Data Management / Curation Working Group, Meeting Agenda, April 24, 2017

Material Information

Data Management / Curation Working Group, Meeting Agenda, April 24, 2017
Series Title:
Data Management/Curation Working Group Notes
Smith, Plato
Yuan, Linfang
Norton, Hannah
Deumens, Erik
Ridgewell, Natalie
Hawley, Haven
Durant, Flecther
Gonzalez, Sara
Kiszla, Sara
Gitzendanner, Matt
VanKleeck, David
Neu, Ed
Taylor, Lauire
Leonard, Michelle
Maxwell, Dan
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, FL
George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
Publication Date:
Physical Description:


Subjects / Keywords:
Data management
Data curation


Meeting notes for the UF Data Management / Curation Working Group.

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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Dat a Management an d Curation Working Group (DMCWG )1 Mon day, April 24, 2017 11:0 0 am 12:0 0pm, Marston Science Library, room 136 Agenda 1. Discuss developing ARCS group led by Sara Gonzalez 2. Brief review of next DMCWG training workshop on 4/28 and plans for Fall 2017 3. Discuss d ata management guidelines and recommendations document (Summer 2017) Reference USGS adopted DSAWDS document on repository requirements Complete 1st revision for DMCWG r eview/discussion for 5/22/17 meeting 4. Discuss need for a dataset repository for UF researchers (e.g. CKAN, invenio, zenodo ) 5. Discuss idea for an Enabling Data Discovery, Reproducibility, and Sustainability for Future Use symposium the day before the UFII Annual Symposium in 2018 Reference Caltechs Envisioning the Scientific Paper of the Future symposium Reference University of Albertas Research Data Management Week 6. Ongoing / Miscellaneous/other Submitted proposal for Data Management & Instructional Design Intern (4/14/17) 1 DMCWG resources: and Data Resources Members: Plato Smith (Chair), Erik Deumens, Dan Maxwell, Haven Hawley, Val Minson, Hannah Norton, Sara Gonzalez, Fletcher Durant, Sara Kiszka, Joe Wu, David Van Kleeck, Michelle Leonard, Laurie N. Taylor; Invited: Matt Gitzendanner, Chelsea Dinsmore, Christy Shorey, Audrey Dickinso n, Alethea Geiger, Natalie Ridgewell, Linfang Yuan Previous mee tin g notes ( 3 /27/17 ):