Academic Library Recruitment Efficacy and Outcome Study – Report Generator Instructions (April 2015)

Material Information

Academic Library Recruitment Efficacy and Outcome Study – Report Generator Instructions (April 2015)
Series Title:
Academic Library Recruitment Efficacy and Outcome Study
Keith, Brian W.
Smith, Bonnie J.
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, FL
UF Libraries


The Academic Library Recruitment Efficacy and Outcome Study is an ongoing longitudinal study to investigate the efficacy of employee recruitment techniques used by academic libraries. This study focuses on the advertising of vacancies and the solicitation of applications.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
All rights reserved by the source institution.


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Academic Libraries Recruitment Efficacy and Outcome Study Reporting Tool General instructions: The default setting is for all documents/positions to be selected. Each page displays 10 positions. To select The left column includes all of the selection c riteria. Once a selection is made it will be displayed at the top Once you have made your selection you can run the report by selectin corner. The default setting is for all posting voids to be suppressed (it will not list venues where the position(s) was not posted). To change this selection, scroll to the bottom of the page and un posting The default setting is for all write ins (for posting venues specific to a search that the institutions writes) to write in Participating in this Survey To participate in this survey, submit data and use the enhanced reporting features, each individual in an institution working on the Recruitment Study must register with Google for their own account name and password at the following lin k Contacts Any questions, comments or issues regarding the reporting tool or study are welcomed and may be directed to Brian Keith or Bonnie Smith at the University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries at (352) 273 2595 or


Academic Libraries Recruitment Efficacy and Outcome Study Reporting Tool General instructions: The default setting is for all documents/positions to be selected. Each page displays 10 positions. To select The left column includes all of the selection criteria. Once a selection is made it will be displayed at the select or undo a selection click on the item under Once you have made your selection you can run th corner. The default setting is for all posting voids to be suppressed (it will not list venues where the position(s) was not posted). To change this selection, scroll to the bottom of the page and un ch The default setting is for all write ins (for posting venues specific to a search that the institutions writes) to be included in the report. To change this selection, scroll to the bottom of the page and check the uppress write Participating in this Survey To participate in this survey, submit data and use the reporting features, institutions must register to receive a Respondent ID. To obtain a Respondent ID, please contact Bonnie Smith or Brian Keith at (352) 273 2595 or by email at Contacts Any ques tions, comments or issues regarding the reporting tool or study are welcomed and may be directed to Brian Keith or Bonnie Smith at the University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries at (352) 273 2595 or