Colonel, Medical Corps, U. S. Army Chief Sanitary Officer
! i ii ~ i! i ii~l l~ i i !iili l~l ii~i ii 'i ~ iiiiiii !ii l i!il ii !i! i ii~! ~ i !iii iiii iiiii i~i! l ii i! !!! i! ii !i !!! i ilil! li i ii i i i !ii i! i ii!
iii iiiiiiiiliii iil i~ i!!iiiii ~iiiiii~ i~ iliiiiiiiiii~i illiiii~ i~ iiii i il~ i il i i A
iiii~ iiiiiiiiiii iii !iii~!!iiiii iiil!!iiliiiiii iiiiiiiii i iii~ii! iiiil9 AK
.........................ii!i~i~ i~~iii ~i! !i ii!i~iii~~i~iiiii~~i!i~i~~!ii !i!iii~i! ~i~ii~i!! i !i!i!!iiiiiiii~ i ii i~ ii l!ii i~ l!i li i "'ii~! !iiii .......... i iii ii!ii ~ i~ li...............i~i!iiii i :!iiiii~ !ii iiiiiiii!ii iiiiiiiii!Viii i
9i! Vi!i~l ii 9~ iiii ii!~i ii K ii l liii ~ i;i >iiii~i iii W i ii
OFFICE oF CIEF SANITARY OFFICER, Ancon, Canal Zone, J7une 7, 1907.
SIR: I herewith forward report of the Sanitary Department for the month of May, 1907.
The first rain of the season at this place was on May 10, as corn pared with April 17 of last year and April 27 of th 'e year before.
Our experience for the last two years has been that the sick rate begins to rise markedly soon after-say from thirty to sixty days after-the first rains, the first notable rise of last year being in the report for the week ending May 12.
So far there has been practically no change in the health conditions for May as compared with April. T 'he total number of employees of duty for sickness in all the hospitals, Taboga Sanitarium, the sick camps, and quarters, at the close of week ending June 2, was 740. This, out of a pay roll of 39,000, gives a morbidity rate of '18.97 on that date per thousand. The number of men on sick report has practically not changed during the month.
Fromi the experience of previous years we can not hope to present so good a showing in June and July; but the rains having come 23 days later than last year it is hoped that the increase of sickness will also be postponed.
Out of our 4,284 American employees 3 deaths were reported; all from traumatisms from accidents.
The 6, 182 white employees, other than Americanis, f urnished 13 deaths, of which, however, Only' four. were from disease. The 25;,537 blacks gave 82 deaths, of which 7 were from accidents, the death. rate among the blacks being, as will be observed, far higher than among the whites, although the morbidity rate among the whites is decidedly greater than among the blacks.
Since the ad-vent of the rains typhoid fever has lessened, there being 13 deaiuhs from that disease this month, as against 21 in April. The lessening is especially noticeable toward the ending of the month. This disease is practically confined to the district btween Empire and Gorgona, inclusive. Pneumonia is still first as a cause of death, but slightly less ... ... eNPPT han in April, there being 33 deaths from that disease in in April, and 53 in March. Pneumonia is con.Acks, and'typhoid practically to them also.
-0ttring the month we have had no quarantinable diseases of any kind, which is decidedly advantageous to us commercially, as eill as f rom a strictly sanitary point of view.
Act ig Chief 8 rnitar Officer.,
Culebr,Cana Zone.
MAY, 1907.
I Annual
Population. Deaths. avrae1 e 1000 for the
White employees of the Canal
Commission and Panama
R. R.Co~. ----------- i(10,466 16, 18. 34
Black employees of 'the CanalI
Commission and Panama
R. R. CO ----- ------------- 28, 537 82 34.48
Total employees of the
Canal Commission and
Panama R. R. Co ---a 39, 003 98 30.15
Panama --------------------- 33,1584 75 26. 79
Colon----------------------- 14,378 41 34. 21
Canal Zone'------------------- 51,7988 147 33.93
Total population (Panama, Colon, a~nd Canal
Zone) --------- 99,950 2630 31.57
a Figures relating to number of employees are compiled from the pay rolls of the previous month. NOTE.-The population and deaths as given for the cities of Panama and Colon, and for the Canal Zone, include employees and civil population.
M ale - - - - - -- - - - - -- 40
Fe male -- -- - - - - - - -1 - - - 12
M ale -- - - - - - - - - - - - -154
Fem ale - - - - - - - - - - - -- 51
M ale -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - 6
Fem ale ------- - - - - - - - -
T otal - - - - - - - - - - - -- 263
Arabia ------------------IA Greece ---------- .6
Antigua -----------------1I Italy----------- 2
Bolivia ------------------1I Jamaica ---------- 54
lBarbados---------------- 29 Martinique _: -------- 15
Costa Rica ---------------- 2 Mexico ---------- 1
Colombia ---------------- 17 Panama ---------- 88
China ------------------- 6 St.Lucia ---------- 3
Demarara---------------1I Spain----------- 4
Ecuador -----------------1I Sw~eden ---------- 1
England-----------------1I Trinidad -- ------_-- 5
France------------------ 5 United States -- ----- 5
Grenada. 1 ------ Veniezuela --------- 3
Guiana, British------------1I
Guadaloupe-------------- 8 Total ---------- 263
iUder 1 year -------38 50 to 60 years..........-- 2
1 to 4years-------- 5 60 to70 years ------ 5
4 tol10years --------3 70to 80years ------ 3
10 to 20 years ------ 27 80 to 90 years ------- 3
20 to 30. years ------ 66 Not stated -------- 13
30 to 40 years -------47
40 to 50 years ------ 32 Total ------ 263
Antigua -----------------1I Italy ----------- I
Bolivia ------------------1I Jamaica -----------21
Barbados ---------------- 27 Martinique---------9
Colombia ---------------- 3 Panama ---------- i4
Demarara---------------1, Spain:---------- 3
England -----------------1I St. Lucia ------ 1---France------------------ 3 Trinidad ------~ 41<1
Grenada ---- ---------1I United States ------- 3
Greece ------------------6 Ttl9
Guadaloupe ------ 7 Toa.--------9
White. Scored. Total,
Abscess, hepatic ----------------------0 1 i 1,
Accidental traumatisms --------------11 V ,.I
Dysentery ----------------------------0 1 1
Fractures ----------------------- I 1 2
Fever, malarial------------------- 1 4 1
Fever, typhoid- ------------------- 1 12 13
Haimoglobinuria------------------ 0. .1 1
Heart disease ---- ---I----o
Hemorrhage -------- 0 2 2
M eningitis -- - - - - -1. 2 3
Nephritis - - - - - --0.55
Pyem ia 0--- - - - - 3
Pneumonia ----------- 1 32 33
Peritonitis - - - - --0 2 2
Septicimia ----------- 0 1 1
Senile debility -------- --0 1 1
Tuberculosis -----------0 33
Not.stated --------------- 10 2 2
'Total --- - - --- 16 82 98
(Including employees and civil population.)
B eriberi..................................- ............... 3
D ysentery ..........................--- .- ................... 9
M alaria ....................-................-.-........... 24
T otal ............................................. 36
Deaths from all other causes. ..------------------------- 227
Total deaths------ ..-------------------------- 263
1ame. Nationality. Ocupa- Time on Age. Cause of death.
tion. Isthmus.
Apostal, Deme- Greece.-... Laborer ........... 33 Accidentaldrowntris. ing.
Barzal, Leon.... Spain..... ............ ..... Powder blast.
Brava, Peitro ... Italy ........ ..... . 58 Accidentaldrowning.
Delendos, Josef. Greece. ..... . 23 Do.
Evanglius, Geor- ... 15 days ... 40 Pneumonia.
Fukla, Aristido ....... ............ 27 Accidentaldrowning.
Gill, Gregoric ... Spain........ ... 4 months. 32 Dynamite explosion.
Guelba,AngelM. Colombia... 1 year. 38 Meningitis.
Lithdakis, Cos- Greece... .. 22 Accidentaldrowntis. ing.
Pocernama, Spain........ do ... 5 months 29 Accidental trauAbundo. matism.
Sanchez,Manuel Colombia.... ...,do ... 20 years.. 20 Malaria.
William, Joseph. England ..... Cook --- 15 months 34 Fever, typhoid. Zepatos, Mikiel.. Greece.....-Laborer .... ...- 38 Accidental drowning.
Name. Nationality. Occupa- Timeo Age. Cause of deatli.
Gibson, Charles. United States Rxcav- 3 weeks.... Accidental tra ating matism (dyna'd e -mite explosion). part
Hulme, R. A -............-50 Mutiple fracture
P a I (Panama R. R.)
ne er
d e
ParkeLymanM. ------------- 34 Accidental tranman. Imatism(Panama
Number of white employees from the United States on the Isthmus, 4,284. Annual average, per 1,000, of deaths of employee from the United States, for the month, SA4O.
Warren (infant). United States.........--7 days .... 7 Marasmus.
Number of white women and children living in Commission quarters, 1,200. Annual average, per 1,000, of deaths, for the month, 10.0.
(Employees discharged and dying in hospitals of the Isthmian Canal Commission.)
N mbeof emNumber of Number of cli- Annua1 averNumeoye European dis- matic diseases age per 1,000
eayes ee treated. treated. for the month.
397003 555 1----- 170. 75
391003 ------ 651 200.29
Total ----1 206 371.04
Number of em- Deaths from Deaths from Annual averployes. European dis- climatic dis- age per 1,000 eases. eases. for the month.
39, 003 65---------------19.99
39,003 6 1.84
Total--------------- 71 21.83
NOTE-The following are considered as climatic diseases: The endemics, including malaria, dysentery, yellow fever, beni-beni, smallpox, etc. (Only dysentery and malaria occurred during the month). /
(Embracing employees of the Canal Commissionand Panama Railroad Company, and also the deaths among the civil population.)
Diseases. An- Colon Line -C oeTtl
Diseass. coHos- Ho-Pn-C-Ze.Ttl
pita- pital. pitals. ma. Ion.
1. General diseases.
1. Typhoid fever (abdominal
typhs)...............10 4 2 0 1 1 18
4a. Aestivo-autumnal, malaria 0 0 1 2 0 2' 5
4e. Clinical malaria------------- 0 5 2 0 2 8 17
4g. Hgemoglobinuris fever ---- 0 1 1 0 0 0 2
9a. Diphtheria.................- 0 0. 0 1 0 0 1
14b. Amcebic dysentery..........- 2 1 1 0 0 0 4
14c. Clinical dysentery...........0 0 0 3 0 2 5
171 Be-ben...................0 0 0 3 0 0 3
20. Purulent infection and septic~mia ------------------- 3 1 0 0 0 0 4
27. Tuberculosis of the lungs 0 1 5 1 1 1 9
33. Tuberculosis of other organs. 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
34. General tuberculosis .........1 0 0 7 2 0 10
35. Se'rofula...................-- 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
47. Acute particular rheumatism 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
54. Anoemia...................-- 0 0 0 2 0 0 2
55. Other general diseases ---- 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
59. Other chronic poisoning.. -- 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Aon Colon Line a-Co
Diseases.COil Hos- Hos- an-.Go-, Zone.' Total.
Diseass. Hospital. p is.
ILi Diseases of the nervous system
and the organs of special sense.
61. Simple meningitis----------- 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Sib. Pneumococcus meningitis.. 0 0 1 0 1 6
64. Congestion and hemorrhage
of the brain...............- 0 0 1 1 0 2 4
72. Tetanus -------------------- 0 0 0 4 0 1 5
74. Other diseases of the nervous system---------------- 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
III. Diseases of the circulatory
78. Acute endocarditis.---- 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
79. Organic diseases of heart 0 0 0 0 2 1 3
81. Diseases of the arteries
(atheroma,.anenrism, etc.) 0 0 1 1 0 0 2
85. Hemorrhages...............- 1 0 0 0 1 1 -3
86. Other diseases of the circulatory system.............- 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
IV. Diseases of respiratory system.
90. Acute bronchitis--,..........0 0 0 4 1 0 5
92. Broncho-pnumonia .........1 0 0 1 1 0 3
93. Pneumonia...............--16 13 5 8 3 6 51
94. Pleurisy...................-- 0 0 0 2 0 0 2
V. Diseases'of digestive system.
100.- Diseases of the month and
its adnexa.....-..........0 0 0 1 0 0 11
103. Uicer of the stomach .........1 0 0 0 0 0 1
-106. Diarrhea and enteriti (under 2years)...............- 0 0 0 7 0 0 1 7
105a. Chronic diarrhea and enteritis (under 2years)........ 0 0 0 1 2 0 3
106. Diarrhea and enteritis (2
years and over) ------------ 0 1 0 0 41 0 1 5
107a. Uncinariasis ................ 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
108. Hernia and intestinal obstructions................-- 0 0 0 3 0 0 3
109. Other diseases of the intestines....................-- 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
112. Cirrhosis of the liver .........0 0 0 1 0 1 2
114. Other diseases of the liver_ 0 0 0 0 1 1 2
116. Simple peritonitis...........- 0 i 0 0 0 0 1 1
117. Other diseases of the digestive system. (cancer and
tuberculosis excepted) 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 2
An- Coion Line Pn-0-Zn
Diseases. con Hlos- Hos- Pn-C-Ze. Total.
Hos- ion.
VI. Diseases of the genito-urinary
system ad its adnexa.
119. Acute nephritis.............- 0 0 0 1 1 0 2
120. Bright's disease.............- 3 2 0 1 0 2 8
132. Other diseases of the female
genital organs............. 0 0 .0 1 0 0 1
VII. The puerperal state.
137. Puerperal septic ,_mia........ 0 1 0 1 0 0 2
VIII. Diseases of the skin and cellular tissue.
142. Gangrene..................-- 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
XI. Early infancy.
151. Congenital debility, icterus,
and scierema..............- 1 0 0 0 1 3 5
152. Other diseases peculiar to
early infacey.............- 0 0 0 0 2 1 3
XII. Old age.
154. Senil~e debiiity..............- 0 0 0 1 0 2 3
XIII. External causes.
164. Fractures..................1I 1 0 0 0 0 2
166. Other accidental traumainms...................--- 2 0 0 1 0 6 i 9
171. Electric shock..............1 0 0l 0 0 0 1172. Accidental drowning .........0 0' 0 1 0 11 12
173. Inanition (starvation) ---- 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
175. Other acute poisoning,........0 0 0 1 1 0 2 3
176. Othterexternal violence 0 0 0 2 0 0 2
XIV. Ill1-deft ~ed diseases.
177. Dropsy.........--........ 0 0 0 1 0 1 2
179. Causes of death unspecified
or ill-defined ......... 0 0, .0 0 0 4 4
Total....................---46 32 _20K1 75 24 66 263
Stillbirths -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - 11t -- 4 15
Ancon Colon Culebra Miraflores Hospital. Hospital. Hospital. Hospital.
Diseases. C.
.0 .0 b_0 ho
I. General diseases
Typhoid fever (abdominal typhus). 65 9 10 2 *6 1 ----- -Malarial fever...................---29 0 83 2 11 1 ----- -Estivo-autumnal................--53 0 21 0 1 0 1 0
Tertian..-.------------------------- 49 0 37 0............-----Mixed..........................--- 8 0....................-------Clinical........................----179 0...........-20 0 -----Malarial cachexia.................................. ---- 1 0 ----- -Haemoglobinuric fever.............1 Q ----- 0 1 ........
Measles.................................. ---- 2 0............------Dysentery .........- ----- 29 0 1 0.-----........
Amoebic -------------------------- 10 0 5 0............-- --Other epidemic diseases.....................................--- ---- --Purluent infection and septiciemia ....... .....0 1............-----Tuberculosis of the lungs...........- 5 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
Cold abscess and abscess by congestion.......................----14 0.........................-- --Tuberculosis of other organs.................-- 2 0 0 1-----Syphilis.........................--- 4 0 3 0 1 0......
Gonorrhea (5 years and over) ---13 0 10 0....... ... .....
Gonorrhea (under 5 years)...........................---- 1 0
Acute articular rheumatism ------- ------- ---- 4 0 ............ ....
Chronic rheumatism and gout....................1 0 ........
An emiachorosis.................-- 2 0............1 0......
Other general diseases -------------39 2..................--.-----.
Acute and chronic rheumatism,.. 7 0....................-- --II. Diseases of the nervous system and
teorgans of special s'nse.
Epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis - - - - - - - -- 0 2
Congestion and hemorrhage of the
b rain - - - - - - - - -- - - -- 0 1 . .. .
Other forms of mental alienation 2 0 ------------ 3 0
E pilepsy -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0
Otber diseases of the nervous system . . . . . . . . . 3 0 - -- - - --
Diseases of the eye anc it adnexa- 13 0 7 0----_-----Diseases of the ear --- - -- - 3 0 2 0 - -- - --
III. Diseases of the eirc Zlator system
Acute endocarditis .. ... .. 0 1 . .. .. ... .. .. .
Diseases of te veins (varices, hemorrhoids, phlebitis, etc.) ------ 10 -0 1 0 ---- ------ -Diseases of the lymphatic sstem
(lym phangitis, eta.) -_ -- ------ -- 7 0 ----- ----Other diseases of the circulator
system - --n- - -- - 4 0 . .. .. 2 0 - -- -
Discharged. Died.
Discharged. t
Discharged. ... .. . . . s oo O
Died. p
Discharged. 0 n
oo a o aDied.
Discharged. Died. o
Discharged. Died.
C o o C) 0 C owC> (D toD Cc C:c <:c Co) C:) i
........ .. .. .. ...... ..... . , i i i ii~ii i~ ~l! iii i ii ; iii ii ~ !i iii;iii ii!i i ~ ii ii i ii i i iiiiiii !il ~i~ i iiiiiii ii i~i ii iiiii~ii !iiii i i i I~ i iiii !i i !ii~i li i!ii! il ii~l ~il !i~ii!i!!iii i ~ ii ii!!~~0iiii
zii~! iiii!ii!i !!!i !i iii i!i~~~i~~~!i! ii~i iii!!ii~~i ii i iii ~~!!!i~i~iil~ ~ ~i!!i ~ !iiiiii~iiiii
0 0 % 5i~ ~ii ~ :!!ii!iii!!~ i~iii~i~ iiiii~iii ~ i s0!!; !i!iiii!i i!i !iii~! ~!i~i!Siiii!~i~~~~~i~ i!!i i s is~ i ii!i~~~~!ii~i~~!i!ii!i i ii Qi!~ i~~i~ i ii 3 D isc h a rg e d !i ~~i ii ~~ii iii!! ~ iii! ~~ i~i~! ii!lliiii~iii~liii!~i~iii!ii!iiii~~i~iii~~i !ii !!i! i!
ii iiii~ ~iii! ~ ii ~i! i~ ~! i!!~ ~iii i~~i !ii~ ~ii! i~ iii; ~ii !iii i i~i!ii !i~i~ !ii iii % i ii~ ~i ii i~i~ ~iiii~ i i~~ii~ !iii~ ~ii i~ ~i~~i!i: ii!iiiii~ i~ ~ ii !i! ~i~ ~!! i~ii~iii! i ii :ii ~ ii~i i~ii! !i! ~ !!i~ii!!!i !iiiiii! !!!~ !ii~iii!i i: !i~~ !ii!!!i !!!i i!!i !!iiiiiii ~ isii~i i i i : : :!! ~i!iiii!:!i i~~iii i i~ ~~i !i~~i i:i i~i~~ii! i !iiii% i% ~ii !ii ii! !iii! ;i; ii;!! i i !!iDied. H~~i~~i!! ; ;
0 0 0 0 00 :! ,~i !; 0 0S! i i i;i i;iii i i i i ~ :i i i, i i ~ Q i iio ~! ~~ ~:i :~ i!iii i 0 I i0 0 0 i0~ !~ii ii iii i S!i i 0 0S ~ !i i 0 S~~ !!l i 0 0 0 0Si ;,i~~! :!!~ !~ i ii s !i ~iii!:~~~i~~~~~~~~~~ !!i iii!~~i ~i!iiiii iiii~i~iii~iiii~~i~
Ancon Colon Culebra, Miraflores
Hospital. Hospital. Hospital. Hospital.
IV. *iseasesof the respiratory system.
Diseases of the larynx..............- 2 0 -----.......- -- -- -Acute bronchitis..................--- 7 0 1 0 1 0-----Chronic bronchitis..................... 4 0...... .....--------- ..
Broncho-p-nenmonia ---------------- 1 1......................-------Pneumonia......................-- 48 [8 13 9 3 3----Pleurisy........................----10 0 1 0.............-----Pulmonary emphysema .............2 0.....- I.......... ..........
V. Diseases of the digestive system.
Diseases of the mouth and its adnexa .......................... ...... .... 6 0 .... ..---- -Diseases of the phary nx............. 2 0 ..--- .- ----Ulcer of the stomach. ---. -----.-------.-------.-------.---.-Qtherdiseases of the stomach (cancer excepted).................... 10 0 6 0 ---- -------Diarrhea and 'nteritis (under 211 years) ........ ---. --------*.--- .-- .--- .--- .--- .-- ...1 0- ----
Chronic diarrhea and enteritis
(under 2 years).................. 10 0 ---- ----- -------
Diarrliea and enteritis (2 years and % over.. ......................... ...... .... 18 1 --- -----
Intestinal parasites................. 3 0..........--- ------Uncinariasis..............................---- 8 0.---------Hernia and intestinal obstructions. 2 0 2 0 Other diseases of the intestines. 3 0 1 0 0"
Cirrhosis of the liver.......................---- 1 0---------Biliary calculi .......%..-..--- .............- 1 0-----------Simple peritonitis.................-- 2 1 0 1............
Other diseases ofthe digestive system (cancer and tuberculosis excepted).....................---- -------- 2 0l 2 0
Appendicitis and abscess of the
iliac fosa ........ ............... 7 0 ---- ------ ------ -VI. Diseases of the genito-urnalry
sstem and its act exa.
a ute'nephritis.................... 2 4 ---- ------ ------ -Bright's disease .................. ...... .... 1 2............
Other diseases of the kidneys and
and their adnexa . . . . ... .. . ... - -- - --
Diseases of the bladder ............. 6 0 ---- ---- ------
Diseases of the urthra, urinary abscess, etc -------- -------- ------- 2 0 1 0 - - -- -
Nonvenereal diseases of the male
genital organs...-.-----------....15 0 12 0 ---- ------
Other dieae of thfemle genit lor a s .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 1 0 - - - -
Gorgona, Empire Bas Obispo ILas Cascadas Paraiso Total. Hospital. Hospital. Hospital. Hospital. Hospital.
bio -nbc Db
- - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -o
.. . .. . - -- - - 1 0- -- - - . 1 1 0
0-- 1---------- 0 --------I----- 6 320
3 0 -- -- --- -- --- -- -- -- --- 1-- 0--- 7 0
20 0
------~~ ~ ~ ~ -- -- - --0 - -- - ------ ------- --- 2 0
---------------- 1 0 4 0-------- ------ -23 1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -4 0
-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- - --- 1 0 5 0 ,
- - - - - - - - - - -- . . . . . . . . . . 2 4
--- -- -- -- -- .. .. .. .. 1. 0 -- - --- 1 0
- -- -- -- --- 13 -0
Ancon Colon Clebra Mirafibres Hospital. Hospital. Hospital. H ospital.
Diseases. bQ bi b
VIII. Diseases of the skin and cell
lar Vs uc.
Furuncle-------------------------- 4 2 0 20 -......
Acute abscessphegmon ----------- ----- ---- 1 0 1 0-......
Other diseases of the skin and its adnexa--------------------...... 9 0 6 0 5 0-.. ..
IX. Diseases of the orgavs of locomotion.
Artritis and other dseaqes of the joints (tuberculosis and rheumatsmexcepted)------------------.. 4 0-----------------A mputation .. . . . . . .- - -- - - 1 0 -
Other diseases of th6 organis of locoXII. Old age.
Seniledebility--------------------.. 8 0--------------XIII. Extra caulsesFractures ---------------------29 1 5 1 ...... .... ......
Dislocation----------------------- 4 0 2 0 1 0 ----Otheractidental traumatirns--- 17 1~ 18 0 2 0.....
~Burns and scalds~ -------1...... 0 1 0 ....... .........
Acute poisoning-------------------- 4 0 2 0 3. 0......
Other external violence----------------------------- .... 4 0 .....
XIV. Ill-dened diseases.
Causes of death unspecified or il defined------------------------... 5 0.................--- -.... ..
Total -------------768 41 313 19 73 8 9 1
G rand total 1 . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .
1907 Continued.
Gorgona Empire Bas Obispo Las Cascadas Paraiso. Total.
Hospital. Hospital. Hospital.- Hospital. Hospital.
2--- 0----------- 0--. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. 20 0
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 0 .. .. . . . 35 2
5 0 4 04,3 0 4 0 .... ... 53 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 0 6 0
19 0 15 2 18 ~1 46 2 57 0...... ......
...... .. .. .. .- ---- -- - - 41 318 74
main- Reaing Ad- Dis- Trans- mainSmitted. charged. ferred. ing
30. May 31.
Ancon Hospital.
Employees ----------- 372 886 41 752 a16 449
Nonemployees -------- 56 81 5 73 0 59
Total ----------- 428 967. 46 825 16 508
C6lon Hospital.
Employees ----------- 174 309 19 307 b6 151
Nonemployees ------- 57 99 13 70 1 72
Total---------. 231 408 32 377 7 223
Culebra Hospital.
Employees ---------.24 95 8 73 4 34
Nonemployees -------- 1 00- 1 0 0 0
Total------------25 95 9 73 4 34
Gorgona Hospital.
Employees ----------- 6 33 0 19 14 6
Las Cascadas Hospital.
Employees ----------- 4 61 2 46 10 7
Nonemployees -------- 1 1 0 .2 0 0
Total----------- 5 62 2 48 10 7
Miraflores Hospital.
Employees ----------- 8 9 1 9 0 7
Nonemployees -------- 117 12 5 8 0 116
Total .--------- 125 21 6 17 0 123
a 16 patients sent to Taboga Sanitarium.
b 6 patients sent to Taboga Sanitar inm.
e- ReClass. main- Ad- Died Dis- Trans- mainng mitted. charged. fprred. ing 30.i May 31.
E m p lo y e e s~ ii!li .. ..................................3.......3 3.........2......15..........14.........5..
iii a yil.
Parao Hospital.
Employees ..-----------... 8 63 0 57 7 7
Bas Obispo Hospital.
Employees------------ 2 35 1 18 12 6
Empire Hospital.
Employees ------------3 33 2 15 14 5
Thbctga Sanitarium.
Employees --------- 28 113 0 118 0 23
Nonemployees -------- 8 22 0 27 0 3
Total ----------- 36 135 0 145 0 26
Grand total.-. 869 1, 852 98 1,594 84 945 Total number of-employees remaining in hospitals, 695. Average cost of subsistence, per patient, per day, $0.3567.
White. Colored. Total.
Ancon Hospital -----------149.00 244.00 393.0O0
Colon Hospital -------------47.00 115.00 162.00
Taboga Sanitarium ---------- 28.58----------28.58
Culebra Hospital ---------- 11.30 15.70o 27.00
Gorgona Hospital ---------- 5.16 5.81i 10.97
Las Cascadas Hospital --------- 4.64 5. 76 10.40
Miraflores Hospital -1.83 7. 19 .9.02
Paraio Hospital ---- -------- 5.35 3. 38 8. 73
Bas Obispo Hospital --------- 1.00 3.00 4.00
Empire Hospital ---- -------- 1.20 1. 80 3.00
Total --------------255.06 401. 64 656. 70
Average number of'white employees sick daily in hospitals,
per thousand ----------------------------- ------- 24.37
Average number of -colored employees sick daily in hospitals,
per thousand--------------------- I----------------i 1407
Average number of white and colored employees sick daily
in hospitas, per thousand ------------------------- 16.84
White. Colored. Total.
Bas Obispo SickCamp ---. ,-. -13.45 7.00 20.45
Paraiso Sick Camp----------------- 4.03 4.00 8.03
Gorgona Sick Camp --------- ------ 3.20 4.10 7.3~0
Culebra Sick Camp ---------- 2.25 4.75 7.00
Tabernilla Sick Camp -------- ..61 6.25 6.86<
Empire Sick Camp ---------- 1.50 5.00 6.50
Panama Sick Camps--------- 2.00 3.50 5..50
La Boca Sick Camp ---------- 2.00 3.50 5.50
Pedro Miguel Sick Camp ------_ 3.70 1.60 5.30
Gatun. Sick Camp ---------- 10 00 3.84 4.84
Cristobal Sic Camp -----7----7 1.03 .'00 3.03
Corozal SickCamp ---------- 190 601 1.9
Las Cascadas -Sick Camp ------- 1. 38 _51 1.89
Total .3OS0 46.06 841
Average, number of white employees sick daily in sick
camps, per thousand------------------------------- 3.63
Average number of colored employees sikdiyin sick
camps, per thousand ------------------------------1.61
Average number of white and colored employees sick daily
in sick camps, per thousand ------------------------ 2.15
Total number of, white employees constantly sick in
hospitals and sick camps -------------------- 293.11
Total average number of white employees sick daily
in hospitals and sick camps, per thousand------------28. 00
Total number of colored employees constantly sick
in hospitals and sick camps ------------------ 447. 70
Total average number of colored employees sick.
daily in hospitals and sick camps, per thousand -------15.68
Total number-of white and colored employees
constantly sick in hospitalsand sick camps.- 740. 81
Total average number of white and colored
- employees sick daily in hospitals and sick
I camps, per thousand------------------------- 18.99
4Re- Reclass. main- Admit- Died. Dis- Trans- iain ing last ted. charged. f erred. ig
Isthmian Canal Conmmission.employees 321 852 37 729 a 16 391
Panama Railroad employees ------------- 51 34 4 23 0 58
Ex-employees ----------0 3 0 3 0 0
Pay patients ---------- 31 42 4 34 0 35
KCharity cases------25 36 1 -36 0 24
Total ------428 967 46 825 16 508
el16 patients sent to Taboga Sanitarium.
Average number of days teatment per patient, 8.
Average 'number, of employees constantly sick: White, 149;
colored, 244; total' 393.
Cost of subsistence per patient, per day, $0. 2375
Americans. Other nations.
Cl ~~ treated., Wht.Col- Wht.Colored. ored.
Isthimian Canal Commission
employees-------------- 1,173 126 0 380 667
Panama Railroad employees- 85 5 0 8 72
Ex-employees--------------- 3 0 0 1 2
Pay patients --------------- -73 21 0 21 31
Charity cases --------------- 61 8 0 10 43
Total -------------1, 395 160 0 420 815
Class. White. Colored. Total.
Isthmian Canal Commission employees 79 1 76 ~255 Panama Railroad employees ----- 0 6 6
Non-employees..------------ 4 18 22
Total -- - - - - - -- 83 200 283
Hernia, inguinal (under cocaine 2) -------------- 10
A ppendicitis - - - -- - - -- - - - -- 4
Abscess, liver - - - - - - - - --------- 1
Gastroenterostomy --- - - - -- -- --- - 1
Hysteromyomectomy ----------- --------- 1
G oitre 1-- -- - - - - - - - - -
Amputation, thigh 1-- - - - - -- - - -
Excision head of femur 1----------------Em pyem a -- - - - - - - - - - - - 2
C. and C------- -- - -- -- - -- -- 3
Whiteheads -------------- ---- 2
E xision -- - - -- -- - - - - - - 1
Urethrotom y, perineal --------------------------------- 5
Uretli Q omy,' internal.- - - -- - -- -- - - 2
Skin graft------------------------------------------- 3
Varipoele ------------------------------------------ 2
C. astrtion------------------------------------------- 3'
Plastic on face (dynamite explosion).------------ 2
Inguirnal adenectomy --------------------------------- 21
Various major operations-one each-- --------- --- 14
Minor operations-------------------------------- 80,
Eye and ear major operations--------------- 7
Eye and ear mi nor operations ----------------30
BioQd examinations -------------------- 685
Estivo autumnal parasites -------------- 68
Tertian, single - -1-- - - - - - - - -- 52
Tertian, double ---- - - - -- - - --- 8
Blood counts _-- - - - - - - - - - -- 108
Leucocytes - - - - --- -- - - - -- 108
Hemoglobin estimation ---------------- 10
Stool examinations ---------- --------- 845
Ascaris lumbricoides ------- ---------- 81
Uncinaria ova -- - - - - - - - - - 167
Tricocephalus dispar ------------------ 175
Strongyloides -- - - -- - - - - - - - 35
B llharzia - - - - - - - - - - 6
Am oeba coli -- - - - - - - - - -- 4
Amoeba dysenteria ------------------ 28
Ciliated monads----------- ---------------- 92
Pus and blood -------- ---------- 9
r~ine examinations-----------------------.. ------ 1, 101
Album en-- - - - - - - - - -- 27
~Albumen and casts------------------------------- 40
Sputum examinations----------------------------------- 28
Tubercular bacilli------------------------------------ 3
Examinations of pus, blood, and tissu es ----_--------------9
iiii i" ii iiViiiiiii !iiiil iii ii iiii iii iii~ ii!iii ii iii
i iiiil ii~ ii~i~ii~ ~~l iii~ !i!iii~i!l~ii! ~ ~~~ii iiii~ ~l~ii ii~ii ii ii i !~ l~iiiii iiiiiiii~iiii~iiii~ ii'!ii!iiii!!ii~i~ iii~ ii~ii!iiiii? iiiii~~ii! !iiiiii~ii~ ii~iii!!~i iiii!i ~iii !i~iiii~iil ii4iiiiiiiii~i~i~i~iii~ii~iii iii!il i~iii iiii~iii Vii ii i ............................................. i ii ii i ii i ii i~ ~ iiii ii i
man kd- Did Dis- Trans-Re Class. ing t
latmitted. charged. ferred.m month.
Isthmian Canal Comnmission employees -118 201 13 197 a 6 103 Panama Railroad employees------------- 56 108 6 110 0 48
Ex-employees ---------17 10 1 10 0 16
Pay (private) ----------14 32 4 29 0 13
Pay (municipal) ---- 8 24 3 7 0 22
Zone charity--------- 18 33 .5 24 1 21
Total----------- 231 408 32 377 7 223
a Six patients sent to Taboga Sanitarium.
Average number of employees constantly sick: White, 47; cob,ored, 115; total, 162.
Average number of -days treatment per patient, 13.
Cost of subsistence per capita per day (patients only), $0.40.
Americans. Others.
Class. Total
Wht.Col- Wht Col- treated. Wht.ored. Wie. ored.
Isthmian Canal Commission
employees...............-51 1 87 180 319
Panama Railroad employees 26 1 17 120 164
Ex-employees...............- 1 2 0 6 19 27
Pay (private)................-8. 0 19 19 46
Pay (Municipal).............- 0 0 4 28 32
Zone charity.--.---..--...- ...1 0 5 45 51
Total................-- 88 2 138 411 639
Major operations ------------------------------------- 4
Abdominal sections ------------ --------------- 10
Pel-ic, abscess ------------------------- 3
Appendectomy ------------------------ 2
Appendostomy for dysentery--------------1I
Intestinal perforation (anwebic) ---- -------1I
Ventral fixation of uterus-----------------1I
Sigmoidopexy 1--- ----------Exploratory---------------------------1I
Trephining ----------------------------- ------- 2
Temporal fracture 1----------Cerebellar abscess----------------------1I
Amputations --------------------------------- 3
Leg, upper one-third, gangrene ------------ I
Foot, Lisfranc's operation, railroad accident- 1 Penis, complete, epithelioma --------------1I
Herniotomy, inguinal-------------- ------------- 2
Hydrocele, radical -- - - -- - - - - 2
Orchidectomy -------------------------------- 2
Curetage, uterine------------------------------ 2
Plastic operations------------------------------ -2
Perineorrhophy ----- ---------- 1
Anterior colporrhaphy----------------- --1I
Skin graft ------------------------------------ 2
Pericardiotomy--------------- -------- --------1I
Enucleation cervical glands ---------------------- 2
Enucleation inguinal glands ------ ------------- 13
Various, one' each------------------------------ 4
Operations on eye, ear, nose, and throat------------------ 31
Cataract extractions---------------------- I------ 2
Cataract needling--------------------1I
Iridectomy ----------------------------------- 2
Pterygium ---------------------------2
Minor operations----------------------------- 23
Blood examinations ------------- --------------------- 424
Negative ------------------------------------ 305
Estivo-autumnal malaria----------------------- 36
Estivo-autumnal and tertian--------------------- 1
Tertian -------------------------------------- 49
Double tertian -,---------------- --- 1
Widal reactions (3 positive)--------------------- 9
Red blood counts------------------------------ 4
W hite blood counts ------- --------- 8
Diffr ntial counts - - - - - -- - -- 7
Iliemoglobin estimation ------------- 4
Stool examinations ------ ---------------- 118
Ova of ascaris--------;-------------------- 11
Ova of uncinaria ------------------------------ 13
Ova of tricocephalus dispar. ------I------------ 18
Rhabdornena strongyloides --------------------- 10
Cercomonas intestinalis --------------7
Amceba coli --------------- ------------------ 12
Negative examinations -------------------------1110
Sputum examinations -------------------- 11
Positive for bacillus tuberculosis ----------9 Negative for bacillus tuberculosis------------- 2
U~rinalyses ----------------------------- ------------ 424
Microscopical examinations ---------------------13
Albumen ------------------------------------ 121
Negative albumen ---------------------------- 258
Hemoglobin --------------------------------- 4
Diozo reaction (14 positive)------_--------------- 23
Post-mortem examinations -----------------------2
Embalming -----------------------------------I
Microscopical examination of tissue -------------7
Post-mortem -- - - - - - - - -- 68Operative ------------------------------------S8
Bacteriological examination of material from pyoselpinx
(bacillus coli) ------------------------------------- I
Bacteriological examinations of material from pericardial sac
(pneum'coccus) ----;-.-..-..........................-COLON DISPENSARY REPORT.
Class. White. Colored. To~tal.
Isthmian Canal Commission employees-. 62 86 148
lNonemployees ------------------------ 58 22 30
Total-------- t.----------------- 70 108. 178
Re- ReClass. *main- Admit- Dis- Died. Trans- miing last ted, charged. ferred. inain month. ig
Employees ----------- 24 95 73 8 4 34
Cliarity cases -----------1 0. 0 1 0 0
Total ----------- 25 95 73 9 4 34
Average number of days treatment, per patient, 7.05.
Average number of employees constantly sick: White, 11.30;colored, 15.70; total, 27.
Cost of subsistence, per patient, per day, $0.53.
Number treated. Americans. Other nations.
White. Col- White. Col- White. Colored. -ored. ored.
Employees ------------53 .65 -20 0 33 66
Charity--------------- 0 1 0 0 0 1
Total ------------53 67 20 0 33 67
Major operations: I
Amputations, feet------...------------------------- 3
Fractures, leg, 1- - - --- -- - - -
Strangulated hernia. 1---------------Minor operations:
Abscess, curetted -- - - - - - - - - 4
Amputations, fingers ----------------- 2
Butos, inguinal enucleated 1------------Burn, back, treated ----- --------- ---- 1
Celluiis, arm - --- -- ----- -- --Cellulitis, feet._ - - - -I- -- - - - 2
Chancroids, tresdted ----- --- ---------- 8
Curvature of spine ---- --- ---- --- --- -- 2
Furuincles .. .- - - - - - - - - 2
Incised wounds -- - - - -- - -- - -
- 30
Minor operations-Continued.
Punctured wounds --------------------------------- 9
Lacerated leg------------------------------------1
Blood examinations:
AlEstivo-autumnal malaria -------------------- ------- 14
Tertian malaria -------------------------------------6
D double tertian --------------------------- ------ 2
Negative-------------------------------------- 5
Total----------------------------------------- 72
Albumen -------------------------------------- 23
Hoemoglobin------------------------------------- 2
Negative --------------------------------------- 63
Total -----7------------------------------------ 88
Sputum examinations:
Bacilli tuberculosis ---------------------------------- 1
Negative -------------------------------------- 2
Total ------ -- 3
Examinations of stools:
Cercomonas intestinalis .---- ---M--------- 1I
Negative ------- --------------------------------2
Total --------- -------------------------- 3
Class. Wliite. Colored. Total.
Isthmian Canal Commission employees- 1, 298 428 1, 726 INonemployees--------------------83 32 115
Total--------- --------------- 1,381 460 .1,841
Remaining last report.-------- --- 3
Admitted and excused ---- ----- ----- 75
D ied - - -- - M-- - M- - - -- 0
Discharged - -- - - - - - - -- 71.
Transferred -- - - - - - - - -m m 0
Remaining 7-- - -- -m. . .. .
Average number constantly sick in camp and quarters: White, 3; black, 2; total, 5.
Class. main- Admit- Died. Dis- Trans- Rei-ing last ted. charged. ferred., min-.
month. ig
Employees ------------6 33 0 19 14 6
Americans. Other nations. Cls.treated. Wht.Col- White. ColWht.ored. ored.
Employees ----------------- 39 2 0 3 34
.Average number of days treatment for, each patient, 5.71. Average number of employees constantly sick: White, 5.16; cobored, 5.81; total, 10. 07.
Cost of subsistence per patient per day, $0.45. 78.
Blood examinations:
Estive autumnal-----------------------------------.4
Tertian -------------------------------- --------- 3
Negative----------------------------------------- 6
Urine examinations - - -- -- - - - - -- 10
Stool examinations:
jrichocephalus dispar------------------------------I1
Class. White. Colored. Total.
Employees ----- ----------- 489' 371 860
Nonemployees ------------- 13 5 18
Total --- -- - - - - - 502 3 6 878
Remaining last report. ----- -- ------- 16,
Admitted and excused --------- ----------149
D ied - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 0
Discharged - - - - - -- - -- - - -- 118
Transferred -- - - - - - - - - - - - 41
Remaining..................I-------------------------- 6
Average daily htimber constantly sick in camp :an d~ate White, 3.20; colored, 4. 10; total, 7.30.
Re- -ReClas. main- iAdmit- Died. Dis- Trans- mainCls. ing last ted. charged. ferred. ing.
'Employees,------ 4 61 2 46 10 7
Chaity patients .... 0 1 0 1 0 0
Pay patients -----------1 0 0 1 0 0
Total------------- 5 6 2 2 48 10- 7
Aerage number of days treatment per patient, 5.20.
Average number of employees constantly sick White, 4.64; colored, 5.76; total, 10.40.
~Cost of subsistence per patient per day, $0.266.
Americans. Other nations.
White. Colored. White. Color~ed.
Emnployee------ 1i 0 ~38 21
Charity patient -------- 0 0 40 1
Pay patients ......... 0; 0 0 1
Total .... .. . 0 38 2
Negative. Positive.
Urine --------------- 17, 0
Sputum ---------------2 2 T. B.
Blood---------------- 11 4 Tertian, E. A. 2.
Stool --------------- 2 2 Ankylostomiasis.
Post mortems ---------- --......
M major operations .-----.----.--...........--...........1
Laparotomy fornperformation of the Ileum ---------------- I
Rem.aini.g last report I... -4 4 Admitted and excused ----------... -.. .... ..----58
Died------------------------------------------------ 0
Discharged ------------------------------------Transferre d------------------------------- -------- 2
Remaini ng--------------------------- --------------- 4
Average daily number constantly sick in camp and quarters: v White, 1.38; -colored, 0.51; total, 1.89.
Class. main- Admit- Died. Trans- Dis- Reiing last ted. ferred. charged. main
month. ing.
Employees------------- 2 9 1 0 7 3
Ex-eiployees -...... .16 1 2 0 1 14
Pay cases.............. 14 .1 0 0 0 15
Charitycases ...........9 2 2 0 0 9
Total ----------- 41 13 5 0 8 41
Average number of days treatment per patient, 23.5.,
Average number of employees constantly si k: White, 0; colored, 3.74.
Cost of subsistence per patient per day, $0.269.
Americans. 0ther nations.
Class Numb er ht.Cc-Wi Cl
Wht.ored. Wht.ored.
Employees -------------- 11 .0 0' 0 11
Ex-eniployees---------------- 17 0 0 0 17
Pay cases ----------_-- 15 0 0 0 15
Clarity cases --------------- 11 0 0 1 10
Tota1---------------- 54 0 0 1 53
Blood examinations --- --- - -- ---- --- -- 6
Estivo-autumnal parasites 1--------------Negative --------- -- -- --- -- --
Urine examinations --- ---------- ----I--- 6
N egative -- - - - - - - - - - -- - 6
Sputum examinations ------------------- 5
P ositive - - - - - - - - - -- - -- 2
N egativNe -- - - - -- - - - -- - 3
Examnation for bacilli~o lerso-----------PATHOLOGICAL LABORATORY REPORT
Post-mortern examinations ....-----3
Minor surgical operations...........---------------------5
Class. main- Admit- Died. Dis- Trans- Reing lst ted. charged. ferred. Mamonth.
Employees ----------- 6 0 0 2 0 4
Ex-employees --------- 11 1 1 0 0 11
Pay cases------------- 53 7 0 5 0 55
Charity cases --------- 14 0 0 2 0 12
Total. ... 84 8 1 9 0 82
Average number of days' treatment per patient, 28.11. Average number of employ ees con stantly sick: White, 1.83; colored, 3.45; total, 5.28.
Cost of subsistence per patient, per day, $0.269.
Americans. Other nations.
Class. treated Col
White. 0 White. o
EnIployees.............--... 6 0 0 2 4
Ex-emplo yees ..-...- 12 0 0 2 10
Pay cases ---..... -.... 60 0 0 2 58
Charity cases........--...... 14 0 0 2 12
Total 92 0 0 84
Cls.main- Admit- Trans- Dis- ReCls. ing last ted. Died. ferred. charged. rnl.s
month. ig
Employees ------------ 8 9 1 -0 9 .7
Ex-employees---------27 2 3 0 1 2t
Pay cases ------------- 67 8 0 0 5 70
Charity cases ----------23 2 2 0 2 21
Total----------- 125 21 6 0 17 123
Americans. Other nations.
Class. Number
treated. Co
White. Co- White. Colored, ored.
Employees------------------ 17 0 0 2 15
Ex-employees --------------- 29 0 0 2 27
Pay cases------------------- 75 .0 0 2 73
-Charity cases -------_--------25 0 0 3 .22
Total----------------- 146 0 0 9 137
Class. White. Colored. Total.
Employees --------------- 7 50 57
Nonemployees ------------- 0 5 5
Total------------------------- 7 55 62
Class. Admit- ie.Dis- Trans- ReClass.last ted. id charged. ferred.Man
month. lg
Isthmian Canal Commission employees. 8 63 0 57 7 7
Average number of days',treatm ent per patient, 3.81.
Average number of employees constantly sick: White, 5.35;
colored, 3.38; total, 8.73.
Cost of S'ubsistence per patient per day, $0.263.
Americans. Other nations. Number
Class treted.White. Col- White. Colored. ored.
Isthimian Canal Commission employees --------- 71 1 0 45 25
-Urine examinations:
A lbum en 8-- - - - - -- - - - --
Sugar - - - - - - - -- - - - -- 0
Pus and blood ---- - - - - - - - - - 3
N egative -- - - - - - - - --- - - 15
Granular casts - - - --I-- - - - -- - -- 3
Urethral discharge:
Negative ------------ -- - - - - - -
Gonococcus 1-- - - - - - - - - -
Blood examinations (microscopical): Estivo-autumnal ---- ---- - - -*- - - -8
Tertian - - - - - - - - - - - -- 20
N egative -- - - - - - - - - - - 15
Stool examinations:
A m oebic -- - - - - - - - - - --- 0
A nkylo -- - . . . . . . . 2
Stool examinations -Continued.
A saris -- - - - - - - - - - -- 0
Pus and blood - - - - -- - - - - -- 3
N egative - - - - - - - - - - --- 5
Sputum examinations:
Pu eum o 1-- - - - - - -- - - - -
N egative -- -- - - - - - - - - -
Post-mortem examinations------ ---------- '1
Abscesses opened --------------- ---Fractures-- - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Incised wounds -- - -- - - - - - - - - 15
Furuncles -lanceda - - - - - - - - - - 6
Lacerated wounds, ge 'neral -----------------10
Punctured wounds .-------------------------I----20
Tropical ulcers.........................---------- 1
Glass. White. Colored. Total.
Isthm~ian Canal Commission employees. 346 629 976
Nonemnployees ---_------------------56 72 128
Total ------------------- ------- 402 7071 11103
7Remaining last report ----------------- 6
Admitted and excused----------------------------- 243
Died-----:----------------------------------------- 0
Discharged ---------:----------------------------- 233
Transferred.------- -- -- -- -- -- - -----Remaitsing----- -------------------- 13
Average dail y nuniher constantly 'Sick in camp and quarters .. . - - - - - - 8.03
Ii iiiii 17 i ~ i i iiii i i i i li !iii ~ i~
ma~ iin- Admit- eD. is- T jraed.7 RC I ~iriglast ted. Did hre.f
month. 9ing.
Employees ----------- -2 35 1 18 12. 6
Average number Of days' treatment per patient, white, .3.
Average number of days' treatment per patient, colored, 3.
Average number of emn-ployees constantly sick, 4. Cost of subsistence per patient per day, $0.24,
Americans.. Other nation,-.
cia ~Number_______White.' Col- White. Colored. oed..
Isthmian Canal Commission
employees ---------- 34 0 0 10 .24
Panam~a Railroad employees. 3 0 0 0 3
Total ---------- 37 0 0 10 27
Remaining last report ------------------- 18------- '
Admitted and excused ---_----- -------21
Discharged -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- - 180
Transferred -- - - - - - - - - - -- 32
Remaining - - - - - -- - -- 18
Average daily number constantly-sickm incmp ad quarters- 20.45
Class. White. Colored. Total.
Employees -- 2,174 1,698 3,872
Nonemployees----------------------- 50 36 86
Total---------------------- 2, 224 1,734 3,958
Re- ReClass. main- Admit- Died. Dis- Transing last ted. charged. ferred. mainmonth. ing.
Employees ------------3 33 2 15 14 5
Average number of days' treatment per patient, 3.63.
Average number of employees constantly sick: White, 1.2; colored, 1. 8; total, 3.
Cost of subsistence, per patient, per day, $0.266.
Americans. Other nations. Class. Number
trae.White. Co- White. Colored. ored.
-Employees.................-- 36 3 0 13 20
Class. White. Colored. Total.
Employees --------------1,568 660 2,228
Nonemployees ------------- 12 10 22
Total-.----..........-............1,580 670 2,250
Remaining last report ----------------- CAMP-EPOR 4
Admitted and excused ------------------- 75
D ied - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 0
Discharged - - - - - w-- - - - - -- 73
Transferred - - - - - - - -- - - -- 3
Rem aii g - - - - - - - - - - - -- 3
Average daily number constantly sick in camp and quarters. Whie 1.5; colored ,5.0; total, 6.5..
Re- ReClass. main- Ad- Died. Dis- Trans- -an ing last mitted. charged. ferred. inmonth. lg
Employees ----------- 28 113 0 118 0 23
Nonemployees ----------2 3 0 5 0 0
T~ay patients-----------. 1T8 0 21 0 2
Charity cases -----------1 1 0 1 0 1
Total ----------- 36 135 0 145 0 26
Average number of days' treatment per patient, 3.42.
Average number of employees constantly sick, 28.58.
Cost of subsistence per day, $0.633.
Americaus. Other nations.
ci ss.Number
treated.Wie o-Wiecl
Wht.ored. Wht.ored.
Employees ----------------- 141 62 0 79 0~
Nonemployees -------- 5 5 0 0 0
Pay patients ------ 23 22 0 1 0
Charity cases ---- ---- 2 1 0 1 0Ttal 171 90 0 81
Aiiiii ~ i i!i~ii i
i >i>> AK ~ i j7 K > KK
Re- Re:
Class. main- Ad- Dis- Reid,-an
-ing last mitted. charged. Did min-. month. ig
Pay cases---- -------------- 32 108 107 1 32
Charity cases ---- ---------- 144 184 177 20 131
Total--------176 292 284 21 163
Average number of nonemployees sick constantly, 164.21.
Cost of subsistence per patient, per day,. $1.003 silver.
Average number of days treatment per patient, 11.04.
Americans. Other nations.
Clas.treated. Co1- Cl
White. -rd White. ol-d
Pay cases ------------------140 1 0 37 102
Charity cases----------------328d 1 0 94 233
Total----------------- 468 2 0 131 335
intermittent fever and malarial cachexia----------------- 65
Influenza ---------------------------------5
D ysentery -- - - - - - - - - - - - 10
Other epidemic diseases ------7- ----------- 7
Tuberculosis of the lungs ------------------ 12
Syphilis - - - - - - - - - -- - -- 10
Gonorrhea 10-- - - - - -- - - - - i
Acute articular rheumatis --------------- 13
Diseases of the nervous system ---------------11
Acute bronchitis -- - - - - -- - - -- - - 4 o
Pneum oni:- - - - - - - - - - - - 14
Pleurisy --- - -- - --- - -- - - --- - 3
Diseases of the stomach (cancer excepted) --_------ 5
Diarrhea and enteritis (2 years and over) ----------9 Hernias and intestinal obstructions -------------5
Other diseases of the intestines --------------- 3
Diseases of the liver..---------------------------------- 3
Acute nephritis ---------------------------------- 7
Diseases of. the urethra, urinary abscess, etc --------- 4 Non-venereal diseases of the male genital organs ------- 7 Diseases of the uterus --------------------------------- 5
Furuncle------------------------------------------- 5
Acute abscess, phiegmon ------------------------------ 19
Diseases of the skin and its adnexa ---------------------- 12
Accidental traurnatisms ------------------------------- 12
Curettage of Highm-ore's antrumn------------------------1I
Osteo-mnyehitis of tibia --------------------------------- I
Oedema of prepuce ----------------------------------- 2
Oedema of left eye lid 1-- - - - - - - -
Uterine retrofiecion (Montgomery's) ------------- I
Perinephritic abscess-----------------------------------1I
Tubercular retro-peritoneal adenitis----------------------1I
Chronic leg ulcer -------------------------------------- I
Perforating ulcer, right leg -----------------------------1I
Deep abscess of neck and jaw from pyorrhea alveolaris 1--Deep abscess of neck and scalp from pyorrhea alveolaris 1 Excision of inguinal glands ---- ------------- 4
Anal fistula (divulsion and cautery)----------------------1I
Bilateral tubercular, inguinal, femoral and axilary ademtis 1 Chalazions------------------------------------------- 2
Perineal and scrotal abscess-----------------------------1I
Abscess of forearm------------------------------------1I
Cataract extractions - - - - - - - - - -- 2
Cellulitis of left hand----------------------------------- 2
Circumcisions----------------------------------------- 9
Curettage (encometritis) --- ----------- ---- 2
'V entral hernia 1-- - - - - - - - - -
Inguinal hernia-------------- ----- ---- 1
Strangulated inguinal hernia 1---------------IHydroceles-------------------------- ----------------- 2
H em orrhoids 1-- - - - - - - - - -
Total----------------- ------------------------ 43
M inor operations -- - - ---- - - - -- - - 38
Total-number of operations performed ---------81
Class. White. Colored, Total.
Natives -------------------- 15 104 119
Foreigners -------------- 8 41 49
Total -------------------------- 23 145 168,
Class. White. Colored. Total.
Employees.-----------------------~ 176 1,470 1,646
Nonemployees -------------------- 9 18 27
Total.---------------------. 185 11,488 1,673
Remaining last report. -- ----- ---------- 12
Admitted and excused --------- ----------201
D ~ied -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Discharged -- - - - - - - - - - - -I- 155
Transferred --------- - -- -- - - - - - 5
R~em aining -- -- - - - - - - - - - - 8
Average daily number constantly sick 111 camp and quarters:
White, 0.61; colored, 6.25; total, 6.86.
Class. White. Colored. Total.
Employees ---------------- 257 268 '525
SNonemployees ------------- 0 1 1
Total --- --------- -- 257 269 526
Remaining last report ------------------------------------ 0
Admitted and excused -------------------149
D ied -- - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Discharged --------------------------------- 133
Transferred------------------------------------- ---- 16
Remaining-------------------------------------------- 0
Average daily number constantly sick in camp and quarters 5.5
Class. White. Colored. Total.
Employees ------------------ ---------- 424 537 961
Nonemployees------------------------- 50 58 108
Total---------------------------- 474 595 1,069
Remaining last report --------------------------------- 8
Admitted, and excused------------------------------- 173
Died------------------------------------------------ 0
Discharged -- - - - - - - -- - - - - 172
Transferred ----------------------------------------- 4
Remaining ------I,------------------------------------ 5
Average daily number const~'ntly sick in camp and quarters.- 5. 5
Class. White. Colored. Total.
Employees --------------- 414 322 736
Nonetuployees ------------ 55 29 84
Total . ... ..... .. .. 469 351 820
Remaining last report --------------------------------- 4
Admitted and excused --------- ----------163
D ied - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 0
Discharged ----------------------------------------- 156
Transferred------------------------------------------ 5
Remaining ------------------------------------------ 6
Average daily number constantly sick in camp and quarters: White, 3.7; colored, 1.6; total, 5.3.
Class. White. Colored. Total.
Employees -------------------------- 966 448 1, 414
Nonemployees------------------------ 9 11 20
Total ----- --------------------- 975 459 1,434
Remaining last report ---------------------------------- 6
Admitted and excused--------------------------------- 113
Died ------------------------------------------------ 0
Discharged 21-- - - -- - - - -- - -- 9
Transferred -- - - - - - - - - - - -- 2
R em aining -- - - - - - -- - - - - - 4
Average daily number constantly sick in camp and quarters: White, 1.00; colored, 3. 84; total, 4.84.
Class. White. Colored Total.
Employees --------------- 528, 701 1 229
Noxnemployees ------------- 105 62 170
Total -- - -- -- -- -- 636 763 11399
Remaining last report --------------------------------- 9
Admitted and excused ---------- 53 Died - - - --0
Discharged 748
Remaining ------------------------------ ------------ 5
Average daily number constantly sick: White,.1.032; colored,
2.00; total, 3.032.
Class. White. Colored. Total.
Employees------------------ --------- 314 82 396
Nonemployees ------ ------------------33 13 4,6
Total------------------ ------- 347 95 442
Remaining last report --------I---------------------- -- 3
Admitted and excused -------------------------------- 64
Died------------------------------------------------ 0
Discharged ------------------------------------------ 43
Transferred --------------------------------18
Remaining.------------------------------------------- 6
Average daily number constantly sick in camp and quarters: White, 1.90; colored, 0.016; total, 1.916.
A series of analyses of wire screening to determine the causes of its deterioration has been completed. In this investigation it was fond that the oxidation 6rrusting of iron which was present as an impurity in the brass screening, favored by war moist atmosphere, resulted, in the more or less rapid corrosion of the screening. Wire having a high copper content (88.5 per cent) though containing a small amount of iron resisted the oxidizig influences of the atmosphere much better than brass .(60-62 per cent copper).
The following is a tabulated statement of the work accomplished during the month:
Bacteriological examinations of municipal water supplies- 38 Sanitary analyses of water------------------------ 2
Determination of chlorine in water ----------...22
A utopsies -- - - - - - - - - - - - 48
Agglutination reactions (59 positive) ------------330
Examinations ofE xudates -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - 4
B utter - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1
Cow's m ilk -- - - - - - - - - -2
Stools 1- - - - - - - - - -
Urine - - - - - - - - ------------ 2
Blood - - - - - - - - - - - -- 3
Bism uth -- - - - - - - - - - - 2
Tissue and. neoplasms:14
R eported - - - - - - - - - - -- 24
F rozen - - - - - - - - - - - -- 5
Celloidin sections, cut - - -- - ---- ---- ---216
Frozen sections, cu ---------------- -- 13
Chemical analysis of paint 1-------------- .
Determination of bactericidal value of disinfectant 1---Investigation of corroded wire screening 1..... ---There were forty-eight (48) autopsies held during the month, which determined the causes of deaths to be as follows: ILobar pneumonia - - -- -- -- -- -- ---- 18
Pyaemia, pneumococcus ------------------- 2
Cerebro-spinal mningitis pneumococcala) ----------3
IBroncho pneumonia -- ------------------ 1.I
Pyaeniia, streptococcus.---------- --- I
Typhoid fever ------- - -- - -- - --I. . .. 9
Amoebic dysentery --------------- ------ 3
M iliary tuberculosis. --- - - -- -- - --- - --- I
Acute alcoholism ---------1----- -Gastric ulcer; peritonitis ----------------- 1
Chronic interstitial nephritis --------------- 2
Chronic nephritis----------------------------- ------- 1
Hemorrhage secondary to disease of right maxillary sinus,. 1 Accidenital traumatism- (railroad)-..---------------------- 3
Shock, accientii electrocution ........----------------1
Total- .- .. ... ...- .. ... .. ... .. ..... ..-.. 48
Statement of issues of quinine in its various frmsduring the month of
Quinine: I~ay 197 Kilos.
And urea hydrochiorate ---------- ----6.000
Ilydrochiorate ------------------------ .100
Sulphate -------------------------------------- 42.000
2-grain pills------------------------ 3.000
3-grain pills------------------------------ 138.000
5-grain pills------------------------------- 20.600
Total -------------------------- 209. 900
209.900 kilos equal 459.151 pounds avoirdupois.
Total issues~ December, 1906, 48.800, kilos, or 106.75 pounds' avoirdupois.I
Total issues January, 1907, 148.250 kilos, or 342.297 pounds avoirdupois.
Total issues February, 19Q7, 17.775 kilos, or 38.883 pounds avoirdupois.
Total issues March, 1907, -35.100 kilos, or 76.780 pounds avoirdupois.
Total issues April,,1907, 110.475 kilos, or 241.663 pounds avoirdupois.
T6tal issues May, 1907, 209.900 kilos, or 459.151 pounds avoirdupois.
No change has been made in the work. of the several forces in sanitation. The forces have been reduced to a minimum, and the general sanitary condition of the. city is good. The mosquito work is being pushed, and the breeding places are few; only occasionally is it found necessary to have persons fined for persisting in allowing larvie on the premises.
The health conditions of the city are very good. The only acute contagious disease reported wd diphtheria-one case, which died.
As in previous months, pneumonia caused th~e largest number ofdeaths of those due to any one disease, there being nine accredited to it. Eight deaths were due to tuberculosis.
The follo -wing is a summary of the work performed by this Division during the month:.
Street cleaning and garbage~ collection:
Maximum number of men at work;----------------- 65
Minimum number of men at work----------------- 27
Daily average number of men at work ------------ 58
Maximrum number of carts at work----------------- 18
Street leaning and garbage coltectio-n Continued.
Minimum number of carts at work ---------- 12
Daily average number of carts at work ------- 16
Maximum numb r of loads of garbage -------- 97
,Minimum number of loads -of garbage -------- 48
Daily average number of loads of garbage ----- 81
Maximum number of loads of sweepigs ------ 34
Minimum number of, loads of sweepings ------- 4
Daily average number of loads of sweepings ---- 24
Total number of loads of garbage--------- 2,521
Total number or loads of sweepings 200-------- 71
Cate-h basins disinfected (12 times)---------- 20
Times sprinklers used ---------------- 19
Water used by sprinklers ----------gallons --181, 250
Times street-sweeping machine used ---------- 26.
Inspetion of yards.
'Houses inspected good condition---------- 949
Houses inspected bad condition ----------- 362,
H-ouses with. water connection ------------ 914
Houses with no water connection ---------- 426.
Houses wth sewer connection ----- 856
Traps in yards connected with sewers -------- 851Traps not connected witb 'sewers 1--------- 1I
W ells on premises - --- - - -- - - 71
Tanks on premise-s -- -- -- -- -- ---- 14
Water-closet good conditip' n ------------ 927
Water-closets bad condition ---------- 7-- 232
Yards- with drainage good ------------- 744
Yards within drainage bad -------------- 193
Places where mosquito larvai were found - ---------203
Persons warned for having mosquito larvTe- -------- 177
Persons -fined for having mosquito larvae by local authorities - -- - -- - - - - -
Houses with no sewer connection------------------ 41
Anoph~eles Brigade:
iNumber of lineal feet of ditches cleaned ----------- -85,060
Number of lineal feet of ditches dlug ----------- ---- 2,050r
Number of square feet of weds and grass cut ------- 1,900 Number of wells filled ----------------------~ 45
Number of cubic yardsf ofearth used 1---------I 071
Mosquito oil used for oiling of wells and pools
barrels aDailv average number of carts at work----Number of days carts worked. ------------ 26
Tak nd guter reoi 1a:
SMaxinum number of men atwork---------- 3
Ninber ofanks moved -------------- 13
Total- To aatltof tanks removed --------- gallons 42 '69
Disinfection brigade for- pneumonia, tuberculosis and beriberi:
Number of houses disinfected ---------------------- 28
Number of houses fumigated ------------- 28
Number of rooms disinfected---------------------- 164
Number of rooms fuigated ----------- 164
Number of cubic feet disinfected ---------------- 3812559
Number of cubic feet fumigated ----------------- 381Y 559
Material usedAlcohol - - - - - -I- --gallons -- 9
Bi hioride of mercury-------------- pounds-- 2
Formaldehyde ------------- gallon. 1
Flour -- - -- - - - - -- barrel. 1
Newspaper. ------- ----- bundles 5
Ta k ---- -- --- -- -- - package s.- 6
Pyrethrum.--------- ---- pounds -- 74
Sulphur - -- - - - - - - -do- 852
Sick inspection:
Number of hotels and boarding houses inspected 28 Number of persons reported ill--------------------- 6
Nem buildings:
Number of plans submitted to health officer Rnd approved -------------------------------------- 17
(Including Mount Hope and G tun.)
Medical inspection
Cases reported to health office by medical inspectors. 183 Cases inspected by health office physician ------------46
Cases sent to Colon Hospital ----------------------- -5
White employees reported to health officer------39 White employees inspected by health officer ----------32
Quinine (prophylactic) dispensed to laborers:
Total n'umrer of tablets (3-grain) dispensed-------- 44, 158 Total number of doses dispensed----------------- 22,079
Total doses (ounces), 5 grains to ounce, dispensed --12,832 Ayerage number doses tablets dispensed daily --------883
Average number doses solutions dispensed daily. ---1Sanitation of Colon:
Number of cans of garbage removed--------------- 27, 244
Loads of yard garbage crted----------------------- 51
Nu~mber of can~s of nigh soil removed --------54,761 Louade of dirt cairt~ed - -- -- -- - -- -- 7
Sqaeyards of street cleaned ------------ 795Y660
Square yards of street sprinkled. ----------- 330,010
Number of cans of night soil installed -------- 46 Cars d'irt uloaded. ---- ------------ 122
Mo~squito santation, Colon:
Water receptacles overturned.----------- 9,398
Water receptacles collected -------------- 521839
Crabboles worked --------- I-------- 51243
Crabs killed --- - - - --- - -- - -- 17270
Barrels spigoted -- -- - - - - - - -- 209
IBarrels covered --- --- -- -- - --7348
Tanks oiled -- - - - - - - - - - 182
Total number breeding places eradicated ------- 253
Square yards of pool oiled -------------12,912
Square yards grading ---------------- ------------ 800
Barrels destroyed------------------------------ 1,030
Sags removed ------I-------------- --------------- 273
Drainage of Colon:
Number of feet of new drainage made 422-----Linear feet of drain cleaned. ------------- 96, 981
Sanitation of Cristobal:
Number of cans of garbage removed ------10,167
Number of yards of street cleaned ------ ---265,203 Loads of yard garbage carted -------6----- 711
Number of cans of night soil removed --------11,694 Loads of dirt carted.- -- -- -- --- - -- - 64
Loads to and from storehouse 1------- d. .,
Miscellaneous loads carted------------------------ 118
Rats caught ------ ------------------------------ 4
Number night-soil cans installed------------- -4
Mosquito sanitation, Cristobal:
Square yards of vegetation removed --------- 6,908
Water receptacles overturned ------------ 842
Water receptacles collected, -------- ---- .8,504
Crab holes worked---------------- -----------~ 16,7528
Crabs killed------------------------------ I----- 9,203Barrels covered ------------------ --------------- 42
Total number breeding places eradicated ----- 1,393
Drainage of Cristobal:
Number of lineal feet cleaned-------------------- 218, 417
Fumigation of Cristobal:
Number of houses fumigated ------------ 10
Number of cubic feet fumigated--------- -------- 235, 038
Sanitation of Miount Hope:
ANumber of cans of garbage removed---------------- 1,785
Number of'loads of yard garbager emoved----------- 8
INumber of cans of night soil removed ------- 2, 210
Square yards o~f street cleaned.----------- 15, 150
Mosqut sanitation, Mount Hope.
Square yards of vegetatio removed --------- 95, 860'
Water receptacles overturned ----------- 1266i8
~.Water receptalescollected... ------------- 1127
Mosquito sanitation, MIlount Hope-Continued.
Square yards of lagoon cleaned ------------- 5
Barrels spigoted - - - - - - - - -- 7'
Barrels covered - - - - - - --- - -- 182
Tanks oiled - - - - - - - - - -- 441
Total number of breeding places eradicated --- 72
Square yards of poois oiled --------------------- 43, 441
Interments ------------------------------------ 51
SGraves dug ------------------------------------ 53
Drainage of M~ount IHop e:
Number of feet of drainage made------------------- 540
Number of feet-of drains cleaned---------------- 66
Sanitation of Gatun (15 dys).Number of cans of garbage removed --------------- 2,038
Number of cans of night soil remnoved--------------- 557
Square yards of vegetation removed --------------- 97,100
Lineal feet of drains cleaned -----------_-6,925
Carpentry work, olon:
Number of tanks repaired ------------- 70
Carpentry work, Cristobal:
Lumber ripped, feet ---------------- 5,400
Garbage-can stands built -------------- 23
Tanks covered --- - - - -- - - - - 3
screen repairing,. houses ------------- 43
Carpentry work, Gatun (15 days):
- W ater closets repaired --------------- 5
Water closets rebuilt ------------------------------ 6'
Tanks covered.----------------------------------- I
Handles put in axes ----% ---------------. 9
Carpentry work, Colton Hospital:
Screen repairing, houses---------- -------------- 9
Screen~ repairing, buildings used as wards.------------ 4
iNumber of notices served on property owners to abate
nuisances --------------------------------------- 29
Number complied with -- ----------------------------- 21.
Number of persons fined for. noncompliance-------------- 4
The prolonged dry season-and the comparative lateness of the beginning of the general rains along the Zone has ee productive conditions favorable to the breeding of m~osquitoes which are somewhat unique and against which this Division has been obliged A to adopt measures never before necessary. The princpal source of mosquito breeding has been along the course oft Ri Grnde, Comacho, B~as Obispo, San Juan, Gamboa, Carabali, and Chagces-
rivers. As a rule, these streams possess sufficient rapidity of current to call for only occasional attention, but during this month all of them, except the Chagres, have -consisted of a series of still pools connected by a mere thread of trickling water. Under an unclouded sky the, temperature of these still poois became so favorable to algge growth that a good crop would -spring up after the second day of a thorough cleaning. In the eddies and shallow bends Anapheles appeared at once, while the various species of culex abounded at all times.
Oiling such an extent of water was only partly effective, and no sooner was the stream cleared throughout its length than it was necessary to repeat the operation. Permanent work was determined upon A boat was built for the Bas Obispo ]River, and-the first work done wa the blowing out of the whole mouth of the stream to increase the rapidity of its flow into the, Chagres. As the boatm-en proceeded up the stream," removing all vegetation, from its bed, gangs of laborers upon each bank brushed, cut away the grass, and removed all obstructions from the stream itself. As the shallows were re ched these were treated in two ways. With a gravel or dirt bed the channel was deepened and narrowed and its banks confined by rough stonework. Where there were cascades or falls over the solid rock, dynamite was, used to blow out a passage sufficiently deep and wide to completely do away with the permanent pools~ of water. above. This work resulted in the oblitera ion of most of the standing pools and in the production of 'aconstanlt, effective current in those too Jlarge and deep for the constriction of their banks.
The other streams were treated -in much the same way, operations only being varied to meet the peculiar conditions of each.
The Canal cut proper has been and is a constant source of much trouble. The progress of each steam shovel leaves in its trail new and varied problems to be solved in the! way of drainage. In many instances an outlet is impracticable and the water cain only be ditched in one pool. Here oiling is more eff ective; but throughout the Canal cut much work has -beenidone in constricting pools by filling in, deepening the ditches, and confining the water by rough stone walls and ditching the large side pools, thus turning. all th6 water into the main ditch, where it forma a swift-running stream most unfavofabl6 to mosquito breeding. Drip barrels of oil were placed at points where the current slowed down, and this, combined with the rapidity of the current, has reduced the breeding in te 'ana cut to a nminimum
At no time du ng the month has the mosquito inspector failed after a little pinstaking work, to locate the "point of infection,', in ay diatrict reporting an increase of malaria leases.
This is a poit of geat interest. The mialarial reot of th Distrct Phyiin being tabulatedthenumbe of cases in diffeen camps is compad wth that of th peviousthe weks
If there is a decided increase of malaria at any camp the inspector of that district is 'telephoned to look for the point of infection."
The mosquito inspectorthen takes the list and goes over the whole ground, in order of greatest rate of increase, locating or confirming the point of infection, and reports upon the measures best adapted for the removal of -same. All the laborer of this district, that Can be spared from the daily routine work, are, at once concentrated at that point to make a swift and effective end to the mos,-quito breeding places. The effectiveness of this system is borne out by statistics, of which the following are good instances:
Cases ofmn lari reported seat to hospital from, For'ty-mile Camp, Pedro
Mi'guel, Cucaracha Camp at Paraiso, and Haute Obispo Cam~p at
Bas Oipo.
Forty-mile cucaracha Haute Obispo Date. agepulion, (average popu- (average popu72). tion; 402). lation, 400).
March I----- -- --5 77
March 9 --------- 14 13 6
March 16 1f 20 14 15
March 23----- ----11181
Marc h31---------15.0
/ April 6 - --- - - -481
April 10- - - -562
May4-- - - - -560
IMlayl11- - - -- - -11
May18 - --- -
< May25-- --- --It will be noticed that on March 1 Forty-mile Camp had only
what might be called a normal percentage of malaria."? On the week ending the 9th it jumped to 14, on that of the 16th to 20.
On the 10th the mos ~uito inspector located the point of infection
*i a 1arge old French scow thnt had been completely, hidden by the overgrown jungle. A few scattering' breeding -places were found at mor distant points, but this was not over 200 yards from
the camp. The lame in the scow were destroyed an the immediate neighborho00 rushed and all vegetation between it and the cam cut out. The. houses within which aduIt Anopheles wer foun we fumigated. For theweekending April 6onlyfour
c es wee reported dand the'rate has continued onial" every
week since, while for the week ending May 25 only one case was reported from all, the camps of Pedro Miguel district and that was brought in from the jungle outside of our limit of action.
The point of infection at Haute Obispo was found due to the unusual conditions of the Bas Obispo iRiver heretofore mentioned. These three instances prove the rule which is daily borne out by past and present experience that the steady rise in malarial percentage at any point means the existence of a definite localized point of infection, which when once discovered and eradicated is invariably followed by a drop in the number of malarial cases. Furthermore, the malaria developed by a given point of infection loses its activity in from three to four weeks; that is, that a given body of men infected with malaria at a given point develop fever from that infection within four weeks and only incidentally afterward.
This disease is still much too prevalent, hut tI e cases reported have decreased in number during the month as well as in severity. Extraordinary steps have been taken this month to prevent the increase and to ultimately stamp out the existing infection. Extra precautions have been taken in patrolling *the water sheds to pre-~ v ent their contamination. Practically all settlers have been removed from the same and all trails closed, except the legalized trails, and -travel upon these has be en reduced to a minimum. As fly infection hais very generally been admitted to be. the principal cause of the majority of cases, a careful investigation was made to ascertain all sources of fly attraction and fly breeding. Every pit and ail closet on the Zone has been overhauled and as fast as they are reported -fly proof each one is inspected to insure their being absolutely fly proof.
All drains or ditches near the towns are kept clear of all decomposing matter, and are systematically disinfected by the free use4 of chloride "f lime and carbolic acid. Meats and foodstuffs in markets and stores, are kept under wire screens. Extra garbage cans have been distribute d to the houses of employees and natives and the keeping of house waste thus protected from flies has been looked after. All houses where typhoid fever has occurred that can be localized are washed down with a 1-500 of bichloride of mercury, and the surrounding closets, drains, and ditches are disinfected with a 63 per cent solution of carbolic acid.
There has been a~ decrease in the frequency- of these cases. Whenever the abode of a pneumonia patient has been ascertained th-e house has been fumigated by the wet sulphur mnethod and afterwairds washed down w th a 1-1000 solution of mercury, bichloride.
This disease has shown a light increase over the former months,
but the rate is far below the normal for May, during which month it is usually very prevalent. The same thorough precautions have been taken against the development and infection of this diseae as have been described for typhoid fever. In connection with this general disinfection there were 87 houses disinfected and 68
houses fumigated with an area of 2,107,154 cubic feet.
On the 17th of May a case of smallpox was reported at Gorgona.
The diagnosis was doubtful, but the fumigation of nine houses was begun at once. Those living in the same house with the patient were taken to Santa Cruz Camp, vaccinated, and placed in close quarantine. No further cases developed and these people
were released after the fifteenth day of quarantine.
The health conditions would seem to be -etter than during the
previous months of American occupancy. The largest malarial percentage for any week has been 0.65 per cent, whileoit has been down as low as 0.52 per cent. The percentage for all diseases has A run from 0.98 per cent to 1.01 per cent. This Qeems not only due
to favorable climatic conditions, but largely to the improved A
hiousing and feeding of the employees.
The attached table is a summary of the work accomplished by
this department during the month:
Brush cu~t and removed-------------scjuare yards. 14,159
ialss cut and turned --------------------- do---- 500
New ditches'dug--------------------- linear feet 1, 974
New ditches stoned and cemented----------- do--- 1,874
Old'ditches' 'cleaned and graded --------------do - 8,748
Closet pits filled in (4) --------- cubic yards_ 52 Closets erected------------------------------------- 2
Closetscaredfor ------- .------------------- 51
Garbage cans emptied (daily),------------------------ 72
Night so l can emptied (daily) ---------------------- I 10
Rouses disinfected---------------------------------- 7
Houses fumigated (2 )--------------- cubic feet- 95)20A
Brush cut and removed -&-------square yards 30, 288
Swamp filled in -------------------------- do- 2Y 2608
Swamp drained --------------------------- do ---- 277
Grass cut and burned --------------do-- 12,000
New ditches dug --------------------- linear feet-- 1, 116
New ditches stoned and cemented ----------- do ---- 169
Old ditches cleaned and graded;------------- do--- 7, 860
Closet pits dug (2) ------------------- cubic yards-- 14
Closet pits filled in (1)--------------------- do ---- 14
Closets erected-------------------1
Closets cared for ----------------------------------- 20
Garbage cans emptied (daily)------------------------ 170
Night soil cans emptied (daily)----------------------- 78
Houses disinfected ---------------------------------- 4
Houses fumigated (2)------------------ cubic feet 39, 015
Brush cut and removed ------ I-------- uare yards 127,1000
Grass cut and burned --------------------- do--- 63, 414
Old ditches cleaned and graded ---------linear feet.- 17, 016
Closets cared for ------------- --------------- ------- 35
Garbage cans emptied (daily)------------------------ 88
Night soil ups emptied (daily) ----------------------- 1.1
Houses fu gated (1) ----------------- cubic feet- 87, 912
Brush cut and removed ------------- square yards. 212
Grass cut and burned -------------do .. 504
New ditches dug-------------------- I-linear feet 33
Old ditches cleaned and graded ------------- do --- 5,495
Closets cared for------------------------------------ 6
Garbage cans emptied (daily)----------------------- 49
Night soil cans emptied (daily)---------------- K 53
Houses disinfected------------------------ -------- 3
Houses fumigated (2) -----------cubic f eet. 40,000
Brush cut and removed ------------- square yards 250
Swamp filled in --------- -------do- 27
Swamp drained -----------------do--- 6,667
Grass cut and burned -------------------- d----~ 8,588
New ditches dug------------ linear feet. 1,416
Tile drain laid- - - - - - - - do- 1-7416
Old ditcheseleaned and graded ---------do-- 3,687
Closets erected --- - - - - - - - - -3
Closets cared for------- ---------------------------- 79
Garbage cans emptied (daily)------------------------ 154
Night soil cans emptied (daily)------------------ --- 83
Houses disinfected---------------------------------- 5
Houses fumigated (1)----------------- cubic\ feet 1,600
Brush cut and remove d------------- square yards. 44,288
Swamp filled in--------------------------- do- 44
Swamp drained --- ------- -- --- --do -- 200
Gras cut and burned ------------------------ 6, 666
New ditches dug --------------------- linear feet 325
New ditches stoned --------------------- -- .do-. 325
Old ditches stoned ------------------------ do- 200
OM ditches cleaned and graded --------------- 25,000
Closet pits dug (3) -------------- cubic yards 24
Closet pits filled in (3)--------------------- do ---- 2
Closets cared for------------------------------------- 46
Garbage cans emptied (daily) ----------------- 19.4
Night soil cans emptied (daily) ----------------------- 66
Houses disinfected ---------------------------------- 4
Houses fumigated (2) ----------------- cubic feet 40,565
Swamp filled in -------------------- square yards 2,1118
Ponds drained---------------------------- do ---- 28
Grass cut and burn ,d----------------------d---- 230
New ditches dug--------------------- linear feet-- 66
New ditches stoned ----------------------- do ---- 380
Old ditches stoned ------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -----do ---- 99
Old ditches cleaned and graded ------------- do ---- 14,988
Closet pits dug (3) -- ---------cubic yards.- 10
Closet pits -filled in (3)---------------------- do.---- 4
Closets erected ------------------------------------- 3
Closets cared f or ----------------------------------- 18S
Garbage cans emptied (daily)------------------------- 45
Night soil cans emptied (daily)----------------------- 2
Brush cut and rem oved ------------- square yards- 1,646
Gras cut and burned---------------------- do.- --- 1, 826
New ditches dug--------------------- linear feet- 4,7654
Tile drain laid---------------------------- do- --- 53
Old ditches cleaned and graded ------------- do.- --- 9,485
Closet pits dug (5) -----------Gubic yards is1
Cloet pits filledin (5 )------------- do- 4
Closets cared for -------------------- 66
Garbage cans emptied (dqsily) ----------------- 518
Night soil cans emptied (daily)----------------------- 126
House' disinfected---------------------- ---------- 25i
Houses fumigated (270) --------------- cubic feet, 1 299, 1 32
Swamp filed in-------------------- square yards 600
Swamp draied---------------------------- do ---- 1,140
Grass cut -- - - - - - - - - -do 7,800
New ditches dug ------------------- linear feet. 71,600
Tile drain laid -- - - - - - - --do ---- 20
Old ditchQ cleaned. and graded ------------- do.- -- 20,200
Closet pits dug (16) ----------------- cubic yards.- 19
Closet pits fille din (14)--------------do -- *3
Closets erected-- ------- - -- - -- -- -
Closets cared for - - -- - - - --- - -- 137
Garbage cans emptied (daily) ------------- 6
Night soil cans emptied. (daily) ------------ 0
Houses disinfected --- -- - - - - --- :3
Brush cut and removed. &--------sure yards Swamp drained------------------- _d -- 1 3
Grasscuthind remnovd ------------do --,- 8, 546
New ditches dug---------------------- linear feet.- 3,237
New i dies storied ----- --------- do. -- 178
Old ditches storied -------------- do --- 30
Qid ditches cleaned and graded ---------do. --- 27
Closet pits dug (1) ----- ----- cubic yards.
Clot pits flled in(2) -----------do. 4
Closets erected -- --- --- -- -- - -Closets cared- for - - - - - - - - --- 7
Garbage cans emptied. (daily) ------------ 9
Night soil cans emptied (daily)------------- 7
Houses disinfected --- -- - - - - --- 6
Houses fumigated (7) ----------------- -cuibicfeet1 117 60
Bus cutand removed ---- -squr yards 20557
S am 1i e in -- -- -- -- 60
Grs u a db r e ----- k--------d 48 1
Ne aic e u - - - - - - i e rfe 9
T ie d ain lai - - - - - -- - - o ,- -
Closet pits dq (9) ------ ------------ cubic yards 27
Closet pits filled in (9) --------- do- 27
Closets erected - - - - -I- - - - --4
Closets cared for -- - - - - - - - -- 68
Garbage cans emptied (daily) ------------- 182
Night soil cans emptied (daily) ----------_ 5,
Grass cut and burned--------------- square yards- 5,231
Old ditches cleaned and graded --------Jinear feet. 142777
Closets caredfQr------------- -- ----I----4
Garbage can emptied (daily)------------------------- 47
Brush cut and removed--------------square yards 2, 327'
'Grass cut and burned --------------------- do - 284, 700
New ditches dug --------------------- linear feet. 423
Tile drain laid -- - - - - -- - - -Ao ---- 490
Old ditches stoned ------------------------- do ---- 15
Old ditches cleaned and graded------- - do ---- 90
Closet pit dug (6)------------------- cubic yards- 58
Closets erected ----------------------- -------------- 18s
Closets cared for -- - - - - - - -- 66
Garbage cans emptied (daily) ------------- 252
Night soil cans emptied (daily) I----------- 126
Houses dsinfected -- - - - - -- - -- 30
Houses fumigated (20) ----------- (ule~ feet- 277, 130
Brush cut -----------------------a suare yards 350
Gr as ctandburned----------------- do 92,019
Qld itches ceaned andgrade ------- linear feet~ 11490 Close pits dg (1) ------------------- cubic yards- 10
Closet pts fille din (Il-------------------- do 6
Clsetsacared for.-------------------------------- 11
G arbage Cns emptied (daily)------------ ----------- 17
Nigh soilcans emptied (daily)----------------------- 12.
Houss fuigated ()-------- -------- cubic fet 1,000
Brs otan emvd-----------quare yard ,9 270 ~
Grsu a e bu n ------------- do-- 17
Tew itc es ug ------------------- ine r fet ,54
Tiledran lad ----- --- I ---- --- ---- --- -- d -- 2
Closet pits dug (20)------------------ cubic yards. 197
Closet pits filled in (7) ------------------ I- --do-,- 16
Closets erected ------------------------------------- 20
Closets cared for ----------------------------------- 7,2
Garbage cans emptied (daily) ------------------------ 153
Night soil cans emptied (daily)------------- ---------- 69
Houses fumigated (3) ----------------- cubic feet 108, 000
Grass cut and burned -------------- square yards 2,400
01 itches cleaned and graded--------- linear feeLt 1,450 Closet pits dug (5)-------------------- cubic yar ds- 25
Closet pits filled in (3)---------------------d(b) ---- 15
Closets erected-------------------------- ---- 4
Closets cared for----------------------------------- 44
Garbage cans emptied (daily)------------------------- 64.
Night soil cans emptied (daily) ----------------------- 14
Brush cuit and removed------------- square yards -- 189,851
Grass cut and burned --------------------- do.- - 154, 444
Old ditches cleaned and graded ---------linear feet 42, 060 Closets cared for ----------------------------------- 49
Garbage cans emptied -(daily)------------------- 154
Night soil cans emptied (daily) ----------------------- 43
Brush cut and removed------------- square yards. 716, 068
Swamp filled in --- -- - -- - --- do ---- 51997
Swamp drained ------------- -d---- ) 9717
Ponds drained -- - - --- - - - --do --- 28
Grass cut and burned -------------- do'. 1,140, 843
New ditches dug --------------- linear feet- 19,7384
Tile drain laid - - - - - - - --do.---- 2,513
New ditches stoned -------------- do- - 2, 926
Old ditched stoned ----------- do--- 344
Old ditches cleaned and graded--------------d- -- 197, 596
Closet pits dug (71) ----------------- ubic yards.- 582
Closet pits filled in (52)-------------------- do-. - 174
Closets erected ----------- ------------------------- 59
Closets cared for------- ------------------ ------ 882
Garbage cans emptied (daily) ----------------- 3,1212
Night soil cans emptied (daily) ------------------- 1,067
Houses'disinfected ---- - -- - - - --- 87
Houses fumigated (68) ----------------- cubic feet-- 2, 107,154
. 7 0 0 0 5 1
La c1 1D 8
Cooa ...........- 29 14 10 28 35 17 16 101 170
Miraflores ......-. O 8 0 28 2 3 0 3 28 Pedro Miguel ...- 11 36 5 54 51 38 0 36 38 Paraiso ..----- 34 58 0 65 147 58 0 58 58 Cucaracha ..-..... 4 13 1 22 68 12 11 2 4 Culebra..-----..... 59 135 16 113 315 134 84 132 140
Empire ...........- 32 149 24 73 385 114 19 110 118
Las Cascadas......- 28 43 6 97 85 47 77 38 151 Bas Obispo. ._-...- 11 62 2 32 42 62 78 63 63 1 atachin ---- 0 9 0 7 58 1 9 A 0 2
Gorgona (HicluI ing Mamei) .---. 6 85 15 71 140 80 16 71 148 San Pablo.. ----- O 2 0 3 33 2 1 3 0 Tabernilla ........ O 22 4 36 58 23 23 0 22 Bohio.---------. 0. 12 0 2 56 12 O 0 0
Gatun._ --------- O 47 5 42 170 47 0 47 47
Total ........ 251 819 119 716 1,727 778 385 732 904
Genered cleaning:
Number of barrels of garbage removed. -------- 5, 700 Number of square yard s of street cleaned --------- 49,000 Maximum number pof men at work ---------- 14
Minimum n umbear of men at work ------------ 81
Daily nurnber of men at work ------------ 12
Mosquio brigade:
Number of square yards of brush and grass cut---20, 000 Number of barrels repaired (old and new)------------ 84
Number of barrels spigoted ------------------------ 78
Number of barrels destroyed------------------- ---- 19
Number of tanks repaired 18-------------- i
Number of hours oiling ---- ----------- 122
Number of hours reinspection of barrels ------- 71
Number of persons fined -------- ------- 3
Materials used:
W ooden faucets - - - - --- - - - 80
Copper wire -- - - - - - - - --feet -- 168
Sulphur - - - ---- - - - --pounds- 10
ChlorideOf lime - - --- - - - - do- 6
M osquito oil ---- -- -- - --- barrels 5.
During the month it became necessary to fumigate and hold in
quarantine two vessels which had gone to the wharf at Corinto.
This anchorage is not regarded safe and this protective measure became necessary. One vessel from -Guayaquil arrived; a mnem-~ ber of whose crew was suspected of having had a mild case of
yellow fever en route. .This vessel was also fumigated.
Durn g the montb a decrease in the number of cases of yellow
fever has occurred in Guayaquil. This is coincident with tbe advent of the dry season at that place and is the same as annually occurs. However,- a sufficient number of cases still occur to keep the city actively infected and the menace to this port has been in no way mitigated. A slight diminution in the number of cases of plague in the ports of Peru has also occurred, but this does nt
indicate any eradication of infection in such places.
The following is a summary of the routine work accomplished
by this departm ent during the month:
Number of vessels inspected and passed ----------- 111
Number of vessels detained in qparantine --------- 3
Number of vessels fumigated onl arrive 1- -------------- 3.
Number of crew inspected -------------------------- 1,217
Numnber of passengers from foreign ports inspected:
Cabin~~ ------------------------- 450
Steerage------------------------ ----------.3Q0
Tolo number of person sinspece --d------------------- 1,961
Nmber ofperson vaccinlatedat port of arrival because o
compulsory vaccination la w----------------------->139
Number of persons vaccinated at ports of departure, or en route because of compulsory vaccination law -,-- 157 Total number of persons vaccinated because of compulsory vaccination law---------------------------------. 296
Number of persons held in quarantine at the detention
station to complete period of' incubation of yellow fever
and plague-------------------------------------- -159
Number of persons held on board boats to complete period,
of incubation of yellow fever and plague -------------- 147
Total number of persons held to complete period of incubation of yellow fever and plague -------------------- 306
Number of passengers embarked for foreign ports:A
Cabin ----------------- --------------- ---- 201
Steerage ---------------------------------- 436
Number of persons arriving from coast towns on small
launches and sailing crafts------------------------- 1, 303
Number of persons leaving for coast twns on small launches
and sailing crafts--------------------------------- 957
Total number of persons landed------------------- - 2,053
Total number of persons embarked -- -- -__------------- 1,594
Apparent increase for the month----------------------- 459
Number of bills of health issued -'----------1
Number of bills of health viseaed------------------------ 15
Number of certificates.issued to outgoing passengers ---- 30 Number of persons refused certificates becauseof trachoma- 3
Number of. vessels inspected and passed ----------------- 69
Number of vessels disinfected on arrival ------------------ 2
Number of vessels fumigated prior to sailing------------- 6
Number of pieces of baggage disinfected ----------------- 66
Number of crew inspected---------------------------3, 75 6
Number of. passengers inspected --------------------- 4,875
Number of persons -vaccinated at port of arrival---------- 2,250
Number of persons vaccinated at port of departure or en
route ----------------- :------------------------- 1,723
Number of persons detained -in quarantine 'to complete
period of incubation of yellow fever-------------------18
Number of person, transferred from' Paiiama, detained in
quarantine to complete period of incubation of yellow
fever-------------------------------------------- 48
Total number of persons detained in quarantine to. complete period of incubation of yellow fever--------------- 246
Number of persons detained in quarantine to complete
period of incubation of smallpox ----------------------,17
Number of passengers landed, from foreign ports:
Cabin------------------- ---------------- 1,009
Steerage ------------------------- ------- 3064
_ _4 073
Number of passengers in transit----------------------- 573
Number of passengers Iembarked for foreign. ports:
Cabin - - - - - - -1,127
Steerage.-------------------------------- 1,431
- 21558
Number of persons from coast towns (inspected) ----------229 Number of persons from coast towns (not inspected) -------37 Number of persons leaving Colon for coast towns ----------105
Number of -passengers landed during the month:
For Isthmus immigrationn report) ----------- 4,165
For the Pacifi c--------------------------- 174
4, 339
Number of persons recommended for deportation ----- 2 Numberof bill s of health vis eed ------------- 19
Number of circulars relative to malarial fever distributed -1,100Co 0NSOLIDATED REPORT OF. QUARANTINE TRANSACTION5 AT ITE
Number of vessels inspected and passed -----------------80o
Number of yessels detained in quarantine---------------- 3
Number of vessels fumigated and detained on arrivaA -- 5 Number of vessels.fumigated prior to sailing -------------- 6
Number of pieces of baggage disinfected ----------------- 66
Total number of crew inspect d--------------------- 4,973
Total number of passengers inspected------------------ 5,625
Total number of persons inspected ---------------10,598
Total number of persons vaccinated at ports of arrival because of the compulsory vaccination law ----;---------- 2,389
Total number of person vaccinated at ports of departure
or en route because of thie compulsory vaccination law. 1,880
Number of persons held in quarantine at the detention station to complete the period of incubation of yellow fever
and plague - - - - -- -- - -- - - -- 405
Number of persons held to O'mplete period of incubation
of smallpox.- ------------------------------------ 1
Number of persons held on board-boats to complete period
of incubation of yellow fever and plague -------- 147
Total numbe of personsheld to complete period oficu
bationo yellow fever ad plague ---------- 569
Numnbero passengers lande from foreign ports
Stee age--- --- ------ --- ------ --- --- --- 3,3 4 .4 823
Number of passengers embarked for foreign ports:
Cabin ---------------------------1)328
Steerage -------------------------------- 1,867
Number Of persons arriving, from coast towns on small
launches and sailing craft-------------------------- 1,569
Number' of persons leaving for coast towns on small
launches and sailing craft-------------------------- 1,062
Apparent increase for the month:
From foreign ports-Cabin...........................---- 13
Steerage - - - - - - - --1,497
From coast towns ------------- 507
Total number of persons landed ---------------------- 6,392
Total number of persons embarked ------------------- 4,257
Total apparent increase for the monthf- ------ 2,135
Number of immigrants recommended for rejection ----------2 Number of certificates issued to outgoing passengers ---- 30
Number of persons refused certificates because of trachoma----------------------------------------- 3
Total number of bills of health issued.--------------------1
Total number 'of bills of health visa~ed - ---------------34
Total number of circulars relative to malarial fever distributed ---- - -- -- - -- - - - --- 1,100
AEuropean ports -- ---- - - - -- - - - 40
United States - - - - - - - - - -- 536
Jamaica and West Indies --------------- 115
V enezuela - - -- - - - - - - - -- 4
Colombia ------------------ ------- 9
C uba - - - - - - - - - - - -- 14
N icara u -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - 0
Costa Rica - - - - - - - -- - -- 69
AB6 cas del Toro - - - - - - -j - - 38
Coast towns -- - - - - - - - - - 0
Total - - - -- - - - -- - - - 910
European -ports -- --- - --- - - - -- 42
United States - - - - - - - - - -- 40
Jamaica and. West Inidies ---------------- $85
V enezuela-- - - - - - - - - - - 7
Colom bia -- - - - - - - - - - - 140
Cuba ------------------------------------------ 15
Nicaragua -------------------------------- 2
Costo Rica -------------------------------------- 79.
Bocas del Toro ---------------------------------- 191
Coast towns ------------------------------------ 37
Total -------------------------------------Contract laborers:
Panama RailroadFortune Island ------------------------------ 109
Isthmnian Canal CommissionGuadaloupe---------------------------------- 730
Italy--------------------------------------- 98
Greece------------------------------------- 129
Spain -- - - - - - - - - - - 751
Total -- - --- - - - - - --- 17 817
Grand total - - - - - - - -- --4,165
Men----------------------------------- ----- 3,443
Women ----------------------------- ----------- 485
Children------------------------------------------- 237
Total --------------- ,------------------------4,)165
Number of vessels inspected and passed ------------------ 30
Number of crew inspected---------------------------- 472
Number of persons held to complete period of incubation
for yellow fever ------------------------------------ 9
Total number of vessels sailing during the month ----------31 Total number of vessels entering during the month ---------30
There were. no quarantinable diseases in the port during the month.
Chief Sanitary Officer 45------ ----_ ----Pr p ry Division -- - - - - - - - - 6
Quarantine, Panama and Colon ------_------ 30
Health QOffice of Panama ----------------- 152
Health Office of*Colon ---- -- -- - -- -- -- --- 212
..irector of Hospitals 16
Xncon' Hospital -- - - -- - - - - - - 398
;i/;+++ ~ e++ r+.+. ..:. + : .... ....... .+.::: ++++ +++ u +++ i i :i+
:: : iii i __!!i~i~iii+ N +ii4
Colon Hospital -- - - --- - - - - - - 220
Bas Obispo Hospital -- -- -- -- - - - - 13
Culebra Hospital ------- -------------- .28
Empire Hospital -- - - - - - - - - -- 13
Gorgon a Hospita ---------- 17-----Miraflores Hosp1 al -- -- --- --- -- --- 31
Tabernilla Hospital --- - - - -- - - - 5
Corozal Dispensary - - - - -- -- - - -- 3
Cristobal Dispensary -- -- - -- - - - - - 6
Gatun Dispensary -- - - -- -- - - - - 12
Paraiso Dispensary -- - - - --- - -- - - 12
Pedro Miguel Dispensary ---- -- ----------- 4
Panama Dispensary ----------- -------- 2
La Boca Dispensary -- -------- --------- 5
Las Cascadas Dispensary ------------ ---- 14
Santo Tomas Hospital ------------- ------ 6
Taboga Sanitarium ------------------ -- 23
Palo Seco, Leper Asylum ----------------- 4
Zone Sanitation - - - - - - - - - -- 997
T otal -- - - - - -7--------------------- 2,284
I I I 1111111 1111 1 H1 1II I I I I 1HI
3 1262 09052 4991