Charlotte sun herald

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Charlotte sun herald
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Suncoast Media Group- Phil Fernandez - Editor
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Leon Arthur is proud of his heritage. While many shy from connections to the South during the Civil War, or the War of Northern Aggression, as Arthur prefers to call it, the Brownville (just outside Arcadia) man relishes his position as the 11th Brigade commander of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The group gets together to recognize the death of descendants of war veterans, and to socialize on occasion. Arthur, who showed up to meet me in high boots and a gray hat that looked like one found at Bull Run, is not immune to the charges of racism and bigotry that dog southern sympathizers to this day. But he believes it is a legacy that is embraced mostly by the uninformed. He quickly set the record straight for me. “I don’t care for slavery and no respectable southerner did,” he said matter-of-factly. His distaste for slavery is different from the picture most books and movies paint of the South. He carries little animosity for the North — but is quick to point out that the “winners” of the war wrote the history books — “to the victor go the spoils.” He said he grew up with an interest in the great war, and did substantial research to nd that a dozen of his family from North Carolina fought for the South. One was killed and a few were taken prisoner. His wife Evelyn is a descendant of Charles Quinn Petty (yes, the same family as famous NASCAR veteran Richard Petty), who was a major and fought with the 49th North Carolina Regiment at Appomattox. I asked Arthur about people who y the Confederate ag, arousing old wounds — especially to blacks and others who see it as a symbol of racism and hatred. “We can’t control rednecks,” he said. “But we have no radicals in our group. We get rid of them.” He said he gets little ak from anyone when his group meets to commemorate veterans killed in the war. “We put crosses on vets’ graves in DeSoto County. We have about 50 to 70 Confederate veterans buried here. If you take in old DeSoto County, which, at one time, included Charlotte, Hardee, Highlands and Glades counties, there are hundreds.” Arthur will almost for sure be on hand at 10 a.m. March 21 at Lemon Bay Cemetery, on the 400 block of Indiana Avenue (State Road 776), Englewood, when the group will meet to place a marker on the grave of Joseph C. Anderson. Anderson is from a pioneer Englewood family and, according to Reid Brandenburg, is the second Confederate veteran buried in Englewood — the rst being Pvt. William Goff. Anderson’s family moved to Englewood near the end of the “War for Southern Independence” from Georgia. Bradenburg, commander of the 2nd Lt. Joel Knight Camp 2175, is heading up the ceremony, but doing so in cooperation with the Lemon Bay Historical Society. There will be speakers, a color guard to present various ags of the Confederacy, and a rie team to re the customary three-volley salute. Participants will include Sons of Confederate Veteran Camps: Joel Knight, Charlotte Harbor; Confederate Cow Cavalry Camp 2181, Arcadia; Capt. F.A. Hendry Camp 1284, Sebring; and Major W.M. Footman Camp 1950, Fort Myers. Maybe, Arthur says, people will recognize the sacrices and stories of those who fought for the South. “It’s like Paul Harvey always said, ‘Now for the rest of the story.’” John Hackworth is editor of the Sun newspapers. You can email him at embraces history PUNTA GORDA — A local man facing a second-degree murder charge was in court Friday after writing to the involved attorneys and the judge this week, letting them know he isn’t ready to give up on trying to get the case tossed out. His trial date now could get pushed beyond March 23. Dwayne Johnson, 32, who is accused in the September shooting death of Kello Bonhomme and is being held at the Charlotte County Jail, previously had led a motion to dismiss the case. The defendant, at the least, had asked the judge to disallow local prosecutors from trying him. The requests came earlier this year after Johnson’s attorney, Assistant Public Defender Toby Oonk, learned a privileged video-visitation session between him and his client was recorded and sent by jail staff to an assistant state attorney for the 20th Judicial Circuit who is assigned to the murder case. Twentieth Judicial Circuit Judge George Richards heard two days of testimony about the issue and decided earlier this month that the case has not been hindered because the recording was created and sent by accident, and the prosecutor who viewed it turned it off before hearing any of the conversation between Johnson and Oonk. The day after learning about Richard’s Murder trial delay possible; accused man speaks outBy ADAM KREGERSTAFF WRITERTRIAL | 13 ARCADIA — Walter Brown was in his 20s when he rst joined the Shoot Out gang at the rodeo. Back then, he played a whiskeydrinking, gun-toting varmint with a knack for trouble-making. Today, 43 years later, Brown is on the right side of the law. “I started in the Shoot Out as a bad guy, and then, years later, I moved to sheriff,” Brown said. “Bad guys make the best sheriffs, right?” Brown is the longest-standing member of the Tater Hill Bluff Gang, a motley crew of outlaws, deputies, saloon girls and a whiskey control inspector named Otis. Their characters are played by volunteer performers who, since 1966, have delighted thousands of spectators with their Shoot Out performance. The show on Friday afternoon opened the 87th annual Arcadia All-Florida Championship Rodeo, a three-day bulland bronc-riding bonanza dubbed “The A ‘Shoot Out’ at the rodeoBy BRENDA BARBOSASTAFF WRITERRODEO | 20A new $3 million grant from The Mosaic Company Foundation is the key building block toward the long-awaited construction of a new state-of-the-art rodeo arena in Arcadia. “This is a big day for the future of the Arcadia Rodeo and our community,” Rodeo Association President Don Hall said as part of Friday’s announcement. “When you under stand how long the Rodeo Association has worked on trying to make this a reality, it makes your heart feel so proud.” The facility, named Mosaic Arena, will feature 8,593 seats and allow for increased functionality for the rodeo. Ofcials also hope it will attract additional events such as concerts and other shows. Construction of the facility is expected to have an economic impact of more than $9.5 million for DeSoto County. “Given the success of the rodeo, a new arena is something the DeSoto community has contemplated for many years,” Hall said. “This is a signicant undertaking and we are pleased the Foundation, donors and community-at-large share in our vision for a vibrant DeSoto County.” The association has been privately raising funds for the past 10 months — a little more than $2 million — and, with Mosaic’s help, now has $5,044,750 toward the cost of the estimated $6 million arena. The group hopes to collect the remaining $900,000 or so through public fundraising efforts. The organization has been working on securing a new arena since the New rodeo arena clears financial hurdleBy STEVE BAUERSTAFF WRITERARENA | 13 JohnHACKWORTHEDITORHACKIN’ AROUND JOHNSON HALL SUN PHOTO BY JEN BRUNOLeft: “Sheri” Walter Brown, a member of the Tater Hill Blu Gang, takes part in the Shoot Out to open the rodeo Friday afternoon.SUN PHOTO BY BRENDA BARBOSAAspiring cowboy Lane Bass, 4, practices his bull-riding techniques Friday at the 87th annual Arcadia All-Florida Championship Rodeo. The rodeo runs through Sunday. Look for more photos inside and in upcoming editions of the Sun. IF YOU GO:What: Arcadia All-Florida Championship Rodeo When: 1p.m. today and Sunday; gates open at 11a.m. Where: 124 Heard St., Arcadia Tickets: adults, $25 and $20; $15 for children 11 and younger. The $30 tickets are sold out. More info: 800-749-7633 or Charlotte SunCLASSIFIED: Comics 7-10 | Dear Abby 10 | TV Listings 11 THE SUN: Obituaries 5 | Viewpoint 6 | Opinion 7 | Crosswords 8 | Police Beat 8-9 | Legals 9 VOL. 123 NO. 73An Edition of the SunAMERICA’S BEST COMMUNITY DAILYSATURDAY MARCH 14, $1.00 25 percent chance of rain86 65 High Low Look inside for valuable couponsThis year’s savings to date ...S UN COUPON VALUE METER CHARLIE SAYS ...It’s the real “pi day!” Share the pi!INDEX | 705252000258 Daily Edition $1.00 $46,770MATH PROBLEM DIVIDES COUPLE HOT SAUCE SAVES MAN’S LIFEAn Indian bride walked out of her wedding ceremony after the groom failed to solve a simple math problem. After sampling some hot sauce, a man suffered convulsions, prompting an MRI scan that detected a brain tumor in its early stages.THE WIRE PAGE 1 THE WIRE PAGE 5 SPORTS: Lotto 2 THE WIRE: State 2 | Nation 5 | Business 6-8 | World 9-10 | Weather 10 Tiller, $125In Today’s Classifieds! AND WEEKLY HERALDCALL US AT 941-206-1000 JAL*-Xi;OF 4111{l471-................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .Ijk7II IIII II III IIII:I I:..-..-..-..-..r...r...-...16


Our Town Page 2 C The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 The SUN (USPS 743170) is published daily at Sun Coast Media Group, Inc., 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980-2100. Periodicals postage paid at Punta Gorda, FL. Postmaster: Please send address changes to the SUN, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, Florida 33980-2100.Chairman .................................. Derek Dunn-Rankin .....................941-206-1001 Publisher ................................... David Dunn-Rankin .....................941-206-1003 Executive Editor ........................ Chris Porter .................................941-206-1134 Advertising Director .................. Leslee Peth ..................................941-205-6400 Circulation Director ................... Mark Yero ....................................941-206-1300 Arcadian Editor ......................... Susan E. Hoffman ........................863-494-0300 Arcadian Publisher .................... Joe Gallimore ..............................863-494-0300 Charlotte Sun Editor .................. Phil Fernandez ............................941-206-1168 North Port Sun Publisher .......... Steve Sachkar ..............................941-429-3001 North Port Sun Editor ................ Lorraine Schneeberger ................941-429-3003 Englewood Sun Publisher ......... Carol Y. Moore .............................941-681-3031 Sarasota County Editor .............. Clinton Burton ............................941-681-3000 SUN NEWSPAPERSMember of the Audit Bureau of Circulation SUBSCRIPTIONS Home Delivery Rates: Newspaper designated market: City ZoneCarrier home delivered 7 days. Rates as follows plus 7% Florida Sales Tax: Monthly Bank/ Credit Card .........................$18.14 3 Months ............................$69.17 6 Months ..........................$124.47 1 Year ...............................$217.69Does not include Waterline and TV Times. Above rates do not include sales tax.Mail subscription rates: Rates as follows (advance payment required): 7 Days 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $120.88 $216.81 $386.10 Sunday Only 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year $58.81 $110.56 $186.19 Single Copy rates Daily $1.00 Sunday $2.00 Unclaimed account balances under $10, inactive for 15 months, will be used to purchase newspapers for classroom use. Sun Newspapers CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY Delivery should be expected prior to 6 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 6:30 a.m. Sunday. Customer Service hours: 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday Friday; Saturday and Sunday 7 a.m. to noon. To subscribe or to report any problems with your service, please call 941-206-1300 or toll-free at 877-818-6204. You may visit our office at: 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. EVENTS TODAY Easy Does It Club, offers AA & Alanon meetings daily from 7:30 am to 9 pm at 23312 Harper Ave,. PC. Call 941-629-0110. Pancakes and More!, 7:30-11:30 am, egg & sausage/biscuits & gravy/or quiche & fruit; $5/$3 kids. EUM Church, 700 E. Dearborn, 474-5588. PG Farmers Market, Taylor and Olympia 8 til 1, 391-4856 fresh produce citrus pasta, cheese honey art live music & more! Fruit Tree Sale, Suncoast Trop Fruit & Veg Club March 14 9 am 234 E Nippino Nokomis Fruit Tree Sale/Spring Garden Fest 941-473-1451. Used Book Sale, at Mid County Library 2050 Forrest Nelson Blvd., Pt Charlotte 9a.m. 3 p.m. $2 a bag 941-613-3200. LPI Guided Tours, State Park will host guided tours on Little Pine Island. To register call 575-5861 FREE TAI CHI, Want serenity, balance, peace? FREE Taichi n qigong w/Richard or Mary Sat @ 9:30am in Gilchrist Park, behind the tennis courts due to the Car Show. Call 407-923-8310. Deep Creek Elks 2763, Wings & dogs 12-2, dinner 5-8, filet, ribs and more, music with Twice As Nice 6:30-9:30, reservation 941-249-8067. CC Democratic Club, 10:30 a.m., Schoolhouse SQ., 4300 Kings Hwy #402, Port Charlotte, FL 258-3542 General Meeting. Wading Trips (Free), Seagrass Adventures 10am at Ponce de Leon Park. Preregister with Charlotte Harbor Env Ctr. 941-575-5435. Punta Gorda Elkettes, Elkettes Thrift Shop open to the public from, 11:30am to 2:30pm @ 25538 Shore Dr., PG, 637-2606, ext. 451. Punta Gorda Elks, 9am CBOD Mtg; 11-2 Lun; 5-8 Din; 3pm Tiki; 6pm QnHrts 6:30-9:30 Music by DennyPezzin @25538 Shore PG 637-2606, mbrs & gsts. Free Band Concert, Thunder Mountain Railroad, free concert 1-3,Train Depot Dock, 1009 Taylor Road, PG. Bring own chair. 941-639-6774. Doug Coventry, performs live music at Fishermen’s Village Center Stage 5-9 p.m. 941-639-8721. Bobby Bowen Family, Gospel Music 7pm, Sunnybreeze Fellowship, 11682 SW Welcome Ave., Arcadia. Not sponsored/$10 at door, 863-494-3273. PG Historic Musical, 7 pm at CPAC. “A Century in Motion” $15, PG Historical Society 639-1887, PG Train Depot 639-6774, Copperfish Books 205-2560, History Park. SUNDAY Easy Does It Club, offers AA & Alanon meetings daily from 7:30 am to 9 pm at 23312 Harper Ave,. PC. Call 941-629-0110. Farmers Market, History Park Farmers Market open every Sunday 9am-2pm, 501 Shreve St., between Virginia Ave. & Henry St. 941-639-1887. Deep Creek Elks 2763, Lodge Opens @ 11 Closes @ ? Punta Gorda Elks, 12pm Bar & Tiki open; 1-4pm Picnic on the Water; Music by Heart & Soul @ 25538 Shore PG 637-2606, members & guests. Home Yoga Practice, The Yoga Sanctuary, Sun, March 15th, 1 – 3:30pm, $40, 941-505-9642. Garden Tour, Guided tour of gardens at History Park, 501 Shreve St., PG, 2pm, $5 suggested donation; Q&A 639-1887. USS Guam LPH-9 Assoc, 50th Anniv 18th Annual Reunion Sept 14-19 in Buffalo NY Contact John Coburn @ 941-249-8993 or MONDAY Easy Does It Club, offers AA & Alanon meetings daily from 7:30 am to 9 pm at 23312 Harper Ave,. PC. Call 941-629-0110. Deep Creek Elks 2763, Lunch with Laura 11-2:30, cold sandwiches & soup only, gates open @ 3 with Peggy, dinner 5-7, burgers, tacos and more. Punta Gorda Elks, 11am2pm Lite Lunch; 4:30-8pm Chicken Nite; 6:30-9:30pm Karaoke w/Billy G @25538 Shore PG 637-2606, members & guests. Four Leaf Strummers, Four Leaf Strummers Banjo Group performs at Fishermen’s Village Center Stage 11:30-1:00 p.m. 941-639-8721. Canadian Club Meets, third Thursday @12:00 Hibachi Buffet,2200 Tamiami Trl. No cost except meal. Guests welcome. Info Hazen Walters 941-624-2073. Foot/Ankle Disorders, 5-6pm, Bayfront Health Punta Gorda. Please call 941-637-2497 to register. Steve Anthony, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon. Bar Bingo–Am Leg 110, Bar Bingo – Specials, Hot Ball – Open to Public – Starts at 6 p.m. TUESDAYMen’s Club, Gulf Cove Methodist Men meet 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 8am, Stefano’s Restaurant, 401 S Indiana, Englewood. 697-1747. Charlotte Carvers, Wood Carving/Sculpture every Tuesday morning 8 to 12. Visit us. Learn something new! Woodcarving. Deep Creek Elks 2763, Lunch With Kathy 11-2:30, Corn Beef Sandwiches & Hot Corn Beef & Cabbage Only, St. Paddys Dinner Is Sold Out. St. Patrick’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day Celebration featuring live music and exhibits. Fishermen’s Village 10 a.m. 8 p.m. 941-639-8721. Punta Gorda Elks, 11am3pm Corned Beef & Cabbage or Ham & cabbage,$10.95; members & guests, 6pm LBOD Mtg; 7pm Lodge Mtg @25538 Shore PG 637-2606. Knee/Hip Pain Relief, 11:30-1pm, Punta Gorda Isles Civic Assoc. Please call 941-637-2497 to register. Dr. Mark Davis, M.D. St Paddy Day@AMVETS, Corned beef & cabbage-$7.50 from 1-4pm, then sandwich-$6. FREE membership to 1st 20 applic North Port Amvets 525-8841. Foreign Film, “Life Above All” (South Africa 2010), 1pm, FGCU, 117 Herald Court, PG. $5. 941-505-1765. Irish Music, Irish Music by Kelly and Emily Ann Thompson, 6-8 pm Center Stage, Fishermen’s Village. 639-8721. | COMMUNITY CALENDAR Big Car Show, 41st Annual Peace River Car Show. March 14th, 10am-1pm. Gilchrist Park, 400 W Retta Esplanade, PG. $20 per car, Spectators Free. Cash Prizes, Music, Food and Entertainment! Free Open Cruise In, Sat. Mar14, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free Open Cruise In, Black Widow Harley Davidson, 2224 El Jobean Rd, PC assisted by the Veteran Motor Car Club of America. Open to all makes, models including modified, Comp lunch from Spider’s Road Kill grill. Roger-603-234-7119 or Lee 941-626-9359. Sunday Band Concert, The Charlotte County Concert Band will present ‘Let’s All Go To The Movies’ 2 PM Sun Mar 15 at the Cultural Center of Charlotte County 2280 Aaron St Port Charlotte. Tickets are $12 in advance, $11 for Cultural Center Members and $13 on the day of the show. For info call 941 625-4175. Charlotte County Democratic Fundraiser, Charlotte County Democratic Party Annual Fundraiser The Blue Gala, Sat., March 28 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Our Keynote Speaker is Charlie Crist. $85 Call 941-258-3542 Pd.pol. adv. by CCDEC. Featured EventsPAID ADVERTISEMENTS J C C r u i s e s . c o m 2 3 9 3 3 4 7 4 7 4 239-334-7474 Located Downtown Fort Myers Yacht Basin adno=50478796 ST. PATRICK’S DAY LUNCHEON CRUISES GULF OF MEXICO LUNCHEON CRUISE LAKE OKEECHOBEE CRUISE Tuesday, Mar. 24th, 9am-6pm Wed. or Fri. 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM $ 109 00 adults + tax FRANKLIN LOCK LUNCHEON CRUISE Thurs. or Sat. 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM $ 38 00 per adult + tax $ 20 00 per child + tax $ 38 00 per adult + tax $ 20 00 per child + tax INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY CRUISE Monda, Mar. 23rd 9am to 6pm $ 40 00 per person + tax Sun., April 5th 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM $ 109 00 per person + tax EASTER LUNCHEON CRUISE Enjoy a 3 hour cruise on the Caloosahatchee River. Traditional buffet, music for dancing, cash bar and sightseeing on our open 3rd deck. COMPLETE EVALUATION (all 6 ultrasounds) ONLY $ 179 FIND A SCREENING SCHEDULE NEAR YO U 1-888-667-7587 or visit H ealth conditions like heart disease, strok e, c ancer, abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) a nd many others usually show no symptoms u ntil it’s too late . That’s why they are called “silent killers” adno=489959 NO PRESCRIPTIONS NECESSARY! Bring in a friend & receive $10 off package deal. T uesday, March 17 t h Bay front Center YMCA 750 W. Retta Esplanade , Punta Gorda Only Company To Offer The Thyroid Ultrasound, Abdominal Ultrasound And Echocardiogram OUR TESTS ARE: ACCURATE W e adhere to a stringent protocol. RELIABLE results are read by a Board Certified radiologist. All results & films mailed to you in 2 weeks. BLOOD TESTS (Cholesterol, PSA & TSH) ALSO A VA ILABLE STROKE/CAROTID ULT RASOUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40 This test visualizes build-up of plaque in the carotid arteries that may lead to strok e. ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSM (AAA) $40 95% of ruptured AAAs result in death. The majority of victims ha ve no symptoms. ART ERIAL DISEASE (PAD) TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40 Ultrasound is used to detect poor circulation and blockages in the legs. THYROID ULTRASOUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40 Scan to rule out cysts, nodules, goiters and tumors. ABDOMINAL ULTRASOUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $95 H elps identify cancers of the li ve r, pancreas , kidne ys , spleen, gallstones , kidney stones and more. HEART SCAN-ECHOCARDIOGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . $95 S creening to view wall motion, valves, enlargements, calcifications, stenosis, prolapse, blood clots, tumors and fluid around the heart. exposing the SILENT KILLERS through early detection Flu Shots Now Available Most Insurances Accepted Accepting New Patients adno=50482293 adno=50482131 SP49343 I mp ro ve y ou r he al th a nd q ua li ty o f li fe w it h dent al i mp la nt s. S ta rt e at in g th e fo od s yo u lo ve a nd l ivin g th e li fe y ou d eser ve ! To l ea rn m or e, a tt en d ou r FRE E i nf or ma ti on al s em in ar o n T ue sd ay , Ma rc h 24 , 2015 a t 6:00 pm S ea ti ng i s li mi te d, s o pl ea se c al l to r eser ve y ou r sp ot . C al l 9 41 -4 75 -9 915 to r eg is te r to da y! FREE SEMINAR a t th e En gl ew ood E ve nt C en te r T ue sd ay , Ma rc h 24 , 2015 6 :0 0 pm C AL L 9414759915 adno=490717 t Susan F. Williams, MAX, P.A.PEDIATRICS17928 Toledo Blade BlvdPort Charlotte, FL 33948(941) 743-7337 (PEDS)r-PREVENTION PLUS40JCCeuscs cone 2393347474D 2929,WINE@ O D d8-Day Holiday Markets Itinerary of your choice in a stateroom!" PEE17t Pi o :i. i Ia I r : irha ar i;bte:n r'gym uL1 cv5 ay,,; i DonaticH l....i, a .. ud:r i{tc t;nw ul nu r `. :iJthe Skit: a1I ida. Ore II'dinner ul'r$50 each or 3 for $100 $ I a n , t , ,-1:r u:a1tt , nett[tnY Cr ,e C pr nom N nw d onn vlah' :n. I a i for ^r ` onl; Res i nnc ; eul cpld %ithu: 12G d,r1s of icpamee.Drawing Party in the Theater trunfcrupli = J.bUI.r :

The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 C Our Town Page 3 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS The Port Charlotte JV softball team took an early lead over the Lemon Bay Mantas in a recent game. They had opportunities to add to their score, but failed to get the big hit and lost 6-1. Port Charlotte Pirates leadoff hitter Jaiden Dabney worked a free pass from Manta starter Kammy Gelotte to open the game. Dabney rode home on a double by Nicole Reid to put the Pirates on top 1-0. Andrianna Suarez walked to put two Pirates on. A doubleplay ball, also known as “the pitcher’s best friend,” was followed by a pop-up that ended the threat. A pair of walks to Julie Klein and Sabrina Palmer in the second inning failed to put any runs on the board, as the next hitter was caught looking at strike three. Paige Pulliam had a two-out single in the third, and Reid had another two-out single in the fth. Both runners died on the bases as the next hitters grounded out. That would be all of the hits the Pirates could muster off Gelotte. Gelotte, in her rst year as a Manta after moving from Massachusetts, got stronger as the game went on. Of her seven strikeouts, only two came in the rst three innings, and there were ve over the nal four innings. Five of the seven strikeouts were guilty of “excessive window shopping” as they took a called strike three. Lemon Bay tied the game with a run in the second on a walk and a double. They took the lead in the third with back-to-back-to-back triples by Kelsey Gelotte, Kammy Gelotte and Lauren LaMarr to take a 3-1 lead. The Mantas got two more in the sixth inning on a Kelsey Gelotte two-run single. The Mantas nished off the scoring with a run in the seventh on an error, a single and a ground out. Alexis Carpenter went the distance for Port Charlotte, giving up nine hits and just three walks. It was her second time in the circle in three years. She did a nice job mixing her pitches and keeping the batters off balance. “This was my second appearance on the mound in three years; the rst one came last Friday. My fastball was my best pitch tonight,” Carpenter said. Reid had two of the three Pirate hits (Pulliam had the other), and had the only RBI of the game for Port Charlotte. Reid is an inexperienced player in just her second year of organized softball. “I played soccer for the past seven years, but I’m going to concentrate on softball instead of soccer now,” she said. She has some skills but needs time to develop. Defensively she made a nice stumbling catch on a foul pop-up from her rst-base position, along with coming up with bad throws from the inelders. “I’ve seen more aggressiveness tonight. We run the bases a lot better now. We don’t have any real pitching, but the ones who are throwing are doing an excellent job for us. We don’t have a lot of speed either, but we’re looking a whole lot better now than we did at the beginning of the season,” the Pirates’ coach Chuck Smith said.Missed chances cost Pirates in loss to MantasBy STEVE KNAPPSUN CORRESPONDENT SUN PHOTO BY STEVE KNAPPPort Charlotte pitcher Alexis Carpenter takes this pop-up herself in the 6 -1 loss to Lemon Bay. adno=50477386 50477202 adno=50482862 Signature Sunday Brunch adno=50481235 Heron Creek Golf & Country ClubOPEN TO THE PUBLICLunch 7 1.Dinner FrfgoLD-1iItalian Pasta BarCall About Our Birthday SpecialsEvents & WeddingsMemberships Starting at $1505301 Heron Creek Blvd. North Port, FL 34287RESERVATIONS 941-240-5100www.heroncreekgcc.comLal. N.. CAC057664 Lk.... No. CACIII7111$10 Off A/C 12 Month No Interest OR0'o APR with 36 or 60 Equal PaymentsTune-UpLimed Timea!t o"a',m Only! Call Now!Gt "p\Y '1 io\o9 *yopge nstant Rebates Up ToIN 110Combination of Cool Cash & FP&L Instant RebatesContact 4-Seasons for complete details on all offersCharlotte County's ONLY CarrierFactory Authorized Dealer! 941.206.61310 1-ioa -end -ee Slays He-cowww.Funlagordocharber cormHave a sportsevent planned?Send us the Ido at s .vrts wn-Fierald.comand we'll ist it in our community calendar1" 4071Loff'k'A :'`' S-.s: `" 1 yam ,,`"pp.01 %V-kryo-INKeerYTIME SAJa_/ / OteelfOt alitNted titheSony ofie'rTriton ReclinerBrandonRecliner Sofa Port Charlotte17701 Murdock Circle12months* 941-625-4493 Jno interest Next to town center mall '13*No interest for 12 months by (c aeonconsumer credit account. Subject to FURNITURE & DESIGNcredit approval by Synchrony G1i<0'


Our Town Page 4 C The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS It was standing room only at Dean’s South of the Border recently as Team Charlotte Band Together kicked off their rst fundraiser for the Charlotte County Homeless Coalition. It’s the third year the group of area bands has raised money together as a team, trying to raise the most money by the CCHC’s Derby event in May. Archer Classic Rock sang and played their hearts out up on the stage, and patrons were invited to sing with the band for a $5 donation. The rst brave soul was Brandon Maddox, who had just returned from military service. The frenzied crowd cheered him on. A long table laden with boxes held rafe tickets for a wide variety of donated prizes. Gold earrings. An Avon gift basket. Four weeks of summer camp by the Boys and Girls Club. A free haircut from Solutions by Great Clips. A party at Boomers including appetizers for eight. A pair of boots. Four hours of studio time. Claudia DeBruyn, who got the group together three years ago and organized Friday’s event at Dean’s, was pleased with the turnout of more than 100 people. So was Tina Figliuolo, director of development for CCHS, who was at Dean’s, too. “Claudia is a great volunteer,” Figliuolo said. “All the money raised will go to our programs and services to allow us to continue to help the families we serve.” When DeBruyn had the idea to help the CCHC three years ago, she asked them what they needed. “They said they needed food,” DeBruyn explained. So she organized events with the bands and asked people to bring canned goods with them. The bands competed to see which band could collect the most food. “We collected so much food, there wasn’t room to store it,” DeBruyn said. “So we decided that raising money for food would be more feasible.” Last spring, Team Charlotte Band Together raised $7,400. This year they’re shooting for $10,000. Their other scheduled events are: Friday, March 27 — Blues with Daddy Mac at Two Brothers Home Cooking; 6 p.m. start, 7 p.m. band. Saturday, March 28 — Disco Bowling at Bowland Port Charlotte; 7 p.m. bowling, karaoke afterward. Sunday, April 12 — Poker Run at MS Rascals Looney Bin; kickstands up at noon. Ride to Boomers, Downtown Gatorz, Chubbyz and back to Looney Bin for a party with Moccasin Wallow. $10 for the Poker Run, $5 for the buffet. Rafe tickets for different items will be available at each event. For more information contact Claudia DeBruyn at 781-799-7570. Banding together for a causeBy BARBARA BEAN-MELLINGERSUN CORRESPONDENT All the news you needSEVEN DA YS A WEEKOnly in adno=50478773 Good Friends, Good Food, Good Times Prime Rib on Fridays and Saturdays Reservations recommended. 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The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 C Our Town Page 5 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS | OBITUARIESCHARLOTTE John H. BlennerJohn H. Blenner, 57, of Port Charlotte, Fla., passed away Sunday, March 8, 2015, in Woodstock, Ga. Arrangements are by Lakeside Funeral Home, Woodstock.Charles T. LewisCharles T. Lewis, 73, of Punta Gorda, Fla., passed away Thursday, March 12, 2015. Arrangements are by Kays-Ponger & Uselton Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Punta Gorda Chapel.ENGLEWOODThere were no deaths reported in Englewood Friday.DESOTOThere were no deaths reported in DeSoto Friday.NORTH PORT Roy A. BarnettRoy A. Barnett, 90, of North Port, Fla., passed away Wednesday, March 11, 2015, at Fawcett Memorial Hospital in Port Charlotte, Fla. Arrangements are by National Cremation Society of Port Charlotte.George A. WyskoskiGeorge A. Wyskoski, 78, of North Port, Fla., passed away Friday, March 13, 2015. He was born Oct. 13, 1936, in Binghamton, N.Y., to George and Mary Wyskoski. George was a parishioner for 20 years at San Pedro Catholic Church in North Port. He proudly served in the United States Army. He was an exceptional golfer and loved shing. George was a member of the Broome Community College Men’s Basketball team that won the Division II Championship two years in a row. Both years the team was undefeated. He is survived by his loving wife, Lillian; daughter, Eleanor Wyskoski; son, Thomas (Mary Mann) Wyskoski; and Mary’s children, Matthew, Austin and Brandon. Visitation will be held from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. Monday, March 16, 2015, at McKee Funeral Home, 14538 Tamiami Trail, North Port. The funeral Mass will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday, March 17, 2015, at San Pedro Catholic Church, 14380 Tamiami Trail, North Port. Arrangements are by McKee Funeral HomeCremation Centers of America, North Port. PUNTA GORDA — Amos Miller is a hard man to surprise. However when his daughter Ruby discovered that an award from the Malaysian government had been distributed to his former comrades in the Royal Air Force, she decided to do just that — surprise him. “He knew he was getting the medal, but he had no idea that I had organized a big event,” she said. “It was hard. I had to wait when he went out and go on Facebook to tell his friends.” Thursday evening, about 30 people attended the cer emony, held in the upstairs conference room at the Military Heritage Museum, located in Fishermen’s Village. Among the guests was Miller’s RAF friend Bill Morris, who traveled all the way from England to watch him receive his decoration. Miller, 72, said he was born in Jamaica, and joined the RAF in 1962 to see the world. He was assigned to the Number One Anti-Aircraft Squadron, where he was a 40-70 Bofors gunner assigned to defend airelds. “In 1966, the squadron went to Malaysia to assist them against Indonesian aggression, and remained there for two and a half years defending the air elds,” he said. “We trained in sabotage and anti-sabotage. When we returned to England, the squadron took part in ceremonies and the royal family events as well.” From there, Miller said that from 1970 to 1973, he was in Cyprus, which also had gained its independence. He was honorably discharged as a corporal in 1974, and returned to the United Kingdom. He permanently relocated to Port Charlotte in 1981. Miller soon lost contact with most of his regiment — until his daughter Ruby showed her father how to use Facebook. The power of the Internet soon reunited him with many of his old comrades — some he hadn’t been in contact with for almost 50 years. It was from them he discovered he had earned the award. The Pingat Jasa Malaysia, or the Malaysian Service Medal, was given by the king and government of Malaysia. Established March 3, 2004, the decoration recognizes service by members of the Malaysian Armed Forces during the Malayan Emergency, Second Malayan Emergency, and the Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation. It was also presented to the Commonwealth forces from Australia, Fiji, India, Nepal, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, who served there during the Malayan Emergency and the Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation. The award is in recognition of “distinguished chivalry, gallantry, sacrice or loyalty” in contributing to the freedom and independence of Malaysia. “At rst, the British government refused it,” Morris said. “They told them they had already given us the General Service Medal. After several thousand of us signed petitions, they agreed it could be issued to us — but we couldn’t wear it.” Morris said that led to another round of petitions and, nally, in 2011, the government acquiesced and said it could be worn by those who participated in the campaign. Morris took the medal to the United States to present it to Miller; the two had not seen each other in 45 years. Morris remained in the RAF, retiring after 37 years as a warrant ofcer. “Amos had the hard job manning the guns,” he said. “I had the easy job.” While stationed in Malaysia, Miller met his wife Samsiah, and they will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in May. “Their best reward was me,” Ruby Miller joked. “I was born in Malaysia.” Amos thanked everyone for attending, especially Morris, to celebrate his receiving the award. He reminisced about his time “in the trenches” while in Malaysia; the horrible conditions and ghting off mosquitoes, strange animals and snakes. “My dad still hates snakes to this day,” his son Martin said laughing. “I got text messages from 76 guys in my unit,” Amos said. “Some of them even have sons and daughters serving in the regiment today. Its legacy still continues.”Military museum plays host to medal ceremonyBy AL HEMINGWAYSUN CORRESPONDENT SUN PHOTOS BY AL HEMINGWAYBill and Pat Morris, Samsiah Miller, Karen Williams, Martin Miller, Amos Miller, Ruby Miller, Jyliana Miller, Alex Miller and Zakky Miller, surprised Amos Miller when he received his welldeserved award. Amos Miller reects as his friend Bill Morris listens to Ruby Miller speak about her father. Ruby Miller addresses the crowd of wellwishers at her father’s celebration. Amos Miller thanks everyone for attending the ceremony, as he holds his Malaysian Service Medal. 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Our Town Page 6 C The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Christian country, rights from GodEditor: Isn’t it a shame the Democrats are upset because Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, spoke to our Congress? Apparently they forgot when they invited the president of Mexico to speak in the People’s House he called the legal citizens of our country un-American and unpatriotic while members of their party gave him a standing ovation. The prime minister did not bash his people or his country, but only showed care and concern for them. It was great to see a leader who cared about his country and his people. It was hypocritical to call his speech political when everything they do is political and not for the good of our country. They forget that we have a two-party system in our country. In the past six years it has been their way or the highway. The legal citizens of this country also deserve to be represented by those we voted for but they have taken that right away. Many years ago the prime minister of the USSR said the only way the our country could be destroyed would be from within; he was right. What can we expect from a party that took God out of their platform during the 2012 election, then put him back in against cries of “no!” What a disgrace! Remember that the God you removed will someday be your judge. Our country is a Christian country. Our rights come from God.Rose Eyrich Punta GordaPleased with housing rejectionEditor: A special thank you from my Englewood neighbors and to the Sarasota County Commissioners for their negative vote on the proposed Tromble development on Morningside Drive.Jan Moynihan EnglewoodNot voting for RepublicanEditor: I am not a Republican, because I will not vote for a party that believes it is OK to use voter suppression to win elections, that will deny climate change, threatening our planet’s future just to pander to big oil, that shut down our government just to get their own way, whose idea of governing is to obstruct any meaningful legislation that would help the middle class, that wants tax breaks for the rich but doesn’t believe in a minimum wage, that would deport millions of people rather than give them a path to citizenship, that say they want less government intrusion, but would deny a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions, that can only win elections by gerrymandering districts, that breaks unions to favor corporations and special interest groups, that uses deception to manipulate the voting public into thinking it is on their side while voting against their best interests, that voted 56 times to repeal the ACA rather than nd better ways to improve our health insurance system so we can go back to insur ance company gouging and denying coverage for preexisting conditions, that thinks everything is a conspiracy and any regulation is a bad thing, that would have shut down our auto industry rather than bail it out, that lied to get us involved in the war in Iraq costing us billions and thousands of American soldiers’ lives, and lastly a party whose bigotry will not support our president because of his color.Dennis Bischof Port CharlotteScott’s ill-fated drug-test gambitLast week, Gov. Rick Scott nally did the right thing with the Republican par ty’s long-running campaign to have all Florida welfare recipients tested for illegal drugs: He gave up. It was an ill-conceived and doomed effort from the beginning, one that only left the impression Scott and the Republican Party were using the issue solely to gain political credibility among the conservative base. The ultra-hard-line-on-drugs governor and Republican Party rst insisted that all state employees, all state job-seekers and welfare recipients be tested. Except, of course, they exempted themselves from the drug-testing law. Apparently if you are a Republican in Tallahassee, what’s good for the goose, is only good for the goose. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits unlawful search and seizure, and courts have repeatedly found blanket drug testing by governments on their employ ees to be unconstitutional. The government, unlike private companies, can only drug test employees where the use of drugs are deemed high risk. Scott and the Republicans knew this before they passed their drug-testing law. Florida’s appeal for blanket employee-testing appeals made it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which refused to give it the light of day early last year. No surprise. Last week, the other part of the state’s drug-testing program — Scott’s case aimed at people receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families — died at a lower level, the U.S. Circuit Court. The good news is that only $300,000 was spent on doomed appeals this time. The Republican leaders in Florida acted shamefully passing a drug-testing bill they knew was unlikely to pass a court test while exempting themselves from the test. The only reason to say you believe in drug tests, while exempting yourself from the test, is a naked attempt to appeal to your political base. It was well past time to put this to rest. Take government out of educationEditor: I applaud the letter which appeared in the Sun on March 10, “Testing worked well in the 1950s.” It is just coincidental that we apparently had the same curriculum, the quizzes, testing, the California Achievement Test, etc. I was appalled when I read the article concerning the no-testing requirement. My graduation from high school was in June 1951, and I was well-prepared for the world of work. Let me remind you that I came from a so-called Third World country, the Republic of Panama, being educated in the Silver Schools of the then-Panama Canal Zone schools system. Yes, a segregated system. Our graduates are located throughout the world and occupy high positions. It is apparent that testing did not preclude them from achieving. Upon my induction into the United States Army, and my migration to the U.S. for basic training at Fort Dix, N.J., after meeting other recruits from various states, I discovered from various conversations with them, that something was lacking in the educational system. Take government out of education, and leave education to educators. I am a rm believer in testing. How will one know whether something works or not if it is not tested? Remember Dr. Spock? Just forget social promotion. My college degree is a Bachelor Of Science In Education, vocational education. Charles Meyers Port CharlotteJust say ‘no’ to expansionEditor: No, no, no, to another Justice Center building. Barbara Scott worked in the original courthouse in 1986, when I did too, (before she was the clerk of courts). She knows of the cramped ofces all the elected ofcials had at the time. In July 1989, Building B in Murdock opened to the public. In 1999, the Justice Center opened to the public. After the “original courthouse” remodel, residents had to go to three locations, the “courthouse” to register to vote, the “old bank” to pay taxes and register homestead, and the Justice Center for all court processes. The Justice Center was built on partially, “eminent domain,” municipal mobile home park property. The Justice Center has ve oors of “unused oor space” in its hallways. The taxpayers of Charlotte County paid for this “courthouse on the water” without preparing for the future of the court system. The Justice Center has more space in one hallway than the property appraiser’s ofce had in the third oor addition of the courthouse that we used at the time. Please, all residents, newer, or those who have been here for the 30 years or more that I have, tell the clerk’s ofce to utilize the large amount of “unused space” and make partitioned ofces, and make the city of Punta Gorda sell the adjacent property “for prot.” No other courthouse in this part of Florida has “waterfront property” at the taxpayers’ expense, or “wasted hallways.” Beth Degnan MurdockNo ‘muzzle,’ disgruntled employeesEditor: The article “Climate-change muzzle?” seems to me to be an example of a poorly researched, non-news event that I am surprised a newspaper would accept (except maybe on the editorial page, where we know “opinion” and not news is the motivation for publication). It seems as though the basis of the article is a disgruntled employee. When the reporter (activist) researches the claim, no such policy exists, the “superiors” communicated the message. Included are comments by a “former employee” pouring more gas and rumor into the mix. Sounds like sour grapes. Please, raise your standards. The article clearly is a political swipe at Governor Scott, and does not belong as a 2 inch headline on Page 1.Robert McAlister Rotonda WestAuxiliary members serve vital functionEditor: I had thought about joining the USCG Auxiliary for a few years, but always pushed it to a back burner. In 2014, I made friends who were active members. I witnessed their growth in skills and knowledge from being members. I’ve now also adopted these skills since joining. I’ve gained a sense of pride from providing life-saving services. I also discovered the fun and fellowship of belonging to a local Auxiliary. Flotilla 87 has over 40 volunteers dedicated to safer recreational boating. Responsibilities include the area of Lemon Bay and Placida Harbor between Manasota and Boca Grande bridges and the adjacent waters in the Gulf of Mexico. The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is a uid entity, relying upon its members to grow and support its missions. The Auxiliary’s average age is in the mid to high 50s. By working together, the younger and older generations can grow in experience, recruit more younger members and solidify the Auxiliary’s role as a part of Team Coast Guard. Whether you want to be out on the water as boat crew, working a public affairs booth, doing vessel exams or helping out with administrative duties, your work will be valued. The Auxiliary will provide you the training and opportunity to use your skills and time to help your country. Flotilla 87 in Englewood meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at 1949 Englewood Road. Visitors are welcome. For more information, visit our website www. Lane EnglewoodOne more big election to goKathy Dent was rst elected Sarasota County’s supervisor of elections in the year 2000, so she wasn’t in ofce for the absurdist drama of that election year in Florida. She’s been here for all the follow-up chapters, though: the conversion to electronic balloting, the reconversion to electronics with paper backup, the establishment of early-vote poll sites, the expansion of absentee balloting and then the contraction of early voting and difculties created by photo-ID laws. A signicant transformation, and it hasn’t all been smooth. Dent’s bleakest hours came after a glitch in the 2006 election resulted in an extraordinary undercount in an extremely close congressional race, and she was dogged by a vocal group of elections-rights activists in the years that followed. Announcing her decision not to seek re-election in 2016, Dent recently said, “I have a passion for elections, not politics.” True, she never has seemed entirely comfortable with the bright lights. But that hasn’t detracted from her commitment to transparency and fair elections, nor overshadowed the common decency that’s always been evident.Air trac disturbs sleepEditor: Why doesn’t the Sun publish a schedule of commercial (Allegiant) arrivals and departures at Charlotte County’s airport? It would be nice to know what time we can go to bed, what time we will be waking up, and if/when we might be able to t a nap in.Jim Seguin Harbour Heights OUR VIEW LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. Please keep them to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name — not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only one letter per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Sun, Letters to the Editor, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980, or fax to 941-629-2085. Readers with access to the Internet may email Letters to the Editor at HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOREmail letters to letters@sun-herald.comChairman — Derek Dunn-Rankin Publisher — David Dunn-Rankin Executive Editor — Chris Porter Editorial page editor — Brian Gleason Editorial writer — Stephen Baumann Editor — John Hackworth V IEWPOINT IMT's POWGUBRAM' ' ` SUSNlNE EEK. 4 `Iiff I U ' /i U U 1 `If t : \f ,fl l y \\\ t. 7 1iI,I v'/'! + I !e r tiu V J,i//r aI IN1l;IU \\`+ i.i'11 ! UU('Ii I IrI' r J 14V wiol.h 1 %ftI''lrl6 U 6iillifjr ' Itif+ jiPNS0UIrl9C(eatot$COCniah


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 C Our Town Page 7 VIEWPOINT The true scandal of the Tom Cotton letter to Iranian leaders is the manner in which the Republican Senate appar ently conducts its affairs. The document was crafted by a senator with two months of experience under his belt. It was signed by some members rushing off the Senate oor to catch airplanes, often with little close analysis. Many of the 47 signatories reasoned that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s endorsement was vetting enough. There was no caucus-wide debate about strategy; no consultation with Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, who has studiously followed the nuclear talks (and who refused to sign). This was a foreign policy maneuver, in the middle of a high-stakes negotiation, with all the gravity and deliberation of a blog posting. In timing, tone and substance, it raises questions about the Republican majority’s capacity to govern. It is true that President Obama set this little drama in motion. Major arms-control treaties have traditionally involved advice and consent by the Senate. Obama is proposing to expand the practice of executive agreements to cover his prospective Iranian deal — effectively cutting senators out of the process. By renewing a long-standing balance-of-powers debate — in a way that highlights his own propensity for power-grabbiness — Obama invited resistance. And there is a practical argument for Senate approval of arms-control agreements: It strengthens and empowers the president in punishing violations. The whole U.S. government is placed on record promising consequences for infractions (if, of course, the Senate concurs). The exact shape of a possible Iran deal remains unknown. I’m on record predicting that it may be a bad one — a very unlikely throw of the dice that a terror-sponsoring, clerical regime will become a minimally responsible regional power. But the half-baked Cotton letter was a poor instrument to express concern. First, the bleedingly obvious: If Republican senators want to make the point that an Iran deal requires a treaty, they should make that case to the American people, not to the Iranians. Congress simply has no business conducting foreign policy with a foreign government, especially an adversarial one. Every Republican who pictures his (or her) feet up on the Resolute Desk should fear this precedent. In this particular situation, paradoxically, the main result is not a weakened presidency but a weakened legislature. Corker has been toiling with the ranking Democrat on the Foreign Affairs Committee, Robert Menendez, to craft legislation that would require Senate approval of an Iran deal. Before the Cotton letter, Corker was two votes away from a veto-proof, bipartisan majority. But now Obama and Minority Leader Harry Reid are using the letter to argue that Republicans are only engaged in partisan games. Even peeling a few Democrats off the Corker/ Menendez approach could prove decisive. If the Corker bill fails narrowly, Obama might have Cotton’s missive to thank. A nal objection to the Cotton letter concerns, not institutional positioning, but grand strategy. The alternative to a bad nuclear deal is not war; it is strong sanctions and covert actions to limit Iranian capacities until the regime falls (as it came close to doing in 2009) or demonstrates behavior change in a variety of areas. But this approach depends on the tightening of sanctions in cooperation with Europe, as well as Russia and China. And this effort can only be held together by the impression that America has negotiated with Iran in good faith. So negotiations are actually an important part of any attempt to isolate Iran. The key is where we draw our red lines. The Cotton letter creates the impression that Senate Republicans are rooting for negotiations to fail — which would complicate our attempt to maintain strong sanctions if negotiations end up failing. In the aftermath of the letter, we are seeing the logic of partisan escalation. Didn’t Democrats open their own rogue negotiations with Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega in the 1980s? Or sip tea with Syria’s Bashar al-Assad against the wishes of the George W. Bush administration? Of course they did. But justifying a bad idea by recounting a history of bad ideas is a particularly bad way to conduct foreign policy. It is the crutch of a partisan, not the argument of a statesman. This is presumably the reason we have a Senate, not only a House. A sixyear term should ensure an extra 30 minutes to read a document and think through its implications. Michael Gerson’s email address is michaelgerson@ letter: The roughest of rough drafts Michael Gerson Abraham Lincoln said, “The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation is the philosophy of government in the next.” And from Thomas Jefferson, “An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic.” Indeed, any society must tailor the education of its young to the preservation of the social order. In the 1600s the colony of Massachusetts required parents to “make certain that their charges could read and understand the principles of religion and the laws of the Commonwealth,” but nothing in this statement required a child to be educated in a school. In the 1840s a large number of Irish Catholic immigrants in New York sought neighborhood control of their schools to shelter their children from a Protestant curriculum. Our early schools were expected to support our prevailing Christian religion. In 1837 Massachusetts formed the rst state board of education with Horace Mann as commissioner. Mann argued that our schools should be non-sectarian, and education should promote the continuation of our free society. Over time, the Massachusetts standards became the educational model for all the states. Based on our history, it is well-established that our schools should support the continuation of our society, but at the same time the First Amendment decrees that no governmental agency shall favor any religion. When the nation was almost homogeneously Christian, some people might have argued that Mann’s desire to provide non-sectarian education was in conict with his belief that education promote the continuation of our social order. Now, fast-forwarding to my own youth, I recall almost no references to religion in the public school texts of the time (1950s) except brief mention of the Crusades, and contemporaries I’ve questioned have the same recollection. Non-sectarian education in the public schools by then was well-established. Now fast-forward to Charlotte County, and the present. We have for several months been involved in a controversy between a group of citizens and the School Board over the presentation of religious information in two history books used in our school system. These books involve substantial references to major world religions, and at issue were seven citations from these books which were regarded as incorrectly representing the Christian and Muslim faiths. I attended the initial meeting at which this complaint was formally aired before the School Board. The committee, comprising 10 members, was selected by the school superintendent. Only two members were present to represent the complainants. Six were associated directly with the school system, and two were community members closely associated with the school system. Why did Mr. Whittaker pick a group so very obviously out of balance? Wouldn’t it have been fairer to permit the complainants to select half of the committee members? The proceedings resembled a Putin election. It appeared that those representing the school had coordinated their arguments in advance: one of them would state their opinion, and one or two more would register their agreement. Then they would call for a vote, and 8 to 2, the school board won, every time. These books were chosen at the state level, but the state of Florida has shifted responsibility for text book selection to the local school districts. The districts will establish committees, provide public notice and accept public input to these selection processes. The public is allowed access to the materials under review and may submit comments. If we are going to locally select textbooks, then I suggest we avoid caustic local disputes by adopting two fundamental principles. First, references to religions in textbooks should be limited to discussion of any historical causation related to the actions of religious groups. Such descriptions should assiduously avoid, or at least minimize, dealing with the spiritual beliefs that dene any religion. Second, religion is spiritual, not logical. So it is impossible for, say, an atheist author to fully understand the subtleties of Christianity or any other faith; likewise, a Christian author cannot fully understand the Muslim faith. So the only reliable way to decide whether a statement is sectarian is to allow the members of all interested faiths to comment. Then we should agree that if any statement in a textbook offends believers of any faith, that statement is ipso facto sectarian, and must be eliminated from the book. As with all rules, ambiguous situations will arise. But incorporating these principles into our textbook selection process would avoid much unnecessary controversy and help us all avoid ill will. Charlotte County is a friendly place: let’s keep it that way. John R. Doner, Ph.D., is a member of the Charlotte County Curmudgeon Club. Readers may reach him at cccurclub@embarqmail. com. Religion and the public schools: past to present John Doner I had two rotten teachers during my school years. You can learn a great deal from those who don’t have your best interests at heart. It’s smart to pay attention to the opposition. It’s often your enemies and not your allies who teach you how to ght most efciently and stand up for yourself. The rst teacher categorized me as a version of the demon child from “The Bad Seed.” I’d been “skipped” from second to fourth grade but felt so out of place after two weeks with kids so much bigger than me that they seemed to cast looming shadows, with my parents’ approval I asked to be returned to my peers in a third-grade class. No big deal, right? Except the teacher refused to recognize me as part of the group. I was a cuckoo in the nest. If I raised my hand, she’d say, “I’d like one of my own students to answer this, Gina.” If I did well on an assignment, she’d only write “Correct” when she wrote “Good Job!” on the tops of papers from other kids who did less well. When I asked her in tears, one day after school, what I could do better, she told me to stop “acting like Sarah Bernhardt.” I was eight years old and had no idea what she was talking about. Neither did my parents. We had to go to the public library to look it up. Neither of my parents had graduated from high school, meaning they were too intimidated by teachers to defend me against the insult, and so I just went back to class. Yet something changed. I knew for certain that I could do nothing to make the teacher like me and I stopped trying to get her affection. But I didn’t stop trying to get her attention. I didn’t stop raising my hand when I knew the answer and I worked hard to make sure I knew a lot of them. I became effective and deant without being impolite. That’s served me well. The second teacher, this time in high school, was a version of Muriel Spark’s charming char acter Miss Jean Brodie. Around her formed a small coterie of admiring girls, of which I was one. In contrast to my earlier experience, I was now part of the inner circle, one of la crme de la crme. We’d sit in a circle after school and read poems. We’d listen, enthralled, to stories about boys who had loved her during college and whose hearts she’d broken to marry the love of her life. She wrote us notes during school breaks to tell us we were in her thoughts. Over one of those breaks, my mother was diagnosed with bone cancer and given a few months to live. When I went to tell the teacher, she explained to me in a gentle voice that I shouldn’t expect the little group of students to shoulder such a burden. She said it would perhaps be better for everyone if I spent less time in her presence. From that teacher, I learned that intelligence without emotional generosity means nothing, that narcissism unchecked is poisonous and that sometimes it is far more honorable to be refused membership to a group than to be part of it. That lesson left welts. But from my best teachers — and there were far many more of those — I learned that patience, creativity and being able to see an individual’s talents can provide even the most vulnerable child a sense of wild possibilities. I had wise teachers who, by the mere fact of remembering a story I’d told or by taking my friends and me seriously, made school the safest place in the world. There were teachers who made books sacred yet accessible and who deciphered science and history. There were teachers who let me cry on their shoulders while relentlessly insisting I do better work. The best taught me wonder fully. The worst taught me much. Gina Barreca is an English professor at the University of Connecticut, a feminist scholar who has written eight books, and is a columnist for the Hartford Courant. She can be reached at important lessons from rotten teachers Guest columnistGina Barreca adno=50482128 Come see how we help the needy of Charlotte County! Adventist Community Services Sunday, March 15 10am-4pm PLEASE JOIN US FOR AN Open House at the 2036 Loveland Blvd. Port Charlotte. 50% OFF entire thrift store Refreshments & drawing for gift certificates We are having , many new foods and specials in the Vegetarian food store and tour our up-dated facility! adno=50482065 Dt CEOBRING INTHIS AD FORFANTASTICSAVINGSOpen 7 Days A Week Parts & Services AvailablePT. CHARLOTTE VENICE25 86 N. Tamiam! 1965C S. Tamiam!627-6933 497-3267donsfandtycomw! lr.: ..i'4


Our Town Page 8 C The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. Approved an amendment to the Stump Pass Ten-Year Management Plan contract with Coastal Engi neering Consultants Inc. of Naples, for an increase of $298,133, for a revised total of $1.78 million. The contract amendment is for additional surveying and consulting services during 2015. YES YES YES YES YES Approved the annual county paving program contract with Ajax Paving Industries of Florida LLC, for a total cost of $7.42 million. The commission also amended the contract by removing Veterans Boulevard, for a reduction of $3.04 million and 63 days in construction time. A second change order added roadways within the Deep Creek area for an increase of $1.44 million, plus an addition of 30 days for construction. Funding is supplied from Municipal Service Benefit Unit assessments in the Greater Port Charlotte MSBU ($4.3 million), Deep Creek MSBU ($1.26 million), and the Parkside Community Redevelopment Area ($80,000). YES YES YES YES YES Approved a resolution and a program agreement to provide incentives for the construction of a photovol taic solar farm up to 74 megawatts in the Babcock Ranch area. The commission also approved an additional $600,200 be appropriated, bringing the total available budget for this incentive to $1.5 million for use on the Florida Power & Light Company Solar Farm project. This program includes an incentive of up to 30 percent of the county portion of annual ad valorem taxes paid by the project, in an amount not to exceed $250,000 per year, for a maximum total not to exceed $1.5 million over a 10-year term. At least three other communities, besides the proposed Babcock Ranch development, are being considered for this $100 million capital project. YES YES YES YES YES Awarded the Charlotte Harbor Gateway Harborwalk Improvements contract to Quality Enterprises USA Inc. of Naples, for $2.3 million, for construction of waterfront park improvements at the northbound bridge. The commission also approved a budget adjustment of $1.1 million to pay for the cost overrun for the project. The project, expected to begin construction this spring, will be completed within 290 days, according to the contract. Funding will come from the Charlotte Harbor Redevelopment Fund, with a loan from General Fund reserves covering the additional $1.1 million. YES ABSTAIN YES YES YES Approved a preliminary plat request by HRES Heritage Lake LLC for a Family Dollar store on Rampart Boulevard in Deep Creek. The store, now under construction, was the target of resident protests. However the 2.65-acre site already was designated for commercial use, and no zoning change was required. YES YES YES YES YESCHARLOTTE COUNTY COMMISSION — HOW THEY VOTED TUESDAY BILL TRUEX District 3 KEN DOHERTY District 1 CHRIS CONSTANCE District 2 TRICIA DUFFY District 5 STEPHEN R. DEUTSCH District 4 SOUTH OF PUNTA GORDA — The 20-yearold at-fault driver in a Thursday-morning injury crash has been charged with three counts of DUI with damage to property or a person, after drugs and alcohol were found in her system, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report made available Friday. Ashten Elizabeth Dietrich, 20, of Cape Coral, was driving a Chrysler 200 west on Harborside Boulevard shortly after 5:30 a.m., when authorities say she ran a stop sign and was struck by a northbound Ford Taurus on Burnt Store Road, just south of Zemel Road, near Burnt Store Marina. Dietrich and the driver of the Taurus — Mistie Brown, 26 — were taken to Cape Coral Hospital with injuries. A road sign allegedly was wiped out in the wreck, hence the third DUI-with-damage charge. Trafc in the area was detoured for about two hours. A doctor at the hospital a few hours after the accident provided an investigator with Dietrich’s urine sample, which tested positive for amphetamine and cocaine metabolite; and her blood sample, which showed a blood-alcohol content of 0.171, the FHP report shows. Florida’s legal BAC limit is 0.08. Dietrich was asked to perform some eld-sobriety exercises in the exam room at the hospital — she reportedly failed one, passed another, and couldn’t perform another part of the test due to a leg injury. She was arrested and transported to the Charlotte County Jail that afternoon, where she remained Friday on $6,000 bond.Cops: Man rapes childA Port Charlotte man has been accused of raping an 8-year-old girl multiple times, once after she claims she was drugged. Michael Jude Boccio II, 29, drove the girl to a wooded area Tuesday night after taking her to dinner, a Charlotte County Sheriff’s report shows. After the two got out and walked around, Boccio picked up the girl and put her in the back seat of his truck. Boccio then allegedly performed a painful sex act on the girl, made her perform a sex act on him, and then had intercourse with her. It’s unclear from the report where, exactly, the alleged incident took place or what the girl’s relationship is to the accused. One of the girl’s relatives took her to the Sheriff’s Ofce Thursday after learning about the story, and the girl told investigators what she says happened Tuesday. The CCSO report shows the girl further stated, “(Boccio) gave her and two other juveniles pink medicine that made her feel dizzy and couldn’t see straight. The three juveniles sat on the couch and (Boccio) carried each of them into his bedroom and placed them on the bed,” and then he engaged in sex acts with the 8-year-old. It’s unclear when that alleged encounter took place. Authorities say the girl may have been sexually battered by Boccio “over several years.” Deputies tracked down Boccio late Thursday night at a Port Charlotte pub. He was arrested and booked into the Charlotte County Jail early Friday on three counts of sexual battery by an adult on a child — a capital felony, potentially punishable by life in prison. He was held without bond.Report: Woman, 91, helps shoplifterMURDOCK — A 91-year-old woman avoided a shoplifting charge because Sears does not pursue prosecution against anyone older than 80. However her much-younger shopping partner wasn’t as lucky. Gaby Merino-Natteri, 33, of North Port, and the older woman, Angelica Marcos de Natteri, had a 5-year-old child in a stroller with them as they entered the Sears at the Port Charlotte Town Center mall Thursday evening, a Charlotte County Sheriff’s report shows. Authorities say the women, with the child and stroller, went into a changing room with three pairs of shoes and some clothes from the Children’s Department. When they came out, the merchandise wasn’t visible. The shoppers allegedly had hidden the shoes and some clothes in a purse, and more clothes “under FHP: Driver had drugs, alcohol in system | POLICE BEATThe information for Police Beat is gathered from police, sheriff’s office, Florida Highway Patrol, jail and fire records. Not every arrest leads to a conviction and guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.ARRESTS | 9 Eli SATURDAY STUMPER by Frank LongoEdited by Stanley Newmanwww.stanxwords.comACROSS 55 Xbox One rival 8 Turn it down, 30 Los de aqui1 Checks it out 56 Director's skill with "out" 32 Redeems11 Camp pain 57 Small-scale 9 " ! You talk as 35 Mesh well15 Schindler's List school in years past": 36 How shutterscharacter 58 Doesn't Shelley are typically16 Quick move? stonewall 10 No mere cog made17 He novelized his 11 Portended a 41 ExpressionCrimean War DOWN storm preceding aexperiences 1 It might be 12 Big storms, send-up?18 Avoiding an hair-raising for instance 42 Cetaceanengagement, 2 Base's 13 Latex-glove bristlesmaybe antithesis extra 44 Stock stopper19 Ceases 3 1991 book 14 Was effective 45 First boxer to20 Gut course? subtitled 21 Familiar Bible beat Holyfield22 Pieces or tokens The Memoirs setting 46 Subject for23 Innermost layer of America's 23 Got smart un troubadourof tree bark Family Doctor 24 Like much 47 walk25 Flare 4 Shop figure rubble (photo-op ritual)28 What Germans 5 A lift will get you 25 Not so open 48 Zipcar's sistercall Deutsche to a new one 26 Bolted-down brandDogge 6 He beat out tubes 49 What Pancake31 With 7 Down, Berlin for 27 Perfectionist's Day precedesenergy-bill the 1939 concern 50 Accordinglyincreaser Best Song 28 Twist or hustle 53 Product tag32 Indication that a Oscar 29 Hydra's heads, 54 Tous _ fourshand will obey 7 See 31 Across e.g. (daily)33 Definitive hits34 Biter fighter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1437 One handling 15 16inspiring issues 38 Garage offering 17 1839 "Grab 'em. 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The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 C Our Town Page 9 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS and around the child,” the sheriff’s report shows. Security noticed the scam and called the CCSO. Both Merino-Natteri and Marcos de Natteri were issued trespass warnings. Merino-Natteri was arrested on charges of shoplifting, contributing to the delinquency of a child and providing false information to law enforcement — for allegedly spelling her name wrong for investigators and providing an inaccurate birth date. She was released from the Charlotte County Jail Friday after posting $7,500 bond. The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office reported the following arrests: Heather Elizabeth Antonelli, 29, 17200 block of Cape Horn Blvd., Punta Gorda. Charge: violation of probation (original charge: petty theft). Bond: none. James Bates, 58, 20100 block of Macon Lane, Port Charlotte. Charge: battery. Bond: none. Dale Alton Clutz, 59, 6400 block of Scott St., Punta Gorda. Charge: disorderly intoxication. Bond: none. Robert Coleman, 29, of St. Petersburg, Fla. Charges: driving with a suspended or revoked license, and driving without registration. Bond: $2,000. Justin Anthony Dillon, 29, of Fort Myers. Charge: violation of probation (original charge: unemployment compensation fraud). Bond: none. Ryan Daniel Gurk, 25, 9200 block of Acorn Blvd., Punta Gorda. Charge: grand theft. Bond: $5,000. Juan Bernardino Lux de Leon, 25, 600 block of Sharon Circle, Port Charlotte. Charge: driving without a license. Bond: $750. Justin Kyle Richardson, 34, 3200 block of Cindy Lane, Englewood. Charges: driving a motorcycle without a license, habitually driving with a revoked license and off-bond recommit. Bond: none. Thomas Thornton Taylor, 26, of Rossanne Place, Englewood. Charges: violation of pretrial-release conditions and off-bond recommit. Bond: none. Bradley john Saul, 40, 2600 block of Myrtle Ave., Punta Gorda. Charge: DUI. Bond: $3,000. Jill Marie Tanner, 53, of Gold Club Lane, Venice. Charge: violation of probation (original charge: DUI with damage to property or a person). Bond: none. The Punta Gorda Police Department reported the following arrest: Eric Lee Butler, 39, 22400 block of Oceanside Ave., Port Charlotte. Charge: nonsupport of dependents. Purge: $250. — Compiled by Adam KregerARRESTSFROM PAGE 8St. Paddy’s at Fishermen’s VillageA St. Patrick’s Day Celebration will be held from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Fishermen’s Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. The day’s festivities include: vendors with fun, informative and educational displays; singer/guitar players Pat Surface and Paul Cottrell; Paul Strowe the Human Jukebox; a Seaview radio broadcast with Jeff Collins; a performance and parade by the Lee County Pipes & Drums to begin at 5:30 p.m. at the main entrance; Irish music by Kelly and Emily Ann Thompson from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Center Court; and Irish food specials at village restaurants. The event is free and the public is invited. For more information, call 941-639-8721, or visit to celebrate St. Patrick’s DayJoin in for a buffet lunch to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday in the Conference Center at the Cultural Center of Charlotte County, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte. The menu includes corned beef and cabbage with parsley boiled potatoes, buttered baby carrots, fresh salad and rolls, iced tea, coffee and water. Beer and wine will be available at an additional cost. Tickets are $12.95 per person in advance (preferred), or $14.95 at the door (limited availability). Purchases can be made online at www., or at the center. For more information, call 941-6254175, ext. 221.Food for fines offered at libraryCharlotte County Public Libraries invite patrons to reduce or eliminate their library nes while making a difference for fellow county residents. This is a year-round initiative to help feed the hungry in our neighborhoods. All Charlotte library locations will accept donations of nonperishable food, in lieu of library nes, beginning Tuesday. For each nonperishable food item donated, $1 will be deducted from a patron’s library ne balance. Pet food also may be donated. Food donations will directly benet county residents in need through the food pantry partners. Each library has partnered with a food bank local to their neighborhood: Englewood, Englewood Helping Hand; Port Charlotte, Parkside Parish; Punta Gorda, St. Vincent de Paul; and Mid-County Regional, Edgewater United Methodist Church. The libraries also gladly will accept food items from anyone, regardless of whether they have library nes. Donated food cannot be used to reduce fees associated with lost or damaged library materials.Sierra Club to meetThe Greater Charlotte Sierra Club will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Charlotte County, 1532 Forrest Nelson Blvd., Port Charlotte. Russ Hoffman, a retired psychologist, of Beautiful Ponds, will speak about retention pond restoration and ecopsychology. The meeting is free and open to the public. For more in formation about meetings and outings, visit http:// charlotteharbor.Country musicians returnAward-winning country musicians are back at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Cultural Center of Charlotte County, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte. Country Gospel Music Hall of Fame inductee Richard Kiser will be on guitar with Country Music Hall-of-Famer and “HeeHaw” star Charlie McCoy on harmonica. with the grandson of the late, great Floyd Cramer, Jason Coleman, on piano. Advance tickets are $17 for Cultural Center members, or $19 for nonmembers; the day of the show, tickets will be $21 for all, with no discounts. Purchase tickets online at www.theculturalcenter. com, or at the box office. For more information, call 941-625-4175, ext. 221. | COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFS IN THECLASSIFIEDYOU (:Ali....../Find a Pet/Find a Car./Find a Job./Find Garage Sales/Find A New Employee./Sell Your Home./Sell Your UnwantedMerchandise./Advertise YourBusiness or ServiceClassified -it's the reliablesource for theright results


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Our Town Page 12 C The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS ‘FIT FOR LIFE’ SENIOR GAMES SCHEDULEThe ongoing Charlotte County “Fit for Life” senior games features amateur athletes, 50 years old and older. Here are some of the upcoming events to catch (for each event, check-in is at 8:30a.m., with a start time of 9a.m.): Track and Field — today Where: Charlotte High School, 1250 Cooper St., Punta Gorda Contact: 941-505-8686 Tennis, Mixed Doubles and Doubles — today and Sunday Where: Tringali Recreation Center, 3460 N. Access Road, Englewood Contact: 941-681-3742 RC Sailing — Sunday Where: South County Regional Park Sailing Pond, 670 Cooper St., Punta Gorda Contact: 941-505-8686 Bowling, Singles — March21; and Doubles — March22 Where: Treasure Lanes, 1059 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte Contact: 941-681-3742 Pickleball, Singles — March27; Doubles— March28; and Mixed Doubles — March29 Where: South County Regional Park, 670 Cooper St., Punta Gorda Contact: 941-505-8686Commission workshop plannedThe Charlotte County Commission will hold a Board Workshop at 9 a.m. Tuesday in Room B-106 of the Murdock Administration Center, 18500 Murdock Circle. Topics include the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard; a Virginia B. Andes update; Dr. Marlowe infrastructure discussion; South County Overlay; the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Ofce master space plan; and commissioner, administrator and county attorney comments. The public is invited to attend, but there will be no public input. For more information, call 941-743-1300.Community feedback encouragedThe county will hold a community feedback meeting from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday in Commission Chambers (Room 119) of the Murdock Administration Center, 18500 Murdock Circle. The public is invited to share and express their concerns on issues facing Charlotte County. Commissioner Stephen R. Deutsch will host the meeting. For more information, call 941-743-1300, or 941-6974308 from Englewood.Scholarship deadline nearsThe Florida Festivals & Events Association is accepting applications for the Harvey Franklin Campbell Student Scholarship Award. The scholarship will provide current students at Florida-based universities who are studying in an event management-related program with the opportunity to attend the FFEA Annual Convention & Tradeshow, set for Aug. 5-7 at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort in Orlando. The students selected to receive this conference scholarship will have the opportunity to: learn about the variety of careers available in the events industry; attend informative presentations concerning current issues in the event industry; engage in discussions and network with event professionals from throughout the state; and participate in professional development workshops and numerous educational sessions. For more information or to apply, email, or visit The deadline to apply is Sunday. | COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFS adno=50478942 Claudio performing March 24th adno=491282 A re Y ou L ook in g fo r a N ew C ar di ov as cu la r C ar e Ce nt er ? C om pl ete Ca rd io va sc ul ar C ar e i n th e He ar t of V en ic erf1370EastVeniceAvenue,Suite102 TheHeartInstituteofVenice.comAsktheDoctor@TheHeartInstituteofVenice.com941-412-0026 W e are d ed icat ed to the highest quality o f patient care possible. W e pledge b et te r a cce ssibility to p hy sicians and staff, p ro mpt and c om ple te explanations o f te st results, and a f eel ing o f be ing at home in our office. Our vision is to c on sist en tly e xc eed patients’ exp ec tations in our ful ly -a cc re dit ed health care fac ility d ed icat ed to the diagnosis, int er ve ntion and t re atment o f cardio va scular disease. T he H ea rt I ns titu te o f Ve ni ce I s Ac ce pt in g Ne w Pa ti en ts N ew P at ie nt s We lc om e Me di ca re A cce pt ed 1370 East Ve nice Av en ue, Suite 102 T heHeartInstitu te of Ve nice.c om A sktheD oc to r@TheHeartInstitu te of Ve nice.c om 941-412-0026 Tire Discounters of Florida adno=50478775 941-639-5681 1308 South Tamiami Trail 7:30 PM Mon–Fri 7:30 PM Sat 185-65-15 195-60-15 195-65-15 205-60-15 205-65-15 215-55-16 205-55-16 205-60-16 215-60-16 225-60-16A l s o a v a i l a b l e : N e w t a k e o f f s A l s o a v a i l a b l e : N e w t a k e o f f s Also available: New take-offs S t a r t i n g a t $ 4 9 9 9 S t a r t i n g a t $ 4 9 9 9 Starting at $ 49 99 Installed and balanced $ 89 95 $ 92 95 F R E E F R E E F R E E F R E E Mounting F R E E Balancing a nd F R E E Road Hazard FREE FREE FREE Warranty. Other sizes available. Call for pricing. 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PuntaGorda,Fl.rf rfnt bff r fntb r frfr f rfntbbnbb tr fr TheviewsexpressedbyJenniferHowellareherownanddonotreecttheopinionofWellsFargoAdvisorsorits aliates.WellsFargoAdvisors,LLC,MemberSIPC,isaregisteredbroker-dealerandaseparatenon-bankaliate ofWellsFargo&Company.WellsFargoAdvisorsisnotataxorlegaladvisor.Date: March 19th Time: 10:00 AM RSVP: 941-347-7015 Liz Fisher Guest Speaker: Josh Howell, CFP Managing Director 6210 Scott Street, Suite 117 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Jennifer Howell Board Certified Elder Law Attorney Howell Law Firm CAR-0813-02663 The views expressed by Jennifer Howell are her own and do not reflect the opinion of Wells Fargo Adv isors Financial Network, LLC (WFAFN) or its affiliates. Investment products are offered through WFAFN. Mem ber SIPC, a registered broker dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo and Company. Howell Weal th Management is a separate entity from WFAFN. CAR #1214-00057 WELLS FARGO ADVISORS FINANCIAL NETWORK SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORES Open: Mon. Sat. 9am 5pm 1048 Tamiami Trail, Punta GordaC a l l T o S c h e d u l e A P i c k u p F o r C a l l T o S c h e d u l e A P i c k u p F o r Call To Schedule A Pickup For L a r g e F u r n i t u r e & A p p l i a n c e s L a r g e F u r n i t u r e & A p p l i a n c e s Large Furniture & Appliances (941) 637-1981 DONATIONS NEEDED! “Your donation makes a big difference”P l e a s e D o n a t e C l e a n , U s a b l e I t e m s . P l e a s e D o n a t e C l e a n , U s a b l e I t e m s . Please Donate Clean, Usable Items. adno=50478778 Now accepting pick up in Arcadia. All money received from donations in Arcadia will be utilized to assist DeSoto County residents in need. Charlotte County to assist people in need in Charlotte County. 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The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 C Our Town Page 13 FROM PAGE ONE A resolution originally drawn up to thwart the state Legislature’s defunding of regional planning councils was placed on the back-burner Friday after a bill was amended this week. The Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, one of 11 statewide organizations that bring neighboring communities together for the preservation and enrichment of local economies and natural habitats, came to the consensus at their regular meeting in Fort Myers that the amended Senate Bill 484 no longer threatened the organization. “We decided we aren’t going to send it,” Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council Executive Director Margaret Wuerstle said Friday following the meeting. “Bill 484 was amended and now it doesn’t have a negative impact on RPC.” According to Wuerstle, the issue of the bill, prior to its amendment this week, was that Gov. Rick Scott approved legislators’ plans to defund the regional councils and take much of the “responsibility” of local communities away from the RPCs. The 36-member Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council consists of county and city commissioners from Sarasota, Charlotte, Glades, Lee, Hendry and Collier counties. North Port City Commissioner Cheryl Cook, a council member, expressed her concern over the bill coming down from the Legislature earlier this week, and spoke in favor of the resolution prior to it being placed on hold. “What Tallahassee is trying to do is make all decisions about what will happen in your regions,” Cook explained. “This whole legislation is outrageous to me. They (legislators) don’t know all the details of what is going on in our communities. We don’t want them making decisions for the things that are important to us in our areas.” Prior to Friday’s RPC meeting, Cook said she would be traveling to Tallahassee next week to speak personally to legislators regarding the topic and others. Wuerstle con rmed that several members of the RPC would be traveling to Tallahassee next week, but now that the SB 484 has changed, the resolution would not be discussed during their visit. “The initial information we received was that the senators wanted to take the RPCs down to eight or nine, then the revised bill stated to just get rid of the Withlacoochee (north of Tampa) RPC. There’s been a lot of hearsay though — I do not have a direct answer,” Wuerstle said. “There’s so many issues that are up in the air the council thought it would be better to hold off and get more information and have oneon-one conversations with representatives. It appears all we’ve been getting is secondhand information.” Though the resolution is no longer a focus for the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, remaining a strong, working unit is a priority for the group. Cook’s statement earlier this week went along with what Wuerstle said Friday. Cook said that the RPC wants to retain control of the issues coming before it. Wuerstle boasted of the council’s efforts to maintain itself without state control. “The positive thing out of the meeting today, despite the concerns about these bills, is my council recognized the need for these six counties to stay together and work because of all the good that has already come out of working together,” she said. “(The counties are) looking at doing an updated interlocal agreement to ensure this regional council stays together no matter what. They are sure of one thing, and it’s the role of this RPC.” Wuerstle named a number of issues the RPC has its hand in between the six counties it rep resents, including hurricane evacuation studies, economic development, environmental studies, promotion of arts and culture as a regional economic driver, grant-writing and research for municipalities, Veterans Affairs projects and initiatives, and shopping and recreational studies.Email: sgholar@sun-herald.comRegional Planning Council resolution on holdBy SAMANTHA GHOLAR STAFF WRITER COOKdecision, Johnson granted the Sun an interview request. The accused said he still doesn’t believe he will have a fair chance in court. “I’m scared to go to trial now,” he said. After what was essentially a status conference Friday at the Charlotte County Justice Center in Punta Gorda, it’s looking like Johnson may not have to go to trial for a little while longer. Oonk used the hearing as a chance to update 20th Judicial Circuit Judge Donald Mason, who had recused himself from hearing the motion to dismiss but will preside over the trial. Oonk said he explained to Johnson that he can’t le any direct appeals until after the trial, but he could le a petition for writ of certiorari with an appellate court. Oonk said he informed Johnson there is a “very high burden” required to be granted such an appeal, and it is against his “best legal opinion” to try for it, but he said Johnson has indicated he wishes to go for it anyway. Mason said he is going to proceed as if Johnson’s trial will start March 23, until a petition for writ of cert is actually led. Another court date has been set for Thursday to see where things stand, and whether Johnson changes his mind about trying for some sort of appeal. During his recent half-hour interview with the Sun , Johnson said he takes issue with the fact that a Charlotte County Sheriff’s internal affairs investigation was the main source of almost all the information about how and why privileged conversations were being recorded and sent by jail staff to prosecutors. The investigation revealed at least ve such communications were recorded and sent to prosecutors, and 1,900 more privileged video chats may have been recorded. “It’s a mistake if it happens one or two times,” Johnson said. “This happened 1,905 times. There’s no mistake.” The Sheriff’s Ofce, which runs the jail, cleared its own personnel of wrongdoing. “How can they investigate themselves?” Johnson said. “That’s unbelievable.” The defendant spoke only briey about the early morning of Sept. 9, which is when Bonhomme, 40, was found shot to death on a desolate road just north of the Murdock Walmart. “I was at my house,” said Johnson, of Port Charlotte. Bonhomme had been arranging to meet another man — Freddie Campbell, 28, of North Port, the co-defendant in the murder case — to buy cocaine, a sheriff’s report shows. A woman who said she was hiding in Bonhomme’s Ford Explorer when he drove to meet Campbell for the drug deal claims to have heard Johnson’s voice at the scene. She says she heard Johnson and Bonhomme arguing before hearing three gunshots. “My family knows I didn’t do this,” Johnson said. “And I want the victim’s family to see I didn’t do this. Now I won’t have a (fair) chance to do so.”Email: akreger@sun-herald.comTRIALFROM PAGE 1 current facility was badly damaged after Hurricane Charley in 2004. Plans had been underway for years to build a new arena next to the county-owned Turner Agri-Civic Center. The group purchased a large tract of land adjacent to the Turner Center in anticipation of building a facility there but had struggled to raise enough funding to begin construction. Bo Davis, senior vice president of Mosaic’s Phosphate Operations, said the company is excited to continue its support of the DeSoto community. “We’re thrilled to be a part of this and part of the community moving forward,” he said. “The rodeo is important to this community, and it’s important to Mosaic and the Mosaic Community Company Foundation. We think this will be a long-term partnership not only with the rodeo, but Arcadia and DeSoto County.” Mosaic Company Foundation Executive Director Kari NiefeltThomas says the company worked closely with the rodeo to ensure it was in a position to be eligible for its grant program. “The rodeo was interested in our support, and we met with them to talk about what the grant proposal would look like and some of the things they would have to do ahead of time to be in the right place to submit an application,” she said. “They went ahead and did the work necessary. We’re committed to the long-term economic health and vibrancy of DeSoto County and this rodeo is an important step.” Rodeo ofcials say there is still some design work left to do on the project, but they hope to begin construction as early as June. They estimate it should take approximately seven months from groundbreaking to nish the facility, leaving the possibility the arena could be ready in time for next year’s March rodeo. The current rodeo grounds will continue to play host to many of the youth rodeo events, and discussions are also underway with fairground ofcials about potential continued use of the site. DeSoto Administrator Mandy Hines said the county is looking forward to working with the rodeo to nd ways to utilize its facility in conjunction with the new arena. “We were all here in 2004 when (Charley) struck this community and threatened to take what we struggled to build away, and became a very difcult time but it also showcased how this community pulled up and stood together,” she said. “We’re excited to have a venue that will continue to attract world-class competitors to our area, and to bring the tourism that will help our community develop as a whole.” The annual threeday rodeo — which began Friday — is an important economic driver for DeSoto, with an estimated 94 percent of attendees traveling from outside the county. Last year’s event attracted nearly 16,000 visitors and brought approximately $1 million in economic benets to the area, organizers say. The rodeo was founded in 1928. In 1973, it joined the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. It attracts world-class cowboys and stock as part of a national competition. “Because of this grant, I can almost assure you the rodeo will be in business another 87 years,” Hall said.ARENAFROM PAGE 1 Right: An Artist’s rendering of the Mosaic Arena. Ocials hope to break ground on the project in June. ARTIST’S RENDERINGS PROVIDEDRight: An artist’s rendering shows an aerial view of the Mosaic Arena. The facility will be located next to the county-owned Turner AgriCivic Center in Arcadia. DAVIS Thomas Quigley, M.D. Board Certified Eye Physician & Surgeon2 5 2 9 T A M I A M I T R A I L P U N T A G O R D A 9 4 1 6 3 9 2 0 2 0 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding t o the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance pl ans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 adno=50479001 F R E E E Y E E X A M F O R N E W P A T I E N T S 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT), ARCADIA 863-993-2020 20600 VETERANS BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. O f f e r a p p l i e s t o n e w p a t i e n t s 5 9 y e a r s a n d o l d e r . Offer Does Not Apply To Freedom And Optimum Health Plan Participants. Coupon Expires 4/16/2015 aAA---------------------------------------------------------2529 4G^QfOOAMO 4HAL DIEIYIE IMAMIPOR NEW IATI[IENT5-------------------------------------------------------


Our Town Page 14 C The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 RELIGION NEWS When we pursue a goal in life, typically there are certain prerequisites involved with that goal’s pursuit. To teach math or English, foreign languages, history, etc., you normally need to satisfy a set of basic education courses. Occasionally prerequisites require an apprenticeship or special training in elds like medicine, engineering, science or social work. If you plan to enter the ministry, you’ll have to study biblical languages, theology, psychology, nance, church administration and interper sonal relationships. Of course, all those areas of study must be bathed in prayer. A good place to start reading is the Psalms. The prayers of Paul in his letters to the churches also warrant our study. Anyone preparing to become a minister without saturating their efforts in prayer will face failure. In 2 Samuel 6:6-7, David tried to bring the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem, but his failure to ask the priests for guidance cost Uzzah’s life. He was struck dead by the Lord when the oxen pulling the cart car rying the Ark stumbled and Uzzah touched the Ark trying to steady it. Uzzah‘s death initially made King David angry. But after three months of storage at the house of Obed-Enom, the king made a fresh effort to move the Ark to Jerusalem, and a different processional was initiated. This time the priest took six steps and sacriced a bull and a fatted calf. David also danced before the Lord with all his might. The lesson here is both simple and sublime: When we seek to bring God’s presence into our lives in any processional, we must begin with worship. Worship was missing in the rst attempt. But when the second effort was preceded by sacrice and worship, God smiled upon the procession and saw the Ark safely into Jerusalem to a newly prepared place for it. To invite God’s presence into our midst, wor ship must be the highest priority in that invitation. Never take God or His presence for granted. His presence with us is truly something to celebrate. Dear Lord, when we try to help You out, may we then realize that You’re always waiting for us to invite You in into our lives by the process that moves God’s presence front and center and all we are and do. In His praiseworthy name we pray, Amen. The Rev. Larry Armbrust, a retired United Methodist Florida Conference pastor, lives in Port Charlotte. Email him at pastorlwa2@ Fabric of Our Faith: Worship Larry Armbrust HOLY WEEK/EASTER SERVICES Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, 11330 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda: 8:15a.m. and 11a.m. traditional services, and 9:40a.m. contemporary service, Palm Sunday, March29 — each service will include “Once Upon a Tree” cantata; 7p.m. Commu nion service Maundy Thursday, April2 (nursery available); 7p.m. “Service of the Shadows” (Tenebrae) Good Friday, April3 (nursery available); and 8:15a.m. and 11a.m. traditional services, and 9:40a.m. contemporary service, Easter Sunday, April5 (bring cut flowers from your garden to adorn the Chancel cross). All are welcome. 941-639-0001, info83@ or Knights of Columbus Council 8074 , sponsor, at Ponce de Leon Park, 3400 Ponce de Leon Parkway (end of West Marion Avenue), Punta Gorda: 7a.m. Sunrise Mass Easter Sunday, April5. Event in 40th year. Bring a chair; carpool to reduce the parking overflow. All welcome. Rain site: Sacred Heart Church, 211 W. Charlotte Ave., Punta Gorda. North Port Community United Church of Christ, 3450 S. Biscayne Drive: 10a.m. service Palm Sunday, March29 — includes passing of the palms and music by the junior choir the new Grace Notes bell choir and vocalist Megan Gann of the North Port Chorale; 7p.m. Maundy Thursday service April2 — includes “upper room communion service”; noon service with working community in mind, 5:30p.m. annual Fish Fry Dinner (reservations: $8 for adults, $4 for children), and 7p.m. traditional service — all Good Friday, April3; 10a.m. service Easter Sunday, April5, welcoming new members to the church. Child care provided. All welcome. or 941-426-5580. Our Savior Lutheran Church , meeting at the El Jobean Community Center, 14344 Jamison Way: series of devotions offered by the Rev. Clyde Kaminska, Ph.D. 6p.m. Holy Thursday, April2 — “The Custom of Foot Washing”; 6p.m. Good Friday, April3 — “Recognizing Death”; and 10a.m. Easter Sunday, April5 — “Easter Bunnies, Eggs and Bells.” All welcome. 941-766-7567. Our Savior Lutheran Church , 2705 Tamiami Trail N, Nokomis: Palm Sunday worship, 10a.m. March29; Maundy Thursday worship, 7p.m. April2; Good Friday worship, 7p.m. April3; and Easter Sunday worship, 10a.m. April5. All welcome. 941-966-4442. Peace River Baptist Church , 478 Berry St., Punta Gorda: Easter cantata “Two Crowns” (Peace River sanctuary choir, under the direction of Jim Reuter): 7p.m. April2 and 3 in the sanctuary. 941-637-6768 or 941-628-9789. Holiday announcementsThe Sun is compiling lists of area Passover services, Holy Week/Easter services and Easter egg hunts to run in upcoming weeks. If you would like to include the information from your temple, church or community group, email the details to mputman@ As with religion briefs, there is no charge for these announce ments that will run as space is available, but they will be edited as necessary to fit the allotted space and format. For more information, send an email to the above address, or call Marion at 941-206-1183.Pancake BreakfastFirst United Methodist Church of Punta Gorda, 507 W. Marion Ave., invites the public to join in for its monthly Pancake Breakfast from 8a.m. to 10a.m. today in the Bryant Life Center. It will include a full menu of pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs and applesauce, with your choice of coffee, tea and orange juice. Donations will be accepted at the door, with proceeds benefiting local missions and outreach programs under the direction of the church’s United Methodist Men’s Fellowship. For more information, visit Patrick’s Dinner DanceThe St. Charles Borromeo Knights of Columbus Council 5399 will hold a St. Patrick Dinner Dance at 6p.m. today at the St. Charles Parish Center, 21505 Augusta Ave., Port Charlotte, to raise money for various charities throughout Charlotte County. A traditional Irish dinner will be served. A cash bar and refreshments will be available — no BYOB. Music will be by “It Takes Two.” Tickets are $15 per person, and will be available at the door. Tables of six or more can be reserved. For tickets or more infor mation, call John Kukulski at 941-7430323, Bob Allen at 941-626-1529, or the parish office at 941-625-4754.Sunnybreeze to hold 2015 concertsSunnybreeze Christian Fellowship, 7049 S.W. Liverpool Road, Arcadia, announced its schedule of concerts for the 2015 season. The third concert, set for 7p.m. today will feature the Bobby Bowen Family of Tennessee. All are welcome, and the concert is not sponsored. The suggested donation is a minimum of $10 per person. For more information, call 863-494-3273.Sunday Message SeriesCleveland United Methodist Church, 28038 Cleveland Ave., east of Punta Gorda, continues to offer its Sunday Message Series emphasizing the Christian’s response to the issues of our everyday experiences that can hinder our living abundantly. The public is invited to join in as members explore “We Made A Mistake” — judging life apart from God is dangerous. Traditional worship is at 9:30a.m., and contemporary worship is at 11a.m. For more information, call 941-639-2775.Hard Rock Casino tripA few seats remain for the Hard Rock Casino bus trip to benefit Dreams Are Free School — which helps challenged children and is located at Bishop Nevins Academy in Sarasota County — and sponsored by Dave and Joyce Sloma, that will depart at 8:45a.m. Monday for Tampa from the Murdock Kmart’s west parking lot, 19400 Cochran Blvd. The return time is approximately 6:30p.m. The event is open to the public, and the cost is $27 per person. During the trip, games will be played, including a 50/50 and some new games. Snacks and water will be provided. All profits will be used to offset the needs of children at the school. The deadline for prepaid reservations has been extended to 5p.m. Sunday. For more information and reservations, call Dave Sloma at 941-624-0550.Annual concert seriesBurnt Store Presbyterian Church, 11330 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda, is holding its 2015 Concert Series. The series finale, on Monday, features the Purdue Varsity Glee Club with a return engagement. The performance will start at 7:30p.m. Doors open at 6:30p.m. There is no reserved seating. Special entry for guests with wheelchairs or walkers is available by informing the parking attendant upon arrival. Tickets are $20, if available. Seating is limited, so purchase tickets early at the church. For more information, call 941-6390001, or email‘Lenten Customs’The Rev. Clyde Kaminska, Ph.D., will continue a series of meditations on “Lenten Customs” from 10:30a.m. to 11:30a.m. Wednesday and March25 at the El Jobean Community Center, 14344 Jamison Way, sponsored by Our Savior Lutheran Church. The remaining schedule includes: Wednesday — “The Custom of Penitence”; and March25 — “The Custom of a Veil.” The series looks at Lenten customs before and after Jesus’ time, seeking to understand them and apply them to our own faith-growth. For more information, call 941-766-7567.Lenten observationThe public is invited to Gulf Cove United Methodist Church, 1100 McCall Road (State Road 776), Port Charlotte, to worship during the Lenten season. The sanctuary will be open at noon every Wednesday (through March25) for a time of prayer and reflection. For more information, call 941-697-1747, email, or visit fish fryKnights of Columbus Council 8074 welcomes the community to enjoy a hearty fish fry from 4p.m. to 7p.m. Friday at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, 211 W. Charlotte Ave., Punta Gorda. Diners can choose between several platters: a beer-battered haddock fillet or eight jumbo butterfly fried shrimp; half shrimp and half fish; or a baked 9to 10-ounce fish fillet (4p.m. to 5:30p.m. only). All platters include french fries and coleslaw. The cost is $10 for adults, and $5 for kids younger than 10. A bowl of New England clam chowder is available for $2 with the purchase of each adult platter only. Canned and bottled beverages will be available for a small donation. Takeout platters will be available. Proceeds will benefit Catholic charities and seminarians. For more information, call 941-575-4606.Fish FrySt. Charles Borromeo Knights of Columbus Council 5399 is holding a Fish |RELIGION BRIEFS RELIGION | 15 CATHOLIC ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1441 Spear Street Port Charlotte, FL 33948 (941) 743-6877 Email: Website: Winter Mass Schedule Mon.-Fri. 8am Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, (Spanish 6:30pm) Sunday Mass: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am Confessions on Saturday 3:00-4:15pm and by appointment BAPTIST First Baptist Church Port Charlotte 20035 Quesada Ave. Jim McCarty, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM WORSHIP 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM 12:30 Hispanic Service Call for information on weekly activities and special events. 24-HOUR INFO LINE 629-0444 CHURCH OF GOD SOULS HARBOUR CHURCH OF GOD 451 West Helen Ave. Punta Gorda 941-639-1048 Welcome Sunday School, 10:00 am Morning Worship, 11:00 am Midweek Service, Wed., 7:00 pm Pastor, Phil Keaton EPISCOPAL THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD 401 W. Henry St., Punta Gorda 639-2757 The Rev. Roy W. Tuff, Pastor “All Are Welcome” Sundays 8 & 10 am Holy Eucharist Nursery Available at 10am Svc. Email: CATHOLIC S A N A N T O N I O C A T H O L I C C H U R C H 24445 Rampart Blvd. Port Charlotte, FL 33980 (941) 624-3799 Weekdays 8AM Saturday’s 8:30AM Saturday 9:00AM Confessions Saturday Vigil 3:30PM & 5:15PM Sunday 7AM, 9AM, 11AM Holy Days 6:30PM CHURCH OF CHRIST E N G L E W O O D E A S T C H U R C H O F C H R I S T 9600 Gulfstream Blvd Englewood, FL 34224-9256 (941) 475-4973 Evangelist: Jim Ratliff Adult Sunday School 10:00 am Worship Service 11:00 am Youth Service 11:30 am Wednesday Eve Fellowship 5:00 pm Wednesday Eve Bible Study 6:00 pm CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY OF PORT CHARLOTTE LaPlaya Plaza Unit LI 2811 Tamiami Trail 10:00 am Sunday Service 3:00 pm on 1 st & 3 rd Wed. 941-625-2765 Reading Rm. 1-3 pm Wed. BAPTIST F I R S T B A P T I S T C H U R C H O F P U N T A G O R D A 459 Gill St., Punta Gorda 639-3857 Barrett Hardin, Pastor Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Worship Services – 10:30 a.m. Team Kid Wednesday6:00 p.m. Prayer/Bible Study 6:15 p.m. Nursery Provided BAPTIST INDEPENDENT Y o u a r e I n v i t e d t o B e r e a n B a p t i s t C h u r c h A n O l d F a s h i o n e d C o u n t r y C h u r c h 17377 Godwin Avenue (Located off Collingswood Blvd) Port Charlotte 941-629-7053 Bible Study 9:30 am Sun. Worship Service 10:30 am, 6:00 pm Wed. Evening Service 6:30 pm CHRISTIAN MURDOCK CHRISTIAN CHURCH 17500 Elmwood Ave., Murdock 255-1858 Minister Keith Sergent Sunday Worship 10:30am ANGLICAN CATHOLIC T r i n i t y A n g l i c a n C h u r c h 1928 Book of Common Prayer Worshipping at MacDonald Hall Sunday, 10am 2230 Hariet St., Port Charlotte For Info Contact Don Kieffer 941-235-8052 EPISCOPAL St. James Episcopal Church 1365 Viscaya Dr., Port Charlotte 627-4000 The Very Rev. Cesar Olivero Sunday Service 8AM & 10:30AM Wednesday 10:00 AM Healing Service Praise and Worship/Adult Bible Study BAPTIST E a s t s i d e B a p t i s t C h u r c h Pastor Mike Mowry 6220 Golf Course Blvd., Punta Gorda 639-1648 Sunday Worship 11am & 6pm Sunday School 9:45am “AWANA” Wednesday 6:00-7:45pm Wed. Discipleship & Prayer Service 6:45 pm Nursery & Children’s program provided CATHOLIC Welcome to ST. CHARLES BORROMEO CATHOLIC CHURCH 2500 Easy Street, Port Charlotte 941-625-4754 Mass Times: Weekdays~ 7:00am & 8:30am Sat. Vigil: 4:00 pm & 6:00 pm (Jan. Apr.) Sun: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (French Creole) & 6:30pm (Youth Mass) adno=50429685 BAPTIST P e a c e R i v e r B a p t i s t C h u r c h 478 Berry Street, Punta Gorda Jim Stultz, Pastor 637-6768 Sunday School 9:45am Sunday Worship 8:30am, 11:00am, 6:00pm Sunday Hispanic Worship 1:30pm Tuesday AWANA + Youth Group 6-8pm Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 6:30pm INTER DENOMINATION D E E P C R E E K C O M M U N I T Y C H U R C H 1500 Cooper St., Punta Gorda 941-235-REAL Saturday Night 6:30pm Sunday Services 9:00am & 11:00am www.dc3.TV Real Love, Real People LUTHERAN FAITH LCMS Punta Gorda “Welcome Home!” Contemporary Sat. 5:30 Traditional Sun. 9:30 941-639-6309 4005 Palm Drive 1/4 mile west of US41 on Rio Villa CHRISTIAN & MISSIONARY FIRST ALLIANCE CHURCH 20444 Midway Blvd. 625-7435 Sat. 6:00pm Sun. 8:00am, 9:20am and 11:00am Youth Ministries 6:00pm Wed. 6:30pm (Life U) Rev. W. Scott Borden BIBLE STUDYG R E A T B I B L E S T U D Y Dr. J. Vernon McGee thru the Bible Radio Network 91.5 FM 6am & 9:30pm 91.3 FM 12:30pm & 7:30pm 1-800-65Bible (2-4253) LUTHERAN HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN, ELCA 2565 Tamiami Trail, Pt. Charlotte 625-5262 Traditional Service 7:45, 11:00 AM Celebration Service 9:00 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM Rev. Ken & Andrea Barrios Co-Pastors Food Pantry Open Mon, Wed & Thurs 9am-12pm Email: We are an equal opportunity provider LUTHERAN LIVING WATERS LUTHERAN CHURCH & PRESCHOOL, ELCA “The Little White Church In The Country” 12475 Chancellor Blvd. (North Port Blvd. & Chancellor) North Port 941-625-8090 Sunday Worship 8:15am & 10:00am Sunday School 10am Wednesday Pastors 2Go Bible Study 7:00 8:00pm WE WELCOME SNOWBIRDS! Rev. Dr. Dell Shiell LUTHERAN CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH WELS 941-766-9357 23456 Olean Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL 33980 Corner of Kings Hwy. & Olean Sunday Worship 9:30am Christian Education Hour 10:45am Wednesday Lenten Vespers 6:00pm LeRoy Martin, Pastor To Place Your Ad In Our Worship Directory Please Call (941) 429-3110 .l ptinily Anglican Church Peace KierBaptist (ChurchiIEastside Baptist You are Invited to ENGLEWOOD EAST DEEP CREEKChurch Berean Baptist Church CHURCH OF CHI UST COMMUNITY CHURCHAn Old Fuhioned Country ChurchI L I LGREATBHBLIE STUDYFIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SAN ANTONIOOF PUNTA GORDA CATHOLIC C]EI RCH


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 C Our Town Page 15 RELIGION NEWS “As the ning pot for silver, and the furnace for gold, so is a man to his praise.” (Proverbs 27:21)Praising God is one of the most wonderful privileges Christians have. Once we are saved, our eyes are open to the great and mighty works of God. Our ears can hear His word, which will increase faith to live a holy and separate life for God. As we grow, line upon line, precept upon precept, we marvel at who God is and what He has done for us. Then we can truly see the cross for what it is and what Jesus died for. That heartfelt appreciation turns into praise, adoration and worship. Do you ever think, “Why me, Lord, why am I honored to receive your grace and love?” It is actually a staggering thought. Praise will ow out of you effortlessly when you focus on what you have — eternal life, and what you have escaped — the ery pit of hell. Learning to praise God and worship Him is an important part of who a believer is. For some, raising their hands, closing their eyes, and disappearing into God’s presence is foreign and surreal. God desires that we come into His presence and wait upon Him. To worship God is critical to our relationship with Him. God deserves everything that we can possibly thank Him for, because there is so much more we aren’t even aware of ... Take time to count your blessings and lay them at His feet in love and adoration. Your words of thanksgiving and praise reect the condition of your heart. Be careful that you don’t get distracted by what the world thinks is important and miss out praising the lover of your soul and the Lord and Savior of your life. It is far too easy to be distracted with unimportant things and leave God out of the equation ... it’s all about Jesus and what God has done for us. We will spend eternity with God and His Son. Thank Him for everything you have and allow the Holy Spirit to worship God through you, which, in reality, allows God to worship God. Judy Onofri is a church elder at Father’s House Fellowship in North Port. Email her at onofrijudy@ of the Week: Praise a reflection of the heart EASTER EGG HUNTS/BUNNY SIGHTINGS Photos with the Easter Bunny : 11a.m.-8p.m. Friday and March27, and March30-April2; 10a.m. to 8p.m. March21, 28 and April3-4; noon-6p.m. March22 and 29; and noon to 8p.m. March23-26 — all at the Regal Cinema Court at the Port Charlotte Town Center mall, 1441 Tamiami Trail. To book a reservation online, follow the links from Bunny Breakfast and “Egg-Normous” Egg Hunt: March28 at the George Mullen Activity Center, 1602 Kramer Way (off Sumter Boulevard near North Port City Hall), North Port. Bunny Breakfast, 8-9a.m. for $4 per person in advance; $5 at door (if available — preregistration recommended; for ages 3 and older). Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs and a beverage. Pictures with the Easter Bunny available (bring a camera). Egg hunt for ages 3-10 begins at 9:30a.m.; 5,000-plus eggs, three age groups (3to 4-year-olds, 5-7 and 8-10), and lots of prizes (special prize tickets can be redeemed for prepackaged baskets); bring a basket. Event offered with support/collaboration of: Early Bird Kiwanis, Harbor Cove Grandmothers Club, Knight Owl Kiwanis, NPHS Key Club and city of North Port volunteers. North Port families invited. Register: www., then “Parks and Recreation” tab; or in person at the Morgan Family Community Center (6207 W. Price Blvd., North Port) or the Mullen Center. Info: 941-429-PARK (7275) or parks@ Fellowship Church: Easter Egg Eggstravaganza, 10a.m.-1p.m. March28 at the church grounds in Rotonda West (at Rotonda Boulevard West, Parade Circle and Pebble Beach Road). More than 28,000 eggs. Free and open to the public. Gulf Cove United Methodist Church , 1100 McCall Road (State Road 776), Port Charlotte: 10a.m. March28. For toddlers through age 12. After the hunt, there will be snacks and games. 941-697-1747,, or Adaptive Easter Egg Hunt: 11a.m.-12:30p.m. March28 at Bayshore Live Oak Park, 23157 Bayshore Road, Charlotte Harbor. Free; for children 12 years old and younger with physical, develop mental or intellectual disabilities, along with their siblings/families. Presented by Charlotte County Community Services and the Charlotte Harbor Community Redevelopment Agency. Includes arts and crafts, story time, a bounce house, face-painting and a meet-and-greet with the Easter Bunny. Egg hunt begins promptly at 11:45a.m. Preregister/info: 941-627-1074. 51st Annual Charlotte County Easter Egg Hunt : beginning at 9a.m. April4 at North Charlotte Regional Park, 1185 O’Donnell Blvd., Port Charlotte. Free; for children from preschool through fifth grade, and their families. A total of 20,000 eggs with special prizes in each age group. Approximate start times for hunts by age group: infant-3 years old, 10a.m.; 4-5 years old, 10:15a.m.; 6-7 years old, 10:45a.m.; and 8-10 years old, 11a.m. Event also includes an Egg Rolling contest at approximately 10:30a.m., a Hula-Hoop contest at 11:30a.m., games, food and a blood drive. Fry from 5p.m. to 7p.m. every Friday (except Good Friday) during Lent in the Parish Center, 21505 Augusta Ave., Port Charlotte. The menu will be a choice of fried fish, baked fish, shrimp or a combo (fried fish, and shrimp). All four menus will include french fries, coleslaw, corn on the cob, green beans, rolls, coffee or tea, and dessert. The cost is $10 per person. Side orders will be available, including clam chowder, beer, wine and soda. Mac and cheese will be available for $5 for non-fish lovers. Takeout orders are available.Free Hot DinnerFirst Presbyterian Church of Punta Gorda, 25250 Airport Road, offers a Free Hot Dinner for anyone needing food assistance from 5p.m. to 7p.m. the third Friday of each month. The next date is Friday. People are welcome to come for dinner and fellowship. For more information, call 941-639-1959.Winter Concert SeriesPeace River Baptist Church, 478 Berry St., Punta Gorda, will conclude its Winter Concert Series when Christian comedian Tim Lovelace takes his third bow Friday. The concert starts at 7p.m. and is free; a freewill offering will be received. For more information, visit, or call 941-637-6768.Photo Scavenger HuntNew Hope Christian Fellowship will have a Photo Scavenger Hunt fundraiser from 9a.m. to 11a.m. Saturday, March21, at Liberty Elementary School, 370 Atwater St., Port Charlotte. A team of two to five is $7 per person, or $25 per car (no more than five people). All proceeds will go to Operation Homefront. Teams will sign in, then each will receive a set of clues. The teams then will go around town “collecting” clue items via cellphone photos, then will return by 11a.m. to tally their scores. The top three teams will receive a prize. For more information or to sign up, email Brass Quintet in concertThe Tamiami Brass Quintet will appear in concert at 4p.m. Sunday, March22, at Congregational United Church of Christ, 1201 Aqui Esta Drive, Punta Gorda. The cost is $12.50 for adults, and free for children. For more information, call 941-637-8443.Charity Luncheon, Fashion ShowHoly Trinity Lutheran Church, 2565 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, will hold a Charity Luncheon and Fashion Show at noon Thursday, March26, in the church Social Hall. All are welcome. Fashions are by Anthony’s. Tickets are $10, and are available at the church office. For more information, call 941-625-5262.‘From Waiver to Favour’New Day Prayer and Worship Center will present its inaugural conference, “From Waiver to Favour,” from 9:30a.m. to 12:30p.m. Friday, March27; and from 9:30a.m. to 3:30p.m. Saturday, March28, and Sunday, March29, at the Cultural Center of Charlotte County, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte. Reference scriptures from Genesis 46:29-34, and 47:1-6. Special guest speakers include: Zangena Munroe-La Touche, Yvette Davis, Mary Johnson, and Shawn and Jacqueline Paulk. There will be prizes and surprises. Tickets are $20 for adults, and $10 for children. For more information, contact the Rev. Zangena Munroe-La Touche, pastor, at 941-301-5714; minister Paula at 941-237-6114; minister Dencina ihlanberg at 941-264-6095; or email, health checkPunta Gorda Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Health Ministries department plays host to a free breakfast and health screening to the public between 9a.m. and noon the last Sunday of most months. The next planned date is March29. The church is located at 1655 Taylor Road (on the corner of Cooper Street and Taylor Road). For more information, call 941-629-5388.‘Poetography’ matineeJack Perkins, recognized television journalist, will be the featured guest at 3p.m. Sunday, March29, at Burnt Store Presbyterian Church’s sanctuary, 11330 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda. This presentation combines Perkins’ poetry with his photography into a program he presents nationally called “Poetography.” The presentation is based on his latest book of poetry and photographs, “Marveling: Photographs and Poems of Praise.” The church extends an invitation to anyone in the community to attend this free afternoon of wholesome entertainment. For more information, call 941-639-0001, or email bspc83@ outing to benefit needyA golf scramble to raise funds for St. Vincent de Paul, Sacred Heart Conference will be held Saturday, April25, at St. Andrews South Golf Club, 1901 Deborah Drive, Punta Gorda. The scramble is open to men and women of all golfing ability levels. It will be a handicapped event. Registration forms are available at the club, or may be requested from Gary and Lynn Reeves at 941-202-2216 or The deadline for registration is Friday, April17. The cost is $75 per person, which includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, a continental breakfast and lunch. For $20, golfers may purchase, with the entry fee, a four-mulligan package for their team. Cash prizes will be awarded to the tournament winners. There also will be prizes for a hole-in-one on the par-3 holes, and other contests. There also will be a putting contest, a 50/50 raffle and auctions. Organizers are in need of sponsorships and donations — contributions will be highlighted in the tournament pamphlet. Contact Donna Roderick at 941-575-8768 or for sponsorship information. Proceeds will help the all-volunteer St. Vincent de Paul, Sacred Heart Conference to provide assistance to needy families and individuals in Charlotte County, including food, clothing, home furnishings and limited financial aid to prevent, for example, eviction or electricity shutoff.Spiritual quote:“May you have warm words on a cool evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a smooth road all the way to your door.” — Irish toast Marion Putman is handling religion news for the Charlotte Sun. You can contact her by phone: 941-206-1183; fax (to her attention): 941-629-2085; email:; or write (to her attention): c/o the Charlotte Sun, 23170 Harborview Road, Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980. TYPE or PRINT submissions, each of which MUST include the church’s NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE and the name of a contact person. Don’t forget the TIME, DATE and LOCATION of the event. Email is the preferred method for communicating this information. Email photos, in .jpg format, as file attachments. Submissions will be edited for length. Information must be received NO LATER than NOON WEDNESDAY for inclusion in the upcoming Saturday’s column; announcements will run on a space-available basis. If you would like to purchase an ad to guarantee a spot in the paper for your event, call 941-2061000 and ask for Display Advertising.RELIGIONFROM PAGE 14 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIS T Reverend Dr. Jean M. Simpson 1201 Aqui Esta Drive, Punta Gorda 637-8443 Worship at 10:00am PRESBYTERIAN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF PORT CHARLOTTE SUNDAY HOURS 8:30am Gospel Service 10:30am Traditional Service Coffee Fellowship 9:45am Rev. Donald Buck, Pastor 2230 Hariet St. Between Midway & Gibralter 625-5045 METHODIST CHRIST COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH IN HARBOUR HEIGHTS 27000 Sunnybrook Road 629-1593 Pastor Duane Waters Sunday Worship at 10 am Communion first Sunday of the Month Covered Dish Dinner First Sunday of the Month at 11:30 am Membership Sunday last Sunday of the Month Hall available for Rent METHODIST CLEVELAND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 28038 Cleveland Avenue Punta Gorda, FL 33982 941-639-2775 Traditional Service 9:30 am Contemporary Service 11:00 am Reverend Thomas Moore, Pastor PRESBYTERIAN B URNT S TORE P RESBYTERIAN C HURC H 11330 Burnt Store Rd., Punta Gorda (2 miles south of US 41) 941.639.0001 Traditional 8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Come As You Are 9:40 a.m. Nursery and age specific activities for preschoolers for all Sunday morning activities. LUTHERAN LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS LCMS 2300 Luther Road, Port Charlotte 627-6060 Sun. Worship 7:45 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Christian Education Hour Sunday 9:00 a.m. Rev. Kenneth Redmann Pastor Rev. James Cotter, Winter Asst. Pastor Nursery Provided Email: METHODIST EDGEWATER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19190 Cochran Blvd. (At the corner of US 41 & Cochran Blvd.) 625-3039 Pastor Dan Prine Services: Saturday Night Contemporary Worship Service 6:00pm 8:00am Traditional 9:30 & 11:00am Contemporary 11:00am Sunday Bible Study Class Sunday School: 9:30 Nursery Provided METHODIST TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 23084 Seneca Ave. Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980 625-3372 Pastor Ed Horne Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Nursery Provided Wednesday Food Pantry & Lunch: 10:30am-12:30pm USDA is an equal opportunity employer. PRESBYTERIAN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF PUNTA GORDA 25250 Airport Rd., Punta Gorda 639-1959 Rev. Stephen Mock Sunday Worship New Beginnings Service 9:00am Traditional Service 10:30am Watch Services Live via Website ECO A Covenant Order Of Evangelical Presbyterians METHODIST PORT CHARLOTTE UNITED METHODIST 21075 Quesada Ave. 625-4356 Brian James, Pastor Worship Services 8:00 a.m. Traditional Service 8:00 a.m. Radio Broadcast on WVIJ FM91.7 9:30 a.m. Contemporary Service 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service Sunday School 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. NON-DENOMINATION Blessed Assurance Bible Chapel Worship Service with Meaningful Bible Message Sunday Mornings 10:00am A different speaker each week . 866 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, FL 33953 941-625-3255 A ministry of the SouthWest Florida Bible Institute, Inc. Refreshments after every service UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST PILGRIM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 24515 Rampart Blvd. Pt. Charlotte 629-2633 Rev. Matthew L. Neumann, Sr. Pastor Sunday Traditional Service 8:00am Contemporary Service 10:00am N ursery & C hildren’s C hurch Provided during all services. METHODIST 507 W. Marion Ave. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 639-3842 Rev. Michael Loomis Sunday Worship 8:00 & 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Service 9:15 a.m. Adult, Teen & Youth Sunday School Nursery Provided METHODIST TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4285 Wesley Ln. North Port, FL 941-426-1734 Sunday Worship: 9am Sunday School Class: 10:30am Weekly Activities Food Pantry: Mon, Thurs, Fri, 9am-1pm For information on weekly classes, Please Call Church Office UNITY UNITY CHURCH OF PEACE 1250 Rutledge St. (Veterans & Torrington) North Port, FL., 34288 941-423-8171 Sunday Service 10AM PRESBYTERIAN Wintergarden Presbyterian 18305 Wintergarden Ave. Port Charlotte, FL 33948 (Between Pellam & Collingswood) 941-743-5335 Uplifting Sunday 10:30 Service Rev. Devon Ducheneau Proudly Supporting the Homeless Coalition PRESBYTERIAN Living & Learning God’s Word Sun. Traditional Uplifting Worship 10:30 a.m. 10548 Kings Hwy., 4 mi. N.E. of 1-75 941-743-797 1 Presbyterian Church in America adno=50429686 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST A S P I R I T U A L H O M E W H E R E R E L I G I O N A N D R E A S O N M E E T UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY Rev. Amy Kindred Worship Sat. 4:30 PM Worship Sun 10:30 AM Welcoming and inclusive 1532 Forrest Nelson Boulevard Port Charlotte 941.627.4303 To Place Your Ad In Our Worship Directory Please Call (941) 429-3110 NON-DENOMINATION 370 Atwater St., Port Charlotte Rev. Dr. David Blood Contemporary Service 9:30 Coffee 9:00 Welcome Hope Children’s Home Casual Dress Nursery Provided 866-717-3946 PRESBYTERIAN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NORTH PORT Learning to Live from God’s Word Sunday 11:00am & 5:00pm Traditional Worship Service Rev. Arnold Brevick, Pastor (941) 421-8163 5600 S. Biscayne Drive Presbyterian Church In America SPUMAL HOME WHEREREUGION AND REASON MEET


Our Town Page 16 C The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS So for more than 10 years, Port Charlotte High School has held its annual chalk drawing festival in March. March is usually the choice because it ties in to Youth Art Month. This year it was held Feb. 26. Why? “With all of the mandated testing, this was one of only two non-testing days available!” Tifny Coffey, PCHS, Advanced Placement Art and Photography teacher said in an email to the Sun. CHS accepts Tarpon of the Year nominationsCharlotte High School celebrates outstanding Tarpons at their Renaissance event each May. Tarpons are recognized in three categories: educator, non-instructional staff, and alumni/ contributor. Here’s the criteria and how to submit nominations, according to the high school: An educator must have 10 consecutive years as a staff member at CHS to be nominated. The nominee also has to be a role model who contributes signicantly to the community. Non-instructional staff must have seven consecutive years of experience to be nominated. The individual must also take part in CHS activities and relate well with students and staff. Alumni/ contributor must be at least a 10-year graduate of CHS or a 10-year contributor to the school. The nominee also has to be an active role model in the community. For nominations, list the exact name of nominees and include a brief description of why they should be nominated. The deadline is March 28. Nominations can be made by looking for the Tarpon of the Year link through the CHS website at http://chs. or by U.S. Mail: Charlotte High School, Kate Pyle, Assistant Principal, 1250 Cooper St., Punta Gorda, FL 33950. Local educators won FPL grantsAlicen Rhodes of Deep Creek Elementary School and Melinda Stroup of Sallie Jones Elementary School were recently announced as winners of Florida Power and Light grants. They are two out of 42 educators statewide who won grants for teacher energy projects worth a total of $42,000. “Projects like solarpowered ovens, waterpowered cars and wind generators are being funded to teach Florida’s students about STEM education,” a release stated. The program has funded a variety of science, technology, engineering, math and energy projects since it started in 2010. Grants have ranged from $500 to $1,000 per project. CHS student represents county Pristina Kuo of Charlotte High School represented the county at the 2015 Sunshine State Scholar’s recent convention in Orlando. “Florida selects their top 11th-grade student in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) based on established criteria. These Scholars, along with their parents and teachers, convene to receive recognition for their achievements,” a release stated. “They also have opportunities to meet with representatives from Florida’s colleges and universities, learn about STEM-related programs of study and internships, and experience why Florida is the best place to learn and pursue an exciting career.” — Compiled by Sommer BrokawThat darn mandated testing PHOTO PROVIDED BY TRISTA GROSSNICKLAUSLeft: Alexis Aponte of Port Charlotte Middle School was one of over 300 students of similar age statewide who joined the Florida All-State Middle School Concert Chorus earlier this year.PHOTO BY TIFFINY COFFEYAbove: Port Charlotte High School students recently participated in their annual chalk drawing festival. PHOTO PROVIDED BY ELLEN HARVEYAbove: Pristina Kuo of Charlotte High School is the county’s 2015 Sunshine State Scholar. The award is based on achievements in science, technology, engineering, and math. adno=50478782 1205 Elizabeth Street, Suite D, Punta Gorda 637-9800 Since 1988 We Install and Service Your Residential and Commercial Air Conditioning & Heating Units With Honesty & Reliability Lic. # CAC 1814055 2008, 2009 , 2010, 2012 2011, 2013 , 2014 Your Cooling System is the Last Thing on Your Mind. Keep It That Way. YEARS OF COMFORT. YEARS OF SAVINGS. THE YEAR’S BEST OFFER. There’s never been a better time to upgrade to Carrier quality and efficiency. For a limited time, you can claim up to $1,450 in Cool Cash rebates on a new system or receive 60 MONTHS FINANCING .* * Purchase of qualifying products required. Financing is subject to credit approval and cannot be combined with Cool Cash. Carrier Corporation 2/2015. COOL CASH REBATES UP TO $1,450 ON A QUALIFIED HOME COMFORT SYSTEM BY CARRIER Don’t wait. 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II I'mi )44Y, Fr s'+'t yStI ' III '07BRAND NEW LOCAMNNZW$1 wII Azo IS4.1L cr s rf-CHAkLu r if I'-RING TRAINING BA'MARCH APRIL007 PITT.1:05 4 'turn to the experts9 11'yNYY MIN PHI BAL47. 1:05 . 1:05 1:05 1:050PHI TOR1:05 1:07 MOM0 24 25HOME GAMETOR MIN BAL : :u'r to the experts12:37 1:05 1:0529 1 APR 2 3 1 AWAY GAMEBOS MOM NYY PHDET DET 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 12:35fl AT TROPICANA FIELDIIII 111111111IIUllll11IjlJ;11111 Illlllil! Ilil I!IIISPRING TRAINING , PACKS III I IIIIIIIIUUIli911111d0 1111 IIIIII1I11iPick 3 games for $39 over 30/ off single game pricing.uuFixed seating in Baseline Reserved seating category.RECEIVE A LIMITED EDITION '''>> `'_"''' '%`'" yoCHARLOTTE SPORTS PARK PHOTO BALLRAYS I 888-FAN-RAYS`Pricing varies for the fallowing games: 3/15 vs. NYM, 3/26 vs. NYY, and 3/28 vs. BOS 44 garre of Tropmro Fca nor mddcedin 3-Game Pack. Sating for all games subject to ovoiaia iy


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 C Our Town Page 17 O UR LOCAL FOOD BANKS N EED OUR HELP! adno=491679 A ll Faiths Food Bank S ar asota-DeSoto Counties 9 41-379-6333 F ood Bank of Manatee County M anatee County 9 41-747-4655, e xt. 235 H arr y Chapin Food Bank C har lotte County 2 39-334-7007 S A V E S AV E B I G ! ! ! B IG!!! J oin us in h elping stock o ur local food b anks. Bring in 4 cans of food a nd in retur n y ou will receive a $100 discount t ow ards an y p ur chase of $ 500 or more of n ew fur niture! L et’s help our c ommunity and i n turn you g et a g ood deal on n ew furniture at t he same time a t any of our f ive Fur niture W arehouse l ocations. N O IN TE RE ST U NT IL M AR CH 2 016 * SA ME D AY P IC K UP O R NE XT D AY D EL IV ER Y! *On Purchases $300 or more with your Furniture Wa rehouse credit card made between March 14, 2015 and March 13, 2016. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the promotional purchase is not paid in full within 12 months, by March 2016. Minimum Monthly P ay ments required. *Offer applies only to single-receipt qualifying purchases . No interest w ill be charged on the promo purchase if yo u pay the promo purchase amount in full by the due date . If yo u do not,interest will be assessed on the promo purchase from the purchase date. Regular account terms ally to non-promotional purchases and, after promotion ends, to promotional balance . Fo r new accounts: Pu rchase APR is 29.99% Minimum Interest Charge is $2. Existing cardholders should see their credit car d agreement of their applicable terms . Subject to credit appr ov al. S tunning Coastal Cotta ge Retreat Bedr oom Stylish detailing. Includes dresser, mirror, queen headboard, footboard & rails . Night stand FREE! $ 399 Sofa Contemporary 7 Piece Dining Set SPECIAL PURCHASE. Includes table and 6 matching chairs with upholstered seats. S P E C I A L P U R C H A S E S PECIAL PURCHASE $ 499 $ 799 Bedroom T wo -Piece , Tw o-Tone Designer Sectional Features durable 100% Micro-fiber fabric. Style, Comfort, Va lue. Matching ottoman a va ilable. $ 6 99 S P E C I A L P U R C H A S E S PECIAL PURCHASE S P E C I A L P U R C H A S E S PECIAL PURCHASE $ 3 99 If You Miss The Sale, You May Still Donate By Calling $ 5 99 P OR T CHARLOTTE 1 241 El Jobean Rd. ( 776 acr o ss from Sam’s) 9 41-76 4 -8700 M on.-Sat. 9-9 Sun. 11-6 S ARASOT A 4 027 N. W ashington Blvd. (US 301) ( 1 Mile South of Univer sity o n US 301) 9 41-351-8600 M on.-Sat. 9-9 S un. 11-6 B RADENTON 1 100 We st Cortez Rd. N or theast Corner of C or tez Rd & 41 9 41-749-6069 M on. Sat. 9-9 S un. 11-6 V ENICE 5 50 S. Seaboard A ve . ( Ju st North of Ve nice Nissan o n U .S. 41 Bypass) 9 41-485-3211 W eekda ys 9-6 S at. 9-6 Sun. 11-6 E LLENTON 5 814 18th St East ( Acr oss from the E llenton Outlet Mall) 9 41-479-7900 M on. Sat. 9-9 S un. 11-6 Sofa Just White Oak Expresso Cherry B lac k S P E C I A L P U R C H A S E S PECIAL PURCHASE $ 1 99 Your Choice Plasma Stands S A T U R D A Y S AT URDAY & S U N D A Y & SUNDA Y O N L Y ! O NLY! Florida Coastal Casual Look Sofa You ha ve it all here . Style, comfort & unbelie ve able value . Sleeper a va ilable . S P E C I A L P U R C H A S E S PECIAL PURCHASE T his Beautiful Hand-Rubbed Merlot Dining Set Hand-Rubbed Merlot dining set that includes hardwood table and 4 matching chairs and upholstered seats. $ 2 99 A dv anced Comf or t N ASA Te ch nology Memory Foam O ff ers full body comf or t and suppor t a t a price that will not break the bank! W hy pay $2,000-$4000? Contemporary 100% Leather Sofa This leather sofa features clean line and Italian style at it’s best! Comfort, style and value . Av ailable in white or sand. 5 Piece Set Q ueen Mattress For THE FOOD BANKOF MANATEE 1P Harry Chapin Food BankOF SOUTHWEST FLORIDASL TU R,DAY4 4ND Y_ & SU A,U Ifll.O ,t7t JNJi'A N,OftI n _ _' _ i:Lam.' ;I -y+r41AF-THE FOOD BANKOF MANATEE to Harry Chapin Food Rankof SoyILIWI.SI FLORIDA


Our Town Page 18 C The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS A team of area residents made a 14-minute lm about the Myakka River glorying in its wealth of exotic plants and prolic wildlife. The lmmakers used all the latest high-resolution digital cinema cameras, including high-tech drones, to capture spectacular wildlife sequences. They photographed a bird of prey called the caracara, sandhill cranes, otters, alligators, vultures, lumpkins, white-tailed deer and baby bobcats. The “Expedition Florida: Moods of the Myakka,” has been submitted to the Sarasota Film Festival in hopes of attracting $375,000 to nance a feature-length version of the nature documentary. The tea-colored, 66mile river originates in the Manatee County marshes near Myakka Head, owing south through Charlotte and Sarasota counties to discharge into Charlotte Harbor and on into the Gulf of Mexico. It has been designated one of the state’s “wild and scenic” rivers. “It’s the story of a man growing up, and his relationship to his father and to the Myakka River,” said Jono Miller, an executive producer. Also working on the lm is co-director Jeff Palmer, also director of photography, and former Bradenton Herald photographer Leslie Gaines, co-director and producer. “It’s a simple story, a nice blend of natural wildlife and landscape footage,” said Miller, 63, a retired director of environmental studies at New College of Florida. Film festival ofcials will announce March 25 the selections to be shown April 10-19. “We’re optimistic because it’s a local lm about a local river by local people,” Miller said. If the short is not shown during the lm festival, it will eventually play on PBS, said Gaines. The team worked on the lm about a year, he said, adding he raised $30,000 to shoot it. Average television projects all have budgets between $350,000 and $1 million,” he said. The lm traces the life of Palmer, born and raised in Sarasota, and his maturation amid the river’s restless beauty. “It’s only fed by the landscape around it, so if the landscape changes, the river does, too,” said Palmer. “Our set is always moving, always changing.” Palmer, 55, of Englewood, previously starred in “My Life as a Turkey,” based on the true story of writer and naturalist Joe Hutto, who imprinted wild turkey eggs and raised the hatchlings himself. In 2011, it premiered in the United Kingdom, later aired in the United States on the PBS program “Nature,” winning a national Emmy Award for outstanding nature programming. “We’re trying to keep the whole watershed free of congestive life — we know we can’t stop life as far as people go,” said Palmer. “That’s what conservation groups are trying to do — help ranchers to continue on with what they do, and not be pressured to do something else that would turn it into another subdivision, another Walmart.” In 1985, the Florida Legislature designated 34 miles of the river in Sarasota County a “wild and scenic river,” according to Chris Oliver, state environmental specialist and program biologist.Locals make short film about life along the MyakkaBy SARA KENNEDYBRADENTON HERALD Je Palmer lms sandhill cranes on a ranch near the Myakka River State Park.PHOTOS PROVIDEDCo-director Je Palmer in Upper Myakka Lake is featured in a lm about the Myakka River and is director of photography. adno=50481128 adno=50477844 We design individual rehabilitative care based on our patient’s personal health care needs. Experience the “Quality of life” Ultimate Wellness Physical Therapy 18308 Murdock Circle, Suite 107 Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Fax: (941) 764-9694 Phone: (941) 764-9695 adno=50482292 1312 Market Circle, Unit #9, Port Charlotte 941-743-2646 w Hunter Douglas Alliance Dealer Fully Licensed And Insured Best Customer Service Anywhere! Over 80% Of Our Business Is Referrals! Residential & Commercial BRAND NEW Beautiful Showroom MADE IN THE USA! Providing Quality Window Treatments Sales, Service And Installation Since 1983. QUICKEST TURN AROUND GRAND OPENING FRIDAY, MARCH 13TH 4PM-7PM Wine & Cheese Open House ASK ABOUT YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A $250 GIFT CARD LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE We Manufacture Shutters, Verticals, Draperies, Sunshades & Top Treatments. adno=50482202 AMVETS OF WW2 POST 1999 LADIES AUX., ROBERT E. LISTER MEMORIAL LODGE #66 F.O.P., PARENTS OF MURDERED CHILDREN, ROADS FROM NAZARETH MINISTRY, PREGNANCY CARELINE, DOUG JACOBSON RESIDENT FUND, AMVETS PO ST 1999, C.C. ROTARY FOUNDATION, MILITARY ORDER OF COOTIE PT. 56, SOLVE MATERNITY HOME, FRIENDS OF THE POOR, PORT CHARLOTTE LIONS CLUB, PUN TA GORDA LIONS CLUB, SAN ANTONIO CCW, TIME OUT RESPITE, UNITY CHURCH, CHARL OTTE PLAYERS (IMAGINATION LIBRARY), AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEN ASSOCIATION, ALZHEIMERS, DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS, HEARING IMPAIRED PERSON, GREEK CHURCH, MARINE CORP. LEAGUE, MARINE CORP. LEAGUE LADIES AUX., MILITAR Y HERITAGE MUSEUM, C.H.C. MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Some Restrictions Do Apply. Please Call Or Visit Our Website For More Information BENEFITS AND OPERATED BY THE FOLLOWING NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS DID SOMEONE YELL BINGO? WHEN YOU WIN, OUR COMMUNITY WINS SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL NON-PROFITS 4200 Tamiami Trail Unit A1, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 (In the Baers Plaza, next to ABC Liquor) 941.255.5965 Wed.-Sun. 6PM Mon. & Tues. Closed 1700 Tamiami Trail Unit A1, Port Charlotte, FL 33948 (In the Perkins Plaza) 941.255.1266 Open 7 Nights a Week at 4PM Matinees Sun., Fri. & Sat. 10AM Come try it, IT’S FUN!!! adno=50482200 A B S O L U T E B L I N D S E T C . ABSOLUTE BLINDS ETC. I N C . INC. Stop in & browse our large showroom at 2842 Tamiami Tr., Port Charlotte Fine Fabrics with the Golden Thread 9416275444 Licensed and Insured OVER 15 YEARS! adno=50482010 NO ONE BEATS OUR SERVICE OR SELECTION! Offering a full line of custom decorating services in addition to our complete line of shades, blinds & shutters! FREE HOME ESTIMATES Verticals Horizontals Pleated, Cell & RomanShades Top Treatments Cornices Draperies Upholstery “Past and Future Customers, check us out on Facebook!” adno=50478889 Pat Surface Paul Cottrell Paul Strowe Kelly & Emily Ann Thompson Lee County Pipes & Drumsrf Tuesday, March 17th, 10 AM PM Vendors throughout the Village with fun, informative, educational displays Singer/Guitar Player Pat Surface 11 am 3 pm Singer/Guitar Player Paul Cottrell 12 noon 3 pm Paul Strowe, the Human Jukebox 12 noon 3 pm Metamasque Face Painting 3 7pm Seaview Radio Broadcast with Jeff Collins, “The Golden Hippo,” 4 6 pm Lee County Pipes & Drums performance/ parade 5:30 pm Traditional Irish Music, Kelly & Emily Ann Thompson 6 8 pm Located Off Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 1.941.639.8721 QMLULTIMATE WELLNESSJiL -.k PHYSIC ERAPY/E iLUT E LINCIr ,_II II ?f '. 1FISHERMEN'S V1 IL L r. ,k ..WATERFRONT RESTAURANTS, BOUTIQUES, RESORT & MARINA1, 146iceY+Adult CutFREE Shampoo & Lite Dry$ 12 95Reg $14Spec.v cu . boNN i yva ie,desigo lro1! `_ ` I rq oc. adwith throRarsSUNEXP. 3/27/15Color or PermColor retouch with a Style, OR Perm with a Cut$95Reg $451 r.awal ywwle.yd.,tdoroavoof1 h.rNW nd w,h oth.r off'SUN EXP. 3/27/151 .+ ./ 'Mruasfkr Sarus'!j t r r0 041T 41 If7 JFJStay in the Know about your Health.Cooking Class FREE Seminar"Let's Get Ready for Easter" "is Weight Loss Surgery Right for Me" Registration required,Guest Speaker Chef Daniel Wise Guest Speaker Dilendra Weerasinghe, MD please call 941-6244441Wednesday, March 25th 112.:00pm -1:00prn Wednesday, March 25th 15:30prn 6:30pm to RSVP.H2U 13280 N TamiamiTrai, Port Charlotte H2U 13280 N Tamiami1 ail, Port Charlotte Fawcett Memorial Hospital_ Ca t mdp C 4m /-o4 ?owrs


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 C Our Town Page 19 LOCAL/REGIONAL NEWS Left: Performing a lyrical piece, students from Higher Ground dance studio, Marianna Joyce, 17; Nia Dugan, 16; Olivia Kreegel, 13; Ileah Benzi, 13; and Catherine Dull, 14. Angelo Ortiz from Upscale Barbershop spent the day giving free haircuts, and Xavier Miller, 11, was one of his rst to have a cut. Elizabeth Ferrero volunteered her time and talent painting faces for the event. Here, 2-year-old Shawn Packer opted for a Spidey face.SUN PHOTOS BY BETSY WILLIAMSAngels in Movement held its recent grand opening and ribbon-cutting, to which Porky’s Road house played host, at Schoolhouse Square in Charlotte Harbor. Open to the public, the event was to raise awareness and funds through raes for the newly formed group AIM by Evelyn Miley, to help families in need here in Charlotte County.Take AIM and enjoy! F IVE S TAR SENIOR LIVING TM 941-766-7991 20480 Veterans Blvd., Port Charlotte, FL 33954 Assisted Living Facility # 10548 Call us today to schedule your own personal tour and see why we are Your Readers’ Choice! 2014 C O M E S E E W H Y O U R R e s i d e n t s C a l l L e x i n g t o n M a n o r H o m e Our Assisted living community includes upscale restaurant dining, with many choices. At Lexington Manor you have the freedom to remain independent while relaxing or enjoying our fully scheduled calendar of social and recreational activities. Our many exceptional services and amenities include outings, exercise classes, full-service beauty salon and barber shop, game room, library, transportation, laundry, and housekeeping. You can rest easy knowing the details are taken care of so that you can live a carefree lifestyle. W E P UT T HE L IVING B ACK I NTO A SSISTED L IVING adno=50482295 Your Fine Art Gallery since 1988 113 W. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941-575-1718 Spring Madness Courtyard Sale March 13th & 14th 10 AM to 4 PM Sale continues indoors through March 31st. adno=50467690 Medical Acupuncture 2400 Harbor Blvd. Suite #18 Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Phone: 941-629-2355 Fax: (941)627-6275 Fred P. Swing, M.D. FACA Certified in Medical Acupuncture w w w . a c u h e a l . c o m E m a i l : f s w i n g @ a c u h e a l . c o m E m ail: Quickly Relieves PTSD Migraine Back Pain Knee Pain adno=50481040 A U T O A I R S P E C I A L I S T A U T O A I R S P E C I A L I S T AUTO AIR SPECIALIST Over 27 Years Experience Whidden Industrial Park 23355 Janice Ave Port CharlotteW W W . A U T O A I R S P E C I A L I S T . C O M W W W . A U T O A I R S P E C I A L I S T . C O M WWW .A UTO A IR S PECIALIST . COM We Also Service RV’S, Trucks and Buses 2 0 0 3 2 0 1 4 2003-2014 We’re not on 41We are here Right on Janice Avenue HarborView Blvd Sun Newspapers K Circle US 41 Left on Whidden9 4 1 7 4 3 3 1 1 3 9 4 1 7 4 3 3 1 1 3 941-743-3113 Oil Changes, Electrical, Brakes, Tune up, CV Axles, Power Windows, Tires, Wheel Alignment & More adno=50477871 $ 1 0 O F F A / C C H A R G E $10 OFF A/C CHARGE Exp. 4/30/15 Amberg Insurance Center, Inc. 1900 Tamiami Trail Punta Gorda (across from Palm Chevrolet) (941) 639-7050 (800) 940-7688 17801 Murdock Circle Port Charlotte (next to Bacon’s Furniture) (941) 743-5300 (866) 743-5300 “BEST INSURANCE AGENCY” THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN FOR YOUR VOTE! 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2011 “BEST INSURANCE AGENT” Debbie Saladino 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2011 2011 2011 READERS’CHOICEAWARD 2014 READERS’CHOICEAWARD 2014 adno=50478780 adno=50482291 2 7 6 2 B . T a m i a m i T r . , P o r t C h a r l o t t e 2 7 6 2 B . T a m i a m i T r . , P o r t C h a r l o t t e 2762 B. Tamiami Tr., Port Charlotte J U L I A B . P I Z A R R O , D . M . D . P . A . J U L I A B . P I Z A R R O , D . M . D . P . A . JULIA B. PIZARRO, D.M.D. P.A. Offer good in the absence of gum disease. Valid through 2/28/15 N E W P A T I E N T S P E C I A L N E W P A T I E N T S P E C I A L NEW PATIENT SPECIAL $ 5 9 $ 5 9 $ 59 Only PROPHY / XRAYS / EXAM SE HABLA ESPAOL H U R R Y I N T O T A K E A D V A N T A G E O F O U R H U R R Y I N T O T A K E A D V A N T A G E O F O U R HURRY IN TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Cash or Checks Please 6 2 9 4 8 0 4 6 2 9 4 8 0 4 629-4804 New Patients only adno=50477870 4200 TAMIAMI TRAIL, PORT CHARLOTTE LOCATED IN BAER’S PLAZA 941-625-0666 “Your Diamond Headquarters” W ESTCHESTER G OLD & D IAMONDS Extended Hours: Tuesday & Thursday Open during lunch and until 6:00PM Extended Hours: Tuesday & Thursday Open during lunch and until 6:00PM COASTALDERMATOLOGY.NET Specializing in Skin Cancer Detection & Surgery Botox & Fillers Mohs Micrographic Surgery Acne Treatment Wart Treatment & Removal Phototherapy for Psoriasis Rosacea & Eczema Treatment For the past 29 years we have offered skin care diagnosis, treatment and skin cancer removal. We con tinue to For the past 29 years we have offered skin care diagnosis, treatment and skin cancer removal. We con tinue to strive for quality patient care offering each patient an individualized experience to meet their spe cific needs strive for quality patient care offering each patient an individualized experience to meet their spe cific needs 1999-2014 (Left to Right) Stephen A. Spencer, MD Laini R. Gaar, MD Jeffrey R. Hunek, MD Samantha M. Bono, PA Elizabeth L. Weber, ARNP adno=50482289 HURRY IN TO TA" ADVANTAOF OURNE* PATIENT SPECIALe oFRED AMNL 2'2 . VTuaol*tml W., Port C rIo1 toCOME . BEE WHY OURResidents Call Lexington Manor HomeCWrWteSw/D,b a'F.rr-,G ODCoastsTwo Locations to Serve You!Dermatology 1617TamiamiTrail 1111 S.TamiamlTrMPort Charlotte, FL 33948 Punta Gorda, FL 33950(941) 613-2400 (941) ^ Small: fswlmgescu-hsal.coms h fJ r/''JGJJ-'$10 OFF A/C CHARLIE4r eMap-/r JJ JJ JJJ jTfJr llJl'J: 1JJ JJ-.I]_ SeaGALLERY-J 7


Our Town Page 20 C The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 FROM PAGE ONE Granddaddy of ’em All.” Started by Terry Welles circa 1963, the Shoot Out gang is made up of some 50 members from in and around the community. The players enjoy having fun and entertaining rodeo fans. Some of the gang have been involved with the group since its beginning. Tod Backer is one of the old-timers. He remembered exactly when he fell in love with the Shoot Out four decades ago. “I saw my rst Shoot Out in July of 1972,” Backer said. “And when I saw that, I said, ‘That’s exactly what I want to do when I grow up. I want to play cowboys.” Backer is second to Brown in seniority. He has been a volunteer performer for 33 years. Like Brown and Backer, brothers Travis and David Bass also were smitten with the idea of playing characters in a live Western. “It’s fun,” Travis said. “Who doesn’t want to tote big guns?” The Bass brothers even recruited their wives to take part in the action. David’s wife Cyndi Bass played the saloon madam in charge of “the very attractive yet hardly virtuous Dance Hall Girls.” The Shoot Out show is narrated by Barney, the town judge. “He’s a little old man that looks like Colonel Sanders,” Backer said. Barney tells the story of a wily crew of outlaws, prone to drinking, womanizing and rabble-rousing, set straight by the sheriff and his deputies. It’s a story as old as time, and one that lets the members of the Tater Hill Bluff Gang stay young. “We never grew up,” Brown said. “We’re kids at heart.”Email: bbarbosa@sun-herald.comRODEOFROM PAGE 1 SUN PHOTO BY JEN BRUNOAbove: More Tater Hill Blu Gang members during the Shoot Out display, a local rodeo tradition.SUN PHOTO BY JEN BRUNO“Deputy” Chris Brown res, with fellow “lawman” JR Wall backing him up, just behind him to the left, during Friday’s Shoot Out.SUN PHOTO BY BRENDA BARBOSALeft: Jan Shipley, from left, Roy Shipley, Butch Graves and John Smith played an interesting cast of characters in the Shoot Out performance Friday at the rodeo.SUN PHOTO BY JEN BRUNOThe dancing girls entertain during the Shoot Out.SUN PHOTO BY BRENDA BARBOSAKaren Lee takes a break before performing in the Shoot Out at the rodeo Friday in Arcadia. TWO COWBOYS TO KEEP AN EYE ONEarlier this week, Judge Don Hall, president of the Arcadia Rodeo Association, named some of the cowboys to keep an eye on this weekend. Here are two who are competing Sunday: Bronc rider Spencer Wright, 25, was named Saddle Bronc Riding Rookie of the Year in 2012 by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. Wright is a member of the famous Milford, Utah, rodeo family. He was ranked No. 1 in the world in 2014, and will ride “Medicine Woman,” who was twice named Saddle Bronc of the Year. Ranked No. 3 in the world, Richmond Champion will be riding Sunday afternoon on “Dirt Devil.” The 23-year-old California native started in rodeo as a bull rider at age 13, and stayed with that until his junioryear of high school. He made his first bareback ride on July4, 2010, when he was 17. — Source: Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association and the Arcadian adno=50482198 adno=50482181 24twentyoneEvent Center For any Occasion 2421 TAMIAMI TRAIL PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33952 9412494059 NOW BOOKING HOLIDAY PARTIES AUCTIONS SEMINARS MEETINGS PARTIES DANCES CLASSES WEDDINGS SPECIAL EVENTS adno=50482042 941-624-5277 1146 Market Circle Port Charlotte, FL 33953 A F l o r i d a P r e m i e r e Glass & Mirror Specialty Establishment VOTED #1 in Charlotte County READERS’CHOICEAWARD 2010 2012 2011 2009 2004 2008 Lic # AAA006761 2013 All phases of Glass & Mirror Windows Sliding Glass Doors Table Tops Custom Specialty Work Commercial Storefront Glass Etching Beveled & Polished Glass & Mirror Shower & Bath Enclosur es 2014 adno=50374384 Directory Carriers or Call Richard today at 941-206-1310 C O N S I G N M E N T CONSIGNMENT 941-625-4077 21202 Olean Blvd B-4 , Port Charlotte, FL (BEHIND BOB’S LOCK N KEY) CONSIGNMENT adno=50482017 adno=50482326 Tuesday, March 17 2:00PM Route work pays for ourfamily activities.AWNEarn up to S30D per week, part time.Work approximately two to three hours per day (slightlylonger on Sundays) as a home delivery distributor duringthe morning hours of 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.Charlotte SunsAn Fdilion of The Sunea H xFULL SERVICEVACATION PLANNING812 Tamiami TrailPort Charlotte, FL800.721.2469ODEN 7 DAYS A WEEK24 ,DX. 1St. Patrick's Day celebration. Enjoyrefreshments, Irish treats, door prizesand giveaways!Welcome to Holiday. Welcome home.Royal Palm Retirement Centrevio L I DA y Independent Living * Assisted Living * Memory CareRETIREMENT 2500 Aaron Street, Port Charlotte, FL 33952941-787-5142 I royalpalmseniorliving.comASSSI J VG I CILI Y 39'S L_LL I .;L IL

PAGE 20 SATURDAY MARCH 14, 2015 T he Wire INSIDE Protesters called for calm but vowed to keep pushing for change in Ferguson. — Page 5 — Calm prevails in Ferguson Staff Sgt. Andrew Seif was awarded one of the military’s highest honors for heroism shortly before he died in a Black Hawk helicopter crash off the Florida Panhandle.— Page 5 — Fallen Marine awarded Silver Star days before crash The Dow Jones industrial average fell 145.91 points, or 0.8 percent, to 17,749.31. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index lost 12.55 points, or 0.6 percent, to 2,053.40 and the Nasdaq composite lost 21.53 points, or 0.4 percent, to 4,871.76. — Page 6 — Stocks decline for third week Talk show host Rodner Figueroa was fired from Univision after saying that Michelle Obama looks like someone from the cast of “Planet of the Apes.” — Page 2 —Univision star fired for comments about Michelle Obama It sounds chilling: Two of the world’s most powerful extremist movements, one in the Middle East and the other in Africa, team up to spread their harsh brand of Islamic rule. — Page 9 —Boko Haram-ISIS pact: PR strategy? STATE NATIONAL WORLD BUSINESS WEATHER WASHINGTON — Members of Congress who are demanding Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails are largely exempt from such scrutiny themselves. Congress makes its own rules, and has never subjected itself to open records laws that force agencies such as the State Department to maintain records and turn them over to the public when asked. There’s also no requirement for members of Congress to use ofcial email accounts, or to retain, archive or store their emails, while in ofce or after. That’s in contrast to the White House and the rest of the executive branch. Ofcial emails there are supposed to be retained, though the controversy over Clinton’s use of a personal email account while secretary of state has exposed vague and inconsistent requirements from one agency to another. But if the rules at federal agencies are unclear, at least there are rules. On Capitol Hill, there are almost none. That means that the same House Republicans who are subpoenaing Clinton’s emails as part of their inquiry into the Benghazi, Libya, Congress: No email rulesBy ERICA WERNERASSOCIATED PRESS WRITERThe body of lawmakers makes its own regulations AP FILE PHOTOIn this Jan. 28 photo, Sen. Je Flake, R-Ariz., listens during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. EMAIL | 4 AP PHOTOAn Iditarod musher makes his way from Galena, Alaska, to the new checkpoint of Huslia during the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race on Thursday. A lack of snow in southcentral Alaska forced race organizers to move the race north. See more about the race in Sports on page 5.The long, cold trek on the IditarodWASHINGTON — Among the many thousands of emails Jeb Bush received as Florida governor are a string of notes from campaign donors asking favors and making suggestions. Invariably, Bush responded quickly. Sometimes, he appointed a person a donor had recommended for a position. Other times, he rejected advice about a piece of legislation. It’s an insight into Bush’s work as governor that’s possible only because his emails are open for review, something not yet available for those sent and received by Hillary Rodham Clinton as secretary of state. Like Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, Bush used a personal email address and private server. But, positioning himself as a transparent candidate if he runs for the Republican nomination, he has posted online more than 275,000 emails from his two terms in ofce. Initially, the emails that drew attention concerned Bush’s correspondence about continuing or removing life support for Terri Schiavo, the federal raid to resolve the Elian Gonzalez custody battle and Florida’s pivotal role in the 2000 presidential election. Yet a review by The Associated Press of Jeb Bush’s emails found that prominent donors to Bush and his family regularly urged him to appoint candidates for judgeships, public boards and other positions. One suggested Bush appoint a political supporter’s stepdaughter to a hospital board and asked the governor to support funding for his alma mater. One Palm Beach County fundraiser told Bush, the best man at his wedding, that companies hired him “because of my association with the administration and you.” Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell said it was not uncommon for the public to make such suggestions to Bush and that recommendations were routed “through Jeb Bush’s emails: Banter with donorsBy RONNIE GREENE and STEVE PEOPLESASSOCIATED PRESS WRITERS BUSHBUSH | 4 TIKRIT, Iraq — The U.S. has failed to live up to its promises to help Iraq ght Islamic State extremists, unlike the “unconditional” assistance being given by Iran, the commander of Iraq’s powerful Shiite militias alleged Friday. In a battleeld interview near Tikrit, where Iraqi forces are ghting to retake Saddam Hussein’s hometown from the militants of the so-called Islamic State, commander Hadi al-Amiri criticized those who “kiss the hands of the Americans and get nothing in return.” Iraqi forces entered Tikrit for the rst time Wednesday from the north and south. On Friday, they waged erce battles to secure the northern neighborhood of Qadisiyya and lobbed mortar shells and rockets Iraq militia leader hails Iran’s ‘unconditional’ supportBy QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA and SAMEER N. YACOUBASSOCIATED PRESS WRITERS AP PHOTOMembers of an Iraqi Shiite militant group called Soldiers of Imam Ali Brigades launch rockets against Islamic State extrem ists positions in Tikrit, 80 miles north of Baghdad, Iraq, Friday.IRAQ | 4 NEW DELHI — A bride in northern India walked out of her wedding after the groom failed to answer an elementary math problem she had asked him, police said Friday. The incident occurred in a village in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur district Wednesday when the bride asked the groom to add 15 and six. When he replied 17, she called off the marriage. “The girl apparently had doubts that the groom was illiterate and to everyone’s surprise posed the question right at wedding venue, the marriage hall,” said Pradeep Kumar, a local police ofcer of the Karerampur village where the incident took place. “The incident created quite a utter. The groom’s family tried to convince the bride Indian bride ditches groom over math quizBY TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICESDITCHES | 4 1 ._ ylPRO,7:2 At iIT 2W%Wl. : . /M.." ram ..7ML.'Y: _ _ _..,.


Page 2 WIRE The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 STATE NEWS TALLAHASSEE (News Service of Florida) — A Senate panel on Thursday unanimously approved a bill aimed at protecting Florida seniors from predatory “professional guardians,” described by one lawmaker as “cockroaches.” The bill (SB 1226), led by Sen. Nancy Detert, R-Venice, would expand the Statewide Public Guardianship Ofce at the Department of Elder Affairs, with an eye to tightening oversight of people who assume control of a senior citizens’ nances. A recent series by the Sarasota Herald-Tribune found that while Florida has an efficient system of identifying and caring for fragile elders, “tapping their assets is a growth business.” In 2003, there were 23 registered professional guardians in Florida. Today, the number has grown to more than 440. “Those little cracks in the law are allowing cockroaches to crawl through and take advantage of people who are elderly,” Detert told the Senate Children, Families and Elder Affairs Committee. “Let’s face it. The elderly are today’s invisible people, who are not given much credence when they complain.” The bill would charge the Department of Elder Affairs with certifying, overseeing and — if necessary — investigating and disciplining professional guardians who abuse their trust. It would also create a registry of professional guardians in each judicial circuit. Currently, Detert said, the Department of Elder Affairs is responsible for public guardians, who are assigned to indigent seniors, but there is little to stop unscrupulous “professional guardians” from charging exorbitant rates for services they provide and running through their wards’ assets. “When you are turning somebody’s entire life over to a guardian, they have access to every asset that you have, and your own family is blocked from participating,” Detert said. Douglas Franks, who spoke in favor of the measure, said his mother, Ernestine, is a case in point. Now 93, Ernestine Franks has lived in Pensacola all her life. She and her late husband, Charles, both worked at the Pensacola Naval Air Station and saved their money. Douglas said he and his two brothers agreed to a guardian for Ernestine in 2011 because they lived out of town and her health was becoming more of a concern. However, he told the committee, the guardianship has cost his mother $1,000 per day since June 2012. “It is over $1 million that my mom has spent,” Franks said. “We’re trying to bring awareness so people know what’s going on and how this is a lucrative cottage industry.” Detert said the courts are so overwhelmed with foreclosures and other backlogged cases that they aren’t able to investigate guardianship expenditures that are unreasonably large. Her proposal comes as several other lawmakers also are offer ing measures aimed at curbing abusive guardianships. On Tuesday, for instance, a bill by Sen. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, R-Miami, unanimously passed the Senate Judiciary Committee, which Diaz de la Portilla chairs. The measure (SB 318) would require a hearing to be held before the appointment of an emergency temporary guardian. Sen. Kelli Stargel, R-Lakeland, and Rep. Kathleen Passidomo, R-Naples, meanwhile, are sponsoring measures (SB 366/HB 5) that would require the reporting of incidents of abuse, neglect and exploitation of a ward by a guardian.Bill seeks to stop ‘cockroaches’ from preying on seniors | HEADLINE NEWS FROM AROUND THE STATEHouse budget plans start to take shape(News Service of Florida) — House leaders Friday released an outline of how they would divvy up about $28.5 billion in general revenue next year as budget proposals start coming together. As another sign of movement on spending plans, the House Education Appropriations Subcommittee and the House Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee will discuss initial budget proposals from their chair men Monday, according to the House calendar. The outline released Friday indicates about $11.2 billion in general revenue would go toward pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade education, while nearly $8.3 billion would go to health care. The justice system part of the budget would receive nearly $4 billion, while higher education would get about $3.9 billion. Smaller amounts of general revenue would go to areas of the budget such as agriculture and natural resources and transpor tation and economic development. Pregnant woman arrested for driving drunkOCALA (AP) — Police say a drunk, pregnant north Florida woman driving with two 18-month old children in her SUV crashed into the back of another car. Ocala police on Wednesday arrested 28-year-old Angel Nicole Oliver after she recorded blood-alcohol levels of 0.228 and 0.236, about three times the legal limit. No one was seriously injured in the crash. Police say Oliver is six months pregnant, and the toddler twins were not properly restrained in the vehicle. The children’s father has taken custody of them, and Department of Children and Families was notied. Police told the Ocala Star-Banner that Oliver’s car smelled of alcohol and ofcers found beer containers inside. Police say Oliver acknowledged drinking three beers, and failed a eld sobriety test.2 police cars torchedMIAMI (AP) — Police say two marked patrol cars were likely deliberately set on re in the driveway of a home in Miami-Dade County. One of the cars set on re early Friday belonged to Miami-Dade police. The other was a police cruiser from Hallandale Beach in nearby Broward County. Ofcers say the re caused signicant damage to the cars. Miami-Dade police are investigating.Univision’s Rodner Figueroa fired for Michelle Obama commentMIAMI (AP) — Talk show host Rodner Figueroa was red from Univision after say ing that Michelle Obama looks like someone from the cast of “Planet of the Apes.” FIGUEROAFigueroa, who’s known for his biting fashion commentary, made his remarks during a live segment of the show “El Gordo y la Flaca” in which the hosts were commenting on a viral video that shows a makeup artist transforming himself into different celebrities, including Michelle Obama. “Well, watch out, you know that Michelle Obama looks like she’s from the cast of ‘Planet of the Apes,’ the movie,” Figueroa, 42, said with a giggle.Suspected drug dealer’s party crashed by policeFORT MYERS (News Press) — Lee County depu ties say they have arrested one of the area’s most violent offenders and drug trafckers after crashing a “birthday bash” he was about to host. Deputies also seized more than 5 pounds of marijuana and arrested two more people. An undercover surveillance operation led to the arrest of Eddie “Fat Eddie” Saez Thursday just before he was scheduled to host a birthday party at Club Shuggars, 1920 Boy Scout Drive in Fort Myers. Saez was wanted on criminal felony charges for his involvement in a shooting earlier in the year. Deputies say that just before the “birthday bash,” they observed a large drug deal conducted by Saez at his home, 1300 Connie Avenue N. in Lehigh Acres. Deputies secured a search warrant for his home and found 6.5 pounds of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and a rearm. to stop unscrupulous his mother, Ernestine, is a case in Franks has lived in Pensacola all her life. She adno=491683 Spring Into LuxuryED NOERD20x15 MAZDA 32015 LINCOLN MKZ_--I 'mo.Jt, 6 mo.J ease14!$1999 due at signingV"" 4 0 oft -ti l c t_' %APR'1U1 i l 0 UP TO 60 MONTHS#3LFR625336 2015 MAZDA 6mo.36 MO. 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The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 WIRE Page 3 STATE NEWS (Tampa Bay Times) — Just as one student can throw a classroom into chaos, Florida schools are learning that just one person with a few dollars can wreak havoc on an entire education system. Florida’s computerized testing program, a bedrock of its accountability system, foundered in recent days on a cyberattack so simple that almost anyone could launch one. “It’s an easy way to disrupt the system, to impress your friends, to get out of work,” said Brian Krebs, a veteran reporter who runs the investigative website Krebs on Security. “Some of these services you can hire to launch attacks up to 8 hours. I think that would cost you about $40.” The Florida Department of Law Enforcement continues to investigate a denial of service attack, or DoS, made upon testing provider American Institutes for Research last week. These attacks essentially swamp a computer server with extra trafc the computers can’t handle. Firewalls attempt to discard the unwelcome advances, but even as they lter them out, “it takes time for relief” from the attack, said Chris Jackson, a technology specialist for Pasco County schools. In the past couple of years, DoS attacks have increased in frequency and intensity on all sorts of institutions, including banks as well as schools. One denial of service caused Kansas to dump test scores last year. Some schools in Illinois and New Jersey delayed testing because of similar attacks earlier this academic year. A huge reason is the proliferation of DoS-forhire sites, nicknamed “booter services.” Many promote themselves as a way to assess your own system’s load capacity.School testing cyberattacks easy to launch adno=50467738 S UN C OAST H OME G ARDEN Advertisement Advertisement rigid criteria and close scrutiny for the quality of their products, knowledge and service. 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Page 4 WIRE The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 FROM PAGE ONE ALMANAC Today is Saturday, March 14, the 73rd day of 2015. There are 292 days left in the year. Today in history On March 14, 1923, President Warren G. Harding became the first chief executive to file an income tax return, paying a levy of $17,990 on his $75,000 salary. On this dateIn 1743, a memorial service was held at Faneuil (FAN’-yul) Hall in Boston honoring Peter Faneuil, who had donated the building bearing his name. In 1794, Eli Whitney received a patent for his cotton gin, an invention that revolutionized America’s cotton industry. In 1900, Congress ratified the Gold Standard Act. In 1939, the republic of Czechoslovakia was dissolved, opening the way for Nazi occupa tion of Czech areas and the separation of Slovakia. In 1951, during the Korean War, United Nations forces recaptured Seoul. In 1964, a jury in Dallas found Jack Ruby guilty of murdering Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy, and sentenced him to death. (Both the conviction and death sentence were overturned, but Ruby died before he could be retried.) In 1975, “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” a sendup of the legend of King Arthur, had its world premiere in Los Angeles. In 1980, an LOT Polish Airlines jet crashed while attempting to land in Warsaw, killing all 87 people aboard, including 22 members of a U.S. amateur boxing team. In 1990, the Soviet Congress of People’s Deputies held a secret ballot that elected Mikhail S. Gorbachev to a new, powerful presidency. In 1991, a British court overturned the convictions of the “Birmingham Six,” who had spent 16 years in prison for a 1974 Irish Republican Army bombing, and ordered them released. Today’s birthdays Singer Phil Phillips (Song: “Sea of Love”) is 89. Former astronaut Frank Borman is 87. Actor Michael Caine is 82. Composer-conductor Quincy Jones is 82. Movie director Wolfgang Petersen is 74. Country singer Michael Martin Murphey is 70. Actor Steve Kanaly is 69. Comedian Billy Crystal is 67. Actor/writer/ comedian/radio personality Rick Dees is 64. Prince Albert II, the ruler of Monaco, is 57. Actress Laila Robins is 56. Actress Tamara Tunie is 56. Actress Elise Neal is 49. Actor Actress Betsy Brandt is 42. Actress Grace Park is 41. Actor Daniel Gillies is 39. Actor Corey Stoll (TV: “House of Cards”) is 39. Actor Jake Fogelnest is 36. Actor Chris Klein is 36. Actress Kate Maberly is 33. TOMS RIVER, N.J. (AP) — An ex-con who had just finished a 15-year robbery sentence has admitted he robbed the same New Jersey shoe store — as the same clerk was behind the counter. Prosecutors say 41-year-old Christopher Miller robbed the Stride Rite store in Toms River in March 2014, a day after he was released from prison after finishing his jail term for the first robbery. Police say Miller made off with $389 and fled on foot with the employees’ cellphones. The clerk had been notified about Miller’s release and identified the suspect as the same person who had robbed the store in 1999. Miller pleaded guilty to second-degree robbery on Monday. He faces a prison term of 10 to 20 years in prison when he’s sentenced in May.ODD NEWS Ex-con admits robbing same shoe store 15 years later to return, but she stuck to her decision,” he added. Most marriages in India, particularly in its rural areas, are arranged by the families. The bride and groom get married without getting to know each other well. The bride’s father told the Times of India that the groom’s family had misled them about his education. “Any Class I student must be able to solve the simple problem asked by us,” Mohar Singh, the father of the girl told the Times of India daily. “It was a very embar rassing situation for all of us as we had come with all preparations and it was a matter of social prestige as well. We have been cheated,” Singh said. Kumar said local police were called by the groom’s family to inter vene and both families returned the jewelry and gifts they had exchanged before the wedding.DITCHESFROM PAGE 1 into the city center, still in the hands of IS militants. Iraqi military ofcials have said they expect to reach central Tikrit in two to three days. The Iranian-backed Shiite militias have played a crucial role in regaining territory from the Sunni extremists of the Islamic State group, supporting Iraq’s embattled military and police forces. An Iraqi government ofcial told The Associated Press that Iran has sold Baghdad nearly $10 billion in arms and hardware, mostly weapons for urban warfare like assault ries, heavy machine-guns and rocket launchers. The ofcial spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media. In November, President Barack Obama authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 more U.S. troops to bolster Iraqi forces, which could more than double the total of American forces in Iraq to 3,100. The Pentagon has made a spending request to Congress of $1.6 billion, focusing on training and arming Kurdish and Iraqi forces. According to a Pentagon document prepared in November, the U.S. is looking to provide an estimated $89.3 million in weapons and equipment to each of the nine Iraqi brigades. The U.S.-led coalition of eight countries has launched more than 2,000 airstrikes in Iraq alone since August 2014, and the U.S. is also hitting the militant group from the air in Syria. Iraqi and U.S. ofcials have acknowledged the role airstrikes have played in rolling back the militants, saying the air campaign was an essential component in victories at the Mosul Dam, in Amirli, and more recently, in the crucial oil rening town of Beiji. But the U.S. is not taking part in the operation in Tikrit, with U.S. ofcials saying they were not asked by Iraq to participate. Al-Amiri, the Shiite militia commander who also is head of the Badr Organization political party, said that “help from Iran is unconditional.” He warned that Iraq should not sacrice its sovereignty for the sake of receiving weapons and assistance from the U.S., suggesting the Iraqi government is taking instructions from Washington. “Our sovereignty is more important than U.S. weapons,” he said. “We can bring weapons from any country in the world.” Separately, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq’s top Shiite cleric, urged the government to step up its support for the Shiite militias and to take care of the families of militiamen killed in battle. His remarks were relayed by his spokesman Ahmed al-Sa in the Shiite holy city of Karbala. As many as 30,000 men are ghting the extremists in Tikrit — most of them volunteers with various Shiite militias, Iraqi ofcials say. U.S. Gen. Martin Dempsey said Wednesday that up to 20,000 militiamen may be involved. Karim al-Nouri, a spokesman for the Popular Mobilization Forces, the ofcial name of the Shiite militias, said as many as 40 Iranian advisers are also taking part. In its march across Syria and northern and western Iraq, the Islamic State group — also known as ISIS or ISIL — has seized cities, towns and vast tracts of land. Its predominantly Sunni ghters view Shiites as apostates and have carried out a number of massacres.IRAQFROM PAGE 1 AP PHOTOMembers of an Iraqi Shiite militant group called Soldiers of Imam Ali Brigades prepare to launch rockets against Islamic State extremists’ positions in the Qadisiyya neighborhood in Tikrit, 80 miles north of Baghdad, Iraq, Friday. appropriate channels.” Did fundraisers carry special inuence? “No. Absolutely not,” Campbell said. She did not respond to AP’s questions about specic emails involving two fundraisers, but one of them, Mark Guzzetta, said Bush denied his requests just as frequently as he granted them. “We always joked it would be better to be a stranger with no connection,” Guzzetta said. “He was so deliberate because he wanted to make sure we received no special favors.” Bush freely gave out his personal email address during his time in ofce and often received notes of inquiry, complaint and thanks. Last month, Bush put the emails he said were related to his work in state government on a website, a move he and his aides said was designed to show his administration was open and in touch with constituents. Bush was required by Florida’s notably strong public records law to provide the state with all correspondence related to state government after he left ofce, and those emails were publicly available before Bush created his website. Like Clinton, Bush decided which messages were considered per sonal and not subject to disclosure. In 2007, he said he had received and sent about 550,000 emails via his personal address, meaning a significant number remain private. Among those to email him was a longtime Bush family supporter, William “Bill” Becker, a Florida citrus grower. He was among the circle of loyalists invited to huddle with Bush in December to hear about his presidential ambitions. Nine years ago, Becker wrote as the citrus industry dealt with advertising budget shortfalls triggered by Hurricane Wilma. “It seems whenever I am in touch with you it is for a favor and I hate to have to do so again,” he wrote, asking the governor to support a funding supplement. “A good word from you to the leadership would very likely salvage the matter and be of huge help to the industry,” Becker wrote that day, April 29, 2006. Bush wrote back the same day. “We made the pitch to the speaker, president and appropriations chairs. We shall see.” Earlier that month, Becker wrote Bush asking the governor to call about a citrus industry initiative. “Calling right now,” Bush replied that day, April 3, 2006. Becker, who did not respond to three interview requests from AP, chaired the “Ag for Bush Coalition” in 2004, supporting the presidential re-election campaign of Bush’s brother, George W. Bush. Two years earlier, Jeb Bush ew aboard Becker’s Cessna while campaigning for governor. Becker is a steady supporter of the Foundation for Excellence in Education, a nonprot founded by Bush in 2008, giving between $25,001 and $50,000 each year from 2012-14.BUSHFROM PAGE 1 attacks are not required to retain emails of their own for future inspection by anyone. “Members of Congress can burn everything when they’re nished if they want,” said John Wonderlich, policy director at the Sunlight Foundation, which advocates for government transparency. “They have discretion.” That might appear to be a double standard, but members of Congress mostly don’t see it that way. And, perhaps surprisingly, open government advocates are largely unconcerned. They agree it makes sense for Congress to be treated differently from the executive branch, although there are certain private proceedings they would like to see made public, such as some reports generated by the Congressional Research Service. For the most part, lawmakers say, Congress already operates in a much more open fashion than the other branches of the federal government. Most congressional proceedings are conducted in open session, sometimes widely broadcast, and lawmakers are accountable to the voters at election time. Some argue that requiring members of Congress to make their correspondence public could chill their ability to communicate freely with constituents who might not want their views or requests widely exposed. “I don’t want to sound like we’re separating our selves from other groups, but there is a reason that you protect constituent correspondence, so it’s a little different kettle of sh,” said Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz. A provision in the Constitution known as the “speech or debate” clause provides members of Congress with immunity for their legislative acts and has been generally interpreted to give them broad control over their records, although it’s been challenged in court during recent cor ruption investigations. Additionally, because executive branch agencies are bound by the Freedom of Information Act, correspondence between a lawmaker and, say, the Interior Department can be accessed by the public. The exemptions Congress grants itself aren’t just about records. Lawmakers have spared themselves from many other laws that cover the rest of society, including those governing workplace health and safety, civil rights and discrimination. When Republicans took control of Congress in 1994 they sought to eliminate the perception that lawmakers played by different rules. They announced, as Item 1 in their “Contract with America,” plans to require that all laws that apply to the rest of the country apply to Congress, too. The concept was enshrined in the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995. But issues like open records weren’t covered.EMAILFROM PAGE 1 NEW YORK (AP) — The price of oil is tumbling again, rattling an alreadyshaken oil industry and heralding lower prices for consumers. The price of oil fell 10 percent this week, approaching its lowest price in six years. Many expect it to fall further in the coming weeks because supplies are rising and the summer driving season is still months away. The lower crude prices will mean gasoline prices will slide lower in the coming weeks, and many drivers will likely pay under $2 a gallon in the summertime for the rst time since 2004. Oil prices had appeared to stabilize in a range nearly 15 percent higher than the depths they had reached in late January. But on Friday the International Energy Agency called a recent rise in oil prices a “head fake” and a “facade of stability.” “The rebalancing (of supply and demand) triggered by the price collapse has yet to run its course,” the agency wrote in its monthly oil market report. On Friday, oil fell $2.21, or 5 percent, to $44.84 a barrel, within 40 cents of its low for the year of $44.45. Here’s what’s behind the recent drop, and what else to look out for in the coming months. Oil has collapsed from over $100 because rising global supplies — especially in the U.S. — outpaced weak demand. The increase in U.S. production last year was the third-biggest one-year increase in the history of the global oil industry, according to BP. That has pushed oil levels in storage to their highest ever in the U.S. and far higher than nor mal around the world. Analysts expect supplies to continue to build, forcing prices gradually lower, until reners ramp up to make gasoline for the summer driving season. But analysts say price of oil could fall sharply — to under $40 a barrel and perhaps even briey to $20 — if supplies grow so much that storage tanks ll up. Gasoline prices rise nearly every year around this time. This year has been no different. After reaching a low of $2.03 a gallon in late January, the national average retail price rose every day for more than a month, reaching $2.46 on March 7, according to AAA. But the spring surge is likely over, according to Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at the Oil Price Information Service. The national average has slipped lower every day for the past week, falling to $2.44 on Friday, and Kloza expects it to fall the rest of March and April. The national average won’t fall all the way to its January low, Kloza said, in part because reners must still switch to more expensive summer blends of gasoline to meet clean air standards. Oil is on its way down again; will gas prices follow? AP PHOTOIn this Jan. 23 photo, vehicles form a line behind a motorist re-fueling at a gas station, in Newark, N.J. aaaaQ1an mg deg)4cJ i ' fBttll @4169


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 WIRE Page 5 NATIONAL NEWS | NATION BRIEFSGoing full circle for math and pastries on a special Pi DayWASHINGTON (AP) — Saturday is the day when love of math and a hankering for pastry come full circle. Saturday is Pi Day, a once-in-a-year calendar date that this time squares the fun with a once-in-a-century twist. Saturday is 3-14-15, the rst ve digits of the mathematical constant pi: 3.141592653. The best times to celebrate are at 9:26 and 53 seconds, morning and evening. The next time that happens is in March 2115. “It’s a portal into this magical mysterious world of mathematics,” said University of California Berkeley mathematician and author Edward Frenkel. “Pi is special.” Pi is the constant used to calculate the area of a circle, as in pi times the radius squared, but it appears all over other parts of mathematics. College leaders worry about their schools(Bloomberg) — Facing shrinking budgets and, in some cases, agging enrollment, a growing number of college presidents are concerned about the future of their institutions, a new Inside Higher Ed report based on Gallup data nds. Only 39 percent of college presidents surveyed for the report felt condent their institution’s nancial model would be sustainable for the next decade, down from 50 percent the previous year. They were more positive about shorter-term survival: 56 predicted they’d be OK for ve years. That’s still well below the 62 percent who felt that way in 2014. To gauge the ofcials’ sentiment, Gallup polled presidents of 338 public institutions and 262 private nonprots in the U.S. in January and February.Coroner: 19-year-old killed by officer shot in head, torsoMADISON, Wis. (AP) — A 19-year-old biracial man who was unarmed when killed by a white Madison police ofcer was shot in his head, right arm and torso, according to preliminary autopsy reports released Friday. The reports from the Dane County Medical Examiner don’t say how many times Tony Robinson was shot on March 6, or whether he was shot while facing or turned away from the ofcer, but they determined he died from “rearm related trauma.” The medical examiner didn’t say when a nal report would be released, but said the results of toxicology tests aren’t expected for several more weeks. Robinson was fatally shot by police ofcer Matt Kenny after the ofcer was summoned to a call that the young man was jumping in and out of trafc and had assaulted someone. Authorities said the ofcer heard a distur bance and forced his way into an apartment where Robinson had gone, and red after Robinson assaulted him. ROBINSONHamlet in central NY is snowiest spot in USCOPENHAGEN, N.Y. (LA Times) — Copenhagen, Denmark, has nothing on Copenhagen, N.Y., where a ier in the post ofce trumpets upcoming snowmobile drag races and the sound of an occasional “splat!” signals the plummet of an icy chunk from a weary roof onto Main Street. Unlike its European counterpart, which has seen a relatively snowfree winter, the hamlet in central New York has earned the dubious honor of being the snowiest spot in the United States this winter, with upward of 20 feet of snow since Nov. 15. That makes tiny Copenhagen, population about 800, snowier than Boston, whose suburbs have measured at least 88 inches since mid-November; snowier than Steamboat Springs, Colo., which lays claim to 135.8 inches; and far snowier than California’s snowiest spot, Soda Springs, high in the Sierra near the infamous Donner Pass. Officers: Inmate hid pills in rectum, sold them to othersNEW CITY, N.Y. (AP) — An inmate in New York is accused of hiding oxycodone pills in his rectum and selling them to other inmates at his jail. Authorities say cor rection ofcers at the Rockland County jail found about 50 pills Monday after searching Bryan Lora and his cell. The Journal News says Lora has been charged with felony criminal possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell and two misdemeanors.Police fatally shoot man found in subway tunnel WASHINGTON (AP) — A transit police ofcer fatally shot a man ofcials said was found trespassing in a Washington subway tunnel, and police were investigating Friday but did not specify what kind of threat the man posed. The Metrorail Operations Control Center reported an “unauthorized person” on the tracks Thursday night outside of the Potomac Avenue station, about two stops from the U.S. Capitol, just before 9 p.m. A train operator rst saw the man in the tunnel, and that track was taken out of service, Metro ofcials said.Police: Driver sets herself on fire, jumps off bridgeEUGENE, Ore. (AP) — A 39-year-old female driver apparently set herself on re, crashed her car on a bridge and jumped 40 feet to a park below, Eugene police said Thursday. The Eugene woman was being treated for critical injuries at a Portland-area hospital. The woman’s family had recently reported her missing, police spokesman John Hankemeier said. A 911 caller reported Thursday afternoon that a car appeared to be on re from the inside, with the woman at the wheel driving recklessly, The Register-Guard newspaper reported. After the car crashed into a bridge guardrail, witnesses told police the woman jumped out — on re — and began taking her clothes off as she ran to the edge of the span. Truck drivers tried to put out the ames with re extinguishers and another person tried to grab the woman, but she was still able to jump, police said. CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (AP) — Just four days before he was killed in a helicopter crash, Staff Sgt. Andrew Seif was awarded one of the military’s highest honors for heroism, a commendation he earned for his efforts to save a mortally wounded friend in heavy gunre in Afghanistan. Seif, 26, was given the Silver Star in a room full of his fellow Marines, walking arm in arm with his wife after the ceremony. The boy who grew up playing soldier in his Michigan backyard was hailed by one of his superiors, Maj. Gen. Joseph L. Osterman, as a seless person who put himself in the line of re so that Sgt. Justin Hansen wouldn’t be left behind. He and Hansen came under heavy re as they closed in on a bomb expert in Afghanistan. His comrade was wounded; Seif moved him to safety, treated his wounds and red back. At the ceremony, he deected praise. “There are denitely some individuals out there who deserve (the medal) just as well,” Seif said. “But it’s an honor to accept it on the behalf of the unit and on behalf of the rest of the men.” The young Marine’s story emerged Friday when the Marines killed in the crash were publicly identied, some three days after the crash. The deceased had been students and husbands, ofcers and sons. Four National Guard soldiers from Louisiana also were killed, though they have not been identied. The Air Force said in a news release that a salvage barge was expected to arrive at the crash site by early Friday afternoon. The work to haul the shattered helicopter core from about 25 feet of water could take up to eight hours. During a Friday news conference at Camp LeJeune, Osterman — who is commander of Marine Corps special operations forces — said the Marines were flying offshore to practice rappelling down ropes into the water and then making for land. He didn’t know whether the Marines were planning to reach shore by swimming or in small rubber boats, but the same drill had been practiced hours earlier during daylight, Osterman said. “They literally had done it hours before in daylight as part of the rehearsal for being able to do the nighttime operations, which inherently are more difcult,” Osterman said. The teams of Marines and Army-piloted choppers made a judgment call on whether conditions were sufcient for the training mission to go ahead. Then when they were heading out to start the mission, they tried to abort after deciding it was too risky, Osterman said. Training is part of being ready for high-risk operations. The seven Marines were members of the same team who constantly trained and faced danger together, he said. Marine Special Operations Command, or MARSOC, has seen its members honored for valor and suffering with 19 Silver Star medals, 7 Navy Crosses, 189 Purple Hearts and 207 Bronze Stars, Osterman said. “They really epitomized the silent warrior and the quiet professional that is really a hallmark of all the Marines here at MARSOC,” Osterman said of the 2,500 MARSOC troops. He declined to cite specic instances of heroism or the missions accomplished by other Marines who were on the doomed chopper. Like other clandestine services, a private ceremony remembering the special operations Marines will be held in the coming weeks to help surviving family members close the page on their deaths. Jenna Kemp’s husband, Kerry Kemp, was among the Marines killed. He was a “proud Marine, a loving husband and most wonderful father,” with a child about to turn 1, said her sister, Lora Waraksa of Port Washington, Wis. Another victim was Marcus Bawol, 27, from Warren, Michigan, north of Detroit. His sister, Brandy Peek, said military ofcials told them his remains had been identied. Bawol “loved everything about the military,” Peek said. The other Marine victims were: Capt. Stanford H. Shaw III, 31, from Basking Ridge, N.J.; Master Sgt. Thomas A. Saunders, 33, from Williamsburg, Va.; Staff Sgt. Trevor P. Blaylock, 29, from Lake Orion, Mich. and Staff Sgt. Liam A. Flynn, 33, from Queens, N.Y..Fallen Marine awarded Silver Star days before deadly crash AP PHOTOA small memorial stands in the sand along Highway 98 in Navarre, Fla., Thursday. (Chicago Tribune) — An Orland Park, Ill., man is enjoying more than a year’s supply of free hot sauce, which he credits with triggering a seizure that may have helped save his life. Randy Schmitz, 30, said that after sampling Flashbang hot sauce on a toothpick last August at the Pepper Place in Myrtle Beach, S.C., while on vacation, he fell to the ground in convulsions, prompting emergency medical treatment — and, ultimately, an MRI scan of his brain that detected a cancerous tumor in its early stages. “If I didn’t try that, I think something eventually would have triggered the seizure and I would’ve found out, but that cancer tumor would’ve grown in my head,” said Schmitz, a special education job coach. Instead, Schmitz ew home early from the family vacation and, days later, underwent brain surgery at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, where doctors removed a 2 inch-by-1 -inch malignant tumor on his left frontal lobe, according to Jeffrey Raizer, medical director of neuro-oncology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Raizer noted that while no one can prove that the hot sauce was the exact trigger for the seizure, variables related to Schmitz’s hot sauce tasting do match conditions that are known for leading to seizures, including dehydration and stress. “If you have a lot of hot sauce and you’re sweating a lot, people can have dehydration and it can cause seizures,” Raizer said. “If you eat a habanero pepper, it’s a big jolt to your system.” Flashbang contains Carolina reaper, scorpion and habanero peppers, according to the company website. Customers must sign a waiver before trying it. Raizer said Schmitz’s seizure allowed doctors to treat the cancer with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy before it became worse for Schmitz, who got married weeks after his diagnosis. “It’s better that he had a seizure in that we knew (the cancer) was there and then we could kind of deal with it,” Razier said. Schmitz, who has completed all his radiation treatments and has one more month of chemotherapy treatment, was so grateful for the way events played out that he wrote to the Pepper Palace in January to thank the business for its involvement in his medical emergency. “Your Flashbang Pepper Sauce SAVED MY LIFE!!!!” he typed in an email, which store management has since posted on its website along with its response: “Way to go, Randy, you are truly a Wall of Flame Survivor!” The company sent Schmitz a box lled with hot sauce, Pepper Palace T-shirts, golf balls and other souvenirs from the store.Man credits hot sauce with saving his life FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — Protesters called for calm but vowed to keep pushing for change in Ferguson a day after the shooting of two ofcers in front of the city’s police department heightened tensions in the St. Louis suburb. Dozens gathered for a candlelight vigil Thursday night, where they expressed sympathy for the wounded ofcers. They also prayed for peace as Ferguson moves forward in the wake of a scathing Justice Department report on racial bias in its law-enforcement practices. A larger crowd of about 200 protesters gathered later outside the police department, but the scene was a marked contrast to the previous night, when ghts broke out before the shootings. Some called for specific changes: the resignation of Ferguson’s mayor or the disbanding of the police department. Others were there to remember 18-year-old Michael Brown, whose shooting death by a Ferguson police officer in August made the city a national focal point. “We’ll not be derailed in the pursuit of justice by anybody or anything that wants to get in our way,” said the Rev. Traci Blackmon, a member of the state’s Ferguson Commission who led the prayer vigil at a public plaza in downtown Ferguson near the police department. “We refuse to stop.” Ofcers from the St. Louis County Police Department and the Missouri Highway Patrol were summoned to bolster security but largely stood idle in the distance. The protesters had largely disbanded by 11:30 p.m. No arrests were made. The shootings just after midnight on Thursday came as protesters had gathered after the resignation of the city’s embattled police chief. They marked the rst time in more than seven months of tension in Ferguson that ofcers were shot at a protest, and the bloodshed threatened to iname the already fraught relationship between police and demonstrators. Both wounded ofcers were released from the hospital Thursday, but St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar — who called the attack an ambush — said they could have been killed. One was shot in the right shoulder, the bullet exiting through his back. The other in the right cheek, just below the eye. The bullet lodged behind his ear. Several people were taken in for questioning but were later released, and no arrests were made by late Thursday. The shots were believed to come from a handgun across the street from the police department. The gunman may have red from up to 120 yards away, a distance longer than a football eld. But with a line of roughly 20 ofcers standing in front of the building, the shooter did not have to be particularly accurate to hit two of them, Belmar said. In Washington, President Barack Obama took to Twitter to relay his prayers to the ofcers and to denounce violence against police. “Path to justice is one all of us must travel together,” Obama wrote, signing the tweet with his initials.Calm prevails in Ferguson after shootings --.;,Iw'M


Page 6 WIRE The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 BUSINESS NEWS NameThatCompany r fn tbrfrbb r tbrb rrbrtr bb fr bbbb trtbrfttbrf tbrfr tbrfbr brbbrfbbb fbfbrfbb fbbbrfb rbrfbbbrb brfbbrKnowtheanswer?SendittouswithFoolishTriviaonthetopandyou’llbe enteredinto a drawingfor a niftyprize! you’llreceiveasmallbookletcalled aproxystatementthatexplainsthe issuesupforavoteinmoredetail.It willusuallydescribethecompany’s positionontheissues,oftenwiththe opposingpositionexplainedaswell. Whileproxyformsusuallyinclude recommendationsfromcompany managementastohowtheywould likeyoutovoteyourshares,you havenoobligationtofollowthese recommendations. Recentbusinessscandalshaveled tocriesforgreatercorporateresponsibility.Weshareholdersshould exerciseourrightstoparticipatein ourcompanies’governance,supportinggoodpoliciesandpractices.The bestwayyoucanbeheardisbycastingyourvote,byproxyorinperson. Evenwhenmanagement’ssidewins, ifenoughpeoplehavevotedthe otherway,itcanmakeanimpression and a difference. Learnmoreaboutproxy votingonline.Atsitessuchas , youcanlook upyourcompaniestoseewhatissues arebeingvotedon,getguidanceon howyoumightwanttovote,and learnhowyourmutualfundshave voted,too.Clickinandspendsome timebecoming a savviershareholder.KickTheseTiresThetirebusinessisgenerally perceivedasnotveryexciting,but GoodyearTire&Rubber(Nasdaq: GT)isburningrubberalloverWall Street’sestimates. Sixyearsago,Goodyearwasa mess.CarsalesintheU.S.fellsome 35percentduringtheGreatRecession,whileChinawasimposinga tariffonforeigntiresintheworld’s largestautomarket. Buttimeshavechanged,withthe companysurpassingWallStreet’s expectationsineightofthepast ninequarters.InGoodyear’sfourthquarterreport,releasedlastmonth, itannounced$1.7billioninoperatingincome—anewrecord—and itmarkedthefourthstraightyear thatGoodyearhasdeliveredatleast $1.25billioninoperatingincome, alsoanewrecord. Therehasbeenanincreaseinnew andusedtiredemandsincetheGreat Recession,andGoodyearhasbeen focusingmoreonitshigher-margin premiumtires,expandingitsmanufacturingcapabilitiesforhigh-end tirestomeetunexpectedlystrong demand.Ithasalsodoneagoodjob controllingitscosts.Newlaborcontractswithitsunionworkers,along withjobcutsandlowerrubbercosts, havehelpedboostmargins. Goodyearisalsopushingintofastgrowingemergingmarkets.Withthe companyexpectedtogrowprofits by11percentannuallyoverthenext fiveyearsandsportingaforwardlookingprice-to-earnings(P/E)ratio ofjust8,itseemsthatthere’splenty oftreadleftonthisstock. TheMotleyFool ToEducate,Amuse&Enrich rfrLostMomentumMydumbestinvestmentwasgettingsuckeredintoamomentum investment.Ilost50percentintwo days.ThenextdayIstartedreading aboutvalueinvesting.Itwaslikea heavenlylightwasturnedoninthe sky. — J.R.,online TheFoolResponds: Momentuminvestingisproblematic.It involvesbuyingstocksthatare risingandsellingonesthat arefalling(ideally,shortsellingthem).Theassumptionisthatarisingstock willbemorelikelytokeeprising thantofall,andthatafallingone willlikelykeepfalling.Thoseare notthebestkindsofassumptions onwhichtoputatriskyourhardearneddollars. WeatFoolHQprefervalue investing,whereonestudies companiescloselyandaimsto buyundervaluedstocks,those tradingforlessthantheyseemto beworth.Theymayormaynot berisinginvaluenow,butwe expectthemtoriseinthelong run.Don’tjustlookforrising stocks.Someterrificcompanies’ stocksmayhavefallenforawhile duetofleetingissues.Thosecan beespeciallygreatbargainsfor long-terminvestors.Doyouhaveanembarrassing lessonlearnedthehardway? Boilitdownto100words(or less)andsendittoTheMotleyFoolc/oMy DumbestInvestment.Gotonethatworked? SubmittoMySmartestInvestment.Ifwe printyours,you’llwin a Fool’scap! ntbbnntb‘rbbfbbtb’ tbbbtbr’“““ brrbb bbr r rbr”brbbfbbf tbrbfbbbbfttbr f bt•–“bn tfbfr—— b–rbtbf““ brbbbWritetoUs! SendquestionsforAsktheFool,Dumbest(or Smartest)Investments(upto100words),andyourTriviaentries toFool@fool.comorviaregularmailc/othisnewspaper,attn:The MotleyFool. Sorry,wecan’tprovideindividualfinancialadvice. Activevs.PassiveQWhatare“actively managed”mutualfunds?— P.D.,Auburn,AlabamaAThey’refundsrunbyprofessionalswhohand-pickinvestments,aimingforstrongreturns. Amid-capequitymutualfund,for example,willbefullofmediumsizecompanystocksselectedby thefund’smanagers. Indexfunds,meanwhile,are passivelymanagedfunds,aiming tomirrorthecomponentsandperformanceofanexistingindex.An indexfundbasedontheStandard &Poor’s500willholdthe500 stocksinthesameproportionas theindex. We’vebeenpointingoutfor manyyearsnowthatthemajority ofactivelymanagedstockfunds underperformtheoverallstock marketandtheindexfundsthat trackit.Perhapsthebiggestreason iscost,since,inordertomimic anindex,passivelymanaged fundsdon’tneedtoemploylots ofanalysts. Mostinvestorswoulddowellto haveatleastsome,ifnotmost,of theirassetsinindexinvestments, whichtendtohavelowfees.Learn moreat and researchfundsat Forrecommendationsofexceptional,low-feemutualfunds,tryour “RuleYourRetirement”newsletter forfreeat newsletters. ***QNowthatI’moutof college,shouldIpay offmyschoolloansassoon aspossible,orsticktothelongtermrepaymentscheduleandstart investinginstocksalittle?— L.M.,Fulton,MissouriAItdependstoagreatextent oninterestratesandexpectations.Ifyou’repaying6percent onyourloans,butyouexpectto earn9percentannuallyonyour investments,thenyou’lllikely earnmorethanyoupayout.If yourdebtiscostingyoualot, oratleastmorethanyouexpect toearn,payingitoffquickly issmart.Got a questionfortheFool?Senditin — seeWritetoUsnSendInThose ProxyVotesIfyouownstockinacompany, you’renotjustbettingonitsfuture; you’reactuallyapartownerofit, albeitwithatinyshare.Yougetthe righttoreceivedividendsandany rightsandprivilegesthatgowith ownership. Oneoftherightsthatmostshareholdershaveistovotetheirshares atannualcompanymeetings.Even thoughyoumaynotthinkyourvote willmakeadifference,itcan.It’s importanttolookthroughthematerialsforyourcompany’sannualmeetingandtomonitorcloselytheissues thatcompanymanagementwill discussthere. Reviewingannualreports,proxy statementsandotherliteraturewill helpkeepyoubetterinformedabout yourcompanyanditsprospects,as wellaswarnyouofanypossible disagreementsamongcompanymanagementandlargeshareholders. Theproxyformissimilartoan absenteeballot,allowingyoutomail inyourvote.(Alternatively,youcan usuallyvoteonline.)Alongwithit, 2015THEMOTLEYFOOL/DIST.BYUNIVERSALUCLICK3/12 Dear Mr. Berko: My stockbroker is advising me to sell my 400 shares of AbbVie Inc., which was a 2013 spinoff of Abbott Laboratories. I inherited 400 shares of Abbott Labs when my dad passed in 2002. Dan, my broker and friend, wants me to buy 200 shares of Hospira Inc. He says that Hospira will begin to pay a dividend of $1.50 a share this year and that the dividend could rise to $3 by 2018. And if the dividend rises to $3, that would be a 3.75 percent yield. Then, with the remaining $10,000, he wants me to buy the PowerShares QQQ Trust exchange-traded fund for additional conser vative growth. Dear WS: Abbott Labs (ABT-$46) has been very good to you, or perhaps I should say your daddy was very good to you. You may not know this because Broker Dan didn’t tell you, but in 2004, you owned 40 shares of Hospira (HSP$87), and it traded between $24 and $35. Just before the silly 2004 Summer Olympics cost Greece a ridiculous $15 billion, Abbott gave you one share of HSP for every 10 shares of ABT stock you owned. Then, in late 2012, ABT gave you another present, one share of AbbVie (ABBV-$55) for each ABT share you owned. HSP is an uninspiring $4.3 billion specialty drug company marketing an impressive range of injectable pharmaceutical and medication systems that deliver drugs intravenously. HSP is a ne company with excellent products, but I don’t consider it an attractive investment at $87 a share. Management continues to have manufacturing issues at its Rocky Mountain facilities, and ramping up production at its massive new Vizag, India, facility (injectable drugs) is taking a lot longer than management expected. I think Broker Dan ought to be returned to broker school. My low-level contact with HSP at its Illinois headquarters tells me that the board is not considering a dividend in the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, don’t sell your shares of ABBV, which recently increased its dividend again, to $1.96, and yields 3.3 percent. Its exciting $55 billion cash and stock deal to take over Ireland’s Shire PLC (SHPG$238) may reduce ABBV’s corporate tax rate to 13 percent, add $6 billion to revenues, add $2 billion to net income and expose ABBV’s products to new markets. ABBV, a $19 billion-revenue company, is a buy, not a sell. And your Abbott Labs is also an outstanding pharmaceutical. Abbott Labs is a solid core holding that should consistently grow its sales, earnings and dividends. If you’re going to own an index ETF for conservative growth, I recommend the S&P 500 ETF (SPY-$205), not the PowerShares QQQ Trust (QQQ-$106), which tracks the Nasdaq 100 index. Email Malcolm Berko at and Index Funds Malcolm Berko Is your business among the 47 percent of U.S. businesses that do not have a website, or the 13 percent that do not have one but plan to set one up? What are you waiting for? In North America, 87 percent of the population uses the Internet for one purpose or another. Eighty-nine percent of those use it to nd information, including about businesses. Eighty-one percent use it to research a product before buying. Seventyone percent buy products online. Sixty-four percent use it to make travel arrangements. Fifty-ve percent use it to nd how-to information. Eighty-six percent use it to nd directions to a specic location. An uncounted (or at least I could not nd a count) but huge number use it to look for information about a business they know exists, rather than look for it in printed or online yellow pages. Are you growing fast enough? Businesses with websites grow 40 per cent faster than those without one. If you are not appearing online, you are missing oppor tunities to connect with prospective or existing customers. Ninety-three percent of online experiences begin with a search. Those searches result in landing on websites. People may be looking for you on the Web directly or indirectly, and you are missing. Even the smallest of businesses can benet from a website. One need not be complex. Five pages will do for starters: home, about, product or service, testimonials, and contact. There are a number of website-building tools that are free. With some sweat equity (and gnashing of teeth) you can build your own with no cash outlay. Or you can hire a local expert to create a basic site for a reasonable fee. Perhaps you are holding off because you think you need a more complex site that will cost a lot of money. Maybe so, but while you are hesitating, you are missing out on prospects that could land on an imperfect site. Get a simple one up while working toward a better one. A website will help people nd your business when they are looking for a product or service to buy and do not know where to buy it. It can help when they know you exist but need location and contact information by using your name in a search engine. You can inform them about what you offer on your product page. You can provide a way for them to contact you by email on your contact page. You can ask them to opt in to receive follow-on information in the future. You can let them know how happy other customers have been with your business on the testimonials page. The statistics quoted come from online sources too numerous to list here. Write me care of port.charlotte@ and I’ll send a list. I’ll also send you information about our ongoing classes on marketing issues. Business success is built upon knowledge of business issues. Take advantage of free advice from experienced business managers or owners who serve as mentors with Port Charlotte SCORE. Arrange for a SCORE mentor by clicking on “Local Mentoring” at www.portcharlottescore. org. Or call 941-743-6179 and leave a message asking that a mentor be assigned.SCORE talk: Business websites SCORE CounselorBill McCabe NEW YORK (AP) — The stock market was hit hard Friday, capping a third week of declines, as investors reacted to a steep drop in oil prices and a jump in the value of the dollar. Utilities, companies that make basic materials like steel, and major exporters had the biggest declines. The sell-off came at the end of a volatile week and sets the stage for a Federal Reserve policy meeting next week. Investors will be watching closely for clues about the central bank’s views on the economy and interest rates. “This week has really been about investors’ outlooks adjusting in the face of higher interest rates later this year,” said Gabriela Santos, a global market strategist at JPMorgan Funds. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 145.91 points, or 0.8 percent, to 17,749.31. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index lost 12.55 points, or 0.6 percent, to 2,053.40 and the Nasdaq composite lost 21.53 points, or 0.4 percent, to 4,871.76. Oil dropped sharply after the International Energy Agency said prices had further to fall because supplies were continuing to rise. Benchmark U.S. crude fell $2.21 to close at $44.84 a barrel in New York. Oil is now within 40 cents of its low for the year, and its lowest level in six years, after a drop of 10 percent this week. Brent crude, a benchmark for international oils used by many U.S. reneries, fell $2.41 to close at $54.67 a barrel in London. Several energy stocks followed the price of oil lower. Transocean, an offshore oil rig company, fell 67 cents, or 4.7 percent, to $13.60 and Denbury Resources fell 29 cents, or 3.8 percent, to $7.31. The U.S. dollar continued its advance against other major currencies. The euro declined 1.3 percent to $1.0486. The U.S. dollar index, which measures the dollar against a group of other currencies, increased 0.8 percent Friday and is up 6.4 percent over the past month.Stocks decline for third week r,N.VEL -Eler goo i ..................................


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 WIRE Page 7 rrrfntbbfr ffr fbrf rft ffrr rrrf tbr rttrrff frtrb rf rrtr rr frrf rttrr rrt rrr rfnrrr fr rf frrfr ffrf frtb fr frffr tf ffr fffrfrfrf fr‘t rbr bnfr trrrf rtrf rrtr r’ttf f“frrrrf rrbrf rffrbf rf ftfffr rrbfr fff rr‘”frr fr‘• r‘“nr•rr fr‘–r• rr‘—tbrrf rffr‘bf rf‘brr fr‘f ‘f• r‘rb f‘f ‘‘rrrfff ffr‘trbff ‘tff ff‘ttbf‘ntfr‘t rf‘’ff rrf‘“r r‘ff rrf‘rf frf‘rr rf ffr‘t f‘“trf rr‘tffff r‘rf rf‘rr rfrf‘ ff‘rffr ‘frf r‘rff rfr‘rf rf‘ rf ffr‘fr rr‘rr r‘f f‘f frfff‘br fr‘bb rrf‘“f rf‘“r f rrrbf frfff r rttr fftttbrrr ffrtrrrf fbffr frf ftrf rbf ftfr f’r frf nbff ffbrf r r rrrbfrr ffbbtff ftr rffr f’rf f f rffn f fffr rrbr rrfff f’ ff fbfffffr tffr rtnrf frttff f“’ ff“bf ff“tr rr“rrfrf “tff rr“rr r“tfff tfff fff ff‘f rf‘• ffr•r –•fr f‘r•frf f• rfn’•fr r• fr•rf rf• f• fft•rf ffn•rr fbr •r frf• ff•rf frr•frr –br• frrft• frrf frn”rr f rfrbrrfr rffrf f ff ffrtrf rr ff rff ff ‘rf rr“bf rttfr frr“ffr rtr f fttrr f“–f rf f –rr rfrr rfft ftrrf r“f rf frtr r’f fff r rf rf“bfr rfrrff f f“‘frfff ffrf ffbrf bfr ftt rfb‘rrrfr tbff tr rrf rff“r ftbrf rbr f frrn ftrfrf rf trbff frf frffr fffrf ffnrr rf•f fr rb rrrrrfff fffrr fffrr ffffr rffrff rrfrbrrfr f’trrf “•fff rf“rr frtrff r—nf f ‘ frrf rf–t fffr r‘ff f‘tt rftffrrrr rbf rt fr’ fff f“brr rf rfr‘•r rf‘•f frr•r frr•ff rf“tr•fff “• f”trbfrfr f rrfnrr rrtrf ffff rrb frff rtrf ffrttrr ffff”f rtrr frbfr ffff frf ’rrf ftf rrffr rf‘ff ffffbf frfrffff ffrbfff rrtr frbf rfn fff tb tff fftff rft”r fr’•rr ffnr rrr frff rr rfr ftrr rf“rrr rfrfrr fff ‘fb rnnf rfrr tr f“‘tffr rr‘rr rfrfbrrr rfff f frbr fn fffrfr frrr fbf “tfrf r’‘f ttt f’bfr ’rfr rf frr nf r’ ’trr rbrf ff“ rfrtff rrf fnn rt‘tr ffrr r r f rfr rbrbrf rnr r‘ffrfr rrfr ff’ttfrbf fff’t‘rfr frt fr rf fr“rr “• f““•r r•fff •r frrn•rff frf•f fff“•r frb•ff •f “• r“r•r “• f“•fr “••r rf rrr r‘r frttf frr rtf frr’r bb ffbfrr r“b frrbf f rrfff f‘ frrrtrbr frfr rff r r rr rf rbbf rfrttr rfnbfr rrfrrffr rf‘—rf rrrfrr rrtrr rff fr‘rr rf fffrr fr frfrf rfrf frff –nfr ff rfff r fr r‘r r ”t ff f frrt brrr fbffrrf ffr–rrfr rrfr ffr rrtrf ffbfrrf ftff ftrff fbbfffffrrrrf frrt ftrrr tff ‘bf rr• rrrfr f”tr rfrf f’f rrtbrr “’r ff“rf ftbr ftfb r–“•rrf ’tf•f frb frtrff rfff frfff ff bf tt“fr frtbrff f—•rf r–• f–•frf rrf–n•ff rf–“•rrf ‘ff –•f r–• rf f–•r rrf• r–• ftf f“r ff‘frbff rr“frr rrfr“‘f r• fftf frrr rr“bfrr rr“tbrrr nfr “br ftrff rrtff rffrff rrff fffrbff f’nrr ff rf fftr ffrrbfr rrf frtr rrbr rfrrfrfr rf fff’“rf fftfff rrrf brrrr fffftfrr rfr ’f rfrbfrf ffrrffff rrrfrr ffrfrf rff —nffr rffbffr fr rff•fr rr‘• fr“f•rf —fn•fr rr•ff r•f f—rr•fr r‘ r•f rr frf rrfrr tbrr rr f f“rrf tf ffbrf rfrbrf f’f r rnrfr fttf rrtfrr rbrrrf r“tfrfr f’rbf frbf rrrf”rfr rffrb “t rr“f f’tf rrr f“frf f rf r fr rffrfrf rfr““t fr f“b• rffff fr“ff f’tff rr’tf fbf fr rb rf ft•rr ff •f f• rrrt“•frf ff•rff f• ft•fr rfn• r–f• frf trrr ff‘tfr r“t rrf’fb rrfrrf ffrfrfr ffrffbf ff r“f r“bbr rf“t “trrrf f“rf rfr“rr f“trr ffr“trbr r“ntf r““rrf f’bntf frr “tt rr fftff ffrn–r rrn rfnrrr rnb fn’fr rntr rfffn rnrrr frrn“rbff ffntrff rrrnfff frrnff rfffnfff ntrff rrnfrr fntrffr ntrb rnf frnrr nf rfrt fbrr rn”b r rrnrf frntfff ffrntbrr nrr nrf rntrf fntr n•fr fffnbfff n f nt n““f frntrrr ffn“’frrrff t tbr fffn’rrr rn’f ntr f– –‘trr ff– f f–r ff–trff rf–tfr r–r fr–tbf rfff–fr frrf–rf f–bf f–tr r–f r–‘t•frrf r–•rf rff–f f–nfrbr rfr–‘ffff fr–tfffr f–“‘rrrr –“ f–“rfr rffffrr ffrrfr frbrfrf rr rfrbff r fn•r rn• f•rrr r• r“ •f rn• ff ftrb rrr rfrftfrrr frrfff rrrrf ff rttfrf rftrf rt frf rf’f ffrbrf frrf ff“bfr rf”fb ff”brr r”r r”rbrr ff”tf ff”nrr fff”t fbf fr”tf ”br rrf”tr ””rf ”bfrr fffr”tfff fr”tr ”tbr f”t•f ”tb•r r ”bff r”t–rbf ffr”trr ”trfr f”rf ”f ffr”ffff f”ttbr rf”ttb ”tff f”t rbr rrfr”n“•rrrf frf”nf•ffr f”n• ffr”’bf ””rrf rf”rr rfrr fbr rfbff fffrbrr ”’ frfrff rfr frf f”rrff frf“trfrfr rr rff trrffrrrtrfr rff“r f’•f fffr ntbfrffb rfffrr ffrf‘tbr r rrrfrf n—nbrf rrfrr rffbffr ff rfrff “f r rf“fr rf tfr tb rfrrrr f tfrr r ftr rffr rrrf frrrr fftrrf rt 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bFromtheNewYorkStockExchangeandtheNasdaq. StockFootnotes: ttt“tb’f’’ bttt ttt“tttbb’’t’ tt“tnf’’b“tbbbbt tt“bt’tttb“t“t“tb tt“tttbtf’ttttt ’t’nt’t’tttt“’”t“’” ’“tbt“’f’“–“t“ “t““’tbbt bold ’tff– bftttb DividendFootnotes: t’““““tt•“ “ttb““’’ttt ““btbtt““btt t’tbt““tt“’t t““’’ttt“ “’t’t“tt tt“t“ PEFootnotes: •ttb“t’ttttt STOCKS LISTING CHANGE REQUESTS WELCOME!The Sun Newspaper is tweaking the way stocks are listed in the daily paper. We will continue to run a wide range of stocks, but we’re trying to eliminate stocks our readers don’t want. If you do not see your stock in the paper, please let us know and we will put it in the listings. Email the name of the company and the symbol to, or call 941-206-1138. You can leave the stock name and symbol on voice mail.


Page 8 WIRE The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 rfntb rfbt nnbb f nfb nrftb nttb rttt nb nbtt rf fb b rf ntfr rfb b nb rn rfrtb nn rrf tt rfb nrbt nntbt r ftb ftb tb r fnb n rfb rb nrftt rbt rf rft rfb rfnbt rfrfb rf t r f‘‘’rf r frfb r f“”rtbb r frfb r frfb rfbt ‘“rf rfttb • rftbt rfb –nb n’b fn rf’tb —nbb —r’bt –nb frf’tb nbt nnb rfnbt rfntt r fn’tb r fnnt r frf’tbb r fn’tb ‘n‘’n ’tb fnbt –nb —ntbb ‘n n—nb ‘ ’nn • nt — rfnb r rfttbt rfbt r fbt r frbtt r fbt r frtbt b r n rb b rtb ’r b rrn tb rf rft –rftt ‘nrf n bt rftt t – fb n nrf b tbb t r ft ‘ ’rftbbt r fnbt rbnb nb rb rfnb fnbb ntb rb nb rfrb rttb nb nb rb rb b rfnb b nt r ffr r fr’rbb r rfnt fn fr rfrfn rfrf nn rfb n nr t rn ntb rb tbt ttt rn rb r frftbb r b n –r rftt nr ‘rnt fn frftbb f nb ffnb ffb nrf“ntbt rfntbt rfbt nb rfnb r fnb r fnbb ntb fntb nb rnb r’tt b ‘nf nr’ b ‘’’nnt bnrrnfrtb frrbttnrftbbrrrbt’rfr rrt tr trr nrtbt nrbb nnrbt nrtbt rtb rftb rtt rf“–rtbt rfrbb rfrr rfrttbt rfnrbbt rfrbb rftbb rf rbb rn‘’rt rfrbb rtt ‘rt ‘frb ‘•r bt ‘—’•bb ‘rfbb ‘—tb ‘•b ‘•‘ ‘•nt •rtb •rb •b •bt •rb •rt •nrt •nrt •‘rftt •rb–trbfnb fntbt fbrfnntt rfn ’rfrt •rb rbntb b tffntffnrrfrbnnb b rfnt rfb bnr’rfrtt ‘rftb –ttbt rfrtb r’ f ‘’ –tr’tb ‘nrf t nr’tt nrftb nbbnnrb nb nb rb rbt rfrtb rb fn ‘nntfnnb btbtb b rfnrnbbrfnb rfrfbt rfnnbb “nfntt “nfn‘ntbf•rt “tb rtb ‘rt •rrt tbtt b b b bt rf ftbbt b rfbt fbt fbt fb b tbt bt rfb rfb nb nbt rf’tb rfrrbt rf’tb tbtt ttb tb tb rfb t rffb tb tb nbtt ntbt ntb nttb ntb nttb ntb ntb ntb nrfb ttbtt ttb tb bt rfbt t ’•r’tbb rftt bt rfb ntbt rftb rfff rfft rffrftt rfb rfb rf fn bt fntbb b –tb –ttb rf fbt fbt ’b b t tt frft rf’t b rfb bbt ‘btt ‘bt b –fbtt –fbt rf rf ’b tt b rf ‘r’b r’bt nb b’tb rfn ‘nft ntbt nt nt n b b rfb rfbt ‘’ ‘ •r’tt •r’tt •r’ttt •r’rftt b brnb tb b nrfrb nb rb n bt tnbt nbt rfnbtn‘nfnn‘nfn ntb nb rfnb rfntb rfrtb rf‘nb rfnbt rfrbtrrt fbt fbt ftbb btb t b ttt bb bbt –n “nbtt ‘b —brtr’bt tr’rfbtt tr’rfbt tr’rfbt ’rt ’rrt rfr’btbt rfr’rfbtb rfr’rfbtb rfr’rfbtb ‘rbt ‘rrbtr‘nfrf bt b r’bt tb tbrntb ntbfnnb rfntb ‘nbbnnbnrbb‘nt rfnbbrnb ‘ntt f‘nb rfnb ‘n nb ’ntb nb ntbtt ‘nt rfnbb rfnnb rfnnb rfnb rfnb rf‘ntt ‘nt t tb nttbt ntbt nn rfnb fnbt ‘n •n •ntbbrnb b nttbt bt b nbt btbrnfnbb fnbt fnb fb fb ntbb bb —nbbbrrnrfnb‘‘r fnbt fnb ‘rf ntbtbrrnf‘nb ‘b“f‘tb rf •ttbrbt nrbt nrtb rfrrbb rrrb rb rtb •rb •‘trrntbt rfnnb nntt nbnbrnnrrb fr rbt nb rtb n ‘rt nrttnft rfb rfbt rfrfbtb rfrfbbtnnttb rfbtnrb rfnbt rfnbtt nb nb rb rtb nb rb rbt rfntbt nb rtb rb rbtt nb nn t ‘r —rtr–ntbfrf •rfbnnttbnbrrtb rbttfn ntt nbtt nntb nb rfb rfrfb fnbb frfbb rfnnb rfnnb —–tnb —–tb ntbb nbt rfnb nb n t rfnb rfrb n –nbt nnt nnt nn tbt ‘rftbt •ntfrfrb —nb —rbf‘ntbb ntbb nbb rtbb rfnb rfrb rt ‘ntttb ‘rbn• fn f •bt rfnbt rfb rfrtbb b •b rfrfrfbb rfn‘rt rfnbt rfntb rffnb rffntb rfrfnb rfntb nb b t n r f • nrb nrb nrbt •b •rtb •–b nb rb bfnbt ‘b ff‘ f ‘bt ’ “‘ttt ‘b ‘b f‘b ‘bb –fb –f‘bt –f ‘ttb ‘n‘ ‘f‘tb •‘t f‘btrbt btnnbrtb nt rt nbt rb nb r rrb rrrftbb rr‘ “tb “tb “nttb “b “ttbt 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fft rftttt rfftt rt ff ff f ’–ttttt ftt f –f –t –f–tt –ft t ttt f “f —ftt fft fft ‘ft ‘ft ‘ •n •fft •–tttt ftttt tt n t t btbt rr“ ”n •n rr–r–—n n“ t n“ ‘ t t n“ ” n“ ”n •n t nn–“ ‘ ”nn“• nb“ r “ r“ rf nbnbn nbnbn bn bn bn rfbnrb–“btbtn–fnb rfbrrf rfrbb ‘rbt ‘rb ‘rbt rrfb rrrrfttb rf –trtb rtb rrfb nb –rf nb fntbrtt fntrffnb rfnbb f ffb ‘nn n ‘nt ‘t •nbnnb nntb nb rfnb rfnnbt nnb nb •nb rfnb rfnbb nbt nnt nbnrtbttnrbt rbn–rfbt –nrfbb rf ‘rft ntrrnbt tb rtbtb ttrfb rtbtfrfbb r’rt rrntbb r‘’tbrftb bt tb •rftb rfrf’bb –tb nr’ ‘btnrffb brnfbttrnfnbtntbtnnrf bnbfb br–nbtb –btb –rfnbnntnbtnfb b b bt rft b nb nb rf’ttttbt rfb ft t ‘bt tbt tbt t tb rfbt rfn rfb rfb rfb rfb rffbtb rftb rfr’bbt rfrfbb rftbt ‘’ ‘btt bt b tb ‘’ nb b bb t rfn b –bt tbt tb tb btt ttb b nb nbtt ntb ntb ntbt ‘bt ‘nf ntt nb b rftb nrft nrf ‘’“b ‘’ ‘’rft ‘’rft ‘btt ‘tb ‘b ‘tb tbnbbnrfrbb ‘rt ‘tfr’rft –rf frftt r’rtb r’rb r’tb rfrfb rfb rf“ b rftbb rfrfbb bt r’bt r’b rftb “rb rf t –rf’rfbntrnrfbbrftbtb b ttbnnfbb tbtnrfnbt rfnb rfr bt ‘nt ‘t ‘nrfrrfnn ntttnrrnbtbtnnrfbnttb ntbn–nttbtrnrfn–ntbb ntbbftb fttb rfbt b rfn rfnb rfn rf b –fbbt –tb ‘b ‘nf ‘’rft ‘’‘n ‘’‘n ‘b ‘tb —b—frfntbbfnfr’ r’ttbr–nbtnbttt trfbt b—’•r’ntbt r’b r’nb r’rfb rf–t r‘nt ‘n ttb ntb f r’nb r’rfb b nrfrb nrnb nr’r–bt nrrfb fnbb frftbb rfb rfnb r’ntbb ’n ’t ’rn ’rr ’r’r– ’fr’t —•rfbt —•rfbt t n tb rfnbt rfb r’ttb t rnttbtt rrttbtt b nb nt t r‘fntt r‘ r‘r r‘n rf“–ntb rf“–rb rf“–btt rfr’rbtt rf–btt rf‘rb rf‘–b rf’rfbb rf b rfnb rfr’nbtb rfr’rtbb rfr’r–tbb rftbtb rr’rftt ‘r’rf– ‘f ‘ ‘rf ‘n r’r r’nb r’rfb “fb “b “rftt t “b r’ntt r’nb r’rf tt r’r–bt tb nttb rb b nbt n rf rfn ‘n n ntt ‘ nt ‘n –‘n –r’nb –tbbt –nb –nnttb –nrb r‘r’t r‘r’ r‘r’rf ‘r’rft ‘r’rf–t ‘ft ‘fnt ‘ t ‘n ‘ ‘r r ‘n tb ‘nrf“–r’rfbb ‘nrf“–r’rbb nr’t nr’r–ttt nr’n nrnt nrrtt nr’nt nr’t nr nr’tt nrrt tb ‘ttb t ‘ttb ‘tb ‘tbt ‘tb ‘b ‘ttb ‘tb ‘ttb ‘rft ‘tb ‘rfr’ntt t ‘rfr’rf ‘rfr’rf ‘nt ‘rft ‘rft ‘rftbb ‘r ntb ‘rrftb ‘r’tb ‘’nbt ‘’nb ‘’nt •b •nbt r’ntb r’rftb r’b —rttb —rnb t —fbt —fnbt —frrntbt —fb —fnb —frrb ’b•r’r–tbnnbtnrb nbrrnbbt rfnb rfnb fnt ‘ntbtb nttrrn“bt ntbt rf r tb rfb nt bt nb –n“tb ‘rf •‘rfrnnrfrtbrrrrfrftb rfrbnrrb nn Thepriceofoil tumbledafter theInternationalEnergy Agencysaid pricescouldfall furtherbecause suppliesare continuingto rise.tbbt f bb f bb nn bbt •f b ’’ ttb ttbb –fntb tbt –ntb ’’ t tbb ““ bb f bbt f b n“tbb f bbt f btbt — t tbbf ’’ rnnn“ bfn “n“fb“nf“ “b“fnb“b nf“fnf“bf bfb“f f’b“fff n fff– 112


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 WIRE Page 9 WORLD NEWS JOHANNESBURG (AP) — It sounds chilling: two of the world’s most powerful extremist movements, one in the Middle East and the other in Africa, team up to spread their harsh brand of Islamic rule. The quick acceptance by the so-called Islamic State of Boko Haram’s pledge of fealty is a publicity boost, and comes at a time when both are suffering combat losses. Boko Haram militants in Nigeria and the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria, 2,000 miles away, might declare joint operations, possibly using an IS afliate in chaotic Libya as a bridge to move arms and ghters. But whether they can effectively do that is very much in question. What is certain is that recent developments, including the newly declared alliance, have deepened the internationalization of the almost 6-year-old Nigerian conict. Multinational efforts to crush the West African militants echo the disparate array of forces, including U.S. air power and Iran-backed Shiite militias, which are ghting the Islamic State group. Already, forces from Chad, Cameroon and Niger are waging an offensive against Boko Haram. On top of that, Nigeria acknowledged late Thursday that it is getting help from regional security oper atives amid reports that South African and other foreign contractors are in the ght against Boko Haram. One South African security contractor was killed during operations earlier this week in the Maiduguri area in northeast Nigeria, where Boko Haram is active, according to South African media. Nigeria has not commented directly on the role of any South African contractors, some of whom are believed to be veterans of the apartheid-era security forces. A number of those veterans worked for the now-defunct Executive Outcomes, a private military outt from South Africa that played a role in conicts in Sierra Leone, Angola and other African countries in the 1990s. France said it will slightly increase its troop numbers by the end of the year in the Sahel, which includes the Lake Chad region where most of the ghting between Boko Haram and soldiers from Nigeria and neighboring countries is taking place. “We do not intend to take part in the ghting,” French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said this week. France cur rently has 3,000 troops involved in Operation Barkhane, a campaign against Islamic extremists in the region. The Islamic State group was quick to accept Boko Haram’s allegiance on Thursday, in contrast to slower deliberation on the pledges of other militants, some of whom abandoned al-Qaida afliates to do so. Boko Haram’s pledge stirred fresh debate about whether Islamic State is extending its global reach. Nigerian extremists have been weakened recently by the multinational force and the Islamic State group is also under pressure from Iraqi troops and allied Shiite militias that have swept into the Iraqi city of Tikrit. One analyst downplayed the idea of “any kind of organizational linkage” between Boko Haram and the Islamic State group. “These movements are trying to outdo one another in terms of radicalization and scare tactics,” said Jakkie Cilliers, executive director of the Institute for Security Studies, based in Pretoria, South Africa. J. Peter Pham, director of the Africa Center at the Atlantic Council, a research center in Washington, said increasing Western assistance to the multinational African military effort against Boko Haram and the role of South African and other contractors “make this ght all that more appealing to the Islamist extremists.” “Militants nding it increasingly harder to get to Syria and Iraq may choose instead to go to northeastern Nigeria and internationalize that conict,” Pham wrote in an email to The Associated Press. Many militants have traveled to Syria through Turkey, which has pledged tighter border controls under international pressure. On Friday, it said authorities had detained 16 Indonesians who were trying to cross the border to join the Islamic State group.Boko Haram-ISIS pact: PR strategy? AP PHOTOIn this photo taken Monday March 9, 2015, Nigerian troops patrol in the northeastern Nigeria city of Mubi, some 14 miles west of the Cameroon border. | WORLDUS drone strike targets senior al-Shabab leaderJOHANNESBURG (LA Times) — The Somali extremist group al-Shabab faced a new setback after one of its top surviving commanders was reported killed in a U.S. drone strike. U.S. ofcials familiar with the operation conrmed that a drone strike was launched Thursday in Somalia aimed at a key leader of the al-Qaidalinked group, but they said authorities were still trying to verify whether the suspect had been killed.Small Pacific nation of Vanuatu hit by cycloneWELLNGTON, New Zealand (AP) — An extremely powerful cyclone blew over islands in the Pacic’s Vanuatu archipelago late Friday after a westward change of course put populated areas directly in the path of its destructive 168 mile-per-hour winds, according to relief workers. The U.N. Ofce for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said in a release there were unconrmed reports of deaths in Vanuatu’s northeastern islands.German high court overturns headscarf ban for teachersBERLIN (AP) — Germany’s highest court has struck down a state’s ban on teachers wearing headscarves as unconstitutional, saying that it violates guaranteed religious freedoms. The Federal Constitutional Court ruled Friday in favor of two female Muslim teachers from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in a decision that will also apply to other states. The state’s law banned headscarves on grounds they could call into question a teacher’s neutrality and cause classroom disruptions. But the court ruled a school would need to show “not only an abstract but a sufciently specic risk” to justify a ban.6 ships arrive in Black Sea for NATO exercisesBUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — Six ships have arrived in the Romanian Black Sea port of Constanta to take part in NATO sea exercises this weekend. The three-day training called SNMG-2 will be led by Rear Admiral Brad Williamson of the U.S. Navy, NATO said in a statement Friday. Participating ships include USS Vicksburg, as well as a German auxiliary ship and frigates from Canada, Turkey, Italy and Romania. The exercises are part of a regularly scheduled deployment to the region to assure allies of NATO’s commitment to collective defense.Queen marks end of UK’s 13 years in AfghanistanLONDON (AP) — Queen Elizabeth II joined veterans Friday in a solemn service to commemorate the end of Britain’s combat operations in Afghanistan. Prince William, his pregnant wife Kate, and Prince Harry — who served two tours during the conict — also attended the ceremony at London’s St. Paul’s Cathedral to remember the war dead. Britain was part of a U.S.-led coalition that fought the Taliban in Afghanistan following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Almost 150,000 Britons served in the conict, and 453 died. rfnrtbbtfbftbnnrfnrtbbtfbftbnn rnrnnffbrnfnrnfrrnrffbbnfnbfnnfnnrffbfnn bnr‘nrfnbrfbnnrbtn’bfbf““ r r f n nntntbn tn br n r tn r rf rfnrtbbtfbftbnnrfnrtbbtfbftbnnrnrnnffbr nfnrnfrrnrffbbnfnbfnnfnnrffbfnnbnr‘nrfnbrfb nnrbtn’bfbf““”•nrnfbnfrbf–““fnnbnbrr adno=491681 ` = a pKl , e ` ;; 11 tl e_ _ rrrrrr I WNDf -t \ / -AFr scar OOr///,pc" of -ears.l w VD49o '.vnMID A e,IF iO OI _ ` Vii.` ;.y,., ems; rwww.VOLVOOFSARASOTA.com941.924.12127576 South Ta m i a m i Trail, Sarasota


Page 10 WIRE The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 WEATHER/WORLD NEWS Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Arcadia Hull Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource: 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Temperatures Gulf Water TemperatureSource: National Allergy BureauPunta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES CONDITIONS TODAY TIDES AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEXWeather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. ALMANAC Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. North Port MARINE THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesThe Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise SetPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. AIRPORT SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLE Publication date: 03/14/15657685908779 TODAY Partly cloudy, isolated p.m. rain86 / 6525% chance of rainPartly cloudy, isolated p.m. rain inland84 / 6620% chance of rain SUNDAY Partly sunny with a shower85 / 5910% chance of rain MONDAY Sunshine and dry, less humid83 / 6010% chance of rain TUESDAY Partly sunny82 / 6210% chance of rain WEDNESDAY Air Quality Index readings as of FridayMain pollutant: ozoneForecasts and graphics, except for the WINK-TV 5-day forecast, provided by AccuWeather, Inc. Punta Gorda through 5 p.m. Friday24 hours through 5 p.m. Friday 0.24” Month to date 0.71” Normal month to date 1.37” Year to date 4.94” Normal year to date 5.60” Record 1.56” (1993) High/Low 88/66 Normal High/Low 80/57 Record High 89 (1975) Record Low 39 (1998) Today Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun.Apalachicola 76 63 t 77 60 c Bradenton 81 65 pc 79 65 pc Clearwater 82 66 pc 79 65 pc Coral Springs 84 69 pc 86 68 pc Daytona Beach 84 64 pc 82 61 sh Fort Lauderdale 82 72 pc 83 71 pc Fort Myers 87 67 pc 86 66 pc Fort Pierce 85 63 pc 85 64 pc Gainesville 83 61 t 82 56 sh Jacksonville 81 61 t 83 54 sh Key Largo 82 73 pc 82 71 pc Key West 82 74 pc 81 72 s Kissimmee 86 66 pc 84 63 pc Lakeland 85 64 pc 83 63 pc Melbourne 83 65 pc 82 65 pc Miami 84 70 pc 85 69 pc Naples 86 67 pc 84 67 pc Ocala 84 62 pc 83 57 sh Okeechobee 85 64 pc 86 63 pc Orlando 86 66 pc 85 64 sh Panama City 74 59 t 75 58 c Pensacola 75 56 pc 75 57 c Pompano Beach 83 71 pc 84 70 pc St. Augustine 81 62 t 79 59 sh St. Petersburg 83 66 pc 81 65 pc Sanford 86 65 pc 85 62 sh Sarasota 82 64 pc 80 65 pc Tallahassee 78 60 t 83 54 c Tampa 83 68 pc 81 66 pc Titusville 83 63 pc 81 60 sh Vero Beach 84 65 pc 85 66 pc West Palm Beach 84 71 pc 85 69 pc Winter Haven 86 66 pc 85 64 pcToday 9:54p 5:30a ----Sun. 2:02p 6:42a 11:21p 5:28p Today 8:31p 3:46a ----Sun. 12:39p 4:58a 9:58p 3:44p Today 7:36p 2:07a ----Sun. 11:44a 3:19a 9:03p 2:05p Today 10:26p 5:59a ----Sun. 2:34p 7:11a 11:53p 5:57p Today 6:46p 2:25a ----Sun. 10:54a 3:37a 8:13p 2:23p SE 8-16 1-3 Light SSE 7-14 1-3 Light 86/65 86/65 87/65 87/65 85/66 85/65 86/64 86/64 87/64 83/68 81/65 83/71 82/66 87/67 85/64 86/64 87/65 85/65 86/64 85/65 86/66 85/65 85/65 83/66 84/65 80/67 83/66 81/65 86/65 83/66 82/65 85/65 82/64 82/66 81/70 86/66 86/6674Pollen Index readings as of Friday Today Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun.Albuquerque 63 38 pc 71 38 s Anchorage 12 4 s 24 20 sn Atlanta 72 56 sh 73 46 pc Baltimore 60 42 r 54 34 pc Billings 73 53 pc 73 33 c Birmingham 73 55 c 72 46 pc Boise 70 53 c 67 48 r Boston 44 36 r 39 25 sn Buffalo 44 32 sn 38 29 sf Burlington, VT 41 29 i 35 22 sn Charleston, WV 60 39 r 55 35 c Charlotte 70 52 sh 74 41 pc Chicago 58 34 pc 58 44 s Cincinnati 61 37 r 60 39 s Cleveland 51 32 sh 43 35 c Columbia, SC 74 58 t 78 43 pc Columbus, OH 58 35 sh 53 35 pc Concord, NH 40 29 i 39 18 sn Dallas 67 47 pc 68 50 pc Denver 68 42 s 78 46 s Des Moines 67 42 s 72 51 s Detroit 55 33 pc 53 38 pc Duluth 50 34 pc 60 42 pc Fairbanks -3 -27 pc 6 -2 pc Fargo 63 49 s 73 39 pc Hartford 45 33 r 45 27 sh Helena 70 50 pc 62 40 sh Honolulu 78 65 s 79 66 s Houston 74 51 c 72 57 pc Indianapolis 60 35 pc 59 42 s Jackson, MS 71 55 c 75 53 pc Kansas City 67 39 s 72 49 s Knoxville 68 47 r 63 38 pc Las Vegas 81 58 pc 84 59 pc Los Angeles 93 65 pc 92 64 pc Louisville 64 41 r 64 41 s Memphis 68 54 sh 69 48 pc Milwaukee 57 34 pc 57 44 s Minneapolis 60 39 pc 68 45 pc Montgomery 79 56 c 78 50 pc Nashville 69 46 r 68 39 pc New Orleans 74 58 pc 74 59 c New York City 51 40 r 51 36 sh Norfolk, VA 65 48 r 55 40 pc Oklahoma City 67 41 s 72 46 s Omaha 68 40 s 74 48 s Philadelphia 59 42 r 53 34 c Phoenix 88 62 pc 88 64 s Pittsburgh 54 34 sh 45 30 c Portland, ME 40 33 sn 37 19 sn Portland, OR 60 47 r 56 43 r Providence 46 34 r 43 25 sh Raleigh 70 51 sh 66 38 pc Salt Lake City 70 51 pc 76 52 pc St. Louis 64 41 s 68 47 s San Antonio 74 52 pc 71 54 pc San Diego 88 63 pc 86 62 pc San Francisco 73 58 c 70 56 c Seattle 58 44 r 54 42 r Washington, DC 64 46 r 57 38 pc Amsterdam 45 38 c 46 37 c Baghdad 78 51 s 81 53 s Beijing 57 36 pc 62 38 s Berlin 44 38 r 49 40 r Buenos Aires 79 65 pc 80 68 pc Cairo 74 54 s 72 51 s Calgary 67 34 pc 40 21 r Cancun 86 72 pc 87 70 pc Dublin 42 35 pc 44 37 pc Edmonton 54 30 c 38 23 s Halifax 30 26 sn 33 15 sn Kiev 46 37 sh 45 31 pc London 46 40 pc 47 38 sh Madrid 55 31 pc 55 31 pc Mexico City 67 50 r 62 48 sh Montreal 38 29 sn 35 19 sn Ottawa 39 27 i 38 20 c Paris 50 39 s 47 36 c Regina 49 36 pc 44 21 pc Rio de Janeiro 89 76 c 91 76 pc Rome 59 48 pc 56 50 r St. John’s 15 7 pc 19 15 pc San Juan 84 73 s 84 71 pc Sydney 78 65 pc 75 64 sh Tokyo 51 40 r 53 43 pc Toronto 46 34 sh 44 29 c Vancouver 55 39 r 50 39 pc Winnipeg 51 40 pc 60 28 pc 85/65High ................. 92 at Santa Ana, CALow ............... -5 at Saranac Lake, NYFt. Myers 87/67 part cldy none Punta Gorda 86/64 part cldy none Sarasota 82/64 part cldy none New Mar 20 First Mar 27 Full Apr 4 Last Apr 11 Today 2:42 a.m. 1:48 p.m. Sunday 3:35 a.m. 2:48 p.m. Today 7:39 a.m. 7:36 p.m. Sunday 7:38 a.m. 7:37 p.m. Today 1:01a 7:15a 1:29p 7:43p Sun. 1:54a 8:08a 2:22p 8:36p Mon. 2:45a 8:59a 3:14p 9:28p(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday) MONTHLY RAINFALL Month 2015 2014 Avg. Record/YearJan. 0.64 3.67 1.80 7.07/1979 Feb. 3.59 1.24 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.71 5.10 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 2.00 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.68 2.50 9.45/1991 Jun. 6.34 8.92 23.99/1974 Jul. 5.21 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.06 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 11.40 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 1.67 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 4.60 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.15 1.78 6.83/2002 Year 4.94 52.12 50.65 (since 1931)Totals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. NAIROBI, Kenya (Washington Post) — After years in a Boko Haram camp, the children had forgotten their native language. They couldn’t even remember their names. They just stared past Christopher Fomunyoh when he tried to engage them. It was a rare glimpse at the human toll left by the extremists who have been fighting to create an Islamic state in Nigeria and surrounding areas. Fomunyoh, regional director at the Washington-based National Democratic Institute, visited the children recently at an orphanage in the city of Maroua in northern Cameroon. They had been rescued by the country’s military in November from a squalid Boko Haram encampment near the border with Nigeria. This is what he saw: One hundred children, ages 5 to 17, without shoes in an orphanage built for 20. Hard benches for sleeping. A shortage of rice. Boys who appeared to be speaking broken Arabic, rather than one of the many languages native to Cameroon. “There was a blankness in their eyes,” he said. Boko Haram is now under siege by Nigerian and other African troops. If the insur gents are pushed back, hundreds more children like these could soon be found. But what condition will they be in? Fomunyoh and others working with the newly rescued children were left to unravel the mystery of what happened to them. Were they fighters or merely students? How long had they been captive? How had they forgotten their names? Where were their parents? No one knew. Last week, the small number of employees at the Institution Camerounaise de L’enfance was focusing on teaching them how to count to 10 in French. “Right now, there’s not full comprehension of the damage of this crisis,” said Fomunyoh, who is now trying to provide assistance to the children. “Even if kinetic operations were to end soon and Boko Haram was taken off the battlefield, it would take years to really address consequences in humanitarian terms.” In April 2014, Boko Haram grabbed the world’s attention when fighters abducted 200 schoolgirls in northern Nigeria. But it wasn’t the first time the group conducted a mass kidnapping. The rate and scale of the group’s abductions have increased steadily since 2013, according to a report from the U.S.-based Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict. Many of the victims have been raped, and only a few have escaped, activists say. The group “forcibly converts the Christian women and girls they capture to Islam and often coerces them and other female abductees into marriage,” said Watchlist’s 2014 report. According to Human Rights Watch, Boko Haram has allegedly recruited boys as young as 12 years old to fight for the group. Still, Fomunyoh wasn’t prepared for what he saw. And he worried about what would come next for the children. “Without substantive work to reeducate them and help them survive in a normal society, these are potential troublemakers,” he said.Children rescued from Boko Haram are so traumatized that they forgot their names | WORLDFalconer catches owl that terrorized Dutch townPURMEREND, Netherlands (AP) — A falconer has captured an aggressive eagle owl that terrorized a Dutch town by swooping out of the sky and sinking its talons into residents’ heads. The bird earned the nickname “terror owl” in Purmerend, 12 miles north of Amsterdam where it attacked some 50 people in the last year. Some of the bird’s victims required hospital treatment to stitch up deep scratches. Residents took to walking the streets with umbrellas or wearing hats to ward off aerial attacks. Purmerend municipality announced that a falconer it hired caught the bird Friday.Surgeons announce world’s first successful penis transplant(Washington Post) — In a nine-hour surgery, a South African medical team successfully transplanted the penis of a dead donor to a young man without one. Three months later, they say, the recipient, who lost his penis because of complications from a ritual circumcision, has a totally functional sexual organ. That makes him the rst successful recipient of a donated penis. Project began in 2010/11 but researchers struggled to get a donor; only once they fashioned a penis for the donor did they get approvals. To get the approval of the donor’s family, doctors had to fashion a pseudo-penis for him out of abdominal skin. That way he could be buried with something resembling a penis. It’s no small thing to reattach any organ, and sexual organs have added psychological implications. If the function (both urinary and sexual) and appearance aren’t just right, the recipient has to deal with the implications of having a troublesome foreign object where his penis should be. Even if everything is working physically, the psychological trauma can sometimes be too much to bear. But the unnamed 21-year-old in Cape Town, who lost his penis three years ago, is delighted, according to his surgical team. adno=50471075 SUN Charlotte Suniri tai :I t ,-4,i mew 'Nm .... . ...... ....,..,....,..,,...,.,..,..,.,,. o.,../C---\Don't forget to take us with you! SUNRead the SUN-online For only $3 WS NEWSPAPERS\inrIn s f-' Cununilt iiN I).idvTo sign up 941.206.1300 or 877.818.6204 -c,,,


SPORTSSaturday, March 14, 2015 @ S unCoastSports SunCoastSportsNow .com Sports Editor: Mark Lawrence INDEX | Lottery 2 | NASCAR 2 | Golf 2 | Baseball 3 | College basketball 4 | Scoreboard 5 | Quick Hits 5 | NBA 6 | NHL 6 SUN PHOTO BY DAVID DOONANNorth Port’s Dacota Flenard looks for a takedown against Joseph Eavarone in the second round of the 160-pound division at the FHSAA state championships in Kissimmee. Flenard won 7-3. KISSIMMEE — North Port High School made a resounding opening salvo at the 2015 state wrestling meet at The Silver Spurs Arena in Kissimmee. All ve qualiers won their opening matches. Four of the ve — Anthony Tripke at 113 pounds, John Cruz at 145, Dacoda Flenard at 160 and Roman Morales at 182 — all made it through to the championship seminals today. Even 195-pounder David Towers is still alive after scoring a pin in his second round of wrestlebacks. The Bobcats are holding steady in sixth place with 40 points head into the second day of wrestling. South Dade led Class 3A with 78 points, well ahead of second-place Southwest Miami. “We’ve placed four at states before, but we’ve never had all ve get through that rst round,” Bobcats coach Mark Kemble said. “This is a great group of kids that are very motivated to place in this state tournament.” Kemble was particularly proud of the efforts from Tripke and Morales. Tripke survived a meat-grinding 15-12 decision over Jeremiah Costen of Lake Mary. “We knew Roman (Morales) had a tough rst round match against a kid By ANDY WARRENERSUN CORRESPONDENT PREP WRESTLING: FSHAA State ChampionshipsNorth Port gets four wrestlers to seminalsOff to a good start AP PHOTOKentucky forward Trey Lyles shoots against Florida forward Jon Horford during the rst half of the quarternal round of the Southeastern Conference tournament on Friday in Nashville, Tenn. CLEARWATER — Already with one opening in their rotation, the Rays are now faced with the likely possibility that neither Alex Colome nor Drew Smyly will be ready to start the season. Colome has been diagnosed with pneumonia and will be sidelined indenitely, pushing him further behind after a two-plus week delay in reporting to camp due to visa issues. And Smyly has now gone a full week without throwing since being diagnosed with shoulder tendinitis following a March 6 bullpen session, though is said to be feeling better and advancing his work in the trainer’s room. Smyly was slated to be Rays lose Colome to pneumoniaBy MARC TOPKINTAMPA BAY TIMES TODAYTampa Bay vs. Baltimore at Sarasota, 1:05 p.m.INSIDERays set to pick spot for Cabrera, Page 3RAYS | 3 MLB: Tampa BaySUN FILE PHOTO BY TOM O’NEILLTampa Bay Rays pitcher Alex Colome goes through elding drills last spring in Port Charlotte. Colome, a contender to make the Rays’ rotation, will be out indenitely after contracting pneumonia. NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Like two previous victories over Florida this season earned with stronger nishes, topranked Kentucky took heart in having more energy after halftime than the pesky Gators. Now the Wildcats can focus on a stronger start to their next Southeastern Conference tournament game. Aaron Harrison and KarlAnthony Towns each scored 13 points and Kentucky shut down Florida in the second half to pull away for a 64-49 victory in Friday’s SEC tournament quarternal. This game followed the same hard-fought pattern as the two previous matchups, with the Gators initially taking charge before Kentucky seized control in the second half with its size and depth. “The reality of it is, we didn’t play with as much energy as Florida played with to start the game,” Kentucky coach John Calipari said. “I told them at halftime, if that’s what we have in store, like that’s how we’re going to do this, we’re going to have some problems. “I thought in the later part of the game, we found that combination of Andrew (Harrison), Aaron, Tyler (Ulis), Trey (Lyles) or Dakari (Johnson). And see, that’s the advantage we have.” Those advantages helped Kentucky (32-0) outrebound Florida 39-33, including a 16-11 edge offensively that created extra chances and earned frequent trips to the free-throw line. Towns also had 12 boards. Kentucky hit 19 of 23 from the line, while Florida (16-17) was 3 of 5. “They outrebounded us a little bit, but the difference in the game was the free-throw line,” Florida coach Billy Donovan said. “Twenty-three attempts to our ve was a huge factor in the game. ... If you take away the free-throw line, it’s pretty consistent all the way through.” Willie Cauley-Stein added nine points for the Wildcats, who tied the longest win streak in school history and advanced to Saturday’s seminal against the Auburn-LSU winner. Jon Horford scored 15 points and Eli Carter 11 for the eighth-seeded Gators, who made just two of their nal 12 shots and were 9 of 27 from the eld after halftime. Florida shot 39 percent but got just four points from Dorian Finney-Smith one game after he scored 23 with 11 rebounds against Alabama. Kentucky had a lot to do with that. The Wildcats started the postseason sharply in their quest for a ninth national championship, a goal that players and coach John Calipari said trumps the issue of going unbeaten. The Wildcats insisted that losing in Unbeaten ’Cats outlast GatorsBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Kentucky 64, Florida 49GATORS | 4 START | 6Thunder topples North PortBy GARY BROWNSUN CORRESPONDENTNORTH PORT — People who like wild, high scoring baseball games would have loved watching the North Port High School game with visiting Out of Door Academy on Friday night. The visitors won 12-9, with the lead changing hands several times and plenty of hits galore. Out of Door Academy pounded 20 hits to 10 for the Bobcats. North Port (4-9) led 7-1 after two innings but the Thunder came storming back with one PREP BASEBALL THUNDER | 6 tip"p y1(T1T11


Page 2 SP The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Florida CASH 3March 13N ...................................0-6-0 March 13D ....................................3-5-3 March 12N ...................................2-2-2 March 12D ....................................7-6-2 March 11N ...................................4-5-5 March 11D ....................................6-6-0 D-Day, N-Night PLAY 4March 13N ................................0-2-1-4 March 13D .................................6-6-7-1 March 12N ................................1-9-2-0 March 12D .................................3-9-1-9 March 11N ................................2-6-1-3 March 11D .................................8-1-7-8 D-Day, N-Night FANTASY 5March 13 ......................11-15-18-19-34 March 12 ......................10-15-22-31-36 March 11 ..........................2-5-22-30-35PAYOFF FOR MARCH 111 5-digit winners ...................$245,644 305 4-digit winners ................$129.50 9,717 3-digit winners ....................$11 LUCKY MONEYMarch 13 ...............................3-6-28-45 Lucky Ball ..........................................14 March 10 ...........................12-17-23-42 Lucky Ball ..........................................11PAYOFF FOR MARCH 13X 4-of-4 LB ........................... $2 Million X 4-of-4 ............................................$X X 3-of-4 LB .......................................$X X 3-of-4 ............................................$X LOTTOMarch 11 ..................2-18-32-33-39-40 March 7 ..................28-33-37-41-44-45PAYOFF FOR MARCH 110 6-digit winners ..........................$3M 20 5-digit winners ...............$6,022.50 974 4-digit winners .......................$84 POWERBALLMarch 11 ......................11-24-31-40-44 Powerball ..........................................27 March 7 ........................34-36-38-42-50 Powerball ..........................................33PAYOFF FOR MARCH 110 5 of 5 + PB .............................$119M 0 5 of 5 ...............................$1,000,000 0 4 of 5 + PB ............................$10,000 86 4 of 5 ......................................$100ESTIMATED JACKPOT $137 million MEGA MILLIONSMarch 13 ........................8-22-30-42-45 Mega Ball ............................................3 March 10 ......................10-14-19-30-73 Mega Ball ..........................................14PAYOFF FOR MARCH 100 5 of 5 + MB ..............................$25M 0 5 of 5 ...............................$1,000,000 0 4 of 5 + MB ............................$5,000 25 4 of 5 ......................................$500ESTIMATED JACKPOT $33 million Contact usM ark Lawrence Sports Editor Rob Shore Staff writer Josh Vitale Staff writer jvitale@sun-herald.comEMAIL: FAX: 941-629-2085 SunCoast Sports NowWhen news breaks, we blog it at Like us and share our photos on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter for live event updates and breaking news: @SunCoastSportsCorrections It is the Sun’s policy to correct all errors of fact. To report an error, call the sports department at 941-206-1175 or email GARAGESALELISTINGSALW AY SI NTHECLASSIFIEDS How to Submit a story idea: Email or call Mark Lawrence 941-206-1175. Email or voice message must contain name, address and phone number. Submit local golf scores: Email scores to Scores appear in the weekly Heralds. Report a high school result: Call 877-818-6204 or 941-206-1126 by 10:30 p.m. the day the event is held. Jake Noll has been one of the offensive leaders for the Florida Gulf Coast University baseball team. The Charlotte High School graduate carried a 13-game hitting streak into the team’s current series at University of Nebraska. Through 18 games, Noll hit .347, second on the team and 13th in the Atlantic Sun Conference. He had one home run and 11 runs batted in and tied for third in the conference with six stolen bases. Noll is starting at third base after starting at second base last year.MORE BASEBALLFormerly at DeSoto County High School, FGCU pitcher Brady Anderson was 1-0 with a 5.64 earned run average in a team-high eight appearances. Also from the Bulldogs, FGCU pitcher Garrett Anderson was 2-1 with one save and a 2.51 ERA in seven outings. Eckerd College junior Grant Banko batted .260 with 10 RBIs through 17 starts. The Venice High School graduate is playing outeld and rst base. Out of North Port High, Logan Hoggarth hit .250 with one RBI through 13 games for Boston College. Charlotte alumnus Max Nell batted .429 with one home run and three RBIs in nine games for Ave Maria University. Ave Maria University pitcher Andrew Steele, who played for the Bobcats, was 1-2 with a 5.31 ERA in six appear ances. Catcher Ryan Miller hit .286 with three RBIs in 12 games for Florida Atlantic University. The past Indian had a .986 elding average in 69 chances. St. Petersburg College pitcher Tyler Shambora was 2-2 with a 2.17 ERA. He is out of Venice High. Charlotte High graduate Nick Agosto hit .274 with three home runs and 11 RBIs in 27 games for St. Johns River State College. Muskingum University pitcher Dillon McDermott, another from the Tarpons, was 0-1 with a 4.76 ERA in one appearance.MEN’S GOLFPreviously at North Port High, Chase Kulczak shot a 163 (81-82) for the Berry College B squad at the Callaway Gardens Intercollegiate.Send updates about area athletes to Barbara Boxleitner at Tarpon leads FGCU attackBy BARBARA BOXLEITNERSUN CORRESPONDENT HOMETOWN HEROES | GOLF SCOREBOARDPGAVALSPAR CHAMPIONSHIP Friday At Innisbrook Resort, Copperhead Course Palm Harbor, Fla. Purse: $5.9 million Yardage: 7,340; Par 71 Second Round Brendon de Jonge 67-69 — 136 Jordan Spieth 70-67 — 137 Henrik Stenson 67-70 — 137 Ryan Moore 69-68 — 137 Derek Ernst 67-70 — 137 Kevin Streelman 68-69 — 137 Ricky Barnes 66-72 — 138 Ian Poulter 68-70 — 138 Sean O’Hair 66-72 — 138 Lucas Glover 69-69 — 138 Michael Putnam 70-69 — 139 Jason Bohn 70-69 — 139 Justin Thomas 67-72 — 139 Vijay Singh 69-70 — 139 Matt Kuchar 70-70 — 140 Luke Donald 72-68 — 140 Alex Cejka 67-73 — 140 Cameron Tringale 71-69 — 140 Billy Hurley III 69-71 — 140 Nick Taylor 70-70 — 140 Patrick Reed 72-68 — 140 Ken Duke 73-67 — 140 Brendon Todd 70-70 — 140 Charles Howell III 70-70 — 140 Shawn Stefani 68-72 — 140 Russell Knox 69-71 — 140 Greg Chalmers 69-72 — 141 Brian Davis 65-76 — 141 Nicholas Thompson 67-74 — 141 Jason Kokrak 68-73 — 141 Nick Watney 72-69 — 141 Harris English 69-72 — 141 Kenny Perry 69-72 — 141 Martin Laird 69-72 — 141 Will MacKenzie 69-72 — 141 Troy Merritt 72-69 — 141 Lee Westwood 71-70 — 141 John Huh 71-70 — 141 John Peterson 68-73 — 141 Kevin Na 71-70 — 141 Jason Dufner 70-71 — 141 Luke Guthrie 68-73 — 141 Danny Lee 72-69 — 141 Will Wilcox 68-73 — 141 Spencer Levin 71-71 — 142 Jim Furyk 69-73 — 142 Stewart Cink 69-73 — 142 Daniel Summerhays 70-72 — 142 S.J. Park 71-71 — 142 Chad Campbell 70-72 — 142 Carlos Ortiz 69-73 — 142 Sam Saunders 70-72 — 142 Francesco Molinari 70-72 — 142 Robert Garrigus 71-71 — 142 D.A. Points 73-69 — 142 Chesson Hadley 73-69 — TourBRASIL CHAMPIONS SCORES Friday At Sao Paulo Golf Club Sao Paulo Purse: $850,000 Yardage: 6,574; Par: 71 Second Round 73 golfers did not nish second round Tommy Gainey 66-64 — 130 Ryan Spears 67-64 — 131 Cameron Wilson 67-65 — 132 Tyler Duncan 68-64 — 132 Matt Weibring 64-69 — 133 Steve Allan 69-65 — 134 Si Woo Kim 68-66 — 134 Adam Long 68-66 — 134 Henrik Norlander 70-65 — 135 Jason Allred 65-70 — 135 Todd Baek 67-68 — 135 Charlie Wi 69-67 — 136 Shane Bertsch 70-66 — 136 Jorge FernandezValdes 69-67 — 136 Kelvin Day 69-67 — 136 Timothy Madigan 66-70 — 136 Hunter Hamrick 65-71 — 136European TourTSHWANE OPEN LEADING SCORES Friday At Pretoria Country Club Waterkloof, South Africa Purse: $1.52 million Yardage: 7,063; Par: 70 Second Round Adrian Otaegui 67-62 — 129 Merrick Bremner 65-66 — 131 Trevor Fisher Jr. 66-66 — 132 Edoardo Molinari 66-66 — 132 David Horsey 63-69 — 132 Keith Horne 65-67 — 132 Wallie Coetsee 64-69 — 133 George Coetzee 67-66 — 133 Dean Burmester 65-68 — 133 Brett Rumford 64-70 — 134 Toby Tree 71-63 — 134 Ricardo Santos 66-68 — 134 Ockie Strydom 66-69 — 135 Morten Orum Madsen 63-72 — 135 Craig Lee, Scotland 67-68 — 135 Raphael Jacquelin 65-70 — 135 Erik van Rooyen 66-69 — 135PALM HARBOR — Brendon de Jonge rolled in two long putts on his way to a 2-under 69 for the 36-hole lead Friday in the Valspar Championship. Halfway home, it felt like a long way to go considering all the players behind him. The Copperhead course at Innisbrook is such a demand ing test that the players who made the cut on the number were still only seven shots behind. De Jonge rolled in a 50foot birdie putt on No. 7 and nished with a birdie on the uphill ninth hole for a one-shot lead over Jordan Spieth, Henrik Stenson, Ryan Moore, Derek Ernst and Kevin Streelman. Lucas Glover, Sean O’Hair and Ian Poulter were two shots behind. De Jonge, who has never won on the PGA Tour, was at 6-under 136. Woods to miss Bay Hill: Tiger Woods won’t be at Bay Hill next week for the Arnold Palmer Invitational, but still isn’t ruling out the Masters. Woods said on his website that he will not play at the tournament he has won eight times. Woods hasn’t played since he withdrew after 11 holes at the Farmers Insurance Open with tightness in his lower back, and a short game that was in even worse shape. He said last month he would not return to golf until his game was tournament ready. Woods says he is making strides and hopes to be ready for the Masters. Otaegui takes lead at Tshwane Open: In Pretoria, South Africa, Adrian Otaegui of Spain shot an 8-under 62 to take a two-shot lead at the Tshwane Open in South Africa. The Spaniard had a small chance to shoot the first 59 in European Tour history when he needed to pick up two shots on the last two holes, but settled for par on No. 17 and then bogeyed his last hole. South Africa’s Merrick Bremner was second after a 66. Overnight co-leader David Horsey dropped three shots off the lead in a tie for third on 8 under with Keith Horne, Edoardo Molinari and Trevor Fisher Jr. Park leads at World Ladies Championship: In Haikou, China, defending champion Inbee Park shot a 4-under 69 to take a one-stroke lead after the second round of the World Ladies Championship. The second-ranked Park had six birdies to offset two bogeys on Mission Hills’ Blackstone Course. The South Korean was at 8-under 138 overall, a stroke ahead of Holly Clyburn (65) and Lin Xiyu (68). Clyburn made nine birdies to shoot the low round of the day. Suzann Pettersen, the 2013 winner, was tied for 10th after a 72.BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GOLF ROUNDUPTiger to skip Arnold Palmer InvitationalDe Jonge takes 1-shot lead at Innisbrook AP PHOTOBrendon de Jonge blasts from the sand trap near the rst green during the second round of the Valspar Championship golf tournament at Innisbrook in Palm Harbor. AVONDALE, Ariz. (AP) — The statistics show that Kevin Harvick is the driver to beat at Phoenix International Raceway. His speed, coupled with the unbeliev able momentum he’s had since late last season, shows he may not be beatable at all in the desert. Harvick won the pole Friday at Phoenix, where he’s won four of the last ve races and six for his career. His lap of 140.751 mph in his Stewart-Haas Racing Chevrolet gave him his rst ever Sprint Cup pole at the track he loves. It was yet another milestone for the defending NASCAR champion and his No. 4 team, coming off Harvick’s rst career victory at Las Vegas. “To get that rst pole with these guys and celebrate anything that we hadn’t done every week is just a new adventure,” Harvick said. “It’s pretty special to be a part of a group of guys like this.” Asked what it will take to beat him Sunday, Harvick smirked. From the back of the room, second-place qualier and Daytona 500 winner Joey Logano waited, “Tell us the secret!” he yelled to Harvick. Harvick didn’t sound as if there is a surere way to keep the No. 4 out of victory lane. “There’s just so many circumstances that you can’t control, so many things that can go wrong, mistakes that you can make,” Harvick said. “We can make some bad de cisions as we go through practice and miss the balance when we start the race. There’s just a lot of things that can go wrong.” Logano heard what Harvick was saying loud and clear. “I don’t know if you noticed his answer — the only was he can get beat is him screwing up. I don’t know if you heard that,” Logano said. “Sounds like it will take a mistake or crash or strategy call.” But Logano, who has a win among his three top-10 nishes this season, isn’t giving up. His Team Penske Ford has been just as consistent as Harvick so far this year, and if he can hang with Harvick over a long run Sunday, he believes he has a chance. “We work hard to make our cars faster than his, and we have been getting closer,” Logano said. “I feel like the last three times we have been here we have been a second-place car. That next step is a pretty big step to try to nd more speed.”Harvick on the pole at Phoenix NASCAR | COMMUNITY CALENDARBASEBALLGame Day Heat: 12U travel team looking for players. Practices Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 p.m. at North Charlotte Regional Park. Call Scott, 941-421-8378. YMCA T-Ball: For ages 3-4, begins March 21. Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. Call 941-629-9622 or online at dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30 a.m.-noon, year-round, Englewood Sports Complex. All levels of play. Cost: $2/session. Rackets and shuttles provided. Call Terry, 941-740-0364.BASKETBALLNorth Port Youth Basketball: Seeks sponsors to financially support the nonprofit organization’s recreational program. To sign up, visit sponsors.asp and download a sponsorship form. For general inquiries, email and adult classes: Male and female. Mondays-Fridays, 6-8 p.m. at 24710 Sandhill Blvd., Deep Creek. Training and/or competition. Member of USA Boxing. Call 239-292-9230 or visit, www. C


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 SP Page 3 the Rays No. 3 starter, and Colome the leading candidate to take the rotation spot already open due to Matt Moore’s recovery from elbow surgery. Manager Kevin Cash is not ruling either out for the start of the season in 3 weeks, but it seems unlikely either will be ready. If not, they would be looking at lling out the rotation after Alex Cobb, Chris Archer and Jake Odorizzi with two pitchers from an inexperienced group led by Nathan Karns and including Matt Andriese, Burch Smith, Mike Montgomery, Enny Romero and Everett Teaford. “The way things are shaping up, there’s going to be opportunity,” Archer said. “I’m not going to necessarily say I’m discouraged, but some guys are going to have to step up, no doubt. We don’t want to rush either of those guys back because we know what happens when you try to rush. ... “We’re going to have to get creative. We might have to piece some things together. But we still have good arms.” Colome didn’t report to camp until Tuesday, delayed more than two weeks in his native Dominican Republic due to visa issues. He had been throwing regularly, and after watching a Wednesday batting practice session, Rays ofcials seem condent he was not that far behind, planning to get him in a game this weekend. But then Colome got sick Wednesday night and worse Thursday. He was diagnosed with pneumonia, and is now being monitored and treated with antibiotics, and may see a pulmonary specialist. Cash said they would know more soon about a schedule for his recovery. But it would seem Colome would need at least a week, and perhaps longer, just to get back on the eld, and then would have to rebuild his arm strength. “He’s going to be out a little bit,” Cash said. “He’s been ghting to get out of there to get here. And then he gets here and he gets sick. But the good thing is he did come in in shape. His arm was good. He was keeping up to speed with everything. Hopefully this doesn’t set him back too much.”COLOMEFROM PAGE 1 SURPRISE, Ariz. — Yu Darvish said he didn’t need any more opinions once the rst doctor recommended season-ending surgery on the ailing right elbow of the Texas Rangers ace. The Japanese righthander waited for two more reports anyway before the announcement that Dr. James Andrews will perform elbow ligament-replacement surgery on Tuesday in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Red Sox finish $31.5M deal with Cuban infielder Moncada: In Fort Myers, having finalized a contract for a record $31.5 million signing bonus, 19-year-old Yoan Moncada likely will start his minor league career this season at Greenville of the Class A South Atlantic League. Moncada was in uniform Thursday at Boston’s minor league camp in Fort Myers, even before the agreement was announced. Brewers ban hand-slap ping high-fives because of pink eye: In Peoria, Ariz., a clubhouse outbreak of pink eye is forcing the Milwaukee Brewers to find a new way to celebrate top plays at spring training. As in, no high-fiving hand slaps until the condition is under control. Catcher Jonathan Lucroy and pitching coach Rick Kranitz were the latest victims of pink eye. For now, Milwaukee players are supposed to avoid high-fives and instead tap elbows or bump batting glove-covered fists. Brewers say Willis will retire: In Phoenix, the Milwaukee Brewers said pitcher Dontrelle Willis is ending his comeback bid and will retire at 33.Darvish to have surgery BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MLB NOTEBOOK RAYS AT ORIOLESWHO: Tampa Bay (3-6) at Baltimore (3-9) WHEN: Today, 1:05 p.m. WHERE: Ed Smith Stadium, Sarasota SCHEDULED STARTERS: RH Nathan Karns vs. LH Brian Matusz DIRECTIONS: Take I-75 North to exit 210 (Fruitville Road). Travel west on Fruitville to Tuttle Ave. Turn right on Tuttle, follow to 12th Street, turn left on 12th, stadium will be on left. PITCHING PROBABLES: RAYS: RH Nathan Karns (start), RH Jose Dominguez, LH Jeff Beliveau, RH Steve Geltz, RH Jhan Marinez, LH Robert Zarate ORIOLES: LH Brian Matusz (start), relievers TBAOn deckSUNDAY: vs. New York (NL), 1: 05 p.m. MONDAY: No game scheduled TUESDAY: at Philadelphia, 1:05 p.m. WEDNESDAY: at Dunedin, 1:05 p.m. THURSDAY: vs. Minnesota, 1:05 p.m.Rays ticketsAll tickets and locations are subject to availability and can be purchased at the Charlotte Sports Park box office, Ticketmaster outlets, online at or by phone at 1-888-FAN-RAYS. On days no game is scheduled, the Charlotte Sports Park box office is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday-Friday) and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Saturday). On game days, the box office is open from 9 a.m. to 30 minutes after the final out.Phillies 2, Rays 1ROOM WITH A VIEWAfter spending Thursday night at his north Tampa home, Rays manager Kevin Cash dropped off his truck at the nearby GMC dealer Friday morning to have something fixed. Cash borrowed one of the dealer cars to get to the game in Clearwater, joking that it would cost him two tickets but they’d bring the truck over when it was ready. Turned out to be an even better deal for the dealer’s rep when he got to Bright House Field. “I guess he got to watch the last two innings from the dugout. That wasn’t anticipated, but whatever,” Cash said. “That was Joe, the head service guy at Ed Morse GMC.”NOTE OF THE DAYFriday’s first inning run was the first the Rays scored before the fourth inning in 10 spring games.QUOTE OF THE DAY “Pi Day is a little less reoccurring, so 3.14.15, I think the Pi Day is more intriguing.” Chris Archer Tampa Bay pitcher on Friday the 13th vs. Pi Day (3-14-15) — By Marc Topkin, Tampa Bay TimesPHILLIES 2, RAYS 1Tampa Bay Philadelphia ab r h bi ab r h bi Kiermaier cf 3 0 0 0 Revere cf 3 0 1 0 Mahtook cf 1 0 0 0 Mstrnni cf 0 0 0 0 Jennings lf 2 0 0 0 Hrnndz 2b 4 0 0 0 T.Motter lf 1 0 0 0 Utley dh 2 0 1 0 A.Cabrera ss 3 1 0 0 Althr pr-dh 0 1 0 0 H.Lee ss 1 0 0 0 Nlsn ph-dh 1 0 0 0 Longoria 3b 3 0 2 1 Howard 1b 3 1 1 2 Elmore 3b 1 0 0 0 McGnss 1b 1 0 0 0 Jaso dh 3 0 0 0 C.Ruiz c 3 0 0 0 Frcsco ph-dh 1 0 0 0 K.Hill c 0 0 0 0 Souza rf-1b 3 0 0 0 D.Brown rf 3 0 1 0 Loney 1b 3 0 1 0 Danks rf 0 0 0 0 J.Butler rf 1 0 0 0 Ruf lf 3 0 0 0 Franklin 2b 3 0 1 0 Canzler lf 0 0 0 0 A.Casilla 2b 0 0 0 0 Asche 3b 3 0 1 0 Casali c 2 0 0 0 A.Blanco 3b 0 0 0 0 B.Wilson c 0 0 0 0 Galvis ss 3 0 1 0 Totals 31 1 4 1 Totals 29 2 6 2 Tampa Bay 100 000 000 — 1 Philadelphia 000 200 00x — 2 E— C.Her nandez 2 (2). LOB— Tampa Bay 6, Philadelphia 5. HR—Howard (1). CS—B. Wilson (1). S— Revere. Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO Archer L,0-2 3 4 2 2 0 3 E.Romero 0 0 0 0 1 Teaford 1 2 0 0 1 2 D.Floro 0 0 0 0 0 Montgomery 1 0 0 0 0 0 G.Garvin 1 0 0 0 0 2 Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO J.Rodriguez 3 1 1 0 1 0 Biddle W,1-0 2 2 0 0 0 1 E.Martin 1 1 0 0 1 0 C.Jimenez 1 0 0 0 1 2 Diekman 1 0 0 0 0 1 De Fratus S,2-2 1 0 0 0 0 2 WP— E.Martin. Umpires—Home, Vic Car apazza; First, Marty Foster; Second, Mark Carlson; Third, Will Little. T— 2:22. A— 9,338 (8,272). PORT CHARLOTTE — Wabash rallied to deny Charlotte grad Dillon McDermott the victory, then defeated Muskingum 10-5 in 11 innings with a ve-run outburst at the Snowbird Classic. Justin Green ignited the winning rally at North Charlotte Regional Park with a two-run single for Wabash (4-4). Tyler Owensby sent the contest into extra innings with a three-run double in the bottom of the ninth off Muskingum reliever Matt Lynn. McDermott pitched eight innings, giving up four runs on four hits. He struckout three and walked none for the Muskies (3-6). Marietta 23, Wabash 4: In Port Charlotte, Tim McCoy went 3 for 5 with four RBIs and Tim Packanik homered and finished with three RBIs as the Marietta bats went wild. The Pioneers (5-3) broke open the contest at North Charlotte Regional Park with Mitch Geers’ three-run double in the second inning, part of a seven-run outburst. Seton Hall 13, Lehigh 6: In Port Charlotte, D.J. Ruhlman and Derek Jenkins combined for nine RBIs as the Pirates won their third straight at North Charlotte Regional Park. Ruhlman went 4 for 5 with a homer, two doubles and five RBIs and Jenkins 3 for 4 with four RBIs for Seton Hall (4-8). Montclair State 4, Muskingum 0: In Punta Gorda, Jonathan Torregroza pitched a seven-hit shutout and struck out six as the Red Hawks silenced the Muskies at South County Regional Park. Ohio Wesleyan 2, SUNY Brockport 1: In Punta Gorda, Steven Moore hit a tiebreaking homer in the bottom of the eighth to lift the Battling Bishops at Charlotte High School. Heidelberg 8, UMassBoston 7, 10 innings: Alex Grove hit a walk-off single in the 10th inning as the Student Princes stayed unbeaten. Clayton Wielinski tied the game in the bottom of the ninth with a two-run single for Heidelberg (6-0). Western Michigan 4, Lehigh 3: In Port Charlotte, Chad Mayle pitched 6 innings and allowed two runs as the Broncos held off the Mountain Hawks. Kurt Hoekstra went 3 for 4 with four RBIs to pace the offense for Western Michigan (7-7).Wabash rally denies McDermottSTAFF REPORT COLLEGE BASEBALL: Snowbird Classic SNOWBIRD CLASSIC SCHEDULESeton Hall vs. Western Michigan, 9:30 a.m., NCRP No. 6 Marietta vs. UMass-Boston, 9:30 a.m., CHS Baldwin Wallace vs. Montclair State, 10 a.m. NCRP No. 3 Georgetown vs. Lehigh, 10 a.m., SCRP Marietta vs. SUNY Cortland, 12:30 p.m., CHS Muskingum vs. UMass-Boston, 1 p.m., SCRP Farmingdale State vs. Wabash, 1 p.m., NCRP No. 6 Salem State vs. Baldwin Wallace, 1 p.m., NCRP No. 3 Montclair State vs. North Port, 4 p.m., CHS SUNY New Paltz vs. Heidelberg, 4:30 p.m., SCRP SUNY Cortland vs. Salem State, 5 p.m., NCRP No. 3 Heidelberg vs. SUNY New Paltz, 7 p.m., SCRP MLB: Rays notebookRays closer to setting infieldCLEARWATER — The Rays are getting closer to resolving their biggest issue of the spring, deciding whether Asdrubal Cabrera will play second base or shortstop. “I don’t think there’s a timetable but out of respect to Cabby, and I know we want it, as soon as possible,” manager Kevin Cash said. “But sometimes that just doesn’t happen. We’re still looking into all situations. You can see he’s (at) short, second, back to short, back to second. So there’s a lot of factors. But we hope, I would hope, sooner rather than later, we’ll be able to call him in and say, ‘Hey, this is the plan.’ And I think he would appreciate that.” Cabrera, 29, said Friday he is eager for a decision. He told Rays ofcials, and reporters, he was ne with playing either spot, but wanted to be in one position and not shuttled. Friday, he said that was still the case, but added, unsolicited, “I would love to play short, that was my natural position.” Cabrera was a two-time All-Star at short with the Indians, but amid talk that his range had diminished he was moved to second base after being traded last July 31 to Washington. Part of the Rays’ decision will be based on how well they think Cabrera can play shortstop, part on whether they think any of their other candidates — Tim Beckham, Jake Elmore or Nick Franklin — can do better. If Cabrera ends up at short, they are likely to platoon Franklin and Logan Forsythe at second. Archer sharp: RHP Chris Archer was relatively sharp and “very pleased” with his 3 1/3 innings of work in the 2-1 loss to the Phillies, throwing 50 pitches, 35 for strikes. Archer allowed only two singles through the first three innings, but then a leadoff single to Chase Utley in the fourth and a first-pitch homer to Ryan Howard on a changeup, the pitch he is trying to improve, before getting out Carlos Ruiz on a popup to end his day. “When you don’t execute something that’s 88 mph and you have a 30-home run, 100-RBI guy, you don’t execute, it’s going to get banged,” Archer said. “And we have a lot of those guys in our division. So actually, honestly, I’m at the point where I like adversity, especially in spring training. “Giving up a home run can mess with you mentally. And the fact that I came right back, it went to 3-2 with Ruiz, but I executed quality pitches. I was happy with how it went down. Because there’s going to be times where I do that, and it’s about how you respond. And I think I responded well.” Cash said Archer threw “really, really well” and made noticeable improvements in quickening his delivery with runners on base. Souza scare: RF Steven Souza Jr. said what looked like an injury when he barely ran down the first-base line after grounding out to open the second turned out to be just a scare as he slipped and turned his left ankle leaving the box. After a brief consultation with head athletic trainer Ron Porterfield, Souza stayed in the game and showed no after-effects. “Just kind of more scared than anything,” Souza said. It was an eventful day for Souza, who also played the last three innings at first base, an option the Rays want to explore for depth purposes. Game action: The Rays (3-6-1) took a 1-0 lead on a first-inning single by 3B Evan Longoria, who also made one of his signature smooth plays on a bunt. ... The Phillies took the lead on Ryan Howard’s two-run homer in the fourth. ... LHP Mike Mike Montgomery, being converted to relief, had another strong showing with a 1-2-3 eighth. ... LHP Grayson Garvin drew praise for a two-strikeout inning from Cash, who noted how “his ball really carries through the zone.”By MARC TOPKINTAMPA BAY TIMES Golf Directory 5301 HERON CREEK BLVD., NORTH PORT Between US 41 & I-75 Exit 182 423-6955 Take a tour online at: “Nice People, Great Golf” Call 625-6911 for Tee Times & Lessons Deep Creek Golf Club KINGSWAY COUNTRY CLUB BECOME A “MEMBER FOR THE DAY ” 1 mile east off I-75 exit 170 (Kings Highway). Left at Kingsway Circle 941-625-8898 18 Hole Executive Length Course Exit 170 West on Kings Highway, P.C. 1350 Bobat Trail, North Port Call For Tee Times 941-429-0500 COURSES Burnt Store Golf Club 941-637-1577 PUBLIC WELCOME Visit us @ 24315 Vincent Ave., Punta Gorda off Burnt Store Road Call for directionsA R C A D I A M U N I C I P A L ARCADIA MUNICIPAL G O L F C O U R S E GOLF COURSE 18 Holes USGA Rated Weekly A.M. Special $30 w/cart Weekly PM Special $20 w/cart after 12:00pm Sat. & Sun. Anytime Special $20 w/cart 1769 N.E. Livingston St. (Highway 17 North) Arcadia Phone: 863-494-4223 Open To The Public 27 Holes Lifetime Golf Rates 888-663-2420 PORT CHARLOTTE GOLF CLUB 22400 Gleneagle Ter. Pt. Charlotte 941-625-4109 The Palms 697-8118 The Links 697-8877 The Hills 697-2414 Long Marsh 698-0918 RIVERWOOD GOLF CLUB Southwest Florida’s Premier Destination 18 Hole Championship Course For Current Rates or to Book Tee Times Online OR CALL (941) 764-6661 TWIN ISLES CC Championship Golf Course NOW ACCEPTING NON-MEMBER PLAY WHILE WE FILL OUR MEMBERSHIP ROSTER INQUIRE ABOUT RATES. Golf, Seasonal, Tennis & Social Memberships 301 Madrid Blvd., Punta Gorda 941-637-1232 ext. 2 Golf Directory adno=50429684 A Resident owned Community 2100 KINGS HIGHWAY PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33980 941-629-1666 PAR 62 EXECUTIVE COURSE A FUN GOLF EXPERIENCE ALWAYS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE Executive Golf Course Walk 9 holes for $12.00 863-993-2221 or 941-764-6700 12865 SW Hwy. 17, Arcadia Located near Wal-Mart Dist. Center To place your ad here, call 941-429-3110 1/2 mile south of Burnt Store Rd. on US 41 in Punta Gorda 941-639-5440 Best Value in S.W. Florida Seminole Lakes Country Club Open to the Public COURSES AECCAQA iyIIQlFTIICCIlIPAIL({ GLIF CCQYIIt Z EOPEN TO THE PUBLICTEE TIME0.:F941-625-00X11 I I M P (X111


Page 4 SP The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 | COLLEGE BASKETBALL SCOREBOARD MenNCAA AUTOMATIC BIDS Belmont, Ohio Valley Coastal Carolina, Big South Gonzaga, West Coast Lafayette, Patriot Manhattan, Metro Atlantic Athletic North Dakota State, Summit North Florida, Atlantic Sun Northeastern, Colonial Athletic Northern Iowa, Missouri Valley Robert Morris, Northeast Valparaiso, Horizon Woord, Southern CONFERENCE TOURNAMENTSAMERICA EASTToday Stony Brook at Albany, 11 a.m.AMERICAN ATHLETICAt The XL Center, Hartford, Conn. Friday SMU 74, East Carolina 68 Temple 80, Memphis 75 Tulsa 59, Houston 51 UConn 57, Cincinnati 54 Today SMU vs. Temple, 3 p.m. Tulsa vs. UConn winner, 5:30 p.m.ATLANTIC COASTAt Greensboro (N.C.) Coliseum Seminals Friday North Carolina 71, Virginia 67 Duke vs. Notre Dame, late Championship Today North Carolina vs Duke-Notre Dame win ner, 8:30 p.m.ATLANTIC 10 At The Barclays Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. Quarternals Friday Davidson 67, La Salle 66 VCU 70, Richmond 67 Dayton 75, St. Bonaventure 71 Rhode Island 71, George Washington 58 Seminals Today Davidson vs. VCU, 1:30 p.m. Dayton vs. Rhode Island 4 p.m.BIG EASTAt Madison Square Garden, New York Seminals Today Villanova 63, Providence 61 Georgetown vs. Xavier, late Championship Today Villanova vs Georgetown-Xavier, 8 p.m.BIG SKYAt Dahlberg Arena, Missoula, Mont. Seminals Friday Eastern Washington 91, Sacramento State 83 Northern Arizona vs. Montana, late Championship Today Eastern Washington vs. Northern Arizo na-Montana winner, 9 p.m.BIG TEN CONFERENCEAt The United Center, Chicago Quarternals Friday Wisconsin 71, Michigan 60 Purdue 64, Penn State 59 Maryland 75, Indiana 69 Michigan State 76, Ohio State 67 Seminals Today Wisconsin vs. Purdue, 1 p.m. Maryland vs. Michigan State 3:25 p.m.BIG 12 CONFERENCEAt The Sprint Center, Kansas City, Mo. Seminals Friday Kansas 62, Baylor 52 Iowa State 67, Oklahoma 65 Championship Today Kansas vs. Iowa State, 6 p.m.BIG WESTAt The Honda Center, Anaheim, Calif. Seminals Friday UC Davis vs. Hawaii, late UC Santa Barbara vs. UC Irvine, late Championship Today Seminal winners, 11:30 p.m.CONFERENCE USAAt Arena at the BJCC, Birmingham, Ala. Seminals Friday Middle Tennessee 53, UTEP 50 UAB 72, Louisiana Tech 62 Championship Today Middle Tennesee vs. UAB, 3:30 p.m.IVYOne-game playo At The Palestra, Philadelphia Today Harvard vs. Yale, 4 p.m.MID-AMERICANAt Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland Seminals Friday Central Michigan vs. Toledo, 6:30 pm. Bualo vs. Akron, late Championship Today Seminal winners, 7:30 p.m.MID-EASTERN ATHLETICAt Norfolk Scope, Norfolk, Va. Seminals Friday Delaware State 63, N.C. Central 57 Hampton 75, Norfolk State 64 Championship Today Delaware State vs. Hampton, 1 p.m.MOUNTAIN WEST CONFERENCEAt Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas Seminals Friday Boise State vs. Wyoming, late San Diego State vs. Colorado State, late Championship Today Seminal winners, 6 p.m.PACIFIC-12At MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas Quarternals Seminals Friday Arizona vs. UCLA, late Oregon vs. Utah, late Championship Today Seminal winners, lateSOUTHEASTERNAt Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tenn. Quarternals Friday Kentucky 64, Florida 49 Auburn 73, LSU 70 Arkansas 80, Tennessee 72 Georgia vs. South Carolina, late Seminals Today Kentucky vs. LSU, 1 p.m. Arkansas vs. Georgia-South Carolina winner, 3:30 p.m.SOUTHLAND At The Merrell Center, Katy, Texas Seminals Friday Stephen F. Austin 91, Northwestern State 79 Sam Houston State 70, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 67 Championship Today Stephen F. Austin vs. Sam Houston State, 9:30 p.m.SOUTHWESTERN ATHLETIC At The Toyota Center, Houston Seminals Friday Southern 68, Alabama St. 66 Texas Southern vs. Prairie View, late Championship Saturday Southern vs. Texas Southern-Prairie View, winner, 6:30 p.m. SUN BELT At Lakefront Arena, New Orleans Second Round Friday Louisiana-Lafayette 53, Texas State 43 Louisiana-Monroe 77, South Alabama59 Seminals Today Georgia State vs. Louisiana-Lafayette, 2 p.m. Georgia Southern vs. Louisiana-Monroe, 4:30 p.m.WESTERN ATHLETIC At Orleans Arena, Las Vegas Seminals Friday New Mexico State vs. Cal State-Bakersfield, late UMKC vs. Seattle, late Championship Today Seminal winners, 11 p.m.WomenNCAA AUTOMATIC BIDS Albany, America East Baylor, Big 12 Boise State, Mountain West BYU, West Coast Chattanooga, Southern DePaul, Big East George Washington, Atlantic 10 Liberty, Big South Maryland, Big Ten Notre Dame, Atlantic Coast Princeton, Ivy League Quinnipiac, Metro Atlantic Athletic South Carolina, Southeastern South Dakota State, Summit Stanford, Pacic-12 Tennessee State, Ohio Valley UConn, American Athletic WOMEN’S CONFERENCE TOURNAMENTAMERICA EASTFriday Albany 84, Hartford 74ATLANTIC SUNSunday Northern Kentucky vs. Florida Gulf Coast, 2:30 p.m.BIG SKY CONFERENCEAt Dahlberg Arena, Missoula, Mont. Seminals Friday Northern Colorado 81, Sacramento State 79, OT Montana 55, Eastern Washington 51 Championship Today Northern Colorado vs. Montana, 4 p.m.BIG WESTAt Titan Gym, Fullerton, Calif. Seminals Friday Hawaii 73, Cal State Fullerton 64 Cal State Northridge 61, UC Davis 47 Championship Today Hawaii vs. Cal State Northridge, 6 p.m.Colonial Athletic AssociationAt The Show Place Arena Upper Marlboro, Md. Quarternals Friday James Madison 64, Towson 49 Elon 60, UNC Wilmington 48 Delaware 55, Drexel 48 Hofstra 64, William & Mary 51 Seminals Saturday James Madison vs. Elon, 1 p.m. Delaware vs. Hofstra, 3:30 p.m.CONFERENCE USAAt Bartow Arena, Birmingham, Ala. Seminals Friday Southern Mississippi 65, Middle Tennessee 53 Western Kentucky 61, Old Dominion 59 Championship Today Southern Mississippi vs. Western Kentucky, 8 p.m.HORIZONAt Highest-Remaining Seed Seminals Friday Wright State 99, Cleveland State 87 Green Bay 63, Youngstown State 54 Championship Sunday Wright State vs. Green Bay, 3 p.m. MID-AMERICANAt Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland Seminals Friday Ohio 63, Bualo 55 Eastern Michigan 75, Ball State 65 Today Eastern Michigan vs. Ohio, 1 p.m.MID-EASTERN ATHLETICAt Norfolk Scope, Norfolk, Va. Seminals Friday Maryland-Eastern Shore 68, Norfolk State 61, OT Savannah State 62, N.C. A&T 59 Championship Today Maryland-Eastern Shore vs. Savannah State, 3:30 p.m.MISSOURI VALLEY At Family Arena, St. Charles, Mo. Quarternals Friday Wichita State 59, Loyola of Chicago 42 Northern Iowa 59, Southern Illinois 50 Evansville 84, Drake 79 Missouri State vs. Indiana State, late Seminals Today Wichita State vs. Northern Iowa, 2:30 p.m. Evansville vs. Missouri State-Indiana State winner, 5 p.m.MOUNTAIN WESTAt Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas Championship Friday Boise State 66, New Mexico 60NORTHEASTChampionship Sunday Robert Morris vs. St. Francis (NY), 1 p.m.PATRIOTToday American vs. Lehigh, 6 p.m.SOUTHLAND CONFERENCEAt The Merrell Center, Katy, Texas Second Round Friday Houston Baptist 49, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 48 Northwestern State 84, Nicholls State 67 Seminals Today Stephen F. Austin vs. Houston Baptist, 2p.m. Lamar vs. Northwestern State, 4:30p.m.SOUTHWESTERN ATHLETIC At The Toyota Center, Houston Seminals Friday Alabama St. 62, Jackson State 60 Southern U. 64, Prairie View 60 Championship Today Alabama St. vs. Southern U., 3 p.m.SUN BELTAt Lakefront Arena, New Orleans Seminals Friday UALR 87, Texas State 44 Arkansas State 63, Louisiana-Lafayette 61 Championship Saturday UALR vs. Arkansas State, 8 p.m.WESTERN ATHLETIC At Orleans Arena, Las Vegas Seminals Friday New Mexico State 79, Seattle 75 Texas-Pan American 76, Cal State-Bakerseld 70 Championship Today New Mexico State vs. Texas-Pan American, 4 p.m. the conference tournament wasn’t the worst thing if they still won the NCAA title, but they gave no ground to the Gators. Had Florida sustained its initial intensity, things might have been different. “I think we hung in there pretty well,” Carter said. “Two times we played half a game, tonight we didn’t play a full 40-minute game. In order to beat them, you’ve got to play a full 40-minute game.”No. 1 KENTUCKY 64, FLORIDA 49FLORIDA (16-17) Hill 4-10 0-0 8, Carter 5-10 0-0 11, Fin ney-Smith 2-10 0-0 4, Chiozza 0-2 0-0 0, Horford 7-10 0-0 15, Robinson 1-4 1-3 3, Murphy 1-3 0-0 2, Frazier II 0-4 2-2 2, C. Walker 1-2 0-0 2, Kurtz 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 2256 3-5 49. KENTUCKY (32-0) Aa. Harrison 4-8 4-4 13, An. Harrison 4-9 0-0 9, Towns 5-10 3-3 13, Cauley-Stein 2-9 5-6 9, Lyles 1-8 5-6 7, Lee 0-0 0-0 0, Booker 2-6 0-0 4, Ulis 2-4 2-2 7, Johnson 1-2 0-2 2. Totals 21-56 19-23 64. Halftime—Kentucky 31-27. 3-Point Goals—Florida 2-11 (Horford 1-2, Carter 1-3, Murphy 0-1, Finney-Smith 0-2, Frazier II 0-3), Kentucky 3-10 (Ulis 1-2, Aa. Harrison 1-3, An. Harrison 1-3, Booker 0-2). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Florida 33 (Fin ney-Smith 8), Kentucky 39 (Towns 12). Assists—Florida 12 (Hill 4), Kentucky 7 (Ulis 4). Total Fouls—Florida 18, Kentucky 11. A— NA.GATORSFROM PAGE 1 COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Men’s roundupUNC holds off VirginiaGREENSBORO, N.C. — Marcus Paige hit two free throws with 3.9 seconds left to help No. 19 North Carolina top No. 3 Virginia 71-67 on Friday night in the Atlantic Coast Conference tournament semifinals. Paige also hit a huge shot to beat the clock in the nal minute, helping the fth-seeded Tar Heels (24-10) hold off the tournament’s top seed and reigning champion in a tense nish. Freshman Justin Jackson scored a season-high 22 points to lead the Tar Heels, who never trailed and led by as many as 13 points before all-ACC guard Malcolm Brogdon singlehandedly brought the Cavaliers (29-3) back. The Tar Heels shot 55 percent against Virginia’s tough defense, controlled the boards and played solid defense of their own for much of the night to earn their fourth trip to the nals in ve years. Brogdon scored 22 of his 25 points after halftime. No. 4 Villanova 63, Providence 61: In New York, Ryan Arcidiacono hit two free throws with 3.1 seconds left after a questionable foul call, and Villanova escaped Providence to return to the Big East title game for the first time since 1997. The Friars’ Kris Dunn, who shared conference Player of the Year honors with Arcidiacono but outplayed him Friday, made a layup off a turnover to tie it with 12.4 seconds remaining. Arcidiacono then drove to the hoop and Ben Bentil, whose steal and assist led to the tying basket, was called for a foul even though replays appeared to show little contact. No. 6 Wisconsin 71, Michigan 60: In Chicago, Sam Dekker scored 17 points, Frank Kaminsky added 16 points and 12 rebounds and Wisconsin beat Michigan in the Big Ten tournament quarterfinals. Dekker and Kaminsky, the Big Ten Player of the Year, combined to score all their team’s points in a decisive 9-2 run that broke a 54-all tie late in the second half. The top-seeded Badgers opened the tournament on a winning note and will meet Purdue in the semifinals on Saturday. No. 8 Maryland 75, Indiana 69: In Chicago, Dez Wells scored 22 points, Melo Trimble added 17 and Maryland won its first Big Ten Tournament game, beating Indiana in the quarterfinals. The Terrapins got nine points from Wells in the final nine minutes and made just enough defensive stops down the stretch to put away the Hoosiers (20-13). That gave the longtime ACC powers their eighth straight win and a spot in Saturday’s semifinals against the Ohio State-Michigan State winner. Yogi Ferrell led Indiana with 18 points. No. 9 Kansas 62, No.16 Baylor 52: Kansas City, Mo., Wayne Selden Jr. scored 20 points and Kansas turned up its suffocating defense to beat Baylor in the semifinals of the Big 12 Tournament. Perry Ellis returned from an injury to add 11 points for the top-seeded Jayhawks, though their leading scorer limped off the floor after getting tangled up late. Ellis never went back into the game after trainers checked on his right knee. No. 20 SMU 74, ECU 68: In Hartford, Conn., American Conference player of the year Nic Moore scored 20 points and SMU held off East Carolina in the quarterfinals of the American Athletic Conference. Markus Kennedy added 15 points and six rebounds for the top-seeded Mustangs (25-6). The Mustangs were tied with the eighth-seeded Pirates at 64 with 4 minutes left. But SMU closed the game on a 10-4 run, hitting eight free throws down the stretch. Terry Whisnant and Antonio Robinson each had 18 points for East Carolina, which made 15 3-point shots, but missed its last six attempts from behind the arc. No. 22 Arkansas 80, Tennessee 72: In Nashville, Tenn. Rashad Madden made four late free throws that helped Arkansas overcome blowing a big lead in an 80-72 victory over Tennessee in the Southeastern Conference Tournament. The second-seeded Razorbacks led 55-35 early in the second half before missing 12 of their final 15 shots, a drought that allowed the Volunteers to rally to 69-65 with 3 minutes left. Madden (nine points) then made all of his attempts to start Arkansas’ path toward victory at the foul line. No. 24 Davidson 67, La Salle 66: In New York, Tyler Kalinoski beat the clock with a driving layup to cap a crazy comeback by Davidson in the Atlantic 10 quarterfinals. Top-seeded Davidson trailed almost the entire game and was down nine after Jerrell Wright’s dunk for the Explorers with 4:45 left, but ninth-seeded La Salle didn’t score another point. Steve Zack dominated inside for La Salle with 24 points and 15 rebounds and Wright had 19. Jack Gibbs led Davidson with 22 points.BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESSWildcats top Friars on controversial free throws AP PHOTOVirginia’s Anthony Gill, left, and North Carolina’s Joel James, right, battle for a ball during the second half of an NCAA college basketball game in the seminals of the Atlantic Coast Conference tournament. MEN’S BASKETBALLBubble Watch: Indiana didn’t help itselfThere’s always talk this time of the college basketball season that the conference tournaments — especially in the power ones — are nothing more than reasons for, as the late Marquette and Utah coach Rick Majerus used to say, “four-day cocktail parties.” Yes, they are fun and great reasons for alumni to get together in a city that usually has multistar restaurants. But the tournaments are the chance for those teams that didn’t have great regular seasons to improve their resumes and impress the NCAA Tournament Selection Committee. Take Indiana, for example. The Hoosiers entered the Big Ten Tournament with a 19-12 record and a resume that wouldn’t exactly assure a place in the 68-team eld. They beat Northwestern in the second round, not a great win in itself but a chance to face No. 8 Maryland in the quarter nals. A win there over a team with an RPI in the top 10 would be why coaches never want to get rid of the tournaments. It didn’t happen for the Hoosiers on Friday and a 75-69 loss might not be enough to get them that bid. Indiana started the day with an RPI of 53, a ranking behind other bubble teams such as Oklahoma State, LSU and Old Dominion. No bubbles: Forget the conference tournaments for a minute. On Saturday night the Ivy League — the only conference that doesn’t have a postseason tournament — gives us an old-fashioned, winner-moves-on, loser-is-crushed playoff game. Harvard and Yale — names that have been a college rivalry before many of today’s current schools even existed — meet to break the tie at the end of the season. The winner gets the conference’s NCAA berth, the loser might get a chance at the NIT but that wouldn’t ease the emotion of losing a classic like this. To make it even more dramatic, the game will be played in the Palestra in Philadelphia, one of college basketball’s best venues, a building that oozes history. Tough road: Success in a conference tournament doesn’t always translate into waiting for word on Selection Sunday. Take the Auburn Tigers. They beat LSU 73-70 in the Southeastern Conference quarternals, their third win in as many days in Nashville, Tennessee. The run is most probably over for the 13th-seeded Tigers because top-ranked and undefeated Kentucky is up next in the tour nament. The trio of wins gives Auburn a 15-19 record and even a win over the Wildcats wouldn’t be near enough to earn an at-large berth. The only was Auburn will keep playing is to win the SEC tournament and that would mean ve wins in as many days. The team Auburn beat Friday is denitely on the bubble. LSU (22-10) has lost two of its last three and coach Johnny Jones knows his Tigers don’t control their own destiny anymore. “We have been in a tough conference and we’re hopeful on Sunday that our name is called,” Jones said. AP PHOTOThe Indiana bench watches the closing seconds of an 75-69 loss to Maryland in the quarternals of the Big Ten Conference tournament. it toIt 0i4 w/ ,rye a............................................................................................................................................................... .


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 SP Page 5 Sports on TVAUTO RACING11:30 a.m. FS1 — NASCAR, Sprint Cup, practice for 500, at Avondale, Ariz. 12:30 p.m. FS1 — NASCAR, XFINITY Series, pole qual ifying for Faster Tougher Brighter 200, at Avondale, Ariz. 2:30 p.m. FS1 — NASCAR, Sprint Cup, “Happy Hour Series,” nal practice for CampingWorld. com 500, at Avondale, Ariz. 4 p.m. FOX — NASCAR, XFINITY Series, Faster Tougher Brighter 200, at Avondale, Ariz. 12:30 a.m. NBCSN — Formula One, Australian Grand Prix, at Melbourne 1:30 a.m. ESPN2 — NHRA, qualifying for Gatorna tionals, at Gainesville, Fla. (delayed tape)BOXING9:45 p.m. HBO — Light heavyweights, Isaac Chilemba (23-2-2) vs. Vasily Lepikhin (17-0-0); heavyweights, Vyacheslav Glazkov (19-0-1) vs. Steve Cunningham (28-6-0); champion Sergey Kovalev (26-0-1) vs. Jean Pascal (292-1), for WBO/IBF/WBA light heavyweight titles, at MontrealCYCLING10 p.m. NBCSN — Paris-Nice, stage 6, Vence to Nice, France (same-day tape)GOLF6:30 a.m. TGC — European PGA Tour, Tshwane Open, third round, at Pretoria, South Africa 1 p.m. TGC — PGA Tour, Valspar Championship, third round, at Palm Harbor, Fla. 3 p.m. NBC — PGA Tour, Valspar Championship, third round, at Palm Harbor, Fla.MEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL11 a.m. ESPN2 — America East Conference, cham pionship, Stony Brook at Albany 1 p.m. CBS — Big Ten Conference, doubleheader, seminals, Wisconsin-Michigan winner vs. Purdue-Penn St. winner, at Chicago ESPN — Southeastern Conference, semi nal, Kentucky-Florida winner vs. LSU-Au burn winner, at Nashville, Tenn. ESPN2 — Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference, championship, N.C. Central-Delaware St. winner vs. Norfolk St.-Hampton winner, at Norfolk, Va. 3 p.m. ESPN — Southeastern Conference, seminal, Arkansas-Tennessee winner vs. Geor gia-South Carolina winner, at Nashville, Tenn. ESPN2 — American Athletic Conference, seminal, SMU-East Carolina winner vs. Temple-Memphis winner, at Hartford, Conn. 3:30 p.m. FS1 — Conference USA, championship, UTEP-Middle Tennessee winner vs. UAB-Louisiana Tech winner, at Birming ham, Ala. 5 p.m. ESPN2 — American Athletic Conference, seminal, Tulsa-Houston winner vs. Cincin nati-UConn winner, at Hartford, Conn. 6 p.m. CBS — Mountain West Conference, cham pionship, Boise St.-Wyoming winner vs. San Diego St.-Colorado St. winner, at Las Vegas ESPN — Big 12 Conference, championship, Baylor-Kansas winner vs. Iowa St.-Oklaho ma winner, at Kansas City, Mo. 6:30 p.m. ESPNU — Southwestern Athletic Confer ence, championship, Alabama St.-Southern winner vs. Texas Southern-Prairie View win ner, at Houston 7:30 p.m. ESPN2 — Mid-American Conference, championship, Central Michigan-Toledo winner vs. Bualo-Akron winner, at Cleve land 8 p.m. FS1 — Big East Conference, championship, Villanova-Providence winner vs. George town vs. Xavier winner, at New York 8:30 p.m. ESPN — Atlantic Coast Conference, cham pionship, Virginia-North Carolina winner vs. Duke-Notre Dame winner, at Greensboro, N.C. 9 p.m. ESPNU — Big Sky Conference, champion ship, E. Washington-Sacramento St. winner vs. N. Arizona-Montana winner, at Missoula, Mont. 9:30 p.m. ESPN2 — Southland Conference, champi onship, Stephen F. Austin vs. Northwestern St. winner vs. Sam Houston St.-Texas A&MCC winner, at Katy, Texas 11 p.m. ESPN — Pac-12 Conference, championship, Arizona-UCLA winner vs. Oregon-Utah winner, at Las Vegas ESPNU — Western Athletic Conference, championship, New Mexico St.-CS-Bakers eld, winner vs. UMKC-Seattle winner, at Las Vegas 11:30 p.m. ESPN2 — Big West Conference, championship, UC Davis-Hawaii winner vs. UC Santa Barbara-UC Irvine winner, at Anaheim, Calif.NHL HOCKEY7 p.m. NBCSN — Montreal at N.Y. IslandersSOCCER8:40 a.m. NBCSN — Premier League, Queens Park at Crystal Palace 11 a.m. NBCSN — Premier League, West Ham Unit ed at Arsenal 1:25 p.m. NBCSN — Premier League, Manchester United at BurnleySports on RadioMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL5:30 p.m. 620 AM, 99.3 FM – Big 12 championship 8 p.m. 620 AM, 99.3 FM ACC championshipMLB BASEBALL1 p.m. 620 AM, 1070 AM – Tampa Bay at BaltimoreNHL HOCKEY7 p.m. 970 AM – Winnipeg at Tampa BayGlantz-Culver LineNCAA BASKETBALLConference USA At Birmingham, Ala. Championship FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG UAB 1 Middle Tenn. Big Ten Conference At Chicago Seminals Wisconsin 9 Purdue Michigan St. 4 Maryland Southeastern Conference At Nashville, Tenn. Seminals Kentucky 23 Auburn Arkansas 5 South Carolina or Arkansas 2 Georgia Atlantic 10 Conference At Brooklyn, N.Y. Seminals Davidson 1 VCU Dayton 1 Rhode Island Sun Belt Conference At New Orleans Seminals Georgia St. 7 La.-Lafayette Georgia Southern 1 La.-Monroe American Athletic Conference At Hartford, Conn. Seminals SMU 4 Temple Tulsa 1 UConn Mountain West Conference At Las Vegas Championship Colorado St. 5 Wyoming or San Diego St. 6 Wyoming Big 12 Conference At Kansas City, Mo. Championship Kansas 1 Iowa St. Mid-American Conference At Cleveland Championship Bualo 3 Cent. Michigan Big East Conference At New York Championship Villanova 7 Xavier or Villanova 6 Georgetown Atlantic Coast Conference At Greensboro, N.C. Championship North Carolina 3 Notre Dame Pac-12 Conference At Las Vegas Championship Utah 6 UCLA or Oregon Pk UCLA or Arizona 4 Utah or Arizona 11 Oregon Big West Conference At Anaheim, Calif. Championship UC Irvine 4 Hawaii or UC Santa Barbara 5 Hawaii or UC Irvine 2 UC Davis or UC Santa Barbara 3 UC Davis Big Sky Conference At Missoula, Mont. Championship E. Washington 3 N. Arizona or at Montana 2 E. Washington American East Conference Championship at Albany (NY) 2 Stony Brook Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference At Norfolk, Va. Championship Delaware St. 1 Hampton Southwestern Athletic Conference At Houston Championship Texas Southern 6 Southern U. Southland Conference At Katy, Texas Championship Stephen F. Austin 5 Sam Houston St. Western Athletic Conference At Las Vegas Championship New Mexico St. 10 Seattle or New Mexico St. 10 Mo.-Kansas City Ivy League At Philadelphia Playo Harvard 1 YaleNBAFAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOG at Indiana 8 (193) Boston at Washington 8 (208) Sacramento Brooklyn 5 (194) at Philadelphia at Memphis 8 (184) Milwaukee at Utah 7 (184) Detroit at Golden State 19 (200) New YorkNHLFAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE at Pittsburgh -145 Boston +125 Detroit -130 at Philadelphia +110 at San Jose -120 Chicago +100 at Tampa Bay -200 Winnipeg +170 at Carolina -125 Florida +105 at Vancouver -230 Toronto +190 at N.Y. Islanders -115 Montreal -105 at Bualo -350 N.Y. Rangers +270 at St. Louis -155 Minnesota +135 New Jersey -145 at Arizona +125 at Colorado -160 Calgary +140 at Los Angeles -140 Nashville +120TennisBNP PARIBAS OPEN Friday At The Indian Wells Tennis Garden, Indian Wells, Calif. Purse: Men: $7.1 million (Masters 1000); Women: $5.38 million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Men First Round Alexandr Dolgopolov, Ukraine, def. Frank Dancevic, Canada, 6-2, 7-5. Michael Berrer, Germany, def. Victor Es trella Burgos, Dominican Republic, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4. Donald Young, United States, def. Pablo Carreno Busta, Spain, 6-3, 6-4. Martin Klizan, Slovakia, def. Pablo Andu jar, Spain, 7-6 (4), 6-3. Sergiy Stakhovsky, Ukraine, def. Sam Querrey, United States, 2-6, 6-4, 6-2. Steve Johnson, United States, def. Marcel Granollers, Spain, 6-2, 6-3. Simone Bolelli, Italy, def. Thomaz Bellucci, Brazil, 6-2, 6-7 (3), 6-4. Igor Sijsling, Netherlands, def. Filip Kraji novic, Serbia, 6-4, 3-6, 6-2. Jack Sock, United States, def. Lu YenHsun, Taiwan, 6-7 (4), 6-2, 7-5. Malek Jaziri, Tunisia, def. Tatsuma Ito, Ja pan, 7-5, 6-1. Robin Haase, Netherlands, def. Alex Bolt, Australia, 6-4, 6-2. Women Second Round Agnieszka Radwanska (7), Poland, def. Alison Riske, United States, 6-3, 6-1. Ekaterina Makarova (8), Russia, def. Elena Vesnina, Russia, 6-4, 6-0. Elina Svitolina (23), Ukraine, def. Alison Van Uytvanck, Belgium, 4-6, 7-6 (4), 6-1. Heather Watson, Britain, def. Camila Gior gi (29), Italy, 7-5, 7-5. Simona Halep (3), Romania, def. Daria Gavrilova, Russia, 2-6, 6-1, 6-2. Karolina Pliskova (14), Czech Republic, def. Lara Arruabarrena, Spain, 6-3, 7-5. Timea Bacsinszky (27), Switzerland, def. Marina Erakovic, New Zealand, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2. Zarina Diyas (28), Kazakhstan, def. Donna Vekic, Croatia, 6-3, 6-3. Sloane Stephens, United States, def. An gelique Kerber (13), Germany, 7-6 (6), 6-2. Garbine Muguruza (19), Spain, def. Irina Falconi, United States, 4-6, 6-2, 6-3. Svetlana Kuznetsova (22), Russia, def. Kat er ina Siniako va, Czech Republic, 7-6 (2), 6-2. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, Russia, def. Barbora Zahlavova Strycova (17), Czech Re public, 6-3, 6-3. Varvara Lepchenko (26), United States, def. Sachia Vickery, United States, 6-4, 6-1.Pro baseballAMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pct Kansas City 10 1 .909 Houston 5 2 .714 Boston 7 3 .700 New York 7 4 .636 Oakland 7 4 .636 Minnesota 5 3 .625 Texas 6 4 .600 Detroit 6 6 .500 Cleveland 5 6 .455 Seattle 5 6 .455 Los Angeles 4 5 .444 Toronto 5 7 .417 Chicago 3 6 .333 RAYS 3 6 .333 Baltimore 3 9 .250 NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct Los Angeles 5 2 .714 MARLINS 6 3 .667 Arizona 6 4 .600 Philadelphia 6 4 .600 Colorado 5 4 .556 St. Louis 5 4 .556 Cincinnati 5 5 .500 San Diego 5 5 .500 Washington 4 4 .500 New York 5 6 .455 Pittsburgh 4 5 .444 Milwaukee 3 6 .333 Atlanta 3 8 .273 San Francisco 3 8 .273 Chicago 2 8 .200 NOTE: Split-squad games count in the standings; games against non-major league teams do not. Thursday’s results RAYS 10, Toronto 3 St. Louis 8, Baltimore 2 Philadelphia 6, Detroit (ss) 5 Houston 4, Detroit (ss) 3, 10 innings Boston 5, Pittsburgh 1 Minnesota 7, MARLINS 6 N.Y. Mets 11, Washington 9 Oakland 4, Seattle 3 Texas 7, Chicago White Sox (ss) 3 Kansas City 10, Cleveland 5 Milwaukee 5, Colorado 3 L.A. Angels 10, Chicago Cubs 9 Cincinnati 12, Arizona 4 N.Y. Yankees 3, Atlanta 2 San Francisco 7, Chicago White Sox (ss) 4 L.A. Dodgers 1, San Diego 0 Friday’s results Washington 6, Houston 6, tie MARLINS 6, St. Louis 3 Philadelphia 2, RAYS 1 Minnesota 8, Pittsburgh 3 Detroit 12, Atlanta (ss) 2 Toronto 5, Baltimore 3 N.Y. Mets 13, Atlanta (ss) 2 Seattle 10, Milwaukee 5 Cleveland 6, Arizona 2 Texas 3, San Francisco 0 Kansas City 8, Oakland 4 Cleveland 7, Chicago Cubs 4 San Diego 7, L.A. Angels 3 Colorado 5, Chicago White Sox 2 N.Y. Yankees 5, Boston 3 Chicago Cubs 5, Oakland 3 Cincinnati vs. L.A. Dodgers at Glendale, Ariz., 10:05 p.m. Today’s games MARLINS vs. Washington (ss) at Viera, Fla., 1:05 p.m. RAYS vs. Baltimore at Sarasota, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Philadelphia vs. Detroit (ss) at Lakeland, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Minnesota vs. St. Louis at Jupiter, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Detroit (ss) vs. N.Y. Yankees (ss) at Tampa, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Pittsburgh vs. Boston at Fort Myers, Fla., 1:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (ss) vs. Toronto at Dunedin, Fla., 1:07 p.m. Washington (ss) vs. N.Y. Mets at Port St. Luc ie, Fla., 1:10 p.m. Oakland (ss) vs. Chicago Cubs (ss) at Las Ve gas, 3:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs (ss) vs. Milwaukee at Phoenix, 4:05 p.m. Cleveland vs. L.A. Dodgers at Glendale, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. L.A. Angels (ss) vs. Kansas City at Surprise, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Colorado vs. Cincinnati at Goodyear, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. San Francisco vs. Oakland (ss) at Mesa, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Texas vs. San Diego at Peoria, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Seattle vs. Arizona at Scottsdale, Ariz., 4:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox vs. L.A. Angels (ss) at Tempe, Ariz., 4:10 p.m. Houston vs. Atlanta at Kissimmee, Fla., 6:05 p.m. San Francisco vs. Arizona at Scottsdale, Ariz., 10:10 p.m. FRIDAY’S LINESCORESBLUE JAYS 5, ORIOLES 3At Dunedin Baltimore 020 000 001 — 3 10 1 Toronto 030 002 00x — 5 10 2 U.Jimenez, McFarland (5), T.Wilson (7) and C.Joseph, Lavarnway; Aa.Sanchez, S.Barnes (4), R.Osuna (5), W.Lopez (6), Hynes (7), Schultz (8), Burke (9) and R.Martin, S.Ochinko. W—Aa.Sanchez. L—U.Jimenez. Sv—Burke.ROYALS 8, ATHLETICS 4At Surprise, Ariz. Oakland 200 200 000 — 4 11 0 Kansas City 410 012 00x — 8 12 0 Bassitt, Whelan (4), E.De La Rosa (5), Mills (6), B.Wahl (8) and Bry.Anderson, B.Maxwell; Volquez, L.Coleman (3), Frasor (5), K.Herrera (6), C.Young (7), Flynn (8) and S.Perez, F.Pe na, P.Morin. W—Volquez. L—Bassitt. HRs— Kansas City, S.Perez (1).YANKEES 5, RED SOX 3At Fort Myers New York (A) 000 300 200 — 5 8 1 Boston 101 000 100 — 3 6 1 Warren, Shreve (4), J.Ramirez (6), B.Pinder (7), N.Goody (8), Lindgren (9) and J.Murphy, G.Sanchez; Porcello, D.Hinojosa (4), Spruill (5), Tazawa (6), Mujica (7), B.Johnson (8) and Hanigan, Vazquez. W—Warren. L—D.Hino josa. Sv—Lindgren.TIGERS 12, BRAVES SS 2At Kissimmee Detroit 500 000 124 — 12 13 1 Atlanta (ss) 000 000 200 — 2 6 1 Greene, Chamberlain (4), Alburquerque (5), Farmer (6), Zeid (7), Putkonen (9) and J.McCann, A.Green; Foltynewicz, Coey (1), J.Russell (2), C.Martin (4), Veras (7), A.Kurcz (8), Sims (9), J.Brigham (9) and Pierzynski, B.Schlehuber. W—Greene. L—Foltynewicz.TWINS 8, PIRATES 3At Bradenton Minnesota 301 030 100 — 8 12 0 Pittsburgh 000 003 000 — 3 9 3 E.Santana, Berrios (3), Darnell (6), Oliveros (8), Pryor (9) and K.Suzuki, M.Garver; Sadler, W.Boscan (3), Watson (4), J.Hughes (5), Liz (6), Scahill (8), J.Wall (9) and Cervelli, T.San chez. W—E.Santana. L—Sadler. HRs—Min nesota, K.Vargas (2), E.Rosario (2).ASTROS 6, NATIONALS 6At Viera . Houston 011 110 002 — 6 14 1 Washington 003 002 010 — 6 11 3 Feldman, R.Hernandez (4), D.Downs (7), Fields (8), J.Buchanan (9) and Conger, R.Pena; Fister, Blevins (3), S.Solis (5), H.Bell (7), S.McGregor (9) and W.Ramos, D.Butler. HRs—Houston, Springer 2 (2). Washington, I.Stewart (1).INDIANS 6, DIAMONDBACKS 2At Goodyear, Ariz. Arizona 000 000 020 — 2 6 1 Cleveland 123 000 00x — 6 10 1 Hellickson, R.Hively (2), D.Hudson (3), A.Schugel (5), Y.Lopez (7) and P.O’Brien, Lalli; McAllister, A.Adams (5), Atchison (6), Hagadone (7), D.Molleken (8), S.Armstrong (8) and Hayes, A.Moore. W—McAllister. L— Hellickson. Sv—S.Armstrong. HRs—Cleve land, Bourn (1), J.Ramirez (1), Hayes (2). RANGERS 3, GIANTS 0At Scottsdale, Ariz. Texas 003 000 000 — 3 7 1 San Francisco 000 000 000 — 0 6 1 N.Martinez, R.Slack (3), Detwiler (4), Claudio (6), Mendez (7), Feliz (9) and Corporan, Telis; Peavy, C.Hall (5), J.Lopez (6), T.Blach (7) and Posey, T.Ross. W—N.Martinez. L—Peavy. Sv—Feliz. HRs—Texas, Gallo (2).INDIANS 7, CUBS 4At Mesa, Ariz. First Game Cleveland 104 100 100 — 7 11 1 Chicago (N) 100 000 012 — 4 8 1 House, Roth (5), B.Price (8), W.Roberts (9) and Y.Gomes, J.Lowery; Wada, Z.Cates (1), Grimm (2), J.Lorick (3), Motte (4), H.Cerven ka (5), N.Ramirez (7), Coke (8), Bueno (9) and R.Lopez, D.Ross. W—House. L—Grimm. HRs—Cleveland, Y.Gomes (2), C.Frazier (1). Chicago (N), Szczur (2).MARINERS 10, BREWERS 5At Peoria, Ariz. Milwaukee 000 001 202 — 5 7 2 Seattle 203 023 00x — 10 14 0 Fiers, Leach (3), Jeress (4), T.Cravy (5), Hen derson (6), D.Goforth (7), Knebel (8) and Centeno, N.Ashley; Happ, Ca.Smith (4), Fur bush (5), Farquhar (6), M.Guaipe (7), Kick ham (8), F.Snow (9) and Zunino, M.Dowd. W—Happ. L—Fiers. HRs—Milwaukee, Centeno (1).PADRES 7, ANGELS 3At Tempe, Ariz. San Diego 040 102 000 — 7 12 2 Los Angeles (A) 100 010 100 — 3 10 0 T.Ross, Garces (4), J.Jackson (5), Campos (6), Mateo (7), Elbert (8) and Hedges, G.Er ickson; Shoemaker, D.Reynolds (5), Salas (6), Morin (7), Pestano (8), E.Ibarra (9) and Iannetta, C.Perez, S.McGee. W—T.Ross. L— Shoemaker. Sv—Elbert.ROCKIES 5, WHITE SOX 2At Scottsdale, Ariz. Chicago (A) 000 002 000 — 2 7 1 Colorado 000 203 00x — 5 11 1 Quintana, Guerra (3), Kensing (5), D.Webb (6), Asencio (6), Phillips (8) and Soto, Kot taras; Matzek, J.Gray (4), Rusin (6), Friedrich (8), B.Brown (9) and Hundley, McKenry. W— Rusin. L—D.Webb. Sv—B.Brown.MARLINS 6, CARDINALS 3At Jupiter St. Louis 000 011 001 — 3 11 0 Miami 130 000 11x — 6 10 1 Z.Petrick, Villanueva (3), T.Cooney (5), J.Walden (7), Rosenthal (8) and Molina, E.Easley, C.Kelly; Latos, Dunn (4), Crow (6), Cishek (7), A.Ramos (8), S.Dyson (9) and Saltalamacchia, Realmuto. W—Latos. L—Z. Petrick.METS 13, BRAVES SS 2At Port St. Lucie Atlanta (ss) 000 011 000 — 2 11 1 New York (N) 524 001 10x — 13 13 1 Banuelos, Avilan (1), Fisher (2), W.Perez (4), Jaime (6), Vizcaino (6), B.Cunni (8) and Buck, C.O’Dowd; Niese, Z.Thornton (4), S.Gilmartin (5), C.Bradford (7), J.Leathersich (8), Carlyle (9) and T.d’Arnaud, Monell, X.Car rillo. W—Niese. L—Banuelos. HRs—New York (N), Flores (1).Pro basketballNBA EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic W L Pct GB Toronto 39 26 .600 — Boston 28 36 .438 10 Brooklyn 25 38 .397 13 Philadelphia 15 50 .231 24 New York 13 51 .203 25 Southeast W L Pct GB x-Atlanta 50 14 .781 — Washington 37 28 .569 13 Charlotte 29 35 .453 21 Miami 29 36 .446 21 Orlando 21 46 .313 30 Central W L Pct GB Cleveland 42 25 .627 — Chicago 40 27 .597 2 Milwaukee 34 31 .523 7 Indiana 30 34 .469 10 Detroit 23 41 .359 17 WESTERN CONFERENCE Southwest W L Pct GB Memphis 45 20 .692 — Houston 43 22 .662 2 Dallas 42 25 .627 4 San Antonio 40 24 .625 4 New Orleans 36 29 .554 9 Northwest W L Pct GB Portland 42 20 .677 — Oklahoma City 36 29 .554 7 Utah 28 36 .438 15 Denver 25 41 .379 19 Minnesota 14 50 .219 29 Pacic W L Pct GB Golden State 51 13 .797 — L.A. Clippers 42 24 .636 10 Phoenix 34 32 .515 18 Sacramento 22 42 .344 29 L.A. Lakers 17 47 .266 34 x-clinched playo spot Thursday’s results Washington 107, Memphis 87 Indiana 109, Milwaukee 103, OT Utah 109, Houston 91 Cleveland 128, San Antonio 125, OT New York 101, L.A. Lakers 94 Friday’s results Philadelphia 114, Sacramento 107 Charlotte 101, Chicago 91 Toronto 102, Miami 92 Boston 95, Orlando 88 Oklahoma City 113, Minnesota 99 Dallas 129, L.A. Clippers 99 Denver 114, Golden State 103 Atlanta at Phoenix, 10 p.m. Detroit at Portland, 10 p.m. Today’s games Sacramento at Washington, 7 p.m. Boston at Indiana, 7 p.m. Brooklyn at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m. Milwaukee at Memphis, 8 p.m. Detroit at Utah, 9 p.m. New York at Golden State, 10:30 p.m.TransactionsBASEBALL American League BOSTON RED SOX — Agreed to terms with INF Yoan Moncada on a minor league contract. HOUSTON ASTROS — Optioned LHP Luis Cruz and OF Domingo Santana to their minor league camp. Assigned C Luis Flores to their minor league camp. KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Reassigned LHP Scott Alexander, RHP Miguel Almon te, RHP Christian Binford, LHP Chris Dwyer, LHP Sean Manaea, C Zane Evans and C Cameron Gallagher to their minor league camp. Optioned LHP John Lamb to Omaha (PCL). National League MIAMI MARLINS — Reassigned RHPs Brian Ellington and Ryan Reid, C Sharif Oth man, and INFs Justin Bohn and Viosergy Rosa to their minor league camp. Optioned LHP Grant Dayton to New Orleans (PCL). MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Announced the retirement of LHP Dontrelle Willis. NEW YORK METS — Assigned OF Brandon Nimmo, SS Gavin Cecchini and C Xorge Carrillo to their minor league camp. American Association GRAND PRAIRIE AIR HOGS — Signed OF Chris Elder. WICHITA WINGNUTS — Signed OF Luis Montanez and RHP Andy Moye. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NBA — Suspended Golden State C Mar reese Speights one game for pleading no contest to reckless driving, in violation of the law of the state of Florida. DALLAS MAVERICKS — Recalled C-F Dwight Powell from Texas (NBADL). PHOENIX SUNS — Signed C Earl Barron for the remainder of the season. FOOTBALL National Football League BUFFALO BILLS — Signed DT Kyle Williams to a contract extension. CLEVELAND BROWNS — Re-signed DL John Hughes to a contract extension. DALLAS COWBOYS — Signed RB Dar ren McFadden to a two-year contract. DENVER BRONCOS — Agreed to terms with S Darian Stewart and G Shelley Smith to two-year contracts. DETROIT LIONS — Re-signed S Isa Ab dul-Quddus to a one-year contract. Signed LB Josh Bynes to a two-year contract and DT Tyrunn Walker to a one-year contract. JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS — Signed WR-KR Bryan Walters. KANSAS CITY CHIEFS — Acquired OL Ben Grubbs from New Orleans for an undisclosed draft pick. Signed LS James Winchester to a two-year contract and WR Jason Avant, TE Richard Gordon and SKelcie McCray. MIAMI DOLPHINS — Acquired WR Kenny Stills from New Orleans for LB Dannell Ellerbe and a 2015 third-round draft pick. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS — Re-signed LB Chris White. NEW ORLEANS SAINTS — Agreed to terms RB C.J. Spiller on a four-year contract. Released DB Corey White. OAKLAND RAIDERS — Signed CB James Dockery and QB Christian Ponder. PITTSBURGH STEELERS — Agreed to terms with QB Ben Roethlisberger on a contract extension. Signed RB DeAngelo Williams to a two-year contract. ST. LOUIS RAMS — Signed LB Akeem Ayers to a two-year contract. Agreed to terms with DT Nick Fairley on a one-year contract. TENNESSEE TITANS — Agreed to terms with LB Brian Orakpo, LB Derrick Morgan, K Ryan Succop, TE Anthony Fasano and DT Karl Klug. WASHINGTON REDSKINS — Signed CB Chris Culliver and DT Terrance Knighton. Re-signed CB Justin Rogers. Canadian Football League EDMONTON ESKIMOS — Released SB Patrick Robertson and RB Tyler Thomas. HOCKEY National Hockey League NHL — Suspended Chicago F Joakim Nordstrom two games for boarding Arizo na D Oliver Ekman-Larsson during a March 12 game. ARIZONA COYOTES — Assigned F Bren dan Shinnimin to Portland (AHL). DETROIT RED WINGS — Reassigned G Jared Coreau from Toledo (ECHL) to Grand Rapids (AHL). MONTREAL CANADIENS — Recalled D Greg Pateryn from Hamilton (AHL). WASHINGTON CAPITALS — Recalled C Andre Burakovsky from Hershey (AHL). Re assigned D Cameron Schilling to Hershey. WINNIPEG JETS — Recalled D Keaton Ellerby from St. John’s (AHL). American Hockey League ALBANY DEVILS — Signed F Matt Lorito to an amateur tryout agreement. LACROSSE National Lacrosse League COLORADO MAMMOTH — Acquired M Jeremy Noble from Rochester for future draft picks. OLYMPICS United States Olympic Committee USOC — Announced the approval of Daniel Doctoro, Steve Mesler and Kevin White as new board members. SOCCER Major League Soccer C OL UMBUS CREW SC — Signed coach Gregg Berhalter to a contract extension through 2017. LA GALAXY — Signed F Ignacio Ma ganto. TENNIS World TeamTennis BOSTON LOBSTERS — Named Jan-Mi chael Gambill coach. COLLEGE EAST TENNESSEE STATE — Fired men’s basketball coach Murry Bartow. RUTGERS — Dismissed junior LB L.J. Liston. ST. ANDREWS — Named Randy Hernan dez men’s basketball coach. WASHINGTON — Announced QB Cyler Miles is taking a voluntary leave of absence from the team and will not participate in spring practice.Pro hockeyNHL Thursday’s results Boston 3, LIGHTNING 2, SO St. Louis 1, Philadelphia 0, SO Colorado 2, New Jersey 1, SO Pittsburgh 6, Edmonton 4 Dallas 5, Carolina 3 Ottawa 5, Montreal 2 Columbus 3, Detroit 1 PANTHERS 4, Winnipeg 2 Los Angeles 4, Vancouver 0 Chicago 2, Arizona 1 San Jose 2, Nashville 0 Friday’s results Columbus 5, Edmonton 4, SO Ottawa 2, N.Y. Islanders 1 Dallas 4, Washington 2 Anaheim 2, Minnesota 1 Calgary 6, Toronto 3 Today’s Games Detroit at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. Boston at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. Chicago at San Jose, 4 p.m. N.Y. Rangers at Bualo, 7 p.m. Winnipeg at LIGHTNING, 7 p.m. Montreal at N.Y. Islanders, 7 p.m. PANTHERS at Carolina, 7 p.m. Toronto at Vancouver, 7 p.m. Minnesota at St. Louis, 8 p.m. New Jersey at Arizona, 9 p.m. Calgary at Colorado, 10 p.m. Nashville at Los Angeles, 10 p.m. Sunday’s Games Detroit at Pittsburgh, 12:30 p.m. PANTHERS at N.Y. Rangers, 5 p.m. Carolina at Columbus, 5 p.m. St. Louis at Dallas, 6 p.m. Philadelphia at Ottawa, 7 p.m. Boston at Washington, 7:30 p.m. Nashville at Anaheim, 8 p.m. | SCOREBOARD | QUICK HITSVIKINGS ACQUIRE MIKE WALLACE FROM DOLPHINSMinnesota acquired wide receiver Mike Wallace from the Miami Dolphins on Friday, another attempt by the Vikings to establish a reliable deep threat and a move by the Dolphins for salary cap relief. The Vikings will send a fth-round draft pick to the Dolphins for their seventh-round selection in the swap that was nalized on Friday night. The trade came two years after the Vikings tried to sign Wallace, who was benched by Dolphins coach Joe Philbin in the second half of their nal game last season after an argument between the 28-year-old and the coaching staff. Wallace led the Dolphins with 10 touchdowns in 2014, his second season with the team, but he rarely clicked with quarterback Ryan Tannehill on long passes and was unhappy he wasn’t targeted more. The Pittsburgh Steelers biggest move during the first week of free agency was making sure their franchise quarterback didn’t get away. The team signed Ben Roethlisberger to a five-year contract. Financial terms were not immediately available but Roethlisberger and team president Art Rooney II both called it fair for both sides. Percy Harvin is rejoining Rex Ryan, agreeing to a one-year contract with the Buffalo Bills. Two people familiar with the deal told The Associated Press that the wide receiver-kick returner is headed to Buffalo. He was released this month by the Jets after playing for Ryan last season in New York.TENNISSerena Williams greeted with applause in Indian Wells return: In Indian Wells, Calif.,an error-prone Serena Williams rallied from a 5-3 deficit to win the opening set in her first match at Indian Wells in 14 years. Williams yelled and clenched her fists after a backhand volley winner gave her the first set, 7-5, against Monica Niculescu of Romania. The crowd warmly applauded her, with the stadium eventually filling up as the match went on. Williams had played just one Fed Cup match since winning her 19th Grand Slam title at the Australian Open in January. She looked rusty and kept a serious demeanor except for occasional displays of emotion when she started winning points. SOCCEROrlando City gets 1st MLS win: In Houston, Pedro Ribeiro forced the action that led to Houston goalkeeper Tyler Deric’s own goal in the 74th minute and expansion Orlando City beat the Dynamo 1-0 for its first MLS victory. Ribeiro raced around Deric after he stuffed the keeper’s attempt to clear with a long ball. Deric wrapped his arm around Ribeiro’s head to prevent the open net goal and then tackled Ribeiro into the net with the ball after it was too late. Deric’s blunder overshadowed a couple of crucial saves against Orlando City’s Kaka in the 41st and 65th minutes. Donovan Ricketts earned the shutout for Orlando City (1-0-1) although the Dynamo (1-1-0) failed to put a shot on frame. It was the only league meeting between the teams this season. — By The Associated Press rff rfntbbnn rfrfntttbfb bnr fbntbbrf brffntnb nnrffntnb fn r‘’“ ”” $ 49 before 7:45am $150 $ 79 after 7:46am-1pm $ 69 after 1pm 4:00 TWILIGHT RATE ONLY $39 Not valid with other offers. 7-Day Advance Tee Times (941) 423-6955 $ 49 after 1:30pm 4 PLAYER SPECIAL $ 269 adno=50482863 HERON CREEK qfilf . Gor..irsr G'luG Q/tf1D------------------------iii


Page 6 SP The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 TORONTO — Kyle Lowry scored 19 points, DeMar DeRozan had 18 and the Toronto Raptors beat Miami for the rst time in more than ve years, snapping a 16game skid against the Heat with a 102-92 victory Friday night. Lou Williams added 14 points, Amir Johnson had 13 and Greivis Vasquez 12 for the Raptors, whose previous victory over Miami was a 111-103 home win on Jan. 27, 2010. Injured Miami for ward Chris Bosh had 24 points and 18 rebounds for the Raptors in that game. Dwyane Wade scored 25 points and Goran Dragic had 18 for the Heat, who failed to match their longest winning streak over any opponent. Miami won 17 straight against Milwaukee between April 8, 1993, and March 11, 1997.HEAT 92, RAPTORS 102MIAMI (92) Deng 3-11 2-2 8, Walker 3-12 0-0 8, White side 4-6 1-4 9, G.Dragic 8-17 2-2 18, Wade 9-13 6-8 25, Beasley 4-10 2-2 11, Chalmers 3-5 1-2 8, Andersen 0-2 2-2 2, T.Johnson 1-3 1-2 3. Totals 35-79 17-24 92. TORONTO (102) Ross 3-8 0-0 9, A.Johnson 5-8 3-5 13, Hansbrough 1-1 1-2 3, Lowry 7-12 0-0 19, DeRozan 3-12 12-13 18, Patterson 3-7 0-0 6, J.Johnson 3-5 1-3 7, Vasquez 5-11 0-0 12, Williams 4-12 4-6 14, Hayes 0-3 1-2 1. Totals 34-79 22-31 102. Miami 18 23 22 29 — 92 Toronto 21 29 28 24 — 102 3-Point Goals—Miami 5-23 (Walker 2-9, Chalmers 1-1, Wade 1-2, Beasley 1-2, T.Johnson 0-1, Andersen 0-1, Deng 0-3, G.Dragic 0-4), Toronto 12-33 (Lowry 5-8, Ross 3-7, Vasquez 2-6, Williams 2-8, DeRozan 0-1, Patterson 0-3). Fouled Out— None. Rebounds—Miami 53 (Whiteside 12), Toronto 52 (Lowry 8). Assists—Miami 21 (G.Dragic 5), Toronto 26 (Lowry 8). To tal Fouls—Miami 22, Toronto 22. Technicals—Beasley. Flagrant Fouls—Vasquez. A— 19,800 (19,800).Celtics 95, Magic 88: In Boston, Evan Turner scored 16 of his 30 points in the fourth quarter and the Celtics overcame an 11-point deficit to beat the Orlando Magic. Turner scored 24 points in the second half to help the Celtics win their third straight and fifth in six games. They also extended Orlando’s road losing streak to 10. The Magic led by 11 in the third quarter, but couldn’t overcome woeful free-throw shooting and turnovers. Orlando was 5 of 14 from the foul line in the third quarter and 14 of 28 overall.MAGIC 88, CELTICS 95ORLANDO (88) Harris 6-12 2-3 16, Dedmon 2-3 1-2 5, Vucevic 7-17 2-2 16, Payton 7-16 4-15 20, Oladipo 5-14 1-2 11, Ridnour 2-4 0-0 5, A.Gordon 4-8 2-2 11, Harkless 1-4 2-2 4, Frye 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 34-80 14-28 88. BOSTON (95) Turner 12-20 5-5 30, Bass 4-6 0-1 8, Zeller 2-8 1-2 5, Smart 2-8 2-4 7, Bradley 4-16 0-0 10, Pressey 4-5 2-4 10, Crowder 2-7 0-0 6, Olynyk 5-8 0-2 13, Datome 1-3 0-0 3, Jereb ko 0-3 0-0 0, Young 1-2 1-2 3. Totals 37-86 11-20 95. Orlando 23 27 22 16 — 88 Boston 19 21 26 29 — 95 3-Point Goals—Orlando 6-20 (Payton 2-3, Harris 2-5, Ridnour 1-2, A.Gordon 1-3, Frye 0-1, Harkless 0-2, Oladipo 0-4), Boston 1026 (Olynyk 3-5, Crowder 2-4, Bradley 2-7, Datome 1-2, Turner 1-3, Smart 1-3, Young 0-1, Jerebko 0-1). Fouled Out—None. Re bounds—Orlando 62 (Vucevic 11), Boston 56 (Bass 7). Assists—Orlando 20 (Payton 9), Boston 19 (Pressey 10). Total Fouls—Orlando 21, Boston 23. Flagrant Fouls—Zeller. A— 18,624 (18,624).76ers 114, Kings 107: In Philadelphia, Robert Covington scored 24 points and the 76ers overcame an 18-point, third-quarter deficit to beat the Kings. Nerlens Noel added 16 points and 12 rebounds to help Philadelphia win for the second time in its last seven games. They are 15-50. DeMarcus Cousins matched his season high of 39 points and added a career-high 24 rebounds for Sacramento. Hornets 101, Bulls 91: In Charlotte, N.C., Gerald Henderson scored 20 points, Mo Williams added 18 and the Hornets used a big secondhalf turnaround to beat the Chicago Bulls. Kemba Walker had 10 points, eight rebounds and seven assists in his second game back from a knee injury as all five Hornets starters scored in double digits for the sixth time in the last nine games. Aaron Brooks led Chicago with 24 points. Thunder 113, Timberwolves 99: In Oklahoma City, Russell Westbrook collected his sixth triple-double in eight games and scored 15 of his 29 points in the fourth quarter, helping the Thunder pull away from the Timberwolves. Westbrook checked out with 2:13 remaining, seemingly a rebound short of the feat, but a scoring change gave him his 10th rebound to go with 12 assists. Enes Kanter had 23 points and 15 rebounds, while Dion Waiters and Mitch McGary added 12 points apiece for the Thunder. Minnesota point guard Ricky Rubio left the game with an ankle injury in the third quarter and did not return. CAVS AT HEATWho: Cleveland (42-25) at Miami (29-35) When: Monday, 8 p.m. Where: AmericanAirlines Arena, Miami TV: ESPNCAVS AT MAGICWho: Cleveland (42-25) at Orlando (21-45) When: Sunday, 6 p.m. Where: Amway Center, Orlando TV: Fox Sports Florida BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NBA ROUNDUPMagic spoil 11-point lead, fall to CelticsRaptors end skid against Heat COLUMBUS, Ohio — Alexander Wennberg scored the winning goal in the fth round of the shootout to lift the Columbus Blue Jackets to a 5-4 victory over the Edmonton Oilers on Friday night. Wennberg, who scored his rst NHL shootout goal on his third try, also had two assists for the Blue Jackets, who ended a ve-game losing streak at home. Fellow rookie Marko Dano had a goal and an assist, and Cam Atkinson, Artem Anisimov and Scott Hartnell scored for Columbus, which has won its last three. Nick Foligno also had two assists, and Sergei Bobrovsky made 31 saves. Jordan Eberle had a goal and an assist, and Derek Roy, Andrew Ference and Nail Yakupov also scored for the Oilers, who have lost seven in a row (0-6-1). Ryan NugentHopkins and Justin Schultz each had two assists, and Ben Scrivens stopped 27 shots. Senators 2, Islanders 1: In Uniondale, N.Y., Matt Puempel and Kyle Turris scored second-period goals, and backup Andrew Hammond made 34 saves as the Senators beat the Islanders 2-1. Ottawa improved to 9-1-1 in its last 11 games to remain within striking distance of Boston for the second wild-card spot in the Eastern Conference. The Senators trail the Bruins by five points with both teams having 15 games remaining. The Islanders lost their third straight at home, including Tuesday’s 2-1 defeat to the New York Rangers. Ducks 2, Wild 1: In St. Paul, Minn., Jakob Silfverberg had the go-ahead goal and an assist, and John Gibson stopped 32 shots, helping the Ducks end a three-game losing streak with a 2-1 victory over the Wild. Francois Beauchemin scored first for the Ducks, who improved to 27-1-7 in one-goal games this season, including three such wins against the Wild. Stars 4, Capitals 2: In Washington, Vernon Fiddler notched a goal and an assist, and the Stars scored three power-play goals to beat the Washington 4-2 on Friday night. Shawn Horcoff and Tyler Seguin also had man-advantage goals, and Colton Sceviour also scored as Dallas completed its season-high, five-game road trip with three straight victories. The Stars won four of five overall. The Stars have beaten Washington seven straight times.Shootout goal lifts Blue JacketsBY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NHL ROUNDUPDucks snap three-game losing streak AP PHOTOBoston Celtics forward Brandon Bass (30) slams a dunk as Orlando Magic guard Victor Oladipo (5) looks on during the rst quarter in Boston. that placed fth in the state last year,” Kemble said. “We knew if he got past that, he’d get to the seminals. Charlotte sent ve of their seven qualiers through the rst round with Dylan Mooney (132 pounds) and Bucky Dennis (285) advancing to the championship seminals. Ryan Rubenacker (106), Chandler Pritchett (170) and Dalton Mills (195) all battled back through their second round of wrestlebacks to stay alive in the medal hunt. “Both (Dennis and Mooney) are solid guys that have been here before,” Tarpon coach Evan Robinson said. “We’re looking for positive things from them tomorrow.” Charlotte was in sixth place with 34 points in the Class 2A scoring. Perennial power Brandon led with 75.5 points, ahead of second-place Springstead’s 53.STARTFROM PAGE 1 STATE TOURNAMENTWHEN: Today (semifinals 9:30 a.m.; finals 5:30 p.m.) WHERE: Silver Spurs Arena, Kissimmee TICKETS: $9 per session (available at door). Note: There are two sessions per day PARKING: $7 IF YOU GO: Take I-4 to Exit 64. Merge onto FL-530 East/US-192 East toward Kissimmee. (West Irlo Brunson Highway). Proceed to Shake Rag Road, make a left. Silver Spurs Lane will be the first right. Allow 3 hours travel time. SUN PHOTO BY ANDY WARRENERCharlotte heavyweight Bucky Dennis maintains his advantage during the quarternals of the 285-pound division on in the third inning and seven in the fifth to take a 9-7 lead it never gave up. Calvin Hough belted a run-scoring double for the Bobcats in the bottom of the first inning, scoring Chase O’Neil with the game’s first run. Starting pitcher Charlie Davidson had a double in the big second inning for the Bobcats. North Port loaded the bases with one out and a throwing error on Dominic LeFever’s sacrifice bunt scored all three runners, giving the Bobcats a 4-1 advantage. Three more hits brought in three runs to give the hosts a 7-1 edge by the end of the second. But the Thunder scored one run in the top of the third and then unloaded seven hits and seven runs in the fifth to take the lead for good. Out of Door Academy (9-2) added one run in the sixth and two more in the seventh to close out its scoring. The game was delayed 25 minutes in the top of the seventh inning because of a brief rain storm. Davidson started the game on the mounded and went 413 innings before being relieved by Charlie Topp. Ryan Corso then relieved Topp in the top of the seventh and finished the game. In the fifth inning, three Bobcats players were hit by pitches in a row with two outs, but the hosts were unable to score. “Our guys played pretty well at first both offensively and defensively,” North Port coach Dan Pavlue said. “But I think we may have coasted a bit when we had the big lead. But give them (the Thunder) credit. They’re a good team and they hit the ball very well.”OUT OF DOOR 12, NORTH PORT 9ODA 011 071 2 20 3 NORTH PORT160 000 1 — 9 10 0 Max Monroe, Jimmy Kuebler (2), Cam Smalley (3), Jake Romine (5), Duncan Cappar (7), Owen Ragsdale (7) and Parke Phillips; Charlie Davidson, Charlie Topp (5), Ryan Corso (7) and Dominic LeFever. W-Romine. L-Davidson. Leading hitters: Romine (ODA) 3-4, 2B, RBI, 2 runs; Phillips (ODA) 3-4, 2 RBI, two runs; Davidson (NP) 2-4, RBI, 2 runs, 2B; LeFever (NP) 1-4, 2B, 3 runs.THUNDERFROM PAGE 1 TOKYO — The world’s biggest automaker is driving onto the world’s biggest sports stage. Toyota Motor Corp. signed on as a global Olympic sponsor Friday in a landmark deal reportedly worth nearly $1 billion, becoming the rst car company to join the IOC’s top-tier marketing program. The eight-year deal underlines Asia’s growing inuence in the Olympics, bolsters the IOC’s long-term nancial security and gives Toyota a worldwide platform that shuts out rival auto manufacturers. The deal starts globally in 2017 and runs through the 2024 Olympics. It will cover three consecutive Olympics in Asia, including the 2020 Tokyo Games on Toyota’s home turf. The International Olympic Committee’s TOP sponsorship program gives companies exclusive worldwide mar keting rights and permission to use the Olympic rings in advertising. Terms of the deal were not announced, but Japanese media reported Toyota will pay $835 million — a record by far for any IOC sponsorship deal. Four-year TOP sponsor ships have usually sold for about $100 million and eight-year agreements $200 million, so the Toyota deal represents four times that. Toyota joins as a sponsor in the new “mobility” category. “This is a very symbolic day,” IOC President Thomas Bach said after signing the agreement in Tokyo with Toyota president Akio Toyoda. “It is the rst time in the successful history of the TOP program that we have had a mobility category.” Toyota becomes the third Japanese company to become a worldwide Olympic sponsor after Panasonic and Bridgestone. Toyota also becomes the 12th TOP sponsor overall and third committed through 2024. Other TOP sponsors include Coca-Cola and McDonald’s. The Toyota deal covers the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, and the 2022 Winter Games and 2024 Summer Olympics. The host cities for the 2022 and 2024 games have not yet been selected.Toyota drives onto Olympic stage BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS OLYMPICSAutomaker signs record sponsorship contract Thomas Quigley, M.D. Board Certified Eye Physician & Surgeon complete medical exam with one of our board certified eye doctors includes prescription for eyeglasses, and tests for cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. O f f e r a p p l i e s t o n e w p a t i e n t s 5 9 y e a r s a n d o l d e r . Offer Does Not Apply To Freedom And Optimum Health Plan Participants. Coupon Expires 4/16/2015 No Hidden Charges: It is our policy that the patient and or any other person responsible for payment or be reimburse by payment or any other service, examination or treatment which is performed as a result of reimburse within 72 hours of responding t o the advertisement for the free, discounted fee or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. Offer does not apply to Avantica managed insurance pl ans including Freedom, Optimum and some Universal. Code: CS00 adno=50478998 F R E E E Y E E X A M F O R N E W P A T I E N T S 20600 VETERANS BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE 941-766-7474 330 NORTH BREVARD (NEXT TO FARM CREDIT) ARCADIA 863-993-20202 5 2 9 T A M I A M I T R A I L P U N T A G O R D A 9 4 1 6 3 9 2 0 2 0 i-----------------------------------AM2529 T IMAM TGQULPUNTA (I oDQ offer alplphea tzaew IplltrnemoMR N ! N lTI ENT




Page 2 The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Feeling FitCEO Derek Dunn-Rankin President and Publisher David Dunn-Rankin Feeling Fit Publisher Leslee Peth 941-205-6400 Feeling Fit 941-206-1134 Medical Advertising Executive Anthony Feroce 941-258-9527 Medical Advertising Executive Bibi R. Gafoor 941-258-9528 Medical Advertising Executives Fort Myers Daniel Dykes 941-205-6409 Columnists and Contributors Laureen Albrecht Barbara Bean-Mellinger Judy Buss Carisa Campanella Tom Cappiello Patricia Garlausky Horwell Renee LePere Bob Massey Ted Robedee Gretchen SunderlandDeadlines Support group listings are published as space permits. To have your group included, send the information to News briefs and announcements must be received by noon on Monday to be included in Saturday’s edition of Feeling Fit. Contact feelingfit@ or call 941-206-1134.CORRECTION For the second year, the Southwest Florida Heart Center at Bayfront Health Port Charlotte presented the MEGA Heart, the world’s only inat able, walk-through heart exhibit, on Feb. 27. An article published on March 7 stated When I was in high school and college, my friends and I lost many brain cells. Hey, we were on our own for the first time ever, without cur fews and having to worry about our mothers or fathers checking up on us and our daily activities. It was a time when you did not have to tiptoe into the house hoping you would not knock over a lamp or bang your toe on a piece of furniture, forcing a yell and blowing your cover. Even if you did not abuse your brain when you were young and dumb, we lose brain cells as we age. Degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s kills off brain cells. The brain actually shrinks. Additionally, many important brain functions slow down. With proper exercise and diet, the brain will slow down the cognitive decline that begins at the age of 45. Exercise boosts the chemicals in the brain that support and prevent the degeneration of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is an important part of the brain for memory and learning. Here is the best part: Studies have shown that cardiovascular exercise can create new brain cells, known as neurogenesis, and improve overall brain performance. What a relief! There is still hope for myself and the friends of my youth. More importantly, there is hope for one and all — young and old, just by exercising. A rigorous workout has been proven to increase levels of a brain-derived protein in the body. It is also believed to enhance decision making, higher thinking and learning. Finally, exercise can help control addictions, like alcohol, drugs, smoking and, to a lesser extent, sex and food. The brain naturally releases dopamine in response to pleasurable activities, including exercise. The problem is some people become addicted to the effects of dopamine and the substances that produce them. Unfortunately, some people become addicted to drugs, alcohol and smoking to obtain the effects that dopamine produces. The good news is exercise can help in addiction recovery. As stated above, exercise helps the brain release dopamine. The result is you will feel better mentally, emotionally and physically. Drugs, alcohol and smoking do not make you feel better physically. They are very damaging to the brain and body and lead to emotional and mental problems. Exercise, however, has only positive results. The choice does not seem that difficult — it’s just hard to make the decision to turn your life around. To those with addictions, good luck in making your life a better one. The people who love you will be relieved that they do not have to worry about you all the time. Think about them as additional motivation. Ted Robedee is the manager for the Fitness Salon at the Cultural Center of Charlotte County. He can be reached at 941-625-4175, ext. 263, or benefits of exercise on the brainBy TED ROBEDEECULTURAL CENTER OF CHARLOTTE COUNTY PHOTO PROVIDEDExercise is important in keeping your body, and mind, in shape. adno=50478937 We have your convenience in mind with 12 locations to better serve you. 18308 Murdock Circle Unit 102 Port Charlotte 9 4 1 6 2 4 2 1 4 1 941-624-2141 www.anklefootfl.comO f f e r i n g . . . Offering... New Revolutionary Treatment That does not involve surgery or cortisone injections for relief of arthritis, sports injuries, ligament and tendon pain. Let your body do the work to heal itself. Call for more information. Foot & Ankle Screening! Come see any of our 12 Doctors in any of our 12 locations for an exam or consultation. Nerve Pain in your Feet or Legs? We offer new successful non-surgical treatment called Sclerotherapy Fungus Nails We have the only colored nail polish patented to treat fungus nails. Bunions, Hammertoes, Calluses We offer surgical and non-surgical treatments.A r e y o u e x p e r i e n c i n g . . . Are you experiencing... A s s o c i a t e s Associates I n M e d i c i n e In Medicine & S u r g e r y & Surger I "AffirogoooAre you exxerfloe donllooo941cm-624=-2141


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Page 3 adno=50481129 AMERICA'S100 BESTHOSPITALSTM LiveYour Life2015ara OeAVIAA;,-ice. -Fawcett Memorial Hospitalda'21298 Olean Blvd. I Port Charlotte, FL 33952 1941 -255-2476 M4 C " f'b/L 14


Page 4 The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Despite the morning’s chill and a strong breeze that lasted throughout the day, 80 tennis players from all over the area converged on the courts at the Isles Yacht Club, 1780 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda, on March 7. It was the rst of a monthlong series of events geared toward raising money for the ght against leukemia. “Eighty players means 40 teams, and that’s a lot to organize and manage,” said Sherwood Zink, who co-chaired the events’ steering committee with fellow member Kirt Klaholz. Tennis pro Rainer Ruhland managed the tournament, monitoring play and recording the results. Players were divided into divisions based on the U.S. Tennis Association’s ranking system. There were no mixed doubles; women played against women and men played against men. Play was based on no-add scoring, Zink said. In the case of a tie, the tie-breaker was a no-add point. The tournament continued March 8, with winners of the rst round going to the nals bracket and the others to the consolation bracket. In the end, every team played at least twice. “I love the format this year,” said player Shirley Boyd from Lakeside Plantation in North Port. Last year’s tournament was a round-robin format. “It was a little windy out there today, but all four players had to deal with the wind so it didn’t really matter.” Her tennis partner, Donna Ford, added, “Isles Yacht Club always does a great job on the tournament. It’s very well-run.” This is the 11th year the IYC has sponsored the Leukemia Cup, along with other sponsors. A steering committee of 12 and about 30 volunteers took care of distributing Gatorade and water, checking on court play and selling rafe tickets for a variety of prizes. Grand Slam Tennis Company and Wrigley’s Tennis Shop each donated a tennis bag and equipment. Three pros — Ruhland, Margit Bannon and Jak Beardsworth — donated lessons, and the Miami Open donated two tickets. In addition to the tennis tournament, other events for the month are: March 14: A Small Boat Regatta will take place on Charlotte Harbor. Check-in and registration begins at 8:30 a.m., with a 9 a.m. Skippers’ Meeting to follow. The rst race warning signal will sound at 11 a.m. A minimum donation of $25 per person sailing is requested. March 14 and 21: A Billiards Tournament will span two weekends. The preliminary round begins at 1 p.m. March 14 at Diamonds Billiards, 1242 SW Pine Island Road, Cape Coral. The nals will take place at the IYC’s Billiards Room at 6 p.m. March 21. This is a double-elimination, eight-ball contest, and the fee is $30. March 20-22: The PHRF Regatta will take place on Charlotte Harbor. Checkin and late registration is from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. March 20. The rst race warning signals will sound at 9:55 a.m. March 21-22. March 21: A BBQ Bash on the IYC patio and pool area will begin at 5 p.m. with a social hour, followed by a 6 p.m. buffet. A silent auction will run from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tickets are $20. March 28: Pedal and Play in Paradise will take place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a starting and ending location at Laishley Park, 100 Nesbit St., Punta Gorda. Various races between 10 and 62 miles in length are available. The registration fee is $35. Tickets to all of these events can be purchased at the Isles Yacht Club ofce with cash or check. Make checks pay able to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Portions of the ticket price may be tax deductible. Proceeds benet research on leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma. For more information on the month’s activities, visit leukemia-cup-events.aspx. or http:// Club serves up tennis tourney for Leukemia CupBy BARBARA BEAN-MELLINGERFEELING FIT CORRESPONDENT As part of a ladies’ doubles tournament at the Isles Yacht Club on March 7, Jodi McBee awaits the return of her serve. PHOTO BY BARBARA BEAN-MELLINGERMargaret Kiepe and Ann Manseld braved the wind on March 7 to participate in a tennis tournament at the Isles Yacht Club, 1780 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. The event was one of the many associated with the Leukemia Cup, a month-long series of recreational events in Charlotte County. The proceeds from the event go toward research eorts to ght leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma. Posing for a photo during the March 7 tennis tournament were Kirt Klaholz and Sherwood Zink, the co-chairs of the steering committee for the Leukemia Cup, and tennis pros Rainer Ruhland, Margit Bonner and Jak Beardsworth, who helped organize and oversee the tournament. GET INVOLEDThe Leukemia Cup Regatta, hosted by the Isles Yacht Club in Punta Gorda, offers a monthlong collection of recreational events in Charlotte County, with the proceeds going toward research efforts to fight leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma. For full details on the regatta and its various events, visit www.islesyc. com/leukemia-cup-events.aspx. C HRISTOPHER G. C ONSTANCE , MD, FACS B O A R D C E R T I F I E D P L A S T I C S U R G E O N B OARD C ERTIFIED P LASTIC S URGEON Breast Reduction, Lift or Augmentation THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMEN T, OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT, FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT THAT IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DIS COUNTED FEE, OR REDUCED FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT. FREE Cosmetic Surgery Consultation (941) NEW-LOOK adno=50481103 adno=50481023 Kelly Miller, ARNP NOW OFFERING 4130 Tamiami Trail 941-206-0254 to her Valued Patients BOTOX FILLERS & 301 W. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda 575-2273 Former faculty member of Marquette University School of Dentistry G eneral & Implant Dentistry adno=50481072 M ICHAEL R. M ARKGRAF , D . D . S . adno=489240 r f ntbf tt fft ff N ow A cce pt in g Ne w M ed ic ar e Pa ti en tsft b tf rbtff G U A R D I A N G UA RDIAN A N G E L ANG EL F O O T C A R E FOOT CARE ttbt r f ______!____T=fit=iJ'eyL}y c 7 i 1:0006Ed4,'i". . 7.F `^_r'_.t:::..v=:IOAIL IU CIENTIIIFIIE) PLASTIC PLASTIC SURGEON TOPDOCTORS'


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Page 5 BAYFRONT NEWS & NOTES BAYFRONT NEWS & NOTES Tuesday, March 17, 9-10 a.m. — Cardiac Diet Nutrition & Wellness Class. The Wellness Center at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda, 733 E. Olympia Avenue, Punta Gorda. Learn hearthealthy, low fat and low sodium food options. Free. Call 941-637-2497 to register. Tuesday, March 10, 9-10 a.m. — Pulmonary Diet Nutrition Class. The Wellness Center at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda, 733 E. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda. Learn how to take control of pulmonary arterial hypertension by making healthy choices and staying dedicated to a routine. Free. Call 941-637-2497 to register. Tuesday, March 10, 2-3 p.m. — Lung Cancer Support Group. Speaker: Denise Leazenby, CRT. Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Office Plaza, 4th Floor Conf. Room, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Find out what support and assistance is available to you and your family and how others are coping. Free. No registration required. Tuesday, March 10, 5-6 p.m. — Dining with the Doctor: New Treatment Options for Hip and Knee Disorders. Speaker: Ronald Constine, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon. Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Office Plaza, 4th Floor Conf. Room, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Learn about an advanced robotic-assisted procedure that could help you get back to your active life, free from hip or knee pain. And because it’s minimally invasive, many patients experience a shorter hospital stay and quicker recovery when compared to traditional surgery. Free. Call 941-637-2497 to register. Wednesday, March 11, 1-2 p.m. — Strike Back Against the Most Common Gastrointestinal Cancer. Speaker: Domingo Galliano, M.D., Colon & Rectal Surgeon. Bayfront Health Port Charlotte, Conference Center, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte. Colorectal cancer strikes 140,000 Americans each year and is the most common gastrointestinal cancer. Learn signs, symptoms and how laparoscopic surgery can enable patients to return to their normal activities faster and with less discomfort when compared to traditional procedures. Free. Call 941-637-2497 to register. Monday, March 16, 5-6 p.m. — Dining with the Doctor: Disorders of the Foot and Ankle. Speaker: Steve Anthony, D.O., Orthopedic Surgeon. Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Office Plaza, 4th Floor Conf. Room, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. If you have a foot or ankle disorder, your long-term outlook will depend on the severity of your disorder and the amount of damage that has occurred. Learn about treatments available for a variety of conditions. Free. Call 941-637-2497 to register. Tuesday, March 17, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. — Sandwich Seminar: Knee and Hip Pain Relief. Speaker: Mark Davis, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon. Punta Gorda Isles Civic Association, 2001 Shreve St., Punta Gorda. Have your questions answered one-on-one and learn to identify various causes, symptoms and treatment options, including the latest procedure for total knee replacement that preserves the ligaments, including your ACL. Free. Call 941-637-2497 to register. Wednesday, March 18, 1-2 p.m. — Understanding Your Shoulder Pain. Speaker: Jeffrey Bentson, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon. Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Office Plaza, 4th Floor Conf. Room, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Are you tired of living with shoulder pain? Join Jeffrey Bentson, M.D., for lunch and a discussion on the diagnosis and treatment options for shoulder pain, including the latest surgical options. Free. Call 941-637-2497 to register. Tuesday, March 24, 4-5 p.m. — Chick Chat and Chocolate: Women’s Health Series. Speaker: Charlene Okomski, D.O., Obstetrics & Gynecology. Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Office Plaza, 4th Floor Conf. Room, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Join Charlene Okomski, D.O., as she discusses age-related incontinence and pelvic dysfunctions in women. Free. Call 941-637-2497 to register. Wednesday, March 25, 2-3 p.m. – Stroke Support Group. Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Office Plaza, 4th Floor Conf. Room, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Have you or a loved one been affected by stroke? Find out what support and assistance is available to you and your family, and how others are coping. Free. To register, call 941-637-2497. Wednesday, March 25, 2-3 p.m. — 2 O’Clock Talk: Heart and Cardiovascular Diseases. Speaker: Christiano Caldeira, M.D., Cardiothoracic Surgeon. Bayfront Health Port Charlotte, Conference Center, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. Learn about this disease and how you can live a healthier, more active life by becoming an involved participant in your care.. Free. To register, call 941-637-2497. Thursday, March 26, 5-6 p.m. — Dining with the Doctor: The Importance of Colorectal Screening. Speaker: Alvaro Bada, M.D., Surgeon. Bayfront Health Port Charlotte, Conference Center, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte. Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of death for both men and women, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Learn why early detection, regular screening and/or testing is one of the most powerful weapons you can have. Free. To register, call 941-637-2497. adno=50478176 Disorders of the Foot and AnkleMonday, March 16 1 5:00 6:00 p.m.Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Office Building713 E. Marion Ave., Punta GordaIf you have a foot or ankle disorder, your long-termoutlook will depend on the severity of your disorder and Stc-Anthony. DOthe amount of damage that has occurred. Learn about Orthopedic Surgeontreatments available for a variety of conditions. Free. Toregister, call 941-637-2497.Knee and Hip Pain ReliefTuesday, March 17 1 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m.Punta Gorda Isles Civic Association2001 Shreve St., Punta GordaHave your questions answered one-on-one and learn foridentify various causes, symptoms and treatment options, Mark De-, M Dincluding the latest procedure for total knee replacement orthopedic Surgeonthat preserves the ligaments, including your ACL. Free. Toregister, call 941-637-2497.Understanding Your Shoulder PainWednesday, March 18 1 1:00 2:00 p.m.Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Office Building713 E. Marion Ave., Punta GordaAre you tired of living with shoulder pain? Join JeffreyBentson, M.D., for lunch and a discussion on the diagnosis V0and treatment options for shoulder pain, including the latestsurgical options. Free. To register, call 941-637-2497.Chick Chat and Chocolate Women's Health SeriesTuesday, March 24 1 4:00 5:00 p.m.Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Office Building713 E. Marion Ave., Punta GordaJoin Charlene Okomski, D.O., as she discusses age-relatedincontinence and pelvic dysfunctions in women. Free. To cr rareO :msr cregister, call 941-637-2497.Stroke Support GroupWednesday, March 25 1 2:00 3:00 p.m.Bayfront Health Punta Gorda Medical Office Building ;713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda AHave you or a loved one been affected by stroke? Find outwhat support and assistance is available to you and yourfamily, and how others are coping. Free. To register, call941-637-2497.2 O'clock Talk: Heart and Cardiovascular DiseasesWednesday, March 25 1 2:00 3:00 p.m.Bay front Health Port Charlotte2500 Harbor Blvd., Port CharlotteCardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death forboth men and women in the U.S. Learn about this disease crsr ., 1;,,and how you can live a healthier, more active life bybecoming an involved participant in your care. Free. Toregister, call 941-637-2497.The Importance of Colorectal Cancer ScreeningsThursday, March 26 1 5:00 6:00 p.m.Bayfront Health Port Charlotte2500 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte -Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of death forboth men and women, but there is a light at the end of thetunnel. Learn why early detection, regular screening and/or Gcncrai Surgeontesting is one of the most powerful weapons you can have.Free. To register, call 941-637-2497.'Bayfront HealthPort Charlotte Punta GordaBayfrontCharlotte.comthe &-,.{,u .,darn./...-gkd eraW MeeWaN;ikeyaNent n,e ,be-a/me MedimSt.((_=d.r7 mr4eam Pert a+wtEe ap'a,dI. :,VW the A re,xcn Head n-t O, s My Hear My We't fo1gettorecydeyournewspapers!C .;


Page 6 The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 PUNTA GORDA — Some people may think prescription drugs are not that harmful because they are prescribed, but coalitions ghting abuse are saying it’s a mess that needs to be cleaned up. Drug Free Punta Gorda Coalition urged folks to clean out their medicine cabinets as a part of their spring cleaning at its Tuesday meeting. The coalition is a part of Drug Free Charlotte County, a nonprot organization founded in 2000 to prevent youth drug abuse. DFCC also has coalitions of community advocates promoting initiatives and campaigns against drug abuse in Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda and Englewood. Diane Ramseyer, executive director of DFCC, said anti-drug coalitions usually have at least one take-back day to dispose of unused prescription medications in the proper way, but this year coalitions decided to expand the effort from March 23 to April 25. “This is only one small thing to do,” Ramseyer said. “This is not the only answer. But this is just a part of it.” Prescription drug abuse has become an epidemic in Florida, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report shows, with deaths resulting from their abuse quadrupling in the past decade. Some prescription drugs most commonly misused by youth are Ritalin and Adderall, diagnosed for attention decit hyperactivity disorder, as well as oxycodone, diagnosed for moderate to severe pain. Chrissie Salazar, a public outreach coordinator for DFCC who is also building the coalition in Punta Gorda, shared local data from a survey which asked Punta Gorda teens if they actually used prescription drugs — and how often — in the past 30 days. It found high school use is up from 13 percent in 2013 to 18 percent in 2014. Middle school use went up from 4 percent in 2013 to 5 percent in 2014. The coalition usually ips the statistic to show how many youth are not using. For example, 82 percent of high school students are not using. “We always present everything in the positive, but there are times when we need to face what’s going on,” Salazar said. “Up until two years ago, this wasn’t even on our plate Like so many things, the age of use has come down.” Salazar added perceived drug use was much higher, with about one out of every three students perceived to be using these drugs in eighth-grade. In addition to presenting the data, she also dispelled three myths, including “everybody’s doing it,” “these drugs are safe” and “most students who use prescription stimulants non-medically do well in academics.” She also made an emotional appeal to the small group of concerned citizens, showing YouTube videos from teens who spoke out against prescription drug abuse. The clips showed the toll it had taken on a handful of their peers and their communities, with a few overdosing, one in recovery and another with permanent brain damage. Salazar had a few recommendations for both parents and students in the community to help stem this epidemic. One, get a lock box for their prescrip tion drugs; two, speak up about the problem; and, three, clean out their medicine cabinets. Email: Spring cleaning urged to prevent youth’s prescription drug abuseBy SOMMER BROKAWSUN STAFF WRITER From overthe-counter to prescriptions, residents checked their medi cine cabinets for outdated or unused medications and lled 8-1/4 garbage bags, a total of 127 pounds, Bartow Police Lt. Gary McLin said. All the medications will be incinerated. DISPOSAL SITESPrescription drug disposal sites in Charlotte County Charlotte County Public Safety Complex, 1410 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda. Drop-off time: 24/7. Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office Administrative Building, 7474 Utilities Road, Punta Gorda. Drop-off time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office, District 4, 3280 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte. Drop off time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office, District 1, 6868 San Casa Dr., Englewood. Drop-off time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. NEWS & NOTESImprove health, happiness at seminarEvery Thursday through March 19, a Live Life to the Fullest Creation Health Workshop will be held from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Myakka Room of the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center, 75 Taylor St., Punta Gorda. The free seminar will cover the “Eight Ways to Improve Your Health and Happiness.” For more information, contact Dr. Todd Lang at 941-391-1922 or dr.lang@ to benefit Relay for LifeCome and enjoy family, friends and music during a BBQ for Relay party from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 18 at Wilson Realty, 4485 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte. For a donation of $5, party-goers can enjoy a hamburger or hot dog, chips and bottled water. The donation will benefit the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Visit www.facebook. com/wilsonrealtywarriors for more information.Give A Pint-Get A PintCulver’s is sponsoring a Give A PintGet A Pint blood drive to sweeten the community’s blood supply. Donors can share their power to save lives by giving blood and enjoy a free pint of Culver’s Custard. The Give A Pint-Get A Pint Blood Drive will be at the Port Charlotte Culvers, 385 Kings Highway, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 14 (today). All donors receive a wellness checkup of blood pressure, pulse, temperature, iron count and a cholesterol screening. To schedule an appointment, visit or call 1-888936.6283. Walk-ins are welcome. Offer Expires 4/30/15 Offer Expires 4/30/15 adno=50481151 Joseph Proscia, DDS General Dentist Renan Buitrago, DDS General Dentist D0150, D0330, D0272, D0210, D1110, D0140, D0220, D0230 IT IS OUR OFFICE POLICY THAT THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDIN G TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED-FEE OR REDUCED-FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT, DN20039 , DN20567 adno=50481153 Repairs for all makes and models in or out of warranty Robert Watts, HAS/BC-HIS #5556 National Board Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences Call Today for a Complimentary Consultation: 941.249.4503 Maple Leaf Plaza 2200 Kings Hwy., Port Charlotte BOB’S BETTER HEARING International Service Network for Seasonal residents Complete Dental Care AZI-41940 Tamiami Tral, Suite 1021 Port Cherk toCall Today! 941-623-9415www.Compl.t.DantalCarsFL.comt$59Exam Cleaning, $1N Emergency& X-rays(Re9)hdswr.dwr>MU Irdi UpM _ _ _ s r ta'rrurarwdnardw aaemssblvsaWa.+=rnrswnaarlOWoal7wvatw*APro=*v cSu NR v r Dr'L 1Y. vs (M1 mMaQ V* wytae r wndar OM %Whrr* YhI


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Page 7 Nearly all Americans understand that relaxation time is essential to good health, yet most of us don’t spend nearly enough time unwinding during a typical day or week. While our society acknowledges that kicking back is indispensable, we don’t seem to be practicing what we preach. Indeed, 99 percent of Americans think relaxation is important, yet they actually spend less than 5 percent of their day relaxing, according to a new independent research study commissioned by Princess Cruises. The goal of the research was to better understand the latest trends about how many of us actually relax and how we go about doing it. Nearly half of Americans report they’re more stressed than their significant other, with a whopping 82 percent of men indicating that their partner is the stressed out one. Music topped the list of relaxation techniques for those surveyed, with 48 percent reporting music helps them take it easy. Interestingly, only 18 percent find exercise is a good relaxation tool. The most surprising findings were that relaxation causes 62 percent of parents to feel guilty and that nearly one third of Americans surveyed reported being stressed out simply by the thought of relaxing. So try to beat the odds and make time to unwind.Make time to unwindPROVIDED BY STATEPOINT PHOTO PROVIDEDBe sure to relax and adno=50481914 Night,day,evenatplay......It's all aboutyou.+ St. Lucy's Eye SurgeryCenter has been offering eye surgeryfor the South Floridaarea for twenty five years. Doctors Spadafora and Schaible use the motechniques with the most advanced equipment to ensure your eye st moderncompleted with the BEST results possible. surgery is safelyIf you need eye surgery, why go anywhere else? The most advanced,surgery center is right here in South Florida! ,i sX See us, see better. ``ebating 2s!,:nccxFm r:cnov:+sso"^non a_21275 Olean Blvd. \J. 2825 Tamiami Trail,Ste. 3 & 41331 S. Sumter Blvd.


Page 8 The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Page 9 adno=50476988 LEE MEMORIALHEALTH SYSTEMDevoted to Excelle n ce I n Stroke Ca reWhen every second counts you can count on us.We provide the latest technology an telargest team o stroke specialists in Southwest Florida.i, ! V` "' Mt I \ . ' . , f! : I k" .( Ji 4J Z 1`y 'b%.-1 I , ' ' . . f 1, Y4 .S a4w$ii bys4JIw C.-' ' 22 Think F.A.S.T. when it comes to stroke oeeeeunr _.. , TOP 5 /o INI ..:^ . i -.i I Remember these warning signs of a stroke, and call 911 immediately. THE NATION" qlAMBULANCE 4 ,. t . $ ;,,A~ ..., _ Face Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop.1Iip cii _ i r i Arms Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm daft downward._ . \Speech -Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is their speech slurred or strange, SPECIALTY CARE` .` '_ STROKE' 'Time If ou ob rve an f th e i n call 11 immedi t I .,N, y se y o es s g s, 9 a e y cneE `2015The best ways to prevent a stroke are to manage risk factors b eating right,., , . _7_ exercising, not smoking and having yearly physicals with your physician where he orshe checks our blood ressure, blood I glucose and cholesterol levels. IfYou need aY p1 physician, please call 239-481-4111. GulfCoast Medical Center1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [.11 1/ 1 1 1 1


Page 10 The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 On the surface, Patricia Huff and Maureen Bonness had a thoughtful, innocent idea. Build a bike trail through Everglades, called the River of Grass Greenway, to give cyclists a safer and more intimate look. The 76-mile path would run parallel to the Tamiami Trail. Take existing facilities along the trail and add others where needed. Work with the Miccosukee and Seminole tribes, as well as botanists, naturalists and other agencies, to put up signs and plaques as a way of educating visitors about the area and its history. However, there are obstacles to the trail — at $500,000 to $1 million per mile, the cost could run between $38 million and $76 million. Then there are environmentalists who are afraid of the damage it could create and the not-in-my-backyard groups. “Our concern is not opposing a per son on a bicycle or the right to bicy cle,” said Betty Osceola, a Miccosukee Indian. “But as we look at plans on the grand scale they’re proposing, it’s not helping the environment.” The bike trail would run through six national and state parks, as well as protected wetlands, critical habitat, across two native reservations and a World Heritage Site. Karen Dwyer, a founder of the Naples-area environmental and human rights group Stone Crab Alliance, said there will be a five-day protest march along Tamiami Trail in the Everglades starting March 29. That’s the same time approximately 60 bicyclists will make their annual ride from Fort Myers to Key West. They’re planning on staying in Everglades City on March 29. “This is the last place they were driven to,” Dwyer said of the Native Americans. “There’s no place else to go. They don’t want a recreational bike path built in their backyard. You can try to be as ecological as you can, but there’s going to be destruction.” Mark Heinicke, a senior park planner with Miami-Dades County Parks and Recreation, said it’s hard to be specific on what the trail will be because most of the plans are conceptual. He added nothing has been funded beyond a feasibility study and master plan. “In my mind, there’s not much to protest,” he said. “We’re not revving up the bulldozers. What are they protesting? An idea?” Heinicke adds that there are many phases and after each one, the project could be stopped. “There a lot of hoops and hurdles to make it work, if it works,” he said. Money is one of those. He said funding for the project would come from a variety of federal, state, local and private sources. Even if given the go-ahead, the project would be done “piece by piece, mile by mile,” Heinicke said. “Rarely are these done all at once.” With steering committee meetings and public presentations still needed, Heinicke said the final feasibility study won’t come out until June or July at the earliest.Bicyclists’ viewHuff has biked Europe twice with her husband Steve and has made two cross-country trips from Florida to Oregon during the past 15 years. “Ever since that first bike trip across the United States in 2000, I started thinking that we should have more opportunities for bicycling in Southwest Florida,” Huff said. “We didn’t really have opportunities other states had.” Huff said she also received that feedback when she spoke with other cyclists going cross country. “They were on the West Coast trying to go the East Coast but when they were riding on the Tamiami Trail, it wasn’t that safe,” she said. For the past nine years, she and Bonness have led the charge for a bike path. The Naples Pathways Coalition assisted their efforts. That work included receiving grants for the project, which led to the feasibility study. “They’ve been trying a long time to get this done,” Heinicke said. Everglades bike trail faces foes:By C RAIG HANDELNEWS-PRESS PHOTOS PROVIDEDThe Everglades. BIKE | 11 adno=50481890 Our Talented Team of Orthopedic Surgeons Has Grown! Steven R. Anthony, D.O. Board Eligible Orthopedic Surgeon Fellowship trained in Foot and Ankl e Call for an Appointment! 9 4 1 6 3 9 6 6 9 9 941-639-6699 350 Mary Street, Punta Gorda 9 4 1 6 2 9 6 2 6 2 941-629-6262 1641 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte Pictured above from left to right: Gregory P. Gebauer, M.D. Robert Stchur, M.D. Nicholas J. Con nors, M.D. Ronald M. Constine, M.D. Alexander J. Martinez, M.D. Steven R. Anthony, D.O. Jason Reiss, D.O. Kenneth D. Levy, M.D. Dale A. Greenberg, M.D. 941.505.0400rfntbrttt rrfntbr nbrnt tntbrnntbt t r r frnfn t ftt bf The Best of Charlotte for the Past 12 Years!1 0 0 M a d r i d B l v d S u i t e 2 1 4 P u n t a G o r d a , F L 3 3 9 5 0 100 Madrid Blvd Suite 214 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 w w w . h a r b o r a u d i o l o g y . n e t adno=50481018 NOW AVAILABLE CROWNS IMPLANTS COSMETIC DENTISTRY RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY ROOT CANALS DIGITAL X-RAYS NEW PATIENTS ARE WELCOMEP U N T A G O R D A PUNTA GORDA F a m i l y F amily D e n t a l Dental C a r e Care Interest Free Financing with Approved Credit 5 7 5 2 6 2 6 575-2626 Please call for an appointment. Jeremy Martin D.M.D.1 0 0 M a d r i d B o u l e v a r d , S u i t e 4 1 4 B a n k o f A m e r i c a P a r k i n g L o t adno=50481069 Fwnmly AdvancedDental OrthopedicCenterCare REPAIR RESTORE RECOVERY100 Madrid Boulevard, Suite 44]144Bank of America Parking Lot100 Madrid h sun. 214 Pill. Gorda, FL 33960VISAapww,bspbpo mudlolojy n@Q


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Page 11 The cost could run between $38 million and $76 million.“Typically, a trail project takes a while. It’s like a quilt. And this project is more complicated than others because of environmental issues. You have to knit all these ideas into one coherent vision.” Joe Bonness, a Southwest Florida resident and seven-time world champion in the Ironman and half Ironman, believes the path will become a tourist destination and a great way for people to get an up-closeand-personal look at the Everglades. “There will be access away from the roadway and people can get a better view of the Everglades, away from the traffic,” he said. “Families can do it because there will be non-motorized access. You get away from the speedy traffic, and it’s better for your lungs. The last thing you want to worry about when you’re looking for birds and alligators and deer is an 80,000-pound vehicle coming by you.”Bike path objectionsObjections to the idea come in two categories: those who are afraid it will endanger the environment and those who believe it will endanger fragile Indian history. “Everything will be affected — the land, the water, the animals, all the plant life, the ecosystem,” Osceola said. “People are part of the ecosystem. They want to show beauty but they’re going to destroy beauty to show it.” “There is a wide ecological foot print that it has,” said Houston Cypress, an influential member of the Miccosukee Tribe. “In some areas it goes out 100 feet or more. And there will be access points, which is more construction.” Cypress said no one has reached out to the Miccosukee to inform them of the proposed bicycle path or to take input from them, so he and others see the path as another invasion into their lands and lifestyles. “There are established areas where people can bicycle, canoe and hike,” he added. “And we do not need another impediment to the Everglades restoration.” Osceola added no one should have the right to use the land since the Miccosukee have a document from 1845 in which President James Polk deeded them 5 million acres in South Florida. She believes that agreement still stands as the tribe has never accepted money for the land’s use despite more and more projects being done without the tribe’s permission. Nearby, at Coopertown Airboats, owner Jesse Kennon said he’s concerned about the bicycle path as well. “If they’re natural paths that’s one thing, but if it’s paved through cypress strands then that’s detrimental to preserving the Big Cypress,” Kennon said. “If they’re using levees and existing roads, that’s OK with me. But if you’re running bulldozers and coming back with pavers, that’s different.” News-Press writer Chad Gillis contributed to this report. PHOTOS PROVIDEDPalm trees sway in the wind and under dark skies in Florida’s Everglades National Park. Timeline of River of Grass Greenway: 2006: Naples Pathways Coalition members Maureen Bonness and Patty Hu conceive concept of River of Grass Greenway. 2006-2013: Agencies, municipalities, businesses, Native American tribes and national and state parks across South Florida are presented the concept. 2009: The greenway receives Florida Department of Transportation regional transportation grants for project development and environment study. 2010: The greenway receives a federal grant for a feasibility study and master plan. 2015: Final feasibility study will be released this spring for the bikeway. BIKEFROM PAGE 10 The wild beauty of the Everglades. 56 UNIT MEMORY CARE COMMUNITY RECENTLY REMODELED AND NEW ADDITION30 UNITASSISTED LIVING THE PALMSOF PUNTAGORDAFOUNDERS CLUB SPECIALLIMITED TIME OFFER!rfnt rfbtfCALL TODAY frfnr f frf rft n frfnf rfnfrbf bft nfb fntf nrbnrfbtrrtttnr C n r‘ 2295 Shreve St, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Assisted Living Facility #8469 Privately Owned, Locally Managed THE PALMS OF PUNTA GORDA 30 Assisted Living Apartments 56 UNIT MEMORY CARE COMMUNITY adno=50481038 624-4500 Team Eye Consultant Tampa Bay Rays and Charlotte Stone Crabs VOTED BEST OPHTHALMOLOGIST 2011 2014 2014 adno=50481076 Ripmn FLED ANDmat 1 i'_rFOUNDERS CLUB SPECIALLIMITED TIME OFFER!N, EYE CAFE CENT ,firOrbue4_Re,Ln' rj 1


Page 12 The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 A simple fall can change your reality. One day you know the difference between a hairbrush, a toothbrush, or a paintbrush. But after a head injury from a fall, you might lose your discernment and forget which goes on first, your shoes or your socks. It’s reality for those who fall and sustain a traumatic brain injury, known as TBI. According to the Centers of Disease Control, falls are the most common cause of TBI. Twenty to 30 percent of people who fall not only have head traumas, but also suffer moderate to severe lacerations and hip fractures. Research shows that these injuries can make it hard to get around or live independently, and increase the risk of early death. What’s more, many people who fall will develop a fear of falling and will start to limit standing and walking activities. Unfortunately, the limits turn into loss of physical fitness and can increase the odds of falling. One of the keys to preventing a fall is improving balance. As we age, natural changes in hearing, vision and proprioception (the awareness of where one’s body is in space) can offset balance. If seniors can learn to use these senses better, they will be less likely to fall. Experts in balance training say that customized therapy can improve our senses and can offer life-altering tips to withstand threats to our equilibrium. Research shows that muscle strengthening and balance retraining helps. New Zealand researchers combined the results of many fall studies. After their review, they found muscle strengthening and balance retraining exercises in 1,016 older men and women (ages 65 to 97) reduced the risk of falls and fall injuries by as much as 35 to 45 percent. “Just knowing your risk for falls is an important step of awareness,” says Kimmer O’Neill, MOT, director of rehab for Port Charlotte Rehabilitation Center. She says that therapy gives that recognition as well as personalized tips like removing rugs, installing better lighting, and getting an updated prescription for eyeglasses to improve safety. “Many people don’t know they are at risk for falls,” O’Neill says that those who are in the first stages of losing their sense of balance will modify the way they walk. They will place hands on walls, countertops and furniture to help maintain their balance and make up for a loss of strength. The challenge in therapy is finding the correct therapeutic methods and technology to provide maximum potential. The goal, O’Neill explains, is to identify the best intervention for each individual. For some, a regimen of pool therapy might be enough. For others, it might be weightlifting, practicing walking with their eyes closed or relying on advanced technology called the Biosway. The device allows patients to learn new balance strategies while standing on an interactive platform. The machine assesses how well someone can maintain balance while multitasking. The screen changes, the floor tilts and the patient learns to respond to the changes. In addition, a balance score can be calculated at each session, so patients can instantly know if their balance is improving. O’Neill’s department of balance rehabilitation includes therapists with advanced vestibular training and certification, which means they bring special knowledge of the complex sensors in the eyes, ears and body and how it relates to brain function and balance. “If your fear of falling is holding you back, call to schedule a balance test and evaluation,” O’Neill said. “Together we can renew your balance and improve your confidence.”For more information, call Port Charlotte Rehabilitation Center at 941-235-8011. They offer comprehensive rehabilitative outpatient and inpatient services for short or long term care located at 25325 Rampart Blvd., Port Charlotte, Fla. Decrease risk of brain injury fallsBy LAUREEN ALBRECHTSPECIAL TO FEELING FIT rf nrtbrr nt rf rrt frt nt bn n rfr ntb nn t nnt n n nf rtn rrtr rt rt r n n n ‘’“ ”’• n nt nnnt t tft f ’–’nrr — f r‘ ’“’ ‘”• ‘“’•–’’“ —’’’• “’•‘‘• —–’ —–’–”— —’r’r‘ – ’•–’’— r’‘’ ’ ’’ r r ft rrf — r rn ’—–nt r –’‘’’t”— —’rf ’—— ’ ‘f ““r rt’ •’ ’ tr ’f bnnrr r ’’ •‘ ’’f btbn bb ’ “– ’’ bnn bbr t rb b t r bb nb r b bb nn ‘–b rbb r r trrt bb r rtt bb nn “n‘ bb n n n bb n t ‘b b n tf bb rnr rfb b rf rf adno=50429675 1*47


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Page 13 NEW YORK — Can a tetanus shot help treat brain cancer? A small study hints that it might. A dose of tetanus vaccine let patients live longer when added to an experimental treatment for the most common and deadly kind of brain tumor, researchers report. It “put the immune system on high alert,” paving the way for the experimental treatment to work better in attacking the disease, said researcher Kristen Batich of the Duke University Medical Center. In a paper released Wednesday by the journal Nature, she and others describe a study of 12 patients. Some who got the tetanus shot lived years longer than those who didn’t. Dr. John Sampson of Duke, senior author of the report, called the results promising but noted the study was small, and said bigger studies are needed to conrm the results. A follow-up study has already been planned but isn’t recruiting patients yet, Batich said. Brain cancer experts unconnected with the work were impressed. The results are “very exciting,” said Dr. Nader Sanai of the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix. While he agreed more work is required, “what you have so far, it’s a very positive story.” Tetanus is otherwise known as lockjaw. Vaccines for it are routinely recommended for children and adults. The new study focused on glioblastoma, which killed Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy in 2009. Even after surgery to remove the tumor, it usually grows back and kills. The few drugs to treat these tumors have little effect. Half of patients die within about 15 months. The new work is an example of a long-standing effort to harness the immune system to ght cancer, an approach called immunotherapy. The specic strategy it used is called a dendritic-cell vaccine. Doctors remove particular blood cells from a patient and equip them with a chemical target found in the tumor. Then they return the cells to the patient’s body, where they train the immune system to go after the cancer. The 12 patients in the new study were treated with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. All patients got an ordinary tetanus-diphtheria shot and then three injections of their own cells, spaced two weeks apart. Then they were randomly divided into two groups. One group got a second, tiny dose of the tetanus-diphtheria vaccine at the place in the skin where the cells would be injected the next day. The other group got a dummy dose. The idea behind the tetanus mini-shot was that the immune system “gets revved up in this particular area” so that “the body will be more excited about what’s to come,” Sampson said. Cell injections continued monthly until brain scans showed tumor growing. For the six patients who got the dummy shot, only one was still alive two years after diagnosis, surviving for about 3 years. Still, overall results for this group indicated a small benet from the cell injections alone, Batich said. The results were far better for patients who got the mini-shot of tetanus. Four surpassed two years. One of them lived almost ve years and another nearly six years. Still another is approaching nine years and counting. She is Sandy Hillburn, 68, of Fort Lee, New Jersey. When diagnosed in New York in April 2006, “I was told I had two to three months to live,” she recalled in a telephone interview. But her family ew her to Duke in North Carolina because of its reputation for glioblastoma care, and she was offered a slot in the experimental study. “I was very positive it would help,” Hillburn said. “I said, ‘Sure, thank you.’ I’m still saying thank you.” In the years since then, she has attended her son’s wedding and gained ve more grandchildren. Now she plays soccer with six grandsons in Ohio and Boston. “I look forward to seeing the wonderful people they’re becoming,” she said. She continues to visit Duke once a month for more cell injections. Sampson said it’s not clear why she has lived so long. Hillburn credits the treatment and her medical care at Duke. She also cited the example of her father, who is a 97-year-old survivor of two kinds of cancer. “He just went about his life, and so I did the same thing,” Hillburn said. The study was funded in part by a government grant to a business venture that is licensing the technology. Some of the authors have led patents related to the tetanus strategy. Tetanus shot may help treat brain cancer, study saysBy MALCOLM RITTERAP SCIENCE WRITER It has qualities so remarkable, it could come from the land of Oz (and could become the television doctor’s next big thing, too): a compound derived from a tree growing in South and Central America prompted obese mice to lose 20 percent to 30 percent of their weight. It also allowed normal, healthy mice to chow down on fatty foods — as much as they wanted — and never become obese, accumulate excess fat or develop diabetes. Oh, and it only worked in females. A new study details the effectiveness with which a synthetic compound that mimics a avenoid found in the leaves of the primula tree prompted the muscles of female mice to behave as if they were getting regular, intensive exercise. Compared to female mice who got a placebo, those who got an oral formulation of a compound called 7,8-dihydroxyavone (7,8-DHF for short) burned more calories, became more sensitive to the effects of insulin and developed body compositions that had more lean tissue and less fat. The study also offers cruel justice to any woman who has struggled with weight loss while watching a man drop pounds effortlessly: Male mice who got 7,8-DHF saw no benets from the compound. If they ate too much, they got fat. And once fat, 7,8-DHF did nothing to help them lose their excess weight. In a strange twist, the experimental drug that produced these remarkable effects in female mice is on its way into human testing — as a treatment to delay or reverse the degenerative process of Alzheimer’s disease. Set to be conducted in China and Australia, the impending trials of the compound’s safety and effectiveness may set the stage for its availability one day as a drug for weight loss or obesity prevention. In the meantime, the lead author of the new research said he and his colleagues will seek to make a natural extract of 7,8-DHF available as a dietary supplement — a process that will require much less proof of the product’s safety and effectiveness, but hasten its path to market. The new research, published Thursday in the Cell Press journal Chemistry & Biology, demonstrates that 7,8-DHF stimulates the muscles to produce a hormone call brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF. When produced inside the brain, the hormone BDNF appears to have powerful effects. It seems to protect the brain from a wide range of injuries, including trauma and oxygen deprivation. Researchers — including the authors of the latest research — are exploring its properties to nd treatments for such devastating brain conditions as Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, as well as for such conditions as depression. Its name notwithstanding, BDNF is also secreted by the muscles, where its effect is no less dramatic. In female mice, BDNF activates a cascade of chemical effects that revved up calorie-burning and fostered normal, healthy weight without suppressing big appetites. “We are quite excited about it,” said senior author Dr. Keqiang Ye of the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. “An equivalent diet pill in humans would allow people to maintain a healthy weight, despite a high-fat diet,” Ye added. “The pill would burn calories without affecting appetite.” Ye said the natural compound that inspired the synthesis of 7,8-DHF has a long history of safe consumption by humans and chimpanzees. In its raw form, however, the avenoid has two problems, he said. It’s not readily bioavailable — its chemical structure is either broken down or altered as it passes through the digestive system. And it’s not concentrated enough to produce dramatic weight-loss or obesity-protection effects. Those obstacles have impeded efforts to test and eventually use BDNF as a treatment for brain diseases. Forced to bypass the gut to administer the drug, researchers had to infuse the hormone directly into animals’ brains to test its effects. While that can be done with a rodent, it’s not a practical therapy for a human. Ye and his colleagues set out to nd a form of BDNF that is pure, powerful and practical enough to test as a drug for Alzheimer’s disease. They screened thousands of experimental compounds for one that got around those shortcomings. The result — 7,8-DNF — provides a much more concentrated dose of the avenoid than could be had by consuming its leaves. And it traverses the intestine intact. Ye said a natural extract from the leaves of the primula tree (or from a plant called Godmania aesculifolia) could provide a sufciently concentrated dose of 7,8-DNF to have a weightloss effect, although he said it might be costly. At the same time, he acknowledged that a synthetic version of the 7,8-DNF is far more likely than a dietary supplement to have the dramatic effects shown in the new study.Potential weight-loss agent from a tree is almost too good to be trueBy MELISSA HEALYLOS ANGELES TIMES (TNS) PHOTO PROVIDEDWhat kind of tree can help people lose weight? NEUROLOGY ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY ELECTROMYOGRAPHY Harbor Professional Centre 3420 TAMIAMI TRAIL SUITE 3 PORT CHARLOTTE, FLORIDA 941-629-2111 Please visit us at www N A S I R K H A L I D I , M . D . NASIR KHALIDI, M.D. Dizziness/Involuntary Movements Sudden Vision Change/Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson’s Disease/Muscular Dystrophy Restless Leg Syndrome Most Insurances Accepted adno=50481094 PORTCHARLOTTEPUNTAGORDANORTHPORTENGLEWOODARCADIA 941.235.4400 Heart and Vascular surgery S TROKE / CAROTID U LTRASOUND A BDOMINAL A ORTIC A NEURYSM (AAA) A RTERIAL D ISEASE (PAD) H EART S CAN (ECHOCARDIOGRAM) Your Screening Test Results Tom Kartis, M.D. FACS, FACC, FCCP adno=50481910 1311t ll4IIIIDIIyILffl


Page 14 The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Older adults are under vaccinated against pneumonia. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that affects people world-wide but is preventable. Approximately 900,000 cases of pneumococcal pneumonia are diagnosed in the United States each year; most of them in adults 60 and older; as many as 400,000 of pneumonia cases are serious enough to require hospitalization. Five to 7 percent of afflicted older adults die from pneumonia each year in the United States. About 70 million adults at highest risk for pneumonia remain unvaccinated, leaving them vulnerable to the disease. Vaccines to prevent pneumonia and its complications are the most effective method of preventing the disease. Vaccines are readily available. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends all adults 65 years and older receive two doses of pneumococcal vaccine according to a recommended schedule. It is important that you discuss your need for the pneumococcal vaccine with your health care provider. A prescription may not be required. The vaccine is available at some pharmacies and at your local health department. Pneumonia often develops following a cold or the flu. It can become a serious health threat. Pneumonia symptoms include high fever, fatigue, chest pain, and difficulty breathing. The symptoms can be severe and may last for weeks or longer. If you have not received the vaccine and experience symptoms, it is important that you make an appointment with your health care provider immediately. Once the pneumonia bacteria invade the lungs and bloodstream, they can cause serious illness, especially in the elderly or and those with low immunity. Older adults may experience other symptoms such as confusion or feeling less alert. Pneumonia symptoms usually develop quickly and may lead to hospitalization or death if not treated immediately. Other measures to reduce the risk of pneumonia include frequent hand washing, cleaning surfaces, “sneeze in your sleeve,” obtaining the flu vaccine, avoiding crowds and close contact with individuals who have symptoms such as coughing and sneezing. Many individuals who appear healthy can actually carry the disease and spread it during personal contact like hand shaking or hugging or when they cough or sneeze. In September 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued updated recommendations on pneumococcal vaccination for older adults. Based on the recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the CDC recommends that adults 65 and older be vaccinated with PCV13 including those who have previously received PPSV23. Florida Department of Health remains a strong supporter of these recommendations and a promoter of both childhood and adult vaccinations. Your local health department offers a wide variety of immunization services, including but not limited to, PCV13 and PPSV23. For additional questions or to schedule your immunization appointment, please contact the Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County at 941-624-7200. Pneumonia: Facts and preventionPROVIDED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH IN CHARLOTTE COUNTY ON THE vac-PCV13-adults.htm Venice Regional Bayfront Health has received Chest Pain Center Reaccreditation with PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) for the second consecutive time from the Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care. Hospitals that have received SCPC accreditation have achieved a higher level of expertise in dealing with patients who arrive with symptoms of a heart attack. They emphasize the importance of standardized diagnostic and treatment programs that provide more efcient and effective evaluation as well as more appropriate and rapid treatment of patients with chest pain and other heart attack symptoms. They also serve as a point of entry into the healthcare system to evaluate and treat other medical problems, and they help to promote a healthier lifestyle in an attempt to reduce the risk factors for heart attack. To become an Accredited Chest Pain Center, Venice Regional Bayfront Health engaged in rigorous evaluation by SCPC for its ability to assess, diagnose, and treat patients who may be experiencing a heart attack. To the community served by Venice Regional, this means that processes are in place that meet strict criteria aimed at: Reducing the time from onset of symptoms to diagnosis and treatment Treating patients more quickly during the critical window of time when the integrity of the heart muscle can be preserved Monitoring patients when it is not certain that they are having a heart attack to ensure that they are not sent home too quickly or needlessly admitted to the hospital This was the second consecutive accreditation for Venice Regional. “The Chest Pain Center accreditation sets us apart from other medical centers,” says James Landis, M.D., FACC, Interventional Cardiologist. “It is a testament of the continued commitment of Venice Regional’s team of clinicians who provide collaborative services to achieve the most favor able patient outcomes.” Venice Regional was also recognized as one of the nation’s 2015 Top 50 Cardiovascular Hospitals by Truven Health Analytics.Venice Regional Bayfront Health Reaccredited as Chest Pain Center with PCIPROVIDED BY VENICE REGIONAL BAYFRONT HEALTHProstate support groupThe Charlotte County Prostate Support and Information Group will meet from 1 to 3 p.m. March 20 at the Fawcett Hospital H2U facility in the Promenades Mall, 3280 N Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, next to the Charlotte County Sheriff’s ofce. This month’s speaker will be Dr. David Rice, M.D., from 21st Century Oncology. He is a radiation oncologist treating a wide variety of cancers. There will be a question-and-answer session after his talk. This is a forum for men and women to learn about prostate complications and treatment options, as well as coping and everyday living, through interactive presentations and materials. There is no requirement to have a diagnosis of prostate cancer to attend. Specialists in various elds related to prostate issues will share information on medical topics and quality of life issues. Prostate diseases are a couple’s problem. Women are cordially invited to the meeting to both share and learn. Fawcett Memorial Hospital provides both the room and refreshments.Mammograms at Andes ClinicThe Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic, 21297 Olean Blvd., Port Charlotte, urges all Charlotte County women without insurance to visit the clinic for a free mammogram. Thanks to the generous support of Susan G. Komen of Southwest Florida and Project Detect from the Riverwood subdivision in Port Charlotte, funds exist to help Charlotte County residents receive screening and diagnostic mammograms, biopsies, and other breast cancer-related procedures all at no cost. Cindy Neads, the director of nursing at the VBA Clinic, reminds us that one in six women between the ages of 40 and 49 suffer from breast cancer, and early detection through an annual mammogram is the best form of cancer prevention. Patients can drop by the clinic or call to schedule an appointment with a breast cancer nurse navigator, who will then set up an appointment for a free mammogram at one of VBA’s partner hospitals or radiology practices. Call 941-766-9570 or visit for more information.Free yoga classes in Punta GordaFree community yoga classes are being offered twice a week throughout the month of March at The Yoga Sanctuary, 112 Sullivan St, Punta Gorda. The sessions, led by the studio’s teachers-in-training are offered from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. In lieu of a class charge, the individual instructors are asking participants to donate to the session’s designated char ity. The remaining community classes, and their corresponding instructor and charity, are listed below: March 17: Sue Dzija — Octagon Wildlife Sanctuary. March 19: Kathleen Strong — Animal Welfare League of Charlotte County. March 24: Tami Daniels — Guardian ad Litem. March 26: Wen Leu — American Cancer Society. For more information, stop by the studio, visit or call 941-505-YOGA(9642)Discussion to address diabetic retinopathyDr. Oren Plous, a Retina Specialist with Frantz EyeCare, will discuss the causes, symptoms and treatment of diabetic retinopathy during a free seminar at noon on March 23 at the Punta Gorda ofce of Frantz EyeCare, 109 Taylor St. Call 941-505-2020 or visit http:// to reserve a seat at the seminar.Sign up for Chocolate Fantasia 7K RunThe Foot Landing and 1-2-3 Runners Foundation are introducing The Chocolate Fantasia 7K Night Run, a fun-lled, chocolate themed running event beneting The Tender Hearts Partnership. This inaugural event will take place at 8:30 p.m. March 28 in Punta Gorda. This unique 7K distance will take runners on a twilight tour of the beautiful downtown Punta Gorda waterfront. Participants will enjoy exciting chocolate-themed events during race week, including a chocolate-themed tasting garden on race day at Gilchrist Park. Organizers are expecting 400 to 500 runners and are still looking for sponsors. For more information, contact Lisa Heid at 920-205-1633 or email NEWS & NOTES adno=50481906 2 7 6 2 B . T a m i a m i T r . , P o r t C h a r l o t t e 2 7 6 2 B . T a m i a m i T r . , P o r t C h a r l o t t e 2762 B. Tamiami Tr., Port Charlotte J U L I A B . P I Z A R R O , D . M . D . P . A . J U L I A B . P I Z A R R O , D . M . D . P . A . JULIA B. PIZARRO, D.M.D. P.A. Offer good in the absence of gum disease. Valid through 2/28/15 N E W N E W NEW P A T I E N T S P E C I A L P A T I E N T S P E C I A L PATIENT SPECIAL $ 5 9 $ 5 9 $ 59 Only PROPHY / XRAYS / EXAM ALL PRODUCTS ARE MADE IN THE USA H U R R Y I N T O T A K E A D V A N T A G E O F O U R H U R R Y I N T O T A K E A D V A N T A G E O F O U R HURRY IN TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR Cash or Checks Please6 2 9 4 8 0 4 6 2 9 4 8 0 4 629-4804 New Patients only SE HABLA ESPAOL HURRY IN TO TAKE ADVANTA41 OF OURNEWPATMPIT SPICIAL$99un L M EMV ^ @M& 9&2762 05. Temleoa The ft n Chmolotft


The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Page 15 NEWS & NOTESFoot and ankle disordersDr. Steve Anthony, an orthopedic surgeon, will speak about treatments available for various foot and ankle disorders in a free lecture from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday at the Medical Office Building at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda, 713 E. Marion Ave. Seating is limited so call 941-637-2497 to register.Nutrition classBayfront Health Punta Gorda is offering a free cardiac diet nutrition class from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesday at Wellness & Rehabilitation Center, 733 E. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda. Seating is limited so register by calling 941-637-2497.Shoulder painJoin Dr. Jeffrey Bentson, an orthopedic surgeon, for lunch and learn about the diagnosis and treatment options available for those who suffer from shoulder pain. The free event is from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda, 713 E. Marion Ave., Medical Ofce Building, fouroor conference room, Punta Gorda. Seating is limited, so call 941-637-2497 to register.Chick Chat and ChocolateJoin Chat and Chocolate Women’s Health Series with Dr. Charlene Okomski as she discusses age-related incontinence and pelvic dysfunctions in women from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. March 24 at Charlotte Bayfront Punta Gorda, 713 E. Marion Ave. It is free. There will be special gift for the rst 25 who register. Seating is limited so register by calling 941-637-2497.Cardiovascular diseasesDr. Christiano C. Caldeira, cardiothoracic surgeon, will be speaking about cardiovascular diseases, prevention and treatments from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. March 25 at Bayfront Health Port Charlotte, 2500 Harbor Blvd. Seating is limited so call 941-637-2497 to register.Dining with the DoctorJoin Dr. Alvaro Bada in Dining with the Doctor: The Importance of Colorectal Cancer Screenings, which will take place from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. March 26 at Bayfront Health Port Charlotte, 2500 Harbor Blvd. This is free, but seating is limited so call 941637-2497 to register.Knee and hip painTalk to Dr. Mark Davis, an orthopedic surgeon, about knee and hip pain from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. April 1 at the Medical Ofce Building at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. “Have your questions answered one-on-one and learn to identify various causes, symptoms and treatment options, including the latest procedure for total knee replacement that preserves the ligaments, including your ACL,” states the website. This is free, but seating is limited so call 941637-2497 to register.Nutrition classBayfront Health Punta Gorda is offering a free cardiac diet nutrition class from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. April 7 at Wellness & Rehabilitation Center, 733 E. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda. Seating is limited so register by calling 941-637-2497.Robotic surgeryJoin Dr. Domingo E. Galliano Jr. to learn about a new robotic surgery. “If you are suffering from recurrent hernias and are unsure where to go, then you may be a candidate for complex abdominal wall reconstruction,” states the website. The free event is from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. April 13 at Bayfront Health Port Charlotte, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte. Seating is limited so register by calling 941-637-2497.Pulmonary dietBayfront Health Punta Gorda is offering a free pulmonary diet nutrition class from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. April 14 at Wellness & Rehabilitation Center, 733 E. Olympia Ave.., Punta Gorda. Seating is limited so register by calling 941-637-2497.Hip replacementJoin Dr. Nicholas Connors for dinner and to learn about robotic-assisted surgery for hip replacement. The event is from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. April 14 at Bayfront Health Port Charlotte, 2500 Harbor Blvd., rst-oor conference center, Port Charlotte.Health expoCatch Good Health Wellness and Healthy Living Expo will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 15 at Fishermen’s Village in Punta Gorda. Admission is free. There will be free screenings, seminars and giveaways. For more information, call 941-639-8721.Plant-based dietJoin Dr. Jaimela Dulaney to learn about how a plant-based diet can reduce your risk of heart disease. The free event is from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. April 15 at Bayfront Health Port Charlotte, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Port Charlotte. Seating is limited so register by calling 941-637-2497.March for BabiesThe March of Dimes will hold its March for Babies on April 18 in Laishley Park in Punta Gorda. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the walk begins at 9 a.m. For more information, go to www.marchforbabies. org/event/CharlotteCounty.Nutrition classBayfront Health Punta Gorda is offering a free cardiac diet nutrition class from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. April 21 at Wellness & Rehabilitation Center, 733 E. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda. Seating is limited so register by calling 941-637-2497.Alzheimer’s and dementiaJoin Dr. Saeed Shahzad for dinner and information about signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia in a loved one. The event takes place from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. April 23 at Medical Ofce Building at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda, 713 E. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda. Seating is limited so call 941-637-2497 to register.Nutrition classBayfront Health Punta Gorda is offering a free cardiac diet nutrition class from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. May 5 at Wellness & Rehabilitation Center, 733 E. Olympia Ave., Punta Gorda. Seating is limited so register by calling 941-637-2497.ONGOING Blood pressureFree blood pressure screenings are available from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Cultural Center of Charlotte County, 2280 Aaron St., Port Charlotte.Stroke screeningCharlotte State Bank & Trust and Fawcett Memorial Hospital will be partnering to offer a free stroke screening series throughout the community. For dates, times and locations, call Consult-A-Nurse at 941-6244441. Reservations are required.Fibromyalgia support groupThe Fibromyalgia Support Group meets every third Saturday at 2 p.m. at Wellness Essentials Massage and Spa, 3718 Tamiami Trail Unit B, Port Charlotte. Contact Tammy McEwen at 941-585-1230 for more information.‘Sexy Seniors’The Famous Royal Palm Sexy Senior Calendar now is available for purchase at Royal Palm Retirement Centre, 2500 Aaron St., Port Charlotte. The residents of Royal Palm have taken all common calendars to the next level, and this is the 13th year they have published their “Sexy Senior” calendar. The cost of each calendar is $7, and the funds received from the sales go into the Royal Palm Residents’ Helping Hand Fund, which helps to defray some costs or medical equipment needed. For more info, call 941-627-6762.Codependents AnonymousCodependents Anonymous Coed Open meeting will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursdays at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2222 Englewood Road, Englewood. For more info, call 941-306-1825.Hiking, yogaCharlotte Harbor Environmental Center naturalist Jane Wallace will lead participants in a free 1.5-mile trek and yoga session through Amberjack Environmental Park, 6450 Gasparilla Pines Blvd., Rotonda, at 8 a.m. every Friday. After a short warm-up, participants will practice some mindful meditation while walking through the woods. Wear hiking boots, tennis shoes or hiking sandals, and remember to bring water and a hat. Meet in the parking lot at the end of Gasparilla Pines Blvd. at 8 a.m. For more information, call 941475-0769, or visit Medicare enrollment “one-onone” sessions will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays in the North Port Library conference room, 13800 S. Tamiami Trail. SHINE volunteer counselors will be available to answer your Medicare questions, help you enroll in a prescription drug plan, and help you with general issues. Bring your Medicare ID card and your list of medications with dosage information. Free; open to the public. For an appointment, call 1-866-413-5337.VOLUNTEER Pregnancy Careline CenterThe center, 1685 Tamiami Trail, Suite 4, Port Charlotte, seeks volunteers to assist women who have an unexpected or otherwise stressed pregnancy. Volunteers are needed to help clients with nonjudgmental support in a number of different roles: answering the 24/7 hotline phone; scheduling pregnancy tests, nurse consultations and ultrasounds; assisting with the “baby boutique;” organizing parenting lessons; mentoring moms; adoption services; post-abortion counseling; and job, bank and housing referrals. Writers also are needed for grant applications. The center also is interested in gather ing a group of men who would mentor new dads. For more info, go to www., call 941-6255576, or visit the center. Physical Exams Women’s Health Hypertension ECHOs Arthritis Allergies Diabetes Impotence Minor Surgical Procedures X-Rays Stress Test Weight Loss Worker’s Compensation M E D I C A L P A V I L I O N MEDICAL PAVILIONC L I N I C CLINIC 2525 Harbor Blvd., Suite 102 Port Charlotte, FL 941.629.9190 WWW .M EDICAL P AVILION C LINIC . NET DAVID S. BALLESTAS, M.D., P.A. & ASSOCIATES INTERNAL MEDICINE NOW ACCEPTING MEDICAID FLU SHOTS AVAILABLE Monday-Friday 8AM 7PM Saturday 9AM 3PM FOR ALL YOUR FAMILY’S MINOR MEDICAL NEEDS adno=50481916 ri][DOCQpLaM00 00]6mm


Page 16 The Sun /Saturday, March 14, 2015 Since 1998 JVAI has developed, refined and successfully used laser ablation techniques for the treatment of incompetent veins. Our success rate for venous leg ulcers, varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency is over 97% with virtually no complications. These procedures are well tolerated in the office setting with the patient awake and comfortable. 2008-2014 Friday, March 20th CoolSculpting Event 10AM-NOON Call to Sign Up “Special Event Pricing”F R E E FREE “Outstanding. I truly love every visit, the pain goes away with each surgery! Dr. Joyce is literally giving me a second chance to live my life to the fullest. I’m so forever in his debt, also he picked every staff member who are the most awesome group of people I’ve ever met. Again, please don’t ever change. Thank you for giving me back my legs. I love you all.” Forever in your debt! “ ~EG “Leg swelling and pain are often due to venous disease and are easily treatable.” BEFORE AFTER ~Dr. Joyce adno=50481902 0for renvsdLcease t/iaTtcaTn1c our 4th.Relief begins with accuratediagnosis and treatmentstailored to your unique needs.IallVIII{'State-of-the-art venous treatmentby internationally recognized Vein SpecialistDouglas H. Joyce, DO, FACOSTriple Board Certified in Cardio-Thoracic & Vascular Surgery,General Surgery and Phlebology (Venous Disease)1 `FreezeYourGutOffsF *l 1.rWIP,coolsculptingMAU=+1to learn more!\ f i7L _rG GI MPcm c' aesthetic C-'rstiliitc-CMOIC.J I1 25092 Olympia AvenuePunta Gorda 941-575-0123Visit us at www.jvai.comr;


MONEY & MARKET$ A product of the SunFor questions or comments, contact Chris Porter at 941-206-1134 or email porter@sun-herald.comSaturday, March 14, 2015


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Saturday, March 14, 2015 E/N/C/V The Sun Classified-Section A Page 1 TM SunsetDodgeChryslerJeep *Allpricesincluderebates.Financingwith approvedcredit.Residencyrulesmayapply. Vehiclesmaynotbeaspictured.SERVICEHOURS: MON-FRI7:30AM-5:00PM SAT.7:30AM-NOON www. l . SALESHOURS: MON-FRI8:30AM-7:00PM SAT9:00AM-6:00PMCLOSEDSUNDAY7745S.TAMIAMITRAILSARASOTA941.922.2400ST06610123 SCOS O SAT 9:00AM-6:00PM 3.6L V-6, SIX SPEED AUTOMATIC, POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS/MIRRORS, REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY, CRUISE CONTROL, S EVEN PASSENGER S EATING, SUPPLEME NTAL SIDE AIR BAGS FOR ALL ROWS, TILT/TELESCOPING STEERING COLUMN, A/C WITH DUAL ZONE TEMPERATURE CONTROL, TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM, ELECTRONIC STABILITY CONTROL, AM/FM/CD MEDIA CENTER, AND MUCH MORE. 3.6L V-6, LEATHER, POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS/SEAT/MIRRORS/DOORS/ LIFTGATE, TILT/TELESCOPING STEERING, REAR BACK-UP CAMERA, VOICE COMMAND WITH BLUETOOTH, SPEED CONTROL, KEYLESS ENTRY, SUNSCREEN GLASS, ALUMINUM WHEELS AND MUCH MORE. #C15120 NEW 2015 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY ALL NEW 2015 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB SA A LE $ 24 4 , 9 9 9 SALE $ 24,999 #D15307 SA A LE $ 2 7 , 9 9 9 SALE $ 27,999 *Vehicle prices listed are plus tax, tag, and title. Prices include rebates. Dealer also charges a p re-delivery service fee o f $599 which represents cost and profit to the dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting and adjusting new vehicles and preparing documents relat ed to the sale or lease. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Vehicles may not be as pictured and are subj ect to prior sale. Financ ing is with approval credit. Residency rules may apply. See dealer for details. 5.7L V8 HEMI, AUTOMATIC, POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS/MIRRORS, SPEED CONTROL, TRAILER TOW WITH CLASS IV HITCH, THEFT DETERRENT SYSTEM, 6 SPEAKER SOUND SYSTEM AND MUCH MORE. PRICE INCLUDES $500 FINANCE BONUS , MUST FINANCE WITH CHRYSLER. 8535080 Save an additional $1,000 if you own/lease a Kia. S ALE $ 1 8 , 9 9 9 SALE $ 18,999 #C1562 SA A LE $ 1 8 , 9 9 9 SA A LE $ 1 8 , 9 9 9 SALE $ 18,999 POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS/MIRRORS, SPEED CONTROL, 9-SPEED AUTOMATIC, BLUETOOTH WITH VOICE COMMAND, SECURITY ALARM, KEYLESS ENTER & GO, ALUMINUM WHEELS AND MUCH MORE. PRICE INCLUDES FINANCE BONUS, MUST FINANCE WITH CHRYSLER. ALL NEW 2015 CHRYSLER 200 LIMITED AUTOMATIC, POWER WINDOWS/LOCK/MIRRORS, SPEED CONTROL, KEYLESS ENTRY, TILT/TELESCOPING STEERING WHEEL, SOLAR CONTROL GLASS, BLUE TO OTH WITH VOICE COMMAND AND MORE. ALL NEW 2015 JEEP CHEROKEE #J15106 SA A LE $ 1 9 , 9 9 9 SA A LE $ 1 9 , 9 9 9 SALE $ 19,999 adno=8535188 NEW 2015 JEEP WRANGLER SUNSET Price Includes Finance Bonus. Must finance with Chrysler #D1581 F R OM M $ 1 7 , 9 9 9 F R OM M $ 1 7 , 9 9 9 FROM $ 17,999 POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS/MIRRORS, KEYLESS ENTRY, CD/MP3 WITH TOUCH SCREEN AND SIX SPEAKER SOUND SYSTEM, SOLAR CONTROL GLASS, TILT/TELESCOPING STEERING WHEEL AND MUCH MORE Kelley Blue Book and Autobytel named The 2014 Jeep Cherokee one of the 10 Best SUVs Under $25,000 NEW 2015 DODGE JOURNEY #J15525 NEW 2015 FIATs from $13,995 *Vehicle prices listed are plus tax, tag, and title. Prices include rebates. Dealer also charges a p re-delivery service fee o f $599 which represents cost and profit to the dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting and adjusting new and used vehi cles and preparing docume nts related to the sale or lease. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Vehicles may not be as pictured and are subject to prior sale. Financing is with approval credit. Residency rules may apply. See dealer for details. 40 hwy. mpg 7 Ai r Bags NEW 2015 FIAT 4DR BLUE & ME TM Hands-Free Communi cati on ( 2) Sunset Alf a Romeo FIAT of Sarasota 7641 S. Tami ami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34231 ( 941) 924-8822 www. fi atusaof sarasota. com Sunset Alf a Romeo FIAT of Sarasota Beautiful styling is standard 36 #D1558 36mo/10K per year, Zero Due at signing, we even make your first payment. LEASE FOR $ 279 SUNSET SUBARU 7611 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231 (941) 925-1234 *Vehicle prices listed are plus tax, tag, and title. Prices include rebates. Dealer also charges a p re-delivery service fee o f $599 which represents cost and profit to the dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting and adjusting new and used vehi cles and preparing documents related to the sale or lease. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Vehicles may not be as pictured and are subject to prior sale . Financing is with approval credit. Residency rules may apply. See dealer for details. Price includes $500 finance bonus, must finance with Chrysler. SAVE AN ADDITIONAL $1000 IF YOU CURRENTLY OWN OR LEASE A KIA, FIAT OR CHRYSLER CORP. VEHICLE. S ALE $ 2 4 , 9 9 9 S ALE $ 2 4 , 9 9 9 SALE $ 24,999 Best Buy Subcompact Cars for 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012 Model s RANKED #1 FULL SIZE TRUCK JAN 2015 Motortrend 2015 SUBARU IMPREZA 2.0i Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive 36 mpg hwy 2.0-liter SUBARU BOXER 4-cylinder e ngine Bluetooth Connectivity Standard Buy For $ 18,999 FJA01 U14486 FFF-12 AUTO TRANS., ALUMINUM WHEELS & ROOF RAILS U15305 FORESTER 2015 SUBARU 2.5i Premium Package Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive Seven airbags standard 1 32 mpg hwy 2 170-hp SUBARU BOXER engine Lease For $ 260 /mo. 12,000 miles per year, $1,960.00 cash due at signing for 36 months. No Security Deposit required. ALL NEW 2015 SUBARU OUTBACK 2.5 i 10 TOTAL AVAILABLE U14467 XV CROSSTREK 2014 SUBARU 2.0i PREMIUM Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive 33 mpg hwy 6 Partial Zero Emmisions Vehicle 7 Build in our zero landfill plant ERB-04 PREMIUM PA CKAGE, AUTOMATIC!! Lease For $ 239 /mo. 12,000 miles per year, $2,114.00 cash due at signing for 36 months. No Security Deposit required. 3.6L V-6, A/C, FULL CONVERTIBLE TOP, COMMAND-TRACSHIFTON-THE-FLY 4WD, AM/FM/CD/MP3 WITH 8 SPEAKER SOUND SYSTEM, THEFT DETERRENT, SPEED CONTROL AND MORE. BETTER PRICES ... BIGGER SELECTION NEW 2015 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE 30 In Stock. All Sale Priced! TRUCK MONTH 000 o.,5 a newo:e4 .+a.r .3 Kell--.1/tom;, __,"1'"11E, Noma


Page 2 The Sun Classified-Section A E/N/C/V Saturday, March 14, 2015 You AutoKnow1 ~ Don and LeeRoystonJI 1'40 : 00 rr'_22'14020 n ]Go r: r -MPH kin/hdam'Ar-iilIIl l141',I!Illlllllli :,a==PI. bi".!!;Illll;rl.I!'GIPI


Saturday, March 14, 2015 E/N/C/V The Sun Classified-Section A Page 3 h fiHs l,


Page 4 The Sun Classified-Section A E/N/C/V Saturday, March 14, 2015 SKILLED TRADES2050 APEXRoofmasters, Inc. is looking for ROOFERS,with Experience in Shingle, Tile, Metal, installation and repairs. Great Pay, Positive work environment. Drug free workplace. 941-460-6011 CO N C RETE FINI S HER S and all phases! Full and part time. Must have own transportation. Drug free 941-628-5965 GRANITE FABRICATOR Busy Pt. Charlotte granite shop, full-time, start today! Exp pref, will train. Call: 941-624-5958 T OP PAY FOR QUALITY HVACINSTALLER f or commer cial & residential. Crew foreman position available. Experience needed. Call 941-629-6222 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS SHOP MECHANIC Exp repairing heavy machinery, must have own tools. TAILMAN for pipe crew Exp in water, storm, sewer install. For well-established construction company. Excellent pay and benefits. Apply in person 3801 N. Orange Ave Sarasota, FL 34234. Or send resume to: EOE DFWP LOCALA/C Company looking for an experiencedWELDERfor installation & fabrication of light guage duct work. Mig welding. Field installation of duct work, pipe and additional HVAC products. Previous work in HVAC field helpful. Call 941-629-6222 LOCALGOLFCOURSE INROTONDAISLOOKING FORABLE BODIED LABORERS FORFT& PTPOSITIONS. PLEASECALLANDLEAVE AMESSAGE@ 941-697-7030 FindyourBest Friendinthe Classifieds! MAINTENANCE POSITIONS (3)BAY INDIES IN VENICEis now accepting applications for basic maintenance positions. Applicants with experience preferred but will train. Bay Indies is a 1300 site 55+ community. If you are seeking long term employment and are dependable, positive and enjoy working hard, Please apply in person with resume to: Bay Indies 950 Ridgewood Ave. Venice, FL 34285 ROOFERSFULLTIMEEXPERIENCED in all phases. Drivers Lic & trans. required. Call 941-426-8946 Window & Door Manufacturing CompanyAccepting Applications for: PRODUCTION ASSOCIATEStarting hourly wage $11.69 Must have a High School Diploma or GED, Higher Education a plus, Good Work History, and Attention to detail.Apply in person only: 355 Center Court Venice, FL 34285 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL2040 EXPD CONV. STORE MANAGER /Assistant MGR 941-882-4015 FUNSTAFFFORBUSYWATERFRONTKEYWESTSTYLEBAR& GRILLEXPD, LINECOOK,BUSSERS, DISHWASHERAPPLY: 10AM-2PMNAV-A-GATOR(941)-627-3474 Findthe perfect companion inthe Classifieds! HIRIN G COO K S , servers, exp. not needed, but helpful. Apply Jimmys Tacos LLC of PG, 318 Tamiami Tr. #117. 347-7049. LINE COO K, F/T, Expd. S alary based on exp. Apply in Person at COUNTRY HOUND CAFE 1951 S. McCall Rd. Suite 530 Englewood. THE BURNT STORE GRILL is looking for full and Part time experienced team members We are seeking: SERVERS HOSTS COOKS BUSSERS APPLYINPERSONONLY 3941 TAMIAMITRP.G. COLONIAL-BURNTSTOREPLAZABETWEENPUBLIX& HOMEDEPOT SKILLED TRADES2050 AC INSTALL, DUCT MECH, HELPER F/T, Exp PrefBut Will Train Motivated Person. Paid Vac & Ins. DFWPNO PHN CALLSAPPLY IN PERSON M-F 8A-5P. 24700 SANDHILL BLVD, DEEP CREEK CODE ENFORCEMENT INSPECTOR CITY OF VENICE Professional administrative and technical work relating to enforcement of city codes and ordinances. HS graduate with 3 years experience with a working knowledge of regulatory codes and ordinances. Possess a Code Enforcement license Level I or ability to obtain within 1 year. $17.0086/Hour. Apply at www.; e-mail or 941-486-2626 x21003. Deadline for application 3/20/2015. EOE DFWP MEDICAL2030 CNA's / HHA's WORK WHERE YOU LIVE! WORK ON YOUR SCHEDULE! Busy homecare agency immediate openings. FT / PT hours available. Exp required. Visiting Angels Call 941-257-0306. CNAs, HHAs and Caregivers Find new clients by advertising your services in the Senior Directory every Wednesday in The Sun Newspapers. This feature publishes in Charlotte, Sarasota, and Desoto Counties. Market yourself reach 150,000 readers! Call 941-429-3110 for more information F/T RE C /A SS T., f or audiology office. Ins billing, computer and phone exp req. Send Resume & References to: 21216 Olean Blvd. Suite 4, P.C. 33952 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! FR O NT DE S K C LERK FT BUSY MEDICAL OFFICE EMAIL RESUME: EMPLOYMENTOP.HR @OUTLOOK.COM www.HorizonTechInstitute.ComADVANCE YOUR CAREER Licensed & Accredited School Murdock Town Center on 411032 Tamiami Tr Unit 3YOUcan become a LPN within 11 months. Enrollment ongoing.Start Working In 2-5 wks! Classes Start Each Month Call For Class Dates Nursing Assistant (120hrs) Home Health Aide (75hrs) Phlebotomy Tech (165hrs) EKG Tech (165hrs) Patient Care Tech (600hrs) Job Assist. & Pymt. Plans Call Now to Register! 941-889-7506 PHLEBOTOMY,EKG, CNA, Classes Start Mar 30 LPN-Days & Weekends Class starts April 27 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL2040 BARTENDERS & SERVERS The Boca Grande Clubis now hiring FULLY EXPERIENCED BARTENDERS AND SERVERSfor High Season. Lunch and Dinner shifts available. ARE YOU LOOKINGfor an opportunity to earn great money? Our servers earn an average of $1,495.00 (gross) weekly during season. You must be able to step right into fine dining service without training. IF THIS OPPORTUNITY SOUNDS RIGHT FOR YOU, please contact us at 941-964-7543 and ask for Becki; or e-mail a resume to becki@ to schedule an interview. DFWP, EOE, Bridge toll paid MEDICAL2030 Were Life Care Centers of America, the nations largest privately-owned skilled care provider. If you share our heartfelt approach to caring for the elderly, consider joining our family at Life Care Center of Punta Gorda. We offer competitive pay and benefits in a mission-driven environment.CNA'S F.T./P.T. 3-11, 11-7, DOUBLES W.E. PREP COOK: FULL TIME DIETARY AIDE\RELIEF COOK: FULL TIME DIETARY AIDE: PART TIMECome visit with us at 450 Shreve St. Punta Gorda EOE CHEF for an Assisted Living Facility. Must have Experience with multiple diets, cycle menus. Benefits, Salary based on experience. Apply in person at the Palms of Punta Gorda 2295 Shreve St. No PHONE Calls. ENGLEWOODHEALTHCAREIS OFFERINGFULL& PARTTIME CNA OPPORTUNITIESAT OURSKILLEDNURSINGFACILITYINENGLEWOODFL!CANDIDATESMUSTHAVE ACTIVEANDVALIDCNALICNESEINFL ANDHAVE CLINICALANDLTCEXPERIENCE. WEOFFER EXCELLENTBENEFITSWHICH INCLUDEMEDICAL, DENTAL ANDVISIONINSURANCE,GENEROUSPAIDTIMEOFF ANDMUCHMORE. TO APPLY, PLEASE EMAIL PAYROLL@ ENGLEWOODHEALTHCARE.COM1111 Drury Lane Englewood Fl 34224 Ph. 941-474-9371 Fax. 941-475-6593 EOE DFWP NEW INCREASED CNA WAGES!!!EARN UP TO $12.00/HR. FOR FT/PT AND SHIFTDIFFERENTIALSUP TO $2.00!!! CLASSIFIED ADSSELL PROFESSIONAL2010 LETS GO EDITORDO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR MUSIC, FOOD AND FUN? AREYOUWILLINGTOBE INVOLVEDINTHEENTERTAINMENT ENVIRONMENTTOHELPGROW OURPRODUCTINVENICE, ENGLEWOOD, NORTHPORT, ARCADIA, PORTCHARLOTTEANDPUNTAGORDAMARKETS? DOYOUHAVEACOMMUNITY SPIRIT? THEEDITORISRESPONSIBLEFOR STORYASSIGNMENTS, WRITING,KEEPINGANUPDATEDCALENDAR,EDITINGANDLAYOUTFORTHE WEEKLYENTERTAINMENT PUBLICATION, LETSGOOFTHESUNNEWSPAPERS. THERIGHTPERSONNEEDSTO BRINGACOMMITMENTTO PROVIDINGEXCITING, FUN COVERAGETOOURENTIRE MARKETDISTRIBUTIONAREA. APPLICANTSMUSTHAVE EXCELLENTCOMMUNICATION,GRAMMARANDSPELLINGSKILLS,BEORGANIZEDANDBEABLETO MEETDEADLINES. A WORKING KNOWLEDGEOFSOFTWARE; INDESIGNAPLUS. PLEASECONTACT: LETSGO, PUBLISHER CYMOORE@SUN-HERALD.COMCAROLMOORE941-681-3031 WEAREADRUGANDNICOTINE FREEWORKPLACE. PRE-EMPLOYMENTDRUGAND NICOTINETESTINGREQUIRED. BANKING2015 PERSONAL BANKERHometown bank seeks FT Personal Banker with excellent interpersonal and customer service skills. Previous banking experience required. Apply at Charlotte State Bank & Trust, 1100 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, FL 33953 or Submit Resume online to EEO/AA CLERICAL/OFFICE2020 ADMIN ASST/ INSTALL COORDINATOR: F/T M-F 8a-5p AC or Constrc Exp PrefBut Will Train Right Person. Must have Quickbooks & Excel Exp, & Excep. Attitude & Organizational Skills. Must Pass Background ChkDFWP. NO PHONE CALLSApply in person. 24700 Sandhill Blvd, Deep Creek EXPERIEN C ED Receptionist for busy Veterinary practice in North Port. PT. 3-4 days/wk. 2030 hrs/wk. Email or fax ONLY. No phone calls. 941-423-3577. OFFICE ASSISTANT P art to Full time needed. General office duties to include, answering phones, scheduling & dispatching techs., collecting past due accounts. Strong computer skills. Call 941-629-6222 RECEPTIONIST WANTED , Now accepting resumes and applications. Please call 941979-9416 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 2000EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 2005Services 2010Professional 2015Banking 2020Clerical 2025Computer 2030Medical 2035Musical 2040 Restaurant/Hotel2050SkilledTrades 2060Management 2070Sales 2090Child/Adult Care Needed 2100General 2110Part-time/ Temp 2115Home Based Business 2120Seeking Employment PROFESSIONAL2010 ACCOUNTANT PG CPA Firm 2+ yrs exp Full Time Benefits Pkg Email resume to DE V EL OPM E NTASS I ST A NTPT . MANA GEDONORDA T ABASE,MUSTBE SKILLED IND A T A MANIPULA TION INMS EXC EL,HA VEE XC ELLENTWRITING AND GRAMMARSK ILLS, ANDPOSSESS CRITICAL THINKINGSKILLS. EMAIL RESUME TO: E VENTS@CCHOMELESSCO ALITION.ORG E-COMMERCE& SOCIALMEDIAPT Create & post updates on social media, maintain eBay online store & agency website, utilize video equip & software as needed. Must possess knowledge of social media platforms, have strong organizational skills & ability to multi task. Graphic design, website development, or e-commerce experience preferred, but willing to train the right candidate.Email resume to: T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! Life pjW NCare RU NCenterWANTEDr----------I1 1R!?AR. 1 1Ay 1 1 I\ THE 1 1CI z SS1F11;I) 1 1YOU CAN ..... --------./Find a Pet./Find a Car./Find a Job./Find Garage Sales 7/Find A New Employee 1 1/Sell Your Home 1./Sell Your Unwanted 1 J'Merchandise 1 1./Advertise Your 1 1Business or Service 1 1 1 1Classified 1 1it's the reliable 1 1source for the 1 1right results1I!ING11 11 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 11 1


Saturday, March 14, 2015 E/N/C/V The Sun Classified-Section A Page 5 GENERAL2100 C ARPET C LEANIN G AND DISASTER RESTORATION TECH,Good Driving Record 941-488-6066 EOE DFWP LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE / CREW LEADERS ArtisTree Landscape is hiring Maintenance (Mowing & Shrub work). Duties: Mowing, weed eating, edging, trimming, blowing, trash pick-up, Mon-Thurs OT as needed. Exp. & Drivers $$$, Pd vacation/holidays Apply 299 S. Havana Rd, Venice 941-488-8897, AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! OBITUARY/ CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE FULL TIME 9:00AM-5:30PMThe Charlotte Sun Newspaper is seeking a reliable, flexible, pleasant person with good phone skills and personality with the ability to handle customer relations and billing. Computer experience mandatory, must be able to work in a fast-paced work environment. We are a drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug/nicotine testing required. Apply at: Charlotte Sun Newspaper 23170 Harborview Rd. Port Charlotte, FL or email resume to We will contact you for an interview. EOE Non Smoking Office Please, no phone calls GENERAL2100 BOCA GRANDE CLUB Full-Time Positions Available: LANDSCAPING STAFF HOUSEKEEPING STAFFWeekends a must. DFWP, EOE, Bridge Tolls Paid.Send resume to housekeeping@ INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED: The CHARLOTTE SUNhas home delivery routes available in various locations. Supplement your income with this great business opportunity. Earn $200-$300/week for a few early morning hours of delivery. Reliable transportation, a valid Florida drivers license and proof of insurance are required. Apply in person at the Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview Rd Port Charlotte, Florida, or online at MAILROOM Supervisory Person:VENICE GONDOLIERmailroom is looking for a part time mailroom supervisory person for night shift in Venice. Good mechanical ability ability to supervise small production crew ability to operate equipment good communication skills. We are a drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug/ nicotine testing required. Apply:VENICE Gondolier Print Center, 200 E. Miami Ave., VeniceOr GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! GENERAL2100 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! We have several open positions for Sales Representatives to promote the Sun Newspapers. We work in Retail Stores, high traffic shopping areas, special events, etc. This is an enjoyable year round position with potential to earn $100$300+ per day! Positive, professional work environment. Flexible hours. Must be outgoing, professional appearance, dependable and have reliable transportation and cell phone. Background check. For interview appointment call 941-623-2506. Getthe Getthe WordoutWordoutAdvertise Advertise inthe inthe Classifieds! Classifieds! CHILD/ADULT CARE NEEDED2090 Christian Based School seeks FT TEACHER for 3 Year Olds. Must Have CDA. Fax resume to 941-743-0003 or email Lic# C20CH0029 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Accepting Applications for AFTERSCHOOL PROGAM . Must be 18 or older, Call 941-627-4849 Seizethesales withClassified! GENERAL2100 DISTRIBUTION MANAGERS:The Sunis currently seeking full and part-time Distribution Managers in our Circulation Department. Our Distribution Managers work directly with an independent contractor network to manage home delivery and customer relations in Charlotte County. Responsibilities include contractor recruitment and orienting, meeting established service goals, resolving service errors, managing contractor draw, and insuring customer satisfaction. Must be able to work early morning hours, weekends and holidays in an office/warehouse environment and outdoors in various temperatures and weather conditions. Requires valid Florida drivers license and insurance. Must have reliable transportation to perform daily job responsibilities. Drug and Tobacco free workplace. Pre-employment drug/nicotine screening is required. Apply at 23170 Harborview Road Port Charlotte, FL 33980 or E-mail resume to SALES2070 AUTO SALES EXPERIENCED ONLY! Looking For A Motivated Auto Sales Professional Great Pay + Volume Bonus. 5 Day Week, Health Ins. APPLYCHARLOTTECOUNTYFORD3156 TAMIAMITR, PT.CHAR. MIKEELAM941-625-6141 Furniture Sales & Interior Designers PORT CHARLOTTE, FL STORE Join Baers Furniture, The Leading Premier Retail Furniture Store In Florida! Furniture Salespeople Needed Some Prior Sales Exp. Furniture Sales Exp. Is A Definite Plus! We Seek Energetic, Driven Individuals Who Want To Make Money! Excellent Compensation, Generous Benefits & Pleasant Working Environment. All F/T Positions. Nights & Weekends Req. APPLY IN PERSON: Baers Furniture 4200 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, FL 33952 EOE/DFWP FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! LOCAL YACHT BROKERAGE IS LOOKING ForANEXPERIENCEDBOATSALESPERSON. PLEASECALLJIMORED AT941-833-0099 FORFURTHERINFORMATION. SKILLED TRADES2050 ROOFER NEEDED , E xper i enced, Clean FL drivers lic. required. 941-628-0251 SURVEY/INSTRUMENT RODPERSON F/T, Immediate Hire!! 941-426-0681 SALES2070 Advertising Sales ExecutiveThe Charlotte Sun is looking for "Winners" to join our team of professional Advertising Sales Executives. If you are never satisfied with average successes, are self-motivated, goal oriented, confident, enthusiastic and believe that the customer is all important, we would like to talk to you. The successful candidates must possess good oral and written communication skills, be organized and a team player. Sales experience a plus but we will train the right persons. We offer:Competitive salary plus commission Vacation Health insurance Sick and short term disability Training Stable company that is very Community minded and involved. Please send resume to: Advertising Director, Leslee Peth Charlotte Sun 23170 Harborview RoadCharlotte Harbor, FL 33980 Email: We are an Equal Opportunity Employer & a Drugand nicotine Free Diversified Workplace. I I. rt; + IIs 1


Page 6 The Sun Classified-Section A E/N/C/V Saturday, March 14, 2015 TRAVEL/TICKETS3080 RAY S TI C KET S , 2 w/ Parking Pass) Minnesota 3/19, $50. Yankees, 3/26, $100 . Baltimore,3/30, $50. 941268-3549 LOST& FOUND3090 CLAIM YOUR OAR AT THE NEW MARKER 4 BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:30 AND 4. CALL 941-486-0500 O R COME TO THE FISHERMAN' S WHARF MARINA BAIT SHOP. L OS T DIAM O ND w/ 5 S mall Sapphires in Venice. Sentimental Family Piece REWARD! Please Call 607-329-6563 L OS T D OG white Mini S chnauzer approx 10 yrs old. Answers to Waggles, lost near Guest Terr in Gulf Cove. Please call 941-740-2273 $200.00 REWARD LOST GOLD CHARM at S t. Francis Church in Englewood. Sentimental Value. Please Call 941-474-8240 L OS T GO LF C LUB S 1 ) Adams XPD 8 Iron. 2) Cobra Fly-Z 2 slide 7 Iron. Possibly Punta Gorda Area 941-661-7450 L OS T KEY S on Thursday March 5th in Venice possibly on the Island near US 41 and Miami Ave Please call 941-237-1866 MI SS IN G L OS T MA S TIFF Friday March 13, Large Fawn Mastiff Missing From Suncoast Estates Equestrian Neighborhood, Kings Hwy., Port Charlotte Area. Anyone With Any iInformation PLEASE Call Mand y at 941-661-3237 ARTS CLASSES3091 Beginning watercolor classes with award winning artist Robert Broyles at North Port Hobby Lobby. Private lessons also avail Call 941-875-8163 EDUCATION3094 MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a Medical Office Assistant! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. Online training can get you job ready. HS Diploma/GED & PC/Internet needed. 1-888-528-5547. EXERCISE CLASSES3095 GULF COAST ACUPUNCTURE 151 Center Rd. Wednesdays 5:30pm Thursdays 9:00 am Saturdays 8:30am YOGA FOR BEGINNERS Proceeds to Venice Wildlife Center Call Rick or Mary 941-488-1769 RELIGION CLASSES3096 BE G INY O URDAYIN BIBLE STUDY Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. Wednesdays 10AM-11AM. For more info 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte F AITH LUTHERAN C HUR C H 4005 Palm Drive, Punta GordaVarious Days & Times CONFIRMATION/BIBLE STUD Y Adult Infomational Class 941-639-6309 CARD OFTHANKS3040 THANK YOUS t. J u d e f or Prayers Answered. RL SCHOOLS & INSTRUCTION3060 CNA Training, HHA, CPR North port and Sarasota Onsite testing -Financing 941-429-3320 Imagine ED KLOPFERSCHOOLS OF CNA TRAINING 1 Week class $250 Sarasota, Port Charlotte, Ft. Myers. 1-800-370-1570 TRADITIONAL SHAOLIN KUNG FU CLASSES for Adults & children. FREE classes available. All areas. Call for more info. 941-204-2826 UNEMPLOYED? E arn Y our Commercial Drivers License (CDL) in Just 3 Wks. & Join the Ranks of Employed Truck Drivers Nationwide. Located Punta GordaFL. SunCoast Trucking Academy. 941-8550193 or 941-347-7445 BIBLE STUDY & CHURCHES3065 CAL VAR Y BIBLE CHURCH 1936 E. Venice Ave. Venice Friday at 9am. Study features video teachings of noted Bible Scholars on various subjects. For more info. Call Rev. Jones at: 941-485-7070 or visit CARD PLAYING & DOMINOS Free to Play at: First Presbyterian Church, 2230 Hariet St. Port Charlotte Starting at 1pm Every Wed. Call ( 941 ) -979-8239 for Info. COMMUNITY CENTER 4PM 7PM each Wednesday. Christ the King Lutheran Church, 23456 Olean Blvd. PC, Open to All Ages. For more info 941-766-9357 EDGAR CAYCE A . R . E . Search for God Study Grou p 6 PM 7 PM each Tuesday a t Venice Public Library More Info call 941-966-1964. FAITH BUILDERS A Basic Study to Build your Christian Faith. Call Pastor Martin at Christ the King Lutheran Church for times. 941-766-9357 Port Charlotte GREAT BIBLE STUDY Dr. J. Vernon McGee Thru The Bible Radio Network 91.5 FM 6am & 9:30pm 91.3 FM 12:30pm & 7:30pm 1-800-65Bible (2-4253) GULF COAST HEALING ROOMS If you need healing, we want to pray with you! Our prayer teams are available to minister to you by appointment. Thursdays 10 am-12:30 pm For apt. call p.863.558.7455 1538 Rio de Janeiro Blvd. Punta Gorda, Fl 33983 Jesus Still Heals Today! LIC. CHRISTIAN COUNSELING941-876-4416Liberty Community Church North Port Charlotte BURIALLOTS/ CRYPTS3070 2 L O T S & 2 VAULT S in G ul f Pines Memorial Park Englewood $3500 for All. 860-536-9563 CHARLOTTE MEMORIAL GARDENS Side by side Crypts (2), Level C Near Enterance, Asking $8,000 for both 941-624-3162 HAPPYADS3015 Place your Happy Ad for only $16.25 3 lines 7 day. Add a photo for only $13.00! Please call (866)-463-1638 PERSONALS3020 DO YOU HEAR Eerie Music and Drums That No One Else Can? (Sorry, This is Not For People Who Hear Voices). I Know WHO it is, But I Need Others to Come Forward So Together We Can Put an End To This Evil. Write Me in Confidence. North Port Sun 13487 Tamiami Trl. Box 4117 North Port, Florida 34287 GOO D L OO KER Looking f or an Excep. Attractive woman. Late 40ish for Dine at 9. New to Area. 941-249-1683 RELAXATION WITH BRANDI 941-467-9992 SINGLE LADY i n searc h o f Single Man 50-65 for friendship/relationship 941-201-9853 S IN G LE MALE 6 4 searching for Single female 45-60 Call 941-624-2183 Serious inq only S IN G LE MAN New in Area Seeking Single Woman 3550 for Realtionship. 941-276-5773 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! THE G IRL NEXT D OO R941-483-0701 North Port RESTAURANTS3031 BARTENDER NEEDED L ast Chance Saloon Now taking Applications No experience necessary, will train. Apply in person 9am till Noon Mon Fri 3000 NOTICES ANNOUNCEMENTS3010 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! To place a FREE merchandise ad go to: and place your ad. Click on Click Here to Place Your Ad Now and follow the prompts. FREE ads are for merchandise UNDER $500. and the ad must be placed online by you. One item per ad, the ad must be 3 lines or less, price must appear in the ad. Your ad will appear online & in print for 7 days! Somerestrictions do apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK **Everyone Needs to Register on Our New Site** Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter your classified ad and pay with your credit card 24 hours a day, 7 days week the Experiment exalting Jesus, Yeshua, Jehovah-nissi GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! HAPPYADS3015 Happy 10th Birthday Hannah Marie Clarke Hope you have the best Birthday ever! We Love you GENERAL2100 FL O RAL DE S I G NER, Experience needed. Apply in Person at 151 S. McCall Rd. Englewood. HOUSEKEEPER/SERVER , Needed at Venetian Gardens, Venice (941)-484-6841 GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! POOL MAINTENANCE TECH Part-Time, Semi Retired OK. Mechnically inclined & experience helpful. 941-488-6489 SWIMMING POOL TECHNICIAN If You Are An Upstanding Person With Excellent Work Ethics. Applications Accepted Between 9 12noon. $12.00/HR TO START.Must Have Florida Drivers License & 5 Yrs Of Driving With Absolutely Clean Driving Record . Howards Pool World, 12419 Kings Hwy. Lake Suzy. NO PHONECALLS TREE CLIMBERS WANTED! MUSTHAVEEXPERIENCE. GOODPAY, STARTIMMEDIATELY941-423-0020 PARTTIME/ TEMPORARY2110 DRIVER NEEDED to Deliver Hunting & Fishing Magazines to Local Stores Once Per Month Call (386)-972-3067 FULL TIME POSITION, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Apply at: The Salvation Army 2120 Loveland Blvd., Port Charlotte . Applications Accepted Monday Friday, 9 a.m. 3 p.m., Requirements: Good Driving Record, Diploma or Equivalent Combination of Training and Experience. LOOKING FOR A GREAT PART TIME JOB? The Venice Gondolier Sun NightPress and Bindery is now taking applications for: Part-time positions for stacking and working in the bindery. Both day and night positions available.Requirements: Must be able to lift & carry 25 lbs. Pushing & pulling of 25 lbs or more. Must be capable of working at a fast pace. A pre-employment drug and nicotine screening is required. If you are interested in a great part time job, stop by and fill out an application (between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday Friday). Upon review, calls will be made to set up interviews.The Venice Gondolier Sun 200 Miami Ave., Venice, FL D.F.W.P. E.O.E. POOL STORE HIRING PART TIME APPLY IN PERSON True Blue Pool Store 2310 Tamiami Trail #1157 Punta Gorda, FL 33950 STOCK PERSON Part time for grocery store Boca on Grande Some retail exp. helpful. Tolls paid. Hudsons Grocery Boca Grande Fl. Call Phyllis or Karen 941-964-2621 GENERAL2100 COUNTER HELPP/Tneeded for Local Seafood Company. 941-380-9212 PART TIME HELP BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Must have experience with QuickBooks and strong Excel skills Collections experience a plus Email Resume to: The Smart Shopper Group 2726 Tamiami Trail Unit B Port Charlotte, Fl PRESSOPERATORVenice Gondolier press seeking experienced full time press operator with background with Goss Community single wide press. Supervisory experience a plus Good communication skills and ability to grow a good team atmosphere a must. Knowledge of 4 color back to back printing. Good mechanical skills knowledge of roll stands and stackers. Basic computer skills for reports. SCMG is a drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required. Apply: 200 E. Miami Ave., Venice or Send resume to: STEADY PART-TIME CASH INCOMETHE VENICE GONDOLIER SUN is now taking applications for carriers in Venice and surrounding areas. Join the front line team of those who bring the community the news they hunger for each week. Our carriers have the well deserved record of the most reliable delivery service in Florida and are appreciated and rewarded for that reliability. Be your own boss and earn steady part-time income. This is a great earning opportunity for someone with a car and a few free early morning hours. Call for an appointment at 941-207-1000 or stop by our office at 200 E Venice Ave. Venice, FL 34285. THE CHARLOTTE SUNis seeking an Operator for our Packaging Department. Candidates interested in this position should be able to oversee a crew of 10 to 15 people and have working knowledge of or the ability to learn how to operate the following equipment: inserters, stackers, post-it note labelers, strappers, forkslift, electric and manual pallet jacks. The ideal candidate will be a mechanically inclined team player that will interact well within his/her department as well as with all other departments involved in the day to day peration of the paper. The ability to operate in a fast-faced, deadline oriented environment is required. In interested please contact Amy Honoosic via emailahonoosic@suncoastpress.comor call 941-206-1416 Please, no phone calls We are a drug and nicotine free workplace Pre-employment drug and nicotine testing required GETRESULTS USECLASSIFIED! 'a""'I'Alli,,,tooooOO0000000_7r------------------------------------I\ 'I'III;CLASSIFIEDYOU CAI .....Find a PetFind a CarFind a JobFind Garage SalesFind A New Employee./Sell Your Home./Sell Your UnwantedMerchandise./Advertise YourBusiness or ServiceClassified -it's the reliablesource for theright resultsbo eah


Saturday, March 14, 2015 E/N/C/V The Sun Classified-Section A Page 7 HOUSEHOLD GOODS6030 CO RNER WALL G uard C lear plastic 96L x5/8W $3 941743-2656 DE CO RATIVE O AR S Per f ect for patio or inside $40 941637-0345 DUST RUFFLE ki ng, tan str i pe by Country Curtains $35 941625-4363 DUST RUFFLES 2 new tw i n size by Country Curtains $40 941-625-4363 EASTER DISHES NORITAKE 77PCS A+ $50 937-546-8544 EN C Y C L O PEDIA S ET (12) Volumes of cookery takes all $25 941-227-0676 FIE S TA DI S HE S pink.4 9 pcs.ex,cond.8pl.s. $145 941235-2203 FL OO R FAN High Velocity 1 20 60 Hz 1.83 A $45 941-9799931 FL O WER P O T RA C K S 2 O RNAMENTAL IRON $80 941-6276780 LAMP TABLE B&H l ea d e d glass shade, nice $500 214906-1585 LAMP Whi te, j acaran d a bl v d . venice $4 937-427-9653 LAMP S Horse Head, large and impressive $60 941-769-2389 MATTRESS PAD Ki ng Si ze, Foam, 4 thick. $50 570-220-4220 MATTRESS , QUEEN & BOX . Brand New Will Sell $175. Also Have KING. 941-629-5550 MEAT S LI C ER bella Excellent Condition $50 941-423-0003 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! To place a FREE merchandise ad go to: and place your ad. Click on Click Here to Place Your Ad Now and follow the prompts. FREE ads are for merchandise UNDER $500. and the ad must be placed online by you. One item per ad, the ad must be 3 lines or less, price must appear in the ad. Your ad will appear online & in print for 7 days! Some restrictions do apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK **Everyone Needs to Register on Our New Site** N ee d to Pl ace a Classified Ad? Enter your Classified ad and pay with your credit card 24 hours a day, 7 days week N S R O A S TER Xlg up to 30#turkey/ham New in box $18 941-276-1881 OUTDOOR SWEEPER SS n 80 $40 941-624-0928 PAINTIN G KIN C AID Double matted & framed $75 941-3560129 PI C TURE LAR G E Palm Tropical plants 32x25 $35 941-3560129 PI C TURE LIM ED Elegant w. Mother Theresa quote $40 941-882-4545 Q UILT king Lilac,Purple,etc Reverse NEW beautiful! $49 941-276-1881 REVERSE OSMOSIS un d er sink $75 941-227-0676 RUG 5 x 7 . 5 T aupe /C ream (Area Rug) $60 941-766-7373 RU G D OC T O R Mighty Pro X3;New in-box $350 941-2358397 S EWIN G MA C HINE 1 9 5 0 s w/cab zigzag A+ $80 941-7432656 SEWING MACHINE s i nger, portable $35 941-764-9212 SEWING MACHINES Ph a ff , White. Exc. Cond! $50. & Up. 941-493-7166 (Venice) 6000 MERCHANDISE ARTS AND CRAFTS6025 A RTI S T FRAME S ( 1 ) 1 8 X 2 4 ( 1 ) 16X24 $15 941-629-4857 AUDUBON NORTH amer i can bird prints 6 prints $50 941497-7230 S HELL S &C RAFT S $ 1 two $30 $1 941-227-0676 DOLLS6027 BRIDE D O LL 2 4 Brunette f rom the mid 50s $75 941-4232091 DOLL AMERICAN GIRL J osefina Square Piano vgc $225 941-979-6362 G EI S HA P O R C EL. Doll G eisha Porcel. Doll 18 $70 941-6131442 HOUSEHOLD GOODS6030 A REA RU GS brns.blk,grn.4 to choose.5x7. $65 941-2352203 ART RUG W oo l Thi c k $285 941-228-0159 A RT SC ULPTURE ( metal ) 1 o f akind Call 4 pics $495 941882-4545 BED MATTRESS & BOX . New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! BED S PREAD KIN G w/shams & skirt Red+gold $40 941-7667349 BLINDS FAUXWOOD x 4 22.5 x 66 NEW $100 941426-7078 CHANDELIER BB/MAPLE 4DnGlobes w/medal LN $25 941-629-1084 C L OC K O VAL Water f ord crystal desk/mantle $75 517-4148927 C L OC K Water f ord lismore square offset $50 517-4148927 COO KWARE PR O FE SS I O NAL ss 14 pc, all-clad clone $200 941-875-4464 WINDOWREPAIR5226 SLIDING GLASS DOORAnd Window Repair Lowest Prices GUARANTEED!! ! 941-628-8579Lic#CRC1130733 BEST VALUE SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 visit us at www. Call Bob 941-706-6445 Low overhead = Low prices! 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6001Arcadia 6002Englewood 6003Lake Suzy 6004Nokomis 6005North Port 6006Port Charlotte Deep Creek 6007Punta Gorda 6008Rotonda 6009Sarasota 6010South Venice 6011Venice 6012 Out Of Area 6015Flea Market 6020Auctions MERCHANDISE 6013 Moving Sales 6025Arts & Crafts 6027Dolls 6030Household Goods6035 Furniture 6038 Electronics 6040TV/Stereo/Radio6060Computer Equip6065Clothing/Jewelry/ Accessories6070Antiques & Collectibles 6075Fruits/Veges 6090Musical 6095Medical 6100Health/Beauty 6110 Trees & Plants 6120Baby Items6125Golf Accessories6128Exercise/Fitness6130Sporting Goods 6131 Firearms6132 Firearm Access. 6135Bikes/Trikes 6138Toys 6140Photography/Video 6145Pool/ Spa & Supplies6160Lawn & Garden6165Storage Sheds/ Buildings6170Building Supplies6180Heavy Constr. Equipment 6190Tools/Machinery6220Office/Business Equip & Supplies6225Restaurant Supplies 6250Appliances 6260Misc. Merchandise 6270Wanted to Buy/T rade LAWN/GARDEN & TREE5110 C&D T ree & L awn S erv i ce Tree trimming/removal, lawn care & pressure washing. Lic & insured. Serving Charl. Co. 941-276-6979 Free Estimates DP`s ABILITY TREE SERVICE Removals, Stump Grinding, Palm Trimming, Topping & Shaping. 15 Yrs. Exp. Free Estimates! 941-889-8147 Lic#00000192 & Insured. FAMILY TREE SERVICE T ree Trimming, Free Estimates. Call Toda y 941-237-8122. Lic/Ins. ISLAND BREEZE LAWN SERVICE Residential & Commer cial 14 years experience Owner operated. Lic& Ins.Venice & surrounding areas. For free estimate call Keith 941-445-2982 J RIZTREESERVICES Specializing in Dangerous Tree Removal. Complete Tree & Palm Service. Servicing all Charlotte & Sarasota Counties FREEESTIMATES 941-306-7532 Lic & Ins WEED PULLING TRIMMING PRUNING & FLOWER BED CLEAN-UP. YEARROUNDSERVICE. CALLORTEXTPAM941-232-6105 MOVING/HAULING5130 TRUCK AVAILABLE Going to Spingfield, Missouri, & Albany, New York. Departing Mid-End of April. Please Call941-587-7037 US DIT NO. 1915800 941-359-1904 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING5140 Best Prices -Quality Job Best Coast Painting and Pressure Washing Residential/Commercial 10% Off With Ad! 941-815-8184 AAA00101254 STEVENS CUSTOM PAINTINGRes/Comm. Int/Ext FREE EST. Lic. & Ins. 941-255-3834 PRESSURE CLEANING5180 AAA Power Washing & Cleaning Dont live with MOLD! Driveway Specialists. 941-698-2418 BAILEYS PRESSURE CLEANINGTile roof Cleanings starting at @$150. Call 941-497-1736 ROOFING5185 PAUL DEAO ROOFING PROTECTINGYOURBIGGESTINVESTMENT. 22 YRSEXP. 941-441-8943 LIC#1329187 CONTRACTORS5054 RML CONTRACTING SERVICES,LLCWINDOWS,DOORS & MORE. Acrylic Rms,Additions, Bath & Kitchen Remodels,Cu stom Screen enclosures.Locally owned w/ over 25+ yr s experience.CBC060490 941-232-6606 CONCRETE5057 FLORIDA CONCRETE DRIVEWAYSSIDEWALKSADDITIONSRESIDENTIAL& COMMERICALNEWCONSTRUCTION941-628-5965 INS/LICCG034909 RICH LANDERS STUCCO, INC. Honest, Reliable work! LIC/INS New Const & Remodels. Rusted bands & wire lathe repair. spraycrete & dry-wall repair (941)-497-4553 HOME / COMM. IMPROVEMENT5100 SLIDING GLASS DOOR And Window Repair Lowest Prices GUARANTEED!!! 941-628-8579Lic#CRC1130733 BEST VALUE SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS Wheels Tracks & LocksLicensed & Insured, Free Est. since 1981 Call Bob 941-706-6445 Low overhead = Low prices! CARPENTER, INC. Handyman Rotten wood, doors, soffit, facia, etc. Phil 941-626-9021lic. & ins. Finditinthe Classifieds! TILE remo d e l , b at h s, fl oors. your tile or mine. 941-625-5186,Lic.#AAA006387 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE5110 A N OCC UPATI O NAL LI C EN SE may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licens ing bureau to verify A JAMISON TREE SERVICE Complete & Professional 15% Sr Discount! FREEEST. LIC. & INSUREDENGL941-475-6611ORN. PORT941-423-0020 SERVINGCHARLOTTEANDSARASOTAFOROVER20 YEARS.JAMISON-TREESERVICEINC.COM OTHER CLASSES3097 CONCENTRATIVE MEDITATION with Linda Weser, 4 p.m. every Monday at Unity Church of Peace, 1250 Rutledg e Street, off Veterans Boulevard between Orlando Boulevard and Torrington Street, Por t Charlotte/North Port line. Free; open to the public. 941-276-0124 4000FINANCIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES4010 ENTREPRENEURS WANTEDOwning Your Own Business Gives You the Opportunity to Reach Your Financial Goals. Jani-King Makes it Easy as 1,2,3. (1) Low Investment (2) All Training Provided (3) Customers Guaranteed Call Today and Discover How Easy it is to Get Started!! For Free Information Call 239-910-6266 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES AN OCCUPATIONAL LIC . may be required by the Cit y and/or County. Please call th e appropriate occupational licensing bureau to verify. CHILD CARE5051 ALL CHILDCARE FACILITIES MUST INCLUDE, WITH ADVERTISEMENT, STATE OR LOCAL AGENCY LICENSE NUMBER. FLORIDA STATE LAW requ i res all child care centers and day care businesses to register with the State of Florida. The Sun Newspapers will not knowingly accept advertising which is in violation of the law COMPUTERSERVICE5053 COMPUTER TUTOR (Your home or mine) ONLY $25.00 an hour! Please call Steve at: 941-445-4285 CONTRACTORS5054 EDWARD ROSS CONSTRUCTION Services, Inc. 941-408-8500 pool cages, Scr. lanais, etc... Lam402 ,:alrl -_j, LoTWO MENAND ATRUCKJj d 1} -al} ? `Movers Who Core"11,rL`JjWO OLwowY\ 'I'HkCLASSIFIEDa\ YOU CAN....../Find a Pet/Find a Car/Find a Job./Find Garage Sales./Find A New Employee./Sell Your Home./Sell Your UnwantedMerchandise./Advertise YourBusiness or ServiceClassified -it's the reliableLOW, source for theright results


Page 8 The Sun Classified-Section A E/N/C/V Saturday, March 14, 2015 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES6070 LORD NELSON Pi tc h er M arina pattern $115 941-6242105 MAXINE MU GS , COO KIE Jar,More,14 items $100 941423-2091 METAL BEERSIGNS 2 IN EX CELLENT CONDITION $40 941391-6090 MIRR O R GO LD LEAF mirror 23X27 $50 941-497-7230 MIRR O R S Vintage Beer & Wine $10 & up 941-697-6592 O X-Y O KE S HAND carved hardwood vintage $75 941-6976592 PAIR O F Vintage Wicker C hairs online picture $200 941-4853217 RECORDS 100SOF 33 AND 45S $150 941-391-6090 S ANDWI C H S ET S grn G lass sand 12 sets grn $50 941-4744120 S ILVER D O LLAR Eisenhower 1977 unc. collector $10 941697-6592 S ILVERC ERTFI C ATE 1 93 5 C one dollar collector $10 941698-7692 S ILVERC ERTIFI C ATE 1 9 5 3A two dollar XF rare $20 941697-6592 S UIT C A S E S AM SO NITE round faux alligator leather $40 941497-7230 S UPER B O WL XX1 Mirror Lite Beer $35 941-764-8669 T O NKA-T O Y PI C K-UP jeep USA steel vintage $50 941697-6592 V I C TR O LA O AK + Rec C abinet +Ndles+Recds $300 941-3478003 VICTROLA TALKING machine circa 1915 $400 941697-6592 W ATERF O RD BI SC UIT Barrel Cookie Jar Lismore $100 941445-8958 W ATERF O RD S HIP S Decanter 10, no chips $100 941-4458958 WHITE HOUSE Ci garettes U nopened $50 941-445-8958 MUSICAL6090 1 9 7 0 S RE CO RD S 45rpm bar gain! EA $1 941-639-1517 3/4 STUDENT C e ll o ma d e i n USA $400 941-475-3599 ACO U S TI CG UITAR w/case $225 941-475-0277 BABY GRANDE player piano Kawai was $20,000 Now $10,000 941-623-0537 BASS AMP RUMBLE 75 2014Fender $200 843-735-8912 CO MPA C T DI SCS Unbelievable collection! $2 941-828-1311 DI G ITAL DELAY DD-5 9 volt A+ cond. $60 937-546-8544 KEYB O ARD Yamaha Model#2100 $450 941-7641544 KEYB O ARD YAMAHA Pss47 0 $100 Pt. Charlotte $100 931287-3104 ORGAN LOWRY PRESTIGE , A5000, 52 Presets, Memory Stick, Disc Recorder 941-629-8730 PEAVY SPEAKERS 2 15 , & 2 12 Peavey, 2 Peavey pre-amps, $400 941-456-0997 PIAN O Kohler and C ampbell plays nicely $400 941-4753599 PIANO Ch erry C onso l e $500 508-930-5495 VINYL RECORDSALE 10% Off with this Ad. MELANGE 238 W. Tampa Ave, Venice Center Mall, Venice. VIOLIN new a d u l t $100 859-200-2776 CLOTHING/ JEWELRY/ ACCESSORIES 6065 C R OSS PENDANT S terling S ilver $15 941-575-8136 HIKIN G B OO T S Black, Wm, 91/2, Like new $50 941-4232091 H O ME CO MIN G DRE SS C andy apple red Beauty 3/4 $50 941575-9800 LEATHER CO AT Ladies sz 8 , zip out lining $75 941-7667373 LEATHER JA C KET G reySuade/cotton large $5 941445-5619 M O T OC Y C LE B OO T S HD, Wm, 91/2, Worn Once $100 941-423-2091 S ILVER C HATELAINE 3 silver charms $75 941-575-8136 WEDDING DRESS L ots o f Beading Must See! $400 941266-4425 W EDDIN G GO WN S z 2 4.Lace/Satin. $35 941-8301531 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES6070 45 RPM R ecor d s great se l ection and price $1 941-4741776 6 V O L. book set HB S inclair Lewis collectibles $20 941639-1517 ALWAYS BUYING ANTIQUES, ART, SILVER NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUES (941) 639-9338 A NTI Q UE S IN G ER S ewing Machine w/ treadle $200 941475-3599 ART SCULPTURE(METAL) One of a kind-call 4 pics $495 941-882-4545 BELLE C K S HELL C reamer Tridacna Yellow $30 941-4458958 BELLECK SHELL C up & Saucer Vintage Neptune $35 941-445-8958 BOOK I mages o f W or ld N at l Geog Photos $6 941-347-8003 B OO K S MITH SO NIAN Many More Books $5 941-347-8003 BUDMAN S TEIN 30 th Anniversary $50 941-764-8669 BUDWEI S ER MIRR O R 1 896 photo of girl $90 941-7648669 CANDLEWICK GLASSWARE $8. 10 each $125 941-2353885 CAROUSEL HORSES , M us i c Boxes and Others. 941-426-8644 COC A CO LA COO LER S 2 PAUL FRUM $200 941-3916090 CO IN 1 9 4 3 walking liberty hal f unc. $150 941-697-6592 CO IN 1 963 f ranklin hal f x f collector $25 941-697-6592 DININ G TABLE & 8 C HAIR S Duncan Phyfe Goodcond $499 941-575-9800 DRESSER WALNUT 5 d rawers.marble,ex.c. $395 941235-2203 DUCK FIGURINES 1980 co ll ection-6 mint pcs-boxed $20 941639-1517 ELVI S TEDDY BEAR S HAVE 4 $75 941-627-6780 FL O RIDA S TATE S eminoles Battery operated $25 941-7648669 FLORIDA STATE S em i no l es Clock Battery operated $25 941-764-8669 FLR . SAFE on ro ll ers 19x21x28 1T No Deliv $150 941-637-7430 IRI S G LA SS WARE $ 1 0 15 each $100 941-235-3885 KNOWLES COL . p l ates Bi r d s of Your Garden ea $10 941639-1517 LICENSE PLATES NY , CT , TX more $10.00 & up 941-6976592 FURNITURE6035 S PIDER LAMP 5 brass domes w/lites $25 941-496-7569 SWIVEL CHAIR li g h t green f a b ric $95 941-496-7569 TABLE O ak 4 chairs $ 75 9 41204-3241 TV/ENT. DI S PLAYUNIT, O ak. Fits 32 Flat Screen w/ Lighting & Storage. Detached Corner Units. Like New. $650/obo 941-473-4880 941-662-7322 WICKER HEADBOARD Queen white great cond. white wicker headboard great cond $50 obo 941-423-5981 W INE C ABINET C HERR Y Holds 25 bottles $50 941-7667349 ELECTRONICS6038 CD/DVDPLAYER S ony $20 941-698-9798 DVD/ C D PLAYER/VIDE O Magnovox (Sarasota $25 941549-2682 IP O D S HUFFLE 2G B, green, new cond. $10 941-626-9027 TV/DVD 57 Big Screen System great $375 941-626-9027 XBOX 360 LIVE w hi te, 2 w i reless controllers, headset, remote, all cables, adult owned, excellent condition $100 941347-7759 TV/STEREO/RADIO6040 ENTERTAINMENT C ENTER BLACK 36L X 48T X 20 $35 941-629-6429 RADIO CAR R a di o w i t h C/d player $90 941-698-9798 S AM S UN G 4 6 4 6 Led TV Like new $475 941-585-7740 SO NY 5 2 IN C H PR O JE C T O R TV LIKE NEW $189 941-763-2581 S TERE O AMP, cd, speakers $75 941-889-7146 T.V. /V C R CO MB O 1 3 Panosonic-Sarasota $25 941549-2682 T . V . / VCR COMBO 13 Toshiba $25 941-549-2682 T.V.2 7 W/REM O TE HDTVSamsung $40 941-549-2682 TV 2 4 S ANY O f lat screen older model, w/remote $25 941-493-3851 TV 5 0 VIZI O f lat screen Plasma 720P VG $100 941255-0874 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT6060 ACER LAPTOP extensa4620z500gb 3gbram win7 $175 941-626-0266 CO M C A S T R O UTER LINK S Y S MO.#WRT110 $20 941-8751757 COMPUTER DESK 47 L X 23 W X 30 TALL $40 941-6296429 CO MPUTER WIN XP w/ Off ice, DVD, runs A+ $40 941-7432656 M O NIT O R 17 L C D Flat Panel, great picture $20 941-2704306 MONITOR 17 MONITORP erfect cond, not a flat panel $10 941-743-2656 ROUTER & ATTAIR CARD Whole house wifi $75 314-6091540 R O UTER LINK S Y S Wireless B,2.4 GHz $20 941-505-6290 R O UTER NET G EAR MBR1515L 4g wireless $40 803-984-4450 TOSHIBA LAPTOP i3 1.80ghz,240ssd,6gb,win7 $275 941-626-0266 WIN XPTOWER 1 g b ram 80 g b HD cdrw/dvd $40 941-2704306 FURNITURE6035 DRE SS ER S MALL light pink $25 941-380-3032 END TABLE S 2 S quare no drawers $25 941-876-3979 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 3 pcs/whitewash $225 941-275-5837 G LA SS F O R TABLE 38 S quare Beveled $25 941-423-9371 GLASS FOR TABLE 45 R oun d $25 941-423-9371 G LA SS /TILE IR O N tables Cocktail w/2 side tables $150 941-764-0570 HUT C H WITH glass doors 2 sections storage, like new. $140 315-225-1896 IBUYFURNITURE Or anything of value! 941-485-4964 KITCHEN TABLE + 5 c h a i rs table glass top, metal base 3X5Chairs wood $185 941228-0159 LEATHERFL OO R S EAT S round, red & blue $100 941429-8221 LIVIN G R OO M S ET couch ,loveseat, chair $500 941-6269027 LIVIN G R OO M S ET ex. cond $495 941-763-9833 L O VE S EAT, f abric greenish/good condition $125 941-275-5837 MATTRESS & BOX . New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 MATTRESS & BOXSPRING W/HBTwin Pillow Top Clean! $75 941-266-5493 MEDIAC REDENZA F O R comp,tv,file. like new $100 574-870-3777 MIRR O R HALF M OO N 3 5x75in $35 941-763-2581 NI G HT S TAND Antique S olid Wood need finish $40 941223-7446 O AK ENTERTAINMENT C enter w/glass, drawers $125 941764-0570 PATIO CHAIRS 4 WICKER rustic $40 941-456-8479 PATIO SET h ampton b ay 6 pc grt cond $250 941-961-3316 PATI O TABLE & 4 chairs $50 859-200-2776 PATI O TABLE & 4 chairs glass top gd cond $100 941-4568479 PATI O TABLE & 4 chairs rd glass gd cond $100 941-4568479 PATIO TABLE & 4 c h a i rs gd cond $100 941456-8479 RE C LINER EX cond leather blue $100 941-474-4120 RE C LINER G ood cond lt brown $40 941-474-4120 RE S TAURANT B OO TH Black, New Condition, paid $700 Sell for $200 941-441-8255 ROLL TOPDESK 56 x 30 x 48 Cherry Finish $250 941-3477507 SERTA ICOMFORTMATTRESS Genius TwinXL $499 941-6989899 SHOES RACK w i t h seat woo d with 15 spaces $10 941-6976553 S IDE TABLE S tone Base, G lass Top $150 941-429-8221 S IDE TABLE S tone Base, G lass Top $150 941-429-8221 SO FA & L O VE S EAT C ream colored in excellent condition. $400 860-324-7635 SOFA BED QUEEN B e i ge w / muted print $150 941-4972880 SOFA LAY Z BOY 90 x 38 w plaid like new $295 941-4967569 SOFASLEEPER B e d/Ch a i r Seafoam green $450 941-2688934 SOFA TABLE All woo d , 60X16X30 $99 941-6816417 SOFA/CHAIR/OTTOMAN GOLD Leather. Must See! $500 941-505-2350 FURNITURE6035 COFFEE ACCENT TABLE D ar k Rattan Glass top $45 941-3560129 CO FFEE TABLE + 2 end tablels Black wood $40 603-548-2634 CO FFEE TABLE Beveled glass / 50X25X15 $99 941-6816417 CO FFEE TABLE S tone Base, glass $300 941-429-8221 COFFEE TABLE W oo d C o ff ee Table $50 574-315-3891 COMPUTER DESK / H utc h Good Cond $125 941-4298551 COUCH &CHAIR L z b oy L t h r Recliners Md Brn $300 941740-0248 CO U C H & C HAIR S Rattan good condition $200 941-3803032 CO U C H & C LUB C HR Broyhill& end & coffee table $500 941-830-1531 COUCH & l oveseat aqua $250 480-298-4208 CO U C H & L O VE S ET Neutral green VGC! $495 941-2707458 CO U C H 96 YEL/blue lea f print vgc $100 941-697-8732 CO U C H Excellent condition brown cloth $75 941-423-4642 CO U C H LAR G E Fl. colors, Wicker Trim $300 941-4298221 CO U C H Like new gold/bur gundy 90 x 38 $250 309-6486000 CO U C H, f abric 90X36X36/blue/delivery $150 941-275-5837 CO U C H, red , f aux suede 83x36x32 $150 941-2755837 CREDENZA CABINET 2 i nt shelve Cherry 5 $50 941-7667349 DE S K WI C KER 3 1x41x 2 1 w/glass top $65 941-698-8990 DINETTE S ET 5pcs.Pub glass/wrought iron $250 941456-3986 DINETTE S ET All Wood C ounter High w/4 chairs $375 941-4754455 DINETTE SET d rop l ea f 42 new condition $250 941-8281771 DINETTE S ET Pine dinette table and 4 chairs $50 941697-6553 DINETTE SET woo d c h a i rs & table top $125 941-681-6417 DINING ROOMSET Millender, Seats 10 with Lg. lighted hutch, Beautiful, High end, Like new Pd. $20,000+ Now Asking $10,000 941-623-0537 DININ G R OO MTABLE , S olid Oak w/1 leaf. $100 941-6616697 DININ G S ET 36 round table/4 chairs/wood $250 941-6816417 DINING SET a ll g l ass ta bl e / s i x wood chairs $350 941-2755837 DININ G S ET CO L O NIAL TABLE 6 chrs/2 leafs $175 239-2209948 DININ G S ET counter high 6 chairs $379 941-412-5844 DINING SET out d oor res i n f urniture $200 941-681-6417 DINING TABLE w /6 c h a i rs Lik e new-solid wood. $150 941766-1536 DINING TABLE , OAK & 3 Chairs good cond. $150 941764-9426 DININ G /KIT C HEN S ET G lass table w/4 chairs $125 $125 941-764-0570 DINNING ROOM 6 CHAIRS $400 941-697-6553 DRESSER + MIRROR B am b oo PERFECT COND $225 941763-2581 HOUSEHOLD GOODS6030 S ILK DAI S YPLANT Bushy/Realistic,ceramic pot New! $8 941-276-1881 TOILET Wh t Rd B ow l E . C . C omplete w seat $20 941-6291084 W ANTED T O BUY Arti f icial Palm Tree for inside home. Venice 262-339-0473 W I C KER ARM O IRE White,6x38sliding doors NICE! $359 941-276-1881 W INE DE C ANTER S 2 sets w/glasses $25 941-423-0003 WREATHS fl ora l B eaut if u l d ecorative, 18 in. floral wreaths for home $40 941-637-0345 HOLIDAYITEMS6031 C HRI S TMA S TREE 7, Never Used. Paid $250, asking $100 570-220-4220 EA S TER BA S KET S Wicker: Pink, Aqua, Lilac, Lime,etc $20 941-276-1881 S ANTA COO KIEJAR on the in box. $30 941235-2203 S N O WMEN CO LLE C TI O N many, good condition $60 941423-0003 XMA S NUT C RA C KER S good condition $80 941-423-0003 FURNITURE6035 ARM O IRE Cherry, up to 36 TV, $120. Call 941-286-4120. A RT DE CO C hairRed $ 4 0 941-549-2682 BAKER RACK Wi t h woo d an d wire shelves $50 941-6976553 BARREL S WIVEL C HAIR rust red floral fabric $95 941-4967569 BARREL SWIVEL c h a i r rust re d floral fabric $95 941-496-7569 BARSTOOLS (2) HIGH en d distressed look(MINT) $150 941-391-0042 BAR S T OO L S (2) wood 29 . cloth seats. ex.c. $70 941-2352203 BAR S T OO L S , THREE Metal, 31, Gloss Seats & Back, All for $75, OBO 941-999-7738 BED MATTRESS & BOX . New Will Sell $100. 941-629-5550 BED FRAM & MATTRESS F u ll size $100 941-380-3032 BED FRAME King metal $ 15 941-625-2779 BEDROOMSET5 PCPINE W/ SEELYMATTRESS& BOXSPRING. HARDLYUSED. $700/OBO941-497-7718 FORPICTURES. BEDROOM SET f u ll s i ze B rass Headboard $199 941-6267530 BLUE ELE C TRI C li f t/recliner chair Good cond. $100 941766-7349 B O X S PRIN G & mattress Q n size inclds frame. Like new. $200 941-625-4225 Pt. Charl BUFFET/ CO FFEE & End Tables pale yellow $275 941-2280159 BUNK BED S Homemadewith mattresses $40 941-380-3032 CALIF KING O a k B e d d ress i ng table, mattress $500 941-7640570 C EDAR C HE S T C herry wood, Exc. cond. $150 941-2762476 Venice C HAI S E L O UN G E Upholstered;rose & Floral $100 941575-9800 C HE S T WI C KER 32 x1 8 x17 Natural $45 603-548-2634 COFFE TABLE 2 en d ta bl es Wicker and glass $40 941-4234642 COFFEE & en d ta bl e w i c k er look glass top $45 941-4568479 Lovwawooooooooow,Lalw0


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Page 12 The Sun Classified-Section A E/N/C/V Saturday, March 14, 2015 adno=8535419 BUSINESS & ERVI Etr t DIRECTORYrry Professional Service You Need From A to11 11 Ll WOm 1771C1f!iuperior l J I I t 1 1' v ainting 31dGenera[ion Family Business LARRY Call Now to Lock inDANNY pp UIVLIMITE`/ Inc. P p ESPOSITO anAmazing Bangfor cqm M 1.ftatrobtHaneYourBuckfromaFamily Owned & Operated : PAINTINC,INC.IltterbilESderbr Painter',11 11 Over 27 Years Local Experience elo%or SeasonPAINtING, 66C Residential,Commercial Sereen &StUCCO Aepalr aL25 Years icenseded BpinSUredINTERIOR&EXTERIOR Specializing in Re-Paints PowerWashing FREE Estimates Seniors&VBte[--FREE ESTIMATES WHERE QUALITY & VALUE MEET c CALL ALCall Now For a Free Estimate Driveways & MORE! Ky-itima Popoont 941 Z64i i Z 1 941-468-2660danspan;n g-1602gcrlca stnet e I e 1 FREE ESTIMATES Lic,#AAA00101266`niLicensed &Insured 941-919-1941 #Al1A009886 Licensed &Insured AAA-12-00015 941 -961 -5878 Former Firefighter7-7 4D] ZK42171, FL i717711901 T; III,] I .'We do PRESSURE MY " O rile hest... CLEANING 'S Retired butnot tired" plngp"`testo' Pressure Cleaning Interior Exterior EXTERIORFaucets, Sinks, umbi 1,EResidential andX. C Discounts co FREE PAINTINGMAX ols, Garbage A Full Service Company Commercial-TATES Re-Pipes Disposals, forALLYour(ai,tr P Most In 1 Day Pressure Tanks, Water Plumbing Needs. ServiceResidential CommercialInteriorExteriorPowerWashing WWWSWEENEYSPAINT.COM We Will Beat Softeners/filteKEtc. 0 Gal. ElectricPool Decks Prompt Sena e COMMIlITTED TO EXCELLENCE LiI1 Any Estimates Most Anything. Water Heater-InstalledReasonable Rates Complete Service Just Ask Ross I IROOF CLEANING S500941-786-653Free EstimateaSeniorDiacounts 941-91&1024 8 COATINGS 941.484'5796 Master Plumber +Penn@ifneededUcerrsed&Insured 941.626.9353u. #w 1 0 IiaCFC1425M 1-941-204-4186 Uc$CFClaxeeee.tG 1 t =Proudly Serving Our Community Pressure Kelly Browns LFull Service Plumbing Pressure oFast. Friendly, Efficient Reasonable PricesREPAIRS and I 1 Painting 9i FI SERVICE I I T rash Washin as rRep9es Remodels Sinks Faucets Toilets Garbage Disposals Tilers (TRemoval1 1 I HOUSES, ' 1 1 1 1 I ' ',1 9. 7 ill 41 NBack Flows Leak Detection Drain Cleaning Waver Hea e5wwvuCall For SAA* .d , HonestPricing MOBILE HOMES MORE sul Corl F, I Reliable ++ +MwW l INSURED 38412 FREE EstimatesrLIMCK14267111 1 dat W!-O-EN 0 0 0 C3:3i^lS-i!, I Call KrAn 423-2859sl _,6 697-8580 I I 941.626.1565Lict1413989Bails sBenson's J ohn's RESCREENING I _, bills:c: Qality :nh1hi Washing & Coal Co. Cleaning l Caes TRTHST =FAgmStaitingAt Cleaning Safe No Pressure ' ' Lanai's & Entries "Your Tile Rool l 111131 Exterior/ Interior Painting Roof Cleaning Outdoor 25 Years Experience IPool Cages &Experts"Pool Cag/ _ _ .e. Lanais 941-876-4779Drivewat LlcAInsuredinlSaraota, 941-697-1749 941.7994310No. Port & Charlotte Countiess. 941-587-5007 41-883-138 941-125.1599 ` '>.e 190:3= 941.492.1736 ue.aIns. Free Estimates ' tUWVsmsonsouaiweaniril Lic. #9341 Insured Lic#CC20597 & Ins 77 r , , r 'M = I, NOME TOWN Re-Roogng & Repair Specialists R.L. TEEL$S Tops, $30 Sides ; r ` 1R444 a=SCREENING ReS Ra LEONARD'S ROOFING " Biggest Protecting Your Investment." ROOFINGomplete Rescreens REPAIRS & INSULATION INC.W95 ROOFING REPLACEMENT Family owned and1 i SPECIALIZING IN re ' TILES SHINGLE FLAT ROOFS Tiles Shingles Metal(Up to 1500Sq Feet) RESCREENING $1,095 (up to i METAL SPECIALISTS operated since 1969 Insulation Roof Cleaning1 j 30 YEARS EXPERIENCEPOOL CAGES .Shingle Single Ply Reroofs &RepairsFree Estimates d & LANAIS Screen . DISCOUNTS TO Tile Metal Workmansfsipftnure SENIORS & VETERANS Guaranteedo WashingFREE INSPECTIONS Built-up Full Carpentry Insurance InspectionsKO MM & ESTIMATES Service Available Free WindCALL Mitigation ReportsHUGH941-662.0555 Reagan Leonard 488-7478941-473-7781TRUCTION,94 879 3136 9 41-809-11711 ' I, 1 RMCOATSCONS5731VI URE INC Lic.# RC 0066574 LIC:RC290274532twtrr L1 N8E CCC g13P731 dIt.SURED


Saturday, March 14, 2015 E/N/C/V The Sun Classified-Section A Page 13 adno=8535420 AllrB UINE &SERVICEDIRECTORYno, 'I 0 QVOTED BEST OF THE James Weaver Full Service Roofing ContractorBEST IN CHARLOTTE Roofing 30 Years Plus Local ExperienceStingies, SIa, MIETAL, SHINGLES, TILE,COUNTY 2011 thru 2014 n"`'I" Family FLAT ROOFS (ALL TYPES) REPAIRSold Roof Removal Owned COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIALCall FREE SteveEstiFormate a C AII!Gr een RoofingFREE wl Cairiponlry Operated FREE WIND MITIGATION REPORT_'@ METAL-TILE SHINGLE #000068184 Since 1984 at erproofing Technologies WITH RE-ROOF FOR INSURANCEFLAT ROOFS Free EgnnbOver 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Fully 426-8946 lR WW.GREENROOFINGONLINE.COM DISCOUNTStIN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA Free EstimatesSmall or Large Repairs to Total Metal, shingles, flat roofsReplacement Steve's the Man for the Job! AL/tihOnz Replace & RepairUc CCG7326838 Bonded & Insured WIN LIC#CCC13258954 4 I,I 4 4LAWN REPLACEMENT RICH LANDERS I t I LEMON BAY TILESAY flPPINS Maloney's I 1 Comertbathtubta ROBE T JONES CERAMIC TILESeawall Erosion Repair STUCCO, INC. easy access showerk Holes & Handicap access shaverRepair Sin New Construction 1 I Shover repair & replace Repair & Re I (.eSodding & Remodels Free In-Home Shopping Loose or H HOWTree Service Shrubs SOD Rusted bands & I licensed & Insured Floor TileCharolotte Wire Lath Repair Owner/Install& Weeding I I 1 over 20 Years in Englewood941-637-1333 Spraycrete & I I I 20x20 Porcelain FREE ESTIII1TE S625-2124 Sarasota Dry-wall repair. from $3.69 Lic & Insured 941-955-8327 I I I / Professionally Installed 941-204-2444Owner Operated 11(9 4I )4 Y74553 1 1 474-1000Lic.# 79232 Y I Lic. #AAA006338 8 InsCERAIIIC TILE We do it ally! FLORIDA J RIZ TREE tyTT::rsALES AND/OR Pressure Cleanng TREE INC. SERVICE .INSTALLATION Rescreening Trees A LLCL g SPECIALIZING INRemodel Baths Floors emossinee TrimmiVilemoval E (3 I`YOUR 1E OR MINE 35 YRS EXP. _aidscaping DANGEROUSStone Porcelain NO JOB TOO SMALL LS 'etme tme /Weed Resicent TREE REMOVAL 9268-1Marble Wood Floors Installed Omer Operatedc :r,d4l. Serving Charlotte Tree Trimming941.03.5186 Free estimates t2 yrs' Int West. and SrasotaI Installer/ Owner 30 years experience:, Owner operated!.Rn' OWNER/11lEsFrIER SANDEFURS " FREE ESTIMATELic/ins Workman's Comp. Call Jiro V , rCharlotte County Since 1981 Home & Tree Maintenance 941.866.6919 941306 7532 Call Mike AltmanUc.#auoD6387 941.697-5948 941-484-6042 Licensed & Insured lI ]li ]ll l ]I, IC i D Tree and 11T1 -Lawn Service DP's ABILITY1 TreemendousTree 7&84 ?We sceTREE SERVICEnrelitaai.g/tae,wval ",Palms Trimmed Jeff Pacheco, Owner1PrreWre R,mhhkg Free estimateslarare Professional Arborist Topping Removals & Shaping TreeOne Call for All Your FREE Estimate' MulchingNome & Garden Needs Hedge Trimming TrimmingTrees Planted andEst 1997 Lic. & Insured pin Stump GrindingFREE ESTIMATES I I I I / ISA certified Arborlst John Cannon FL6444 A Palm Fertilizing Removal10% SENIOR DISCOUNT941-216-6919 941 -426-8983 941-889-8147 941-237-8122Serving Charlotte Co. 18 Years ExperienceArea '-*Fil Fully Licensed & Insured Lk90O.0a192Be1ns UCENSED&INSUREDr I Sliding Glass Door I WINDOWS S S Squeee ge , r ME1 IRepairs 1 PRE SURE Masters Sliding Glass Door I Contracting Services, LLC20%OFFWheels Tracks Locks 1 WASHING wnu I & window Repairs941-106-6445 1 New Specials mer Window Washing IREPLACEMENT WINDOWS & DOORS Package Deals a ?' f/dern II 1 Pressure WashingLow Overhead = Low Prices Res. & Comm. 941= 628m 8S79"Free Estimates Since 1981" I Free Estimate Free Estimates I State Licensed CRC 1130733I (OlSI o `Jo0SLIDING DOORS AND MORE.eom Lic/Ins. 941-445-7285 1 1 Millon liability insurance for your Protection1 1Licensed Insured References 941-661-5281. 40 years experienceI . ea LICi Ins J


Page 14 The Sun Classified-Section A E/N/C/V Saturday, March 14, 2015 6000 MERCHANDISE ARCADIAAREA GARAGE SALES6001 SAT . 8 12PARK WIDE DRIVEWAY & CRAFT SALE at Cross Creek RV Resort 6837 NE Cubitus Ave. LOTS of GREAT BUYS!! ENGLEWOOD GARAGE SALES6002 FRI & SAT 8 3 1677 BAYSHORE DR. off Overbrook FAMILY SALE ANTIQUE SEWING MACHINE .Furn, Dishes, toys, piano, glassware, Fishing poles, lamps, clothes, books, etc FRI SAT SUN 8A 3P 7233 CARVEL ST A bit of everything household, crystal, mower, bike. furniture. FRIS AT. 8 2 . 1 20 S pur Dr. Rotonda W.. Household; clothes, small; jon boat, 2 motors FRI .SAT . 8 2 7185 D ateland St. Partylite Candleholders, Brand new from 60-80% off, household & more. FRI.S AT., 8 AM2 PM 10507 Carnegie Ave. (off Sunnybrook) LARGE SALE!! Collectables. Old Jewelry, Lighting, Old Items...ETC! FRI .SAT ., 8AM 2PM , 816 East 2nd (off Pine) Futon, Gaming Chair, New Skilz Hitaway, Antique Mantle & MORE! FRI.S AT., 8 AM-N OO N, Corner of Snow & Peach (off Gulfstream) Solar Pool Reel, Slate Pool Table, Household, Electrical, Tools & MORE! S AT & S UN. 8 AM-4PM 2321 MANASOTA BEACH RD. MULTI FAMILY SALE Dont miss this one. SAT. 8-? 250 N. Mccall Rd. #32. PARK YARD SALE @ OFFICEEverything from Soup to Nuts! SAT .SUN . 8 4 231 E . W entworth St. ENTIRE CONTENTS OF HOME, Antiques, Household, Med/office Equip., frames, appls, linens, more. Low Prices! SATURDAY ONLY 8-3 HUGE MULTIFAMILY SALE BAYOAKSCIRCLEMANASOTAKEYFURNITURE,CLOTHES, TOOLS, HOUSEHOLDSOMETHINGFOREVERYONE. THURS SAT 8 ? . EAST ENGLEWOOD 7201 CARLSBAD TERRACE, OFF GULFSTREAM. STOP BY LAKE SUZYAREA GARAGE SALES6003 FRI S AT . 1 2 74 0 S W Lakeside dr. Model home furniture and household items Kings Hwy and Sheri Ave. S AT 1 0 2 1 2626 S W S heri Ave. Large Furniture Items Only. Dining Room Table w/ 8 Chairs, Desk, Chairs, Cabinets, Books Cases, Solar Pool Cover. NOKOMIS/OSPREY GARAGE SALES6004 Casey Key Luxury Sale1492 Casey Key Rd Nokomis Fri. Mar. 13 8:45am-4pm Sat. Mar. 14 8:45am-1pm Like new designer furniture: Baker & Henredon tables, Natchez chest, ultra suede chair/ottoman, John Widdicomb console, library table & chairs; Chapman lamps, Hancock & Moore chairs, Gieme demi-lune chest, leather lounge chair/ottoman, Kron/Crown leather sofa & chair, Helicon table desk/ credenza, Italian chandelier, Leroy Neiman & Appel serigraphs; paintings, telescope, Rosenthal & Royal Doulton china, stemware, barware, silver, kitchenware, 13 oriental rugs, 500 cookbooks, golf clubs,TVs & audio items, designer clothes & accessories, Sidmar Hydrotherapy table & more. Pix: Sale by Julie McClure S AT. 8 AM?? 1 82 5 SETTLERS DRIVE, TWO FAMILY LOTS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS! DRIVE AROUND BACK. NORTH PORT GARAGE SALES6005 SAT. ONLY 8:30-1:30 TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4285 WESLEYLNVARIETY SALE BAKESALE& REFRESHMENTS PT. CHARLOTTE/DEEP CREEK GARAGE SALES6006 A BIG YARD SALE 1481 Kenmore St. FRI & SAT 8AM-??. VARIETY OF ITEMS, SOME NEW! FRI SAT 8 3 362 Lasayette Dr. Cleaning the closets, gently worn juniors & kids clothing. Some never worn PT. CHARLOTTE/DEEP CREEK GARAGE SALES6006 FRIS AT 8 3 . 1 8 711 Kerrville Cir. Removal Sale. Crystal, stemware, gowns, household, kitchen, furniture. FRI-SAT 8AM-3PM 27412 S. Tierra Del Fuego Cir. Household Items & Tools. FRI SAT 9 2 4280 J ames St. #8 Whidd. Ind. Pk. Clearance! Need Space! Furniture, tools, fishing, household, vintage stuff, lots of misc. FRIS AT 9 2 . 23380 Altman Ave. MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE. Housewares, desk & chair, plants, adults & kids clothes, toys & video games, lots of misc. FRIS ATS UN 9 6 . 2 71 8 5 San Marino Dr., Harbour Heights. All kinds of bar items and motorcycle access. FRI SAT . 9 2 LIGHTHOUSE BAPTIST CHURCH 14251 CHANCELLOR BLVD Sale for Missionaries (Under Tent) Furniture, Appliances, Tools, Lawn Mowers, Household, Clothes, Plants. MORE! FRIS AT. 9 2 No Early Birds.20302 Banner Ave. Multi Family Sale! Household, Clothes, Baby Items & Toys. FRI .SAT 8 4 1303 F orrest Nelson Blvd. Boy Scout Fundraiser at Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. FRI.S AT. 7-4 3 4 9 C olgan Ave. Furniture, Dishes, Entire Contents of Home. Moving Sale. All Must Go! FRI.S AT. 7AM2 PM ANNUAL GARAGE SALE, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PORT CHARLOTTE, 20035 QUESADA AVE. FRIDAY SUNDAY . 8 2 . 766 Merrick Lane. Furniture sale for entire home; FL, dining, bed, living rooms. HUGE CHURCH YARD SALE, SAT. 8:30-2 4282 Commercial St. Something for Everyone! Clothing, toys, books, & More Baked Goods & Lunch avail. S AT . 9 -4. 2820 C abaret St, PC. Calif oak KING bed w/dressing table, Glass table/4 chairs, coffee table glass & tile w/2 tables, refrig, more! SAT8 3 . 25372 P a l a di n Lane Punta Gorda FL. Husqvarna tractor, tools, household items, ext ladder, mirror!!!! SAT ONLY8 2 . 24246 Harborview Road. HUGE ESTATE SALE. Tools, furn., household, electronics, etc. SAT . 8 2 & SUN . 8 1 18459 Goodman Circle. HUGE YARD SALE!! Too Much To List!! Come & See! SAT . 8 2 22523 T ennyson Ave. MOVING SALE, Washer & Dryer, Furniture, Household & Miscellenous. PT. CHARLOTTE/DEEP CREEK GARAGE SALES6006 S AT. 9 3 2386 B O X S T. MOVING SALE, Lift Chair, Patio Set, Grill, Twin Bdrm set, & misc Household items. THURS UN 8 -4 17 0 Dartmouth Dr. Estate & 2 Family Sale. Furn, collect, household, guitars, power/hand tools, fishing, sporting, Sig P220 (NIB). Clean sale, no j unk. PUNTAGORDA GARAGE SALES6007 ALLIGATOR PARK ANNUAL YARD SALEFri.-Sat. March 13-14th 8-1. 6400 Taylor Rd. Lunch Served 11-1. Outside Vendors Welcome. Call 941-639-7222. FRI & S AT 8 -1 10100 BURNT STORE RD UNIT 116 RIVERHAVEN MHP SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! clothes Sizes 1828, Also Small Med. and lots of misc. items. FRI & SAT 9AM-? 28330 BERMONTRD.NEWLIFEFAMILYWORSHIPYARDSALE. MULTI FAMILY!! 3 FRIDGES, STOVE, FURNITURE, ANTIQUEREVERSEGLASSPAINTINGS& MORE! FRI SUN . 8 12 2463 Sierra Lane Punta Gorda. Household & Dishes!!! FRI SAT 9AM 3453 O w l C t PGI art work,home access, elect, kitchenware, luggage, clothing-nice-rain date 3/21/15 FRI .SAT . 8 1 , 7411 S . Ficus Tree. Burnt Store Meadows. ESTATE SALE!! Tools, Household & MORE! FRI.S AT. 8 : 30 2 : 30 719 Santa Margerita Ln. Table of Estate Items, Large German Beer Steins, Wedgewood, Plates, Cobalt blue bowl, etc. Other NEW items and household misc. CASH ONLY! FRI .SAT . 9 3 3020 A mes St. (off Aqui Esta) Moving Sale. Furn., Appl., Pictures, & MORE! REDUCED PRICES!! HUGE COMMUNITY YARD SALE!Friday & Saturday, March 13th & 14th, 8a-1p Over 55 Houses Taking Part! Tools, Baby Items, Furniture, Toys, China, Moving Sales! Community Maps Available @ 7319 S. Plum Tree or 7533 Ligustrum in Burnt Store Meadows, Punta Gorda Ad Sponsored by Sage Homes LLC CGC1513645 SAT ONLY .. . 9 3 . 19 Tropicana Dr. Punta Gorda Isles. Moving Sale! Furniture, tools, misc. items! PUNTAGORDA GARAGE SALES6007 S AT. 9 -1 2 17454 Huancay Ln. Burnt Store lakes. Work bench, 5 ladder, household goods, tools, much more SAT ., 8 1 , 14270 B urnt Store Rd.Green Barn Sale! Lots of Furniture, Household Items & MUCH MORE!! THUR S .S AT., 8 AM3 PM, 30329 Cedar Rd. Ridge Harbor. ESTATE SALE!! Collectables & MUCH MORE! ROTONDAAREA GARAGE SALES6008 FRI & SAT 9 3 134 BROADMOOR LN MANY CRAFT AND MANY HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. FRI.S AT. 8 : 00 2 : 00 10 Golfview Rd. Bedding, Jewelry, Dishes, Household. Something for Everyone! SAT ONLY 9AM-1PM 84 Boundary Blvd @ Clubhouse ANNUAL RIVERHOUSE CONDOS COMMUNITY CRAFT & YARD SALE S AT. 8 2 69 G ol f view Rd. Household, Kids Toys, Books, Some Tools, Electronics, & More. NO EARLY BIRDS. S. VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES6010 FRI .SUN . 8 : 00 am? VENICE EAST COMMUNITY WIDE YARD SALE! (US 41 & Venice East Blvd. Entrance) Something For Everyone!! PSYCHIC FAIR2nd Sat. Every month 10am-3pm TOP READERS Free Healing $15/15 min ANGEL MINISTRIES 2269 S. Tamiami Trail Venice 941-492-4995 RAMBLERS REST RESORT`S ANNUAL CRAFT & QUILT SALE SATURDAY3/14, 9AM-1PM1300 NORTHRIVERRD. @ MACDONALDHALL& WOODSMOKE. JEWELRYDESIGNERS& MAKERS, HOMEDECOR, PIES, COOKIES, LEATHER-WORKS, WOODWORKING, YARDART, NEEDLECRAFTCARDDESIGN, BIRDHOUSES, KETTLECORN& MUCH MUCH MORE!!! SAT. 8AM-1PMWOODMERE PARK COMMUNITY SALE3951 Woodmere Park Blvd S. VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES6010 S AT. 9 AM-1 2 PM 812 South Gondola Dr. Bistro Table & Chairs, Collectibles, Jewelry and more! VENICE AREA GARAGE SALES6011 AUBURN LAKES COMMUNITY Yard Sale. 1 Block N of Venice Ave at Auburn Rd. Saturday 8-1 COLONIAL MANOR ANNUAL CARPORT SALE 1200 Ridgewood Ave. Sat Only 8-12. Over 20 participating!!! Cashinwith Class! EPIPHANY CATHEDRAL WILL HOLD THEIRANNUAL SPRING GARAGE SALE AT A NEW STORE FRONT LOCATED AT 1216 E. VENICE AVE. VENICETHUR., MAR. 12TH, 5-8PM FRI., MAR. 13TH, 10-5PM SAT, MAR. 14TH, 8-6PM All items 50% off Sat from 6PM-8PMProceeds go to epiphany Cathedral school. FRI . 9 4 & SAT . 9 3 MARCH 13TH & 14TH Reformed Community Church. 1600 Banyan Dr. RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE! Clothing, Furniture & MORE! FRIDAY, 8am-3pm & SATURDAY, 8am2pm Venice Korean Community Church, 3655 East Venice Ave. Furniture, Clothes, & MUCH MORE! ! SAT. March 14th, 9-3 THE LAKES OF JACARANDA COMMUNITY SALE LAKEOFTHEWOODSDR. &SIDESTEETSASMARKED. Rain Date Sun. 3/15 SAT ., 8AM 2PM , 1356 Cambridge Dr. Venice Gar dens. TV Corner Cabinet, Lots of Men`s Shorts& MUCH MORE! GULFCOVE/SGC GARAGE SALES6014 FRI & S at. 8 2 . 3450 Bli tman Str. 1st time sale, antiques, guns, fishing, tools, household FRI .SUN ., 8AM 1PM 6236 Thorman Rd. (Gar dens of Gulf Cove) Lawn Mowers, Tools, Household & MORE! Friday, August 15, 2014 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 19 Friday, August 15, 2014 E/N/C The Sun Classified Page 19 SP38127RATES1-3days-$24.10lines-($5.75eaaddlline)4-7days-$44.33lines-($5.75eaaddlline)Community/Multi-Family2days-$50 3days-$606lines-($5.75eaaddlline) Toplaceyour adcall: Arcadia494-2434Charlotte429-3110Englewood475-2200Venice207-12006014 GarageSale Locator6001ArcadiaArea 6002EnglewoodArea 6003LakeSuzyArea 6004Nokomis/Osprey 6005NorthPortArea 6006PortCharlotte 6007PuntaGorda 6008RotundaArea 6009SarasotaArea 6010SouthVenice 6011VeniceArea 6014GulfCoveArea W , 1600qy SARASOTA COUNTY DESOTO COUNTYC?1ircy

Saturday, March 14, 2015 E/N/C/V The Sun Classified-Section A Page 15 LAWN & GARDEN6160 C LAY P O T S $ 1 9 4162 40928 LAWN ED G IN G , concreteedging scalloped side 190 LF 125pcs x 18 $100 941-6377706 LAWNM O WER MTD Yard machine, 18.5hp, 46-in. $425 941-505-0310 RIDIN G LAWNM O WER Craftsman vgc 42MD 18hp $500 518-424-3069 RIDIN G M O WER S cotts by John Deer 17.5hp 42 cut, $400 941-743-4089 S HELL A GG RE G ATE 3 cu yd, U load & haul $15 941-4756424 TABLE & C HAIR S , etc. 6 pieces wrought iron $150 941585-8149 TILLER G ilson C ompact $ 1 2 5 941-441-6967 TOP SOIL F or S a l e ! Pl eas e call: 941-468-4372 TRIMMER Husqvarna like new, gas can $75 214-906-1585 W EEDEATER gas (f eatherlite ) $60 941-626-4274 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS6165 WEATHER KING PORTABLE BUILDINGS Purchase or Rent To Own! Free Delivery & Set Up. Ask Your Dealer, Mattas Motors About Options 941-916-9222 BUILDING SUPPLIES6170 1 000 ATTI C F O IL C UT COS T S ! $115 941-441-0252 A / C UNIT P O RTABLE 1 2 , 000 BTU used 1 week $250 941255-9427 AC UNIT 1 0 , 000 BTU W/Remote Works Well $50 941-2688951 AC UNIT Ai r h an dl er 3 -ton Clean R-22 $100 941-6286251 BALL VALVE S , new 1/ 2 & 3 /4 Scrd & swt $6 314-609-1540 C ERAMI C TILE 18x18Tan/Beige 7bxs/5pr.bx $450 239-220-9948 C HERRY PLANK S 8 /4x 8 16w/x4-6 $25 941-474-4200 C HERRY PLANK S lumber 8/4x8-16w/x4-6 $25 941474-4200 COUNTER TOP 9 X 18 N ew Formic #773542 $65 941629-6096 CO UNTERT O P CO RIAN with sink,and faucet, $150 941637-9473 EXTERI O RD OO R 15 lite, Imp, 30 68 ,RHIS $150 941-6812296 G ALVANIZED C HAIN link f ence 117 x 4 $250 518-791-4137 HURRI C ANE S HUTTER S Lexan 14 x73.5 $15 941-6253802 ROLLED SOLDER 1/16 an d 1/8 $12 314-609-1540 SHOWER DOORS Like new $95 941-764-9646 SLIDING GLASSDOORS 8 x 8, Good Shape $100 941-3803032 SLIDING TRI DOORS 11 10 glass or 8 dual $200 314-6091540 TILE o ff w hi te 1 sq. 27 s h eets $80 941-876-3979 TILE WHITE 4 1/2 ea. X 4 boxes $10 941-876-3979 TOILET WHTRd B ow l E . C . Complete w/seat $20 941629-1084 TUB CORNER NEW READY TO INSTALL $175 941-763-2581 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES6135 BIKE W omen s M ounta i n F ury Roadmaster $40 941-4121547 BIKES HIS & h ers bi g t i re n i ce cond. $120/pair 941-626-3102 BIKE S KID S 1 2 & 1 6 20 sizes also available $30 941474-1776 CANNONDALE MOUNTAIN BIKE USA, Cadium, Like new. Orig. $639; Sell $285. has been stored (315)-225-1896 Engl. KENT TANDEM ridden less than 1 mi $200 630-269-3211 TRI C Y C LE $200 5743 542397 TRI C Y C LE 3 WHEELER good looking / smooth riding $225 941-474-1776 TRICYCLE a d u l t b ran d new, i n the box! $275 941-524-1025 W ANTED MEN S O lder Hybrid. Bianchi, Giant or Fujji Good cond. 315-225-1896 TOYS/GAMES6138 PLAY S ET S WIN GS Large kids sld board, wall climber, monkey bars, hut, $200 941-830-8409 R C RADI O & recv. 6 ex-pcm $ 5 0 941-627-1589 PHOTOGRAPHY/ VIDEO6140 C AMERA S Six Old $50 941-629-4857 TELAPH O T O C AMERA C ase 35mm case. New $20 941505-6290 TRIP O D MANFR O TT O 322RC2 grip A+ cond $100 937-546-8544 POOL/SPA/ & SUPPLIES6145 **SPAS & MORE** new/used 110volt Plug ins. Trade ins Welcome! We Move Hot Tubs 941-625-6600 We Buy Used Hot Tubs HAYWARD P OO L vac with hoses $200 941-637-4668 HOT TUBS WHOLE SALE PRICINGFROMMANUFACTURERNEXT 10 DAYS ONLY @ THE SARASOTA COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS 3000 RINGLING BLVD. 941-462-0633 P OO L E Q UIPMENT Above ground pool 110v pump w/filter $300 941-347-8939 SPA STEPS SURROUNDS 2 SIDES,REDWOOD TREX TREADS $100 941-426-4847 LAWN & GARDEN6160 BOWSAWS (2) 24&30 YOUR CHOICE GDCON EACH $7 941286-4894 C RAFTMAN 15 C U dmp cart Pull with tractor $50 941-7435249 C u ddl e up b y t h e fi re ! Firewood Split, Bundled and ready for the firepit! Pine, Oak, or Citrus, 941-468-4372 DR TRIMMER/M O WER Like new condition. $175 941-4758061 FREEZE CLOTH 5 p i eces 15W X 16-35L $90 941-585-8149 SPORTINGGOODS6130 A N C H O R DANF O RTH, up to 36 boat $60 941-460-9698 C AT C HER S MITT Rawlings catchers $85 941-624-0928 FLY FI S HIN G R O D S & Tackle. $50 for ALL! 941-451-8958 FLY R O D HEDD O N 8 1/ 2 split bam Martin $90 937-546-8544 F OOS BALL TABLE in. Sport craft. $65 941-549-2682 G AME TABLE BRUNSWICK CENTENNIAL like new 54 inch w/4 swivel adj ustable height black leather chairs $1,800 309-648-6000 HARLEY LEATHERJACKET XL Las Vegas $100 941-2559427 HARLEY M/ C B OO T S Ladies, Blk, 7 1/2 M $35 941-7667373 H O R S E S H O E S ET pro f reg size usa like new $20 941-2864894 LIFE VEST OFF SHORE Ad u l t Model RS, new $25 941-9799931 P OO L TABLE 4x 8 1slate good cond u remove $400 941-6245801 PR O V-1 GO LF balls 1 20 used clean A cond. $60 937-5468544 SKI WEST USCG approve d Med.Size -40 $25 941-9799931 FIREARMS6131 2 S X S RIFILE S . 1 S inoS oviet, 1 Chinese Norinco Factory 26. Very Nice Cond. $650/both or Will Sep. 941-916-1055 9 MM REU G ER; 22 G olden boy Magnum 22 silver eagle, 380 Thunderbird. 38 Trench barrel 357. Call 440-289-1595 BUYING WW II Memorabilia & GunsU.S., Nazi, Japanese Call Eric 941-624-6706 CZ 9MM , f u ll s i ze $365 , P o li s h Makaroe 9mm X 18mm, carry, $245 941-350-4481 G UN S . S everal Rugers. ALL in Excellent Condition! Some N.I.B. Call (941)-564-8778 RUGER 223 MINI 14 . S ta i nless. Like New. In Box w/ 20 Ammo. $650. 941-637-7243 S&W M&P $500 ., BARETTA PX4, $500. NANO $400. GLOCK 42, $440., SIG 1911, $800. Above are All New! H&K USP $625. 941-830-8641 FIREARMS ACCESSORIES6132 308 AMM O , Russian Made, $18. Per Box. Discounts for Large Orders. (941)-204-6439 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES6135 A DULT TEEN 2 4 & 26 sizes to choose from $45 941-4741776 BICYCLE ALUMINUM 26 Cruiser Like New $70 201-3902715 BICYCLE MENSB eac h C ru i ser $40 941-625-2779 BICYCLE mens Ni ce con di t i on In PG $25 308-340-3447 BIKE 20 girls S lumber Party NEXT Like NEW $40 941-2688951 BIKE 24 CRUISER s i ng l e speed, good cond $50 941254-0383 BIKE 3 WHEEL DELIVERY AVAIL. $225 941-626-3102 BIKE G IRL S good f or 6 to 9 yr old $35 941-276-0814 BIKE mens F a i r C on di t i on. $25 941-412-1547 GOLFACCESSORIES6125 C LUB C AR D S 4 S eat Golf Cart. Ext. 80 Roof. Trojan G3 Batteries. Recent Service. New Paint. Good Tires, Windshield & Charger. $2,550 941-830-6026 No Text Please. Delivery Available. COBRA Z/L D r i ver 10 . 5* R/H VGC $90 941-423-5701 DRIVER CO BRA ba ff ler like new $125 239-826-2388 GOLF BALLS , lik e new, m i xe d brands, per dozen $6 941-4887774 GOLF CART 2011 Cl u b C ar, Batteries 1 Year Old. Asking $2,800 715-869-2787 GO LF C ART MELEX batteries2yrs,needs part,good condition $600 518-227-3288 GOLF CARTS , E Z GO . $1,800., YAMAHA, $1,500., EZ-GO, $1,200. 941-626-0176 GOLF CLUBS COBRA S 9I rons Cobra S-9 Irons R flex. $125 678-523-4575 GOLF CLUBS KING CORBRA 1 iron3 thru S/W-1&3 wds1 Great Big Bertha drv $400 941-661-2631 GO LF C LUB S Ladies 1 0 Tour Model 2 irons $40 941-2704306 GOLF CLUBS P ower Bil t Ci tations W/Bag $100 941-6294857 REFURBISHED Club Car DS 4 Passenger, Folding Rear Seat, Trojan 875 (E3) 8 Volt Batteries, 6" Lift Kit, 10" Rims, 22x11x10 Tires Stainless Steel Brush Guard and Side Steps, Factory Headlights & Tail Lights, High Speed Motor ( +-20mph) Windshield Charger and Top, Great Blue Paint, Excellent Condition $ 3675. 941-716-6792 Delivery Available NO TEXT PLEASE EXERCISE/ FITNESS6128 B O WFLEX M O TIVAT O R $2 5 0 941-456-0997 ELIPTICAL GOLDS GYM Lik e new $75 941-828-1311 EXERCISE BIKE COMPACT SIZE W/Timer/Tension $45 941-268-8951 PILATES POWER G ym H ar dl y used. $150 941-235-1522 T O TAL G YM 11 00 w/Acces. barely used $299 941-6242105 TREADMILL Pro f orm C rosswalk nice $150 941-268-8951 TREADMILL W es l o C a d ence w/safety fold-up nice 29x61 $150 941-626-7841 TREADMILL WE S L O C adenceXI 14x40 w/safety $175 941-254-0383 V IBRATI O N PLATE Full Body new in box $125 941-7632900 W EI G HT BEN C H Nice condition with weights. $1 941-625-0690 SPORTINGGOODS6130 A N C H O R Delta 22 # Fast S et, 140-ft of rode $125 214-9061585 BERKLEY R O D NI C E 2 pc 8 6 12-30# Medium $30 941-4933851 FIREWOOD No camping trip is complete without it! Pine, Oak, or Citrus Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! 941-468-4372 TREES & PLANTS6110 PAPAYA TREE FL GO LD , 1.Gal. $5 941-833-0504 POTTED PALMS 2 A reca 18pots. 1 16pot. $20 941830-1531 S EEDLIN G T O MAT O big daddy, delicious, E.girl $1.50 941-258-2016 S ILVER DATE Palm Trees, Seedlings,2 gal. $10 941-8330504 STAGHORN FERN h ang i ng, 5 ft diameter, healthy $200 941475-6424 S TAR FRUITTREE S Florida $30 941-204-9100 TOMATO PLANTS c h erry ye l pear b.daddy delicious $1.50 941-258-2016 U-PI C K T O MAT O E S Yellow House Farm & Nursery Mon-Sat 9-3, Sun 10-2 4565 Duncan Rd. (Hwy 17) 3 1/2 mi E of -I75 V E GG IE S tomatoe, cuke, kale S.chard pepper $1.50 941258-2016 BABYITEMS6120 BREST PUMP M e d e l a P ump N Style w/shoulder bag $99 941493-3851 C RIB Almost New $ 1 2 5 9 41249-8288 S ILVER BABY S P OO N Navajo Don Platero $30 941-575-8136 S UN S HADE C ling car New, by Eddie Bauer. 2/ $10 941-6254363 GOLFACCESSORIES6125 2008 EZGO exc cond. rear seat, new batteries, Cover, Asking $3,200 401-640-4819 2011 club car ds Custom Built. 48 Volt New Batteries (6-8 Volt). Pearl Yellow Paint. Custom Upholstery. Fresh Tires, Charger, New Lights, SS Hubcaps, Rearview Mirror, New Windshield. Local Delivery! $3,975 941-769-1431 EZGO TXT 2 Passenger, high Speed. NEW BATTERIES! Factory Lights, Bag rack, Windshield Rain Curtains Sand buckets. Good Bushings, cables. Fresh tires 5 panel rear view mirror Trades considered Local Delivery $2,485 941-769-1431 EZGO TXT 2 Passenger rear seat Red sparkle paint New Batteries TODAY! Lights, Windshield, Bag rack, Sunbrella Rain Curtains Sunbrella Club Cover New Bushings, cables Fresh tires, 5 panel rear view mirror Trades considered Local Delivery $2485, 941-769-1431 MUSICAL6090 VIOLIN stu d ent (S tra di var i us ) excellent condition $499 941575-9800 W IND C HIME tuned bass,90L.Nice! $225 941979-6362 MEDICAL6095 BATHTUB & SHOWER GRAB BARS INSTALLED Dont Wait to Fall to Call! Free In-Home Evaluation 25 Years Experience CALL JIMS BATHROOM GRAB BARS, LLC 941-626-4296 ADULT WALKER Wheels,brakes,seat $60 941356-0129 COMMODE new save $41 . 11 $99 941-227-0676 C RUT C HE S Wood adjustible $10 941-445-5619 ELE C TRI C C HAIR Rascal $500 941-270-2912 HOSP BED a i r mattress e l ectric $400 941-423-9610 JAZZY M O T O RIZED WHEELCHAIR. New Cond! L/R Controls. $500. 941-697-8925 JAZZY SELECT6 , f our w h ee l s, about 2 yrs old, rarely used. $475 651-491-3784 LIFT C HAIR 6 months old, barely used. Very Good Cond. $800 OBO 941-456-0997 MOTORIZED WHEEL CHAIR Hooveround. Used 3 xs, Needs batteries, $125 315-225-1896 OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR Used $295, CPAP $95 $295 941-764-0570 PILL O W THERAPEUTI C SC IA TICA PILLOW NEW $10 941627-6780 RASCAL ELEC c h a i r e l ec c h a i r $500 941-270-2912 S H O WER C HAIR Very good condition $25 941-356-0129 W ALKER 3 WHEEL LIFE S TYLE brakes, pouch NICE $69 941493-3851 W HEEL C HAIR M O T O RIZED needs new batteries $200 941485-1602 W HEEL C HAIR with adj levels o f legs & foot rests.. $105 941474-7387 TREES & PLANTS6110 BANANA TREE S , manzano,double mahoi,1ft+. $14.50 941-833-0504 C ARDB O ARD PALM S $2 5 941-204-9100 C HERRY T O MAT O or yel pear tomato 8 plants $1.50 941258-2016 DE S ERTR OS E S BI G Flowering $150 941-204-9100 FERN Fully grown staghorn $ 75 315-790-9217 GLEN MANGOTREES , 1 ga l . $6 941-833-0504 MULBERRYBUSH F ru i t i ng $15 941-204-9100 VIBURNUMGREATFORPRIVACYHEDGE3GAL++ PALMS: FOXTAIL, SYLVESTERPIGMY& MORE. GREAT PRICESSUISNUSURY941-488-7291 PAPAYA C ar ibb ean R e d F ru i t i ng $10 941-204-9100 PONYTAIL PALM 2 h ea l t h y strong 15 in 3 gal pot $8 941258-2016 LvoPV[11111


Page 16 The Sun Classified-Section A E/N/C/V Saturday, March 14, 2015 FORD7070 200 7 F O RD EXPEDITI O N LMTD 118K MI $15,988 855-242-9258 DLR 2008 F O RD E SC APE XLT 135K MI $8,977 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 2 F O RD F OC U S 4DR SE 69K MI $11,854 855-481-2060 DLR 2013 FORD ESCAPE SEL, Ecoboost. Touch Panel + Sync. Loaded! $19,900 315-964-2156 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! To place a FREE merchandise ad go to: and place your ad. Click on Click Here to Place Your Ad Now and follow the prompts. FREE ads are for merchandise UNDER $500. and the ad must be placed online by you. One item per ad, the ad must be 3 lines or less, price must appear in the ad. Your ad will appear online & in print for 7 days! Some restrictions do apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK **Everyone Needs to Register on Our New Site** Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter your classified ad and pay with your credit card 24 hours a day, 7 daysa week. JEEP7080 1997 JEEP GRAND CHERO KEE 4wd, Cold ac, Great condition. Hi miles, Asking $2000. 631-848-1611 2012 J EEP G RANDC HEROKEELARE 4WD 37K MI $25,988 855-242-9258 DLR 20 14 JEEP WRAN G LER SAHA. 7,532 MI $31,799 855-242-9258 DLR LINCOLN7090 1998 LINCOLN TOWN-CAR Cartier Edition Sr. Owned Pristine condition, Pearl white w/ beige leather Low miles, No disappointments! $4275. Call Bob @ 941-786-5640 2010 LINCOLN MKS Low miles New tires Prestine cond. ! $18,500/obo 941-626-0067 MERCURY7100 2004 M ERC. G RANDM ARQUISLS 42K MI, $8,495 941-916-9222 dlr PONTIAC7130 1997 PONTIAC FORMULA 2DR LTHR CONV 73K MI $11,985 855-481-2060 DLR BUICK7020 2000 BUICK REGAL LS 61K miles, $5,995 941-916-9222 dlr 2002 BUICK LESABRE 92K MI! $5,295 941-916-9222 DLR 2003 BUICK REGAL 4 D oor Good Looking, Great Running Rebuilt Trans. Good Tires & Brakes. $1,650. 941-505-8258 20 1 2 BUI C K LA C R OSS E FWD PREM 3. 38K MI $18,988 855-242-9258 DLR CHEVY7040 1978 CHEVY EL-CAMINO Good Cond., Runs Good. 74K MI $3,500 941-627-4437 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! 20 11 C HEVY IMPALA 34K MI $13,987 855-481-2060 DLR 2011 CHEVY CAMARO COUPE 2SS 17K MI $25,988 855-242-9258 DLR 2011 CHEVY CAMARO INFERNO ORANGE 25K MI $33,988 855-242-9258 DLR 2014 CHEVY CAMARO CONV 14K MI $26,888 855-242-9258 DLR CHRYSLER7050 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRING Conv. Super nice! Cold A/c. $2,950 941-468-1489 2006 CHRYSLER 300C 4DR LTHR 99K MI $8,950 855-481-2060 DLR 2008 C HRY S LER S EBRIN G LMTD CONV 38K MI $11,988 855-242-9258 DLR DODGE7060 200 5 D O D G E DURAN GO XLT 150K MI $6,987 855-481-2060 DLR 2005 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 89k MI $8,995 941-916-9222 dlr 20 1 2 D O D G E G RANDC ARAVAN 66K MI $14,875 855-481-2060 DLR 2013 DODGE CHARGER SXT RWD 8,248 MII $21,488 855-242-9258 DLR 20 14 D O D G E C HALLEN G ER RT 2DR 29K MI $27,669 855-242-9258 DLR FORD7070 1997 FORD THUNDERBIRD , LX V8 95k mi, $2,500 OBO 863-491-5073 2007 FORD FUSION V6 73K MI $8,995 941-916-9222 DLR CLASSIFIED WORKS! MISCELLANEOUS6260 LEAD MELTER b ottom pour 20 # cap. $150 941-624-4244 LU GG A G E RA C K Harley Q uick detach Expands $300 314609-1540 MAGLITE BLACK 4 b attery ex.cond. w/batts. $20 941585-8149 MA SS A G E TABLE case w wheels ec cond $125 941-2760814 NTL. AR C HIEVE S o f U S A Book In PG $10 308-340-3447 PATI O SC REEN S sliding pattio $40 941-497-6979 P OO LFL O AT S S wimways, w/case. $15 941-830-1531 P O R C H S WIN G Amish Built Oak High Back $75 941-8763979 RAY S V S RED SO X 3 / 26 2 TKTS $50 EACH $50 941-2761354 RAY S V S YANKEE S 3 / 26 4 TKTS $75 EACH $75 941-2761354 RECORD ALBUM COVERS all kinds of Music. .50 Cent s each. Bulk Sale! 941-496 9252 RECORD COLLECTION includes album covers 5 0 cents each. Entire collection. 941-496-9252 RED SO X S PRIN G TRAININ G 3/16,3/22,3/23 $20 941-2761354 RED SO X V S MET S JET BLUE 3/16 $25 EACH $25 941-2761354 RED SO X V S TWIN S 3 /1 8 2 TKTS $40 EACH $40 941-2761354 RU G D OC T O R Mighty Pro X3;New in-box $350 941-2358397 SCOOTER FUZION SPORT good cond. yellow $20 941628-6251 S I G NAL FLARE 1 2 gauge O lin $15 941-575-0690 S M O KER/ G RILL C HAR CO AL Brinkman w/cover. $35 540622-4414 TICKETS (2) RAYSV s NYY 3/26 Sec 217 R1 $50 941828-0119 TI C KET S multiple rays games $30 941-456-5612 TIRE S ( 4 ) Primewell 205/50/16. 5-6 months old $120 941-875-6448 T O ILET WHT Rd Bowl E. C . Complete w/seat $20 941629-1084 UTILITY/GROCERY CART Wheels, fold alum $15 941743-2656 W ATERPR OO F C HART Ch.Hbr/Wigg Pass,25x48 $15 941-505-6290 W ATERPR OO F C HART Ft. Myr. to Tampa 25x48 $15 941-5056290 WANTED TO BUY/TRADE6270 W ANTED: JEWELRY G rade Black Sharks Teeth. Call Mike 941-650-3030 7000TRANSPORTATION AUTOMOTIVE7005 WE BUY CARS Top Dollar for your car or truck Call us today APPLIANCES6250 S T O VEO VEN G E Almond $ 5 0 574-870-3777 WASHER & DRYER $350 941-626-3102 W A S HER & DRYER Large cap. Kenmore, Ex cond. $199 903-439-7125 Punta Gorda W A S HER & DRYERA Little Rust But They Work Great. $100. For Set. 941-456-5059 W A S HER/DRYER Like new $200 941-764-7184 MISCELLANEOUS6260 BATHTUB & SHOWER GRAB BARS INSTALLED Dont Wait to Fall to Call! Free In-Home Evaluation 25 Years Experience CALL JIMS BATHROOM GRAB BARS, LLC 941-626-4296 1 TONHOIST construct i on workers $50 941-445-5619 AFFORDABLE SMOKES$1.30/PACK$13./CARTON ROLLYOUROWNATHOME! TOPBRANDTOBACCOS, TUBES, CASES, RYO MACHINES& PARTSVAPOR E-CIGS E-LIQUIDMADEINUSA LOW PRICES! ROLL A PACK TOBACCO 2739 Taylor Rd. P.G. 941-505-2233 A IR C RAFT O F WWII Book In P G $10 308-340-3447 A LUM.TRU C K T OO L Box 6 1 x 20 x 18 1/2 $125 941-6264299 A LUM.TRU C K T OO L Box 70x21 58x17 x21deep $125 941-626-4299 A PA C HE TEAR S C urious mineral. $2 941-467-4320 BAMB OO P O LE S 2 1/4 to 1 dia x 8+ long $3 941-4266759 BASEBALL & C oo kb oo k co ll ection some 1st ed ea $5 941639-1517 BOOK PIC HISTORY o f P ear l Harbor Book In PG $10 308340-3447 B OO K S mithsonian No. Amer. Indians Book In PG $10 308340-3447 CERAMIC BATH HLDRS NEW TOWEL/TISU/SOAP $15 941286-4894 C I G AR B O X W OO D 14. Assorted brands. $25 941-2580472 COFFEE MUGS (2) L enox B utterfly Meadow $10 941-6242105 COLEMAN COOLER N ew $25 941-624-0928 CO M C A S T R O UTER WIRELESS , CISCO $20 941-8751757 FIREWOOD Split, Bundled, and ready for the firepit! Perfect for these cooler nights! Pine, Oak, Citrus 941-468-4372 GRILL GAS CHARBROIL GRILL large 2 burner propane $75 941-254-0383 HARD HATS construct i on wor k ers $5 941-445-5619 HORSESHOE SET PROF REG SIZE USA LIKE NEW $20 941286-4894 INDIAN TEASPOON Sil verp l ate $15 941-575-8136 INFLATABLE FLOATING COOLER Drink Snack holder. 27 round. $5 941-830-1531 JFK BOOKS P res id ents statues $10 941-445-5619 LANTERN POST LIGHT READY TO INSTALL $19 941-7632581 DOGS6233 NOTICE : S tatute 585 . 195 states that all dogs and cat s sold in Florida must be at leas t eight weeks old, have an offi cial health certificate and prop er shots, and be free of intes tinal and external parasites. GERMAN SHEPHARD, FEMALEVet Ckd & cert, 3mths old $800 941-743-0772 Y O RKIE PUPPY, Male, 8 Weeks, Not Registered. Will Be Small. $500. (941-3916494 or 989-321-1301 PETSUPPLIES & SERVICES6236 B OO K S aboutDog, C at, Horse, $1 & up 843-735-8912 D OGG IE D OO R f or large dogs. Good cond. $65 941-6980960 FISH TANK l g nee d s c l eane d $15.00 941-628-6251 APPLIANCES6250 AUTOMATIC JUICER S t ill i n Box, Never Used. $45 941473-1712 AVANTI WINE C oo l er Bl ac k & chrome with lock $50 941-5756283 COO KT O P KENM O RE 36 white 5 burner $100 941-6379473 DI S P OS AL IN S INKERAT O R 1/2 HP $20 941-637-9473 DRYER KENM O RE..NEED S cord $50 941-625-2779 FREEZER large Kenmore up right grt cond $375 903-4397125 GRILL GAS CHARBROIL l arge 2 burner propane $75 941254-0383 MICROWAVE 36GE over t h e counter $100 941-637-9473 RAN G EELE C TRI C almond electric range $30 859-2002776 RANGE ELECTRIC RANGE ELEC.,GE,CLEAN $125 $125 317-933-3444 REFRIG S ears b e i ge up /d n i ce exlnt cond $150 816-3922625 REFRIGERATOR $175 . Washer & Dryer $350 941626-3102 del avail REFRI G ERAT O R Frigidaire Dorm Type Black & SS $55 941-629-7130 REFRI G ERAT O R FRI G IDARE stainless, s/s, water/ice VGC $450 630-234-5180 REFRI G ERAT O R G .E.BI SQ UE S/S 25CF $240 941-629-7130 REFRIGERATOR GE Whi te 21.7 cu. ft. Ice maker. Perfect condition, never any problems. $250 941-235-9122 REFRI G ERAT O R R O PER, 18cuft, good cond. $75 309761-5691 REFRI G ERAT O R -Mini (S arasota) 1.8 Cu. Ft. $40 941-5492682 STOVE KENMORE , Bl ac k Smooth top, Self cleaning $125 941-475-2533 S T O VE MA G I C C HEF , White self clean coil burners $100 941-475-2533 STOVE, GE,Glass Top, 5th warmer with matching overhead Microwave. Like New from Model Condo!! Only $350 for both 941-769-4260 VACUUM CLEANE R a i n b ow with accessories $250 941697-6553 TOOLS/ MACHINERY6190 A IR CO MPRE SSO R C ra f tsman. 100 psi. 12 gal. $40 941-2687773 B O LT C UTTER S good condition $15 941-585-8149 C HIPPER / S HREDDER C ra f tsman, 3 way feeding system. $500 941-698-0960 COMPRESSOR 40 ga ll on w i t h hose $225 941-626-3102 DI SC G RINDER C ra f tsman $30 315-790-9217 G ENERAT O R 5 000 Honda 9 HP 25 cord 96 hrs. $400 941585-8149 G ENERAT O R 5 600 volts 2005never started $150 941766-7349 G LA SS G RINDIN G MA C HINE Commercial 4 wheels $50 941-204-1849 HAMMER DRILL MILWAKAUKEE HAMMER $60 941-6271589 IMPA C T WREN C H $80 9 41627-1589 LADDER 2 4 alum ext. 22 5 lbs. $90 941-475-8061 LADDER 28 alum ext. Werner $100 941-204-1849 LADDER W erner co ll aps ibl e 300 LB $125 941-391-6090 LYON CHEST h eavy d uty 2x2x3 large wheels $99 214906-1585 MITER S AW Utility Vehicle Ridgid $90 941-624-0928 PRE SS URE WA S HER Elect. Needs motor capacitor. $10 941-268-7773 R O UTER Black & Decker RP400 $25 315-790-9217 SC R O LL S AW C ra f tsman 1 6 excellent condition $65 315790-9217 TABLE S AW 1 0 in table saw $150 9412702912 $150 941270-2912 TABLE S AW C ra f tsman 1 0 $60 315-790-9217 TABLE S AW delta heavy duty $175 941-270-2912 T OO L S , T OO L S ,T OO L S and MORE TOOLS, Lathe, Table Saw, Radial Arm Saw, Chop Saw, Hundreds of Air, Hand, Machine & Power Tools. 1231 Wilson Dr. VA C UUM WET/DRY Ridgid 12 Gal 4.25 HP $30 941-423-9371 W EED EATER G as Hand Held Blower E/C $50 941-493-6309 FARM EQUIPMENT6195 ASSORTED SMALLHAND TOOLS Free! 941-625-5595 OFFICE/BUSINESS EQUIP./SUPLIES6220 DE S K S ET 3 P C C herry wood l shaped $300 941-258-1255 FELL O W S BINDIN G machine excellent condition $30 941764-9212 O FFI C E C HAIR S(3) ea./castors/fabric $15 239-220-9948 OFFICE OUTFITTERS Pre-owned & new office furniture. VENICE 941-485-7015 TYPEWRITER & TABLE S pare ribbon. $45 941-467-4320 CATS6232 N O TI C E: S tatute 5 8 5.1 9 5 states that all dogs and cat s sold in Florida must be at leas t eight weeks old, have an offi cial health certificate and prop er shots, and be free of intes tinal and external parasites. w,,IooooooooLaftoftLWOW,r."'t4I


Saturday, March 14, 2015 E/N/C/V The Sun Classified-Section A Page 17 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES7270 30 5 BL OC K/HEAD S $ 1 00 717-713-9515 454 C YL HEAD S $3 5 0 9 41629-6429 A UT O MA G AZINE S $ 1 00 717-713-9515 CAR COVER $20 941 764 9212 C AR CO VER f or 200 7 Porsche Boxter $100 518-791-4137 CAR DOORS 92 T oyota $125 941-676-2019 LEBRA $39 941 676 2019 O IL PAN 3 5 0 6 qt $3 5 717713-9515 REAR END f or a 2002 C orvette $490 941-698-0722 R OO F T O P C ARRIER $ 75 941-697-7370 S PARE WHEEL Toyota C amry $45 941-676-2019 TIRE & WHEEL LT 215/85/R16 $75 OBO 941-916-0728 AUTO SERVICE & REPAIR7280 C HEVY and F O RD vehicles Are Eligible For FREE Oil Change/Tire Rotation Combo! Visit www.Shop.BestMark.comor call us at 800-969-8477 VANS7290 2007 CHRYSLER GRAND VOYAGER 72K MI $7,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2007 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LMTD Van. 78k mi $10,795 941-916-9222DLR 2009 HONDA ODYSSEY 67K MI $16,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 MAZDA 5 MINIVAN 57K Mi! 6 Psgr. Red w/ Tan Int. Clean! $7,950. 941-456-0053 2012 DODGE G ran d C aravan W HEELCHAIR van, 10 lowered floor & ramp. 941-870-4325 2013 HONDA CR V 25K MI $24,990 855-280-4707 DLR TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS7300 2003 FORD RANGER Ext, Cab, V6 Posi Track, 111K Mi. Tow Pkg. $6450 941-473-7766 2004 D o d ge R am1500 LIke New w/ Cap. 93k MI $10,995 941-916-9222 DLR 20 1 3 G M C S IERRA 15 00 SLE EXT CAB 17K MI $28,989 855-242-9258 DLR APPLY NOW DONTWAIT. DRIVETODAYGUARANTEEDCREDIT SPORTUTILITY/ VEHICLES7305 2002 DODGE DURANGO SUV 92K MI. New Tires, Battery, Belt & Brakes. Punta Gorda, $5,500 708-207-4521 2012 DODGE JOURNEY 15K MI $16,897 855-481-2060 DLR VOLKSWAGEN7220 20 1 0 V O LK S WA G EN JETTA 67K MI $14,957 855-481-2060 DLR 20 11 V O LK S WA G EN PA SS AT VW CC Lux Plus Mid-Size Sports Sedan, 4 dr, Exec. Cond., White Gold Metallic Ext., leather int., moon roof, fully loaded., 40,000 $16,500 941-493-3259 20 1 3 V O LK S WA G EN PA S SAT SUNROOF 23K MI $25,988 855-242-9258 DLR 2014 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE Convert. R-Line, Only 1,450 miles, 2.0l turbo, Reef blue, $24,600. 941-347-8060 MISC. IMPORTS7240 20 1 2 FIAT 1 2 4 13K MI $11,745 855-481-2060 DLR ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES7250 1929 FORD HUCKSTER All Orig. Exc. Cond. 4 Cyl. 29K MI $35,000 941-639-7430 BUDGETBUYS7252 #1 TOP CASH PAID UP TO $5,000 CARS, TRUCKS,ANYCOND. 941-650-5785 1995 NISSAN PICKUP 4 cy l , 120k, Extras $1800. 941473-9113 Englewood NEEDCASH? AUTOS WANTED7260 WE BUY CARS RUNNING OR NOT! $400 CASH + UP Frank 941-276-0204 We Buy & pick up junk CARS 941-661-1928 ALL VEHICLES Wanted Dead or Alive, Top $$ Paid Starting at $250$5000 Free pick up 941-623-2428 BEST $$ FOR JUNKERS Available 24/7 941-286-3122, 623-5550 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES7270 1967 1969 REAREND $425 941-629-6429 1967 69 CAMARO SEATS $400 941-629-6429 MERCEDES7190 2007 MERCEDES BENZ C230 94K MI $11,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2008 MERCEDES S 550 NAV 26K MI $36,990 855-280-4707 DLR MINICOOPER7192 2008 MINI COOPER 79K MI $9,911 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 2 MINI COO PER 2DR 5SPD 30K MI $16,587 855-481-2060 DLR Cashinwith Class! TOYOTA7210 2000 T O Y O TA SO LARA C onv. Camry Body, good cond., books at $4200, sell for $3200, has everything, works 941-613-3423 2004 TOYOTA CAMRY XLT, Non-smoker,Exc. Cond. $6,500 941-786-6239 200 4 T O Y O TA CO R O LLA 4DR S 39K MI $9,944 855-481-2060 DLR 2004 TOYOTA RAV4 BASE 125K MI $7,685 855-481-2060 DLR 200 7 T O Y O TA HI G HLANDER 60K MI $13,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2008 TOYOTA YARIS 5SPD 81K MI $7,685 855-481-2060 DLR 2009 T O Y O TA C AMRY 4DR LE 71K MI $11,884 855-481-2060 DLR 2009 TOYOTA CAMRY 85 K MI. Exc. Cond, Clean. Sun Roof, Power, Loaded. $13,500/obo 941-423-2921 20 1 0 T O Y O TA CO R O LLA 64K MI $11,784 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 0 T O Y O TA RAV4 BASE 76K MI $11,950 855-481-2060 DLR 2011 TOYOTA AVALON Lmtd. 8,000 Miles, Silver. Leather, Moonroof Backup Camera, Loaded. Privately Owned, Cost New Mid 40s. Asking $25,000 Punta Gorda 941-637-8283 2011 TOYOTA AVALON LTD 18K MI $23,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 11 T O Y O TA C AMRY 31K MI $16,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 TOYOTA RAV4 36K MI $17,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 2 T O Y O TA CO R O LLA 35K MI $14,854 855-481-2060 DLR 2012 TOYOTA PRIUS 18,750 Miles. $17,777 Exc. Cond! 941-661-4090 2013 TOYOTA COROLLA 21K MI $14,990 855-280-4707 DLR HYUNDAI7163 2012 HYUNDAI ACCENT 4DR GLS 54K MI $10,874 855-481-2060 DLR 2012 HYUNDAI ACCENT 5DR GAS 22K MI $11,687 855-481-2060 DLR INFINITI7165 2011 ACURA RDX TECH PKG 36K MI $25,811 855-242-9258 DLR JAGUAR7175 20 1 0 JA G UAR XF LUXURY 52K MI $23,526 855-242-9258 DLR 2011 JAGUAR XF NAV 45K MI $29,910 855-242-9258 DLR KIA7177 2009 KIA OPTIMA LX Cert Loaded, Warranty Incld. 21 K MI $12,900/obo 941-387-4485 2010 KIA SOUL 5DR 38K MI $11,950 855-481-2060 DLR 2011 KIA RIO FUEL EFFICIENT. 60K MI $10,695 941-916-9222 DLR 20 1 2 KIA S ED O NA LX 47K MI $15,877 855-481-2060 DLR LEXUS7178 200 1 LEXU S E S 300 75K MI $7,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2003 LEXU S E S 300 50K MI $10,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2007 LEXUS SC 430 NAV 73K MI $26,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 LEXUS IS 250C CONV. 15K MI $30,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 0 LEXU S I S 2 5 0C CONV. 37K MI $30,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 0 LEXU S I S 2 5 0C NAV CONV. 24K MI $32,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 0 LEXU S I S 3 5 0C NAV 33K MI $32,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2011 LEXUS GX 460 NAV 30K MI $38,911 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS IS 250C CONV. 15K MI $37,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 1 2 LEXU S I S 2 5 0C CONV. 31K MI $34,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2012 LEXUS RX 350 37K MI $33,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2013 LEXUS CT 200H F-NAV 6,620 MI $28,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2015 LEXUS ES 300H NAV 605 MI $44,911 855-280-4707 DLR MAZDA7180 2006 MAZDA 6 94K MILES $6,895 941-916-9222 DLR 2013 MAZDA MAZDA3 21K MI $15,989 855-242-9258 DLR HONDA7160 2007 HONDA CR V EXL 4WD 69K MI $13,950 855-481-2060 DLR 2007 HONDA PILOT EXL 76KMI $14,778 855-481-2060 DLR 2008 H O NDA C IVI C HYBRID 111K MI $8,874 855-481-2060 DLR 2008 H O NDA C R-V LX 2WD 128K MI $9,987 855-481-2060 DLR 2008 H O NDA ELEMENT SC 79K MI $15,877 855-481-2060 DLR 2008 H O NDA PIL O T 2WD VP 94K MI $12,985 855-481-2060 DLR 2008 HONDA PILOT EXL 2WD 106K MI $13,774 855-481-2060 DLR 2009 HONDA ACCORD 40K MI $13,995 855-481-2060 DLR 2009 H O NDA C R-V 64K MI $12,950 855-481-2060 DLR 2010 HONDA ACCORD 31K MI $14,774 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 0 H O NDA A CCO RD 40K MI $14,874 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 0 H O NDA A CCO RD 4DR LXP LTHR 10K MI $16,877 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 0 H O NDA IN S I G HT 49K MI $13,758 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 0 H O NDA PIL O T DVD 85K MI $16,911 855-280-4707 DLR 20 11 H O NDA C IVI C 51K MI $11,977 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 2 H O NDA A CCO RD 29K MI $16,877 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 2 H O NDA A CCO RD 4DR LX 33K MI $14,987 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 2 H O NDA A CCO RD 4DR SE 15K MI $15,988 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 2 H O NDA C IVI C 13K MI $14,987 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 2 H O NDA C IVI C 21K MI $14,778 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 2 H O NDA C IVI C 49K MI $13,445 855-481-2060 DLR 2013 HONDA CIVIC 26K MI $15,874 855-481-2060 DLR 2013 HONDA CIVIC 4DR LX 21K MI $15,474 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 3 H O NDA C IVI C 4DR LX 24K MI $16,875 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 3 H O NDA FIT 48K MI $13,987 855-481-2060 DLR 20 1 3 H O NDA FIT BASE 12K MI $15,874 855-481-2060 DLR 2013 HONDA ACCORD EX-L ONLY 10K MI $21,989 855-242-9258 DLR HYUNDAI7163 2007 HYUNDAI SANTA FE 80K MI $10,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2007 HYUNDAI SANTA FE LTD 59K MI $10,911 855-280-4707 DLR 2009 HYUNDAI ACCENT CLEAN, LOW MILES $7,995 941-916-9222 DLR 2009 HYUNDAI G ENE S I S 81K MI $13,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2010 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS Loaded. $9,995 941-916-9222 DLR 2012 HYUNDAI ACCENT 4DR 55K MI $8,950 855-481-2060 DLR PONTIAC7130 200 4 P O NTIA C G RANDAM Super Nice! Cold A/C. Fully Loaded. $3,450 941-214-0889 SATURN7135 PRO POWER AUTO SALES4140 Whidden Blvd Port Charlotte, 33980 01 L200 Sedan $3,175 02 L200 Sedan$3,599 04 Vue SUV $4,200 04 Vue SUV, AWD $4,599 06 Vue 4 cyl $5,200 07 Vue $5,495 06 Vue 6cyl $5,899 08 Vue XE $8,299 07 Sky Conv.$8,850 07 Outlook XE 8 pass $8,999 07 Outlook XR 8 pass$9,450 Used Saturn Parts & Service941-627-8822 USED CAR DEALERS7137 Mattas Motors 941-916-9222 Buy Here Pay Here WE FINANCE EVERYONE MUSTHAVEINCOME& ACURA7145 2010 ACURARL 50K MI $24,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 11 A C URA MDX 50K MI $29,990 855-280-4707 DLR BMW7148 1987 BMW325i Convert. 5 spd, Great running car. New interior, clutch, brakes, etc..inclds. convertible parts car $4950obo 941-456-5198 2006 BMW 325CIC 78K MI $13,990 855-280-4707 DLR 2008 BMW 328 I C V CONV 46K MI $20,990 855-280-4707 DLR 20 11 BMW 5 28 I 62K MI $23,989 855-242-9258 DLR 2013 BMW X3 XDRIVE TURBOCHARGED 15K MI $32,989 855-242-9258 DLR 2011 BMW 535I SE 1-OWNER. 75K MI $23,988 855-242-9258 DLR HONDA7160 2005 HONDA ELEMENT 104K MI $9,971 855-481-2060 DLR 2005 HONDA PILOT 133K MI $8,874 855-481-2060 DLR 2007 HONDA ACCORD 4DR LX 75K MI $11,454 855-481-2060 DLR w,,IooooooooLaft%ftooMATTAS MOTORS941-916-9222 1 4F -."SAVING YOU MONEY NATTERS rAT NATTATORS"v,.CY1Y y,II_. tout1 11 1JUNK CAh'S WAkVM,`1 1A,dWe


Page 18 The Sun Classified-Section A E/N/C/V Saturday, March 14, 2015 adno=8535268 4 00049;' w. err i. , . {P1 lip I imeowI r:lit71 71:1W2015 Civic Sedan CVT LX Automatic, 36 month lease, S99 per month, $3,999 due at signing. Plus tax, title , license and dealer fees. 12,000 mles per year. Closed end lease to well qualified lessees approved byHonda Financial Services. Not all lessees will quality. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings. Available from March 3, 2015 though April 13,2015. 2015 Odyssey 6 Speed Automatic,36 month lease, $199 per month, S4,499 due at signing. Plus tax, title, license and dealer fees. 12,000 miles per year. Closed end lease to well qualified lessees approved by Honda Financial Services.P 0 R T C N A R L 0 T T E Not all lessees will quality. Higher l ease rates apply for lessees tit with lower crratin gs, 2,00e from March Closed d though April 2015. fi 2015 Cl ppf veU Lit Automatic, 39 month, $199 per month, S3,499 due at at signing. Plus tax, title, license a nd dealer ler fees. 12000 miles per er year. posed end lease to well qua quaified ed lessees approved by y Honda Financial $1Not all lessees will qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings. Available from March 3 .2015 through April 13, 2015. 2015 Accord Sedan CVf LX Automatic, 36month lease, $139 per month, $3,999 due at signing. Plus tax, title, license and dealer fees. 12,000 miles per year. Dosed end lease to well qualified lessees approved by Honda FinancialServices. Not all les1sees will qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings. Available from March 3, 2015 through April 13, 2015. 2015 Pilot 5 Speed 21110onda Automatic, 36 maid lease, $199 per month, $4,699 due at signing. Plus tax, tide, license and dealer fees. 12,000 miles per year. Closed end lease to well qualified lessees approved byHonda Financial Services. Not all lessees will qualify. Higher lease rates apply for lessees with lower credit ratings. Available from March 3. 2015 though April 13, 2015.HPortCharlotteHonda.comPOETidi ARIOTTEidiHo1252 Tamiami Trail 1-877-217-0544 MUS 41, Just North of Town Center Port Charlotte, FL 33953Sales Mon-Sat 8:30am to 8:00 pm Sales open every Sunday 11:00 am to 5:00 pmSERVICE: Mon thru Fri 7:00 am to 8:00 pm Sat 7:00 am to 4:00 pm Service Closed on Sundays


Saturday, March 14, 2015 E/N/C/V The Sun Classified-Section A Page 19 MOTOR HOMES/ RVs7380 1999 WINNEBAGO Brave Class A 29, 74,439mi. extras, VGC. $17,500. 941-629-3536 3 4 NATI O NAL S EABREEZE 2000, 36K, SLIDE, GENERATOR, AWNINGS V-10, 814-657-1028 I BUY TRAVEL TRAILERS, 5th Wheels Motor Homes & Trucks I Come to You! Call Dave Anytime. 813-713-3217 I WANT YOUR RV. Well Sell It FREE! SKIP EPPERS RVs941-639-6969 Punta Gorda Closed Sun. & Mon. NEWHOLIDAYRAMBLERSA MUSTSEEMOTORHOMEMANYMODELSRV WORLD INC OF NOKOMISFAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41 NOKOMIS941-966-2182 RV Collision RepairsCustomer and Insurance Modern shop, quality work! FREE ESTIMA TES .RV WORLD Inc.of NokomisFAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41Nokomis 941-966-2182 RV SERVICE $PECIAL$ Lg. Parts Showroom Factory Warranty All models Wash & Hand Wax Brake Flush Roof Reseal RV Propane & Bottles Water Leak Test RV Wash New Tires & BalanceRV WORLD INC.of Nokomis FAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41 Nokomis, 941-966-2182 RVSWANTEDCASH/CONSIGN/TRADECALL: MARKRV WORLD INC OF NOKOMISFAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41 NOKOMIS941-966-2182 SATURN TOW-CARS Starting at $2,500. Blue-Ox Tow hitches sold & installed. THE SATURN GUYS PRO-POWER AUTO SALES 4140 Whidden Blvd PC 33980 (941) 627-8822. WANTED All M otor Homes, TTs, 5th whls, PopUps, Vans conversion & passenger, cars & trucks. CASH paidon the spot for quick sale. 941-347-7171 RVSTORAGE7381 KEISER`S RV STORAGE 24/7 Gated AccessLow Rates Duncan Rd. (Hwy 17) (941)-276-9104 RV/CAMPER PARTS7382 BRAKE S AIR C YLINDER RoadmasterModel 9000 $75 941-769-3895 HIT C H ADAPTER Roadmaster high low 8 inch Drop $50 941769-3895 REESE EQUALIZING Hi tc h with sway control $150 Roadmaster Stow master Tow Bar $200 941-460-6686 TOW BAR ROADMASTER FALCON 2 w/cover $150 941769-3895 MOTOR HOMES/ RVs7380 04 FORD EXPLORER Sport Trac Flat Tow Blue Ox plate, SMI vacuum brake, 65K, Clean, Great Truck. Sold RV $12,900 802-272-6596 2000 38`MOUNTAIN AIRE 45K Mi. New Tires, 1 Slide. W/D. Exc. Winter Home! Exc. Cond! $22,500 863-491-0674 Classified=Sales 2002 COACH HOUSE MOTORHOME PLATINUM, SLEEPS 4 PERFECT CONDITION $37,500 941-423-2491 2006 FOURWINDS CHATEAU 28 Class C 450 Ford super duty, V-10, new tires Sleeps 8, ex cond. $23,995 OBO 941-423-7771 2015 WINNEBAGOS2014 Model CLEARANCE!NO .1 SELLING R V RV World Inc.of Nokomis FAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41,Nokomis I-75 Exit 195 2 20 0 1 1 5 5 R R O O A A D D T TR R E E K K# # 1 1 S SE E L L L L I I N N G GC CA A M M P P E E R RV VA A N NRV WORLDINCOFNOKOMISFAMILYOWNED/OPERATEDFOR37 YRS2110 US 41 31 2001Challenger new tires, & battery, 24K mi, no slides, no pets, no smoke. $20,000 Call 941-766-1022 6 DAYS ONLYMARCH 10th-15thMOTOR HOMESTRAILERS5TH WHEELSVAN CAMPERSBring your Trade, Title and Payment Book!$AVE BIG NOWR.V. WORLD INC. OF NOKOMIS2110 RT 41, NOKOMIS, FL I-75 EXIT 195 1-800-262-2182 WWW.RVWORLDINC.COM March Mega RV Sales Event TRAILER & ACCESSORIES7341 2014 TRIPLE CROWN TRAILER 7x16 Car Hauler 941-916-9222 Dlr. 6X10 LARK ENCLOSED V-NOSE TRAILER $2,095 941-916-9222 Dlr. TRAILER 2008 GVR 5X8, 2200LBS, $1150/OBO CALL 941-204-3811 P O NT OO N TRAILER, up to 20, tandem wheels, $350. Call 941-916-1923. ROYS TRAILER COUNTRY NewPre-Owned CargoUtility Trailers Parts Repairs-Tires Welding. We BUY Trailers! Trades Welcome. Open Sundays 10am-3pm Ask For Shawn. 941-575-2214 4760 Taylor Rd P.G. TRAILER HIT C H 2 x 2 2 Ball 5 3/4 drop $20 941-979-9931 W ANTED: G ALV B O AT TRAILER for 17-18 I/B/O/B Boat. 513-470-0977 Engl Area CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS7360 2002 HONDA VTX-1800 Black. Many Access. 10,500 Mi $6,500 941-979-7656 2004 HONDAVLX Shadow 600 CC, 13,600 mi, like new, extras $3,500 941-525-6493 2007 HARLEY-DAVIDSON SOFTAILCUSTOM. Low Mi. Great Cond. 1600cc. 6 Speed. Windshield. Leather Saddlebags. $10,000 obo 239-313-9867 CAMPERS/ TRAVELTRAILERS7370 1999 DODGERam Phoenix 3500, 41K orig. mi, $16,000, OBO Call Rob 410-463-3351 2006 FUN FINDER X 189 , Sleeps 4 + bunk, A/C, awning, grill, new tires, $6,000 OBO 863-491-5073 2013 19' Coleman Expedition Travel Trailer. Used only 4 times! Loaded with Extras. $14,550. 941-445-9079 28` COPPERCANYON Very Good Condition, Lots of Extras. $16,000 OBO 941-276-9401 SLIDE IN TRUCK CAMPER , 1992. 9.5' Floor Winds. W/ Air, Furnished, Microwave, & New Fridge. Used 3 Times. Original Owner. $5,995 Call 941-637-1528 After 7PM. BOATS-POWERED7330 28 SEA FOX cc Pro Series W/twin Suzuki 175hp. 4 strokes low hrs. With/Magic tilt alum. Trailer, Well maintained. Nice Boat $36,300 816-365-9305 SAILBOATS 7331 17 VICTORIA SAIL BOAT inclds trailer & motor. $4,500 303-517-4266 Punta Gorda 8 SAILING DINGHY w i t h oars, light weight, almost new $499 863-465-7554 Lake Placid MISC. BOATS7333 13 1978 BOSTON WHALER-SPORT, 35HP Mercury. Fish Finder, No Trailer. Great Condition! $3,800. 920-765-2026 OUTBOARD/ MARINE ENGINES7334 O UTB O ARD M O T O R Evenrude 3 H.P. 2 Cylinder $150 941 429 9575 OUTBOARD MOTOR J o h nson 2 H.P. 2 STROKE $125 941 429 9575 WANTED : M erc. G reen T an k Outboards. Any shape and/or parts. 269-579-2548 BOATSTORAGE/ DOCKING7336 1 BRIDGE AINGER cree k boat slip & lift. Englewood, $7.00 ft, 941-441-7648 BOAT LIFT U p to 25` , 3 C ana l s from P.C. Harbor, Pwr., Wtr., Pking., $175mo. 941-766-0973 MARINE SUPPLY & EQUIP.7338 A N C H O R BRU C E 33 # Anchor Galvanized $95 941-661-6697 BOAT CUSHIONS 2 f o ldi ng / reclinig canvas navy $20 941637-4668 C A S T NET 4 Radius Like new $16 941-423-9371 C ATALINA SC UBATANK s 80 metalic blue, excellent condition. $100 941-764-9212 S UNBRELLA HUNTER green, 7 yards $40 941-764-9212 CANOES/ KAYAKS7339 17 CANOE ALUMINUM w/Motor & Motor mount $450 941-423-2091 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES7341 2013 EZ L oa d er a l um. tan d em axle trailer for 20-23 boat, gar. kept. $1600. 269-501-9556. 2014 TRIPLE CROWN TRAILER 6x16 $1900 941-916-9222 Dlr. BOATS-POWERED7330 21 . 5 1998LARSONW ee k ender, 265 orig Hour, 5.7 V8 engine, Tandem Trailer, Like New $9,900 941-698-0979 22 2006 SEA CHASER T-top. Ready to Fishing. Yamaha 150 4stroke & trailer. Stored in garage Many Extras. $17,500 941-697-4006 22 DE C K B O AT 90 HP Yamaha. Bimini Top. Alum Trailer. Depth & Fish Finder. Bottom Paint. $6,500 Englewood 765-967-3138 22 HURRICANE DECK BOAT 115HP Yamaha 4 stroke outboard, Garmin Navagation system, Tandem 3 wheel trailer. $7,000 sold sold sold 22 SUNCRUISER PONTOON Boat 2004. 115HP 4stroke Johnson motor Trailer/ Marine GPS GREAT condition. Many extras. Ready for the water. $11,000. 217-493-9636 24 2000 OCEAN RUNNER CCWA, Newer 225 Yamaha, Low Hrs., Enclosure T-Top, Electronics & Trailer. $18,500. 941-706-7798 24` SPORT 2000PRO-LINE Center Console T-Top. 2006 Evinrude 250HP, E-Tec, bait well, 8 rod holders, Lowrence GPS/Fishfinder, Porta-pottie, 5.2 gal, Excellent cond. $23,900. (Below NADA) 941766-7311 or 941-840-8228 25 1997 FOUR WINNS Cruiser, 5.7L V8, low hrs, many extras $11,000 941-473-4308 26 REGAL LEISURE CAT 1994 12 Draft, 200HP Johnson. Great Family & Party Boat! Large Enclosed Porta Potty Cabin. $5,700 941-639-8649 27 SEARAY 1987 268 SUNDANCER freshwater, 454 Chevy, Cary on A/C Sleeps 6 New items, inclds trailer $10,500 937-750-7620 29 6 Regal Commodore 2002 Twin IO, AC, Radar, GPS, Canvas Camper Covers. Electric Toilet, TV, VCR, Windless, Generator. Loaded. $32,000 OBO 508-942-4600 JUST REDUCED BOATS-POWERED7330 03/14/15 13 2001 BOSTON WHALER SPORT w/ 40HP Mercury & 2005 Galvanized Trailer. $3,500 sold sold sold 16 CAROLINA SKIFF J16 ,25HP Yamaha , pwr tlt,200hrs,ff,trol mtr,bim,trailer $4,600 941-833-2206 17 TAHOEQ3, Run About. 2002 Mercruiser 3.0L I/O, Incl. Trailer w/ Surge Brakes, New Bimini Top. Excellent Condition! $7,500. 937-382-0009 18 2005 SWEETWATER Pontoon Boat 40HP, 100 Running Hrs.On Motor, New Fish Finder & Marine Radio, $8,500 863-558-6124 1 8 200 7 AN G LER 1 80 CC with 2007 Trailer. 115 HP Merc Optimax $12,995 941-625-0132 20 SOUTHWIND fiberglass deck boat w/ motor & trailer. 115 Yamaha 4 stroke. Low Mileage, Exc. Cond. $16,200 508-951-1530 20 Team Sailfish, 1996 w / trailer. Ctr console, Yamaha 130 2 stroke w/SS prop, EC $6,900 941-626-4571 or 941-627-5777 REDUCED FindyourBest Friendinthe Classifieds! 20 2000 HYDRA-SPORTCC w/ Yamaha, 4s, 225HP, 375 Housrs on Motor, 2 New Batteries, Garmin GPS Color, Exc. Cond. $16,500 941-391-6377 Not Actual photo 21 2007 SEA RAY LAGUNA B210SC, incls alum Trailer, 150HP Verado Merc OB, Full Bimini Top, Pwr Pole & Trim Tabs $18,900 941-374-2562 21 HURRICANE03 Center console 150 Yamaha F.I, low hrs, Garmin GPS, compass, porta potty room & much more. Well maintained; Bargain at $9,900 sold sold sold Lvow w_rteJthisout^1PrIszI kinrroilC17 ON"iw tiC'R:1 4 0' ' J14::.loop"Jv-4 id,:wrl'Loom


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Saturday, March 14, 2015 E/N/C/V The Sun Classified-Section B Page 1 TM adno=8532817 adno=8532836 adno=8532839CGC1513645 adno=8532838 www. GaeSt ewart . comE-mail:GaeStew@aol.comwww.RE/ GAESTEWARTGRI,CRS,IRES adno=8533100 941-488-6262DIRECTInVeniceSince1970 WATERFORDMAINTENANCEFREEHOME inWaterford,agated,golfingcommunity.A true3bedrm,(1usedasoffice)2bath,2cargarageVilla.Over1800Sqft underair,open&light,volumeceilingsgivesniceambiencetothishomewith alltilefloorsexcept2bedrms,kitchenislightaccommodatingw/stainless appliances,breakfastbar,plantshelves.Livingroom/familyroomoverlooks lakew/fountaintoserenetropicalparadise.Specialprivatereadingnookoff livingrm/bedrm&outtogrillarea.Lotsofnew&upgradesinthis home.Prideofownershipabounds. $309,900. Since1991941-484-7644 www.rentalcompanyofvenice.comadno=8533101SpecializingIn...AnnualRentalsBurgundySquare -Large1BR/1Bath,DowntownVenice. .... $725moSouthVeniceHome -3/2/2,Pool............... .................... $1,600moSouthVeniceHome -3/2/2,Lanai,Nice!... ................... $1,250moLetUsManageYourPropertyNowmanagingtheShoppesandResidences atBurgundySquare Round Town in Real Estate! RE/MAX Palm Realty Announces Top Agents For February Century 21 Almar & Associates In Port Charlotte Announces Top Producers For February 2015 Darlene Gravatt. Darlene is a native Floridian, born in T ampa and graduated from Florida State University. Darlene met her husband, Bob while working at JC Pennys, as a Senior Merchandising Manager in Hialeah. Upon leaving JC Pennys in 1987, they moved to Port Charlotte to build their dream home in Gulf Cove. In 1988 Darlene received her Real Estate License and joined the Century 21 network. She has worked at various other positions since 1992 and recently decided to get back into Real Estate, joining her husband, Bob who is an established Realtor with CENTURY 21 Almar & Associates . Dalene is actively involved and Vice President of the Charlotte Chorale here in Port Charlortte. Darlene is excited to be a part of the CEN T URY 21 Almar & Associates team and will be specializing in residential re-sales, vacant land and new construction, in Port Charlotte, North Port, Venice, Englewood, Gulf Cove, South Gulf Cove, Rotonda and Punta Gorda. If you want the job done right the first time, Darlene can be reached by calling 941-627-3321 or stop by the Port Charlotte office located at 19700 Cochran Boulevard (right in front of the Home Depot) be sure to visit us online for all the local home listings at . The office is located at 1808 Tamiami Trail Unit D2, Port Charlotte. For more information please call 941-743-5525 or visit us online at Century 21 Almar & Associates is located at 19700 Cochran Blvd. in Port Charlotte, FL 33948 . For more information call: (941) 627-3321 or visit us online Top in Listings John Rawlings Sal Martines Rick Taylor Pending Agents Kathy Fetterolf Jane Mendola John Rawlings Ellen McCarthy Top in Listings & Sales Top in Listings & Sales Gerri Norus Century 21 Almar & Associates Proudly Announces A New Addition To Their Port Charlotte Office Darlene Gravatt adno=8535443 105 Westwind Dr Placida, FL 33946 Single Family Home 3 Bedrooms 2 BathsListing Price $300,000 Sold For $284,000 Stay on Top of Sales and Prices in YOUR Neighborhood!Check the Listings inAREA PROPERTY TRANSFERS Every Saturday in Your Sun Newspaper`s Real Estate Classified Section Make Your House a HOME! Adopt an animal from your local animal shelter. Call 941-625-6720 WANTED: A HAPPY HOME Find it in the CLASSIFIEDS! LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? Arthur RutenbergHomes411 New Turnberry 11 Model o-3400 13a1 harbor Blvd, Punta Gorda, FI, 33950-Open Mon -Sat 10-S Sun-12-4(941) 505-1800_ lrth urRutenbe rgllomes. comNow Homes Starting Low $200,000s SendStar l omes, LLC an independent franchise3 WRW=, _ 44an"tg In" raqOf,SayeHC re5LCO^ L" f941.575.7242 v3-f+ Stop b y our new model at2327 Deborah Drive941-575-7242. _ . .: THE RENTAL COMPANY. ' OF VENICE, LLC.NTERIORSA DI t'Iof I nt ti AR GENE,y1.' I MARION AVE., PUN IA UORP vt:'1II71157003 r,\\ 041 (IN Icites C <> 'Err a _ 'F ^`"^^a,,,.. :liilnfl r, o awl.YSUNNEWSPAPERSChAA1. DO-, &gkwowl Nonh Port V--America's-BEST Community Daily"SL' \c J=LSUN' NEWSPAPERS\'SNSPAPF.AS

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Page 2 The Sun Classified-Section B E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 14, 2015 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin. EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY REAL EST A TE 1010 16501010Open House 1015 Real Estate Auctions 1020Homes/General For Sale 1030Waterfront Homes For Sale 1031 Foreclosures For Sale 1035 Golf Course Community For Sale 1040Condos/Villas For Sal e 1060Townhouses For Sale 1070Duplexes For Sale 1075Tri-Plex For Sale 1080Apartments For Sale 1090Mobile Homes For Sal e 1100Interval Ownership 1100 Out of Area Homes For Sale 1115Trade/Exchange 1120Wanted To Buy RENT 1205 Lease Option 1210 Homes 1240Condos/Villas 1280 Townhouses 1300Duplexes 1320Apartments 1330Hotel/Motel 1340Mobile Homes 1345Misc. Rentals 1350Efficiencies 1360Room ToRent 1370Rentals To Share 1390Vacation/Seasonal 1420Wanted To Rent LOTS 1500Lots & Acreage 1515Waterfront 1520Out Of Area Lots 1530Commercial Lots 1540Trade/Exchange BUSINESS 1600Business For Sale 1610Business Rentals 1615Income Property 1620 Commercial/ Industrial Prop. 1640Warehouse & Storage 1650Farm/Ranches OPEN HOUSE1010 03/14/15 11782 COURTLY MANOR LAKE SUZY OPEN SUNDAY 12-3 This huge custom built 3/3/3 residence is full architectural features and appointments to please the most discriminating buyer and comes with a million dollar view. $ 349,000 Fla Golf Properties 941-698-4653 ADVERTISE! OPEN HOUSE SAT. 12-3 12213 CONROY GULF COVE 3/2 Country Living with oversized garage, circular drive, RV parking, work shed. Pam Civitllo 941-815-2837 Becky Borci Realty OPEN HOUSE1010 PORT CHARLOTTE SAT., 3/14, 10AM-1PM SUN., 3/15, 1PM-4PM 126 Seville Pl. SW $599,000. 3/3/2 deep water sailboat access to Charlotte Harbor in 3 mins. Concrete seawall, dock, lift & davits. 3582 SF under air, large rooms, & office. Charlene Rosselot 941-276-2647 SAT., 3/14, 10AM-12PM 812 Roseway Ter. NW $156,800. Brand new 2015 home is almost complete. Spacious 2/2/1, large Great room, granite counter tops, Stainless appliances. Large back yard! Christina Donohew 941-628-2280 ROTONDA WEST SUN., 3/15, 1PM-3Pm 1 Bunker Way $299,900. 3/2.5/2 lovely, well maintained home, on a corner lot, pool & spa with southern exposure, on a canal. Wet bar in family room. Great home for entertaining. Golf cart garage. Joe & Sylvia Jenkins 941-474-2137 NOKOMIS SUN., 3/15, 2PM-4PM 462 Ingres Dr. $254,000. 3/2/2 beautifully renovated home. Separate den, living room, hardwood floors throughout living area. Lanai runs entire length of home to garden! Carla Nix 941-993-8698 Open By Apt. only 26081 PAYSANDU DR DEEP CREEK $249,000.00 Huge 2678 sq ft 4 Bedroom 3 Bath Estate Style pool home with great curb appeal. Mature landscaping, custom curbing and storage galore. $1500 Buyer rebate if purchased through Fla Golf Properties941-698-4653 NEEDCASH? HaveAGarage Sale! 26169 Explorer Rd. DEEP CREEK Open Sat 12-3 PM Rare 3/2/2 Villa Style Condo. Updated and move in ready w/low mo. fee of $260 includes W&S. $1000 buyer rebate if purchased through Fla Golf Properties 941-698-4653 ENGLEWOOD SUN . 1 4PM 540 Stewart St. Close to Olde Englewood, 3/2/2 Furnished, in perfect condition. $189,900 941-320-2370 CF Realty Group Inc, Licensed RE Broker NORTH PORT SATURDAY 3/14/15 1-4pm 1992 Coconut Palm Cir, 3/2/2 Pool Home $269,900 Call Sparky Anytime Realty 941-258-5887 OPEN HOUSE1010 ADVANTAGE REALTY INC. OPEN HOUSES SATURDAY11AM 1PM 28187 Pasadena Dr., P.G. $37,500 Investors Take Notice! 2/1 Rental Opportunity (41S, R On Chinquapin Dr, L On Mizell Ave, L on Pasadena Dr. House On Right.) 941-255-5300 800-940-5033 BAY INDIES RESORT COMMUNITY Come see what our lifestyle has to offer! 950 Ridgewood Avenue Venice, FL 34285 941-485-5444 Aged Qualified OPEN HOUSE! Saturday 10am-2pm FIVE STAR REALTY OPEN HOUSESSATURDAY 3/14/2015: 601 SHREVESTREET, UNITS#15A & #44A, PUNTAGORDA, FL 33950 1:00PM-4:00PM 7502 VIBURNUM, PUNTAGORDA, FL, 33955 1:00PM-3:00PM 1506 SANMARINOCOURT, PUNTAGORDA, FL 33950 1:00PM-3:00PM 23364 MULLINSAVE., PORTCHARLOTTE, FL 33982 1:00PM-3:00PMSUNDAY 3/15/2015: 1207 GONDOLAPARKDR., VENICE, FL 34292 1:00PM-4:00PM 1 COLONYPOINTDR, #16C PUNTAGORDA, FL 33950 12:00PM 3:00PMFORMOREINFORMATION ANDPHOTOS, PLEASEVISITOURFACEBOOKPAGEAT:HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/FIVESTARRLTY NORTH PORT CYPRESS FALLS OPEN SAT/SUN 12-4. or by Appt.2613 Valerian Way 55+ Gated Resort Style Comm. Private Lakefront, Wilderness Preserve Lot, 2008 Single Family 2/2/2 w/Den, 1910 sf. Upgrades Galore! $289,900. 941-391-3287 SAT. 11AM 2PM 392 Orinoco St., PG Deep Creek section Large pool home Large Lanai on Greenway Rich Gierulski,REALTOR 941-875-5967 OPEN HOUSE1010 PRICE REDUCED TO $183,500. OPEN SUNDAY, 1-3 13029 PEMBROKE SW CIRCLE LAKE SUZY, FL BUILT IN 2005 4BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS 3 CAR GARAGE CALLKATHY941-613-9001 CHARLOTTECOUNTYREALTY.COM MODEL/OPEN HOUSEMon-Sat 10-5 & Sun 12-4 NEW! TURNBERRY II MODEL by Arthur Rutenberg Homes/SandStar Homes. Beautifully Furnished! 3400 Bal Harbor Blvd Punta Gorda, FL 33950 941-505-1800CGC055986-GC013881 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! NEW! NEW! NEW! JUST COMPLETED ROTONDA MODEL HOME. Open House Sat & Sun 1-4 PM. 33 Medalist Circle. 2,200 sq. ft., 3/2 w/den, 3car gar & pool. Superior quality const, luxury custom upgrades top-to-bottom & 1 yr builder warranty. Best new construction you can find! Just reduced over $10K. NO flood zone: 941-769-0200. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 12PM-3PM 3182 YUKON DRIVE PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/2 Seawall, Dock & Boat Lift. Pool w/ Huge Screened in Lanai. Completely Renovated!! New Kitchen w/ SS Appliances, Baths, Tile & Paint. $249,900. By Appt. Only. 941-625-1952 OPEN SUNDAY 12-3 LUXURIOUS WATERFRONT HOME 1726 LOS ALAMOS DR. PGI 3/3/2 POOL HOME on 187ft Tip Lot on Intersecting canals. Sailboat water Lift at dock, 2735sqft Exquisitly remodeled including Wood floors, Cathedral ceilings, Key west CORALF.P, New granite kitchen, SS appliances, Center island w/ breakfast bar huge pool and lanai with summer kitchen and Panoramic views from most rooms. New hurricane protected windows & So Much More. $645,000. Kelley Rubin-Brummeler RE/MAX Anchor Realty of Marina Park Cell: 941-769-0045 OPEN HOUSE1010 OPEN SUNDAY 1PM-4PM 465 FLAMINGO BLVD. PORT CHARLOTTE DUPLEX 2 LARGEBEDROOMS, 2 BATHS1 CG, LAUNDRYROOM. 1324 SF. UNDERAIR. W/ 2 8X13 LANAIS& SITTINGDOCK. 205K (941)-743-6583 WATERFRONT COMMUNITY 55+ Resident Owned Homes and Lots For Sale Parkhill 10101 Burnt Store Rd Punta Gorda SUNDAY 03/15 1PM-3PM VENICE SUN. 1-4, 1804 San Trovaso Way. $269,900 By Owner, Pelican Pointe, Golf Villa, 1488sq.ft. 2/2/2, den, lanai, Granite in baths & kitchen. All new, stainless appli., New W/D. 2yr old HVAC. 3wk old water heater WHY RENT? OWNTHIS2/2 BIRDBAYCONDOW/GOLFVIEW! SPOTLESS, 2NDFLOOR2/2 OPEN FLOORPLANWITHSPLITBED-ROOMS, CARPORTANDSTORAGE. CERAMICTILE, VAULTEDCEILINGS,BONUSOFFICEON23-FTSCR.LANAI. INCLALLAPPLIANCES+FULL-SIZEW/DENCLINCARPORT. MOSTFURNISHINGSINCL. OPEN HOUSE SAT MARCH. 14TH1PM-4PM,ORCALLFORAPPT. 668 BIRDBAY#17 CALLVALERIELABOY941-564-5020 VALERIE@FINDMYLANAI.COMEXIT KINGREALTY AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyourinternetaddress toyouradforalittleextra! R.E. AUCTION1015 WILSON REALTY FRIDAY MARCH 20, 2015____________________ 10 AM BEAUTIFULCOMPLETELYFURNISHED2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH-ROOM, HOMEWITH1 CARGARAGE,FENCEDBACKYARDAND COMMUNITYBOATRAMP AVAILABLE.2714 Wisteria Place Punta Gorda, Fl ____________________ 1 PM HOME ON FRESHWATER LAKE2BEDROOMS, 1 BATH-ROOM, LANAI, CENTRALAIRANDHEAT, CAR-PORTWITHWORKSHED. FISHINGPOLES NOTINCLUDED.2256 Gifford Street Port Charlotte, Fl ____________________ 5 PM FENCED2.25 M/L ACRESWITHA32 X 62 BLOCKBUILDINGWITHCENTRALAIRANDHEAT, 14 HIGHCEILINGAND14 HIGHGARAGEDOOR, 200 AMPSERVICE, LIVINGAREAWITHABATHWITHSHOWER. EXCELLENTLOCATION FORAHOMESITEORAIRCONDITIONED SHELTERFORCAMPER STORAGE. THEHIGH TRAFFICCOUNTONKINGSHIGHWAYMAKES THISAGREATLOCATION FORABUSINESS.CORNEROF9481 STARTERCENTER& KINGSHIGHWAY. LAKESUZY/PORTCHARLOTTE._______________________ TERMS: 10% OFPURCHASEPRICEDUE DAYOFAUCTIONWITH THEBALANCEDUEATCLOSINGONORBEFOREAPRIL20, 2015.____________________ PROPERTIESOPEN FORINSPECTION,ONEHOURBEFORE AUCTION. ____________________ AUCTIONSHELDONSITEVISITOURWEBSITE FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PICTURES ANDDIRECTIONSTOAUCTIONS. P HILLIP W ILSON A UCTIONEER . COM PHONE941-629-6624P HILLIP W ILSON @CCIM PHIL . COM AUCTIONS AUCTIONS HOMES FOR SALE1020 NORTH PORT PRISTINE 3Bd/2Ba home with A GREAT KITCHEN, Call Mary Oliveri Century 21 Almar 941-525-4042 SU4CSTtRRt %LT , . 1 1 1N44 14 It P, 14 1-.A I A V,Q 1 1 1 1 1 1ew, e1 1* 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 11N THE 1 1CLASSH= IEDYOU CAN..... 1Find a Pet 1 1111 Find a Car 1 1Find a JobFind Garage Sales 1 1Find A New Employee 1 1/Sell Your Home 1/SelI Your UnwantedMerchandise/Advertise Your 1Business or Service1 1Classified -it's the reliablesource for the 1 1right results 1 EXIT KING REALTY' I LiI 111p,Onmix21,ALMAR &. ASSOCIATES

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Saturday, March 14, 2015 E/N/C/V The Sun Classified-Section B Page 5 HOMES FOR SALE1020 1335 ABSCOTT ST. PT CHARLOTTE 3/2/1 COMPLETELY RENOVATEDNew Kitchen, baths, tile, carpets & paint. $124,900. SUNCOASTISLESREALESTATE941-268-6820 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, OR LOT? WE CAN HELP YOU. Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 150,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special. Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! AdvertiseToday! NORTH CAROLINA LAND $69,900.00 Lenoir...1.7 Acres... All flat land! Magnificent Location City Water, Phone, Deep Well, Cable, Electric and a Beautiful Relaxing stream! Taxes only $150.00 per year. OWNER FINANCING with small down. Call 941-496-9252 HOMES FOR SALE1020 BRAND NEW 3/2/3 POOLHOMESINROTONDAWEST. A 5 GOLFCOURSECOMMUNITY! HOMESFEATUREWOODCABI-NETS, GRANITECOUNTERS, SSAPPLIANCES, BEAUTIFULMAS-TERBATHSW/ DUALVANITIES,GIANTWALKAROUNDSHOWER+ SOMUCHMORE. CALLRONMCGUIRETARPONCOASTREALTY941-223-4781 ADVERTISE! DEEP CREEK 3/2/2 Pool 1989 SF Coral Fireplace, Tile floors, Tile Roof, $249,900 LAKE SUZY ESTATES Lake Front, Pool Home 3/2/2 2,279 SF Metal Roof, Dock, $350,000 DEEP CREEK 3/2/2 Pool 2,206 SF Paver Deck, Jetted Tub, Updated Kitchen & Bath $234,900 PUNTA GORDA 2003 Salt Water Canal 2,132 SF Paver Deck, Concrete Seawall No Bridges $200,000 Mike Raffo 941-268-6442 Century 21 Aztec HOMES FOR SALE1020 ENGL. HOMEFORSALEBYOWNER2,000+ SF, CAGED POOL& SPA. 5+MINSTO GULFBYBOAT, NOBRIDGES,W/ LG. LAGOONWMANATEES, NONEIGHBORSFRONT& REAR. 37X22+COVEREDBOAT DOCKWITHEXISTINGCRADLE WILLLIFT5 TONS. ADDITIONAL2 DAVITS& 92FT. SEAWALL. 941-697-7474 FREE MERCHANDISE ADS!! To place a FREE merchandise ad go to: and place your ad. Click on Click Here to Place Your Ad Now and follow the prompts. FREE ads are for merchandise UNDER $500. and the ad must be placed online by you. One item per ad, the ad must be 3 lines or less, price must appear in the ad. Your ad will appear online & in print for 7 days! Some restrictions do apply. LIMIT 5 FREE ADS PER WEEK **Everyone Needs to Register on Our New Site** Need To Place a Classified Ad? Enter your classified ad and pay with your credit card 24 hours a day, 7 days week.ssi Seizethesales withClassified! PORT CHARLOTTE 2/2/2 Split Plan 1500+SF Living Area, Enclosed Florida Room w/ CHA Living, Dining, & Family Room. Open Floor Plan! $99,900. 941-626-4841 Agent/Owner HOMES FOR SALE1020 NEW! NEW! NEW! JUST COMPLETED ROTONDA MODEL HOME Open House Sat & Sun 1-4 PM. 33 Medalist Circle. 2,200 sq. ft., 3/2 w/den, 3car gar & pool. Superior quality const, luxury custom upgrades top-to-bottom & 1 yr builder warranty. Best new construction you can find! Just reduced over $10K. NO flood zone: 941-769-0200. FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! ONLY4.5 %COMMISSION!WhenYou List Your Home With Me. Must Mention This Ad.Jeff Runyan 941-979-2843 Re/Max Palm PORT CHARLOTTE 22120 Lancaster Ave Beautiful 3/2 oversize 2 gar solar heat pool, on city water & sewer Vinyl fenced, tiled & laminate floors, family room view of pool. Come & see all xtra features, $169,900. Rose Padua Century21 Sunbelt Realty 941-624-3800 PORT CHARLOTTE 3/2/1 Just Remodeled! For Sale by Owner. Financing Available. Easy Terms. 941-264-4439 HOMES FOR SALE1020 PORT CHARLOTTE Beautiful 3/2 Carriage Home in Heritage Oaks. Totally Redone. New Paint, Porcelin Tile Throughout. Granite, French Doors, Sky Lights, Enclosed FL Room. Upgrades. 941-875-9219 PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! PORT CHARLOTTE, 3/2/1 Brand New Kitchen, SS Appliances, New Baths, Oversized Garage. Fenced Yard. Large Lanai & Tile Floors. $115,000. 941-979-5918 or 941-249-9978 ROTONDA WATERFRONT HOME 23 MEDALIST TERR. Gorgeous 3/2 with den, Key West style metal roof, brand new top-ofthe-line heated, salt pool, cage and lanai. Granite/stainless kitchen, 8 ft. doors, many upgrades. You'll be amazed at the design and like new condition inside/out. Shown by appt. only! No flood zone. Asking $279,900. Owner moving and will look at all offers. 941-769-0200. HOMES FOR SALE1020 WHEN YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THE BEST PROPERTIES SEE THE HARBOUR HEIGHTS AND DEEP CREEK EXPERT!27298 Washington 3/2/2 $269,900 2268 Oberon 3/2.5/2 $214,900 1301 Odyssey 3/2/2 $229,000 27412 San Marino 3/2/2 $262,900 4170 Enclave 4/3/3 $299,000 27089 Solomon 4/3/2 $464,900 3260 Peace River 3/2/2 $649,900 27097 Solomon 4/5/2 $869,900Prime Building Lots Available!Steve Vieira, REALTOR 941-258-2891 Coldwell Banker Residential R.E. Harbour Heights Office www.HarbourHeights WATERFRONT HOMES 1030 18442 DRIGGERS AVE PORT CHALROTTE 2br/2ba with 2 car detached gar. seawall Dock & boat lift. $140,000 Call 941-258-1364 NOKOMIS WATERFRONT 2BR/2BAon Canal with access to Shakett Creek, Dona Bay, ICWW, Jettys and Gulf of Mexico. 1389sf, $225,000. 941-915-7113 w",Ilooooooo0000 Laft J Imo;' l ._. sI`''mo 1 I ir L"i ++ + L 'A I L POR SALEBY OW N E RRE5IULNTlAL REAL LSTA"1'L_ R. ..rhcSQ. FoIFOR SALEL J BY OWNERr' 's. :F .:. . _.._.Man"

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Page 6 The Sun Classified-Section B E/N/C/Vads.yoursun.netSaturday, March 14, 2015 SP20720 To Place, Correct, or Cancel Ad CALL Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM Fax : 866-949-1426 941-429-3110 Check Out More SUN Classified Ads Online UPDATED DAILY!!! 13487 TAMIAMI TR NORTH PORT S UN C LASSIFIED W A T E R F RONT HOME S 1030 HARBORTOWN MARINA CAPE HAZE PLACIDA OPEN SAT & SUN 1-4 PM Georgeous, large 1/1 in marina on ICW. Near 360 degree water views. Quick access to many Gulf beaches. Restaurants, fishing, boating just steps from your door. Decorator furnished residence, vacation home, or winter retreat w/ a great rental history. Only $179,900. Pet friendly. 941-769-0200 PT CHARLOTTE 1700sf Home on salt water canal 2 bd 1 bth 11x77 ft dock 6000 lb lift, 10 minutes to harbor. PRICE REDUCED $134,900.00 BUY APT. ONLY 941-255-9911 GOLF COURSE COMMUNITY1035 55+ Active Community Affordable Manufactured Homes!!! 1 Year FREEGolf Membership With New Home Purchase! Call Ted @ 800-538-2590 for Details or Please Visit Our GOLF COMMUNITY HOMESFree list w/pics of homes for sale in the areas best Golf Communities and Country Clubs.www.GolfHomes4Sale.comFree recorded message 1-800-862-7425 ID#5001Lisa Ziegler, Remax Platinum CONDOS/VILLA S F OR SA L E1040 Only 721 MLS Statistics as of 3/13/15 Houses, Villas, Condos are Available As of Today in Beautiful Venice, Florida Call us For Showings OR To List We do all of Venice & Area 941-485-4804 Sales 941-484-6777 Rentals ENGLEWOOD FSBO N ew l y Updated Furnished 2/2/1 Villa. Boat Dock w/ Gulf Access. $144,900. 724-448-1060 PORT CHARLOTTE RIVERWOOD Newer VILLAS For You Den, Tile Roof,2 Car Gar, Lanai, Views, All Appliances. EASY to Buy & Enjoy This Season! Carl Anderson Real Estate Broker 941-629-9586 CONDOS/VILLA S F OR SA L E1040 HARBORTOWN MARINA CAPE HAZE PLACIDA OPEN SAT & SUN 1-4 PM Georgeous, large 1/1 in marina on ICW. Near 360 degree water views. Quick access to many Gulf beaches. Restaurants, fishing, boating just steps from your door. Decorator furnished residence, vacation home, or winter retreat w/ a great rental history.Only $179,900. Pet friendly. 941-769-0200 HERITAGE OAK PARK PC LAKEFRONT CONDOS 2/2 BUILT2003 & 2004 $99,900-$114,000 BARB MCHENRY 941-833-1667 COLDWELL BANKER MORRIS REALTY PORT CHARLOTTE 2Bd Furnished Condo. River Views & Gulf Access. Heated Pool, & Amenities $139,000 Carolyn Cantin, Floridian Realty Services 941-809-9661 JUST REDUCED! PUTCLASSFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU! FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! PUNTA GORDA ISLES FSBO 3311 Purple Martin Dr. 3/2 1800 SF, partially furnd, View of salt water canal & Nature Park. Has a Pool, Dock, Tile & Carpet, S/S Appliances, Elevator. Small 12 unit complex. $275,000 763-242-8465 To Advertise in The Showcase of Homes Please Call 866-463-1638 or Email; VENICE ISLAND CONDO by owner 55+ 2br/2ba carport Nicely furnished and updated. 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PET FRIENDLY. 941-769-0200 VENICE CONDO January March/April 2016 in Pleasant Mission Lakes. Nicely Fully Furnished 2/2 Water View In Near Golf, Shopping, YMCA, & Dining. Heated Pools, $2500. mo. 507-254-2437 LOTS & A CREAG E1500 NORTH CAROLINA LAND $69,900.00 Lenoir...1.7 Acres... All flat land! Magnificent Location City Water, Phone, Deep Well, Cable, Electric and a Beautiful Relaxing stream! Taxes only $150.00 per year. OWNER FINANCING with small down. Call 941-496-9252 SELLER FINANCING ON Manasota Beach area lots. Boat ramp & dock just across the bridge. Englewood Realty Inc. 941-474-6000 LOTS & A CREAG E1500 SELLING YOUR HOME, CONDO, or LOT?We Can help you.Advertise your home, condo, or lot with us and reach over 175,000 readers in Charlotte, Sarasota, & DeSoto Counties and online everyday. Ask about our 90 day special.Call one of our classified experts for all the details at 866-463-1638 Realtors Welcome! SO UTH VENI C E/ S ARA SO TA Beauitful Tree Lot. 9.77 Acres. 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Saturday, March 14, 2015 E/N/C/V The Sun Classified-Section B Page 7 NO ANIMALS WERE THAT'S 1 I AT LEAST YOU DON'T IHARMED IN THE GOOD. NEED A DISCLAIMER 1 IDIRECTIONS: 42Fill each square with a number, one throuh nine. aY L ' MAKING OF THIS FOR YOUR JACKET.g /rl' ""EerFAUX FUR.Vertical squares should add to totals on bottom. ; l IHorizontal squares should add to totals on right. [1 01Diagonal squares through center should add to IRECT Q Itotal in upper and lower right.THERE NIAY BE MORE .1 r 5FTHAN ONE SOLUTION. Today's Challenge I GTim-6 Minutes5 Seconds -1 7Your Working 2 9 3y R 10antlLOis.comTime MinutesSeconds 1016 8 7 0 y2015 by King Features Syndicate. Inc. World rights rrservod. MY GOLF PRO TAUGHT L HOPE MY CHIROPRACTORME HOW TO ADD TORQUE AP m CAN GET MEL22 9 8 93o TO MY SWING 3 Ghlf UN-TORQUED f7 9 9 28 i S i 9 La 3L n k+ a 3-14r v = =<;.3-14RM OCEIQCGP JHSIO AORFZEdtrtLz4iIER REl1EM8ER S005/z'0 I R Z J S J ,CAN'T BELI 7S J I HWB.lHQIS T k007 -64E PICK UP WHAT YOU Lip ?VILLAGE PART AND'TNSR i/`b WHENW I S S I N . RO J I ZARWSP C M 7OJRNAN NTi D A R T / Y ALL -:Or-FH R S K J GROKNRERFHSRCF? WwnSTreYesterday's Cris to ui MOVIE FEATURING WKoNG }THE RETURN OF SOME NEVADA FOLIAGE _-DURING THE SPRINGTIME.: "LEAFING LASVEGAS: _ eaawr..-Today's Cryptoquip Clue: R equalsJC,F3d lU]:5 :)M CIS' tyJrrw r WHATMOP IfiE _j GOMESI I V A FTEKbKO INSULT ANDI NJURV '-7r P CO`t Iut T itii4 o 0 0y.: IIIIIQV 1i ll/_ . n _n _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 reser:eohrll `1< 3_I4.15 , tv,rBREAKING 3114 TNEi1 DON'T TIE UPNEWS,,. WOLF BLUTZERWHEN NE 5A45/J . THAT....a"I knew you'd like that story about i -finding the lost puppies."WORD NAMES ENDIN(;SLEUTH IN 4E Q M J F B Y U R C 0 K 1 D A SORRY, CLWE. I I 1 NAVETO 60 TO A 1 1 CALL .'EM ASX U Q N K H E B Y O V S P M "1 1 CAN'T MAKE IT, CRAFT FAIR WITH FAMILY 6vNDING 1 SEES' EM.` OPAL FOR SOME THEFAM(W OONDAC-EH E B Y V T Q 0 1 N L I G D BJ / ', 'f1 ME. CY W T R P M K N I S F D B Y W1 ) S Q O M K O I F U B D O B 7, 4', IX W lJ S Q "I' O S N I.; 1, J T H I C jD C A M N M Y P N L \k 0 R V I ,,,, \ k oS Q P A N L. A I KU) 1 11 E 0 FE C B RL Y I K C W F V B L U LANE MARKERS:S R Q C Y O K O G P N L L F CM L J O 1 L C I H O L R A M FI nday's unlisted clue' NUGGET TEST!h1G P) N ONE ) )Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in all directions GfOUhIDS F(sH HE Afomard, backward. up, down and die=ovally.Sauu l unlisted Clue hint: POLOAlberto Benito Consuelo MarloAlfonso Cleo Flo SpiroAntonio Clio Leo YokoArlo Coco Margo1c)2015 Kim,, l-catures. Inc. 3114 crest Ill La Hart,, .ot -ac Al vpkt re5e-,ea Fambook oom6000mc DW by Creators 05554 SmmoS COr 1 51.115

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