VOL. 123 NO. 88An Edition of the SunAMERICA’S BEST COMMUNITY DAILYSUNDAY MARCH 29, $2.00 705252000753 Sunday Edition $2.00 WHO CLAIMS WHAT IN CUBA? MILLENNIALS ‘NIX TREASURES’As baby boomers start cleaning out attics and basements, many are discovering their progeny are not so interested. After Castro came to power, the government seized refineries, hotels and plantations that were the signs of the American hold on Cuba’s economy. 74 50 High Low Look inside for valuable couponsThis year’s savings to date ...S UN COUPON VALUE METER CHARLIE SAYS ...This could be a crisis for the “Antiques Roadshow.â€INDEX | $65,649CLASSIFIED: Comics 16-18 | Dear Abby 17 | TV Listings 19 THE SUN: Police Beat 4 | Obituaries 5 | Legals 10 | Viewpoint 8 | Opinion 9 SPORTS: Lotto 2 THE WIRE: Nation 2 | State 5-6 | World 6-8 | Travel 7 | Weather 8 Entertainment center, $35In Today’s Classifieds! Zero percent chance of rainCharlotte SunAND WEEKLY HERALDCALL US AT 941-206-1000 THE WIRE PAGE 1 THE WIRE PAGE 1 On several occasions, I’ve found myself in Tallahassee while our Legislature was in session. It was not an experience that I am anxious to repeat. Our American democracy is better than any other government in the history of man, but it is messy. Today our House and Senate representatives are just shy of being halfway through their annual 60-day session. The lobbyists who will write the rst draft of a number of the bills that make it through committee are busy pumping up the egos of our representatives. There is a tendency for state legislators to look down on hometown folks who serve as only city councilmen, school board members or county commissioners. That’s OK — the arrogant atmosphere fanned by lobbyists is reciprocated in Washington by elected representatives and staff who frequently are contemptuous of the hicks who have not progressed to where the real power lies in D.C. Both the Senate and House bills working their way through committee are only a slice of those proposed. The NRA, which seldom sees a gun it doesn’t like, is supporting a Senate bill headed for the House that would permit carrying a hidden weapon without getting a permit when a hurricane is threatened. While those who run our universities oppose it, a bill authorizing concealed weapons on college campuses for those older than 21 has made its way through several committees. As this column is being written, it awaits the judgment of the judiciary committee. There are some really big issues that are likely to remain unresolved. Both chambers have different rough drafts of spending plans for the coming year. Some things that many of us would like to see won’t happen. In Thursday’s Sun , columnist Paula Dockery, a former Republican state senator who writes knowledgeably about Florida government, described legislators’ efforts to avoid the mandate to preserve Florida’s water and wilderness. Giving up on the Legislature, 75 percent of us voted for a constitutional amendment setting aside a specic revenue source to fund environmental protection and restoration. The fund could amount to $800 million next year. There will be many attempts to siphon off those dollars to old projects relabeled as restoration. A year ago, the federal government announced the end of about $1.3 billion per year in contributions to the state’s Medicaid program that helps hospitals collect something for the poor who cannot pay for care or a procedure. The House seems to hope the feds will change their mind. Our editorials have repeatedly voiced our disappointment at the Legislature for turning down billions of federal tax dollars to support Medicaid for our neediest citizens. In the House, where Republicans outnumber Democrats better than 2 to 1, there is no movement to take the federal dollars. Senate President Andy Gardiner is an Orlando hospital executive who is well aware of the coming end to the federal subsidy for indigent care. He might be able to lead his members to support tapping into federal Medicaid dollars. The preliminary Senate budget is looking at expenditures of $80 billion-plus. The House plan calls for $4 billion less. I have trouble picturing a billion dollars. A million, I can picture. Looked at it that way, the budget difference is $4 million. Growing up, I remember the Legislature met every other year, somewhat limiting the damage they could do. Fortunately, in another month, they will return home. Derek Dunn-Rankin is chairman of the Sun Coast Media Group. He can be reached at out, they’re at it again MURDOCK — As Charlotte County, once again, extended the moratorium on nontransportation impact fees, a split within the commission continues, delaying a long-term solution. Citing the ongoing need to stimulate a still-ailing local economy, county ofcials this week prolonged until July 14 the suspension of impact fees for libraries, parks, law enforcement, re/EMS and public buildings. The suspension had been slated to expire the end of next month. The nontransportation impact fees, used to pay for capital projects related to new development, were reduced in 2009, and then waived entirely in 2011. Since then, the county has not collected impact fees in these categories, approving a series of temporary extensions. While commissioners want to increase demand for new construction and jobs, part of the reason for the repeated extensions is their disagreement as to how the impact fees should be reintroduced. The commission appears to have found agreement on phasing in the new nontransportation impact-fee structure over three years, beginning with 33 percent the rst year, to ease the burden on developers. Further softening the blow, the county also is considering cutting in half Buffered impactBy GARY ROBERTSSTAFF WRITERCharlotte slowly moves ahead on new feesIMPACT | 6 SUN PHOTO BY SAMANTHA GHOLARFrom left, Halyna Lisnyczyj of North Port and Lieda Boyko of Port Charlotte sort through a box of Ukrainian traditional clothing at St. Andrew’s Religious and Cultural Center. Both women were refugees during World War II, and later arrived in America, and have come to call Southwest Florida their home.PHOTO PROVIDEDMichael and Betty Regan, known in North Port as the two behind the Bualo Bills Backers organization, have lived in the community since 2009. The couple are avid anglers and enjoy everything about the great outdoors.PHOTO PROVIDEDPhil and Pam Jones of Rotonda West originally hail from Indiana. An accident after Phil’s 30 years at GM had the couple looking at warmer, friendlier climes, and they made their way to Rotonda via their original RV destination of Arcadia.Millions of people nd themselves drawn to Florida’s white sand beaches and sunny skies each year for vacations and school breaks, but a growing percentage have come to call the Sunshine State their permanent home. For retirees escaping the cold weather, families looking for new opportunities, baby boomers looking for tax breaks or a lower cost of living, and some just seeking a fresh start — Florida, and Southwest Florida, in particular — has drawn them here. With some exceptions — like if your name is Desguin, Peeples, McQueen or a number of other established families — our communities are made up of transplants. They each have their own story of why they chose to live here. Here are just a few:Refugees made their way around the worldVictor and Halyna Lisnyczyj arrived in North Port via upstate New York. The couple met in Syracuse and married in 1973. Halyna, 70, wasn’t yet born when her parents and all but one of her siblings ed Ukraine to avoid being placed in labor camps during World War II. “My mother thought they were just leaving for People from around the world are drawn to Southwest FloridaBy SAMANTHA GHOLARSTAFF WRITERHOME | 6 CORRECTIONSenior fitness specialist Mimi Ford offers Forever Fit classes at 10:15 a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday at Universal Fitness, 1544 Rio De Janeiro Ave. (at the corner of Rampart Boulevard), Deep Creek. For more information, call Mimi at 941-628-5598. A column in some editions of Saturday’s Sun misstated the class days. DerekDUNNRANKINCHAIRMANGOOD MORNING 4 .( ''iAA1.4 F JTiOME,e T i OMEt.,'J hJSL1Li:1JL;_L7-71:11.1J. ::1;._ __ rrW4. j ,l rw pppp-&.0 01f.01 1f 1 :11'fol i-r ,f,W.: 0 T-CST L111 STT(T 111TTT[111Y'I I i ,ttflow"1111t f 111f ` LLf 'x'11111 t4 I ,J _ 1R I r ` 11111 p 1 f ` fi iItfl C1I; t, U uq I t ",' I_4g11unG I1, r ,., r, iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ', ,a isrn.
Our Town Page 2 E/N/C The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 SARASOTA COUNTY — With efforts underway to revive the Dona Bay watershed, Sarasota County is looking at how to best use the diverted fresh water and deter mine who owns it. “We see the development of a future water source in the Dona Bay area but there’s not a super time pressure on it because the regional network is working,†Sarasota County Administrator Tom Harmer said. “When we develop that resource, I’m sure it gets tied into the regional demands and needs as we grow.†Dona Bay itself is a salt water estuary, but takes in large amounts of freshwater from nearby streams and runoff from the 53 inches of rain the National Weather Service estimates the area receives every year. A study estimated that up to 15 million gallons per day of drinking water could be processed from Cow Pen Slough, northeast of the bay. The demands on resources like potable water naturally grow with population increases, and just this week, U.S. Census Bureau estimates named the North Port-Bradenton-Sarasota metropolitan statistical area 18th on the list of 20 fastest-growing regions in the United States in the past year. The Census Bureau said the region grew by 16,000 people from July 1, 2013, to July 1, 2014, a 2.2 percent uptick. Still, Harmer says, the county is in good shape for potable water in the foreseeable future. “I think we’re very fortunate here, I came from Brevard County which really has been struggling with future water and current capacity, and surcial wells and contamination,†he said. “From a Sarasota County standpoint, when we project out, we have a good water source as we look out to meet our anticipated needs.†Harmer anticipates the watershed will some day be incorporated into the Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority’s network. But multiple governments sharing resources, even with a central oversight board like water authority, can lead to a lot questions. Harmer said some of the discussions going on with the administrators on the board is the water authority’s role in developing new resources and how they will be distributed. Dona Bay is north of Venice in unincorporated Sarasota County, and commissioners have put a project out to bid to construct a weir to divert freshwater away from the bay and farther inland for agricultural use, and eventually for drinking water. The estimated cost for the project is $12.5 million. No cost has been determined for a second phase to create additional water storage space. “Everyone needs fresh water and we’ve got fresh water running into what is supposed to be a saltwater estuary,†Sarasota County Commissioner Charles Hines said. “We can take that diverted water and put it to good use.†Hines said long before the water is being pumped into homes, it could be taking some of the pressure off the aquifers and wells upon which farmers and ranchers rely in the dry winter season. When the diverted water is earmarked for drinking water, the question of who owns it may have to be settled. “You can still have ownership of water you’ve committed to a regional system,†Harmer said. “No matter who owns and identies it and what county they’re in, once they’re part of the system, they’re part of the system so there’s some kind of long-term commitment there that it’s a regional water source and part of the overall system. I think you can sort through the ownership piece as part of that.†But rst, he said, the county’s priority is restoring the watershed to a more natural condition. “It (ownership) will come up I’m sure, but not in the immediate term because Dona Bay is currently focused on being a water quality project,†Harmer said. “But ultimately it could be a water quantity project as well.†Email: cburton@sun-herald.comSarasota County eyes future of Dona Bay watershedBy CLINTON BURTONSARASOTA COUNTY EDITOR SUN PHOTO BY DALLAS EMRICHWork is underway to divert fresh water from Dona Bay for agricultural use and, eventually, drinking water. EVENTS TODAYEasy Does It Club, Easy Does It Club offers AA & Alanon meetings daily from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. at 23312 Harper Ave., PC. Call 941-629-0110. Farmers Market, History Park, 9 a.m. 2 p.m., 501 Shreve St., between Virginia Ave. and Henry St. 941-639-1887. Deep Creek Elks 2763, Installation of Lodge Officers at 3 p.m., Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at 5 p.m. Punta Gorda Elks, 12pm Bar & Tiki open; 5pm. ER Installation; 6 p.m., Installation Dinner, 25538 Shore, PG. 941-637-2606, members and guests Garden Tour, Guided tour of gardens at History Park, 501 Shreve St., PG, 2 p.m., $5 donation; Q&A 639-1887. Yin Yoga Sound Bath, The Yoga Sanctuary, 4 6 p.m., $35, 941-505-9642 MONDAYDeep Creek Elks 2763, Lunch with Laura 11-2:30, Gates open at 3 p.m. with Peggy, Dinner 5-7 Punta Gorda Elks, 11 a.m. 2 p.m. Lite Lunch; 4:30 8 p.m. Chicken Nite; 6:30 9:30 p.m. Karaoke with Billy G, at 25538 Shore, PG. 941-637-2606, members & guests Four Leaf Banjo, Fishermen’s Village Center Stage 11:30-1:00 p.m. 941-639-8721 Bar Bingo–Am Leg 110, Bar Bingo – Specials, Hot Ball – Open to Public – Starts at 6 p.m. TUESDAYDeep Creek Elks 2763, Lunch With Diane 11-2:30, dinner 5-8, pizza, Burgers and more, Karaoke Spotlight 6:30-9:30, RSVP 941-249-8067 EVENTS TODAY North Port Moose, NASCAR STP 500. Limited Menu. Members/Qualified Guests Only. 14156 Tamiami Trl. 426-2126 SOA 2000, Fry & Grill Day 1 p.m. to -5 p.m. A large variety menu to choose from at 401 Ortiz Blvd., North Port. Call 941-429-1999. EVENTS TODAY Elks Breakfast, All you can eat Sunday breakfast for $7. Englewood Elks, 401 N. Indiana Ave. Call 474-1404. Easter Cantata, “The Passion and the Promiseâ€, 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship, WSRZ David Jones narrator. Englewood UMC 700 E Dearborn, 474-5588 Digital Dharma, 1:303:30, Open Studio; 380 Old Englwd Road, free. Adults 868-7409 Rotonda VFW Post, Bar games, 2-4pm. Feel free to bring snacks., Members & guests. 697-1123 | CHARLOTTE EVENTS | NORTH PORT EVENTS | ENGLEWOOD EVENTS Palm Sunday/Good Friday Presentation, 2 free performances at First Baptist Port Charlotte: March 29 at 4 p.m. and April 3 at 7 p.m. Please join us for dynamic music and a gripping “Readers Theater†style account of the week leading to Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. For more information, call 941-629-0444. Annual Fish Fry Village Place Retirement, 18400 Cochran Blvd, Port Charlotte, FL 33948. Friday, April 3, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Join us and tour our community. 941-766-8900. Charlotte Chorale “Road Trip!†Concert, Take a musical journey across the USA with the Chorale on April 11 starting at 4 p.m. Artistic Director Dr. William Dederer with 65 voices. “Meet the Director†reception follows. First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St, Pt. Charlotte. Tickets: $20 adults, $10 students. Call 941-204-0033. Featured EventsPAID ADVERTISEMENTS Bach To The Future presented by The North Port Symphony under the direction of Robert Romanski, 3pm, Sunday, March 29. North Port Performing Arts Center, 6400 W Price Blvd. NP. Box office hours: 10am-1pm. 941-426-8479 (Reserve tickets under Will Call in lobby). Price $12 Adults, $5 Students. Featured EventsPAID ADVERTISEMENTS Golf Tournament @ Boca Royale CC, L.A. Ainger Middle School will host it’s First annual Scramble Golf Tournament. Sat May 2 @ 8a Shotgun Start. Cost &75 per person $300 per team. Includes green fee, cart, and lunch.Contact B. Gibson 941-697-5800 or 50/50 Drawing & Raffle Prizes!!!! Register by April 24. Public Passover Seder, Join Chabad of Venice & N. Port for a Public Jewish Passover Seder. Together, we’ll discover the eternal meaning of the Haggadah, complete with hand-baked Matzah and a wonderful 4-course dinner. Friday April 3rd 6:45 pm. 406 Shamrock Blvd, Venice. RSVP 941.493.2770 or Featured EventsPAID ADVERTISEMENTS The SUN (USPS 743170) is published daily at Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2100. Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the SUN, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100.Chairman .................................. Derek Dunn-Rankin .....................941-206-1001 Publisher ................................... David Dunn-Rankin .....................941-206-1003 Executive Editor ........................ Chris Porter .................................941-206-1134 Advertising Director .................. Leslee Peth ..................................941-205-6400 Circulation Director ................... Mark Yero ....................................941-206-1300 Arcadian Editor ......................... Susan E. Hoffman ........................863-494-0300 Arcadian Publisher .................... Joe Gallimore ..............................863-494-0300 Charlotte Sun Editor .................. Phil Fernandez ............................941-206-1168 North Port Sun Publisher .......... Steve Sachkar ..............................941-429-3001 North Port Sun Editor ................ Lorraine Schneeberger ................941-429-3003 Englewood Sun Publisher ......... Carol Y. Moore .............................941-681-3031 Sarasota County Editor .............. Clinton Burton ............................941-681-3000 SUN NEWSPAPERSMember of the Audit Bureau of Circulation SUBSCRIPTIONS Home Delivery Rates: Newspaper designated market: City ZoneCarrier home delivered 7 days. Rates as follows plus 7% Florida Sales Tax: Monthly Bank/ Credit Card .........................$18.14 3 Months ............................$69.17 6 Months ..........................$124.47 1 Year ...............................$217.69Does not include Waterline and TV Times. Above rates do not include sales tax.Subscribers residing in outlying areas may incur additional delivery charge. Mail subscription rates: Rates as follows (advance payment required): 7 Days 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $120.88 $216.81 $386.10 Sunday Only 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $58.81 $110.56 $186.19 Single Copy rates Daily $1.00 Sunday $2.00 Unclaimed account balances under $10, inactive for 15 months, will be used to purchase newspapers for classroom use. CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY HOURS: 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Friday; Saturday and Sunday 7 a.m. to noon. To subscribe or to report any problems with your service, please call or visit your local office. Englewood: 941-681-3000 120 W. Dearborn St., Englewood Charlotte: 941-206-1300 23170 Harborview Rd., Port Charlotte North Port: 941-429-3000 13487 Tamiami Trail, North Port DeSoto: 863-494-0300 or toll-free at 877-818-6204 108 S. Polk Avenue, Arcadia adno=50482340 Dr . Adam Gutwein , D . M . D .Accepting New PatientsPain free Dentistry Caring Environment Same Day Emergencies Children through Senior AdultsImplant Dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry Second Opinion FREE Most Insurances Accepted14884 Tamiami Trail, North Port, FL 34287 Accepting New Patients 14884 Tamiami Trail, North Port, FL 34287 Pain Free Dentistry Implant Dentistry Caring Environment Cosmetic Dentistry Same Day Emergencies Second Opinion FREE Children through Senior Adults Most Insurances Accepted adno=50482926 Thomas R. Cherpak D.D.S. Kristin A. Woods, D.D.S. Richard L. Ballentine, D.M.D. Michael A. Witsil, D.M.D. 941-426-8289 You're invited to a...6agic and Mystery Show!Thursday, April 2nd NORTH PORT-0000'0?2:00 pm 3:00 pmDENTALJoin us for a delightfullyentertaining presentation of magicand mystery with renownedmagician, Dick Johnson! ThisM rpopular comedy show featuresanimal acts, juggling and magictechniques from around the world.Call today to reserve your seat!Call 941-627-6762 today to RSVP.Welcome to Holiday.Welcome home.ASVP-bot941-627-6762Royal Palm Retirement CentreK 0 L I DA y Independent, Assisted Living and Memory Care. F T i F F M F N T 2500 Aaron Street, Port Charlotte, FL 33952941-627-6762 1 www.royalpalmseniorliving.comI
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C Our Town Page 3 adno=50429699 1 ''1 T 'PAP531141 III I II1Wes.. ' 4f. 1 Il1402012 Honda Civic LX 2012 VolkswagenPassat TDIStack #1298282008 Saturn Sky Red LineWow.X11I IL Stock#44770AStack 444943A2013 Honda2009 Honda CR-VEX-LOdyssey EX-LStack k44907A2012 Honda Accord SE wow.P 0 R T C H A R L 0 T T E All preowned vehicles are plus tax, title. license and dealer fees. Reconditioning fees may apply to certain models. Not all 1 owner pre-owned vehicles are certified and bal-ance of factory warranties will vary from car to car. Trade in values vary due to condition of the vehicle being appraised such as paint condition, miles, tire wear, etc. Seedealer for full information on trade ins. Test drive any new or pre-owned vehicle and receive a $20 Gift Card. 1 per customer, 1 per household, Must be 18 years or olderHonda and have a valid drivers license. Offer starts March 25th, 2015 and ends March 31st, 2015. No exceptions. See dealer for more details.PortCharlotteHonda.cornPORT"ondaHAAIOTTE1252 Ta m i a m i Trail 1-877-217-0544 HUS 41, Just North of Town Center Port Charlotte, FL 33953Sales Mon-Sat 8:30am to 8:00 pm Sales open every Sunday 11:00 am to 5:00 pmSERVICE: Mon thru Fri 7:00 am to 8:00 pm Sat 7:00 am to 4:00 pm Service Closed on Sundays
Our Town Page 4 E/N/C The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS DESOTO COUNTY — Two people have died and another was seriously injured in a Friday evening collision on Kings Highway. A 43-year-old Arcadia man was driving a Chevrolet Blazer north on Kings (County Road 769), near Peace River Street, around 9:30 p.m., when he drifted into the southbound lane, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report. The front driver’s side of the Blazer slammed into the front driver’s side of a Saturn Vue driven by a 56-year-old man, killing both drivers, who were pronounced dead at the scene of the crash, the report states. Neither driver’s name has been released, pending the notication of their next of kin, and the Saturn driver’s hometown also was not released. Ingrid Amsden, 47, of Sarasota, a passenger in the Saturn, was own to Lee Memorial Hospital in Fort Myers with serious injuries. There were no other passengers in either vehicle. It is not yet known whether alcohol was a factor in the crash, according to the FHP report.Traffic enforcement locations setCHARLOTTE COUNTY — Beginning Monday, the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Ofce will increase trafc enforcement at the following locations: Speed enforcement: Midway Boulevard, between Kings Highway and U.S. 41, Port Charlotte. State Road 31 and Bermont Road, east of Punta Gorda. Trafc light/stop sign enforcement: U.S. 41 and Cochran Boulevard, Murdock. State Road 776 (McCall Road) and San Casa Drive, Englewood. The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office reported the following arrests: David Wayne Walker, 47, of Spring Hill, Fla. Charge: driving with a suspended or revoked license. Bond: $3,000. Sara Nicole Greus-Hartzell, 31, 300 block of Boundary Blvd., Rotonda West. Charge: out-of-county warrant. Bond: none. Renee Marie Hicks, 50, 200 block of Boundary Blvd., Rotonda West. Charges: possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving with a suspended or revoked license and violation of probation (original charges: possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of drug paraphernalia and petty theft). Bond: none. Daniel Gilbert Sawyer, 39, 27000 block of San Jorge Drive, Punta Gorda. Charge: violation of probation. Bond: $1,375. Leonard Earl Ingram, 53, 1200 block of Slash Pine Circle, Punta Gorda. Charge: violation of probation (original charge: DUI). Bond: none. Kyle Edward Schisser, 25, 47000 block of Bermont Road, Punta Gorda. Charges: possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and driving with a suspended or revoked license. Bond: $6,000. Mitchell Ford Biener, 21, 1800 block of Sand Pine Court, Punta Gorda. Charges: battery and resisting an officer. Bond: $4,000. Bradley Stephen Robling, 40, 1300 block of Yorkshire St., Port Charlotte. Charge: violation of probation (original charge: petty theft). Bond: none. Carlos Juan Ferrer Jr., 24, 2100 block of Conway Blvd., Port Charlotte. Charge: violation of probation (orig inal charges: battery and violation of pretrial-release conditions). Bond: none. Erika Lynn Leblanc, 32, 20300 block of Ladner Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of drug paraphernalia, battery and introduction of contraband into a county detention facility. Bond: $17,000. Christopher Paul Hartman, 34, 22200 block of Montrose Ave., Port Charlotte. Charges: two counts each of possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and burglary; grand theft; possession of drug paraphernalia; resisting an officer; and failure to register as a convicted felon. Bond: $54,000. Steven Edward Ellis, 53, 4600 block of Fernway Drive, North Port. Charge: DUI. Bond: $3,000. Jason Simon Desrosiers, 36, 5000 block of Galhouse Road, North Port. Charges: possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $5,000. Aaron Mark Ostrander, 29, of North Fort Myers. Charges: burglary and grand theft. Bond: $10,000. Justin Lee Atwood, 26, of Lehigh Acres. Charges: two counts of violation of probation (original charges: conservation-environment littering more than 500 pounds, and possession of drug paraphernalia). Bond: none. Joseph Frank Hollman, 51, of Fort Myers. Charges: burglary and grand theft. Bond: $70,000. Andrea Jean Riddle, 43, 900 block of Allen Ave., Englewood. Charges: possession of cocaine, possession of drug paraphernalia and violation of probation (original charge: obtaining a controlled substance by fraud). Bond: none. James Orrin Harvey, 36, 11200 block of Pendleton Ave., Englewood. Charges: possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $4,000. Patricia Elizabeth Dugan, 42, 1000 block of Old Englewood Road, Englewood. Charges: possession of cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $7,000. William John Mackey, 65, 3100 block of Bourbon St., Englewood. Charges: DUI — third offense within 10 years, and resisting an officer. Bond: $9,500. Brenda Lea Baker, 32, 1500 block of Rossanne Place, Englewood. Charge: grand theft. Bond: $5,000. William Leroy Butler Jr., 22, W. Imogene St., Arcadia. Charge: viola tion of probation (original charge: possession of drug paraphernalia). Bond: none. Lashaun Cortez Sholar, 42, 1400 block of Eagle St., Port Charlotte. Charges: defrauding an innkeeper and a fugitive from justice warrant. Bond: none. Tracy A. Coyer, 38, 1400 block of Eagle St., Port Charlotte. Charges: defrauding an innkeeper. Bond: $2,000. Thomas Anthony Linzey, 27, 3300 block of Maple Terrace, Port Charlotte. Charges: two counts of resisting an officer. Bond: $5,000. Eduard Vladimirovich Heaton, 22, 14300 block of Worthwhile Road, Port Charlotte. Charges: DUI, driving with a suspended or revoked license, refusal to submit to DUI testing and violation of probation. Bond: none. Jason Scott Hine, 32, 2200 block of Leryl Ave., North Port. Charges: loitering or prowling, trespassing and resisting an officer. Bond: none. Treme Annette Peterson, 27, 6200 block of Talbot St., North Port. Charges: DUI and an out-of-county warrant. Bond: none. Brittany Nicole King, 25, 1400 block of S.W. Fletcher St., Arcadia. Charges: possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Bond: $4,000. — Compiled by Gary Roberts and Marion Putman2 killed, 1 seriously injured in DeSoto crash | POLICE BEATThe information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriff’s office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the court system. All the news you needSEVEN DA YS A WEEKOnly in Fishing Fo r A New Career? Check Out The Classifieds In The 50477201 Where Shopping Makes Cents 1-800-345-5273 rfn ANTONIOMELANI tb MICHAEL MICHAELKORS n t MICHAEL MICHAELKORS t MICHAELMICHAELKORS n t JESSICASIMPSON r t MICHAELMICHAELKORS f t STEVE MADDEN n tb JESSICASIMPSON t n t JESSICASIMPSON bb t JESSICA SIMPSON n n t STEVEMADDEN n t JESSICA SIMPSON tb f adno=479130 adno=50481065 Call today to schedule a free consultation 941-629-3443 www. DrWilliamMcKenzie .com 3443 Tamiami Trail, Suite D Located in Professional Gardens ROBERTK.KENNETT AttorneyAtLawLivingTrustsJoint...$600 Single..$500SimpleWill.........$75Probate,Divorce,Custody, Support&BusinessNoConsultationFeeLicensedin Florida&Michigan Englewood,FL3422941-475-4418rffntbnbnbnffbnbbbnn bbbnbnnbbnbbbnnn nbnnnbnb adno=489193 adno=50478859 ACCORDION SHUTTERS.. 99rarrtI..Md.. N.tsdra.r.e.n and all 1MANUAL ROLL-UPSHUTTERS9.99mitp;r1N Id,r..n,rr, r.r.u.aMr lt..46Nr>0o. Noetal.IMPACT WINDOWS& DOORS()%OFF1 1114kd.. rdat.dal.d all 7.u.HURRICANE PROTECTIONLargest M wufacturar of Aluminum Hun16an. Prota,Hon In SW F1orlda6360 TOPAZ COURT, FT. MYERS, FL 33988Monday to Fd day 9.6 Saturday 10-2239.226AUSA (4872) WWW.NUfabUSACOmaa..m4LMwoonly$La0onii..m.1d.r Mwatw.aaaaado1A.r.a0i1 nna taYCGClsmaaU_SU?We * 1Shop CharlotteSUN,.aAM& JAMTHE McKENZIE CE TFRIMPLANWTS&PERIODON ICSIV Sedation Gum Disease.user Surgery Cosmetic Surgeryrplants Extractions EmergenciesD 0fflard'si Ile
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C Our Town Page 5 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS CHARLOTTE Vera C. BrownVera C. Brown, 89, of Port Charlotte, Fla., passed away Tuesday, March 24, 2015. She was born Nov. 29, 1925, in Jamaica, West Indies, and moved to Boston, Mass., in 1967. Vera worked as a CNA until retiring, then moved to Port Charlotte in 1991. She loved gardening and taking care of her family. Vera was an active member of Sunnybrook Alliance Church for over 20 years. Vera is survived by her daughters, Lana B. (Clement) Berridge and Marcia Desvignes; grandchildren, Jamila (Yves), Tyesha, Kareem, Edmund (Ahn), Ayana and Randy; and great-grandchildren, Zoe and Malcom. She was preceded in death by her son, Michael Brown. The family will receive friends from 10 a.m. until services at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 4, 2015, at Lemon Bay Funeral Home, 2 Buchans Landing, Englewood, Fla., with Pastor Ron Raymer ofciating. Burial will be at Gulf Pines Memorial Park. Please visit www. to leave the family your thoughts, memories and condolences on the online guestbook.Kevin M. Conley Sr.Kevin M. “Stumpy†Conley Sr., 58, of Punta Gorda, Fla., and formerly of Waterbury, Conn., passed away Wednesday, March 25, 2015. He was born Jan. 30, 1957, in Waterbury, the son of Josephine and Ralph Conley. Kevin loved going shing and riding his scooter. He will be remembered as a sweet and kind person who was always one comment away from making everyone laugh. He will be greatly missed by his father, Ralph Conley; son, Kevin Conley Jr.; daughter, Kayla DeLorenzo; brothers, Ronald (Nancy) Conley and Donald Conley; sister, Tammy Long; granddaughter, Gianna DeLorenzo; and many friends he made over the years, including Katherine Alberto. Kevin was preceded in death by his mother, Josephine. No service is planned at this time. To express condolences to the family, please visit www.ltaylor and sign the online guest book. Arrangements are by Larry Taylor Funeral and Cremation Services.Purcell WattsPurcell Watts, 71, of Port Charlotte, Fla., went to be with the Lord, Monday, March 23, 2015. Visitation will be from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Monday, March 30, 2015, at Kays-Ponger & Uselton Funeral Home, 2405 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte. Funeral Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 31, 2015, at Murdock Baptist Church, 18375 Cochran Blvd., Port Charlotte. Entombment will follow at Restlawn Memorial Gardens cemetery. Please visit the online tribute for Purcell Watts at to sign the guest book and offer condolences to the family. Arrangements are by Kays-Ponger & Uselton Funeral Home and Cremation Services Port Charlotte Chapel.ENGLEWOOD Don BakerDon Baker, 78, of Englewood, Fla., passed away Tuesday, March 24, 2015, after heart surgery in Sarasota, Fla. He was born Nov. 10, 1936, in Marion Center, Pa. Don grew up in Bedford, Pa. After graduation from high school, he served in the U.S. Navy for four years. A graduate of Shippensburg University, he taught in Abington, Pa., for 32 years, where he also coached wrestling. He was a member of The Masonic Order, an antiques dealer, and was involved in other business interests. Leading a dull life would never have been an option for Don, as he shared many laughs and good times with family and friends. He will be deeply missed. He is survived by his beloved wife, Cherie’ Helms Baker; daughters, Laurie Ann (Michael) Paccione and Jennifer (Marty) Koebert; two grandchildren, Austin Richwine and Cosette Koebert; sister, Diane Baker Fields; nieces, Beth Harclerode and Amy Fields Bull; and nephew, Andrew Fields. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ruth Baker Leadbetter and Benjamin Baker; and sister, Nancy Baker Harclerode.Clifford H. Hill Jr.Clifford H. Hill Jr., 92, of Venice, Fla., passed away peacefully Thursday, March 5, 2015, in his home. He was born Feb. 26, 1923, near Washington, Ga. Clifford proudly served his country in World War II as a P51 Fighter Pilot in the Army Air Corps. He traveled extensively for an American oil exploration company, then settled with his family in Englewood, Fla., where he opened the rst full-service gas station, and was an active member of the community, including Rotary and the Englewood Historical Society. An avid “Florida Gator†fan and humorous storyteller, Clifford was tru ly a Southern Gentleman. An engaging biography of Clifford Hill’s stories, “Rebel Devil,†as told from his perspective from the Old South, through wartime and beyond, can be viewed at www.blurb. com/bookstore. He is survived by his sister, Lucy Miller of Southern Pines, N.C.; daughters, Cathy (Michael) Beausoleil of North Port, Fla., Jane (Greg) Harlow of Tampa, Fla., Anne Hill of Venice, Fla., and Mary (Marks) Scott of Mount Dora, Fla.; grandchildren, Lt. Augustin Viani, Lt. Brandon Viani, Lindsay Beausoleil, Cody Harlow, Julia Harlow and Ryan Scott; and great-grandchildren, Beau Rowe and Brinley Bush. “You have own your nal mission, Pop Hill. God Bless.†Clifford was preceded in death by his wife of 59 years, Beryl C. Hill, in 2011. A veteran’s memorial service will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday, April 10, 2015, at Sarasota National Cemetery, 9810 State Road 72 (Clark Road), Sarasota, Fla. In lieu of owers, donations may be made in Clifford’s honor to Disabled American Veterans via M. TokarzEdward M. “Ed†Tokarz of Placida, Fla., and Raynham, Mass., passed away Saturday, March 21, 2015, one month shy of his 90th birthday. He was born in Taunton, Mass., the son of Joseph and Magdalena (nee Karcz) Tokarz. Ed was a member of the 1943 class of Msgr. Coyle High School, a graduate of Bryant University, and a United States Army veteran. He spent his entire professional career as a senior accountant for the Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant, retiring in 1985. Ed was a welcoming family man, who particularly enjoyed Sunday dinner with family and friends. He was a parishioner of St. Ann’s in Raynham, and St. Francis of Assisi in Grove City, Fla. His Catholic faith was the foundation on which he built his entire life. Ed leaves his children, Terri (Bob) Hill of Mattapoisett, Mass., and Placida, and Michael (Ruth) Tokarz and Patti (Carlton) Sylvia, both of Raynham and Placida; grandchildren, Amy (Daniel Rossi) Hill of Providence, R.I., Jesse (Joelle Burdette) Tokarz of Raynham, and Michael F. Tokarz of China; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife of 62 years, Theresa (Coughlin) Tokarz, who died in 2009; and siblings, Josephine LaPensee, Nellie Corcoran, Ann B. Sowiecki, and Walter, Joseph, Stanley, Francis and Louis Tokarz. A Memorial Mass will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 8, 2015, at St. Francis of Assisi Church. Burial of his remains will take place at a later date in Massachusetts. In lieu of owers, memorial donations may be sent to Tidewell Hospice, 12034 N. Access Road, Port Charlotte, FL 33981; or St. Francis of Assisi Outreach Ministry, 5265 Placida Road, Grove City, FL 34224.NORTH PORT Jeanette Mae GrupeJeanette Mae Grupe, 85, of North Port, Fla., passed away Saturday, March 14, 2015. She was born Sept. 5, 1929, in Arlington Heights, Ill. Jeanette and her loving husband Eugene moved to North Port on July 1, 1973, from Des Plaines, Ill. She enjoyed the many camping trips with Eugene, and music and dancing. Jeanette’s most favorite place to go was Publix. She is greatly missed by her husband and best friend of 68 years, Eugene; ve daughters, Bonnie (Louis) Haller of Sarasota, Fla., Lynn (Terrance) Oden of North Port, Phyllis (Tom) Lorich of Spring Hill, Fla., Susan Blosser of Franklin, N.C., and Kathy Grupe of North Port; son, Thomas (Sharon) Grupe of Orlando, Fla.; brother, Roger (Darlene) Ninnemann of Michigan; 13 grandchildren; and 21 great-grandchildren. Jeanette was preceded in death by two brothers, William and Marvin Ninnemann. A Memorial Service will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 2, 2015, at Sarasota National Cemetery, 9810 State Road 72, S arasota. In lieu of owers, donations may be made to Tidewell Hospice Inc, 5955 Rand Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34238. Arrangements were made in Port Charlotte, Fla.Franklin Walter Imel IIFranklin Walter Imel II, 82, of North Port, Fla., passed away Monday, March 23, 2015, surrounded by his family, at his residence. He was born May 23, 1932, in Sedalia, Mo. Mr. Imel was a resident of Evansville, Ind., before moving to Florida, where he lived for 24 years. He was honorably discharged with the rank of captain, after serving in the United States Air Force for seven years. After retiring from the Evansville transit system, he moved to Florida and worked as a probation ofcer for the Florida Department of Corrections. Survivors include his loving wife of 54 years, Mary E. Imel of North Port; sons, Aaron K. Imel of North Port, and Matthew B. Imel of Indianapolis, Ind.; daughter, Stephanie J. Maisano of North Port; brother, John Imel of Evansville; six grandchildren; and one great-grandson. The family will receive friends from 4 p.m. until the Celebration of Life Service at 5 p.m. Saturday, April 4, 2015, at Oasis Church, 1050 Corporate Ave., Suite 114, North Port, FL 34289. The family has requested that, in lieu of owers, a donation be made to Oasis Church in memory of Frank Imel. You may share a memory with the family at www.engle Arrangements are by Englewood Community Funeral Home with Private Crematory. | OBITUARIES William J. MarxWilliam J. “Bill†Marx, 68, of Englewood, Fla., passed away Saturday, March 14, 2015. He was born Nov. 19, 1946, in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1965, Bill joined the United States Marine Corps, and served four years and received metals for National Defense Service, Vietnam Service, Vietnam Campaign, Good Conduct and Rie Marksmanship. He then was transferred to the USMCR and honorably discharged as a Staff Sergeant in 1971. He went on for training with the Federal Aviation Administration for air trafc control, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree at Adelphi University in New York. Bill’s education included National Environmental Policy Act for Federal Managers at Duke University in North Carolina. He has been a program coordinator for the Air Trafc Quality Assurance Staff Eastern Region Air Trafc Division, Manager of the Environmental Programs Division with Ofce of Airspace Management, Program Manager of the Civil Operations Ofce, Special Projects Ofcer at JFK for the FAA, and Air Trafc Manager at LaGuardia Air Trafc Control Tower in New York. Bill also worked as a U.S. Government representative to six Native American Nations and 10 Native American Tribes regarding air tour routes over Grand Canyon National Park from 1996 to 2001. Bill moved to Englewood in April 2008, and volunteered with the maintenance of Indian Mound Park, as well as the Buchan Annual Fly-In. He is deeply missed by his wife, Christina Sabatelli Marx; sons, Billy (Cindy) Marx of Nevada, and Tommy (Jen) Marx of California; stepchildren, E.J. and Travis Webster, and Riccalina; grandchil dren, Parker, Shaleigh and Chase; sisters, Cathy Barrett of New Jersey, and Joan Hennessey of New York; father, John Marx; and nephews, nieces, extended family and friends across the United States. Please join us in a Celebration of Life with Military Honors at 6:48 p.m., an hour before sunset, Wednesday, April 1, 2015, at Veterans Memorial Park On the Bay, at the end of Dearborn Street in Englewood. Arrangements are by Lemon Bay Funeral Home. Reba Frances WilliamsonReba Frances Williamson, lovingly known as “Doodlebug†or “Doodleâ€, 77, lifelong DeSoto County resident, passed away Wednesday, March 25, 2015, with her family by her side. Frances, one of 6 siblings, was born February 14, 1938, in Arcadia, Fla., to Robert Horace and Famie Elizabeth (nee Midgett) Whidden. As a child, she grew up in Nocatee, Fla., and attended DeSoto County Schools. In 1953, a handsome young man by the name of Eugene “Gene†Williamson moved to Arcadia from Georgia. He was only here for a few days before Frances swept him off his feet. They married in 1955 and began their family of 3; Sherry, Gina and Sam. They would have just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary a couple of weeks ago. Frances was fortunate enough to be able to stay home with the kids during the most critical years of development and ever so grateful for the opportunity. Once all three children were in school, Frances took her rst and only job with the DeSoto County School System. This way she could still be with her “babies†during school hours and have summers and holidays off to spend with Gene and their family. Frances was the lunchroom manager for Nocatee Elementary and retired early, after 22 years of service. Gene and Frances would pack up the kids and car every opportunity to have picnic excursions on the river or parks around DeSoto County and Florida. Frances would cook fried chicken and all the xings to take along. The family joke is that they never ate at a restaurant until Sam was in high school. Of course all of that changed when their granddaughter, Samantha was born. Gene and Frances were retired and took Samantha everywhere, all the time. Retirement at a young age allowed them to spend even more quality time with family and spoiling the grandchildren. Frances had a green thumb. Her talent and love for owers and gardening was always apparent around the home. She was quite a busy body, loved rearranging furniture, rooms and painting. Frances was such a loving, kind, talkative and humorous woman. Her presence is and will continue to be missed by those whose lives she touched. Frances is survived by her daughters, Sherry Williamson, of Nocatee, Gina Palanzi, of Sarasota; son, Sam (Carol) Williamson, of Nocatee; brothers, Pat Whidden, of Cross City, FL, Jimmy (Susan) Whidden, of Arcadia; sisters, Dorothy Carlton, of Brownville, Peggy Long, of Nocatee; grandchildren, Samantha and Bradley. She was preceded in death (August 2013) by her husband, Gene Williamson; her parents; sister, Myrtle Ritch; and brother, Bobby Whidden. A graveside service at Joshua Creek Cemetery will be held Monday, March 30, 2015 at 11:00 a.m., with family friend and Pastor Steve Grifn ofciating. Arrangements have been entrusted to PongerKays-Grady Funeral Home, Arcadia, FL. Online condolences may be made at www.pongerkays JAMES W. MALLONEE, P.A. LAW OFFICE JAMES W. MALLONEE PROBATE WILLS/TRUSTS GUARDIANSHIPS REAL ESTATE Office Hours – Monday thru Friday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM 9 46 Tamiami Trail, #206, Port Charlotte, FL 33953 871 Bonita Bay Blvd. Suite #225, Venice, FL 34285 (941) 207-2223 (941) 206-2223 adno=50482142 adno=50478904 TAYLOR FUNERAL and Cremation Services L arry 1515 Tamiami Trl, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (941) 833-0600 2002-2014 Now Available to you 24 hrs A Day At Your Convenience Old Fashioned Service at a Price You Can Afford A sk Larry:I s y o u r c r e m a t o r y Is your crematory o n p r e m i s e s ? on premises? Having a crematory on premises doesn’t mean better service. We have our crematory off-premises so we can offer lower cost to you. We believe in giving straight answers to your questions.N o b o d y l i k e s u n e x p e c t e d s u r p r i s e s . Nobody likes unexpected surprises. 1f aSc wenaw J&. pow?A Nobody pl&e: aonuezpeeed suirprim.Words of ComfortRecall it as often Youwish, it happy memorynee r wear' uul.I_ hI Fudim
Our Town Page 6 E/N/C The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 FROM PAGE ONE transportation impact fees, which provide the bulk of impact-fee revenues. To reach this point, however, took years of discussion and debate. Commission Chairman Bill Truex, a local builder, apparently has swayed the commission to undertake a full review at the end of the rst year, bringing every thing back into play. Truex is adamantly opposed to automatic annual increases over the three-year period, saying the economy must be watched closely. Truex said unrealistic impact fees would “disincentivize†companies from coming to Charlotte County, which already faces a disadvantage to surrounding counties due to its lower population. “I think we’re in a very fragile economy,†he said. “We’re trying to diversify our tax base in Charlotte County, and we need to be a little more competitive (than other counties). My concern is we start driving business out of the community.†Meanwhile, if Commissioner Chris Constance had his way, the full implementation of impact fees would have taken place long ago. Constance has maintained that an improving economy will drive development, regardless of whether impact fees are applied. And he said the county needs that revenue. With commissioners approaching a consensus on residential impact fees, they still question the proposed fees for commercial developments, which, in some categories, would cause current levels to rise from 300 percent to 1,200 percent. “I’m still nervous about the commercial,†said Commissioner Ken Doherty, who is concerned that Charlotte’s rates would be consider ably higher than the fees recently approved in Lee County at 45 percent of full implementation. Another potential compromise would be to consolidate the commercial uses with exorbitant rates — such as fast-food restaurants and convenience stores — into broader categories with lower fees. But Constance opposes eliminating categories, saying there is little value in trying to attract more of these types of businesses. Consequently, Constance was the lone vote at Tuesday’s regular commission meeting against eliminating categories to accommodate fast-food restaurants and convenience stores, and also dissented on stretching the moratorium on nontranspor tation fees to July 14. However, to move the issue forward, despite the cracks in a united front, the commission elected to proceed with a public hearing April 14, allowing residents and the business community to provide input before the commission takes formal action on the new impact-fee schedule.Email: groberts@sun-herald.comIMPACTFROM PAGE 1 a little while and coming back,†Halyna said. “She said to me years later, ‘I never thought that we wouldn’t ever return.’†Her family landed in Brazil, in one of the rst groups of Ukrainian refugees to be allowed into that country, and lived there for 10 years. “I went to school there; I learned Portuguese. It was a big part of our lives. But it was always my father’s dream to bring all of the kids to America. He wanted us to have a better life, and we did,†Halyna said, ghting back tears. “Because of him.†Romania is where Victor’s story begins. The only child to survive of his six siblings, his parents ed to Romania, where he was born, during the war. They moved to Germany for several years, then to New York when he was a young boy. In 1969, Victor and Halyna met on New Year’s Eve and began a friendship. “I should’ve married her a lot earlier,†Victor, 69, admitted. The two dated for a year after an accident landed Victor in the hospital. Victor said Halyna stayed by his side the entire time. In 2002, the couple moved to North Port. They had long been visitors to Florida, and made friends in the area and, while on a Disney vacation, drove to North Port and decided to stay for good. “We wanted to move where there was a community of Ukrainians,†Halyna said. “That was key. It was important to us.†“We have been very fortunate to live here. We love it here. This community is such a rich, cultural environment. There is such a religious, active atmosphere here,†Victor said. “We have been very blessed. We pray every day for our country, for those people to have their freedom one day,†Halyna said. The Lisnyczyjs have two children, Gregory and Tanya; and ve grandchildren in upstate New York.Port Charlotte woman holds tight to heritage“I was 6 when I came to this country. My family and I landed in New Haven, Connecticut, in December 1949,†said Lieda Boyko, 69. Boyko, a Ukrainian refugee born in a displaced persons camp in Germany during World War II, made her trek to Southwest Florida over ve decades. She calls settling in Port Charlotte fate. “It was my destiny, I suppose,†she said. “I slowly but surely made my way south. It’s wonderful though. People have been very supportive every where I have lived.†Boyko speaks highly of her father, an employee at the Library of Congress, who grew to love American holidays and sports. “My parents insisted that we all become American citizens,†she said. “My parents told us it was up to us to become citizens on our own; they didn’t want us to get it automatically — they wanted us to earn it and appreciate it.†Boyko became a kindergarten teacher, retiring early to care for her elderly parents. Leaving New Jersey in the late 1960s, she moved to Virginia, and then to Atlanta in 1995. There, she took part in the 1996 Summer Olympics, volunteering as an inter preter for the Ukrainian swim team in the rst year Ukraine was represented as an independent nation. “It was quite an experience,†she said. At a chance meeting during an “English in Ukrainian†event back in Ukraine, Boyko met Atanas Kobryn, a North Port resident she credits with helping her settle in the area. Boyko and her family moved to Port Charlotte in August 2000. She’s learned over the years that no matter where she lives, she nds Ukrainian community. Boyko volunteers at the Cultural Center of Charlotte County in Port Charlotte, and helps to refurbish computers for local children in need, which gives her real joy. Boyko describes her husband as “a pure-bred American.†Clifford Heiser, 82, volunteers at the Military Heritage Museum at Fishermen’s Village in Punta Gorda. “My father was a diehard Yankees fan†Boyko said. “We love America. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.â€Rotonda couple enjoying good lifePhil and Pam Jones t the stereotype for people who move to the Suncoast — retirees looking for warm weather — but their journey here was hastened after an accident sped up their decision to move. The Rotonda West couple hail from Indiana, where Phil worked 30 years as a tool and die worker for General Motors. In 1981, he suffered an accident at work that ended up requiring two surgeries and left him in much discomfort when he tried to work again. “We both had been visiting this area in the winters, and when the doctor told Phil he needed to go on disability, we started thinking more about Florida,†Pam said. As it became more difcult to shovel snow and navigate the ice, Phil embraced his 30-year anniversary with GM as the right time to retire. The two rst bought a camper and brought their two dogs to the Peace River Campground in Arcadia — their base of operation as they searched for a permanent home. A sister lived in Englewood, and that gave Phil an opportunity to explore the community. It wasn’t long before they settled in Rotonda West and Phil, who rarely shed in Indiana, became an avid angler. He checked out a dive shop one day while Pam was visiting the doctor, and now he is an expert diver and loves to spearsh. He does woodwork in his garage and goes out on his boat, Odalique, a couple of times a week — often bringing back a good catch of grouper. And, on weekends, he plays the guitar at Rotonda West Community Church. Florida has been a new lease on life for Phil. “He is so active now,†Pam said, hinting Florida has been a cure for his ailment. “It’s really home now,†Phil said.Buffalo natives find blissHailing from Buffalo, N.Y., Betty and Michael Regan are avid shermen and enjoy their sports. They landed in North Port permanently in 2009 after six years of bouncing back and forth from their Buffalo home. “We started coming to Florida in October 2003. We had season tickets for our Buffalo Bills games, and they had two away games and a bye week, and we decided to take a road trip to visit friends,†Betty said. “We fell in love with Florida. The rst thing we had to do was buy a Florida sh identication book.†Angling is a huge part of the Regans’ lives, and their favorite pastime since relocating. Although they revel in the warm weather, abundant sh and ample nature activities, the couple nd the community provides acceptance and support. “In 2009, aided by local establishments in the North Port area, we, along with several friends, formed the Buffalo Bills Backers of North Port,†Betty said. “We started out with about 30 members, and now have over 200. Annually we raise funds for local ... charities.†The group allows the Regans and other Buffalo natives to remember where they come from. “Buffalo is known as ‘the City of Good Neighbors’ and is roughly 1,300 miles away. We feel lucky ... to reside once again in a city of good neighbors,†Betty said.Tomashoskys volunteer, engage with communityDaria Tomashosky, 65, is an Austrian-born North Port resident who arrived in the U.S. at the age of 4. Her father was the director of a displaced persons camp in Austria, following the war. Tomashosky married her husband Gene in Brooklyn, N.Y., in 1953, where they raised three children, Gene Jr., Larysa and Paul. The couple rst arrived in the area in 1989. They owned a condo in Venice, and were among many Ukrainians in the area, a community Daria says has kept them here for 20 years. “Leaving New York was very difcult, but the best decision we ever made,†she said. “We were ... the rst people to move into Duck Key. We got very involved in the Ukrainian committee. We stay very busy, and I love it.†The two dedicate their time to many groups, including volunteer work with St. Nathaniel’s Food Bank, Gene’s service as vice president of the Ukrainian Center, and managing the Village Condominiums. “My favorite thing about the area is the sunshine, the beaches. The same things as everybody else,†Daria said. “I don’t miss New York; I miss our grandchildren. But, oh my gosh, are we are Floridians now! I wouldn’t change our journey for anything.â€Email: sgholar@sun-herald.comHOMEFROM PAGE 1SARASOTA COUNTY — Sarasota County is closer to spending the rst wave of settlement money from the BP oil spill. “We’re still ironing out the details. We’ve tapped some internal folks to look at possible projects to be included,†said Sarasota County Coastal Resources Manager Laird Wreford. “We’ve settled on three different basic projects, but the details still need to be lled out.†Transocean Ltd. is the Swiss-based company that owned the ill-fated Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig that exploded and killed 11 in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010. Two days after the explosion, the drilling platform sank but the resulting oil spill — estimated by the U.S. government to be nearly 5 million barrels — continued until that July, when it was nally capped. The gushing oil caused extensive damage to marine and wildlife habitats and affected shing and tourism industries. Transocean agreed to a $1.4 billion settlement in 2013, and Sarasota County was awarded $1 million. Last week, Wreford presented county commissioners with three improvement projects for the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program with a combined price tag of $900,000. The proposed projects include additional funding for a Low Impact Design project combined with an ongoing restoration project at the Urban Design Studio North Water Tower Park in Sarasota. Palmer Point Park is Osprey will benet from public access improvements and environmental restoration, and Lido Key improvements will include a trail connecting North and South Lido Parks. County commissioners will have to approve the projects but they will not have the nal say. Once the board has signed off on a plan and the public has had a chance to voice an opinion, the plan can be submitted to the Federal Department of the Treasury. After the treasury says OK, the county can request funding for a specic project. The Transocean settlement money could be dwarfed by what the county could receive from BP. The nal amount of restitution for which BP will be re sponsible has yet to be determined, but is expected to be several billion dollars. The specics of how the money will be spent hinges on how much the county receives, Wreford said in February. All of the money will initially go into federal government-created trust funds supporting the Clean Water Act. Of the total, 20 percent will be allocated to the fund established after the Exxon Valdez tanker spill in Alaska in 1989. The remainder goes to Gulf Coast communities impacted by the BP spill. Ninety-ve percent of the money will go to affected areas — the other ve, to research, teaching and monitoring, Wreford said. The money will then be split up between three groups, one overseen by the county commissioners. Another will be administered by the Florida Gulf Consortium, which was created in 2012 by an interlocal agreement among that state’s 23 Gulf counties to develop a plan for disbursement of any money received from settlements resulting from the spill. The third is overseen by a federal board of appointees from impacted areas. The three pools of money are often referred to as “pots.†“Pot one is the local one, it’s overseen by the County Commission. That pot is noncompetitive, whatever the settlement is, we get 1/1,000th of it,†Wreford said. The two other pots are competitive, and counties have to apply for the money, show a need and provide a comprehensive plan detailing how the money will be spent. Since the litigation against BP is ongoing, when Sarasota County would see the rst cent is unknown, so no nal plans have been drafted, Wreford said.Email: cburton@sun-herald.comSarasota County closer to oil spill-funded projectsBy CLINTON BURTONSARASOTA COUNTY EDITOR SUN PHOTO BY SAMANTHA GHOLARVictor and Halyna Lisnyczyj are active members of the Ukrainian community in North Port. The couple landed in the area in 2002 via upstate New York. Their Ukrainian heritage remains the most important part of their lives. tJ IIfitI. Ts y^ I.Illyh
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C Our Town Page 7 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS Pedal & Play benefits riders and communityPUNTA GORDA — For some of the more than 600 riders who joined together in Saturday’s Sixth Annual Pedal & Play in Paradise, the bicycle event was a chance for recreation, whether the distance was 15, 30 or 62 miles. For those who opted for the Mystery Ride or History Tour, it was an opportunity for education. And for others, the goal was libation — a free beer at the end of the ride. Richard Grosvenor, part of a neighborhood group clad in brightly colored bicycle wear, had still another reason for participating. “Peer pressure,†he said. Norm Gravelle, another member of this band of bicyclists, said it is the “camaraderie†that keeps them going, whether it’s for a charitable event like Pedal & Play, or their weekly ride every Thursday morning, when they meet up at the PGI Grill on Bal Harbor Boulevard. But whatever their motivation, a large bicycle-riding contingent turned out at Laishley Park, in cool and windy conditions, to share in what has become a major source of community pride and benet. The registration fee covered not only breakfast and lunch, live music and the aforementioned free beer for participants, but it also beneted Team Punta Gorda and the Isles Yacht Club, which turned over its portion to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. In fact, the IYC annually devotes a monthlong slate of recreational events to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The 11th Annual Isles Yacht Club Leukemia Cup Regatta will raise about $40,000, said Sherry Yagovane, campaign director for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Suncoast chapter. “I love it,†Yagovane said. “We appreciate everybody’s support. This is fabulous for the community, and it’s fun.†Steve Johnson, co-chairman of the Team Punta Gorda organizing committee for Pedal & Play, also appreciates the support of riders, as well as the more than 100 volunteers it takes to put on the event, many of whom showed up at 5:30 a.m. at the Laishley Park pavilion or to set up rest stops along the bike routes to hand out water, snacks and encouragement. Last year, Pedal & Play netted $8,500, split between the bicyclefriendly initiatives of Team Punta Gorda and the Isles Yacht Club. “We’ll do better this year,†he said. “It’s really good for community spirit.†And good for exercise. Mike Evans, 68, is eager to get started on the 62-mile course. A snowbird from Maryland, who spends a few months every winter in Punta Gorda, Evans rides about 3,000 miles a year, doing century rides and weeklong trips. “I like to ride,†he said. Alan and Deborah Kelmereit of LaBelle, however, are interested in a leisurely 15-mile jaunt in an activity they just took up three months ago. “My racing days are behind me,†said Alan, 72. Meanwhile, Sharett Burdock, a snowbird from Michigan staying in Port Charlotte, is looking to learn more about Punta Gorda through the History Tour. “I want to get to know the area,†she said. “I hope to make this an annual event.â€Email: groberts@sun-herald.comBy GARY ROBERTSSTAFF WRITER SUN PHOTOS BY GARY ROBERTSParticipants take o on a 15-mile ride Saturday during the Pedal & Play in Paradise bicycle events, which began and nished at Laishley Park in Punta Gorda. Karen Freeman, owner of the Acme Bicycle Shop, lls the tires for Paul Tuma of Port Charlotte, before he joins Pedal & Play in Paradise. Sitting comfortably on their recumbent bikes, Phil and Brenda Menendez of Punta Gorda launch into a 15-mile ride. PUNTA GORDA — On April 5 of last year, Bill Akins, fundraising chairman of the Vietnam Wall of Southwest Florida Committee, kicked off the committee’s fundraising campaign. It has come a long way, he said, but additional funds are needed to see the project completed. Akins said the committee has raised nearly $170,000 to construct a 50 percent replica of the Vietnam Memorial, commonly referred to as “The Wall,†located in Washington, D.C. At 1 p.m. Saturday at the gazebo in Laishley Park, the Wall committee will recognize those who have donated to the project. Plaques and certicates will be distributed to businesses and individuals thanking them for their support. Prior to the event, Art McGinnis, president of the Sfc. Jack L. Conway, Chapter 759, Military Order of the Purple Heart, will dedicate 30 new bricks at the Purple Heart Memorial in the Kiwanis Veterans Memorial Garden, also located near the gazebo. “We stood here last year with our rst donation, and have done well since that time,†Akins said. “The committee is very grateful to those who have stepped up and supported us with either checks or in-kind services. However we still have a long road ahead of us.†Akins noted that the committee’s nal major fundraising event until November will feature dinner and entertainment from Marcella Brown, with special guest Dickie Smothers of the Smothers Brothers, April 18 at the Isles Yacht Club. Retired U.S. Air Force Major Gen. Dick Carr, Wall committee chairman, said he marveled at the enthusiasm and individual initiative of the veterans groups, social groups, government, local businesses and caring individuals in the area. “This rst anniversary of our fundraising endeavors gives us the opportunity to recognize those groups and individuals who have, through their gener osity, made it possible for us to raise approximately $170,000 without a major sponsor,†he said. “We very much value all of the folks who have contributed to the Wall, and we salute you.†For more information, visit, or call Akins at 941-276-8633.Wall committee to mark campaign’s first yearBy AL HEMINGWAYSUN CORRESPONDENTIF YOU GOWHAT: An Evening with Marcella Brown, with special guest Dickie Smothers WHEN: 6 p.m. cocktail hour, 6:30 p.m. dinner April 18 WHERE: Isles Yacht Club, 1780 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda TICKETS: $75 per person BUY/INFO: or 941-276-8633 HELP RAISE THE WALLBill Akins, fundraising chairman of the Vietnam Wall of Southwest Florida Committee, said the committee’s goal is to recruit sponsors for the project that will “get us over the top.†There are several levels of sponsorship: VICTOR: $10,000 and above; name engraved on sponsors’ plaque near the Wall; name on the Wall banner; personal plaque to display in your office or home; reception in your honor; press release(s); VIP seating at the Wall dedication cere mony; two free tickets to all future Wall fundraising events; and article(s) in the Charlotte County veteran service officer’s monthly newsletter. HERO: $5,000 to $9,999; name engraved on sponsors’ plaque near the Wall; name on the Wall banner; personal plaque to display in your office or home; press release(s); VIP seating at Wall dedication ceremony; two free tickets to three future Wall fundraising events; and article(s) in the CCVSO’s monthly newsletter. PATRIOT: $1,000 to $4,999; name engraved on sponsors’ plaque near the Wall; personal plaque to display in your office or home; press release(s); VIP seating at the Wall dedication ceremony; two free tickets to one future Wall fundraising event; and article(s) in the CCVSO’s monthly newsletter. LEADER: $500 to $999; name engraved on sponsors’ plaque near the Wall; framed certificate; and article(s) in the CCVSO’s monthly newsletter. SUPPORTER: $250 to $499; name engraved on sponsors’ plaque near the Wall; certificate suitable for framing; and article(s) in the CCVSO’s monthly newsletter. We’re really excited here at the Military Heritage Museum. In the past couple of years, we’ve done so much. We’ve expanded our space in the museum itself. We’ve taken additional space on the second oor of Fishermen’s Village for our ofces, storage, library and conference center. We have new beautiful signs outside and terric new window displays. And we’ve added new cases and lots of items to our gift shop. And now, thanks to a generous grant from the William G. and Marie Selby Foundation, we have six new beautiful display cases. We thank the foundation board and president Dr. Sarah H. Pappas for this opportunity to improve our museum even more. These cases were designed and built by Scott Mitchell of Gulf Coast Woodcraft, and they’re made of sapele, which is a large tree native to tropical Africa, and is a member of the mahogany family. We’re in the process of lling the cases now, and a variety of uniforms and items will be displayed. You are cordially invited to come in and check them out during a reception we’re holding to showcase them from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. April 8. This reception is free and open to the public, and refreshments will be served. I hope to see you there. We have very much enjoyed the additional trafc in the museum these last few months — even our more-than-usual additional trafc. From November through February, we had 28,409 visitors, which is 5,540 more than the same time period last year. Here in Fishermen’s Village, we don’t call folks “snowbirdsâ€; we call them “snow angels.†And before the museum’s snow angels depart for their northern homes, I’d like to thank our whole crew, trustees included, for all they do for us: Scott Andrichak, John Arens, Mike Berkofsky, Al Bohling, Beverly Bukkhegyi, Fredric Buckingham, Frank Campagne, Tom Campbell, Sam Castronovo, Robert Conetta, Mike Cornelius, Dorothy Cote, Roger Daigle, Don DelGavio, Robert Dickinson, Joe Dinish, Frank Drake, Bob Elliott, Dan Feeney, Joshua Ferguson, John Finegan, Tom Galvin, Gene Geronime, Richard Goetz, Len Gorman, Frank Gressley, Dennis Halpin, Gus Hawkins, Cliff Heiser, Al Hemingway, Dawn Hill, William Jahn, Ken Justice, Dave Kalmbach, George Kauffman, Larry Keller, Ed Kern, Ken Koch, Don Lee, Frank Lee, Mike Maki, James Mallonee, Jason Manwell, Gene Maresca, Jim Miele, Bill Minerich, Bernie Muhsemann, Bob Nuti, Chuck O’Connell, Charlie O’Neill, Dominick Pannozzo, Nelson Parker, Julie Parsons, Sue Paquin, Ric Prideaux, Char Quinn, Bud Ratcliffe, Bob Richardson, Robert Riggs, Art Rimback, John Ross, Dereck Sawrun, Don Schall, Garnette Scholl, Ruben Sierra, Marilyn Smith-Mooney, Lee Ann Struckman, Peter Taylor, Dean Trueman, Cheryl Vanande, Chuck Vullo, Chuck Wellington, Thurman Williams, Robert Wollitz and Bruce Woodhouse. And I have to include staff, Laurie Vullo and Tom Galvin, in my “thanks†as well. Writing of volunteers — we could use more; some to work as guides and, especially, someone to work on the museum’s deuce-and-a-half. If you’re mechanically inclined and interested, please give me a call at 941-575-9002. Kim Lovejoy is the executive director of the Military Heritage Museum, located at Fishermen’s Village in Punta Gorda. Winter hours are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and noon to 6 p.m. Sunday. For more information, call 941-575-9002, or visit www. Heritage Museum expands space, receives grant Kim Lovejoy adno=50481154 Call Today for a Complimentary Consultation: 941.249.4503 Maple Leaf Plaza 2200 Kings Hwy., Port Charlotte BOB’S BETTER HEARING Repairs for all makes and models in or out of warranty Robert Watts, HAS/BC-HIS #5556 National Board Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences International Service Network for Seasonal residents Bethany L. Walden, Au. D . Board Certified Doctor of Audiology Charlotte Hearing Center, Inc. Hearing Evaluations & Hearing Aids “Since 1984†766-8886 Most Major Brands Available 21216 Olean Blvd., Suite 4 Port Charlotte Across from AAA Bldg. adno=50478187 ;
Our Town Page 8 E/N/C The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 OUR VIEW LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name — not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Sun, Letters to the Editor, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980, or fax to 941-629-2085. Readers with access to the Internet may email Letters to the Editor at HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOREmail letters to letters@sun-herald.comChairman — Derek Dunn-Rankin Publisher — David Dunn-Rankin Executive Editor — Chris Porter Editorial page editor — Brian Gleason Editorial writer — Stephen Baumann Editor — John Hackworth V IEWPOINTMaintain integrity of habitat program Total commitment needed in Mideast An extra pound of ground beef Insensitive terminology Ensuring world for the futureEditor: There has been news coverage of a request by large landowners to obtain relief from a provision of the Habitat Conservation Plan, which requires a fee to be assessed on HCP lots. The premise of the request is that it is not fair for large landowners to be assessed fees based upon presumed multiple lots within their properties. If, in fact, the large landowners can ensure that their land will not be developed into smaller lots, then they may have a point. However, if those large lands are later developed into smaller lots, and they may get an unfair advantage that the average scrub jay lot owner is not getting, and that would not be right. This would also mean that less funding would be available to fund the HCP program. The Peace River Audubon Society hopes that the County Commission reviews this request carefully and does not degrade the integrity of the HCP. Jim Knoy Peace River Audubon SocietyEditor: Here is a strategy for the Middle East that would Editor: In the article, “Fla. House seeks tax cut on cellphones,†Rep. Matt Gaetz is quoted, we want to send the money back to the kitchen tables, because decisions made at the kitchen table on how to spend it are always better than decisions made by politicians. I could not agree more, except when you read the rest of the article, my wife and I will have to make tough decisions on how to spend that extra $6 a month. Maybe we could afford an extra package of hot dogs or a pound of ground beef. A $700 million tax cut out of billions in the budget and they make it sound like a big deal. How about the politicians fund our schools like they should be or help the working poor afford medical coverage? Now that would be a front page story. But alas that would not put any more money in the politicians pockets (or should I say at their kitchen tables).John Lenigan North PortEditor: Plane “pulverized†implies 150 people pulver ized. I find this headline insensitive. Has video game terminology entered our serious media culture? Fred Quackenbush EnglewoodEditor: It both saddens and amuses me to see continuing letters to the editor purporting that climate change/global warming does not exist. The repeat, sometimes word-for-word, of the far right wing television rag, Fox “News†is foolish at best. It serves only the interests of the oil barons and their boughtand-paid-for politicians. It is sad because as both Pope Francis and the head of the U.S. Episcopal Church, K.J. Schori, agree, climate change is a scientific fact. Schori goes on to note that denial of the facts is immoral. She goes even further saying that, “It is hard work when you have a climate change denier who will not see the reality of scientific truth.†And, “It is a very blind position. I think it is the refusal to use the best of human knowledge, which is ultimately a gift of God.†Just think, the consequences of ignoring global warming are huge. That bill will be paid with human lives and further destruction of our environment. We are already seeing increasing earthquakes and polluted water in areas where fracking is allowed. Whereas, the consequences of doing all that we can to mitigate and eventually eliminate our continued use of fossil fuels is simply a few dollars to develop and implement more renewable energy sources that do not spew billions of tons of poisons into our world. Ask yourself, “What kind of world do I want my children and grandchildren to inherit?â€Richard Jacox North PortA better way to root out tax evadersOUR POSITION: New system should bring local taxpayers their due. Nobody likes tax cheats: The people who don’t pay their fair share are essentially robbing from the rest of us who do. In the case of property taxes, this happens throughout Florida when second-home owners claim a local property as their homestead even though it isn’t a primary residence — maybe even while carrying the same designation on a property elsewhere. The reason for the deception is simple: Florida’s Save Our Homes Act grants across-theboard exemptions and caps the annual property tax increase at 3 percent. Non-homesteaded properties don’t get those breaks, so property values and taxes increase without the same protective ceiling. The savings can be substantial. Widespread as the practice may be, this special form of tax evasion often runs under the radar. Property appraisers rarely have the money or manpower to root out tax cheats. Typically, appraisers ofces rely on contact from suspicious neighbors — there’s a special form for whistle-blowers on the appraiser’s website — or when they are alerted through the postcards sent out each year — return mail from renters, say, or the Post Ofce. Last year, Sarasota County Property Appraiser Bill Furst estimated some $5 million was being left on the table. So he wants to farm the job out to Tax Management Associates, a company that specializes in this type of work, using its own analytical software and database. TMA operates on contingency: If they nd nothing, they get nothing. But if they do identify a tax evader, the company takes 30 percent of whatever is recovered, including taxes going back 10 years, a 50 percent penalty per year and 15 percent interest per year. The rest goes to the county, cites and any other local taxing authorities, such as the Southwest Florida Water Management District, the Sarasota County School District. “It’s pretty much found money for every taxpayer and every district,†said Brian Loughrey, administrative director for the Sarasota County Property Appraisers Ofce. Note also, the impact isn’t just for past years’ underpayments. Once the offender is identied, the valuation and tax payment is adjusted for the future. “It’s the gift that keeps on giving,†Loughrey quipped. In order for the Property Appraiser’s Ofce to get the green light for hiring TMA, all taxing authorities in the county must sign off. So far, Loughrey said, the reception has been uniformly positive. In late February, the ofce sent out to all taxing districts the documents that must be signed before the contract with the company can be signed. So far, none have been returned. The tax money is out there. Found money. All legally due. Kudos to Furst’s ofce for nding an efcient way to address the problem. Now, let’s sign the papers and get this in gear. SP20001Wanttomakeacomment,say thanks,giveap atonthebackto someone,getsomethingoffyour chest?Writealettertothee ditorand shareyourthought sw ith80,000 ofyourfriendsandn eighbors.Submitl ettersviae-mailto letters @ ormailt hemto 23170Harborvie wR oad, CharlotteHarbor,F la.,33980. Turntot heViewpointp age forl etterguidelines andother information. Sha re YourThou gh ts... limit the loss of American blood and treasure: We all know that the Sunni and the Shia Muslims have been killing each other for hundreds of years, and that this is a major aspect of the horrific scenes we see every day. We also know that the great majority of Muslims are Sunni, and that our traditional allies are also Sunni. Right now we are conducting air-strikes in Syria and in Iraq with no strategy or understanding of the consequences. For inexplicable reasons we have taken Shia Iran and its puppet, Hezbollah, the major source of terrorist activity, off the terrorist list, while our Sunni allies watch in thunderstruck horror. The U.S. should basically stay out of the Sunni-Shia battles going on in Iraq and Syria, and let them fight it out, while we concentrate on preventing regime changes in our Sunni allies. Those countries include Turkey, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Jordan, Egypt and others. We would also protect Israel and Christian and Kurdish enclaves. We have already lost Yemen, and Libya is in chaos. This strategy would depend heavily on air power, Special Forces and greatly stepped up supplies and training of allied armed forces. If we do not apply a total commitment to this strategy, we are going to see our allies come under Iranian rule, or deals greatly against our interests are going to be made by countries that feel abandoned by us.Russell E. Wilcox Port Charlotte ‘Of all the things that could kill more than 10 million people around the world,†writes philanthropist Bill Gates in The New England Journal of Medicine, “the most likely is an epidemic stemming from either natural causes or bioterrorism.†Beginning with this blunt and clinical assessment, we are given a detailed picture of the specter that haunts Gates’ nightmares: the emergence of a highly infectious virus that would spawn global panic, overwhelm the supply of medical commodities, set off a desperate technological race against death, reduce global wealth by trillions of dollars and fill millions of graves. The genetic mutation that would lead to this outcome is not likely to occur tomorrow. It is likely to occur as tomorrows gather into decades. The Spanish flu of 1918 infected about a third of the world’s population and caused 50 million deaths. An elevated temperature in the morning could mean death by dinnertime. The AIDS virus, in contrast, kills slowly and spreads without obvious symptoms — a different but highly effective evolutionary strategy of mass slaughter. About 40 million people have died from AIDS. Like others in his field, Gates describes the Ebola outbreak as “a wake-up call.†This is fair, with the caveat that the crisis is not over. Liberia has demonstrated (remarkably, heroically) that the goal of zero new infections is achievable. Sierra Leone, however, is still seeing transmissions occur from unsafe burial practices. In remote parts of Guinea, traditional healers still resist basic prevention methods (while sometimes accusing foreigners of importing the disease). But this killer, even after taking about 10,000 victims, is not the mass murderer that Gates is warning against. Ebola is spread through bodily fluids by people who are highly symp tomatic — mainly putting families and caregivers at risk. The disease originated in three small countries with a limited number of travelers to the U.S. And these countries welcomed outside intervention. (Imagine trying to send the 101st Airborne Division to respond to a disease outbreak in Islamabad.) What Gates calls “the next epidemic†is likely to be an airborne virus, turning markets or airplanes — really any congregation of breathing humans — into places of mass transmission. Modern travel would hasten the globalization of death. Following the Ebola crisis, we know one thing with complete certainty: The world would be utterly unprepared for an outbreak 100 times as large. The first and foundational layer of pandemic preparedness is the disease Are we ready for the next epidemic Michael Gerson GERSON | 9 SUNS AOOP
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C Our Town Page 9 VIEWPOINTsurveillance system in developing countries. During a recent trip, I visited Tanzania’s national lab, which provides test results for 200 health sites and tracks infectious diseases such as measles, rubella, HIV/AIDS and flu. The lab is in the process of upgrading from a BSL-2 facility to a BSL-3 — allowing it to test for Ebola rather than sending samples to Nairobi (which would cut potentially vital days off the process). The facility would not exist without funding from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the World Bank, as well as the training of technicians by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The next time a politician sneers at “foreign aid,†substitute the words “disease surveillance†and see if his or her statement still makes sense. Many developing countries lack even the minimal capability to identify outbreaks before they become epidemics. Filling those gaps is one of the goals of President Obama’s essential Global Health Security Agenda, designed to strengthen surveillance capacity in 30 countries comprising 4 billion people. The second layer of preparedness is emer gency response — the ability, on a moment’s notice, to provide mass logistics and commandand-control in the midst of chaos. This is a very rare global capability — currently possessed by the U.S. military, NATO, and pretty much no one else. “From the movies,†former White House Ebola czar Ron Klain told me, “you’d think there was some rapid response force of 5,000 guys in yellow biohazard suits ready to deploy. It is not true.†The urgent questions are how and where such a capacity might be created. The United Nations and the World Health Organization won’t be ready to play this role anytime soon. Only the G-7 nations would seem to have the ability, wealth and inclination. All this raises questions of leadership and global governance. If the worst happens, would anyone be in charge? The day before the next epidemic, this will seem a secondary matter. The day after, there will be no other issue. Michael Gerson is a Washington Post columnist. Readers may reach him at michaelgerson@ GERSONFROM PAGE 8 An abscess of anger seems to gnaw at Hillary Clinton, but the reasons for her resentments remain unclear. The world’s oldest party, which governed the nation during two world wars and is the primary architect of America’s regulatory and redistributive state, is eager to give her its presidential nomination, in recognition of ... what? The party, adrift in identity politics, clings, as shipwrecked sailors do to floating debris, to this odd feminist heroine. Wafted into the upper reaches of American politics by stolid participation in her eventful marriage to a serial philander er, her performance in governance has been defined by three failures. Her husband, having assured the 1992 electorate that voting for him meant getting “two for the price of one,†entrusted to her the project that he, in a harbinger of the next Democratic president’s mistake, made his immediate priority — health care reform. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan urged him to begin with welfare reform, just as wise Democrats wanted President Obama to devote 2009 to economic recovery rather than health care, perhaps sparing the nation six years and counting of economic sluggishness. Hillary Clinton enveloped her health care deliberations in secrecy, assembling behind closed doors battalions of the best and the brightest — think of many Jonathan Grubers weaving complexities for the good of, but beyond the comprehension of, the public. When their handiwork was unveiled, it was so baroque that neither house of a Congress controlled by her party would even vote on it. This was one reason that in 1994 Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years — a harbinger of 2010, when Obamacare helped end Nancy Pelosi’s tenure as the first female speaker. Clinton’s Senate interlude was an uneventful prelude to her 2008 presidential quest, which earned her, as a consolation prize, the State Department. There her tenure was defined by the “reset†with Russia and by regime-change-bybombers in Libya. Russia has responded by violently dismembering a European nation. Libya was the object of “humanitar ian intervention,†an echo of Bill Clinton’s engagement in the Balkans that appealed to progressives because it was connected only tenuously, if at all, to the U.S. national interest. Today, Libya is a humanitarian calamity, a failed state convulsed by civil war and exporting jihadists. These episodes supposedly recommend a re-immersion in Clintonism, a phenomenon that in 2001 moved The Washington Post to say, more in anger than in sorrow, that “the Clintons’ defining characteristic†is that “they have no capacity for embarrassment.†This judgment was rendered as two episodes were demonstrating that the Clintons in power were defined by their manner of leaving it. Bill Clinton punctuated his presidency by pardoning the late Marc Rich, a fugitive who 17 years earlier had been indicted for tax evasion, fraud and racketeering. He also traded with Libya and South Africa in contravention of embargos, and traded with Iran during the hostage crisis. Rich’s former wife reportedly contributed more than $1 million to assorted Democratic causes, $450,000 for Clinton’s presidential library, and $10,000 to the legal defense fund necessitated by Clinton’s glandular life that led to the Supreme Court effectively disbarring him from practicing before it. A year before the Clintons decamped from Washington to begin planning their return to it, they began trucking away from the White House $190,000 worth of furnishings. Perhaps exigencies dictated this; the couple was, Hillary Clinton says, “dead broke.†The furnishings became, as things often do with the Clintons, another occasion for an “it depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is†tiptoe along the ledge of illegality. The White House chief usher thought many of the items were government property donated in 1993 to a redecoration project. Several donors of items said they were told this. Although the Clintons said that all the removed furnishings were personal gifts, they returned $28,000 worth of them. As Hillary Clinton begins her campaign to again reside with the White House furnishings, remember an episode perhaps pertinent to the family penchant for secrecy and to her personal email server. Sandy Berger, who had been President Clinton’s national security adviser, was Clinton’s designated representative to the commission that investigated the 9/11 attacks that occurred less than nine months after Clinton left office. While representing Clinton, Berger frequented the National Archives. Later, he was fined $50,000 for surreptitiously taking highly classified documents from the Archives and destroy ing some of them. Another Clinton presidency probably would include a reprise of the couple’s well-known patterns of behavior. Voters will make an informed choice. George Will is a Washington Post columnist. Readers may reach him at georgewill@ Remembrance of Clintons past George Will Two impossible things happened to the U.S. economy over the course of the past year — or at least they were supposed to be impossible, according to the ideology that dominates half our political spectrum. First, remember how Obamacare was supposed to be a gigantic job killer? Well, in the first year of the Affordable Care Act’s full implementation, the U.S. economy as a whole added 3.3 million jobs — the biggest gain since the 1990s. Second, half a million of those jobs were added in Califor nia, which has taken the lead in job creation away from Texas. Were President Barack Obama’s policies the cause of national job growth? Did Jerry Brown — the tax-raising, Obamacare-embracing governor of California — engineer his state’s boom? No, and few liberals would claim other wise. What we’ve been seeing at both the national and the state level is mainly a natural process of recovery as the economy finally starts to heal from the housing and debt bubbles of the Bush years. But recent job growth, nonetheless, has big political implications — implications so disturbing to many on the right that they are in frantic denial, claiming that the recovery is somehow bogus. Why can’t they handle the good news? The answer actually comes on three levels: Obama Derangement Syndrome, or ODS; Reaganolatry; and the confidence con. Not much need be said about ODS. It is, by now, a fixed idea on the right that this president is both evil and incompetent, that everything touched by the atheist Islamic Marxist Kenyan Democrat — mostly that last item — must go terribly wrong. When good news arrives about the budget, or the economy, or Obamacare — which is, by the way, rapidly reducing the number of uninsured while costing much less than expected — it must be denied. At a deeper level, modern conservative ideology utterly de pends on the proposition that conservatives, and only they, possess the secret key to prosperity. As a result, you often have politicians on the right making claims like this one, from Sen. Rand Paul: “When is the last time in our country we created millions of jobs? It was under Ronald Reagan.†Actually, if creating “millions of jobs†means adding 2 million or more jobs in a given year, we’ve done that 13 times since Reagan left office: eight times under Bill Clinton, twice under George W. Bush, and three times, so far, under Barack Obama. But who’s counting? Still, don’t liberals have similar delusions? Not really. The economy added 23 million jobs under Clinton, compared with 16 million under Reagan, but there’s nothing on the left comparable to the cult of the Blessed Ronald. That’s because liberals don’t need to claim that their policies will produce spectacular growth. All they need to claim is feasibility: that we can do things like, say, guaranteeing health insurance to everyone without killing the economy. Conservatives, on the other hand, want to block such things and, instead, to cut taxes on the rich and slash aid to the less fortunate. So they must claim both that liberal policies are job killers and that being nice to the rich is a magic elixir. Which brings us to the last point: the confidence con. One enduring puzzle of political economy is why business inter ests so often oppose policies to fight unemployment. After all, boosting the economy with expansionary monetary and fiscal policy is good for profits as well as wages, yet many wealthy individuals and business leaders demand tight money and austerity instead. As a number of observers have pointed out, however, for big businesses to admit that government policies can create jobs would be to devalue one of their favorite political arguments — the claim that to achieve prosperity politicians must preserve business confidence, among other things, by refraining from any criticism of what businesspeople do. In the case of the Obama economy, this kind of thinking led to what I like to call the “Ma! He’s looking at me funny!†theory of sluggish recovery. By this I mean the insistence that recovery wasn’t being held back by objective factors like spending cuts and debt overhang, but rather by the corporate elite’s hurt feelings after Obama suggested that some bankers behaved badly and some executives might be overpaid. Who knew that moguls and tycoons were such sensitive souls? In any case, however, that theory is unsustainable in the face of a recovery that has finally started to deliver big job gains, even if it should have happened sooner. So, as I said at the beginning, the fact that we’re now seeing mornings in blue America — solid job growth both at the national level and in states that have defied the right’s tax-cutting, deregulatory orthodoxy — is a big problem for conservatives. Although they would never admit it, events have proved their most cherished beliefs wrong. Paul Krugman is a columnist for The New York Times. He can be reached via www. Acknowledging morning in blue America Paul Krugman GARAGESALELISTINGSALW AY SI NTHECLASSIFIEDS adno=50480383 SINGLE LANE CLOSURE NOTICE C.R. 761 (LETTUCE LAKE CUT-OFF) C.R. 761, AKA LETTUCE LAKE CUT-OFF, WILL BE REDUCED TO A SINGLE LANE AT THE TWO BRIDGES FOR APPROXIMATELY 6-7 MONTHS BEGINNING ON APRIL 1, 2015. BOTH BRIDGES WILL BE UNDER CONSTRUCTION AT THAT TIME. TRAFFIC SIGNALS WILL BE USED TO ALTERNATE TRAFFIC DIRECTIONS ON THE OPEN LANE. MOTORISTS MAY EXPERIENCE DELAYS OF UP TO 15 MINUTES. ALTERNATIVE ROUTES ARE RECOMMENDED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE DURING THIS NECCESSARY REHABILITATION PROJECT. IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL DESOTO COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AT 863-4917543 Publish: March 29, 2015 in the Charlotte Sun. Diabetic Care Foot Pain Foot Surgery Injuries New Patients Welcome 941-613-1919 3191 Harbor Blvd. Unit D Port Charlotte, FL 33952 adno=50478093 COMPLETE FOOT CARE Dr. Michael Metyk Podiatric Surgery 7276PROJECFLOCATIONCpMtr x:0'0 co.nrCMhOnC , 6VM:Cr( CpyvnCCtMv., --.,;;I I
Our Town Page 10 E/N/C The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS | WINNERS CIRCLEAmerican Legion Post 103 Sunday Darts winners March 22: Round 1: 1-Fern Tropea, Dan Reed; 2-Alan Ogle, Mickey Mullaney; 3-Kim Smith, Ron Hickson. Round 2: 1-Marian Goodman, Joey Siracusa; 2-Paul Martin, Ron Hickson; 3-Sarah Martin, Mickey Mullaney.Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club Slam Bridge winners March 25: 1-Colleen Shoemaker, 4860; 2-Jerry Shoemaker, 3880; 3-Irene Runkle, 3620.Chubbyz Tavern Big Dog’s Live Trivia Challenge winners March 25: 1-The Cat’s Meow, $50; 2-It’s Only a Game, $25; 3-Brain Freeze, $25.Cultural Center of Charlotte County Sunday Double Deck Pinochle winners March 22: Betty Gowan, 1688; Kathy Garbowicz, 1588; Jerry Marshall, 1559. Monday Night Pinochle winners March 23: 1-Gracie Mascia, 709; 2-Ed White, 688; 3-Mitch Mitchell, 683. Thursday Night Double Deck Pinochle winners March 19: Mike Boczylo, 1646; Allan Weithman, 1576; Paul Headrick, 1525. Friday Night Euchre winners March 20: 1-Bonnie Weithman, 84; 2-Linda Adams, 83; 3-Janet Knechtel, 82. Pinochle winners March 21: 1-Ben Cartwright, 662; 2-Paul Day, 657; 3-Lavaun Berkland, 644. March 24: 1-Tony Rottenbucher, 705; 2-Mitch Mitchell, 702; 3-Ed White, 661.Deep Creek Elks Lodge Monday Bridge winners March 23: 1-Nancy Nagrant, 4610; 2-Ann Lewis, 4310; 3-Bucky Jacques, 4300; 4-Treva McClanahan, 3770.Isles Yacht Club Scrabble winners March 20: Judith Howell, 403, 251; Diana Lehr, 360, 316; Bev MacMahon, 193, 173; Sandy Robinson, 228.Kingsway Country Club Ladies Bridge winners March 20: 1-Marilyn Gilbert; 2-Linda Bellmore. March 25: 1-Betty Worthington; 2-Norma Block. Partners Bridge winners March 25: 1-Dave Baker, Norma Block; 2-Denny Gilstad, Nancy Anderson; 3-Richard Bryson, Bev Bossert.Rolls Landing Condo Bridge Club winners March 23: 1-Kathleen Scotto; 2-Karl Rose; 3-Joan Cowling. Want to add your group? Email for details. BRIDGE WINNERSNorth Port Senior Center Duplicate Bridge, March 23: N/S: 1-Marcia Lanphear, John Herr mann; 2-Tom O’Connell, Glen McGeady; 3-Diana Prince, Judy Foster; 4-Homer and Ron Baxter; 5-Ruth Colman, Pat Lawler. E/W: 1-Sue and Ken Hegemann; 2-Linda Standish, Dick Rowan; 3-Mike Tichy, Al Shuki; 4-Ann Benmayor, Warren Prince; 5-Pat and Tom Quinn. Imagine pancake breakfast, egg huntThe National Honor Society at Imagine School at North Port’s upper campus invites the community to enjoy an unlimited pancake breakfast from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. April 4 in the cafeteria at 2757 Sycamore St., near the Toledo Blade-Panacea Boulevard intersection. Cost is $5. Children are also invited to have their pictures taken with the Easter Bunny, as well as participate in an Easter egg hunt at the charter school. Families with children of all ages are welcome to attend. For more information, call the school at 941-425-2050 or email Imagine’s National Honor Society adviser, David DiTucci, at David. Ditucci@imagineschools. com.Special matinee scheduledThe Charlotte Symphony Orchestra has scheduled a second special matinee performance for 2 p.m. today at the Charlotte Performing Arts Center, 701 Carmalita St., Punta Gorda, in its season-ending salute to the classical music of the Academy Awards. It will be the orchestra’s rst matinee performance, augmenting its regular 7:30 p.m. performance that day, which has been sold out. Children age 18 and younger will be admitted to the matinee performance free, when accompanied by an adult, with the purchase of a regularly priced ticket. For pricing, seating and ticket information, call 941205-9743, or visit www. closures to continueIntermittent lane closures on Burnt Store Road and adjoining side streets, from Zemel Road south to Vincent Street, will continue through April 30 as intersections are tied into the new roadway trafc lanes. Drainage and utility work continues; aggers and trafc-control devices are in place to assist travelers through construction areas, in conjunction with the Burnt Store Road (Phase III) Widening project. More information about this project is available at www. — click “Project Status Updates†in the “Popular Links.†| COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFS adno=50481062 C/1 1/O./liefi t1 11, ct RtC.<
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C Our Town Page 11 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS NORTH PORT — Although the opening of the North Port campus of Suncoast Technical College is still nearly two years away, the school already offers classes in the city. “Although our hopes are to open the doors for classes in January of 2017, we are actually getting an early start with the citizens of North Port and sur rounding communities,†Yvonne Hebda, STC site facilitator, wrote in an email. “Currently, we have a bit of allocated and shared space at North Port High School for use in the evenings with adult programming. The goal is to reach the people in North Port now so that we will have a student base when the new school opens.†The STC south campus, along with a second Sarasota County library in North Port, is slated to be built on 24 acres at North Toledo Blade and Cranberry boulevards, near Interstate 75. An architectural rm, Schenkel Shultz Inc. of Sarasota, has been hired, and the $15 million facility is scheduled to open in early 2017. “At our local site (at NPHS), we have ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) and GED (General Equivalency Diploma) programs going strong for the last year and a half. We also have a successful child care training program that prepares adult students for Florida certication to work in day cares and preschools,†Hebda said. “A smattering of ACE (Adult and Community Enrichment) courses, including digital photography, Microsoft Ofce, sign language, cooking and line dancing have been held on campus as well. “Our latest venture, in an effort to promote technical training in North Port, is a 40-hour course for persons interested in becoming a private security ofcer,†Hebda added. The 40-hour training will offer students the opportunity to apply for a Class D private security ofcer license. The class will run from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday, from April 20 to May 1, at NPHS, and costs $236.84. It will be taught by North Port Police Ofcer Cody Long, a certied instructor. Items to be covered include: using verbal and nonverbal skills to defuse conict, cooperating with emergency personnel, directing trafc, and detecting and reporting incidents. To register, or for more information, call 941-257-2252, or email yvonne.hebda@sarasota annek@sun-herald.comTech classes already happening in North PortBy ANNE KLOCKENKEMPERSTAFF WRITERSUN PHOTO BY PETER ARATARIPunta Gorda Police Ocer Lee Coel and his German shepherd Spirit, front and center, were presented a K-9 bulletproof vest Thursday at the police station. Money for the vest was donated by the Charlotte Community Foundation (pictured from the foundation is Jan Stephens, second from right). The vest was provided by the Retired Law Enforcement Ocers Association (pictured from the association are the three men in the back left and the one on the far right: Bob Marron, Chuck Courtemanche, Ray Klubbert and Jerry Enos). PGPD Capt. Tom Lewis, standing in uniform, oversees the department’s K-9 unit.K-9 couture DOES YOUR BUSINESS QUALIFY? CALL 941-205-6402 BUSINESS Journal Jackie’s Auto Body – Where Local Dealers Go for Auto Body Q UESTIONS & A NSWERS Absolute Blinds has been in business in Charlotte County and the surrounding area since 2000 and has become one of the largest and most successful licensed window treatment companies in Southwest Florida. With honest pricing, vertical blinds made while you wait, free limited consultation from a professional decorator, and the best selection available, Absolute Blinds can fulfill all your window treatment needs. An array of verticals, a selection of wood plantation shutters, horizontals, mini-blinds, pleated shades, top treatments, cornices, draperies, ADO wraps and more is among their offering. Absolute Blinds is a Graber dealer and estimates are free. If you need window coverings for home or office, Absolute Blinds is there to assist you. The store is located at 2842 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte and the phone number is 941-627-5444. Past and present customers can like Absolute Blinds’ Facebook page. For more information, visit their website at http:// Absolute Blinds Has A Window Treatment For You One of the best auto body shops in this area is Jackie’s Auto Body. With over 35 years of experience, Jack D‘Amico is second to none. Many local car dealers and car collectors bring their cars to Jackie’s Auto Body for first class auto body work, or a custom paint job. Jack repairs everything from minor dents to major collision damage, and will put your car in like-new condition. All types of insurance claims are accepted and Jackie’s is on the Preferred Insurance List. Jackie’s Auto Body repairs, paints and services almost any vehicle and uses the finest PTG paint products and materials as well as state of the art equipment. Stop by and meet Jack and Regina and receive a free estimate. Jackie’s Auto Body is located at 19888 Veterans Hwy., in Port Charlotte, and the phone number is 941-255-5967. Trust the pros to make your vehicle like new again. For all your auto repairs give Dr. D’s Auto Repair a call. Dr. D’s repairs all types of vehicles including motor homes and four wheelers. At Dr. D’s you can count on the best service, diagnostics, repairs, replacement parts, etc. Only superior quality replacement parts are used and rates are very reasonable. Owner, Mike True, and his staff are all ASE certified and they offer the finest full service repair in this area. With the computerized engine analysis, you can be assured that the service required on your vehicle is necessary. True is well known as an excellent auto mechanic and the business enjoys an excellent reputation. Dr. D’s is located at 23415 Janice Avenue in the Whidden Industrial Park in Charlotte Harbor and the phone number is 941-7433677. For the best service at a reasonable price, call or stop by Dr. D’s Auto Repair. Do you have qualified technicians that can help me? Where can I get a brand name TV at a competitive price? A. Quality TV is a factory repair service center for most TV brands including Samsung, Sony, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Zenith & LG. This means we deal with the manufactures and their problems. Our experts are trained factory technicians who can tell you who has the best customer service, and whose technology is better. We are here to help you. Quality TV will match the price of any other big box retailer on any television. Our showroom is open come and say hello. Quality TV is located at 14212 W. Tamiami Trail, North Port, call at 941-4261773, or for more information, please visit their website at http:// Q. Why is my A/C leaking water? A. Your air conditioning unit can leak water due to low refrigerant charge. Many times when the air conditioning unit is low on refrigerant it starts to freeze when running. Once the unit shuts off, the ice begins to melt, and water now drips onto the ceiling. If this happens a couple of times, the water can seep through the ceilings causing extensive and expensive water damage. John and Carrie strive to educate their customers on how to keep their home heated and cooled in the winter and summer, and what to do to extend the life of the unit. You can count on the service, advice and fair pricing that you receive and a thorough and complete check at each service visit. Call Dale’s Air Conditioning & Heating 941-629-1712, located at 18260 Paulson Drive, Port Charlotte. Business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, with 24 hours emergency service to their customers. Q. I have some estate jewelry pieces and gold that I would like to sell. Is there a local store who can appraise them and give me a fair purchase price? A. Westchester Gold & Diamonds, 4200-F Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, is known for unsurpassed quality, variety and pricing when buying or selling gold, silver, diamonds, Rolex watches and fine collectibles. Owner, Steve Duke, is on site to assist you with jewelry purchases and appraisals, or the sale of your old gold and other valuables. Specializing in pre-loved Rolex watches, new and estate jewelry pieces, oriental rugs, unusual gifts, paintings, rare collectibles, and more, Westchester should be your destination. The selection is amazing. This business is a community staple and is known for its generosity in giving back. Listen to Steve Duke’s Friday morning show on 1580 AM radio each week 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. It is interesting, fun and always topical. The store is located in Baer’s Plaza, and the phone number is 941-625-0666.Visit their website at Dr. D’s Auto Repair Provides Professional Service and Affordable Rates adno=50467743 Jackie’s Auto Body 19888 Veterans Highway, Port Charlotte Dr. D’s Avenue in the Whidden Industrial Park in Charlotte Harbor , 23415 Janice Avenue Absolute Blinds 2842 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, call 941-627-5444 3440 Conway Blvd. #2A (Behind Post Office) Port Charlotte DR. SUSAN R. BROOKS New Patients Welcome6 2 9 4 3 1 1 629-4311 General Dentistry Implants Cosmetic Nitrous Oxide Dentures & One Day Repair Laser Periodontal Therapy FINALLY IN PORT CHARLOTTE LOW COST DENTURES adno=50481089 r_.llds,:_;_. _ _' ti... ,f '1ar a e t(f i f R/, ` f I 'D
Our Town Page 12 E/N/C The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS | BIRTHDAYS Happy 90th birthday to Mary Ellen Bowdler on her special day March 24. Happy 90th birthday to Calvin “Cal†Taylor on his special day March 31, and happy 85th birthday to his wife Evelyn Taylor on her special day April 1. Happy 77th birthday Bernie Torr on his special day March31. Happy 30th birthday to Renee Strollo on her special day Jan.23. Happy 98th birthday to Gladys Jeery on her special day March 22. Happy 86th birthday to Irene Barchus on her special day March 28. Happy 87th birthday to Joe Higgins on his special day March 22. CONTACT FOR BIRTHDAYSEach week in Sunday’s Charlotte Sun, we run free birthday announcements along with a photo. Email your .jpg photo of the birthday boy or girl of any age, along with the person’s name, age, and birthday month and date, to Marion Putman, assistant Charlotte editor, at mputman@sun-herald. com. Deadline is noon Thursday. Note: If you bring or mail in a hard-copy photo (to 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980), we will try to accommodate you, but we CANNOT guarantee the ability to return it to you. For more information, call Marion at 941-206-1183. | WEEKLY RECORDCharlotte County births Vito Issac DeVoy, to Catherine Kelly Sandoval and Timothy James DeVoy of Port Charlotte, at 4:43p.m. March21. He weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces. Tylie Christina Lydic, to Kristi Todd and Cameron Lydic of North Port, at 4:27a.m. March22. She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Kaden Douglas Burnham, to Hilary Amanda Constant and Douglas Alan Burnham of Punta Gorda, at 1:05p.m. March23. He weighed 6 pounds, 10.5 ounces. Dominic Dru Delfino, to Tonya Delfino and Erik Anderson of Punta Gorda, at 3:18a.m. March24. He weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces. Bryson Joseph Ortel, to Erika Ernst and Mark Ortel of Punta Gorda, at 9:38a.m. March24. He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. Ahmya Grace Shantellett Spikes, to Christina Theisen and Ahkeem Spikes of Port Charlotte, at 10:36a.m. March25. She weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces. Colby Ray Jones, to Keisha Little and Timothy Jones of Port Charlotte, at 11:24a.m. March25. He weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces.Charlotte County marriages Darryl Sears of North Port, and Bonnie Munden of Virginia Beach, Va. Durbijai Samaroo of Port Charlotte, and Geeta Seeram of Punta Gorda James Shook of Punta Gorda, and Deborah Dwyer of Punta Gorda Nestor Rodriguez Aurrecoechea of Fort Myers, and Natalia Ossa of Fort Myers Joseph Hale of Port Charlotte, and William Davenport Jr. of Port Charlotte John Perry of North Port, and Jessica Trapani of North Port Sean McErlean of North Port, and Christina Mansfield of North Port Zachary Knight of Punta Gorda, and Jennifer McGuire of Punta Gorda Anthony Sanchez of Port Charlotte, and Ashley McMechan Port Charlotte David Arnold of Port Charlotte, and Luciana Koop of Sarasota Thomas Taibbi of Englewood, and Tracey Onze of Englewood Christopher Nicholson of Port Charlotte, and Lisa-Marie Culotta of Port Charlotte Dennis Croyl of Port Charlotte, and Adamantia Davies of Port Charlotte Alexander Scherer of Punta Gorda, and Alison Black of Punta Gorda Cleveland Dubose of Jacksonville, and Sharde Mathis of Port Charlotte Jordan Meeks of North Port, and Savanna Smith of Punta Gorda Christopher Seidel of Austin, Texas, and Deanna Carten of Austin, Texas David Runyon of Gahanna, Ohio, and Lindsay Judd of Gahanna, Ohio Robert Gwynn of Alpharetta, Ga., and Courtney Weaver of Alpharetta, Ga. Armando Malave-Sanchez of Port Charlotte, and Mary Cruz of Port Charlotte Nathan Vanderspoel of Port Charlotte, and Michele Milone of Port Charlotte Darin Anderson of Port Charlotte, and Sheila Babcock of Port Charlotte James Wright of Naples, and Wendy West of Port Charlotte Valerie Hansen of Bradenton, and Heather Hodges of BradentonCharlotte County divorces Michael Barbiere v. Heidi Barbiere Mark Allan Bracefield v. Rosemary Bracefield Jonathan Cox v. Sara Elizabeth Jackson Jose Nelson Davila v. Jody Ann Davila Janet B. Dumeer v. Jay R. Dumeer Ellen Morris v. Hugh Nicholas Morris David Starr v. Nancy Carol Starr Lillian A. Tomeu v. Dana L. Nelson Shannon L. Walls v. Andrew Walls SCF ‘Evening Under the Stars’The State College of Florida Foundation Inc. will sponsor an “All You Need is Love†Evening Under the Stars event April 11, at SCF Venice, 8000 S. Tamiami Trail. General admission will be available at 6 p.m. SCF award-winning music students will provide pre-show entertainment. A concert featuring the Venice Symphony Pops Orchestra will begin at 8 p.m., and reworks will start at 9:45 p.m. Proceeds from the annual fundraising event directly benet SCF students deserving of scholarships and outstanding SCF programs. Reserved general admission seating is $25; general admission is $15. The public is invited to bring a chair and cooler and sit on the lawn to enjoy the concert and reworks. In case of rain, the event will be rescheduled to April 12. Visit to purchase tickets. For more information, contact the SCF Foundation at 941-408-1418.General meeting set for TuesdayThe Charlotte Players will hold its general mem bership meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the rehearsal hall at 1182 Market Circle, Port Charlotte. Refreshments will be provided, and guests are welcome. For more information, call 941255-1022, or visit www. | COMMUNITY | NEWS BRIEFS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING MATTERS: PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ELEMENTS, DEVELOPMENTS OF REGIONAL IMPACT OR CHANGES THERETO, REZONINGS, PRELIMINARY PLATS, STREET AND PLAT VACATIONS A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSALS AND PETITIONS AS DESCRIBED BE LOW WILL BE CONDUCTED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD ON MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2015, AT 1:30 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE MATTER MAY BE HEARD DURING THE COURSE OF ACTION. THE HEARING WILL BE HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, ROOM 119, FIRST FLOOR, BUILDING A, THE CHARLOTTE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, 18500 MURDOCK CIRCLE, PORT CHARLOTTE, FLORIDA. THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD IS NOT BOUND TO CONSIDER THE PETITIONS IN THE ORDER LISTED IN THIS NOTICE. ANY OF THESE PETITIONS MAY BE CONSIDERED AS SO ON AS THE MEETING COMMENCES. COPIES OF SAID PETITIONS WITH COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND SUBSEQUENT STAFF REPORTS WILL BE AVAIL ABLE FOR REVIEW AT THE CHARLOTTE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (18400 MURDOCK CIRCLE) AND ALL CHARLOTTE CO UNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES. ADOBE PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT (.pdf) FILES OF ALL PETITION PACKETS AND AN AGENDA WILL BE PLACED AT THE FOLLOWING INTERNET ADDRESS:\hich\af35\dbch\af35\loch\f35z/Pages/Meeting-Age ndas.aspx ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE URGED TO ATTEND THESE PUBLIC HEARINGS. THE PUBLIC IS WELCOME TO SPEAK; TH ERE WILL BE A FIVEMINUTE TIME LIMIT FOR EACH CITIZEN’S PRESENTATION ON AN AGENDA ITEM. IF YOU HAVE SPECIFIC QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS, YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONTACT A STAFF PERSON AT ANY TIME IN ADVANCE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING(S). PLEASE CALL 9 41-764-4903 AND MENTION THE PETITION NUMBER OF THE MATTER YOU WISH TO DISCUSS. PETITIONS PA-14-12-18-LS Legislative Commission District I Pursuant to Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes, transmit a Large Scale Plan Amendment to the Depa rtment of Economic Opportunity for review and comments; the amendment request is to change Charlotte County FLUM Series Map #1: 2030 Future Land U se, from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Commercial (COM) with an annotation to the 2030 Future Land Use Map to limit use of the site to outd oor storage, wholesale tree farm and nursery operation with customarily accessory uses which are clearly incidental to the permitted uses; for property loc ated northwest of Harborview Road, south of Old Landfill Road, and east of Pebble Terrace, in the Port Charlotte area, containing 23.75’b1 acres; Commission District I; Petition No. PA-14-12-18-LS; Applicant: Timothy Verwiebe providing an effective date. PA-15-02-01-LS Legislative Commission District II Pursuant to Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes, transmit a Large Scale Plan Amendment to the Depa rtment of Economic Opportunity for review and comments; the amendment request is to change Charlotte County FLUM Series Map #1: 2030 Future Land U se, from High Intensity Industrial (HII) (357.7’b1 acres), Preservation (PR) (12.87’b1 acres), and Commercial (COM) (45.36’b1 acres) to Low Density R esidential (LDR) with an annotation to the 2030 Future Land Use Map to limit the overall density of the site to 999 units; for property located at t he northwest portion of the interchange of I-75 and Tuckers Grade, in the Punta Gorda area, containing 415.93’b1 acres; Commission District II; Petition No. PA -15-02-01-LS; Applicant: Crimson Tamiami Trail Holdings LLC; providing an effective date. Sec. 3-9-10, Amendment Legislative Countywide An Ordinance amending Charlotte County Code Chapter 3-9, Zoning, by revising Section 3-9-10, Amendme nts; providing for requirements and procedure that Land Development Regulations and the Office Zoning Atlas may be amended or repealed; providing for s tandards for approval; providing for conflict with other ordinances; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Applicant: Charlotte Co unty Board of County Commissioners. Sec. 3-9-65.1, Boats Used for Living Purposes; Houseboats Legislative Countywide An Ordinance amending Charlotte County Code Chapter 3-9, Zoning, by revising Section 3-9-65.1, Boats Used for Living Purposes; Houseboats; providing for general requirements for living aboard boats and houseboats; providing for revised approval procedur e; providing for conflict with other ordinances; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Applicant: Charlotte County Board of County Commi ssioners. Sec. 3-9-65, Boating Structures Legislative Countywide An Ordinance amending Charlotte County Code Chapter 3-9, Zoning, by revising Section 3-9-65, Boating Structures; providing for general requirements; providing for development standards for boating structures on waterbodies; providing for development standards for boat ramps; providing for conflict with other ordinances; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Applicant: Charlotte Co unty Board of County Commissioners. S e c . 3 9 7 9 . 1 , P a r k i n g o f B o a t s , R e c r e a t i o n a l V e h i c l e s , T r u c k s , a n d T r a i l e r s L e g i s l a t i v e C o u n t y w i d e An Ordinance amending Charlotte County Code Chapter 3-9, Zoning, by revising Section 3-9-79.1, Parki ng of Trucks, Trailers Travel Trailers and renaming this Section to Parking of Boats, Recreational Vehicles, Trucks and Trailers; providing for the revised i ntent; providing for revised parking standards and restrictions for trucks and trailers; providing for parking standards for boats, RVs and trailers on private deve loped property; providing for revised violations and enforcement; providing for conflict with other ordinances; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Applicant: Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners. S e c . 3 9 7 9 , O f f s t r e e t P a r k i n g a n d L o a d i n g F a c i l i t i e s L e g i s l a t i v e C o u n t y w i d e An Ordinance amending Charlotte County Code Chapter 3-9, Zoning, by revising Section 3-9-79. Off-str eet Parking and Loading Facilities; providing for the revised intent; providing for revised applicability; providing for definitions; providing for calcul ation; providing for general requirements; providing for revised parking requirements for drive-up facilities; providing for revised development standards; providing for revised requirements for off-street parking facilities; providing for revised requirements for off-street loading; providing for conflict with other ordinan ces; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Applicant: Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners. S V 1 5 0 1 0 1 L e g i s l a t i v e C o m m i s s i o n D i s t r i c t I I I Gregory and Linda Nelson are requesting to vacate a portion of E. 8 th Street lying between Pine Street and Manor Road, a total of 0.13 acres, more or less, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 1, of the Public Records of Charlotte County, Florida. The segment is located south of the Sarasota County line, north of 7 th Street, east of Pine Street, and west of Manor Road, in Section 5, Township 41 South, Range 20 East, in Commission District III. P P 0 9 0 1 0 1 Q u a s i j u d i c i a l C o m m i s s i o n D i s t r i c t I I I Jimmy Philman and Handy Phil, Inc. are requesting a two-year extension of the Preliminary Plat appro val granted to them by the Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners on April 21, 2009, for Winchester Lake Subdivision, consisting of 169 residenti al lots, on 176 acres, more or less, located southeast of San Casa Drive, west of Sesame Road West, and south of Avenue of the Americas, in Section 16, Townsh ip 40 South, Range 20 East, in Commission District III.P P 1 3 0 1 0 1 Q u a s i j u d i c i a l C o m m i s s i o n D i s t r i c t I I I Banks Engineering, on behalf of their client, Placida Commons, LLC, is requesting a two-year extensi on to the Preliminary Plat approval granted to them by the Board of County Commissioners on April 23, 2013, for a 95-lot residential subdivision to be named, P lacida Commons. The property is 35.20 acres, more or less, and is located east of Placida Road, west of Cape Haze Drive, south of Dixon Lane, and north o f Blue Heron Cove, in Sections 33 and 34, Township 41S, Range 20E, in Commission District III. SHOULD ANY AGENCY OR PERSON DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATT ER CONSIDERED AT SUCH MEETING, A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS REQUIRED, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Th is nondiscrimination policy involves every aspect of the County’s functions, including access to and participation in meetings, programs and activities.FM Sound Enhancement Units for the Hearing Impairedare available at the Front Security Desk, Building A of t he Murdock Administration Complex.Anyone needing other reasonable accommodation or auxiliary aids and services please contact our Office at 941-764-4191, TDD/TTY 941-743-1234, or by email to : Publish: March 29, 2015 adno=470773 Sec. 3-9-79,1, Parkong of Boats, Recreationa0 Vehicles, Trucks, and TraiBers Legoslative CountywodeSec. 3-9-79, Off-street Parking and Loadang FaclMles Legaslatlve CountywedeSVV15-01-01 Legaslatlve Commasslon astrIct IooPP-09-01-01 Quaso-judocial Commossoon ostrict 001PP-13-01-01 Quasi-judaclal Commasslon astrIct 0011
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C Our Town Page 13 adno=50479007 1SrPART TVtIDBOp 120Hx LED HDWwith WI-F1 120Nzrehash rare Motion tlm, Index 480 Triple XD Engine Clog Mariam Rate 240B iha Wi Fl Quad-Core Proaua 4K 3D 2160pp 120H: lED Ultra HDTVClear Yoke II technology 2 HUMI Inputs 1 USB 2.0 Input Neft Vudu Motion-Sera! Mo isng g Remote with Built-in Microphone for voice control : Clear MoHolr Rah 1200SmaA 1V SIMPUNK'" 4 HDMI 3 USB Buih-in-FiPrecision Black LocalultmClear anal sale sale$479 $499 S599 $799 $849 $749 $999 $2,299 $ ,499 $2,199: t Dimon nng 55, 65-uad Core Process"$1,599 $2,299MURDOCK PLAZA' IRI LL SMITHFamigy Ob1ufleafl a Omierateafi1100 Tamtami TraB,Port CharlotteMon-Sat 10-6, Sun 12-51 r .rj , I n 941.624.5555k I W,ald lust North of(11.11 iMW I F:11 I Cochran Blvd.RuuiIil Vn..r humn Diikino floiII' I more kitchen appliances : I contractor discounts!SAT7: I i;l!, E S$363i $1,85051.7 CF 1,000w 1.7 CF 1,000wover-range microwave over-range microwave ; I 1.8 CF 1,000wIVM6177DFME17H703HS over-range microwave0Quiet 48dBA,End-of-cycle signal, O 4 gallons per cycle Semi-Integrated= dishwasher. r. mum-H 683"" x W 3531" x D 33sn" H 68.6" x W 3941' x D 3611" H 70' x W 35x`1" x D 3558"7 71 SAT'1% SAVSAVE$1,249! $6$2,086II2.0 CF 1,000w 25 CIF 2.0 Caver-range microwave L 1.8 CF 1,000w-r-range microwaveAltered WMH53520AE over-range microwaveFor dispenser 5.8 CF Oven Ca aci StormWash system,Fully integrated P ly Twin fan drying,Semi-Integrated refrigerator dishwasher Quiet 46 dBAdishwasherUltra-large capacity -,p singeH681,B"xW35716"xD3418" H69114"xW35"1"xD303/16" LlH687""xW3514"xD331''"SAVE11,1111114:1 l(A $1,801 ! _ $3'074SAY1%SA7: SALETX3.1$Je3lINSIN $11,3301.6 CF 1,000wover-range microwave 1.1 over-range CF microwaveHMV3052ic over-1.1 icrowave Free dishwasherIJ l.7 CF 1,000w I $ P(Dx3DS with purchase ofover-range microwaveHidden Control Full Console Dishwasher this package.Dishwasher, with 15 Place Setting A $1,749 Value!16-Place Settings tffCounter-Depth +r21.8 CF -H69"1"xW3531"xD36" H7114"xW3558"xD30j H70xW3558"xD271'4"SAVE r SAV1$1,5(;6! SALE! LuxurV $1,6971lls Rewards!Precise FIII111SIth $6,499 MERV Rer ates1.9 CF 1,000wDal e061100 over-range microwave r to 1.7 CF 1,550wst,st I1 1 r aver-range microwaveFresa Fee, a fjj Dishwasher with811111141111111111MON Rebates Fully Integrated Dishwasher,hidden controls . to I ti amm T,t C,j 16-Place SettingsBE Nommm Rebatesr to $3,698The Re"' I bates H 69"x" x W 353 4" x D 31'"" H 69'," x W 353/4" x D 351",e r I' ...:..:....:..:...-.....:est. 1954 I I I I BILL SMITH SERVICE' CENTERILL Famlly Owned a Operated since 1954 12-Month No-Interest Financing Toll-free 800228.1127Lee 334.1121S MITH 1041St Place Reader's Choice Awards Largest Brand Selection APPLIANCE PARTSlowest Price Guaranteed Company Owned Service Center Tell-free 888.229.3882Or....MRia C-41, I.. 'MIS An,.A C.. n... f". A.Q.A. L.......7r..r.. .I.I,I.."."....A ..,I,,.,.., ,.l r.l.r..I. ui-,,, ....... 1.......1....,...A+OA,.u,mAf..".""..A.....,.I..i-..m......-"....r . 6.6...1., . .H ..,,. -...A......I.,....A...A.. ..;..--...... ...1+_6,1....i.i, IImA..Iri...N....1i I
Our Town Page 14 E/N/C The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS ENGLEWOOD — For 34 years, the Englewood Arts Festival has brought artists and art lovers together. And for most of those years, the Rotary Club of Englewood has used proceeds from the event to help many throughout this area and beyond. “It’s a tradition that goes way back,†said Carol Peterson, the event’s chairperson and a Rotarian. Peterson said local artist Carroll Swayze and others began the event in an effort to make artwork more accessible to the public. “We wanted to take art out of the galleries and make it available to people in a fun way,†Swayze said. “We started at the beach, where the restaurant Flounders is now located.†The Rotary Club then became involved to assist the festival while raising needed funds to help serve the community. “We’ve been together ever since,†said Peterson, who also serves as a board member of the Englewood Youth Foundation Inc., a tax-exempt corporation whose purpose is to serve the area’s youth. “I am happy to tell you that every cent of the $2 donation that the foundation receives directly benets our children — and we help in so many ways.†In addition to the money raised through the $2 donations, the club receives proceeds through artist applications and booth rentals. The Rotary distributes that money both here and internationally. “We have grown such that we now have a lot of artists who want to display their works,†Peterson said. However not everyone is given the chance to do so. The festival, now located along West Dearborn Street, is a juried art event, which means that an artist must submit an application, together with Annual arts fest enjoys another successBy KENNETH ANDRESENSUN CORRESPONDENT SUN PHOTOS BY KENNETH ANDRESENPatrons inspect a booth at the arts fest. Lesley Duck enjoys some Gyotaku art Saturday during the Englewood Arts Festival on West Dear born Street. The event continues from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today.ARTS | 15 BAPTIST P e a c e R i v e r B a p t i s t C h u r c h 478 Berry Street, Punta Gorda Jim Stultz, Pastor Jim Reuter, Music Minister 637-6768 Palm Sunday Services: 8:30am, 11:00am & 6:00pm Good Friday Service: April 3, 2pm Easter Cantata: Thurs., April 2 & Fri., April 3, 7pm Easter Sunday Morning Worship: 8:30am & 11:00am Sunday School All Ages: 9:45am No Evening Service CATHOLIC SAN ANTONIO CATHOLIC CHURCH 24445 Rampart Blvd., Port Charlotte 941-624-3799 Holy Thursday Mass: April 2nd at 6:30pm Celebration of the Lord’s Supper G ood Friday Prayer Service: April 3rd, 3pm and 7:00pm Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday: April 4th, Easter Vigil at 8:00pm Easter Sunday: April 5th Masses at 7am, 9am and 11am Overflow Masses in the Ministry Bldg. 9:15am and 11:15am CATHOLIC ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH 2500 Easy St., Port Charlotte 941-625-4754 Easter Triduum Celebration Times: April 2 Holy Thursday Morning Prayer 8:30am, Mass Of The Last Supper, 7pm *Followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until Midnight in the Parish Center April 3 Good Friday Morning Prayer 8:30am, Stations of the Cross 12 Noon Passion & Veneration, 3pm Divine Mercy Novena After Veneration The Passion of Christ(Movie), 7pm, (Movie Showing in Parish Center) April 4 Holy Saturday Morning Prayer 8:30am, *Food Baskets will be blessed after the morning prayer. (No Confessions Will Be Heard) Easter Mass Schedule: April 4 Easter Vigil 8:15pm (Saturday Evening) April 5 Easter Sunday: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Creole) adno=50444380 EPISCOPAL St. James Episcopal Church Palm Sunday Service 8am & 10:30am 3/30-4/4 (Mon.-Sat.) Morning Prayer 7:30am Daily 3/30-4/4 (Mon.-Sat.) “Stations of the Cross†5:30pm Daily Maundy Thursday Services 6:00pm Good Friday Liturgy 12:00 Noon 3:00pm Easter Sunrise Service 6:00am 6:30am Easter Services8:00am & 10:30am 1365 Vizcaya Dr., Port Charlotte 627-4000 The Rev. Cesar Olivero, Pastor INTER DENOMINATION DEEP CREEK COMMUNITY CHURCH 941-235-REAL 1500 Cooper Street Palm Sunday Services Sat., 6:30pm & Sun., 9am & 11am at Church FREE EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA Sun. 4/5, 9:15am Gates Open 9:30am Family Fun on Field 10:00am Easter Celebration Service 11:00am Easter Eggstravaganza Begins 1:00pm Easter Eggstravaganza Ends Charlotte High Football Stadium, 1250 Cooper St. Punta Gorda Egg Hunt for Ages 1 12 Don’t Miss this One!! FUN for ALL! OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH LCMC Meeting in the El Jobean Community League 14344 Jamison Way, Port Charlotte Palm Sunday: March 29, 10am Blessing of the Palms Maunday Thurs: April 2, 6pm Around The Table Communion Good Friday: April 3, 6pm Service of Darkness Easter Sunday: April 5, 10am Ringing of the Bells For information, phone (941)766-7567 or (941) 764-8646 ALL ARE WELCOME LUTHERAN BAPTIST Murdock Baptist Church 18375 Cochran Blvd. 941-627-6352 Easter Sunday Celebration Services 9am & 10:30pm Watch our previous services online at Like us on Facebook at CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Genesis Christian Church of the Nazarene 19150 Helena Ave., Port Charlotte, FL 33948 (941) 627-0248 Palm Sunday (3/29) Worship Service is at 10am. Our emphasis is Friend Day, so come with a friend and worship with us. Saturday, 4/4, 6-7:30m. Resurrection Children’s Event! We will enjoy a game, egg hunt and a fun craft project. Bring your children for a fun Easter family event at our beautiful playground area! Sunday, 4/5, Wonderful Breakfast at 9:00am and Worship Service at 10:00am. Come find out more about your RISEN Savior and best friend! CHRISTIAN MURDOCK CHRISTIAN CHURCH 17500 Elmwood Ave., Murdock 255-1858 Minister Keith Sergent Palm Sunday Service at 10:30am Good Friday Service 7:30pm to 8:30pm Easter Sunday Service at 10:30am LUTHERAN FAITH LCMS PUNTA GORDA Maundy Thursday (w/communion) 7:30pm Good Friday Worship Prayer Vigil Noon Tenebrae 7:30pm Sat. Easter Vigil 5:30pm (Contemporary w/communion) Easter Sonrise 6:30am Easter Celebration 9:30am (Both w/communion) 4005 Palm Drive 941-639-6309 COMMUNITY CHURCH 5600 South Biscayne Drive, North Port, FL 34287 Worship Services at Main Campus: 5600 S. Biscayne Dr. (Combined Main & East Worship Services Easter Weekend) *Sat. Worship Service at 7:00pm Sunday Services *Sunrise Service at 7:00am *Worship Service at 9:30am *Youth Outdoor Service at 9:30am 6400 West Price Blvd., North Port, FL 34291 LUTHERAN CHRIST THE KING Lutheran (WELS) 766-9357 Corner of Kings Highway and 23456 Olean Blvd. Easter Sunrise Outside Praise, 7:00am Theme: The Easter Surprise Easter Celebration 9:30am Theme: The Truth About Cemeteries ASSEMBLY OF GOD LATINO Iglesia Cristiana “Edificando Genteâ€, Inc. Transformando vidas en la comunidad y en las naciones Pastores Samuel y Sofia Rodriguez Dias de Servicios Estudio Biblico mircoles 6:30pm Culto Mayor-Domingos 10:45am Pastor Cell: (941) 286-4159 Facebook: iglesiacristianaedificandogenteinc. E-mail: Annual Easter Egg Hunt ALL FREE Saturday, April 4th, 4pm to 7pm Egg Hunt Ages 12 and Under 19048 Edgewater Dr., Port Charlotte, FL 33948 (941) 629-0999 Games & Prizes, 5,000 Eggs, Puppet Show, Face Painting, Bounce Houses, Free Food, Candy Having Grand Prize Drawings CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH Congregational United Church of Christ Reverend Dr. Jean M. Simpson 1201 Aqui Esta Dr., Punta Gorda (941) 637-8443 Palm Sunday & Easter Sunday Services: 10am Maundy Thursday: 5pm with Soup Supper Full Service and Communion Following Good Friday Service: 12pm BAPTIST Easter Sunday 8:00 Traditional Worship 9:30 Band-Led Worship 11:00 Blended Worship 12:30 Hispanic Service 20035 Quesada Ave., Port Charlotte, FL 33952 941-629-0444 www.LovingFamilies.US RS H IFi first.stpL(Bace River Eaptist (churchNEw Hoop E'<
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C Our Town Page 15 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS Yvonne Sonnenleiter examines jewelry at the event Saturday.SUN PHOTOS BY KENNETH ANDRESENGlassworks at the or CDs of the work that will be displayed. A panel of judges then determines which artists may rent booths for the two-day event. “Of course, we want to be as inclusive as possible, but space is limited, and we want to offer the public a variety of the very best,†Peterson said. That variety includes many different media forms, from oil paintings to tin works, pottery, jewelry, watercolors, silks, photographs and Gyotaku, a Japanese technique in which a sh is rubbed with paint and then pressed onto lightweight paper. “I have come to this event for many years,†said Chris Wilson, a longtime resident. “It just keeps getting bigger and better. There are so many wonderful works of art here.†Her friend, Connie Jackson, agrees: “I came last year for the rst time. I love it! There are so many beautiful and unique things.†Yvonne Sonnenleiter, also a local, has come to the show over the years. “I like everything about it,†she said. “There is such a wide variety. I especially like the jewelry.†Lesley Duck, a new resident from Ontario, made her maiden voyage to the festival this year. “It is very impressive. I especially like the paintings,†she said, while perusing a piece of Gyotaku. “It’s just a real enjoyable time,†said Barbie Arbour, the club’s treasurer. “And we get to do so many good things with the proceeds. Last year, we raised in excess of $25,000, and hope to beat that this year.†The festival continues from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today on West Dearborn Street. For more information, visit www.englewood PAGE 14 METHODIST CLEVELAND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PALM SUNDAY (3/29) 9:30am Traditiona l 11:00am Contemporary MAUNDY THURSDAY (4/2) 6:00pm GOOD FRIDAY (4/3) 6:00pm EASTER SUNDAY (4/5) Sunrise Service 6:45am (Laishley Park bring chair) ALSO EASTER SUNDAY 9:30am Traditional 11:00am Contemporary 28038 Cleveland Ave., Punta Gorda (941) 639-2775 METHODIST PORT CHARLOTTE UNITED METHODIST 21075 Quesada Ave. 625-4356 Brian James, Pasto r Palm Sunday Worship, 8am, 9:30am & 11:00am Maundy Thursday Service 6:30pm Good Friday Service 6:30pm Saturday Prayer, 10am-Noon New Beginnings Park Sunrise Breakfast 6am to 8am Fellowship Hall Sunrise Worship 7am, New Beginnings Park Worship 8:00am, 9:30am, 11am METHODIST Easter Morning April 5th, 6:45am Laishley Park (Please bring a chair) First United Methodist Church 507 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda Cleveland United Methodist Church 28038 Cleveland Ave., Punta Gorda Burnt Store Presbyterian Church 11330 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda 941-639-0001 2 miles south of Burnt Store Road and Tamiami Trail intersection Palm Sunday, March 29: 8:15, 9:40 and 11am Maundy Thursday April 2: 7:00pm Worship and Communion as we remember the Last Supper. Good Friday, April 3: 7PM Special Worship - “Station Of The Cross†Easter Sunday, April 5: 8:15 and 11AM Celebrating the Resurrection at Traditional Services; 9:40AM Contemporary Easter Worship Service Regular Sunday Services: 8:15 and 11AM Traditional Worship; 9:40AM Contemporary Worship; 9:40 & 11AM FaithWorks Classes; 11AM MY PLACE Youth Group Bible Study; 12PM MY PLACE Youth Group Mission PRESBYTERIAN PRESBYTERIAN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF PUNTA GORDA 25250 Airport Rd., Punta Gord a 639-1959 Rev. Stephen Mock Maundy Thursday, 7:00pm Tenebrae Service Good Friday, 12:00pm Communion Service 7:00am Easter Sunrise Service 9:00am New Beginnings Worship 10:30am Traditional Worship Watch Services Live via Website NON-DENOMINATION 370 Atwater St., Port Charlotte Rev. Dr. David Blood Palm Sunday Celebration Sun., Mar. 29th, 9:30am w/ All Stars for Jesus’ Children Easter Celebration Sunday, April 5th, 9:30am 866-717-3946 METHODIST Palm Sunday Services: Saturday, 6:00pm, Sunday 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am Maundy Thursday April 2nd, 6:30pm Good Friday, April 3rd, 6:30pm Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4th 10am 12pm Easter Services: Saturday 6:00pm, Sunday 7:00, 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00am (941) 625-3039 adno=50444382 METHODIST CHARLOTTE HARBOR TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 23084 Seneca Ave., Port Charlotte 33980 941-625-3372 Pastor Ed Horne Easter Services Maundy Thursday Service April 2, 2015, 6:30pm Good Friday Service April 3, 2015, 6:30pm Easter Sunday Sunrise Service At Bayshore Pavilion, April 5, 2015, 7am Easter Worship Service April 5, 2015, 10am METHODIST TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4285 Wesley Lane, North Port, FL 34287 941-426-1734 Pastor George Dzyndra Easter Sunrise Service 7:00am Light Refreshments Easter Worship Service 9:00am Brunch following. Community is cordially invited. Weekly Worship Service at 9:00am Sunday School at 10:30am Wintergarden Presbyterian 18305 Wintergarden Ave., Port Charlotte, FL 33948 (Between Pellam & Collingswood) 941-743-5335 Palm Sunday Hymn Sing: 10:30am Maundy Thursday Service: 6:30pm Easter Sunday Service: 10:30am Renegade Gospel Resurrection Rev. Devon Ducheneau PRESBYTERIAN St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church 5550 S. Sumter Blvd, North Port, FL 34287 941-426-2552 HOLY WEEK ACTIVITIES Palm Sunday, March 29 Service 9am Contemporary 10:30am Traditional Maundy Thursday, April 2 “The Living Last Supper†7pm Communion Easter Sunday April 5 Service 9am Contemporary 10:30am Traditional Communion PRESBYTERIAN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF PORT CHARLOTTE 2230 Harriet St. Between Midway & Gibralter Palm Sunday 3/29 8:30am Gospel Service 10:30am Traditional Service Holy Week Mon. 3/30 thru Wed., 4/1, 6pm-7pm 4/2 Maundy Thursday 6pm-7pm 4/3 Good Friday Noon 3pm Black Saturday 4/4 7pm 8pm Easter Sunday 4/5 7am Sunrise Service 8:30am Gospel Service 10:30 Traditional Service 625-5045 PRESBYTERIAN PILGRIM CHURCH Helping people to know Christ & grow in their faith March 29 Palm Sunday 8:00am Traditional Service 10:00am Contemporary Services March 29 Easter Eggstravaganza 11:00am 1:00pm April 2 Maundy Thursday Dinner 5:00pm/Service 6:30pm April 3 Good Friday Lunch 12:00pm/Service 1:00pm April 4 Saturday South Port Service 9:00am April 5 EASTER Sunrise Service at Nav-a-gator 7:00am (Rain Location Pilgrim Church) Traditional Service 8:00am Contemporary Services 10:00am 24515 Rampart Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL 33980 941-629-2633 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST LUTHERAN LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS LCMS 2300 Luther Road, Port Charlotte 627-6060 Rev. Kenneth Redmann, Pastor & Rev. James Cotter, Winter Asst. Pastor HOLY WEEK SERVICES Palm Sunday w/Holy Communion Service 7:45am & 10:15am Maundy Thurs. Lord’s Supper Drama w/Communion 7:00pm Good Friday Service of Darkness 7:00pm EASTER SERVICES Holy Communion Sunrise Service at the Cross Monument 7:00am Celebration of the Resurrection Service 10:15am Web Page: or NON-DENOMINATIONAL New Day Christian Church 20212 Peachland Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL 33954 Rusty Russell, Lead Pastor 941-625-4947 Palm Sunday Services at 9:30am & 11:00am Journey to the Cross Good Friday Prayer Walk from 12pm to 6pm Easter Sunday Services 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am LUTHERAN LIVING WATERS LUTHERAN CHURCH & PRESCHOOL, ELCA 12475 Chancellor Blvd. (North Port Blvd. & Chancellor) North Port 941-625-8090 Palm Sunday 8:15 & 10:00am Maundy Thursday 7:00pm Good Friday 7:00pm Easter Sunday Celebration Services 8:15 & 10:00am Rev. Dr. Dell Shiell W e W e l c o m e S n o w b i r d s ! We Welcome Snowbirds! H a p p y E a s t e r Happy Easter oWCDRSHIP
Our Town Page 16 E/N/C The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS St. Andrew’s holds annual Easter bazaar Maria Hajovy checks pysanky, traditional Ukrainian Easter eggs, after removing them from dye Saturday during St. Andrew’s Ukrainian Religious & Cultural Center’s annual Easter Bazaar in North Port. The event featured food, baked goods and other items for sale. Alicia Szendiuch takes a picture of decorated Easter bread that bore the phrase “Christ has risen†Saturday at the baked goods table during the St. Andrew’s bazaar. Orthodox Easter is Sunday, April 12.SUN PHOTOS BY ANNE KLOCKENKEMPERGuests place their food orders for pierogies, cabbage rolls and kielbasa during the lunch rush at St. Andrew’s annual Easter Bazaar. This is the rst time the event has been held on a Saturday. The St. Andrew’s stage was decorated with examples of embroi dery and other traditional Ukrainian crafts. Can’t find it anywhere?Don’t give up – check the Classifieds! adno=490095 adno=50481163 We listen so you can hear. If your hearing doesn’t seem as good as it used to be, perhaps it’s time for some real facts. Let’s talk. We offer a complete range of audiology services for our clients including the following: Diagnostic Hearing Testing Tinnitus Evaluation & Treatment Hearing AidDispensing & Repair T.V. Ears Batteries & Supplies Dr. Ricardo Gauthier The Best of Charlotte for the Past 12 Years! We participate in most insurance programs 941.505.0400 100 Madrid Blvd Suite 214 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 adno=50482319 adno=489224 Dr. Alan De vo s D.M.D. Joseph Paston D.M.D. LEMON BAY DENTAL LEMON BAY DENTAL Engle wo od (941) 474-2664 (941) 474-2664 Visit our website: KINGSW AY DENTAL KINGSW AY DENTAL Port Charlotte (941) 624-3550 (941) 624-3550 Visit our website: kings wa “Let us help you with your Dental Insurance†Queanh Phan D.M.D. Andrew Martineau D.M.D. #12356 adno=50482101 Hire Craftsmen, Not Installers A+ Rated adno=50482834 Between Teresa and Atwater 2 Blks East of Home Depot 19887 Veterans Blvd. K U S T O M I Z E D K U R B I N G K U S T O M I Z E D K U R B I N G K USTOMIZED K URBING O P E N T O T H E P U B L I C OPEN TO THE PUBLIC D I S C O U N T R O C K D ISCOUNT R OCK 19887 VETERANS BLVD. PH: 941-623-6192 We Sell And Install Rock/Shell/ Pavers/ Curbing C u r b i n g a n d C u r b i n g a n d Curbing and D e c o r a t i v e R o c k D e c o r a t i v e R o c k Decorative Rock FREE ESTIMATES NOW OPEN COME ON DOWN NO DEPOSITS *Paver install excludes Charlotte County. Assorted Landscape Rock Pavers Driveway Rock PLANTS & TREES Driveway Mix $39 99 yd Free Estimates Free Delivery* (Per 5 Yards) Don't forget to recycle--your newspapers! UHarborAudiology,,ALLS UNNEwSPAPF;RSCharlotte Desoto L'nglcwood North Port VeniceOur licensed agents can help. Stop by today.Last chance to get health coverageand avoid the tax penalty for 2015Determine how much financialassistance you are eligible for -some plans may be $O premiumdepending on your income2nd Chance Enrollmentends April 30, 2015Our services are freeCall Today 941.2494175OPEN TO THE PUBLICI I`-iCosmetics ImplantsGeneral Dentistry Laser Periodontir-,,Dr. Jill Morris Dr. Burr Bak.,Veneers and LumineersiM Affordable ImplantsSmile Makeovers Implant SurgerySix Month BracesTM 24 Hour Teeth Imp lant Syste,Facial Rejuvenation with Extractions and Bone GraftsBotox , Dermal Fillers. Lasers Implant RestorationsLaser Treatment of Gum Cat Scan in OfficeDisease Facelift DenturesHolistic/Biologic Dentistry Zirconia Ceramic ImplantsGum Recession/RootCoverage CorrectionSEMINAR:April 30,201 SLearn more about the newest techniques in general dentistrysmile makeovers and implants. Call to reserve 914-9344D World ClassJill MorHs N Dentistry andFacial Esthetic,,Cosmetic & 'np,ant Scge -"K Restorative Dentistry Restorative? ntu3951 Swift RoadSarasota Florida ^aaolnil 64 'REV RADIO :,.1580 m WCCFaWayne Sanade Stephen Carter Dee HawkinsBeth Anne AlgieDatex Executive Director Garland Registered NursePubh RelationsCha>iotte center CoordiuiatorCounty of Eye GazeEanergeuy Chaldotte Coxmty ('hazotte County TechnologyManagernet Fire & EMSI J I r1 A4.t .\rtott %t.ret ' _, ..t CYrt loll.Idol 1.1. aav._ I 1t{I 11)41 "29-1104i W.
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C Our Town Page 17 adno=50477467 1 Ti1SLMII IL 1 1. A . A .=n1 1x1 1 1 I v _--r44IIQ.r-tom _ _ ..' ..Z'115 Florida Locations Featuring The Finest Quality Home Furnishings & Interior DesignPORT CHARLOTTE SARASOTA FORT MYERS4200 Tamiami Trail 5301 Clark Road 4580 Cleveland Ave. B(North of Kings Hwy.) (At NE Corner of Honore Ave.) (At SW Corner of Colonial Blvd.)941-624-3377 941-923-4200 239-278-4401 ality Fur r & lnt DesignSTORE HOURS: WEEKDAYS 10 AM to 9 PM SATURDAY 10 AM to 8 PM SUNDAY 12 NOON to 6 PM.comechoBAER'S WELCOMES THE DESIGN STUDIO SERVICES ARE I We Export I 48 Hour Visit us at baer U Worldwide Delivery' Browse loonsions, collections,AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD COMPLIMENTARY TO CUSTOMERS t promotions & much more."On InStock Items. Ask Store Personnel For Details. 'Savings based on Boer's retail. Boors never sells at retail (MSRP). Excludes fair traded items, rugs & chandeliers. Design License iIB0000503. 13MODO
Our Town Page 18 E/N/C The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS Cuba is only a short hop across the Straits of Florida. For centuries, people and goods moved freely from Cuba to Florida, and back across the 90-milewide strait. Those dealings came to an abrupt end in 1963 when President John F. Kennedy imposed an embargo on trade and travel with the island nation. That started to change Dec. 17, 2014, however, when President Barack Obama announced the normalization of relations with Cuba. The United States will reopen its embassy in Havana and ease trade, nancial and travel restrictions. The island nation’s political, social and economic structures will be examined in “Cuba: The Rebellious Nation†at Florida Gulf Coast University’s Renaissance Academy in downtown Punta Gorda. The short course is slated for 10 a.m. to noon April 9 and 16. “Because of the normalization of relations, many people are interested in traveling to Cuba,†said lecturer Martha Bireda, Ph.D. “This class is intended to help travelers under stand the Cuban people, what they see around them, and how it came to be. “It’s really a primer for people interested in traveling to Cuba. I just nished my seventh trip to the country and found it very different from what it was ve years ago. This is the rst time that I really understood who the Cubans are as a people.†Bireda’s class includes a PowerPoint-enhanced historical retrospective, and an overview of the nation’s signicant personalities, as well as a guided discussion. The discussion will examine the effects on Cuba of: the shift of power from Fidel to Raul, and a future without the Castro brothers; its tumultuous past, demographic makeup and culture; revolutionary successes and failures; and its international standing. “We’ll look at how Cuba’s slave society, the Ten Years War and the Cuban War of Independence inuenced Cubans’ viewpoints today,†Bireda said. “U.S. assistance to free Cuba from Spain was a major event. The Cubans, especially the mambises, weren’t invited to Treaty of Paris negotiations.†Mambises were free blacks, slaves and mulattoes who were crucial to the success of Cuba’s 19th century National Army of Liberation. The Treaty of Paris formally ended the Spanish American War (1898) and guaranteed Cuba’s independence. “I didn’t realize that Fidel (Castro) was not immediately the president. There were two presidents before he became president in 1967. In the interim he served as prime minister,†Bireda said. “The Cuban people voted to have the type of government they have. They voted for socialism.†The Cuban people are proud of their brand of socialism, according to Bireda. Socialism brought about 1959’s land reforms, a 99.7 percent literacy rate, and a health care system that has sent 60,000 doctors abroad. Their constitution guarantees education and health care to all Cubans. “People are fascinated by this little nation that is always so spunky, that for all these years has always had a very hard time,†Bireda said. “But, as one elderly Cuban told me recently, ‘The effect of hunger is temporary, but losing your dignity is forever.’ And another told me, ‘We (Cuba) are nally free — no Spanish, no Americans, no Russians — we are nally free!’†For more information about “Cuba: The Rebellious Nation†or to register, call 941505-0130. You also can register online at https://; enter the search term “Cuba.†Rick Ramos is a program coordinator at FGCU’s downtown Punta Gorda Herald Court Centre Renaissance Academy. He can be reached at rramos@fgcu. edu.Cuba — meeting our nearest neighbor FGCU Herald Court CentreRick Ramos SR 776 lane closures setThe eastbound and westbound inside lanes of State Road 776 (South McCall Road), from Oriole to Wilmington boulevards, will be closed for median work during business hours Monday, and are expected to reopen Friday. These lane closures are necessary due to construction activities in conjunction with the Winchester Boulevard South extension project. Upon completion, Winchester will be a direct four-lane connector from Placida Road to Interstate 75, via River Road in South Sarasota County. Construction is projected to be complete in the late summer of 2015. More information about this project is available at www.CharlotteCountyFL. gov — click “Project Status Updates†in the “Popular Links.†| COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEF 50477202 2 Days Only! adno=50467953 Fishermen’s Village, Punta Gorda 637.6000 Our largest selection EVER of select Shoes and Sandals Shoe Sale Blowout! 50% OFF Shoe Sale Blowout! 50% OFF Monday & Tuesday, March 30 TH & 31 ST rfrfr rfntnbfrff adno=50480298 2 391 S. M cC al l Rd . 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PAGE 19 SUNDAY MARCH 29, 2015 T he Wire INSIDE Negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program grew frantic on Saturday amid signs of discord. — Page 6 — Signs of discord at Iran nuke talks as deadline looms Emergency workers continued searching Saturday for at least two people still missing after an apparent gas line explosion leveled three Manhattan apartment buildings while investigators piece together what exactly caused the blast that injured 22.— Page 2 — Search continues for at least 2 after apparent NYC gas blast Blood spattered utensils, bulletpocked walls and overturned chairs mark the reception area of a prominent hotel in the Somali capital following an attack by Islamic extremists that killed at least 24, including six attackers. — Page 6 — Official: Al-Shabab siege at Somali hotel ends, 24 dead New England’s epic winter is on pace to produce a corre sponding number of claims as thousands of homeowners seek to repair damage. Successive storms dumped 110 inches of snowfall in Boston alone, a record for an entire season. — Page 2 —Boston area expects a flood of claims after record winter The German co-pilot accused of crashing a passenger plane in the French Alps frequented a gliding club near the crash site as a child with his parents, according to a member of the club. — Page 10 —Co-pilot visited glider field near crash site as a child STATE NATIONAL WORLD BUSINESS WEATHER WASHINGTON — In the never-ending quest to preserve the government’s history, there have been plenty of weapons of mass destruction. Before delete keys on computers, there were paper shredders, erase buttons on tape recorders and trash cans. Think Oliver North jamming a shredder with papers from an 18-inch stack of documents during the Iran-Contra investigation. Or the mysterious 18 -minute gap in President Richard Nixon’s White House tapes. The current dust-up over access to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails as secretary of state is causing historians and government record-keepers to take stock of what may be a best-of-times, worstof-times moment for saving government records. In the age of email, texting, Twitter and beyond, there are more records than ever on the workings of government. At the same time, though, it’s easy to make those records disappear, and it’s challenging to nd a manageable way to capture what’s signicant and cull the chaff. Just 3 percent to 5 percent of government records are of “permanent value,†Delete, erase, shredBy NANCY BENACASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER Methods to obscure government documents go electronic AP PHOTOIn this Dec. 18, 1986, le photo, Oliver North is sworn in on Capitol Hill in Washington prior to testifying before the House Foreign Aairs Committee.DELETE | 4 Soon after Fidel Castro came to power, his government seized the refineries, hotels and sugar plantations that were the most visible signs of the American hold on the island’s economy. But a look at longunsettled claims for what was taken shows that many of the Americans who lost out were individuals and families rather than corporations. And much of what was seized, while of limited value in dollars, was sometimes dearly prized. Nearly 90 percent of the Americans who filed claims for confiscated Cuban property were individuals, according to a Creighton University study commissioned by the U.S. Agency for International Development. “They left behind all kinds of stuff — stock, life insurance policies, artwork, cars,†says Michael Kelly, a Who claims what in Cuba?By ADAM GELLERASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER AP PHOTOIn this undated photo provided by Carolyn Chester, her parents, Edmund and Enna Chester and their daughter, Patricia, arrive in Cuba on a ight from Florida. When Fidel Castro’s government began conscating the property of thousands of U.S. citizens and companies in 1959, the Chesters lost an 80-acre farm and hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stock.CUBA | 4 WASHINGTON — A seismic shift of stuff is underway in homes all over America. Members of the generation that once embraced sex, drugs and rock-’n’-roll are trying to ofoad their place settings for 12, family photo albums and leather sectionals. Their offspring don’t want them. As baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, start cleaning out attics and basements, many are discovering that millennials, born between 1980 and 2000, are not so interested in the lifestyle trappings or nostalgic memorabilia they were so lovingly raised with. Thanks, Mom, but I really can’t use that 8-foot dining table or your king-size headboard. Whether becoming empty nesters, downsizing or just nally embracing the decluttering movement, boomers are taking a good close look at the things they have spent their life collecting. Auction houses, consignment stores and thrift shops are ooded with merchandise, much of it made of brown wood. Downsizing experts and professional organizers are comforting parents whose children appear to have lost any sentimental attachment to their adorable baby shoes and family heirloom quilts. To make matters worse, young adults don’t seem to want their own college textbooks, sports trophies or T-shirt collections, still entombed in plastic containers at their parents’ homes. The 20and 30-somethings don’t appear to be dened by their possessions, other than their latest-gener ation cellphones. “Millennials are living a more transient life in cities. They are trying to nd stable jobs and paying off loans,†says Scott Roewer, Millennials reject their parents’ treasuresJURA KONCIUSWASHINGTON POST WRITER PHOTO PROVIDEDMILLENNIALS | 4 TALLAHASSEE — In a state legislative session preoccupied with gambling, guns, booze and tax cuts, the Children’s Movement of Florida is pushing a cause that gets little attention: health care and early education for children from poor families. It may not draw high-powered lobbyists to the Capitol rotunda, but Vance Aloupis, director of the group, said it’s about the future. “Way too often these issues that are truly foundational to the future of our state are going unnoticed,†he said. “Every year we drag our feet, a child gets a year older.†In this legislative session, which ends May 1, the Children’s Movement hopes to make children of legal immigrants eligible for state health coverage; increase pre-kinder garten spending; and expand the School Readiness program that prepares children for kindergarten while low-income parents are working or training for jobs. Former Miami Herald publisher David Lawrence, one of the In Tallahassee, there’s a push for child welfareBy WILLIAM MARCHASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER high-powered Aloupis, di rector of the these issues that are truly foundational to CHILD | 4 Id ry--' . -AbftA, 41JvfiL x.4,Zy. 1c lit,DAI QTIATIVE,._ ;;10H'i15
Page 2 WIRE The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 NATIONAL NEWS | NATIONUnusual amount of cheating suspected at Stanford STANFORD, Calif. (AP) — Ofcials at Stanford University say they’re investigating an unusually high number of students suspected of cheating. The San Jose Mercury News reported Friday that University Provost John Etchemendy sent a letter to faculty members highlighting the troubling allegations. The newspaper says students in a number of classes are being contacted; one instructor believes that 20 percent of students in a large introductory course may have cheated. Etchemendy says all new students are told of the university’s honor code and agree to abide by it. He says the students are cheating themselves and risk severe consequences. University spokeswoman Lisa Lapin says such concerns are routine. She says that in the 2013-2014 academic year, 83 students violated the honor code. Students caught cheating for the rst time face suspension.Arizona man finds gun inside used golf bagBULLHEAD CITY, Ariz. (AP) — An Arizona man who bought a used golf bag discovered his pur chase was packing more than just a set of clubs. Mel Grewing told the Mohave Valley Daily News in Bullhead City on Friday that he found a loaded .22-caliber pistol inside his new bag. Grewing says he spotted the set in a Sedona thrift store Tuesday and did not go through the bag until the next day. He took the weapon to Bullhead City police, who say it was not registered or reported lost or stolen. Grewing of Bullhead City, who is a recreational target shooter, says it’s fortunate a child didn’t nd the gun. He says the Sedona store owner could not remember who brought in the clubs and said that employees usually inspect all items.3rd Minnesota turkey farm hit by bird flu outbreakMINNEAPOLIS (AP) — An outbreak of a bird u strain that’s deadly to poultry deepened Saturday when state and federal ofcials conrmed a third Minnesota turkey farm has been infected, this time in one of the state’s top poultry producing counties. The federal Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service said a commercial ock of 39,000 turkeys in Stearns County of central Minnesota has been infected with the highly pathogenic H5N2 strain of avian inuenza, which also killed tens of thousands of turkeys at two other farms in Pope and Lac qui Parle counties of western Minnesota. Saturday’s announcement came one day after ofcials announced the outbreak at the Lac qui Parle County farm, where the virus quickly killed 22,000 of the 12-weekold turkeys in one barn. That farm must kill 44,000 birds in two other barns as a precaution to prevent the disease from spreading. The conrmation at the Pope County farm on March 5 marked the rst detection of H5N2 in the Mississippi Flyway, a major bird migration route. Fore! Obama in Florida for weekend golf FORT PIERCE, Fla. (AP) — President Barack Obama kicked off the spring season on Saturday with a weekend golf getaway in Florida at the resort where he once caused a stir by playing with Tiger Woods. During his stay at the Floridian National Golf Club in Palm City, less than 50 miles up the coast from Palm Beach, Obama planned to be out of public view, with no ofcial events scheduled. First lady Michelle Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha were not on the trip. Two years ago, Obama played 18 holes at the Floridian with Woods and practiced with Woods’ former swing coach. This time, the president’s partners were expected to be a few friends who are his frequent golf guests. Obama ew to the airport in Fort Pierce before making the short trip to Palm City. OBAMAMan in cyanide-bymail case to use insanity defensePORTLAND, Maine (AP) — A man with a history of mental illness who is accused of mailing an Englishman the cyanide he used to kill himself plans to use an insanity defense, according to court documents. Sidney P. Kilmartin, 52, has pleaded not guilty to charges stemming from the death of Andrew Denton, a depressed 49-year-old man in Hull, England who was found dead on Dec. 31, 2012. The attorney for Kilmartin led the notice of the intent to use the insanity defense on Friday in U.S. District Court in Bangor, Maine. Kilmartin was previously committed to a psychiatric facility in 2008 after he was found not criminally responsible by reason of insanity for entering a man’s apartment and attacking him while he slept. He was released in 2011. The Windham man obtained the cyanide by posing as a jeweler to persuade a California distributor to ship him 100 grams of the industrial-grade chemical for $127.56, according to an afdavit by U.S. Postal Inspector Michael Desrosiers.Decorated Boston cop in coma after being shot in faceBOSTON (AP) — A decorated Boston police officer remained in a medically induced coma Saturday, a night after he was shot in the face during a traffic stop that ended when other officers fatally shot his attacker, the city’s police commissioner said. Ofcer John Moynihan, 34, was struck just below his right eye and the bullet remains lodged below his right ear. He was listed in critical condition, Commissioner William Evans said. Evans said Moynihan is undergoing tests there and is being monitored for bleeding in his brain. “We are hoping and praying there’s not further damage,†Evans said. “He’s a ghter. I am sure he’s going to pull through,†the commissioner said. BOSTON (AP) — After the Big Dig-out, it’s time for the Big Payout. Or will it be the Big Denial? New England’s epic winter is on pace to produce a corresponding number of claims as thousands of homeowners seek to repair damage. Successive storms dumped 110 inches of snowfall in Boston alone, a record for an entire season. “It’s a part-time job just to navigate it all,†says Cathy Schwarz, a Plymouth resident who is working with her insurer and repair companies after rooftop ice dams caused leaks in her house. “Everybody says you’ll get through this, but all I can see is a house that’s just not livable right now.†The winter was so unusually severe that gover nors across the six-state region have requested or are in the process of requesting federal disaster relief to help state and local governments pay for snow removal and other costs. The requests, however, would not cover home or private property damage. Local insurance agents and public adjusters — rms that help homeowners navigate the claim process — say they’ve been swamped with inquiries. They urge homeowners to be patient. A high volume of claims means insurance companies will need more time to process and nalize payments. Homeowners might also run into trouble securing contractors to do repair work because of high demand. “It’s going to seem like the winter that does not want to end,†says Marc Baron, a partner at the New England Adjustment Company in Massachusetts. “This work is going to go on well into the summer.†Some property owners are already bracing for paying costs out of pocket. “I’m sure I’ll have to put some money up,†says Daniel Alperin, a homeowner in Newton who is working with his insurance company after ice dams damaged at least four rooms in his house. “Obviously their job is to protect their interests, so it’s a negotiating game, like anything else.†Others remain hopeful. “We’re hoping we hear positively from our insurance company and that the majority is covered,†says the Rev. Patricia Miller Fernandes at Worcester’s Epworth United Methodist Church, which suffered roof damage that could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. “That’s why we pay them every year, after all.â€Boston area expects a flood of insurance claims after winter AP FILE PHOTOIn this Jan. 27 photo, Lynn Leary walks past houses damaged by ocean waves during a winter storm in Marsheld, Mass. New England’s epic winter is on pace to produce an epic number of insurance claims. NEW YORK (AP) — Emergency workers continued searching Saturday for at least two people still missing after an apparent gas line explosion leveled three Manhattan apartment buildings while investiga tors piece together what exactly caused the blast that injured 22. Special canine units sniffed for anyone possibly still trapped beneath the heap of loose brick and rubble two days after the explosion. Detectives issued posters seeking information on the whereabouts of two men believed to have been in the sushi restaurant on the ground oor of one of the collapsed buildings: 26-year-old Moises Lucon, who worked at the restaurant, and 23-year-old Nicholas Figueroa, a bowling alley worker who had been there on a date. Their families frantically searched, showing photos of their loved ones and asking for help. “We have just been walking down the streets, one by one,†brother Zacarias Lucon told the Daily News of New York. “We are just so exhausted and upset. I don’t know what happened to him.†Lucon moved to New York about six years ago from Guatemala, where his parents live; Zacarias Lucon told them Friday of his brother’s disappearance. Figueroa’s relatives said they were holding out hope. “My brother is strong,†brother Neal Figueroa told reporters. “Even if he is still in the rubble, I know he would still be in a predicament to get himself out and so I’m just praying for that.†Authorities also were exploring whether a third person was unaccounted for, Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said. But as of Saturday, no one else was believed to be missing related to the explosion. Heavy equipment plied the mound of rubble of the collapsed buildings as a light snow fell Saturday. Standing at a police barricade, Micha Gerland surveyed the remains of his apartment. “I still don’t believe it,†said Gerland, 37, a restaurant manager who escaped with nothing but his wallet, his phone, his keys and the clothes he was wearing. “Who thinks that something like that happens?†It’s possible that someone improperly tapped a gas line amid ongoing plumbing and gas work in one of the destroyed buildings, though investigators need to get into the basement to learn more, Mayor Bill de Blasio said.Rescuers search for victims in gas blast (Washington Post) — With rare exceptions, sticker prices at colleges go nowhere but up. In 2012, Sarah Lawrence College in New York crossed a threshold for tuition, fees, room and board that dozens of others have now topped: $60,000 a year. Sometime soon, prices will surpass $70,000. Factoring in books, plane tickets, other expenses and ination, a student entering a private college or university this fall without any nancial aid might spend more than $300,000 in quest of a bachelor’s degree. These round numbers are intimidating. And often misleading. “The reaction is horror, obviously,†said Sandra Block, a senior associate editor at Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine. “You view the numbers, and you think about four years of that.†The angst is especially intense as students near a May 1 deadline for deciding what college to attend. Block said many forget that schools with high prices often give high discounts. “The message from our research is, if you have good grades and are motivated, don’t rule out a school because it’s got this big, scary published price,†Block said. Sarah Lawrence, with 1,800 students, has led the nation in sticker price for several years. Its current rate is $65,480, and it will announce the price for next school year soon. Tom Blum, the college’s vice president for administration, said Sarah Lawrence prides itself on small class size and offers substantial nancial aid. More than three-fths of students receive needbased grants, he said. Those average about $28,000 a year. But he acknowledged that this message is sometimes hard to get across. “There is a sticker price shock factor that will stop parents cold,†Blum said. This week, a Pakistani student admitted to New York University expressed surprise at a projected cost of attendance that exceeded $70,000. That gure included the estimated cost of plane tickets and other expenses beyond tuition, fees, room and board. But Nia Mirza, the 19-year-old, said the estimate was higher than she thought it would be. So she started an online petition seeking to lower the tuition. “I’m scared of what to expect from NYU in future,†Mirza said. “I may not be able to afford sudden increases in tuition and fees in upcoming years because I will not have unlimited money.†In this school year, NYU’s sticker price ranks among the top ve in the country, according to the College Board: $62,930. Next year’s price is projected to be nearly $66,000.Private college sticker shock: $60,000+ rfntbrfrnttrffrfnrfrrt fbffbtftrfttfbfrb rffffbrrfffff b 941-206-2505 “ALWAYS IN YOUR BEST INTEREST†5.25 $20,000 minimum deposit. All deposits insured and guaranteed. Certain restrictions apply. Subject to availability. Rates may change without notice. Promotional incentive included to obtain yield. Early withdrawal penalties apply. 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The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 WIRE Page 3 adno=50482327 IAM\ 1Fl 7f" Ah lit Ir a I i,Doctors can make us feel better. They can make us better people byencouraging us to lose a few pounds or quit smoking. Doctors caneven make our community a better place to live. In short, doctorsmake a difference. On March 30, Doctors' Day, make some noise andtell the physicians you know what a difference they've made in yourlife and the lives of your loved ones. We will, too.Bayfront HealthPort Charlotte Punta GordaBayfront Health Port Charlotte Bayfront Health Punta Gorda2500 Harbor Boulevard Port Charlotte, FL 33592 809 East Marion Avenue Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Page 4 WIRE The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 FROM PAGE ONE TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — The New Jersey Turnpike Authority’s lawsuit against a Florida pizza shop for using a logo similar to the Garden State Parkway’s green and yellow signs has been tossed. A federal judge on Thursday granted the Jersey Boardwalk Pizza shop’s request to dismiss the suit. He said that the shop doesn’t have enough contact with the state for it to bring the lawsuit in New Jersey. Turnpike Authority spokesman Thomas Feeney says the agency is continuing its action against the company in the federal Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and considering its options regarding the judge’s decision. The agency sued last July over the logo the company uses for its two pizza shops and on merchandise. It said that the company is trying to trade upon the fame of the Garden State Parkway logo to attract customers and potential franchisees.ODD NEWS Suit over Florida pizza shop logo tossed ALMANACToday is Sunday, March 29, the 88th day of 2015. There are 277 days left in the year. Today in history On March 29, 1912, British explorer Robert Falcon Scott, his doomed expedition stranded in an Antarctic blizzard after failing to be the first to reach the South Pole, wrote the last words of his journal: “For God’s sake look after our people.†On this date In 1638, Swedish colonists settled in present-day Delaware. In 1790, the 10th president of the United States, John Tyler, was born in Charles City County, Va. In 1812, the first White House wedding took place as Lucy Payne Washington, the sister of first lady Dolley Madison, married Supreme Court Justice Thomas Todd. In 1882, the Knights of Columbus was chartered in Connecticut. In 1936, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler claimed overwhelming victory in a plebiscite on his policies. In 1943, World War II rationing of meat, fats and cheese began. In 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted in New York of conspiracy to commit espionage. (They were executed in June 1953.) The Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “The King and I†opened on Broadway. In 1962, Jack Paar hosted NBC’s “Tonight†show for the final time, although the network aired a repeat the following night. (Johnny Carson debuted as host the following October.) In 1973, the last United States combat troops left South Vietnam, ending America’s direct military involvement in the Vietnam War. In 1974, eight Ohio National Guardsmen were indicted on federal charges stemming from the shooting deaths of four students at Kent State University. (The charges were later dismissed.) Chinese farmers digging a well discovered the Terracota Warriors, an “army†of sculpted soldiers dating from the third century B.C. In 1992, Democratic presidential front-runner Bill Clinton acknowledged experimenting with marijuana “a time or two†while attending Oxford University, adding, “I didn’t inhale and I didn’t try it again.†Today’s birthdays Author Judith Guest is 79. Former British Prime Minister Sir John Major is 72. Comedian Eric Idle is 72. Composer Vangelis is 72. Actor Bud Cort is 67. Actor Brendan Gleeson is 60. Actor Christopher Lawford is 60. Actress Marina Sirtis is 60. Actor Christopher Lambert is 58. Model Elle Macpherson is 52. Actress Lucy Lawless is 47. Actor Sam Hazeldine is 43. International Tennis Hall of Famer Jennifer Capriati is 39. group’s founders, said he sees more interest in these issues now than in his 16 years in the eld. “There are now champions in the Legislature in a way there have not been,†and Gov. Rick Scott is more interested than when he took ofce, Lawrence said. A health care bill by Rep. Mike La Rosa, R-St. Cloud, and Sen. Rene Garcia, R-Hialeah, would eliminate a five-year waiting period for health coverage for children in immigrant families up to twice the poverty level. The federal government lifted that requirement in 2009, but Florida still imposes it. The bill is moving through Senate committees but nding less success in the House. It would add about 25,000 children to the 2.3 million now covered, at an added cost of $46.6 million. The federal government would pay almost 90 percent and the state $4.8 million. After previous failures, Aloupis hopes the bill will pass this year, but acknowledged, “We are getting down to crunch time. There aren’t too many opportunities left for it to be heard.†La Rosa acknowledged the issue is “unglamor ous,†but said it affects many in his district. “If a child goes four or five years without health care, by the time they get on our system it’s going to cost us more,†he said. Florida now spends $2,437 per pupil for about 170,000 children in pre-kindergarten, down from $2,500 when the program started in 2005. Aloupis said about $2,700 would be desir able. That’s out of reach, but House education appropriations chair man Eric Fresen, R-Miami, is pushing an increase of about $50, and hopes to add $10.5 million in perfor mance-based funding as well. Fresen also hopes to expand the School Readiness program, adding 1,000 slots to the 184,000 now enrolled, at a cost of about $5 million. That won’t make much dent, however, in the waiting list of 55,000. Scott proposed adding $30 million for 5,500 slots. Noting most brain growth occurs by age 5, Lawrence said early childhood education and health care would benet public education and state nances. “Almost a third of children entering public school are way behind,†he said. “The best thing you could do for public education reform is deliver the children in better shape. “Everyone loves children, but we need to understand what it could mean for the future of the workforce of Florida.â€CHILDFROM PAGE 1 41, a Washington professional organizer whose business is the Organizing Agency. “They are living their life digitally through Instagram and Facebook and YouTube, and that’s how they are capturing their moments. Their whole life is on a computer; they don’t need a shoebox full of greeting cards.†Many millennials raised in the collect-’em-all culture (think McDonald’s Happy Meal toys and Beanie Babies) now prefer to live simpler lives with less stuff in smaller downtown spaces, far from the suburban homes with fussy window treatments and formal dining rooms that they grew up in. The desire of many millennials to stay in cities rather than moving to the suburbs or rural areas is instigating a rewrite of the American dream. According to the 2014 Nielsen report “Millennials: Breaking the Myths,†62 percent of millennials prefer to live in the type of mixed-use communities found in urban centers where they can live near shopping, restaurants and work. And 40 percent say they would want to live there in the future. Take Kelly and Josh Phillips, who rent a 700-square-foot apartment in the Washington, D.C.’s Shaw neighborhood. The couple frequently sells things on Craigslist and calls an Uber instead of owning a car. “My parents are always trying to give us stuff,†says Kelly Phillips, 29, a real estate marketer. “It’s stuff like bunches of old photos and documents, old bowls or cocktail glasses. We hate clutter. We would rather spend money on experiences.†Her husband agrees. “I consider myself a digital hoarder,†says Josh Phillips, 33, who is opening a Oaxacan restaurant, Espita Mezcaleria, this fall in Shaw. “If I can’t store my memories of something in a computer, I’m probably not going to keep them around.†Stephanie Kenyon, 60, the owner of Sloans & Kenyon Auctioneers and Appraisers in Chevy Chase, Md., says the market is ooded with boomer rejects. “Hardly a day goes by that we don’t get calls from people who want to sell a big dining room set or bedroom suite because nobody in the family wants it. Millennials don’t want brown furniture, rocking chairs or silver-plated tea sets. Millennials don’t polish silver.†The formal furniture is often sold at bargain prices, or if it’s not in good shape, it might go straight to the dump. “Baby boomers were collectors,†says Elizabeth Wainstein, 50, owner and president of Potomack Company Auctioneers in Alexandria, Va., where lots of unwanted family treasures end up being sold. “They collected German porcelains or American pottery. It was a passion, and they spent their time on the thrill of the hunt.†She says younger people aren’t really that interested in lling shelves. Kenyon says the under-35 set has always had eBay to nd exactly what they wanted and aren’t as nostalgic for former decades. Dominique Fierro, 33, a photographer and stylist who rents a 900-square-foot condo in Bethesda, Md., with her husband, Titou, 33, a personal trainer, is always fending off offers. “My family is always trying to give me stuff,†Fierro says. Every couple of months, she cleans out her closets and gives her own things away either to charities or to cousins. “I don’t want formal entertaining stuff. I have a set of white and a set of blue plates. I don’t want my parents’ silver that you have to hand-wash.â€MILLENNIALSFROM PAGE 1 Creighton law professor who participated in the study, released in 2007. “Those ’57 Chevys driving around? You know, one out of three of those probably has a claim attached to it That’s going to be a huge problem to unwind.†About 5,900 American claims for conscated property were certied by the federal Foreign Claims Settlement Commission. Though originally valued at nearly $1.9 billion, adjustments for ination in the years since mean they are today worth $7 billion or more. Some of the losses were very large. The American-owned Cuban Electric Company lost power plants worth $268 million, a claim now held by retailer Office Depot Inc. as a result of mergers. International Telephone and Telegraph Corp.’s losses totaled $131 million. Exxon’s losses, including a refinery, topped $71 million. But about eight in 10 of the claims for lost property were valued at $10,000 or less by the FCSC, which over the years has also fielded Americans’ petitions for property seized in Iran, Vietnam and the Soviet Union. Such claims are covered by international law, which is generally understood to bar governments from taking the property of foreign citizens or companies without compensation. About 70 percent of the Cuban claims were for stock. But many involved land or other real estate, with most of that either in Havana or on the former Isle of Pines, off Cuba’s southern coast and once home to a large American population. Other claims listed lost pensions, bank accounts and personal property like jewelry and furniture. When Creighton professors traveled to Cuba nearly a decade ago they went searching for confiscated properties including buildings that once housed a university and a clinic run by a Catholic order of friars. “There’s almost nothing left of it. You can just see half-knocked down walls at that corner,†says one professor, Patrick Borchers. “So there’s just no going back.â€CUBAFROM PAGE 1 AP PHOTOIn this March 2 photo, Amy Roso and her mother, Lois Schechter, pose outside their home in Ballston Spa, N.Y. The Schechters’ losses in Cuba included a 14,000-acre farm and a 17-room Spanish colonial home in Havana that now is used as a residence for the Chinese embassy. according to the National Archives. There’s also a tendency by wary government ofcials to pre-emptively cover their tracks by avoiding the creation of records in the rst place. Add that all up, says Princeton history and public affairs professor Julian Zelizer, and “a lot of historians are worried about how we’ll really understand what went on when the record is becoming thinner.†The National Archives’ Paul Wester, chief records ofcer for the government, acknowledges that “the situation is not as good as we would like it to be,†particularly during the challenging transition from paper records to electronic. The State Department has ordered an inter nal audit of its record keeping, with Secretary of State John Kerry calling the review critical to “preserve a full and complete record of American foreign policy†and for the U.S. public to have access to that information. Each year, federal agencies are required to send the archives a report on how they’re doing at managing their records. While the last report showed improvement, most agencies were still “at high to moderate risk of compromising the integrity, authenticity and reliability of their records,†the archives reported. Wester says the archivists were surprised by revelations that Clinton had used only a personal email account and server during her days as secretary of state, raising concerns that “federal records may have been alienated from the Department of State’s ofcial record-keeping systems,†as he put it in a letter to the department this month. Clinton has said she used a personal email account for convenience, not to hide records. She says she turned over all government-related emails to the State Department and deleted tens of thousands that were personal. The Republican leading a House investigation of the 2012 attacks against Americans in Benghazi, Libya, when Clinton was secretary of state, said Friday that Clinton had wiped her email server “clean,†permanently deleting all emails from it. But Clinton’s lawyer said the department had all her work-related emails from the personal account.DELETEFROM PAGE 1 NEW YORK (AP) — From an ofce by the Brooklyn Bridge, a specialized team of investigators tackles a fast-growing concern in the nation’s biggest city: apartments being rented like hotel rooms. Building and re inspectors, police, lawyers, city tax specialists and others combine door-knocking, digital sleuthing and even video surveillance in an uncommon approach to an issue bubbling up around the country. New York’s investigators have cited over 7,000 re and building code violations, shut down over 200 short-term apartments and sued several operators — ending an additional 250 shortterm rentals — over the last nine years, according to the Mayor’s Ofce of Special Enforcement. With Airbnb and other websites sparking a shortterm rental boom, some lawmakers now want to triple the illegal-hotel investigation staff and have it go beyond answering complaints to scour the web for suspect listings. “The problem has skyrocketed in the past few years,†and enforcement must keep pace, says City Council Housing and Buildings Committee Chairman Jumaane Williams. But some proprietors have called the city’s tactics heavy-handed. Airbnb says New York unfairly lumps occasional users in with hotel-scale operators, although ofcials say enforcement focuses on big players. “It can get overzealous,†says Airbnb public policy head David Hantman, who wants New York laws changed to exempt people renting out their own homes and “target the truly bad actors.†It’s largely illegal in New York to rent entire apartments for under 30 days, though it can be OK to rent out spare rooms if a resident also stays home. Yet vacation rental sites boast many apartments. The city elded 1,150 illegal-hotel complaints last year, up 62 percent from 2013. Hosts say “home sharing†helps them pay bills and makes traveling funkier and cheaper. But city ofcials note that guests generally don’t get re sprinklers and other safety features required in hotels, and residents contend with rotating casts of strangers. “You get on the elevator, and you don’t even know who’s going to get on,†says Audrey Smaltz, a fashion-industry entrepreneur whose Manhattan apartment building has been used as a $500-a-night hotel, according to a city lawsuit. “I don’t feel safe.†Countless travelers have learned the front-door entry code, and a stranger wandered onto the roof and stared at Smaltz through her penthouse terrace window one night last fall, she said. There are no short-term rentals in the building now, the owner said in court papers. Many cities are addressing, and sometimes allowing, short-term vacation rentals. San Francisco is now crafting rules permitting some home-as-hotel stays and determining enforcement procedures.NYC task force fights home-as-hotel rentals d d dgyn. ,40fB
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 WIRE Page 5 STATE NEWS WASHINGTON (Orlando Sentinel) — Florida is projected to become the rst state in the nation to close the wage gap between men and women, but it will take more than two decades. The long-sought goal of equal pay for equal work won’t be achieved until at least 2038 in the state, according to a report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. And current trends indicate that both genders in Florida on average will be left with relatively low pay. The biggest challenge in Florida is not so much to close the gender gap but to nd a way to boost pay for all, some analysts say. “If we look at Florida, just focusing on getting to equal pay is not necessarily going to be the best thing for women or for men,†said Jessica Milli, senior research associate at the Institute, an independent group based in Washington. “They are going to be equal, but they are going to be equal in relative misery.†“At that point, we would want to step back and focus on getting more women and men into higher paying jobs.†At rst glance, Florida appears to be a model for reaching equality. It now has the fth-smallest gender gap, with women on average making 85 cents on the dollar compared with men. The nationwide average is 78 cents on the dollar. On its cur rent course, the nation won’t close the gender gap until 2058, lagging Florida by two decades, the Institute’s report projected. While Florida appears headed toward parity, many workers of both genders are stuck in meager-paying jobs, working in the elds, serving tourists or tending to the sick and elderly. Men’s real wages, accounting for ination, have declined with the loss of manufacturing and construction jobs since the recession and the housing bust. Many female workers and their advocates remain concerned about pay discrimination and cultural perceptions that segregate women into lower paying occupations. Women also are more likely than men to quit jobs to care for children and aging parents, leaving them with lower incomes. President Barack Obama signed executive orders last year requiring federal contractors to disclose their pay rates and allow workers to compare their salaries. The idea is to expose disparities and give women a better chance to prove discrimination.Florida may be first state to achieve pay quality — in two decadesGas prices go up 20 cents overnightLEE COUNTY ( WINK news) — The national average for a gallon of regular unleaded is now $2.43, while Southwest Florida’s average is 10 cents more. AAA says the rise in gas prices is because oil has gone up $5 a barrel since Monday, rising tensions in the Middle East and because of spring break. “I’ve been driving around town today and the average price is 2.55/2.56 per gallon,†said Rick Leblanc. Overnight, gas prices in Southwest Florida are up and drivers are noticing. “It’s gone up unbelievable and I think it’s hurting tourism, it’s hurting the general public,†said John Zukaitis. | STATE NEWS IN BRIEFWebsites hacked, have content swapped with Muslim videoGAINESVILLE (AP) — Three Gainesville websites had their normal content swapped for Muslim messages after apparently being hacked. The websites for the Gainesville Regional Transit System and its advertising services, as well as the City of Gainesville’s parking website were all targeted in the incident this week. In place of their typical pages was a video about the meaning of life that offers praise for Allah. Ofcials tell The Gainesville Sun they’re working with their website hosting company to address the issue.Teen hit by tractor while sleeping on Panhandle beachPANAMA CITY BEACH (AP) — A teen sleeping on a Panhandle beach has been struck by a tractor. Panama City Beach Police say the 18-year-old Orlando man was sleeping on the sand Friday morning when the beach tractor hit him. The driver of the tractor saw the teen’s leg before fully running him over. The Panama City News Herald reports the victim was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. Police say the incident remains under investigation.Driver has medical emergency, dies after slamming into busST. PETERSBURG (AP) — A St. Petersburg woman has died after authorities say she drove into the back of a commuter bus. The Florida Highway Patrol reports that 54-yearold Jennifer Hall Brugnoli suffered a medical emer gency Friday morning and lost control of her car, which then collided with a stopped Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority bus. She was pronounced dead at the hospital. No other injuries were reported.FIU offers 14-year-old girl full scholarshipMIAMI (AP) — Florida International University is offering a 14-year-old high school student a full scholarship. University ofcials said it’s unusual to award scholar ships to freshman, but that the staff was impressed by Rebecca Rauch-Thane’s science fair project, which tested for heavy metal soil contamination in Virginia Key and Key Biscayne. She tested coconut water for pollutants that may have entered through the root systems. Her project showed concerning levels of contamination and her methods provided a lowcost alternative to expensive environmental studies. The Miami Beach Senior High School student also won an award from the U.S. Air Force for Outstanding Science or Engineering Fair Project after she built a prototype of a small radio receiver unit to assist rst responders and victims in natural disasters after a devastating typhoon in the Philippines last year. adno=50471075 adno=3136298 adno=50477379 L Adhesive Decorative! 1 . Vinyl Wall Art Home Accents Crosses LE & TAII Decorative Spheres Categories Listed BirdhousesDOES NOTINCLLDE SEASONAL DEPARTMENT & Wind Chimes ICeramic Decor SaleFEATURING TABLETOP DECOR. 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Page 6 WIRE The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 WORLD/STATE NEWS March 4S.J.Res. 8: A joint resolution providing for congressional disap proval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the ... Joint Resolution Passed 53/46 Sen. Nelson: Nay Sen. Rubio: Yea S. 1: Keystone XL Pipeline Approval Act Veto Sustained 62/37 Sen. Nelson: Nay Sen. Rubio: Yea March 10S. 693: A bill to posthumously award a Congressional Gold Medal to Lena Horne in recognition of her achievements and contribu tions to American culture and the civil rights movement. Sponsor: Sen. Bill Nelson This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs S.Res. 99: A resolution calling on the Government of Iran to fulfill its promises of assistance in the case of Robert Levinson, the longest held United States civilian in our Nation’s History. Sponsor: Sen. Bill Nelson This resolution was referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations March 11S. 716: A bill to allow seniors to file their Federal income tax on a new Form 1040SR. Sponsor: Sen. Marco Rubio This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Finance. March 12S.Res. 85: A resolution honoring the life and legacy of Georgia Jones-Ayers. Sponsor: Sen. Marco Rubio Last Action: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. Explanation: This simple reso lution was agreed to on March 12, 2015. That is the end of the legislative process for a simple resolution. On the Nomination PN173: Christopher A. Hart, of Colorado, to be Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board for a term of two years Nomination Confirmed 97/0 Sen. Nelson: Yea Sen. Rubio: Not Voting March 16S. 744: A bill to rescind certain Federal funds identified by States as unwanted and use the funds to reduce the Federal debt. Sponsor: Sen. Marco Rubio This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Appropriations. On the Nomination PN68: Carlos A. Monje Jr., of Louisiana, to be an Assistant Secretary of Transportation Nomination Confirmed 94/0 Sen. Nelson: Yea Sen. Rubio: Yea March 17Cloture on S. 178: Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 Cloture Motion Rejected 55/43 Sen. Nelson: Nay Sen. Rubio: Yea Cloture on S. 178: Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 Cloture Motion Rejected 55/43 Sen. Nelson: Nay Sen. Rubio: Yea S. 757: A bill to modify the prohibition on recognition by United States courts of certain rights relating to certain marks, trade names, or commercial names. Sponsor: Sen. Bill Nelson This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. S. 767: A bill to eliminate the payroll tax for individuals who have attained retirement age, to amend title II of the Social Secu rity Act to remove the limitation upon the amount of outside income which an individual may earn while receiving benefits Sponsor: Sen. Marco Rubio This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Finance. March 18S. 770: A bill to authorize Escambia County, Fla., to convey certain prop erty that was formerly part of Santa Rosa Island National Monument and that was conveyed to Escambia County subject to restrictions on use and reconveyance. Sponsor: Sen. Marco Rubio This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Cloture on S. 178: Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 Cloture Motion Rejected 57/41 Sen. Nelson: Nay Sen. Rubio: Yea March 19S. 802: A bill to authorize the Secretary of State and the Admin istrator of the United States Agency for International Development to provide assistance to support the rights of women and girls in developing countries, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Sen. Marco Rubio This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. S. 809: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against tax for qualified elementary and secondary education tuition. Sponsor: Sen. Marco Rubio This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Finance which will consider it before sending it to the Senate floor for consideration. Sen. Bill Nelson is a member of the committee. Cloture on S. 178: Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 Cloture Motion Rejected 56/42 Sen. Nelson: Nay Sen. Rubio: Yea March 23On the Nomination PN130: William P. Doyle, of Pennsylvania, to be a Federal Maritime Commissioner for a term expiring June 30, 2018. Nomination Confirmed 89/0 Sen. Nelson: Yea Sen. Rubio: Yea March 24S. 845: A bill to require the Secre tary of the Treasury to implement security measures in the electronic tax return filing process to prevent tax refund fraud from being perpetrated with electronic identity theft. Sponsor: Sen. Marco Rubio This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Finance. S.Amdt. 323 (Sanders) to S.Con. Res. 11: To create millions of middle class jobs by investing in our nation’s infrastructure paid ... Amendment Rejected 45/52 Sen. Nelson: Yea Sen. Rubio: Nay S.Amdt. 386 (Sanders) to S.Con. Res. 11: To establish a defi cit-neutral reserve fund to protect Medicaid beneficiaries from benefit cuts. Amendment Agreed to 94/3 Sen. Nelson: Yea Sen. Rubio: Yea S.Amdt. 349 (Portman) to S.Con. Res. 11: To establish a deficit-neu tral reserve fund to improve health outcomes and lower the costs ... Amendment Agreed to 96/0 Sen. Nelson: Yea Sen. Rubio: Yea S.Amdt. 409 (Fischer) to S.Con.Res. 11: To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to promoting equal pay, which may include ... Amendment Agreed to 56/43 Sen. Nelson: Nay Sen. Rubio: Yea S.Amdt. 362 (Mikulski) to S.Con. Res. 11: To establish a deficit-neu tral reserve fund relating to amending the Equal Pay Act of ... Amendment Rejected 45/54 Sen. Nelson: Yea Sen. Rubio: Nay S.Amdt. 498 (Hatch) to S.Con.Res. 11: To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to legislation submitted to Congress by President ... Amendment Agreed to 75/24 Sen. Nelson: Nay Sen. Rubio: Yea On the Motion (Motion to Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline Re: Wyden Amdt. No. 471) Motion Rejected 51/48 Sen. Nelson: Yea Sen. Rubio: Nay S.Amdt. 357 (Cornyn) to S.Con. Res. 11: To raise taxes and spending by enacting President Obama’s fiscal year 2016 budget. Amendment Rejected 1/98 Sen. Nelson: Nay Sen. Rubio: Nay HOW THEY VOTEDU.S. SENATE SEN. BILL NELSON, DFLORIDA SEN. MARCO RUBIO, RFLORIDA March 4H.Amdt. 72 (McClintock) to H.R. 749: Page 2, line 3, through page3, line 10, strike section 101. Failed 147/272 Rep. Buchanan: No Rep. Rooney: Aye On Motion to Recommit with Instructions: H.R. 749: Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2015 Failed 184/232 Rep. Buchanan: No Rep. Rooney: No H.R. 749: Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2015 Passed 316/101 Rep. Buchanan: Yea Rep. Rooney: Nay March 12H.R. 647: Access to Life-Saving Trauma Care for All Americans Act Passed 389/10 Rep. Buchanan: Yea Rep. Rooney: Yea H.R. 648: Trauma Systems and Regionalization of Emergency Care Reauthorization Act Passed 382/15 Rep. Buchanan: Yea Rep. Rooney: Yea H.R. 876: NOTICE Act Passed 395/0 Rep. Buchanan: Yea Rep. Rooney: Yea March 17On Ordering the Previous Question: H.Res. 138: Providing for consider ation of the bill (H.R. 1029) to amend the Environmental Research ... Passed 232/181 Rep. Buchanan: Yea Rep. Rooney: Yea H.Res. 138: Providing for consid eration of the bill (H.R. 1029) to amend the Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act. Passed 236/180 Rep. Buchanan: Aye Rep. Rooney: Aye H.R. 1191: Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Responders Act Passed 415/0 Rep. Buchanan: Yea Rep. Rooney: Yea H.Amdt. 75 (McKinley) to H.R. 1029: To prohibit an individual from sitting on the Board if they are currently receiving ... Agreed to 242/175 Rep. Buchanan: Aye Rep. Rooney: Aye On Motion to Recommit with Instructions: H.R. 1029: EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2015 Failed 179/237 Rep. Buchanan: No Rep. Rooney: No H.R. 1029: EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2015 Passed 236/181 Rep. Buchanan: Aye Rep. Rooney: Aye March 18H.Amdt. 78 (Edwards) to H.R. 1030: To authorize $250 million for each of fiscal years 2016 through 2019. Failed 164/254 Rep. Buchanan: No Rep. Rooney: No H.Amdt. 79 (Kennedy) to H.R. 1030: To allow the EPA to use all peer-re viewed scientific publications. Failed 184/231 Rep. Buchanan: No Rep. Rooney: No On Motion to Recommit with Instructions: H.R. 1030: Secret Science Reform Act of 2015 Failed 181/239 Rep. Buchanan: No Rep. Rooney: No H.R. 1030: Secret Science Reform Act of 2015 Passed 241/175 Rep. Buchanan: Aye Rep. Rooney: Aye REP. THOMAS ROONEY, RDIST 17 REP. VERN BUCHANAN, RDIST. 16HOW THEY VOTEDU.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESLAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) — Negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program grew frantic on Saturday amid signs of discord, with the French and German foreign ministers joining U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in talks with Tehran’s top diplomat ahead of an end-of-March deadline for a preliminary deal. With just four days to go until that target, negotiators in the Swiss town of Lausanne were meeting multiple times in various formats to produce what they hope will be an outline of an agreement that can become the basis for a comprehensive deal to be reached by the end of June. In another nod to the fast-approaching deadline, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke by phone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to emphasize the importance of reaching an agreement. Iranian negotiator Majid Takht-e Ravanchi denied a news report that the sides were close to agreement on a text, and other ofcials spoke of remaining obstacles, including Iranian resistance to limits on research and development and demands for more speedy and broad relief from international sanctions. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told reporters as he arrived that the talks have been “long and difcult. We’ve advanced on certain issues, not yet enough on others.†Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, meanwhile, suggested the blame for any impasses lies with the U.S. and its partners. “In negotiations, both sides must show exibility,†he wrote on Twitter. “We have and are ready to make a good deal for all. We await our counter parts’ readiness.†Iranian nuclear agency chief Ali Akbar Salehi described one or two issues as becoming “twisted.†He told Iran’s ISNA news agency that the sides were working to resolve the difculties. Kerry met early in the day with Zarif, before extended sessions with Fabius and Germany’s Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The foreign ministers of Russia, China and Britain also were expected in Lausanne on Sunday. “We now are standing at the threshold of a political resolution and a collective political impulse,†said Russian deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. “I think these chances (of an agreement) signicantly exceed 50 percent.†But diplomats at the talks said their presence does not necessarily mean a deal is almost done. Steinmeier avoided predictions of an outcome, saying only that a nuclear deal could help ease Mideast tensions. “The endgame of the long negotiations has begun,†he said. Iran says its nuclear ambitions are purely peaceful; other nations fear it is seeking to develop weapons.Signs of discord at Iran nuke talks as deadline looms AP PHOTOGerman Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaks to journalists as he arrives for a new round of nuclear talks with Iran in Lausanne, Switzerland, Saturday.MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Blood spattered utensils, bullet-pocked walls and overturned chairs mark the reception area of a prominent hotel in the Somali capital following an attack by Islamic extremists that killed at least 24, including six attackers. Somali special forces stood over three bloodied bodies of the alleged attackers after ofcials declared they have full control of the Maka Al-Mukarramah Hotel Saturday, more than 12 hours after gunmen, believed to be six in number, from the Islamic rebel group al-Shabab stormed into the hotel. The gunre has stopped and security agents have gone through the whole building, said senior police ofcer Capt. Mohamed Hussein. He had earlier said the gunmen were believed to have occupied the third and fourth oors of the hotel in the capital Mogadishu. “The operation has ended. We have taken full control of the hotel,†Hussein said. Eighteen people were killed in the attack, including one soldier, said Hussein. At least 28 were wounded, according to Hussein Ali, an ofcial of Mogadishu’s ambulance service. Ofcials claimed to have killed six attackers but only displayed the bodies of three and did not give the location of the bodies of the other attackers. Al-Shabab claimed some of the gunmen involved in the attack escaped, in a statement released Saturday. The group vowed to carry out more attacks. Somalia’s ambassador to Switzerland and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ofce in Geneva, Yusuf Bari-Bari was among those killed in the attack, said Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. Al-Shabab, an al-Qaida-linked Islamic extremist group that has carried out many attacks in Somalia, claimed responsibility for the assault on the hotel, which is popular with Somali government ofcials and foreigners. Al-Shabab controlled much of Mogadishu between 2007 and 2011, but was pushed out of Somalia’s capital and other major cities by African Union forces. The attack started around 4 p.m. Friday when a suicide bomber detonated his explosivesladen car at the gate of the hotel. Gunmen then quickly moved in.Official: Al-Shabab siege at Somali hotel ends, 24 deadBEIRUT (AP) — AlQaida’s afliate in Syria, the Nusra Front, captured most of the northwestern city of Idlib from government forces Saturday, sweeping into neighborhoods in the center of the city in a powerful blow to President Bashar Assad’s government, opposition activists and the group said. The Nusra Front is leading a group of ultra-conservative rebels in a major offensive that began earlier this week to take Idlib, near the border with Turkey. If the city falls, it would be the second provincial capital and major urban center lost by President Bashar Assad’s forces in the fouryear-old conict. The eastern city of Raqqa fell to rebels, including the Nusra Front, in March 2013. It was subsequently taken over by Nusra’s rival, the Islamic State group, which has since declared the city its de facto capital. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said rebel ghters seized control of most of Idlib in a push Friday evening and early Saturday after collapsing government forces withdrew to their bases and several other buildings in the city. The group, which relies on an extensive network of activists across Syria, said heavy ghting continued Saturday amid heavy artillery shelling from both sides. The Local Coordination Committees, another opposition activist collective in Syria, also reported the “almost complete†capture of large parts of Idlib by the rebels. An unnamed Syrian military ofcial quoted by state-run news agency SANA said army forces were ghting “erce battles†against “armed terrorist groups†to regain control in Idlib, adding that the opposing side suffered heavy losses. In an indication of the gravity of the situation, SANA also said the army is repositioning forces and units in the city to face “thousands of terrorists crossing the border from Turkey.â€Al-Qaida in Syria seizes large parts of northern city r
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 WIRE Page 7 WORLD/TRAVEL NEWS (Sun Sentinel) — Carnival Corp. & PLC said Thursday that it has signed agreements with two European shipyards to add nine new ships companywide from 2019 to 2022. The new vessels are expected to serve established sailing grounds in North America and Europe, as well as emerging markets such as China, the Miami-based company said in a news release. The shipbuilding agreements with Italian shipyard Fincantieri and Germany’s Meyer Werft include options for additional ships in the coming years. They are subject to several conditions, including satisfactory nancing. Although the company did not disclose which of its nine cruise lines would receive the new ships, each vessel will be designed for the brand and the customers it will serve. The cruise brands, which operate a combined 101 ships today, are Carnival Cruise Line, Princess Cruises, Holland America Line, Seabourn, Cunard, Costa Cruises, AIDA Cruises, P&O Cruises (UK) and P&O Cruises (Australia). “Our goal as a company is to exceed the expectations of every guest on every ship every day, and these new ships will further enable us to do just that,†Carnival Corp. President and CEO Arnold Donald said. “These will be the most efcient ships we have ever built.†Separately, Carnival has nine other ships set for delivery between 2015 and 2018, including the 3,954-passenger Carnival Vista, which will be based in Miami for Caribbean itineraries starting in November 2016.Carnival Corp. plans nine new ships SEASIDE HEIGHTS, N.J. (AP) — The New Jersey shore amusement pier that became an iconic image of Superstorm Sandy when the storm knocked its roller coaster into the ocean will be rebuilt — on dry land and not over the surf. The owners of the Casino Pier in Seaside Heights have submitted plans to the state Department of Environmental Protection seeking to expand the pier on the north side of the remains of the old one. The expansion will be done over the beach and won’t jut out over the water; a small section of the original pier still extends beyond the surf. “It’s denitely safer than rebuilding the pier out over the water,†said Maria Mastoris, a spokeswoman for Casino Pier. “Building that far out over the water would be unsafe in future storms.†The company says extending out over the water would cost at least three times as much as adding to the pier over the sand. Mastoris would not estimate the cost of the project, but the company’s permit application to the DEP lists it as $3.5 million. The department is currently accepting public comments about the proposal, and the permit remains under review, DEP spokesman Bob Considine said. The Jet Star roller coaster that plunged off the pier into the ocean became one of the most enduring images of Sandy. The Storino family, which owns the pier, decided within days of the Oct. 29, 2012, storm that it would be rebuilt. Undamaged sections of the pier closer to the boardwalk were open for the 2013 and 2014 summer seasons with fewer rides than the original pier. The expansion will replace much of the space that was lost when Sandy damaged the pier. “Without this project, the future of Seaside Heights as a coastal tourist destination will remain threatened,†project manager Karen Gruppuso wrote in the company’s permit application. “This project is essential to the post-Sandy recovery efforts, not only for Seaside Heights but for this stretch of the Jersey shore.†The pier will have 23 rides open this summer, including a new Double Shot Drop Tower. The selection of rides for the expanded area of the pier will be determined in the fall and winter, but the application says a major new roller coaster and Ferris wheel are planned for the area. It will involve a land swap between Seaside Heights and the company, with Casino Pier getting a section of beach to build upon, while giving the borough vacant lots to support beachgoer parking and preserving a historic carousel that the company had intended to sell. Seaside Heights is where MTV’s “Jersey Shore†reality series was lmed. A second amusement pier between Seaside Heights and neighboring Seaside Park, the Funtown Pier, was damaged in the storm, then burned in a catastrophic boardwalk re in 2013. The towns and the state are considering rebuilding plans for that pier as well.Jersey shore pier where coaster fell into sea to be rebuiltABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Boko Haram extremists killed 41 people, including a legislator, and scared hundreds of people from polling stations but millions voted across Nigeria Saturday in the most closely contested presidential race in the nation’s history. All the Boko Haram attacks took place in northeastern Nigeria, where the military Friday announced it had cleared the Islamic extremists from all major centers, including the headquarters of their so-called Islamic caliphate. Nearly 60 million people have cards to vote, and for the rst time there is a possibility that a challenger can defeat a sitting president in the high-stakes contest to govern Africa’s richest and most populous nation. The front-runners among 14 candidates are President Goodluck Jonathan and former military dictator Muhammadu Buhari. Voters also are electing 360 legislators to the House of Assembly, where the opposition currently has a slight edge over Jonathan’s party. Nigeria’s political landscape was transformed two years ago when the main opposition parties formed a coalition and for the rst time united behind one candidate, Buhari. Dozens of legislators defected from Jonathan’s party. Polling will continue Sunday in some areas where new machines largely failed to read voters’ biometric cards, said Kayode Idowu, spokesman of the Independent National Electoral Commission. That includes some areas of Lagos, a megacity of 20 million and Nigeria’s commercial capital on the Atlantic coast. In other areas, vote counting ended Saturday night, with blackouts that are routine forcing some ofcials to count by the light of vehicles and cellphones. Earlier, before dawn, Boko Haram extremists invaded the town of Miringa in Borno state, torching people’s homes and then shooting them as they tried to escape the smoke. Twenty-ve people died in the attack, Borno state Gov. Kashim Shettima told a news conference in the city of Maiduguri.Boko Haram kills 41, prevents hundreds voting in Nigeria | WORLD BRIEFSItaly sees record asylum requests SIRACUSA, Sicily (AP) — As Italy copes with a record number of migrants making the risky trip across the Mediterranean to reach European shores, it is also registering a record number of political asylum requests, lling migrant holding centers with would-be refugees hoping that their cases are accepted. For years, refugees have often passed through Italy en route to northern European countries where more established migrant communities offer better job opportunities. But the U.N. refugee agency reported this week that the number of asy lum requests submitted in Italy rose 148 percent in 2014 over the previous year, far surpassing Italy’s previous all-time high in 2011 when some 40,000 people sought refugee status there during the Arab Spring. In all, some 63,700 people requested asylum in Italy in 2014, making Italy the No. 5 country for asylum requests, after Germany, the U.S., Turkey and Sweden, according to the report by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.Pakistan says soldiers kill 15 militantsISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistan’s military says its soldiers have killed at least 15 militants in a northwestern tribal region bordering Afghanistan. An army statement says three soldiers were wounded in Saturday’s battle in the Tirrah valley of the Khyber region. It says ground forces launched the attack after spotting a group of militants there.Best Buy fires 1,500 in Canada(AP) — Best Buy is laying off 500 full-time and 1,000 part-time employees in Canada as it consolidates operations. The Richeld, Minn.based company also announced Saturday that it will close 66 of its Future Shop locations and rebrand the remaining 65 as Best Buy stores. The Future Shop website will be folded into Best Buy’s site. After the changes, the company will have 192 locations across Canada, including 136 largeformat stores and 56 Best Buy Mobile stores. All Future Shop gift cards will be accepted at any Best Buy Canada location and at and items can also be returned to any Best Buy location. Christopher Constance, MD BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON AND LASER SPECIALIST Call (941) NEW-LOOK For Details About A FREE Cosmetic Surgery Consultation LASER Tattoo Removal adno=50481110 adno=50479088 adno=50478793 adno=50482197 mnua W Hd0
Page 8 WIRE The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Arcadia Hull Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource: 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Temperatures Gulf Water TemperatureSource: National Allergy BureauPunta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES CONDITIONS TODAY TIDES AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEXWeather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. ALMANAC Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. North Port MARINE THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesThe Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise SetPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. AIRPORT SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLE Publication date: 03/29/15546674797366 TODAY Sunny; cool a.m.74 / 500% chance of rainCool a.m. and sunny79 / 540% chance of rain MONDAY Mostly sunny and pleasant81 / 570% chance of rain TUESDAY Partly cloudy and warming83 / 635% chance of rain WEDNESDAY Partly cloudy and warm85 / 6425% chance of rain THURSDAY Air Quality Index readings as of SaturdayMain pollutant: ozoneForecasts and graphics, except for the WINK-TV 5-day forecast, provided by AccuWeather, Inc. Punta Gorda through 5 p.m. Saturday24 hours through 5 p.m. Saturday 0.07†Month to date 1.79†Normal month to date 2.99†Year to date 6.02†Normal year to date 7.22†Record 1.90†(1987) High/Low 70/54 Normal High/Low 82/59 Record High 91 (1980) Record Low 38 (2013) Today Mon. Today Mon. Today Mon.Apalachicola 68 54 s 77 64 s Bradenton 73 54 s 77 61 s Clearwater 71 54 s 76 63 s Coral Springs 76 56 s 78 59 s Daytona Beach 65 48 s 77 58 s Fort Lauderdale 75 61 s 76 63 s Fort Myers 76 52 s 80 57 s Fort Pierce 71 50 s 76 55 s Gainesville 66 40 s 76 54 s Jacksonville 62 40 s 76 54 t Key Largo 77 62 s 77 64 s Key West 77 69 s 79 70 s Kissimmee 70 50 s 78 57 s Lakeland 70 47 s 77 56 s Melbourne 69 51 s 76 58 s Miami 77 61 s 79 63 s Naples 77 56 s 78 60 s Ocala 68 41 s 76 54 s Okeechobee 72 47 s 77 54 s Orlando 71 49 s 79 58 s Panama City 66 56 s 75 64 s Pensacola 66 60 s 77 64 t Pompano Beach 75 60 s 77 60 s St. Augustine 61 47 s 74 58 t St. Petersburg 72 56 s 77 64 s Sanford 69 48 s 78 57 s Sarasota 73 52 s 76 60 s Tallahassee 69 44 s 78 57 t Tampa 72 54 s 77 63 s Titusville 67 49 s 76 57 s Vero Beach 70 51 s 76 56 s West Palm Beach 75 58 s 77 60 s Winter Haven 71 50 s 79 58 sToday 2:04p 6:54a --6:38p Mon. 12:06a 7:43a 2:26p 7:44p Today 12:41p 5:10a 10:43p 4:54p Mon. 1:03p 5:59a 11:51p 6:00p Today 11:46a 3:31a 9:48p 3:15p Mon. 12:08p 4:20a 10:56p 4:21p Today 2:36p 7:23a --7:07p Mon. 12:38a 8:12a 2:58p 8:13p Today 10:56a 3:49a 8:58p 3:33p Mon. 11:18a 4:38a 10:06p 4:39p NNE 8-16 1-3 Light NE 7-14 1-3 Light 74/50 74/45 76/49 76/51 73/46 73/47 75/46 75/45 75/47 72/54 73/54 75/55 74/53 76/52 74/47 74/47 76/50 74/45 74/46 72/47 71/50 71/47 72/49 72/56 73/45 72/55 74/53 73/53 74/45 73/52 73/52 72/47 73/52 71/54 74/55 76/53 76/5070Pollen Index readings as of Saturday Today Mon. Today Mon. Today Mon. Today Mon.Albuquerque 78 48 pc 78 47 pc Anchorage 47 34 sh 47 31 c Atlanta 60 48 s 70 46 pc Baltimore 48 33 s 60 35 pc Billings 66 43 s 71 45 s Birmingham 61 53 pc 70 46 pc Boise 65 41 s 73 47 s Boston 38 30 pc 45 34 c Buffalo 39 34 pc 40 26 sn Burlington, VT 40 29 s 44 27 sn Charleston, WV 54 39 pc 58 36 pc Charlotte 55 40 s 68 40 pc Chicago 46 33 sh 55 41 s Cincinnati 52 39 pc 57 38 s Cleveland 45 35 pc 46 31 pc Columbia, SC 58 43 s 69 45 pc Columbus, OH 48 37 pc 53 35 pc Concord, NH 41 23 pc 45 30 c Dallas 81 60 s 74 63 pc Denver 65 40 pc 73 43 s Des Moines 62 37 pc 69 46 s Detroit 44 34 sh 51 33 pc Duluth 45 29 r 52 33 sh Fairbanks 47 23 c 47 20 c Fargo 53 32 r 62 35 pc Hartford 43 29 s 50 33 pc Helena 61 39 s 71 41 pc Honolulu 85 70 pc 84 70 c Houston 81 62 s 81 62 pc Indianapolis 49 36 sh 57 41 s Jackson, MS 75 58 s 75 56 t Kansas City 69 37 pc 71 45 s Knoxville 58 44 s 63 38 pc Las Vegas 90 60 pc 89 61 s Los Angeles 79 59 s 79 61 s Louisville 57 43 c 62 41 s Memphis 67 51 s 70 47 pc Milwaukee 46 33 sh 54 38 s Minneapolis 50 33 sh 57 40 pc Montgomery 65 52 s 75 55 t Nashville 61 46 pc 66 40 pc New Orleans 77 64 s 81 63 t New York City 46 35 s 54 36 pc Norfolk, VA 47 38 s 64 44 pc Oklahoma City 76 48 s 74 58 s Omaha 64 36 s 72 41 s Philadelphia 47 34 s 58 36 pc Phoenix 95 68 pc 95 67 pc Pittsburgh 45 35 s 48 32 pc Portland, ME 41 30 pc 45 33 c Portland, OR 68 45 pc 69 47 c Providence 41 29 pc 47 33 pc Raleigh 52 39 s 66 42 pc Salt Lake City 67 42 pc 72 47 s St. Louis 60 38 c 66 48 s San Antonio 82 60 s 80 63 pc San Diego 75 61 pc 74 61 s San Francisco 71 52 s 68 55 s Seattle 62 50 pc 65 47 pc Washington, DC 51 40 s 64 42 pc Amsterdam 50 41 r 49 44 sh Baghdad 82 64 c 81 56 pc Beijing 75 53 pc 78 56 pc Berlin 54 39 sh 49 39 sh Buenos Aires 80 61 s 81 60 s Cairo 77 59 s 76 55 s Calgary 59 35 pc 63 38 pc Cancun 83 71 pc 84 69 s Dublin 49 38 r 55 40 r Edmonton 57 31 pc 54 33 pc Halifax 34 22 pc 35 32 pc Kiev 41 35 sh 52 41 c London 56 43 r 55 48 r Madrid 71 44 s 74 45 s Mexico City 71 44 pc 74 48 pc Montreal 38 29 pc 42 24 sn Ottawa 38 29 c 40 20 sn Paris 56 48 r 58 52 sh Regina 53 34 s 55 32 pc Rio de Janeiro 86 75 t 86 76 t Rome 63 51 pc 65 49 pc St. John’s 32 19 sn 36 20 c San Juan 86 72 s 85 72 s Sydney 78 65 pc 78 65 sh Tokyo 64 51 pc 65 53 s Toronto 40 34 pc 43 24 sf Vancouver 55 47 r 59 44 r Winnipeg 45 26 sn 49 31 sh 74/48High ..................... 97 at Thermal, CALow ................... -19 at Doe Lake, MIFt. Myers 76/52 sun none Punta Gorda 74/47 sun none Sarasota 73/52 sun none Full Apr 4 Last Apr 11 New Apr 18 First Apr 25 Today 3:04 p.m. 3:43 a.m. Monday 3:55 p.m. 4:23 a.m. Today 7:23 a.m. 7:44 p.m. Monday 7:22 a.m. 7:44 p.m. Today 2:08a 8:20a 2:31p 8:43p Mon. 2:50a 9:01a 3:12p 9:23p Tue. 3:29a 9:40a 3:51p 10:01p(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday) MONTHLY RAINFALL Month 2015 2014 Avg. Record/YearJan. 0.64 3.67 1.80 7.07/1979 Feb. 3.59 1.24 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 1.79 5.10 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 2.00 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.68 2.50 9.45/1991 Jun. 6.34 8.92 23.99/1974 Jul. 5.21 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.06 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 11.40 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 1.67 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 4.60 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.15 1.78 6.83/2002 Year 6.02 52.12 50.65 (since 1931)Totals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. WORLD NEWS/WEATHER | HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE WORLDSierra Leoneans flee Ebola lockdownFREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — Guinea has deployed security forces to the country’s southwest in response to reports that Sierra Leoneans are crossing the border to ee an Ebola lockdown intended to stamp out the deadly disease, an ofcial said Saturday. The deployment, led by the head of the national gendarmerie, was sent late Friday night to the town of Forecariah, said gendarmerie spokesman Mamadou Alpha Barry, adding that the area is “secure.†Residents reported tension in the region resulting from a large inux of Sierra Leoneans in the days leading up to the lockdown, which went into effect on Friday and ends Sunday. “Why would they leave their country if they didn’t have Ebola?†said Forecariah resident Mamadou Kolibe. “We are opposed to their arrival and that has caused a stir here.†In Guinea’s border town of Pamelap, resident Iliassa Balde said security forces had to intervene to prevent clashes on Friday night and all residents were asked to stay in their homes. The southwest region of Guinea borders northern districts of Sierra Leone that are focus areas for the lockdown operation.Saudis say Yemen rebel groups headed to borderSHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt (AP) — Saudi Arabia says that multiple groups of Yemeni Shiite rebels are moving toward the two countries’ shared border. The Gulf kingdom is leading a coalition of countries conducting airstrikes against the rebels, known as Houthis. Speaking from the Saudi capital, Riyadh, Ahmed Asiri, a spokesman of the coalition campaign, told reporters that the coalition was tracking at least two rebel groups. Asiri promises that Saudi Arabia and the coalition “will not allow†the Houthis to cross or threaten the Saudi border.Kenya suspends 4 ministers for alleged corruptionNAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Kenya’s president has suspended four cabinet secretaries and 17 other senior ofcials to facilitate investigations into allegations of corruption. A statement read by President Uhuru Kenyatta’s spokesman Manoah Esipisu said Saturday the ofcers have been named in a condential report by the Ethics and AntiCorruption Commission. The suspensions have been met with skepticism by members of the public as senior ofcials suspended in previous regimes have never been convicted and some returned to their Cabinet positions even before investigations were complete. Anti-corruption activist Boniface Mwangi said high-ranking ofcials are rarely convicted in Kenya, instead they make their way back to power. Transparency International, in its 2014 corruption perception index, ranked Kenya close to the bottom — 145 out of 175 countries.German co-pilot visited glider field near crash site as a childSISTERON, France (AP) — The German co-pilot accused of crashing a passenger plane in the French Alps frequented a gliding club near the crash site as a child with his parents, according to a member of the club. Francis Kefer, a member of the club in the town of Sisteron, said on i-Tele television that Andreas Lubitz’s family and other members of the gliding club in his hometown of Montabaur, Germany, came to the region regular ly between 1996 and 2003. French prosecutors say Lubitz deliberately slammed the Germanwings ight into a mountain on Tuesday, killing all 150 people aboard. German prosecutors are trying to determine what caused Lubitz to make such a devastating decision. The crash site is about 50 kilometers (30 miles) away from the Aero-club de Sisteron glider aireld. Ofcials at the club would not comment Saturday. The area, with its numer ous peaks and valleys and stunning panoramas, is popular with glider pilots. In the nal moments of the Germanwings ight, Lubitz overew the major turning points for gliders in the region, ying from one peak to another, according to local glider pilots. A special Mass was being held Saturday in the nearby town of Digne-lesBains to honor the victims and support their families. Bishop Jean-Philippe Nault led the Mass, attended by about 200 people from the surrounding region, deeply shaken by the crash. It was the deadliest crash on French soil in decades. The plane shattered into thousands of pieces, and police are toiling to retrieve the remains of the victims and the aircraft from a hard-to-reach Alpine valley near the village of Le Vernet. adno=50477839 Call 941-625-8900 #CAC058180 # CGC1513881 Veteran Owned. Discounts For Veteran’s. Happily Serving Our Community 30+ Years FREE ESTIMATES OCEAN AIR CONDITIONING 2 Ton-$2,895 3 Ton-$3,495 4 Ton-$3,795 Ground Level, Split System, Vertical, 16 Seer 10 Year MFG Parts Warranty FREE ESTIMATES $59 95 Ocean Air Conditioning First Time Customers Only. Expires 3/31/15 TUNE & CLEAN ACCREDITED BUSINESS BBB.ORG adno=492507 N EED H EA RI NG A ID S? rfrntb bfrnbb n bfbnt bfn * * He ar in g te sts ar e al wa ys f re e. N ot a m ed ic al e xa m Au di om et ri c te st t o de te rm in e pr op er a mp li fi ca t i on n eed s on ly . H ea ri ng a id s do n ot r es to re n at ur al h ea ri ng . In di vi du al e xp er ie nc es v ar y d epen di ng o n se ve ri ty o f he ar in g lo ss , pr op er f it , an d ab ilit y to a dapt t o am pl ific at io n. S elec t Fe de ra l In su ra nc e ma y pa y to ta l cost o f 2 Mi ra cl eEa r ME 2100 se ri es a id s. C on ta ct u s to s ee w h at y ou r pl an c ov er s. * P ri ce m at ch g ua ra nt ee is s ub je ct t o ve ri fi ca ti on b y yo ur M Ir ac le -E ar H ea ri in g Ai d P ro vi de r. S OM E FE DE RA L WO RK ER S AN D RE TI RE ES M AY B E EL IGIB LE FOR H EA RI NG A ID S AT N O CO ST ! T ha t’ s Ri gh t. ..N o Co -P ay ! No E xa m Fe e! N o Ad ju st me nt F ee! H UR RY , SP EC IA L OF FE R EN DS S OON ! B UY O NE , GE T ON E 5 0% O FF a M E1 or M E2 So lu ti on O ffe r va li d on M E1 or M E2 So lu ti on s wh en t he f ir st a id i s p ur ch ased a t th e re gu la r li st p ri ce . Of fe r va li d at p ar ti ci pa ti ng M ir ac le -E ar lo ca ti on s. L imit 1 c ou po n pe r pur ch as e. M ay n ot b e c om bi ne d wi th o th er o ffe rs a nd d oe s no t ap pl y to p ri or s ales . Se e s to re f or d etai ls . No c as h va lu e. O ffe r ex pi re s Ap ri l 30, 2 015. H UR RY , SP EC IA L OF FE R EN DS S OON ! F RE E 4 5DA Y TR IA L o f a Mi ra cl eEa r H ea ri ng S ol ut io n I f yo u are no t co mp le te ly s at is fi ed , th e ai ds m ay b e re tu rn ed f or a f ul l re fu nd w it hi n 45 d ay s of t he c om pl et io n of f it ti ng , in s at is fa ct or y c on di ti on . Fi tti ng f ees m ay a ppl y. V al id a t pa rt icip at in g Mi ra cl eEa r l oc at io ns o nl y. S ee st or e fo r de ta il s. O ffe r ex pi re s Ap ri l 30, 2 015. P RI CE M AT CH G UA RA NT EE W e wi ll ma tc h th e pr ic e of a ny h ear in g ai ds o f co mp arab le q ua li ty a nd d es ig n av ai la bl e fr om l ic en se d He ar in g Ai d Pr ov id er s. 2013 Mi ra cl eEa r, I nc . 1 4764R OP A n r r1 '1 n,1 1.Ark_1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1I 1I 1I 1 `' f/._it 1'-----------------------------------------Est. 1978C9 AIR CONDITIONINGOF SW FLORIDA
SPORTSSunday, March 29, 2015 @ S unCoastSports SunCoastSportsNow .com Sports Editor: Mark Lawrence INDEX | Lottery 2 | Golf 2 | Shore lines 2 | NBA 2 | College basketball 3-4 | NHL 4 | Baseball 4-5 | Auto racing 6 | Scoreboard 7 | Preps 8 | Football 8 | Horse racing 8 CLEVELAND — Pushed to the brink, Kentucky’s still perfect and still playing. Andrew Harrison made two free throws with six seconds remaining, and the top-seeded Wildcats kept their unbeaten season and national title hopes intact with a 68-66 victory against Notre Dame Saturday in the Midwest Regional nal. The Wildcats (38-0) advanced to the Final Four in Indianapolis next week, where they will meet Wisconsin. It took everything Kentucky had to hold off the Fighting Irish (32-6), who came within seconds of shocking the tournament’s overwhelming favorite. Notre Dame, which has a history of stunning upsets in football and basketball, wasn’t done until Jerian Grant’s double-clutch 3-pointer from the left corner was long. Kentucky’s bench stormed the oor and the Wildcats, who only had one other two-point game this season, celebrated knowing they had ducked a major challenge and are two wins from becoming the rst team to go undefeated since Indiana in 1976. “We didn’t play very well and Notre Dame, I thought, controlled the whole thing, but we made the plays,†Kentucky coach John Calipari said. “We gured out a way to win it. We’re just saying one more game, play our best. We’ve had other tests, but we have a will to win.†Karl-Anthony Towns scored 25 to lead Kentucky, which trailed COLLEGE BASKETBALL: NCAA TournamentKentucky escapes Notre DameBy TOM WITHERSASSOCIATED PRESSI rish hold lead until closing seconds in the upset bidAP PHOTOWisconsin’s Sam Dekker reacts after the Badgers beat Arizona 85-78 Saturday. AP PHOTOConnecticut coach Geno Auriemma gestures to his team from the bench during Saturday’s regional seminal in Albany, N.Y. INSIDETexas fires longtime coach Rick Barnes, Page 3 Final Four regulars Tom Izzo and Rick Pitino square off for a shot at another trip, Page 3 Geno Auriemma earns 100th NCAA Tournament victory as Connecticut women post record rout, Page 4 Florida State women are a win away from the program’s first Final Four, Page 4KENTUCKY | 3 TOURNEY GLANCEREGIONAL FINALS Saturday WEST Wisconsin 85, Arizona 78 MIDWEST Kentucky 68, Notre Dame 66 Today EAST Louisville (27-8) vs. Michigan State (26-11), 2:20 p.m. (CBS) SOUTH Gonzaga (35-2) vs. Duke (32-4), 5:05 p.m. (CBS)SUN PHOTO BY TOM O’NEILLTampa Bay catcher Curt Casali applies a late tag on Boston’s Jemile Weeks with umpire Carlos Torres looking on during the fourth inning Saturday at Charlotte Sports Park.PORT CHARLOTTE — Tampa Bay knows Chris Archer is going to start on opening day, and the Rays know Jake Odorizzi and Nathan Karns are going to pitch Games 2 and 3 against the Baltimore Orioles in some order. On Saturday, they got to watch all three on the mound: Archer and Odorizzi pitched in minor league games on the back elds, and Karns in a 9-6 loss to Boston at Charlotte Sports Park. As manager Kevin Cash put it in the morning, Saturday was “a huge day†for the Rays’ rotation. Archer posted the most impressive line of the three, turning in 6 2/3 innings in the Triple-A game. The right-hander gave up three hits, walked two and struck out eight, throwing 65 of his 105 pitches for strikes. The biggest benet, though, was working with catcher Rene Rivera. Archer said he had Results vary, but starters have a productive dayBy JOSH VITALESPORTS WRITER MLB: Tampa Bay TODAYRays at Red Sox in Fort Myers, 1:05 p.m.INSIDEThough the Rays break camp after Tuesday’s game, the roster will be far from settled, Page 5 Saturday’s linescores, Page 7ONLINECheck out the Tampa Bay Rays Morning Report on For breaking news out of Rays camp, follow us on twitter @SunCoastSports STARTERS | 5 SUN PHOTO BY JENNIFER BRUNOCharlotte’s Devin Quinn heads toward victory in the boys 100-meter dash nal Saturday at the annual Wally Keller Invitational. The event drew 23 teams. PREP TRACK & FIELD: Wally Keller InvitationalAtherley, Quinn set marksPUNTA GORDA — Shortdistance speed was the order of the day in the Wally Keller Invitational Saturday at Charlotte High School. So was the fall of some school records. Port Charlotte High School’s Michelle Atherley broke the school record in the girls 100-meter hurdles in 13.61 seconds, one of two individual victories for the Pirates’ senior. Likewise, Charlotte’s Devin Quinn broke his school record in the boys 100 with a winning time of 10.31. That helped the Tarpons (86 points) capture the boys team championship by two points over runner-up Fort Myers. Port Charlotte nished third with 7312. Lely won the girls championship with 8912 points, just ahead of second-place Lakewood Ranch (87). Port Charlotte (41) placed fth and Charlotte (3712) took eighth. Atherley won by about a second and a half in the hurdles. She also won the 400 in 1:00.86, took second in the long jump with a 17-feet, 3-inch leap and placed third in the high jump with a 5-2 effort. “That (the 16.31 hurdles time) By GARY BROWNSUN CORRESPONDENTDuo highlight performances on fast dayKELLER | 8 nk.?e J`i /HARLOT11tATI-:7 77YT7rfflfl.f fflf;V?; .t afsa
Page 2 SP The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 Florida CASH 3March 28N ...................................1-4-1 March 28D ....................................8-2-2 March 27N ...................................1-2-1 March 27D ....................................7-7-8 March 26N ...................................4-2-7 March 26D ....................................2-3-4 D-Day, N-Night PLAY 4March 28N ................................4-0-0-4 March 28D .................................6-8-3-5 March 27N ................................4-8-9-3 March 27D .................................5-4-3-1 March 26N ................................0-2-7-8 March 26D .................................7-9-0-9 D-Day, N-Night FANTASY 5March 28 ..........................2-3-11-26-32 March 27 ..........................7-8-24-34-36 March 26 ........................6-22-25-28-34PAYOFF FOR MARCH 273 5-digit winners ...............$79,454.55 304 4-digit winners .....................$126 9,821 3-digit winners ...............$10.50 LUCKY MONEYMarch 27 .............................1-14-34-35 Lucky Ball ..........................................14 March 24 .............................6-22-43-44 Lucky Ball ............................................5PAYOFF FOR MARCH 270 4-of-4 LB ............................$750,000 2 4-of-4 ................................$3,305.50 37 3-of-4 LB ............................$391.50 624 3-of-4 ......................................$68 LOTTOMarch 28 ..................8-20-27-29-34-52 March 25 ................14-15-16-31-40-44PAYOFF FOR MARCH 250 6-digit winners ..........................$7M 25 5-digit winners ...............$4,228.50 1,036 4-digit winners ....................$82 POWERBALLMarch 28 ............................2-4-6-12-38 Powerball ..........................................17 March 25 ........................7-19-23-50-54 Powerball ..........................................14PAYOFF FOR MARCH 250 5 of 5 + PB ...............................$40M 0 5 of 5 ...............................$1,000,000 2 4 of 5 + PB ............................$10,000 50 4 of 5 .......................................$100ESTIMATED JACKPOT $40 million MEGA MILLIONSMarch 27 ......................17-21-36-58-70 Mega Ball ............................................3 March 24 ........................2-23-32-45-55 Mega Ball ..........................................12PAYOFF FOR MARCH 240 5 of 5 + MB ..............................$15M 0 5 of 5 ...............................$1,000,000 0 4 of 5 + MB ............................$5,000 12 4 of 5 ......................................$500ESTIMATED JACKPOT $20 million Contact usM ark Lawrence Sports Editor Rob Shore Staff writer Josh Vitale Staff writer jvitale@sun-herald.comEMAIL: FAX: 941-629-2085 SunCoast Sports NowWhen news breaks, we blog it at Like us and share our photos on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter for live event updates and breaking news: @SunCoastSportsCorrections The Chicago White Sox claimed pitcher Kyle Drabek off waivers from the Toronto Blue Jays on Friday. Due to a wire service error, the team Drabek was claimed from appeared incorrectly in Transactions on Page 6 of Saturday’s editions. How to Submit a story idea: Email or call Mark Lawrence 941-206-1175. Email or voice message must contain name, address and phone number. Report a high school result: Call 877-818-6204 or 941-206-1126 by 10:30 p.m. the day the event is held. This column should be read while listening to “The Ladies Who Lunch†by Elaine Stritch (running time: 4 minutes, 27 seconds). The American Copy Editors Society tinkered a bit with the Associated Press style this week, among the notations that home runs should not be referred to as “dingers,†“jacks†or “bombs.†There was no mention of whether “walk-off†is still acceptable. (Fingers crossed.) Of course, these new home run guidelines will affect some teams more than others. Reportedly, the Atlanta Falcons and Cleveland Browns have learned they will face severe sanctions for pumping articial noise into their stadium and texting down to the team’s sideline, respectively. You can judge for yourself if commissioner Roger Goodell got this right when he got Ray Rice so wrong. Regarding the Browns, Goodell said that the “integrity of the rule isn’t whether you got an advantage or not.†Is this something Goodell should be saying while the “Deate-gate†investigation is supposedly still going on? This was a very good week for the Tampa Bay Rays. Even though they went 2-3 since last Sunday, there were no new injuries to the pitching staff and that counts more than spring training wins and losses. Shaquille O’Neal said Friday he sometimes regrets leaving the Orlando Magic for the Los Angeles Lakers. Well, at least O’Neal’s departure was less awkward than Dwight Howard’s on-again/off-again getaway from the club (then again, almost anything would have been). Michigan State basketball coach Tom Izzo attributed his team’s slow start on seeing the new Will Ferrell movie “Get Hard.†(Of course, if the team had watched “Anchorman 2,†they would have lost by 20.) A Canadian college basketball player for the Medicine Hat College has been allowed to put his name on the back of a jersey, which is signicant because the name is also a four-letter profanity. What’s the problem? If he ever played professionally, does anyone doubt his replica jersey would be a best-seller? Fans of the Buffalo Sabres actually cheered Thursday night after a 4-3 overtime loss to the Arizona Coyotes, knowing the loss would help their draft position. Then again, considering the price of tickets these days, who’s to say that’s wrong? The Tampa Bay Buccaneers waived linebacker Brandon Magee this week, and Magee immediately went to the spring training camp of the Boston Red Sox, who own his baseball rights. If the baseball thing doesn’t work out, maybe he can give the Tampa Bay Lightning a call. At 5-11, 256 pounds, he sounds like he’d be a beast of a defenseman.Contact Rob Shore at or 941-206-1174.No more dingers or jacks in this game SHORE LINES RobSHORE SHORE@SUN-HERALD.COMSPORTS WRITER PGA TourVALERO TEXAS OPEN At TPC San Antonio, Oaks Course San Antonio Purse: $6.2 million Yardage: 7,435; Par: 72 Third Round Jimmy Walker 71-67-69 — 207 Jordan Spieth 71-69-71 — 211 Billy Horschel 72-70-71 — 213 Scott Pinckney 73-72-69 — 214 Chesson Hadley 71-72-71 — 214 Jason Kokrak 72-71-71 — 214 Zach Johnson 71-71-72 — 214 Brendan Steele 74-68-72 — 214 Chris Kirk 71-71-73 — 215 Kevin Na 72-68-75 — 215 Aaron Baddeley 68-71-76 — 215 Carlos Ortiz 79-67-70 — 216 Matt Jones 77-71-68 — 216 John Merrick 72-72-72 — 216 Daniel Summerhays 71-73-72 — 216 Phil Mickelson 70-72-74 — 216 Fabian Gomez 72-74-71 — 217 Bryce Molder 73-74-71 — 218 Scott Piercy 72-76-70 — 218 K.J. Choi 75-70-73 — 218 Ryan Palmer 70-75-73 — 218 Pat Perez 78-71-69 — 218 Brendon Todd 73-70-75 — 218 Gary Woodland 75-75-68 — 218 Dustin Johnson 78-72-68 — 218 Charley Homan 67-72-79 — 218 Kevin Chappell 73-73-73 — 219 Michael Thompson 73-73-73 — 219 Luke Guthrie 76-73-70 — 219 John Huh 73-72-74 — 219 George McNeill 74-70-75 — 219 Je Overton 75-70-74 — 219 Scott Brown 75-72-73 — 220 Cameron Percy 72-74-74 — 220 John Peterson 74-72-74 — 220 Martin Laird 76-71-73 — 220 Matt Kuchar 72-74-74 — 220 Harris English 75-72-73 — 220 Kyle Reifers 77-68-75 — 220 Matt Every 78-71-71 — 220 Hudson Swaord 79-71-70 — 220 Branden Grace 75-71-75 — 221 Brian Davis 73-73-75 — 221 Billy Hurley III 74-74-73 — 221 David Lingmerth 74-71-76 — 221 Shawn Stefani 79-70-72 — 221 Davis Love III 76-74-71 — 221 Jon Curran 77-73-71 — 221 Kevin Kisner 76-70-76 — 222 Brice Garnett 76-72-74 — 222 Andres Romero 75-71-76 — 222 Seung-Yul Noh 74-72-76 — 222 Cameron Beckman 71-72-79 — 222LPGA TourKIA CLASSIC At Aviara Golf Club Course Carlsbad, Calif. Purse: $1.7 million Yardage: 6,593; Par: 72 Third Round Mirim Lee 65-69-66 — 200 Alison Lee 69-66-66 — 201 Sakura Yokomine 69-67-67 — 203 Cristie Kerr 67-68-68 — 203 Se Ri Pak 69-71-64 — 204 Paula Creamer 69-69-66 — 204 Jennifer Song 70-68-66 — 204 Lydia Ko 67-70-67 — 204 Lexi Thompson 68-72-65 — 205 Ha Na Jang 70-69-67 — 206 Katie Burnett 71-67-68 — 206 Inbee Park 68-70-68 — 206 Brittany Lang 68-68-70 — 206 Morgan Pressel 70-64-72 — 206 Julieta Granada 71-69-67 — 207 Moriya Jutanugarn 69-69-69 — 207 Stacy Lewis 68-69-70 — 207 Maria Hernandez 70-66-71 — 207 Hyo Joo Kim 68-68-72 — 208 Carlota Ciganda 70-72-67 — 209 Anna Nordqvist 72-69-68 — 209 Lee-Anne Pace 71-67-71 — 209 Jessica Korda 74-68-68 — 210 Candie Kung 71-69-70 — 210Champions TourMISSISSIPPI GULF RESORT CLASSIC At Fallen Oak Biloxi, Miss. Purse: $1.6 million Yardage: 7,088; Par: 72 Second Round Kevin Sutherland 68-67 — 135 Tom Lehman 71-66 — 137 Tom Pernice Jr. 69-69 — 138 David Frost 68-70 — 138 Scott Dunlap 74-65 — 139 Olin Browne 71-68 — 139 Woody Austin 68-71 — 139 Joe Durant 67-72 — 139 Colin Montgomerie 67-72 — 139 Michael Allen 70-70 — 140 Billy Andrade 69-71 — 140 Gene Sauers 68-72 — 140 Fred Couples 71-70 — 141 Brad Faxon 68-73 — 141 Scott Hoch 73-69 — 142 Loren Roberts 69-73 — 142 Mark O’Meara 74-69 — 143 Je Maggert 73-70 — 143 Jose Coceres 73-70 — 143 John Huston 72-71 — 143 Marco Dawson 73-71 — 144 Brad Bryant 72-72 — 144 Peter Senior 71-73 — 144 Stephen Ames 71-73 — 144European TourTROPHEE HASSAN II At Golf du Palais Royal Agadir, Morocco Purse: $1.63 million Yardage: 7,041; Par: 72 Third Round Richie Ramsay 72-66-71 — 209 Romain Wattel 68-74-67 — 209 Andrew McArthur 71-71-67 — 209 Richard Bland 69-70-71 — 210 Soren Kjeldsen 68-73-69 — 210 Emiliano Grillo 74-69-67 — 210 Kevin Phelan 70-70-70 — 210 David Horsey 70-71-69 — 210 Jaco Van Zy 69-71-70 — 210 George Coetzee 67-72-71 — 210 M ik ael Lundberg 70-75-66 — 211 Wade Ormsby 71-72-68 — 211 Anthony Wall 68-72-72 — 212 Shiv Kapur 72-73-67 — 212 Max Orrin 70-70-72 — 212 Rafael Cabrera Bello 69-69-74 — 212 Bernd Ritthammer 71-70-71 — 212 Oliver Farr 70-68-74 — 212 Pablo Larrazabal 70-69-73 — TourCHITIMACHA LOUISIANA OPEN At Le Triomphe Golf and Country Club Broussard, La. Purse: $550,000 Yardage: 7,006; Par 71 Second Round Rhein Gibson 62-68 — 130 Cameron Wilson 64-68 — 132 Hao Tong Li 66-67 — 133 Ryan Blaum 65-68 — 133 Hunter Haas 67-66 — 133 Bronson Burgoon 65-68 — 133 Glen Day 64-69 — 133 Harold Varner III 66-67 — 133 Rick Cochran III 66-68 — 134 Ryan Spears 67-67 — 134 Si Woo Kim 68-67 — 135 D.H. Lee 66-69 — 135 Steve Allan 67-68 — 135 Michael Kim 70-66 — 136 Matt Davidson 71-65 — 136 Jin Park 66-70 — 136 Aron Price 69-67 — 136 Patton Kizzire 68-68 — 136 Michael Hebert 69-67 — 136 Michael Bradley 68-69 — 137 Luke List 70-67 — 137 Kelly Kraft 67-70 — 137 Roger Sloan 70-67 — 137 | GOLF SCOREBOARD GOLF ROUNDUP Walker extends leadSAN ANTONIO — Jimmy Walker opened a four-stroke lead over fellow Texan Jordan Spieth, shooting a 3-under 69 on Saturday in his hometown Texas Open. Walker, who lives 35 minutes away from TPC San Antonio, won the Sony Open in Hawaii in January and is looking for his fth title in two tour seasons. The former Baylor player had a 9-under 207 total after opening with rounds of 71 and 67. Spieth shot a 71. The 21-yearold Dallas player, coming off a playoff victory two weeks ago at Innisbrook, had a double bogey, two bogeys and two birdies on the nal six holes. FedEx Cup champion Billy Horschel birdied the nal three holes for a 69 to get to 3 under. Phil Mickelson was even par after a 74. Lee jumps in front at Kia: In Carlsbad, Calif., Mirim Lee took the Kia Classic lead, while top-ranked Lydia Ko easily increased her LPGA Tour under-par streak to 27 rounds but dropped two late strokes and ended up four shots behind. Lee shot a 6-under 66 to reach 16-under 200 at Aviara, leaving her a stroke ahead of former UCLA player Alison Lee in the final event before the first major of the season next week at Rancho Mirage. The 17-year-old Ko shot a 67 to move within two rounds of matching Annika Sorenstam’s LPGA Tour record for consecutive rounds under par of 29 set in 2004. Ko pushed her worldwide streak to 30. Mirim Lee had five birdies and a 6-foot par save on the par-4 18th in a back-nine 31. The 24-year-old South Korean player won LPGA Tour events last year in Michigan and China. The 20-year-old Alison Lee had her second straight 66. Ko eagled the par-4 seventh and birdied Nos. 8, 11, 13 and 14 to take the lead at 14 under, but hit into the water and made a bogey on the drivable par-4 16th and lost another stroke on 18. Sutherland goes in front with hot finish: in Saucier, Miss., Kevin Sutherland birdied three of the final six holes for a 5-under 67 and the second-round lead in the Champions Tour’s Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic Sutherland, the one-time PGA Tour winner who shot the first 59 in Champions Tour history last year in Endicott, New York, chipped in for birdie from behind the 12th green and birdied Nos. 15 and 16. He had a 9-under 135 total at Fallen Oak for a two-stroke lead over 2011 winner Tom Lehman. Lehman had a bogey-free 66. He made a 50-foot birdie putt on the eighth hole. Tom Pernice Jr. and David Frost were 6 under. Pernice had a 69, and Frost shot 70. Three on top in Morocco: In Agadir, Morocco, France’s Romain Wattel shot a 5-under 67 for a share of the third-round lead with Scots Richie Ramsay and Andrew McArthur in the Trophee Hassan II. McArthur also had a 67, and Ramsay shot 71 to match Wattel at 7-under 209 at Golf du Palais Royal.BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESSSpieth drops back with shaky nishAP PHOTOJordan Spieth watches his drive o the rst tee during the third round of the Valero Texas Open on Saturday in San Antonio. Spieth trails leader Jimmy Walker by four shots. Warriors clinch top seedBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESSMILWAUKEE — Stephen Curry scored 25 points, and the Golden State Warriors clinched the top seed in the Western Conference by pulling away in the second half of a 108-95 victory on Saturday night over the Milwaukee Bucks. Klay Thompson added 21 for Golden State, which also set a franchise record with its 60th victory of the season. Khris Middleton had 14 points for Milwaukee, which fell back under .500 at 36-37 after winning two straight. Bulls 111, Knicks 80: In Chicago, Nikola Mirotic scored 24 points, Pau Gasol added 19 points and 12 rebounds, and Chicago handed New York its franchise-record 60th loss. A night after tying the team’s previous single-season loss mark, the Knicks dropped their seventh straight and 14th in 16 games. Hornets 115, Hawks 100: In Charlotte, N.C., Kemba Walker scored 21 points and Charlotte beat an Atlanta team missing all five starters. NBA ROUNDUP PISTONS AT HEATWHO: Detroit (28-44) at Miami (33-39) WHEN: Today, 6 p.m. WHERE: AmericanAirlinesArena, Miami TV: SunSportsSPURS AT MAGICWHO: San Antonio (46-26) at Orlando (22-52) WHEN: Wednesday, 7 p.m. WHERE: Amway Center, Orlando TV: Fox Sports Florida | COM MUNITY CALENDARCYCLINGPedal and Play in Paradise: Team Punta Gorda and Isles Yacht Club are hosting the Pedal and Play in Paradise bicycle tour from Laishley Park in Punta Gorda today with five different rides to choose from. Cost is $35 per rider or $45 on the day of the event. For more information, call, 941-637-8326 or go to FOOTBALLBobcats need assistant coaches: North Port High School is seeking quality, committed Assistant Football coaches. Possible teaching positions to be determined. Send letter of interest and resume’ to Coach Brian Hatler at 1 _.v
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 SP Page 3 | COLLEGE BASKETBALL SCOREBOARD MenNCAA TOURNAMENTEAST REGIONALAt The Carrier Dome, Syracuse, N.Y. Friday’s results Louisville 75, N.C. State 65 Michigan State 62, Oklahoma 58 Regional Championship Today’s game Louisville (27-8) vs. Michigan State (26-11), 2:20 p.m.SOUTH REGIONALAt NRG Stadium, Houston Friday’s results Gonzaga 74, UCLA 62 Duke 63,, Utah 57 Regional Championship Today’s game Gonzaga (35-2) vs. Duke (32-4), 5:05 p.m.MIDWEST REGIONALAt Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland Regional Championship Saturday’s result Kentucky 68, Notre Dame 66WEST REGIONALAt T he Staples Center, Los Angeles Regional Championship Saturday’s result Wisconsin 85, Arizona 78FINAL FOURAt Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis National Seminals April 4 Kentucky (38-0) vs. Wisconsin (35-3) East champion vs. South champion National Championship April 6 Seminal winners NATIONAL INVITATION TOURNAMENT At Madison Square Garden Tuesday’s games Miami (24-12) vs. Temple (26-10), 7 p.m. Stanford (22-13) vs. Old Dominion (27-7), 9:30 p.m. Championship: Thursday, 9 p.m. COLLEGE BASKETBALL INVITATIONAL Championship Series (Best-of-3) Monday: Loyola of Chicago (22-13) vs. Louisi ana-Monroe (24-12), 8 p.m. Wednesday: Loyola of Chicago vs. Louisi ana-Monroe, 8 p.m. Friday: Loyola of Chicago vs. Louisiana-Monroe, 8 p.m., if necessary COLLEGEINSIDER.COM TOURNAMENT Friday’s result Northern Arizona 74, Kent State 73, OT Saturday’s result Canisius (18-14) at NJIT (20-11), 7:30 p.m. Seminals: Tuesday DIV. II TOURNAMENT At Evansville, Ind. Championship Saturday’s result Florida Southern 77, Indiana (Pa.) 62 WomenNCAA WOMEN’S TOURNAMENTALBANY REGIONALAt Albany, N.Y. Saturday’s results UConn 105, Texas 54 Dayton 82, Louisville 66 Regional Championship Monday UConn (35-1) vs. Dayton (28-6), 7 p.m.SPOKANE REGIONALAt Spokane, Wash. Saturday’s results Maryland 65, Duke 55 Tennessee 73, Gonzaga 69 OT Regional Championship Monday Maryland (33-2) vs. Tennessee (30-5), 9 p.m.OKLAHOMA CITY REGIONALAt Oklahoma City Friday’s results Baylor 81, Iowa 66 Notre Dame 81, Stanford 60 Regional Championship Today’s game Baylor (33-3) vs. Notre Dame (34-2), 8:30 p.m.GREENSBORO REGIONALRegional Seminals At Greensboro, N.C. Friday’s results South Carolina 67, North Carolina 65 Florida State 66, Arizona State 65 Regional Championship Today’s game South Carolina (33-2) vs. Florida State (324), noonFINAL FOURAt Tampa National Seminals April 5 Albany Champion vs. Spokane champion, Oklahoma City champion vs. Greensboro champion, TBA National Championship April 7 Seminal winners WOMEN’S NIT Quarternals Today’s games Villanova (22-13) at West Virginia (21-14), 2 p.m. Michigan (19-14) at Southern Mississippi (25-10), 3 p.m. Temple (19-16) at Mid. Tenn. (24-9), 5 p.m. Saint Mary’s (Cal) (23-10) at UCLA (16-18), 5 p.m. WOMEN’S INVITATIONAL Championship Today’s game La.-Lafayette (22-12) at Siena (22-12), 5 p.m. SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Tom Izzo and Rick Pitino are Final Four regulars, and one of them will be back this year even though both of their teams were counted out weeks ago. Seventh-seeded Michigan State and fourth-seeded Louisville meet today to settle the NCAA Tournament’s most-busted bracket. “Sure as hell tting for me, and I’m sure for him,†Izzo said Saturday. “I think we both kind of came through similar kind of years and in different ways.†The two coaches have three national championships, 15 Final Four appearances and 98 tournament wins between them. Both have had to reinvent their teams’ in mid-stream this season. The Spartans (26-11), the tournament’s lowest remaining seed, lost three of their top leading scorers from last season. They looked like an NIT team in February, and then went on an 11-3 roll capped by tournament wins against second-seeded Virginia and third-seeded Oklahoma. The Cardinals (27-8) endured adversity in February. That’s when Pitino had to reinvent his lineup after dismissing senior point guard Chris Jones and replacing him with true freshman Quentin Snider. Jones faces rape and sodomy charges. The Cardinals, seeking their third Final Four berth in four years, are led by junior do-everything forward Montrezl Harrell, who is averaging 15.7 points and 9.2 rebounds. The Spartans’ scrappy style leans on defense and transition. Their run has been sparked by senior guard Travis Trice, who is averaging 18.2 points in his past 14 games. Gonzaga tries for first Final Four: Gonzaga and coach Mark Few have been a constant presence in the NCAA Tournament, even if the Zags rarely get this deep into March Madness. The mid-major Bulldogs were a No. 1 seed only two years ago, and who can forget floppy-haired, big-scoring Adam Morrison in 2006, when the trendy pick blew an early double-digit lead in a Sweet 16 loss to UCLA. Now they are a win away from their first Final Four, with omnipresent Duke and Coach K’s top-seeded Blue Devils (32-4) up in the South Regional final. This is Duke’s 20th Elite Eight appearance.Izzo, Pitino square off for Final Four trip COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Today’s spotllightBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Texas fires BarnesBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESSAUSTIN, Texas — Texas red coach Rick Barnes after 17 seasons, people with knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press. Texas athletic director Steve Patterson made the decision after meeting with Barnes on Saturday, according to the people who requested anonymity because the school wasn’t expected to make a formal announcement before today. Barnes was the winningest coach in program history and had only one losing season. He won three Big 12 titles and his teams made it to the NCAA Tournament 16 times. Texas made the Final Four in 2003. But Barnes faced increasing criticism from fans after several years of early exits from the tournament, including a rst-round loss to Butler this year. Barnes will be paid a $1.75 million severance under his contract. The ring was rst reported by the Austin American-Statesman. Tennessee seeks stability: As it searches for its third coach in as many years, Tennessee must find a candidate willing to overlook the program’s recent instability. Tennessee is launching another coaching search after firing Donnie Tyndall on Friday due to the likelihood the NCAA would determine he committed serious violations while coaching Southern Mississippi from 2012-14. Tyndall’s successor will be Tennessee’s fourth coach in six years. Volunteers athletic director Dave Hart believes the position remains attractive despite the turnover because of Tennessee’s history and fan base. Tennessee has ranked among the nation’s top 15 programs in home attendance for 10 straight years. COLLEGE BASKETBALL NOTEBOOK Badgers thwart Wildcats againBy BETH HARRISASSOCIATED PRESSLOS ANGELES — Just call him Sam Dagger. Sam Dekker hit 5 of Wisconsin’s 10 3-pointers in the second half on his way to a second straight career high of 27 points, Frank Kaminsky added 29 points and the top-seeded Badgers beat No. 2 Arizona 85-78 on Saturday to reach consecutive Final Fours for the rst time. The Wildcats twice got within ve points in the last 2 minutes, but both times Dekker connected on arcing 3-pointers, narrowly beating the shot clock on the rst one. “Sam Dekker pretty much just crushed our dreams with that shot,†Arizona guard T.J. McConnell said. Dekker conrmed the Badgers are more than “Frank the Tank.†The junior followed his career-high 23 points and 10 rebounds in a seminal win over North Carolina with timely shooting that bailed out the Badgers. “Incredible game,†tweeted Packers quar terback Aaron Rodgers from his seat behind the Badgers’ bench, calling Dekker “cold blooded.†Wisconsin (35-3) denied the Wildcats (34-4) a Final Four berth for the second straight year, having beaten them by one point in overtime in Anaheim a year ago when their seeds were reversed. “That loss left a sour taste in our mouth, so we wanted to get back,†Dekker said of last season’s 1-point loss to Kentucky in the national seminals. “As a team we set some goals of what we wanted to do, and now we’re two games away from our last goal.†The Badgers and 67-year-old coach Bo Ryan head to Indianapolis next week for another shot at undefeated and top-ranked Kentucky, which beat Notre Dame 68-66 in the Midwest Regional nal. “I’m so proud of these guys to be able to say that they’ve answered the bell in the second half in almost every game we’ve played here in the last seven to 10 games,†Ryan said. “They’re a tough bunch, and I hope they don’t change.†Rondae Hollis-Jefferson and Brandon Ashley scored 17 points each for the Wildcats, who once again failed to deliver a rst-time Final Four appearance for coach Sean Miller. McConnell added 14 points in his college nale and Kaleb Tarczewski and Gabe York had 11 each. “It was tough to be playing hard on defense and trying to get a stop to win the game and he made those shots,†Hollis-Jefferson said of Dekker. “It was tough to watch them go in, but in basketball you have those days.†Miller compared the Badgers’ offensive execution and ability to make shots to a video game. “Sam Dekker and Frank Kaminsky, they’re really good,†Miller said. “No team has done what they did to us in the second half. They made shots, and if they play like that next weekend, they have a chance to win it all.†The Badgers hit 10 of 12 3-point attempts in the second half — connecting on a season-high 67 percent overall — and outscored the Wildcats 30-3 from long range. COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Wisconsin 85, Arizona 78 AP PHOTOWisconsin forward Sam Dekker drives between Arizona’s Stanley Johnson, right, and Gabe York, during Saturday’s regional nal in Los Angeles. AP PHOTOWisconsin forward Sam Dekker puts up a shot against Arizona forward Stanley Johnson, right, in the second half of the regional nal Saturday in Los Angeles. for most of the second half. Zach Auguste scored 20, Steve Vasturia 16 and Grant 15 for the third-seeded Fighting Irish, playing in their rst regional nal in 36 years. There was no doubt Notre Dame belonged. The ACC tournament champions controlled the tempo and weren’t intimated by the Wildcats and their collection of high school AllAmericans and soon-tobe NBA millionaires. Calipari insisted on Friday his team was not perfect, only unbeaten and that any team left in the tournament was capable of toppling the top Cats.KENTUCKYFROM PAGE 1AP PHOTONotre Dame’s Steve Vasturia celebrates after making a 3-point shot against Kentucky during the second half Saturday in Cleveland. rff rfntbbnn rfrfntttbfb bnr fbntbbrf brffntnb nnrffntnb fn r‘’“ â€â€ CALL FOR TWILIGHT RATES Not valid with other offers. 7-Day Advance Tee Times (941) 423-6955 $ 39 before 7:45am $ 69 after 7:45am-1pm $ 59 after 1pm $ 39 after 1:30pm 4 Expires 4/30/15 PLAYER SPECIAL $ 249 adno=50482888 HERON CREEK.------------------------------'
Page 4 SP The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Women’s roundupUConn romp gives coach a milestoneALBANY, N.Y. — Breanna Stewart had 31 points, 12 rebounds and seven assists to help UConn rout Texas 105-54 Saturday in the Sweet 16, earning coach Geno Auriemma his 100th NCAA Tournament win. Auriemma became the second coach to reach the century mark, joining Pat Summitt, who nished with 112 victories in her career. They are the only two coaches in men’s or women’s basketball to reach that milestone. The Huskies shot a blistering 56 percent from the eld and became the eighth team to put up more than 100 points in the regionals. UConn also broke the record for biggest margin of victory in regionals, surpassing the previous mark of 44. UConn (35-1) led 26-19 midway through the rst half before blowing the game open with a 44-9 run spanning the half. The burst started with 13 straight points by the Huskies. Dayton 82, Louisville 66: In Albany, N.Y.,Andrea Hoover scored 26 points and seventh-seeded Dayton continued its improbable run. Amber Deane added 15 points and Jodie Cornelie-Sigmundova had 12 and 11 rebounds for the Flyers, who won for the 11th time in the last 12 games. The Flyers become the fourth No. 7 seed to advance to a regional final since the field expanded to 64 teams in 1994 and the first since Mississippi in 2007. Myisha Hines-Allen scored all 14 of her points in the second half to lead third-seeded Louisville (27-7). Dayton led by a point at the half, but used an 11-2 run, capped by a 3-pointer from Deane and ran away from the Cardinals after intermission. Maryland 65, Duke 55: In Spokane, Wash., Shatori WalkerKimbrough scored 18 of her 24 points in the second half, Laurin Mincy scored all 15 of her points in the first half, and top-seeded Maryland advanced to the Spokane Regional final. Walker-Kimbrough took over the scoring load carried by Mincy in the first half as the Terrapins (33-2) reached the Elite Eight for the sixth time under coach Brenda Frese, taking down their former foe from the ACC in the process. The Terrapins had lost eight of their previous 10 games against Duke. But Maryland is 2-0 against the Blue Devils in the NCAA Tournament. Elizabeth Williams led fourthseeded Duke (23-11) with 18 points. Tennessee 73, Gonzaga 69, OT: In Spokane, Wash., Cierra Burdick scored 22, including four late free throws for the winning points, as Tennessee beat Gonzaga in overtime to advance to the Spokane Regional final of the NCAA Tournament. Burdick added 15 rebounds and Ariel Massengale scored 16 points for Tennessee (30-5), which overcome poor shooting and a 17-point deficit for the win. Sunny Greinacher scored 24 points and Keani Albanez, 20 for surprising Gonzaga (26-8), which upset thirdseeded Oregon State last weekend to advance to the round of 16BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESSDayton pulls another upset GREENSBORO, N.C. — Dawn Staley has spent seven years building South Carolina’s program to get to this point — past the NCAA Tournament’s Sweet 16, playing to reach the Final Four. Florida State coach Sue Semrau has spent even longer trying to reach the tournament’s nal weekend. Today’s Greensboro Region nal is a rare opportunity for both programs. It’s only the second Elite Eight appearance for either school, with one team set to make its rst trip to the Final Four in Tampa. The No. 1-seeded Gamecocks (33-2) survived a tense nish to beat North Carolina 67-65 on Tiffany Mitchell’s last-second layup. South Carolina had lost twice before in the regional seminals under Staley, including a year ago to the Tar Heels. The Gamecocks are in their rst regional nal since 2002. “Our team has been a creature of habit,†Staley said Saturday. “We’ve been able to focus on the task at hand and we’ve been able to turn the page and focus in on the next task. Obviously, it’s a great win for our program. It’s a great milestone. But it’s not our destination game.†Junior Tina Roy said she thought there was “kind of a weight lifted†by getting past the Sweet 16 for the Southeastern Conference champions, who spent 12 weeks at No. 1. Mitchell agreed, but added they “couldn’t breathe easy because we knew we had to turn around and play Florida State.†The No. 2-seeded Seminoles (32-4) were picked fth in the Atlantic Coast Conference and were unranked in preseason, but they have set a program record for wins. They edged Arizona State 66-65 to reach their rst regional nal since 2010 under coach Semrau, who’s in her 18th year at the school. “People think of the Final Four as a destiny,†Semrau said. “This team doesn’t see that. This is a game. It’s a great team we’re getting ready to face, and if we put too much emphasis on the destination, then we’re not going to be prepared for the next thing. “I think it’s really important that we keep our mind on our business.â€Seminoles seek first Final Four COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Florida State womenBy AARON BEARDASSOCIATED PRESS SEMINOLES VS. GAMECOCKSWHO: Florida State (32-4) vs. South Carolina (33-2) WHEN: Today, noon WHERE: Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, N.C. TV: ESPN MLB ROUNDUP A-Rod homers in Yankees’ lossTAMPA — Alex Rodriguez hit his third homer and raised his batting average to .306, new shortstop Didi Gregorius gave New York a scare and the Yankees lost 10-2 to the Baltimore Orioles on Saturday. Rodriguez hit a long rst-pitch leadoff shot in the seventh off Brian Matusz. Earlier, A-Rod worked out at rst base for 10 minutes on a back eld with ineld coach Joe Espada in nal preparation for his rst start there Sunday against Houston. Rodriguez, who will turn 40 in July and returning from a oneyear drug suspension, is competing for the majority of his at-bats at DH. He could get limited time at third and rst. Gregorius left with a sprained left wrist after the fourth, two innings after landing awkwardly on it while diving on a grounder. X-rays were negative. Tigers 4, Cardinals 3: In Lakeland, Miguel Cabrera hit his second home run of the spring and raised his average to .385, leading Detroit past St. Louis. Cabrera was playing in his sixth game of the spring while recovering from offseason surgery on his right ankle. It was his sixth straight game of the spring, and he will sit out Sunday against Philadelphia. Astros 1, Marlins 1: In Jupiter, Mat Latos followed his worst start of the spring with his best, helping Miami tie Houston. Five days after allowing nine runs in three innings to the Mets, Latos rebounded by limiting the Astros to one run in 5 1/3 innings. He walked two, threw two wild pitches and give up six hits. Royals 10, Diamondbacks 5: In Scottsdale, Ariz., Paul Goldschmidt and A.J. Pollock each hit their first homers of spring training in Arizona’s loss to Kansas City. Omar Infante had three hits, including two doubles, and Paulo Orlando drove in two runs for the Royals, who used a five-run seventh inning to win. Cubs (ss) 18, Rockies 4: In Mesa, Ariz., Jake Arrieta pitched four shutout innings and also homered, doubled and drove in four runs as the split-squad Chicago Cubs routed Colorado. Cubs rookie Kris Bryant had four hits, raising his spring average to .459. Athletics 10, White Sox 4: In Glendale, Ariz., left-handers Scott Kazmir of Oakland and Jose Quintana of Chicago tuned up for the regular season with strong starts. Kazmir threw 81 pitches, pitching two-hit ball for 5 scoreless innings. He walked two and struck out four. Quintana gave up six hits and two runs, one unearned, in six innings. He struck out five and walked none. Giants (ss) 9, Mariners 8: In Peoria, Ariz., Mike Zunino hit two home runs and Kyle Seager added a third for Seattle, but San Francisco rallied from a four-run deficit in the top of the ninth inning with minor leaguers. Zunino connected in the second inning off Giants starter Jake Peavy and again in the sixth off big league reliever Jeremy Affeldt. Indians 3, Brewers 2: In Phoenix, Ryan Braun extended his torrid stretch with two more hits and two RBIs for Milwaukee in a loss to Cleveland. After an 0-for-12 start this spring, Braun has 10 hits in his last 19 at-bats (.526) and is hitting .323 in Cactus League play. Dodgers 5, Angels 4: In Tempe, Ariz., Mike Trout hit his fourth spring homer for the Los Angeles Angels while rookie Joc Pederson hit his fifth home run that helped the Los Angeles Dodgers win. Trout’s homer off reliever Dustin McGowan carried to the deepest part of the berm in left-center field. Padres 3, Rangers 2: In Surprise, Ariz., Tyson Ross showed off his arm for Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson, striking out 12 in six dominant innings and leading San Diego over Texas. Wilson spent the day in the Rangers’ camp. He homered during batting practice and took out the lineup card before the start of the game. A former minor league infielder for Colorado, Wilson was later acquired by the Rangers and practiced with them last year. Reds 9, Cubs (ss) 5: In Goodyear, Ariz., Todd Frazier hit his fourth home run this spring and drove in four runs as Cincinnati beat a Chicago Cubs split squad. Frazier hit an RBI single in the first inning off Gonzalez Germen, who was pulled after getting only two outs. Frazier also made two errors at third base. Pirates 8, Blue Jays (ss) 3: In Bradenton, Gregory Polanco homered for the second straight day and Neil Walker hit a two-run double, as Pittsburgh beat a Toronto split squad. Polanco hit a two-run shot in the first inning off left-hander Randy Wolf. Andrew McCutchen had two hits, including a double, and scored a run. Braves 5, Blue Jays (ss) 3: In Dunedin, Jose Bautista hit a two-run double for split-squad Toronto in a loss to Atlanta. Bautista doubled to the left-center field gap off starter Alex Wood in the third inning, scoring Jose Reyes and Russell Martin. Bautista, a five-time All-Star, is batting .324 with five home runs and 12 RBIs in 14 exhibition games. Mets 10, Nationals 2: In Port St. Lucie, Curtis Granderson and David Wright hit consecutive home runs off Stephen Strasburg in the bottom of the third inning, leading the Mets over Washington. Strasburg, making his first start since March 17 and only his third Grapefruit League start because of toe and ankle injuries, allowed four runs on four hits in four innings. Twins 7, Phillies 1: In Fort Myers, Joe Mauer hit his first home run of the spring and Minnesota beat Philadelphia. Mauer hit a two-run drive to right field. The three-time AL batting champion has spent extra time working off a tee with hitting coach Tom Brunansky, often focusing on getting the lefty-hitting Mauer to pull the ball hard to right.BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESSArrieta solid as Cubs’ bats go crazy DETROIT — Petr Mrazek made 23 saves for his fourth career shutout, and the Detroit Red Wings beat the Tampa Bay Lightning 4-0 on Saturday. Mrazek replaced Jimmy Howard in the middle of Thursday’s 6-4 loss to San Jose, and coach Mike Babcock gave him the start against Tampa Bay. Mrazek kept the league’s highest-scoring team at bay, and the Lightning were blanked for the rst time all season. Joakim Andersson, Justin Abdelkader and Gustav Nyquist scored for Detroit in the second period, and Luke Glendening added an empty-net goal in the third. The Red Wings won in regulation for the rst time in six games. If the current standings hold, Detroit and Tampa Bay would face each other in the rst round of the playoffs. RED WINGS 4, LIGHTNING 0LIGHTNING 0 0 0 — 0 Detroit 0 3 1 — 4 First Period—None. Second Period—1, Detroit, Andersson 2 (Quincey, Weiss), 5:25. 2, Detroit, Abdelkad er 23 (Nyquist), 7:19. 3, Detroit, Nyquist 24 (Quincey), 9:19. Third Period—4, Detroit, Glendening 11, 18:21 (en). Shots on Goal—LIGHTNING 7-7-9. Detroit 8-9-6. Goalies—LIGHT NING, Bishop. Detroit, Mrazek. A— 20,027 (20,027). T— 2:28.Canadiens 3, Panthers 2, OT: In Montreal, Max Pacioretty scored in overtime as Montreal clinched a playoff berth. Aleksander Barkov had a pair of goals for the Panth ers.CANADIENS 3, PANTHERS 2Florida 0 2 0 0 — 2 Montreal 1 1 0 1 — 3 First Period—1, Montreal, Eller 12 (Petry, Beaulieu), 17:37. Second Period, Florida, Barkov 13 (Huberdeau, Jagr), 6:09. 3, Florida, Bar kov 14 (Huberdeau, Kulikov), 13:11 (pp). 4, Montreal, Galchenyuk 20 (Plekanec, Mar kov), 14:35 (pp). Third Period—None. Overtime—5, Montreal, Pacioretty 36 (De sharnais, Subban), 2:59 (pp). Shots on Goal—Florida 9-6-8-0. Montreal 8-9-5-3. Goalies—Florida, Luongo. Montreal, Price. A— 21,287 (21,273). T— 2:40.Predators 4, Capitals 3: In Washington, Filip Forsberg scored during a three-goal first period and had two assists as Nashville clinched a playoff berth. Ducks 3, Islanders 2: In Uniondale, N.Y., Frederik Andersen made 29 saves, and Anaheim used a two-goal second period to clinch a Western Conference playoff berth. Hurricanes 3, Devils 1: In Raleigh, Eric Staal and Justin Faulk scored in the third period, and Carolina beat New Jersey. Maple Leafs 4, Senators 3, OT: In Toronto, Eric Brewer scored 3:17 into overtime to lift Toronto. Bruins 4, Rangers 2: In Boston, Milan Lucic scored twice in the first 10 minutes, Carl Soderberg also scored in the first period, and Boston spoiled Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist’s return after a long layoff. Penguins 3, Coyotes 2: In Pittsburgh, Daniel Winnik, Steve Downie and Sidney Crosby scored in a 4-minute, 8-second stretch of the third period to rally Pittsburgh. Sharks 3, Flyers 2, SO: In Philadelphia, Matt Irwin and Joe Pavelski scored in regulation, and Brent Burns got the winning goal in the shootout to lead San Jose. Wild 4, Kings 1: In St. Paul, Minn., Nino Niederreiter and Mikko Koivu each scored two goals, and Devan Dubnyk had 31 saves in his 35th straight start for Minnesota. Blue Jackets 4, Blues 2: In St. Louis, Boone Jenner scored the tiebreaking goal late in the second period, and Cam Atkinson had an empty-netter late to lead Columbus. NHL ROUNDUPAP PHOTOTampa Bay Lightning defenseman Nikita Nesterov (89) clears the puck from the goal line against the Detroit Red Wings in the second period Saturday in Detroit. The Red Wings defeated the Lightning 4-0.Red Wings blank LightningTampa Bay falls flat in second in potential playoff preview BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LIGHTNING AT CANADIENSWHO: Tampa Bay (46-23-7) at Montreal (47-21-8) WHEN: Monday, 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Bell Centre, Montreal TV: Sun Sports RADIO: 970 AMPANTHERS AT SENATORSWHO: Florida (34-26-15) at Ottawa (37-25-12) WHEN: Today, 5 p.m. WHERE: Canadian Tire Centre, Ottawa TV: Fox Sports Florida ,'r 74,x, _ `_`L S'+(a'o $5cilLAJas...............................................................................
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 SP Page 5 TODAY’S GAMEWHO: Tampa Bay (11-10) at Boston (12-10) WHEN: Today, 1:05 p.m. WHERE: JetBlue Park, Fort Myers SCHEDULED STARTERS: RH Brad Boxberger vs. LH Brian Johnson PITCHING PROBABLES: RAYS: RH Brad Boxberger (start), RH Grant Balfour, RH Ernesto Frieri, RH Kirby Yates, LH Jordan Norberto. RED SOX: LH Brian Johnson (start), RH Junichi Tazawa, RH Edward Mujica, LH Tommy Lane, LH Robbie Ross Jr., RH Dalier Hinojosa. DIRECTIONS: Take I-75 South to Exit 131 (Daniels Parkway). Turn left onto Daniels Parkway. Continue through intersection with Treeline. Ballpark is 1.6 miles past the intersection on the left.On deckMONDAY: vs. Baltimore, 1:05 p.m. TUESDAY: vs. Boston and at Baltimore (split-squad), 1:05 p.m. WEDNESDAY: at N.Y. Yankees, 1:05 p.m. THURSDAY: at Philadelphia, 1:05 p.m. FRI DAY: at Detroit, 1:05 p.m.Rays ticketsAll tickets and locations are subject to availability and can be purchased at the Charlotte Sports Park box office, Ticketmaster outlets, online at or by phone at 1-888-FAN-RAYS. On days no game is scheduled, the Charlotte Sports Park box office is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday-Friday) and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Saturday). On game days, the box office is open from 9 a.m. to 30 minutes after the final out.Red Sox 9, Rays 6HITTER OF THE GAMEBrandon Guyer, Rays. The center fielder was the only Ray to record multiple hits, going 2 for 3 with a double, RBI and run scored to raise his spring average to .438.PITCHER OF THE GAMEJeff Beliveau, Rays. The lefthander worked around a leadoff walk to throw a scoreless seventh inning. He struck out one and lowered his spring ERA to 1.80.KEY INNINGFourth. The Red Sox scored one run in the top half to increase their lead to 6-0, but the Rays cut their deficit down to one run in the bottom half on RBI singles from Guyer, Logan Forsythe, Curt Casali and Steven Souza Jr.BLAST OF THE GAMEMike Napoli, Red Sox. It wasn’t so much a blast as it was a flick. The first baseman’s home run barely wrapped around the right-field foul pole, clearing the wall by just a few feet.QUOTE OF THE DAY“I’m not going to say it was a wind-aided home run, but it was a benefit of the wind.†Kevin Cash Rays manager on Napoli’s home runRED SOX 9, RAYS 6Boston Tampa Bay ab r h bi ab r h bi Victorino rf 3 1 1 1 Jaso dh 2 0 0 0 Bianchi 3b 1 1 1 1 Rickrd dh 1 1 1 0 B.Holt 3b 2 2 1 0 Souza Jr. rf 4 0 1 2 Berry lf 1 0 1 1 J.Paez rf 1 0 0 0 Ortiz dh 3 0 1 1 Cabrera ss 2 0 0 0 Montz dh 2 0 0 0 Bckham ss 1 0 0 0 Ramirez lf 3 1 1 2 Lngoria 3b 3 1 1 0 M.Spring c 1 0 0 0 A.Casilla 3b 1 0 1 0 Napoli 1b 4 1 1 2 Loney 1b 3 0 0 0 A.Tavarez rf 0 0 0 0 Frncisco 1b 1 0 0 1 R.Castillo cf 4 0 0 0 A.Sole pr 0 0 0 0 J.Witte 1b 0 0 0 0 Jennings lf 3 1 0 0 Bogaerts ss 3 0 0 0 Brown lf-cf 2 0 0 0 Brdley rf-cf 1 0 0 0 Guyer cf 3 1 2 1 Hanigan c 3 1 1 0 J.Butler lf 2 0 0 0 M ar rero ss 1 1 1 0 Frsythe 2b 3 1 1 1 J.Weeks 2b 3 1 1 1 Elmore 2b 0 0 0 0 M.Miller 2b 0 0 0 0 Casali c 3 1 1 1 M.Acosta c 1 0 0 0 Totals 35 9 10 9 Totals 36 6 8 6 Boston 203 101 002 — 9 Tampa Bay 000 500 001 — 6 E—Bogaerts (1). DP— Boston 1. LOB— Boston 4, Tampa Bay 10. 2B—Bianchi (1), Berry (1), H.Ramirez (3), J.Weeks (4), Guyer (2). HR—Napoli (3). SB—B.Holt (5), J.Weeks (5). SF—H.Ramirez. Boston IP H R ER BB SO S.Wright W,3-0 3 5 5 0 3 3 M.Barnes 2 1 0 0 0 4 Workman 1 1 0 0 0 3 Eveland 1 0 0 0 1 2 Edw.Escobar 1 1 1 1 3 2 Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO Karns L,2-2 4 5 6 6 3 3 B.Gomes 2 2 1 1 0 2 Beliveau 1 0 0 0 1 1 Geltz 1 0 0 0 0 1 Riefenhauser 1 3 2 2 0 1 WP— Karns. Umpires—Home, Carlos Tor res; First, Sam Holbrook; Third, Doug Vines. T— 3:04. A— 7,030 (6,823). thrown two innings to the Rays’ opening day backstop compared to four to Bobby Wilson and seven to Curt Casali. He requested to pitch to Rivera on Saturday. “We know he’s going to be catching the rst game of the season, and I didn’t want that to be an experiment,†Archer said. “I wanted him to see me when I was good, and I’m glad he was able to.†Odorizzi pitched seven innings after entering the Double-A game in the second inning, giving up two unearned runs on three hits and a walk while striking out eight. The right-hander threw 69 of his 100 pitches for strikes, experimenting again with rst-pitch curves and the hybrid cutter-slider pitch he’s been ne-tuning. “They got good results,†Odorizzi said. “Everything felt good, more than anything. You can’t really gauge it off the swings, but I know how it feels when it’s going good and when it doesn’t feel good, and today, everything felt good.†Karns suffered the worst fate of the three, giving up six runs over four innings after giving up just four runs over 1313 innings in his rst four spring outings. The right-hander was tagged for ve hits and three walks against a Red Sox team that featured projected starters David Ortiz, Shane Victorino, Hanley Ramirez and Mike Napoli. “My command was a little off. I fell behind a lot, and these guys took advantage. When I was trying to make pitches, they had the count in their favor,†Karns said. “But it’s good to kind of work through that stuff in camp rather than in the season.†Despite his second loss of the spring, Karns remains rmly a part of the rst opening day roster of the 27-year-old’s career. “I’m excited to make the roster and be at opening day and all that, but I still have a job to do and I’m trying to stay focused on that,†Karns said. “Not let the good news like that distract me from the progress I’m trying to make.†All three will make one more spring training appearance: Archer will throw two innings and Karns will throw four Thursday against Philadelphia in Clearwater, and Odorizzi will pitch three to four innings against Detroit in Lakeland on Friday. Those starts will give Archer three days rest before his opening day start, and Karns and Odorizzi three to ve days rest before their rst regular season outings — the Rays have not yet decided the pitching order for the nal two games of the series against the Orioles.Contact Josh Vitale at 941-206-1122 or PAGE 1 MLB: Rays notebookRays have choices to makePORT CHARLOTTE — The Tampa Bay Rays will break camp in Port Charlotte after Tuesday’s splitsquad game against the Boston Red Sox, but their opening day roster will be far from set when they do. Teams have until April 5 to nalize their 25-man rosters, and manager Kevin Cash anticipates the Rays will be making nal decisions right up until that deadline. Tampa Bay still needs to decide on two starting pitchers to ll out the back end of their rotation, the nal few arms out of the bullpen, two reserve inelders and a second catcher. The nal two starters will likely be chosen from the group of Matt Andriese, Everett Teaford and Mike Montgomery, with the other being a candidate for the bullpen along with Jeff Beliveau, C.J. Riefenhauser, Kirby Yates, Steve Geltz, Brandon Gomes, Jim Miller, Jhan Marinez and Jordan Norberto. The reserve inelders will likely be two of Tim Beckham, Jake Elmore and Alexi Casilla, and the backup catcher job will be decided between Bobby Wilson and Curt Casali. A lot of those decisions could be made based on which players are on the 40-man roster and which aren’t — Teaford, Gomes, Miller, Marinez, Norberto, Elmore, Casilla and Wilson are all non-roster invitees on minor league contracts, so the Rays would have to make room for them in order to put them on the opening day roster. Placing left-hander Matt Moore (Tommy John surgery) on the 60day disabled list will open up one spot on the 40-man, and a trade of outelder David DeJesus — which has been rumored all spring — would open up a second. The injured players will also play a role in those decisions: Alex Cobb, Drew Smyly and Nick Franklin, among others, are expected to begin the season on the disabled list, but the Rays won’t decide on replacements until they get a better sense of how long they will be sidelined. “We kind of got to factor all that in,†Cash said. “It’s not so much to keep it a secret, it’s more waiting to the last second to make sure we’re making the correct decisions with the roster.†Square one: Cobb (right forearm tendinitis) played catch for the first time since being shut down on March 17, making 30 throws from 60-75 feet. He said it was “a relief to get that next step out of the way and get closer to the ultimate goal of pitching in games,†and will take today off before getting reevaluated. The right-hander said he’s starting from square one in his throwing program — the same way he would in the offseason — but believes he doesn’t have as many squares to go through to get back to where he was prior to the injury. Asked if he thinks he’ll be able to return to the majors in April, Cobb said “Absolutely.†“I only took 10 days off, and I was already built up to three innings,†Cobb said. “I don’t think it will be as lengthy of a process to get built back up to those three innings. Once this thing gets going again, it will be quicker to get it going to its peak.†Injury roundup: Right-hander Alex Colome (pneumonia) threw a 40-pitch bullpen session, but was placed on the 15-day disabled list retroactive to Friday. He will be first eligible to come off the DL on April 11. Smyly (left shoulder tendinitis) will throw his fourth bullpen session today and could progress to live batting practice next. On the back fields: Miller started in the Double-A game and threw 14 pitches in a perfect first inning, and catcher Bobby Wilson went 2 for 4 with a double and an RBI in that game. Catcher Rene Rivera and outfielder Kevin Kiermaier both played in the Triple-A game, with Rivera going 1 for 2 with a double, two RBIs and two walks, and Kiermaier going 2 for 6 with a run scored. Extra bases: The Rays donated $5,000 each to the Charlotte County Family YMCA and Habitat for Humanity organizations as part of Community Day at Charlotte Sports Park. The game was the Rays’ first home sellout of the spring with 7,030 fans. Cash said the Rays’ final spring training game next Saturday will be their only exhibition contest with instant replay, something the first-year manager is “looking forward†to trying. Cobb will serve as the honorary starter at the Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg today, waving the green flag for the season-opening IndyCar race.Contact Josh Vitale at 941-206-1122 or jvitale@ JOSH VITALESPORTS WRITERCash believes team isn’t in a big hurry to nalize roster SUN PHOTO BY TOM O’NEILLTampa Bay Rays catcher Curt Casali drives in a run during the fourth inning with former Rays catcher Ryan Hanigan behind the plate for Boston on Saturday at Charlotte Sports Park. Boston defeated Tampa 9-6. AP PHOTOTampa Bay Rays third baseman Evan Longoria singles against Boston during the fourth inning Saturday at Charlotte Sports Park. Boston defeated Tampa Bay, 9-6. Harper won’t change nowBy THOMAS BOSWELLWASHINGTON POSTWhen is Bryce Harper going to learn to shut up? Never. So get used to “Where’s my ring?†and “How can we lose?†Get accustomed to Harper elaborating on his comments, not walking them back. This past week he said he stands by his quips — just good-natured, condent fun — in a Sports Illustrated story. He shared the cover with $210 million free agent Max Scherzer who, to Harper, looks like the perfect World Series ring bearer. In his seventh year in the national public eye, in his fourth season in the big leagues and past his 22nd birthday, Harper isn’t going to change and shouldn’t. Nats pitching coach Steve McCatty nails it when he says, “The individual makes the player. Your personality is how you play. So, you have to be yourself.†“The days of ‘he’s only 19, 20, 21,’ are about over now,†says reliever Craig Stammen. “This is who Harp is. I’m good with it. He’s one person who isn’t afraid of the lights. Even for a national TV game in midseason, he’s extra amped. He wants the big stage. We need that, because it sure seems like he enjoys October.†Nine playoff games: one double, one triple, four home runs. Looks like it. Baseball has been home to huge personalities, some stars, some ops, for 150 years. It’s that wonder ful contradiction in terms: the individual team game. You needn’t trim your sails much. Young Dizzy Dean made up a different life story for every writer. But he was the star in all of them. If Harper produces, he’ll light up the sport. He’ll be loved — and hated, too — as all of baseball’s outsized personalities have always been. Take the 18 best everyday players in history (by wins above replacement). Eight of them are Babe Ruth, Barry Bonds, Willie Mays, Ty Cobb, Ted Williams, Alex Rodriguez, Rickey Henderson and Frank Robinson. What a bunch of obsessives, look-at-me narcissists, hedonists, cheaters, amboyant stylists or men ready to throw a right cross. Since age 16 Harper has said publicly he wants to join them. He might. His slash line (.272/.351/.465) resembles another football-phy siqued, light-tower powered controversial outelder: Reggie Jackson (.262/.356/.490). Harper has 55 homers. At the same age, “The Straw That Stirs the Drink†had one. There’s a much longer list of would-be Babes and Mr. Octobers. We just don’t remember their names. “This is a big year for Harp,†says clubhouse thermostat Ryan Zimmerman. “It’s time for him to stay healthy and do the things he can do. He says so himself. The standards he and every body sets sights on — hit .300, 30 homers, 100 RBI, those things are hard,†added Zimmerman, who has done them. “I think he can do it.†MLB: Commentary 1
Page 6 SP The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 | AUTO RACING SCOREBOARDNASCAR Camping World TrucksKROGER 250 At Martinsville Speedway, Ridgeway, Va. Lap length .526 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (1) Joey Logano, Ford, 258 laps, 144.6 rating, 0 points, $51,336. 2. (13) Matt Crafton, Toyota, 258, 130.2, 43, $31,542. 3. (4) Erik Jones, Toyota, 258, 119.6, 42, $25,488. 4. (9) Johnny Sauter, Toyota, 258, 107.6, 40, $19,518. 5. (7) Tyler Reddick, Ford, 258, 91.2, 39, $18,458. 6. (11) Daniel Suarez, Toyota, 258, 97.7, 0, $16,574. 7. (15) James Buescher, Chevrolet, 258, 75.7, 37, $14,158. 8. (5) John Wes Townley, Chevrolet, 258, 83.4, 36, $16,352. 9. (19) Matt Tit, Toyota, 258, 84.1, 35, $16,297. 10. (21) Justin Boston, Toyota, 258, 72.4, 34, $17,191. 11. (3) Cameron Hayley, Toyota, 258, 101.2, 33, $16,186. 12. (14) Daniel Hemric, Chevrolet, 258, 64.9, 32, $16,046. 13. (26) Ray Black Jr., Chevrolet, 258, 58.2, 31, $15,990. 14. (18) Spencer Gallagher, Chevrolet, 258, 65.6, 30, $15,935. 15. (6) Brandon Jones, Chevrolet, 258, 91.6, 29, $16,252. 16. (2) Cole Custer, Chevrolet, 258, 90.1, 29, $15,769. 17. (12) Gray Gaulding, Toyota, 257, 59.7, 27, $13,663. 18. (17) Timothy Peters, Toyota, 257, 67.7, 26, $15,658. 19. (22) Ben Kennedy, Toyota, 257, 52.5, 25, $15,602. 20. (10) Tyler Young, Chevrolet, 257, 63.1, 24, $16,019. 21. (23) Caleb Holman, Chevrolet, 257, 47.1, 23, $13,241. 22. (20) Mason Mingus, Chevrolet, 256, 49.7, 23, $13,213. 23. (27) Korbin Forrister, Chevrolet, 255, 36.5, 21, $15,436. 24. (31) Jennifer Jo Cobb, Chevrolet, 250, 29.8, 20, $14,130. 25. (30) Tommy Regan, Chevrolet, 248, 29.1, 19, $14,197. 26. (24) Jake Grin, Chevrolet, handling, 218, 41.4, 18, $12,992. 27. (28) Cody Ware, Chevrolet, vibration, 216, 36.6, 17, $12,964. 28. (29) Norm Benning, Chevrolet, rear gear, 174, 29.3, 16, $12,716. 29. (16) John Hunter Nemechek, Chevrolet, transmis sion, 173, 72.1, 15, $12,660. 30. (8) David Gilliland, Ford, brakes, 132, 60.7, 0, $12,160. 31. (25) Bryan Silas, Chevrolet, overheating, 120, 34.6, 13, $10,660. 32. (32) Travis Kvapil, Chevrolet, rear gear, 83, 31.3, 12, $9,660. Race Statistics Average speed of winner: 68.214 mph. Time of race: 1 hour, 59 minutes, 22 seconds. Margin of victory: 0.431 seconds. Caution ags: 9 for 61 laps. Lead changes: 14 among 5 drivers. Lap leaders: J. Logano 1-36; M.Mingus 37-40; J. Loga no 41-110; M. Crafton 111-161; J. Logano 162; M. Craf ton 163-178; J. Logano 179-180; M. Crafton 181-193; E. Jones 194-195; M. Crafton 196-205; J. Logano 206-244; M. Crafton 245; C. Custer 246-247; M. Crafton 248-256; J. Logano 257-258.NASCAR Sprint CupSTP 500 At Martinsville Speedway, Ridgeway, Va. Lap length .526 miles (Car number in parentheses) 1. (22) Joey Logano, Ford, 98.461 mph. 2. (31) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 98.328. 3. (78) Martin Truex Jr., Chevrolet, 98.048. 4. (24) Je Gordon, Chevrolet, 97.613. 5. (48) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 97.583. 6. (14) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 97.468. 7. (42) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 97.463. 8. (20) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, 97.392. 9. (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 97.282. 10. (47) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 97.262. 11. (19) Carl Edwards, Toyota, 97.177. 12. (2) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 97.038. 13. (27) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 97.387. 14. (88) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 97.302. 15. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 97.267. 16. (10) Danica Patrick, Chevrolet, 97.267. 17. (4) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 97.257. 18. (43) Aric Almirola, Ford, 97.237. 19. (1) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 97.222. 20. (18) David Ragan, Toyota, 96.8. 21. (51) Justin Allgaier, Chevrolet, 96.79. 22. (3) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 96.76. 23. (17) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 96.558. 24. (13) Casey Mears, Chevrolet, 97.312. 25. (16) Greg Bie, Ford, 96.983. 26. (41) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, 96.944. 27. (25) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 96.919. 28. (46) Michael Annett, Chevrolet, 96.899. 29. (38) David Gilliland, Ford, 96.666. 30. (15) Clint Bowyer, Toyota, 96.617. 31. (98) Josh Wise, Ford, 96.607. 32. (26) Jeb Burton, Toyota, 96.494. 33. (55) Brett Mott, Toyota, 96.357. 34. (40) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet, 96.298. 35. (34) Chris Buescher, Ford, 96.259. 36. (6) Trevor Bayne, Ford, 96.254. 37. (35) Cole Whitt, Ford, Owner Points. 38. (9) Sam Hornish Jr., Ford, Owner Points. 39. (7) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 40. (32) Mike Bliss, Ford, Owner Points. 41. (33) Alex Kennedy, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 42. (23) J.J. Yeley, Toyota, Owner Points. 43. (83) Matt DiBenedetto, Toyota, Owner Points.Formula 1MALAYSIA GRAND PRIX At Sepang International Circuit, Sepang, Malaysia Lap length 3.444 miles Third Session 1. Lewis Hamilton, England, Mercedes, 1 minute, 49.834 seconds. 2. Sebastian Vettel, Germany, Ferrari, 1:49.908. 3. Nico Rosberg, Germany, Mercedes, 1:50.299. 4. Daniel Ricciardo, Australia, Red Bull, 1:51.541. 5. Daniil Kvyat, Russia, Red Bull, 1:51.951. 6. Max Verstappen, Netherlands, Toro Rosso, 1:51.981. 7. Felipe Massa, Brazil, Williams, 1:52.473. 8. Valtteri Bottas, Finland, Williams, 1:53.179. 9. Marcus Ericsson, Sweden, Sauber, 1:53.261. 10. Romain Grosjean, France, Lotus, 1:52.981. Eliminated after second session 11. Kimi Raikkonen, Finland, Ferrari, 1:42.173. 12. Pastor Maldonado, Venezuela, Lotus, 1:42.198. 13. Nico Hulkenberg, Germany, Force India, 1:43.023. 14. Sergio Perez, Mexico, Force India, 1:43.469. 15. Carlos Sainz Jr., Spain, Toro Rosso, 1:43.701.IndyCarFIRESTONE GRAND PRIX OF ST. PETERSBURG At St. Petersburg Street Circuit, St. Petersburg Lap length 1.8 miles (Car number in parentheses) 1. (1) Will Power, Dallara-Chevrolet, 106.767 mph. 2. (22) Simon Pagenaud, Dallara-Chevrolet, 106.71. 3. (3) Helio Castroneves, Dallara-Chevrolet, 106.517. 4. (2) Juan Pablo Montoya, Dallara-Chevrolet, 106.486. 5. (14) Takuma Sato, Dallara-Honda, 105.97. 6. (11) Sebastien Bourdais, Dallara-Chevrolet, 105.961. 7. (10) Tony Kanaan, Dallara-Chevrolet, 106.024. 8. (28) Ryan Hunter-Reay, Dallara-Honda, 105.939. 9. (9) Scott Dixon, Dallara-Chevrolet, 105.833. 10. (67) Josef Newgarden, Dallara-Chevrolet, 105.8. 11. (25) Simona de Silvestro, Dallara-Honda, 105.596. 12. (27) Marco Andretti, Dallara-Honda, 105.406. 13. (83) Charlie Kimball, Dallara-Chevrolet, 105.241. 14. (26) Carlos Munoz, Dallara-Honda, 105.385. 15. (15) Graham Rahal, Dallara-Honda, 105.239. 16. (5) James Hinchclie, Dallara-Honda, 105.232. 17. (4) Stefano Coletti, Dallara-Chevrolet, 105.071. 18. (8) Sage Karam, Dallara-Chevrolet, 104.853. 19. (20) Luca Filippi, Dallara-Chevrolet, 105.069. 20. (7) James Jakes, Dallara-Honda, 104.8. 21. (41) Jack Hawksworth, Dallara-Honda, 104.5. 22. (98) Gabby Chaves, Dallara-Honda, 104.566. 23. (19) Francesco Dracone, Dallara-Honda, 100.832. 24. (18) Carlos Huertas, Dallara-Honda, 104.564.NHRAFOUR-WIDE NATIONALS At zMax Dragway, Charlotte, N.C. Today’s Pairings Top Fuel 1. J.R. Todd, 3.713 seconds, 309.84 mph vs. 16. Shawn Langdon, 5.089, 275.56 vs. 8. Antron Brown, 3.792, 318.62 vs. 9. Dave Connolly, 3.807, 317.05. 2. Pat Dakin, 3.715, 318.84 vs. 15. Chris Karamesines, 4.343, 185.72 vs. 7. Richie Crampton, 3.771, 327.03 vs. 10. Brittany Force, 3.826, 318.32. 3. Tony Schumacher, 3.726, 328.94 vs. 14. Leah Pritchett, 4.130, 305.70 vs. 6. Clay Millican, 3.768, 315.05 vs. 11. Larry Dixon, 3.829, 314.75. 4. Spencer Massey, 3.730, 326.32 vs. 13. Ike Maier, 4.020, 303.84 vs. 5. Doug Kalitta, 3.736, 325.06 vs. 12. Steve Torrence, 3.837, 321.35. Did Not Qualify: 17. Terry McMillen, 10.498, 87.29. Funny Car 1. Courtney Force, Chevy Camaro, 4.011, 312.35 vs. 16. Dale Creasy Jr., Chevy Impala, 5.087, 172.01 vs. 8. Chad Head, Toyota Camry, 4.077, 303.91 vs. 9. Del Worsham, Camry, 4.101, 305.63. 2. John Force, Camaro, 4.040, 310.84 vs. 15. Alexis DeJoria, Camry, 4.839, 218.55 vs. 7. Robert Hight, Chevrolet Camaro, 4.061, 308.07 vs. 10. Tony Pedregon, Camry, 4.123, 300.53. 3. Ron Capps, Dodge Charger, 4.051, 308.78 vs. 14. Paul Lee, Charger, 4.634, 184.40 vs. 6. Jack Beckman, Charger, 4.059, 304.67 vs. 11. Tommy Johnson Jr., Charger, 4.132, 251.20. 4. Matt Hagan, Charger, 4.055, 306.60 vs. 13. John Hale, Charger, 4.317, 296.63 vs. 5. Cruz Pedregon, Camry, 4.055, 300.06 vs. 12. Tim Wilkerson, Ford Mustang, 4.167, 305.42. DNQ: 17. Je Diehl, 7.463, 103.78. Penske warns his team over tiresBy JENNA FRYERASSOCIATED PRESSST. PETERSBURG — Roger Penske warned his NASCAR team to stay out of any controversy regarding the possible manipulation of tires used during races. The team owner is aware of rampant industry speculation that some crews are drilling tiny holes in tires to allow air to escape during a race, a process known as “bleeding tires.†NASCAR conscated tires the last two weeks, including those of Team Penske driver Joey Logano following the race at Phoenix. Logano and Kevin Harvick’s tires both cleared a second inspection. NASCAR took tires from four other drivers after last week’s race at California, but results of an independent inspection haven’t been released. “It’s my understanding that there could be ways to have the tires lose pressure over a stint,†Penske said Saturday at the IndyCar Series event at St. Petersburg. “Obviously with softer tires, you are going to have better grip and better performance. I’ve told our guys ‘Hey, let’s stay out of this.’ I can tell you this: We are not making any adjustments to our tires for that type of activity.†Penske didn’t know what NASCAR was looking for when it took Logano’s tires after the Phoenix race. He also doesn’t know if anyone in the Sprint Cup Series garage is actually bleeding tires. “I can’t ever point my nger at anyone else. At the end of the day, guys go fast for different reasons, and someone has an idea that that’s going on,†Penske said. “I’ve seen no evidence at this point, at least it hasn’t been show to me, to say ‘this is happening.’ “The only nger I’m pointing is at my own guys to make sure we’re not involved.†NASCAR on Friday reminded crew chiefs that altering tires will receive a harsh penalty. NASCAR called the inspection of tires a “routine audit,†but the tires taken from Harvick, Kurt Busch, Ryan Newman and Paul Menard last Sunday were sent to an independent facility for testing after they were rst examined at NASCAR’s R&D Center in North Carolina. That third party test has not been revealed. According to the rules, a tire violation would likely be subject to a P5 penalty that warrants the loss of 50 points, a ne between $75,000 and $125,000, and a six-race suspension. Many competitors argued manipulating tires should be subject to one of the stiffest penalties in NASCAR history, and Penske didn’t disagree that it’s unwritten code not to mess with tires. “That’s one of the conditions, you talk about fuel, you talk about engine (being) oversized, you talk about fooling around with the tires — I would assume that’s pretty much they kick you out (of NASCAR),†Penske said. “We all want to be competitive and we are all working on the edge all the time, but I think there are a few areas which are denitely over the line.†AUTO RACING: NASCAR Sprint Cup Late restart boosts LoganoBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESSMARTINSVILLE, Va. — Joey Logano passed Matt Crafton entering the rst turn at the start of a two-lap sprint to the nish and won the NASCAR Trucks race at Martinsville Speedway on Saturday. The Daytona 500 champion won for the rst time in the series to become the 26th driver to win in all three of NASCAR’s top series. The pole-sitter also kept a dominating weekend going. He will start on the pole in today’s Sprint Cup race. Crafton, who led 100 laps while Logano led 150, gured he might be in trouble with the twolap nish. “I was honestly a little bit worried because it would take my truck four or ve laps to get going, but all in all, not a bad day,†Crafton, the two-time defending series champion, said. “His shot was going to be getting down there in turn one and he lagged back just enough and got a good run on us. I felt that I had a decent restart there but, man, I have no idea. He came like a shot out of a cannon right there and went by us.†Larson hospitalized after fainting: In Martinsville, Va., Chip Ganassi Racing officials said Kyle Larson was taken to a hospital as a precaution after fainting during an autograph session at Martinsville Speedway. Chip Ganassi said Larson fainted at Chevy Stage in the fan area. He said Larson was awake and alert and was aware of where he was and even how his practice session had gone earlier in the day. Hamilton takes pole in Malaysia: In Sepang, Malaysia, Lewis Hamilton took pole position for the Malaysian Grand Prix, while Mercedes’ run of nine straight front-row lockouts in Formula One came to an end as Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel qualified second. A drenching thunderstorm delayed the final part of qualifying but even a wet track could not prevent Hamilton topping the grid with a time of 1 minute, 49.834 seconds at Sepang International Circuit. AUTO RACING ROUNDUP AP PHOTOWill Power drives into turn 12 during Saturday’s qualifying for the IndyCar Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg. The Australian took the pole for today’s race, which opens the series’ season. AUTO RACING: IndyCarPower, Penske start where they left offST. PETERSBURG — IndyCar champion Will Power led a Team Penske sweep in qualifying for the long-awaited opener. It was no surprise at all to see Power twice break the track record Saturday in qualifying, and lead teammates Simon Pagenaud, Helio Castroneves and Juan Pablo Montoya in a Penske romp. Montoya even hinted at what was to come after three Penske drivers paced the opening practice of the weekend. Asked if that early showing meant anything, he replied it was a surprise Penske wasn’t 1-2-3-4 on the leaderboard. Now the only question lingering is if the Penske quartet can be stopped in today’s race. “There’s four of us, four really good drivers, great equipment, similar equipment,†said Pagenaud, who joined the team during the offseason as Penske expanded to four cars. “It’s easy to look at the data and improve yourself personally. It just makes you stronger every session.†Power has led every ontrack session around the temporary street circuit in downtown St. Petersburg. He was briey bumped from the top starting spot by Pagenaud, but reclaimed it with a lap at 1 minute, .6931 seconds. “I was really satised to get pole,†said Power, who has now won ve of the last six poles at St. Petersburg, and opened last year’s championship season with a win here. His lap at 1:00.6509 in the second qualifying group stands as the track record, breaking the mark of 1:00.928 set by Sebastien Bourdais (2003). “I think just the way the team is, the teammates, it provides a lot of motivation,†Power said. In addition to the noticeable absence of Honda drivers in the nal qualifying round was a void of drivers from Andretti Autosport or Chip Ganassi Racing. “It was a disappointing qualifying run,†said Andretti driver Ryan Hunter-Reay. “From the rst laps, I didn’t really feel we had the balance and the grip level.†IndyCar this year has introduced new aerodynamic kits that have replaced the spec Dallara chassis. In addition to helping manufacturers Chevrolet and Honda differentiate themselves, the cars will have additional downforce that will allow drivers to run faster and deeper into the corners.By JENNA FRYERASSOCIATED PRESSReigning champ earns pole as team sweeps top three spots AP PHOTOJuan Pablo Montoya zips down the front straight during Saturday’s qualifying for today’s IndyCar Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg. GRAND PRIX OF ST. PETERSBURGWHO: IndyCar Series season opener WHEN: Today, 3 p.m. WHERE: 1.8-mile, 14-turn temporary street course in St. Petersburg TV: ABC TICKETS: $25-$100, 1-877-725-8849 or online via DEFENDING CHAMP: Will Power 1 mw qr--ateO 0
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 SP Page 7 Sports on TVARENA FOOTBALL7 p.m. ESPN2 — Philadelphia at OrlandoAUTO RACING1 p.m. FS1 — NASCAR, Sprint Cup, STP 500, at Martinsville, Va. 2 p.m. ESPN — NHRA, Four-Wide Nationals, at Concord, N.C. (same-day tape) 3 p.m. ABC — IndyCar, Grand Prix of St. Petersburg CYCLING11:30 p.m. NBCSN — Criterium International, nal stage, from Porto-Vecchio to Col de l’Ospedale, Corsica (same-day tape)GOLF8:30 a.m. TGC — European PGA Tour, Trophee Has san II, nal round, at Agadir, Morocco 1 p.m. TGC — PGA Tour, Texas Open, nal round, at San Antonio 3 p.m. NBC — PGA Tour, Texas Open, nal round, at San Antonio TGC — Champions Tour, Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic, nal round, at Saucier 6 p.m. TGC — LPGA, Kia Classic, nal round, at Carlsbad, Calif.MEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL2 p.m. CBS — NCAA Tournament, regional nal, Louisville vs. Michigan St., at Syracuse, N.Y. 4:55 p.m. CBS — NCAA Tournament, regional nal, Gonzaga vs. Duke, at HoustonMEN’S COLLEGE HOCKEY5 p.m. ESPNU — NCAA, Division I playos, regional nal, Miami (Ohio)-Providence winner vs. Denver-Boston College winner, at Prov idence, R.I. 7:30 p.m. ESPNU — NCAA, Division I playos, regional nal, Minn. St.-(Mankato)-RIT winner vs. Nebraska-Omaha-Harvard winner, at South Bend, Ind.NBA12:30 p.m. ABC — Houston at Washington 6 p.m. SUN — Detroit at MiamiNHL HOCKEY5 p.m. FSFL — Florida at Ottawa 7:30 p.m. NBCSN — San Jose at PittsburghSOCCER2:30 p.m. ESPN2 — UEFA, qualier for European Championship, Portugal vs. Serbia, at Lis bon, Portugal 4:50 p.m. ESPN2 — MLS, Philadelphia at Chicago 7 p.m. FS1 — MLS, Toronto at Real Salt LakeWOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALLNoon ESPN — NCAA Tournament, regional nal, South Carolina vs. Florida St., at Greensboro, N.C. 8:30 p.m. ESPN — NCAA Tournament, regional nal, Baylor vs. Notre Dame, at Oklahoma CitySports on RadioAUTO RACING3 p.m. 1250 AM — Grand Prix of St. PetersburgMLB1 p.m. 620 AM, 1070 AM — Tampa Bay at BostonMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL2 p.m. 1070 AM, 99.3 FM — NCAA Tournament, regional nal, Louisville vs. Michigan St., at Syracuse, N.Y. 4:55 p.m. 1070 AM, 99.3 FM — NCAA Tournament, re gional nal, Gonzaga vs. Duke, at HoustonGlantz-Culver LineNCAA TOURNAMENTToday Regional Finals At Syracuse, N.Y. FAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOG Michigan St. 2 (128) Louisville At Houston Duke 2 (144) GonzagaCBI TOURNAMENTMonday Championship Series Game One at Loyola of Chicago 5 (132) La.-MonroeNITTuesday At New York Seminals Temple 1 (141) Miami Stanford 2 (138) Old DominionNBAFAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOG Houston 3 (203) at Washington at Brooklyn 9 (202) L.A. Lakers at New Orleans 11 (202) Minnesota at Cleveland 19 (206) Philadelphia L.A. Clippers 4 (206) at Boston at Miami 4 (197) Detroit at Indiana 1 (198) Dallas at San Antonio 6 (195) Memphis Oklahoma City 1 (217) at PhoenixNHLFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE at N.Y. Rangers -170 Washington +150 at Ottawa -140 Florida +120 at N.Y. Islanders -140 Detroit +120 Boston -145 at Carolina +125 at Nashville -160 Calgary +140 Anaheim -165 at New Jersey +145 at Pittsburgh -155 San Jose +135 Chicago -120 at Winnipeg +100College baseballSATURDAY’S SCORES EAST Chestnut Hill 6-2, Caldwell 5-0 Richard Stockton 7-3, Montclair St. 1-5 Susquehanna 2, Merchant Marine 1 Utica 4, Stevens Tech 2 West Virginia 9, Charleston Southern 2 W. New England at Salve Regina, ppd. SOUTH Alice Lloyd 3-2, Point Park 1-4 Austin Peay 9, Tennessee Tech 8 Boston College 6, Duke 3 Brescia 2-0, Rio Grande 1-7 Campbellsville 17, Cumberlands 1 Carson-Newman 5-9, Lenoir-Rhyne 3-0 Castleton 12-15, Colby 10-4 E. Mennonite 10-9, Hampden-Sydney 9-5 Indiana-Southeast 15-8, Asbury 2-1 Lindsey Wilson 9-22, Pikeville 6-1, 1st game, 14 innings Limestone 5-10, Barton 2-8 Lipscomb 8, Georgetown 3 Longwood 5, High Point 2 Louisville 8, Georgia Tech 3 Martin Methodist 4-2, Faulkner 3-8 Miami 4, North Carolina 3, 11 innings Middle Tennessee 8, Old Dominion 2 Morehead St. 11, E. Kentucky 10 NC State 7, Pittsburgh 1 Pfeier 6-5, Erskine 5-13 Point 8-4, Milligan 4-5 Radford 8, Charleston Southern 4 Rhodes 7, Berry 0 Spalding 6-4, Webster 4-3 St. Catharine 6, Georgetown 0 Tenn. Wesleyan 3, St. Andrews 0 Thomas More 5-5, Westminster (Mo.) 4-4, 1G, 8 innings Truett-McConnell 6, Union (Ky.) 0 Tusculum 8-9, Anderson (SC) 7-2, 1st game, 12 innings UAB 6, W. Kentucky 5 UNC-Greensboro 7, ETSU 5 UT-Martin 5, Belmont 4, 10 innings Virginia 9-4, Notre Dame 1-2 Wake Forest 7, Clemson 3 MIDWEST Park 7, Missouri Baptist 6, 12 innings SOUTHWEST Concordia-Austin 3-1, LeTourneau 0-4 Fresno St. 8, New Mexico 1 Georgia Southern 12, Texas St. 3 St. Edward’s 4, Lubbock Christian 2Pro baseballAMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pct Oakland 17 9 .654 Kansas City 16 9 .640 Toronto 15 11 .577 Los Angeles 13 10 .565 Houston 10 8 .556 Boston 12 10 .545 New York 14 12 .538 RAYS 11 10 .524 Cleveland 11 14 .440 Minnesota 10 13 .435 Seattle 10 14 .417 Texas 9 13 .409 Baltimore 10 15 .400 Detroit 10 16 .385 Chicago 8 14 .364 NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct Los Angeles 14 7 .667 New York 15 11 .577 Arizona 14 11 .560 St. Louis 11 9 .550 Cincinnati 12 10 .545 MARLINS 12 10 .545 Pittsburgh 12 10 .545 San Diego 13 11 .542 Colorado 13 12 .520 Atlanta 12 13 .480 Milwaukee 11 12 .478 Philadelphia 11 14 .440 Washington 9 12 .429 Chicago 11 15 .423 San Francisco 8 19 .296 NOTE: Split-squad games count in the standings; games against non-major league teams do not. Friday’s results RAYS vs. Baltimore at Sarasota, Rain Atlanta 4, Boston 2, 7 innings N.Y. Yankees 10, Philadelphia 0, 6 innings Washington 1, St. Louis (ss) 1, tie St. Louis (ss) 5, N.Y. Mets 4 Pittsburgh 4, Minnesota 2, 8 innings Toronto 4, Detroit 1, 5 innings Oakland 7, Texas 6 Chicago Cubs 6, Chicago White Sox 3 Arizona (ss) 3, Cleveland 2 Arizona (ss) 7, L.A. Angels 2 MARLINS vs. Houston at Kissimmee, ccd., Rain Kansas City 5, Seattle 1 San Francisco 8, L.A. Dodgers 4 San Diego 7, Colorado 5 Milwaukee 8, Cincinnati 6 Saturday’s results MARLINS 1, Houston 1, tie Minnesota 7, Philadelphia 1 Baltimore 10, N.Y. Yankees 2 Detroit 4, St. Louis 3 Pittsburgh 8, Toronto (ss) 3 Boston 9, RAYS 6 Atlanta 5, Toronto (ss) 3 N.Y. Mets 10, Washington 2 San Francisco 9, Seattle 8 Oakland 10, Chicago White Sox 4 Cleveland 3, Milwaukee 2 Cincinnati 9, Chicago Cubs (ss) 5 San Diego 3, Texas 2 Chicago Cubs (ss) 18, Colorado 4 L.A. Dodgers 5, L.A. Angels 4 Kansas City 10, Arizona 5 Today’s games N.Y. Mets vs. St. Louis at Jupiter, 1:05 p.m. Minnesota vs. Baltimore (ss) at Sarasota, 1:05 p.m. MARLINS vs. Washington at Viera, 1:05 p.m. Pittsburgh vs. Atlanta at Kissimmee, 1:05 p.m. Detroit vs. Philadelphia at Clearwater, 1:05 p.m. RAYS vs. Boston at Fort Myers, 1:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees vs. Houston at Kissimmee, 1:05 p.m. Baltimore (ss) vs. Toronto at Dunedin, 1:07 p.m. Cincinnati vs. L.A. Angels at Tempe, Ariz., 3:10 p.m. Seattle vs. San Diego at Peoria, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Milwaukee vs. Oakland at Mesa, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Texas vs. L.A. Dodgers (ss) at Glendale, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs vs. Kansas City at Surprise, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (ss) vs. San Francisco at Scottsdale, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox vs. Cleveland at Goodyear, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Colorado vs. Arizona at Hermosillo, 4:10 p.m. Arizona vs. Colorado at Scottsdale, Ariz., 4:10 p.m.ORIOLES 10 , YANKEES 2At Tampa Baltimore 051 001 021 — 10 12 0 New York (A) 000 010 100 — 2 3 0 T.Wilson, J.Garcia (5), Matusz (7), Webb (8), L.Verrett (9) and Lavarnway, Clevenger; S.Baker, Lindgren (3), Bailey (4), Shreve (5), Betances (6), Ju.Wilson (7), C.Martin (8), N.Rumbelow (9) and Au.Romine, J.Murphy. W—T.Wilson. L—S.Baker. HRs—Baltimore, De Aza (2), Paredes (2). New York (A), A.Ro driguez (3), Drew (2).ATHLETICS 10, WHITE SOX 4At Glendale, Ariz. Oakland 200 000 260 — 10 15 1 Chicago (A) 000 003 100 — 4 11 1 Kazmir, B.Wahl (6), Bassitt (7), B.Huntzinger (8), P.Venditte (9) and Vogt, Bry.Anderson; Quintana, Albers (7), Da.Jennings (7), Cleto (8), Asencio (8), Putnam (9) and M.Medina, Soto. W—Bassitt. L—Cleto. HRs—Oakland, Pridie (2).TIGERS 4, CARDINALS 3At Lakeland St. Louis 003 000 000 — 3 5 0 Detroit 200 000 11x — 4 9 1 Lynn, M.Harris (6), Villanueva (8) and E.Eas ley, T.Cruz; Greene, K.Ryan (6), W.Mayberry (6), Alburquerque (7), Krol (8), P.Voelker (9) and Avila, Pina. W—Krol. L—Villanueva. Sv—P.Voelker. HRs—Detroit, Mi.Cabrera (2), Avila (2).ASTROS 1, MARLINS 1At Jupiter Houston 000 010 000 — 1 8 0 Miami 100 000 000 — 1 6 0 R.Hernandez, Neshek (6), Sipp (7), K.Chap man (8) and Conger; Latos, S.Dyson (6), Crow (8), Cishek (9) and Saltalamacchia, Solano. HRs—Houston, Conger (2).TWINS 7, PHILLIES 1At Fort Myers Philadelphia 001 000 000 — 1 5 2 Minnesota 003 210 01x — 7 11 0 J.Williams, Giles (5), Oliver (6), L.Garcia (7), Aumont (8) and Ruiz, R.Garcia; E.Santana, Perkins (7), Thielbar (8), Boyer (9) and K.Suzuki, Fryer. W—E.Santana. L—J.Williams. HRs—Minnesota, Mauer (1).PIRATES 8, BLUE JAYS SS 3At Bradenton Toronto (ss) 110 100 000 — 3 8 1 Pittsburgh 211 004 00x — 8 8 0 Wolf, Loup (3), Redmond (5), W.Browning (6), L.Perez (6), Infante (7) and D.Navarro, S.Ochinko; Morton, Melancon (7), J.Hughes (8), Scahill (9), Caminero (9) and Cervelli, W.Castillo. W—Morton. L—Wolf. HRs—To ronto, Barton (1), Valencia (2). Pittsburgh, Polanco (2).BRAVES 5, BLUE JAYS SS 3At Dunedin Atlanta 010 002 020 — 5 13 0 Toronto (ss) 002 010 000 — 3 9 1 A.Wood, Kimbrel (7), B.Cunni (8), Jaime (9), B.Feigl (9) and Bethancourt, Flores; Estrada, Hendriks (4), Francis (5), Osuna (6), Hynes (6), M.Castro (8), Burns (9) and Thole, J.Mur phy. W—Kimbrel. L—M.Castro. Sv—B.Feigl.GIANTS 9, MARINERS 8At Peoria, Ariz. San Francisco 100 300 005 — 9 11 2 Seattle 210 302 000 — 8 11 0 Peavy, Rapada (4), Gutierrez (5), Aeldt (6), Bochy (6), Romo (7), S.Casilla (8), Strickland (9) and Posey, J.Williams; Iwakuma, Wilhelmsen (6), E.Ramirez (7), Lowe (9) and Zu nino, Jo.Baker. W—S.Casilla. L—E.Ramirez. Sv—Strickland. HRs—San Francisco, Max well (2). Seattle, Seager (3), Zunino 2 (6).INDIANS 3, BREWERS 2At Phoenix, Ariz. Cleveland 002 000 010 — 3 9 1 Milwaukee 100 010 000 — 2 8 0 McAllister, Hagadone (6), A.Adams (7), Crockett (8), T.Haley (9) and Y.Gomes, Hayes; W.Peralta, Jeress (7), Kintzler (8), C.Perez (8) and Centeno, Maldonado. W—A.Adams. L—Kintzler. Sv—T.Haley. HRs—Cleveland, Kipnis (1).PADRES 3, RANGERS 2At Surprise, Ariz. San Diego 000 000 300 — 3 4 1 Texas 100 010 000 — 2 9 1 T.Ross, J.Gustave (7), Valverde (8), Vincent (9) and Nieves, R.Gale; Edwards, Fujikawa (3), J.Wright (4), K.Kela (6), Scheppers (7), Clau dio (8), Mendez (8), Feliz (9) and Chirinos. W—T.Ross. L—Scheppers. Sv—Vincent.ROYALS 10, DIAMONDBACKS 5At Scottsdale, Ariz. Kansas City 100 110 502 — 10 17 0 Arizona 000 221 000 — 5 12 1 D.Duy, Coleman (6), K.Herrera (7), F.Mo rales (8), Madson (9) and Boscan, Kratz; Hellickson, Chan (5), Ray (6), A.Schugel (8), E.Burgos (9) and Pacheco, Lalli. W—Cole man. L—Ray. HRs—Arizona, Pollock (1), Goldschmidt (1).DODGERS 5, ANGELS 4At Tempe, Ariz. Los Angeles (N) 021 000 110 — 5 9 0 Los Angeles (A) 010 010 011 — 4 11 0 Hu, P.Baez (4), McGowan (5), A.Liberatore (6), J.Ravin (7), Rosenberg (8), Buchter (9) and Grandal, R.Henriquez; Shoemaker, J.Alvarez (7), Street (8), Mattheus (9) and Iannetta, C.Perez. W—Hu. L—Shoemaker. Sv—Buchter. HRs—Los Angeles (N), Guer rero (3), Pederson (5). Los Angeles (A), Trout (4), Aybar (1).METS 10, NATIONALS 2At Port St. Lucie Washington 000 001 001 — 2 7 1 New York (N) 004 002 40x — 10 12 0 Strasburg, Barrett (5), Blevins (5), Roark (6), R.Martin (7), X.Cedeno (8) and W.Ramos, Leon; deGrom, Z.Thornton (8), S.Gilmartin (8), Carlyle (8), Familia (9) and d’Arnaud, Monell. W—deGrom. L—Strasburg. HRs—Washington, Harper (2). New York (N), Granderson (3), D.Wright (4), Duda (2), Monell (4).CUBS SS 18, ROCKIES 4At Mesa, Ariz. Colorado 000 000 400 — 4 9 4 Chicago (N) (ss) 732 002 40x — 18 21 0 J.Gray, N.Gonzalez (1), S.Oberg (2), S.Castro (3), Betancourt (5), Brothers (6), L.Gomez (7), J.Arrowood (7) and D.Nunez, McKenry; Arrieta, D.Britton (5), Strop (6), H.Rondon (6), Motte (7), P.Francescon (7), M.Brazis (8), Rosscup (9) and W.Contreras, D.Ross. W— Arrieta. L—J.Gray. HRs—Colorado, McBride (2). Chicago (N), Arrieta (1).REDS 9, CUBS SS 5At Goodyear, Ariz. Chicago (N) (ss) 000 020 300 — 5 8 1 Cincinnati 400 400 10x — 9 11 2 Germen, Bueno (1), F.Batista (3), De Leon (6), Ortiz (8) and W.Castillo, V.Caratini; A.Chap man, M.Parra (2), Cingrani (3), Christiani (4), Adcock (5), B.Klimesh (6), Z.Weiss (8), K.McMyne (9) and B.Pena. W—A.Chapman. L—Germen. HRs—Chicago (N), Fowler (1). Cincinnati, T.Frazier (4), Boesch (4).Pro hockeyNHL EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Montreal 76 47 21 8 102 200 169 LIGHTNING 76 46 23 7 99 244 198 Detroit 74 40 22 12 92 216 201 Boston 75 37 25 13 87 199 195 Ottawa 74 37 25 12 86 216 199 PANTHERS 75 34 26 15 83 186 205 Toronto 76 28 42 6 62 198 244 Bualo 74 20 46 8 48 141 249 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-N.Y. Rangers 74 47 20 7 101 226 172 Pittsburgh 75 41 23 11 93 207 188 N.Y. Islanders 76 44 27 5 93 230 211 Washington 75 40 25 10 90 218 186 Philadelphia 76 30 29 17 77 198 219 Columbus 75 36 35 4 76 207 232 New Jersey 75 31 32 12 74 167 192 Carolina 74 28 36 10 66 173 202 WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Nashville 76 47 21 8 102 218 183 St. Louis 75 46 22 7 99 228 186 Minnesota 76 44 25 7 95 219 186 Chicago 74 44 24 6 94 209 172 Winnipeg 75 39 24 12 90 212 197 Dallas 75 36 29 10 82 232 240 Colorado 74 34 28 12 80 200 206 Pacic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Anaheim 77 48 22 7 103 225 215 Vancouver 74 43 27 4 90 212 199 L os A ngeles 75 37 24 14 88 200 188 Calgary 75 40 28 7 87 219 199 San Jose 75 37 30 8 82 210 212 Edmonton 75 22 40 13 57 181 254 Arizona 76 23 45 8 54 160 252 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. x-clinched playo spot Friday’s results Minnesota 4, Calgary 2 Columbus 5, Chicago 2 Edmonton 4, Dallas 0 Saturday’s results San Jose 3, Philadelphia 2, SO Nashville 4, Washington 3 Boston 4, N.Y. Rangers 2 Anaheim 3, N.Y. Islanders 2 Pittsburgh 3, Arizona 2 Detroit 4, LIGHTNING 0 Toronto 4, Ottawa 3, OT Montreal 3, PANTHERS 2, OT Carolina 3, New Jersey 1 Columbus 4, St. Louis 2 Minnesota 4, Los Angeles 1 Bualo at Colorado, late Dallas at Vancouver, late Today’s games Washington at N.Y. Rangers, 3 p.m. PANTHERS at Ottawa, 5 p.m. Detroit at N.Y. Islanders, 5 p.m. Boston at Carolina, 5 p.m. Calgary at Nashville, 5 p.m. Anaheim at New Jersey, 7 p.m. San Jose at Pittsburgh, 7:30 p.m. Chicago at Winnipeg, 7:30 p.m. ECHL EASTERN CONFERENCE East Division GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA x-Florida 66 46 13 2 5 99 249 188 x-Reading 66 42 18 4 2 90 240 194 x-South Carolina 67 41 19 1 6 89 211 157 Orlando 65 34 24 4 3 75 216 194 Greenville 67 35 28 1 3 74 196 203 Elmira 66 31 28 0 7 69 173 196 Gwinnett 66 18 42 3 3 42 159 243 North Division GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA x-Toledo 65 45 14 4 2 96 252 164 x-Fort Wayne 66 44 16 2 4 94 235 185 Kalamazoo 64 32 27 2 3 69 198 207 Wheeling 64 32 30 1 1 66 188 188 Cincinnati 65 28 28 2 7 65 175 193 Indy 65 27 29 4 5 63 178 203 Evansville 65 14 43 5 3 36 158 247 WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA y-Allen 66 43 14 6 3 95 263 192 Rapid City 66 35 26 2 3 75 205 191 Quad City 67 33 27 4 3 73 189 173 Tulsa 65 33 27 2 3 71 226 224 Wichita 66 30 28 2 6 68 198 220 Missouri 65 25 33 4 3 57 170 211 Brampton 64 21 40 3 0 45 167 264 Pacic Division GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA x-Idaho 67 45 17 2 3 95 237 174 x-Ontario 65 38 18 4 5 85 209 166 Colorado 66 39 21 3 3 84 221 190 Utah 66 32 26 5 3 72 191 204 Alaska 64 32 25 3 4 71 222 208 Bakerseld 66 24 34 3 5 56 185 238 Stockton 66 19 46 1 0 39 178 272 x-Clinched Playo Berth y-Clinched Divisional Title Note: Two points are awarded for a win, one point for an overtime or shootout loss. Friday’s results Florida 5, Elmira 3 South Carolina 5, Toledo 3 Rapid City 6, Brampton 3 Cincinnati 4, Evansville 2 Reading 3, Indy 2 Gwinnett 4, Orlando 3 Wheeling 2, Fort Wayne 1 Missouri 5, Allen 4, OT Quad City 4, Wichita 0 Idaho 7, Utah 4 Kalamazoo 2, Colorado 1, OT Ontario 5, Bakerseld 1 Alaska 10, Stockton 2 Saturday’s results Greenville 5, Gwinnett 1 Florida 3, Elmira 1 Toledo 3, Evansville 2 Wheeling 5, Reading 2 Indy 3, South Carolina 2 Fort Wayne 4, Cincinnati 3, OT Allen 3, Tulsa 2, OT Missouri 5, Wichita 2 Idaho at Utah, late Kalamazoo at Colorado, late Ontario at Bakerseld, late Alaska at Stockton, late Today’s games Rapid City at Brampton, 2 p.m. Orlando at Gwinnett, 2:05 p.m. Cincinnati at Wheeling, 4:05 p.m. Quad City at Missouri, 5:05 p.m. Kalamazoo at Colorado, 5:05 p.m. South Carolina at Evansville, 6 p.m. Tulsa at Wichita, 6:05 p.m. Alaska at Stockton, 7 p.m.College hockeyNCAA DIVISION I TOURNAMENT NORTHEAST REGIONAL At Verizon Wireless Arena Manchester, N.H. Regional Championship Saturday, March 28 Boston University 3, Minnesota-Duluth 2 EAST REGIONAL At Dunkin’ Donuts Center Providence, R.I. First Round Saturday’s results Denver 5, Boston College 2 Providence 7, Miami (Ohio) 5 Regional Championship Today’s game Denver (24-13-2) vs. Providence (23-13-2), 5 p.m. MIDWEST REGIONAL At Compton Family Ice Arena South Bend, Ind. First Round Saturday’s results RIT 2, Minnesota State-Mankato 1 Nebraska-Omaha 4, Harvard 1 Regional Championship Today’s game RIT (20-14-5) vs. Nebraska-Omaha (19-126), 7:30 p.m. WEST REGIONAL At Scheels Arena Fargo, N.D. Regional Championship Saturday’s result St. Cloud State (20-18-1) vs. North Dakota (28-9-3), 9 p.m.TransactionsBASEBALLAmerican League BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Optioned RHP Tyler Wilson to Norfolk (IL). CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Optioned RHP Daniel Webb to Charlotte (IL). Reassigned LHP Zach Phillips to their minor league camp. LOS ANGELES ANGELS — Optioned RHP Cam Bedrosian to Salt Lake (PCL). Re leased RHP Matt Lindstrom. Reassigned LHP Adam Wilk to their minor league camp. MINNESOTA TWINS — Optioned OFs Aaron Hicks and Eddie Rosario and RHP Trevor May to Rochester (AHL). Reassigned RHP Mark Hamburger and C Dan Rohlng to their minor league camp. TEXAS RANGERS — Acquired LHP Sam Freeman from St. Louis Cardinals for a player to be named or cash considerations. Optioned RHP Anthony Ranuado to Round Rock (PCL). Reassigned RHP Ross Ohlendorf to their minor league camp. Released RHP Juan Carlos Oviedo and OF Nate Schier holtz from their minor league contracts. National League CHICAGO CUBS — Optioned LHP Eric Jokisch to Iowa (PCL). Released LHP Felix Doubront. COLORADO ROCKIES — Optioned RHP Jairo Diaz, INF Cristhian Adames and OF Kyle Parker to Albuquerque (PCL). Re assigned LHP Ken Roberts, C Ryan Casteel and C Dustin Garneau to their minor league camp. MIAMI MARLINS — Reassigned INF Scott Sizemore to their minor league camp. NEW YORK METS — Reassigned OF Alex Castellanos, LHP Scott Rice and RHP Chase Bradford to their minor league camp. SAN DIEGO PADRES — Reassigned INFOF Jake Goebbert, INF Brett Wallace and C Cody Decker to their minor league camp.HOCKEYNational Hockey League NASHVILLE PREDATORS — Reassigned 2014 F Kevin Fiala to Milwaukee (AHL). American Hockey League SPRINGFIELD FALCONS — Signed F Seth Ambroz to an amateur tryout contract. ECHL ECHL — Suspended Ontario’s Norm Ezekiel two games and ned him an undis closed amount for his actions in a March 27 game at Bakerseld. Suspended Indy’s Nick Bruneteau one game and ned him an un disclosed amount for his actions in a March 27 game against Reading. Fined Florida’s Mike Aviani an undisclosed amount for his actions in March 27 game at Elmira. GWINNETT GLADIATORS — Signed F Justin Buzzeo.COLLEGEREADING ROYALS — Signed F Zac Frischmon. Announced D Maxim Lamarche was reassigned to Lehigh Valley (AHL).Pro basketballNBA EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic W L Pct GB y-Toronto 43 30 .589 — Boston 32 40 .444 10 Brooklyn 31 40 .437 11 Philadelphia 18 55 .247 25 New York 14 60 .189 29 Southeast W L Pct GB z-Atlanta 55 18 .753 — Washington 41 32 .562 14 Miami 33 39 .458 21 Charlotte 31 41 .431 23 Orlando 22 52 .297 33 Central W L Pct GB x-Cleveland 47 27 .635 — x-Chicago 45 29 .608 2 Milwaukee 36 37 .493 10 Indiana 31 41 .431 15 Detroit 28 44 .389 18 WESTERN CONFERENCE Southwest W L Pct GB x-Memphis 50 23 .685 — x-Houston 49 23 .681 San Antonio 46 26 .639 3 Dallas 45 28 .616 5 New Orleans 38 34 .528 11 Northwest W L Pct GB Portland 46 25 .648 — Oklahoma City 41 31 .569 5 Utah 31 41 .431 15 Denver 28 45 .384 19 Minnesota 16 56 .222 30 Pacic W L Pct GB z-Golden State 60 13 .822 — x-L.A. Clippers 48 25 .658 12 Phoenix 38 35 .521 22 Sacramento 26 46 .361 33 L.A. Lakers 19 52 .268 40 x-clinched playo spot y-clinched division z-clinched conference Friday’s results L.A. Clippers 119, Philadelphia 98 Washington 110, Charlotte 107,2OT Detroit 111, Orlando 97 Atlanta 99, Miami 86 Toronto 94, L.A. Lakers 83 Brooklyn 106, Cleveland 98 Boston 96, New York 92 New Orleans 102, Sacramento 88 Houston 120, Minnesota 110 Golden State 107, Memphis 84 San Antonio 94, Dallas 76 Denver 107, Utah 91 Portland 87, Phoenix 81 Saturday’s results Charlotte 115, Atlanta 100 Chicago 111, New York 80 Golden State 108, Milwaukee 95 Oklahoma City at Utah, late Denver at Portland, late Today’s games Houston at Washington, 12:30 p.m. L.A. Lakers at Brooklyn, 3:30 p.m. Minnesota at New Orleans, 4 p.m. Philadelphia at Cleveland, 4:30 p.m. Detroit at Miami, 6 p.m. L.A. Clippers at Boston, 6 p.m. Memphis at San Antonio, 7 p.m. Dallas at Indiana, 7 p.m. Oklahoma City at Phoenix, 9 p.m.TennisMIAMI OPEN At The Tennis Center at Crandon Park, Key Biscayne Purse: Men, $6.27 million (Masters 1000); Women, $5.38 million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Men Second Round Kei Nishikori (4), Japan, def. Mikhail You zhny, Russia, 6-2, 6-1. Gilles Simon (12), France, def. Mikhail Kukushkin, Kazakhstan, 6-3, 6-7 (5), 6-0. Lukas Rosol (26), Czech Republic, def. Al exander Zverev, Germany, 7-6 (0), 6-3. Adrian Mannarino (28), France, def. Al bert Ramos-Vinolas, Spain, 6-4, 3-6, 6-2. Fernando Verdasco (29), Spain, def. James Duckworth, Australia, 4-6, 6-2, 6-1. Jack Sock, United States, def. Fabio Fognini (21), Italy, 7-6 (4), 6-1. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (11), France, def. Tim Smyczek, United States, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3. Juan Monaco, Argentina, def. Ernests Gulbis (14), Latvia, 6-2, 6-4. David Ferrer (6), Spain, def. Federico Del bonis, A rgentina, 6-1, 6-1. John Isner (22), United States, def. Andrey Rublev, Russia, 6-3, 6-4. Jeremy Chardy (31), France, def. Jurgen Melzer, Austria, 6-4, 6-1. Gael Monls (17), France, def. Filip Kraji novic, Serbia, 3-6, 6-2, 7-6 (4). Alejandro Falla, Colombia, def. Ivo Kar lovic (20), Croatia, 6-4, 6-2. Victor Troicki (32), Serbia, def. Simone Bolelli, Italy, 7-5, 3-6, 6-4. Women Second Round Sara Errani (11), Italy, def. Anastasia Pavly uchenkova, Russia, 6-1, 7-6 (5). Tatjana Maria, Germany, def. Eugenie Bouchard (6), Canada, 6-0, 7-6 (4). Angelique Kerber (13), Germany, def. Heather Watson, Britain, 7-5, 3-6, 6-4. Serena Williams (1), United States, def.. Monica Niculescu, Romania, 6-3, 6-1. Third Round Ekaterina Makarova (8), Russia, def. Elina Svitolina (26), Ukraine, 6-0, 6-4. Carla Suarez Navarro (12), Spain, def. Al ize Cornet (22), France, 6-0, 6-4. Carolina Wozniacki (4), Denmark, def. Kaia Kanepi, Estonia, 4-6, 6-1, 6-3. Andrea Petkovic (9), Germany, def. Kristi na Mladenovic, France, 6-0, 6-2. Daria Gavrilova, Russia, def. Kurumi Nara, Japan, 6-0, 7-6 (5).SoccerMAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER Saturday’s results New England 2, San Jose 1 Montreal 2, Orlando City 2, tie D.C. United 1, Los Angeles 0 Sporting Kansas City 1, New York City FC 0 New York 2, Columbus 1 Vancouver 2, Portland 1 FC Dallas 0, Seattle 0, tie Houston 0, Colorado 0, tie Today’s games Philadelphia at Chicago, 5 p.m. Toronto FC at Real Salt Lake, 7 p.m.Pro footballAFL Friday’s results Cleveland 60, Tampa Bay 44 Portland 42, Los Angeles 37 Saturday’s results New Orleans 51, Jacksonville 50 Spokane at Arizona, late Today’s games Philadelphia at Orlando, 7 p.m. Monday’s games San Jose at Las Vegas, 10:30 p.m. | SCOREBOARD | QUICK HITSKAKA, RIBEIRO HELP ORLANDO CITY TIE MONTREAL MONTREAL (AP) — Brazilian star Kaka and countryman Pedro Ribeiro scored goals to help expansion Orlando City rally for a 2-2 tie with the Montreal Impact on Saturday at Olympic Stadium. Ignacio Piatti and Jack McInerney spotted Montreal (0-1-2) to a twogoal lead, but Kaka and Ribeiro struck back in the rst half for Orlando. Piatti opened the scoring on a penalty kick the 14th minute after a handball, and McInerney made it 2-0 in the 27th. Kaka fed Ribeiro for a goal from close range in the 29th minute, then Ribeiro returned the favor by sliding a pass to Kaka on a rush for a shot that Eric Kronberg only got a piece of as it sailed into the top left corner in the 30th. Kelyn Rowe scored twice and the New England Revolution beat the San Jose Earthquakes 2-1 in Foxborough, Mass., in steady snow and hail for their first victory of the season.SKIINGShiffrin captures slalom title at US Alpine Championships: In Carrabassett Valley, Maine, Mikaela Shiffrin added another title to her impressive collection, winning the slalom by a huge margin at the U.S. Alpine Championships. The 20-year-old from Eagle-Vail, Colorado, finished in a combined time of 1 minute, 33.02 seconds to beat Paula Moltzan by 4.31 seconds. Megan McJames was third. Shiffrin opened a 2.62-second advantage after the first run at Sugarloaf resort. She was so relaxed that she signed autographs as she waited for the final run.FIGURE SKATINGFernandez, Tuktamysheva take golds at figure skating worlds: In Shanghai, Javier Fernandez cleanly landed two quad jumps in his free skate to edge defending champion Yuzuru Hanyu and become the rst Spanish men’s champion at the gure skating world championships. IIn the women’s event, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva wrapped up the most successful season of her promising young career by winning the women’s gold. It was Russia’s first win in the women’s event at worlds since Irina Slutskaya took the title 10 years ago.TENNISSerena easily wins opener match at Miami Open: In Key Biscayne, seven-time champion Serena Williams won her opening match at the Miami Open, beating Monica Niculescu 6-3, 6-1. The match was the first for Williams since she withdrew before the semifinals at Indian Wells last week with a right knee injury. In men’s play, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga made a successful 2015 debut by beating American Tim Smyczek 6-4, 3-6, 6-3.BOXINGBrook stops Dan after 4 rounds to keep IBF welter weight belt: In Sheffield, England, Kell Brook retained his IBF welterweight belt when mandatory and outclassed challenger Jo Jo Dan threw in the towel after their fourth round and four knockdowns. Brook remained unbeaten after his 23rd knockout win in 34 fights. Only six months ago, he was attacked on holiday in Tenerife, stabbed in the thigh with a machete by an assailant yet to be caught. He needed 60 stitches. Dan might need a few, too, after he was put down twice in the second round and twice more in the fourth.COLLEGE HOCKEYRodrigues lifts Terriers: In Manchester, N.H., Evan Rodrigues scored with 2:24 left in the third period and Boston University held on to beat Minnesota-Duluth 3-2 in the NCAA hockey tournament’s Northeast Regional championship, sending the Terriers home with a berth in the Frozen Four.
Page 8 SP The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 SEMIPRO FOOTBALL: Florida 44, St. Petersburg 12Veterans cap perfect seasonPORT CHARLOTTE — As the regular season came to an end Saturday, the Florida Veterans semi-pro football team nally found a team that could potentially beat them. The Florida Veterans. The Veterans committed four rst-half turnovers against a team that dressed 18 players, allowing St. Petersburg to stay close on the scoreboard into the fourth quarter. However, the Veterans’ defense shined, and the team pulled away late for a 44-12 victory in United Football Federation action at Franz Ross Park. The victory completed a 10-0 regular season. The Veterans earned an opening-round bye and will play host to a playoff game in two weeks. Veterans quarterback Paul Balcomb threw for 180 yards and three scores. He ran for 92 yards and three more touchdowns, including a 46-yard run early in the fourth quarter. However, they sleepwalked through the rst half, an annoying habit that Veterans coach Brian Spears said has plagued his team since the days he played for them. “I don’t know what it is. Since 2011 it’s been that way with this team. We need to break that habit because we’ll be playing championship teams and if they get us down early, we won’t be able to come back,†Spears said. The Veterans fumbled the opening kickoff, but got the ball back quickly. All seemed well when Tony Fudoli lumbered into the end zone on a 5-yard touchdown run to make it 7-0. However, Florida kept the Sabers in the game with two fumbles inside the red zone and a missed eld goal. Even though Robert Kubond caught a Paul Balcomb pass to make it 13-0 early in the second quarter, Chris Clark put St. Petersburg (3-7) on the board on the ensuing possession with a 57-yard touchdown run. The Veterans opened a 25-6 lead before Michael Williams scored on a 2 yard run to bring the Sabers within 13, 25-12, early in the fourth. But Balcomb responded with touchdown runs of 46 and 1 yards on consecutive possessions to blow the game open. Florida’s defense earned six sacks and scooped up two turnovers. FLORIDA 44, ST. PETERSBURG 12Florida 7 12 6 19 — 44 St. Petersburg 0 6 0 6 — 12 First quarter FLA — Tony Fudoli 5 run (Logan Dull kick) 9:41. Second quarter FLA — Robert Kubond 3 pass from Paul Balcomb (kick failed) 12:47. STP — Chris Clark 57 run (pass failed) 10:08. FLA — Balcomb 2 run (pass failed) 1:21. Third quarter FLA — Caleb Fisher 15 pass from Balcomb (kick failed) 11:51. Fourth quarter STP — Michael Williams 2 run (pass failed) 13:38. FLA — Balcomb 46 run (kick failed) 12:47. FLA — Balcomb 1 run (Dull kick) 7:20. FLA — Kubond 1 pass from Balcomb (kick failed) 5:40.By CHUCK BALLAROSUN CORRESPONDENTTeam earns a playoff bye HALLANDALE BEACH — Materiality is still unbeaten after a victory in the $1 million Florida Derby at Gulfstream Park. Now a winner in all of his three outings, Materiality held off Upstart and nished the 118 miles in 1 minute, 52.30 seconds on Saturday with jockey John Velazquez aboard. Materiality ($5.60 for the win) is from the powerful stable trained by Todd Pletcher, who gures to have at least three horses in the Kentucky Derby on May 2, and this one might have announced itself as a contender. Under the points system used to determine the Kentucky Derby eld, Materiality has enough to get into the Run for the Roses. The Florida Derby win was not only worth $600,000 in purse but also 100 points in the standings. Ami’s Flatter was third. Upstart was three-wide into the rst turn, as 60-1 longshot Jack Tripp settled on the lead, just ahead of Materiality — and with a half mile to run, the favorites took their spot well ahead of the eld. They hit the top of the stretch together, no one else having a shot at that point. International Star adds Louisiana Derby: Jockey Miguel Mena guided International Star to a come-from-behind victory in the $750,000 Grade II Louisiana Derby, giving the horse a sweep of all three Kentucky Derby prep races at the Fair Grounds Race course. Breaking from the outside post as a 2-1 co-favorite, International Star settled along the rail in the back half of the nine-horse field. He then methodically worked forward before surging in front down the final stretch and beating Stanford by a neck. His winning time in the 1-mile race was 1:50.67. Prince Bishop wins Dubai World Cup: Prince Bishop pulled away from race favorite California Chrome on the home straight to win the $10 million Dubai World Cup by two-and-three-quarter lengths in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Starting from the No. 1 post, William Buick rode Prince Bishop to the 8-year-old’s first victory on dirt, while California Chrome’s travails on the surface continue. The 4-year-old has not won on dirt since the Preakness Stakes. Earlier, Christophe Soumillon rode Dolniya to victory in the $6 million Dubai Sheema Classic, having earlier won the $2 million UAE Derby atop Mubtaahij. Mubtaahji, trained by a South African and ridden by a Frenchman, is likely headed next to the Kentucky Derby in Louisville, Materiality locks up Derby berth HORSE RACING ROUNDUPDubai winner sets sights on Triple CrownBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PREP SCHEDULEAll times p.m. unless noted MONDAY Baseball Riverview at North Port, 7 Softball Sara. Christian at Lemon Bay, 6 Port Charlotte at DeSoto Co., 7 TUESDAY Baseball Lemon Bay at DeSoto County, 7 Sarasota at Charlotte, 7 Riverview at Port Charlotte, 7 Softball North Port at Riverview, 7 Lemon Bay at DeSoto Co. , 7:30 Boys weightlifting District meet at Charlotte H.S., 3:45 was my time goal for the season,†Atherley said. “Now, I just hope to go faster. It was windy but it can also push you into another hurdle and it almost did. The wind was at the competitors’ backs in the 100 hurdles. “I just run the 400 to stay in shape. I haven’t decided what events (besides the 100 hurdles) to compete in at states yet.†Quinn held the 100 school record at 10.49. There was a tailwind in the 100, as well, but he still won easily. He powered through the nal meters of the 200 to win in 21.77, just off his season-best 21.46. “I still want to run as fast (10.31 in the 100) but without the tailwind,†Quinn said. “I’m real happy about the 100. The 200 was run into a headwind at rst and then a tailwind down the stretch. I’m hopeful of running around a 21.0 in that event by the state meet. I think that can denitely win.†Quinn also ran a strong anchor leg in the 400 relay as the Tarpons won in 43.32. The Tarpons nished ahead of rival Port Charlotte (43.69), which was second. He ran a leg on the 1,600 relay, which nished second in 3:34.45. Besides Quinn’s efforts, the Tarpons’ boys earned wins from Marshall Dillon in the 1,600 (4:32.34), Justin Uebelacker in the 400 (51.55) and the 3,200 relay team (8:13.38). Port Charlotte’s Tyler Fisher won the 3,200 in 9:55.84. Fisher was second to Dillon in the 1,600 in 4:35.32. The Charlotte County meet is scheduled for 3:45 p.m. Tuesday in Punta Gorda. Charlotte, Port Charlotte, Lemon Bay and Community Christian are scheduled to participate.KELLERFROM PAGE 1 SUN PHOTO BY JENNIFER BRUNOPort Charlotte’s Michelle Atherley runs in the girls 400-meter nal of the Wally Keller Invitational held Saturday in Punta Gorda. Bulldogs’ doubles beats CharlotteIda Baker’s George Diggs and Drayton Diggs defeated Charlotte’s Jared Bivens and Tanner Lansdale 6-4, 6-3 in the No. 2 doubles championship match of the District 3A-11 tournament at Charlotte High School on Saturday morning. The match was the only one not completed before rain forced the stoppage of play Friday. — Staff Report | TRACK SCOREBOARD Wally Keller Invitationalat Charlotte High SchoolBOYSTEAM 1. Charlotte 86, 2. Fort Myers 84, 3. Port Charlotte 73, 4. Lely 67, 5. Lake wood Ranch 65, 6. Barron Collier 56, 7. Naples 35, 8. Lehigh 32, 9. Palmetto Ridge 32, 10. East Lee County 24, 11. South Fort Myers 21, 12. Palmetto 20, 13. IMG Acade my 16, 14. Venice 11, 15. Island Coast 10, 16. North Port 9, 17. Booker 8, 18. Community School of Naples 5, 19. Cypress Lake 3, 20. First Baptist Academy 3. INDIVIDUAL High jump: 1. Noah Joseph (L) 5-10; 2. Dawson DeGroot (FM) 5-10; 3. Jake Rine (LR) 5-10. Pole vault: 1. Thomas Barselous (SFM) 14-0; 2. Dakota Wall (LR) 13-0; 3. Kameron Stubbleeld (BC) 13-0. Long jump: 1. Tyler Byrd (N) 23-5; 2. Noah Joseph (L) 21-0; 3. Anthony Stephens (PC) 20-9. Triple jump: 1. Devin Forges (BC) 43-11; 2. Joshua Norville (L) 43-8 1/2; 3. Anthony Ste phens (PC) 43-2. Discus: 1. Marcus Brown (L) 161-5; 2. Charles Ellis (IC) 143-5; 3. Sidney Holston (EL) 143-0. Shot put: 1. Sidney Holston (EL) 49; 2. Marcus Brown (L) 48-1; 3. Jamal Watson (B) 46-11. 3200 relay: 1. Charlotte 8:13.38; 2. Lely 8:19.7; 3. Lakewood Ranch 8:32.97. 110 hurdles: 1. Je St. Louis (FM) 15.24; 2. Carl Joseph (PR) 15.64; 3. Ricardo Desinor (PR) 15.80. 100: 1. Devin Quinn (C) 10.31; 2. Kenny Shrimpton (IMG) 10.81; 3. Azavion Smith (P) 10.83. 1600: 1. Marshall Dillon (C) 4:32.34; 2. Tyler Fisher (PC) 4:35.32; 3. Tanner Fulcher (BC) 4:48.04. 400 relay: 1. Charlotte 43.32; 2. Port Charlotte 43.69; 3. Lehigh 43.70. 400: 1. Justin Uebelacker (C) 51.55; 2. Noah Montgomery (V) 51,79; 3. Jonathan Osinga (P) 52.61. 300 hurdles: 1. Antonio Scullas (PR) 40.89; 2. Josia Jean (FM) 41.88; 3. Simon Williams (P) 42.46. 800: 1. John Rivera (LR) 2:00.89; 2. De lonte Bolyea (BC) 2:00.92; 3. George Dab biero (LR) 2:04.02. 200: 1. Devin Quinn (C) 21.77; 2. Kenny Shrimpton (IMG) 22.33; 3. Malik Dixon (PC) 22.72. 200 adaptive: Brian Smith (EL) 3:29.20; 3200: 1. Tyler Fisher (PC) 9:55.84; 2. Gage Wheeler (L) 10:06.98; 3. Josh Kennedy (FM) 10:21.83. 1600 relay: 1. Barron Collier 3:27.82; 2. Charlotte 3:34.45; 3. Lehigh 3:37.51.GIRLSTEAM 1. Lely 89, 2. Lakewood Ranch 87, 3. Naples 85, 4. Palmetto Ridge 68, 5. Port Charlotte 41, 6. Barron Collier 40, 7. Pal metto 39, 8. Charlotte 37, 9. Lehigh 36, 10. Community School of Naples 29, 11. South Fort Myers 28, 12. IMG Academy 14, 13. Cypress Lake 13, 14. North Fort Myers 8, 15. Mariner 6. INDIVIDUAL High jump: 1. Talia Falco (LR) 5-4; 2. Atilus Kenore (N) 5-2; 3. Michelle Atherley (PC) 5-2. Pole vault: 1. Olivia Ogles (LR) 100; 2. Valerie Super (LR) 8-6; 3. Sierra Means (C) 8-0. Long jump: 1. Sophia Falco (LR) 17-11; 2. Michelle Atherley (PC) 17-3; 3. Talia Falco (LR) 16-5. Triple jump: Shenica Bazile (N) 35-2; 2. Rheya Jackson (LR) 34-2; 3. Lexie Lundquist (L) 34-1. Discus: 1. Stephanie Paul (CSN) 115-0; 2. Sherry Lubin (N) 114-1; 3. Elizabeth At kinson (P) 110-6. Shot put: 1. Sherry Lubin (N) 38-6; 2. Elizabeth Atkinson (P) 36-6; 3. Stephanie Paul (CSN) 35-10. 3200 relay: 1. Lely 10:15.32; 2. Barron Collier 10:33.76; 3. Lakewood Ranch 10:33.97. 100 hurdles: 1. Michelle Atherley (PC) 13.61; 2. Soa Wajner (PR) 15.06; 3. Destiny Corbett (PR) 16.01. 100: 1. Jada Massie (PR) 11.99; 2. Sophia Falco (LR) 12.04; 3. Shenica Bazile 12.47. 1600: 1. Kayla Easterly (NFM) 5:33.74; 2. Lauren Asbacher (PC) 5:36.62; 3. Aleksa Guerra (PR) 5:42.49. 400 relay: 1. South Fort Myers 9.53; 2. Lehigh 51.60; 3. Char lotte 53.84. 400: Michelle Atherley (PC) 1:00.86; 2. Amara Erenwa (L) 1:02.54, Lisa Dewitte (BC) 1:02.65. 300 hurdles: 1. Soa Wajner (PR) 46.76; 2. Blair Timers (L) 50.46; 3. Lexie Lundquist (L) 50.82. 800: 1. Christy Thorstenson (L) 2:27.95; 2. Lauren Asbacher (PR) 2:29.80; 3. Sarah Fazio (LR) 2:31.86. 200: Jada Massie (P) 25.79; 2. Shenica Bazile (N) 26.10; 3. Syriah Lottimore (IMG) 26.59. 200 adaptive: 1. Crystal Christopher (EL) 1:24.55. 3200: An drea Vargas (PR) 12:35.16; 2. Madison Weeks (N) 12:58.03; 3. Sophia Pedone (BC) 13:06.2. 1600 relay: 1. Lely 4:18.72; 2. Barron Collier 4:22.63; 3. South Fort Myers 4:24.76. SUN PHOTO BY JENNIFER BRUNOCharlotte’s D’Andre Hicks clears a hurdle during the boys 300-meter nal at the Wally Keller Invitational in Punta Gorda. rff rfntbbnn rfrfntttbfb bnr fbntbbrf brffntnb nnrffntnb fn r‘’“ â€â€ $ 49 before 7:45am $150 $ 79 after 7:46am-1pm $ 69 after 1pm 4:00 TWILIGHT RATE ONLY $39 Not valid with other offers. 7-Day Advance Tee Times (941) 423-6955 $ 49 after 1:30pm 4 PLAYER SPECIAL $ 269 adno=50482863 “ E x p e r i e n c e P u r e G o l f †Kingsway Country Club *Rated in the Top 10 Florida golf courses by golfer reviews $59 AM $49 PM Call for Twilight Times and Rates $40 Early Bird Special 7-8 AM $49 Monday & Wednesday AM Specials adno=50482158 Home of the Adam Miller Golf Academy Certified Titleist Club Fitter Golf Lessons Call for details 941.380.1316 For Tee Times visit or call: 941-625-8898 1 mile East of Exit 170, I-75 (Kings Highway). Left at Kingsway Circle. March Rates: (Tax and Range balls not included) HERON CREEK60,l -------------------------------
A weekly section of the Sun Vol. 5 No. 13 March 29, 2015 From full-course brunches to simple sit-down dinners, Easter celebrations are a time to enjoy family, friends and the delicious tastes of spring. However elaborate the festivities, a rich and creamy dessert is the perfect finale to any Easter gathering. Made from fresh milk and real cream, Philadelphia Cream Cheese is the high-quality ingredient that makes sweets stand out. These fresh dessert ideas all feature everyone’s favorite indulgence — cheesecake — along with other lively flavors, such as coconut, lemon and blueberry. Desserts this delicious will have your guests hopping up for seconds. For these and other recipe ideas, visit Mini CheesecakesPrep time: 20 minutes Total time: 3 hours, 20 minutes Servings: 18 1 cup graham cracker crumbs cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar, divided 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted 3 packages (8 ounces each) Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 eggs 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons Baker’s Angel Flake Coconut, toasted 54 speckled malted milk eggs (about 9 ounces) Heat oven to 325F. Mix graham crumbs, 2 tablespoons sugar and butter; press onto bottoms of 18 paper-lined muffin cups. Beat cream cheese, vanilla and remaining sugar with mixer until blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing on low speed after each just until blended. Spoon over crusts. Bake 25-30 minutes or until centers are almost set. Cool completely. Refrigerate 2 hours. Top each cheesecake with 1 tablespoon coconut; shape to resemble bird’s nest. Fill with malted milk eggs. Note: To soften cream cheese, place completely unwrapped package of cream cheese in microwave able bowl. Microwave on high 10 seconds or just until softened. Add 15 seconds for each additional package of cream cheese.Blueberry Streusel CheesecakePrep time: 15 minutes Total time: 6 hours, 45 minutes Servings: 16 1 cups plus 3 tablespoons our, divided 1 13 cups sugar, divided teaspoon ground cinnamon cup cold butter, cut up 4 packages (8 ounces each) Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 cup Breakstone’s or Knudsen Sour Cream 4 eggs 2 cups fresh blueberries Heat oven to 325F. Mix 1 cups our, 13 cup sugar and cinnamon in medium bowl. Cut in butter with pastry blender or two knives until mix ture resembles coarse crumbs. Reserve cup; press remaining onto bottom of 9-inch spring form pan. Bake 25 minutes or until lightly browned. Beat cream cheese, remaining our, remaining sugar and vanil la with mixer until well blended. Add sour cream; mix well. Add eggs, one at a time, beating on low speed after each just until blended. Pour over crust. Top with berries and reserved crumb mixture. Bake 1 hour 25 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes or until center is almost set. Run knife around rim of pan to loosen cake; cool before removing rim. Refrigerate 4 hours. Note: You can substitute cream cheese with Neufchatel cheese, or fresh blueberries with one (16-ounce) package frozen blueberries. Garnish with additional berries or cinnamon just before serving.Double Lemon Cheesecake BarsPrep time: 35 minutes Total time: 7 hours, 15 minutes Servings: 16 52 vanilla wafers, finely crushed (about 2 cups) 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, melted 4 eggs, divided 4 packages (8 ounces each) Philadelphia Cream Cheese, softened 1 cups sugar, divided 3 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon lemon zest 13 cup lemon juice (about 2 lemons), divided teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons cornstarch cup water Heat oven to 325F. Line 13-by-9-inch pan with parchment paper, with ends of paper extending over sides. Mix wafer crumbs and butter until blended; press onto bottom of prepared pan. Bake 10 minutes. Separate 1 egg; refrigerate yolk until ready to use. Beat cream cheese, 1 cup sugar, flour, lemon zest, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and vanilla in large bowl with mixer until blended. Add egg white and remaining 3 whole eggs, one at a time, mixing on low speed after each until just blended. Pour over crust. Bake 40 minutes or until center is almost set. Cool 1 hour. Refrigerate 4 hours. Mix cornstarch and remaining sugar in medium saucepan; gradually stir in water and remaining lemon juice until blended. Bring just to boil on medium heat, stirring constantly; cook and stir until clear and thickened. Lightly beat reserved egg yolk in small bowl with fork until blended; stir in 2 tablespoons of hot cornstarch mixture. Return to remaining cornstarch mixture in saucepan; stir until blended. Cook 1 minute or until thickened, stirring constantly. Cool slightly. Spoon lemon glaze over cheesecake. Refrigerate 1 hour or until firm. Use parchment handles to remove cheesecake from pan before cutting to serve. Note: This lemon glaze can be prepared ahead of time. Cool, then refriger ate up to 8 hours before spooning over individual slices of cheesecake. Garnish with cup blueberries, lemon peel and fresh mint leaves. BY FAMILY FEATURES HOP INTO SPRING WITH Make the most of your Easter celebration by preparing a brunch table with a few easy, handcrafted items. “A couple of special touches will make it feel like a more special gather ing,†says Taryn Mohrman, senior life style editor at Woman’s Day magazine. She recommends keeping things simple, adding only one or two decora tive items to the table — for example, a centerpiece and place cards. And pick projects you’ll enjoy. “As long as you’re having fun doing them, then they’re going to be worth it,†says Mohrman. It’s a great season for including chil dren in DIY projects because so many Easter crafts “are just so cute: adorable bunnies, chicks and colorful eggs,†says Mary Giles, deputy editor of FamilyFun Magazine. CENTERPIECES One suggestion in the April issue of Woman’s Day is that kids place wheat grass (bought at a garden center) in a shallow dish and decorate it with spring flowers, such as tulips and grape hyacinth, along with dyed Easter eggs. The magazine used several medium-size, square vessels from The Container Store, and ensured that the cut flowers would last longer by sticking each stem in a water pick, or little tube (available at orists or crafts stores). “The fresh-cut owers look like they are growing out of the grass,†says Mohrman. “I just love that it’s a shrunk en-down garden.†Make one of these centerpieces or line several down the center of the table. Another option: The website Hometalk suggests creating pretty vases by wrapping clean glass jars with various colors and patterns of washi tape, and then lling them with owers. Or ll Mason jars with green craft Easter grass, and add Easter chocolates and two marshmallow chicks. Decorate the lids with washi tape and craft paper before screwing them back onto the jars. Glue a plastic or crafted egg on top, and wrap Easteror spring-themed ribbon around the jar at its neck. PLACE CARDS For a simple project, Woman’s Day suggests painting small rabbit figu rines in gold. For each place card, cut two 1 -inch circles from card stock; write a guest’s name on one circle. Glue a 4-inch length of thin gold wire between the two circles. Attach the other end of the wire around the rabbit like a collar. “It looks like a oating balloon, which is playful and cute,†says Mohrman. “You can swap out names next year or reuse the same ones.†EDIBLES One simple project from FamilyFun’s April issue: Use an oiled chopstick to pierce lengthwise through a marshmal low bunny, and then insert a straw for serving with milk. Woman’s Day suggests turning deviled eggs into cute chicks; a plateful helps decorate the buet table. Cut o the top third of each hardboiled egg, removing the yolk from the bottom two-thirds and following one’s DIY ideas for the Easter brunch tableBy JENNIFER FORKERASSOCIATED PRESS AP PHOTOIn this photo provided by Woman’s Day shows “egg chicks,†created by adding facial features, and personality, to traditional deviled eggs, which appear in the April 2015 issue of Woman’s Day magazine. Prepare a brunch table for Easter that’s big on charm and low on eort by crafting only one or two special decorations for the family occasion. TABLE | 2 Recipes/photos courtesy of Philadelphia Cream Cheese Easter Desserts 4 4 .4'. 0 1.1 A4ALM
Page 2 The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 r frf ntb bt n n tb n ‘’ “’â€â€¢â€“–— ’b ‘ “ •’ t ‘ t t “‘ r• ‘ “•t ‘‘“• tn’“ n• t t rnbtbn‘ “•’“‘â€â€¢â€œ •n t“nâ€â€¢â€œâ€¢â€™tn“• ‘ “• bf b ‘“•bt b “ â€â€¢â€˜â€˜â€˜ ‘ – “‘•“n• rff ntbffb New York Times Sunday Crossword No. 0322 rf r nrt r tft n tf t f r r t rtANSWERS to crossword Here are the new major releases for March 31. First is a new release by Boz Sca ggs called A Fool To Care. William Royce Scaggs was born on June 8, 1944, in Canton, Ohio. He is best known for his string of hits during the late s and early s. He is a singer/songwriter with a voice that is unique. To try and classify his style would make me call his sound blue-eyed soul, blues rock or soft jazz. He got his start in the music industry as the lead singer of the Steve Miller Band in 1968. He stayed with the band for only two albums, then he was out on his own. His first few solo releases were met with poor sales but the critics loved him. It wasn’t until 1976 when he released the album Silk Degrees that commercial success was his. The album contained four top hits and his back-up musicians on the album would later form the band Toto — a little extra useless information you can surprise your friends with someday at a party. His follow-up albums in 1977 and 1980 contained a few more hits, then Boz took a nice long break from the mu sic industry. It wasn’t until 1988 when he resurfaced with a new album and some new hits . During his hiatus, he got divorced, he opened a restaurant in San Francisco, got remarried, bought some vineyards in the Napa Valley area and began to write some more songs. Throughout the 1990s and the 2000s he released some albums that had some moderate success. In 2013, he released an album called Memphis, a collection of new songs along with some cover tunes recorded in the town of the same name. A Fool To Care was recorded in Nashville and features new songs along with guest appearances by Bonnie Raitt and Lucinda Williams. A little side note, I noticed that Boz Scaggs is bringing his concert tour to our area this year: He will be at the Van Wezel in Sarasota on April 9 and at the Tampa Bay Blues Festival in St. Petersburg on April 11. If you have the time, check him out, and as always please support live music, it rocks. Next is a new release by Ringo Starr called Postcard From Paradise. Richard Starkey Jr., better known by his stage name Ringo Starr, was born on July 7, 1940, in Liverpool, England. He is a drummer, singer, songwriter, producer and occasionally an actor, but best known as the luckiest man alive since he was the drummer for the Beatles. He had a rough start in life, we all know the story: parents divorce when he is young, mom has to work all hours, dirt poor, lives in the roughest area of Liverpool, contracts tuberculosis, hospitalized for over two years, learns to play drums while in hospital, recovers, leaves hospital, joins Beatles after Pete Best leaves and becomes one of the richest drummers in the world. A Cinderella story if I ever heard one. A couple of fun facts, Ringo is the oldest of the Fab Four. Ringo has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the Beatles and this year he will be going in as a solo artist. His first favorite singer was Gene Autry; and he was also the first Beatle to become a grandfather. Postcard From Paradise is Ringo’s 18th studio al bum and includes pretty much all of the members from his current touring band called Ringo Starr & His All-Star Band. Just look at the stars on this album, Todd Rundgren, Joe Walsh (Ringo’s brother-in-law), Steve Lukather (Toto), Greg Rollie (Journey), Richard Page (Mr. Mister), Richard Marx, Peter Frampton and Dave Stewart (Eurythmics). There have been 12 other versions of the All-Star Band and I have been lucky enough to see one of them in concert in Fort Myers back in 2003. A great show — remember what I said about live music earlier. I do my best to support it. Other major releases this week are from Death Cab For Cutie, Grateful Dead (Best of), Rob Halford (Best of), Hollywood Undead, Three Days Grace, Scott Weiland, Jodeci, Ludacris, Prodigy, Darius Rucker and Wale. Independent releases are from Richie Furay, Nightwish, Plain White T’s, Prong, Will Downing and Robben Ford (Blues) Keep rockin’ folks!Boz Scaggs and Ringo Starr release new albums NEW TUNES HAVE A COMMENT? Tom Koontz is the owner of TJ’s CDS & More at 3275-A Tamiami Trail in Port Charlotte. He loves reader comments, and can be contacted at By TJ KOONTZSUN COLUMNIST own deviled-eggs recipe. To assemble the chicks: Slice a thin piece from the bottom of each egg white to help it stand upright. Then, using a 1-inch cookie scoop, scoop the yolk mixture into each egg white and cap it with the reserved top third of the egg, like a hat. Use thinly sliced carrots as feet, wings and beak. Use capers for eyes, and herbs for beards, hair and eyebrows — gently placing each in the yolk mixture to make silly faces. “I think (children will) have a lot of fun giving each egg their own personality,†says Mohrman. For those who still want to build a ginger bread house — maybe a small one made out of graham crackers — Joy McElroy of Greenville, Texas, shares an edible “Peeps Houses†how-to at her blog, Yesterfood. The gist: Break three graham crackers into six pieces. “Glue†the walls to the oor with icing. Attach the remaining two pieces together like a “V†for the roof. Let all the pieces dry, and then use icing to attach the roof to the walls. Fill the house with craft Easter grass, candy eggs and a Peep chick. TABLEFROM PAGE 1 Book a blowout at a bargain price — or nd some new skin-care products that you might like to try. ShopSmart, the shop ping magazine from the pub lisher of Consumer Reports, describes nine free apps that are worth checking out. 1. Virtual Nail Salon. Best for checking out new nail colors and art. Upload a photo of your hand and give yourself a cyber-mani, virtually trying on polish shades to see how they look with your nail length, width and shape, as well as your skin tone. Featured brands include Deborah Lippmann, Inglot, NYX, OPI, Sally Girl and Zoya. You can choose a template or DIY designs. Works on Android and Apple. 2. Stash Beauty. Best for inventory control. This app keeps track of all the makeup you buy, so you’ll never end up with three tubes of the same lipstick shade again. Scan bar codes or type in product names to create your inventory list. Do it as soon as you buy, and the app will alert you when it anticipates that you might be running low on a product. Easily restock by clicking to buy at, Walmart and elsewhere. Works on Android and Apple. 3. The Hunt. Best for tracking down products. Having trouble nding an old fave or a new beauty product you spotted on Instagram, Pinterest or Tumblr? Post a photo and a community of 2 million shopping sleuths are on call to help you nd it or a less expensive version. Works on Android and Apple. 4. Plum Perfect. Best for nding your ideal makeup colors. Upload a photo of your face, and this app will analyze your features and complexion, then recommend attering makeup shades. It breaks down suggestions by the shade of your lips, your skin tone and your eye and hair color. Click through to buy at Nordstrom, Target and elsewhere. Works on Apple. 5. mySkin. Best for personalized skin-care advice. First you take a 12-step quiz to assess your skin, which includes questions about your coloring, skin sensitivity and whether you want organ ics, products not tested on animals or eco-friendly packaging. Then you get recommendations culled from a catalog of more than 160,000 items (but you can’t click to buy). Works on Apple. 6. Sephora To Go. Best for shopping 24/7. Sephora’s app lets you shop right on the app or check stock at a local store, reorder from your purchase history in My Beauty Bag, register Sephora gift cards to use later and more. You can also browse looks and watch how-to videos (look under Inspire Me). Scan product bar codes to see customer reviews, or post your own. Works on Android and Apple. 7. LifeBooker. Best for nding salon and spa deals. Book appointments for waxing, teeth whitening, lash extensions, hair color, mani-pedis and everything else beauty, at up to 80 per cent o regular prices. When ShopSmart checked, the service was up and running in 19 cities. Works on Android and Apple. 8. Makeup Genius. Best for “trying on†makeup. This app scans your face (hold very still!) and virtually ap plies various L’Oreal products that you choose to give you an idea of how they’ll look in real life. It’s a giant improve ment over try-on tools ShopSmart has checked out in the past. The makeup you “apply†stays on and moves with you in real time, so you can smile or turn your head to see how it looks at dif ferent angles or in dierent lighting. Find a product you like? You can click to buy it at Target. Works on Android and Apple. 9. Pretty in My Pocket (PRIMP). Best for makeup reviews and tips. Use this bar-code scanner app to check out products while you’re out shopping. You’ll get reviews and tips from beauty pros and real women (“Primpersâ€). You can also browse a library of looks and click to buy products. Works on Android and Apple. CONSUMER REPORTSMust-try free appsFLAIR HENEW Uummsr fHIM limill I IHEHIM
The Sun /Sunday, March 29, 2015 Page 3 I’ve been having a terrible time late ly using the can opener and nally realized that arthritis in my ngers was the problem. As I had such a hassle getting the cans opened I had to resort to using my knife to nish the job. The same problem occurs when I’m trying to open zip-locked packages, the ones without the little blue zip lock. And again, I have to resort to my knife, which can be haz ardous to my health, and has been. I believe it’s time for manufactur ers whose cans require a can opener, to phase them out and start using the pop-top method. Pop-tops are easier and kinder on arthritic ngers, whether it’s an older or younger per son who suers from the inrmity. Of course I’ll only be buying poptop cans and plastic bags with the little blue zip-lock top from now on. Thanks for letting me “spout†o. If you have any pet peeves, please send them in. (Hopefully, it won’t be about my column.) Special thanks to Lorna Ryan for another family recipe that’s reason able and easy to prepare. Thanks for reading! EASY CORN SOUP 1 16-ounce can creamed corn 3 cups milk 4 tablespoons sour cream Heat corn and milk together. Season with salt and pepper. Ladle into soup bowls, then top with a dollop of sour cream. 4 servings. PARTY HAWAIIAN MEATBALLS 1 13-ounce can crushed pineapple 2 8-ounce cans meatballs in gravy 1 tablespoon soy sauce Drain pineapple, combine ingredients. Keep hot in chang dish. Spear with toothpicks. 8 servings. ORANGE BLOSSOM ROLLS 1 8-ounce tube refrigerated rolls 1 orange 1 to 1 cups confectioner’s sugar Bake rolls according to directions on package. Grate orange to obtain 1 tablespoon of rind. Squeeze juice from orange and add rind. Add confectioner’s sugar to orange juice until you have a good sti frosting. When rolls are baked frost them and serve hot. If you wish you can slash rolls with a sharp knife and put frosting inside. Serves 12. AUNT RITA’S SPECIAL CHICKEN “Mary, when close friend Rita and I were feeding a houseful of kids, this was always a big hit with all of them. Quick, easy and delicious, works well for the working Mom!†Lorna Ryan 6 8 boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 bottle French dressing (salad dressing) 1 jar Apricot jam 1 packet dry onion soup mix Mix together well French dressing, jam and soup mix. Place chicken in well-greased baking dish, pour mixed dressing over chicken, coating all sides well. Place in refrigerator for several hours or overnight. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 45 minutes. All ingredients can easily be cut in half, using 3 6 breasts, when serving the smaller family. Goes well with rice. Enjoy! BUFFALO CHICKEN PIE 2 cups cooked chicken strips cup Bualo wing sauce 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese cup crumbled blue cheese 1 cup chopped celery 1 cup Bisquick mix cup cornmeal cup milk 1 egg23 cup blue cheese dressing Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In large bowl toss chicken and Bualo wing sauce till well-coated. Stir in Cheddar cheese, blue cheese and celery. Pour into 9-inch glass pie plate. In medium bowl stir together Bisquick mix, cornmeal, milk and egg. Pour over chicken mixture, spread to cover. Bake 25 to 30 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes before cutting. Drizzle with blue cheese dressing. Serves 6. PEACH RASPBERRY CRISP 4 large peaches, unpeeled, pitted and sliced 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 6-ounce containers fresh raspberries cup all-purpose our cup old-fashioned oats cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Toss together peaches, sugar and lemon juice in 2-quart baking dish. Sprinkle with raspberries. To make topping: mix together our, oats and brown sugar. With ngertips rub butter into our mixture till mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle evenly over peach mixture. Bake about 30 minutes or till topping is nicely browned and peaches are tender. 6 servings. PEACH RASPBERRY MELBA 2 cups fresh raspberries cup seedless raspberry jam 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons lime juice 1 teaspoons cornstarch 4 peaches pitted and cut into wedges 1 13 cups vanilla frozen yogurt Press raspberries through sieve over small saucepan, discard seeds. Stir in jam, sugar, lime juice and cornstarch. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring till sauce bubbles and thickens. Transfer mixture to small bowl and refrigerate till cool, about 45 minutes. To serve: divide peach wedges among four dishes or goblets. Drizzle each serving with 2 tablespoons of raspberry sauce. Top each with 13cup scoop of frozen yogurt, then top evenly with remaining sauce. Serve immediately. Serves 4. Pet peeves: Can openers and plastic bags HAVE A RECIPE?Mary Kleiss welcomes calls, suggestions and recipes for her column. Email her at by now is familiar with eBay, but not nearly as many know about Etsy. Etsy is a website where people who made crafts and sold per sonal artwork got together to create a market for their stuff. As it grew the shopkeepers added collectibles and all kinds of related stuff. Today I do as much shopping on Etsy as I do on eBay. For newcomers Etsy is very easy to use. I recommend you sign up at no cost and give it a try. It’s great for finding unusual gifts. Unlike eBay, Etsy is not an auction site. People list their wares one at a time and give their item a price. No bidding, but you can make offers which may be successful in some cases, but not all. You can see the shipping cost by putting in your ZIP code. Items are pictured and searching is easy. When you find some thing you can ask questions and you can ask what else they have similar to what they listed or if they have something entirely different. Dealers take PayPal, credit cards and money orders. Most products sold fall into the category of arts, crafts, jewelry, paper-goods, housewares and artisan candies or baked goods. Vintage items must be at least 20-years old to qualify and can range from costumes, clothing, jewelry, photos and housewares. If you are creative and have things to sell you can set up a store for almost no money (20 cents?). When you put up an item there is a listing fee of 20 cents and a transaction fee when you sell it of 3.5 percent, and there is another 3 percent fee if you use the Etsy checkout feature. I haven’t yet sold on Etsy so I’m not sure how that last fee applies. Fees probably come close to what eBay charges. They have a feedback system so you can check out a dealer. I have written about steampunking before. It refers to taking odd pieces of old or broken stuff and making something new that is either useful or artistic. Recently the Etsy steampunk section had things from casters to an ice man’s delivery tongs to pulleys of all sizes. Buy $10 worth of junk, do your thing and sell it for $50. My brother-in-law does that and does really well. On eBay if you underprice your item it may sell by the end of the auction for a lot more than you thought it was worth. On Etsy you get the price you asked or maybe less and you may never know when an item you sell for $20 was really worth $50. So do your research and the easy way to do that is to try and find similar items on eBay and see what they sold for. I have bought old needle tins, stitched samplers and sheet music. All were bargains. Stop in at Etsy ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLESBy HERB FAYERSUN COLUMNISTLook what I found! HAVE A QUESTION?Herb Fayer has been collecting for over 30 years and knows his stuff. Please feel free to email him with questions or comments at By MARY KLEISSSUN COLUMNIST EATING ON THE CHEAP DISCOUNTS ON TICKETS AT DISNEY WORLD, UNIVERSAL ORLANDO, SEA WORLD AND MORE Save on tickets to Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando Sea World, Legoland, Cirque shows, Blue Man Group and more with offers from Orlando’s official tourism site offers lots of great ways to save: Disney World: Save up to $14 on gate prices at Disney World theme and water parks and get a fifth day free day when you buy four. MagiCard: Download the free Magicard and get 2-for-1 savings at hotels, attractions, restaurants shopping, including the Orlando Science Center, Gatorland and Bok Tower Gardens. Sea World/Busch Gardens: Save $10 on a single day or up to $91 on gate prices with a combo pass to Sea World/Busch Gardens and Aquatica. Universal Orlando: Wander through Diagon Alley in Harry Potter World and save up to $30 on gate prices. There also is a deal for a free day when you buy two. Purchase discounted tickets online and pick them up right at the theme park gate and skip the long lines. To see all the discounts and deals, visit http:// FREE APPETIZER OR DESSERT AT RED LOBSTER Get a free appetizer or dessert valued at $12.99 with purchase at Red lobster. Buy two Lobsterfest dinner entrees and choose a free Lobster Pizza, Sweet Chili Shrimp or fin ish with Warm Chocolate Chip Lava Cookie or Strawberry Shortcake in a Jar, among other sweet treats. Join the Fresh Catch Club to get more coupons via email. The offer expires on April 12. Get the deal: — Sun Sentinel D EALS & S TEALSFLAIR Bacon macaroni and cheese or deconstructed duck cont? Coconut shrimp or goat cheese ngerling potato tart? Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is holding its rst food and wine festival on weekends through the end of April, and in the spotlight is a good mix of the comfortable and the bold. Busch Gardens chefs created 29 small-plate dishes just for this event. They range from the familiar (shrimp and grits, smoked beef brisket) to dishes that push just beyond the comfort zone (venison chili, roasted pork belly with tomato onion jam) to the sweet (mango eclair, grilled cheesecake sandwich). The festival also oers more than 50 brews, many of them Florida craft beers, and more than 50 wines. Many of the food items come with pairing recommendations. “We’re always looking for new, unique experiences. We look back on what our guests loved and build on that,†said Heather Harrison, entertainment show manager for Busch Gardens. “We see this being something that will reach out to many guests that we haven’t been able to reach before — dierent ages, dierent palates, people who enjoy wine rather than beer, people who are foodies. “We’re pulling out all the stops.†The new event replaces the Bands, Brew & BBQ festival with a more ambitious array of food and beverages. “We’ve got everything from grilled food, seafood, vegetarian to soul food,†Harrison said. “They all have some kind of a Southern or Florida twist.†Guests stood recently at small tables sampling a little of this, a little of that. “There isn’t anything we haven’t liked yet. The food’s been good, and there’s a good variety,†said Elizabeth Kara of Spring Hill, Fla. “It’s a little bit better than what I expected.†“And there’s a good assort ment of drinks,†added her husband, Christopher Kara. Recently, Norman van Aken, a Miami/Key West chef celebrated for his contributions to South Florida cuisine, gave cooking demonstrations, handed out samples of his sauteed shrimp and answered questions from a small audience. In a shady courtyard where people sought refuge from the sun, a living statue — a woman dressed or painted in ivory from head to toe to re semble statuary — stood still, and at time moved gracefully to music. Sometimes water sprayed from her ngertips as if they were sprinklers. The festival is set up in the shadow of Gwazi, an old-fashioned wooden roller coaster that Busch Gardens shut down in February because it was no longer popular with guests. The park has not yet decided how it will replace the coaster, which is still standing. The area is lined with midway games, but for the Food & Wine Festival, some of the games were themed for the event. In the ring toss, for example, the targets were the necks of wine bottles. On the large eld next to Gwazi, a stage was set up. Young guests grabbed seats as soon as the doors opened at noon for a 6 p.m. concert by Fifth Harmony, a popular girl group, then lined the road and shrieked as the singers were driven away after their performance. Concerts are scheduled every Saturday and Sunday through April 26, the last day of the festival. The park’s regular attrac tions were open, and some festival-goers took their cups of beer or plates of dessert to watch cheetahs strolling through their habitat or fat alligators sunning themselves by a nearby pond. In the background, roller-coaster riders screamed and whooped. The Busch festival is not on the scale of Disney’s annual Epcot Wine & Food Festival held each fall. The Busch festival doesn’t have the galas, wine-tasting seminars and food workshops that the Epcot festival does. But on a recent Sunday it sounded as if it might develop its own loyal following. Of half a dozen guests interviewed, all said they have annual passes, come to Busch Gardens regularly and would return for the festival. The festival is included in regular park admission. Food and beverages cost extra. The small plates were mostly in the $4-$7 range.Busch Gardens Tampa Bay courts foodies with new festivalBy MARJIE LAMBERTMIAMI HERALD BUSCH GARDENS FOOD & WINE FESTIVALWhen: Noon to 9 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through April 26 Where: Busch Gardens, 10165 N. McKinley Dr., Tampa Cost: Included in park admission; one-day ticket $85. For Florida residents, a $95 Fun Card buys unlimited admission through Dec. 31 Information:, 888-800-5447 TWIN LOBSTERS S ea fo od M ar ket 2 700 Pl ac id a Rd ., En g. ( 941) 6 988 94 6 H OURS: OPEN 7 D AY S: SUN 10 AM-2PM MON, T UE, W ED , SA T 10-5 T HURS & FRI TIL 6 PM S almon Oysters Haddock Cod Swor dfish OPEN 7 DAYS LOBSTERS LIVE N’ KICKING OR COOKED S NO W CR AB C LU ST ER S SE A SC AL LO PS C OLOS SA L US A GU LF S HR IM P W ILD CAU GHT W ILD CAU GHT W ILD CAU GHT adno=492458 L obster M e at, Lobster Tails and Lobster Bisque W hi le T he y La st M E S TE AM ER S -----;,r7
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March 29, 2015
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1 THE DOVEKEEPERS Cote de Pablo, who plays Shirah, had an interesting time working with the birds on the powerful new miniseries, airing Tuesday and Wednesday at 9 p.m. on CBS. SUN NEWSPAPERS WEEK OF MARCH 29 APRIL 4, 2015Charlotte DeSoto Englewood North Port Venice Highlands adno=50478182 rlls, w>,Cote de Pablo who plays Shirah had an i L *f, ..inter sting time working with the birds onthe p4 rful new miniseries, airing TLesday ,and We+dnrsday at 9 p.m. on CBS.Wednesday, April 1 15:00 6:00 p.m.Bay! ront Health Punta Gorda Medical Office Building 1 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta GordaHave your questions answered one-on-one and learn to identify various causes, symptomsand treatment options, including the latest procedure for total knee replacement that r "n }epreserves the ligaments, including your ACL. Free. To register, call 941.637-2497.)Bayfront AHealth Mark Davis,M.D.Punta Gorda Orthopedic Surgeon, ri ,e,m may M,y [mo,n y%rp/3c.Q oboe irc(;r, mw:of oey sugimrw.rt uM fh Y,dc, Sn.
2 CABLEComcast Venice Comcast Englewood Comcast SarasotaComcast Port CharlotteComcast ArcadiaComcast Punta GordaFiOS Sarasota DISH DIRECTDISHDIRECT Ven, Engl, N Port, Nokomis Pt Char, SPG SATELLITE Conversion Chart WZVN E FF 26 ABC Bonita Springs 7 11 7 26 26 WFTS E FF 28 ABC Tampa 17 17 11 28 28 WWSB E FF 40 ABC Sarasota 7 7 7 10 7 7 7 40 WTSP E FF 10 CBS St. Petersburg 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 WINK E FF 11 CBS Fort Myers 213 213 5 5 5 213 213 11 11 WFLA E FF * NBC Tampa 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 WBBH E FF 20 NBC Fort Myers 2 2 2 232 20 20 WTVT E FF 13 FOX Tampa 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 WFTX E FF 36 FOX Cape Coral 4 4 4 36 36 WEDU E FF # PBS Tampa 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 WUSF E FF 16 PBS Tampa 204 204 204 16 16 16 WGCU E FF 30 PBS Fort Myers 3 3 3 30 30 WXCW E FF 46 CW 6 21 6 46 46 WTOG E FF 44 CW 9 9 9 9 9 4 44 44 WTTA E FF 38 MYNET 11 11 11 11 11 14 38 38 WNFM E FF * MYNET 8 9 8 WMOR E FF 32 IND 12 12 12 38 4 4 12 32 32 WXPX E FF 66 ION St. Petersburg 2 2 2 13 26 18 438 438 17 66 66 WCLF E FF 22 IND St. Petersburg 22 22 22 22 22 2 22 WRXY E FF 49 IND Ft. Myers-Naples 22 44 10 49 WFTT E FF 50 T elefutura Tampa 23 23 23 95 23 23 5 50 50 WVEA E FF 62 Univision Venice 15 15 15 15 15 6 62 62 A&E Arts & Entertainment 26 26 26 26 39 50 26 26 181 118 265 118 265 AMC American Movie Classics 56 56 56 56 30 53 62 62 231 131 254 130 254 APL Animal Planet 44 44 44 44 36 68 44 44 130 184 282 184 282 BBCAM BBC America 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 189 135 264 135 264 BET Black Entertainment TV 35 35 35 35 40 22 51 51 270 124 329 124 329 BRAVO Bravo 68 68 68 68 254 51 65 65 185 129 237 129 237 COM Comedy Central 66 66 66 66 15 27 52 52 190 107 249 107 249 DISC Discovery 40 40 40 40 25 43 43 43 120 182 278 182 278 E! E! Entertainment 46 46 46 46 27 26 46 46 196 114 236 114 236 ESQTV Esquire 82 82 82 82 118 118 84 84 160 115 235 115 235 EWTN Eternal Word Television 243 243 243 12 17 243 243 285 261 370 261 370 FAM ABC Family Channel 55 55 55 55 10 46 58 58 199 180 311 180 311 FOOD Food Network 37 37 37 37 76 88 88 164 110 231 110 231 FX FX 51 51 51 51 58 49 34 34 53 136 248 136 248 GSN Game Show Network 179 179 179 179 34 179 80 80 184 116 233 116 233 HALL Hallmark USA 5 5 5 17 73 86 86 240 185 312 185 312 HGTV Home & Garden TV 41 41 41 41 53 42 258 258 165 112 229 112 229 HIST History Channel 81 81 81 81 33 65 126 126 128 120 269 120 269 HSN Home Shopping Network 24 24 24 24 51 19 16 16 151 222 240 222 240 LIFE Lifetime 36 36 36 36 52 41 36 36 140 108 252 108 252 OWN Oprah Winfrey Network 58 58 58 58 47 103 56 56 161 189 279 189 279 QVC Quality Value Convenience 14 14 14 9 14 13 12 12 150 137 317 137 317 SPIKE Spike TV 57 57 57 57 29 63 54 54 54 241 241 241 241 SYFY Syfy 67 67 67 67 253 64 55 55 180 122 244 122 244 TBS Turner 59 59 59 59 32 62 59 59 52 139 247 139 247 TCM Turner Classic Movies 65 65 65 65 169 169 169 230 132 256 132 256 TLC The Learning Channel 45 45 45 45 57 72 45 45 139 183 280 183 280 TNT Turner Network Television 61 61 61 61 28 55 61 61 51 138 245 138 245 TRAV Travel 69 69 69 69 260 66 260 260 170 196 277 196 277 TRUTV truTV 63 63 63 63 50 30 60 60 183 242 246 242 246 TVLAND TV Land 62 62 62 62 31 54 57 57 244 106 304 106 304 USA USA Network 34 34 34 34 22 52 35 35 50 105 242 105 242 WE Womens Entertainment 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 149 128 260 128 260 WGN WGN America 16 16 16 19 41 11 95 95 9 239 307 239 307 ESPN Entertainment Sports 29 29 29 29 12 58 29 29 70 140 206 140 206 ESPN2 Entertainment Sports 2 30 30 30 30 6 59 30 30 74 144 209 144 209 FS1 Fox Sports 1 48 48 48 48 42 69 48 48 83 150 219 150 219 FSN Fox Sports Network 72 72 72 72 56 66 66 77 423 654 423 654 GOLF Golf Channel 49 49 49 49 55 60 49 49 304 401 218 401 218 NBCSN NBC Sports 71 71 71 71 54 61 42 42 90 159 220 159 220 SUN Sun Sports 38 38 401 401 45 57 38 38 76 422 653 422 653 DISN Disney Channel 136 136 136 136 99 45 136 136 250 172 290 172 290 NICK Nickelodeon 25 25 25 25 24 44 25 25 252 170 299 170 299 TOON Cartoon Network 80 80 124 124 46 20 87 87 257 176 296 176 296 CNBC Consumer News & Business 39 39 39 39 37 39 39 102 208 355 208 355 CNN Cable News Network 32 32 32 32 18 38 32 32 100 200 202 200 202 CSPN Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network 18 18 18 18 37 12 96 96 109 210 350 210 350 FNC Fox News Channel 64 64 64 64 48 71 64 64 118 205 360 205 360 MSNBC MSNBC 83 83 83 83 185 40 82 82 103 209 356 209 356 SNN SNN Local News 6 6 6 11 11 CMT Country Music TV 47 47 47 47 23 24 37 37 221 166 327 166 327 MTV Music Television 33 33 33 33 35 48 33 33 210 160 331 160 331 VH1 Video Hits 1 50 50 50 50 43 23 50 50 217 162 335 162 335 ENC Encore 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 350 340 535 340 535 HBO Home Box Of“ce 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 400 300 501 300 501 HBO2 Home Box Of“ce 2 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 303 402 301 502 301 502 HBOS Home Box Signature 304 304 304 304 304 304 304 404 302 503 302 503 MAX Cinemax 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 420 310 515 310 515 MMAX More Max 321 321 321 321 321 321 321 321 422 312 517 312 517 SHO Showtime 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 340 365 318 545 318 545 TMCThe Movie Channel 350350350350350350350350385327554327554 KIDS SPORTS NEWS MUSIC PREMIUM BROADCAST CABLEComcast Sebring Comcast Lake Placid
3 indexCover Story ................................................3 Sports ....................................................4-5 Radio/News/Weather ...............................5 Celebrity Extra ..........................................7 Soap Opera Update .................................17 TV Dish .....................................................21 Sudoku .....................................................25 Word Search ............................................29 TV Crossword 1 .......................................33 TV Crossword 2 .......................................38 Movies .....................................................44guide to symbolsaaaa = Exceptional aaa = Good aa = Fair a = PoorSymbols & codes:‘ R’ = Repeat; ‘N’ new; (HD)’ = High Definition; DVS = Descriptive Video Service; iTV = Interactive television; T = Taped.Parental Guidelines for TV:You may see rating codes on your TV screen. Here what they mean: ‘Y’ appropriate for all Children. ‘Y7’ appropriate for 7 and older. ‘G’ general audience. ‘PG’ parental guidance sugested. ’ 14 and older. ‘M’ 17 and older. Along with the rating codes mentioned above, you may see additional abbreviations. Here’s what they mean: ‘AC’ adult content. ‘AH’ adult humor. ‘AL’ adult language. ‘AS’ adult situations. ‘BN’ brief nudity. ‘GL’ graphic language. ‘GV’ graphic violence. ‘MT’ mature themes. ‘MV’ mild violence. ‘SC’ sexual content. ‘SSC’ strong sexual content. ‘V’ violence.Motion picture guidelines:Movies that appear on movie channels may have a theatrical rating. Here’s what they mean: ‘G’ general audiances. ‘PG’ parental guidence suggested; some material may not be suitable for children. ‘PG-13’ special parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13. ‘R’ restricted; under 17 requires accompanying parent or guardian. ‘NC-17’ not recommended for persons under information Programming Questions? 1-800-Comcast or Why is TV Schedule Different from this book? TV networks sometimes change schedules after this weekly book is printed. More accurate TV schedules are in our daily Sun Newspaper and our websites: or the Cover Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel) was fascinated by Alice Hoffmans novel The Dovekeepers. She loved it so much she decided, with the help of her executive producer husband, Mark Burnett (Survivor), to turn it into a miniseries, airing Tuesday and Wednesday at 9 p.m. on CBS. A few years ago, I had the good fortune to read this amazing book, Downey says. I absolutely fell in love with the story. I had been to Masada a few years ago and had been so profoundly touched by the story of a persecuted people who, in the face of that persecution, had stood up for what they believed in, where courage was greater than fear and faith and love were greater than hate and the power of sacri“ce greater than war. Downey reached out to Hoffman and was surprised to discover the rights hadnt been taken. The story is told the through the lives of two women a healer, Shirah (Cote de Pablo), and the outcast Yael (Rachel Brosnahan) who are being questioned by the historian Josephus (Sam Neill) about what happened to them at Masada. Jerusalem fell when it was sacked by the Romans, and those who survived made their way to this hilltop retreat that had been built by Herod, says Downey of Masada. And it was kind of unreachable. And they were assured that they would be safe there. There were about 900 of them who started a new community. And our miniseries picks up the story with these women who start working in the dove coops. And the excrement of the doves is used to fertilize the soil. So, its a very necessary part of their life there. They have a self sustaining life. They have water. They have food. And they believe that theyre going to be safe to start their new lives, their new loves and their new hopes. Yael, played by Rachel, is out there on the edge of the fortress, and she sees in the distance a plume of smoke, continues Downey. And at “rst, uncertain what it is, and then she has the awful realization that its the Roman army that has come for them. These 900 people, thousands and thousands of men have come for them. And I think its very hard to be at Masada and to look out, to imagine what they must have felt up there. But I think that they had to have felt that no one was ever going to be able to reach them. And so at “rst, you know, youll see in our “lm how its incredibly dangerous and scary, but they feel at “rst that theyre going to be OK. And then, of course, it just turns into a nightmare. Its so relevant, this story, says Diego Boneta, who plays the warrior Amram. It talks about virtues like courage and honor and love, and thats something thats going on as we speak. The freedom to speak and live the way you want. Its something we can all relate to. Working with hundreds of birds was something new for the actresses. We had a scene at the beginning, I think it was “rst or second day, de Pablo says, and I had to release a dove. And I thought, Oh, my God. Well, how many takes are we going to need? Because I thought, How many doves do we have? And to my surprise, we had many doves. But then the best was when I heard that the doves would always come back. So, I wasnt so concerned that I was just sort of releasing doves, and they were just going to â€y around Malta (where the movie was “lmed). Rachel was maybe a little afraid of the doves in the beginning, continues de Pablo. And by the end, we look over and Rachel had a dove in each hand and was walking around as if nothing was going on. She was just walking around and talking as if they were an extension of her. In the book, adds Brosnahan, I think Yael speci“cally has a very beautiful and deep relationship with them. And I felt by the time we got to the part where we were shooting with the doves that I actually hadnt done very much shooting with them. And theyre so gentle and once you hold them properly, they just dont move. So, I was kind of, like, wandering around with a dove in each hand, like, taking sel“es.Roma Downey and Mark Burnett Present The DovekeepersBY CANDACE HAVENS FYI Television, Inc. AMVETS OF WW2 POST 1999 LADIES AUX., ROBERT E. LISTER MEMORIAL LODGE #66 F.O.P., PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN, ROADS FROM NAZ ARETH MINISTRY, PREGNANCY CARELINE, DOUG JACOBSON RESIDENT FUND, AMVETS POST 1999, C.C. ROTARY FOUNDATION, MILITARY ORDER OF COOTIE PT. 56, SOLVE MATERNITY HO ME, FRIENDS OF THE POOR, PORT CHARLOTTE LIONS CLUB, PUNTA GORDA LIONS CLUB, SAN ANTONIO CCW, TIME OUT RESPITE, UNITY CHURCH, CHARLOTTE PLAYERS (IMAGINATION LIBRARY), AMERICAN BUSINESS WOME N ASSOCIATION, ALZHEIMERS, DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS, HEARING IMPAIRED PERSON, GREEK CHURCH, MARINE CORP. LEAGUE, MARINE CORP. LEAGUE LADIES AUX., MILITARY HERITAGE MUSEUM, C.H.C. MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Some Restrictions Do Apply. Please Call Or Visit Our Website For More Information BENEFITS AND OPERATED BY THE FOLLOWING NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS DID SOMEONE YELL BINGO? 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4 AUTO RACINGNASCAR Sunday 1:00 p.m. FS1 STP 500 fr om Martinsville Speedway in Martinsville, Virg. (Live)BASEBALLMLB Tuesday 1:00 p.m. FSN St. Louis Cardinals vs Miami Marlins (Live) Thursday 1:00 p.m. ESPN New York Yank ees vs Detroit Tigers (Live) Saturday Noon SUN Detroit Tigers at T ampa Bay Rays (Live)BASKETBALLMens College Thursday 7:00 p.m. ESPN 2015 Slam fr om Hinkle Fieldhouse in Indianapolis (Live)Mens NCAA Tournament Sunday 2:00 p.m. CBS 2015 NCAA Bask etball Tournament Regional Final (Live) 4:30 p.m. CBS 2015 NCAA Bask etball Tournament Regional Final (Live) Saturday 6:00 p.m. TBS 2015 NCAA Bask etball Tournament Final Four (Live) 6:00 p.m. TNT 2015 NCAA Bask etball Tournament Final Four (Live) 8:30 p.m. TNT 2015 NCAA Bask etball Tournament Final Four (Live) 8:30 p.m. TBS 2015 NCAA Bask etball Tournament Final Four (Live)NBA Sunday 12:30 p.m. ABC Houston Rock ets at Washington Wizards (Live) Tuesday 8:00 p.m. TNT San Antonio Spurs at Miami Heat (Live) 10:30 p.m. TNT Golden State Warriors at L os Angeles Clippers (Live) Wednesday 7:00 p.m. FS N San Antonio Spurs at Orlando Magic (Liv e) Thursday 8:00 p.m. TNT Miami Heat at Cleveland Ca valiers (Live) 10:30 p.m. TNT Phoenix Suns at Golden State Warriors (Liv e) Friday 8:00 p.m. ESPN Oklahoma City Thunder at Memphis Griz zlies (Live) 8:00 p.m. FSN Orlando Magic at Minnesota Timberw olves (Live) 10:30 p.m. ESPN Portland Trail Blaz ers at Los Angeles Lakers (Live) Saturday Midnight FS N Orlando Magic at Minnesota Timberw olves (Live) 8:30 p.m. FSN Orlando Magic at Milw aukee Bucks (Live)FOOTBALLArena 2 Sunday 7:00 p.m. ESPN2 Philadelphia Soul at Orlando P redators (Live) Saturday 10:30 p.m. ESPN2 Arizona Rattlers at Las V egas Outlaws (Live)GOLFLPGA Sunday 6:00 p.m. GOLF Kia Classic: Final R ound from Aviara Golf Club in Carlsbad, Calif. (Live) Thursday Noon GOLF ANA Inspiration: First R ound from Mission Hills CC in Rancho Mirage, Calif. (Live) 6:00 p.m. GOLF ANA Inspir ation: First Round from Mission Hills CC in Rancho Mirage, Calif. (Live) Friday Noon GOLF ANA Inspiration: Second R ound from Mission Hills CC in Rancho Mirage, Calif. (Live) 6:00 p.m. GOLF ANA Inspir ation: Second Round from Mission Hills CC in Rancho Mirage, Calif. (Live) Saturday 5:00 p.m. GOLF ANA Inspir ation: Third Round from Mission Hills CC in Rancho Mirage, Calif. (Live)PGA Sunday 1:00 p.m. GOLF Valero Texas Open: Final R ound from JW Marriott TPC San Antonio in San Antonio, Texas (Live) 3:00 p.m. NBC Valero Texas Open: Final R ound from JW Marriott TPC San Antonio in San Antonio (Live) Thursday 3:00 p.m. GOLF Shell Houston Open: First R ound from Golf Club of Houston in Humble, Texas (Live) Friday 3:00 p.m. GOLF Shell Houston Open: Second R ound from Golf Club of Houston in Humble, Texas (Live) Saturday 1:00 p.m. GOLF Shell Houston Open: Thir d Round from Golf Club of Houston in Humble, Texas (Live) 3:00 p.m. NBC Shell Houston Open: Third R ound from Golf Club of Houston in Humble, Texas (Live)HOCKEYNHL Sunday 5:00 p.m. FSN Florida P anthers at Ottawa Senators (Live) 7:30 p.m. NBCSN San Jose Sharks at Pittsbur gh Penguins (Live)Kurt Busch passed Jimmie Johnson in the closing laps and beat the six-time NASCAR Sprint Cup champion to the “nish line by 0.263 seconds to win last years STP 500, and FS1 will have â€ag-to-â€ag coverage of this years race from Martinsville Speedway, Sunday at 1 p.m. SPORTS adno=50482203 1020 EL JOBEAN RD, PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33948 (Outside Town Center Mall) YUM! .69 .69 MON: KIDS EAT FREE TUES: WINGS/BONELESS (1 PER ADULT ENTREE) (GRILLED OR FRIED) $1.19 $1.19 TENDERS WED: E SPN Game Plan SEC Big Ten WWW.BUFFALOWINGSANDRINGS.COM WWW.BUFFALOWINGSANDRINGS.COM WWW.BUFFALOWINGSANDRINGS.COM 941.235.9464 941.235.9464 941.235.9464 BUY 1 ENTREE GET 1 ENTREE F F REE FREE +2 Drinks UP TO $6.00 O F E QUAL O R L ESSER V ALUE EXPIRES 4/30/15. MUST PRESENT COUPON AT TIME OF PURCHASE. NOT VALID W LUNCH EXPRESS, DAILY SPECIALS OR ANY OTHER OFFER OR COUPON : 00,00,-------------,V y
5 Monday 7:30 p.m. SUN Tampa Bay Lightning at Montr eal Canadiens (Live) 8:30 p.m. NBCSN Los Angeles Kings at Chicago Blackha wks (Live) Tuesday 7:00 p.m. FSN Florida Panthers at Boston Bruins (Liv e) 7:30 p.m. SUN Tampa Bay Lightning at T oronto Maple Leafs (Live) Thursday 7:30 p.m. FSN Carolina Hurricanes at Florida P anthers (Live) 7:30 p.m. SUN Tampa Bay Lightning at Otta wa Senators (Live) Saturday 7:00 p.m. SUN Tampa Bay Lightning at Florida P anthers (Live)LACROSSECollege Lacrosse Friday 8:30 p.m. FS1 Villanov a Wildcats at Denver Pioneers (Live) MARTIAL ARTSFriday Noon FS1 UFC Weigh-In Mendes v s Lamas (Live) Saturday 11:00 a.m. FS1 Mendes vs Lamas fr om Patriot Center in Fairfax, Va. (Live) 1:00 p.m. FS1 Mendes vs Lamas fr om Patriot Center in Fairfax, Va. (Live)SOCCERMLS Sunday 4:50 p.m. ESPN2 Philadelphia Union at Chicago Fire (Liv e) 7:00 p.m. FS1 Toronto FC at R eal Salt Lake (Live)UEFA Soccer Sunday 2:30 p.m. ESPN2 UEFA Eur o Qualifying Soccer Serbia at Portugal (Live) Tuesday 2:30 p.m. FS1 UEFA Euro Qualifying Soccer Belgium at Isr ael (Live) FM RADIO STATIONS StationFreq.FormatLocation WJIS 88.1ReligiousSarasota WMNF 88.5 Eclectic Tampa WSMR 89.1ClassicalSarasota WUSF 89.7Classical/JazzTampa WGCU 90.1Public RadioFt. Myers WBVM 90.5ReligiousTampa WSOR 90.9ReligiousFt. Myers WSEB 91.3ReligiousEnglewood WJYO 91.5ReligiousFt. Myers WVIJ 91.7ReligiousPunta Gorda WDDV 92.1 Easy Listening Venice WYUU 92.5LatinSafety Harbor WIKX 92.9Country Punta Gorda WFLZ 93.3ContemporaryTampa WTLT 93.7 Easy Listening Ft. Myers WARO 94.5 Album RockFt. Myers WWRM 94.9Easy ListeningSt. Pete WOLZ 95.3 OldiesFt. Myers WMTX 95.7Contemporary Clearwater WRXK 96.1 Album Rock Bonita Springs WINK 96.9Contemporary Ft. Myers WTLQ 97.7LatinFt. Myers WXTB 97.9 Rock Seminole WUSV 98.5Country Ft. Myers WBCG 98.9ContemporaryMurdock WJBX 99.3 Alternative Ft. Myers WQYK 99.5Country St. Pete WCKT 100.1CountryPt. Charlotte WAVV 101.1Easy ListeningFt. Myers WPOI 101.5 Album Rock St. Pete WWGR 101.9Country Tampa WHPT 102.5Album Rock Tampa WJGO 102.9 OldiesFt. Myers WTBT 103.5Country Bradenton WXKB 103.9PopFt. Myers WKZM 104.3Religious Sarasota WRBQ 104.7Classic Hits Tampa WCVU 104.9 Easy Listening Solana WZSP 105.3 LatinZolfo Springs WBTT 105.5Hip HopFt. Myers WDUV 105.5Easy ListeningNew Pt. Richey WTZB 105.9Rock Alt.Englewood WJPT 106.3 Easy Listening Ft. Myers WCTQ 106.5CountryVenice WENG 107.5 Talk Englewood WSRZ 107.9OldiesSarasota AM RADIO STATIONS StationFreq.FormatLocation WHNZ 570Talk St. Pete WDAE 620 Talk St. Pete WBDN 760 Latin Tampa WWCN 770Talk Ft. Myers WRFA 8 2 0 Talk Largo WGUL 860 Oldies Dunedin WLSS 930 Talk Sarasota WFLA 970 Talk Tampa WQYK 1010 Talk St. Pete WMTX 1040 Talk Clearwater WKII 1070 Oldies Pt. Charlotte WTIS 1110 Religious St. Pete WINK 1200Talk Sarasota WIBQ 1220 Talk WINK 1240 Talk Ft. Myers WTMY 1280 Talk Sarasota WDDV 1320Easy ListeningVenice WCRM 1350 Latin Ft. Myers WRBQ 1380 OldiesTampa WMYR 1410 Country WBRD 1420 Religious Bradenton WWCL 1440 Latin Ft. Myers WSDV 1450Easy ListeningSarasota WWPR 1490 Oldies WENG 1530 Talk Englewood WCCF 1580 Talk Punta Gorda CNN Headline News (HALF HOUR) :00 National and International News :15 Dollars & Sense :20 Sports :24 Local News/People & Places Available on: VEN 27,ENG 27, SAR 27, PTC 27, ARC 27, SPG 59 The Weather Channel (HOUR) :00 Todays Weather :05 Extended Forecast :10 Radar Update :17 Travelers Update :20 Day Planner :25 Mornings Weather :30 Todays Weather :35 Extended Forecast :40 International Weather :47 Season Update :55 Drivers Report And Storm Stories every night at 8 and 8:30 p.m. Available on: VEN 31,ENG 31, SAR 31, PTC 31, ARC 31, SPG 52 RADIO DIAL & EVERY HOUR CHANNELS PROTECT YOUR HOME TODAY! Introducing the Intermatic IG1240RC3 Whole House Surge Protector. $275.00 INSTALLED! LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED (941) 575-8300 PUNTA GORDA (941) 743-2700 PORT CHARLOTTE Indoor or outdoor applications Compatible with home automation systems 60k Amps Total Peak Surge Capacity CSA Listed 5 year warranty adno=50478910 adno=50482192 FULL VACATIONSERVICE PLANNINGruises + Cruise Tours * Land ToursAir Line Tickets * River CruisingOPEN7 DAYSA WEEK812 Tamiami Tr., Port Charlotte 1800-721.2469ci
6 SUNDAYMAR. 29MORNING SUNDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 AM6:307 AM7:308 AM8:309 AM9:3010 AM10:3011 AM11:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26 ---7117---ABC7 News at 6:00am Sunday (N)ABC7 News at 7:00am Sunday (N)Good Morn ing Amer ica Week end (N) (HD)This Week with Stephanopoulos (N) (HD)Newsmaker(N)PaidPaidOut & About ABC E F28 ------171711ABC Ac tion News Week end (N) (HD)Good Morn ing Amer ica Week end (N) (HD)ABC Ac tion News Week end (N) (HD)This Week with Stephanopoulos (N) (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaid ABC E F40 777107---7Amer i can(R) (HD)Women of(N) (HD)Our World(N)Black Al ma nac Good Morn ing Amer ica Week end (N) (HD)This Week with Stephanopoulos (N) (HD)PaidFirst Bap tist Faith Life Church Paid CBS E F10 101010---101010PaidPaidAll In (N) (HD)Chang ers(R) (HD)Joel Osteen 10 News(N)News Sunday Morn ing (N) (HD)Face the Na tion (N)Paid CBS E F11 213213-555213-News at 6AM Sunday (N) (HD)News Sunday Morn ing (N) (HD)Face the Na tion (N)All In (N) (HD) NBC E F* 888-8-888PaidPaidPoppy Cat(R) (HD)Noo dle (TVY) (R)To day Week end (N) (HD)News (N)News Chan nel 8 Meet the Press (N)PaidPaid NBC E F20 ---222-232-NBC2 News Sunday To day News re port. NBC2 News Sunday To day News re port. (N)To day Week end (N) (HD)NBC2 News Sunday To day News re port. (N)Meet the Press (N)Noo dle (TVY) (R)About An i mals (N) FOX E F13 131313-13-131313FOX 13s Good Day Tampa Bay at 6:00 (N)FOX 13s Good Day Tampa Bay at 7:00 (N)FOX 13s Good Day Tampa Bay at 8:00 (N)FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace (N)PaidPaidPaidPaid FOX E F36 ---444---PaidPaidMcGregor Bap tistPaidLee Pitts Live FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace (N)Cath o lic Mass PaidPaidPaid PBS E F# 333---333Sid Brain con trols. Peg + Cat(R) (HD)Cu ri ous (R) (HD)Cu ri ous (R) (HD)Dan iel (R) (HD)Dan iel (R) (HD)Ses ame (R) (HD)Dino Train(R) (HD)Chang ing(R)FL Crossrds Fla. Face to Face Capitol (HD) PBS E F16 204204204-----16Eu rope (N)Scully (N)FL Crossrds Fla. Face to Face To the Con trary (N)McLaughlin(R)D. Wholey(N)For eign (N)Great Con ti nen tal Rail way Jour neys (R)Ge ne al ogy Roadshow Vi king ties. (R) (HD) PBS E F30 ---333---Cu ri ous Kids (R)Cu ri ous (R)Mar tha (R) (HD)Sid Face hurts. (R)Cu ri ous (R) (HD)Cu ri ous (R) (HD)Kratts (R) (HD)WordGirl (R) (HD)Cyber (R) (HD)Capitol (HD)Fla. Face to Face Mak ers (R) CW E F46 ---6216---PaidPaidOn Spot (R) (HD)State City life. (R)PaidPaidPaidIn side Edi tion (N)Think Pet Hab i tats. Into Wild(R)PaidPaid CW E F44 999---994PaidIn Touch with Dr. Charles Stan ley PaidCa reer Day(R)PaidMcNeely(R)Sunday Mass BaysidePaid44 On The Town Paid MYN E F38 111111---111114Rel. Townhall PaidSa cred Name Re veal ing Truth PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidThe Er nest Angley Hour Er nest Angley. MYN E F* ---898---PaidPaidPaidPaidLight house PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid IND E F32 121212-38-4412PaidPaidPaidTeen News(N)Aqua Kids(R)BizKid About An i mals (N)Awe some Adv. (N)State City life. (R)Cool est (R) (HD)Old Hse (R)Hir ing Amer ica (N) ION E F66 22213261843843817PaidPaidTurn ing (R)Lead ing Way In Touch with Dr. Charles Stan ley HarryHarryDoki In dia; Boliva. Doki Party; fos sils. Dive, Olly(TVY7)Dive, Olly(TVY7) WCLF E F22 222222---22222Its Su per nat u ral! Des tined Reign Citylife Church Faith Life Church Joyce Meyer (N)Lords Way Love a Child Is rael: Pro phetic Abun dant Life Jerry Savelle Mar i lyn & Sa rah Ex cel lence WRXY E F49 ---224410---Cel e bra tion Un der the Silverdome Faith Life Church Jack Van Impe In Touch with Dr. Charles Stan ley In spi ra tion Day Love a Child Chris tian Wor ship Hour Turn ing Point Uriel Vega. (R) TLF E F50 232323-95-23235Programa pagado Perspectiva Tu da alegre (N)Tu da alegre (R)Superhroe: La pelcula () aa Villano busca la inmortalidad. (HD)Get Smart () Un analista ayuda a un espa a acabar con el plan malvado del sindicato. Pub lic En e mies UNIV E F62 151515---15156El chavo animado El chavo animado Programa pagado Programa pagado Programa pagado Anuncio comercial. Programa pagado Anuncio comercial. Al Punto Temas candentes. (HD)Durmiendo con mi jefe ELBACA&E2626262639502626181PaidPaidDog Bnty (HD)Dog Bnty (HD)Criminal (TV14) (HD)Criminal (TV14) (HD)Criminal: Revelations AMC5656565630536262231Dead Revealing acts. Dead: Strangers (R)Dead (R) (HD)Dead New group. (R)Dead New issues. (R)Dead: Consumed (R) APL4444444436684444130FreakyFreakyUntamed (HD)To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced BET3535353540225151270 (4:00) BET Inspiration Gospel and religious events. Jones Gospel (TV G)Voice (R)Manns Concert or surgery. (R) BRAVO68686868254516565185Blood Heel (R)Blood Heel (R)Blood Heel (R)Blood Heel (R)Blood Heel (R)Matchmk (R) COM6666666615275252190PaidPaidPaidPaidHit and Run Escaping the Witness Protection Program. Starsky & Hutch Stopping dealer. DISC4040404025434343120Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Bering Sea (R) (HD)Bering Sea (R) (HD)CollectorsLost Sold E!4646464627264646196PaidPaidE! News Wknd (R)Kardashian (R) (HD)Kardashian (R) (HD)Maid in Manhattan () aa Unlikely love. (HD) ESQ828282821181188484160PaidPaidBabylon A.D. () aac Orphan is escorted. Arachnophobia Deadly spiders terrorize a small town. Babylon EWTN24324324312-17243243285SolemnHopeMichaelP ilgrimagePalm S unday FriarsLitany ofBookmrkVaticanoLentenFr. RutlerRosary FAM5555555510465858199PaidMassTwilight (, Fantasy) aa A female student is hunted by vampires. Beauty Shop (, Comedy) aa Salon politics. FOOD37373737-768888164PaidPaidWeek: Bowled Over BarefootHeartlandPioneerTrishasReal GirlGiada (R)Guy BitePioneer FX515151515849343453PaidPaidBuffy (TV14)Buffy: Prophecy Girl How I MetHow I MetHow I MetHow I MetThe Sitter () aac GSN179179179179341798080184PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidDeal or No DealDeal or No DealDeal or No Deal HALL55517-738686240LucyLucyLucyLucyMiddleMiddle GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenSweeter Side () HGTV414141415342258258165PaidPaidUpper (R)Fixer Upper (R)Upper Larger home. Fixer Upper (R)Fixer Upper (R) HIST818181813365126126128PaidPaidSecrets (HD)Cults: Dangerous Devotion Cults to die for. (R)Gangland (R) (HD)Gangland (R) (HD) HSN2424242451191616151Perlier Indulgent care. Ingenious Designs Home Sol.: Hoover HSNPerlier Indulgent care. Home Sol.: Hoover LIFE3636363652413636140Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Dr. Charles StanleyAmazingDavid JereOsteenPaid (HD)To Be Announced Karla (, Thriller) aa OWN58585858471035656161Phil (HD)Phil Women and sex. Phil (HD)Super Soul (R) (HD)Super Soul (R) (HD)Super Soul (N) (HD) QVC141414914131212150Exotic Gemstone No Problem: Dyson Sundays with Carolyn & Dan: Dyson Innovative cleaning products. Dyson Cleaning SPIKE575757572963545454PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPowerNat.PowerNat.PowerNat.PowerNat.Bar Rescue (R) (HD) SYFY67676767253645555180PaidPaidPaidPaidTwilightTwilightHostel: Part II aa Three girls are slowly killed. Saw II Jigsaw is back. TBS595959593262595952MarriedMarriedQueensQueensQueensQueens FriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsDaddys Little Girls TCM65656565-169169169230I Take This Woman () ac A suicide averted. Green Dolphin Street (, Drama) aac Sisters compete. The Lady from Shanghai () TLC4545454557724545139Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Big BlissBig BlissBig BlissBig BlissBig BlissBig Bliss TNT616161612855616151Law Suicide drugs. Law: Gunplay (HD)Law & Order: Cut Law: Gov Love (HD)Law Radio star shot. Law: All in the Family TRAV6969696926066260260170PaidPaidVacation Attack (R)Mysteries (R)Mysteries (R)at the Castle (R)Unknown (R) TRUTV6363636350306060183PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidWay OutWay OutKart Life (R) TVLND6262626231545757244GoldenGoldenGolden(:48) GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenFam. Fd(:48) Family FeudFam. Fd USA343434342252353550House: Selfish (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaidThe Fifth Element () Bruce Willis. Cabbies adventure. Predator WE117117117117-117117117149PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseann WGN16161619411195959R MeredithPaidLords WayPaidDavid(N)PaidHeat Night(HD)Heat Night(HD)Heat Night(HD) KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Iiii ___ I ___ I_ _ I ____I I_Iiii __ __ ______ I ______ ______ Iiii __ __ ______ _____ I I _________ ___ _______ I I _______ __________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ I I ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ I___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ I _______ I_______ _ I I
7 SUNDAYMAR. 29MORNING SUNDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 AM6:307 AM7:308 AM8:309 AM9:3010 AM10:3011 AM11:30 STROPSESPN292929291258292970Sports(HD)Sports(HD)Sports(N)(HD)OutsideSport RptS ports(N)(HD)Sports(N)(HD) ESPN230303030659303074 (5:30)Fab Five(HD)30 30(HD)Sports(N)(HD)OutsideSport RptGameDay(HD) FS1484848484269484883FOX Sports(HD)FOX Sports(HD)FOX Sports(HD)Arenacross(HD)NASCAR Sprint QualifyingR aceDay FSN72727272-56666677Golden(Replay)(HD)Hall FameShip ShapeMLS So ccer(Replay)Game 365Polaris GOLF4949494955604949304Golf Central(HD)Morning Drive(N)(HD)European Tour Golf: Trophe Hassan II: Final Round (HD) NBCSN717171715461424290Premier League Match of the WeekPremier League Match of the WeekPremier League Match of the Week SUN38384014014557383876PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidGlf Amer.Glf Amer.Golf Dest.PlayingS wing18 HolesGolf Life SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250Mickey Jake andDoc McSofiaDoc McMiles fromStar Wars JessieAustinLiv(R)Girl MeetsLiv(R) NICK2525252524442525252PrincePrinceFairlyFairlyS pongeSpongeSpongeSpongeSpongeSponge Thundermn(R) TOON808012412446205787257Titans Go!SonicPokmonTitans Go! UniverseUniverseUniverseUniverseUniverseUniverseUniverseUniverse SWENCNBC39393939-3739102OptionsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid CNN3232323218383932100New Day Sunday Weekend mornings.(N)PoliticsState(N)(HD)GPS(N)(HD)Reliable(N) CSPN1818181837129696109WashingtonWashingtonWashington Journal News discussion. (N)Newsmakers(N) FNC6464646448716464118FOX & Friends(N)FOX & Friends(N)FOX & Friends(N)FOX & Friends(N)Sunday(N)MediaBuzz(N) MSNB83838383185408282103Lockup(R)(HD)LockupBusinessUp w/ Steve Kornacki Pundit panel. (N)Melissa Harris-Perry Political talk.(N) SNN66611-11---WeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendMinistriesPaidWeekendPaidSuncoastWeekend CISUMCMT4747474723243737221 (4:00)CMT Music CMT presents country music videos.(N)Hot 20 Countdown Videos and news. (R)(HD) MTV3333333335483333210Catfish Too good. Catfish(R)(HD)Catfish(R)(HD)Teen Mom(R)Just My Luck () aa Luck reversed. VH15050505043235050217VH1 + Music Top music videos. (N)VH1 Top 20 Video Countdown(R)Baby Boy () aac Man is threatened. MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380Johnny () aa(:25)Joe Dirt () aac A jan i tor tries to find his par ents. Movie Movie HBO302302302302302302302302400 (:05)Star Kid () aa A kid has an in ter ga lac tic ad ven ture.(:45)The Offseason: Kevin Durant(R)Fast & Fu ri ous 6 () Agent Hobbs en lists the help of Dominic and his team to take down a gang. Real Sports Gumbel(HD) HBO2303303303303303303303303402Beavis () aa Leap Year () Ladys pro posal differ ent than ex pected.(:15)Tammy (, Com edy) aa Woman takes roadtrip with grand mother.(R)Game of Thrones War con tin ues. Game of Thrones: The Night Lands HBOS304304304304-304304304404Anna Smith Stay ing Alive aa A tough street kid dances on Broad way.(:10)28 Days (, Drama) aac San dra Bullock. An tics force party girl into rehab. Get away () ac For mer race car driver must save wife. Flow ers () MAX320320320320320320320320420 (:05)Semi-Tough (, Com edy) aac Foot ball play ers fall for same woman. (R)Break ing and En ter ing (, Drama) Ar chi tect be friends a teen age ref u gee. Si ren Friends va ca tion turns deadly.(:20)Be daz zled () A soul for sale. MMAX321321321321321321321321422The Last King of Scot land ()(R) (:55)The Two Jakes (, Thriller) aa A pri vate eye is caught up in mur der. (R) (:15)Change ling () aaac Angelina Jolie, John Malkovich. A woman fights for the truth. (R)(HD)Grav ity () SHO340340340340340340340340365 (5:40)Kathleen Madigan: Gone(R)Mer cury Ris ing (, Thriller) aac An au tis tic boy breaks gov ern ment code. (R)Showtime Cham pi on ship Box ing: Gon zalez vs. Russell Jr. (Re play) TMC350350350350350350350350385 (5:30)Dou ble Jeop ardy () ac Man frames his wife. (R)Re turn to Nims Is land A teen age girl pro tects her home. What About Bob? () Nutty pa tient drives shrink crazy.(:40)Alex Cross (, Crime) Tracking down a se rial killer. KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES Q: Now that Sons of Anarchy is over, can you tell me what Katey Sagal has planned next? -Glenn F., via emailA: The lovely and talented actress is set to reteam with Sons creator Kurt Sutter -who also happens to be Kateys hubby -for the FX period drama The Bastard Executioner. The series centers on a former warrior/knight for King Edward I, Wilkin Brattle, who is overcome by the destruction of war and vows to lay down his sword. When violence “nds him, hes forced to return to his violent ways. Australian actor Lee Jones plays Brattle, with True Blood alum Stephen Moyer playing his friend, Milus Corbett. Matthew Rhys, Sam Spruell, Flora Spencer-Longhurst, Darren Evans, Sarah White, Sarah Sweeney and Danny Sapani round out the cast. Production on the series began March 19, with no word yet on a premiere date. Q: I thought Tina Fey had a new comedy coming to NBC, but Iv e look ed all over for it, to no avail. Can you tell me what happened? -Kellie F., via Facebook A: When NBC passed on F eys hilarious Unbr eakable Kimmy Schmidt, Net- â€ix swooped in and saved this brilliant comedy from obscurity. The Of“ce alum Ellie Kemper stars as the eponymous Kimmy, who recently escaped from being held prisoner underground by a man who claimed the world above had ended in an apocalypse. Kimmy moves to New York City, where she tries to put her life back on track with the help of new employer Jacqueline Voorhees (played by the always wonderful Jane Krakowski), new roommate Titus Andromedon (the fabulous Tituss Burgess) and landlord Lillian Kaushtupper (the legendary Carol Kane). Season one consists of 13 episodes, all of which now are available for streaming on netâ€ EXTRAWrite to Cindy at King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475; or e-mail her at For more news and extended interviews, visit www.celebrityextraonline.comBY CINDY ELAVSKY King Features Synd., Inc. We design individual rehabilitative care based on our patient’s personal health care needs. adno=478068 Experience the “Quality of Life† Ultimate Wellness Physical Therapy 18308 Murdock Circle Suite 107 Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Fax: (941) 764-9694 Phone: (941) 764-9695 ULTIMATE WELLNESSr J PHYSICAL' ERAPY
8 SUNDAYMAR. 29AFTERNOON SUNDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 12 PM12:301 PM1:302 PM2:303 PM3:304 PM4:305 PM5:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26 ---7117---NBA Count(HD)A NBA Bas ket ball: Hous ton Rock ets at Wash ing ton Wiz ards from Verizon Cen ter (Live) (HD)S IndyCar Se ries: Streets of St. Pe ters burg : from St. Pe ters burg, Fla. (Live) (HD) ABC E F28 ------171711NBA Count(HD)A NBA Bas ket ball: Hous ton Rock ets at Wash ing ton Wiz ards from Verizon Cen ter (Live) (HD)S IndyCar Se ries: Streets of St. Pe ters burg : from St. Pe ters burg, Fla. (Live) (HD) ABC E F40 777107---7NBA Count(HD)A NBA Bas ket ball: Hous ton Rock ets at Wash ing ton Wiz ards from Verizon Cen ter (Live) (HD)S IndyCar Se ries: Streets of St. Pe ters burg : from St. Pe ters burg, Fla. (Live) (HD) CBS E F10 101010---101010Sports: Best of Col lege Bas ket ball 2015 (N)Road to the Fi nal Four(N) (HD)A 2015 NCAA Bas ket ball Tour na ment: Re gional Fi nal(Live) (HD)A 2015 NCAA Bas ket ball Tourna ment: Re gional Fi nal (Live) CBS E F11 213213-555213-Sports: Best of Col lege Bas ket ball 2015 (N)Road to the Fi nal Four(N) (HD)A 2015 NCAA Bas ket ball Tour na ment: Re gional Fi nal(Live) (HD)A 2015 NCAA Bas ket ball Tourna ment: Re gional Fi nal (Live) NBC E F* 888-8-888News Chan nel 8 at Noon Sunday (N)PaidUSSA Ski ing and Snow board(Taped) (HD)F PGA TOUR Golf: Valero Texas Open: Fi nal Round : from JW Marriott TPC San An to nio in San An to nio (Live) (HD) NBC E F20 ---222-232-PaidPaidStorms (HD)USSA Ski ing and Snow board(Taped) (HD)F PGA TOUR Golf: Valero Texas Open: Fi nal Round : from JW Marriott TPC San An to nio in San An to nio (Live) (HD) FOX E F13 131313-13-131313PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidAc cess Hollywd (N) (HD)The Closer Brendas griev ance. (HD)Burn No tice Mi chaels hide out. (HD) FOX E F36 ---444---PaidPaidCom edy.TV Melinda Hill hosts. (R)Ce leb rity Sports In vi ta tional Mad Max () A po lice of fi cer seeks ven geance af ter bik ers kill his friend, wife and baby. (R)Raceline (N) (HD)Cars.TV (TV G) (R) PBS E F# 333---333McLaughlin(N)Florida (R) (HD)To the Con trary (N)WEDU Arts (R)Great Per for mances at the Met: Il Barbiere di Siviglia With the help of a bar ber, a count tries to win the love of a young woman. (N) (HD)Plcido Domingo Ca reer; more. (HD) PBS E F16 204204204-----16Julia and Julia (, Thriller) aac Kathleen Turner, Ga briel Byrne. (R) (:05) Death in Par a dise Friend mur dered. Kitchen (N)Cooks (R) (HD)Cook ing (R) (HD)Mar tha: Cakes (R)Home (R) (HD)Old Hse (N) PBS E F30 ---333---McLaughlin(R)Wash Wk(R) (HD)Mak ers Fe male com ics. (R) (HD)Mak ers Women of showbiz. (R) (HD)Mak ers: Women in Space Wally Funk. (R)Mak ers Shir ley Chis holm. (R) (HD)Mak ers Suc cess dis cussed. (R) (HD) CW E F46 ---6216---Dreamcatcher (, Hor ror) aa Mor gan Free man, Thomas Jane. Friends foil a mil i tary vig i lantes sa dis tic so lu tion to a dire alien threat. (R)Scan dal Scan dal bomb shell. (HD)Ce leb rity (R) (HD)Ce leb rity (R) (HD)Cas tle Mummys curse.(HD) CW E F44 999---994Un der the Tus can Sun (, Com edy) aaa Di ane Lane. A di vor cee buys a villa in Tuscany. When in Rome (, Com edy) aa Kristen Bell, Josh Duhamel. A woman is pur sued by suit ors. Rules (TV14) (HD)Rules (HD)Hope Heavy lift ing. Hope (HD) MYN E F38 111111---111114PaidPaidA Lit tle Bit Of Heaven (, Com edy) aa Af ter be ing di ag nosed with can cer, a woman gets se ri ous with her doctor. PaidPaidPaidCommun(HD)Cou gar(HD) MYN E F* ---898---PaidPaidAddamsAddamsShort Cir cuit A mil i tary ro bot de signed for car nage be comes a pac i fist af ter elec tro cu tion. Short Cir cuit 2 () aa A mil i tary ro bot gets into trou ble when he ven tures into the big city. IND E F32 121212-38-4412Movie Glee: Orig i nal Song Quinns mis sion. (HD)The Murdoch Mys ter ies Tesla helps case. The Pinkertons Friend of Kates. (R) (HD)How I Met(HD)How I Met(HD) ION E F66 22213261843843817Fly Away Home (, Drama) aaa Jeff Daniels. A fa ther and daugh ter lead geese home. I Think I Love My Wife (, Com edy) aac Chris Rock. A man is tempted to have an af fair. 21 () aaa An M.I.T. stu dent is re cruited by a math pro fes sor to count cards at black jack. WCLF E F22 222222---22222Rabbi Bernis Cope land(N)Turn ing Point Uriel Vega. (R)Chris tians-Jews Jew ish Jew els Pe ter Youngren Perry Stone(N)Gaither Home com ing In spi ra tional mu sic. In Touch with Dr. Charles Stan ley WRXY E F49 ---224410---Real LifeCharles Mar tin Love a Child Tes ti mo nies of RetroLove Wrth(N)The Di eti cian Unlk Rev e la tion McGregor Bap tistTommy Bates Through Bi ble (N) TLF E F50 232323-95-23235Pub lic En e mies () aaa Al filo del peligro (, Thriller) Dos rivales atrapados en Alaska, tras un accidente, luchan por su sobrevivencia. (R)Oro ne gro (, Aventura) aac Amantes buscan paz en su ciudad. UNIV E F62 151515---15156Mi corazn es tuyo, el origen (N)Mi corazn es tuyo: Fi nal Repblica deportiva(N) (HD)La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. (HD)Como dice el dicho Relato y reflexin. (HD) ELBACA&E2626262639502626181Bates Motel guest. (R)Bates: Persuasion (R)The Returned: Simon The Returned: Julie Intervent (R) (HD)Intervent (R) (HD) AMC5656565630536262231Dead Group struggle. Walking Dead: Coda Dead (R) (HD)Walking Dead: Them Dead: The Distance Dead Safe zone. (R) APL4444444436684444130To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced BET3535353540225151270Cool Runnings () Jamaican men form a bobsled team. Lottery Ticket () A young man wins the national lottery. Family Reunion () BRAVO68686868254516565185Matchmk (R)Matchmk (R)Matchmk (R)Housewives (R)Housewives (R)Housewives (R) COM6666666615275252190Starsky(:33) Me, Myself & Irene () aac Personalities clash. (R)(:11) Billy Madison () School once more. Longest Yard () DISC4040404025434343120BuyingBuyingBuyingBuyingBuyingBuyingBuyingBuyingAlaskan: Blindsided Alaskan (R) (HD) E!4646464627264646196The Royals (R) (HD)The Royals (R) (HD)Soup (R)No Strings Attached (, Comedy) Physical friendship. The Royals (R) (HD) ESQ828282821181188484160Babylon A.D. Orphan is escorted. Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning ThiefTransporter 2 () aac Kidnapping scheme. EWTN24324324312-17243243285Solemn Mass of Palm SundayLightIn Concert: Faure: Requiem (R)RosaryThis Side of Eden Life Worth FAM5555555510465858199BeautyComing to America (, Comedy) Prince seeks queen. The Breakfast Club () Teens in detention. Bad Teacher () FOOD37373737-768888164SouthernFarmhouseKitchen (R)Diners Local spots. Diners: Vegas Greats Diners Food trucks. Diners: All Beefed Up FX515151515849343453The Sitter () aac Horrible Bosses () Murdering employers. Men in Black III () Will Smith. Alien assassinates Agent K in 1969. GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdIdiotest (R)Idiotest (R) HALL55517-738686240Sweeter Side () I Married Who? () aac Recipe For Love () Chefs affection. (NR)I Do, I Do, I Do () HGTV414141415342258258165ParadiseParadiseHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersHunters HIST818181813365126126128Gangland (R) (HD)Gangland (R) (HD)10 Things10 Things (HD)10 Things10 Things (HD)10 Things: The Flag HSN2424242451191616151Home SolutionsTrends Perlier Indulgent care. Home Sol.: Hoover HSN Perlier Indulgent care. LIFE3636363652413636140 (11:00) Karla () aa The Good Sister () Wifes twin sister. (HD)Missing at 17 () Teen goes missing. (HD)Stalked at 17 () OWN58585858471035656161In DeepIn DeepSuper Soul (R) (HD)Super Soul (R) (HD)In DeepMaster Cl. (R) (HD)Master Cl. (R) (HD)Master Cl. QVC141414914131212150In the Kitchen with David The host showcases new appliances. Dyson CleaningAmerican West Jewelry Historic jewelry. SPIKE575757572963545454Bar Rescue (R) (HD)Bar Rescue (R) (HD)Bar Rescue (R) (HD)Bar Rescue (R) (HD)Bar Rescue (R) (HD)Bar Rescue (R) (HD) SYFY67676767253645555180Saw II Jigsaw is back. Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever (, Horror) (R)Shutter (, Horror) aa Ghostly pictures. Resident Evil () (R) TBS595959593262595952Daddys Girls () Diary of a Mad Black Woman () A scary grandmother. Tyler Perrys I Can Do Bad All By Myself (, Drama) TCM65656565-169169169230The End of the Affair Mans lover married. How to Marry a Millionaire Women find love. Royal Wedding Love in Britain. Goodbye TLC4545454557724545139Big BlissBig Bliss48 Hours Mystery 48 Hrs. (HD)48 Hrs.: Ransom (HD)48 Hrs.: Linas Heart Medium (R) (HD) TNT616161612855616151Law & Order: Enemy The Italian Job () aaa Gang stages heists.(:15) Live Free or Die Hard () aaa A detective tries to foil a terrorist. TRAV6969696926066260260170Layover: So Paulo Layover (R)Bizarre Short ribs. (R)Bizarre New Mexico. Paradise (R)Paradise (R) TRUTV6363636350306060183Kart Life (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)truTV Top (R) TVLND6262626231545757244Fam. FdSoul ManRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseann GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGolden USA343434342252353550 (11:30) Predator () aaa Alien hunts troops. SVU Ill kidnap victim. SVU Military secrets. SVU: Trade (TV14)SVU AIDS patients. WE117117117117-117117117149RoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannCSI Miami (HD)CSI Miami (HD) WGN16161619411195959Hearts in Atlantis (, Drama) Mind reader. Artificial Intelligence: A.I. () aaa A robot wants to be a real boy. Dreamcatcher () KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES INNER_-IF-I
9 SUNDAYMAR. 29AFTERNOON SUNDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 12 PM12:301 PM1:302 PM2:303 PM3:304 PM4:305 PM5:30 STROPSESPN292929291258292970ANCAA Wom.(Live)(HD)NHRA Drag Racing: NHRA Four-Wide Nationals (Taped)PBA Bowling ESPN230303030659303074SportsCenter(N)(HD)Top TenOUEFA Euro Qualifying(Live)OMLS Soccer(Live)(HD) FS1484848484269484883RaceDay(N)(HD)SNASCAR Sprint Cup: STP 500 (Live)(HD)FOX Sports(HD) FSN72727272-56666677MarlinsThe PanelThe PanelHall FameSnowboardSnowboard Unlimited(N)(HD)West Coast(R)NHL Hcky(HD) GOLF4949494955604949304FEuropean TourFPGA TOUR Golf(Live)(HD)FChampions Tour(Live)(HD) NBCSN717171715461424290VolvoEquestrian:Ski(Live)(HD)Mercedes F1Formula One Racing: Malaysia Grand Prix (HD) SUN38384014014557383876Gator ZnePhenomsFishingShip ShapeSportsmn Florida Fin & SkinSalt Water(R)Tampa BayXterraMountain SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250AustinAustinGirl MeetsGirl Meets Blog(R)Blog(R)Liv(R)Liv(R)AustinAustinJessieJessie NICK2525252524442525252Kids Choice(R)SpongeMadag ascar: Escape 2 Africa () FairlyFairlySpongeSponge TOON808012412446205787257AdventureAdventureAdventureAdventureAdventureAdventureClarenceClarenceClarenceClarenceClarenceClarence SWENCNBC39393939-3739102PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid CNN3232323218383932100State(R)(HD)GPS(R)(HD)CNN Newsroom Sunday The latest worldwide news and updates. (N) CSPN1818181837129696109WashingtonWashingtonWashingtonWashingtonWashingtonWashington FNC6464646448716464118News HQHousecallNews HQ (DC)(N)FOX News(HD)RespectedNews HQCarol AltHousecallMedia Buzz(R) MSNB83838383185408282103Weekends with Alex Witt(N)(HD)Meet Press(HD)Caught(HD)Caught(HD)Caught(HD) SNN66611-11---WeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendPaidWeekendPaidWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekend CISUMCMT4747474723243737221RebaRebaRebaThe Parent Trap Twins conspire to reunite their parents. Elf () Man raised as elf. MTV3333333335483333210Just LuckShes the Man () A girl disguised as a boy falls in love.(:40)Little Man () ac Outlaw plays a baby. VH15050505043235050217Baby BoyBeverly Hills Cop (, Action) Detroit cop in L.A. Crew(R)(HD)Love(R)(HD)TI & TinyTI & Tiny MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380Movie Movie Movie HBO302302302302302302302302400Fight Gm(R)Real Time with Bill Maher(TVMA)Dol phin Tale (, Drama) aaa Young boy be friends in jured dol phin.(PG)(HD)Hulk () aa A lab ac ci dent causes a sci en tist to trans form into a de struc tive green mon ster.(HD) HBO2303303303303303303303303402Thrones Al le giances sought. (HD)Game of Thrones Sansa pun ished. Game of Thrones Rivalry ends. (HD)Game of Thrones Jon proves worth. Game of Thrones Jaimes rel a tive. Game of Thrones Robb de ceived. HBOS304304304304-304304304404Bro ken Flow ers () Mys tery son.(:20)Bring It On (, Com edy) aac Cheer lead ers pre pare for a com pe ti tion. Ol i ver(HD)Look ing(HD) (:05)The Other Woman (, Com edy) aaa Three women team up for re venge. MAX320320320320320320320320420Be daz zled () aac A soul for sale. Nutty Pro fes sor II: The Klumps () Klump takes se rum.(:45)The Lake House (, Drama) aaa Man lives two years in the past. (PG) (:25)Prom ised Land () Matt Damon. Small town fights. MMAX321321321321321321321321422Grav ity () aaac Stranded in space.(:15)Po sei don (, Ad ven ture) aac A ship cap sizes, trap ping pas sen gers. (HD)2 Guns () aaa Two men learn the mob has set them up.(:45)Con tact () A sci en tist hears a sig nal from space. SHO340340340340340340340340365 (9:00)Box ing60 Min utes Sports(HD)A Gun fighters Pledge () ac Road to re demp tion.(NR)Lies(R)(HD)Lies(R)(HD)Lies(R)(HD)Lies(R)(HD)Lies(R)(HD)Lies(R)(HD) TMC350350350350350350350350385Alex Cross aa Happy-Go-Lucky (, Com edy) aaa Friends ques tion womans en thu si asm. Elizabethtown (, Com edy) aac Just-fired man meets up beat woman.(HD)April Rain () a Takedown of gun-tot ing ter ror istgroup. KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES North Woods Law8 p.m. on APLAs Maines hunting season begins, the wardens catch violators illegally illuminating wildlife, hunting over baited deer stands and shooting guns from their vehicles; a warden lands in a very dangerous situation and “nds himself surrounded. (HD)Madam Secretary8 p.m. on CBSElizabeth (Ta Leoni) must compromise with a doomsday cult in Bolivia in order to recover an American congressman who is being held hostage after trying to negotiate with the leader; Stevie introduces Elizabeth and Henry to her older boyfriend. (HD)I Didnt Do It8 p.m. on DISNRight after Logans girlfriend decides to end their relationship, Garrett, Lindy and Delia happen to discover that Jasmine has a crush on him, but Jasmine pleads with them to keep it a secret just in case he does not feel the same about her.Lakefront Bargain Hunt8 p.m. on HOMEAn Arizona couple has grown tired of the desert life and wants to “nd a new place on Lake Union in Seattle, but unless they can come to a compromise between a lakefront place and houseboat, the search could prove a dif“cult one.Secrets and Lies9 p.m. on ABCBen attempts to uncover the identity of his stalker while keeping his family safe from harm; having moved in with his friend Dave, Ben believes he is safe from Detective Cornells scrutiny, only to be forcefully made to re-visit his past faults. (HD)The Good Wife9 p.m. on CBSA disagreement over the future of the “rm puts the partners of Florrick/Agos/ Lockhart at odds with one another. (HD)SUNDAY HIGHLIGHTS Ta Leoni Di scover al l t he ways we can serve your f ami l y! 941-639-1171 www. charl ottememori al . com CompareBeforeYouChoose Compare Before You Choose adno=50478835 t;rcr 19:;yCharlotte MemorialFi,neraHome Cemetery Crematory
10 SUNDAYMAR. 29EVENING SUNDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26 ---7117---ABC World News To night(N) (HD)ABC7 News at 6:30pm (N) (HD)Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Dogs shamed for ru in ing fur ni ture. (R)Once Upon a Time: Best Laid Plans (N) (HD)Se crets and Lies: The Con fes sion Ben tries to un cover stalkers iden tity. (N) (:01) Re venge: Clar ity Em ily de cides her next steps. (N) (HD) ABC E F28 ------171711News The lat est news. ABC World News (N)Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Dog sham ing. Once Upon a Time: Best Laid Plans (N) (HD)Se crets and Lies: The Con fes sion Bens stal ker. Re venge: Clar ity Em ily de cides her next steps. (N) ABC E F40 777107---7ABC World News (N)News (N)Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Dog sham ing. Once Upon a Time: Best Laid Plans (N) (HD)Se crets and Lies: The Con fes sion Bens stalker. Re venge: Clar ity Em ily de cides her next steps. (N) CBS E F10 101010---101010A (4:30) 2015 NCAA Bsketball Tournament: Regional Final (Live) (HD)60 Min utes (N) (HD)Madam Sec re tary: The Time is at Hand Dooms day cult. (N) (HD)The Good Wife: Un dis closed Re cip i ents Dis agree ment over firms fu ture. (N)Bat tle Creek: Old Flames Com mander Guziewi czs home burns down. (N) CBS E F11 213213-555213-2015 NCAA Bas ket ball: Re gional Fi nal (Live) (HD)60 Min utes (N) (HD)Madam Sec re tary Dooms day cult. (N) (HD)The Good Wife Fu ture of firm. (N) (HD)Bat tle Creek: Old Flames Burned down home. (N) NBC E F* 888-8-888News Chan nel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News Week end (N)The Voice Hope fuls coached by pro fes sion als.(HD)2015 iHeartRadio Mu sic Awards The mu sic awards show wher e fans vote on uni que cat e go ries like best fan army and best lyr ics, fea tur ing per for mances by Meghan Trainor, Rihanna and more. (HD) NBC E F20 ---222-232-News (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N)The Voice Hope fuls coached. (HD)2015 iHeartRadio Mu sic Awards The awards show with unique cat e go ries where the win ner is de cided by fan vote. (HD) FOX E F13 131313-13-131313FOX 13 6:00 News News events of the day are re ported. (N) (HD)The Simpson Sand wich shop. Bobs Bur gers Mu seum trip. (R)The Simpson: Covercraft (R)Fam Guy Joys of be ing dumb. The Last Man on Earth: She Drives Me Crazy; Mooovin In Home in Ariz. (N)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news sto ries are up dated. (N) (HD) FOX E F36 ---444---Par a dise TVPar a dise TVSimpson (R) (HD)Bobs Mu seum trip. (R)Simpson: Covercraft Fam Guy (R) (HD)The Last Man on Earth Home in Ariz. (N) (HD)FOX 4 News at Ten Nightly news re port. (N) PBS E F# 333---333PBS Newshour (N)WEDU Arts Plus (R)Kids Rock Can cer (R) (HD)Call the Mid wife New nurse. (N) (HD) (:05) Mas ter piece: Mr. Selfridge III Fu neral bells and wed ding bells ring. (N) (HD) PBS E F16 204204204-----16Ask This (N) (HD)P. Allen Stress re lief. Great Con ti nen tal Rail way Jour neys (R) (HD)NOVA Seis mic se crets. (R) (HD)180 Days: Hartsville El e men tary schools. (N) (HD)180 Days: Hartsville El e men tary schools. (N) (HD) PBS E F30 ---333---Mak ers: Women in War Ris ing in volve ment. (R)Fa ther Brown Woman haunted. (HD)Call the Mid wife New nurse. (N) (HD) (:05) Mas ter piece: Mr. Selfridge III Fu neral bells and wed ding bells ring. (N) (HD) CW E F46 ---6216---2 1/2 Men (HD)News (N)Queens (HD)Queens (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)News at10pm (N) (HD) CW E F44 999---9942 1/2 Men (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Blue Bloods: In side Jobs Send ing a mes sage. Blue Bloods: Men in Black Ha sidic mur der case. The Good Wife Cli ents free dom. (HD) MYN E F38 111111---111114Bones: The Male in the Mail Lotto love tri an gle. News (N)Cou gar Grayson tells. SeinfeldSeinfeld: The Checks Ray mond (HD)Health Mat ters Our Is suesWh acked-Out Sports MYN E F* ---898---Friends (HD)Friends (HD)Fam Guy (HD)Fam Guy (HD)In the Heat of the Night Body dump ing ground. In the Heat of the Night Chief goes miss ing. Stargate: SG-1: Heroes, Part 1 Film crew. IND E F32 121212-38-4412Mod ern (HD)Mod ern (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)An ger Char lies exes. An ger Too in volved. Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Phil a del phia Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Re call (HD) ION E F66 2221326184384381721 Black jack scheme. The Spe cial ist (, Ac tion) An ex-CIA bomb ex pert ac cepts the task of im ple ment ing a womans re venge. Into the Blue (, Thriller) aac Scuba di vers run afoul of a drug lord af ter they re trieve his il licit cargo. Into the Blue () aac WCLF E F22 222222---22222The Brody File The Watch man Real LifeThe Great Awakning TourLove a ChildP roph ecy Watch ers Gods News Christ for All Na tions Jesse Duplantis WRXY E F49 ---224410---The Good LifePerry Stone(N)The Great Awakning TourCon nec tion Sav ing the In ves tor En ter tain ment Time ofReza Safa TLF E F50 232323-95-23235Oro ne gro () Amantes buscan paz en su ciudad. Selena (, Drama) Jennifer Lopez, Ed ward James Olmos. Un retrato de la cantante mxico-americana, sus xitos y su trgico fin. El tiburn fantasma (, Hor ror) Un capitn mata a un tiburn blanco. (NR) UNIV E F62 151515---15156Fa milia P Luche (HD)Noticiero Univisin (N)Aqu y ahora Periodismo de investigacin. (N) (HD)Nuestra belleza latina Varias mujeres bellas compiten en tre s en un concurso de belleza. (N) (HD) (:05) Sal y pimienta Tras las cmaras. (N) (HD) ELBACA&E2626262639502626181Intervention: Emily (R)Intervention: Kimberly Intervention: Katie (R)Intervent Heroin; pills. (N)Neighbors with (N) (HD) AMC5656565630536262231The Walk ing Dead: For get Life ad just ment. (R) (HD)The Walk ing Dead: Spend Se cu rity strug gle. (R)The Walk ing Dead: Try Safety doubts. (R) (HD)The Walk ing Dead: Con quer Cross ing paths with trou ble. (N) (HD)Talk ing: Con quer (N) APL4444444436684444130To Be Announced North Wood (R) (HD)North Wood (N) (HD)Woods Law (N) (HD)Rugged Illegal firearm. BET3535353540225151270 (5:00) Madeas Fam ily Re union () aa Re union in ter rupted by fam ily drama. For Col ored Girls (, Drama) aa Janet Jack son, Thandie New ton. Eight Af ri can-Amer i can women deal with per sonal con flicts. (R)Mary Jn (R) (HD) BRAVO68686868254516565185Housewives (R)Housewives (R)Housewives (N)Blood Heel (N)Matchmk (N) COM6666666615275252190The Lon gest Yard () aac Im pris oned pro foot ball player forms team of con victs to play guards in game. Step Broth ers () aaa Two grown men are forced to share a bed room when their par ents get mar ried. (R) (:15) Kevin Hart: Im a Grown Lit tle Man (R) (HD) DISC4040404025434343120Alas kan Bush Peo ple Fam ily re flects. (R) (HD)Alas kan Bush Peo ple A new home. (R) (HD)Alas kan Bush Peo ple Browns seek help. (R) (HD)Alas kan Bush Peo ple: Re vis ited (N) (HD) E!4646464627264646196The Royals (R) (HD)Kardashian (R) (HD)Kardashian (R) (HD)Kardashians (N) (HD)The Royals (N) (HD) ESQ828282821181188484160NCIS: Los An geles: Iden tity Agent re turns. (HD)NCIS: Los An geles SEALs im pli cated. (HD)NCIS: Los An geles: Pred a tor Un manned ve hi cle. NCIS: Los An geles Hunt for Ma rine. (HD)The Short Game: Last Hole Last day. (R) (HD) EWTN24324324312-17243243285The Passion World Over (R)Solemn Mass of Palm Sunday from Rome with Pope Francis Mass celebrated. FAM5555555510465858199 (5:00) Bad Teacher () aac Aw ful in struc tor. (R)Home Alone (, Com edy) aaa Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci. A young boy ac ci den tally left at home fends off two bum bling bur glars. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Kid lands in NY and the path of re venge. FOOD37373737-768888164All-Star: Frenemies (R)Guys Chefs play ABC. Guys (N)All-Star (N) (HD)Cutthroat (N) FX515151515849343453Pi rates of the Ca rib bean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (, Ad ven ture) aaac Two swash buck lers seek to res cue a woman ab duc ted by cursed pirates. Snow White and the Hunts man Snow White is joined by a hunter on a cam paign to kill her step mother. GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdIt Takes a Church (R)Fam. FdFam. Fd HALL55517-738686240 (5:00) I Do, I Do, I Do () Re peat wed ding day. Just Des serts () aac A dis grun tled des sert chef and a brood ing baker find love af ter a food con test. (NR)A Taste of Ro mance () An up tight French chef ac ci den tally falls for a com pet ing eat erys owner. (HD) HGTV414141415342258258165HuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersLakefrontLakefrontLife (N)Life (N)Island (R)Island (R) HIST818181813365126126128Pawn StrsPawn StrsPawn StrsPawn StrsAx: Cuts Like a Knife (R)Ax Men: Fall of a Legend Outlaws: Unlikely Allies HSN2424242451191616151Home Sol.: Hoover Coin CollectorCoin CollectorHome Sol.: Hoover Home Solutions KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES I
11 SUNDAYMAR. 29EVENING SUNDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 ELBACLIFE3636363652413636140 (5:00) Stalked at 17 () aaa Abu sive boy friend. Bad Blood (, Thriller) An ob sessed bone mar row re cip i ent is us ing a womans DNA to com mit crimes. Dam aged (, Thriller) A girl moves in across the street from a cou ple and wreaks havoc on their lives. OWN58585858471035656161Master Cl.Ghost (, Romance) aaac A mans spirit protects his girlfriend. Oprah (N) (HD)Oprah (R) (HD) SPIKE575757572963545454Bar Res cue: Barely Above Wa ter Warwick, R.I. (R)Bar Res cue: Twin vs. Twin Kan sas City, Mo. (R)Bar Res cue: La gers and Li ars Fam ily di vided. (R)Bar Res cue: Loose Lips Loose Tips (N) (HD)Coach ing Bad (N) (HD) SYFY67676767253645555180Res i dent Evil: Ex tinc tion () Corp. vs. sur vi vors. Si lent Hill: Rev e la tion () aa A girl goes to a town called Si lent Hill to find her fa ther and her iden tity. (R)Hal low een (, Hor ror) aac A con victed se rial killer re turns home in search of his youn ger sis ter. (R) (HD) TBS595959593262595952Madea Goes to Jail () ac An out spo ken grand mother ends up in prison with a bunch of other mis fits. Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD) TCM65656565-169169169230 (5:45) Good bye Again () An older woman be gins a pas sion ate af fair with a law yer de spite dis ap proval. Grand Ho tel (, Drama) aaac The lives of var i ous guests at Berlins Grand Ho tel be come in ter twined. Ho tel Berlin () aac Ho tel guests deal with war. TLC4545454557724545139LI Med. (R) (HD)LI Med.LI Med.LI Med.LI Med.LI Med. (N) (HD)You Are: Sean Hayes (N) TNT616161612855616151The Expendables (, Ac tion) A team of mer ce nar ies are sent into South Amer ica to over throw a dic ta tor. Red (, Ac tion) aaac A re tired black-ops CIA agent who is marked for as sas si na tion looks for an swers. The Bourne Su prem acy () Framed for mur der. TRAV6969696926066260260170Paradise Popular buffets. Paradise (R)Bourdain: Cambodia (R)Borders (N)Borders (R) TRUTV6363636350306060183truTV Top (R)truTV Top A bouncy fail. Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers The U.S. tour. (R) TVLND6262626231545757244FriendsFriendsFriends(:43) Friends (TVPG) (HD)FriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriends USA343434342252353550Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit Past se crets. Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Weak (TV14)Law & Or der: SVU Play ground kid nap. (TV14) (HD)Law & Or der: SVU Case claimed a hoax. (TV14)Law & Or der: SVU Lewis in ves ti ga tion. (TV14) (HD) WE117117117117-117117117149CSI: Mi ami: Last Straw So ror ity mur ders. (HD)CSI: Mi ami: No Good Deed Whis tle-blower. (HD)CSI: Mi ami: Rest in Pieces Mi ami Taunter. (HD)CSI: Mi ami: At Risk Per sonal con nec tion. (HD)CSI: Mi ami: Law & Dis or der Cor rup tion scan dal. WGN16161619411195959 (5:00) Dreamcatcher (, Hor ror) aa Friends foil a mil i tary vig i lantes sa dis tic so lu tion to a dire alien threat. Blade II (, Ac tion) aaa Wes ley Snipes. A vam pire hunter bat tles crea tures with an in sa tia ble bloodlust. (R)Out law Coun try: Hot Pur suit (R) (HD) STROPSESPN292929291258292970PBA Bowl ing: PBA League Quarterfinals (Taped)SportsCenter (N) (HD)A 2015 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament: Oklahoma City Regional Final (Live) (HD)SportsCenter(N) (HD) ESPN230303030659303074MLS Soc cer: Phil a del phia vs Chi cago (Live) (HD)Arena Foot ball League: Phil a del phia Soul at Or lando Pred a tors from Amway Cen ter (Live) (HD)30 for 30: The Bad Boys (HD) FS1484848484269484883NASCAR Mas ters of Clock(N) (HD)O MLS Soccer: Toronto FC at Real Salt Lake from Rio Tinto Stadium (Live) (HD)Gar bage Time(HD)UFC Un leashed: Light Heavy weight Ti tle Timeline FSN72727272-56666677) (5:00) NHL Hcky: Florida Panthers at Ottawa Senators (Live) (HD)Pan thers Live(HD)World Poker: bestbet Bounty Scram ble Part 1 The Panel (N)The Panel (N)World Poker Tour: Borgata Poker Open Part 3 GOLF4949494955604949304F LPGA Tour Golf: Kia Classic: Final Round : from Aviara Golf Club in Carlsbad, Calif. (Live) (HD)Golf Cen tral (N) (HD)PGA TOUR Golf: Valero Texas Open: Fi nal Round NBCSN717171715461424290F1 Ex tra (HD)NHL Live (N)) NHL Hcky: San Jose Sharks at Pittsburgh Penguins from CONSOL Energy Center (Live) (HD)NHL Over time(HD)Sports Re port(N) SUN38384014014557383876Park & Pipe Open Se ries Halfpipe; slopeside. (R)TV (HD)Ship Shape TV (R)Sportsmn(HD)Florida (HD)Fin & Skin (R) (HD)Fish ing: Wahoo (HD)Cap tainsFish ing (HD) SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250Blog (R)Blog (R)Girl MeetsJessie (R)I Didnt (N)Undercover Jessie (R)Austin (R)Girl MeetsDog Blog NICK2525252524442525252SpongeSpongeHarvey (N)SpongeMadagascar: Escape 2 Africa () Stuck in Africa. PrincePrince TOON808012412446205787257ClarenceClarenceClarenceClarenceOblongsKing HillKing HillBobs (HD)Bobs (HD)Fam Guy SWENCNBC39393939-3739102PaidPaidSuper RichMoneyMob Money (R)Greed A fraud fighter. (R)Greed A primary suspect. CNN3232323218383932100 (2:00) CNN Newsroom (N)Finding Jesus: Judas (R)Finding Jesus Burial box. Finding: The True Cross The Wonder (N) CSPN1818181837129696109Washington This WeekNewsmakers Washington This WeekQ&A Interesting people. Commons Road to 16 FNC6464646448716464118FOX News Sunday (HD)FOX Report Sunday (N)FOX News ChannelFOX News ChannelStrangeStrange MSNB83838383185408282103Caught on Camera (HD)Caught on Camera (HD)Caught on Camera (HD)Caught on Camera (HD)Lockup Life behind bars. SNN66611-11---WeekendNewsNewsPaidWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekend CISUMCMTV4747474723243737221 (4:30) Elf () Man raised as elf looks for his dad. Young Guns (, West ern) Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Suther land. Six young gun sling ers set out to avenge the mur der of their men tor. (R)Young Guns II (, West ern) aac Billy the Kid and his gang flee the law. (HD) MTV3333333335483333210Ri dic u lous ness (R)Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous (R) (HD)Ri dic u lous (R)Ri dic u lous: Ray J (R)Ri dic u lous ness (R) VH15050505043235050217TI & Tiny (R) (HD)TI & Tiny (R) (HD)TI & Tiny (R) (HD)TI & Tiny (R) (HD)Beverly Hills Cop (, Ac tion) aaa Eddie Murphy. A De troit cop track ing a killer in Los An geles turns the town up side down. (R) (HD)Baby Boy () aac (R) MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380Movie Movie Movie HBO302302302302302302302302400The Internship () aa Two jobless, middle-aged salesmen compete as interns against dozens of college students for a coveted job at a savvy, tech company. Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (, Documentary) Eight former members are profiled, revealing experiences, abuse and betrayal. (NR) (:01) VICE Special Report: (R)HBO First Look Film preview. (R) HBO2303303303303303303303303402Game of Thrones: Blackwater Stannis fleet attacks Kings Landing. (HD)Game of Thrones: Valar Morghulis Tyrion finds his situation has changed. Tammy (, Comedy) Melissa McCarthy. After tough times, a woman decides to take a roadtrip with her grandmother.(:45) Non-Stop (, Thriller) aaa An air marshal hunts a hijacker determined t o kill a passenger every 20 minutes. (HD) HBOS304304304304-304304304404VICE (HD)Last Week John Oliver(HD)Real Time with Bill Maher(TVMA) (HD)Getaway (, Crime) ac Ethan Hawke. Former race car driver is on a deadly mission to save his kidnapped wife. (HD)The Place Beyond the Pines (, Crime) Trying to take care of his family, a man gets dragged into a life of stealing. MAX320320320320320320320320420Jarhead () A Marine is chosen for a sniper squad that is sent to the Mideast during the first Gulf War, where he discovers the truth about modern warfare. (R) (:20) Just Friends (, Comedy) aac Ryan Reynolds, Amy Smart. A record producer returns home and tries to rekindle a high-school crush. (PG-13) (HD)The Hangover Part III (, Comedy) Friends try to help unstable comrade. MMAX321321321321321321321321422 (4:45) Contact () aaa Jodie Foster. A scientist hears a signal from space.(:20) Waist Deep (, Action) aac Tyrese Gibson, Meagan Good. Recently released convict enlists the aid of a sexy hustler to get his son back. (R) (HD)Scary Movie 2 (, Comedy) Shawn Wayans. Four students take part in a psychology experiment at a haunted house. Sin City Diaries SHO340340340340340340340340365House of Lies Marty in trouble. Lies Marty makes appeal.(R) (HD)House of Lies Dinner invitation. Lies (R) (HD)Shameless: South Side Rules (R) (HD)Shameless: Drugs Actually(N) (HD)Lies (N) (HD)Lies (N) (HD) TMC350350350350350350350350385 (:15) Alex Cross (, Crime) aa Rachel Nichols, Giancarlo Esposito. A Washington D.C. homicide detective tries to track down a serial killer. (PG-13)(HD)Django Unchained (, Western) aaaa Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz. A freed slave travels across the United States with a German bounty hunter to liberate his wife from the clutches of a ruthless plantation owner in Mississippi. (R)(HD) KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES I _________ _________I I I ________ ________I I _______ _______ I________ ____ ____ I I ____ ____= __________ __________ __________ __________ I_E_______ ________[_
12 SUNDAYMAR. 29LATE NIGHT SUNDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 11 PM11:3012 AM12:301 AM1:302 AM2:303 AM3:304 AM4:305 AM5:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26---7117---NewsET (R) (HD)Extra (R)PaidABC World News Now (N) (HD)NewsNews (N) ABC E F28------171711News(:35) CastleScandalPaidPaidWorld News (N)NewsNewsNewsNews ABC E F40777107---7NewsPaidMcCarverEntertainCars.TVRacelineWorld News Now (N)NewsNewsNews CBS E F10101010---101010NewsOsteenKeithCraftPaidPaidPaidPaidUp to Minute (N)News10 News10 News10 News CBS E F11213213-555213-News11McCarverPaidInsideMcNeelyKickin ItUp to Minute (N)NewsNewsNews (N) NBC E F*888-8-888NewsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidMeet PressPaidEarlyNewsNewsNews NBC E F20---222-232-NewsPaidBonesPaidSt ormsDatelineMeet PressEarlyNewsNews (N) FOX E F13131313-13-13131311 NewsNoticeThe CloserPaidPaidPaidJudyJudy11 NewsNewsNews5:30 FOX E F36---444---The CloserNoticeGlee (HD)HomesThe OfficeThe OfficeDivorceS pringerFox 4 (N) PBS E F#333---333Vicar As TimeOne FootMasterpc (R) (HD)Perform (R) (HD)Midwife (R) PBS E F16204204204-----16NOVA (R)180 Days180 DaysNOVA (R)180 Days180 DaysFeel GrdYoga PBS E F30---333---A Celebration (N)Wheat Belly (HD)To Be Announced Info unavailable. Aging (HD) CW E F46---6216---How I MetModernRulesRules ScandalMiddleMiddleAngerRaw TravQueensQueensMiddleMiddle CW E F44999---994Good WifeFamilyFamilyMr. BoxMr. BoxArtificial Intelligence: A.I. () aaa PaidOK! TV MYN E F38111111---111114Ride Honor RingPaidUn sealedUnsealedDoyle (HD)PaidMissingPaidPaidShepherd MYN E F*---898---StargateOuter Outer Wild Geese II (, Adventure) Sea HuntShepherd IND E F32121212-38-4412MonopolyLeverageSpringerMovie SanctuaryHarveyMa rried ION E F6622213261843843817Into the Blue () 10,000 B.C. (, Drama) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid WCLF E F22222222---22222TommyAwakningAwakningProphecyFruitCTNSpecCopelandCitylife Good Life JesusEnd AgeCVanceA. Rippy WRXY E F49---224410---CharlesAwakningAwakning ConvocatioTurningWomen B.GouleyReal LifeGaitherExerciseFitness TLF E F50232323-95-23235Fuerza brutal () aa Lucha (HD)Get Smart () aaa (HD)PagadoPagadoPalenque UNIV E F62151515---15156La familiaNoticieroRep. dep.Al PuntoLa rosa Como diceDurmiendoLa familiaNoticiero ELBACA&E2626262639502626181SurvivingInterventInterventNeighborsSurvivingPaidPaidPaidPaid AMC5656565630536262231TalkingDead: Conquer Talking (R)Dead: Conquer Talking (R)Dead: Conquer APL4444444436684444130Woods LawRuggedNorth WoodNorth WoodNorth WoodWoods LawRugged BET3535353540225151270Mary JnAll InBET Inspiration Top ministers discuss on gospel and religious events. BRAV68686868254516565185WhFashion HousewivesMatchmkBlood HeelHousewivesPaidPaidPaidPaid COM6666666615275252190Kevin HartSNL Kevin Hart.(:22) SNL(:26) SNLBob Saget (R)PaidPaid DISC4040404025434343120AlaskanAlaskan Bush (R) (HD)AlaskanPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid E!4646464627264646196KardashianThe RoyalsKardashianKardashianSoupSoupPaidPaidPaidPaid ESQ828282821181188484160Best BarsBest BarsBest BarsBest BarsBest BarsPaidPaidPaidPaid EWTN24324324312-17243243285Life (R)Palm FriarLitany ofFor GodI ThirstFr PStrbLuke: MkM essiah BookmrkRosary FAM5555555510465858199Alone 2Osteen TurningPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidReignLife Tday FOOD37373737-768888164CutthroatAll-Star (R)CutthroatCutthroatGuys (R)PaidPaidPaidPaid FX515151515849343453HuntsmanMike MolMike MolMike MolMike MolMike MolMike MolPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid GSN179179179179341798080184BaggageBaggageBaggageBaggageNewlywdNewlywdNewlywdNewlywdNewlywdNewlywdPaidPaidPaidPaid HALL55517-738686240GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierCheersCheersLucyLucy HGTV414141415342258258165HuntersHuntersLifeLifeIslandIslandHuntersHuntersLakefrontLakefrontPaidPaidPaidPaid HIST818181813365126126128Vikings (R)(:01) Ax (R)(:01) Ax (R)OutlawsVikings (R)PaidPaidPaidPaid LIFE3636363652413636140 (:02) Bad Blood ()(:02) Damaged () (NR)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid OWN58585858471035656161Master Cl.Oprah (R)Ghost () Love from beyond. OprahsPhil (HD)Phil (HD) SPIKE575757572963545454Bar RescueBar RescueBar RescueBar RescueBar RescuePaidPaidPaidPaid SYFY67676767253645555180HallownResident Evil () aac Let Me In Vampire aids boy. (R)HauntingTwilightTwilight TBS595959593262595952CougarCougarMadea Goes to Jail ac Why Did I Get Married? () MarriedMarriedMarried TCM65656565-169169169230Berlin () The Penalty (, Crime) Tristana Girls struggle. ChienS imon () Influence TLC4545454557724545139LI Med.You AreLI Med.LI Med.LI Med.LI Med.PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid TNT616161612855616151Supremacy () The Italian Job (, Drama) Lara Croft (, Action) Law: Fixed TRAV6969696926066260260170No (N)BordersBordersNo (R)BourdainPaidPaidPaidPaid TRUTV6363636350306060183Hack MyHack MyJokersJokersJokersJokersJokers (R)Hack MyHack MyPaidPaidPaidPaid TVLND6262626231545757244FriendsFriendsFriendsFriends Friends FriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsQueensQueens USA343434342252353550Safe Haven aac Newfound love. SirensOrder: CIOrder: CISVU (HD)SVU (HD) WE117117117117-117117117149CSI MiamiCSI MiamiCSI MiamiCSI MiamiCSI MiamiCSI MiamiPaidPaid WGN16161619411195959Salem (R)SalemBonesBonesUnder the Tuscan Sun RulesPaidPaid STROPSESPN292929291258292970Sports (N)Sports (HD)Sports (HD)NBA Basketball (Taped)SportsSports ESPN23030303065930307430 30GameDay30 for 30ESPN FCRoast (R)Sports (N) (HD)Sports E60: WWE FS1484848484269484883FOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsNASCAR Sprint Cup: STP 500 (HD) FSN72727272-56666677Wrld PokerNHL Hcky (Replay)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid GOLF4949494955604949304PGA TOUR Golf: Valero Texas Open: Final Round European Tour Golf Champions NBCSN717171715461424290ReportCyc lingFormula One Racing (Replay)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SUN38384014014557383876Reel FishSportsmn Rodeo (Replay)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SWENCNN3232323218383932100Finding (R)Finding (R)The WonderCNNI Simulcast (N)Early Start (N) FNC6464646448716464118FOX (R)FOX (R)StrangeStrangeFOX NewsFOX (R)MediaBuzzFOX-Friend MSNBC83838383185408282103LockupLockupLockupMeet PressCaught (R)Meet PressFirst LookToo Early SNN66611-11---WeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekend MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380MovieMovieMaverick (, Western) Darkness () aa(:10) Milk Money () aa HBO302302302302302302302302400OliverA Mil lion Ways to Die OliverMen of Honor () aaa First LookNe ighbors () HBO2303303303303303303303303402Non-StopThrones(:05) Blade (, Action)(:15) Secretary () aaa Its MeFree Ride () aa HBOS304304304304-304304304404Pines () Wag Dog () aaa Choke Scammer.(:10) Game Change ()(:10) Kraus MAX320320320320320320320320420Hangov 3(:45) Confidential () Good Time () FemmeFemme (R)Blood Night () MMAX321321321321321321321321422FemmeThe Marine ()(:15) The Break-Up () The Purge () In BedThe Purge SHO340340340340340340340340365ShamelessLiesLiesShamelessLiesLiesKilling Softly () Gunfighters () TMC350350350350350350350350385Werewolf ()(R) (:40)Public Sex () ac Pauly Shore () Unhung Hero Deal KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES -----____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________________________________________I _____ I I I _____.--.--I ____________ ________________________ ____________ --I I ________ ___ ___ I I____ I I___ I ___ ___H _
13 MONDAY FRIDAY WEEKDAY MORNINGS MORNINGS WEEKDAY NEV N-E RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 AM6:307 AM7:308 AM8:309 AM9:3010 AM10:3011 AM11:30 03RAMYADNOMAMC5656565630536262231PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidOn Deadly Ground Man fights for environment. Siege ENC150150150150-150150150380My Girl 2 (, Drama) aa Meatballs () Crazy camp.(:15) Maverick (, Western) A big poker game. Octopussy HBO302302302302302302302302400ConchordsCen ter Stage (, Drama) aac Haughty di rec tor hones raw dance tal ent. (HD)Step Up: All In (, Ro mance) aac Ma jor com pe ti tion in Las Ve gas. (PG-13)Fight Gm (R)The In cred i ble Burt Wonderstone HBO2303303303303303303303303402 (:20) Funny Farm () Man leaves city. Monster-In-Law () aa (HD)Muhammad Alis Greatest Fight () Inside Man HBOS304304304304-304304304404Losing Isaiah () Interracial adoption(:05) Ponchao (, Comedy) The Internship () Job competition. Dolphin MAX320320320320320320320320420 (:05) Do min ion: Prequel to The Ex or cist () aac A demon is loosed. (R) (HD) (:05) Fallen (, Thriller) aac Copy cat kill ings bor der on bi zarre. (R) (HD) (:15) Kick-Ass 2 () aaa Red Mist seeks re venge on Kick-Ass. (R) (HD) MMAX321321321321321321321321422The Purge(:50) The First Wives Club () aac The Cure A cure for AIDS.(:15) The Shining () Unquiet spirits. SHO340340340340340340340340365 (:15) Dead Po ets So ci ety () aaac Robin Wil liams. Char is matic teacher in spires stu dents. (PG)Au gust: Osage County (, Drama) aaa Dys func tional fam ily re united. (R)Lucky Them () aac Writer seeks lost su per star, her ex. TCM65656565-169169169230A Man to Remember () aa Bad Lands ()(:45) Sorority House () Full Confession(:15) Playboy () TMC350350350350350350350350385 (5:30) Deal () aa High-stakes poker. For El len () aa A man tries to bond with his daugh ter.(:35) Ad ven tures in Babysitting () Babysitters jour ney(:20) Last Ve gas (, Com edy) 60-year-olds throw Ve gas bach e lor party. (HD) 13RAMYADSEUTAMC5656565630536262231PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidGladiator () Romes greatest general turns gladiator. (R) ENC150150150150-150150150380 (5:30) The Da Vinci Code () aaa (HD)(:59) GoldenEye () A rogue agent. The Grudge 2 () aa Curse kills sister. HBO302302302302302302302302400Grace (R) (HD) (:50) Super Ca pers: The Or i gins of Ed and the Miss ing Bul lion () a (PG)State of Play Ob ses sive par ents. (R)Into the Storm () aac On slaught of deadly tor na does. The Man () aa Mis taken iden tity. HBO2303303303303303303303303402Emperor(:50) The Way, Way Back () aaa (HD)(:35) Man of Steel () ac Supermans origins. Dukes Hazzard HBOS304304304304-304304304404Kingdom Come () Family problems.(:55) Say It Isnt So () aa(:35) Rush (, Drama) Rivalry forged. Gatsby MAX320320320320320320320320420The Next Best Thing (, Drama) Un con ven tional love.(:50) The Lake House (, Drama) aaa Man lives two years in the past. (PG)That Awk ward Mo ment () Three friends pact. (R) (HD)Nutty Pro fes sor II: Klumps () ac MMAX321321321321321321321321422 (:05) The Milagro Beanfield War ()(:05) The Last King of Scotland () CutA Good Year (, Comedy) SHO340340340340340340340340365I Shrunk () Igor (, Com edy) As sis tant in vents for evil sci ence fair. The Three Mus ke teers Mus ke teers de fend the crown.(:45) Last Hol i day (, Com edy) aac A sales clerk has a Eu ro pean spree. (HD)Dawn 2 () TCM65656565-169169169230Please Dont Eat the Daisies () aac The Courtship of Eddies Father () A Ticklish Affair () aa My Sccess TMC350350350350350350350350385 (5:30) Mighty Joe Young () Zo ol o gists pro tect a go rilla. That Darn Cat () ac A cat finds a clue to a kid nap ping. Philomena () An el derly womans search for her son.(:40) The Magic of Belle Isle () aac Writers spark. (PG) 1RPAYADSENDEWAMC5656565630536262231PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidStoogesStooges Finding Neverland () Authors life. ENC150150150150-150150150380 (5:40) Lucas ()(:20) Ice Age () Lost infant. Brady Bunch Movie () aa Gridiron Gang Youth football team. HBO302302302302302302302302400Sun shine ()(:45) Epic (, Fan tasy) Colin Farrell. The fight against an evil spi der queen. Love & Bas ket ball (, Ro mance) Play ers fol low their hoop dreams to USC.(:45) Real Sports Gumbel (HD) (:45) Go ing () HBO2303303303303303303303303402 (:10) Sunshine () Desperate mission. Game Change () Campaign in 2008. The Internship () Job competition. HBOS304304304304-304304304404Planet You From () aa (R)American Splendor A clerks story. (R)Olive Kitteridge Depressed friend. Kitteridge MAX320320320320320320320320420For a Few Dol lars More (, West ern) Ri val bounty hunt ers unite for out law.(:15) The East (, Drama) aaa Brit Marling. An op er a tive changes pri or i ties.(:15) The Dukes of Hazzard (, Com edy) The Duke cous ins fight cor rup tion. MMAX321321321321321321321321422Breaking and Entering () Refugee. Deck the Halls () aa (PG)(:35) The Rite (, Horror) Exorcisms. The Purge SHO340340340340340340340340365 (4:45) Man () Akeelah and the Bee (, Drama) aaac Girls vic tory in the spell ing bee. (PG) (:25) EDtv (, Com edy) aac A store clerks life be comes a TV show. (PG-13)The Kings of Sum mer () aaa Sum mer in the woods. (R) TCM65656565-169169169230The Tenderfoot(:15) Son of a Sailor () aa Fireman, Save aa Earthworm Tractors () 6 Day Bike Rider TMC350350350350350350350350385Space War riors () ac Teen ag ers as sist a space sta tion. Robosapien: Rebooted () aa Boy be friends ro bot. (PG)The Jour ney of Au gust King () aaa An es caped slave.(:35) Lionheart () aac A man be comes a street-fighter. 2RPAYADSRUHTAMC5656565630536262231PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidGreen Zone () A soldier discovers lies in Iraq. X-Men ENC150150150150-150150150380 (5:20) Cursed () Rookie of the Year () aac Lords of Dogtown Skateboard stunts.(:35) Wall Street () aaa (R) HBO302302302302302302302302400Su per star () The Uni ver sity of Sing Sing () A Good Year (, Com edy) aaa Banker in her its cha teau from his un cle. (HD)The Break-Up Ex-lov ers fight over their shared condo. Ride Along () Ab surd ride along. HBO2303303303303303303303303402Garfield: Tail of Two () aa The Great Gatsby (, Drama) Decadent world. The Desolation of Smaug () aaac HBOS304304304304-304304304404Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryGrace Is Gone Road trip. Its Me(:10) Black Nativity () ac Tomorrow MAX320320320320320320320320420The Good, the Bad and the Ugly () Three dis pa rate lowlifes de cide to team up to hunt for a Con fed er ate trea sure. Dont Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead (, Com edy)(:50) The Em perors Club () aaa Teach ing chal lenge. MMAX321321321321321321321321422 (5:45) MST3K ()(:05) King Kong () aaa Giant gorilla falls for beautiful girl. The Deep End aaa Son may be a killer. SHO340340340340340340340340365 (:20) Three Men and a Baby (, Com edy) Three bach e lors care for a baby. The Im por tance of Be ing Ear nest () Mis taken iden tity.(:40) Dick Tracy (, Ac tion) aac War ren Beatty. A de tec tive bat tles evil vil lains. Swing ers () TCM65656565-169169169230Influence(:45) Broadway Melody of 1936 () Broadway Melody of 1938 () aa Girl of the Golden West aa TMC350350350350350350350350385 (:20) Vam pire Dog (, Com edy) aa A young boy in her its a vam pire dog. (NR) (:55) Man of the House () aa Mur der wit nesses. (PG-13) (:35) De cep tion () Andie MacDowell. Hus band van ishes. The Last Shot () FBI movie sting. 3RPAYADIRFAMC5656565630536262231PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidChanging Lanes Car accident chaos. Snow Dogs () ENC150150150150-150150150380HowardStuck on You () Conjoined twins. The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones () Mad Max () aaa HBO302302302302302302302302400Planet? () aa Flicka (, Fam ily) A teen ager be friends a wild mus tang.(:10) Far from Heaven (, Drama) A 1950s house wife be friends black man. Char lie St. Cloud () A boy talks to his dead brother. X-Men 3 () HBO2303303303303303303303303402Witness(:45) Sisterhood of Pants () aaa(:45) The Devil Wears Prada () aaa(:35) Into the Storm () aac HBOS304304304304-304304304404The Mystery of Happiness(:45) Contact () aaa A signal from space. (PG)(:20) Wicker Park () Missing woman. MAX320320320320320320320320420Hang Em High (, West ern) aac A tough guy seeks re venge in Old West. Things We Lost in the Fire () aaa A widow helps a drug-ad dicted friend. (R)Ses sion 9 () aac Work crew in an aban doned asy lum. Reserv. ()(R) MMAX321321321321321321321321422 (:05) Black and White ()(:50) Beer for My Horses () ac (HD)(:25) Broken Arrow () aac Scary Movie () SHO340340340340340340340340365The Way (, Drama) aaa Mar tin Sheen. A man goes on a trek through Eu rope. Walk ing Tall () A man com bats drugs in his home town. Around the World in 80 Days () aa Three peo ple travel the globe to gether. Philomena TCM65656565-169169169230Julius Caesar () Romans conspire.(:15) The Fugitive Kind () aaa Drifters passion. The Young Lions () aaa TMC350350350350350350350350385De cep tion () ac Hus band van ishes. The Kings of Appletown (, Ad ven ture) Two wit nesses.(:35) The Wip ers Times () Ben Chap lin. WWI mag a zine.(:15) Mer cury Ris ing (, Thriller) An au tis tic boy breaks gov ern ment code. (R) 6 AM6:307 AM7:308 AM8:309 AM9:3010 AM10:3011 AM11:30 KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES T7=
14 MONDAY FRIDAY WEEKDAY MORNINGS MORNINGS WEEKDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 AM6:307 AM7:308 AM8:309 AM9:3010 AM10:3011 AM11:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26---7117---NewsNewsGood Morning America News M illionre.Millionre.The View ABC E F28------171711News Good Morning America News MinuteLets AskThe View ABC E F40777107---7News Good Morning America Better RecipeES.TVThe View CBS E F10101010---10101010 News ThisCBS This Morning Studio 10Lets Make a DealThe Price Is Right CBS E F11213213-555213-NewsNewsCBS This Morning LIVE! with KellyLets Make a DealThe Price Is Right NBC E F*888-8-888News Today Today Daytime Rachael Ray NBC E F20---222-232-NBC2 News TodayToday NBC2 News at 11am FOX E F13131313-13-131313News News News FOX 13s Good DayLIVE! with KellyWendy Williams FOX E F36---444---Fox 4 Rising at 6 AMFox 4 Rising at 7 AMFOX 4 Morning BlendLaw & Order: SVUMaury Judge Mathis PBS E F#333---333SidArthurSquadKrattsCuriousCuriousDanielDanielSesame Street Dino TrainDino Train PBS E F16204204204-----16YogaLilias!ElectricStretchSewingQuiltin gStitchSit FitPaintingCooksFreshYoga PBS E F30---333---StretchWordGirlSquadKratts CuriousCuriousDanielDanielSesame Street Dino TrainDino Train CW E F46---6216---AccessNewsNews News News Rachael RayAccess Live CW E F44999---994The Daily Buzz Queen LatifahMillionre.Millionre.FaithFaithJusticeJustice MYN E F38111111---111114PaidPaidOn SpotPaidRaymondCommunThe 700 ClubMauryThe Peoples Court MYN E F*---898---Movies Movies Movies IND E F32121212-38-4412MOR TouchS upremeSupremeMableanMableanDivorceDivorceDivorceDivorceJerry S pringer ION E F6622213261843843817ArcherArcherPaidThr. BiblePaidFellowshipFlas hpointFlashpointFlashpoint WCLF E F22222222---22222GospelDestinedTodayMeyerPerry CopelandParsleyEmpowerHermanKaufmannLife TdayDon Wilton WRXY E F49---224410---GospelBrody FileRezaDestinedThe LampThr. BibleGospelM eyerVariousWomenLife TdayProphecy TLF E F50232323-95-23235Tu da alegreNoticiasNacionalRebelde Laura Laura Ftbol Central UNIV E F62151515---15156La rosa deDespierta Amrica Como dice el dicho ELBACA&E2626262639502626181PaidPaidParkingParkingDog BntyDog Bnty Dog BountyCriminal MindsCriminal Minds APL4444444436684444130To Be AnnouncedBig CatBig CatCrocodile HuntAnimal CopsPit Bulls andPit Bulls and BET3535353540225151270 (4:00) BET Inspiration PrincePrinceGameGameGameGameGameGame BRAVO68686868254516565185Real HousewivesReal HousewivesReal HousewivesReal HousewivesReal HousewivesReal Housewives COM6666666615275252190PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidDailyNightlyMovies DISC4040404025434343120PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidCuff Me If You CanCuff Me If You CanBehind Bars E!4646464627264646196PaidPaidMovies KardashiansKardashiansFashion Police ESQ828282821181188484160PaidPaidMovies Burn NoticeBurn Notice EWTN24324324312-17243243285Various Michael Holy NameDaily MassLife on the RockVa rious WomenGRosary FAM5555555510465858199MeyerDrenda 70s Shws Shws Shws ShwMiddle 700 ClubThe 700 Club Gilmore Girls FOOD37373737-768888164PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidBobby FlayAlexs DayNeelys Cupcake Wars FX515151515849343453PaidPaidMovies Movies Movies GSN179179179179341798080184PaidPaidPaidPaidMatchMatchCard SharkPress LuckSale ofPyramidNo DealNo Deal HALL55517-738686240LucyLucyLucyLucyGoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenHome & Family HGTV414141415342258258165PaidDonnaSe lling NYSarah SeesSarah SeesSarah SeesSarah SeesSarah SeesSarah SeesSarah SeesSarah SeesSarah Sees HIST818181813365126126128PaidPaidTo Be AnnouncedTo Be Announced To Be Announced HSN2424242451191616151Lorena GarciasHSN TodayHSN TodayHousehold HelpersNatl Craft Mo.Lorena Garcias LIFE3636363652413636140PaidPaidPaidMissionUnsolved MysteriesFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasier OWN58585858471035656161Dateline on OWNDr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil QVC141414914131212150DiamoniqueMornings Made Easy Garden Party with Carolyn Unique Gardens SPIKE575757572963545454PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidBar RescueBar RescueBar Rescue SYFY67676767253645555180PaidPaidPaidPaidGhost HuntersHaunting: AustraliaFace Off Face Off TBS595959593262595952RulesMarriedMarriedQueensQueensQueensMovies Cl eveland TLC454545455772454513919 & Counting19 Kids19 Kids19 Kids19 Kids19 & Counting19 & Counting19 & Counting TNT616161612855616151Charmed Charmed Charmed SupernaturalSupernaturalSupernatural TRAV6969696926066260260170PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidBourdainBourdainLayover TRUTV6363636350306060183PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidWorlds Dumbest...Worlds Dumbest...Top 20 Shocking TVLAND6262626231545757244PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidFam. FdHllbilliesGriffithGriffithGriffithHogan USA343434342252353550SirensSirensLaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVU WE117117117117-117117117149MojoPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseann WGN16161619411195959PaidMeyerGospelCrefloLife TdayPaidWalker Walker Walker STROPSESPN292929291258292970SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter ESPN230303030659303074Mike & Mike ESPN First Take FS1484848484269484883FOX Sports LiveFOX Sports LiveFOX Sports LiveFOX Sports LiveThe Off-SeasonGarbagePregame FSN72727272-56666677Golf LifeHall FamePanthersPanthersInsideInsideThe FinsidersGolden Boy Live GOLF4949494955604949304Golf CentralMorning Drive Morning Drive Lady Euro Golf NBCSN717171715461424290RadiusRadiusRadiusRadiusRadiusRadiusThe Dan Patrick Show SUN38384014014557383876FloridaONeillPaidFSU 2014Date line LightningLightningXterra King ofRunningIronmanFit CEO SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250OctonautsOctonautsChugMickey Jake andMi ckeyMiles fromMiles fromDoc McSofiaSofiaSheriff NICK2525252524442525252PrincePrinceSpongeSpongeSpongePAW PatrolPAW Patrol UmizoomiWallykazWallykaz GuppiesGuppies TOON808012412446205787257GumballGumballPokmonTitans Go!Titans Go!GumballGumballAdventureAdventureTitans Go!Titans Go!Jerry Show SWENCNBC39393939-3739102Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Squawk Alley CNN3232323218383932100New Day CNN Newsroom At This Hour CSPN1818181837129696109Key HearingsWashington Journal Politics TodayPolitics Today FNC6464646448716464118FOX & Friends Americas Newsroom Happening Now MSNBC83838383185408282103Morning Joe The Rundown with Jos Diaz-BalartNews Nation SNN66611-11---NewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsSteven and ChrisNewsNewsPaidNews KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES 7 777I --F--
15 MONDAY FRIDAY WEEKDAY AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS WEEKDAY NEV N-E RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 12 PM12:301 PM1:302 PM2:303 PM3:304 PM4:305 PM5:30 03RAMYADNOMAMC5656565630536262231Under Siege () A ship is captured. Gladiator (, Drama) aaaa Romes greatest general turns gladiator. Departed ENC150150150150-150150150380 (11:25) Octopussy () aaa The Da Vinci Code () aaa Jesus descendants.(:10) Die Another Day () Terror plot. HBO302302302302302302302302400Burt () aac(:45) Its Me, Hil ary: Man Who (R)The Book Thief (, Drama) aaac WoMan Fnd com fort in steal ing books.(:45) The Fast and the Fu ri ous: To kyo Drift (, Ac tion) Dan ger ous rac ing. Ol i ver (HD) HBO2303303303303303303303303402 (11:30) Inside Man () aaac John Tucker Must Die ()(:15) Klitschko Boxers profiled. (HD) (:15) 12 Years () HBOS304304304304-304304304404 (11:40) Dolphin Tale ()(:35) Endless Love () aac(:20) Little Miss Sunshine () aaac Doubtfire () aaa MAX320320320320320320320320420The Mex i can (, Com edy) aa Clumsy crooks girl held hos tage by mob. (R) (:10) Mou lin Rouge! (, Mu si cal) A poet ro mances a beau ti ful cour te san.(:20) Red Dragon (, Crime) aaa Agent searches for full moon killer. (R) (HD) MMAX321321321321321321321321422ShiningHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire A wizard tournament.(:25) Ride Along () aac Working Girl () SHO340340340340340340340340365Heather Mc Don ald: Stand-up rou tine.(:20) Jay Mohr: Happy. And A Lot Stand-up rou tine. (R)Grosse Pointe Blank (, Com edy) Hit man at tends his high school re union. In side Llewyn Da vis (, Drama) aaac s folk scene. TCM65656565-169169169230PlayboyPursuit () aa Back in Circulation () aa Mr. Chump Plan backfires. Great Man Votes Sweepstke TMC350350350350350350350350385 (:05) Tape () aaa Two old friends share a dark se cret. (R) (:35) Mighty Joe Young (, Ad ven ture) aa Zo ol o gists pro tect a go rilla. (PG)Fail ure to Launch A 35-year-old man still lives at home. Last Ve gas () 60-year-olds party. 13RAMYADSEUTAMC5656565630536262231GladiatorBraveheart A farmer organizes a resistance against the tyranny of English rule. Titanic Love and disaster. ENC150150150150-150150150380 (:55) The World Is Not Enough () ac(:05) From Hell () aaa Grisly murders.(:10) Blown Away () A mad bomber. HBO302302302302302302302302400The Man () Get away () ac For mer race car driver must save wife. One Fine Day (, Ro mance) aac Sin gle par ents feud, then fall in love. (PG)Real Sports Gumbel(HD)Real Time with Bill Maher (TVMA) HBO2303303303303303303303303402HazzardThe Fault in Our Stars () Love vs. cancer. Meet the Parents () aaa First LookThronesThe Hobbit HBOS304304304304-304304304404The Great Gatsby Decadent world.(:05) Non-Stop (, Thriller)(:50) The Book Thief () WWII refugee hidden. MAX320320320320320320320320420Nutty Pro fes sor II: Klumps () ac(:55) Dawn of the Dead (, Hor ror) aaa Zom bies in mall.(:35) Her (, Com edy) aaac Writer and ad vanced op er at ing sys tem. (R) (HD)The Purge () aac All crime is le gal one night each year. MMAX321321321321321321321321422Good YearThe Thing () aaac Shape-shift alien. The Devils Advocate () Evil tempts lawyer. You See Me () SHO340340340340340340340340365The Twi light Saga: Break ing Dawn: Part 2 A daugh ter.(:45) Rollerball (, Ac tion) Chris Klein. Cor rupt owner pro motes deadly sport.(:25) Take Care (, Com edy) (HD)Last Hol i day () Eu ro pean spree. TCM65656565-169169169230Secret of My Success () Advance to the Rear () (:15) Sol Madrid (, Crime) Poseidon Adventure () TMC350350350350350350350350385Belle Isle () Even Money (, Crime) aa Five strang ers are af fected by gam bling. (R) (HD)Java Heat (, Ac tion) Man hunt for ter ror ist in In do ne sia.(:15) Philomena (, Drama) aaac An el derly womans search for her son. 1RPAYADSENDEWAMC5656565630536262231The School of Rock () aaa Unusual teacher. The Legend of Zorro () Zorro must rise one more time. Fool ENC150150150150-150150150380Gridiron Bulworth Senator tells truth.(:15) The Lone Ranger (, Action) Masked hero. Brady Bunch Movie () aa HBO302302302302302302302302400Go ing Clear: Sci en tol ogy and the Prison of Be lief () For mer mem bers. Win ters Tale (, Drama) Colin Farrell. Bur glar falls for dy ing young woman. Wicker Park (, Mys tery) aaa A man searches for his miss ing lover. (PG-13) HBO2303303303303303303303303402Rio 2 () aac Amazon living. Step Up: All In () Las Vegas battle.(:45) State Play(:50) Sea of Monsters () HBOS304304304304-304304304404O. Kitteridge Hospital visit.(:25) Enough Said () aaa Rumor Has It ... () aac(:40) Kraus (HD)Saving MAX320320320320320320320320420Bad Words () aaac Spell ing bee loser seeks loop hole. John Tucker Must Die Ex-girl friends train girl to hurt ex. Riddick (, Ac tion) Vin Die sel, Jordi Moll. Crim i nal bat tles alien pred a tors. The Se cret Life of Wal ter Mitty () MMAX321321321321321321321321422The Purge () Nutty Professor II: The Klumps ()(:10) Jarhead () The first Gulf War.(:15) Mars () SHO340340340340340340340340365 (:05) The Il lu sion ist (, Ro mance) A ma gi cian falls in love with a duch ess. Akeelah and the Bee (, Drama) aaac Girls vic tory in the spell ing bee. (PG)EDtv (, Com edy) aac A store clerks life be comes a TV show. (PG-13) (HD) TCM65656565-169169169230Rio Rita () Nazis put radios in fruits. Lost in a Harem () aaa(:45) Abbott & Costello () Captain Kidd () TMC350350350350350350350350385Lionheart () Lord of War (, Crime) Nicolas Cage. An arms dealer con fronts his mo ral ity.(:35) Roadie () aa A rocker at tempts to find mean ing. (R) (:15) By zan tium (, Thriller) aac 200-year-old vam pires seek ref uge. (R) (HD) 2RPAYADSRUHTAMC5656565630536262231X-Men () aaa Mutant superheroes. Sahara () aac Treasure hunter searches for battleship. Body of Lies () ENC150150150150-150150150380Wall St.(:45) Frequency () Radio link to past.(:45) My Girl () Widowed dad copes. My Girl 2 (, Drama) aa HBO302302302302302302302302400Ride Along () Ab surd ride along. Run away Bride (, Com edy) aac Rich ard Gere. Writer falls for ner vous bride. The Tru man Show () Mans life is sub ject of TV show. Mak ing of(R)The Leg end of Her cu les () ac HBO2303303303303303303303303402SmaugWere the Millers () aaa Fake family. Real Sports (HD)(:40) The Heat () aac Partners clash. Rock HBOS304304304304-304304304404Edge of Tomorrow () Escape Plan () Wrongly imprisoned.(:45) Good Night () aaac Way Back () MAX320320320320320320320320420Em peror ()(:45) Char lies An gels (, Ac tion) aac Three de tec tives hunt a kid nap vic tim. The Con jur ing (, Hor ror) aaac Fam ily ter ror ized at se cluded farm house. (R)The Coun selor () Law yer is in volved in drug traf fick ing. MMAX321321321321321321321321422A History of Violence ()(:40) The Truth About Charlie () ac(:25) Baggage Claim () Hyde Park () SHO340340340340340340340340365Swing ers () aaa Sin gle live in L.A.(:15) An In con ve nient Truth () Al Gore. Al Gore dis cusses global warm ing. Fletch (, Com edy) A re porter probes an un usual of fer.(:40) Fletch Lives () A mur der spoils a re porters plans. TCM65656565-169169169230Girl West(:45) Yellow Jack () aaa Four Girls in White () aa Kid from Texas a They Met in Argentina () TMC350350350350350350350350385Last Shot ()(:40) Man Shook Hand () aaac Re tiree im presses. (NR) (:20) Fruitvale Sta tion () aaac Young mans life. (R) (HD) (:45) The Am a teurs (, Com edy) aac A small town makes an adult film. (R)Last Shot () 3RPAYADIRFAMC5656565630536262231Snow Dogs ()(:15) Drumline (, Drama) aa Harlem drummer. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation () ENC150150150150-150150150380Mad MaxThunderheart aac Reservation murder.(:35) Broken Trail (HD)Broken Trail Captors return. Mortal HBO302302302302302302302302400 (11:45) X-Men: The Last Stand () War with mu tants. The Wol ver ine (, Ac tion) aaac Wol ver ine en coun ters en emy from past. (HD) (:45) Showtime (, Ac tion) aa Po lar op po sites star on TV cop show. (PG-13) (:45) Rush () HBO2303303303303303303303303402 (:05) JFK (, Drama) An attorney tracks presidents killers.(:15) Night Will Fall () aaa Rush () Rivalry forged. (R) HBOS304304304304-304304304404The Fault in Our Stars () Love vs. cancer. The Best Man Holiday (, Comedy)(:40) Hope Floats () aac MAX320320320320320320320320420 (11:45) Res er va tion Road () aac Griev ing fa ther. (R)True Lies (, Ac tion) A se cret agent tries to find a ter ror ist and save his own trou bled mar riage.(:55) Wait ing to Ex hale () aac Four friends lend sup port to one an other (R) MMAX321321321321321321321321422Scary Movie ()(:55) Her (, Comedy) Modern love. (R)(:05) Red Dragon () Full moon killer. Dawn Dead () SHO340340340340340340340340365Philomena () An el derly womans search for her son. Last Hol i day (, Com edy) aac A sales clerk has a Eu ro pean spree. (PG-13)Walk ing Tall () A man com bats drugs in his home town. The Last Ex or cism Part II () a TCM65656565-169169169230The Young Lions () aaa Guys and Dolls () aaa Gambler wagers date.(:15) A Streetcar Named Desire () TMC350350350350350350350350385 (:10) Quar tet (, Com edy) Mag gie Smith. Past ri val ries of re tired op era group. Fierce Peo ple (, Drama) Di ane Lane. Teen age boy wants to study In di ans. Res to ra tion (, Drama) aac Rob ert Downey Jr. A doc tor joins the royal court. 12 PM12:301 PM1:302 PM2:303 PM3:304 PM4:305 PM5:30 KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES Hill
16 MONDAY FRIDAY WEEKDAY AFTERNOONS AFTERNOONS WEEKDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 12 PM12:301 PM1:302 PM2:303 PM3:304 PM4:305 PM5:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26---7117---MinuteMinuteThe ChewGeneral HospitalSteve HarveyEllen DeGeneresExtraInsider ABC E F28------171711The Dr. Oz ShowThe ChewGeneral HospitalMeredith VieiraThe Now-TampaNewsNews ABC E F40777107---7ABC7 News at NoonThe ChewGeneral HospitalRachael RaySuncoast ViewNewsNews CBS E F10101010---101010NewsYoung RestlessBeautifulThe Talk InsideJeopardyDr. Phil NewsNews CBS E F11213213-555213-NewsYoung RestlessBeautifulThe Talk Meredith VieiraNews at 4pmNewsNews NBC E F*888-8-888Today Days of Our LivesSteve HarveyEllen DeGeneresNews NewsNews NBC E F20---222-232-NBC2 News at NoonDays of Our LivesThe DoctorsThe Dr. Oz ShowNews NewsNews FOX E F13131313-13-131313FOX 13 NewsAccessDishThe Real TMZ Live JudyJudyNewsNews FOX E F36---444---TMZSupremeThe Pe oples CourtHot BenchHot BenchPaternityPaternityMaury JudyJudy PBS E F#333---333Charlie RoseCancer: The Emperor of All MaladiesCuriousSesameArthurSquadKrattsEurope PBS E F16204204204-----16NewslineContraryTravelsJ ourneys Globe TrekkerRailway JourneyAntiques RoadshowJournalCapitol PBS E F30---333---CooksKitchenPaintingSew It AllSuper WhyCat in HatPeg + CatCuriousArthurSquadKrattsKratts CW E F46---6216---Fam. FdFam. FdBill CunninghamWendy WilliamsCelebrityCelebrityFam. FdFam. FdDr. Phil CW E F44999---994AmericaAmericaPaternityPaternityHot BenchHot BenchBill CunninghamRulesRulesM iddleMiddle MYN E F38111111---111114Judge MathisThe DoctorsJudge MathisMaury The Peoples CourtFam. FdCelebrity MYN E F*---898---Movie Movie CommunCommun FriendsFriends IND E F32121212-38-4412CheatersCheatersSteve Wilkos ShowSteve Wilkos ShowJerry SpringerJerry Springer How I MetHow I Met ION E F6622213261843843817FlashpointCriminal MindsCrimina l MindsCriminal MindsCriminal MindsCriminal Minds WCLF E F22222222---22222DestinedThr. BibleA. RippyFe llowshipJim B akkerThe 700 ClubYour HealthHermanParsley WRXY E F49---224410---A. RippyHermanThe 700 ClubYour HealthJim BakkerConnect KingdomMissionReza TLF E F50232323-95-23235Ftbol Internacional Cosita lindaEl Chavo El ventiladorEl Palenque UNIV E F62151515---15156Teresa Hoy La rosa deQuiero amarte(:59) Gordo y flacaPrimer impacto ELBACA&E2626262639502626181CSI: MiamiCSI: MiamiCriminal MindsCriminal MindsNeighbors withSurviving Marriage APL4444444436684444130The HauntedThe HauntedMonsters Inside MeSwamp WarsGator BoysTo Be Announced BET3535353540225151270Movie PrincePrincePrinceHusbandsHusbandsXperimentAll In BRAVO68686868254516565185Real HousewivesReal HousewivesNewlywdsNewlywdsReal HousewivesReal Housewives COM6666666615275252190ToshToshToshToshToshToshToshToshFuturamaFuturamaFuturamaFuturama DISC4040404025434343120Behind BarsVarious Alaskan BushAlaskan BushAlaskan BushAlaskan Bush E!4646464627264646196E! News Sex/CitySex/CitySex/CitySex/CitySex/CitySex/CitySex/CitySex/CitySex/CitySex/City ESQ828282821181188484160NCIS: Los AngelesNCIS: Los AngelesNCIS: Los AngelesNCIS: Los AngelesNCIS: Los AngelesNCIS: Los Angeles EWTN24324324312-17243243285Daily MassVarious Various ReflectionRosaryAngelsVariousMartyrsChoices FAM5555555510465858199Gilmore GirlsM iddleMiddleMiddleMiddleRebaRebaRebaRebaBoy WrldMovie FOOD37373737-768888164Chopped PioneerBarefootRest. Chef30 Min.GiadaGiadaBarefootBarefootPioneerTrishas FX515151515849343453Movie How I Met AngerAnger2 1/2 Men2 1/2 MenMike MolMike MolMike Mol GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdCatch 21PyramidChainChainNo DealNo DealDeal or No Deal HALL55517-738686240Home & Family Little HouseLittle HouseLittle HouseThe Waltons HGTV414141415342258258165HuntersHuntersFixer UpperFixer UpperFixer UpperFixer UpperFixer Upper HIST818181813365126126128To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced HSN2424242451191616151Lorena GarciasMichael AnthonyMichael AnthonyNatl Craft Mo.Lorena GarciasLorena Garcias LIFE3636363652413636140How I MetHow I MetGreys AnatomyGreys AnatomyGreys AnatomyDance MomsDance Moms OWN58585858471035656161Dr. Phil Dr. Phil If Loving YouIf Loving YouIf Loving YouIf Loving You QVC141414914131212150Q CheckPourri & Co.Patio & Garden Gourmet Holiday SPIKE575757572963545454Bar RescueBar RescueBar R escueMovie Movie SYFY67676767253645555180Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off TBS595959593262595952DadDadDadDadFam GuyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriends TLC4545454557724545139 (11:00) 19 Kids19 & Counting19 & Counting19 Kids19 Kids19 Kids19 Kids19 Kids19 Kids TNT616161612855616151SupernaturalBones Bones Bones Bones Castle TRAV6969696926066260260170Extreme ParkingVarious Extreme SpecialsFood ParadiseBizarre FoodsMa n/FoodMan/Food TRUTV6363636350306060183Top 20 ShockingTop 20 ShockingTop 20 ShockingtruTV Top FunniesttruTV Top FunniesttruTV Top Funniest TVLAND6262626231545757244HoganHoganGunsmokeBonanza Bonanza Walker Walker USA343434342252353550Law & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVU WE117117117117-117117117149RoseannRoseannWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceCSI: MiamiCSI: Miami WGN16161619411195959Walker Walker Walker Walker Blue BloodsBlue Bloods STROPSESPN292929291258292970SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsOutsideInsidersNFL Live HighlyHornInter ruptn ESPN230303030659303074His & HersESPN First Take SportsNationHis & Hers OlbermannYou Herd FS1484848484269484883International Soccer Match DayUEFA Euro Qualifying Soccer Americas Pregame FSN72727272-56666677Hall FameMarlinsMLB Spring Training MarlinsMarlinsThe Finsiders GOLF4949494955604949304 (11:00) Euro GolfThe Golf FixPalm BeachesPalm BeachesPalm BeachesGolf Central Special NBCSN717171715461424290Into theSweetwaterNext BiteHobieWinkelmanAmericanaTBAMot orheadPowerNat.PowerNat.NASCARPro SUN38384014014557383876NHL Hcky Tampa BayIn Search of SpeedM ountainDo FloridaThe PanelThe PanelGypsy SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250Kate MimMovie Toy StoryA.N.T.A.N.T.Dog BlogDog Blog Girl MeetsGirl MeetsUndercoverUndercover NICK2525252524442525252UmizoomiPAW PatrolPAW PatrolBlazeS pongeSpongeSpongeOggySpongeSpongeiCarlyiCarly TOON808012412446205787257GrandpaGrandpaClarenceUniverseTitans Go!Titans Go!AdventureAdventureGumballGumballUniverseGrandpa SWENCNBC39393939-3739102Fast MoneyPower Lunch Closing Bell Fast Money CNN3232323218383932100Legal View withWolf CNN Newsroom Jake TapperSituation Room CSPN1818181837129696109Politics TodayPolitics TodayPolitics TodayPolitics TodayPolitics TodayPolitics Today FNC6464646448716464118OutnumberedHappening NowReal Story GretchenShepard SmithYour World CavutoThe Five MSNBC83838383185408282103Andrea MMSNBC Live with Thomas RobertsThe CycleAlex WagnerThe Ed Show SNN66611-11---Your LifeYour LifeNewsNewsNewsNewsPaidNewsNewsNewsSNN EveSNN Eve KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES 77777-------------
17 MONDAY 2 Broke Girls8 p.m. on CBSMax and Caroline get second jobs as a pastry chef and a restaurant hostess so that they can bring in enough cash to pay off their small business loan made by the bank. (HD)Mike & Molly8:30 p.m. on CBSMike becomes hurt after he “nds that Molly is anxious about him attending a celebratory party that her publisher is throwing for both her and Peggy. (HD)Bates Motel9 p.m. on A&ENorman and Emma decide to take a day off from working at the motel; Romero inquires into two mysterious deaths in White Pine Bay; Norma returns to school. (HD)Scorpion9 p.m. on CBSTeam Scorpion takes a woman on the run from a dangerous drug cartel that is looking to keep her quiet when she is named a key witness in a crime and is set to testify in court. (HD)The Following9 p.m. on FOXRyan (Kevin Bacon) and Mike are tipped off about the location of the target they are pursuing, leading them to a small town to investigate whether or not hes looking for protection, but when they arrive they “nd a larger threat that had remained undetected. (HD)American Dad!9 p.m. on TBSA frightened Stan makes the decision to seek the advice of a mental health professional after he sees a couple perish during a fatal car crash. (HD)My 600-lb Life9 p.m. on TLCA woman who has coped with her emotional problems through food her whole life is con“ned to a wheelchair and relies on an oxygen tank to breath and her husband and mother to survive. (HD) MONDAY HIGHLIGHTSKevin Bacon THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFULBills unwelcomed visit to Ridges home took an uncomfortable turn after he spied the nude portrait that Ridge painted of Caroline. Nicole got more insight to Mayas personal life while observing her interaction with Rick. Liam planned a romantic surprise for Ivy after her rough day at the of“ce. Brooke admitted to Katie that she was very lonely. Not realizing the person was Brooke, Quinn suggested to Deacon that he invite his friend from AA to their wedding. Knowing that Nicole could spill her secret, Maya kissed up to her sister and begged her to stay. Katie con“ded in Bill that she was worried about Brookes mental state.DAYS OF OUR LIVESPaige admitted to Daniel that she once thought he had slept with her mother. Nicole sought Erics help with Daniel. Serena had a tense encounter with her partner in crime. Melanie caught Clint red-handed. JJ was alarmed when Daniel asked him about the coat he borrowed last fall. Eve tried to recruit a new ally in Salem. Paul tracked down Sonny for a private talk. Melanie tried to make sense of her suspicions, which were only ampli“ed after Brady inadvertently provided her with a clue.GENERAL HOSPITALSpinelli made a heartfelt plea on behalf of Maxie. Alexis made a shocking admission about Nina during her hearing. Sam continued to ponder something Jake said to her before he went into surgery. Carly was stunned by the recent news involving Jake. Dante and Lulu tried to put the pieces together regarding Lukes whereabouts. Ric stumbled upon a possible glitch in his scheme. Sam watched a touching moment between Patrick and Danny. At the end of the day, Nina and Franco learned their fates. More clues were revealed about the Spencer familys past. Shawn was worried about what actions Duke and Sonny might take against Jordan.THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESSVictor met with his mystery partner and “lled him in on the latest development in his plan. Summer, Kyle and Noah disagreed on who probably murdered Austin. Kyle, in particular, thought anyone who participated in Austins documentary was a suspect. Jack came home to “nd Phyllis upset from a nightmare. Christine warned Nikki that she would pay for her crimes. Hilary used some inside information to her advantage. Cane asked Lily if he could move back into their bedroom.SOAP OPERA UPDATE 24twentyoneEvent Center For Any Occasion 2421 TAMIAMI TRAIL PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33952 941 NOW BOOKING HOLIDAY PARTIES AUCTIONS SEMINARS MEETINGS PARTIES DANCES CLASSES WEDDINGS SPECIAL EVENTS adno=50482182 adno=50478172 2762B.TamiamiTr.,PortCharlotte 2762B.TamiamiTr.,PortCharlotte 2762 B. Tamiami Tr., Port Charlotte JULIAB.PIZARRO,D.M.D.P.A. JULIAB.PIZARRO,D.M.D.P.A. JULIA B. PIZARRO, D.M.D. P.A.W W I I N N T T E E R R S S P P E E C C I I A A L L WINTERSPECIAL WINTER SPECIAL SE HABLA ESPAOL ALL PRODUCTS ARE MADE IN THE USA HURRYINTOTAKEADVANTAGEOFOUR HURRYINTOTAKEADVANTAGEOFOUR HURRY IN TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Cash or Checks Please Offer good in the absence of gum disease. Valid through 2/28/15 $ $ 59$59 $ 59 Only PROPHY / XRAYS / EXAM 6 6 2 2 9 9 4 4 8 8 0 0 4 4 629-4804 629-4804 NEWPATIENTSONLY NEW PATIENTS ONLY adno=50482041 941-624-5277 1146 Market Circle Port Charlotte, FL 33953 AFloridaPremiere Glass & Mirror Specialty Establishment VOTED #1 in Charlotte County 2014 READERS’CHOICEAWARD 2010 2012 2011 2009 2004 2008 Lic # AAA006761 2013 All phases of Glass & Mirror Windows Sliding Glass Doors Table Tops Custom Specialty Work Commercial Storefront Glass Etching Beveled & Polished Glass & Mirror Shower & Bath Enclosur es mom2 twentyone4 EVENT CENTERCk.Auu tiun/;13 PS`-oCF
18 MONDAYMAR. 30EVENING MONDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26 ---7117---ABC7 News at 6:00pm (N) (HD)ABC World News To night(N) (HD)The 7 OClock News (N) (HD)En ter tain ment To night (N) (HD)Danc ing with the Stars (N) (HD) (:01) Cas tle: Ha beas Corpse High-pro file in jury at tor ney mur dered. (N) (HD) ABC E F28 ------171711News The lat est news. ABC World News (N)The List (N) (HD)Right This Min ute (N)Danc ing with the Stars (N) (HD) (:01) Cas tle: Ha beas Corpse At tor ney killed. (N) ABC E F40 777107---7News (N)ABC World News (N)A Mil lion aire? (R)OK! TV (N) (HD)Danc ing with the Stars (N) (HD) (:01) Cas tle: Ha beas Corpse At tor ney killed. (N) CBS E F10 101010---10101010 News, 6pm Lo cal news re port. News with Scott Pelley (N)Wheel of For tune: Spring Break Jeop ardy! (N) (HD)2 Broke Girls Sec ond jobs.(N)Mike & Molly Alone at party.(N)Scor pion: Crossrds A key wit ness runs from a drug car tel. (N) (HD)NCIS: Los An geles: Blaze of Glory A hi jacked mis sile test goes off course. CBS E F11 213213-555213-News (N) (HD)Eve ning News(N) (HD)News (N) (HD)In side Edi tion (N)2 Broke Sec ond jobs. Mike Mol (N) (HD)Scor pion: Crossrds Wit ness on the run. (N) (HD) (:59) NCIS: Los An geles Hi jacked mis sile. (N) (HD) NBC E F* 888-8-888News Chan nel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News Cur rent events. News Chan nel 8 at 7:00 (N)Ex tra (N) (HD)The Voice: The Knock outs, Part 3 (N) (HD) (:01) The Night Shift: Need To Know TC treats An nie af ter an ac ci dent. (N) NBC E F20 ---222-232-News (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N)Wheel: Spring Break Jeop ardy! (N) (HD)The Voice: The Knock outs, Part 3 (N) (HD)The Night Shift: Need To Know An nie in ac ci dent. FOX E F13 131313-13-131313FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)TMZ (N)The In sider(N) (HD)Gotham: Red Hood Selina Kyle and Barbara grow closer. (R) (HD)The Fol low ing: Re union Ryan and Mike fol low tip to small town. (N) (HD)FOX 13 10:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 10:30 News (N) FOX E F36 ---444---FOX 4 News at Six Lo cal news; weather. (N)Judge Judy(R) (HD)Judge Judy(R) (HD)Gotham: Red Hood Bank rob ber ies. (R) (HD)The Fol low ing: Re union Lat est tar get tip. (N) (HD)FOX 4 News at Ten Nightly news re port. (N) PBS E F# 333---333BBC World News Busi ness Re port (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)An tiques Roadshow: Bir ming ham Dolls; por trait. Can cer: The Em peror of All Mal a dies: Magic Bul lets Search for cure and che mo ther apy. (N) (HD) PBS E F16 204204204-----16Ses ame Street Baby Bears school. (N) (HD)Cat in Hat (R) (HD)Peg + Cat (R) (HD)Eu rope An cient ru ins. Rudy Max (R)Trav els (R)Jour neys (N) (HD)Globe Trekker: Swit zer land Sci ence and golf. (R) PBS E F30 ---333---BBC World News Busi ness Re port (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)An tiques Roadshow: Bir ming ham Dolls; por trait. To Be An nounced Info un avail able. To Be An nounced Info un avail able. CW E F46 ---6216---Big Bang (HD)News (N)Big Bang (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD)The Orig i nals Run ning out of time. (R) (HD)Jane the Vir gin: Chap ter Six teen Writers block. (R)News at10pm (N) (HD) CW E F44 999---994Queens (TVPG) (HD)Queens: Raygin Bulls Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)The Orig i nals Run ning out of time. (R) (HD)Jane the Vir gin: Chap ter Six teen Writers block. (R)2 1/2 Men (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD) MYN E F38 111111---111114Ce leb rity Name (R)Fam ily Feud(TVPG)Fam ily Feud(TVPG)En ter tain To night (N)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit Strip club. Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Hell (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD) MYN E F* ---898---Dad: The Miss ing Kink Cleve land(HD)Fam Guy (HD)Fam GuyLaw & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit Strip club. Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Hell (HD)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit Killer min is ter. IND E F32 121212-38-4412Mod ern (HD)Mod ern Claires plans. Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)An ger (HD)An ger Nolans an ger. Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit Killer min is ter. The Of fice(HD)The Of fice(HD) ION E F66 22213261843843817Crim i nal Minds: A Thin Line Home in va sions. (HD)Crim i nal Minds: A Fam ily Af fair At lanta mur ders. Crim i nal Minds Mur dered cou ples. (HD)Crim i nal Minds: Foun da tion Young boy kid napped. Crim i nal Minds Gothic mur ders. (HD) WCLF E F22 222222---22222Chris tian Fit ness Mar i lyn & Sa rah Levitt Val ley of Elah. The Great Awakning TourLove a ChildRich ard Rob erts Gos pel Truth(N)Jew ish Jew els Life Tday WRXY E F49 ---224410---Joyce Meyer(N)En ter tain ment Real LifeThe Great Awakning TourIn spi ra t ion the Day Love a ChildJoyce Meyer(N)Place Mir a cles Gos pel Truth(N) TLF E F50 232323-95-23235El Chavo Risas y ms risas.(TVPG)Trato ilegal (, Crimen) aa Un estudiante jura vengar a los asesinos de su pa dre que vienen tras l. (R)Tiro de gracia Envuelto con narcos. (HD)La esquina del diablo Bar rio violento. (HD) UNIV E F62 151515---15156Noticias (N)Noticiero Univisin (N)La sombra del pasado Un amor difcil de romper. Amores con trampa Campesinos. Hasta el fin del mundo Sofa enamorada. Que te perdone Dios... yo no Amor y pasin. (N) ELBACA&E2626262639502626181Bates Boundaries set. (R)Bates Motel Motel guest. Bates Motel: Persuasion Bates Motel A day off. (N)The Returned: Victor (N) AMC5656565630536262231 (5:28) The De parted (, Crime) aaaa Le o nardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon. An un der cover cop dis cov ers that a mob ster is work ing as a po lice of fi cer. (R) (HD) (:56) Better Call Saul: RICO Am bi tion dis play. (R)Better Call Saul: Pi mento Un pleas ant truth. (N) APL4444444436684444130To Be Announced River Man-sized monster. River Chernobyl monster. River Famous monster. Alaska: Battle (HD) BET3535353540225151270Be ing Mary Jn In ter view in spires. (R) (HD)Be ing Mary Jn Fa tal shoot ing. (R) (HD)To Be An nounced Pro gram in for ma tion is un avail able at this time. Be ing Mary Jn Shock ing news live. (R) (HD) BRAVO68686868254516565185Shahs Malibu retreat. (R)Shahs Rumors spread. Housewives (R)Shahs: Its Nuclear Now Southern (N) COM6666666615275252190 (:55) Nightly Show(:27) Daily Show (HD) (:58) South Prk(R) (:29) Kevin Hart: Im a Grown Lit tle Man (R) (HD)Kevin Hart: Laugh at My Pain Comics child hood. Roast Pre-Show (N)The Com edy Cen tral Roast o f Justin Bieber (N) DISC4040404025434343120Fast N Loud Dead line trou bles. (R) (HD)Fast N Loud Rep u ta tion risked. (R) (HD)Fast N Loud: Revved Up Vin tage Chal lenger. (N)Fast N Loud New tech nol ogy. (N) (HD)Mis fit Ga rage Re place ment cab. (N) (HD) E!4646464627264646196Kardashian (R) (HD)E! News (N) (HD)Kardashians (R) (HD)Police (N) (HD)The Royals (R) (HD) ESQ828282821181188484160Top Chef Con tes tants cook.(HD)Top Chef Con tes tants cook.(HD)Parks & Rec.(HD)Parks & Rec.(HD)Parks & Rec.(HD)Parks & Rec.(HD)Parks & Rec.(HD)Parks & Rec.(HD) EWTN24324324312-17243243285NewsI Thirst (R)Daily Mass (R)Journey: Jay Richards NewsRosary (R)World Over (R) FAM5555555510465858199Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (, Com edy) aac A boy boards the wrong plane dur ing Christ mas and ends up in New York City. The Goonies (, Ad ven ture) aaa Sean Astin. A group of play mates tries to stop ruth less de vel op ers and finds a trea sure map. (PG) FOOD37373737-768888164Guys (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Food: Flavorful Futures FX5151515158493434532 1/2 Men (TV14) (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD)The Vow (, Ro mance) Af ter a woman suf fers from mem ory loss, her hus band at tempts to win her heart. Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD) GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdNewlywdNewlywdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. Fd HALL55517-738686240The Waltons: The Quilt ing Mary re fuses. The Waltons: The House Grand par ents ar gue. The Waltons: The Fledg ling John-Boys chance. Mid dle (HD)Mid dle (HD)Mid dle: Sib lings Mid dle (HD) HGTV414141415342258258165Love It or List It (HD)HuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersEllens Design (HD)HuntersHunters HIST818181813365126126128To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)Swamp Gator on land. (R)Swamp People (N) (HD)(:03) Outlaws (N) (HD) HSN2424242451191616151Tan TowelblowproThe Monday The Monday Tan TowelSkin CareTan Towelblowpro KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES I___ ______
19 MONDAYMAR. 30EVENING MONDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 ELBACLIFE3636363652413636140Geor gia Rule (, Drama) A woman takes her re bel lious teen daugh ter to live with her strict grand mother. The Nanny Di a ries () aac A re cent col lege grad u ate be comes a nanny to the bratty son of a rich cou ple.(:02) Shall We Dance? () aac Dance les sons. OWN58585858471035656161NY ERNY ERNY ERNY ERDateline Sudden death. Dateline (R) (HD)Dateline Tragic deaths. SPIKE575757572963545454Train ing Day () Rookie rides with a vet eran cop. Man on Fire (, Drama) aaac Denzel Wash ing ton, Da kota Fan ning. A for mer as sas sin hunts the peo ple who kid napped a nine-year-old child. (R) (HD)A Good Man (, Ac tion) (R) SYFY67676767253645555180 (5:00) In the Name of the King 3 () Mid dle ages. The 13th War rior () aaa A 10th-cen tury Arabic poet helps the Vi king forces de feat a tribe of can ni bals. The Last Airbender () A child war rior with mag i cal pow ers must save the world from a war ring na tion. TBS595959593262595952Seinfeld (HD)Seinfeld (HD)Seinfeld (HD)Seinfeld: The Doll Fam Guy (HD)Fam Guy (HD)Dad Stan traumtized. Dad Fam ily vices. (R)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD) TCM65656565-169169169230 (5:45) Sweep stakes Win ner () Wait resss horse. Granny Get Your Gun () Granny in ves ti gates. The China Syn drome aaa An en gi neer tries to ex pose a cov ered-up ac ci dent at a Cal i for nia nu clear plant.(:15) Broad cast News () aaa Ca reer gals choice. TLC4545454557724545139Bride (R)Bride (R)19 & Counting (HD)19 & Counting (HD)My 600-lb (N) (HD)To Be Announced TNT616161612855616151Cas tle: The Hu man Fac tor Car bomb ing. (HD)Cas tle: Wa ter shed Beckett in ter viewed. (HD)Cas tle: Valkyrie Becketts de ci sions. (HD)Cas tle: Dreamworld Search ing for toxin. (HD)iZombie: Pi lot Med i cal res i dent be comes zom bie. TRAV6969696926066260260170Bizarre Foods: Delhi (R)Bizarre Andrew hunts. (R)Bizarre (R)Bizarre (R)Bizarre (N)Amazon Gas strike. (N) TRUTV6363636350306060183Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (R)Pawn (N)Pawn (R) TVLND6262626231545757244Walker, Texas RangerWalker, Texas RangerFam. FdFam. FdRaymondRaymondQueensQueens USA343434342252353550NCIS: SWAK Let ter holds pow dery sub stance. (HD)NCIS: Twi light Ari Haswari re turns to kill Gibbs. WWE Mon day Night Raw (N) (HD) WE117117117117-117117117149CSI: Mi ami: In side Out Prison break. (HD)CSI: Mi ami: Deep Freeze Sports leg end. (HD)CSI: Mi ami: Chain Re ac tion Elec tro cuted model. CSI: Mi ami: Per ma nent Va ca tion Fam ily va ca tion. CSI: Mi ami: Stand Your Ground Calleigh in dan ger. WGN16161619411195959Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. Mur der at 1600 (, Thriller) aa Oval Of fice slay ing. STROPSESPN292929291258292970SportsCenter (N) (HD)A 2015 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament: Albany Regional Final (Live) (HD)A NCAA Womens Basketball: Spokane Regional Final (Live) (HD) ESPN230303030659303074Around the Horn (HD)In ter rup tion(HD)SportsCenter (N) (HD)& High School Basketball: 2015 Powerade Jamfest (Live)NBA Coast to Coast (N) (HD) FS1484848484269484883NASCAR Race Hub (N) (HD)The Off-Sea son 2015 (N) (HD)FOX Sports (N) (HD)Gar bage Time(HD)World Poker Tour: Alpha8 St. Kitts Part 1 (HD)UFC Un leashed: Fight of the Night Win ners (R) FSN72727272-56666677Mar lins Spe cial Ship Shape TV (R)UFC Re loaded: UFC 156: Aldo vs Ed gar (Taped) (HD)World Poker Tour: Borgata Poker Open Part 3 GOLF4949494955604949304Golf Cen tral (N) (HD)Golf Acd (N) (HD)Golf Acd (HD)The Golf Fix (N) (HD)Big Break Palm Beaches: Fi nal Four (N)Big Break Palm Beaches: Fi nal Four NBCSN717171715461424290Pro Foot ball Talk (N)NHL Live (N)) NHL Hcky: Los Angeles Kings at Chicago Blackhawks from United Center (Live) (HD) SUN38384014014557383876Mike Mar tin(HD)Light ning (HD)Light ning LIVE! (HD)) NHL Hcky: Tampa Bay Lightning at Montreal Canadiens from Bell Centre (Live) (HD)Light ning LIVE! (HD)Light ning (HD) SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250Jessie (R)Jessie (R)Undercover Girl MeetsBad Hair Day () Stolen necklace. Mickey (R)Austin (R)Liv (R) (HD) NICK2525252524442525252iCarly Cheating boyfriend. (R) (HD)iCarly (R)Full HseFull HseFull HseFull HsePrincePrince TOON808012412446205787257Titans Go!NinjaGoGumballRegularKing HillKing HillClevelandClevelandDad (HD)Dad (HD) SWENCNBC39393939-3739102Mad Money (N)Marijuana Inc: Inside (R)Shark Tank (HD)Marijuana in America (R)Marijuana Country (R) CNN3232323218383932100Situation Room (N) (HD)Erin Burnett (N)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)CNN Tonight (N) CSPN1818181837129696109Politics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public PolicyKey Hearings Key Hearings FNC6464646448716464118Special Report (N) (HD)On the Record (N) (HD)The OReilly Factor (N)The Kelly File (N)Hannity (N) (HD) MSNB83838383185408282103PoliticsNation (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)All in with Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow (N) (HD)Lawrence ODonnell (N) SNN66611-11---SNN EveNewsNewsChef RolfNewsNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late CISUMCMTV4747474723243737221Reba (HD)Reba Wed ded doc tor.(:20) Reba: Money Blues Van sets bud get. (HD)Party Down South Boudreauxs b-day. (R) (HD)Party Down South Hannahs trou ble. (R) (HD)Party Down South (R) (HD) MTV3333333335483333210Jer sey Shore Beach drama & fun. (HD)Jer sey Shore Beach drama & fun. (HD)Jer sey Shore Beach drama & fun. (HD)Teen Mom (R) (HD)Teen Mom (N) (HD)Teen Mom (N) (HD) VH15050505043235050217Love & Hip Hop: All Heart Heart bro ken Jhonni. (R)Love & Hip Hop (R) (HD)Love & Hip Hop (N) (HD)Black Ink Crew (N) (HD)Love & Hip Hop (R) (HD) MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380Die Another Day () Terror plot.(:25) Marked for Death (, Action) Former drug agent is pursued by a group of voodoo practicing Caribbean dealers. On Her Majestys Secret Service () Infiltrating archenemy Blofelds mountain sanitarium, 007 uncovers a plan that has the female patients injected with a deadly virus, which can infect the world. Maverick () A big poker game. HBO302302302302302302302302400The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (, Fantasy) aaac Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen. Bilbo Baggins joins the wizard Gandalf the Grey and a group of 13 dwarves on a quest to reclaim a lost dwarf kingdom from a treacherous dragon. (HD)Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (, Documentary) Eight former members are profiled, revealing experiences, abuse and betrayal. (NR) HBO2303303303303303303303303402 (5:15) 12 Years a Slave (, Drama) aaac Before civil war, a free black man is abducted and sold into slavery. (R) (HD)Last Week John Oliver(HD)Real Time with Bill Maher(TVMA) (HD)The Conjuring (, Horror) aaac Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson. Paranormal investigators help family being terrorized by a dark presence. (R) (HD) HBOS304304304304-304304304404 (5:05) Mrs. Doubtfire (, Comedy) Disguised father becomes housekeeper.(:15) Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (, Comedy) Steve Carell. With the end of the world approaching, a man searches for his high school flame. The Internship () aa Two jobless, middle-aged salesmen compete as interns against dozens of college students for a coveted job at a savvy, tech company. MAX320320320320320320320320420Red Dragon () Full moon killer. A History of Violence (, Drama) A mild-mannered man is forced to take action and thwart a robbery at his diner. (R) (:15) The Purge: Anarchy (, Thriller) aaa Frank Grillo, Carmen Ejogo. Five people forced into fight for their lives in Los Angeles on night of Purge. (R) (HD)Armageddon (, Science Fiction) aac Oil rig workers must destroy asteroid. MMAX321321321321321321321321422 (5:10) Working Girl (, Comedy) aac Secretary turns the tables on her boss.(:05) Exorcist: The Beginning (, Horror) aa Stellan Skarsgrd, James DArcy. An archaeologist helps to excavate a church in Africa and faces an evil entity. The Truman Show (, Drama) Jim Carrey. A man discovers his life is the subject of a 24-hour-a-day television show.(:45) Hotel Erotica Cabo 12 () SHO340340340340340340340340365 (:15) Dreamcatcher (, Documentary) Shameless: Drugs Actually(R) (HD)Lies (R) (HD)Lies (R) (HD)Shameless: Drugs Actually(R) (HD) TMC350350350350350350350350385 (5:10) Last Vegas (, Comedy) 60-year-olds throw Vegas bachelor party.(:55) A Night at the Roxbury () aa Two brothers aim for cool, and miss.(:20) Crazy/Beautiful (, Drama) aaa Kirsten Dunst, Jay Hernandez. A poor young Latino boy falls in love with a troubled rich girl.(PG-13)(HD)Kelly & Cal (, Drama) Suburban mom & a teen become friends. (NR)(HD) KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES . . . . . ............................
20 MONDAYMAR. 30LATE NIGHT MONDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 11 PM11:3012 AM12:301 AM1:302 AM2:303 AM3:304 AM4:305 AM5:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26---7117---NewsKimmel NightlineExtraETInsiderExtraWorld News (N)NewsNews (N) ABC E F28------171711NewsKimmel Nightline Dr. Oz (R)PaidWorld News (N)NewsNewsNewsNews ABC E F40777107---7NewsKimmel NightlinePaidES.TV ABC World News Now (N) (HD)NewsNewsNews CBS E F10101010---101010NewsLate ShowLate LatePaidPaidUp to Minute (N)News10 News10 News10 News CBS E F11213213-555213-NewsLate ShowLate Late(:37) PhilInsideMinute (N)NewsNewsNews (N) NBC E F*888-8-888NewsTonightLate NightLast CallToday (R)Harvey (R)EarlyNewsNewsNews NBC E F20---222-232-NewsTonightLate NightLast CallDr. Oz (R)MoneyEarlyNewsNews (N) FOX E F13131313-13-13131311 NewsAccessDishTMZ11 NewsPaidPaidAccessDishTMZ11 NewsNewsNews5:30 FOX E F36---444---NewsTMZRaymondRaymondWilkosS impsonThe OfficeThe OfficeDivorceS pringerFox 4 (N) PBS E F#333---333Up CloseRose (N)Cancer Search for cure. Midwife (R)Masterpc (R) (HD) PBS E F16204204204-----16SmileyRose (N)EuropeTr ekker (R)TravelsRudy MaxVera (R) (HD)On StoryCompassYoga PBS E F30---333---TBARose (N)SmileyCancer Search for cure. Midwife (R)Masterpc (R) (HD) CW E F46---6216---2 1/2 MenMike MolMike MolModernModernHow I MetHow I MetRulesRulesAngerQueensQueensMiddleMiddle CW E F44999---994FriendsFriendsHopeOK! TVS impson King HillComicsPaidPaidMojoPaidPaternityPaidOK! TV MYN E F38111111---111114ClevelandCougarClevelandETSeinfeld Bridezilla ForensicCommunPaidCougarLets AskShepherd MYN E F*---898---King HillKing Hill Everybody Wins () Unforgettable () aac Sea HuntSea HuntShepherd IND E F32121212-38-4412Fam GuyFam GuyDadDadClevelandCheatersCheatersPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidHarveyMarried ION E F6622213261843843817CriminalCriminalFlashpoint FlashpointPaidPaidInspiration Today WCLF E F22222222---22222KingdomAwakningAwakningYou & Me Prayer line. CVance700 Club CTNSpecA. Rippy WRXY E F49---224410---NewsAwakningAwakningYou & Me Prayer line. ReignGaitherExerciseFitness TLF E F50232323-95-23235El ChavoEl ChavoTiro deLa esquinaVentiladorCasos dePagadoPagadoPalenque UNIV E F62151515---15156NoticiasNoticieroDeportivoUn refugio Alma deLa familia Como diceGordo (R)PrimerNoticiero ELBACA&E2626262639502626181ReturnedBates (R)Bates (R)ReturnedReturnedPaidPaidPaidPaid AMC5656565630536262231Better (R)(:08) The Departed () Cops and mobsters. Better (R)CSI MiamiStooges APL4444444436684444130River (R)River (R)AlaskaRiver (R)River (R)River (R)Alaska BET3535353540225151270Mary JnWendy (N)The RealState Property () ac BET Inspiration BRAV68686868254516565185Shahs (R)SouthernHousewivesShahs (R)SouthernPaidPaidPaidPaid COM6666666615275252190Roast(:31) Roast (R) (:03) Roast (R) (:34) Roast (R)PresentsPresentsPaidPaid DISC4040404025434343120Fast LoudMisfit (R)Fast N (R)Fast LoudPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid E!4646464627264646196News (N)Police (R)KardashianThe RoyalsSoupSoupPaidPaidPaidPaid ESQ828282821181188484160SoupSoupMovie MatchmkMatchmkPaidPaidPaidPaid EWTN24324324312-17243243285Holy WkWomenGDaily MassJ ourneyNewsFr PStrbThirst For (R)John P. II Footprints FAM5555555510465858199700 ClubBoy WrldBoy WrldBoy WrldBoy WrldPaidPaid700 ClubPaidPaidReignLife Tday FOOD37373737-768888164DinersDinersDinersDiners Food (R)DinersDinersDinersDinersChef (R)PaidPaid FX515151515849343453Mike MolMike MolMike MolMike MolThe Vow Amnesiac wife. PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdBaggageBaggageBaggageBaggageAskAskPaidPaidPaidPaid HALL55517-738686240GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierCheersCheersLucyLucy HGTV414141415342258258165Love ItEllensHuntersHuntersLove ItHuntersHuntersPaidPaidPaidPaid HIST818181813365126126128GanglandSwamp (R)Swamp (R)OutlawsGanglandPaidPaidPaidPaid LIFE3636363652413636140Shall WeThe Nanny Diaries () Shall We Dance? () PaidPaidPaidPaid OWN58585858471035656161DatelineDatelineDatelineNY ERNY ERUnfaithfulDatelineDateline SPIKE575757572963545454A Good Man () Man on Fire Bodyguards revenge. (R)JailPaidPaidPaidPaid SYFY67676767253645555180Jack the Giant Killer c Age of the Dragons a HauntingPaidPaidPaidPaid TBS595959593262595952Conan (N)The OfficeConan (R)CougarRansom Mans son kidnapped. MarriedMarriedMarried TCM65656565-169169169230Broadcast () Network Berserk broadcaster. City Sleeps ()(:45) Killer () TLC4545454557724545139My 600-lb19 KidsMy 600-lbTBA (R)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid TNT616161612855616151iZombieLaw (HD)Law (HD)Law (HD)Law (HD)Law (HD)Law (HD) TRAV6969696926066260260170Bizarre (R)BizarreBizarreAmazonBizarre (R)Bizarre (R)PaidPaidPaidPaid TRUTV6363636350306060183Fake OffPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnFake OffSaloon (R)I LaughPaid TVLND6262626231545757244QueensQueensFriendsFriendsRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRoseannRoseanns Shws Shw3s Co. USA3434343422523535502015 WWE(:05) Dig (R)(:04) NCIS(:03) NCIS(:02) NCISSVU (HD)SVU (HD) WE117117117117-117117117149CSI MiamiCSI MiamiCSI MiamiCSI MiamiCSI MiamiCSI MiamiPaidPaid WGN16161619411195959Murder aa RulesRulesRulesParksHopeHope30 Rock30 Rock Order: CIPaidPaid STROPSESPN292929291258292970Sports (N)Sports (N)Sports (N)Sports (N)SportsSportsSports ESPN230303030659303074NBA CstNationNBABaseball30 30 (HD)30 for 302014 WSOP2014 WSOPNFL Live FS1484848484269484883FOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsGarbageCamping World Truck (HD) FSN72727272-56666677Wrld PokerUnleashedS nowbrdSnowbrdPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid GOLF4949494955604949304Golf CntrlBig BreakBig BreakFix (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaidMaybank NBCSN717171715461424290OvertimeNHL Rival Formula One Racing (Replay)F1 ExtraPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SUN38384014014557383876LightningIsraeli NHL Hcky (Replay)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SWENCNN3232323218383932100CNN ToniteCNNI Simulcast News coverage. (N)Early Start (N) FNC6464646448716464118OReilly (R)Kelly FileHannity (R)On RecordRed EyeKelly FileFOX-Friend MSNBC83838383185408282103Hayes (R)MaddowODonnellHardballHayes (R)Maddow First LookToo Early SNN66611-11---SNN LateNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNews MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380Maverick () aac Get Carter () ac Marked for Death () The Grudge () Da Vinci HBO302302302302302302302302400Fight GmPrisoners Desperate search. Tammy Roadtrip. Real TimeOliverVICEFirst Look HBO2303303303303303303303303402Dallas Buyers Club (R)Riddick (, Action) aaa Original Sin () aac (R)Emperor HBOS304304304304-304304304404GumbelEndless Love aac Walk of Shame () aac(:25) Pariah () Carmina MAX320320320320320320320320420Armageddon aac(:35) Back on Top () Stranger () aac Zanes SxSeconds Apart MMAX321321321321321321321321422Erotica 12(:20) The Signal () aac Awkward () (R)Femme(:10) The Big Fix () SHO340340340340340340340340365LiesLiesHostel () aac (R)Common Murder trial. Battle-Shaker aac I Shrunk TMC350350350350350350350350385Kelly CalThe To Do List 7 Psychopaths () aaa Welshs Ecstasy () aa Might Joe KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES __ ______ I______ I I ______ _______ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ I________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________________________________________________________I ______ I I __ __ I I __ I ____I I ______ I ______ ______ __________ ____ I I ____ _____ I I I111111111 1 I I
21 TUESDAY Fresh Off the Boat8 p.m. on ABCJessicas old college sweetheart, Oscar, comes to visit, and Jessica gets upset that Louis isnt jealous of him, though she fails to realize that Oscar is gay; Eddie is determined to make sure that he will be excluded from the schools science fair. (HD)NCIS8 p.m. on CBSThe NCIS team links a petty of“cers murder to a 40-yearold airport bombing cold case that Gibbs and DiNozzo have been trying to solve for two years; McGee feels left out after he “nds that he was not previously informed about the cold case. (HD)Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.9 p.m. on ABCAs surprising truths are revealed, Coulson “nds himself entangled in a war that he never anticipated; Skye attempts to keep a handle on her newly-acquired abilities, but ends up making a decision that will alter her life for good. (HD)The Dovekeepers9 p.m. on CBSEnslaved by Romans, Shirah and Yael are forced to share the truth about Masada with historian Flavius Josephus, and begin their tale by revealing the events that led up to the 10th Roman Legion nearing Masada, where Jewish warriors stood ready. (HD)Weird Loners9:30 p.m. on FOXA high-strung romantic, a serial womanizer, a free-spirited heartbreaker, and a sheltered man-child (Nate Torrence) end up sharing a Queens, N.Y. townhouse and bonding over their lifestyles as single adults. (HD)Nate Torrence Director Barak Goodman and his crew collected more than 700 hours of interviews for “Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies,†premiering Monday at 9 p.m. on PBS. The three -part, six-hour event is presented by documentary “lmmaker Ken Burns and is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Siddhartha Mukherjee. The series chronicles the complete story of cancer, from its “rst mention in history to todays modern advances against the disease. Our “lm is meant to leave people with a sense of hope that we are on the brink of a revolution in cancer research, Goodman says. Weve been through one revolution and were about to start another. Being up close with people who are going through this is an incredible privilege and tough emotionally in parts. Life doesnt get more real than watching this happen. Pastor Kevin Brown and his Passage to Freedom team help sex workers and victims of sex traf“cking escape their dangerous situations in Minutes,†premiering Thursda y at 10:01 p.m. on A&E. In H ouston, the hub of human traf- “cking in the United States, Brown and his crew start out on a mission to save some of the thousands of women who are forced into prostitution each year. From his experience working in law enforcement, Brown has determined that eight minutes is the maximum amount of time they can spend trying to convince these victims to leave with his team. Otherwise, they are only endangering the lives of themselves and those they are trying to save. With high stakes, the victims must quickly decide if they want to accept help or return to their lives on the streets. This season of Little Women: LA has prompted Terra Jol and Joe Gnoffo to document the approach of their babies birth in a brand-new unscripted series titled “Little Women: Terr a’s Little Family,†premiering Wednesday, April 8, at 9 p.m. on Lifetime. The two performers met through a mutual acquaintance and have been together for seven years. Having previously toured with celebrities, Terra has recently released her own single and is currently working on an album. Meanwhile, Joe is a musician and a drummer for a Nirvana tribute band named Nirvanish. The couple decided to record and share the experience after receiving an overwhelming amount of support in their high-risk pregnancy. The program is 10 episodes and will be shot in near real time as Terra approaches her due date. Providing a glance at the pregnancy journey so far, Little Women: Terras Little Family Special starts at 8 p.m. and leads up to the shows premiere. TV DISH TUESDAY HIGHLIGHTS Call A Friendly Customer Service Representative Today To Place Your Classified Ad! Gondolier SunVENICELOCAL NEWS COVER TO COVER FLORIDA’S NO.1 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Charlotte DeSoto Englewood North Port 863-385-6155 941-206-1300 941-207-1000 The Fastest Way To Get Sales The Fastest Way To Get Sales MOVING MOVING adno=50478066 Flu Shots Now Available Most Insurances Accepted Accepting New Patients adno=50482183 * CHOSENS AcmeAMERICAl'EBEST M.RopSSBicycle"e'-2014Shop615 Cross St Punta Gorda 941-639-2263Susan F. Williams, M.D., P.A.PEDIATRICS17928 Toledo Blade BlvdPort Charlotte, FL 33948(941) 743-7337 (PEDS)v v v toAIR( ti
22 TUESDAYMAR. 31EVENING TUESDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26 ---7117---ABC7 News at 6:00pm (N) (HD)ABC World News To night(N) (HD)The 7 OClock News (N) (HD)En ter tain ment To night (N) (HD)Fresh Off the Boat: Blind Spot Re peat Af ter Me (N) (HD)Mar vels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: One Door Closes Skyes abil i ties. (N) (HD)For ever: Punk is Dead Mum mi fied woman dis cov ered in punk club. (N) (HD) ABC E F28 ------171711News The lat est news. ABC World News (N)The List (N) (HD)Right This Min ute (N)Fresh Off: Blind Spot Re peat Af ter Me (N)Mar vels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Skyes abil i ties. For ever: Punk is Dead Mum mi fied woman. (N) (HD) ABC E F40 777107---7News (N)ABC World News (N)A Mil lion aire? (R)OK! TV (N) (HD)Fresh Off: Blind Spot Re peat Af ter Me (N)Mar vels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Skyes abil i ties. For ever: Punk is Dead Mum mi fied woman. (N) (HD) CBS E F10 101010---10101010 News, 6pm Lo cal news re port. News with Scott Pelley (N)Wheel of For tune: Spring Break Jeop ardy! (N) (HD)NCIS: Pa tience A new lead in a 40-year-old cold case. (N) (HD)The Dovekeepers: Night One Shirah and Yael re veal events that led up to the 10th Le gion ap proach ing Masada. (N) (HD) CBS E F11 213213-555213-News (N) (HD)Eve ning News(N) (HD)News (N) (HD)In side Edi tion (N)NCIS: Pa tience Lead in cold case. (N) (HD)The Dovekeepers: Night One The 10th Le gion ap proaches Masada. (N) (HD) NBC E F* 888-8-888News Chan nel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News Cur rent events. News Chan nel 8 at 7:00 (N)Ex tra (N) (HD)The Voice: The Road to the Live Show (N) (HD)Undateable Ca reer change. (N)One Big Happy: Flight Risk (N)Chi cago Fire: The Nu clear Op tion Casey deals with his sis ters di vorce. (R) NBC E F20 ---222-232-News (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N)Wheel: Spring Break Jeop ardy! (N) (HD)The Voice: The Road to the Live Show (N) (HD)Undateable (N) (HD)One Happy (N) (HD)Chi cago Fire: The Nu clear Op tion Sis ters di vorce. FOX E F13 131313-13-131313FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)TMZ (N)The In sider(N) (HD)Hells Kitchen: 14 Chefs Com pete (N) (HD)New Girl Jess at fu neral. (N) (HD)Weird Lon ers Four sin gle adults. FOX 13 10:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 10:30 News (N) FOX E F36 ---444---FOX 4 News at Six Lo cal news; weather. (N)Judge Judy(R) (HD)Judge Judy(R) (HD)Hells Kitchen: 14 Chefs Com pete (N) (HD)New Girl (N) (HD)Lon ers: Weird Pi lot FOX 4 News at Ten Nightly news re port. (N) PBS E F# 333---333BBC World News Busi ness Re port (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Sto ries From the Spe cial De liv ery Unit (N) (HD)Can cer: The Em peror of All Mal a dies: The Blind Men and the El e phant Cure search into the late 1990s. PBS E F16 204204204-----16Ses ame Street Better ma te rial. (R) (HD)Cat in Hat (R) (HD)Peg + Cat (R) (HD)Fa ther Brown: The In vis i ble Man (HD)Doc Mar tin Old ri valry. (R)Scott & Bailey Friend ship tested. PBS E F30 ---333---BBC World News Busi ness Re port (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Sto ries From the Spe cial De liv ery Unit (N) (HD)Can cer: The Em peror of All Mal a dies: The Blind Men and the El e phant Cure search into the late 1990s. CW E F46 ---6216---Big Bang (HD)News (N)Big Bang (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD)The Flash: Trick sters Copy cat killer. (N) (HD)iZombie: The Ex ter mi na tor Dis cover hit man. (N)News at10pm (N) (HD) CW E F44 999---994Queens (TVPG) (HD)Queens: Knee Jerk Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)The Flash: Trick sters Copy cat killer. (N) (HD)iZombie: The Ex ter mi na tor Dis cover hit man. (N)2 1/2 Men (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD) MYN E F38 111111---111114Ce leb rity Name (R)Fam ily Feud(TVPG)Fam ily Feud(TVPG)En ter tain To night (N)Law & Or der: Crim i nal In tent Mob prin cess killed. Law & Or der: Crim i nal In tent: Faith (TVPG) (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD) MYN E F* ---898---Dad Stan am ne sia. Cleve land(HD)Fam Guy (HD)Fam GuyLaw & Or der: Crim i nal In tent Mob prin cess killed. Law & Or der: Crim i nal In tent: Faith (HD)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Con trol (HD) IND E F32 121212-38-4412Mod ern Col lege tour. Mod ern Jays birth day. Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)An ger (HD)An ger Lacey en gaged. Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Con trol (HD)The Of fice(HD)The Of fice(HD) ION E F66 22213261843843817Crim i nal Minds: Mag num Opus Per sonal loss. (HD)Crim i nal Minds Sus pi cious writer. (TV14) (HD)Crim i nal Minds: Bro ken In ac cu rate watches. (HD)Crim i nal Minds: Car bon Copy Clos ing in. (HD)Crim i nal Minds: The Gath er ing Doc u mented lives. WCLF E F22 222222---22222Chris tian Fit ness Mar i lyn & Sa rah Rhema Word of faith. The Great Awakning TourW ord of Ex cel lence Rich ard Rob erts Gos pel Truth(N)Perry Stone(N)Life Tday WRXY E F49 ---224410---Joyce Meyer(N)Sav ing the In ves tor Real LifeThe Great Awakning TourEnd of the Age Game OnJoyce Meyer(N)Place Mir a cles Gos pel Truth(N) TLF E F50 232323-95-23235Rey Arturo (, Accin) aac El rey Arturo y sus ca bal le ros se enfrentan a los invasores de Inglaterra. (HD)Ftbol Cen tral Informacin de ftbol. (N) (HD)Ftbol Internacional: Par a guay vs Mex ico desde Ar row head Sta dium in Kan sas City, Mo. (Directo) (HD) UNIV E F62 151515---15156Noticias (N)Noticiero Univisin (N)La sombra del pasado Un amor difcil de romper. Amores con trampa Campesinos. Hasta el fin del mundo Sofa enamorada. Que te perdone Dios... yo no Amor y pasin. (N) ELBACA&E2626262639502626181Married at First Sight Research process. (R) (HD)Married Blind weddings. Married Honeymoon. (N)(:01) Surviving (N) (HD) AMC5656565630536262231Ti tanic () An ag ing sur vi vor of the Ti tanic tells the story of her for bid den ro mance with a young, dash ing vag a bond dur ing the ships in fa mous maiden voyage. Find ing Neverland () Au thor and dra ma tists re la tion ships with widow and sons in spire Pe ter Pan. APL4444444436684444130To Be Announced River Rare shark hunted. River Wade remembers. River Monsters: Unhooked Man-eating catfish. (R) BET3535353540225151270All In (R) (HD)Why Did I Get Mar ried Too? (, Com edy) ac Ty ler Perry, Janet Jack son. As four va ca tion ing cou ples eval u ate their mar riages, a for mer spouse ar rives. (PG-13)All In (N) (HD)Be ing Mary Jn (N) (HD) BRAVO68686868254516565185Housewives (R)Housewives (R)Housewives (R)Housewives (N)Newlywds (N) COM6666666615275252190 (:55) Nightly Show(:27) Daily Show (HD)Tosh: Model Teacher(:29) Tosh.0 (R) (HD)Tosh (R) (HD)Tosh.0 (R) (HD)Tosh (R) (HD)Tosh.0 (R) (HD)Tosh.0 (N) (HD)Brickle Of fi cer Steve. DISC4040404025434343120Amish Ma fia: Mer lins Ju das Ordnung change. (R)Amish Ma fia: False Proph ets Cov eted book. (R)Amish Ma fia: The Devils Cut: Day of Reck on ing Amish Ma fia: The End is Near Se crets re vealed. Amish Ma fia: Amish Con fi den tial (N) (HD) E!4646464627264646196Police (R) (HD)E! News (N) (HD)ChrisleyChrisleyChrisleyChrisleyChrisleyChrisley ESQ828282821181188484160NCIS: Los An geles Na tional se cu rity. (HD)NCIS: Los An geles Na tional se cu rity. (HD)Fri day Night Tykes Texas youth foot ball. (TVPG)Fri day Night Tykes Texas youth foot ball. (TVPG)The Short Game Young golf ers. (HD) EWTN24324324312-17243243285NewsThe WordDaily Mass (R)Angelica (TV G)NewsRosary (R)Theater Death of Christ. FAM5555555510465858199 (5:30) The Goonies () A group of play mates tries to stop ruth less de vel op ers and finds a trea sure map. Hook A work a holic at tor ney and his fam ily visit his wifes grand mother for the hol i days, and his kids are ab duc ted by an ad ver sary from his long-for got ten past. FOOD37373737-768888164Chopped Pink candy. (R)Chopped Pigs feet. (R)Chopped Large cake. (R)Chopped (R) (HD)Chopped (N) (HD) FX515151515849343453Mike Mol (HD)Trans form ers: Dark of the Moon () aac While strug gling to find a job and im press his new girl friend, Sam Witwicky must help Optimus Prime and the Autobots foil a Decepticon plot. Jus ti fied: Fu gi tive Num ber One Job-end ing cri sis. GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdThe Chase Idiotest Fam. FdFam. Fd HALL55517-738686240The Waltons John-Boys news pa per The Waltons: The Vigil Grandma in trou ble. The Waltons: The Come back Ja sons job. Mid dle (HD)Mid dle (HD)Mid dle (HD)Mid dle (HD) HGTV414141415342258258165Fixer Upper Renovation. Fixer Upper Renovation. Fixer Upper Renovation. Fixer Upper Renovation. HuntersHunters HIST818181813365126126128To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)Cars (HD)Cars (HD)Cars (N)Cars (N)Gangland: Endgame (N) HSN2424242451191616151Michael AnthonyMichael AnthonyMichael AnthonyLorena Garcias SpringLorena Garcias Spring KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES ________ ________ I I Iiii I ________________1111111111 I I_______
23 TUESDAYMAR. 31EVENING TUESDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 ELBACLIFE3636363652413636140Dance Moms: The New Maddie? (R) (HD)Dance Moms: Nias Last Chance Risky rou tine. (R)Dance Moms Girls do du ets. (R) (HD)Dance Moms Sis ters shadow. (N) (HD) (:02) Dance Mums UK Emer gency au di tion. (N) OWN58585858471035656161If Loving You: Peppa (R)If Loving: Look Closely If Loving (R) (HD)If Loving: Girlfriends (N)If Loving: Look Closely SPIKE575757572963545454 (5:30) Con Air (, Ac tion) aac An air plane trans port ing dan ger ous crim i nals is hi jacked by the in mates. (R)Na tional Trea sure: Book of Se crets (, Com edy) aaa Nicolas Cage. Ben Gates at tempts to un lock the mys tery be hind Abra ham Lin colns as sas si na tion. (PG) SYFY67676767253645555180Face Off: Miss In ter ga lac tic Alien beauty queens. Face Off: Super Selfies Superhero makeup. (R)Face Off: Imag i nary Friends Imag i nary friends. (R)Face Off: Deadly Dolls (N) (HD)Haunt ing: Aus tra lia Old Geelong Gaol. TBS595959593262595952Seinfeld (HD)Seinfeld (HD)Seinfeld (HD)Seinfeld (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)The Big Bang: Pi lot Big Bang (HD)Cou gar (N) (HD) TCM65656565-169169169230Po sei don Adv. () The Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Story () Scenes from 1951 films showcased. Zazie dans le mtro () Left for two days with rel a tives in Paris, 12-year-old Zazie es capes her un cle. Au Re voir Les En fants () Hid ing Jew ish kids. TLC454545455772454513919 Kids Wedding details. 19 Kids: All About Jessa 19 Kids and Counting (N) (HD)7 Little (N) (HD) TNT616161612855616151Cas tle: Num ber One Fan Hos tage sit u a tion. (HD)Cas tle: Time Will Tell Man from the fu ture. (HD)A NBA Basketball: San Antonio Spurs at Miami Heat from AmericanAirlines Arena (Live) (HD)NBA Bas ket ball (Live) TRAV6969696926066260260170Bizarre Russian food. (R)Man/FoodMan/FoodBizarre Foods: Seattle Bizarre Raw vegan diet. Unknown Nazca lines. TRUTV6363636350306060183truTV Top Funniest (R)CarbonarCarbonarCarbonarCarbonarCarbonarCarbonarCarbonarCarbonar TVLND6262626231545757244Walker, Texas RangerWalker, Texas RangerFam. FdFam. FdFriendsFriendsYounger (N) (HD) USA343434342252353550Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Pro tec tion Mod ern Fenc ing. (HD)Mod ern Fam ily: Fizbo Mod ern (HD)Mod ern: My Hero (HD)Mod ern (HD)Mod ern: Dis ney land Si rens (N) (HD)Mod ern: Af ter the Fire WE117117117117-117117117149Law & Or der: Di vorce Psy chol o gist killed. (HD)Law & Or der: Car rier Man spreads dis ease. (HD)Law & Or der: Stalker Cyber-stalker. (HD)Law & Or der: Dis ap peared In san ity di lemma. (HD)Law & Or der: Bur den Quardiplegic killed. (HD) WGN16161619411195959Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. Mur der at 1600 (, Thriller) aa A beau ti ful White House staffer is slain in the Oval Of fice bath room. (R)Out law Coun try (N) (HD) STROPSESPN292929291258292970SportsCenter (N) (HD)A 2015 NIT Basketball Tournament: Semifinal #1(Live) (HD)A 2015 NIT Basketball Tournament: Semifinal #2(Live) (HD) ESPN230303030659303074Around the Horn (HD)In ter rup tion(HD)SportsCenter (N) (HD)Base ball To night: The Base ball To night 100 (HD)O International Soccer: Paraguay at Mexico from Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. (Live) (HD) FS1484848484269484883NASCAR Race Hub (N) (HD)World Poker Tour: Alpha8 St. Kitts Part 1 (HD)UFC Re loaded: UFC 178: John son vs Caraiso (N) (HD) FSN72727272-56666677In sider (N) (HD)Golf Life (HD)) NHL Hcky: Florida Panthers at Boston Bruins from TD Garden(Live) (HD)Pan thers Live(HD)MLB Spring Train ing: St. Louis vs Mi ami (Re play) GOLF4949494955604949304Golf Cen tral (N) (HD)In side PGA Tour (HD)Learn ing Cen ter (HD)School of Golf: Chap ter 12: Drive, Chip & Putt (N)PGA TOUR Golf: Shell Hous ton Open: Fi nal Round : from Golf Club of Hous ton in Hum ble, Texas (Re play) NBCSN717171715461424290Pro Foot ball Talk (N)WorldWorld Se ries of Fight ing: Tyrone Spong vs. An gel DeAnda (Re play) (HD)World Se ries of Fight ing: WSOF 19 (Re play) (HD) SUN38384014014557383876Reel An i mals(HD)Light ning (HD)Light ning LIVE! (HD)) NHL Hcky: Tampa Bay Lightning at Toronto Maple Leafs from Air Canada Centre (Live) (HD)Light ning LIVE! (HD)Light ning (HD) SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250Austin (R)Austin (R)Austin (R)Girl MeetsHop aac Easter Bunny suffers an injury. Star WarsAustin (R)Liv (R) (HD) NICK2525252524442525252Sam & CatThundermnThundermnHaunted Full HseFull HseFull HseFull HsePrincePrince TOON808012412446205787257Titans Go!NinjaGoGumballRegularKing HillKing HillClevelandClevelandDad (HD)Dad (HD) SWENCNBC39393939-3739102Mad Money (N)Super RichSuper RichShark Tank Goat rental. Shark Tank (HD)Super RichSuper Rich CNN3232323218383932100Situation Room (N) (HD)Erin Burnett (N)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)To Be Announced CNN Tonight (N) CSPN1818181837129696109Politics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public PolicyKey Hearings Key Hearings FNC6464646448716464118Special Report (N) (HD)On the Record (N) (HD)The OReilly Factor (N)The Kelly File (N)Hannity (N) (HD) MSNB83838383185408282103PoliticsNation (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)All in with Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow (N) (HD)Lawrence ODonnell (N) SNN66611-11---SNN EveNewsNewsPaidNewsNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late CISUMCMTV4747474723243737221Reba: Red Alert (HD)Reba Re new ing vows.(:20) Reba: Rebas Heart Rebas heart emer gency. Elf A man raised by elves at the North Pole is sent to New York to find his fa ther, who is on Santas naughty list for be ing heart less. Cops Re loaded (HD) MTV3333333335483333210Find ing Carter Teen taken as baby. Find ing Carter Teen taken as baby. Find ing Carter Teen taken as baby. Find ing Carter Teen taken as baby. Find ing Carter (N) VH15050505043235050217Love & Hip Hop Feel ings for Rich. (R) (HD)Love & Hip Hop: All Heart Heart bro ken Jhonni. (R)Love & Hip Hop (R) (HD)Love & Hip Hop (R) (HD)Black Ink Crew (R) (HD) MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380 (:15) Death Becomes Her (, Comedy) aac Meryl Streep, Bruce Willis. Aging actress and novelist battle over an elixir that provides eternal youth. (PG-13) (HD)Dr. No (, Action) Sean Connery. James Bond travels to Jamaica to stop a mad scientist from conquering the world.(:50) From Hell (, Horror) Johnny Depp. A detective investigates a series of murders committed by Jack the Ripper. HBO302302302302302302302302400Game Change (, Drama) Ed Harris, Julianne Moore. A look is taken at John McCain and Sarah Palins presidential campaign in 2008. (NR) (HD)Into the Storm (, Thriller) aac Richard Armitage. Entire town at mercy of onslaught of erratic and deadly tornadoes. Fight Gm w/Jim Lampley (R)Were the Millers (, Comedy) aaa Drug dealer hire fake family as a cover. HBO2303303303303303303303303402 (5:35) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey () Bilbo Baggins joins the wizard Gandalf the Grey and a group of 13 dwarves on a quest to reclaim a lost dwarf kingdom from a treacherous dragon. Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HD)Last Week John Oliver(HD)Real Time with Bill Maher(TVMA) (HD) HBOS304304304304-304304304404 (:05) Grudge Match () When an inadvertently hilarious grudge match between two retired boxers goes viral, their rivalry turns into a highly-publicized event. VICE (HD)Neighbors (, Comedy) aaa Seth Rogen. After birth of baby, young couple forced to live next door to fraternity house.(:15) The Making of ...: Neighbors Dreamgirls () Girls a ttain fame. MAX320320320320320320320320420Wedding Crashers () Two womanizing divorce lawyers and lifelong friends sneak into weddings to get acquainted with romantically inspired female guests.(:20) That Awkward Moment (, Comedy) Zac Efron, Miles Teller. Three friends make a pact to stay single, though each accidentally finds love. (R) (HD)Enders Game (, Science Fiction) A gifted child prepares for an invasion. MMAX321321321321321321321321422 (4:55) Now You See Me (, Thriller) aaa Illusionists take on bank heists.(:55) Lone Survivor (, Thriller) aaac Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch. Team of Navy SEALs given mission to capture or kill an infamous Taliban Leader. (R) (HD)Escape Plan (, Thriller) aaa Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Structural security expert wr ongly imprisoned in advanced facility seeks escape. (R) SHO340340340340340340340340365 (5:00) Last Holiday (, Comedy) aac A sales clerk has a European spree. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part 2 (, Fantasy) aac Kristen Stewart. Bella experiences a new life and new powers after the birth of her daughter. (HD)Shameless: Drugs Actually(R) (HD)Lies (R) (HD)Lies (R) (HD) TMC350350350350350350350350385Sinister A true crime novelist puts his family on the bad side of a supernatural entity when he uncovers the details of the murders that took place in his house. Exorcismus (, Horror) Sophie Vavasseur. A girls behavior causes her to believe that she is possessed by the Devil.(:45) The Day (, Thriller) aa A small group battles cannibals in a post-apocal yptic world ravaged by war. (R)(HD) KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES _______ _______ _______ _______ I____ ____ I I I ____ ____
24 TUESDAYMAR. 31LATE NIGHT TUESDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 11 PM11:3012 AM12:301 AM1:302 AM2:303 AM3:304 AM4:305 AM5:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26---7117---NewsKimmel NightlineExtraETInsiderExtraWorld News (N)NewsNews (N) ABC E F28------171711NewsKimmel Nightline Dr. Oz (R)PaidWorld News (N)NewsNewsNewsNews ABC E F40777107---7NewsKimmel NightlinePaidES.TV ABC World News Now (N) (HD)NewsNewsNews CBS E F10101010---101010NewsLate ShowLate LatePaidPaidUp to Minute (N)News10 News10 News10 News CBS E F11213213-555213-NewsLate ShowLate Late(:37) PhilInsideMinute (N)NewsNewsNews (N) NBC E F*888-8-888NewsTonightLate NightLast CallToday (R)Harvey (R)EarlyNewsNewsNews NBC E F20---222-232-NewsTonightLate NightLast CallDr. Oz (R)MoneyEarlyNewsNews (N) FOX E F13131313-13-13131311 NewsAccessDishTMZ11 NewsPaidPaidAccessDishTMZ11 NewsNewsNews5:30 FOX E F36---444---NewsTMZRaymondRaymondWilkosS impsonThe OfficeThe OfficeDivorceS pringerFox 4 (N) PBS E F#333---333180 DaysRose (N)Unit (R)Cancer (R) (HD)Cancer Search for cure. PBS E F16204204204-----16SmileyRose (N)EuropeAnt iquesBrownD. MartinMurderHealthyYoga PBS E F30---333---PledgeRose (N)Smiley Unit (R)Cancer (R) (HD)PledgeSuze Orman (HD) CW E F46---6216---2 1/2 MenMike MolMike MolModernModernHow I MetHow I MetRulesRulesAngerQueensQueensMiddleMiddle CW E F44999---994FriendsFriendsHopeOK! TVS impson King HillComicsPaidPaidMojoPaidPaternityPaidOK! TV MYN E F38111111---111114ClevelandCougarClevelandETSeinfeld Bridezilla ForensicCommunPaidCougarLets AskShepherd MYN E F*---898---King HillKing HillM assacre: Next () c Antitrust (, Thriller) Sea HuntSea HuntShepherd IND E F32121212-38-4412Fam GuyFam GuyDadDadClevelandCheatersCheatersPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidHarveyMarried ION E F6622213261843843817ListenerListenerListenerListener PaidPaidInspiration Today WCLF E F22222222---22222PurposeAwakningAwakningYou & Me Prayer line. CTNSpec 700 ClubCVanceA. Rippy WRXY E F49---224410---NewsAwakningAwakningYou & Me Prayer line. ReignGaitherExerciseFitness TLF E F50232323-95-23235El ChavoEl ChavoRey Arturo (, Accin) VentiladorCasos dePagadoPagadoPalenque UNIV E F62151515---15156NoticiasNoticieroDeportivoUn refugio Alma deLa familia Como diceGordo (R)PrimerNoticiero ELBACA&E2626262639502626181NeighborsMarried (R)Married (R)SurvivingNeighborsPaidPaidPaidPaid AMC5656565630536262231Fools Gold () Lost treasure. The Legend of Zorro (, Adventure) Better (R)Stooges APL4444444436684444130River (R)River Man-eating catfish. River (R)River (R)TBA TBA BET3535353540225151270Mary JnWendy (N)The RealMary JnMary JnBET Inspiration BRAV68686868254516565185HousewivesNewlywdsHousewivesNewlywdsShahs (R)PaidPaidPaidPaid COM6666666615275252190DailyNightlymidnightToshDailyNightlymidnightBrickleBrickleBrickleToshPresentsPaidPaid DISC4040404025434343120Amish (R)Amish (R)Amish (R)Amish (R)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid E!4646464627264646196News (N)KardashianKardashianKardashianKardashianPaidPaidPaidPaid ESQ828282821181188484160FridayFridayShort GameMovie PaidPaidPaidPaid EWTN24324324312-17243243285Holy WkWomenGDaily Mass AngelicaNewsFr PStrbLitany ofPapal Aud.Rosary Passion FAM5555555510465858199700 ClubBoy WrldBoy WrldBoy WrldBoy WrldPaidPaid700 ClubPaidPaidReignLife Tday FOOD37373737-768888164ChoppedChoppedChoppedChoppedChoppedRestaurantPaidPaid FX515151515849343453JustifiedJustifiedJustifiedHow I MetPresentsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid GSN179179179179341798080184The ChaseFam. FdFam. FdBaggageBaggageBaggageBaggageAskAskPaidPaidPaidPaid HALL55517-738686240GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierCheersCheersLucyLucy HGTV414141415342258258165UpperUpper HuntersHunters UpperUpperPaidPaidPaidPaid HIST818181813365126126128GanglandCarsCarsCarsCarsGanglandGanglandPaidPaidPaidPaid LIFE3636363652413636140Dance MomsDance MomsDance MomsDance MumsDance MomsPaidPaidPaidPaid OWN58585858471035656161If LovingIf LovingIf LovingIf LovingIf LovingDatelineDateline SPIKE575757572963545454Con Air Inmates take plane. (R)Mission: Impossible () aaa PaidPaidPaidPaid SYFY67676767253645555180Face OffHauntingBlack Swarm () (NR)Locusts: The Plague a PaidPaid TBS595959593262595952Conan (N)Cougar Conan (R)CougarL akeview Terrace () Pride (, Drama) aac TCM65656565-169169169230Revoir () Lacombe, Lucien (, Drama) Murmur of the HeartElevator Gallow TLC454545455772454513919 & Counting (R) (HD)7 Little (R)19 Kids (R)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid TNT616161612855616151A NBA Basketball (Live)Inside NBANBA Basketball (Replay) (HD)PreviewLaw (HD) TRAV6969696926066260260170UnknownBizarre (R)UnknownUnknownBizarre (R)PaidPaidPaidPaid TRUTV6363636350306060183Bar (R)CarbonarCarbonarCarbonarCarbonarCarbonarCarbonarBar (R)Saloon (R)I LaughPaid TVLND6262626231545757244YoungerQueensQueensYoungerRay mondRaymondRaymondRoseannRoseanns Shws Shw3s Co. USA343434342252353550ModernModernSirensSirens(:01) SVU(:01) SVUSVU (HD)SVU (HD)SVU (HD) WE117117117117-117117117149Law (HD)Law (HD)RoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannWill GraceW ill GraceWill GraceWill GracePaidPaid WGN16161619411195959Outlaw (R)Outlaw (R)RulesRulesHopeHope30 Rock30 Rock Order: CIPaidPaid STROPSESPN292929291258292970NIT Bask.S ports (N) (HD)Sports (N)Sports (N)SportsSportsSports ESPN230303030659303074SportsGameDayNBABaseball ESPN Films (HD)2014 WSOP2014 WSOPNFL Live FS1484848484269484883FOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsMotoGPMoto2 (HD)Moto3 (HD) FSN72727272-56666677MLB SpringNHL Hcky (Replay)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid GOLF4949494955604949304Golf CntrlPGA TOUR Golf (HD)School (R)PaidPaidPaidPaidGolf AcdPGA Tour NBCSN717171715461424290Iron DogFighting: WSOF 19 (HD)World PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SUN38384014014557383876Boxing 30Powerbt NHL Hcky (Replay)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SWENCNN3232323218383932100360 (R)TBA (R)CNNI Simulcast News coverage. (N)Early Start (N) FNC6464646448716464118OReilly (R)Kelly FileHannity (R)On RecordRed EyeKelly FileFOX-Friend MSNBC83838383185408282103Hayes (R)MaddowODonnellHardballHayes (R)Maddow First LookToo Early SNN66611-11---SNN LateNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNews MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380Hell () Alien A deadly parasite. April Fool () (R)Is Not Enough () ac Lucas HBO302302302302302302302302400Millers aaa Its MeBudapest () (R)Place Beyond the Pines () Sunshine () (R) HBO2303303303303303303303303402Walk of Shame Fight GmA M illion Ways () (R)Pussy Riot ()(:35) Demon () HBOS304304304304-304304304404Dreamgirls ()(:45) Non-Stop () aaa(:35) Sabina Rivas ()(:35) Banksy () MAX320320320320320320320320420EndersZanes Sex () The Wolverine () aaac CoEd(:15) Timecop () aac MMAX321321321321321321321321422DepravityDepravityLegend Hercules(:45) Cabo 09 () Eyes Wide Shut An erotic odyssey. SHO340340340340340340340340365Monster aaa Serial killer. Cold in July () aaac Mark DeFriest(:45) Man () ac TMC350350350350350350350350385Stag Night () ac Girls Gone Dead () a Chastity Bites aa(:05)S. Lives () Warriors KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES __ __ ____ I I I I I____ ____ II I I I _____I ___ ___ ___ II ____I ____I I ____________ ___I______ I I ___ ___ ___ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ I ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. . I ___________________ ____________________ I ___________________ ____________________.--.--. ___________ I I I ___________ I --I II II I I I I
25 WEDNESDAY The Middle8 p.m. on ABCFrankie goes on a school “eld trip with Brick, and tries to help him make friends; Devin confronts Axl for being ugly to his sister, so he pretends they are close as can be; Mike worries about the damaging effects of bullying his brother as a kid. (HD)Arrow8 p.m. on CWRay is severely injured after the mayors of“ce is attacked; Oliver and his team stay ahead of the game while searching for the person responsible for the attack, who is also being sought by the SCPD; Felicitys mother visits her in the hospital. (HD)Young & Hungry8 p.m. on FAMWhen Josh begins to date a new woman, Gabi is happy that he is moving on with his life, but she discovers that the new lady is actually an amazing cook, causing Gabi to become a little bit concerned and jealous about it all. (HD)The Mysteries of Laura8 p.m. on NBCLaura (Debra Messing) uses her investigation of a murdered sailor to avoid the subject of her birthday; Billy teams up with a stubborn naval investigator while working on the case; a psychiatrist helps Laura and the team with the investigation. (HD)The Goldbergs8:30 p.m. on ABCErica considers putting off college to go after a singing career, but Beverly frets that Erica will be upset if her dream does not pan out, so she has Murray talk to her; Adam and Barry get into a “ght that begins with an April Fools joke. (HD)WEDNESDAY HIGHLIGHTSDebra Messing SUDOKU solutionFILL IN THE PUZZLE GRID SO THAT EVERY ROW, EVERY COLUMN, AND EVERY 3X3 BOX CONTAINS THE DIGITS 1 THROUGH 9. adno=50477853 4200 TAMIAMI TRAIL, PORT CHARLOTTE LOCATED IN BAER’S PLAZA 941-625-0666 “Your Diamond Headquarters†W ESTCHESTER G OLD & D IAMONDS 863-385-6155 866-463-1638 SUN NEWSPAPERSCharlotte DeSoto Englewood North Port VeniceAmerica’s BEST Community Daily Call a friendly customer service representative today! Want It Sold? Call Classified! WED. THRU SAT. 10AM-5PM 1264 Market Circle, Port Charlotte (Across 776 from north mall entrance) CALL 941-830-3578 FOR MORE INFO Spring Cleaning SELECTEDEXCLUSIVEPROVIDEROFNEWBALDWIN,WEBER,KURZWEIL&MORE PREMIUMRECONDITIONEDPIANOSAPPROVEDBYTHEPIANOGUYS Clearance Sale Last Chance for Music Upgrade Through March 30 Deep Discounts adno=50482104 C 4 K6 1 5 9 2 4 85 6 17 5 32 7 5 98 3 9 25 81 ^ r5 8 9 2Z 9 L E 6 lL SS 6 8 b 9 L Z 48 L E S Z L b 6 9Z V L 6 9 E S 8 L6 8 S L L V Z 9 E9 L Z 8 S 6 b LL L Z 9 8 E S b 9 8 d S L L L 6S 6 0 L 9 Z 9
26 WEDNESDAYAPR. 1EVENING WEDNESDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26 ---7117---ABC7 News at 6:00pm (N) (HD)ABC World News To night(N) (HD)The 7 OClock News (N) (HD)En ter tain ment To night (N) (HD)Mid dle Bul ly ing ef fects. (N)The Goldbergs Ca reer choices. Mod ern Fam ily Jays birth day. (N)black-ish Bow dis cov ers lie. (N)Nash ville: I Cant Keep Away From You Per for mance anx i ety.(N) (HD) ABC E F28 ------171711News The lat est news. ABC World News (N)The List (N) (HD)Right This Min ute (N)Mid dle (N) (HD)Goldbergs (N) (HD)Mod ern Jays birth day.(:31) black-ish(N) (HD)Nash ville Per for mance anx i ety. (N) (HD) ABC E F40 777107---7News (N)ABC World News (N)A Mil lion aire? (R)OK! TV (N) (HD)Mid dle (N) (HD)Goldbergs (N) (HD)Mod ern Jays birth day.(:31) black-ish(N) (HD)Nash ville Per for mance anx i ety. (N) (HD) CBS E F10 101010---10101010 News, 6pm Lo cal news re port. News with Scott Pelley (N)Wheel of For tune: Spring Break Jeop ardy! (N) (HD)Sur vi vor: Worlds Apart (N) (HD)The Dovekeepers: Night Two Shirah and Yael re veal how Jews un rav eled while Romans planned to in vade. (N) (HD) CBS E F11 213213-555213-News (N) (HD)Eve ning News(N) (HD)News (N) (HD)In side Edi tion (N)Sur vi vor: Worlds Apart (N) (HD)The Dovekeepers: Night Two Jew ish war riors un ravel as Romans raid. (N) (HD) NBC E F* 888-8-888News Chan nel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News Cur rent events. News Chan nel 8 at 7:00 (N)Ex tra (N) (HD)The Mys ter ies of Laura: The Mys tery of the Sunken Sailor Mur dered sailor. Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Dev as tat ing Story Fra ter nity case. (N)Chi cago P.D.: Get Back to Even The team in ves ti gates a drug rob bery. (N) NBC E F20 ---222-232-News (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N)Wheel: Spring Break Jeop ardy! (N) (HD)The Mys ter ies of Laura Mur dered sailor. (N) (HD)Law & Or der: SVU Fra ter nity case. (N) (HD)Chi cago P.D.: Get Back to Even Drug rob bery. (N) FOX E F13 131313-13-131313FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)TMZ (N)The In sider(N) (HD)Amer i can Idol: Top 8 Per form (N) (HD)FOX 13 10:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 10:30 News (N) FOX E F36 ---444---FOX 4 News at Six Lo cal news; weather. (N)Judge Judy(R) (HD)Par a dise TVAmer i can Idol: Top 8 Per form (N) (HD)FOX 4 News at Ten Nightly news re port. (N) PBS E F# 333---333BBC World News Busi ness Re port (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)NOVA New worlds ex plored.(R) (HD)Can cer: The Em peror of All Mal a dies: Find ing the Achil les Heel Ups & downs of search; pa tients tales. PBS E F16 204204204-----16Ses ame Street Movie trip.(N) (HD)Cat in Hat (R) (HD)Peg + Cat (R) (HD)Great Con ti nen tal Rail way Jour neys (R) (HD) (:02) Ge ne al ogy Roadshow The top sto ries. (R)Shet land: Red Bones, Part 1 Fam ily se crets. (HD) PBS E F30 ---333---BBC World News Busi ness Re port (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)NOVA New worlds ex plored.(R) (HD)Can cer: The Em peror of All Mal a dies: Find ing the Achil les Heel Ups & downs of search; pa tients tales. CW E F46 ---6216---Big Bang (HD)News (N)Big Bang (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD)Ar row: Pub lic En emy Ray in jured. (N) (HD)Su per nat u ral: In side Man Mark of Cain. (N) (HD)News at10pm (N) (HD) CW E F44 999---994Queens Knicks tick ets. Queens Carries cake. Mike Mol (HD)Mike & Molly(HD)Ar row: Pub lic En emy Ray in jured. (N) (HD)Su per nat u ral: In side Man Mark of Cain. (N) (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD) MYN E F38 111111---111114Ce leb rity Name (R)Fam ily Feud(TVPG)Fam ily Feud(TVPG)En ter tain To night (N)The Walk ing Dead: Guts Ricks new threat. (TV14)The Walk ing Dead Rick re trieves guns. (TV14)Cops Re loaded (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD) MYN E F* ---898---Dad (HD)Cleve land(HD)Fam Guy (HD)Fam GuyThe Walk ing Dead: Guts Ricks new threat. (TV14)The Walk ing Dead Rick re trieves guns. (TV14)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit Beaten in fant. IND E F32 121212-38-4412Mod ern: Up All Night Mod ern (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)An ger (HD)An ger (HD)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit Beaten in fant. The Of fice Re ac tion. The Of fice(HD) ION E F66 22213261843843817Ghost Whis perer: Save Our Souls Haunted cruise. Ghost Whis perer: Blood line High school ath lete. Ghost Whis perer Imag i nary friend. (HD)Ghost Whis perer: Thresh old Teen ghost. (HD)Ghost Whis perer: Heart & Soul Am ne siac. (HD) WCLF E F22 222222---22222Chris tian Fit ness Mar i lyn & Sa rah Jack Van Impe The Great Awakning TourBridgesRich ard Rob erts Gos pel Truth(N)Roths Su per nat u ral Life Tday WRXY E F49 ---224410---Joyce Meyer(N)First Life (HD)Jack Van Impe The Great Awakning TourCon nectGame OnJoyce Meyer(N)Place Mir a cles Gos pel Truth(N) TLF E F50 232323-95-23235El Chavo Risas y ms risas.(TVPG)La leyenda del puo: El regreso de Chen Zhen (, Accin) aac Un hom bre regresa a hacer justicia. (R)Tiro de gracia Envuelto con narcos. (HD)La esquina del diablo Bar rio violento. (HD) UNIV E F62 151515---15156Noticias (N)Noticiero Univisin (N)La sombra del pasado Un amor difcil de romper. Amores con trampa Campesinos. Hasta el fin del mundo Sofa enamorada. Que te perdone Dios... yo no Amor y pasin. (N) ELBACA&E2626262639502626181ShippingShippingShippingShippingStorageStorageStorageStorageShippingShipping AMC5656565630536262231 (5:30) Fools Gold () A beach bum gives up his wife and his pos ses sions to search for a lost trea sure. Body of Lies (, Thriller) aaa A CIA op er a tive at tempts to get closer to the head of a ter ror ist cell, but the peo ple he thought he could trust have their own ideas. APL4444444436684444130To Be Announced Fools (R)Fools (R)Fools (R)Fools (R)Fools (R)Fools (R)Fools (R)Fools (R) BET3535353540225151270Be ing Mary Jn In ter view in spires. (R) (HD)Be ing Mary Jn Fa tal shoot ing. (R) (HD)Be ing Mary Jn (R) (HD)Fu ri ous 7 Spe cial Crime ac tion. (N)All In (R) (HD)All In (R) (HD) BRAVO68686868254516565185Shahs Rumors spread. Shahs: Its Nuclear Now Housewives (R)Housewives (R)Restaurant (N) COM6666666615275252190 (:55) Nightly Show(:27) Daily Show (HD)Big Time: Sev er ance(:29) Workahol(R)South Prk (R) (HD)South Prk (R) (HD)South Prk (R) (HD)South Prk (R) (HD)Workahol (N) (HD)Big Time: In ter ven tion DISC4040404025434343120Dual Sur vival: Coastal Ca tas tro phe (R) (HD)Dual Sur vival: Wa ter logged In sects; rap ids. (R)Dual Sur vival: Un tamed: Win ter Vor tex, Part One Dual Sur vival: Win ter Vor tex, Part Two (N) (HD)Survivorman Sight ings & deaths. (N) (HD) E!4646464627264646196Kardashians (R) (HD)E! News (N) (HD)Hairspray (, Comedy) Overweight teenager auditions for show. Soup (R) ESQ828282821181188484160The In cred i ble Hulk Mu tant sci en tist. The In cred i ble Hulk Mu tant sci en tist. Amer i can Ninja War rior Brave com pet i tors face the im pos si ble. (HD)Fri day Night Tykes Texas youth foot ball. (TVPG) EWTN24324324312-17243243285NewsThe Word Christs disciples. EWTN Live (N)NewsRosary (R)Persecuted (N) FAM5555555510465858199Boy WrldBoy Wrld (TVPG)Baby Daddy(R) (HD)Hun gry (R) (HD)Hun gry (N) (HD)Freak Out (N)Dude, Wheres My Car? Two bum bling pot heads go on a crazy ad ven ture in search of their miss ing car. FOOD37373737-768888164Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)MysteryMysteryMysteryMysteryRestaurant (N) (HD) FX515151515849343453Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)The Call (, Thriller) aaa A 911 op er a tor takes a call from a teen age girl who has been kid napped. (R)The Amer i cans: Sting ers Mujahideen vis i tors. (N) GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdIdiotest BaggageBaggageFam. FdFam. Fd HALL55517-738686240The Waltons: The Fire Storm Hit lers writ ings. The Waltons Moun tain terrorizer. The Waltons Mary El len en gaged. Mid dle (HD)Mid dle: The Bee Mid dle Girl friend. Mid dle (HD) HGTV414141415342258258165Buying and Selling (HD)Buying and Selling (HD)Property Brothers (HD)Property Brothers (HD)HuntersHunters HIST818181813365126126128To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)American Pickers (HD)To Be Announced (HD) HSN2424242451191616151Chaco CanyonChaco CanyonMine Finds by Jay King Mine Finds by Jay King Mine Finds by Jay King KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES ____ ____ I ________ ________ I___ I I ______
27 WEDNESDAYAPR. 1EVENING WEDNESDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 ELBACLIFE3636363652413636140Movie To Be An nounced Info un avail able. Lit tle Women: LA Friends live fully. (HD)Big Women: Big Love Plus-sized women. (HD) OWN58585858471035656161Dateline Disappearance. Dateline (R) (HD)20/20 Missing family. (R)20/20 (N) (HD)Undercover (HD) SPIKE575757572963545454Cops Po lice work. Jail Life in jail.(HD)Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Im pact Wres tling To tal Non stop Ac tion wres tling fea tures high-oc tane tal ents. (HD) SYFY67676767253645555180Black out (R) (HD)Black out Items in tub. Black out (R) (HD)Black out (R) (HD)Black out (R) (HD)Black out (R) (HD)Black out (R) (HD)Black out (R) (HD)Black out (R) (HD)Black out Pho bias. (R) TBS595959593262595952Seinfeld: The Calzone Seinfeld (HD)Seinfeld (HD)Seinfeld (TVPG) (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD) TCM65656565-169169169230Cap tain Kidd () aac Jack and the Bean stalk (, Fan tasy) A baby-sit ter dreams hes in fairytale. Viva Zapata! (, Drama) A re bel is dis mayed that noth ing changes when a new pres i dent takes over.(:15) Zorba the Greek (, Drama) aaa Life les sons. TLC4545454557724545139StrangeStrangeStrangeStrangeMy 600-lb (R) (HD)My 600-lb: Chays Story Outrageous (R) (HD) TNT616161612855616151Cas tle In no cence Re view.(HD)Cas tle: A Mur der Is For ever Mur der of ther a pist. Cas tle: Dis ci ple 12th pre cinct may be a tar get. (HD)Cas tle Man dies in church.(HD)Cas tle: Lime light The death of a ris ing pop star. TRAV6969696926066260260170Bizarre Foods: Hawaii Man/FoodMan/FoodBizarre (R)Bizarre (R)Man FndMan FndBizarre (R) TRUTV6363636350306060183Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Hoaxes (N)Best PrankCarbonarCarbonarKart Life Pro drivers. (N) TVLND6262626231545757244Walker, Texas RangerWalker, Texas RangerFam. FdFam. FdRaymondRaymondClevelandSoul Man USA343434342252353550NCIS: Kill Chain Sto len drone. (HD)NCIS: Mon sters and Men Parsas lo ca tion. (HD)NCIS: Cres cent City New Or leans. (HD)NCIS: Cres cent City Part II Se rial killer copy cat. NCIS: Page Not Found Delilah help. (HD) WE117117117117-117117117149Law & Or der: Tab loid Papparazzi mur dered. (HD)Law & Or der: Mon ster Briscoes ven geance. (HD)Law & Or der: Cher ished Dark fam ily se crets. (HD)Law & Or der: DWB Black man beaten. (HD)Law & Or der: Bait Mur der un cov ered. (HD) WGN16161619411195959Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. How I Met(TV14) (HD)How I Met(TV14) (HD)How I Met(TV14) (HD)How I Met(TV14) (HD) STROPSESPN292929291258292970SportsCenter (N) (HD)Face to Face(N)The Grantland Bas ket ball Hour (N)& High School Basketball: 2015 McDonalds AllAmerican Game: from United Center in Chicago (Live) ESPN230303030659303074Around the Horn (HD)In ter rup tion(HD)X 2015 Miami Open: Mens & Womens Quarterfinals (Live) (HD) FS1484848484269484883NASCAR Race Hub (N) (HD)Best of WEC: Sub mis sions(N) (HD)UFC To night (N) (HD)Knock outs(HD)Knock outs (N) (HD)UFC Un leashed: De buts Oc ta gon de buts. (R) (HD) FSN72727272-56666677Mar lins Spe cial Magic LIVE! (N) (HD)A NBA Basketball: San Antonio Spurs at Orlando Magic from Amway Center (Live) (HD)Magic LIVE! (N) (HD)In side (HD)In side: The Rook ies GOLF4949494955604949304Golf Cen tral (N) (HD)LPGA Tour Golf: ANA In spi ra tion Pro-Am (Taped)Les son Tee Live: Dave Phillips (N) (HD)Palm Beaches: Dec la ra tion of In de pend ence Big Break Palm Beaches: Fi nal Four NBCSN717171715461424290Pro Foot ball Talk NHL Ri valNHL Live (HD)To Be An nounced Pro gram in for ma tion is un avail able at this time. NHL Over time(HD) SUN38384014014557383876How to Do Fla(HD)Rays Spe cial(HD)TV (HD)Ship Shape TV (R)Sportsmn(HD)Florida (HD)Fin & Skin (R) (HD)Fish ing: Wahoo (HD)Cap tainsEx treme Fish ing (HD) SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250Jessie (HD)Jessie (HD)AustinJessie (HD)Movie Dog BlogLiv (HD) NICK2525252524442525252Sam & CatThundermnThundermnHaunted Full HseFull HseFull HseFull HsePrincePrince TOON808012412446205787257Titans Go!NinjaGoGumballRegularKing HillKing HillClevelandClevelandDad (HD)Dad (HD) SWENCNBC39393939-3739102Mad Money (N)American Vice (R) (HD)Shark Tank New ideas. Shark Tank (HD)Shark Tank (HD) CNN3232323218383932100Situation Room (N) (HD)Erin Burnett (N)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)Anthony Exotic foods. (R)CNN Tonight (N) CSPN1818181837129696109Politics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public PolicyKey Hearings Key Hearings FNC6464646448716464118Special Report (N) (HD)On the Record (N) (HD)The OReilly Factor (N)The Kelly File (N)Hannity (N) (HD) MSNB83838383185408282103PoliticsNation (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)All in with Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow (N) (HD)Lawrence ODonnell (N) SNN66611-11---SNN EveNewsNewsPaidNewsNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late CISUMCMTV4747474723243737221Reba (HD)Reba Kyra drink ing.(:20) Reba: The Break Up Weather girl. (HD)Jeff Dun ham: Spark of In san ity Pre sented is a co me dic view of a va ri ety of is sues fac ing Amer ica. (HD)Jeff Dun ham: Ar gu ing with My self Crazy pup pets. MTV3333333335483333210Teen Mom Teens have kids. (HD)Teen Mom Teens have kids. (HD)Cat fish: The TV Show Me dia pen pals. (HD)Cat fish: The TV Show Me dia pen pals. (HD)Cat fish: The TV Show (N) (HD) VH15050505043235050217Dazed and Con fused () aaa Teens fin ish school. Hot GRITS Ex ru ins lake fun. (R)Hot GRITS (N)Walk of Shame (N)Barely Fa mous (N)Hot GRITS (R) MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380 (:20) Lucas (, Comedy) aac Corey Haim, Kerri Green. Falling for the new girl at school causes a brainy guy to try out for football. (PG-13) (HD)Gridiron Gang (, Drama) aaa Dwayne Johnson, Xzibit. A probation officer begins a football program for violent youth offenders. (PG-13) (HD) (:10) The Lone Ranger () aaa Lawman teams up with a Native American. HBO302302302302302302302302400Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HD)Now You See Me (, Thriller) aaa Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. FBI agents search for illusionists who take on bank heists while performing. (PG-13) (HD)Divergent In a futuristic Chicago where citizens are divided into factions based on personality by taking an aptitude test, a teen girls results put her in danger. HBO2303303303303303303303303402Percy Jackson: Monsters ()(:45) Erin Brockovich (, Drama) aaa A single mom working as a secretary at a law firm launches a personal investigation into a case file regarding the contamination of a towns water supply. (R)The Internship () aa Two jobless, middle-aged salesmen compete as interns against dozens of college students for a coveted job at a savvy, tech company. HBOS304304304304-304304304404 (5:45) Saving Grace (, Comedy) aaa A housewife grows marijuana. (R) (HD) (:20) That Awkward Moment (, Comedy) Zac Efron, Miles Teller. Three friends make a pact to stay single, though each accidentally finds love. (R) (HD)Last Week John Oliver(HD)Enough Said (, Comedy) aaa A divorced woman starts to develop a relationship with an intriguing man. (PG-13) MAX320320320320320320320320420 (5:00) The Secret Life of Walter Mitty () Ben Stiller. Fantastic journey. (PG) (:55) Dances With Wolves (, Western) aaac Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell. A soldier assigned to Dakota Territory is absorbed into a tribe of Lakota Sioux, and as the U.S. Army pushes further west, he is faced with tough decisions. (HD)Transcendence (, Science Fiction) Scientist uploads mind into computer. MMAX321321321321321321321321422 (5:15) Veronica Mars (, Crime) Back for reunion, Mars must investigate.(:05) You, Me and Dupree (, Comedy) aac Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson. Newlywds cope with a rude and crude houseguest after he loses his job. (PG-13)Wedding Crashers () Two womanizing divorce lawyers and lifelong friends sneak into weddings to get acquainted with romantically inspired female guests. SHO340340340340340340340340365 (:15) Alex Cross (, Crime) aa Rachel Nichols, Giancarlo Esposito. A Washington D.C. homicide detective tries to track down a serial killer. (PG-13) (HD)Shameless: Drugs Actually(R) (HD)Jim Rome on Showtime (N) (HD)60 Minutes Sports (N) (HD) TMC350350350350350350350350385 (:15) Styria () ac A teen girl becomes involved in a strange friendship with a beautiful stranger. (NR) (HD) (:55) Lord of War (, Crime) aaac Nicolas Cage, Ethan Hawke. An arms dealer confronts the morality of his work as he is being chased.(R)(HD)Aeon Flux (, Science Fiction) Rebel agent uncovers a world of secrets. KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES 1111111111 ____ _ ___
28 WEDNESDAYAPR. 1LATE NIGHT WEDNESDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 11 PM11:3012 AM12:301 AM1:302 AM2:303 AM3:304 AM4:305 AM5:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26---7117---NewsKimmel NightlineExtraETInsiderExtraWorld News (N)NewsNews (N) ABC E F28------171711NewsKimmel Nightline Dr. Oz (R)PaidWorld News (N)NewsNewsNewsNews ABC E F40777107---7NewsKimmel NightlinePaidES.TV ABC World News Now (N) (HD)NewsNewsNews CBS E F10101010---101010NewsLate ShowLate LatePaidPaidUp to Minute (N)News10 News10 News10 News CBS E F11213213-555213-NewsLate ShowLate Late(:37) PhilInsideMinute (N)NewsNewsNews (N) NBC E F*888-8-888NewsTonightLate NightLast CallToday (R)Harvey (R)EarlyNewsNewsNews NBC E F20---222-232-NewsTonightLate NightLast CallDr. Oz (R)MoneyEarlyNewsNews (N) FOX E F13131313-13-13131311 NewsAccessDishTMZ11 NewsPaidPaidAccessDishTMZ11 NewsNewsNews5:30 FOX E F36---444---NewsTMZRaymondRaymondWilkosS impsonThe OfficeThe OfficeDivorceS pringerFox 4 (N) PBS E F#333---333Kids RckCancerRose (N)NOVA (R)Cancer (R) (HD)Cancer (R) (HD) PBS E F16204204204-----16ShetlandRose (N)EuropeNOVA (R)180 Days180 DaysHistory (R)OpinionYoga PBS E F30---333---Rose (N)SmileyMakersNOVA (R)Cancer (R) (HD)Cancer (R)TBA CW E F46---6216---2 1/2 MenMike MolMike MolModernModernHow I MetHow I MetRulesRulesAngerQueensQueensMiddleMiddle CW E F44999---994FriendsFriendsHopeOK! TVS impson King HillComicsPaidPaidMojoPaidPaternityPaidOK! TV MYN E F38111111---111114ClevelandCougarClevelandETSeinfeld Bridezilla ForensicCommunPaidCougarLets AskShepherd MYN E F*---898---King HillKing HillNice Dreams () aa (R)April Fools Day () ac Sea HuntSea HuntShepherd IND E F32121212-38-4412Fam GuyFam GuyDadDadClevelandCheatersCheatersPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidHarveyMarried ION E F6622213261843843817Whisperer Whisperer WhispererWhisperer PaidPaidInspiration Today WCLF E F22222222---22222IsraelAwakningAwakningYou & Me Prayer line. CVance700 Club CTNSpecA. Rippy WRXY E F49---224410---NewsAwakningAwakningYou & Me Prayer line. ReignGaitherExerciseFitness TLF E F50232323-95-23235El ChavoEl ChavoTiro deLa esquinaVentiladorCasos dePagadoPagadoPalenque UNIV E F62151515---15156NoticiasNoticieroDeportivoUn refugio Alma deLa familia Como diceGordo (R)PrimerNoticiero ELBACA&E2626262639502626181StorageStorageStorageStorageStorageStorageShippingShippingStorageStoragePaidPaidPaidPaid AMC5656565630536262231Sahara () aac Civil War treasure. X-Men aaa Mutant superheroes. CSI MiamiSt ooges APL4444444436684444130FoolsFoolsFoolsFoolsFoolsFoolsFoolsFoolsFoolsFoolsFoolsFoolsFoolsFools BET3535353540225151270All InAll InWendy (N)The RealKings of Comedy () BET Inspiration BRAV68686868254516565185HousewivesHousewivesBest NewShahs (R)Blood HeelPaidPaidPaidPaid COM6666666615275252190DailyNightlymidnightWorkaholDailyNightlymidnightBig TimeSouth PrkSouth PrkSouth PrkSouth PrkPaidPaid DISC4040404025434343120SurvivalSurvivorDual (R)SurvivalPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid E!4646464627264646196News (N)The RoyalsThe RoyalsKardashianPolice (R)PaidPaidPaidPaid ESQ828282821181188484160FridayMovie Short GameShort GamePaidPaidPaidPaid EWTN24324324312-17243243285Holy WkWomenGDaily MassEWTN LiveNewsFr PStrb Chrism Mass in Rome FAM5555555510465858199700 ClubBoy WrldBoy WrldBoy WrldBoy WrldPaidPaid700 ClubPaidPaidReignLife Tday FOOD37373737-768888164Food (R)MysteryMysteryRestaurantFood (R)MysteryMysteryIron ChefPaidPaid FX515151515849343453AmericansAmericansAmericansAnarchy (HD)AnarchyHow I MetPaidPaid GSN179179179179341798080184IdiotestBaggageBaggageBaggageBaggageBaggageBaggageAskAskPaidPaidPaidPaid HALL55517-738686240GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierCheersCheersLucyLucy HGTV414141415342258258165Prop BroProp Bro HuntersHuntersP rop BroProp BroPaidPaidPaidPaid HIST818181813365126126128 (:02) TBA (:01) TBA American(:01) TBA (:03) TBA PaidPaidPaidPaid LIFE3636363652413636140TBA (:02) TBA (:02) LittleBig Women(:02) TBA PaidPaidPaidPaid OWN5858585847103565616120/20 (R)20/20 (R)UndercoverDatelineUnfaithfulDatelineDateline SPIKE575757572963545454Ink MasterCopsCopsP olice (HD)Police (HD)Police (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaid SYFY67676767253645555180BlackoutBlackoutBlackoutBlackoutBlackoutBlackoutBlackoutBlackoutBlackoutBlackoutBlackoutBlackout (R) (HD) TBS595959593262595952Conan (N)The OfficeConan (R)CougarP rince of Persia: Sands () Home VidMa rried TCM65656565-169169169230 (10:15) Zorba () Lust for Life () Van Gogh. City for Conquest () Knockout TLC4545454557724545139My 600-lbOutrageousMy 600-lbStrangeStrangePaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid TNT616161612855616151CSI: NYCSI: NYCSI: NYSmallvilleSmallvilleLaw (HD)Law: Sects TRAV6969696926066260260170Bizarre (R)Man FndMan FndBizarre (R)Bizarre (R)BizarreBizarrePaidPaidPaidPaid TRUTV6363636350306060183Jokers (R)HoaxesBest PrnkCarbonarCarbonarKart LifeJokers (R)Saloon (R)I LaughPaid TVLND6262626231545757244QueensQueensFriendsFriendsClevelandSoul ManRaymondRaymondRaymondRoseannRoseanns Shws Shw3s Co. USA343434342252353550ModernModernModernModernNCIS (HD)Order: CIOrder: CISVU (HD)SVU: Sin WE117117117117-117117117149Law: Flight Law (HD)Mary MaryMary MaryMatch MadeMatch MadePaidPaid WGN16161619411195959How I MetHow I MetRulesRulesParksParksHopeHope30 Rock30 Rock Order: CIPaidPaid STROPSESPN292929291258292970Sports (N)Sports (N)Sports (N)Sports (N)SportsSportsSports ESPN230303030659303074GrantlandNBABaseball30 30 (HD)30 30 (HD)HS Basketball NFL Live FS1484848484269484883FOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsUFC (HD)UnleashedBest of FSN72727272-56666677Wrld PokerNBA (Replay) (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid GOLF4949494955604949304Golf CntrlLPGA TourBig BreakPGA TourLearningPaidPaidPaidPaidPGA TourGolf Acd NBCSN717171715461424290NFL (HD)NFL (HD)NASCARNFL (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SUN38384014014557383876Reel FishONeill Rodeo (Replay)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SWENCNN3232323218383932100360 (R)AnthonyCNNI Simulcast News coverage. (N)Early Start (N) FNC6464646448716464118OReilly (R)Kelly FileHannity (R)On RecordRed EyeKelly FileFOX-Friend MSNBC83838383185408282103Hayes (R)MaddowODonnellHardballHayes (R)Maddow First LookToo Early SNN66611-11---SNN LateNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNews MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380Ranger () aaa(:45) School Daze ()(:50) Southland Tales () (R)Cursed aa HBO302302302302302302302302400DivergentReal TimeOliver47 Ronin (, Action)(:05) Going Clear () Superstar HBO2303303303303303303303303402VICEFast & Furious 6 () Tammy Roadtrip.(:20) Blade Runner ()(:20) Grace HBOS304304304304-304304304404Rumor Has It ... () aac(:55) Powers () Vital Signs () Big Boys wish granted. MAX320320320320320320320320420TranscendZanes Sx(:35) Exorcist () aa (R)03: To Die For Dom Hemingway () MMAX321321321321321321321321422In BedHangover III () Lolita Space () Trance () aaa(:15) Creep () aa MST3K SHO340340340340340340340340365Rome (R)60 MinutesLiesLiesKevin HartGary Owen (R)To Wong Foo aa TMC350350350350350350350350385Aeon Flx(:35)Alone () c(:15)Cut () ac(:40)City of God ()(R) (:50)Deal () aa KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES __ __ ____ I I I I I__ I __ I_____ I I I II I I I _____I___ __ __I _____ I I _________ ______ I I I I___ ____I _________I I I ____ I ____ ____I ______ ______ I ______ ______ ______I ______ I ______ I I _______I _____ _____I I I I I I
29 THURSDAY Greys Anatomy8 p.m. on ABCAs a group of school students tour the hospital, the kids see two hurt cops arrive in the emergency room; Stephanie is attracted to one of the schools chaperones; Callie operates on the police captain; Amelia tries to work out her feelings for Owen. (HD)The Big Bang Theory8 p.m. on CBSLeonard and Sheldon attempt to creep on to George Lucas Skywalker Ranch to meet their idol while en route to UC Berkeley for a speech; Bernadette and Howard play a game of ping pong in order to determine the fate of Howards Dr. Who TARDIS. (HD)Bones8 p.m. on FOXAn afâ€uent school teacher is found dead in an abandoned bookstore, making teachers and students from her school suspects in her murder. (HD)Scandal9 p.m. on ABCDavid hopes to ally himself with some former B613 workers in order to help build up his case against the agency; a congressman contacts Olivia for her discreet assistance in helping his father escape from his impending execution. (HD)Backstrom9 p.m. on FOXBackstrom looks into a murder and how the victim managed to escape from a court-ordered rehab program; the idea that Valentine (Thomas Dekker) may be more than just his tenant is given more credence in the mind of Detective Everett Backstrom. (HD)THURSDAY HIGHLIGHTSThomas Dekker WORD SEARCH 941-766-1001 17912 Toledo Blade Blvd. Port Charlotte, FL Cardiac Disease High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Diabetes Arthritis Thyroid Problems Osteoporosis Prostate Health Memory Loss Experience Better Healthcare M ARIO E. C ARBONELL , MD Providing Primary & Hospital Care For Patients Ages 16 yrs. & up Board Certified in Internal Medicine Fellowship in Geriatric Medicine New Patients Welcome adno=50478132 941-639-0233 Adam Cummings Financial Advisor Corner of Olympia & Sullivan EJAdvisorAdamCummings New Resident or just looking for a Second Opinion? Call Today for Your Complimentary Portfolio Review! Member SIPC adno=50478908 adno=50478912 TAYLOR FUNERAL and Cremation Services L arry Now Available to you 24 hrs A Day At Your Convenience Old Fashioned Service at a Price You Can Afford 1515 Tamiami Trl, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (941) 833-0600 2002-2014 Don’t be Puzzled when a Death Occurs! $100.00 OFF of any Pre-Arranged Funeral or Cremation. I eEdwardJonesWORD SEARCHIn the grid below twenty answers can he found that fit the category fortoday. Circle each answer that you find and list it in the space provided atthe right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions forwardsbackwards, horizontally. vertically and diagonally. An example is given toget you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle?Today's Category: Flower Varieties1 AsterD R C H I D A H L I A C 2D C G G G A A C T T S L 3. Ga _4.X D A H Y I R I S U H L 5.C U C R N S H F N L J E 6.7.Fag G A U N Y J F G I V B B.9.S A T I C A L S L P I E 10G E R K N 0 T I B G 0 U 11.12.P L X I W N L I R N L L 13.14.O A C E G A I N O G E B 15.P Z R G C O K Z S N T H 16'17.P A S T E R L D E B D J 18.19.Y N O E P H C D L I L Y 20., 1 n n u e e!uu!Z'OZ AIII'Otn e a a, a 3 s d 1910!A'6L oel!1'6N s a z d d!Inl'gt Su! 'go N Io ; c lannopunSRs!ea'LN H x 9SOJ 9t e!lyea'g fI1Addod gt uo11ewe0'SI d i s l v J 1 Sn i o e r n v o elunled'V 1!aganl8.b A1 r r A H S a o n n fcuoad 'gt 91U06a8 'EiH s l vx PIU3J0'Zt eelezy Zs 1 1 04V o O o 0 a plo61JeIJ '!,!. iielsV la cy u v o a luoitnloS UUUeeS pJoM
30 THURSDAYAPR. 2EVENING THURSDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26 ---7117---ABC7 News at 6:00pm (N) (HD)ABC World News To night(N) (HD)The 7 OClock News (N) (HD)En ter tain ment To night (N) (HD)Greys Anat omy: When I Grow Up Field trip kids see hurt cops en ter ER. (N)Scan dal: Honor Thy Fa ther Da vid builds his case against B613. (N) (HD)Amer i can Crime: Ep i sode Five (N) (HD) ABC E F28 ------171711News The lat est news. ABC World News (N)The List (N) (HD)Right This Min ute (N)Greys Anat omy School field trip. (N) (HD)Scan dal: Honor Thy Fa ther Search for al lies. (N)Amer i can Crime: Ep i sode Five (N) (HD) ABC E F40 777107---7News (N)ABC World News (N)A Mil lion aire? (R)OK! TV (N) (HD)Greys Anat omy School field trip. (N) (HD)Scan dal: Honor Thy Fa ther Search for al lies. (N)Amer i can Crime: Ep i sode Five (N) (HD) CBS E F10 101010---10101010 News, 6pm Lo cal news re port. News with Scott Pelley (N)Wheel of For tune: Spring Break Jeop ardy! (N) (HD)The Big Bang Skywalker Ranch. Odd Cou ple Wed ding cer e mony. The Big Bang Penny buzzkill. Mom Pre scrip tion. (N) (HD)El e men tary: The View From Olym pus Hit-and-run case of ridesharing driver. CBS E F11 213213-555213-News (N) (HD)Eve ning News(N) (HD)News (N) (HD)In side Edi tion (N)Big Bang (N) (HD) (:31) Odd Cou ple (N) (:01) Big Bang(R) (HD)Mom Pre scrip tion. (N)El e men tary Hit-and-run case. (N) (HD) NBC E F* 888-8-888News Chan nel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News Cur rent events. News Chan nel 8 at 7:00 (N)Ex tra (N) (HD)Date line: The Real Black list(N) (HD)The Black list: Vanessa Cruz Search for se duc tive frame-up art ist. (N) (HD) (:01) The Slap: Ritche Ritche has sui cidal thoughts. (N) (HD) NBC E F20 ---222-232-News (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N)Wheel: Spring Break Jeop ardy! (N) (HD)Date line: The Real Black list(N) (HD)The Black list: Vanessa Cruz Frame-up art ist. (N)The Slap: Ritche Ritche has sui cidal thoughts. (N) FOX E F13 131313-13-131313FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)TMZ (N)The In sider(N) (HD)Bones: The Teacher in the Books Af flu ent school teacher found dead. (N)Backstrom: In es cap able Truth In ves ti ga tion of key wit nesss death. (N) (HD)FOX 13 10:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 10:30 News (N) FOX E F36 ---444---FOX 4 News at Six Lo cal news; weather. (N)Judge Judy(R) (HD)Judge Judy(R) (HD)Bones Teacher found dead.(N) (HD)Backstrom: In es cap able Truth Key wit ness dies. FOX 4 News at Ten Nightly news re port. (N) PBS E F# 333---333BBC World News Busi ness Re port (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)WEDU Arts Plus (N)Gulf Coast (R)An tiques Roadshow: Bir ming ham Dolls; por trait. Can cer: The Em peror Search for cure. (R) (HD) PBS E F16 204204204-----16Ses ame Street Strong bas ket. (R) (HD)Cat in Hat (R) (HD)Peg + Cat Cake made. Coastal Dune Lakes (N) (HD)Na ture: My Life as a Tur key Man raises tur keys. (R)Big Cy press Swamp: The West ern Everglades (R) PBS E F30 ---333---BBC World News Busi ness Re port (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Road to Par a dise (HD)An tiques Roadshow Doc Mar tin A doc tor tends to an ec cen tric vil lage. Fa ther Brown Priest sleuth.(HD) CW E F46 ---6216---Big Bang (HD)News (N)Big Bang (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD)The Flash: The Nu clear Man Life bal ance. (R) (HD)The Flash: Fall out Ronnie & Dr. Stein. (R) (HD)News at10pm (N) (HD) CW E F44 999---994Queens (TVPG) (HD)Queens (TVPG) (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)The Flash: The Nu clear Man Life bal ance. (R) (HD)The Flash: Fall out Ronnie & Dr. Stein. (R) (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD) MYN E F38 111111---111114Ce leb rity Name (R)Fam ily Feud(TVPG)Fam ily Feud(TVPG)En ter tain To night (N)The Mentalist: Red Hot Build ing ex plodes. (HD)The Mentalist: Ball of Fire Jane kid napped. (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD) MYN E F* ---898---Dad Jeff es capes. (HD)Cleve land(HD)Fam Guy (HD)Fam GuyThe Mentalist: Red Hot Build ing ex plodes. (HD)The Mentalist: Ball of Fire Jane kid napped. (HD)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Es cape (HD) IND E F32 121212-38-4412Mod ern Hot neigh bor. Mod ern: Egg Drop Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)An ger A risky goal. An ger (HD)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Es cape (HD)The Of fice News leak. The Of fice(HD) ION E F66 22213261843843817Blue Bloods: No Re grets Com mon trag edy. (HD)Blue Bloods: Loss of Faith Se cret re la tion ship. Blue Bloods: Ends & Means Judg ment call. (HD)Blue Bloods: Devils Breath Dis ori ented man. (HD)Blue Bloods: The Bit ter End Dannys pro tec tion. WCLF E F22 222222---22222Chris tian Fit ness Mar i lyn & Sa rah Bay Fo cusThe Great Awakning TourGods NewsRich ard Rob erts Gos pel Truth(N)Des tined to Reign Life Tday WRXY E F49 ---224410---Joyce Meyer(N)Tommy Bates Tes ti mo nies of Triumph The Great Awakning Tour For Hurt ing Women Game OnJoyce Meyer(N)Place Mir a cles Gos pel Truth(N) TLF E F50 232323-95-23235El Chavo Risas y ms risas.(TVPG)Guardianes del tesoro Un arquelogo encuentra el Sello de Salomn, que lleva mucho tiempo perdido. Tiro de gracia Envuelto con narcos. (HD)La esquina del diablo Bar rio violento. (HD) UNIV E F62 151515---15156Noticias (N)Noticiero Univisin (N)La sombra del pasado Un amor difcil de romper. Amores con trampa Campesinos. Hasta el fin del mundo Sofa enamorada. Que te perdone Dios... yo no Amor y pasin. (N) ELBACA&E262626263950262618148 Scrap-yard murder. (R)First 48 House shooting. 48 Young father killed. (R)The First 48 (N) (HD)(:01) 8 Minutes (N) (HD) AMC5656565630536262231 (5:00) Body of Lies () A CIA op er a tive tracks down a ter ror ist who is help ing to plant bombs in Eu rope. Drumline (, Drama) aa Nick Can non, Zoe Saldana. A drum mer from Har lem en coun ters trou ble at a uni ver sity be cause of his ego. Snow Dogs () aa APL4444444436684444130To Be Announced To Be Announced FoolsFoolsRailroad (HD)Cold Gold (N) (HD) BET3535353540225151270 (5:30) The Cookout (, Com edy) Ja Rule. Bas ket ball player signs a lu cra tive con tract with an NBA team. Be ing Mary Jn Fa tal shoot ing. (R) (HD)Be ing Mary Jn (R) (HD)All In (R) (HD)All In (R) (HD) BRAVO68686868254516565185Housewives (R)Housewives (R)Housewives (R)Melbourne (N)Housewives (R) COM6666666615275252190 (:55) Nightly Show(:27) Daily Show (HD) (:58) South Prk(R)Big Time: Sev er ance Big Time: In ter ven tion Tosh.0 (R) (HD)Tosh.0 (R) (HD)The Com edy Cen tral Roast of Justin Bieber Co me dic roast of Justin Bieber. (R) DISC4040404025434343120Alaska: The Last Fron tier Por cu pine at tack. (R)Alaska: The Last Fron tier Hunt ing for moose. (R)Alaska: The Last Fron tier Sum mer pro jects. (R)Alaska: The Last Fron tier Duck hunt ing. (R) (HD)Alaska: The Last Fron tier Two hunt deer. (R) (HD) E!4646464627264646196The Royals (R) (HD)E! News (N) (HD)Who WoreWho WoreKardashian (R) (HD)Kardashians (R) (HD) ESQ828282821181188484160The Six Mil lion Dol lar Man Bionic en hance ment. The Six Mil lion Dol lar Man Bionic en hance ment. 21 (, Drama) aaa Jim Sturgess, Kevin Spacey. An M.I.T. stu dent is re cruited by a math pro fes sor to count cards at black jack. 21 Black jack scheme. EWTN24324324312-17243243285 (5:30) Choral Meditations Mass Solemn High Mass. World Over (N)HopeMass of the Lords Supper FAM5555555510465858199Boy WrldBoy WrldDude, Wheres My Car? Two bum bling pot heads go on a crazy ad ven ture in search of their miss ing car. Big Daddy (, Com edy) aac A slacker adopts a five-year-old boy to con vince his girl friend hes ma tured. FOOD37373737-768888164Chopped Faux meat. (R)Chopped Pesto sauce. Chopped (R) (HD)Chopped (N)Beat BobBeat Bob FX515151515849343453 (5:00) The Call () aaa Halle Berry. Op er a tors help. This Is 40 (, Com edy) aac Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann. Showcased is a co me dic look in side the life of a not-so-av er age Amer i can fam ily. (R)Ar cher Jour ney ends. Ar cher (R) (HD) GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdBaggageBaggageFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. Fd HALL55517-738686240The Waltons: The Cloud burst A land deal. The Waltons Jim-Bobs bike race. The Waltons: The Pony Cart Aunt Mar thas trip. Mid dle (HD)Mid dle (HD)Mid dle (HD)Mid dle (HD) HGTV414141415342258258165HuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersAddictAddictAddictAddictHuntersHunters HIST818181813365126126128To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)Pawn StrsPawn StrsVikings Vikings arrive. HSN2424242451191616151NUTRiBULLET ProBeauty Rpt Beauty tips. Beauty Rpt Beauty tips. List with Colleen LopezList with Colleen Lopez KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES I _
31 THURSDAYAPR. 2EVENING THURSDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 ELBACLIFE3636363652413636140To Be An nounced Pro gram in for ma tion is un avail able at this time. Pro ject Run way All Stars For mer con tes tants. Pro ject Run way All Stars For mer con tes tants.(:01) To Be An nounced Info un avail able. OWN58585858471035656161Undercover: Utah Jazz Undercover Bridal chain. Undercover (HD)20/20: Designing Women 20/20 Michele MacNeill. SPIKE575757572963545454 (5:00) Movie Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. SYFY67676767253645555180Arachnoquake (, Sci ence Fic tion) Fol low ing a mas sive earth quake, gi ant al bino spi ders are un leashed. WWE SmackDown (N) (HD)Olym pus: The Tem ple of Gaia (N) TBS595959593262595952Seinfeld: The Voice Seinfeld (TVPG) (HD)Seinfeld: The Blood Seinfeld (HD)Fam GuyFam GuyBig Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD) TCM65656565-169169169230 (:15) Sing Your Wor ries Away () aac Bert Lahr, June Havoc. Com poser in her its mil lions of dol lars. (NR)One Foot in Heaven A min is ter and his wife must come to terms with the chang ing world around them. One Mans Way An up beat min is ter reaches many. TLC4545454557724545139Say YesSay YesWedding (R) (HD)Wedding (R) (HD)Gypsy Wedding (N) (HD)Myrtle: Manor Meltdown TNT616161612855616151Cas tle: Deep Cover Video store clerk. (HD)Cas tle: Dressed to Kill Fash ion mur der. (HD)A NBA Basketball: Miami Heat at Cleveland Cavaliers from Quicken Loans Arena (Live) (HD)NBA Bas ket ball (Live) TRAV6969696926066260260170Bizarre Nutria hunt. (R)Man/FoodMan/FoodUnknown (R)Unknown (N)Layover: Seattle (R) TRUTV6363636350306060183truTV Top (R)truTV Top (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (R)Jokers (N)Jokers (R) TVLND6262626231545757244Walker, Texas RangerWalker, Texas RangerFam. FdFam. FdRaymondRaymondQueensQueens USA343434342252353550Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Man hunt (HD)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit Jus ti fied killer. Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Folly (TV14)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: In her i tance Dig: Emma Wil sons Fa ther(N) (HD) WE117117117117-117117117149Mary Mary: Solo Sis ters Sep a rate pro jects. (R) (HD)Mary Mary: A Tale of Two Tinas Old hab its. (R)Mary Mary: Hitched and Mitchd Vow re newal. (R)Mary Mary: Mary Mary To gether Again (R) (HD)Mary Mary: Im Gonna Kill Some body! (N) (HD) WGN16161619411195959Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. How I Met(TV14) (HD)How I Met(TV14) (HD)How I Met(TV14) (HD)How I Met(TV14) (HD) STROPSESPN292929291258292970SportsCenter (N) (HD)A College Basketball: 2015 Slam : from Hinkle Fieldhouse in Indianapolis (Live) (HD)2015 NIT Bas ket ball Tour na ment: Cham pi on ship : from Mad i son Square Gar den in New York (Live) (HD) ESPN230303030659303074Around the Horn (HD)In ter rup tion(HD)X 2015 Miami Open: Mens Quarterfinal/Womens Semifinal #2 (Live) (HD) FS1484848484269484883NASCAR Race Hub (N) (HD)Knock outs(HD)X PowerShares Tennis Series: from Chicago (Live) (HD)V FOX Fight Night: Golden Boy Promotions FSN72727272-56666677Mar lins Spe cial Pan thers (HD)Pan thers Live(HD)) NHL Hcky: Carolina Hurricanes at Florida Panthers from BB&T Center (Live) (HD)Pan thers Live(HD)Pan thers: Super Fans GOLF4949494955604949304F LPGA Tour Golf: ANA Inspiration: First Round : from Mission Hills CC in Rancho Mirage, Calif. (Live) (HD)Golf Cen tral (N) (HD)PGA TOUR Golf: Shell Hous ton Open: First Round (Re play) (HD) NBCSN717171715461424290Pro Foot ball Talk Col lege Bas ket ballNHL LiveNHL Hcky (HD) SUN38384014014557383876Fish ing Re port (N) (HD)Light ning (HD)Light ning LIVE! (HD)) NHL Hcky: Tampa Bay Lightning at Ottawa Senators from Canadian Tire Centre (Live) (HD)Light ning LIVE! (HD)Fish ing Re port (R) (HD) SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250Liv (HD)Liv (HD)AustinJessie (HD)Movie GravityDog BlogLiv (HD) NICK2525252524442525252Sam & CatThundermnThundermnHaunted Full HseFull HseFull HseFull HsePrincePrince TOON808012412446205787257Titans Go!NinjaGoGumballRegularKing HillKing HillClevelandClevelandDad (HD)Dad (HD) SWENCNBC39393939-3739102Mad Money (N)Greed Jordan Belfort. (R)Shark Tank (HD)Greed A radio host. (R)Greed Bogus money. (R) CNN3232323218383932100Situation Room (N) (HD)Erin Burnett (N)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)Mike Rowe (R)CNN Tonight (N) CSPN1818181837129696109Politics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public PolicyKey Hearings Key Hearings FNC6464646448716464118Special Report (N) (HD)On the Record (N) (HD)The OReilly Factor (N)The Kelly File (N)Hannity (N) (HD) MSNB83838383185408282103PoliticsNation (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)All in with Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow (N) (HD)Lawrence ODonnell (N) SNN66611-11---SNN EveNewsNewsPaidNewsNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late CISUMCMTV4747474723243737221 (:10) Reba (HD) (:50) Reba: Shes With the Band Kyra and col lege. Jeff Dun ham: Ar gu ing with My self Ven tril o quist with crazy pup pets. (HD)Party Down South (N) (HD)Party Down (N) (HD)Party Down South (R) MTV3333333335483333210Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness (N)Ri dic u lous ness VH15050505043235050217TI & Tiny Pre school. TI & Tiny Dance off. Love & Hip Hop (R) (HD)Love & Hip Hop (R) (HD)Ro meo Must Die (, Ac tion) aac Jet Li. A for mer cop trav els to Cal i for nia to avenge his brothers death. MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380 (:10) Lords of Dogtown (, Drama) aaa Emile Hirsch, Victor Rasuk. Surfers use empty swimming pools to perfect their unique style of skateboarding. (PG-13)Frequency () aaa While tinkering with his late fathers old ham radio, a police officer discovers he can communicate with his father three decades in the past. In the Line of Fire (, Thriller) aaac Agent fights past to save president. (R) HBO302302302302302302302302400The Legend of Hercules () ac(:45) Last Week John Oliver(HD) (:15) The Lego Movie (, Comedy) aaac Will Ferrell, Jadon Sand. Ordinary Lego minifigure joins a quest to save his world from a cruel tyrant. (PG) (HD)Ride Along (, Comedy) aac Ice Cube, Kevin Hart. Fast-talker rides with girlfriends hot-tempered cop brother to prove his worth. (PG-13) (HD) HBO2303303303303303303303303402 (5:40) The Rock (, Action) aaa Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage. Two men try to rescue a group of tourists that were taken hostage by a madman. (R) (HD)Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (, Documentary) Eight former members are profiled, revealing experiences, abuse and betrayal. (NR) (:15) Neighbors (, Comedy) aaa Couple lives next to fraternity house. (R) HBOS304304304304-304304304404 (5:20) The Way, Way Back () aaa Introverted teen befriends park manager. Up in the Air () A seasoned business traveler finds his existence threatened by a perky up-and-comer with new ideas that could permanently ground him. (R)Real Time with Bill Maher(TVMA) (HD)Last Week John Oliver(HD)Escape Plan (, Thriller) aaa (R) MAX320320320320320320320320420 (4:25) The Counselor (, Crime)(:25) Meet the Parents (, Comedy) aaa A male nurse attempts to impress his girlfriends ultra-conservative father.(:15) Big Mommas House () ac Martin Lawrence, Nia Long. An FBI agent goes to extremes to catch a dangerous bank robber. (PG-13) (HD)Private Parts (, Drama) Howard Stern. Radios bad boy tells his life story. MMAX321321321321321321321321422 (5:05) Hyde Park on Hudson ()(:45) V for Vendetta (, Action) Natalie Portman. A masked vigilante faces a solitary fight against a totalitarian government until he rescues a woman from the police and finds in her an important ally. The Purge (, Thriller) aac Ethan Hawke. A family struggles to survive during the one night when all crime is legal. (R)Femme Fatales: Visions, Part 2 SHO340340340340340340340340365 (:15) Swingers (, Drama) aaa Jon Favreau, Vince Vaughn. Comedian attempts to get on with his life after a break up with his girlfriend. (R) (HD)D.L. Hughley: Clear Standup comic on current affairs. (R) (HD)Lies (R) (HD)Lies (R) (HD)Shameless: Drugs Actually(R) (HD) TMC350350350350350350350350385 (5:25) The Last Shot (, Comedy) aa FBI agent poses as film producer.(R)Common (, Drama) Michael Gambon. A nave 17-year-old teen becomes an accessory to premeditated murder.(:35) Fruitvale Station (, Drama) aaac A young man crosses paths with family and friends on the last day of 2008. Cold in July (, Thriller) aaac Man must protect family from threats. (R)(HD) KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES I _______ I ___________ ____ ____ ____ I I ____ ____
32 THURSDAYAPR. 2LATE NIGHT THURSDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 11 PM11:3012 AM12:301 AM1:302 AM2:303 AM3:304 AM4:305 AM5:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26---7117---NewsKimmel NightlineExtraETInsiderExtraWorld News (N)NewsNews (N) ABC E F28------171711NewsKimmel Nightline Dr. Oz (R)PaidWorld News (N)NewsNewsNewsNews ABC E F40777107---7NewsKimmel NightlinePaidES.TV ABC World News Now (N) (HD)NewsNewsNews CBS E F10101010---101010NewsLate ShowLate LatePaidPaidUp to Minute (N)News10 News10 News10 News CBS E F11213213-555213-NewsLate ShowLate Late(:37) PhilInsideMinute (N)NewsNewsNews (N) NBC E F*888-8-888NewsTonightLate NightLast CallToday (R)Harvey (R)EarlyNewsNewsNews NBC E F20---222-232-NewsTonightLate NightLast CallDr. Oz (R)MoneyEarlyNewsNews (N) FOX E F13131313-13-13131311 NewsAccessDishTMZ11 NewsPaidPaidAccessDishTMZ11 NewsNewsNews5:30 FOX E F36---444---NewsTMZRaymondRaymondWilkosS impsonThe OfficeThe OfficeDivorceS pringerFox 4 (N) PBS E F#333---333Cancer (R)Rose (N)Old HseRx: The Quiet (R)MustandNature (R)NOVA (R) PBS E F16204204204-----16SmileyRose (N)Europe Dune LakesNature (R)Swamp (R)Dune LakesHealthyYoga PBS E F30---333---Rose (N)SmileyFeel Grd Old HseRx: The Quiet (R)MustandNature (R)NOVA (R) CW E F46---6216---2 1/2 MenMike MolMike MolModernModernHow I MetHow I MetRulesRulesAngerQueensQueensMiddleMiddle CW E F44999---994FriendsFriendsHopeOK! TVS impson King HillComicsPaidPaidMojoPaidPaternityPaidOK! TV MYN E F38111111---111114ClevelandCougarClevelandETSeinfeld Bridezilla ForensicCommunPaidCougarLets AskShepherd MYN E F*---898---King HillKing HillFargo (, Crime) aaac Hidden Agenda () aaa Sea HuntSea HuntShepherd IND E F32121212-38-4412Fam GuyFam GuyDadDadClevelandCheatersCheatersPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidHarveyMarried ION E F6622213261843843817Blue BloodBlue BloodBlue BloodBlue BloodPaidPaidInspiration Today WCLF E F22222222---22222WealthAwakningAwakningYou & Me Prayer line. Real Life700 ClubCVanceA. Rippy WRXY E F49---224410---NewsAwakningAwakningYou & Me Prayer line. ReignGaitherExerciseFitness TLF E F50232323-95-23235El ChavoEl ChavoTiro deLa esquinaVentiladorCasos dePagadoPagadoPalenque UNIV E F62151515---15156NoticiasNoticieroDeportivoUn refugio Alma deLa familia Como diceGordo (R)PrimerNoticiero ELBACA&E26262626395026261818 Minutes(:01) 48 (R)First 48 (R)8 Minutes8 MinutesPaidPaidPaidPaid AMC5656565630536262231Snow Dogs () Christmas Vacation aaa(:45) Teen Wolf () aac Better (R)Stooges APL4444444436684444130RailroadCold Gold FoolsFoolsTBA FoolsFoolsRailroad Cold Gold BET3535353540225151270Mary JnWendy (N)The RealMr. Right (, Comedy) BET Inspiration BRAV68686868254516565185Shahs (R)HousewivesMelbourneSouthernNewlywdsPaidPaidPaidPaid COM6666666615275252190DailyNightlymidnightBrickleDailyNightlymidnightChapplleChapplleChapplleChappllePresentsPaidPaid DISC4040404025434343120Alaska (R)Alaska (R)Alaska (R)Alaska (R)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid E!4646464627264646196News (N)Sex/CitySex/CityNews (R)KardashianKardashianPaidPaidPaidPaid ESQ82828282118118848416021 Blackjack scheme. FridayFridayShort GamePaidPaidPaidPaid EWTN24324324312-17243243285Holy WkWomenGI ThirstWorld Over HopeFr PStrbFaustinaIn Concert (R)Walk the FAM5555555510465858199700 ClubBoy WrldBoy WrldBoy WrldBoy WrldPaidPaid700 ClubPaidPaidReignLife Tday FOOD37373737-768888164CutthroatChoppedBeat BobBeat BobCutthroatChoppedAce CakeAce CakePaidPaid FX515151515849343453ArcherThis Is 40 (, Comedy) A milestone. ArcherPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdBaggageBaggageBaggageBaggageAskAskPaidPaidPaidPaid HALL55517-738686240GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierCheersCheersLucyLucy HGTV414141415342258258165HuntersHuntersAddictAddictHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersAddictAddictPaidPaidPaidPaid HIST818181813365126126128TBATBA(:01) TBA Pawn StrsPawn StrsVikings (R)TBATBAPaidPaidPaidPaid LIFE3636363652413636140ThreadsProjectProject(:03) TBA ThreadsPaidPaidPaidPaid OWN58585858471035656161Undercover20/20 (R)20/20 (R)UndercoverUnfaithfulDatelineDateline SPIKE575757572963545454CopsCopsMovie P olice (HD)Police (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaid SYFY6767676725364555518012 MonkeysOlympusHelix (R)Jack the Giant Killer c Cyclops () a (NR) (HD) TBS595959593262595952Conan (N)Cougar Conan (R)CougarBedtime Stories () Home VidMarriedMa rried TCM65656565-169169169230One WayStars in Crown The Little Minister ()(:45) The Sandpiper () aa TLC4545454557724545139WeddingMyrtle (R)WeddingWeddingPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid TNT616161612855616151A NBA Basketball (Live)Inside NBANBA Basketball (Replay) (HD)PreviewLaw (HD) TRAV6969696926066260260170BourdainUnknownLayoverBourdainUnknownPaidPaidPaidPaid TRUTV6363636350306060183FriendFriendJokersJokersJokersJokersJokersJokersFriendFriendSa loon (R)I LaughPaid TVLND6262626231545757244QueensQueensFriendsFriendsRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondRoseannRoseanns Shws Shw3s Co. USA343434342252353550 (:01) Dig (R)(:02) Dig (R)(:02) Dig (R)(:02) SVU(:01) SVUSVU: Hate SVU: Uncle WE117117117117-117117117149Match MadeMary Mary (R)Mary MaryMary Mary (R)Match MadePaidPaid WGN16161619411195959How I MetHow I MetRulesRulesParksParksHopeHope30 Rock30 Rock Order: CIPaidPaid STROPSESPN292929291258292970Sports (N)Sports (N)Sports (N)Sports (N)SportsSportsSports ESPN230303030659303074NFL LiveNationGameDayBaseballFab Five (HD)SportsC.SportsC.SportsC.NationNFL Live FS1484848484269484883FOX FightFOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsFOX Fight (Replay) (HD)UFC (HD) FSN72727272-56666677Wrld PokerNHL Hcky (Replay)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid GOLF4949494955604949304PGA TOUR Golf Golf CntrlLPGA Tour Golf (Replay) (HD)PGA TOUR Golf (HD) NBCSN717171715461424290NHL HckyOvertimeSkiing (HD)Skiing (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SUN38384014014557383876Florida (R)Sportsmn NHL Hcky (Replay)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SWENCNN3232323218383932100360 (R)Mike RoweCNNI Simulcast News coverage. (N)Early Start (N) FNC6464646448716464118OReilly (R)Kelly FileHannity (R)On RecordRed EyeKelly FileFOX-Friend MSNBC83838383185408282103Hayes (R)MaddowODonnellHardballHayes (R)Maddow First LookToo Early SNN66611-11---SNN LateNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNews MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380In Line (R)(:15) L.A. Confidential () (R) (:35) Amityville () aac(:40) Howard () HBO302302302302302302302302400SX/NOWKatieVICELegend Hercules(:10) Scary 2 () Bill Maher(:40) Planet? () HBO2303303303303303303303303402NeighborsGumbel Fight GmThe Heat Partners clash. Men of Honor () aaa Witness HBOS304304304304-304304304404Escape Plan () Good Night () Thank You ()(:40) Gen. Daughter () Making of MAX320320320320320320320320420Prv. PartsGirls Gone () Rules of Attraction ()(:10) Sexually () Bodyguard () MMAX321321321321321321321321422FemmeThomas Crown () aac Blind Date () Lawrence () Pootie Tang () SHO340340340340340340340340365MegatronAroused (:45) Van Wilder () aac Hustle & Flow () aaa Bronx Obama TMC350350350350350350350350385Cold () Jamie Marks is On the Road A writers journey. The Stoned AgeDeceptn KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES I I I I_____ I _____ I _____ ________ I I I ___I ___ ___ ___ I____ I __________ _____ I____ ____ _____ ____ I _______ I ______ _I_______ I I I I II ____I ___ ___
33 FRIDAY The Amazing Race8 p.m. on CBSThe remaining teams of racers gear up for a trip to Oktoberfest in Bavaria, Germany, by putting on lederhosen, and after one team loses their fanny pack, they realize that their chance at staying in the race may be in jeopardy. (HD)Grimm8 p.m. on NBCNick and Hank meet a Wesen with a deadly touch while investigating a cyclists murder; another Royal family member comes forward as they continue the search for their child. (HD)Hawaii Five-09 p.m. on CBSGrover suspects foul play when his closest friend admits to having watched his wife drop from a cliff to her death; Danny and Dr. Shaw must wait for help when they become trapped in an elevator. (HD)Blue Bloods10 p.m. on CBSFrank (Tom Selleck) confronts an investigative journalist who will not reveal the identity of her source, despite her sources confession of murder; Danny works with a troubled teen. (HD)Across 1. Quaker pronoun 5. Center part 9. Cloud Atlas actor Sturgess 12. That ladys 13. Jane Fonda movie, Stanley & __ 14. One, in Paris 15. Radiate 16. Diplomats asset 17. Train stop: abbr. 18. Birdman star: 2 wds. 21. Printers widths 22. Are We There __? 23. Jared S. Gilmore on Once Upon a Time 26. Reign star Follows 30. Eggs: Latin 31. The Big Band __ 32. Actress Naomi 35. Denis Leary on Rescue Me 37. Increases 39. Wheaton or Shriner 40. Shown, Oblivion star: 2 wds. 47. Great reverence 48. 1970s rock band, __ Straits 49. Outstanding: hyph. 50. Luau souvenir 51. The Middle actress Sher 52. Anchorman actor Paul 53. Anthony Hopkins “lm, Howards __ 54. 1990 World Series champs 55. Capitol votes Down 1. Brad Pitts Killing __ Softly 2. Pre“x for sphere 3. Topher Grace on That s Show 4. Good Times star Rolle 5. Mentions in a footnote 6. Evangelist Roberts 7. Mr. Schroder 8. High regard 9. 1990s sitcom, __ Shoot Me! 10. Gung-ho about 11. Scorsese “lm, __ Streets 19. Clint Eastwoods __ Which Way You Can 20. Devoured 23. How to Get Away with Murder 24. Ms. Amurri 25. Actor Faxon 27. Ring stone 28. 2014 movie, Million Dollar __ 29. Opponents vote 33. Harbor craft 34. The Blacklist star 35. Fathers Day gift, often 36. Kevin of Shark Tank 38. Catty 39. Small songbirds 40. Cary Grant comedy, I Was a __ War Bride 41. Alicias brother on The Good Wife 42. Tim of WKRP in Cincinnati 43. Mr. Armisen 44. Pouting expression 45. Two __ __ Half Men 46. Stark and Flanders FRIDAY HIGHLIGHTS TV CROSSWORD 1Tom Selleck solution adno=50478912 TAYLOR FUNERAL and Cremation Services L arry Now Available to you 24 hrs A Day At Your Convenience Old Fashioned Service at a Price You Can Afford 1515 Tamiami Trl, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (941) 833-0600 2002-2014 Don’t be Puzzled when a Death Occurs! $100.00 OFF of any Pre-Arranged Funeral or Cremation. NEW WATERPROOF PRODUCT LINE! adno=50478992 4760 Taylor Rd, Punta Gorda 33950 941.575.3566 Total Concept Flooring “Your Laminate Wood Floor & More Store†Quality European Laminates (Hand-scraped & textured surfaces) Engineered Hardwood Expert Installation Multi-room Discount. Free Estimates. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 1415 16 1718 19 20123 24 25 6 27 28 29{30 3132 33 95 363740 41 42 43 44 45 14647 48 950 51 III:: 54 3 N O V 3 a 0 3 M VN V A 3 3 H d N V `J a O W1 P,5 s d nA bV W O 1 S V A AV a 3 V A ON V J 3 b'! A a N 3 H! NHN O l ; J '1 J V H I WV 1 5 l O V l 1 I VV 39 N n S i d i S a 3 HW I C 3 a O O 3 3 H I
34 FRIDAYAPR. 3EVENING FRIDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26 ---7117---ABC7 News at 6:00pm (N) (HD)ABC World News To night(N) (HD)The 7 OClock News (N) (HD)En ter tain ment To night (N) (HD)Last Man: Vanessa Fixes Up Eve Cristela Gun range ex pan sion. (N)Shark Tank Sharks cel e brate 100 ep i sodes to gether.(R) (HD) (:01) 20/20 (N) (HD) ABC E F28 ------171711News The lat est news. ABC World News (N)The List (N) (HD)Right This Min ute (N)Last Man (N) (HD) (:31) Cristela (N) (HD)Shark Tank 100 ep i sodes.(R) (HD) (:01) 20/20 (N) (HD) ABC E F40 777107---7News (N)ABC World News (N)A Mil lion aire? (R)OK! TV (N) (HD)Last Man (N) (HD) (:31) Cristela (N) (HD)Shark Tank 100 ep i sodes.(R) (HD) (:01) 20/20 (N) (HD) CBS E F10 101010---10101010 News, 6pm Lo cal news re port. News with Scott Pelley (N)Wheel of For tune: Spring Break Jeop ardy! (N) (HD)The Amaz ing Race: Get In That Leder hosen, Baby Oktoberfest. (N) (HD)Ha waii Five-0: Ike Hanau Grovers friends wife falls off cliff. (N) (HD)Blue Bloods: Through the Look ing Glass Un dis closed source. (N) (HD) CBS E F11 213213-555213-News (N) (HD)Eve ning News(N) (HD)News (N) (HD)In side Edi tion (N)The Amaz ing Race Oktoberfest. (N) (HD)Ha waii Five-0: Ike Hanau Trapped in el e va tor. (N)Blue Bloods Un dis closed source. (N) (HD) NBC E F* 888-8-888News Chan nel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News Cur rent events. News Chan nel 8 at 7:00 (N)Ex tra (N) (HD)Grimm: Heart breaker Nick meets a Wesen with a deadly touch. (N) (HD)Date line NBC (N) (HD) NBC E F20 ---222-232-News (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N)Wheel: Spring Break Jeop ardy! (N) (HD)Grimm: Heart breaker Deadly touch. (N) (HD)Date line NBC (N) (HD) FOX E F13 131313-13-131313FOX 13 6:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 6:30 News (N)TMZ (N)The In sider(N) (HD)21 Jump Street () aaa Two un der achiev ing po lice of fi cers are re cruited to go un der cover at a lo cal high school to in ves ti gate and bust a syn thetic drug ring. FOX 13 10:00 News (N) (HD)FOX 13 10:30 News (N) FOX E F36 ---444---FOX 4 News at Six Lo cal news; weather. (N)Judge Judy(R) (HD)Judge Judy(R) (HD)21 Jump Street (, Com edy) aaa Two cops go un der cover at a high school to bust a syn thetic drug ring. FOX 4 News at Ten Nightly news re port. (N) PBS E F# 333---333BBC World News Busi ness Re port (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Wash ing ton Week (N)Florida This Week (N)Live from Lin coln Cen ter Singer per forms. (N)Great Per for mances Nos tal gia. (N) (HD) PBS E F16 204204204-----16Ses ame Street Feel ing ner vous. (N) (HD)Cat in Hat (R) (HD)Peg + Cat (N) (HD)An tiques Roadshow: Bis marck Ranchwear out fit. Mur der Mys ter ies: The Blood of Juana the Mad Midsomer Mur ders Gay lov ers mur dered. (R) PBS E F30 ---333---BBC World News Busi ness Re port (N)The PBS NewsHour (N) (HD)Wash ing ton Week (N)The Week (N) (HD)Live from Lin coln Cen ter Singer per forms. (N)Great Per for mances Nos tal gia. (N) (HD) CW E F46 ---6216---Big Bang (HD)News (N)Big Bang (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD)Here Co mes Pe ter Cottontail Chief Easter bunny. Line Improv games. Line Co me dic skills. News at10pm (N) (HD) CW E F44 999---994Queens: Loaner Car Queens (TVPG) (HD)Mike Mol: Yard Sale Mike Mol (HD)Here Co mes Pe ter Cottontail Chief Easter bunny. Line Improv games. Line Co me dic skills. 2 1/2 Men (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD) MYN E F38 111111---111114Ce leb rity Name (R)Fam ily Feud(TVPG)Fam ily Feud(TVPG)En ter tain To night (N)Bones: Aliens in a Space Ship Bur ied alive. (TVPG)Bones Film stu dent. (TVPG) (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD) MYN E F* ---898---Dad: Da Flippity Flop Cleve land: B.M.O.C Fam Guy (HD)Fam GuyBones: Aliens in a Space Ship Bur ied alive. (HD)Bones Film stu dent. (HD)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Hate (HD) IND E F32 121212-38-4412Mod ern Poor tim ing. Mod ern (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)An ger Char lie trapped. An ger (HD)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Hate (HD)The Of fice: Nep o tism The Of fice(HD) ION E F66 22213261843843817Cold Case: Col ors Base ball player killed with bat. Cold Case: Com mit ted As sumed iden tity. (HD)Cold Case Youn gest brother. (HD)Cold Case: Start-Up Dot-com mil lion aire. (TV14)Cold Case: Honor For mer POW mur dered. (HD) WCLF E F22 222222---22222Chris tian Fit ness Mar i lyn & Sa rah King dom Har vest The Great Awakning TourThe Good Life In ter views with Chris tian lead ers. Gos pel Truth(N)En ter tain ment Life Tday WRXY E F49 ---224410---Joyce Meyer(N)Street ChicksRhema Word of faith. The Great Awakning TourChris tian Mu sic Game OnJoyce Meyer(N)En ter tain ment Gos pel Truth(N) TLF E F50 232323-95-23235El Chavo Risas y ms risas.(TVPG)O Ftbol MLS: D.C. United vs Orlando City desde Citrus Bowl (Directo) (HD)La vida de Nuestro Seor Jesucristo (, Religin) Historia clsica sobre la vida de Jess. (HD) UNIV E F62 151515---15156Noticias (N)Noticiero Univisin (N)La sombra del pasado Un amor difcil de romper. Amores con trampa Campesinos. Hasta el fin del mundo Sofa enamorada. Que te perdone Dios... yo no Amor y pasin. (N) ELBACA&E2626262639502626181Criminal: Reckoner (HD)Criminal Thrill killers. Criminal Mothers killed. Criminal (TV14) (HD)Criminal: The Performer AMC5656565630536262231Na tional Lam poons Eu ro pean Va ca tion (, Com edy) Chevy Chase. Wit less fam ily wins fully paid trip. Na tional Lam poons Va ca tion The mem bers of an ec cen tric fam ily set out on a trip across the coun try. The Walk ing Dead: Con quer Trou ble arises. (R) APL4444444436684444130To Be Announced To Be Announced Master: Ultimate Pools The Pool Master (N) (HD)The Pool Master (N) (HD) BET3535353540225151270Set It Off () Af ter be ing raised in the pro jects of Los An geles, four life long friends de cide to over come their prob lems by be com ing crim i nals, who rob banks. All In (R) (HD)All In (R) (HD)Scan dal: Put A Ring On It Plan to ruin B613. (HD) BRAVO68686868254516565185Shahs (R)Theres Something About Mary () aaa One mans obsession. 50 First Dates Man falls for girl with memory loss. COM6666666615275252190 (:54) Nightly Show(:26) Daily Show (HD) (:58) South Prk(R) (:29) Tosh.0 (R) (HD)Key;Peele (R) (HD)Key;Peele (R) (HD)Futurama(TV14) (HD)Futurama(TV14) (HD)South Prk (R) (HD)South Prk (R) (HD) DISC4040404025434343120Be ring Sea Gold Two com pete. (R) (HD)Be ring Sea Gold Fiend ish plan. (R) (HD)Be ring Sea Gold: Dredged Up Ac ci dent; ex tras. Be ring Sea Gold Pres sured min ers. (N) (HD)Edge of Alaska Amer icas last fron tier town. (HD) E!4646464627264646196Kardashians (R) (HD)E! News (N) (HD)Kardashian (R) (HD)Kardashians (R) (HD)Soup (N)Grace ESQ828282821181188484160NCIS: Los An geles Na tional se cu rity. (HD)NCIS: Los An geles Na tional se cu rity. (HD)Parks & Rec.(HD)Parks & Rec.(HD)Parks & Rec.(HD)Parks & Rec.(HD)Si rens (HD)Parks & Rec.(HD) EWTN24324324312-17243243285 (5:30) Liturgy of the Lords Passion Scripture recited. Way of CrossNews Nightly (R)That I May See FAM5555555510465858199Back to the Fu ture (, Sci ence Fic tion) aaaa A time-trav el ing 1980s teen ac ci den tally stops his own par ents from meet ing. (PG) (HD)Back to the Fu ture Part II (, Sci ence Fic tion) aaac Mi chael J. Fox. A time-trav el ing teen heads into the fu ture to save his own kids. FOOD37373737-768888164Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R)Diners (R) FX515151515849343453 (5:30) Tropic Thun der () Movie stars stranded in a dan ger ous jun gle think they are still mak ing a film. Han cock (, Ac tion) aac Will Smith, Charlize Theron. A pub lic re la tions con sul tant helps a slov enly superhero re ha bil i tate his image. Han cock (, Ac tion) GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdNewlywdNewlywdNewlywdNewlywdFam. FdFam. Fd HALL55517-738686240The Waltons Po lio treat ment. A Walton Easter (, Drama) The Walton fam ily re unites to cel e brate John and Olivias 40th an ni ver sary. Mid dle: Sig nals Mid dle (HD)Mid dle (HD)Mid dle (HD) HGTV414141415342258258165House for FreeLove It Finding home. Love It Finding home. Love It Finding home. HuntersHunters HIST818181813365126126128To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD) HSN2424242451191616151Spring Cooking: DASH NUTRiBULLET ProSpring Tools and dcor. Spring Tools and dcor. NUTRiBULLET Pro KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES ___I _________1111111111 I I ___ I___I I I_____
35 FRIDAYAPR. 3EVENING FRIDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 ELBACLIFE3636363652413636140Movie To Be An nounced Info un avail able. Bring It! Hip-hop ma jor ette troupe com petes. (HD)Preach ers Daugh ters Teen daugh ters. (HD) OWN58585858471035656161Oprah Meredith Baxter. For BetterFor BetterFor BetterFor BetterFor BetterFor BetterFor BetterFor Better SPIKE575757572963545454Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Bellator MMA Live Tal ented mixed mar tial arts fight ers bat tle in a spe cial tour na ment for mat. (HD) SYFY67676767253645555180Star Trek VI () aaa Star Trek: Nem e sis (, Sci ence Fic tion) aac En ter prise learns new Romulan leader is a clone and he wants to de stroy Earth. (HD)12 Mon keys: Par a dox (N) (HD)He lix: The As cen dant (N) TBS595959593262595952Seinfeld (HD)Seinfeld (HD)Seinfeld (HD)Seinfeld Trial gets big. Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)Smiths (N) (HD)Madea Goes to Jail (, Com edy) ac Grand mother deals with mis fit in mates. TCM65656565-169169169230Street car Named () The Wild One (, Drama) Marlon Brando. Ri val bik ers ter ror ize a small town. The Wiz ard of Oz () aaac Af ter a tor nado, a farm girl and her dog are trans ported into a mag i cal world. San Fran cisco (, Drama) aaac Feud ing love. TLC4545454557724545139BridesmdBridesmd19 Kids and Counting (R) (HD)Bride (N)Bride (N)Say YesSay Yes TNT616161612855616151The Bourne Su prem acy () Bourne is blamed for mur der in a failed CIA op er a tion and goes on the run. Fast & Fu ri ous () aaa OConner and Toretto must join forces to track down a dan ger ous con voy heist. The Fast and the Fu ri ous () Fierce street races. TRAV6969696926066260260170Mysteries Lost at sea. (R)Mysteries Deception doll. Mysteries (R)Mysteries Food product. Mysteries (R) TRUTV6363636350306060183truTV Top Huge errors. truTV Top (R)truTV Top (R)truTV Top (R)Way OutWay Out TVLND6262626231545757244Walker, Texas RangerWalker, Texas RangerFam. FdFam. FdQueensQueensQueensQueens USA343434342252353550Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Dolls (TV14)Mod ern Fam ily (HD)Mod ern Fam ily (HD)Mod ern Fam ily (HD)Mod ern Fam ily (HD)Mod ern Fam ily (HD)Mod ern Fam ily (HD)Mod ern Fam ily (HD)Mod ern Fam ily (HD) WE117117117117-117117117149Mar riage Boot Camp:: De cep tion In di cated (R)Mar riage Boot Camp:: The Ul ti ma tum (R)Kendra Top: Spilled Milk Cheat ing hus band. (R)Kendra (R) (HD)Kendra Top: Dam age Con trol Ca reer fo cus. (R)Kendra (R) (HD) WGN16161619411195959Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. Amer icas Fun ni est Home Vid eos Reel com edy. How I Met(TV14) (HD)How I Met(TV14) (HD)How I Met(TV14) (HD)How I Met(TV14) (HD)How I Met(TV14) (HD)How I Met(TV14) (HD) STROPSESPN292929291258292970SportsCenter (N) (HD)NBA Count (N) (HD)A NBA Basketball: Oklahoma City Thunder at Memphis Grizzlies from FedExForum (Live) (HD)NBA Bas ket ball (Live) ESPN230303030659303074 (5:00) HS Bball(Live)In ter rup tion(HD)X 2015 Miami Open: Mens Semifinal #2 (Live) (HD)V Friday Night Fights (Live) (HD) FS1484848484269484883NASCAR Race Hub (N) (HD)UFC Weigh-In: Mendes vs La mas (HD)Knock outs(HD)Col lege La crosse: Villanova Wild cats at Den ver Pi o neers from Pe ter Barton La crosse Sta dium (Live) (HD) FSN72727272-56666677Mar lins Spe cial UFC In sider(HD)Snow board(HD)Magic LIVE! (N) (HD)A NBA Basketball: Orlando Magic at Minnesota Timberwolves from Target Center (Live) (HD)Magic LIVE! (N) (HD) GOLF4949494955604949304F LPGA Tour Golf: ANA Inspiration: Second Round : from Mission Hills CC in Rancho Mirage, Calif. (Live) (HD)Golf Cen tral (N) (HD)PGA TOUR Golf: Shell Hous ton Open: Sec ond Round (Re play) (HD) NBCSN717171715461424290Pro Foot ball Talk NFL Turn ing Point (HD)NASCAR Foot ball Chal lenge Lindsey Vonn: The Climb (HD) SUN38384014014557383876Rays Spe cial(HD)SportsMoney(HD)In Search of SpeedPark & Pipe Open Se ries Slopestyle. (R) (HD)Moun tain (HD)Amer i can Ski Clas sic (HD)Xterra Adv.(HD) SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250Dog BlogDog BlogDog BlogJessie (HD)Jessie (HD)Girl MeetsDog BlogGravityI DidntLiv (HD) NICK2525252524442525252Sam & CatThundermnMovie Full HseFull HsePrincePrince TOON808012412446205787257NinjaGoNinjaGoGumballRegularKing Hill King HillClevelandClevelandDad (HD)Fam Guy SWENCNBC39393939-3739102Shark Tank (HD)Shark Tank (HD)Shark Tank (HD)The Profit: Car Cash (R)The Profit: Sweet Petes CNN3232323218383932100Situation Room (N) (HD)Erin Burnett (N)Cooper 360 (N) (HD)The Wonder (R)Finding (R) CSPN1818181837129696109Politics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public PolicyPolitics & Public Policy FNC6464646448716464118Special Report (N) (HD)On the Record (N) (HD)The OReilly Factor (N)The Kelly File (N)Hannity (N) (HD) MSNB83838383185408282103PoliticsNation (N) (HD)Hardball with Chris (N)All in with Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow (N) (HD)Lockup Life behind bars. SNN66611-11---SNN EveNewsNewsSuncoastNewsNewsNewsNewsSNN LateSNN Late CISUMCMTV4747474723243737221Reba (HD)Reba Shar ing doc tors.(:20) Reba: Tea and An tip a thy Vans de ci sion. (HD)Young Guns (, West ern) Emilio Estevez, Kiefer Suther land. Six young gun sling ers set out to avenge the mur der of their men tor. (R)Young Guns II () MTV3333333335483333210Big Mommas 2 () Lit tle Man (, Com edy) ac A crim i nal lit tle per son poses as a baby to re trieve a sto len di a mond. (PG-13)Find ing Carter Teen taken as baby. Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness Ri dic u lous ness VH15050505043235050217Hot GRITS (R)Elf (, Hol i day) aaa Will Ferrell. A man who is raised by elves trav els to New York to find his real fa ther. Back street Boys: Show Em What Youre Made Of From teens to adults, boy band re vealed. (N) MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380 (5:45) The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (, Action) aaa Lily Collins. A teen becomes involved in an ancient battle between angels and demons. (PG-13)Mad Max (, Science Fiction) Mel Gibson. A police officer seeks vengeance after bikers kill his friend, wife and baby.(:35) Point Break (, Action) aaa An FBI agent infiltrates a gang of adrenalinejunkie surfers who rob banks. (R) (HD) HBO302302302302302302302302400 (5:45) Rush Hour (, Action) aac A Hong Kong detective and LAPD cop search for a diplomats kidnapped daughter. Fight Gm w/Jim Lampley (R)A Million Ways to Die in the West (, Comedy) Seth MacFarlane. Farmer must put newfound courage to test when girlfriends husband arrives. (R) (HD)Real Time with Bill Maher A panel of guests discusses politics. (TVMA) (HD) HBO2303303303303303303303303402 (4:40) Rush () Rivalry forged. (R) (:45) Last Week John Oliver(HD) (:15) The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (, Action) aac Lucas Black, Bow Wow. A young man is sent to live in Tokyo and is introduced to drift racing. Red 2 (, Action) Bruce Willis, John Malkovich. Frank Moses gathers his team when a nuclear portable device goes missing. (PG-13) (HD) HBOS304304304304-304304304404 (4:40) Hope Floats () aac (HD) (:40) 12 Years a Slave (, Drama) aaac Before the American Civil War, a free black man is abducted, sold into slavery and made to work for a series of slave owners under abhorrent conditions. (R)The Fault in Our Stars (, Romance) aaac Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort. Two witty, unconventional teens find love in each other at cancer support group. MAX320320320320320320320320420True Crime (, Thriller) aac Clint Eastwood, James Woods. A reporter has only 12 hours to stop an innocent mans execution. (R) (HD) (:15) Norbit (, Comedy) ac Eddie Murphy, Thandie Newton. Timid man meets a wonderful woman but is tied to a domineering tyrant. (PG-13) (HD)Turistas (, Horror) aa Josh Duhamel. Vacationers get stranded in village. MMAX321321321321321321321321422 (5:15) Dawn of the Dead () aaa Group battles zombies in shopping mall. Enders Game (, Science Fiction) aac Asa Butterfield, Hailee Steinfeld. A gifted child is sent to space where he prepares for an invasion. (PG-13) (HD)Runner Runner (, Thriller) aac Grad student taken in by online gambling tycoon until sinister truth comes out. (R)Femme Fatales Deadly clinic. SHO340340340340340340340340365The Last Exorcism Part II () a The Amityville Horror (, Horror) aac A young couples dream house holds a dark secret and hellish past. (R) (HD)Shameless: Drugs Actually(R) (HD)Django Unchained (, Western) aaaa Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz. A freed slave teams up with a dentist to free his wife from a slave owner. (R) (HD) TMC350350350350350350350350385Mercury Rising A disgraced agent for the FBI is forced to protect a 9-year-old autistic boy who inadvertently cracked a government code stolen by assassins. Kelly & Cal () The bond between a punk rocker turned suburban mom and a frustrated teen gives them the motivation to strive for a better, more active life. Gods Pocket (, Drama) Man tries to cover up death of stepson. (R)(HD) KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES ____ ____ I I I ____ ____
36 FRIDAYAPR. 3LATE NIGHT FRIDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 11 PM11:3012 AM12:301 AM1:302 AM2:303 AM3:304 AM4:305 AM5:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26---7117---NewsKimmel NightlineExtraETInsiderExtraEntertainPaidPaidExtra (N) ABC E F28------171711NewsKimmel Nightline Dr. Oz (R)PaidPaidPaidHmownPaidPaidHmownHseCall ABC E F40777107---7NewsKimmel NightlinePaidES.TV Comedy.TVT exasTexasKick in ItCareerIcons CBS E F10101010---101010NewsLate ShowLate LatePaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidStormsPaid CBS E F11213213-555213-NewsLate ShowLate Late(:37) PhilInsideRaw TravMcNeelyMissingAnimalMusic MixWellness NBC E F*888-8-888NewsTonightLate NightLast CallToday (R)Harvey (R)1st LookPaidPaidInto Wild NBC E F20---222-232-NewsTonightLate NightLast CallDr. Oz (R)MoneyPaidPaidHollywdMoney FOX E F13131313-13-13131311 NewsAccessDishTMZ11 NewsPaidPaidAccessDishTMZPaidPaidPaidLive Life! FOX E F36---444---NewsTMZRaymondRaymondWilkosS impsonPaid Comedy.TVLatinoLatinPaidPaid PBS E F#333---333StandardsRose (N)Wash WkWeekLincoln (R)PerformUnit (R)Old Hse PBS E F16204204204-----16SmileyRose (N)Europe BrownMidsomerBaileyDeath (HD)D. Martin PBS E F30---333---Rose (N)SmileyLegacyWash WkWeek Lincoln (R)PerformUnit (R)Old Hse CW E F46---6216---2 1/2 MenMike MolMike MolModernModernHow I MetHow I MetRulesRulesAngerMusic MixRaw TravBigQ CW E F44999---994FriendsFriendsHopeOK! TVS impson King HillComicsPaidPaidMojoPaidPaternityPaidPaid MYN E F38111111---111114ClevelandCougarClevelandETSeinfeld Bridezillas ForensicCommunXPTVCougarLets AskPaidPaid MYN E F*---898---King HillKing HillSVUThe Fan () Fan stalks athlete. The Sluggers Wife () Opn HsePaid IND E F32121212-38-4412Fam GuyFam GuyDadDadClevelandCheatersCheatersMovie PaidPaid ION E F6622213261843843817Cold CaseCold CaseCold CaseCold CasePaidPaidInspiration Today WCLF E F22222222---22222FruitAwakningAwakningYou & Me Prayer line. CVance700 ClubGospel Forgiven WRXY E F49---224410---NewsAwakningAwakningYou & Me Prayer line. ReignGaitherReal LifeStreet TLF E F50232323-95-23235El ChavoEl ChavoEl guardin del () aa El ChavoCasos dePagadoPagadoPalenque UNIV E F62151515---15156NoticiasNoticieroDeportivoUn refugio Alma deLa familia Como diceGordo (R)PrimerNoticiero ELBACA&E2626262639502626181CriminalCriminalCriminalCriminalCriminalPaidPaidPaidPaid AMC5656565630536262231DeadDead: Conquer Talking (R)Repo Men () aac Jude Law. Dead: Conquer APL4444444436684444130Master (R)Master (R)Master (R)TBA (R)Master (R)Master (R)Master (R) BET3535353540225151270ScandalWendy (R)The RealAbove the Rim () aac BET Inspiration BRAV6868686825451656518550 First Dates () aaa Something About Mary () WhPaidPaidPaidPaid COM6666666615275252190ArcherArcherRoast (R) (HD)Pamela Anderson (:08) Charlie Sheen (R)PaidPaid DISC4040404025434343120Bering SeaEdge (HD)Bering SeaBering SeaPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid E!4646464627264646196News (N)KardashianSoupGraceSex/CitySex/CitySex/CitySex/CityPaidPaidPaidPaid ESQ828282821181188484160Short GameShort GameMovie MatchmkPaidPaidPaidPaid EWTN24324324312-17243243285Holy WkWomenG Lords Passion from RomeIconsWay of CrossMeditation FAM5555555510465858199700 ClubBoy WrldBoy WrldBoy WrldBoy WrldPaidPaid700 ClubPaidPaidPaidPaid FOOD37373737-768888164DinersDinersDinersDinersDinersDinersDinersDinersDinersDiners Iron ChefPaidPaid FX515151515849343453 (10:30) Hancock () aac Takers () Five bank robbers. How I MetR escuePaidPaid GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdBaggageBaggageBaggageBaggageAskAskPaidPaidPaidPaid HALL55517-738686240GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierCheersCheersLucyLucy HGTV414141415342258258165HuntersHuntersLove ItHuntersHuntersHuntersHuntersLove ItPaidPaidPaidPaid HIST818181813365126126128 (:02) TBA (:01) TBA (:01) TBA (:01) TBA (:03) TBA PaidPaidPaidPaid LIFE3636363652413636140 (:03) TBA (:02) TBA Bring It!Preachers(:05) TBA PaidPaidPaidPaid OWN58585858471035656161For BetterFor BetterFor BetterFor BetterFor BetterFor BetterFor BetterFor BetterUnfaithfulDate lineDateline SPIKE575757572963545454CopsCopsJailJailJailJailJailJailJailJailPaidPaidPaidPaid SYFY6767676725364555518012 MonkeysHelix (R)OlympusStar Trek: Nemesis () aac Twilight Twilight TBS595959593262595952MadeaSmithsCougarCougar17 Again (, Comedy) Just Like Heaven () MarriedMarried TCM65656565-169169169230FranciscoTarzan His Mate () Mutiny on the Bounty () aaa Decks Red () TLC4545454557724545139BrideBrideSay YesSay Yes19 & Counting (R) (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid TNT616161612855616151 (10:15) Fast () The Dark Knight () Batmans new enemy. GrimmGrimm TRAV6969696926066260260170MysteriesMysteriesMysteriesMysteriesMysteriesPaidPaidPaidPaid TRUTV6363636350306060183Way OutWay OuttruTV ToptruTV TopWay OutWay OutWay OutWay OutSaloon (R)I LaughPaid TVLND6262626231545757244QueensYounger FriendsFriendsNannyNannyNannyNannyNannyNannyNannyNannyNanny USA343434342252353550ModernModernNCIS (HD)NCIS (HD)Brew DogsOrder: CIOrder: CIOrder: CI WE117117117117-117117117149KendraSex BoxKe ndraKe ndraKendraKe ndraKe ndraPaidPaid WGN16161619411195959How I MetHow I MetRulesRulesParksParksHopeHope30 Rock30 Rock Order: CIS ingSatnPaid STROPSESPN292929291258292970A NBA Basketball (Live)Sports (N)Sports (N)NBA (Replay) (HD)Sports ESPN230303030659303074Sports (N)Sports (N)BaseballNBAS portsC.S ports (N)SportsNBA (HD) FS1484848484269484883FOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsWeigh-InUFC (HD)Unleashed FSN72727272-56666677Wrld PokerA NBA Basketball (Live)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid GOLF4949494955604949304PGA TOUR Golf Golf CntrlLPGA Tour Golf (Replay) (HD)PGA TOUR Golf (HD) NBCSN717171715461424290CurlingTBA Poker (HD)Poker (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SUN38384014014557383876King ofPowerbtInto theSaltwaterP1 PowerPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SWENCNN3232323218383932100Finding (R)Finding (R)Finding (R)Finding (R)CNNI Simulcast News coverage. (N) FNC6464646448716464118OReilly (R)Kelly FileHannity (R)On RecordRed EyeKelly FileHannity (R) MSNBC83838383185408282103LockupLockupLockupLockupLockupLockupLockupBusiness SNN66611-11---SNN LateNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNewsNews MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380Point Undisputed () Final Destination () Mad Max () aaa Good Gets () HBO302302302302302302302302400VICEReal TimeVICETammy Roadtrip. Last King Scot. () (R)My Summer () HBO2303303303303303303303303402Into the Storm Walk of Shame Real Time(:05) Fast () aac Kingdom () HBOS304304304304-304304304404 (:15) Best Man 2 () aaa Make Your Move () aa(:15) Thelma & Louise () aaa Big Elvis MAX320320320320320320320320420TuristasDiariesDiaries(:45) The Purge () aaa CoEdTwo Night ()(:35) Legend () MMAX321321321321321321321321422FemmeYou Me & Dupree () Skin 01Skin 02Save the Last DanceBedazzled () SHO340340340340340340340340365DjangoLiesLiesShameless(:45) Sinister () aaac Rome (R)(:35) No No () TMC350350350350350350350350385PocketPower of Few aa Baytown Outlaws () Deadfall () aac(:35)Passing () KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES Miii
37 SATURDAYAPR. 4MORNING SATURDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 AM6:307 AM7:308 AM8:309 AM9:3010 AM10:3011 AM11:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26 ---7117---ABC7 News at 6:00am Sat ur day (N)ABC7 News at 7:00am Sat ur day (N) (HD)Good Morn ing Amer ica Week end (N) (HD)Wild Count down Ocean (HD)Sea Res cue The Wild life Docs Out back Ad vent. Born to Ex plore ABC E F28 ------171711ABC Ac tion News Week end (N) (HD)ABC Ac tion News Week end (N) (HD)Good Morn ing Amer ica Week end (N) (HD)ABC Ac tion News Week end (N) (HD)Wild Count down Ocean (HD)Sea Res cue(HD)The Wild life Docs ABC E F40 777107---7Pets.TV (R)An i mal Out Takes PaidPaidGood Morn ing Amer ica Week end (N) (HD)Wild Count down Ocean (HD)Sea Res cue The Wild life Docs Out back Ad vent. Born to Ex plore CBS E F10 101010---101010PaidPaid10 News Sat ur day The week end news. (N)CBS This Morn ing: Sat ur day Early week end news and trends. Lucky Dog(HD)Chris Pet Vet (HD)Fords Na tion (HD)Rec ipe Rehab (HD) CBS E F11 213213-555213-News at 6am Sat ur day (N) (HD)CBS This Morn ing: Sat ur day Early week end news and trends. (HD)Lucky Dog(HD)Chris Pet Vet (HD)Fords Na tion (HD)Rec ipe Rehab (HD) NBC E F* 888-8-888PaidReel An i mals To day Week end (N) (HD)News (N)News Chan nel 8 Week end (N)Astroblast!The Chica Show LazyTownEarth to Luna! NBC E F20 ---222-232-NBC2 News Sat ur day To day News re port. To day Week end (N) (HD)NBC2 News Sat ur day To day News re port. News News re port. Poppy Cat(HD)Astroblast!The Chica Show LazyTown FOX E F13 131313-13-131313FOX 13s Good Day Tampa Bay at 6:00 (N)FOX 13s Good Day Tampa Bay at 7:00 (N)FOX 13s Good Day Tampa Bay at 8:00 (N)Planet (N) (HD)Outer Space (N)Earth 2050(N)An i mal (N) (HD)Live Life! (R) (HD)Sport Star(N) (HD) FOX E F36 ---444---PaidPaidDog Tales(R)Eco Comp.(R)Ca reer Day(R)Teen News(N)Sport Star(N) (HD)Real Edge(R)PaidPaidPaidPaid PBS E F# 333---333Bar ney (R) (HD)Angelina (R) (HD)Greener (R) (HD)Is lands (R) (HD)Globe Trekker His tory of tea. (R)Eu rope: Pal es tine An tiques Roadshow Dolls; por trait. (R) (HD)Home (R) (HD)Old Hse (N)Ask This (N) (HD) PBS E F16 204204204-----16Start (R) (HD)Wealth Trk(R)Old Hse (R)Ask This (R) (HD)Home (R) (HD)MotorWk(N)Paint ing (R) (HD)Land scapes (HD)Scrap book: Cards Your Home (N)Gar den Smart (N)Greener (R) (HD) PBS E F30 ---333---Bob Green house. Thomas(HD)Cu ri ous Kids Sci ence Kid(HD)Cu ri ous George Swings into Spring (R)Wild Kratts: Mimic WordGirl (R) (HD)Mar tha (HD)Cook ing (R) (HD)Cooks (HD)Test Kitchen CW E F46 ---6216---PaidPets.TV (R)Dr. Pol (HD)Dr. Pol (HD)Dr. Pol (HD)Whis perer(HD)Whis perer(HD)Whis perer(HD)Whis perer(HD)Ex pe di tion(HD)Ex pe di tion(HD)Rock Park(HD) CW E F44 999---994PaidPaidDr. Pol (HD)Dr. Pol (HD)Dr. Pol (HD)Whis perer(HD)Whis perer(HD)Whis perer(HD)Whis perer(HD)Ex pe di tion(HD)Ex pe di tion(HD)Rock Park(HD) MYN E F38 111111---111114PaidPaidWild Amer ica Teen News(N)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid MYN E F* ---898---PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid IND E F32 121212-38-4412PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid ION E F66 22213261843843817PaidPaidPaidPaidWor ship Hour Mir a clesCrim i nal Minds: Res to ra tion Mor gans past. Crim i nal Minds Time cap sule. (HD)Crim i nal Minds: Al chemy Rit ual mur ders. WCLF E F22 222222---22222Sonshiny Day Star Fam ily Beckys Barn Gos pel BillHeath Checker Tween You & Me Dr. Work shop Superbook Chris tian Fit ness Citylife Church Walk on Wa ter Love Wrth(N) WRXY E F49 ---224410---Turn ing Point Uriel Vega. (R)Star Fam ily Heath Checker Fred and Susie SuperbookAd ven tures Don key Ollie Dr. Work shop En contacto Rosa de Saron Wanda Rolon TLF E F50 232323-95-23235Programa pagado Programa pagado Tu da alegre (N)Tu da alegre (R)Plaza Ssamo Aprendiendo. (HD)Reino an i mal Naturaleza an i mal. (HD)Aventura an i mal Preguntas. (HD)Programa pagado Programa pagado UNIV E F62 151515---15156Programa pagado El chavo animado Programa pagado Programa pagado Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Handy Manny Pocoyo(TVY)Jun gle Jun gle boy. Backyardigans Programa pagado Programa pagado ELBACA&E2626262639502626181PaidPaidDog BntyDog Bnty Dog Bnty (HD)Dog Bnty (HD)Dog Bnty (HD)Criminal: Reckoner AMC5656565630536262231RiflemanRiflemanRiflemanRiflemanRiflemanRiflemanRiflemanRiflemanRiflemanRiflemanRiflemanRifleman APL4444444436684444130Big CatBig CatDogs 101 (HD)Dogs 101 (HD)To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced BET3535353540225151270 (4:00) BET Inspiration Religious events. Mary Jn (R) (HD)Mary Jn (R) (HD)Being Mary Jn (R)Church Girl () ac BRAVO68686868254516565185Melbourne (R)Melbourne (R)Restaurant (R)Newlywds (R)Newlywds (R)Newlywds (R) COM6666666615275252190PaidPaidPaidPaidWorkaholWorkahol(:20) Shaun of the Dead () aaac Slacker vs. zombies. Kind () DISC4040404025434343120Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Misfit (R) (HD)Misfit Garage (HD)Fast Loud (R) (HD) E!4646464627264646196PaidPaidKardashians (R) (HD)Police (R) (HD)Who WoreWho WoreE! News Wknd (N)GraceThe Royals ESQ828282821181188484160PaidPaidTo Be Announced Info unavailable. To Be Announced Info unavailable. To Be Announced EWTN24324324312-17243243285Fr. RutlerLentMichaelPilgrimage This Side of EdenMy TimeCatholicSeven LastRosary FAM5555555510465858199PaidPaidThe Flintstones () aa Work causes woe. Back to the Future A teen accidentally changes the past. Future II FOOD37373737-768888164PaidPaidBest ThingGuy BiteBobby FlaySouthernFarmhouseP ioneerPioneerTrishasKitchen (N) FX515151515849343453PaidPaidEllenBuffy: Prophecy Girl AngerAnger2 1/2 Men2 1/2 Men2 1/2 Men2 1/2 MenIce Age 3 GSN179179179179341798080184PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidDeal or No DealDeal or No DealNewlywdNewlywd HALL55517-738686240LucyLucyLucyLucyGoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenA Crush on You () aac Email mishap. (HD) HGTV414141415342258258165PaidPaidBath CrashBath CrashBath CrashBath CrashBath CrashBath CrashLove It or List It (HD)Love It or List It (HD) HIST818181813365126126128PaidPaidTo Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced HSN2424242451191616151Trends ElectronicInnovation MonthSamsungTrends Innovation: HP LIFE3636363652413636140Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)To Be Announced OWN58585858471035656161Phil Men vs. women. Dr. Phil Child abuse. Phil Abusive partners. SimpleSimpleRaising (R) (HD)Raising (R) (HD) QVC141414914131212150Vionic AM BeautyAM Style with Leah Williams Saturday Morning Q Comfort & support. SPIKE575757572963545454PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidMovie Movie SYFY67676767253645555180PaidPaidPaidPaidZombie Night Zombies terrorize two families. Rise of the Zombies () Hunt for scientist. TBS595959593262595952MarriedMarriedQueens17 Again (, Comedy) High school do-over. Definitely, Maybe (, Romance) aaa A childs scheme. TCM65656565-169169169230 (:15) The White Cliffs of Dover () Wartime romance. Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever BatmanThe Party () A night is ruined. TLC4545454557724545139Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Paid (HD)Disney Resort (HD)Disney Cruise (HD)Walt Disney (HD) TNT616161612855616151Law (HD)Law: Locomotion (HD)Law Abducted girl. Law & Order: Flaw Law & Order: Ghosts Law Car bomb. (HD) TRAV6969696926066260260170PaidPaidMysteries (R)Unknown Lost city. Mysteries (R)Mysteries (R)Bourdain: Finland (R) TRUTV6363636350306060183PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidDumbest (R)Dumbest (R) TVLND6262626231545757244NannyNannyNannyNannyNannyNannyClevelandThe Exes3s Co.(:48) Threes Co.3s Co. USA343434342252353550House (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaidSirensDig (R) (HD)NCIS: Patriot Down NCIS WE117117117117-117117117149PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceWill Grace WGN16161619411195959PaidPaidSalem Witches.(HD)Salem Witches.(HD)Salem Witches.(HD)Salem Witches.(HD)Salem Witches.(HD) KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES __ __ __ __ I I I I__ __ ______ ______ ______ ______ I___ ___ _______ I _______ I__ I ___ I I _____ __ I __ I ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ I__ __ __ __ ____ ____ I ____1111111111 I I I
38 SATURDAYAPR. 4MORNING SATURDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 AM6:307 AM7:308 AM8:309 AM9:3010 AM10:3011 AM11:30 STROPSESPN292929291258292970Sports(HD)Sports(HD)Sports(HD)Sports(N)(HD)Sports(N)(HD)Sports(N)(HD) ESPN230303030659303074NBA(Taped)(HD)30 30(HD)30 30(HD)&HS Bask(Live)Cheerldng FS1484848484269484883FOX Sports(HD)FOX Sports(HD)FOX Sports(HD)UFC Tonight(HD)Pre-Fight(N)(HD)UFC Prelims(HD) FSN72727272-56666677Game 365UEFA Mag.InsiderHall FameA PiecePolarisAccessS hip Shape Finsiders(HD)MarlinsHurricane GOLF4949494955604949304PGA TOUR GolfMorning Drive(N)(HD)LPGA Tour Golf: ANA Inspiration: Second Round (Replay) NBCSN717171715461424290PreviewMen InPremier LeagueTo Be Announced(:45)Premier League Live SUN38384014014557383876PaidPaidHeadlinesGypsy ONeillFlatsScubaFlorida Fishing Report(R)M. MartinSeminole SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250MickeyMickey Jake andDoc McDoc McSofia Blog Girl Meets JessieI DidntBlog Girl Meets NICK2525252524442525252PrincePrinceFairlyFairlyFairlyS pongeSpongeSpongeSpongeSpongeBreadSanjay TOON808012412446205787257Titans Go!TransformSonic NinjaGoPokmonTitans Go! Titans Go!Titans Go!GumballGumballGumballClarence SWENCNBC39393939-3739102Super RichPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid CNN3232323218383932100New Day Saturday Weekend mornings.(N)Smerconish(N)CNN Newsroom Saturday(N) CSPN1818181837129696109Politics TodayWashington Journal News discussion. (N)WashingtonWashington FNC6464646448716464118FOX & Friends(N)FOX & Friends(N)FOX & Friends(N)FOX & Friends(N)BullsCavutoForbesCas hin In MSNB83838383185408282103Maddow(R)(HD)Alex Witt(N)(HD)Up w/ Steve Kornacki Pundit panel. (N)Melissa Harris-Perry Political talk.(N) SNN66611-11---WeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendPaidWeekendWeekendHealthy CISUMCMT4747474723243737221 (4:00)CMT Music CMT presents country music videos.(N)Hot 20 Countdown Videos and news. (N)(HD) MTV3333333335483333210RidiculousRidiculousRidiculousRidiculousRidiculousRidiculousRidiculousMadag ascar: Escape 2 Africa () Big Mom. VH15050505043235050217VH1 + Music Popular music videos from top artists.(N)VH1 Top 20 Video Countdown(N)Elf (, Holiday) MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380 (4:35)As Good As It Gets () aaa The Baby-Sitters Club (, Fam ily) Girls learn to bond.(:35)Ra dio Flyer (, Drama) aac Broth ers es cape into imag i na tion. (PG-13)Lit tle Man Tate (, Drama) Jodie Fos ter. Boy ge nius life. HBO302302302302302302302302400 (:15)Epic (, Fan tasy) Colin Farrell. The fight against an evil spi der queen. Now You See Me (, Thriller) aaa Il lu sionists take on bank heists. (PG-13)Bandidas () Two fe male ban dits bat tle a land baron. Gumbel(HD) HBO2303303303303303303303303402King dom () Aqua ma rine aa Two girls dis cover and be friend mer maid. Real Time with Bill Maher(TVMA) (:15)Go ing Clear: Sci en tol ogy and the Prison of Be lief () Eight for mer mem bers are pro filed. Bat man () HBOS304304304304-304304304404 (:10)Big (, Com edy) aaa Tom Hanks. Boys wish to be an adult co mes true. Su per star () a Mis fit goes af ter her hearts de sire.(HD)The Heat (, Com edy) aac Up tight agent and crude cop partner up. (R)(HD)Change ling(R) MAX320320320320320320320320420 (:05)A Fist ful of Dol lars () aaac Land strug gle. (R)(HD) (:50)The Al amo () Den nis Quaid, Billy Bob Thorn ton. Texas fight ers de fend leg end ary mis sion.(:10)The East (, Drama) aaa Brit Marling. An op er a tive changes pri or i ties. MMAX321321321321321321321321422 (:05)En emy of the State (, Thriller) aaa A law yer is framed for mur der. (R) (:20)Ve ron ica Mars (, Crime) aaac Back for re union, Mars must in ves ti gate.(:10)Kick-Ass 2 () aaa Red Mist seeks re venge on Kick-Ass. (R)(HD) SHO340340340340340340340340365 (:20)Fletch Lives (, Com edy) aa A mur der spoils a re porters plans. (PG)Jim Rome on Showtime(R)(HD)60 Min utes Sports(HD)The Dou ble () CIA op er a tives search for an as sas sin. Scary 5 () a TMC350350350350350350350350385Pass ing Strange Mu si cians journey. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (, Fam ily)Chil dren shrink.(:35)The But ler () aaa Mod est but ler works for the White House during eight pres i den tial terms. Lord of War () Con front ing mor als. KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIESAcross 1. __ Swan; role on Once Upon a Time 5. ONeill and Begley 8. Madea __ to Jail; 2009 Tyler Perry movie 9. Friday the 13th Part __: The New Blood; 1988 sequel 10. Late Night with __ __ 14. Old __; 1957 “lm classic about a dog 15. Much __ About Nothing 17. Able to be seen 21. The Mary Tyler Moore Show role 22. Cartoon pooch 23. Around the World __ __; 200911 reality series 28. __ Tree Hill 29. The __s Daughter; 1972 Victoria Tennant “lm 31. Role on Black-ish (2) 35. Assistance 36. Tea Leonis role on The Naked Truth 37. Linear measures: abbr. 38. __ __ Kind of Family (1979-80) Down 1. Marshall and others 2. Name for a Stooge 3. Part of the title of Josh Radnors series (2) 4. Arthur with a racket 5. If __ __ Would Leave You; song from Camelot 6. Hitchcock or Spielberg: abbr. 7. Lisa, to Bart 11. 960 years ago 12. Role on The Good Wife 13. __, Dear 15. Sitcom alien 16. Whats New, Scooby-__? 18. Actor Charles __ 19. Dancing with the Stars judge 20. 90 from NNW 24. Mertz and Flintstone 25. Role on The Big Bang Theory 26. Sense of self-esteem 27. Hemingways monogram 30. Actress Faris 31. __ Fiance; TLC reality series 32. Get __ of; shed 33. Miners discovery 34. Slangy refusal TV CROSSWORD 2solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 910 11 112 113145 16 17 18 19 2071 22 23 124 25 26 27 2829 3031 32 33 134 M3NV SOAV 21 O N O I V35 36 NOSNHO f 3bON V W D V 2137 38 3 N0 3 32132103N 3 21 f b i3 l 8 1 S I n O O V213713AI S 21 3 A 3 LN H 1 3 SI I /1 S 3 0 JS03 VINW31111,7711 Md
39 SATURDAYAPR. 4AFTERNOON SATURDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 12 PM12:301 PM1:302 PM2:303 PM3:304 PM4:305 PM5:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26 ---7117---Ex plo ra tion(R)Aqua Kids(R)This Min ute (N)This Min ute (N)World of X Games: Peace Park (N) (HD)The Grantland Bas ket ball Hour (N) (HD)ESPN on ABC Sports Sat ur day (N) (HD) ABC E F28 ------171711Out back Ad vent. Ex plore(HD)PaidPaidWorld of X Games: Peace Park (N) (HD)The Grantland Bas ket ball Hour (N) (HD)ESPN on ABC Sports Sat ur day (N) (HD) ABC E F40 777107---7An i mal Out Takes Jack Hanna PaidPaidWorld of X Games: Peace Park (N) (HD)The Grantland Bas ket ball Hour (N) (HD)ESPN on ABC Sports Sat ur day (N) (HD) CBS E F10 101010---101010PaidPaidCol lege Bas ket ball: 2015 Reeses Col lege All-Star Game (Taped) (HD)V Pre mier Box ing Cham pi ons on CBS: from Pepsi Col i seum, Que bec City (Live) (HD)To Be An nounced Info un avail able. CBS E F11 213213-555213-Chang ers(HD)In side Edi tion (N)Col lege Bas ket ball: 2015 Reeses Col lege All-Star Game (Taped) (HD)V Pre mier Box ing Cham pi ons on CBS: from Pepsi Col i seum, Que bec City (Live) (HD)Sanc tu ary: Haunted Dru itt sus pected. NBC E F* 888-8-888News (N)Eng lish Pre mier League Soc cer: Stoke City at Chelsea from Stam ford Bridge (Live) (HD)Pre mier (N) (HD)F PGA TOUR Golf: Shell Hous ton Open: Third Round : from Golf Club of Hous ton in Hum ble, Texas (Live) (HD) NBC E F20 ---222-232-Earth to Luna! Eng lish Pre mier League Soc cer: Stoke City at Chelsea from Stam ford Bridge (Live) (HD)Pre mier (N) (HD)F PGA TOUR Golf: Shell Hous ton Open: Third Round : from Golf Club of Hous ton in Hum ble, Texas (Live) (HD) FOX E F13 131313-13-131313PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidAir Amer ica (, Com edy) ac Mel Gib son. Pi lots fly con tra band into Viet nam. (R)Ac cess Hollywd (N) (HD) FOX E F36 ---444---Back of the PaidThe Of fice: Lice The Of fice(HD)Ray mond(HD)Ray mond(HD)Burn No tice Hit man ques tioned. (HD)The Closer: Blue Blood A fallen cop. (HD)Glee: Night of Ne glect Fund rais ing. (HD) PBS E F# 333---333Bak ing (HD)Mar tha: Spiked (N)Cook ing: Noo dles Mex ico (N) (HD)Kitchen (N)Cooks (R) (HD)Keller (R)SciTech Now (R)NOVA New worlds ex plored. (R) (HD)Na ture: An i mal Mis fits Odd crea tures. (R) PBS E F16 204204204-----16Great Con ti nen tal Rail way Jour neys (R)An tiques Roadshow Ranchwear out fit. (R)Eu rope (R)Rudy Max(R)Trav els (R)Jour neys(N) (HD)Woodshop(N)Smith Shop(R)Rough Cut(R)Leg acy (R) (HD) PBS E F30 ---333---Weeknight Meals Fine Cook ing (HD)Mas ter Chefs (HD)Old Hse (N)Old Hse (N)Hubert Keller Vic tory Dairy farm. MotorWk(N)Steves Eu rope Steves Eu rope Na ture World of the eel.(R) (HD) CW E F46 ---6216---Antwone Fisher (, Drama) Derek Luke. A trou bled man goes through ther apy. (PG-13)Love Dont Cost a Thing (, Com edy) Boy gets a cheer leader as a girl friend. (PG-13)Scan dal Gov er nors law. (HD)Blue Bloods: Quid Pro Quo Cold case. (HD) CW E F44 999---994PaidAntwone Fisher (, Drama) Derek Luke. A trou bled man goes through ther apy. (PG-13)The X Files: I Want to Be lieve () aac Two for mer FBI agents tackle a new case. (PG-13)PaidMid dle (HD)Mid dle (HD) MYN E F38 111111---111114PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidMovie MYN E F* ---898---PaidThe Good Old Boys (, West ern) aac A cow boy pon ders the chang ing face of the Amer i can West, and con sid ers mar ry ing. (G)Born to Race ac The de signer of a rev o lu tion ary en gine falls in love with a dare devil driver. Harley Davidson IND E F32 121212-38-4412Movie Glee: Night of Ne glect Fund rais ing. (HD)The Murdoch Mys ter ies Tesla helps case. The Pinkertons Friend of Kates. (R) (HD)The Of fice: Lice The Of fice(HD) ION E F66 22213261843843817Crim i nal Minds Kid napped nan nies. (HD)Crim i nal Minds: #6 Blakes prop o si tion. Crim i nal Minds Hotchs brother. (HD)Crim i nal Minds Replicators tar get. (HD)Crim i nal Minds Killer in Ar i zona. (HD)Crim i nal Minds Rit ual mur derer. (HD) WCLF E F22 222222---22222Un der stand ing Gos pel Truth Newswatch Chris tian World CTN Spe cial Je ru sa lemBridgesDes tined Reign Gaither Home com ing In spi ra tional mu sic. Chris tian Wor ship Hour WRXY E F49 ---224410--(11:30)Rolon 700 HoyCambiando la Los tiempos Im pact Spirituel The 700 Club (N)Unlk Rev e la tion Spe cial Pro gram McGregor Bap tistCon nect TLF E F50 232323-95-23235Rob in son Cru soe () Un aventurero busca su fortuna en el mar y acaba naurfragando. Asalto al tren de Pel ham 123 (, Accin) aac Lucha Un der ground Lucha li bre. (HD)Choques Extremos Colisiones. (TVPG) UNIV E F62 151515---15156La rosa de Guadalupe Fi nal feliz. (HD)Durmiendo con mi jefeSabadazo La mejor comedia, los Top 10 la ti nos, grandes invitados y mucho ms. (TV14) (N) (HD) (:55) Como dice el dicho Relato y reflexin. ELBACA&E2626262639502626181Criminal Thrill killers. Criminal (TV14) (HD)Married (R) (HD)Married Honeymoon. Neighbors (R) (HD)Neighbors with (R) AMC5656565630536262231RiflemanRiflemanRiflemanNational Lampoons Vacation (, Comedy) Air Force One () aac The Presidents plane is hijacked. APL4444444436684444130To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced BET3535353540225151270Im in Love with a Church Girl Faith in love. Set It Off (, Action) Jada Pinkett Smith. Four women turn to crime. Happy Family () BRAVO68686868254516565185Southern (R)Southern (R)Southern (R)Housewives (R)Housewives (R)Housewives (R) COM6666666615275252190Be Kind Rewind Movie remakes.(:44) Austin Powers in Goldmember () South PrkSouth PrkSouth PrkSouth PrkSouth Prk DISC4040404025434343120Fast Loud (R) (HD)Bering Sea (R) (HD)Bering Sea (R) (HD)Bering Sea (R) (HD)Fast N Loud (HD)Fast N Loud (HD) E!4646464627264646196The RoyalsThe Royals (R) (HD)Kardashian (R) (HD)Kardashian (R) (HD)Kardashians (R) (HD)GraceThe Royals (R) (HD) ESQ828282821181188484160To Be Announced To Be Announced Info unavailable. To Be Announced Info unavailable. To Be Announced EWTN24324324312-17243243285Life of Christ Joyful Mysteries. Martyrs For GodEaster Vigil Mass from Rome Celebratory service. Hope Bookmrk FAM5555555510465858199 (11:30) Back to the Future Part II () aaac Dr. Dolittle (, Comedy) aa Talking animals. Casper (, Fantasy) aac A friendly ghost. FOOD37373737-768888164Dream Cruise (R)All-Star (R) (HD)Restaurant (R) (HD)DinersDinersGuys (R)Cutthroat (R) FX515151515849343453 (11:30) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (, Comedy) Sid raises baby dinosaurs he finds. Dr. Seuss The Lorax () aaa Boys quest. GSN179179179179341798080184NewlywdNewlywdNewlywdNewlywdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. Fd HALL55517-738686240June in January () Marriage proposal. (HD)Be My Valentine () aaa Young romance. Looking for Mr. Right () Struggling writer. HGTV414141415342258258165Love It or List It (HD)Love It or List It (HD)House Hunters (HD)House Hunters (HD)House Hunters (HD)House Hunters (HD) HIST818181813365126126128To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced HSN2424242451191616151Beats InnovationSamsungTrends Innovation: HP SamsungInnovation Month LIFE3636363652413636140Movie Movie Movie OWN58585858471035656161Raising (R) (HD)Raising (R) (HD)Raising (R) (HD)Raising (R) (HD)Raising (R) (HD)Raising Kym worried. QVC141414914131212150Saturday Morning Q Comfort & support. Shawn SaysIsaac Mizrahi Live! Stylish fashions. Sandal Shop: Vionic SPIKE575757572963545454 (11:00) MovieMovie Ink Master (HD)CopsCopsCopsCops SYFY67676767253645555180Chernobyl Diaries () aa Battle of the Damned () Rescue mission. Zombie Apocalypse ac Refuge from zombies. TBS595959593262595952FriendsFriendsFriends Big BangBig BangSmithsTo Be Announced To Be Announced Info unavailable. TCM65656565-169169169230The Corsican Brothers Twins are reunited.(:15) Son of Lassie (, Drama) Dog in WWII.(:15) Ring of Fire () aa Sheriff as hostage. TLC4545454557724545139Disney Parks (HD)ExtremeExtremeExtremeExtremeExtremeExtremeExtremeExtremeExtremeExtreme TNT616161612855616151The Bourne Supremacy Framed for murder. The Fast and the Furious (, Action) aaa Fast & Furious () aaa TRAV6969696926066260260170BizarreBizarreMan FndMan FndParadise (R)Paradise (R)Ghost (R) (HD)Ghost (R) (HD) TRUTV6363636350306060183Dumbest (R)Dumbest (R)Dumbest (R)CarbonarCarbonarCarbonarCarbonarCarbonarCarbonar TVLND62626262315457572443s Co.3s Co.RoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannRoseannFam. Fd USA343434342252353550NCISNCIS (HD)NCIS (HD)NCIS Intruder is killed. NCIS Officer killed. NCIS: Dead Air (HD)Dig: Pilot WE117117117117-117117117149Will GraceWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceWill GraceLaw Corrupt doctor. WGN16161619411195959Salem Witches.(HD)Salem Witches.(HD)Salem Witches.(HD)Salem Witches.(HD)Salem Witches.(HD)Salem Witches.(HD) KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES . ...............................
40 SATURDAYAPR. 4AFTERNOON SATURDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 12 PM12:301 PM1:302 PM2:303 PM3:304 PM4:305 PM5:30 STROPSESPN292929291258292970&High School BasketballCollege Basketball: 2015 Slam (HD)College GameDay(N)(HD) ESPN230303030659303074Cheerldng(HD)2015 Miami Open: Womens Championship (HD)Friars Roast(R)30 30: You Dont Know Bo FS1484848484269484883UFC Prelims(HD)RUFC Fight Night: Mendes vs Lamas (Live)(HD)OWomens Intl Soccer(Live)(HD) FSN72727272-56666677SnowboardSnowboard Golden Boy Live(Replay)(HD)NTrackside Live!: Santa Anita (Live)Forbes GOLF4949494955604949304Pre Game(N)(HD)FPGA TOUR Golf(Live)(HD)Big BreakBig BreakFLPGA Tour Golf NBCSN717171715461424290Premier League Live To Be Announced Info unavailable. To Be Announced Info unavailable. SUN38384014014557383876@MLB Spring Training: Detroit vs Tampa Bay (Live)Tampa BayRodeo: RodeoHouston Semifinal 2 King of SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250GravityAustinAustinBlogBlogBlogI DidntI DidntI Didnt Good LuckGood LuckGood Luck NICK2525252524442525252DinoS pongeFairlyFairlyFairlySpongeSpongeSpongeBella andBella andNickyNicky TOON808012412446205787257ClarenceClarenceGrandpaGrandpaGrandpaClarenceClarenceClarenceClarenceTitans Go!Titans Go!Titans Go! SWENCNBC39393939-3739102PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid CNN3232323218383932100 (10:00)CNN Newsroom Saturday The hosts and CNNs team of correspondents report the latest worldwide news.(N) CSPN1818181837129696109WashingtonWashingtonWashingtonWashingtonWashingtonWashington FNC6464646448716464118Americas News HQ (DC)(N)(HD)RespectedAmericas News HQ(N)(HD)Americas HQ(N)The Five(N)(HD) MSNB83838383185408282103Weekends with Alex Witt(N)(HD)Caught(HD)Caught(HD)Caught(HD)Caught(HD) SNN66611-11---WeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendPaidWeekendPaidWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekend CISUMCMT4747474723243737221Hazzard(HD)Hazzard(HD)Hazzard(HD)Young Guns Six young gunslingers seek justice. Guns II MTV3333333335483333210 (11:30)Big Mommas House 2 () aa Little Man () ac Outlaw plays a baby. Shes Out of My League () aac(R) VH15050505043235050217 (11:00)Elf () aaa Hot GRITS(R)WalkSNL(TV14)(HD)SNL(TV14)(HD)SNL(TV14)(HD)SNL MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380 (:15)Flightplan (, Thriller) aac A child van ishes dur ing a plane flight. (PG-13)Ely sium (, Sci ence Fic tion) aaa Mans mis sion to save a ru ined Earth. (R) (:55)Mav er ick (, West ern) aac Three gam blers head to a big poker game. HBO302302302302302302302302400Gumbel(HD)The First Wives Club (, Com edy) Ex-wifes get even.(:15)The Fam ily Stone (, Com edy) aac Fam ily clashes with sons girl friend. Ol iveKitteridge: Parts 1 & 2: Phar macy; In com ing Tide De pressed friend. (R) HBO2303303303303303303303303402 (11:45)Bat man Be gins (, Ac tion) aaac A man be comes a masked vig i lante. Fight GmPercy Jack son: Sea of Mon sters () Son of Po sei don em barks on jour ney. Fast & Fu ri ous 6 (, Ac tion) Vin Die sel. Clear re cords. HBOS304304304304-304304304404 (11:30)Change ling (, Drama) Angelina Jolie. A woman fights for the truth.(:55)That Awk ward Mo ment () Three friends pact.(R) (:35)Grav ity () aaac Crash leaves as tro nauts stranded.(:10)The Way, Way Back () aaa MAX320320320320320320320320420 (:10)Riddick (, Ac tion) aaa Vin Die sel. Crim i nal bat tles alien pred a tors. (R) (:10)The Cot ton Club (, Drama) A mu si cian dates a mob sters girlfriend. (R) (:20)The Omen (, Hor ror) Julia Stiles. A man be lieves his son is the devil. MMAX321321321321321321321321422Queen of the Damned (, Hor ror) aa Cult fol low ing. (R) (:45)Manhattan (, Com edy) aaac A writer strug gles with re la tion ships. (R) (:25)Prom ised Land () Matt Damon. Small town fights.(:20)The Rite (, Hor ror) Ex or cisms. SHO340340340340340340340340365Scary Movie 5 () a Lurk ing demon.(:15)Co caine Cow boys: Re loaded (, Crime) Story of Mi ami and drugs since the 1980s (R)(HD) (:50)Last Hol i day (, Com edy) aac A sales clerk has a Eu ro pean spree. (HD)Jay Mohr(R) TMC350350350350350350350350385Lord of War () Con front ing mor als.(:05)By zan tium (, Thriller) aac 200-year-old vam pires seek refuge. (R)(HD)Rushmore () A man and a boy fight over a teacher. (R)The But ler () aaa But ler works for eight U.S. pres i dents. KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES Despicable Me8 p.m. on FAMIn order to secure his place as the greatest thief in history, a criminal mastermind decides to use three orphaned girls to pull off his next big heist, but when their love begins to warm his heart, he considers abandoning his plan. af (HD)Jersey Boys8 p.m. on HBOA group of four friends rises from humble beginnings in the state of New Jersey and come together, through tough times and personal clashes, to form the iconic 1960s rock group The Four Seasons, whose music becomes symbolic of a generation. (HD)A Few Good Men8:30 p.m. on WGNTwo defense lawyers who lack courtroom experience try to break the code of silence that surrounds two soldiers accused of murdering one of their own, which they claim was an accident that occurred while they were following orders. ab A Bone to Pick: An Auror a Teagarden Mystery9 p.m. on HALLA group of four friends rises from humble beginnings in the state of New Jersey and come together, through tough times and personal clashes, to form the iconic 1960s rock group The Four Seasons, whose music becomes symbolic of a generation. (HD)Sleepy Hollow9 p.m. on FOXFounding Father Thomas Jefferson (guest star Steven Weber) is encountered by Ichabod (Tom Mison) and Abbie (Nicole Beharie) as they face demonic creatures that guard a secret crypt in their quest to “ght evil. (HD)SATURDAY HIGHLIGHTS Steven Weber We Buy & Trade Guns! OVER 100 YEARS OF WEAPON EXPERIENCE ! CHARLOTTE COUNTY’S #1 GUN SHOP We Buy Military Items!!! adno=50482190 WIN1 I I II I I II I
41 SATURDAYAPR. 4EVENING SATURDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26 ---7117---ABC World News To night(N) (HD)ABC7 News at 6:30pm (N) (HD)En ter tain ment To night (N) (HD)Se crets and Lies: The Con fes sion Ben tries to un cover stalkers iden tity. (R)In an In stant: In an In stant: Bur ied Alive (N) (HD) ABC E F28 ------171711News The lat est news. ABC World News (N)Am. Med i cine PaidSe crets and Lies: The Con fes sion Bens stalker. In an In stant: In an In stant: Bur ied Alive (N) (HD) ABC E F40 777107---7ABC World News (N)News (N)Mo nop oly Mil lion aires Club (N) (HD)Se crets and Lies: The Con fes sion Bens stalker. In an In stant: In an In stant: Bur ied Alive (N) (HD) CBS E F10 101010---10101010 News, 6pm Lo cal news re port. CBS Eve ning News (N) (HD)Wheel of For tune (R) (HD)Jeop ardy! (R) (HD)NCIS: Sem per Fortis Un au tho rized care at a hit and run. (R) (HD)Scor pion: Cha rades CIA agent be hind sto len chem i cals. (R) (HD)48 Hours In-depth in ves ti ga tive re ports. CBS E F11 213213-555213-News at 6pm(N) (HD)CBS Eve ning(N) (HD)Blue Bloods: War riors An ger man age ment. (HD)NCIS: Sem per Fortis Un au tho rized care. (R) (HD)Scor pion: Cha rades Sto len chem i cals. (R) (HD)48 Hours In-depth in ves ti ga tive re ports. NBC E F* 888-8-888News Chan nel 8 at 6:00 (N)NBC Nightly News Week end (N)Ex tra (N) (HD)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: For giv ing Rollins Claims with drawn. (R)The Black list: Dr. Linus Creel So cial-psy cho log i cal ex per i ment mur ders. (R)Sat ur day Night Live Sketch com edy, ce leb rity hosts & mu sic. (HD) NBC E F20 ---222-232-News (N) (HD)NBC Nightly News (N)Wheel of For tune (R)Jeop ardy! (R) (HD)Law & Or der: SVU Claims with drawn. (R) (HD)The Black list: Dr. Linus Creel Ex per i ment mur ders. Sat ur day Night Live Sketch com edy. (HD) FOX E F13 131313-13-131313FOX 13 6:00 News News events of the day are re ported. (N) (HD)TMZ (N)Backstrom: En emy of My En e mies Backstroms fa ther co mes to Port land. Sleepy Hol low: What Lies Be neath Thomas Jef fer son.(R) (HD)FOX 13 10:00 News The top news sto ries are up dated. (N) (HD) FOX E F36 ---444---Judge Judy(R) (HD)Judge Judy(R) (HD)Mo nop oly Mil lion aires Club (N) (HD)Backstrom Backstroms fa ther. (R) (HD)Sleepy Hol low Thomas Jef fer son. (R) (HD)FOX 4 News at Ten Nightly news re port. (N) PBS E F# 333---333PBS Newshour (N)The Week (R) (HD)The Law rence Welk Show Easter cel e bra tion. You Be ing Served? Ap pear ancesAs Time Goes By One FootThe Vicar of Dibley Geraldines wed ding. PBS E F16 204204204-----16Big Cy press Swamp: The West ern Everglades (R)Coastal Dune Lakes (R) (HD)Death in Par a dise Flight at ten dant. (HD)Barabbas (, Drama) aaa Barabbas seeks the truth about Je sus af ter he is cru ci fied in his place. (NR) PBS E F30 ---333---NOVA New worlds ex plored.(R) (HD)The Law rence Welk Show Mu si cal per for mance. An tiques Roadshow: Bir ming ham Dolls; por trait. As Time Goes By As Time Goes By Ap pear ancesYou Be ing Served? CW E F46 ---6216---2 1/2 Men (HD)News (N)2 1/2 Men (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)News at10pm (N) (HD) CW E F44 999---994Queens (TVPG) (HD)Queens (TVPG) (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)White Col lar: Where Theres a Will Trea sure hunt. White Col lar: Pi lot, Part 1 Elu sive crim i nal. (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD)2 1/2 Men (HD) MYN E F38 111111---111114News (N)Ray mond (HD)Hollywd (TVPG)Commun (HD)En ter tain ment To night (N) (HD)Ce leb rity Name (R)Ce leb rity Name (R)Ring of Honor Wres tling (N) (HD) MYN E F* ---898--(5:30) Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man () aac Friends rob the mob. Be hind En emy Lines (, Ac tion) An ex-Ma rine and his crew try to res cue a cap tured buddy in Viet nam. Sal va dor (, Drama) aaac James Woods. A jour nal ist cov ers El Sal va dor. (R) IND E F32 121212-38-4412Fam Guy (HD)Fam Guy (HD)Big Bang (HD)Big Bang (HD)An ger Bul ly ing fa ther. An ger (HD)Law & Or der: Spe cial Vic tims Unit: Re spon si ble Law & Or der: SVU Death bed con fes sion. (HD) ION E F66 22213261843843817Crim i nal Minds: Fi nal Shot Dal las sniper. (HD)Crim i nal Minds New sec tion chief. (TV14) (HD)Crim i nal Minds: Route 66 Hotchs in jury. (HD)Crim i nal Minds: Sus pect Bad tes ti mony. (HD)Crim i nal Minds: Sus pect Be hav ior: Strays (HD) WCLF E F22 222222---22222Turn ing Point with Da vid Jer e miah Uriel Vega. Jack Van Impe Proph ecy in the News End of the Age Truth Youth min is tries. Leslie Hale Teach ings from the Holy Scrip tures. Da vid Rea gan All Over the World WRXY E F49 ---224410---Con vo ca tion Cel e bra tion Un der the Silverdome Movie Walk on Wa ter The Ramp TLF E F50 232323-95-23235El turista (, Thriller) aac La ex amante de un crim i nal muy buscado coquetea con un turista americano. A volar joven (, Comedia) Un campesino regresa de la guerra y su patrn quiere casarlo con su hija. Ftbol Cen tral Informacin de ftbol. (N) (HD) UNIV E F62 151515---15156 (:55) Perspectiva Noticiero Univisin (N) (:55) Ftbol Liga MX: Cruz Azul vs Amrica desde Azteca(Directo) (HD)Sbado gigante Alegra, diversin, msica, comedia, juegos, concursos y estrellas invitadas. (TV14) (N) ELBACA&E262626263950262618148 Abandoned house. (R)48 Body stirs standoff. (R)First 48: Ringside Seat First 48: Dead Wrong (R)8 Minutes (R) (HD) AMC5656565630536262231Air Force One () (R)Amer i can Gang ster (, Drama) aaac A low-level mob ster rises to be come the drug king pin of New York, and a de tec tive bat tles po lice cor rup tion to bring his or ga ni za tion down. (R) (HD)Oceans Eleven (, Crime) Three ca si nos robbed APL4444444436684444130To Be Announced To Be Announced Cat (N) (HD)Cat From Hell (N) (HD)Cat Calming vicious cat. BET3535353540225151270 (5:00) Ty ler Perrys Madeas Big Happy Fam ily (, Com edy) ac A woman must help her ill niece. (PG-13)For Col ored Girls (, Drama) aa Janet Jack son, Thandie New ton. Eight Af ri can-Amer i can women deal with per sonal con flicts. (R) BRAVO68686868254516565185Housewives (R)Bravos First Looks (N)Movie Enough Abused woman. COM6666666615275252190South Prk: 1% (R) (:23) South Prk(R) (:56) South Prk(R) (:28) South Prk(R)South Prk (R) (HD)South Prk (R) (HD)South Prk (R) (HD)South Prk (R) (HD)South Prk (R) (HD)South Prk (R) (HD) DISC4040404025434343120Fast N Loud Clas sics re paired. (HD)Na ked and Afraid Rain forest sur vival. (R) (HD)Na ked and Afraid: Is land from Hell Duo clashes. Na ked and Afraid Yungas Cloud For est. (R) (HD)Na ked and Afraid Thirst and hun ger. (R) (HD) E!4646464627264646196The Royals (R) (HD)The Royals (R) (HD)When in Rome () A woman is pursued by suitors. Hes Just Not Into You ESQ828282821181188484160 (5:00) To Be An nounced Info un avail able. To Be An nounced Pro gram in for ma tion is un avail able at this time. To Be An nounced Pro gram in for ma tion is un avail able at this time. EWTN24324324312-17243243285I Thirst Angelica (TV G)Easter Vigil Mass from BNSIC Early morning mass. Icons FAM5555555510465858199Alvin and the Chip munks Three mu si cal chip munks turn an as pir ing song writers live li hood up side down. De spi ca ble Me (, Com edy) A mas ter thief de cides to use three or phaned girls to pull off a big heist. Hop (, Fam ily) Easter Bunny suf fers an in jury. FOOD37373737-768888164Food: Flavorful Futures Chopped Antelope meat. Chopped (R) (HD)Chopped Duck fat. (R)Chopped Hot cross buns. FX515151515849343453How to Train Your Dragon () A young Vi king boy be friends a dragon and tries to pro tect the crea ture. Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD)Mike Mol (HD) GSN179179179179341798080184Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdBaggageBaggageBaggageBaggageIdiotest HALL55517-738686240Love By the Book () A woman must save her strug gling book store while look ing for her soul mate. (NR)Good Witch: The Storm (N) (HD)A Bone to Pick: An Au rora Teagarden Mys tery (, Mys tery) Candace Cameron Bure, Marilu Henner. HGTV414141415342258258165Ellens Design (HD)Property Brothers (HD)Property Brothers (HD)Property Brothers (HD)Property Brothers (HD) HIST818181813365126126128To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD)To Be Announced (HD) HSN2424242451191616151Beats InnovationSamsung Trends Electronic items. Innovation Month: HP Samsung KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES I__I___ ____
42 SATURDAYAPR. 4EVENING SATURDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:30 ELBACLIFE3636363652413636140Movie Killer Crush (, Thriller) Womans crush on her pro fes sor turns to ob ses sion as she cares for his ill wife. Movie OWN58585858471035656161Raising Big night. (R)Sweetie Pies: Ferguson Sweetie (N) (HD)Welcome to (N) (HD)2 Fat 2 (N) (HD) SPIKE575757572963545454Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. Cops Po lice work. SYFY67676767253645555180Di sas ter L.A. () aaa Toxic smoke from me te ors changes res i dents of Los An geles into vi o lent undead. Out break (, Thriller) aaa Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo. Sci en tists race to cure a le thal vi rus out break as pol i ti cians plot con ceal ment. (R) TBS595959593262595952A 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Final Four (Live)A 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Final Four (Live) TCM65656565-169169169230Tra peze (, Drama) Burt Lan cas ter, Tony Curtis. An am bi tious tra peze art ist at tempts a risky ma neu ver. Wit ness for the Pros e cu tion (, Thriller) aaac Marlene Dietrich. A young man is ac cused of mur der. (NR)Laura () A de tec tive is ob sessed with a mur der. TLC4545454557724545139ExtremeExtreme19 Kids Wedding details. 19 Kids: All About Jessa 19 Kids and Counting (R) (HD) TNT616161612855616151A 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Final Four (Live)A 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Final Four (Live) TRAV6969696926066260260170Ghost Hotel ghosts. (R)Ghost: Glen Tavern Inn Ghost Gardner, Mass. (R)Ghost Health issues. (N)Dead Files Hotel spirits. TRUTV63636363503060601832015 NCAA Basketball Tournament 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament TVLND6262626231545757244Fam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdFam. FdRaymondRaymondQueensQueens USA343434342252353550 (5:30) Dig: Pi lot An cient in ter na tional con spir acy. (R)Dig: Catch You Later Search for killer. (R) (HD)Dig: Meet the Rosenbergs Dead end. (R) (HD)Dig: Prayer of Da vid (R) (HD)Dig: Emma Wil sons Fa ther(R) (HD) WE117117117117-117117117149Law & Or der: Nul li fi ca tion Tat too clue. (HD)Law & Or der: Baby, Its You Teen model killed. Law & Or der: Blood Adopted baby killed. (HD)Law & Or der: Shadow Bonds man killed. (HD)Law & Or der: Burned Mur der on ma chine. (HD) WGN16161619411195959Sa lem Witches of Sa lem, Mass. (HD)Sa lem Witches of Sa lem, Mass. (HD)Sa lem: Witch War (R)A Few Good Men (, Drama) aaac Tom Cruise. Two de fense law yers try to break a code of si lence that sur rounds two sol diers. (R) STROPSESPN292929291258292970SportsCenter (N) (HD)E:60 Pro file: Matt Harvey SC Top Ten (N) (HD)SportsCenter(N) (HD)Na tion (HD)30 for 30: Sidd Finch Base ball To night (N) (HD) ESPN23030303065930307430 for 30: Rand Uni ver sity(HD)30 for 30: The U Part 2 (HD)30 for 30: Brian and The Boz (HD)Arena Foot ball (Live) FS1484848484269484883Mon ster: Trey Ca nardS FIA Formula E Championship: Long Beach (Live) (HD)UFC Fight Night: Mendes vs La mas : from Pa triot Cen ter in Fairfax, Va. (Re play) (HD) FSN72727272-56666677Snow board(HD)In side the Magic: Great est Mo ments (HD)In side (HD)Magic LIVE! (N) (HD)A NBA Basketball: Orlando Magic at Milwaukee Bucks from BMO Harris Bradley Center (Live) (HD) GOLF4949494955604949304F (5:00) LPGA Tour Golf: ANA Inspiration: Third Round : from Mission Hills CC in Rancho Mirage, Calif. (Live) (HD)Golf Cen tral (N) (HD)PGA TOUR Golf (Taped) (HD) NBCSN717171715461424290Track & Field NFL Turn ing Point (HD)NASCAR Foot ball Chal lenge NFL Turn ing Point (HD) SUN38384014014557383876Light ning (HD)Light ning LIVE! (HD)) NHL Hcky: Tampa Bay Lightning at Florida Panthers from BB&T Center (Live) (HD)Light ning LIVE! (HD)Light ning (HD)Heat: Udonis Haslem SDIKDISN1361361361369945136136250Liv (HD)Liv (HD)Jessie (HD)Jessie (HD)Girl MeetsGirl MeetsJessie (HD)Jessie (HD)Lab RatsKickin It NICK2525252524442525252ThundermnThundermnHenryHenryHenryNickyBella andThundermnP rincePrince TOON808012412446205787257ClarenceClarenceClarenceClarenceDBZ KaiPiece (R)King HillKing HillBoondcksDad (HD) SWENCNBC39393939-3739102PaidPaidSuper RichSuper RichTreasure The Weichs. TreasureTreasure Clines; Lowes. CNN3232323218383932100Smerconish (R)CNN Newsroom (N)Finding (R)Finding Bone studied. (R)Finding Jesus: Judas (R) CSPN1818181837129696109Washington Communi.The Best of Washington This WeekWashington This WeekWashington This Week FNC6464646448716464118Americas News HQ (N)FOX Report Saturday (N)StrangeStrangeJustice (N) (HD)Stossel (HD) MSNB83838383185408282103Caught on Camera (HD)Caught on Camera (HD)Caught on Camera (HD)Lockup Life behind bars. Lockup Life behind bars. SNN66611-11---WeekendNewsNewsWeekendAnnetteWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekend CISUMCMTV4747474723243737221 (5:30) Young Guns II () aac Billy the Kid and his gang of out laws head for Mex ico to es cape pun ish ment. Cops Re loaded (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD)Cops Re loaded (HD) MTV3333333335483333210Out of League () Pro ject X () aac Three high school friends throw an enor mous party to make a name for them selves. (R)Fri day Af ter Next () aa Craig and Day-Day fi nally move out of their par ents house to live on their own. Ri dic u lous ness VH15050505043235050217Sat. Night Live(TV14)21 (, Drama) aaa Jim Sturgess, Kevin Spacey. An M.I.T. stu dent is re cruited by a math pro fes sor to count cards at black jack. Strip tease (, Drama) a A mom strip ping to get cash for a cus tody fight falls into a black mail scheme. (R) MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380 (:05) Panic Room (, Thriller) aaa Jodie Foster, Kristen Stewart. A divorced woman and her daughter hide from three dangerous criminals. (R) (HD)Last Stand at Saber River () aa Following the Civil War ,a Confederate soldier must fight to regain his home. (NR) (:40) Silverado (, Western) aaa Kevin Kline. Four very different gunslingers battle a corrupt sheriff in a Western town. HBO302302302302302302302302400Olive Kitteridge: Parts 3 & 4: A Different Road; Security Things take chilling turn at hospital; Olive travels to N.Y. to see her son. (R) (HD)Jersey Boys () aaa A group of four friends rises from humble beginnings in the state of New Jersey to form the iconic 1960s rock group The Four Seasons.(:15) 2 Guns (, Action) aaa Two men learn t he mob has set them up. (R) HBO2303303303303303303303303402Fast & Furious 6 Clear records.(:45) Tammy (, Comedy) aa Melissa McCarthy, Susan Sarandon. After tough times, a woman decides to take a roadtrip with her grandmother. (R) (HD)VICE World news. (HD)Endless Love (, Romance) aac Girls impassioned relationship with handsome young man has parents on edge.(:45) 300: Rise of an Empire () HBOS304304304304-304304304404 (5:10) The Way, Way Back () aaa Introverted teen befriends park manager. Edge of Tomorrow () An officer, who is killed in battle, suddenly finds himself thrown into a time loop that forces him to live out the battle over and over. The Heat (, Comedy) A tense and uptight FBI agent has to team up with a lewd and crude Boston cop to take down a ruthless drug lord taking over the city. MAX320320320320320320320320420 (:15) Swordfish (, Action) aaa John Travolta, Hugh Jackman. Slick mastermind recruits computer hacker to steal money from government. (R) (HD) (:55) Lone Survivor (, Thriller) aaac Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch. Team of Navy SEALs given mission to capture or kill an infamous Taliban Leader. (R) (HD)Wish I Was Here (, Comedy) aaa Man examines life, career and fami ly. MMAX321321321321321321321321422 (5:20) The Rite (, Horror) aac American priest studies exorcisms. (PG-13) (:20) Closed Circuit (, Drama) aac Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall. Lawyers and ex-lovers are placed on the same defense team in a terrorism trial. (R) (HD)Devils Due (, Horror) Zach Gilford. Husband notices sinister change in his wifes behavior during her pregnancy. (R)Forbidden Science Julia s past. SHO340340340340340340340340365 (5:45) Jay Mohr: Happy. And A Lot Stand-up comic Jay Mohr performs. (R)Shameless: Drugs Actually(R) (HD)Lies (R) (HD)Lies (R) (HD)Need for Speed (, Action) aaa Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper. Ex-con targets associate who framed him, unaware of bounty on his own head. (PG-13) (HD) TMC350350350350350350350350385 (4:40) The Butler (, Drama) aaa Butler works for eight U.S. presidents.(HD) (:55) Lord of War (, Crime) aaac Nicolas Cage, Ethan Hawke. An arms dealer confronts the morality of his work as he is being chased.(R)(HD)Summer of Blood (, Comedy) A heartbroken underachiever becomes a vampire after getting bit on a date.(NR)Compound Fracture (, Horror) KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES . . . . .. .. ..
43 SATURDAYAPR. 4LATE NIGHT SATURDAY NEV GNE RA S CP CRA GPS BES PL SOIF 11 PM11:3012 AM12:301 AM1:302 AM2:303 AM3:304 AM4:305 AM5:30 TSACDAORBABC E F26---7117---NewsWhite (HD)White (HD)PaidStormsPaidPaidStormsMcKenziePaidMinuteMinute ABC E F28------171711NewsScandal(:35) CastleEntertainPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidMinuteMinute ABC E F40777107---7NewsComedy.TVEntertainCars.TV Dog BntyDog BntyKick in ItGarden HomesHomeMy.TV CBS E F10101010---101010NewsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidMcKenziePaidInsidePaid CBS E F11213213-555213-News11Good WifeGood Wife(:35) CastleCheatersMusic MixAmericaHomeHmownWellness NBC E F*888-8-888News(:29) SNL (HD)PaidPaid1st LookOpenOpenPaidJ. HannaPaidPaidPaid NBC E F20---222-232-News(:29) SNL (HD)BonesPaidSt ormsAthletePaidHollywdOld Hse Horizons FOX E F13131313-13-13131311 NewsSchoolSchoolTMZ (R)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidIn Depth FOX E F36---444---SchoolSchoolTMZ (N)HomesPaidM onopolyPaidCars.TVPaidCars.TVPaidPaid PBS E F#333---333Masterpc (R) (HD)NOVA (R)Unit (R)Rx: The Quiet (R)MustandWash WkWeek PBS E F16204204204-----16Austin (R)NatureEiffel Tower () A Star Is Born () aaac Dune LakesE nglishEcosense PBS E F30---333---Last WineLast WineAustin (R)NOVA (R)Unit (R)RevolutionTo Be Announced CW E F46---6216---How I MetModernAl exander (, Drama) Powerful ruler. SanctuaryDerby Dogs () ac (PG) CW E F44999---994FriendsFriendsGm PlnePaidQMcNeely Comedy.TVPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid MYN E F38111111---111114BonesPaidPaidPaidPaidRaw TravFuturamaFuturama Opn Hse Honor RingPaidPaid MYN E F*---898---SalvadorLincoln Shot () aac Chattahoochee () aa AddamsAddamsPaidPaid IND E F32121212-38-4412SVU (HD)FriendsFriendsS pringerMovie PaidPaid ION E F6622213261843843817Listener ListenerListenerListenerPaidPaidInspiration Today WCLF E F22222222---22222CTNSpecPassionChristGospelGot NexGeneratnTimeTV OneMX-TVCTNSpecWorshipGaither WRXY E F49---224410---TimePassionWalk onConnectStreetRetroTimeMovie Gaither TLF E F50232323-95-23235Liga MX (Directo) (HD)Boxeo (HD)Asalto al tren () aac PagadoPalenque UNIV E F62151515---15156Sbado gigLa familiaNoticieroEstrelladoDesma drugaSbado gigante La familiaNoticiero ELBACA&E2626262639502626181Intervent(:01) 48 (R)(:01) 48 (R)8 MinutesInterventPaidPaidPaidPaid AMC5656565630536262231Oceans 11 () Mad MenMad MenMad MenMad Men(:46) Mad Men (R) APL4444444436684444130Cat HellCat (R)Cat (R)Cat HellUntamedUntamedUntamed BET3535353540225151270Above the Rim () aac ScandalScandalMary JnBET Inspiration BRAV68686868254516565185Enough aa Enough Abused woman. MoviePaidPaidPaidPaid COM6666666615275252190South PrkSouth Prk (R) (:04) Roast (R)Good Old Orgy () aac PresentsPaidPaid DISC4040404025434343120Naked (R)Naked (R)Naked (R)Naked (R)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid E!4646464627264646196Hes Not () aac GraceSoupKardashianKardashianGracePaidPaidPaidPaid ESQ828282821181188484160TBA To Be Announced To Be Announced PaidPaidPaidPaid EWTN24324324312-17243243285Thirst ForEaster Vigil Mass from Rome GospelJoy MusIconsSolemn Mass ofHe roic FAM5555555510465858199Hop () Willy Wonka Chocolate PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidLevitt FOOD37373737-768888164ChoppedChoppedChoppedChoppedChoppedPaidPaidPaidPaid FX515151515849343453Mike MolMike MolArcherLouieLouie2 1/2 Men2 1/2 MenLouieLouie2 1/2 Men2 1/2 MenPresentsPaidPaid GSN179179179179341798080184IdiotestIdiotestBaggageBaggageBaggageBaggageBaggageBaggagePaidPaidPaidPaid HALL55517-738686240Good Witch GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenFrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierCheersCheersLucyLucy HGTV414141415342258258165HuntersHuntersP rop BroProp Bro HuntersHuntersP rop BroPaidPaidPaidPaid HIST818181813365126126128 (:02) TBA (:01) TBA (:01) TBA (:01) TBA (:03) TBA PaidPaidPaidPaid LIFE3636363652413636140Movie(:02) Killer Crush ()(:02) Movie ChristineChristinePaidPaid OWN58585858471035656161SweetieWelcome to2 Fat 2 (R)SweetieBerkus Phil (HD)Phil (HD) SPIKE575757572963545454Cops Cops Police work. (HD)End of Watch Vengeful cartel. PaidPaidPaidPaid SYFY67676767253645555180The Crazies (, Horror) Zombie Apocalypse ac Abraham Lincoln () a TwilightTwilight TBS595959593262595952'15 NCAATBA Last ShipThe Expendables () Terminator Salvation () aaa TCM65656565-169169169230Laura () Klute Man seeks friend.(:15) The Hunger () (R)Vampire aa Godspell TLC454545455772454513919 & Counting (R) (HD)19 Kids (R)19 Kids (R)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid TNT616161612855616151'15 NCAALast ShipLast ShipLast ShipLast ShipLast ShipLast ShipLast Ship TRAV6969696926066260260170Dead FilesGhost (R)Dead FilesDead FilesGhost (R)PaidPaidPaidPaid TRUTV6363636350306060183'15 NCAAJokersJokersJokersJokers (R)truTV TopJokersJokersPaidPaidPaidPaid TVLND6262626231545757244QueensQueensFriendsFriendsRaymondRaymondRaymondRaymondBradyBradyBradyBradyBradyBrady USA343434342252353550ModernModernModernModernCSI (HD)Order: CIOrder: CIOrder: CIOrder: CI WE117117117117-117117117149Law: Ritual Law (HD)Mary MaryMary MaryMary MaryMary MaryPaidPaid WGN16161619411195959FewMan on Fire Bodyguards revenge. (R)RulesRulesParksParksParksHopeHope STROPSESPN292929291258292970Sports (N)Sports (N)Sports (N)Sports (N)SportsSportsSports ESPN230303030659303074Arena Football (Live)NBA30 30 (HD)30 30 (HD)Fab Five FS1484848484269484883FOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsFOX SportsUFC Fight Night: Mendes vs Lamas FSN72727272-56666677Mgic LIVEInsideInsideNBA (Replay) (HD)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid GOLF4949494955604949304PGA TOUR Golf (HD)LPGA Tour Golf: ANA Inspiration: Third Round Golf Cntrl NBCSN717171715461424290PremierTBA Premier League PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SUN38384014014557383876HeatBt ShowNHL Hcky (Replay)PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid SWENCNN3232323218383932100Finding (R)Finding (R)ForensicForensicForensicForensicForensicForensic CNNI Simulcast (N) FNC6464646448716464118Red EyeJustice (R)Red EyeJustice (R)StrangeStrangeJustice (R)Carol AltCarol Alt MSNBC83838383185408282103LockupLockupLockupLockupLockupLockupLockup (R) SNN66611-11---WeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekendWeekend MUIMERPENC150150150150-150150150380SilveradoMaverick (, Western)(:10) Panic Room ()(:05) Wall Street () aaa HBO3023023023023023023023024002 Guns aaa(:10) Jersey Boys (, Drama) VICEUndercoverThe Other Woman () HBO2303303303303303303303303402300: Rise () (R)OliverReal TimeBatman Begins () Wet Hot Summer () HBOS304304304304-304304304404Awkward () (R) (:40) Enough ()(:15) The Interpreter () aac Crazy in AL () MAX320320320320320320320320420Wish I (:50) Naked ()(:15) Lucky You () aac DepravitySlap Shot Dirty hockey plays. MMAX321321321321321321321321422Forbiddn(:45) The Mexican ()(:50) Amazon () Hills Have Eyes () aac Office () SHO340340340340340340340340365ShamelessLiesLies(:15) HOOPS U (R)60 MinutesRome (R)(:45) Scary 5 () TMC350350350350350350350350385CompoundSummer of () Compound () The To Do List(:45)Deal () aa KIDS NEWS SPORTS SPECIALS MOVIES 77I =T I I
44 AAbbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd aac (52, Comedy) Bud Abbott. Two waiters “nd a treasure map. (1:15) NR TCM Wed. 5:15 p.m. Above the Rim aac (94, Drama) Duane Martin. Hoops star tries to choose right path. (2:30) R (AL, V) BET Thu. 12:00 p.m., Sat. 2:00 a.m., 11:00 p.m. Advance to the Rear aac (64, Western) Glenn Ford. Clumsy cavalry is sent West. (1:45) NR TCM Tue. 1:30 p.m. Air Force One aac (97, Thriller) Harrison Ford. The Presidents plane is hijacked. (3:00) R (AC, AL, V) (HD) AMC Sat. 3:30 p.m. Akeelah and the Bee aaac (06, Drama) Keke Palmer. Girls victory in the spelling bee. (1:55) PG (AC, AL) (HD) SHOW Wed. 6:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m. Alexander aac (04, Drama) Colin Farrell. Alexander defeats the Persian Empire. (3:00) R (N, SC, V) WXCW Next Sun. 12:00 a.m. Al “lo del peligro aac (97, Thriller) Anthony Hopkins. Dos hombres luchan por sobrevivir. (2:30) R (AL, V) (HD) WFTT Sun. 2:00 p.m. Alien aaaa (79, Horror) Tom Skerritt. A deadly alien hunts a sp aceship crew. (2:00) R (HD) ENCORE Tue. 11:55 p.m. American Gangster aaac (07, Drama) Denzel Washington. Detective pursues drug kingpin. (3:30) R (AL, MT, N, SC) (HD) AMC Sat. 6:30 p.m. American Splendor aac (03, Drama) Harvey Pekar. A VA “le clerk tells his life story. (1:45) R (AL) (HD) HBO3 Wed. 7:45 a.m. Armageddon aac (98, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis. Oil rig workers must destroy asteroid. (2:35) PG-13 (AC, AL, MV) (HD) CINE Mon. 10:00 p.m. Arti“cial Intelligence: A.I. aaa (01, Science Fiction) Haley Joel Osment. A robot wants to be a real boy. (3:00) PG-13 (MV, SC) WGN Sun. 2:00 p.m. WTOG Mon. 2:00 a.m.BBack to the Future aaaa (85, Science Fiction) Michael J. Fo x. A teen accidentally changes the past. (2:30) PG (HD) FAM Fri. 6:00 p.m., Sat. 9:00 a.m. Back to the Future Part II aaac (89, Science Fiction) Michael J. Fox. A teen travels into the future. (2:30) PG (HD) FAM Fri. 8:30 p.m., Sat. 11:30 a.m. Bad Words aaac (14, Comedy) Jason Bateman. Spelling bee loser seeks loophole. (1:30) R (AL, BN, SC) (HD) CINE Wed. 12:00 p.m. Barabbas aaa (62, Drama) Anthony Quinn. Barabbas is released instead of Christ. (2:20) NR WUSF Sat. 9:00 p.m. Batman Begins aaac (05, Action) Christian Bale. A man becomes a masked vigilante. (2:25) PG-13 (AC, AT, V) (HD) HBO2 Sat. 11:45 a.m., Next Sun. 2:00 a.m. Blade Runner aaac (82, Science Fiction) Harrison Ford. A cop tracks down renegade androids. (2:00) R (HD) HBO2 Thu. 3:20 a.m. Body of Lies aaa (08, Thriller) Leonardo DiCaprio. A CIA operative tracks down a terrorist. (3:00) R (AL, GV) (HD) AMC Wed. 8:00 p.m., Thu. 5:00 p.m. The Book Thief aaac (13, Drama) Geoffrey Rush. Woman “nds comfort in stealing books. (2:15) PG-13 (MT, V) (HD) HBO Mon. 1:30 p.m. HBO3 Tue. 3:50 p.m. The Bourne Supremacy aaac (04, Action) Matt Damon. Bourne is framed for murder. (2:15) PG-13 (AC, AL, V) (HD) TNT Sun. 10:15 p.m., Fri. 6:00 p.m., Sat. 12:00 p.m. Braveheart aaac (95, Drama) Mel Gibson. A Scottish hero leads a rebellion. (4:00) R (GV) (HD) AMC Tue. 12:30 p.m. The Breakfast Club aaac (85, Drama) Emilio Estevez. Detention brings teens together. (2:00) R (HD) FAM Sun. 3:00 p.m.CThe Call aaa (13, Thriller) Halle Berry. A 911 operator helps a kidnapped girl. (2:00) R (AC, AL, V) FX Wed. 8:00 p.m., Thu. 5:00 p.m. Casper aac (95, Fantasy) Christina Ricci. Therapist and his daughter meet a ghost. (2:00) PG (AL, MT) (HD) FAM Sat. 4:00 p.m. Charlie St. Cloud aac (10, Drama) Zac Efron. A boy talks to his dead brother. (1:45) PG13 (AL, SC) (HD) HBO Fri. 10:00 a.m. Un Chien Andalou aaac (29, Fantasy) Simone Mareuil. Man has ants coming out of his palm. (0:30) NR TCM Mon. 4:00 a.m. The China Syndrome aaa (79, Drama) Jane Fonda. Accident at nuclear plant is covered up. (2:15) PG TCM Mon. 8:00 p.m. Choke aaa (08, Drama) Sam Rockwell. A scammer targets restaurant patrons. (1:35) R (AL, N, SSC) (HD) HBO3 Mon. 1:35 a.m. City for Conquest aaa (40, Drama) James Cagney. Three people face hardships in New York. (2:00) NR TCM Thu. 3:00 a.m.Oscar-winning actress Charlize Theron (Monster) assumes the titular role of the limber covert operative in Aeon Flux, a sci-“ spy action “lm of 2005 airing Wednesday at 10 p.m. on TMC. MOVIES Extended Hours: Tuesday & Thursday Open during lunch and until 6:00PM COASTALDERMATOLOGY.NET adno=50481913 Specializing in Botox & Fillers Skin Cancer Detection & Surgery Mohs Micrographic Surgery Acne Treatment Wart Treatment & Removal Phototherapy for Psoriasis Rosacea & Eczema Treatment (Left to Right) Stephen A. Spencer, MD Laini R. Gaar, MD Jeffrey R. Hunek, MD Samantha M. Bono, PA Elizabeth L. Weber, ARNP For the past 29 years we have offered skin care diagnosis, treatment and skin cancer removal. We continue to strive for quality patient care offering each patient an individualized experience to meet their specific needs 1999-2014 EyyAft-GOODCo asta Iwo Locations to Serve You!Dermatology 1617TamiamiTrail 1111S.TamiamiTrailPort Charlotte. FL 33948 Punta GordaFL 33950(941) 613-2400 (941) 833-4400J J'/(r
45 Closed Circuit aac (13, Drama) Eric Bana. Ex-lovers placed on same defense team. (1:40) R (AL, V) (HD) CINE2 Sat. 7:20 p.m. Cold in July aaac (14, Thriller) Michael C. Hall. Man must protect family from threats. (2:00) R (AL, GV, N, SC) (HD) SHOW Wed. 1:00 a.m. The Crazies aaa (10, Horror) Timothy Olyphant. Maniacs roam a small Iowa town. (2:00) R (AL, GV) SYFY Sat. 11:00 p.m. Crazy in Alabama aac (99, Drama) Melanie Grif“th. Race, law & murder in 1965 Alabama. (1:55) PG-13 (AC, AL, V) (HD) HBO3 Next Sun. 4:25 a.m. Crazy, Stupid, Love. aaa (11, Comedy) Steve Carell. Man asks bachelor friend for advice. (2:30) PG-13 (AH, AL, SC) TBS Tue. 9:00 a.m. A Crush on You aac (11, Romance) Brigid Brannagh. Email sent to the wrong person. (2:00) (HD) HALL Sat. 10:00 a.m. The Cure aac (95, Drama) Joseph Mazzello. In search for the cure for AIDS. (1:40) PG13 (HD) CINE2 Mon. 8:35 a.m.DDallas Buyers Club aaac (13, Drama) Matthew McConaughey. Man with HIV seeks alternative medicine. (2:00) R (AC, AL, N, SSC) (HD) HBO2 Mon. 11:00 p.m. Dances With Wolves aaac (90, Western) Kevin Costner. A soldier lives with the Lakota Sioux. (3:05) PG-13 (HD) CINE Wed. 6:55 p.m. The Dark Knight aaaa (08, A ction) Christian Bale. Batman and Gotham City face a new enem y. (3:30) PG-13 (V) (HD) TNT Sat. 12:30 a.m. Dawn of the Dead aaa (04, Horror) Sarah Polley. Group battles zombies in shopping mall. (1:40) R (AL, GV, SC) (HD) CINE Tue. 12:55 p.m. CINE2 Fri. 5:15 p.m. Dead Poets Society aaac (89, Drama) Robin Williams. Charismatic teacher inspires students. (2:15) PG (AL, V) (HD) SHOW Mon. 6:15 a.m. The Deep End aaa (01, Thriller) Tilda Swinton. A mother thinks her son may be a killer. (1:45) R (AL, SSC, V) (HD) CINE2 Thu. 10:15 a.m. The Departed aaaa (06, Crime) Leonar do DiCaprio. A cop and a mobster go undercover. (3:28) R (AC, GL, GV, SSC) (HD) AMC Mon. 5:28 p.m., Tue. 12:08 a.m. Despicable Me aaac (10, Comedy) Steve Carell. A master thief plans his next big heist. (2:00) PG (AH) (HD) FAM Sat. 8:00 p.m. The Devils Advocate aaa (97, Thriller) Keanu Reeves. Lawyer tempted as good battles evil. (2:30) R (AC, AL, N, V) (HD) CINE2 Tue. 2:25 p.m. The Devil Wears Prada aaa (06, Comedy) Meryl Streep. A woman works for a demanding boss. (1:50) PG-13 (AS) (HD) HBO2 Fri. 8:45 a.m. Diary of a Mad Black Woman aac (05, Comedy) Kimberly Elise. A spurned wife turns to her grandmother. (2:30) PG-13 (AC, AL, V) TBS Sun. 1:00 p.m. Disaster L.A. aaa (14, Horror) Justin Ray. L.A. residents turned into undead. (2:00) NR SYFY Sat. 6:00 p.m. Django Unchained aaaa (12, Western) Jamie F oxx. A slave sets out to rescue his wife. (2:45) R (AL, GV, N) (HD) SHOW Fri. 9:00 p.m. Dr. No aaa (62, Action) Sean Connery. 007 stops world domination. (1:50) PG (AS, V) (HD) ENCORE Tue. 8:00 p.m. Dr. Seuss The Lorax aaa (12, Family) Danny DeVito. Boy tries to win the girl of his dreams. (2:00) PG (AL) FX Sat. 4:00 p.m. Due Date aaa (10, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr. An unlikely pair embark on a road trip. (2:00) R (AC, AL, SC) (HD) TBS Next Sun. 1:30 a.m.EEarthworm Tractors aac (36, Comedy) Joe E. Brown. A salesman takes on a logger. (1:15) NR TCM Wed. 9:45 a.m. The East aaa (13, Drama) Brit Marling. An operative changes priorities. (2:00) PG-13 (MT, SC, V) (HD) CINE Wed. 8:15 a.m., Sat. 10:10 a.m. Edge of Tomorrow aaac (14, Science Fiction) Tom Cruise. Of“cer thrown into strange time loop. (2:00) PG-13 (AL, V) (HD) HBO3 Thu. 11:45 a.m., Sat. 7:00 p.m. EDtv aac (99, Comedy) Matthew McConaughey. A store clerks life becomes a TV show. (2:05) PG-13 (AC, AL, SC) (HD) SHOW Wed. 8:25 a.m., 4:00 p.m. Elevator to the Gallows aaac (58, Thriller) Jeanne Moreau. A wife & her lover plot to kill husband. (1:30) NR TCM Wed. 4:30 a.m. Elysium aaa (13, Science Fiction) Matt Damon. Mans mission to save a ruined Earth. (1:55) R (AL, GV) (HD) ENCORE Sat. 2:00 p.m. The Emperors Club aaa (02, Drama) Kevin Kline. Teacher challenged by unruly students. (1:55) PG-13 (SC) (HD) CINE Thu. 10:50 a.m. HBO2 Tue. 5:00 a.m. Encino Man aac (92, Comedy) Pauly Shore. Two teens “nd a preserved caveman. (2:01) PG (HD) COM Wed. 10:23 a.m. The End of the Affair aac (55, Drama) Deborah Kerr. Man had an affair with a married woman. (2:00) NR TCM Sun. 12:15 p.m. End of Watch aaac (12, Drama) Jake Gyllenhaal. A cartel seeks revenge on of“cers. (2:30) R (AC, AL, V) (HD) SPIKE Next Sun. 1:30 a.m. Enemy of the State aaa (98, Thriller) Gene Hackman. A lawyer is framed for murder. (2:15) R (AC, AL, V) (HD) CINE2 Sat. 6:05 a.m. Eyes Wide Shut aaa (99, Drama) Tom Cruise. A man embarks on an erotic odyssey. (2:45) R (AL, N, SSC, V) (HD) CINE2 Wed. 3:15 a.m.FFar from Heaven aaa (02, Drama) Julianne Moore. A 1950s housewife befriends black man. (1:50) PG-13 (AL, MT, SC, V) (HD) HBO Fri. 8:10 a.m. Fargo aaac (96, Crime) Frances McDormand. A pregnant cop trails kidnappers. (2:00) R (AC, AL, BN, V) (HD) WNFM Fri. 12:00 a.m. 50 First Dates aaa (04, Comedy) Adam Sandler. Man falls for girl with memory loss. (2:00) PG-13 (AC, AH, AL, MV) BRAVO Fri. 9:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m. Final Destination aaa (00, Horror) Devon Sawa. Students “nd death wont be cheated. (1:40) R (AL, V) (HD) ENCORE Sat. 1:20 a.m. Finding Neverland aaac (04, Drama) Johnny Depp. The inspiration for Peter Pan.. (2:05) PG (AL, MT) (HD) AMC Tue. 9:00 p.m., Wed. 9:55 a.m. The First Wives Club aac (96, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Betrayed women get even with spouses. (1:45) PG (AH, AL) (HD) HBO Sat. 12:30 p.m. CINE2 Mon. 6:50 a.m. A Fistful of Dollars aaac (64, Western) Clint Eastwood. A violent struggle over land rights. (1:45) R (V) (HD) CINE Sat. 6:05 a.m. Fools Gold aac (08, Adventure) Matthew McConaughey. A beach bum searches for lost treasure. (2:25) PG-13 (AL, BN, MV, SC) (HD) AMC Tue. 11:05 p.m., Wed. 5:30 p.m. For a Few Dollars More aaac (67, Western) Clint Eastwood. Rival bounty hunters unite for outlaw. (2:15) (HD) CINE Wed. 6:00 a.m. Funny Farm aac (88, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Man deserts the city for the country. (1:40) PG (AC, AL, MV) (HD) HBO2 Mon. 6:20 a.m.GThe Gallant Hours aaa (60, Drama) James Cagney. Admiral Halsey recalls Guadalcanal win. (0:30) NR WNFM Mon. 3:30 p.m. The Generals Daughter aac (99, Thriller) John Travolta. Senior of“cers rush a murder inquiry. (2:00) R (AC, AL, N, RP) (HD) HBO3 Fri. 3:40 a.m. F IVE S TAR SENIOR LIVING TM 941-766-7991 20480 Veterans Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL 33954 Lexington Manor Assisted Living Facility # 10548 W E P UT T HE L IVING B ACK I NTO A SSISTED L IVING adno=50481815 Call us today to schedule your own personal tour and see why we are Your Readers’ Choice! 2014 COMESEEWHYOUR ResidentsCallLexingtonManorHome Our Assisted living community includes upscale restaurant dining, with many choices. At Lexington Manor you have the freedom to remain independent while relaxing or enjoying our fully scheduled calendar of social and recreational activities. Our many exceptional services and amenities include outings, exercise classes, full-service beauty salon and barber shop, game room, library, transportation, laundry, and housekeeping. You can rest easy knowing the details are taken care of so that you can live a carefree lifestyle. e u
46Georgia Rule aac (07, Drama) Jane Fonda. Three women bond over family secrets. (2:00) R (AL, SC) (HD) LIFE Mon. 6:00 p.m. Get Smart aaa (08, Comedia) Steve Carell. Un analista ayuda a un espa. (2:00) PG-13 (AH, V) (HD) WFTT Sun. 9:30 a.m., Mon. 2:00 a.m. Ghost aaac (90, Romance) Patrick Swayze. A mans spirit protects his girlfriend. (2:30) PG-13 (HD) OWN Sun. 6:30 p.m., Mon. 1:00 a.m. Gladiator aaaa (00, Drama) Russell Cr o we. Romes greatest general turns gladiator. (3:28) R (GV) (HD) AMC Mon. 2:00 p.m., Tue. 9:00 a.m. God Is the Bigger Elvis aaa (12, Documentary) Dolores Hart. Young actress becomes a Benedictine nun. (0:40) (HD) HBO3 Sat. 5:30 a.m. Godspell aac (73, Musical) Victor Garber. The life of Jesus in New York. (1:45) G TCM Next Sun. 5:15 a.m. GoldenEye aac (95, Action) Pierce Brosnan. A rogue agent threatens the world. (2:11) PG13 (AC, V) (HD) ENCORE Tue. 7:59 a.m. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly aaaa (66, Western) Clint Eastwood. L owlifes hunt for Confederate treasure. (3:00) NR (HD) CINE Thu. 6:00 a.m. Goodbye Again aac (61, Drama) Jessie Royce Landis. Woman has an affair with a younger man. (2:15) NR TCM Sun. 5:45 p.m. Good Night, and Good Luck aaac (05, Drama) David Strathairn. Edward R. Murrow “ghts McCarthyism. (1:35) PG (AL, AT) (HD) HBO3 Thu. 3:45 p.m., Fri. 12:30 a.m. The Good Old Boys aac (95, Western) Tommy Lee Jones. A cowboy considers settling down. (3:00) G WNFM Sat. 12:30 p.m. The Goonies aaa (85, Adventure) Sean Astin. A group of kids “nds buried treasure. (2:30) PG (HD) FAM Mon. 8:30 p.m., Tue. 5:30 p.m. Grace Is Gone aac (07, Drama) John Cusack. Father takes children on road trip. (1:30) PG-13 (AL, MT) HBO3 Thu. 8:00 a.m. The Grand Budapest Hotel aaac (14, Comedy) Ralph Fiennes. Lobby boy and concierge become friends. (1:45) R (AL, SC, V) (HD) HBO Wed. 12:35 a.m. Grand Hotel aaac (32, Drama) Greta Garbo. Guests at a swanky hotel cross paths. (2:00) NR TCM Sun. 8:00 p.m. Guys and Dolls aaa (55, Musical) Marlon Brando. A gambler bets on making a date. (2:45) NR TCM Fri. 1:30 p.m.HHairspray aaa (07, Comedy) Nikki Blonsky. Overweight teenager auditions for show. (2:30) PG (AL, AS, MT) E! Wed. 8:00 p.m., Thu. 3:00 p.m. Halloween aac (07, Horror) Malcolm McDowell. A serial killer searches for his sister. (2:30) R (AL, GV, N, RP) (HD) SYFY Sun. 9:00 p.m. Hancock aac (08, Action) Will Smith. A superhero gets an image makeover. (2:30) PG-13 (AL, V) (HD) FX Fri. 8:00 p.m., 10:30 p.m. Hang Em High aac (68, Western) Clint Eastwood. A tough guy seeks revenge in Old West. (2:00) PG-13 (HD) CINE Fri. 6:00 a.m. The Hangover Part III aaa (13, Comedy) Bradley Cooper. Friends try to help unstable comrade. (1:45) R (AC, BN, GL, SC) (HD) CINE Sun. 10:00 p.m. CINE2 Wed. 11:25 p.m. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire aaac (05, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe. A boy mage enters a deadly tournament. (2:40) PG13 (V) (HD) CINE2 Mon. 12:45 p.m. Hearts in Atlantis aac (01, Drama) Anthony Hopkins. A boarder changes a young boys life. (2:00) PG-13 (AT, V) WGN Sun. 12:00 p.m. Her aaac (14, Comedy) Joaquin Phoenix. Writer and advanced operating system. (2:10) R (AL, BN, SC) (HD) CINE Tue. 2:35 p.m. CINE2 Fri. 12:55 p.m. Hidden Agenda aaa (91, Drama) Brad Dourif. Ireland peace process is jeopardized. (2:00) R (V) WNFM Fri. 2:00 a.m. The Hills Have Eyes aac (06, Horror) Vinessa Shaw. Stranded family attacked. (1:50) R (AL, GV) (HD) CINE2 Next Sun. 3:20 a.m. Hook aaa (91, Fantasy) Robin Williams. Mans children abducted by an old enemy. (3:00) PG (HD) FAM Tue. 8:00 p.m. Hop aac (11, F amily) James Marsden. Easter Bunn y suffers an injury. (2:00) PG (HD) FAM Sat. 10:00 p.m. Hope Floats aac (98, Romance) Sandra Bullock. Loss causes woman to rethink love. (2:00) PG-13 (AC, AL, MV) (HD) HBO3 Fri. 4:40 p.m. Horrible Bosses aaa (11, Comedy) Jason Bateman. Friends plan to murder employers. (2:00) R (AC, AL, SC) FX Sun. 1:00 p.m. Hostel aac (06, Horror) Jay Hernandez. Backpackers lured to trap of horror. (1:45) R (AC, AL, GV, N) (HD) SHOW Tue. 12:00 a.m. Hotel Berlin aac (45, Drama) Helmut Dantine. Hotel guests deal with war. (2:00) NR TCM Sun. 10:00 p.m. How to Marry a Millionaire aaa (53, Comedy) Marilyn Monroe. Three women hope to marry rich men. (1:45) NR TCM Sun. 2:15 p.m. How to Train Your Dragon aaac (10, Fantasy) Jay Baruchel. A young Viking befriends a dragon. (2:00) PG (AL, V) FX Sat. 6:00 p.m. The Hunger aac (83, Horror) Catherine Deneuve. An immortal vampire seduces a doctor. (1:45) R (AC, AL, GV, N) TCM Next Sun. 2:15 a.m. Hustle & Flow aaa (05, Drama) Terrence Howard. A pimp dreams of being a rapper. (2:00) R (AC, AL, SC, V) (HD) SHOW Fri. 2:30 a.m. Hyde Park on Hudson aac (13, Drama) Bill Murray. FDRs extramarital romance in 1939. (1:40) R (SC) (HD) CINE2 Thu. 5:05 p.m.II Think I Love My Wife aac (07, Comedy) Chris Rock. A man is tempted to have an affair. (2:00) R (AL, SC) WXPX Sun. 2:00 p.m. Ice Age aaa (02, Comedy) Ray Romano. Mammals return a lost human infant. (1:25) PG (V) (HD) ENCORE Wed. 7:20 a.m. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs aaa (09, Comedy) Ray Romano. Sid raises baby dinosaurs he “nds. (4:30) PG (AS) (HD) FX Sat. 11:30 a.m. The Illusionist aaac (06, Romance) Edward Norton. A magician falls in love with a duchess. (1:55) PG-13 (SC, V) (HD) SHOW Wed. 12:05 p.m. The Importance of Being Earnest aac (02, Comedy) Colin Firth. Young men almost ruin their romances. (1:35) PG (AS) SHOW Thu. 8:05 a.m. An Inconvenient Truth aaac (06, Documentary) Al Gore. Al Gore discusses global warming. (1:45) PG (MT) (HD) SHOW Thu. 1:15 p.m. In the Line of Fire aaac (93, Thriller) Clint Eastwood. Agent “ghts past to save president. (2:15) R (HD) ENCORE Thu. 10:00 p.m. Inside Llewyn Davis aaac (14, Drama) Oscar Isaac. Bitter singer navigates s folk scene. (1:45) R (AL, SC) (HD) SHOW Mon. 4:30 p.m. Inside Man aaac (06, Crime) Denzel Washington. A heist becomes a hostage situation. (2:15) R HBO2 Mon. 11:30 a.m. The Interpreter aac (05, Thriller) Nicole Kidman. An interpreter overhears a death threat. (2:10) PG-13 (AL, SC, V) (HD) HBO3 Next Sun. 2:15 a.m. SP49903 Call a friendly customer service representative today to subscribe! Gondolier SunVENICELOCAL NEWS COVER TO COVER FLORIDA’S NO.1 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Charlotte DeSoto Englewood North Port 863-385-6155 941-206-1300 941-207-1000 Talk About LOCAL! Join the conversation! We’re talking Local Jobs, Local Dining, Local News, Local Entertainment, Local Shopping and Local Perspectives! Hear all about what’s happening in town and around the region from local voices who live and work here like you do! `'/ +
47 Into the Blue aac (05, Thriller) Jessica Alba. Scuba divers run afoul of drug lord. (2:00) PG13 (AC, AL, SC, V) WXPX Sun. 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m. The Italian Job aaa (03, Drama) Mark Wahlberg. Gang causes traf“c jam to cover heist. (2:15) PG-13 (AL, V) (HD) TNT Sun. 1:00 p.m., Mon. 12:30 a.m.JJack and the Beanstalk aac (52, Fantasy) Bud Abbott. A baby-sitter dreams hes in fairytale. (1:30) NR TCM Wed. 6:30 p.m. Jarhead aaa (05, Drama) Jake Gyllenhaal. A new Marine goes to the “rst Gulf War. (2:05) R (AC, AS, GL, SSC) (HD) CINE Sun. 6:15 p.m. CINE2 Wed. 3:10 p.m. Jersey Boys aaa (14, Drama) John Lloyd Young. Four friends form The Four Seasons. (2:15) R (AL) (HD) HBO Sat. 8:00 p.m., Next Sun. 12:10 a.m. JFK aaac (91, Drama) Kevin Costner. An attorney tracks presidents killers. (3:10) R (AL) (HD) HBO2 Fri. 12:05 p.m. Joe Dirt aac (01, Comedy) David Spade. A janitor tries to “nd his parents. (1:35) PG13 (AH, AL) (HD) ENCORE Sun. 6:25 a.m. John Tucker Must Die aac (06, Comedy) Jesse Metcalfe. Ex-girlfriends train girl to hurt ex. (1:30) PG-13 (HD) CINE Wed. 1:30 p.m. HBO2 Mon. 1:45 p.m. Julius Caesar aaa (53, Drama) Marlon Brando. Romans conspire against Julius Caesar. (2:15) NR TCM Fri. 6:00 a.m. Just Desserts aac (04, Comedy) Lauren Holly. A dessert chef and a baker fall in love. (2:00) NR HALL Sun. 7:00 p.m. Just Friends aac (05, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds. A man tries to revive a long-ago crush. (1:40) PG-13 (AL, SC) (HD) CINE Sun. 8:20 p.m. Just Like Heaven aaa (05, Comedy) Reese Witherspoon. A lonely man falls in love with a ghost. (2:00) PG-13 (AL, AS, SC) (HD) TBS Sat. 3:00 a.m.KKevin Hart: Laugh at My Pain aaa (11, Performance) Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart discusses his childhood. (1:01) R (AL, SC) (HD) COM Sun. 11:19 p.m., Mon. 8:30 p.m. Kick-Ass 2 aaa (13, Action) Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Red Mist seeks revenge on KickAss. (1:45) R (BN, GL, GV, SSC) (HD) CINE Mon. 10:15 a.m. CINE2 Sat. 10:10 a.m. The Killer Is Loose aaa (56, Crime) Joseph Cotten. Robber wants revenge on detective. (1:15) NR TCM Tue. 4:45 a.m. Killing Them Softly aac (12, Crime) Brad Pitt. Enforcer investigates Mob heist. (1:45) R (AC, AL, SC, V) (HD) SHOW Mon. 3:00 a.m. King Kong aaa (05, Adventure) Naomi Watts. Giant gorilla falls for beautiful girl. (3:10) PG13 (AT, V) (HD) CINE2 Thu. 7:05 a.m. The Kings of Summer aaa (13, Comedy) Nick Robinson. Friends spend summer in the woods. (1:35) R (AC, AL) (HD) SHOW Wed. 10:30 a.m. Klute aaa (71, Mystery) Jane Fonda. Search for missing man leads to hooker. (2:15) R TCM Next Sun. 12:00 a.m. Knockout aac (41, Drama) Arthur Kennedy. A prize- “ghter has marriage problems. (1:15) NR TCM Thu. 5:00 a.m.LLacombe, Lucien aaa (74, Drama) Pierre Blaise. Boy fails to join French resistance. (2:30) R TCM Wed. 12:00 a.m. L.A. Con“dential aaac (97, Drama) Kevin Spacey. Detectives uncover a conspiracy. (2:20) R (AL, SC, V) (HD) ENCORE Fri. 12:15 a.m. The Lady from Shanghai aaac (48, Mystery) Rita Hayworth. A man is pulled into a murder mystery. (1:45) NR TCM Sun. 10:30 a.m. The Lake House aaa (06, Drama) Keanu Reeves. Man lives two years in the past. (1:40) PG (AL, MT) CINE Sun. 2:45 p.m., Tue. 7:50 a.m. Lakeview Terrace aac (08, Thriller) Samuel L. Jackson. Property feud with cop becomes deadly. (2:00) PG-13 (AL, BN, V) TBS Wed. 2:00 a.m. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider aac (01, Action) Angelina Jolie. An archaeologist battles evil. (2:00) PG-13 (AL) (HD) TNT Mon. 3:00 a.m. Last Holiday aac (06, Comedy) Queen Latifah. A sales clerk has a European spree. (2:00) PG-13 (SC) (HD) SHOW Tue. 9:45 a.m., 5:00 p.m., Fri. 1:30 p.m., Sat. 3:50 p.m. The Last King of Scotland aaac (06, Drama) Forest Whitaker. A doctor meets dictator Idi Amin. (2:05) R (AL, GV, SC) (HD) HBO Sat. 2:40 a.m. CINE2 Tue. 8:05 a.m. Live Free or Die Hard aaa (07, Thriller) Bruce Willis. A detective tries to foil a terrorist. (2:45) PG-13 (HD) TNT Sun. 3:15 p.m. Lockout aac (12, Thriller) Guy Pearce. Rescue mission on an outer space prison. (2:00) PG13 (AL, SC, V) SYFY Fri. 2:00 p.m. The Lone Ranger aaa (13, Action) Johnny Depp. Lawman teams up with a Native American. (2:35) PG-13 (V) (HD) ENCORE Wed. 2:15 p.m., 10:10 p.m. Lone Survivor aaac (14, Thriller) Mark Wahlberg. Navy SEAL try to capture Taliban Leader. (2:05) R (AL, GV) (HD) CINE Sat. 7:55 p.m. CINE2 Tue. 6:55 p.m. Lucky You aac (07, Drama) Eric Bana. A poker pro faces his estranged father. (2:05) PG13 (AH, AL) (HD) CINE Next Sun. 1:15 a.m. Lust for Life aaa (56, Dr ama) Kirk Douglas. V an Gogh “ghts his obsessions. (2:15) NR TCM Thu. 12:45 a.m.MMad Max aaa (79, Science Fiction) Mel Gibson. A policeman avenges his wifes murder. (1:35) R (HD) ENCORE Fri. 10:55 a.m., 8:00 p.m., Sat. 3:00 a.m. WFTX Sun. 3:00 p.m. Manhattan aaac (79, Comedy) Woody Allen. A writer struggles with relationships. (1:40) R (HD) CINE2 Sat. 1:45 p.m.Friday at 8 p.m. on FOX, Jump Street stars Jonah Hill (pictured) and Channing Tatum as two police of“cers who “nd themselves reliving high school when they go undercover as students, out to stop the outbreak of a new and dangerous designer drug. SP49902 Call a friendly customer service representative today! Get more feedback from buyers when you advertise in the Classifieds! 863-385-6155 866-463-1638 SUN NEWSPAPERSCharlotte DeSoto Englewood North Port VeniceAmerica’s BEST Community Daily SO D Picture it l 44 ___________TME sie
48 The Man on the Eiffel Tower aac (49, Mystery) Charles Laughton. Police pursue paid killer through Paris. (1:30) NR WUSF Next Sun. 12:30 a.m. Man on Fire aaac (04, Drama) Denzel Washington. Former assassin protects child. (3:00) R (AL, GV) (HD) SPIKE Mon. 7:00 p.m., Tue. 12:30 a.m. WGN Sat. 11:30 p.m. Martin Lawrence: You So Crazy aac (94, Comedy) Lawrence performs live in Brooklyn. (1:30) NR CINE2 Fri. 3:10 a.m. Maverick aac (94, Western) Mel Gibson. Three gamblers head to a big poker game. (2:10) PG (AC, MV) (HD) ENCORE Mon. 12:30 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 10:25 p.m., Sat. 3:55 p.m., Next Sun. 12:00 a.m. Meet the Parents aaa (00, Comedy) Robert De Niro. A man meets his girlfriends parents. (1:50) PG-13 (AC, AH, AL) (HD) CINE Thu. 6:25 p.m. HBO2 Tue. 3:00 p.m. Me, Myself & Irene aac (00, Comedy) Jim Carrey. Schizophrenic trooper escorts a suspect. (2:38) R (AC, AL, N, V) (HD) COM Sun. 12:33 p.m. E! Wed. 9:30 a.m. Men in Black III aaa (12, Science Fiction) Will Smith. Alien assassinates Agent K in 1969. (3:00) PG-13 (AC, V) FX Sun. 3:00 p.m. Men of Honor aaa (00, Drama) Robert De Niro. A black Navy diver “ghts racism. (2:10) R (HD) HBO Mon. 2:00 a.m. HBO2 Fri. 3:30 a.m. Mercury Rising aac (98, Thriller) Bruce Willis. An autistic boy breaks government code. (2:00) R (AC, GL, V) SHOW Sun. 7:00 a.m. Murmur of the Heart aaac (71, Drama) Lea Massari. A teenager is emerging as a man. (2:00) NR TCM Wed. 2:30 a.m. Mutiny on the Bounty aaa (35, Drama) Charles Laughton. A brutal captain faces a mutinous crew. (2:30) NR TCM Sat. 2:15 a.m. Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie aaa (96, Comedy) Michael J. Nelson. Robots & man comment on space movie. (1:20) PG-13 (HD) CINE2 Thu. 5:45 a.m. My Summer of Love aaa (05, Drama) Nathalie Press. Young girls form intimate infatuation. (1:30) R (AC, AL, BN, MV) (HD) HBO Sat. 4:45 a.m.NThe Nanny Diaries aac (07, Comedy) Scarlett Johansson. A girl becomes a nanny for a rich kid. (2:02) PG-13 (AL) (HD) LIFE Mon. 8:00 p.m., Tue. 12:02 a.m. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation aaa (89, Comedy) Chevy Chase. A klutz plans a holiday celebration. (2:15) PG13 (AH) AMC Fri. 12:30 a.m., 3:45 p.m. National Lampoons Vacation aaa (83, Comedy) Chevy Chase. A family vacation faces many obstacles. (2:00) R (AH, AL, AS, N) (HD) AMC Fri. 8:00 p.m., Sat. 1:30 p.m. National Lampoons Van Wilder aac (02, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds. A college student must change his ways. (1:45) R (AC, AH, AL, SSC) (HD) SHOW Fri. 12:45 a.m. National Treasure: Book of Secrets aaa (07, Comedy) Nicolas Cage. Mystery behind Lincolns assassination. (3:00) PG (V) (HD) SPIKE Tue. 2:30 p.m., 8:00 p.m. Need for Speed aaa (14, Action) Aaron Paul. Ex-con seeks associate who framed him. (2:10) PG-13 (AL, N) (HD) SHOW Sat. 9:00 p.m. Neighbors aaa (14, Comedy) Seth Rogen. Couple lives next to fraternity house. (1:35) R (AC, AL, N, SSC) (HD) HBO Mon. 4:25 a.m. HBO2 Thu. 10:15 p.m. HBO3 Tue. 8:30 p.m. Network aaac (76, Drama) Faye Dunaway. A mans ravings make him a TV superstar. (2:15) R TCM Tue. 12:45 a.m. Now You See Me aaa (13, Thriller) Jesse Eisenberg. Illusionists take on bank heists. (2:00) PG-13 (AL, SC) (HD) HBO Wed. 7:00 p.m., Sat. 8:00 a.m. CINE2 Tue. 4:55 p.m.OOceans Eleven aaac (01, Crime) George Clooney. An excon robs three Las Vegas casinos. (2:30) PG-13 (AL, SC) (HD) AMC Sat. 10:00 p.m. Octopussy aaa (83, Action) Roger Moore. Agent battles crazed Russian general. (2:15) PG (AL, AS, V) ENCORE Mon. 11:25 a.m. The Omen aac (06, Horror) Julia Stiles. A man believes his son is the devil. (1:55) R (AL, GV, MT) (HD) CINE Sat. 4:20 p.m. One Fine Day aac (96, Romance) Michelle Pfeiffer. Single parents feud, then fall in love. (2:00) PG (AL, AS) (HD) HBO Tue. 2:00 p.m. One Foot in Heaven aaa (41, Drama) Fredric March. A ministers family deals with change. (2:00) NR TCM Thu. 8:00 p.m. One Mans Way aaa (64, Drama) Don Murray. An upbeat minister reaches many. (2:00) NR TCM Thu. 10:00 p.m. On Her Majestys Secret Service aac (69, Action) George Lazenby. Blofeld has plan to release virus. (2:25) PG (HD) ENCORE Mon. 8:00 p.m. Open Range aaac (03, Western) Robert Duvall. Two cowboys encounter a corrupt town. (3:00) R (V) FX Thu. 7:00 a.m. The Original Kings of Comedy aaa (00, Comedy) Four black standup comics perform live. (2:00) R (AH, AL) BET Thu. 2:00 a.m. Original Sin aac (01, Thriller) Antonio Banderas. Wife has plans for her husbands money. (2:00) R (HD) HBO2 Tue. 3:00 a.m. Oro negro aac (11, Aventura) Tahar Rahim. Amantes buscan paz en su ciudad. (2:30) R (V) (HD) WFTT Sun. 4:30 p.m. The Other Woman aaa (14, Comedy) Cameron Diaz. Three women team up for revenge. (1:55) PG-13 (AL, MT, SC) (HD) HBO Next Sun. 4:05 a.m. HBO3 Sun. 4:05 p.m.Candace Cameron Bure stars as librarian Aurora Teagarden, a crime buff, lover of mystery novels, which meets to analyze famous crimes and mysteries, in A Bone to Pick: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery, debuting Saturday at 9 p.m. as a simulcast on both Hallmark Movies & Mysteries and Hallmark Channel. SP49901 Call a friendly customer service representative today! STILL RUNNING OUT TO FETCH THE P APER? Subscribe to home delivery and we’ll deliver it! Gondolier SunVENICELOCAL NEWS COVER TO COVER FLORIDA’S NO.1 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Charlotte DeSoto Englewood North Port 863-385-6155 941-206-1300 941-207-1000 0 kwa
49 Outbreak aaa (95, Thriller) Dustin Hoffman. A lethal virus breaks out in America. (3:00) R (AL, V) SYFY Sat. 8:00 p.m.PPanic Room aaa (02, Thriller) Jodie Foster. Mother and daughter hide from criminals. (1:55) R (AL, V) (HD) ENCORE Sat. 6:05 p.m., Next Sun. 2:10 a.m. Pariah aac (11, Drama) Adepero Oduye. Struggling with sexual identity. (1:30) R (AL, SC) (HD) HBO3 Tue. 3:25 a.m. The Party aaa (68, Comedy) Peter Sellers. A clumsy actor from India ruins a party. (1:45) PG (MV) TCM Sat. 10:30 a.m. The Penalty aaac (20, Crime) Lon Chaney. A man seeks revenge against surgeon. (2:00) NR TCM Mon. 12:00 a.m. Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief aac (10, Fantasy) Logan Lerman. A teen meets Greek gods. (2:30) PG (AL, V) ESQ Sun. 1:30 p.m. Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters aaa (13, Adventure) Logan Lerman. Son of Poseidon embarks on journey. (1:55) PG (HD) HBO2 Wed. 4:50 p.m., Sat. 2:40 p.m. Philomena aaac (13, Drama) Judi Dench. An elderly womans search for her son. (1:55) PG-13 (AL) (HD) SHOW Fri. 11:35 a.m. Prisoners aaac (13, Drama) Hugh Jackman. Father searches for missing daughter. (2:35) R (AL, V) (HD) HBO Mon. 11:30 p.m. Private Parts aac (97, Drama) Howard Stern. Radios bad boy tells his life story. (1:50) R (HD) CINE Thu. 10:00 p.m. Promised Land aaa (12, Drama) Matt Damon. Natural gas company and rural town. (1:50) R (AL) (HD) CINE Sun. 4:25 p.m. CINE2 Sat. 3:25 p.m. Public Enemies aaa (09, Drama) Johnny Depp. El FBI anda tras John Dillinger. (2:30) R (AL, V) (HD) WFTT Sun. 11:30 a.m. The Purge aac (13, Thriller) Ethan Hawke. All crime is legal one night each year. (1:30) R (AL, V) (HD) CINE Tue. 4:45 p.m. CINE2 Mon. 3:05 a.m., Thu. 9:00 p.m. The Purge: Anarchy aaa (14, Thriller) Frank Grillo. Five people “ght to survive Purge. (1:45) R (AL, GV) (HD) CINE Mon. 8:15 p.m., Sat. 12:45 a.m. CINE2 Mon. 5:05 a.m., W ed. 11:35 a.m. Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer aac (13, Documentary) Mariya Alyokhina. 2012 trial of feminist music group. (1:30) NR (AC, AL, N, SC) (HD) HBO2 Wed. 3:05 a.m.RRadio Flyer aac (92, Drama) Lorraine Bracco. Brothers escape into imagination. (1:55) PG-13 (HD) ENCORE Sat. 8:35 a.m. Ransom aaa (96, Drama) Mel Gibson. A man targets his sons kidnappers. (2:30) R (AL, GV) TBS Tue. 2:00 a.m. The Rebound aac (09, Comedy) Catherine Zeta-Jones. Woman grows close to coffee shop worker. (2:00) R (AC, GL, SC) (HD) LIFE Mon. 4:00 p.m. Red aaac (10, Action) Bruce Willis. A retired CIA agent “ghts for his life. (2:15) PG-13 (AL, V) (HD) TNT Sun. 8:00 p.m. Red Dragon aaa (02, Crime) Anthony Hopkins. Agent searches for full moon killer. (2:10) R (AL, GV, N, SC) (HD) CINE Mon. 4:20 p.m. CINE2 Fri. 3:05 p.m. Repo Men aac (10, Science Fiction) Jude Law. Corporate agents repossess organs. (2:30) R (AL, GV, N, SC) (HD) AMC Sat. 2:00 a.m. Ride Along aac (14, Comedy) Ice Cube. A ridiculous, high-pressured ride along. (1:45) PG-13 (AL, SC, V) (HD) HBO Thu. 11:15 a.m., 9:00 p.m. CINE2 Mon. 3:25 p.m. Rio 2 aac (14, Adventure) Jesse Eisenberg. Blu and family go to jungles of Amazon. (1:45) G (HD) HBO2 Wed. 12:00 p.m. The Rite aac (11, Horror) Anthony Hopkins. American priest studies exorcisms. (2:00) PG-13 (AC, AL, AT, V) (HD) CINE2 Wed. 9:35 a.m., Sat. 5:20 p.m. Runner Runner aac (13, Thriller) Justin Timberlake. Grad student caught in corrupt world. (1:35) R (AL, SC) (HD) CINE2 Fri. 9:00 p.m. Rush aaac (13, Drama) Chris Hemsworth. Rivalry forged in racings golden age. (2:05) R (AC, AL, N, SC) (HD) HBO2 Fri. 4:40 p.m. HBO3 Tue. 9:35 a.m. Rush Hour aac (98, Action) Jackie Chan. LA cop and Hong Kong detective team up. (1:45) PG-13 (AC, AL, V) (HD) HBO Fri. 5:45 p.m. Rush Hour 3 aac (07, Comedy) Chris Tucker. Detectives go to Paris to track Triad. (2:00) PG13 (AL, N, SC, V) (HD) TNT Fri. 4:00 p.m.SSafe Haven aac (13, Romance) Josh Duhamel. A woman falls in love with a widower. (2:30) PG-13 (MT, SC, V) USA Sun. 11:00 p.m., Mon. 6:30 a.m. Sahara aac (05, Adventure) Matthew McConaughey. Treasure hunter searches for battleship. (3:00) PG-13 (V) (HD) AMC Wed. 11:00 p.m., Thu. 2:00 p.m. Salvador aaac (86, Drama) James Woods. A journalist covers El Salvador. (2:30) R WNFM Sat. 9:30 p.m. San Francisco aaac (36, Drama) Clark Gable. Passions â€are during an earthquake. (2:15) NR TCM Fri. 10:00 p.m. Save the Last Dance aac (01, Romance) Julia Stiles. A teenager dreams of being a ballerina. (1:55) PG-13 (AL, AS, SC, V) (HD) CINE2 Sat. 2:30 a.m. Saving Grace aaa (00, Comedy) Brenda Blethyn. A housewife grows marijuana. (1:35) R (AC, AL) (HD) HBO3 Wed. 5:45 p.m. Saw II aaa (05, Horror) Donnie Wahlberg. Jigsaw is back for more deadly games. (2:00) R (AC, AL, GV) (HD) SYFY Sun. 11:00 a.m. The School of Rock aaa (03, Comedy) Jack Black. Unconventional substitute teacher. (2:30) PG-13 (AC, AH) (HD) AMC Wed. 12:00 p.m. Seconds Apart aac (11, Horror) Edmund Entin. Two twin brothers have telekinesis. (1:30) R (AL, GV, SC, V) (HD) CINE Tue. 4:30 a.m. Secretary aaa (02, Drama) James Spader. Masochistic woman returns home. (1:55) R (AC, AL, BN, MT) (HD) HBO2 Mon. 2:15 a.m. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty aaac (13, Adventure) Ben Stiller. Daydreamer embarks on fantastic journey. (1:55) PG (HD) CINE Wed. 5:00 p.m. Seeking a Friend for the End of the World aaa (12, Comedy) Steve Carell. A man searches for high school â€ame. (1:45) R (AC, AL, V) (HD) HBO3 Mon. 7:15 p.m. Selena aac (97, Drama) Jennifer Lopez. La historia de la cantante Selena. (2:30) PG (AL, AS, V) (HD) WFTT Sun. 7:00 p.m. Semi-Tough aac (77, Comedy) Burt R eynolds. F ootball players fall for same woman. (1:55) R (HD) CINE Sun. 6:05 a.m. Session 9 aac (01, Thriller) David Caruso. Work crew in an abandoned asylum. (1:45) R (AL, AS, GV) (HD) CINE Fri. 10:00 a.m. 17 Again aac (09, Comedy) Zac Efron. Man gets a chance to live as a teenager. (2:00) PG13 (AL, SC) (HD) TBS Sat. 1:00 a.m., 7:30 a.m. The Signal aac (14, Science Fiction) Brenton Thwaites. Man awakens quarantined in lab. (1:40) PG-13 (AL, MT, V) (HD) CINE2 Tue. 12:20 a.m. Silverado aaa (85, Western) Kevin Kline. Four gunslingers face a corrupt sheriff. (2:20) PG-13 (AL, V) (HD) ENCORE Sat. 9:40 p.m. Simon of the Desert aaac (69, Drama) Claudio Brook. The Devil tempts a Christian man. (1:00) NR TCM Mon. 4:30 a.m. Sing Your Worries Away aac (42, Musical) Bert Lahr. Composer inherits millions of dollars. (1:45) NR TCM Thu. 6:15 p.m. A A U U T T O O A A I I R R AUTOAIR AUTO AIR S S P P E E C C I I A A L L I I S S T T SPECIALIST SPECIALIST Over27YearsExperience Over 27 Years Experience Whidden Industrial Park 23355 Janice Ave Port Charlotte WWW.AUTOAIRSPECIALIST.COM WWW.AUTOAIRSPECIALIST.COM WWW .A UTO A IR S PECIALIST . 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50Sinister aaac (12, Horror) Ethan Hawke. Sometimes murders should stay unsolved. (1:50) R (AC) (HD) SHOW Sat. 1:45 a.m. The Sisterhood of the T raveling Pants aaa (05, Comedy) Amber Tamblyn. Four girls use jeans to stay in touch. (2:00) PG (AC, AL) (HD) HBO2 Fri. 6:45 a.m. The Sitter aac (11, Comedy) Jonah Hill. Babysitter drives kids through NY City. (2:00) R (AC, AL, SC, V) FX Sun. 11:00 a.m. Slap Shot aaa (77, Comedy) Paul Newman. Hockey coach changes strategy. (2:10) R (HD) CINE Next Sun. 3:50 a.m. Snow White and the Huntsman aac (12, Fantasy) Kristen Stewart. Snow White pursues her evil stepmother. (3:00) PG13 (AC, V) FX Sun. 9:00 p.m. Sorority House aaa (39, Drama) Anne Shirley. Young woman pledges snobby sorority. (1:15) NR TCM Mon. 8:45 a.m. Sparkle aac (12, Drama) Jordin Sparks. Sisters try to make it in Motown scene. (3:00) PG13 (AL, AS, MT, V) (HD) BET Fri. 12:30 p.m. Stalked at 17 aaa (12, Drama) Taylor Spreitler. Teen girl threatened by boyfriend. (2:00) NR (HD) LIFE Sun. 5:00 p.m. A Star Is Born aaac (37, Drama) Janet Gaynor. A woman “nds fame and fortune. (2:00) NR WUSF Next Sun. 2:00 a.m. Stars in My Crown aaac (50, Western) Joel McCrea. New minister in town faces trouble. (1:45) G TCM Fri. 12:00 a.m. Starsky & Hutch aac (04, Comedy) Ben Stiller. Detectives try to stop a drug dealer. (2:05) PG-13 (AC, AL, BN, V) (HD) COM Sun. 10:28 a.m. A Streetcar Named Desire aaac (51, Drama) Vivien Leigh. A faded Southern belle “nds tragedy. (2:15) NR TC M F ri. 4:15 p.m. Stuck on You aac (03, Comedy) Matt Damon. Conjoined twins seek their dreams. (2:05) PG13 (AH, AL) (HD) ENCORE Fri. 6:35 a.m. Sunshine aaa (07, Thriller) Cillian Murphy. Scientists journey to reignite the sun. (1:50) R (AL, V) (HD) HBO2 Wed. 6:10 a.m. The Sweeter Side of Life aac (13, Comedy) Kathryn Morris. A socialite works for a bakery. (2:00) NR (HD) HALL Sun. 11:00 a.m. Swingers aaa (96, Drama) Jon Favreau. Lovelorn comedians single life in L.A. (1:45) R (AH, AL, SC) (HD) SHOW Thu. 11:30 a.m., 6:15 p.m. Sword“sh aaa (01, Action) John Travolta. Savvy hacker steals government money. (1:40) R (AL, N, SC, V) (HD) CINE Sat. 6:15 p.m.TTakers aac (10, Action) Matt Dillon. Five bank robbers do one last job. (2:30) PG-13 (AL, BN, SC, V) (HD) FX Fri. 9:30 a.m., Sat. 1:00 a.m. Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight aac (95, Horror) Billy Zane. A drifter steals a supernatural key. (1:35) R (HD) HBO2 Wed. 4:35 a.m. Tarzan and His Mate aac (34, Adventure) Johnny Weissmuller. Jane believes Tarzan is dead. (2:00) NR TCM Sat. 12:15 a.m. Tears of the Sun aaa (03, Action) Bruce Willis. Squad must rescue doctor from rebels. (2:30) R (AL, GV) FX Tue. 11:30 a.m., Wed. 8:00 a.m. Teen Wolf aac (85, Comedy) Michael J. Fox. Teenager becomes a werewolf. (2:00) PG (AL, AS, MV) AMC Fri. 2:45 a.m. Thank You for Smoking aaac (06, Comedy) Aaron Eckhart. A tobacco lobbyist faces opposition. (1:35) R (AL, SC) (HD) HBO3 Fri. 2:05 a.m. Thelma & Louise aaa (91, Drama) Susan Sarandon. Girlfriends take a dangerous road trip. (2:15) R (AL, SC, V) (HD) HBO3 Sat. 3:15 a.m. Theres Something About Mary aaa (98, Comedy) Cameron Diaz. A man hires a detective to “nd a woman. (2:30) R (AL, SC) BRAVO Fri. 6:30 p.m., Sat. 1:00 a.m. The Thing aaac (82, Horror) Kurt Russell. A shape-shifting alien is unleashed. (1:55) R (HD) CINE2 Tue. 12:30 p.m. Things We Lost in the Fire aaa (07, Drama) Halle Berry. A widow helps a drug-addicted friend. (2:00) R (AL, MT) (HD) CINE Fri. 8:00 a.m. The 13th Warrior aaa (99, Action) Antonio Banderas. An Arabic poet “ghts for the Vikings. (2:00) R (V) SYFY Mon. 7:00 p.m. This Is 40 aac (12, Comedy) Paul Rudd. A not-so-average American family. (3:00) R (AC, AH, AL, SC) FX Thu. 7:00 p.m., 11:30 p.m. The Thomas Cro wn Affair aac (99, Thriller) Pierce Brosnan. A man steals a painting for thrills. (1:55) R (AC, AL, N) (HD) CINE2 Thu. 11:40 p.m. Three Men and a Baby aac (87, Comedy) Steve Guttenberg. Three bachelors care for a baby. (1:45) PG (AC, AL) (HD) SHOW Thu. 6:20 a.m. The Three Musketeers aaa (93, Adventure) Charlie Sheen. Musketeers defend the crown. (1:45) PG (HD) SHOW Tue. 8:00 a.m. Thunderheart aac (92, Drama) Val Kilmer. A murder on an Indian reservation. (2:05) R (AC, AL, BN, V) (HD) ENCORE Fri. 12:30 p.m. Timecop aac (94, Science Fiction) Jean-Claude Van Damme. Corrupt senator tries to change history. (1:45) R (AC, AL, N, V) (HD) CINE Wed. 4:15 a.m. Titanic aaac (97, Romance) Leonardo DiCaprio. Romance blooms on the doomed vessel. (4:30) PG-13 (AL, MT, N, V) (HD) AMC Tue. 4:30 p.m. Training Day aaa (01, Drama) Denzel Washington. Rookie rides with a veteran cop. (2:30) R (AL, BN, GV) (HD) SPIKE Mon. 11:00 a.m., 4:30 p.m. Trance aaa (13, Thriller) James McAvoy. A man works with a group of criminals. (1:45) R (AL, N, SC, V) (HD) CINE2 Thu. 2:30 a.m. Transformers: Dark of the Moon aac (11, Action) Shia LaBeouf. The Autobots battle the Decepticons. (3:30) PG-13 (AC, AL, SC, V) FX Tue. 6:30 p.m., Wed. 10:30 a.m. Transporter 2 aac (05, Crime) Jason Statham. Mercenary battles boys kidnappers. (2:00) PG-13 (AL, BN, SC, V) ESQ Sun. 4:00 p.m. Trapeze aac (56, Drama) Burt Lancaster. An acrobat attempts a dangerous trick. (2:00) NR (MV) TCM Sat. 6:00 p.m. Tristana aaac (70, Drama) Catherine Deneuve. Girl entrusted to womanizing old man. (2:00) GP TCM Mon. 2:00 a.m. Tr opic Thunder aaa (08, Comedy) Ben Stiller. Clueless actors are lost in the jungle. (2:30) R (AC, AL, SC, V) (HD) FX Fri. 5:30 p.m. True Crime aac (99, Thriller) Clint Eastwood. Reporter races to save death row inmate. (2:15) R (AC, AL, V) (HD) CINE Fri. 6:00 p.m. True Lies aaa (94, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Secret agent tries to save his marriage. (2:25) R (AC, AL, V) (HD) CINE Fri. 1:30 p.m. The Truman Show aaac (98, Drama) Jim Carrey. Mans life is subject of TV show. (1:45) PG (AC, AL) (HD) HBO Thu. 3:00 p.m. CINE2 Mon. 9:00 p.m. El turista aac (10, Thriller) Angelina Jolie. Dos personas cruzan caminos en Venecia. (2:00) PG-13 (AL, V) (HD) WFTT Sat. 6:00 p.m. 12 Years a Slave aaac (13, Drama) Chiwetel Ejiofor. Free man is abducted and sold as slave. (2:15) R (N, SC, V) (HD) HBO2 Mon. 5:15 p.m. HBO3 Fri. 6:40 p.m. Charlotte DeSoto Englewood North Port 863-385-6155 941-206-1300 941-207-1000To your door ......Call a friendly customer service representative today to subscribe! Delivering Our Best!GondoferSJh
51 28 Days aac (00, Drama) Sandra Bullock. Antics force party girl into rehab. (1:50) PG-13 (AC, AL) HBO3 Sun. 8:10 a.m. 21 aaa (08, Drama) Jim Sturgess. Student recruited for blackjack scheme. (2:30) PG13 (N, SC, V) ESQ Thu. 8:00 p.m., 10:30 p.m. WXPX Sun. 4:00 p.m. 2 Guns aaa (13, Action) Denzel Washington. Two men learn the mob has set them up. (1:55) R (AL, BN, V) (HD) HBO Sat. 10:15 p.m. CINE2 Sun. 2:55 p.m.UUnder Siege aac (92, Action) Steven Seagal. Terrorists capture nuclear missiles. (2:30) R (AL, BN, GV) (HD) AMC Mon. 11:30 a.m. Under the Tuscan Sun aaa (03, Comedy) Diane Lane. A divorcee buys a villa in Tuscany. (2:00) PG-13 (AL, SC) (HD) WGN Mon. 2:30 a.m. WTOG Sun. 12:00 p.m. Undisputed aac (02, Action) Ving Rhames. Man contends for prison boxing title. (1:40) R (GL, N, RP, V) (HD) ENCORE Fri. 11:40 p.m. Unforgettable aac (96, Science Fiction) Ray Liotta. Man uses wifes memory to “nd killer. (2:00) R (AL, N, V) WNFM Tue. 2:00 a.m. Up in the Air aaac (09, Drama) George Clooney. A traveler defends his lifestyle. (1:55) R (HD) HBO3 Thu. 7:05 p.m.VVeronica Mars aaac (14, Crime) Kristen Bell. Back for reunion, Mars must investigate. (1:50) PG-13 (AC, AL, SC, V) (HD) CINE2 Wed. 5:15 p.m., Sat. 8:20 a.m. V for Vendetta aaac (06, Action) Natalie Portman. Fighting a totalitarian government. (2:15) R (AL, V) CINE2 Thu. 6:45 p.m. Viva Zapata! aaac (52, Drama) Marlon Brando. New regime is corrupt as last one. (2:15) NR TCM Wed. 8:00 p.m. The Vow aaa (12, Romance) Rachel McAdams. Husband must win amnesiac wifes heart. (2:00) PG-13 (AL, BN, SC) FX Mon. 7:00 p.m., Tue. 1:00 a.m.WWag the Dog aaa (97, Comedy) Robert De Niro. Fictional war is staged as distraction. (1:40) R (AC, GL) (HD) HBO3 Sun. 11:55 p.m. Waist Deep aac (06, Action) Tyrese Gibson. An ex-con loses son in carjacking. (1:40) R (AL, V) (HD) CINE2 Sun. 7:20 p.m. Waiting to Exhale aac (95, Drama) Whitney Houston. Four friends lend support to one another. (2:05) R (AC, AL, N) (HD) CINE Fri. 3:55 p.m. Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story aaa (07, Comedy) John C. Reilly. Musical legends tour through stardom. (2:20) R (AL, AS, N, SC) (HD) COM Thu. 10:04 a.m. Wall Street aaa (87, Drama) Michael Douglas. A stockbroker questions his values. (2:10) R (AC, AL, N) (HD) ENCORE Thu. 10:35 a.m., Next Sun. 4:05 a.m. A Walton Easter aaa (97, Drama) Richard Thomas. Family reunites for 40th anniversary. (2:00) NR (HD) HALL Fri. 7:00 p.m. The Way aaa (11, Drama) Martin Sheen. A man goes on a trek through Europe. (2:00) PG-13 (AC) SHOW Fri. 6:00 a.m. The Way, Way Back aaa (13, Comedy) Steve Carell. Introverted teen befriends park manager. (1:45) PG-13 (AC, MT, SC) (HD) HBO2 Tue. 6:50 a.m. HBO3 Thu. 5:20 p.m., Sat. 5:10 p.m. Wedding Crashers aaa (05, Comedy) Owen Wilson. Womanizers prey on wedding guests. (2:05) R (AL, N, SC) (HD) CINE Tue. 6:15 p.m. CINE2 Wed. 9:00 p.m. The White Cliffs of Dover aaa (44, Romance) Irene Dunne. A romance is cut short by World War I. (2:15) NR TCM Sat. 6:15 a.m. Wish I Was Here aaa (14, Comedy) Zach Braff. Man examines life, career and family. (1:50) R (AL, SC) (HD) CINE Sat. 10:00 p.m. Witness for the Prosecution aaac (58, Thriller) Marlene Dietrich. A young man is accused of murder. (2:15) NR TCM Sat. 8:00 p.m. The Wizard of Oz aaac (39, Fantasy) Judy Garland. Transported to a magical land. (2:00) NR TCM Fri. 8:00 p.m. The Wolverine aaac (13, Action) Hugh Jackman. Wolverine encounters enemy from past. (2:10) PG-13 (AL, SC, V) (HD) CINE Wed. 1:30 a.m. HBO Fri. 1:30 p.m.XThe X Files: I Want to Believe aac (08, Science Fiction) David Duchovny. Two former FBI agents tackle a new case. (2:00) PG-13 WTOG Sat. 2:30 p.m. X-Men aaa (00, Action) Patrick Stewart. Superheroes “ght plot against mankind. (2:30) PG-13 (V) (HD) AMC Thu. 2:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. X-Men: The Last Stand aaa (06, Action) Hugh Jackman. A cure for mutants provokes war. (1:45) PG-13 (AL, SC, V) (HD) HBO Fri. 11:45 a.m.YYellow Jack aaa (38, Drama) Robert Montgomery. Soldier become infected with malaria. (1:30) NR TCM Thu. 12:45 p.m. You, Me and Dupree aac (06, Comedy) Owen Wilson. Best friend moves in with newlyweds. (1:55) PG-13 (AC, AL, BN, SC) (HD) CINE2 Wed. 7:05 p.m., Fri. 11:40 p.m. The Young Lions aaa (58, Drama) Marlon Brando. Three soldiers endure the horror of war. (3:00) NR (MV) TCM Fri. 10:30 a.m.ZZazie dans le mtro aaa (61, Comedy) Catherine Demongeot. Precocious 12-year-old tours Paris. (2:00) NR TCM Tue. 8:00 p.m. Zorba the Greek aaa (64, Drama) Anthony Quinn. A worker teaches a writer about life. (2:30) NR TCM Wed. 10:15 p.m.Airing Saturday at 10 p.m. on Cinemax, the 2014 comedy-drama Wish I Was Here stars Zach Braff (Scrubs) as a struggling actor and father of two whose working wife suggests he homeschool their children after their “nances are further compromised, all leading to a journey of self-discovery for the whole family. Keep an eye on the classifieds! Call today to start your home delivered copy! 863-385-6155 Charlotte DeSoto Englewood North Port 941-206-1300 Gondolier SunVENICELOCAL NEWS COVER TO COVER FLORIDA’S NO.1 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER 941-207-1000 UNIQUE? UNIQUE? UNIQUE? Looking for something r..aCID-. -.terJIM , . im
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adno=50482137 1312 Market Circle, Unit #9, Port Charlotte 941-743-2646 w Hunter Douglas Alliance Dealer Fully Licensed And Insured Best Customer Service Anywhere! Over 80% Of Our Business Is Referrals! Residential & Commercial BRAND NEW Beautiful Showroom MADE IN THE USA! Providing Quality Window Treatments Sales, Service And Installation Since 1983. QUICKEST TURN AROUND GRAND OPENING FRIDAY, MARCH 13TH 4PM-7PM Wine & Cheese Open House ASK ABOUT YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A $250 GIFT CARD LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE We Manufacture Shutters, Verticals, Draperies, Sunshades & Top Treatments. adno=50482201 THE' (TLTZ-TRAL (:ENTER CORDL4LLYINVITE'S YOU TOA BANOUITT CE1,EBRATI()N IN HONOR OF^^ ". (Ion Cyasyar[6SATURDAY, APRIL 11THCOCKTAILS BEGIN AT FIVE O'CLOCKWITII DINNER TO FOLLOW AT SIX O'CLOCKENJOY DINNER, AUCTIONS, AND RAFFLES AS WE RECOGNIZE MR.GASGARTH FOR HIS COMMUNITY SERVICE AND COMMITMENT TO THECITIZENS OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY.Tickets are $80 each or $600 fora full table of eight. Please cultural centercontact Amanda at (941) 625-4175 ext. 240 for reservations. of charlotte countyti I I
PAGE 101
Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 1 TM Themore youread, themore youllknow. Keepupto datewith yourlocal newspaper! OPEN HOUSE1010 NEW! NEW! NEW! JUST COMPLETED ROTONDA MODEL HOME. Open House Sat & Sun 1-4 PM. and by appt. 33 Medalist Circle. 2,200 sq. ft., 3/2 w/den, 3-car gar & pool. Superior quality const, luxury custom upgrades top-to-bottom & 1 yr builder warranty. Floor plan of the year. Best new construction you can find! Just reduced over $10K. NO flood zone: 941-769-0200. NORTH PORT SUN. 12-3 2845 Rhumba Terr. Many Upgrades, New Appls., Hurricane Accordian Shutters, Shed w/elec. $164,900 BRUCE HENRY Berkshire Hathaway Home Service Florida Realty 941-626-3200 Seizethesales withClassified! OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 11:00-3:00 31 Medalist Rd Custom Built 3/2.5/2 Loaded with Upgrades Soaring Ceilings-Tropical Pool -Must See Today! New Homes From $169,900. 2015 Delivery Model OPEN Daily 11:002:00 or By Appointment Reliance Custom Homes #1513325 941-468-8300 ROTONDA MODEL SALE! OPEN HOUSE1010 NORTH PORT 55+ Gated Resort Style Comm. Private Lakefront, Wilderness Preserve Lot, 2008 Single Family 2/2/2 w/Den, 1910 sf. Upgrades Galore! $289,900. ***SOLD*** LAKE SUZY TODAY 12-4PM12918 SW PEMBROKECIRN. BEAUTIFULLAKESUZYHOME WITHWIDELAKEVIEWS. LUKE ANDREAE, REMAX HARBOR REALTY 941-833-4217 Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! MODEL/OPEN HOUSEMon-Sat 10-5 & Sun 12-4 NEW! TURNBERRY II MODEL by Arthur Rutenberg Homes/SandStar Homes. Beautifully Furnished! 3400 Bal Harbor Blvd Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941-505-1800CGC055986-GC013881 OPEN HOUSE1010 26169 Explorer Rd. DEEP CREEK Open Sat 12-3 PM Rare 3/2/2 Villa Style Condo. Updated and move in ready w/low mo. fee of $260 includes W&S. $159,900 with$1000 buyer rebate if purchased throughFla Golf Properties 941-698-4653 BAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY Come see what our lifestyle has to offer! 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5444 Aged Qualified OPEN HOUSE! Saturday 10am-2pm FIVE STAR REALTY OPEN HOUSESunday 3/29/2015: 316 Coldeway Drive #30, Punta Gorda, FL 33950, 1:00PM-4:00PMFORMOREINFORMATION ANDPHOTOS, PLEASEVISITOURFACEBOOKPAGEAT:HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/FIVESTARRLTY OPEN HOUSE1010 ADVANTAGE REALTY INC. OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY11AM 2PM 2970 Royal Palm Dr., N.P. $245,000 3BR/2Ba/2 Car with private Pool in Gated Community. Golf Course View! (Toledo Blade R into Bobcat Trail, R on Royal Palm Dr.) 11AM 2PM 4769 Antioch St., N.P. $155,900 Bank Owned, Price Reduction!! 4/2/2, Open Floor Plan. (Hillsborough, L to San Mateo, L on Laredo, R on Antioch) 12PM 3PM 192 Danforth Dr., P.C. $174,900 Hurry! SWF Canal w/Pool 4/2/2 Newly Redecorated, Pool Resurfaced. More! (Off Harborview, Just West of I-75) 12:30PM 3:30PM 1243 Hartsdale N.P. $169,900 Price Reduced! Nice 3bed/2bath Open Floor Plan. (US 41 N, R on Biscayne, L on Price, L on Hartsdale) 941-255-5300 800-940-5033 Lookingfor Adventure? Findit inthe Classifieds 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin. EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY OPEN HOUSE1010 11782 COURTLY MANOR LAKE SUZY OPEN SUNDAY 12-3 This huge custom built 3/3/3 residence is full architectural features and appointments to please the most discriminating buyer and comes with a million dollar view. $ 349,000 Fla Golf Properties 941-698-4653 1920 BAYSHORE DR. SAT & SUN. 10-4 Recent remodel 6800 Sq. Ft. 1.65 acre bay front. Tennis court, built up to current flood elevation code, marble floors, roof built 2001, new appliances, crown moldings, new LED lights and cedar ceilings. 704-968-7105 Pirate Harbour, Punta Gorda OPEN HOUSE SUN 11-3 24180 Treasure Island Blvd. Island-style 3/3/2 On Sailboat Waterfront. Refreshments Served. Cynthia OHara, Sun Realty 941-661-6797 Or 941-740-1160 ADVERTISE! Open By Apt. only 26081 PAYSANDU DR DEEP CREEK $249,000.00 Huge 2678 sq ft 4 Bedroom 3 Bath Estate Style pool home with great curb appeal. Mature landscaping, custom curbing and storage galore. $1500 Buyer rebate if purchased through Fla Golf Properties941-698-4653 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin. EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY REAL EST A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! enhancing minds all across town.ti.!F' G sSUN -`NEWSPAPERSCharlotte DeSoto Englewood North Port VeniceAmerica's BEST Community Daily"
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Page 2 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 adno=8535470 Venice 333Tamiami Trail,#279 Venice,FL 34285 (941) 209-1318 Reg#233032 Bradenton/ Sarasota 2831Ringling Blvd,#F-124 Sarasota,FL 34237 (941) 906-1881 Reg#231684 PuntaGorda 207CrossSt. #103PuntaGorda,FL33950 (941) 525-2322 Reg#232855 adno=85354734Locations: Ourcaregiversareexperienced,screened, bonded,andinsuredemployees.Weoffer temporaryorLong-Termservicesin yourhomeorinafacility. HouseholdOrganization WardrobeAssistance Alzheimers&FacilityCare CoordinatingServicesWith OtherFacilities &Agencies Enjoyabeautifuldayor eveningwhileknowingyour lovedoneisbeingcaredforFreeAssessments! CallToday! H o m e m a k e r s , Homemakers, C o m p a n i o n s Companions & S i t t e r s &SittersHomemaking Housekeeping Companionship SurgeryRecovery Transportation Laundry&Linens MealPlanning/ Preparation HourlyRates 24/7Availableanon-medicalsolutionforyoureverydayneeds! I s s u e s O f A g i n g I s s u e s O f A g i n g IssuesOfAging D i s c u s s i o n G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n G r o u p DiscussionGroupDr.AllanN.Schwartz,LCSW ToRegister,Call720-470-2028or Email: DRANSPHD@AOL.COM ~Depression ~Health ~Loneliness ~Finances ~Anxiety ~Lossadno=8535474Groupwillmeet2xamonth, Wednesdays1:00-2:00pm adno=8535475 HearingAid Solutions,Inc. B e s t B e s t Best P e t e r C l e p p e HA S / B C -HI S PeterCleppeHAS/BC-HISFromEntryLevelHearingAidsto TheMostAdvancedSmartAids HearingAidBatteryOffer! $14.99foraboxof60Batteries(includespostage)NoReasontoComein. BestHearingAidCenter 1931TamiamiTrl.#7,PortCharlotte(941)979-9552HearingHelpThat ComesGuaranteedATrustedNamein HearingHealthcare adno=8535472 2701JacarandaBlvd. Vnic,FL34293941-497-0650 4900S.SumtrBlvd. NorthPort,FL34287AssistdLivingFacilityLic#10843941-423-0658 4950PocatllaAv. NorthPort,FL34287AssistdLivingFacilityLic#7860941-426-9175 24949SandhillBlvd. DpCrk,FL33983AssistdLivingFacilityLic#9905941-764-6577Atourpremierretirementresidencesweknowthatyouwillfeelrightathome.Our residenceshavebeendesignedforthediscriminatingseniorwhohasplannedfortheir retirementyearstoenjoylifetoitsfullest. Ourpremierretirementresidencesprestigiouslocationsaloneareenoughforyouto havefoundthedreamofyourlife.Nestledamongbeautifullandscapedgardensnearthe entrances,eachresidentwillrelishthelushtropicalatmospheres. Uncompromisingexcellence,aordableresort-styleretirementliving,deliciouscountry clubstylediningandspaciousaccommodationsarejustafewofthehallmarksthatmake ourresidencesthepremierretirement communitiesforwhichweareknown. Attheareasonlygatedretirementresidences,youwillenjoy: Spaciousgardenapartments&studiosLargewalk-inclosets Walk-inshowerswithsafetybarsFurnishingsandappliances ThreedeliciousmealsdailyplussnacksDailyhousekeepingservices Personallaundryservicewithlinensprovided Transportationtophysiciansoces,banks,andshopping EmergencycallsystemSecurityandsafetysystemsRecreationalactivities Qualiednursingsta24hoursadayMuch,muchmoreCALLforaFree LunchTour APLACeCALLeDHomeadno=8535471 2901 SENIOR LIVINGIVS . I.'76 c9ardensI of Porth VortGardens l`lovtiti Port Proes Chardettsof Venice!EideE'!':21iT i.ES!..C4iCC14 " JJLLJ JI 'iuy'&44 SWFLILC1From A Few Hours Up To 24 Hours-7 Days A WeekWe Offer Care InYour HomeOr FacilityJust a few of our services include:Assistance with bathing, grooming, dressing,feeding and everyday livingCompanionship + Meal preparation and clean upErrands and shopping 4 Laundry and light housekeepingTransportation to doctor's appts and other events a+ i i r i 9i 1 1 1 1Licensed Nurse Registry # 30211689 1
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Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 3 adno=8535476 HearingAidfor oneear $775 Fixbothearsfor $1,499RobertWatts,HAS/BC-HIS#5556NationalBoardCertificationinHearingInstrumentSciences CallTodayforaComplimentaryConsultation:941.249.4503MapleLeafPlaza2200KingsHwy.,PortCharlotte www.bobsbetterswfl.comBOBSBETTER HEARING GrandOpeningSpecial a d n o= = 8 5 3 54 4 7 8 adno=8535478 adno=8535479JAMESW.MALLONEE,P.A.LAWOFFICEJAMESW.MALLONEEPROBATEWILLS/TRUSTS GUARDIANSHIPSREALESTATEOfficeHoursMondaythruFriday,9:00AMto5:00PM901VenetiaBayBlvd.#360,Venice,FL34285946TamiamiTrail,#206,PortCharlotte,FL33953(941) adno=8535480 Where Compassion&Care 2745E.VeniceAve.,Venice,FL34292Tel:941-488-5970Lic.#AL7804Weprovidethefollowing AssistedLivinginahomeyatmosphere Assistancewithallactivitiesofdailyliving MedicationsBathingDressing AmbulatingShowering Threedailynutritionalmealsandsnacks Laundryandlinenservices Entertainmentandactivities CleaningroomsFullysprinkleredbuildingRatesaslowas$1,500/Month adno=8535481 A-CSERVICESINC.AnotherChoiceFor AirConditioningSalesAndService(941)380-0973Lic.#CAC1815497$48SERVICECALLSNEW16SEERSYSTEMS$2988FreeEstimates FinancingAvailableFROM adno=8535484A+VENICEWELLNESSCARE*INHOMEORFACILITY *NON-MEDICALASSISTANCE *COOK *COMPANIONSHIP *HHAINSTRUCTORNationalFBIbackgroundcheck/fingerprint documentationreferencesCALL941-928-1815 adno=8535485 WhenQualityCountsLocalandlongdistancemovingPiano/organmoving FullservicepackingandcratingSeniorhousingrelocationLicensedandInsuredFl.Reg.MoverIM2038,USDOT#1645107Proudlyserving Charlotte,Sarasota, Manatee&Lee Counties L P N L P N LPNadno=8535486Skilledwithmorethan20years experience.Specializingin SkilledCare forseniorsinthe comfortoftheirownhome. C a l l J u l l i e t J a c k s o n C a l l J u l l i e t J a c k s o n CallJullietJackson 9 4 1 4 2 1 2 6 1 4 9 4 1 4 2 1 2 6 1 4 941-421-2614Licensed&Insured RobWyattVillageResident 19YEARSEXPERIENCENMLS#319804 AFL O RID AC O MPANY NMLS#9050594 PurchaseYourDreamHomeWith50%Down* 4 NoMonthlyMortgagePayments 4 Keep100%Ownership 4 GovernmentInsuredandTaxFree 4 CreateAnotherPension-LikeIncome 4 Member-NationalReserve MortageLendersAssociationMortgageBroker#NMLS#319804Callourlocaloceat...(352)753-6440OAKLANDHILLSPROFESSIONALPLAZA 13940USHwy441,Bldg900,#903 LadyLake, REVERSEMORTGAGE BorrowwithCONFIDENCE! *May vary by qualif ying factors.adno=8535477 WilliamBillMercerSpecialistwith 12yearsexperienceNMLS#439847 NMLS#393872 PurchaseyourDreamHomewith50%Down*NoMonthlyMortgagePayments Keep100%Ownership GovernmentInsuredandTaxFree CreateAnotherPension-LikeIncome Member-NationalReverse MortgageLendersAssociation Callour localoffice at...*mustpaypropertytaxesandinsurance **callfordetails AFL O RID AC O MPANY 9 4 1 5 7 5 1 0 2 0 941-575-1020 109TaylorStreetPuntaGorda(941) Firstsurgeonin SouthwestFloridaoering BladelessLaserCataractSurgeryJonathanM.Frantz,MD,FACSATrustedNameinEyeCare adno=8535482 Oneofour CountrysTop5Bladeless LaserCataractSurgeons adno=8535483 WSENIOR LIVINGCpv041 070 TONClock Tower Plaza265 E. Marion Avenue, Suite 116REVERSE MORTGAGE Punta Gorda, FL 33950(a2ASSOCIAI'ES LLCG u [ f winds FRANTZCataract CenterJim s Grab BarsLet Us Install A SafetyShower & BathtubFREE_a omeGRABSp Ego ptionPREVEN DoSne't . . .FallsiMoen JimsGrabBars.comGARDINER& SONSMOVINGcanjilistt jasa141.4=1i14L
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Page 4 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 adno=8535487 To Place Your Ad In The S e n i o r S e n i o r Senior D i r e c t o r y D i r e c t o r y Directory Please Call Mark At 9 4 1 4 2 9 3 0 1 2 9 4 1 4 2 9 3 0 1 2 941-429-3012 adno=8535488 CNA/HHA15Years ExperienceWillCareforSickorElderlyLightHousekeeping Reliable941-764-8526941-421-4833adno=8535489 adno=8535490CAREGIVER10YearsExperience, GermanSpeaking Level2 FloridaBackgroundCheck303-229-1538 HOMES FOR SALE1020 Burnt Store Isles Canal Front 2539 SQ FT home offers BIG water views large corner lot. NEW AIR CONDITIONER,2015 ALL NEW SS APPLIANCES IN KITCHEN!Family Rm / Great Rm Spacious kitchen viewing Beautiful Pool & Gorgeous water views. Spacious Living Rm & Dining Rm tray ceilings custom built in's. Master Bdrm/ bath Suite w Glass Sliders to pool /waterfront . OVER sized screened Lanai & Pool , heated self cleaning pool & spa is ideal for entertaining ! ALL with SPECTACULAR WATER VIEWS! $439,000 Call Judy Petkewicz 941-456-8304 Allison James Estates & Homes FindyourBest Friendinthe Classifieds! HOMES FOR SALE1020 BRING OFFERS, MUST SELL! GULF COVE 3/2 Country Living with Oversized Garage, Circular Drive, RV Parking, Work Shed. Pam Civitllo 941-815-2837 Becky Borci Realty Sale NORTH CAROLINA LAND $69,900.00 Lenoir...1.7 Acres... All flat land! Magnificent Location City Water, Phone, Deep Well, Cable, Electric and a Beautiful Relaxing stream! Taxes only $150.00 per year. OWNER FINANCING with small down. Call 941-496-9252 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! HOMES FOR SALE1020 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! OPEN HOUSE1010 03/29/15 Port Charlotte Open House Sunday 11AM-3PM 4611 GRASSY POINT BLVD $699,900 Sanderling Real Estate Kirk Johnson 941-626-6146 NEEDAJOB? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS! ROTONDA WATERFRONT HOME 23 MEDALIST TERR. Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-4pm & by appointment. Gorgeous 3/2 with den, Key West style metal roof, top of the line heated salt pool. Granite/stainless kitchen, 8 ft. doors, trayed ceilings in all rooms, plus many other upgrades. You'll love the modern open floor plan. No flood zone. Asking $274,900. Owner moving and will look at all offers. 941-769-0200. OPEN HOUSE1010 SUN., 3/29, 12PM-3PM JUST REDUCED! 23276 Safari Ave, PC 3/2/2 w/pool $229,000 Bob & Darlene Gravatt, REALTORS 941-391-3989 SECTION 15 PUNTA GORDA SUN. 11-2 714 Via Tripoli 3/2.5/3 Pool/Spa, Custom Home, Wood, Granite, etc on Double Waterfront Lot. $699,000 RE/MAX Harbor Realty Jeff Cardillo 941-626-1613 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! OPEN HOUSE1010 NORTH PORT OPEN SAT & SUN 2-4PM 4793 Salford Blvd 3/2/2 Pool Home Call Rhonda Gustitus Team KW/Peace River PA. 941-426-4394 OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-4 Stillwater 134 CLEARLAKEDRIVE3/2/3 WITHDEN, STANDARDPACIFICCONSTRUCTION OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-4 Park Forest 534 WEKIVARIVERCT3/2/2 MAINTENANCEFREE/ACTIVECOMMUNITYSandra Newell, 548-1438RE/MAX Alliance Group SENIOR LIVINGThe savingsF1 F? f%4 you never*** new you had.Ill;Sl'ONSIHI !, kI,;VkRSl' VIORTGAGI.With the federally insured Reverse Mortgage plan, you may be able to take advantage of the wealth that has beenbuilding up in your property.Your home is more than just bricks and mortar, it is your retirement plan.Why not find out how you can safely use a Reverse Mortgage to enhance the lifestyle of you and your loved ones.Payoff existing mortgage or other debts Todd WoodcockIncrease monthly cash flow Licensed Mortgage Loan OfficerRemodel or repair your home Specializing in Reverse Mortgages for all SW FloridaDelay Social Security and Pension payouts 624-4804Cover your healthcare expenses NMLS #1212765 1 'NMLS #455369Corporate Office 515 N. Flagler Dr. P300 W. Palm Beach, FL 33401Adilksp
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Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 5 WATERFRONT HOMES 1030 18442 DRIGGERS AVE PORT CHALROTTE 2br/2ba with 2 car detached gar. seawall Dock & boat lift. $140,000 Call 941-258-1364 $299,900 PUNTA GORDA Burnt Store Isles POOL HOME CANAL FRONT Access to Charlotte Harbor & Gulf, Seawall, Family Rm. 2/2 Full Bath, Spacious Florida Rm under air & screened pool area. 2 Car attached garage, Circular driveway, Spacious corner lot and Great water views JUDY K PETKEWICZ GRI CRS Allison James Estates & Homes 941-456-8304 REDUCED HARBORTOWN MARINA CAPE HAZE PLACIDA OPEN SAT & SUN 1-4 PM Georgeous, large 1/1 in marina on ICW. Near 360 degree water views. Quick access to many Gulf beaches. Restaurants, fishing, boating just steps from your door. Decorator furnished residence, vacation home, or winter retreat w/ a great rental history. Only $179,900. Pet friendly. 941-769-0200 NOKOMIS WATERFRONT 2BR/2BAon Canal with access to Shakett Creek, Dona Bay, ICWW, Jettys and Gulf of Mexico. 1389sf, $225,000. 941-915-7113 CLASSIFIED ADSSELL HOMES FOR SALE1020 N O RTH P O RT F S B O , 2 / 2 /1 3585 Acorn St, w/Lanai, Cage & Pool. Nice Home! $129,900. By Appt Only! 941-412-6427 WHEN YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THE BEST PROPERTIES SEE THE HARBOUR HEIGHTS AND DEEP CREEK EXPERT!3050 Broadpoint Dr. 2/2 $69,9002268 Oberon 3/2.5/2 $214,900 1301 Odyssey 3/2/2 $229,000 27412 San Marino 3/2/2 $259,9003225 Colony Ct. 3/2.5/2 $274,9004170 Enclave 4/3/3 $299,000 27089 Solomon 4/3/2 $464,900 3260 Peace River 3/2/2 $649,900 27097 Solomon 4/5/2 $869,900Prime Building Lots Available!Steve Vieira, REALTOR 941-258-2891 Coldwell Banker Residential R.E. Harbour Heights Office www.HarbourHeights GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! WATERFRONT HOMES 1030 ATTN: All Boaters BIG & small! PUNTA GORDA ISLES Lovely CUSTOM 2000 BUILT 2363 SF Sail Boat Canal No BridgesQuick Direct Access to Port Charlotte Harbor to the Gulf ! Features Galore through out. Spacious Living area opens to Large Pool Area ALL Tiled & Screened Cage, pool bath. Gourmet Kitchen ! PRIVATE Spacious Master Bedroom /Bath Suite! Concrete Sea Wall +Dock 10,000 LB Boat Lift + shore power. Well maintained. CALL JUDY PETKEWICZ ALLISON JAMES ESTATES & HOMES 941-456-8304 HOMES FOR SALE1020 PUNTA GORDA, WOW! 2782 sf. of Beauty! Lg 3/2.5/2, POOL, Huge Bonus Room & Huge Kitchen w/ Granite Counters. $224,999. Willie Keiser, Berkshire Hathaway FL Realty 941-276-9104 ROTONDA WATERFRONT HOME 23 MEDALIST TERR. Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-4pm & by appointment. Gorgeous 3/2 with den, Key West style metal roof, top of the line heated salt pool. Granite/stainless kitchen, 8 ft. doors, trayed ceilings in all rooms, plus many other upgrades. You'll love the modern open floor plan. No flood zone. Asking $274,900. Owner moving and will look at all offers. 941-769-0200. Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! SOUTH GULF COVEModel Home Located at 8042 Wiltshire Dr. 1672 to 2319 Sq. Ft. Waterfront Community On the Gulf of Mexico. Priced from the Unbelievable $170s 941-447-0003 VENICE, GATED, GOLF, GOR-GEOUS! STUNNINGSAWGRASSPOOL& SPAHOME. 3/2/3, 2300 SF., SS APPLIANCES. BEAUTIFULLYLANDSCAPED! METICULOUSLYMAINTAINED! $448,000.941-485-4605 REDUCED!! HOMES FOR SALE1020 NORTH PORT BEAUTIFUL3/2/2 1668 SQFT INLAKESIDEPLANTATIONLAKESIDEPLANTATIONAMENITIES INCLUDE... LANDSCAPING, POOL,CLUBHOUSE, TENNISCOURTSAND MUCHMORE. $189,900 CALLDEBBIEJONESREMAXANCHORREALTY941-228-2849 PORT CHARLOTTE 1314 Abalom St., DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH! Partially-renovated 3/2 2400+ SF Mediterranean-style with 64 scrd lanai overlooking very private rear yard. Walk to the elementary school! Quick access to I-75! City water & sewer! $170,000 Patty Gillespie Re/Max Anchor 941-875-2755 PORT CHARLOTTE 2/2/2 Split Plan 1500+SF Living Area, Enclosed Florida Room w/ CHA Living, Dining, & Family Room. Open Floor Plan! $99,900. 941-626-4841 Agent/Owner PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 Upgraded and Lots of updates roof, windows, AC, tile & wood laminate floors. Large Lanai and fenced side yard. $130,000 A Clear Choice Realty 941-979-9396 PORT CHARLOTTE Move In Ready. 3/2/2 2,446 Sq Ft. Immaculate Condition. New Floors, Paint. Nice, Quiet Neighborhood. Front & Back Screened Lanai.Price Reduced to $134,000 941-249-5126 PORT CHARLOTTE, 22337 Olean Blvd. 3/2/1 Brand New Kitchen, SS Appliances, New Baths, Oversized Garage. Fenced Yard. Large Lanai & Tile Floors. $109,000. 941-979-5918 or 941-249-9978 PORT CHARLOTTE21032 Riddle Ave. 3/2/2 Ready to Move In! 1989. House is Full of Upgrades! 1690 Sq. Ft. A/C $129,900. 815-341-9185 REDUCED! PUNTA GORDA 3/2/3+ City house for a country mouse! Stately home on private, gated 5 acres in equestrian community. Call June Poliachik, Sun Realty 941-916-0100 HOMES FOR SALE1020 HERITAGE OAK PARK A 2BR, Den, 2BA Villa w/2 car garage, upgrades galore including Granite Hurricane Impact Windows . $162,500 Call 941-627-2279 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! To place a FREE merchandise ad go to: and place your ad. Click on Click Here to Place Your Ad Now and follow the prompts. FREE ads are for merchandise UNDER $500. and the ad must be placed online by you. One item per ad, the ad must be 3 lines or less, price must appear in the ad. Your ad will appear online & in print for 7 days! Some restrictions do apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK **Everyone Needs to Register on Our New Site** Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter your classified ad and pay with your credit card 24 hours a day, 7 days week.ssi NEW! NEW! NEW! JUST COMPLETED ROTONDA MODEL HOME. Open House Sat & Sun 1-4 PM. and by appt. 33 Medalist Circle. 2,200 sq. ft., 3/2 w/den, 3-car gar & pool. Superior quality const, luxury custom upgrades top-to-bottom & builder warranty. Floor plan of the year. Best new construction you can find! Just reduced over $10K. NO flood zone: 941-769-0200. NORTH PORT 3/2/2 Cypress Falls (Gated) 55+ Resort Style, single family w/private pool. 2006 Built 1910 SF. Clubhouse, Fitness Center, & more. $299,995 Bryan & Donna French Remax Palm 941-661-1202 NORTH PORT FSBO 2823 Pomana Ave. is Truly an Immaculate Ranch! Built in 2007 This Home Has 1858sf. Under Air. 3/2/2 + Family Rm. Lrg. Extended Lanai, Corian Countertops, Ceramic Tile & Carpet, Beautifully Landscaped. $182,500. 941-564-6498 For an Appt. ONLY4.5 %COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home With Me. Must Mention This Ad.Jeff Runyan 941-979-2843 Re/Max Palm HOMES FOR SALE1020 3/2/2 NEW CONSTRUCTION IN ROTONDA WEST Due to be Completed 4/1/15. Granite Counter-Tops, Wood Cabinets, Tile Flooring Throughout, 8 ft. Interior Doors, Step Ceilings & Crown Moldings, Huge Lanai, and More. This is a MUST SEE. $219,000.Custom Homes of Rotonda Inc. 941-769-0332 Lic# CRC1327567 Prairie Creek Est. POOL Home Stunning Architecture ,Fabulous 5 Bdrm, 5 full +2 half baths, 5755 Sf under on PRIVATE 7 acres. Att 3 Stall Garage w Private Bonus Ste. Crown molding 3 Fireplaces Huge Master Suite with Firepl & adjoining private Den. Formal Dining Rm , Dramatic Great Rm w firepl , Living, kit/dining area . Pool & Private lake Views through out this home are spectacular! PUNTA GORDA RANCH & EQUESTRIAN COMMUNITY ! $748,900 JUDY K PETKEWICZ GRI CRS Allison James Estates & Homes 941-456-8304 REDUCED BRAND NEW 3/2/3 POOLHOMESINROTONDAWEST. A 5 GOLFCOURSECOMMUNITY! HOMESFEATUREWOODCABI-NETS, GRANITECOUNTERS, SSAPPLIANCES, BEAUTIFULMAS-TERBATHSW/ DUALVANITIES,GIANTWALKAROUNDSHOWER+ SOMUCHMORE. CALLRONMCGUIRETARPONCOASTREALTY941-223-4781 DEEP CREEK4/2/2/Pool 91 Catamaraca Ct Open plan w/family room On greenbelt, 2,298 air Formal Liv/Din $224,900 Suncoasteam Realty 941-235-7474 DEEP CREEK Spacious, Newly Updated 3/2/2! Hardwood Floors in Living & Dining Rm. Granite & Custom Cabs! $215,000. Deb Sestilio 941-391-1873 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! ENGLEWOODBrandNEW 3/2/2 Open flr plan Kit with granite counter tops, s/s appli & nook area, Sliders to Expansive lanai, pre wired for security system $179,900 A Clear Choice Realty 941-979-9396 SHOWCASE Of0 1 E S ' MI I ' hl
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Page 6 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1090 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE Oversized lot. Prestigeous Park, Gated. 348 Avenue I Reduced $48,000/obo. Holiday Travel Park Condominium. 1475 Flamingo Dr. Englewood Fl. Sleeps 5 330-644-0148 *330-813-7149 VENICE RANCH MOBILE HOME ESTATESWALKING DISTANCE TO PUBLIX & CVS No Dogs, Cats ok! Call Jane 941-488-5672 55+ Lot Rental Community! MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE1095 $44,900! PUNTA GORDA IMMACULATE 2/2 LANAI LAMINATE UPDATED PRIVATE WOODED LOT! BETTER HURRY! Call Mike 941-356-5308 "BETTER HOME & GARDENS " Should Have This Immaculate Home! Stunning 2/2, 1400 sq. ft., Yr. Round, Lanai. All Newly Updated Everything! Oversized Lot. Priced to Sell Fast at $59,900! Call Mike 941-356-5308 NEW 3/2 DblWide Delivered & Set-Up on Your Lot w/ Skirting, Steps & Air! Only $50,995 + Tax. Financing For ALL Credit Scores Avail! Prestige Homes, Punta Gorda 941-637-1122 ON THE LAKE IN PUNTA GORDA Adult Comm. 2/2 w/ Great Views from Lanai. Updates Incl. New Laminate Floors & Updated! $55,900. Call Mike 941-356-5308 PORT CHARLOTTE Located on the Peace River! Sensational Panoramic Views! 2005 2/2, Den, Great Room, Palm Harbor 1450sf $99,900. Owner/Agent 941-204-2303 FindyourBest Friendinthe Classifieds! CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE1040 PORT CHARLOTTE RIVERWOOD Newer VILLAS For You Den, Tile Roof,2 Car Gar, Lanai, Views, All Appl. EASY to Buy & Enjoy This Season! Carl Anderson Real Estate Broker 941-629-9586 PUNTA GORDA Manatee Alert!!! Open Sunday 1-4 PGI/Tarpon Cove Condo 3/2 w/ 13k Lb. Boat Lift Direct To Harbor $525,000 Macks Dillon, Sun Realty 941-916-3022 RIVERWOOD Gated Golf/ Tennis Community. Spectacular View/Myakka River. Pristine Cond. 3/2/1 2,000+ SF. MUST SEE! For Sale By Owner. $279,200 941-276-4307 REDUCED To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; VENICE Jacaranda Trace, 55+ Comm., 2/2, Great View from Balcony. Mr. Clean Lives Here! Nice Kitchen! $99,900 Results Realty Brenda Braden 941-716-3733 VENICE New on Market & Won`t Last! 2/2/Carport Furnished Condo Overlooking Golf Course. Pool, Tennis, Clubhouse & MORE! $179,900. Hans Kirsten, Bird Bay Realty, 941-485-4804 or 941-350-0441 DUPLEXES FOR SALE1070 PORT CHARLOTTE DUPLEX 2 LARGEBEDROOMS, 2 BATHS1 CG, LAUNDRYROOM. 1324 SF. UNDERAIR. W/ 2 8X13 LANAIS& SITTINGDOCK. $205,000. (941)-743-6583 APARTMENTS FOR SALE1080 8 RENTALAPARTMENTS2/2 Over 1000sf each. Gross income $67,200 Pt. Charlotte . Seller Financing! 941-625-6534 Ask for Dale! CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE1040 ENGLEWOOD F or S a l e or Annual Rent. 1/1.5. Furnished. Recently Updated. 55+ Community. 217-254-5206 PUNTA GORDA 2/2/1 1st Flr. Condo in Gated Comm! 3 Pools, Waterfront, Yacht Club, Dock and MORE! $114,900. $108,000. Marge Trayner, Bud Trayner Realty, PA 941380-2823 REDUCED! PUNTA GORDA 2/2/2 w/ Deeded Dock & Boat Lift! Open Floor Plan, SS Appliances, 2 Walk-In Closets in Master. $210,000. Deb Sestilio 941-391-1873 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office PENDING! PUNTA GORDA 3702 Tripoli Blvd. Beautiful 2005 2/2/2Villa w/ Den, Great Room, Breakfast Bar & MORE! Maintenance Free! $179,900. Sue Ellen Fumich, 941-276-2894 Coldwell Banker Morris RE Inc PENDING!! NEEDCASH? DEEP CREEK Beautiful Lake Views w/ this 2/2/CP Condo in Gated Community! Fully Furnished, Totally Renovated w/ Loads of Amenities! $124,900. $119,900. Elaine Martin Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 REDUCED! PUNTA GORDA ISLES Beautiful 2/2 Condo in Vivante! 1600+ Sq.Ft. Living Area! Cherry Cabs, Granite & LOTS of Amenities! $262,500. $254,900. Deb Sestilio 941-391-18 73 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office REDUCED! PUNTA GORDA ISLES Bright/Sunny 2BR, Den, 2BA Condo. Enjoy the Privacy & Views. Tropical Waterfront Setting, Open Floor Plan, Split Bedrooms, 10 Ceilings, Private Garage & More! Willie Keiser, $299,900. Berkshire Hathaway FL Realty 941-276-9104 PUNTA GORDA ISLES Furnished 2/2/1 on Sailboat Canal w/ Deeded Boat Dock & Lift! 1427 sf., 1st Floor, Heated Pool, Tile, Granite Counters, $269,900. Elaine Martin Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE1040 Only 721 MLS Statistics as of 3/13/15 Houses, Villas, Condos are Available As of Today in Beautiful Venice, Florida Call us For Showings OR To List We do all of Venice & Area 941-485-4804 Sales 941-484-6777 Rentals HARBORTOWN MARINA CAPE HAZE PLACIDA OPEN SAT & SUN 1-4 PM Georgeous, large 1/1 in marina on ICW. Near 360 degree water views. Quick access to many Gulf beaches. Restaurants, fishing, boating just steps from your door. Decorator furnished residence, vacation home, or winter retreat w/ a great rental history.Only $179,900. Pet friendly. 941-769-0200 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! HERITAGE OAK PARK PC LAKEFRONT CONDOS 2/2 BUILT2003 & 2004 $99,900-$111,000 BARB MCHENRY 941-833-1667 COLDWELL BANKER MORRIS REALTY INVESTORS SPECIAL 4% Return ++. Newer Furn., 2/2/2 plus Den, Villa in 55+ Gated Comm. 1690 SF, Tenant already in place & under Lease. Serious Investors Only $239,000 941-441-5232 PORT CHARLOTTE 2Bd Furnished Condo. River Views & Gulf Access. Heated Pool, & Amenities $139,000 Carolyn Cantin, Floridian Realty Services 941-809-9661 JUST REDUCED! PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2 St. James Place, 1416 SF, Low Main., of $300 incls Water, Sewer, Cable. Furn., avail. $129,900 Sharan Oehlman Century 21 SunBelt. 941-456-3153 PORT CHARLOTTE Beautiful Resort Style Harbor Point Condo Community! Furnished 3/2.5, Elevator & POOL. Gorgeous Resort Style Pool Views! $154,900. $149,900. Elaine Martin Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-4800 REDUCED! WATERFRONT HOMES 1030 PT CHARLOTTE 1700sf Home on salt water canal 2 bd 1 bth 11x77 ft dock 6000 lb lift, 10 minutes to harbor. PRICE REDUCED $134,900.00 BUY APT. ONLY 941-255-9911 PUNTA GORDA ISLES 4BD/3BA/3CG with 2810SF. Loads of Extras & Upgrades On 2 Full Size Sailboat Lots. 160Ft On Water. $597,500. John Littlejohn 941-380-5354 Coldwell Banker Residential RE PUNTA GORDA ISLES Custom 2360sf 3/2/2 POOL Home on Sailboat Canal w/ Fabulous Expansive Water Views. 95` on W ater. Lots of Extras! $414,900. John Littlejohn 941-380-5354 Coldwell Banker Residential RE ACTIVE WITH CONTRACT! PUNTA GORDA ISLES Live the Florida Dream in This 3/2/2 POOL Home on Canal! Tile Throughout, Updated Kitchen, SS Appliances. Boat Lift . $399,900.Deb Sestilio 941-391-1 8 73Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office PUNTA GORDA ISLES Nighthawk Ct. The ONLY NEW Waterfront Home with 92 Seawall. 3/3/2 No Bridges, POOL, Gourmet Kitchen, Granite Tops, Tile. $499,000. $469,900. Chris Pelletier, Broker Pelletier Home Builders (941)-400-7730 REDUCED! PUNTA GORDA ISLES Well Maintained POOL & SPA Home! 4/5/4, 3600 sf. w/ Meticulous Detailing, Sauna & Steam Room! 156` on Canal, 30` Dock & Min. to Harbor! $587,000. $549,900. Marie Sellitto, 941-626-3770 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office REDUCED! GOLFCOURSE COMMUNITY1035 VENICEGOLF COMMUNITY HOMESFree list w/pics of the best homes for sale in Venice Golf Communities and Country Clubs.www.GolfHomes4Sale.comFree recorded message 1-800-862-7425 ID#5001Lisa Ziegler, Remax Platinum WATERFRONT HOMES 1030 PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 Seawall, Dock & Boat Lift. Pool w/ Huge Screened in Lanai. Completely Renovated!! New Kitchen w/ SS Appliances, Baths, Tile & Paint. $249,900. By Appt. Only. 941-625-1952 SALE PENDING!! PORT CHARLOTTE 3411 Pinetree St., UPDATED, UPGRADED 1800 SF 3/2/2 BLOCK WATERFRONT HOME WITH DOCK & 10,000 LB. BOAT LIFT. Open floor plan, excellent for entertaining. Gorgeous sunsets & long water view of E. Spring Lake. 10 mins. to Harbor! $257,000 Patty Gillespie Re/Max Anchor 941-875-2755 PORT CHARLOTTE FSBO 3bd/2ba/2cg with cathedral/vaulted ceilings. 1,683 SqFt. Hurricane shutters, oversized lovely canal front lot with new dock, boat lift, 80 seawall. Many upgrades inc. Newer: trane a/c, security sys, roof 2014, and water heater. Clean/ Move in Ready. $267,500 540-686-5290 PORT CHARLOTTE Meticulously Upgraded 3/2 with Pool on SW Canal Boat lift w/concrete dock & Seawall. $379,500. Bill Jones Barnes & Phillips Real Estate 941-743-4200 PENDING PENDING PORT CHARLOTTE Spectacular 4/4.5/2 POOL Home w/ HARBOR VIEW! 6100+sf. Lrg. Family Rm., Formal Living Rm., Den/Office, Bonus Rm. Dock and MORE! $889,900. Marie Sellitto, 941-626-3770 Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office PUNTA GORDA ISLES 2006 Custom 4/2+/2 POOL Home on Sailboat Canal w/Attached RV Garage! Open Floor Plan. High Volume Ceilings. 12K Boat Lift, 42` Dock & MORE! Minutesto Harbor! $597,500. John Littlejohn 941-380-5354 Coldwell Banker Residential RE ADVERTISE! PUNTA GORDA ISLES 3/2/2 w/ POOL. 80` on Water. Min. to Harbor! Remodeled Kitchen, High Impact Windows & MORE! $329,900. Ken Poirier, Coldwell Banker Sunstar Fishermen`s Village Office 941-661-9773 Lima,. _Mw}rswrjr14tWJY:lamrti K .yVIL-r I _ . _ ICI .da PRICEReducedFLTcr w _f tom, t:ar'vitlage _.: . fi b:' o r fitZA.: !r v ... l aIII! It<+HEAD
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Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 7 HOMES FOR RENT1210 ADVANTAGE REALTY INC.$1450....3/2/2 1920 SqFt...PG $1300...4/2/2 1910 SqFt....NP $950....3/2/2 1157 SqFt.....PC $950...2/2/1 Lawn Care Inc..PC $900....3/1 1065 SqFt.........PC941-255-0760 800-940-5033 LET US RENT YOUR HOME Agent Available On Weekends We Forgive Foreclosures For Renters Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! HOMES FOR RENT1210 BAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY Come see what our lifestyle has to offer! 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5444 Aged Qualified Rentals Starting at $875. 00 1st Month Special $199.00 CLASSIFIED WORKS! HOMES FOR RENT1210 3/2/1 No Pets, Edgewater Dr., P.C. $900/mo RENTALS NEEDED cCall Us TODAY *we welcome new listings* AWARD WINNINGSUNBELT MGT. SERVICES RENTALS COMPLETE LISTINGS (941) 764-7777 Needa newJob? Look in theClassifieds! HOMES FOR RENT1210 PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 Gated,water view $1600 S. GULF COVE 4/2/2 Available4/15 $1450W E N EED R ENTAL L ISTINGS FULLPROPERTYLISTONLINEwww.almar-rentals.com941-627-1465 800-964-3095LETUSMANAGEYOURPROPERTY Almar Rentals & Management Services Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! OUTOFAREA HOMES1110 GREENWOOD, S.C. For Sale or Trade. 4/3/2.5 Maintenance Free Home w/Low Taxes on 1.25 Acres of Wooded Setting. Seasons, Fishing, Golf, Superb Healthcare & Quality of Life. $265,000. 864-229-7786 ROMANTIC CASTLE GETAWAY Castle McKenzie, Murphy, NC. Less than 10 hours Drive. Spend a Weekend, a Week, or a Lifetime! 10+ acres of Total Privacy in the Smokies. Visit: Information: 828-557-1999 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE1095 PORT CHARLOTTE Viscaya Lakes, FSBO, 2004 2/2, like new, Total Kitchen Upgrade with stainless steel appliances. Bamboo & Tile Flooring. Golf Cart included. $59,900 260-667-3662 VENICE Like new. 2004 Palm Harbor 2/2 w/ den in well maint 55+ community. fully furn. Tommy Bahama style. Includes raised enclosed lanai, dblwide car port, lrg storage rm & new central heat & air. A must see! $118,900. 941-493-0019 we don'tarmonle 11For all yoursports, weather,health, entertainment,local, national andworld news...we've got it.Walk"SUN SThe best newspaper in the jungle.
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Page 8 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 CLERICAL/OFFICE2020 CAREGIVERS NEEDED MUSTBEEXPERIENCED ANDABLETOWORKVARIOUSSHIFTS. FAXRESUMETO: 941-764-8767 ORAPPLYINPERSONTO: SANDHILLGARDENSRETIREMENT24949 SANDHILLBLVD. DEEPCREEK FASTPACEDA/CCOMPANYNEEDS ORGANIZED, DETAILORIENTED,DEPENDABLE, PERSONTODO SCHEDULING, ORDERING, PERMITS& BILLING, A/CORCONST. IND. EXP. HELPFUL.APPLY: 4 SEASONSA/C, 1592MARKETCIR, MURDOCK NOPHONECALLSPLEASE. ORSENDRESUMETO EMPLOYMENT@4SEASONSAC.COM OFFICE HELP FT . G oo d Ph one Skills, Able to Multi-Task, Team Player. Abbot Air 941-474-4741 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! P/T ADMINA SS T/RECEPTION-IST, HS Diploma or Equivalent; Proficient with MS Word, Excel, Publisher, & Basic Knowledge of Quickbooks. Good Organization, Time Management Skills, Exc Communication skills and ability to mutitask. 9AM-5PM Apply in Person: 1111 Forrest Nelson Blvd. Port Charlotte. or Fax to: 941-624-2552 P/T DESKCLERK , Need Flexible, Personable, Ener getic individual to multi-task for a HOA Community. Apply in Person: 1111 Forrest Nelson Blvd. Port Charlotte. Fax 941-624-2452 REAL ESTATE CLOSER Title Insurance Agency Looking for the Right Person who has Experience in the Field or the Energy & Desire to Learn and Grow into a Long Term Position as a Real Estate Closer. Email Resume to: MEDICAL2030 Were Life Care Centers of America, the nations largest privately-owned skilled care provider. If you share our heartfelt approach to caring for the elderly, consider joining our family at Life Care Center of Punta Gorda. We offer competitive pay and benefits in a mission-driven environment.CNA'S F.T./P.T. 3-11, 11-7, DOUBLES W.E. MAINTENANCE ASST. FULL TIME PREP COOK: FULL TIME DIETARY AIDE\RELIEF COOK: FULL TIME DIETARY AIDE: PART TIMECome visit with us at 450 Shreve St. Punta Gorda EOE PROFESSIONAL2010 FULL TIME ACCOUNTANT EXPERIENCEREQUIREDSUBMITRESUMETO941-639-0946 PROFESSIONALS WANTED LICENSEDRENTALMANAGER VENICE GONDOLIER SUN NEWSPAPER IS SEEKING AN ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE FOR OUR VENICE MARKETARE YOU: AN AGGRESSIVE CLOSER A SEEKER OF NEW BUSINESS A GREAT PRESENTER A FUN SPIRIT A RESULTS DRIVEN INDIVIDUAL A PERSON COMMITTED TO DEADLINES A TEAM PLAYER IF THESE QUALIFICATIONS MATCH YOU, TIM IS INTERESTED IN SPEAKING WITH YOU. SEND RESUME TO TSMOLARICK@ VENICEGONDOLIER.COM ORAPPLY IN PERSON TO: VENICE GONDOLIER 200 EAST VENICE AVE VENICE, FL WEAREADRUGANDNICOTINE FREEWORKPLACE. PRE-EMPLOYMENTDRUGAND NICOTINETESTINGREQUIRED. VALIDFLA. DRIVER`SLICENSE& INSUREDREQUIRED. BANKING2015 PERSONAL BANKERHometown Bank seeks FT Personal Banker with excellent interpersonal and customer service skills. Previous banking customer service experience required. For additional details and application please visit Apply at Charlotte State Bank & Trust, 1100 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, FL 33953 or submit resume to EOE/Vet/Disability CLERICAL/OFFICE2020 Busy Office In Need of Person With Data Processing/Computer Skills. Ability to Multi-Task & Deal With Clients. Email Resume to: BUSINESS FOR SALE1600 PORT CHARLOTTE BASED Growing Dry Ice Business No Competition. Turn Key. Deliver to Clinics. Great ROI. $49K. 941-286-4022 BUSINESS RENTALS1610 PORT CHARLOTTE 3315 Harbor Blvd, off US41 Retail or Office Space. Approx. 425 sqft., All Tile Floor, Great Location. Call for More Details: 941-206-0201 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIALPROP1620 2 S T O RE S F O R RENT 14 2 S . Monroe Ave. Arcadia, FL. Indian Remedy Bldg. 750 & 850 sq ft. 350 & 375 T.N. per mo. Call Rob 518-321-5567 and Bob 239-947-1344. ARCADIA 5.26 ac By Owner! House & Shop, 800 ft. Hwy 17 Frontage, Zoned Comm. Info. 863-494-5540 or 863-244-3585 PUNTA GORDA 1.4 acres CI (commercial intensive) on hwy 17 1.5 mi. from hwy 75, Fully fenced with 3 structures, 2 egresses, Great for boat, rv, auto Storage, Sales and repair etc. Huge potential. See full details @ $499,000 Reduced to $349,000 941-268-7516 CLASSIFIED ADSSELL THE LAST BEST LOTAT MERCHANT`S CROSSING!!! .87 AC at 1599 Placida Rd. (RT. 775) across from Bealls and 5/3 Bank, Englewood. Zoned OPI, all utilities on site (no assessments). Ideal for multi-unit building(s). Can build to suit. Only $319,000. Call 941-769-0200. 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment LOTS & ACREAGE1500 NORTH CAROLINA LAND $69,900.00 Lenoir...1.7 Acres... All flat land! Magnificent Location City Water, Phone, Deep Well, Cable, Electric and a Beautiful Relaxing stream! Taxes only $150.00 per year. OWNER FINANCING with small down. Call 941-496-9252 SO UTH VENI C E/ S ARA SO TA Beauitful Tree Lot. 9.77 Acres. Exclusive Estate Properties. Gated Community. Club House. Off River Rd, Myakka River Trails. Boat Access. $175,000 or trade 941-815-6204 WATERFRONT1515 LEMON BAY FRONT LOT AC +/estate lot, 1600 New Point Comfort Rd., Englewood. Can be split into 2 lots. New 90 ft. dock &1,800 sq. ft. waterfront paver patio. Utilities in place. Owner financing possible $525,000. O.B.O Call 941-769-0200 Classified=Sales MANASOTA KEY LOT Approx 160 to Gulf access. Awesome gulf views, Great Buy @ $169,900 Call 941-475-1379 NORTH PORTCANAL LOTS Also Grouping of adjacent standard size lots 3, 4, & 5. Buy 1 or Buy Trak at Discounted Price. All Lots well located. 941-286-7003 PUNTA GORDABurnt Store Isles. Beautiful Cul De Sac Lot108` on Canalw/ Nice View Surrounded by Quality (Fero) Homes. $210,000 OBO 941-833-9181 WATERFRONT LOTSLocated in a Boating Community South Gulf Cove Waterfront Home Sites with Quick access to Harbor & Gulf Beyond. Short drive to beaches, Shopping Restaurants of Boca Grande, Englewood, & Manasota Key.10194 Owl Head Cir, PC 10155 Hallandale Dr. PC941-626-8200 TRADE/ EXCHANGE1540 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Exchange Possibility. Villa and/or SF House in Riverwood For Your Unwanted Rental Property, Duplex, etc. Trade Up Down Out Carl Anderson Real Estate Broker 941 629 9586 APARTMENTS FOR RENT1320 PUNTA GORDA 2/2 High ceilings, lanai, granite counters, clubhouse, pool, smpet ok $1,250 239-263-7318 VENICEISLAND EFFICIENCY1 & 2 br, Call for Details. No Pets, 1 Year Lease 941-416-5757or 323-6466 EFFICIENCIES FOR RENT1350 HARBOUR HEIGHTS c l ose to river, newly renovated efficiencies w cable & internet, SunnybrookMotel 941-625-6400 ROOMS FOR RENT1360 PUNTA GORDA G reat L ocation Furn. w/ TV, kitch privdg. W/D $110/wk 941-883-1334 SO UTH VENI C E on Busline Furn. 12x20 w/, Cooking Facilities, Love Sea t/Bed, W/D. $530. mo Incl Util.941-202-9396 RENTALS TO SHARE1370 PORT CHARLOTTE person to share home close to shopping close to beach. Also Handicap Efficiency avail 740-490-8828 VACATION/ SEASONALRENTALS1390 HARBORTOWN MARINA, CAPE HAZE-PLACIDA Lrg, 1/1 condo w/ great water views on ICW. Heated pool/spa, minutes to pristine gulf island beaches. Restaurants & boating at your doorstep. Completely furnished w/laundry. Just bring your toothbrush and swim suit! Avail monthly this April through next season, book now. PET FRIENDLY. 941-769-0200 AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! NORTH PORT H OLIDAY P ARK2/2 55+ COMMUNITY. NOPETS! $1300+/MFOURMONTHMINIMUM. 941-676-0929 VENICE L ove l y 2/2 T urnK ey Beachfront Condo/ 6 Month Minimum Preferred. $3,100. Mo. 641-732-3026 LOTS & ACREAGE1500 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! HOMES FOR RENT1210 EVICTIONS R USFORHOMEOWNERSANDPROPERTYMANAGERS941-504-3689WWW.EVICTIONSRUS.NET NEED A RENTAL Paradise Properties & Rentals, Inc 941-625-RENT NORTH PORT 3/2/2 Built 2005-1250sf NP/NS. Like New! Nice Area. Occ. 4/1. $1200 Mo. 1st & Sec. 941-268-6820 P O RT C HARL O TTE 2 / 2 /1 Spacious in Quiet Area. No Pets. Ref. Req`d. $850. mo. 1st, Last & Sec. 941-766-0780 Rentals & Property Management (941)629-1121 Real Living All Florida Realty Finditinthe Classifieds! V ENI C E BEA C H Newly Remod 2/1 Quiet & Clean. Sunroom, Lanai. Carport w/ Locked Storage. $1025/mo 941-685-5334 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT1240 PORT CHARLOTTE 1BR/1BA. Like New! Quiet! Coin Laundry. $ 600. mo. + Sec. No Pets. 941-661-4019 PUNTA GORDA 3 Bdrms 2 Baths, 1 Car Gar, Upscale, 1st floor, slip, pool/spa, pet/smoking neg., 1st mo free! $1,095 (941) 639-6190 PUNTA GORDA , B urnt S tore Isles Vacation/Short TermTwo Beautiful 2Bdrm,/2Ba. Villas. Spacious, Furnished, Immaculate. Great Location! Available May-November. Rent 1 or MoreMos. 941-833-9181 S ARA SO TA 2 / 2 , ground f loor, in Admirals Walk, Clark Rd, Sarasota. Complex has Pool, Fitness, Etc. $1150/mo Plus Sec. Call Jim Browning Realty Executives Mainstream 941-628-2606 VENICE, Great Lake Views! 2/2 In Attractive Mission Lake Village. Nicely Furnished Including Kitchenware & Decorations. Screened Lanai, Heated Pools & W/D. Near Shopping, Restaurant & Downtown. Incl. Cable & Water. $1000./mo., Available May 1Dec. 26 507-254-2437 DUPLEXES FOR RENT1300 ENGLEWOOD 1/1 with Lanai. No Smoking/ No Pets $600. 1st & Sec. 941-400-1670 HARB O UR HEI G HT S 2 7 088 A Ann Arbor 1BR Duplex Avail. 5/1 $585/mo 941-626-3213 APARTMENTS FOR RENT1320 NOW ACCEPTING WAITINGLIST APPLICATIONS941-473-0450 HERON COVE APTS 2BR/2BA $850/MO LwaSUNINI!S!PAPFRi-SC:u:.arlkSo.n_Lo.wJ.AarihP: .t::biz -""4"`"'a nn n t WGREATINVESTMENTLife' Center
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Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 9 SALES2070 Shopper Group, LLC in Port Charlotte is looking for DYNAMIC EXPERIENCED Sales people for Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte, North Port and Englewood areas. Work for a growing company! Base Salary plus Commission offered to the right individuals. Send Resume plus referalls to schedule interview Today! SEEKING EXPERIENCE ADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVES VENICE GONDOLIER SUN NEWSPAPER IS SEEKING AN ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE FOR OUR VENICE MARKETARE YOU: AN AGGRESSIVE CLOSER A SEEKER OF NEW BUSINESS A GREAT PRESENTER A FUN SPIRIT A RESULTS DRIVEN INDIVIDUAL A PERSON COMMITTED TO DEADLINES A TEAM PLAYER IF THESE QUALIFICATIONS MATCH YOU, TIM IS INTERESTED IN SPEAKING WITH YOU. SEND RESUME TO TSMOLARICK@ VENICEGONDOLIER.COM ORAPPLY IN PERSON TO: VENICE GONDOLIER 200 EAST VENICE AVE VENICE, FL WEAREADRUGANDNICOTINE FREEWORKPLACE. PRE-EMPLOYMENTDRUGAND NICOTINETESTINGREQUIRED. VALIDFLA. DRIVER`SLICENSE& INSUREDREQUIRED. T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! SALES2070 INTERIOR DESIGNERS & SALESPEOPLEPORT CHARLOTTE, FL STORE Baers Furniture & Design Studio welcomes highly qualified F/T Designers or Sales Associates w/min 1-2 yrs of exp who would like the opportunity to Have it all. You can offer your clients full design, the largest selection of IN STOCK quality furniture at guaranteed lowest prices & we pay TOP COMMISSION RATES. Nights & weekends required. E-mail resume to: EOE/DFWP NOW IS A GREAT TIME TO CONSIDER A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE Who Decides When You Get a Raise? If Your Answer Isn`t ME and You`d Like It to Be, Lets Talk. We Provide Unmatched Resources, World Class Marketing and Award Winning Training to help Our Great Real Estate Agents Achieve Their Goals. Go to Our Website:CBFloridaHomes.comand Click Careers on the Homepage. From There Click on Free Career Assessment. That`s All It Takes To Find Out If You Have Found the Career You Have Been Looking For! Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! SKILLED TRADES2050 AC MAINTENANCE/SVC. TECH & INSTALLERS, FT ENTRY LEVEL POSITION, Clean Valid FL Drivers License. DFWP Apply In Person @ Thompsons AC 3131 B. Foley Dr. PG Between 8-4, Mon.-Fri. or Call 941-624-6000 AC SERVICE TECH & LEAD INSTALLER, Email Resume: Or Fax: 941-629-8666 NEEDED EXPERIENCED Commercial Fence Installers. Please Call 941-429-3290 or Fax Resume to: 941-429-3291 REMODELER NEEDED Applicant Must be Proficient at Demo, Carpentry and Drywall and Understanding of Plumbing and Electrical is Desired. Please Call for an Appointment 941-625-5620 ROOFERS , SKILLED METAL & Serious Learners. MUST Have DL. Flash CMR (941)-766-1888 Window & Door Manufacturing CompanyAccepting Applications for: PRODUCTION ASSOCIATEStarting hourly wage $11.69 Must have a High School Diploma or GED, Higher Education a plus, Good Work History, and Attention to detail.Apply in person only: 355 Center Court Venice, FL 34285 SALES2070 Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drugand nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! MEDICAL2030 FT position avail in busy DRs office in Venice. Medical exp. preferred, front/back office. Fax resume to 941-497-0735. LIVE IN AIDE/COMPANION Background, Mature, Reliable, Pleasant. 954-290-5367 M . A . w /Phl e b otomy & C omputer Skills, Fax Resume 629-1111 EMAILofficem g r80@ g MEDICAL ASSISTANT, Part Time 24 Hrs/Week. Email resume to: www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREER Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, CNA, Classes Start Mar 30 LPN-Days & Weekends Class starts April 27 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL2040 BE HOME BY 3:30PM!! COOK &SERVER NEEDED For Breakfast & Lunch. Apply in Person to: 1230 Jacaranda Blvd., Venice Beweent 6am-2:30pm BU S HELP/DI S HWA S HER NEEDED Tues-Sun for Busy Breakfast Restaurant. Apply in Person Only 415 Cooper St. COO K, S UPERDay Express is looking for Expd Pizza Cook with Fryer and Flat-top skills. Apply Within 1595 McCall Rd. 941-697-7641 Ask For John. THE BURNT STORE GRILL is looking for full and Part time experienced team members We are seeking: SERVERS HOSTS COOKS BUSSERS APPLYINPERSONONLY 3941 TAMIAMITRP.G. COLONIAL-BURNTSTOREPLAZABETWEENPUBLIX& HOMEDEPOT VAN SHUTTLE DRIVERS NEEDED. Must be Available Weekends & Holidays. Apply in Person: Four Points by Sheridan, 33 Tamiami Trl. P.G. SKILLED TRADES2050 MAINTENANCE ASSISTANTMonday Friday 8AM-4:30PM Must have experience working at a long term care facility, Plumbing, Electrical and misc. repairs. Pay commensurate on experience. FLOOR TECHMonday Friday Must have experience.Apply in person: QUALITY HEALTH CARE 6940 Outreach Way North Port (941)426-8411 or FAX Resume 941-423-1572 EOE Drug free work place MEDICAL2030 CNAs, HHAs and Caregivers Find new clients by advertising your services in the Senior Directory every Wednesday in The Sun Newspapers. This feature publishes in Charlotte, Sarasota, and Desoto Counties. Market yourself reach 150,000 readers! Call 941-429-3110 for more information EXPERIENCED COOK MUSTHAVEMINIMUM3 YEARS COOKINGEXP. INHOSPITALITY ORRESTAURANTSINDUSTRIES. PLEASEFAXYOURRESUMETO: 941-423-2663. INTERVIEWINPERSON: 4950 POCATELLAAVENUE, NORTHPORTDAILYBTWN24PM NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! F/T RE C /A SS T., f or audiology office. Ins billing, computer and phone exp req. Send Resume & References to: 21216 Olean Blvd. Suite 4, P.C. 33952 MEDICAL RECEPTIONISTFRONT OFFICE ASSISTANTNEEDEDfor high volume medical office in Port Charlotte. Knowledge of Medical Manager and EHR software a plus. Must be experienced in answering multiple phone lines, insurance verification, scheduling patient appointments and all other front office duties. Email Resume to RN / LPN HarborChase of Venice has immediate openings for RNs or LPNs to join our team of care givers. We are one of Floridas premier assisted living and skilled nursing communities and we provide our associates an atmosphere of teamwork, a high level of job satisfaction, and opportunity for growth. Experience in long-term or assisted living care is a definite advantage. Requirements are strong clinical expertise, knowledge of state regulations, and a desire to make a positive difference in the lives of our residents and their families through outstanding customer service. At HarborChase, we offer competitive compensation, and an excellent benefit package including a 401(k) plan. We recognize people as our most valuable asset, and believe our CORE VALUES of respect, attentiveness, integrity, stewardship, and excellence are not just words but are a way of life. Consider joining the team at HarborChase of Venice where you CAN make a difference! EOE Apply at: HarborChase of Venice 950 Pinebrook Road Venice, Florida 34275 Phone: 941-484-8801 Fax: 941-484-3450 MEDICAL2030 CAREGIVERS WANTED Experienced Caregivers Needed for 1st and 2nd Shifts. Must be Able to Pass Level 2 Background and Drug Test. All Applicants Must Apply in Person to: Harborview Acres ALF 24450 Harborview Rd. Port Charlotte CNANeeded for Assisted Living to Work with Elderly. ALL SHIFTS NEEDED. Only licensed CNAs need apply. Benefits Available. Apply in person: 2295 Shreve St, P.G. CNA's / HHA's WORK WHERE YOU LIVE! WORK ON YOUR SCHEDULE! Busy homecare agency immediate openings. FT / PT hours available. Exp required. Visiting Angels Call 941-257-0306. ENGLEWOODHEALTHCAREIS OFFERINGFULL& PARTTIME CNA OPPORTUNITIESAT OURSKILLEDNURSINGFACILITYINENGLEWOODFL!CANDIDATESMUSTHAVE ACTIVEANDVALIDCNALICNESEINFL ANDHAVE CLINICALANDLTCEXPERIENCE. WEOFFER EXCELLENTBENEFITSWHICH INCLUDEMEDICAL, DENTAL ANDVISIONINSURANCE,GENEROUSPAIDTIMEOFF ANDMUCHMORE. TO APPLY, PLEASE EMAIL PAYROLL@ ENGLEWOODHEALTHCARE.COM1111 Drury Lane Englewood Fl 34224 Ph. 941-474-9371 Fax. 941-475-6593 EOE DFWP NEW INCREASED CNA WAGES!!!EARN UP TO $12.00/HR. FOR FT/PT AND SHIFTDIFFERENTIALSUP TO $2.00!!! T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! LftftoftAEI'JJV'S L'AR R L'Y'r_.......7 MiORRISRF \ITYSUN G11tiFaFLRS.J .` : .1'.:k.t::1 i ;l~If(1 I I 1t1RBORCHASE,rJClll)1" IYltl'IN THECLASSH iL )YOU CAN..... Find a PetI Find a CarI I Find a JobI Find Garage SalesI Find A New Employee' /Sell Your Home/Sell Your UnwantedMerchandise/Advertise YourBusiness or ServiceClassified -it's the reliablesource for theright results
PAGE 110
Page 10 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 PERSONALS3020 FEMALE H AIRSTYLIST l oo ki ng f or friendship/relationship w/Single Man 50-65 941-201-9853 WM 7 2 FL Native N S /ND Would Like to Meet A Southern Lady For Hopefully A Lasting Relationship. (941)-524-6419 SCHOOLS & INSTRUCTION3060 ED KLOPFERSCHOOLS OF CNA TRAINING 1 Week class $250 Sarasota, Port Charlotte, Ft. Myers. 1-800-370-1570 TRADITIONAL SHAOLIN KUNG FU CLASSES for Adults & children. FREE classes available. All areas. Call for more info. 941-204-2826 UNEMPLOYED? E arn Y our Commercial Drivers License (CDL) in Just 3 Wks. & Join the Ranks of Employed Truck Drivers Nationwide. Located Punta GordaFL. SunCoast Trucking Academy. 941-8550193 or 941-347-7445 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES3065 CAL VAR Y BIBLE CHURCH 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call ( 941 ) -979-8239 for Info. COMMUNITY CENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 EDGAR CAYCE A . R . E . Search for God Study Grou p 6 PM 7 PM each Tuesday a t Venice Public Library More Info call 941-966-1964. FAITH BUILDERS A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte GREAT BIBLE STUDY Dr. J. Vernon McGee Thru The Bible Radio Network 91.5 FM 6am & 9:30pm 91.3 FM 12:30pm & 7:30pm 1-800-65Bible (2-4253) GULF COAST HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to you by appointment. Thursdays 10 am-12:30 pm For apt. call p.863.558.7455 1538 Rio de Janeiro Blvd. Punta Gorda, Fl 33983 Jesus Still Heals Today! LIC. CHRISTIAN COUNSELING941-876-4416Liberty Community Church North Port Charlotte LIC. CHRISTIAN COUNSELING941-876-4416Liberty Community Church North Port Charlotte LOST& FOUND3090 C LAIM Y O UR O AR AT TH E NEW MARKER 4 BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:30 AND 4. CALL 941-486-0500 O R COME TO THE FISHERMAN' S WHARF MARINA BAIT SHOP. SEEKING EMPLOYMENT2120 RELIABLE, 3 5 YR. EXPD CONCRETE MAN & 3 SON CREW. Needs Steady Work. Have transp., dump truck and tools. Will travel SW Fla. Contact 484-523-2427 or 3000 NOTICES ANNOUNCEMENTS3010 ADOPTION: Art & Music Classes to Zoo Trips, & Everything in between, 1st baby will be our King or Queen. FLBar42311 1-800-552-0045 Expenses Paid. FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! To place a FREE merchandise ad go to: and place your ad. Click on Click Here to Place Your Ad Now and follow the prompts. FREE ads are for merchandise UNDER $500. and the ad must be placed online by you. One item per ad, the ad must be 3 lines or less, price must appear in the ad. Your ad will appear online & in print for 7 days! Somerestrictions do apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK **Everyone Needs to Register on Our New Site** Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter your classified ad and pay with your credit card 24 hours a day, 7 days week HAPPYADS3015 Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 PERSONALS3020 ADORABLE TASHA . Stretch & Relax Therapy 941-497-1307 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! RELAXATION STATION 1225 US 41 Unit B3. Charlotte Trade Center N of 776 941-625-0141 RELAXATION WITH BRANDI 941-467-9992 SENSATIONS941766-79953860 Rt. 41, 2 mi. north of Punta Gorda bridge. GENERAL2100 SUBSTITUTE BUS DRIVERS/ATTENDANTS Training provided. Starting pay $12.88/$8.88 per hour with potential for advancement to regular driver or attendant. Call 941-575-5432 for more information THREE SUNS RANCH On ranch retail meat sales. Deliveries. Strong people skills. Other duties as needed. Quick Books experience a plus, sense of humor a must! Full time position TuesdaySaturday. This is a unique and wonderful opportunity. Please send us a resume/ letter of interest to . TREASURE LANES BOWLINGMechanic Front Counter MUST WORK EVENING/NIGHTS AND WEEKENDS! Apply in Person: MonFriday Only 1059 Tamiami Trail, PC NIELSENISLOOKING FORQUALITYFOCUSED INDIVIDUALSTO INTERPRET, INPUTAND ANALYZETV DIARIESUP TOFOURSWEEPSPERYEAR. BASICTOPROFICIENT COMPUTERSKILLS REQUIRED. N O SELLING OR TELEPHONING INVOLVED . APPLYONLINEAT: NIELSEN.COMCLICKONCAREERS, SEARCHALLCAREERS Search Job numbers Day shift 1504949 Night Shift 1504809 Paid Training begins April 06, 13, 20 &27th 1080 Knights Trail Nokomis, FL 34275 941-488-9658 "M/F Disabled and Vet EEO/AA Employer" TV Diary Processing Positions Available Day Shift Hours 7:45AM 4:00PM 9:OOAM -3:00PM Night Shift Hours 4:30PM-12:45AM 6:00Pm-12:00AM Positions starting at $8.50 per hr INTERESTEDIN TEMPORARYWORK WORKINGAPPROXIMATELY6 WEEKS FOURTIMESAYEAR? A FEWPART-TIMEYEAR-ROUNDPOSITIONSARE ALSOAVAILABLE PARTTIME/ TEMPORARY2110 NEED MORE HOURS THAN YOUR BOSS CAN GIVE YOU? We Are Looking For Part-Time Weekend Concrete Finishers, Laborers, Form Carpenters, And Masons. May Lead to More Hours During The Week. A Florida Drivers License is Required. Please Call 941-815-2649 to Apply. GENERAL2100 CUSTOMER SERVICEREP . PT, Computer skills & sales exp+. Will Train. 941-628-8950 MAILROOMTHE CHARLOTTE SUN NEWSPAPER Part-time positions available, must be production oriented, able to lift at least 20 lbs., willing to work flexible hours and able to work evenings and weekends. To fill out an Application Apply in person Mon.-Fri. 8-5 The Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Road Charlotte Harbor, FL Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required PART TIME AMBASSADORS Needed, to solicit Free Subscriptions for the Smart Shopper. A 20 year old weekly shopper. Contact Jim DeFalle 941-786-7676 PRESSOPERATORVenice Gondolier press seeking experienced full time press operator with background with Goss Community single wide press. Supervisory experience a plus Good communication skills and ability to grow a good team atmosphere a must. Knowledge of 4 color back to back printing. Good mechanical skills knowledge of roll stands and stackers. Basic computer skills for reports. SCMG is a drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required. Apply: 200 E. Miami Ave., Venice or Send resume to: PRESSURE WASHING HELPER Needed Call 941-637-0237 SHOP MAINTENANCE PER SON/DELIVERY DRIVER FL DL a Must! 941-474-3533 STEADY PART-TIME CASH INCOMETHE VENICE GONDOLIER SUN is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Join the front line team of those who bring the community the news they hunger for each week. Our carriers have the well deserved record of the most reliable delivery service in Florida and are appreciated and rewarded for that reliability. Be your own boss and earn steady part-time income. This is a great earning opportunity for someone with a car and a few free early morning hours. Call for an appointment at 941-207-1000 or stop by our office at 200 E Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285. SWIMMING POOL TECHNICIAN If You Are An Upstanding Person With Excellent Work Ethics. Applications Accepted Between 9 12noon. $12.00/HR TO START.Must Have Florida Drivers License & 5 Yrs Of Driving With Absolutely Clean Driving Record . Howards Pool World, 12419 Kings Hwy. Lake Suzy. NO PHONECALLS GENERAL2100 DENNIS YELLOW CAB is Hiring 2 Drivers for the Venice Area. Must Have Background Check and Driving Record Check. (941)-716-1204 DRIVING INSTRUCTOR PC/PG Training/ ins/ car/ fuel/students provided. Retired teachers/police/bus drivers encouraged. Good pay. PT-20+hr. Resume to: EXPD DETAILERS, Full time position. 5-6 days a week looking for people that want to grow with our company. Weekly Pay! We provide transportation to job site from our office. Call 941-875-8157 ask for Joe. JOB FAIRPlantation Golf and Country Club 500 Rockley Blvd, Venice FL Servers & Bussers Cooks & DishwashersGolf Maintenance & Operations Monday March 30 1pm 4pm LOOKING FOR A GREAT PART TIME JOB?THE VENICE GONDOLIER SUN NIGHT MAILROOM IS NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR:INSERTERSREQUIREMENTS: MUST BE ABLE TO WORK AT LEAST 4 NIGHTS FROM 11:30 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. MUST BE ABLE TO LIFT & CARRY 25 LBS. PUSHING & PULLING OF 25 LBS OR MORE. MUST BE CAPABLE OF WORKING AT A FAST PACE. A PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG AND NICOTINE SCREENING IS REQUIRED. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A GREAT PART TIME JOB, STOP BY AND FILL OUT AN APPLICATION UPON REVIEW, CALLS WILL BE MADE TO SET UP INTERVIEWS.THE VENICE GONDOLIER SUN 200 E. MIAMI AVE. VENICE, FL D.F.W.P. ...... E.O.E. ADVERTISE! MAILROOM Supervisory Person:VENICE GONDOLIERmailroom is looking for a part time mailroom supervisory person for night shift in Venice. Good mechanical ability ability to supervise small production crew ability to operate equipment good communication skills. We are a drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug/ nicotine testing required. Apply:VENICE Gondolier Print Center, 200 E. Miami Ave., VeniceOr SALES2070 SALES ASSOCIATE Full time, Mon-Sat, good work ethics, computer skills 50-60 WPM. Starting salary $9.00 per hr. Sm pack & ship Co. Apply in person between 8-3, 24123 Peachland Blvd. C-4 Pt Charlotte 33954 We Are Looking for an EXPERIENCED CAR SALESMAN at a Growing Used Car Dealership in Englewood, FL. Potential for Growth. Serious Applicants Only Please Fax Your Resume to: 941-681-2182 WHAT`S YOUR SITUATION? Kid`s Left Home? Retired Early? Looking For a New Challenge? Want to Be Your Own Boss? If You Answered Yes to Any of the Above, Now is a Great Time to Consider a Career in Real Estate! Want to Know Your Real Estate Skill Sales? Go to: CBFloridaHomes.comand Click Careers on the Homepage. From There Click on Free Career Assessment. A Few Small Steps May Mean You Have Found What You Are Looking For! GENERAL2100 Accepting applicantsfor a WAREHOUSE PERSON. Heavy lifting reqd. Forklift experience helpful. Must have good Driving record. Town & Country Industries 20159 Kennelworth Blvd, Port Charlotte. No Phone Calls Please. T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! A CC E SS CO NTR O L G UARD PT Position for Security Guard Fri, Sat, Sun 9:30PM-5:30AM Apply in Person at Emerald Point Condominium Association 25188 Marion Ave, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED: The CHARLOTTE SUNhas home delivery routes available in various locations. Supplement your income with this great business opportunity. Earn $200-$300/week for a few early morning hours of delivery. Reliable transportation, a valid Florida drivers license and proof of insurance are required. Apply in person at the Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview Rd Port Charlotte, Florida, or online at tillNS L'Ak RLAL C1iORRISREA1TYPlar?tatio.)C : ,lf C_cninrrv Clul,L o : 1------------------ms s i------------------
PAGE 111
Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 11 HOME / COMM. IMPROVEMENT5100 SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 Call Bob 941-706-6445 Low overhead = Low prices! CARPENTER, INC. Handyman Rotten wood, doors, soffit, facia, etc. Phil 941-626-9021lic. & ins. TILE (Ceramic), Wood Flooring, Installation. Robert Jones Ceramic Tile (941)-204-2444Lic. #AAA006338/Ins. TILE remo d e l , b at h s, fl oors. your tile or mine. 941-625-5186,Lic.#AAA006387 WESTSHORE BUILDERS Remodeling Additions Home Repairs Free Estimates Lic. Residential Contractor 941-204-8237 WINDSAFEHurricane Shutters Your #1 Choice for Hurricane Protection. Rolldowns, Accordions, Impact Windows/Doors, Lanai Shutters, Clear Panels. $350 off Exp 03/31/15. 1-800-691-3122 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE5110 AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licens ing bureau to verify A JAMISON TREE SERVICE Complete & Professional 15% Sr Discount! FREEEST. LIC. & INSUREDENGL941-475-6611ORN. PORT941-423-0020 SERVINGCHARLOTTEANDSARASOTAFOROVER20 YEARS.JAMISON-TREESERVICEINC.COM Affordable Lawns & Landscaping Mowing, Planting, & More! Free Quotes!Will Meet or Beat ANY Estimate! 941-447-2428 ALTMANTREESERVICE Tree Trimming, Removal, Stump Grinding. Lic & Ins. Call Mike Altman 941-268-7582 AMERICANIRRIGATIONCall 941-587-2027 FREEESTIMATES!!! Licensed & Insured Charlotte Co. lic#AAA-1100010. Serving Charlotte and Sarasota Counties DP`s ABILITY TREE SERVICE Removals, Stump Grinding, Palm Trimming, Topping & Shaping. 15 Yrs. Exp. Free Estimates! 941-889-8147 Lic#00000192 & Insured. FLORIDA TREE INC .Tree Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding Lawn Service Bucket Service 941-613-3613 pcftree.comLic./Ins. HANDYMAN/ GENERALREPAIR5089 A CARPENTER AROUND THE HOUSE for all your carpentry needs! James M. Okell 941-270-1693 HEATING& AIR5090 AC/DC AIR CONDITIONING . Free Service Call with repair. $39 Maintenance Special for New Customers Only.. 941-716-1476 lic#CAC181436 7 F LO -T ECH S ER VICES Air Conditioning/Heating, Plumbing, Heat Pumps, Service Contracts, Water Heaters, Pool Heaters, Repipes, Remodels, Sinks, Faucets &Toilets.941-426-3664If WaterOr Air Run Through It-We Will Do it!LIC# CFC1426781/LIC# CAC1817540 HONEST AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING Comm. & Res. Serving Sarasota & Charlotte County. 941-423-1746 Lic. CA C056738 MAHLE COOL AIR & HEATINGRent to Own Your Home`s A/C. No Credit.. No Problem. Easy Payments Free Est. 941-584-6300 Lic#CAC1817878 S.O.S. A/C & Heat 941-468-4956 air conditioning systems low as $3175 installed installed 10 yr warranty 0% apr up to 5 yrs to pay! st. lic #CAC1816023 HOME / COMM. IMPROVEMENT5100 rely on ray50 Year Resident Handyman Services Retired Master plumber & Builder941-539-2301Save This ad! BOBS CABINET SOLUTIONS 35 yrs exp. All you r cabinet/counter top needs. (941)-276-0599 Lic22535 COMPLETE DRYWALL Hang, Finish, Patchwork, All Textures, Paint. Matt Potter 941-232-8667Lic.& Ins CRC1328482 SLIDING GLASS DOOR And Window Repair Lowest Prices GUARANTEED!!! 941-628-8579Lic#CRC1130733 BEST VALUE GUTTERS , 6 S eam l ess. Ken Violette, Inc. (941) 240-6699Lic.CGC#060662/Ins. HANDYMANHome repairs. 30+ yrs Exp. Call 941539-1694 KEN LANCASTER GUTTERS over 25 years Experience. Fully Insured. Free Estimates 941-916-3934 CONCRETE5057 A 1 ROOF CLEANING & COATINGS Decorative Concrete, Pool Deck, Lanai & Driveway Coating, Epoxy Flake Garage Floors, Poly Pebble Removal. (941)-485-0037 PRO PATH CONCRETE Driveways Patios Sidewalks PadsResurfacing Options AvailableFree Estimates 941-286-6415 Lic #AAA-11-00081 RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. spraycrete & dry-wall repair (941)-497-4553 WHY PAY M O RE ??? Concrete Driveways, Patio, Walkways. 941-237-6969 Lic/Ins CLEANING SERVICES5060 MRS . CLEANING UP! 1st class cleaning Service! Specials Now! $10% Senior Discount! 941-204-8057 Lic & Insured A&R PRO WINDOW CLEANERS In/Out, Tracks & Screens, Also Vinyls, Clean & Polish, H/W Team. Lic#25014 & Ins. 941-441-8658 ANNIE`S CLEANING SERVICE Home Office Weekly Bi-Weekly Reliable Service Reasonable Rates 941-249-9978 BETTER CLEAN Home Watch $79 per month. Spring Clean Close Out ONLY $99.00 941-474-2882 ext 212 SHINEDERELLA Professional Cleaning . Affordable and Dependable, Free Estimates. Lic & Ins. 941-468-1947 Res. & Comm. ELECTRICAL5070 DRMELECTRICAL SERVICE, Plug Into Personalized ServiceElectrical Maintenance Repairs Troubleshooting 941-480-0761 941-366-364 6 LUMINOUS ELECTRIC NO JOB TOO SMALL! LIC# ES12000942941-623-9140 EXCAVATING/ BUSH HOG5080 BUSHBUSTERS INC."JUST GRIND IT!Brush Mowing Bush Hogging Pepper Trees Invasives Selective Lot Clearing941-456-6332 APPLIANCE SERVICE/REPAIR5020 DRYER VENT CLEANING & INSPECTION . $49 30 yrs. exp. (941)-889-7596 ADULTCARE5050 A LENDING HAND , INC . Caregivers/Companions, Hourly or 24/7 Care 941-809-3725 SENIORS HELPING SENIORSLight Housekeeping, Meals, Errands and Companionship Licensed & Bonded 941-257-8483 CHILD CARE5051 ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. FLORIDA STATE LAW requ i res all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law COMPUTERSERVICE5053 COMPUTER TUTOR (Your home or mine) ONLY $25.00 an hour! Please call Steve at: 941-445-4285 ANTHONYS COMPUTER SERVICE & REPAIR . ALLCOMPUTERNEEDS. SENIOR DISCOUNT 941-769-1415 B&B COMPUTERSOLUTIONSWEDOITALL! INTERNETANDWIFISET-UP HOMENETWORKING PRINTERANDROUTER INSTALLATION VIRUSANDMALWARE PROTECTIONANDREMOVAL TRAININGANDMUCHMORESENIORDISCOUNTS& SAMEDAY APPOINTMENTS, WHENAVAILABLECALLBILLAT941-441-5104 CONTRACTORS5054 EDWARD ROSS CONSTRUCTION Services, Inc. 941-408-8500 pool cages, Scr. lanais, etc... RML CONTRACTING SERVICES,LLCWINDOWS,DOORS & MORE. Acrylic Rms,Additions, Bath & Kitchen Remodels,Custom Screen enclosures.Locally owned w/ over 25+ yrs experience.CBC060490 941-232-6606 TEDDY`S HANDYMAN & REMODELING, INC. No Job Too Big or Too Small! (941)-629-4966 Lic./Ins. Serving NP, Charlotte & PG CRC 1327653 COURIER/TAXI5055 SUNWISE AIRPORT VAN AND CAR SERVICE. VENICE 941-400-0034 OR 941-412-5630 DOOR TO DOOR ON YOUR SCHEDULE 4000FINANCIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES4010 ENTREPRENEURS WANTEDOwning Your Own Business Gives You the Opportunity to Reach Your Financial Goals. Jani-King Makes it Easy as 1,2,3. (1) Low Investment (2) All Training Provided (3) Customers Guaranteed Call Today and Discover How Easy it is to Get Started!! For Free Information Call 239-910-6266 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES AN OCCUPATIONAL LIC . may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. ALUMINUM5006 CURTISALLENDESIGNS Aluminum & Remodeling Bathrooms, Kitchens, Windows, Lanai Enclosures, Storm Shutters, etc. $500 off with this ad. Call 941-627-6085 AIRPORTSHUTTLE5008 FLORIDA AIRPORT SHUTTLE TRANSPORT $25 TO/FROM RSW Arrive @ RSW: 10:45am & 3:45pm Depart @ RSW 11:30am & 4:30pmPickup/Drop-off Locations:NORTHPORTBUDGETINNPORTCHARLOTTEDAYSINN. PUNTAGORDAPG WATERFRONTHOTEL300 941-451-1202 APPLIANCE SERVICE/REPAIR5020 DRYER VENT C LEANIN G THE VENT DOCTOR Book Your Dryer Vent Cleaning and Save! 10% Off With This Ad! 941-268-9525 Competent, Thorough & Reliable. Lic. Fla. Home Inspector. LOST& FOUND3090 F O UND: C AT, MALE All white w/ spot on ear & tail. Found in Venice East Subdivision, Gulf Breeze & Dorchester. Call 941-451-1472 F O UND: S ET O F KEY S Behind Anderson Government Annex in Venice. 941-496-8984 L OS T LADIE S PRE SC RIPTION GLASSES OnVenice Island or Vacinity on or About 3/20. 732-491-5292 MISSING 3 WHEEL BIKE on Monday 3/23 in Bird Bay Dr. East, Venice. Bright Blue w / Large Basket in Rear. REWARD! Call 941-484-4124 ARTS CLASSES3091 Beginning watercolor classes with award winning artist Robert Broyles at North Port Hobby Lobby. Private lessons also avail Call 941-875-8163 FUSED GLASS , Stained Glass & Mosiac Classes For Info & Scheduling Call Gayle Haynie 941-830-8448 or Email EDUCATION3094 MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a Medical Office Assistant! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. Online training can get you job ready. HS Diploma/GED & PC/Internet needed. 1-888528-5547. EXERCISE CLASSES3095 GULF COAST ACUPUNCTURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 To Announce Your Class Information Call 866-463-1638 or Email; RELIGION CLASSES3096 BEGINYOURDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUD Y Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 OTHER CLASSES3097 CO N C ENTRATIVE MEDITA TION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday at Unity Church of Peace, 1250 Rutledg e Street, off Veterans Boulevard between Orlando Boulevard and Torrington Street, Por t Charlotte/North Port line. Free; open to the public. 941-276-0124 LaoGet theWord out -Advertisein theClassifieds'Need a newHome?Look in theClassifieds!----------4V,............................ .
PAGE 112
Page 12 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 WINDOWREPAIR5226 SLIDING GLASS DOORAnd Window Repair Lowest Prices GUARANTEED!! ! 941-628-8579Lic#CRC1130733 BEST VALUE SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Low overhead = Low prices! 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade ROOFING5185 Repairs, Roofing Replacement 30 Years Experience Discounts to Srs & Vets Free Inspections & Est.Call Hugh 941-662-0555RM COATS INC.Lic. CCC#1325731 Ins. LEONARDSROOFING&INSULATIONINC.FAMILYOWNED&OPERATED SINCE1969Shingle, Tile, Built-Up, SinglePly, Metal, Full Carpentry, Service Available Reagan Leonard 941-488-7478LIC# RC0066574 PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 R . L . TEEL ROOFING Reroofs & Repairs Insurance Inspections Veterns Discounts 941-473-7781 RC29027453 Lic/Ins ROOF REPAIRS Shingles Metal Tile Roof Overs 941-505-2441Lic# CBC1252070 STEVE`S ROOFING & REPAIRSCall Steve & See What He Can Do For You! Voted Best of the Best 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014! Free Est. 941-625-1894 Lic. CCC1326838 941-483-4630 H Shingles, Slats, Metal, Tile, Repairs H Old Roof Removal Our Specialty H Full Carpentry H Free Estimates lic #ccc 068184 fully insured SOD5191 LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota TILE/GROUT5195 LEMON BAY TILE O ver 20 years in the Englewood are a Owner/install Lic & insured 941-474-1000 WINDOWCLEANING5225 SQUEEGEEMASTERS Window Cleaning, Pressure Washing, 20% OFF with this Ad. FREE Estimates 941-445-7285 Cell Lic/Ins. WE D O WIND O W S & PRESSURE WASHING. New Customers Specials Package Deals Residential & Commercial Free Estimates. Lic./Ins. (941)-661-5281 PRESSURE CLEANING5180 AAA Power Washing & Cleaning Dont live with MOLD! Driveway Specialists. 941-698-2418 BAILEYS PRESSURE CLEANINGTile roof Cleanings starting at @$150. Call 941-497-1736 FULL HOUSE PRESSURE WASHINGRates Starting At: Tile Roofs $150 Houses $65 Pool Cage/Decks $65 Driveways Exterior Painting, Pool Deck Coatings AND MORE!! 941-451-7550 Lic./Ins SAFE NO PRESSURE ROOF CLEANING Pool Cages, Lanais, Driveways, ETC! 941-697-1749 or 941-587-5007 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5181 CANADIAN SNOWBIRD TAX RETURNS. Why Rush Home? Most Returns $100. Couples $150. Peter Muir, CA (941)-525-9973 SCREENING5184 ALL ABOUT ALUMINUM & SCREEN: Rescreen & new. 941-876-4779 wescreenflorida.comLic# SA37, AL0511993X CLASSIC ALUMINUM RESCREEN SERVICE INC. Your Florida Outdoor Living Experts 941-716-3984 941-799-0310 www.classicrescreen.comLic# CBC031986 Insured & Bonded DAVID WHITES RESCREENBUBBLEFREEGUARANTEESCREENREPAIR, VINYLREPAIRSERVINGSARASOTAANDCHARLOTTECOUNTIES. 941-525-4000 GULF COAST RESCREEN LIC& INSUREDFAMILYOWNED& OPERATEDSPECIALIZINGINRESCREENING,BUILDINGANDREPAIRING. SCREWCHANGEOUTS PRESSUREWASHING& PAINT-INGPOOLCAGES, LANAIS,FRONTENTRYWAYSETC... 941-536-7529 FREEESTIMATES RESCREENING by NORTHSTAR Free Estimates. 941-725-7599 Lic# CC20597 & Insured RESCREENING Special $55 Tops, $30 Sides. Complete $1295(to 1500SF) 941-879-3136 Lic. 22454/Ins. Southwest RescreenComplete Rescreening: $1,095 (up to 1,500 SF) Screen Repair & Pressure Washing.941-465-2318Free Estimates! Insured. PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING5140 D . A . C . PAINTING We do the best put us to the test! Residental, Commercial, Int & Ext. Power Washing Free Estimates 941-786-6531 Lic #AAA-1300027 & Insured DARINSPAINTING&POWERWASHING3RDGENFAMILYBUS. POWERWASHING, PAINTING& WALLPAPERINSTALLS& REMOVALS. FREEESTIMATES941-961-5878 LARRY ESPOSITO PAINTING INC Its Not What We Do, Its How We Do It!Free Estimates, 10% off Senior & Veterans 941-764-1171 lic & insured AAA007825 PAINTINGUNLIMITED Where Quality & Value Meet! Family Owned and Operated. Call Now for aFREEEstimate 941-979-7947 Lic. & Ins. AAA-12-00015 SERVINGENGLEWOOD, NORTHPORT,PORTCHARLOTTE, VENICEDANNY MILLER PAINTING, LLCINTERIOR/EXTERIORPAINTING941-830-0360 FREE ESTIMATESdanspainting4602@comcast.netLICENSED& INSUREDAAA009886 SUPERIOR PAINTING, INC. Full Spray Shop 941-474-9091Lic # AAA009837 We Do It A Shade Better! LARRY BATES PAINTING Free Estimates Locally Owned & Operated 941-625-1226Lic/Ins #RRR0002261 PETCARE5155 DOG CARE by day/week, exercise, fenced, loving home environment. 941-625-0853 PLUMBING5160 DO ALL PLUMBING LLC A Full Service Company for ALL Your Plumbing Needs. 40 Gallon Electric Water Heater Installed. $500. + Permit.(if needed)941-626-9353Lic#CFC1428884 F LO -T ECH S ER VICES Air Conditioning/Heating, Plumbing, Heat Pumps, Service Contracts, Water Heaters, Pool Heaters, Repipes, Remodels, Sinks, Faucets &Toilets.941-426-3664If WaterOr Air Run Through It-We Will Do it!LIC# CFC1426781/LIC# CAC1817540 LARRY`S PLUMBING , R e Pipes (Most in 1 Day) Beat An y Estimate Complete Servic e 941-484-5796 Lic.#CFC1425943 PLUMBER over 30 years Exp. $45 per hour. Permits & Inspections. Call 508-294-1271 Cell or Office at 941-575-1817 Lic# CFC1427981 & Ins. THINK PLUMBERS Are Too High? Give Us a Try! Retired Master Plumber. Ross & Son 941-204-4286Lic. CFC-1428339 POOLSERVICES5165 S trong Pool S ervices REPAIRS & SERVICE motors, filters, leaks, tile, decks, heat pump Insured & Licensed Res. & Comm. 941-697-8580 RP0067268 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE5110 STEVES TREE & HAULING Tree Removal & Trimming 29 Years Exp. Lic/Insd Free Estimates 941-866-6979 WEED PULLING TRIMMING PRUNING & FLOWER BED CLEAN-UP. YEARROUNDSERVICE. CALLORTEXTPAM941-232-6105 MASONRY5129 AST MASONRY,941-525-2435Over 20 yrs pavers, brickwork, concrete, stucco, stone & decorative concrete.NO JOB TOO SMALL!LICENSED,INSURED & BONDED MOVING/HAULING5130 ALLTYPESOF CLEAN UPS! Same Day Service! 24 Hrs. a Day! 941-764-0982 or 941-883-1231 MOVING HELP $$$ Save $$$ Packing Loading Driving 30 yrs exp. 941-223-6870 ROBS ON THEMOVE , i nc. Moving and Delivery Honest, Reliable, Courteous! Grea t Rates!941-237-1823 SKIPS MOVING Local & Long Distance. 1 Item or Whole House! 941-766-1740 Reg.# IM1142 Lic/Ins US DIT NO. 1915800 941-359-1904 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING5140 Best Prices -Quality Job Best Coast Painting and Pressure Washing Residential/Commercial 10% Off With Ad! 941-815-8184 AAA00101254 STEVENS CUSTOM PAINTINGRes/Comm. Int/Ext FREE EST. Lic. & Ins. 941-255-3834 A 1 ROOF CLEANING & COATINGSPressure Cleaning, Exterior Painting. Commercial & Residential. Warranties! Free Estimates! (941)-485-0037 50% off Call Now to Lock in an Amazing Bang For Your Buck From a Seasoned Painter 941-468-2660 AAA00101266 former firefighter C.T. LANE PAINTING 10% OFF!Screen Stucco Repair Power Washing Driveways & MORE! Commercial & ResidentialInterior & Exterior 941-628-5297Lic./Bonded/Insurance LAWN/GARDEN & TREE5110 FAMILY TREE SERVICE T ree Trimming, Free Estimates. Call Toda y 941-237-8122. Lic/Ins. FRESH CUT LAWN N MORE FRESH CUT LAWNS STARTING AT $25! 941-661-1850Free Estimates Call Frank GENERAL LAWN & Landscape services. (941)-426-7844 Wright & Son Landscaping Inc ISLAND BREEZE LAWN SERVICE Residential & Commer cial 14 years experience Owner operated. Lic& Ins.Venice & surrounding areas. For free estimate call Keith 941-445-2982 J RIZTREESERVICES Specializing in Dangerous Tree Removal. Complete Tree & Palm Service. Servicing all Charlotte & Sarasota Counties FREEESTIMATES 941-306-7532 Lic & Ins JOHN EDWARDS LAWN SERVICE Mowing Most Lawns $30. as Often as You Need! Monthly Service, Free Estimates. ALSO Fertilizing, Shrubs, & Mulch. 941-483-0138 LAWN REPLACEMENTMaloneys SODCharlotte 941-637-1333Sarasota LBS TOTAL LAWN & LANDSCAPING SVCS Lawn Care Mulching Pruning Hedges & Trees Pressure Washing & More! **I will beat your current lawn svc by 10%!!** Serving Nokomis, Osprey, North Port, Port Charlotte, Venice & Englewood 941-302-2244 Lic/Ins MILAZZOS LANDSCAPING 941-830-1005 Most lawns $25.00 Punta Gorda & Pt. Charl. ALLPHASESOFRESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPING, INSTALLATIONS,PLANTING, PEPPERBERRY CONTROL& PATIOS. N N O O W W A A C C C C E E P P T T I I N N G G N N E E W W L L A A W W N N A A C C C C O O U U N N T T S S ! ! 9 9 4 4 1 1 4 4 6 6 8 8 4 4 3 3 7 7 2 2 ISA Certified Arborist John Cannon FL-6444A South Sarasota & Charlotte Co. PALM MEADOW LANDSCAPING Per Cut/Seasonal 941-276-7948Port Charlotte Area MC/VISA PALM MEADOW LANDSCAPING Per Cut/Seasonal 941-276-7948Port Charlotte Area MC/VISA RAINSCAPE INC,Irrigation, Maintenance, Repair, Installation. Monthly Maintenance starts at $40. FREE ESTIMATES 941-888-2988 SANDEFURS HOME &TREE Maintenance Tree trimming, removal. We do it all!License/Insured941-484-6042 Tremendous TreeWhy Should I Hire a Certified Arborist? 1. We Know What Were Doing! 2. We Have Proven We Know What Were Doing. Removal Pruning Stump Grinding Designs Quality Service! Locally Owned & Operated ISA Certified Arborist John Cannon, FL-6444 A 10% SENIOR DISCOUNT! 941-426-8983 Fully Licensed & Insured LftftaftJ 1 n 1 L jC-I L_LI' i n t`Get theWord out -Advertisein theClassifieds'TWO MENAND ATRUCK.Movers who corer --------I Loll,1 .L ---------a L ._._._._._._-
PAGE 113
Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 13 FURNITURE6035 L O VE S EAT &C HAIR $ 15 0 941-492-5568 L O VE S EAT, f abric greenish good condition $99 941-2755837 L O VE S EATW/recliners Microfiber/dk tan $75 941-2753287 MATTRESS & BOX . New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 MATTRE SS S erta I C om f ort G enius TwinXL $429 941-6989899 MIRR O R 2 4x 2 4 gld decorative $20 941-629-4950 NIGHT STAND A nt i que S o lid Wood need finish $40 941-2237446 O UTD OO R TABLE & 6 C HAIR S $200 910-578-5273 PATI O S ET G lass top table, 4 swivel chairs, side table, xtra set cushions $275 941-625-5245 PATIO TABLESET g l ass top 4 swivel chairs $325 941-8281076 PATIO TABLE U m b e ll a /B ase New call for info $75 941-9798108 PV C PATI OC ART V G condition $25 941-627-6542 REAL W OO D 5 piece bedroom set Reduced from $500. $400 941-232-6718 RE C LINER C HAIR high back w/gold fabric $85 941-4967569 RE C LINER tan, green, mauve $95 941-586-2900 RE C LINER, NATUZZI Beige Leather Chair. Lrg. Exc. Cond. $85 941-764-6453 RE S TAURANT B OO TH Black, New Condition, paid $700 Sell for $200 941-441-8255 R OC KIN G C HAIR maple w/pads $45 941-249-8708 ROLLTOP DESK oakespecially for computer $800 941223-6647 S ERVIN G C ARTRE S IN, white $60 863-258-3077 S ERVIN G C ART/ G arden C art Resin $60 863-258-3077 S EWIN G MA C HINE S inger Model 756 in Cabinet $200 941-492-6916 S IDE TABLE f or living room Stone Base, Glass $150 941429-8221 SO FA &C HAIR w/ O ttoman Tan Leather Must see $450 941505-2350 SO FA & L O VE S EAT All Beige Leather w/ Reclining Ends.. $500. 941-391-5925 SO FA & L O VE S EAT Light G rn Good Cond $250 941-6258757 SO FA BED good condition pastel design colors $75 941-2582175 SO FA BEDQ UEEN $3 5 0 269-649-5563 SO FA LAY-Z-B O Y 90 x 38 tan plaid fabric $250 941-4967569 SOFA RECL 2 yrs.o ld L t. T urq $300 941-249-8708 SOFA SECTIONAL2 pc Tan Tweed Fabric Good Cond $150 941-625-8757 SOFA TABLE All woo d , 60X16X30 $90 941-681-6417 SO FA TAN SO FA 3 C U S HI O N S BARELY USED $200 941-2048636 SPIDER LAMP 5 b rass d omes w/lites $20 941-496-7569 TABLE & CHAIRS U p h o l stered/Metal $40 941-4239371 TABLE 4C us h . Ch a i rs Gl asstop Wrought Iron $250 941-2498708 TABLE SET 2 en d/ co ff ee / so f a Light wood. $100 941-6977880 FURNITURE6035 C URI O C ABT Tall G lass Lighted White Base $200 941625-8757 DESK DROPLEAF c h erry wood 42wx41h $299 941564-8757 DINETTE S ET & 4 C HAIR S 42 round tile top w/leaf $225 941-676-2019 DINETTE SET new 1059 . 00 $350 941-475-1716 DINETTE S ET with 4 matching chairs, hunter green farmhouse style $375 941-629-7056 DINETTE W/4 C HAIR S All Wood, Counter height $350. 941-475-4455 DININ G R OO M S ET Hitchcock hutch, table, five chairs pic avail on-line $400 941-214-5106 DININ G S ET 36 round table/4 chairs/wood $250 941-681-6417 DININ G S ET allglass table w 6 chairs delivery avaiable $350 941-275-5837 DININ G S ET Ext rnd White/pine 4 matching chrs $125 941-697-7880 DINING SET R attan T a bl e Glass Top 4 Chrs Cushions $200 941-625-8757 DININ G S ET Round wood table, w/leaf, 4 side chairs, 2 counter height $400 941-625-5245 DININ G S ET Wrought Iron Glass Top 4 Chairs Cushions White $200 941-625-8757 DININ G TABLE Table/oval/4 chairs/light oak $125 941-8822446 DINING TABLE/6 CHAIRS . $375 941-249-9061 DI S PLAY C A S E G lass shelves/doors/oak/wired $125 941-882-2446 DRESSER 5d rawers+s h e lf $100 941-766-7349 DRE SS ER 5draw 5hx 3 w solid key west style $225 941-7660679 DRESSER woo d 6 d rawers $75 941-766-7349 ENTERTAINMENT C ENTER 3 Pc, Dark Wood, Fits 32 Screen TV $150 941-625-8329 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 3 pcs whitewash $150 941275-5837 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 56w X 61H, 3 drawers, holds up to 32 TV. Country Red, Like New! $99 941-882-4342 ENTERTAINMENT CTR fi ts 32 tv glass enclosed shelves, bottom storage $50 941-2753287 FL OO R S EAT S leather round, red & blue $100 941-429-8221 FUT O N queenWhite wood Reduced from $300 $200 941232-6718 FUT O N Tommy Bahamma $175 609-618-2082 G RANDFATHER C L OC K BE S T OFFER $300 941-426-8837 HARM O N KARD O N C assette Deck Model hk300xm Ultra wide band linear phase $100 941497-7718 HUT C H DE S K $ 175 9 41629 5418 IBUYFURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KIT C HEN TABLE S quare w/ glass top & 4 Chairs. $50 941-625-8329 KITCHEN TABLE WITH SIX CHAIRS GD CD $100 717-4755237 LAMP SILVER/37 ta ll/fl are d shade $60 941-882-2446 LANAI SET Gl asstop T a bl e w / 6 Cushioned Arm Chairs $90, OBO 941-661-3411 LIVIN G R OO M C HAIR S $ 4 00 574-226-6115 LIVINGROOM SET couc hW/2 recliners & love seat matching $250 941-766-0679 LOVESEAT RECLINING l eat h er center console. 77X30X38 $199 941-681-6417 FURNITURE6035 BEDR OO M S ET complete set full size great cond. $200 941426-7103 BEDROOM SET KING BRIDGE 7 piece All wood beige $900 941-223-6647 BEDR OO M S ET Q n + nightstands mattress & boxspring new $200 941-235-1910 BEDR OO M S ET Two maple twins & chest. $350 941-7690709 BEDR OO M S ET Wood. Complete king bed, night stand (2), large dresser w/ mirror. $700 941-637-1725 BED S twin $200 574226 6115 BEN C H S EAT With cushion hand painted cushion $350 941-429-8221 BOAT DECKCHAIRS new 300.00 $150 941-475-1716 B OO K C A S E 5 S HELVE LI G HT BEIGE WOOD $295 941-2236647 BOOKCASE TALL OAKFIVE SHELVES. EX.CON $300 941223-6647 CABINET solid Wood33Lx17Wx28T $30 941-830-1531 C HAIR LIVIN G R OO M excellent condition $125 609-6182082 C HAIR TH O MA S VILLE white upholstered $150 941-7639833 C HAIR Wingback wood C loth seat $25 941-766-7349 CHINA HUTCH/BUFFET Sprague and Carlton maple with glass doors on upper 55x76 $500 941-637-0107 COFFEE TABLE & two en d tables beveled glass $350 941766-0679 CO FFEE TABLE Beveled glass 50"X25"X15 $75 obo 941-681-6417 CO FFEE TABLE chrome / glass 42X42 $75 941-2351910 CO FFEE TABLE f ossile stone base, glass $300 941-4298221 CO FFEE TABLE tray beige $3 5 941-586-2900 CO FFEETABLE, 2 end tables wood $150 941-766-7349 CO FFEE/A CC ENT TABLE glass topDark Rattan $45 941-356-0129 COUCH& CLUB CHAIR . B royhill Exc.cond. $400 941-8301531 CO U C H & L O VE S EAT Like New Brown OBO $325 941740-1842 CO U C H 7 f oot good cond comfortable $50 941-979-1458 COUCH F a b r i c, 90X36X36 , $195. RECLINER/ROCKER, La-Z-Boy, Navy Blue Leather, $175. Both In Exc. Cond. 941-474-7458 COUCH LARGE Fl . co l ors, Wicker Trim $300 941-4298221 COUCH SECAL L eat h er Cream/Good Condition $100 253-678-9161 COUCH , SLEEPER Q ueen s i ze Seally 87x36x29/ floral, clean $299 941-275-5837 CURIO CABINET TALL ETCHEDGLASS LIGHTED 4 SHELVES $800 941-223-6647 HOUSEHOLD GOODS6030 MATTRE SS $ 45 9 41-4 92 5568 MATTRESS , QUEEN & BOX . Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MIRR O R 44x 2 4 vertical $2 5 941-627-6542 M O VIN G S UPPLIE S Boxes, Blankets, Peanuts, & Paper. 931-952-0798 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! To place a FREE merchandise ad go to: and place your ad. Click on Click Here to Place Your Ad Now and follow the prompts. FREE ads are for merchandise UNDER $500. and the ad must be placed online by you. One item per ad, the ad must be 3 lines or less, price must appear in the ad. Your ad will appear online & in print for 7 days! Some restrictions do apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK **Everyone Needs to Register on Our New Site** N ee d to Pl ace a Classified Ad? Enter your Classified ad and pay with your credit card 24 hours a day, 7 days week O RIENTAL PI CS C oord vases, decos 4 pcs ea $10 941-8300524 PAINTING GIRL i n t h oug h t, 26w x 36h $20 941-6294950 PI C TURE LAR G E Palm Tropical plants 32x25 $35 941-3560129 RU G 5X 8 black Asian moti f $40 910-578-5273 RUG D rury R unner 32 wx 12 l g pastel desgn $50 941-4967569 RU G Jute w/quilt edge/ 6 x 8 . $60 941-882-2446 RU G Unique shag rug 3 -1/ 2 x 5, off-wh EC $30 941-6294950 S INK S tainless w f aucet $3 5 941-429-2013 TABLE C L O TH 66 X 8 4wht embr trim 8 naps new $15 941-6970501 HOLIDAYITEMS6031 C HRI S TMA S LI G HT S rare START AT $2 941-624-0928 CHRISTMAS SPODE 4 M ugs & 4 glasses new $40 941-3916334 EASTER BASKETS wicker Pink, Aqua, Lilac, Lime (6) $20 941-276-1881 G IFT C ARD S tarbucks $ 5 0 selling for $40 941-474-4120 FURNITURE6035 A RM O IRE 6 ' WI C KER shelves 3 drawers new $349 941-276-1881 AUDIO CONSOLE $50 941 629-5418 BED MATTRE SS & B O X. New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BED QN 4 pc P oster I n l a id Cherry/Expresso Excel $250 941-876-4776 BEDSET tw i n (1) S et 6 pc li te oak Exc. $400 941-258-1592 BED W/ FRAME ki ng Sl eep Number $500 603-548-2634 BEDROOM SET 5 PIECE Gi r l s Teen Like New $400 941-2769331 BEDROOM SET 7 PIECEE x Cond $500 941-485-0066 GULFCOVE/SGC GARAGE SALES6014 SAT SUN 8AM 3PM 14502 Lillian Cir. (South Gulf Cove). 3 Family Garage Sale. Too Much To List! AUCTIONS6020 JACK ROBILLARD, Auctioneers & Appraisers (941)-575-9758 ARTS AND CRAFTS6025 BIRD PRINT S 6 audubon price for 6 $50 941-497-7230 C I G AR B O XE S Wood f or cra f ts or trinkets $12 941-979-9358 D O LL FURNITURE Handmade,whole house 40 yrs. old $30 941-275-3287 PAINTIN G FRAMED unique 3 -D landscape $50 941-743-2656 PAINTIN G M O NET Parc Monceau Paris 30x42 $275 941743-2656 SCO TT S M5 00 S ign G raver, 100`s of Label Blanks. $499 941-286-1446 WOO DEA S EL O n casters, good quality $150 574-3153891 DOLLS6027 BARBIE WINTER VELVET collectible newinbox $15 941-8300524 HOUSEHOLD GOODS6030 ASIANPRINTS M atte d & framed $25 941-627-6542 BB Q TANK f ull o f gas great price compare store $25 941882-4545 BED MATTRESS & BOX . New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BIRDHOUSE STYLED CABI NET $29 941-276-1881 C ABINET 2 door 4x 6 great cond. $60 941-426-7103 C HINA S ET 8 serving altar rose $35 715-312-0990 C HINA S ET Mikasa C otillion 45pc Service for 8 $170 941697-3850 CHINA SET R oya l G a ll ery Fi ne China 92pc Service for 12 $372 941-697-3850 CO RNER WALL G UARD S Clear plastic 96L x5/8W $3 941-743-2656 DEHUMIDIFIER Hampton Bay auto shut off 2 gal$35941496-8765 DINNER S ERVI C E crown ming china $100 941-375-4054 DOMINOES SET green cat li n i n box $3 941-227-0676 F O LDIN G PAPA S ANHAIr $ 15 941-276-1881 G ARMET S TEAMER conair Professional type $25 941-6276542 G A S C AN 5gal ea $ 1 0 9 41743-0582 GLASSES FROSTED set o f 7 1964 world fair $50 941-2270676 LAMP L enox Chi na B eaut if u l $30 941-356-0129 LAMPS Vi ctor i an sty l e 1 fl oor & 1 table w bulbs $25 941-8824545 LENA LIU Hummingbird 8 plates 8 PLATES $300 941467-8894 LIM ED p i cture El egant w. Mother Theresa quote $30 941-882-4545 MATTRESS BEAUTY REST New Cal. King paid 1000. Mattress Firm $500 941-625-1107 6000 MERCHANDISE PT. CHARLOTTE/DEEP CREEK GARAGE SALES6006 FRIS UN. 8 AM2 PM. 23143 Landon Ave. Estate Sale entire house full, antique,furniture,outside items S ATS UN 8 AM3 PM 14502 Lillian Cir. (South Gulf Cove). 3 Family Garage Sale. Too Much To List! S ATURDAY O NLY. 9 -1. 2143 Astotta Street. Something for everyone!!!! PUNTAGORDA GARAGE SALES6007 ESTATE SALE SAT-SUN 9-31420 Mcgregor St. Lots of Good Furn. & Antiques. NO JUNK! Generator & Guns. HUGE NEW AMMO SALE SAT-SUN 8-3, 2101 TAYLORRD. AMERICANLEGIONFLEAMKT. 22LR NO LIMIT, 32, 380, 40, 45, 223 All rounds & RARE ammo too. Cash specials or visa/ mc/ etc. DONT MISS THIS. Call 941-626-4291 for Sales!!!! S AT O NLY. 8 2 . 1751 2 Malarky Ln. Household items, some furniture, lap quilts / fabrics and Much More!!! SAT SUN . 8 2 . 6660 T aylor Rd. #108. Antiques, Kayaks, Bikes, Beer Signs, Boston Whaler Montauk, ZHEJ Scooter, etc. See ON LINE AD. S. VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES6010 SAT SUN 8 : 30 2 316 Roseling Cir. Estate Sale. Antiques, Armoire, Tile/Wood Washstand, Barristers Bookcase, Dressers, Stools, Ent. Units, Lthr Couch/Recliner Chair, Palm LazyBoy Recliner, Chair & a Half/Bed, Lamps, Bahamas Buffet/Coffee Table, Bistro Table/Chairs, Signed Prints, Glassware, Elec: Turn Table, Receivers, CD Player, Speakers, Tools, Yard Art. VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES6011 SUN ONLY.9-4. 318 Seaboard Ave. Huge Sale! Shoes, Kitchen, Home, Fitness, Bed, Outdoor Priced to Sell, Everything must Go! F-IF-IF-IF-I2F-IrV V Y V ,L1 THE.CLASSIFIEDJFMaPalJFiii a Car.(Fbd a Job.'fix! Garage Sake-sf Fir! J. Nyu Fir 4 HHJSr.II 9bur Hnmr.J5c11 9bur Uy.,:yitWratlrl:l,MuIllimpJAAuarllra ' 1.rBusimus ur BusierUassifiedlt'r the rellaWe : source For theright results
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Page 14 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 adno=8535494 adno=8604945 Office:941-676-1358 Cell:954-553-6760 Lfitz1008@gmail.comTimingisEverythingMarketsareMoving andtheActionisNotAllonWallStreet!LynneFitzpatrick,BrokerAssociatewith 30yearsofexperience asaBroker! Atruelistingagentwithovera BILLIONDOLLARS ofrealestate SOLD!ResidentialandcommercialpropertyspecialistnowservingSWFlorida! LynneFitzpatrick KimMcIntyre RemaxAnchor SellingFloridaLifestyles!Letmyexperienceandenthusiasmworkforyou. Kimhasbeenalicensed REALTORsince1992 andoriginallyfrom Columbus,Ohio. Kimtradedthesnow forsunshinein2001.Kimisuniqueamongother FloridaREALTORSinthatmyexcellent marketing&negotiatingskillshaveestablished myreputationasanethical&diligentREALTOR inmylocalmarketarea.Kimlooksforwardto workingwithyoutocreateyourFloridaLifestyle. ThinkingofBuyingorSelling?adno=8535406 MAURIE:AUSTRALIANFOR SOLDTheFriendlyAustralianRealtorBuy ingorsellingahome requiresknowledgeand experience. Mauries professionalandpersonal serviceisthebestin SouthwestFlorida.HomeSellers:CallMauriefora noobligation free marketevaluationtoseehowmuchyourhomeis worthintodaysmarketplace.309TamiamiTrail,PuntaGorda,FL33950Tel:941-639-2600Fax:941-637-9852www.mauriewoosleyhomes.comm.woosley@att.netMaurieWoosleyBuyingorSellingaHome?Noworriesmate!GivetheFriendly Aussieacallandhewill hopintoaction!DIRECTLINE:941-628-1822 FloridaRealty 1107W.MarionAve.,Ste#112,PuntaGorda,FL33950.adno=8535409 TheCantin*LesterTeamUnparalleledService Floridian REALTYSERVICES,LLC www.Fl o r i d i a n R e a l t y S e r vi c e s . c o m www.Fl o r i d i a n R e a l t y S e r vi c e s . c o m CAROLYNCANTINB r oker Associate(941) BETSYLESTERRealtor ,GRI(941)234-3767Betsy-Lester@comcast.netadno=8604944 1 2 2 67 7 S . A c c e s s R d , P o r t C h a rl l o t t e ,F F L 3 3 9 81 1 12267S.AccessRd,PortCharlotte,FL33981 O f f i c e : ( 9 41 1 ) 6 97 7 9 4 0 0 T T ol l lF r e e &F F a x : ( 8 8 8 ) 6 97 7 9 41 1 0 Offi ce:(941)697-9400TollFree&Fax:(888)697-9410 PATTYGILLESPIEREALTOR,SRES,GRI,CSSS941-875-275514850TamiamiTrailNorthPortwww.pattygillespie.comAnchor PersonalizedService byaProven Professional! adno=8535410SeniorsRealEstateSpecialist COMP UTE R E QUIP M E NT6060 M O NIT O R 17 never used, not a flat panel $15 941-743-2656 MONITOR 20 D e ll E207WFP & AS501 soundbar $80 941697-3850 W /D C AVIAR blue 1 60 gb ide pata $40 714-599-2137 W IN XPT O WER 1gb ram 80 gb HD cdrw/dvd $40 941-2704306 CLOTHING/ JE W E LRY/ A CCE SSORIE S 6065 DIVE WAT C H NA C 1 0 atm w/depth gauge. $100 734777-4471 COMP UTE R E QUIP M E NT6060 CO MPUTER DE S K 47 L X 23 W X 30 TALL $40 941-629-6429 COMPUTER DESK v.g. con d . lt. clr. wd. $65 941-830-8222 CO MPUTER WINXP w/ Off ice, DVD, runs A+ $40 941-7432656 DELL DESKTOP COMPUTER , 17 with 45 desk and chair $200 941-627-8587 INK C ARTRID G E S HP; 15A Asstd small $45 941-467-4320 LAPT O P A C ER extensa4620z500gb 3gbram win7 $80 941-626-0266 TV/STE R E O/RA DIO6040 CD , AMP , SPEAKERS S tereo $70 941-889-7146 ENTERTAINMENT C ENTER BLACK 36L X 48T X 20 $35 941-629-6429 T.V. /V C R CO MB O 1 3 Toshiba $20 941-549-2682 T.V./V C R CO MB O 1 3 Toshiba $24 941-549-2682 T O WER S PEAKER S / center channel $100 941-462-9819 TV 32 JV C per f ect . $ 45 9 41496-9252 TV PANA SO NI C 32 Flat Screen $75 Call Between 11AM & 11PM 941-306-8583 TV T OS HIBIA 32 , TV C ombo, VCR & DVD. Everything works. Owner manual $50 941-575-7528 E L E CTRONICS6038 P . A . RADIO Sh ac k , N ew, 250W Stereo Amp $150 941-627-9828 TV 29 HDVIZIO 720l c d remote/wall mount $125 941275-5837 TV-M O NIT O R 1 9 S amsung 940MW LCD remote $70 941697-3850 YAMAHA MX 200 -1 6 , 1 6 C H mixing console. $195 941-627-9828 TV/STE R E O/RA DIO6040 A MP, C D, S PEAKER S $ 75 941-889-7146 F URNITURE6035 TELEVISION STAND $50 941-629-5418 W I C KER DININ G TABLE $ 4 9 574-315-3891 W INE C ABINET Broyhill excellent condition $450 609-6182082 E L E CTRONICS6038 DVD & C DPLAYER N S 4 2 5P $30 941-697-3850 FLEX U S B CO NNE C T IN S PE C TION CAMERA $50 714-5992137 M O NIT O R +keybd, 2 spkr,mse $25 941-496-7569 F URNITURE6035 TABLE RATAN glass top 4 0 $35 941-258-2175 TABLE S ET glass top wicker 4 chairs $325 941-828-1076 TABLE, Dark Rattan G lasstop w/ 6 Chairs, Lamps, Computer Desk, & Bar Stools (2). $475 For All. Will Sep. 941-697-0902 TABLE/4 CHAIRS out d oor resin furniture dilvery available $150 941-681-6417 TABLESANTIQUE $150 941 629-5418 TABLES B roy hill C o ff ee & E n d table.Exc.cond $350 941-8301531 UTILITY TABLE 30 x7 2 in. Good overall, sl. flaw $15 941447-8982 IKELLERWILLIAMS@I L00O\ ti I -Z 7mk rIlk,
PAGE 115
Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 15 adno=8535495 adno=8517677 adno=8604943 D e n i s e G a l l o w a y D e n i s e G a l l o w a y DeniseGalloway R e a l t o r R e a l t o r Realtor D i r e c t : 9 4 1 2 5 4 1 8 4 4 o r 6 6 1 3 1 2 4 5 3 1 D i r e c t : 9 4 1 2 5 4 1 8 4 4 o r 6 6 1 3 1 2 4 5 3 1 Direct:941-254-1844or661-312-4531 O f f i c e : 9 4 1 8 7 5 9 0 6 0 O f f i c e : 9 4 1 8 7 5 9 0 6 0Office:941-875-9060 F a x: 9 4 1 8 7 5 9 0 9 9 F a x: 9 4 1 8 7 5 9 0 9 9Fax:941-875-9099 D e n i s e g a ll o w a y 1 @ g m a il. c o m D e n i s e g a ll o w a y 1 @ g m a il. c o m www. D ENI S E S ELL S P A R A D I S E. c o m www. D ENI S E S ELL S P A R A D I S E. c o m K e ll e r W illi a m s P e a c e R iv e r P a r t n e r s R e a l t y K e ll e r W illi a m s P e a c e R iv e r P a r t n e r s R e a l t y KellerWilliamsPeaceRiverPartnersRealty 1 6 7 5 W .M a r i o n Av e .# 1 1 2 P u n t a G o r d a , FL 3 3 9 5 0 1 6 7 5 W .M a r i o n Av e .# 1 1 2 P u n t a G o r d a , FL 3 3 9 5 0 1675W.MarionAve.#112PuntaGorda,FL33950EachOfficeisindependentlyOwnedandOperated EachOfficeisindependentlyOwnedandOperated kw kwPeaceRiver Partners FredM.Boland,CDPEePROREALTORRealtorthatstillbelievesincustomerservice. PuntaGordaandBurntStore aremyareasofexpertise.3941TamiamiTr.,PuntaGorda, www.fredinflorida.comadno=8535407 Shellee&JimmyGGuinta 941-586-846319700CochranBlvd. PortCharlotte,FL33948 shelleegee@verizon.netadno=8535408 P e o p l e H e l p i n g P e o p l e PeopleHelpingPeople AdeleBourcierBrokerAssociate941-468-2571Direct 800-749-4494TollFree 941-474-3259Business 941-474-6671Fax realtorab@aol.comwww.adele.bourcier@floridamoves.com1600EnglewoodRd Englewood,FL34223ResidentialRealEstate adno=8517675 adno=8517676 MailingAddress: P.O.Box380503, Murdock,FL33938SUNCOASTEAMREALTYPROPERTYMANAGEMENTDonataNoone PropertyManagerRealtor ForSouthwestFloridaRealEstate YourOfficeLocation:4055TamiamiTr., Ste.#22,PortCharlotte,FL33952941-875-4744(Direct)941-585-0505(Fax) GOLFA CCE SSORIE S6 1 25 BAG TRAVELCOVER B agB oy T-10 like new $60 941-3916334 C ALLAWAY DIABL O 1 0& 15 A+ cond/covers $60 937-5468544 CO BRA DRIVER 1 0 .5* Reg Graphite VGC $75 941-4235701 2011 club car ds Custom Built. 48 Volt New Batteries (6-8 Volt). Pearl Yellow Paint. Custom Upholstery. Fresh Tires, Charger, New Lights, SS Hubcaps, Rearview Mirror, New Windshield. Local Delivery! $3,975 941-769-1431 EZGO TXT 2 Passenger, high Speed. NEW BATTERIES! Factory Lights, Bag rack, Windshield Rain Curtains Sand buckets. Good Bushings, cables. Fresh tires 5 panel rear view mirror Trades considered Local Delivery $2,485 941-769-1431 EZGO TXT 2 Passenger rear seat Red sparkle paint New Batteries TODAY! Lights, Windshield, Bag rack, Sunbrella Rain Curtains Sunbrella Club Cover New Bushings, cables Fresh tires, 5 panel rear view mirror Trades considered Local Delivery $2485, 941-769-1431 GO LF BALL S Excellent Used. Dozen for $3 941-235-2613 TREES & PLA NTS6 11 0 FRUITING MULBERRYBUSH 2-3 Gallon Pots $15 941-2049100 G LEN MAN GO TREE S , 1 gal. $6 941-833-0504 HAWAIIAN TIPLANT Very Unique Leather Purple Leave $15 941-204-9100 LAUREL O AK cassia or golden rain tree 3-4ft $6 941-2582016 VIBURNUMGREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE3GAL++ PALMS: FOXTAIL, SYLVESTERPIGMY& MORE. GREAT PRICESSUISNUSURY941-488-7291 PATIO TOMATOPLANTS : cherry, pear or Tiny Tim $1.50 941-258-2016 RARE MUSA , AE AE B anana, Collector. $119.50 941-8330504 SEEDLINGS C ucum b er, K a l e or S.Chard $1.50 941-258-2016 SILVER DATE P a l m T rees, Seedlings,2 gal. $10 941-8330504 S PIDER PLANT S hanging baskets or flowers $1.50 941-2582016 S TAR FRUITTREE S 2 Per Order $30 941-204-9100 T O MAT O PLANT S 6 -1 2 several healthy varieties $1.50 941-258-2016 B A BYITE MS6 1 20 ACTIVITY GYM P renata l Ed ucation System give your baby a head start $25 941-764-7971 BABYPLUS prenata l e d ucat i on system give your baby a head star $75 941-764-7971 BREAST PUMP NEW P ure l y Yours Electric. $65 941-7647971 G RA CO 3 in 1 new born stroller, car seat $95 941-375-4054 PRENATAL LISTENING Summer Infant #06110 $15 941-764-7971 SILVER BABYSPOON N ava j o Don Platero $35 941-575-8136 M E DICA L6095 3 WHEELWALKER almost new r&l brake $50 941-268-1157 BLOOD PRESSURE M on i tor Omron, Digital,Memory w / Adapter. $30941-474-7866 G RIPPER/REA C HER Metal, Extends Reach.$10941-4747866 LIFT C HAIR. Pride, Beige. Excellent Condition! $150 941416-8612 LIFT H arman M o bili ty, C omp l ete Power Hook-up For Mounting Chairin Van. $450 941-493-1334 MA SS A G ER Homedics f eet on, rotating w/heat$30941-4747866 OZONE MACHINE w / Steam Bath & Tank. $950/obo 941-882-2720 SCOO TER PRIDE GOGO UltraX 3 wheels $300 941-4844697 S H O WER C HAIR LIKE NEW $30 941-268-8951 SHOWER CHAIR V ery goo d condition $20 941-356-0129 S H O WER C HAIR/P O TTY With WheelsHealthline $120 941268-8951 W ALKER like new Wheels, brakes, seat $60 941-3560129 H EALTH / BEAUTY6 1 00 C RUT C HE S aluminum 4 6 to 5 vgc $10 941-627-6542 WATERDISPENSER pr i mo Cold and hot spring water Nice $35 803-624-8039 TREES & PLA NTS6 11 0 BANANA TREE S , Various, exchange pot. $14.50 941-8330504 C ARDB O ARD PALMTREE S $10 941-204-9100 DE S ERT R OS E Bush in 1 6 diameter pot. $7 941-830-1531 FI GS A SS T. Fruiting Figs 2 3 Gallon Pots $20 941-204-9100 FL GOLDP apaya T rees , 1.Gal. $5 941-833-0504 A NTIQUE S COLLE CTIBLE S6070 STIFFEL LAMP S o lid b rass w i t h 2 shades $75 941-979-9358 THE S H O EB OO K BILL S H O EMAKERS SIGN B $20 941-3916377 V INTA G E T OO L S SICLE,SCYTHE,SAW & MORE $30 941-214-8188 W ATERF O RD C L OC K small square offset $50 517-4148927 MUSICA L6090 B OO M B O X with dvd player $30firm 941-624-6617 ELECTRO HARMONIX BOX (Memory) Man harmonix $199 941-564-8757 LUDWI G DRUM S ET Includes hardware 941-423-0003 ORGAN , ROLAND Ni ce, F a i r l y New, 1 Owner, American Classic. $8000, OBO 941-661-9268 PEAVY S PEAKER S PR-15 pair gd cond $199 941-564-8757 PIANO BALDWIN sp i net-nee d s some wk. $350 941-830-8222 PLAYER PIAN O , A Treasure f or Antique Collector and/or Musician. $450. 941-697-0902 TV 13" PLUS DVD PLAYER $35941-624-6617 V INTA G E ZILJIAN C YMBAL S 60s to 70s $499 941-4230003 M E DICA L6095 BATHTUB & SHOWER GRAB BARS INSTALLED Dont Wait to Fall to Call! Free In-Home Evaluation 25 Years Experience CALL JIMS BATHROOM GRAB BARS, LLC 941-626-4296 A NTIQUE S COLLE CTIBLE S6070 ELVIS TEDDYBEARS HAVE 4 $75 941-627-6780 F OO TBALL C ARD S 1 9 55 2 5 different N.Mint. $50 810-2109553 FOOTBALL CARDS A rc hi e manning rookie $8 1972 810210-9553 F OO TBALL C ARD S Archie manning rookie. $20 810-210-9553 FRAMED TAPESTRY 54x52 Circa 1941. A Lively Scene of Crusaders on Horseback w / Arabic Writing Border Cartouches. $3500. 941-391-5925 GOLD LEAFMIRROR 23X27 photo online $50 941-4977230 HUMMEL FIGURINE S tormy Weather, 5 1/2, 1965, $275 Firm 941-627-3283 L O RD NEL SO NPIT C HER Marina pattern $39 941-6242105 MUNROS KINGOFKING RARE OLD SCOTCH $60 941-3916377 NA SC AR CO LLE C TIBLE S Earnhardt sr, jr, Stewart $40 941-275-3287 PLATE SPODE (2) 200 A nn i v boxed w/cert ea $15 941-6970501 P O LAR O ID 800 Land C amera Vintage. With case and wink flash $14 803-624-8039 POWER SAW McCulloch model 200 Vintage $105 941-214-8188 R OS EVILLE 5 2 7-7 Black C apri has chip $15 941-286-7337 R OS EVILLE P O TTERY 44 9 -1 0 Magnola Bowl $65 941-2867337 S AM SO NITE R O UND suitcase faux alligator leather $40 941497-7230 S ILVER TEA S P OO N S 6 Chicago 1933-34 $30 941575-8136 S NDW C H S ET S grn G lass sand 12 sets grn $25 941-474-4120 STERLING CHATELAINE 5 1/4 w/3 charms $75 941575-8136 CLOTHING/ JE W E LRY/ A CCE SSORIE S 6065 FUR CO AT FAUX LE O PARD $45 574-315-3891 PARTY DRESS BLACK SZ8.GREAT FOR CRUISE $30 941-391-6377 S TERLIN G C R OSS Pendant 1 1/4 long $15 941-575-8136 A NTIQUE S COLLE CTIBLE S6070 1 0 KT C ross Pen Pencil S et tapestry case $75 941-575-8136 WANTED Old postcards (Pre 1950s), Stamp collections, old photographs and paper items. Collector pays highest prices. 207-7126216 or 941-493-4714 F O RD Van door with glass $150 941-232-6967 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 A M S TEL LI G HTBEER oval mirror $20 941-235-1910 APACHE TEARS vo l can i c g l ass $1 $2 EACH; 941-467-4320 A RT SC ULPTURE ( METAL ) One of a kind-call 4 pics $450 941-882-4545 BASEBALL CARDS P ete R ose 68 70 topps. $15 810-2109553 BUDWEI S ER C LA SS I C label Bar mirror 18x25 $25 941235-1910 CANE BOTTOMCHAIRS 6 o f one, 2 spindle. Each $24 803624-8039 CHELSEA WORKING s hi ps b e ll cclock wanted . $100 941-4214741 C L OC K 200 TH anniversary constitution clock $125 941480-0080 C L OC K Ansonia, keeps per f ect time $129941-764-7971 CLOWN COLLECTION $10 941-629-5418 CO IN 1 9 1 9 Walking Lib hal f 1st issue $50 941-214-8188 COIN 1964 unc K enne d y h a lf collecto$50941-214-8188 CRYSTAL CLOCK W ater f or d large oval $75 517-414-8927 wowHarbor Realty 111130 311 darCor Blvd. Ste. 112e -_yPunta Gorda, FL 33950 W 81=I M 4M(941) 815.1198 I ISIS(800) 409.9657 041 $75 $ DIM 5NR 0711s M0 SP R DMw Lorrie Tanksleyw w rhOOR w hrMn l1OREALTORS , 107 W ar M 112o hw!a mods. SMOEaa idie+5 ntependmIyotwedandap-at.1.Q 11 ^11"People Helping People"
PAGE 116
Page 16 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 ICK FACTORBy Melanie MillerACROSS 61 Edison's 1,000-plus 2 Cleaning cloth 61 Coll. prep test Los Angeles Times1 Trade 63 Told too much 3 Rough quantity 62 Some drive-thrus Sunday Crossword Puzzle5 Bestow upon, as a 66 Powerful Persian 4 colony 63 "That's a surprise"compliment bloodline? 5 Tip 64 Greene of the Edited by Rich Norris arid Joyce Nichols Lewis8 Increased 70 Its longer than a dit 6 Temper original "Battlestarexcessively, with 71 Finale of 7 Creme brUlee Galactica" series"on" Copland's "Rodeo" ingredient 65 Pulled hamstring, 5 s ' a 10 +, 112 +3 14 5 +o13 Back country 73 Hosp. areas 8 Considerable to a hurdler?18 Subject of a 74 Wii fanatic, say outbreak 67 Move in on E 2c 21memorable 76 Shaker unit 9 Cooperative words 68 "The Frog Pnnce"chocolate simile 77 tai 10 Hometown folks byine 22 2419 Sport with four78 Equine array 11 Managed with 69 Like gymnastsperson teams 80 Paintballs, e g difficulty, with "out" 72 Trash-talks 2t v 20 21120 Came to 84 Fizzles out 12 Disdainful 75 Not at all typical21 Theatrical work 85 Fire sign? 13 Slip 77 Wise men 30 S, 3?22 Barbecue feature 88 Inflict 14 NYSE event 78 Ballpoint24 More cordial 89 Sushi options 15 Another showing alternative IS' 3r> 95 Ss ao25 Canning tomatoes 90 Black batt. terminal of an Edsel 79 "The Black[ tit"26 Sign outside the 91 Draft in a moldy documentary? actor 4, 2 43 s :v n; rtewomen's locker basement? 16 Matthew 81 Gatherroom? 94 Wanna bet?" McConaughey has 82 Cornfield attraction ^5o 5' 5229 Paper cut cries 97 Academic no. one 83 Accepted30 High 98 Full Sail or 17 Nervy 85 Santa Derby31 Wooded Harpoon product 19 Want more 86 Accidentallydepression 99 Title stuffed bear in 23 Seller of staples reveals se sc s 3s32 How the riot act is a 2012 comedy 27 Safe to have 87 Fraidy catread 100 Squat hounds 28 Former lab burners 88 "That sav'd a ss34 Lifeboat item 102 Red Carpet stance 33 Prepare to paint like me!": 161 137 Beginning of 104 Rotsserie eague again "Amazing Grace" '3 r'Christmas? data 34 Kimono holders 92 Filed with tears38 Tny 106 Israeli machine gun 35 It occasionally 93 Denounces '8 77 ;3 0 80 8 02 39 Gadget in the 107 Stray nut among floods Florence 95 Duel attendant as 85 es 87 eagame Twister the Doritos? 36 Mtge. adjustment 96 Bouts41 Hopper using 113 Total 38 Lift not as common 100 Goals of some yu, sz,hops? 115 Naps, maybe as it used to be back pats45 Gardner of "The 116 Athenian landmark 40 Tyenol target 101 Poetic blue 94 96 9iHucksters" 117 Gussy up 42 Fit as a fiddle 103 Young barn46 Cher's'Burlesque" 118 Some map dots 43 Summers in dweller 'Co o ,o2 o3 0. orole 119 Olympian chariot China? 104 Trap49 Reason rider 44 Torn and Jerry, e.g. 105 Bound bunch cs "50 Auditorium sections 120 Real estate division 4 / Part ally, casually 108 Washer pan52 Illegal USMC 121 Repaired, in a way 48 Spill clumsily 109 Abundantstatus 122 Bothersome 51 Hard-to-miss sign gemstone Down53 Pot filler 123 Was in the driver's 54 Zoomed Under ; e ,.y 72054 Castaway's signal seat 55 Estate highlight, 110 Old empire builder56 Where Yogi naps 124 Dieter's data often 111 Vancouver, for 22 23 a57 Vice president 57 Lid infammation onebefore Gerald DOWN 59 ' a n-ission" 112 Sega competitor in58 Fragrant boom 1 Hardly a pick-up 60 Some magazine the 16-bit market 02015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 3/29/1560 Excitement expert? spreads 114 Ball holder All rights reserved.`GRANNY LIED'North-South vulnerable. North deals. new suit to show a good hand with afit for the suit partner just bid andNORTH she was sure this hand qualified.rA Q 6 3 They were using "bid boxes" at theA K 10 3 duplicate game, and Esther had hadA K J 10 5 2 more than one problem in the pastd6 Void trying to use these contraptions.WEST EAST Trying to pull the four-club card outrA 10 9 8 4 A K J 5 of the bidding box. she accidentally8 5 9 6 2 put the three-spade card on the table.8 Q 7 She was horrified when Fred4 K J 10 7 6 5 3 4 Q 9 8 4 alerted her bid as showing shortnessSOUTH in spades. Fred, who had no interest!7 4 2 in any high-level contract, signed offQ J 7 4 in four hearts. Esther, however, was9643sure she had messed up their auction,4 A 2 so she leaped to slam as she felt herface turning red. Claiming that sheThe hidding had to go "powder her nose," sheNORTH EAST SOUTH WEST asked Teddy to turn the dummy for1C> Pass 11' Pass her until she not hack. West. certain34* Pass C,, Pass from the splinter bid that a spade lead6J All pass was pointless, led a club instead. Fred*Splinter hid, at most one spade easily took 12 tricks on the club lead."Uncle Fred," said Tedd, '`GrannyOpening lead: Jack of 4 lied. She didn't have a' singletonspade like she promised." Said, Fred,Esther's grandson, Teddy, had been "I assure you, young Teddy, yourtrying hard to learn the game that so Granny would never intentionally tellcaptivated his grandmother. He had a lie. She just has some of the luckiestjust sat down to watch Fred and accidents I've ever seen."Esther, and hopefully learnsomething, when today's deal came (Bob Jones tvelcornes readers'up. responses sent in care of thisEsther, sitting North , was a hit newspaper or to Tribune Contentaccident-prone to start with, and she Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrot'ewas especially nervous to have Teddy Dr., Suite 175. Addison, TX 75001.watching. Fred had been teaching her L-,nail responses uav be sent toSplinter Bids a double jump in a tcaeditors@tribunc.coln.)
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Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 17 THAT CRAMBHoyt WORD GAMEIA\V//I tl IJn by David L. Ho and Jeff KnurekUnscrarnb e these six J,.mbles. _one letter to eacn scuare. So, how does 9, II1 W.98 aiI.0 form six crdinary words thls work? I've 94D7never done thisBOLLAG heron.Oah. He's cute. I went here firstwhen I was readyto start dating again.a' "r. c.t,..ACerry,LLC \ rh Fie ve. e I 1ICTENE71DANTTEURESFE I r1l 3NIVOSI5F;E 51W D vQ FOR Ti{EONL-NE DH-N& 5ERV!5E !NTHE HOB OF ---HIRTEE Now arrange the orcled lettersto form the surprise answer, assuggested by the above cartoon.PRINT YOUR ANSWER IN THE CIRCLES BELOW un
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Page 18 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 KEN11KEN,1THE LOGIC PUZZLE THAT MAKES YOU SMARTER.S W IA P P A Y P11 L E ID W I IL D IS EASY3 LLL I F E P O L O A W O K E O P E R A [ J 2O P F V C R I L L N I C F R R O M A SB F W A R E N A K D L A D11 E SNOWS!!1irL O F T Y E L L S T E R N L YM uO A R C17 F T M S P I N E R 12X m B R E W E R H A B B I TAVA T. AnswerN F E R B A L C O IN I E S A W O L CS O I L F L A R E D E S N P I R OI LAC A DO TPAENTS GLOBAL ATTEND VISIONO L D M E W I N G 5 Y YAST DnH ENTICE REFUSE EITHER 2 2H O E D O W NEE H GA M RS EGR I A I N IIM A I GA I T S A I M M OE N ID SEA L A R M B E L L W R E A K She signed up for the online dat0E E L S N E G M I L D E W 3 R E E Z E of 7+ 1xing service in the hopeY E S I T I S G P A A L E T E D EBASSETS POSE STATS LOVE AT U Z I C A S H E W I N O N E S C H I P S ~R UN TO L 0 L L S P A R T H E N O N 02015 KenKen Puzzle, LLC www.kenken.comPREEN I S L E S A R E S A C R EE W E D P E S T Y L E D F FIRST "SITE" CHALLENGINGS A T S11+ 32= 3XI20X 2ZUU8X 26C6X 1OX 311+ oJ4 5-ZA2= 1 9+02015 KenKen Puzzle, LLC www.kenken.comRULESLove Conquers All Edited by Linda and Charles PrestonACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 f 7 1, 9 10 11 12 14 15 1G 17 199e0 2t 221 Sardou drama6 Egg on 23 2a 2 2910 Emulates Snoop Diggs 27 26 I V)r 3e N L L b L a s l t 914 Dyer self-helper ., 1 s v t L v t19 Theatre with a root 32 33 3, as Q W Z b I 20 Wasatch winter sport area o t v s t L21 Use it blue pencil 3s 3s V) b Z L i 9 5 t b L lao at 42 4322 Eskimo: Var. O Z I I V L t t L 9 s 17s 40 so Q ; t L 4 t 9 s23 Poet-author of "To Althea 44 ae47front Prison" 111126 Musical composition 51 52 53 54 55 56 5727 Chant28 One of the acids ss 8 w 61 ez 6329 Pairsss31 Bird girl in "Greta 62 ss ss 70Mansions" 71 72 7333 "Love Story's" Erich35 Operatic solo 76 n le 79 so36 18th C. master satirist40 Post-impressionist flower a1 a es 84 Os espainter42 Actress Valli a7 as as so 91 sz s344 Bar or tonic lead-in45 Sharp instruments ='a ss 9' 90 r3 16047 Status49 "Blue -Shoes" 101 m 03 04 c5 ns51 relievo: hol:ow relict107 366 113 110 n53 Florida cape55 lake exception n2 , 3 n% 115 16 117 118 119 12057 Beijing problem58 Rocket stage 1r zz z3 zs60 Model Campbell62 Tribunal 125 126 127 12e64 Baseball star65 Compounds found in 2s 130 131 132natund resin I EH67 Sign of the Zodiac te)2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. All rights reserved. 3/29/1569 Isolated71 Shavers72 Fudd or Gantry73 Division word 125 _ cantata: high Mass 16 Song popularized by Jolson 76 Canvas cover74 Psyche specialist 126 Naturalist John 17 Pheasant brood 78 Starting point77 Nut centers 127 "_ kleine Nachtmusik" 18 Summers, in St. Lo 79 Jazzy pianist Bill StpZ/6Z/78 Poetic eight lines 128 Theban king 24 Sends a payment 80 Belgian chamber of81 Josh 129ltonian'sdad 25 Georgia of-'MaryTyler Moore" Parliament A N N 3 H 110 0 S S A 1 V U 3 1 V d82 Sordid 131) Charity 30 Wood sorrel 83 Saint: German N 10 3 1 0 D N 13 H I n n V S S I A84 Ringo 131 Glaswegian 32 Indo-Europeans surrender site 3 1 1 1011 S H I 3 1 V 3 A 0 1 N I 0 1 V86 Kitchen gadget 132 Comic Youngman 34 Cole Porter offering 85 Funny Foxx C 3 IN A I H S n N I 1 S 3 N I 1 1 V S87 Semi-solid mass 36 Cleric 88 Written discussion V H V N S V 1 1 30S 0 A V S89 Attracted 37 Western Native American 90 Causes of irritation 1 S n H 1 S I 0 N 3 1 3 0 3 3 H 1091 Derived from oil DOWN 38 One of the Bard's comedies 92 Chavez and Romero V N O NS 3 0 0 3 U 3 I l d S U n 0 H93 Cannon, of "The Love 39 hle of c\:le 95 Course of study1Machine" 41 Captain of the Nautilus 97 Networks N V A 0 0 1 A.1 0 N M V H 0 0 1 094 farts of days 1-& Dean 43 Worship 99 Entertainer Elaine 3 A 3 I S H H V 1 S A A V 3 S 9 I H96 Diligent one 2 Dweller in Asgard 46 19711 Faiot Gould film 102 Spanish nobleman S 3 A V 1 0 0 S 1 V 3 W 1 S A 1 V N V98 Items 3 The Amish, for one 48 Decoy 104 Seaport on the Loire O 1 N I H 3 A 1 3 S 0 V 1100 Actress Munson 4 Group of soldiers 50 Mild oath 106 Wander aimlessly 0 3 1 S I N 3 O O U I A S 3 N 3 S 3 U101 Trapped 5 Sapphira's husband 52 "Paper Moon" Oscar-winner 108 AL city of note v H 3 A n H 0 3 I IN 0 V N V N 3 0 V103 Generally 6 Roster 54 Zola 110 Type of Muslim mystic105 Have doubts about 7 podrida: Spanish stew 56 Having a secret meaning 112 Ground corn J OAS H n A 3 0 3 1 9 V S MU A V O107 Island in the Aegean 8 Minute matter 59 Williams and Warhol 113 Latin others 3 0 3 n 1s 1 3 A 3 1 11 A 1 S E0 S I109 Kett namesakes 9 Apostle of the Indies 61 La Douce, et al. 114 _ music V 0 11 V N 0 0 3 H 3 H I V 1 1 0 AIll City in Japan 10 Added amino 63 After-dinner goodies 116 Chinese: comb. form V N 3 0 S 1 V 9 3 S V I H112 Soup snacks 11 Novel b y Nabokov 66 Two-wheeled chariot 118 Visage S I A 0 S O M 1 0 N I A V I N O 1 N I115 "Peanuts" romantic 12 Ancient Scot 68 Arrive at 119 Kind of collar117 Spectacle adjective 13 I lotchporches 70 Prim and proper 120 Gainsay 3 1 1 O n n n 0 l 3 N I 3 1 I 0 0 V 1 3 3 A V 1 O l 1 O V H V N H H H 3 0 H0 H121 Bitter aloe derivative 14 '86 Nobelist and family 74 Type of curved construction 123 Energetic spirit122 George Hamilton movie 15 Marcus : Cleopatra's lover 75 Egyptian 124 Soak flax 3 N AVM S d V H IX V O 0 V O S O l
PAGE 119
Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 19 ii liii __ ___ ___ii l iii __ __ ___ ___ii liii _ __ ___ ________ ______________ ______________ ______________ I I___ ________ ________ ________ I I___ I I I__ ii jiji i _______ _______ _______ ______________ I__ ii jiji i _______ I I _________ I I I I I I ______ __ ______ I I I ______ __ I I I ______ I I__ ____________ I I I I__ ii jiji i _______ I I _______ I_ I I I I I I_ I I ____ ____ I _________ I I ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ I I ______ I __ ____ _____H I ______ __
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Page 20 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 LAWN & GARDEN6160 MOWER L awn B oy, G as /Oil Mix, 21, Self Propelled. Cast IronFrame $70. 941-743-8243 MOWER MTD , 21 w / M u l c h er 6HP Briggs & Stratton Push Mower $65. 941-743-8243 MOWER M urray 22 , 4 . 5HP Briggs & Stratton Push Mower $65. 941-743-8243 MOWER M urray 22 , 6HP Briggs & Stratton Push Mower $75. 941-743-8243 MOWER T roy B u il t 22 , 6HP Briggs & Stratton. Self Propelled. $70. 941-743-8243 MTD 20 LAWNM O WER 1 yr old VG $75 941-255-0874 O UTD OO R G RILL 5 burner outdoor grill $30 941-426-5519 O UTD OO R TABLE & 6 C HAIR S 70x40 $200 910-578-5273 PRESSUREWASHER exce ll $220 941-485-0681 PRE SS URE WA S HER Honda 4000 psi com. & acc. $499 941-232-6967 PRE SS URE WA S HER Ryobi 3100psi Honda idle $280 941-485-0681 PU S H M O WER MTD21" High Wheel 6.75hp $85 941-485-0681 PUSHMOWER MTD lik e new $100 941-485-0681 RIDIN G M O WER Honda 30cut, starts & runs great, reblt dk $450 941-743-4474 RIDIN G M O WER MTD Yardmaster, 18.5 hp., 46-in. cut. $425 941-505-0310 TOP SOIL F or S a l e ! Pl eas e call: 941-468-4372 WEEDEATER , 21 , 4 . 5HP Briggs & Stratton, Push. $65. 941-743-8243 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS6165 WEATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Set Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES6145 P OO L 1 2 FT by 30 in with f ilter in box $45 941-276-0814 P OO L VA CC UM Baracuda, $100 OBO, Solar Reel, $100 OBO 941-575-5691 P OO L VA C UUM HAYWARD automatic with hoses $100 941-637-4668 RI O S UN f lot chr. new 200 . $60 941-624-2105 LAWN & GARDEN6160 BAR, Wrought Iron 7 with 3 swivel chairs. Paid $1200, $800. TALL TABLE Wrought Iron with 2 Swivel Chairs. Paid $700, $500 obo 941-575-5691 C LAY P O T S $1 each 9416240928 C u ddl e up b y t h e fi re ! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 ELECTRIC STARTER B&S E ngine 8.75 v/s for lawn mower $150 941-485-0681 GAS GRILL b ar b equec h ar b ro il 3 burner $60 941-474-5124 LAWN M O WER hi wheel 20 Honda Engine . $175 941-4969252 LAWN MOWER P us h M ower, (Yard Machine) like new used twice $100 319-321-5327 LAWN MOWER T orro V ery n i ce shape $50 941-423-7771 LAWN S PREADER scotts 3000 great cond $20 941-268-8951 LAWN TRACTOR Cub Cadet 3000 Series Heavy Duty w/ Shaft Drive, Power Steering, Power Lift, Positraction. Just Serviced! Paid $8,000, Asking $1,600 941-786-6239 MOWER J o h n D eere, 21 , 6.5HP Briggs & Stratton. 3 Spd. $160. 941-743-8243 MOWER J o h n D eere, 21 , 6HP Kawaski. Self Propelled, 5 Spd. $160. 941-743-8243 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES6135 BIKE H u ff y P er f ect con d 24i n cruiser $50 941-625-2227 BIKE RA C K Bike S tand $ 45 941-286-6376 BIKE S 1 6 1 G IRL 1 B O Y, G D COND $15 941-475-9146 BIKES HIS & h ers bi g t i re n i ce cond. $120/pair 941-626-3102 BIKE S his & hers. Nice C ond. ea.Venice each $50 937-4279639 G IRL S BIKE good f or 6 to 9 yr old $35 941-276-0814 MOUNTAIN BIKE R a l e i g h M20 as new Shimano 21 gr lock helmet $200 941-979-1458 TRI C Y C LE Adult with all new tires! $175 941-244-0532 TRICYCLE b ran d new, i n t h e box! $275 941-524-1025 TOYS/GAMES6138 BABYCHEST & BATHTUB bitty 2 drawer. Cute! $10 803624-8039 EA S TER S TUFFEDANIMAL S LIKE NEW-VENICE $2 937-4279639 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES6145 **SPAS & MORE** new/used 110volt Plug ins. Trade ins Welcome! We Move Hot Tubs 941-625-6600 We Buy Used Hot Tubs CHAIR FLOAT sw i m li ne l ge n ib was $60 asking $30 941-5051663 HOT TUB SEATS 5, WITH LOUNGER AND MAINTENANCE FREE CABINET. 110 OR 220 VOLT. CAN DELIVER $1,895 941-462-0633 SPORTINGGOODS6130 GOLF PUTTERS ea $5 941 743-0582 MAN C AVEA CC E SSO RIE S Steins/mugs bottles $20 941979-9358 MI SC S PINNIN G REEL S ALL WORK GREAT $15 714-5992137 OS U PULL O VER JA C KET Fleece XL-Ex cond $45 941493-6309 OSU SWEATSHIRT Bi g T en Champs XL $45 941-493-6309 OS U VAR S ITYJA C KET Excellent condition $75 941-4936309 P OO L TABLE slate $ 4 00 9 41423-2970 PU S H P O LE carbon f iber, 1 8 ft, like new $350 o/bo 941780-3977 REEL & R O D Penn Senator 4/0 W/ heavy rod $30 941-286-5275 SPINNING ROD 7 6 FOR 15 30# MONO $35 714-599-2137 FIREARMS6131 REMINGTON 1100 Trap Gold 12 Ga. Exc. Wood! $740. (941)-743-4633 S IX S H OO TER UBERTI 1 8 75 outlaw in 45 colt $450 o/b 941769-1367 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES6135 3 WHEEL ELECTRIC Rid e Bicycle $250 941-786-6239 BICYCLE M ens b eac h cru i ser $35 941-625-2779 BI C Y C LE R O ADMA S TER Sport 10 spd, New tires. $50 941-423-7771 BIKE 1 8 Yeah 6 S peed Fold Up. $45 616-690-1875 (Lake Suzy) BIKE 2 4 C RUI S ER single speed, good condition $50 941-254-0383 BIKE 3 WHEEL DELIVERY AVAIL. $225 941-626-3102 BIKEHUFFY 18 spee d 26 b e ll rack no seat $15 941-8824545 EXERCISE/ FITNESS6128 EXER C I S E BIKE has odometer n Large seat $35 941-6252779 EXERCISE MACHINE Golds Gym XR-45 $50 570-842-9675 G AZELLE G LIDER $20 9 41763-0276 PILATE S P O WER G YM Hardley used $100 941-235-1522 TOTAL GYM C ommerc i a l T opof-Line ex $299 941-505-7272 T O TAL G YM w/Acces. barely used $150 941-624-2105 TRAMP O LINE small $ 15 9 41763-0276 TREAD C LIMBER Bow f lex TC10 New, Pd $2,200. Best Offer. 239-331-6615 Before 9. TREADMILL WE S L O C adenceXI 14x40 w/safety $175 941-254-0383 TREADMILL WITH new wa lki ng belt nice $150 941-268-8951 V IBRATI O N PLATE Full Body new in box $125 941-7632900 SPORTINGGOODS6130 1 0 FI S HIN G S AND S PIKE S ALL FOR $25 714-599-2137 7 DIN G HY wooden dinghy w/oars $195 941-347-8927 BILLARD SET set aram i t h ,balls,racks etc.P.G $40 941505-1663 BOXING HEAVY BAG ( a l so kick bag available) $60 941232-6967 C AT C HER MITT RAWLIN GS $85 941-624-0928 DEPTH FINDERPORTABLE Hummingbird Depth Finder $50 941-244-0532 ELKM O UNT S TUNNIN G excellent workmanship $400 941-232-6967 FIREWOOD No camping trip is complete without it! Pine, Oak, or Citrus Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! 941-468-4372 HORSESHOE SET PROF REG SIZE USA LIKE NEW $20 941286-4894 GOLFACCESSORIES6125 GO LF BALL S , like new, mixed brands, per dozen $6 941-4887774 GOLF CARTS , E Z GO . RED 4 SEATER $1,800/OBO 941-626-0652 GO LF C LUB S Beginners set with bag $50 941-375-4054 GO LF C LUB S W/bag ladys callaway ges $100 941-474-1910 GOLF SHOES BLACK LOAFER , NIKE,NEW $12 941-627-6780 GO LF W OO D S , G raphite 1-7 $10 each $10 941-625-1537 CLUB CAR DS 4 Seat Golf Cart. Ext. 80 Roof. Trojan G3 Batteries. Recent Service. New Paint. Good Tires, Windshield & Charger. $2,450 941-716-6792 No Text Please. Delivery Available. REDUCED REFURBISHED Club Car DS 4 Passenger, Folding Rear Seat, Trojan 875 (E3) 8 Volt Batteries, 6" Lift Kit, 10" Rims, 22x11x10 Tires Stainless Steel Brush Guard and Side Steps, Factory Headlights & Tail Lights, High Speed Motor ( +-20mph) Windshield Charger and Top, Great Blue Paint, Excellent Condition $ 3475. 941-716-6792 Delivery Available NO TEXT PLEASE REDUCED TAYLORMADE FIRESOLE D,5,7 A cond $45 937-5468544 EXERCISE/ FITNESS6128 A ER O BI C S TEPPER & riser 26x17 turq/grey LN $20 941697-0501 ELYPTICAL TRAINER W/El ectronics & Resistance $125 941-268-8951 lftwoooooo ooPkI_ 5E IllyP4 11v 7 Little Words JANRIC CLASSIC SUDOKUFind the 7 words to match the 7 clues. The numbers in parentheses Fill in isle blank cells using numbers 1 to 9. Each number can appear only once in eacn row.represent the number of letters in each solution. Each lettercombination can be used only once, but all letter combinations Z) column and 3x3 block. Use logic and process elimination to solve the puzzle. The difficultywill be necessary to complete the puzzle. evel ranges from Bronze (easiest) to Silver to Gold (hardest).CLUES SOLUTIONS n. I 4 6 2 1 3 Rating: BRONZE1 political party (10) o2 party for a bride-to-be (6) D Q 5 1 Solution98 13 opening -night gala (8) 4 61211 9 3 7 8 504 large noisy party (7) 5 8 2 E 3 7 8 2 5 611 4 95 uninvited party guest (7) o N6 uproarious party (4) m 4 1 5 2 1 5 9 8 7 4 6 2 37 old-fashioned party (8) 0 61914 7 8 1 5 3 2$ 3 67 811 15 3 7 8 1 21916 4OC SHO SH TIC ER 2 5 4 8 2 3 5 416 9 8 1 7WER DIG IN MIE GDI 2 7 9 5 2 6 3 1 7 4 9 8W 947628351DEM PRE CRA SH SH 9 7 2 3 8 1 3 9 4 5 2 7 L6JRA WIN NG RE BA 9 5 2 7 6ONIOONIM 'L HS`d9 '9 H9HSVHO '9 9IGNIHS 'b 3129 310!15383IW38d .C H3MOHS 'E OIIVHOOW34 't :SAM-M S,Appol
PAGE 121
Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 21 MISCELLANEOUS6260 TI C KET S RED SO XV S JAY S 4/1 Weds 2tkts $35ea $35 941-743-4127 TRAVEL KENNEL Petmate medium $25 941-697-4713 WATER SOFTNER , Fl ec k 5600 Fleck 5600 with salt tank $175 941-629-3279 WANTED TO BUY/TRADE6270 W ANTED: JEWELRY G rade Black Sharks Teeth. No Beach Teeth Call Mike 941-650-3030 7000TRANSPORTATION All Truck N Auto RepairI Repair What Your Husband Fixed! 224 Center Ct. Venice 941-497-1999 or 941-441-5075 BUICK7020 1985 BUICK RIVIERA Coupe white, maroon lthr 69K must see! $4500. 612-709-2339. 1989 BUICK CENTURY Garage Kept, Low Miles, A/C $2,000/obo 863-990-1151 200 1 BUI C K RE G AL L S 4DR SE 43K MI $6,995 941-916-9222 dlr 2002 BUICK LESABRE 92K MI! $5,295 941-916-9222 DLR 2008 BUI C K LU C ERNE CXL 70K MI $11,874 855-481-2060 DLR CADILLAC7030 2002 CADILLAC SLS Auto, A/C, Loaded. 120K Mi. $4,800/obo 941-391-3989 2006 C ADILLA C DT S 86K MI $9,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2008 C ADILLA C DT S Lux 3 . 31K MI Showroom New. Diamond Blue Chip/Cream Lthr. Loaded Including Nav, Snrf, Heat/Cool Seats, Console Massage Seats, Bose, Chrome Wheels, Every Option. Brand New Tires, 1-Owner, Garaged. $17,995 941-249-1683 20 1 0 C ADILLA C S RX NAV 4X4 53K MI $24,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 2 C ADILLA C E SC ALADE LUXURY 31K MI $44,988 855-242-9258 DLR 20 1 3 C ADILLA C S RX 43K MI $31,990 855-280-4707 DLR CHEVY7040 2003 CHEVROLET TRACKER Power Steering, Power brakes, Air, 4-Wheel Drive, Great Cond. $3,500 618-792-1963 MISCELLANEOUS6260 C ARPET C LEANER BI SS ELL LITTLE GREEN $50 941-6276780 CO FFEEMU GS ( 4 ) Lenox Butterfly Meadow $10 941-6242105 COO LER CO LEMAN New $2 5 941-624-0928 COO LER I G L OO Blue & White 27x15 Good $12 941-4239371 C R OS BY S ADDLE English j umping w/irons 17 $375 941268-5088 EN G LI S H LEATHER G IRTH 48 1 side elastic BR $35 941268-5088 FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 F O LDIN G TABLE S (2) 30 & 34 as is $50 941-697-4713 GAS CHARBROILGRILL Large 2 burner propane $75 941-254-0383 G IFT C ARD S tarbucks5 0 dollars selling card for $40 941474-4120 GRILL , 4BURNER USED , WORKS, W/TANK $65 941627-6780 HAN G AR S 1 8 5 plastic childrens sz white $12 941-5051663 H O R S E S H O E S ET PR O F RE G SIZE USA LIKE NEW $20 941286-4894 INFLATABLE MATTRESS 2 sizes. Nice. With pump $12 803-624-8039 LU GG A G E RAKE f or car used once $150 941-423-2970 MASSAGE TABLE case w wheels excellent cond $125 941-276-0814 MOTORCYCLE BACKPACK Nylon 23x19x9VG $60 941255-0874 M O T O R C Y C LE tire 1 80 7 0 R16, Valkrye new $125. Futon black $100. 941-759-0240. NEW CRABTRAPS W/ROPE,FLOAT,ZINC,REBAR $35 941-830-0998 NITRO TRUCK revo 3 . 3 ,runs great, wear & tear $300 941626-0266 PLA S TI C HAN G AR S ( 1 8 5 ) child size white $12 941-5051663 POPCORNMACHINE R etro New. Table or on stand $60 941-421-9984 RAMP S Auto $2 5 9 412 578921 RAW DEER S KINHIDE $ 45 941-447-8982 RECORD ALBUM COVERS all kinds of Music. .50 Cent s each. Bulk Sale! 941-496 9252 RECORD COLLECTION includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 RECYCLING CART 2 bi ns, PVC $50 941-697-4713 SCOOTER JAZZY SELECT elite with 2 batteries $499 941423-2970 SEWING MACHINE an d C arr i er case Husqvarna $150 941-286-6376 S HEET S BAMB OO New. Full or Queen. $35 941-421-9984 S T O RA G E UNIT S Metal shelving three units 6' $60 941-780-3977 TABLE ROUND 5 f o ldi ng, M axchief . $75 941-496-9252 TI C KET S RAY S V S RED SO X SAT 3/28 (4) $45 each $45 941-743-4127 V IKING DESIGNER Diamond Sew/Embroidery Machine, Maj estic hoop, many extras, 2 lessons $5,000 941-716-5088 APPLIANCES6250 GAS GRILL b ar b equec h ar broil 3burner $60 941-4745124 MAR G ARITA BLENDER el paso new $30 941-375-4054 MI C R O WAVE White $2 5 9 41257-8921 RANGE G . E . Whi te. G oo d Condition. $80 865-235-9280 (Port Charlotte) REFRIGERATOR $175 . Washer & Dryer $350 941626-3102 del avail REFRI G ERAT O R G .EE side-by-side 25CF new in box $1000 941-480-0880 REFRIGERATOR GE Sid e b y Side Englewood $200 480720-6002 REFRI G ERAT O R KNMREExc Cond fullsize beige. $150 816891-0612 S T O VE KENM O RE, Black Smooth top, Self cleaning $125 941-475-2533 S T O VE MA G I C C HEF , White self clean coil burners $100 941-475-2533 S T O VE smooth black $2 5 0 9414292013 $250 941-4292013 S T O VE, ELE C TRI C , G lass Top, Like New. Needs one burner. $100 941-629-4847 T O A S TER O VEN Euro-Pro, works great! $25 941-6273636 VA C UUM ELE C TR O LUX Canister type, old $60 or OBO 941-467-4320 WASHER & DRYER $350 941-626-3102 WASHER G . E . E x l g capac i ty 7 cycle GC$100 161-426-4817 W A S HER-HD Looks/runs great. PGI area $125 248-4707638 W A S HIN G MA C HINE Kenmore $80 941-257-8921 MISCELLANEOUS6260 BATHTUB & SHOWER GRAB BARS INSTALLED Dont Wait to Fall to Call! Free In-Home Evaluation 25 Years Experience CALL JIMS BATHROOM GRAB BARS, LLC 941-626-4296 12V CDPLAYER $10 941 447-8982 1 2 V CO NNE C T O R S , charger $10 941-447-8982 2 CLOWNS BEAUTIFUL co l orful 2 . $50 941-496-9252 A DIR O NDA C K R C KER S /TABLES White cedar, direct from factory, 2 ea. can be outdoors $60 941-275-3287 AFFORDABLE SMOKES$1.30/PACK$13./CARTON ROLLYOUROWNATHOME! TOPBRANDTOBACCOS, TUBES, CASES, RYO MACHINES& PARTSVAPOR E-CIGS E-LIQUIDMADEINUSA LOW PRICES! ROLL A PACK TOBACCO 2739 Taylor Rd. P.G. 941-505-2233 A R C ADE S ILKW O RM G AME Works great! $350 941-6273636 BASEBALL TICKETS RAYS VS RED SOX 3/28 Sat each $50 941-276-1354 BASEBALL TICKETS REDSOX VS TWINSMon 3/30 2 each $30 941-743-4127 BU C KET CO LLAP S IBLE Toro Springs$20 941-697-4713 BUFFALO NY Ci rca 1840 s reprints 3,mat/frame $20 941255-0874 BIRDS6231 COCKATIELBABY , h an d f e d , ready now. Very tame. $60 941-627-3210 CATS6232 NOTICE : S tatute 585 . 195 states that all dogs and cat s sold in Florida must be at leas t eight weeks old, have an offi cial health certificate and prop er shots, and be free of intes tinal and external parasites. DOGS6233 NOTICE : S tatute 585 . 195 states that all dogs and cat s sold in Florida must be at leas t eight weeks old, have an offi cial health certificate and prop er shots, and be free of intes tinal and external parasites. DOGS OF VENICE. Your Dog Groomed in my Mobile Salon. 16 Yrs. Exp. Call Stacy (941) 786-7877 HAVANESE 8 MTH OLD MALE NEUTERED, ALL SHOTS, $600. (941)-223-0201 SHIHTZU, Female, 10 mo., 8 lbs. Tricolor. All Shots. Needs Yard. $500. *FOUND HOME* PETSUPPLIES & SERVICES6236 A & R Aqua Pros Inc Aquarium Services Installation~Maintenance Fresh & Saltwater Reef Aquariums Livestock Delivery 941-441-8658 Lic/Ins D OG / C AT C A G E Very nice with bowls & locks for small animal.. $20 941-423-7771 PET DOOR f or s lid er, F ree d om patio panel for frames up to 96, accomodates high ceilings. $150 941-284-7391 PET S TR O LLER Very good con. clean $25.00 941-3916334 PET S TR O LLER, screened, folds good cond $35. 912604-2312 REPTILE TANK 4 0 gal metal stand heat/UV lights, $60. 941-505-5635 SM DOGC rate $40 , K ong small Dog Bed $35, small Dog Carrier $20 941-979-8525 APPLIANCES6250 DI S HWA S HER KenmoreP G I. Bisque Ultra Clean $50 409739-9100 DRYER Kenmore $ 15 0 9 41257-8921 DRYER K enmore HE4 $150 941-257-8921 ENCOREAPPLIANCES 4155 Whidden Blvd Unit 10 Port Charlotte. Great Pre-owned Name Brands for Less!! 30 day Warr. 941-979-5287 FREEZER large Kenmore up right grt cond $375 903-439-7125 GAS CHARBROILGRILL l arge 2 burner propane $75 941254-0383 TOOLS/ MACHINERY6190 MITER S AW Utility Vehicle Ridgid $90 941-624-0928 PLANER R OC KWELL 1 2 complete $200 941-232-6967 RECRIVER f or 2hi tc h w i t h 2 ball $15 941-743-0582 R O UTER C RAFT S MAN 3 /4 HP NEW BITS/EXTRAS $40 941286-4894 R O UTER Table W/Router4tableW/Legs $165 941-255-8420 SC REWDRIVER electric Porter Cable $35 315-790-9217 S WA G C HAIN 2 kinds, priced each $25 941-627-3636 TABLE S AW C ra f tsman 8 $ 5 0 315-790-9217 Tile S aw 7 with stand Electric $100 FIrm 941-255-1445 T OO L S A SSO RTMENT TABLE FULL CALL $45 941-391-6377 OFFICE/BUSINESS EQUIP./SUPLIES6220 EXE C UTIVE DE S K All wood 7 drawers shelves $200 941979-9358 O FFI C E C HAIR VINTA G E All wood, padded seat $30 941979-9358 OFFICE OUTFITTERS Pre-owned & new office furniture. VENICE 941-485-7015 REFRI G E O FFI C E (S ARA SO TA ) 1.8 Cu. Ft. $35 941-549-2682 REFRIGERATOR OFFICE (Sarasota) 1.8 Cu. Ft. $35 941549-2682 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES6225 C ERAMI C DI S PEN S ER f or Lemonade Beautiful. $25 941421-9984 C HARBR O ILERIMPERIAL O n wheels.3 burner $250 941421-9984 C LAM BAKER w/ 2 propane 3 S/S grates, Stand, Great Shape. 36LX 22W $500 941-423-8406 ELECTRIC GRAVITYMEAT SLICER $450 941-882-2720 FRYER DEEP $3 75 9 41-45 6 1100 RANGE S a l am R ange w S a l am $475 941-456-1100 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT sold seperately $500 941-3754054 TRUE REFRIGERATOR $450 941-456-1100 BUILDING SUPPLIES6170 P C HIN G E KIT 5 938 1. 5/ 8 " r hinge. 3 1/2" jams.$175941613-3560 PLYWOOD SHEATHING s i x 4X4 pcs $10 941-475-6424 SC REEN D OO RNewAll Hardware Included. $35. 941-4931334 (Venice) TOOLS/ MACHINERY6190 AC CO MPRE SSO R NEW 3 1/ 2 TON + WIRE $450 941-4238257 AIRCOMPRESSOR B r i n k s L oBoy $350 941-780-3977 BALL TIP Hex Key S et New 1 2 pc $25 941-627-3636 BATTERY C HAR G ER C ommer cial fox$45 941-780-3977 CIRCULAR SAW Bl ac k & Decker 7 1/2 $45 315790-9217 CIRCULAR SAW Mil wau k ee 10 1/8" $100 941-780-3977 CO MPRE SSO R 4 0 gallon with hose $225 941-626-3102 DI SC BELT S ANDER Craftsman $40 315-790-9217 DRILL/DRIVER S ET LN charger incl. $55 941-467-4320 DVD/ C D PLAYER Video Magnovox(Sarasota $24 941-5492682 EXTND T HANDLE T orque S et New 15 pc $30 941-627-3636 G ENERAT O R G enerac nice, but has been sitting $225 941-6268448 GENERATOR MCCULLOCH 5700 Watts, 11 HP, very little use. $400 941-626-4477 HAMMER DRILL Milwaukee 1/2 reversing $25 315-7909217 LADDER 20 FTAl um i num $50 941-766-7349 LADDER 2 4ext. $ 75 9 41204-1849 LADDER WERNER 6 12 heavy duty $55 570-842-9675 SUN 1 =CLASSIFIEDTo Fbee, C".oiic#, or Cancel AdCALL941-429-3110Fax: 866-949-1426NORTH PORTCheck Out ilrIore SU M C Iasi i ed Ads onlineIINre JJ er..iiefIIPDA 7ED DAILY!!!
PAGE 122
Page 22 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 NISSAN7200 2008 NISSAN ROGUE 91K MI $12,685 855-481-2060 DLR 20 11 NI SS AN ALTIMA 4DR S 63K MI $12,877 855-481-2060 DLR SUBARU7207 2003 S UBARU LE G A C Y 66K MI $7,990 855-280-4707 DLR TOYOTA7210 1987 TOYOTA CELICAGTS needs works, has good body $495 941-586-2900 1 998 T O Y O TA C AMRY 4dr sedan, 30K, Perfect Condition, $5,600 941-637-9274 2002 T O Y O TA HI G HLANDER 86K MI $9,987 855-481-2060 DLR 200 4 T O Y O TA CO R O LLA 4DR S 39K MI $9,944 855-481-2060 DLR 2007 TOYOTA CAMRY Taupe, 4dr Sedan LE, Perfect Cond. 73K miles, $12,000 OBO 941-475-4163 2008 TOYOTA YARIS 5SPD 81K MI $7,685 855-481-2060 DLR 2009 TOYOTA CAMRY 4DR LE 71K MI $11,884 855-481-2060 DLR 2009 TOYOTA CAMRY 59K MI $13,987 855-481-2060 DLR 2011 TOYOTA COROLLA 44K MI $12,987 855-481-2060 DLR 2011 TOYOTA RAV4 36K MI $17,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 TOYOTA COROLLA 35K MI $12,950 855-481-2060 DLR 2012 TOYOTA SIENNA , 18,333 mi, V6. WH. Excellent condition., $19,499 941-2559887 2013 TOYOTA COROLLA 21K MI $13,911 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA 36K MI $14,778 855-481-2060 DLR 20 14 T O Y O TA PRIU S NAV 26K MI $24,990 855-280-4707 DLR VOLKSWAGEN7220 20 1 0 V O LK S WA G EN JETTA 67K MI $14,957 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 3 V O LK S WA G EN PA S SAT SUNROOF 23K MI $23,989 855-242-9258 DLR 2013 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA 13K MI $21,989 855-242-9258 DLR 20 1 3 V O LK S WA G EN GO LF BASE 51K MI $13,874 855-481-2060 DLR MISC. IMPORTS7240 2004 PORSCHE 911 2DR CONV 28K MI $35,989 855-242-9258 DLR 2012 FIAT 124 14K MI $11,745 855-481-2060 DLR LEXUS7178 2003 LEXU S E S 300 50K MI $10,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2007 LEXUS GS 350 NAV AWD 84K MI $16,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2008 LEXUS LS 460 HEATED LTHR SEATS 42K MI $29,989 855-242-9258 DLR 2008 LEXUS ES 350 75K MI $14,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2008 LEXUS IS 250 63K MI $17,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 0 LEXU S I S 3 5 0C NAV CONV 33K MI $32,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 LEXUS CT 200H NAV 48K MI $20,911 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 2 LEXU S E S 3 5 0 NAV 30K MI $27,911 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 2 LEXU S I S 2 5 0C NAV CONV 31K MI $34,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS RX 300 84K MI $11,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS RX 350 NAV 21K MI $34,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 3 LEXU S E S 3 5 0 NAV 28K MI $33,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 3 LEXU S GS 3 5 0 NAV 5,904 MI $42,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 3 LEXU S LX-57 0 NAV 35K MI $69,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 15 LEXU S E S 3 5 0 NAV 65 MI $39,990 855-280-4707 DLR MAZDA7180 200 4 MAZDA TRIBUTE 122K MI $5,998 855-481-2060 DLR 2006 MAZDA 6 94K MILES $6,895 941-916-9222 DLR 20 1 2 MAZDA MIATA-MX-5 CONV 5,611 MI $19,990 855-280-4707 DLR MERCEDES7190 20 11 MER C EDE S -BENZ E350W 37K MI $27,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 11 MER C EDE S -BENZ GLK-350 36K MI $26,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 2 MER C EDE S -BENZ SLK-350 15K MI $37,769 855-242-9258 DLR 20 1 2 MER C EDE S -BENZ 21K MI $34,990 855-242-9258 DLR MINICOOPER7192 2007 MINI COOPER 85K MI $8,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2008 MINI COO PER 2DR 6SPD 49K MI $12,744 855-481-2060 DLR MITSUBISHI7195 2001 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE Spider GT Conv., V6, Leather, 56,200 Mi, Asking $3,100 Gerry 941-244-2470 NISSAN7200 2007 NISSAN FRONTIER 76K MI $14,777 855-481-2060 DLR HONDA7160 2009 HONDA CR V 56K MI $15,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 H O NDA C R-V LX 2WD 127K MI $11,877 855-481-2060 DLR 2010 HONDA ACCORD 31K MI $14,774 855-481-2060 DLR 2010 HONDA ACCORD LX 46K MI $13,885 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 0 H O NDA C IVI C 42K MI $12,774 855-481-2060 DLR 20 11 H O NDA C IVI C EX 43K MI $13,675 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 2 H O NDA A CCO RD 4DR LX 33K MI $14,987 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 2 H O NDA C IVI C 4DR LX 7,553 MI $15,874 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 2 H O NDA C IVI C LX 31K MI $14,968 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 3 H O NDA C IVI C 26K MI $15,874 855-481-2060 DLR 2013 HONDA ACCORD EX-L ONLY 10K MI $22,990 855-242-9258 DLR 2013 HONDA CIVIC LX 26K MI $15,910 855-242-9258 DLR HYUNDAI7163 200 7 HYUNDAI A CC ENT 97K MI $5,995 855-481-2060 DLR 2009 HYUNDAI ACCENT CLEAN, LOW MILES $7,995 941-916-9222 DLR 20 1 0 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS Loaded. $9,995 941-916-9222 DLR 2012 HYUNDAI ACCENT 4DR GLS 54K MI $10,874 855-481-2060 DLR 2012 HYUNDAI ACCENT 5DR GS 22K MI $9,950 855-481-2060 DLR INFINITI7165 20 11 INFINITI EX 3 5 27K MI $26,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2014 INFINITI QX60 5,390 MI $43,990 855-280-4707 DLR JAGUAR7175 1 99 5 JA G UAR XJ 6 , 7 9 , 900 mi, CLASSIC XJ6 VDP79900 MI $6,300. B/O941 429 5106, $6,300 941-429-5106 2009 JA G UAR XK 2DR CONV 45K MI $36,988 855-242-9258 DLR 20 1 2 JA G UAR XF 31K MI $37,599 855-242-9258 DLR 20 1 3 JA G UAR XF V6 RWD 16K MI $40,214 855-242-9258 DLR KIA7177 2006 KIA SORENTO (SUV) 4 dr, dark green. Sr. owned 121k mi, $5800 941-423-7771 Stock photo* 20 1 0 KIA SO UL 5DR 38K MI $11,950 855-481-2060 DLR 20 11 KIA RI O FUEL EFFICIENT. 60K MI $10,695 941-916-9222 DLR USED CAR DEALERS7137 Mattas Motors 941-916-9222 Buy Here Pay Here ACURA7145 2011 ACURA RDX TECH PKG 36K MI $25,810 855-242-9258 DLR AUDI7147 20 14 AUDI A 8 3.0 T 18K MI $63,990 855-242-9258 DLR BMW7148 1987 BMW325i Convert. 5 Spd, Great Running Car. New Interior, Clutch, Brakes, etc..Inclds. Convertible Parts Car. $4800 obo 941-456-5198 REDUCED 20 11 BMW 75 0 -LI NAV 51K MI $39,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 11 BMW 5 3 5I S E 1-OWNER. 75K MI $23,988 855-242-9258 DLR 20 11 BMW 5 28 I 62K MI $23,989 855-242-9258 DLR HONDA7160 1 999 H O NDA A CCO RD 4DR EXL V6 81K MI $5,988 855-481-2060 DLR 200 1 H O NDA A CCO RD 4DR V6 88K MI $5,997 855-481-2060 DLR 2004 HONDA ACCORD 4DR EXL V6 49K MI $10,875 855-481-2060 DLR 200 4 H O NDA C IVI C 4DR EX 102K MI $6,875 855-481-2060 DLR 2005 HONDA CIVIC 70K MI $7,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2005 HONDA ELEMENT 104K MI $9,971 855-481-2060 DLR 2006 H O NDA O DY SS EY TOURING 51K MI $14,875 855-481-2060 DLR 2007 HONDA ACCORD 4DR LX 75K MI $11,454 855-481-2060 DLR 200 7 H O NDA O DY SS EY 170K MI $7,988 855-481-2060 DLR 2008 HONDA CR V 63K MI $12,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2008 HONDA PILOT 2WD VP 94K MI $12,985 855-481-2060 DLR 2008 HONDA PILOT EXL 2WD 106K MI $13,774 855-481-2060 DLR FORD7070 1997 FORD TAURUS GL Wagon 100K MI $2,995 941-916-9222 dlr 2007 FORD FUSION V6 73K MI $8,995 941-916-9222 DLR 2008 F O RD E SC APE XLT 135K MI $8,977 855-481-2060 DLR 2010 FORD EDGE SEL 52K MI $14,950 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 2 F O RD F OC U S 4DR SE 69K MI $11,854 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 3 F O RD F OC U S 25K MI $13,990 855-280-4707 DLR JEEP7080 2003 JEEP WRAN G LER , 185,000 MI, SPORT EXC COND., 6CLY, 5SPD, 4X4, A/C, 4WDB, TOW PKG., $9,000/OBO 239-940-3174 20 1 2 JEEP G RANDC HEROKEELARE 4WD 37K MI $25,989 855-242-9258 DLR LINCOLN7090 2003 LIN CO LN T O WNC AR Signature, Burgandy/Tan, 95K, New Mich. W/W Tires, exc. cond. $6,195 941-697-8902 200 5 LIN CO LN L S 4DR LS 88K MI $7,985 855-481-2060 DLR MERCURY7100 2004 M ERC. G RANDM ARQUISLS 42K MI, $8,495 941-916-9222 dlr OLDSMOBILE7110 2003 OLDSMOBILE AUROR A 4.0 133,429K, Loaded, Never wrecked runs great. Memory Seats $4400 bo 941-286-7964 PONTIAC7130 1997 PONTIAC FORMULA 2DR LTHR CONV 73K MI $11,985 855-481-2060 DLR 2000 P ONTIAC B ONNEVILLE SSEIV6 TURBO. 160K MI EXC. COND. $2,500/OBO941-698-1921 200 4 P O NTIA C G RAND-AM SE1, by owner, V6, 3.6Ltr, approx 81K miles, $3,900 941-966-6463 lve msg SATURN7135 PRO POWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 01 L200 Sedan $3,175 02 L200 Sedan$3,599 04 Vue SUV $4,200 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,599 06 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 07 Vue $5,495 06 Vue 6cyl $5,899 08 Vue XE $8,299 07 Sky Conv.$8,850 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $8,999 07 Outlook XR 8 pass$9,450 Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 CHEVY7040 2003 C HEVY C AVALIER LS Sport 5Spd 80K MI $4,995 941-916-9222 dlr 200 4 C HEVR O LET BLAZER Extra Clean! 92K MI $6,995 941-916-9222 DLR 2009 CHEVY AVEO Only 26K Miles! 4 Dr, Sunroof. Mint Cond! $10,500. 941-426-0588 2009 CHEVY IMPALA 46,000 mil excellent cond $12,500 941-716-4828 20 11 C HEVY IMPALA 34K MI $13,987 855-481-2060 DLR 20 11 C HEVY C AMAR O COUPE 2SS 17K MI $25,988 855-242-9258 DLR 20 11 C HEVY C AMAR O INFERNO ORANGE 25K MI $32,989 855-242-9258 DLR 20 14 C HEVR O LET C AMAR O 2DR CONV LT 14MI $26,888 855-242-9258 DLR CHRYSLER7050 2003 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER 67K MI $6,987 855-481-2060 DLR 200 5 C HRY S LER PTCRUISER 70K MI $5,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2006 C HRY S LER 300C 4DR LTHR 99K MI $8,950 855-481-2060 DLR DODGE7060 1998 DODGE CARAVAN 1-Owner. 144K MI Cold Air, Well-Maintained. $1,800/obo 941-716-3324 2005 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 89k MI $8,995 941-916-9222 dlr 2005 D ODGE G RANDC ARAVAN80K MI $5,895 315-573-6800 20 1 2 D O D G E G RANDC ARAVAN 66K MI $14,875 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 3 D O D G E DART 4,477 MI $13,897 855-481-2060 DLR FORD7070 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! To place a FREE merchandise ad go to: and place your ad. Click on Click Here to Place Your Ad Now and follow the prompts. FREE ads are for merchandise UNDER $500. and the ad must be placed online by you. One item per ad, the ad must be 3 lines or less, price must appear in the ad. Your ad will appear online & in print for 7 days! Some restrictions do apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK **Everyone Needs to Register on Our New Site** Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter your classified ad and pay with your credit card 24 hours a day, 7 daysa week. Lftkwft w,,IooooooooMATTAS MOTORS941-916-9222'SAVING YOU MONEY NATTERS1AT NATTAS MOTORS" -TVout___ ---l n .-FPUTCLASSIFIEDSTO WORKFOR YOU!FIND A JOB!BUY A HOME!BUY A CAR!
PAGE 123
Sunday, March 29, 2015 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 23 MOTOR HOMES/ RVs7380 2003 D O LPHIN LX 3 5 RV+ 2003 Mercury Grand Marquis Tow Pkg 941-639-8051 2015 WINNEBAGOS2014 Model CLEARANCE!NO .1 SELLING R V RV World Inc.of Nokomis FAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41,Nokomis I-75 Exit 195 2 20 0 1 1 5 5 R R O O A A D D T TR R E E K K# # 1 1 S SE E L L L L I I N N G GC CA A M M P P E E R RV VA A N NRV WORLDINCOFNOKOMISFAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41 I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS, 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 I WANT YOUR RV. Well Sell It FREE! SKIP EPPERS RVs941-639-6969 Punta Gorda Closed Sun. & Mon. NEWHOLIDAYRAMBLERSA MUSTSEEMOTORHOMEMANYMODELSRV WORLD INC OF NOKOMISFAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41 NOKOMIS941-966-2182 RV Collision RepairsCustomer and Insurance Modern shop, quality work! FREE ESTIMA TES .RV WORLD Inc.of NokomisFAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41Nokomis 941-966-2182 RV SERVICE $PECIAL$ Lg. Parts Showroom Factory Warranty All models Wash & Hand Wax Brake Flush Roof Reseal RV Propane & Bottles Water Leak Test RV Wash New Tires & BalanceRV WORLD INC.of Nokomis FAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41 Nokomis, 941-966-2182 RVSWANTEDCASH/CONSIGN/TRADECALL: MARKRV WORLD INC OF NOKOMISFAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41 NOKOMIS941-966-2182 SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,500. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. WANTED All M otor Homes, TTs, 5th whls, PopUps, Vans conversion & passenger, cars & trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 941-347-7171 RVSTORAGE7381 KEISER`S RV STORAGE 24/7 Gated AccessLow Rates Duncan Rd. (Hwy 17) (941)-276-9104 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES7341 TRAILER 2008 GVR 5X8, 2200LBS, $1150/OBO CALL 941-204-3811 ROYS TRAILER COUNTRY NewPre-Owned CargoUtility Trailers Parts Repairs-Tires Welding. We BUY Trailers! Trades Welcome. Open Sundays 10am-3pm Ask For Shawn. 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Rd P.G. CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS7360 1 998 H O NDA GO LDWIN G Trike, Red, $9,500 989-390-5453 Punta Gorda 2015 KYMCO Like 200i, 163cc, EFI, Twin Disc Brakes, Less then 75 Miles. Need to Sell w/ Helmet & Cover. Incl. 2 Year Warranty. $2,500. Firm. 941-423-7230 HD S P O RT S ER 1 996 8 k MI Orig Cond. w/ Extras. Must See! $2,495/OBO 941-268-8570 LIBERTY MOTORCYCLE TRAILER 4 years old, Black and Silver, Perfect Cond. $3,300 941-475-4163 M O T O R C Y C LE 1 99 1HD SPORTSTER XL 1200CC 14K L/BAGS XCOND $4200 $4,200 941-235-0379 SCOOTER , 150 CC , H ar dl y used, only 300 mi, Make Reasonable Offer 941-875-2393 ATV7365 KOBOTA RTV 900 XTW-H 38 Hours. Mint Cond. All Covers16 HD Trailer$12,000 941-423-2824 CAMPERS/ TRAVELTRAILERS7370 16 1963 Travel trailer $10,000, OBO 941-626-4282 2012 CASITA 17 Spirit Standard Model. North Port FL $13,000 941-426-0445 MOTOR HOMES/ RVs7380 2006 FOURWINDS CHATEAU 28 Class C 450 Ford super duty, V-10, new tires Sleeps 8, ex cond. $22,995 941-423-7771 MISC. BOATS7333 12 JON BOAT $300/OBO 941-624-6605 13 1978 BOSTON WHALER-SPORT, 35HP Mercury. Fish Finder, No Trailer. Great Condition! $3,800. 920-765-2026 KAYAK 1 6 f t. Wilderness system $390 941-249-9401 OUTBOARD/ MARINE ENGINES7334 MER C URY 4 hp Low hours, good condition. 941 286-3706 BOATSTORAGE/ DOCKING7336 DOCK FOR RENT , N o B r id ges, Good Water. Close To Harbor. Call Chris 941-627-1414 Placida Private Boat S lip f or Rent 225/month. 23 length, covered, elec. lift, fenced, with ammenities. 2 parking spaces, dock box. 941-493-7334. MARINE SUPPLY & EQUIP.7338 6 HP TIHATSU N ew C on d . 15 Shaft. External Tank. $1,000 941-716-1792 7.5 DIN G Y F G /woodern oars $250 603-620-7442 A N C H O R BRU C E G enuine 66lb / 30kg $249 941-5057272 BATTERY C HAR G ER Everstart Good $25 941-423-9371 B O AT BUMPER S (3) 28 DE-FENDER $20.00 941-637-4668 B O AT PR O PELL O R S 3 Pre1993 OMC 17 19 pitch $50 941-391-5476 B O AT S TEP S 3 step F-glass-ex cond $125 248-470-7638 B OO K C HAPMAN Piloting S ea & Sm Boat Handling LN $15 941-697-0501 DAVIT S W/electric Winch f or small boat $400 941-637-4668 FISH NET 6 NEW $27 941 423-9371 G A S TANK Hose & Filter 6 gal $22 941-423-9371 INFLATABLE PFD like new, never worn $35 941-475-6424 O M C 4. 3 EN G INEPART S great parts starting at $10 239-218-5504 PFD NEW M e d C r i tters I n fl atablelife jacket$35941-5057272 PR O P S -INB O ARD 3 blade brass.18X20 $500 734-7774471 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES7341 2015 LARK 8.5x22 V-Nose Enclosed. JUST ARRIVED! 941-916-9222 Dlr. 2015 STEALTH V NOSE Enclosed 6 x 12, Drop Tailgate, 1 Side Door, White $3,000 Cash 941-464-0958 2 1 B O AT TRAILER Tandem Axle. Steel. $350 941-4738402 BOATS-POWERED7330 19 2005 PROLINE SPORT CC, 115 Yamaha, Bimini, Live Well, 53 hrs, just Serviced! Trailer $11,500 *SOLD* 19 1998 WELLCRAFT CC Johnson 115HP, 353 Hrs, Bimini Top, Depth Finder, Live Well. Gd Engine $5,900 941-697-4740 20 Team Sailfish, 1996 w / trailer. Ctr console, Yamaha 130 2 stroke w/SS prop, EC $6,900 941-626-4571 or 941-627-5777 REDUCED 21 2007 SEA RAY LAGUNA B210SC, incls alum Trailer, 150HP Verado Merc OB, Full Bimini Top, Pwr Pole & Trim Tabs $18,900 941-374-2562 24` SPORT 2000PRO-LINE Center Console T-Top. 2006 Evinrude 250HP, E-Tec, bait well, 8 rod holders, Lowrence GPS/Fishfinder, Porta-pottie, 5.2 gal, Excellent cond. $23,900. (Below NADA) 941766-7311 or 941-840-8228 2 5 BAYLINER DE C K B O AT 200 HP Johnson Motor w / Trailer. $3,000 941-474-0354 26 REGAL LEISURE CAT 1994 12 Draft, 200HP Johnson. Great Family & Party Boat! Large Enclosed Porta Potty Cabin. $5,700 941-639-8649 29 6 Regal Commodore 2002 Twin IO, AC, Radar, GPS, Canvas Camper Covers. Electric Toilet, TV, VCR, Windless, Generator. Loaded. $32,000 OBO 508-942-4600 JUST REDUCED 32 2003 SEA RAY SUNDANCER IO, excellent condition $78,800 941-662-5114 PERSONAL WATER VEHICLES7332 JET SKI 2011 Kawasaki STX. Purchased 6/12. New Trailer. 35 Hrs. Exc. Cond! Must See! $5,500. 941-456-4773 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES7270 3 5 0 C HEVY Edelbrock alum intake black powder coated $85 o/b 216-780-8187 454 C YL HEAD S O PEN CHAMBER EARLY 70 S 353049 $350 (941) 629-6429 C AR CO VER medium size, used twice in garage 941-5758881 TIRES GOODYEAR EAGLE RS A P215/55R17 $15 941-6247972 TIRES N ew ta k e o ff s start i ng @ $39.95 Installed & Balanced Call for Inventor y 941-639-5681 TRUCK BED D o d ge D a k ota 4 dr. $300 941-484-2383 TRU C K T O PPER $300 9 41244-0532 VANS7290 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LMTD Van. 78k mi $10,795 941-916-9222DLR 2009 H O NDA O DY SS EY 67K MI $16,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 DODGE G ran d C aravan W HEELCHAIR van, 10 lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS7300 2004 D o d ge R am1500 LIke New w/ Cap. 94k MI $10,995 941-916-9222 DLR 2005 CHEVY COLORADO crew cab, 4WD, 54,500 mi, auto, very good condition, $10,500 **SOLD in 1 DAY** SPORTUTILITY/ VEHICLES7305 2001 MAZDA TRIBUTE Reliable, Cloth interior, Nice cond. $3850. 941-626-3102 2005 CHEVY BLAZER Extra Clean! Only 79K Miles! Clean Car Fax. $6,995. 941-268-3762 BOATS-POWERED7330 12 GENMAR/LOGIC Solid Flooring 9.9 Suzuki Very stable Trailer Incl $2,500 269-3702795 15 2003 GHEENOE CLASSIC Bass Boat. 15HP Merc. NEW Trailer. 2 Fish Finders, 1 w/ GPS. Garage Kept Fresh Water Only. $3,795 Nokomis 941-716-1792 18 2005 SWEETWATER Pontoon Boat 40HP, 100 Running Hrs.On Motor, New Fish Finder & Marine Radio, $8,500 863-558-6124 18.6 RANGER ANGLER 2008, INCLDSRANGERALUMTRLR, 150HP MERC. XL OPTIMAX. BIMINI TOP, MINKOTASP70TROLLING MOTOR. LOWRANCELMS 520-C, LOWHRS. ONLYUSED6MTHSOUTOF YR. GARAGESTORED. A-1 COND. $25,000 941-698-9822 ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES7250 1927 CHRYSLER ROADSTER 10,500 miles, Exc. driver, Must be seen $25k 941-426-5282 REDUCED 1 9 7 0 G T O C lean, C lone, $5600 941-626-3102 1 9 7 6 R O LL S -R O Y C E S ilver Shadow, very good cond., Dark gray & light gray. $25,000 941-624-4865 1993 FORD MUSTANG , 160 mi, Convert. 106K mil Refurbished $3500 in new parts New Paint/Top, $6,200 239-2853557 1999 MAZDA MILLENIA , 93,000 mi, Millennia S SUPERB 1OWN BIDS, $4,500 941-391-0042 BUDGETBUYS7252 #1 TOP CASH PAID UP TO $5,000 CARS, TRUCKS,ANYCOND. 941-650-5785 1991 FORD AEROSTAR N o Rust. 76K Mi! Needs Engine Work. $499. 989-430-7707 1 99 5 BUI C K LE S ABRE runs good, good transportation $950 **SOLD 1st day** 2002 CHEVROLET CAVALIER good/fair cond. runs really well $1,200 941-400-1297 AUTOS WANTED7260 ALL VEHICLES Wanted Dead or Alive, Top $$ Paid Starting at $250$5000 Free pick up 941-623-2428 WE BUY CARS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 I BUY SCRAP CARS,TRUCKS AND WRECKS 941-456-1342 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS Available 24/7 941-286-3122, 623-5550 We Buy & pick up junk CARS 941-661-1928 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES7270 1967 69 CAMARO SEATS FRT BUCKET SEATS $400 (941) 629-6429 350 CHEVY Ch rome Oil P an & Timing Cover $40 o/b 216780-8187 350 CHEVY Ch rome ta ll va l ve covers and chrome bolts $40 b/o (216) 780-8187 Lm*%WOOOOOOOOO Lmwftftmoo kemooooooooitsAlmMpgtr -urvx cas wArorn rEs` t7. jdr4pridM* !2862W7 Fast sc-jc..LA. #179609 lr-.soonFind the.perfectCompanion"Issout In theClassifieds!
PAGE 124
Page 24 The Sun Classified E/N/C Sunday, March 29, 2015 SP108719The Sun Classifieds 625-5555 206-1200 SP32227 941-429-3110 00.,00'r0It s GarageTm ESa l e i melSix Steps to SuccessTired of trying to make your way around 49 Arrange for plenty of tables and hangingthat old blender, bassinet, those bikes and boxes of items so you can display everything prominently.cast-off clothing? Schedule a garage sale to convert When it's time, set up your sale so people can movethose extra items into cash. around easily.2e Ask your friends if they want to join in. More 5*Make a list of your best items, and then callmerchandise means more shoppers and more money The Sun Classified to schedule your ad. Your ad repfor everyone. can help you create an ad that's sure to get customerscalling!3 Clean and polish your items. Fold clothesneatly and arrange them by size and gender. Group Through The Sun Classified, you'll send thesmall pieces (like jewelry) together into p lastic bags news of your sale to thousands of potential they're easy to price and display. So, get out your change box and get ready to sell!
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