Memphis since being hired by Kentucky in April 2009. The coach still visits friends here and recruits Memphis talent-rich high school talent. But Calipari hasnt coached at the FedExForum since March 2009 when he won his last Conference USA tournament title. That drought will end Friday night when his Wildcats play UCLA in the South Regional semifinal. I think we did all right here,Ž Calipari said. Had some good times.Ž Thats putting it mildly. Before Calipari stunned Memphis by choosing the winningest program in all of college basketball, he oversaw the best fouryear stretch in Tigers history. He went 137-14 at Memphis, the kind of success fans dreamed of when Calipari was hired. Calipari was seen as such a savior that fans came out to his introductory news conference, which also was shown live on local television. The coach delivered, dominating Conference USA with players from DaJuan Wagner to Derrick Rose. Caliparis best came in 2007-08 with an NCAA-record 38 victories and an overtime loss to Kansas in the national championship game „ a season that no longer counts for either Memphis or Calipari. He coached the Tigers to a loss in the Sweet 16 in March 2009 when Kentucky fired Billy Gillispie and came offering the Southeastern Conferences power program to Calipari. Calipari not only took the job at Kentucky, he took most of his coaching staff too while convincing John Wall, DeMarcus Cousins and Eric Bledsoe to join him with the Wildcats. By August 2009, the NCAA stripped away every victory from that record season for Memphis using an ineligible player believed to be Rose. Calipari said he hadnt thought of not having a banner in the rafters for that amazing 38-2 season, which he since has matched twice at Kentucky: 2012 and 2015. I would say that theres nothing that can take away what that run was about for all of us, including the city,Ž Calipari said. It was a special time.Ž A couple hundred friends joined Calipari at a reception Wednesday night after he arrived in Memphis with the coach hearing from former players like Chris Douglas-Roberts, Robert Dozier and Antonio Anderson. But the University of Memphis President quickly canceled a dinner announced in September 2015 to honor Calipari for his induction into the Naismith Hall of Fame that would have benefited the Tigers. Fans made it very clear they werent ready to make nice with Calipari just yet. When he walked onto the court Thursday for the final open practice, Calipari was met with a heavy dose of boos that not even the Kentucky faithful could drown out. He went straight to work, leaving people like Jack Vernon and his friend, Zach Kieffner, happy to finally let Calipari know how they feel. Vernon, now 18, of Southaven, Mississippi, became a basketball fan in 2007-08 when his sister attended Memphis. Just the way he left and everything,Ž Vernon said. We had Boogie Cousins lined up, John Wall and all of a sudden our whole class just dispersed ... he just kind of left us in a bad place. And you see Memphis hasnt quite recovered from that.Ž Calipari, who signed a two-year extension Wednesday knew hed face questions about Memphis. He also predicts people will watch Friday night because of the talented teams on the court, not because hes on the sideline and it should be a lot of fun.Ž If youre not a Memphis Tigers fan.Memphis not-so-favorite son Calipari returns for Sweet 16Thompson III I had been talked to probably by six other universities during my time here, and three had offered jobs, and a couple I considered. But Kentucky is one that you leave for. It just is.Ž„ John Calipari, Kentucky coach, on MemphisBittersweet.AP PHOTOSMemphis coach John Calipari listens to a question during a news conference March 29, 2008, in Houston. The NCAA Tournament is bringing coach Calipari back to the town where fans still hate him for ditching the Memphis Tigers for Kentucky in 2009, a decision all the more painful because the coachs best season was wiped off the books just months after leaving. In this March 26, 2009, file photo, Memphis coach John Calipari yells to officials as his players look on during an NCAA Tournament regional semifinal game in Glendale, Ariz.


The Sun / Friday, March 24, 2017 SP Page 5SCOREBOARD PRO BASKETBALLNBAAll Times Eastern EASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division W L Pct. GB x-Boston 46 26 .639 „ Toronto 43 29 .597 3 New York 27 44 .380 18 Philadelphia 26 45 .366 19 Brooklyn 15 56 .211 30 Southeast Division W L Pct. GB Washington 42 28 .600 „ Atlanta 37 33 .529 5 Miami 35 37 .486 8 Charlotte 32 39 .451 10 Orlando 26 46 .361 17 Central Division W L Pct. GB x-Cleveland 46 24 .657 „ Milwaukee 36 35 .507 10 Indiana 36 35 .507 10 Chicago 34 38 .472 13 Detroit 34 38 .472 13WESTERN CONFERENCESouthwest Division W L Pct. GB x-San Antonio 54 16 .771 „ x-Houston 49 22 .690 5 Memphis 40 31 .563 14 Dallas 30 40 .429 24 New Orleans 30 41 .423 24 Northwest Division W L Pct. GB Utah 44 28 .611 „ Oklahoma City 41 30 .577 2 Denver 34 37 .479 9 Portland 32 38 .457 11 Minnesota 28 42 .400 15 Paci“ c Division W L Pct. GB z-Golden State 57 14 .803 „ L.A. Clippers 43 29 .597 14 Sacramento 27 43 .386 29 Phoenix 22 50 .306 35 L.A. Lakers 20 51 .282 37 x-clinched playoff berth; z-clinched division titleWednesdays GamesCharlotte 109, Orlando 102 Boston 109, Indiana 100 Washington 104, Atlanta 100 Chicago 117, Detroit 95 Oklahoma City 122, Philadelphia 97 Denver 126, Cleveland 113 Milwaukee 116, Sacramento 98 Utah 108, New York 101Thursdays GamesBrooklyn 126, Phoenix 98 Toronto 101, Miami 84 L.A. Clippers at Dallas, late Memphis at San Antonio, late New York at Portland, lateTodays GamesBrooklyn at Washington, 7 p.m. Cleveland at Charlotte, 7 p.m. Denver at Indiana, 7 p.m. Detroit at Orlando, 7 p.m. Phoenix at Boston, 7:30 p.m. Atlanta at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. New Orleans at Houston, 8 p.m. Philadelphia at Chicago, 8 p.m. Minnesota at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. Sacramento at Golden State, 10:30 p.m.Saturdays GamesUtah at L.A. Clippers, 3:30 p.m. Washington at Cleveland, 7:30 p.m. New York at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. Toronto at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. Minnesota at Portland, 10 p.m.THURSDAYS BOX SCORES NETS 126, SUNS 98PHOENIX (98)Jones 1-4 2-4 4, Chriss 8-15 4-6 23, Len 4-6 2-3 11, Ulis 5-19 0-0 10, D.Booker 9-26 7-8 28, Eddie 0-0 2-2 2, Dudley 2-4 1-3 5, Warren 0-0 0-0 0, Williams 1-6 2-4 4, Barbosa 4-13 3-4 11. Totals 34-93 23-34 98.BROOKLYN (126)Lopez 7-14 4-7 19, Lin 3-7 6-7 13, HollisJefferson 2-10 1-2 5, Foye 0-3 0-0 0, LeVert 3-6 1-3 8, Nicholson 0-1 0-0 0, Acy 3-8 5-6 12, T.Booker 6-16 0-0 14, Hamilton 3-5 4-4 10, Dinwiddie 3-6 0-0 6, Whitehead 3-6 5-6 11, McDaniels 6-9 3-3 16, Goodwin 4-4 3-4 12. Totals 43-95 32-42 126. Phoenix 32 18 15 33 „ 98 Brooklyn 22 30 32 42 „ 126 3-Point Goals„Phoenix 7-25 (Chriss 3-7, D.Booker 3-9, Len 1-1, Williams 0-1, Jones 0-1, Dudley 0-2, Barbosa 0-2, Ulis 0-2), Brooklyn 8-29 (T.Booker 2-2, Goodwin 1-1, McDaniels 1-3, Lin 1-3, LeVert 1-3, Acy 1-4, Lopez 1-5, Dinwiddie 0-1, Hamilton 0-1, Nicholson 0-1, Whitehead 0-2, Foye 0-3). Fouled Out„D. Booker, Len. Rebounds„Phoenix 50 (Chriss, Len 11), Brooklyn 61 (Hollis-Jefferson 16). Assists„Phoenix 16 (Ulis 12), Brooklyn 25 (Lin 5). Total Fouls„Phoenix 30, Brooklyn 26. Technicals„Phoenix coach Earl Watson, Brooklyn defensive three second, Brooklyn team. A„15,141 (17,732).RAPTORS 101, HEAT 84TORONTO (101)Carroll 2-5 3-4 7, Tucker 3-8 0-0 9, Valanciunas 0-2 2-4 2, Joseph 3-8 0-0 7, DeRozan 14-25 12-13 40, Patterson 2-8 1-2 5, Poeltl 2-4 0-0 4, Wright 4-7 5-7 13, VanVleet 0-2 0-0 0, Powell 5-10 2-2 14. Totals 35-79 25-32 101.MIAMI (84)Babbitt 0-2 0-0 0, Whiteside 6-10 4-5 16, Dragic 5-18 2-2 13, McGruder 5-9 1-2 13, Richardson 5-12 1-3 12, White 0-0 0-0 0, J.Johnson 3-14 3-6 10, Reed 4-6 1-2 9, Ellington 0-2 0-0 0, T.Johnson 4-9 2-3 11. Totals 32-82 14-23 84. Toronto 23 22 30 26 „ 101 Miami 33 14 21 16 „ 84 3-Point Goals„Toronto 6-23 (Tucker 3-5, Powell 2-5, Joseph 1-3, VanVleet 0-1, DeRozan 0-2, Carroll 0-3, Patterson 0-4), Miami 6-23 (McGruder 2-3, Dragic 1-3, T.Johnson 1-3, Richardson 1-4, J.Johnson 1-6, Babbitt 0-2, Ellington 0-2). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„ Toronto 51 (Patterson 10), Miami 36 (Whiteside 14). Assists„Toronto 10 (Wright, DeRozan, Tucker 3), Miami 20 (Dragic 7). Total Fouls„Toronto 21, Miami 23.COLLEGE BASKETBALL NCAA TOURNAMENT EAST REGIONAL At Madison Square Garden, New York Regional Semi“ nals TodaySouth Carolina (24-10) vs. Baylor (27-7), 7:29 p.m. Wisconsin (27-9) vs. Florida (26-8), 10 p.m.Regional Championship SundaySemi“ nal winnersSOUTH REGIONAL At FedEx Forum, Memphis, Tenn. Regional Semi“ nals TodayButler (25-8) vs. North Carolina (29-7), 7:09 p.m. Kentucky (31-5) vs. UCLA (31-4), 9:40 p.m.Regional Championship SundaySemi“ nal winnersMIDWEST REGIONAL At The Sprint Center, Kansas City, Mo. Regional Semi“ nals ThursdayOregon 69, Michigan 68 Purdue (27-7) vs. Kansas (30-4), lateRegional Championship SaturdayOregon (32-5) vs. Purdue-Kansas winnerOREGON 69, MICHIGAN 68MICHIGAN (26-12) Wilson 4-10 0-0 12, Wagner 3-10 1-1 7, Walton 6-10 5-5 20, Abdur-Rahkman 1-6 0-0 2, Irvin 8-14 1-1 19, Donnal 0-0 0-0 0, Simpson 0-0 0-0 0, Robinson 3-8 0-0 8. Totals 25-58 7-7 68. OREGON (32-5) Bell 7-10 2-4 16, Brooks 5-13 0-0 12, Ennis 4-8 2-5 10, Pritchard 1-4 3-3 5, Dorsey 7-15 1-2 20, Smith 0-0 0-0 0, Bigby-Williams 0-1 1-2 1, Benson 2-7 0-0 5. Totals 26-58 9-16 69. Halftime„Oregon 35-33. 3-Point Goals„ Michigan 11-31 (Wilson 4-8, Walton 3-5, Irvin 2-5, Robinson 2-5, Wagner 0-4, AbdurRahkman 0-4), Oregon 8-17 (Dorsey 5-7, Brooks 2-4, Benson 1-2, Ennis 0-2, Pritchard 0-2). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Michigan 29 (Irvin 8), Oregon 36 (Bell 13). Assists„ Michigan 16 (Walton 8), Oregon 15 (Brooks 5). Total Fouls„Michigan 16, Oregon 9.WEST REGIONAL At SAP Center, San Jose, Calif. Regional Semi“ nals ThursdayGonzaga 61, West Virginia 58 Xavier (23-13) vs. Arizona (32-4), lateRegional Championship SaturdayGonzaga (35-1) vs. Xavier-Arizona winner GONZAGA 61, WEST VIRGINIA 58WEST VIRGINIA (28-9) Adrian 2-7 2-2 6, Macon 1-3 1-2 3, Ahmad 1-3 7-8 9, Carter 6-17 5-5 21, Miles 3-11 0-2 7, West 0-3 0-1 0, Watkins 0-1 2-2 2, Konate 1-1 1-2 3, Phillip 1-11 3-5 5, Myers 1-3 0-0 2, Bolden 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 16-60 21-29 58. GONZAGA (35-1) Williams 4-7 4-7 13, Karnowski 6-8 1-3 13, Mathews 4-12 2-2 13, Perkins 0-0 3-4 3, Williams-Goss 2-10 6-8 10, Collins 0-0 1-2 1, Hachimura 0-0 0-0 0, Tillie 0-0 1-2 1, Jones 0-0 0-0 0, Melson 2-7 3-4 7. Totals 18-44 21-32 61. Halftime„30-30. 3-Point Goals„West Virginia 5-23 (Carter 4-9, Miles 1-5, Myers 0-1, Adrian 0-2, West 0-2, Phillip 0-4), Gonzaga 4-10 (Mathews 3-8, Williams 1-1, Williams-Goss 0-1). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„West Virginia 38 (Miles 10), Gonzaga 34 (WilliamsGoss 7). Assists„West Virginia 7 (Macon 3), Gonzaga 7 (Karnowski, Williams-Goss 2). Total Fouls„West Virginia 25, Gonzaga 26.FINAL FOUR At Univ. of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Ariz. National Semi“ nals April 1East champion vs. West champion South champion vs. Midwest championNational Championship April 3Semi“ nal winnersNATIONAL INVITATION TOURNAMENT Quarter“ nals March 21TCU 86, Richmond 68Georgia Tech 74, Mississippi 66 WednesdayUCF 68, Illinois 58 CS Bakers“ eld 80, Texas-Arlington 76Semi“ nals At Madison Square Garden, New York TuesdayGeorgia Tech (20-15) vs. CS Bakers“ eld (25-9), 7 p.m. TCU (22-15) vs. UCF (24-11), 9:30 p.m.Championship March 30Semi“ nal winners, 8 p.m.COLLEGEINSIDER.COM TOURNAMENT Second Round March 18UMBC 87, Saint Francis (Pa.) 79March 20Campbell 73, UT Martin 56 Liberty 66, Samford 58 Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 82, Weber State 73WednesdayTexas State 64, Idaho 55Quarter“ nals SaturdayFurman (22-11) at Campbell (19-17), 2 p.m. St. Peters (20-13) at Texas State (22-13), 5 p.m.SundayLiberty (21-13) at UMBC (20-12), 2 p.m. Fort Wayne (20-12) at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi (22-11), 3 p.m.Semi“ nals March 29Game One, 7 p.m. Game Two, 9 p.m.Championship March 31Semi“ nal winners, 9 p.m.COLLEGE BASKETBALL INVITATIONAL Quarter“ nals March 20Coastal Carolina 72, Loyola (Md.) 63 UIC 80, George Washington 71 Utah Valley 85, Rice 79 Wyoming 72, UMKC 61Semi“ nals WednesdayCoastal Carolina 89, UIC 78 Wyoming 74, Utah Valley 68Championship Series (Best-of-3; x-if necessary)Monday Wyoming (21-14) at Coastal Carolina (19-17), 8:30 p.m. March 29 Coastal Carolina at Wyoming, 9 p.m. March 31 x-Coastal Carolina vs. Wyoming, TBDWOMENS BASKETBALL NCAA TOURNAMENTBRIDGEPORT REGIONAL Regional Semi“ nals Saturday At Bridgeport, Conn.Maryland (32-2) vs. Oregon (22-13), 11:30 a.m. UConn (34-0) vs. UCLA (25-8), 2 p.m.Regional Championship MondaySemi“ nal winnersOKLAHOMA CITY REGIONAL Regional Semi“ nals Today At Oklahoma CityMississippi St. (31-4) vs. Washington (29-5), 7 p.m. Baylor (32-3) vs. Louisville (29-7), 9:30 p.m.Regional Championship SundaySemi“ nal winnersLEXINGTON REGIONAL Regional Semi“ nals Today At Lexington, Ky.Notre Dame (32-3) vs. Ohio State (28-6), 7 p.m. Texas (25-8) vs. Stanford (30-5), 9:30 p.m.Regional Championship SundaySemi“ nal winnersSTOCKTON REGIONAL Regional Semi“ nals SaturdaySouth Carolina (29-4) vs. Quinnipiac (29-6), 4 p.m. Florida St. (27-6) vs. Oregon St. (31-4), 6:30 p.m.Regional Championship MondaySemi“ nal winnersFINAL FOUR At Dallas National Semi“ nals March 31Bridgeport winner vs. Oklahoma City winner Lexington winner vs. Stockton winnerNational Championship April 2Semi“ nal winnersWOMENS NIT Third Round ThursdayMichigan 60, St. Johns 40 Georgia Tech 70, Middle Tennessee 57 Virginia Tech 64, Penn State 55 Villanova 69, James Madison 67, OT Indiana 64, SMU 44 Iowa 80, Colorado 62 Alabama 72, Tulane 64 UC Davis at Washington State, lateQuarter“ nals SaturdayVirginia Tech at Michigan, 2 p.m.SundayVillanova at Indiana, 2 p.m. Alabama at Georgia Tech, 2 p.m.March 25-27UC Davis-Washington State winner vs. Iowa, TBAWOMENS BASKETBALL INVITATIONAL Semi“ nals ThursdayUNC Greensboro 59, Milwaukee 49 Rice 86, Idaho 80ODDSPREGAME.COM LINENATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATIONTodayFavorite Line O/U Underdog at Chicago 6 209 Philadelphia at Washington 12 224 Brooklyn at Indiana 1 220 Denver Cleveland 2 214 at Charlotte Detroit 4 207 at Orlando at Boston 15 219 Phoenix at Milwaukee 5 203 Atlanta at Houston 7 228 New Orleans Minnesota 6 218 at L.A. Lakers at Golden State 17 214 SacramentoCOLLEGE BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTSTodayFavorite Line Underdog Florida 1 Wisconsin Baylor 3 South Carolina UCLA Pk Kentucky North Carolina 7 ButlerSaturdayFurman 6 at Campbell St. Peters 1 at Texas StateSundayat Umbc 3 Liberty at Texas A&M CC Pk IPFWMondayat Coastal Carolina Pk WyomingTuesdayat Georgia Tech 2 CS Bakers“ eld TCU 2 at UCFNATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUEToday Favorite Line Underdog Line at Pittsburgh Off N.Y. Islanders Off Tampa Bay -110 at Detroit +100 San Jose -135 at Dallas +125 at Anaheim -167 Winnipeg +157Updated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLAmerican LeagueLOS ANGELES ANGELS „ Reassigned LHP Cody Ege and RHP Justin Miller to their minor league camp. SEATTLE MARINERS „ Optioned INF Daniel Vogelbach to Tacoma (PCL).National LeagueCHICAGO CUBS „ Released RHP Jim Henderson. Optioned RHPs Jake Buchanan and Alec Mills, and INF Jeimer Candelario to Iowa (PCL). Assigned RHPs Williams Perez and Dylan Floro and LHP David Rollins to their minor league camp. COLORADO ROCKIES „ Optioned RHP Jeff Hoffman to Albuquerque (PCL). MIAMI MARLINS „ Optioned OF Destin Hood and RHP Severino Gonzalez to New Orleans (PCL). PITTSBURGH PIRATES „ Optioned C Elias Diaz and INF Max Moroff to Indianapolis (IL). Reassigned RHPs Brandon Cumpton, Edgar Santana and Jason Stoffel; OF Eury Perez; LHP Dan Runzler; INF-OF Joey Terdoslavich and INF Eric Wood to their minor league camp.American AssociationCLEBURNE RAILROADERS „ Signed C Blake Grant-Parks. KANSAS CITY T-BONES „ Signed C Leo Rojas and INF James Roberts. LAREDO LEMURS „ Released LHP Tyler Ybarra. SIOUX FALLS CANARIES „ Signed RHP Nicco Blank.Frontier LeagueEVANSVILLE OTTERS „ Signed SS Chris Riopedre to a contract extension. Signed LHP Tom Constand. JOLIET SLAMMERS „ Signed RHP Max Biedrzycki.BASKETBALLNational Basketball AssociationCHICAGO BULLS „ Assigned G Cameron Payne to Windy City (NBADL).FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueCHICAGO BEARS „ Re-signed WR Deonte Thompson to a one-year contract. CINCINNATI BENGALS „ Re-signed HB Cedric Peerman. GREEN BAY PACKERS „ Re-signed RB Christine Michael. INDIANAPOLIS COLTS „ Signed LS Joe Fortunato. LOS ANGELES CHARGERS „ Re-signed RB Branden Oliver to a one-year contract. NEW YORK JETS „ Signed WR Quinton Patton.HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueNHL „ Suspended Buffalo D Rasmus Ristolainen three games for interference against Pittsburgh F Jake Guentzel during a March 21 game. Suspended Toronto D Roman Polak two games for boarding Columbus F Oliver Bjorkstrand during a March 22 game. CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS „ Agreed to terms with F Tanner Kero on a two-year contract extension through the end of the 2018-19 season. LOS ANGELES KINGS „ Recalled F Jonny Brodzinski from Ontario (AHL). MINNESOTA WILD „ Agreed to terms with F Luke Kuninon on a three-year, entry-level contract. NEW YORK ISLANDERS „ Recalled G Jaroslav Halak from Bridgeport (AHL). NEW YORK RANGERS „ Agreed to terms with G Chris Nell. Assigned G Magnus Hellberg to Hartford (AHL).American Hockey LeagueBRIDGEPORT SOUND TIGERS „ Recalled D Patrick Cullity from Missouri (ECHL). Announced G Stephon Williams was reassigned to the team from Missouri. Agreed to terms with F Tim Wallace on a professional tryout agreement. HARTFORD WOLF PACK „ Signed F Ty Ronning to an amateur tryout agreement. Sent G Jeff Malcolm to Greenville (ECHL). STOCKTON HEAT „ Assigned G Mason McDonald and D Keegan Kanzig to Adirondack (ECHL).ECHLREADING ROYALS „ Released F Justin Danforth from his amateur tryout agreement.SOCCERUnited Soccer LeagueNEW YORK RED BULLS II „ Announced New York Red Bulls and MLS have entered into loan agreements for F Brandon Allen, M Arun Basuljevic, D Justin Bilyeu, D Connor Lade, M Dan Metzger and D Hassan Ndam.COLLEGESDUKE „ Announced mens sophomore basketball F Chase Jeter will transfer at the end of the semester. FLORIDA STATE „ Announced junior G Xavier Rathan-Mayes is entering the NBA draft. GEORGETOWN „ Fired mens basketball coach John Thompson III. NC CENTRAL „ Fired womens basketball coach Vanessa Taylor. Named Kendra Eaton interim womens basketball coach. RUTGERS „ Announced sophomore G Corey Sanders will enter the NBA draft and will not sign with an agent. TENNESSEE „ Announced mens basketball G Kwe Parker will transfer at the end of the spring semester. UMASS „ Announced the resignation of mens basketball coach Pat Kelsey for personal reasons. VIRGINIA „ Announced mens senior basketball G Darius Thompson is transferring.HOCKEYNHLEASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Montreal 74 41 24 9 91 201 186 Ottawa 72 40 24 8 88 191 187 Toronto 72 34 23 15 83 221 212 Boston 74 38 30 6 82 212 201 Tampa Bay 73 35 29 9 79 203 205 Florida 73 32 30 11 75 186 209 Buffalo 74 30 32 12 72 183 214 Detroit 72 29 32 11 69 180 213 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Washington 73 48 17 8 104 234 162 x-Pittsburgh 72 46 17 9 101 252 199 x-Columbus 73 47 19 7 101 231 171 N.Y. Rangers 74 45 25 4 94 235 195 N.Y. Islanders 72 34 26 12 80 213 220 Carolina 72 32 27 13 77 190 207 Philadelphia 72 33 31 8 74 188 216 New Jersey 72 27 33 12 66 167 211WESTERN CONFERENCECentral Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Chicago 73 47 20 6 100 222 183 Minnesota 72 44 22 6 94 235 180 St. Louis 72 39 28 5 83 201 195 Nashville 72 36 25 11 83 212 202 Winnipeg 73 33 33 7 73 220 232 Dallas 72 29 33 10 68 196 233 Colorado 72 20 49 3 43 140 238 Paci“ c Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA San Jose 73 42 24 7 91 198 169 Anaheim 73 39 23 11 89 190 181 Edmonton 73 39 25 9 87 212 190 Calgary 73 41 28 4 86 203 197 Los Angeles 72 34 31 7 75 175 181 Vancouver 72 29 34 9 67 166 211 Arizona 74 27 38 9 63 179 236 2 points for win, 1 point for OT/shootout loss; x-clinched playoff spotWednesdays GamesToronto 5, Columbus 2 N.Y. Islanders 3, N.Y. Rangers 2Anaheim 4, Edmonton 3Thursdays GamesTampa Bay 6, Boston 3 Washington 2, Columbus 1, SO Florida 3, Arizona 1 Carolina 4, Montreal 1 Pittsburgh at Ottawa, late New Jersey at Toronto, late Philadelphia at Minnesota, late Vancouver at St. Louis, late Calgary at Nashville, late Dallas at Chicago, late Edmonton at Colorado, late Winnipeg at Los Angeles, lateTodays GamesN.Y. Islanders at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. Tampa Bay at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. San Jose at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. Winnipeg at Anaheim, 10 p.m.Saturdays GamesVancouver at Minnesota, 2 p.m. Philadelphia at Columbus, 2 p.m. Calgary at St. Louis, 7 p.m. Carolina at New Jersey, 7 p.m. Boston at N.Y. Islanders, 7 p.m. Toronto at Buffalo, 7 p.m. Ottawa at Montreal, 7 p.m. Arizona at Washington, 7 p.m. Chicago at Florida, 7 p.m. San Jose at Nashville, 8 p.m. Colorado at Edmonton, 10 p.m. N.Y. Rangers at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m.THURSDAYS SUMMARIES CAPITALS 2, BLUE JACKETS 1, SOColumbus 0 0 1 0 „ 1 Washington 0 0 1 0 „ 2Washington won shootout 1-0.First Period„None. Penalties„Wilson, WSH, (unsportsmanlike conduct), 8:25; Anderson, CBJ, (unsportsmanlike conduct), 8:25. Second Period„None. Penalties„Calvert, CBJ, (high sticking), 2:27; Jenner, CBJ, (closing hand on the puck), 6:55; Dubinsky, CBJ, (hooking), 14:59. Third Period„1, Columbus, Jones 11 (Jenner, Dubinsky), 0:41. 2, Washington, Orlov 6 (Johansson, Williams), 6:39. Penalties„Orpik, WSH, (hooking), 2:13; Connolly, WSH, (tripping), 11:42. Overtime„None. Penalties„None. Shootout„Columbus 0 (Atkinson NG, Gagner NG, Wennberg NG), Washington 1 (Oshie G, Kuznetsov NG, Backstrom NG). Shots on Goal„Columbus 11-6-10-3„30. Washington 15-16-11-3„45. Power -play opportunities„Columbus 0 of 2; Washington 0 of 3. Goalies„Columbus, Bobrovsky 39-13-5 (45 shots-44 saves). Washington, Holtby 38-11-6 (30-29). A„18,506 (18,506). T„2:44. Referees„Mike Leggo, Kyle Rehman. Linesmen„Devin Berg, Tim Nowak.LIGHTNING 6, BRUINS 3Tampa Bay 0 3 3 „ 6 Boston 0 3 0 „ 3 First Period„None. Penalties„Stralman, TB, (tripping), 1:55; Marchand, BOS, (holding), 1:55; Boston bench, served by Vatrano (too many men on the ice), 8:08; Dumont, TB, (hooking), 11:18. Second Period„1, Boston, Pastrnak 32 (Bergeron, Spooner), 1:33 (pp). 2, Tampa Bay, Point 13 (Dotchin, Palat), 2:17. 3, Boston, Chara 8 (Nash, Moore), 7:50 (sh). 4, Tampa Bay, Kucherov 35 (Drouin, Hedman), 8:14 (pp). 5, Boston, Nash 5 (K.Miller, Moore), 13:18. 6, Tampa Bay, Stralman 3 (Point, Palat), 14:53. Penalties„Dumont, TB, (tripping), 1:21; Carlo, BOS, (tripping), 7:25; Bergeron, BOS, (unsportsmanlike conduct), 19:09; Palat, TB, (unsportsmanlike conduct), 19:09. Third Period„7, Tampa Bay, Drouin 18 (Killorn, Dotchin), 4:12. 8, Tampa Bay, Kucherov 36 (Drouin, Hedman), 10:11 (pp). 9, Tampa Bay, Kucherov 37 (Palat), 18:03. Penalties„ Kucherov, TB, (holding stick), 0:53; Pastrnak, BOS, (high sticking), 9:41; Backes, BOS, (interference), 10:37; Kucherov, TB, (hooking), 12:19; Vatrano, BOS, (tripping), 18:48. Shots on Goal„Tampa Bay 10-11-8„29. Boston 9-14-8„31. Power -play opportunities„Tampa Bay 2 of 5; Boston 1 of 4. Goalies„Tampa Bay, Budaj 29-21-3 (31 shots-28 saves). Boston, Rask 33-20-4 (28-23). A„17,565 (17,565). T„2:48. Referees„Eric Furlatt, Trevor Hanson. Linesmen„Steve Barton, Matt MacPherson.INDIVIDUAL STATISTICSThrough March 22SCORING LEADERS GP G A PTS Connor McDavid, EDM 73 26 59 85 Sidney Crosby, PIT 66 41 40 81 Brad Marchand, BOS 73 37 43 80 Patrick Kane, CHI 73 32 48 80 Nicklas Backstrom, WAS 72 22 56 78 Mark Scheifele, WPG 70 29 45 74 Nikita Kucherov, TB 65 34 39 73 Evgeni Malkin, PIT 62 33 39 72 Brent Burns, SJ 73 27 43 70 Tyler Seguin, DAL 72 24 44 68 Leon Draisaitl, EDM 73 25 42 67 Mikael Granlund, MIN 72 25 41 66 Artemi Panarin, CHI 73 24 42 66 Erik Karlsson, OTT 72 14 52 66GOALS-AGAINST AVERAGE LEADERSMinimum of 16 games Name Team GP MINS GA AVGAaron Dell S.J. 17 972 30 1.85 Jimmy Howard Det. 21 1098 35 1.91 Sergei Bob rovsky Colu. 56 3287 112 2.04 Braden Holtby Wash. 56 3280 112 2.05 Philipp Grubauer Wash. 19 1059 37 2.10 Scott Darling Chi. 29 1547 55 2.13 Peter Budaj L.A.-T.B. 57 3181 114 2.15 Devan Dubnyk Minn. 59 3396 123 2.17 Martin Jones S.J. 58 3401 128 2.26 Carey Price Mont. 55 3291 124 2.26 John Gibson Ana. 49 2769 105 2.28 Craig Anderson Ott. 33 1988 76 2.29 Juuse Saros Nash. 18 1020 39 2.29 Tuukka Rask Bost. 58 3296 128 2.33 Antti Raanta NYR 29 1557 61 2.35 Cam Talbot Edm. 66 3892 153 2.36ECHL Eastern Conference North Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Brampton 64 36 21 3 4 79 235 228 Adirondack 64 34 20 6 4 78 235 206 Manchester 64 33 20 7 4 77 237 226 Reading 64 36 24 2 2 76 228 193 Wheeling 65 32 25 8 0 72 223 212 Elmira 64 15 41 7 1 38 152 246 South Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Florida 63 41 17 2 3 87 229 183 Greenville 64 35 24 4 1 75 225 226 Cincinnati 65 35 26 4 0 74 183 186 Orlando 64 32 23 6 3 73 234 225 S. Carolina 63 34 26 2 1 71 198 186 Atlanta 63 24 31 6 2 56 208 246 Norfolk 63 24 35 4 0 52 189 235 Western Conference Central Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Toledo 63 46 14 2 1 95 262 168 Fort Wayne 62 38 17 5 2 83 228 181 Quad City 64 36 24 2 2 76 209 192 Kalamazoo 65 34 27 1 3 72 193 206 Tulsa 65 26 32 6 1 59 178 215 Indy 63 18 39 3 3 42 165 259 Wichita 61 18 39 3 1 40 164 239 Mountain Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Colorado 65 45 15 2 3 95 253 185 Allen 64 41 17 4 2 88 254 183 Idaho 64 36 21 5 2 79 214 197 Alaska 63 30 23 3 7 70 201 203 Missouri 63 29 26 3 5 66 202 208 Utah 64 29 28 5 2 65 194 223 Rapid City 64 23 33 8 0 54 195 231 NOTE: Two points are awarded for a win, one point for an overtime or shootout loss. Wednesdays Games Kalamazoo 3, Florida 2 Manchester 5, Reading 1 South Carolina 5, Atlanta 2 Wheeling 4, Idaho 1 Fort Wayne 6, Norfolk 3 Quad City 5, Wichita 2 Missouri 3, Allen 2, OT Colorado 3, Rapid City 2 Thursdays Games Orlando 5, Brampton 3 Fridays Games Norfolk at Kalamazoo, 7 p.m. Adirondack at Reading, 7 p.m. Indy at Greenville, 7 p.m. Manchester at Elmira, 7:05 p.m. Atlanta at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. Florida at Toledo, 7:15 p.m. Orlando at Brampton, 7:15 p.m. Idaho at Wheeling, 7:35 p.m. Tulsa at Allen, 8:05 p.m. Missouri at Wichita, 8:05 p.m. Fort Wayne at Quad City, 8:05 p.m. Utah at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. Rapid City at Alaska, 11:15 p.m. Saturdays Games Norfolk at Kalamazoo, 7 p.m. Adirondack at Reading, 7 p.m. Indy at Greenville, 7 p.m. Idaho at Wheeling, 7:05 p.m. Manchester at Elmira, 7:05 p.m. Atlanta at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. Florida at Toledo, 7:15 p.m. Cincinnati at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. Tulsa at Allen, 8:05 p.m. Wichita at Missouri, 8:05 p.m. Utah at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. Rapid City at Alaska, 11:15 p.m. Sundays Games Orlando at Brampton, 2 p.m. Indy at South Carolina, 3:05 p.m. Manchester at Elmira, 4:05 p.m. Florida at Fort Wayne, 5 p.m. Wichita at Quad City, 5:05 p.m. Norfolk at Toledo, 5:15 p.m. Rapid City at Alaska, 7:05 p.m.GOLFWORLD GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPSDELL MATCH PLAYThursday at Austin Country Club, Austin, Texas Yardage: 7,108. Par: 71Second Round (Seedings in parentheses) Bubba Watson (13), United States, def. Scott Piercy (39), United States, 4 and 3. Jhonattan Vegas (55), Venezuela, def. Thomas Pieters (30), Belgium, 3 and 1. Ross Fisher (47), England, def. Hideki Matsuyama (4), Japan, 2 and 1. Jim Furyk (51), United States, def. Louis Oosthuizen (23), South Africa, 3 and 2. Kevin Kisner (34), United States, def. Patrick Reed (9), United States, 1 up. Brooks Koepka (20), United States, def. Jason Dufner (59), United States, 6 and 5. Alex Noren (8), Sweden, def. Bernd Wiesberger (36), Austria, 3 and 2. Thongchai Jaidee (57), Thailand, def. Francesco Molinari (25), Italy, 5 and 3. Zach Johnson (44), United States, def. Matt Kuchar (16), United States, 2 up. Brendan Steele (50), United States, def. Tommy Fleetwood (29), England, 1 up. Dustin Johnson (1), United States, def. Martin Kaymer (41), Germany, 3 and 2. Jimmy Walker (18), United States, def. Webb Simpson (58), United States, 3 and 2. Bill Haas (42), United States, def. Danny Willett (11), England, 6 and 5. K.T. Kim (64), South Korea, def. Russell Knox (17), Scotland, 3 and 1. Kevin Na (46), United States, def. Justin Thomas (6), United States, 4 and 2. Matt Fitzpatrick (27), England, def. Chris Wood (49), England, 4 and 2. Phil Mickelson (14), United States, def. Daniel Berger (35), United States, 5 and 4. J.B. Holmes (31), United States, halved with Si Woo Kim (63), South Korea. Lee Westwood (43) England def. Jason Day (3) Australia, forfeit. Pat Perez (56), United States, def. Marc Leishman (28), Australia, 2 and 1. Tyrrell Hatton (10), England, def. Jeunghun Wang (40), South Korea, 2 up. Charles Howell III (61), United States, def. Rafa Cabrera Bello (22), Spain, 1 up. Sergio Garcia (7), Spain, def. Kevin Chappell (38), United States, 4 and 3. Jon Rahm (21), Spain, def. Shane Lowry (53), Ireland, 2 and 1. William McGirt (48), United States, def. Branden Grace (15), South Africa, 2 and 1,. Brandt Snedeker (19), United States, def. Andy Sullivan (52), England, 2 and 1. Rory McIlroy (2), Northern Ireland, def. Gary Woodland (33), United States, forfeit. Soren Kjeldsen (62), Denmark, def. Emiliano Grillo (26), Argentina, 4 and 3. Paul Casey (12), England, def. Byeong Hun An (45), South Korea, 1 up. Charl Schwartzel (24), South Africa, def. Joost Luiten (60), Netherlands, 4 and 3. Jordan Spieth (5), United States, def. Yuta Ikeda (37), Japan, 4 and 2. Ryan Moore (32), halved with Hideto Tanihara (54), Japan. DELL MATCH PLAY TEE TIMES All Times EDTAt Austin Country Club, Austin, Texas Yardage: 7,108. Par: 71Third Round Today (Seedings in parentheses)8:30 a.m. „ Danny Willett (11), England, vs. Russell Knox (17), Scotland. 8:41 a.m. „ Bill Haas (42), United States, vs. K.T. Kim (64), South Korea. 8:52 a.m. „ Justin Thomas (6), United States, vs. Matt Fitzpatrick (27), England. 9:03 a.m. „ Kevin Na (46), United States, vs. Chris Wood (49), England. 9:14 a.m. „ Phil Mickelson (14), United States, vs. J.B. Holmes (31), United States. 9:25 a.m. „ Daniel Berger (35), United States, vs. Si Woo Kim (63), South Korea. 9:36 a.m. „ x-Jason Day (3), Australia, vs. Marc Leishman (28), Australia. 9:47 a.m. „ Lee Westwood (43), England, vs. Pat Perez (56), United States. 9:58 a.m. „ Tyrrell Hatton (10), England, vs. Rafa Cabrera Bello (22), Spain. 10:09 p.m. „ Jeunghun Wang (40), South Korea, vs. Charles Howell III (61), United States. 10:20 p.m. „ Sergio Garcia (7), Spain, vs. Jon Rahm (21), Spain. 10:31 p.m. „ Kevin Chappell (38), United States, vs. Shane Lowry (53), Ireland. 10:42 p.m. „ Branden Grace (15), South Africa, vs. Brandt Snedeker (15), United States. 10:53 p.m. „ William McGirt (48), United States, vs. Andy Sullivan (52), England. 11:04 p.m. „ Rory McIlroy (2), Northern Ireland, vs. Emiliano Grillo (26), Argentina. 11:15 p.m. „ x-Gary Woodland (33), United States, vs. Soren Kjeldsen (62), Denmark. 11:26 p.m. „ Paul Casey (12), England, vs. Charl Schwartzel (24), South Africa,. 11:37 p.m. „ Byeong Hun An (45), South Korea, vs. Joost Luiten (60), Netherlands. 11:48 p.m. „ Jordan Spieth (5), United States, vs. Ryan Moore (32), United States. 11:59 p.m. „ Yuta Ikeda (37), Japan, vs. Hideto Tanihara, (54), Japan. 12:10 p.m. „ Bubba Watson (13), United States, vs. Thomas Pieters (30), Belgium. 12:21 p.m. „ Scott Piercy (39), United States, vs. Jhonattan Vegas (55), Venezuela. 12:32 p.m. „ Hideki Matsuyama (4), Japan, vs. Louis Oosthuizen (23), South Africa. 12:43 p.m. „ Ross Fisher (47), England, vs. Jim Furyk (51), United States. 12:54 p.m. „ Patrick Reed (9), United States, vs. Brooks Koepka (20), United States. 1:05 p.m. „ Kevin Kisner (34), United States, vs. Jason Dufner (59), United States. 1:16 p.m. „ Alex Noren (8), Sweden, vs. Francesco Molinari (25), Italy. 1:27 p.m. „ Bernd Wiesberger (36), Austria, vs. Thongchai Jaidee (57), Thailand. 1:38 p.m. „ Matt Kuchar (16), United States, vs. Tommy Fleetwood (29), England. 1:49 p.m. „ Zach Johnson (44), United States, vs. Brendan Steele (50), United States. 2 p.m. „ Dustin Johnson (1), United States, vs. Jimmy Walker (18), United States. 2:11 p.m. „ Martin Kaymer (41), Germany, vs. Webb Simpson (48), United States.PGA TOURPUERTO RICO OPENThursdays leaders at Coco Beach Golf & CC, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. Purse: $3 million. Yardage: 7,506. Par: 72 (36-36). (a-denotes amateur)Partial First RoundTrey Mullinax 31-32„63 D.A. Points 32-32„64 Bill Lunde 33-32„65 Xander Schauffele 33-32„65 David Hearn 33-33„66 Harold Varner III 34-32„66 Ricky Barnes 33-33„66 Kevin Tway 31-35„66 J.T. Poston 31-35„66 Scott Brown 31-36„67 Zack Sucher 33-34„67 Michael Thompson 34-33„67 John Merrick 33-34„67 Jonas Blixt 34-34„68 Andres Gonzales 35-33„68 Retief Goosen 35-33„68 Alex Cejka 34-34„68 Steve Wheatcroft 33-35„68 Ryan Blaum 33-35„68 Boo Weekley 33-35„68 Mark Hubbard 34-35„69 Jonathan Byrd 35-34„69 Bryce Molder 35-34„69 Tyrone Van Aswegen 35-34„69 Chesson Hadley 35-34„69 Angel Cabrera 34-35„69 Wesley Bryan 34-35„69 Max Homa 35-34„69 Peter Uihlein 34-35„69 Nicholas Lindheim 34-35„69 Joel Dahmen 34-35„69 Brett Stegmaier 34-35„69 Chris Stroud 33-36„69 Shawn Stefani 33-36„69 Cameron Percy 34-35„69 Seung-Yul Noh 32-37„69 Cameron Tringale 34-35„69 Danny Lee 34-35„69 Kyle Reifers 34-36„70 Zac Blair 34-36„70 Chris Kirk 33-37„70 Hunter Mahan 33-37„70 Chad Collins 35-35„70 Dominic Bozzelli 35-35„70 Sam Saunders 34-36„70 Ryan Brehm 36-34„70 Kurt Kitayama 35-35„70 Fabrizio Zanotti 35-35„70 Willy Wilcox 34-36„70 John Peterson 35-35„70LEADERBOARDGolfer Score Thru Trey Mullinax -9 F D.A. Points -8 F Bill Lunde -7 F Xander Schauffele -7 F David Hearn -6 F Harold Varner III -6 F Ricky Barnes -6 F Kevin Tway -6 F J.T. Poston -6 F Jonathan Randolph -6 15WEB.COM TOURCHITIMACHA LOUISIANA OPEN Thursdays leaders at Le Triomphe Golf & CC, Broussard, La. Purse: $550,000. Yardage: 7,067. Par: 71 (36-35).First RoundNate Lashley 30-32„62 Kent Bulle 32-31„63 Erik Barnes 32-32„64 Thomas Aiken 32-33„65 Casey Wittenberg 33-32„65 Denny McCarthy 31-34„65 Daniel Chopra 32-33„65 Alex Prugh 32-33„65 Jack Maguire 35-30„65 Stephan Jaeger 33-32„65 Aaron Wise 32-33„65 Taylor Moore 32-34„66 Scott Harrington 34-32„66 Corey Conners 31-35„66 Roger Sloan 34-32„66 Andrew Landry 34-32„66 Ben Taylor 34-32„66 Jordan Niebrugge 31-35„66 Paul Barjon 33-33„66 Peter Tomasulo 33-33„66 Mark Anguiano 35-31„66 Brice Garnett 32-35„67 Keith Mitchell 34-33„67 Conrad Shindler 33-34„67UPCOMING TOURNAMENTSAll Times Eastern LPGA TOUR KIA CLASSICSite: Carlsbad, Calif. Course: Aviara GC. Yardage: 6,593. Par: 72. Television: Thursday-today, 8:30-10:30 p.m. (Golf Channel); Saturday, 5:30-9 p.m. (Golf Channel); Sunday, 6-9 p.m. (Golf Channel). Defending champion: Lydia Ko. Last week: Anna Nordqvist won the Bank of Hope Founders Cup. Notes: This is the “ nal tournament before the LPGA Tours “ rst major of the year. ... Stacy Lewis tied for second in the Founders Cup. It was her 12th runner-up “ nish on the LPGA Tour since her last victory in June 2014 in Arkansas. During those 67 starts since her last victory, Lewis has earned $3,729,503. ... Nordqvist won for the seventh time on the LPGA, tied for third all-time among Swedish players with Helen Alfredsson. She needs 65 more to catch Annika Sorenstam. ... Ariya Jutanugarn was runner-up for the second straight week. ... No one has won the Kia Classic more than once since it began in 2010. ... Ko won the “ rst of her four LPGA titles last year at Aviara. ... Nordqvist became the 31st player to cross the $7 million mark in career LPGA Tour earnings. Next week: ANA Inspiration in Rancho Mirage, Calif. Online: www.lpga.comPGA TOUR CHAMPIONSLast week: Tom Lehman won the Tucson Conquistadores Classic. Next week: Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic. Online: TRAINING All Times Eastern AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pct. New York 19 7 .731 Minnesota 14 10 .583 Oakland 14 10 .583 Seattle 15 11 .577 Baltimore 13 11 .542 Los Angeles 14 12 .538 Kansas City 13 12 .520 Boston 13 12 .520 Chicago 13 13 .500 Cleveland 12 13 .480 Tampa Bay 11 12 .478 Houston 11 12 .478 Texas 11 14 .440 Detroit 11 15 .423 Toronto 8 14 .364NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct. St. Louis 16 7 .696 Pittsburgh 16 8 .667 Arizona 13 10 .565 Milwaukee 14 12 .538 Colorado 13 12 .520 Los Angeles 13 13 .500 Washington 11 11 .500 Cincinnati 13 14 .481 San Francisco 12 14 .462 New York 12 15 .444 Chicago 9 12 .429 Philadelphia 10 14 .417 Miami 8 14 .364 San Diego 9 16 .360 Atlanta 7 18 .280Wednesdays GamesHouston 8, Minnesota 4 N.Y. Yankees 7, Philadelphia 3 St. Louis 6, Washington 1 Toronto 5, Detroit 4 Miami 15, N.Y. Mets 9 Oakland 5, Chicago White Sox 3 Kansas City 6, San Diego 2 San Francisco 6, Milwaukee 4 Colorado 10, Cleveland 2 L.A. Angels (ss) 9, Seattle 8 Texas 7, L.A. Angels (ss) 4 Baltimore 7, Tampa Bay 4 Cincinnati 5, Chicago Cubs 2Thursdays GamesSt. Louis 5, Miami 3 Minnesota 4, Philadelphia 2 Washington 1, N.Y. Mets 0 N.Y. Yankees 5, Tampa Bay 5 Boston 10, Pittsburgh 7 Chicago White Sox 4, Cincinnati 2 Cleveland 8, Colorado 3 Oakland 15, Milwaukee 5 Chicago Cubs 5, Arizona 5 San Diego 6, L.A. Angels 2 Atlanta 2, Detroit 1 L.A. Dodgers vs. Texas, late Seattle vs. San Francisco, lateTodays GamesAtlanta vs. Detroit at Lakeland, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Yankees at Tampa, Fla., 1:05 p.m. St. Louis vs. Washington (ss) at West Palm Beach, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Tampa Bay vs. Pittsburgh at Bradenton, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Boston vs. Toronto at Dunedin, Fla., 1:07 p.m. Houston vs. N.Y. Mets at Port St. Lucie, Fla., 1:10 p.m. Arizona vs. L.A. Dodgers at Glendale, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox vs. Oakland at Mesa, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Cleveland vs. Chicago Cubs at Mesa, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Milwaukee vs. Cincinnati at Goodyear, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. San Diego vs. Texas at Surprise, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Kansas City vs. Seattle (ss) at Peoria, Ariz., 4:10 p.m. San Francisco vs. Colorado at Scottsdale, Ariz., 4:10 p.m. Baltimore vs. Minnesota at Fort Myers, Fla., 7:05 p.m. Washington (ss) vs. Miami at Jupiter, Fla., 7:05 p.m. Seattle (ss) vs. L.A. Angels at Tempe, Ariz., 8:10 p.m.


Page 6 SP Friday, March 24, 2017 / The SunBy BRYAN LEVINESports WriterPORT CHARLOTTE „ Another round of cuts hit the Rays camp Thursday morning with no surprises of those headed back down to minor league camp. Jake Bauers and Casey Gillaspie were the most notable names of the eight young players sent down. Casey made a big jump,Ž manager Kevin Cash said. We probably heard more about Casey at the end of the year beca use he got to Triple-A, was challenged in Triple-A and excelled. Youre always a little curious if thats going to play out when they come to camp, and I know it did.Ž In addition to those two, Jake Hager, Andrew Kittredge, Neil Wagner, Dayron Varona, Patrick Leonard and Johnny Field were also reassigned to the minors. Some of them made impacts in the game on Thursday. Hager had a crucial diving catch to preserve the lead in the seventh, Leonard had an RBI and Bauers drove in two runs. Two places where surprises came were out-right releases of Jeff Walters and David Carpenter. Those are crummy conversations to have,Ž Cash said of having to release players. Walt and Carp both came in and showed well. It came to a roster crunch. We have a bunch of pitchers slated to head to Triple-A and the last thing you want to do is an injustice to those guys or (Carpenter) and Walt. The spring roster is now trimmed to 41 players, with another 16 names not making the opening day roster.FINALLY ANNOUNCEDAfter much obvious speculation, Cash officially announced Chris Archer as the Opening Day starter for April 2. Following Archer in the rotation, Jake Odorizzi will be the No. 2 starter, with Alex Cobb, Blake Snell and Matt Andriese following behind. When it comes to the lineup, Cash says he wont be spilling the beans on that one until April 1. The Rays Opening Day opponent, the New York Yankees, wasted no time revealing their first starter, as Masahiro Tanaka was announced on the first day of spring training.SHUTTING IT DOWNBrad Boxberger will be taking a break for about a week due to his continued issue with his lat. According to Cash, Boxberger will start all over again as if spring training just began after the week is over. That means we will likely see more of Boxberger in a Charlotte Stone Crabs uniform in a few weeks.OWNER MEETINGRays owner Stu Sternberg met with media prior to Thursdays game. Among other topics, he spoke about the continued work for a new stadium, ticket prices, expectations for 2017 and more. Nothing he talked about is of pressing time, so there will be an extended look at what he said in Sundays edition of The Sun.RAYS NOTEBOOKMore cuts for minor leaguersHITTER OF THE GAME Aaron Judge, Yankees: He was one of three Yankees to have a multi-hit game. Nobody on the Rays had more than one base hit. His one-run double helped the Yankees in the sixth inning. PITCHER OF THE GAME Austin Pruitt, Rays: Pruitt tossed four scoreless innings, allowing just three hits in that span. He had a nice outing with “ ve strikeouts and just one walk. KEY INNING Top 9th: The Rays defense fell apart in the ninth, allowing Alex Colome to blow a save. Three errors in the inning gave the Yankees an unearned run to tie the game. PROSPECT WATCH Riley Unroe, Rays: At the time, Unroe made what was a crucial play in the “ eld. On a chopper up the middle, which settled in no-mans land between the pitchers mound and second base, Unroe came from short and made a strong throw to “ rst base to keep the score at 5-4. THEY SAID IT He was gassed after that outing. Obviously he came as advertised with that big fastball. Well get him back out there two days from now and try to see how he responds coming back. „Rays manager Kevin Cash on the debut of reliever Jumbo DiazTAMPA BAY (11-12-3) at PITTSBURGH (16-8-1)WHEN: Today, 1:05 p.m. WHERE: LECOM Park, Bradenton SCHEDULED STARTERS: RH Diego Moreno vs. RH Trevor Williams PITCHING PROBABLES RAYS: RH Diego Moreno (start), RH Chase Whitley, RH Danny Farquhar, RH Erasmo Ramirez PIRATES: RH Trevor Williams (start), LH Tony Watson, RH Daniel Hudson, LH Filipe Rivero, Juan Nicaso. SATURDAY: vs. Boston, 1:05 p.m., SUNDAY: at New York (AL), 1:05 p.m. MONDAY: OFF DAY. TUESDAY: at Minnesota, 1:07 p.m. WEDNESDAY: vs. Baltimore, 1:05 p.m.RAYS 5, YANKEES 5SUN PHOTO BY KATHERINE GODINATampa Bays Patrick Leonard finds the ball for a hit during Thursdays game against the New York Yankees. Everyone around here has probably some of the best work ethics Ive ever seen,Ž Bauers said. Anyone up here could be complacent with where theyre at, and happy with their situations, but everyone here works their tails off. Thats been eye-opening to me. Just because you get here doesnt mean the work stops. It only gets greater.  Its easy to get caught up in the numbers Bauers has put up this spring, such as a .371 batting average, eight extra-base hits, 13 RBI and 10 runs scored, but an overlooked aspect of his game is his ability to draw walks. Entering Thursday, he was tied for the team lead with six free passes, and it felt like every at-bat throughout the spring he saw at least four or five pitches. Cash noticed his discipline at the plate. The power is something that kind of naturally comes,Ž Cash said. Obviously it was cool to see the homers and everything, but just the pitch recognition. How he was able to turn an at-bat over and lay off pitches to put himself into good counts.Ž It hasnt all been positives in Bauers career. In a minor-league allstar game broadcasted on MLB Network, he did something which will likely stick with him forever. Bauers found a way to turn the blunder into a learning opportunity. I got a base hit, was on first base,Ž Bauers recalled. I dont know why I was trying to steal a base in an allstar game. I tripped … the guys picked off, I went and I tripped. Head over heels and did a little barrel roll on national television. I was a big laughing stock for a while. I just tried to laugh it off. If you cant have fun at your own expense, then youre going to have a miserable time. I guarantee, if you play this game long enough, something is going to happen where youre going to be the joke for a few days.Ž Bauers was still up with the Rays in Thursdays game after finding out about heading to the minors earlier that morning. The disappointment didnt stop him from continuing his great spring, as he hit a tworun double in his first at-bat. He even threw a runner out at the plate to keep the sco re at 5-4 in the eighth inning. „Contact Bryan Levine at blevine@sun-herald. com. BAUERSFrom Page 1 Yankees 5, Rays 5 New York Tampa Bay ab r h bi ab r h bi Ellsbry cf 3 1 2 0 Beckham ss 3 1 1 1 D.Fwler cf 1 0 0 0 Gllspie 1b 2 0 0 0 A.Hicks lf 2 1 1 1 Krmaier cf 2 0 1 0 Frazier lf 1 0 0 1 J.Buers rf 1 1 1 2 Gr.Bird 1b 3 0 1 0 Lngoria 3b 2 0 0 0 Ji.Choi 1b 1 0 0 0 Leonard 3b 2 0 1 1 C.Crter dh 4 0 1 0 Wks Jr. 1b 3 0 0 0 M.Pyton pr 1 0 0 0 J.Hager ss 1 0 0 0 A.Judge rf 3 0 2 1 Sza Jr. rf 2 1 1 0 McKnney rf 1 0 0 0 J.Field cf 2 0 0 0 A.Rmine c 3 0 0 0 C.Rsmus dh 2 0 0 0 Hgshoka c 1 0 0 0 D.Vrona ph 2 0 0 0 Trreyes 3b 3 1 2 1 J.Sucre c 2 1 1 1 R.Tjada 3b 1 0 0 0 McKenry c 0 0 0 0 D.Slano 2b 3 0 0 0 Frnklin 2b 2 1 0 0 Rfsnydr 2b 1 0 0 0 Pterson lf 1 0 0 0 P.Kozma ss 2 1 0 0 M.Smith lf 3 0 0 0 Ty.Wade ss 1 1 0 0 R.Unroe 2b 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 5 9 4 Totals 32 5 6 5 New York 000 002 201„5 Tampa Bay 010 040 000„5 E„Gillaspie 2 (5), McKenry (1), Peterson (1). LOB„New York 8, Tampa Bay 5. 2B„Ellsbury (3), Hicks (3), Bird (7), Judge (2), Bauers (4). 3B„Souza Jr. (1). HR„Torreyes (1). SB„Fowler 2 (5), Wade (2). CS„Ellsbury (1), Torreyes (1). SF„Frazier (1), Sucre (1). IP H R ER BB SO New York Montgomery 41/3 3 2 2 0 8 Graham 2/3 3 3 3 1 1 Shreve 1 0 0 0 0 1 Feyereisen 1 0 0 0 0 1 Brewer 1 0 0 0 1 0 Gurka 1 0 0 0 2 1 Tampa Bay Pruitt 4 3 0 0 1 5 Diaz H, 1 11/3 3 2 2 0 3 Tolleson 1 2 2 2 2 1 Cedeno H, 3 12/3 1 0 0 0 0 Colome BS, 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 WP„Cedeno. By BETH HARRISAssociated PressLOS ANGELES „ The eagle has landed on top. The United States routed Puerto Rico 8-0 to win its first World Baseball Classic in four tries on Wednesday night behind six hitless innings from Marcus Stroman. The Americans planted their eagle statue mascot on the mound in celebration, a blue cap jauntily hanging from one of its large wings. Its a different feeling when the USA is on your chest,Ž first baseman Eric Hosmer said. We wanted to get the U.S. back on top of the baseball world, and we did that.Ž For a sport known as Americas pastime, the U.S. had struggled since the WBC began in 2006. Twice, the Americans lost in the second round and they went out in the semifinals in 2009. This time was different. These guys were here to do their best,Ž Team USA general manager Joe Torre said. The thing I marveled at was how quickly they came together, and Jimmy (Leyland) deserves a lot of that credit. Theyre just a great group who understood what this event is all about.Ž Accepting the gleaming silver trophy from baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred, manager Leyland told the crowd, This is for the men and women who serve our country.Ž After the final out, the Americans massed on the mound, hugging and high-fiving while fireworks exploded in center field. Some of them grabbed a U.S. flag and circled the warning track, waving it in celebration with fans in the stands. There was only one thing on our mind, was to win this thing and to do whatever we can to win,Ž left fielder Christian Yelich said. That helped us come together.Ž The U.S. pounded out 13 hits and finished with a 6-2 record while making the final for the first time in front of 51,565 at Dodger Stadium. Puerto Ricos fans saluted their team with a standing ovation and the players responded by clapping. The satisfaction is huge,Ž manager Edwin Rodriguez said. It has filled our hearts.Ž BASEBALL: WBCAP PHOTOThe U.S. team celebrates an 8-0 win over Puerto Rico in the final of the World Baseball Classic Wednesday in Los Angeles. US routs Puerto Rico behind Stromans e ort TWINS 4, PHILLIES 2Tommy Field hit a tworun home run and Ehire Adrianza went 2 for 3 with an RBI. Twins starter Nick Tepesch gave up two runs and six hits and two walks in 3 ‡ innings. For the Phillies, Odubel Herrera went 2 for 3 with a two-run homer and starter Aaron Nola gave up four runs and six hits and a walk, striking out six over 5 ‡ innings.CARDINALS 5, MARLINS 3Adam Wainwright went four innings and gave up three runs „ one earned „ on “ ve hits and a walk, and added an RBI single. Kolton Wong d rove in two with a triple. The Cardinals stole six bases. Marlins starter Dan Straily allowed three runs and six hits over four innings. Edinson Volquez, back from his World Baseball Classic appearances for Dominican Republic, went three innings and gave up two runs „ one earned „ and three hits and two walks. NATIONALS 1, METS 0Asdrubal Cabrera was ejected by home plate umpire Angel Hernandez in the fourth inning. Cabrera wasnt granted time on a 3-0 count, then singled on the next pitch and said something to Hernandez on his way to “ rst base. With Cabrera on “ rst base, Hernandez threw him out of the game. The game was then delayed several minutes while Cabrera slowly walked across the “ eld from the third base dugout to the right “ eld corner, as The Ballpark at Palm Beaches „ the Nats new spring home „ does not have direct access to the visitors clubhouse from the dugout.RED SOX 10, PIRATES 7Dustin Pedroia went 3 for 3 with two runs, Hanley Ramirez and Mitch Moreland both d rove in a pair and Pablo Sandoval continued his comeback from an injury-marred 2016, going 2 for 4 with three RBIs. Starter Steven Wright went 4 ‡ shutout innings and allowed two hits and a walk. Starling Marte hit a grand slam and had “ ve RBIs. Starter Drew Hutchison was roughed up for six runs and 10 hits and two walks over 4 ‡ innings.WHITE SOX 4, REDS 2Jose Quintana, in his “ rst start back from the World Baseball Classic, didnt allow a hit until the sixth. He “ nished with three strikeouts in seven innings. Nicky Delmonico homered and hit a two-run double. PADRES 6, ANGELS 2Luis Perdomo, who pitched San Diegos only complete game last season in August, allowed two runs and “ ve hits in “ ve innings. Ryan Schimpf homered in the “ fth. Jamie Romak and Hunter Renfro each doubled in a four-run eighth inning.SPRING TRAINING ROUNDUP adno=54511406


Friday, March 24, 2017 € Since 1893 LIKE THE PUNTA GORDA HERALD ON HERALDPUNTA GORDA A FLAIR FOR FASHION INSIDESt. Vincent de Paul shows its style P | 12 P | 89 P | 13Artist Childs presents TransformationsLuna Fest he Windmill Village Boat Club dedicated its brand new Veterans Memorial Tranquility Fountain on March 21 at a ceremony next to the water and close to the entrance of the 454-lot manufactured home community on Rio Villa Drive. The fountain dedication was the culmination of a concerted effort by the tightknit community to provide a beautiful and contemplative spot honoring veterans „ both living and those who have passed away „ as well as the military services in which they served. In attendance were several hundred Village residents and Charlotte County Commissioner Chris Constance. Music was provided by the Windmill Village Choir and bagpiper Bill Ferrigno; American Legion Post 103 was on hand to provide a 21-gun salute and play taps. A social celebration followed at the communitys Chikki Hut.By GORDON BOWERPG HERALD CORRESPONDENT HERALD PHOTO BY BETSY WILLIAMSThe new Windmill VIllage fountain and ags.continued on page 10 Windmill Village dedicates Veterans Memorial Fountain The Windmill Village Choir performed under the direction of Joyce Baskovic. Many were looking up at the new ag during the Pledge of Allegiance. Tfun for all Nuclear Medicine € Bone Scan € Hepatobiliary Scan € Thyroid Scan € Parathyroid Scan € MIBG € Lung Scan € Renal Scans € Lymphoscintigraphy € Gastric Emptying Scans € Neurologic Scans € Cardiac imaging € Infection Studies € Octreoscan € Thyroid TherapyFor scheduling, please adno=5050964 7 Good Friends, Good Food, Good Times 1975 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda 941-575-7575 2016 Mon…Thurs & Sun 11…9 Fri & Sat 11…10 adno=50511034 Make your Easter Reservations Early!


Herald Page 2 Friday, March 24, 2017 After a quick vacation last week with a daytrip to Miami and a weekend jaunt to Charlotte, North Carolina, I became very ill. I havent been this sick since I was a child. Only this time, I didnt have my mom to make me chicken noodle soup and bring me a 7-Up. To this day, I dont like 7-Up because it reminds me of being sick. I know St. Patricks Day weekend revelry might have some of you on the mend from a different kind of flu. This weekend will be busy again. Its time for Pedal and Play in Paradise, an annual fundraiser event supporting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Team Punta Gordas Bicycle Initiatives. My daughter and I rode in the event last year. We got a flat tire, but it was a lovely day. I highly recommend the event. Since I am recovering from what I think is the flu, I will be sitting out this year. If you are in Punta Gorda this weekend, watch out for bicyclists on Friday and Saturday as Pedal and Play has multiple events (visit pedalandplayinparadise. com/). Then, on Sunday, also in the same area of Laishley Park, stop by to enjoy the Taste of Punta Gorda from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This Punta Gorda Rotary Club event is to honor those that serve us „ the veterans, police, SWAT, forestry and fire department.Ž Stay healthy, folks! Email your calendar items to pgherald Please submit your listings in the following format: Event, day, time, place, address, description, cost and contact info. Earlier is better; please submit events two weeks or more in advance.FRIDAY, MARCH 24Meet Luna, the leucistic screech owl from Peace River Wildlife Center, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Fishermens Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer/guitarist Michael Hirst from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee, Danny Beach from noon to 3 p.m. in Center Court and singer Paul Roush from 5 to 9 p.m. in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.SATURDAY, MARCH 25Punta Gorda Farmers Market, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. corner of Olympia Avenue and Taylor Street, Punta Gorda. Sponsored by the Punta Gorda Downtown Merchants Association Inc. Vendors, live entertainment and artists painting on-site. Free parking at the garage a half block from the market, behind Wotitzky Law Firm, and street parking. Call Jerry at 941-391-4856 or email jerry@punta Bicycle ride departs at 8:30 a.m. from Acme Bicycle Shop, 615 Cross St., Suite 1116, Punta Gorda. All riders welcome. Helmet required. Details: 941-639-2263. The PrideŽ of Port Charlotte Marching Band is holding a car wash from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Peachland of“ce of Charlotte State Bank & Trust, 24163 Peachland Blvd., on the corner of Peachland and Veterans Boulevard in Port Charlotte. Port Charlotte High School band members will be washing cars on the far side of the bank parking lot. The young musicians are raising money to help fund upcoming trips to perform in various locations. They are requesting a minimum of $5 for a car wash, but will accept donations in any amount. For additional information, contact the PCHS Band Boosters at 941-286-3722, email or call the Peachland of“ce at 941-627-0038. Fairy Tale Princess Story Time begins at 11:30 a.m. at Sandman Book Company, 16480 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda. Family-friendly cosplayers visit the bookshop for an interactive storytime event. Heroes and princesses pose for pictures with the kids. Stop by and meet some of your childrens favorite characters from the world of literature: Beauty, Jack the Pirate, Cinderella, the Bravest Princess, Cinderellas Fairy Godmother, the Hawaiian Princess and more. After story time, attendees can line up for photos, so every guest can have a chance to talk to his/ her favorite character. Cameras are welcome; guests of all ages may wear costumes. The event is free. Details: 941-505-1624. Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer Chris G. from noon to 3 p.m. and singer Dan Meadows from 5 to 9 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.SUNDAY, MARCH 26Farmers Market, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Punta Gorda Historical Societys History Park, 501 Shreve St. (between Virginia Avenue and Henry Street). Garden tours begin at 1 p.m., after the market wraps up. For information, call 941-639-1887. Members of the National Honor Society at Charlotte High School are holding a car wash fundraiser from noon to 4 p.m. at the Punta Gorda of“ce of Charlotte State Bank & Trust, 2331 Tamiami Trail (at the corner of Tamiami and Airport Road). The honor students are raising money for girls education in developing nations where it may not yet be available or dif“cult to obtain. Money collected will be donated through the Peace Corps Let Girls Learn project, which helps adolescent girls attain a quality education and enables them to reach their full potential. The students are requesting a $5 minimum for each car wash, but donations in any amount are welcome. For additional information, contact Sheighlin Hagerty at 941-457-0481 or email TABLE OF CONTENTSArt Scene ...............................13 Business News .........................4 Community Beat ...........7-9, 12 Nonpro“t News .......................5 Sports ..............................14-15 40 Years Ago .........................6 HAPPENINGS ON THE HARBOR Robert E. Lee Charlotte Sun Publisher ...206-1003 Leslee Peth Sun Advertising Director ......205-6400 Jim Gouvellis Exec. Editor .......................206-1134 Phil Fernandez Charlotte Sun Editor ..........206-1168 Michele Bellue Editor, Designer.................205-1020 ADVERTISING Mike Ruiz, Retail Advertising Manager.............................................. 205-6402 Lori White, Advertising Account Executive........................................ 205-6404 Laura Speer Advertising Account Executive........................................205-6405 Anthony Feroce, Advertising Account Executive..................................258-9527 Dan Dykes, Advertising Account Executive...........................................205-6409 CIRCULATIONMark Yero, Circulation Director ........................................................ 206-1317 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980 € 206-1000PUNTA GORDA HERALD MEMBER of the Audit Bureau of Circulation. USPS 743170 The Sun is published daily by Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2198. Michele Bellue PGH EditorMichele Bellue is editor of the Punta Gorda Herald. Contact her at or call 941-206-1010.Vacation traveling has me under the weatherHAPPENINGS | 4 PHOTO PROVIDEDFlanking a trio of Horn of Plenty Food Bank volunteers are Sara Perri, branch manager of the Charlotte Harbor oce of Charlotte State Bank & Trust, and Champion Shredding LLC owner Mike Aguiar. They all pitched in during the banks free shredding event/food drive on March 18. The Horn of Plenty volunteers are, from left, Herbert Lewis, Connor Greenwald and Calob Meston. The bank asked area residents to bring in papers to be shredded for the price of a food donation. In the end, 7,600 pounds of shred were accumulated, and 1,700 pounds of food were donated. Shred day draws a crowd Thomas Quigley, M.D. Board Certified Eye Surgeon and Cataract Specialist complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Offer Does Not Apply To Freedom And Optimum Health Plan Participants. Coupon Expires 4/17/2017 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding t o the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance pl ans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 adno=50511135 20600 VETERANS BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT) ARCADIA 863-993-2020 formerly Eye Health


Friday, March 24, 2017 Herald Page 3 Broker participation is welcome. Prices, plans, speci“cations and community design are subject to change. Oral representations cannot be relied up on as correctly stating the representations of the developer. For correct information regarding Babcock Ranch, interested par ti es should refer to written materials provided by the developer, legislative acts related to Babcock Ranch and the covenants and restrictions of the Babcock Ranch Residential Association, Inc. The information provided above is no t intended to be an oering and should be considered as infor mational only.Life is better when you get out of the car and walk. Or bike. Or kayak. So we designed not just a town, but an entirely new kind of town. One that enables you to do just that. Walk to school and to work. Bike to the store or to wilderness. Engage with your neighbors, your environment and yourself. Enjoy luxurious amenities at an unluxurious price. Youve always known a better life was out there. Now you know exactly where to “nd it. A better lifeBABCOCKRANCH.COM 877-484-4434 LIFE WASNT MEANT TO BE EXPERIENCED THROUGH YOUR DRIVERS SIDE WINDOW. adno=716447


Herald Page 4 Friday, March 24, 2017 John R. Wright PG ChamberJohn R. Wright is president of the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce. Contact him at jrwright@ Punta Gorda Chamber has a very busy few days and weeks ahead, as we are heavily involved in a wide variety of programs and events taking place in and around our city. We are working very hard to dispel a somewhat long-standing perception that Punta Gorda is a sleepy, non-small business-friendly kinda place. It has long been our mission to attract visitors and residents alike from our surrounding communities to enjoy what we have to offer and to encourage them to look at us as a potential, more permanent destination. Starting this Sunday at Laishley Park, well be helping the Punta Gorda Rotary Club as they present the 10th annual Taste of Punta Gorda event from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Entry is $4 with proceeds bene“ting the Rotarys Charity and Education Fund. Look for us at the beer tent, pulling your pints and making you merry. Then on Tuesday, March 28, we arrive at the Turtle Club on Marion Avenue at 6 p.m. to copresent a scotchand bourbon-tasting with appetizers to bene“t the Friendship Centers of Charlotte County. Join us as we sample eight varietals of scotch and bourbon, listen to the beautiful strains of Tony Boffa and raise money for an incredible need in our community. Tickets are $65 per person and can be purchased at www.friendship or by calling 941-556-3205. On Thursday, March 30, we travel to Isles Yacht Club, 1780 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, as co-sponsor of a Shark TankŽ-style event, where “ve Southwest Florida companies will make their pitches to seasoned investors and an audience as they compete for up to $50,000 in equity investment. VenturePitch SWFL will take place from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. The Southwest Florida-based companies making their pitches to investors and the audience are: € BooqSmart ( of Cape Coral, € Frontline Equipment Technologies LLC ( of North Port, € Green Leaf International LLC (green lea“ of Sarasota, € Island Rescue Ltd. ( of Sarasota and € Morgan Manufacturing ( of Fort Myers. Tickets cost $65 per person or $550 for a corporate sponsorship table of eight people. Order tickets online at www. For more information about sponsorships, call 239-262-5248. The VenturePitch series is part of the Tamiami Angel Funds ( initiative to build a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem from Sarasota to Naples.Dont miss Third Annual Blues, Brews and BBQJust a short while now until our Third Annual Blues, Brews and BBQ event on April 8, starting at 1 p.m., on the great lawn next to the Tiki Bar at the Four Points by Sheraton, Punta Gorda. Randy McAllister will be returning for an encore headliner performance. McAllister is a master of the blues and his barefoot, multi-instrument performance is quite a sight to be seen. Joining him will be Mike Imbasciani and the Bluez Rockerz and Deb and the Mechanics „ a great blues lineup of three incredible bands. At the festival, you get to sample an abundance of craft ales, listen to incredible music and savor both the views and the barbecue selections that are brought into the festival. Our partner Peace River Distributing is promising 90-plus craft ales to sample. Itll be quite a day! The ticket price is $30, which includes all your beer samples and great entertainment by the three acts. Food and extras are for your own purchase. Tickets are released for purchase and you can “nd them in the shopping cart of www.puntagorda or by calling the of“ce at 941-639-3720. As an opener to that Saturdays festivities, we welcome you to a very special Friday night street party, which will take place in front of the Historic Courthouse steps on Taylor Street starting at 6 p.m. Friday, April 7, as we bring the BoogieMen to our stage for a free-admission event, that will surely lead to dancing and revelry in the streets. Beer and wine will be available for purchase, with 50 percent of our proceeds going to the Fred Lang Foundation that look to us to fund a suicide-prevention program for the high school kids of Charlotte County. Come join us that night for some dancing under the stars in full knowledge that your contribution to the evening will be going to an incredibly important local cause. Please spread the word, gather your friends together and boogieŽ on down to join us for this very special musical event. Well be singing and dancing the night away until 9:30 p.m., with the gracious support of our Downtown Merchants group.April brings Sullivan Street Arts and Craft FairAlso, just around the corner on April 1-2, we bring back the Sullivan Street Arts and Craft Fair „ 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Come to this great event, stroll the streets, chat with your neighbors and meet new friends at this always packed event. Vendors booths start at the Sullivan Street/Retta Esplanade intersection, heading south to Virginia, along Sullivan Street. We are promised artisans from around the country, displaying every type of art medium. NetworkingJoin us at noon, Wednesday, March 29, at Burnt Store Grill, 3941 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda, for our March networking luncheon event. Networking for the “rst 30 minutes, with the lunch program portion staring at 12:30 p.m. Cost: $15. All new members welcome. To RSVP, call 941639-3720 during regular of“ce hours. A city that promotes business, helps charitiesCONTACT THE CHAMBERFor more information about events listed in this column, contact the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce at 941-639-3720 or visit www.puntagorda While on the chambers website, dont forget to sign up for the Friday FactsŽ newsletter. business news Nature Walk in Shell Creek Preserve from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Join Florida Master Naturalists John Phillips and Jamie Reynolds as they lead us through this area of Longleaf Pine ”atwoods, scrub and hardwood hammocks along Shell Creek. Voluntary donations to the Sierra Club are always gratefully accepted. Details: 941-639-7468.MONDAY, MARCH 27Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer Jim Daniels from noon to 3 p.m. and acoustic music by Waterhigh from 4 to 7 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.TUESDAY, MARCH 28Meet Luna, the leucistic screech owl from Peace River Wildlife Center, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Fishermens Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. Live music at Fishermens Village: Vladimir Gorodkin from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Danny Beach from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Guitar Army from 5 to 9 p.m., both in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. The Italian Heritage Social Club is the host for a pasta dinner and an evening of karaoke music by Don and Jo from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 118 Sullivan St., Punta Gorda Cost: $8 members and their guests. Dinner includes pasta, meatballs, salad, dessert, coffee, iced tea (BYOB). RSVP: 941-235-3303. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day will be held from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Punta Gorda Vietnam Memorial Wall, 100 Nesbit St., Punta Gorda. The Punta Gorda Elks Lodge 2606 will honor and give tribute to those military veterans who served during this war. The DoD has developed a Commemorative Partners Program in which local organizations participate to distribute the Vietnam veterans collector lapel pins and a packet to give tribute and honor to those veterans who served. This event is open to the public at no charge. Veterans wishing to receive the pin are required to preregister by sending an email to Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer/guitarist Michael Hirst from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Center Court and Vladimir Gorodkin from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda.THURSDAY, MARCH 30Live music at Fishermens Village: Vladimir Gorodkin performs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and singer Paul Rousch from noon to 3 p.m. in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. New York Times bestselling author B. A. Shapiro comes to Copper“sh Books, 103 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, at 6 p.m. to talk about her latest book, The MuralistŽ (now in paperback), published by Algonquin Books. To reserve a seat, call 941-205-2560 or email copper“sh There is no charge to attend. Additional information is available at www.copper“, MARCH 31Meet Luna, the leucistic screech owl from Peace River Wildlife Center, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Fishermens Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. Live music at Fishermens Village: Singer/guitarist Michael Hirst from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. near Good Ol Days Coffee, Danny Beach from noon to 3 p.m. and trop rock music with Sunny Jim White from 5 to 9 p.m. in Center Court, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. Paddle Shell Creek from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is the longer upstream paddle to the shallows and Cypress Knee Garden. Take your lunch. Escorted by Florida Master Naturalist Rick Fried. Participants must provide PFD, watercraft and be able to swim. Voluntary donations to Sierra Club are gratefully accepted. Reserve: 941-637-8805.HAPPENINGSFROM PAGE 2 SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORES Open: Mon. Sat. 9am 5pm 1048 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda Call To Schedule A Pickup For Large Furniture & Appliances (941) 637-1981 DONATIONS NEEDED! Your donation makes a big differenceŽ Please Donate Clean, Usable Items. adno=50511041 Now accepting pick up in Arcadia. All money received from donations in Arcadia will be utilized to assist DeSoto County residents in need. Charlotte County to assist people in need in Charlotte County. adno=716917


Friday, March 24, 2017 Herald Page 5 PHOTO PROVIDEDMeet our pretty Pasha, a 2-year-old champagnecolored pittie. She is the sweetest mama dog ever „ all about love and cuddles. Pasha enjoys spending her days behind our front desk where she gets plenty of attention from all who pass by. The Animal Welfare League of Charlotte County is at 3519 Drance St., Port Charlotte. All animals are microchipped, spayed or neutered and are current with their shots prior to adoption, including rabies. The shelter is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. seven days a week. To view some of the adoptable pets, visit Pet of the Week PRWC Donation of the WeekThe Peace River chapter of ABATE includes motorcycling enthusiasts from all walks of life who give back to the community through various endeavors. During a recent ride to Peace River Wildlife Center, members brought a plethora of donated items that the resident and patient animals need on a daily basis. Peace River Wildlife Center is a nonpro“t organization dedicated to the care, preservation and protection of Charlotte Countys native wildlife since 1978. They are open seven days a week, year-round, including holidays. Tours are offered from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Injured animal intake is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PRWC receives no federal or state funding and relies entirely on private donations. For more information, visit, email PeaceRiverWildlife@, call 941-637-3830 or visit them at 3400 Ponce de Leon Pkwy. (GPS address: 3400 W. Marion Ave.), Punta Gorda.PHOTO PROVIDEDMembers of the Peace River Chapter of ABATE Your TRADITIONSYour RETIREMENT Shell Point takes care of what you need...your healthcare, your home, and your retirement you can enjoy what matters most. 15 15 15 15 1 5 15 1 15 1 10 10 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sh Sh S Sh Sh Sh S Sh S Sh S el el el l l el l el l l l l l l l l l l Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po P P P in in i in in i t t t t t t t t t Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo B B l ul l ul l ul ev ev ev ev ev ev ev v v v v v v ar a ar ar a a a a a a a d d d d d d d d € € Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo F r r rt rt r M M M M M M M M M ye ye ye ye ye ye ye y y y y y rs r rs , , Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl Fl l or or o o or or or o id id id d id a a a a a a a a 33 33 33 33 33 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 90 90 90 90 90 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh h h h h h el el el el el l l e l l l l l l l l l l P Po Po Po Po P in in in in in i i n n t t t t t t t is is is is s s is s s l l l l l oc oc oc oc a at at at at at at t a a ed ed ed ed ed d ed d ed d ed j j j j us us us us s s t t t t t t t t o o o o o o o o S S S S S um um m um um m u m m me me me me me e m m m m m rl rl rl rl in in in in n in n n n n R R R R R R oa oa oa oa oa o oa o o d d d d d in in in in in in in i n n n Fo Fo Fo Fo o Fo Fo Fo Fo F F r rt rt rt rt M M M M M M M M M M M M M ye ye ye ye ye ye e ye y y y y rs rs r r rs r r rs , , 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 mi mi mi mi mi mi i mi mi i i i le le le le le le le e l s s s s be be be be be be be be be e b e e fo fo fo fo fo fo o o o re re re re r re r r r r r t t t t he he he he he he he he he e e e S S S S S S an an an an an a a a a a a a ib ib ib ib b el el el el el el e el e el el el C C C C C C C C C C au au au au a au au au se e e e se e e wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa w a y. y y. y y y y y y. She Sh She She She She S S Sh he ll ll l l Poi Poi Poi Poi oi oi i oi o nt nt nt nt nt nt n n is is is is s a n a n a n a n a a a a onp onp onp onp p p np p p p ro“ ro“ ro“ ro“ ro“ ro ro ro r t m t m t m m m tm m m m m ini ini in ini i str str str str str y o y o y o y o y o y o y o o y f T f T f T fT T T T T he he he he he he h h e h h Chr Chr Chr Chr r ist ist ist ist ist ist ist ist st s ian ian ian ian ian an i an an a an an an a a d M d M d M d M iss iss iss iss iss iss is s is i ion ion ion n on ion n ary ary ary ar ary a a a r Al Al Al Al Al lia lia lia lia lia ia a ia ia ia nc nce nce nce nce nce c n Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo F F F und und und und ati ati ati ati ati ati at t at at on, on, on, on, n In In In In In In n I I c. c. c. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 2 2 2 16 16 16 16 16 6 She She She She S S S S S ll ll ll Poi Poi Po Poi Poi Po Poi Po P nt. nt. nt. nt. t Al Al Al Al A A A A A A l r l r l r l igh igh igh h h h h h ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts t t t res res es res res s s s e erv erv erv e e e ed. ed. ed. ed. SL SL SL SL SL SL S S S S-3 S-3 S-3 S-3 S-3 S-3 3 -3 327 327 327 3 327 3 3 -17 -17 -17 -17 -17 17 7 7 7 7 7 7 Seating is limited, so reserve today; call (239) 228-4075 or 1-800-780-1131, and press 1 for Sales. If you prefer, you can reserve online at REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED CHOOSE THE DATE THAT WORKS BEST FOR YOUExplore Shell Point Today!Attend a Discovery Seminar S S ea a t t Tuesday, March 28 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 29 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 4 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 5 9:30 a.m. adno=50511297


Herald Page 6 Friday, March 24, 2017 Excerpts from 40 years ago Punta GordaDo you remember when?FROM OUR ARCHIVES Janine Smith 40 Years AgoJanine Smith writes about Punta Gordas historic past. Contact her at janinehs1@ from the Daily Herald-News from March 2430, 1977:I-75 task force meets MondayThe I-75 NOW task force will meet with transportation policy makers in Tampa on Monday. The NOW task force is a regional citizens committee which advocates completing the interstate highway system on the Southwest Coast as soon as possible. A delegation from Charlotte County includes Joyce Hindman, Edson Foster, Robert Hollander, Jack Lotz, H. Robert Reinhard and Corbin Wyant. The task force will tell the transportation policymakers of the urgent need for completing I-75 on the Southwest Coast, according to a task force press release. Ways of raising additional funds to expedite construction of the highway will also be discussed with legislators from Southwest Florida counties. And they plan to question Florida Transportation Secretary Tom Webb; senior executive assistant to the governor, James Tait; senate transportation committee chairman, Fred Jones; and other authorities. In addition, senior legislative aides Lawton Chiles and Richard Stone will make presentations on legislation they have co-sponsored to provide federal backed bonds to “nance construction of the interstate highway.Carrying a picture of her sonMrs. Marie Gipson, mother of Cmdr. Roy Howard Bowling in the Vietnam War, does not really feel any differentŽ from before. Cmdr. Bowling is one of the 12 U.S. airmen whose remains were returned by the Vietnamese government. Mrs. Gipson wants a positive identi“cation by the U.S. government.Nursing home drive beginsA local committee, concerned about the shortage of nursing home beds, has begun a public campaign which may result in a referendum on the issue. The situation is just impossible,Ž Mrs. Ruth Jones, of the State Welfare Departments Of“ce of Aging, said. Charlotte County does not have any place to put these people. The Punta Gorda Care Center has only eight beds available for Medicaid patients. Earlier this month we relocated four patients to Lake Wales.Ž According to statistics, because of the high number of elderly people in Charlotte County, there should be at least 200 available beds for nursing home patients.Hospital gets $10,000 Hospital aid in the form of $10,000 was presented to St. Joseph Hospital Administrator, Sister Mary Augustine by Mrs. Sylvia G. Cook, treasurer of the Charity Ball Committee; H. Robert Reinhard, Ball chairman; and George Noeth, assistant treasurer. The money was raised by the 13th Annual St. Joseph Hospital Charity Ball.Commitment key to good teachingPatricia Konover, teacher at Sallie Jones Elementary School, Punta Gorda, believes that the American Society has become increasingly complex and has seen changes occur more rapidly. Hopefully, the role of professional educators has remained constant within the often volatile framework of educational reform: A sincere commitment to providing the best possible learning opportunities for each child. An ongoing search for that is necessary, starting with preschool students. As the childs self-con“dence grows, he or she can develop a higher degree of independence and self-direction These are principal qualities for the rest of their lives. The key to successful education is commitment at everyones part.In serviceMarine Lance Cpl. Kenneth C. Boleyn has been promoted to his present rank. He is serving with the First Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, California. Lance Cpl. Boleyn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb M. Boleyn, Punta Gorda.Accordion virtuoso Floren playsAccordion virtuoso Myron Floren and a 10-piece orchestra will perform at a concert and dance tomorrow night as the “nal event of the Memorial Auditoriums New Horizons Celebrity Series. Making his third appearance in Charlotte County, Floren is familiar for his association with Lawrence Welk, the Champagne Music MaestroŽ Orchestra. Floren is recognized as one of the countrys most accomplished accordionists. He has been a favorite with Charlotte audiences since he “rst appeared in the 1974-75 Celebrities Series,Ž said Harry Nohrr, director of the auditorium.Wizard of Oz returnsThe immortal musical production of the Wizard of OzŽ for young and old is returning to the Charlotte Cultural Center Theatre on Sunday. The Cultural Center Childrens Theatre will present the show. Featured in the production is going to be Kathy Stuenkel as the Wicked Witch, Patty Lenox as Dorothy and Louise Winn as the Good Witch. Portraying the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion are Debbie Barbour, Laura Overland and Martha Reilly.Annual ABWA Membership TeaThe Annual Membership Tea of the American Business Womens Association, Punta Gorda, resulted in the enrollment of 20 new members in the Peace River Chapter. Welcoming the guests, among others, were Vi Phelps, Nina Bigley and Mercedes Calloway.Letters to the editor€ Dear editor: It surprises me that saccharin, which may cause cancer, will be banned. Cigarettes, which are known to cause cancer in men, get by with just a warning on the package.Ž „ A.L. Slack, Port Charlotte € To the editor: The Florida Nurses Association supports the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment which provided for equal rights for men and women under the U.S. Constitution.Ž „ Grace Chicken, president of District No. 41 Florida Nurses Association, member of the American Nurses Association.Quotes€ One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty councils. The thing to do is to supply light and not heat.Ž „ Woodrow Wilson, 28th U.S. president € I believe the “rst test of a truly great man is his humility.Ž „John Ruskin, English novelistTodays almanac€ March 1802: Establishment of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, was authorized by Congress. € March 23, 1965: Virgil GusŽ Grissom and John Young were launched from Cape Kennedy to become the “rst two-man American space team to go into orbit.Little League season beginsPresent Dallas Cowboy Burt Lawless threw the “rst ball to kick off the 1977 Punta Gorda Little League Season last night. On the receiving end was catcher Shane Graves.Guns and Hoses race planned SaturdayThe Charlotte County Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 66, will be the host for the second annual Guns and HosesŽ fallen heroes race on Saturday, March 25. The event starts at 7 a.m. and will end at 11 a.m. at Isles Fitness, 1133 Bal Harbor Blvd., Punta Gorda. Event includes a 10K, 5K and 1-mile fun walk. The race is a coordinated Public Safety Event which represents and benefits local fire and law-enforcement agencies including the Charlotte County Sheriffs Office EAF and the FOP organizations, whose primary role is to support local public safety families and the community. Race sign-ups take place online at or in person at Isles Fitness. COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEF Towles Plaza € 2705 Tamiami Trail € Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 FILL YOUR HOME WITH BEAUTIFUL D E C OR! The Cabana Furniture Consignment adno=50512933 Phone: 941.347.8413 € Cell: 941.286.8423 Monday Friday 10am-5pm € Saturday 10am-3pm Visit our all new retail Bits and Baubles. Something for Everyone! Ca l l i n g Al l Co n si g n o r s! W e a r e i n n e e d o f L a m p s Ar t W o r k A cc e s s o r i e s a n d M o r e Full Liquor Bar with Happy Hour Tues. Fri. 4-7pm Open for Lunch Tues. Sat. 11am-2:30pm Open for Dinner Tues. Thurs. 4pm-9pm Fri. & Sat. 4pm-10pm Sun 4pm-8pm 258 W. Marion Ave Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941-505-7897 adno=50511169 Now Open Come Enjoy Upstate New York ItalianA merican Cuisine In A Casual, Cozy Atmosphere!


Friday, March 24, 2017 Herald Page 7 The 7th annual Pub Crawl and food drive for the Harry Chapin Food Bank was once again a success. A total of 5,081 pounds of food was collected. Along with the food being collected, hundreds of participants enjoyed a beautiful day of great music and social interation and meeting new friends.Pub Crawl benefits Harry Chapin Food Bank Leslie Arslan from the Black Team is at Celtic Ray and ready for a beverage. Right: Members of Team Black at Celtic Ray catch a little shade before their next stop. Volunteer Mary Rosberg, Pub Crawl organizer Mike Colgan and volunteer Kent Rosberg take a short break outside of the Ice House Pub. Team Purple, Connie Eldridge, Keith Eldridge and Jessica Willsie-Coban, make a stop at Shortys II.HERALD PHOTOS BY DONNELL BATES Team Red parties at Shortys I. Left: Team Orange hangs out at Deans South of the Border.Community beat Donnell Bates PhotojournalistDonnell Bates is a freelance photographer. Contact her at CAYO COSTA DENTAL FREDERICK J. FOX III, DMD PA State-Of-The-Art Dentistry In Historic Punta Gorda 941-575-1446 316 W. Helen Ave., Punta Gorda ( 3/10 miles S. of Charlotte Harbor on US 41 Southbound) Mon.-Thurs. 8:00-4:00 € Fri. 9:00-12:00 Frederick J. Fox III, DMD PA Comprehensive Dental Examination (D0150), Full Mouth X-rays (D0210) and Consultation (D9310) *FREE 5 day whitening kit (D9972) after initial visit of exam, full set of x-rays and recommended cleaning. Does Not Include Panoramic Xray (D0330) and CT Scan (D3260) No cash value. Not to be used with any other offer. Call for details. Expires 3/31/2017 $ 99 SPRING NEW PATIENT SPECIAL FOR ADULTS $ 99 SPRING NEW PATIENT SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN Child Examination (D0150), X-rays (D0272 or D0274) and Child Prophy (D1120) Does Not Include Panoramic Xray (D0330) and CT Scan (D3260) New patients only, offer not valid with other discounts. (Please bring coupon). Expires 3/31/2017 UP TO 15 YEARS OF AGE FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION (D0485) Does Not Include Panoramic Xray (D0330) and CT Scan (D3260) New patients only, offer not valid with other discounts. (Please bring coupon). Expires 3/31/2017 0% financing with approved credit. adno=50509573 Preventive/Restorative € Periodontal Therapy € Crown & Bridge Root Canal Therapy € Teeth Whitening € Nitrous Oxide Available Laser Gum Therapy € Extractions € Dental Implants € Treatment of Halitosis € Oral Sedation/Anxiolysis D9230 Children Welcome New & Emergency Patients Welcome


Herald Page 8 Friday, March 24, 2017 Featuring fashions from Chicos in Fort Myers, the Twin Isles Country Club Womens fashion show was a sold-out event on March 13.Punta Gorda rolls out red HERALD PHOTOS BY BETSY WILLIAMSPictured, in back, are Susan Miller, Jane Washburn, Darcy Hall and Dianna Lurkens; in front, Michelle Rhees, Laura Felmore, Joanne Ziemer joined by Debbie Jurkowski, fashion coordinator from Chicos. Jane WashburnDianna Lurkens Right: Darcy Hall Model Michelle Rhees stops to visit with guests Jane Recine and Dianne Tufts. Marty Garvey, Cheryl Conner and Linda Anderson talk with model Laura Felmore. Left: Susan Gra, Deborah Luedtke and TICC Womens Club President Di Kandis, the women in charge of the event Dick Carr, president of the Vietnam Memorial Wall of Southwest Florida, presents a certicate of appreciation to the TICC Womens Club for a large donation. Tena Stow accepts the certicate. TWIN ISLES COUNTRY CLUB Betsy Williams PhotojournalistBetsy Williams is a freelance photographer. Contact her at HERALD PHOTOS BY SUE PAQUINCommittee Members: Pat Tyler, Becci Bartolomeo, Marie Geggis, Mary Stewart, Mary Frances Adair, Charlotte Boland, Vicki Murphy, Jude Dawes, Cheryl Bailey, Sandy Biell, Martha Higgins, LaVerne Tyler, Lois Arce and Gloria Walker Pam Schildknecht, Jean Menchen, Becky Ramos, Jac k Right: Rita Suarino and Mary Kelly Left: Pictured, seated, are Diane Signal and Ruth Poster; standing, Cheri Brandt, Pat Sabo, Barb St. Germain, Denise Anderson and Terri Rosen. ON THE COVER: Nancy Aaron, Linda Donnelly, Julie Conte and Maggie Coello ST. VINCENT DE P A Sue Paquin PhotojournalistSue Paquin is a freelance photographer. Contact her at Friday, March 24, 2017 Herald Page 9 carpet for fashion showsExperiencing a step back in time, featuring vintage fashions and accessories from the 1880s to 1930s collected over the past 30 years by Charlotte Todd, a tour of her Punta Gorda Isles home, lunch and interactive craft displays at the PGICA. The bene“t event, presented by Beyond Ourselves, was for the Peace River Wildlife Center and the Guardian ad Litem of Charlotte County. Fred Beyer wears sport fashions from the 1910 era. Right: Charlotte Todd with a 1910 Edwardian tea gown.HERALD PHOTOS BY BETSY WILLIAMSJoanne Lancaster, Roxy West, Priscilla Michaud and Marlene Hofer at the fascinator table. Kathy Strube and Donna Schlichting at the lace-making table. Nancy Creedon sips tea. Left: At the PGICA building, Nancy Suarez and Nancy Sharpless with handmade Tussie Mussies, aka Victorian nosegays. Barbara Barrett and Charlotte Todd Jill Beyer, Melanie Warden and Sue Grazier trying on vintage hats at the home of Charlotte Todd. Fashions similar to those worn by the younger Downton Abbey characters shown in Todds front room. BEYOND OURSELVES Sacred Heart Conference of St. Vincent de Paul was the host for a fashion show fundraiser at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center on March 9. Nearly 750 ladies attended. Each table was uniquely decorated in a different theme chosen by the hostessŽ of that table. The ladies could shop for clothing as well as take chances on the raf”e and silent auction. k ie Moreland and Sharon TuvayElaine Tirrel and Joan Woods Nancy Attalla, Denise Fisher, Bonnie Gee and Sue Springer pose with a cardboard cut-out Elvis. Mary Kelly, Karen Udwari, Darcy Hall, Cheree Wolnger and Cindi Johnston Sharon Tubay, Mary Stackel, Lea Oltrogge and Cindy Zeman A UL adno=716921 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES AVAILABLE IN PORT CHARLOTTE AND ARCADIA COUNSELING SUPPORT PSYCHIATRY Twin Rivers Pathways 4161 Tamiami Trail, Suite 302 Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Life Improvement Program Located on 3rd floor at DMH 900 N. Robert Ave. Arcadia, FL 34266 Call (941) 766-0171 to learn more! Most Advanced Technique in Cataract Surgery No Needles € No Stitch € No Patch Quick Recovery Christopher Stelly, MD Board Certified € Eye Physician & Surgeon Punta Gorda 3665 Tamiami Trail, Suite #101 575-9300 Accepting Medicare Assignment Over 5,000 cataract and laser surgeries performed. EYECARE & SURGERY CENTER of Southwest Florida adno=50509578 adno=50511058 24 HOUR WATER REMOVAL € Tile & Grout Cleaning € Air Duct Cleaning € Carpet Repair & Stretching € Oriental & Wool Rug Cleaning Specialist € Steam Cleaning € Rotary Scrub € Dry Cleaning CARPET, UPHOLSTERY & TILE CLEANING Punta Gorda/Port Charlotte 941.766.0115 WWW .H APPY H OME S ERVICES NET 10% OFF Full service grooming at no charge.We provide intake and adoption. We carry a full line of bird supplies from food to toys and cages. Tues…Fri 10…5, Sat 10…4, Sun & Mon by appointment only 1205 Elizabeth St., Unit I Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941-347-8876 Exotic Bird Rescue 501c3 Non-Profit Adopt! adno=50511037


Herald Page 10 Friday, March 24, 2017 The highlight of the solemn ceremony was the presentation of the ”ags of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard carried in by veterans. The small ”ags will ”y atop a long wall beneath a 35-foot pole bearing a large Stars and Stripes. On pedestals at either end of that wall and adjacent to the fountain pool itself, a smaller American ”ag and the Canadian ”ag will be displayed. Duane Gordon, who headed up the boat clubs memorial committee, said of the maple leaf ”ag of our northern neighbors, A lot of Canadians live in here. We wanted to honor their service and give them some acknowledgement, too. We wont ”y the smaller ”ags all the time; just during holiday ceremonies.Ž Duane came into adulthood between wars but learned respect for those who serve in the military from his father and had no problem devoting the time and effort to build the memorial. He said, My dad was a veteran, an artilleryman during the Korean war. He never would talk about it. Ive always ”own a ”ag since Ive been an adult.Ž He had plenty of help from his wife, Sheila, whose father served in World War II and mother became a Rosie the Riveter, and committee members Ken Fahrbach, who also donated the $7,000 ”agpole, Pat Garrett and Gene Kraese. In addition to honoring veterans, there was another reason the community worked together to support construction of the memorial „ pride. The scenic amenity at the entrance provides a beautiful centerpiece all residents can enjoy, and a blue Windmill Village ”ag will replace the American ”ag atop the pole when a resident of the over-55 community passes away. The member-owned nonpro“t that operates the community tossed in $9,000 for the memorial, and the boat club committee raised $16,000, mostly from the residents themselves. Sheila said, Were a proud community. We all watch out for each other and take care of each other. We joined together to do this.Ž Duane agreed, saying, The boat club has breakfast and dinner fundraisers to feed the community for $5 apiece. Its all done by volunteers, and we raise $300, $500 and put it all back in the community. We also raf”ed off boat rides and “shing rides for people without boats to enjoy. The community really supported this, and the whole community is proud of it. The committee and I are just tickled. Its an asset to the community. I was raised to believe in God, work hard, give back to charities and treat others like you want to be treated. ƒ I can leave this park and know it will have a lasting effect on my family.ŽFROM PAGE 1COVER STORY Gordon Bower Punta GordyGordon Bower is a freelance writer and photographer. Contact him at Windmill Village resident Bill Ferrigno plays the bagpipes. Committee members for the Veterans Memorial Tranquility Fountain are Ken Fahrbach, Duane Gordon, Gene Kraese and Pat Garrett. HERALD PHOTOS BY BETSY WILLIAMSLeft: Duane and Sheila Gordon at the ceremony. Flag presenters are U.S. ag, Don Miller; U.S. Army, Gary Bard; U.S. Marine Corps, Ron San Filippo; U.S. Navy, Ken Hagel; U.S. Air Force, Ken Mogle; Coast Guard, Doug Donovan; and the Canadian ag, Larry Smith. Below: All present who have served their country were invited to gather for a photo in front of the new Veterans Memorial Tranquility Fountain. Betsy Williams PhotojournalistBetsy Williams is a freelance photographer. Contact her at Doug Asbury, commodore of the Windmill Village Boat Club, was the emcee for the ceremony. Commissioner Chris Constance Members of the Punta Gorda American Legion Post 103 Honor Guard present the 21-gun salute and the playing of taps. This event is FREE! SATURDAY, MARCH 25 11:30 am adno=50511288 16480 Burnt Store Road 16480 Burnt Store Road Punta Gorda, FL 33955 Punta Gorda, FL 33955 (941) 505-1624 (941) 505-1624 €All Ages €Photos OK €Costumes Welcome adno=50511310


Friday, March 24, 2017 Herald Page 11 adno=50509416


Herald Page 12 Friday, March 24, 2017 Luna Fest „ a day of bluegrass and fun Peace River Wildlife Center volunteer Sue Gilleo holds the famous leucistic owl, Luna.HERALD PHOTOS BY DONNELL BATESMeagan Skubick has her photo taken with Maggie the owl. Maureen Elliott poses with Bella the owl. Right: Jim Reece brought his bluegrass musicloving buddy Copper, the wonder dog, along. Abive: Tom and Laura McDonald with Gail and Bernie Talbert Walt and Betsy Piotrowski chat with Dave Kilbon. Left: Albert and Nancy Roberts brought their two dogs for a relaxing afternoon of music. The Sawgrass Drifters, a bluegrass band, perform at Luna Fest.A bene“t for the Peace River Wildlife Center was held on Saturday, March 4. Luna Fest was held at the History Park in Punta Gorda. Luna, the famous leucistic owl, and a couple of her owl friends made an appearance for the dozens of people who attended. Southwind Bluegrass Band, the Bugtussle Ramblers and the Sawgrass Drifters performed for the crowd. Donnell Bates PhotojournalistDonnell Bates is a freelance photographer. Contact her at beat and see up to a thousand used cars. adno=715358


Friday, March 24, 2017 Herald Page 13 When you stop by Gabriele Childs studio and gallery on Olympia Avenue in Punta Gorda, be prepared for an experience. You might pass by the small white brick studio, but it deserves another look. From amazing mixed-media landscapes to shell-encased mirrors and candelabras and even a still life, your eyes wont know where to go “rst. Now Childs is adding to the collection and unveiling her “rst show in nine years. Transformations will focus on a new series of collaged handpainted papers with transformed images encased in polymer and mounted on textured board,Ž according to an invitation to her reception tonight. Even though the reception is by invitation-only, Childs is opening her studio for additional hours beginning Monday and going through April 26. Black & Gold,Ž a painting Childs created in 2013 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Animal Welfare League, will be offered for sale the night of the reception. Childs is donating the piece so the buyer will write the check to the AWL and receive an amazing piece of art. Charlotte Symphony Orchestras violinist, Brandis Godwin, will provide music for the event. Hors doeuvres and refreshments will be served. Im very excited about this series,Ž Childs said. Its brand-new work.Ž Transformations is a “tting name as Childs says art transforms her. It is so much a part of my life. It has given me peace, focus, escape and joy,Ž she said. Childs is happy to share about her love of art. Her “rst memories are of a washstand in her home in the Black Forest area of Germany where her uncle, her mothers brother, kept a little stack of watercolors. I would leaf through them,Ž Childs said. I grew up in a family that loved to cook so being creative was always there. I always sketched and drew, and I am a pretty good cook.Ž Childs says that she typically spends six to eight weeks on a piece. Art is a matter of solving problems „ the color, composition and subject matter.Ž Her professional career began in the 1990s. She shared a gallery and studied with an artist for 10 years in Colorado. I learned the basics. I was working in oils and realism. It taught me a lot.Ž She said she has painted with yarn a long time ago.Ž Childs has gained knowledge through working with many artists. One artist she named speci“cally was Nancy Robinson. The Transformations pieces are smaller than her typical works. They come in three sizes „ 12x16, 16x16 and 20x20. I wanted this to be compact and more interesting,Ž Childs said of the pieces. Take a look for yourself. Your idea of art might change for the better. Artist Childs unveils new show, Transformations SEE TRANSFORMATIONSArtist Gabriele Childs will be at her gallery, 251 E. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mondays through Wednesdays, March 27 through April 26, for those wishing to see her newest works. € INFORMATION: Email gchildsstudiogallery@ or call the studion at 941-575-1711. Michele Bellue PGH EditorMichele Bellue is editor of the Punta Gorda Herald. Contact her at or call 941-206-1010. arts scene HERALD PHOTOS BY MICHELE BELLUEGabriele Childs stands in front of one of her recent works, Escape.Ž Artist Gabriele Childs points out the dierent media used to create this landscape. These works are meant to be admired from both sides. Texture is an important part of the solid side. This piece created for the Animal Welfare Leagues 50th anniversary will be oered for sale at Gabriele Childs invitation-only art reception. adno=50510912 HAVE YOUR INSURANCE RATES GONE UP? Call Us Today Fo r a Free Policy Revi ew! Home € Flood € Auto € Boat € RV € Motorcycle € Umbrella We are an independent agency that represents many highly rated companies. 100 Madrid Blvd., Unit#111 € Punta Gorda, Fl 33950 adno=50512971


Herald Page 14 Friday, March 24, 2017 Charlotte Swish held a basketball skills camp during spring break at Charlotte High School. The Charlotte County-based youth basketball organization was established in 1999, and serves students in grades 4-11.Learning skills at Charlotte Swish basketball camp Charlotte varsity basketball coach Tom Massolio, along with Kenny Scribner and Rasheed Shackleford, work on their basketball skills while the campers warm up. They were trying to bounce one ball into each row on the ball rack. Tarpons coach Tom Massolio directs the teams to their courts for their games. Jordan Santiago, an eighth-grader at Punta Gorda Middle School, drives toward the basket during a three-on-three game. HERALD PHOTOS BY STEVE KNAPPQuaid Go, 12, puts up a shot before Jordan Attia, a fourth-grader at Deep Creek Elementary, can block it. Raeghan Fink, a second-grader at Meadow Park Elementary, shoots during the Charlotte Swish basketball skills camp. Steve Knapp Sports WriterSteve Knapp is a sports writer and photographer. Contact him at SPORTS HERALD PHOTOS BY STEVE KNAPPLeft: The Charlotte Tarpons sing Happy BirthdayŽ to Al Hausman on his 84th birthday. Hausman is one of the leaders and founders of softball in Charlotte County.Tarpons softball celebrates Hausmans 84th birthday Below: Al Hausman shows o the photo he received as a gift honoring his service in promoting Charlotte softball. FORT MYERS € CAPE CORAL € PUNTA GORDA € LEHIGH ACRES € NAPLES adno=50511301 (941) 621-4612 2705 Tamiami Trail Suite 216, Punta Gorda, FL adno=50511006 Cilantros Restaurant LATIN AMERICAN CUISINE 15% OFF TOTAL PURCHASE EXCLUDES SODA, WINE OR BEER Exp. 3-30-17 We CaterŽ Punta Gordas 2nd Latin Festival on April 15th, 1 to 9 pm 2016 Karaoke Every Saturday AYCE Buffet This Sunday Afternoon


Friday, March 24, 2017 Herald Page 15 Once again the Charlotte Tarpons used a combination of the strong right arm of Sydney Thomas along with some timely hitting and solid defense to shut out North Port 11-0 in their final game before spring break. Thomas had a Lawrence WelkŽ inning (a one, and a two, and a three) through the first three innings. The Bobcats touched her for a pair of singles in the fifth, but a three-run burst in the bottom of the fifth inning ended the game with the mercy rule in effect. All in all, it was a good win. Theyve got some ball players on that team and we did well against them. We still have some things to work on, we always will. Our outfield did a good job tonight with Jaedyn Stevens making a really nice catch out there. Great defense and great offense, thats how we play the game,Ž said Tarpons coach Tony Brannon. Cheyenne DeSotoŽ Torres led the way from her leadoff spot going 3-3, including a double, and scored three times. Paige Thompson scored twice as did Kailey Scott. Stephanie Vullo scored three times without the benefit of a hit. She had a first-inning walk and in her third at-bat she was hit by a pitch and scored. In the fifth inning she scored on a double error to end the game. Charlotte opened the game with three runs in the first as lead-off hitter Torres was hit by a pitch, Vullo drew a walk and Thompsons triple drove in two runs. Thompson scored on a base knock by Krystle Byrne. The fourth inning gave the Tarpons some breathing room as they dented the dish five times. They used four singles, a hit batter and a Bobcat error to boost their lead to 8-0. The game ended with no outs in the fifth as Scott singled to start the inning. Torres doubled her into scoring position. They both scored as Vullo was safe on an error. With the ball flying all around the infield, Vullo motored around the bases on another throwing error and kept running until she scored and gave the Tarpons another victory.Thomas two-hitter shuts out North Port HERALD PHOTOS BY STEVE KNAPPCharlottes Sydney Thomas took a no-hitter into the fth inning for the second time this season and ended with a two-hitter, just as she did at Lemon Bay earlier this season. Charlotte shut out North Port 11-0. First baseman Stephanie Vullo drives this pitch to the second baseman who made an error. Vullo kept running as there was another error on the same play and scored the nal run in the 11-0 win. Vullo scored three times without the benet of a hit in the win over North Port. Tarpons Coach Tony Brannon gives some advice to Krystle Byrne with a couple of runners on base. Charlotte shut out North Port 11-0. Steve Knapp Sports WriterSteve Knapp is a sports writer and photographer. Contact him at SPORTS PHOTO BY INGRID SIMKEMeet Dixie, an 8-year-old boxer/Rhodesian ridgeback mix, weighing 68 lbs. She has a lovely face that lights up when she is engaging with people of all ages. She is an energetic and playful girl. Dixie loves attention and particularly enjoys a good belly rub. She is very well-trained. She is a real water dog that loves a swim in a pool and bath time. She also loves a car ride to the dog beach. Dixie has happily lived with another dog and a cat. She is very easy to be with and will make a family very happy!Suncoast Pet of the Week April 8 t h 2017 On the Great Lawn behind Four Points by Sheraton, Punta Gorda, right on the water, shade available, from 1 PM to 6 PM there will be 90+ brews to sample from Florida and National Breweries. The Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to present the Blues music of Grammy-nominated Texan singer/song writer Randy McAllister, Deb & The Dynamics and Mike Imbasciani and his Bluezrockerz. Tickets for this event are AVAILABLE NOW by entering the Online Payment Center at or by calling 941-639-3720 during regular business hours. Tickets: $30 p/p plus tax Gate opens at 12:30 PM music from 1:00 to 6 PM Special festival craft beer sampling cup. Blues Music, Local Brews & Hot-out-of-the-Smoker BBQ THIRD ANNUAL adno=50509523 Friday Event Kick Off to Blues, Brews & BBQ Boogie at the Courthouse Steps on Taylor Street April 7, 2017 6-10 pm Featuring the BoogieMen Free Admission Saturday Event 1:00-6 PM Brews provided by local craft beer brewers, BBQ and other foods by local BBQ specialists. MUSIC BY Randy McAllister and the Scrappiest Band in the Motherland Deb & The Dynamics Mike Imbasciani and his Bluezrockerz w VIP Sponsors: The Captains Table Harpoon Harrys Laishley Crab House Event Sponsors:


Herald Page 16 Friday, March 24, 2017 adno=50509508


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Owners doubled the storage, electric & lighting, doubled the RO on drinking water! High impact windows thruout! Gutters all around! Poolplanned, with pool bath and outside shower already in place. Large lanai with porcelain tile overlooking serene backyard setting! NOTHING COMPARABLE AT THIS PRICE! $264,900 PATTY GILLESPIERemax Anchor 941-875-2755 1010 OPEN HOUSE 03/24/17 OPEN SAT 9-12 SUN 12-3 4300 Riverside Dr. Lot #22 Punta Gorda 2012 Jacobsen 268Ž x 564Ž Home Has 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bath,s Den, Living Room, Dining Room, Eating Island in Kitchen & Laundry Room. Many Additional Built-Ins. 14 Wide Carport w/ Decorative Driveway & a 14 x 16 Line & Insulated Shed. $159,900 OPEN SUN. 1pm-3pm701 AQUIESTA#30, BUTTONWOODVILLAGEPUNTAGORDAREMOD-ELED3/2/CP, 2,000SF, NEWROOF, NEWFLOORS, APPL. INCL. CLUBHOUSE, POOL. & MORE! $115,000. (941)-740-0389 OPEN SUN. 1PM-4PM 131 FLAMINGORD. SOUTHVENICE3/2/2, 1700SF. SPACIOUSLIVING. MOVEINREADY! 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Waterfront Gulf Access, Dock, Pool Updated 3BR/2BA open concept on cul-de-sac w/ Beautiful Views! $229,900 (941)-426-7291 Open House Sat 12-4 40 Colony Point Dr Punta Gorda Harbor Front w/6 mile water view protected sail boat water All amenities $1,499,000 MLS C7236740 John Bockin ReMax Harbor Realty OPEN MON.-FRI. 11AM-5PM, SAT. 1PM-5PM 195 HARBOR BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 Oversized Garage, Driveway, Designer Ceiling, Travertine, Solid Wood Cabinetry, Granite, Vessel Sinks, Impact Glass, Spray Foam Insulation & Upgraded Fixtures! MODEL HOME $235,000 Call Janice 941-258-3739 ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! 1010 OPEN HOUSE 4410 WARREN AVE #213 OPEN BY APPT. ONLY PORT CHARLOTTE FSBO Harbour Village Condo 2Bd 2Ba ON Myakka River. Fully Furnished including NEW Appliances! $179,900.00 Call Marty 508-769-0619 742-H AVENIDA ESTANCIA #112 VENICE *TURNKEY* OPEN HOUSE BY APPT ESTANCIASOFCAPRIISLESVERYDESIRABLE2BR/2BA ENDUNITWITHLOTSOFSUNLIGHTANDGREATGOLF COURSEVIEWS. Debra Villari 609-458-4627Berkshire Hathaway Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITYWEINVITEYOUTOVISITOURRESORT, HAVEACUPOF COFFEEANDTOURAHOME ORTWO. BAYINDIESCOMMUNITYWHERERESORTLIVINGISALLDAY, EVERYDAYANDCANBETHENEXTRESIDENCEFORYOU.950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 Aged Qualified PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 And BAY LAKE ESTATES 1200 COLONIA LN. EAST Nokomis, FL 34275 941-485-2555TWO55+ RESORTSOFFERING AWIDEVARIETYOFHOMES. BOTHLOCATIONSARE2 MILES FROMTHEBEAUTIFULBEACHESBAYLAKEORBAYINDIES,YOUCHOOSEWHICHLIFESTYLEISRIGHTFORYOU!!! 1010 OPEN HOUSE 196 ANNAPOLIS LANEROTONDA WESTImmediate Occupancy 2/2/1 canal pool home in deed restricted Rotonda. Fresh paint, new carpeting, new double pane windows and updated bathrooms make this home move in ready. $179,900 with a $1500 buyer rebate if purchased through Fla Golf Properties 941-698-4653FLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 UNDER CONTRACT 26336 NADIR RD #4 DEEP CREEKUNDER CONTRACTŽ 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Upper level end unit w/ 20' ceiling and skylights. Bird's nest view over the 10th green of golf course. $119,900.00with a $1000 buyer rebate if purchased through Fla Golf Properties 941-698-4653FLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Sp irit of U.S. Policy For The Achieve ment Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourag e And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Ob taining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familia l Status Or National Origin.Ž REAL EST A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! Findthe perfect companion inthe Classifieds! Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds!


Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, March 24, 2017 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NORTH PORT ENCHANTING DOLLHOUSE ON HUGE LOT IN THE HEART OF NORTH PORT. 2/1 + den/office. NEW laminate floors, NEW roof, freshly re-stuccod exterior, NEW electrical panel, NEW hot water heater, NEW carport, NEW kitchen range and microwave. Extended drive-way. Public water & sewer! No deed restrictions! Conveniently located near Warm Mineral Springs, shopping and restaurants. REDUCED $104,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 PENDING C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NORTH PORT LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! 2183 Hopwood Rd Mere minutes from schools, parks, shopping and dining, with quick access to I-75, world-class fishing and golf! Move-in-ready 1300 SF '05 3/2/2 with open split floor plan, NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! OWNER IS SITTING ON A SUITCASE WAITING TO MOVE. HURRY! $167,000 Patty Gillespie, REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE $29,995 Oakview Estates 6 Months discounted Rent $199 a month All Offers Expire 06/30/17 844-8372393 EHO FREE LIST OF ALL HOMES ANYPRICE...... ANYAREAGREGORYH. UZZLEPA. BROKERASSOCIATEEST: 1987 DIRECT 727-992-5133 REALTYEXECUTIVESAMERICA, INC. CERTFORECLOSUREAGENTS GreatDealsin theClassifieds! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE DEEP CREEK Golf Course Only available new home on Deep Creek golf course. Gorgeous view, beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 car garage, 2,000 sq.ft. Completion date 4/17 $329k, 941-626-7682 ENGLEWOOD 2Br/2Ba/2Cg, w/ Lg. scr. lanai. Prestigious Windward, Cape Haze, $210,000 Principals 941-214-5285 CLASSIFIED ADSSELL 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE DEEP CREEK 3/2.5/2 545 Encarnacion St, Punta Gorda, FL 33983 Gorgeous 2 story home with LOTS of upgrades with over 3300 sq.ft. of living space. A MUST SEE! Listed by: BARNES & PHILLIPS REAL ESTATE $279,000 941-676-2626 DEEP CREEK3/2/2 All updated, 2279sq., Pool & Landscape, Travertine floors, Waterfall garden, and much much MORE! Kim McIntyre Remax Anchor 941-661-3153 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE 3 DAY CLOSINGS! I BUY HOUSES FAST CASH!941-270-3840 DEEP CREEK 26180 Copiapo Circle 33983. Just Completed! New Construction! 3/2/3 + Den. 1875 sq. ft. Granite, Tile Floors, Wood Cabinets, Crown Moulding, Tray Ceilings. Loaded w/ Upgrades! $269,900. 239-826-5440


Friday, March 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 3 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Perfect snow bird location. FSBO call for viewing. $209,900 217-369-0436 NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PRICE REDUCED PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2.5 Fully Furnished Waterfront Condo Boasting Private Gated Grounds, Pool, Spa, Tropical Landscape. Close to All! Wood Cabinets, Granite Counters, 1831 sf. Private Waterfront Lanai. Private Docks Available. $299,000. Elaine Martin, Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 PENDING!! PUNTA GORDA 2/2 Fully Furnished Condo w/ Community Pool! Now is the Time to Buy! Supurb Location, Walk to Fishermen`s Village, Watch the Sunsets, Walk to Gilchrist Park. $244,000. Elaine Martin, Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2 WATERFRONTINC. DOCK&LIFTQUICKACCESSTOHARBOR! $189,900 BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2/1 FIRST FLOOR Waterfront Condo w/ Tray Ceilings, Crown Moulding, Granite Counters, Custom Paint, Deeded Dock w/ 10K Lb. Boat Lift, Hurricane Shutters, New A/C, Community Pool, Preserve View & Great Sunsets! $295,000. Elaine Martin, Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 PUNTA GORDA ISLES Beautiful 2/2 Waterfront Condo w/ Deeded Dock in the Desirable Gateway Complex! Stunning Split Bedroom Interior w/ Remodeled Kitchen, Lots of Closet Space & Lanai Balcony. Quick Access to Charlotte Harbor & the Peace River! $183,500. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE CHARLOTTE HARBOR 3/2.5 5119 Melbourne St. End Unit w/ Lots of New Updates Incl. New Carpet & Wood Laminate Flooring.Nice Harbor View! All Appl. Stay, 2 Lanais 765-650-1379 DEEP CREEK LAKE FRONT 2BR/2BA+ den & cp 1250sf, Built in 2005 New tile carpet & paint. Only $139,900. 941-268-6820 DEEP CREEK Rarely & Lightly Used 3/2/CP End Unit Condo Shows Like New! Spacious, Nicely Appointed Kitchen Offers Lots of Counter & Cabinet Space. Volumn Ceilings, Tile Balcony Lanai, Heated Pool, Clubhouse, Fitness Center, Walking Paths & MORE! $149,750. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! DEEP CREEK In Heritage Park 3/3/2 2nd Floor Condo/Villa w/ Phenomenal Lake View. Elevator, Den, Eat-In Kitchen w/ Breakfast Bar, Sizable Master Suites w/ Twin Walk-In Closets. Brand New Carpet! Htd. Pool, Stunning Clubhouse, Fitness Ctr., Tennis & MORE! $239,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty HERITAGE OAK PARK-PC 3/3 1463 SQFT. 2NDFLOORENDUNIT. VAULTEDCEILINGS, ONCANAL. LIKENEW. POOL/CLUB-HOUSE. REDUCED $169,900 941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY LAKE SUZY This 3/2.5/3 Spectacular Home is Located in Kingsway Country Club on a Premium Lakefront, Golf Course Lot w/ Over $132K in Upgrades! WOW! Incredible Great Room, Wrap Around Wet Bar Lanai w/ Hot Tub. Quartz Counter Kitchen, Master Suite w/ Jetted Massage & Rain Shower. Pristine Insided & Out! Air Conditioned Workshop w/ Golf Cart Entrance. Lots of Storage! $359,900. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES NORTH PORT6289 Morning Ave. This charming well kept home is located on the Big slough canal. Updated electric panel, A/C & roof two years old, still under warranty. $195,000. TERRYL CARL, KW on the Water 941-962-7922 PLACIDA4/2/2+Pool ICW, Big Views,Dock,2 Lifts RV garage,2 Suites,kitchens Granite, Tile, $1,100,000 Sue and Jim RESKE PARSLEY-BALDWIN REALTY 941-276-4219 PORT CHARLOTTELOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Beautiful Remodeled 3/2/2 Heated POOL Home on 3 Cul-de-Sac Lots w/ Panoramic View of the Myakka River & Paar Waterway! Open Kitchen, Family Room w/ Fireplace, Walk-in Closet in Master Suite. Seawall, Dock & Lift. $570,000 Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty REDUCED! T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! ROTONDA 3/2/2 Waterfront home with large fenced in yard Furniture and Appliances incl $195,000 941-662-6250 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESAT& SUN1-4PMORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLY$179,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PUNTAGORDA, BURNTSTOREMEADOWS. BRANDNEW3/2.5/3 POOLHOME. LOTSOFUPGRADES! REDUCED$339,900BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY PUNTA GORDA-55 + Res. Owned Windmill Village, Free Boat Slip Available. Built in 2013. 1484 SF, 2/2/CP Den, SS Appl., W/D, Custom Shower in Master. Take a Look You Will Be Surprised! $209,000. 941-655-8334 SOUTH VENICE3/2/1, 27`X37` LANAIW/ ADD`LKITCHEN. TILECOUNTERSINHOUSEKITCHEN. FENCEDYARDINPRIVATESETTING. ALLAPPL. INCL. 5 MIN. TOBEACH! LOTSOFROOMTOENTERTAIN! $222,900. 941-497-4030 SOUTH VENICE2 NEW HOMES TO BE BUILT! 3/2/2 SPLITPLAN. NEARBEACHYETQUIETAREA! CLOSE TOAMENITIES! STILLTIMETOPICKYOURCOLORS& OPTIONS! $280KSARASOTAREMODELINGINC.941-893-7326 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES ESTATE ON LEMON BAY 4 BED, 3-1/2 BATH, OVERSIZED3-CARGARAGE, ANDLARGE ATTACHEDLUXURYGUEST APARTMENT. 180 DEGREE VIEWSOVERWIDESTPARTOFLEMONBAY. NEWHIGHEST QUALITYDESIGNERPOOLAND SPAWITHCABANABATH. NEWHEAVYDUTYDOCK. THIS DESIGNERINTENSIVEHOME SHOWSLIKEAFEATURED PROPERTYINARCHITECTURALDIGEST. VIEW VIDEO & MORE AT:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFO$1,259,000 SHOWNBYAPPOINTMENTONLY. OWNERFINANCINGPOSSIBLE. 941-769-0200 ADVERTISE! HACIENDADELMARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT LIVING IN CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA.GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLELIVING RIGHTONTHEBAYANDICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW, VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ. FT. 2 BED/2.5BATHS. TOTALLYHURRICANEPROOF,NEWERCONSTRUCTION. DESIGNER TURNKEYFURNISHED& ACCESSORIZED. FULLLAUNDRYAND GARAGE. HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS, FITNESSANDMORE! CALLFORFREE BROCHURE. ONLY$359,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOPOSSOWNER FINANCE941-769-0200 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE BRAND NEW 3/2/2 Homes $189,900 $194,900 HENRY GUSTAF A CLEAR CHOICE REALTY941-204-8213 PORT CHARLOTTE FL LIFESTYLE IS EPITOMIZED IN THIS 1700 SF 2/2/2 CANAL-FRONT POOL HOME ON LUSHLY LANDSCAPED LOT IN MUCH SOUGHTAFTER SECTION OF PORT CHARLOTTE! WHOLE-HOUSE ACCORDIAN HURRICANE SHUTTERS! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! Solar-Heated Screened /Caged Pool Overlooking Tranquil Freshwater Canal. Quiet neighborhood featuring beautiful homes with easy access to shopping, restaurants, world-class fishing and golf. $199,900 Patty Gillespie RE/MAX Anchor 941-875-2755 PORT CHARLOTTE Sec 15 143 Appian Street 3/2.5/2 Pool Home, 2282 sqft., New Paint, Tile, Bathrooms, Cabinets, Lighting, S.S. Appliances, Large Fenced Lot, .50 acre, Hurricane shutters. Newer A/C. Was $314,000, Now $278,000 801-776-0059 $40,000 Improvements PORT CHARLOTTE SNOWBIRDS Take a Look! Here`s a Chance to Own a Sparkling 3/2/2 At a Great Price! Only 8 Years Old, Tip-Top Shape! Even a Private Boat Launch! $169,900. Call 239-434-2076 PORT CHARLOTTE Squeakly Clean 3/2/1 with New Roof! Quick Access to What You Need! Great Starter Home or 2nd Home For Snowbirds. All Appliances Stay. Nice Screened Lanai, Partially Fenced. $134,595. Richard Lundgren, Horizon Realty International of Venice 941-276-0029 PUNTA GORDA BURNT STORE MEADOWS 7505 CORALTREE. NEW HOME. 3/2/2 POOL, GRANITEANDTILE. $279,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! PUNTA GORDA PEACE RIVERSHORES ,163 Dee Pl 33982, 5/8 acre fenced in Shed & Carport, 2+ Bdrms, 1 1/2 Bths, Lg Laundry Rm, New cabinets, Tile countertops. Large Shed wired 240V, $129,000. 941-628-6496 REDUCED 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE NOKOMISCALUSA LAKES PRIVATE3 BEDROOM, 3 FULL& 2 PARTIALBATHS, 2 CARGARAGE, POOL HOMEONGOLFCOURSE! 4100 SF. NEWFLATTILEROOFIN2015! OFFICE& MORE!! $695,000. DOUGPARKS, MICHAELSAUNDERS& CO. 941-400-9087 NORTH PORT 2509 Cartright LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 1500 SF 3/2/2 WITH ENCLOSED LANAI on FENCED CORNER LOT. Minutes to all amenities, schools, I-75. PAMPERED BEAUTY! ROOMY COMFORT! This house is devoted to everyday enjoyment in a choice neighborhood! $173,000 Patty Gillespie REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 REDUCED! NORTH PORT 1684 Ruiz St., Immaculate turn-key furnished 06 Windermere Ashwood Model. 1850 SF 3/2/2 with formal living room + family room, formal dining room + breakfast nook. Top-of-the-line furniture included. All you need is your toothbrush and clothing and youre ready to start living the Florida Dream! $225K Firm Patty Gillespie, REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 PENDING Classified=Sales PORT CHARLOTTE SHANGRI-LA! 1161 Presque Isle Dr. Absolutely STUNNING tranquil low-maintenance back yard highlights this immaculate 2000+ SF 3/2/2 AND detached 1-car garage (with remotes) on 1400 SF fully fenced corner lot in one of P ort Charlotte's finest neigh borhoods. Totally redone and updated five years ago! NOT in flood zone! No deed restrictions! City Water! AWESOME ESCAPE FROM THE ORDIN ARY! $199,900 P atty Gille spie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 PENDING PORT CHARLOTTE 12588 Chamberlain Blvd, Light, bright, airy open floor plan in this 2006, 1600 SF 3/2/2 on oversized lot Screened garage and front entry! Hurricane shutters! Extended granite counter tops, and breakfast bar! SS appl!All tile thruout, except bedrooms! Walk-in closets in all bdrms! NEW AC! $199,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 P a r k L i k e S e t t i n g PORT CHARLOTTE 362 LASAYETTEDR. 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATHHOMEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHEN HASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1835 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!!


Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, March 24, 2017 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FOR ECON. BUILDS& NOFLOOD INSURANCEREQUIRED,FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 1600 BUSINESS FOR SALE NORTH PORT GREAT OPPORTUNITY Established Salon & Barber Business, Huge clientel, Serious only. 941-321-1184 1620 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY PORT CHARLOTTE7460 SAWYER CIRCLE 33981 OPPORTUNITY...OPPORTUNITY!!Zoned Low Intensity Industrial. 300`+ Road Frontage & 298` Deep. 2100 SF Office Reception Area, Conferance Room, Open Office Space, Kitchen, Storage Rm. Fenced on 3 Lots. Asphalt Parking Area, & MORE! Seller Wants Offers!Sue Ellen Fumich, 941-276-2894 or Sandi Kettler 941-276-5534Remax Anchor Realty THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment 2005 SERVICES WANT A BETTER JOB, GETAPROFESSIONALRESUMESARASOTA/CHARLCO. (570)-850-6050 2010 PROFESSIONAL MARKETING/OPERATIONS COORD.RESPONSIBLEFORDAILYOPERATIONS, MARKET-ING/PUBLICRELATIONSIONS. MUSTHAVESTRONGCOMMUNICATIONSKILLS, KNOWLEDGEOFQUICKBOOKS, EXCEL& GRAPHICDESIGNSOFT-WAREA+, STARTINGHOURS2530 PERWEEK. COMPENSATIONCOMMENSURATEWITHEXP. SENDRESUMETO: INFO@CHARLOTTEPLAYERS.ORG 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE ALI TERRACE, ARCADIA 5+ Acres (or about 6 lots) Bargain at $59,900! Priscilla Perez-McGuire 941-875-5747 RE/MAX Realty PUNTA GORDA 3 lots, 170 X 115 Total, $15K or Trade for Boat/Camper. (941)-661-2667 ROTONDA HEIGHTS Garland Way, Lakefront, Negotiable ENGLEWOOD EAST, Cohen St. $5,000 (Sign on Both Lots) 941-474-4999 Let`s Deal! THE LAST BEST LOT AT MERCHANT'S CROSSING ALMOSTANACREAT1599 PLACIDARD. (RT775) ENGLEWOODACROSSFROMPUBLIX& BEALLS. ALL UTILITIESONSITE. IDEALFOR MULTI-UNITBUILDING(S), OFFICE, ORCONDOS. ONLY$339,900. POSSOWNER FINANCING. 941-769-0200 1515 WATERFRONT LOTS ENGLEWOOD WATERFRONT LOTS GATED SUBDIVISION with Keywest style homes. Lots with docks, 15 mins to Gulf. $74,900 $150,000.941-475-3366 LEMON BAY LOTVERYLARGE, BUILDUPTO5RESIDENCES, GREATVIEWS&DEEPWATER. NOTHINGLIKE THISOUTTHERE! PLANS&ZONINGINPLACEFOR5-UNIT WATERFRONTTOWNHOMES. $549,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOOWNERFINANCINGPOSS. 941-769-0200 PUNTA GORDA ISLES, 1322 Monte Carlo Ct Waterfront lot 105 frontage 2 docks allowed. $179k Make offer. 941-575-7867 Seizethesales withClassified! WATER FRONT LOT … DEEP WATER! LEMONBAY, BIGBOAT DEEPWATER. NEWSEAWALL. BUILDYOURWATERFRONTHOME ONTHIS1/4+ AC LOT. ONLY3.75 MINUTESTOSTUMPPASS,LOWESTPRICEONTHEBAY! WOW! NOWLOWESTPRICED DIRECTBAYLOTINALLOFCHARLOTTE, SARASOTAORLEE COUNTIES. ONLY $249,900. 941-769-0200 1340 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT NORTH PORT 55+ HOLIDAYPARKNICELYFURN., CLEAN2/2 NOPETS! $850/MO. + UTILITIESANNUALRENTAL941-676-0929 1350 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT HARBOUR HEIGHTS close to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, SunnybrookMotel 941-625-6400 1360 ROOMS FOR RENT PORT CHARLOTTE Responsible, Own vehicle, No pets, Refs Must call. $125/wk +$300 sec. Lv Msg 941-743-6257 VENICE 55+ SHAREBEAUTI-FUL2BR/2BAHOMEWITH MANYAMENITIES. 1 PERSON$250/MOINCLUDESUTILITIESSEMI-RETIREDCOUPLEWELCOME. FEMALEPREF. NO PETS. REFERENCESREQUIRED941-484-6906 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s VENICE Furnished Bedroom House Privlidges. Male, NonSmoker. $525 Plus $300 Security. Call 941-716-0418 For Apt 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS HACIENDA DEL MARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT VACATION CONDO IN CAPE HAZE/ PLACIDAGATED5-STARRESORTSTYLE LIVINGJUSTINCHESTOTHEBAY& ICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW,VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ.FT., 2 BED/2.5 BATHS. NEWER CONSTRUCTION, EXQUISITELY DESIGNERTURN-KEYFURNISHED& ACCESSORIZED. FULLLAUN-DRY& GARAGE, HEATEDPOOL,TENNIS, FITNESS& MORE! CALLFORFREEBROCHURE. PETPOSSIBLE. AVAIL: APRIL, MAY& DEC2017 ANDAPRIL, MAY2018. CALL941-769-0200 PORT CHARLOTTE 55+ Gated King`s Gate Comm. 2/2/2 + Den. Golf, Htd. Pool, Clubhouse ETC! 248-701-8870 1500 LOTS & ACREAGE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 1210 HOMES FOR RENT DEEP CREEK, Large 2 Story 4/2.5/2.5 Summer Kitchen, Huge Back Yard, Living, Dining & Family Rooms. Master Bedroom on 1st Floor. $1900. mo. No Pets. 941-204-3197 ENGLEWOOD 2/1/CPONCANALWITHDOCK,LANAI& BONUSROOM$1200WEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT PUNTA GORDA 2/2 Large Garage, Pet Friendly, Fenced yard. $850/mo 1st, Last, plus $500 Security. 941-629-0843 RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty We are accepting applications for our wait list for low-income housing for all person's age 62 or ol der or persons under 62 with mobility impairment that meet the current HUD income limits Applications may be pic ked up from the office which is located in Charlotte Towers at 22 95 Aaron Street, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8am and 4pm. 1240 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT DEEP CREEK Heritage Lake 2/2 Beautiful Fully Furnished. Resort like amenities. Immediate Avail. No Realtor Fee. $2000/mo 3 mo minimum-discount longer term 941-916-8176 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! PORT CHARLOTTE Fully Furnished 1/1, 7` Pool, Fully Secure on Harbor Blvd. Close to Shopping& Medical. $1050. mo. & $1,000. Sec. 850-797-4603 PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2/1 ground floor condo, gated, grantite, S.S. appls, w/d, htd. pool. Avail 05/01 References Required. $1100 mo. Call 330-763-0887. 1340 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT NEAR KING`S HIGHWAY, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath For Single Person or Small Family. $500. Mo. 1st & Deposit 941-875-5253 VENICE ISLES MHP 55+ 2BR/2BA Single wide, Lanai. Storage shed, all appls incl washer & dryer. Furn or unfurn. $900/mo annual, Avail April 1st 605-940-6158 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,495. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 PUNTA GORDA 2/2/1.5 29200 S JONES LOOP RD #582 BLUE HERON PINES 55+. 2002 JACOBSEN, 1500+ SQ FT, FURNISHED, LANAI, SHED,PETS WELCOME. $74,900 317-691-1647 SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 ASKUS HOWyoucanplaceaPICTUREofyouritem forsale inyour classifiedad! 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1750...3/2/2 Pool & Lawn incl....DC $1650..3/2/2 Pool & Lawn inc...ROT $1300....3/2/2 Well Srvc Incl.......NP $1200..3/2/2 1464 SQ FT...........PC $900...2/1/1 1315 SQ FT.............NP941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/1 Lg lanai Lg great room $1,250. NORTH PORT 2/2/1 55+ Community $1,100.W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE PUNTA GORDAEmerald Point, Top Floor w/ Outstanding Views! 2/1 Condo w/ Boat Slip. Access to the Gulf! Totally Remodeled! New A/C, SS Appliances Incl. Washer & Dryer. $139,900. 813-480-7561 ROTONDA 2/2/1,Villa On Small Lake. Screened Lanai & patio. Nicely Furnished $149,400. 941-769-7871 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE 2692 NE HIGHWAY 70 ARCADIA 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With Any Home Purchase! Call to Schedule An Appointment For a Tour! Ted 800-538-2590 $59,900! OWNERSAYSSELLIT! MOVEINTODAY! WELLCAREDFOR2/2, COMPLETELYUPDATED. FURNISHED, ALLAPPLIANCESONACORNERLOTINBEAUTIFULRIVERSIDEOAKS941-6266821 $89,900 Owner Says Sell Now! Like New Custom 2014 Jacobsen Sectional 2/2 + Bonus Room. Laminate Floors, Every Applianc. Completely Furnished! Located in Beautiful Riverside Oaks Community. Call 941-356-5308 Or


Friday, March 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 5 2100 GENERAL CUSTOMER SERVICE, Full Time, Typing & People Skills a Must! Friendly Environment. Apply at Tile & Carpet World 4820 Tamiami Trail between 8:30-10:30 941-625-9825 BOAT DETAILERS,Expd Good pay with experience Call for interview 609-618-0113 or 941-764-7928 Lv Msg. Dwight Stevens, a farm in Loris, SC, is accepting referrals through the State Workforce Agencies for 6 FARMWORKERS The job includes duties associated with the planting, cultivation and harvesting of tobacco. This work can require standing, walking, stooping, bending, and lifting up to 75 pounds for long periods of time outdoors in all weather conditions. This is a temporary, full time position from 05/18/17 to 9/15/17. Three-fourths of an avg. of 40/hrs/wk guaranteed. Work tools, supplies, equipment provided at no cost. Housing will be provided without cost to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the workday. If applicable, expenses for subsistence & transportation to the worksite will be provided. Employment eligibility checked on all applicants. Wage rate $10.62/hr and/or piece rate. Apply for this job at your nearest State Workforce Agency or the South Carolina Employment Security Commission PO Box 1406 Columbia, SC 29202 job order#708463. EXPD POOL SERVICE TECH DFWP Apply: Casa Pools 1212 Enterprise Dr, PC. FISH CUTTER, neededfor Local Seafood Company. EXC Pay!!! 941-380-9212 JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE NEEDED FULL TIME FOR A HIGH RISE LUXURY CONDOMINIUM (BURNT STORE MARINA) PRIMARYRESPONSIBILITYIS MAINTAININGTHEUPKEEPAND PRISTINEAPPEARANCEOFTHE COMMUNITYBUILDINGS. YOUMUSTHAVEANEYEFOR DETAIL, BEPROACTIVE, ANDTAKE PRIDEINYOURWORK. MUSTHAVEDEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION, ACLEAN DRIVINGRECORD, BEDRUGFREE ANDFLUENTINENGLISHWITH GOODCOMMUNICATIONSKILLS. OVERTIMEPOSSIBLE. SALARYIS COMMENSURATEWITHEXPERIENCE.SENDYOURRESUMETOGATEWAYMANAGEMENT, P.O. BOX380758 MURDOCKFL 33938EMAIL: LISA@GATEWAY-TEAM.COMFAX941-629-0987 LANDSCAPER HELP needed,must have drivers license expirence not required contact 941-979-7050 LANDSCAPING LABORER & NURSERY HELP NEEDED. 941-456-1008 MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours, able to work days, evenings and weekends. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required 2070 SALES CAREERNIGHTEVERYTUESDAY. CALLFORDETAILS. 941-426-0621 2100 GENERAL $14.35 PER HOUR & BENEFITSThe Greatest Part Time Job Ever. Join the Charlotte County Schools Transportation Team as a School Bus Driver. Work the School Year and Have Summers Off. We Will Train You For Your CDL. Call 941-575-5432 to Start the Move to a New & Exciting Opportunity. ASTON GARDENSISINNEEDOFTHEFOLLOWING: CNAAPPLY IN PERSON AT: 9000 IBISWAYMAINTENANCE, H OUSEKEEPING, SERVERS, SECURITY, DRIVERS CDL, DISHWASHERSAPPLY IN PERSON AT:1000 ASTONGARDENSDRIVEVENICE, FL 34292 941-240-1010 BODYMAN NEEDED, If work in body shop, need to make more money Call Bob 941-921-4402 The Venice Gondolier Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. Apply in person: 200 E. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 No Phone Calls Please. CARRIERS NEEDED Findthe newYou intheClassifieds! CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE FULL TIME SUN NEWSPAPERSThe Charlotte Sun Newspaper is seeking a reliable, flexible, pleasant person with good phone skills and personality with the ability to handle customer relations. Computer experience mandatory, must be able to work in a fast-paced work environment. We are a drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug/nicotine testing required. Email resume to or call 941-206-1020 Or Apply in Person 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL EOE Non Smoking Office 2050 SKILLED TRADES JOIN OUR TEAM IMMEDIATEOPENINGSFULLTIMEBENEFITSR.V. MECHANICR.V. EXPERIENCEPREFERREDBODY SHOPEXPERIENCEDPAINTER/ PRE-PERSONPARTS COUNTER SALESRV PARTSSALES. AUTO… TRUCKORRV EXPERIENCE PREFERREDDETAILERFT POSITION. RV GETREADYDEPT. WEAREANICOTINEANDDRUGFREEWORKPLACE. 2110 US 41Nokomis Florida 34275 or Call 941-966-2182 ORFAX(941) 966-7421ORJOBS@RVWORLDINC.COM LOCAL HVAC LOOKING FOR KNOWLEDGEABLESERVICETECH. EXPERIENCEREQUIRED. CALL941-629-6222 ROOFERS NEEDED 941-833-9319 SHOTCRETE OR GUNITE WORKERS WANTED. Experience a Plus But Will Train the Right People. DL Needed, Long Hours, Summer Heat, & Great Pay! 941-629-9859 WELDERS & LABORERS needed for local Venice Co. Good Pay. Some out of town work! Call (813)-506-7788 2070 SALES Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL SUPERDay Expressis looking for CASHIERS & DELI HELP EXPERIENCE NECESSARYApply Within: 1595 McCall Rd, Gulf Cove DFWP 941-697-7641 1814 Tamiami Trail, P.C. (941)-766-6106 WE WANT YOU TO BE A MEMBER OF OUR LEADERSHIP TEAM! CHICK-FIL-A PTCHARLOTTEIS SEEKING BOTH DAY AND NIGHT TIME LEADERSHIP. BENEFITS INCLUDE: COMPETITIVEPAY, PAIDTIME OFF, INSURANCEFORFULLTIME LEADERS, 401KOPPORTUNITY,FREEMEALS, FLEXIBLEHOURS,GYMMEMBERSHIPANDSUNDAYSOFF. APPLY ONLINE @WWW.PLEASEAPPLYONLINE.COM/CFA PORTCHARLOTTE HERON CREEK GOLF & CC North Port is seeking PT LINE COOK/PANTRY. This position will help in the preparation of items needed for lunch, dinner & banquet service. Must provide consistent high quality products, practice proper food handling procedures & understanding & enforcing Dept. of Health requirements. 1 to 3 years' experience req`d. Pay based on experience. Send Resume to fbdirector@, or call Gus at 941-240-5100. LINE COOK, PREP COOK, BUSSER, & DISHWASHER NEEDED. T OLLS P AID SOUTHBEACHBAR& GRILLBOCAGRANDE941-964-0765 NOW HIRING: EXPD LINE COOKS Apply in Person: 9am-11 or 2pm-4. 3883 Tamiami Trail, Pt. Char. No Phone Calls Please! 2050 SKILLED TRADES A/C SERVICE TECH,Must have 5 years experience, own tools, FLDL. Perm FT. Benefits Avail. APPLY IN PERSON 24700 Sandhill Blvd, Deep Creek, or send resume to NO PHONE CALLS PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! EXP ELECTRICIAN, Commercial & Residental Experience. Call: 941-429-5439 or Fax Resume to 941-429-5452 GOLF COURSE MECHANIC NEEDED.EXPERIENCENECESSARY. COMPUTERSKILLSAMUST. PLEASECALL941-815-0805 2030 MEDICAL CNAS NEEDED FOR180 BED REHAB FACILITY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS APPLY ONLINE @ DENTAL ASSISTANT, Experienced for Port Charlotte office. Fax Resume to 941-237-4900 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY NEEDEDMUSTBECOMPUTERLITERATE, MUSTBEDEPENDABLE& ABLETOMULTI-TASK. CUSTOMERSERVICEEXPERIENCESTRONGLYPREFERRED. ALSO DIETARY AIDE & CAREGIVERS NEEDED PLEASEFAXRESUMETO: 941-497-0656 INTERVIEWINPERSONAT: 2901JACARANDABLVD. VENICE BAY BREEZEHEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER CNAs$1,000 Sign-On Bonus*Offer Expires 4/30/17We invite you to use your unique experience, talent and passionate dedication in a career with us!! *LTC Background Preferred Apply in person or email:michelle.s.ramdass@ 1026 Albee Farm Rd. Venice, FL 34285 ph. EOE/SF/DF NEW SIGN ON BONUS! Seeking dedicated, caring and compassionate HOME HEALTH AIDES Competitive pay and flexible schedules available. Apply on line atwww.approvedhomehealth.comOr call (941) 552-5954 AdvertiseToday! www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREERŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 04/03/17 LPN-04/03 CNA-04/03 Med. Asst. 04/03/17 2035 MUSICAL THE CHARLOTTE CHORALE SEEKS A PROFFESSIONAL ACCOMPANIST. THECHORALEISAGROUPOF C. 70 MEMBERS, PERFORMING AVARIETYOFCHORALREPER-TOIREATAPROFESSIONAL LEVEL. NEXTSEASONRUNS FROMOCTOBER9THTHROUGHDECEMBER9TH, 2017, ANDJANUARY8THTHROUGHAPRIL21, 2018, ASISTYPICALOF ALLSEASONS. REHEARSALS AREMONDAYEVENINGSINPORTCHARLOTTE; CONCERTS(3) AREATTHEPERFORMINGARTSCENTERINPUNTAGORDA. FORMOREINFORMA-TION, INTERESTEDPARTIES SHOULDCONTACT: ARTISTICDIRECTOR, DR. WILLIAMDEDERERAT941-828-1032ORWBDEDERER@AOL.COMSALARYISNEGOTIABLE. 2020 CLERICAL/OFFICE CLERICAL/CUSTOMER SERVICEBUSYOFFICEHASAN OPPORTUNITYFORTHE CANDIDATEWHOHAS EXCELLENTCOMPUTER SKILLS, OFFERSACCURACY,FOLLOWTHROUGHAND WANTSTOGROW. YOUWILLNEEDTOPRO-VIDEINFORMATIONTO CUSTOMERSBY VERIFYINGUNDERSTAND-INGOFREQUESTS, PROCESSINGORDERSAS REQUESTED, ANDFOLLOW-INGTHROUGHTOMAKE SUREINFORMATIONIS CORRECT. THISJOBWILL OFFERYOUANOPPORTU-NITYTOLEARNMULTIPLE JOBS, WORKASASSIGNED,ANDTHROUGHTHIS LEARNINGYOUWILLGROW. WEARELOOKINGFORA SELF-STARTERWHOHAS GOODVERBAL COMMUNICATION, EXCELLENTLISTENING SKILLS, ISABLETOMULTI-TASK, HASGENERALMATH SKILLSANDISTHOROUGH. WEOFFERANENVIRON-MENTTHATISFRIENDLY ANDHASAFAMILIAL FEELING. THEFOLKSWHO WORKHEREAREREALLY GOODPEOPLEWHOWANT TODOTHERIGHTTHING;MOSTARESEASONED PROFESSIONALSWHOARE ALWAYSWILLINGTOHELP ASNEEDSARISE. OURCOMPANYISWELL-ESTABLISHEDANDOFFERS ASALARYCOMMENSURATE WITHSKILLLEVELAND EXPERIENCE, HEALTHCARE,ANDPAIDTIMEOFF. OURFOCUSISOUR CUSTOMERSANDWE DESIRETOSERVETHECOM-MUNITIESWEREPRESENT. PLEASEFORWARDYOURRESUME TOGKOTZ @ SUNLETTER COM WEAREADRUGANDNICOTINE FREEWORKPLACEPRE-EMPLOYEMENTDRUGAND NICOTINETESTING REQUIRED. 2030 MEDICAL CNA Opportunities!Would you like to have your nights, weekends, and holidays free? Care for seniors in our Port Charlotte PACE Center (Program for All Inclusive Care of the Elderly) Personal care, Activities, home visits Apply online at Visit our site for specifics and other career opportunities!Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Vet Drug Free CLASSIFIED WORKS!


Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, March 24, 2017 5057 CONCRETE A SMARTConsumer Knows... Get TWOEstimates But Make One Ours!! All Types of Concrete & Natural Stone Work941-223-7678 A-1 ROOF CLEANING & COATINGS Decorative Concrete, Pool Deck, Lanai & Driveway Coating, Epoxy Flake Garage Floors, Poly Pebble Removal. Serving Sarasota County (941)-485-0037 CONCRETE & PAVER PROS DRIVEWAYS WALKWAYS FOOTINGS POOLDECKS PATIOSCOPING CULVERTS/PERMITTINGGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!Ž CHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!Ž941-223-2592 FLORIDA CONCRETEDRIVEWAYSSIDEWALKSADDITIONSRESIDENTIAL& COMMERICALNEWCONSTRUCTION941-628-5965 INS/LICCG034909 GENUINE CONCRETE ENGRAVINGS Transform Your Concrete! DRIVEWAYSPOOLDECKSSIDEWALKS941-628-0251 or 850-210-2772 POOL DECKS, Driveway Designs Garage Floors Patios and more. QUALITY Lic 941-375-1103 Insu PRO PATH CONCRETE Driveways Patios Sidewalks Pads Free Estimates 941-286-6415 Lic #AAA-11-00081 RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. spraycrete & more (941)-497-4553 5060 CLEANING SERVICES MRS. CLEANING UP! 1st class cleaning Service! Specials Now! $10% Senior Discount! 941-204-8057 Lic & Insured ANNIE`S CLEANING SERVICE Home Office Weekly Bi-Weekly Reliable Service Reasonable Rates 941-391-6850 DESIREE R House Cleaning Full Service Lic Residential House cleaning & Lawn Care Services. Call 401-390-8871 or 401-516-3968 GONZALEZ CLEANING Srv 12 years exp, REASONABLE Rates, FREE Estimates. Servicing all your cleaning needs. Call Linda 941-815-4252 HOUSE CLEANING Licensed, Insured & 20 yr exp Punctual & trustworthy! References available 941-548-8804 5065 DRYWALL DEPENDABLE DRYWALL & REMODELING PATCHREPAIRS941-639-4440 LIC.#SCC131150207INSUREd 5070 ELECTRICAL DRMELE C TRI C AL SERVICE, Plug Into Personalized ServiceŽElectrical Maintenance Repairs Troubleshooting 941-480-0761 941-366-364 6 LUMINOUS ELECTRIC NO JOB TOO SMALL! LIC# EC13007383941-787-2904 5006 ALUMINUM ALL AMERICAN RENOVATIONS LIC& INSUREDFAMILYOWNED& OPERATEDSPECIALIZINGINRESCREENING,BUILDINGANDREPAIRING. SCREWCHANGEOUTS PRESSUREWASHING& PAINT-INGPOOLCAGES, LANAIS,FRONTENTRYWAYSETC... 941-915-3381 SERVINGSARASOTACOUNTYFREEESTIMATES BRI GON CONSTRUCTION Inc. Soffit, Fascia, Vinyl Siding, Custom Aluminum Breakwork 941-204-5900 lic #CBC059704 SURFSIDE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Lanais, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Windows and more! Lic#cbc1261010 941-766-0331 5008 AIRPORT SHUTTLE FLORIDA AIRPORT SHUTTLE TRANSPORT $35 TO/FROM RSW Arrive @ RSW: 10:45am & 3:45pm Depart @ RSW 11:30am & 4:30pmPickup/Drop-off Locations:NORTHPORTBUDGETINNPORTCHARLOTTEDAYSINN. PUNTAGORDAPG WATERFRONTHOTEL300 941-451-1202 5020 APPLIANCE SERVICE/REPAIR DRYER VENT CLEANING THE VENT DOCTOR Book Your Dryer Vent Cleaning and Save! 10% Off With This Ad! 941-268-9525 Competent, Thorough & Reliable. Lic. Fla. Home Inspector. GARY DRAKE DRYER VENT CLEANING & INSPECTION. 30 yrs. Exp. (941)-889-7596 5051 CHILD CARE ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! FL O RIDA S TATE LAW requires all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law 5054 CONTRACTORS BLUE PARROT CONSTRUCTION Custom Homes Commercial & Residential Renovations 941-662-0366 Cell: www.BlueParrotConstruction.comCBC1258748/Fully Insured Jerusalem Brothers Concrete driveways, sidewalks, lanais, patios, STUCCO, remove/replace sod, tree removal & more! 863-722-8910 269-369-8471 JLS ENTERPRISES INCQuality & Dependability Remodeling Painting Additions Drywall Carpentry Repairs Odd Jobs & more. STATE CERTIFIED LIC #CRC033392941-468-9701 TEDDY`S HANDYMAN & REMODELING, INC. No Job Too Big or Too Small! (941)-629-4966 Lic./Ins. Serving NP, Charlotte & PG CRC 1327653 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES DISCUSSION SAT. MAR. 25, 11:00 A.M., MID-COUNTYREGIONALLIBRARY, ROOMB, FORRESTNELSONBLVD., PORTCHARLOTTE. EXPLORE DREAMS, DIVINEINTERVENTION,NEAR-DEATHEXPERIENCES, INNER LIGHT& SOUND. FELLOWSHIPAND FREEBOOKLET. A FREEDISCUS-SIONFORPEOPLEOFALLFAITHS. PRESENTEDBYECKANKAR. 941-766-0637WWW.HEARHU.ORG 3090 LOST & FOUND FOUND: 14K Gold Necklace March 1st at Fawcett Hospital Parking Lot. 941-743-7115 LOST COMPUTER: in Punta Gorda, Apple Notebook, REWARD. 917-626-6192 LOST DOG: Male, Brown & Black Lab & Boxer mix, answers to Dexter has white on his chest and paws and nose, very friendly, lost near Toledo Blade, Hillsborough & Haberland area. Please call 941-313-4960 LOST KEYS: with key chain that says our place. Lost in Englewood area Between S. Mccall and Indiana ave. 941-474-0163 LOST PRESCRIPTION GLASSES Pinkish red in color, Bi-focals, Lost near CVS in North Port. REWARD Please call 631235-9190 3095 EXERCISE CLASSES G ULF CO A S T A C UPUN C TURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 3096 RELIGION CLASSES BEGINYOURDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUDY Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 START YOUR DAY RIGHT Bible Study Thursdays 10:00-11:30 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 3097 OTHER CLASSES KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday. FREE; Open to the public. 941-276-0124 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS ADOPTION: Adoring Childrens Professional & Executive yearn for 1st Baby to Love & Cherish Forever. FLBAR42311 Expenses Paid 1-800-552-0045 Jodi & Mark 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 3020 PERSONALS ADORABLE TASHA. Relax, Dining, Dancing, Travel & More! 941-497-1307 FEMALE HAIRSTYLIST SEEKS SINGLE MALE 45-65for possible relationship. 941-201-9853 FOR ALL YOUR Relaxing Needs Call Paige. (941)-237-1927 RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. Charlotte Trade Center N of 776 941-625-0141 THE GIRL NEXT DOOR941-483-0701 North Port 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES C AL VAR Y BIBLE C HUR C H 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call (941)-979-8239 for Info. PUTCLASSFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU! FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! Charlotte County House of Prayer Merging Worship, Word, and Prayer Friday Night Watch 8pm 992 Tamiami Trail Unit I Port Charlotte 941 249-8946 CO MMUNITY C ENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte GATEWAY WORSHIP PRAYER & HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to you every Thursday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek Bible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and Sundays @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 2100 GENERAL LOOKING FOR DEPENDABLE PEOPLE FOR HOUSE KEEPING ONSATURDAY'SONLY. PLEASEAPPLYINPERSON AT: FISHERMEN'SVILLAGE, 2ND FLOOR. ONLYAPPLYIFYOUARE AVAILABLEEVERY SATURDAY. 941-639-8721 TWIN LOBSTERSF/T ORP/T COUNTER HELPDRIVER`SLICENSE. CASHREGISTER EXPERIENCE& ANYKNOWLEDGE OFN.E. SEAFOODHELPFUL. APPLYINPERSONAT2700 PLACIDARD, ENGLEWOOD AT9 AM. 941-698-8946 TWIN LOBSTERSF/T ORP/T COUNTER HELPDRIVER`SLICENSE. CASHREGISTER EXPERIENCE& ANYKNOWLEDGE OFN.E. SEAFOODHELPFUL. APPLYINPERSONAT2700 PLACIDARD, ENGLEWOOD AT9 AM. 941-698-8946 WAREHOUSE/DELIVERY EXPERIENCE PREFERRED BUT NOT NECESSARY. APPLY IN PERSON: BACONS FURNITURE 17701 MURDOCK CIRCLE PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 2110 PART TIME/ TEMPORARY "AMBASSADORS" NEEDEDTOSOLICITSUBSCRIPTIONS FORTHEAWARDWINNING LOCALNEWSPAPERS, THESUN, ATSTOREFRONTSINTHEVENICE, NORTHPORTANDENGLEWOODAREAS. CONTACTJIMDEFALLEAT941-786-7676FORMOREINFORMATION. GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at 941-662-6904 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2100 GENERAL PAGE DESIGNERThe Charlotte Sun is looking for part-time layout/design help. InDesign and Photoshop experience is helpful. Job involves evenings and weekend hours. Send resume to The Sun is a drug/ nicotine-free workplace. PART TIMETHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER is seeking reliable, flexible, Customer Retention Representitives. Computer and outbound calling experience required. Must be able to work in a fast-paced environment. E-mail resume to or Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required Phil Sandifer & Sons Farms, LLC in Blackville, SC is requesting 16 FARMWORKERS The job includes duties associated with the planting and harvesting of fruits and vegetables. This work can require standing, walking, stooping, bending, and lifting up to 75 pounds for long periods of time outdoors in all weather conditions. This is a temporary position from 5/10/17 to 10/31/17. Threefourths of an avg. of 40/hrs/wk guaranteed. Work tools, supplies, equipment provided at no cost. Housing will be provided without cost to workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the workday. If applicable, expenses for subsistence & transportation to the worksite will be provided. 3 months experience required. Employment eligibility checked on all applicants. Wage rate $10.62/hr and/or piece rate. Apply for this job at your nearest State Workforce Agency or the South Carolina Employment Security Commission PO Box 1406 Columbia, SC 29202 job order #707155. SECURITY POSITIONJOSHUA WATER CONTROL DISTRICTPart-time security position available immediately, 32 hours per week. Hours: Sunday through Tuesday, 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Friday 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. No license required. Work site location is 10 miles east of Arcadia, located behind Orange Co on Highway 70. For more information, call: (863) 494-5737. DFWP. SUN COAST PRESSis currently hiring for the following positions in our Venice Print Center.P/T MAILROOM HELP-night shift F/T STACK DOWN PERSONSend Resume


Friday, March 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 7 5140 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING SUPERIOR PAINTING, INC. Full Spray Shop 941-474-9091Lic # AAA009837 We Do It A Shade Better! LARRY BATES PAINTING Free Estimates Locally Owned & Operated Nominated Best Painter Of The Year in 2016! 941-625-1226Lic/Ins #RRR0002261 5155 PET CARE DOG CARE by day/week, exercise, fenced, loving home environment. 941-625-0853 5160 PLUMBING DO ALL PLUMBING LLC 40 Gal. Water Heater $650. Installed. Comfort Height Toilets $250. Installed. Badger 5 Disposal $189. Installed 941-626-9353 Lic#CFC1428884 LARRY` S PLUMBIN G Re Pipes (Most in 1 Day) Beat An y Estimate Complete Servic e 941-484-5796 Lic.#CFC1425943 PLUMBER over 30 yrs Exp! Service and Repairs. Installations, Permits & Inspections. $50/per hr Call 508-294-1271 Cell or Office at 941-575-1817 Lic# CFC1427981 & Ins. NEED A WATER HEATER? Call All Pro Water Heaters 941-204-4286www.allprowaterheaters.comLic. CFC-1428339 5180 PRESSURE CLEANING BAILEYS PRESSURE CLEANING Complete Exterior House Painting! Call 941-497-1736 FULL HOUSE PRESSURE WASHINGRates Starting At: Tile Roofs $150 Houses $65 Pool Cage/Decks $65 Driveways Exterior Painting, Pool Deck Coatings AND MORE!! 941-451-7550 Lic./Ins Kelly Browns Pressure Washing & trash removal Honest & Reliable, Reasonable Rates & Sr. Special $39.99 Free Est. Lic.# 1413989 941-626-1565 MR. PRESSURE CLEANINGSAFE, NO PRESSUREROOF Fully Lic & Insured NEEDCASH? PRO SOURCE POWER WASHINGHOT & COLD SERVICES 21012 EXMORE AVE, PC Cell 941-979-6676 or office 941-979-9204 Lic & INSURED 5184 SCREENING ALL ABOUT ALUMINUM & SCREEN: Rescreen & new. 941-876-4779 wescreenflorida.comLic# SA37, AL0511993X 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 5129 MASONRY AST MASONRY, 941-525-2435Over 20 yrs exp. in pavers, brickwork, concrete, stucco, stone & decorative concrete.NO JOB TOO SMALL!LICENSED, INSURED & BONDED STUCCO PROS WIRELATHEREPAIR RUSTEDBANDSWINDOWSILLS FIXALLCRACKSMATCHANYTEXTUREGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!Ž CHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!Ž941-223-2592 5130 MOVING/HAULING ALLTYPE SO F C LEAN-UP S Same Day Service! 24 Hrs. a Day! 941-764-0982 or 941-883-1231 MOVING HELP $$$ Save $$$ Packing Loading Driving 30 yrs exp. 941-223-6870 ODYSSEY MOVERS Your Journey Begins With Us! Licensed & Insured.941-803-4959Lic. # 2539 ROBS ON THEMOVE, inc. Moving and Delivery Honest, Reliable, Courteous! Great Rates! 941-237-1823 5140 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING Best Prices -Quality Job Best Coast Painting and Pressure Washing Residential/Commercial 10% Off With Ad! 941-815-8184 AAA00101254 STEVENS CUSTOM PAINTINGRes/Comm. Int/Ext FREE EST. 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Serving Nokomis, Osprey, North Port, Port Charlotte, Venice & Englewood 941-302-2244 Lic/Ins DP`s ABILITY TREE SERVICE Removals, Stump Grinding, Palm Trimming, Topping & Shaping. 18 Yrs. Exp. Free Estimates! 941-889-8147 Lic#00000192 & Insured. FL O RIDA TREE IN C .Tree Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Lawn Service Bucket Service 941-613-3613 pcftree.comLic./Ins. FRESH CUT LAWN N MOREDependable, Reliable Residential/Commercial LAWNS STARTING AT $25! NO CONTRACTS 941-661-1850Free Estimates Call Frank GENERAL LAWN & Landscape services. (941)-426-7844 Wright & Son Landscaping Inc J RIZ TREESERVICESComplete Tree & Palm Service. SPECIALIZING IN DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL.Servicing all Charlotte & Sarasota Counties FREE ESTIMATES 941-306-7532 Lic & Ins LANDSCAPE CURBING*Starting at $3.30/per foot installed. (100 Required) Lic & InsuredSouthwest Curbing 941-637-1186 LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota LAWN SERVICE HONEST AFFORDABLE & RELIABLE $25. most lawns includes Cut, trim, Edging, weed mitigation and blown free of debris @ 1 low price. NO CONTRACTS Low Cash pricing, BEST FREE estimates for Pruning, mulching, fertilizing, hedge clipping, pressure washing and exterior painting. Thank you for your business! Jonathan 941-220-8067 NOW ACCEPTINGNEW LAWNACCOUNTS!941-468-4372ISA Certified Arborist John Cannon FL-6444A South Sarasota & Charlotte Co. RAINSCAPE INC,Irrigation, Maintenance, Repair, Installation. Monthly Maintenance starts at $40. FREE ESTIMATES 941-888-2988 S ANDEFUR S -H O ME & TREE Maintenance Tree trimming, removal. We do it all!License/Insured941-484-6042 SPM TREE TRIMMIMG & LANDSCAPING Specializing inTREE REMOVAL. Call Today for your FREE Estimate.(941)-412-5273 Lic/Insured STEVES TREE & HAULING Tree Removal & Trimming 30 Years Exp. Lic/Insd Free Estimates 941-866-6979 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT FIRST CHOICE CABINETS Custom Cabinets LLC Kitchens, Baths, Custom Cabinets, Countertops, Hardwood, Laminate, Solid Surface. Commercial, Residental. 941-505-5570 GULF COAST REFINISHING YOURBATHTUB, COUNTERTOP& TILEREFINISHINGEXPERTS. VETERAN& SENIORDISCOUNTS! FAST TURNAROUND! 941-380-6199LIC./INS. GULFCOASTREFINISHING@YAHOO.COM GUTTERS, 6Ž Seamless. Ken Violette, Inc. (941) 240-6699Lic.CGC#060662/Ins. HAMMER FIREPROOFING & INSULATION, Inc. for all your insulation needs. 941-268-5615 or Office 941-423-7478 HANDYMANHome repairs. 30+ yrs Exp. Call 941539-1694 J&JHANDYMAN941-525-7967, 941-493-6736Painting, Pressure Washing & Much More! Over 30Years Experience & Satisified CustomersServing Venice & Sarasota AreasNOJOBTOOSMALLORODD CALLFORFREEESTIMATE LICENSED& FULLYINSURED Johns Rescreening & Handyman Service Pressure Washing: Pool Decks, Driveways! No Job To Small, Free EstimatesLic9341./Ins.941-883-1381 CARPENTER, INC. Handyman Rotten wood, doors, soffit, facia, etc. Phil 941-626-9021lic. & ins. TILE Remodel, Baths, Floors. Your Tile or Mine. 941-625-5186 Lic.#AAA006387 WHOLE HOUSE REMODELING Kitchens, Baths, Garage Doors, Painting, Tile, Laminate Floors. 941-706-6525 LIC CGC1518335 5108 JUNK REMOVAL MOVE IT JUNK REMOVAL Got Junk? We like to Move It, Move It! 941-803-4959 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C EN SE may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licens ing bureau to verify A JAMISON TREE SERVICE Complete & Professional 15% Sr Discount! FREEEST. LIC. & INSUREDENGL941-475-6611ORN. PORT941-423-0020 SERVINGCHARLOTTEANDSARASOTAFOROVER20 YEARS.JAMISON-TREESERVICEINC.COM Affordable Lawn Mowing & Ho me Watch Commercial and ResidentalVenice, Englewood, Osprey Nokomis, Rotonda, Gulf Cove, North Port, South Gulf Cove FREE ESTIMATES Meet or Beat any quote. 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Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 Complete Clean Pressure Washing 941-460-4936 Residential & Commercial COMPLETE DRYWALL Hang,Finish, Patchwork, All Textures, Paint. Matt Potter 941-232-8667Lic.& Ins CRC1328482 DO YOU HAVE LOOSE, HOLLOW OR BUCKLING TILES?Inject-A-Floor-System can help. Grout Cleaning/Staining, Marble Cleaning, Tile Repair. 941-893-8475 5080 EXCAVATING/ BUSH HOG BUSH BUSTERS INC."JUST GRIND IT!ŽBrush Mowing Bush Hogging Pepper Trees Invasives Selective Lot Clearing941-456-6332 5083 FLOORING Bill Noland Ceramic Tile, IncAll Phases of FlooringWe Bring Samples To You! Mobile Showcase Tile, Laminates, Carpet & Baseboards. Wood-likeŽ Tile $1.79/Sq Ft. 18Ž Tiles $1.19/ Sq Ft. 941-423-4054 Cell 941-276-0814Licensed & Insured PGI 9906758 North Port 11546 Charlotte AAA007730 PAUL SIMS FLOOR CLEANING AND MORE!**OWNER OPERATED ** PROFESSIONAL, Reasonable & ReliableWinter Specials!We Clean carpets, furniture, area rugs, grout & more! 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Call Steve 760-403-3709 ROCCOS RENOVATION & REPAIR Getting the Job Done Wherever, However,No Matter How Big or Small. 941-268-1885 VIRGILS HOME MAINTENANCEHandyman ServiceYour To-Do List SpecialistINTERIOR/ Lic#16-00016297 & Ins. GreatDealsin theClassifieds!


Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, March 24, 2017 6035 FURNITURE CLUB CHAIR swirl & rock. Like NEW. $60 941-889-7592 DINETTE SET Glass top table and 6 padded chairs w/ casters $250, OBO 989-644-5615 DINETTE SET like new all wood 30Ž table top & 2 handmade chairs $150 941-202-3437 DINETTE TABLE Wood, Counter Height, Round, w/4CH.. $375, OBO 941-627-6780 DINING RM SET Table & 4 chairs, large leaf, china cabinet, wood, Excellent $400. 941-8759425 Pt. Charlotte DINING ROOMSET Older Oval Table w/leaf and 4 chairs $125, OBO 615-585-7436 DINING ROOMSET Oval Table w/leaf and 4 chairs Older but nice. $100, OBO 615-585-7436 DINING ROOMTABLE 54Ž glass top and 4 chairs. WW Rattan $150, OBO 810-334-5884 DINING SET 66X42X30, oak table, 6 hand made round chairs $375, OBO 941-275-5837 DINING SET black, beveled glass top, four captains chairs. Beautiful. $300 248-227-2301 DINING TABLE wood, 4 vinyl chairs with casters. Exc. Condition. $75, OBO 309-224-1406 HEAD BOARD King size upholstered with steel frame. $125, OBO 941-628-6251 HEAD&FOOT BOARD white wroth iron queen size bed $75 718-986-3608 HITCHCOCK 42/60ŽROUND table w/4 matching chairs. $200 941-488-5595 I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 LANAI SET 40x70 glass table, 6 chairs, tan metal leaf design $200, OBO 860-573-3506 LANAI SET 4cushions chairs and glasstop table pvc excond $100, OBO 941-763-0593 LOVE SEAT Couch like new 3 yrs old $125 941-627-5732 LOVE SEAT sleeper good condition, tan, brown, & green $100 419-571-8812 LV-ROOM SET RATTAN Sofa, Chair, foot stool, & Coffee Table. $375, OBO 941-740-1855 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MURPHY BED Queen White cabinet mattress $499 973-557-1062 OUTDOOR WICKERTABLE w/4whairs Round w/glass top. Like new. $450 860-810-4174 PATIO PICNICTABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 PATIO SET 40x65 glass top table & 6 chairs $100 419-571-8812 PATIO SET 42Ž Glass top table 4 wrought iron padded chairs, good cond $90 412-638-3930 PATIO SET beige 2 chairs 2 ottomans 1 bench 4 glass top tables $100 941-202-3437 PATIO SET, Table, 4 Chairs, Ottoman & 2 Lounge Chairs. Good Quality! $200 **Sold in 1 Day!** PATIO TABLE, with GLASS TOP 4 Chairs & Chase $100, OBO 941-475-2229 PATIO/LANI TABLE (glass top)4 chairs, almost free $15 317-919-2223 PEDESTALS (2) RND/STONE decor/white. 36Žx11Ž/Ea. $65 941-624-0364 PUB TABLE 36Ž oak ped. base w/4 swivel chairs. Excellent condition. $200 716-283-5124 RATTAN TABLE 45Ž round table w/formica top. Very nice. $40 941-488-5595 RECLINER Brown upholst. rocker recliner. Very good cond. $60, OBO 941-628-6251 RECLINER DARK blue w/ Bud Light Logo on back, Very good cond. $50 941-624-5698 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS VACUUM, BISSELL, Used, Good Cond. Uprite. Venice Area $25 941-492-2252 WALL CLOCK Westminster chimes sterling+ noble. Exc. condition. $35 941-743-0582 WINE MAKING EQUIPMENT Carboys, Fermenter Buckets, Corker. $100. 863-491-0674 WOODEN SILVERWARE CHEST Tarnish proof lined $10 941-627-6542 6035 FURNITURE AMISH PINEJELLYCABINETEx. Condition USA made. $150 941-204-4196 BAR STOOLS, 2 Wrought Iron, Beige upholstered. Excellent OBO $50 941-769-3475 BED Antique, full size brass bed from the 1920s; good condition. $200 941-769-4935 BEDMATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BEDROOM SET Dresser mirror,end table,Q-headbd 5 drawer hutch $295 718-986-3608 BEDROOM SET Girls, Twin, All Metal, Exc Cond. $300 941-380-9212 BEDROOM SET, White Wicker Qn., 2 stands, dresser, mirror, armoire $450 860-573-3506 BEHIND SOFATABLE 48 X 16 X 28 HIGH $90, OBO 941-627-6780 BISTRO CHAIRS White faux wicker. Set of 2. New cushions. Ex Cond. $35 603-491-0954 BOOKCASE RATTAN 72X36X12 off white excellent condition $100 941-275-5837 BOOKCASES, 3 Standing Ethan Allan, 2, 32ŽW, 1 34Ž W. All 79ŽH. $700 941-497-3266 BREAKFAST SET 40Žtable, 2 drop lvs, 2 chairs, maple/off white $200 obo 860-573-3506 CABINET ANTIQUE solid walnut 2 drawer/3 shelves/2 door unit $300 941-740-4418 CART CHROME cart with glass on wheels silver dipped glasses. $45 941-626-1332 CHAIR &Matching Ottoman Tan Microfiber, Comfy & Plush, good cond $120 941-697-3850 CHAIR & OTTOMAN Allen, navy, soft leather $350, OBO 941-624-2105 CHAIR Grey leather w/ wheels. Perfect condition. $40 941-763-2581 CHAIRS, 4white, wicker. Stackable $25, OBO 309-224-1406 CHINA CABINET Quality Henredon shabby chic 78x45Žx14Ž Vintage $250 941-286-8082 COCKTAIL TABLE glass top + matching end table, scroll base, tile shelf; $55 941-639-0838 COFFEE TABLE OVAL Rattanbeige marble-like type, good shape. $50 941-575-1163 COFFEETABLE, ASIAN 4 Nesting Stools mint cond. $295, OBO 941-255-3039 COFFEE TABLES (6)various sizes and shapes starting at $10, OBO 941-202-3437 COUCH& LOVESEAT Wicker Nice lanai set $200, OBO 716-583-0958 COUCH 3PC SECTIONAL, Microfiber, almost new! OffWhite! Moving Must Sell! $499, OBO Paid $2500 941-268-2799 COUCH/LOVESEAT BEIGE 82x38x32 & 64x38x32 fabric $200, OBO 941-275-5837 COUCH/LOVESEAT BEIGE 82x38x32 & 64x38x32 fabric $200, OBO 941-275-5837 CURIO w/ glass; 47Hx22Wx12D, 3 shelves $125, OBO 941-624-0364 DESKANTIQUE REDUCED desk/chair EC $450, OBO 941-380-3392 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS CART, RATTAN WITH WINE RACK $100 941-480-0123 FLOOR LAMP Black metal glass top. Excellent. $20 716374-2950 FLOOR SCRUBBER by Hoover Floor Mate for hard/tile floors. $20 941-575-7793 FRAMEDPICTURES Michigan lighthouses 24 x 18. $25 941627-6542 GLASS BOX w/cover, Vera Wang Vase, Hurricane Lamp All clear glass $5 941-276-1881 LAMP GOLD w/white shade. 28ŽH. Exc. cond. $15 941-2352203 LEADED CRYSTAL choice glasses, decanters, pitchers $200, OBO 913-486-8036 LIGHT SWITCHES 25 lighted switches & Plates.Used $10 941-460-8338 MASON JARS 12 jars some w lids-Kerr & Ball $10 941-445-5619 MATTRESS PAD, CAL KING very plush, like new. $40, OBO 941-429-8513 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MIRROR, 4Ž beveled strips, 2 pieces, each 4Ž x 54Ž $15 941-575-7793 MIRROR, LARGE 4 x 4 mirror, great for bathroom or exercise room $0 801-776-0059 MIRRORS (2) 1 18Ž & 1 24Ž round beveled frameless, A+ cond, each $40 941-743-2656 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. PANINI PRESS Breville, used twice $30 941-235-2613 PICTURE 26X26HARDWOOD FRAME, LOVELY BLUE PRINT $30 941-575-8881 PICTURES,SEVEN 14 X 19 Great for office. $28 941-889-7592 QUILT, Queen/Shams Ivory Fabric & Crochet Lace, Exc Cond Beautiful! $35 941-276-1881 RUG ORIENTAL clean 6X9 floral design on yellowish background $75 941-275-5837 RUG, Berber Gray & White, 149Žx107Ž. Brand New! $30. 941-743-8243 SERVING SET 4Tier Wrought Iron Stand, Porcelain; Plates (4), Basket (1) $40 941-697-3850 SETTEE (WHITE) WICKER BY LLOYD FLANDERS $500 941480-0123 STORAGE CONTAINERS like new $5, OBO 941-429-8513 TABLE, Round 48Ž butcher block dining table, excellent condition $50 941-764-9212 VAC, ELECTROLUX with power nozzle. Exc. condition $100 941-743-0582 VACUUM CLEANER Oreck XL Upright Vac used very little. $75 941-391-6270 6020 AUCTIONS JACK ROBILLARD, Auctioneers & Appraisers (941)-575-9758 6025 ARTS AND CRAFTS HARDWOOD FRAME 26x26, INSIDE 24X24, WITH GLASS & MAT $30 941-575-8881 PICTURE FRAME SOLID WALNUT 26X26 EXCELL $25 941-575-8881 RAMON SANTIAGO Blackbird framed 1978 poster 24Žx35Ž; $200 941-639-0838 WALL DECOR Sailing ShipsŽ design-Exce $40 502-387-8417 6027 DOLLS PORCELAIN DOLL, 15Ž tall, in original box. $10 941-5757793 PORCELAIN DOLLS Collectible,various themes. $10 941-743-4318 WHITE WICKERCARRIAGE Vintage Pristine doll pram $100 941-286-8082 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS AEROBED Full size & full height $75, OBO 941-429-1573 AIR BED, Twin Size (Englewood) $35, OBO 941-830-2069 BARBECUE GRILL Large with side burner, cover, and tank $65 801-776-0059 BATH TOWELS, New w/tags, Vase, S. Hooks, Basket, lavender, 6 pcs $18 941-276-1881 BED full Ethan-Allen w/ head board ,book shelf .boxspring& mattress $100 941-214-8188 BED SPREAD hand made King or Kueen crochet $40 941-2184502 BED MATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BONE CHINA Gold Trimmed Unused 92pc Royal Gallery Serv for 12 $240 941-697-3850 CANISTER SET 3 pcs. snacks, goodies, treats. New/box. $20 941-235-2203 CARPET Never used, 9 x 12 deep red twist shag area rug. $95, OBO 941-888-2333 CEILING FANS (2) Original Hunter, BRAND NEW, Still in box, Rustic Brown. $500 941-769-0298 CEILINGFANS excellent cond $15 each brass color 52 inch blades $15 941-763-0593 CHAIRS Sport Beach Folding w/carrying case $40, OBO 941-429-1573 CHAIRS Sport Beach Folding w/carrying case $40, OBO 941-429-1573 CHAMPION JUICER with books. Excellent condition. $100 941-769-4935 CHINA Mikasa Cotillion 45pcs 8Place Setting + Serving Pieces $125, OBO 941-697-3850 CHINA, Mikasa Arabella, 8 place settings. $125, OBO 941-769-4935 COFFEE TABLE solid wood excellent cond inlayed wood design $35, OBO 941-629-6374 COOKWARE Waterless, Stainless,7 pan set. $150 941769-4935 CUTLERY SET (COOKS ESSENTIALS) in box (Englewood) $15 941-830-2069 DECORATOR TABLE w/20Ždia custom glass top, free tablecloth $15 941-276-1881 DINNERWARE, Johnson Brothers,Service for 8 +, 59 pieces $99 716-598-2406 DOOR KNOBS brass colored 6 complete sets keyless. $12 941-763-0593 ELECTRIC TURKEYFRYER FRY. STEAM. BOIL.USED 2xs. $35 715-439-0459 5185 ROOFING ROOFING by DAD & Son Lic & Ins 40 years local Martinis Roofing 941-766-0331 ccc1330876 TOM JOYCE ROOFIN G HUGE **FALL SPECIALS**45 Years of Quality Work and Experience 941-484-9804 941-429-1800 lic#1325725 Classified=Sales 5191 SOD LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota 5230 MISCELLANEOUS Clean Your Dryer before it Catches on Fire! Special Rates for Multiple ClientsAffordable, Lic & Insured. Roger P Frechette Sr. 941-661-2020 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade 5184 SCREENING CLASSIC ALUMINUM RESCREEN SERVICE INC. Your Florida Outdoor Living ExpertsŽ 941-716-3984 www.classicrescreen.comLic# scc131151655Insured & Bonded RESCREENING by NORTHSTAR Free Estimates. 941-725-7599 Lic# CC20597 & Insured RESCREENING Special $55 Tops, $30 Sides. Complete $1295(to 1500SF) 941-879-3136 Lic. 22454/Ins. Southwest RescreenComplete Rescreening: $1,249 (up to 1,500 SF)941-465-2318Free Estimates! Insured. WRIGHTS RESCREENINGQuality Work at Great Prices! Specializing in: Pool Cages, Entryways, Lanais, Power Washing. FREE ESTIMATES! 15 Years Experience Locally Owned & Operated 941-286-3700 5185 ROOFING Replacement, Repairs, Roofing 30 Years Experience Discounts to Srs. & Vets Free Inspections & Est.Call Lane 941-270-6120RM COATS INC.Lic. CCC#1325731 Ins. LEONARDSROOFING&INSULATIONINC.FAMILYOWNED&OPERATED SINCE1969Shingle, Tile, Built-Up, SinglePly, Metal, Full Carpentry, Service Available Reagan Leonard 941-488-7478LIC# RC0066574 PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 Re Roofs, Repairs, Pressure Cleaning, Roofing Coatings Full Carpentry Services HONEST & RELIABLE 35 Yrs Local Experience CCC1328613. Ph. 941-412-4047 GREEN ROOFING & WATERPROOFINGTECHNOLOGIESWWW.GREENROOFINGONLINE.COM ROOF LEAK PATROL, INC. RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Repairs, Reroof, Carpentry, etc... 35 yrs exp. Lic/insured#RCA065387941-474-ROOF (7663) 941-483-4630ShinglesSlats MetalTileRepairs Old Roof Removal OurSpecialty Full CarpentryFree EstimatesLic.# CCC068184 Fully Insured


Friday, March 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 9 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES GOLF BALLS, Titleist Pro V 1s, Excellent condition, per dozen $18 941-488-7774 GOLF CLUBS 13 Lady Tiger Shark Clubs and Bag $25, OBO 724-331-1076 GOLF CLUBS 17 Lady Callaway Clubs and Bag $35, OBO 724-331-1076 GOLF CLUBS 19 Lady Callaway Clubs and Bag Full Set $50, OBO 724-331-1076 GOLF CLUBS King Cobra II OS steel shaft full set +Ping Putter $140 941-743-9055 GOLF CLUBS Mens full set Tour Edition EC bag +Ping putter $125 941-743-9055 GOLF CLUBS Nicklaus Claw Hybrids 3-5, Rifle shafts, matching covers. $35 603-491-0954 GOLF IRONS, Tommy Armour 855s, 3-SW plus golf bag. $50, OBO 309-224-1406 GOLF PULL CART, 3-wheel TriTrac$30 941-629-7620 GOLF SET Matching master grip bag/3-pw/putter and 2 woods/exc $99 941-875-5983 GRAPHITE GOLFCLUBS Graphite Shaft Woods 1-7 each $8 941-625-1537 KING COBRA Gravity Back 3sw irons/reg/newgrips/MINT $135, OBO 941-875-5983 KING COBRA stand bag Black with legs-lightweight-good cond $50 941-875-5983 LADIES, Lynx golf clubs full set with bag, Nice $35 941-6392063 MASTER GRIP 3-pw/graphreg/4woods/putter-bag-exc. $145, OBO 941-875-5983 PING EYE 2 2 to lob wedge irons + sw/zz lite shafts/ v good $130, OBO 941-875-5983 6126 GOLF CARTS 2000 Club Car DS Plumb Crazy PurpleŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2001 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf Cart White w/ White Top & Interior New Flip Rear Seat New Chrome SS Caps Trojan Batteries only 22 Months old {E5} Recent Service Great Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Top, Vinyl and Charger $2,775. 941-716-6792 Free Delivery {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2003 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 12" Rims w/215x40x12 Tires Batteries Dec. 2014 {M4} New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger $3,575. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.}{Custom Wheels not installed for picture} NO TEXT PLEASE 6095 MEDICAL WHEELCHAIR & WALKER W/ Bathtub grab bar. will separate $100, OBO 941-423-7845 WHEELCHAIR with high back, arm rest and seat $75 941627-0086 6100 HEALTH/BEAUTY INVERSION TABLE Life Gear, Exc. cond. $100 941-627-0901 MASSAGE/ FACIALCHAIR LIKE NEW WITH ADJUSTABLE BACK $69 941-763-2581 PARAFIN HAND BATH with wax. Professional quality. Large. Like new! $15 803-624-8039 REIZEN TALKINGWATCH For Sight Impaired Mens or Ladies $45 941-662-9228 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372 AGAVE PINEAPPLE begonia coleus frangipani geranium persimonia $5 941-202-3696 ALOE VERA devils backbone mexican petunias oyster snake spider lily $5 941-202-3696 BANANA PLANTS, 3 gallon pot Fruits in about 2 years $8 941-697-0794 BROMELIADS VARIOUS aechmeas neoregelias vriesas starting at $5 941-202-3696 FLORIDA AVOCADO/CITRUS 1-2 tall seedlings organically grown $5 941-202-3696 GUAVA PLANTS IN 3 GAL POT Also Sugar Apple and Sugar cane $10 941-697-0794 LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A ORCHIDS CATTLEYA purple mature potted plants many others for less $20 941-202-3696 PLUMERIA/FRANGIPANI IN 3 gallon pots $8 941-697-0794 TOMATOS 6-18Ž Beef Steak, Prudens Purple, Boxcar Willie $1 ea. 941-391-6749 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES 6-VOLTBATTERIES Used batteries/with exchange $125 941-423-3020 CARGO BOX Metal cargo box $50 941-423-3020 COBRABAG New pro golf bag, black and yellow, 7 pockets $125 801-776-0059 DRIVER CLEVELAND 400 Launcher Titanium RH Reg 9.5* VG Cond $30 941-488-7774 GOLF BALLS 2000 Used Golf Balls Cleaned and Packaged $300, OBO 724-331-1076 GOLF BALLS, like new, no scuffs, marks or logos, per dozen $6 941-488-7774 GOLF CART CHARGERS CLUB CAR, EZGO, YAMAHA Scratch and Dent Starting at $99 WARRANTY 941-769-1431VISIT 6075 FRUITS & VEGETABLES PAPAYA PLANTS, 1 gallon pot. Also Ripe/Green Papaya $1/pound. $4 941-697-0794 SUGARCANE per 2 ft. Will cut to length u want $1 941-6970794 6090 MUSICAL AMPLIFIER 10 watt for guitar keyboard or PA, VG cond. $30 941-575-7793 AMPLIFIER 10 watt, guitar, keyboard or PA. Seldom used. $30 941-575-7793 CF MARTIN MANDOLIN mellon back, exceptional playing condition. $400 716-523-0463 E.S.P. LES PAUL LTD Rare, New condition, Red, Fast gig bag included $300 941-4687712 Venice ELECTRONIC PIANO CASIO 61 keys, X stand, new condition $35 506-852-0909 EPIPHONE HOLLOW BODY, Electric, Bonde/Gold trim. Beautiful HS Case incl. $400 941468-7712 Venice GUITAR CASE 1978 ovation excellent $499 786-306-6335 GUITAR FATA Vasco classical guitar, plays good $50 716523-0463 HAMMERED DULCIMER includes stand, bench, books etc. $350, OBO 941-475-3812 MANDOLIN ARIA Mandolin A style, good playing, good condition. $125 716-598-2406 ORGAN, CONN with Bench, looks like Prelude Theater Model. $300 260-350-9422 ORGAN, Wurlitzer Total Tone Deluxe, Very good condition $300 260-350-9422 PIANO EVERETT Upright w/bench. excel cond $495, OBO 941-764-9022 VINTAGE FERNANDEZ STRAT, Black on / Black, Perfect Body, HS case included $375 941-468-7712 Venice 6095 MEDICAL AUTOMATIC HOSPITAL BED Good condition. $200 941-6270086 HOSPITAL BEDS(2), Craftmatic. Very Good Condition! $500 ea. obo. 941-303-9354 LIFT CHAIR ELECTRIC Recliner, can sleep in. $395 Orig. 1100. 941-580-4460 POWER CHAIRS, 2 Jazzy each need new batteries, sold separate $400 260-350-9422 SAUNDERS LUMBAR HOME TRACTION DEVICE $200 941-627-9044 SHOWER BENCH New never used. Seat belt, seat slides $100 941-627-0086 SHOWER CHAIR has seat belts and legs. Looks like wheelchair. $75 941-627-0086 STAIR-LIFT CHAIR with 4 rail, 2 years old, works great! $1,200 OBO 715-208-0047 PG 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES ANTIQUE BIRD CAGE 8Žx8Žx14Ž with floor stand; $45 941-639-0838 ANTIQUES MISC antique glassware pieces. $20 & up. $20 941-716-1558 BASEBALL CARD AL KALINE 1962 TOPPS n/mint. $26, OBO 810-210-9553 BOOKS THE Harvard Classics, set of 19 includes Am. historical documents $95 941-258-0512 CANNON Full size replica Civil War Era. Fireable. $3,650/obo 941-276-6365 CHEST SOLID antique maple chest with 4 drawers $300 941-740-4418 CIVIL WAR BAYONET GETTYSBURG BATTLE DAMAGED, PICKETS $250 941-475-1379 CIVIL WAR ERA WOODEN CANTEEN WITH CHAIN AND STOPPER $200 941-475-1379 CIVIL WAR GETTYSBURG BATTLE BULLET IN LARGE PIECE OF WOOD $225 941-475-1379 CIVIL WAR GETTYSBURG BATTLE DAMAGED UION BELT BUCKLE $225 941-475-1379 CIVIL WAR GETTYSBURG DUG RELIC POCKET KNIFE $95 941475-1379 CLOCKS MCCLINTOCK $35, OBO 941-697-8598 COCA COLA coolers 2 Paul Flum collectibles $150 941-391-6090 COLLECTOR PLATES Native American 3 w/dark wood frames $25 941-627-6542 EARLY FURNITURE American ca 1800s, walnut, cherry $500, OBO 913-486-8036 FLOW BLUE COLLECTION, early patterns, plates, platters, cups $500, obo 913-486-8036 IRANIAN RUGS choice 35 year collection $500, OBO 913-4868036 JAMES DEANDOLLS 2 1994 NEVER OUT OF BOX $100, OBO 941-627-6780 LAMP VINTAGE Cherub w/marble base made in Italy $45 941-214-8188 LICENSE -PLATES ny ct tx me & more will trade for different fl counties $10 941-214-8188 MINK COLLAR 1950s, 3 pelts. The real thing! Rare! Must see! $20 803-624-8039 MIRROR, Old, Wood, Gilt, 29x20. Excellent. $55, OBO 941-258-6845 NASCAR COFFEEMUGS black with raised logo, 5Ž tall; each $11 941-639-0838 ORIGINAL PAINTINGS of Southwest Pottery. 1950s. Nice!! $20 803-624-8039 PINE FURNITURE choice bed, chest, dry sink, wall cupboard $250, OBO 913-486-8036 QUILT Lilly Pultizer Fabric from 60-70s signed $300 941-697-5191 QUILT Yo-Yos vintage Key West Fabric, Beautiful. $200 941-697-5191 RADIO FLYER Town Country Wagon Old Pristine child wagon Cheap! $100 941-286-8082 RAY BRADBURY Poem Westways Mag. Man DeadŽshooting board. $75 941-258-0512 RUSSEL WRIGHT Iroquois Oyster color plates/bowls $100, OBO 941-769-4935 TOY TRUCK Goodrich Silvertown TiresŽ wrecker from 1920s. $60 941-258-0512 VICTROLA VV100 floor model ex cond $225 941-214-8188 VINTAGE DOLLS Walking Wanda & others $150 941-391-6090 WWII USMC 1943 Knife & Leather Scabbard Homemade In PG $110 308-349-3447 YESTERDAYSANTIQUES OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY 11AM 5PM Always Selling Antique ChristmasŽ Corner of US 41 & Sibley Bay, Port Charlotte 6038 ELECTRONICS SONIC MOBILITY 3 wheeled scooter arm rests, power cord re-chargeable batteries. $200, OBO 262-939-3807 SONY CD/DVD 5 disk player with radio and surround sound speakers $85 941-743-0649 SPEAKERS BOSE Exc. Cond. Pair $25 941-423-9371 WALKIE TALKIE new radio shack $40 941-218-4502 6040 TV/STEREO/RADIO BOSE, SOUND Dock, portableremote control $100, OBO 941-575-1897 DIGITAL SATLITE RECEIVER Extrem Viewsat $25, OBO 941-575-0690 SURROUND SOUND JVC New five piece speaker set $65 716-374-2950 TURN-TABLE TOSHIBA SL5 wAM/FM radio & cassette decks $10 941-445-5619 TURNTABLE TECHNICS SLD202 $125 941-391-6090 TV CONSOLE 5Long, 28Ž Tall, 20 1/2Ž Deep, Brown, 2 doors. $45, OBO 941-624-2105 TV FLAT SCREEN 36Ž great HDMI W/ remote $150 941-580-4460 TV SONY 52Ž Projector. Excellent condition. $99 941-763-2581 6060 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 17Ž MONITOR HP Hewlett Packard, 17x17x17 CRT, A+ cond $10 941-743-2656 COMPAQ DESKTOP, XP Pro, DVD-RW, MS Office Pro, Avast, Inet, A+cnd $50 941-743-2656 DELL LAPTOP Wind 7, Intel 2x Core, DVD-RW, MS Office, WiFi, A+ cond $195 941-743-2656 IHOME CHARGER STEREO RADIO for APPLE IPAD, IPHONE $35 506-852-0909 PRINT/COPY/SCAN/FAX MACHINE Epson Black Like New $45 941-276-1881 ROUTER NETGEAR N600 router modem $25, N300 router $5 941-391-6749 TP-LINK TL-WA854RE WiFi Range Extender $5 941-391-6749 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES CROSS PENDANT W/CHAIN Tanzanite TGW 3.7.cts $185 941-554-2140 HEART PENDANT w/ chain Sleeping Beauty turquoise tcw 1.38cts. $60 941-554-2140 LADIES MOVADA Dress Watch 18K plated black calfskin band $135, OBO 941-286-7337 LADIES PANT SUITS Very good condition $20, OBO 941429-8513 MENS SUIT Size 44 Very good condition $35, OBO 941-4298513 MINK STOLE, oversize blonde $250, OBO 941-429-1573 PURSE DOONEY Navy/tan pebbled leather 18Žstrap 12x8x6.5Ž $25 941-488-7774 SPORTCOAT (TAN) & misc. jkts. XL (Englewood) $15 941-830-2069 TAG HEUER Alter Ego WP1410 Ladies pre-owned Wrist Watch $330, OBO 941-697-3850 TORY BUECH, 2pr flats. Used 5.5 silver & gold oth. each & Clothes.$77,obo 941-492-2252 TURQUOISE & SILVER vintage ladies watchband signed Native American. $40 941-743-2656 WALKING SHOES Gravity Defyer Size 12 (like New)Orig. $130 $75 941-830-2069 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES 1949-52 BASEBALL and football collector cards only!! $6, OBO 810-210-9553 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 6035 FURNITURE LIVING ROOM TABLES $100 941-380-9212 RECLINER EKORNES (Stressless),Leather, 2 Yrs. Old. $850. Cost $2000. New. 603-491-0954 RECLINER ELECTRIC new this is a steal $250 941-769-2389 R ECLINER LOVESEAT T win Lazyboy Beige Tones gc $ 125, OBO 603-533-6655 RECLINER ROCKERS 2 lazy boy rocker recliners in very good shape Taupe, cloth, contemporary style 150 each $150 941-488-5450 ROCKER, SWIVEL Rattan Off white, with light green cushions. $30, OBO 615-585-7436 ROCKING CHAIR Ethan Allen Cape Cod rocker $125 941627-6542 SHELF, 5 Wicker, arch top. Honey ,18.5Žw x 71Žh $110 941-624-0364 SIDE/CLUB CHAIR Tropical leaf pattern, 2 pillows. Like new. Moving. $200 860-573-3506 SOFA & LOVESEAT Lane, Leather, matching, Ex cond. $495 941-268-0917 SOFA 84Ž Like new, beige linenlike material, 4 pillows. Moving. $200 860-573-3506 SWIVEL ROCKER RATTAN Off white with light green cushions $35, OBO 615-585-7436 TABLE& 2 CHAIRS 42Ž w/2 chairs on casters $65 718-986-3608 TABLE MARBLE TOP Mahogany 33ŽX22ŽX28Ž $130 941-624-0364 TABLE MAHOGANY wood 48Ž round by 1.5Ž thick on metal post $100 941-202-3437 TABLE Rattan dining table 48Ž exc. cond. Port Charlotte $55 580-618-2237 TABLE, 48Žglass top and stand. $20, OBO 309-224-1406 TABLE COFFEE/COCKTAIL Wood. Excellent Condition. $45, OBO 941-629-6374 TABLES GLASS top coffee & end tables $150, OBO 941697-7333 TABLES SIDE(2) TV CARTS(2) wall art (4) starting at $10, OBO 941-202-3437 THOMASVILLE DINING Cherry, 8 chairs, 2 leaves. Mint con. $500, OBO 269-207-9189 TRUNDLE BED Metal frame, TRUNDLE BED W/2-Mattresss Clean $75, OBO 989-444-9179 TRUNDLE BED White metal trundle bed with 2 like new mattresses. $125 850-313-9303 TV STAND Black with tempered glass shelves $25, OBO 615-585-7436 TV STAND with bracket 3 black glass shelves holds 60Ž TV $140 718-986-3608 WICKERSET OUTDOORLveseat, coffee & end table. Like new! $200 860-810-4174 WOOD TRUNK 3x18, restored. Exc. cond. A must see. $60 941-235-2203 6038 ELECTRONICS DESKTOP SPEAKERS, Hardon Kardon. Reduced again! $40, OBO 941-697-8598 GPS GARMIN Nuvi 255w $20 941-625-6053 GPS GARMIN NUVI 255w, charger and case. $20 941-625-6053 JITTERBUG SMART PHONE by GREAT CALL. $75 941-889-7592 MODEM ROUTERS (2) WIFI for Verizon/Frontier Communications, each $50 941-275-5837 MODEM/ROUTER NEWER Netgear 300 router and Arris modem $50 801-776-0059 SOLAR TRICKLE CHARGER 12V plug in $39, OBO 941629-9149


Page 10 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, March 24, 2017 6000 MERCHANDISE 6002 ENGLEWOOD AREA GARAGE SALES FRI & SAT 7AM-?? 8237 ARCHIE ST HUGE SALE Household, Clothing, Sport & Fishing Equipment FRI-SAT. 8-? 873 E 7th St Moving Sale. Furniture, Household Items, Tools, Linens, Christmas, & Much More. FRI-SAT. 9-3PM 11402 Starflower Ave. 3 bdrm Sets: 2 queen, 1 king, sofa, club chair, 40Ž round tble w/2 chairs, glass lanai table w/ 6 chairs. FRI. & SAT 9-4 6335 Oriole Blvd Household, linens, and much more. Something for everyone. FRI. & SAT. 8AM-2PM 7459 Snow Dr. Twin bed set, China Hutch, Linens, Home Decor, etc. ALL QUALITY ITEMS. FRI. 8-2 & SAT. 8-12 6339 Partridge Ave. BIG YARD SALE Too many items to list! FRI.-SAT. 8AM-3PM 141 West Langsner St. (2 Blocks Past of Dearborn) 2 Elephant & 1 Tiger Table, Women`s Clothes Size 8-22, Bedspreads, Books, Cabinets & MORE! FRI.-SAT. 9AM-1PM 9231 Pine Cove Rd. Furniture, Pictures, Antiques, Household & MORE!! SAT. 8-2 6176 Bond St.. Multi-Family, Collectibles, Household, Fishing & Boating, Books, Glass Table & Chairs etc. SATURDAY 8AM-6PM 640 Viridian Street. House sold. THU-SAT. 9-2 7355 Thomas St. PRE-ESTATE SALE! Karastan Rugs, Mikasa, Fabric, Vac, different household 6003 LAKESUZY GARAGE SALES FRI.-SAT. 8AM-? 10028 Peace River St. MORE Tools, Collectibles, Household, Clothes, Plants Etc 6005 NORTH PORT AREA GARAGE SALES FRI 9-2 4444 Baroda Ave. (Sumter to Pocotella to Pa yne to Baroda). Moving Sale, Plus Craft Making Items. FRI.-SAT. 9-2PM 4073 Fontainebleau St. ESTATE SALE!! Furniture, Yard Items, Tools, Hsld. & MUCH MORE!!! SAT-SUN 7:30-12:30 3010 Dal Hart Ave. Furniture & Collectibles. SAT. 8-1 6095 Lenape Lane MOVING SALE Household, some furniture, reloading supplies, much more. SATURDAY ONLY 8-3ATTHEINTERSECTIONOFKINDERKEMACAVE& PRESTONST. PORTCHARLOTTE. 33952 A FULL HOUSEOFHUNGARIANINFLUENCES! DRYBAR, FLATSCREENTV,SOFAS, LOVESEAT, ROCKER,CHINA, DISHES, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, DOLLS, CHRISTMAS, 3 BEDROOMSETS, GARAGE ANDLANAIAREFULL. COMEJOINUS. DELIVERYAVAILABLEBYGOODFELLOWSMOVING. SUN. ONLY 8am-23633 Enid LaneFINAL SALE 50% OFF All must go! 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI-SAT, MARCH24-25 9am-4pm 3337 Pellam Blvd, PC. Puzzles, Dolls, Crafts, Vintage Fur Hats, Electronics, Books, Office Suppl, Baskets. FRI-SAT. 8-3 23140 Corvin Ave. Trailer, Generator, Tools, Canal Boat, day bed, Too much to list! FRI-SAT. 9-4 392 Reading St. Tools, Kitchen Items, Clothing, and Much More! 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI-SAT. 8AM-3PM 1239 Beacon Dr. 20 TABLES Plus GREAT Selection Electric, Tools, TVs Clothes, Fishing, & MUCH MORE! FRI. & SAT 8-2 18223 Steele Ave HUGE MOVING SALE Antiques furniture & tools FRI. 8-2 22126 Riverhead Ave. Antiques & Collectibles, Rookwood, Art Glass, Sterling, Roseville. Good Old Stuff. Cash Only. FRI.-SAT. 9AM-3PM 3482 Rome St. Air Compressor, Drill Press, Tools, Household, Brass Pots & More! FRI.-SAT. 9AM-5PM 3295 Jamestown St. Patio Set, Complete Dining Room Set, Kitchen Dinette, Household ETC! ADVERTISE In TheClassifieds! FRIDAY & SATURDAY 9AM-1PM 801 SEABOLD AVE.$20. BAMBOOSHEETSETS, WIRELESSSHEADPHONES, TACTICACLFLASHLIGHTS, NEWDEEPFRYER& COFFEEPOT, WALNUTOIL, 22Ž CRAFTD-MANTRIMMER& BOXLOTS!! PETE`S GARAGE SALE SAT-SUN. 9-4 812 Ellicott Cir Nw. Tools, Holiday Items, Collectibles, Some Furniture, Fishing & Kitchen. SAT. 8-?? 4473 Sweetbay St. FINAL MOVING SALE! Household, Furniture, Misc and much more! SAT. 8:00-11:00 325 Brasilia St. Deep Creek. Lots of Variety! SATURDAY ONLY 9-3 18529 Kulvin Ave Tools, New Clothes, Household Items. BIG SALE! THURSDAY, FRIDAY & Saturday. 9am -2pm 372 Cory St Port Charlotte 33953. Moving Sale...Everything Goes! Tools, furniture, clothes, etc 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT 8-3 7328 Satsuma Dr. 2 Family Yard Sa le. Household Items, Fishing, Boat Motor, & Much More! FRI-SAT 9-3 715 Sturgeon Pl. HUGE SALE! MULTIFAMILY!Tons of Boating, Fishing, Nautical Antiques & Collectables, Big Ship Wheels, 22 Hydra Sport CC, Small Boats & Motors, Tools, 5500W Generators, Pocket Knives, Pocketbooks, Watches, Furn., Plus MUCH MORE! FRI.& SAT 8-2 2025 Cooper St. S. on 41, L on Airport, L on Cooper More tools than Home Depot! Fishing, RV, Boating, Furn, kitchen, king Bedding & More! FRI.-SAT. 8-3 1342 Aqui Esta Dr. MOVING SALE!! Furniture, Antiques, Household, XMas, & MORE! ALL Must Go!! FRI.-SAT. 9-4 30119 Alder Rd. Ridge Harbor. 2 FAMILY SALE!! Furniture, Golf Cart, 3 Wheel Bike, Large Tool Box, Lots of Hand Tools. NEEDCASH? FRI.-SAT. 9AM-3PM 24491 Julian Ct. ESTATE SALE! Full House of Furniture, Household Items, Collectables, Clothes & MORE!! SAT ONLY 8-2 1223 RIDING ROCKS LN MULTI FAMILY SALE LOTS OF GREAT ITEMS! SAT-SUN. 9AM-?? 1519 Persay Dr. Off Highway 17, Furniture, Household, and more! SAT. 9-2 5013 San Rocco Dr. Avon Jewelry, Household, Floral, Candles, Linens, Jungle Animals 40s Lionel train SAT. 9-5 3119 Shannon Dr. Household, VCR tapes and Player, Some Tools. No reasonable offers refused. SATURDAY 10AM-3PM SIDEWALK SALE GALLERIA ANTIQUE MALL 5260 HWY 17. 941-347-8044 6008 ROTONDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 10-4 291 Rotonda Blvd. N. Mi sc. Household Items, Clothing, Etc. FRI-SAT. 8-2 31 Bunker Circle. W/vane, antiques, stamp collection, trunks, household, small furniture, etc. FRI-SAT. 9-4 155 Annopolis Ln MOVING SALE Sofa, Loveseat, Recliner, household & MORE. FRI.-SAT. 8-4 3 Caddy Rd. HUGE MULTI FAMILY SALE!! Furniture, Stroller, Rugs, Pics, Air Compressor, Grill & MORE! FRI.-SAT. 8AM-1PM 37 Medalist Ct. MOVING SALE!! Furniture, Teacher`s Items & MUCH MORE!! FRI.-SAT. 9:00-3:00 21 White Marsh Lane, Rotonda West. MULTI FAMILY! Canoe with Electric Motor, Lifejackets, Etc. Fossils, Coins, Household Items, CDs SAT. 8-2 218 Albatross Rd. Multi-Family, Household Fridge, Microwave, and much more! Many Brand new items. 6010 S.VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 7AM-2 396 Randolph Rd. Collectible toy cars. Sports memorabilia, household & more FRI-SUN. 9-3 316 Hillview Rd MOVING SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO! HUGE YARD SALE FRI. SAT SUN. 8-5PM 564 Urbana Rd. By the Dome. Collect,Electronics, Bikes, Tools, Jewelry. Too Much to List! SAT & SUN 9-4 1415 Roosvelt Dr. GULF VIEW ESTATESMOVING SALE!! SAT. 8-1 1797 Pomelo Dr. (On Corner of Pomelo & Briarwood). Furn., Jewelry, Linens, Tools, Clothes, Shoes, Dishes, Paintings, Ships Clock. 6011 VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT 8-4 SUN 10-4 1231 Schooner Ln. (Pinebrook S.). Vintage Automobilia, Rare Collectibles, Toys, Records, Tools, Art, Kitchen Items, Electronics, Misc. 6011 VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES ESTATE SALEFRI. 9-2 & SAT. 9-12 710 Golden Beach Blvd., Unit #4; Venice Retired antique dealer: 20 full/partial china sets, 100s of ironed & labeled vintage linens, 6 quilts, 19th C. & early 20th C. clothes, 15 Victorian chairs, settee & sofa, stemware, wicker sofa, desk, chairs & tables; tea sets, silver, jewelry, metal bed, painted cabinets, sewing items, white sofas, electric lift chair, gate leg table, 8 X 10 Karastan rug, dolls, lamps, end tables, ladys vintage clothes & accessories, ship models, books, china cabinet, linens & kitchen. Pix: Sale by Julie McClure FRI.-SAT. 9-12 613 S. Armada Rd. (Is.) 4th Annual Sale of over 400 FL Plants. Bromeliads, Plumerias, & More FRI.-SAT. 9-4 301 Nassau Street N. Gas Lawn Sprayer, Fountain, CDs, Wicker Trunck, 27Ž Monitor, Hshd. ETC! GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! RELAY FOR LIFE TREASURE SALE Sat 9AM-2PM. Sun 12-3pm 302 Salt Creek Dr. Village of Riverwalk (Off US 41). Quality Items, From golf club to toys and everything in between. Auto & sporting acces., Custom Iron works, Collectibles, Christmas, housewares, garden and more. Proceeds to American Cancer Society. SAT., 8AM-3PM 4216 Tennyson Way. (Woodmere Lakes) HUGE MOVING SALE! Everything Must Go! 6014 S. GULF COVE GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 8-1 15763 Applewhite Cir., HUGE INDOOR MOVING SALE! Kayaks, Furniture, Decor, Linens, Dishes, Garage stuff, and MORE! SAT-SUN. 9AM-4PM 15706 Viscount Circle. MOVING .. Tools, Boating Equip, Golf Equip, Furniture, Household


2011 by King Features Syndicate Yesterdays Challenger Answers Friday, March 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 11


Page 12 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, March 24, 2017 DEAR DR. ROACH: My sister was rear-ended last summer and suffered whiplash. She went to a chiropractor for adjustment, but that did not help. Ever since the accident, she has experienced excruciating head pain whenever she bends over to do anything! If she lowers her head at all, the pain is so intense that her eyes water. Shes gone to an ear, nose and throat doctor to check her sinuses (clear) as well as for X-rays and MRIs, and to another chiropractor. Its been over “ve months, and she has found no relief, nor been given any reason for whats happening to her. Im 1,500 miles away and unable to help her. Do you have any suggestions for her? „ M.N. ANSWER: The term whiplashŽ refers to trauma to the neck that involves rapid ”exion (like looking at the ”oor) and extension (as in looking up at the ceiling). Its not clear exactly what causes the inj ury, but small amounts of bleeding and in”ammation are thought to be part of the mechanism of injury. It is not uncommon to have a normal or nearly normal MRI, yet still have pain. You havent told me whether she has gone to a physical therapist, which probably would be my recommendation. There is some evidence that massage therapy and a TENS unit may bene“t a whiplash injury. The headache getting worse on bending over is not typical. That is characteristic of a rare type of headache, one due to increased pressure of cerebrospinal ”uid, the ”uid that surrounds the brain. A visit to a neurologist would be worthwhile. DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband, 36 and in good health, was scheduled for surgery, and in the pre-op work, his blood showed elevated white blood cells. In particular, he has elevated neutrophils, monocytes and immature granulocytes. The other blood cells, including red blood cells and platelets, are normal. They scared us by talking about leukemia, and now we are both terri“ed. We will be referred to hematology. „ H.M.B. ANSWER: Neutrophils, monocytes and immature granulocytes all are types of white blood cells, and part of what is called the myeloid line (myeloidŽ is from the Greek word for marrow,Ž and the myeloid line makes different cells from the lymphocytic line). His results are suspicious for a myeloproliferative disorder (chronic myelogenous leukemia is one of these), and that visit to the hematologist is absolutely necessary. There are other possibilities, such as an infection, which can cause similar changes in the blood. I agree that an elective surgery should be put off until things can be made clear. After con“rming these results, the hematologist may want to look at his bone marrow. A bone marrow biopsy takes a small amount of bone marrow from the hip. It is the de“nitive test for most blood disorders, like the myeloproliferative disorders and other leukemias. Genetic analyses are an important part of diagnosis now, so the results may take some time to be de“nitive. At this point, I cannot be sure if your husband has a myeloproliferative disorder, let alone guess at which one it might be. The fact that the red blood cells and platelets are normal is a good sign. Please let me know what the hematologist says. READERS: Recurring vaginal infections can be troubling to women. The booklet on that topic explains them and their treatment. Readers can order a copy by writing: Dr. Roach Book No. 1203 628 Virginia Dr. Orlando, FL 32803 Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6. Can. with the recipients printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery. Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med. or request an order form of available health newsletters at 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803. Health newsletters may be ordered from www. i plash v i s i t to physical therapist is in orderDr. Roach BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY adno=8602995


Friday, March 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 13 Dear Heloise: Most airplane ”ights these days do not have enough time between layovers for the cleaning crew to wipe down tray tables. To keep from picking up germs, I pack several antibacterial wipes and keep them in my purse to wipe down the trays and armrests. Its also handy to use in the planes lavatory. „ Shannon M., Muleshoe, Texas How right you are! If the stopŽ is just to of”oad and load passengers, generally there is NO cleaning. As a road warrior with more than 2.7 million miles (one airline alone), I can tell you that staying healthy and germ-free is not easy today. I have several small bottles of hand sanitizer stashed everywhere! Ive used some on a tissue to wipe off the tray and armrest. Yuck! „ HeloiseTravel hintsDear Heloise: Here are my favorite travel hints that have saved me many times: € Pack a small “rst-aid kit and keep it in the glove compartment of your car. € Carry all medications/ j ewelry in a carry-on bag or purse. € Always notify a relative or close friend of your date of departure and return. € Never carry your Social Security card in your wallet. „ Dan W. in DenverManualsDear Heloise: Its so easy for computer manuals and disks to get lost, so when I buy a new computer, I take the books and disks that came with it and place them in large, resealable plastic bags and store them together in the hall closet. „ Kathy S., Austin, TexasWaste not, want notDear Heloise: I hate to waste paper! When Im tempted to toss out wastepaper from my computer, I place it in a box and take it to a recycling center instead. I called 311 and asked where the nearest recycling center was located. Now my entire of“ce staff has gotten on the recycling bandwagon, and we recycle as much paper and plastic as possible. „ Linda H., Dearborn, Mich.Make germs on the tray fly away!Hints from Heloise BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Make your business a part of it! Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602996


Page 14 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, March 24, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). You can make a promise about what you'll do, because you have a reasonable amount of control over that. To make a promise about how you'll feel, though „ it's just not something you can predict at this time. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Life will be sweet. Today will present you with an embarrassment of riches. Such a thing can be dangerous. Better to share with a friend than to have the whole pie to yourself. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Some say that it's p ossible to know the character of a p erson throu g h his or her errors. Others suggest the better moments point the way to a person's soul. Right now it will be enough just to pay close attention, for better or worse. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Something a tad jarring may stir you from the comfortable spot you were in. The trouble with waking up to reality is that, once awake, you have to confront that you were, in some sense, asleep. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You tell yourself to do something and then do the oppo site. That's just human. Sometimes you can tolerate this, other times, like toda y, y ou can overcome it. Y VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Relationships are complicated, sure. Is a never-ending, always-growing love even really possible? Believe that it is. Cynicism is the enemy of love. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It's not always so easy to nd common ground with people, but when you can't nd it, you still will nd a way of showing support. Your eyes and attitude will say it all. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). It's exciting where you are right now in your life. It's not perfect, and there is still room for growth. But you've accomplished something, and you'll build on that. Feel good about it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You're not aiming to get a return on your relationships. You go with your heart and your attractions. The fact that you are rewarded so richly today is a bonus. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The more desirable a scene is, the more people want it all to themselves. Don't be discouraged. With enough intention and will, you'll soon break through. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Don't worry about making choices that are in keeping with the current style. Fashion doesn't even apply to you now. Your classic ways and tastes will always be in favor. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You won't exactly solve the problem going on between two people you love, but you can make it better by hearing both sides and being generally neutral. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (March 24). You'll see more of the world this year. A change of venue brings something fresh and ery to your personal life. In April you'll reach back and x something that you broke a few years ago. June is for stretching your emotional muscles and taking risks with your heart. August will introduce you to new income. Scorpio and Libra adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4 30 20 1 and 18. DEAR ABBY: I lost my husband a few years ago and am now remarried. Some of my adult children, although they did not want me to be alone and they sayŽ they are happy for me, have been slow in welcoming my new husband. I in no way expect him to be a replacement for their father. I only wish they would welcome him into their lives as they would anyone elses spouse. They dont have to love him. I ask only that they respect him and acknowledge that hes part of my life now. Wishing him a happy birthday and happy holidays directly would go a long way to making him feel accepted, as would more general communication. He has tried on numerous occasions to show an interest in their lives, but he receives little acknowledgement in return. His children have welcomed me into their lives. This has strained and changed my relationship with my children. I just want a family again. Is it asking too much of them to accept my husband as part of the family and to treat him that way? „ MISSING MY FAMILY IN FLORIDA DEAR MISSING: Have you told your children that the cool reception they have given your husband is harmful not only to him but also to you? If you have and they are still unable to warm up to him, its t ime to concentrate your efforts on building closer relationships with those relatives who are willing to be more welcoming. Remember, we cant change other people. We can, however, change ourselves, and by doing so, change the way we REACT to them. DEAR ABBY: I have a family dilemma. We employ our 16-year-old niece to watch our boys, ages 8 and 10, during the summer and school breaks. We pay her well to come to our home and watch them eight hours a day. My problem is, her younger brother is my sons best friend. He gets invited to their house for a sleepover the day before we need a sitter, and both boys go. Then the next day their mom says our niece watched them, and therefore she should get paid for that day, too. Abby, the mom is there all day. To me, a cousin sleepover isnt something that should be charged for. Their children have come to our house for years for sleepovers, and I never charged them. Is this OK? And if not, how do we refuse? We have already told her we prefer the boys to be watched at our home, so they receive one-on-one time. What do you think about this? „ COUSIN SLEEPOVER DEAR C.S.: What do I think? I think you have been taken advantage of. A baby sitter is hired when there is no adult in the home to supervise the children. If your nephews mother cant be home when your boys have been invited for a sleepover, the person who should pay for the ba by sitter is her „ not you. If you want to put an end to this, tell the woman exactly what I have told you. DEAR ABBY: I am a step-grandfather. Must I go to a grandchilds church performances even though Im an atheist? „ COMMAND PERFORMANCE IN OREGON DEAR COMMAND: If you want a close and loving relationship with your grandchild (notice I didnt say step-), you should absolutely be present to encourage and support that child! He that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love.Ž „ John 4:8. This is one of the most quoted verses in the Bible. Do we appreciate it? Do we accept it and do we spread it? Lets let more of his love shine through us. BIBLEMoms adult children are slow to embrace her new husbandVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby


Friday, March 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 15 F r id ay T e l ev i s i onVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDAMAR. 24PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC7 News @ 6pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News at 7 Florida Suncoasts news, weather & more. (N)Last Man Stand.: Bad Heir Day Dr. Ken Surprise wedding. (N)Shark Tank A couple presents a puppy subscription. (TVPG) (R) (HD) (:01) 20/20 Investigative reporting on world news. (HD)ABC7 News @ 11pm (N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (R) ABC E F 26---7117-ABC7 News @ 6:00pm (N)ABC World News Tonight(N)The 7 OClock News (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Last Man Stand.: Bad Heir Day Dr. Ken Surprise wedding. (N)Shark Tank A couple presents a puppy subscription. (TVPG) (R) (HD) (:01) 20/20 Investigative reporting on world news. (HD)ABC7 News @ 11:00pm(N)Jimmy Kimmel Live(TV14) (R) CBS E F 11213213-555-WINK News at 6pm (N) (HD)CBS Evening News (N) (HD) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Regional Semifinal : Butler Bulldogs vs North Carolina Tar Heels from FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tenn. (Live) (HD) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Regional Semifinal : UCLA Bruins vs Kentucky Wildcats from FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tenn. (Live) (HD) CBS E F 10101010---1010 News, 6pm (N)CBS Evening News (N) (HD) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Regional Semifinal : Butler Bulldogs vs North Carolina Tar Heels from FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tenn. (Live) (HD) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Regional Semifinal : UCLA Bruins vs Kentucky Wildcats from FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tenn. (Live) (HD) NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel: Southern Charm (TVG)Jeopardy! (TVG) (N) (HD)Grimm: Zerstorer Shrugged An evil force arrives in Portland.(TV14) (N)Dateline NBC: The House in the Woods Ex-hockey player.(N) (HD)Dateline NBC: Taken Woman vanishes from shopping mall.(N) (HD)NBC2 News @ 11pm (N) (HD) (:35) Tonight Show (TV14) (N) NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChan nel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nigh tly News (N) (HD)NewsChan nel 8 at 7:00 (N)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Grimm: Zerstor er Shrugge d An evil force arrives in Portland.(TV14) (N)Dateline NBC: The Hou se in the Woods Ex-hockey player.(N) (HD)Dateline NBC: Taken W om an vanishes from shopping mall.(N) (HD)NewsChan nel 8 at 11:00 (N) (:35) Tonight Show (TV14) (N) FOX E F 36---444-FOX 4 News at Six Community news; weather; traffic; more. (N)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R) (HD)Rosewood: Clavicle Trauma & Closure Crime scene. (TV14) (R) (HD)Sleepy Hollow: Tomorrow Dreyfuss future dystopian world. (TV14) (N)FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)FOX 4 News at Eleven (N)TMZ (TVPG) (R) FOX E F 13131313-13-13FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)Access Hollywood(TVPG) (N)TMZ (TVPG) (N)Rosewood: Clavicle Trauma & Closure Crime scene. (TV14) (R) (HD)Sleepy Hollow: Tomorrow Dreyfuss future dystopian world. (TV14) (N)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News News, sports, weather and traffic.(N) PBS E F 30-3-333-BBC World News (TVPG)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Washington Week (N) (HD)The Week(TVG) (N) (HD)Mary Tyler Moore: A Celebration Legacy of actress.(TVPG) (R) (HD)Makers: Women in Hollywood Women who influence entertainment. Charlie Rose (N) (HD) PBS E F #3173---3Capitol Update (HD)Nightly Business Report (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Washington Week (N) (HD)Florida This Week (TVG) (N)Ken Burns: Americas Storyteller (TVG) (R) (HD)Smart Fats to Out-Smart Aging with Steven Masley, MD (TVG) (R) CW E F 46---6216-Mike & Molly Writers block. WINK News at 6:30pm (N) (HD)Big Bang Better acquaintance. Big Bang Time machine prop. The Originals: No Quarter Rescue mission to save Klaus.(TV14) (N)Reign: Love & Death Mary deals with political blowback.(TV14) (N)WINK News @10pm (N) (HD)Mike & Molly Wedding vows. 2 Broke Fundraising party. (HD) CW E F 44999---4Mike & Molly Writers block. Mike & Molly Wedding vows. 2 Broke Fundraising party. (HD)2 Broke Girls Eclectic dresses. The Originals: No Quarter Rescue mission to save Klaus.(TV14) (N)Reign: Love & Death Mary deals with political blowback.(TV14) (N)Two & Half Jakes step-dad. Two & Half Cheating girlfriend. Friends Nana passes. (TVPG)Friends Monicas candy. (HD) MYN E F 38111111---14Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R) (HD)News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)American Ninja Warrior: Venice Qualifying (Hour 1) (TVPG) (HD)American Ninja Warrior: Venice Qualifying (Hour 2) (TVPG) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R) IND E F 32121212-38-12Modern Family Fencing. (HD)Modern Family Career day. Big Bang Better acquaintance. Big Bang Time machine prop. Anger Fighting urges. (TV14)Anger New therapist. (TV14)Man Stand.(TVPG) (HD)Man Stand. Mandys business. Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Maledictus Mob princess killed.(TV14)Family Guy Hospital. (TV14)Family Guy Peters vasectomy. ION E F 662221326-17Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Haunted Fin gets shot.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Contagious Girl is molested. (TV14)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Identity Gang member killed. (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Quarry Missing child found. (TV14)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Charisma Cult leader.(TV14) (HD)White Collar: Need to Know Neal goes undercover in politics. (TVPG) E L B A CA&E262626263950181(5:00) Live PD: Live PD 03.18.17 (R) (HD)Live PD (TV14) (N) (HD)Live PD: Live PD 03.24.17 (N) (HD) AMC565656563053231(4:00) Forrest Gump (94) A simple man. The Godfather (72, Crime) Marlon Brando. A decorated veteran ta kes over control of his familys criminal empire from his ailing father as new threats and old enemies conspire to destroy them. (R)The Walking Dead Surprise visit. (TVMA) (R) APL444444443668130Tanked DJ booth tank. Tanked (TVPG) (N) (HD)Tanked (TVPG) (N) (HD)Tanked (TVPG) (N) (HD)Tanked (TVPG) (N) (HD)Tanked (TVPG) (R) (HD) BBCAM114114114114114114189(:20) Star Trek Spocks brain stolen Star Trek (TVPG)(:40) Star Trek (TVPG)Star Trek Children take ship. (TVPG)Star Trek (TVPG) BET353535354022270BrownsBrownsBrowns Head injury. Lip SyncLip SyncLip SyncLip Sync Rapper-actor. Lip SyncJumping Broom (11) BRAVO6868686825451185HousewivesDont BeDont BeDont BeDont Be Calm nerves. HousewivesDelivery Man (13) 533 kids fathered via sperm donations. COM666666661527190(:20) Futurama Benders rear end. (TV14) (HD)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)Tosh.0 Black face. Tosh.0 (TV14) (R)Tosh.0 Bad driver. Tosh.0 Ballgames. Jeff Dunham: Unhinged in Hollywood (TV14) DISC404040402543120Nkd & Afrd Trinidad. (R)Gold Rush (TVPG) (R)Gold Rush (TVPG) (N)Gold Rush (TVPG) (N)Bering Sea (TV14) (N)Gold Rush (TVPG) (R) E!464646462726196Prks & RecPrks & RecE! News (N) (HD)Kardashians: Paris (R)Miss Congeniality (00) Undercover beauty. E! News (N) (HD) FOOD3737373718376164Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (N)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R) FREE555555551046199(5:30) Mrs. Doubtfire (93, Comedy) A disguised father becomes his ex-wifes housekeeper to be near his children. (HD)Edward Scissorhands (90, Fantasy) A young man with scissors for hands tries to adjust to life in the suburbs. (PG-13)The 700 Club (TVG) (R) (HD) FX51515151584953Hotel Transylvania (12, Family) Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg. Monsters gather at a hotel resort. The Book of Life Young man must decide between expectations of family and following his heart. Hotel Transylvania (12, Family) Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg. Monsters gather at a hotel resort. GSN17917917917934179184Cash CabCash CabFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudF am. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudF am. FeudFam. FeudFam. Feud HALL5551713773240Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Man Stand.Home Imp.Home Imp. The MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleThe MiddleGold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165My LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryMy LotteryHuntersHuntersMy LotteryMy Lottery HIST818181813365128Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R) LIFE363636365241140Bring It! (TVPG) (R)Bring It! Black Ice. (R)Bring It! (TVPG) (N)Bring It! (TVPG) (N)Rap Game (TVPG) (N)Pop Game (TVPG) (N) NICK252525252444252Henry (R)Henry (R)Henry (R)Henry Trip to space. (R)ThundermanRio (11) Mundane birds lifestyle is transformed. FriendsFriends OWN58585858476714520/20 (TV14) (R) (HD)20/20 Man kills wife. (R)20/20 Heir turned killer. Vanity (TV14) (HD)48 Hours: (TV14) (HD)20/20 Heir turned killer. QVC14141491413150(5:00) Laura GellerWEN by Chaz Dean Hair & Body CareJosie Maran (TVG)Friday Night Beauty: WEN (TVG) SPIKE57575757296354Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R) SYFY6767676725364180Da VinciDredd Cops take on reality-altering drug ring. (R)G.I. Joe: Retaliation The remaining Joes are out for revenge. Magicians (TV14) (R) TBS59595959326252NCAA Tip-Off (Live) NCAA Bask.Tournament: South Carolina vs Baylor (Live) NCAA Bask.Tournament: Florida vs Wisconsin (Live) (HD) TCM656565656574230The Gorgon (64) People in a European village are turning into stone from mythological creature. The Wizard of Oz After a tornado, a farm girl and her dog are transported into a magical world. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (03) A hobbit nears the end of his journey. TLC454545455772139Say YesSay YesA Haunting (TV14) (R)A Haunting: Bewitched A Haunting (TV14) (N)Brothers (TV14) (N)A Haunting (TV14) (R) TNT61616161285551Castle: The Blame Game Mind games. (TVPG)Castle: And Justice for All Foreigners death. Thor (11, Action) Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman. A warrior is banished to Earth, leaving him to fight off evil forces. Walking Tall (04, Action) A man combats drugs in his hometown. TOON808080804620257Titans Go!PowerpuffTitans Go!Titans Go!King HillCleve. ShwC leve. ShwAm. DadBobs BrgrBobs BrgrFamily GuyFamily Guy TRAV6969696926066170Ghost Ghost hunting. Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn Inca Trail. Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG)Exp Unknwn (TVPG) TRUTV636363635030183Do BetterDo BetterCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroCarbonaroJokers (R)Jokers (R)GreatestGreatest TVL626262623154241A GriffithA GriffithA GriffithA GriffithA GriffithLoves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.QueensQueens USA34343434225250Mod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod Family Mod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod FamilyMod Family WE117117117117117117149Not to HotNot to Hot Mama June exercises. Not to Hot (TV14) (R)Not to Hot (TV14) (R)Not to Hot (TV14) (N)Not to Hot (TV14) (R) WGN16161619411168Blue Bloods: Baggage Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)Cops (HD)RulesRules S W E NCNBC393939395937102Mad Money (N) (HD)Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss: Chiquita Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss (TVPG) CNN323232321838100Situation Room (N)Erin Burnett (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)CNN Tonight (N)CNN Tonight (N) CSPAN181818183712109(3:00) Key Capitol Hill Hearings Congress most important hearings. Key Capitol Hill Hearings Congress most important hearings. FNC646464644871118Special Report (N) (HD)The First 100 Days (N)The OReilly Factor (N)Tucker Carlson (N)Hannity (N) (HD)The OReilly Factor (R) MSNBC8383838318540103For the Record (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)Chris Hayes (N) (HD)Rachel Maddow (N)Last Word (N) (HD)Chris Hayes (R) (HD) SNN66611---SNN EveEve @ 6:30ES.TV (R)CelebritySuncoastNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late ESNN Late ECelebrity S T R O P SESPN29292929125870SportsCenter (HD) NCAA Womens: Ohio State vs Notre Dame NCAA Womens Tournament: Texas vs Stanford (Live) (HD)Sports ESPN230303030659742017 Special Olympics Womens: Washington vs Mississippi State (HD)NCAA Womens Tournament: Louisville vs Baylor (Live) (HD)Update FS148484848426983NASCAR (HD)NASCAR Qualif. (Live)PregameWorld Cup Qual. Soccer: Costa Rica vs Mexico World Cup Qualifiers (Live) (HD) FSN72727272725677InsideMagic LIVENBA Basketball: Detroit Pistons at Orlando Magic (Live) (HD)Magic LIVEInsideInsideFocusedGolf Life FSSUN38383838455776Do FloridaLightningLightning NHL Hockey: Tampa Bay vs Detroit (Live) (HD)LightningLightningLightningLightning GOLF49494949556093 (2:00) PGA Tour Golf (Live) (HD)Golf CntrlLPGA Tour Golf: Kia Classic: Round 2 (Taped)PGA Tour Golf (Replay) (HD) NBCSN71717171546190(5:00) Mecum Auto Auctions: Kansas City NASCAR K&N (Taped)ShotgunAPEX: The Story (TVG) (R) M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250BUNKD Lous dog. (TVG) (N)Tangled: The Series: Tangled Before Ever After Rapunzel adventures. Tangled: Series Hair problems. Stuck Mid. School picture day. Pup Star (16, Family) Yorkshire Terrier enters a singing competition but is taken before the finale. (G)Tangled: Series Hair problems. Stuck Mid. Slushy business. (R)Liv and Maddie Family reunion. BUNKD Lous dog. (TVG) (R) ENC150150150150150150350(5:07) Groundhog Day (93) A man relives the same day repeatedly.(:52) Vertical Limit (00, Action) Chris ODonnell, Bill Paxton. An avalanche traps a cl imbing party on the worlds second highest mountain. (HD)Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (03, Action) Uma Thurman, David Carradine. An assassin awakens from a coma and seeks revenge against her former colleagues.(:53) Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (04, Action) An assassin follows a trail of revenge. HBO302302302302302302400(5:35) Midnight Special (16) Father and son must go on r un after its discovered that boy has powers. VICE Policing & race. (TV14) (N)The Big Lebowski (98, Comedy) Jeff Bridges, John Goodman. A loser is mistaken for a wealthy man and becomes involved in a kidnapping plot. Real Time with Bill Maher Matt Schlapp. (TVMA) (HD)VICE Policing & race. (TV14) (R)Animals Spirit quest. (TVMA) (N) HBO2303303303303303303402(4:50) The Green Mile (99, Drama) Tom Hanks. A Death Row prison guard begi ns to believe a condemned convict is innocent. (R) (HD)Big Little Lies: Once Bitten Play director gives promising news. (TVMA)Crashing Petes parents.(HD)Animals Love triangle. (TVMA)Ride Along 2 (16) James Payton takes Ben Barber to Miami to investigate lead related to drug ring. (HD)Sleepers Men seek revenge. HBO3304304304304304304404Hail, Caesar! Studio problems.(:50) Hitman: Agent 47 (15, Action) Rupert Friend, Ciarn Hinds. A bioengineered assassin must stop the production of more killers like him. Last Week John Oliver(TVMA)Forgetting Sarah Marshall (08, Comedy) Jason Segel, Kristen Bell. Man encounters ex-girlfriend and new rock star boyfriend at Hawaiian resort. Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (16) Brothers shocked. (R) MAX320320320320320320420The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (15, Action) Henry Cavill, Armie Hammer. Agents from the CIA and KGB must stop a shadowy crime syndicate. Mechanic: Resurrection (16, Action) Arthur Bishop is forced to turn back to th e life that he left behind. (R) (:40) Eraser (96, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Caan. An agent protects a government witness and becomes a target himself. (R)The Bourne Ultimatum (07) MAX2321321321321321321422Extraordinary Gentlemen (03)(:50) Jurassic World (15, Action) Chris Pratt. Twenty-two years after the failure of Jurassic Pa rk, the islands dinosaur theme park gets a new attraction that goes horribly awry. (HD)Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (15, Action) Dylan OBrien. Thomas and th e rest of the Gladers try to uncover a mysterious organization. (HD) (:15) Furious 7 (15, Action) Crew protects self and seeks revenge. SHO340340340340340340365(5:45) Spy Game (01, Action) Robert Redford, Brad Pitt. A retiring CIA agent tries to save his protg, who faces execution in China. (R) (HD)Triple 9 A rookie police officer, who survives an attempt on his life by the Russian Mafia and corrupt police officers, must try to bring them down. Born to Be Blue (16) After fall from fame due to drugs, jazz musician Chet Baker attempts comeback. Billions Financial play.(TVMA) TMC350350350350350350385Blackway Woman takes stand. Stolen (12) Montgomery is a master thief who was double-crossed after one of his biggest heists, which landed him in prison for over eight years. Killing Season (13, Action) An American military veteran and a Serbian tourist form an unlikely friendship. Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans (15) How Steve McQueen would risk everything to pursue his dream. Hot Rod Stuntmans dream. 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 10:30 a.m. GOLF PGA Tour Golf Puerto Rico Open: Round 2. (L) 2 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour Golf WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play: Day 3. (L) 3 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Hockey Championship West Regional Semi“nal #1 North Dakota Fighting Hawks vs Boston University Terriers. (L) 7 p.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Regional Semi“nal Butler Bulldogs vs North Carolina Tar Heels. (L) ESPN 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament Lexington Regional Semi“nal Ohio State Buckeyes vs Notre Dame Fighting Irish. (L) ESPN2 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament Oklahoma City Regional Semi“nal Washington Huskies vs Mississippi State Bulldogs. (L) FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Qualifying Fontana. (L) FSN NBA Basketball Detroit Pistons at Orlando Magic. (L) 7:15 p.m. TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Regional Semi“nal South Carolina Gamecocks vs Baylor Bears. (L) 7:30 p.m. FSSUN NHL Hockey Tampa Bay Lightning at Detroit Red Wings. (L) 8:30 p.m. FS1 World Cup Qualifying Soccer Costa Rica at Mexico. (L) 9 p.m. ESPN 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament Lexington Regional Semi“nal Texas Longhorns vs Stanford Cardinal. (L) ESPN2 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament Oklahoma City Regional Semi“nal Louisville Cardinals vs Baylor Lady Bears. (L) 9:30 p.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Regional Semi“nal UCLA Bruins vs Kentucky Wildcats. (L) 9:45 p.m. TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Regional Semi“nal Florida Gators vs Wisconsin Badgers. (L) 10:30 p.m. FS1 World Cup Qualifying Soccer Honduras at United States. (L)7:00 a.m. ABC Good Morning America Anthony Anderson; Kristen Bell; Frugal Foodie.Ž (N) 9:00 a.m. CBS LIVE with Kelly Actor Scott Wolf co-hosts; actor Michael Keaton; actor Kevin Costner. (N) 11:00 a.m. ABC The View Actor Anthony Anderson from BlackishŽ appears. (N) 1:00 p.m. ABC The Chew Dax Shepard; Kristin Bell. (N) 1:00 p.m. CW The Robert Irvine Show A woman “nally meets the man she has been talking to online. 1:00 p.m. IND Jerry Springer A man brings his brother and “ance to the show to break them up. 3:00 p.m. CBS Harry Host of Americas Funniest Home VideosŽ Alfonso Ribeiro joins the show. 3:00 p.m. NBC The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Oz brings Greek yogurt into question and tests the most popular brands. 5:00 p.m. CW Dr. Phil Dr. Phil meets with the concerned family of a 21year old aspiring rapper. 11:35 p.m. ABC Jimmy Kimmel Live Matthew Perry; Michael Pea; Paul Shaffer & The Worlds Most Dangerous Band. 11:35 p.m. NBC The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Actor Morgan Freeman; actor Norman Reedus; comic Joe Zimmerman. Todays Live Sports Todays Talk Shows Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV


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Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 6170 BUILDING SUPPLIES BALL VALVES, new 1/2 and 3/4Ž $5 314-609-1540 CEILING FAN White with light kit. $30 941-889-7592 HURRICANEPANELS Steel, All hardware too. $250, OBO 941-743-4318 INT.DOOR KNOBS 3sets, brushed niskel. $15 941-474-4254 PLYWOOD CONSTRUCTION grade/4 sheets 3/8Ž 4x8 $60, OBO 941-429-5425 POWER SANDINGBLOCK BL & DECK.great cond. $13 941-474-4254 STORMPANELS ALUM 15ŽW x various heights, no hardware each $15 941-786-5425 TILE 16X16 tan 500SF.quality $499 786-306-6335 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY A/C RECLAIM SET w/hoses and tank. $120, OBO 314-6091540 BELTSANDER CRAFTSMAN 6Ž model 113-226331 great shape $95 941-214-8188 BOWFLOATS & HANDLES exclt. (2) 48Ž & 30Ž $80, OBO 941-626-1226 CHIPPER TROY Built, Briggs & Stratton 8 HP $400, OBO 941-268-2799 COMPRESSOR, Campbell Hausfeld, PowerPro 2hp 20 gallon $200 860-810-4174 DRUM SANDER Grizzly 18Ž open end NEW $400 941-2688045 GENERATOR COVER 28X22X25HI 2QT OIL $35 941-627-6780 GENERATOR CRAFTSMAN 5600W 10HP Gentec OHV $195 941-662-6323 LADDER ALUMINUM 21 foot Keller extension ladder $150 941-740-4418 LEVEL 48ŽAluminum Sands Heavy Duty $15, OBO 941-575-0690 MITRE BOX metal no saw $35 941-218-4502 MITRE BOX plastic with saw $15 941-218-4502 PAINT SPRAYER Graco, new paint sprayer HVLP. Never used. $220 941-624-3372 PLANER, RYOBI 12Ž Thickness planer with stand. $50 941268-8045 PRESSURE WASHER gasoline powered, Briggs & Stratton 550 $75 612-865-1503 RIGID CHAIN WRENCH, 24Ž. Exxellent condition. $25, OBO 314-609-1540 RIGID PIPE WRENCH, 24Ž. Aluminum $35, OBO 314-6091540 SHOP VAC 16 gallon Wet Dry vac. $35 860-810-4174 SHOP VACUUM CLEANER Craftsman wet dry 16 gallon vacuum cleaner blower. Good condition $60 941-497-0026 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES HOT TUB Free, seats 3. Needs a little work. $0 941-539-2700 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 POOL SOLAR panels 14 panels,connectors,pipe. No leaks $350 941-830-0008 PORTABLE SPA used very little, includes pump. $350, OBO 941-475-3812 SOLOR PANELS 8 Panels 4 x 9ft $240, OBO 941-716-0706 6160 LAWN & GARDEN AIR COMPRESSOR Speedaire, Portable,1/2 H.P.,30 gallon tank. $40 941-426-4560 CHAR-BROIL 4 burner grill w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 C uddle up by the fire! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 Needa newJob? LookintheClassifieds! ELECTRIC EDGERS (2), 2 HP, Each $75 941-268-2799 GRASSTRIMMER WORXŽ 24V string trimmer +24 spools $49, OBO 941-629-9149 INSECTICIDES VARIOUS, ALL OPEN BUT GOOD $20 941-575-8881 LAWN MOWER CRAFTSMAN Tractor for PARTS, good motor. $75, OBO 563-505-7602 LAWN MOWER Cub Cadet, self-propelled walk behind. 173cc $65 716-523-0463 LAWN MOWER HONDA 21Ž self propelled, elec start, gas. $200 941-347-4145 LAWN MOWER Kobalt 21Ž electric, used twice, exc. cond. $80 570-205-4154 LAWN MOWER RIDING Craftsman ltz100 42Žcut ex cond$400 330-338-6522 LAWN SPREADER Scotts Broadcast standard model $19, OBO 941-629-9149 LAWN TABLE glass top, aluminum frame, also resin chairs avail $25 941-497-3250 LEAF BLOWER, Weedeater battery & recharger. Great! $50 951-580-4460 LEAF BLOWER/VAC electric Black& decker works great $20 716-374-2950 MINI TILLER, 17Ž Craftsman, 4 Cycle.Good Shape! $80.941743-8243 MOWER, John Deere Mower Model STX38. Good Condition $300 941-815-8818 MOWER, RIDING Snapper, Like new $495 941-268-0917 MOWER: Zero turn Rider Dixie Chopper $4800 941-6263102 PATIO PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 PATIO SET 6 roller chairs w/blue vinyl cushions. Very nice. $90 715-439-0459 PICNIC TABLES 6, 7 & 8Tables T ables HandcraftedChildrens Tables Pressure Treated 941-447-1992 Delivery Available 6131FIREARMS NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. REM 870 MARINE, 12ga. $600; Glock 21 w/night site $575; Colt M4 LE 6920 $1200 CCW a must (941)-917-0900 6133 HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES BOOTS 17ŽH Size 9 Mossy Oak Redwing Irish Setter. Like New $60 941-629-6374 CAPTAINS CHAIR ...all mounting hardware, $240 new, $80, OBO 607-592-0707 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES 24Ž DESOTO Classic Tryke w/lg. basket & lg. seat. Good Cond $149 obo 517-231-1017 26Ž BIKE Mongoose DXR AL 21 speed. Good condition. $49, OBO 517-231-1017 BICYCLE 18Ž Pink Huffy. Good condition $50, OBO 269-207-9189 BICYCLE PUMP Good Cond. $6 941-423-9371 BICYCLES His and Hers 26 inch bicycles 3 speed Like New $125, OBO 724-331-1076 BIKE child w/ Training Wheels 16 inch wheels, mint condition, $30 506-852-0909 BIKES (2) His:ONEX, Hers:Huffy( basket)Like NEW $140 941-624-2899 MANS BIKE, HYBRID, New tires, fenders, rear rack. $75, OBO 352-406-6100 MOTOR BIKE Boys Razor MX350. Good condition $125, OBO 269-207-9189 MOTOR SCOOTER Girls Razor Vapor. Great Condition $125, OBO 269-207-9189 RECUMBENT BIKE performer goal 26x 27speeds. Exc. cond Like new. $500 941-743-0582 6138 TOYS/GAMES CALL DUTY Legacy Edition for PS4 $30 941-257-5500 LEGOS Harry Potter 4841 $125 941-391-6090 N SCALE Coal Train BNSF SD70MAC and 9 BethGon Coalporters $195 941-445-2757 N SCALE Frisco GP-38 with caboose.$75 941-445-2757 N SCALE Kato Unitrack and Accessories. Over 190 pieces. $275 941-445-2757 N SCALE Steam Engine Model Power CB&Q 2-6-0 Mogul $60 941-445-2757 N SCALETROPICANA TRAIN CSX ES44DC & 12 Reefers $245 941-445-2757 PLAY TABLE 3x4ft. complete with 6 bins of action toys $75, OBO 941-763-0593 SKATEBOARD Smooth ride. Grandkids gone! Wheels roll good! Fun! $15 803-624-8039 YOR BB RIFLE 3 AIRSOFT Inc. Lg. Bag Soft BBs In PG $15, OBO 308-340-3447 6140 PHOTOGRAPHY/ VIDEO GOPRO HERO 4 Silver Reduced Lots of extras. $300, OBO 941-697-8598 6145 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES **SPAS & MORE** We take Trade ins We Move Hot Tubs & Buy Used Hot Tubs! 941-625-6600 6126 GOLF CARTS RED RACERŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New Custom PaintedŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6128 EXERCISE / FITNESS EXERCISE BIKE, Used, Good Cond. Venice Area. $33 941492-2252 EXERSIZE BIKE good condition venice area $35, OBO 941-492-2252 INVERSION TABLE (Teeter) used 2 times $350 941-697-4814 PILATES EXERCISER Excellent condition, folds for storage $75 941-429-4778 SCALE NEW in box Health O Meter professional(822KL) wide base $30 941-488-7774 TOTAL GYM Supra with attachments Great condition $100, OBO 941-698-6692 TREADMILL Like New Pro-form Performance 400i $499 941-889-7592 TREADMILL SPORTCRAFT tx4.9 treadmill pulse-speed-distance $99 941-629-8119 6130 SPORTING GOODS BOCCI BALLSSET $15 941-743-0582 BOOTS 17Ž H camao 10 W Insulated waterproof like new $60 941-629-6374 CAPS -BASEBALL Dozens to choose from, -most new.never used $1 941-445-5619 FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 HORSESHOES SET (STEEL) $15 941-743-0582 REELS, 2 SHIMANO 4500 on offshore angler rods. Mint. $85 each set. 941-916-9681 RODS, 2 STAR deluxe rods 73Ž. Mint. Sold separately $60 941-916-9681 ROLLERBLADE SKATES US Sz. 6 Italian In PG $35, OBO 308-340-3447 SQUIRREL LIVEANIMALTRAPgreat shape $15 941-204-4196 TENNIS RACKETS 2 Wilson Hammers 5.0 & 6.2; 1 Head Ti.S6; 1 Head Power Instant; and 1 Gamma RZR Bubba. Each Item priced separately. $50, OBO 941-473-3940 TENNIS RACKETS, Wood, Vintage Wilson-Jack Kramer-great shape $10 941-445-5619 6131FIREARMS FORT MYERS ANTIQUE GUN, CIVIL WAR & MILITARY COLLECTORS SHOW Sat., March 25, 9am-5pm Sun., March 26, 9am-1pm Araba Shrine Temple 2010 Hanson St. Ft. Myers 33901 @ Rt. 41 email: Call 847-863-3929 I BUY GUN COLLECTIONS, Large or Small. Call 941-204-6439 6126 GOLF CARTS CLUB CAR DS "Red" w/ White Top and Seats 4 Passenger Aluminum Framed Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES {C7} Headlights & Tail Lights Good Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Mirror, Top and Charger $2,495. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only No Text Please DEMO SALEŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Custom Yellow PaintŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! EZGO 2 PASSENGER GOLF CART Older Cart in Mint Condition Brand New Batteries New Folding Windshield Yellow Jacket Cables & Bushings. 36 Volt Charger Chrome Wheel Covers Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top & Mirror Fully Serviced Runs Great! STK#172A $1787. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … GOLF CARTAIRCONDITIONERBattery Operated, works good. $350 941-204-4196 6126 GOLF CARTS 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ButterscotchŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Midnight BlackŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! CLUB CAR DS "Blue" w/ White Top and Seats 4 Passenger Aluminum Framed Rear Seat Batteries 2 1/2 Years Old Head and tail Lights Good Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Mirror, Top and Charger $1,895. 941-716-6792 Delivery Inc. {25mi.} Calls Only Please NO TEXT


Page 18 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, March 24, 2017


Friday, March 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 19 7070 FORD 2016 FORD FUSION TITANIUM$17,699 4Dr SDN CHROME 41,489m 844-467-9558 Dlr 2016 FORD ESCAPE se $17,996 4Dr Sp Util Black 126,569 m 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 FORD F-150 XL $18,966 2DR Stndard Cab 24,511 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2013 FORD EDGE$19,896 4Dr Front-Wheel dr 64,782 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 FORD ESCAPE $19,989 4Dr Front-Wheel dr 33,277 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 FORD TAURUSLIMITED$20,396 4Dr Sedan Gray 17,573 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2012 FORD MUSTANG 2DR $22,990 cpe gt 63,590 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 FORD MUSTANG $24,119 EcoBoost Prem. 32,300 Mi 844-467-9558 Dlr FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 7075 GMC 2012 GMC TERRAIN $18,990 GOLD 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7080 JEEP 2016 JEEP COMPASS Latitude $16,633 4D Sp Util 3,188 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2012 JEEP GR-CHEROKEE $17,989 4x2 4dr laredo 37,231 mi 844-468-0509 dlr PRO POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd. Port Charlotte 1996 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,000 1998 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,199 2000 Cherokee 4X4,auto, air $3,895 2001 Wrangler Sport $7,500 2001 Wrangler Sport, Lifted $10,999 2011 Wrangler Sport, $16,899 941-627-8822 7090 LINCOLN 2010 LINCOLN MKS $16,990 RED, 43K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7100 MERCURY 1999 MERCURY COUGAR $2,000 Good Condition. 123K MI. 941-204-1475 2006 MERCURY MILAN $3,500 SE, 4Dr. Great Shape, Like New. 125K 941-391-5565 2007 MERCURY GRANDMARQUIS $7,990 GRAY, 22K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7040 CHEVROLET 2013 CHEV Y EQUINOX $17,989 All Wheel Dr, Tan 70,871 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 BUICK ENCORE $18,989 GRAY, Fr-wheel dr 26,270 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 CHEVROLET CAMARO $19,990 RED, 39K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2006 CHEVY CORVETTEBASE$22,907,,2Dr CPE RED, 59,339 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 CHEVY SILVERADO $28,943, 1500 LT 4Dr, Dbl 30,983 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 7050 CHRYSLER 2006 CHRYSLER PTCRUISER $3,995 102K Mi. Very Clean! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2006 CHRYSLER 300C $7,995 obo, 88K mi, all pwr, cold air, leather, Mint! 941-830-8620 2010 CHRYSLER T&C $11,989 Fr-wh -Wh dr Red 90,280 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 CHRYSLER T&C $15,898 Fr-wh -Wh dr Red 77,012 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 CHRYSLER 200 LIM $16,863 ,2Dr CONV 15,767 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 CHRYSLER 300C $19,989 4dr Rear-Wh blk 45,961 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 CHRYSLER 300C $21,989 4dr Rear-Wh Black 31,291 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 CHRYSLER 300C $22,989 4dr Rear-Wh white 25,963 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE ONLY 46K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7060 DODGE 2015 DODGE DART $12,989 4Dr SDN SXT blk 37,541 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 DODGE JOURNEY $14,989 4DR Front Wheel dr, 37,194 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2014 DODGE JOURNEY RT $16,926 4DR SP UTIL 34,386 MI844-467-9558 DLR 2015 DODGE CHALLENGER $17,704 Rear-Wh-Dr Red, 47,500 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 DODGE GR-CARAVANSXT$18,663 4DR PASS VAN 37,199 MI 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 DODGE CHALLENGER $20,894 2Dr Cpe, Silver 24,248mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2016 DODGE CHALLENGER $20,987 SXT, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2011 DODGE RAM 1500 $22,896 4x2 Crew Cab1, 20,814 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 DODGE RAM SLT $24,851 4DR QUAD CAB 37,199 MI 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 DODGE RAM 2500 $38,370 Tradesmn 4dr crw cab 23,015m 844-467-9558dlr 7070 FORD 2007 FORD FUSION SEL $5,986 4DR SEDAN 133,649 m 844-467-9558 Dlr 2009 FORD FOCUS SE $6,351 2DCoupe, Silver, 55,616 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 FORD ESCAPEHYBRID$9,864 4Dr Sp Util wHITE 65,862 m 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 FORD FOCUS SE $10,953 4DR SDN. 44,485 Mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 FORD TAURUSSE$13,963 4Dr Sedan Gray 48,846 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 FORD ESCAPE $14,896 4Dr Front-Wheel dr 52,202 MI 844-468-0509 dlr 2014 FORD FUSION $16,989 Hybrid Red 57,799 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 6265 FREE MERCHANDISE BIRDCAGES XL double cage & XL single cage FREE $0 941-875-6551 FORD EXPLORER Factory Mag Wheels 15Ž Must take as is with tires. $0 941-888-5939 MIRROR LG. WALL mirror no frame 90ŽL X 42ŽH good cond. FREE! 941-628-6251 WINDSURFERS Mistral long boards with sails. FREE 941-875-6551 7000TRANSPORTATION 7005 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED TO BUY from Private owner Car, Truck or Van. from $500-$2000. 419-560-5054 Thank you, have a Blessed Day 7020 BUICK 2006 BUICK LACROSSE cxl $8,850 4Dr Sedan Red, 40,444 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 BUICK ENCORE PREM $20,685 4Dr SP UTIL 39,222 MI 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 BUICK ENCLAVE $35,898 Blue, Fr-wheel dr 17,569 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 7030 CADILLAC 2007 CADILLAC CTS $9,300 87K Mi. Exc. Cond. 603-340-0677 2009 CADILLAC CTS $10,990 Red, 4dr sdn. 88,958 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2008CADILLAC DTS BASE $12,800 4Dr SEDAN 19,648 MI 844-467-9558 dlr 2013 CADILLAC CTS $19,990 NAV, RED, 26K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 CADILLAC CTS LUXURY$23,661dr sdn RAY 36,153 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 7040 CHEVROLET 1992 LEXUSSC-300 $1000 Mechanic Special, May Have Fuel Issue, Otherwise Ok. Expensive Sound System. Will Need To Be Towed 941-400-1297 2003 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER $4,995 4WD 144K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA $7,495 LT, FLEX FUEL, 92K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2015 CHEVY SONIC LT $9,411 4Dr Htchbck, Silver. 44,470 MI 844-467-9558 Dlr 2011 CHEVROLET MALIBU $9,990 RED, 64K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 CHEVY CAPTIVA SPORT$11,909 4dr sp util, Silver 47,710 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 CHEVY CRUZE 1LT $12,458, 4Dr, Sedan Red 44,942 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 CHEVY CRUZE 2LT $13,423,2Dr SDN, GRAY 43,203 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 CHEVY CRUZE $15,989 Blue,4Dr Sdnltz, 45,529 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 CHEVY EQUINOX LS $16,2734Dr, Sp Util 46,111 mi, 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 CHEVY IMPALA $16,990 Blue,4Dr Sdn 17,837 mil 844-468-0509 DLR 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE A/C COMP. 3ton Rheme,R22 $400 786-306-6335 BAMBOO POLES 8-16FT LONG X 2.5Ž-1.0ŽDIA. 6 $3, $4, $6 941-426-6759 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! BLANKETS (2) QUEEN. LIKE NEW $30 941-202-9172 BOOKS 28National Geo, hardcover, illustrated,ŽtravelŽbooks $14 941-624-2105 CAR COVER BUDGE FULL SIZE GARAGED $15 941-575-8881 CHANDELIER Tiffany Design Single Bulb 20Ž Diameter Really Nice $70, OBO 941-379-5586 CHAR-BROIL BBQ 4 burner grill w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 CURIO CONSOLECABINET 2 glass shelve light wood $45 941-626-1332 DESK CORNER student with drawer wood. $25 941-626-1332 DISHES PALM LEAF PATTERN 16 PC. Like new. $40 941-2029172 DIVING &THROWING KNIVES New Mfg. Japan In PG $75 308-340-3447 FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 HANGING LIGHTS (2w/leaded glass for dining & kitchen $40, OBO 615-585-7436 LAMPS FLOOR &TABLE cream texture w/bead trim shades; both $40 941-639-0838 LATERAL FILE Wood black grey lateral file. $25 941-6261332 LIGHT BOX Great for any ad display $69 941-763-2581 LUGGAGE, Two Protege 26Ž Suitcases w/wheels, in excellent condition. $50 941-875-2285 MATTRESS & Box spring RegalFirm King Pillow top 15Ž EX.con. $300 570-205-4154 MIRROR BEVELEDDECORATIVE SILVER LEAF DESIGN 29Wx42L $35 941-202-9172 MIRROR, BEVELED edge, 2 pieces, each 4Ž x 54Ž $15 941-575-9973 OPRY TICKETS Buy One Get One..2 tickets total price for April 27th. $53 941-624-2105 PARTY TENT 10x20 walls for all 4 sides, very easy to put up, goes up like EZ ups. $200, OBO 563-505-7602 PATIO PICNICTABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 PROPANE TANK 20lb Tank for Barbecue Grill, Nice Shape $20 941-379-5586 RE CO RD CO LLE C TI O N includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 SCALE HEALTH-O-METER Exc.Cond. $30 941-423-9371 SHIATSU BACK MASSAGER ELECTRIC W/ HEAT $30, OBO 941-627-6780 STORAGE CABINETS, Large, Perfect Condition! $125 each 941-268-2799 SUMP PUMP w/auto float $30, OBO 314-609-1540 SWORD &SCABBARD (Englewood) $50 941-830-2069 SWORD WITHSCABBARD Englewood $50 941-830-2069 TIRES Tiger Paws (4)205/55/R 16 $100 941-484-9923 WANTEDRIDINGLAWNMOWERSDEAD OR ALIVE. Also used parts. Call 941-276-1765. WOOD 4X19X73 Honduran Mahogany plank $499 941740-4418 6250 APPLIANCES DRYER MAYTAG .Super nice $120 941-257-8921 MICROWAVE over range, GE black, & frigidaire, white $70 each 718-986-3608 MIXER KITCHENAID white with tilt back head. Used once $200, OBO 941-429-1573 PANINI PRESS Breville, used twice $30 941-235-2613 PEDESTAL for washer whirlpool duet nice white $65, OBO 941-697-9485 RANGE ELECTRIC MAYTAG, white newer 30in elect. Range $150 918-845-3063 REFRIG. STOVE OVER RANGE MICRO. All in working cond. $75 715-208-0047 REFRIGERATOR 19CUŽ White Runs Great $160 941-268-0934 REFRIGERATOR Clean and good condition $150 941-7404418 REFRIGERATOR MAGIC CHEF mini 4.4 cu. ft. Like new $75, OBO 941-202-9861 REFRIGERATOR MAYTAG, w hite, side x side, 36ŽW, 3 yrs o ld, Mint $350 941-876-3697 REFRIGERATOR W/bottom freezer Amana/white $200, OBO 941-429-1573 REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 TOASTER OVEN Sunbeam. w/book. Used once. $15 941235-2203 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 N ow $1200 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER MAYTAG almost new, new style white $225, OBO 941-474-9402 WASHER WHIRLPOOL heavy duty, 2 speed, 8 cycle. Works great. $25 941-426-4560 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low prices 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY POWER WASHER Husky model 1750 $50 941-497-0026 T SQUARE 4 8ŽJohnson Level & Tool Aluminum $12, OBO 941-575-0690 TABLE SAW, 9Ž Delta on Wheels, 3/4 HP Motor, Full Table. Good Shape! $120. 941-743-8243 TOOL BOXES Real nice. Top and bottom. Clean ready to fill. $60 715-439-0459 TOOLS $1.-$10. 941-2184502 UNIMAT LATHE Good Condition $450 941-629-4857 6220 OFFICE/BUSINESS EQUIP./SUPPLIES BINDING MACHINE Ibico-Perfect $40 941-235-2613 FILECABINET. solid oak 2 draw, 18ŽD, 17ŽW 29 $75, OBO 941-624-2105 SHREDDER LIKE new $22 941-426-1088 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. ORANGE fluffy neutered adult cat, easy on the eyes!! Two 8 month old kittens long haired, neutered, gorgeous! Call Peddler today 941-270-2430. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. A 4LB YORKIE Stud looking for a Mate. 941-830-0551 BICHTZU Designer, Home raised, Deposit/Hold $850 941-698-5008 Leave Message 6236 PET SUPPLIES & SERVICES DOG CRATE 20Ž H13ŽW,27ŽL, beds,bowls,more $40, OBO 912-604-2312 DOG CRATE Lge Soft in/out, NIB, folds 42Ž ventilated. Sell $55 Paid $85. 941-623-2550 DOG LIFEJACKET Large. Paws Aboard. New. Neon yellow $25, OBO 941-697-8598 PET CARRIER Sherpa Bag. 18x11. Brand new $30 716830-5066 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 CROCKPOT SUNBEAM. 5qt., red. Like new cond. $15 941235-2203 DEHUMIDIFIER EMERSON, large room capacity, like new $49, OBO 941-629-9149 DISHWASHER HOTPOINT color white $100 941-257-8921 DRYER ELECT. whirlpool duet r runs good white front load $75, OBO 941-697-9485 ELECTRIC DRYER White, Frigidaire Gallery, Heavy Duty, 4 prong electric, front loading dryer on pedestal plus extra pedestal for similar type washing machine $200 941-916-9382 MICROWAVE OVEN, Hamilton Beach 900w, in excellent condition. $30 941-875-2285


Page 20 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, March 24, 2017 7252 BUDGET BUYS 2005 DODGE NEON $1,700 ONLY81K MILES! NEWTIRES. RUNSGOOD! 941-763-0609 7260 AUTOS WANTED WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES CAMARO CAR PARTS 196769 $1--$5 941-629-6429 TIRES (2) Goodyear, 185/65/R15 $45 for both. 941-257-5500 METAL CAR ramps strong quality $55 786-306-6335 HOLLEY 650 CARB Needs rebuilt $80 941-629-6429 ENGINE STAND heavy duty $90 786-306-6335 CAMARO Z28 4 GM ALUM 15X7 WHEELS $275 941-6296429 WHEEL 16 Mercedes Includes cap and tire $109 941-763-2581 TOWING MIRRORS, Extends a pair for towing clamps on fenders $20, OBO 941-423-7845 TIRE RIM CHROME-FOR 15in TIRE-6 lugs-Chevy or Nissan $5, OBO 941-445-5619 FINNED VALVE COVERS Factory Corvette ALUM GM $175 941-629-6429 BIG BLOCK454HEADS Early 70s off a running motor $325, OBO 941-629-6429 7290 VANS 2006 DODGE GRANDCARAVAN $5,900OBO, Wheelchair lift 77K Elec Scooter Like new. Looks good 941-224-6031 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $11,990 GOLD, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYESSEY $28,351 Touring Elite, 53,429 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,477EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ODYESSEY se $29,636 4dr pass van, 10,144 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,950TOURING ELITE, 5,738 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan WHEELCHAIR Van, 10Ž lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 2006 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $15,500/OBO Touring Wheelchair Conversion Van. Floor & Ramp lowered 10Ž in 2014. 47K miles, Excellent Condition. 989-274-8352 7200 NISSAN 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 $14,736 4DR SDN 33,283 MI 844-467-9558DLR 2008 NISSAN TITAN SE $19,346 4DR CREW CAB 33,647 MI 844-467-9558DLR 2016 NISSAN PATHFINDERSV$21,946 SP UTIL 27,946 MI 844-467-9558DLR 2012 NISSAN TITAN SL $22,203 4DR CREW CAB I 844-467-9558DLR 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 S 13,853 4DR SDN 47,813 MI 844-467-9558DLR 7205 SPORTS CARS 1991 MAZDAMIATAMX-5 SR. OWNED, LOWMILES, GARAGED, ALLRECORDSSINCENEW! PRISTINECONDITIONEVERYWHERE$4,975. 941-220-9752 7207 SUBARU 2001 SUBARU LEGACY $4,990 AWD, GREEN, 130K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 SUBARU FORESTER 2.5I $27,6364Door Sp Utility 2,895 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 7210 TOYOTA 2006 TOYOTA SIENNA LE $6,9364Dr 8 Pass Van 119,415 mil 844-467-9558 dlr 2004 TOYOTA SIENNA $9,990 WHITE, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS $11,990 IV, NAV, SILVER 57K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 TOYOTA COROLLA $12,990 4dr SE, Brown 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 TOYOTA COROLLA S $13,9374Dr Sedan White 24,052 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2013 TOYOTA AVALON XLE $19,9364Dr Sedan White 25,508 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2012 TOYOTA CAMRY-LE $19,990 Red, 4 door sedan 26483 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2012 TOYOTA TACOMA $22,897 4DR DBL CAB 59,999MI 844-467-9558DLR 2013 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER BASE$23,9634Dr Sp Utility 41,450 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 TOYOTA TACOMA sr5 $26,535 V6, 4dr DBL CAB. 13,935 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 TOYOTA AVALON-XLE $26,990 Red, 4 door sedan 9154 mi. 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 TOYOTA SIENNA $27,989 4dr Fr wheel 39,643 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2002 TOYOTA CAMRY 4dr sedan auto air 117k $3450/obo 941-468-1489 1993 TOYOTA CAMRY 5 Spd Cold A/C, New Paint & Tires. $1,295 (941)763-4818 7220 VOLKSWAGEN 2005 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE $3,950 2.0 4 Cyl., Auto, AC, Silver Ext., Black Int. Good Cond! 109K Mi. 941-488-6803 2004 VW PASSAT GL $3,956 4D Sdn 3156,650 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW JETTA 1.8T SE $13,466 4D Sdn 36,280 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 VW JETTA GLI $14,936 4D Sdn 86,340 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW PASSAT 1.8T s $15,293,, 4d Sdn, Blue 13,428 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE $17,997 1.8T W/ TECH 22K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2017 VW PASSAT 1.8T $18,436 4d Sdn Blk 1,512 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 VW GOLF GTI 2.0T s $20,876 2Dr Htchbck, Chrome 17,055 MIL 844-467-9558 Dlr 7177 KIA 2016 KIA SPORTAGE LX $17,289 4Door Sp Utility 25,703 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 KIA SORENTO $17,445 4Door Sp Utility 35,929 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 7178 LEXUS 2007 LEXUS GS-350 $13,990 NAV, BLUE, 80K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 LEXUS ES-350 $15,000 1 owner, Mint Cond. 58K miles 941-575-8298 2010 LEXUS ES-350 $17,990 SILVER, 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 LEXUS GS-350 $21,990 NAV, RED, 43K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS IS-350C $25,990 NAV, WHITE, 9,994 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS CT-200H $26,990 CERT, NAV, WHITE, 16K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS IS-250 $27,911 CERT, WHITE, 19K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS ES-350 $28,911 CERT, SATIN, 22K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS RX-350 $32,990 CERT, WHITE, 31K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS RX-350 $33,911 CERT, NAV, AWD, 32K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS IS-250C $39,990 CERT, NAV, SILVER, 25K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 LEXUS LS-460 $47,990 CERT, NAV, AWD, 34K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7180 MAZDA 2005 MAZDA RX-8 SHINKA $5,924 4Dcpe, Special Edition 104,379 M 844-467-9558DLR 2012 MAZDA MAZDA3 $11,989 4dr,SDN, 30,502 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 MAZDA6 i TOURING $18,317 4dr Sedan, Blue 16,203 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 MAZDA MAZDA5 4dr,4Wag Sport 49,751 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 7190 MERCEDES 2014 MERCEDES-BENZ S550 $6,990 NAV, WHITE, 14K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 MERCEDES-BENZ C300W4 $19,990 WHITE, 25K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7192 MINI COOPER 2014 MINI COUNTRYMAN $18,590 4dr front wheel 49,327 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 7195 MITSUBISHI 1999 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSESPYDER $7,500 45000 mi Auto garage kept VGC Senior owned. 941-391-6270 2008 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 2DR COUPE GS 73K MI LIKE NEW! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7200 NISSAN 2015 NISSAN Xterra se $4,863 4dr SDN 168,207 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2009 NISSAN VERSA $5,995 Auto, Air, 83K MI. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2014 NISSAN SENTRA $12,690 4dr sdn m6 20,195 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA2.5 S$14,255 4DR Sedan 40,645 MI 844-467-9558DLR 7160 HONDA 2015 HONDA PILOT $36,936 Touring4D Sp Util 82,401 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2016 HONDA PILOT $39,950 ELITE, WHITE, CERT, 17K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA PILOT LX 27,963 4D Sp Util 21,279 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2016 HONDA PILOT LX 27,963 4D Sp Util 21,279 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 7163 HYUNDAI 2010 HYUNDAI ACCENT $3,750. 3 Dr. HB., Auto, AC, PW, PL 86K, Well Maintained 732-887-4818 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS $5,811 4dr Sedan 104,075 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA $8,990 RED, 91K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI ACCENTGLS$10,863 4dr Sedan 39,045 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRAGT$10,990 4dr hatchback 69,611 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA gls $11,336 4Dr Sp util Gray 55,685 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI SONATA SE $11,9714Dr SEDAN 49,505 MI 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI ACCENT $11,990 4dr sdn gls, Tan 30,746 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI VELOSTER $12,160 3Dr Htchbck Gray 4 0,911 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI VELOSTER $12,990 BLACK 18K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA $12,990 4dr sdn gls, Gray 48,535 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2016 HYUNDAI ELANTRA SE $13,693 4dr Sedan 13,240 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HYUNDAI SONATA SE $14,683 4dr Sedan, White 41,327 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 HYUNDAI SONATA $14,990 4dr sdn gls, Gray 30,331 mi 844-468-0509DLR 2016 HYUNDAI SANTAFE4DR$16,225 SP 2.4 baseSp Util 24,731 MI 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HYUNDAI SANTA-FE $19,787 SPORT, WHITE, 22K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA WAGON. 45K Mi. 1-Owner. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7165 INFINITI 2012 INFINITI M37X $18,495.AWD, Navi, All Options!Immaculate! 816-718-7088 7175 JAGUAR 2007 JAGUAR XKR 2dr cpe $20,989,Blue 88,788 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 7177 KIA 2015 KIA FORTE $12,989 4Dr Sdn, 1.8 Black 36,512 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 KIA FORTE $13,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Red, 17,690 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2016 KIA FORTE $13,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Gray, 9,129 mil 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 KIA OPTIMA $14,989 4Dr Sdn, lx Silver, 22,720 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2014 KIA OPTIMA EX $15,586 4Door SDN, GRAY 32,225 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 KIA SPORTAGE LX $17,289 4Door Sp Utility 25,703 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 7160 HONDA 2014 HONDA ACCORD $15,995 4Dr SE 26,077 MI 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 HONDA ACCORD sp $16,233 4DR Sedan, White 52,445 mil 844-467-9558 2015 HONDA CIVIC eX $16,247 4Dr Sedan, White 24,678 mil 844-467-9558 2015 HONDA CR-V LX $16,555 4Dr, Sp Utility, Red. 19,122 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HONDA ACCORD lx $16,592 4Dr Sdn 28,192mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD LX $16,922 4dr sdn Whte 5,814 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 HONDA CR-V EX $17,764 4Dr sport Utility 37,726 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2012 HONDA PILOT ex-l $17,831,, 4D Sp Util Silver 93,512 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2014 HONDA ACCORD-EXL $17,900 26K MI. White. All Leather, Moon Roof, Rearview & Sideview Cameras. Exc. Cond. 941-716-2427 2015 HONDA ACCORD Sp $17,963 4dr sdn Gray 9,247 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HONDA ACCORD Sp $18,947 4dr sdn beige 17,558 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2016 HONDA ACCORD $18,950 LX, CERT, 17K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA CR-V $18,987 LX, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2012 HONDA ODYSSEY EX-L$19,369 4D Pass Van 52,396 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2016 HONDA ACCORD $19,477 LX, CERT, 16K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA CR-V LX $19,847 4DR SP UTL 13,646 MI 844-467-9558DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $19,897 LX, CERT, 18K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $19,950 LX, CERT, 6,203K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY EX-L$20,834 4D Pass Van Blue 12,918 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2016 HONDA ACCORD $20,950 SPORT, RED, CERT, 19K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA CR-Z $20,950 EX, CERT, BLACK, 1,911 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V EX -l $21,429 4Dr sport Utility 39,409 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 HONDA CIVIC $21,477 EX-L 921 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $21,677 EX-L, RED, 16K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA CR-V EX -l $21,897 4Dr sport Utility 32,863 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2016 HONDA CIVIC $21,950 EX-L 4,282 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $22,477 EX-L, RED, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $22,877 SPORT, CERT, 11K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $22,950 SPORT, BLK, CERT, 5,163 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $23,950 EX, CERT, BLACK, 5,189 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 HONDA PILOT $24,963 Touring4D Sp Util 82,401 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HONDA ACCORD $25,477 TOURING, CERT, 26K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYESSEY ex-l $25,883 4DR PASS VAN 30,018 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2015 HONDA ACCORD $25,950TOURING, CERT, RED 15K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2017 HONDA CR-V $34,635 TOURING, RED 659 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7100 MERCURY 2004 MERCURY GRANDMARQUIS MUST SEE CAR! ONLY 30K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7130 PONTIAC 2006 PONTIAC G6 $7,995 4Dr, SE Moonroof, Extra Sharp! 73K Mi MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2008 PONTIAC GRANDPRIX $8,990 SILVER, 52K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7135 SATURN PRO POWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 96 SC2 Coupe$1,399 00 SW2 Wagen$1,950 97 SW2 Wagen $2158 98 SW2 Wagen $2,195 RV Tow Ready 01 SL2 Sedan$2,395 05 Vue V6 $3,299 05 Vue 6cyl $4,300 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,400 07 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 09 Vue XE $7,188 08 Vue XE $8,399 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $8,900Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 2008 SATURN VUE $8,995 XE. 58K Mi. Immaculate! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7136 SCION 2006 SCION TC BASE $3,992 4dr SDN 127,389 mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 7145 ACURA 2014 ACURA MDX $29,990 NAV, BURGUNDY, 49K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 ACURA MDX $41,990 RED, 14K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7147 AUDI 2011 AUDI Q532PP $24,990 SILVER 31K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 AUDI Q5 2.0T 4dr $25,466 Prem Quattro 4DR 31,265 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2013 AUDI A620T $28,990 NAV, BLUE 22K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7148 BMW 2013 BMW 3SERIES 328I $20,9884Dr Sedan Black 14,952 mil 844-467-9558 DLR 2013 BMW 335ICV $30,990 CONV, WHITE, 32K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7160 HONDA 2008 HONDA CIVIC EX $5,636 W/NAV 4D SDN 167,530mi 844-467-9558 Dlr 2010 HONDA CIVIC LX $5,936 4Dr Sedan Blue 129,599 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2006 HONDA CIVIC $6,100 One owner, 48,800 miles 941-815-2199 2004 HONDA CR-V EX $6,933 4Dr sport Utility 69,489 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2014 HONDA CIVIC LX $13,466 4Dr Sedan 24,566 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2012 HONDA CR-V EX $14,632 4Dr sport Utility 41,515 mi 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 HONDA ACCORD lx $14,673 4Dr Sdn 18,714 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr 2015 HONDA CIVIC LX $14,863 4Dr Sedan, 21,571 m 844-467-9558 dlr 2014 HONDA CR-V EX $15,544 4Dr sport Utility 41,253 mi 844-467-9558 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD LX$15,968 4DR SDN 20,630 mil 844-467-9558 Dlr


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Electric brakes $ 750 941-639-4340 2017 LARK ENCLOSED TRAILERS MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2005 CONTINENTALTRITUNE Boat Trailer, Dual Axle, New tires & hubs, Plastic bunks $1,000, OBO 248-210-9802 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS MOTORCYCLE JACK up to 1500 lb motorcycle. Light previous use. $60 941-662-6323 MOTORCYCLE BY OWNER 2010 KX85. 2 Stroke Power Band, 6 Gear. Exc. Cond. Hardly Used. $1,900 941-626-7070 HARLEY SADDLEBAG picnic cooler with plates etc. new $50, OBO 941-204-3274 HARLEY PICNIC blanket or hang on wall new nice logo $25, OBO 941-204-3274 HARBOR SCOOTERS for all your scooter needs... 3315 Tamiami Trl. PG We Repair Scooters too! 941-347-8705 SALES SERVICE PARTS 2012 BRP SPYDER RT 11,600 MILESDEALERSERVICEDMUSTSEE518-593-0652 SILVERLK1999@GMAIL.COM*REDUCED* $15,000 2004 HDULTRA Classic Eletric Glide 15K Miles, Excellent Condition! $8,000. 941-626-0176 CLASSIFIED WORKS! 2003 HONDA SHADOW. 4600 miles, Mustang Seat, New Tires. 600cc Exc cond. $2,600, FIRM 301-573-8963 7333 MISC.BOATS BOAT INFLATABLEDINGHY, West Marine, Max cap 580 lbs, roll-up with slatted floor $250 612-865-1503 8 DINGY. Fiberglass w/ Oars 5HP Tohatsu Motor. Suitable For Canal Cruising. $850 941-661-8822 7334 OUTBOARD/ MARINE ENGINES EVINRUDE 9.9 HP runs well $350.00 Call 941 815 8818 7336 BOAT STORAGE/ DOCKING BOAT & TRAILER STORAGEBoat Storage WET/DRY FREE Boat Ramp! Gulf Access! Great Fishing!NAV-A-GATOR Bar & Grill on property!DESOTO MARINAOn the Peace River941-627-3474 41 BOAT SLIP Access To Harbor, No Bridges. Water & Electric. 941-883-1953 7338 MARINE SUPPLY & EQUIP. CAST NET 5 Radius Exc Cond. $25 941-423-9371 WHISKER POLE 99Ž to 178Ž, 2 1/2Ž pole. $350 941-7649212 WHISKER POLE 1010Ž to 134Ž, 3Ž dia. $300 941-7649212 ST, CROIX Little Crane 30Ž. Pulpit mount, motor/gear 4:1 lift $399, OBO 941-639-4011 MOORING WHIPS Taylor Premium 16.Boats to 46 or 36K #. $125, OBO 941-505-2947 MARINE OIL 8 QTS Honda 5w30 8 qts Honda 5w30 unopened $25 330-718-8491 LINES VAR lengths, braided & 3 strand, $10 to $55. GC Must go! $10, OBO 941-639-4011 LAMPS NAUTICAL Table Unique!!! Pair $50 941-423-9371 FLAGS INTL Code Flag Set. Used 3 times. excel cond $50, OBO 941-639-4011 BIMINI TOP 77ŽW from 16 Scout, blue. EX Condition. $135 330-718-8491 ANCHOR 35# Danforth, good condition, needs to go! $45, OBO 941-639-4011 7339 CANOES/KAYAKS RENAISSANCE/RAMBLER 2015 Kayak w/ Galv. Trailer. (12Ž Wheels) 13.7, 1-3 Seats, Padded Seats, 2 Paddles, Anchor.$1, 000obo 941-380-4409 KLEPPER AERIUS EXPEDITION Foldable Kayak, German made, Ex cond, Rudder and 2 wooden paddles included. Can be rigged for sail ing. 941-629-9149 10 OCEAN KYACK CAPER MODEL, PADDLE AND VEST $450 941-698-9813 10 FISHING KAYAK-$800 Dolly & Roller Tie Downs Paddle Xtra Rod holders Carport Block & Tackle Storage Nokomis 941-488-9657 7330 BOATS-POWERED 23.3 PARKER CC 2006, 225 Yamaha w/ 250 Hours, 2006 EZ LO Trailer, New Garmin 70DV GPS, $17,500 301-343-7051 21 SEARAY BOW RIDER V8 Fish/Depth Finder, Radio, Compass. Snap In Carpet. Full Canvas. 344Hrs. Tandem Trl Exc. $13,500 941-460-9698 21 2003 FISHMASTER CC 140HP Suzuki, All Canvas, 8.6Ž Beam, Bait Well. Storage! Alum. Trailer. Extras!! Very Stable. $9,000. 941-460-6069 REDUCED!! 20 2005 FOUR WINNS4.3 V6 Volvo Pinto OD. DF, Life Jackets. Swim Platform, Galv. Tandem Trailer. Immaculate!! Luxury & Performance! $14,995 816-718-7088 19 CAROLINA SKIFF 1995 Carolina Skiff. 2013 Honda 60hp warrantee to 1/7/18 under 80hrs. Alum trailer. At Gasp. Marina $7,750, OBO 806-474-8955 19 2004 COBIA CC 115 HP Yamaha 4-Stroke, Low Hours! Bimini, Garmin GPS/FF. Well Maintained w/ Trailer. 1 Owner! $9,500. 941-473-4106 18`5 LUND GRAN Alum. Tyee 1992. 150 Evinrude. Dual Axel w/ New Brakes & Tires. $4,500 North Port 815-528-2228 18 1998 BOSTON WHALER VENTURA 115 Merc, canvas, trailer, many acces incld, very clean,low hrs, prof. serviced $12,900 941-475-5425 17 BOSTON WHALER OUTRAGE 1997. 1998 MERCURY115HP, TRAILER, VERYGOODCOND! BRANDNEWTARP, BIMINITOP, ALLEQUIP. INCL. SERVICEDREG.. INSIDERACKSTORAGE. $11,000.239-225-9760 154Ž GHEENOE w/15 HP 4s Tohatsu, lights, seats, battery, cover. $3,000 941-473-1371 05 CHAPARRAL 236 5.7 VOLVO I/O-TRAILER INCL $19,500 ED KOPP 941-716-2493 7290 VANS 1999 FORD E250 Extended. New tires, Good shape! $3600 (941)763-4818 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2006 NISSAN FRONTIER $9,999 4x4 crew cab 133,691 mi 844-468-0509 dlr 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA $15,9894dr sdn 2.5 8,577 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2006 TOYOTA TACOMA $16,500.Dbl. Cab, Long Bed, Only 64K Miles! 941-391-3955 2015 FORD F-150 $18,950 XL, WHITE, 6,946 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2013 GMC SIERRA 1500 $20,9904x2 extnd Silver 97,788 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2012 NISSAN NV CARGO $23,9893dr rear-wheel 33,005 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 NISSAN FRONTIER $ 26,989 4x4 crew cab 27,567 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 2015 TOYOTA TACOMA $26,990 ACCESS CAB BLACK 24K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $36,877 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 FORD F-350 $59,990 DIESEL, WHITE, 9,475 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2016 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR $42,3314dr, 4x2 select 25,528 mi 844-468-0509 DLR 7330 BOATS-POWERED 28 LARSON 280 CABRIO 94: NEW Fuel Tank, Pumps, Starters, Batts, New SB Engine, PT Refurb, Carbs Rebuilt & MUCH More! Can Fax/Email List 2 U. $8,900/obo 941-697-3335 REALLY REDUCED! 24 2004 PRINCECRAFT Pontoon 90 HP Yamaha 4 Stroke. 20 MPH, 24 Galv. Tandum Tailer w/ Front Steps. Turnkey Ready Many Acess REDUCED $7,900 941-875-9654 By Owner 24 1998 249 GLASTRON Cabin, Ford V8 Cobra SX Stern Drive w/ 2005 Alum. Continental Tandem Trailer. Boat Needs Cockpit Interior. $3,295. 941-626-6627 22 SEAFOX 2006 Bought new 2008, Twin 90HP Mercury, Dual batteries, Lg. baitwell, Power Steering, Depth/fish finder 165 hours, Alum. tandem trailer (Cost $4,000) Professionally Maint. $23,500 941-347-7020 22 2009 GRADY WHITE TOURNAMENT. OPENBOW, 250HP YAMAHAW/ 126 HRS. 10Ž GARMINGPS, ICOMVHS, PUMPOUTHEAD, $49,900 Call Art 941-505-9810


Page 22 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, March 24, 2017 UPCOMING EVENTSSaturday, March 24, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free Open Cruise In Home Depot, 3941 Tamiami Trail/Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda, by Vintage Motor Car Club of America (formerly Veteran Motor Car Club) SW Florida Region. Open to all years, makes and models including modified collector type cars/trucks and motorcycles. Free OJ, coffee and doughnuts, door prizes and 50/50. Information: Lee, 941-626-9359. Tuesday, March 28, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Collector Car Display, Sandhill Gardens, Retirement Residence, 24949 Sandhill Blvd., Port Charlotte, corner of Sandhill Blvd & Capricorn, Deep Creek) during their free to the public Spring into ActionŽ Fitness and Health Event including free screenings, etc. assisted by the Vintage Motor Car Club of America SW Florida Region (formerly Veteran). If you own a non-modified vehicle at least 23 years old and would like to display it call 941-626-4452. Saturday, April 1, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. No Fooling!Ž Open Cruise In Towles Plaza, 2705 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda hosted by the Vintage Motor Car Club of America (formerly Veteran) SW Florida Region. All models, years and makes collector type cars including modified welcome. Coffee, donuts to show car participants. No preregistration, or fees just a relaxed setting to kick tiresŽ and meet some local car people.Ž Information Lee 941-626-9359. Every Monday, 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Applebees Cruizin at Merchants Crossing, N. Ft. Myers. Door prizes, 50/50 drawing, games, 15 percent discount at Applebees (night of show only) DJ music by Randy Wright of Toms Traveling Tunes. Info 941-380-0650. Every Thursday, 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Shell Factory Free Open Cruise In, 2787 Tamiami Trail, N. Ft. Myers. Lots of benefits, 50/50 drawing, register your car for a chance of a $100 cash prize, must be present with car to win. Free spectator parking, Info Richard 239-9929360. Don Royston is president and cofounder of the Veteran Motor Car Club of America, SW Florida Region now named Vintage Car Club of America SW Florida Region and may be reached at 941-626-4452 or L ast Friday and Saturday Premier Auction Group, a national company headquartered in Lakew ood Ranch, Sarasota, conducted their third collector car auction in Punta Gorda at the Event and Conference Center. On both days the auction began at 10 a.m. with a total of 414 varied vehicles preregistered. Fees to consign each car or truck were $200 to $450, plus a sellers commission of 7 percent. Bidders paid fees of $50 to $100 plus a buyers premium of 7 percent for each unit bought. There were approximately 500 bidders and over 800 spectators daily, some staying all day, others for a few hours. While there, I personally spoke to bidders, spectators, buyers and sellers from England, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Brazil, Hawaii, Cuba, China, Canada, Trinidad, Puerto Rico plus many USA states. Economically, the auction served Punta Gorda and Charlotte County well, helping banks, car rental agencies, hotels, motels, restaurants, gas stations, shops, media advertising, etc. The owners of Premier Auction Group, Julie Zimmerman, Kenny Garman, Brian Marshall and Chris Neuhauser, held their “rst auction just three years ago in the former Sweetbay store building owned by Rick Treworgy. Since then they have grown to participate in 51 events yearly, having a sale ratio of 64 percent. Last week here, it was 68 percent with gross sales of $5 million dollars, very good indeed! The top money car was a perfect 1931 Studebaker President Four Seasons Roadster “gure of $280,000 plus seller and buyer premium commissions, making a total of $299,500, believed to be a record for any Studebaker. Another eye-opener was an unusual big block 1967 Corvette certi“ed silver award-winner at a recent Bloomington, Illinois, show hammered down at approximately $165,000. There were others in the $100,000 range also, and those, plus all sales “gures, are available at PremierAuctionGroup. com. They will be returning in winter next December here for a similar sale that will be well-publicized, so dont miss it. Even as a spectator, its a bargain. The auction management want it known the volunteers from Charlotte Technical College, under the guidance of instructor/ program planner Tom Viele, brought along a special trophy to be auctioned off to help raise funds for travel expenses for some students competing in the Skills USA competition, “rst to Lakeland for three days then gold medalists go on to Louisville, Kentucky. B ecause of the generosity of the bidders along with donations a total of $10,000 was raised to cover the costs. Congratulations to all involved! Lee and I are happy and proud to have covered all three Premier events for this column and the Sun Newspapers. We look forward to the December auction. The other event featured is Muscle Car City Eighth Anniversary Show that took place Sunday, March 19. The weather was perfect, just as it was eight years ago, for the grand opening event where a fundraiser for the Salvation Army was held at the same time. A total of 639 collector vehicles “lled the main parking lot and the area west and north of the museum. Spectators were parked along the east side of the building also along U.S. 41 including the grassy section between north and south lanes Prem i er Auct i on Th i rd Punta Gorda Event and Muscle Car City Eighth Anniversary Show PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONPremier Auction Oce sign where cars are registered for sale and settling up is done after sold inside event center. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONEarly arrivals to the show around 9 a.m. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONCorvette Alley as far as you can see. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONBrian Marshal ,auctioneer and partner of Premier Auction Group, driving a car push-caddy with gas pumps for sale. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONRick Treworgy, owner of Muscle Car City Museum, next to a 1912 Ford Model T Roadster … note the gas-powered headlamps. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONMike Rohr of Punta Gorda with one-year restoration GTO CV … rst time outAUTO | 2 PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONApril Patchell, general manager, Rick Treworgy, owner of Muscle Car City Museum, and former general manager Dina Modesto, now retired.


Friday, March 24, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C The Sun Classified Page 23 all the way to and on the nearby shopping center as well as side streets in Burnt Store Isles. Rick Treworgy, founder of the museum and currently with his daughter April, and the entire staff kept everything running smooth from start to “nish. As far as I know that show still remains the largest of any in Charlotte County. Last Sundays show had a respectable 140 units registered and at least 35 more that did not register to be judged. Four other auto-related events were also taking place including an auction and high-volume car show at the Lee Civic Auditorium in Ft. Myers, thus Ricks 175 loyal followers was OK. Quality dash plaques were given to the “rst 100 cars to check in plus Top ChoiceŽ wall plaques were awarded to the winners of the judged competition. One free museum admission was provided for each paid registration of participating vehicles and useful door prizes were called out often by DJ Tommy Brooks. Outside aisles of vendors did brisk sales of their products while the diner served their tasty '50s, '60s, '70s food and hand-dipped milk shakes happily prepared by Chef Mike and assistants. Ms. Pam and her crew cheerfully served patrons up until 4 p.m. Even though it was Ricks daughter April Patchells birthday she stayed and ran the operation as general manager, Dina Modesto, Ricks “ancee and former general manager stopped by to greet old friends. The pictures tell the story better than the words. We, and all attendees, look forward to many more anniversaries of this famed Muscle Car City Museum. Congratulations to Rick Treworgy for ful“lling his lifelong dream of collecting and sharing his love for special automobiles with fellow hobbyists and the public! AUTOFROM PAGE 1 PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONChris Neuhauser. partner and show car coordinator for Premier Auction Group. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONMore early arrivals PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONBill Crosbys 1938 Ford Woody Station Wagon, his personal veyear restoration. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONDJ Tommy Brooks announcing the door-prize winner while April Patchell, general mananger, and Rick Treworgy, owner of MCC, wait to award trophies. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONOne view from the roof of Muscle Car City museum. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONAnother view from the roof of the museum. PHOTO BY LEE ROYSTONMore Corvettes PHOTO BY DON ROYSTON A 1929 Ford Model A Woody Wagon PHOTO BY DON ROYSTONUnique Century Coronado wooden boat PHOTO BY DON ROYSTONJim Finch, Event Center facility general manager PHOTO BY DON ROYSTONA 1961 Chrysler Newport, very desirable CV PHOTO BY DON ROYSTONA 1931 Studebaker President 4 Seasons Roadster sold for $280,000 plus fees, totaling $299,500, the top price for any Studebaker known. Also pictured is a 1929 Pierce Arrow. PHOTO BY DON ROYSTONA 1917 Velie Bitwel Six PHOTO BY DON ROYSTONSmall English Morris Miner waiting its turn to be auctioned.


Page 24 The Sun Classified E/N/Cads.yoursun.netFriday, March 24, 2017 H ond a 06 Scion tC Base 04 Honda CR-V EX 15 VW Jetta GLI 16 Ford Taurus Limited 16 Honda Odyssey SE 13 Toyota Highlander Base 15 Nissan Versa Note SV 15 Hyundai Sonata SSE 15 Chevy Cruze 2LT 16 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport 2.4 Base 16 Jeep Renegade Sport 16 Dodge Challenger SXT 06 Buick LaCrosse CXL 10 Ford Escape Hybrid 15 Toyota Corolla S 14 Honda Accord LX 14 Buick Encore Leather 17 VW Passat 1.8T S 12 Nissan Titan SL 10 Toyota Yaris Base 05 Honda Pilot EX-L 15 Honda Fit EX 15 Honda Civic LX 15 Honda CR-V EX 16 Ford Fusion Titanium 14 Dodge Journey R/T 15 Mazda6 i Touring 09 Ford Focus SE 14 Ford F-150 XL06 Chevy Corvette Base adno=8601828


Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 1 SunsetDodgeChryslerJeep *Allpricesincluderebates.Financingwith approvedcredit.Residencyrulesmayapply. Vehiclesmaynotbeaspictured.SERVICEHOURS: MON-FRI7:30AM-5:00PM SAT.7:30AM-NOON SALESHOURS: MON-FRI8:30AM-7:00PM SAT9:00AM-6:00PM€CLOSEDSUNDAY7745S.TAMIAMITRAILSARASOTA941.922.2400ST06610123 SCOS O SAT 9:00AM-6:00PM 3.6L V6, 8-Speed Automatic, Rear BackUp Camera & Park Assist, Keyless Entry & GO, Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Voice Command w/Bluetooth, Aluminum Wheels, Deep Tint Sunscreen Glass, Fog Lamps, Speed Control, Theft Deterrent, Tire Pressure Monitoring and much more. NEW 2017 CHRYSLER PACIFICA Ventilated Leather Seats, Navigation, Blind Spot/ Cross Path Detection, Front And Rear Park Assist, Heated Power Seats, Sat Radio W/ Beats Audio 10 Prem Speakers Incl. Subwoofer, 552 Watt Amp, Voice Command W/ Bluetooth, 20Ž Aluminum Wheels, Keyless Go W/ Remote Start. NEW 2017 CHRYSLER 300 S #C17181 SALE $ 30,999 SALE $ 30,999 SALE $ 30,999 Se habla Espaola, Bill Wagner 941-705-9095 adno=8533638 *Vehicle Prices Listed Are Plus Tax, Tag And Title. Prices Include Rebates. Dealer Also Charges A Pr e-Delivery Service Fee Of $599 Which Represents Cost And Profit To The Dealer For Items Such As Cleaning, Inspecting And Adjusting New An d Used Vehicles And Prepa ring Documents Related To The Sale Or Lease. Dealer Not Responsible For Typographical Errors. Vehicles Ma y Not Be As Pictured And Are Subject To Prior Sale. Financing Is With Approved Credit. Residency Rules May Apply. See Dealer For Details. Uconnect Voice Command w/Bluetooth, Satellite Radio, Deep Tint Sunscreen Glass, Fog Lamps, Speed Control, Theft Deterrent System, Tilt Steering, Halogen Headlamps & much more Sunset Alf a Romeo FIAT of Sarasot a 7641 S. Tami ami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34231 ( 941)9248822 € www. f i atusaof sarasota. com 2016 SUBARU IMPREZA 2.0i 5-door Premium GFA-01 U1659 FORESTER 2016 SUBARU 2.5i € Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive € Bluetooth connectivity € SUBARU STARLINK 6.2Ž Multimedia Audio System € Back-up camera Buy For Prices are plus tax, tag, title & include rebates which are subject to change. Dealer also charges a pre-delivery service fee of $599 which represents cost & profit to the dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting & adjusting vehicles & preparing documents related to the sale or lease. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Vehicles may not be as pictured & are subject to prior sale. F inancing is with approved credit. Residency rules may apply. See dealer for details. *Vehicle Prices Listed Are Plus Tax, Tag And Title. Prices Include Rebates. Dealer Also Charges A Pr e-Delivery Service Fee Of $599 Which Represents Cost And Profit To The Dealer For Items Such As Cleaning, Inspecting And Adjusting New And Used Vehicles And Preparing Documents R elated To The Sale Or Lea se. Dealer Not Responsible For Typographical Errors. Vehicles May Not Be As Pictured And Are Subject To Prior Sale. Financing Is With Approved Cr edit. Residency Rules May Apply. See Dealer For Details. Offers exp. 3/31/17 941-925-1234 € 7611 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231 Sales: Mon-Fri 8:30A 7P Sat. 9A-6P € Service: Mon.-Fri. 7:30A-5P € Sat. 8AM-Noon 2017 Subaru FORESTER 2.5i 2017 Subaru LEGACY 2.5 I Premium w ith EYESIGHT 2017 Subaru CROSSTREK 5dr 2.0i Premium Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Automatic, Power Windows, Locks, Mirrors, Backup Camera, Speed Control, Bluetooth Phone Connectivity, Tilt Telescoping Steering Wheel, Remote Keyless Entry, MP3/CD, 6Speakers, & Much More! Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Back-up Camera, Bluetooth Wireless Phone Connectivity, Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Remote Keyless Entry, Heated Front Seats, Speed Control,Tilt/Telescoping Steering Wheel, MP3/CD with six speaker sound system, Fog Lamps and more. HRC-12 #U17481 HDD-11 #U17678 HFA-01 #U17617 #U17652 HAD-14 #F1732 Sale $ 14,999 Sale $ 14,999 2017 FIAT 500 2017 FIAT 500 N EW NEW Sale $ 19,999 Sale $ 19,999 2017 FIAT 500X Pop 2017 FIAT 500X Pop NEW NEW Sale $ 23,999 #F1773 Trade a Honda or Toyota, Save another $1,000Ž 2017 FIAT 124 Spider Classica 2017 FIAT 124 Spider Classica NEW NEW From $ 26,999 From $ 26,999 #C1762 SALE $24,999 3.6l V-6, Power Windows/locks/mirrors/seat, 9-speed Automatic, Stow N Go Seating, Rear A/c, Aluminum Wheels, Back-up Camera, Speed Control, Sunscreen Glass, Keyless Go, Voice Command W/ Bluetooth And More. Symmetrical AllWheel Drive, EYESIGHT Driver Assist, Emergency communication system, Dual-Zone Automatic Climate Control, Starlink with Bluetooth Phone Connectivity, Keyless remote and much more. Symmetrical All Wheel Drive, Automatic, Power Windows, Locks, Mirrors, Back up Camera, Speed Control, Bluetooth Phone Connectivity, Tilt Telescoping Steering Wheel, Remote Keyless Entry, Security System, CD Player, Starlink, Dual Zone Climate Control & Much More! 2017 Subaru OUTBACK 2.5i P remium Sale $ 57,799 Sale $ 57,799 2017 ALFA ROMEO 4C 2017 ALFA ROMEO 4C NEW NEW The Mid-Engine 4C begins with the solid foundation of a Carbon Fiber monocoque chassis that is three times stronger and seven times lighter than conventional steel. Sheet Molded Compound (SMC) is used for the outer body and is 20% lighter and more stable than steel and also resist corrosion. Turbo Charged Rear Wheel Drive with near perfect 50/50 weight distribution, Remote Proximity Keyless Entry, Bluetooth Connectivity and Hands-Free Voice Command, Speed Control, Powe r Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Aluminum Wheels and more Sale $ 27,999 Three at This Price Power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Speed Control, Remote Keyless Go, 6-Speaker Sound System, Sunscreen Glass, Tilt/Telescoping Steering Wheel with Audio Controls, Fold Flat Rear Seats, Tire Pressure Monitoring, Theft deterrent, Rear Window Defroster and More. #J1740 Pop Model with power Windows/Locks/Mirrors, Speed Control, Aluminum Wheels, Keyless Remote Entry, Premium Audio System with Integrated Voice Command, Bluetooth, Steering Wheel Mounted Controls and More. SALE $ 28,999 SALE $ 28,999 Back-Up Camera, Park Assist, Sat Radio w/6-Speaker Sound System, Voice Command w/Bluetooth, Power Windows/Locks/ Mirrors, Remote Proximity Keyless Entry, Alloy Wheels, Security Alarm and Much More. SALE $16,599 NEW 2017 DODGE JOURNEY SE M SRP $22,240 NEW 2016 RAM 1500 SPORT CREW CAB SALE $37,999 Sale $ 22,999 NEW 2017 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 5.7 L HEMI V-8, Heated/Ventilated Leather Interior, Ram Box,9Speaker Alpine Premium Audio w/Subwoofer, Power Sunroof, Remote Start, GPS Navigation, Front & Rear Park Assist, 20Ž Polished Aluminum Wheels, Power Adjustable Pedals, Voice Command w/Bluetooth & much more #D1791 FINAL WEEKEND OPEN SUN 11-4 Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years of 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2017 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility. 392 V8 Srt Hemi, 20Ž Aluminum Wheels, Bilstein High Performance Suspension, Brembo 4-piston Brakes, Back-up Camera, Front & Rear Park Assist, Keyless Enter N Go, Remote Start, Security Alarm, Sat Radio, 6 Premium Speakers, 276 Watt Am, Voice Command And More. #D16721 Price includes $500 finance bonus, must finance with Chrysler.Ž M SRP $50,456 Save $12,457 PER MONTH LEASE / 36 MONTHS/ 12,000 MILES PER YEAR NO SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED $2,032.00 TOTAL DUE AT SIGNING 24% OFF 3.6l V-6 With 8-speed Automatic, Power Windows/locks & Power Heated Mirrors, Trailer Tow W/class Iv Hitch, Speed Control Theft Deterrent, Six Speaker Sound System, Tilt Steering, Halogen Headlamps And More #J1756 $ 232 2017 DODGE CHARGER R/T SCAT PACK Price Includes $ 500 Finance Bonus, must finance with ChryslerŽ NEW 2017 JEEP PATRIOT SPORT SALE SALE $ 15,999 SALE #D1753 NEW 2017 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB SALE $ 24,999 SALE $ 24,999 SALE $ 24,999 Price Includes $ 500 Finance Bonus, must finance with ChryslerŽ #F1792 #D17327 MSRP $41,455 SAVE $10,456 MSRP $41,090 SAVE $10,091 SALE $ 30,999 SALE $ 30,999


Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 25, 2017 adno=8533427


Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 3 REAL ESTATE adno=8535658 *includes delivery, setup, steps, skirting air conditioning & 7 year warranty. 941-637-1122 877-507-1122 4465 Duncan Rd. (Hwy 17N) Punta Gorda, off Exit 164 M-F 9-6 Sat. 9-5 Sun. 12-5 Prestige HOME CENTERS, INC. REED $ 66,395* / 26x48 Mobile Home 2 Bdr 2 Bth Includes Florida Room and Covered Porch Whether Whether Whether buy i ng or buying or buying or selling, selling, selling, let me help let me help let me help you write y ou write y ou write your next your next your next chapter... chapter... chapter... Sheila Bell, PA 941-787-4005 Cell € 941-473-7399 Office adno=8532865 Since 1991 € 941-484-7644 Let Us Manage Your Property € adno=8533428 Specializing In... Annual Rentals € Venice Island Apartment small studio, close to beach, incl. water . .. RENTED € Venice Bay Mobile Home 1/1, 55+ community, furnished or unfurnished . .. $695 mo € Venice Island Condo 2/2, lanai, community pool, no pets . . . . . . . . . .. $975 mo € Venice Centre Condo 2/2, community pool, no pets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RENTED € Plantation Home 3/2/2, Community Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1,450 mo adno=8532870 1 117 Hawks Nest Ct. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 The Aruba Model 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3-car garage 3795 SF adno=8532864 Hours: Mon-Sat 10-4 € Sun 12-4 € After Hours Appointment Call: 941-629-8886 or 941-628-6197 Call today to schedule a free marketing evaluation with your local marketing consultant. 941-205-6402 23170 Harborview Rd., Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980 REAL ESTATE AGENTS Want to sell more houses? REAL ESTATE AGENTS Want to sell more houses? adno=8535521 adno=XNSP47104 REAL ESTATE / CLASSIFIED For Advertising Information call 941-205-6406 Calling all REALTORS Builders Brokers Management Companies Your advertising in our Real Estate/Classifieds will reach Arcadia, Englewood, North Port, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, and Venice.


Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 25, 2017 The office is located at 14972 Tamiami Trail North Port. For more information please call 941-423-2521 or visit us online at ERA Advantage Realty, Inc. Honors Top Producers For February Round Town in Real Estate! adno=8602956 Top in Listings and Top in Sales Cherie DeHay CENTURY 21 Almar & Associates North Port Office … Top Producers February Steve Kidwell Top Listing Associate Top Selling Associate For more information they can be reached at ERA Advantage Realty, Inc. 901 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, FL 941-255-5300 or email Cheryl Culpan Century 21 Aztec & Associates Announces Top Producers For February 2017 Alena Areshchanka Stacy Scarrow & Sue Rueckel Nany Bollin Top Listing & Selling Team Top Listings Agent Top Selling Agent Century 21 Aztec & Associates is located at 4456 Tamiami Trail in Charlotte Harbor. For more information call (941) 629-3188 or (800) 881-9437 1010 OPEN HOUSE Open Saturday 11-2 pm 114 Hibiscus Dr, PG PGI Sailboat waterfront 3bd, 3ba, 2.5cg, Concrete Seawall, Open Waters! Open Saturday 12-3 pm 22262 Buffalo Ave, PC Over 2,300 Sqft UPGRADES GALORE! 3bd, 3ba,2cg w/Granite Wood Cabinets, Lg. Cer, Tile. 34x13 ft Lanai + Fenced Yard! Open Saturday 11-2 pm 20166 Lorenzo Ave, PC Spacious 3bd, 3ba, 2cg with 2 master suites. Over 1800 sqft. Open Saturday 12-2 pm 19519 Midway Blvd, PC Charming 3bd, 2ba, 2cg, on Large Corner Lot! Neutral Tile Throughout. Call the Rhonda Gustitus Team 941-426-4394 KW Peace River Partners ADVERTISE In TheClassifieds! 1010 OPEN HOUSE FIVE STAR REALTY OPEN HOUSESStop by Five Star Realty to pick up a home tour flyer with directions.ŽSaturday 3/25/2017: 1765 Jamaica Way #202, Punta Gorda, FL 33950, 11:00AM-2:00PM 8172 SW Liverpool Road, Arcadia, FL 34269, 1:00PM-4:00PM 500 Ridgecrest Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33982, 1:00PM-4:00PM 334 Rio Vista Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33982, 1:00PM-4:00PM 292 Wabash Terrace, Port Charlotte, FL 33954, 1:00PM-3:00PMSunday 3/26/2017: 8907 Tuscany Isles Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33950, 12:30PM-2:30PM 2510 Rio Palermo Court, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 1:00PM-3:00PMF OR MORE INFORMATION AND PHOTOS VISIT : WWW FIVESTARREALTY COM / BLOG / Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! 1010 OPEN HOUSE 4410 WARREN AVE #213 OPEN BY APPT. ONLY PORT CHARLOTTE FSBO Harbour Village Condo 2Bd 2Ba ON Myakka River. Fully Furnished including NEW Appliances! $179,900.00 Call Marty 508-769-0619 Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 And BAY LAKE ESTATES 1200 COLONIA LN. EAST Nokomis, FL 34275 941-485-2555TWO55+ RESORTSOFFERING AWIDEVARIETYOFHOMES. BOTHLOCATIONSARE2 MILES FROMTHEBEAUTIFULBEACHESBAYLAKEORBAYINDIES,YOUCHOOSEWHICHLIFESTYLEISRIGHTFORYOU!!! F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 1010 OPEN HOUSE ROTONDA WEST 10 CADDY RD3 Bedroom 2 Bath 2 CG Turnkey furnished golf course beauty. Total updating of this home includes NEW FLOORS, DOORS, IMPACT WINDOWS,A/C, KITCHEN AND BATHS. Located on the 8th hole of the Rotonda Hills Golf Course. Offered at $209,000 Shown by appointment. $1500 BUYER REBATE if purchased thoughFLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 217 VENEZIA CT. P.G. 33950 Open SAT 12PM-3PM Please come view this Lg 4/2/2 on a Sailboat canal in Punta Gorda Isles. $367,900 Cheryl Wood Remax Palm Realty 941-815-8148 OPEN SAT & SUN 12-3 PM 26336 NADIR RD #112/2 Golfer's Dream Condo with magnificent panoramic views of Deep Creek Golf Course. No tunnel vision here this unit is bathed in sunlight from all sides including 20 FT ceiling w/ skylights. $112,500FLA GOLF PROPERTIES INC 941-698-4653 ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.OPEN HOUSE TODAY12 PM 3 PM1334 Preston St., P.C. $245,475 Custom Built 4/2.5 2,173 Sq Ft home on oversized lot on quiet street. Must SEE! (East on Midway from 41, L on Eagle, L on Kinderkemac, R on Preston)941-255-5300 Welcome toBAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITYWEINVITEYOUTOVISITOURRESORT, HAVEACUPOF COFFEEANDTOURAHOME ORTWO. BAYINDIESCOMMUNITYWHERERESORTLIVINGISALLDAY, EVERYDAYANDCANBETHENEXTRESIDENCEFORYOU.950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5441 Aged Qualified Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 1010 OPEN HOUSE ENGLEWOOD SAT., 3/25, 11AM-3PM 2255 N Beach Rd. #9 $484,900. Custom built 3/3 on Manasota Key, located bay-side and across from the beach. Plenty of windows, high ceilings, 2 zoned A/C units. Rental potential. Agent/Owner. Craig Lindblad 941-468-4351 VENICE SAT., 3/25, 1PM-4PM SUN., 3/26, 1PM-4PM 587 Back Nine Dr. $239,900. Fully updated, golf course view, maintenance free villa in Pelican Pointe! New appliances, granite counter tops, & back splash. Valerie Guenther 941-504-1280 NORTH PORT SAT., 3/25, 12PM-2PM 3255 Upson Terrace $189,900. 3/2/2 heated pool home, ready to move in! Split floor plan, vaulted ceilings, French doors. Front entry& garage are screened. Tranquil back yard with shade trees. Linda Curran 941-496-2757 Ted Curran 941-468-8934 PUNTA GORDA SAT., 3/25, 11AM-2PM 26063 Feathersound Dr. $244,888. 3/2/2 Catalina model in gated Seminole Lakes community. New kitchen with granite, & glass tile backsplash. Turnkey condition. Cindy Marsh-Tichy 201-230-5315 SAT., 3/25, 1PM-3PM 1101 La Salina Ct. $369,900. 3/2/2 fully remodeled sailboat water front home. Over 2200 SF split floor plan. Formal living & Dining room. Large kitchen opens to family room & breakfast area. Jamie Peters 941-623-3488 LAKE SUZY SAT., 3/25, 11AM-3PM SUN., 3/26, 11AM-3PM 12614 SW Sheri Ave. $278,000. 3/2/2 well maintained lakefront home, in the quiet, highly desirable community of Lake Suzy Estates. Upgraded kitchen, walk in closets in all bedrooms! John Mitana 941-268-0776 PORT CHARLOTTE SAT., 3/25, 12PM-3PM 24656 Buckingham Way. $229,900. Popular Kings Gate Bristol Model, 3/2/2 located on the 14th hole. Split floor plan with spacious great room. Large lanai, storm shutters. Ann Allen 941-286-2633 Chuck Allen 941-544-0991 SAT., 3/25, 12PM-3PM 1868 Knights Bridge Trail $229,900. Kings Gate beautiful Venetian Villa. Floor plan with view of golf course. Pond with fountains. Split 2/2.5/2 with den! Open kitchen with sky lights. Chuck Allen 941-544-0991 Ann Allen 941-286-2633 SAT., 3/25, 12PM-3PM 1812 Birmingham Blvd. $219,900. 2/2/2 popular Sheffield model completely upgraded-a must see! Split floor plan, murphy bed. Large Master with 2 walk in closets. Chuck Allen 941-544-0991 Ann Allen 941-286-2633 SUN., 3/25, 11AM-1:30PM 21883 Hernando Ave. $99,000. 2/1 with bonus den, features fully renovated bathroom, new wood Parquet flooring in bedrooms, hurricane shutters. New shed. Pat McGuire 561-302-6520 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.Ž REAL E S T A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e!


Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 5 adno=8602954 adno=8601664 adno=8602642 941-525-4319 SELLING HOMES FOR OVER 18 YEARS Century 21 Almar & Associates 941-637-7621 adno=8601662 Jan Demers PA Realtor Anchor of Marina Park Mobile: 941-276-2583 150 Laishley Court Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Each office is independently owned and operated adno=8601676 REALTOR Office 335 Tamiami Trl. Port Charlotte, FL 33953 (941) 740-0529 Maureen Duso Realtor adno=8602489 Let me put my experience to work for you!Ž adno=8602398 Richard Lundgren Sr. CRRS Realtor-Broker (941) 276-0029 Call or Text (941) 296-8746 E-FAX Horizon Realty International 4220 Doblins Rd. North Port FL 34287 Shellee & Jimmy GŽ Guinta Award Winning Multi-Million Dollar Producer 941-586-8463 19700 Cochran Blvd. Port Charlotte, FL 33948 adno=8534504 People Helping PeopleŽ People Helping PeopleŽ (941) 979-8042 (Office) (941) 875-4744 (Cell) (941) 585-0505 (Fax) 21202 Olean Boulevard, Unit C3 Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 380503, Murdock, FL 33938 Your For Southwest Florida Real Estate Donata Noone Property Manager Realtor adno=8534503 adno=8534502 Fred Boland CRS, SRES, SRS. Realtors Cell: 941-979-6699 Office: 941-875-9060 Fax: 941-875-9099 1675 W. Marion Ave. Punta Gorda Florida, 33950 Full time REALTOR that believes in customer service. Each office independently Owned and Operated Punta Gorda and Burnt Store are my areas of expertise. Kim McIntyre Remax Anchor 941-661-3153 SELLING Florida Lifestyles! Work with Experience Let my experience and enthusiasm work for you.Ž Kim has been a licensed REALTOR since 1991 and originally from Columbus, Ohio. Kim traded the snow for sunshine in 2001. Kim is unique among other Florida REALTORS in that her excellent marketing & negotiating skills have establishe d her reputation as an ethical & diligent REALTOR in her local market area. Kim looks forward to working with you to create your Florida Lifestyle. Thinking of Buying or Selling? adno=8534506 P ATTY G ILLESPIE REALTOR, SRES, GRI, CSSS 941-875-2755 14850 Tamiami Trail € North Port Anchor Personalized Service by a Proven Professional! adno=8534507 Seniors Real Estate SpecialistŽ 1010 OPEN HOUSE OPEN SUN. 1pm-3pm701 AQUIESTA#30, BUTTONWOODVILLAGEPUNTAGORDAREMOD-ELED3/2/CP, 2,000SF, NEWROOF, NEWFLOORS, APPL. INCL. CLUBHOUSE, POOL. & MORE! $115,000. (941)-740-0389 SAT., 3/25/17 11:30-3PM 2327 Allsup Terrace, N.P. Beautiful 3/2/2 Home. Great Location. Large Pool & Lanai. Move-in Ready. BONNIE SCATES-CAUDILL REALTOR 941-441-5354 SAT., 3/25/17 9AM-1PM 12647 Kingsway Circle, Lake Suzy. 3 bdrm/ 2 bath Villas of Kings Crossing Furnished $200,000 Mark & Jean Tyree, REALTORS 941-204-9805 AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! 1010 OPEN HOUSE NORTH PORT SAT&SUN. 11-3 6624 Marius Rd. Waterfront Gulf Access, Dock, Pool Updated 3BR/2BA open concept on cul-de-sac w/ Beautiful Views! $229,900 (941)-426-7291 OPEN SAT & SUN 12-3 PM 3707 Albacete Cir., Punta Gorda Burnt Store Villas 2/2/2 plus den. $175,000 Linda Mazner Michael Saunders & Co 239-633-1970 AdvertiseToday! OPEN SAT 9-12 SUN 12-3 4300 Riverside Dr. Lot #22 Punta Gorda 2012 Jacobsen 268Ž x 564Ž Home Has 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bath,s Den, Living Room, Dining Room, Eating Island in Kitchen & Laundry Room. Many Additional Built-Ins. 14 Wide Carport w/ Decorative Driveway & a 14 x 16 Line & Insulated Shed. $159,900 1010 OPEN HOUSE Open House Sat 12-4 40 Colony Point Dr Punta Gorda Harbor Front w/6 mile water view protected sail boat water All amenities $1,499,000 MLS C7236740 John Bockin ReMax Harbor Realty OPEN HOUSES TODAY 12PM 3PM 24644 RIO VILLA LAKES CIR, PUNTA GORDA, FL 33950 3/2/2 $227,900 25147 NOCTURNE LN, PUNTA GORDA, FL 33983 5/3/2, $279,900 Thomas Ryan Real Estate Management 941-833-4777 1010 OPEN HOUSE FREE LIST OF ALL HOMES ANYPRICE...... ANYAREAGREGORYH. UZZLEPA. BROKERASSOCIATEEST: 1987 DIRECT 727-992-5133 REALTYEXECUTIVESAMERICA, INC. CERTFORECLOSUREAGENTS LAKE SUZY SAT. 11-2PM 12980 SW Kingsway Circle Beautiful lakefront 3/2/2 home in desirable Lake Suzy! $315,000 Traci Creighton, KW Peace River Partners 941-451-7430 Classified=Sales SAT. 3/25/17, 1-4PM 6554 Malaluka Rd., N.P. All redonemove in ready 2/2 w/saltwater canal view lot on dead end street. Very Motivated Seller $133,900 Victor Sands, REALTOR 941-225-9912 1010 OPEN HOUSE 742-H AVENIDA ESTANCIA #112 VENICE *TURNKEY* OPEN HOUSE BY APPT ESTANCIASOFCAPRIISLESVERYDESIRABLE2BR/2BA ENDUNITWITHLOTSOFSUNLIGHTANDGREATGOLF COURSEVIEWS. Debra Villari 609-458-4627Berkshire Hathaway LAKE SUZY SAT. 1-4 11350 SW Courtney Dr. SW Magnificent Kingsway Golf Villa, 3/2 with private 2 Car Garage end unit. Maintenance free Golf Course Community with Pool. Professionally remodeled with an eye to detail, Granite Counters, Wood Floors & Cabinets, etc. Come View You will want to stay. $289,000 KAREN JOHNSON 941-391-1985 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 1010 OPEN HOUSE COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESAT& SUN1-4 PMLRG2B/2BA, ONLY9 YRS OLDBUTTOTALLY REFURBISHEDALL NEW DESIGNERTROPICALFURNITURE,HDWDFLOORS& TILE, FULLY ACCESSORIZEDTOLAST DETAIL. EVERYTHING NEW! TRUETURN-KEY. POO/SPA, TENNIS, CLUBHOUSE. LUXURYRES, VACATION HOME, WINTERRETREATOR RENTALW/UNBELIEVABLE RENTALHISTORY. $179,900. MINUTESTOBEACH/BAY. CALL941-769-0200-DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. PUTCLASSFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU! FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR!


Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 25, 2017 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE PUNTA GORDA 2/2/1.5 29200 S JONES LOOP RD #582 BLUE HERON PINES 55+. 2002 JACOBSEN, 1500+ SQ FT, FURNISHED, LANAI, SHED,PETS WELCOME. $74,900 317-691-1647 SAVE MONEY! FINDYOURDREAMNEWHOME FROMTHE$70S! $2,500 TO$5,000 OFFSELECT NEWHOMES, FREEGOLFCART WITHPURCHASE, PLUSFREELOTRENTUPTO6 MONTHS! 55+ Comm. w/ Amenities!701 AQUIESTADRPUNTAGORDA33950 BUTTONWOODVILLAGE.COM(941)-212-1516 UNIQUELY QUAINT ADULT COMMUNITY! WEHAVEAFEWBEAUTIFULPRE-OWNEDHOMESAVAILABLE! COMEVISITUSAT:WWW.RIVERSIDEOAKSFLORIDA.COMCALLUSTOSEEAHOMETODAY941-626-6821 OR941-356-5308 1210 HOMES FOR RENT ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1750...3/2/2 Pool & Lawn incl....DC $1650..3/2/2 Pool & Lawn inc...ROT $1300....3/2/2 Well Srvc Incl.......NP $1200..3/2/2 1464 SQ FT...........PC $900...2/1/1 1315 SQ FT.............NP941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/1 Lg lanai Lg great room $1,250. NORTH PORT 2/2/1 55+ Community $1,100.W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services ENGLEWOOD 2/1/CPONCANALWITHDOCK,LANAI& BONUSROOM$1200WEST COAST/ PROPERTY Mgmt NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/1, w/ Pool on Saltwater Canal. W/D Hook-up. $1250/mo + Utilities & Dep. 614-565-0612 PUNTA GORDA 2/2 Large Garage, Pet Friendly, Fenced yard. $850/mo 1st, Last, plus $500 Security. 941-629-0843 RENTALS, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE LAKE SUZY 3/2/2 Perfect snow bird location. FSBO call for viewing. $209,900 217-369-0436 NORTH PORT CONDO SANTALUCIALUXURYMODEL, 2B/2B SPLITFLOORPLAN, ENDUNIT. COMMUNITYHAS HEATEDPOOLWITHCABANA ANDGRILLFORLOTSOFENTER-TAINING. DON'TDELAYMAKE YOURAPPOINTMENTTODAY!!! $144,900 Debra VillariBerkshire Hathaway609-458-4627 PRICE REDUCED ROTONDA 2/2/1,Villa On Small Lake. Screened Lanai & patio. Nicely Furnished $149,400. 941-769-7871 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! 1090 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 2br/1ba 12x56 Furnished Neg. Asking $13,000.00 2br/2ba 24x40 Furnished Asking $21,800.00 1095 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE 2692 NE HIGHWAY 70 ARCADIA 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With Any Home Purchase! Call to Schedule An Appointment For a Tour! Ted 800-538-2590 NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $53,495. + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES HACIENDADELMARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT LIVING IN CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA.GATED5-STARRESORTSTYLELIVING RIGHTONTHEBAYANDICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW, VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ. FT. 2 BED/2.5BATHS. TOTALLYHURRICANEPROOF,NEWERCONSTRUCTION. DESIGNER TURNKEYFURNISHED& ACCESSORIZED. FULLLAUNDRYAND GARAGE. HEATEDPOOL, TENNIS, FITNESSANDMORE! CALLFORFREE BROCHURE. ONLY$359,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOPOSSOWNER FINANCE941-769-0200 ROTONDA 3/2/2 Waterfront home with large fenced in yard Furniture and Appliances incl $195,000 941-662-6250 1040 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE Burnt Store Marina, Grande Isles Condos REDUCED PRICES! UNIT101 3321 SUNSETKEYCIR, 2/2 BYTHEPOOL$415,000. $339,000. UNIT202, 3329 SUNSETKEYCIR, 3/3 FURNISHED. $475,000 $449,000. OWNER SAYS SELL!! BRINGALLOFFERS!! CALLMEDIRECTFORAN APPOINTMENTTOSEE! John Gruca, 941-676-2665 Coldwell Banker Sunstar COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPENHOUSESAT& SUN1-4PMORBYAPPT. STUNNING, VERYLG2B/2BARECENTCONSTRUCTIONYET TOTALLYANDCOMPLETELY RE-DONE, HARDWOOD FLOORSANDTILETHROUGH-OUT. ALL NEW DESIGNER TROPICALFURNITURE&FULLYACCESSORIZEDMINUTESTOBEACH/BAY,GATEDRESORTLIVINGW/ LAVISHAMENITIES: HEATED POOL/SPA, FITNESSCENTER,TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL, EXEC STYLECLUBHOUSE/BAR&MORE. LUXURYRESIDENCE,VACATIONHOME, CARE-FREE WINTERRETREATORRENTAL W/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. LOWTAXES/FEES. PETFRIENDLY, ONLY$179,900. CALL941-769-0200 FOR DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! DEEP CREEK LAKE FRONT 2BR/2BA+ den & cp 1250sf, Built in 2005 New tile carpet & paint. Only $139,900. 941-268-6820 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE PORT CHARLOTTE 362 LASAYETTEDR. 3/4 BDRM., 2 BATHHOMEW/ OPENFLOORPLAN! KITCHEN HASBREAKFASTBAR, GRANITE& SS APPLIANCES. LOADEDW/ UPGRADES! WARM& INVITING! 1835 SQ. FT. $174,900. NOW$169,900. 941-204-7039 REDUCED!! PORT CHARLOTTE BRAND NEW 3/2/2 Homes $189,900 $194,900 HENRY GUSTAF A CLEAR CHOICE REALTY941-204-8213 PORT CHARLOTTE GULF COVE Check the Recent Sold Prices and You`ll Find This Home is a GREAT Buy @ $169,900! 3/2/2 w/ 1600 sf. Move in Condition! Comm. Boat Ramp. Call 239-434-2076 PUNTA GORDA PEACE RIVERSHORES ,163 Dee Pl 33982, 5/8 acre fenced in Shed & Carport, 2+ Bdrms, 1 1/2 Bths, Lg Laundry Rm, New cabinets, Tile countertops. Large Shed wired 240V, $129,000. 941-628-6496 REDUCED PUNTA GORDA-55 + Res. Owned Windmill Village, Free Boat Slip Available. Built in 2013. 1484 SF, 2/2/CP Den, SS Appl., W/D, Custom Shower in Master. Take a Look You Will Be Surprised! $209,000. 941-655-8334 SOUTH VENICE3/2/1, 27`X37` LANAIW/ ADD`LKITCHEN. TILECOUNTERSINHOUSEKITCHEN. FENCEDYARDINPRIVATESETTING. ALLAPPL. INCL. 5 MIN. TOBEACH! LOTSOFROOMTOENTERTAIN! $222,900. 941-497-4030 1030 WATERFRONT HOMES ESTATE ON LEMON BAY 4 BED, 3-1/2 BATH, OVERSIZED3-CARGARAGE, ANDLARGE ATTACHEDLUXURYGUEST APARTMENT. 180 DEGREE VIEWSOVERWIDESTPARTOFLEMONBAY. NEWHIGHEST QUALITYDESIGNERPOOLAND SPAWITHCABANABATH. NEWHEAVYDUTYDOCK. THIS DESIGNERINTENSIVEHOME SHOWSLIKEAFEATURED PROPERTYINARCHITECTURALDIGEST. VIEW VIDEO & MORE AT:WWW.LEMONBAY.INFO$1,259,000 SHOWNBYAPPOINTMENTONLY. OWNERFINANCINGPOSSIBLE. 941-769-0200 1010 OPEN HOUSE 03/25/17 PORT CHARLOTTE SATURDAY 11-2 12430 Mitchell Terr. 2/2/2, 1220+. SEAWALL CANAL HOME in GULF COVE MOVE-IN READY. Daralyn A Duquette, Hamsher Realty Inc $294,900 774-238-9678 1020 HOUSES FOR SALE SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! 4.5 % COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home + You Get 2 Full Time Agents!Jeff Runyan941-979-2843NO Hidden Fees! Re/Max Palm ENGLEWOOD 2Br/2Ba/2Cg, w/ Lg. scr. lanai. Prestigious Windward, Cape Haze, $210,000 Principals 941-214-5285 Seizethesales withClassified! FOR SALE $29,995 Oakview Estates 6 Months discounted Rent $199 a month All Offers Expire 06/30/17 844-8372393 EHO I BUY HOUSES. FAST CASH! 941-270-3840 PORT CHARLOTTE 2/2/2 POOL 1598sf U/A/, All Appliances, Walk in Shower & Tub in aster bath. Quiet Residential Area Yet Near Everything, $178,900. 941-628-5765 1010 OPEN HOUSE OPEN SUN. 1PM-4PM 131 FLAMINGORD. SOUTHVENICE3/2/2, 1700SF. SPACIOUSLIVING. MOVEINREADY! OPENSUNDAY1-3 3700 TRIPOLI, PUNTAGORDATOTALLYUPGRADEFORMERMODEL WITHPRIVATEPOOL! MARYSTORLIE941-204-8083 CHARLESRUTENBERGREALTY PORT CHARLOTTE OPEN SAT. 10AM 1PM 227 E. Tarpon Blvd Saltwater home located on beautiful Spring lake with amazing views, southern exposure and minutes to the Harbor. 4/4/2 pool home built in 2007 with complete upgrades. 2 large master suites. Open kitchen with high end wood cabinets, island and granite counters. Kitchen views of the lake through the aquarium glass and sliding doors. Heated pool & spa plus full pool bath. Seawall and dock. Many extras. Move in ready. PRICE REDUCED $499,900 Laurie Zobel ZOBEL REAL ESTATE INC. 941-628-4242 OPEN SUNDAY 1PM-3PM BURNT STORE MEADOWS PUNTA GORDA 7505 CARISSA MUST SEE NEW HOME! MOVEINREADY! 3/2/2 W/ POOL.TILE& GRANITE. $276,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 PUNTA GORDA PEACE HARBOR OPEN SAT 12-2PM 900 E. MARION#1408 2BEDS, 2 BATHS$289,000 TURNKEYUNITW/ DEEDEDDOCKCHRISMCMILLAN941-628-2602RIVERWOOD OPEN SUN 12-3PM 2635 WAXMYRTLEBEAUTIFULWATERFRONTVILLA2/2/2 PLUSDEN& HEATEDPOOL/SPABRIANBURGET941-380-1909 Resort Style Adult Community OPEN HOUSE WED 10-2P 27110 Jones Loop, PG Preview our homes @ 941-575-6220 SUN. 3/26/17 1-4PM 11450 Bertolini Dr., Venice Venetian Falls villa, furnished, new AC & water heater, 2/2/2 plus flex room. $289,900. Carole Fanelli, REALTOR 941-441-5671 ADVERTISE!


Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 7 2030 MEDICAL DENTAL ASSISTANT, Experienced for Port Charlotte office. Fax Resume to 941-237-4900 Douglas T. Jacobson State Vets Home2016 Deficiency Free Facility is looking for you! We want caring healthcare professionals to be part of our team.RNs, LPNs, CNAs, Dietary Staff FT, PT, PRN 941-613-0919 Online: BAY BREEZEHEALTH AND REHABILITATION CENTER CNAs$1,000 Sign-On Bonus*Offer Expires 4/30/17We invite you to use your unique experience, talent and passionate dedication in a career with us!! *LTC Background Preferred Apply in person or email:michelle.s.ramdass@ 1026 Albee Farm Rd. Venice, FL 34285 ph. EOE/SF/DF NEW SIGN ON BONUS! RECEPTIONIST Mon-Fri 9-1. Email Resume to: No Calls Please Seeking dedicated, caring and compassionate HOME HEALTH AIDES Competitive pay and flexible schedules available. Apply on line atwww.approvedhomehealth.comOr call (941) 552-5954 www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREERŽ Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, Classes Start 04/03/17 LPN-04/03 CNA-04/03 Med. Asst. 04/03/17 2035 MUSICAL THE CHARLOTTE CHORALE SEEKS A PROFFESSIONAL ACCOMPANIST. THECHORALEISAGROUPOF C. 70 MEMBERS, PERFORMING AVARIETYOFCHORALREPER-TOIREATAPROFESSIONAL LEVEL. NEXTSEASONRUNS FROMOCTOBER9THTHROUGHDECEMBER9TH, 2017, ANDJANUARY8THTHROUGHAPRIL21, 2018, ASISTYPICALOF ALLSEASONS. REHEARSALS AREMONDAYEVENINGSINPORTCHARLOTTE; CONCERTS(3) AREATTHEPERFORMINGARTSCENTERINPUNTAGORDA. FORMOREINFORMA-TION, INTERESTEDPARTIES SHOULDCONTACT: ARTISTICDIRECTOR, DR. WILLIAMDEDERERAT941-828-1032ORWBDEDERER@AOL.COMSALARYISNEGOTIABLE. GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 2030 MEDICAL CNA Opportunities!Would you like to have your nights, weekends, and holidays free? Care for seniors in our Port Charlotte PACE Center (Program for All Inclusive Care of the Elderly) Personal care, Activities, home visits Apply online at Visit our site for specifics and other career opportunities!Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Vet Drug Free CNAS NEEDED FOR180 BED REHAB FACILITY FULL TIME ALL SHIFTS APPLY ONLINE @ CNAs, HHAs and CaregiversFind New Clients by Advertising Your Services in the Senior Directory Every Wednesday in The Sun Newspapers. This Feature Publishes in Charlotte, Sarasota, and Desoto Counties. Market Yourself Reach 150,000 Readers! Call 941-429-3110 for more information T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! 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Call 941-716-0418 For Apt 1390 VACATION/ SEASONAL RENTALS HACIENDA DEL MARTHE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT VACATION CONDO IN CAPE HAZE/ PLACIDAGATED5-STARRESORTSTYLE LIVINGJUSTINCHESTOTHEBAY& ICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW,VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ.FT., 2 BED/2.5 BATHS. NEWER CONSTRUCTION, EXQUISITELY DESIGNERTURN-KEYFURNISHED& ACCESSORIZED. FULLLAUN-DRY& GARAGE, HEATEDPOOL,TENNIS, FITNESS& MORE! CALLFORFREEBROCHURE. PETPOSSIBLE. AVAIL: APRIL, MAY& DEC2017 ANDAPRIL, MAY2018. CALL941-769-0200


Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 25, 2017 CHARLOTTE COUNTY/NORTH PORT COURTESY OF PUNTA GORDA, PORT CHARLOTTE, NORTH PORT ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ML# Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft. List Price Pool So ld Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP /SqFt SP/LP RatioC7234289 Sold 2437 HARBOR BLVD #215 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 919 51,900 Community 51,000 2 2 0 1970 Condo All Cash 3/21/2017 56.47 0.98266 C7234721 Sold 21405 OLEAN BLVD #311 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 656 64,000 Community 57,000 1 1 0 1982 Condo All Cash 3/16/2017 97.56 0.89063 C7236469 Sold 2570 AMBROSE LN 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 962 89,000 None 89,000 2 1 0 1960 Single Family Home All Cash 3/21/2017 92.5 2 1 C7236680 Sold 21371 GLADIS AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 844 92,500 None 87,713 2 1 0 1961 Single Family Home All Cash 3/21/2017 109 .6 0.94825 C7236457 Sold 4173 DRIVER LN 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1440 93,000 None 115,000 3 2 0 1975 Single Family Home All Cash 3/21/2017 64. 58 1.23656 C7235362 Sold 21306 MEEHAN AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1056 99,900 None 99,900 2 1 0 1961 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 94. 6 1 C7234372 Sold 2128 DEVON ST 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 936 102,500 None 105,500 2 1 0 1977 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 109.5 1 1.02927 D5914318 Sold 801 LIBERTY ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 684 110,000 None 103,500 2 1 0 1970 Single Family Home All Cash 3/22/2017 160.82 0 .94091 C7232424 Sold 26333 NADIR RD #104 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1041 114,900 Community 109,000 2 2 0 1991 Condo New Conventional 3/16/2017 110.37 0.94865 N5911365 Sold 8665 CHESEBRO AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 1218 114,900 None 120,000 3 2 0 1977 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 94.3 3 1.04439 C7233625 Sold 22204 MONTROSE AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1240 115,000 None 107,500 3 2 0 1963 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 92.74 0.93478 C7234997 Sold 23031 MCNULTY AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1588 115,000 None 115,000 3 1 0 1970 Single Family Home Assume FHA/VA 3/21 /2017 72.42 1 T2858351 Sold 5910 SPEARMAN CIR 34287 NORTH PORT 942 117,000 None 114,000 3 2 0 1983 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 124.2 0.97436 N5911460 Sold 8901 BERKLEY CT 34287 NORTH PORT 921 117,000 None 112,500 2 1 1 1969 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 127.04 0.96154 C7235861 Sold 1856 LAMONT ST 34288 NORTH PORT 1764 118,900 None 130,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home All Cash 3/20/2017 67.4 1 .09336 C7228786 Sold 1360 RIO DE JANEIRO AVE #107 33983 PORT CHARLOTTE 1017 124,900 Community 119,000 2 2 0 1990 Condo New Conventiona l 3/17/2017 122.81 0.95276 C7233752 Sold 2140 HERON LAKE DR #307 33983 PORT CHARLOTTE 996 124,900 Community 115,000 2 2 0 2006 Condo All Cash 3/20/2017 12 5.4 0.92074 N5911443 Sold 6712 LONG MOSS LN 34224 ENGLEWOOD 964 128,900 None 124,900 2 2 0 1980 Single Family Home New FHA 3/20/2017 133.71 0.96897 C7235811 Sold 1460 SAN CRISTOBAL AVE #201 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1148 129,000 Community 125,000 2 2 0 1988 Condo All Cash 3/17/2017 112.37 0.96899 C7234608 Sold 274 SHADOW ST NW 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1133 129,900 None 128,000 2 2 0 1971 Single Family Home All Cash 3/18/2017 114.65 0.98537 C7234330 Sold 589 READING ST NW 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1351 132,500 None 128,000 2 2 0 1975 Single Family Home New Conventional 3 /21/2017 98.08 0.96604 C7227742 Sold 3345 HAMPTON ST 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1283 135,888 None 135,500 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 105.91 0.99714 C7230002 Sold 19345 WATER OAK DR #203 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 936 138,000 Community 134,000 2 2 0 2003 Condo All Cash 3/20/2017 14 7.44 0.97101 C7231524 Sold 5274 ABDELLA LN 34291 NORTH PORT 1562 139,000 None 130,000 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home All Cash 3/20/2017 88.99 0.93525 C7236148 Sold 2475 AQUILOS CT 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1456 139,000 None 120,000 3 2 0 1965 Single Family Home All Cash 3/16/2017 9 5.47 0.86331 C7230941 Sold 305 LASAYETTE DR NE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1516 139,500 None 139,500 4 3 0 1962 Single Family Home New VA 3/17/2017 92.02 1 C7231214 Sold 12322 ALTA MIRA ST 34287 NORTH PORT 1486 139,900 None 132,000 2 2 0 1989 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 94 .15 0.94353 A4177250 Sold 13250 COPPER AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1333 139,900 Community 139,900 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/ 2017 104.95 1 C7235168 Sold 20423 LORENZO AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1746 140,000 None 116,000 3 3 0 1978 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 80.18 0.82857 N5910540 Sold 5730 TALBROOK RD 34287 NORTH PORT 1176 144,900 Private 144,900 2 2 0 1981 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 12 3.21 1 D5916087 Sold 4434 OZARK AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 1397 145,000 None 130,000 3 2 0 1989 Single Family Home All Cash 3/16/2017 103.79 0.89655 N5909518 Sold 507 VENTURA ST 34287 NORTH PORT 1619 145,500 None 135, 500 3 2 0 1985 Single Family Home USDA 3/20/2017 89.87 0.93 127 C7226423 Sold 951 WEBSTER AVE NW 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1564 147,700 None 145,000 3 2 1 1984 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/17/2017 94.44 0.98172 C7230865 Sold 5759 SABAL TRACE DR #102 34287 NORTH PORT 1168 148,000 Community 142,000 2 2 0 2006 Condo New Conventional 3/16/2017 126.71 0.95946 C7234252 Sold 409 LONDRINA DR 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1636 149,900 None 125,000 3 2 0 1991 Single Family Home All Cash 3/21/2017 91.6 3 0.83389 C7234976 Sold 21050 FIRWOOD TER 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1044 149,900 Private 155,000 2 2 0 1987 Single Family Home New Conventiona l 3/16/2017 143.58 1.03402 C7235189 Sold 22262 NEW ROCHELLE AVE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1449 149,900 Private 145,000 3 2 0 1972 Single Family Home All Cash 3 /17/2017 103.45 0.96731 C7235316 Sold 448 ROSE APPLE CIR 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1210 149,900 Community 148,000 2 2 0 1993 Single Family Home New Conventi onal 3/17/2017 123.88 0.98732 C7235988 Sold 6373 TALBOT ST 34287 NORTH PORT 2000 149,900 None 149,900 2 2 0 1961 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/17/201 7 74.95 1 C7233619 Sold 4963 ESCALANTE DR 34287 NORTH PORT 1317 157,900 None 156,000 3 2 0 1980 Single Family Home New FHA 3/21/2017 119. 89 0.98797 C7230531 Sold 2 PIRATES LN #23C 33955 PUNTA GORDA 1516 158,000 Community 148,000 2 2 0 1979 Condo All Cash 3/16/2017 104.22 0.9 3671 C7235432 Sold 20268 LADNER AVE 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1398 159,500 Private 159,500 2 2 0 1975 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/17/2017 114.09 1 C7231875 Sold 17094 ACAPULCO RD #313 33955 PUNTA GORDA 1316 159,900 Community 145,000 2 2 0 2008 Condo New Conventional 3/20/20 17 121.5 0.90682 N5911000 Sold 6684 STARDUST AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 1176 159,900 Private 153,000 3 2 0 1980 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 1 35.97 0.95685 C7234150 Sold 2419 YANCY ST 34291 NORTH PORT 1339 164,900 Private 164,900 3 2 0 1997 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/20/2017 123.15 1 D5916245 Sold 2423 CLORAS ST 34287 NORTH PORT 1212 164,900 None 160,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 136.06 0.97029 C7235375 Sold 327 GOIANA ST 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1386 165,000 None 160,000 3 2 0 1998 Single Family Home All Cash 3/16/2017 119.05 0.9697 A4170631 Sold 17446 YOUNG AVE 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1636 169,000 None 163,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 10 3.3 0.9645 D5913981 Sold 12075 APPLEBERG CIR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1612 169,900 None 174,900 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/20 17 105.4 1.02943 A4174458 Sold 2714 MATHER LN 34286 NORTH PORT 1212 169,900 None 155,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/20/201 7 140.18 0.9123C7234965 Sold 3453 WENTWORTH ST 34288 NORTH PORT 1212 169,900 None 164,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/21/ 2017 140.18 0.96527 C7235300 Sold 1987 NUREMBERG BLVD 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1204 169,900 Private 165,000 2 2 0 1986 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/20 17 141.11 0.97116 C7231608 Sold 18827 AYRSHIRE CIR 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1406 170,000 Private 165,000 2 3 0 2005 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/ 2017 120.91 0.97059 D5906571 Sold 3570 MONFERO AVE 34286 NORTH PORT 1187 171,900 None 175,000 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 144 .82 1.01803 C7233951 Sold 2055 BACKTON ST 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1709 171,900 None 173,000 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home New FHA 3/22/2017 10 0.59 1.0064 C7227717 Sold 2756 VOGLER LN 34286 NORTH PORT 1285 173,000 None 168,000 3 2 0 2001 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/21/201 7 134.63 0.9711 C7235720 Sold 6447 OTIS RD 34287 NORTH PORT 1987 173,000 None 170,000 5 2 0 1973 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 87.07 0.98266 A4167050 Sold 7131 TOTEM AVE 34291 NORTH PORT 1620 173,400 None 175,000 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 107.04 1.00923 C7230646 Sold 4533 BADALI RD 34286 NORTH PORT 1227 174,900 None 178,900 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 142.54 1.02287 C7236464 Sold 1509 HARMONY DR 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1580 174,900 Private 165,000 3 2 0 1973 Single Family Home All Cash 3/20/201 7 110.7 0.9434 C7229109 Sold 1541 ORLANDO BLVD 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 2060 175,000 Private 165,000 3 2 0 1969 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2 017 84.95 0.94286 C7233468 Sold 5193 GAGHAGEN ST 34291 NORTH PORT 1351 178,000 None 176,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New FHA 3/20/2017 131.7 5 0.98876 D5913732 Sold 2054 PENNSYLVANIA AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1664 179,900 Private 179,900 3 2 0 1979 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/17/2017 108.11 1 D5915448 Sold 12408 BIRTLE AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1612 179,900 None 179,900 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home All Cash 3/20/2017 111.6 1 N5910510 Sold 5818 N CRANBERRY BLVD 34286 NORTH PORT 1564 182,500 None 190,000 3 2 0 1999 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 116.69 1.0411 C7228211 Sold 2287 SNOWFLAKE LN 34286 NORTH PORT 1831 185,000 None 160,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New FHA 3/21/2017 101. 04 0.86486 C7233775 Sold 119 EARNEST ST 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 2040 185,000 None 175,000 3 2 0 2007 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 90 .69 0.94595 C7233146 Sold 3422 EVERETT TER 34286 NORTH PORT 1593 187,400 None 182,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 117.64 0.97118 D5915212 Sold 13416 DARNELL AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1214 189,000 Community 170,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home New Conventio nal 3/20/2017 155.68 0.89947 C7236069 Sold 1370 KENMORE ST 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 1385 189,000 Private 180,000 3 2 0 1999 Single Family Home All Cash 3/22/201 7 136.46 0.95238 C7233641 Sold 23517 NELSON AVE 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1575 190,000 None 180,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/ 16/2017 120.63 0.94737 C7229897 Sold 3390 S CHAMBERLAIN BLVD 34286 NORTH PORT 1570 194,900 Private 190,000 3 2 0 1999 Single Family Home New Conventio nal 3/17/2017 124.14 0.97486 C7234910 Sold 27050 NOTRE DAME BLVD 33955 PUNTA GORDA 1328 195,000 Priv ate 206,700 2 2 0 1990 Single Family Home Assume Convent ional 3/17/2017 146.84 1.06 C7234875 Sold 24187 BUCKINGHAM WAY 33980 PORT CHARLOTTE 1751 199,000 Community 190,000 2 2 0 2001 Single Family Home All Cash 3 /17/2017 113.65 0.95477 C7233304 Sold 19867 MIDWAY BLVD 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 2492 199,900 Private 195,000 3 2 0 1988 Single Family Home New Conventiona l 3/17/2017 80.22 0.97549 C7234815 Sold 1453 ULTRAMARINE LN 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1623 199,900 Private 170,000 3 2 0 1992 Single Family Home All Cash 3/20/20 17 123.17 0.85043 C7235090 Sold 18502 KERRVILLE CIR 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1176 199,900 None 195,000 3 2 0 1979 Single Family Home All Cash 3/16/20 17 169.98 0.97549 C7230757 Sold 2613 BADGER LN 34286 NORTH PORT 2156 210,000 Private 202,000 3 2 0 1999 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/16/ 2017 97.4 0.9619 C7228004 Sold 198 BIRCHCREST BLVD 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 2330 214,400 None 214,400 4 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New FHA 3/18/201 7 92.02 1 D5916713 Sold 4655 CLUB DR #102 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 1626 219,900 Community 215,000 3 2 0 2006 Condo All Cash 3/20/2017 135.24 0.97772 C7234306 Sold 208 LEWIS CIR #1B 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1180 220,000 Community 210,000 2 2 0 1986 Condo All Cash 3/20/2017 186.44 0.9 5455 C7232782 Sold 3091 KALSTED ST 34288 NORTH PORT 2228 224,900 Private 224,900 4 2 0 2004 Single Family Home New FHA 3/20/2017 100 .94 1 C7235074 Sold 3191 MATECUMBE KEY RD #310 33955 PUNTA GORDA 1330 225,000 Community 220,000 2 2 0 2003 Condo All Cash 3/17/2017 1 69.17 0.97778 A4168882 Sold 2393 SALMISTA TER 34286 NORTH PORT 2267 228,900 None 217,500 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/17/ 2017 100.97 0.9502 A4168720 Sold 8847 LEOPOLD AVE 34287 NORTH PORT 1860 229,000 None 224,000 3 2 0 2003 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 123.1 2 0.97817 C7228420 Sold 446 STRASBURG DR 33954 PORT CHARLOTTE 1903 229,500 None 220,000 3 2 0 1985 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/ 17/2017 120.6 0.95861 C7233098 Sold 25615 AYSEN DR 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1731 229,900 None 222,500 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 132.8 1 0.96781 O5442701 Sold 28154 ARROWHEAD CIR 33982 PUNTA GORDA 1988 231,290 None 202,440 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home All Cash 3/21/2017 116.34 0.87526 C7217100 Sold 3206 MORCHESTER LN 34286 NORTH PORT 1755 232,850 None 226,000 4 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/21 /2017 132.68 0.97058 C7232602 Sold 25621 HERITAGE LAKE BLVD #60 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1808 234,900 Community 225,000 3 2 0 2014 Condo All Cash 3/16/2017 129.92 0.95785 C7231715 Sold 2575 ALLING TER 34286 NORTH PORT 2220 235,000 None 230,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/17/2017 105.86 0.97872 D5916042 Sold 6654 CALLAGHAN LN 34291 NORTH PORT 1653 235,000 Private 230,000 3 2 0 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/ 20/2017 142.17 0.97872 C7233067 Sold 27385 NEAPTIDE DR 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1408 238,000 None 235,000 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 16 9.03 0.98739 C7236427 Sold 18225 WOLBRETTE CIR 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1504 239,800 Private 225,000 2 2 0 1974 Single Family Home All Cash 3/20 /2017 159.44 0.93828 C7234096 Sold 5009 KINGSLEY RD 34287 NORTH PORT 2787 239,900 None 229,000 4 4 0 1980 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/16/2 017 86.08 0.95456 C7233523 Sold 6281 SURF AVE 34291 NORTH PORT 2166 245,000 Private 235,500 4 2 1 2005 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 113. 11 0.96122 C7234687 Sold 601 SHREVE ST #11A 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1394 245,000 Community 242,000 2 2 0 1980 Condo All Cash 3/22/2017 175.75 0. 98776 D5915908 Sold 6094 DIME CT 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1938 249,900 Community 244,000 3 2 0 2017 Single Family Home New Conventional 3 /22/2017 128.95 0.97639 C7236445 Sold 4358 MUNDELLA CIR 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 1869 249,900 Private 247,400 3 2 0 1987 Single Family Home All Cash 3/21/2 017 133.71 0.99 C7234925 Sold 25188 MARION AVE #D112 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2191 250,000 Community 242,500 3 2 0 1981 Condo All Cash 3/20/2017 114.1 0.97 C7235656 Sold 1605 DORCHESTER ST 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 2079 250,000 None 248,000 3 2 0 1983 Single Family Home New VA 3/17/2017 120.25 0.992 D5915495 Sold 2880 VOGLER LN 34286 NORTH PORT 1738 259,000 Private 252,000 3 2 0 2001 Single Family Home New FHA 3/22/2017 149.02 0.97297 C7230589 Sold 18210 BRAZIL AVE 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 2018 259,900 Private 255,000 3 2 1 1994 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/20 17 128.79 0.98115 N5909507 Sold 828 E 4TH ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1796 269,900 None 263,000 3 2 0 1965 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/21/2017 1 50.28 0.97443 C7232875 Sold 26089 SEMINOLE LAKES BLVD 33955 PUNTA GORDA 1983 273,500 Community 265,000 3 2 0 2000 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 137.92 0.96892 C7234972 Sold 25348 RUPERT RD 33983 PUNTA GORDA 2413 274,900 Private 263,000 4 2 0 2000 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/2 1/2017 113.92 0.95671 C7231577 Sold 25233 PADRE LN 33983 PUNTA GORDA 3009 275,000 None 268,000 4 3 0 2007 Single Family Home All Cash 3/20/2017 91.39 0.97455 D5915823 Sold 3179 OSPREY LN 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 1617 279,900 Community, Private 273,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home New Con ventional 3/16/2017 173.1 0.97535 D5916639 Sold 2095 E DOLPHIN DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2213 279,900 Private 279,900 3 2 0 1981 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 1 26.48 1 D5915422 Sold 1795 BOTTLEBRUSH WAY 34289 NORTH PORT 1873 286,000 Community, Private 280,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home All C ash 3/20/2017 152.7 0.97902 C7235288 Sold 3321 BREWSTER RD 34288 NORTH PORT 2018 289,500 Private 280,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home All Cash 3/21/2017 1 43.46 0.96718 A4169622 Sold 4619 BLUE HERON CIR 34287 NORTH PORT 2054 289,900 Community, None 276,000 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home New Conve ntional 3/16/2017 141.14 0.95205 C7235494 Sold 247 PORTO VELHO ST 33983 PUNTA GORDA 1972 295,000 Private 282,000 3 2 0 2001 Single Family Home All Cash 3/16/201 7 149.59 0.95593AREA PROPERTY TRANSFERS


Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 9 AREA PROPERTY TRANSFERS CONTINUED ML# Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft. List Price Pool So ld Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP /SqFt SP/LP RatioN5908609 Sold 2650 PEBBLE CREEK PL 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 2018 299,900 Private 290,000 3 2 0 2006 Single Family Home New Conventi onal 3/20/2017 148.61 0.96699 C7231976 Sold 1403 ISLAMORADA BLVD 33955 PUNTA GORDA 1668 324,900 Private 318,000 2 2 0 1993 Single Family Home New Conventiona l 3/17/2017 194.78 0.97876 D5915638 Sold 13332 GOLF POINTE DR 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 2624 325,000 Community, Private 315,000 4 2 1 2004 Single Family Home N ew Conventional 3/21/2017 123.86 0.96923 C7233341 Sold 3313 SUNSET KEY CIR #206 33955 PUNTA GORDA 2100 337,500 Community 345,000 3 3 0 2004 Condo All Cash 3/17/2017 160 .71 1.02222 C7228652 Sold 875 CONREID DR NE 33952 PORT CHARLOTTE 2209 339,000 None 315,000 3 2 1 2007 Single Family Home New Conventional 3 /21/2017 153.46 0.9292 C7234822 Sold 7175 N BLUE SAGE 33955 PUNTA GORDA 2205 339,000 Private 349,500 3 2 1 2005 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/ 22/2017 153.74 1.03097 N5909494 Sold 2794 SAWGRASS CT 33953 PORT CHARLOTTE 1952 348,000 Community 330,000 3 2 0 2007 Single Family Home All Cash 3/20/ 2017 178.28 0.94828 C7234646 Sold 193 CRESCENT DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1510 359,000 Private 340,000 2 2 0 1974 Single Family Home All Cash 3/18/2017 2 37.75 0.94708 D5913910 Sold 15404 ALSACE CIR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1977 359,500 Private 335,000 3 2 0 1993 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/20/2017 181.84 0.93185 C7235689 Sold 2061 VIA VENICE 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1608 359,900 Private 336,000 2 2 0 1978 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/1 7/2017 223.82 0.93359 C7234917 Sold 523 MACEDONIA DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 1823 409,000 Private 399,000 3 2 0 1983 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/22/2017 224.36 0.97555 D5912196 Sold 15336 LAKELAND CIR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 2098 414,900 Private 407,500 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New Convention al 3/20/2017 197.76 0.98216 C7235181 Sold 825 VIA FORMIA 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2295 484,000 Private 484,000 3 2 0 1979 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/16 /2017 210.89 1 D5916295 Sold 357 ARDENWOOD DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2264 489,900 Private 475,203 3 3 0 1985 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/17 /2017 216.39 0.97 N5912255 Sold 10804 OMEARA WAY 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2453 525,116 Private 525,116 3 3 0 2017 Single Family Home All Cash 3/16/2017 2 14.07 1 C7233562 Sold 349 SPRINGVIEW CIR NW 33948 PORT CHARLOTTE 2145 539,900 Private 515,000 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home All Cash 3/ 21/2017 251.7 0.95388 C7231985 Sold 91 VIVANTE BLVD #403 (9143) 33950 PUNTA GORDA 2338 541,900 Community 522,000 3 3 0 2006 Condo All Cash 3/21/2017 231.78 0.96328 D5914081 Sold 1910 OREGON TRL 34224 ENGLEWOOD 2533 898,888 Private 859,000 4 3 2 2001 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/17/ 2017 354.87 0.95563 C7230851 Sold 1209 SAN MATEO DR 33950 PUNTA GORDA 4852 997,000 Private 910,000 7 5 0 2002 Single Family Home New Conventional 3 /20/2017 205.48 0.912745ENGLEWOOD COURTESY OF ENGLEWOOD AREA BOARD OF REALTORSML# Status Address Zip Code City Sq. Ft. Community P rice BE FB HB Built Pool Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP/S qFt SP/LP Ratio D5915552 SLD 139 VIA MADONNA 34224 ENGLEWOOD 672 MOBILE GARDENS $67,000 2 1 1 1969 None Manufactured/Mobile Home All Cash 3/16 /2017 $99.70 0.96 D5916053 SLD 78 BOUNDARY BLVD#192 33947 ROTONDA WEST 780 RIVERHOUSE $66,000 1 1 0 1973 Community Condo All Cash 3/14/2017 $84. 62 0.92 D5916008 SLD 2035 LAUREL AVE 34224 GROVE CITY 784 AILLON $70,000 2 2 0 1980 None Manufactured/Mobile Home All Cash 3/15/2017 $ 89.29 0.93 D5916375 SLD 93 BOUNDARY BLVD#303 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,228 RIVERHOUSE $72,000 2 2 0 1974 Community Condo All Cash 3/15/2017 $5 8.63 0.96 N5911658 SLD 2265 BROOKWOOD DR 34224 ENGLEWOOD 802 BROOKWOOD ESTATES $ 78,000 2 1 1 1969 None Manufactured/Mobile Home All Cash 3/13/2017 $97.26 0.87 D5917094 SLD 8394 OSPREY RD 34224 ENGLEWOOD 821 PEYTON PLACE $100,000 2 1 0 1969 None Single Family Home Owner Financing 3/15/ 2017 $121.80 1 D5914511 SLD 22 N ESPLANADE ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 960 ALAMEDA ISLES $102,500 2 2 0 1979 Community Manufactured/Mobile Home All Ca sh 3/15/2017 $106.77 0.93 D5916719 SLD 6796 GASP PINES BLVD#20 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,036 VILLAGE AT WILDFLOWER CC PH 02 $114,000 2 2 0 1981 Community Condo All Cash 3/13/2017 $110.04 0.95 D5916739 SLD 14 QUAILS RUN BLVD#3 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,013 QUAILS RUN I $1 17,500 2 2 0 1980 Community Condo All Cash 3/15/2017 $1 15.99 0.93 D5915708 SLD 165 E HORTON AVE 34223 ENGLEWOOD 792 HORTON ESTATES THE $132,000 2 1 0 1978 None Single Family Home New Conventio nal 3/15/2017 $166.67 0.96 D5916908 SLD 6800 PLACIDA RD#256 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,092 FIDDLERS GREEN 02 PH 02 BLDG 01 $138,000 2 2 0 1987 Community Condo All Cash 3/13/2017 $126.37 1 A4177250 SLD 13250 COPPER AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,333 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 095 $139,900 3 2 0 1988 Community Single Family Ho me All Cash 3/17/2017 $104.95 1 C7235345 SLD 221 ROTONDA CIR 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,255 ROTONDA WEST PEBBLE BEACH $140,000 2 2 0 1988 None Single Family Home Al l Cash 3/14/2017 $111.55 0.97 D5914052 SLD 71 GOLFVIEW RD 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,478 ROTONDA WEST OAKLAND HILLS $140,000 3 2 0 1974 None Single Family Home All Cash 3/14/2017 $94.72 0.93 T2855106 SLD 1601 NEW PT COMFORT RD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,240 NEWPOINT COMFORT $128,000 1 1 0 1926 None Single Family Home All Cas h 3/13/2017 $103.23 0.85 A4176483 SLD 9357 BOCA GRANDE AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,233 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 084 $146,000 2 2 0 1987 None Single Family Home New Conventional 3/15/2017 $118.41 0.91 D5913450 SLD 2511 SANDY LN 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,390 GROVE CITY $159,000 2 2 0 1975 None Single Family Home All Cash 3/13/2017 $11 4.39 0.96 D5913981 SLD 12075 APPLEBERG CIR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,612 PORT CHARLOTTE A SEC 95 $174,900 3 2 0 2016 None Single Family Hom e All Cash 3/17/2017 $108.50 1.03 D5910588 SLD 101 NATURES WAY#1201 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,525 WATERSIDE CONDOS PH 01 $160,000 3 2 0 2007 Community Condo New Conv entional 3/17/2017 $104.92 0.93 N5911408 SLD 102 NATURES WAY#2105 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,525 WATERSIDE CONDOS PH 01 $175,000 3 2 0 2007 Community Condo All Cash 3/15/2017 $114.75 0.99 D5912865 SLD 6 HULL CT 33946 PLACIDA 1,880 ROTONDA SANDS UNIT 1 $177,000 3 2 0 2005 None Single Family Home All Cash 3/15/2017 $94.15 0.99 D5913732 SLD 2054 PENNSYLVANIA AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,664 GROVE CITY TERRACE $179,900 3 2 0 1979 Private Single Family Home New Conventional 3/17/2017 $108.11 1 D5916056 SLD 6352 HERA ST 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,400 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 063 $180,000 3 2 0 2008 None Single Family Home New VA 3/15 /2017 $128.57 1 D5917154 SLD 542 FOXWOOD BLVD 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,273 FOXWOOD $170,000 2 2 0 1984 Community Townhouse All Cash 3/17/2017 $133.54 0.94 D5915694 SLD 7344 DONAHUE ST 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,420 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 067 $183,500 2 2 0 1986 Private Single Family Home New FHA 3/15/2017 $129.23 0.99 O5490858 SLD 14187 BARNWOOD LN 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,215 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 071 $183,174 4 2 1 2007 None Single Family Home A ll Cash 3/13/2017 $82.70 0.93 N5911311 SLD 15440 LAKELAND CIR 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,187 SOUTH GULF COVE $199,000 3 2 0 1981 None Single Family Home New Con ventional 3/15/2017 $167.65 1 D5914156 SLD 259 FAIRWAY RD 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,866 ROTONDA WEST PINEHURST $220,000 3 2 0 2005 None Single Family Home New Co nventional 3/15/2017 $117.90 0.98 D5916228 SLD 8573 LAKESIDE DR 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,711 OYSTER CREEK PH 02 PRCL C1B $227,500 3 2 0 1995 Community Single Family Ho me All Cash 3/15/2017 $132.96 1 D5912207 SLD 11290 SEABREEZE AVE 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 1,822 PORT CHARLOTTE R SEC 65 $222,800 3 2 0 2007 None Single Family Hom e All Cash 3/14/2017 $122.28 0.97 D5915824 SLD 190 FAIRWAY RD 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,640 ROTONDA WEST PINEHURST $235,000 3 2 0 1995 Private Single Family Home New Conventional 3/16/2017 $143.29 0.97 D5915913 SLD 92 ROTONDA CIR 33947 ROTONDA WEST 2,022 ROTONDA WEST OAKLAND HILLS $239,000 3 2 0 2007 Private Single Family Home All Cash 3/14/2017 $118.20 0.96 D5915975 SLD 375 EWOOD ISLES PKWY#5 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,554 WINDSOR VILL AS $210,000 2 2 0 1981 Community Condo All Cash 3/13/201 7 $135.14 0.84 D5914186 SLD 54 LONG MEADOW CT 33947 ROTONDA WEST 1,936 ROTONDA WEST LONG MEADOW $248,000 3 2 0 2000 Private Single Family Hom e New VA 3/14/2017 $128.10 0.99 C7232106 SLD 11123 GREENWAY AVE 34224 ENGLEWOOD 1,524 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 065 $250,000 3 2 0 1993 Private Single Family Home Ne w Conventional 3/15/2017 $164.04 0.96 D5916450 SLD 5031 N BEACH RD Unit#216 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,046 MANASOTA SHORES PH 02 BLDG B $259,900 2 2 0 1992 Community Condo N ew Conventional 3/15/2017 $248.47 1 T2870089 SLD 25720 BOYSEN BERRY AVE 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,643 KEYWAY PLACE $262,242 2 2 0 2017 Community Single Family Home All Ca sh 3/15/2017 $159.61 1 T2869994 SLD 25800 GRAYTON AVE 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,635 KEYWAY PLACE $266,632 2 2 0 2017 Community Single Family Home All Cash 3/ 13/2017 $163.08 1 T2862967 SLD 9400 LIL GASPARILLA IS#I8 33946 PLACIDA 946 HIDEAWAY BAY BEACH CLUB PH 04 $264,000 2 2 0 1994 Community Condo All Cash 3/15/2017 $279.07 0.98 D5917644 SLD 330 S GULF BLVD Unit#40 33946 PLACIDA 993 COLONY DON PEDRO PH 03 $275,000 2 1 1 1986 Community 1/2 Duplex Other 3 /17/2017 $276.94 1 D5916639 SLD 2095 E DOLPHIN DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,213 BLUE DOLPHIN ESTA TES $279,900 3 2 0 1981 Private Single Family Home All C ash 3/17/2017 $126.48 1 D5915149 SLD 53 TEE VIEW RD 33947 ROTONDA WEST 2,082 ROTONDA WEST PINE VALLEY $299,000 3 2 0 2008 Private Single Family Home N ew Conventional 3/14/2017 $143.61 0.93 D5906913 SLD 11000 PLACIDA RD#302 33946 PLACIDA 1,581 PLACIDA HARBOUR SEC 03 BLDG 03 $312,500 2 2 0 1987 Community Condo All C ash 3/17/2017 $197.66 0.96 D5915526 SLD 1651 BRIDGE ST 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,567 ENGLEWOOD GARDENS $31 5,000 3 2 1 1995 Private Single Family Home All Cash 3/ 14/2017 $122.71 0.95 D5915306 SLD 500 SANDLOR DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,520 SMITHFIELD SUB $347,500 2 2 0 1970 None Single Family Home Owner Financing 3 /13/2017 $228.62 1 D5914875 SLD 10895 TROPHY DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD 1,870 BOCA ROYALE $357,500 2 2 0 2015 Community Single Family Home All Cash 3/15/ 2017 $191.18 0.95D5917329 SLD 10139 KANSAS CITY ST 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,098 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 87 $389,900 3 2 0 2017 Private Single Family H ome All Cash 3/13/2017 $185.84 1 C7234043 SLD 5178 FLEMING ST 33981 PORT CHARLOTTE 2,033 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC 054 $375,000 3 2 0 1986 Private Single Family Home New Conventional 3/15/2017 $184.46 0.94 D5916295 SLD 357 ARDENWOOD DR 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,264 ENGLEWOOD ISLES SU B $475,203 3 3 0 1985 Private Single Family Home New Con ventional 3/17/2017 $209.90 0.97 N5912255 SLD 10804 OMEARA WAY 34223 ENGLEWOOD 2,453 BOCA ROYALE $525,116 3 3 0 2017 Private Single Family Home All Cash 3/16/ 2017 $214.07 1 D5914081 SLD 1910 OREGON TRL 34224 ENGLEWOOD 2,533 LANDINGS ON LEMON BAY $859,000 4 3 2 2001 Private Single Family Home New Co nventional 3/17/2017 $339.12 0.96SOUTH SARASOTA COUNTY COURTESY OF VENICE AREA BOARD OF REALTORSML# Status Address Subdivision Name Sq. Ft. Pool Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP/SqFt SP/LP RatioN5910491 Sold 649 S TAMIAMI TRL S #310 Country Club Apts None 84,888 2 2 0 1971 Condo All Cash 3/14/2017 101.91 1 N5911815 Sold 905 CYPRESS AVE North Edgewood Sec None 125,500 2 2 0 1959 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 167.33 0.9728 7 N5909436 Sold 537 MANATEE CT #205 Parkview Manor None 129,999 2 2 0 1971 Condo All Cash 3/16/2017 159.31 1 C7234538 Sold 980 MOHAWK RD South Venice None 135,000 2 1 0 1975 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/17/2017 191.49 0.96636 N5911040 Sold 433 CERROMAR LN #432 Farmington Vistas Community 140,500 2 2 0 1982 Condo All Cash 3/15/2017 140.22 0.93729 N5911533 Sold 1318 FIR AVE East Gate None 145,000 2 2 0 1965 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/15/2017 96.54 0.95082 A4181044 Sold 408 W SHADE DR Venice Gardens Community 145,150 3 2 0 1965 Single Family Home All Cash 3/16/2017 97.81 1 A4173090 Sold 934 CAPRI ISLES BLVD #109 Golfvista Community 151,500 2 2 0 1990 Condo New Conventional 3/13/2017 141.19 0.9528 3 N5910055 Sold 1699 NRTHMPTN ST #1699 Villa Nova Community 155,000 2 2 0 1980 Condo New Conventional 3/17/2017 126.84 0.96936 A4173695 Sold 660 PINEAPPLE PL Venice Groves None 155,000 4 2 0 1981 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 94.45 0.88571 A4171772 Sold 4180 POMPANO RD South Venice None 160,000 2 2 0 1991 Single Family Home New FHA 3/15/2017 162.44 0.9697 N5911958 Sold 3460 SUNSET BEACH DR Sunset Beach Private 161,000 2 2 0 1984 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 127.27 0.894 94 N5911633 Sold 1100 CAPRI IS BLVD #217 Lakes Of Capri Community 162,000 2 2 0 1989 Condo All Cash 3/17/2017 150.7 0.97649 A4150309 Sold 433 CERROMAR LN #434 Farmington Vistas Community 163,000 2 2 0 1982 Condo New Conventional 3/16/2017 162.67 0.9 5939 N5911085 Sold 109 PADDINGTON RD Venice East None 164,000 2 2 0 1969 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 112.56 0.99454 N5911235 Sold 785 BRADENTON RD South Venice None 164,900 2 2 0 1987 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 161.83 1 A4171880 Sold 501 FLAMINGO RD Kensington Park None 170,000 2 1 1 1957 Single Family Home Owner Financing 3/16/2017 102.1 0.94 972 A4174541 Sold 671 DOLPHIN RD South Venice None 175,000 2 2 0 1981 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/15/2017 162.49 0.9776 5 N5911180 Sold 341 PINE TREE RD Venice Gardens None 175,000 3 2 0 1972 Single Family Home All Cash 3/16/2017 103.37 0.87544 N5911643 Sold 337 GLEN OAK RD Venice Gardens Community 179,200 3 2 0 1960 Single Family Home All Cash 3/14/2017 153.16 1.0011 2 N5911325 Sold 284 MALVERN DR Venice East None 182,000 2 2 0 1978 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/16/2017 120.13 1.01167 A4177363 Sold 606 BAY POINT AVE Not Applicable None 185,000 2 1 1 1956 Single Family Home All Cash 3/15/2017 139.2 1.05775 N5910503 Sold 240 ALGIERS DR Venice East None 187,000 2 2 0 1972 Single Family Home New FHA 3/17/2017 148.3 0.98473 N5910965 Sold 3730 CADBURY CIR #715 Woodmere At Jacaranda None 205,000 2 2 0 2000 Condo All Cash 3/17/2017 110.81 0.94037 A4171980 Sold 4210 VICENZA DR #B25 Casa Di Amici Community 209,000 3 2 0 2004 Condo All Cash 3/14/2017 151.12 0.95916 A4154967 Sold 260 SANTA MARIA ST #109 Bella Costa Private 209,000 2 2 0 1972 Condo All Cash 3/17/2017 206.32 0.93304 N5910834 Sold 1335 WHISPERING LN Pinebrook South Community 216,000 2 2 0 1979 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 153.85 0. 93954 N5910396 Sold 330 MESTRE PL Venetian Golf & River Club Community 217,000 2 2 0 2006 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 147 .02 1.0093


Page 10 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 25, 2017 AREA PROPERTY TRANSFERS CONTINUEDML# Status Address Subdivision Name Sq. Ft. Pool Price BE FB HB Built Property Style Sold Terms Sold Date SP/SqFt SP/LP RatioN5911387 Sold 1649 JUNIPER DR Venice Gardens Community 232,000 3 2 0 1962 Single Family Home All Cash 3/15/2017 158.15 0.9670 7 N5912038 Sold 333 THE ESPLNDE N #106 Imperial House Of Venice Community 238,000 1 1 0 1970 Condo All Cash 3/16/2017 351.03 0. 99623 N5907535 Sold 7302 JES HRBR DR #7302 Heron House Community 240,000 3 2 0 1985 Condo All Cash 3/15/2017 133.33 1.02128 N5911474 Sold 965 W BAFFIN DR South Venice Private 242,000 4 3 0 1959 Single Family Home New VA 3/17/2017 152.3 0.96839 A4174133 Sold 2209 BLACKWOOD DR Venetian Gardens Community, Private 244,000 3 2 0 1981 Single Family Home All Cash 3/13/2017 127.55 0.95686 A4171314 Sold 11698 TEMPEST HRBR LP Stoneybrook At Venice Community 252,000 4 2 1 2006 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/ 17/2017 111.46 0.95094 N5910957 Sold 429 BERMUDA ISLES CIR Isles Of Chestnut Creek Community 267,000 3 2 0 1994 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/16/2017 133.17 0.97126 N5910891 Sold 161 VALENCIA LAKES DR Valencia Lakes Community 270,000 3 2 0 2004 Single Family Home All Cash 3/15/2017 155.17 0.93136 N5907424 Sold 1713 KILRUSS DR Waterford Community 275,000 3 2 0 1990 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/17/2017 122.01 1 N5911323 Sold 1052 GRAHAM RD South Venice Private 275,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 178.11 0.98249 N5911725 Sold 1430 KILPATRICK RD Duquoin Heights Private 279,000 2 2 0 1982 Single Family Home Owner Financing 3/17/2017 163. 73 0.9624 A4160986 Sold 1058 ANCORA BLVD Willow Chase Community 315,000 3 2 0 2014 Single Family Home All Cash 3/15/2017 158.29 0.96953 N5911674 Sold 1283 HGHLAD GRNS DR Pelican Pointe Golf & C Club Community 315,000 3 2 0 1995 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/ 2017 180.93 0.95745 A4148746 Sold 1152 BCHCOMBER CT #15 Blackburn Point Marina Village Community 317,500 3 2 1 2005 Condo New Conventional 3/13/20 17 171.9 0.97692 N5910724 Sold 961 N DORAL LN Jacaranda Country Club W Vllge None 320,000 3 2 0 1985 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/15/2 017 150.31 0.9624 N5911281 Sold 157 VENICE PALMS BLVD Venice Palms Private 322,000 2 2 0 2000 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/15/2017 182 .75 0.97872 N5912205 Sold 331 CARLINO DR Villages of Milano None 329,805 3 3 0 2017 Single Family Home New VA 3/15/2017 156.31 1 A4170817 Sold 303 CARLINO DR Not Applicable Community 341,618 3 3 0 2017 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/15/2017 161.9 0.99891 N5910688 Sold 438 MARSH CREEK RD Sawgrass Community 350,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home All Cash 3/14/2017 185.77 0.93358 N5910878 Sold 144 VENICE PALMS BLVD Venice Palms Private 360,000 3 2 0 2002 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/15/2017 189 .67 0.97324 N5910436 Sold 343 PADOVA WAY Venetian Golf & River Club Community 369,000 2 2 0 2006 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 18 0.97 0.97131 N5911473 Sold 4966 STONECASTLE DR Stonecastle At Southwood Private 390,000 3 2 0 1994 Single Family Home All Cash 3/15/2017 1 81.14 0.95145 N5910227 Sold 616 HARBOR DR S Golden Beach None 390,000 4 2 0 1965 Single Family Home Combination 3/13/2017 177.51 0.91786 A4122504 Sold 516 TAMIAMI TRL S #201 Not Applicable Community 399,000 2 2 1 2010 Condo Owner Financing 3/15/2017 217.68 1 A4150221 Sold 13616 BRILLIANTE DR Gran Paradiso Community 415,000 3 2 0 2016 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/15/2017 18 0.75 0.9398 A4170970 Sold 2141 CALUSA LAKES BLVD Calusa Lakes None 435,000 3 2 0 2000 Single Family Home All Cash 3/15/2017 184.95 0.9775 3 A4171317 Sold 80 N CREEK LN Oak Creek Private 446,000 3 2 0 1998 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/15/2017 214.53 0.97593 N5910521 Sold 617 LAKESCENE DR The Lakes Of Jacaranda Private 450,000 3 2 0 2003 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/15/201 7 197.2 0.98039 N5910586 Sold 703 SAWGRASS BRIDGE RD Sawgrass Private 475,000 3 2 0 1999 Single Family Home New Conventional 3/13/2017 178.71 0.97958 N5906569 Sold 4375 VIA DEL VILLETTI DR Venetia Community, Private 475,000 4 3 1 2006 Single Family Home All Cash 3/13/2017 163.12 0.95209 A4163124 Sold 2000 WHITE FEATHER LN Calusa Lakes Private 485,000 3 3 1 1993 Single Family Home All Cash 3/14/2017 166.72 0.92 381 A4164798 Sold 101 TORCELLO CT Venetian Golf & River Club Community, Private 490,000 4 3 0 2004 Single Family Home New Convent ional 3/13/2017 181.48 0.98196 N5910635 Sold 19682 COBBLESTONE CIR Stone Walk Private 518,000 3 3 0 2011 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 198.39 0.9646 2 A4170507 Sold 314 DOLPHIN SHORES CIR Dolphin Shores None 607,000 3 3 1 1993 Single Family Home All Cash 3/15/2017 206.11 0.96 671 N5910233 Sold 448 MAHON DR Golden Beach None 625,000 3 2 0 1972 Single Family Home All Cash 3/17/2017 336.56 0.97809 A4169055 Sold 2400 ISLE OF PALMS DR Isle Of Palms Private 1,020,000 4 3 1 2006 Single Family Home All Cash 3/13/2017 253.23 0 .94884 A4175528 Sold 419 YACHT HARBOR DR Southbay Yacht & Racq Clb Community, Private 1,100,000 3 3 0 1978 Single Family Home All Ca sh 3/17/2017 455.11 0.88 2100 GENERAL JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE NEEDED FULL TIME FOR A HIGH RISE LUXURY CONDOMINIUM (BURNT STORE MARINA) PRIMARYRESPONSIBILITYIS MAINTAININGTHEUPKEEPAND PRISTINEAPPEARANCEOFTHE COMMUNITYBUILDINGS. YOUMUSTHAVEANEYEFOR DETAIL, BEPROACTIVE, ANDTAKE PRIDEINYOURWORK. MUSTHAVEDEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION, ACLEAN DRIVINGRECORD, BEDRUGFREE ANDFLUENTINENGLISHWITH GOODCOMMUNICATIONSKILLS. OVERTIMEPOSSIBLE. SALARYIS COMMENSURATEWITHEXPERIENCE.SENDYOURRESUMETOGATEWAYMANAGEMENT, P.O. BOX380758 MURDOCKFL 33938EMAIL: LISA@GATEWAY-TEAM.COMFAX941-629-0987 MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours, able to work days, evenings and weekends. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required PAGE DESIGNERThe Charlotte Sun is looking for part-time layout/design help. InDesign and Photoshop experience is helpful. Job involves evenings and weekend hours. Send resume to The Sun is a drug/ nicotine-free workplace. 2100 GENERAL BODYMAN NEEDED, If work in body shop, need to make more money Call Bob 941-921-4402 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE FULL TIME SUN NEWSPAPERSThe Charlotte Sun Newspaper is seeking a reliable, flexible, pleasant person with good phone skills and personality with the ability to handle customer relations. Computer experience mandatory, must be able to work in a fast-paced work environment. We are a drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug/nicotine testing required. Email resume to or call 941-206-1020 Or Apply in Person 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL EOE Non Smoking Office CUSTOMER SERVICE, Full Time, Typing & People Skills a Must! Friendly Environment. Apply at Tile & Carpet World 4820 Tamiami Trail between 8:30-10:30 941-625-9825 BOAT DETAILERS,Expd Good pay with experience Call for interview 609-618-0113 or 941-764-7928 Lv Msg. EXPD POOL SERVICE TECH DFWP Apply: Casa Pools 1212 Enterprise Dr, PC. C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s FISH CUTTER, neededfor Local Seafood Company. EXC Pay!!! 941-380-9212 2070 SALES Outside Window Replacement Sales, Contractors Welcome Reply Sarasota 2100 GENERAL $14.35 PER HOUR & BENEFITSThe Greatest Part Time Job Ever. Join the Charlotte County Schools Transportation Team as a School Bus Driver. Work the School Year and Have Summers Off. We Will Train You For Your CDL. Call 941-575-5432 to Start the Move to a New & Exciting Opportunity. Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! ASTON GARDENSISINNEEDOFTHEFOLLOWING: CNAAPPLY IN PERSON AT: 9000 IBISWAYMAINTENANCE, HOUSEKEEPING, SERVERS, SECURITY, DRIVERS CDL, DISHWASHERSA PPLY IN PERSON AT:1000 ASTONGARDENSDRIVEVENICE, FL 34292 941-240-1010 The Venice Gondolier Sun is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Must have dependable vehicle, a valid Florida Drivers License and proof of insurance. Apply in person: 200 E. Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285 No Phone Calls Please. CARRIERS NEEDED 2070 SALES Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drug and nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. CAREERNIGHTEVERYTUESDAY. CALLFORDETAILS. 941-426-0621 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL DAYS INN Looking for Experienced Front Desk Help Apply in Person to: 1941TamiamiTrl. Port Charlotte LINE COOK, PREP COOK, BUSSER, & DISHWASHER NEEDED. T OLLS P AID SOUTHBEACHBAR& GRILLBOCAGRANDE941-964-0765 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! NOW HIRING: EXPD LINE COOKS Apply in Person: 9am-11 or 2pm-4. 3883 Tamiami Trail, Pt. Char. No Phone Calls Please! 2050 SKILLED TRADES A/C SERVICE TECH,Must have 5 years experience, own tools, FLDL. Perm FT. Benefits Avail. APPLY IN PERSON 24700 Sandhill Blvd, Deep Creek, or send resume to NO PHONE CALLS GOLF COURSE MECHANIC NEEDED.EXPERIENCENECESSARY. COMPUTERSKILLSAMUST. PLEASECALL941-815-0805 LOCAL HVAC LOOKING FOR KNOWLEDGEABLESERVICETECH. EXPERIENCEREQUIRED. CALL941-629-6222 SHOTCRETE OR GUNITE WORKERS WANTED. Experience a Plus But Will Train the Right People. DL Needed, Long Hours, Summer Heat, & Great Pay! 941-629-9859 WELDERS & LABORERS needed for local Venice Co. Good Pay. Some out of town work! Call (813)-506-7788 2040 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL SUPERDay Expressis looking for CASHIERS & DELI HELP EXPERIENCE NECESSARYApply Within: 1595 McCall Rd, Gulf Cove DFWP 941-697-7641 1814 Tamiami Trail, P.C. (941)-766-6106 WE WANT YOU TO BE A MEMBER OF OUR LEADERSHIP TEAM! CHICK-FIL-A PTCHARLOTTEIS SEEKING BOTH DAY AND NIGHT TIME LEADERSHIP. BENEFITS INCLUDE: COMPETITIVEPAY, PAIDTIME OFF, INSURANCEFORFULLTIME LEADERS, 401KOPPORTUNITY,FREEMEALS, FLEXIBLEHOURS,GYMMEMBERSHIPANDSUNDAYSOFF. APPLY ONLINE @WWW.PLEASEAPPLYONLINE.COM/CFA PORTCHARLOTTE F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s HERON CREEK GOLF & CC North Port is seeking PT LINE COOK/PANTRY. This position will help in the preparation of items needed for lunch, dinner & banquet service. Must provide consistent high quality products, practice proper food handling procedures & understanding & enforcing Dept. of Health requirements. 1 to 3 years' experience req`d. Pay based on experience. Send Resume to fbdirector@, or call Gus at 941-240-5100.


Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 11 3090 LOST & FOUND FOUND: 14K Gold Necklace March 1st at Fawcett Hospital Parking Lot. 941-743-7115 LOST DOG: Male, Brown & Black Lab & Boxer mix, answers to Dexter has white on his chest and paws and nose, very friendly, lost near Toledo Blade, Hillsborough & Haberland area. Please call 941-313-4960 LOST KEYS: with key chain that says our place. Lost in Englewood area Between S. Mccall and Indiana ave. 941-474-0163 LOST PRESCRIPTION GLASSES Pinkish red in color, Bi-focals, Lost near CVS in North Port. REWARD Please call 631235-9190 3095 EXERCISE CLASSES G ULF CO A S T A C UPUN C TURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 3096 RELIGION CLASSES BE G INY O URDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES GATEWAY WORSHIP PRAYER & HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to you every Thursday 7:30 pm-8:30 pm. For information call 863-832-4418 5377 Dunkin Rd., Punta Gorda 33982 Jesus Still Heals Today! L utheran Church of the Cross 2 300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek B ible Study Thursdays 10-11:30 and Sundays @ 9 AM Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 NEW SEASON FULLGOSPEL MINISTRIES Meet Every Wednesday at 6:30 Held at 3320 Loveland Blvd Port Charlotte, Fl (Held at Board of Realtors Building same side as Visani's Restaurant) Food and Refreshments being served plus live Christian Music..Come and be a part of our celebration!! Everyone welcome! For more info call Anna Soloduk 941-286-5506 CLASSIFIED ADSSELL SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES DISCUSSION SAT. MAR. 25, 11:00 A.M., MID-COUNTYREGIONALLIBRARY, ROOMB, FORRESTNELSONBLVD., PORTCHARLOTTE. EXPLORE DREAMS, DIVINEINTERVENTION,NEAR-DEATHEXPERIENCES, INNER LIGHT& SOUND. FELLOWSHIPAND FREEBOOKLET. A FREEDISCUS-SIONFORPEOPLEOFALLFAITHS. PRESENTEDBYECKANKAR. 941-766-0637WWW.HEARHU.ORG 3020 PERSONALS FOR ALL YOUR Relaxing Needs Call Paige. (941)-237-1927 RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. Charlotte Trade Center N of 776 941-625-0141 THE GIRL NEXT DOOR941-483-0701 North Port 3065 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES C AL VAR Y BIBLE C HUR C H 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call (941)-979-8239 for Info. Charlotte County House of Prayer Merging Worship, Word, and Prayer Friday Night Watch 8pm 992 Tamiami Trail Unit I Port Charlotte 941 249-8946 CO MMUNITY C ENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 FAITH BUILDER S A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS ADOPTION: Adoring Childrens Professional & Executive yearn for 1st Baby to Love & Cherish Forever. FLBAR42311 Expenses Paid 1-800-552-0045 Jodi & Mark 3015 HAPPY ADS Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 3020 PERSONALS ADORABLE TASHA. Relax, Dining, Dancing, Travel & More! 941-497-1307 PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! FEMALE HAIRSTYLIST SEEKS SINGLE MALE 45-65for possible relationship. 941-201-9853 3000 NOTICES 3010 ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 2100 GENERAL LANDSCAPER HELP needed,must have drivers license expirence not required contact 941-979-7050 LOOKING FOR DEPENDABLE PEOPLE FOR HOUSE KEEPING ONSATURDAY'SONLY. PLEASEAPPLYINPERSON AT: FISHERMEN'SVILLAGE, 2ND FLOOR. ONLYAPPLYIFYOUARE AVAILABLEEVERY SATURDAY. 941-639-8721 PART TIMETHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER is seeking reliable, flexible, Customer Retention Representitives. Computer and outbound calling experience required. Must be able to work in a fast-paced environment. E-mail resume to or Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 9-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required SECURITY POSITIONJOSHUA WATER CONTROL DISTRICTPart-time security position available immediately, 32 hours per week. Hours: Sunday through Tuesday, 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Friday 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. No license required. Work site location is 10 miles east of Arcadia, located behind Orange Co on Highway 70. For more information, call: (863) 494-5737. DFWP. SUN COAST PRESSis currently hiring for the following positions in our Venice Print Center.P/T MAILROOM HELP-night shift F/T STACK DOWN PERSONSend Resume TWIN LOBSTERSF/T ORP/T COUNTER HELPDRIVER`SLICENSE. CASHREGISTER EXPERIENCE& ANYKNOWLEDGE OFN.E. SEAFOODHELPFUL. APPLYINPERSONAT2700 PLACIDARD, ENGLEWOOD AT9 AM. 941-698-8946 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 2110 PART TIME/ TEMPORARY "AMBASSADORS" NEEDEDTOSOLICITSUBSCRIPTIONS FORTHEAWARDWINNING LOCALNEWSPAPERS, THESUN, ATSTOREFRONTSINTHEVENICE, NORTHPORTANDENGLEWOODAREAS. CONTACTJIMDEFALLEAT941-786-7676FORMOREINFORMATION. 2120 SEEKING EMPLOYMENT HANDYMAN Plumbing, Electric & Carpentry, Small Jobs. 30 Years Experience. Call Bob or Ernie at 941-662-6904


Page 12 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 25, 2017 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS BED SPREAD hand made King or Kueen crochet $40 941-2184502 BED MATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BONE CHINA Gold Trimmed Unused 92pc Royal Gallery Serv for 12 $240 941-697-3850 CANISTER SET 3 pcs. snacks, goodies, treats. New/box. $20 941-235-2203 CARPET Never used, 9 x 12 deep red twist shag area rug. $95, OBO 941-888-2333 CARVING SET 3pc Solingen stag handle SS NIB $85, OBO 941-830-0524 CEILING FAN 5 blade, 52 inch with lights, newer $25, OBO 941-423-8243 CEILING FANS (2) Original Hunter, BRAND NEW, Still in box, Rustic Brown. $500 941-769-0298 CEILINGFANS excellent cond $15 each brass color 52 inch blades $15 941-763-0593 CHAIRS Sport Beach Folding w/carrying case $40, OBO 941-429-1573 CHAIRS Sport Beach Folding w/carrying case $40, OBO 941-429-1573 CHAMPION JUICER with books. Excellent condition. $100 941-769-4935 CHINA Mikasa Cotillion 45pcs 8Place Setting + Serving Pieces $125, OBO 941-697-3850 CHINA, Mikasa Arabella, 8 place settings. $125, OBO 941-769-4935 COFFEE TABLE solid wood excellent cond inlayed wood design $35, OBO 941-629-6374 COMFORTER,KING DOWN Alternative, Oversize, Navy Blue New-in-pkg $25 941-276-1881 COOKWARE Waterless, Stainless,7 pan set. $150 941769-4935 CUTLERY SET (COOKS ESSENTIALS) in box (Englewood) $15 941-830-2069 DECORATOR TABLE w/20Ždia custom glass top, free tablecloth $15 941-276-1881 DINNERWARE, Johnson Brothers,Service for 8 +, 59 pieces $99 716-598-2406 DOOR KNOBS brass colored 6 complete sets keyless. $12 941-763-0593 ELECTRIC TURKEYFRYER FRY. STEAM. BOIL.USED 2xs. $35 715-439-0459 FLOOR LAMP Black metal glass top. Excellent. $20 716374-2950 FLOOR SCRUBBER by Hoover Floor Mate for hard/tile floors. $20 941-575-7793 FRAMED ASIAN Art Set of 4 4 seasons beautiful $25, OBO 941-356-0129 FRAMED PICTURE LARGE Beach themed 44Ž x 35Ž $35 941-356-0129 GLASS BOX w/cover, Vera Wang Vase, Hurricane Lamp All clear glass $5 941-276-1881 HURRICANE LAMP,Hand Painted Exquisite! By local artist! Bargain! $29 803-624-8039 LAMP GLASS filled w/ sea shells & shark teeth $25 941356-0129 LAMP GOLD w/white shade. 28ŽH. Exc. cond. $15 941-2352203 LEADED CRYSTAL choice glasses, decanters, pitchers $200, OBO 913-486-8036 LIGHT SWITCHES 25 lighted switches & Plates.Used $10 941-460-8338 MASON JARS 12 jars some w lids-Kerr & Ball $10 941-445-5619 MATTRESS PAD, CAL KING very plush, like new. $40, OBO 941-429-8513 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 6025 ARTS AND CRAFTS HARDWOOD FRAME 26x26, INSIDE 24X24, WITH GLASS & MAT $30 941-575-8881 PICTURE FRAME SOLID WALNUT 26X26 EXCELL $25 941-575-8881 RAMON SANTIAGO Blackbird framed 1978 poster 24Žx35Ž; $200 941-639-0838 6027 DOLLS DOLL FROM 1950s era Cries, open & closes eyes, beautiful $20 941-356-0129 GINNY DOLL Blonde, 1950s. Red Dress. Ginny Club, Box. New! $12 803-624-8039 ICE SKATING S GIBSON Pair LtdEd 1987 LaPetite Patineuse. New/box. $20 803-624-8039 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! PORCELAIN DOLL, 15Ž tall, in original box. $10 941-5757793 PORCELAIN DOLLS Collectible,various themes. $10 941-743-4318 WHITE WICKERCARRIAGE Vintage Pristine doll pram $100 941-286-8082 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS AEROBED Full size & full height $75, OBO 941-429-1573 AIR BED, Twin Size (Englewood) $35, OBO 941-830-2069 BARBECUE GRILL Large with side burner, cover, and tank $65 801-776-0059 BATH TOWELS, New w/tags, Vase, S. Hooks, Basket, lavender, 6 pcs $18 941-276-1881 BED full Ethan-Allen w/ head board ,book shelf .boxspring& mattress $100 941-214-8188 ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! 5180 PRESSURE CLEANING MR. PRESSURE CLEANINGSAFE, NO PRESSUREROOF Fully Lic & Insured 5185 ROOFING PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 Re Roofs, Repairs, Pressure Cleaning, Roofing Coatings Full Carpentry Services HONEST & RELIABLE 35 Yrs Local Experience CCC1328613. Ph. 941-412-4047 GREEN ROOFING & WATERPROOFINGTECHNOLOGIESWWW.GREENROOFINGONLINE.COM TOM JOYCE ROOFIN G HUGE **FALL SPECIALS**45 Years of Quality Work and Experience 941-484-9804 941-429-1800 lic#1325725 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE A JAMISON TREE SERVICE Complete & Professional 15% Sr Discount! FREEEST. LIC. & INSUREDENGL941-475-6611ORN. PORT941-423-0020 SERVINGCHARLOTTEANDSARASOTAFOROVER20 YEARS.JAMISON-TREESERVICEINC.COM DP`s ABILITY TREE SERVICE Removals, Stump Grinding, Palm Trimming, Topping & Shaping. 18 Yrs. Exp. Free Estimates! 941-889-8147 Lic#00000192 & Insured. J RIZ TREESERVICESComplete Tree & Palm Service. SPECIALIZING IN DANGEROUS TREE REMOVAL.Servicing all Charlotte & Sarasota Counties FREE ESTIMATES 941-306-7532 Lic & Ins LANDSCAPE CURBING*Starting at $3.30/per foot installed. (100 Required) Lic & InsuredSouthwest Curbing 941-637-1186 LAWN SERVICE HONEST AFFORDABLE & RELIABLE $25. most lawns includes Cut, trim, Edging, weed mitigation and blown free of debris @ 1 low price. NO CONTRACTS Low Cash pricing, BEST FREE estimates for Pruning, mulching, fertilizing, hedge clipping, pressure washing and exterior painting. Thank you for your business! Jonathan 941-220-8067 SPM TREE TRIMMIMG & LANDSCAPING Specializing inTREE REMOVAL. Call Today for your FREE Estimate.(941)-412-5273 Lic/Insured Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 5129 MASONRY STUCCO PROS WIRELATHEREPAIR RUSTEDBANDSWINDOWSILLS FIXALLCRACKSMATCHANYTEXTUREGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!Ž CHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!Ž941-223-2592 5140 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING Best Prices -Quality Job Best Coast Painting and Pressure Washing Residential/Commercial 10% Off With Ad! 941-815-8184 AAA00101254 STEVENS CUSTOM PAINTINGRes/Comm. Int/Ext FREE EST. Lic. & Ins. 941-255-3834 5180 PRESSURE CLEANING BAILEYS PRESSURE CLEANING Complete Exterior House Painting! Call 941-497-1736 5057 CONCRETE POOL DECKS, Driveway Designs Garage Floors Patios and more. QUALITY Lic 941-375-1103 Insu 5060 CLEANING SERVICES DESIREE R House Cleaning Full Service Lic Residential House cleaning & Lawn Care Services. Call 401-390-8871 or 401-516-3968 5083 FLOORING PAUL SIMS FLOOR CLEANING AND MORE!**OWNER OPERATED ** PROFESSIONAL, Reasonable & ReliableWinter Specials!We Clean carpets, furniture, area rugs, grout & more! Also Interior & Exterior Painting & Pressure Washing visit us at: www. CarpetCleaning ServicesVenice.com941-539-0896 5091 HOMEINSPECTIONS ABSENTEE HOME WATCH. Starts at $25 per visit. 419-606-2526 5100 HOME & COMMERCIAL IMPROVEMENT $75.00 PER PANEL SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 Call Bob 941-706-6445 Low overhead = Low prices! CARPENTER, INC. Handyman Rotten wood, doors, soffit, facia, etc. Phil 941-626-9021lic. & ins. TILE Remodel, Baths, Floors. Your Tile or Mine. 941-625-5186 Lic.#AAA006387 5110 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C EN SE may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licens ing bureau to verify 3096 RELIGION CLASSES F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUDY Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 START YOUR DAY RIGHT Bible Study Thursdays 10:00-11:30 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS 2300 Luther Rd., Deep Creek and Sundays at 9:00 a.m. Questions and/or Info (941) 627-6060 3097 OTHER CLASSES KRIYA YOGA MEDITATION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday. FREE; Open to the public. 941-2760124 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. 5006 ALUMINUM ALL AMERICAN RENOVATIONS LIC& INSUREDFAMILYOWNED& OPERATEDSPECIALIZINGINRESCREENING,BUILDINGANDREPAIRING. SCREWCHANGEOUTS PRESSUREWASHING& PAINT-INGPOOLCAGES, LANAIS,FRONTENTRYWAYSETC... 941-915-3381 SERVINGSARASOTACOUNTYFREEESTIMATES 5051 CHILD CARE ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. FL O RIDA S TATE LAW requires all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law 5054 CONTRACTORS EDWARD ROSS CONSTRUCTION Services, Inc. 941-408-8500 pool cages, Scr. lanais, etc... JLS ENTERPRISES INCQuality & Dependability Remodeling Painting Additions Drywall Carpentry Repairs Odd Jobs & more. STATE CERTIFIED LIC #CRC033392941-468-9701 CLASSIFIED WORKS! 5057 CONCRETE CONCRETE & PAVER PROS DRIVEWAYS WALKWAYS FOOTINGS POOLDECKS PATIOSCOPING CULVERTS/PERMITTINGGOODWORKISNOTCHEAP!Ž CHEAPWORKISNOTGOOD!Ž941-223-2592 RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. spraycrete & more (941)-497-4553


Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 13 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES LICENSE -PLATES ny ct tx me & more will trade for different fl counties $10 941-214-8188 MIRROR, Old, Wood, Gilt, 29x20. Excellent. $55, OBO 941-258-6845 NASCAR COFFEEMUGS black with raised logo, 5Ž tall; each $11 941-639-0838 PAINTING 2OLD JAN VAN HUYSUM $25 941-391-6377 PINE FURNITURE choice bed, chest, dry sink, wall cupboard $250, OBO 913-486-8036 PLATES SPODE 2 Ret Cabinet 200 Anniv. $15 ea., OBO 941-830-0524 QUILT Lilly Pultizer Fabric from 60-70s signed $300 941-697-5191 QUILT Yo-Yos vintage Key West Fabric, Beautiful. $200 941-697-5191 RADIO FLYER Town Country Wagon Old Pristine child wagon Cheap! $100 941-286-8082 RAY BRADBURY Poem Westways Mag. Man DeadŽshooting board. $75 941-258-0512 RUSSEL WRIGHT Iroquois Oyster color plates/bowls $100, OBO 941-769-4935 TOY TRUCK Goodrich Silvertown TiresŽ wrecker from 1920s. $60 941-258-0512 TRAY VINTAGE Cromwell hand wrought hammered alum 12x21 handles $15 941-830-0524 VICTROLA VV100 floor model ex cond $225 941-214-8188 VINTAGE DOLLS Walking Wanda & others $150 941-391-6090 WORLD COLLECT MEX painting BALI masks etc $100, OBO 941-391-6377 WWII USMC 1943 Knife & Leather Scabbard Homemade In PG $110 308-349-3447 6075 FRUITS & VEGETABLES PAPAYA PLANTS, 1 gallon pot. Also Ripe/Green Papaya $1/pound. $4 941-697-0794 SUGARCANE per 2 ft. Will cut to length u want $1 941-6970794 6090 MUSICAL ACCOUSTIC AMP Peavy E208, 2 channel, works perfect $100 941-764-9169 AMPLIFIER 10 watt for guitar keyboard or PA, VG cond. $30 941-575-7793 AMPLIFIER 10 watt, guitar, keyboard or PA. Seldom used. $30 941-575-7793 CF MARTIN MANDOLIN mellon back, exceptional playing condition. $400 716-523-0463 E.S.P. LES PAUL LTD Rare, New condition, Red, Fast gig bag included $300 941-4687712 Venice ELECTRONIC PIANO CASIO 61 keys, X stand, new condition $35 506-852-0909 EPIPHONE HOLLOW BODY, Electric, Bonde/Gold trim. Beautiful HS Case incl. $400 941468-7712 Venice GIG BAGS 2 new padded Fender bags. Each $15 941626-0967 GUITAR CASE 1978 ovation excellent $499 786-306-6335 GUITAR FATA Vasco classical guitar, plays good $50 716523-0463 GUITAR GRETSCH 5120, perfect, as new $450 941-7649169 HAMMERED DULCIMER includes stand, bench, books etc. $350, OBO 941-475-3812 INSTRUMENTS Guitars,Mandolins, Violins New w/cases $300, OBO 941-408-7535 MANDOLIN ARIA Mandolin A style, good playing, good condition. $125 716-598-2406 ORGAN, CONN with Bench, looks like Prelude Theater Model. $300 260-350-9422 6065 CLOTHING/JEWELRY ACCESSORIES CROSS PENDANT W/CHAIN Tanzanite TGW 3.7.cts $185 941-554-2140 EARRINGS, new, larimar & sapphire w/chain .925 silver $55 941-554-2140 HEART PENDANT w/ chain Sleeping Beauty turquoise tcw 1.38cts. $60 941-554-2140 JEWELRY ARMOIRE Standing, Like Brand New! $85 941-475-4894 LADIES MOVADA Dress Watch 18K plated black calfskin band $135, OBO 941-286-7337 LADIES PANT SUITS Very good condition $20, OBO 941429-8513 MENS SUIT Size 44 Very good condition $35, OBO 941-4298513 MINK STOLE, oversize blonde $250, OBO 941-429-1573 PURSE DOONEY Navy/tan pebbled leather 18Žstrap 12x8x6.5Ž $25 941-488-7774 SPORTCOAT (TAN) & misc. jkts. XL (Englewood) $15 941-830-2069 TAG HEUER Alter Ego WP1410 Ladies pre-owned Wrist Watch $330, OBO 941-697-3850 TORY BUECH, 2pr flats. Used 5.5 silver & gold oth. each & Clothes.$77,obo 941-492-2252 WALKING SHOES Gravity Defyer Size 12 (like New)Orig. $130 $75 941-830-2069 6070 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES 1907 ROLLS SilverGhost 1:24 model w/display case mint COA $75, OBO 941-830-0524 1949-52 BASEBALL and football collector cards only!! $6, OBO 810-210-9553 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 ANTIQUE BIRD CAGE 8Žx8Žx14Ž with floor stand; $45 941-639-0838 AVON ASSORTTRUCK CAR NEVER OPEN OLD GUN $35, OBO 941-391-6377 BASEBALL CARD AL KALINE 1962 TOPPS n/mint. $26, OBO 810-210-9553 BOOKS THE Harvard Classics, set of 19 includes Am. historical documents $95 941-258-0512 CANNON Full size replica Civil War Era. Fireable. $3,650/obo 941-276-6365 CHEST SOLID antique maple chest with 4 drawers $300 941-740-4418 CIVIL WAR BAYONET GETTYSBURG BATTLE DAMAGED, PICKETS $250 941-475-1379 CIVIL WAR ERA WOODEN CANTEEN WITH CHAIN AND STOPPER $200 941-475-1379 CIVIL WAR GETTYSBURG BATTLE BULLET IN LARGE PIECE OF WOOD $225 941-475-1379 CIVIL WAR GETTYSBURG BATTLE DAMAGED UION BELT BUCKLE $225 941-475-1379 CIVIL WAR GETTYSBURG DUG RELIC POCKET KNIFE $95 941475-1379 CLOCKS MCCLINTOCK $35, OBO 941-697-8598 COCA COLA coolers 2 Paul Flum collectibles $150 941-391-6090 EARLY FURNITURE American ca 1800s, walnut, cherry $500, OBO 913-486-8036 FLOW BLUE COLLECTION, early patterns, plates, platters, cups $500, obo 913-486-8036 IRANIAN RUGS choice 35 year collection $500, OBO 913-4868036 JAMES DEANDOLLS 2 1994 NEVER OUT OF BOX $100, OBO 941-627-6780 LAMP VINTAGE Cherub w/marble base made in Italy $45 941-214-8188 6035 FURNITURE TABLE MARBLE TOP Mahogany 33ŽX22ŽX28Ž $130 941-624-0364 TABLE MAHOGANY wood 48Ž round by 1.5Ž thick on metal post $100 941-202-3437 TABLE, 48Žglass top and stand. $20, OBO 309-224-1406 TABLE COFFEE/COCKTAIL Wood. Excellent Condition. $45, OBO 941-629-6374 TABLES GLASS top coffee & end tables $150, OBO 941697-7333 TABLES SIDE(2) TV CARTS(2) w all art (4) starting at $10, OBO 9 41-202-3437 THOMASVILLE DINING Cherry, 8 chairs, 2 leaves. Mint con. $500, OBO 269-207-9189 TRUNDLE BED Metal frame, TRUNDLE BED W/2-Mattresss Clean $75, OBO 989-444-9179 TRUNDLE BED White metal trundle bed with 2 like new mattresses. $125 850-313-9303 TV STAND Black with tempered glass shelves $25, OBO 615-585-7436 TV STAND with bracket 3 black glass shelves holds 60Ž TV $140 718-986-3608 WICKERSET OUTDOORLveseat, coffee & end table. Like new! $200 860-810-4174 WOOD TRUNK 3x18, restored. Exc. cond. A must see. $60 941-235-2203 6038 ELECTRONICS DESKTOP SPEAKERS, Hardon Kardon. Reduced again! $40, OBO 941-697-8598 GPS GARMIN Nuvi 255w $20 941-625-6053 JITTERBUG SMART PHONE by GREAT CALL. $75 941-889-7592 MODEM ROUTERS (2) WIFI for Verizon/Frontier Communications, each $50 941-275-5837 MODEM/ROUTER NEWER Netgear 300 router and Arris modem $50 801-776-0059 SOLAR TRICKLE CHARGER 12V plug in $39, OBO 941629-9149 SONIC MOBILITY 3 wheeled scooter arm rests, power cord re-chargeable batteries. $200, OBO 262-939-3807 SONY CD/DVD 5 disk player with radio and surround sound speakers $85 941-743-0649 SPEAKERS BOSE Exc. Cond. Pair $25 941-423-9371 WALKIE TALKIE new radio shack $40 941-218-4502 6040 TV/STEREO/RADIO BOSE, SOUND Dock, portableremote control $100, OBO 941-575-1897 DIGITAL SATLITE RECEIVER Extrem Viewsat $25, OBO 941-575-0690 SURROUND SOUND JVC New five piece speaker set $65 716-374-2950 TURN-TABLE TOSHIBA SL5 wAM/FM radio & cassette decks $10 941-445-5619 TURNTABLE TECHNICS SLD202 $125 941-391-6090 TV CONSOLE 5Long, 28Ž Tall, 20 1/2Ž Deep, Brown, 2 doors. $45, OBO 941-624-2105 TV FLAT SCREEN 36Ž great HDMI W/ remote $150 941-580-4460 TV, PANASONIC 32Ž Plasma slim set. Used little. $110 941356-0129 6060 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT IHOME CHARGER STEREO RADIO for APPLE IPAD, IPHONE $35 506-852-0909 PRINT/COPY/SCAN/FAX MACHINE Epson Black Like New $45 941-276-1881 ROUTER NETGEAR N600 router modem $25, N300 router $5 941-391-6749 TP-LINK TL-WA854RE WiFi Range Extender $5 941-391-6749 6035 FURNITURE I BUY FURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHEN TABLE with 6 chairs Wrought Iron $499 941-380-9212 LANAI SET 40x70 glass table, 6 chairs, tan metal leaf design $200, OBO 860-573-3506 LANAI SET 4cushions chairs and glasstop table pvc excond $100, OBO 941-763-0593 LIVING ROOM TABLES $100 941-380-9212 LOVE SEAT Couch like new 3 yrs old $125 941-627-5732 LOVE SEAT sleeper good condition, tan, brown, & green $100 419-571-8812 LV-ROOM SET RATTAN Sofa, Chair, foot stool, & Coffee Table. $375, OBO 941-740-1855 MATTRESS, QUEEN & BOX. Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 OUTDOOR WICKERTABLE w/4whairs Round w/glass top. Like new. $450 860-810-4174 PATIO PICNICTABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 PATIO SET 40x65 glass top table & 6 chairs $100 419-571-8812 PATIO SET 42Ž Glass top table 4 wrought iron padded chairs, good cond $90 412-638-3930 PATIO SET beige 2 chairs 2 ottomans 1 bench 4 glass top tables $100 941-202-3437 PATIO SET, Table, 4 Chairs, Ottoman & 2 Lounge Chairs. Good Quality! $200 **Sold in 1 Day!** PATIO TABLE, with GLASS TOP 4 Chairs & Chase $100, OBO 941-475-2229 PATIO/LANI TABLE (glass top)4 chairs, almost free $15 317-919-2223 PEDESTALS (2) RND/STONE decor/white. 36Žx11Ž/Ea. $65 941-624-0364 PUB TABLE 36Ž oak ped. base w/4 swivel chairs. Excellent condition. $200 716-283-5124 RATTAN TABLE 45Ž round table w/formica top. Very nice. $40 941-488-5595 RECLINER Brown upholst. rocker recliner. Very good cond. $60, OBO 941-628-6251 RECLINER DARK blue w/ Bud Light Logo on back, Very good cond. $50 941-624-5698 RECLINER EKORNES (Stressless),Leather, 2 Yrs. Old. $850. Cost $2000. New. 603-491-0954 RECLINER ELECTRIC new this is a steal $250 941-769-2389 RECLINER LOVESEAT Twin Lazyboy Beige Tones gc $125, OBO 603-533-6655 ROCKER, SWIVEL Rattan Off white, with light green cushions. $30, OBO 615-585-7436 SHELF, 5 Wicker, arch top. Honey ,18.5Žw x 71Žh $110 941-624-0364 SIDE/CLUB CHAIR Tropical leaf pattern, 2 pillows. Like new. Moving. $200 860-573-3506 SOFA & LOVESEAT Lane, Leather, matching, Ex cond. $495 941-268-0917 SOFA 3PC SECTIONAL, Microfiber, almost new! OffWhite! Moving Must Sell! $499, OBO Paid $2500 941-268-2799 SOFA 84Ž Like new, beige linenlike material, 4 pillows. Moving. $200 860-573-3506 SOFA SLEEPER Newer Lthr, Glass Top tbl & 2 end tbls w/lamps. $1,000 941-475-4894 SWIVEL ROCKER RATTAN Off white with light green cushions $35, OBO 615-585-7436 TABLE& 2 CHAIRS 42Ž w/2 chairs on casters $65 718-986-3608 6035 FURNITURE BOOKCASES, 3 Standing Ethan Allan, 2, 32ŽW, 1 34Ž W. All 79ŽH. $700 941-497-3266 BREAKFAST SET 40Žtable, 2 drop lvs, 2 chairs, maple/off white $200 obo 860-573-3506 CABINET ANTIQUE solid walnut 2 drawer/3 shelves/2 door unit $300 941-740-4418 CART CHROME cart with glass on wheels silver dipped glasses. $45 941-626-1332 CHAIR &Matching Ottoman Tan Microfiber, Comfy & Plush, good cond $120 941-697-3850 CHAIR & OTTOMAN Allen, navy, soft leather $350, OBO 941-624-2105 CHAIRS, 4white, wicker. Stackable $25, OBO 309-224-1406 CHINA CABINET Quality Henredon shabby chic 78x45Žx14Ž Vintage $250 941-286-8082 CLUB CHAIR swirl & rock. Like NEW. $60 941-889-7592 COCKTAIL TABLE glass top + matching end table, scroll base, tile shelf; $55 941-639-0838 COFFEE TABLE OVAL Rattanbeige marble-like type, good shape. $50 941-575-1163 COFFEETABLE, ASIAN 4 Nesting Stools mint cond. $295, OBO 941-255-3039 COFFEE TABLES (6)various sizes and shapes starting at $10, OBO 941-202-3437 COMPUTER STATION corner 60Žx72Žand 31x72 nice. $175, OBO 941-270-6348 COUCH &LOVESEAT Floral print ask less 1/3 original cost $350, OBO 941-408-7535 COUCH& LOVESEAT Wicker Nice lanai set $200, OBO 716-583-0958 COUCH/LOVESEAT BEIGE 82x38x32 & 64x38x32 fabric $200, OBO 941-275-5837 COUCH/LOVESEAT BEIGE 82x38x32 & 64x38x32 fabric $200, OBO 941-275-5837 CURIO w/ glass; 47Hx22Wx12D, 3 shelves $125, OBO 941-624-0364 DESKANTIQUE REDUCED desk/chair EC $450, OBO 941-380-3392 DINETTE SET Glass top table and 6 padded chairs w/ casters $250, OBO 989-644-5615 DINETTE SET like new all wood 30Ž table top & 2 handmade chairs $150 941-202-3437 DINETTE TABLE Wood, Counter Height, Round, w/4CH.. $375, OBO 941-627-6780 DINING RM SET Table & 4 chairs, large leaf, china cabinet, wood, Excellent $400. 941-8759425 Pt. Charlotte DINING ROOMSET Older Oval Table w/leaf and 4 chairs $125, OBO 615-585-7436 DINING ROOMSET Oval Table w/leaf and 4 chairs Older but nice. $100, OBO 615-585-7436 DINING ROOMTABLE 54Ž glass top and 4 chairs. WW Rattan $150, OBO 810-334-5884 DINING SET 66X42X30, oak table, 6 hand made round chairs $375, OBO 941-275-5837 DINING SET black, beveled glass top, four captains chairs. Beautiful. $300 248-227-2301 DINING TABLE wood, 4 vinyl chairs with casters. Exc. Condition. $75, OBO 309-224-1406 ENT CTR 7Hx89ŽWx22ŽD, custom 3pc solid oak ltd 40ŽTV pd.4K LN $495 941-697-0501 HEAD BOARD King size upholstered with steel frame. $125, OBO 941-628-6251 HEAD&FOOT BOARD white wroth iron queen size bed $75 718-986-3608 HITCHCOCK 42/60ŽROUND table w/4 matching chairs. $200 941-488-5595 6030 HOUSEHOLD GOODS MIRROR, 4Ž beveled strips, 2 pieces, each 4Ž x 54Ž $15 941-575-7793 MIRROR, LARGE 4 x 4 mirror, great for bathroom or exercise room $0 801-776-0059 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. PANINI PRESS Breville, used twice $30 941-235-2613 PICTURE 26X26HARDWOOD FRAME, LOVELY BLUE PRINT $30 941-575-8881 PICTURES,SEVEN 14 X 19 Great for office. $28 941-889-7592 RANGE HOOD new, white, works great $25, OBO 941423-8243 RUG ORIENTAL clean 6X9 floral design on yellowish background $75 941-275-5837 RUG, Berber Gray & White, 149Žx107Ž. Brand New! $30. 941-743-8243 SERVING SET 4Tier Wrought Iron Stand, Porcelain; Plates (4), Basket (1) $40 941-697-3850 STORAGE CONTAINERS like new $5, OBO 941-429-8513 TABLE, Round 48Ž butcher block dining table, excellent condition $50 941-764-9212 VAC, ELECTROLUX with power nozzle. Exc. condition $100 941-743-0582 VACUUM CLEANER Oreck XL Upright Vac used very little. $75 941-391-6270 VACUUM, BISSELL, Used, Good Cond. Uprite. Venice Area $25 941-492-2252 WALL CLOCK Westminster chimes sterling+ noble. Exc. condition. $35 941-743-0582 WINE MAKING EQUIPMENT Carboys, Fermenter Buckets, Corker. $100. 863-491-0674 6035 FURNITURE AMISH PINEJELLYCABINETEx. Condition USA made. $150 941-204-4196 BED Antique, full size brass bed from the 1920s; good condition. $200 941-769-4935 BEDMATTRESS & BOX. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BEDROOM SET Dresser mirror,end table,Q-headbd 5 drawer hutch $295 718-986-3608 BEDROOM SET Girls, Twin, All Metal, Exc Cond. $300 941-380-9212 BEDROOM SET, White Wicker Qn., 2 stands, dresser, mirror, armoire $450 860-573-3506 BEHIND SOFATABLE 48 X 16 X 28 HIGH $90, OBO 941-627-6780 BISTRO CHAIRS White faux wicker. Set of 2. New cushions. Ex Cond. $35 603-491-0954 BOOKCASE RATTAN 72X36X12 off white excellent condition $100 941-275-5837


Page 14 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 25, 2017 6130 SPORTING GOODS TENNIS RACKETS, Wood, Vintage Wilson-Jack Kramer-great shape $10 941-445-5619 6131FIREARMS COLT M4 LE 6920 $985, Rem 870 Marine 12ga. $550; Glock 21 w/night site $515; (941)-917-0900 FORT MYERS ANTIQUE GUN, CIVIL WAR & MILITARY COLLECTORS SHOW Sat., March 25, 9am-5pm Sun., March 26, 9am-1pm Araba Shrine Temple 2010 Hanson St. Ft. Myers 33901 @ Rt. 41 email: Call 847-863-3929 I BUY GUN COLLECTIONS, Large or Small. Call 941-204-6439 NOTICE: Seller Acknowledges Compliance With All Exisiting Federal, State and Local Firearms Regulations and Laws in Regards to Sale and Transfer of Advertised Firearms. 6133 HUNTING & FISHING SUPPLIES BOOTS 17ŽH Size 9 Mossy Oak Redwing Irish Setter. Like New $60 941-629-6374 CAPTAINS CHAIR ...all mounting hardware, $240 new, $80, OBO 607-592-0707 6135 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES 24Ž DESOTO Classic Tryke w/lg. basket & lg. seat. Good Cond $149 obo 517-231-1017 26Ž BIKE Mongoose DXR AL 21 speed. Good condition. $49, OBO 517-231-1017 BICYCLE 18Ž Pink Huffy. Good condition $50, OBO 269-207-9189 BICYCLE PUMP Good Cond. $6 941-423-9371 BICYCLES His and Hers 26 inch bicycles 3 speed Like New $125, OBO 724-331-1076 BIKE child w/ Training Wheels 16 inch wheels, mint condition, $30 506-852-0909 BIKE new step THRU Pedal Forward 7 sp 3G Venice Black & Purple! $300 941-544-0042 BIKE, 60s Vintage Schwinn 5sp Collegiate gold ladies Roadster Clean orig $85 941-544-0042 BIKE, 70S VINTAGESCHWINN 10SP Continental Mens Yellow New Tires $75 941-544-0042 BIKE, JAMIS COMMUTER2.0 His & Hers Alloy Hybrid Cruisers Clean $250 941-544-0042 BIKE, VINTAGE SCHWINNWorld Tourist 80s Racer Very Clean Tall 65 cm $75 941-544-0042 BIKES (2) His:ONEX, Hers:Huffy( basket)Like NEW $140 941-624-2899 MANS BIKE, HYBRID, New tires, fenders, rear rack. $75, OBO 352-406-6100 MOTOR BIKE Boys Razor MX350. Good condition $125, OBO 269-207-9189 MOTOR SCOOTER Girls Razor Vapor. Great Condition $125, OBO 269-207-9189 RECUMBENT BIKE performer goal 26x 27speeds. Exc. cond Like new. $500 941-743-0582 6138 TOYS/GAMES CALL DUTY Legacy Edition for PS4 $30 941-257-5500 LEGOS Harry Potter 4841 $125 941-391-6090 N SCALE Coal Train BNSF SD70MAC and 9 BethGon Coalporters $195 941-445-2757 N SCALE Frisco GP-38 with caboose.$75 941-445-2757 N SCALE Kato Unitrack and Accessories. Over 190 pieces. $275 941-445-2757 6126 GOLF CARTS GOLF CARTAIRCONDITIONERBattery Operated, works good. $350 941-204-4196 RED RACERŽ Club Car Precedent Reconditioned Golf Cart Red & White New Custom PaintedŽ Body BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Plush Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps New Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172E $4,695. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6128 EXERCISE / FITNESS DUAL TRAINER Elliptical/Bike ex cond $75 941-473-2014 ELIPTICAL SOLO E55, fitness center quality, less than 10 hrs use. $1,000 941-475-4894 EXCERSIZER BACK TOLIFE EXCERSIZER LIKE NEW WITH PILLOW $25 941-626-5501 EXERCISE BIKE, Used, Good Cond. Venice Area. $33 941492-2252 EXERSIZE BIKE good condition venice area $35, OBO 941-492-2252 INVERSION TABLE (Teeter) used 2 times $350 941-697-4814 PILATES EXERCISER Excellent condition, folds for storage $75 941-429-4778 SCALE NEW in box Health O Meter professional(822KL) wide base $30 941-488-7774 TOTAL GYM Supra with att achments Great condition $1 00, OBO 941-698-6692 TREADMILL Like New Pro-form Performance 400i $499 941-889-7592 TREADMILL SPORTCRAFT tx4.9 treadmill pulse-speed-distance $99 941-629-8119 6130 SPORTING GOODS BACKPACK Brown Leather Large Inner Pocket 4 Outside Pockets $10 941-426-5266 BOCCI BALLSSET $15 941-743-0582 BOOTS 17Ž H camao 10 W Insulated waterproof like new $60 941-629-6374 CAPS -BASEBALL Dozens to choose from, -most new.never used $1 941-445-5619 DEEP SEA Fishing Poles with Reels, NEW! $200 each 941-475-4894 FIREWOOD $100.00 PER PICK UP LOAD NOCAMPINGTRIPIS COMPLETEWITHOUTIT! PINE, OAK, ORCITRUSSPLIT, BUN-DLED, ANDREADYFORTHE FIREPIT! 941-468-4372 FISHING ROD w/ Sodona Reel Very high quality $35 941-4265266 HORSESHOES SET (STEEL) $15 941-743-0582 REELS, 2 SHIMANO 4500 on offshore angler rods. Mint. $85 each set. 941-916-9681 RODS, 2 STAR deluxe rods 73Ž. Mint. Sold separately $60 941-916-9681 ROLLERBLADE SKATES US Sz. 6 Italian In PG $35, OBO 308-340-3447 SQUIRREL LIVEANIMALTRAPgreat shape $15 941-204-4196 TENNIS RACKETS 2 Wilson Hammers 5.0 & 6.2; 1 Head Ti.S6; 1 Head Power Instant; and 1 Gamma RZR Bubba. Each Item priced separately. $50, OBO 941-473-3940 6126 GOLF CARTS 2013 Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Midnight BlackŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery New Head & Taillights Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#173 $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … CLUB CAR DS "Blue" w/ White Top and Seats 4 Passenger Aluminum Framed Rear Seat Batteries 2 1/2 Years Old Head and tail Lights Good Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Mirror, Top and Charger $1,895. 941-716-6792 Delivery Inc. {25mi.} Calls Only Please NO TEXT Needa newJob? LookintheClassifieds! CLUB CAR DS "Red" w/ White Top and Seats 4 Passenger Aluminum Framed Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES {C7} Headlights & Tail Lights Good Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Mirror, Top and Charger $2,495. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} Calls Only No Text Please DEMO SALEŽ Yellow-Club Car Precedent 4 Passenger Golf Cart New Custom Yellow PaintŽ BRAND NEW BATTERIES NEW Flip-down rear seat NEW Folding Windshield NEW Custom Upholstery NEW Head & Taillights NEW Chrome Steering wheel NEW Heavy Duty Springs NEW Tires and Chrome Caps NEW Yellow Jacket Cables NEW Custom Dash NEW Brakes, Mirrors 48 Volt Charger AMAZING! STK#171G $4,995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … EZGO 2 PASSENGER GOLF CART Older Cart in Mint Condition Brand New Batteries New Folding Windshield Yellow Jacket Cables & Bushings. 36 Volt Charger Chrome Wheel Covers Excellent Tires, Brakes, Top & Mirror Fully Serviced Runs Great! STK#172A $1787. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES PING EYE 2 2 to lob wedge irons + sw/zz lite shafts/ v good $130, OBO 941-875-5983 TAYLOR MADE R-7s 1,3,5 & NEW RESCUE Club RH,Stiff $275, OBO 941-408-7535 6126 GOLF CARTS 2000 CLUB CAR DS 4 PASSENGERGOLFCARTCUSTOM"SUNBURSTORANGE" PAINTNEWREARSEAT{FOLDSTOACARGODECK}. NEWHEAVYDUTYSPRINGSANDBUSHINGSNEWTINTEDWINDSHIELDTROJAN875 BATTERIES6-8 VOLTHEADLIGHTS& TAILLIGHTSPOLISHEDALUMINUM12" RIMS& 215X30X12 TIRESFULLYSERVICEDGREATBRAKES, TOPANDCHARGER$3,375 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2000 Club Car DS Plumb Crazy PurpleŽ Reconditioned 48 Volt Brand New Batteries 4 passenger Golf Cart New Flip Down rear seat New Yellow Jacket Cables Head & Taillights, Turn Signals New Flip Down Windshield Chrome SS wheel caps Battery Meter, Floor Mat Great Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as it should! STK#12A11 $2,975 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 2001 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf Cart White w/ White Top & Interior New Flip Rear Seat New Chrome SS Caps Trojan Batteries only 22 Months old {E5} Recent Service Great Tires, Brakes, Windshield, Top, Vinyl and Charger $2,775. 941-716-6792 Free Delivery {25mi.} NO TEXT PLEASE 2003 CLUB CAR DS 4 Passenger Golf cart New Flip Rear Seat New "Black" Body New Custom Aluminum 12" Rims w/215x40x12 Tires Batteries Dec. 2014 {M4} New 5 Panel Mirror Fully Serviced Excellent Brakes, Vinyl, Windshield, Top and Charger $3,575. 941-716-6792 Delivery Included {25mi.}{Custom Wheels not installed for picture} NO TEXT PLEASE 2009 Club Car Precedent RECONDITIONED 4 Passenger Golf Cart New ButterscotchŽ Body New Flip Rear Seat BRAND NEW BATTERIES Custom Two-Tone Upholstery Head, Tail & Brake lights Turn signals, Horn, 4/Ways Flip Down Windshield New Yellow Jacket Cables Chrome SS wheel caps Fresh Tires, Brakes, Mirror 48 Volt Charger Runs as NEW! STK#172F $3995. 941-769-1431 Free Delivery (25 miles) Visit … 6110 TREES & PLANTS FLORIDA AVOCADO/CITRUS 1-2 tall seedlings organically grown $5 941-202-3696 GUAVA PLANTS IN 3 GAL POT Also Sugar Apple and Sugar cane $10 941-697-0794 LANTANA TREES 3 gal hibiscus $8.50 Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 941-468-4372FL-6444A ORCHIDS CATTLEYA purple mature potted plants many others for less $20 941-202-3696 PLUMERIA/FRANGIPANI IN 3 gallon pots $8 941-697-0794 TOMATOS 6-18Ž Beef Steak, Prudens Purple, Boxcar Willie $1 ea. 941-391-6749 Tremendous Tree, Inc. Certified Arborist Tree Removal Stump Grinding Lic./Insured Shrub & Tree Nursey CALL TODAY! 941-426-8983 FL-6444 A 6125 GOLF ACCESSORIES 6-VOLTBATTERIES Used batteries/with exchange $125 941-423-3020 CARGO BOX Metal cargo box $50 941-423-3020 COBRABAG New pro golf bag, black and yellow, 7 pockets $125 801-776-0059 DRIVER CLEVELAND 400 Launcher Titanium RH Reg 9.5* VG Cond $30 941-488-7774 GOLF BALLS 2000 Used Golf Balls Cleaned and Packaged $300, OBO 724-331-1076 GOLF BALLS, like new, no scuffs, marks or logos, per dozen $6 941-488-7774 GOLF BALLS, Titleist Pro V 1s, Excellent condition, per dozen $18 941-488-7774 GOLF CART CHARGERS CLUB CAR, EZGO, YAMAHA Scratch and Dent Starting at $99 WARRANTY 941-769-1431VISIT GOLF CLUBS 13 Lady Tiger Shark Clubs and Bag $25, OBO 724-331-1076 GOLF CLUBS 17 Lady Callaway Clubs and Bag $35, OBO 724-331-1076 GOLF CLUBS 19 Lady Callaway Clubs and Bag Full Set $50, OBO 724-331-1076 GOLF CLUBS King Cobra II OS steel shaft full set +Ping Putter $140 941-743-9055 GOLF CLUBS Mens full set Tour Edition EC bag +Ping putter $125 941-743-9055 GOLF CLUBS Nicklaus Claw Hybrids 3-5, Rifle shafts, matching covers. $35 603-491-0954 GOLF IRONS, Tommy Armour 855s, 3-SW plus golf bag. $50, OBO 309-224-1406 GOLF PULL CART, 3-wheel TriTrac$30 941-629-7620 GOLF SET Matching master grip bag/3-pw/putter and 2 woods/exc $99 941-875-5983 GRAPHITE GOLFCLUBS Graphite Shaft Woods 1-7 each $8 941-625-1537 KING COBRA Gravity Back 3sw irons/reg/newgrips/MINT $135, OBO 941-875-5983 KING COBRA stand bag Black with legs-lightweight-good cond $50 941-875-5983 LADIES, Lynx golf clubs full set with bag, Nice $35 941-6392063 6090 MUSICAL ORGAN, Wurlitzer Total Tone Deluxe, Very good condition $300 260-350-9422 PIANO EVERETT Upright w/bench. excel cond $495, OBO 941-764-9022 VINTAGE FERNANDEZ STRAT, Black on / Black, Perfect Body, HS case included $375 941-468-7712 Venice 6095 MEDICAL ADJ BLANKET SUPPORT Heal neuropathy/sores/injuries! New! $10 803-624-8039 AUTOMATIC HOSPITAL BED Good condition. $200 941-6270086 BEDSIDE COMODE White plastic very sturdy $10 941-426-5266 BEDSIDE/SHOWER/TOILET COMMODE NEW! White plastic. Sturdy! $23 803-624-8039 HOSPITAL BEDS(2), Craftmatic. Very Good Condition! $500 ea. obo. 941-303-9354 LIFT CHAIR ELECTRIC Recliner, can sleep in. $395 Orig. 1100. 941-580-4460 POWER CHAIRS, 2 Jazzy each need new batteries, sold separate $400 260-350-9422 ROOM AIR PURIFIER LIKE NEW AIR PURIFIER $20 941-6265501 SAUNDERS LUMBAR HOME TRACTION DEVICE $200 941-627-9044 SHOWER BENCH New never used. Seat belt, seat slides $100 941-627-0086 SHOWER CHAIR has seat belts and legs. Looks like wheelchair. $75 941-627-0086 STAIR-LIFT CHAIR with 4 rail, 2 years old, works great! $1,200 OBO 715-208-0047 PG WHEELCHAIR & WALKER W/ Bathtub grab bar. will separate $100, OBO 941-423-7845 WHEELCHAIR PROBASICS, newer, up to 250 lbs. Nice $225, OBO 941-423-8243 WHEELCHAIR with high back, arm rest and seat $75 941627-0086 6100 HEALTH/BEAUTY INVERSION TABLE Life Gear, Exc. cond. $100 941-627-0901 6110 TREES & PLANTS 15 GAL. TRAVELERS PALMS Young Crop. Buy 5+ at Just $40/each! Treemendous Tree Nursery 6068 Ruff St., North Port Open SATURDAYS 9-2:30 OR CALL 941-468-4372 AGAVE PINEAPPLE begonia coleus frangipani geranium persimonia $5 941-202-3696 ALOE VERA devils backbone mexican petunias oyster snake spider lily $5 941-202-3696 BANANA PLANTS, 3 gallon pot Fruits in about 2 years $8 941-697-0794 BROMELIADS VARIOUS aechmeas neoregelias vriesas starting at $5 941-202-3696


2011 by King Features Syndicate Yesterdays Challenger Answers Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 15


Page 16 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 25, 2017 The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that from age 3 children get an annual well-child checkup. It should cover everything from how much you read to your child, the risk of lead paint contamination in your home, hearing, dental care, physical and cognitive development to potential familial health problems such as elevated LDL (lousy) cholesterol. The A AP suggests the doctor talk directly to preteens about drug use, alcohol and sexual activity. These guidelines are important: View yearby-year info at www. If your pediatrician isnt talking to you about these issues, bring them up yourself! But dont stop there. Here are some other important ways to protect your child from risky accidents, unnecessary illness and lifelong health challenges. Home Safety: Childproo“ng 1. Did you know that more than 700 children in North America 14 and younger die annually from unintentional drowning, many in pools that lack secured fences and gates? A nd for every child who drowns, another “ve end up in the emergency room for submersion injuries. To do: If you have a pool, make sure its surrounded with an isolation fence and secure gate. 2. Laundry pods „ those super-concentrated detergent balls „ are a major risk for kids, even though the industry adopted voluntary, improved standards in 2015. A study released last spring in the journal Pediatrics revealed that from January 2013 through December 2014 poison control centers in the U.S. received 62,254 calls related to laundry and dishwasher detergent exposures among children younger than 6. And recently, in JAMA Ophthalmology, researchers reported on 480 kids who in 2015 received ocular burns when liquid in the pods squirted out into their eyes. To do: The researchers suggest if you have kids younger than 6, stick with traditional laundry detergents. 3. Guns in the home are a major childhood hazard. A ccording to Nationwide Childrens Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, 1,500 kids a year die from gun violence. But many docs are reluctant to bring up the topic. Help change that! A 2011 Florida law that targeted pediatricians said that doctors could be punished with a “ne of up to $10,000 and lose their medical licenses for discussing guns with patients. It was just overturned (whew!). Now the American College of Physicians, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Surgeons, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Psychiatric Association and the American College of Emergency Physicians have joined the American Public Health Association to issue a call to actionŽ to address “rearm-related violence as a major public health problem. The American Medical Association is encouraging members to inquire about household “rearms as a standard part of childproofing the home. To do: If you have a gun at home, keep gun and ammo locked up separately; when visiting friends and relatives with your kids, ask if there are unsecured guns in the home. Other Serious Health Risks 1. One study found that docs bring up a childs excess weight only 22 percent of the time. To do: Ask your doc to determine your childs BMI (if 6 or older) and discuss immediate and long-range health repercussions. Early overweight increases chances for premature heart disease, diabetes, social and emotional problems and more. 2. Most docs advocate the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions recommended vaccination schedule for kids. So ... To do: Robert Kennedy Jr. and Robert De Niro promised $100,000 if you prove vaccines are safe. The YOU Docs spent a month reviewing every study on vaccine safety and interviewing 150 experts on all sides of the issue. Our conclusion: Vaccines arent perfectly safe, but the chance of signi“cant disease-preventing bene“t is more than 40,000 times the risk. Thats a pretty impressive degree of safety. That research is out there for everyone to look at and is summarized in our book YOU: Raising a Child.Ž If you win the prize, please make a donation jointly in our and your names to the American Academy of Pediatrics!Does your ch i lds doctor check on these important issues? Dr. Mehmet Oz & Dr. Michael Roizen BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY adno=8602995


Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 17 !"#$#" !%%&"#" !'% (%%() Dear Readers: My mother, the original Heloise (I) (1919-1977), was every housekeepers helper, friend and cheerleader. She really championed her housewifesŽ as she called her readers, because yes, they were housewives back then. She tried to tell her readers that there is more to life than just housework! But dont forget: cleaning, laundry and dusting go on and on and on! She also would say that maintaining a schedule is important to running a household, but dont worry if you fall behind a day or two. You always can catch up. Life is too short to worry about all the little what-ifs and what-would-have-beens! Sound advice, Id say. Today, the entire family should be involved in caring for your home. But, as she would say, be yourself; do only what your energy allows for that day! „ Heloise (II)Perfume powerDear Heloise: This hint has always helped me put on the right amount of perfume. I dab a tiny bit of unscented body lotion or baby oil on my wrist and behind my ears, and then spray those areas with t he scent. The fragrance lasts longer this way! „ Tina C., Nashville, Tenn. Thanks for the reminder. If you can smell your fragrance, then you probably have put on too much. HELOISE HINT: Dont spray the scent in the air, then walk through it; you only get perfume on your clothes that way „ not good. „ HeloiseComposting to learnDear Heloise: We try to compost as much as we can „ yard clippings, vegetable trimmings, eggshells, coffee grounds and even torn-up newspapers (no meat or fat!). For a small compost pile, we use a bin „ this keeps critters out. Sprinkling the compost with water encourages breakdown of the materials. We share this with our grandchildren when they come to visit. When the compost has been there for a few weeks, it gets HOT inside the pile. I have the little ones put their hands over the compost to feel the heat! This means its time to turn the compost and add air to it. „ Chuck and Esther, Round Rock, TexasHousekeeping in perspectiveHints from Heloise BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Make your business a part of it! Call 866.463.1638 adno=8602996


Page 18 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 25, 2017 ARIES (March 21-April 19). Before you let your guard down with anyone, he or she must pass the battery of social, emotional and intellectual tests of y our subconscious design. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). A mischievous mood prevails, though you must be somewhat careful about how you act on it. There's much you'll get away with, and it's all in the name of fun. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You'll see what others miss. So g o on and state the obvious because it's only obvious to you. Eventually, this may earn you a position of leadership. But right now it's earning you some serious respect. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Learning not to worry about things that are outside of your control is a skill that will contribute in a huge way to your personal happiness and satisfaction. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Actors strive to learn everything they can about the characters they play, as one must understand something to become it. The change you want to make will be g in with stud y VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Do two things at once and you'll accomplish neither. Multitasking will be at best a waste of time, at worst a dangerous opening for stupid mistakes. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The darkness of night often turns on the light of the movie projector in your mind. Your imagination will be especially strong tonight; envision a beautiful future. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Life is the true wealth. Vitality is the most desired quality. Make a concerted eort to avoid sacricing sleep and other thin g s that create o p timum health. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Time will sail for you today, mostly because you'll get so into what you're doing. You'll make something special and gure out how to put the thoughts of what you love into this project. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your day will improve as your powers of focus do. To direct your own mind very well is the one skill you can master that will enhance all of the others. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). When it's about communicating so others will relate to you and g et y our messa g e g o with the current st y le. But in matters of principle, be unwavering. Princ iples never follow trends. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Socrates suggested that life contains two tragedies. One is not to get your heart's desire; the other is to get it. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (March 25). You'll make the future better as you endeavor to understand history, especially your personal history and that of your family. Next month brings sweetness and laughter with someone younger. There's a gold mine for you to discover in June. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 1, 44, 15 and 30. DEAR ABBY: My sister MaddyŽ is in 12th grade and will graduate soon. Over the last two years, we have grown really close „ from eating Chinese together every other day, to going shopping together. We have the closest relationship in the family, and I consider her to be my best friend. Although I have many close friends, her being my sister makes her the closest to me. Lately Ive been mad at her. I thought for a while it was because she got a boyfriend, but her boyfriend is like a brother to me and we get along great. After hearing her say, Only a couple of more months till Im done with school forever,Ž I have realized Im mad because shes graduating soon. I have two younger sisters, but we arent nearly as close as Maddy and I are. For the past month, Ive been saying no when Maddy and her boyfriend ask me to hang out with them. Im afraid that because of this Im going to lose the bond I have with my sister. I dont want her to graduate because it means shell be moving away, and I w ont get to see my best friend every day. I dont know whether to be happy about her graduating, or angry. Please help me. „ MIXED UP IN PENNSYLVANIA DEAR MIXED UP: Try to be happy for your sister. Explain to Maddy why you have been behaving the way you have so she will understand. From your description of your emotions, it appears you may be suffering from a version of empty-nest syndrome. Its a malady that often strikes parents when their child is about to launch.Ž An effective way to counteract it is to “nd activities you enjoy and keep yourself busy so you will have less time to brood. Another thought: This is now YOUR chance to be the supportive oldest sister in the house, and to forge a closer relationship with your younger siblings. Its an opportunity that may reap big dividends in the future, so please dont waste it. DEAR ABBY: The daughter of a friend of more than 20 years is getting married next year. They live 1,400 miles away. She told m e yesterday that I am invited to the wedding, but my live-in boyfriend is not. Her explanation is she has to control the costs. She told me a mutual frie nds husband isnt invited, either. Including the price of a gift, it would cost me around $900 to attend the wedding. She had implied that wedding gifts should be in the range of $200 to cover the expense of the food and drink. I have decided to decline the invitation because my boyfriend cant come. What would an appropriate gift be? „ STAYING PUT IN WISCONSIN DEAR STAYING PUT: According to the rules of etiquette, because you dont plan to attend the wedding, no gift is required. However, in light of your more than 20-year friendship, consider sending a token gift to the daughter „ the price range is up to you. Readers, there is a common misconception that the price of wedding gifts must be in line with what the hosts spend on the food and beverages at the reception. According to Emily Post, that is a modern myth,Ž and the amount you spend is strictly a matter of your budget.Ž Jesus wept.Ž „ J ohn 11:35. This is the shortest verse in the Bible but very long in meaning. It shows the humanness and compassion of Christ. How can we reject such a saviour? BIBLEGraduation threatens to end sisters everyday closenessVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby


Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 19 Saturday TelevisionVEN-VENICE E-N-ENGLEWOOD SAR-SARASOTA PC-PORT CHARLOTTE ARC-ARCADIA SPG-SOUTH PUNTA GORDA MAR. 25PRIME TIME N E V N E R A S C P C R A G P S S O I F 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 T S A C D A O R BABC E F 40777107-7ABC World News Tonight(N)News News; weather; more. (N)Paid Program Sponsored. Military Makeover(TVPG) (HD)Over the Hedge (06, Adventure) Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling. A raccoon convinces his fellow furry creatures to raid a suburb for food. (PG)20/20 Investigative reporting on world news. (HD)ABC7 News @ 11pm (N)Paid Program Sponsored. ABC E F 26---7117-ABC World News Tonight(N)ABC7 News @ 6:30pm (N)Two & Half Break-up advice. Two & Half Men Charlie is sick. Over the Hedge (06, Adventure) Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling. A raccoon convinces his fellow furry creatures to raid a suburb for food. (PG)20/20 Investigative reporting on world news. (HD)ABC7 News @ 11:00pm(N)Maj Crimes Viral video enigma. CBS E F 11213213-555-News at 6pm(N) (HD)CBS Weekend News (N) (HD)Blue Bloods: Risk and Reward Detective kidnapped by drug lord. (HD)Ransom: The Castle Teens are captured in France. (TVPG) (N) (HD)48 Hours: What Happened in Apt. 1601? Drunken friends.(TV14) (R)48 Hours: The Alternate Suspects Pregnant wife.(TV14) (N)WINK News at 11pm Saturday (N) (HD) CBS E F 10101010---1010 News, 6pm (N)CBS Weekend News (N) (HD)Wheel: Americas Game (TVG)Jeopardy! (TVG) (R) (HD)Ransom: The Castle Teens are captured in France. (TVPG) (N) (HD)48 Hours: What Happened in Apt. 1601? Drunken friends.(TV14) (R)48 Hours: The Alternate Suspects Pregnant wife.(TV14) (N)10 News, 11pm (N) (:35) Paid Program Sponsored. NBC E F 20-232-222-NBC2 News @ 6pm Sat(N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Wheel: Americas Game (TVG)Jeopardy! (TVG) (R) (HD)Despicable Me 2 (13, Comedy) Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig. An anti-villain league recruits Gru to help them hunt down a super-criminal. (PG)Saturday Night Live Sketch comedy, celebrity hosts & music. (TV14)NBC2 News @ 11pm Sat(N)Saturday Night Live(TV14) (R) NBC E F *888-8-8NewsChannel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News (N) (HD)Extra (TVPG) (N) (HD)Despicable Me 2 (13, Comedy) Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig. An anti-villain league recruits Gru to help t hem hunt down a supe r -criminal. (PG)Saturday Night Live Sketch comedy, celebrity hosts & m usic. (TV14)NewsChannel 8 at 11:00 (N)Saturday Night Live(TV14) (R) FOX E F 36---444-The List (N) (HD)Paid Program Sponsored. Paid Program Sponsored. Back Lab: Bones Shots Fired: Hour One: Pilot Two deaths escalate racial tensions. (R)Empire: Sound & Fury Lucious launches his new project. (TV14) (R)FOX 4 News at Ten Local news report and weather update. (N)Kicking & Screaming: The Hunger Pains Allergic reaction.(TV14) (R) FOX E F 13131313-13-13FOX 13 6:00 News News events of the day are reported.(N) (HD)TMZ (TVPG) (N)Shots Fired: Hour One: Pilot Two deaths escalate racial tensions. (R)Empire: Sound & Fury Lucious launches his new project. (TV14) (R)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news stories are updated. (N) (HD)FOX 13 11:00 News(N)Screaming Allergic reaction. (R) PBS E F 30-3-333-NOVA: Escape from Nazi Alcatraz Escape plan. (TVPG) (R) (HD)The Lawrence Welk Show: Farm Farm-inspired songs are performed. Antiques Roadshow: Albuquerque Jasper Johns print. (TVG) (R) (HD)As Time Goes By (TVPG)As Time Goes By (TVPG)Keeping Appearances(TVPG)Being Served? Special medal. Secrets of Westminster Secret history. (TVPG) (R) (HD) PBS E F #3173---3(5:30) Fernando Varela: Coming Home (TVG) (R) (HD)The Lawrence Welk Show: Farm Farm-inspired songs are performed. Served? Store commercial. Being Served? New position. Keeping Appearances(TVPG)Keeping Appearances(TVPG)As Time Goes By (TVPG)The Vicar of Dibley Dry Dibley. Globe Trekker: Tough Trains: Indias Independence Railroads(TVPG) CW E F 46---6216-Mike & Molly Sad Kay returns. WINK News @ 6:30pm Sat (N)Big Bang Sheldons standards. Big Bang Fast relationship. 2 Broke Girls Store fundraiser. 2 Broke Girls N ew in t er n hired. Modern Family Jays friend. Mike Molly(TV14) (HD)WINK News @10pm (N) (HD)Modern Family Jays friend. Last Man Stand.: Helen Potts CW E F 44999---4Mike & Molly Sad Kay returns. Mike Molly(TV14) (HD)2 Broke Girls Store fundraiser. 2 Broke Girls New intern hired. Major Crimes: Wish You Were Here Investigation of an online video. Major Crimes: Fifth Dynasty Unmerciful judges son is murdered. (HD)Two & Half Break-up advice. Two & Half Men Charlie is sick. Friends Phoebes new cat. (HD)Friends Monica caters.(TVPG) MYN E F 38111111---14Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD)Family Feud(TVPG) (R)Family Feud(TVPG) (R) (HD)News Channel 8 News @ 8pm News, sports, weather and traffic. (N)Elementary Sherlock Holmes helps NYPD with cases. (TV14) (HD)Seinfeld Comedic calamities. Just for Laughs Gags(TVPG)Ring of Honor Wrestling(TVPG) (N) (HD) IND E F 32121212-38-12Modern Family Dirty picture. Modern Family Jays friend. Big Bang Sheldons standards. Big Bang Fast relationship. Anger Celebrity client. (TV14)Anger Horse riding. (TV14) (HD)Last Man Stand.: Helen Potts Man Stand. Billboard security. Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Death Roe Chef disappears.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Ex Stasis Odd organ donor.(TV14) (HD) ION E F 662221326-17Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Goliath Drug side affects.(TV14)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Demons Sex offender.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Design Suicide threat.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: 911 Nine-year-old girl.(TV14) (HD)Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Ripped Teenage attacker.(TV14)Saving Hope: Doctor Destiny Injured caterer in shooting aftermath. (R) E L B A CA&E262626263950181Mr. & Mrs. Smith (05) First 48 Shot to death. Live PD: Rewind #2 (N)Live PD: Live PD 03.25.17 (N) (HD) AMC565656563053231(3:00) The Godfather (72) Mafia family life. The Godfather: Part II (74, Drama) Al Pacino, Robert Duvall. Michael Corleon e takes over the family business and makes plans to expand into Cuba, but he is suspicious of hi s brothers loyalty and his wifes intentions. (R)Godfather Part III (R) APL444444443668130Dr. Jeff: Born to Run Dr. Jeff (TVPG) (R) (HD)Dr. Jeff Cats dilemma. Dr. Jeff (TVPG) (N) (HD)The Zoo: Love Shack The Zoo: Moving Day BBCA M114114114114114114189Earth II (R)Planet Earth II: Deserts Planet Earth II Hostile grasslands. Planet Earth II: Cities(:11) Earth II (TVPG) (N)Planet: Pole to Pole BET353535354022270(4:25) Think Like a Man (12) Relationship book. Beauty Shop (05) A hairstylist opens her own salon.(:26) Think Like a Man (12) BRAVO6868686825451185Superbad (07) A crazy beer run. (R)Crazy, Stupid, Love. Man asks bachelor friend for advice. Crazy, Stupid, Love. (11) Divorcee dates. COM666666661527190The Millers (13) (:50) South Park Mormon family. (TVMA) (R)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)South Park(TVMA)Were the Millers (13, Comedy) Jennifer Aniston. A drug dealer hires a fake family as a cover while shipping marijuana. (R)Super Troopers (02) DISC404040402543120Fast Loud (TV14) (R)Fast Loud (TV14) (R)Fast Loud (TV14) (R)St Outlaws (TV14) (R)St Outlaws (TV14) (R)St Outlaws (TV14) (R) E!464646462726196ArrangemenBridesmaids (11, Comedy) A lovelorn and broke maid of honor. (R)Bridesmaids (11) A lovelorn and broke maid of honor. (R) FOOD3737373718376164Chopped (TVG) (R)Chopped All-star chefs. Chopped All-star chefs. Chopped All-star chefs. Chopped All-star chefs. Chopped (TVG) (R) FREE555555551046199Pirates of the Caribbean (03) Cursed pirates.(:20) The Hunger Games (12) In a post-apocalyptic future, an annual event is held in which 24 young people are pitted against each other in a bloody game of survival. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (13, Action) Game two. (PG-13) FX51515151584953(4:00) The Heat (13, Comedy) Partners clash. Lets Be Cops (14) Two friends posing as police soon become entangled in a life of real crime. The Maze Runner (14, Action) Dylan OBrien. An amnesiac teen is trapped in a massive maze with a group of boys. Bette (TVMA) (R) GSN17917917917934179184Fam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudFam. FeudDividedDividedIdiotestIdiotest HALL5551713773240Walking the Dog (17) Campfire Kiss (17) Mother and son camp. (NR)Autumn in the Vineyard (16) Shared inheritance. Gold. GirlGold. Girl HGTV414141415342165Fixer Uppr (TVG) (R)Fixer Uppr (TVG) (R)Prop Bro (TVG) (R)Prop Bro (TVG) (R)Renovation (TVG) (N)Log CabinLog Cabin HIST818181813365128Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R)Am. Picker (TVPG) (R) LIFE363636365241140Double Mommy (17, Drama) Clearing his name. Stalkers Prey (17, Thriller) Obsessed hero. (NR)(:02) Forgotten Evil (17) Recalling the past. (NR) NICK252525252444252ThundermanThundermanHenry (R)Henry (R)Henry (N)ShakersNicky (N)Party (N)Full HouseFull HouseFriendsFriends OWN585858584767145Iyanla Fix Double life. Iyanla Fix (TV14) (R)Iyanla Fix (TV14) (R)Love ThyLove ThyFor Peete (TV14) (N)Iyanla Fix (TV14) (R) QVC14141491413150Footwear Clarks shoes. Isaac Mizrahi Live! Stylish fashions. Josie Maran Argan Oil Cosmetics (TVG)Isaac Mizrahi Live! SPIKE57575757296354Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)Cops (R)2 Fast 2 Furious (03) SYFY6767676725364180(5:00) A Knights Tale (01) A squire moves up. Independence Day (96) Will Smith. Alien spacecrafts destroy entire cities. The Darkest Hour (11) TBS59595959326252 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Regional Final (Live) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Regional Final (Live)InsideA. Tribeca TCM656565656574230(5:45) Wait Until Dark (67) Audrey Hepburn. A b lind woman is terrorized by crooks (NR) (HD)The Pink Panther (64) A bumbling inspector b ecomes obs e ssed w i th capturing a jewel thief. Arsne Lupin (32) A charming and daring criminal starts t errorizing the wea l thy people of Paris. TLC454545455772139Say YesSay YesSay Yes 93rd birthday. Say Yes to the Dress A transgender bride. (N)Four Wedd (TVPG) (R)Say Yes: Love is Love TNT616161612855513 Days to Kill (14) Walking Tall (04, Action) A man combats drugs in his hometown. Transformers (07, Action) Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox. Rival clans of alien robots arrive on Earth in s earch of a powerful artifact. (PG-13) (HD)The Bourne Identity (02) Amnesiac agent. TOON808080804620257MovieDragonBobs BrgrRick MortyRick MortyFamily GuyFamily GuySamuraiDragon TRAV6969696926066170Ghost Ghost hunting. Ghost Ghost town. (R)Ghost Satanic rituals. Ghost: Stone Lion Inn Ghost Utah nun center. Ghost Ghost hunting. TRUTV636363635030183Hack MyHack MyCarbona r oCarbona r oAdam Ru ins Adam Ru ins UpscaleJokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R) TVL626262623154241Gold. GirlGold. GirlGold. GirlGold. GirlGold. GirlLoves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.Loves Ray.QueensQueens USA34343434225250ChrisleyChrisleyChrisleyChrisleyChrisleyChrisleyChrisleyChrisleyChrisleyChrisleyColony Way to escape. WE117117117117117117149(:01) Law & Ordr (TV14)Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr: Deep Vote Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD)Law & Ordr (TV14) (HD) WGN16161619411168Blue Blood: Dedication Blue Blood (TVPG)Blue Blood: Silver Star Blue Blood (TV14) (HD)Blue Blood (TVPG)Underground: Ache (R) S W E NCNBC393939395937102PaidPaidUndr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss (TVPG)Undr. Boss (TV14) (HD)Undr. Boss (TVPG)Partner (R) (HD) CNN323232321838100Smerconish (N)CNN Newsroom (N)CNN Newsroom (N)The Eighties TV in the 80s. (R) (HD)Eighties (R) (HD) CSPAN181818183712109WashingtonCommun.Washington This Week (R)Key Capitol Hill Hearings Congress most important hearings. (R) FNC646464644871118Am.s News HQ (N)FOX Report Saturday Watters World (N) (HD)Justice (N) (HD)Greg Gutfeld (N)Watters World (R) (HD) MSNBC8383838318540103Joy Reid (N) (HD)Rachel Maddow (N)Last Word (N) (HD)Lockup (TVMA) (R) (HD)Lockup Enemies meet. Lockup (TVMA) (R) (HD) SNN66611---WeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWee kendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekend S T R O P SESPN29292929125870UpdateNCAA Womens: Florida State vs Oregon State Update30 for 30: The U (HD)SportsCenter (HD) ESPN23030303065974 College Softball: Auburn vs Florida (Live) (HD)College Baseball: Oklahoma State Cowboys at TCU Horned Frogs (Live)E:60 (HD)30 for 30 FS148484848426983NASCAR Post Race AMA Supercross Series: Detroit : from Ford Field in Detroit (Live) (HD)UFC Reloaded: UFC 207: Nunes vs Rousey FSN72727272725677PanthersPanthersNHL Hockey: Chicago Blackhawks at Florida Panthers (Live)PanthersPanthersPanthersWrld Poker (Replay) FSSUN38383838455776MLB Spring Training: Boston vs Tampa Bay InsideInsideCollege Baseball (Taped) (HD)SpotlightFocused GOLF49494949556093 (5:30) LPGA Tour Golf: Kia Classic: Round 3 (Live) (HD)Golf Central (HD)PGA Tour Golf (Taped) (HD) NBCSN71717171546190RenoCurling: 2017 World Womens Championship: Semifinal (Taped)MecumFormula One Qualifying: Australia M U I M E R PDISN1361361361369945250Austn/Ally Trish contemplates. Austin & Ally : Duets & Destiny Stuck Mid. School picture day. Liv and Maddie Vocal surgery. K.C. Undercover Spy hunt. (R)Bizaardvark Fan offers to fund. Finding Nemo (03, Fa mily) A clownfish sets off to find his son, who has been captured by a diver. (G)Undercover Bounty hunter.(R)Bizaardvark VidView nerves.(:45) Mickey(TVG) (R) ENC150150150150150150350Pineapple Express (08) Two marijuana-smoking friends run for their lives when a murder is witnessed.(:24) Hancock (08, Action) A public relations consultant helps a slovenly superhero rehabilitate his image. Fight Club (99) An insomniac claims adjuster and a charismatic soap merchant launch an underground fight club that escalates into a secret organization dedicated to anarchy.(:22) Gangs of New York (02) HBO302302302302302302400(5:30) Minority Report (02, Science Fiction) Tom Cruise. A detective goes on th e run after he is suspected of committing a future murder. (HD)Independence Day: Resurgence (16, Action) Liam Hemsworth. When aliens attack, it is up to a few brave men and women to save humanity. World Championship Boxing: Golovkin vs. Jacobs, Gonzalez vs. Rungvisa (3/25/17) (Live) (HD) HBO2303303303303303303402(:05) The Legend of Tarzan (16, Action) Alexander Skarsgrd. Tarzan must travel back to Congo to serve as trade emissary of Parliament. Girls Persuade Desi. (TVMA)Cast Away (00, Drama) A plane crash strands a workaholic Federal Express troubleshooter alone on a remote Pacific island where he struggles to master the ba sic skills of survival. Real Time with Bill Maher Matt Schlapp. (TVMA) (HD) HBO3304304304304304304404Big Little Lies: Once Bitten Play director gives promising news. (TVMA) (:15) Demolition (16, Comedy) Jake Gyllenhaal, Naomi Watts. An investment banker forms unlikely connection with cust omer service rep. (R)The Boss (16, Comedy) Industry mogul must depend on former assistant when shes rejected by everyone.(:45) Keanu (16, Comedy) Man and his cousin are forced to work for thug to get stolen kitten back. (R) MAX320320320320320320420Leatherheads (08, Comedy) George Clooney, Rene Zellweger. A charming football hero convinces a war hero to join their collapsing team. Oceans Thirteen (07, Crime) George Clooney, Brad Pitt. Danny Ocean gathers the group to exact revenge on a ruthless Vegas kingpin. (HD) (:05) Michael Clayton (07, Thriller) George Clooney. An attorney encounters a web of corruption and murder while helping a colleague. (R) (HD) MAX2321321321321321321422(5:10) The Conjuring (13) Fami l y te rror ized at sec lu ded farmhouse. (R) (:05) RocknRolla (08, Action) Gerard Butler, Tom Wilk inson. Criminals scramble to be part of a mobs ter s lucrative real estate scheme. (R) (HD)Max Payne (08, Thriller) A detective and an ass assi n team up to unco ver a dangerous conspiracy. (HD) (:45) The Terminator (84) A killer cybo rg from the future is se nt b ack in time to assassinate a woman. SHO340340340340340340365Showtime Boxing International: Linares vs. Crolla : from Manchester Arena in United Kingdom (Live) (HD)Circus: Inside Healthcare bill. Homeland: Sock Puppets Keane comes up with a plan.(TVMA) (R)American Jihad (17, Documentary) The phenomenon of homegrown Jihadism and its effects are explored. Billions: Currency Axe searches for a quick financial play. (TVMA) (R)American Jihad (17) (NR) TMC350350350350350350385(5:45) No Escape (15, Thriller) Owen Wilson. An American family living overseas is caught in a coup. (R)Hot Rod (07, Comedy) An inept stuntman tries to help his step-father by attempting a dangerous stunt. Nightlight (15, Horror) Five friends playing games in a mysterious forest awaken a demonic presence. (R)Blood Sand (15, Horror) The aftermath of an all-night graduation party on the beach becomes a nightmare. 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30 KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES10 a.m. GOLF PGA Tour Golf WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play: Round of 16 from Austin Country Club in Austin, Texas. (L) 11 a.m. ESPN2 Cheerleading & Dance Competitions 2017 National High School Cheerleading Championship: Super Varsity from Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Fla. (T) 11:30 a.m. ESPN 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament Bridgeport Regional Semi“nal Oregon Ducks vs Maryland Terrapins. (L) FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Practice Fontana from Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (L) 12:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR X“nity Series Qualifying Fontana from Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (L) 1 p.m. FSN MLB Spring Training St. Louis Cardinals vs Miami Marlins. (L) FSSUN MLB Spring Training Boston Red Sox vs Tampa Bay Rays. (L) 2 p.m. ESPN 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament Bridgeport Regional Semi“nal UCLA Bruins vs Connecticut Huskies. (L) GOLF PGA Tour Golf Puerto Rico Open: Round 3 from Coco Beach Golf & CC in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. (L) NBC PGA Tour Golf WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play: Quarter“nals from Austin Country Club in Austin, Texas. (L) 2:30 p.m. FS1 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Final Practice Fontana from Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (L) 3 p.m. CBS College Basketball NCAA Division II Championship from Sanford Pentagon in Sioux Falls, S.D. (L) ESPN2 College Baseball LSU Tigers at Florida Gators. (L) 4 p.m. ESPN 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament Stockton Regional Semi“nal Quinnipiac Bobcats vs South Carolina Gamecocks. (L) FS1 NASCAR X“nity Series Service King 300 from Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (L) 5:30 p.m. GOLF LPGA Tour Golf Kia Classic: Round 3 from Aviara Golf Club in Carlsbad, Calif. (L) 6 p.m. ESPN2 College Softball Auburn Tigers at Florida Gators. (L) SHO Showtime Boxing International Linares vs. Crolla from Manchester Arena in United Kingdom. (L) TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Regional Final. (L) 6:30 p.m. ESPN 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament Stockton Regional Semi“nal Florida State Seminoles vs Oregon State Beavers. (L) 7 p.m. FS1 AMA Supercross Series Detroit from Ford Field in Detroit. (L) FSN NHL Hockey Chicago Blackhawks at Florida Panthers. (L) 8 p.m. ESPN2 College Baseball Oklahoma State Cowboys at TCU Horned Frogs. (L) 8:30 p.m. TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Regional Final. (L) 9 p.m. FSSUN College Baseball Louisville Cardinals at North Carolina State Wolfpack. (T) 10 p.m. GOLF PGA Tour Golf WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play: Quarter“nals from Austin Country Club in Austin, Texas. (T) HBO World Championship Boxing Golovkin vs. Jacobs, Gonzalez vs. Rungvisa (3/25/17). (L)Todays Live Sports Convenient Complete SatelliteONLINE TV


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Free! 470-767-2893 (Port Charlotte) WINDSURFERS Mistral long boards with sails. FREE 941-875-6551 7000TRANSPORTATION 7005 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED TO BUY from Private owner Car, Truck or Van. from $500-$2000. 419-560-5054 Thank you, have a Blessed Day 7030 CADILLAC 2007 CADILLAC CTS $9,300 87K Mi. Exc. Cond. 603-340-0677 2013 CADILLAC CTS $19,990 NAV, RED, 26K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7040 CHEVROLET 1992 LEXUSSC-300 $1000 Mechanic Special, May Have Fuel Issue, Otherwise Ok. Expensive Sound System. Will Need To Be Towed 941-400-1297 2003 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER $4,995 4WD 144K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA $7,495 LT, FLEX FUEL, 92K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2011 CHEVROLET MALIBU $9,990 RED, 64K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 CHEVROLET CAMARO $19,990 RED, 39K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7050 CHRYSLER 2006 CHRYSLER PTCRUISER $3,995 102K Mi. Very Clean! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2006 CHRYSLER 300C $7,995 obo, 88K mi, all pwr, cold air, leather, Mint! 941-830-8620 2004 CHRYSLER SEBRING CONVERTIBLE ONLY 46K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE A/C COMP. 3ton Rheme,R22 $400 786-306-6335 BAMBOO POLES 8-16FT LONG X 2.5Ž-1.0ŽDIA. 6 $3, $4, $6 941-426-6759 BLANKETS (2) QUEEN. LIKE NEW $30 941-202-9172 BOOKS 28National Geo, hardcover, illustrated,ŽtravelŽbooks $14 941-624-2105 CAR COVER BUDGE FULL SIZE GARAGED $15 941-575-8881 CHANDELIER Tiffany Design Single Bulb 20Ž Diameter Really Nice $70, OBO 941-379-5586 CHAR-BROIL BBQ 4 burner grill w/side burner and propane tank $140 941-497-3250 CURIO CONSOLECABINET 2 glass shelve light wood $45 941-626-1332 DESK CORNER student with drawer wood. $25 941-626-1332 DISHES PALM LEAF PATTERN 16 PC. Like new. $40 941-2029172 DIVING &THROWING KNIVES New Mfg. Japan In PG $75 308-340-3447 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 HANGING LIGHTS (2w/leaded glass for dining & kitchen $40, OBO 615-585-7436 LAMPS FLOOR &TABLE cream texture w/bead trim shades; both $40 941-639-0838 LATERAL FILE Wood black grey lateral file. $25 941-6261332 LUGGAGE, Two Protege 26Ž Suitcases w/wheels, in excellent condition. $50 941-875-2285 MATTRESS & Box spring RegalFirm King Pillow top 15Ž EX.con. $300 570-205-4154 MIRROR BEVELEDDECORATIVE SILVER LEAF DESIGN 29Wx42L $35 941-202-9172 MIRROR, BEVELED edge, 2 pieces, each 4Ž x 54Ž $15 941-575-9973 OPRY TICKETS Buy One Get One..2 tickets total price for April 27th. $53 941-624-2105 PARTY TENT 10x20 walls for all 4 sides, very easy to put up, goes up like EZ ups. $200, OBO 563-505-7602 PATIO PICNICTABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 PROPANE TANK 20lb Tank for Barbecue Grill, Nice Shape $20 941-379-5586 RE CO RD CO LLE C TI O N includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 SCALE HEALTH-O-METER Exc.Cond. $30 941-423-9371 SHIATSU BACK MASSAGER ELECTRIC W/ HEAT $30, OBO 941-627-6780 6250 APPLIANCES DRYER MAYTAG .Super nice $120 941-257-8921 ELECTRIC DRYER White, Frigidaire Gallery, Heavy Duty, 4 prong electric, front loading dryer on pedestal plus extra pedestal for similar type washing machine $200 941-916-9382 MICROWAVE OVEN, Hamilton Beach 900w, in excellent condition. $30 941-875-2285 MICROWAVE over range, GE black, & frigidaire, white $70 each 718-986-3608 MICROWAVE, SHARP, 1.1 CF BLK 11OO WATTS LIKE NEW IN BOX $85, OBO 941-408-7535 MIXER KITCHENAID white with tilt back head. Used once $200, OBO 941-429-1573 PANINI PRESS Breville, used twice $30 941-235-2613 PEDESTAL for washer whirlpool duet nice white $65, OBO 941-697-9485 REFRIG. STOVE OVER RANGE MICRO. All in working cond. $75 715-208-0047 REFRIGERATOR 19CUŽ White Runs Great $160 941-268-0934 REFRIGERATOR Admiral DD top freezer bisque frost free $175 814-730-3100 REFRIGERATOR Clean and good condition $150 941-7404418 REFRIGERATOR MAGIC CHEF mini 4.4 cu. ft. Like new $75, OBO 941-202-9861 REFRIGERATOR New, top freezer, white $150, OBO 941423-8243 REFRIGERATOR W/bottom freezer Amana/white $200, OBO 941-429-1573 REFRIGERATOR White, top freezer Works well. $175. (941)763-4818 STOVE Electric Clean, White $175. (941)763-4818 STOVE G.E. coil top 30Ž bisque w/power cord $75 814-730-3100 STOVE NEW, white, oven, 4 burners $150, OBO 941-4238243 TOASTER OVEN Sunbeam. w/book. Used once. $15 941235-2203 WASHER & DRYER $395. (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER & DRYER Stackable, New, was $1800 Now $1200 (941)763-4818 delivery avail. WASHER MAYTAG almost new, new style white $225, OBO 941-474-9402 6260 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $75.00 per panel SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Owned and operated by Local Fire fighter. Low overhead= Low prices 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY POWER WASHER Husky model 1750 $50 941-497-0026 SHOP VAC 16 gallon Wet Dry vac. $35 860-810-4174 SHOP VACUUM CLEANER Craftsman wet dry 16 gallon vacuum cleaner blower. Good condition $60 941-497-0026 T SQUARE 48ŽJohnson Level & Tool Aluminum $12, OBO 941-575-0690 TABLE SAW, 9Ž Delta on Wheels, 3/4 HP Motor, Full Table. Good Shape! $120. 941-743-8243 TOOL BOXES Real nice. Top and bottom. Clean ready to fill. $60 715-439-0459 TOOLS $1.-$10. 941-2184502 UNIMAT LATHE Good Condition $450 941-629-4857 6220 OFFICE/BUSINESS EQUIP./SUPPLIES BINDING MACHINE Ibico-Perfect $40 941-235-2613 FILECABINET. solid oak 2 draw, 18ŽD, 17ŽW 29 $75, OBO 941-624-2105 SHREDDER LIKE new $22 941-426-1088 6232 CATS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. ORANGE fluffy neutered adult cat, easy on the eyes!! Two 8 month old kittens long haired, neutered, gorgeous! Call Peddler today 941-270-2430. 6233 DOGS NOTICE: Statute 585.195 states that all dogs and cats sold in Florida must be at least eight weeks old, have an official health certificate and proper shots, and be free of intestinal and external parasites. A 4LB YORKIE Stud looking for a Mate. 941-830-0551 DESIGNERBICHTZU $850, Home raised, Deposit/Hold 941-698-5008 Leave Message 6236 PET SUPPLIES & SERVICES BROODER BOX TRACTOR sup.#122312699 box complete $20, OBO 941-423-7845 DOG BED FOR A SMALL DOG LIKE NEW. $10 941-626-5501 DOG CRATE 20Ž H13ŽW,27ŽL, beds,bowls,more $40, OBO 912-604-2312 DOG CRATE Lge Soft in/out, NIB, folds 42Ž ventilated. Sell $55 Paid $85. 941-623-2550 DOG LIFEJACKET Large. Paws Aboard. New. Neon yellow $25, OBO 941-697-8598 PET BARRIERS TWO LIKE NEW, ADJUSTABLE DOOR BARRIERS $50 941-626-5501 6250 APPLIANCES AC WINDOW UNIT INCLUDES HEAT$200. (941)763-4818 CROCKPOT SUNBEAM. 5qt., red. Like new cond. $15 941235-2203 DEHUMIDIFIER EMERSON, large room capacity, like new $49, OBO 941-629-9149 DISHWASHER HOTPOINT color white $100 941-257-8921 DRYER ELECT. whirlpool duet r runs good white front load $75, OBO 941-697-9485 6170 BUILDING SUPPLIES BALL VALVES, new 1/2 and 3/4Ž $5 314-609-1540 CEILING FAN White with light kit. $30 941-889-7592 HURRICANEPANELS Steel, All hardware too. $250, OBO 941-743-4318 INT.DOOR KNOBS 3sets, brushed niskel. $15 941-474-4254 PLYWOOD CONSTRUCTION grade/4 sheets 3/8Ž 4x8 $60, OBO 941-429-5425 POWER SANDINGBLOCK BL & DECK.great cond. $13 941-474-4254 STORMPANELS ALUM 15ŽW x various heights, no hardware each $15 941-786-5425 TILE 16X16 tan 500SF.quality $499 786-306-6335 6190 TOOLS/ MACHINERY A/C RECLAIM SET w/hoses and tank. $120, OBO 314-6091540 BELTSANDER CRAFTSMAN 6Ž model 113-226331 great shape $95 941-214-8188 BOWFLOATS & HANDLES exclt. (2) 48Ž & 30Ž $80, OBO 941-626-1226 CHIPPER TROY Built, Briggs & Stratton 8 HP $400, OBO 941-268-2799 COMPRESSOR, Campbell Hausfeld, PowerPro 2hp 20 gallon $200 860-810-4174 GENERATOR COVER 28X22X25HI 2QT OIL $35 941-627-6780 GENERATOR CRAFTSMAN 5600W 10HP Gentec OHV $195 941-662-6323 LADDER ALUMINUM 21 foot Keller extension ladder $150 941-740-4418 LEVEL 48ŽAluminum Sands Heavy Duty $15, OBO 941-575-0690 MASTER MECHANIC NEW Workbench drill sander jigsaw acs $100, OBO 941-408-7535 MITRE BOX metal no saw $35 941-218-4502 MITRE BOX plastic with saw $15 941-218-4502 PAINT SPRAYER Graco, new paint sprayer HVLP. Never used. $220 941-624-3372 PRESSURE WASHER gasoline powered, Briggs & Stratton 550 $75 612-865-1503 RIGID CHAIN WRENCH, 24Ž. Exxellent condition. $25, OBO 314-609-1540 RIGID PIPE WRENCH, 24Ž. Aluminum $35, OBO 314-6091540 6160 LAWN & GARDEN LAWN MOWER RIDING Craftsman ltz100 42Žcut ex cond$400 330-338-6522 LAWN SPREADER Scotts Broadcast standard model $19, OBO 941-629-9149 LAWN TABLE glass top, aluminum frame, also resin chairs avail $25 941-497-3250 LEAF BLOWER, Weedeater battery & recharger. Great! $50 951-580-4460 LEAF BLOWER/VAC electric Black& decker works great $20 716-374-2950 LINE TRIMMER: Troybuilt, 25cc, straight shaft, New. $110, OBO 941-485-0681 MINI TILLER, 17Ž Craftsman, 4 Cycle.Good Shape! $80.941743-8243 MOWER, John Deere Mower Model STX38. Good Condition $300 941-815-8818 MOWER, RIDING Snapper, Like new $495 941-268-0917 MOWER: Zero turn Rider Dixie Chopper $4800 941-6263102 PATIO PICNIC TABLE cedar top, custom, last lifetime, very nice $200 941-780-3977 PATIO SET 6 roller chairs w/blue vinyl cushions. Very nice. $90 715-439-0459 PATIO/LANI TABLE (glass top) 4 chairs, almost free $15 317-919-2223 PRESSURE WASHER Troybuilt 3000psi New Pump $300, OBO 941-485-0681 TABLE Glass Top Outdoor 42 inches square $25 941-4265266 TOP SOILFor Sale! Please call: 941-468-4372 TRANSFORMER LOW VOLTAGE Malibu, 300 watt $40 941-235-2613 WEEDWACKER Gas troy built 4 cycle no mixing OIL/GAS $75 941-391-6211 WEEDWACKER CRAFTMAN GAS W17Ž/25CC TRIMMER $60, OBO 941-391-6377 6165 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS WEATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Set Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222


Page 22 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 25, 2017 6000 MERCHANDISE 6002 ENGLEWOOD AREA GARAGE SALES FRI & SAT 7AM-?? 8237 ARCHIE ST HUGE SALE Household, Clothing, Sport & Fishing Equipment FRI-SAT. 8-? 873 E 7th St Moving Sale. Furniture, Household Items, Tools, Linens, Christmas, & Much More. FRI-SAT. 9-3PM 11402 Starflower Ave. 3 bdrm Sets: 2 queen, 1 king, sofa, club chair, 40Ž round tble w/2 chairs, glass lanai table w/ 6 chairs. FRI. & SAT 9-4 6335 Oriole Blvd Household, linens, and much more. Something for everyone. FRI. & SAT. 8AM-2PM 7459 Snow Dr. Twin bed set, China Hutch, Linens, Home Decor, etc. ALL QUALITY ITEMS. FRI. 8-2 & SAT. 8-12 6339 Partridge Ave. BIG YARD SALE Too many items to list! FRI.-SAT. 8AM-3PM 141 West Langsner St. (2 Blocks Past of Dearborn) 2 Elephant & 1 Tiger Table, Women`s Clothes Size 8-22, Bedspreads, Books, Cabinets & MORE! FRI.-SAT. 9AM-1PM 9231 Pine Cove Rd. Furniture, Pictures, Antiques, Household & MORE!! ADVERTISE In TheClassifieds! SAT. 8-2 6176 Bond St.. Multi-Family, Collectibles, Household, Fishing & Boating, Books, Glass Table & Chairs etc. SATURDAY 8AM-6PM 640 Viridian Street. House sold. THU-SAT. 9-2 7355 Thomas St. PRE-ESTATE SALE! Karastan Rugs, Mikasa, Fabric, Vac, different household 6003 LAKESUZY GARAGE SALES FRI.-SAT. 8AM-? 10028 Peace River St. MORE Tools, Collectibles, Household, Clothes, Plants Etc 6005 NORTH PORT AREA GARAGE SALES FRI.-SAT. 9-2PM 4073 Fontainebleau St. ESTATE SALE!! Furniture, Yard Items, Tools, Hsld. & MUCH MORE!!! SAT-SUN 7:30-12:30 3010 Dal Hart Ave. Furniture & Collectibles. SAT. 8-1 6095 Lenape Lane MOVING SALE Household, some furniture, reloading supplies, much more. SATURDAY ONLY 8-3ATTHEINTERSECTIONOFKINDERKEMACAVE& PRESTONST. PORTCHARLOTTE. 33952 A FULL HOUSEOFHUNGARIANINFLUENCES! DRYBAR, FLATSCREENTV,SOFAS, LOVESEAT, ROCKER,CHINA, DISHES, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, DOLLS, CHRISTMAS, 3 BEDROOMSETS, GARAGE ANDLANAIAREFULL. COMEJOINUS. DELIVERYAVAILABLEBYGOODFELLOWSMOVING. SUN. ONLY 8am-23633 Enid LaneFINAL SALE 50% OFF All must go! 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI-SAT, MARCH24-25 9am-4pm 3337 Pellam Blvd, PC. Puzzles, Dolls, Crafts, Vintage Fur Hats, Electronics, Books, Office Suppl, Baskets. FRI-SAT. 8-3 23140 Corvin Ave. Trailer, Generator, Tools, Canal Boat, day bed, Too much to list! FRI-SAT. 8AM-3PM 1239 Beacon Dr. 20 TABLES Plus GREAT Selection Electric, Tools, TVs Clothes, Fishing, & MUCH MORE! FRI-SAT. 9-4 392 Reading St. Tools, Kitchen Items, Clothing, and Much More! FRI. & SAT 8-2 18223 Steele Ave HUGE MOVING SALE Antiques furniture & tools 6006 PT.CHARLOTTE/ DEEP CREEK FRI.-SAT. 9AM-3PM 3482 Rome St. Air Compressor, Drill Press, Tools, Household, Brass Pots & More! FRI.-SAT. 9AM-5PM 3295 Jamestown St. Patio Set, Complete Dining Room Set, Kitchen Dinette, Household ETC! FRIDAY & SATURDAY 9AM-1PM 801 SEABOLD AVE.$20. BAMBOOSHEETSETS, WIRELESSSHEADPHONES, TACTICACLFLASHLIGHTS, NEWDEEPFRYER& COFFEEPOT, WALNUTOIL, 22Ž CRAFTD-MANTRIMMER& BOXLOTS!! PETE`S GARAGE SALE SAT-SUN. 9-4 812 Ellicott Cir Nw. Tools, Holiday Items, Collectibles, Some Furniture, Fishing & Kitchen. GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! SAT. 8-?? 4473 Sweetbay St. FINAL MOVING SALE! Household, Furniture, Misc and much more! SAT. 8:00-11:00 325 Brasilia St. Deep Creek. Lots of Variety! SATURDAY ONLY 9-3 18529 Kulvin Ave Tools, New Clothes, Household Items. BIG SALE! THURSDAY, FRIDAY & Saturday. 9am -2pm 372 Cory St Port Charlotte 33953. Moving Sale...Everything Goes! Tools, furniture, clothes, etc 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT 8-3 7328 Satsuma Dr. 2 Family Yard Sale. Household Items, Fishing, Boat Motor, & Much More! FRI.& SAT 8-2 2025 Cooper St. S. on 41, L on Airport, L on Cooper More tools than Home Depot! Fishing, RV, Boating, Furn, kitchen, king Bedding & More! FRI.-SAT. 8-3 1342 Aqui Esta Dr. MOVING SALE!! Furniture, Antiques, Household, XMas, & MORE! ALL Must Go!! FRI.-SAT. 9-4 30119 Alder Rd. Ridge Harbor. 2 FAMILY SALE!! Furniture, Golf Cart, 3 Wheel Bike, Large Tool Box, Lots of Hand Tools. 6007 PUNTA GORDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI.-SAT. 9AM-3PM 24491 Julian Ct. ESTATE SALE! Full House of Furniture, Household Items, Collectables, Clothes & MORE!! SAT ONLY 8-2 1223 RIDING ROCKS LN MU LTI FAMILY SALE LOTS OF GREAT ITEMS! SAT-SUN. 9AM-?? 1519 Persay Dr. Off Highway 17, Furniture, Household, and more! SAT. 9-2 5013 San Rocco Dr. Avon Jewelry, Household, Floral, Candles, Linens, Jungle Animals 40s Lionel train SAT. 9-3 715 Sturgeon Pl. HUGE SALE! MULTIFAMILY!Tons of Boating, Fishing, Nautical Antiques & Collectables, Big Ship Wheels, 22 Hydra Sport CC, Small Boats & Motors, Tools, 5500W Generators, Pocket Knives, Pocketbooks, Watches, Furn., Plus MUCH MORE! SAT. 9-5 3119 Shannon Dr. Household, VCR tapes and Player, Some Tools. No reasonable offers refused. SAT. 9AM-12PM 1001 W. Henry St. Golf, Furniture, Electronics, Multi, Tools, Clothes and More! SATURDAY 10AM-3PM SIDEWALK SALE GALLERIA ANTIQUE MALL 5260 HWY 17. 941-347-8044 6008 ROTONDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 10-4 291 Rotonda Blvd. N. Misc. Household Items, Clothing, Etc. FRI-SAT. 8-2 31 Bunker Circle. W/vane, antiques, stamp collection, trunks, household, small furniture, etc. FRI-S AT. 9-4 155 A nnopolis Ln MOVING SALE Sofa, Loveseat, Recli ner, household & MORE. FRI.-SAT. 8-4 3 Caddy Rd. HUGE MULTI FAMILY SALE!! Furniture, Stroller, Rugs, Pics, Air Compressor, Grill & MORE! FRI.-SAT. 8AM-1PM 37 Medalist Ct. MOVING SALE!! Furniture, Teacher`s Items & MUCH MORE!! 6008 ROTONDA AREA GARAGE SALES FRI.-SAT. 9:00-3:00 21 White Marsh Lane, Rotonda West. MULTI FAMILY! Canoe with Electric Motor, Lifejackets, Etc. Fossils, Coins, Household Items, CDs SAT. 8-2 218 Albatross Rd. Multi-Family, Household Fridge, Microwave, and much more! Many Brand new items. 6010 S.VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES ENTIRE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE SATURDAY 8AM-1PM US 41 & Timberline Blvd Between Plantation & Venice E. Blvd. FRI-SAT. 7AM-2 396 Randolph Rd. Collectible toy cars. Sports memorabilia, household & more EmployClassified! FRI-SUN. 9-3 316 Hillview Rd MOVING SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO! HUGE YARD SALE FRI. SAT SUN. 8-5PM 564 Urbana Rd. By the Dome. Collect,Electronics, Bikes, Tools, Jewelry. Too Much to List! PSYCHIC FAIR2nd & 4th Sat. Every month 10am-3pm TOP READERS $15/15 min ANGEL MINISTRIES 2269 S. Tamiami Trail Venice 941-4 92-4995 SAT & SUN 9-4 1415 Roosvelt Dr. GULF VIEW ESTATESMOVING SALE!! SAT. 8-1 1797 Pomelo Dr. (On Corner of Pomelo & Briarwood). Furn., Jewelry, Linens, Tools, Clothes, Shoes, Dishes, Paintings, Ships Clock. 6011 VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT 8-4 SUN 10-4 1231 Schooner Ln. (Pinebrook S.). Vintage Automobilia, Rare Collectibles, Toys, Records, Tools, Art, Kitchen Items, Electronics, Misc. FRI.-SAT. 9-12 613 S. Armada Rd. (Is.) 4th Annual Sale of over 400 FL Plants. Bromeliads, Plumerias, & More FRI.-SAT. 9-4 301 Nassau Street N. Gas Lawn Sprayer, Fountain, CDs, Wicker Trunck, 27Ž Monitor, Hshd. ETC! 6011 VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES ESTATE SALEFRI. 9-2 & SAT. 9-12 710 Golden Beach Blvd., Unit #4; Venice Retired antique dealer: 20 full/partial china sets, 100s of ironed & labeled vintage linens, 6 quilts, 19th C. & early 20th C. clothes, 15 Victorian chairs, settee & sofa, stemware, wicker sofa, desk, chairs & tables; tea sets, silver, jewelry, metal bed, painted cabinets, sewing items, white sofas, electric lift chair, gate leg table, 8 X 10 Karastan rug, dolls, lamps, end tables, ladys vintage clothes & accessories, ship models, books, china cabinet, linens & kitchen. Pix: Sale by Julie McClure RELAY FOR LIFE TREASURE SALE Sat 9AM-2PM. Sun 12-3pm 302 Salt Creek Dr. Village of Riverwalk (Off US 41). Quality Items, From golf club to toys and everything in between. Auto & sporting acces., Custom Iron works, Collectibles, Christmas, housewares, garden and more. Proceeds to American Cancer Society. SAT., 8AM-3PM 4216 Tennyson Way. (Woodmere Lakes) HUGE MOVING SALE! Everything Must Go! FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! SATURDAY. 8AM-2PM HUGE SALE!! NEW& USEDITEMSATTHECOUNTRYSTOREOFGRACEMETHODISTCHURCH. LOCATEDATAVENIDODELCIRCO& FIELDAVE. VENICEISLAND 6014 S. GULF COVE GARAGE SALES FRI-SAT. 8-1 15763 Applewhite Cir., HUGE INDOOR MOVING SALE! Kayaks, Furniture, Decor, Linens, Dishes, Garage stuff, and MORE! SAT-SUN. 9AM-4PM 15706 Viscount Circle. MOVING .. Tools, Boating Equip, Golf Equip, Furniture, Household


Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 23 7330 BOATS-POWERED 24 2004 PRINCECRAFT Pontoon 90 HP Yamaha 4 Stroke. 20 MPH, 24 Galv. Tandum Tailer w/ Front Steps. Turnkey Ready Many Acess REDUCED $7,500 941-875-9654 By Owner 24 1998 249 GLASTRON Cabin, Ford V8 Cobra SX Stern Drive w/ 2005 Alum. Continental Tandem Trailer. Boat Needs Cockpit Interior. $2,195. 941-626-6627 23.3 PARKER CC 2006, 225 Yamaha w/ 250 Hours, 2006 EZ LO Trailer, New Garmin 70DV GPS, $17,500 301-343-7051 22 SEAFOX 2006 Bought new 2008, Twin 90HP Mercury, Dual batteries, Lg. baitwell, Power Steering, Depth/fish finder 165 hours, Alum. tandem trailer (Cost $4,000) Professionally Maint. $23,500 941-347-7020 22 2009 GRADY WHITE TOURNAMENT. OPENBOW, 250HP YAMAHAW/ 126 HRS. 10Ž GARMINGPS, ICOMVHS, PUMPOUTHEAD, $49,900 Call Art 941-505-9810 21 SEARAY BOW RIDER V8 Fish/Depth Finder, Radio, Compass. Snap In Carpet. Full Canvas. 344Hrs. Tandem Trl Exc. $13,500 941-460-9698 21 2003 FISHMASTER CC 140HP Suzuki, All Canvas, 8.6Ž Beam, Bait Well. Storage! Alum. Trailer. Extras!! Very Stable. $9,000. 941-460-6069 REDUCED!! 20 2005 FOUR WINNS4.3 V6 Volvo Pinto OD. DF, Life Jackets. Swim Platform, Galv. Tandem Trailer. Immaculate!! Luxury & Performance! $14,995 816-718-7088 19 CAROLINA SKIFF 1995 Carolina Skiff. 2013 Honda 60hp warrantee to 1/7/18 under 80hrs. Alum trailer. At Gasp. Marina $7,750, OBO 806-474-8955 19 2004 COBIA CC 115 HP Yamaha 4-Stroke, Low Hours! Bimini, Garmin GPS/FF. Well Maintained w/ Trailer. 1 Owner! $9,500. 941-473-4106 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES ENGINE STAND heavy duty $90 786-306-6335 CAMARO Z28 4 GM ALUM 15X7 WHEELS $275 941-6296429 TOWING MIRRORS, Extends a pair for towing clamps on fenders $20, OBO 941-423-7845 TIRE RIM CHROME-FOR 15in TIRE-6 lugs-Chevy or Nissan $5, OBO 941-445-5619 FINNED VALVE COVERS Factory Corvette ALUM GM $175 941-629-6429 BIG BLOCK454HEADS Early 70s off a running motor $325, OBO 941-629-6429 7290 VANS 2006 DODGE GRANDCARAVAN $5,900OBO, Wheelchair lift 77K Elec Scooter Like new. Looks good 941-224-6031 2009 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $11,990 GOLD, 85K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,477EX-L, SMOKEY TOPAZ 23K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $29,950 EX-L, CERT, WHITE, 41K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,950TOURING ELITE, 5,738 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ODYSSEY $38,975 TOURING, CERT, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ODYSSEY $39,987 TOURING, CERT, 10K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan WHEELCHAIR Van, 10Ž lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 2006 CHRYSLER TOWN-&COUNTRY $15,500/OBO Touring Wheelchair Conversion Van. Floor & Ramp lowered 10Ž in 2014. 47K miles, Excellent Condition. 989-274-8352 1999 FORD E250 Extended. New tires, Good shape! $2950 (941)763-4818 7300 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS 2006 TOYOTA TACOMA $16,500.Dbl. Cab, Long Bed, Only 64K Miles! 941-391-3955 2015 TOYOTA TACOMA $26,990 ACCESS CAB BLACK 24K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 DODGE RAM-1500 $34,987 SPORT, BLUE 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 CHEVYSILVERADO-3500 HD $49,987HIGH COUNTRY, 51K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 FORD F-350 $59,990 DIESEL, WHITE, 9,475 MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7305 SPORT UTILITY/ VEHICLES 2015 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER $31,987 LIMITED, 34K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7330 BOATS-POWERED 28 LARSON 280 CABRIO 94: NEW Fuel Tank, Pumps, Starters, Batts, New SB Engine, PT Refurb, Carbs Rebuilt & MUCH More! Can Fax/Email List 2 U. $8,900/obo 941-697-3335 REALLY REDUCED! 7200 NISSAN 2009 NISSAN VERSA $5,995 Auto, Air, 83K MI. MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7205 SPORTS CARS 1991 MAZDAMIATAMX-5 SR. OWNED, LOWMILES, GARAGED, ALLRECORDSSINCENEW! PRISTINECONDITIONEVERYWHERE$4,975. 941-220-9752 7207 SUBARU 2001 SUBARU LEGACY $4,990 AWD, GREEN, 130K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7210 TOYOTA 2005 TOYOTA PRIUS $2,500 OBO, Hatchback (One Owner). Color Blue Leather Interior with Heated Front Seats ƒ 161K Miles Looks & Runs Greatƒ ƒ..Asking $2500 Call 949-371-3825 2003 TOYOTA TUNDRA $8,495 OBO, SR5, V8-4. 7L 2WD, Access Cab, 89,750 Mi. W/ Matching Fiberglass Cap. 941-628-6251 2004 TOYOTA SIENNA $9,990 WHITE, 53K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS $11,990 IV, NAV, SILVER 57K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 TOYOTA AVALON $26,987 XLE PREM, GRAY 14K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2002 TOYOTA CAMRY 4dr sedan auto air 117k $3450/obo 941-468-1489 7220 VOLKSWAGEN 2005 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE $3,950 2.0 4 Cyl., Auto, AC, Silver Ext., Black Int. Good Cond! 109K Mi. 941-488-6803 7260 AUTOS WANTED WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 WE BUY & PICK UP JUNK CARS 941-661-1928 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS 7 Days, FAST PICKUP941-286-3122, 623-5550 7270 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES CAMARO CAR PARTS 196769 $1--$5 941-629-6429 TIRES (2) Goodyear, 185/65/R15 $45 for both. 941-257-5500 METAL CAR ramps strong quality $55 786-306-6335 HOLLEY 650 CARB Needs rebuilt $80 941-629-6429 7163 HYUNDAI 2010 HYUNDAI ACCENT $3,750. 3 Dr. HB., Auto, AC, PW, PL 86K, Well Maintained 732-887-4818 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA $8,990 RED, 91K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 HYUNDAI VELOSTER $12,990 BLACK 18K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA WAGON. 45K Mi. 1-Owner. 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Really Fun Car To Drive! Priced For Quick Sale. Calls Only No Text 941-276-3891 7190 MERCEDES 2014 MERCEDES-BENZ S550 $6,990 NAV, WHITE, 14K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 MERCEDES-BENZ C300W4 $19,990 WHITE, 25K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7195 MITSUBISHI 1999 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSESPYDER $7,500 45000 mi Auto garage kept VGC Senior owned. 941-391-6270 2008 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 2DR COUPE GS 73K MI LIKE NEW! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7135 SATURN PRO POWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 96 SC2 Coupe$1,399 00 SW2 Wagen$1,950 97 SW2 Wagen $2158 98 SW2 Wagen $2,195 RV Tow Ready 01 SL2 Sedan$2,395 05 Vue V6 $3,299 05 Vue 6cyl $4,300 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,400 07 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 09 Vue XE $7,188 08 Vue XE $8,399 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $8,900Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 2008 SATURN VUE $8,995 XE. 58K Mi. Immaculate! MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7145 ACURA 2014 ACURA MDX $29,990 NAV, BURGUNDY, 49K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2016 ACURA MDX $41,990 RED, 14K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7147 AUDI 2011 AUDI Q532PP $24,990 SILVER 31K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 AUDI A620T $28,990 NAV, BLUE 22K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7148 BMW 2013 BMW 335ICV $30,990 CONV, WHITE, 32K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7160 HONDA 2006 HONDA CIVIC $6,100 One owner, 48,800 miles 941-815-2199 2014 HONDA ACCORD-EXL $17,900 26K MI. White. All Leather, Moon Roof, Rearview & Sideview Cameras. Exc. Cond. 941-716-2427 2016 HONDA ACCORD $20,950 SPORT, RED, CERT, 19K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA CR-Z $20,950 EX, CERT, BLACK, 1,911 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CIVIC $21,477 EX-L 921 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $21,477 EX-L, CERT, WHITE, 35K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $21,897 EX-L, WHITE, 21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CIVIC $21,950 EX-L 4,282 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $22,477 EX-L, RED, 28K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $22,877 SPORT, CERT, 11K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $22,950 SPORT, BLK, CERT, 5,163 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA CR-V $23,950 EX, CERT, BLACK, 5,189 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $25,477 TOURING, CERT, 26K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2015 HONDA ACCORD $25,950TOURING, CERT, RED 15K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA ACCORD $25,977 EX-L BLUE, 16K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2016 HONDA PILOT $33,497 EX-L, WHITE, 21K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 2017 HONDA CR-V $34,635 TOURING, RED 659 MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7060 DODGE 2005 DODGE NEON $1,700 ONLY81K MILES! NEWTIRES. RUNSGOOD! 941-763-0609 2016 DODGE CHALLENGER $20,987 SXT, 13K MI 855-481-2060 DLR 7070 FORD FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! WELCOME TO OUR BRAND NEW WEBSITE! To Place a FREE Merchandise Ad Go to: Click on Place Ad. If You`ve Advertised Online with Us Before or Not Just Click Register and Follow the Prompts. FREE Ads are for Merchandise UNDER $500. and the Ad Must be Placed Online by You. One Item Per Ad, the Ad Must be 3 Lines or Less, Price Must Appear in the Ad. Your Ad Will Appear Online for 7 Days and in Print Wednesday ThroughSunday. Some Restrictions Do Apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter Your Classified Ad and Pay With Your Credit Card 24 Hours a Day, 7 Daysa Week. 7075 GMC 2012 GMC TERRAIN $18,990 GOLD 48K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7080 JEEP PRO POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd. Port Charlotte 1996 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,000 1998 Cherokee 4X4, auto, air $2,199 2000 Cherokee 4X4,auto, air $3,895 2001 Wrangler Sport $7,500 2001 Wrangler Sport, Lifted $10,999 2011 Wrangler Sport, $16,899 941-627-8822 7090 LINCOLN 2010 LINCOLN MKS $16,990 RED, 43K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 7100 MERCURY 1999 MERCURY COUGAR $2,000 Good Condition. 123K MI. 941-204-1475 2006 MERCURY MILAN $3,500 SE, 4Dr. Great Shape, Like New. 125K 941-391-5565 2007 MERCURY GRANDMARQUIS $7,990 GRAY, 22K MI 855-280-4707 DLR 2004 MERCURY GRANDMARQUIS MUST SEE CAR! ONLY 30K MI MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 7130 PONTIAC 2006 PONTIAC G6 $7,995 4Dr, SE Moonroof, Extra Sharp! 73K Mi MATTAS MOTORS 941-916-9222 DLR 2008 PONTIAC GRANDPRIX $8,990 SILVER, 52K MI 855-280-4707 DLR NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale!


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NEWCABINETS, UPGRADEDSS APPL, SANDSTONECOUNTER, SINK& BREAKFASTBAR, LARGENEUTRALCERAMICTILES, PLANTATIONSHUTTERS. BATHSREMODELED! LARGECLOSETS, STORAGEROOM, 2 LANAIS& LAUN-DRY. 1 COVERED& PLENTYOFPARKING! BIRDBAYVILLAGEOFFERSAVERY ACTIVECOMMUNITYW/ AMMENTITIESIE: EXECUTIVEGOLFCOURSE, NEW CLUB-HOUSE, POOLS, TENNIS, GYM, & BOARDWALKOVER-LOOKINGROBERT`SBAY/CURRYCREEK! A MUSTSEE! $162,900. 941-587-9114 OPEN SUN. 1PM-4PM OR BY APPT. PORT CHARLOTTE3424 Middletown St., FL LIFESTYLE IS EPITOMIZED IN THIS 1700 SF 2/2/2 CANAL-FRONT POOL HOME. WHOLEHOUSE ACCORDIAN HURRICANE SHUTTERS! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! CITY WATER! Solar-Heated Screened/Caged Pool Overlooking Tranquil Freshwater Canal.Quiet neighborhood featuring beautifulhomes with easy access to shopping, restaurants, world-class fishing andgolf. $199,900 Patty Gillespie, REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 SOUGHT-AFTER SECTION OF P.C. COASTAL CAPE HAZE CONDO OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 1-4 PM LRG2B/2BA, ONLY9 YRSOLDBUTTOTALLY REFURBISHEDALL NEWDESIGNERTROPICAL FURNITURE, HDWDFLOORS& TILE, FULLY ACCESSORIZEDTOLASTDETAIL. EVERYTHING NEW! TRUETURN-KEY. POO/SPA, TENNIS, CLUBHOUSE. LUXURYRES, VACATIONHOME, WINTER RETREATORRENTALW/UNBELIEVABLERENTAL HISTORY. $179,900. MINUTESTOBEACH/BAY. CALL941-769-0200-DIRECTIONS& GATECODE. LIKE NEW CONDO DEEP CREEK 26180 Copiapo Circle 33983Just Completed! New Construction! 3/2/3 + Den. 1875 sq. ft. Granite, Tile Floors, Wood Cabinets, Crown Moulding, Tray Ceilings. Loaded w/ Upgrades! $269,900. 239-826-5440 JUST COMPLETED!! New Custom Homes From $169,900. on Your Lot or Ours. Custom 3/2/2, 1600+ sf Classic Series. Prompt Delivery. Reliance Project Mgm`t Call Today For Plans & Your Tour! CGC#1512533 941-468-8300 ONLY $169,900!!!! PORT CHARLOTTE Sec 15 143 Appian Street 3/2.5/2 Pool Home, 2282 sqft., New Paint, Tile, Bathrooms, Cabinets, Lighting, S.S. Appliances, Large Fenced Lot, .50 acre, Hurricane shutters. Newer A/C. Was $314,000, Now $278,000 801-776-0059 $40,000 in IMPROVEMENTS NORTH PORT 1684 Ruiz St., Immaculate turn-key furnished '06 Windermere Ashwood Model. 1850 SF 3/2/2 with formal living room + family room, formal dining room + breakfast nook. Top-of-the-line furniture included, along with dishes, pots 'n pans, linens. All you need is your toothbrush and clothing and you're ready to start living the Florida Dream! $225K FIRM. REMAX Anchor Patty Gillespie 941-875-2755 SALE PENDING!! PORT CHARLOTTESQUEAKLYCLEAN3/2/1 WITHNEWROOF! QUICKACCESSTOWHATYOUNEED! GREATSTARTERHOMEOR2NDHOMEFORSNOWBIRDS. ALLAPPLI-ANCESSTAY. NICESCREENEDLANAI, PARTIALLYFENCED. $134,595. RICHARDLUNDGREN, HORIZONREALTYINTERNATIONAL941-276-0029 THIS ONE WON`T LAST!! DEEP CREEK INHERITAGEPARK3/3/2 2NDFLOORCONDO/VILLAW/ PHENOMENALLAKEVIEW. ELEVATOR, DEN, EAT-INKITCHENW/ BREAKFASTBAR, SIZABLEMASTERSUITESW/ TWINWALK-INCLOSETS. BRANDNEWCARPET! HTD. POOL, STUNNINGCLUBHOUSE, FITNESSCTR., TENNIS& MORE! $239,900. Sharon Kerr 941286-7315Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty PEACEFUL PUNTA GORDA!!!! PORT CHARLOTTE 12588 Chamberlain Blvd Light, bright, airy open floor plan in this 2006, 1600 SF 3/2/2 on oversized fullyfenced, Screened garage and front entry! Hurricane shutters! Extended granite counter tops, and breakfast bar! SS appl! All tile,except bedrooms! $199,900 Patty Gillespie Remax Anchor 941-875-2755 Park-Like Setting! REDUCED SIX ROTONDA WATERFRONT LOTS. ALLINNEWESTUPSCALEWHITEMARSHNEIGHBORHOOD. NO FLOOD ZONES FORECON.BUILDS& NOFLOODINSURANCE REQUIRED, FROM$32,900 941-769-0200 R O T O N D A W A T E R F R O N T 6289 Morning Ave. North Port This charming well kept 1969 home is located on the Big slough canal which opens into the Myakka River. A boaters dream home! Updated electric panel a/c and roof two years old still under warranty. 2,489 sq ft in total and 1,165 under air. Listed at $195,000. TERRYL CARL, KW on the Water 941-962-7922 WELL KEPT 3/2 Waterfront Home 4 BED, 3-1/2 BATH, OVERSIZED3-CARGARAGE, ANDLARGE ATTACHEDLUXURYGUESTAPARTMENT. 180 DEGREEVIEWS OVERWIDESTPARTOFLEMONBAY. NEWHIGHESTQUALITY DESIGNERPOOLANDSPAWITHCABANABATH. NEWHEAVY DUTYDOCK. THISDESIGNERINTENSIVEHOMESHOWSLIKEA FEATUREDPROPERTYINARCHITECTURALDIGEST. VIEW VIDEO & MORE AT: WWW.LEMONBAY.INFO$1,259,000 SHOWNBYAPPOINTMENTONLY. OWNERFINANCINGPOSSIBLE. 941-769-0200 ESTATEONLEMONBAY PUNTAGORDA, BURNTSTOREMEADOWS. BRANDNEW3/2.5/3 POOLHOME. LOTSOFUPGRADES! REDUCEDTO$339,900 BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY BRAND NEW HOME! PORT CHARLOTTE RIVERFRONT 3/2.5 FULLYFURNISHEDWATERFRONTCONDOBOASTINGPRIVATEGATEDGROUNDS, POOL, SPA, TROPICALLANDSCAPE. CLOSETOALL! WOODCABINETS, GRANITECOUNTERS, 1831 SF. PRIVATEWATERFRONTLANAI. PRIVATEDOCKSAVAILABLE$299,000. Elaine Martin, Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 TURN KEY CHARMER!!! PENDING!! 7460 Sawyer Circle 33981 Zoned Low Intensity Industrial. 300`+ Road Frontage & 298` Deep. 2100 SF Office Reception Area, Conferance Room, Open Office Space, Kitchen, Storage Rm. Fenced on 3 Lots. Asphalt Parking Area, & MORE! Seller Wants Offers!Sue Ellen Fumich, 941-276-2894 or Sandi Kettler 941-276-5534 Remax Anchor Realty PORT CHARLOTTEOPPORTUNITY!! THE BEST & MOST EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT LIVING IN CAPE HAZE/PLACIDA. GATED5-STAR RESORTSTYLELIVINGRIGHTONTHEBAYANDICW. ABSOLUTELYLIKENEW, VERYLARGE1,963 TOTALSQ. FT. 2BED/2.5 BATHS. TOTALLYHURRICANEPROOF, NEWER CONSTRUCTION. DESIGNERTURNKEYFURNISHED& ACCESSORIZED. FULLLAUNDRYANDGARAGE. HEATEDPOOL,TENNIS, FITNESSANDMORE! UNBELIEVABLEMONEY-MAKINGRENTALINCOME! ONLY$359,900. VIEW PHOTOS & MORE: WWW.LEMONBAY.INFOPOSSOWNERFINANCE941-769-0200 HACIENDA DEL MAR




Saturday, March 25, 2017ads.yoursun.netE/N/C/V The Sun Classified Page 31 PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2/2 WATERFRONTINC. DOCK& LIFTQUICKACCESSTOHARBOR! $189,900 BARBMCHENRY941-833-1667 COLDWELLBANKERSUNSTARREALTY WATERFRONT CONDO NORTH PORT 5289 Bullard St., ON HUGE LOT. 2-bedroom, 1-bath + den/office. NEW laminate floors, NEW roof, freshly re-stucco'd exterior, NEW electrical panel, NEW hot water heater, NEW carport, NEW kitchen range and microwave. Extended drive-way. Public water & sewer! Conveniently located near Warm Mineral Springs, shopping and restaurants. $104,900 Remax Anchor Patty Gillespie 941-875-2755 CONTRACT PENDING! DEEP CREEK Golf Course Only available new home on Deep Creek golf course. Gorgeous view, beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 car garage, 2,000 sq.ft. Completion date 4/17. $329k, 941-626-7682 NEW CONSTRUCTION DEEP CREEK-RARELY& LIGHTLYUSED3/2/CP ENDUNITCONDOSHOWSLIKENEW! SPACIOUS, NICELYAPPOINTEDKITCHENOFFERSLOTSOFCOUNTER& CABINETSPACE. VOLUMNCEILINGS, TILEBALCONYLANAI, HEATEDPOOL, CLUBHOUSE, FITNESSCENTER, WALKINGPATHS& MORE! $149,750. Sharon Kerr 941-286-7315 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty COMFORTABLE & PRIVATE!! NORTH PORT2509 CARTRIGHT LN.LOVINGLY MAINTAINED 1500 SF 3/2/2 with enclosed Lanai, Fully fenced corner lot in HIGHLY SOUGHT-AFTER AREA OF NORTH PORT, minutes to all amenities, schools, I-75. CITY WATER! NO DEED RESTRICTIONS! This house is devoted to everyday enjoyment in a choice neighborhood! $173,000Patty Gillespie REMAX Anchor 941-875-2755 PAMPERED BEAUTY! ROOMY COMFORT!REDUCED!! adno=8602997 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs 1998 28THOR Class C fully equipped, 4000 Watt Gen, Nice! low mi, $10,500 941-650-1258 7382 RV/CAMPER PARTS RVMATTRESS Queen Like new 74x58x6. $20 941-276-0215 AdvertiseToday! REESE SLIDING HITCH FOR 5th Wheel 16,000 lbs. MUST SELL! $250 941-575-1918 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs 2005 CLASSCToyhauler lots of new parts, great cond. Must See $32,000 obo 941-468-1606 2003 NATIONAL Seabreeze LX Class A, 35, 2 slides, many extras. Great Shape! $32,000 941-223-4368 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs WANTED All Motor Homes, TTs, 5th whls,Vans conversion & passenger, cars & Diesel trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 954-789-7530 I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs MOTORHOMESHUGESELECTION TOPBRANDSFORESTRIVERCOACHMENTHOR& WINNEBAGONOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 LAKELAND 940 LAKELANDPARKCT. DR. I-4 EXIT32, LAKELAND877-668-0129 BRADENTON 6120 SR 64 E, BRADENTONI-75 EXIT220B 941-417-8020 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM CLASS B HEADQUARTERS LARGEST SELECTIONINUSA!ROADTREK MIDWESTPLEASUREWAYWINNEBAGO/COACHMENLEISURETRAVELREGENCYANDMORE! NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 LAKELAND 940 LAKELANDPARKCT. DR. I-4 EXIT32, LAKELAND877-668-0129 BRADENTON 6120 SR 64 E, BRADENTONI-75 EXIT220B 941-417-8020 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM NEEDCASH? 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS 2015 RIVERSIDE RV Retro 24. Exc. Cond. Large Bathroom $16,500 941-232-1276 2 012 CEDAR CREEK M odel 3 6RE, 40 5th wheel, 3 s lides, 2 Tvs, Washer dryer combo, Auto level, Electric Awning, Non smoker, $ 35,000 423-312-8207 C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s 7380 MOTOR HOMES / RVs SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,000. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. 2009 Smart Car, Ready to Tow!! $5,349 THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. TURN YOUR RV INTO CASHSell it! Consign it! Trade it!NOWSERVING3 LOCATIONSGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 LAKELAND 940 LAKELANDPARKCT. DR. I-4 EXIT32, LAKELAND877-668-0129 BRADENTON 6120 SR 64 E, BRADENTONI-75 EXIT220B 941-417-8020 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM 7360 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS HARLEY SADDLEBAG picnic cooler with plates etc. new $50, OBO 941-204-3274 HARLEY PICNIC blanket or hang on wall new nice logo $25, OBO 941-204-3274 19 84 HONDA GL1200 Aspe ncade w/Trike Attach ment. 36,769 Miles in Good Condition. Call Donata or Ja ck to View 941-875-4744 or 941-661-9776 $2,500 7361MOTORCYLCE ACCESS. BOOTS LADIES HD Black, zip-up Part, #81751, size 8M, in box. $30 941-662-6323 7370 CAMPERS/ TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS Huge Selection Top Brands Forest River Coachmen Heartland Dutchmen Palomino PumaTab CrossroadsGERZENYS R.V. WORLD FAMILYOWNED/SINCE1977NOKOMIS 2110 US 41, NOKOMISI-75 EXIT195 941-202-6422 LAKELAND 940 LAKELANDPARKCT. DR. I-4 EXIT32, LAKELAND877-668-0129 BRADENTON 6120 SR 64 E, BRADENTONI-75 EXIT220B 941-417-8020 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM


Page 32 The Sun Classified E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 25, 2017 VENICE 725 El Dorado Drive Edie Lomason 941-320-6298 N5911780 $1,750,000 PLACIDA 285 Green Dolphin Drive Randy & Joni McLendon 941-504-5675 D5908965 $1,124,000 PUNTA GORDA 2035 Jamaica Way Jennifer Calenda 941-916-0798 C7217690 $1,499,000 LOCALLY KNOWN. GLOBALLY CONNECTED. VENICE 8 Pine Breeze Lane Elizabeth Burr 941-855-1142 D5916464 $2,100,000 PORT CHARLOTTE 109 Graham Street Sw Sandra Limberger 239-898-5238 C7234727 $850,000 PUNTA GORDA 3967 Crooked Island Drive Debra Gurin 941-875-3242 C7232658 $973,500 VENICE 231 Nolen Drive Jim Litton 941-822-9648 D5916378 $367,700 PUNTA GORDA 25458 Aysen Drive Genevieve Ramachandran 941-268-1511 C7234138 $359,000 PUNTA GORDA 3313 Sunset Key Circle 402 Ken & Sue Parr 941-916-1252 C7236886 $350,000 NORTH PORT 2788 Royal Palm Drive Sheila Meeks 941-661-2257 C7225318 $334,900 PLACIDA 11000 Placida Road 1904 Debi Benson 941-815-5969 D5915106 $725,000 PLACIDA 30 Buccaneer Bend Carol Stewart 941-276-1162 D5914455 $647,500 ENGLEWOOD 476 Dover Circle Sharon Rodgers 941-716-7731 D5916991 $575,000 VENICE 357 Turtleback Crossing Martha Pike 941-716-4392 N5910782 $539,500 PUNTA GORDA 16691 San Edmundo Road Sandra Limberger 941-347-8022 C7233076 $495,000 VENICE 1933 Innisbrook Court Robert Brooker 941-445-0861 N5912040 $378,400 VENICE 23237 Banbury Way 402 Robin Sullivan 941-467-4210 N5909948 $255,000 ENGLEWOOD 1195 Brown Street Laura Bennawy 941-416-3132 N5911956 $225,000 NORTH PORT 4401 Turnberry Circle James Callahan 941-676-0901 D5917602 $214,000 ROTONDA WEST 38 Bunker Place Christina Sexton 941-270-2154 D5915345 $212,000 VENICE 19830 Quisto Street Joan McMahon 941-306-9353 N5911664 $329,900 PUNTA GORDA 3329 Sunset Key Circle 106 Jennifer Calenda 941-916-0798 C7218885 $299,900 PUNTA GORDA 1765 Jamaica Way 302 Karen Brown 941-380-2820 C7234643 $279,900 VENICE 139 Braemar Avenue Scott Johnston 941-232-5482 N5912234 $260,000 OSPREY 554 Dove Pointe Rosalie Phillips 941-544-4430 A4179513 $979,000 PORT CHARLOTTE 12438 Prather Avenue Bob Lorence 239-682-2106 N5912173 $1,000,000 MSC MORTGAGE | MSC TITLE | MS&C COMMERCIAL NEW HOMES & CONDOMINIUMS | RENTAL888.552.5228 michaelsaunders.comLICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKEROPEN HOUSES SUNDAYS 1Â…4 SUNDAY'S OPEN HOUSESENGLEWOOD 1063 Newton Street. $417,900. Robin Sullivan. 941-467-4210. N5912221 348 Ardenwood Drive. $349,900. Yvonne Wolf. 941-855-1566. D5917144 508 Boxwood Lane. $270,000. Anna Wagenseil. 941-441-8685. D5915395 8 N Buena Vista Avenue. $135,000. Ron Paul. 941-483-0866. N5910084 NOKOMIS/NORTH VENICE 516 Tamiami Trail S 202. $449,000. Bob Moffatt & Peggy Wellman. 941-232-3370. A4125646 233 Monet Drive. $345,000. Wayne Ruby. 941-258-2276. N5911777 164 Inlets Boulevard 164. $279,950. Marilyn Tibball. 941-350-1832. N5911237 PLACIDA 550 Coral Creek Drive. $1,195,000. Cone Darnell. 941-585-7561. D5917129 PORT CHARLOTTE 13978 Royal Pointe Drive. $775,000. Dee Dee Zor. 614-3302210. D5912286 PUNTA GORDA 17131 Barcrest Lane. $405,000. Rick Stewart. 239-292-3108. C7232384 VENICE 417 Nokomis Avenue S. $525,000. Michelle Hupp. 941-773-5464. N5909719 415 Nokomis Avenue 419. $520,000. Michelle Hupp. 941773-5464. N5911783 527 Pennyroyal Place. $419,000. Robin Vaccai. 941-716-9867. N5912065 4967 Bella Terra Drive. $389,900. Troy Haynes. 941-306-7541. N5910772 103 Wayforest Drive. $350,000. Susan Brooker. 941-223-6055. N5910587 488 Summerfield Way. $350,000. Susan Brooker. 941-223-6055. N5912016 704 Riviera Street. $337,000. Carol Elliott. 941-451-4033. N5910105 119 Woodbridge Drive 102. $249,000. Scott Johnston. 941-2325482. N5912039 108 Gondola Park Drive 108BLG. $239,900. Stephanie Silva. 941448-8100. N5912099 1195 S Venice Boulevard. $209,000. Tammy Kitt. 941-284-7274. N5911512 947 Wexford Boulevard 947. $185,000. Ford Utton. 941-4417765. N5912001 458 Cerromar Road 385. $169,000. Bambi Utton. 941-228-4881. N5912197 adno=8533422


A special publication of Sun Coast Media Group, Inc.Serving Southwest Florida outdoor enthusiasts $ 5


WEEKLY MAGAZINE BoatingAnd 23170 Harborview Road Port Charlotte, FL 33980CUST. SERVICE & SUBSCRIPTIONS941-206-1300PUBLISHERJOSH OLIVE941-276-9657Publisher@WaterLineWeekly.comMARKETINGAdvertising DirectorLeslee Peth941-205-6400LPeth@sun-herald.comAdvertising ManagerMike Ruiz941-205-6402MRuiz@sun-herald.comAdvertising SalesLaura Speer FISHING EXPERTSCapt. Ralph Allen Capt. Billy BartonPuntaGordaFishingCharter.comFishin Frank Capt. Josh Greer Capt. Van Hubbard Robert Lugiewicz Capt. Mike Myers Capt. Cayle Wills Produced & printed by Sun Coast Media Group TABLE OF CONTENTS Do you need a license to go fishing? .............................................................Page 4 Make the tide work for you ...........................................................................Page 6 What does brackish really mean? ..................................................................Page 8 Braid or mono? ...........................................................................................Page 10 Choosing & outfitting the perfect boat .......................................................Page 12 Conservation: Its not really our choice, its our duty ...................................Page 14 Cork it! ........................................................................................................Page 15 Whats a grassflat? ......................................................................................Page 16 Live bait, no net required ............................................................................Page 17 Fishing the reefs..........................................................................................Page 18 Leaders explained .......................................................................................Page 19 Your map of Southwest Florida fishing spots ...............................Starts on page 20 Tiny fish, big fun .........................................................................................Page 21 How to take a great fishing photo ...............................................................Page 23 The magic of slush ......................................................................................Page 25 What is suction feeding? .............................................................................Page 27 Bye-bye, barb ..............................................................................................Page 30 I never see tailing redfish...........................................................................Page 32 Dreaming of silver .......................................................................................Page 34 That sinking feeling ....................................................................................Page 35 Let em live ..................................................................................................Page 36 Whos holding that fishing rod? ..................................................................Page 36 Pier fishing basics .......................................................................................Page 38 Grouper mysteries .......................................................................................Page 39 You can fly here, too....................................................................................Page 40 Hiring a good guide ....................................................................................Page 41 Get started on the reefs ..............................................................................Page 42 Seasons in the sun ......................................................................................Page 43 Choose your weapon ...................................................................................Page 44 Freshwat er opportunities ............................................................................Page 45 How to hook a bait ......................................................................................Page 46 Love that porgy rig ......................................................................................Page 47 Picking the perfect fisghing rod ..................................................................Page 48 Check out the canals ...................................................................................Page 49 Dissecting a mangrove shoreline ................................................................Page 50 Fishing the lights ........................................................................................Page 51 An anglers glossary ....................................................................................Page 52 5th Day Adventures ........................................................................Page 55 Abels Marine ...................................................................................Page 7 Ammilvets Foundation ...................................................................Page 35 Bennett Marine Construction .........................................................Page 10 The Boat House .........................................................................Page 23,55 Burnt Store Marina .........................................................................Page 21 Charlotte RV & Marine ...................................................................Page 56 Charlotte RV Storage ......................................................................Page 42 Charlotte Upholstery & Canvas Service ..........................................Page 56 D&D Awnings ............................................................................Page 32,54 Do All Dockside Marine Service ......................................................Page 48 Ingman Marine ................................................................................Page 3 Fine Bait & Tackle ...........................................................................Page 50 The Fish Coach ...............................................................................Page 28 Fishermens Village Marina ........................................................Page 43,55 Fishin Franks .................................................................................Page 19 Franks Engine Rebuilding ..............................................................Page 52 Fort Myers Marine ..........................................................................Page 13 Gasparilla Marina ...................................................................Page 5,54,55 Gasparilla Marina Marine Service Center........................................Page 47 Goodtimes Boat Rental ..................................................................Page 15 Gulf Island Sails ..............................................................................Page 46 Gulick Associates ............................................................................Page 50 J&E Marine Contractors ..................................................................Page 53 J&J One-Stop Gun Shop .................................................................Page 17 Kleen All Boats ..........................................................................Page 25,54 Marine Contracting Group .........................................................Page 41,55 MarineMax Venice/Cape Haze ..............................................Page 30,54,55 Nokomis Beach Bait & Tackle ....................................................Page 39,54 Outdoor Republic ...........................................................................Page 51 Peters Knife Shop ..........................................................................Page 52 Pier One Yacht Sales .......................................................................Page 37 Pineapple Storage .....................................................................Page 49,54 Pops Port-O-Call Ti ki Bar ................................................................Page 15 Port Charlotte Yacht Club ...............................................................Page 27 Punta Gorda Yacht Brokers .............................................................Page 46 QMaxx ............................................................................................Page 44 Radio WaterLine .............................................................................Page 11 Roys Trailer Country ..................................................................Page 36,55 Safe Passage Maritime ...................................................................Page 48 Seams To Be Upholstery .................................................................Page 44 SeaTow ...........................................................................................Page 45 T-N-T Bait & Tackle .........................................................................Page 53 Stump Pass Marina ..........................................................................Page 9 Underwater Fish Light ...................................................................Page 40 Waterway Boat Lift Covers .............................................................Page 38 West Coast Trailer ...........................................................................Page 46 ADVERTISER INDEX Anyone whos been “shing in Southwest Florida more than once or twice quickly realizes that there is a lot to learn about being an angler here. There are so many dierent species to target and so much water where you can “sh. Then when you start adding in variables „ for example, time of year, water temperature, weather conditions, tide height and direction „ the sheer number of possibilities you might encounter in any given day on the water can easily become overwhelming. And I didnt even mention all the laws and regulations that you have to deal with. If thats the boat youre in right now, I have good news „ it does eventually get a little easier and start to make some sense. But Id be lying if I told you that youll know it all someday. The cold, hard truth is that no one does, and no one can. I myself choose to look at this as a good thing. I like learning, and being a Southwest Florida angler means I can spend my whole life “shing here and never run out of things to learn. Before you can run, you have to be able to walk. This publication is designed to ensure that youre walking on solid ground as you climb the local “shing learning curve. If youre just getting started, the articles here will get you o on the right foot. For those of you who already have some angling experience in the area, this will serve as a reference, reminding you of some things you already know and helping you put together some pieces so the puzzle makes more sense. If youve been “shing here for the last 20 years, you can probably still pick up a thing or two by reading through this guide. I am continually reminded by how amazing our waters truly are and how lucky we are to live within easy distance of their shores. If you live to “sh, there are precious few places that would make better homes. Each of us who loves and enjoys Charlotte Harbor and the surrounding waterways has a responsibility to do what he can to ensure that the quality of the habitat and the “shing remain high, so those who come after us will have the same opportunity to fall in love with this incredible and unique environment. „ Josh Olive, WaterLine Publisher A NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER WaterLine photo by Josh OliveAre they experts? No, they are not. But theyre having fun, and thats what really matters. Lots to learn


2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 3 Boat Sales Open 7 Days A Week All Locations! Boat Sales Open 7 Days A Week All Locations! Repower Specialists Repower Specialists Call KG 7 Days a Week Call KG 7 Days a Week 941-628-5000 941-628-5000 O v e r 5 0 M o t o r s I n S t o c k Fully-staffed Gel Coat and Fiberglass Repair, Restoration, and Fabrication Department. Specializing in Minor, Structural and Accident Repairs. PONTOON BOATS When You When You Want The Best Want The Best FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED FOR OVER 35 YEARS IN CHARLOTTE COUNTY We Have 13 Premi um Boat Li nes! We Have 13 Premi um Boat Li nes! SARASOTA 8311 N. Tamiami Trail, 941-360-0088 PORT CHARLOTTE 1189 Tamiami Trail 941-255-1555 PLACIDA 15001 Gasparilla Rd 941-697-1000 PINE ISLAND 16501 Stringfellow Rd. 239-558-2309 N. FORT MYERS 14531 N. Cleveland Ave. 239-599-9069 adno=50512744

PAGE 99 • Page 4 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing Shutterstock photoFlorida residents 65 years and older dont need a shing license, but theyll still need to sign up for the Gulf Reef Fish Survey if theyre headed out to look for grouper. The short answer: Probably, unless youre under 16 years old or a Florida resident over 65 years old (youll have to prove it, so keep proof of age and address with you, or you can get a no-cost “shing certi“cate from your county tax collectors oce). But theres a long list of exceptions from the license requirement. If you “t one of these exemptions, you dont need a license: You are a Florida resident certi“ed as totally and permanently disabled AND you possess a Florida Resident Disabled Person Hunting and Fishing Certi“cate. You are a resident who is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, you are not stationed in this state, and you are home on leave for 30 days or less, upon submission of orders. You are a resident who is “shing with live or natural bait, using poles or lines that are not equipped with a “shing-line-retrieval mechanism, and you are “shing for noncommercial purposes in your home county. However, you must have a valid “shing license to “sh by any method in a “sh management area. This does not apply to any form of netting, nor to shell“sh, lobster, crabs or shrimp. You have been accepted as a client for developmental disabilities services by the Department of Children and Family Services. The department must furnish proof to such clients. The following exemptions apply to only freshwater anglers: You “sh in your county of residence on your homestead or the homestead of your spouse or minor child, or if you are a minor child “shing on the homestead of your parent. You are “shing in a “sh pond of 20 acres or less which is located entirely within the private property of its owner. A “sh pond is a man-made pond constructed for the primary purpose of “shing, entirely within the property lines of the owner and with no surface water connection to public waters. You are “shing in a “sh pond of 20 acres or more, whose owner has purchased a “sh pond license at a fee of $3 per surface acre. You possess a Resident Freshwater Commercial Fishing License. You are “shing during Free Fishing Weekend (the “rst weekend of April). The following exemptions apply only to saltwater anglers: You “sh from a for-hire vessel (guide, charter, party boat) that has a valid vessel license. You “sh from a vessel, the operator of which has a valid vessel license issued in the name of the operator of the vessel. You “sh for recreational purposes from a pier with a valid pier saltwater “shing license. You have a valid saltwater products license. You “sh for mullet in fresh water and you have a valid Florida freshwater “shing license. You are a resident who is saltwater “shing from land or a structure “xed to land who has been determined eligible for the food stamp, temporary cash assistance, or Medicaid Program by the Department of Children and Family Services. Proof of identi“cation and a bene“t issuance or program identi“cation card issued by DCFS or the Agency for Health Care Administration must be on your person when “shing. Until August 2009, Florida residents saltwater “shing from shore or any land-based structure didnt need a license. Now you do, but the license is free. However, note that since you need a license, you will need a lobster or snook permit if you want to harvest those species in season. The shore “shing license covers wade “shing, but only if you dont take a boat to your wading location. That means if you take the ferry to Palm Island and then “sh from the beach, you need a regular saltwater license. If you already have a regular saltwater “shing license, you dont need a shore license, too „ youre already covered. The free shore license is for residents only „ nonresidents must purchase a regular license even if “shing only from shore. For more information on “shing licenses or to buy one online, visit GOING REEF FISHING?Even if youre over 65, youll still need to sign up for the states Gulf Reef Fish Survey. Its mandatory for all anglers shing in the Gulf of Mexico from a private boat, and planning to harvest, possess or land any of the following reef sh: Red and vermilion snapper; gag, black and red grouper; gray triggersh; greater and lesser amberjack; banded ruddersh; and almaco jack. Sign up to participate in the survey at License., by calling 888-FISHFLORIDA (347-4356) or in person at your local tackle store or tax collectors oce. The process is easy and wont cost you a dime. LICENSE FEESRecreational licenses and permits for residents and nonresidents are available at county tax collectors oces. In addition, you can buy them from subagents, such as sporting goods stores or other retailers that sell hunting or shing equipment; on the Internet and by phone. All license, permit and issuance fees are subject to change by the legislature. State law guarantees all money from sale of shing licenses goes to the FWC to help fulll its mission of managing sh and wildlife resources for their long-term well-being and the benet of people.Ž Resident Salt water OR Fres hwater F ishing: $17/year, $79/5 years Resident Salt water/Fres hwater F ishing Combo: $32.50/year Resident Saltwater Shoreline License: Free Lifetime Saltwater (includes Snook and Lobster perrmits) OR Fres hwater F ishing License 4 years or younger: $126.50 5-12 years: $226.50 13 years or older: $301.50 Nonresident 3-Day Freshwater OR Saltwater Fishing: $17 Nonresident 7-Day Freshwater OR Saltwater Fishing: $30 Nonresident Annual Freshwat er OR S altwater Fishing: $47

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 5 Southwest Floridas Premier Full Service Marina P Capacity for 1000+boats Dry Storage up to 75 feet Boat Rentals Wet Slips up to 80 feet 24 hour Security Ship Store Bait Shop Showers/laundry On-Site Sales & Service Fuel Dock Waterside Grill open 6:30am-11:00pm adno=50511157 Waterside Grill open 8:00am-10:00pm Service Center w/70 Ton Lift (See ad for Service Center in this issue for details) On Site Sales

PAGE 101 • Page 6 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing One of the toughest things for new Southwest Florida anglers to “gure out is tides. The mysterious and hard-to-predict rise and fall really throws many of them for a loop. But tides are something it really pays to get a handle on, because if you can make the tides work for you, it will help you catch a lot more “sh. Tides are not that hard to understand if you are a bass “sherman. Think about it: If you “sh a lake on a regular basis, when you have a lot of rain and the water levels come way up, the bass move up into the grass and places they can not normally go. As the water level falls back to normal, the bass move to their usual locations around the shoreline. If the water in the lake happens to get very low, the bass move into deeper water. The only dierence is that here we have this happen almost every day. As the tide rises and falls, the “sh will move around „ just like the bass on a lake. The thing to remember is you want to go on the ”ats at low tide. After low tide, the water comes in, meaning you will get more in those shallow areas and you will be able to get out from wherever you happen to be. If you go in at high tide, the waters outgoing and getting shallower as time goes by, so you may be stuck for a while. Now “sh know the tides and will follow the rising water as it comes in back into the creeks and shallow areas, so its a good idea to “sh the mouth of a small creek at low tide. As the water rises, the “sh will go up farther into the creek, maybe out of your reach. But after high tide when the water is falling, Ill often sit at the mouth of a creek waiting for the “sh to come back out. Lets jump to the middle for a minute. Slack tide „ yes, that time during the day when the water just is not moving. That is the kiss of death for ”ats “shing. You need moving water. So do you go take a lunch break? Nope; just go to a reef. Reefs can oer very good “shing during slack tides. When the water is moving, the “sh are facing into the current. Like most wild animals, “sh have a great sense of smell and like to smell what is coming at them. So during slack tide the “sh will mill about in all directions, giving you a better chance of them “nding your bait. This is a good time for sheepshead or mangrove snapper. Even gag grouper have been known to hit better during this time. Now we come to the change of tides. Sorry for the inconvenience, but nature is not run on a time table. The tide chart might say 1 p.m., but that really means 1-ish. Weather conditions, especially wind, play a role in exactly when it tides starts to move. The turn of the tide can be the best possible time to “sh. Once the water starts to go the other way, it begins to stir up all of the stu which settled when the tide pushed it the other way. Small creatures like tiny crabs and shrimp get swept up, so the pin“sh and other small predators start feeding „ followed by the larger “sh that you want to catch. Water movement on the ”ats is key to having a good day catching rather then a good day “shing. Moving water carries small creatures along with it, which brings the red“sh, snook, trout, and even the stingrays (which stir up the bottom even more). It all happens when the water is moving. Tidal ”ow determines not only when “sh feed but where. Ambush hunters will pick a place where the currant will bring bait by, like between two islands. Where there is a large body of water that mostly blocked by island and has to ”ow through a small cut, the current is intensi“ed. Bait“sh, shrimp and crabs get carried through such areas, sometimes in huge numbers. Lots of “sh will lay in wait at this type of place. So I position my boat a long cast (at least 40 feet back, so I dont spook the “sh) in front of the gap between the islands and cast a bait with no sinker or weights. We call it freelining, because the bait is free to move with the current. Ill cast right at the mouth of the cut then leave my bail open, letting the line get sucked between the islands, which drags my bait right to the “sh. Another good way to “sh a cut like that is with a ”oat. If I know the depth of the cut, I will set my bobber so the bait is about 6 inches o of the bottom and cast to the side of the cut. Again, I leave my bail open to feed line out as the ”oat takes my bait right along the edge or side of the cut. One key dierence is that when Im free-lining a bait, I go towards the middle, hoping to bring the “sh out to me because otherwise my line will get tangled in whatever branches or debris might be along the edge. When I use a ”oat, I can see the drift my its taking and can adjust by swinging my rodtip toward or away from any obstructions. If Im using lures, Ill cast upcurrent and try to work the lure as close to the edge of the cut as possible. Fish prefer to hang out close to structure like roots or branches hanging in the water. I think this is from when they were little, being ready to escape a larger predator by running around the branches in a life-ordeath game of Ring Around The Rosie.Ž Fishing with the tide is also a useful (really, I guess you could say necessary) thing if youre trying to “sh a bridge. Use the tide to get your bait where you need it, keeping in mind that almost every “sh is looking into the tide trying to smell whats out there in front of them. One bridge technique I like to use when the current is stronger is to cast a free-lined bait at the bridge, allowing it be carried up close to a piling. Once the bait is where I want it, I let out another 3 feet of line and place a sliding sinker on the line. It will fall to the bottom, dragging my bait down below the surface. As the tide continues to run, the sinker will work its way closer to my bait. This is the cool part: My bait gets a little closer to the bottom every few minutes, covering the entire water column from top to bottom. It takes a lot of water ”ow to make this work, but it works really well under those conditions. Until you get a feel for them, tides can make “shing here dicult to “gure out. But once you “gure out how to use them to your advantage, youll look forward to those days with lots of tidal ”ow „ because those will probably be your best days on the water.Fishin Franks Bait & Tackle is located at 4425-D Tamiami Trail in Charlotte Harbor and at 14531 N. Cleveland Ave. in North Fort Myers. Call 941-625-3888 for more information about the shop or for local shing info, or visit them online at WaterLine “le photoExperienced local shermen like Capt. Ralph Allen know that tide is a huge factor in catching big snook. Actually, its important for all local saltwater shing. BY FISHIN’ FRANK

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 7 Serving the Area Boater since 2003 Serving the Area Boater since 2003 Factory Authorized € Certified € Trained Sales & Service Were ready„Were willing„Were Abel. A u t h o r ized D ea ler MAG I C T IL T Trai ler s Abels Marine 7341 Sawyer Circle, Port Charlotte, FL 33981 941-698-4006 2010 2009-2015 We are the NEW Tahoe Luxury Pontoon Dealer Tahoe Luxury Pontoon Dealer and have several models in stock. Serving Sarasota, Charlotte, Lee, Desoto and Hardee Counties. adno=50512747

PAGE 103 • Page 8 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing Charlotte Harbor is an estuary. Estuaries are formed where a river meets the sea. In this case, its actually three rivers: The Peace, the Myakka and the Caloosahatchee. The rivers carry fresh water. The Gulf of Mexico is salty seawater. Where they mix, we “nd brackish water. A lot of people assume that brackishŽ means water is polluted or murky or somehow degraded. This isnt true at all. Brackish water simply has a salt content less than seawater (about 35 parts per thousand) and more salt than fresh water (about 0.5 ppt). In the brackish range, we have low brackish (up to about 10 ppt) and high brackish (10 to 35 ppt). The mix of species found in a particular area will change as the salt content changes. Thats the simple explanation. The followup question „ Where is the line between fresh, salt and brackish? „ is just a bit tougher to answer. Its a gradient at all times, with fresher water upstream and saltier water as you near the open Gulf. At the height of the dry season, usually in late spring, the Harbor is at its saltiest. If you were to taste a drop of water from the yacht basin at Fishermens Village in Punta Gorda (which I absolutely do not recommend), it would be quite salty „ almost as salty as a drop of Gulf water. If you were to return in the rainy season when the rivers are running strongly (lets say an average September day), the water would taste salt-free. What this illustrates is that there is no line that can be drawn on a map to separate salt, brackish and fresh waters. It changes depending on how much rain weve been having. Normally we see saltier conditions inshore in winter, but not always: The winter of 2015-16 was unusually rainy, and the Harbors water was mostly fresh all the way to the Gulf passes. Salt and fresh water do not mix easily. When river ”ow is heavy, the fresh water will often ”ow over the top of heavier salt water, forming a freshwater lens. During these conditions, its possible to have fresh water at the surface and nearly full-strength seawater at the bottom. We see that in Charlotte Harbor sometimes when the rivers are running at or near ”ood stage. Because our rivers ”ow though many miles of forested, swampy areas, the water is tinted yellow to brown by the tannins in decaying vegetation. Its the exact same chemicals that color tea or coee. It doesnt make the water muddy or murky „ dip up a glassful, and its clear, not cloudy. Brackish water is actually the key to to Charlotte Harbors productivity. The rivers carry nutrients from land runo to the nutrient-poor ocean. The Gulf is full of “sh and crustaceans that need places to grow up. Put those together, and you get rich nursery habitat that provides opportunities to many hundreds of species. If the river ”ows were shut o, the water would get a lot clearer „ but much of the Harbor would become a hyper-saline dead backwater within a few years. Sounds like a lousy trade to me. Brackish water is important to all sorts of wildlife, such as this diamondback terrapin. Terrapins are the turtles used in Maryland turtle soup, and also the turtles for which Turtle Bay was named. Shutterstock photosTarpon are well-known for their ability to live in waters with wide-ranging salinity. WHERE FISH LIKE TO BEFISH THAT PREFER FRESH WATER: L argemouth bass, crappie, bluegill, bullhead cat“sh, channel cat“sh, fat snook FISH THAT PREFER BRACKISH WATER: Mullet, Goliath grouper (juvenile), mangrove snapper (juvenile), Gulf killi“sh, black drum, hardhead cat“sh, swordspine snook, mojarra, bonnethead shark, Gulf ”ounder, pin“sh, pompano, red“sh (juvenile), spotted seatrout FISH THAT PREFER SALT WATER: Mack erel, Goliath grouper (adult), mangrove snapper (adult), red grouper, barracuda, blacktip shark, southern ”ounder, permit, southern stingray, red“sh (adult) FISH THAT JUST DONT CARE: T arpon, common snook, rainwater killi“sh, Mayan cichlid, tilapia, bull shark, Atlantic stingray

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 9 adno=50512927

PAGE 105 € Page 10 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing WaterLine photo by Josh OliveBraided superlines are great, but theyre not magical „ and they can be problematic on reels that werent made for using them. Braid or mono? By now, most Southwest Florida anglers are using braided line on at least some of their reels. It makes sense, because braid has multiple advantages. No memory means it doesnt form big loops coming o the reels spool. Very little stretch means superior sensitivity, both in working lures and in feeling bites. Smaller diameter means longer casts. But its not perfect. Its tough and strong but has terrible abrasion resistance. (If you dont believe that, take a couple feet of 20-pound mono and 50-pound braid. Stretch them taut between your hands and rub them across a sharp piece of metal. Guarantee the braid fails “rst.) The low stretch means you can rip hooks out of soft-mouthed “sh like trout and mackerel. The small diameter means it can bury into line on your spool under heavy drag pressure, especially on conventional reels. And its more visible to “sh. So whats the solution? Use braid when it makes sense, always with a ”uorocarbon or mono“lament leader for shock absorption, lower visibility and abrasion resistance. Use mono when it makes sense, such as for trolling (where a little stretch is a good thing) or with older rods and reels that werent made for braid. adno=50512921 SEAWALLS € BOAT DOCKS € BOAT LIFTS Serving the Gulf Coast since 1961Ž Call 941-679-3882 € Englewood FREE ESTIMATES License # SCC131151676 License # AAA005866

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing € Page 11

PAGE 107 • Page 12 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing Theres a lot of water to “sh in Southwest Florida, and most of it is going to be really hard to get to without a boat. But having the wrong kind of boat can be just as frustrating as having no boat at all „ maybe even worse, because you can get tantalizing close to where you want to be but not quite reach it. Before you can pick a boat, you have to “gure out what kind of “shing you want to do. The ideal boat would handle 8-foot seas with no problem while also running in 4 inches on the ”ats, but no one has “gured out how to do that. Instead, youre going to have to live in the real world with the rest of us and pick your compromises. If youre going to be an inshore “sherman, youll “nd that a lot of the best action is on the ”ats, so youll want a boat that runs skinny. Here, a draft of less than 10 inches is ideal. Most ”ats boat in the 17to 20 foot range, from wellknown makers like Hewes and Action Craft, can accommodate your needs. While there are lots of things you can add to such a boat, some of them just get in the way. Towers, T-tops, Biminis, rocket launcher rod holders „ I dont want any of that stu. Strip it down. Less is more. Among the things you will need is a trolling motor. Look for a 24-volt model, because the battery life is much better than with the 12-volt versions. Most of these will have at least 70 to 80 pounds of thrust, which is sucient for most ”ats boats. Remotes can be handy, but its also something else to break. Think about whether you really need one, or if manually operating it might not work just as well. Youll probably also want a jackplate to lift the engine and trim tabs to help balance the boat out. The jackplate is most useful when youre idling, not when youre running, but its very useful on the ”ats. Instead of trimming the engine, which pushes the stern down, the jackplate lifts the whole assembly. That keeps your prop at the correct angle, allowing you to run shallower without cutting the grass. An electric or hydraulic anchor pin can be useful to help hold the boat in one place. But there are low-tech solutions that work about as well and cost a whole lot less. If you have limited upper-body strength, the powered versions are for you. But dont feel deprived if you only have one; the guys with twins on the back are mostly just showing o. Youre de“nitely going to want a livewell if you do any bait “shing at all. I want one that holds at least 25 gallons so I can temporarily stash a bigger “sh in there if I have to. A round one (or at least rounded corners) keeps your bait healthy better. A big drain and a big pump to keep up are important so you have lots of circulation and the intake or outlet wont get clogged with grass or debris. These boats are too small for “shboxes, so youll want a quality cooler. Get a nice one that wont fall apart and will actually keep cold things cold. Dont keep buying cheap ones. And a good roto-molded cooler is also sturdy enough to double as a casting platform. You need a way to store tackle. Rod storage under the gunnels is convenient and yet out of the way. If you keep your rods in holders alongside the cockpit, theyre in the way when youre casting and “ghting “sh. Built-in tackle storage is over-rated and quickly becomes a mess. Carry a tackle bag you can take out at night and organize in the garage. Now, the priorities in an oshore boat are a bit dierent. Out on the open Gulf, draft doesnt matter, but size does. Big boats are a lot better in big seas, and a boat 27 to 35 feet long is about right for serious oshore “shermen. Id also look for one at least 9 or 10 feet wide. Broad-beamed boats are slower, but “shing out of it will be a lot more comfortable. Many boat in this size range are diesel inboards. You can make an argument for eciency with this setup, but I still like outboards. Theyre easier to swap out if theres trouble, theyre easier and cheaper to maintain, you dont have diesel fumes, and they seem to be faster. You can go with diesel inboards if you really want to, but for this size boat twin or triple outboards beat the inboards up. Take it up to 40 feet, and Im a lot more likely to look at inboards. Good electronics are everything to an oshore angler. The best sonar you can aord will make reading the bottom and “nding “sh so much easier. Actually, I recommend getting one a little better than you can aord and eating beans for a few months. Dont cheap out on the transducers, either. Radar is also important, so you dont die. If you dont know how to read the radar, maybe a satellite weather setup would be better. GPS? Yeah, you need it, but save money here to get a better bottom machine, Even a hand-held GPS can work. Still, might as well get a nice one. Dont forget the EPIRB (again, so you dont die). Youll want a livewell 40 gallons or bigger, because its a real shame to make a 60-mile run only to run out of bait. As with the inshore boat, rounded corners and good ”ow are important. A lighting system is also good, since we do quite a bit of oshore after dark. Oshore “shing is mostly meat hunting, and whats the point if you cant bring back that meat in pristine condition? Thats why at least one big insulated “shbox is mandatory. By the way, always bring more ice than you think you need. No one ever came back from oshore WaterLine photo by Josh OliveOne mans dreamboat is anothers nightmare barge. How are you going to gure out which boat is perfect for you? BY CAPT. JOSH GREER the perfect boat Choosing and outfitting

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing € Page 13 saying, Man, we had way too much ice.Ž Youre also going to want a windlass, because no one wants to pull up 300 feet of anchor rode. Its a good workout the “rst time. The second time in the same day, its miserable. The third time, its a death wish. Get the windlass or wish you did. What if you want to do a little oshore and a little inshore? Thats where bay boats come in. Theyre made to be all-rounders. But to be able to do both jobs, they cant be really good at either. Water less than about 18 inches is o limits, so you might have to wade if you want to go sigh the really skinny stu. And you cant go oshore safely if the seas are more than 2 or maybe 3 feet, and since you can only run one engine, you really should stay within sight of land. But if those are acceptable compromises, OK. Id look for a boat about 24 feet long. Theyre made in sizes from 20 to 27 feet, but the smaller ones are too small to be comfortable oshore, and the bigger ones draw too much water. The 24 is a good compromise: Long enough to have a decent ride in heavy seas, but if you look around you can still “nd models that draft 12 to 14 inches. Since this boat will see use in both inshore and oshore “shing, all the important things in the other two boats I discussed are important here. You need a good livewell, you need rod storage, you need an insulated “shbox, you need the good electronics (although you can forgo the radar since youre staying in closer). The powered anchor pin is more or less necessary, since the manual ones are tough to drive in far enough for these heavy boats. And youll need a trolling motor, too. Id look for a 36v model with a hold-in-place feature. This is great for reef “shing. Use the anchor pin inshore, though; the trolling motor is too loud to just keep running in shallow water. No matter what youre getting it for, buy the best boat and gear you can aord. If its a toss-up between a high-end 27-footer or a more budget-minded 35, get the 27. When it comes to boats, you really get what you pay for, and goodŽ and cheapŽ just dont go together (and if they do, that model is discontinued immediately). No matter what boat you end up, youre going to love and there will be days you hate it. Enjoy the adventure.Capt. Josh Greer is a fourth-generation Florida Cracker. Growing up in Homestead with a rie in one hand and a rod in the other, he developed a true passion for all aspects of the outdoors. He owns and operates the y shop at West Wall Outtters (787 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte). For guided freshwater or saltwater shing trips or world-class hunting opportunities, check out or call him at 863-781-1373. adno=716071

PAGE 109 • Page 14 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing WaterLine “le photoIts our job to take care of the resource today, so when the next generation is ready to get out on the water, there will be something left for them. Back in Grandpas day, it was no big deal to go out and load the boat to the gunnels with “sh. There were so many “sh that it was ridiculous to think we could ever catch them all, or even catch enough of them to make any dierence. The potential of the oceans seemed unlimited. Now we know better. With more and more people “shing the same water and targeting the same “sh, weve come to understand that we really could catch them all. With some species, we have already come dangerously close. Every “sherman today has to also be a conservationist. That doesnt mean you have to be a tree hugger or join PETA. Conservation means that we can harvest, but only at a sustainable rate. Its not enough to merely adhere to bag limits. We must also ensure that our released “sh survive, take care to not overharvest unregulated species such as bait “sh, and minimize the damage that we do to the environment. This is easier when youre “shing in your own backyard. After all, if youre coming back out tomorrow, you probably dont want to look at the beer cans that you left yesterday. So why would you chop up the grass you plan to “sh later? Why would you burn shorelines, spooking “sh away from the areas youre hoping theyll be? Think about the eects of your actions, and how those eects are multiplied by the thousands of other “shermen out there doing the same things. You dont have to make huge changes to the way you “sh and enjoy the water to make more of an eort for conservation. Little things truly do add up. For example, when youre catching little trout one after another, use lures with single instead of treble hooks. Youre not going to keep the “sh, so why damage them more than necessary? Todays shorts are tomorrows trophies. For that matter, why not mash the barbs down? Many anglers are leery of debarbed hooks, thinking that it will reduce their catch rate. If you have ever experimented with this, you know its not true. The only time you might run into a problem is when youre free-lining live baits. In those cases, the barb helps to keep the bait on the hook. The rest of the time, it doesnt do a whole lot. As long as you keep the line relatively tight while youre reeling in a “sh, the tension will keep the “sh hooked. If you switch to circle hooks, even the bait problem can be avoided. Fish handling is another area where many “shermen could be more cautious. Time out of the water is murder on “sh. Try holding your breath from the moment you pull a “sh out of the water until the moment you put it back. Seconds count, huh? Bait“sh conservation is another issue. In 2014, the whitebait arrived much later than usual. The gnashing of teeth could be heard all over Southwest Florida as “shing guides and average Joe anglers wailed about not being able to “nd bait. Eventually, they showed up „ but imagine if it were like that all the time. Many “shermen, especially guides who rely on using huge numbers of bait“sh as live chum, will tell you that its not possible for us to take too much whitebait with our puny little castnets. But there are a lot of people out there throwing a lot of castnets. You need bait, sure, but all the “sh you want to catch need something to eat the rest of the year, and there need to be enough left to make the next generation of bait“sh. Is it really, truly necessary for you to black out your baitwell? It would be a real shame if we realized too late that we were just as wrong as Grandpa „ it is possible to take too many “sh from the sea.

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 15 WaterLine photo by Josh OlivePopping corks are most eective in shallow water, from about 2 to 5 feet deep. Cork it! Popping corks are versatile items that should be in every inshore anglers tackle bag. While most “shermen are aware of their use with shrimp or bait“sh, many people dont realize that they can be great with arti“cial lures as well. A “sh-shaped soft or hard plastic bait that sinks can be suspended below a ”oat. Its a technique that really ought to see more use. No matter whats under it, the basic method of using a popping cork is the same. Pull the plastic stem out of the styrofoam cork, lay the line in the slit on the cork, and replace the stem, wrapping the line around it a couple times as you do. Position the cork so the bait or lure will be suspended about 12 to 18 inches o the bottom. Cast it out, and about every 30 seconds or so, twitch the rodtip sharply so the cork makes a blorp!Ž Dont jerk it so hard the bait falls of, nor so lightly that no sound is produced. Fish hear the noise, which resembles the sound of a “sh feeding at the surface, and come to investigate. When they spot something that looks edible sitting stupidly above the grass, its dinner „ and then its “sh on! adno=50512778 Start off the day on the deck at Pops Port-O-Call Tiki Bar where the dri nks are i ce cold, and the entertai nment makes i t a favori te wi th the locals! Stock up on Bait, Beer, Sodas Stock up on Bait, Beer, Sodas and Ice and Get On Board at... and Ice and Get On Board at... Goodtimes Boat Rental Come and get your Goodtimes On! Let Goodti mes Boat Rental help you plan the perfect day on the water. Enj oy taki ng out one of our beauti ful boats wi th your fami ly, or head out for a day of world class sport fi shi ng. 941-391-6751 941-629-5600 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK 4238 El Jobean Road € Port Charlotte, FL 33953

PAGE 111 • Page 16 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing Shutterstock photoSeagrasses are sometimes killed o by cold weather or abundant fresh water. As long as the rhizomes (roots) remain healthy, they can re-sprout when conditions improve. Being on the water chasing memorable “sh on a daily basis is a dream come true for me. Charlotte Harbor has made so many irreplaceable memories for me already in my young life, and Im sure there are more to come. I love my home waters. Charlotte Harbor is a one-of-a-kind place. We are blessed here with some of the greatest inshore “shing that one could ever experience. Our estuary has some of the most pristine grass”ats in the nation and is a prime breeding ground for hundreds upon hundreds of sea-dwelling species. Our seagrass provides a safe haven for their young and is crucial to many billions of creatures, small and large. Its rather surprising to me how many folks get on my boat for a day of “shing the ”ats with little understanding of what grass”ats are or their actual signi“cance. If more folks understood how important this type of habitat is, it would be a good thing for our “shery to say the very least. Grass”ats are almost always found in relatively shallow water. We call these grassy-bottomed areas ”ats because the sandy sea”oor is mostly ”at and featureless. If there were no grass growing there, it would be a sand”at or mud”at. We have those areas as well here, and they are far less productive. Our local grass ”ats tend to be in the depth range of 1 to 4 feet on average, and grow to a maximum depth of about 6 feet. Some grass ”ats grow so shallow that they can actually be exposed during an extremely low tide. Peninsular Floridas grass”ats mainly consist of three types of grass: Shoal grass, manatee grass and turtle grass. Turtle grass is they type most “shermen prefer. Healthy turtle grass grows together thick and has long blades, usually a foot or better in length. This turtle grass is a safe haven and a hiding place for juvenile “sh and crustaceans of many kinds. Although these bait“sh have a place to hide, the ”ats dont oer much depth. This means that they can run forward or sideways from predators, but they cant really ”ee up or down. These predatory “sh know this, and this in turn makes these areas prime feeding grounds. Prime feeding grounds for the “sh means prime “shing grounds for us. Keep in mind while “shing the ”ats that a lot of these predatory “sh are ambush predators. With no real structure „ just grass and sand „ the predators are focused on the edges where the two meet. They will typically lay on these edges „ potholes, troughs, even prop scars „ and wait for their prey to show itself. If youre throwing an arti“cial bait, presenting something rigged weedlessly (with the hook point hidden and unable to snag vegetation) is often a good idea. While focusing on “shing these areas, it is of the utmost importance to be as stealthy as possible on the deck of your boat. The “sh you are in search of cant hear you speak, but they have a great sense of vibration. Push poling, drifting or running a trolling motor at a low speed while approaching the “sh is a good idea. Fishing as far as possible from the boat is also a good tactic, which is why long-casting rods and reels are so important for ”ats “shing. If you care about “shing here, or even if you dont, please do your best to protect our seagrass from propeller damage. This grass is not like the grass outside our houses. Cut it, and it can take years to regrow. Some boats are made for “shing shallow water, but most are not. If your boat needs 2 feet of water to ”oat, it is not made for being on the grass”ats. There is plenty of great open water “shing that can be done in our Harbor outside of the shallows. Know your boat. Know what it can do. If its questionable, anchor in 30 inches of water, jump out and wade “sh. You are also less likely to spook the “sh this way. Even if you have a shallow-draft boat, if you dont know an area, please go slow until you understand it. Studying a GPS map before running in an area is a good idea. Google Earth can also be a helpful tool for understanding an areas depth. Healthy seagrass is beyond important to us and our “shery. A lot of us go to great lengths to protect it, because without it Charlotte Harbor would never be the same again. If you are trying to learn and I can help you understand an area, please give me a call and I sure will be happy to do so. I hope you can get out on the ”ats and catch one to remember!Capt. Billy Barton was raised on Charlotte Harbor and the Gulf of Mexico with a shing pole in his hands. He owns and operates Scales N Tails Fishing Charters, guiding anglers from around the world on Southwest Floridas inshore waters. Contact him at or 941-979-6140 for charters or information, or visit his website, BY CAPT. BILLY BARTON What’s a grassflat? Waterline “le photoThis big spotted seatrout was caught on a Charlotte Harbor grassat.

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 17 WaterLine photo by Josh OliveA few minutes with a sabiki rig is all it took to put grouper bait in the well. The sh on the far left is a lizardsh; the other two are squirrelsh. Live bait, no net requiredThrowing a castnet is a valuable skill, but there are many circumstances when a castnet is useless. When youre trying to catch bait that wont school up tightly, or in deeper water, a sabiki (suh-BEEK-ee) rig is usually a better choice. A sabiki consists of several small hooks (usually four to eight) tied on short droppers to a main line. Theres a swivel at the top, which you tie to your line, and a snap at the bottom, where you attach a casting sinker. Sabiki hooks come in sizes from tiny (for small-mouthed “sh like whitebait) to just small (good for blue runners). Mid sizes can be used for pin“sh, thread“ns, squirrel“sh and the like. The hooks can be tipped with bits of squid or shrimp, or left bare. Usually, tipped hooks are better for pin“sh, squirrel“sh and other bottom feeders. A sabiki can be dropped straight down near structure (rocks, reef, channel markers, etc.) or cast into a school of bait“sh and retrieved. Theres no need to reel fast; baits stay on better if you reel slowly. Be careful not to get hooked yourself. adno=50512917 Facebook Instagram Twitter Find Us On Veterans Discounts Available FULL SERVICE GUN SHOP Buy € Sell € Trade € Gunsmith € Thermal Scope Call us for info on Concealed Weapons Classes 941-979-5008 €

PAGE 113 • Page 18 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing Fishing the reefs King mackerel are open-water sh, but theyre drawn to the baitsh that are often found over reefs. Drifting or trolling in the general area is usually pretty eective, but sometimes theyll surprise you and take a grouper bait sitting right on the bottom. Yellowtail snapper are more likely to swim and hunt in open water than most other snappers (their tail shape is good evidence for this). Theyre easily drawn up high in the water column by persistent chumming. Keep at it, and eventually other snapper and grouper will follow them up. Amberjacks like deeper water, so most of the reefs that hold them are in 80 feet of water or more. They generally feed at mid-depths, but they can be tempted to the surface (again, chum). Big live baits work well, but buttery jigs will also give you a workout. For the ultimate sport, try ripping big poppers across the top of the water. Sharks commonly patrol the reefs. Most are smaller than this huge bull shark, but if youre looking to ght a big one, many reefs have a bossŽ like this one. Barracuda are a top bait choice for them. Cobia will sometimes accompany sharks or rays swimming around a reef, or they might be spotted near the surface in schools or by themselves. They like oating items, so its not uncommon for them to hang out under your anchored boat. Always have a rigged rod handy to toss a shrimp, baitsh or chunk of cutbait to a sighted cobia. Drop a marker on the reef, then motor upcurrent and drop the anchor. Let out rode until youre on top of the structure. Red grouper are bottom-huggers by nature. Theyre also lazy feeders, so dead baits such as cut sh, squid and chicken drumsticks (no joke) work well. When you get a strike, try to get the sh several feet of the bottom ASAP „ if it dives into the rocks, youve probably lost. Flounder are more common on local reefs than many anglers realize. They prefer open sand near rocks or structure, so drag baits around the edges of the reef. Flounder out here are much bigger than inshore, and sh over 5 pounds are fairly common. Snapper often form dense schools on or near the bottom. Chicken rigs (porgy rigs) are a fun way to catch them two or three at a time. Gag grouper are more predatory than reds and will often position themselves slightly above the bottom structure. That means that they will sometimes grab a bait on the way down, so youd better be on your toes. As hunters, gags are more readily caught on live baits such as squirrelsh and pinsh. They can also be caught on deep-running lures trolled about 10 feet above the bottom. Barracuda are the most under-appreciated sh on the reef. They put up a spirited ght that often includes beautiful leaps, and theyre very good table sh. Yes, theres a risk of ciguatera, but thats true of literally any reef predator. To be safe, release cudas over about 15 pounds. Goliath grouper, aka jewsh, are the scourges of many reef anglers. Although their natural diet is slow-moving bottom dwellers like stingrays, toadsh and crabs, they are opportunistic and will attack hooked sh. These theftsŽ make them few friends among shermen. Its more of a problem on heavily shed public reefs, so this is just one more reason to nd your own numbers (see page 4 for some tips on that). Graphic by Josh Olive

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 19 WaterLine photo by Josh OliveHaving a selection of leader materials is good. Knowing when to use each is crucial. Pretty much all saltwater “shing requires a leader of some kind. Even if the “sh dont have rough jaws or sharp teeth, theres plenty in their environment to slice or abrade light line. Lets take a look at dierent types of leader material and when they should be used. WIRE: A lot of newbies “shing the salt go for the wire right away. Most of the time, all theyre doing is chasing away “sh. Wire is extremely visible, especially the bright-“nish stu. That turns o educated “sh, which includes most of the higher-value game“sh you really want to catch. Use wire only when youre targeting “sh with cutting teeth (sharks, mackerel, blue“sh and barracuda), and use as short a piece as you can get away with, preferably in a dark color. And quality counts „ those single-crimped tourist rigsŽ the tackle shops sell are convenient but will fail with big “sh. FLUOROCARBON: Fluoro is tough, easy to tie and far less visible than wire „ in fact, its the least visible leader material available. Thats because the refractive index of ”uorocarbon is very close to the refractive index of water, which means light passes through it at about the same speed. The net result is that, while it looks a lot like mono“lament line in the air, ”uorocarbon line is less visible in water. Smaller diameter ”uoro lines can be almost invisible in the water. Be sure to get line speci“cally meant for leader, as it has an abrasion-resistant “nish. MONOFILAMENT: Mono has most of the advantages of ”uoro, except its much more visible to “sh. In bright light underwater, it looks almost like shiny metal. For circumstances when visibility isnt really a factor „ in murky water, at night in unlighted areas, in water more than a couple hundred feet deep „ mono is “ne. Otherwise, ”uorocarbon is the better choice. Leaders explained adno=50509487 Visit Ou r New Location € Huge tackle selection € Friendly, useful staff € Local knowledge € Great Prices THIS IS A FISHIN STORE!Ž PORT CHARLOTTE 4425-D Tamiami Trail 941-625-3888 N. FORT MYERS 14531 N Cleveland Ave 239-634-1043 Helping Southwest Florida anglers catch more fish for over 30 years!

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ONE MILE N VENICE INLET DOA BAY ROBERTS BAY LYONS BAY SHACKETT CREEK BLACKBURN BAY DRYMAN BAY SOUTH CREEK MIDNIGHT PASS (CLOSED) NORTH CREEK PHILLIPI CREEK ROBERTS BAY BIG SARASOTA PASS VAMO SOUTH SARASOTA GULF GATE ESTATES OSPREY LAUREL VENICE NOKOMIS A YEAR OF SALTWATER FISHING Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov DecAvg. Gulf Temp 65 F 66 F 70 F 76 F 81 F 85 F 86 F 87 F 85 F 80 F 71 F 67 F Tarpon Snook Redfish Seatrout Pompano Permit Sheepshead Flounder Cobia Tripletail Bluefish Spanish mackerel King mackerel Amberjack Snapper (inshore) Snapper (offshore) Gag Red Grouper Sharks „ Poor; few fish around „ Fair; you have to be good or lucky „ Good; expect one or two „ Excellent; fish all overPLEASE NOTE: This chart is intended to give a general idea of an average year. Every year is different „ thats just part of th e fun. Like all the Gulf passes, Venice Inlet is a fantastic spot to sh. The jetties here only make it better. Snook lie in wait near the rocks, sheepshead and snapper hunt among the boulders, and mackerel attack pods of bait in the channel. When the king mackerel are running, youll nd more sh hanging out over reefs and wrecks. But the biggest sh often cruise within a few hundred feet of the beach. Snook love bridges and creek mouths. Although they may be found almost anywhere, these types of locations are usually hotspots. Pompano feed in the surf, especially near the passes. No need for long casts „ many sh are just a few feet from dry sand. Look for areas of healthy seagrass in Little Sarasota Bay. These areas will hold a lot more redsh and trout than bare sandy or muddy bottom. Some saltwater sh will travel long distances up creeks and rivers. Snook and redsh especially are known to go way up in tiny waterways. Most people think of grouper as oshore sh, but gags will live inshore if they can nd the type of rocky habitat they prefer. Water as shallow as 6 feet is ne with them.

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 21 WaterLine photo by Josh OliveThis adorable baby redsh was caught on a No. 14 Aberdeen hook and a little chunk of shrimp. While some microsh make good bait, juvenile gamesh must be released. Looking for a new challenge? While most of us spend loads of time and money looking for big “sh, small ones are all around us. Catching them can be as simple as tying on smaller hooks and cutting baits down to size. Or, you can go all-out with specialized rods, 1-pound line, miniature ”oats and weights, and hooks so small you need powerful magnifying lenses to tie them on. Micro-“shing can be every bit as tough as going after the larger ones. The trick here is not battling them to the boat „ its getting them on the hook at all. On the plus side, small “sh are everywhere, so “nding targets isnt hard (unless you get addicted to micro-“shing, because then youll start looking for speci“c “sh). Sometime when youre having a slow day, give it a shot. You might be surprised how much fun it can be. adno=50512930

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ONE MILE N SOUTH VENICE ENGLEWOOD GROVE CITY ALLIGATOR CREEK FORKED CREEK GOTTFRIED CREEK ROCK CREEK OYSTER CREEK BUCK CREEK MYAKKA RIVER BLIND PASS (CLOSED) SKI ALLEY RAG ALLEY During stone crab season, the crab trap oats are tripletail magnets. When you spot one, go back and wait for it to reappear. Toss an unweighted shrimp or whitebait in front of the sh and hang on. Some saltwater sh travel far up the Myakka River, especially in winter. Snook and smaller tarpon can be abundant, and redsh also show up from time to time. Small tarpon in the creeks can be challenging targets. Their main food source is small crustaceans and sh, mostly less than 2 inches long. Such tiny baits and lures are not easy to throw with a spinning rod, so y shermen have an advantage in these areas. Plus, its huge fun to hook into a 10-pound tarpon on a 5-weight rod. The rocks at Caspersen Beach draw ounder, pompano and other predators. You dont need huge surf-style rods „ standard inshore gear gets it done. The ICW connects to the north end of Lemon Bay. Theres a lot of boat trac here, so the water is often murky. Find healthy grass and youll probably nd trout and reds. This map brought to you by Knight/Don Pedro Island is accessible only by boat, so the beaches see less foot trac than others in the area. Therefore, they are excellent for anglers seeking to do a little surf shing. Of course, the hard part is getting there. Stump Pass is a great area to sh from shore, but the walk is a killer. Choose your tackle carefully and pare down to the essentials, or invest in a beach cart. Lemon Bay is becoming more turbid but still has a lot of healthy seagrass at the moment. This supports large numbers of trout and redsh, making Lemon Bay an angling hotspot. The eastern shore of Lemon Bay has several creeks branching o it. The creeks oer great shing if you can get your boat in. Kayaks are good for these smaller waterways. From mid-spring to early fall, pods of tarpon commonly roam from 100 yards to 3 miles o the beaches. If you want to sh them, get in front of them. Chasing them only pushes them away. There are many patches of rocky bottom and ledges in the nearshore Gulf. None are marked, so youll have to nd them yourself. Because theyre hard to locate, they often hold large numbers of sh, which makes them worth hunting down. When you do nd one, hang on to those lat/long numbers „ theyre as good as money in the bank. Cobia are weird sh. They like structure such as reefs, but theyre often sighted swimming along the beaches or in open water. Theyll take lots of dierent baits, but you have to be ready when they show up „ cobia are constantly on the move.

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 23 WaterLine photos by Josh OliveNot good! With her back to the sun and looking down, we cant really see the girl or her sh. Face the light, look up, smile „much better. A little thought about the image you want to see will go along way in making great photos you can look back on with pride.How to take a great fishing photoSouthwest Florida is a great place to catch the “sh of a lifetime. We have a huge variety of species here, and trophy catches abound. But in many cases, you cant take that “sh home legally, or maybe its not a species you like to eat. Even the “sh you keep are still photo-worthy, so you can remember them as they were, not just as “llets. Your only long-term memento of your “shing adventures (and your only proof of what you caught) will be the photos you take „ so youll want to make sure to take some good ones. You dont need a professional camera to take decent “shing photos. Some amazing shots are captured using cell phones. Of course, better equipment wont hurt. The best pictures are taken as soon as the “sh is caught. Photos of “sh back at the dock (or worse, in the driveway) are always a little underwhelming. The lifelessness of the “sh really shows through. Take your photos right away if you can. Look at the background. Do you want other boats, mangrove trees, open water, your own cockpit? Any of these can work, but generally less clutter will make a better photo. Light matters. You can take a good pic in full sun or shade, but if the subject is half-shaded the results will be unsatisfactory. Look at the photo after you take it. The human eye can compensate for weird lighting with ease, but a camera cant. How you hold the “sh makes a dierence. Holding it vertically, too low or too far away from you is awkward. A horizontal hold relatively high on your body usually looks more natural. Also, the goal is show o your catch, not your “ngers, so try to maximize the amount of the “sh that can be seen. Dont be afraid to use your zoom or get closer. A frame-“lling “sh is far more impressive than one you can barely see. And dont be afraid of creative angles. They can make even ordinary catches unique and memorable. OVER 100 NEW BOATSIN STOCK NOWLARGEST HURRICANE DECK BOAT DEALER IN THE WORLD! CAPE CORAL239-549-2628 NAPLES239-732-8050 PORT CHARLOTTE941-979-52193 FLORIDA LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU T B H is honored to be recognized as an elite dealership by Boating Industry Magazine. e Top 100 is the only independent ranking of boat dealers in North America that bestows this award to dealerships that are unsurpassed in business operations, professionalism, marketing, customer service and more. With 7 locations throughout Florida and the Midwest T B H has grown to become one of the most successful boat dealerships in the US by providing superior brands and striving to meet customers needs on and o the water. One of our dening factors of T B H that sets us apart from other dealerships is our passion for the water and the need to share that passion with our customers. Being a boater is living that passion and owning a dream, its a lifestyle and the chance to experience and create endless memories with familes and friends. For us, boating is a way of life that we embrace and share with our customers. We take immense pride delivering peoples passions by oering superior brands, top quality service and rst rate crew. We are boaters and we belive L B B GROUPCAPE CORALFLORIDAPORT CHARLOTTEFLORIDAENGLEWOODFLORIDACHICAGOPRAIRIE GROVE, ILLAUDERDALE LAKESELKHORN, WILAKE COUNTRYNASHOTAH, WI WWW.TBHGROUP.COM GROUPCAPE CORALFLORIDAPORT CHARLOTTEFLORIDACHICAGOPRAIRIE GROVE, ILLAUDERDALE LAKESELKHORN, WILAKE COUNTRYNASHOTAH, WI NAPLESFLORIDA www.BoatHouseH 2 o.comLAKE GENEVALAKE GENEVA, WI adno=50511146

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 25 Photo providedProperly handled, kingsh and Spanish mackerel are truly delicious table sh. Poorly handled, they can be disgusting to eat. adno=50509484 € WE COME TO YOU € Dockside Service Available € Serving from Sarasota to Ft. Myers € Detail University Certified Call us today for your FREE on-siteŽ estimate from one of or Detailed University Certified Crew Members!! Your Satisfaction is our GUARANTEE!! There is No Job too BIG or too small for our Crew!Ž E-mail us at: Visit us on the web: Professional & Courteous Over 30 Years of Experience € Weekly & Bi-Weekly Washing Programs € Full Detail Packages € Stain Removal € Bright Work € Teak Cleaning & Oiling € Full Waxing € Full Compounding € Vinyl Cleaning € Canvas Cleaning € Canvas Water Proofing € Mold Removal € Bilge Cleaning € Cabin Detailing € Cabin & Cockpit Carpet Cleaning € Isin Glass Cleaning Call us for a FREE Estimate (609) 618-0113 or (941) 764-7928 2013 2014 2015 2016

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PLACIDA BOCA GRANDE O Ca p All th e if o The largest gathering of spawning tarpon in the Atlantic Basin happens every spring in Boca Grande Pass. The Pass is also full of gag grouper and mangrove snapper, but youre just as likely to snag the bottom as hook a sh. As tarpon head to the Pass, they cross over the very shallow waters of Johnson Shoals, where they can be sight-shed. Guys who throw ies at them like that sort of thing, so they hang out here. The Placida trestle holds sh of many species. The mainland and island ends are both public shing piers, but the midsection can be reached only by boat. Gasparilla Pass is tricky to navigate „ the north side is shoaling badly. Use caution. Flounder and pompano hang out here. Gasparilla Sound, Bull Bay and Turtle Bay are all shallow and grassy. Island shorelines can be particularly productive areas. Look for areas of deep water right along bushy shorelines. Reds, snook and mangrove snapper love these spots. Tarpon dont stay in the passes. They cruise along the beaches to feed, and the bite there is often better. Docks and piers along Gasparilla Island are good places to nd snook and sheepshead. The old phosphate docks and big drums at the south end hold Goliath grouper bigger than you probably want to catch. Pine Island Sound has clear, highly salty water, which is wonderful for seagrass growth. Look for areas of mixed grass and sand, or rocky spots. The shoals here can sneak up on you. Use extra care navigating. Snook get way up into the backcountry, including into water that doesnt really seem to connect to the Harbor. It does. ONE MILE N TU R B A BULL BAY PLACIDA HARBOR GASPARILLA PASS CATFISH CREEK BOGGESS HOLE WHIDDEN CREEK CA O RS C LIT TL BO KE B PEJUAN COVE Lots of shermen stop at Jug Creek Shoal to net bait, then sh elsewhere. But if theres bait the r theres probably sh „ right? The water gets very shallow in the back o Turtle Bay, but this i s productive shing s p Most o f islands shoreli n trough s shoreli n them b BOKEELIA MATLACHA PINELAND CAPE CORAL BURNT STORE MARINA PIRATE HARBOR O Patches of gravel bottom in this area of the Harbor often hold sharks „ sometimes big sharks. p e Haze Reef is smaller than igator Creek Reef, but its closer to e Gulf. Fishing is good at both, but o ne isnt producing, try the other. Healthy grass in the northern part of Matlacha Pass holds good numbers of redsh, which come here to feed on worms and clams. Hard bottom at Cape Haze Point holds ounder and pompano, and will grind your skeg right o if youre not careful. Tarpon and sharks both frequent the deeper holes in the middle of the Harbor during the warmer months. Theyre here to scavenge, so dead baits on the bottom work best. The area just south of Two Pines often holds large tarpon early in the season. Later in the summer, not so much. Go gure. The shallow grassats in this area are known for redsh, ounder and trout. The barrier sandbar is patrolled by smaller sharks, pompano and (in summer) cobia. The old Matlacha Bridge used to be a world-famous snook hangout. The replacement bridge has some decent action, but the good old days are gone forever. The spillways along Burnt Store Road have been hot snook spots for many years. The current construction project may alter that. Lets hope not. R TLE A Y CA O SISTER POND GRAVEL CREEK RS BLACK BAY C JUG CREEK TL E KE ELIA B AY BIG JIM CREEK INDIAN FIELD BIG DEAD CREEK BUZZARD BAY SMOKEHOUSE BAY YUCCA PEN CREEK HOG BRANCH HOBBS CREEK WINEGOURD CREEK The Pirate Harbor canals can be productive, but entry is tricky. Theres a shallow shoal blocking the way. Go slow. r e, o f s a p ot. f these little have deeper n es or deeper s just o the n es. Fish love b oth. Cape Corals extensive canal system is full of sh in winter and holds some year-round. Remember, homeowners have property rights, but they dont extend to ownership of the water. Most of the bottom out here is bare sand. Dont expect to nd ambush predators, but open-water species often cruise through looking for pods of baitsh. Spring and fall are the best times of year, and incoming tides are always better.

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 27 WaterLine photo by Josh OliveA snooks tube-shaped mouth is made for vacuuming up prey. If this delicate architecture is damaged, the sh wont be able to feed correctly. R EAL PEOPLE R EAL FUN M EMBERS FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE ENJOY EACH OTHER  S COMPANY AT RAFT UPS CRUISES DINNER DANCES POT LUCK DINNERS AND MANY OTHER FUN EVENTS BOTH ON AND OFF THE WATER M EMBERS OF : Y ACHTING C LUB OF A MERICA PORTCHARLOTTEYACHTCLUB @ YAHOO COM 22445 G LASS L ANE P ORT C HARLOTTE FL 33980 | 941-889-1658 A SSOCIATE M EMBERSHIPS STARTING AT $50.00 Port Charlotte Yacht Club adno=50512746

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ONE MILE N In addition to tarpon, juvenile Goliath grouper and young sharks also utilize the rivers. Theyre great places to grow up. At El Jobean, the Myakka narrows and ows through a trestle and under two bridges. With so many ambush sites, its no wonder this spot is as popular with sh as it is with shermen. Excellent shing from the trestle or from a boat. Dont overlook these short canals when youre shing the Myakka. Theres a huge amount of snook habitat in them. The canals of South Gulf Cove are important habitat for many species of saltwater and freshwater sh. Watch out for the alligators, and please dont feed them. The canals of Port Charlotte are generally salt south of U.S. 41 and fresh to the north. The freshwat er canals hold bass, bluegill, crappie, catsh and tilapia. Snook and baby tarpon can be found almost anywhere in the system. A A A A A H H TIPPECANOE BAY MUDDY COVE DEERFLY BAY SAM KNIGHT CREEK BIG SLOUGH TROUT CREEK MYAKKA CUTOF F EL JOBEAN SOUTH GULF COVE GULF COVE ROTONDA WEST The Cape Haze peninsula is littered with small ponds. Many of them hold snook and tarpon, living alongside tilapia and Mayan cichlids. You may need a sense of adventure to check some of them out. OYSTER CREEK The west wall is several miles of unbroken mangrove shoreline from Cattle Dock Point to Cape Haze Point. In front of the wall is a broad grassat. During times of strong river ow, the water along the west wall can be nearly fresh and the bite slows. The rest of the time, this is a fantastic area. Snook like the shore; reds and trout often prefer the grass beds. Rotonda West was supposed to be connected to the Gulf, but development plans were never completed. The canals here have snook and small tarpon, but also blue catsh, largemouth bass and a whole bunch of exotics. CORAL CREEK PUNTA GORDA ISLES Many anglers ignore the Peace River, which is dumb. Navigation can be a challenge „ go slow until you know. This area often holds small sharks and has been known to hold an occasional sawsh. The U.S. 41 bridges over the Peace River are a favorite shore-shing spot. As of this writing, its legal to do so from the catwalk. However, be careful to avoid conicts with those walking or running the bridge. Be sure to take your trash back with you, and collect any trash you come across. It only takes a couple bad actors to ruin this spot for everyone „ dont be one of them. Alligator Creek is shallow and muddy, but it can be a good place to sh. Most anglers will sh the channel. Focus on the mangroves for better action. The Myakka Cuto is too shallow for bigger boats, but the shing is great. Go slow and proceed with much caution. On a windy day when the Harbor is covered in whitecaps and churned up, the PGI and BSI canal system can be a fantastic place to hide for them wind and get your sh on. If its cold, look in the deeper areas; if its not, cast to docks, parked boats and mangroves. Be aware of the fact that youre in someones backyard and try not to be a jerk. ROCKY CREEK F BURNT STORE ISLES PUNTA GORDA CHARLOTTE HARBOR PORT CHARLOTTE Alligator Creek Reef holds sheepshead and mangrove snapper all winter, mackerel and cobia in spring, gag grouper in fall and Goliath grouper all year. ALLIGATOR CREEK BARGE CANAL PONCE INLET North and east of Charlotte Harbor, youll nd hundreds of small creeks, ponds and waterways that hold fresh instead of salt water. Almost all of them hold largemouth bass, and many of the deeper ones also have shable numbers of crappie (speckled perch). There are also bluegill, shellcracker, stumpknockers, tilapia and Mayan cichlids if youre inclined toward panshing. Explore in the dry season, because many of the water bodies that appear during heavy rains arent there the rest of the year. Permanent water will have more and bigger sh. This shoreline is shallow and muddy. Fishing here is ƒ OK. WHIDDEN BROOK

PAGE 124 • Page 30 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing WaterLine photo by Josh OliveYou can bet this angler was very happy this hooks barb was rolled down to a bump before it got stuck in his face. Whats the barb on a hook for? To ensure the “sh doesnt fall o the hook? Well, maybe, but a tight line does the same thing. For “sh that dont jump (and thats most of them) a barb isnt needed to keep the hook in its mouth. Is it to hold the bait on? Well, maybe, but a bump in the hook does this job just as well most of the time. If youre free-lining a strongly swimming bait such as a pin“sh, this argument makes sense, but most of the time it doesnt. So do you need a barb? Unless youre targeting jumping species or using frisky live bait“sh, no. It makes good sense to smash down or “le o hook barbs when possible. Usually, its a two-second job with a pair of pliers. Most “sh have to be released (undersize, oversize, out of season, not edible, etc.), and barbless hooks make this easier with less injury to the “sh. If you ever get a hook stuck in you, youll quickly see the value of removing the barb. Its a good idea with any hook, but if youre “shing treble-hooked lures with the barbs still intact, youre a braver man than I. MARINEMAX VENICE … YOUR AUTHORIZED BOSTON WHALER DEALER WE HAVE THE BOATS, SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT THAT YOU NEEDMarineMax Venice: (888) 538-4052, I MarineMax Cape Haze: (888) 714-7324, WHATS HOTWHATS NEW Boston Whaler 330 Outrage Every Boston Whaler is designed for ultimate load-and-go readiness. With their combination of reliable power, durable construct ion, and easy cleaning, Boston Whaler takes on rough saltwater with ease. When you purchase a Boston Whaler from MarineMax, you rece ive: € Go Boating Safety Kit with life jackets, lines, fenders, and much more to keep you safe out on the water € On-water captains orientation with exclusive access to Captains Hotline € Lifetime lessons with our certi“ed captain € Access to exclusive owners only Get aways! and events € Exceptional service teams ready to keep you on the water all season € Discover your buying power with a FREE No-Obligation Trade Valuation Dont miss the Boston Whaler of your dreams. Schedule an appointment with MarineMax Venice by calling (888) 538-4052. Two locations to Serve you. adno=50509488

PAGE 125 € Page 32 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing I never see tailing redfishSo maybe youve heard other “shermen talk about tailing red“sh, but in all your time on Charlotte Harbor, youve never seen them. You might even be starting to think tailing reds are a myth „ just another “sh story. Nope. Theyre real. And if youre not seeing them, there are simple reasons. YOURE NOT SHALLOW ENOUGH: Red“sh dont stick their tails in the air for fun. Its a byproduct of the way they feed, with their snouts grubbing around the in the sand or mud. Unless the water is pretty shallow „ less than about 2 feet „ their tails dont stick up above the surface. Thats skinnier water than most anglers are comfortable “shing, and if youre not there to see them, then you might think theyre imaginary. YOURE NOT STEALTHY ENOUGH: Tailing red“sh are vulnerable, and they know it. When theyre in such shallow water, there are few places to escape a predator. Ospreys and eagles are an ever-present danger, especially to younger “sh, and dolphins and sharks will sometimes venture into shallower areas than you might think. So if you want to get close to these “sh, you have to be quiet. If they realize youre there, theyll bolt. Ideally, that means being on foot. A wading angler is much quieter than any boat or even a kayak. Sometimes you can literally wade close enough to touch them with your “shing rod. YOU NEED TO LOOK HARDER: Sometimes the whole tail “n and part of the body is out of the water, but normally its just the upper corner of the “n. From a distance, a school of tailing red“sh often looks like a gathering of tiny sharks. It takes a sharp eye to spot them from more than casting distance away. If and when you “nd tailing reds, “shing them can be frustrating. Watch them to see which way theyre going and cast your bait in front of the school. As they get closer, try to position your bait so a “sh on the edge of the school will “nd it (so the whole school wont panic). Theyre nose-down, so something with smell „ cut mullet, stinky dead shrimp, half a whitebait, even a scented soft plastic lure „ will work best. Photo illustration by Josh Olive adno=50511196 SERVING SOUTH FLORIDA FOR OVER 25 YEARS Specializing in Residential and Commercial Awnings, Boat-Lift Canopies and Metalwork. Specializing in Residential and Commercial Awnings, Boat-Lift Canopies and Metalwork. Visit us on Facebook WORRY-FREE WORRY-FREE BOAT-LIFT CANOPY BOAT-LIFT CANOPY € All aluminum welded € Stainless steel hardware € Various fabric colors € 8-Year fabric warranty € Engineered to withstand 130 MPH+ winds € No bungee cords Serving Charlotte, Sarasota, Lee, and DeSoto Counties LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED 1242 Market Circle, Unit #10, Port Charlotte, FL 33953 941.629.5535 Email: FREE ESTIMATES! N O R E M O V AL N O R E M O V A L O F F A B RI C O F F AB R I C I N S T O R M S I N S T O R M S

PAGE 126 • Page 34 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing Shutterstock photoTarpon are one of the top sport“shing targets here in Southwest Florida. Every year, tens of thousands of anglers from around the area and around the world spend millions of dollars and countless hours pursuing the silver kings. If you havent had the opportunity to take one on yet, I hope this is your year. If you have fought one, Im sure youre looking forward to another chance, so lets take a look at what it takes to win those epic battles. Well start by building my perfect rig. Now, mine may not be perfect for you, but Ill give you some options that will help you build one that is. I start with a 7.5-foot Reaper 20-40 pound line class rod with the Micro-Wave guides. I use this rod because it has the ability to outcast most 8-foot rods on the market, and it doesnt have to bend as far to get to the beef of the rod. That means I get a faster hookset and more control over the “sh too. The 8-foot Daiwa Saltist, Star Stellar Lite, Penn Battalion and Shimano Teramar rods in about the same line class range are also great tried and true tarpon gear at a little less of a cost to you. Attached to my Reapers are 5000 and 6000 series Daiwa Saltist reels, spooled with 50or 65-pound braid. I use the 5000s and 50-pound for my more advanced anglers and my 6000s with 65 for folks new to big game “shing, because it gives them a little more leeway for angler errors. Other great reels in these sizes include the Penn Slammer and Clash and the Okuma Azores. While youre reel shopping, youll notice a few reels of the same size but with much lower prices. Im not going to tell you not to buy one of them, but Ill say this: When purchasing a reel to target “sh that can easily weigh 150 pounds, dont get cheap, because when it comes to reels you truly get what you pay for. Now lets set up your rod and reel combo with line, leader and hook so you can actually catch something. There are a bunch of dierent manufacturers who make braided lines, and they all make them in a bunch of dierent colors. Im a Power-Pro guy myself, and I like yellow line because thats the color I see best „ but dont go by what I like. If you see red or blue or camo colors better, then use those colors in whatever brand you like. The most important thing when it comes to line is using the appropriate size for the “sh youre after. When tarpon “shing, I recommend to never go lower than 50-pound line. The name of the game here is to land your tarpon in 20 minutes or less to ensure the health of that “sh. For leader, I recommend 60-pound ”uorocarbon most of the time. If the water is a bit muddied up, Ill go to an 80-pound ”uorocarbon leader to give myself some extra pulling power. As far as what brand of ”uorocarbon leader to use, thats up to you. Seaguar, Berkley, P-line and Yo-Zuri all make great leader line. Hook selection can be a nightmare. I like 7/0 Owner J-hooks and 7/0 Gamakatsu circle hooks myself, but a lot of my guide buddies use the Daiichi and VMC hooks in the 6/0 to 8/0 sizes. Try out a few dierent ones to see what works best for you. A word to the wise: A cheap hook will destroy a dream. I also use the Ts Tackle quarter-ounce jigheads. I know they seem more appropriate for catch trout or red“sh, but trust me „ weve put them to the test. You should replace that jighead after one tarpon, though. Here is a list of baits for you to choose from. Try them all, because when it comes to tarpon you never know what theyll want to eat from one minute to the next. For the live bait guys, pick from shrimp, pin“sh, thread“ns, greenbacks, bunker, squirrel“sh (sand perch), “nger mullet, leatherjackets, cigar minnows, butter“sh, blue crabs, pass crabs and cat“sh tails. If you want to throw arti“cials, tarpon like DOA CAL shad, DOA Bait Busters, MirrOlure 17MRs, Rapala, X-Raps, Zara Spooks and halfounce silver spoons. This list of baits should get you through at least the “rst month of tarpon season. When you “nd a tarpon school, the biggest thing to remember is to stay out in front of them. If you “nd yourself tossing your baits at their tails, stop and move slowly (and as quietly as you can) back in front of the school, then start “shing again. A tarpons food does not swim after the tarpon, it tries to get away. Try to present your baits about 15 yards in front of the “sh so that they swim into your bait. If youre tossing your baits on their heads, they know something is wrong and they wont eat it. If youre behind them, theyll spook because they think youre a shark getting ready to attack. Patience pays when tarpon “shing. Relax and use the common sense the good Lord gave you, and I promise youll hook up to one of these majestic silver kings. Eventually. Whether it stays hooked is a dierent story. The information Ive presented here is just the basics. Theres a lot more to know about tarpon “shing. The best way to keep track of where the tarpon are and what theyre doing is to talk to the guys at your local tackle shop, read WaterLine every week and listen to Radio WaterLine on KIX Country 92.9 FM Saturday mornings from 7 to 9. Or you can just be on the water “shing for them 24/7 „ whichever is more convenient for you. Tight lines.Capt. Mike Myers, owner and operator of Reelshark Charters, is a full-time Charlotte Harbor guide. Having shed the waters all along the Southwest Florida coast for more than 35 years, he has the experience to put anglers on the sh they want. His specialties are sharks, tarpon and Goliath grouper. For more info, visit or call Capt. Mike at 941-416-8047. BY CAPT. MIKE MYERS Dreaming of

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 35 WaterLine photo by Josh Olive That sinking feeling How much lead is in your tacklebox? Dont just count the sinkers. What about the jigheads? The swimbaits? The hard plastics? Most of these contain at least some lead, which is a cheap and eective way to add weight to balance a lure or cause it to sink. We all know lead is not good for you. Its a neurotoxin. It drove the Romans bonkers and you probably remember the kid who used to eat paint chips (maybe you are the kid who used to eat paint chips). But too often we treat it casually. Dont bite your splitshot sinkers closed. Dont hold a jighead in your mouth. If you get lead dust on your hands from a sinker, at least rinse and wipe it o. Were all using lead. Periodically, there are attempts to ban its use in “shing tackle. One of these days, that will probably happen and well have to use steel (less dense and rusts), copper (much more expensive), bismuth (brittle) or tungsten (even more expensive than copper). Until then, its a good plan to have an assortment of sinkers and jigheads of varying sizes. When the current gets stronger, you need more weight to reach the bottom. When it slacks up a bit, you need to lighten up a bit. Youll “nd all sorts of shapes, each for a speci“c purpose. For general use, its hard to beat a pinch-on splitshot. If you need more weight, egg sinkers are very popular. Pyramid and Sputnik sinkers will hold a bait on the bottom in fairly strong current, if thats what you want to do. Trying to give up lead? There are alternatives. All the metal listed above are already being made into sinkers. Want to go cheaper? Find a rock with a hole in it. Theyll laugh at you, but itll work, and you might have a camou”age advantage as well. adno=50511286 Kids Fishing Derby April 22, 2017

PAGE 128 • Page 36 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing WaterLine photo by Josh OliveTo give a sh the best chance of surviving its catch-andrelease experience, keep it in the water as much as you can. BY CAPT. CAYLE WILLS Photo providedRod holders can be used for more than just transport. Theres a big ol grouper on the other end of this line.Who’s holding that fishing rod?Have you ever met Mr. Rod Holder? Hes one of the best “shermen out there. In fact, its not uncommon for him to hook more “sh than anyone else on the boat. Thats mostly because he doesnt jerk the rod and pull the bait right out of a “shs mouth. Often, the most productive way to catch “sh with natural bait is to let them eat it „ really eat it, including the swallowing part. With inline circle hooks, this method can be used even for “sh that are going to be released, since an inline circle hook rarely if ever hooks “sh deep (these hooks might also be labeled tournamentŽ or non-osetŽ). If youre having trouble hooking snapper and grouper on the reefs, or trout and reds on the ”ats, stick the rod in the rod holder. When you get a strike, dont grab the rod „ just reel, at least until you have the “sh well and truly hooked. FINANCING AVAILABLE Southwest Floridas Best Trailer Sales & Service Center The Friendly Store Best Prices in Southwest Florida Sales: 941-575-2214 Sales: 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Road, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (On the corner of Taylor Rd. & N. Jones Loop Rd. at I-75 Exit 161) Visit our Newest location 3835 Tamiami Tr., Port Charlotte Visit our Newest location 3835 Tamiami Tr., Port Charlotte (across from Gators) NEW & PRE OWNED CARGO / UTILITY TRAILERS COLLISION REPAIR CUSTOM BUILT UTILITY TRAILERS CUSTOM WELDING / FABRICATION FULL SERVICE TRAILER REPAIR TRAILER PARTS SURE TRAC IMPLEMENT / EQUIPMENT TRAILERS Roys Trailer Country Roys Trailer Country Sales & Service Charlotte Countys Best Selection of Trailers adno=50511285 Arising Trailers 2016

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing € Page 37 One of the things that we “shermen need to pay more attention to is how we release our “sh. Its not something we think about very often, and usually not until its too late. But ensuring that we release the “sh we dont want in a safe and healthy manner is one of the keys of a good, sustainable “shery, especially considering we target a lot of our “sh during their breeding seasons. I am going to get a little ornery, because I see some of the wrong ways to handle “sh on a daily basis. Many of them are demonstrated by people who have been “shing way longer than I have and who should know better at this point. The “rst thing I want to touch on is a “shs slime coat. His slime is his “rst defense against infection, disease and parasites. So we want to leave as much slime on the “sh as possible. A de-slimed “sh is akin to us walking around without our skin, which is our “rst line of defense. It wont take long for that “sh to be invaded with parasites or catch a fatal disease or infection. Some “sh, like seatrout, are very susceptible to dying from lack of slime. I understand “sh slime is goopy and gross. But for Gods sake, were not 8 years old anymore, so put the rags and gloves away. That is the worst thing you can handle a “sh with. A dry rag or dry glove just sucks the slime o a “sh. That “sh may swim away healthy but I can guarantee you that it will more than likely die or at least get sick. With the advent of “sh grippers ranging from $15 to $200, there is no reason to handle “sh like this any more except out of laziness and being cheap. For years, we have advised that if people must handle “sh with a rag or glove, to wet it “rst. It does help, but it will still strip o slime. So Im not a fan of a wet glove or rag either. Just wet your hands and pick up that “sh. While were throwing that towel or glove away, how about you dig that ga out of your boat and throw it away too? With many of our “sh having slot limits, using a ga is just asking for trouble. As soon as you sink a ga into a “sh, you have legally taken possession of that “sh. Even worse, youre poking holes in “sh that werent there before. Now, can you tell the dierence between a 26.5-inch red“sh and a 27.25inch red“sh? No, you cant. Gas just dont go hand in hand with preservation of “sh. A good quality landing net will go farther in safely landing and releasing a “sh than just about anything. Most nets are sucient, but I prefer rubber mesh nets. They dont remove as much slime as a rope or string-type net, and as a bonus they usually dont grab treble hooks. If youve done a lot of lure “shing, youve accidentally killed “sh simply because it took too long to get the hooks out of the net so you could get them out of the “sh. I know I have. Rubber nets help alleviate that problem. Quick hook removal is key. We dont want to keep the “sh out of the water longer than we have to. Go take a run around your house, then stop and hold your breath for as long as you can. Thats about how much time you have before you start to risk losing that “sh. Its not very long. If you have to put him back in the water to let him recover a little, then do so. Sometimes, no matter how good your intentions are, you just take too long. When that happens, you need to let that “sh recover. You may have to hold him over the side of the boat and revive him. Ive found that the best way is to grab that bottom lip carefully and set him in the water. Gently move him in a “gure-8 pattern. Running him back and forth isnt accomplishing anything; he needs to move forward so water ”ows over the gills. I will usually do a few “gure-8s and then pause and see if I can feel him starting to swim away. You may feel the body undulate in your hand, but thats not usually good enough. You want to feel him trying to get away. Now with some bigger “sh, this isnt easy. Tarpon come to mind. With a tarpon, you may need to actually idle the boat slowly forward. I like to have the driver turn sharply towards the side of the boat the tarpon is on. This should keep him away from the prop if he gets away before you are “nished. Also, keep a lookout for sharks. Believe me, they can come out of nowhere to eat a tarpon that you have your hand stuck into. Speaking of sharks, reviving them is tough „ some species more than others. Blacktips are pretty resilient when it comes to revival. However, hammerheads run about 50/50 whether they survive, even with your best eorts. Sharks are tough to revive because you cant grab them by the lower lip like a snook or tarpon and drag them. Remember that ga you just threw away a few paragraphs ago? Go dig it out of the garbage can. Get yourself a big Styrofoam bobber and some electrical tape. Stick the point of the ga into the bobber, then wrap a liberal coating of electrical tape on the bobber and ga to hold them together. Now you can stick that into the corner of the sharks mouth so you have something to control it with, without poking any extra holes in the shark or him poking extra holes in you. If you can avoid it, try not to hang “sh by their lower lip only. If you lipŽ a “sh, try to support the belly of that “sh at the same time. Some “sh can die by hanging them by their lip only. Snook can tear delicate tissues in the throat area and starve to death after being dangled by the lip, even though they swim away strong. And when it comes to big “sh, try not to let them bang against the boat or you. It can injure you both. Remember that some “sh, such as tarpon over 40 inches and Goliath grouper, cant be removed from the water. Removing “sh from the water can rearrange their internal organs, so the scientists say. While youll have a hard time convincing me that holding a “sh that jumps completely out of the water on its own will damage it, thats the law, so try to follow it. Proper tackle and knowing how to use it goes a long way in releasing a “sh on the healthy side. Getting the “sh to the boat in a short amount of time is paramount to proper recovery, so choose the size of your rod, reel, line and leader appropriately. And that clicky knob on the top of your reel? Thats your drag knob. You use it to tighten your drag. A loose drag can cause a few problems. Either you end up “ghting the “sh to the point of unrecoverable exhaustion, or he makes a long run and cuts you o on something and ends up with 50 yards of line dragging behind him and a hook in his lip. Now, the hook isnt that big of a deal, but that line sure is. If that line gets caught in something, then that “sh cant protect himself and gets eaten. The chances of a “sh starving to death are slim „ that hook should rot out before that happens „ but todays braided lines will hold that “sh in place for some time. With more and more people “shing our waters every year, its becoming increasingly important for the “sh we release to survive. Otherwise, well have nothing to catch. So lets each do our part to ensure as many of our “sh live as possible. It will be better for the “sh and for all of us.Capt. Cayle Wills owns and operates Bad Fish Charters on Charlotte Harbor. You can contact him at 941-916-4538 or You can also visit him online at or Helping Residents Buy & Sell Their Boats of Any Size Since 2004 EXTENDED SERVICE PLANS OF THE MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY AVAILABLE ON 2009 MODELS AND NEWER a d no= 50509402 Let Our Six Locations Make Buying or Selling Your Boat Easy! NEW € PREOWNED € BROKERAGE € NO MINIMUM COMMISSION NO MATTER WHAT SIZE OR PRICE OF VESSEL FINANCING INSURANCE CHARTER WORLDWIDE SHIPPING

PAGE 130 € Page 38 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing WaterLine photo by Josh OliveA smart angler spends most of her time shing close to the pier, not way out away from it. BY ROBERT LUGIEWICZ adno=50512920

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 39 Shutterstock photoA big red grouper at the side of the boat is a beautiful thing. BY CAPT. VAN HUBBARDGrouper mysteries A lot of newer “shermen here seem to have the misconception that grouper are 1) abundant and 2) easy to catch. While I can understand how that happened „ grouper sandwiches seem to be on every menu „ the truth is that going out and digging your own is not so simple. However, there are grouper to catch in the Gulf. Lets look at how you can be successful in bringing a few home. Youll need gear capable of handling strong “sh. Red grouper have to be 20 inches long and gags must be 24 inches when in season. These are strong “sh and determined to stay on the bottom. Larger ones can take you to your knees in shallow waters. On the other hand, we frequently land nice grouper while snapper “shing with 20-pound spinning gear (yes, we also lose some). I have noticed in recent years that the heavy 60-and 80-pound gear that was once standard does not produce bites for us anymore. So now we need to decide whether we want to get bites or manhandle whatever we do hook. As usual, we have to compromise somehow, because you cant catch “sh if you dont get bites. Before you can catch grouper, you must “nd them. Not every reef is teeming with them. Most nearshore public reefs will produce only undersize “sh. Youll need better numbers than that to go out and catch a grouper dinner. This does not mean go riding around until you watch someone catch a big “sh then drive over to steal their spot. If you steal numbers, youd better hope you dont break down „ that captain is not likely to oer much help! If you want good spots, take the time to “nd your own. Study the charts, do some homework, and use those Navionics chips in your sounder to locate bottom structures, ledges, and hard bottom areas. When you discover such areas, “sh around to learn that area well before you charge o in search of other “sh. Most of the time there are other good spots close by. Trolling around the area allows us to look and “sh at the same time. Use stout gear and deep diving plugs to reach bottom “sh in their home turf. When you hook up with a gag, immediately return and make careful observations to zoom in on the habitat it came from. Remember the lure was astern of your position. Carry a marker buoy you can toss to help you return to any structures you pass over; smaller spots are dicult to relocate. The harder it is to “nd, the better the “shing usually is because other anglers dont work it. Expect to invest some time and money to learn your way around out here. If it were easy, everyone would be an expert! After you work at it and discover some productive spots, you will become protective of them just like we are protective of ours. No one owns the waters, but stealing numbers is proprietary theft and simply wrong. It may seem harmless to a novice, but its often someones livelihood you are stealing. How you rig your hooks, leaders and weights can make or break your trip. Always use the minimum for the application at hand. Heavy gear will work if you are way out in very deep waters for the big ones. In less than 100 feet of water, I do well on medium and lighter gear. If you need 8 ounces of lead to reach bottom, youll also need a heavy rod, strong reel and 60to 80-pound line. A 40to 50-pound class rig will catch decent grouper, especially the reds, with no problem and also get you some tasty snapper. Lighter gear will land impressive “sh if you dont horse them and make em mad. Ive landed cobia up to 80 pounds on 20-pound spinning gear. A mix covers all the bases, but note how many big “sh bite on the lighter gear. I like braided lines with long ”uorocarbon leaders, and we are required to use inline circle hooks for all reef “sh. Live, dead natural baits or lures can all be used for grouper; what should you try? Some days one out“shes the others, so having a variety helps your odds. I usually carry frozen minnows, squid, live shrimp and pin“sh. Lures are handy too, and not just trolling lures but also butter”y jigs. These are ”at-surfaced and ”utter when sharply pulled up and allowed to drop back down. There are many variations available and they catch plenty of grouper (as well as AJs for you macho types). Use larger lures for deeper water and bigger “sh, or smaller ones if you want to entice snapper also. I “nd that starting out with some lighter rigs stimulates the bite. Try one rig for the big ones “rst in case they are hungry, but smaller “sh activity often turns on even stubborn “sh. Use various weights and baits, and concentrate your eorts on whatever works. Experience the joy of building your con“dence to locate your own “shing spots and sharing the “shing experience with others. Any moron can steal a spot; you must actually work to gain experience. Experience lasts forever, stolen spots dont. Oshore “shing encourages us to work together for results and safety. Its not wise to aggravate the boater you may need to help you in a bind! Enjoy this great “shery and respect the “sh and each other.Capt. Van Hubbard is a highly respected outdoor writer and shing guide. He has been a professional USCG-licensed yearround guide since 1976, and has been shing the Southwest Florida coast since 1981. Contact him at 941-468-4017 or adno=50512925 820 Albee Road W. Suite 1, Nokomis, FL € Okuma € Penn € Redbone € Calico Jack € Rapala € Ryobi € Rods and Reels Rods and Reels Open 7 Days a Week 941-882-4387 Winner of the Winner of the Venice Gondolier Venice Gondolier Sun Best of Venice Sun Best of Venice 2015 and 2016 2015 and 2016 Fins € Dirty Hooker € Reel Life Like Us On Facebook BEST OFVENICE Venice Gondolier SunF I R S T 2015

PAGE 132 € Page 40 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing WaterLine “le photoIf you can y sh back home, you can y sh here. And just like in many cases up north, here in Southwest Florida wading and y shing often go hand in hand. If you are a part-time beach dweller enjoying Southwest Florida f or a f ew months a y ear or a recent transplant f rom the vast f rozen northlands, y ou need not be afraid of the ocean or the creatures that dwell within. I am particularly speaking to those of you w ho like to ”y “ sh and those o f y ou who h ave alwa y s wanted to tr y ”y “ shing. Our probably have one. Many of the ”ies you will u se arent that much bigger or di erent than the f resh water streamers y ou use up north, so the y re castable on the 6. But just in case you happen to hook a b ig snoo k t h at wi ll d rag you an d your b oat into the mangroves, or a red “ sh that will bulldog y ou down in the grass and mud, o ver 200 pounds, 11and 12-wei g hts will b e require d to get t h e jo b d one N ext is the reel. Make sure, o f course, that it matches the rod weight b y holding enough o f the proper line and backin g to “ g ht and land larger, stronger “sh and is anodized f or protection against salt waters corrosive p roperties. Dont bring y our Orvis CFO or y our t o casting something bigger means youll h ave an a d vantage w h en you set out on our w a ters fo r the “ rst time N ow, on to y our tactics. A “sh is a “sh. B rilliant deduction, I know, but think about it. All “sh have the same basic needs. They need t o f eel sa f e, the y need to eat and the y need to work as little as possible. Its how the y survive. BY CAPT. REX GUDGEL adno=5050949 1 adno=XNSP46941

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 41 photoAlthough a good guide can be helpful for catching trout and redsh, expert help can be almost necessary with sh like tarpon and large sharks. Hiring a good guide With so many great “shing opportunities in the area, its not surprising that Southwest Florida is home to hundreds and hundreds of “shing guides. Sometimes at the boat ramp or bait shop, you cant swing a dead cat without hitting three or four of them. But just like in any highly specialized occupation, all guides are not equal. Some are consummate professionals who go to great lengths to ensure their customers will have an enjoyable and memorable trip. Others „ well, others arent. Even among the good ones, youll have a better time with some than you will with others. And thats why being picky is important. Dont choose one guide based solely on advertising, word of mouth or reputation. Instead, use those criteria to pick several. Call them all and talk to them all, then choose one based on how well your personalities mesh. Youre gonna be stuck on the boat with this guy (or gal) for hours. If hes a joker and youre Mr. Serious, its not gonna be a good day. The key is to be patient and selective. And wait for all those phone calls to come back. Its not wise to just book the “rst one returning your call „ it might be because hes not very popular and could get to the call quicker, while the other guys were too busy catching “sh to get back to you right away. Dont hire a guide based on the lowest price. A cheap guide is rarely good, and a good guide is rarely cheap. Most professional guides are going to be in the same ballpark. Expect to spend about $350 to $400 for four hours (half-day) and $550 to $600 for six to seven hours (full-day). If his prices are signi“cantly lower, why? Be aware that you should expect a premium for specialty services, such as tarpon, big sharks or oshore “shing. Be sure your captain is licensed, especially if you decide to go with a budget guide. Ask to see a license and TWIC card. Unlicensed charters are illegal and usually just a way for someone to take advantage of an unwary tourist. Your “shing license should be included in the cost, since real “shing guides buy a boat license that covers anyone “shing. If theres a speci“c target you have in mind, talk to your prospective guides. Better yet, talk to the sta at a local tackle shop “rst. They know what their guides specialties are and can often narrow down your list. If you want to catch a big shark or a whole bunch of red“sh, those are specialized skills that not every guide can accommodate. Not all “sh are available at all times. Big tarpon in winter? King“sh in the dead of summer? Possible, but not likely. Have realistic expectations. If youre tarpon “shing, jumping six and landing two is an awesome day. But if you expect to jump 30 and land every one, youre going to think its a bad day. When youre talking with your guide about what you want to do (ahead of time, not as youre boarding the boat), take his advice if he oers any. If he suggests the morning bite will be better for a particular “sh that you want to catch, schedule for morning if you can. If you book an afternoon trip, give him a little leeway in your expectations. Take his advice on the day of the trip as well. If the plan was to go for snook but he says theres a huge school of red“sh, maybe the school of red“sh would be a good plan. However, if youd rather catch a few snook than 50 reds, dont be afraid to speak up. After all, its your trip. Dont tell your guide about how some other captain took you to such-and-such spot and caught whatever. Every guide has his own preferred places to “sh and methods of doing things. Maybe its better, maybe its worse, maybe its a wash. But if you can learn a little for each of them, you can become a much better angler quickly. Besides, if Capt. Whatshisname was such hot stu, why arent you “shing with him? Fishing guides live and die by their reputations. If your captain does a great job for you and goes above and beyond for you, by all means you should show your appreciation with an appropriate tip (15 to 25 percent is about right) „ but also by telling others. Let the tackle shop guys know. Tell your buddies so they can consider hiring him when they come down. Post it on Facebook and Trip Advisor. A guided “shing trip can be an amazing experience if you make a wise (or lucky) choice in who you go with. It can also be a lousy, overpriced boat ride. Pre-planning will go along way toward ensuring you have the trip of a lifetime.Robert Lugiewicz is the manager of Fishin Franks Bait & Tackle, located at 4425-D Tamiami Trail in Charlotte Harbor and at 14531 N. Cleveland Ave. in North Fort Myers. Call 941-625-3888 for more information about the shop or for local shing info, or visit them online at BY ROBERT LUGIEWICZ Proudly serving Charlotte County Proudly serving Charlotte County and Surrounding Areas and Surrounding Areas (941) 505-0221 MARINE CONTRACTING GROUP € Boat lifts € Docks € Boat lift Repairs € Pilings € Seawalls € Dockside Dredging € Seawall Cap Replacements € Shoreline Stabilization Call Today For Your FREE Estimate Save $100 W/ T his Ad* LICENSED € BONDED € INSURED WWW.MCGFL.COM SALES@MCGFL.COM *Cannot be combined with other offers/New Contracts over $1,000. adno=50511254

PAGE 134 € Page 42 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing WaterLine “le photoAmberjack are a popular target species on deeper reefs and wrecks. In shallow water (less than 50 feet), youll be mostly shing for snapper, porgies and grunts. Get started on the reefsReef “shing in Gulf waters o Southwest Floridas coast is tremendously popular, and its a great way to put “sh in the skillet. To tap into this “shery, youll need a boat capable of handling at least modest seas, equipped with electronics which allow you establish your position and to look at the sea”oor beneath the boat. Youll also need to understand a little bit about the what, where, why and how of “nding and catching our grouper, snapper and other reef “sh. The “rst thing to know about reef “shing in Southwest Florida is that there are no natural reefs here, at least not in the form of tall, expansive tracts of stony corals. The hard bottomŽ or rocksŽ that youve heard mentioned in oshore “shing discussions are usually relatively ”at sheets of limestone rock that sport a crop of sponges, sea fans, small coral colonies and other marine growth. The most productive areas are usually pockmarked with round holes which are perfect hiding spots for grouper, and sometimes this type of habitat is called Swiss cheese bottom.Ž There are some rock ledges which may be as much as three or four feet in height (though most are much lower), but there is very little natural structure in this area that has much vertical relief. However, there is a number of large manmade reefs, most of which are comprised of some combination of concrete rubble, sewer pipes, concrete power poles, old barges, sunken boats or other suitably heavy and long-lasting materials. Dierent types of oshore structure attract dierent species of “sh. The arti“cial reefs (and a few sunken wrecks) generally include much taller structure than most of the natural rocky areas, so as a result they tend to attract dierent species of “sh. For example, cobia, barracuda, permit and amberjack tend to be caught over these manmade structures far more often than theyre caught over natural structure. Mangrove and yellowtail snapper stack up on these locations too, as do Goliath grouper and a few gags, though the best grouper “shing is almost always found on natural rocky bottom. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, rocky bottom is in somewhat short supply in the Gulf. The vast majority of the bottom is featureless sand, which holds very few reef “sh. The good news is that since the rocky outcrops are relatively scarce, they almost always attract “sh in much the same way that an oasis in the desert attracts all sorts of creatures. Successful oshore bottom “shing begins with locating these areas of rocky bottom, which is why its critically important that oshore anglers are equipped with, and understand how to interpret, bottomsounding electronics. Those areas of ”at limestone rock are a little tricky to spot on a depth sounder, but once theyre located they are great spots to catch lane and vermilion snapper, red grouper, grunts and porgies. If you can “nd a small rock ledge, even if its only a foot or so in height, youll be more likely to “nd mangrove snapper and gags, both of which tend to cluster around those ledges. If conditions are calm and the rocky area is fairly large, its possible to drift “sh. Sometimes this is the best way to pick up “sh that are scattered over a wide area. Usually, though, youll be anchoring your boat. If you are, you need to be aware that boat positioning can be critical. If youre “shing a wreck, an arti“cial reef or a natural ledge, being 20 feet o can mean the dierence between great “shing and getting skunked. Some anglers mark the target spot on their GPS screen and anchor back to that electronic mark, but Ive found I have better luck getting situated by dropping an old-fashioned marker buoy on my spot and using that as a visual reference when maneuvering upwind to drop the anchor. Most of the reef “sh action is on the bottom, so its important that your tackle include enough weight to get your bait to the sea”oor. The amount of weight needed will depend on water depth, the strength of any current which might be running, the size of the bait and the size of your “shing line. Carry an assortment of sinkers in the oneto eight-ounce range and youll be covered. Most of the anglers in this area do their bottom “shing with live or dead natural bait, though some will use jigs. Be sure that if youre using live bait or dead natural bait that you use only inline (also labeled non-oset or tournament) circle hooks, as this is a legal requirement in both state and federal waters of the Gulf when harvesting reef “sh species. Red grouper, lane snapper, grunts and porgies are not particularly wary “sh and can usually be caught on relatively heavy tackle, and they often take dead or cut baits including shrimp, squid or sardines. Gags and mangrove snapper are more cagey. Gags will take the same dead baits listed above, but there are many days when it is necessary to “sh live baits such as pin“sh or squirrel“sh (sand perch) to get them to eat. Mangrove snapper can be suicidally intent on gobbling dead baits on heavy tackle on some days, but frustratingly “nicky on other days. If youre there on one of their “nicky days, youll need to go down (sometimes way down) on hook and leader sizes until you start getting bites. Chumming with free-falling bits of cut bait is a good way to get them started. Chop it small „ you want to rouse their appetites, not feed them. As a general “shing rule, light tackle is more fun for the angler than heavy tackle, and this is true of reef “shing in the Gulf. But light tackle means dierent things in dierent “sheries. Take your favorite trout rod oshore and youll be amazed at the “ght you get from a modest-sized grunt, porgy or snapper. But if you hook a decent grouper „ say a barely legal 4or 5-pounder „ youll have little chance of landing that “sh before he “nds a ledge or hole in which to dive. Most oshore bottom “shermen think 20-pound class tackle is very light, and the majority start at 30 or more. Many guys who target grouper are “shing 50or 80-pound class tackle, even for “sh under 10 pounds. This is because you need to be able to snub those “sh up short as soon as you hook them, or you will likely lose them to the rocks. You will not hear much in the way of screaming drags on most grouper expeditions. Lets go “shing!Capt. Ralph Allen runs the King Fisher Fleet of sightseeing and shing charter boats located at Fishermens Village Marina in Punta Gorda. He is an award-winning outdoor writer and photographer and is a past president of the Florida Outdoor Writers Association. Call him at 941-639-2628 or email BY CAPT. RALPH ALLEN Fenced € Personal Gate Code 24/7 Access € Surveillance Cameras Lighted Area € Police Patrolled Covered Storage to 80 Feet € Dump Station Compacted Gravel Parking Area Covered Detailing Building Propane Electric Water Air Available Protect Your RVƒ S o u t h w e s t F l o r i d a  s P r e m i e r R V S to r a g e F a c i l i t y 150 Rio Villa Drive, Punta Gorda 941-575-7473 Store It Under Steel! D i scoun t R a tes f or A nn u al R ent ers Voted BEST RV & Boat Storage 2013 adno=50512779 2014

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 43 Photo providedSpanish mackerel are a favorite seasonal catch when theyre here in spring and fall. Seasons in the sunAs we all know, there are four seasons here on Earth: Summer, winter, spring and fall. Now here in Southwest Florida, it kind of feels like a northern summer most of the year. But there are subtle little temperature changes we feel about every three months, and those really are the changing of the seasons. Humans can sometimes have a hard time noticing these atmospheric changes, but our “sh sure do feel them. Fish can detect even the slightest change in atmospheric pressure because their lives depend on it. Fish feed heavy when they feel a drop in the atmospheric pressure (right before a storm) because they know its often hard to “nd food in murky water and it might be a few days before they can eat again. The pressure changes before a storm or weather front are abrupt, as opposed to the changes between seasons which happen much more slowly, allowing the “sh to get ready for a migration north or south depending upon which season is coming. Knowing when the season changes are going to happen is more critical to the longterm success of “sh than knowing when a storm is coming. A storm might make it hard for them to “nd food for a few days, but that wont normally kill them. Fish do best in a certain temperature and salinity range. Water thats too cold or too fresh can be harmful, even fatal. Even species that can tolerate a wide range of conditions may need a more speci“c environment to reproduce. The following is a season-by-season insight as to what to target throughout the year. Lets start with spring, because thats my favorite season. The best thing about spring, and the reason so many of us look forward to it, is that the “sh are hungry after poor winter rations. On any given day, the bite can truly be incredible. As the water starts to warm, dierent species of “sh will start to move into our area, while the species that have been here all winter will start to migrate out. Sheepshead and trout will start to move oshore to deeper water, seeking more comfortable temperatures. Yes, trout are here year-round, but a very large portion of trout are migratory, which is why they are so much more abundant in the winter months. While these “sh and a few others are taking o „ to where, only God knows „ other species, like tarpon and Spanish and king mackerel, are invading our area following the bait schools that all but vanish over the winter months. Other “sh to look forward to catching in the spring are snook, red“sh, black“n tuna, little tunny (bonito), permit, pompano and sharks. The vast majority of these “sh have either been down south or way up in the rivers over the winter and are just now coming back into our coastal waters. Spring is short here and quickly gives way to my favorite season, summer. The summer is a great time to target snook, red“sh, barracuda, sharks and tarpon. Due to the extreme heat and frequent afternoon storms, your “shing should be done early in the morning or toward evening. Think of how you feel in the heat of a 98-degree summer day with the sun beating down on you relentlessly. Makes you feel tired and miserable, right? Well, thats how the “sh feel also. Fish early or “sh late when you and the “sh are the most comfortable, and leave the middle of those dog days of summer for siestas. You may have noticed I did not mention the mackerel and tunas as summertime catches. Thats because they are up around Louisiana and the Florida Panhandle during this time of year, where the water stays quite a bit cooler. Smart “sh, huh? Although the summer is long, it cant last forever. Eventually, fall „ which is my favorite season „ rolls around. The water temps start to cool o to more reasonable levels, and the “shing again becomes a little faster-paced. Fall and spring “shing are a lot alike, though spring action is usually a little better. The mackerel and tuna start to come back from their summer hunts and the red“sh, snook, sharks and tarpon are fattening themselves up so that the upcoming winter wont be so harsh on them. The oshore grouper, snapper and amberjack bite is great in the fall also, and we see more tripletail and cobia to boot. The weather can be a bit tricky in fall as fronts start to push through, but pick your days right (just ahead of the front is good; just behind, not so good) and you never know what you might catch on any given cast. As the water temperature drops down into the upper 60s, our winter pattern sets in. While winter is my least favorite “shing season, there are still opportunities to catch lots of “sh. Trout and ”ounder action picks up in the estuaries and sheepshead and snapper are abundant on the reefs and wrecks. In most years, the sheepshead also make a good showing around inshore docks, piers and bridges. Fish that are looking for warmer water move up the rivers and often into the canals of Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte and Cape Coral. Fish lures slowly, and shrimp are a “shermans best friend this time of year. All of the “sh mentioned above can be found in our area year-round, but they can be found in much greater numbers and are more willing to take a hook during their preferred seasons. Also, remember that here in the subtropics the weather is unpredictable. Fall might last until January, regardless of what the calendar on the wall says, and summer might begin in April. Fish react to natures timetable, not ours, so be aware of it and always ready to adjust tactics based on whats going on, not what you think should be going on. Tight lines.Capt. Mike Myers, owner and operator of Reelshark Charters, is a full-time Charlotte Harbor guide. Having shed the waters all along the Southwest Florida coast for more than 35 years, he has the experience to put anglers on the sh they want. His specialties are sharks, tarpon and Goliath grouper. For more info, visit or call 941-416-8047. BY CAPT. MIKE MYERS Upper Charlotte Harbor Punta Gorda, Florida (941) 575-3000 142 Slip Marina 111 Permanent Slips & 31 Day Slips Wide Concrete Docks Heated Swimming Pool Fuel Dock and Pump Out Free Water and Cable TV WiFi Internet Service Free Bikes Laundry Facilities Clean Restrooms and Showers Large Dinghy Dock 33 Shops and Restaurants Harbor Cruises Fishing Charters and Boat Rentals Villa Vacation Rentals Transient Boats and Live-Aboards Welcome Boat Clubs Are Our Specialty! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC adno=50509400 Call us for summer dockage specials! Call us for summer dockage specials!

PAGE 136 € Page 44 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing WaterLine photo by Josh OliveAs modern spinning tackle gets tougher and more capable, taking on larger sh like this blacktip shark becomes a very realistic proposition. BY ROBERT LUGIEWICZ Choose your weapon One of the most basic decisions for any “sherman is what type of tackle hes going to use. While there are other specialty options, the main choices are spinning, spincast, baitcasting, conventional and ”y. Fly is outside my realm of expertise, so Ill leave that to the folks who know it better, but lets talk about the others. Spincast gear is very popular in the freshwater world and with kids who are just getting started. Its familiar to many anglers whove “shed for cat“sh and perch, but unfortunately, spincast gear is never the best choice for saltwater “shing. The line goes into the inside of the reel, carrying salt with it. As you might expect, when it gets in there, it doesnt do good things. The salt causes corrosion and rust, leading to malfunctions, grinding and eventually reel death. If youre really particular about maintenance, you can keep a spincast reel alive for a while in a saltwater environment. But since a lot of anglers choose spincast based on the lower price, and most people dont really maintain cheap gear, its usually not long before rust “nds a foothold. Youll be best o leaving spincast tackle to the freshwater “shermen. Spinning tackle is probably the most practical choice for most applications. These reels are easy to maintain „ just a rinse with low-pressure hose water after each use and maybe an oiling every few months. Spinning tackle can be used with live bait or arti“cial lures in almost any situation, from pan“shing to taking on tarpon. Todays spinning reels are almost all built for braided line, and there are models with lots of drag available in sizes suited for all but the largest “sh. As a bonus, you can save money by using a single reel with dierent rods for various types of “shing, since spinning reels are very simple to swap out. Baitcasting gear is also versatile and low-maintenance, so why do most “shermen avoid this style? User-friendliness. If you like baitcasting reels and are pro“cient with them, by all means use them for inshore and light oshore “shing. But if you havent “shed before, youll probably “nd it a lot more frustrating trying to work with baitcasters. Even modern baitcasting reels, which use magnetic anti-backlash devices, are touchy and take a lot of practice to cast well. Until you get the hang of it, theyre a royal pain. As spinning tackle has become dominant, even with larger “sh, conventional reels have become specialist gear. Where conventional really shines is for vertical “shing „ think sharks, grouper, amberjack „ and for trolling. Yes, you can use spinning gear for those styles of “shing, but a spinning reel will never be able to generate the same amount of torque as a conventional reel. Its just physics. The line on a conventional out“t is wound onto the reel in the same direction as the rod is pointing. Its like a winch. On a spinner, the line has to make a 90-degree turn to go on the spool. Take a spinner with 30 pounds of drag and a conventional with 30 pounds of drag. Spool them with the same 50-pound braid. Put them both on rods, same brand, same rating. Now hook up a matched double of 100-pound blacktip sharks. The shark on the conventional will almost always come in “rst, even if the angler hauling it in is a little smaller. Conventional reels can also have far larger spools than even the most massive spinning reels. While that can be a liability of youre trying to “ll a reel with small-diameter braided line, its very helpful for packing on a lot of mono“lament line. Mono is generally a better choice than braid for conventional reels anyway, because the same winchlike con“guration that gives them added strength can also lead to the line getting buried into itself under heavy tension. If you still have questions about which type of tackle you should be using, consult with the experts at your local tackle shop. And by the way: A spinning or ”y reel goes below the rod when youre holding it. All the other types go above the rod. Youre welcome.Robert Lugiewicz is the manager of Fishin Franks Bait & Tackle, located at 4425-D Tamiami Trail in Charlotte Harbor and at 14531 N. Cleveland Ave. in North Fort Myers. Call 941-625-3888 for more information about the shop or for local shing info, or visit them online at € Boat & Yacht Interiors € Bimini Tops € Repairs € Isinglass € Console Covers € Mooring Covers € Lanai Furniture and Cushions € Boating Hardware Supplies Your Fabric Covering Specialist for Over 23 Years SEAMS TO BE UPHOLSTERY 941-505-1566 225 Wood St, Punta Gorda 2009-2016 adno=50509404 2016 adno=50512931

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 45 WaterLine photo by Josh OliveLargemouth bass are Floridas original shing claim to fame. Back when snook were soapsh, redsh were no better than carp, and tarpon were a wealthy fools game, our bass were already widely admired. Freshwater opportunitiesSouthwest Florida oers amazing saltwater “shing which attracts throngs of anglers from all across the country and even from overseas. Many of these visitors become so captivated by our fantastic, year-round coastal “shing that they decide to relocate here permanently. Many of them, myself included, were avid freshwater anglers up northŽ who, after moving here, seem to forget about freshwater “shing altogether and “sh only in the salt. My dad moved our family here in 1975 and we immediately went head-over-heels into saltwater “shing, chasing just about every “sh that swam in Charlotte Harbor and the nearby Gulf of Mexico. I think it took at least 15 years before I ever even dropped a line in fresh water in Florida. Looking back at it now, I certainly dont regret having been lucky enough to spend countless hours of my youth exploring the “shing in salt water but I really wish that Id gotten back into fresh water “shing much sooner. When I “nally did begin to experiment with Floridas freshwater “shing in the 1990s, I quickly discovered that it is very good. Now, there are no 100-pound tarpon, 500-pound sharks or marauding schools of overslot reds in fresh water, so it is true that you must scale back your tackle and your expectations a bit to really enjoy fresh water “shing. That said, Florida produces some really big bass, huge numbers of crappie (but you have to learn to call them specks, short for speckled perch) and bluegill “shing thats unlike any I ever encountered up north. Right here in Southwest Florida, there is so much potential freshwater “shing territory that it would take years of dedicated exploration for an angler to sample it all. Much of the freshwater “shing here is found in beautiful, quiet locations where few other anglers will be encountered. I have several favorite freshwater spots where Ive never even seen another “sherman „ something that can be said about very few saltwater “shing locales. As a bonus, the southern portion of Florida is home to a myriad of exotic freshwater “sh species, most of which aggravate “shery biologists but many of which provide great sport for anglers without the need to travel to the overseas locations where these “sh are natives. Oscars, Mayan and midas cichlids, snakeheads, peacock bass, clown knife“sh, several species of tilapia and dozens of others inhabit the warmer regions of the state. For better or for worse, the ranges of many of these are expanding so more anglers are encountering them. There are already so many of these exotics in some portions of southern Florida that anglers are speci“cally targeting them. In the Naples area and farther south, there are many anglers who make trips just to “sh for oscars and Mayan cichlids. These guys take advantage of the fact that there are no size or bag limits on those exotic species and they load coolers with the tasty invasive “sh. In many areas of the Everglades, the catches of non-natives far outstrip the catches of native pan“sh (which is why the “shery biologists are concerned). There are even South Florida “shing guides who specialize in catching some of the higher-pro“le exotics such as peacock bass, snakeheads, clown knife“sh and a few others. Central Florida boasts a number of fair-sized lakes which oer public access. In our neck of the woods, there are fewer options. The rivers are worth “shing, but much of our freshwater action is in canals and ponds. Of course, most of the ponds are on private property, and it really pays to get permission before you wet a line. Getting booted by a sheris deputy is not a fun experience (or so Ive been told). There is a learning curve associated with freshwater “shing in Florida, which is very dierent from freshwater “shing up north even when targeting the species which live both here and up there. Floridas fresh waters tend to be warmer, shallower and more vegetation-“lled than the waters in which many of us “shed up north and this greatly in”uences “sh behavior. I cant say how long it takes to completely “gure out our freshwater “shing since Im still in learning mode myself „ but if I ever get there, Ill let you know. Lets go “shing!Capt. Ralph Allen runs the King Fisher Fleet of sightseeing and shing charter boats located at Fishermens Village Marina in Punta Gorda. He is an award-winning outdoor writer and photographer and is a past president of the Florida Outdoor Writers Association. Call him at 941-639-2628 or email Captain@ BY CAPT. RALPH ALLEN GETTING STUCK IS A HASSLE GETTING HELP SHOULDNT BEGet our FREE App! Serving Charlotte Harbor and the Peace & Myakka RiversTrust the local experts. Sea Tow Charlotte Harbor \ 941-625-5454 \ 800-4-SEATOW us on Facebook Join now. Sea Tow Services International, Inc. 2013. All rights reserved. adno=50511144

PAGE 138 € Page 46 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing Graphic by Josh Olive How to hook a bait Some “shermen hook a bait by just sticking a hook in it anywhere. This is generally not the best method. Shown at right are three ways to hook a shrimp. The top method uses a worm hook, made for bass “shing. Its weedless and very eective on the grass”ats. The middle method works well in open water. Be sure to avoid the dark spot, which is not the brain but the organ mass. Puncture it and your shrimp wont live long. The bottom method uses a jighead, which is great for getting more casting distance. When hooking a crab, insert the hook point in the second-to-last leg joint and bring it out through the upper shell. Bait“sh can be tricky. Whitebait, shown in the top image, have tough nose cartilage that provides a natural hooking area. Go in one side and out the other. Hooking a bait“sh low on the body will make it swim upward. Conversely, hooking it high will make it swim downward. The mullet at the bottom is rigged to slowtroll. Hook from the bottom jaw straight up through the snout and the bait wont spin. When hooking a worm, thread it onto the hook, passing through the body three to “ve times. This keeps it secure for casting. Don, Fix My Trailer! SALES * PARTS * SERVICE 941-698-9902 € Knowledgeable Sales Staff € Factory Authorized Warranty & Service Center € Traders Welcome WEST COAST TRAILER 7141 Gasparilla Rd., Port Charlotte, FL BOAT € CARGO € MOTORCYCLE € UTILITY € EQUIPMENT € KAYAK adno=50511154 adno=50509406 New Sailboats from Com-Pac Yachts Everything from small daysailers to cruising yachts 941-639-2320 w New & Used Powerboats & Sailboats Assisting you with locating, purchasing, selling, financing, delivering, inspecting and surveying any boat 941-833-0099 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 520 King Street OR 25096 Marion Ave Punta Gorda, FL 33950

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 47 Graphic by Josh OliveLove that porgy rigWhether you call it a porgy rg, a chicken rig or a hi-lo, this twin-hook rig is a “sh-catching machine on the reefs, wrecks and hard bottom of Southwest Florida. It doesnt take long to tie „ and even better, its the easiest way to bottom “sh. To make a porgy rig, start with about 6 feet of heavy leader material. If youre going after snapper on natural hard bottom, 20-pound ”uorocarbon might be what you want. Grouper on a wreck? Im thinking 80-pound ”uoro. Its good to have an assortment so you always have just the right material. You can tie this to your main line with a swivel if you want, but a line-to-line knot like the Uni knot is better. Too much hardware will reduce your bites. On the end of your leader, tie a bank sinker. The weight will depend on the depth and current where youre “shing, but generally 2 to 4 ounces will do “ne. About a foot above the sinker, tie a dropper loop. Then tie a second dropper loop about a foot above that one. Now, cut both loops near the knot so you have longer single strands instead of loops. On each of these strands, tie an appropriately sized inline (non-oset) circle hook. A 2/0 is probably about what you want for snapper, unless you;re into some really big ones. For grouper, a 6/0 to 8/0 hook sounds more like it. Because you have two hooks, you can bait each with a dierent choice. Try squid on top and shrimp below, or cut sardine and a whole whitebait. Once you determine which bait is getting the most hits, you can bait both hooks the same. This is great for kids, by the way. Nothing cuts through a short attention span like catching “sh two at a time! Photo providedCatching sh two at a time? Sure, why not?To “sh a porgy rig, drop it all the way down to the bottom and then reel until the line is taut. You should be able to feel the sinker bouncing o the bottom as waves rock the boat. Because your line is always taut, you can very easily feel every nibble. When you feel the “rst “sh on, reel the rig just a bit o the bottom. Put about 2 or 3 feet of line on the reel. Nothing excites “sh like a one of their buddies eating, so its very common for a second “sh to try stealing your “rst “shs lunch and end up on the other hook. When you feel this, start cranking them up. If youre having trouble getting the two-fer, try using tougher bait. Squid is easiest because it will usually take some serious pecking before coming o the hook. If two at a time starts getting dull, theres nothing stopping you from tying a threeor four-hook porgy rig. You may regret it when you suddenly get loaded up by four chunky grouper at once, though. For some aquarium-style fun, try using tiny hooks „ No. 6 or smaller „ baited with eensy-teensy bits of squid or shrimp. Youll catch all sorts of odd tropical “sh that look like theyre straight from the pet shop: A great photo op for the kids. adno=50509486 € Surveys, Haul-outs for Boats up to 65 ft. with free Overnight Stay. € Fiberglass & Gelcoat Repair € Engine Maintenance and Repair by Experienced Technicians € Professional Bottom Painting and Detailing € Convenient Location with Deepwater Access € Underwater Gear Reconditioned Marina Service Center Gasp arilla Marina Service Center Loca ted at Gasparilla Marina 15001 Gasparilla Road, Placida, FL 33946 941-698-1750 €

PAGE 140 • Page 48 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing WaterLine photo by Josh OliveA shing rod is a tool. Like any other tool, it does best when its used for the job it was designed to do „ and every rod is made for a slightly dierent job. Picking the perfect fishing rodWalk into any well-stocked tackle shop and one of the “rst things youll see is a forest of “shing rods. They all look sort of similar: Long, skinny sticks with a handle at one end and a bunch of line guides down one side. But we all know theyre actually very dierent. So how do you choose the right one for your style of “shing? Well, “rst, try thinking like a golfer. Im sure there are golfers who use a 7 iron for the whole course „ but not many. Most golfers have a whole bag full of clubs, and at some point theyll reach for a putter or a wedge. They understand that dierent clubs are made for dierent purposes. Right tool for the right job. Fishing rods are the same way „ dierent rods for dierent types of “shing. Rod choice is at the basic level simple: Big “sh, big rod; smaller “sh, smaller rod. We use the whole range, but lets start with the rod youll use most. For the average Charlotte Harbor angler, your go-to rod will be about 7 feet long and have a medium to medium-heavy line class rating. Usually, that would a be a 6-12, 6-14 or 8-17 pound test mono rating. Now that doesnt mean you have to use line of that pound test with the rod. All it means is that when youre comparing rods of the same make and model, the rods with the lower numbers will have a lighter feel and action. If Im casting lures, I prefer a 6-12 or 6-14 rod light in the tip and heavy towards the butt. A very light tip means I can twitch a lure eectively, and the heavy butt allows me to “ght a “sh better. If Im casting bait like shrimp or greenbacks, I prefer an 8-17 rod with a tighter tip and a heavier action close to the handle. Lets introduce another variable: Not all rods bend the same. When Im “shing open water with live or dead bait, I like a rod with a slower action. These rods bend in a parabolic curve „ think of a rainbow „ from the tip to the butt. However, if I am “shing the mangroves or heavy cover, I want a fast-taper rod with most of the bend in the tip. The reason is that when I am “shing cover, I need more control of the “sh. In open water the “sh has plenty of water to run in and nothing to break the line. But if the “sh is running under the mangroves or docks, it may wrap the line around the roots or pilings. Unlike the parabolic bend slow-action rod, a fast-action rod increases pressure to the “sh a little bit more with every inch the rod bends, helping you turn the “sh. Think about it this way: If you were tied to a line and you took o running and hit the end of the line hard, the line would most likely break from the impact. But if a little bit of pressure pulling you o course was added to you with each step, you would end up running in a circle or arc. And that is what happens to your “sh. The steadily increasing pressure turns the “sh, helps you get it away from whatever it wanted to swim around. What about rod length? For general use, I usually suggest a medium-heavy 7-foot rod. If you “sh mostly up against the mangroves Id go with a shorter rod, maybe 6 or 6.5 feet. Shorter rods are easier to control, and you dont have to cast far to reach the mangroves. Now on the open ”at, “shing the sand bars or open water, I would say a 7.5 or maybe even an 8-foot rod. The longer rod allows for more casting distance to maybe reach that “sh way over yonder in the next pothole. Why are they never in perfect casting distance except on the TV shows? Take care to match your reel and line to your rod. That sounds simple, but I see it done wrong every day. People think that by putting heavy line on their small reel, they will be able to land bigger “sh. Thats like putting the brakes from a pickup truck in a semi and expecting them to stop it. The drag on a little reel will only stop so much. Another problem: When you put heavy line on a small reel, you dont have much line to work with. Once the “sh has all the line, just say good-bye. Its OK to shed a tear at this point; I understand. To avoid such sad scenes, just repeat this mantra: Heavy line with a heavy rod and reel. Light line with a light rod and reel. If you have “shed a lot and you know what you like, you can pick up a rod and sort of tell what it will do. For years, I picked rods for people. I still do when someone wants a rod for a very speci“c job. But I still “nd it very dicult choosing a rod for a woman. A womans wrist is dierent than a mans. Over the last few hundred thousand years, men have evolved wrists to swing clubs and pound on things. So if theres one thing I know, its that one rod rarely feels the same to both women and men. Finding the most comfortable rod for anyone, man or woman, is tough. So I developed a system using weight to “nd out how a rod eects a persons wrist and how it feels.Ž Every rod has a feel to it, and only the person whos using it can say if its the right one. If your buddy has his or her perfect rod, good for them „ but it might not feel good to you at all. Take your time when choosing your go-to rod and reel, as it will become your best buddy and you will hopefully spend a lot of time together. After that, get help picking a rod that will cast far down the ”ats or get you a lot of control of a “sh against the trees. I can tell you many times Ive had to replace rods which customers thought were great in the store, but then when they got out “shing it was just wrong. The only true test is to “sh with it. So “nd a bait and tackle store to help you choose (hey, I know where theres a really good one), because the right rod makes the experience better. Fishin Franks Bait & Tackle is located at 4425-D Tamiami Trail in Charlotte Harbor and at 14531 N. Cleveland Ave. in North Fort Myers. Call 941-625-3888 for more information about the shop or for local shing info, or visit them online at BY FISHIN’ FRANK adno=50511155 7491 Sawyer Circle, Port Charlotte, FL Englewood 941-475-7055 € Port Charlotte 941-697-7029 Serving all makes and models Certified Technicians Service, Parts & Accessories For ALL Your Boating Needs Tohatsu Outboard Authorized Factory Sales & Service Licensed & Insured Bringing BIG Power call for pricing and warranty adno=50512783 Captains License You can get your In-Class or Online Classes and Testing in Punta Gorda 941-249-5142

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 49 WaterLine “le photoOur local canals can be shing hotspots. THey can also be very slow, so be sure youre targeting them at the right times. Check out the canalsI think one of the most ignored resources when it comes to “shing in this area is our canals. We have 190 linear miles of saltwater canals in Charlotte County that are just smack full of “sh. And theyre full of “sh for good reason: The canals are ripe with structure. Docks, seawalls, oyster growth, boats that never move, bridges, “sh lights and even mangroves. All of this serves as protection and a food source for our “sh. On top of all of that, the canals can be a saving grace for our “sh when winter temperatures get too cold. The canals are deep and the bottom is dark. That makes them heat up faster in the sun and retain that heat better than the shallows of the Harbor. Snook will even lay up against the sea walls to soak up the heat as they warm in the sun. They seem to be ignored for many reasons. Sometimes the residents are hostile to “shermen, and I can understand that to some extent. I dont want to “nd hooks the hard way in my mooring lines or chunks out of my gelcoat because someone is bouncing heavy sinkers or jigheads o the side of my boat. The currents in some canals can be challenging to deal with, and anchoring is frowned upon. But if you can pull it together, you can “nd almost every species you target on the ”ats and the mangrove shorelines in the canals. Snook, red“sh, tarpon and snapper can be particularly abundant in the canals. Fishing the canals is really no dierent than “shing anywhere else. You want to target either structure or a food source. In the canals, structure mostly means docks and boats. Sure, if you can “nd mangroves, you can target them just like you would outside of the canals, but were going to focus on docks and boats. Those docks and boats provide hiding spots for “sh of all sizes. It would probably blow your mind if you could get a snapshot of what lies under some of those sailboats that never move. When “shing the canals, I try to consider my target “shs second strongest sense. The canals are usually pretty dark and murky, so most of the time the “sh cant see well. Instead, they will fall back to their second strongest sense. Snook, for instance, will use their sense of vibration. Red“sh will use their sense of smell. So I want to take advantage of that. For snook, Ill will throw whitebait in the summer and arti“cials that rattle in the winter. For red“sh, you can throw shrimp all year or whitebait when its available. Same goes for snapper. Just like when youre “shing the mangroves, casting accuracy is a necessity. Youre going to be sidearm casting your bait under docks, around boats and mooring lines, or right up against boats without hitting them. With shrimp, Ill usually freeline them if the current isnt too strong. I want the bait to act natural, but at the same time I want it to stay in the strike zone, which is right under that dock or boat. With arti“cials, Ill work them a little dierently. Most people will throw three or four times under a dock then move to the next. Ill probably cast 15 or 20 times under that dock, hoping for a reaction strike. The only way that snook has to make that annoying lure shut up and go away is to eat it. Tackle is usually simple and similar to what I use around the mangroves: A 4000 series reel with 15-pound braided line on a 7or 7.5-foot rod. My leader might need an upgrade, though. I usually start with a 30-pound leader. If Im getting a lot of break-os, Ill up it to 40 and sometimes even to a knottable steel leader. Everything in a canal is abrasive. Everything. As far as my lures go, I like crankbaits in the canals. Rapala X-Raps and smaller Bombers are great, but my all-time favorite in the canals, especially in the summer when the water is very murky, is a Rat-L-Trap. If youre targeting snook, you need something that makes some noise, and you cant out-rattle a Rat-L-Trap. I also use white ”ukes rigged on a worm hook, and Ive been known to use a Gulp crab on a jighead a time or two. Get out there and hit those canals. They can be a trip-saver on windy days when its just too rough to be comfortable out on the Harbor. Just make sure your GPS is working. You can get lost in there.Capt. Cayle Wills owns and operates Bad Fish Charters on Charlotte Harbor. You can contact him at 941-916-4538 or Capt.Cayle@ You can also visit him online at or BadFishCharters. BY CAPT. CAYLE WILLS € Friendly, Courteous Service € Security Fencing with Surveillance Cameras € 24 Hour Recorded Surveillance € 24 Hour Access € Personalized Security Pass Code Entry € Pest Maintenance € Exterior Facility Lighting WE SUPPORT OUR VETERANS € Indoor Units (non cc): 10 x 10, 10 x 15, and 10 x 20 € Indoor Units (cc): 5 x 5, 5 x 10, and 10 x 10 € Outdoor Lots: 25 ft / 30 ft / 40 ft € Covered Outdoor Lots 45 ft 25477 E. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 | 941-505-0626 adno=50509422 A Safe and Secure Place to Store Your Boat, RV, Trailer, and Much More Storage Amenities: Available Storage:

PAGE 142 • Page 50 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing Photo providedWhen sh are hanging out under the mangroves, this is usually about as far out as theyll come to hit a bait. Get it in there, or dont get bit. Photo provided Its common knowledge that “shing along a mangrove shoreline can be very productive here in Charlotte Harbor. Yet many anglers are frustrated by a lack of success in these areas. Understanding exactly how and why “sh utilize this type of habitat will help you catch more and bigger “sh here. One reason “sh hang out around mangroves it “nd food. Mangrove roots provide great hiding places for small “sh and crustaceans, and oer a solid surface for barnacles and oysters to anchor themselves. Fish will sometimes choose to hang out under mangroves with lots of bird activity. Active rookeries are a great place to “nd free food, such as scraps dropped by messy chicks and sometimes even the chicks themselves. Landing birds also sometimes knock mangrove crabs into the water. For a red“sh, thats manna from heaven. They also use mangrove trees as shelter. Overhanging branches make great shade on a hot, sunny day. The water temperature under mangroves can be several degrees cooler than water over open sand just a few feet away. Larger predators such as sharks and dolphins are unable to follow them in, so mangroves are an ideal refuge. When the tide is high, even large “sh can penetrate surprisingly far back into mangrove root tangles. If youre quiet enough, you can sometimes hear loud splashes of “sh feeding deep in the mangrove swamps. As the water drops toward low tide, these “sh must “nd deeper refuges within the swamp or “nd a way out to open water. Fish often use tiny feeder creeks as paths through the dense jungle. Locating these creeks and targeting them as the tide falls can lead to some very impressive catches. Because mangroves are such excellent hiding places, it can be very dicult to tempt “sh out. If your cast ends up a few feet short of the trees, its likely that you wont be very successful. Fish will come to the edge of the cover but will rarely leave it, even for a tasty morsel sitting on their doorstep. Casting close means youll end up tangling in tree branches sometimes. After youre done “shing a spot, go retrieve your line and hooks. Theyre death traps for birds, and if you leave them, the “shing gods will curse you. This opening in a pocket of the mangroves might be a creek mouth. Some creeks are very small, so it can be hard to tell without a close inspection. Its worth knowing, though, because almost all creeks are sh attractors. Overhanging mangrove branches provide great cover for sh, and they know it. Cast placement is very important. Get your bait under the branches with a sidearm cast, and youre in the money ƒ ƒ but if your cast lands here, youre probably going to nd nothing but pinsh and maybe crabs. Accuracy is everything, and the only way to get better is to practice, practice, practice. Mangrove shorelines that also have healthy seagrass, visible here as dark patches, can be more productive than those with featureless sand or mud in front of them. When a mangrove limb or trunk is snapped o and falls into the water, it becomes a separate piece of structure. Fish will sometimes utilize these, especially if the water under the trees isnt quite deep enough for them. Theyre usually worth a cast or two. As with any structure, start shing a mangrove shoreline from a distance. Fish that detect your presence may evacuate the area or swim deeper into the tree roots. Make several casts to likely spots before approaching closer to pick an area apart. An angler on foot can be much more eective in these areas than one in a boat, mostly because its a lot less invasive. However, some mangrove shorelines have deep, sticky mud. Check it before you hop overboard. When sh are waiting to enter a mangrove swamp as the tide rises, theyll often use slightly deeper areas as resting spots. These can be creek mouths, potholes or just areas that have an extra few inches of water, and they might be a dozen or more yards out from the treeline. adno=50511163 F IN E BAIT & T A C K L E adno=50509492 North Ports Finest & ONLY Fishing Shop Wide array of LIVE & FROZEN BAIT FULL & HALF DAY CHARTERS INSHORE Open 7 days a week, 6 AM TO 6 PM 14503 Tamiami Trail, North Port, FL 34287 (941) 240-5981 Fishing tackle € Rod and reel repair

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 51 Navigate through any local saltwater canal after dark and youll see underwater “sh lights casting an eerie greenish glow behind some houses. These lights are meant to attract “sh „ and they work pretty darn well. If you hang out around one of these light and watch, youll probably see snook, tarpon, cat“sh, mullet and an assortment of tiny “sh. Sometimes drum or sharks show up, but thats incidental. Understanding what draws them will help you understand how to “sh here. The lights work by drawing in little crustaceans like copepods. These tiny shrimp-like animals are eaten by the little “sh, and the bigger “sh show up to the party later on. Because most of the prey items around the lights are small, it makes sense to use small lures or baits. You can dip up the little bait“sh in a net, but that might shut the bite down for the rest of the night. While shrimp can work, predators at the lights are expecting small “sh. Tiny lures like the DOA Tiny TerrorEyz and Creme Litl Fishie are ideal. If you watch the bait“sh, youll see they often swim in a skitter-pause, skitter-pause pattern. Try to imitate that with your lure. This action is easier to attain with a ”y, which wont sink like a lure when you pause it. Throwing small bait“sh imitations is also easier with a ”y rod. If you use this technique, take care to avoid slapping your line down on the water. Although lights both above and under water will show you “sh, very often the “sh you can see arent the ones that are actively feeding. Why? Stand in a dark room and look into a well-lit one. You can see everything. Now move to the lit room and look back into the dark. Not seeing much, are you? Its the same underwater. Focus your eorts on the edges of the lights in”uence. Predators will hang out in the dark and watch for an opportunity to lunge toward the light and grab an easy meal. Lights that are above the water will usually create a shadow line on the water. Lighted docks are perfect for this, as “sh can hide under them. Take note that a shadow line may continue to angle under the water, as shown in the top graphic. Fish will often hold near the bottom, so do some down-and-dirty geometry in your head „ angle of the light plus water depth „ to get an idea where to “sh. Graphics by Josh Olive adno=50512711

PAGE 144 • Page 52 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing An angler’s glossaryWhether youre new to the water or an old salt, you have to agree that boaters and anglers use some terminology that takes a while to pick up. I thought a glossary of some of these words might be useful to you. Although the following list is far from complete, it should be enough to get you started. ABEAM: At a right angle to the keel or centerline of the boat. ABOARD: On a boat. AFT: Toward the stern. AGROUND: When a boats hull is in contact with the bottom. If this happens under power, its called running aground If the boat cant be freed, its called hard aground If the tide goes out while youre aground, you may end up high and dry AID TO NAVIGATION: Any device intended to assist navigators in determining their position or safe course, or to warn them of dangers or obstructions to navigation (channel markers, lighthouses, buoys, etc.). ALGAE: Single-celled or multicellular plantlike organisms. Water rich in nutrients often causes an algal bloom (rapid growth) of unicellular species. Multicellular species (kelp, sargassum, etc.) are called macroalgae or, more commonly, seaweed. ANCHOR: A device used to secure a vessel to the bottom. There are many designs. In some cases, even a concrete block can be used as an anchor. ANCHOR PIN: A long, thin rod used to stake out a boat. Can be manual (e.g., Stick It) or power-operated (e.g., Power Pole). ARTIFICIAL LURE: Any bait not organic in nature; usually made of plastic, metal, wood, feathers or some combination thereof. BACKCOUNTRY: Inshore areas characterized by narrow, shallow waterways and heavy mangrove growth. There is open water in the backcountry, but getting to it is often dicult. Sometimes used to refer to any inshore waters. BAG LIMIT: The quantity of a given species that may be taken by a individual harvester each day. For the purposes of the bag limit, a harvester is a person actively engaged in catching sh. Someone who isnt shing, has no license or is too young to hold a rod is not a harvester, which means they cannot collect any part of a bag limit. BAIT: Any natural or articial lure used to entice sh to bite a hook. BARRIER ISLAND: A large sandbar between inshore and oshore waters. Barrier islands naturally shift over time, a process that humans try to control because beachfront property is expensive. BENTHIC: Used to describe any organism that lives on the bottom (sea stars, scallops, crabs, etc.). If attached to solid objects, benthic creatures are called sessile (oysters, corals, barnacles, etc.). BILGE: The compartment at the bottom of the hull where water collects. BIMINI TOP: An foldable canvas top for the cockpit of a boat, supported by a metal frame. BLINDCASTING: A method of sportshing in which an angler casts a bait to an area he supposes a sh might be, as opposed to sightcasting. BLUE WATER: Water so deep it appears royal blue, generally 200 feet or more deep. On this coast, it takes a run of more than 100 miles to reach blue water. BOATING SAFETY COURSE: A class intended to teach one how to be a safe vessel operator. In Florida, required for anyone born on or after Jan. 1, 1988, to operate a vessel. BOGA: A brand of lip-gripping and weighing tool used to hold sh. Often used generically to refer to any similar tool. BOTTOM FISHING: A shing style that utilizes natural baits and heavy sinkers to target reef sh (usually grouper and/or snapper) in the Gulf. Also, any other method that target sh living on the seaoor. BOTTOM MACHINE: See shnder. BOW: The front end of a boat. BRACKISH: Water that is a mixture of salt and fresh. Brackish water is often murky and/or tinted brown, but not always. BRAID: Fishing line made from gel-spun polyethylene ber. Braided line is characterized by a small diameter relative to its tensile strength. BRIDGE GAFF: A weighted treble hook attached to a strong line, used for lifting large sh up to a bridge or high pier. Unethical and possibly illegal for sh that are to be released. (See Pier Net.) BUCK SNOOK: A small snook (16 to 24 inches). Snook are almost always male at this size and become female when they get larger. BUCKTAIL: A jig dressed with natural hair or nylon bristles. BULL REDFISH: A large redsh, male or female. Usually reserved for sh longer than 30 inches. BUMPER: A plastic foamor air-lled device used to absorb shock when a boat contacts a solid object or other boat. BUOY: A oating object anchored to the bottom, used to mark a spot. BUSTING BAIT: Large sh attacking small sh at the waters surface. BYCATCH: A sh caught while targeting a dierent species. CANAL: A long and narrow man-made waterway. May be lled with salt, brackish or fresh water. CASTNET: A circular net 4 to 30 feet in diameter, weighted at the edges, designed to be thrown. The netter grips an attached rope to retrieve the net. Measured by radius (an 8-foot net is 16 feet across). CATCHANDRELEASE: To capture sh for amusement with no intention of harvesting them. CHANNEL: A navigable pathway of deeper water through an area of shallower water. Some are natural; others man-made. CHART: A map of a waterway, usually marked with approximate depths. CHINE: An angle in the hull, or a line formed at the point at which the sides of a boat meet the bottom. CHOP: Isolated waves that are short and steep; often seen as adjective form choppy.Ž CHUM: Ground or nely chopped whole sh or liquid (blood, sh oil, etc.) used as a scent attractant and to get sh started feeding. CLEAT: A stationary device used to secure a rope aboard a vessel. CIRCLE HOOK: A shhook with the point turned back toward the shank. Can be inline (with point on the same plane as the shank) or oset. Designed to catch sh without angler interaction; in fact, attempts to set a circle hook usually result in just pulling it from the shs mouth. COCKPIT: The area of the vessel where the helm and operators controls are located. In smaller vessels, this usually also includes the seating area. COME ABOUT: Steer in the opposite direction. CRAB TRAP BUOY: A Styrofoam oat used to mark the location of a crab trap. CRANKBAIT: An articial lure, usually hard plastic, designed to dive and vibrate rapidly when retrieved. May be lipped (e.g., the Bomber Fat A) or lipless (e.g., the Rat-L-Trap). CREEK: A narrow natural body of water, usually owing. Freshwater creeks may ow for many miles. Tidal creeks are brackish or salt water and have no natural ow (water moves only with the tides), and may be as short as 30 feet. CREST: The topmost part of a wave. CRIMP: A metal tube used to secure cable wire or monolament shing line in place of a knot. CURRENT: Moving water in any form. CUT: A narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies. CUTBAIT: Pieces of sh used as bait. Usually cut from whole sh, not llets. DECK: Nauti-speak for oor. GenerOr, a simple explanation of all those strange words people keep using Photo providedThe two diagonal lines on this hull near the waterline both have names. The top one is the chine ; the lower one is a lifting strake Photo providedSea stars are an example of benthic life. adno=50512749 Franks Engine Rebuilding & Machine Shop 3rd Generation Rebuilding Experts € ESTABLISHED 1958 € Frank Panno Owner 3151 Cooper St., Unit 11, Punta Gorda Heavy Duty € Industrial € AG € Diesel € Marine 941-505-6994 € Tues…Fri 10 AM …5 PM at 109E Olympia Ave #305, Punta Gorda Sat 8 AM …1 PM at the Punta Gorda Downtown Farmers Market ORIGINAL SWISS ARMY KNIVES PETERS KNIFE SHOP (941) 639-1542 € Professional Sharpening € Swiss Army Pocket Knives € Collectors Knives € Knife Museum € Kitchen Knives € Fishing Knives adno=50509403

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 53 ally, the deck excludes the cockpit. DECK BOAT: A boat designed for maximum deck space. Diers from a pontoon boat in that it is built on a vee hull. DEHOOKER: A tool used to remove a hook, often without handling the sh. DRAFT: The distance from a boats waterline to the bottom of the hull, usually measured at rest. DRAG: A device that creates friction on the spool of a shing reel. DREDGE: To remove bottom sediments, usually to allow easier boating access in a pass or a canal. DRIFT FISHING: Fishing from an unanchored boat with no propulsion system engaged. DROPOFF: A sudden increase of depth. EAST WALL, WEST WALL: The east and west sides of Charlotte Harbor. The East Wall extends from roughly Alligator Creek to Matlacha Pass. The West Wall extends from Cattle Dock Point to Cape Haze Point. Both walls feature extensive mangroves. The East Walls ats extend farther out from the shoreline EPIRB: Emergency position-indicating radio beacon; used to guide rescuers to you when you need rescuing. ETHANOL: A fuel additive used for road vehicles. Should not be used in most marine engines. FATHOM: Equals 6 feet of depth. FISHFINDER: An electronic device that uses sonar to illustrate objects beneath the surface of the water. Sometimes called a bottom machine A depthnder also uses sonar, but shows only water depth. FLARE: A pyrotechnic signaling device, usually used to indicate distress. FLAT: A large area of shallow water (usually less than 6 feet deep), with a more-or-less-level bottom. Most ats are named by what covers the bottom (grassat, mudat, etc.). FLAT HULL: A vessel design that utilizes a at hull bottom to minimize draft. Flat-hulled vessels handle waves poorly. FLOAT PLAN: A written or oral plan detailing a boaters on-the-water plans and left with a responsible party in case of misadventure. FLUOROCARBON: A plastic material often formed into thin strands and used for leaders. Fluorocarbons refractive index makes it almost invisible in water. FOLLOWING SEA: Waves or tidal movement moving in the same direction as a vessel. FREELINE: To sh a bait with no weight or oat. FWC: The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; sets game and sh regulations for Florida lands and waters. GAFF: A large hook attached to a pole used to land sh. Gang is a safer way to handle toothy sh, but should be used only for sh that will be harvested. GATOR TROUT: A large trout. Here, usually any specimen larger than 5 pounds. GILL NET: A net with a mesh designed to be large enough to allow a shs head through, where it gets caught by its gill aps. Illegal to use in Florida state waters. GOOGAN: An inexperienced boater or sherman, especially one who demonstrates an unwillingness to learn etiquette. Generally not a term of endearment. GPS: Global positioning system; a satellite-based navigation system used to determine location. GREENBACK: See whitebait GUIDE: A licensed professional mariner who takes individuals or small groups on a boat for shing, ecotourism or other purposes. GUNWALE GUNNEL: The sides of a boat. HARD BOTTOM: A section of seaoor that is shelly or rocky. In the Gulf, hard bottom is often limestone. HARVEST: To kill an animal, regardless of reason. HATCH: A door or panel covering a compartment. HAYWIRE TWIST: A method used to secure single-strand wire without crimping. HEAD: Nauti-speak for restroom. HEADING: The direction in which a vessel is traveling. HEAD SEA: Waves or tidal movement moving in the opposite direction as a vessel. HELM: The wheel or tiller a vessel operator uses to steer. ICW: The Intracoastal Waterway, a system of man-made and naturally occurring channels that allow a boat to traverse the coast without being exposed to the open Gulf. IDLE SPEED: The forward speed produced when your motor is idling in gear. INBOARD MOTOR: A vessel engine contained within the hull. May be dieselor gasoline-powered. INSHORE: In this area, any salt or brackish water except the open Gulf of Mexico. JHOOK: Any shhook that is not a circle hook. JACKPLATE: An adjustable outboard motor mount attached to the transom of a boat, allowing the motor to be moved up and down vertically for improved shallow-water performance. JERKBAIT: A diving articial lure, usually with a short lip, designed to be retrieved while action is imparted by sweeps of the rod. JETTY: A man-made wall that extends out into the water. Often made of large rocks. JIG: Usually, an articial lure made using a jighead. May be constructed using soft plastic, feathers, nylon bers, natural hair or any combination. Also refers to other heavy lures made of metal (e.g., buttery jig diamond jig ), designed to be worked vertically in the water column. JIGHEAD: A hook with a lead weight molded onto it. The lead may be any of several shapes; most commonly round or oval. KEEL: The central structural basis of a vessels hull. KEEPER: A sh that is legal to harvest. KEY CAY: A small island. KNOTS: Speed expressed in nautical miles per hour. For example, 10 knots is 10 nautical miles per hour. Only googans say knots per hour.Ž Multiply knots by 1.1508 to calculate miles per hour, or multiply mph by 0.869 to calculate knots. LANDING NET: A large handheld net with a handle, used to bring a sh ashore or into a boat. LEADER: A section of shing line or wire between the lure or bait and the main shing line (also called running line). Leader may be used for stealth (less visibility) or to prevent breako due to abrasion on rough surfaces or sharp teeth. LEDGE: A sudden dropo in area of hard bottom, usually less than 12 inches tall here. Sometimes used to describe the rapid change in depth found along the edges of natural passes. LEE: Away from the wind. LIFTING STRAKE: A small protrusion along the bottom of a planing hull which adds extra lift. LINE: The thin strand of material used in angling to connect the angler and the sh. Also, nautispeak for any rope. LIVE BAIT: A natural bait (shrimp, crab, small sh, worm, etc.) that is still alive. LIVEWELL: A tank aboard a vessel used to keep harvested sh alive. Usually plumbed with a pump to allow circulation of outside water. When used for live bait, referred to as a baitwell Some boats have separate dedicated livewells and baitwells. MANATEE ZONE: An area with special vesselspeed regulations to protect manatees from harm. MANGROVE: One of several species of trees that form forests along the undeveloped shores of Charlotte Harbor. Mangrove roots are vital habitat for hundreds of species, from snails to Goliath grouper. Often locally referred to as bushes MANGROVE ISLAND: A small island formed by sediment captured by mangrove roots. MARINA: A docking facility. Often additional related services are oered. MARKER: A sign on the water, attached to a xed pole or buoy, that demarcates a channel or conveys other navigational information. MATE: An assistant aboard a for-hire shing vessel. MINIMUMWAKE ZONE: An area designated as a slow speed zone. A vessel must be operated fully o plane and completely settled in the water. MONOFILAMENT: A thin strand of nylon used as shing line. Largely replaced by braid, but there are circumstances in which mono is preferred. MOOR: To attach a vessel to any xed object. MOORING FIELD: A series of buoys permanently anchored to the bottom, intended for shortor long-term mooring of vessels. MOUTH: The end of a river, creek or canal where it meets a larger body of water. NAUTICAL MILE: 1.1508 statute miles. NATURAL BAIT: A bait that is or once was alive. NOMOTOR ZONE: An area where combustion engines are not allowed to be used. Boats may be powered by electric trolling motors or push poles. Also known as a pole-and-troll zone NOWAKE ZONE: An area designated as a slow speed zone. A vessel must be operated at the minimum speed that allows the vessel to maintain headway and steerage. OFFSHORE: In this area, anything occurring in the open Gulf of Mexico. ON PLANE: When a vessel skims across the waters surface rather than pushing through it. OUTBOARD MOTOR: A self-contained vessel engine. Usually gasoline-powered. OYSTER BAR: A colony of oysters, often found in shallow water and exposed at low tide. Large oyster bars may be called oyster reefs. PARTY BOAT: Usually, an oshore recreational charter shing vessel that charges a per-person at rate. Also called a head boat because they charge per head. WaterLine photo by Josh OliveBy holding his shing rod upside-down, the gentleman has conveniently identied himself as a googan Photo providedA hook attached to single-strand wire using a haywire twist adno=50512923 BAIT & TACKLE T-N-T Bait & Tackle is 3rd generation of live bait. We supply our own bait threw our adjacent company, Gulf Bait which was est. in 1957. Upon fishing seasons, we sell Fiddler crabs, Tarpon Crabs, Pinfish, and Live Shrimp Year Round. In which we also distribute to several local bait shops. T-N-T as well has a variety of tackle, designed for salt water fishing. We carry a line of Penn combos, redbone rods, jigs, lures and so much more. Designated for our area, El Jo Bean, Boca Grande, Lemon Bay as well as off shore fishing. T-N-T also handles all your frozen bait needs. Along with a friendly and knowledgeable staff. T-N-T BAIT AND TACKLE, GULF BAIT COMPANY & T-N-T SEAFOOD 14369 PAMBAR AVE, PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33953 (941) 625-5367 LOCATED JUST NORTH OF THE MYAKKA BRIDGE ON US-776 (MCCALL ROAD/EL JOBEAN ROAD) IN HISTORIC EL JOBEAN We Sell Super Charged Bait INSTALLATIONS INSTALLATIONS REPAIRS REPAIRS SERVICE SERVICE Environmental Permitting Residential & Commercial BOAT LIFTS € GALVANIZED ALUMINUM € REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE SERVICE CONTRACTS 5 YEAR LABOR WARRANTY DOCKS € SEAWALLS € PILIINGS FREE ESTIMATES 941-639-5430 Licensed & Insured #CBC1252189 Since 1989 QUALITY € RELIABILITY € EXPERIENCE QUALITY € RELIABILITY € EXPERIENCE adno=50512782

PAGE 146 • Page 54 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing Alternatively, a boat used to party. PASS: A connection between inshore waters and the Gulf of Mexico. Passes are often deep and have strong currents, which are appealing to sh and make swimming (and sometimes boating) unsafe. PELAGIC: Animals that live in the open ocean, often near the surface. PFD: A personal otation device, or a life jacket. PIER: A structure consisting of a walkway raised on pilings and not intended for mooring a boat. Similar structures intended for boat mooring are called docks (for small vessels) or wharves (for ships). PIER NET: A circular net 3 to 6 feet in diameter, attached to a rope and used to land hooked sh from a high pier or bridge with minimal damage. PILCHARD: See whitebait POINT: A strip of land that extends into the water. Polarized lenses: Lenses which aect light waves to cause an apparent reduction in light reection and glare. Used to see sh or bottom contours from above the waters surface. PONTOON BOAT: A vessel with an open deck that uses enclosed tubes to provide otation. POPPING CORK: A shing oat designed to make noise to attract sh. PORT: The left side of a vessel, as seen by someone at the helm and facing the bow. POSSESSION: The retention of any sh or other organism for longer than is required to safely release it. For most sh commonly encountered, possession is regulated. POTHOLE: A sandy area on a grassat. Usually slightly deeper than the surrounding area. Also called a sandhole POTLICKER: A sherman who approaches other anglers to poach a shing spot, especially oshore. This is considered highly unethical. PROP SCAR: A strip of bare sand on a grassat caused by a boats propeller digging into the bottom. Some grassats in high-trac areas have more prop scars than grass. PUSH POLE: A berglass or carbon-ber pole used to propel a boat forward by pushing against the bottom. Usually used from a special platform. PWC: Personal watercraft (e.g., Jet Ski). RAT REDFISH: A redsh less than 18 inches long (too small to legally keep). RED TIDE: A bloom (rapid growth) of an alga ( Karenia brevis ) that naturally occurs in Floridas salt waters. In heavy concentrations, the algae produce toxins that can kill sh and other marine animals. Blooms sometimes make the water look dark or milky, but rarely red. REEF: An underwater aggregation of rock or coral. An articial reef may be made of rubble, concrete or similar materials. A reef made by intentionally sinking a vessel is called a wreck. RETENTION POND: A small body of water intended to temporarily hold stormwater runo. ROCKET LAUNCHER: A set of tubular rod holders mounted behind the cockpit or tower. ROD HOLDER: Any device used to hold a shing rod for temporary storage or while shing. Commonly inset into a boats gunwales. RODE: A line used to attach an anchor. ROLLER: Generic term for a large wave. RUB RAIL: A strip of rubber or plastic on the outside of a boats hull, usually at the top of the gunwale, to prevent damage when contacting a solid object or another boat. RUDDER: A steering device that uses water resistance to change a boats direction. RUN: A sh swimming while hooked. Also, the large-scale migration of certain sh species (mackerel, sharks, etc.) RUNNING LIGHTS: Lights required to be used on all boats longer than 5 meters while operating at night. The basic running lights are white to the stern, red to port and green to starboard. SANDBAR: Often shortened to bar On the ats, the shallower areas between troughs. On the Gulf beaches, the shallower areas created by wave action. In most cases, bars run parallel to shore. The areas between sandbars are called troughs SAND SPIKE: A long rod holder (often a simple PVC tube) for beach use. SCHOOL: A group of sh, usually of one species. SCHOOLIE: Many pelagic sh (king mackerel, mahi, etc.) school as juveniles and are more or less loners when adult. Schoolies are the smaller sh. SCUPPER: A drain hole to remove water from a vessels deck. SEAGRASS: Any of several rooted plants found in shallow water (0 to about 10 feet in this area). Sometimes seen uprooted and oating. SEAS: In weather forecasts, the expected wave height (i.e., seas of 4 to 6 feet). SEASON: The time when a sh can be legally harvested. Seasons are often closed to prevent harvest during spawning. SEAWALL: A concrete or stone wall used to prevent erosion of waterfront property. Usually colonized by barnacles, mussels and other sessile organisms. SEAWEED: Any nonvascular marine plant (macroalgae). SEINE: A small-meshed net with oats at the top and weights on the bottom. Diers from a gill net in that the sh are scooped by the net, rather than entangled. SHOAL: An area with water signicantly shallower than the surrounding area. Also, a school of sh. SHORT: A sh too small to legally keep. SIGHTCASTING: A method of sportshing in which the angler sees an individual sh (or school of sh), then casts a bait to it. SIZE LIMIT: The minimum or maximum size of a sh that may be legally harvested. Depending on species, measured to the middle of the tail fork or overall with the tail squeezed. SKEG: A downward or sternward projection in front of the rudder. SKIFF: A generic term for any small boat. SLAM: The feat of catching one each of several dierent species in a day of shing. The Charlotte Harbor slam is a trout, a redsh and a snook. For a Charlotte Harbor grand slam, add a tarpon. SLOB: An especially large sh, usually grouper, snook or redsh. SLOT LIMIT: A size limit with both a minimum and a maximum. For example, redsh must be between 18 and 27 inches to be harvested. SMALL CRAFT ADVISORY: A warning issued when winds have reached, or are expected to reach within 12 hours, a speed approaching gale force. Small craftŽ refers to almost all recreational boats, including 60-foot oshore vessels. SMOKER: A large king mackerel. SOFT PLASTIC LURE: An articial lure molded from exible polymer, often in the shape of a worm, shrimp or baitsh. May be impregnated with scent for added attraction. SOLUNAR TABLE: A chart showing times when sh are more likely to feed, based on the positions of the sun and the moon. SONAR: A method of using sound pulses to detect and sometimes view images of underwater objects and/or the sea oor. SPILLWAY: A section of a dam that is open to allow water through, Photo providedSargassum is a locally common form of seaweed F IN E B A IT & T ACK L E adno=50511143 North Ports Finest & ONLY Fishing Shop Wide array of LIVE & FROZEN BAIT FULL & HALF DAY CHARTERS INSHORE Open 7 days a week, 6 AM TO 6 PM 14503 Tamiami Trail, North Port, FL 34287 € (941) 240-5981 Fishing tackle € Rod and reel repair Marine Business & Service Directory AWNINGS adno=50511195 Boat Lift Canopy Boat Lift Canopy 941-629-5535 941-740-0981 (cell) 1242 Market Circle Port Charlotte, FL Serving Charlotte, Sarasota & DeSoto Counties WORRY-FREE BOAT LIFT CANOPY € All aluminum welded frame € 8-year fabric warranty € Engineered to withstand 130mph € NO REMOVAL IN STORMS € BAIT & TACKLE BOAT/MARINE SERVICE BOAT DETAILING BOAT RENTALS BOAT STORAGE adno=50511256 MARINE BROKERAGE SERVICE 1485 S. Tamiami Tr., Venice FL 34285 941-485-3388 € Seek the expertise of Marinemax Brokerage services to sell your Yacht. With our connections and Yachting experience, Youre guaranteed to get results. adno=50512926 Open 7 Days a Week € 941-882-4387 820 Albee Rd. W. Suite 1, Nokomis, FL € Okuma € Penn € Ryobi € Rapala € Redbone € Calico Jack Winner Winner of the of the Venice Venice Gondolier Gondolier Sun Best of Venice 2015 Sun Best of Venice 2015 and Finalist in 2016 and Finalist in 2016 ad n o = 50509 4 85 www.K leen B oats .com Over 30 years experience 941-764-7928 609-618-0113 Professional Boat Detailing WE COME TO YOU! 2016 adno=50511249 Boat Rentals & Charters 15001 Gasparilla Rd., Placida FL 33946 941-697-2280 € 25477 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, FL 33950 adno=50509423 Pineapple Storage A Safe and Secure Place BOAT STORAGE RV STORAGE SELF STORAGE 941-505-0626 € Gated € Secured € Camera Monitored € Clean € Hurricane Rated Covered Storage € Gate Access 24/7 Punta Gordas Premier RV/ Boat Storage 150 Rio Villa Drive, Punta Gorda, Florida 941-575-7473 € adno=50512780 2016 Voted BEST RV & Boat Storage

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2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing • Page 55 usually during times of high water. SPINNERBAIT: An articial lure which combines a jig (usually dressed with a plastic or rubber skirt) and one or more thin metal blades. The blades spin as the lure is retrieved, creating ash and vibration. SPLITSHOT: A small lead weight partially split in half, designed to be attached to shing line with pliers (not with your teeth!). SPOON: An articial lure made of shiny metal, designed to attract sh by reecting light. Usually shaped roughly like the bowl of a tablespoon. SPRING: A location where an underwater river breaks through the ground. Springs may occur on land or many miles out to sea. Similar to a sinkhole, except a sinkhole does not ow. STARBOARD: The right side of a vessel, as seen by someone at the helm and facing the bow. STERN: The back end of a boat. Also, your wifes face when you tell her you just bought a new boat. STRUCTURE: Any permanent or semipermanent natural or man-made object in the water. SUSPENDING LURE: An articial lure designed to neither oat nor sink. SWELL: A large wave with a long wavelength, seen only in open water. SWIMBAIT: An articial lure designed to have a swimming motion when retrieved. SWIVEL: A device with two or three eyes to which shing line is tied. Each eye is able to turn independently, reducing line twist. TTOP: A rigid roof for the cockpit of a boat. The sides are left open. TAILING: Fish feeding in such shallow water that when they lower their heads, their tails stick up out of the water. TANNINS: Chemicals in decaying plants that tint water yellow to brown (think iced tea or coee). The rivers that feed Charlotte Harbor are high in tannins, which darkens the Harbors waters. TELLTALE: On an outboard motor, the small hole that spits water out above the waterline. This indicates the water pump is functioning. THRUHULL: Any hole drilled through the hull of a boat, usually to t plumbing or electronics. TIDES: The rising and falling levels of the sea. When the water level is dropping, the tide is outgoing ; when its rising, its incoming A neap tide is the weakest and occurs at the rst and third quarters of the moon. A spring tide is the strongest and occurs at the new and full moons. A hill tide is the local term for a summertime full-moon tide. TOPWATER BAIT: A oating articial lure that does not dive. TOWER: A metal superstructure on a vessel used to increase viewing height above the water. Found on both large oshore boats and smaller atsshing vessels. TRANSDUCER: A device that creates and receives sound waves to produce a sonar image. TRASH FISH: A sh not valued for food or sport. TREBLE HOOK: A hook used on articial lures that consists of three hooks at 120-degree angles from one another. TRIM: The relationship of vessels hull to the waterline. May be adjusted using trim tabs. TROLLING: A shing method that utilizes a bait or lure towed behind a moving boat. Also, to sh a bait or lure in a similar way from a pier, bridge or seawall. TROUGH: See sandbar TUNNEL HULL: A vessel design that uses air pressure to reduce draft while on plane. In many cases, tunnel-hull vessels can operate in shallower water than at-bottom or vee-hull vessels. TWITCHBAIT: A sinking or suspending articial lure that has virtually no action other than that imparted by the angler. UNDERWAY: When a vessel is not anchored, moored, made fast to the shore or aground. UNREGULATED SPECIES: Organisms of which harvest is not specically limited by law. VEE HULL: A vessel design that is meant to cut through water. Usually provides a comfortable ride, but has a deeper draft than other hull designs. VENTING TOOL: A needle, usually hollow, used to puncture the swim bladder of a sh. Intended to release gas that builds up in some species when pulled to the surface from depths of 50 feet or more. VESSEL SAFETY CHECK: A survey conducted by the Coast Guard Auxiliary to determine if a vessel has the legally required safety equipment. WEEDLINE: A oating line of any marine plant or macroalgae. Also, a stand of plants rooted in shallow water and projecting above the surface. WHITEBAIT: A generic term for small baitsh, usually scaled sardines. WHITECAP: Wind-driven wave with a frothy crest. WINDWARD: In the direction from which the wind is coming. WIRE LEADER: A metal leader used to prevent sh teeth from cutting o the hook. May be cable (multistrand) or single-strand WRECK: The remains of a boat or aircraft sitting on the bottom. Photo providedThis inshore boats tower oers a high vantage point. Photo providedA venting tool in use on a red grouper. Marine Business & Service Directory FISHING CHARTERS adno=50511308 Capt. Tim Jeleniowski 239-284-5527 € In-Shore Fishing Bokeelia, FL (Pine Island) Bokeelia, FL (Pine Island) OUTBOARD SERVICE NEW BOAT SALES MARINAS DOCKS/LIFTS USED BOAT SALES TRAILERS adno=50511253 M ARINE C ONTRACTING G ROUP M ARINE C ONTRACTING G ROUP € Seawalls € Caps € Docks € Boat Lifts € Dredging Save $ 50 w/ this Ad (941) 505-0221 (941) 505-0221 Serving All of Charlotte County & Surrounding areas. New Contracts Only over $ 1000 00 License #SCC131150958 adno=50509401 Boat Clubs are Boat Clubs are our specialty. our specialty. Located in Upper Charlotte Harbor Open to the public 1200 W. Retta Esplanade~Punta Gorda, FL 941-575-3000 adno=50511248 The areas largest deep water marina„ stop in for a free tour 15001 Gasparilla Rd., Placida FL 33946 941-697-2280 € adno=50509490 NEW BOAT DEALER 1485 S. Tamiami Tr., Venice FL 34285 941-485-3388 € Sea Ray, Boston Whaler, Sea Pro, Scarab, Azimut Yachts, Harris Pontoons adno=50512929 NEW BOAT DEALER 3 Florida Locations to Serve You: Cape Coral, Port Charlotte and Naples Over 100 New Boats in Stock Now! Largest Hurricane Deck Boat Dealer in the World! Abels Marine 7341 Sawyer Circle Port Charlotte, FL 33981 941-698-4006 Outboard Motor Repair CERTIFIED SERVICE adno=50512748 Sales New & Pre-Owned Cargo/Utility Trailers Freedom & Arising Trailers Trailer Repair Center Repair of all Trailers & Custom Built Utility Trailers Roy  s Trailer Country Southwest Florida  s Best Trailer Sales & Service Center Professional Quality Expert Repairs and WorkmanshipRoy Dixon 4760 Taylor Rd. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Sales: 941-575-2214 Fax: 941-575-2204 The Friendly Store BI KE TR AI L E R S FAB R I C A T I O N A XL E S TI E R S W H EE L S W E L D I N G C A R H A U L ER S adno=50511284 TR A I LER P AR T S 3835 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, FL 33952 adno=50509489 USED BOAT DEALER 1485 S. Tamiami Tr., Venice FL 34285 941-485-3388 € Premium products and the best prices. Specializing in Sea Ray and Boston Whaler. Stop in and see us.

PAGE 148 • Page 56 2017 Annual Guide to Southwest Florida Fishing adno=50511145 23180 Harper Avenue at Tamiami Trail € Punta Gorda, FL 33980

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